JOHN & ED. BUMPUS, LTD, Booksellers by special appointment to H.M. the Queen, 350 Oxford Street, London, W. NEW and SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. The largest Retailers in the Kingdom. public Xtbran? Supply a Speciality Messrs. BUMPUS have almost invariably been successful in obtaining orders for the supply of Public Libraries when Tenders have been submitted to open competition. ... A LARGE STOCK OF ... SECONDHAND BOOKS Always on hand, from the marked prices of which a Special Discount is allowed to Public Libraries. CATALOGUES ISSUED. 1? & " Remainders " sold at a small percentage on cost price. Established 1865* ^ E. SttlTfl d SONS, STATION ROAD, ^ ; FOREST GATE, LONDON, E. WORKS TALBOT ROAD. * PUBLIC LIBRARY CONTRACTORS. Gold Blocking and Bookbinding to the Trade. * Silk, Velvet, Satin, Cloth, and Fancy Leather Gilders. NOTE ON THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE ,NDEX." TESTIMONIALS from Public Libraries and private Customers sent on application. THE' IMMORTAL BARD " UP-TO-DATE." Titania: Wilt thou hear sweet music? Bottom : I have a reasonable good ear for music: bring me the tongs and bones* Titania : My sweet love, say rather that thou would'st hear one of ^ & J. V* Rockley's sweet toned PianOS. "The Midsummer Night's Dream" slightly altered. CHIEF DEPOT 150 THE GROVE, STRATFORD, LONDON, E. Departments of % Library Supply Co. Furnishing For supplying bookcases of metal or wood, card cabinets, Dept. letter filing cabinets, desks, counters, newspaper holders, tables, chairs, magazine racks, museum air-tight cases, etc. Libraries, museums, or offices furnished throughout. Supplies For supplying all necessary requisites for libraries and Dept. museums, cards for card catalogues, accession, stock, binding and other registers, book supports, shelf label holders, labels, typewriters, pamphlet cases, book numbers, stapling machines, rubber stamps, museum labels, specimen blocks, trays, mounts, etc., etc. Publishing For publication of library and museum handbooks. Dept. Works on classification, cataloguing, administration, bibliography, etc. Publishers of the Library World. LIBRARY SUPPLY CO., .iBiifciic Ibouse, 757 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, B.C. TRUSLOVE, HANSON & COMBA, Ltd., PUBLISHERS AND DISCOUNT BOOKSELLERS, 143 Oxford Street, W. J LONDON< 6 B Sloane Street, S.W. ) 67 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO LIBRARY ORDERS. Librarians are invited to write for Catalogues and Terms. The following important Books are published by Truslove, Hanson & Comba : Royal 8vo, Cloth, gilt top, price 158. net. POTTERY AND PORCELAIN; A Guide to Collectors. BY FREDERICK LITCHFIELD, Author of " Illustrated History of Furniture," etc. Containing 150 Illustrations of Specimens of various Factories, 7 Plates coloured in facsimile of the Specimens represented, and Marks and Monograms of all the important Makers. Fourth and Cheaper Edition, Imperial 8vo, Cloth, gilt top, 15s. net. ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF FURNITURE From the Earliest to the Present Time. BY FREDERICK LITCHFIELD, Author of " Pottery and Porcelain," etc. Containing 300 Illustrations of Examples of Different Periods and Nations from Public and Private Collections. Twelve Parts in handsome Cloth Portfolio, 60s. net; also in one vol., half Morocco, 70s. net. MEASURED DRAWINGS OF FRENCH FURNITURE. From the Collection in the South Kensington Museum. BY W. G. PAULSON TOWNSEND. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. net. EMBROIDERY; or, The Craft of the Needle, BY W. G. PAULSON TOWNSEND, Design Master of the Royal School of Art Needlework. Assisted by LOUISA F. PESEL and others. With Preface by WALTER CRANE. Containing 70 Illustrations, including examples from the South Kensington Museum Collection, also from designs by the late Sir Edward Burne-Jones and William Morris ; and by Walter Crane, Selwyn Image, G. Faulkner Armitage, the Author, and others. Crown 8vo, Art Linen, 3s. 6d. net. PLANT and FLORAL STUDIES. For Designers, Art Student* and Craftsmen. Containing 100 Illustrations of Garden Flowers, Wild Flowers, Fruit, Vegetables, and Seaweed. Printing and Bookbinding. THE BEST QUALITY. THE LOWEST PRICE. TRtisLove & mm, Catalogue printers, WEST NORWOOD. * -# * Printers and Binders of this Contents-Subject Index. ESTIMATES SENT ON APPLICATION. # Newest Type. Various Styles. **$ . . Established 88 1. . . TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS "ROMEIKE 1 TELEPHONE 2898 GERRARD. All communications to be addressed to the Firm. ROMEIKE & CURTICE, (Sole Proprietors Elizabeth Curtice and G. Maurice Curtice), PRESS GUTTING & INFORMATION AGENCY. The Original and First Established. Head Office 359 STRAND, W.C Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Vienna, New York, Ottawa, Sydney* BANKERS LONDON AND WESTMINSTER, TEMPLE BAR BRANCH. Schedule of Departments. A Section, Departments 1 and 4. CHURCH, ARMY AND NAVY, SOCIETIES, ASSOCIATIONS, LECTURERS AND PROFESSORS, INSTITUTIONS AND POLYTECHNICS, CLUBS AND HOTELS. B Section, Department 2. 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ADVERTISING, PUBLISHING, PRINTING, ETC. warn their patrons against IRRESPONSIBLE and INEXPERIENCED PERSONS offering to supply Press Cuttings at ridiculous and impossible prices. After 20 years' experience they are certain that no one can give honest and conscientious service for less than their present scale of charges FAVORITE WHEREVER USED, It took 25 years to find out that Typewriters have been built 9H NMOQ 3QISdn The OLIVER is built RIGHT SIDE UP where the work is IN SIGHT. On account of its Visible Writing feature and its simplicity of construc- tion. the OLIVER is the quickest to learn and easiest to operate. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXHIBITION, 19OO. FOR CATALOGUE. ADDRESS The Oliver Typewriter Company, Ltd., 42 POULTRY, LONDON, B.C. SHANNON CARD INDEX. Any Card can be removed and replaced in this drawer without pulling out the rod. YOUR BOOK8 ...... LI8T OF SUBSCRIBERS . . INFORMATION ABOUT THEM Register Bills and Engagements on Cards. Register Information on all matters of Business on Cards. File your Letters on SHANNON FILES. Copy your Letters and Documents on the SHANNON LETTER COPIER. THEN file Letters and Answers together in the SHANNON FILING CABINET. Ask for Particulars and Catalogue No. 15 from THE SHANNON LTD., office Fitting Experts, ROPEMAKER STREET, LONDON, B.C. F. W. SCHAFER, MANAGING DIRECTOR. NEW WORKS OF REFERENCE. jt THE NEW FUNK AND WAGNALLS jfc Standard Dictionary of the English Language. Containing nearly 100,000 more denned terms than any other dictionary yet completed. New from cover to cover ; splendidly illustrated : a multitude of distinguishing features never before included in a lexicon. The Jewish Encyclopaedia. (NOW appearing). The first monumental work of the kind ever attempted, giving the history of every branch of Judaism from the earliest times to the present day, and the latest data on every phase of Jewish activity around the world. Edited by the greatest living scholars of the Hebrew world. Cyclopaedia of Classified Dates. The history of the world for Seventy Centuries, given for an instant reference on any topic, and classified in a manner never before attempted. The entire stream of human history at a glance. The Jeffersonian Cyclopaedia. Nearly 10,000 classified utterances of THOMAS JEFFERSON, the father of American Democracy and and author of the Declaration of Independence. Touching many of the political and social questions of the hour. Encyclopaedia of Social Reforms. An impartial presentation of the experiences of the past, the facts of the present, and the proposals for the future in every social movement of the world. Written by experts in each department of reform. Prospectus and Specimen Pages of the above and other important works sent gratis on request. FUNK AND WAGNALLS COMPANY, Publishers, 44 Fleet Street, London. MECHANICAL EXPERTS j* ^ give the highest praise to the SCIENTIFIC CONSTRUCTION of The SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER and the Simple Devices by means of which the Strain on the different parts is relieved and the Wear distributed. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT FOR LIBRARY CARDS. HIGHEST AWARD, PARIS EXPOSITION, WOO. <5ranb priy "GENERAL SUPERIORITY OF CONSTRUCTION." _ _ The GRAND PRIX is the HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD, and is only given in cases of Exceptional Merit. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., 14 GRACECHURCH ST., LONDON, E.G. H. SMITH & SON, 186 STRAND, LONDON, ISSUE MONTHLY A. CATALOQUE OF SURPLUS BOOKS WITHDRAWN FROM CIRCULATION. AND Remainders, NEW AS PUBLISHED, OFFERED AT Greatty IRebuceb (prices. The above will be supplied from any Bookstall, or post free upon application to W. H. SMITH - SON, 186 Strand. ORDERS RECEIVED AT 186 STRAND, LONDON, or at the RAILWAY BOOKSTALLS, To which they are forwarded Carriage Paid. MESSRS.'W. H. SMITH & SON desire the attention of purchasers to the fact that the external part of the covers of the books they sell are not disfigured with labels. All the books they offer for sale are labelled inside, and not outside the covers. A. MAURICE & CO, Hncient Si flDooern Booksellers, 23 BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN, j j <* LONDON. Telegraphic Address : " Mnemosyne, London." TKHrtte for our fllbontblg Catalogues of Secono=bano 3Boo&0. Lists of Wants receive & & immediate and careful attention. ALL THE LATEST REMAINDERS KEPT IN STOCK. BOOKBINDING IN ALL STYLES. FOREIGN BOOKS supplied on the best terms. Subscriptions for all Foreigrn Journals, Periodicals, and Learned Societies. SPECIAL TERMS TO LIBRARIES. CONTENTS-SUBJECT INDEX s M u el E Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN CONTENTS-SUBJECT INDEX TO GENERAL AND PERIODICAL LITERATURE. A. COTGREAVE, RRHfetS., Chief Librarian, Public Libraries, West Ham, London (55,000 volumes), and Honorary Librarian, Guille-Alles Library, Guernsey (65,000 volumes). Xondon : ELLIOT STOCK, PATERNOSTER ROW. E.G. PUBLIC LIBRARIES, WEST HAM, E. 1900. LONDON : TRUSLOVE & BRAY, LIBRARY CATALOGUE PRINTERS, WEST NORWOOD, S.E. A.!! SANTA BABBAEA 2 w by kind permission dedicated to JOHN PASSMORE EDWARDS, Esq., whose generous and munificent support of the Public Library and other good and popular causes ranks him as one of the greatest patriots and philanthropists of the day. CONTENTS. ILLUSTRATIONS : Portrait of Mr. J. Passmore Edwards. View of the West Ham Central Public Library and Technical Institute. PAGES. PREFACE vii.-ix. SUBJECT INDEXES (Extract from "Literature") - x.-xii. GENERAL INDEX - - - 1-683 SUPPLEMENT 685 LIST OF BOOKS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS 709 LIST OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS, ETC. .... 743 ERRATA - 744 PREFACE. THE CONTENTS -SUBJECT INDEX has been compiled in the hope that it may be of considerable service in connection with subjects of general import- ance, and even to some extent with a large number of subjects of less moment, but upon which occasionally a little information may be of interest, and sometimes even of great value. As its title implies, it is not an index to works devoted entirely to particular subjects, but is intended to supply a pressing want by indexing under subject headings important articles and references from the contents of works which would otherwise remain practically unknown and valueless. The chief aim of the work is not to give everything which appears in a select number of works on a few selected subjects, but rather to cover as many subjects as possible and give a few references to each one. The requirements of the many readers rather than those of the few has been the guiding rule. At the same time, subjects of general and present interest and importance such as Africa, China, England, Education, Labour, Politics, Religion, Socialism, Transvaal, etc., have been generously dealt with. There are other valuable indexes, such as Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, and Miss Hetherington's " Review of Reviews " Index, both of which have been of great assistance to me ; but these works are expensive, and so beyond the reach of most readers. It is hoped that the price of the present work will meet this difficulty, and be within the means of all those to whom such a guide would be useful. In this connection there is no question of pecuniary consideration to those who have produced the work, as the price at which it is sold does not cover the cost of one quarter viii. Preface. of the labour, printing, and other expenses involved. The Public Library Authorities of West Ham, having decided to publish this index for their own Libraries, agreed, at the request of the Librarian, to print an extra number of copies, so that readers elsewhere might benefit ; while the author, to whom the work was a labour of love, gave almost all his leisure time for some years to its compilation. Otherwise, had the work been dependent upon public sale, the price must have been greatly increased to have even covered the bare expense of bringing it out. In addition to the references, a useful feature not given in other indexes exists in the biographical and other notes, which in themselves alone will often prove of service to those who are not informed on the subjects to which the notes refer. The addition of these notes has almost doubled the labour of compilation. A list of special works on various subjects, in the compilation of which Mr. John Elliott, Public Librarian of Wolverhampton, gave assistance, was, unfortunately, almost entirely destroyed during the disastrous fire at the library in 1899. The portion saved has, however, been inserted, and it is hoped that the loss of the other will be more than compensated for by the increased size of the work, which, instead of containing, as at first contemplated, only two or three hundred pages, has reached over seven hundred and fifty. Should an error occasionally be found in the Index, its compiler will be glad to be notified thereof, and, in such case, will merely plead that the general utility of the work may be accepted as some condonation for any shortcomings which exist. Thanks are due to the following gentlemen who have kindly assisted me by reading proofs, etc. : J. Frowde, Public Librarian of Bermondsey ; J. Seymour, Public Librarian of Kilburn ; J. Harrison, Public Librarian of Bromley, Kent ; and J. Elliott, Public Librarian, Wolverhampton. Messrs. W. H. Bagguley, C. Whitwell, S. A. Hatcher, and D. McDougall, of the West Ham Library staff, have also rendered good service. To the Rev. C. C. Tancock, M.A., Head Master of the Skinners' School, Tonbridge, Preface. IX. the Author is greatly indebted ; his interest in the Index, and also, it may be said, his great kindness, induced him to give the benefit of his learned advice, together with valuable references and notes on numerous classical and biblical subjects, which have, in these directions, greatly increased the value of the work. Thanks are also due to the printers, Messrs. Truslove & Bray, their foreman, Mr. T. H. Pryce, and also Mr. W. Jones, for the extreme care, assiduity, and ability which they have devoted to the work. WEST HAM, December, 1900. [Reprinted from "Literature," March 25th, 1899. By permission.'] t. SUBJECT INDEXES TO GENERAL LITERATURE. BY ALFRED COTGREAVE, CHIEF LIBRARIAN OF THE WEST HAM PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Owing to the vast increase in the literary output of recent years, considerable anxiety has been felt by librarians and others as to the possibility of keeping pace with such conditions, both in the additions to their stock of books and in the provision of adequate catalogues and other guides for the use of their readers. In the course of the discussion and controversy arising on these matters considerable attention has been directed to the question of Subject Indexes, and many valuable suggestions have been made, although as yet little has been effected with general literature, beyond giving the author and subject entries of the books. The Subject Index may be divided into two classes the one referring to the main subject of a book or work, which is generally set forth upon its title-page ; the other to the contents of a work which are not apparent from its title and are rarely noted in an ordinary catalogue. Taken singly or individually it will be found that almost every work published in these days, exclusive perhaps of prose fiction, gives not only a clear announce- ment of its main subject on the title-page, but also a description of its contents, often carefully arranged under subject headings, either in a list of contents or an index. General indexes in connexion with special publications already exist e.g., those of the Edinburgh Review, " Notes and Queries,"' " Encyclopaedia Britannica," and The Times; but it is rare that any attempt has been made to collect such indexes together and form out general and universal index. No doubt the principal and most comprehensive work of the kind is the " American Index to Periodicals," founded by H. Poole, late librarian of Chicago, and the "American Library Association Index to General Literature," useful chiefly in connexion with American books. Miss Hetherington's " Review of Reviews Index to Periodicals " is also a most valuable and greatly appreciated work, and recently an " Index to German Periodicals," chiefly scientific, has been published. Minor attempts, useful to a limited circle, have been made in the catalogues of various libraries, among which may be named those of Newcastle (first edition), Dundee, and Guille-Alles Libraries. If the value of such limited indexes is obvious, how much would this be enhanced if some system could be devised by which a national Subject Indexes to General Literature. xi. encyclopaedic index to the main contents of all suitable works could be compiled and classified under the various subjects dealt with. The reader and the student would then not be confined to the special works on any subject, but would be guided to an immense field of information now practically closed to him. This contention will be better understood and appreciated by a reference to Miss Hetherington's Index or to a Contents- Subject Index of General Literature, now being issued in parts by the Public Library authorities of West Ham. Although these are but drops in the ocean they may suffice as illustrations of what grand results might be attained by a universal index. Although for the purposes of illustrating the matter before us it is sufficient to refer to the above English Indexes, it is but fair in this connexion to again call attention to the American Indexes and to state that, in addition to those previously mentioned, there are several others of minor importance, and that some of their library catalogues are, in them- selves, very valuable indexes, not only to the main subjects of the books, but also to their contents It is a pleasure to make this acknowledgment, and it is to be hoped that when next their Library Journal comments upon our attempts to emulate their enterprise, they will at least give us credit for our good intentions. To make such a work of general value, it is needless to say, would be a task of gigantic dimensions and only possible of accomplishment by co-operative effort, such as that in connexion with Poole's Index, but to a much greater extent. Various methods or plans are suggested as a basis upon which the work could be undertaken, from which the following might be selected, if found practicable, as the one likely to produce the best and greatest results : 1. The Government, through the British Museum, or, failing this, the Library Association or some other important literary society, to undertake the work. 2. Only contemporary literature to be indexed, as a rule. A selection, however, might be made from English classics. 3. Every living author to be notified of this work, either directly or through the publishers, and requested to furnish a synopsis of each of his books, except works of fiction, prior to publication. If this could be done through the publishers greater returns would result. At the worst, it appears certain that the majority of authors would respond ; in most cases out of sympathy with such an undertaking, in a few possibly because of the advertisement their works would receive. It might be found worth while to publish an index to historical and topical novels. 4. Considering the immense number of new books published each year, the index should be an annual one and be divided under subjects i.e., the many volumes of index which even one year's literary work would require should be divided into, say, one for literature, one for biography, one for history, one for science, or even for each branch of science if sufficient matter to require it, one for travel and topography, etc. 5. The whole of the work to be carried through by a body of experts under the direction of one chief editor. xii. Subject Indexes to General Literature. By the above plan the following advantages would be secured : The labour would be greatly minimized by its division among so many hands ; the character of the references in any work, being given by its own author, would be accurate and reliable ; and, last but not least, the work would be within the reach of every one, as the volume representing any particular subject could be purchased separately, while the whole index series would be available free of charge at most of our Public Libraries. There are, of course, other plans, which, however, do not present such probabilities of success except where the scope of the work is con- siderably reduced. It is rather a melancholy reflection that, although possessing the richest literature in the world, we evince so little disposition to enlighten the public as to the vast stores of hidden treasure which exist in our libraries, and await but the " Open Sesame " of the Subject Index to unfold themselves to the entranced and astonished gaze of the artist, the man of science, and the litterateur. It does seem a strange anomaly that until recently the only general indexes to the contents of English books and periodicals should have been compiled and published in America, and consequently that an Englishman wishing to collect all the information possible on any subject from English books can only do so by referring to a great extent to the indexes provided by another country. It is, however, to be sincerely hoped that for the honour of our librarians and men of letters this will not continue much longer, but that a move- ment will be inaugurated for the publication of an English index which shall, like most other English productions and enterprises, be excelled by none. In the meantime, however, the West Ham Contents-Subject Index will be found of great service, and owing to its moderate price within the reach of everyone likely to require such a guide. It will be apparent to anyone who examines the work that the price is ridiculously low compared to the great labour and research it has cost, and the immense number of references and notes (about 100,000) it contains. Letters from distinguished literary authorities are being continually received, expressing appreciation of the Index and hopes for its extensive circulation, and many eulogistic notices have appeared in the Press. Perhaps the strongest evidence as to the utility of such a work will be found in the fact that upwards of 1,000 copies were subscribed for before publication. CONTENTS-SUBJECT INDEX. " TlME IS OF MORE VALUE THAN TYPE, AND THE WEAR AND TEAR OF TEMPER THAN AN EXTRA PAGE OF INDEX." R. H. Busk. AAR RIVER-ABDUL AZIZ Aar River, Switzerland. GORGE OF THE AAR Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Switzerland. Callow's Sketching Rambles, 1861. Cheever's Wanderings of a Pilgrim. Forbes' Physician's Holiday. Aaron (High Priest of Israel, died 1452 B.C.) Biblical Illustrator [Leviticus] . Expositor, vol. 10, 1889. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits. Milman's History of the Jews. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History. Ruskin's Modern Painters [Death of Aaron] , vol. 4. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible. Treasury of Religious Thought. Abacus (Architectural A bacus) Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. i. Ruskin's Stones of Venice, vol. i. Scott's Lectures on Architecture, vol. i. Abacus (Instrument for Arithmetical Calculations). JAPANESE ABACUS Chamberlain's Things Japanese. GENERAL INFORMATION Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 17, page 626. Wright's Essays on Archasological Subjects, vol. 2 Abailard (Pierre). See Abelard (Peter), and under Hfloise. Abbatoirs. ABBATOIRS IN CHICAGO Bates' Year in the Great Republic. Gordon's Land of the Almighty Dollar. Practical Magazine, vol. 5, 1875. GENERAL INFORMATION American Architect, vol. 28, 1890. National Review, vol. 21, 1893. New Review, vol. 8, 1893. Scribner, vol. 17, 1878. ABBEYS. (See also under Cathedrals, Churches, Monasteries, and names of places, e.g., A bingdon, Bolton, Netley, Stratford, Waltham, Westminster, etc.) ABBEY PIECES Notes and Queries, vol. 6 [pp. 69, 216, 316], 1876. ABBEY PIECES AND TOKENS Antiquary, vols. 2, 1880, & 4, 1881. ABBEY TOKENS Notes and Queries, vol. i [p. 201.] ABBEYS OF JERVAUX AND FOUNTAINS Belgravia, vol. 47, 1882. FRENCH ABBEYS Notes and Queries, vol. 6 [p. 293], 1874. GATEWAYS OF ABBEYS All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. NOTES ON SOME NORTHERN MINSTERS Antiquary, vol. i, 1880. RUINED ABBEYS OF YORKSHIRE Saturday Review, vol. 55, 1883. SCOTTISH ABBEYS AND CATHEDRALS Quarterly Review, vol. 85, 1849. GENERAL INFORMATION The Antiquary, Archasologia, Archaeological Journal, Art Journal, Beattie's Castles and Abbeys of England, Bede's Ecclesiastical History, Britton & Brayley's Beauties of England and Wales, Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum, Freeman's Norman Conquest, Gentleman's Magazine, Historical Records (H.M. Stationery Office), King's Study Book of Mediaeval Architecture and Art, Magazine of Art, Notes and Queries, Tanner's Notitia Monastica. Abbot (Geo., Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1633) Hook's Archbishops, vol. 10, 1875. Ledge's Portraits, vol. 3. Neal's History of the Puritans, from 1517-1688, vol. 2. Dictionary of Nat. Biog., vol. i. Gardiner's History of England, vols. 2-6. Abbots. POSITION AND INFLUENCE OF ABBOTS IN THE MIDDLE AGES Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy. Middle Ages, etc. GENERAL INFORMATION Historical Records (H.M. Stationery Office). Montalem- bert's Monks of the West. Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History. Abbotsford, Scotland (Residence of Sir Walter Scott). CATALOGUE OF ANTIQUITIES AT ABBOTSFORD Saturday Review, vol. 65, 1888. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 5, 1861. Black's Scotland. Chambers's Journal, vols. 3, 1834-5, & 9. 1840-1. Leisure Hour, vol. 3, 1854. Lock- hart's Life of Scott. Stowe's Sunny Memories. Temple Bar, vol. 40, 1874. Abd-el-Kader (Arab Chief, died 1883) Bentley's Miscellany, vol. 20, 1846. Black- wood's Magazine, vol. 50, 1839-40. Saturday Review, vols. 54 & 55, 1882-3. Abd-er-Rahman I. (Ruler of the Saracens in Spain, died about 787) Gilman's Saracens. Poole's Moors in Spain. Works on Spanish History, etc. Abdul Aziz (Sultan of Turkey, assassinated 1876). ABDUL Aziz AND HIS SUCCESSORS International Review, vol. 3, 1876. DEATH OF ABDUL Aziz AND TURKISH REFORM Nineteenth Century, vol. 23, 1888. B [i ] ABDUL HAMID II.-ABU-SIMBEL, Abdul Hamid II. (Sultan of Turkey, 1876) Contemporary, vol. 70, 1896. Fort- nightly, vol. 66, 1896. Leisure Hour, vol. 39, 1890. Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. A'Becket (Thomas). See Becket (Thomas A'). Abel (Second Son of Adam and Eve) Biblical Illustrator [Genesis], vol. I. Gessner's Death of Abel. Kitto's Bible Illustrations. Treasury of Religious Thought. Abelard (Peter, Medieval Philosopher; married Helo'ise 1120, died 1142). HELOISE AND ABELARD Vandam's Amours of Great Men, vol. i, 1878. GENERAL INFORMATION Lewes' Philosophy. Maunder's Treasury of Biography. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 4. Morison's Saint Bernard. Abercromby (James, Baron Dunfermline 1839, died 1858) Annual Register, vol. 100. Gentleman's Magazine, 3rd series, vol. 4, 1858. Greville Memoirs, vols. 2 & 3. Torrens' Viscount Melbourne. Abercromby (Sir Ralph, English General, died 1801) Alison's History of Europe. Gleig's Eminent British Military Commanders, vol. 3. James's Naval History, vols. i, 2, 3, 5. Moore's Life of Sir John Moore. Aberdeen (Chief City and Seaport in North Scotland). ABERDEEN COACHES Scots' Magazine, vol. 10, 1892. ABERDEEN STUDENT OF TO-DAY Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. LITERATURE, BOOKMAKING AND CIRCULATING IN ABERDEEN The Library, v. 6, 1894. MEDICAL STUDENT LIFE IN ABERDEEN. Thomson's Memoir of Emslie. THE PUBLIC LIBRARIES OF ABERDEEN The Library, vol. 6, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 14, 1865-6. Black's Guide to Scotland. Buckle's Civilization in England. Hoddart's Cities of the World. * Stowe's Sunny Memories. Aberdeen (George Hamilton Gordon, Fourth Earl of, Statesman, Prime Minister 1852, died 1860) Annual Register, 1860. Ashley's Life of Palmerston. Edinburgh Review, vol. 158, 1883. Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. Malmesbury's Memoirs of an Ex-Minister. Queen's Prime Ministers. Russell's Life of Gladstone. Smith's Life of Gladstone. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries. Abergavenny (Ruins of Castle and Priory) Baddeley's South Wales. Black's Guide to Hereford. Hissey's Across England. Aberystwith (Favorite Bathing Place in Wales) Black's Guide to South Wales. Black's Where shall we go ? Gossiping Guide to Wales. Murray's Guide to Wales. Abiathar (High Priest and Friend of David) Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible. Ewald's Israel, vol. 3. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History. Abigail (Wife of King David) Aguilar's Women of Israel. Ability. ENGLISH ABILITY Emerson's English Traits, 1883. Abingdon. DESCRIPTION OF ABIN<;DON English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 6, 1888-9. Murray's Guide to Berkshire, etc. Abinger (James Scarlett, Lord, Judge, died 1844) Brougham's Statesmen. Campbell's Lord Chancellors. Temple Bar, vol. 101, 1894. Ablution. POETRY OF ABLUTION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. See also Hygiene. Abner (Commander of the army of Israel, circa B.C. 1048) Ewald's Israel, vol. 3. Josephus' Works. Abolitionists Channing's Works, vol. 2. Slavery, etc. Abraham (Jewish Patriarch). CALL OF ABRAHAM Whitelaw's Patriarchal Times. Wilberforce's Five Empires. OFFERING OF ISAAC Expositor, vol. i, 1881. PLACE OF ABRAHAM IN RELIGIOUS HISTORY Expositor, vol. 4, 1896. TEMPTATION OF ABRAHAM Expositor, vol. i, 1875. Two PROMISES TO ABRAHAM Expositor, vol. 8, 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Biblical Illustrator, vol. i. Church's Stories from the .Bible. Ewald's Israel, vol. i. Expositor, vol. i & 4, 1895-6. Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1892. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits. Home's Critical Study of the Scriptures, vol. 2, 1869. Josephus' Works. Keary's Nations Around. Koelle's Mohammed. Mercer's Bible Characters. Milman's Jews. Pinnock's Bible and History. Sale's Koran. Smith's Bible Diet. Treasury of Religious Thought. Whitelaw's Patriarchal Times. Wilberforce's Five Empires Abruzzi. IN THE ABRUZZI Hare's Days near Rome. Hare's Southern Italy. Murray's Handbook for South Italy. Absalom (The favourite son of David, killed by Joab 1023 B.C.) Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 3. Expositor, vol. 8, 1884. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits. Josephus's Works. Milman's History of the Jews. Treasury of Religious Thought. Absolution Gardner's Faiths of the World, vol. i. Maurice's Sermons, vol. 8. Nineteenth Century, vol. 3, 1878. Wheatly's Common Prayer. Absolutism Lucas's Secularia. Maine's Popular Government. Abstinence Bullock's Home Words for Heart and 'Hearth. Temperance Reformers. Treasury of Religious Thought. Wheatly's Common Prayer. Abu. CITY AND SACRED MOUNTAIN OF ABU Caine's Picturesque India. Conder's Vlodern Traveller, vol. 10. Abu-Simbel, Egypt. DESCRIPTION OF THE RUINS OF ABU-SIMBEL Cornhill, v.23,i8g4. TEMPLES OF ABOO-SIMBIL Martineau's Eastern Life. [2] ABYDOS-ACTORS AND ACTING AbydOS (City of Ancient Egypt) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6. Bucke's Ancient Cities. ABYSSINIA. ABYSSINIAN HIGHLANDS Johnston's Africa. ABYSSINIAN WAR, 1867 Adam's England at War. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 17, 1867-8. Kingston's Our Sailors. Kingston's Our Soldiers. ANCIENT REMAINS OF ABYSSINIA Report of Biitish Association, 1893. BATTLE OF ADOWA United Service Magazine, May, 1896. EGYPT AND ABYSSINIA Geographical Journal, vol. 9, 1897. EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN, 1875 Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 122, 1877. EXPERINCES IN ABYSSINIA Westminster Review, vol. 130, 1888. GAME OF ABYSSINIA Leveson's Sport in many Lands. ITALY AND ABYSSINIA Westminster Review, vol. 129, 1888. ITALY AND KASSALA Review of Reviews, vol. n, 1890. MARKHAM'S BRITISH EXPEDITION TO ABYSSINIA IN 1867 Baker's Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia. Rassam's British Mission to Theodore. Stern's Captive Missionary. TRAVELS IN ABYSSINIA Kingston's Great African Travellers. GENERAL INFORMATION Bruce's Travels in Abyssinia. Johnston's Africa. Stanley's Coomassie and Magdala. White's Africa. Academics Arnold's Essays in Criticism. Todhunter's Conflict of Studies. Accatou Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus. See also Cyprus. ACCIDENTS. ACCIDENT INSURANCE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. ACCIDENTS DUE TO COLOUR-BLINDNESS Green's Colour-Blindness. CHILDREN'S ACCIDENTS Goodeve's Children in India. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. NURSERY ACCIDENTS, AND WHAT TO DO FOR THEM Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS IN FACTORIES Thwaite's Our Factories. RAILWAY ACCIDENTS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. REMARKABLE ACCIDENTS Strand Magazine, vols. 8 & 9, 1894-5. STREET ACCIDENTS All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. TRUTH ABOUT EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Progressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. Acclimatization Ency. Brit., vol. i. Longman's Magazine, vol. 8, 1886. Accomplishments. FEMALE ACCOMPLISHMENTS Holland's Titcomb's Letters. HOME ACCOMPLISHMENTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. Nichol's Social Life. Accountancy. ACCOUNTANCY AND ITS FUTURE Chambers's^Journal, vol. 13, 1896. Accuracy Northcote's Lectures and Essays, 1887. Achan (Son of Zerah ; secreted portion of the Spoils of Jericho). SIN AND PUNISHMENT OF ACHAN Josepbus' Works. Kitto's Bible Illustrations. Quiver, vol. 31, 1896. Smith's History of Joshua. Acharans. MIGRATION OF THE ACHARANS Duncker's Greece, vol. i. Achill Island, Ireland. THREE DAYS IN ACHILL ISLAND Temple Bar, vol. 108, 1896. Achilles (Mythical Greek Hero). LANCELOT AND ACHILLES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. GENERAL INFORMATION Grote's History of Greece, vol. i. Homer's Iliad. Smith's Classical Dictionary of Mythology, etc. Acholme Isle Murray's Guide to Lincolnshire. Acoustics Deschanel's Natural Philosophy. Ency. Brit., vol. i. Ganot's Physics. Glazebrook's Physics. Guillemin's Forces of Nature. Wood's Nature's Teaching. And under Sound, Voice, Music, etc. Acre (Celebrated for its numerous Sieges) Buckingham's Travels in Palestine. Thomson's Land and the Book. And under Cnisades, Syria, etc. Acrobats. How ACROBATS ARE TRAINED Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. THE TRAINING OF CHILD ACROBATS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. Acropolis Museum, Athens. ARCHAIC STATUES OF THE ACROPOLIS MUSEUM Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1893. See also Athens. Acrostics Girl's Own Annual, vols. 1-3, 1880-1882, & 7, 1886. See also Amusements, Games, Riddles, etc. ACTORS AND ACTING. (See also Drama, Stage, Opera, Comedy, Tragedy, also under names of Players, e.g., Garrick, Irving, Kean, Siddons, Toole, etc.) ACTING: An Art Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. ACTOR LISTS, 1578-1642 Transactions of Royal Historical Society, vol. 9, 1881. ACTORS AND ACTING Hazlitt's Essays ; edited by F. Carr. ACTORS AND ACTRESSES IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 20, 1893. ACTORS' DRESSING ROOMS Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. ACTORS' GAGGING All the Year Round, vol. 15, 1866. ACTRESSES OF TO-DAY Lady's Realm, vol. i, 1896-7. ANATOMY OF ACTING Longman's Magazine, vol. n, 1887-8. ART OF ACTING Cook's On the Stage and Hours with the Players. CRITICISM OF ACTING. By William Archer New Review, vol. 12, 1895, DEATH ON THE STAGE Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. DRAMATIC ACTING Harris' Theory of the Arts. FAMOUS FRENCH ACTORS All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. GARRICK'S ACTING AS SEEN IN HIS OWN TIME Longman's Magazine, vol. 6, 1885. GREEN ROOM OF THE COMEDIE FRAN9AISE English Illustrated Mag., vol. 10, 1892-31 IRVING ON THE ART OF ACTING Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. [3] ACTORS AND ACTING-ADELICIA Actors and Acting (continued.) MEPHISTOPHELES AT THE LYCEUM Longman's Magazine, vol. 10, 1887. MERITS AND IMPORTANCE or ACTORS British Essayists, vol. 38, 1823. ON SOME OF THE OLD ACTORS Lamb's Essays of Eha. OUR OLD ACTORS Temple Bar, vol. 52, 1878. PALAIS ROYAL ACTORS All the Year Round, vol. 70, 1892. PROPOSED HOSPITAL FOR DECAYED ACTORS British Essayists, vol. 29, 1823. SOME OF THE OLD ACTORS Lamb's Elia and Eliana. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF A GERMAN COURT THEATRE National Review, vol. 35, 1895. WHAT PLAYERS ARE THEY ? By J. F. Molloy English Illustrated, vol. 5, 1887-8. WHETHER ACTORS OUGHT TO SIT IN THE BOXES Hazlitt's Miscellaneous Works, vol. 2, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Birrell's Obiter Dicta. Haigh's Attic Theatre. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe. The Theatre, Era, Stage, etc. Actuality. IDEAL EMOTIOX Bain's The Emotions and the Will. Acupuncture. JAPANESE ACUPUNCTURE Chamberlain's Things Japanese. Blackie's Popular Encyclopaedia, vol. i. Rees' Encyclopaedia, vol, i. Adalr (James, died 1798) Woolrych's Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law. Adalia, Asia Minor Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 3. Adam (Father of Mankind). ADAM'S GOSPEL Expositor, vol. 7, 1884. How TALL WAS ADAM ? Book of Table Talk. Timbs' Things not generally Known. SOME TRADITION OF THE ELDERS All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. TEACHING RELIGION TO HIS CHILDREN McKinney's Science of Religion. GENERAL INFORMATION Ency. Brit., vol. i. Kitto's Bible Illustrations. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History. Treasury of Religious Thought. Adam Bede. ESSAY ON GEORGE ELIOT'S ADAM BEDE Mozley's Essays. Adams (Abigail) Clement's Noble Deeds. Ellet's Women of American Revolution. Holloway's Ladies of the White House. Adams (Francis). A POET OF SOCIALISM Progressive Review, vol 2, 1897. Adams (Serjeant Jack) Serjeant Robinson's Bench and Bar. Adams (John, Second President of America, died 1826) Irving's Washington. .Adams (John Quincy, President of U.S. 1825, died 1848) Griswold's Prose Writers of America. Lincoln's Presidents. Adams (Parson). Adams' Dictionary of English Literature, Lawrence's Life of Fielding. Adams (Sarah F., Essex Poetess, died 1848) Lectures of W. J. Fox, 1865-8. Robert- son's English Poetesses. Adams (William, English Navigator, died in Japan 1620) Bourne's English Seamen. Adams (Wm., Methodist Preacher, died 1779) Jackson's Early Methodists, vol.6. Adams (Rev. Dr. W., Master of Pembroke College, died 1789) Croker's Boswell. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 59, Old Series. Adana (Celebrated for its Antiqtiities) Stevenson's Asia Minor. Adanson (Michel, French Naturalist, died 1806) Travels in Senegal. Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century. Addington, Surrey Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. Addington (Henry, Viscount Sidmouth, Premier 1801-4, died 1844) Earle's English Premiers. Jesse's Memoirs of George III., 1867. Manning's Speakers, 1867. Addison (Joseph, Essayist and Poet, died 1719). ADDISON AS A HUMOURIST Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1804. ESSAY ON THE LIFE OF ADDISON -Macaulay's Critical and Historical Essays. SKETCH OF STEELE AND ADDISON Kingsley's Fireside Studies. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Chancellors. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets. Carruther's Life of Pope. Collier's History of English Literature. Ency. Brit., vol. i. Girl's Own Annual, vol 14, 1893. Howitt's Homes of British Poets. Johnson's Lives of the Poets. Lonsdale's Worthies. Macaulay's Reviews. Oliphant's Reign of Queen Anne, 1894. Taine's English Literature. Thackeray's Humourists. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3. Wotton's Word Portraits. Addressing 1 . How TO ADDRESS PEOPLE OF TITLE Complete Letter Writer. Enquire Within upon Everything. Girls' Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883 [p. 396]. Handbook to the Desk, Office, and Platform. Secretary's Assistant. Adela (Daughter of William the Conqueror and mother of King Stephen, died 1137) Greene's Princesses of England. Adelaide (Capital of South Australia, founded 1836) Bandmann's Actor's Tour. Brassey's Last Voyage. Dilke's Greater Britain. Froude's Oceana. Harcus' South Australia. Lumholtz's Among Cannibals. Verschuur's Antipodes. Adelaide of Saxe-Meinengen ( Wife of William IV., died 1849) Doran's Queens of England. Greville Memoirs, vols. 2-3. Howitt's Queen's of Great Britain. Raikes' Journal in London and Paris, 1831-47. Adelicia of Louvaine (The Fair Maid cf Brabant Second Queen of Henry I., married 1121, died 1151) Strickland's Queens of England, vol. i. [4] ADELPHI-^IROLITES Adelphi Theatre Antiquary, vols. 9-10, 1884. Baker's London Stage. Cunningham's Handbook. Walford's Old and New London. Also under Actors, Drama, Stage, etc. Aden, Arabia Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 4. Admirals Brassey's British Navy. James' Naval History. Stevenson's Virginibus Puerisque. See also Navy, and under names, e.g., Blake, Collingwood, Drake, Hawkins, Hood, Nelson, Tryon, etc. Admiralty. ADMIRALTY ORGANIZATION Brassey's British Navy. REFORM OF THE ADMIRALTY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. WORKABLE ADMIRALTY Nineteenth Century, vol. 23, 1888. See also Navy. Admiration Bain's The Emotions and the Will. Treasury of Religious Thought, Whewell's Elements of Morality. Adoni-bezek (King of Bezek, died 1425 B.C.) Treasury of Religious Thought. Adonis (The favourite of Venus, killed by a boar, and changed into an anemone.) MYTH OF ADONIS Frazer's Golden Bough. Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis. Smith's Dictionary of Mythology. Adowa, Abyssinia James's Wild Tribes of the Soudan. Wylde's '83 to '87 in the Soudan. Adrian VI. (Pope, died 1523) Ranke's History of the Popes. Adrianople (Capital of the Ottoman Empire 1366 to 1453) Brassey's Sunshine and Storm in the East. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 14. Adriatic Sea Black's Hundred Days in the East. Century Magazine, vol. 49, 1894-5. Collier's Our Home by the Adriatic. Adulteration. ADULTERATION IN ARTICLES OF COMMERCE AND ITS REMEDY Cornhill Magazine, vol. a, 1860. HISTORY OF ADULTERATION Blyth's Foods. Normandy's Chemical Analysis. MISAPPLIED TALENT Chambers's Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Ency. Brit., vol. I. TRICKS OF TRADE Wynter's Curiosities of Toil. Adultery. ON ADULTERY British Essayists, vol. 15, 1823. Tebbs' Essay on Adultery. Quarterly, vol. 28, 1822. Advent Chambers's Encyclopaedia, vol. i. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer. Adventures Boy's Own Annual (various volumes). Macaulay's Wonderful Stories of Daring. Pictorial Museum of Sport and Adventure. Stable's Jungle, Peak. and Plain. Wonderful Escapes, World of Adventure. See also books about Captain Cook, Columbus, Du Chaillu, Stanley, Livingstone, etc. Adversity Bacon's Essays. British Essayists, vol. 21. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS IN CHINA Cornhill Mag., vol. 17, 1891. ADVERTISING AS A TRESPASS ON THE PUBLIC Nineteenth Century Mag., vol. 37, 1895. ADVERTISING IN NEW YORK All the Year Round, vol. 12, 1874. CURIOSITIES OF ADVERTISING Chambers's Journal, vol. 72, 1895. CURIOUS ADVERTISEMENTS -Wynter's Curiosities of Civilization. DEVELOPMENT OF ADVERTISING Knight's London, vol. 5. Sampson's Advertising. MARCH OF THE ADVERTISER Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1896-7. OLD ADVERTISEMENTS Chambers's Journal, vol. 3, 1886. ON ADVERTISEMENTS, QUACKERIES, WASHES, ETC. British Essayists, vol.5, 12,23 & 33- PICTURE ADVERTISING IN SOUTH AMERICA Household Words, vol. 4, 1851-2. SHOPKEEPERS' ADVERTISING NOVELTIES Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. THE ADVERTISEMENT NUISANCE New Review, vol. 9, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vols. 34, 1875, & 45, 1880. Chambers's Journal, vols. 36, 1861, 59, 1882, & 61, 1883. Fraser, vol. 12, 1835. Practical Advertising, 1897. Temple Bar, vol. n, 1864. Advice. ADVICE FROM A LADY OF DISTINCTION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 5, 1819. ADVICE GRATIS FriswelPs Better Self, ADVICE TO ORDER Once a Week, vol. 20, 1869. COMMON-SENSE ADVICE TO WORKING GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. ON GIVING AD-VICE British Essayists, vols. 2 & 13. THE USEFULNESS OF ADVICE British Essayists, vol. 21. GENERAL INFORMATION Beecher's Lectures to Young Men. Cobbett's Advice to Young Men. Hamerton's Intellectual Life. Helps' Essays. jEgesta, Sicily Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities. -SUglna. ISLAND OF ^EGINA Bucke's Ancient Cities. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16. JEmilius (Paulus, Roman General, died 160 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives. Aerated Waters Andom's Industrial Explorings, 1896. Bakewell's Great Facts. Aerial Navigation. FAMOUS AERONAUTS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. MAXIM'S EXPERIMENTS IN AERIAL NAVIGATION. Century Magazine, vol. 49, 1894-95. NEW FLYING MACHINE Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. WITH A CAMERA IN THE CLOUDS : An Account of an Aeronaut's Eventful Voyage from Paris to Aden Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Mag., vol. 15, 1889. Glashier's Travels in the Air. Marion's Wonderful Balloon Ascents. Timbs' Inventions. See also Balloons, etc. JErolites (Meteoric Stones). EXAMPLES OF AEROLITES Hartwig's /Erial World. Holland's Essays. Loomis 1 Meteorology. JESCHYLUS-AFRICA .2Eschylus (Greek Tragic Poet, died B.C. 456). RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS OF AESCHYLUS Poet Lore, vol. 4, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION. Abbott's Hellenlca. Donaldson's Theatre of Greeks. Mills' Poets of Ancient Greece. Symonds' Greek Poets. Smith's Classical Dictionary. JEsculaphlS (Mythical son of Apollo, and the God of Medicine). GROVE OF JEscu- LAPIUS, &c. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16. RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS OF /ESCULAPIUS Poet Lore, vol. 4, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Abbott's Hellenica. Donaldson's Theatre of Greeks. Mills' Poets of Ancient Greece. Smith's Classical Dictionary. Symonds' Greek Poets. 2Eeop (Greek Fabulist, flourished about B.C. 570) Leighton's Mediaeval Legends. Mills' Poets of Greece. Smith's Classical Dictionary. Esthetics. THE BEAUTIFUL AND TRUE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1892. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ^ESTHETICS Notes and Queries, 6th series, vol. 8, 1883. GENERAL INFORMATION Bain's Emotions. Hamerton's Portfolio Papers. Harrison's Choice of Books, 1886. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. 2Ether. VORTEX THEORY OF THE LUMINIFEROUS JTHER Report of British Association, 1887. Affectation British Essayist, vols. 19 & 28. Foster's Critical Essays. Hazlitt's Table Talk. Affections British Essayists, vol. 2 & 6. Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind. Treasury of Religious Thought. Whewell's Elements of Morality. AFGHANISTAN. (See also India, etc.) AFGHAN ALLIANCE Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. AFGHAN BOUNDARY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. AFGHAN WARS Adams' England at War. Adam's Makers of British India. Hodder's Heroes [War in 1838]. Kingston's Our Soldiers [1839, 1878-80]. Ollier's Russo- Turkish War. Phillips' Essays [Afghan War, 1841-3]. Sale (Lady) Journals [Disasters in Afghanistan, 1842]. Traill's Life of Salisbury. AFGHANISTAN AND ITS INHABITANTS Eyre's Kabul Insurrection. AMONG THE AFGHANS Blackwood's Travel, Adventure and Sport, vol. 3. BOUNDARY OF AFGHANISTAN Disraeli's Selected Speeches. ENGLAND AND AFGHANISTAN Boulger's Central Asia. LORD ROBERTS IN AFGHANISTAN National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. RUSSIA, INDIA, AND AFGHANISTAN Quarterly Review, vol. 175, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Ency. Brit., vol. i. Forbes' Havelock. Hughes' Treasury of Geography. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere. McCarthy's England under Gladstone. Roberts' Forty-one Years in India. Saville's How India was Won. Yate's Norihern Afghanistan. AFRICA. (See also Abyssinnia, Albert N'yanza, Ashanti, Boers, Cape of Good Hope, Soudan, Transvaal, etc.) AFRICAN CAMPAIGNS, 1879 Adams' England at War. AFRICAN DISCOVERY Chambers's Miscellany, vol. 16. AFRICAN EXPLORATION AND ITS RESULTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. AFRICAN LEGENDS Fortnightly Review, vol. 53, 1893. AFRICANISTS IN COUNCIL Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. ANCIENT AFRICA England's El Dorado, 1891. Mathers' Zambesia. ANGLO-GERMAN BOUNDARY IN EAST EQUATORIAL AFRICA Geographical Journal, vol. 4, 1894. Review of Reviews, vol. 2, 1890. ANGLO-PORTUGUESE DELIMITATION IN SOUTH-EAST AFRICA Geographical Journal, vol. 2, 1893. Review of Reviews, vol. i, 1890. BANTU LEGENDS AND CUSTOMS Folk Lore, vol. 3, 1892. BAUMANN'S TOURNEY IN EAST AFRICA Geographical Journal, vol. 4, 1894. BELZONI'S TRAVELS IN AFRICA St. John's Celebrated Travellers. BEST ROUTE TO UGANDA Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. BOY TRAVELLERS ON THE CONGO Knox's Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey with Stanley through the Dark Continent. BRITISH ADMINISTRATION IN AFRICA Fortnightly Review, vol. 50, 1891. BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA Geographical Journal, vol. i. 1893. BRITISH IN EAST AFRICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. BRITISH WEST AFRICAN POSSESSIONS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. Fortnightly Review, vol. 56, 1891. CENTRAL AFRICA Dr. Macaulay's Strange yet True. CENTRAL AFRICAN TRADE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 151, 1892. CHANLER'S EXPEDITION TO EAST AFRICA Geographical Journal, vol 3, 1893. CHARACTERISTICS OF AFRICAN TRAVEL Scottish Geographical Mag., vol. 8, 1892. CHARTERED COMPANY AND SOUTH AFRICA Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896, and vol. 71, 1897. CHARTERED COMPANY : The Other Side National Review, vol. 27, 1896. CIRCUMNAVIGATIONS OF AFRICA Winsor's Christopher Columbus. CLIMATE AND FLORAL REGIONS OF AFRICA Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. CLIMATE OF SOUTH AFRICA Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. DESERTS OF AFRICA Chambers's Papers for the People. DIAMOND DIGGING IN SOUTH AFRICA Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 150, 1891. DUTCH IN SOUTH AFRICA Greater Britain, vol. 4, 1892. [6] AFRICA Africa (continued.) EAST AND WEST AFRICA Fortnightly Review, vols. 50, 1888 ; 53, 1890 ; & 56, 1891. EAST AND WEST AFRICA IN PARLIAMENT Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. ENGLAND AND GERMANY IN EAST AFRICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. ENGLAND'S ADVANCE NORTH OF ORANGE RIVER Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. ENGLAND'S DUTY TO SOUTH AFRICA Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. ENGLISHMEN IN AFRICA All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. EUROPE AND AFRICA Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 151, 1892. EXPLORATION IN AFRICA Hodder's Heroes of Britain. Lomax's Sir Samuel Baker. Verne's Great Explorers. See also Bruce, Livingstone, Stanley, etc. EXPLORATIONS IN MYSIA Geographical Journal, vol. 9, 1897. EXTERMINATION OF GREAT GAME IN SOUTH AFRICA Fortnightly Review, vol.62, 1894. FLAGELLATION IN AFRICA Cooper's History of the Rod. FOLK LORE OF CENTRAL AFRICA Folk Lore, vol. 3, 1892. FRENCH IN AFRICA Poole's Barbary Corsairs. GERMANS IN SOUTH AFRICA Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. GLEAMS FROM THE DARK CONTINENT Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. GOLD ERA IN SOUTH AFRICA Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. HEART OF AFRICA Chambers's Journal, vol. 67, 1890. HIGH COMMISSIONERSHIP OF SOUTH AFRICA Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. HISTORY OF SOUTH AFRICA Transactions of Royal Historical Society, vol. 2, 1885, and vol. 4, 1889. HOLIDAY IN SOUTH AFRICA English Illustrated, vol. 8, 1890-1. IMPERIAL INTERESTS IN EAST AFRICA Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. IMPRESSIONS OF SOUTH AFRICA Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. IN CAMP WITH STANLEY Cosmopolitan Magazine, vol. 12, 1892. ITALIANS IN AFRICA Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. JOURNEY IN THE MAROTSE AND MASHIKOLUMBWE COUNTRIES Geographical Journal, vol. 9, 1897. . LADY TRAVELLER IN AFRICA (Mary H. Kingsley) Academy, vol. i, 1897. LATEST MARVEL OF SOUTH AFRICA All the Year Round, vol. 70, 1892. LEAVES FROM A SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL Froude's Short Studies. LETTERS FROM SOUTH AFRICA Argosy, vol. 57 & 58, 1894. LION HUNTING BEYOND THE HAUD [Somaliland] Nineteenth Cent., vol. 38, 1895. LIVINGSTONE'S MARCH ACROSS AFRICA Montefiore's Leaders into Unknown Lands; being Chapters of Recent Travel. MARRIAGE AMONG THE ABORIGINES Starcke's Primitive Family. MA-SHUNA LIFE AND CUSTOMS Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. MISSIONARY LIFE Vanguard of the Christian Army. MISSIONS IN AFRICA Bickersteth's Good News in Africa. MISSIONS TO AFRICA Japp's Master Missionaries. Moifat's Life of R. and M. Moffat. MISSIONS TO CENTRAL AFRICA Quarterly Review, vol. 168, 1889. MISSIONS TO SOUTH AFRICA Smith's Modern Apostle [A. N. Somerville, 1813-1889], 1891. Thomson's Moravian Missions. NATIVE PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. NATURE VERSUS THE CHARTERED COMPANY Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. NEW AFRICAN CRISIS WITH FRANCE AND GERMANY Blackwood's Mag., vol. 156, 1894. NEW BRITISH MARKETS : Tropical Africa Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. NEW CONDITIONS IN CENTRAL AFRICA Century Magazine, vol. 53, 1897. NORTH OF THE EQUATOR Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. NOTES ON SOUTH AFRICA Progressive Review, vol- i, 1896-7. PAGE OF RECENT SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORY Review of Reviews, vol. 5, 1892. PARTITION OF AFRICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. PAST AND FUTURE POLICY IN SOUTH AFRICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. PEOPLES, PLACES AND PROSPECTS IN BRITISH EAST AFRICA -Geographical Journal, vol. 4, 1894. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF BRITISH EAST AFRICA Geographical Journal, vol. 4, 1894. PORTUGESE PROGRESS IN SOUTH AFRICA Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1896-7. PROPOSED GERMAN BARRIER ACROSS AFRICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. RAILROAD DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA Engineering Magazine, vol. 4, 1893. RE-PARTITION OF AFRICA United Service Magazine, vol. 129, 1893. ROMANCE AND REALITY IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Chambers's Journal, vol. 67, 1890. ROME IN AFRICA Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. ROUTES IN AFRICA National Review, vol. 25, 1895. SCENE IN AN AFRICAN SLAVE PRESERVE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. n, 1864-5. SELOUS' TRAVELS IN AFRICA All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. SOUTH AFRICA AND THE RHODES COMMITTEE New Review, vol. 16, 1897. SOUTH AFRICA Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain. National Review, vol. 27, 1896. Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880. SOUTH AFRICAN FEDERALISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 51 (n.s.), 1897. SOUTH AFRICAN PROBLEMS Fortnightly Review, vol. 55, 1891. SOUTH EAST AFRICA All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. SOUTH WEST AFRICA CONSIDERED ECONOMICALLY Geographical Journal, vol. 2, 1893. STANLEY [Emin Expedition] Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. Fortnightly Review, vol. 49, 1891. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. STANLEY'S ADVENTURES IN AFRICA Montefiore's Life of Stanley. [73 AFRICA-AGRICULTURE Africa (continued.) STORY OF THK DEVELOPMENT OF AFRICA Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. STRAY THOUGHTS ON SOUTH AFRICA Fortnightly Review, vol. 56, 1891, & vol. 65, 1896. SUPERSTITION IN AFRICA Frazer's Golden Bough. THROUGH THE DARK CONTINENT IN 1720 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. TRADE WITH SOUTH AFRICA Burke's Works, vol. 5. TRAVEL AND SPORT IN SOUTH AFRICA Ainsworth's All Round the World. Cum- mings' Five Years of a Hunter's Life. TRAVELS IN AFRICA Kingston & Lowe's Great African Travellers. TRAVELS IN WEST AFRICA Athenaeum, vol. i, 1897. t TREATY-MAKING IN AFRICA Geographical Journal, vol. i, 1893. ' TROPICAL AFRICA. By Captain Lugard Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. TWELVE HUNDRED MILES IN A WAGGON THROUGH BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA National Review, vol. 25, 1895. VALUE OF AFRICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. VILLAGE LIFE IN SOUTH AFRICA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. WEST AFRICA Geographical Journal, vol. 9, 1897 [Miss Kingsley on West Africa]. WHITE MAN'S AFRICA Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. WIT AND WISDOM FROM WEST AFRICA Maxwell's Essays [Age and Youth] . GENERAL INFORMATION Bruce's Stirring Adventures in African Travel. Collier's History of the British Empire. Du Chaillu's Wild Life under the Equator. E. S. A's. World in which I live. Gilmore's Great Thirst Land. Japp's Master Missionaries. Johnston's Africa, with Ethnological Appendix by Keane, 1884. Kingston & Lowe's Great African Travellers. Montetiore's Life of Stanley. Murray's Mediterranean. Verne's Great Explorers. Agamemnon (Legendary Leader of the Greeks against Troy) Schleimann's Mycenoe. Agassiz (Louis, Swiss Naturalist, died 1873) Bacon's Essays. Bolton's Famous Men of Science. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Charles Darwin's Life and Letters. Ency. Brit., vol. i. Whipple's Recollections. Age. CRABBED AGE AND YOUTH Stevenson's Virginibus Puerisque, 1895. REFLECTIONS ON OLD AGE Goldsmith's Miscellaneous Works. Agesilaus (King of Sparta, died 360 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives. Maunder's Treasury, etc. Agincourt. BATTLE OF AGINCOURT, 1415 Adams' Memorable Battles. Church's Henry the Fifth. Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol 2. Henty's At Agincourt. Low's Great Battles. Valentino's Land Battles. PRISONERS OF AGINCOURT De Ros' Tower of London. Agis (Name of several Kings of Sparta) Plutarch's Lives. Agnation (Descent in the direct male line) Maine's Ancient Law. Agnes (Black Agnes of Dunbar)Fittis' Heroines of Scotland. Agnes (St., Roman Martyr) Charles' Martyrs and Saints. AGNOSTICISM. AGNOSTICISM AND WOMEN Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. ASSUMPTIONS OF AGNOSTICS Fortnightly Review, vol. 19, 1873. CHRISTIANITY AND AGNOSTICISM Laing's Problems of the Future. Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. FUTURE OF AGNOSTICISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 51, 1889. GAPS IN AGNOSTIC EVOLUTION National Review, vol. 26, 1895. MR. BALFOUR'S ATTACK ON AGNOSTICISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. REVIEW OF DR. ABBOT'S WAY OUT OF AGNOSTICISM International Journal of Ethics, vol. i, 1890-1. WHY I AM NOT AN AGNOSTIC. By Max Miiller Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Huxley's Science and Christian Tradition, 1895. Laing's Problems of the Future. Manning's Essays on Religion. Present-day Tracts, vol 2. Treasury of Religious Thought. Watts' Reign of Causality. Agony Column All the Year Round, vol. 63, 1888. Agra (Seat of the Mohammedan Empire in India, 1504 1647). DELHI TO AGRA Heber's Indian Journal. GENERAL INFORMATION Caine's Picturesque India. Caine's Trip Round the World. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 10. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere. Macleod's Far East. Murray's Guide to Bengal Presidency. Murray's Handbook for India and Ceylon. Agreeableness Treasury of Religious Thought. Agricola (Cnasus Julius, Roman General, died 93) Church's Early Britain. AGRICULTURE. (See also Allotments, Fanning, Labour, Land, Manures, Sheep, Soil, and under names of Countries, etc.) AGRICULTURAL DEPRESSION Quarterly Review, vol. 176, 1893. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 148, 1890. National Review, vol. 16, 1890-1. AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894 [Country Characters.] Cobden's Speeches. Davies' Theology and Morality. Fawcett's Essays and Lectures. George's Social Problem. Heath's Peasant Life. AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS' UNION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 28, 1873. AGRICULTURAL POSITION Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. [8] AGBICULTURE-AIKBN Agriculture (con tinued. ) AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMME Fortnightly Review, vol. 59, 1896. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, vol. 55, 1892. AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMICS National Review, vol. 20, 1893. AGRICULTURE IN THE PERIOD OF THE COMMONWEALTH AND RESTORATION Mitchell's Wet Days at Edgewood. AGRICULTURE IN THE UNIVERSITIES Educational Review, vol. i, 1872. AGRICULTURE TAXED TO DEATH Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 156, 1894. BLACK LAND Atkinson's Moorland Parish. BURMESE AGRICULTURE Fytche's Burma. CAUSES OF AGRICULTURAL UNREST Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. CHINA AND AGRICULTURE Davis' General Description of China. CLIMAX OF AGRICULTURAL DISASTER Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. CO-OPERATION IN AGRICULTURE Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. CYPRUS AND AGRICULTURE Baker's Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AGRICULTURE Alexander's Northern Rural Life. Lecky's History of England. FARMING BY ELECTRICITY Engineering Magazine, vol. 4, 1893. FOREIGNER IN THE FARMYARD New Review, vol. 16, 1897. HINDRANCES TO AGRICULTURE IN SCOTLAND Grant's Recess Studies. IMPORTS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. IRELAND AND AGRICULTURE IN THE i8TH CENTURY Young's Ireland. LANDOWNERS AND AGRICULTURE- Quarterly Review, vol. 180, 1895. Low STATE OF AGRICULTURE IN MIDDLE AGES Hallam's Europe. MADEIRA AND AGRICULTURE Harcourt's Madeira. NEW SOUTH WALES AND AGRICULTURE Griffin's New South Wales. NEW ZEALAND AND AGRICULTURE Bathgate's New Zealand. NEWFOUNDLAND'S AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES Hatton's Newfoundland. NITRAGIN : A New Advance in Agriculture Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. PLEASURES OF FARMING Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 271, 1891. POTTERING WITH AGRICULTURE New Review, vol. 13, 1895. PRIMITIVE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Antiquary, vol. 8, 1883. PRIMITIVE AGRICULTURE Buckland's Anthropological Studies. Joly's Man before Metals. PROGRESS OF AGRICULTURE IN VICTORIA Silver's Australia. PROTECTORS OF AGRICULTURE Pouchet's Universe. RIVER PLATE AGRICULTURE Latham's River Plate. ROYAL COMMISSION ON AGRICULTURE Quarterly Review, vol. 180, 1895. RUIN OF ENGLISH AGRICULTURE National Review, vol. 20, 1892. SCHOOLS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE Teegan's Education in France. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION Macmillan's Mag., vol. 44, 1881. SMALL FARMS Fortnightly Review, vol. 53, 1893. STEAM ENGINES IN AGRICULTURE Winton's Modern Workshop Practice. SUCCESS IN AGRICULTURE Hope's Life of Geo. Hope. SWEDEN'S AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Wheelwright's Ten Years in Sweden. SYSTEMS OF AGRICULTURE Ville's Artificial Manures. SYSTEMS OF AGRICULTURE IN ENGLAND Brodrick's English Landlords. TENURES OF THE I3TH CENTURY Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1849. TURKISH AGRICULTURE Baker's Turkey in Europe. TUSCAN AGRICULTURE Whiteside's Italy. WAGES IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Rogers' Work and Wages. GENERAL INFORMATION Ency. Brit., vol. i. Government Reports and Blue Books. Malthus' Population. Smith's Wealth of Nations. Royal Colonial Institute: Papers of proceedings. Agrigentum, Sicily. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT Bucke's Ancient Cities. Agrippa I. (Roman Tetrarch, died 43) Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 7. Josephus' Works. Milman's History of the Jews. Agrippa II. (Sou and Successor of the preceding, died 94) Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 7 & 8. Josephus' Works. Milman's History of the Jews. Aguilar (Grace, Novelist, died 1847) Hall (S. C.) Book of Memories of Great Men and Women. Ahab (Seventh King of Israel, died B.C. 897). CHARACTER OF AHAB Taylor's Elijah. GENERAL INFORMATION Ewald's Israel, vol. 4. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits. Treasury of Religious Thought. Church Stories from the Bible. Ahalya Baee. AN INDIAN QUEEN Argosy, vol. 60, 1895. AhaSU.eru.8 (Son of Darius Hystasis, married Esther) Treasury of Religious Thought. Ahithophel (Counsellor of King David) Geikie's Old Testament Portraits. Ahlden Castle. QUEEN SOPHIA'S IMPRISONMENT AT AHLDEN CASTLE. Doran's Queens of Hanover. Ahmedabad. (Famed for its Mosque) Game's Picturesque India. Aigues Mortes, Southern France (Famed for its Fortifications) Gould's Troubadour Land. James' Little Tour. Aiken (John) Turner's Eminent Unitarians. [9] AINOS-ALBANIA Ainos (Uncivilized Tribe living in Japan). BEAR FESTIVAL OK THE Amos Frazer's Golden Bough. BURIAL CUSTOMS OF THE AINUS Nature, vol. 38, 1888. HYMNS AND LANGUAGE OF THE AINUS Academy, vols. 32 & 34. 1887-8. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Young Japan. Ainsworth (William Harrison, Eminent Novelist, died 1882). ESSAYS, &c., ON W. H. AINSWORTH Cooper's Men of Mark. Dictionary of National Biography, vol. i. Friswell's Modern Men of Letters. Home's New Spirit of the Age. Wotton's Word Portraits. AIR. (See also A tmosphere, Chemistry, Ventilation, etc.) AIR AND ITS CORPUSCULES Pouchet's Universe, or the Infinitely Great, &c. ANALYSIS OF AIR Bloxam's Chemistry. Hartwig's Aerial World. CHEMISTRY OF AIR Johnston's Chemistry of Common Life. COMPOSITION OF AIR Barff's Chemistry. Reynold's Chemistry. FRESH AIR AS A MEDICINE Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. LIQUID AIR Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. MEASUREMENT OF AIR Fawkes' Horticultural Buildings. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CITY AND SEASIDE AIR Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. PURITY OF AIR Forwood's Mammoth Cave of Kentucky. WHAT PURE AIR CAN DO Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 522], 1883. Aird (Thomas, Scottish Poet, died 1876.) Wilson's Poets of Scotland. Airey (Lord, General, died 1881) Cooper's Men of Mark. Dictionary of National Biography, vol. i. Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea. Airy (Sir G. B., Noted Astronomer, died 1892) Cooper's Men of Mark, Yates' Celebrities at Home.' Aix-en-Province English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 13, 1895. Aix-La-Chapelle or Aachen, Prussia Baedeker's Rhine. Ajaccio (Capital of Corsica). THE HOUSE WHERE NAPOLEON WAS BORN English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 12, 1894-5. GENERAL INFORMATION. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1868 [Description and History.] Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. See also Corsica, Napoleon, etc. Ajmir (Celebrated for its Mosque) Caine's Picturesque India. Ajodhya Caine's Picturesque India. Akenside (Mark, Poet, died 1770) Bell's Literary and Scientific Men. Campbell's Specimens cf British Poets. Chalnier's English Poets. Johnson's Lives of Poets. Tuckerman's Characteristics of Literature. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3. Akers (B. P., American Sculptor, died 1861) Tuckerman's Book of Artists. Alabama State, United States. ALABAMA, TENNESSEE, AND GEORGIA Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Russell's North America. Scribner, vol. 8, 1874 [Travel.] " Alabama " (Celebrated Cruiser lelonging to the Confederate States of America). ALABAMA CLAIMS Hobart's Political Essays. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. CASE OF THE " ALABAMA " Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6. Alabaster. VARIETIES OF ALABASTER Lee's Marble and Marble Workers. Aland Isles. THE BALTIC IN 1854 Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, &c., vol. 4. Alaric (King of the Goths, died A.D. 410) Bradley's Goths from the Earliest Times. Sozomen's Ecclesiastical History. Sunday Magazine, vol. 18, 1882. ALASKA, Russian America. ALASKA AND ITS PEOPLE Westminster Rev., vol. 139, 1893. DISCOVERY OF GLACIER BAY Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. GLACIERS OF ALASKA Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. QUESTION OF BOUNDARY Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. SPORT IN ALASKA Seton Karr's Bear-Hunting in White Mountains. TERRITORY OF ALASKA Hayden's and Selwyn's North America. TRIP TO ALASKA Bates' Kaleidoscope : Shifting Scenes from East to West. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF ALASKA North American Review, vol. 154, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Hartwig's Polar World. Alatri Hare's Days near Rome. Murray's South Italy. Alba (Fernando Alvarez, Duke of, Spanish General and Statesman, died 1582) Maunder's Treasury of Biography. Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers of the Last Four Centuries. Motley's History of the Netherlands. Prescott's Philip II. Alban (St.) LEGEND OF ST. ALBAN Charles' Martyrs and Saints. Alban Mountains Baedeker's Guide to Central Italy. Albani (Madame, Operatic Singer). ILLUS. INTERVIEW Strand Mag., vol. 2, 1891. OPERATIC CAREER OF MDME. ALBANI Atalanta, vol. 5. Edwards' Prima Donna. Albania. ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN QUESTION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 127, 1880. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. Nature, vol. 22, 1863-4. CUSTOMS IN ALBANIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. Frazer's Golden Bough. GENERAL INFORMATION Baker's Turkey in Europe. Disraeli's Home Letters t Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. Parry's Yachting Cruise. [10] ALBANO-ALCOHOL Albano (City in Italy). PLAGUE IN ALBANO Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 102, 1867. GENERAL INFORMATION Hare's Days near Rome. Albany, New York Gender's Modern Traveller, vol. 23. Harper's Magazine, vol. 62, 1881. Penny Magazine, vol. 12, 1864. See also New York, etc. Albany (Louisa, Countess of, Wife of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, died 1824) Bentley's Miscellany, vol. 51, 1862. Haywood's Essays. Jesse's Memoirs of the Pretenders. Notes and Queries, vol. i, page 341 [Her Tomb at Florence.] St. lames' Magazine, vol. 12, 1864. Albatross. REMARKABLE FAST; THE WANDERING ALBATROSS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. THE SOOTY OR BROWN ALBATROSS ON LAYSAN ISLAND Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. Albemarle (Anne Clarges, Duchess of) Costello's Eminent Englishwomen. Albemarle (George Keppel, Earl of, General} James" Military Commanders. Albemarle (George Monk, Duke of, one of Cromwell's Generals, restored Charles II., died 1670) James' Great Commanders. Lodge's Portraits. Alberoni (Julius, Italian Cardinal, Prime Minister of Spain 1714, died 1752) James' Foreign Statesmen. Wraxall's Adventurers. Albert (Prince Consort, died 1861) Ashley's Life of Palmerston. Dawson's Biographical Essays. Grant's Public Characters. Hodder's Life of Shaftes- bury. Our Life in the Highlands, by the Queen. Page's Leaders of Men. Raikes' Journal. Albert Edward (Prince of Wales, born 1841) Field's Memories. Parton's Princes. Reid's Politician of To-day. Yate's Celebrities at Home. Albert N'yanza (Famous Lake in Eastern-Central Africa, discovered by Sir S. Baker, 1864) Adams' In Perils Oft. Chambers's Journal, vol. 43, 1866. Fortnightly, vol. 5, 1866. Geddie's Lake Regions. Johnston's Africa. Lady Barker's Travelling About. Parke's Equatorial Africa. Stanley's In Darkest Africa. Alberta, Canada Church's Making a Start in Canada. Albert! (Leone Battista, Italian Poet, Painter and Architect, died 1472) Symonds 1 Renaissance. Vasari's Lives of the Painters. Albigenses James' Dark Scenes in History. Maitland's Eight Essays. Alboni (Marietta, Comtesse de Pepoli, Italian vocalist, born 1823) Clayton's Queens ol Song. Ferris' Great Singers. Albuquerque (Alphonso, " The Portuguese Mars," conquered Goa, died 1515). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World. Vogel's Century of Discovery. A1C88U8 (Famous Lyric Poet, B.C. 611-580) Arnold's Poets of Greece. Mill's Poets of Greece. Symond's Greek Poets. Alcantara, Spain (Famed for its Bridge, built 105) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities. ALCHEMY. (See also Chemistry, Magic, etc.) ALCHEMY IN ENGLAND Antiquary vol. 24, 1891. ALCHYMISTS Chambers's Papers for the People. Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature. Mackay's Popular Delusions. ASTROLOGY AND ALCHEMY Quarterly Review, vol. 26, 1821-2. DELUSIONS OF ALCHEMY Sketches of Imposture, Deception and Credulity, 1837. EGYPTIAN ALCHEMY Lane's Manners and Customs of the Egyptians [1833-5]. ESSAY ON ALCHEMY Waite's Occult Sciences. HISTORY OF THE BLACK ART Pall Mall Magazine, vol. i, 1893. NOTES ON ALCHEMY Burnley's Romance of Invention. GENERAL INFORMATION Ency. Brit., vol. i. Eraser's Magazine, vol. 19, 1839. Godwin's Necromancers. Klunzinger's Upper Egypt. Lane's Modern Egyptians. Muir's Chemists, 1883. Pepper's Playbook of Metals. Alcibiades (Athenian General and Statesman, assassinated B.C. 404) Blackwood's Magazine, vols. 39, 40, 41, 1836-7; 62, 1847. Bruce's Classical Portraits. Plutarch's Lives. Skeat's Shakespeare's Plutarch. Alcman (Greatest Lyric Poet of Sparta, yth Century B.C.) Arnold's Poets of Greece. Mill's Poets of Greece. Alcobaca (Contains Cistercian Monastery) Murray's Guide to Portugal. Cosmopolitan, vol. 12, 1892. Alcock (John, Prelate and Diplomatist, Lord Chancellor 1475 and 1485, died 1500) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors. Fuller's Worthies. Alcock (Sir R.) Cooper's Men of Mark. ALCOHOL. (See also Drink, Dipsomania, Intoxicants, Spirits, Wines, etc.) ALCOHOL AS A MEDICINE Dublin University Magazine, vol. 85, 1875. ALCOHOLIC DRINKS All the Year Round, vol. 28, 1872. Bloxam's Chemistry. Chambers's Journal, vol. 58, 1881. Nansen's First Crossing of Greenland. Once a Week, vol. 23. EFFECTS OF MODERATE DRINKING Popular Science Monthly, vol. 33, 1888. ESTIMATION OF ALCOHOL IN SPIRITS Blyth's Foods. MODERATE USE Contemporary, vol. 33-4, 1878-9. NATURE AND EFFECTS Greeley's Hints towards Reform. ALCOHOL-ALEXANDRIA Alcohol (continued.) NATURE AND PROPERTIES OF ALCOHOL Watt's Dictionary of Chemistry, vol. i. ORIGIN AND NATURE OF INTOXICATING DRINK Smith's Temperance Reformation. PHYSIOLOGICAL INFLUENCE Edinburgh Review, vol. 142, 1875. GENERAL INFORMATION Johnston's Chemistry of Common Life. Popular Science Monthly, vols. 23, 26, 29, 30. Works of Drs. Lee, Richardson, etc. Alcott (Louisa M., American Author, died 1888) Parton's Noted Women. Alcuin (English Prelate and Scholar, died 804) Collier's English Literature. Cunning- ham's English Nation, vol. i. Aldeburg Black's Where shall we go ? Excursions through Suffolk. Aldegrever (Heinrich, German Artist, died 1562) Scott's Little Masters. Alderney. ALDERNEY AND ITS DEFENCCS Temple Bar, vol. 4, 1862. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 61, 1887. Argosy, vol. 38, 1884. Channel Islands, etc. Aldersgate, London Cunningham's Handbook. Hare's Walks in London. Thorn- bury's Old and New London. Timbs' London. Aldershot. WITH THE TROOPS AT ALDERSHOT Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. Aldus and the Aldines Oliphant's Makers of Venice. Wheatley's Book-Collecting. Ale. ALE AND BREWING Temple Bar, vol. 4, 1862. CHURCH ALES Archaeological Journal, vol. 40, 1883. IN PRAISE OF ALE Saturday Review, vol. 65, 1888. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 20, 1868. Bickerdyke's Chronicles of Ale and Beer. See also under Beer, Brewing, Hops, Malt, etc. Alembert (Jean le Rond de, French Mathematician, died 1783) Brougham's Works. Edgar's Boyhood of Great Men. Alencon (Capital of the Department of the Orne, France). LACE OF ALEN^ON Encyclo- * paedia Britannica, vol. 14. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Northern France. Beeton s Dictionary of Unive:sal Information. Blackie's Popular Encyclopaedia, vol. I. Ency. Brit., vol. i. Macquoid's Through Normandy. Penny Cyclopaedia, vol. i. Rees' Encyclopaedia, vol. i. Young Travels in France. Aleucon (Francois de Valois, Duke d', died 1584) Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois. Aleppo Baedeker's Guide to Palestine. Rees' Encyclopaedia, vol. i. Stevenson's Asia Minor. Taylor's Lands of the Saracens. " Alert " and " Discovery " (A rctic Exploration Ships) Nazes' Voyage. Whymper's Sea : Its Stirring Story of Adventure. Alexander (George, Actor) Theatre, vol. 20, 1892. Alexander (Martyr) Yonge's Pupils of St. John. Alexander the Great (King o/Macedon, died 323 B.C.). ALEXANDER'S INFLUENCE ON PHYSICAL SCIENCE Huuiboldt's Cosmos. TOMB OF ALEXANDER Macmillan's Mag., vol. 67, 1892-3. Eclectic Rev., vol. 2, 1805. GENERAL INFORMATION Church's Young Macedonian in the Army of Alexander the Great. Formby's Monotheism. Freeman's Essays. Grote's History of Greece. Gurney's God's Heroes and the World's Heroes. Plutarch's Lives. Schlegel's Modern History. Transactions of Royal Historical Society, vol. 8, 1880. Wilber- force's Five Empires. Alexander I. (Emperor of Russia, died 1825) Quarterly Review, vol. 177, 1893. Alexander I. (Prince of Bulgaria, died 1893) Fortnightly Review, vol. 61, 1894. Alexander II. (Emperor of Russia, assassinated 1881) Saturday Review, vol. 56, 1883. Alexander III. (Emperor of Russia, born 1848) Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. Leisure Hour, vol. 39, 1890 [Portrait] . Spectator, vol. 55 & 56, 1882-3, 60, 1887. Alexander III. (King of Scotland, died 1285) Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. i. Tytler's Scottish Worthies. Alexander III. (Pope, Canonised Becket, died 1181) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, vol. i. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 5. Platina's Lives of the Popes. Alexander IV. (Pope, died 1261) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 6. Platina's Lives of the Popes. Ranke's History of the Popes. Alexander V. (Pope, died 1410) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 8. Platina's Lives of the Popes. Ranke's History of the Popes. Alexander VI. (Pope) Coffin's Story of Liberty. National Quarterly, vol. 26, 1873. Ranke's History of the Popes. Symond's Age of Despots. Alexander VII. (Pope, died 1667) Ranke's History of the Popes. Alexander (William, Scholar, died 1884), LL.D. BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. Alexandreffsky Lansdell's Through Siberia. ALEXANDRIA. (See also Egypt, etc.) ABOUT ALEXANDRIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. ACCOUNT OF THE ANCIENT CAPITAL Bucke's Ancient Cities. BATTLE OF ALEXANDRIA [1801] Boy's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1880. [12] ALEXANDRIA-ALHAMBRA Alexandria (continued.) BOMBARDMENT OF ALEXANDRIA [1882] Grant's War in the Soudan. Valentine's Sea Fights. CAPTURE OF ALEXANDRIA [1801] James' Naval History, vol. 3. CUSTOMS AT ALEXANDRIA Eraser's Golden Bough. Quarterly Review, vol. 66, 1840. HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF ALEXANDRIA St. John's Egypt and Nubia. LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA Edwards' Memoirs of Libraries. Eraser's Magazine, vol. 29, 1844. Transactions Library Association, September, 1879. OMAR'S DESTRUCTION OF THE LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA Eraser's Magazine, vol. 29, 1844. Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. Spectator, vol. 61, 1888. WALK IN ALEXANDRIA Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Hundred Days in the East. Bramsen's Egypt, etc. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 5. Eden's Nile without a Dragoman. Farrar's Christianity. Haggard's Under Crescent and Star. Hodder's Cities of the World. Macleod's Eastward. Martineau's Eastern Life. Murray's Guide to Egypt. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. Napier's Wild Sports. Stanley's Eastern Church, 1861. Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. Alexis (Guillaume, Poet) Besant's Early French Poetry. Alfleda (M.) Hall's Queens Before the Conquest. Alfleri (Vittoiio, Italian Poet, died 1803) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Howell's Modern Italian Poets. Lee's Countess of Albany. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe. Sismondi's Literature of Southern Europe. Stebbing's Lives of Italian Poets. Alfonso I. (Duke of Ferrara, died 1534) Ranke's History of the Popes. Alfonso I. (King of Naples, Sicily, and Aragon, died 1458) Symond's Revival of Learning. Alfonso IV. (King of Portugal, died 1357) Poole's Moors in Spain. Alfonso V. (King of Arragon, died 1481) Machiavelli's History of Florence. Alfonso VI. (King of Portugal, died 1683) Doran's Monarchs Retired from Business. Alfonso X. (King of Spain, died 1284) Ticknor's Spanish Literature. Alfonso XI. (King of Spain, died 1350) Ticknor's Spanish Literature. Alfonso XII. (King of Spain, died 1885) Crowned Heads of the Time. Alfonso XIII. (King of Spain, born 1886) English Illustrated, vol. rs, 1896. Alford (Henry, Dean, died 1871) Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 39, 1836. Hare's Biographical Sketches, 1895. Japp's Noble Workers. Lester's Criticisms. Alfred the Great (King of England, Founder of the English Navy, died 901) ASSER'S LIFE OF ALFRED Giles' Six Old English Chronicles, 1848. MOTHER OF ALFRED Ellis's Mothers of Great Men. GENERAL INFORMATION Church's Early Britain. Craik's Pursuit of Knowledge. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. i. Dunham's Literary and Scientific Men. Miller's Anglo-Saxons. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 3. Pearson's Early and Middle Ages. Percy's Tales of the Kings and Queens of England. Williams' History of England. See also England, Saxons, etc, Alfriston Black's Guide to Sussex. Hissey's Holiday on the Road. Algse (Sea-weeds and Sub-aquatic Plants) Cooke's Ponds and Ditches. Macmillan's First Forms. Nature, vol. 39, 1880-81. Somerville's Molecular Science. See also Sea-weeds, etc. Algarve Murray's Guide to Portugal. ALGERIA AND ALGIERS. ARAB GIRLS OF ALGIERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. BATHS OF THE CURSED Chambers's Journal, vol. 68, 1891. BATTLE OF ALGIERS [1816] Valentine's Sea Fights. BISKRA : An Algerine Winter Resort Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. BOMBARDMENT OF ALGIERS Thornbury's Old Stories. CITY OF ALGIERS -Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20. Spectator, vol. 67, 1891. CONCERNING ALGIERS Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. ENGLISH BOGEY IN ALGERIA Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. FRENCH ALGERIAN POSSESSIONS Johnston's Africa. MOORISH HOUSES IN ALGIERS - Sala's Trip to Barbary. Sala's Under the Sun. REVIEWS OF BOOKS ON ALGERIA Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. ROUND ABOUT ALGIERS Idler, vol. 6, 1894-5. St. James' Magazine, vol. 32, 1873. SLAVERY IN ALGIERS Clarke's Cardinal Lavigerie. TAKING OF ALGIERS [1816] Poole's Barbary Corsairs. WINTER IN ALGIERS Cornhill Mag., vol. 57, 1888. Harper's Mag., vol. 76, 1888-9. GENERAL INFORMATION Blaokwood's Magazine, vols. 47, 1840, & 60, 1846. Bennet's Mediterranean. Blakesley's Algeria. Gentleman's Magazine, vols. 270 & 271, 1891. Good Wurds, vol. 32, 1891. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. Parry's Yachting Cruise Raikes' Journal. Alhambra, Granada (Celebrated Moorish Fortress and Palace.) LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF THE ALHAMBRA Century Magazine, vol, 52, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Art Journal, vol. 44, 1891. Gautier's Spain. Hare's Spain. Household Words, vol. 19, 1859. Huhne's Birth and Development of Ornament. Inglis' Spain in 1830. Stoddart's Spanish Cities. [13] ALHAMBRA ALMACKS Alhambra (Music Hall, Leicester Squate) Ritchie's Night Side of London. All (Married Mahomet's daughter, Fatima, assassinated 661). FAMILY OF An Taylor's History of Mahommedanism. See also Mahommedanism, etc. Alicante, Spain Bennet's Mediterranean. Condor's Modern Traveller, vol. 18. Hare's Spain. Inglis' Spain. Murray's Guide to Spain. Sermons on Special Occasions. Alicia de Lacy (Countess of Lancaster, 1310) Holt's Royal Ladies. Aliens. ALIEN IMMIGRATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. Alison (Archibald, died 1839) Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. i. McCosh's Scottish Philosophy. Alison (Sir Archibald, Brit. Historian, died 1867) Baynes' Essays on Histories of Europe. Alkali. ALKALI-MAKING BY ELECTRICITY Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. RIVAL ALKALI MANUFACTURES Knowledge, vol. 16, 1893. Alkaloids. CHEMISTRY OF LESSER-KNOWN ALKALOIDS Report of British Associa- tion, 1878. Chambers's Journal, vol. 65, 1888 [Animal Alkaloids]. All the Year Round (Periodical ; successor to " Household Words " founded by Dickens) Forster's Life of Dickens. Allahabad (Capital of the North-west Provinces of India). BENARES TO ALLAHABAD Heber's Journey from Calcutta to Bombay [1824-5]. GENERAL INFORMATION Caine's Picturesque India. Macleod's Far East. Allan (D., Painter, 1796) Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, vol. 6. Redgrave's Dictionary of Artists. Allan (Robert) Wilson's Poets of Scotland. Alleghany Mountains. LIFE AND TRAVEL IN THE ALLEGHANIES Harper, vols. 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 61, 1872-80. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 55, 1886-7. Once a Week, vol. 6, 1862. GENERAL INFORMATION Dickens' American Notes. Harper's Magazine, vol. 67, 1883 Allegory Disraeli's Amenities of Literature. Foster's Critical Essays. Alleine (J., Nonconformist Divine, died 1668) Burnet's Life of Sir M. Hale, etc. Allen (Cardinal, Incited Philip II. of Spain to invade England, died 1594) Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, vol. 2. Allen (Elizabeth) Ellet's Pioneer Women. Allen (Frances) Ellet's Women of the American Revolution. Allen (Grant, Scientist and Novelist, born 1848). INTERVIEWED BY GRANT RICHARDS Novel Review, vol. I, 1892. Allen (James Lane, American Author) Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. Allen (J., of Chapel in the Frith, died 1810) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 6. Allen (Ralph, Postal Reformer; Friend of Pitt, Fielding, Gainsborough, etc., died 1764). THE MAN OF BATH Longman's Magazine, vol. 28, 1896. Allen (William, American Politician, died 1879) Carroll's Twelve Americans, Allen (William, Philanthropist) Grant's Public Characters. Allestree (Richard, Royalist Divine, died 1681) Creasy's Eminent Etonians, Alleyn (Edward, Actor, Founder of Ditlwich College, died 1626) Blanch's History of Camberwell. Fuller's Worthies. Galer's Norwood and Dulwich. Alliances. QUESTION OF ALLIANCES Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. THE TALK OF NEW ALLIANCES New Review, vol. 12, 1895. Alligators. CEYLON ALLIGATORS All ihe Year Round, vol. n, 1864. CHINESE ALLIGATORS Chambers's Journal, 1890. HUNTING ALLIGATORS Century Mag., vol. 43, 1891-2. Cosmopolitan, vol. 13, 1892. REMINISCENCES OF INDIAN SAURIANS Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-94. GENERAL INFORMATION Boys' Own Annual, vol. i, 1879, 10 & 11,1888-9. Harper, vol. 10, 1855. Knowledge, vol. 6, 1891. Once a Week, vol. 15, 1866. See also works on Africa, India, Travel, etc. Allison (Joseph) Brown's Forum. Alliteration Appleton's Journal, vol. 6, 1871. Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind. Allon (Dr. Henry, Eminent Congregational Minister, Editor of "British Quarterly," died 1892). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. Allotments Kebbel's Agricultural Labourer. National Review, vol. 10, 1860. Nineteenth Century, vol. 19, 1886. Stubb's Land and the Labourers. See also tinder Agriculture, Land, etc. Allston (Washington, American Painter, died 1843) Griswold's Prose Writers of America. Howitt's Journal, vol. 2. Jameson's Studies. Knickerbocker's Mag., vols. 14 & 24. Tuckerman's Book of Artists. Alma. BATTLE OF THE ALMA Dr. Russell's Crimean War. Kinglake's Invasion of the Almacks (Celebrated Assembly Rooms) Besant's Fifty Years Ago. Cunningham's Handbook. London Society, vol. 4, 1863. Wheatley's Round About Piccadilly. [14] ALMA-TADEMA-ALTHORP Alma-Tadema (L., Artist) Art Journal, vol. 27. Quilter's Preferences in Art. Almagro (Diego de, Spanish Navigator, put to death by Pizarro, 1538). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World. Almanacs. CHINESE ALMANAC Milne's Life in China. DEATH OF THE ALMANAC Beecher's Star Papers. HISTORY OF ALMANACS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. SAXON ALMANACS All the Year Round, vol. 59, 1887. Almeida (Francis de, First Viceroy of Portuguese India, killed 1510). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World. Almeria (Spanish Seaport) Murray's Guide to Spain. Almorah. BAREILLY TO ALMORAH Heber's Indian Journey. Alms. BEGGING AND ALMSGIVING Wynter's Curiosities of Toil. LEGS AND ALMS IN FRANCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. . Almshouses. OUR ANCIENT ALMHOUSES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. Sunday at Home, 1896-7. THE YOAKLEY CHARITY Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1892. Alnwick. BARONY OF ALNWICK Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1852. Alnwick Castle, Northumberland (Ancestral Home of the Percy family) All the Year Round, vol. 2, 1869. Beattie's Abbeys and Castles. Clark's Military Archi- tecture. Cornhill, vol. 16, 1891. Gibson's Miscellanies. Howitt's Remarkable Places. Timbs' & Gunn's Abbeys, Castles, &c. A.L.O.E. (A Lady of England [Charlotte M. Tucker]). LITERARY AND RELIGIOUS WORK OK A.L.O.E. Giberne's Life of Charlotte M. Tucker. Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. See also Tucker (Charlotte M.) Alom-Pra\V (Founder of the late Reigning Dynasty cf Burmah, died 1760) Davenport's Lives of Individuals who have raised themselves. ALPHABETS. ALPHABET AND ITS HISTORY Review of Reviews, vol. 5, 1892. ANALYSIS OF THE LATIN ALPHABET Donaldson's Varronianus. EASTERN ALPHABETS Murray's Guide to Egypt. HISTORY OF GREEK AND LATIN ALPHABETS Thompson's Palsoography. ORIGIN OF ALPHABETS Edinburgh Review, vol. 172, 1890. PHOENICIAN ALPHABET Gust's Linguistic Essays. PHYSIOLOGICAL ALPHABET Max Miiller's Science of Language. TELEGRAPHIC ALPHABET Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Lesley's Man's Origin. ALPS. (See also Mountains, Mont Blanc, Matterhorn, etc.) ALPINE BIBLIOGRAPHY Coolidge's Swiss Travel. ALPINE FLOWERING PLANTS- -Taylor's Mountain and Moor. Nature, vol. 23, 1881. ALPINE GUIDES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. Edinburgh Review, vol. 130, 1869. ALPINE LIFE Fraser's Magazine, vol. 20, 1839. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. Once a Week, vol. 13, 1865. ALPINE PASS ON SKI Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. ALPINE ROOT-GRUBBER Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1892. DEFILES OF THE ALPS Eustace's Classical Tour through Italy. HOTELS IN THE ALPS Green's Stray Studies. HOUSEKEEPING IN THE ALPS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. LAKES OF THE EASTERN ALPS Geographical Journal, vol. i, 1893. LIFE IN THE ALPS Tyndall's New Fragments. STORY OF MONT BLANC -Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. TARANTESE ALPS Wickham's Life of Whalley. TUNNELLING THE ALPS All the Year Round, vol. 36, 1885. VENETIAN ALPS Hare's Northern Italy. GENERAL INFORMATION Ball's Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers. Century Mag., vol. 4?, 1891. Dixon's Switzers. Ency. Brit., vol. i. Hardwicke's Rambles. Lubbock's Scenery of Switzerland. Stephens' Playground of Europe. Stowe's Sunny Memories. Alsace. BATTLE-FIELDS OF ALSACE Muddock's Guide to Switzerland. IN ALSACE-LORRAINE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. GENERAL INFORMATION United Service Mag., vol. 127, 1892, & Franco-German War, Alsatia (Slang name for the district of Whitefriars) Cunningham's Hand-book. Hunt's The Town. Wheatley and Cunningham's London Past and Present. London, etc. Alsop (Christine) Hack's Consecrated Women. Altar (The) Art Journal, vol. 9, 1893 [Altar-Cloths, Ancient and Modern], Burder's Oriental Literature. Ency. Brit., vol. i. Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 3 & 4. Heylyn's Reformation. Neal's History of the Puritans, vols. 1-3. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer. Altdorfer (A., German Painter and Engraver, died 1538) Scott's Little Masters. Altensteia (Castle of the Dukes of Saxe-Meiningen). LIFE AND SPORT AT ALTENSTEIN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. Altliorp Murray's Guide to Northamptonshire. Portfolio, vol. 8 [Althorp Gallery] . Review of Reviews, vol. 6, 1892 [Althorp Library]. Althorp (Lord, became Earl Spencer 1834, died 1845). MEMOIR OF LORD ALTHORP. By T. E. Kebbel Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. GENERAL INFORMATION Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne. Torrens' Memoirs of the Second Viscount Melbourne. [15] ALUMINIUM-AMERICA Aluminium. ALUMINIUM : Its History, Manufacture, and Future Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. Leisure Hour, vol. 5, 1896. Pepper's Playbook of Metals. Scoffern's Stray Leaves. DESCRIPTION OF ALUMINIUM Bloxam's Chemistry. Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry, vol. I. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. Cosmopolitan, vol. 12, 1892. Alums. HISTORY OF ALUM Beckmann's History of Inventions. GENERAL INFORMATION Bloxam's Chemistry. Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry, vol. i. Meymott's Modern Chemistry. Thorpe's Dictionary of Chemistry. Alva (F. Alvarez, Duke of, Spanish General, died 1582). See A Iba. Alvanley (Lord, Solicitor-General 1782, died 1804) Campbell's Lord Chancellors. Alvarado (Pedro de, Companion of Cortes in the Conquest of Mexico, died 1541). TRAVELS Chambers's Encyclopaedia, vol. i. Verne's Exploration of the World. A-Madi Land Junker's Travels in Africa. AmadiS Of Gaul (Legendary Hero of Medieval Romance) Edinburgh Review, vol. 3, 1804. Scott's Periodical Criticism, vol. 2, 1881. St. James' Magazine, vol. 15, 1866. Ticknor's Spanish Literature. Amalekites Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 1-3. Ama.lfl (Birthplace of Gioga the reputed Inventor of the Compass) Hare's Cities or Southern Italy, 1883. Little's Sunshine and Storm. Murray's South Italy. Amanapura, Burmah Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. u. Amazon Valley Agassiz's Geological Sketches, 1876. Amazons (Women Warriors). COMBAT WITH GREEKS Dennis' Cities of Etruria. vol. i. WOMEN SOLDIERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 15, 1893. AMBER. ABOUT AMBER Chamber's Journal |vol. 15, 1851. Cornhill Mag., vol. 25, 1895. AMBER, AND WHERE IT COMES FROM Chambers's Journal, vol. u, 1894. AMBER FOR PIPES All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891. DESCRIPTION OF AMBER Ansted's In Search of Minerals. DISTINCTIVE QUALITIES OF AMBER Normandy's Chemical Analysis. ENGLISH AMBER AND AMBER GENERALLY Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. FISHING FOR AMBER Simmond's Commercial Products of the Sea. REMARKS ON AMBER Argosy, vol. 12, 1871. Hartwig's Subterranean World. Japp's Days with Industrials. Ambergris Chambers's Journal, 1890. Prisse's Art of Perfumery. Ambition Bacon's Essays. British Essayists [The Ambitious Man], vol. 44; [Folly of Ambition], vol. 29; [Letters on Ambition], vol. 15 ; [On Petty Ambition], vol. 15; [Universality of Ambition], vol. 9 ; [Uses aTid disadvantages of Ambition], vol. 10. Hamerton's Intellectual Life. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1890. Spectator, vol. 67, 1891. Ambleside Black's, Baddeley's, and Baedeker's Guides to the English Lakes. Green's English Lakes. Jenkinson's Guides to English Lakes. Ambleve. VALLEY OF THE AMBLEVE Macquoid's In the Ardennes. Amboyna. CUSTOMS IN AMBOYNA Wallace's Malay Archipelago. MASSACRE OF AMBOYNA Ewald's Stories from State Papers, 1882. Ambriz, Portuguese West Africa Johnston's Africa with Ethnological Appendix. Ambrose (St., Bishop of Milan, died 307) Brigham's Memoir and Papers, 1881. Charles's Martyrs and Saints, 1887. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers. Milman's Christianity. Sunday Magazine, vol. 18, 1882. Ambulance. RED CROSS AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION Nineteenth Century, vol. i, 1885. ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION Chambers's Journal, vol. 2, 1685. GENERAL INFO-RMATION Fraser's Magazine, vols. 95 & 96, 1877. Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896 [Horse Ambulances]. Amelia Sophia Eleanora of Hanover (Sister of George III., died 1786) Hall's Royal Princesses. Amen. ITS MEANING, ETC. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer. AMERICA. (See also United States, Brazil, Canada, Chili, Mexico, Peril, Indians, New York, Columbus, Rocky Mountains, Alaska, etc., also under Art, Literature, tic.) A CENTURY IN AMERICA Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. AMERICAN AUTHORSHIP Jones' Essay on Authors and Books, 1849. Library of American Literature, n vols. AMERICAN COLONIES TO 1763 Ludlow's War of American Independence. AMERICAN GIRLS Wraxall's Scraps and Sketches, 1865. AMERICAN LIFE AND MANNERS Holland's Every-day Topics, 1882. AMERICANS AND THE ABORIGINES Blackwpod's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 3. CENTRAL AMERICA Buckle's Civilization in England. Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1894-5. Verne's Exploration of the World. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 307], 1883. [16] AMERICA-AMORY America (continued.) CHINESE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Leisure Hour, vol. 41, 1892, & vol. 42, 1893. Magazine of American History, vol. 27, 1892, DISCOVERY BY COLUMBUS, 1493 Del Mar's Money and Civilization. DISCOVERY BY THE SCANDINAVIANS Mallett's Northern Antiquities. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Fortnightly Review, vol. 61, 1894. Quarterly Review, vol. 177, 1893. EARLIEST MAPS OF AMERICA Winsor's Christopher Columbus and the Spirit of Discovery. EARLY HISTORY OF AMERICA Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Lecky's History of England in the Eighteenth Century. ENGLAND AND AMERICA IN THE I7TH CENTURY Lucas' Secularia : Surveys of History. ENGLAND, IRELAND, AND AMERICA Cobden's Political Writings. ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN AMERICA -Cambridge Essays, 1855. EXPLORATION OF MISSISSIPPI, ARKANSAS, RED RIVER, BRAZIL, CHILI Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century. FEE (J. G.) AND THE FREEDMEN OF AMERICA Japp's Master Missionaries. FLAGELLATION IN AMERICA Cooper's History of the Rod. FRANCE AND ENGLAND IN AMERICA Packman's Conspiracy of Pontiac. GREAT PLAINS OF NORTH AMERICA Ainsworth's All Round the World. Is IT THE BEST OF ALL POSSIBLE WORLDS ? George's Social Problems, 1884. MARRIAGE AMONG THE ABORIGINES Starcke's Primitive Family. Music IN AMERICA -Harper's Monthly Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. NORTH AMERICA Buckle's History of Civilization in England. Collier's History of the British Empire. NORTH AMERICAN MISSIONARY LIFE Vanguard of the Christian Army. PECULIARITIES OF AMERICAN CHARACTER Woodbury's Writings, 1852. SHAKESPEARE'S AMERICANISMS Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. SOME RECENT CRITICISMS OF AMERICA Murray's Magazine, vol. 4, 1888. SOME SO-CALLED AMERICANISMS All the Year Round, vols. 75-6, 1895. Knowledge, vol. 8, 1885. Leisure Hour, vol. 36, 1887. SOUTH AMERICA Brassey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam." Buckle's Civilization in England. Collier's History of the British Empire. Irving's Companions of Columbus. Markham's Peruvian Bark. SUPPOSED DISCOVERY OF AMERICA BEFORE 1448 Geographical Journal, vol. 9,1897, THE OLD WORLD Agassiz's Geological Sketches, 1876. THREE GRINGOS IN CENTRAL AMERICA Harper's Magazine, vol. 30, 1895. TOUR IN AMERICA Wood's Life of Rev. J. G. Wood. TOWN AND COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA IN 1800 Spofford's Library of Choice Litera- ture, vol. 10 TRAVELS IN QUITO, MEXICO, LIMA, AND THE ANDES, ETC. Verne's Great Navi- gators of the Eighteenth Century. TRUE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. WAR OF INDEPENDENCE Letters of Earl Malmesbury. Smyth's Modern History. Thayer's George Washington, his Boyhood and Manhood. GENERAL INFORMATION Blaekwood's Magazine, vol. 34, 1833. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 30, 1847. Edinburgh Review, vol. 33, 1820 E. S. A.'s World in which I Live. Good Words, vol. 16, 1875. Verne's Exploration of the World, etc. Amersfoort, near Utrecht, Holland Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee. Ames (Fisher, American Orator, etc., died 1808) Grhwold's Prose Writers of America. 1870. Maroon's Orators of the Revolution, 1848. Amherst (Jeffery, First Lord, died 1797) Lodge's Portraits, vol. 8, 1850. Amiability. AMIABLENESS SUPERIOR TO INTELLECT Hunt's The Seer, 1864. GENERAL INFORMATION Treasury of Religious Thought. Amiel (H. F., French Writer, died 1881). CRITICISM AND ESTIMATE OF AMIEL'S WORK. By Matthew Arnold Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 56, i8S7. Amiens (Noted for its Cathedral; Birthplace of Pete* the Hermit). BIBLE OF AMIENS Ruskin's Our Fathers have told us. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Guide to Paris. Baedeker's Northern France. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 154, 1893. Hare's North-Eastern France. Amisus [Samsun]. CITY ON THE COAST OF PONTUS Bucke s Ancient Cities. Ammannati (B., Florentine Architect, died 1592) Scott's Robbia and other Sculptors. Ammonia. PROPERTIES OF AMMONIA IN SOILS Johnston's Lime in Agriculture. GENERAL INFORMATION Bloxam's Chemistry. Davy's Works, vol. 2, 1839-40. Ure's Dictionary of Manufactures. Watt's Dictionary of Chemistry, vol.i. Ammonites Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 1-4. Gillett's Ancient Cities. Amoor (River in Eastern Asia) Ainsworth's All Round the World. Atkinson's Travels in the Regions of the Amoor. . .Amory (Thomas, "John Buncle," F.nglish Writer, died 1788) Chambers's Book of Days. Gentleman's Magazine, vols. 58-59. Hazlitt's Round Table. Notes and Queries list series). Retrospective Review, vol. 6, 1823. Saturday Review, vol.49, 1877. C [17] AMOS-ANARCHISTS AlQOS (Prophet in Israel of the Time of Jeroboam II., 800 B.C.) Driver's Literature of the Old Testament, 1892. Expositor, vol.3, 1882. Home's Critical Study of the Scriptures, vol. 2, 1869. Kitto's Journal, vol. 33. Smith's Prophets of Israel, 1882. Sunday at Home, vol. 42, 1895. Treasury of Religious Thought. Ampere (A. M., French Electrician, died 1836) Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 115, 1874. Catholic World, vol. 37, 1883. Munro's Pioneers of Electricity. Ampere (J. J. A., French Literaiy Critic, died 1864) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Edinburgh Review, vol. 143, 1876. Hamerton's Modern Frenchman. Amphibia. FROGS, TOADS, AND NEWTS Cook's Pond Life. Napier's Lakas and Rivers. See also Natural History, Zoology. Amphitheatres. AMPHITHEATRE OF POMPEII [destroyed 79] Dyer's Pompeii. Cell's Pompeiana. ANCIENT AMPHITHEATRES Westropp's Handbook of Archaeology, 1878. ANCIENT ROMAN AMPHITHEATRES Eustace's Italy. Hare's Days Near Rome. Middleton's Rome. Seyffert's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. ANTIQUITY OF AMPHITHEATRES Dennis' Cities of Etruria. See also Antiquities, Archeology, Architecture. Amritsar (Noted for its Sikh Temple] Caine's Picturesque India. Amsterdam. ABOUT AMSTERDAM Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. NEW NATIONAL GALLERY AT AMSTERDAM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Bejgium. Bellow's Old World, 1869. Guild's Abroad Again, 1877. Hodder's Cities of the World. Penny Magazine, vol. 37, 1834. Sir William Temple's Works, vol. i, 1757. Warner's Saunterings, 1882. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Theatre, vol. 6, 1882. BRITISH AMUSEMENTS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 100. CHURCH AND POPULAR AMUSEMENTS Homilectic Review, vol.24, 1892. Presbyterian and Reformed Review, vol. 3. COUNTRY AMUSEMENTS Loudon's Lady's Country Companion. INVALID AMUSEMENTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. MEXICAN AMUSEMENTS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 25. NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN AMUSEMENTS Dodge's Great West. POPULAR AMUSEMENTS Contemporary, vol.. 33, 1878. Lecky's History of England. RELAXATIONS AND AMUSEMENTS OF GREAT MEN British Essayists, vol. 3, 1823. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY AMUSEMENTS Wheatley's Pepys' Diary. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's and Girl's Own Annuals. Chambers's Book of Days. Every Boy's Book. Fireside Amusements : a Book of Indoor Games. Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. Holland's Every-Day Topics, 1882. Hone's Works. Jevons' Methods of Social Reform. Anabaptism. EARLY ANABAPTISM Chambers's Book of Days. Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. SKETCH OF MORAVIAN ANABAPTISM Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. THE ARCHTYPE OF THE "PILGRIM'S PROGRESS" Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. Anacletus II. (Anti-Pope, reigned 1130-38) Morison's Saint Bernard. Anacreqn (Greek Poet) Arnold's Poets of. Greece, 1869. Hunt's The Seer, 1864. Mills' Poets of Ancient Greece, 1858. Seyffert's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Symond's Studies of Greek Poets, 1880. Aneesthetics. DISCOVERY OF ANESTHETICS Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. MASTERY OF PAIN Longman's Magazine, vol. 19, 1892. See also Chloroform, Ether, etc. Anagni (Birthplace of Four Popes) Hare's Days near Rome. Anagrams. ANAGRAMS AND ALL THEIR KIN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. HISTORY OF ANAGRAMS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 27, 1873. GENERAL INFORMATION Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 60, 1862. Analogy. PHYSICAL AND MORAL ANALOGY Blackie's Essays, 1890. RELIGIOUS ANALOGY Butler's Analogy. Treasury of Religious Thought. Analysis (Chemical Analysis) Normandy & Noad's Chemical Analysis. Ross' Blow- pipe in Chemistry. Also under Chemistry, etc. Analysis (Intellectual Analysis). VALUE OF ANALYSIS Treasury of Religious Thought- GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind. Anam, China. See Annam. Ananias and Sapphira (Jewish Christians denounced by St. Peter for fraud and lying and visited by sudden death) Harper's Magazine, vol. 76, 1888. Treasury of Religious Thought. ANARCHISTS. AMONG THE ANARCHISTS Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. ANARCHISM AND ANARCHISTS Daily Graphic, vol. 19, 1894. Heckethorn's Secret Societies, 1897. Nineteenth Century, vol. 22. Rae's Contemporary Socialism. ANARCHISTS AND SOCIALISTS Review of Reviews, vol. 6, 1892. LONDON ANARCHY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. OLD AND NEW ANARCHISM Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 3, 1894. REPRESSION OF ANARCHISM Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. [18] ANARCHISTS-ANGELICO Anarchists (continued.) SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF ANARCHISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 21, 1887. THE ANARCHIST'S UTOPIA Temple Bar Magazine, vol. 103, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Century Magazine, vol. 45, 1892-3. Contemporary Review, vol. 45, 1884. New Review, vol. n, 1894. Anastasius (Emperor of the East, died 518) Evagrius' History of the Church. Anastasius IV. (Pope, died 1154) Platina's Popes. Ranke's Popes. Anatolia Burnaby's On Horseback Through Asia Minor. Palgrave's Ulysses [Byzantine Anatolia]. See also Armenia, Asia Minor, etc. Anatomy. ANATOMY BILL Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1889. PLEA FOR DETAILS IN COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Popular Educator. Chambers's Information for the People. Quarterly Review, vols. 90, 1851-2, & 93, 1853. Anaxagoras the Ionian (Greek Philosopher, died 428 B.C.) Fenelon's Ancient Philosophers, 1841. National Quarterly, vol. 27, 1873. Seyffert's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Smith's Classical Dictionary. Anaxandrides (Greek Poet) Mills' Poets of Ancient Greece, 1858. Anaximander of Miletus (Greek Mathematician, died 547) Lewes' Biographical History of Philosophy. Ancaster. ANCASTER, THE ROMAN CAUSENN^E Archaeological Journal, vol. 27, 1870. Ancestors. COLLECTING ANCESTORS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. Ancestral "Worship. ANCESTOR WORSHIP Maine's Early Law and Custom. CHINESE ANCESTRAL WORSHIP AND GEOMANCY Henry's Cross and Dragon. Anchorites (Religions Recluses) Kingsley's Hermits. See also Hermits. Ancona (Noted for its Cathedral) Baedeker's Central Italy. Hare's Central Italy. Ancus MarciUS (Fourth King of Rome, 640-616 B.C.) Dyer's Kings of Rome. Andalusia. A BATIDA IN THE SIERRAS OF ANDALUSIA Napier's Wild Sports. GENERAL INFORMATION Harrison's Travels in Europe. Murray's Spain. Quarterly Review, vol. 63, 1839. Andaman Islands, Bay of Bengal Ainsworth's All Round the World. Andely (Famous for its Castle, built by Richard I.) Macquoid's Normandy. Anderida. ON THE CITY OF ANDERIDA, OR ANDREDESCEASTER Archaeological Journal, vol. 4, 1847. Andersen (H. C., Writer of Fairy Tales, died 1875) Brande's Eminent Authors, 1886. Chambers's Journal, vol. 23-4, 1855. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 45, 1855. Gosse's Literature of Northern Europe, 1879. Seymour's Self-made Men, 1858. Temple Bar, vol. 51, 1877. Anderson (James, Actor, born 1819) Pascoe's Dramatic List. Scott & Howard's Life of Blanchard. Theatre, vol. 25, 1895. Anderson (Mary [Madame Navarro], Actress) Anderson's A Few Memories, 1896 [Autobiography]. Theatre [with Portrait], vol. 6, 1885. Anderson (Dr. William, of Glasgow, died 1873) Gil tillan's Stars in the Church Sky. Andes. ON THE GREAT ANDES Chambers's Journal, vol. 69, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Harper's Magazine, vol. 20, 1890. Holder's Darwin. Leisure Hour, vol. 41, 1892 Markham's Peruvian Bark. Quarterly Review, Yol. 175, 1892. Vincent's South America, 1890. Andocides (Athenian Orator, died 391 B.C.) Chambers's Repository, 1854. Mill's Poets of Ancient Greece, 1858. Andorra, Pyrenees. DESCRIPTION OF ANDORRA Chambers's Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Andover College, Andover, U.S.A. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 23. Andre 1 (Major, British Officer, Executed as a Spy, 1780) Irving's Life of Washington. Andr^e (Herr). BALLOON EXPEDITION Daily Graphic, vol. 31, 1897. Andreini (Isabella, Italian Actress, died 1604) Trollope's Decade of Italian Women, 1859. Andrew (St., Disciple, Brother of St. Peter, Crucified at Patrce). ANDREW OF THE GOSPELS Reed's Companions of the Lord. Treasury of Religious Thought. Andrews (Lancelot, Bishop of Chichester, Ely, and Winchester, 1605-18, died 1626) Fuller's Worthies. McClure's Translators Revived, 1853. Teale's English Divines, 1848. Andrews (Roger) McClure's Translators Revived, 1853. Andronicus I. (Byzantine Emperor, Tortured and Killed 1185) Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Andros (Sir Edmund, English Governor of New York 1674-81, died 1714) Oilman's Tales of Pathfinders, 1884. Moore's American Governors, 1846. Anemones. SEA ANEMONES Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 81, 1856. Duncan's Seashore, 1891. Kingsley's Glaucus. Knowledge, vol. 4, 1883. Once a Week, vol. 29, 1873. AngeliCO (Fra, Florentine Painter, died 1455) Oliphant's Makers of Florence. Vasari's Lives of Painters. [19] ANGELO-ANIMALS AngelO (Michael, Italian Painter, Sculptor, Architect, and Poet, died 1564) Benson's Men of Might. Blackwood's Magazine, vols. 57, 1845, 82, 1857, & 144, 1888. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881. Century Magazine, vol. 43, 1891-2. Dublin Review, vol. 31, 1878. Oliphant's Makers of Florence. Quarterly Review, vols. 103, 1858, & no, 1861. Russell's Extraordinary Men, 1857. Angels. ANGELS IN ART AND POETRY Newbery House Magazine, vol. 7, 1892. ANGELS' WINGS Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. CLOTHING OF ANGELS Hazard's Miscellaneous Essays, 1883. FALLEN ANGELS Maitland's Eruvin : Essays on the Nature of Man, 1850. PICTURING THE ANGELS Quiver, vol. 32, 1896-7. WORSHIP OF ANGELS Chambers's Book of Days. GENERAL INFORMATION Archaeological Journal, vol.43, 1886. Inman's Ancient Faiths and Modern. Koelle's Mohammed. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe. Sale's Koran. Treasury of Religious Thought. Anger. LAWS OF ANGER Dodge's Sermons to the Clergy, 1876. LOVE AND ANGER Bain's The Emotions and the Will. ON ANGER, REVENGE, AND DUELLING British Essayists, vol. 18. THE FOLLY OF ANGER British Essayists, vol. 19. GENERAL INFORMATION Bacon's Essays. Treasury of Religious Thought. Whewell's Elements of Morality. Angers (Birthplace of David the Sculptor) Baedeker's Handbook for Northern Prance. Green's Stray Studies, 1876. Trollope's Summer in Western France. Anglesey. CROMLECHS OF ANGLESEY Antiquary, vol. 2, 1880. Archaeological Journal, vol. 28, 1871. MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF ROCKS OF ANGLESEY Report of Brit. Association, 1888. SKETCHES IN ANGLESEA All the Year Round, vol. 41 (n.s.), 1887. Anglesey (Henry William Paget, Marquis of, twice Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, Field Marshal, died 1854) Ashley's Life and Correspondence of Viscount Palmerston. Blackwood's Magazine, vols. 25, 1829. & 30, 1831. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Martineau's Biographical Sketches, 1869. Anglican Orders. THE RECOGNITION OF ANGLICAN ORDERS Positivist Review vol. 4, 1896. See also Catholicism, etc. Angling. CURIOSITIES OF ANGLING Strand Magazine, vol. u, 1896. FISHING IN NORWAY Murray's Guide to Norway. HINTS ON ANGLING Stonehenge's British Rural Sports. TWEEDSIDE SKETCH Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 35, 1834. Boy's Own Annual,, vols. u & 13. Every Boy's Book. Hone's Works. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890. Quarterly Review, vol. 67, 1840-1. See also Fishing, etc. Anglo-Normans Freeman's Norman Conquest. North British Review, vol. 6. Thierry's Conquest of England. See also under England, Normans, etc. Anglophobia National Review, vol. 28, 1897. Anglo-Saxons. AN ANGLO-SAXON WORLD Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. ANGLO-SAXON CUSTOMS Chambers's Book of Days. ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1890. Disraeli's Amenities of Literature [Saxon Literature]. Quarterly Review, vol. 34, 1826. MEDICINE AND ASTROLOGY Dublin University Magazine, vol. 69, 1867. STUDY OF ANGLO-SAXON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 39, 1878-9. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 91, 1862. Campbell's Chan- cellors. Edinburgh Review, vol. 3, 1803. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 2. Woodhouselee's Universal History. Also under England, Saxons, etc. Angola, Portuguese Africa Johnston's Africa. White's Africa. Wismann's Equatorial Africa, 1891. Angora, Asia Minor (Ancient Galatian Town) Gender's Modern Traveller, vol. 3. Steven's Around the World on a Bicycle. AngOUleme (Birthplace of Margaret de Valois, Balzac, and Montalembert) Trollope's. Summer in Western France. AngOU.16me (Marie Therese Charlotte, Duchesse d', daughter of Louis XVI., died 1851)- Blackwood's Magazine, vol. i, 1817. Challice's Illustrious Women. Anguilla (British West India Island) Coleridge's West Indies. Animalcules. ANIMALCULE IN FROST Hone's Year Book. GENERAL INFORMATION Callow's Drops of Water. Carpenter's Microscope. Hutchinson's Concise Knowledge of Natural History, 1897. Slack's Pond Life. ANIMALS. (See also Natural History, Zoology, and under Names, e.g., Dogs, Horses, etc.) ACTIONS OF WOUNDED ANIMALS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. ADVENTURES WITH WILD ANIMALS Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. AFRICAN ANIMALS Livingstone's South Africa. And Works by Selous, dimming, etc.. AGE OF ANIMALS Timbs' Strange Stories of the Animal World. ANCIENT WILD ANIMALS OF BRITAIN Westminster Review, vol. 71, 1887. ANECDOTES OF ANIMALS Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History. Nineteenth^ Century, vol. 4, 1878. Romanes' Animal Intelligence. ANIMAL ACTORS Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. [20] ANIMALS-ANNE Animals (.continued.) ANIMAL CALLS AND TRAINING Kipling's Beast and Man in India. ANIMAL EXISTENCES OF THE PERIOD OF NON-DIURNAL ROTATION Ritchie's Creation. ANIMAL GRIEF Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1897. ANIMAL HELPERS AND SERVERS Cornhill Magazine, vol. i, 1896. ANIMAL WORSHIP Frazer's Golden Bough. Spencer's Essays, 1883. ANIMALS AND PLANTS Huxley's Science and Culture, 1882. ANIMALS AND THEIR USES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1890-1. ANIMALS AS BEGGARS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. ARCTIC MARINE ANIMALS Hartwig's Polar World. ARE ANIMALS MORAL? Idler, vol. 9, 1896. National Review, vol. 18, 1892. BIG ANIMALS Grant Allen's Falling in Love and other Essays. BITS ABOUT ANIMALS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. BORDER TERRITORY BETWEEN THE ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE KINGDOMS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. CLAIMS OF ANIMALS Cobbe's Studies New and Old, 1865. COLOURS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. COMBATS OF AMIMALS All the Year Round, vol. 24, 1879-80. COMPARATIVE INSENSIBILITY OF ANIMALS TO PAIN Nineteenth Cent., vol. 26, 1889. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS British Essayists, vols. 3 &2g. Foster's Critical Essays, vol. i. DELINQUENT ANIMALS Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. DIVISIONS OF ANIMALS Wesley's Natural Philosophy. DOMESTIC AND WILD ANIMALS Tytler's Footprints: Nature Seen on its Human Side. DOMESTIC ANIMALS Loudon's Lady's Country Companion. EXTINCT ANIMALS AND BIRDS All the Year Round, vol. 21, 1878. FONDNESS FOR ANIMALS British Essayists, vol. 31. GENEALOGY OF ANIMALS Huxley's Critiques and Addresses. GEOGRAPHICAL CHANGES Wallace's Tropical Nature, and other Essays, 1878. HAVE ANIMALS SOULS ? Atlantic Monthly, vol. 34, 1874. INSTINCT IN ANIMALS British Essayists, vol. 7. INTELLECTUALITY OF DOMESTICATED ANIMALS Dublin University Rev., vol. 15, 1840. KINDNESS TO ANIMALS Treasury of Religious Thought. LAND AND ITS FAUNA Reclus' Ocean, Atmosphere, and Life, 1873. LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS All the Year Round, vol. 19, 1867-8. Chambers's Journal, vol. 5, 1846. LEGAL PROSECUTION OF ANIMALS Chambers's Book of Days. MENTAL PHENOMENA OF ANIMALS Huxley's Life of Hume. MENTAL POWERS OF ANIMALS Darwin's Descent of Man. MIGRATIONS OF ANIMALS GentU man's Magazine (n.s.), vol. 21. Pouchet's Universe. Wilson's Studies in Life and Sense, 1887. MIMICRY AMONG ANIMALS Westminster Review, vol. 32,"i867. MIND IN ANIMALS Chambers's Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. MORAL DUTY TO ANIMALS Macmillan's Magazine, vol.45, 1881-2. MOUNTAIN ANIMALS Hutchinson's Story of the Hills. Music AND ANIMALS Hone's Table Book. ORIGIN OF ANIMALS New Review, vol. 2, 1890. ORIGIN OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS Joly's Man before Metals. Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. OUR FUR PRODUCERS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1897. PEDIGREE OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS Schmidt's Doctrine of Descent. PREHISTORIC QUADRUPEDS OF THE ROCKIES Century Magazine, vol. 62, 1896. SACRED ANIMALS Belgravia, vol. 20, 1873. SCIENCE OF COLOURING IN ANIMALS Chambers's Journal, vol. 71, 1894. SENSES OF ANIMALS Chambers's Journal, vol. 69, 1892. SOME INTERESTING ANIMALS Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1882. TOILETTES OF ANIMALS Spectator, vol. 65, 1890. TORTURE OF TRAINED ANIMALS English Illustrated, vol. 15, 1896. TRAINING OF PERFORMING ANIMALS Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. TRAPPING OF ANIMALS Browne's Practical Taxidermy. TUBERCULOSIS OF DOMESTICATED ANIMALS Journal of State Medicine, vol. 4, 1896. USE AND ABUSE OF EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS Positivist Review, vol. i, 1893. WANTON MUTILATION OF ANIMALS Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol.37, 1895. Animism Clodd's Pioneers of Evolution. Tylor's Primitive Culture. Animosity Treasury of Religious Thought. See also Hatred, Malice, Spite, etc. Anjou (Admiral). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers. Anjou (Henri de Valois, Duke d', afterwards Henry HI. of France, assassinated 1589) Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois. . Anjou Dynasty Ency. Brit., vol. 12, p. 368. Felbermann's Hungary. Ankori (An African Highland) Stanley's In Darkest Africa. Annam. FRENCH in ANNAM Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 134, 1883. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. n. GENERAL INFORMATION Hughes' Treasury of Geography. Annapolis, Nova Scotia Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures. Anne (Countess of Southesk, died in lyth century) Jesse's Court of England. [21] ANNE-ANTHONY Anne (Queen Regnant of England, died 1714). BIOGRAPHY OF QUEEN ANNE Jameson's Female Sovereigns. Hewitt's and Strickland's Lives of the Queens of England. DEATH OF QUEEN ANNE Alison's Life of Mariborough. ELECTIONS UNDER QUEEN ANNE Grego's Elections. GENERAL INFORMATION Bray's Life of Evelyn. Campbell's Chancellors. Cham- bers's Book of Days. Coxe's Mariborough. Guizot's England. HassaU's Bolingbroke. Rputledge's Popular Progress. Smyth's Modern History. Stougnton's Religion in England. Anne Boleyn (Second Queen of Henry VIII., Beheaded 1536). BIOGRAPHY OF ANNE BOLEYN Hewitt's and Strickland's Lives of the Queens of England. BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. MARRIAGE OF HENRY VIII. AND ANNE BOLEYN Froude's History of England. GENERAL INFORMATION Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation. Bell's Historic Persons. Brewer's Papers of Henry VIII. (Rolls Series). Campbell's Chancellors. Cavendish's Life of Wolsey. De Ros' Tower of London. Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Persons. Spectator, vols. 57 & 58, 1884-5. Wriothesley's Chronicle (Camden Society). Anne Of Bohemia (Surnamed " The Good," First Queen of Richard II., died 1394) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation. Strickland's Queens of England. Anne Of Cleves (Fourth Queen of Henty VIII., married and divorced 1549, died 1557). BIOGRAPHY OF ANNE OF CLEVES Howitt's and Strickland's Queens of England. BRIEF SKETCH OF HER LIFE Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Lives of the Chancellors. Froude's History of England. Anne of Denmark (Queen-Consort of James I., died 1619). BIOGRAPHY OF ANNE OF DENMARK Howitt's and Strickland's Queens of England, Jesse's Court of England. GENERAL INFORMATION. Chambers's Book of Days. Anne Of Hanover (Eldest daughter of George II. ; afterwards Princess of Orange, died 1759) Hall's Royal Princesses. Anne Of Tserclas (Wife of Bishop Hooper] Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation. Anne Of Warwick (Queen Consort of Richard III., died 1485) Finch's Lives of the- Princesses of Wales, vol. i. Paston Letters. Strickland's Queens of England. Anniversaries. RUSSIAN DAY OF RECOLLECTION Chambers's Journal, 1892. WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, ib88. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers's Book of Days. Hone's Works. Annual Register. FOUNDING OF THE ANNUAL REGISTER Prior's Life of Burke. Annuities. ARTICLE ON ANNUITIES Chambers's Journal, 1892. Ency. Brit. vol. 2. Annus Domini, 1896 Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. Anointing. ANOINTING THE DEAD Burder's Oriental Literature. Anonymity New Review, vol. i, 1889, & 2, 1890. Anonymous Letters Hogg's Instructor, vol. 6, 1852. Anonymous Literature Library Journal (American), vol. 12, 1888. Anonymous Works Clegg's Booksellers' Guide. Guille-Alles Ency. Catalogue. Notes and Queries (General Indexes). Works by Gushing and Halket & Laing. Anselm (Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1109). ACCOUNT OF ST. ANSELM Freeman's- William Rufus. Hook's Archbishops, vol, 2. Sunday Magazine, 1890. Anson (George, Lord, Commodore, circumnavigated the globe 1740-44, died 1762) Campbell's British Admirals. Dr. Macaulay's Middy to Admiral of the Fleet. Macaulay's Strange yet True [Voyage round the World]. Morris's Early Hanoverians. Oliphant's George II. Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century. Whymper's Sea, and its Stirring Story, etc. Anstey (Christopher, Poet, died 1805) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians. Antarctic Regions. ANTARCTIC EXPLORATION Century Mag., vol. 29, 1895-6. Geographical Journal, vol. 3, 1894. Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 72, 1895. Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. NEED FOR AN ARTARCTIC EXPEDITION Nineteenth Century, vcl. 38, 1896. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Geographical Journal, vol. 2, 1893. VOYAGE OF THE "JASON " Geographical Journal, vol. 4, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Hartwig's Polar World. Macaulay's Sea Pictures. Whymper's The Sea and its Stirring Story, etc. Antelopes. ANTELOPES AND THE GAZELLE Gerard's Lion Hunting. ANTELOPES OF CAPE COLONY Bryden's Kloof and Karoo. SOMALILAND AND ITS ANTELOPES Natural Science, vol. i, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Baker's Nile Tributaries. Baker's Wild Beasts. Dodge's- Great West Also under Deer, Animals, Natutal History, etc. Antemnae. ANTEMN.E AND FIDEN^E Hare's Days near Rome. Anthology (Collection of Epigrams, Poems, etc.) Seyffert's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. See also Greek Anthology, etc. Anthony (St., Reputed Founder of Monachismin the East, died 356) Kingsley's Hermits. Milman's History of Christianity from the Birth of Christ. [22] ANTHRACITE-ANTIQUITIES Anthracite. LONDON FOG : A Plea for Anthracite National Review, vol. 20, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Ure's Arts and Manufactures. Anthropology. ADAM'S LIFE IN THE PRIMEVAL WORLD Figuier's Primitive Man. CRADLE OF THE HUMAN RACE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 41, 1878. HUMAN FOSSILS All the Year Round, vol. 4, 1860-1. PEDIGREE OF MAN Contemporary Review, vol. 37, 1880. PRIMEVAL MAN Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 88, 1860. SETTLEMENT OF WALES Fortnightly Review, vol. 52, 1892. See also Ethnology, Ethnography, Man, etc, Anthropometry. IDENTIFICATION BY FINGER TIPS Humanitarian, vol. 3. Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. Report of British Association, 1877. Anthropophagi. BRITISH ANTHROPOPHAGI Chambers's Book of Days. Anti-Christ. PATRISTICAL IDEA OF ANTI-CHRIST Newman's Discussions. PROTESTANT IDEA OF ANTI-CHRIST Newman's Essays. GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Cyclopaedia. Davidson's Study of the New Testament. Koelle's Mohammed. Ree's Cyclopaedia. Anti-Corn-Law League (Founded by Messrs. Bright and Cobden, 1839) Fraser's Magazine, vols. 27, 1843; 29, 1844; 34, 1846. Molesworth's History of England. Antipronus (King of Judea, Executed by Antony 37 B.C.) Josephus' Works. Antigua (Island discovered by Columbus, 1493) Coleridge's West Indies. Anti-Jacobin (A notorious Periodical published from 1798 to 1821) Athenaeum, 1890. Antilles or West Indies. A WINTER CRUISE IN THE ANTILLES United Service Magazine, vol. 2, 1887. See also West Indies. Antinghana Ponda Davies' Norfolk Broads. Antinomianism (Opposition to Religions Law) Treasury ot Religious Thought. Antioch (Ancient Capital of Syria) Bucke's Ancient Cities. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 2. Antiochus the Great (King of Syria, died 187 B.C.) WAR WITH ANTIOCHUS OK ASIA Mommsen's Rome, vol. 2. Antipas (Sow of Herod the Great, Tetrarch of Galilee, Deposed 39) Farrar's Life of Christ. Treasury of Religious Thought. Antipater (Four persons of this name are mentioned by Josephus, viz.: Antipater the Idumaan; Antipater, son of Herod the Great; Antipater, son of Salome the sister of Herod ; and Antipater, a Samaritan) Josephus' Works. Antipathy. A SPECIES OF ANGER Bain's The Emotions and the Will. ESSAYS ON ANTIPATHIES British Essayists, vol. 15, 1823. Disraeli's Literary Character of Men of Genius. Hone's Table Book. ANTIQUITIES. (See also Abbeys, Archeology, Mythology, Numismatics, and under names of places, e.g., Athens, London, Pompeii, Rome, etc.) ANTIQUARIAN MEMORIES Antiquary, vol. 17, 1888. ANTIQUITIES AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION Contemporary Review, vol. 33, 1878. ANTIQUITIES IN THE MUSEUM AT PALERMO Archaeological Journal, vol. 38, 1881. ANTIQUITIES OF SHAP IN THE COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND Archaeological Journal, vol. 18, 1861. ANTIQUITIES OF SOUTH JUTLAND OR SLESWICK Archaeojogical Journal, vol. 23, 1866. ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES Gentleman's Magazine Library [Antiquities], BARROWS, EARTHWORKS IN DANBY, YORKSHIRE Atkinson's Moorland Parish. BURIED CITIES OF ANCIENT EGYPT Bucke's Ancient Cities. Edwards' Pharoahs, Fellahs and Explorers. CATALOGUE OF ANTIQUITIES EXHIBITED IN THE MUSEUM AT CHICHESTER Transactions of Archaeological Institute, 1853. CATALOGUE OF ANTIQUITIES IN BRISTOL MUSEUM Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1851. CAVE HUNTING Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES Quarterly Review, vol. 167, 1888. CORNISH ANTIQUITIES Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop. DANISH AND IRISH ANTIQUITIES Dublin University Magazine, vol. 35, 1850. EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES Laing's Human Origins. Murray's Guide to Egypt, FORGERY OF ANTIQUITIES Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. GENERAL ANTIQUITIES Archaeological Journal, vol. 24, 1867. GREEK MONUMENTS OF ANTIQUITY Alleyne's History of Greece. IRISH ANTIQUITIES Fraser's Magazine, vol. 49, 1854. JEWISH ANTIQUITIES Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews. MAN'S ANTIQUITY Joly's Man before Metals. MANX ANTIQUITIES Howat's Summer Days and Winter Evenings. MONUMENTS OF ANTIQUITY Duncker's Greece, vol. i. NORWAY, SWEDEN, LAPLAND AND FINLAND Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, NOTES ON OUR POPULAR ANTIQUITIES Antiquary, vols. 12-13, 1885-6. PROVINCIAL ANTIQUITIES OF SCOTLAND Scott's Prose Works. ROMAN CITY AT SILCHESTER Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Antiquary. Archaeological Journal. Chambers's Book of Days. Dennis 1 Cities of Etruria. Gentleman's Magazine Library. Hone's Works. Notes and Queries. Smith's Classical Dictionary of Biography Mythology, and Geography. [23] ANTI-RESTORATION APOTHECARIES Anti-Restoration. THOROUGH ANTI-RESTORATION Macmillan's Mag., vol. 36, 1877 [deals with the restoration of old churches] . Anti-Slavery Work Carpenter's Life of Mary Carpenter. Slavery, etc. Antlers and Horns Knowledge, vol. 15, 1892. See also Horns. Antoinette (Marie, Queen of France, beheaded 1793) Campan's Louis XVI. C'asselPs Cities of the World, vol. i. Antony (Mark, Roman Triumvir, Committed Suicide 30 B.C.) Arnold's Essays in Criticism. Church's Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. Ewald's Israel, vol. 5. Farrar's Seekers after God. Josephus' Works. Plutarch's Lives. Skeat's Shakespeare's Plutarch. ANTS. (See also Entomology, Insects, Natural History, etc.) AFRICAN ANTS Livingstone's Missionary Travels in South Africa. ANECDOTES OF ANTS Chambers's Miscellany, vol. 10. ANTS' NESTS Belgravia, vol 36, 1878. EQUATORIAL AFRICAN ANTS Du Chaillu's Explorations in Equatorial Africa. HABITS OF ANTS Lubbock's Scientific Lectures, 1890. HISTORY AND ECONOMY OF ANTS British Essayists, vol. 18, 1823. INTELLIGENCE OF ANTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 9, 1881. SAGACITY OF ANTS Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua. Goldmines of Chontales. SOME RECENT RESEARCHES Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. WHITE ANTS Drummond's Tropical Africa. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Science for AH. Contemporary Review, vol. 37, 1880. Cooke's Woodlands. Knowledge, vol. 7, 1885. Lardner's Museum, vol. 9. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals. Rennie's Insect Architecture. Wood's Insects Abroad. Antwerp. PLANTIN MUSEUM AT ANTWERP Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. RUBENS FETE AT ANTWERP Tinsley's Magazine, vol. 21, 1877. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Belgium and Holland. Hodder's Cities of the World. Stowe's Sunny Memories. Anuradhapnra (Sacred City of Ceylon) Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. Anvllle (J. B. d', French Geographer, died 1782). TRAVELS Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century. Anzairies (a Religions Sect of Syria) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 2. Anzasca, Italy (Alpine Valley). THE STORM-LIGHTS OF ANZASCA Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 2. Aosta (Val D'Aosta) Hare's Northern Italy. Apathy Treasury of Religious Thought. Apennines Eustace's Classical Tour through Italy. Apes. APES AND THE DESCENT OF MAN Proctor's Pleasant Ways in Science. COMPARISON OF GREAT APES OF AFRICA Du Chaillu's Equatorial Africa. FORM AND STRUCTURE OF APES Clodd's Pioneers of Evolution. Hartmann's Apes. MAN LIKE APES Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 7. Knowledge, voL 17, 1894. See also Ency. Brit., vol. 2, Monkeys, Animals, etc. Aphorisms Hone's Table Book. Lytton's Wit and Wisdom. Macnish's Book ot Aphorisms. Mills' Dissertations and Discussions. See also Proverbs. Aphrodite. GREEK GODDESS OF LOVE Seyffert's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Apis. SACRED EGYPTIAN BULL Frazer's Golden Bough. Apocalypse (Written by St. John, 95) Farrar's Early Days of Christianity. Apollinarianism (Creed of Apollinaris) Treasury of Religious Thought. Apollinaris (Claudius, Bishop of Hierapolis, Wrote the "Apology for the Faith" 170) Cassell's Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays. Shepherd's Church of Rome. Apollo (Mythological God of the Sun, Music, Poetry, Healing, or Health). TEMPLES AND WORSIHP OF APOLLO Dennis' Cities of Etruria. London Society, vol. 9, 1866. Milman's Christianity. Seyffert's Classical Antiquities. Smith's Classical Dictionary. ApOllOS (Friend of St. Paul) Davidson's Study of the New Testament. Apoplexy. APOPLEXY IN RELATION TO GENIUS Nisbet's Insanity of Genius. Apostasy Baptist Quarterly, vol. 6. Treasury of Religious Thought. Apostles. APOSTOLIC OFFICE Jackson's Institutions of Christianity. APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION Gladstone's Church Principles. CHRIST'S APOSTLES Burnet's Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles. CHURCH ESTABLISHED Wilberforce's Five Empires. PORTRAITS OF APOSTLES Chambers's Book of Days. GENERAL INFORMATION Ewald's Israel, vols. 7-8. Farrar's Life of Christ. Hassall's Scripture Biography. Milman's Christianity. Treasury of Religious Thought. Apostles' Creed Nineteenth Century Magazine, vols. 8, 1880, & 34, 1893. Theological Review, vol. 7. Westminster Review, vol. 32, 1867. Apothecaries. ESSAYS ON APOTHECARIES Morley's Gossip, 1859. HISTORY OF APOTHECARIES Beckmann's History of Inventions. [24] APPARITIONS-ARABS Apparitions. ARTICLE ON APPARITIONS Encyclopaedia britannica, vol. 2. HALLUCINATION IN ST. PAUL'S Timbs' Romance of London. SEA GHOSTS AND APPARITIONS Cassell's Magazine, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Crowe's Night Side oi Nature. Hone's Works. Ingram's Haunted Homes. Lang's Cock Lane and Common Sense. Nineteenth Century, vol. 15. 1884. Sully's Illusions. See also Ghosts, etc. Appearance. PERSONAL APPEARANCE Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Haweis' Art of Beauty. Appetites. APPETITES AND PURSUITS Hone's Year Book. CONTROL OF APPETITE Bain's Emotions and the Will. NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL WANTS Whewell's Elements of Morality. GENERAL INFORMATION Bain's Senses. Bentley's Miscellany, vol. 25, 1849. Applause. THE LOVE OF APPLAUSE British Essayists, vol. 8, 1823. Apples. How THE APPLE STANDS TO-DAY Chambers's Journal, 1891. KINDS OF APPLES Temple's Works, vol. 3, 1757. THROUGH APPLE-LAND [Tasmania] Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. WHAT TO DO WITH APPLES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5 (p. 22), 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers's Book of Days. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Saturday Review, vol. 59. 1885. Application Treasury of Religious Thought. Apprehension Treasury of Religious Thought. Apprentices. AMERICAN APPRENTICE SYSTEM Century Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. APPRENTICES AND TRADES' UNIONS IN EAST LONDON All the Year hound, vol. 62, 1888. APPRENTICES' WIGS Hone's Table Book. NAVAL AppRENTicES^Brassey's British Seamen. Approbation Bain's The Emotions and the Will. Contemporary Review, vols. 30, 1877, & 38, 1880. Friswell's Better Self. Smith's Moral Sentiments. April. APRIL DAY CUSTOMS All the Year Round, vol. 28, 1872. Hone's Every-Day Book. GENERAL INFORMATION Brand's Antiquities. Chambers's Book of Days. Hewitt's Seasons. Aprons. APRONS OF TO-DAY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. Apsley (Lucy, wife of Colonel Hutchinson, the Regicide) Anderson's Memorable Women. Apulia (a District of Southern Italy) Hare's Southern Italy. Aquafortis (Imp it re Nitric Acid) Beckmann's History of Inventions. Aquarium. HINTS FOR AN AQUARIUM Wood's Common Objects of the Sea-shore. GENERAL INFORMATION Boys' Own Annual [Illustration of Boy's Aquarium], vol. 3, 1881. Cassell's Pastimes. Every Boy's Book. Fishes, etc. Aquatics at Oxford. Pycroft's Oxford Memories. See also Boating, Rowing, Swimming, etc. Aqueducts. CONSTRUCTION OF AQUEDUCTS Nesbit's Land Surveying. ROMAN AQUEDUCTS AND THEIR CONSTRUCTION Middleton'a Ancient Rome. Seyffert's Classical Antiquities. Aquileja (Once known as the second Rome, burned by Attila) Hare's Northern Italy. Aquinas (St. Thomas, The "Angelic Doctor," died 1274) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 9. Thomas' Biography and Mythology, vol. i. Aquino (Birthplace of Juvenal and St. Thomas Aquinas) Hare's Days near Rome. Arab! Pasha (Egyptian Leader, 1882) Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1893. ARABIA. (See also Persian Gulf, Red Sea, etc.) BURTON'S PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA Eraser's Magazine, vols. 52, 1855, & 53, 1856. Montefiore's Leaders to Unknown Lands. DORMANT VOLCANOES OF ARABIA Hull's Volcanoes Past and Present, 1892. 1 NFLUENCE OF ARABIA Humboldt's Cosmos. Manners and Customs ot the Arabians. ISLAM AND THE EASTERN QUESTION Harper's Magazine, vol. 30, 1895. MANNERS AND RELIGION IN ARABIA Woodhouselee's Universal History. MUSCAT Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. PALGRAVE'S TRAVELS IN ARABIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. GENERAL INFORMATION Blunt's Pilgrimage to Nejd. Hughes' Treasury ot Geography. Ireland's Wall-street to Cashmere. Quarterly Review, vol. 50, 1833-34. ARABS. (See also Bedouins, Mahometans, etc.) AN ARABIAN DAY AND NIGHT Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. ARAB LIFE Leisure Hnur, vol. 41, 1892. ARAB MEN AND ARAB HORSES Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. ARABS IN PALESTINE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. CANAANITES AND ARABS Duncker's History of Antiquity. CHARACTER AND CUSTOMS OF ARABS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20. EGYPTIAN ARABS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 5 FUNERAL CEREMONIES Chambers's Journal, 1833. HAMRAN ARABS Baker's Nile Tributaries. [25] AB ABS ARCHEOLOGY Arabs (continued.) HUMOUR or THE ARABS Temple Bar, vol. 62, 1881. NOMADIC ARABS Bonnet's Mediterranean. RAIN-MAKING BY ARABS Frazer's Golden Bough. REVIVAL OF COMMERCE Del Mar's Money and Civilization. WHAT AN ARAB is Hamilton's North Africa. WITH THE BEDOUIN ARABS All the Year Round, vol. 68, i8qi. GENERAL INFORMATION Baker's Nile Tributaries. Buckle's Civilization in England. Gordon's Journals at Khartoum. Mackay of Uganda, 1892. Sale's Koran. Werner's Stanley's Rear Guard. AragO (Francois, Celebrated French Scientist, died 1853) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Thomas' Biography and Mythology. Aragon (Catherine of). See Catherine of A ragon. Aragon (Kingdom founded in 1034, united to Castile in 1474) Fraser's Magazine, vol. 84, 1871. Hare's Wanderings in Spain. Murray's Guide to Spain. Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella. Aram (Eugene, Scholar and subject of Lord Lytton's novel of that name ; Hanged for murder in 1759) Brown's Biography and Mythology. Maunder's Treasury. Aranjuez (Town and Palace in Castile) Hare's Wanderings in Spain. Arans. SOUTH ARANS Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. Ararat (Mount), Armenia (The place where the Ark is supposed to have rested after the Deluge.) DELUGE OF ARARAT M'Farlane's Mountains of the Bible. GENERAL INFORMATION Biackwood's Magazine, vols. 28, 1830, & 65, 18.19. Bryce's Travels. Kinn's Moses and Geology. Kitto's Scripture Lands. Mountains and Mountain Climbing. Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle. AratUS (Greek Poet) Arnold's and Mill's Poets of Greece. AratUS (Greek General, poisoned by Philip V. of Macedonia, 213 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives. Arbela (Battle of, 331 B.C., when Alexander the Great obtained his final victory over Darius) Creasy's Filteen Decisive Battles of the World. ARBITRATION. ARBITRATION AND AMERICAN RELATIONS WITH ENGLAND Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. ARBITRATION AND THE COLONIES New Review, vol. 16, 1897. ARBITRATION IN THEORY AND PRACTICE Biackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. ARBITRATION WITH AMERICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. LAWLESSNESS OF ARBITRATION IN THE VENEZUELAN QUESTION New Review, vol. 15, 1895. POSSIBILITIES OF PERMANENT ARBITRATION Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. THE ANGLO-AMERICAN ARBITRATION MOVEMENT Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. THE ARBITRATION TREATY Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. WORKING OF ARBITRATION Foitnightly Review, vol. 6, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION International Journal of Ethics, vol. 7, 1896-7. Positivist Review, vol. 3, 1895. Arbuthnot (John, M.D., Physician, Wit and Man of Letters, died 1735) Hone's Year Book. Quarterly Review, vol. 176, 1893. Arc (Joan of)- See Joan of Arc. Arcades. BAZAARS AND ARCADES OF LONDON English Illustrated Mag., vol. 14, 1896. Arcadia (Ancient Province of Greece) Carnarvon's Reminiscences of Athens and the Morea. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 30, 1847. Arch (Joseph, Founder of the Agricultural Labourers' Union, born 1826) Davidson's English Liberals, 1880. Hinton's English Radical Leaders, 1877. ARCHEOLOGY. (See also Antiquities, Architecture, Abbeys, Castlrs, Monuments, and under names .of places, e.g., Athens, Essex, London, Pompeii, Rome, etc.) ALGERIA Murray's Guide to Algeria. ALLIANCE BETWEEN ART AND ARCHEOLOGY Hamerton's Man in Art, 1892. ANCIENT MONUMENTS Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain. ANCIENT REMAINS IN BENDKRLOCH Chambers's Journal, 1891. ARCHEOLOGY FOR GIRLS Girls' Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. ARCHEOLOGY IN THE THEATRE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. ARCHEOLOGY OF NORTH AMERICA Edinburgh Review, vol. 125, 1867. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ARCHEOLOGY Keary's Dawn of History. CITY OF THE WHITE WALLS Good Words, i8q4. DELIBERATE DECEPTION IN ANCIENT BUILDINGS Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. DISCOVERIES AT CYPRUS Contemporary Review, vol. 3, 1877-8. EARLY CHRISTIAN HOUSE AT ROME Chambers's JourncJ, 1890. & Nelson's ECCLESIASTICAL RUINS OF MODERN PANAMA Nelson's Panama. HOMER AND RECENT ARCHEOLOGY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, IRISH ARCHEOLOGY Dublin University Magazine, vol. 88, 1876. JAPANESE ARCHEOLOGY Chamberlain's Things Japanese. LITER NORT JATURE, HISTORY, AND ARCHEOLOGY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. H AMERICAN ARCHEOLOGY Lubbock's Pre-Historic Times. [26] ARCHAEOLOGY- ARCHITECTURE Archeeology (continued.) PRIMEVAL ARCHAEOLOGY OF BRITAIN North British Review, vol. 17, 1852. RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES Antiquary, vol. ig, 1889. RECENT ARCHAEOLOGY Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. ROMAN CITY IN THE CHEVIOTS Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. RUINS OF THE OLD WORLD Dutt's Historical Studies. SHORT ESSAYS IN ARCHEOLOGY Stanhope's Miscellanies. STUDY OF PRE-HISTORIC ARCHEOLOGY Lubbock's Scientific Lectures. TEACHING OF ARCHAEOLOGY Fortnightly Review, vol. 16, 1874. GENERAL INFORMATION Antiquary. Archaeologia. Archasological Journal. Art Journal. Bruce's Roman Wall. Essex Archaeological Society's Transactions. Archangel (Russian Seaport) Abercromby's Seas and Skies. Murray's Russia. Archangel (Father, of Scotland [George Leslie] died 1637) Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1893. Archbishops. LAMBETH AND THE ARCHBISHOPS Green's Stray Studies. Macmillan's. Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. See also under names, e.g., Benson, Tait, etc. Archelaus (Son of Herod, Ethnarch of Judea, banished A.D. 7) Josephus' Works. ARCHERY. AMUSEMENT OF ARCHERY British Essayists, vol. 42, 1823. ARCHERS AND ARCHERY Antiquary, vol. 33, 1897. ARCHERY AS A PASTIME Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8* 1886. ARCHERY IN SCOTLAND Belgrayia Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. ART OF ARCHERY Walsh's British Rural Sports and Pastimes, 1867. FIVE POINTS OF ARCHERY -Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes. OUR MODERN ARCHERS Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 237, 1874. WITCHERY OF ARCHERY Longman's Magazine, vol. 4, 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Cbambers's Book of Days. Edinburgh Review, vol. 182, 1895. Every Boy's Book of Sport. Loudon's Lady's Country Companion. Strutt's Sports. Young Lady's Book. Arches. TRIUMPHAL ARCHES Westropp's Archaeology. Archie (Court Fool to James I.) See Armstrong (Archibald). Archil (A dye obtained from lichens) Bechmann's History of Inventions. Ure's Arts and Manufactures. ARCHITECTURE. (See also Building, Archaeology, Art, Renaissance, Sculpture, Monuments, and under names of celebrated structures, e.g., St. Paul's, St. Peter's, etc.) A MASTER-BUILDER OF CASTLES IN THE AIR Argosy, vol. 59, 1895. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF LINCOLN CATHEDRAL Archasological Journal, vol 40, 1883. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF THE CATHEDRAL AND MONASTRY OF WORCESTER Archasological Journal, vol. 20, 1863. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF THE CLUNIAC PRIORY OF ST. PANCRAS AT LEWES Archaeological Journal, vol. 41, 1884. ARCHITECTURAL REMAINS IN BRECKNOCKSHIRE Archaeological Journal, vol. 7, 1850. ARCHITECTURAL REMAINS IN NORFOLK, SUPPOSED TO BE SAXON Archaeological Journal, vol. 6, 1849. ARCHITECTURE A PROFESSION OR AN ART Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. Quarterly Review, vol. 176, 1893. ARCHITECTURE AND MODERN LIFE Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1897. ARCHITECTURE IN ENGLAND Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain. ARCHITECTURE IN THE IITH CENTURY Archaeological Journal, vol. 30, 1873. ARCHITECTURE IN THE TIME OF ANNE, 1702 Morris's Age of Anne. ART IN ARCHITECTURE Dublin University Magazine, vol. 33, 1849. CHINESE ARCHITECTURE Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 13. CHRISTIAN ARCHITECTURE Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 9. CHURCH ARCHITECTURE IN SUSSEX Transactions of Archaeological Institute, 1853. CURIOSITIES OF ART Chambers's Miscellany, vol. 12. DEBASED GOTHIC BUILDINGS OF OXFORD Proceedings of Archasological Inst., 1850 DISCOURSE ON ARCHITECTURE Phillimore's Sir Christopher Wren. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE IN PARIS Nineteenth Century Mag , vol. 37, 1895. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF ENGLAND Quarterly Review, vol. 132, 1872. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF ITALY Dyer's Pompeii : its History, Buildings, &c Cell's Pompeii, etc. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF THE I3TH AND I4TH CENTURIES Archasologica Journal, vol. 5. EARLY ARCHITECTURE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE Quarterly Review, vol. 6, 1811, ENGLISH CASTLES Quarterly Review, vol. 179, 1894. ETRUSCAN ARCHITECTURE Dennis's Cities of Etruiia. GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE IN FRANCE AND GERMANY Turner's History of Art. GRECIAN ARCHITECTURE Foster's Critical Essays. HISTORY OF BUILDINGS Girls' Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. HISTORY, THEORY AND PRACTICE Wyatt's Fine Art, 1870. INDIAN ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE Edinburgh Review, vol. 156, 1882. IRISH ARCHITECTURE Dublin University Magazine, vol. 29, 1847. ITALIAN ARCHITECTURE Art Journal, vol. 25-28, 1873-6. Symond's Renaissance. JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE Chamberlain's Things Japanese. [27] ARCHITECTURE-ARCULPHB Architecture (continued.) LONDON ARCHITECTURE TO 1824 Westminster Review, vol. 36, 1841. MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE AND ART Study Book of Architecture. MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE IN THE EAST Archaeological Journal, vol. 23, 1866. MEDIEVAL MILITARY ARCHITECTURE IN ENGLAND Archaeological Jour., v. 24, 1867. MIDDLE Aists, vol. 22, 1823. Hamerton's Intellectual Life. And under Companions, Society, etc. Associations. REMARKS ON ASSOCIATIONS Channing's Works, vol. I. Hall's Miscellaneous Works. Ste also Societies. Assouan or Assuan, Egypt (Juvenal's Place of Banishment). ENGLISH LIFE AT ASSOUAN Leisure Hour, vol. 38, 1889. GROTTOES OF ASSOUAN Saturday Review, vol. 6q, 1890. ROMAN INSCRIPTIONS AT ASSUAN Proceedings of Soc. of Biblical Archaeology, vol. 18. GENERAL INFORMATION Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. Assurance [Life, Fire, etc.] See under Insurance. Assurance. ON MODESTY AND ASSURANCE British Essayists, vol. n, 1823. Assyria (Ancient Asiatic State). ARCHAEOLOGY AND DESCRIPTION Bonomi's Nineveh. Layard's Ninevh. Kitto's Scripture Lands, 1850. ASSYRIOLOGICAL NOTES Proceedings of tlie Society of Biblical Archseology, vol. 16. BEGINNINGS OF THE ASSYRIAN KINGDOM Duncker's History of Antiquity. BIBLE AND THE ASSYRIAN MONUMENTS Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1895-^. FIRST COLLISION OF ASSYRIA AND EGYPT Duncker's History of Antiquity. HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS Ewald's Israel, vol. 4. Pinnock's Bible and History. Sayce's Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments. Wilberforce's Five Empires, GENERAL INFORMATION E. S. A.'s World in which I live. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 9, 1874. Jameson's Female Sovereigns. Rawlinson's Ancient Monarchies, vols. i & 2, 1879. Bishop Thirlwall's Essays, Speeches, and Sermons. Astara, Persia Windt's Ride to India across Persia, 1891. Astarte (Canaanite Goddess of Love, etc.) WORSHIP OF ASTARTE Ewald's Israel, vols. 3 & 4, 1886. Smith's Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, etc., 1872. Asteroids (Group of small Planets revolving round the Sun). DISCOVERY OF THE ASTEROIDS Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. Aston (Walter, First Lord, British Ambassador at Madrid, died 1639) Lodge's Por- traits of Illustrious Personages, vol. 4, 1850. Astrakhan, S.E. Russia Geddie's Russian Empire, 1882. Murray's Russia, 1888. Astrogfony Proctor's Pleasant Ways in Science [Ancient Babylonian Astrogony]. Astrology. ANCIENT MAGIC AND ASTROLOGY Dublin University Rev., vol. 73, 1869. ASTROLOGY OF SHAKESPEARE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. EGYPTIAN ASTROLOGY Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1833-5. MODERN ASTROLOGY Atlantic Monthly, vol. 27, 1871. SORTILEGE AND ASTROLOGY De Quincey's Works, vol. 8. GENERAL INFORMATION Belgravia, vol. 31, 1876-7. Brayley's Londinian*, vol. 4. Century Magazine, vol. 13, 1887-8. Chambers's Book of Days. Godwin's Necromancers. Grant's Mysteries of all Nations, 1880. Klunzinger's Upper Egypt. Lane's Modern Egyptians. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe. Lilly's Autobiography. Proctor's Myths and Marvels, 1880. Proctor's Pleasant Ways in Science, 1878. Quarterly Review, vol. 26, 1821-2. Seyffert's Classical Antiquities. Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity, 1837. Waite's Occult Sciences. ASTRONOMY. (See also Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets, Mars, Jupiter, etc.) AIRY ON ASTRONOMY British Association Report, 1831-2. ALGOL'S DARK COMPANION Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. ASTRONOMICAL INFLUENCE IN GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION Westminster Review, vol. 139, 1893. ASTRONOMICAL PROGRESS OF THE CENTURY Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1897. ASTRONOMY OF SHAKESPEARE Knowledge, vol. 16, 1893. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF GREAT ASTRONOMERS Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. CHEMISTRY OF THE STARS Edinburgh Review, vol. 152, 1880. CHRISTIAN REVELATION AND ASTRONOMY Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. DEVELOPMENT OF ASTRONOMY Humboldt's Cosmos, 1847. EMINENT ASTRONOMERS Chambers's Miscellany, vol. 20. FAR DISTANCES OF OUR UNIVERSE Chambers' Journal, vol. 13, 1896. FROM COPERNICUS TO HERSCHEL Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. GEODETIC ASTRONOMY Cribble's Preliminary Survey, 1891. HARVARD'S ASTP.ONOMICAL WORK Centurv Magazine, vol. 54, 1897. HEAVENLY BODIES Chambers's Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, 1845. HINDOO SYSTEMS OF ASTRONOMY Edinburgh Review, vol. 10, 1807. INSTRUMENTS USED IN ASTRONOMY Heather's Mathematical Instruments, 1888. MODERN STELLAR ASTRONOMY Dublin Review, vol. in, 1892. MOUNTAIN OBSERVATORIES Chambers's Journal, v. 9, 1892. NEBULAR ASTRONOMY Westminster Review, vol. 14, 1858. NEW ASTRONOMY Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. PARIS OBSERVATORY London Society, vol. 40, i8S*. PLANETARY LAWS Wesley's Natural Philosophy, 1836. SIDEREAL PHOTOGRAPHY Edinburgh Review, vol. 167, 1888. SOLAR SYSTEM All Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. Leisure Hour, vol. 41, 1892. STAR GAZING Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. STARRY HEAVENS Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. STELLAR EVOLUTION Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 270, 1891. [33] ASTRONOMY-ATHLETICS Astronomy (continued.) SUNS AND METEORS Longman's Magazine, vol. 7, 1885-6. SURVEY OF THE NORTHKKN HEAVENS Fraser's Magazine, vol. 5, 1872. THE SCIENCE OF THE QUEEN'S REIGN : Sixty Years of Astronomical Research Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. THEORIES OF ASTRONOMY Bucldand's Anthropological Studies, 1891. WORSHIP AND ASTRONOMY IN ANCIENT EGYPT Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Ball's Star-Land. Buckle's Civilization in England. Buckley's Natural Science. Chambers's Book of Days. Guillmin's Heavens, &c. Pepper's Playbook of Science. Proctor's Easy Star Lessons. Proctor's Myths and Marvels, 1880. Strand Magazine [Articles by Sir R. S. Ball] , vols. 11-12, 1896. Asylums. MODERN LUNATIC ASYLUMS Wynter's Curiosities of Civilization, 1860. Atavism. EVOLUTION AND ATAVISM Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. Atbara River Baker's Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, 1883. Athanasian Creed Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. Thirlwall's Essays, etc. FEW WORDS ON THE ATHANASIAN CREED Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. Atlianasius (St., Bishop of Alexandria, died 373) Church Quarterly, vol. 36, 1893. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers. Gibbon's Roman Empire. Milman's History of Christianity. Shepherd's Church of Rome. Sozomen's History of the Church. Stanley's Eastern Church. Swainson's Apostles' and Nicene Creeds, 1875. ATHEISM (Religious Unbelief.) ARTISAN ATHEISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. ATHEISM AND THE CHURCH Contemporary Review, vol. 34, 1878-9. ATHEISM IN PARLIAMENT Fortnightly Review, vol. 30, 1881. BIBLE VIEW OF ATHEISM Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. MODERN ATHEISM Contemporary Review, vol. 29, 1876-7. ON ATHEISTS IN GENERAL British Essayists, vol. 12, 1823. NECESSITY OF ATHEISM Shelley's Prose Works, 1875. RELIGION FOR ATHEISTS British Quarterly Review, vol. 28, 1858. RIGHTS OF MAN AND ATHEISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. SOCIALISM AND ATHEISM Contemporary Review, vol. 47, 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Bacon's Essays. Farrar's Present-Day Questions. Treasury ot Religious Thought. Voysey's Pain, Death, and Sin, 1892. Athenaeum (The Journal) De Morgan's Paradoxes. Dilke's Papers of a Critic. ATHENS. ABSTRACT OF THE HISTORY OF ATHENS British Essayists, vol. 40, 1823. ACROPOLIS OF ATHENS Quarterly Review, vol. 171, 1890. Edinburgh Review, vol. no, 1859. ANCIENT ATHENS AND ITS ACROPOLIS Leisure Hour, 1890. Tern. Bar, vol. 101, 1894. ARISTOTLE ON THE CONSTITUTION OF ATHENS Review of Reviews, vol. 3, 1891. ARTS AND MANNERS OF ATHENIANS Shelley's Essays. ATHENIAN ORATORS Jebb's Attic Orators, 1876. Macaulay's Essays, 1891. ATHENIAN SCHOOLS Newman's Historical Sketches, 1891. CHRISTIAN MONUMENTS IN ATHENS Scottish Review, vol. 6, 1885. DEMOCRACY IN ATHENS Freeman's Historical Essays, 1889. DESCRIPTION OF ATHENS Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7. FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF ATHENS Freeman's Historical Essays, 1889. GREEK HISTORIANS OF ATHENS Freeman's Historical Essays, 1889. How A RIDDLE OF THE PARTHENON WAS UNRAVELLED Century Mag., vol. 54, 1897. LESSON FROM HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. MANNERS OF THK ATHENIANS Quarterly Review, vol. 23, 1820. MEDIEVAL ATHENS Quarterly Review, vol. 123, 1867, & 173, 1891. MODERN ATHENS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. NEW ATHENS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. PUBLIC SPIRIT IN MODERN ATHENS Century Magazine, vol. 53, 1897. SKETCHES IN ATHENS Temple Bar, vol. 84, 1888 UNIVERSITY LIFE OF ATHENS Newman's Historical Sketches, vol. 3, 1891. WALKS ABOUT ATHENS Dalton's Cruise of H.M.S. " Bacchante," 1886. WOMEN'S RIGHTS IN ANCIENT ATHENS Atlantic Monthly, vol. 27, 1871. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Greece. Bramsen's Egypt, etc. Brassey's Sunshine and Storm. Bucke's Ancient Cities. Chambers's Book of Days. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16. Haig's Attic Theatre. Hoddart's Cities of the World. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. Atherstone (Edwin, Poet, died 1872) Lester's Criticisms, 1854. ATHLETICS. (See also Cricket, Football, Golf, Running, Swimming, etc.) ABUSE OF ATHLETICS Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. ARE WE AN ATHLETIC PEOPLE? New Review, vol. 16, 1897. ATHLETES OF THE PRESENT AND PAST Nineteenth Century, vol. 21, 1887. ATHLETES OF THE YEAR Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. ATHLETIC LIFE Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. ATHLETIC TRAINING Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. ATHLETICISM IN ENGLAND Atlantic Monthly, vol. 49, 1882. ATHLETICS AT OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. ATHLETICS FOR LADIES London Society, vol. 48. 18X5. ATHLETICS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. CONDITIONS OF ATHLETICS Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. [39] ATHLETICS-ATTERBURY Athletics (continued.) EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. ENGLISH PHYSIQUE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. FIELD ATHLETICS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 7, 1890. GALLERY OF ATHLETES New Review, vol. 12, 1895. KINGS OF THE PLAYING FIELD Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. LIFE AT THE ATHLETIC CLUBS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 18, 1895. OBSTACLE RACES Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. OLD GREEK ATHLETICS Macmillan's Ma&;azine, vol. 36, 1877. PHYSICAL TRAINING St. James' Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. Swiss ATHLETIC SPORTS Fortnightly Review, vol. 50, 1891. USE AND POPULARITY OF ATHLETIC PURSUITS Barry's Sporting Rambles. GENERAL INFORMATION Badminton Series. Bayley's Field Sports. Boy's Own Annual. Girl's Own Annual. Stonehenge's Field Sports. Athlone, Ireland Inglis's Journey though Ireland in 1834. Athos (Mount), Macedonia. MOUNT ATHOS AND ITS MONASTERIES Ainsworth's All Round the World. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 14. Mountains and Mountain Climbing, 188^. Murray's Guide to the Mediterannean. Murray's Magazine, vol. 5, 1889. Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. Atkinson (Thomas, Scottish Poet, died 1833) Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. 2. Atlantic Cable Chambers's Book of Days. See also Atlantic Ocean, Telegraphy, etc. ATLANTIC OCEAN. BASIN OF THE ATLANTIC Maury's Geography of theSea, 1880. CLIMATES ON ISLES IN THE ATLANTIC Clark's Influence of Climate, 1846. FROM QUEENSTOWN TO NEW YORK Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. ICE IN THE ATLANTIC Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. LAYING OF THE ATLANTIC CABLE Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol.4. LIVERPOOL TO QUEBEC Caine's Trip Round the World, 1892. SOUNDINGS IN THE ATLANTIC Nature, vol. 15, 1876-7. TRANS- ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP ROUTES Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. UNITED STATES NORTH ATLANTIC PILOT CHART Chambers's Journal, vol. 12, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Darwin's Letters. Hiibner's Round the World, Hughes's Treasury of Geography. Lees's British Columbia. Macaulay's Sea Pictures. Atlantis Transactions of Royal Historical Society, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1886. Atlas Mountains, Africa. EXCURSION IN THE ATLAS MOUNTAINS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY Report of British Association, 1889. REGIONS OF THE ATLAS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 21. Johnston's Africa, 1884. ATMOSPHERE. ATMOSPHERIC OCEAN Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature. 1866. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE Longman's Magazine, vol.28, 1896. DUST AND ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENA Knowledge, vol. 16, 1893. INSTABILITY OF ATMOSPHERE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 2, 1887. ITS EFFECTS ON THE OCEAN Hartwig's Aerial World, 1874. LUMINOUS MATTER IN THE ATMOSPHERE Nature, vol. 5, 1872. NUMBERING THE DUST Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE Buchan's Meteorology. Hartwig's Aerial World. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Science for All. Humboldt's Cosmos, 1847. Atolls or Lagoon Islands, Indian Ocean Darwin's Coral Reefs, 1890. ATOMS. ATOMIC THEORY Billing's Scientific Materialism. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. ATOMS AND MOLECULES Nature, vol. 6, 1872. CHEMICAL ATOMS Cooke's New Chemistry. HYPOTHESIS OF ATOMS Wurtz's Atomic Theory, 1888. MOLECULES AND ATOMS Mendeleefl's Principles of Chemistry, 1891. MOLECULES AND ATOMS SPECTROSCOPICALLY CONSIDERED Lockyer's Studies in Spectrum Analysis, 1878. PROF. TYNDALL ON ATOMISM Watt's Reign of Causality. SIZE OF ATOMS Nature, vol. i, 1870. GENERAL INFORMATION British Association Proceedings, 1874. Chambers's Book of Days, vol. 2. Clifford's Lectures and Essays, 1886. Herscbel's Lectures, 1873. Laing's Modern Zoroastrian. Prof. Tyndall's Address to British Association at Belfast, 1874. Ure's Arts and Sciences. Atonement. DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT Farrar's Sermons in America. Maurice's Theological Essays. Mozley's University Sermons, 1878-9. Rigg's Modern Anglican Theology. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. TRUE AND FALSE CONCEPTIONS OF THE ATONEMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. Attention. CONTROL OF ATTENTION Bain's Emotions and the Will. Atterbury (Francis, Bishop of Rochester, died 1732,) ESSAY ON FRANCIS ATTERBURY Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings. GENERAL INFORMATION Abbey's English Church. Carruther's Life of Pope. Chambers's Book of Days. Hallam's Constitutional History. Lodge's Portraits, vol. 7. Macaulay's Biographies. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution. Stoughton's Religion in England, 1878. [40] ATTICA- AURORA Attica, Greece. ARISTOCRACY IN ATTICA Duncker's Greece, vol. 2, 1886. ATTICA IN THE TIME OF THK MIGRATIONS Duncker's Greece, vol. i, 1883. EXCURSIONS IN ATTICA Baedeker's Guide to Greece. 1889. AttiCUS (Roman Scholar and Fiiend of Cicero, died 32 B.C.) Church's Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. Thomas' Biography and Mythology. Attila (King of the Huns, died 453) Curtf is' The Roman Empire, A D. 395-800. Gibbon's Roman Empire. Thomas' Biography and Mythology. Auber (D. F. E., French Musical Composer, died 1871) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Ferris's Musical Composers. Naumann's History of Music, vol. 5. " Aucassin and. Nicolette " (Celebrated French Romance) Lang's Letters on Literature. Auckland, New Zealand Bandmann's Actor's Tour. Froude's Oceana. Hodder's Cities of the. World. Payton's New Zealand, 1888. Auckland Castle (Residence of the Bishops of Durham). ACCOUNT OF AUCKLAND CASTLE Gibson's Miscellanies. Good Words, 1894. CHAPEL OF AUCKLAND CASTLE Archasologia ^liana, vol. 18. Auckland (George Eden, Earl of, died 1849) Adams's Makers of Biitish India. Torren's Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 1878. Auctions Chambers's Journal, 1838. Curwen's Booksellers. And under Sales, etc. Audiences. MANAGERS, AUDIENCES, AND PLAYS Theatre, vol. 15 (n.s.), 1890. THEATRICAL AUDIENCES OF NEW YORK Theatre, vol. 3, 1879. Audley End, Essex Morant & Wright's Essex. Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties. Our Own Country, vol. 3. Rush's Seats in Essex. Essex, etc. Audley (Thomas, Lord Chancellor, died 1544) Campbell's Lord Chancellors. Foss' Judges. Fuller's Worthies. Audubon (J. J., American Naturalist, died 1851) Bolton's Men of Science. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Edinburgh Review, vol. 132, 1870. Edgar's Boyhocd of Great Men. Augsburg. AUGSBURG IN 1518 AND 1530-^-Stoughton's Homes and Haunts of Luther. CONFESSION OF AUGSBURG Moore's History of the Reformation in Germany, etc., 1878. Augusta (Duchess of Brunswick, Mother of Queen Caroline, died 1813 J Hall's Royal Princesses, 1858. Augusta (German Empress, wife of William I., died iSgoj. BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Augusta (The Maid of Saxe-Gotha, Princess of Wales, Mother of George III., died 1772) Finch's Lives of the Princesses of Wales, vols. 2 & 3. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. Augusta Victoria (present German Empress, born 1858) Girl's Own Ann., vol. 13, 1892. August! (Friedrich \lbrtcht, Anti-Semitic Writer, died 1782) Japp's Labour and Victory. Augustine (St., Bishop of Hippo, Africa, died 430). CONVERSION OF ST. AUGUSTINE Newman's Historical Sketches, 1890. THE VANDALS AND ST. AUGUSTINE Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Newman's Historical Sketches. GENERAL INFORMATION Dublin Review, vol. 103, 1888. Butler's Lives of the Saints. Chambers's Book of Days. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers. Liddon's Divinity of Our Lord. Milman's Jews. Thomas' Biography and Mythology. Augustine (Archbishop of Canterbury, Founded the Cathedral, died 604) Bright's . Early Church History. Green's Making of England. Hook's Archbishops, vol. i. Stanley's Memorials of Canterbury. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 2. Miller's Anglo-Saxons. Knight's Pictorial History of England, vol. i. Augustus Frederick (Duke of York, died 1327) Merydew's.Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888. Augustus (Octavius Caesar, Emperor of Rome, died A.D. 14). AUGUSTUS C^ISAR Gibson's Miscellanies. Plutarch's Lives. Roman Days, by Rydberg (tr. Clark), 1879. Skeat's Shakespeare's Plutarch. Thomas' Biography and Mythology. Auk. GREAT AUK, &c. Popular Science Monthly, vol. 33, 1888. Yarrell's British Birds. See also Birds, etc. "Auld Robin Gray" (Song by A. Barnard, 1771) Stories of Famous Songs. Auray (Noted for its Oyster Culture} Macquoid's Pictures from Normandy. Musgrave's Rambles into Brittany, in 2 vols., 1870. Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus, Emperor o/ Rome, died A.D. 180) Arnold's (M.) Essays in Criticism. Bettany's World's Religions. Farrar's Seekers after God. Smith's Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, etc., 1872. Aurora BorealiS (Luminous Meteoric Phenomenon appearing in high Northern L at itudes) AURORA BOREALIS AND TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM Proctor's Light Science for Leisure Hours, 1875. DAYLIGHT AURORAS Nature, vol. 4, 1871. DESCRIPTION Abercromby's Seas and Skies. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. Hartwig's Aerial World, 1874. SOME SPECULATIONS ON THE AURORA Nature, vol. 4, 1871. [41] AUSTEN-AUSTRALIA Austen (Jane, Novelist, died 1817.) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Fawcett's Eminent Women. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. Walford's Authoresses, 1892. ESSAY ON JANE AUSTEN Miss Thackeray's Book of Sibyls. TAKE AUSTEN AS A NOVELIST Eraser's Magazine, vol. 61, 1860. NOTE ON JANE AUSTEN Scribner's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. STYLE AND Miss AUSTEN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884 5. GENERAL INFORM ATION Argosy, vol. 34, 1882. Blackvvood's Magazine, vol. 107, 1870. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Cornhill, vol. 24. 1871. Fortnightly Review, vol. 7 (n.s.), 1870. Lane's Letters to Dead Authors. Oliphant's Literary History', vol. 3. Temple Bar, vol. 64, 1882. Wotton's Word Portraits. Austin, Salt Lake Dilke's Greater Britain : a Record of Travel, 1869. Austin (Alfred, Poet Laureate, 1896). REVIEW OF HIS POEM, ENGLAND'S DARLING [Altred the Great] Review of Reviews, vol. 13, 1896. THE POET LAUREATE AT HOME Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. Lady's Realm, vol. 3, 1897. Austin (Charles, Barrister, Contributor to the " Westminster Review," died 1874) Fortnightly Review, vol. 17, 1872. John Stuart Mill's Autobiography, 1873. Austin (John, Jmist, died 18^9) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. John Stuart Mill's Autobiography, 1873. Austin (Mrs. Sarah, wife of above, Translator, died 1867) Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Ross' Three Generations of English Women, 2 vols. 1888. Australasia. See Australia, New Caledonia, New Guinea, New Hebiides, New South Wales, Ntiv Zealand, Solomon Islands, Tasmania, etc. AUSTRALIA (See also A dclaidf, Brisbane, Melbourne, New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, Sydney, Victoria, etc.) ABORIGINES OF AUSTRALIA Chambers's Journal, vol. 70, 1893. Paton's Auto- biography. Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1896-7. ADVANCE, AUSTRALIA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. AN AUSTRALIAN GOVERNORSHIP National Review, vol. 25, 1895. ANCIENT GLACIAL EPOCH IN AUSTRALIA, vol. 47, 1892. ANIMALS OF AUSTRALIA Timb's Strange Stories of the Animal World, 1868. ART NOTES FROM AUSTRALIA English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 676], 1883. AUSTRALIA FUOM ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. AUSTRALIA IN 1803 Sydney Smith's Prose Works, 1845. AUSTRALIA REVISITED Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. AUSTRALIAN BUSH LIFE. Chambers's Miscellany, vol. i. AUSTRALIAN DEVELOPMENTS All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. AUSTRALIAN FEDERATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. Murray's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891 [A retrospect and a prospect]. AUSTRALIAN WOOLSHED Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. HANKS AND BRITISH DEPOSITS IN AUSTRALIA Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. BARRIER REEF OF AUSTRALIA Geographical Journal, vol 2, 1893. BOOMS IN AUSTRALIA Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. CANADA AND AUSTRALIA Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. CANOEING IN AUSTRALASIA Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. CHINESE IN AUSTRALIA Quarterly Review, vol. 167, ib88. CLIMATES OF AUSTRALIA Clark's Influence of Climate. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1874. CRICKET IN AUSTRALIA Steel & Lyttelton's Cricket, 1890. ENGLISH CRICKET TEAMS IN AUSTRALIA Boy's Own Annual, vol, 3, 1881. FEDERATION : Its Progress Fortnightly Revie'w, vol. 58, 1895. FEDERATION MOVEMENT IN AUSTRALASIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. FIFTY YEARS AGO (AUSTRALIA) Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1872. FIRST FLEET OF AUSTRALIA Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. FLORA OF AUSTRALIA Darwin's Life and Letters, 1887. Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA North's Recollections of a Happy Life, 1892. FOUNDATION OF AN EMPIRE Kingsley's Tales of Old Travel Re-narrated, 1870. FUTURE POPULATION OF THE COUNTRY Dale's Impressions of Australia, 1889. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION AND DEVELOPMENT OF NATIVES Geographical Journal, vol. 2, 1893. GREAT BARRIER REEF OF AUSTRALIA Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. GUILELESS AUSTRALIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1874. HORN EXPEDITION TO CENTRAL AUSTRALIA Natural Science, vol. 10, 1896-7. LARRAKIN OF AUSTRALIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1892. LIFE IN AN AUSTRALIAN BUSH TOWN English Illustrated, vol. 8, 1890-91. MARRIAGE AMONG THE ABORIGINES Starcke's Primitive Family, 1889. MISSION TO AUSTRALIA Thompson's Moravian Missions, 1883. NOTED NUGGETS OF AUSTRALIA Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. OUTLOOK OF AUSTRALIAN FEDERATION National Review, vol. 25, 1895. RECENT EXPLORATIONS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA English Illustrated, vol. 10,1892-3. ROUGH-RIDERS OF AUSTRALIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. SE SOCIALISM AUSTRALIA-AUTUMN Australia (continued) SOME IMPRESSIONS OF THE AUSTRALIAN STAGE Theatre, vol. 19 (n.s.), 1892. SOMERVILLE'S SPIRITUAL CAMPAIGN Smith's Modern Apostle [1813-89], 1891. SOUTH AUSTRALIA Dilke's Greater Britain. Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. SPORT AND ADVENTURE D'Ewes' Sporting in Both Hemispheres, 1858. STATE-OWNED RAILWAYS Engineering Magazine, vol. 4, 1893. STEWART'S JOURNEYS ACROSS AUSTRALIA Montefiore's Leaders to Unknown Lands. " SUNDOWNERS " AND OTHER BUSH TYPES Temple Bar Magazine, vol. 105, 1895. VOYAGE TO AUSTRALIA FOR HEALTH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1783-4. WESTERN AUSTRALIA Dilke's Greater Britain. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, WESTRALIAN MINING " BOOM " Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Bandmann's Actor's Tour. Century Ma?., vol. 41, 1890-1. Collier's History of the British Empire, 1889. Dilke's Greater Britain. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain. E. S. A.'s World in which I Live. Frpude's Oceana. Kershaw's Colonial Facts. Parkes' Fifty Years cf Australian History, 2 vols. Sayce's Twelve Times Round the World. Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century. Whymper's Sea and its stirring Story, 1890. AUSTRIA. AUSTRIANS IN BOSNIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. EMPIRE OF AUSTRIA Hughes' Treasury of Geography. Malleson's Refounding of the German Empire, 1893. EUROPEAN POWERS AND AUSTRIA Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. FUTURE EMPEROR-KING Temple Bar, vol. 106, 1895. LINES OF TRAVEL Loomis's Index and Guide to Travel, 1891. LOST OPPORTUNITIES OF THE HOUSE OF AUSTRIA Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1885. MONETARY SYSTEM OF AUSTRO-HUNGARY Del Mar's Money and Civilisation. POLICY OF AUSTRIA IN THE EAST Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Guide to Southern Germany. Leveson's Forest and Field. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. Austrian Songs Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs. AUTHORS. (See also Bibliography, Books, Literature, etc.) AGENT, AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1896. AMATEUR AUTHORS Land's Lost Leaders. Russell's Authors' Manual. AUTHOR'S COLLABORATION New Review, vol. 6, 1892. AUTHORS IN COURT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. CENSURED AUTHORS Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, vol. i, 1881. CHARACTER OF AUTHORS Hamerton's Intellectual Life. Lytton's Studies. DANGER OF AUTHORS FROM PIRATES British Essayists, vol. 3, 1823. DIFFICULTIES OF FRENCH AUTHORS, i8TH CENTURY Morley's Rousseau, 1888. ENGLISH MONARCHS AS AUTHORS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. FRENCH AUTHORS Challice's French Authors at Home. IMPRESSIONS OF LITERARY NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 30, 1895. LITERARY BOSTON THIRTY YEARS AGO Harper's Magazine, vol. 30, 1895. MEMORIALS OF AMERICAN AUTHORS Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. NAMES OF AUTHORS IN THE MIDDLE AGES Book of Table-Talk, 1836. OUTPUT OF AUTHORS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1896-7. SOME AUTHORS I HAVE KNOWN Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. THE LITERARY CHARACTER Disraeli's Miscellanies of Literature, 1840. GENERAL INFORMATION [Bibliography, etc.] Allibone's 'English and American Authors. Lownde's Bibliographer's Manual. Library Journal. The Library. And works en Bibliography and Literature by Disraeli, Hallam, Knight, Mason, Morley, Sismondi, Sonneiischein, etc.) Autobiography. ESSAY ON AUTOBIOGRAPHY Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 6, ON A MAN'S WRITING MEMOIRS OF HIMSELF Foster's Essays on Decision of Character, etc., 1853. Autographs. AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING FOR GIRLS Girl's Annual, vol. 12, 1891. AUTOGRAPHS AND AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. COLLECTORS OF AUTOGRAPHS St. James's Magazine, vol. 2, i8;6. CURIOUS AUTOGRAPHS Chambers's Journal, vol. 23-4, 1855. TASTE FOR COLLECTING Cornhlll Magazine, vol. 6, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Oilman's Contributions to Literature. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. Longman's Magazine, vol. 18, 1891. Reed's Among my Books. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. Automata. INGENIOUS AUTOMATA Brewster's Letters on Natural Magic. INVENTION OF AUTOMATA Chambers's journal, vol. 13. 1876. TELEPATHIC AUTOMATIC WRITING: On the Eve of the Fourth Dimension Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Timbs' Curiosities of Invention. Automatism. AUTOMATISM AND EVOLUTION Contemporary Review, vol. 28, 1890. PROF. HUXLEY ON AUTOMATISM Watts' Reign of Causality, 1888. Autumn. ALPINE LIFE IN AUTUMN Main's Home in the Alps, 1892. ANTIQUITIES OF AUTUMN Archaeological Journal, vol. 40. 1883. GENERAL INFORMATION Sunday at Home, vol. 7, 1860. [43] ADVERGNE-BABEL, Auvergne, Franc*. MONTH IN AUVERGNE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. VOLCANOES OF AUVERGNE Geikie's Founders of Geology, 1897. Ava (Former Capital of Burmah). GEOGRAPHY OK AVA China : Descriptive and His- torical, with some Account of the Burmese, Siam, and Annam, 1892. Avalanches. GREAT AVALANCHE ON THE GEMMI PASS Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Latrobe's Alpenstock: Sketches of Swiss Scenery. Main's Home in the Alps. Muddock's Switzerland, 1890. Avarice British Essayists, vol. 42, 1823. Godwin's Enquirer. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Avars. MIGRATION OF THE AVARS Sheppard's Fall of Rome, 1892. Avellino (Noted for its Hazelnuts and Chestnuts) Hare's Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily. Aventine, Rome Sir George Head's Rome : a Tour of Many Days, 1849. Averages. NATURE AND USES OF AVERAGES Journal of Royal Statistical Society, vol. 54, 1891. Avery (Samuel P.) SOUVENIRS OF A VETERAN COLLECTOR Century Mag., vol. 53, 1897. Avesta Muller's Chips from a German Workshop, vol. i, 1867. Aviaries. CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT Boy's Own Annual, vols. n, 1889, and 13, 1891. Dyson's Birdkeeping. The Young Lady's Book [Habits of Birds]. See also Birds. Avignon, France (Residence of the Popes, 1309-1377) All the Year Round, vol. 7, 1862. Paedeker's Southern France. Dickens' Pictures from Italy. Gould's Troubadour Land. Murray's Handbook for France, 1890. Avila, Spain Hare's Wanderings in Spain. Lomas' Sketches in Spain, 1888. Avranches, France Macquoid's Through Normandy. Macquoid's Pictures from Normandy. Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 2 vols., 1870. Awe Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Axles. MAKING OF AXLES Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 3 & 5, 1897. Aylesbury (Noted for its Laces, etc.) Murray's Guide to Buckinghamshire, etc. Aylesford (Birthplace of Sir C. Sedley) Hughes' Dickens-Land. Aylmer (John, Bishop of London, died 1594) Brook's Lives of the Puritans, 1813. Neal's History of the Puritans. Nicolas' Memoirs o( Sir Christopher Hatton, 1882. Ayr, Scotland Black's Guide to Glasgow. Hawthorne's England and Italy, 1869. Ayres (Philip, Lyric Poet, 1687) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets. Ayrton (Prof., English Scientist, Professor of Natural Philosophy at the Imperial College, Japan, born 1847). INTERVIEW AND PORTRAIT Cassell's Saturday Jour., 1896-7. Ayscough (Sir George, commanded the Flett for Cromwell; captured Barbadoes, 1651; Admiral of the White Squadron). MEMOIR Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 2. Aysgarth Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Aytoun (Sir Robert, Scottish Poet, died 1638) Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i, 1872. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland. Aytoun (William E., Scottish man of Letters, died 1865) New Review, vol. 14, 1896. Skelton's Essays, 1874. Azamor (A Seaport Town of Morocco) Thomson's Travels in Morocco, 1889. Azores (Atlantic Islands belonging to Portugal, noted for their temperate climate). OFF THE AZORES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891. SKETCH OF THE AZORES Brassey's In the Trades and Tropics, 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Good Words, vol. 30, 1889. Longman's Magazine, 1890. Macmillan's Magazine, 1891. Murray's Guide to Portugal. Western Islands, etc. Aztecs (A ncient Tribe of Mexican Indians) Bancroft's Native Races. Macmillan's Mag., [Backgammon among the Aztecs] , vol. 39, 1878-9. Prescott's Conquest of Mexico. >AAL GEI k AL (The supreme male divinity of the Phanician and Canaaititish races). TEMPLES AND PRIESTS OF BAAL Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 4, 1886. rENERAL INFORMATION Inman's Ancient Faiths. Pinnock's Bible and History. Smith's Prophets of Israel, 1882. Taylor's Elijah the Prophet, 1889. Baalbec (The City of Baal, a. ruined town of Syria, formerly of great size and magnificence). RUINS OF BAALBECK Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 66, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's v\ orld of Wonders, 1887. Conder's Modern Traveller. Graham's Jordan and the Rhine. Babbage (Charles, Mathematician, died 1871) Lewis' Mechanicians. Nature, vol. 5, 1871. Smiles' Industrial Biography. Timbs' Great Inventors. Babel (The capital city of Babylonia) Formby's Monotheism, 1877. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, vol. 15 [Tower of Babel]. Wilberforce's Five Empires, 1874. See also Babylon. [44] BABIES-BACON Babies. BABY INCUBATORS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. BACHELOR ON BABIES : a Short Disquisition Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. And under Infants, etc. Baboon. BABOON HUNTING ON AN AFRICAN FARM Chambers's Journal, 1897. TAMING BABOONS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. And under Apes, Monkeys. BABYLON AND BABYLONIA (The Shinar and Chaldea of the Old Testament). ANCIENT KINGDOM OF BABYLON Duncker's History of Antiquity. BABYLONIA AND ASSYRIA Laing's Human Origins. Smith's History of the East, 1864. BABYLONIA IN PATRIARCHAL TIMES Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. BABYLONIAN CHRONOLOGY AND HISTORY Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. BABYLONISH CAPTIVITY A. L. O. E.'s Stories from Jewish History. CHRONOLOGY AND HISTORY Transactions of Royal Historical Society, vol. 5, 1891. DESCRIPTION AND ANTIQUITIES Bonomi's Nineveh and its Palaces, 1853. Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities. Kitto's Scripture Lands. Layard's Nineveh, 1850. GLIMPSES OF BABYLON Proceedings of the Biblical Arch. Society, vols. 14 & 16. HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 4 and 5, 1886. Josephus' Works. Keary's Nations Around. Pinnock's Bible and History, 1887. LIBRARIES OF BABYLON AND ASSYRIA Knowledge, vol. 2, 1882. RECENT DISCOVERIES IN BABYLONIA Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. RIDE TO BABYLON Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. i. Keary's Nations Around, 1870. GENERAL INFORMATION Art Journal, vol. 37. Belgravia, vols. 55-58, Church's Stories of the East from Herodotus. Gillet's Ancient Cities. Keary's Remains of Lost Empires. Rawlinson's Ancient Monarchies, vols. 2 & 3, 1871. Sayce's Fresh Lights from Ancient Monuments, 1890. Bach (Johann Sebastian, German Musician, died 1750) Contemporary Review, vol. 60, 1891. Crowest's Tone-Poets. Ferris's Musical Composers. Morris's Famous Composers. Naumann's History of Music [portrait, facsimiles, etc.] BACH FESTIVAL Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. Bach (Karl P. E., German Musician, died 1788) Morris's Famous Composers, 1891. Bacilli (Microscopic Organisms appearing in Putrefactions, etc.) BACILLI IN BUTTER Nature, vol. 47, 1893. BATTLE OF THE BACILLI Tibbits' Medical Fashions, 1884. MICROSCOPIC LABOURERS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. See also Bacteria, Microbes, etc. Back (Sir George, English Admiral, died 1870). A VETERAN ARCTIC EXPLORER Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. Realm of the Ice King (R T.S.) Backgammon. A DESCRIPTION OF THE GAME Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 3. Handbook of Games. Penny Magazine, vol. 10, 1841. BACKGAMMON AMONG THE AZTECS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 39, 1878-9. Backsheesh (Tips or Gratuities) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. Backsliding Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. BACON (Francis, Lord Verulam, and Viscount St. Albans, Lawyer and Philosopher, died 1626). ARCHBISHOP WHATELY ON BACON Boyd's Critical Essays, 1865. BACON AS A PHILOSOPHER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. BACON AS LORD HIGH CHANCELLOR Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856. BACON'S ESSAYS Chambers's Encyclopaedia, vol. i, 1895. ESSAY ON LORD BACON Macaulay's Essays, 1886. MONTAGU'S LIFE AND WORKS OF BACON Macaulay's Essays, 1886. PHILOSOPHY OF BACON IN GERMANY Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, vol. 3, 1867. RELATIONS OF FRANCIS BACON Proc. of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, vol. 9. SKETCH OF BACON AS A PHILOSOPHER Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, 1840. GENERAL INFORMATION Children's Stories in English Literature. De Morgan's Paradoxes. Disraeli's Amenities of Literature. Jesse's Court of England. John- ry'i Word Portraits. Bacon (John, Sculptor, R.A ., died 1799) Brightwell's Industry and Genius. Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, etc., vol. 3, 1879. Bacon (Nathaniel, Leader of the first rebellion of the American colonists in 1676) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. Bacon (Sir Nicholas, Statesman, Lord Keeper 1558, died 1579) Campbell's Lord Chancellors. Foss' Judges, vol. 5. Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages. Bacon (Roger, Philosopher, died 1292) Craik's Pursuit of Knowledge. Cunningham's English Nation. Ewart's Heroes of Science. Godwin's Necromancers. Neil's Epoch Men. Stoughton's Worthies of Science. Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890.. Walter's Bygone Somerset [The Learned Friar of llchester], 1897. BACTERIA-BAKER BACTERIA (Vegetable Organisms regarded, as being the cause of Putrefaction). (See also Bacilli, Microbes, etc.) BACTERIA AND BUTTER Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897, BACTERIA OF PHOSPHORESCENCE Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. BACTERIA : Their Nature and Function Nature, vol. 48, 1893. BACTERIA WHICH WE BREATHE, EAT, AND DRINK Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. BACTERIAL LIFE AND LIGHT Longman's Magazine, vol. 21, 1892-3. BACTERIOLOGY AND CHEMICAL SCIENCE Report of British Association, 1893. DESCRIPTION OF BACTERIOLOGY Huxley's Practical Biology. ECONOMIC ASPECT OF BACTERIOLOGY Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. PLANT DISEASES AND BACTERIA Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. STUDY OF BACTERIOLOGY Parke's Equatorial Africa. WATER BACTERIOLOGY Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-94. Badajoz, Spain (Captured by Wellington in 1812) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19. Murray's Guide to Spain. Baddeley (Robert, Comedian, died 1794) Cook's Hours with the Players, 1881. Baddeley (Sophia, Wife of Robert, Actress, died 1786) Theatre, vol. 2, 1880. Baden-Baden, Germany Baedeker's Rhine. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 120. 1876. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad. Riddell's Mad Tour. S6guin's Black Forest. Badger. HABITS OF THE BADGER, ETC. Charnbers's Journal, vol. 65, 1888. Cornhill, vol. 57, 1888. St. John's Wild Sports, 1888. Badges (Distinctive Decorations or Devices). HISTORY OF BADGES Antiquary, vote. 31 & 32, 1895-6. Boutell's English Heraldry, 1889. Cust's Crests. Baffin (William, English Navigator, died 1622). ACCOUNT OF HIS TRAVELS Markham's Sea Fathers. Realm of the Ice King. Verne's Exploration of the World. Bagatelle Crawley's Billiards for Beginners. Every Boy's Book, 1891. Bage (Robert, Novelist, died 1801) Barbauld's British Novelists. Chalmer's Biography. Bag-Nets. REMARKS ON BAG-NETS Holdsworth's Deep Sea Fishing, 1874. BagOt (Elizabeth, Countess of Falmouth and of Dorset, died 1684) Grammont's Memoirs of the Court of Char es II. Jesse's Court of England, 1857. BagShOt (A Village in Surrey) Black's Guide to Surrey, 1887. Bagster (S.). BIBLE PUBLISHED BY BAGSTER Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. Bahamas, West Indies. FLORA OF THE BAHAMAS Report of British Association, 1888. ROUND ABOUT THE BAHAMAS Brassey's In the Trades and Tropics. Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. Six WEEKS IN THE BAHAMAS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. Bahia, Brazil Atchison's Winter Cruise. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 30. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 53, 1059. Knight's Cruise of the" Alerte." Vincent's South America. Baias (A small town in Syria, near which Darius was defeated by Alexander the Great) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 3, 1830. Baikal Lake, Siberia Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Bailey (Philip James, Poet, born 1816). ESSAYS ON PHILIP JAMES BAILEY Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 67, 1850. Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. FIRST EDITION OF FESTUS Book-Lore, vol. i, 1885. Baillie (Lady Grisell, Scotch Poetess, died 1746) Anderson's Scottish Nation. Robert- son's English Poetesses. Tyler's Scottish Songstresses. Baillie (Joanna, Poet and Dramatist, died 1851) Fawcett's Eminent Women. GilnHan's Literary Portraits. L'Estrange's Friendships of Mary Russell Mitford, i8S. Macpherson's Life of Anna Jameson. Robertson's English Poetesses. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland. Wotton's Wood Porti aits. Baillie (Matthew, A natomist, died 1823), M.D. Cunningham's English Nation. Lives of British Physicians, 1830. Baillie (Robert, Scottish Covenants, died 1662), D.D. BAILLIE THE COVENANTER Carlyle's Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Bain (Alex, Scottish Mechanician and Inventor of the Automatic Chemical Telegraph, died 1877) Munro's Heroes of the Telegraph, 1891. Bain (Alex, Scottish Philosophical Writer, born 1818) Munro's Heroes of the Telegraph. Spectator, vol. 57, 1884. Bajazets. THE Two BAIAZETS OF TURKEY (1. 1339 1403. II. 14811512) Doran's Monarchs Retired from Business, 1857. Baker (Sir George, Physician to George III. and Queen Charlotte, and Classical Scholar. died 1809), M.D. Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Baker (Lady, Wife of Sir Samuel W. Baker, Explorer). LADY BAKER IN THK SOUDAN English Illustrated, vol. 15, 1896. TRAVELS OF LADY BAKER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1835. Baker (Sir Samuel W., African Explorer, died 1893). BAKER'S EXPLORATION OF THE NILE SOURCES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. MEMOIR OF SIR SAMUEL BAKER Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. TRAVELS OF BAKER Adams' Heroes of Travel, 1893. Cooper's Men of Mark. Leisure Hour, vol. 16, 1867. Lives of Famous Travellers. Longman's Magazine, vol. 17, 1890-1. Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. [46] BAKERS-BALLANTYNE Bakers. BAKERS AND THEIR TRADE Dublin University Magazine, vol. 80, 1872. BAKERS or LONDON Chambers's Journal, vol. 10, 1848. BAKERS OF PARIS Chambers's Journal, vol. 41, 1864. HEALTH OF BAKERS Once a Week, vol. 3, 1860. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers's Journal, vol. 6, 1846. And under Baking. Bakewell. SOME ACCOUNTS OF THE PARISH CHURCH OF BAKEWELL IN DERBYSHIRE Archaeological Journal, vol. 4, 1847. Bakhtiari Country. BAKHTIARI MOUNTAINS Geographical Journal, vol. 4, 1894. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BAKHTIARI COUNTRY Bishop's Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan, vol. i, 1891. Baking". BAKING IN BYGONE DAYS Andrews' England in the Days of Old. BAKING IN POMPEII Dyer's Pompeii, its History, Buildings, etc., 1867. HOME BAKING Woman, Oct., 1895. PROCESS OF BAKING Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 3. And under Bakers, etc. Baku (Russian Port, noted for its Petroleum Springs) Windt's Ride to India. Bala, Wales Murray's Guide to North Wales. Balaam (The Midiamtish Prophet and Involuntary Benedictor of Israel, killed 1452 B.C.), AN EXPOSITION AND STUDY The Expositor, vol. 5, 1883. Stanley's Irish Church, v. 2. GENERAL INFORMATION Cahnet's Bible Dictionary. Davidson's Old Testament. Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 3. Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 2, 1886. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Balaclava. BATTLE OF BALACLAVA [251)1 October, 1854] King's Famous Battles. Kinglake's Crimea, vols. i & 2. Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7. Balance Of Power Encyclopaedia Brit., vol. 3. Penny Cyclopasdia, vol. 3. Balbec. See Baalbec. Balboa (Vasco Nunez de, Spanish Navigator, beheaded 1517) Irving's Companions of Columbus. Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Baldness Popular Science Monthly, vol. 31, 1887. Science, vol. 9, 1887. Baldwin (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, died at the Siege of Acre 1190) Hook's Archbishops, vol. 2. Stubb's Memorials of Richard I. Bale (John, Bishop of Ossory, died 1563) British Reformers, vol. 12. Cunningham's English Nation. Dunham's Literary and Scientific Men. Jeaffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. Balearic Islands, Mediterranean Sea. DESCRIPTION OF THE BALEARIC ISLANDS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18 (n.s.), 1892. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. Balesse' (A Tribe of Equatorial Africa) Stanley's In Darkest Africa, 1890. Balfe (Michael William, Irish Musical Composer, died 1870} Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Naumann's History of Music. Upton's Standard Operas. BALFOUR (Right Hon. A. J., First Lord of the Treasury, 1895). ARTHUR BALFOUR English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. BALFOUR AND His CRITICS Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. BALFOUR SEEN FROM A DISTANCE Contemporary Review, vol 68, 1895. BALFOUR'S DIALECTICS Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. BALFOUR'S PHILOSOPHY New Review, vol. 12, 1895. FOUNDATIONS OF BELIEF Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. National Review, vol. 25, 1895. Review of Reviews, vol. n, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION New Review, vol. 1,1889. Review of Reviews, vol. 4, 1891. Tinsley's Magazine, vol. 43, 1888. Balfour (Lady Blanche, Mother of Rt. Hon. A . J. Balfour, died 1872) Good Words, 1896. Bali, Malay Archipelago. CUSTOMS IN BALI Frazer's Golden Bough. Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. Balkans (Mountains in S.E. Europe). IN THE BALKANS Scribner's Mag., vol. 19, 1896. Ball (Admiral Sir Alexander John, died 1809). LIFE AND CHARACTER OF SIR A. BALL Coleridge's The Friend : a Series of Essays, vol. 2, 1863. REFERENCES TO CAPT. BALL Southey's Life of Nelson. Ballad Opera. SOME RECOLLECTIONS OF BALLAD OPERA Theatre, vol. 10 (n.s.), 1887. BALLADS. (See also Songs, Poetry, etc.) BALLADS ON A SUBJECT Curiosities of Street Literature. Story's Vagrom Men. CURRENT STREET BALLADS OF IRELAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 25, 1871-2. HISTORICAL AND ROMANTIC BALLADS Ward's English Poets, vol. i. IRISH BALLAD POETRY Leisure Hour, vol. 39, 1890. MODERN BALLADS Contemporary Review, vol. 26, 1875. OLD NAVAL SONGS Longman's Magazine, vol. 12, 1888. POLITICAL BALLADS OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND Edinburgh Review, vol. 113, 1861. YORKSHIRE BALLADS St. James' Magazine, vol. 19, 1867. GENERAL INFORMATION Fitz-gerald's Stories of Famous Songs. Ballantine (James, died 1877) Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland. Ballantine (William, Serjeant-at-Latv) Williams' Leaves of a Life. Ballantyne (James and John, Scotch Publishers and Printers) Anderson's Scottish Nation. Lockhart's Life of Scott, 1878. [47] BALLANTYNE-BANDS Ballantyne (R. M.). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Boy's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1893-4. Ballet. CELEBRITIES OF THE BALLET All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. CORPS DE BALLET Cook's On the Stage. ENGLISH BALLET IN SPAIN : a Personal Reminiscence Theatre, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1885. MORALITY OF THE BALLET Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 105, 1869. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 12,1864-5. Baker's London Stage: its History and Traditions. St. Paul's Magazine, vol. 12, 1873. The Theatre, etc. Ballina (River-Port in Mayo) Inglis' Throughout Ireland in 1834. BALLOONS. (See also A trial Navigation). ALL ABOUT BALLOONS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. BALLOON ASCENTS FOR MILITARY PURPOSES Nature, vol. 3, 1870. BALLOON EXPEDITION OF HERR ANDREE Daily Graphic, vol. 31, 1897. BALLOONS AND BALLOONING Glaisher's Travels in the Air. Hartwig's Aerial World. Turner's Astra Castra, 1865. BALLOONS, AND HOW TO MAKE THEM Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881. FIRE AND GAS BALLOONS Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations. FIRE BALLOONS, AND HOW TO MAKE THEM Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881. FOLLIES OF FASHION Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. GLAISHER'S TRAVELS IN THE AIR Nature, vol. 4, 1871. GLAISHER'S BALLOON ASCENTS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. LONDON FROM ALOFT Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. MILITARY BALLOONING Cornhill Magazine, N.S., vol. 22, 1894. NORTH POLE BALLOON Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. TRIP HEAVENWARD Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vols. i, 1879, 5, 1883, & 12, 1890. Balls. BALL-GIVING AND BALL-GOING Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 27, 1872-3. Ballyshannon (Seaport in Ireland). LOUGH ERNE AND BALLYSHANNON EXCURSION Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland, 5th series, vol. 6. Balmaceda (President of Chili) Hervey's Dark Days in Chile. Spectator, vol. 67, 1891. Balmerino (Arthur Elphinstone, Lord, joined Prince Charles Edward in 1745, beheaded 1746) Anderson's Scottish Nation. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1876. Jesse's Memoirs of the Pretenders, 1860. Walpole's Letters, 1890. Balmoral. QUEEN VICTORIA'S HIGHLAND HOME Harper's Magazine, vol. 30, 1895. ROUND ABOUT BALMORAL AND OSBORNE Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. GENERAL INFORMATION The Queen's Our Life in the Highlands, etc. Baltic Canal. MAKING THE BALTIC CANAL Long-man's Magazine, vol. 27, 1896. Baltic Expedition Mahan's Life of Nelson, 1897. Baltic Sea All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 51, 1855. Murray's Russia, 1888. Murray's Sweden, 1877. Ramsay's Europe. Baltimore, U.S.A. DRUID'S PARK, BALTIMORE Mark's Trip to America, 1885. NEW BALTIMORE Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6 GENERAL INFORMATION Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24. Dickens' American Notes. Sala's America Revisited. Trollope's North America, 1862. Baluchistan Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 131, 1881. Windt's Ride to India. Balusters. How TO MAKE BALUSTERS Creswell's Handrailing and Staircasing, 1892. Balzac (Honored de, French Novelist, died 1850) Balzac's Shorter Stories [Memoir]. Challice's French Authors at Home. Curvven's Sorrow and Song. Gautier s French Authors. Stephen's Hours in a Library. Theatre, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1889. Zimmern's Foreign Novelists. BambOO Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 148, 1890. Knowledge, vol. 13, 1889-90. Bamborqugh Castle, Northumberland. ACCOUNT AND DESCRIPTION Archaeo- logical Journal, vol. 46, 1889. Cassell's Picturesque Europe [Illustration]. Hewitt's Remarkable Places. Longman's Magazine, vol. 8, 1886. BAMBURGH AND DUNSTANBURGH CASTLES Freeman's English Towns, 1883. Bananas (A Tropical Fruit) Chambers's Journal, vol. 12, 1895. Banbury. EARLDOM OF BANBURY Craik's Romance of the Peerage. Bancroft (George, American Historian, died 1891) Biographies reprinted from " The Times," vol. 5, 1896. Griswold's Prose Writers of America. Bancroft (Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1610) Cunningham's English Nation. Fuller's Worthies. Hook's Archbishops, vol. 10. Jeaffreson's Book About Clergy. Neal's History of the Puritans. Price's Protestant Nonconformity. Bancroft (Sir S. and Lady, Actors) Baker's London Stage. Bancroft's On and Off the Stage. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Pascoe's Dramatic List. Mrs. Sala's Famous People I have met, 1892. Theatre, vols. i (n.s.), 1883, & 12 (n.s.), 1888. Bandinelli (Baccio, Florentine Sculptor, died 1559) Life of Cellini. Leader Scott's Robbia and other Sculptors. Vassari's Lives of the Painters, etc., vol. 4, 1859. Bands. BANDS OF THE BRITISH ARMY Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2. 1896. MILITARY BANDS AND BANDMASTERS All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. OUR MILITARY BANDS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. VILLAGE BANDS Girls' Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. [48] BANGALORE-BAPTISM Bangalore, India Caine's Picturesque India. Macleod's Peeps at the Far East, 1871. Bangkok, Siam. DESCRIPTION OF BANGKOK Chambers's Journal, 1890. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. n, 1830. Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2, 1893-4. Bangor (Noted for its Slates). BANGOR CATHEDRAL Rock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols., 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's North Wales, 1891. Murray's Guide to North Wales, 1874. Banjo. How TO MAKE A BANJO Boy's Own Annual, vol. u, 1888-9. How TO PLAY THE BANJO Boy's Own Annual, vol. 15, 1892-3. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888-9. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1888. GENERAL INFORMATION Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. i, 1879. Bank Holidays. ON BANK HOLIDAYS, AND A PLEA FOR ONE MORE Nineteenth Century, vol. 41. 1897. See also Holidays. Bankruptcy. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. BANKS and BANKING. (See also Money, Finance, etc.) ANCIENT BANKING Seyffert's Classical Antiquities. AUSTRALASIAN BANKS Coghlan's New South Wales, 1890. BANK CHARTER OF 1864 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. BANK NOTES Chambers's Journal, vol. 70, 1893. Laing's Theory of Business, 1867. BANK OF ENGLAND Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1888-9. Timbs' Curiosities of London BANK OF ENGLAND AND ITS GOVERNMENT Bagehot's Lombard Street, 1888. Laing's Theory of Business, 1867. BANK OF ENGLAND NOTES Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. BANK OF ENGLAND RATE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. BANKING AND COMMERCIAL LEGISLATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. BI-CENTENARY OF THE BANK OF SCOTLAND Chambers's Journal, vol. 12, 1895. CASE FOR AGRICULTURAL BANKS Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. COUTT'S BANK Thornbury's Haunted London, 1865. EMPLOYMENT IN BANKS Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. ENGLISH BANKING Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. FOUNDERS OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. MANUFACTURE OF BANK OF ENGLAND NOTES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1894 NEW YORK BANK Harper's Magazine, vol. 80, 1889-90. NEW ZEALAND BANKS AND FINANCIAL COMPANIES Bathgate's New Zealand, 1880. RESTRICTION ON BANKING Shadwell's Political Economy, 1877. ROMANCE OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886-7. SAVINGS BANKS Dublin Review, vol. 121.1897. Malthus's Principle of Population, 1888. Smiles' Thrift, 1875. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1880. SAVINGS BANKS AND RECENT FRAUDS Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. SCHOOL BANKS Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. WORKING OF A BAJJK Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1897. Banks (Sir Joseph, Naturalist, died'i&zo) Cunningham's English Nation. Distinguished Men of Science. Gentlemen's Magazine, 1820. Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages, 1850. Mrs. J. Herschel's Life of Caroline Herschel, 1879. Banks (Thomas, Sculptor, died 1805) Cunningham's English Nation. Cunningham's Lives of British Painters, etc., vol. 3. Spooner's History of the Fine Arts. Banners. How TO MAKE BANNERS AND FLAGS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883-4. Bannockburn Battle [1314.] FIELD OF BANNOCKBURN Tytler's Scottish Worthies. FROM BANNOCKUURN TO POITIERS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 149, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Valentine's Land Battles. See also Bruce, Scotland, etc. Banns Jeaffreson's Bridals, etc. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Banquets. Civic BANQUETS [London] Hawthorne's Our Old Home, 1864. EASTER BANQUET AT THE MANSION HOUSE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. ETRUSCAN BANQUETS Dennis' Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, 1883. GUILDHALL BANQUET Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1883-4. MEDIEVAL BANQUETS Chambers's Journal, vol. 2, 1885. Bantams Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1890-1. See also Poultry. Bantry, Ireland. BANTRY IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Banville (Theodore de, French Poet, Dramatist and Novelist, born 1820). ESSAYS ON THE WORKS OF THEODORE DE BANVILLE Lang's Essays in Little. Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. Temple Bar, vol. 101, 1894. BAPTISM. BY WATER, BY FIRE, AND FOR THE DEAD Calmet's Diet, of the Bible. CERTAIN POINTS OF ANALOGY BETWEEN JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN BAPTISM Transac- of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 10, 1882. INFANT BAPTISM Backhouse's Church History. Catholic World, vol. 51 1890. JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN BAPTISM IN APOSTOLIC AGE Transactions of Royal Historical Society, vol. 10, 1882. MODE OF BAPTISM Jackson's Institutions of Christianity, 1868. ROYAL BAPTISMS St. James' Magazine, vol. 9, 1863-4. THOUGHTS ON BAPTISM Ryle's Principles for Churchmen, 1684. E [49] BAPTISM-BARKING Baptism (continued.) GENERAL INFORMATION Beecher's Life of Christ. Burnet's Thirty-Nine Articles. Ewald's Israel, vol. 6. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe. Milman's Christianity. Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. Seeley's Ecce Homo. Swainson's Apostles' Creeds. Treasury of Religious Thought. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer. ughton's Religic under Queen Anne and the Georges, 1878. Bar. BAR AS A PROFESSION Pascoe's Professions. Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. BENCHERS AND THE BAR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. CHANCES OF THE ENGLISH BAR Hayward's Essays. LEADERS OF THE BAR Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. THE STATE OF THE BAR National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1882-3. Montagu Williams's Leaves of a Life, 1890. Barabbas (The criminal released by Pilate at the instigation of the rulers of Israel in preference to Jesus Christ) Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Barak and Deborah (Warrior and Prophetess of Israel) Church's Stories from the Bible, and Series. Josephus' Works. Barataria (Sancho Panza's Island). THE REAL BARATARIA Chambers's Journal vol. 7, 1890. Barbadoes, West Indies (Noted for its Exports of Rum, Arrowroot, and Sugar). BARBADOES AS A WINTER RESORT National Review, vol. o, 1865. GEOLOGY OF THE BARBADOES Nature, vol. 46, 1892. PETS AND PESTS IN BARBADOES Chambers's Journal, vol. 13, 1896 GENERAL INFORMATION Coleridge's West Indies. Froude's West Indies. Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5 Trollope's West Indies. Vincent's South America, 1890. Barbary, Africa. BARBARY CORSAIRS Antiquary, vol. 21 (n.s.), 1890. Spectator, vol. 64, 1890. PEEPS INTO BARBARY Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. SPORTING IN BARBARY Napier's Wild Sports in Europe, etc., 1844. Barbauld (Mrs. Anna Letitia, Educational Writer and Poet, died 1825). ESSAYS ON MRS. BARBAULD Fawcett's Eminent Women. Robertson's English Poetesses. Thackeray's Book of Sibyls. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. GENERAL INFORMATION Memoirs of Sir James Mackintosh, 1836. Barber-Surgeons Antiquary, vol. 22 (n.s.), 1890. Gentleman's'Mag.,vol.46(n.s.),i89i. Barbers Chambers's Journal, 1860. Hone's Works, 1823. BarbOUT (John, Scottish Historical Poet, died 1395) Anderson's Scottish Nation. Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary. Tytler's Scottish Worthies, 1831. Barbuda Island (Exports Tobacco, Pepper, etc.) Coleridge's West Indies in 1825. Barcelona, Spain. DESCRIPTION OF BARCELONA Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 18. Gautier's Spain, Hare's Spain. Inglis's Spain. Lomas' Sketches in Spain. Murray's Mediter- ranean. Murray's Spain, 1892. Barclay (Alexander, Poet, died 1552). ECLOGUES AND "Snip OF FOOLES" Disraeli's Amenities of Literature. SKETCH OF ALEXANDER BARCLAY Anderson's Scottish Nation. 1880. GENERAL INFORMATION Irving's Scottish Poetry. Warton's English Poetry, vol. 3. Barclay (David, London Merchant) Smiles' Self Help, 1860. Barclay (Robert, Apologist for the Quakers, died 1690). SKETCH OF LIFE AND LIST OF WORKS Anderson's Scottish Nation. Stoughton's William Penn, 1882. Bards (Poets or Minstrels). BRITISH BARDS Barnes' Ancient Britain. Barentz (Willem, Dutch Navigator, died 1597). BARENTZ AND HEEMSKERCK Becker's Adventurous Lives. Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Barere de Vieuzac (Bertrand, French Revolutionary Writer, died 1841). CRSTICAL ESSAY ON BERTRAND BARERE Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1891. Barges (Flat-bottomed Boats). BARGES AND BARGEMEN Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. ECSTASIES OF BARGE LIFE Woman, June, 1895. Barham (Nicholas, Serjeant-at-Law, died 1577) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Lavr, 1869. Barnaul (Richard Harris, Author of " Ingoldsby Legends," died 1845) British Quarterly Review, vol. 53. Shaw's Religious Humourist, 1886. Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. Temple Bar, vol. 31, 1871. Bar! Tribe, Africa Mounteney-Jephson's Emin Pasha, 1890. Baring (Sir Evelyn, now Lord Cramer, born 1841) Gordon's Journals at Khartoum, 1885. Barker (Canon ^(illiam, Rector of St. Marylebone, London) Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. Barking, Essex. BARKING ABBEY Page's Essex in the Days of Old. HISTORY OF BARKING Coller's Essex. Morant's Essex. Ogborne's Esses. Thome's Environs of London. Wright's Essex. See also Essex. NOTES ON THE PARISH REGISTERS OF BARKING Essex Archaeological Society's Transactions, vol. 2, 1863. [50] BARLAS BARRIOS Barlas (John). POETRY OF JOHN BARLAS Yellow Book, vol. u, 1896. Barlow (Sir George Hilaro, Governor-General of India, died 1847) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 8, 1830. Quarterly Review, vol. 5, 1811. Barlowe (William, Bishop of Chichester, born in Essex, died 1568) Burnet's Reformation. Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary. Fuller's Worthies. Heylyn's Reformation, 1849. Barmaids. ABOUT BARMAIDS St. James' Mag., vol. 24, 1869. Woman, June, 1895. Barmouth (Seaside Resort in Wales). LI.ANGOLLEN, CARNARVON, AND BARMOUTH Myrback & Villars 1 Sketches of England, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Gossiping Guide to Wales. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, vol. 5. Barnabas (St.) THE APOSTLE BARNABAS Wright's Friendship of God, 1882. EPISTLE OF BARNABAS Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. GENERAL INFORMATION Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 7. Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Barnard. (Lady Anne, Author of " Auld Robin Gray," died 1825) Anderson's Scottish Nation. Robertson's Poetesses, 1883. Temple Bar, vol. 62, 1881. Barnard (Dr. Edward, Head Master of Eton College, died 1781) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Nichols' Literary Anecdotes, vol. 8. Barnard (Edward Emerson, Astronomer, born 1857) Harper's Mag., vol. 26, 1893. Barnard (George Grey). A NEW AMERICAN SCULPTOR Century Mag., vol. 53, 1896-7. Barnardiston (Thos., Legal Reporter, created Serjeant in 1735, died 1752) Gentleman's Mag., vol. 22. Woolrych's Eminent Serjeants-at-law of the English Bar, 1869. Barnardo (Dr.) CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. DR. BARNARDO'S HOMES Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 5, 1893. Barnaul (Noted for Lead and Copper Mines) Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. Barnby (Sir Joseph, Musical Composer and Conductor, died 1896) Engel's Handel to Halle, 1890. Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. 4, 1889. Barnes (William, Dorsetshire Poet, died 1886). REVIEW OF His WORKS Doyle's Lectures on Poetry. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. Barnet, Herts (where Warwick was slain). FROM BARNET AND FROM BARNET FIELD English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1895-6. Barnett (Curtis, English Commodore, died 1746). MEMOIR Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 6, 1814. Barnett (John, Musical Composer). SHORT NOTICE Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Naumann's History of Music, 1886. Barnfleld (Richard, Poet, died 1627) Ward's English Poets, vol. I. Baroda, India Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 3rd series, vol. 3 [Baroda Palace]. , , . . Barolong. DESCRIPTION OF BAROLONG Mackenzie's Austral Africa, 1877. .>.lLUiiii i in Losu|m v . j ,iu \ t. HIJ iict iii i Laniiiua, vvji. j. 1^111^ of Mechanics. Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, vol. i, 1874-81. Baron (Michel, Eminent French Player, died 1729) Cornhill Magazine, vol. 8, 1887. Hawkins' Annals of the French Stage, 1884. Baron's Stone. BARON'S STONE AT KILLOCHAN Macmillan's Mag., vol. 17, 1867-8. Baron's War Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. i. Monthly Review, vol. 163, 1844. Barotseland, Africa Mathers' ZambesiaJ: England's El Dorado in Africa, 1891. Barras (Paul F. J. N., Comte de, died 1829) New Review, vol. 13, 1895. Barre 1 (Colonel, Politician, died 1802) COLONEL BARRE AND His TIMES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. Wraxall's Memoirs, vol. 2, 1836. Barrett (Wilson, Actor, born in Essex 1846) Archer's About the Theatre. Longman's Magazine, vol. 7, 1885-6. Routledge's Men and Women of the Time. Theatre, vol. i (n.s.), 1883, vol. 6, 1882, & vol. 18, 1891. Barrett (Mrs. Wilson [Caroline Heath], A ctress) Pascoe's Dramatic List, 1880. Barrie IJ. M., Novelist and Dramatist, born 1860) BARRIE'S " SENTIMENTAL TOMMY" Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Bookman, vol. i, 1891. Temple Magazine, vol, 2, 1897. Barrinffton (Dr. Shute, Bishop successively of Llandaff, Salisbury, and Durham, died 1826) Cunningham's English Nation. Holyoake's Self Help. Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Nichols' Literary Anecdotes, vol. 6. Barrington (George, a writer and noted thief, died 1840) Ashton's i8th Century Waifs. Barrington (Sir Jonah, Judge in the Court of Admiralty, Ireland, died 1834) Green Bag, vol. 2, 1890. Madden's United Irishmen, vol. 4, 1842. Barrios (General Don Justo Rufino, President of Guatemala, died 1885) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. BARROW-BASSANO Barrow (Isaac, Theologian and Mathematician, died 1677) Antiquary, vol. 20, 1889. Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary, vol. 4. Cunningham's English Nation. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 8. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Stoughton's Worthies of Science Barrow Strait Markham's Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay, 1875. Barrows (Mounds of Earth or Stones raised in ancient times to mark Burial Places'). ANCIENT BRITISH LONG BARROWS Nature, vol. i, 1870. BARROWS IN CORNWALL AND DORSETSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, Part i]. BARROWS IN EAST YORKSHIRE Wright's Essays on Archaeology. BRITISH BARROWS NEAR CHICHESTER Transactions of Archasological Inst., 1853. DEVONSHIRE Assoc. REPORT OF BARROW COMMITTEE Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. 28. Two BARROWS ON THE BRENDON HILLS Proceedings Somerset Arch. Soc., vol. 42. GENERAL INFORMATION Antiquary, Archaeologia, Archaeological Journal, etc. Barry (Elizabeth, Actress, died 1713) Russell's Representative Actors, 1888. Barry (Tames, Irish Painter, died 1806), R. A. Adams' Steady Aim. Craik's Pursuit of Knowledge. Cunningham's Painters, etc. Curran's Sketches of the Irish Bar. Barry (Spranger, Irish Actor, died 1777) Baker's London Stage. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 60. Russell's Representative Actors, 1888. Bart (Jean, of Dunkirk, French Privateer and Naval Officer, died 1702) Laughton's Students' Naval History. Norman's Corsairs of France, 1887. Barter. ODD PAYMENTS IN KIND Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. Earth (Dr., German Traveller, died 1865). TRAVELS Kingston & Low's Great African Travellers, 1890. Bartholomew Fair Bentley's Miscellany, vol. 12. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 14, 1823. Brayley's Londoniana, vol. 2. Chambers's Book of Days, vol. 2. Cun- ningham's Handbook. Hone's Every Day Book, 1825. Bartholomew's Day. See St. Bartholomew's Day. Bartolozzi (Francesco, Italian Engraver, died 1815). BARTOLOZZI AND His TIME All the Year Round, vol. 49, 1882. Nichols' Literary Anecdotes. Barton (Bernard, Quaker Poet, died 1849) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. BarttelOt (Major E. M., Commander of Rear Column, Emin Pasha Expedition, killed 1888). BARTTELOT AND TIPPOO-TIB Bourne's Other Side of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, 1891. Little's Life and Work of Emin Pasha, 1889. Basalt (A Species of Rock). CONTROVERSY REGARDING THE ORIGIN OF BASALT Geikie's Founders of Geology. Base-Ball Every Boy's Book. Longman's Mag., vol. 10, 1887. Outing, vol. 12, 1888. Basedow (J. B., German teacher, died 1790) Quick's Educational Reformers. Bashan, Palestine. VISIT TO BASHAN AND ARGOB Sunday at Home, vol. 42, 1895. Bashfulness. LETTER ON BASHFULNESS British Essayists, vol. 9, 1823. Bashi-BazoukS (Ttwkish Irregular Troops) Eraser's Magazine, vol. 54, 1856. Bashilange Country Wissmann's Second Journey through Equatorial Africa, 1891 . Bashkirsteff (Marie). JOURNAL OF MARIE BASHKIRSTEFF Temple Bar, vol. 88, 1890. MARIE BASHKIRSTEFF : a Human Document Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 146, GENERAL INFORMATION Century Magazine, vol. 18, 1890. Fortnightly Review, vol. 47, 1890. Review of Reviews, vol. i, 1890. Basil (St., Recluse, Bishop of Ctzsarea, died 379). TRIALS AND LABOURS OF BASIL Newman's Historical Sketches, 3 vols., 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Expositor, vol. 3, 1896 Farrar's Lives of the Fathers. Kingsley's Hermits. Milman's Christianity. Shepherd's Church of Rome. Basildon. N OTES ON BASILDON Transactions of the Newbury Field Club, vol. 4, 1896. Basilian Dynasty [867-1057] Doran's Monarchs Retired from Business, 1857. Basilicas. BASILICAS OF ROME Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. CHRISTIAN AND PAGAN BASILICAS Hare's Walks in Rome, 1872. BasiliSCUS (Greek Commander, usurped throne at Constantinople; starved to death 491) Evagrius' History of the Church, 1846. Basket-making Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891-2, & vol. 16, 1894-5. Basle Switzerland Stoughton's Homes and Haunts of Luther. Switzerland and the ' Swiss [Church of England Book Society] . And under Switzerland. Basque Country, Spain (Near the French Pyrenees). FESTIVAL AMONG THE BASQUES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 46, i8i2. GENERAL INFORMATION Kingsley's Prose Idylls, 1889. Leisure Hour, vol. 45, 1897. Bass (George, Naval Swgeon, Discoverer of Bass's Straits, circa 1799). TRAVELS Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. Bassano (On the Brenta). ORPHANAGE Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, vol. 8 (p. 287), 1878-84. GENERAL INFORMATION Hare's Northern Italy. Howell's Italian Journeys. Latrobe's The Pedestrian, 1832. [52] BASSBLIN DE VERB-BATTLES Basselin de Vere (Olivier, French Poet, i^th Century). STUDY Besant's Early French Poetry, 1868. Frazer's Magazine, vol. ai, 1840. Bassomplerre (Francois de, Sotdier and Statesman, died 1646). A MARSHAL OF FRANCE New Review, vol. 15, 1896. Bastile (Destroyed 1789). BASTILE AND THE TOUR EIFFEL Good Words, vol. 29, 1888. HISTORY OF THE BASTILE Chambers's Miscellany, vol. 19, 1847. LAST GOVERNOR OF THE BASTILE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 22, 1894. PRISONER OF THE BASTILE All the Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Carlyle's French Revolution. Letters of Earl Malmesbury. Batak. AN UNPUBLISHED BATAK CREATION LEGEND Journal Anthrop. Inst., vol. 26. Batalha, Portugal Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19. Murray's Guide to Portugal. Batavia, Java Bentley's Mis., vol. 57, 1865. Spofford's Lib. of Choice Literature, vol. I. Batchian Wallace's Malay Archipelago : the Land of the Orang-Utan, 1890. Bateman (Isabella, A ctress) Pascoe's Dramatic List, vol. 19, 1892. BATH (Noted for its Roman Antiquities and Saline and Chalybeate Springs). ANNALS 'OF THE BATH STAGE Theatre, vol. 15, 1890. BATH AND ITS SCHOOLS Escott's Platform, Press, etc. BATH AS A ROMAN CITY Archaeological Journal, vol. 48, 1891. BATH IN 1864 Doran's Our Great Towns, 1878. CHARACTERS AT BATH British Essayists, vol. i and vol. 2, 1823. CONDUCT OF THE BATH SHARPERS British Essayists, vol. 2, 1823. GLIMPSES OF BATH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. PLAN OF BATH Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain. ROMAN AND FASHIONABLE BATH Walter's Bygone Somerset, 1897. SOCIAL BATH IN THE LAST CENTURY Murray's Magazine, vol. ip, 1891. SOME VISITORS TO BATH DURING THE REIGN OF JAMES I. Antiquary, vol. 14, 1886. SOULS AND BODIES [A discursive paper; with glimpses of the city of Bath] Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. THE MUNICIPAL BATHS OF BATH "London," vol. 6, 1897. Guide to Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, and Somersetshire, Bath (W. Pulteney, Earl of ) Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages, vol. 7, 1850. Bath-Brick Chambers's Journal, vol. 13, r8g6. Bathing Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1880-1. Scribner's Mag., vol.8, 1890. Swimming. BATHS. ANCIENT ROMAN BATHS Middleton's Ancient Rome. Seyffert's Classical Antiquities Whiteside's Eternal City, 1849. MARBLE AND SPRAY BATHS Buchan's Plumbing and House Drainage, 1892. MODERN EGYPTIAN BATHS Lane's Modern Egyptians. Murray's Egypt, 1891. OLDEN BATHS OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London. POMPEIAN BATHS Dyer's Pompeii: its History, Buildings, and Antiquities, 1867. PUBLIC BATHS Sinclair's Swimming [Badminton Library], 1893. SEA AND HOME BATHS Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. Bathsheba (Wife of David) Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 3. Josephus' Works. Bathurst (Benjamin, Son of Dr. Bathurst, Bishop of Norwich, born 1784, died 1809). DISAPPEARANCE OF BATHURST Gould's Historic Oddities, 1889. THE LOST AMBASSADOR Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Bathurst (Henry, Earl, Lord Chancellor, died 1794) Campbell's Lord Chancellors. Batlaping Mackenzie's Austral Africa, Losing it, or Ruling it, 1877. Batoum (Seaport in Russia) Contemporary Review, vol. 50, 1886. Bats. ACCOUNT OF THE VAMPIRE-BATS Hutchinson's Concise Knowledge of Natural History, 1897. Knowledge, vol. 12, 1888-9. Battas. SUPERSTITIONS OF THE BATTAS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Batteries. RAILWAY BATTERIES AND ARMOURED TRAINS Fortnightly Rev., vol. 64, 1895. Battersea. BATTERSEA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Review of Reviews, vol. 8, 1893. Battie (W., Scholar, Physician, and Humorist, died 1776) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians. BattlSComb (Christopher, Martyred 1685) Western Martyrology,or Bloody Assizes,i873. Battle Abbey, Sussex Black's Guide to Sussex. Dublin Review, vol. 49, 1861. Hawthorne's English Note-Books. Murray's Guide to Sussex. Once a Week, vol. 15, 1866. Penny Magazine, vol. 2, 1833. Battle Ships. LAUNCHING OF BIG BATTLE SHIPS AND OCEAN LINERS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. See also Navy, Ships, etc. BATTLES. (See also under names of Commanders, Places, etc.) BATTLE OF BARNET, 1471 Church's Chantry Priest of Barnet, 1890. BATTLE OF EDGE HILL, Warwickshire [23rd October, 1642] Argosy, vol. 59, 1895. BATTLE OF FLODDEN, 1513 Church's Chantry Priest of Barnet, 1890. BATTLE OF THE NILE, 1798 James' Naval History, vol. a. BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR, 1805 Great Battles of the British Navy. James' Naval History, vol. 4. Mahan's Lite of Nelson, 1897. [53] BATTLES-BEAN-PLANT Battles (co ntinued.) BATTLEFIELDS OF ENGLAND Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. CAMPAIGN OF TRAFALGAR Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 7, 1895. CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. GREAT NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS James's Naval History, 6 vols., 1878. NAVAL ACTIONS Giffard's Deeds of Naval Daring, 1854. SOME FAMOUS BRITISH BATTLES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1880-1. THAT DETESTABLE BATTLE OF LEWES Antiquary, vol. 9, 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Bov's Own Annual. James' Naval History. Kingston's Our Soldiers and Our Sailors. Valentine's Land Battles and Sea Fights. Baude (Henri, French Poet, died 1495) Besant's Early French Poetry, 1868. Baudin (Capt. C., died 1803). TRAVELS Verne's Great Navigators, 1880. Baugries Macfarlane's Banditti and Robbers, 1839. BAVARIA. BAVARIA AND ITS PEOPLE Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. BEGGARS IN BAVARIA Rumford's Essays, 1798-1804. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNTS Baedeker's Guide to Southern Germany. Hughes' Treasury of Geography. Rivington's Notes of Travels during 1856-64. HEAD QUARTERS OF BEER-DRINKING Atlantic, vol. 14, 1864. MAY CUSTOMS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. PALACES OF THE KING Art Journal (n.s.), 1888. QUIET CORNER IN BAVARIA Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. SALMO-HUCHO FISHING IN BAVARIA Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 6. Baxter (Richard, Puritan Divine, died 1691). ADDRESS BY DEAN STANLEY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. WORK AND TIMES OF BAXTER Stephen's Ecclesiastical Biography, 1868. GENERAL INFORMATION British Worthies, vol. 5. Coleridge's Notfs on English Divines. Jeffreson's Book about the Clergy. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 9. Neal's Puritans. Pike's Meeting-Houses. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution. Whittier's Old Portraits. Bayard (Pierre du Terreil, Seigneur de, Celebrated French Commander killed in Battle, 1524) Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers. Smith's Romance of History. Wilson's Illustrious Soldiers, 1874. Bayard's Castle Loftie's London [Historic Towns Series] . Bayeux Macquoid's Normandy, 1875. Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Bayle (P., French Sceptical Philosopher, died 1706) Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature. Bayly (Thomas H., Song Writer and Dramatist, died 1839) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Hall's Book of Memories. Lang's Essays in Little, 1891. Bayreuth City, Bavaria. A BAYREUTH PILGRIMAGE Theatre, vols. 8, 1886, & 18, 1891. WAGNER FESTIVAL AT BAYREUTH Haweis 1 My Musical Life, 1891. Macmillan's Magazine, vol 35, 1876-7. Bazaars. ARCADES AND BAZAARS OF LONDON English Illustrated Mag., vol. 14, 1896. ARE THEY A FORM OF CHARITY Murray's Magazine, vol. 3, 1888. Bazaine (F. A., French Marshal, died 1888) Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 236, 1874. Beachey Head Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1887. Murray's Guide to Sussex. Beacons (Objects intended to notify the presence of danger). SITES OF LOCAL BEACONS [Cumberland and Westmoreland] Trans. Cumb. Antiq. Soc., vol. 14. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers's Journal, vols. 35-6, 1861. Edwards' Seamarks. Gattie's Goodwin Sands, 1890. BEACONSFIELD (Rt. Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of, Prime Minister of England, died 1881) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines. CHARACTER OF LORD BEACONSFIELD Temple Bar, vol. 69, 1883. CHARACTERISTICS OF LORD BEACONSFIELD Cornhill Magazine, vol. i, 1896. DISRAELI VINDICATED Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. FROUDE'S LIFE OF BEACONSFIELD [Review] Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 149, 1891. LAPSED COPYRIGHT OF BEACONSFIELD'S NOVELS Temple Bar, vol. 83, 1888. LAST ILLNESS OF LORD BEACONSFIELD Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. LOTHAIR [a Critical Study] Harrison's Choice of Books. Macuiillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. QUEEN AND LORD BEACONSFIELD Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 37, 1895. WIT AND HUMOUR OF BEACONSKIELD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. WOMANKIND OF BEACONSFIELD Temple Bar, vol. 84, i8bS. GENERAL INFORMATION Home Words for Heart and Hearth. Marquis of Lome's Viscount Pahnerston. Molesworth's History of England. Quarterly Review, vol. 168, 1889. Russell's Gladstone. Smith's Gladstone. Smith's Prime Ministers. Temple Bar, vols. 74, 85, & 86, 1885 & 1889. Traill's Life of Salisbury. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Beagling (Hare-Hunting u-ith Beagles) Pall Mall Magazine, vol. n, 1897. Beale (Mary, Artist, died 1697) Clayton's English Female Artists. Beams. STRENGTH OF BEAMS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 2 & 3, 1897. Bean-Plant. DESCRIPTION OF THE BEAN Huxley's Practical Biology, 1889. JUMPING BEANS Chambers's Journal, vol. 13, 18961 [3f] BEARD-BEAUTY Beard (John, English Actor, died 1791) Russell's Representative Actors, 1888. Beards. BEARDS AND DRESS Robinson's Bench and Bar, 1891. BEARDS AND THEIR BEARERS Doran's Habits and Men, 1855. DISSERTATION ON BEARDS British Essayists, vol. n, 1823. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 68 1891. Burder's Oriental Literature. Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. Beardsley (Aubrey, born 1873). M R - AUBREY BEARDSLEY AND His WORK Idler, vol. u, 1897. BEARS. ADVENTURES WITH GRIZZLIES Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. AMONGST THE HIMALAYAN BEARS Argosy, vol. 59, 1895. BEAR ADVENTURE IN CEYLON Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 2. BEAR-BAITING Andrews' England in the Days of Old, 1892. BEAR-GARDEN AT SOUTHWARK Cunningham's Handbook to London. BEAR-HUNTING IN INDIA Leveson's Sport in Many Lands. BLACK BEARS Macintyre's Hinduh-Koh : Wanderings beyond the Himalayas, 1891. GRIZZLY, CINNAMON 'AND BLACK BEARS Dodge's Hunting Grounds of the Great West, 1877. POLAR BEARS Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition. Longman's Magazine, vol. 24, 1894. Whymper's The Sea : its Stirring Story of Adventure. POLAR BEARS AT THE "Zoo" Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. SACRIFICE OF BEARS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Baker's Wild Beasts. Greenwood's Wild Sports. Hart- ing's British Animals. Outing, vol. 9, 1887. "Beating 1 of My Own Heart "Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs. Beatitudes {Glory, Blessedness) Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, i8gi. Beaton or Bethune (Cardinal David, died 1546) Anderson's Scottish Nation [with Portrait]. Lodge's Portraits, vol. i. Mackintosh's Scotland, 1891. Transactions of the Royal Historical Soc. [Notes on the Family of Betoun], vol. 7 (n.s.), 1893. Beatrice. SHAKESPEARE'S BEATRICE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 137, 1885. Jameson's Characteristics of Women. Martin's Shakespeare's Female Characters, 1887. Beattie (James, Scottish Poet, died 1803). SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Anderson's Scottish Nation. Foster's Critical Essays. Beattie's Poetical Works. Beau Brummell. See Brummell (Beau). Beau Fielding 1 . See Fielding (Bean). Beau Nash. See Nash (Beau). Beaufort (Henry, Cardinal, Bishop of Winchester and Lord Chancellor, died 144?) Campbell's Lord Chancellors. Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary, vol. 4. Cunningham's English Nation. Beaufort (Jane, Queen of James I. of-Scotland, died 1445) Holt's Royal Ladies, 1861. Beauharnais (Eugene, French General and Statesman, died 1824) Court and Camp of Buonaparte. Living Age, vol. 160, 1859. Beaulieu Abbey All the Year Round, vol. 31, 1873-4. Beauly, Inverness-shire. HISTORICAL NOTICES AND CHARTERS OF THE PRIORY OF BEAULY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 4. 1876. Beaumarchais (P. A. C. de, French Dramatist, died 1799). BEAUMARCHAIS AND THE BARBER OF SEVILLE Challice's Heroes of the time of Louis XVI., 1863. STUDY OF BEAUMARCHAIS Cornhill Mag., vol. 3, 1884. Temple Bar, vol. 43, 1874-5. Beaumaris Castle, Anglesey Clarke's Military Architecture in England, 1884. Beaumont (Mrs. Agnes). AUTOBIOGRAPHY Jackson's Christian Biography, vol. 4, 1837-8. GENERAL INFORMATION Anderson's Memorable Women, vol. 2, 1862. Beaumont Cv Beaumont (Sir G. H., Painter, died 1827) Cunningham's Painters and Sculptors, vol. 6. Lockhart's Life of Scott, 1878. Beaumont (Sir John, Poet, died 1627) Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary, vol. 4. Beaumont (Joseph) Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary, vol. 4. Beaurepaire (Celebrated in Arthurian Legend) Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Beautiful (The). LIMITS OF THE BEAUTIFUL Beecher's Star Papers. Contemporary Review, vol. 43, 1883. Schlegel's ./Esthetic and Miscellaneous Works, 1849. BEAUTY. ART IN AID OF BEAUTY St. James' Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. BEAUTIFUL FOR EVER CASE Williams's Leaves of a Life, 1890. BEAUTY AND SANITY Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. BEAUTY AND THE HANDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1892-3. BEAUTY IN NATURE Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. CHARACTER SKETCH OF A BEAUTY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. ESSAY ON BEAUTY 'Emerson's Prose Works, 1845. FRAGMENTS OF AN ESSAY ON BEAUTY Coleridge's Miscellanies, 1885. [55 ] BEAUTY BEDFORDSHIRE Beauty (continued.) GOSSIP ON BEAUTY All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. HEALTH, STRENGTH AND BEAUTY Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889-90. HUMAN BEAUTY Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 5, 1819. IMPROVEMENT OF BEAUTY BY EXERCISE British Essayists, vols. 5 & 6, 1823. IRRESISTIBLE POWER OF BEAUTY British Essayists, vol. 13, 1823. Is BEAUTY EVANESCENT? Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889-90. OF BEAUTY Bacon's Essays, 1892. PHILOSOPHICAL OPINIONS OF BEAUTY British Essayists, vol. 34, 1823. PROFESSIONAL BEAUTIES London Society, vol. 36, 1879. ROSSETTI AND THE RELIGION OF BEAUTY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 47, 1883. SERVICE OF BEAUTY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888-9. SOME POINTS or FEMALE BEAUTY Girls' Own Annual, vol. 16, 1894-5. THE IDEA OF BEAUTY Hamerton's Man in Art, 1892. THOUGHTS ON BEAUTY AND ART Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. TYPES OF ENGLISH BEAUTY Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. TYPICAL BEAUTY Ruskin's Modern Painters, vol. 2, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Bain's Emotions and the Will. British Essayists, vols. i, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13. Emerson's Prose Works. Hazlitt's Round Table. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Beaux. BEAUX HISTORICALLY CONSIDERED English Illustrated, vol. 3, 1885-6 CHAPTERS ON BEAUX OF THE OLDEN TIME Doran's Habits and Men, 1855. INVENTORY OF A BEAU British Essayists, vol. 3, 1823. See also Brummell, Fielding, Nash, etc. Beaver. A BEAVER LAKE IN SUSSEX Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. LIFE OF THE BEAVER Timbs' Strange Stories of the Animal World, 1868. REMARKS ON BEAVERS Harting's British Animals Extinct within Historic Times. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1890-1. Bechuanaland, South Africa. BRITISH BECHUANALAND Dilke's Greater Britain. GENERAL INFORMATION Churchill's Men, Mines, and Animals. Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. Saturday Review, vol. 59, 1885. Becket (Thomas a, A rchbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor of England, murdered 1170). EPISODE IN THE LIFE OF BECKET Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. LIFE AND TIMES OF THOMAS BECKET Froude's Short Studies, vol. 4, 1891. LIFE OF BECKET AS LORD CHANCELLOR Campbell's Chancellors, vol. i, 1856-7. REMAINS OF THOMAS A BECKET Chambers's Journal, vol. 5, 1888. ST. THOMAS OF CANTERBURY AND HIS BIOGRAPHERS Freeman's Hist. Essays, vol. i. GENERAL INFORMATION Beard's Reformation and Modern Thought. Hook's Archbishops, vol.2. White's England. See also Henry II., England, Canterbury, etc. Backford (Wm., Man of Letters and Collector, died 1844). THE CALIPH OF FONTHILL New Review, vol. 16, 1897. Beckner (Volney) Chambers's Miscellany. Beconsaw (Alice, wife of Lord John Lisle) Anderson's Memorable Women, 1862. Beddoes (Thomas, Physicist, died 1808), M.D. Meteyard's A Group of Englishmen, 1871. Beddoes (Thomas Lovell, Poet, died 1849). CRITICAL NOTICES OF BEDDOES Gosse's Critical Kit-Kats, 1896. Saturday Review, vol. 70, 1890. Temple Bar, vol. 101, 1894. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Bedell (William, Bishop of Kilmore, died 1642) Coleridge's Notes on English Divines. Bede (Cuthbert, Pseudonym of the Rev. E. Bradley, author of " Verdant Green ") Boy's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1889-90. Bede (Venerable, Historian and Astronomer, died 735) Andrews' Bygone Durham [Relics of Bede and Benedict Biscop] . Cunningham's English Nation. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 25 (n.s.), 1880. Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places [J arrow]. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 2. Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. Bedford (Anne Carre, Countess of, Wife of William, Lord Russell, afterwards fifth Earl of Bedford, died 1684) Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages, vol. 6, 1850. Bedford (Francis Russell, Fourth Earl of, died 1641) Lodge's Portraits, vol. 4, 1850. Bedford (Francis Russell, Fifth Duke of, died 1802) Brayley's Londoniana, vol. 4. Cunningham's English Nation. Lodge's Portraits, vol. 8, 1850. Bedford (John Russell, First Earl of, died 1555) Lodge's Portraits, vol. i, 1849. Bedford (John Russell, Fourth Duke of, died 1771) Brougham's Statesmen of the Times of George III. Cunningham's English Nation. Lodge's Portraits of Illus- trious Personages, vol. 7, 1850. Bedford (Lucy Harrington, Countess of. Wife of Edward Russell, third Earl of Bedford, died 1627) Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages, vol. 3, 1850. Bedford (William Russell, Duke of, died 1700) Lodge's Portraits, vol. 6, 1850. BEDFORDSHIRE, England. ACCOUNTS OF PLACES IN BEDFORDSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1891. CHRONICLES OF BEDFORD All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. CHURCH BELLS OF BEDFORDSHIRE Antiquary, vol. 9, 1884. HISTORY OF CORPORATION OF BEDFORD Transactions of Royal Historical Society vol. 8, 1880. [56] BEDFORDSHIRE-BEETLES Bedfordshire (continued.) PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDED AT BEDFORD Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1888. ROMAN BEDFORDSHIRE Archaeological Journal, vol. 39, 1882. SAXON REMAINS AT BEDFORD Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, vol. 16, 1892. TOPOGRAPHY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library (Topography). Bedlam (Bethlehem Hospital or Asylum for Lunatics). A VISIT TO BEDLAM WITH DEAN SWIFT British Essayists, vol. 25, 1823. GENERAL INFORMATION Timbs' Curiosities of London. Bedouins. AMONG THE BEDOUINS OF LOR Sevenson's Trips to many Lands. IN THE DESERT WITH THE BEDOUIN ARABS Century Magazine, vol. 53, 1896-7. LIFE AMONGST THE BEDOUINS All the Year Round, vol. 61, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION St. John's Egypt and Nubia, 1845. Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. See also under Arabs, etc. Beds and Bedsteads. ANCIENT BEDSTEADS Antiquary, vol. 7, 1883. HISTORICAL BEDSTEADS Japp's Days with Industrials. Japp's Industrial Curiosities. REMARKABLE BEDS Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. St. James's Mas., vol. 17, 1866. Beecher (Henry Ward, American Preacher, died 1887). BEECHER AT LIVERPOOL IN 1863 Century Magazine, vol. 15, 1888-9. . HISTRIONIC POWER Theatre, vol. 9, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Griswold's Prose Writers. Stowe's Men of the Time. Beechey (Admiral F. W., Arctic Explorer, died 1856) Blackie's Modern Cyclopasdia, vol. i. Quarterly, vol. 45, 1831. Beechey (Sir W., Father of above, Portrait Painter, died 1839) Blackie's Modern Cyclopaedia, vol. i. Dictionary of National Biography, vol 4, 1885 ; etc. Beefsteak Club Thornbury & Walford's Haunted London, 1880. BEER. (See also under Ale, Brewing, etc.) ABOUT BEER All Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. BEER AS A FOOD Drewry's Cup and Platter : Notes on Food and its effects, 1879. BEER DRINKING IN GERMANY Cornlull Magazine, vol. 9, 1887. BURTON BEER All Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. COMPOSITION OF VARIOUS KINDS OF BEER Blyth's Foods. LONDON STOUT Fraser's Magazine, vol. 50, 1854. MORE ABOUT BEER All Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. NEW SOUTH WALES BEER COMMERCE Griffin's New South Wales, 1888. PURE BEER Nineteenth Century, vol. 21, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Knight's London, vol. 4, 1851. Beer Markers Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. Beers (Jan Van, Belgian Painter). INTERVIEW WITH JAN VAN BEERS Idler, vol. 5, 1894. BEES. (See also under Apiary, Honey, Insects, etc.) ARCADIAN BEE-RANCHING Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6. BEE-KEEPING All Year Round, vol. 58, 1886. BEE-RANCHING IN CALIFORNIA Chambers's Journal, vol. n, 1894. BEES AND BEE-KEEPING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1879-80. BEES AND HONEY Chambers's Journal, vol. 3, 1886. DARWINISM AND BEES Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. HABITS AND INTELLIGENCE OF BEF.S Longmans' Magazine, vol. 6, 1885. HABITS OF ANTS, WASPS, AND BEES Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. HUMBLE BEES Longmans' Magazine, vol. 7, 1885-6. LIFE OF BEES Good Words, vol. 23, 1882. MODERN BEE-KEEPING Good Words, vol. 29, 1888. PROFITS OF BEE-KEEPING Chambers's Journal, vol. 24, 1883. QUEEN BEE Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. WASPS, BEES, AND BUTTERFLIES Hutchinson's Concise Natural History, 1897. WILD BEES Chambers's Journal, vol. 3, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Buckley's Fairy Land of Science. Cooke's Woodlands. Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889-90. Hibberd's Rustic Adornments. Jesse's Gleanings. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera. Wood's Insects Abroad. BEETHOVEN (Ludwig von, Famous German Musician, died 1827). ANALYSIS OF BEETHOVEN AND HIS NINE SYMPHONIES Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. BEETHOVEN AND HIS TEN SYMPHONIES New Review, vol. 15, 1896. BEETHOVEN'S SONATAS Girl's Own Annual, vols. 8-10, 1686-7 & 1883-9. BEETHOVEN AND HIS WORKS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. BIOGRAPHIES Crowest's Tone-Poets. Engel's From Handel' to Halle. Ferris's Musical Composers. Morris' Famous Musical Composers, 1891 How TO PLAY BEETHOVEN'S SONATAS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881-2. LETTERS OF BEETHOVEN Haweis' Music and Morals, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Bourne's, Ferris's, and Tytler's Musical Composers. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Hellborn's Life of Schubert. Naumann's History of Music, vol. 4. Beetles. BARK-BORING BEETLES Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. BEETLES AS THE WORLD'S PURIFIERS Sunday Magazine, vol. 14, 1885. BEETLES OF NEW ZEALAND Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. [571 BEETLES BELIEF Beetles (continued.) BURROWING INSECTS Wood's Homes without Hands, 1869. HISTORY OF THE COMMON TIGER BEETLE Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. How TO SET AND PRESERVE THEM Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1881-2. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Science for All. Cooke's Woodlands. Hartwig's Tropical World. Stephen's Coleoptera. Wood's Insects. And under Coleoptera, Entomology, Insects, etc. Beet-Root. BEET-ROOT SUGAR Nature, vol. 3, 1870. BEGGARS. AMERICAN TRAMP Contemporary Review, vol. 60, 1891. BEGGING AND ALMSGIVING Wynter's Curiosities of Toil, 1870. BEGGARS ABROAD. All the Year Round, vol. 41, 1878. BEGGING AS A FINE ART Chambers's Journal, vol. 64, 1887. DECAY OF BEGGARS IN THE METROPOLIS Lamb's Essays of Elia, 1869. INCREASE OF BEGGARS British Essayists, vol. 12, 1823. LONDON BEGGARS Doings in London. Hunt's The Town, 1859. PARIS SYNDICATE OF PROFESSIONAL BEGGARS Chambers's Journal, vol. 67, 1890. RIGHT OF BEGGING Daily Graphic, vol. 16, 1893. SCOTTISH LAWS FOR^LAWLESS BEGGARS Antiquary, vol. 24, 1891. SOME PECULIAR BEGGARS Chambers's Journal, vol. 13, 1896. STREET-SELLERS AND BEGGARS Greenwood's Seven Curses of London. Mayhew's London Labour. North American Review, vol. 136, 1883. THOUGHTS ABOUT LONDON BEGGARS Wynter's Social Bees, 1861. GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Godwin's Enquirer. Turner's Vagrants and Vagrancy. Wynter's Human Hive, 1874. Begfharmi, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 21, 1830. Begonia (A Flower). THE TUBEROUS BEGONIA Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. Beham (Hans Sebald & Barthel, German Engravers, died 1540-52) Scott's Little Masters. Behaviour. DECENCY OF BEHAVIOUR British Essayists, vol. 7, 1823. ESSAY ON BEHAVIOUR Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 4. MANLY TREATMENT AND BEHAVIOUR Godwin's Enquirer. Behn (Mrs. Aphra, Novelist and Poet, died 1689) Temple Bar, vol. 71, 1884. Russell's Representative Actors. Robertson's English Poetesses. St. James's Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Behringf (V., Russian Navigator, discovered the Behring Straits, died 1741). FIRST EXPEDITION OF BEHRING National Geographical Magazine, vol. 2, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Travels in America. Verne's Great Navigators of the i8th Century. See also Behring Straits, Sea, etc. Behring Sea. BEHRING SEA QUESTION Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. OBSERVATIONS ON THE BERING SEA Geographical Journal, vol. 4, 1894. Behrinsf Straits. DISCOVERY OF THE BEHRING STRAITS Hovgaard's Nordenskiold's Voyage Round Asia and Europe. 1879-80. GENERAL INFORMATION Hartwig's Polar World : Man in the Arctic Regions, 1869. Bejart (Armande, French Actress, Wife of Moliere, died 1700) Hawkins' French Stage. Belfast (Chief Commercial City in Ireland). BELFAST IN 1874 Doran's Our Great Towns. BELFAST TRADE IN THE i8TH CENTURY Young's Tour in Ireland, 1892. GROWTH OF BELFAST Saturday Review, vol. 70, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 4. Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. Froude's Ireland. Hodder's Cities of the World. Belfries. ENGLISH BELFRIES AND BELGIAN CARILLONS Contemporary, vol. 17, 1871. BELGIUM. BELGIAN QUESTIONS Memoirs of Baron Stockmar, 1872. BELGIAN SOCIALISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. BELGIUM IN 1848 AND 1870 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 26, 1872. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. CITIES OF BELGIUM Hodder's Cities of the World. DANGER IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. ELECTORAL EXPERIMENTS IN BELGIUM Dublin Review, vol. 116, 1895. FROM HOME TO THRONE IN BELGIUM Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1896-7. IBERIAN AND BELGIAN INFLUENCE AND EPOCHS IN GREAT BRITAIN Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.). 1884. LINES OF TRAVEL Loomis's Guide to Travel in Europe, 1891. NOTES ON THE LIGURIANS, AguiTANiANS, AND BELGIANS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. I (n.s.), 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Hughes' Treasury of Geography. Macgregor's Rob Roy Canoe. Quarterly Review, vol. 112, 1862. Thomas Raikes' Journal, 1858. Rivington's Travels in Europe in 1856-64. Beljjravia. HOUSEKEEPING IN BELGRAVIA Mayhew's London Characters, 1874. BELIEF. ARTICLE BY CHARLES KINGSLEY Good Words, vol. 24, 1883. BELIEF AND CONDUCT Nineteenth Century, vol.24, 1888. BELIEF: WHETHER VOLUNTARY Hazlitt's Sketches and Essays and Winterslow. DOUBT AND BELIEF Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. FOUNDATIONS OF BELIEF Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 37, 1895. INSTINCTIVE BELIEF Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1846. MISTAKES OF BELIEF Sully's Illusions: a Psychological Study [Inter. Sci. Series]. [58] BELIEF-BELUCHISTAN Belief (continued.) PHILOSOPHY OF BELIEF Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 1896. PREDISPOSITION TO BELIEF Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. PSYCHOLOGY OF BELIEF W. B. Carpenter's Nature and Man, 1888. RESPONSIBILITY FOR BELIEF Bain's The Emotions and the Will. SINS OF BELIEF AND UNBELIEF Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. THE WISH TO BELIEVE Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. GENERAL INFORMATION Goodwin's Foundations of the Creed, 1890. Treasury of Religious Thought, vols. 1-2, 1891. Belisarius (Roman General under Justinian, died 565) Gibbon's Roman Empire. Bell (Graham, American Physicist) Munro's Heroes of the Telegraph, 1891. Bell (Henry Glassford, Poet, died 1874) Journal of Jurisprudence, February, 1874. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland. Bell (Sir Charles, Scotch Physiologist, died 1842) Eraser's Magazine, vol. n, 1875. Quarterly Review, vol. 72, 1843. Smiles' Murray, 1891. Smiles' Self-Help, 1860. Bellamy (Edward, Author of "Looking Backward"). REVIEW OF HIS NOVEL. " EQUALITY " Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. Bellamy (George Anne, Irish Actress, died 1788) Blackburn's Illustrious Irishwomen- Doran's Annals of the Stage. Russell's Representative Actors, 1888. Bellapais Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. Bellerophon (Heroic Character in Mythology; received the name through slaying the- Corinthian Bellerus) Muller's Chips from a German Workshop, vol. 2, 1867. Belles-lettres. TASTE Goldsmith's Miscellaneous Works. And tinder Literature. Bellew (Kyrle, A cior) Pascoe's Dramatic List. Theatre, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1882 [Memoir with Portrait] . Bellini (Gentile, Venetian Painter, died 1507) Century Magazine, vol. 17, 1889-90. Oliphant's Makers of Venice. Vasari's Lives, vol. 2, 1871. Bellini (Vincenzo, Sicilian Musical Composer, died 1835) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Ferris' Musical Composers. Upton's Standard Operas. Bellingshausen (Capt.) TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the igth Century, 1881. Bellot (Lieut. J. R., French Explorer, drowned 1853) Groser's Men Worth Imitating, BELLS. (See also Belfries, Churches, and under Names of Places, etc.) ABOUT CHURCH BELLS Quarterly Review, vol. 95, 1854. Quiver, vol. 27, 1892. BELL-FOUNDING Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. BELLS AND BELFRIES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. BELLS AND CHIMES OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1867. BELLS AS TIME-TELLERS Andrews' England in the Days of Old. BELLS OF KENT Antiquary, vol. 17, 1888. BELLS OF ST. MICHAEL'S, CHESTER Journal of the Chester Arch. Soc., vol. 14 (n.s.). BELLS, RINGERS, AND RINGING Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. BELLS : Their Origin, Uses, and Inscriptions Archaeological Journal, vol. 48, 1891. CALEDONIAN CAMPANOLOGY Archaeological Journal, vol. 49, 1892. CHANGE RINGING Chambers's Journal, vol. 14, 1877. CHAT ON BELLS Haweis' Music and Morals, 1892. CHURCH BELL INSCRIPTIONS Walter's Bygone Somerset. CHURCH BELLS Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol. 40. CHURCH BELLS OF BEDFORDSHIRE Antiquary, vol. 9, 1884. CHURCH BELLS OF ESSEX Essex Archasological Society's Transactions, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1884. Essex Review, vols. i & 2, 1892-3. CHURCH BELLS OF LINCOLNSHIRE Archasological Journal, vol. 37, 1880. CHUKCH BELLS OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE Transactions Bristol Arch. Society, vol. 18. CONCERNING BELLS Chambers's Journal, vol. 64, 1887. ELECTRIC CALL BELLS Prescott's Electric Light and Recent Electrical Inventions, 1879. FOLK-LORE OF BELLS Antiquary, vol. 30, 1894. LONDON BELLS- Chambers's Journal, vol. 67, 1890. LOST CHURCH BELLS Quiver, vol. 29, 1894. MANUFACTURE OF BELLS Brannt's Metallic Alloys : a Practical Guide, 1889. MEDIEVAL BELL DEDICATIONS Antiquary, vol. 13, 1886. ON BELL TONES Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 7, 1895, and vol. 10, 1896. ON EARLY BELLS Antiquary, vol. 2, 1880. SOME ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE HANGING OF BELLS IN CHURCHES WITHOUT TOWERS. Archaeological Journal, vol. 3, 1846. GENERAL INFORMATION Belgravia, vol. 28, 1875-6. Dublin Review, vol. 117, 1895. Haweis' Music and Morals. Jewitt's Half-Hours among English Antiquities. The Antiquary, The Archaeological Journal. "Bells Of Shandon "Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs. Belmore (Earl of, Colonial Governor) Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian History. Belshazzar (Ruler of Babylon) Josephus' Works. Sayce's Monuments, 1894. Baluchistan. OUR LATEST ACQUISITION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 131, 1881. [59] BELVOIR CASTLE-BEN NEVIS BelVOir Castle, Leicestershire (Seat of the Duke of Rutland) Black's Leicester and Rutland. Boy's Own Annual, vol. g, 1886-7. Murray's Lincolnshire, 1890. Belzoni (Giovanni Battista, Italian Explorer, died 1823) All the Year Round, vol. 58. 1886. Brightwell's Industry and Genius. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. Smiles' Murray, 1891. Bemerton (Village near Salisbury, where George Herbert lived and died) Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe. Longman's Mag., vol. n, 1887-8. Quiver, vol. 31, 1896. Benares Caine's Picturesque India. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9. 1830. Heber's Indian Journal. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere. Macleod's Far East. Murray's Guide to Bengal Presidency, 1882. BenbOW (Admiral John, Bombarded St. Malo, 1693, died 1702) Adams' Heroes. Burke's Naval and Military Trials. Campbell's Lives of the British Admirals, vol. 4. Cunningham's English Nation. Young's British Navy. Benderloch. ANCIENT REMAINS IN BENDERLOCH Chambers's Journal, vol.8, 1891. Bendloes (William). See Benlpwes (William). Benedict XI. (Pope 1303 ; Poisoned 1304) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 7. Platina's Lives of the Popes. Benedict XII. (Pope 1334 ; died 1342) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 7. Platina's Lives of the Popes. Ranke's Popes, 1870. Benedict XIII. (Anti-Pope 1394; died 1424) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 8. Benedict XIV. (Pope 1740; died 1758) Ranke's Popes, vol. 3, 1870. Benedict (St., Founder of Western Monachism and the celibrated Benedictine Order ; died 543). MISSION or ST. BENEDICT Newman's Historical Sketches, 1891. NERO AND ST. BENEDICT. By Canon Farrar. Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890, ST. BENEDICT Kingsley's Hermits [St. Antony, Basil, St. Columba]. ST. BENEDICT AT MONTE CASSINO Hare's Cities of Southern Italy. Benedict (Sir Julius, German Musician, died 1885) Beale's Light of Other Days. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882-3 [P- 698]. Morris' Famous Composers, 1891. Benedictines. BENEDICTINE ABBEY OF BURTON-ON-TRENT Journal of the British Archaeological Association, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1896. BENEDICTINE SCHOOLS Newman's Historical Sketches, 1891. FOURTEENTH BENEDICTINE CENTENARY Oienham's Eccelsiastical History, 1884. FRENCH BENEDICTINES Sir James Stephen's Ecclesiastical Biography. LAST OF THE BENEDICTINES Hepworth Dixon's The Switzers, 1872. Beneficence Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Benevolence. CAUSES WHICH OBSTRUCT BENEVOLENCE British Essayists, vol. 15, 1823. ON SELF-LOVE AND BENEVOLENCE British Essayists, vol. 15, 1823. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Philosophy. Ellis's Education of Character. Hazlitt's Essays. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. BENGAL. (See also India, Madras, etc.) BENGAL UNDER CLIVE AND UNDER WARREN HASTINGS Macaulay's Essays, Historical and Literary, 1891. FAMINE IN BENGAL, 1870 Temple's Men in India, 1882. GREAT CYCLONE OF 1876 Grant's History of India. INDIGO PLANTERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. LIFE PROBLEM IN BENGAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. OUR NATIVE ARMY IN BENGAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 55, 1886-7. PEASANT LIFE IN BENGAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. THE BENGALEES Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. YOUNG BENGAL Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 75, 1854. GENERAL INFORMATION Edinburgh Review, vol. 129, 1869. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Macleod's Peeps at the Far East. Benghazi, N.Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20,1830. Hamilton's North Africa. BengTiela, Africa Keith Johnston's Africa, 1884. Benhadad II. (King of Damascus, time of Ahab, died circa 886 B.C.) Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 4, 1886. Benin, West Africa. THROUGH THE SWAMPS TO BENIN Macmillan's Mag., vol. 75, 1896-7. GENERAL INFORMATION Geographical Journal, vol. i, 1893. Benjamin. TRIBE OF BENJAMIN Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 2 & 3, 1886. Josephus' Works. Benjamin of Tudela (Spanish -Hebrew Traveller, died after 1173) Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 52, 1842. Chambers's Encyclopaedia, vol. 2, 1895. Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. BenlOWes (W., Lawyer) Woolrych's Sergeants at Law, 1869. Bennett (J.G., Founder of the "New York Herald," died 1872) Chambers's Encyclo- paedia, vol. 2, 1895. Hudson's Journalism. Parton's Captains of Industry, 1884. Ben Nevis (Highest Mountain in Great Britain, 4,406 feet). ASCENDING BEN NEVIS IN WINTER Chambers's Journal, vol. 19, 1882. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON BEN NEVIS Report of British Association, 1885. OBSERVATORY ON BEN NEVIS Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. [60] BEN RHYDDING-BERLIN Ben Rhydding Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Benson (Edward White, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1896). Two ARCHBISHOPS Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Cooper's Men of Mark. National Review, vol. 29, 1897. Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. Benson (George, Theological Writer, died 1762) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840. Bentham (Jeremy, Utilitarian Philosopher, Founder of the " Westminster Review," died 1832) Campbell's Chancellors. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Chambers's Book of Days, vol. i. Cunningham's English Nation. Hazlitt's Spirit of the Age. Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women. Middleton's Miscellaneous Works. Mill's Autobiography. Mill's Dissertations. Oliphant's Literary History, vol. 3. Saturday Review, vol. 71, 1891. Whewell's Moral Philosophy. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Bentham (Sir Samuel, Brigadier-General and Naval Engineer, died 1831) Distinguished Men of Science. Bentinck. See Portland (Dukes of). Portraits" 1887. Benton (T. H.,AmericanStatesmen,died 1858) Maury's Statesmen. Willis' Hurrygraphs. Benyowsky (M. A., Hungarian Soldier, killed in action 1786) Smith's Romance of History, 1891. Beowulf (Hero of an Anglo-Saxon Poem) Chambers's Encyclopedia, 1895. Collier's English Literature. Disraeli's Amenities of Literature, 1841. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe. Turner's Anglo-Saxons. Bequests. CURIOUS BEQUESTS Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. SELFISH CHARACTER OF DONORS Chambers's Book of Days. GENERAL INFORMATION Contemporary, vol. 53, 1888. Spectator, vol. 61. 1888. Beranger (P. J. de, French Song-Writer, died 1857) Bagehot's Literary Studies. Besant's French Humourists. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Dumas' Household Book of Poetry. Edinburgh Review, vols. 57, 1833, & 108, 1858. Kent's Footprints on the Road. Lonieuie's Living Characters. Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. Tail's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 3, 1833. Westminster Review, vol. 10, 1829. Berbera (Egyptian Town on East African Coast) James's Unknown Horn of Africa, 1888. Berengaria Of Navarre (Queen-Consort of Richard I., died after 1230) Howitt's Queen's ' Navarre (Queen-Consort of Richard I., d Strickland's Queens of England, vol. i, 1869. Berenice, Egypt (Ruined City on the Red Sea) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. Beresford (Lord Charles, Naval Commander). BRIEF SKETCH Idler, vol. 4, 1893-4. Men and Women of the Time. ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEWS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. Beresford (Lord William Carr, English General, died 1854) Yonge's Wellington, 1891. Bergen (Norwegian Seaport) Beauclerk's Norway. Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun. Forester's Norway. Hodder's Cities of the World. Murray's Guide to Norway, 1892. Bergen -op -Zoom, Netherlands (Formerly noted for its Fortifications) Havard's Heart of Holland, 1880. Bering Sea. See Behring Sea. Berkeley (Noted for its Castle) Black's Guide to Gloucestershire, 1884. Berkeley (George, Bishop of Cloyne, died 1753). REAL WORLD OF BERKELEY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. REVIVED STUDY OF BERKELEY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 56, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Abbey's English Church. Bowen's Critical Essays. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 3 [portrait]. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 7, 1836. Macarthy's Hours with Eminent Irishmen. Berkshire. ACCOUNTS OF PLACES IN BERKSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, vol. i]. CIVIL WAR IN BERKSHIRE Transactions of the Newbury Field Club, vol. 4, 1896. IN Miss MITFORD'S COUNTRY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1895-6. THE BERKSHIRE WHITE HORSE Dublin Review, vol. 120, 1897. TOPOGRAPHY OF BERKSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library (Topography). WALK THROUGH BERKSHIRE Mortimer Collins' Pen Sketches, 1879. Berlin (Capital of the German Empire). BERLIN CONGRESS, 1878 Lusignan's Abdul Hamid II, 1889. CLUB LIFE IN BERLIN Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 238, 1875. ENGLISHMAN IN BERLIN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-3. [61] BERLIN-BETHENCODRT Berlin (continued.) LIFE IN BERLIN Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. STUDENT LIFE IN BERLIN Stoddart's John Stuart Blackie. TREATY OF BERLIN Traill's Life of Salisbury, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany. Bramsen's Egypt, etc. Chetwynd's Lite in a German Village. Harper's Magazine, vol. 81, 1890. Hodder's Cities of the World. Stevens' Under the Iron Heel [Daily Mail, 1897]. Stowe's Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854. Berlioz (Hector, French Composer, died 1869) Atlantic Monthly, vol. 63, 1889. Nau- mann's Music, vol. 5, 1886. Bermondsey, London Emerson's London. Leisure Hour, vol.44, 1895 [Bermondsey Settlement]. Thornbury & Walford's Old and New London. Bermudas, North Atlantic. BERMUDAS IN 1803 Hall's Voyages and Travels, 1842. DESCRIPTION OF THE BERMUDAS Chambers' s Journal, vol. 7, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Brassey's Trades and Tropics. Her Majesty's Colonies. Bern (Seat of Government, Switzerland). BERN CRUSHES THE NOBILITY Bellow's Old World. Hug & Stead's Switzerland, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Hone's Table Book. Latrobe's Alpenstock. Muddock's Switzerland, 1890. Bemadotte (Charles Jean, Marshal of France 1804, King of Sweden 1818-44). BERNAN- DOTTE FAMILY Harper's Magazine, vol. 64, 1881-2. Bernard and Abelard Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. See also Abelard. Bernard (Andrew, Poet Laureate, died 1523) Hamilton's Poets Laureate. Bernard (St., Famous French Ecclesiastic, died 1153) Benson's Men of Might, 1892. Bernard (Sir Thomas, One of the Founders of the Royal Institution, died 1818) Holyoake's Self-Help, 1888. Bernard-Beere (Mrs., Actress) Pascoe's Dramatic List, 1880. Bernay, France Katherine Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1879. Bernese Oberland (Much frequented by Tourists) Baedeker's Guide to Switzerland. Bernhardt (Sarah, Noted French Actress, born 1844). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW WITH SARAH BERNHARDT Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Art Journal, vol. 40, 1888. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Saturday Review, vol. 64, 1887. Yates' Celebrities at Home, 1877-9. Bernier (Francois, French Historian and Traveller in India, died 1688). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. BerniS (F. J. de, French Cardinal and Diplomatist, died 1794) Men and Women of the i8th Century. Berridge (John, Vicar of Everton 1755, died 1793) Gadsby's Hymn Writers. Rev. George Shaw's Religious Humorists. Berrizer (Pierre Antoine, French Advocate and Orator, died 1868 Senior's Biographical Sketches. Berry (Dr. Charles Albert, Minister of Queen Street Church, Wolverhampton)Temfi\e Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. Berry (Sir John, Naval Commander, born 1635, poisoned 1691). MEMOIR Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 3, 1814. Berry (The Misses M. and A., Friends of Horace Walpole) Chambers's Book of Days, vol. 2. Edinburgh Review, vol. 122, 1865. Martineau's Sketches. Quarterly Review, vols. 76, 1845, & 119, 1866. Berwick-on-Tweed (Seaport in Northumberland). ABOUT NORTH BERWICK Art Journal, vol. 46, 1894. Hewitt's Remarkable Places, 1856. Stables's Cruise of the Land Yacht, "Wanderer," 1892. Besangon (Famed for its Cathedral, Fortress and Watches) Baedeker's Northern France. Besant (Annie, Theosophist). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 4, 1892. Besant (Sir Walter, Novelist, born 1838) Cochrane's Beneficent and Useful Lives. Mrs. Sala's Famous People. Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. Review of Reviews, vol. 8, 1893. Bessel (Astronomer, died 1846). BESSEL'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO ASTRONOMICAL SCIENCE Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. Bessemer (Sir Henry, Inventor of Bessoner's Steel Process, born 1813) Cochrane's Great Thinkers, etc. Cooper's Men of Mark. Jean's Age of Steel, 1884. Bessin (The) Katherine Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1879. Betham (Sir William, Herald, died 1853) Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Bethany, near Jerusalem (Home of Lazarus) Dixon's Holy Land. Little's Sunshine and Storm. Martineau's Eastern Life, 1850. Bethel, Palestine (Resting place of the A rk) Ewald's Israel, vols. 1-4. Pinnock's Bible and History, 1887. Bethell (R-, L rd Westbury, Lord Chancellor 1861-5, <*'* 1873) Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 145, 1889. Longman's Magazine, vol. 13, 1889. Robinson's Bench and Bar. BethenCOUTt (Jeande.Fwicfc Statesman and Warrior, and Norman Baron, discovered the Canaries, died 1425) Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. [62] BETHLEHEM-BIBLE Bethlehem, Jerusalem (Birthplace of David and of Christ) Baedeker's Guide to Pales- tine. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. i, 1830. Dixon's Holy Land. Ewald's Israel, vols. 3 & 4. Little's Sunshine and Storm. Martineau's Eastern Life, 1850. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Bethlehem Hospital. See Bedlam. Betrothing (Curious Customs) Chambers's Book of Days. Hone's Year Book, 1845. Bethnal Green, London Emerson's London. Walford's Old and New London. Bethune (Cardinal David). See Beaton (Cardinal David). Betken (Maid-servant to Peter Van Kulen, Goldsmith in Breda) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation. Betterment. BETTERMENT AND LOCAL TAXATION Quarterly Review, vol. 178, 1894. Betterton (English Actor, died 1710). FUNERAL AND CHARACTER OF MR. BETTERTON British Essayists, vol. 4, 1823. GENERAL INFORMATION Cunningham's English Nation. Doran's Annals of the Stage. Fitzgerald's English Stage, 1874. Betting. ESSAY ON BETTING British Essayists, vol. 30, 1823. James Greenwood's Seven Curses of London. BettWS-y-Coed, North Wales Gossiping Guide to Wales. Myrback & Villars' Sketches of England, 1891. Betty (Wm. Henry West, Actor, the " Infant Roscius," died 1874) Baker's Old Actors, Biographical Magazine, vol. 8, 1887, Harley's Life of Betty. Macready's Reminiscences. Betty (Henry, Actor, son of above, died 1897) Biographical Magazine, vol. 8, 1887. Beust (Baron, Statesman, died 1886) Haydn's Biographical Dictionary. Macmillan's Magazine [Beust Regime in Austria], vol. 18, 1868. Beverages. ADULTERATION OF BEVERAGES Normandy's Chemical Analysis, 1875. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES All the Year Round, vol 28, 1881-2. Chambers's Journal, vol. 5, 1881. CHEMISTRY OF BEVERAGES Johnston's Chemistry of Common Life, 1855. PREPARATION OF BEVERAGES Faunthorpe's Household Science, 1883. SUMMER BEVERAGES FOR FAT PEOPLE Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 47 (n.s.), 1891. Beveridge (W., Bishop of St. Asaph 1704, died 1708) Cunningham's English Nation. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Beverley Minster. REMARKS ON' THE MINSTER Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities, part i]. Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1846. Bewick (Thomas R., Famous Wood Engraver, died 1828) Blackwood's Magazine, vol- 18,1885. Century Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1882. Craik's Pursuit of Knowledge- Ewart's Toilers in Art. Fairholt's English Artists. Good Words, vol. 37, 1896- Groser's Men Worth Imitating. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. Beyrout (Syrian Seaport) Black's Hundred Days in the East. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. Stevenson's Asia Minor. Sumner's Holidays in the East, 1881. , France (Famed for its Cathedral) Gould's Troubadour-Land, 1891. BhagatS. MOCK SACRIFICES OF THE BHAGATS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Bheels (A Pre-A ryan Race of India) Macfarlane's Banditti and Robbers, 1839. BhOOJ, India Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 10, 1830. Bhopal, India. MY RESIDENCE IN BHOPAL National Review, vol. 26, 1895-6. GENERAL INFORMATION Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Biarritz (French Watering Place) Baedeker's Southern France, 1891. Bennet's Mediterranean. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. BIBLE. (See also tinder Commentaries, Gospel, Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, Names of Books, e.g., Genesis, etc., and of Scripture Characters, e.g., Christ, Moses, David, Matthew, Paul, etc.) ACCOUNT OF THE ISSUE OF THE REVISED BIBLE Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. ALCHUINE'S BIBLE IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1888. AUTHORISATION OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. AUTHORIZED VERSIONS Collin's English Literature. Mitchell's English Lands. Stoughton's Our English Bible. BAGSTER'S BIBLE HOUSE Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1893-4. BIBLE AT HOME AND ABROAD Quarterly Review, vol. 180, 1895. BIBLE BIOGRAPHIES A. L. O. E.'s House Beautiful. BIBLE DIFFICULTIES Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Ware's Work. BIBLE HOUSE [British and Foreign Bible Society] Sunday at Home, vol. 42, 1894-5. BIBLE IN PALESTINE Neil's Palestine Explored, 1883. BIBLE IN RUSSIA Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. BIBLE IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM Quarterly Review, vol. 178, 1894. BIBLE ON THE STAGE, 1895 Jones' Renaissance of the English Drama. BIBLICAL CRITICS ON THE WARPATH Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. BISHOP'S BIBLE Stoughton's Our English Bible. CATHOLIC CHURCH AND BIBLICAL CRITICISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. OMPLUTENSIAN POLYGLOTT BIBLE Gentleman's Mag. Library [Literary Curiosities] CONSOLATION FROM THE BIBLE Pember's Earth's Earliest Ages, 1893. [63] BIBLE- BICKERDYKE Bible (continued.) CREATION AS EXPLAINED IN THE BIBLE Guyot's Creation and Modern Science. CRITICISM AND THE BIBLE Good Words, vol. 34, 1893. CURIOUS BIBLES Quiver, Nov., 1897. Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BIBLE READING AND BIBLE STUDY Girl's Own Annual. Vol. 12, iSgO-I. ENGLISH LIBRARIES AND THE BIBLE Edwards' Memoirs of Libraries, 1859. ENGLISH VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. ERRORS IN THE BIBLE Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, 1867. FORGOTTEN BIBLES Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. FRENCH BIBLES King's Life of Locke, 1830. GENESIS, THE FIRST CHAPTER Blackie's Lay Sermons. GENEVAN BIBLE Martin's Origin and History of the New Testament, 1884. GREAT " SHE " BIBLE The Library, vol. 2, 1890. GROWTH OF THE BIBLE IN CHINA Sunday at Home, vol. 42, 1894-5. HIGHER CRITICISM AND ORIGIN OF THE BIBLE Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. HISTORY OF THE BIBLE Heylyn's Reformation. Smiles' Huguenots, 1868. How BIBLES ARE MADE : a Visit to the Oxford University Press Temple Magazine. vol. i, 1896-7. How THE BIBLE HAS COME TO us Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. How THE BIBLE is PRINTED AND CIRCULATED Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. How TO READ THE BIBLE Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. IMPREGNABLE ROCK OF HOLY SCRIPTURE Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. INACCURACY OF THE BIBLE Laing's Human Origins, 1892. MAGI [Wise Men of the East] Godwin's Necromancers, 1876. MAKING OF THE BIBLE Pearson's Magazine, vol.*3, 1897. MAZARIN BIBLE Fitzgerald's Book Fancier, 1887." MODERN COMMENTARIES ON THE BIBLE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6 MODERN FAITH AND THE BIBLE Dublin Review, vol. 120, 1897. MYSTICISM OF THE BIBLE Sevan's Quiet in the Land. NEW TESTAMENT UNDER A NEW ASPECT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. ON THE BIBLE Haweis' Dead Pulpit. ON THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE Maurice's Life of F. D. Maurice, 1884. PURVEY'S BIBLE All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. RELATION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURE TO CATHOLIC CREED Newman's Discussions. REMARKABLE BIBLES The Library, vol. 7, 1895. REVISED TRANSLATION Martin's History of the New Testament, 1884. REVISION OF THE BIBLE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. RUSSIAN BIBLE SOCIETY Pinkerton's Russia, 1833. SCEPTICS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1890. SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE How's Knowledge of God, 1892. STORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. TESTIMONY OF THE BIBLE TO SPIRITUALISM Pember's Earth's Earliest Ages, 1893. TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Bibliographical Notes] . Renan's Religious History, 1886. TYNDALE'S BIBLE All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. VERSIONS OF THE BiBLE^-Milman's Latin Christianity, 1872. WOMAN'S BIBLE Woman, April, 1897. WYCLIF'S BIBLE All the Year Round, vol. 65, i&Sq. GENERAL INFORMATION A.L.O.E.'s Rescued from Egypt. Bettany's World's Religions. Chamber's Book of Days. Disraeli's Works. BIBLIOGRAPHY. (See also Authors, Books, Catalogues, Indexes, Literature, etc.) ALL KNOWN WORKS RELATING TO ABYSSINIA, 1868 Hotten's Abyssinia, 1868. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CENTRAL ASIA Curzon's Russia in Central Asia, 1889. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFORM AND THE "ZOOLOGICAL RECORD" Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION AND THE INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENCE Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. GEOLOGY OF THE SCIENCES AS THE BASIS OF THEIR BIBLIOGRAPHY Natural Science, vol. 10, 1897. LONDON BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CONFERENCE Library Journal (American), vol. 21, 1896. NOTES ON SPECIAL BOOKS Curwen's History of Booksellers. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Bibliographical Notes], 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Allibone's Dictionary of Authors. English Catalogue. Library. Library Journal (American). Lowndes' Manual, Sonnenschein's Best Books and Readers' Guide. Whitaker's Reference Catalogue. Biblioth6que Nationals. BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALS OF PARIS Library, vol. 3, 1891. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. Bicester, Oxfordshire Hissey's Across England, 1891. Bic&tre (One of the Horrible Prisons of Paris) Temple Bar, vol. 108, 1896. Bickerdyke (Mother). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Ann., vol. 11,1889-90. Bickerdyke (Mrs. Mary, Nurse during the American Civil War) Girl's Own Annual, vol. ii, 1889-90. [64] BICYCLES-BIOGRAPHY BICYCLES. (See also Athletics, Cycling, etc.) BICYCLE TOURS IN SCOTLAND [Best Records, etc.] Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1881-2. BICYCLES AND THEIR DEFECTS Knowledge, vol. 2, 1882. BICYCLING IN NORWAY AND SWEDEN Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1882-3. BICYCLISTS AND BICYCLING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1879-^0. CYCLING AS AN INTELLECTUAL PURSUIT Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. CYCLING IN MID-ATLANTIC Outing, vol. 17, 1891. FAIR RIDERS ON MODERN WHEELS Outing, vol. 17, 1891. REIGN OF THE BICYCLE Century Magazine, vol. 49, 1894. THEORY AND PRACTICE Knowledge, vol. 3, 1883. Nature, vol. 29, 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Badminton Magazine, Boy's and Girl's Own Annuals, Cassell's Pastimes, Outing, etc. Biddle (John, the Father of English Unitarianism, died 1662) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840. Bideford (.4 Devonshire Seaport). DESCRIPTION OF BIDEFORD Norway's Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, 1897. KINGSLEY-LAND Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Gentleman's Mag. Library [Eng. Topography, part 3], 1893. Big Ben (Bell in the Clock Tower, Horises of Parliament). HISTORY OF BIG BEN Beckett's Clocks and Watches and Bells. See also under Bells. Bigotry Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Bijapur (Contains Tomb of Mahmoud Shah)Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Bilbao (Spanish Seaport) Lomas' Sketches in Spain. Murray's Guide to Spain, 1892. Bill Brokers Bagehot's Lombard Street, 1888. Billericay (A small Town in Essex). NOTES ON THE ROMAN AND BRITISH AT BILLERICAY Essex Archaeological Society's Transactions, vol. 5, 1873. i GENERAL INFORMATION Essex Review, vol. 3, 1894. See also Histories of Essex by Morant, Wright, and other Authors. Billiards. CONCERNING BILLIARDS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. ESSAY ON BILLIARDS All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. HISTORY OF BILLIARDS Bennett's Billiards. English Illustrated Mag., vol.6, 1888-9. GENERAL INFORMATION Every Boy's Book. Temple Bar, vol. 30, 1870. Tinsley's Magazine, vol. 46. Billing' Murray's Lincolnshire, 1890. Billingsgate, London. BILLINGSGATE MARKET AT FIVE A.M. Mayhew's London Characters. GENERAL INFORMATION Timbs' Curiosities of London. Billington (John, Actor, born 1830) Pascoe's Dramatic List, 1880. Bills. BILLS OF EXCHANGE Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. ORIGIN OF EXCHEQUER BILLS Hone's Every-day Book, vol. i. WHIMSICAL BILL OF COSTS Hone's Every-day Book, vol. 2. Bilton, Staffordshire. ROUND ABOUT BILTON Kimmer's Rugby, 1892. BIMETALLISM. BIMETALLIC STANDARD OF VALUE Fortnightly Rev., vol. 40, 1886. BIMETALLISM AND THE NATURE OF MONEY Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. BIMETALLISM AS A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. BIMETALLISM AS A BUBBLE Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. BIMETALLISM IN EUROPE National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. CASE FOR GOLD AND CASE FOR SILVER Pall Mall Magazine, vol. i, 1893. DEPRECIATION OF SILVER Edinburgh Review, vol. 144, 1876. DIALOGUE ON BIMETALLISM National Review, vol. 25, 1895. GOLD, SILVER. AND BIMETALLISM Westminster Review, vol. 131, 1889. INDIA AND THE SILVER QUESTION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 126, 1879. INDIAN FINANCES AND BIMETALLISM Westminster Review, vol. 59, 1881. Is BIMETALLISM A DELUSION? Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 37, 1895. MR. HENRY D. MACLEOD ON BIMETALLISM National Review, vol. 24, 1894-5. MOVEMENTS OF CURRENCY Rogers' Industrial England, 1892. THEORY OF BIMETALLISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 40, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 148, 1890. National Review, vol. 13, 1889. New Review, vol. 2, 1890. Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. Spectator, vol. 64, 1890. Bindon Abbey Panton's Bypaths and Cross Roads, 1889. Bindon Hill Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. Bingley (William, Author of "Animal Biography," died 1823). MR. RUSKIN'S KNOWLEDGE OF BINGLEY Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-80. Binney (Thomas, Congregational Minister, died 1874) Shaw's Religious Humorists. Binocular Vision. NOTES ON BINOCULAR VISION Heather's Mathematical Instruments: their Construction Explained, 1888. BIOGRAPHY. (For lives of particular individuals, see under names, e.g., Cook, Gladstone, Nelson, Wellington, etc. ART OF BIOGRAPHY British Essayists, vol. 33, 1823. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. BIOGRAPHY AT A DISCOUNT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. BIOGRAPHY-BIRDS Biography (continued.) BOYS OK ENGLISH HISTORY Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. CANDOUR IN BIOGRAPHY New Review, vol. 14, 1896. DIGNITY AND USEFULNESS OF BIOGRAPHY British Essayists, vol. 20, 1823. ESSAY ON BIOGRAPHY Helps' Friends in Council. LIMITS OF BIOGRAPHY Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY Cornhill Mag., vol. 26, 1896. National Review, vol. 27, 1896. ON THE ETHICS OF SUPPRESSION IN BIOGRAPHY Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. SCRIPTURE BIOGRAPHY Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. SOME GREAT BIOGRAPHERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 66, 1892. SOME GREAT WORKS IN BIOGRAPHY. By Saintsbury Macmillan's Mag., vol. 66, 1892. SOME QUAKER BIOGRAPHIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. TEACHERS OF MANKIND Farrar's Present-Day Questions, 1892. WRITERS OF BIOGRAPHY Adams' Plain Living and High Thinking. GENERAL INFORMATION Beeton's Dictionary of Universal Biography. Beeton's Encyclopaedia of General Information. Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 1886. Brown & Stratton's British Musical Biography, 1879. Carlyle's Essays. Men of the Reign, 1885. New General Biographical Dictionary, 1857. Stephens' Dictionary of National Biography. BIOLOGY. (See also Anatomy, Embryology, Life, etc.) BIOLOGICAL JOTTINGS Science Gossip, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. BIOLOGICAL PROGRESS IN THE VICTORIAN ERA Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. BIOLOGY AND THE STATE Ray Lankester's Advancement of Science, 1890. CHARACTERS IN BIOLOGY Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. FRESH WATER BIOLOGICAL STATIONS Natural Science, vol. 10, 1896-7. ON THE STUDY OF BIOLOGY Huxley's American Addresses, 1877. RECAPITULATION THEORY Natural Science, vols. 2 & 3, 1893. RECENT PROGRESS IN BIOLOGY Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. RELATION OF BIOLOGY TO GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION Nature, vol. 52, 1895. SUPPOSED AUDITORY ORGANS Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. THE CRYSTALLINE LENS Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Cook's Monday Lectures. Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. Birch Hall, Colchester Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration] . Birch-trees. DECORATING TREES IN RUSSIA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Birchington, Kent Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1887. Bird. (E., Painter, 1800, died 1819), R.A. Cunningham's Painters, etc., vol. 2, 1879. Bird (Isabella L.). See Bishop (Mrs.). Bird (Robert Montgomery, American Physician and Novelist, died 1854) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. BIRDS. (See also Ornithology, Natural History, Zoology, etc., and under names of Birds, e.g.. Blackbird, Canary, Eagle, etc.) ACCIDENTS TO BIRDS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25 (n.s.), 1895. ACCOUNT OF BIRDS' WINGS Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. ADAPTATION OF BIRDS FOR FLIGHT Hartwig's Aerial World, 1874. ESTHETIC BIRDS Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. AMONG THE BIRDS Good Words, vol. 29, 1888. ANCESTRY OF BIRDS Longman's Magazine, vol. 3, 1883-4. ANECDOTES OF BIRDS Watson's Reasoning Power in Animals, 1867. ANTARCTIC BIRDS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. AQUATIC BIRDS Napier's Lakes and Rivers [Natural History Rambles]. ARCHITECTURE OF BIRDS Pouchet's Universe. ARCTIC LAND QUADRUPEDS AND BIRDS Hartwig's Polar World, 1869. BIG BILLS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1892. BIG BIRDS Timbs' Strange Stories of the Animal World, 1868. BIRD ENEMIES Century Magazine, vol. 9, 1885-6. BIRD FORAGING Cornhill Magazine (n.s.), vol. 22, 1894. BIRD GYMNASTS Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1888-9. BIRD-LIFE OF THE BORDERS Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. BIRD LORE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Popular Superstitions], 1884. BIRD MIGRATION IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. BIRD PICTURES Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1897. BIRD STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT Hutchinson's Concise Knowledge of Natural History, 1897. Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. BIRD STUFFING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1880-1. BIRDS AND MAN Longman's Magazine, vol. 29, 1896-7. BIRDS AND THEIR PERSECUTORS Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 37, 1895. BIRDS' BILLS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1892. Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. BIRD'S FOOT Natural Science, vols. 4 & 5, 1894. BIRDS IN WINTER Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24 (n.s.), 1895. BIRDS OF A WELSH COUNTY Temple Bar, vol. 81, 1887. BIRDS OF DEVON AND CORNWALL Quarterly Review, vol. 183, 1896. [65] BIRDS Birds (continued.) BIRDS OF IRELAND Dublin University Magazine, vol. 39, 1852. BIRDS OF PREY Ccrnhill Magazine, vol. 12 (n.s.), 1889. BIRDS OF SPITZBERGEN Wheelwright's Sweden. BIRDS OF THE MONTHS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. BIRDS OF THE NORFOLK BROADS Dayies' Norfolk Broads. Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. BIRDS OF THE TREES Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. BOOKS ON BIRDS Nature, vol.54, 1896. BRITISH BIRDS AND THEIR NESTS Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR NESTS AND EGGS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 15, 1890. BRITISH SONG BIRDS Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. BUILDING BIRDS Woods' Homes without Hands, 1869. BURROWING BIRDS Woods' Homes without Hands, 1869. CAGE-BIRDS Crawfurd's Horses and Riders and other Essays. CANARY BIRDS Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. CHRISTOPHER IN His AVIARY Recreations of Christopher North, vol. 3. CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. CLASSIFICATION, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, &c. Quarterly Review, vol. 171, 1890. COLOURS IN BIRDS Darwin's Descent of Man, 1871. COMPARISON OF BIRDS WITH INSECTS Insect Transformations. DIGITS IN A BIRD'S WING Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. DISTRIBUTION OF BIRDS Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. DOMESTICATED BIRDS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 18, 1895. ENGLISH BIRDS OF PREY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. KXTINCT BIRDS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1884-5. FEATHERED LIFE IN AMERICA Spofford's Library of Choice Literature. FLIGHT OF BIRDS Marey's Animal Mechanism, 1883. FOLK-LORE ABOUT BIRDS All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. FORMATION OF BIRDS Buckley's Winners in Life's Race, 1882. GAME-BIRDS AND BIRDS OF PREY IN CAPE COLONY Bryden's Kloof and Karroo, 1889. GAME BIRDS OF THE PLAINS Dodge's Hunting Grounds of the Great West, 1877. GUARDIAN BIRDS Harper's Magazine, vol. 9, 1884-5. How TO MANAGE BIRDS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1881-2. HUMMING-BIRDS Longman's Magazine, vol. 8, 1886. LAND AND SEA BIRDS Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. LILFORD VIVARIA Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. LIVES AND LOVES OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. LONDON BIRDS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. LOVE-BIRDS AND PIGMY PARROTS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2 LYRE BIRD OF GIPP'S LAND Sidney's Three Colonies of Australia, 1853. MANAGEMENT OF BIRDS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1887-8. MARINE BIRDS Wood's Common Objects of the Sea-shore. MARVELS IN NESTING Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. MIGRATION OF BIRDS Edinburgh Review, vol. 161, 1885. Report of British Assoc., 1881. St. John's Wild Sports and Natural History of the Scottish Highlands, 1888. MIGRATION OF BRITISH BIRDS Natural Science, vol. 10, 1896-7. MR. C. DIXON ON BIRD MIGRATION Nature, vol. 47, 1892. MOUNTAIN BIRDS Taylor's Mountain and Moor, 1884. Music OF BIRDS British Essayists, vol. 18, 1823. Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. MYSTERIOUS BIRDS OF PATAGONIA Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. MYTHOLOGICAL BIRDS Buckland's Anthropological Studies, 1891. NATIVE NEW ZEALAND BIRDS Nature, vol. 46, 1892. NEST-BUILDING IN CAPTIVITY Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. NESTING PLACE FOR SEA-GULLS Cbambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. NIGHT SINGERS Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. OF COOT AND HERON Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1895. OUR NATIONAL GAME-BIRD Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. PAINTED BIRDS Hone's E very-day Book, vol. 2, 1827. PENSILE BIRDS Wood's Homes without Hands, 1869. PERSIAN BIRDS Wills' Persia [Land of the Lion and the Sun], from 1866-1881. PRECOCIOUS BIRDS Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. PROTECTIVE COLOURING IN BIRDS Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. PROTECTIVE RESEMBLANCE IN BIRDS AND IN THE NESTS AND EGGS OF BIRDS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. REMARKS ON BIRDS Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature ; or the Unity of Creation, 1866. RESPIRATION OF BIRDS Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. ROADSIDE SINGERS AND COVERT WARBLERS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. ROOKS AND JAYS Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. SEA-BIRDS Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. SERPENT-KILLING BIRDS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 3, 1894. SHORE BIRDS Duncan's Seashore [Natural History Rambles], 1891. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE BIRD'S FOOT Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. SNAKE BIRDS Eraser's Magazine, vol. 58, 1858. SOCIAL BIRDS Wood's Homes without Hands, 1869. SOME BIRDS AND THEIR WAYS Chambers's Journal, vol. 14, 1897. SOME BIRDS' SONGS Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. SOME HUMOURS OF BIRD LIFE Idler, vol. 5, 1894. [67] BIRDS -BISMARCK Birds (continued.) SONG AND ECCENTRICITIES OF BIRDS Atlantic Monthly, vol. 44, 1879. SOOTH AMERICAN BIRDS Humboldt's Travels, 1852. STRANGE SITES FOR BIRDS' NESTS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. STRUCTURE AND HABITS OF GALLINACEOUS BIRDS Watts' Poultry Yard. TALKING BIRDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. VARIETIES OF BIRDS J. G. Wood's Lane and Field [Natural History Rambles], 1891. VARIETIES OF USEFUL BIRDS Cooke'sThe Woodlands, 1885. WHITE BIRDS Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. WILD THINGS IN WINTER Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1807. WIND AND FLIGHT OF BIRDS Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. WINGLESS BIRDS Chambers's Journal, vol. 70, 1893. WINGS OF ARCH^OPTERYX Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. WONDERFUL BIRDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883-4. WOODCOCKS IN SPRING AND AUTUMN Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. YOUNG AMERICA IN FEATHERS Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua. Boy's Own Annual, vols. n, 1888-9, & 13. 1890-1. Chronicles of the vol. 28, 1890. Tytler's Footprints. Wood's Nature and her Servants. Birkenhead Land we Live in, vol. i. Birling Gap Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1887. BIRMINGHAM, Warwickshire (Chief Hardware Manufacturing City in England). BEST GOVERNED CITY IN THE WORLD Harper's Magazine, vol. 20, 1890. BIRMINGHAM IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. BIRMINGHAM IN 1865 Doran's Our Grf-at Towns, 1878. LESSON OF BIRMINGHAM Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. LIBERAL ASSOCIATION AT BIRMINGHAM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. LIFE IN WORCESTER AND BIRMINGHAM Beale's Light of Other Days, 1890. SUNDAY IN BIRMINGHAM Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain. Black's Guide to- Warwickshire. Buckle's Civilization in England. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 2. Hodder's Cities of the World. Land we Live in, vol. i. Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, i86. Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. Stowe's Sunny Memories. White's All Round the Wrekin, 1860. Birrens (Roman Station in Annandale). GENERAL HISTORY OF THE PLACE AND ITS . EXCAVATIONS Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, vol. 30, 1896. Birthplaces. CELEBRATED BIRTHPLACES Antiquary, vols. 10, n, 12, 13, 15, 16,1884-7. Births. HATCHES, MATCHES, AND DESPATCHES [Birth, Marriage, and Death Rates] Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. MYSTERY OF BIRTH Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. PROPORTION OF BIRTHS TO DEATHS Malthus' Principles of Population, 1888. Bisagoes, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 22, 1830. Biscay (Bay of Biscay) DEEP-SEA EXPLORATION Report of British Association, 1880. GENERAL INFORMATION Hughes' Treasury of Geography. Inglis' Spain, 1831. BiSCOe (John). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Biscuits. BISCUIT TOWN [Reading] English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. Bishop (Isabella L., Authoress) Wings, vol. 15, 1897. Bishop (Samuel, Poet) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Bishops. CONFIRMATION OF BISHOPS AND ARCHBISHOPS Guardian, vol. 52, 1897. DAY IN THE LIFE OF A BISHOP Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. EXCLUSION OF THE BISHOPS FROM THE HOUSE OF LORDS Buxton's Political Questions of the Present Dav, 1885. INCOMES OF BISHOPS Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, vol. 7, 1877. POLITICS AND BISHOPS Campbell's Chancellors, 1856-7. GENERAL INFORMATION Burnett's Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles. Harold Brown's Thirty-nine Articles. Heylyn's Reformation. Hone's Works. Jeaffre- son's Book About the Clergy. Milman's Christianity. Mihnan's Latin Christianity. Moore's History of the Reformation. Neat's Puritans. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution. Stoughton's Religion under Queen Anne and the Georges, 1878. Bishopsgate, London Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Biskra (An Algerian Winter Resort) Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. Murray's Algeria and Tunis, 1891. Bisley. RIFLE RANGE AT BISLEY All the Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. Bismarck (Prince, German Chancellor, born 1815). A FEW WORDS ABOUT BISMARCK Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. BISMARCK AT FRIEDRICHSRUH Century Magazine, vol. 25, CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. i. 1890. FIVE HOURS WITH BISMARCK Woman, May, 1895. PRINCE BISMARCK AND THE PRUSSIAN MONARCHY Fortnightly Review, vol 57, 1895. [68] BISMARCK-BLACKWOOD Bismarck (co ntinucd.) PRINCE BISMARCK'S SECRET TREATY Fortnightly Review, vol. 40, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Adams' Great Names. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Cassell's Franco-German War. Famous Men and Deeds. Hayward's Eminent Statesmen. Malleson's Refounding of the German Empire. Reid's Politicians. Vasili's German Society. Bison. AMERICAN BUFFALO Baker's Wild Beasts and their Ways, 1891. BISON-HUNTING Leveson's Sport in Many Lands. EXTERMINATION OF BISON Nature, vol. 41, 1889-90. . STALKING BISON Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 141, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Gerard's Lion-Hunting. And under Buffalo. Bittern Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 3. Yarrel's British Birds, vol. 2. Biva. LAKE OF BIVA, JAPAN Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Bizerta, Africa Condor's Modern Traveller, vol. 20, 1830. Bizet (George^, Musical Composer) Musical Times, vol. 31, 1893. Yellow Book, vol. 2, 1894 [The Composer of " Carmen."] Bjornson (B., Norwegian Author and Dramatist, born 1832). LATER PLAYS OF BJORNSON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. GENERAL INFORMATION Jaeger's Life of Ibsen. Review of Reviews, vol. 6, 1893. Temple Bar, vol. 98, 1893. Black (Adam and Charles, Publishers, Edinburgh) Curwen's History of Booksellers. Black (Joseph, Discoverer of Latent Heat, died 1799) Brougham's Men of Letters, 1845. Black (W., Novelist, born 1841). OPEN LETTER TO WILLIAM BLACK Steuart's Letters. GENERAL INFORMATION Cooper's Men of Mark. Harper's Magazine, vol. 66, 1882-3. Mrs. Sala's Famous People I have met, 1892. Black (William, Methodist Preacher, died 1834) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 5. Japp's Master Missionaries. Black Country (Mining Region near Birmingham). NAILS AND CHAINS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. TRANSFORMATION OF THE BLACK COUNTRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. White's All Round the Black Country. Black Death. PLAGUE OF THE BLACK DEATH IN EAST ANGLIA Jessop's Friars. GENERAL INFORMATION Jeaffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. "Black Ey'd Susan" (Nautical Song by Gay, 1730) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. Black Forest, Germany. GIRL LIFE IN THE BLACK FOREST Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884-5. GENERAL INFORMATION Latrobe's Alpenstock, or Sketches of Swiss Scenery. Black Mountains, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 21, 1830. Black Prince (Son of King Edward III., so named from the colour of his armour). See Edward the Black Prince. Black Sea (Between Russia and Asia Minor) Brassey's Sunshine and Storm, 1881. Blackbird (The) Yarrel's British Birds. Also Works of Jardine and Morn's. Blackie (John Stuart, Scotch Philologist and Poet). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. MEMOIR OF JOHN STUART BLACKIE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Barrie's Edinburgh Eleven. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893-4. Leisure Hour, vol.44, 1895. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland. Blacklead. Beckmann's History of Inventions, Discoveries and Origins, 1846. Blacklead Mines, in Cumberland Gentleman's Magizine Library [English Topo- graphy, part 2], 1892. Blackmore, Essex. SAINT LAWRENCE CHURCH Buckler's Churches of Essex, 1856. Blackmore (R. D., Novelist, born 1825). OPEN LETTER TO R. D. BLACKMORE Steuart's Letters to Living Authors, 1892. THE NOVELS OF MR. BLACKMORE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1836. Blackmore (Sir R., Poet-, died 1729) Cunningham's English Nation. Johnson's Lives ot the Poets. Blackstone (Sir W., English Jurist, died 1780). MEMOIR OF SIR W. BLACKSTONE Macmillan's Magazine, v 1. 51, 1884-5. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Lord Chancellors. Cunningham's English Nation. Blackwall, London Emerson's London : How the Great City Grew, 1862. Blackwall Tunnel. THE MAKING OF THE TUNNEL London, vol. 6, 1897. THE MOST WONDERFUL TUNNEL IN THE WORLD English Illustrated, vol. 16, 1896-7. TUNNEL UNDER THE THAMES Engineer, vol. 61, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. Graphic, vol. 55, 1897. Blackwell (Elizabeth, Artist, died 1774 Clayton's English Female Artists. Blackwood (Sir H., Admiral, died 1832) Southey's Life of Nelson. Blackwood (John, Publisher, died 1879) Oliphant's Life of Laurence Oliphant 1891. [69] BLACKWOOD-BLOOD Blackwood (William, Founder of " Blackwood's Magazine" 1817, died 1834). A PUBLISHER AND HIS FRIENDS Smiles' A Publisher and his Friends, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Anderson's Scottish Nation. Curwen's Booksellers. Oliphant's William Blackwood and his Sons. Blair (Robert, Poet, Author of " The Grave," died 1747) Anderson's Scottish Nation. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets. Lester's Criticisms. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Blake (Robert, English A dmiral, died 1657) Boy's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1887. Camp- bell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 2. Cunningham's English Nation [Portrait and Memoir], vol. 2. Heroes of England. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 6. Blake (William, Poet and Painter, died 1827). BLAKE DRAWINGS AT THE BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. n, 1864-5. SHORT SELECTIONS Lang's Blue Poetry Book 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Mortimer Collins' Pen Sketches. Cunningham's Painters, etc., vol. 2. Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. Temple Bar, vol. 17, 1866, & 62, 1881. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Blanc (Jean Joseph Louis, French Historian and Politician, died 1882) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century. Challice's French Authors at Home. Blanchard (S. Laman, Journalist, died 1845) Dublin University Magazine, vol. 28, 1846. Fraser's Mag., vol. 33, 1846. Patmore's Friends and Acquaintances, 1854. Blanco (Guzman, Venezuelan General, born 1828). STATUES OF GENERAL GUZMAN BLANCO Vincent's South America, 1890. Bland (Rev. Robert, Poet, died 1825) Hodgson's Life of Rev. F. Hodgson, 1878. Blasphemy Chambers's Book of Days. Transactions Social Science, London, 1833. Treasury of Religious Thought. Westmin-ter Review, vol. 120, Blast Furnaces. MINING OPERATIONS OF THE ANCIENT ROMANS Archaeological Journal, vol. 42, 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Practical Magazine, vols. i, 1873; 3 & 4, 1874. Blatchford (Robert). REVIEW OF HIS "MERRIE ENGLAND" Review of Reviews, vol. n, 1895. Blavatsky (Madame, Russian Theosophist, died 1891). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 3, 1891. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY AND MADAME BLAVATSKY Good Words, vol 33, 1892. Bleaching 1 . BLEACHING OF COTTON, WOOL, LINEN CLOTHS, ETC. Cassell's Technical Educator; vols. i & 2, 1897. Bleaching Powder. MANUFACTURE OF BLEACHING POWDER Watts' Scientific Industries Explained, 1881. Blenheim. BATTLE OF BLENHEIM, 1704 Alison's Life of Marlborough. Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, 1877. Blenheim Palace, Woodstock. MEMORIES OF BLENHEIM PALACE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 3, 1894. WOODSTOCK AND BLENHEIM Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 4. GENERAL INFORMATION Coxe's Marlborough. Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature. Murray's Guide to Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, 1882. Blessing. BLESSING AND CURSING Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, vol. 2, 1872. Blessington (Marguerite, Countess of, Irish Miscellaneous Writer, died 1849) Black- burne's Illustrious Irishwomen. Hall's Book of Memories. Patmore's Friends. Blickling Hall (Sometime Residence of Anne Boleyn) Pall Mall Mag., vol. 10, 1896. Blind. How THE BLIND ARE EDUCATED Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. LITERATURE FOR THE BLIND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888 9. MODES OF PRINTING FOR THE USE OF THE BLIND British Association Report, 1837. ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE BLIND Quarterley Review, vol. 170, 1890. THE BLIND IN SWITZERLAND Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. Blind (Mathilde, Poetess, died iSSi) Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. Blinds. REPAIRING AND REMAKING ROLLER AND VENETIAN BLINDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. BliSS (The Singing Evangelist) Pierson's Evangelistic Work, 1892. Blithourgh. TOPOGRAPHY OF BLITHBURGH Excursions Through Suffolk. Blizzards Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. Blois, France (Famed for its Historic Palace) T. A. Trollope's Western France, 1841. Blondin (Tight Rope Walker, died 1897). AN INTERVIEW WITH BLONDIN English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893-4. THE KING OF THE TIGHT-ROPE Car Weapon used by the Natives of Australia) Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. Jung's Australia and its Inhabitants, 1884. Booth (Barton, Famous Actor, died 1733) Temple Bar, vol. 53, 1878. Booth (Edwin, American Tragedian, son of Juntas Brutus Booth, died 1893). MEMORIES AND LETTERS OF EDWIN BOOTH Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1882-3. Booth (J. Wilkes, Assassinated Lincoln, shot 1865) Century Magazine, vol. 27, 1883-4; and vol. 17, 1889-90 [Pursuit and Death of John Wilkes Booth]. Booth (Junius Brutus, Anglo-American Actor, born in London, 1796, died 1852) All the Year Round. Brereton's Famous Hamlets [Booth as Hamlet]. Booth (Mrs., Wife of "General" Booth) Review of Reviews, vol. 6, 1892. Sunday Magazine vol. 29, 1893. BOOTH-BOSTON Booth (W., "General," Founder of the Salvation Army, born 1829) Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. Boothby (Guy, Novelist). AN AFTERNOON WITH GUY BOOTHBY Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. Boots. BOOTS AND SHOES Leisure Hour, vol, 10, 1861 ; vol. 33, 1884. HISTORY OF BOOTS Leno's Boot and Shoemaking, 1889. How TO MAKE BOOTS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 5 & 6, 1897. Spon's Diet. Bora-Bora (Coral Island in the Pacific Ocean) South Sea Bubbles, 1872. Borax (Boracic Acid and Soda). BORAX IN AMERICA Popular Sci. Month., vol. 21, 1882. BORAX LAGOONS OF TUSCANY Chambers's Journal vol. 13, 1850. BORAX SPRINGS AT VOLTERRA Scott's Tuscan Studies. SOURCES AND APPLICATIONS OF BORAX Journal of the Society of Arts, vol. 39, 1891. Bordeaux, South France (Famous for its Wine). END OF i8TH CENTURY Young's Travels in France during the years 1787-9, 1889. VINEYARDS OF BORDEAUX Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 71, 1852. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 43. 1879. Baedeker's Southern France. Gautier's Spain. Penny Magazine, vol. 8, 1839. Trollope's Western France. Westminster Review, vol. 128, 1887. Borgia (Caesar, Duke of Valentinois, killed 1507) Roscoe's Life of Leo X. Borgia (Lucrezia, Daughter of Pope Alexander VI., died 1523) Argosy, vol. 8, 1869. Edinburgh Review, vol. i, 1802. Harper's Magazine, vol. 52, 1876. King's Cluster of Lives. Roscoe's Life of Leo. X. Borgo, Rome Hare's Walks in Rome, 1872. Borgo San Sepolcro Hare's Cities of Central Italy. Borneo (East Indian Island). CUSTOMS IN BORNEO Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. NORTH BORNEO Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Abercromby's Seas and Skies. Ling Roth's Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo. North's Recollections of a Happy Life. Wallace's Australasia. Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. Bornu, Africa. KINGDOM OF BORNU Earth's North Africa. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 21, 1830. BOROUGHS. (See also tinder Local Government, Municipalities, Towns, and Names, e.g., Norwich, etc.) BRITISH MUNICIPAL HISTORY Gross's Gild Merchant. DISFRANCHISEMENT OF BOROUGHS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 70, 1851. GROUPING OF BOROUGHS Fortnightly Review, vol.5. 1866. MEDIEVAL BOROUGHS Lucas' Secularia: or, Surveys on History, 1862. POCKET BOROUGHS IN ENGLAND Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. SEALS OF BOROUGHS AND CIVIL MACES Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc., vol. 2 (n.s.), 1896. SEALS OF THE ROYAL BURGHS OF SCOTLAND Proceeding of the Society of Anti- quaries, Scotland, vol. 30, 1896. SOME ACCOUNT OF A BOROUGH Chambers's Journal, vol. 24, 1855. Borromean Islands, Italy Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Borromeo (Carlo, Archbishop of Milan, died 1584) Benson's Men of Might, 1892. Borrow (George, Author, Traveller, and Linguist, died 1881). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. GENERAL INFORMATION National Review, vol. 26, 1896. Smiles' Publisher and his Friends. Saturday Review, vol. 66, 1888. Whateley's Remarkable People. Borthwick Tower, Midlothian Clark's Mediaeval Military Architecture. 1884. Boscawen (Right Hon. Edward, Admiral of the Blue Fleet, died 1761). MEMOIR Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 6. Boscobel (Farmhouse near Shiffnal, connected with escape of Charles II.) DESCRIPTION OF BOSCOBEL Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Shropshire Gazetteer, 1824. Boscobel Tracts Grammont's Memoirs of the Court of Charles II., 1846. Boscombe (Part of the Borough of Bournemouth) Temple Bar, vol. 97, 1893. Bosio (Madame, Italian Singer, died 1859) Edwards' The Prima Donna, 1888. Bosnia, S.E. Europe. FORTNIGHT IN BOSNIA Fortnightly Review, vol. 52, 1889. RAMBLE IN BOSNIA New Review, vol. 5, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Guide to Southern Germany. Mackenzie and Irby's Slavonic Provinces. Bosphorus. BOSPHORUS AND ITS PALACES Brassey's Sunshine and Storm, 1881. ON THE BOSPHORUS London Society, vol. 57, 1890. GENERAL IFFORMATION Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 14, 1830. Bosaekop Tromholt's Aurora Borealis in the Land of the Lapps, etc. Bossi (Count, Italian Historian and Prof, of Law, died 1835) Roscoe's Life of Leo. X. Bossuet (Bishop of Meaux, died 1704) Buckle's Civilization in England. Lutheran Quarterly Review, vol. 17, 1887. Boston, England. OLD BOSTON AND ST. BOTOLPH'S CHURCH Mrs. Hawthorne's Notes in England and Italy, 1869. GENERAL INFORMATION Hawthorne's Our Old Home. Murray's Lincolnshire. [75] BOSTON-BOUL A.K Boston, U.S.A. BOSTON REVISITED Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. LITERARY BOSTON THIRTY YEARS AGO Harper's Magazine, vol. 30, 1895. NEW PUBLIC LIBRARY IN BOSTON Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Arnold's Seas and Lands. Bunn's Old England and New England. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 23. Dickens' American Notes. Hodder's Cities of the World. Reminiscences of America. Anthony Trollope's North America, 1862. Boswell (James, Scotch Biographer, 1795). CENTENARY OF BOSWELL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Anderson's Scottish Nation. Campbell's Chancellors. Church Quarterly Review, vol. 27, 1889. Cunningham's English Nation. Temple Bar, vol. 56, 1879. Wotton's Word Portraits. Bosworth Battle Arqhaeologia, vol. 55. Penny Magazine, vol. 10, 1841. BOTANY. (See also Ferns, Flora, Gardening, Horticulture, etc.) AFRICA Junker's Africa. Mounteney-Jephson's Emin Paiha, 1890. AMAZON VALLEY Wallace's Amazon and Rio Negro, 1892. ARCTIC REGIONS Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition, 1874. AZORES Mrs. Charles Roundell's Visit to the Azores, 1889. BLUE MOUNTAINS, NEW SOUTH WALES Field's New South Wales, 1825. BUK-FRUIT AND HOOKED SEEDS Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. CURIOUS PLANTS AND FLOWERS OF SOUTH AFRICA Little's South Africa, 1884. CYPRUS Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. HOME OF THE PITCHER PLANT Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. LINDLEY ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF BOTANY British Association Report, 1833. MADEIRA Harcourt's Sketch of Madeira, 1851. MICROSCOPE IN BOTANY Houghton's The Microscope. NOTES ON BOTANY Grant Allen's Evolutionist At Large, 1884. ON THE APPARATUS RELATING TO VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY Science Lectures at South Kensington, 1878. PLANT NAMES Quarterly Review, vol. 183, 1896. PROGRESS OF BOTANY Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. REMARKABLE PLANTS Silver's Handbook to South Africa, 1891. REMARKABLE PLANTS OF SCOTLAND AND IRELAND British Association Report, 1836. SOMALILAND James' Unknown Horn of Africa, 1888. SOME CURIOUS FACTS IN PLANT DISTRIBUTION Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. SOUTH AUSTRALIA Harcus' South Australia, 1876. SUPERSTITIONS AND DELUSIONS IN BOTANY Sketches of Imposture, 1837. VESUVIUS Lobley's Vesuvius. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. Brassey's Track-s and Tropics. Buckle's Civilization in England. Buckley's Short History of Natural Science. Crowthe''s Microscope and its Lessons. Hovgaard's Nordenskiold's Voyage. Natural Science. Peters' Girl's Own Outdoor Book. Reclus' Ocean. Botany Bay, New South Wales. ACCOUNT OF BOTANY BAY Smith's Works. DESCRIPTION OF BOTANY BAY Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Sidney's Three Colonies of Australia, 1852. Bothwell, Lanarkshire Black's Guide to Glasgow, 1891. Botletli River. SPORT AND NATURAL HISTORY ON THE BOTLETLI River Longman's Magazine, vol. 21, 1892-3. Bo-tree. PLACE OF THE SACRED BO-TREE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. Botticelli (Sandro, Florentine Painter, died 1510) Art Journal, vol. 33 (n.s.), 1881. Fortnightly Review, vol. 14, 1870. Oliphant's Makers of Florence. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, vol. 2, 1872. BotUCUdoes, Brazil Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 30, 1830. Boucher de Perthes (J., French Archtrologist, died 1868). RECOLLECTIONS OF M. BOUCHER DE PERTHES Blackwood's Mag., vol. 157, 1895. Boucher (F., French Erotic Painter, died 1770) Men and Women of the Eighteenth Century. Portfolio, vol. 3, 1892. Bouchier (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1486) Church Quarterly Review, vol. 18, 1892. Fuller's Worthies, vol. i. Hook's Archbishops, vol. 5. Boucicault (Dion, Anglo-American Dramatist, died 1890) Pascoe's Dramatic List. Saturday Review, vol. 61, 1886. Theatre, vol. 24, 1894, & vol. 2 (n.s.), 1880. Boufflers (L. L. de, French Marshal, died 1711 Men and Women of France during the Last Century. Bougainville (Baron de. French Mathematician and Navigator, died 1811). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers. Bougie (A Seaport of Algeria) Murray's Algeria and Tunis, 1891. Bouguereau (William Adolphe, French Painter, born 1826) Idler, vol. 10, 1896. Boulak (The Port of Cairo on the Nile). LONGSHORE LIFE AT BOULAK Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. [75] BOULANGBR-BOYLE Boulanger (General, French Politician and Soldier, shot himself 1891). AN OBJECT LESSON IN FRENCH POLITICS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. BOULANGISM IN ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. GENERAL INFORMATION Biographies Reprinted from "The Times," vol. 5, 1896. Review of Reviews, vol. 2, 1890. Spectator, vol. 59, 1886. Boulevards. SOME IDEA OF A PARISIAN BOULEVARD Quiver, vol. 30, 1893. Boulogne-Sur-Mer (French Seaport and Watering Place). DICKENS AT BOULOGNE Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. GENERAL INFORMATION Argosy, vol. 40, 1885. Baedeker's Guide to Paris. Basdeker's Northern France. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, 1887. Temple Bar, vol. 12, 1864. Boundaries. BOUNDARIES HISTORICALLY CONSIDERED International Review, vol. 12, 1884. HISTORY OF ROADS AND BOUNDARIES Antiquary, vol. 29, 1894. OF BOUNDARIES IN GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. "Bounty." MUTINY OF THE " BOUNTY," 1789 Burke's Naval and Military Trials, 1876. Bourail, New Caledonia Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Bourbon (Charles, Due de, Celebrated French General, died 1527). CONSTABLE OF BOURBON AND THE SACKING OF ROME Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers. GENERAL INFORMATION Nation, vol. 41, 1885. Bourbons, etc. Bourbons (A Royal House or Family of France, Spain, and Naples). FORTUNES OF THE BOURBONS Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. HOUSE OF BOURBON English Historical Review, vol. i, 1886. Saturday Review, vol. 56, 1883. Bourbon-Vendee T. A. Trollope's Western France, 1841. Bourchier (Elizabeth, Became Wife of Oliver Cromwell) Anderson s Memorable Women. Bourges (Noted for its Cathedral and Arsenal) Baadeker's Western France. Gould's. In Troubadour-Land, 1891. Bourgoyne. HOTEL DE BOURGOYNE Hawkin's French Stage. Bourn Murray's Handbook for Lincolnshire, 1890. Bourne (G., Bishop of Bath and Wells, died 1569) Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Bourne (Samuel, died 1796) Methodist Quarterly Review, vol. 44, 1884. Turner's Eminent Unitarians. Bourne (Vincent, Poet, died 1747). SKETCH OF THE CAREER OF VINCENT BOURNE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1894-5. Bournemouth (Seaside Resort). DESCRIPTION OF BOURNEMOUTH All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Where shall we go? Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 46, 1891. London Society, vol. 40, 1881. Bourrienne (L. A. F. de, French Diplomatist, died 1834) Napoleon and his Detractors. Boussa, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 22, 1830. Bouvet de Lozier (J. B. Charles). TRAVELS AND DISCOVERIES IN THE SOUTHERN SEAS Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. Bow. OLD Bow BRIDGE Andrews' Bygone Essex, 1892. Bow Churchyard Smiles' George Moore, Merchant and Philanthropist, 1878. BowditCh (Nathanael, American Astronomer and Physicist, died 1838) Hood's Peerage of Poverty. BowditCh (T. E., African Traveller, died 1824). TRAVELS IN ASHANTEE, ETC. Verne's Great Explorers, 1881. Bowes (Marjory, married John Knox) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, 1855. Bowie Knives and Colonel Bowie Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. i. Bowles (William Lisle, Poet, died 1850} Art Journal, vol. 4 (n.s.)i 1865. Chambers's Journal, vol. 13, 1850. Hall's Book of Memories. Lester's Criticisms. Temple Bar, vol. 8, 1863. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Bowling. BOWLING AT OXFORD [Cricket] Pycroft's Oxford Memories, 1886. BOWLING GREENS Antiquary, vol. 14, 1886. HINTS ON BOWLS Stonehenge's British Rural Sports, 1857. Bowness (Tourist Centre, Windermere) Black's Guide to the English Lakes, 1886. Box. How TO MAKE A Box Davidson's Boy Joiner. Box Tunnel Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Boxing. ART OF BOXING Mitchell's Boxing [Badminton Series], 1889. ESSAY ON BOXING British Essayists, vol. 30, 1823. See also Athletics, Pugilism, etc. Boyd (Dr. A. K. H., Writer on Church Matters, etc., born 1825). A DAY WITH DR. BOYD Quiver, vol. 28, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. Boyle (Katharine, Wife of Viscount Ranelagh) Anderson's Memorable Women, 1862. Boyle (Mary, Countess of Warwick) -Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. [771 BOYLE-BRAICH-Y-DDINAS Boyle (Richard, First Earl of Cork, Statesman, died 1643) Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Craik's Romance of the Peerage. Boyle (Robert, Chemist and Philosopher; died 1691) English Nation, vol. 2 [Portrait]. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 9. Stoughton's Worthies of Science, 1880. Boyle Lectures (Instituted by R. Boyle)- Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Boys. BOYISH FREAKS Chambers's Journal, vol. 65, 1888. BOY SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. ESSAY ON BOYS Yates' Business of Pleasure, 1865. ON DIFFIDENCE IN BOYS British Essayists, vol. 43. 1823. PROFESSIONS FOR OUR BOYS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. See also Children. Boys' Brigade Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. Bracciano (A Town of Italy, near Rome) Hate's Days near Rome, 1884. Bracken Fern. DESCRIPTION OF BRACKEN Huxley's Practical Biology. Braddon (M. E., Celebrated Novelist and Editor of Belgravia). Miss BRADDON AT HOME London Society, vol. 53, 1888. Yates' Celebrities at Home, 1878-9. MY FIRST NOVEL Idler, vol. 3, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Frith's Reminiscences, 1887. Braddon (Sir Edward, Tasmanian Statesman). THIRTY YEARS OF SHIKAR REVIEWED Blackwood's Magazine [Review of Braddon's Book on Indian Wild Sports], vol. 157, 1895. Bradford (Noted for its Cloth Manufactures). BRADFORD IN 1873 Doran's Our Great Towns, 1878. FROM BRADFORD TO BRINDISI All the Year Round, vol. 25, 1871. INDUSTRIES OF BRADFORD London Society, vol. 3*. 1879. GENERAL INFORMATION Hodder's Cities of the World [Cassell's]. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5. Bradford-on-Avon (Ancient Town) Freeman's English Towns, 1883. Brading (Isle of Wight) ROMAN VILLA NEAR BRADING Antiquary, vol, 3, 1881. Bradlaugh (Charles, Secularist and Author, died 1891). BRADLAUGH AND His OPPONENTS Fortnightly Review, vol. 34, 1880. BRADAUGH AND THE CONSTITUTION Contemporary Review, vol. 40, 1881. CHARACTER SKETCH. By Annie Besant. Review of Reviews, vol. 3, 1891. MEMOIR OF His LIFE Bradlaugh's Labour and Law, 1891. OBITUARY NOTICE Biographies Reprinted from " The Times," vol. 5, 1896. PROTEST AGAINST BRADLAUGH'S ADMISSION TO PARLIAMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880. GENERAL INFORMATION Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. Saturday Review, vol. 71, 1891. Westminster Review, vol. 136, 1891. Bradley (James, Astronomer-Royal 1742, died 1762). ROLMER AND BRADLEY AND THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. Bradninch (Devonshire) Gentleman's Mag. Library [EnglishTopography, part 3], 1893. Bradshaw (Henry, Cambridge University Librarian, died 1886) Macmillan's Magazine [Memoir], vol. 53, 1885-6. The Library, vol. i, 1889. Bradshaw (John, President of the Court for trying Charles I., died 1659) Trials of Charles I., 1832. Bradwardine (T., Theologian, died 1349) Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. Braga, Portugal (Cathedral City) Murray's Guide to Portugal, 1887. Braganca (Noted for its Medieval Fortress) Murray's Guide to Portugal, 1887. Braganza (Charles, Exiled Prince) Kent's Footprints on the Road, 1864. Braham Castle English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. Brahe (Tycho, Danish Astronomer, died 1601). TYCHO BRAH AND THE EARLIEST OBSERVATORY Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Brewster's Martyrs of Science. Brightwell's Industry and Genius, 1869. Nature, vol. 15, 1877. Brahma (The Creator according to Brahmin Belief) Milman's Christianity, 1875. Brahman Soul Story Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Brahmanism. BRAHMINS AND GYMNOSOPHISTS Heckethorn's Secret Societies. FOUNDATIONS OF BELIEF AND BRAHMANISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. REFORMS OF THE BRAHMANS Duncker's History of Antiquity, 1878-82. GENERAL INFORMATION Bettany's World's Religions. Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Brahmin School-Girl Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. Brahmo Somaj (The Society of Believers in Gcd, India) Macleod's Far East, 1871. Brahms (Johannes, Musical Composer, born 1833). BRAHMS AND THE CLASSICAL TRADITION Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Morris' Famous Composers, 1891. BraiCh-y-Ddinas, Penmaenmawr, Wales Antiquary, vol. 29, 1894. [78] BRAIN-BRAXTED BRAIN, BRAIN AND ITS PHYSIOLOGY Carpenter's Nature and Man, 1888. BRAIN AND ITS USES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 5, 1862. BRAIN AND THE MIND National Review, vol. 10, 1860. Dublin Review, vol. 5, 1881. BRAIN IN MEN AND WOMEN Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. COINAGES OF THE BRAIN Wilson's Studies in Life and Sense, 1887. FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. HAVE WE Two BRAINS ? Proctor's Science Byways, 1875. HUMAN BRAIN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6. STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN Nisbet's Insanity of Genius and of Human Faculty, 1891. VIVISECTION AND BRAIN SURGERY Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind. Chambers's Journal, vol. 59, 1882. Braithwaite (G.) Pike's Meeting-Houses, 1870. Brakes (Railway and other Brakes). ACCIDENTS WITH VACUUM BRAKES Saturday Review, vol. 69, 1890. CONTINUOUS AUTOMATIC BRAKES- -Nature, vol. 31, 1885. CONTINUOUS BRAKES Stretton's Safe Railway Working, 1893. DESCRIPTION OF BRAKES Rankine's Steam Engine, 1891. RAILWAY AND OTHER BRAKES Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Bramwell (Lord, Eminent Judge, died 1892) Biographies Reprinted from " The Times," vol. 5, 1896. Temple Bar, vol. 108, 1896. Brancepeth Castle Hewitt's Remarkable Places, 1856. Branding Heretics Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. Branding and Tattooing Chambers's Journal, vol. 51, 1874. Brandon (C.,Duke of Suffolk, captured Boulogne 1544, died 1545) Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Brandon (Lady Eleanor, Countess of Cumberland, died 1547) Strickland's Lives of the Tudor Princesses, 1868. Branks. NOTICES OF THE BRANK, OR SCOLD'S BRIDLE Archaeological Journal, vol. 13, 1856. Reliquary, vol. i, 1861. .Shropshire Arch. Trans., vol 9. Branksome Castle. BRANKSOME CASTLE OR TOWER Antiquary, vol. 18, 1888. Chambers's Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Brantome (Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur et Abbe de Brantdme, French Chronicler, accompanied Mary Stuart to Scotland, died 1614) New Review, vol. 15, 1896. BrantWOOd, Coniston. JOHN RUSKIN'S HOME Murray's Magazine, vol. 8, 1890. Brass, Africa. RISING OF THE BRASS MEN Chambers's Journal, vol. 12, 1895. Brass. BRASS AND BRONZE Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. Brass Work. ANNEALING, POLISHING, AND FINISHING BRASS, ETC. Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 2, 3, & 6, 1897. BIRMINGHAM BRASS WORK Art Journal (n.s.), 1894. How BRASS BANDS ARE MADE Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. REPOUSSE BRASS WORK Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884-5. BRASSES (Monumental Brasses). (See also Antiquities, Archeology, Churches, etc.) BRASSES AND BRASS RUBBING Girl's Own Annual, vols. 14 & 16, 1893-5. BRASSES AT INGRAVE, ESSEX, TRANSLATED Essex Arch. Society, vol. 6 (n.s.) BRASSES IN KENT Antiquary, vol. i, 1873 (Jewitt's) BRASSES IN NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Murray's Guide to Northamptonshire. BRASSES IN WENSLEY CHURCH, WESTMINSTER ABBEY, ISLIP CHAPEL, ETC. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities, part i], 1890. BRASSES OF CAMBRIDGESHIRE, CHESHIRE, CORNWALL, AND CUMBERLAND Gentle- man's Magazine Library [English Topography, part 2] , 1892. CARLISLE DIOCESE BRASSES, TRANSLATED Cumberland Antiquarian Society vol. 13. ENGLISH MONUMENTAL BRASSES Salisbury Field Club, vol. i. How TO COPY MONUMENTAL BRASSES Reliquary, vol. 15, 1875. MONUMENTAL BRASSES -Antiquary, vol.4, 1881, & vol. 31, 1895. Essex Review, vol. 5, 1896, & vol. 3, 1894. MONUMENTAL BRASS INSCRIPTIONS IN NORFOLK Norfolk Arch. Society, vol. n. ON A BRASS OF KING ETHELRED THE ELDER, IN THE CHURCH OF WIMBORNE MINSTER Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part 2], 1886. PALIMPSEST BRASS FROM ASTLEY CHURCH, WARWICKSHIRE Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, vol. 16. PALIMPSEST BRASS OF SIR ANTHONY AND DAME FITZHERBERT, IN NORBURY CHURCH Proceedings of Antiquarian Society, second series, vol. 16. GENERAL INFORMATION Bayly's New Studies, 1889. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquarians, vol. 6, 1876, vol. 8, 1881, vol. 12, 1887, & vol. 13, 1891. Brassey (Anne, Lady, First Wife of Lord Brassey, English Traveller, wrote Works of considerable interest, illustrating her Voyage in the celebrated Yacht, the "Sunbeam ") Brassey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam." Strand Mag., vol. 8, 1894. Brassey (Thomas, Lord, Writer on Labour Questions, etc.. Governor of Victoria). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW WITH LORD AND LADY BRASSEY Strand Mag., vol. 8, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers's Journal, vol. 55, 1878. Leisure Hour, 1873. Braxted, Little, Essex. SAINT NICOLAS CHURCH Buckler's Churches of Essex, 1856. [79] BRAY-BRIBERY Bray (Dr., Thomas, Founder of the Christian Knowledge Societv) Abbey's English Church and Bishops (1700-1850), 1887. Bye-Gones, vol. i (ist series). Bray, Berkshire. VICAR OF BRAY Jeaffreson's Book About Clergy, 1870. GENERAL INFORMATION Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1891. Bray, Ireland Black's Where Shall We Go ? 1892 BRAZIL. BRAZIL AND THE BRAZILIANS Temple's Works, 1757. BRAZIL INDIANS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. BRAZILIAN REBELLION Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. EMANCIPATION IN BRAZIL Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. EX-EMPEROR [died 1891] Biographies Reprinted from "The Times," vol. 5, 1896. GLACIATION OF BRAZIL Nature, vol. 2, 1870. EXPLORATIONS IN CENTRAL BRAZIL Geographical Journal, vol. 9, 1897. MONETARY SYSTEM OF BRAZIL Del Mar's Money and Civilisation, 1885. OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH BRAZIL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. PAST AND FUTURE OF BRAZIL Contemporary Review, vol. 57, 1890. TRADE WITH SOUTH AMERICA Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1897. WATERFALLS OF BRAZIL Argosy, vol. 14, 1872. GENERAL INFORMATION North's Recollections of a Happy Life. Verschuur's Antipodes. Vincent's South America. Wilkes's Exploring Expedition daring 1838-42. Breach of Promise. SOME EARLY BREACH OF PROMISE CASES Antiquary, vol. 4, 1881. Green Bag, vol. 3, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 47, 1881. Chambers's Journal, vol. 33, 1860. Household Words, vol. 16, 1857. Spectator, vol. 64, 1890. BREAD. AERATED BREAD Wynter's Social Bees, 1861. BREAD AND BAKING IN BYGONE DAYS Andrews' England in the Days of Old. BREAD MACHINE Spoil's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. DAINTY BREAD All the Year Round, vol. 24, 1870. How TO EAT BREAD Nineteenth Century, vol. 10, 1881. MAKING BREAD Drewry's Cup and Platter, 1879. PROCESS OF MAKING BREAD Blyth's Foods, 1888. TOWN AND COUNTRY BREAD All the Year Round, v6l. 46, 1880-1. Bread-Fruit. MUTINY OF H.M.S. "BOUNTY" Knowledge, vol. 13, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Penny Magazine, vol. i, 1832. Breakwaters Cassell's Technical Educator, vol. 6, 1897. Penny Magazine, vol. 5, 1836. Whymper's The Sea ; its stirring Story of Adventure, etc. Breathing. ART OF BREATHING Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1893. BREATH FIGURES Nature, vol. 47, 1892. BREATHING UNDER WATER Chambers's Journal, vol. 57, 1880. How WE BREATHE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888-9. LECTURE ON BREATHING Good Words, vol. 10, 1869. Breathlessness. STAGES OF BREATHLESSNESS Lagrange's Bodily Exercise, 1890. Breckinbridge (John C., Vice-President of United States, 1857-61, died 1875). Two VICE-PRESIDENTS Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. Breckonshire Black's Guide to South Wales. Murray's Guide to South Wales. Breda, Netherlands Havard's Holland translated by Annie Wood, 1870. Bredwardine Hissey's Across England in a Doacart, i8gt. Breechey (Fred W., English Admiral and Ar:tic Explorer, died 1856). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteen'!) Century, 1881. Bremer (Frederika, Swedish Novelist and Traveller, died 1865 Hall's Book of Memories. Blackwooil's Magazine, vol. 89, 1861. Brentwood, Essex. SAINT THOMAS A BECKET'S CHURCH Buckler's Churches of Essex, 1856. Brescia Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy. Hare's Northern Italy, 1883. Breslau Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, 189?. Brest (A French Seaport) Baedeker's Northern France. London Society, vol. 30, 1876. Breton de Los Herreros. See Herreros. Breton (Nicholas, Poet, died 1626) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Breton Fountains Macquoid's Pictures from Normandy, 1879. Breton Legends Temple Bar, vol. 77, 1886. Breweries. CONSTRUCTION OF BREWERIES Colyer's Public Institutions, 1889. GREAT BREWERIES OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London. Brewing. CHEMISTRY OF BREWING Journal of the Society of Arts. vol. 22, 1874. SCIENCE AND BREWING Mature, vol. 47, 1892. See also Ale, Beer, etc. Brewster (Sir David, Scotch Physicist, died 1868) Leisure Hour, vol. 12, 1863. Mrs. J. Herschel's Life of Caroline Herschel. Stoughton's Worthies of Science, iSfto. Breydon Water Davies' Norfolk Broads, 1884, Briancon, France. MAY-DAY FESTIVALS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Bribery, ELECTION BRIBERY Hobart's Political Essays. [80] BRICKLAYING-BRIGHTON Bricklaying 1 . TOOLS AND PROCESSES General Building Art, 1883. Brickmaking Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 2 & 3, 1897. Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. Leisure Hour, vol. 21, 1872. Spon's Dictionary of Engineering [Brick- Making Machines], 1874, all d Supplement, 1879. Bricks. BRICKS AT NINEVEH Bonomi's Nineveh and its Palaces, 1853. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round vol. 57, 1886. Art Journal, vol. 7 (n.s.), 1855. Practical Magazine, vol. 7, 1877. Reliquary, vol. 22, 1882. Bridewell Hospital Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. Wheatley's London, 1891. BRIDGES. (See also wider names of Bridges and Places). ACCOUNT OF THE ORIGIN OF LONDON BRIDGE Allen's London. ANCIENT BRIDGES OF WOOD AND STONE Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. BRIDGE ACROSS THE BRITISH CHANNEL Chambers's Journal, vol. 29, 1858. BRIDGES AND BRIDGE-BUILDING Boy's Own Annual, vol. u, 1888-9. BRIDGES OF LONDON Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1888-9. BRIDGES : Their Historical and Literary Associations Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. BUILDING OF BRIDGES Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 4 & 5, 1897. CLASSIFICATION OF BRIDGES Mahan's Treatise on Civil Engineering, 1890. CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874, and Sup- plement, 1879. The Engineer. Engineering. FLOATING BRIDGES Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1888-9. FORTH BRIDGE Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. GIRDER BRIDGES Report of British Association, 1886. MAKING A RAILWAY BRIDGE Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. MENAI STRAITS BRIDGES Harcourt's Achievements in Engineering, 1891. NEW CANTILEVER BRIDGE AT PARIS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. NIAGARA SUSPENSION BRIDGE Harcourt's Achievements in Engineering, 1891. ROADS AND BRIDGES Spon's Mechanic's Own Book, 1889. THAMES BRIDGES Krausse's Pictorial History of the Thames, 1889. TOWER BRIDGE All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. WOODEN BRIDGES Davidson's Drawing for Carpenters and Joiners. WOODEN BRIDGES IN AMERICA Leisure Hour, vol. 25, 1876. GENERAL INFORMATION Bakewell's Great Facts. Smiles' Lives of the Engineers. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. Thames Iron Works Gazette. Bridges (Robert Seymour, Poet, born 1844). POEMS OK ROBERT BRIDGES Athenaeum, vol. i, 1891. Saturday Review, vol. 70, 1890. Temple Bar, vol. 99, 1893. Bridgewater (Duke of, Constntctor of Famous Canal, died 1803) Adams' Steady Aim (Examples from Biography). Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1861-2. Bridgman (Sir Orlando, Lord Chancellor, died 1674) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. The Works of Sir W. Temple, 1757. Bridgnorth, Shropshire. ACCOUNT OF THE TOWN OF BRIDGNORTH Art Journal, vol. 48 (n.s.), 1896. Murray's Handbook to Shropshire and Cheshire. Bridlington (Has Remains of Priory) Black's Guide to Yorkshire, 1888. Briefs. EARLY BRIEFS Antiquary, vol. 3, 1881. And under Bar, Law, etc. KING'S BRIEFS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. to, 1882. Brienne (Somenie de). See Somt-nie de Brienne. Brigrands. BRIGANDAGE IN EGYPT Chambers's Journal, vol. 69, 1892. BRIGANDAGE IN SICILY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. BRUSH WITH BRIGANDS Bentlev's Miscellany, vol. 53, 1863. TAKEN BY BRIGANDS Leisure Hour, vol. 15, 1866. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 74, 1896. THE LAST OF THE ITALIAN BRIGANDS Knglish Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. WEEK AMONG BRIGANDS Murray's Magazine, vol. 2, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 25, 1870-1. Chambers's Journal, vol. 43, 1866. Cornhill Mag., vol. 23, 1871. James' Long White Mountain, 1885. Brigantine Rig Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1890-1. See also under Rigging, Sails, Ships, etc. BriggS (C. A., Presbyterian Theologian, born 1841) Messianic Prophecy, 1886. Bright (John, distinguished Statesman and Orator, died 1889). FAC-SIMILE NOTES OF SPEECH OF RT. HON. JOHN BRIGHT Strand Magazine, voi. i, 1891. BRIGHT AND QUAKERISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. FRIEND INDEED Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Contemporary Review, vol. 55, 1889. Fortnightly Review, vol. 51, 1889. Gladstone Government, 1869. Great Orators, Statesmen and Divines. Molesworth's History of England. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 25,1871-2. National Review, vol. 10, 1860. Westminster Review, vol. 91, 1869. Briglitltng'Sea, Essex. BRIGHTLINGSEA AND ITS OYSTERS Argosy, vol. 62, 1896. BRIGHTON, Sussex. ACCOUNT OF THE TOWN OF BRIGHTON Excursions Through Sussex, with Historical and Topographical Notes, 1822. BRIGHTON A CKNTURY AGO Temple Bar, vol. 36, 1872. BRIGHTON HALF A CKNTURY AGO All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891. BRIGHTON IN 1872 Doran's Our Great Towns, 1878. BRIGHTON SOCIETY Lady's Realm, vol. i, 1896-7. Once a Week, vol. 5, 1861. G [81] BRIGHTON-BRITISH GUIANA Brighton (continued). MY JOURNEY TO BRIGHTON Chambers's Journal, vol. 55, 1878. PLAN OF BRIGHTON Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Sussex. Black's Where Shall We Go? Gentle- man's Magazine Library (Topography), 1890. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe. Land We Live in, vol. 2. London Society vol. 2, 1862. Longman's Magazine, vol. 4, 1884. St. James' Magazine, vol. 23, 1869. Brihtwald (Eighth Archbishop of Canterbury, died. 731) Hook's Archbishops, vol. i, 1875. Brindisi (Italian Seaport) Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. Temple Bar, vol. 42, 1874. See also Italy. Blindley (James, Engineer, died 1772) Adams' Steady Aim. Davenport's Lives. Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1861-2. Brisbane (Capital of Queensland) Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. BRISTOL (English Seaport). BRISTOL CATHEDRAL Archaeological Jour., vol. 20, 1863. BRISTOL IN THE TIME OF CABOT Harper's Magazine, vol. 25, 1892-3. BRISTOL IN 1875 Doran's Our Great Towns, 1878. CITY AND COUNTY OF BRISTOL Walters' Bygone Somerset, 1897. DOCKISATION OF THE RIVER AVON Chambers's Journal, vol. 12, 1895. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF BRISTOL Proceedings Archaeological Institute, 1851. PLAN OF BRISTOL Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, 1890. PROBLEM OF BRISTOL DOCK Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Gloucestershire. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i. Land We Live in, vol. 3. Murray's Guide to Wilts, etc. Hodder's Cities of the World. Saturday Review, vol. 67, 1889. BRITAIN. (See also Britons, Celts, England, Great Britain, Wales, etc.) ABORIGINAL STATE OF BRITAIN Williams' History of Wales, 1869. BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL CHANGES IN BRITAIN Dawkins' Early Man in Britain, 1880. Lyall's Elements of Geology, 1874. BRITAIN FROM 1485 Collier's History of the British Empire, 1889. CAESAR IN BRITAIN Church's Early Britain, 1891. CESAR'S LANDING-PLACE IN BRITAIN Archaeological Journal, vol. 33, 1876. EARLY BRITISH RACES Nature, vol. 51, 1894. FOREIGN FOOD OF BRITAIN Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. HISTORY OF BRITAIN Woodhouselee's Universal History. How BRITAIN BECAME ENGLAND Williams' History of England, 1886. JULIUS CESAR'S INVASION OF BRITAIN Archaeological Journal, vol. 21,1864. LINES OF TRAVEL Loomis' Guide to Travel, 1891. MAKING OF BRITAIN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 55, 1866-7. NOTES ON ROMAN BRITAIN Antiquary, vol. 23, 1891. ON THE ROMAN OCCUPATION OF BRITAIN Archaeological Journal, vol. 44, 1887. PICTS AND PRE-CELTIC BRITAIN Transactions Royal Historical Society, vol. 3, 1886. PREHISTORIC AND HISTORIC REMAINS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Romano-Brit. Reni'ns] RAISED BEACH OF BRITAIN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 5, 1861-2. ROMAN BRITAIN Archaeological Journal, vol.46, 1889. ROMAN COINS STRUCK IN BRITAIN Archaeological Journal, vol. 24, 1867. STONE CIRCLES OF BRITAIN Archaeological Journal, vol. 49, 1892. THOUGHTS ON ANCIENT METALLURGY AND MINING IN BRITAIN Archaeological Journal, vol. 16, 1859. GENERAL INFORMATION Antiquary, vol. 23, 1891. Royal Historical Society's Tran- sactions, vol. 7, 1878. Saturday Review, vol. 56, 1883. Thierry's Conquest of England. Westminster Review, vols. 127, 1887, & 135, 1891. British Army. See Army, Battles, Soldiers, War, etc British Association. BRITISH ASSOCIATION AT OXFORD Gibson's Miscellanies. GENERAL INFORMATION Contemporary Review, vol.46, 1884. Darwin's Letters, 1887. Knowledge, vol. 2, 1862. Leisure Hour, vols. 29 & 30, 1880-1. Nature, vol. 26, 1882. Saturday Review, vol. 64, 1887. Westminster Review, vol. 118, 1882. British C9lumbia, Canada. CONDITION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, 1866 Westminster Review, vol. 86, 1860. KOOTENAY INDIANS OF SOUTH EASTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Report of the British Association, 1892. LIFE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Chambers's Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Westminster Rev., vol. 133, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Caine's Trip Round the World. Church's Making a Start ' ' in Canada. Dufferin's Canadian Journal. Fleming's England and Canada. Fortnightly Review, vol. 45, 1886. Good Words, vol. 21, 1880. Leisure Hour, vol. ii. 1862. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures. National Review, vol. 13, 1861. British Empire. EXTENT OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE [The Lion's Share] Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. See also England, A nstrMa, Canada, Colomes, Great Britain, India, etc. British Flora Darwin's Letters, 1887. See also Botany, Flora, Flowers, etc. " British Grenadiers " (Song, 1690) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. British Guiana. Sec Guiana. [82] BRITISH ISLES-BRONTE British Isles. EARLY GEOGRAPHY OF BRITISH ISLES Leisure Hour, vol. 23, 1874. GEOGRAPHICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL POSITION OK THE BRITISH ISLANDS Land We Live in, vol. i. PREHISTORIC INHABITANTS OF BRITISH ISLES Report of British Association, 1887. VOLCANIC DISTRICTS IN THE BRITISH ISLES Hull's Volcanoes, 1892. See also Britain, England, Channel Islands, etc. BRITISH MUSEUM. BRITISH MUSEUM AND THE BRITISH PUBLIC New Review, vol. 5, 1891. Shobert's Public Buildings, 1838. BRITISH MUSEUM LIBRARY Bradshaw's Collected Papers, 1889. DESCRIPTION OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM Loftie's London, 1880. FOUNDATION AND ACCOUNT OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM LIBRARY Edwards' Memoirs of Libraries, 1859. The Library Chronicle, vol. 2, 1885. GREEK AND ROMAN ART IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886-7. IN OUR NATIONAL LIBRARY Sirand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. KING'S LIBRARV IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1888. PEOPLE WHO Go TO THE BRITISH MUSEUM Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 144, 1888. READING ROOM AND IRON LIBRARY Pall Mall Magazine, vol. b, 1896. SOME BRITISH MUSEUM STORIES Idler, vol. 5, 1894. WHITE GALLERY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to London. Chambers's Journal, vol. 65, 1888. Nature, vol. 6, 1872. Land We Live in, vol. 2. Shepherd & Williams' Life of Thomas Carlyle, 1881. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. The Library. British South Africa Company Mather's Zambesia. England's El Dorado, 1891. National Review, vols. 26-7, 1895-6. And under Africa, Chartered Company, etc. Britons. ANCIENT BRITONS Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 1867. BRITONS AND ROMANS Williams' History of England, 1886. NAVAL HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT BRITONS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. i, 1818. RELIGION OF EARLY BRITONS Knowledge, vol. n, 1888. REMAINS OF PATRIARCHAL FAITH AMONG THE BRITONS Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. See also Britain, Brittany, England, etc. BRITTANY, France. ANTIQUITIES OF BRITTANY Archaaological Jour., vol. 33, 1876. BRETONS AT HOME Argosy, vol. 51, 1891. CAMBRIANS IN BRITTANY Saturday Review, vol. 68, 1889. CASTLE OF FOUGERES AND ITS LORDS Archaeological Journal, vol. 46, 1889. CORNER OF BRITTANY Chambers's Journal, vol 67, 1890. GAULISH FORTRESSES ON THE COAST OF BRITTANY Archaeological Journal, vol. 29, 1872. GIRL'S TOUR IN BRITTANY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. LESSONS FROM BRITTANY Leisure Hour, vol. 36, 1887. NOTES FROM BRITTANY Leisure Hour, vol. 30, 1881. RAMBLES IN BRITTANY Leisure Hour, vol. 8, 1859. RECOLLECTIONS OF A TOUR IN BRITTANY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 45, 1882. THREE DAYS IN BRITTANY Chambers's Journal, vol. 59, 1882. TRIP TO BRITTANY Chambers's Journal, vol. 64, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 31, 1873-4. Chambers's Journal, vol. 53, 1876. Harper's Magazine, vol. 51,1875. St. James' Magazine, vol. 26, 1870. Britton (Tom, Musical Small Coal Man, died 1714) Brightwell's Industry and Genius, 1869. Dictionary of National Biography, 1886. Penny Magazine, vol. 10, 1841. Brixham, Devonshire Gentleman's Magazine Library (Topography), 1893. Broads. NORFOLK BROADS Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, 1892. Broadstairs (Kentish Watering-Place). DICKENS AT BROADSTAIRS Forster's Life of Dickens. Hughes' Dickens-Land. 1891. SHORE HUNTING AT BROADSTAIRS Longman's Magazine, vol. 10, 1887. SPECTRE OP THE BROCKEN Hartwig's Aerial World, 1874. Brocklesby (A Village of North Lincolnshire) Murray's Lincolnshire, 1890. Brome (Alexander, Royalist Poet, died 1666) Campbell's Specimens of Brit. Poets, 1844. Bromley, London Emerson's London : How the great City grew, 1862. Bromley, Kent Black's Guide to the County of Kent, 1886. Bromyard, Herefordshire Black's Guide to Hereford and Monmouth, 1884. Bronte (Charlotte [Currer Bell] , Eminent Novelist, died 1855). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Birrell's Gt. Writers, 1887. Robinson's Eminent Women, 1889. Women of Worth. BRONTE: a Monograph Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND HER CIRCLE Dublin Review, vol. 120, ifr'97. CHAT ABOUT CHARLOTTE BRONTE. By Andrew Lang Good Words, vol. 30, 1889. SOME UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE Macmillan's Mag. , v. 64, 1891. THE LIFE-STORY OF A GENIUS Leisure Hour. vol. 45, 1896-7. Adams' Steady Aim. Macmillan's 01 traits, 1887. [83] BRON TE BROWN Bronte (Emily [Ellis Belli, Novelist, died 1848). BRIEF SKETCH OK HKR LIKE Temple Bar, vol. 98, 1893. Robinson's Eminent Women, 1889. GENERAL INFORM AT ION Fa wcett's Eminent Women. Robertson's English Poetesses. Temple Bar, vol. 81, 1887. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Bronte Family. RELICS OF THE BRONTE FAMILY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 28, 1873. Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Bronze Acre. INTRODUCTION OF BRONZE AND BRONZE CIVILISATION INTO EUROPE Dawkins' Early Man in Britain, 1880. Wright's Celt, Roman, and Saxon, 1852. GENERAL INFORMATION Cornhill Magazine, vol. 13 (n.s.), 1889. Evans 1 Bronze Implements, 1881. Williams' Picturesque History of England, 1686. BRONZE. ANCIENT BRONZES Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. ANCIENT WORK IN BRONZE Napier's Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times, 1879. BRASS AND BRONZE Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. BRONZE IMPLEMENTS DISCOVERED IN VARIOUS PLACES Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano-British Remains, part 2] , 1887. BRONZE SPEARHEAD, WEIGHT, CANDLESTICK, AND CRUCIFIX DISCOVERED IN VARIOUS PLACES Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, vol. 16. FIGURE-CASTING IN BRONZE Penny Magazine, vol. 13, 1844. MANGANESE BRONZE Report of British Association, 1883. USE OF BRONZE IN ANCIENT TIMES Lubbock's Pre-Historic Times, 1850. Brooches. ANCIENT BROOCHES AND DRESS FASTENINGS Fairholt's Rambles, 1871. THE BROOCH IN SAXON TIMES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. Brooke (Charlotte, Irish Author, died 1793) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Brooke (G. V., Tragedian, drowned 1856) Marston's Recent Actors, 1890. Brooke (Miss, Lady Denham, died 1667) Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Brooke (Sir J., Rajah of Sarawak, died 1868). LAST OF THE VIKINGS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 59, 1846. Good Words, vol. 10, 1869. Household Words, vol. 18, 1858. Ling Roth's Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo, 1896. Temple Bar, vol. 24, 1868. Westminster Review, vol. 62, 1854. Brooklyn, New York. BROOKLYN BRIDGE Harper's Monthly, vol. 66, 1882-3. GENERAL INFORMATION Harper's Magazine, vol. 25, 1893. And under New Yo>k. Brooks (Phillips, American fiishop, died 1893). BRIEF SKETCH Harper's Magazine, vol. 25, 1892-3. Broome (William, Poet, died 1745) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1863. Brough and Brougham Castles, Westmoreland Clark's Military Architecture. Brougham (Henry Peter, Lord, Lord Chancellor 1830-34, died 1868). BROUGHAM'S REFORM BILL Molesworth's History of England, 1879. BROUGHAM'S SPEECHES Forsyth's Essays, 1874. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Lord Chancellors. Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines. Hodgson's Life of Hodgson. Leisure Hour, vol. 17, 1868. Temple Bar, vol. 72, 1884. Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Broughton (Rhoda, Novelist, born 1840). THE NOVELS OF RHODA BROUGHTON Temple Bar, vols. 41, 1874, & 80, 1887. Broughton (Thomas, Vicar of Bedminster, died 1774) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Brounker (William, Viscount. First President of the Royal Society, died 1684 Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England, 1857. Brousson (C., French Theologian, put to death 1698) Smiles' Huguenots in France, 1874. BrOUWer (A., Dutch Painter, died 1638) Gower's Figure Painters of Holland, 1881. Brown (Charles Brockden, American. Novelist, died 1810) Atlantic Monthly, vol. 61, 1887. Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Brown (Ford Madox, Historical Painter, died 1893). MADOX BROWN, WATTS AND IBSEN Chambers's Encyclopaedia, 1895. Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. REVIEW OF His LIFE Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. GENERAL* INFORMATION Academy, vol. 51, 1897. McCarthy's History of our Own Times, vol. 5, 1897. Brown (Dr. John, a learned Scottish Divine, died 1788). DR. JOHN BROWN OF EDINBURGH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. Brown (John, American Abolitionist, hanged 1859). BRIEF SKETCH OF His CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. GENERAL INFORMATION Atlantic Monthly, vol. 35, 1875, & vol. 57, 1886. Brown (Sir J., Steel Manufacturer, died 1896) Jean's Age of Steel, 1884. Brown (Sir James, Major-General). A STRANGE EPISODE IN THE LIFE OF MAJOR- GENERAL SIR JAMES BROWN, K.C.S.I., C.B., R.E. Blackwood's Mag., vol. 160, 1896. Brown (Sir Richard, English A mbassador at Paris, died 1683) Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Brown (Dr. Samuel, Noted Chemist, died 1856) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. Brown and. Poison. SKETCH OF THE RISE OF THE FIRM Japp's Successful Business Men [Short Accounts of the Rise of Famous Firmsj, 1892. [84] BROWNE-BRUNETIERE Browne (Hablot Knight, Caricaturist, died 1882). BROWNE CHOSEN TO ILLUSTRATE PICKWICK Forster's Life of Dickens. Lang's Lost Leaders, 1892. Browne (Isaac Hawkins, Poet, died 1760) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Browne (Sir Thomas, Norfolk Archceologist, died 1682). CHARACTER AND WRITINGS Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1847. Browne (Sir Thomas, Physician, died 1682). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. ESSAYS ON SIR THOMAS BROWNE Lytton's Quarterly Essays. Pater's Appreciations, 1889. SIR THOMAS BROWNE Coleridge's Miscellanies, 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Lives of British Physicians, 1830. Browne (W. G., killed 1813). TRAVELS IN DARFUR Verne's Great Navigators, 1880. Browne (William, Poet, died 1643) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844 Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett, Poetess, Wife of Robert Browning, died 1861). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1889-90. ESSAY ON ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING Stedman's Victorian Poets, 1876. ESSAY ON MRS. BROWNING Poe's Works, vol. 4. 1875. MRS. BROWNING'S LAST POEMS [English Poets in Italy! Macmillan's Mag., vol. 6, 1862. SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE Gosse's Critical Kit-Kats, i8~ c 4, BROWNING- (Robert, Poet, died 1889). ACADEMY PORTRAITS Academy, vol. 51, 1897. ALLEGED OBSCURITY OF BROWNING'S POETRY Birrel's Obiter Dicta, 1887. BROWNING AS A RELIGIOUS TEACHER Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. CHRISTIAN THOUGHT IN BROWNING'S POETRY Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. ESSAY ON BROWNING Devey's Estimate of English Poets, 1873. ESSAY ON ROBERT BROWNING AND J. W. MARSTON Home's New Spirit of the Age. IN MEMORIAM Theatre, vol. 15 (n.s.), 1890. REMINISCENCES OF ROBERT BROWNING Temple Magazine, vol. i. 1896-7. SOME THOUGHTS ON BROWNING Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. STUDY OF BROWNING Stedman's Victorian Poets, 1876. THE POET'S MESSAGE. By Dean Farrar Review of Reviews, vol. 15. 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Argosy, vol. 49 (n.s.), 1890. Cocluane's Great Thinkers and Workers. Contemporary Review, vol. 57, 1890. Forman's Living Poets. Jacobs' Essays and Reviews. National Review, vol. 14, 1889-90. Quarterly Review, vol. 170, 1890. Browning (Robert, Father of the Poet, died 1866). ROBERT BROWNING THE ELDER AS A CARICATURIST Art Journal, (n.s.), 1896. Browning Hall (University Settlement) 'Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. Brownists (Regarded as the Founders of Congregationalism). CHURCH OF THE BROWNISTS Brook's Biographical Accounts of the Puritans, 1813. GENERAL INFORMATION Lewis' Life of Hall. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Brownson (Orestes A., American W,riter) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Brozik (Vacslav, Artist, born near Pilsen in Bohemia 1851)- Art Journal, (n.s.), 1895. Bruce (James, African Traveller 1769-72, died 1794). TRAVEL IN ABYSSINIA Hotten's Abyssinia. Kingston & Low's Great African Travellers. Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. Bruce (H. A., First Baron A berdare, Home Secretary 1868) Gladstone Government, 1869. Bruce (Rev. Dr. John, of St. Andrew's Free Church, Edinburgh) GilfiHan's Stars in the Church Sky, 1867. Bruce (Michael, Scottish Poet, died 1767) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Dublin University Review, vol. 88, 1876. Bruce (Robert, Earl of Annandale, crowned at Scone, March 27, 1306, died 1329). See Robert I., King of Scotland. Bruges (Flemish Town noted for Us Laces and Cathedral). IN AND AROUND BRUGES Chambers's Journal, vol. 14, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Belgium and Holland. Hodder's Cities of the World. Penny Magazine, vol. 7, 1838. Scott's Paris Revisited, 1816. Brummell (Beau [George Bryan], Leader of Fashion, temp. George IV., died 1840) All the Year Round, vol. 46, 1881. Cornlnll Magazine, vol. i, 1896. Doran's Hahits and Men. Harper's Magazine, vol. n, 1855. Lennox's Reminiscences. Love-Letters of Famous Men aud Women. Temple Bar, vol. 35, 1872. Whar- ton's Wits and Beaux of Society, 1890. Brunei (Is imbard Kingdom, Son of Sir Mark, constructed the Thames Tunnel, died 1859) Layson's Famous Engineers. Whymper's The Sea : its Stirring Story, etc Brunei (Sir Mark I., Civil Engineer, designed the "Great Eastern" Steamship, died 1849) Chambers's Journal, vol. 15, 1851. Distinguished Men of Science, 1890 Brunelleschi (Filippo, Italian A rchitect, died 1446) Oliphant's Makers of Florence. Brunetiere (Ferdinand, French Critic, born 1849) Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. [85] BRUNN-BUCKLAND Brunn (Dr. H., A ntiquarian) Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Brunnan (An Anglo-Saxon Town of Nortlmmbria, famous for the great victorv gained there by King Athelstan over the Danes). BATTLE OF BRUNNAN Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part ii.], 1886. Brunner (Sir J. T., Chemical Manufacturer, born 1842). SIR J. T. BRUNNER AND NORTHWICH English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1895-6. Bruno (Giordano, Italian Mathematician, burnt as a Heretic at Venice 1600). BRIEF SKETCH OF His CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. WAS BRUNO REALLY BURNT ? Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. Bruno (Saint, Monk, Founder of the Carthusian Order, died not). SOME THOUGHTS ON SAINT BRUNO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 73, 1835-6. Brunswick (German State) Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, 1890. Brussels (Capital of Belgium). BRUSSELS CONFERENCE AND THE LAWS OF WAR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. GENERAL INFORMATION Argosy, vol. 47. 1889. Baedeker's Belgium and Holland. Hodder's Cities of the World [Cassell's Edition]. Brutus (Marcus Junius, Roman Patriot, Assassin of Cccsar, hilled himself 42 B.C.) Church's Roman Life in the days of Cicero. Church's Stories from Livy. Plutarch's Lives. Skeat's Shakespeare's Plutarch, 1875. Bruyere (Jean de la). See La Bruyere. Bruyn (Cornelius Van, born 1652) Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Bryan (William Jennings, American Lawyer and Politician, born 1860). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. Bryant and May. SKETCH OF THE RISE OF THE FIRM Japp's Successful Business Men : Short Accounts of the rise of famous Firms, 1892. Bryant (Jacob, English Antiquary, died 1804) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Bryant (William Cullen, American Poet, etc., died 1876). BRYANT AND THE BERKSHIRE HILLS Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. BRYANT'S PERMANENT CONTRIBUTION TO LITERATURE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Griswold's Prose Writers of America. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. Buccaneers. ADVENTURES OF BUCCANEERS Lang's Essays in Little, 1891. PIRATES AND BUCCANEERS Whymper's The Sea and its Stirring Story. THE REAL BARATARIA Chambers's Journal, vol. 67, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Bury's Western Nations. Harper's Magazine, vol. 14, 1887. Russell's Dampier [English Men of Action], 1889. And tinder Pirates, etc. BuCCleuch Family. ANNE OF BUCCLEUCH Craik's Romance of the Peerage. Bucer (M., Germanl'heologian, Friend of Luther, died 1551) Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Buch (L. Von, Geologist, died 1853) Geikie's Founders of Geology, 1897. Buchan, Scotland Quarterly Review, vol. 179, i8gj. Buchanan (Geo., Scottish Historian and Latin Poet, Tutnr to James I., dial isSz) Anderson's Scottish Nation [portrait], vol. i. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 4. Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh. Westminster Review, vol. 134, 1890. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876. Buchanan (Robert, Scottish Poet and Novelist, born 1841. OPEN LETTER TO ROBERT BUCHANAN Steuan's Letters to Living Authors, 1892. STUDY OF ROBERT BUCHANAN Stedman's Victorian Poeis, 1876. GENERAL INFORMATION Contemporary Review, vol. 22, 1873. Good Words, vol. 19, 1878. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, i8;6. Buchinger (Matthew, Little Man of Kiirembiirg) Wilson's Characters, 1869. Buckfast or Buckfastleigh Abbey, near Plymouth (Founded before the Conquest) Gentleman's Magazine Library (Topography, part iii.), 1893. Buckingham (George Villiers, First Duke of, assassinated 1628) Campbell's Chan- cllors. De Ros's Tower of London. Dublin Universitv Review, vol 41, 1853. Grammpnt's Charles II. Jesse's Court of England. Lodge's Portraits. Whar- ton's Wits and Beaux of Society, 1890. Buckingham (George Villiers, Second Duke of, Member of the Cabal Ministry, died 1688) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Buckingham Palace All the Year Round vol 62, 1888. Leisure Hour, vol. 20, 1871, & vol. 37, 1888. Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. White's History of England. Buckinghamshire. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano-British Remains, vol. 2], 1887. MARRIAGE BONDS OF BUCKS AND OXON Beiks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour., vol. 2. TOPOGRAPHY OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Gentleman's Mag Library (Topography), 1891. WALK THROUGH BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Mortimer Collins' Pen Sketches. Temple Bar, vol. 15, 1865. Buckland (Frank, Surgeon and Natnra'ist, died 1880). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Leisure Hour, vol. 38, 1889. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. GENERAL INFORMATION Bolton's Men of Science. Bullock's Home Words for Heart and Hearth, 1881. [86] BUCKLAND ABBEY-BUILDING Buckland Abbey, Devonshire. BUCKLAND ABBEY AND SIR FRANCIS DRAKE Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6, 1877. Buckle (Henry Thomas, Historian, dint 1862). HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION Bowen's Gleanings, 1860. SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Buckle's Miscellaneous Works, 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 90, 1861. Dublin University Review, vol. 58, 1861. Fortnightly Review, vol. 33, 1880. Ingleby's Essays, 1886. Macmillan's Magazine, vol, 4, 1861. Buckminster (Joseph Stephen, American Writer, died 1812) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Buckstone (J. B., Comedian and Dramatic Author, died 1879) Once a Week, vol.27, 1872. Pascoe's Dramatic List, 1880. Theatre, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1879. Budapest (Capital of Hungary) Harper's Magazine, vol. 84, 1872. Harrison's Travels in Europe. Saturday Review, vol. 68, 1889. Stoddart's Across Russia, 1892. Buddha (Founder of Buddhism, diediSo B.C.). THE GREAT BUDDHA Good Words, 1894. BUDDHISM. A VISIT TO THE BUDDHIST AND TAO-IST MONASTERIES ON THE Lo-FAU-SAN Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. BUDDHA AND BUDDHISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. i, 1859-60. Monist, vol. 4, 1894. Quarterly Review, vol 170, 1890. BUDDHAS OF JAPAN Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1897. BUDDHISM AND CHRISTIANITY New Review, vol. 4, 1891. BUDDHIST CLOISTER LIFE Fortnightly Review, vol. 49 [Cloister in Cathay], 1888. BUDDHIST SECTS IN JAPAN Dublin Review, vol. 117, 1895. BURMAN AND His CREED Fortnightly Review, vol. 54, 1890. CHAPTER ON BUDDHISM Muller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. CHINESE BUDDHISM Henry's Cross and Dragon, or Light in the Broad East. ESOTERIC BUDDHISM Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1893. FIRST WORKS ON BUDDHISM Renan's Religious History, 1886. HISTORY OF BUDDHISM Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. n, 1830. INDIAN BUDDHISM Hunter's Brief History of the Indian Peoples, 1892. JAPANESE BUDDHISM Chamberlain's Things Japanese. Nineteenth Cent., v. 24, 1888. MOCK BUDDHISM Fortnightly Revie-v, vol. 43, 1885. MODERN BUDDHISM International Journal of Ethics, vol. 2, 1892. Nature, vol. 2, 1870. PRIESTS OF BUDDHISM IN CHINA Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1893-4. PRIMITIVE BUDDHISM Dublin Review, vol. 102, "' LIGION OF THE BUDDHISTS Duncket's Histo; NERAL INFORMATION -Bettany's World's Re Contemporary Review, vt 1. 57, 1890. Davis' Milman's Christianity. Milne's Life in China. Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 24, 1888. Pember's Earth's Earliest Ages. Quarterly Review, vol. 170, 1890. Religious Systems. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. See also China, etc. Budgell (E., Essayist and I'oet, committed suicide 1736) Kent's Footprints on the Road. Budget. BUDGET AND THE NATIONAL DEBT Hobart's Political Essays. Two BUDGETS OF 1860 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. GENERAL INFORMATION Russell's Gladstone [Queen's Prime Ministers]. Buenos Ayres, South America. REVOLUTION IN BUENOS AYRES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890 [Story of a Revolution]. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol.62, 1847. Gerstacker's Travels. Hervey's Dark Days in Chile. Household Words, vol. 10, 1855. Mulhall's Amazon and Andes. Verschuur's Antipodes. Vincent's South America, 1890. BUFFALO (The). AMERICAN BUFFALOES Palliser's Solitary Rambles, 1853. CANADIAN BUFFALOES Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 22. DESTRUCTION OF THE BUFFALO Good Words, vol. 25, 1884. HUNTING BUFFALOES Leveson's Sport in Many Lands. HUNTING THE BUFFALO IN THE WILD WEST Parkman's Oregon Trail, 1892. MOUNTAIN OR WOOD BUFFALO Dodge's Hunting-Grounds of the Great West, 1877. NORTH AMERICAN BUFFALO Leisure Hour, vol. 13, 1864. RESURRECTION OF THE BUFFALO Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Baker's Wild Beasts. Cumming's Adventures in South Africa. Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1891. Buffbn (G. L., Comte de, French Naturalist, died 1788) Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 27. Men and Women of France during the Eighteenth Century, 1852. Buffs. THE RISE OF THE BUFFS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. BUILDING. ANCIENT BUILDING Napier's Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times. CONSTRUCTION AND DRAWING OF ROOFS Cassell's Tech. Ed., vols. i, 2, & 5, 1887. CONSTRUCTION OF A TWENTY-FIVE STOREY BUILDING Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. CONSTRUCTION OF FLOORS Cassell's Technical Educator, vol. 4, 1897. HOUSE CONSTRUCTION Spon's Mechanics' Own Book, 1889. INTRODUCTION TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, AND SOME OF THE VARIOUS METHODS USED Cassell's Technical Educator, vpls. 1-5, 1897. MATERIALS FOR BUILDING Mahan's Treatise on Civil Engineering, 1890. TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN HOUSE CONSTRUCTION Nature, vol. 5, 1871. [87] BUILDINGS-BUONAPARTE Building's. How BUILDINGS ARE MOVED Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. PROTECTED FROM LIGHTNING Anderson's Lightning Conductors, 1880. SIZES OF GREAT BUILDINGS Beckett's Book on Building, 1680. TRADITIONS CONNECTED WITH BUILDINGS Antiquary, vol. 3, 1881. GENERAL INFORMATION Art Journal, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1884. Cbambers's Journal, vol. 58, 1882. Contemporary Review, vol. 52, 1887. Leisure Hour, vol. u, 18 2. See Architecture. Buildwas Abbey (Ruins of a Cistercian Abbey in Shropshire, founded 1135). ITS ORIGIN AND FOUNDERS Archaeological Journal, vol. 15, 1858. BukOWina, Austria-Hungary Baedeker's Guide to Southern Germany. Eraser's Magazine, vol. 92, 1875. BULGARIA (A Principality in the Balkan Peninsula). BULGARIA AND THE SITUATION, 1889 Lusignan's Abdul Hamid II., 1889. BULGARIAN ATROCITIES Gladstone's Gleanings of Past Years, 1879. CONVERSION OF BULGARIA Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 3, 1872. HISTORY OF THE BULGARIANS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 14, 1830. POLITICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN BULGARIA AND RUSSIA Fortnightly Rev., v. 65, 1896. RUSSIA AND BULGARIA Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. SOCIAL LIFE IN BULGARIA English Illustrated Magazine, vol.7, 1889-90. TURKISH BORDER AND BULGARIA Geographical Magazine, vol. 3, 1876. YOUNGEST OF THE NATIONS Chambers's Journal, vol. 72, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Baker's Turkey in Europe, barkley's Danube, etc. Contemporary Review, vol. 35, 1879. Formightly Review, vol. 36, 1881. Good Words, vol. 6, 1865. Mackenzie and Irby's Slavonic Provinces. Ollier's Russo- Turkish War. Quarterly Review, vol. 142, 1876. Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. Temple Bar, vcl. 83. 1888. Bulkley (Charles, Baptist Minister, died 1797) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840. Bull (Rev. G., Theologian, Bishop of St. David's, 1705) Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. Stoughtou's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Bull. THE ENGLISH WILD BULL Saturday Review, vol. 70, 1890. See also Cattle, etc. Bull-Fighting. ACCOUNT OF SPANISH BULL-FIGHTS Maxwell's Essays. AT A BULL-FIGHT Household Words, vol. 18, 1858. BULL-BAITING Andrews' Bygone England, 1892. BULL-FIGHTING IN SPAIN English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Theatre (n.s.), vol. 5, 1882. BULL-FIGHTS IN CUBA Mark's Diary of my Trip to America, 1885. DESCRIPTION OF A BULL-FIGHT AT MADRID Gautier's Wanderings in Spain, 1853. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 71, 1852. Chambers's Journal, vol. 31, 1859. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 17, 1868. Ford's Gatherings from Spain. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. Bulldog. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. ig. Buller (Sir F., Judge, 1680) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Bullfinch Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1888-9. Jardine's Naturalists' Library [Description and Coloured Plate], vol. 2. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Billow (H. Von, Musician, died 1894). RECOLLECTIONS AND ANECDOTES OF BCLOW Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Morris' Famous Composers. Scribner's Mag., vol. 10, 1875. Bunhill-Fields, London (Site of the Burial Pit during 'he Plague of 1665) Cunningham's London. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. Bunsen (C. K. J., Baron, German Scholar, died 1860). BIOGRAPHICAL SKF.TCH OF BARON BUNSEN Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. BUNSEN AND His WIFE Verney's Peasant Properties, 1885. SHORT SKETCH OF BARON BUNSEN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 104, 1868. Contemporary Review, vol. 28, 1876. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 3, 1860-1. Martin's Prince Consort, 1875-80. Temple Bar, vol. 51, 1877. Bunsen (Baroness, Wife of Baron Bunsen, died 1876) Good Words, vol. 20, 1879. Gray's Wise Words, and Loving Deeds [Biography]. Bunting (The) Jardine's Naturalists' Library [Description and Coloured Plate], vol. 2. Morris' History of British Birds, vol. 2, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds. Bunyan (Elizabeth, Wife of John Bunyan) Anderson's Memorable Women, 1862. Bunyan (John, Nonconformist Preacher, Author of " The Pilgrim's Progress," died 1688). BEDFORD AND JOHN BUNYAN Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 2. BUNYAN'S PRISON WORK Langford's Prison Books and Their Authors, 1861. ESSAYS ON BUNYAN Lang's Essays. Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1892. JOHN BUNYAN AND THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 2 [portrait]. Harper's Mag., vol. 14, 1857. Macaulay's Biographies. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 30, 1874. Punshon's Lectures. Westminster Review, vol. 17, 1832. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Buonaparte (Prince Lucien, French Philologist, died 1891) J. F. Hodgson's Life of Rev. Francis Hodgson, Scholar, Poet, and Divine, 1878. Buonaparte (Napoleon). See tinder Napoleon I. [88] BUONARROTI-BURLESQUE Buonarroti (Michael Angelo, Famous Italian Artist, etc., died 15^4) Life of Cellini. Roscoe's Life of Leo X. Stebbing's Italian Poets. See also Michelangelo. Buoys. ILLUMINATION OF BEACONS AND Buoys Stevenson's Lighthouse Construction. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers's Journal, vol.47, 1870. Gattie's Goodwin Sands. Burbage (Richard, Actor, died 1619). BURBAGE AS HAMLET Brereton's Famous Hamlets from Burbage to Fefchter, 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Temple Bar, vol. 53, 1878. Burckhardt (John Lewis, died 1817). MEMOIR Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 40. TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Burdens. ENDEAVOUR OF MANKIND TO GET RID OF THEIR BURDENS British Essayists, vol. 14, 1823. Burdett (Sir Francis, Politician, died 1844) Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne, 1890. Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 1890. Burdett-CouttS (Baroness, Philanthropist, bom 1814) Dublin University Magazine, vol. 88, 1876. Mrs. Sala's Famous People I have met. See also Contts. Burford, Oxfordshire Hissey's Across England. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. Burghead. BURGHEAD ON THE MORAY FIRTH Archaeological Journal, vol. 48, 1891. Burghley (William Cecil, Lord, Lord High Treasurer, 1572) Antiquary, vol. 7, 1883. Brook's Puritans. Edinburgh Review, vol. 5s, 1832. Heylyn's Reformation. Johnson's Life of Coke. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 4. Macaulay's Essays [Essay on Lord Burleigh]. Nicolas' Sir C. Hatton, 1847. Burghley Papers Jones' Recollections of Royalty, 1828. Burghstead (Little) Essex. SAINT MARY'S CHURCH Buckler's Churches of B^ssex, 1856. Morant's History of Essex. Burglary. THIEVES v. LOCKS AND SAFES Strand Mag., vol. 8, 1894. Thieves, etc Burgon (John William, Dean of Chichester, died 1888) Murray's Magazine, vol. 4, 1888. Quarterly Review, vol. 174, 1892. BurgOS, Spain Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19, 1830. Gautier's Spain. Hare's Spain. Murray's Guide to Spain, 1892. Burgoyne (General, English General, died 1792) Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 113, 1873. Good Words, vol. 12, 1871. Harper's Magazine, vol. 55, 1877. Irving's Life of George Washington, 1855. Burgundy. KINGDOM OF BURGUNDY Hug and Stead's Switzerland, 1890. BURIAL. (Sec also Funerals, Graves, Mourning, Tombs, etc.) ANCIENT BURIAL Figuier's Primitive Man, 1870. ANGLICAN VIEW OF THE BURIAL LAWS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. BORNEO FORMS OF BURIAL -Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 26. BURIAL AND CREMATION Archaeological Journal vol. 12, 1855. BURIAL AND GRAVESTONES All the Year Round, vol. 15, 1866. BURIAL AT CROSS ROADS Andrews' England in the Days of Old, 1897. BURIAL BILL AND DISESTABLISHMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880. BURIAL OF LIVE PERSONS Binn's Anatomy of Sleep, 1842. BURIAL OF THE BRITONS Barnes' Ancient Britain and the Britons. BURIAL ON NORTH SIDE OF CHURCHYARDS Essex Review, vol. i, 1892. BURIALS AT THE PRIORIES OF THE BLACK FRIARS Antiquary, vol. 23-4, 1891. ENGLISH LAW OF BURIAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. JAPANESE BURIAL CUSTOMS Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland, 5th series, vol. 6. LAST WORD ON THE BURIAL BILL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. MOURNING AND BURIAL RITES OF KORKA Journal of the Anthrop. Inst., vol. 25. CHINESE BURIALS Medhurst's Foreigner in Far Cathay, 1872. CHRISTIAN BURIAL Eustace's Italy. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS' BURIAL CUSTOMS Dodge's Great West, 1877. PARISIAN BURIAL Leisure Hour, vol.42, 1893. THE BURIAL SERVICE Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1896-7. URN-BURIAL Aubrey's Miscellanies upon Various Subjects, 1890. VARIOUS CEREMONIES Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. VARIOUS METHODS OF BURIAL Joly's Man Before Metals, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. BuriatS (Mongolian Buddhists) Dr. H. Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. vols. 33-6, 1833-4. Buckle's Civilization in England. Cornhill Magazin 1896. Croker's Boswell. Cunningham's English Nation [portrait], Dublin Review, vol. 34, 1868. Fortnightly Review, vol. 7, 1867. Great Orators. Life of Mackintosh. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16. 1867. Temple Bar, vol. 53, 1878. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Burleigh (Lord). See Burghley (Lord). * Burlesque. OLD AND NEW BURLESQUE Theatre, vol. 27, 1896. USES AND ABUSES OF BURLESQUE Dunphie's The Chameleon, 1888. [89] BURLINGTON HOUSE-BO RRITT Burlington House (Home of the Royal Academy) Art Journal [Italian Pictures], vol. 46, 1894. Clinch's Mayfair, 1891. Cunningham's London, 1849. BURMAH. BURMAH AND PEACE-TIME Forbes' Havelock [English Men of Action], 1891. BURMESE WAR James' Naval History of Great Britain. Kingston's Our Soldiers. Kingston's Our Sailors. BURMESE WAR, 1852-53 Lowe's History of the Indian Navy, 1877. CHINCHONA CULTIVATION IN BURMA Markham's Peruvian Bark, 1880. EXECUTIONS IN BURMA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. How THE FAMINE CAME TO BURMA Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. LIFE IN BURMA Cornhill Magazine, vol. 26, 1896. MATTERS IN BURMAH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. MISSIONARY LIFE Vanguard of the Christian Army. ON A RANGOON JURY Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, itSgi. PAGODAS AND PRIESTS IM BURMA Temple Magazine, vol. I, 1896-7. STONE IMPLEMENTS FROM BURMAH Nature, vol. 2, 1870. TEN DAYS IN BURMAH Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. TOUR IN BURMAH Murray's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION's World's Religions. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 145, 1689. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 59, 1889. Fortnighily Review, vol. 47, 1887. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Burnand (F. C., Novelist and Burlesque Writer, and Editor of " Punch") Mrs. Sala's Famous People. Montagu Williams' Leaves of a Life : Reminiscences of Montagu Williams. Strand Magazine [Illustrated Interview], vol. 3, 1892. Theatre, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1879, & vol. I, 1883. Burne-Jones (Sir E.) See Jones (Sir E. liurne). Burners. GAS BURNERS Hughes' Gas Works and Distribution of Coal Gas, 1892. Burnet (Gilbert, Historian, Bishop of Salisbury, died 1715) Abbey's English Church. Lodge's Portraits. Neat's Puritans. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution. Burnet (James, Landscape Painter. Brother of John Burnet, died 1816) Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors and Architects, vol. 6, 1833. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1893. Burnet (John, Painter, died 1868) Art Journal, vol. 12, 1850, & vol. 7 (n.s.), 1868. Burnett (Frances Hodgson, Novelist). How I SERVED MY APPRENTICESHIP Lady's Realm, vol. i, 1896-7. GENERAL INFORMATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 53, 1890. Saturday Review, vol. 67, 1889. Theatre, vol. n (n.s.), 1888. Burney (Dr. C., Musical Composer and Author, died 1814) Boswell's Johnson, edited by Croker. Quarterly Review, vol. 49, 1833. Bumey (C., Son of above. Classical Scholar, died 1817) Parliamentary Report respecting Dr. Burney's Lib. Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Literary Curiosities], 1888. Burney (Frances [Madame D'Arblay] , Siste r of above, Novelist, died 1840) Macmillan's Magazine [Notice, by Shuckburgh], vol. 61, 1889-90. Walford's Authoresses. Burnham Beeches Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883-4. Burns (John, Democratic Politician). JOHN BURNS AT BATTERSEA Idler, vol. 2, 1892. BURNS (Robert, Famous Scottish Poet, died 1796). AT KIRKOSWALD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. BURNS AND SCOTTISH SONG English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16. 1897. BURNS AS A POET Whitman's Democratic Vistas and other Papers, 1888. BURNS FESTIVAL AT AYR Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. BURNS IN DUMFRIES Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 8. CENTENARY OF ROBERT BURNS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. CENTURY OF BURNS' BIOGRAPHY Chambers's Journal, vol. 72, 1895. COMMEMORATION OF BURNS Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. CULT OF MARY CAMPBELL New Review, vol. 16, 1897. DEDICATION OF A STATUE TO BURNS Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. I. DUNLOP AND BURNS CORRESPONDENCE Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. HAUNTS OK BURNS Hawthorne's Our Old Home : a series of English Sketches. LAND OF BURNS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. LINE OF ROBERT BURNS Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. MONOGRAPH ON ROBERT BURNS Oliphant's Literary History of England, 1882. POEMS OF BURNS Henley's Lyra Heroica. Poetry for the Young. PORTRAIT OF BURNS AND MEMOIR Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. i, 1880. ROBERT BURNS AND LORD BYRON Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7. SELECTIONS FROM BURNS Lang's Blue Poetry Book, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Mag., vol. 160, 1896. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets. Carlyle's Essays. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 25, 1845. Edinburgh Review, vol. 48, 1828. Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 26, 1872. Oliphant's Literary History, vol. i . Rossetti's Lives of Famous Poets. Shepherd's Life of Carlyle. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Burritt (Elihu, American Scholar and Reformer, died 1879) Chambers' Journal, vol. 15, 1851. Frith & Kirton's World's Workers. [90] BURTON-BUTTERCUPS Burton (John Hill, Scottish Historian, died 1881). BURTON'S HISTORY OF SCOTLAND Lancaster's Essays and Reviews, 1876. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 130, 1881. Burton (Captain Sir Richard Francis, a noted African Explorer and^Writer, died 1890), BURTON AS I KNEW HIM Fortnightly Review, vol 54, 1890. LIFE OF SIR K. BURTON. By Lady Burton Rev. of Reviews, vol. 8, 1893. PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA Montefiore's Leaders into Unknown Lands. REMINISCENCES OF SIR RICHARD BURTON Temple Bar, vol. 92, 1891. TRAVELS Kingston & Low's Great African Travellers, 1890. Burton (Robert, Author of "Anatomy of Melancholy," died 1640) Blackwood's Mag., vol. 90, 1861. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 41, 1880. New Review, vol. 13, 1895. Burton-on TrentfA'otoi for its Breweries and Ales). BENEDICTINE ABBEY OF BURTON-ON-TRENT Journal of British Archaeological Association (n s.), vol. 2, BURTON ALE AND DUBLIN STOUT Japp's Days with Industrials. GENERAL INFORMATION Murray's Mag., vol. 4, 1888. White's All Round the Wrekin. Bury St. Edmunds (Noted for its Abbey). EXCURSIONS THROUGH SUFFOLK Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5. Bury Street Pike's Meeting-Houses, or Pictures of Nonconformity in Old London, 1870. Busby (Richard, Master of Westminster School 1640, died 1695). CAREER OF DOCTOR BUSBY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. Bushe (Sir Charles Kendall, Chief Justice of Ireland, died 1843) Brougham's Statesmen of the Times of George III. Bushire (Seaport in Persia) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 12, 1830. Windt's Ride to India, 1891. Bush Life. BUSH LIFE IN AUSTRALIA Lumholtz's Among Cannibals, 1889. BUSH LIFE IN QUEENSLAND Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 126-8, 1879-80. Temple Bar, vol. 21, 1867. Bushrangers. BUSHRANGING PERIOD Chambers's Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian Historv, vol. i, 1892. BUSHRANGING YARNS Chambers's Journal, vol. 67, 1890. THE KELLYS Chambers's Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Business. BRIEF COUNSELS CONCERNING BUSINESS Leisure Hour, vol. 39, 1890. BUSINESS QUALITIES Smiles' Self-Help, with Illus. of Character and Conduct, 1860. Buzz OF BUSINESS London Society, vol. 38, 1880. FRAUDS AND FAILURES Temple Bar, vol. 17, 1866. Business Women. EVERY GIRL A BUSINESS WOMAN Girl's Own Ann., vol. 8, 1887. Busses. Bus RIDE IN LONDON Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. BUSSES AND BUS-MEN Murray's Magazine, vol. 7, 1890. BuSSy (Louis de Clermont de Bussy d'Amboise) Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois. Bustard (The) Jardine's Naturalists' Library [Description and Coloured Plate], vol. 3. Bute. KYLES OF BUTE Black's Guide to Glasgow and its Environs, 1891. Bute (John Stuart, Third Earl of, Prime Minister 1762, died 1792) Campbell's Chan- cellors. Jesse's Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Butler (C., Catholic Historian, died 1832) Amherst's Catholic Emancipation, 1886. Butler (Elizabeth, Countess of Chesterfield, died 1665) Jesse's Court of England under the Stuarts, 1857. Butler (George, Canon of Winchester Cathedral, died 1890). RECOLLECTIONS OF GEORGE BUTLER Review of Reviews, vol. 6, 1892. Butler (Joseph, Bishop of Bristol and Durham, Author of "The Analogy of Religion," died 1752). BISHOP BUTLER AND His CENSORS. By W. E. Gladstone Nineteenth Century vol. 38, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Abbey's English Church. Contemporary Review, vo]. 27, 1876. Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Hodgson's Life of Hodgson. Quarterly Review, vol. 64, 1839. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Whewell's History of Moral Philosophy, 1852. Butler (Mrs. Josephine E., Widow of Canon Butler, Advocate of Women's Rights, etc.) CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. Butler (Samuel, Poet, A nthor of "Hudibras," di,d 1680) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Johnson's Lives of the Poets. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Biitten Falls Seguin's Black Forest : its Peoples and Legends, 1885. BUTTER. BACTERIA AND BUTTER Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. CHURNING AND WASHING BUTTER Sheldon's Dairy Farming. DANISH BUTTER MAKING Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. HISTORY OF BUTTER -Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. HOME-MADE BUTTERS Tallerman's Agricultural Distress and Trade Depression, 1889. MANUFACTURE OF BUTTER Our Farm of Four Acres. See also Dairies, etc. THE MANUFACTURE OF STERILISED BUTTER Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers's Journal, vol. 57, 1880. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. Household Words, vol. 6, 1853. London Society, vol. 24, 1873. Buttercups. BRITISH BUTTERCUPS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. BUTTERFLY-CABINET BUTTERFLY (The). BIRD-WINGED BUTTERFLIES OK THE EAST Nature, vol. 51 , 1892. BRITISH BUTTERFLIES Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 29 BUTTERFLY CATCHING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. BUTTERFLY HUNTERS. By A. Russan Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. BUTTERFLY YEARS Temple Bar, vol. 108, 1896. CHINESE AND JAPANESE BUTTERFLIES Nature, vol. 51, 1894. COURTSHIP OF BUTTERFLIES Darwin's Descent of Man, 1871. FOREIGN BUTTERFLIES [Descriptions and Coloured Plate] Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 31. INSTINCT OF BUTTERFLIES Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua, 1888. LIFE OF BUTTERFLIES Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. SAMOANS AND THE BUTTERFLY Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. SOME BRITISH BUTTERFLIES Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. TAME BUTTERFLIES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. Butterworth (Henry, Famous Law Publisher, died 1860) Curwen's History of Book- sellers, 1873. Buttons. BUTTONS FROM EGYPT Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. COMICAL BUTTONS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. How BUTTONS ARE MADE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. MANUFACTURE OF COAT BUTTONS Penny Magazine, vol. 9, 1840. GENERAL INFORMATION All Year Round, vol. 7, 1862. Household Words, vol. 5, 1852. Buxton (Watering Place in Derbyshire) Black's Guide to Derbyshire, 1895. Gentle- man's Magazine Library, 1893. Quiver [Old and New Buxton], vol. 28, 1893. Buzzard Jardine's Naturalists' Library [Description and Coloured Plate], vol. i. GENERAL INFORMATION Saturday Review, vol. 69, 1890. Yarrell's British Birds. Byland (Town in Yorkshire) Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Byland Abbey, Yorkshire (Founded Twelfth Century) Archaeological Journal, vol.33, 1876. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Penny Magazine, vol. 5, 1836. Byng 1 (George, Viscount Torrington, Naval Commander, died 1733) Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 6. Byng (Hon. John, Admiral, executed 1757) Burke's Naval and Military Trials, 1876. Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 4, 1818. Byrom (John, Poet and Stenographer, died 1763) National Review, vol. 27, 1896. Temple Bar, vol. 104, 1895. Ward's English Poets, vols. 3 & 4, 1880. Byron (Commodore John, Circumnavigator, served under Lord Anson, died 1786). MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 6, 1818. TRAVELS Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. Byron (Lady, Wife of Lord Byron, died 1860). TRUE STORY OF THE LIFE OF LADY BYRON Macmillan's Mag., vol. 20, 1864. Martineau's Biographical Sketches, 1869. GENERAL INFORMATION Macpherson's Life of Anna Jameson, 1878. BYRON (George Noel Gordon, Lord, Celebrated Poet, died 1824). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF LORD BYRON Scott's Miscellaneous Prose Works, 1878. BYRON AND THE GKEEKS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1897. BYRON AND WORDSWORTH Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. BYRON AT PISA Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. ESSAYS ON LORD BYRON Devey's English Poets. Macaulay's Essays, 1892. ROBERT BURNS AND LORD BYRON Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7. WORK OF BYRON AND SHELLEY Oliphant's Literary History of England, 1882. Westminster Review, vol. 3, 1825. Torrens' Viscount Melbourne. Word Portraits, 1887. Byron (Henry J., Actor and Dramatist, died 1884) London Society, vol. 26, 1874 Pascoe's Dramatic List 1880. Theatre, vol. i, 1878-9. OABALLERO (Fernan, Spanish Novelist, died 1877). NOVELS OF FERN AN CABALLF.RO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1888-1. Cabbages. CULTIVATION OF THE CABBAGE Cassell's Technical Educator, vol. 5, 1897. Cabbala (The). REVIVAL OF CABBALISTIC DOCTRINES Heckethorn's Secret Societies. Cabinet (The). CABINET COUNSELS AND CANDID FRIENDS Contemporary Review, vol. 66, 1894. See also Government, Privy Council, etc. [92] CABINET-M AKING-CA HORS Cabinet-MakingBoy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 3 & 4, 1897. Spoil's Mechanic's Own Book, 1889. See also Carpentry', Clipboards, Joinery, etc. Cabinets. ANTIQUE CABINETS Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. CABINET FOR MICROSCOPE SLIDES Davidson s Boy Joiner. Cable Tramways. DOUGLAS CABLE TRAMWAYS Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. See also Tramways. Cables (Chain Cables). ANCHORS AND CHAIN CABLES Chambers's Journal, vol. 42, 1865. Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Cables (Marine Cables). See Telegraphy. Cabot (John, Italian Navigator in the service of Henry VII., i$th Century). JOHN CABOT: an Anniversary Story Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. THE HOME OF THE CABOTS Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 41, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Verne's Explorations of the World, 1882. Cabot (Sebastian, Italian Navigator, son of John Cabot, died 1557) Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. i. Fox Bourne's English Seamen. Half-Hours in Early Naval Adventure. Verne's Explorations of the World, 1882. Cabral (Alvares, Portllg^^ese Navigator, discovered Brazil, died about 1526) Verne's Explorations of the World, 1882. Cabs and Cabmen. " CABBY "Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. u, 1893-4. Truth, vol. 10, 1881. CABS AND THEIR DRIVERS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. HANSOMS AND THEIR DRIVERS Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1893. OUR CABS AND BUSSES Leisure Hour, vol. 2, 1853. PARIS CABS AND CABBIES Windsor Magazine, vol. 6, 1897. Cabul (Capital of Afghanistan). DISASTERS 'OF CABUL McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 1879. See also Afghanistan, Kabul, etc. Cactus (The) Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. Caddies (Boys that attend on Gentlemen, playing Golf). PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS AND CADDIES Hutchiuson's Golf [Badminton Library], 1892. Cade (Jack, a Rebel Leader, killed 14.50). JACK CADE'S REBELLION All the Year Round, vol. 23, 1870. Fortnightly Review, vol. 14, 1870. Hall's Chronicles, 1809. THE PRETENDED MORTIMER Impudent Impostors and Celebrated Claimants. Cadell (Robert, Scottish Publisher, died 1849) Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. Cader Idris (Mountain in North Wales, 2,914 feet high) Murray's Guide to North Wales, 1884. Cadiz, Spain (Important Commercial City and Seaport) Conner's Modern Traveller, vol. 18, 1830. Gautier's Spain. Hare's Spain. Inglis' Spain in 1830, 1831. Leisure Hour [Cadiz in 1812], vol. 8, 1859. Murray's Guide to Spain. Caedmon (Anglo-Saxon Monk ad Writer, about 670). CAEDMON, BEDE, AND CUTHBERT Church's Early Britain [Story of the Nations], 1891. Green's Short History of the English People. Hood's Peerage of Poverty, 1870. . MILTON AND CAEUMON D'Israeli's Amenities of Literature, 1885. POETS OF THE PULPIT [Caedmon] All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. Caelestin V. (Pope, died 1296) Platina's Lives of the Popes to the death of Paul II. Cselian, Rome (One of the Seven Roman Hills) Sir George Head's Rome, 1849. Caen, France (The Home of William the Conqueror) Art Journal, vol. (n.s.), 1896. Baedeker's Northern France. Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1879. Caerleon (Traditional Seat of King Arthur' 3 Court) Black's Guide to South Wales, 1884. Caernarvon Castle (Founded by Edward I.) Archselogia Cambriensis. Archaeo- logical Journal, vol. 7, 1850. See also Carnarvon. Csesar (Augustus, First Roman Emperor and Nephew of Julius Ccesar, died 14 A.D.) Church's Roman Life in the Days of Cicero Csesar (Julius, Roman Dictator and Historian, assassinated 44 B.C.) A WORD ON THE HISTORY OF C.CSAR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. LIKENESSES OF CJS.SAR Scribner's Magazine, vol. i, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Mommsen's Rome, vol. 4. Plutarch's Lives. Skeat's Shakespeare's Plutarch. Temple's Works, 1757. Verne's Explorations of the World, 1882. Csesar (Titus, Emperor of Rome) The Works of Flavius Josephus. Csesarea (Ancient Seaport of Palestine) Buckingham's Travels in Palestine, 1822. Csesarism Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. Csesars (The) De Quincey's Works. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Cafe Chantant. VISIT TO A CAFIJ CHANTANT Harrison's Travels in Europe, 1891. Cages. BREEDING CAGES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. CAGES AND HUTCHES -Hutchison's Indoor Recreations. See also Birds, Menageries, etc. Cages [For Mines]. CONSTRUCTION OF CAGES Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. Cahors, France (Noted for its Medieval Ramparts). PfiRiGUEux AND CAHORS Contem- porary Review, vol. 50, 1886. [93] CAILL.I A DD-C ALDERWOOD Cailliaud (F., French Traveller, died 1869) TRAVELS IN EGYPT, NUBIA, AND THE OASIS OF SIWAH, ETC. Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1882. Gail lie" (Rene, French Traveller, died 1838). TRAVELS IN AFRICA Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1882. Cain (Eldest So n of Adam) Pinnock's Bible and History. Robinson's Scripture Char- acters. The Works of Flavius Josaphus. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Caine (T. Hall, English Novelist, born 1853). OPEN LETTER TO HALL CAINE Steuart's Letters to Living Authors, 1692. NOVELS OF HALL CAINE Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. REVIEW OK " THE CHRISTIAN " Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. Caine (Mrs. W.) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH AND PORTRAIT Wings, vol. n, 1893. Caird (Sir James, Authority on Agricultural and Economic Questions, died 1892) Biographies Reprinted from "The Times," vol. 5, 1896. Caird (J., Principal of Balliol College 1897, born 1820) Boyd's Homely Comedy, 1887. Cairnes (Professor, Political Economist, died 1875) Fortnightly Review, vol. 24, 1875. CAIRO, Egypt. CAIRO AND THE PLAGUE Kinglake's Eothen, 1854. CAIRO DONKEY-BOYS Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. 2, 1873. CAIRO IN APRIL, 1882 Macrnillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. CAIRO TO JAFFA Sumner's Holiday in the East. CONVENT AT CAIRO Bramsen's Travels in Egypt, Syria, Cyprus, etc., 1820. FROM CAPE TOWN TO CAIRO Fortnightly Review, vol. 61, 1894. IMPRESSIONS IN CAIRO English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. OLD CAIRO Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. STATE OF CAIRO IN 1865 Leisure Hour, vol. 14, 1865. STREET SCENES IN CAIRO Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 4, 1894. THE OLD IN THE NEW Contemporary Review, vol. 44, 1883. WORLD'S OLDEST UNIVERSITY Idler, vol. 10, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Bell's Winter on tbe Nile. Black's Hundred Days in the East. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 5, 1830. Diike's Greater Britain. Eden's Nile without a Dragoman. Hodder's Cities of the World. Lane's Modern Egyptians. Macleod's Eastward. Martineau's Eastern Life. Miller's Syria. Murray's Guide to Egypt. Napier's Wild Sports. St. John's Egypt and Nubia. Sumner's Holiday in the East. Caistor (A Town of Lincolnshire near Great Grimsby) Murray's Lincolnshire, 1890. Caister Castle, Norfolk. CAISTER CASTLE AND SIR JOHN FASTOLFE Journal of the British Archaeological Association, vol. 2 (n.s.) Caithness, North Scotland. How SUMMER CAME TO CAITHNESS Blackwood's Mag., vol. 160, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Scotland, 1890. CaiUS (Son of Gertnanicus) Josephus' Works. And under Caligula. Caius (J., Royal Physician, third founder of Granville and Cains College, Cambriilgi;, died 1573) British Physicians, 1830. Jeaffreson's Book about Doctors, 1861. Cakes. How TO MAKE AND ICE WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY CAKES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. See also Cookery. Calabria Hare's Southern Italy. Murray's South Italy and Sicily, 1892. Calais (French Seaport and Fortress). CALAIS IN 1866 Musgrave's Nooks of France. SIEGE AND TAKING OF CALAIS BY THE DUKE OF GUISE, 1558 Froude's History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, vol. 6, 1870. SIEGE OF CALAIS, 1347 Yonne's Book of Golden Deeds, 1882. GENERAL INFORMATION Argosy, vol. 34, 1882. Belgravia, vol. 51, 1883. Saturday Review, vol. 59, 1885. Calarnltes (A Genus of Fossil Plants). THE FRUIT-SPIKE OF CALAMITES Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. Calamy (E., Presbyterian Divine, died 1666) Abbey's English Church. Pike's Meeting- Houses. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration. Stoughton's Religion under Queen Anne and the Georges, 1878. Calamy (E. jun., Nonconformist, died 1732) Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Calcium (Metallic Basis of Lime). CARBIDE OF CALCIUM AND ACETYLENE Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. Calculating Machine. BABBAGE'S CALCULATING' MACHINE Brewster's Natural Magic [Letters addressed to Sir Walter Scott], 1834. Calcutta (Capital of British India). CALCUTTA PAST AND PRESENT Good Words, vol. 10, 1869. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Bandmann's Actor's Tour. Barker's Tea-Planter. Caine's Picturesque India. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9. Diike's Gieater Britain. Heber's Indian Journal. Hodder's Cities of the World. Macleod's Far East. Moore's Queen's Empire. Murray's Guide to Bengal Presidency. Murray's India and Ceylon, including the Presidencies and Assam, 1891. Calder River, Wakefield. REPORT OF ITS CONDITION Ruskin's Fors Clavigera. Calder (Sir R., Scottish Admiral, died 1818) Burke's Naval and Military Trials, 1876. Calderwood (Henry, Professor of Moral Philosophy in Edinburgh University) Barrie's Edinburgh Eleven, 1889. [94] CALEB-CAMBODIA Caleb (Hebrew Leader) Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Caledonia, New. See New Caledonia. Caledonian Railway Acworth's Railways of Scotland, 1890. Calendar. CHATS ABOUT THE CALENDAR Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. STYLES OF THE CALENDAR Nature, vol. 56, 1897. Calgary and the Ranching Country [Canada] Caine's Trip Round the World. Calhoun (John Caldwell, noted American Statesman, died 1850) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1880. Calico. MANUFACTURE OF CALICO Great Industries of Great Britain. Calico-Printing. SCIENCE AND CALICO-PRINTING Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. Calicut (Seaport near Madras). CUSTOMS OF THE KINGS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Califate (Titte of Office of Mohammad's Successors). CALIPH AND His DUTIES Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. FIRST FOUR CALIPHS Taylor's Mohammedanism and its Sects, 1856. GENERAL INFORMATION Koelle's Mohammed. Freeman's Saracens. Mohomedans, etc. CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. ARCADIAN BEE-RANCHING Harper's Mag., vol. 31, 1895-6. CALIFORNIA AND ITS GOLD-FIELD Gerstacker's Travels in South America, 1854. CALIFORNIAN MARINE BIOLOGICAL STATION Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. DESERTS OF CALIFORNIA Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. EARLY DAYS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Longman's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889-90. INDIANS OF CALIFORNIA Frazer's Goldf-n Bough, 1890. MISSION INDIANS OF CALIFORNIA Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. MOUNTAIN VINEYARD IN CALIFORNIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. OUR GREAT PACIFIC COMMONWEALTH: a Study of Ultimate California Century Magazine, vol. 53, 1897. SOME IMPRESSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Blackwood's Ma?., vol. 161, 1897. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Altantic Monthly, vol. 61, 1888. Harper, vols.Si & 82, 1890-1. TEXAS TO CALIFORNIA Froebel's Seven Years' Travels in Central America, 1859. GENERAL INFORMATION Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 26. Dilke's Greater Britain. Dufferin's Canadian Journal. Fortnightly Review, vol. 34, 1880. Marianne North's Recollections of a Happy Life. Reminiscences of America [by Two Englishmen] ,1870. Wilkes' Exploring Expedition during the Years 1838 to 1842. Caligula (Third Emperor of Rome, assassinated A.D. 41) Milman's History of the Jews, 1866. Calisthenics Walker's Exercises for Ladies for the improvement of Beauty, 1836. GYMNASTICS IN THE ARMY Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. Calixtus II. (Pope, died 1124) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 4, 1872. Calixtus III. (Pope, died 1458) Platina's Lives.of the Popes to the death of Paul II. Callice (R., Barrister) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Calligraphy (Elegant Penmanship). AUTOGRAPHS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY Lady's Realm, vol. i, 1896-7. See also Penmanship, etc. HANDWRITING OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. HANDWRITING OF JOHN RUSKIN Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. HANDWRITING OF THOMAS CARLYLE Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. PENMANSHIP Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. THE SIGNATURES OF NAPOLEON Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. Callistus. CALLISTUS AND His ACCUSER Dublin Review, vol. 35, 1853. Calmness Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Calorimeter (An instrument for measuring Heat) Glazebrook and Shaw's Practical Physics, 1893. Calverley (Charles Stuart, Barrister and Poet, died 1884) Fortnightly Review, vol. 41, 1884. Payne's Literary Recollections, 18^4. Calvin (John, Famous Protestant Reformer, died 1564). CALVIN AND GENEVA Hug and Stead's Switzerland, 1890. Pattison's Essays, 1889. DYER'S LIFE OF CALVIN Dublin Review, vol. 29, 1850. LIFE AND TIMES OF JOHN CALVIN Sunday at Home, vol. 5, 1858. GENERAL INFORMATION Beard's Reformation and Modern Thought. Lewis' Life of Hall. Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Calvinism (Theological Doctrines of Calvin, including a Belief in Predestination). CALVINJSTIC AND SOCINIAN SYSTEMS Kev. A. Fuller's Works, 1852. DISCIPLINE OF CALVINISM Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. ESSAY ON CALVINISM Fronde's Short Studies on Great Subjects, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Buckle's Civilization in England. Channing's Works. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Tullock's Puritanism, 1861. Calymnos (Island off the Coast of Caria). EXCAVATIONS AND DISCOVERIES AT CALYMNOS Archaeological Journal, vol. 13, 1856. Camargue, France Gould's In Troubadour-Land [A Ramble Through Provence and Languedoc], 1891. Camberwell, London Emerson's London : How the Great City Grew, 1862. Cambodia (French Dependency in Asia). CUSTOMS IN CAMBODIA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Vincent's Land of the White Elephant. [95] CAMBRIDGE-CAMPAIGNS CAMBRIDGE (Noted for its University). .(Sec also Cambridgeshire). BEGINNINGS OF CAMBRIDGE All the Year R 'und, vol. 64. 1889. CAMBRIDGE " A. D. C." Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. CAMBRIDGE AND ITS COLLEGES Leisure Hour, vol. 19, 1870. CAMBRIDGE BACKS IN WINTER Cassell's Magazine, \c-l. 22, 1896. CAMBRIDGE IN 1862 Doran's Our Great Towns, 1878. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Birrell's Obiter Dicta. Mills' Dissertations, 1865. COLLEGES OK CAMBRIDGE All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. CHURCH OF ST. MARY THE GREAT, CAMBRIDGE Archaeological, Journal, vol. 12. GERMAN VIEWS OF OXFORD AND CAMBKIDGF. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. LIBRARIES OF CAMBRIDGE Edwards' Memoirs or' Libraries, 1859. OLD ROAD TO CAMBRIDGE All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. PRE-ACADEMIC CAMBRIDGE Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. REMARKABLE MEN AT CAMBRIDGE Whately's Remarkable People. SUNDAY AT CAMBRIDGE Sunday at Home, vol. 42. 1895. Sunday Mag., vol. 26, 1897. TOPOGRAPHICAL NOTES Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1892. UNDERGRADUATE DAYS AT CAMBRIDGE Life ot Rowland Williams, D.D., 1874. UNIVERSITY AND CHURCHES OF CAMBRIDGE Bradshaw's Collected Papers, 1889. YOUNG CAMBRIDGE OF TO-DAY Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. GF.NERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain. Bridgett's Life of Fisher. Ditchfield's Our English Towns. Hodgson's Life of Rev. F. Hodgson. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe. Land We Live In, vol. i. Stephen's Life of Fawcett, 1885 Cambridge (George William, Duke of, Commander-in-Chief of the British Army 1856-95, born 1819) Grant's Public Characters. McCarthy's Modern Leaders, 1872. Cambridge (Richard Owen, Writer and Wit, died 1802) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians. Temple Bar ["Cambridge the Everything"], vol. 108, 1896. Cambridgeshire. ACCOUNTS OF PLACES IN CAMBRIDGESHIRE Gentleman's Mag. Library [Topography], 1892. ANCIENT CAMBRIDGESHIRE Archaeological Journal, vol. n, 1854. HUNDREDS OF CAMBRIDGESHIRE Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN CAMBRIDGESHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, part ii.], 181-7 TOPOGRAPHY OK CAMBRIDGESHIRE Gentleman's Mag. Library [Topography, p'rtii ] GENERAL INFORMATION Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties. See also Cambridge. Cambyses (Persian King) Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Camden (Charles Pratt, Earl, died 1794) Brougham's Statesmen of the 1 imes of George III. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7 Camden (W., Antiquary and Historian, died" 1623) Disraeli's Calamities of Authors. Knight's Porirait Gallery of Ii> itish Worthies, vol. 5, 1845. Lawrence's British Historians, etc. Retrospective Review, vol. 9, 1824. Camelopard. HUNTING THE CAMEI.OPARD Cummine's Adventures in South Africa. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 21. See also under Giraffe. Camelford (Thomas Pitt, Lord, Naval Officer, died 1804) The Argosy, vol. 60, 1895, Camels. CAMELS IN AUSTRALIA Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. CURIOSITIES OF THE CAMEL Timbs' Strange Stor es of the Animal World, 1868. HABITS AND DISEASES OF CAMELS Gleichen's Camel Corps up the Nile, 1888. PROVERBS ABOUT THE CAMEL Sunday at Home, vol. 8. 1861. GENERAL INFORMATION Kipling's Beast and Man in India. Koelle's Mohammed. Lessons derived from the Animal World, 1847. Camera ObSCUra (.-1 Darkened Chamber so at ranged that objects outside are reflected, on to a white flat surface) Heather's Mathematical Instruments. Hutchison's In- door Games and Recreations 1891. Lardner's Optics. Cameras. A HAND-STAND CAMERA Photogram, vol. 3, 1896. See also Photography. Cameron (Sir E., of Lochiel) Fraser's Mag., vol. 26, 1842. Morris' Claverhouse, 1887. Cameron (Comm. V.L., African Explorer, died 1894). TRAVELS Kingston & Low's Great African Traveller--. Cooper's Men of Mark, 1876. Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. Cameroons (Western Africa). BELIEFS OF THE CAMEROONS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. MOUNTAINS FLORA AND FAUNA Report of British Association, 1887. Camillu.8 (Marcus Fui ius, Roman Consul, died 365 B.C.) Church's Stories from Livy. Plutarch's Lives. Yonge's Golden Deeds, 1882. Camisarda Chambers' Miscellany, No. 114, vol. 13. Smiles' Huguenots in France, 1874. Camorra (Neapolitan Secret Society). CAUCAS AND CAMORRA National Review, vol. 6, 1884-5. CamoenS (Luis de, Pottuene'e Poet, died 1579). CHAPTER ON Luis DE CAMOENS Sisinonrii's Literature of the Soutn of Europe, 1846. DEATH OF CAMOENS THE POET All the Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. Campaigns. CAMPAIGNING LIFE Fraser's Magazine, vol. 50, 1854. CAMPAIGNS OF AULUS PLAUTIUS, 43 A.D. Archaeological Jour., vol. 23, 1866. CRITICS AND CAMPAIGNS Fortnightly Rev. [Egyptian Campaign, 1882], vol. 50, 1888. [96] CAMPANELLA CANADA CampaneDa (Thomas, Italian Philosopher, died 1639) Ewart's Heroes and Martyrs of Science. Kaufmann's Utopias. Woolsey's Communism and Socialism, 1880. Campbell (Sir Archibald, Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick 1831-7, died 1843) James' Naval History, vol. 6, 1878. Campbell (Colin, Lord Clyde, Field Marshal, celebrated for service during the Indian Mutiny, died 1863) Leisure Hour, vol. 13, 1864. Campbell (Lady Colin, Journalist) Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. Campbell (Elizabeth, died 1627) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, 1862. Campbell (John, Lord, Author of "Lord Chancellors," etc., died 1861) Ballantine's Experiences. Phonetic Journal, 1891. Robinson's Bench and Bar, 1891. Campbell (Mrs. Patrick, A ctrcss) English Illustrated Magazine [Morning CallsJ, vol. 16, 1897. Theatre [Memoir and Portrait], vol. 25, 1895. Campbell (Thomas, Scottish Poet, died 1844). ESSAY ON CAMPBELL Devey's Com- parative Estimates of Modern English Poets, 1873. Mason's Personal Traits of the British Poets, 1885. POEMS OF CAMPBELL Henley's Lyra Heroica. Lang's Blue Poetry Book. Poetry for the Young. Quarterly Review, vol. 57, 1836. PORTRAIT AND MEMOIR Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. i. GENERAL INFORMATION Grant's Public Characters. Hall's Book of Memories. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], vol.36, 1887. Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections. Oliphant's Literary History, vol. 2. Patmore's Friends. Rossetti's Lives of Famous Poets. Smiles' Murray. Temple Bar, vol. 85. 1889, & vol. 90, 1890. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland. " Campbells are Coming " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Camper (Peter, Anatomist, died 1789). MEMOIR Jardine's Naturalists' Lib., vol. 21. Camphor (A substance which is noxious to insects, and is used for various medical purposes). CAMPHOR FORESTS Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 43 (n.s.), 1889. JAPANESE CAMPHOR Nature, vol. 47, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Nature, vol. 54, 1896. Ure's Dictionary of Arts & Sciences. Campo Santo (A Cemetery). CAMPO SANTO AT PISA Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. Camps. AFRICAN CAMP Boy's Own Annual, vol. 12, i8qo. PRAIRIE CAMP-LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. ROMAN CASTRAMETATION Antiquary, vol. 21, 1850. See also Encampments, Tents, etc. Campus Martius (Historic area of Ancient Rome) Hare's Walks in Rome. Head's Rome : a Tour of Many Days, 1849. Camulodumim (Capital Town of Caractacus, and site of the present Colchester) Antiquary, vol. 31. 1895. And under Colchester. Cana in Galilee Hepworth Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. Picturesque Palestine, vol. 2. Canaan. KINGDOMS OF CANAAN Keary's Nations Around. Kitto's Scripture Lands. Thornley Smith's Hietory of Joshua, 1870. GENERAL INFORMATION Davidson's Old Testament. Ewald's Israel, vols. 1-4, 1886. CANADA (British Territory in North America. See also America, Colonies, and nndei names of places, e.g., Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, etc., and names of persons, e.g., Pontiac, Tupper, Wolfe, etc.) A CANADIAN PEOPLE Fortnightly Review, vol.55, l8 9 r - ACCOUNT OF UPPER CANADA Dublin Review, vol. 21, 1847. AFFAIRS OF CANADA Russell's Dispatches and Correspondence, 1890. BARREN GROUND OF NORTHERN CANADA Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1892. CAMP IN CANADA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. CANADA AND IMPERIAL FEDERATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 55, 1891. CANADA AND LORD DURHAM, 1837-40 McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 1879. CANADA AND THE STATES Contemporary Review, vol. 59, 1891. CANADIAN CENSUS Fortnightly Review, vol. 56, 1891. CANADIAN CONFEDERATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 7, 1867. CANADIAN CONSTITUTION Contemporary Review, vol. 52, 1887. CANADIAN HOME RULE Contemporary Review, vol. 44, 1883. CANADIAN IMMIGRANTS National Review, vol. 25, 1895. CANADIAN LOYALTY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. CANADIAN POETRY National Review, vol. 24, 1897. CANADIAN PROTECTION VINDICATED Fortn ghtly Review, vol. 31, 1879. CANADIAN QUESTION Dublin Review, vol. 3, 1837. CATTLE RANCHE COUNTRY OF CANADA National Review, vol. i, 1883. COUNTRY WALK IN CANADA Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. CHAPTER OF CANADIAN HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. CROWN AND CABINET IN CANADA Nineteenth Century, vol. 4, 1878. DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH-WEST CANADA National Review, vol. 7, 1886. EMPIRE AND CANADA National Review, vol. 27, 1896. ENGLISH CHARACTER OF CANADIAN INSTITUTIONS Contemporary Rew., vol. 62, 1892. ENGLISH SETTLEMENT OF CANADA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. ENGLAND TO CANADA Fleming's England and Canada: a Summer Tour, 1884. FOSSIL PLANTS OF CANADA AS TESTS OF CLIMATE AND AGE Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. GOLDWIN SMITH AND CANADA National Review, vol. u, 1888. H [97] CANADA-CANARY ISLANDS Canada (continued). GROWTH OF NATIONALITY IN CANADA Trans, of Royal Historical Society, vol. 7, 1878. HENRY GLADWIN AND THE SIEGE OF PONTIAC Harper's Magazine, vol. 95, 1897. HISTORICAL WRITINGS OF FRANCIS PARKMAN Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. ICE PALACE IN CANADA All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. INTEREST AND ROYALTY IN CANADA Contemporary Review, vol. 62, 1892. JOHN BRIGHT ON CANADA Smith's Life of John Bright, 1882. LEPERS IN CANADA Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. LIBRARIES OF CANADA The Library, vol. 7, 1895. LOWER CANADA Trollope's North America, 2 vols., 1862. LUMBERING AND LUMBER-MEN IN CANADA All the Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. LUMBER-MILL Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. MISSION AND DESTINY OF CANADA Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. ON THE CANADIAN LAKES AND CANALS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. PACIFIC RAILWAY Fleming's England and Canada: a Summer Tour, 1884. PACIFIC ROUTE TO THE EAST, WESTWARDS English Illustrated Mag., vol. 8, 1890-1. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS, LANGUAGES, AND CONDITION OF THE TRIBES Report of the British Association, 1891. POLITICAL DESTINY OF CANADA Fortnightly Review, vol. 27, 1877. Nineteenth Century, vol. 3, 1878. POLITICAL HISTORY OF CANADA Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. POLITICAL POSITION IN CANADA Contemporary Review, vol 59, 1891. PRAIRIE HARVEST IN CANADA Chambers's Journal, vol. 7, 1890. PRESENT STATE OF CANADA Murray's North America. PROPOSED CONSTITUTION FOR BRITISH AMERICA Macmillan's Mag., vol. n, 1864-5. RED RIVER EXPEDITION BY GENERAL WOLSELEY Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. i. SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION IN CANADA Nature, vol. 51, 1894. SOLDIER'S JOURNAL [Battle of Quebec] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. SOME CONTRASTS OF CANADIAN CIVILIZATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. THROUGH INLAND WATERS Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. TIMBER TRADE IN CANADA All the Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. UP STREAM : On the Red River Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 2, WHAT THEN DOES CANADA WANT ? Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. WHEAT-THRESHING IN NORTH-WEST CANADA Chambers's Journal, vol, 9, 1892. WINTER IN CANADA Harper's Magazine, vol. 77, 1888. WITH BURGOYNE AT SARATOGA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 75, 1896-7. GENERAL INFORMATION Ainsworth's All Round the World. Church's Making a Start in Canada. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol.24. Dickens' American Notes. Dilke's Greater Britain. Dilke's Problems of Greater Biitain. Fenn's To the West. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 114], 1883. Hughes' Treasury of Geography. Leisure Hour, vol. 9, 1860. Lennox's Reminiscences. Parkman's La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West, 1885. Canadian Songs Fitz-gerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. CANALS. (Sen also Liverpool, Baltic, ami Manchester). AMPHIBIOUS CANALS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. BELGIAN CANALS Moens' Through France and Belgium, 1876. CANAL COMMUNICATION FROM THE MIDLANDS TO THE SKA Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. CANAL CONSTRUCTION Spons' Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. CANAL CONSTRUCTION Spon's Dictionary of Engineering [Supplement] 1879. CANAL, RIVER, AND LAKE COMMUNICATION IN HUNGARY Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. CANALS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. CRY OF THE CANAL CHILDREN Quiver, vol. 32, 1896-7. DIPLOMACY AND LAW OF THE ISTHMIAN CANAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. DUTCH CANALS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1892. MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. MARITIME CANALS Dublin Review, vol. 14, 1895. NAVIGABLE CANALS Scott's Farm Roads, Fences and Gates, 1^83. RAILWAYS AND CANALS Grierson's Railway Rates, i86. RIVERS AND CANALS OF GREAT BRITAIN Yachtsman, vol. 10, 1895-6. REMARKS ON CANALS Mahan's Engineering, 1890. SOME LESSONS FROM KIEL [Baltic Canal] Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. SUEZ CANAL Whymper's The Sea and its Stirring Story of Adventure. VENETIAN CANALS Hare's Cities of Northern Italy, 1883. WATER-WAYS FROM THE OCEAN TO THE LAKES Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. Smiles' Engineers, 1861. Canary Birds. CANARY CULTURE Japp's Days with Industrials, 1889. GOSSIP ABOUT CANARIES Leisure Hour, vol. 10, 1861. TALKING CANARY Once a Week, vol. 19, 1868. GENERAL INFORMATION Saturday Review, vol. 65, 1888. Bechstein's Cage Birds, 1881. Cassell's Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Canary Islands, North Atlantic. DESCRIPTION OF THE CANARIES Chambers' s Journal, vol. 7, 1890. IMPRESSIONS OF THE CANARY ISLES Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Humboldt's Travels. Murray's Guide to Portugal. [98] CANCER CANTERBURY Cancer (a Malignant Growth in some part of the body). ELECTRICAL CURE OF CANCER Contemporary Review, vol. 61, 1892. INCREASE OF CANCER: Its Probable Cause Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION National Review, vols. 15 & 16, 1890-1. Candles. CANDLES IN CHURCHES Jeaffreson's Book About Clergy, 1870. CANDLE MAKING Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Wynter's Social Bees. How TO MAKE CANDLES Watts' Scientific Industries Explained, 1881. MANUFACTURE OF CANDLES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. Know- ledge, vol. 12, 1888-9. Candour Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Candy (George, Q.C.) Cassell's Saturday Jour. [Interview and Portrait] , vol. 15, 1896-7. Cannes (Ancient Town in Italy, renowned for the great battle won here by Hannibal, 216 B.C.) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. King's Famous Battles, 1884. Cannes (Health Resort) Baedeker's Southern France. Black's Riviera. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. CANNIBALISM. ACCOUNT OF CANNIBALISM Mangin's Desert World, 1868. CANNIBALISM AND SACRIFICE Antiquary, vol. n, 1885. CANNIBALISM IN ENGLAND Archaeological Journal, vol. 36, 1879. CANNIBALS OF CENTRAL AFRICA Geddie's Lake Regions of (Central Africa, 1880. EATEN WITH HONOUR Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. ETHICS OF CANNIBALISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 51, 1889. IN NEW IRELAND Romilly's Western Pacific and New Guinea, 1886. TRUTH ABOUT CANNIBALISM Waterton's Natural History, 1870. GENERAL INFORMATION Humboldt's Travels. Joly's Man Before Metals, 1887. Canning (Geo., Statesman and Orator, died 1827). CANNING AND THE ANTI-JACOBIN Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne. GENERAL INFORMATION Amherst's Catholic Emancipation. Ashley's Life of Palmerston. Campbell's Chancellors. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. Cunningham's English Nation [with portrait], vol. 5. Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines. Torrens' Viscount Melbourne. Walpole's Life of Perceval, 1874. Canning (Lord, Ruler of India, died 1862) Adams' Makers of British India, 1888. Canning Town, London, E. A DAY IN CANNING TOWN Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. See also Victoria Docks, West Ham, etc. Cannizzaro (Stanislac, Chemist) Nature, vol. 56, 1897. CANOES. (See also Boating). CANADIAN AND OTHER CANOES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. CANOE CRUISE IN THE SOLENT Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. CANOEING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Lees' British Columbia, 1887. CEYLONESE CANOES Hall's Fragments of Voyages and Travels, 1860. FIJI CANOES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. How TO MAKE CANOES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. VOYAGE UP THE RIVER DRONNE Temple Bar, vol. 101, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vols. n and 13, 1889-91. Every Boy's Book, etc. Macgregor's Rob Roy on the Baltic, 1892. Yachtsman, vol. 9, 1895. Canonbury, London Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Canons. THE CANONS OF SOUTHERN FRANCE Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. Nature, vol. i, 1870. Canosso (A ruined Castle, Italy) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 4, 1872. Canova (Antonio, Italian Sculptor, died 1822) Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. Tweedie's Youthful Diligence. Canrobert (Francois Certain De, French Marshal, born 1809) Kinglake's Crimea. Cant. BYGONE CANT All the Year Round, vol. 23, 1869-70. CULT OF CANT Temple B'lr, vol.93, 1891. Hazlitt's Sketches, 1872. GENERAL INFORMATION Temple Bar, v. 18, 1866. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. CANTERBURY (Ancient City of Kent, and Archiepiscopal See. St. Augustine became its first Archbishop in 597). ANTIQUITIES AND CATHEDRAL OF CANTERBURY Kentish Tourist. CANTERBURY AND ITS ARCHBISHOPS Gibson's Miscellanies : Historical, etc., 1863. CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Sunday at Home, vol. n, 1864. Ward Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols., 1887. CANTERBURY THE VENERABLE The Quiver, vol. 32, 1896. CANTERBURY TILL DOMESDAY Archasological Journal, vol. 32, 1875. CONVOCATION OF CANTERBURY Newman's Historical Sketches, 1876. MURAL AND DECORATIVE PAINTINGS AT CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL Archaeological Journal, vol. 35, 1878. OLD AND NEW CANTERBURY Myrback & Villars' Sketches of England, 1891. ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH Girl's Own Paper, vol. 13, 1892. WALKTHROUGH CANTERBURY Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain. Black's Guide to Kent. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 6. Dilke's Greater Britain. Frost's In Kent with Chas. Dickens. Hissey's Holiday on the Road. Hughes' Dickens-Land. Land We Live in, vol. 2. Panton's By-Paths and Cross-Roads, 1889. [99] CANTON-CAPUA Canton (Important Chinese Seaport). CANTON ENGLISH New Review, vol. 16, 1897. CHRISTMAS IN CANTON Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. IN THE CITY OF CANTON Century Mag., vol.27, 1883-4. Leisure Hour, vol. 19, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Ainsworth's All Round the World. Bandmann's Actor's Tour. Bird's Golden Chersonese Brassey's Voyage in the "Sunbeam." Davis' China. Hiibner's Round the World. Milne's Life in China, 1858. Canton de Vaud. NOTES IN THE CANTON DE VAUD Macmillan's Mag., vol. 50, 1884. Canute the Great (King of England, Denmark and Norway, died 1035) Church's Early Britain, 1891. Green's Conquest of England, 1883. Canvasine Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. Canvassing 1 . CANVASSING EXPERIENCES IN AN AGRICULTURAL CONSTITUENCY National Review, vol. 7, 1886. Caoutchouc (Chief ingredient of Indiarubber), CULTIVATION OF CAOUTCHOUC Household Words, vol. 19, 1859. Markham's Peruvian Bark, 1880. Cape of Good Hope, Cape Colony. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 22, 1830. CAPE TOWN Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain. Russell's Voyage to the Cape. WILDS AND WOODLANDS OF THE CAPE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Churchill's Men, Mines and Animals. Froude's Oceana. Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1897. Johnston's Africa. Mackenzie's Austral Africa. Napier's Wild Sports. Wilkes' Exploring Expedition. Whymper's The Sea: its Stirring Story of Adventure, etc. Cape St. Vincent. BATTLE OF CAPE ST. VINCENT Mahan's Life of Nelson, 1897. Capel (Lord A. C., executed 1649) De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. Capernaum (Ancient Town near the Jordan and scene of many incidents in the life of Jesus Christ) Dixon's Holy Land. Picturesque Palestine [Views of CapernaumJ. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Capillarity (Phenomena of fluid surfaces when the vessels containing the liquid are very narrow). CHALLIS ON THE THEORY OF CAPILLARY ATTRACT ION British Association Report, 1834. LAWS OF CAPILLARITY Guthrie's Practical Physics, 1879. CAPITAL. CAPITAL AND CULTURE IN AMERICA Fortnightly Review, vol. 50, 1888. CAPITAL THE MOTHER OF LABOUR Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 9. Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. CAPITALIST AS RULER Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. CASE FOR CAPITAL Pall Mall Magazine, vol. i, 1893. COMBINATION OF CAPITAL International Journal of Ethics, vol. 4, 1893-4. CONCESSIONS OF CAPITALISM Holyoake's Co-operative Movement of To-day, 1896. FIXED AND CIRCULATING CAPITAL Guyot's Principles of Social Economy, 1884. GROWTH OF CAPITAL Bagehot's Economic Studies, 1888. INDUSTRY WITHOUT CAPITAL Cunningham's Use and Abuse of Money, 1891. JOINT-STOCR PRINCIPLE IN CAPITAL Rogers' Industrial England, 1892. NATURAL RETURN TO CAPITAL Weiser's Natural Value, 1893. PSYCHOLOGY OF LABOUR AND CAPITAL Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1893. RETURNS OF CAPITAL Walker's Wages Question, 1886. RIGHTS OF CAPITAL Fortnightly Review, vol 8, 18(57. TRANSFERABILITY OF CAPITAL Bagehot's Economic Studies, 1888. WAGES AND CAPITAL George's Progress and Poverty, 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION J. S. Mill's Political Economy. Shadwell's Political Economy. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1893. Capital Punishment. CASE AGAINST CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Fortnightly Review, vol. 52, 1889. PUNISHMENT FOR MURDER Hobart's Political Essays, 1866. GENERAL INFORMATION Buxton's Political Questions. Nicoll's Man's Revenge. Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera. See also Executions, Hanging, Crime, Murder, etc. Capitol, Rome (Piazza on the Capitoline Hill) Baedeker's Central Italy, 1890. Capitol, Washington (Scat of the United States National Congress). AMERICAN CAPITOL Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. See also Washington. Capitoline Hill, Rome Hare's Walks in Rome. Head's Rome, 1849. Caprarola, Italy (contains the Farnese Palace) Hare's Days near Rome, 1849. Capri Island, Italy (Was the occasional abode of Augustus and Tiberius). LIFE IN AN ISLAND Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 6. SKETCHES OF CAPRI Harper's Magazine, vol. 77, 1888. GENERAL INFORMATION English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 5, 1887-8. Green's Stray Studies, 1876. Murray's South Italy and Sicily, 1892. Captivity. BRITISH CAPTIVES IN ABYSSINIA Hotten's Abyssinia, 1868. GENERAL INFORMATION Percy Anecdotes, 1826. Captains Strand Magazine [Captains of the Atlantic Liners] vol. 14, 1897. Captains of Guisnes Gallon's Annals and Legends of Calais, 1852. Capua (Contains ruins of Roman Amphitheatre and Triumphal A rch) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities. Murray's South Italy and Sicily, 1892. [100] CARACAS-CARISBROOKE Caracas (Capital of Venezuela). THE PARIS OF SOUTH AMKRICA Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6. GENERAL INFORMATION Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 27, 1830. Humboldt's Travels. Vincent's South America, 18 Caradoc Of Welles (Welsh Historian, died 1154) Freeman's Norman Conquest, 1873. Caravans. CARAVAN LIFE FOR PLEASURE AND HEALTH Good Words, vol. 29, 1888. HINTS TO CARAVANISTS Stables' Cruise of the Land Yacht " Wanderer," 1891. DESERT CARAVANS Penny Magazine, vol. 7, GENERAL INFORMATION Koelle's Mohammed and Mohammedanism, 1889. Carbon (One of the elements, existing uncombined in three forms : Charcoal, the Diamond, and Graphite). HYDROCARBONS AND CARBONS Mendelieff's Chemistry, 1891. Carbonic Acid. (A gaseous compound existing in the atmosphere). LIQUID CARBONIC ACID IN ROCKS Report of British Association, 1877. Carcassonne (France, noted for its Medieval Towers, Walls, and Battlements) Gould's Troubadour Land, 1891. Cardigan (Welsh Seaport) and Cardiganshire Black's Guide to South Wales. Hissey's Across England in a Dogcart, 1891. Murray's Guide to South Wales, Cardigan (James Thomas Brudenell, Earl of, Commanded the " Light Brigade " during their famous Charge at Balaclava 1854, died 1868) Kinglake's Crimea, vol. 5, 1891. Cardinals. POPES AND CARDINALS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. SOME NOTED CARDINALS All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. THEIR EMINENCES THE CARDINALS Antiquary, vol. 6, 1882. GENERAL INFORMATION Milman's Latin Christianity, 1872. Cards. CHRISTMAS AND BIRTHDAY CARDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. How TO PAINT CHRISTMAS AND BIRTHDAY CARDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. CARDS (Playing-Cards). AUTOMATIC CHESS AND CARD PLAYING Proctor's Science Byways, 1875. CARD-SHARPERS AND THEIR WORK Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. CARD-SHARPING IN PARIS Fortnightly Review, vol. 56, 1891. GAMES AT CARDS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 5, 1861-2. GAMES AT CARDS FOR ONE PLAYER Mactiiillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. GAMES AT CARDS PLAYED UY MACHINERY Macmillan's Magazin^, vol. 33, 1875-6. ORIGIN, ANTIQUITY, AND FIRST USE OF CARDS Gentleman's Magazine Linrary. PECULIAR PLAYING CARDS Strand Magazine, vol. 5, 1893. POKER PRINCIPLES AND CHANCE LAWS Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. Cards (Visiting-Cants). CALLS AND COUNTRY CARD-LEAVING Woman, June, 1896. CARDS AND CARD-LEAVING Woman, May, 1896. Card^well (Edward, Viscount, War Secretary 1868-74, died 1886) Eraser's Magazine [Military Policy], vol. 82, 1870. Gladstone Government, 1869. Carefulness Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Carew (Bampfylde Moore, King of the Beggars, died about 1770) Chambers's Journal, vol. 38, 1862. Russell's Eccentric Personages. Temple Bar Magazine [Humorous Rogue], vol. 101, 1894. Wilson's Wonderful Characters, iS6g. Carew (Sir N., Favourite of Henry VIII., executed 1539) Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages, 1850. Carew (Thomas, Poet, died 1639) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Carey (Henry, Poet, died 1743) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Carey (William, Missionary, died 1834) Gurney's God's Heroes, 1858. Caria (An Ancient Tributary of Persia). COAST OF CARIA, ASIA MINOR Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 3, 1830. Caricature. CARICATURE AND CARICATURISTS Leisure Hour, vol. 24, 1875. CARICATURISTS AND THEIR WORK Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN CARICATURE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 6, 1889. ENGLISH CARICATURISTS Thornbury's British Artists, 1861. FANTASTIC AND GROTESQUE CARICATURE Fortnightly Review, vol. 49, 1888. Symonds' Essays, 1890. MODERN ENGLISH CARICATURE Lucas' Mornings of Recess, 1864. Carinthia (A Crown-Land of Austria). CEREMONIES IN CARINTHIA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight. ACCOUNT OF CARISBROOKE CASTLE Beattie's Castles and Abbeys of England. GENERAL INFORMATION Freeman's English Towns, 1883. And under WigM (Isle of). UNIVE"RP TrT "v ^ '""TJFORNIA CARLETON-CABNABVON Carleton (William, Irish Novelist, died 1869). A BRILLIANT IRISH NOVELIST Fortnightly Review, vol. 51 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Dublin University Mag., vols. 16, 1840; 24, 1844; & 26, 1845. Carting Sunday Gentleman's Magazine Library [Popular Superstitions], 1884. Carlisle (Noted for its Cathedral and Castle and Manufactures of Iron and Cotton). BISHOPS OF CARLISLE Smiles' George Moore, Merchant and Philanthropist, 1878. CARLISLE CATHEDRAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Ward Lock's Our National Cathedrals [Illustrated Description and History], 3 vols., 1887. CARLISLE IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. CONQUEST AND COLONIZATION OF CARLISLE Freeman's William Rums. PLACE OF CARLISLE IN ENGLISH HISTORY Archaeological Journal, vol. 39, 1882. GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 6. Freeman's English Towns. Penny Magazine, vol. 2, 1833. Saturday Review, vol. 54, 1882. Carlos (Don, Infante of Spain, Son of Philip II., died 1568) Hope's Royal Youths. Prescott's Philip II., 1877. Carlsruhe, Baden (Contains a noted Polytechnic and Museum) Baedeker's Rhine, 1889. Carlton Club, 94, Pall Mall, London (Conservative Club, founded by the Duke of Wellington 1832) Hatton's Clubland. Hay's Clubs. Ana various works on London. Carlton House Black's Guide to Kent, 1886. Carlyle (Jane Welsh, Wife of Thomas Carlyle, died 1866). MRS. OLIPHANT ON MRS. CARLYLE Contemporary Review, vol. 44, 1883. GENERAL INFORMATION Adams' Celebrated English-women. Froude's Carlyle in London. Shepherd's Life of Carlyle, 1881. Carlyle (John, Scottish Physician, Brother of Thomas Carlyle, died 1879) Froude's Carlyle in London [1834-81] 1890. CABLYLB (Thomas, Scottish Essayist and Historian, died 1881). CARLYLE AND His WORK Thoreau's Essays, 1888. CARLYLE AND RUSKIN : Two Letters English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. CARLYLE AND THE " ROSE-GODDESS" Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. CARLYLE AS A POLITICAL TEACHER Fortnightly Review, vol. 44, 1885. CARLYLE IN SOCIETY AND AT HOME Fortnightly Review, vol. 39, 1883. CARLYLE, THE "Pious EDITOR" OF CROMWELL'S SPEECHES National Review, vol. 8, 1886-7. CARLYLE'S FREDERICK THE GREAT Lancaster's Essays. CARLYLE'S LONDON LIFE Fortnightly Review, vol. 42, 1884. CARLYLE'S MESSAGE TO His AGE Contemporary Review, vol. 60, 1891. CARLYLE'S POLITICS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. CARLYLE'S REMINISCENCES Fortnightly Review, vol. 35, 1881. CONVERSATIONS WITH CARLYLE Contemporary Review, \ol. 61, 1892. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN CARLYLE AND NEUBERG Macmillan's Mag., vol 50, 1884. DR. JOHNSON AND THOMAS CARLYLE National Review, vol. 2, 1883-4. ESSAY ON THOMAS CARLYLE Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. GLIMPSES OF CARLYLE Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1892. HANDWRITING OF THOMAS CARLYLE Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. JOHN MORLEY ON CARLYLE Fortnightly Review, vol. 14, 1870. LESSONS FROM CARLYLE'S LIFE National Review, vol. 4, 1884-5. PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF THOMAS CARLYLE Tyndall's New Fragments, 1892. REVIEW OF CARLYLE'S WORKS Dublin Review, vol. 5, 1838. SOME RECOLLECTIONS OF CARLYLE'S TALKS Good Words, vol. 37, 1897. WORDSWORTH AND CARLYLE : a Literary Parallel Temple Bar, vol. 106, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Birrell's Obiter Dicta. Cochrane's Great Thinkers and Workers. Dublin Review, vol. 13, 1885. Forster's Life of Dickens. Froude's Carlyle in London. Gilfillan's Literary Portraits. Grant's Public Characters. Great Orators. Lester's Criticisms. Macmillan's Magazine, vols. 43, 1880-1 ; 45,1881-2; & 47, 1882-3. Mill's Autobiography. Nineteenth Century, vol. 1.0, 1881. Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian History. Smiles' Murray. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Carmagnola (Fransesco Bassone di, Italian Commander of Mercenaries, executed 1432). STORY OF CARMAGNOLA. By Edwardes Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. GENERAL INFORMATION Oliphant's Makers of Venice : Doges, Conquerors, etc., 1891. " Carmagnole " (Song written in 1792) Fitzgerald's Stories ot Famous Songs, 1898. Carmarthenshire, Wales Black's Guide to South Wales and Monmouthshire, 1889. Carmel (Mountain Range in Palestine; scene of many of the deeds in the lives of Elijah and Elisha) Black's Hundred Days in the East. Dixon's Holy Land. McFar- lane's Mountains of the Bible. Picturesque Palestine, 1859. Taylor's Elijah the Prophet, 1889. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1886. Carmelites. CARMELITES IN LONDON English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893-4. FLAGELLATION AMONG THE CARMELITES Cooper's History of the Rod, 1877. Carmen Sylva (Elizabeth, Queen of Rownania). ACCOUNT OF CARMEN SYLVA Argosy, vol. 50, 1890. Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. Carnarvon (Seaport in Wales, noted for its Castle). BARMOUTH, LLANGOLLEN, AND CARNARVON Myrback & Villars' Sketches of England, 1891. CAERNARVON CASTLE Archaeological Journal, vol. 7, 1850. GENERAL INFORMATION Murray's Guide to North Wales, 1874. And under Wales. [102] CARNARVON-CARTHAGENA Carnarvon (Fourth Earl of, died 1890). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 2, 1890. Carnarvonshire. ANCIENT STONE FORTS IN CARNARVONSHIRE Journal of the British Archaeological Association, vol. 2 (n.s.). Carnations. CULTIVATION OF CARNATIONS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. Carnegie (Andrew, American Millionaire and Philanthropist, born 1835) Cassell's Magazine [How I became a Millionaire], vol. 22, 1896. Cochrane's Beneficent and Useful Lives. Carolina (Southern State of United States. Scene of several battles during the Civil War). CHARLESTON AND THE CAROLINAS Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Russell's North America : its Agriculture and Climate, 1857. Caroline Amelia Of Brunswick (Queen of George IV., died 1821) Doran's Queens of England of the House of Hanover, 1875. Caroline Elizabeth of Hanover (Third Daughter of George II., died 1757) Hall's Royal Princesses from the Reign of George I., 1858. Caroline Matilda (Queen of Denmark, Grand-daughter of George II., died 1775) Hall's Royal Princesses from the Reigh of George I., 1858. Caroline Wilhelmina Dorothea (Queen of George II., died 1737) Doran's Queens of England. Oliphant's George II., 1869. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Thackeray's Four Georges, 1872. Carp. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 37. DISTRIBUTION OF THE CARP Cornhill Mag. [Two Family Histories] , vol. 24 (n.s.), 1895. Carpathian Mountains, Central Europe. EASTERN CARPATHIANS Leslie Stephen's Playground of Europe, 1871. GENERAL INFORMATION Felbermann's Hungary. Stoddard's Across Russia, 1892. Carpenter (Mary, Philanthropist and Writer, died 1877) Adams' Celebrated English- women. Fawcett's Eminent Women. Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. Gray's Wise Words and Living Deeds, 1880. Carpenter (William Benjamin, Scientist, Brother of above, died 1885), LL.D., F.R.S. MEMOIR Carpenter's Nature and Man : Essays, Scientific and Philosophical, 1888. Carpenters. AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF CARPENTERS Fortnightly Rev., vol. 7, 1867. Carpentry. CARPENTRY AND JOINERY Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-3, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Every Boy's Book. Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. Spon's Mechanic's Own Book, 1889. Carpets. CARPETS OF CORK AND OIL Chambers's Journal, vol. 13, 1896. CARPET WEAVING Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 5 & 6, 1897. MAKING OF AXMINSTER CARPETS Art Journal (n.s.), 1895. MAKING OF TAPESTRY AND BRUSSELS CARPETS Art Journal (n.s.), 1895. PERSIAN CARPETS Wills' Land of the Lion and Sun, or Modern Persia [iS66to i88i]_ Carpin (Jean du Plan de). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Carr (Robert). See Somerset (Earl of). Carrara, Italy (Famous for its Marble Quarries) Hare's Cities of Central Italy. Carreg Cennin Castle, Wales Hissey's Across England in a Dogcart, 1891. Carriages. EARLY MECHANICAL CARRIAGES Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. HORSELESS CARRIAGES Cbambers's Journal, vol. 12, 1895. MODERN CARRIAGES Beaufort's Driving [Badminton Library], 1890. NORWEGIAN CARRIAGES [Carrioles] Forester's Norway and its Scenery, 1853. See also Cabs, Coaches, Conveyances, Driving, etc. Carries (Jean, Sculptor and Potter) Century Magazine, vol. 27, 1894-5. Carrington (Lord, Colonial Governor of New South Wales 1885-90) Parkes' Fifty Years of the Making of Australian History, 1892. Carshalton. CARSHALTON MAIN DRAINAGE Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. Carteret (Philip, English Circumnavigator, discovered several South Sea Islands, died 1796) Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. CARTHAGE (Ancient City and State in Northern Africa. It was the rival of Rome, and an important centre of Latin Christianity). A PHOENICIAN COLONY Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. CONSTITUTION OF CARTHAGE Arnold's History of Rome. Freeman's Sicily, vol. i. FOUNDATION AND DESTRUCTION OF CARTHAGE Del Mar's History of Money in Ancient Countries from the Earliest Times to the Present, 1885. PROF. FREEMAN ON CARTHAGE Contemporary Review, vol. 58, 1890. ROME IN AFRICA Harper's Magazine, vol. 30, 1895. RUINS OF CARTHAGE Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20, 1830. SITE OF CARTHAGE Leisure Hour, vol. 6, 1857. GENERAL INFORMATION Bucke's Ancient Cities. E. S. A.'s World in which I Live. Freeman's History of Sicily. Heeren's Ancient History Milman's Christianity. Mommsen's Rome, vol. 2, 1888. Murray's Algeria and Tunis, 1891. Carthagena (Seaport of Spain, noted for its Harbour, Cathedral, etc.) Bennet's Mediterranean. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 18, 1830. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. Murray's Guide to Spain, 1892. [103] CARTHEW-CASTLEMAIN E Carthew (Thos., Barrister) Woolrych's Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Carthusians (The, A Religious Order noted for their Abstinence and extreme Self- Denial) Hendrick's London Charterhouse. Temple Bar, vol. in, 1897. Cartier (Jacques, French Navigator, took possssion of Canada 1534, died after 1552). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Cartmel Priory, Lancashire Archaeological Jour., vol. 27, 1870. Bonny's Abbeys, 1890. Cartographers. ASTRONOMERS AND CARTOGRAPHERS Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. GENERAL INFORMATION Geographical Journal, vol. 3, 1894. Cartoons. ELECTIONEERING CARTOONS, 1807-1820 Grego's Elections, 1886. Cartridges. REMARKS ON CARTRIDGES Greener's The Gun and its Development. Cartwright (Edmund, Reputed Inventor of the Power-Loom, Wool-Combing Machine* etc., died 1823). CARTWRIGHT AND WOOL-COMBING MACHINERY Burnley's History of Wool and Wool-Combing, 1889; etc. Caitwright (Rev. Thomas, Professor of Divinity at Cambridge, died 1603) Neat's History of the Puritans from 1517-1688, 1822. Cartwrjght (Thomas, Bishop of Chester, died 1689), D.D. Journal of the Chester Archaaological Society, vol. 4 (n.s.) Cartwright (William, Divine, Dramatist, and Poet, died 1643) Campbell's Specimen's of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Carving (Carving at Table) Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. Carving (Wood-Carving). CARVED WOODWORK or BRITTANY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. How AND WHAT TO CARVE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. PHOTOGRAPHING CARVINGS Photogram, vol. 2, 1895. See also Wood-Carving. Casanova (Giacomo de Seingalt, Venetian Adventurer, died 1803) Becker's Adven- turous Lives. Notes and Queries, vols. 8-12 (8th series). Smith's Romance of History. Temple Bar [Captivity of Casanova], vol. 88, 1890. Casaubon (Dorothea, a Character in " Middlemarch") DOROTHEA CASAUBON AND GEORGE ELIOT Contemporary Review, vol. 65, 1894. Casaubon (Isaac, Famous Classical Scholar and Librarian to the King in Paris 1600-10, died 1614) Church Quarterly, vol. 22, i885. Fortnightly Review, vol. 23, 1875. Temple Bar, vol. 44, 1875. Casciana. BATH OF CASCIANA IN JULY Macraillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. Casentino (Valley of the Upper A rno) Hare's Cities of Central Italy. Cashmere (Extensive Principality of Hindustan belonging to the Sikh Race and noted for its Shawls). CAMP LIFE IN CASHMERE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. SHOOTING IN CASHMERE Brinckman's Rifle in Cashmere, 1862. GENERAL INFORMATION Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere. Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1896. Caspian Sea (Inland Sea between Europe and A sia) Atlantic Monthly [Islands of the Caspian Sea], vol. Co, 1887. Geographical Journal, vol. 9, 1897. Windt's Ride to India, 1891. Cass (General, A merican Statesman, died i8C6). TRAVELS IN AMERICA Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Cassard (Jacques, of Nantes, died 1740) Norman's Corsairs of France, 1887. Cassell (John, Publisher, died 1865) Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. Cassini (Dominique, French Astronomer, died 1845) Verne's Great Navigators, 1880. CaSSino (Monte). See Monte Cassino. Cassowary (Bird akin to the Ostrich) Lumhoitz's Among Cannibals in Australia, 1889. Caste. ABOUT CASTE All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. CASTE IN INDIA Dilke's Greater Britain. ESSAY ON CASTE Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. FORMATION OF INDIAN CLANS AND CASTES Fortnightly Review, vol. 27, 1877. Castelar (Emilio, Spanish Staff sman and Author, born 1832) Fortnightly Review, vol. 29, 1878. Castile (An old Kingdom of Spain, noted for its numerous Frontier Castles). CASTILE AND ANDALUSIA Dublin University Magazine, vol. 43, STATE OF CASTILE Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella. Casting. ART OF CASTING IN PLASTER AMONG THE ANCIENT GREEKS AND ROMANS Story's Excursions in Art and Letters, 1891. CASTING AND CASTS Smith's Art Education, Scholastic and Industrial, 1872. CASTINGS IN IRON AND STEEL Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-6, 1897. FOUNDING AND CASTING Spon's Mechanic's Own'Book, 1889. Castle Acre, Norfolk Archaeological Journal, vol. 47, 1890. Castle (Egerton L. A., Author, born 1858) Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Castlemaine (Barbara Villiers, Countess of, Mistress of Charles II., died 1709) Wheatley's Pepys' Diary [The World He Lived in], 1880. [104] CASTLEREAGH-CATHARINE II. Castlereagh (Robert, Viscount, Marquess of Londonderry, Irish Secretary 1796-7, committed suicide 1822) Cunningham's English Nation [Portrait], vol. 5. Madden's United Irishmen. Walpole's Life of Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval, 1874. CASTLES. (See also under Names of Places, e.g., Chester, Edinburgh, Warwick, etc.) BORDER CASTLES AND COUNTIES Cassell, Fetter & Galpin's Picturesque Europe, v. 2. CASTLE TOWNS Ditchfield's Our English Towns, 1897. CASTLES OF ENGLAND AND WALES Archaeological Journal, vols. 38-39, 1881-2. CASTLES OF THE CHANNEL ISLANDS Art Journal (n.s.), 1894. ENGLISH CASTLES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. ENGLISH CASTLES UNDER WILLIAM I. Clark's Mediaeval Military Architecture, 1884. FEUDAL CASTLES AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT INTO MANSIONS Report of the Archi- tectural Association, vol. 22. FRIEDERICHSHOF CASTLE : The Empress Frederick's Sojourn in the Friederichshot Schloss Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. MEDIAEVAL CASTLES Lucas' Secularia : Surveys of the Main-stream of History, 1862. NORMAN CASTLES Bayly's New Studies in Old Subjects, 1889. PEMBROKESHIRE CASTLES Freeman's English Towns, 1883. RECTANGULAR KEEP OF A NORMAN CASTLE Clarke's Military Architecture, 1884. SCOTTISH CASTLES Saturday Review, vol. 69, 1890. Scott's Prose Works, 1878. GENERAL INFORMATION Chetwynd's Life in a German Village, 1880. Castleton, Derbyshire (Site of Peveril Castle). MINES OF CASTLETON Black's Guide to Buxton, 1866. Baddeley's Peak District. Castletown (Former Capital of Isle of Man, contains Rushen Castle) Black's Guide to Isle of Man, 1888. Castor Oil. NOTE ON THE CASTOR OIL PLANT Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. Casuistry. THE LIMITS OF CASUISTRY International Journal of Ethics, vol. 4, 1893-4. GENERAL INFORMATION De Quincey's Complete Works, 1862-74. Jowett's Epistles of St. Paul, vol. n. Catacombs. CATACOMBS OF PARIS Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 277, 1894. CATACOMBS OF ROME Sunday at Home, vol. 12, 1865. CHRISTIANITY OF THE CATACOMBS Pressense's Early Years of Christianity, v. 4, 1879. CHURCH OF THE CATACOMBS Dublin Review, vol. 37, 1854. ROCK-TOMBS AND CATACOMBS Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. ROMAN CATACOMBS Backhouse's Church History. 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Hare's Walks in Rome. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe. Catalan! (Angelica, Italian Singer, died 1849) Edwards' The Prima Donna, 1888. Cataline (A Roman Conspirator, killed in battle 62 B.C.) CATALINE AS A PARTY LEADER Fortnightly Review, vol. i, 1865. CATALOGUES and CATALOGUING OP BOOKS. (See also under Books, Libraries, etc.) ANONYMOUS WORKS BY KNOWN AUTHORS American Library Journal, vol. 10, CATALOGUING OF MANUSCRIPTS Library Chronicle, vol. 2, 1885. CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS Edwards' Memoirs of Libraries, 1859. CURIOSITIES OF CATALOGUING The Library, vol. 9, 1897. ECONOMICAL AND EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUES FOR PUBLIC LIBRARIES American Library Journal, vol. 16, 1891 (Supp.) How TO CATALOGUE BOOKS Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. LABOUR SAVING IN PRINTING American Library Journal, vol. 13, 1888. PREPARATION AND PRINTING OF CATALOGUES Edwards' Memoirs of Libraries, 1859. SUBJECT-CATALOGUES IN COLLEGE LIBRARIES Am. Library Journal, vol. 15, 1890. WANTED : A NEW CATALOGUE Review of Reviews, vol. 10, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Library Journals and Publications of Great Britain and the United States. Nature, vol. 30, 1884. Catalonia (An old Province of Spain, and noted in Spanish History) Hare's Spain, 1873. Murray's Guide to Spain. See also Spain, etc. Catania (Seaport of Sicily, noted for its Monastery and other Antiquities). ANCIENT KATANIO Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities. GENERAL INFORMATION Bartlett's Sicily. Freeman's History of Sicily. Hare's Southern Italy. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. Cataracts Of the Congo Geddie's Lake Regions of Central Africa, 1881. Catechism Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Caterham Black's Guide to Surrey, 1887. Jennings' Fields, Paths & Green Lanes, 1877. Caterpillar. How TO PRESERVE CATERPILLARS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. VEGETABLE CATERPILLAR English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. Cat-Fish. Two FAMILY HISTORIES: the Carp and the Cat-Fish Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. Catharine I. (Empress of Russia, died 1727) Temple Bar, vol. n, 1864. Catharine II. (Empress of Russia 1762-96, died 1796) Brougham's Works, vol. 4. Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1896. Jameson's Female Sovereigns. Merivale's Historical Studies. Temple Bar, vols. 23 & 24, 1868. [105] CATHARINE OP ARAGON-CATO Catharine Of Aragon (First Queen-Consort of Henry VIII., died 1536). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. TRUE CATHARINE OF ARAGON- Library, vol. 4, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Burrows' Commentaries. Dixon's Two Queens. Froude's History of England. Howitt's Queens of England [Portrait], 1875. Catharine of Braganza (Queen-Consort of Charles II., died 1705) Jameson's Beauties of the Court of Charles II. Jesse's Court of England. Lodge's Por- traits, vol. 6, 1850. Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Catharine de Medici (Queen and Regent of France, died 1589) Bentley's Miscellany, vol. 44, 1858. Menzies' Royal Favourites. Smiles' Huguenots. Temple Bar, vol. 44, 1875. Cathcart (Sir George, Lieut.-General, killed at Inkerman, 1854) Kinglake's Crimea. CATHEDRALS. A WORD FOR OUR CATHEDRAL SYSTEM Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF DURHAM CATHEDRAL Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1852. CATHEDRAL WORK Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. CATHEDRALS AND CHURCHES OF FRANCE Century Magazine, vol. 27, 1894-5. CHURCH OF RIPON Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1846. CHURCHES AND CATHEDRALS OK FRANCE Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. CLOISTERS OF OUR CATHEDRALS Chambers's Journal, vol. 69, 1892. CURIOSITIES IN OUR CATHEDRALS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1892. CYMRIC CATHEDRALS AND COMMUNITIES Williams' History of Wales, 1869. MONUMENTS IN CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL Transactions of Archaeological Inst., 1853. OUR DISASTROUS CATHEDRAL SYSTEM Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1893. OUR FALLING CATHEDRALS Daily Chronicle, illustrated articles, 1897. STYLES OF ARCHITECTURE Parker's Gothic Architecture. 1888. VISITS TO CATHEDRALS J evens' Letters and Journal, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Century Magazine, vol. n, 1886-7. Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. CATHOLICISM [Roman]. (See also under names of various Popes, e.g., Alexander, Leo, Pius, etc., and wider Church, Jesuits, Religions, Roman Catholics, etc.) BALMER'S CATHOLICISM AND PROTESTANTISM Dublin Review, vol. 24, 1848. CARDINAL MANNING AND THE CATHOLIC REVIVAL Contemporary Rev., vol. 69, 1896. CATHOLIC CHURCH IN RUSSIA Dublin Review, vol. 14, 1843. CATHOLIC CONTROVERSIES Dublin Review, vol. 12 (n.s.), 1869. CATHOLIC DISABILITIES Spencer Walpole's Life of Perceval, 1874. CATHOLIC EMANCIPATION Ashley's Life of Palmerston. Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne. Thursfield's Peel [Twelve English Statesmen], 1891. CATHOLIC INSTINCTS Dublin Review, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1866. CATHOLIC MISSIONS Clark's Cardinal Lavigerie. Dublin Review, vol. 4, 1838. CATHOLIC PERIL IN AMERICA Fonnightly Review, vol. 25, 1876. CATHOLIC UNITY AND ENGLISH PARTIES Dublin Review, vol. 43, 1857. CATHOLIC VERSIONS OF SCRIPTURE Dublin Review, vol. 2, 1836-7. CATHOLICISM AND APOLOGETICS Contemporary Review, vol. 47, 1885. CATHOLICISM AND HISTORICAL CRITICISM Contemporary Review, vol. 48, 1885. CATHOLICISM AND MODERN THOUGHT Contemporary Review, vol. 47, 1885. CATHOLICISM AND ITS GROWTH IN ENGLAND Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. CATHOLICISM AND PROTESTANTISM IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Creighton's Age of Elizabeth [Epoch's of Modern History]. CATHOLICISM AND REASON Contemporary Review, vol. 48, 1885. CATHOLICISM IN ENGLAND Button's Life of Cardinal Manning, 1892. CATHOLICISM IN GENEVA Dublin Review, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1865. CATHOLICISM IN SOUTH AFRICA Dublin Review, vol. 8, 1882. CATHOLICISM IN THE WAVERLEY NOVELS Dublin Review, vol. 26, 1891. CATHOLICS AND THE CHURCH Martineau's Seat of Authority in Relision, 1891. CATHOLICS AND SCHOOL BOARDS Dublin Review, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1879. DECLARATION OF THE BRITISH CATHOLIC BISHOPS Dublin Review, vol. i, 1836. EXPERIENCES OF AN ANGLICAN CATHOLIC Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. GOOD CATHOLICS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. LEO XIII. 's ENCYCLICAL ON LABOUR Review of Reviews, vol. 3, 1891. LIBERAL CATHOLICISM Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. OLD AND NEW ANGLO-CATHOLICISM Contemporary Review, vol. 57, 1890. OLD CATHOLICISM Religious Systems of the World, 1892. PERSECUTION OF CATHOLICS IN PRUSSIA Dublin Review, vol. 2, 1836. REFORMER OF FRENCH CATHOLICISM [M. Loyson] Macmillan's Mag., vol. 63, 1890-1. ROMAN CATHOLIC CLAIMS Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. STATE OF CATHOLIC AFFAIRS Dublin Review, vol. 42, 1857. THE CONFESSIONAL CONTROVERSY Dublin Review, vol. 45, 1858. WORK AND WANTS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN ENGLAND Dublin Review vol i (n.s.), 1863. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Chancellors. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe. Routledge's History of Popular Progress, 1876 ; etc. Cato (Marcus Portius, The Censor, died 149 B.C.) Church's Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. Plutarch's Lives. And works on Roman History. [106] CATO CAVES CatO (Marcus Portius, The Younger, Roman Stoic, committed suicide 46 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives. And works on Roman History. CatO Street Conspiracy (Plot to assassinate Castlereagh, etc.} Adams' Book about London. Miles' Register, vol. 18. Thornbury's Old Stories. CATS. (See also under Natural History, Animals, Zoology, Pets, etc.) ANECDOTES OF THE CAT Chambers's Miscellany of Useful Tracts, vol. 6, Watson's Reasoning Power of Animals, 1867. CATS AND KITTENS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. CATS AND THEIR AFFECTIONS Temple Bar, vol. 106, 1895. CATS IN LITERATURE AND ART Sunday Magazine, vol. 4, 1891. CATS OF ANCIENT EGYPT English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. DESCRIPTIONS AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIOUS CATS Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 16. FEW WORDS ABOUT CATS Temple Bar, vol. 63, 1881. NOTABLE FRIENDS OF CATS Chambers' Journal, vol. 8, 1891. STRAY THOUGHTS ON STRAY CATS Argosy, vol. 57, 1894. WILD CATS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. St. John's Wild Sports, 1888. GENERAL INFORMATION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1894-5. Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. Wood's Nature and Her Servants. CatSkill Mountains H. J. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Cattaro (Seaport in Dalmatia) Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. CATTLE. (See also under Cows, Bullocks, Farming, etc.) BREEDS OF CATTLE AND THEIR RELATION TO ARCH.IOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES Archaeologia, vol. 55.. CATTLE DISEASE AND FOOD SUPPLY National Review, vol. 3, 1884. CATTLE RANCHES IN THE FAR WEST Fortnightly Review, vol. 34, 1880. CATTLE TRAILS OF THE PRAIRIES Scribner's Magazine, vol. u, 1892. CLEANSING OF CATTLE SHIPS Daily Graphic, vol. 20, 1894. DISEASES OF CATTLE Burn's Outlines of Modern Farming 1888. FATTENING CATTLE Ville's Artificial Manures, 1879. IMPORTATION OF CANADIAN CATTLE Daily Graphic, vol. 19, 1894. LONDON LIVE CATTLE MARKET Tallerman's Trade Depression, 1889. NEW ZEALAND CATTLE Bathgate's New Zealand, 1880. SHEEP AND CATTLE Coghlan's New South Wales, 1890. TRANSATLANTIC CATTLE TRADE Fortnightly Review, vol. 55, 1891. WILD CATTLE Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. Dodge's Great West, 1877. WILD CATTLE OF GREAT BRITAIN Report of British Association, 1887. Catullus (Gaius Valerius, Roman Poet, died 47 B.C.) Fortnightly Review, vol. 29, 1878. Macmillan's Magazine [Catullus and his Friends], vol. 75, 1896-7. Caucasus (A Government of the Russian Empire) Ainsworth's All Round the World. Fortnightly Review, vol. 22, 1874. Geddie's Russian Empire. Harper's Magazine [Caucasus, by Meeker], vol. 74, 1886-7. Leveson's Sport in Many Lands [Bear-Hunting in the Caucasus]. Sunday Magazine [Beyond the Frosty Caucasus], vol. 28, 1892. Caucus (Meeting of Citizens to decide upon Candidates for Elections). Is THE CAUCUS A NECESSITY ? Fortnightly Review, vol. 44, 1885. Caudebec Macquoid's Pictures from Normandy, 1879. Caulne Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Causation (Act of Causing). MILL ON CAUSATION Dublin Review, vol.27 (n.s.), 1876. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. Gausses Of the Loizere Edwards' Roof of France, or Gausses of the Lozere, 1889. Cautiousness Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Cavalier (J.) Smiles' Huguenots in France, 1874. Smiles' Huguenots in England and Ireland, 1868. Cavalry. CAVALRY IN THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN Pall Mall Mag., vol. 5 & 6, 1895. CONCERNING EUROPEAN CAVALRY Fortnightly Review, vol. 42, 1884. OUR CAVALRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 73, 1896. See also under Army. Cave (Edward, Dr. Johnson's First Publisher and Founder of "Gentleman's Magazine," died 1754) Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1791. Cave (Joseph A., Oldest Working Comedian) Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. Cavendish Family. CAVENDISHES AND THE STANHOPES Craik's Romance of the Peerage. See also under Devonshire (Earl of). Cavendish (Henry) Brougham's Lives of Eminent Men of Letters, 1845. Cavendish (Thomas, Navigator and Adventurer, died 1593) Davenport Adams' Sword and Pen. Fox Bourne's English Seamen under the Tudors, 1868. Caversham Murray's Guide to Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire, 1882. CAVES. AFRICAN CAVES Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. BONE CAVES Antiquary, vol. 16, 1887. BRITISH CAVES Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. CAVE DWELLERS OF PERAK Journal of the Anthrop. Inst., vol. 26. CAVE HUNTING Mcamillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. [107] CAVES-CELTS Caves (continued). CAVE MEN Lubbock's Pre-Historic Times, 1890. CAVE TOMBS IN GALILEE Fortnightly Review, vol. 40, 1883. CAVERNS AND CAVERN LIFE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 2, 1887. CAVES OF PALESTINE Sunday at Home, vol. 13, 1866. ENGLISH CAVE-DWELLERS OF TO-DAY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. EXPLORATION OF CAVES Report of British Association, 1878. EXPLORATION OF CAVES AT SETTLE, YORKSHIRE Nature, vol. i, 1870. FOSSIL ANIMAL REMAINS Gentleman's Mag. Library [Archasology, part i], 1886. FORMATION OF CAVERNS Clodd's Story of Primitive Man. GROTTOES AND CAVERNS Pouchet's Universe. ICE-CAVES AND WIND-HOLES Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. INHABITANTS OF THE MAMMOTH CAVE OF KENTUCKY Nature, vol. 5, 1872. MALTESE AND SICILIAN CAVERNS Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. MAMMOTH CAVE Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. MAMMOTH CAVE, KENTUCKY Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. i, 1873. MARINE CAVES Hartwig's Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. NEW OBAN CAVES Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. PHILOSOPHY OF THE CAVE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14. 1866. REMARKS ON CAVES IN GENERAL Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. Cavour (Count, Italian Statesman, died 1861) Fortnightly Review, vol. 28, 1877. Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. Cawnpore. ALLAHABAD TO CAVVNPORE Heber's Indian Journal, 1844. ESCAPE FROM THE MASSACRE AT CAWNPORE Dr. Macaulay's True Tales. GENERAL INFORMATION Caine's Picturesque India. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere. Sunday at Home, vol. 5, 1858, & vol. ii. 1864. Macleod's Far East. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 12, 1865. Murray's India and Ceylon. Wheeler's College History of India, 1888. Caxamarca, Peru Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 28, 1830. Caxton (W., The First English Printer, died 1491). A CAXTON MISSALE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. n, 1897. CAXTONIANA The Library, vol. i, 1889. ENGLISH PRINTERS AND CAXTON Fitzgerald's Book Fancier, 1887. PRINTER AND MERCER Becker's History of Adventurous Lives. WILLIAM CAXTON, THE PRINTER Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Biographical Notes], 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Bradshaw's Collected Papers. Gentleman's Magazine Library. Groser's Men Worth Imitating. Leisure Hour, vol. i, 1852. Pollard's Early English Illustrated Books, 1893. Cayenne (Capital of French Guiana) Vincent's South America, 1890. Waterton's Wanderings in South America, 1891. Cecil (William, Lord Burghley, died 1598). See Burghlcy (William Cecil). Cecil. HOUSE OF CECIL English Illus. Mag., vol. 14, 1896. See also tinder Burghley. Cefalu (A Seaport of Sicily, noted for its Cathedral and ruins of Castle) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. Freeman's History of Sicily. Celebes Islands (East Indian Islands belongingto theDutch). SUPERSTITIONS OF THE CELEBES Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Brassey's Last Voyage, 1889. Wallace's Malay Archipaelago. Celebrities. CELEBRITIES AT PLAY Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. GLIMPSES OF VANISHED CELEBRITIES Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. PORTRAITS OF CELEBRITIES Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. Celestine II. (Pope, died 1144) Platina's Lives of the Popes. Celibacy. CELIBACY AND THE STRUGGLE TO GET ON Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 156, 1894. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Cellini (Benvenuto, Italian Sculptor, died 1571). CHARACTER OF BENVENUTO CELLINI Fortnightly Review, vol. 47, 1887. LIFE OF BENVENUTO CELLINI Sciibner's Magazine, vol. 6, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Leader Scott's Robbia, with other Italian Sculptors. Temple Bar, vol. 43, 1875. Cells. CELL OR CORPUSCLE? Natural Science, vol. u, 1897. CELTS (The, Principally comprising the Highlanders of Scotland, the Irish, the Manx, the Welsh, the Cornish, and the Bretons). CELTIC LANGUAGE British Association Report, 1847. CELTIC LANGUAGE AND DIALECT Dublin Review, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1865. CELTIC OCCUPATION OF BRITAIN White's History of England. COMING OF THE CELTS Williams' History of England. DWELLINGS OF THE CELTS Leisure Hour, vol. 15, 1866. INVASION OF THE CELTS Mahaffy & Gilman's Alexander's Empire, 1890. SACRIFICES AMONG THE CELTS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. STUDY OF CELTIC LITERATURE [A Review of M. Arnold's book on the Study of Celtic Literature]. Fortnightly Review, vol. 8, 1867. THE CELT IN POWER Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Mommsen's Rome, vol. i, 1888. [108] CELTS-CEVENNES Celts (Prehistoric Weapons or Instruments of Bronze or Stone), ON THE USE OF BRONZE CELTS IN MILITARY OPERATIONS Archaeological Journal, vol. 6, 1849. TOOLS CALLED CELTS Barnes' Notes on Ancient Britain, 1858. GENERAL INFORMATION Proceedings of Society of Antiquaries, vol. 2, 1853. Cement. CEMENT, CONCRETE, LIMES, AND MORTAR Spon's Dictionary of Engin- eering (supplement), 1879. PORTLAND AND ROMAN CEMENT Spons' Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Cemeteries. AMERICAN CEMETERIES Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. i, 1873. ANGLO-SAXON CEMETERY AT HIGH DOWN, SUSSEX -Archasologia, vol. 55, BRITISH AND ROMAN CEMETERIES IN' AND NEAR LONDON Aleph's London Scenes, vol. i, 1858. GENERAL INFORMATION Sunday at Home, vol. 13, 1866, & vol. 22, 1875. See also Burial, Tombs, etc. Cenci (Noble Family of Rome, i6th Century). BEATRICE CENCI Antiquary, vol. 13, 1886. TRAGEDIES IN THE FAMILY OF THE CENCI Hare's Walks in Rome, 1872. Censure. EMOTION OF FEAR Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Census (Enumeration of Population). CENSUS AND THE CONDITION OF THF. PEOPLE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. CENSUS UP TO DATE Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. CONCERNING THE CENSUS All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. CURIOSITIES OF THE CENSUS OF 1871 Leisure Hour, vol. 23, 1874. TAKING THE CENSUS Daily Graphic, vol. 6, 1891. Leisure Hour, vol. 10, 1861. THE INDIAN CENSUS OF 1891 Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 277, 1894. Cenotaphs. PREHISTORIC CENOTAPHS Proc. Royal Irish Acad., 3rd series, vol. 4. Centenarians. EXAMPLES OF LONGEVITY Lankester's Advancement of Science, 1890. Leisure Hour, vol. 24, 1875. SOME CENTENARIANS Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Macmillan's Mag., vol. 24, 1871. Temple Bar, vol. 87, 1889. Centlivre (Susanna, Irish Dramatist, died 1723) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Costello's Eminent Englishwomen, vol. 3, 1844. Doran's Annals of the Stage, vol. i. Temple Bar, vol. 51, 1877. Centrifugal Force (A central force which causes a revolving or moving body to recede from it) Nature, vol. 40, 1889. Pepper's Boy's Playbook of Science. Cephalonia (One of the Ionian Islands) Ansted's Ionian Islands, 1863. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. Cephalization (Localization in Animals of important members in the neighbourhood of the head). CEPHALOPOD BEGINNINGS Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. Ceram (Island of the Moluccas). RAINMAKING IN CERAM Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Cerebration (Action of the Brain). UNCONSCIOUS CEREBRATION Macmillan's Mag., vol. 23, 1870-1. CEREBRAL LOCALIZATION Nature, vol. 35, 1887. Ceremony. BUDDHIST, BURMESE, CHINESE, HINDU, MITHRAIC, AND PARSEE CEREMONY Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. CEREMONIES AND RESPECTS Bacon's Essays, 1891. ON CEREMONIALISM, ETC. Blackie's Lay Sermons, 1881. RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES Tylor's Primitive Culture, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Lacroix's Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages, 1874. See also Manners and Customs, Ritual, etc. Certitude (Freedom from doubt). CERTITUDE IN RELIGIOUS ASSENT Cook's Boston Lectures. Dublin Review, vol. 16 (n.s.), 1871. RULE AND MOTIVE OF CERTITUDE Dublin Review, vol. 17 (n.s.), 1871. Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de, Spanish Poet and Novelist, Author of "Don Euixote," died 1616). NOVELS AND ROMANCES OF CERVANTES Sismondi's iterature, 1846. Temple Bar, vol. 48, 1876. GENERAL INFORMATION Brightwell's Industry and Genius, 1889. Coleridge's Miscellanies, 1885. Dublin Review, vol. 26, 1849. King's Cluster of Lives. Langford's Prison Books, 1861. Cervara, Italy Hare's Days near Rome, 1875. Cervetri, Italy Dennis' Cities of Etruria, vol. i, 1883. Hare's Days near Rome, 1875. Cervidse (Genus of the Deer Family) Baker's Wild Beasts and their Ways, 1891. Cestius Church's Last Days of Jerusalem. Cetaceans (An Order of Marine Animals of the larger size). ORGANISATION OF THE CETACEANS Hartwig'sThe Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. GENERAL INFORMATION Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. Cetewayo (ZtiluChief, diediSS^). CETEWAYOAND THE BOERS Gregg's Lifeof Colenso. CETEWAYO AND ISANDHLWANA, 1875-9 Cox's Life of Colenso, 1888. CETEWAYO AND ZULULAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. GENERAL INFORMATION Saturday Rev.,vols. 54-57, 1882-4. Spectator, vol. 55, 1882. CeutO (Town in Morocco belonging to Spain) Brassey's Sunshine and Storm, 1881. Cevennes (Mountain Range in South France) Contemporary Review, vol. 49, 1886. Leisure Hour, vol. 29, 1880. Smiles' Huguenots in France, 1874. Sunday at Home, vol. 25, 1878. [109] CEYLON-CHAMBERLAIN CEYLON (Colony of Great Britain in the Indian Ocean). ACCOUNT OF THE ISLAND OF CEYLON Sydney Smith's Prose Works, 1845. ANCIENT TRADITIONS OF CEYLON Dublin Review, vol. 26, 1849. BACKWOODS OF CEYLON Fortnightly Review, vol. 33, 1880. CINCHONA CULTIVATION IN CEYLON Markham's Peruvian Bark, 1880. DESCRIPTION OF CEYLON English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. ESSAY ON CEYLON De Quincey's Works, vol. n, 1862. FLORA OF CEYLON Nature, vol. 50, 1894. HOLIDAY OUTING IN CEYLON Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. IN CEYLON Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 269, 1890. JANUARY DAYS IN CEYLON Cornhill Magazine, vol. 21 (n.s.), 1893. MARITIME CEYLON Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. ON QUIET RIVERS IN CEYLON Cornhill Magazine, vol. 16, 1891. PLEASANT MEMORIES OF CEYLON Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. RESOURCES OF CEYLON Caine's Trip Round the World, 1892. RUINED CITIES OF CEYLON Geographical Journal, vol. 8, 1896. TRADITIONS CONCERNING THE KINGS OF CEYLON Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Traditions], 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 1888. Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Brassey's Voyage in the "Sunbeam," 1879. Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 10, 1830. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Dublin Review, vol. 47, 1860. Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. Hall's Voyages. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1851. Leisure Hour, vol. i, 1852. Markham's Peruvian Bark, 1880. Marianne North's Recollections of a Happy Life, 1892. Moore's Queen's Empire, 1886. Chad. (Lake in the Sudan) Earth's North Africa, 1890. Chads (Admiral Sir Henry Ducie, died 1868) James' Naval History, vols. 5 & 6, 1878. Cheeronea (Town in Ancient Greece ; Birthplace of Plutarch) Bucke's Ancient Cities. Chaffinch (The). DESCRIPTION OF THE BIRD Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 2. Chain-makers. THE CHAIN-MAKERS OF CRADLEY HEATH Pearson's Mag., vol. 2, 1896. Chairmen. CHAPTER ON CHAIRMEN Chambers' Journal, vol. 8, 1891. Chairs. OUR ANCIENT STONE CHAIRS AND STONES OF INAUGURATION Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part II], 1886. ON CHAIRS Temple Bar, vol. 31, 1870. SOME FAMOUS CHAIRS Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. Chalcedon (Ancient Greek City) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1846. Chaldsea (Southerly part of Babylonia ; its inhabitants were devoted to the study of Magic and Astronomy). ANTIQUITIES AT THE LOUVRE Knowledge, vol. 2, 1882. CHALDEAN ARTS Hammerton's Portfolio, vol. 15, GENERAL INFORMATION Ewa'd's Israel, vol. 4, 1886. Pinnock's Bible and History, 1887. Rawlinson's Ancient Monarchies, vol. I, 1871. Chalfont St. Giles, Buckinghamshire (Refuge of M ilton and Birthplace of " Paradise Lost") Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. Chalices (Communion Cups). CHALICE BRASSES IN YORKSHIRE Reliquary, vol. 31,1891. MEDIAEVAL CHALICES AND PATENS Archaeological Journal, vol. 43, 1886. Chalk. FORAMINIFERA OF THE CHALK OF To-DAY Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. ON A PIECE OF CHALK Huxley's Lay Sermons, 1893. Temple Bar, vol. 2, 1861. Chalk Farm, London, N.W. (Celeb'rated for the Duels fought there) Parke's Hampstead. " Challenger " (Naval Ship used for an expedition for experiments in deep sea soundings). "CHALLENGER" EXPEDITION, ETC. Knowledge, vol. 18, 1805. Nature, vol. 52, 1895. CRUISE OF THE "CHALLENGER" Whymper's Sea: its Stirring Story, etc. LAST OF THE "CHALLENGER" Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. MURRAY'S MUD-LINE Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. [vol. 7, 1895. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE "CHALLENGER" EXPEDITION Natural Science, THE " CHALLENGER " COLLECTIONS Hornaday's Two Years in the Jungle, 1885. Chalmers (Thomas, Scottish Divine, died 1847). CHALMERS AS A PREACHER Taylor's Scot'ish Pulpit, 1887. EARLY DAYS OF DR. CHALMERS Sunday at Home, vol. 7, 1860. GENERAL INFORMATION Anderson's Scottish Nation [Portrait], vol. i, 1880. Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines. Pierson's Evangelistic Work [The Parish Evangelist] , 1892. Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. Teachers and Preachers of Recent Times. Chalons, France. BATTLE OF CHALONS, 451 Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles, 1877. Chamberlain (Joseph, Colonial Secretary 1896. Leader of the Liberal Unionist Party 1886, born 1836). CHAMBERLAIN'S MUNICIPAL CAREER Fortnightly Rev., vol. 63, 1895. CHAMBERLAIN'S POLITICAL CAREER Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 12, 1895. EARLIER POLICY OF MR. CHAMBERLAIN Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. WHITEWASHING OF MR. CHAMBERLAIN [South Africa Committee] Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. Blastus' King's Chamberlain Review of Reviews, 18^6-7. WHERE MR. CHAMBERLAIN LIVES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Cooper's Men of Mark [with portrait], vol. 5. 1876-82. National Review, vol. 27, 1896. Progressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. Reid's Politicians of To-day, 1880. [no] CHAMBERLAYNE-CHAP-BOOKS Chamberlayne (William, Poet, died 1689) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Chambers (Robert, died 1871, and William, died 1883, Scottish Publishers) Academy, 1897. ROBERT CHAMBERS Curwen's History of Booksellers. Temple Bar, vol. 96, 1892. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland. WILLIAM CHAMBERS Athenaeum, vol. i, 1883. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. Chambers (Sir W., Architect, re-built Somerset House 1775, and designed Kew Gardens, died 1796) Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, vol. 4, 1830. Chambord (Comte de, French legitimist Prince, son of Charles X.,died 1883) Leisure Hour [with portrait], vol. 23, 1874. Saturday Review, vol. 56, 1883. Chamfqrt (M. de, French Litterateur, died 1794). CHAMKORT AND RIVAROL Fort- nightly Review, vol. 31, 1879. Chamois (Goat-like Antelope inhabiting inaccessible mountains). CHAMOIS DRIVING AND STALKING English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1895-6. CHAMOIS HUNTING IN THE ALPS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. CHAMOIS LEATHER EMBROIDERY AND PAINTING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891-2. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 22, HUNTING THE CHAMOIS Longman's Magazine, vol. 24, 1894 GENERAL INFORMATION Buxton's Short Talks. Hunting Camps, 1893. Leveson's Sport in Many Lands. Main's Home in the Alps, 1892. Champagne (A Province of France, famous for its Wine). GOSSIP CONCERNING CHAMPAGNE Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1892. Champagne [Wine] Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1856. CHICKEN AND CHAMPAGNE Truth, vol. 12, 1882. Champion (A., Bencher of Middle Temple, died 1801) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Champions. ATHLETIC CHAMPIONS Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. Champlain Lake (U.S., A Lake between Vermont and New York, discovered by S. de Champlain) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 23, 1830. Outing, vol. 18, 1891. Champlain (Samuel de, Geographer, Founder of Quebec, died 1635) Gilman's Path- finders. Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Champmele (Marie, French Actress, died 1698) Hawkins' French Stage, 1884. Chance. CHANCE AND LUCK Saturday Review, vol.63, 1887. Spectator, vol. 60, 1886. GAMES OF CHANCE Taylor's Primitive Culture. Spectator, vol. 63, 1889. THE CERTAINTIES OF CHANCE National Review, vol. n, 1888. Chancellor (Richard, English Navigator, died 1556) Bourne's English Seamen, vol. i, 1868. Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Chancellors. FUNCTIONS OF LORD CHANCELLORS Campbell's Lord Chancellors, vol. i, 1849. Dublin Review, vol. 3, 1837. Ozanam's English Chancellors. Chancery [Court of] (A Division of the High Court of Justice). RELIGION OF MINORS Month, vol. 15, 1870. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 14, 1823. Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, . Campbell's Chancellors, vols. i & 2, 1856-7. Edinburgh Review, vol. 39, 1823-4 & 4 1 - J 824-5. Quarterly Review, vol. 30, 1823-4. Chandler (Samuel, Nonconformist Divine, did 1766) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840. Channel Bridge. PROPOSED CHANNEL BRIDGE Fortnightly Review, vol. 61, 1894. Channel Islands. CELTIC MONUMENTS Archaeologia, vol. 35. CHANNEL ISLANDS AND LAND TENURE Fortnightly Review, vol. 25, 1876. CHRONICLES OF THE CHANNEL ISLANDS All the Year Round, vol. 41, 1878. LEGENDS Bentley's Miscellany, vol. 53, 1863. GENERAL INFORMATION Argosy, vols. 37 & 38, 1884. Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, 1890. Cassell's Family Magazine, vol. 4, 1878. Fortnightly Review, vol. 32, 1879. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 281, 1896. Graphic, vol. 50, 1894. Leisure Hour, vol. 9, 1860. Quarterly Review, vol. 61, 1838. Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. See also Guernsey, Jersey, Sark, A Iderncy, etc. Channel Tunnel. STORY OF THF: CHANNEL TUNNEL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. THE " SILVER STREAK " AND THE CHANNEL TUNNEL Contemporary Review, vol. 43, 1883. GENERAL INFORMATION Harrison's Travels in Europe. Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. Report of British Association, 1882. Channing (William Ellery, American Writer and Philanthropist, died 1842) Dublin Review, vol. 25, 1848. Griswold's Prose Writers of America. Liddon's Divinity of our Lord, 1891. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. Chantabon, Siam Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. u, 1830. Chantilly (Seat of the late Due D'Awnale, bequeathed to the French Nation). CHANTILLY AND THE Due D'AUMALE Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. ROUND ABOUT PARIS, CHANTILLY AND COMPIEGNE All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Guide to Paris. Chantry (Sir Francis, English Sculptor, died 1841) Leisure Hour, vol. 13, 1864. Chantry-lands Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Chap-Books. CHAP-BOOKS IN TULLIE HOUSE, CARLISLE Transactions of the Cumberland Antiquarian Society, vol. 14. [in] CHAPLAINS-CHARITY Chaplains Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. See also Clergy, etc. Chapman (George, English Poet, Earliest Translator of Homer, died 1634). BRIEF SKETCH OF His CAREER Harper's Magazine, vol. 24, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Chapman (J., Archdeacon of Sudbnry, 1741) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Chapman and Hall (Publishers) Fortnightly Review [Death of F. Chapman, 1895], vol. 57 (n.s.), 1895. Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. CHARACTER. A FEW WORDS ON CHARACTER Lubbock's The Use of Life, 1894. .(ESTHETICS OF HUMAN CHARACTER Fortnightly Review, vol. 15, 1871. ARE ACQUIRED CHARACTERS INHERITED ? Fortnightly Review, vol. 59, 1893. BEAUTY, COMPOSITION, EXPRESSION AND CHARACTERIZATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 49, 1888. BEAUTY OF CHARACTER Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875. CHARACTER AS A CURE OF SUICIDE Morselli's Suicide, 1881. CHARACTER BUILDING Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. ELEMENTS OF CHARACTER Ellis' Education of Character, 1856. FRENCH CHARACTER SEEN THROUGH ENGLISH SPECTACLES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. HEREDITARY TALENT AND CHARACTER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. iz, 1865. INFLUENCE OF CHARACTER Smiles' Character, 1874. MEASUREMENT OF CHARACTER Fortnightly Review, vol. 42, 1884. ON DECISION OK CHARACTER Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 5. WRITTEN GESTURE Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind. Emerson's Essays, 1845. Leisure Hour, vol. 7, 1858. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Characters. CHRONICLES AND CHARACTERS : A Review of Hon. R. Lytton's Book, "Chronicles and Characters" [Writers, Poets, etc.] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. Charcoal (A term applied to impure Carbon generally produced by Charred Wood). ANIMAL CHARCOAL MACHINERY Spons' Dictionary of Engineering [supp.], 1879. SANITARY APPLICATIONS OF CHARCOAL Journal of Society of Arts, vol. 3, 1854. WOOD-CHARCOAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 66. 1889. Charcoal Drawing Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891-2. And under Drawing. Chardin (Jean, French Traveller in the East, died 1713). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. "Charge of the Light Brigade " (National Poem) Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. Charing Cross Thornbury's Haunted London. Timbs" Curiosities of London, 1855. Charing Palace Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1887. CHARITY and CHARITIES. (See also under Almshonses, Philanthropists, etc.) A MORE EXCELLENT WAY OF CHARITY Hill's Common Land, 1877. CHARITABLE ENDOWMFNTS AND THE STATE Fortnightly Review, vol. 8, 1867. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF ITALY Dublin Review, vol. 14, 1843. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF ROME Dublin Review, vol. 6, 1839. CHARITY COMMISSION Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. CHARITY ORGANISATION SOCIETY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1879. Truth, vol. 10, 1881. CHARITY SALARIES Truth, vol. 35, 1894. CHRISTIAN CHARITY Hughes' Ethical Christianity, 1891. CHRISTIAN CHARITY AND POLITICAL ECONOMY Dublin Review, vol. 30 (n.s.), 1878. CITY PAROCHIAL CHARITIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 18-9-80. CURIOUS CHARITIES Andrews' England in the Days of Old, 1897. ENDOWED CHARITIES AND PAUPERISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. 'KNDOWMENT OF OLD AGE Booth's Pauperism, 1892. EFFECTUAL CHARITY Hill's Common Land, 1877. ENGLISH CHARITY Head's Essays contributed to the Quarterly Review. FAILURES OF CHARITY Leisure Hour, vol. 22, 1873. FEW WORDS ON CHARITY Lubbock's Use of Life. FUTURE OF THE CITY CHARITIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. INDISCRIMINATE CHARITY Malthus' Essay on Population, 1888. ORGANISATION OF CHARITY Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. Macmillan's Magazine [Charity Organisaiion Society], vol. 40, 1879. Osborne's Letters. ORGANISED CHARITY Truth, vol. 17, 1885. PARISH COUNCILS AND PARISH CHARITIES Contemporary Review, vol. 64, 1893. PRINCIPLES AND DANGERS OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF CHARITY International Journal of Ethics, vol. 3, 1892-3. SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY OF CHARITY ORGANISATION Contemporary Rev., vol. 70, 1896. THEATRICAL CHARITY Truth, vol. 9, 1881. WANTED : AN INSPECTOR OF CHARITIES Truth, vol. 28, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Leisure Hour, vol. 22, 1873. Maurice's Theological Essays, 1853. Sunday at Home, vol. 15, 1868. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. [112] CHARLEMAGNE-CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA CHARLEMAGNE (Charles the Great, Emperor of the West, died 814). CONQUESTS OF CHARLEMAGNE Sheppard's Rome, 1892. His ALLIANCE WITH SCOTLAND Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-8. LEGENDS OK CHARLEMAGNE Prater's Mag., vol. 74, i860. Stanhope's Miscellanies. MOMBERTS HISTORY Saturday Review, vol. 67, 1889. MONEY SYSTEM OF CHARLEMAGNE Del Mar's Money and Civilisation, 1885. ROMANCES OF CHARLEMAGNE KingV Sketches and Studies, 1874. WARS OF CHARLEMAGNE IN SPAIN Retrospective Review, vol. 3, 1822. GENERAL INFORMATION Adams' Great Names in European History. De Quincey's Works, 1863. Hug's Switzerland, 1890. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 3, 1873. Neil's Epoch Men, 1882. Poole's Moors in Spain. Swainsori's Apostles' Creeds, CHARLES I. (King of England, beheaded 1649). (See also Charles I. and II, following Charles II.; Commonwealth, Cromwell, England, Royalists, etc.) CHARLES I. AT MADRID, 1623 Cochrane's Historic Pictures. CLERICAL LIFE IN TIME OF CHARLES I. Jeaffreson's Book About Clergy, 1870. EXECUTION OF CHARLES I. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. FIRST FIVE YEARS OF THE REIGN OF CHARLES I. Masson s Drummond of Haw- thornden, 1873. LAST NIGHT OF CHARLES I. Leisure Hour, vol. 23, 1874. SECRET HISTORY OF CHARLES I. Jones' Recollections ot Royalty, 1828. STATUE OF CHARLES I. AT CHARING CROSS Cunningham's London. Middlesex and Herts. Notes and Queries, Jan., 1898. TRIAL OF THE KING Harrison's Oliver Cromwell [Twelve English Statesmen]. GENERAL INFORMATION Brook's Puritans, 1813. Campbell's Chancellors, 1856-7. Carlyle's Letters, etc., of Oliver Cromwell, 1892. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 6. Lodge's Portraits, vol. 4, 1850. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Price's Protestant Nonconformity, 1836. Half-Hours of English History, edited by Knight & Valentine. Charles II. (King of England, son of above, died 1685). AN EULOGY OF CHARLES II. New Review, vol. 12, 1895. CHARACTER OF CHARLES II. Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 5, 1890. EXPENSES OF CHARLES II. IN THE CITY OF WORCESTER Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i, 1872. WHAT BECAME OF CHARLES II. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 274, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Carlyle's Letters, etc., of Oliver Cromwell, 1892. Guizot's Monk and the Restoration of England, 1866. Kent's Footprints on the Road, 1864. Lives of the Norths, 1826. Morris' Claverhouse, 1892. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Stoughton's Church of the Restora- tion, 1870. Wlieatley s Pepys' Diary and Correspondence, 1880. Charles I. and II. Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Smyth's Lectures on Modern History. Charles V. (Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, died 1558). ABDICATION OF CHARLES V. Prescott's History of the Reign of Philip II., 1877. CLOISTER LIFE OF CHARLES V. Dublin Review, vol. 37, 1854. CORRESPONDENCE OF CHARLES V. Dublin Review, vol. 29, 1850. THE EMPEROR MONK Leisure Hour, vol. 2. 1853. GENERAL INFORMATION Beard's Reformation of the i6th Century, 1885. Blackwood's Mag., vol. 82, 1857. Bryce's Holy Roman Empire, Edinburgh Rev., vol. 101, 1855. Hosack's Law of Nations, 1882. Senior's Biographical Sketches, 1863. Charles VIII. (King of France, died 1498) Roscoe's Life of Leo X, 1883. Charles IX. (King of France, died 1574) Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, 1892. Charles X. (King of France, died 1836) Larmartine's History of the Restoration. Charles XI. (King of Sweden.) See a/so Bernadotte (Charles Jean). Charles XII. King of Sweden, killed 1718) Gurney's God's Heroes and World's Heroes. Hosack's Law of Nations, 1882. Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers, 1865. Charles XV. (King of Sweden and Norway, died 1872) Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1888. Charles Of Orleans (French Poet, died 1465) Besant's Studies in Early French Poetry. Charles the Bold (Duke of Burgundy, killed 1477). REVIEW OF KIRKE'S HISTORT OF CHARLES THE BOLD Fortnightly Review, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1868. Swiss STRUGGLE WITH CHARLES THE BOLD Switzerland and the Swiss [Sketches of the Country and its Famous Men]. Charles Edward Stuart (Prince, the Young Pretender, Grandson of James II., died 1788) Chambers' Rebellion of 1745-6, 1869. Oliphant's George II., 1869. Tytler's Tales of the Great and the Brave. See also under Pretender and Stuart. Charleston (Seaport in South Carolina, U.S.) CHARLESTON AND THE CAROLINAS Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. Reminiscences of America. Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. i, 1873. Charlesworth (Edward, Geologist, died 1893) Essex Review, vol. 3, 1894. Charlotte Augusta (Princess, only Daughter of George IV., died 1817) FREE THOUGHTS ON THE RELIGIOUS CELEBRATION OF THE FUNERAL OF THE PRINCESS CHARLOTTE M'Cries Miscellaneous Writings. GENERAL INFORMATION Hall's Royal Princesses of England, 1658. I [113] CHARLOTTE-CHATHAM Charlotte (Queen of Wurtcmberg, eldest Daughter of George III., died 1828) Hall's Royal Princesses of England from the Reign of George II., 1858. Charlotte de Bourbon (Princess of Orange, died 1582) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, 1855. Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency (Princess of Condi, died 1609) Holt's Memoirs ot Royal Ladies, 1861. Charlotte Sophia (Queen of George III.,died 1818) Doran's Queens of England, 1875. Girl's Own Annual [A Young Queen-Consort], vol. 18, 1896-7. Thackeray's Four Georges, 1878-9. Charlton (Margaret, Wife of Richard Baxter, died :68i) Anderson's Memorable Women, 1862. Charms (Articles supposed to possess supernatural power, Incantations, Spells, etc.) AFRICAN CHARMS Mackay of Uganda, by his Sister, 1892. CHARM-MEDICINES Catholic World, vol.43, 1886. CHARMS, OMENS, ETC. All the Year Round, vol. 59, 1886-7. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Popular Superstitions], 1884. GERMAN CHARMS Saturday Review, vol. 60, 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Academy, vol. 31, 1887. Brand's Antiquities, 1853. Chambers' Journal, vol. 50, 1873. Charnley (William, Publisher, died 1803) Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. Charter (A Written Instrument or Contract). CHARTERS GRANTED TO THE CITY OF LONDON Norton's City of London, 1829. See Magna Charta, Beauly, etc. Chartered Companies Chambers' Journal, vol. 13, 1896. Chartered Company. How TO DEAL WITH THE CHARTERED COMPANY Truth, vol. 39, 1896. SOUTH AFRICA AND THE CHARTERED COMPANY Contemporary Rev., vol. 69, 1896. WORK OF THE CHARTERED COMPANY Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. Charterhouse (School and Charitable Foundation in London until 1872; when the School was moved to Godalming). ACCOUNT OF THE CHARTER-HOUSE SCHOOL Staunton's Schools of England, 1865. ANCIENT BUILDINGS OF THE CHARTERHOUSE Archaeological Journal, vol. 43, 1886. ART TEACHING AT CHARTERHOUSE Art Journal, June, 1885. CHARTERHOUSE MUSEUM AT GODALMING Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Timbs' Curiosities of London. See also Carthusians, etc. Chartier (Alain, Poet, died 1458) Besant's Studies in Early French Poetry, 1868. Chartists (Political Reformers who advocated Universal Suffrage, etc., about 1848). CHARTISTS AND THEIR LEADERS Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. THE CHARTISTS: Who were they? Century Magazine, vol. i, 1881. GENERAL INFORMATION Carlyle's Essays. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times. Chartley Earthworks and Castle Journal of the British Archaeological Asso- ciation, vol. 2 (n.s.), Chartography. EARLY MAPS AND CHARTS Winsor's Christopher Columbus. GENERAL INFORMATION Stanley's Darkest Africa, 1890. See also Cartography, Maps, etc. Chartres, France. CHARTRES CATHEDRAL Trollope's Western France, 1841. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Northern France. Good Words, vol. 37, 1897. Chartreuse (Carthusian Monastery in S.E. France ; noted for the manufacture of the Liqueur called Chartreuse). DESCRIPTION OF LA GRANDE CHARTREUSE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers's Journal, vol. 66, 1889. Taylor's Byways of Europe, 1882. Temple Bar, vol. 78, 1886. Chase (Land stored with Animals for Hunting purposes). BEASTS OF THE CHASE Beaufort's Hunting [Badminton Library], 1891. HISTORY AND LAWS OF THE CHASE Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880. Chastity Cunningham's Path towards Knowledge, 1891. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Chateaubriand (Fra^ois, R. A., Viscomte de, French Author and Statesman, died 1848). LOVES OF CHATEAUBRIAND New Review, vol. 2, 1890. THOUGHTS ON CHATEAUBRIAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Alison's Essays, 1850. Foster's Critical Essays. Prescott's Miscellanies, 1845. Robertson's Lectures, 1858. Chateaulin, France (A Town near Finistere) Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Chatham, Kent (One of the chief Military and Naval Stations in England). A ROYAL DOCKYARD Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. DOCKYARDS OF CHATHAM All the Year Round, vol. 70, 1892. ROCHESTER AND CHATHAM Myrback & Villars' Sketches of England, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Kent, 1886. Frost's In Kent with Charles Dickens, 1880. Hughes' Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land, 1891. ["4] CHATHAM-CHELSEA Chatham (William Pitt, Earl of, Famous British Statesman ami Orator, died 1778 Adams' English Party Leaders, 1878, and, Men at the Helm, 1862. Blackwood's Magazine, vols. 13,1823; 34,1833; 37-39,1835-6; 92,1862. Campbell's Chancellors, 1856-7. Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Macaulay's Essays. Sir G. O. Trevelyan's Early Life of C. J. Fox. Westminster Review, vol. 78, 1862. See also Pitt (W.) Chatham Islands, South Pacific. THE CHATHAM ISLANDS AND AN ANTARCTIC CONTINENT Nature, vol. 47, 1893. Chatsworth (Seat of the Duke of Devotukirt). CHATSWORTH AND ITS LIBRARY Hone's Table Book, 1827. The Library, vol. 8, 1896. DAY AT CHATSWORTH Leisure Hour, vol. 2, 1853. THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE'S HOMES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Buxton, 1886. Pall Mall Mag., vol. 11,1897. Chatterton (Thomas, English Poet, committed suicide 1770). CHATTERTON AND His ASSOCIATES Harper's Magazine, vol. 67, 1883. ESSAY ON THE LIFE OF THOMAS CHATTERTON Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. NOTES ON His BIRTH AND PARENTAGE Athenaeum, vol. i, 1882. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Edinburgh Review, vol. 4, 1804. J. R. Lowell's My Study Window. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. CHAUCER (Geoffrey, English Poet, Author of the " Canterbury Tales," etc., died 1400). BRIEF SKETCH OF His CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1892-3. CHAUCER AND BOCCACCIO National Review, vol. 8, 1886-7. COMMENTS AND QUOTATIONS Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-1877. CRITICISM OF CHAUCER'S WORK Warton's English Poetry. DESCRIPTIVE POETRY OF CHAUCER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. HISTORICAL ALLUSIONS IN SUNDRY ENGLISH POETS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. NEW FACTS IN THE LIFE OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER Fortnightly Rev., vol. 6, 1866. PROVERBS IN CHAUCER Chambers's Journal, vol. 9, 1892. RECENT WORK AT CHAUCER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 27, 1872-3. SKELETON OF THE CANTERBURY TALES Bradshaw's Collected Papers, 1889. THE PROLOGUE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 63, 1890-1. WITH CHAUCER ON FLEET BRIDGE Archer's Highway of Letters, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Specimens of British Poets. Cunningham's English Nation [Portrait], vol. i. Disraeli's Amenities of Literature. Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 2. Hamilton's Poets Laureate. Jeaffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. King's Cluster of Lives. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. i. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 9, 1875. Neil's Epoch Men, 1882. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Chaumette (P. G., French Revolutionist, guillotined 1794). CHAUMETTE AND THE FIRST COMMUNE OF PARIS, 1793 Fortnightly Review, vol. 17, 1872. Chauncey (Sir H., Lawyer and Hertfordshire Historian, died 1700) Woolrych's Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Chautauqua (Summer Resort and Lake, WesternNew York). A POPULAR UNIVERSITY Contemporary Review, vol. 51, 1087. CHAUTAUQUA LITERARY CIRCLE Century Magazine, vol. 9, 1885. CHAUTAUQUA RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATION Spectator, vol. 55, 1882. Cheapside, London Augustus Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Cheapside Taverns Chambers' Book of Days. Cunningham's Handbook, vol. i. Dodsley's London, vol. 2. Cheddar, Somersetshire (Noted for its Cheese). A LEGEND OF CHEDDAR CLIFFS Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Traditions], 1885. Murray's Handbook to Somersetshire. "Cheer, Boys, Cheer" (Sowg") Fitz-gerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Cheerfulness British Essayists [Motives of Cheerfulness], vol. 12, 1823. Treasury orReligious Thought, 1891. Cheese. CHEDDAR AND CHESHIRE CHEESE MAKING Sheldon's Dairy Farming. CHEESE-MAKING Tallerman's Trade Depression, 1889. English Illust , vol. 3, 1886. CHESHIRE CHEESE Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896-7. English Illust., vol. 3, 1886. SCIENTIFIC VALUE OF CHEESE FACTORIES Nature, vol. 4, 1871. Cheever (George B., American Miscellaneous Writer) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1870. Cheke (Sir John, Greek Scholar, Tutor to Edward VI., died 1557) Archasologia, vol. 38. Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Seebohin's The Oxford Reformers. Chelmsford (County Town of Essex). ARCHITECTURE OF CHELMSFORD CHURCH Essex Archaeological Society's Transactions, vol. 2, 1863. GENERAL INFORMATION Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, 1892. Essex, etc. Chelsea (Noted for its Hospital for Soldiers, and for the number of celebrated persons who have resided here). CHELSEA CHURCH Penny Magazine, vol. i, CHEYNE WALK Art Journal, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1882. CURIOSITIES OF CHELSEA Leisure Hour, vol. 16, 1867. [vol. 8, 1891. OLD CHELSEA AND ITS HOSPITAL Century Mag., vol. n, 1886-7. Chambers' Jour., GENERAL INFORMATION Cunningham's Handbook of London. Emerson's London, 1862. Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Suburban Homes of London, 1881. [115] CHELTENHAM-CHESS Cheltenham (Watering-place iii Gloucestershire). ACCOUNT or THE CHELTENHAM GRAMMAR SCHOOL Staunton's Schools of England, 1865. ARCHITECTURAL NOTES IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CHELTENHAM Archaeological Journal, vol. 4, 1847. [vol.2. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Gloucestershire, 1884. Land we Live in, CHEMISTRY. (See also Alchemy, Blowpipe, Metallurgy, Transmutation, etc.) CHEMICAL FORMUL* Ure's Dictionary of Arts, vol. i. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS IN THE "CHALLENGER" REPORT Natural Sci., vol.7, l &95- CHEMISTRY OF FOOD AND COOKERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [p. 470], 1881-2. CHEMISTRY OF THE SEA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. JOHNSTON ON CHEMICAL SCIENCE British Association Report, 1831-2. ON CHEMICAL RAYS AND THE LIGHT OF THE SKY Fortnightly Review, vol. n, 1869. PAST AND PRESENT STATE OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE Dublin Review, vol. 38, 1855. PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Ashby's Notes on Physiology, 1889. PRESENT METHODS OF TEACHING _CHEMISTRY Report of the British Assoc., 1890. PROGRESS OF CHEMISTRY DURING THE QUEEN'S REIGN Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. RISE AND DEVELOPMENT OF SYNTHETICAL CHEMISTRY Fortnightly Rev., v. 59, 1893. RISE OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. SPECTROSCOPE IN RECENT CHEMISTRY Fortnightly Review, vol, 64, 1895. STELLAR CHEMISTRY Roscoe's Spectrum Analysis, 1869. THE BIRTH OF CHEMISTRY Nature, vol. 6, 1872. WHAT CHEMISTRY SAYS OF ALCOHOL Wings, vol. 13, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13. 1891. Buckle's Civilization in England. Dublin Review, vol. 13, 1842. Every Boy's Book. Pepper's Playbook of Metals. Pepper's Playbook of Science. Richardson's Cantor Lectures. Chemists. OUR PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS Parkinson's Places and People, 1869. Chepstow, Monmouthshire (Noted for its Castle). DESCRIPTION OF CHEPSTOW CASTLE Beattie's Castles & Abbeys of England, 1851. Freeman's Nor. Conq., v. 5. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Hereford, 1884. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities], 1890. Cheques Laing's Theory of Business, 1869. Cherbourg, France (Important Naval Port and Fortress). CHERBOURG AT THE END OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Young's Travels in France, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 52, 1883. Baedeker's Northern France, from Belgium and the English Channel to the Loire, 1889. Cherokee Indians Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. " Cherry Ripe " (Song) Fitz-gerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Chertsey, Surrey. CHERTSEY ABBEY: Its Seals and Pavements Archaeological Journal, vol. 15, 1858. Brayley's History of Surrey, 1850. CHERTSEY FARTHING Hone's Year Book, 1845. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Surrey, 1887. Brayley's Surrey. Cherubini (Maria Luigi Salvatore, Italian Composer, died 1842). HOGARTH'S MEMOIRS OF THE OPERA, 1851 -Naumann's History of Music, 1886. Cherubs (An Order of A ngels) Ewald's Israel, vols. 3 & 4, 1886. Kitto's Journal, vol. 10, 1853, & vol. 23, 18.59. Cheshire (English Maritime County). ETHNOLOGY OF CHESHIRE, TRACED CHIEFLY IN THE LOCAL NAMES Archaeological Journal, vol. 17, 1860. CHESHIRE CUSTOMS Hone's Everyday Book, 1827. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN CHESHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano- British Remains], 1887. PLACES IN CHESHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Topography, part ii.], 1892. TOPOGRAPHY OF CHESHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Topography, part ii.] WITCHCRAFT IN CHESHIRE Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Popular Superstitions], 1884. See also under names of places, e.g., Birkenhead, Chester, Crewe, Northwich, etc. Chesney (Sir George, Founder of the Royal Engineering College, and A ttlhor of the "Battle of Dorking"). NOTICE OF SIR GEORGE CHESNEY Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. CHESS (A Game of great antiquity, probably originating in India). ANCIENT CHESS-MEN Archaeological Journal, vol. 3, 1846. AUTOMATIC CHESS AND CARD PLAYING Proctor's Science Byways, 1875. BLINDFOLD CHESS Chambers' Journal, vol. 36, 1861. CHESS AND CHESS CLUBS Good Words, vol. 37, 1897. CHESS BY TELEGRAPH Littell's Livjng Age, vol. 5, 1845. CHESS MASTERS OF TO-DAY Fortnightly Review, vol. 46, 1886. CHESS WITHOUT THE CHKSS-BOARD Fiaser's Magazine, vol. 21, 1880. CONCERNING CHESS Wells' Certain Personal Matters, 1897. CURIOSITIES OF CHESS Chambers' Journal, vol. 17, 1852. HISTORY OF CHESS All the Year Round, vol. 13, 1865. INTERNATIONAL CHESS TOURNAMENT Daily Graphic, vol. 23, 1895. MAJOR TACTICS OF CHESS Pall Mail Magazine, vol. n, 1897. MEMORABLE GAME OF CHESS Chambers' Journal, vol. 7, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vols. i, 1879; n, 1889; & 13, 1891, Every Boy's Book. Hone's Year Book. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recrea- tions. Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. [ 116 ] CHBSSHYBE-CHIFPINCH Chesshyre (Sir J., Barrister, died 1738) VVoolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. CHESTER (County Town of Cheshire; the Raman Castra; noted for its Cathedral, its Walls, and its Rows. See also Cheshire, etc.) / AGE OF THE CITY WALLS OF CHESTER Archaeological Journal, vol. 44, 1887. CHESTER CATHEDRAL Baedeker's Guide to Great Bi itain, 1890. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Ward Lock's Our National Cathedrals [Illustrated History and Description], 1887. CHESTER IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. EARLY HISTORY OF CHESTER Archaeological Journal, vol. 43, 1886. MEDIAEVAL GOLDSMITHS IN CHESTER Journal of Chester Arch. Society, vol. 4 (n.s.) ROMAN INSCRIPTIONS IN CHESTER Athenaeum, 1890, vol. 2. ROMAN WALLS OF CHESTER Antiquary, vols. 17, 18, 19 (n.s.), 1888-9. GENERAL INFORMATION Academy, vol. 32, 1887; & vol 40, 1893. Athenaeum, 1891, vol. i. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 2. Freeman's English Towns, 1883. Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 4. Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1892. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, 1887. Murray's Cheshire, etc., 1879. Murray's Guide to North Wales, 1874. Myrback & Villars' Sketches of England, 1891. Chesterfield, on the Rother, Derbyshire. CHURCH OF CHESTERFIF.LD WITH THE CROOKED STEEPLE English Illusi rated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Tourist's Guide. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Topography, part iii.], 1893. Penny Magazine, vol. 4, Chesterfield. (P. D. Stanhope, Earl of, English Statesman and Author, died 1773) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Croker's Boswell, 1860. Hassall's Bolingbroke, 1889. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. Oliphant's George II., 1869. Wharton's Wits and Beaux, 1890. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Chesterton Black's Guide to Warwickshire, 1892. Journal of the British Archaeo- logical Association, vol. 2 (n.s.). Chests. OAK CHESTS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19 (n.s.), 1892. Chevalier (A., Composer and Singer of Costcrmonger Ballads, born 1862) Critic, vol. 28, 1896. Chevrette. THE CUTTING OUT OF THE CHEVRETTE Chambers' Journal, vol.8, 1891. vol. 13, 1864. Murray's Guide to Durham, 1890. Cheyne (Rev. Thomas K., Oriel Professor of the Interpretation of Scripture, Oxford, born 1841). SKETCH OF PROFESSOR CHEYME [with Portrait] Expositor, vol. 9, 1889. CHICAGO (Second City in United States, Scat of the Great Columbian Exhibition of 1893). CHICAGO BEFORE THE FIRE AND AFTER Scribner's Magazine, vol. 17, 1895. CHICAGO EXHIBITION Nineteenth Century, vol 31, 1892. CHICAGO IN ITS INFANCY All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. Civic LIFE OF CHICAGO Review of Reviews, vol. 8, 1893. DESCRIPTION OF CHICAGO Pall Mali Matjazine, vol. i, 1893. "IF CHRIST CAME TO CHICAGO" REVIEWED Contemporary Review, vol. 66, 1894. Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894, & vol. 12, 1895. IN THE SLUMS OF CHICAGO Quiver, vol. 29, 1894 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Scribner's Magazine, vol 18, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Butler's Great Lone Land, 1873. Harper's Mag., vol. 77, 1888, & vol. 84, 1892. Hodder's Cities of the World: their Origin, Progress, and Present Aspect. Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Marshall's Through America, 1882. Quarterley Review, vol. 177, 1893. Reminiscences of America by Two Englishmen, 1870. Trollope's North America, 1862. Chicheley (Henry, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1443) Hook's Archbishops, vol. 5. Chichester (Noted for its Cathedral). ACCOUNT OF THE TOWN OF CHICHESTER Black's Guide to Sussex. Excursions Through Sussex, 1822. ARMS OF THE SEE OF CHICHESTER Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol. 40. CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, 1890. Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1890. Ward Lock's Our National Cathedrals [Illustrated Description and History], 3 vols., 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Sussex. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 6 Freeman's English Towns, 1883. Land We Live in, vol 3. Chickens. CHICKEN FARMING IN SUSSEX Daily Graphic, vol. 30, 1897. CHICKEN MANUFACTURE [Incubation] Strand'Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. EGGS AND CHICKENS IN MID WINTER Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889-90. INSTINCT AND INTELLIGENCE IN CHICKS AND DUCKLINGS Nat. Science, vol.4, 1894- REARING CHICKENS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1890-1. And under Poultry, etc. Chicory (Sold as an Admixture with Coffee) Ure's Dictionary of Arts, etc., 1860. Chief Justices. LORD CAMPBELL'S LIVES OF CHIEF JUSTICES Seniors' Biographical Sketches, 1863. GENERAL INFORMATION Serjeant Ballantine's Experiences, 1883. Judges, Law, etc. Chifflnch (William, Courtier, Clerk of the Closet to Charles II., died 1688) Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England, 1855. ["7] CHIGWELL-CHILDREN Chigrwell, Essex. CHARLES DICKENS AND CHIGWELL Page's Essex in the Days of Old. GENERAL INFORMATION History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 4. And Histories of Essex by Morant, Wright, Barrett, etc. Chilblains. CONCERNING CHAPS AND CHILBLAINS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1884-5. Child. See Children, Boys, Girls, Schools, etc. Child (Mrs. Lydia M., Amencan Author and Supporter of the Abolition Movement, died 1880). DARTON'S FAMOUS GIRLS Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Childers (Hon. Hugh, Home Secretary 1886, bom 1827) Gladstone Government, 1869. Childlessness. CHILDLESSNESS IN RELATION TO GEIIIUS Nisbet's Insanity of Genius, 1891. CHILDREN. (See also Boys, Girls, Youth, Education, Schools,* Colleges, Labour, Society, Reformatories, Workhouses, etc.) ABOUT FRENCH CHILDREN Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. BABY ACTORS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. BABY- FARM ING Contemporary Review, vol. 57, 1890. BABY-LIFE IN POLYNESIA Sundowner's Rambles in Polynesia, 1897. BOARDING-OUT OF PAUPER CHILDREN Fortnightly Review, vol. 15, 1871. BRINGING-UP AND EDUCATION OF CHILDREN Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-8. CHAT ABOUT CHILD MODELS Photogram, vol. 3, 1896. CHILD IN RECPNT ENGLISH LITERATURE Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. CHILD LABOUR Contemporary Rev., vol. 59, 1891. Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. ' CHILD-LIFE INSURANCE Contemporary Review, vol. 58, 1890. Fortnightly Review, vols. 54-5, 1890-1. CHILD MARRIAGE AND ITS CONSEQUENCES Truth, vol. 28, 1890. CHILD OF THE ENGLISH SAVAGE Contemporary Review, vol. 49, 1886. CHILD OF THE FORKST Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. CHILD STUDY IN AMERICA Academy, vol. 51, 1897. CHILDREN AND CHRISTMAS BOOKS Woman, December, 1896. CHILDREN IN COLLIERIES Hodder's Life of Lord Shaftesbury, 1888. CHILDREN OF THE CITY 'Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. CHILDREN ON THE STAGE Theatre, vol. i, (n.s.), 1878-9. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING SCHEME IN EDINBURGH Review of Reviews, vols. 7 & 8, 1893. CHILDREN'S HAPPY EVENINGS Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. CHILDREN'S RIGHTS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 12, 1892. CHILDREN'S THEOLOGY Cornhill Magazine, vol. i, 1896. CIRCUS CHILDREN Truth, vol. 17, 1885. CRUELTY TO CHILDREN Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. CRY OF THE CANAL CHILDREN Quiver, vol. 32, 1896-7. CRY OF THE CHILDREN Truth, vol. 19, 1886. DR. BOWMAN STEPHENSON AND THE CHILDREN'S HOME Sunday Mag., vol. 26, 1890. DUTIES OF CHILDREN Channing's Complete Works, 1842-4. ENFANTS ASSISTES OF PARIS New Review, vol. 16, 1897. FAVOURITE BOOKS OF CHILDHOOD Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. FLOGGING OF CHILDREN Hone's Every-Day Book, vol. i. HOSPITAL FOR INCURABLE CHILDREN : a Sketch Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881-2. How TO AMUSE CHILDREN Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1887-8. HUMOROUS ASPECT OF CHILDREN National Review, vol. 27. 1896. IN ARCADY [Review of Kenneth Grahame's "The Golden Age": a Book about Children] New Review, vol. 13, 1895. INCUBATED BABIES Daily Graphic, vol. 24, 1895. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING OK DESTITUTE CHILDREN Contemporary Rev., vol. 47, 1885. INFANT MARRIAGE IN INDIA Contemporary Review, vol. 58, 1890. JUVENILE OFFENDER AND THE CONDITIONS WHICH PRODUCE HIM International Journal of Ethics, vol. 5, 1894-5. LARGE FAMILIES Chambers' Book of Days, vol. i, 1866-8. LAW AS REGARDS CHILDREN Paterson's Liberty of the Subject, 1877. LOST AND STOLEN OF OUR POOR CHILDREN Dublin Review, vol. 17, 1887. MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN Leisure Hour, vol. 3, 1854. MANAGEMENT OF INFANTS Chambers' Miscellany, vol. i, 1844. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DEFECTS OF CHILDREN British Association Reports, 1895. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL TRAINING OF CHILDREN Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. MRS. MEYNELL ON CHILDREN Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. NEW STUDY OF CHILDREN Fortnightly Keview, vol. 58, 1895. NOTES ON POETRY FOR CHILDREN Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. ON THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN British Essayists, vol. 10, 1823. PECULIAR CHILDREN Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. PLEA FOR PRECOCIOUS CHILDREN Good Words, vol. 37, 1897. POOR CHILDREN'S HOLIDAY Fortnightly Review, vol. 59. 1893. PUNISHMENT OF CHILDREN International Journal of Ethics, vol. 4, 1893-4. RELIGIOUS TRAINING OF CHILDREN International Journal of Ethics, vol. 7, 1896-7. REV. B. WAUGH AND THE NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO CHILDREN Review of Reviews, vol. 4, 1891. RIGHTS OF CHILDREN Contemporary Review, vol. 54, 1888. Spencer's Justice, 1891 SATURDAY'S CHILDREN Argosy, vol. 59, 1895. [118] CHILDREN-CHINA Children (continued). SCHOOL TRAINING OK YOUNG CHILDREN London, vol. 6, 1897. SCIENCE FOR CHILDREN Nature, vol. i, 1869. SPEECH OF CHILDREN Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. STAGE CHILDREN Theatre, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1889. STREET CHILDREN Contemporary Review, vol. 53, 1888. SUGGESTIONS FOR ENTERTAINING CHILDREN Woman, January, 1895. SUPERSTITIONS REGARDING CHILDREN Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. THINGS MADE BY CHILDREN- Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. TRAMP CHILDREN Quiver, vol. 31, 1896. TREATMENT OF CHILDREN IN OLDEN TIMES Chambers' Book of Days. Hone's Table Book, 1827. TROUBLESOME CHILDREN Woman, January, 1895. UNNATURAL CHILDREN Fortnightly Review, vol. 37, 1882. VIRTUES AND FAULTS OF CHILDHOOD Yonge's Womankind, 1876. WORKHOUSE CHILDREN AND TOTAL ABSTINENCE Wings, vol. 15, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Burder's Oriental Literature, 1822. Truth, vol. 10, 1881. Chili (A Republic of South America; noted for its Nitre, Silver, and Copp>r Mines). CHILIAN REVOLUTION Contemporary Review, vol. 60, 1891. CONCERNING CHILI Fortnightly Review, vol. 42, 1884. DESCRIPTION OF CHILI All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. INSURRECTION IN CHILI Dublin Review, vol. 23, 1891. NOTE ON CHILI Fortnightly Review, vol. 56, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Brassey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1879. Gerstacker's Travels in South America, 1854. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6. Wilkes' Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. dullness. GROWTH OF VOLUNTARY POWER Bain's The Emotions and the Will. Chiltern Hills All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. Belgravia, vol. 29, 1876. Chiltern Hundreds Lond n Society, vol. 32, 1877. Oxfordshire Arch. Soc., 1890. Chimes. CHURCH CHIMES Beckett's Clocks and Watches and Bells, 1883. And under Bells, Belfries, Churches, etc. CHIMNEYS. CHIMNEYS AND CHIMNEY SWEEPS Hone's Everyday Book. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, etc. CONSTRUCTION OF CHIMNEYS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 3 & 4, 18971 Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. CONSTRUCTION OF CHIMNEY SHAFTS Spon's Diet, of Engineering (Supp.), 1879. EARLIEST MENTION OF CHIMNEYS Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. FELLING OF CHIMNEYS Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. ORIGIN OF CHIMNEYS Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. OUR CHIMNEYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 7, 1890.' STEEPLE-JACKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 7, 1890. Chimpanzee (Central African Ape). DESCRIPTION OF THE CHIMPANZEE Hartmann's Anthropoid Apes. [International Scientific Series], 1889. GORILLAS AND CHIMPANZEES Pall Mall Magazine vol. 2, 1893-4. STUDY OF ANTHROPOID APES Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. STUDY OF THE CHIMPANZEE Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. And under Apes, Monkeys, etc, Chin Hills (To the West of Upper Burma). THE CHIN HILLS AND THEIR INHABI- TANTS -Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. CHINA. (Immense Asiatic Empire; area about 4,500,000 square miles, population about 400,000,000 ; noted originally as the only country producing Tea). ADVERTISING IN CHINA Cornhill Magazine, vol. 17 (n.s.), 1891. ALONE IN CHINA Harper's Magzine, vol. 30, 1895. ANCESTOR WORSHIP IN CHINA Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. AWAKENING OF CHINA Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. BUDDHISM IN CHINA Religious Systems of the World, 1892. CANTON ENGLISH [" Hidgin" English] New Review, vol. 16, 1897. CELESTIALS AT HOME AND ABROAD Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 72, 1852. CHINA AND FOREIGN POWERS Fortnightly Review, vol. 39, 1883. CHINA AND HER TRIBUTARIES National Review, vol. 3, 1884. CHINA AND ITS FOREIGN RELATIONS Fortnightly Review, vol. 25, 1876. CHINA AND JAPAN Woodhouselee's Universal History 1847. The Monist, 1893-4. CHINA, ENGLAND, AND RUSSIA Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. CHINA PROBLEM AND ITS SOLUTION Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. CHINA WAR MEDAL All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. CHINA'S EXTREMITY Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. CHINA'S REPUTATION BUBBLE Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 156, 1894 CHINESE AUDIENCE QUESTION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 25, 1871-2. CHINESE ASCOT Cornhill Magazine, vol. 5, 1885. CHINESE CHARACTER Hayden's North America, 1883. CHINESE CHARACTERISTICS Fortnightly Review, vol. i, 1865. CHINESE DIFFICULTIES Hodder's Life of Lord Shaftesbury, 1888. CHINESE FESTIVALS Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. CHINESE GENTLEMEN AND VIRTUOSOS Temple Bar, vol. 104, 1895. CHINESE HUMBUG Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. CHINA China (continued). CHINESE IN AMERICA Dixon's White Conquest, 1876. CHINESE IN AUSTRALIA Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 23, 1888. CHINESE IN CANADA Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. CHINESE IN OREGON Nash's Two Years in Oregon, 1882. CHINESE IN PANAMA Nelson's Five Years at Panama, 1891. CHINESE OF NEW YORK Riis' How the Other Half Lives, 1891. CHINESE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS Davis' China: its Empire and' Inhabitants, 1857. CHINESE PHILOSOPHY The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. CHINESE QUESTIONS Rusling's Great West and Pacific Coast. CHINESE WAR [1856-60] Kingston's Our Sailors. CHINESE WAR Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. CHINESE WEDDING Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1891. CHINO-JAPANESE CONFLICT, AND AFTER Contemporary Review, vol. 66, 1894. CHINO-JAPANESE WAR Graphic, vol. 50, 1894. CHRISTIANITY AND POLITICS IN CHINA Life of S. W. Willi ms, 1888. CHRISTIANITY IN CHINA Dublin Review, vol. 44. 1858. COLLAPSE OF CHINA AT SEA Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. CONSTITUTION OF THE CHINESE EMPIRE Schlegel's Philosophy of History, 1846. CONTEMPORARY LIKE AND THOUGHT IN CHINA Contemporary Review, vol. 52, 1887. COREA, CHINA, AND JAPAN Fortnightly Review, vol. 62, 1894. CRISIS IN INDO-CHINA Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1893. CRUISE UP THE YANGSTZE IN 1858-59 Blackwood' Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 3. CURIO HUNTING IN CHINA Temple Bar, vol. 104, 1895 DRAMA, AMUSEMENTS, ETC., OF THE CHINESE All the Year Round, vol. 13, 1865. ENGLAND AND CHINA Thomas Raikes' Journal from 1831-47, 1858. ENGLISH IN CHINA De Quincey's Uncoilected Writings, 1890. ENGLISH INFLUENCE IN CHINA Macmillan's Magazine, \- 1. 34, 1876. EVF.RY-DAY SCENES IN CHINA Harper's Magazine, vol. 30, 1805. FORTUNE'S WANDERINGS IN CHINA Dublin Review, vol. 23, 1847. FORWARD MOVEMENT IN CHINA Contemporary Review, vol. 58, 1890. FRANCE AND CHINA Contemporary Review, vol. 46, 1884. FROM THE EMPEROR OF CHINA TO KING GEORGE III. Nineteenth Century Mag., vol. 40, 1896. FUNERAL RITES IN CHINA All the Year Round, vol. 10, 1873. FUTURE OF CHINA Fortnightly Rev., vol. 66, 1896. Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880. FUTURE PLACE OF CHINA IN PHILOLOGY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 29, 1873-4. GOVERNMENT OF CHINA Brougham's Philosophy, 1843. GOVERNMENT OF THE CHINESE, ETC. Sir William 1 emple's Works, 1757. GREAT WALL OF CHINA Archaeological Journal, vol. 45, 1888. How THE CHINESE WORK AND LIVE IN CANTON Century Magazine, vol. 49, 1894-5. Is OUR CAUSE IN CHINA JUST? Fortnightly Review, vol. 24, 1875. ITS GREATNESS A>D CIVILISATION Marco Polo's Travels, 1844. JOURNEY TO THE SACRED MOUNTAIN IN CHINA Fortnighth Review, vol. 62, 1894. JUDICIAL TORTURE IN CHINA Fortnightly Review, vol. 53, 1890. KOKEAN PEOPLE Good Words, vol. 36. 1895. *er also Corea. LAST CONQUEST OF CHINA New Review, vol. 12, 1895. Li HUNG CHANG'S PLACE AND PART IN MODERN CHINESE PROGRESS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1896. LOOTING AT THE SUMMER PALACE :i86o] Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. MANNERS OF CHINA Moges' Baron Gros' Embassy to China, 1861. MISSIONARIES IN CHINA Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1893. MISSIONARY LIFE IN CHINA Graphic, vol. 52, 1895. Vanguard of the Christian Army. MODERN CHINA Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 20, 1886. NAVAL WAR IN THE EAST B'ackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. NEW BRITISH MARKETS, WESTERN CHINA Nineteenth Century Mag., vol. 38, 1895. NEW LIGHT ON THE CHINESE Harper's Magazine, vol. 75, 1893. NOAH IN CHINA Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. PARTITION OF CHINA Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. Rev. of Review, vol. if, 1898. PECULIARITIES OF THE CHINESE Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. PEERAGE IN CHINA Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19 (n.s.), 1(592. POLITICAL LESSONS OF CHINF.SE HISTORY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. PRESENT AND FUTURE OF CHINA Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. PRESENT POSITION OF CHINA Dublin Review, vol. 16, 1886. PRESENT STATE OF CHINA Fortnightly Review, vol. 32, 1879. PROGRESS IN CHINA Fortnightly Review, vol. 52, 1889. RECOLLECTIONS OF THE CHINESE WAR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1894-5, RELIGION OF CHINA Keligious Systems of the World, 1892. A nd under Religion. RESPONSIBILITY AMONG THE CHINESE Century Magazine, vol. 29. 1895-6. RUSSIA, MONGOLIA, AND CHINA Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. SAINT-MAKING IN CHINA Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1^96. SECRET HISTORY OF THE RUSSO-CHINESE TREATY Contemporary Rev., vol. 71 ,1897. SECRET SOCIETIES IN CHINA Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1^96. Six WEEKS IN A TOWER Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, and Sport, vol. 5. SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS IDEAS OF THE CHINESE Jour. Anthropological Inst., vol. 22. SOCIAL LIFE OF THE CHINESE Fortnightly Review, vol. 4, 1868. SOLUTION OF THE CHINA PROBLEM Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. [120] CHINA-CHOIRS China {continued). SOME PEKING POLITICIANS Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. THE " PEKING GAZETTE " AND CHINESE POSTING Longman's Mag., vol. 29, 1896-7. TRADE AND INTERCOURSE WITH CHINA Quarterly Review, vol. 42, 1830. TRAVELS BETWEEN INDIA AND CHINA Murray's Travels in Asia, 1820. TRY CHINA FOR A HOLIDAY Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. TYPHOON IN CHINA Leisure Hour, vol. u, 1862, & vol. 24, 1875. VISIT TO THE BUDDHIST AND TAO-IST MONASTERIES ON THE Lo FAU SAN Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. WEDDING IN CHINA Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1880-1. 9 GENERAL INFORMATION Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Bates' Kaleidoscope, 1889. Bullock's Home Words for Hearth and Home, 1881. Campbell's Circular Notes, 1876. Chambers' Journal [Railways], vol. 174, 1897. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Dublin Review, vol. 16, 1844. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1851. Sayce's Twelve Times Round the World. Sunday at Home, vol. n, 1864. China-ware. ARMORIAL CHINA Antiquary, vol. 4, 1881. CHELSEA PORCELAIN Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. CHINA MANUFACTORY AT STRATFORD, ESSEX Jewitt's Ceramic Art in Great Britain. How TO IDENTIFY CHINA BY THE MARKS Home Chat, vol. 12, page 39. PAINTING ON CHINA Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. 'Chinch Bug (Specially destructive to grain crops in America) Chambers' Journal, vol. 8, 1891. Chingford (Village in Essc\ History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 5, 1777. Thome's Environs of London, 1876. See also Histories of Essex by Morant, Wright, etc. 'Chintreuil (Antoine, Landscape Painter, died 1873) Ewart's Toilers in Art, 1891. Chioggia (Venetian Seaport) Hare's Cities of Northern Italy, 1883. Chippeway Indians Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. And tinder Indians. Chiromancy (Palmistry; Art of Divining by the lines of the Hand) Godwin's Necromancers, 1876. Hone's Year Book, 1845. And under Hand, Palmistry, etc. Chiroptera (Hand-ivinaed Bats). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF CHIROPTERA Report of British Association, 1878. ChiSWick (Suburb of London). CHISWICK FERRY Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. CHISWICK, PAST AND PRESENT English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. CHISWICK HOUSE Dodsley's London, vol. 2. Gower's My Reminiscences, 1883. CHISWICK RAMBLE Harper's Magazine, vol. 77, 1888. TORPEDO WORKS AT CHISWICK All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Middlesex and Herts. Notes and Queries. Phillimore's London and Middlesex Note-Book. Suburban Homes of London, 1881. 'Chitral (State in Cashmere, India). CHITRAL EXPEDITION Blackwood's Mag., v. 157, 1895. DEFENCE OF FORT CHITRAL Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. FROM CHITRAL TO GILGIT Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. FRONTIER POLICY AND CHITRAL Nineieenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. THE CHITRAL EXPEDITION Fositivist Review, vol. 3, 1895. WHY WB WENT TO CHITRAL Blackwood's Magazine, vol 158, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION National Review, vol. 26, 1895-6. Chittagong (A Division of Bengal, India). HILL TRIBES OF CHITTAGONG Macrnillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. Chittore, India Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 10, 1830. Chiusi [Clusium] (A Town in Sienna, Italy, celebrated for its Etruscan Necropolis) Dennis' Cities of Etruria, vol. 2, 1883. Hare's Cities of Central Italy. Chivalry (The usages and customs pertaining to Knighthood in the early and mediceval times). AGE OF CHIVALRY Hosack's Law of Nations, 1682. COURT OF CHIVALRY Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 2, 1800. ESSAY ON CHIVALRY Scott's Prose Works, 1878. ORIGIN OF CHIVALRY Buckle's Civilization in England, 1864. RISE AND DECAY OF CHIVALRY Swimon's World's History, 1881. RISE OF CHIVALRY AND ROMANCE Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. GS.NERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1890-1. Brace's Gesta Christi, 1882. Hallam's Europe during the Middle Ages Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. And under Crnsailes, Knighthood, Tournament', etc. Chlorine. LIQUID CHLORINE Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. Ure's Dictionary of Arts. Chloroform. SIR JAMES SIMPSON'S INTRODUCTION OF CHLOROFORM Century Magazine, vol. 25 (n.s.), 1893-4 Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. Chocolate Chambers' Jour., vol. 174, 1897. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, etc. Choice. ITS BEARING ON LIBERTY Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875. Choirs. AMATEUR CHOIRS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. AMATEUR CHOIR TEACHER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. CHOIR STALLS AND THEIR CARVINGS Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Archaeo. Jour., vol, 2. CHORISTER BOYS AND THKIR LIVES Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. CHURCH Music AND CHURCH CHOIRS Dublin Review, vol. n (n.s.), 1868. SURPLICED CHOIRS IN NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 77, 1888. GENERAL INFORMATION Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. [121] CHOISEUL-GOUFFIER-CHRISTADELPHIANS Ohoiseul-Gouffler (M. G. de, French Traveller, died 1817). TRAVELS IN ASIA Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. CHOLERA. ASIATIC CHOLERA Milne's Life in China, 1858. CAUSE AND PREVENTION OF CHOLERA Contemporary Review, vol. 48, 1885. CHOLERA AND ITS CURES Truth, vol. 16, 1884. CHOLERA IN LONDON IN 1832 Thomas Raikes' Journal from 1831-47, 1858. INFLUENCE OF IMPURE WATER ON THE SPREAD OF CHOLERA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. MACNAMARA ON CHOLERA Nature, vol. 4, 1871. OUR PROTECTION AGAINST CHOLERA Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. PREVENTION AND VACCINATION Nature, vol. 46, 1892. VACCINATION AGAINST ASIATIC CHOLERA Fortnightly Review, vol. 59, 1893. Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. WATER BACTERIOLOGY AND CHOLERA Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. Chopin (Frederick F., Musical Composer, died 1849). CHOPIN AND HIS Music Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Ferris' Musical Composers. Fortnightly Review, vol. 28, 1877. Morris' Famous Composers, 1891. ChOSroes I. (King of Persia) Evagrius' History of the Church, 1846. CHRIST [Jesus Christ] (The Saviour, Founder of Christianity, Crucified when about 33 years of age. See also Apostles, Atonement, Bible, Christianity, Jesus, Miracles, Religion, Saviour, etc.) BIRTH OF CHRIST Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. CHARACTER AND IMITABLENESS OF CHRIST W. E. Channing's Works. CHARACTER OF JESUS CHRIST Tullock's Lectures on Renan's Vie de Je'sus, 1864. CHRIST AMONG THE DOCTORS Contemporary Review, vol. 58, 1890. CHRIST AND OTHER MASTERS Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. CHRIST IN MODERN THEOLOGY Contemporary Review, vol. 63, 1893. CHRIST OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS Moule's Christ is All [Preachers of the Age], 1892. CHRIST'S ATTITUDE TO His OWN DEATH The Expositor, vol. 5 (pth series), 1897. CHRIST'S REIGN ON THE EARTH: CHRISTADELPHIANS Davies' Unorthodox London, 1875. CHRIST'S TEACHING Literary World, vol 55, 1897. DEITY OF CHRIST Gregory's Letters. Lefr'iy's Agpniae Christi, 1893. DOCTRINE OF CHRIST Count Leo Tolstoi's My Religion. "ETHICAL" CHRIST Sheldon's Ethical Movement, 1896. EXAMPLE OF CHRIST Brock's Sunday Echoes in Week-day Hours. FEW WORDS ON THE LIFE OF CHRIST Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. GREAT CHARTER OF CHRIST Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. HISTORICAL JESUS AND THE CHRIST OF FAITH Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. HOLY FAMILY Hepworth Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. Is THE IMITATION OF CHRIST POSSIBLE? Haweis' Broad Church, 1891. JESUS AND BARABBAS Dykes' Plain Words 1892. JESUS CHRIST, THE DIVINE AND HUMAN PERSON Illingwprth's Personality, 1895. JESUS MIRRORED IN MATTHEW, MARK, AND LUKE Expositor, vol.4, 1896. JESUS, THE DEMAGOGUE Contemporary Review, vol. 69. 1896. JONAH AND CHRIST Good Words, 1896. LEGENDARY INFANCY OF CHRIST Sunday Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST Jowett's College Sermons, 1895. LIKENESSES OF JESUS CHRIST Mag. of Art, Jan , 1898. Strand Mag , vol. 12, 1896. MANLINESS OF CHRIST. By T. Hughes, reviewed Saturday Review, vol. 79, 1895. MIRACLES OF CHRIST Ewald's Israel, 1886. Plumptre's Christendom, 1866. MODERN VIEW OK JESUS CHRIST Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. Latham's Pastor Pastorum. NAMES OF CHRIST Expositor, Feb., 1898. Plumptre's Christendom, 1866. NEW CHRISTOLOGY Fortnightly Review, vol. 20, 1873. PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF JESUS Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND PHILOSOPHY OF CHRIST Hudson's Law of Psychic Phenomena, 1892. RESURRECTION FROM DEATH, THE GRAVE, AND HELL Archbishop Alexander's (of Armagh) Primary Convictions. Maurice's Theological Essays, 1853. REVIEW OF STRAUSS' LIFE OF CHRIST Fortnightly Review, vol. 4, 1866. STUDIES IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST Expositor, vol. 7 (ist series), 1878. TEMPTATIONS OF CHRIST Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Latham's Pastor Pastorum. THE SON OF GOD Maurice's Theological Essays, 1853. THEORIES OF THE PERSON OF JESUS Martineau's Authority in Religion, 1891. WHAT LANGUAGE DID CHRIST SPEAK Century Magazine, vol. 53, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Abraham's Studi* s of a Socialistic Parson, 1892. Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Ewald's Israel, vols. 6 & 7, 1886. Farrar's Christianity, 1882. Goodwin's Creed, 1890. Hassell's Scripture Biography, 1885. Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Riche's Concerning Himself, Sale's Koran, 1891. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Magazine, vol. 62, 1890. [122] CHRISTCHURCH-CHRISTIANITY ChriStchurch, Dublin. THE STATE VAULT OF CHRISTCHURCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. ChriStchurch, New Zealand Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Hodder's Cities of the World. Payton's New Zealand, i8S8. Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. ChriStchurch Priory, Hampshire. OBSERVATIONS ON THE PRIORY Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1845. Christian IV. (King of Denmark, died 1648) Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 4, 1880. Fletcher's Gustavus Adolphus, 1891. Christian IX. (King of Denmark, father of Alexandra, Princess of Wales, born 1818) Chambers' Journal, vol. 14, 1897. Christian Associations. A PHASE OF MODERN COLLEGE LIFE Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6. Christian Buildings. EARLY CHRISTIAN BUILDINGS IN IRELAND Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. See also Abbeys, Archteology, Churches, etc. Christian BuriatS (A Race living near Lake Baikal) Dt. H. Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. Christian Chronology. THE CHRISTIAN ERA Transactions of the Royal Histori- cal Society, vol. i, 1872. Christian Spirit. SLOW BUT SURE WORKING OF THE CHRISTIAN SPIRIT Jowett's College Sermons, 1895. See also Christianity. Christian Work Peters' Girl's Own Outdoor Book. Sec also Christianity, Christiania (Capital of Norway). FROM CHRISTIANIA TO MOLDE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. GENERAL INFORMATION Beauclerk's Norway, 1868. Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1882. Forester's Norway, 1853. Hodder's Cities of the World. Murray's Guide to Norway, 1892. Murray's Guide to Norway and Sweden, 1893. .CHRISTIANITY. (See also Atonement, Apostles, Baptism, Bible, Christ, Martyrs, Miracles, Missions, Religion, etc.) ADVANCE OF CHRISTIANITY Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. AMATEUR CHRISTIANITY Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1892. AMONG THE ANGLO-SAXONS Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. ARE WE CHRISTIANS ? Fortnightly Review, vol. 19. 1873. ASCETICISM AND CHRISTIANITY Pressense's Early Years of Christianity, vol.4, 1879. ATTITUDE OF CARLYLE AND EMERSON TOWARDS CHRISTIANITY National Review, vol. 3, 1884. BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION Dublin Review, vol. 117,1895 BEST EVIDENCE OK CHRISTIANITY Ryle's Principles for Churchmen, 1884. BRITISH CHRISTIANITY IN THE TWELFTH CENTURY Williams' Hist, of Wales, 1869. BUDDHISM AND CHRISTIANITY Monist, vols. 5 & 8. National Review, vol. 4, 1884-5. CERTAINTIES OF CHRISTIANITY Contemporary Review, vol. 59, 1891. CHRISTIAN CONDITIONS Fortnightly Review, vol. 29, 1878. CHRISTIAN RE-UNION : Is IT POSSIBLE ? Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. CHRISTIAN RE-UNION SCHEME Molloy's Faiths of the People, vol. 2, 1892. CHRISTIAN REVOLUTION Contemporary Review, vol. 45, 1884. CHRISTIAN UNION Contemporary Review, vol. 55. 1889. CHRISTIANITY AND HINDUISM Life of Rowland Williams [edited by his wife], 1874. CHRISTIANITY AND MOHAMMEDANISM Contemporary Review, vol. 64, 1893. CHRISTIANITY AND SOCIALISM Contemporary Review, vol. 56, 1889. CHRISTIANITY AND THE EQUALITY OF THE SEXES Contemporary Rev., vol.46, 1884. CHRISTIANITY AND THE GEOCENTRIC SYSTEM Contemporary Review, vol. 55, 1889. CHRISTIANITY CONSISTENT WITH LOVE OF FREEDOM Hall's Works, 1853. CHRISTIANITT IN BRITAIN Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. CHRISTIANITY IN INDIA Grant's History of India. CHRISTIANITY IN THE EAST Contemporary Review, vol. 61, 1892. CHRISTIANITY IN ROMAN BRITAIN Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1885. CHRISTIANITY IN SYRIA Isabel Burton's Inner Life of Syria, 1884. CHRISTIANS AND KURDS IN EASTERN TURKEY Contemporary Review, vol. 56, 1889. CHURCH OF CHRIST Sheppard's Fall of Rome, 1892. DIVINE SACRIFICE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. EARL RUSSELL, THE COMMUNE AND CHRISTIANITY Fortnightly Review, vol. 16. 1871. EMPEROR JULIAN'S VIEW OF CHRISTIANITY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. ESSENCE OF CHRISTIANITY Contemporary Review, vol. 6q, 1896. ESTABLISHMENT OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE Woodhouselee's Universal History, 6 vols. [Family Library], 1847. EVE OF CHRISTIANITY Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 18, 1825. EVOLUTIONARY ETHICS AND CHRISTIANITY Contemporary Review, vol.44, 1883. EXCELLENCY OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION Spofford's Library of Choice Litera- ture, vol. 6, 1890. FANCIES OF A BELIEVER Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. GREEK INFLUENCE ON CHRISTIANITY Contemporary Review, vol. 59, 1891. HINDOO IDOLATRY AND CHRISTIANITY Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. [123] CHRISTIANITY-CHRONOMETERS Christianity (continued). How GOD REVEALED HIMSELF TO MAN Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. INTRODUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY INTO BRITAIN Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. KELTIC CHURCH AND ENGLISH CHRISTIANITY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. MIRACULOUS ELEMENT IN CHRISTIANITY Smith's Guesses at the Riddle of Exist- ence, 1897. MOHAMMEDANISM AND CHRISTIANITY Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. MYTHOLOGY OF CHRISTIANITY Lindsay's History of Christian An, 1885. NATURALNESS OF CHRISTIANITY Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. ON THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION Addison's Works, 1856. ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY Draper's Religion and Science, 1890. Tulloch's Lectures on Renan's Vie de Jesus, 1864. POLITICS OK CHRISTIANITY Blackie's Lay Sermons, 1881. PRIMITIVE CHRISTIAN IN ROME Fortnightly Review, vol. 6, 1866. PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANITY Cardinal Newman's Historical Sketches, 1891. PROPAGATION OF CHRISTIANITY IN INDIA Fosteriana, 1858. PROSPECTS OF CHRISTIANITY Jowett's College Sermons, 1895. REALITIES OF CHRISTIANITY Contemporary Review, vol. 59, 1891. RELATION OK THE CHRISTIAN REVELATION TO EXPERIENCE Contemporary Rev., vol. 69, 1896. REVIVAL IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Ryle's Christian Leaders, 1891. ROMAN PAGANISM AND CHRISTIANITY Nineteenth Century Mag., vol. 34, 1893. SEVERANCE OF GREEK AND LATIN CHRISTIANITY Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 2, 1872. SYMBOLISM OF CHRISTIANITY Lindsay's History of Christian Art, 1885. THE GREATEST OF ANNIVERSARIES, DECEMBER 2jTH Cornhill Mag., vol. i, 1896. THOUGHTS ON CHRISTIANITY Macleod's Parish Papers, 1862. TRACES OF CHRISTIANITY IN BRITAIN Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. WHY DO MEN REMAIN CHRISTIANS? Contemporary Review, vol. 63, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers' Book of Days. Channing's Works. Ewald's Israel, vols. 6 & 8, 1886. Hosack's Law of Nations, it8a. Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1882. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Christie (Captain). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Cent., 1881. "Christie's" (Art Auction Rooms) Magazine of .Art, vol. n, 1888. Christine de Pisan-Besant's Studies in Early French Poetry, 1868. CHRISTMAS. (See also Festivals, Holidays, etc.) A COMMENT ON CHRISTMAS Contemporary Review, vol. 47, 1885. CHRISTMAS AT BETHLEHEM Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. CHRISTMAS AT COURT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [page 167], 1883. CHRISTMAS CARD AMENITIES Woman, December, 1896. CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS Hone's Popular Works, 1845. CHRISTMAS DREAMS Recreations of Christopher North, vol. 3, 1858. CHRISTMAS IN A FRENCH BOARDING SCHOOL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. CHRISTMAS IN ITALY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. CHRISTMAS IN LABRADOR Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. CHRISTMAS IN THE OLDEN TIME Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. CHRISTMAS IN THE GERMAN FATHERLAND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. CHRISTMAS UNDER THE COMMONWEALTH Andrews' Bygone England, 1892. CHRISTMAS WITH THE ROYAL FAMILY Temple Magazii.e, vol. i, 1896-7. REMINISCENCES OF CHRISTMAS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Antiquary, vol. 6, 1882. Chambers' Book of Days. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Manners and Customs], 1884. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1874. Christ's Hospital. ACCOUNT OF CHRIST'S HOSPITAL New Review, vol. 12, 1895 DESCRIPTION OF CHRIST'S HOSPITAL Stannton's Schools of England, 1865. GENERAL INFORMATION Dodsley's London, vol. 2. Hone's Everyday Book, 1827. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 4, 1894. Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. Christy's Minstrels (A Celebrated Troupe of Negro Minstrels). THE ORIGIN OF THE CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS Theatre, vol. 5, 1892. Chronicles [Book of Chronicles]. MIDRASHIC ELEMENT IN CHRONICLES Expositor, vol. 4, 1896. Driver's Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament, 1892. Chronicles. CHARACTERS AND CHRONICLES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. PHOTOGRAPHIC CHRONICLES FROM CHILDHOOD TO AGE Fortnightly Rev., vol. 37, 1882, Chronograms. ON CHRONOGRAMS Antiquary, vols. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, and 28, 1887-93. Chronology. ANCIENT CHRONOLOGY Rhind's Age of the Earth, 1838. BABYLONIAN CHRONOLOGY AND HISTORY Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. CHRONOLOGY OF THE BIBLE Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. EGYPTIAN CHRONOLOGY Westropp's Handbook of Archaeology, 1878. Chronometers (A Watch or Clock for keeping exact time). CONSTRUCTION OF CHRONOMETERS Beckett's Clocks and Watches and Bells, 1883. Cassell's Technical Educator, vol. i, 1897. See also Clocks and Watches. [124] CHRYSANTHEMUMS-CHURCH Chrysanthemums. ALL ABOUT CHRYSANTHEMUMS Girl's Own Ann., vol. 18,1896-7. Chrysostom (St. John, Archbishop of Constantinople, 397). MINISTRY AT ANTIOCH Sunday at Home, vol. 17, 1870 GENERAL INFORMATION Cardinal Newman's Historical Sketches, 1891. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. Shepherd's Church of Rome, 1851. Chrystal (Prof., Professor of Mathematics at Edinburgh University, born 1851) Barrie's Edinburgh Eleven, 1889. Chrystal Gazing Hone's Year Book. Chubb (Thomas, Deistical Writer, died 1746). CHUBB'S POSTHUMOUS WORKS Leland's Deistical Writers, 1836. Stephen's English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. Chubb and Son (Lock and Safe Manufacturers). SKETCH OK THE RISE OF THE FIRM Japp's Successful Business Men, 1857. Ctrndleigh (John, An Elizabethan Adventure:') Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. Chums : AN AUSTRALIAN SKETCH. By A. M. Taylor Boy's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1887. Chunar, India Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. Ch'ung-Ch'inCf Rockhill's Land of the Lamas : Notes of a Journey through China, etc., 1891. Church (R. W., Dean of St. Paul's, died 1890). CANON MACCOLL ON DEAX CHURCH Contemporary Review, vol. 59, 1891. CAREER OF DEAN CHURCH Longman's Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 3, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Expositor, vol. 2 (3rd serie^), 1885. CHURCH (The). (See also Ecclesiastical History, Religion, and under names of Sects and Divisions, e.g., Baptists, Wesleyans, Huguenots, Protestants, Catholicism, etc.)* ABUSES OF CHURCH PATRONAGE Truth, vol. 36, 1894. ALIENATION OF ENDOWMENTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. ANCIENT CHURCH ENDOWMENTS Contemporary Review, vol. 59, 1891. ANGLO-AMERICAN CHURCH Cardinal Newman's Critical and Historical Essays, 1890. AUTHORITY IN THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND Fortnightly Review, vol. 34, 1880. BISHOP THIRLWALL AND THE IRISH CHURCH BILL OF 1869 National Rev., vol. 25, 1895. BROAD CHURCH, OR WHAT'S COMING Contemporary Review, vol. 57, 1890. CALIFORNIA AND THE CHURCH Dublin Review, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1866. CATHOLIC AND ANGLICAN CHURCHES Dublin Review, vol. n, 1841. CATHOLICITY OF THE ANGLICAN CHURCH Gore's Roman Catholic Claims. Newman's Critical Essays, 1890. CHOICE OF CHURCHES Fortnightly Review, vol. 37, 1882. CHRIST ON THE CHURCH Goodwin's Foundations of the Creed, 1890. CHURCH AND DISSENT Ryle's Principles for Churchmen, 1884. CHURCH AND EMPIRE IN THE ISTH CENTURY Dublin Review, vol. 17, 1844. CHURCH AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY May's Constitutional History, 1871. CHURCH AND STATE Dublin Review, vol. 17, 1844. Fortnightly Review, vol. 27, 1877. CHURCH AND STATE IN BADEN Dublin Review, vol. 36, 1854. CHURCH AND STATE IN ITALY Fortnightly Review, vol. 16, 1871. CHURCH AND STATE IN SCOTLAND Fortnightly Review, vol. 44, 1885. CHURCH AND STATE OF THE i6TH CENTURY Froude's History of England, 1862. CHURCH AND THE AGE National Review, vol. 6, 1885-6. CHURCH AND THE BIBLE Dublin Review, vol. 115, 1894. CHURCH AND THE OLD TESTAMENT Smith's Guesses at the Riddle of Existence, 1897. CHURCH AND THE WORLD Fortnightly Review, vol. 45, 1886. CHURCH CONTROVERSIES DURING THE LAST FIFTY YEARS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. CHURCH COURTS COMMISSION Contemporary Review, vol. 45, 1884. CHURCH CRISIS : a Contrast and Parallel Fortnightly Review, vol. 27, 1877. CHURCH DEFENCE OR CHURCH REFORM Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896 CHURCH DISESTABLISHMENT Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. CHURCH EXTENSION AND ANGLICAN EXPANSION Dublin Review, vol. 17, 1887. CHURCH HISTORY, LONDON Loftie's London [Historic Towns], 1889. CHURCH IN CEYLON Dublin Review, vol.25, 1848. CHURCH IN IRELAND Traill's Life of Salisbury, 1891. CHURCH IN IRELAND AND WALKS Contemporary Review, vol. 65, 1894, CHURCH IN NATAL Rector and His Friends, 1869. Ritchie's Brighter S. Africa, 1892. CHURCH IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE BEFORE A.D. 170 Ramsey's Life of St. Paul. CHURCH IN THE MOUNTAINS [Wales] Conybeare's Essays, Ecclesiastical and Social. CHURCH IN WALES Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. Contemporary Review, vol. 63, 1893. Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. CHURCH OF ENGLAND Fortnightly Review, vol. 7, 1867. CHURCH OF ENGLAND ABROAD National Review, vol. 4, 1884-5. CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND THE EVANGELICAL PARTY Contemporary Rev., vol. 47, 1885" CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND THE LAW Fortnightly Review, vol. 39, 1883. CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND THE PEOPLE Fortnightly Review, vol. 17, 1872. CHURCH OF ENGLAND AS A RELIGIOUS BODY Fortnightly Review, vol. 6, 1866. CHURCH OF ROME Burnet's Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, 1826. CHURCH OF THE FATHERS Cardinal Newman's Historical Sketches, 1891. [125] CHURCH Church (continued). CHURCH PARTIES Conybeare's Essays, Ecclesiastical and Social. CHURCH PATRONAGE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. CHURCH PROBLEM IN SCOTLAND Contemporary Review, vol. 48, 1885. CHURCH REFORM Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895, & vol. 70, 1896. National Review, vol. 26, 1895. CHURCH REFORM AND SELF-GOVERNMENT Contemporary Review, vol. 49, 1886. CHURCH REFORM BY COMPREHENSION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 27, 1872-3. CHURCH UNION : Spiritual or Ecclesiastical National Review, vol. 27, 1896. CHURCHES OF GAUL, A.D. 177 Cassel's Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays, 1889. CHURCH'S OPPORTUNITY Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. Civic CHURCH PROGRAMME Review of Reviews, vol. 8, 1893. CLERGY, KING, AND POPE Stubbs' Constitutional History, 1874. COLONIAL CHURCH Davidson's Life of Archbishop Tait, 1891. CONDITION OF THE CHURCH IN SPAIN Maxwell's Charles V., 1891. CONFLICT OF THE CHURCH OF SWITZERLAND Hepworth Dixon's Switzers, 187.2. CONSECRATION OF CHURCHES Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. CURIOUS CUSTOMS IN CHURCHF.S Hone's Popular Works. DEMOCRATIC CHURCH Contemporary Review, vol. 46, 1884. DISESTABLISHMENT AND DISENDOWMENT Buxton's Political Questions of the Day, 1885. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. DISESTABLISHMENT FICTIONS National Review, vol. 25, 1895. EARLY BRITISH CHURCH Bettany's World's Religions : a Popular Account of % Religions, Ancient and Modern, 1890. EARLY CHURCH Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 7 & 8, 1886. ECCLESIASTICAL ECONOMY Conybeare's Essays, Ecclesiastical and Social. ECCLESIASTICAL LAW OF ENGLAND Saturday Review, vol. 82, 1896. ENGLISH CHURCH Routledge's Chapters in the History of Popular Progress, 1876. ENGLISH CHURCH COURTS AND PRIMITIVE RITUAL Macmillan's Mag., vol. 45, 1881-2. ENGLISH CHURCH ON THE CONTINENT Fortnightly Review, vol. 42, 1884. ESTABLISHED CHURCH COMPARED WITH PRESBYTERIANISM AND METHODISM Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. ESTABLISHED CHURCH IN THE VILLAGE Contemporary Review, vol. 48, 1885. EXPANSION OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND Contemporary Review, vol. 50, 1886. EXPERIENCES OF A DISESTABLISHED CHURCH Contemporary Review, vol. 49, 1886. EXPERIENCES OF AN ANGLICAN CATHOLIC Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. EXTERNAL HISTORY OF THE CHURCH Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, 1845. FATHERS OF THE CHURCH IN THE SECOND AND THIRD CENTURIES Pressense's Early Years of Christianity, vol. 2, 1879. FENIANISM AND THE IRISH CHURCH Fortnightly Review, vol. 9, 1868. FOUNDATION OF THE ANGLO-SAXON CHURCH Bpultbee's History of the Church. FOUNDING A REFORMED CHURCH IN SPAIN Smith's Modern Apostle, 1891. FREE ANGLICAN CHURCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. FREE CHURCH IN ENGLAND Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. FREEDOM OF OPINION NECESSARY IN AN ESTABLISHED CHURCH IN A FREE COUNTRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. FRENCH CHURCHES IN ENGLAND Smiles' Huguenots: their Settlements, Churches, and Industries, 1868. FRENCH REPUBLIC AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Fortnightly Review, vol. 31, 1879. FUNDAMENTAL CHURCH PRINCIPLES Contemporary Review, vol. 50, 1886. GLADSTONE ON CHURCH AND STATE Macaulay's Miscellaneous and Political Essays, 1892. GOSPEL STATE CHURCH OF THE COMMONWEALTH -Contemporary Rev., vol. 65, 1894. GREEK CHURCH Bettany's Popular Account of the World's Religions, 1890. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. GREEK CHURCH IN CORFU Ansted's Ionian Islands, 1863. HEREDITARY CLERGYMAN Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1892. HIGH CHURCH THEOKY OF DOGMATICAL AUTHORITY Dublin Review, vol. 3, 1837. HISTORIC PROTEST OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND THE QUESTION OF REUNION WITH RoME-^National Review, vol. 27, 1896. HISTORICAL ASPECT OF THE AMERICAN CHURCHES Macmillan's Mag., vol. 40, 1879. HISTORY OF ECCLESIASTICAL POWER DURING THE MIDDLE AGES Hallam's State of Europe during the Middle Ages, vol. 2, 1860. HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH Contemporary Review, vol. 63, 1893. HOLY ROMAN CHURCH Bridgett's Life of Blessed John Fisher, 1888. INFLUENCE OF THE CHURCH ON THE BARBARIANS Church's Beginnings of the Middle Ages, 1894 [Epochs of Modern History]. IRISH CHURCH Fortnightly Review, vol. 2, 1865. Is THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND WORTH PRESERVING? Gladstone's Pamphlets. KELTIC CHURCH AND ENGLISH CHRISTIANITY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. I (n.s.), 1884. LAW AND THE CHURCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 9. 1863-4. LUTHER ON CHURCH AND STATE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19. 1868-9. MEANING AND VALUE OF CHURCH AUTHORITY Macmillan's Mag., vol. 53, 1885-6. MEDI/EVAL CHURCH Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. MIRACLES OF THE CHURCH Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1882. MORAL ASPECT OF DISESTABLISHMENT AND DISENDOWMENT Contemporary Rev., vol. 67, 1895. [126] CHURCH-CHURCHES Church (continued). MORAL TRAINING FOR THE CHURCH Dublin Review, vol. 20. 1846. MOST DILIGENT CHURCH-GOERS Casi-ell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. NATIONAL CHURCH SUSTENTATION FUND National Review, vol. 26, 1896. NATIONALITY OF THK ENGLISH CHURCH Contemporary Review, vol. 49, 1886. NEW RELATIONS OF CHURCH AND STATE IN GERMANY Fortnightly Rev., v. 23, 1875. NONCONFORMISTS AND CHURCH REFORM Contemporary Review, vol. 44, 1883. ON THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH Haweis' Dead Pulpit, 1896. ORGANIZATION OF CHURCH AND STATE D'Aubigne's Protector, 1847. PHILOSOPHY IN THE ROMAN CHURCH Fortnightly Review, vol. 38, 1882. PLACE OF HERESY IN THE CHURCH Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. POWERS OF THE CHURCH White's History of England from the Earliest Times. PRESENT POSITION OF THE HIGH CHURCH PARTY Contemporary Rev., vol. 62, 1892. PUBLIC LANDED ENDOWMENTS OF THE CHURCH Contemporary Rev., vol. 59, 1891. PULPIT AND STAGE Theatre, vol. 5, 1882. PUSEY AND THE HIGH CHURCH MOVEMENT Fortnightly Review, vol. 39, 1883. QUEEN AS HEAD OF THE CHURCH Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. REFORM OF THE CHURCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. REFORMATION AND RE-UNION Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. RELIGION AND THE CHURCH Sidney Godolphin Osborne's Letters, 1866. ROMISH CHURCH Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. RUSSIAN CHURCH Hare's Studies in Russia. SCOTTISH CHURCH QUESTION Contemporary Review, vol. 53, 1888. National Review, vol. 6, 1885-6. SECESSION AND RELIEF CHURCHES Gilfillan's Christian Heroes, 1889. SERVIAN CHURCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. SEVEN CHURCHES IN ASIA Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. SPANISH CHURCH AND EXCHEQUER Foitnightly Review, vol. i, 1865. STANLEY'S LECTURES ON THE JEWISH CHURCH Macmillan's Mag., vol. 7, 1862-3. STRIFE WITH THE CHURCH Green's Henry II. [Twelve English Statesmen]. STUDY OF CHURCH HISTORY Trench's Mediaeval Church History, 1886. THOUGHTS ON THE ENGLISH CHURCH Maurice's Life of F. D. Maurice, 1884. UNION OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Fortnightly Review, vol. 43, 1885. UNITY OF THE CHURCH Dublin Review, vol. 15 (n.s.), 1870. UNITY OF THE CHURCH IN APOSTOLIC TIMES Contemporary Rev., vol. 68, 1895. VISIBLE CHURCH Fortnightly Review, vol. 34, 1880. WHAT is CHURCH AUTHORITY ? Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 37, 1895. WHAT is THE LAW OF THE CHURCH ? Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. WHAT THE CHURCH HAS DONE FOR TRADE AND MANUFACTURES Dublin Review, vol. 34, 1853. WHY LATIN BECAME THE LANGUAGE OF THE CHURCH Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. WORK OF THE CHURCH DURING THE PRESENT CENTURY National Rev., vol. i, 1883. WORLD-WIDE DEMOCRATIC CHURCH Contemporary Review, vol. 59, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Chancellors, 1856-7. Hosack's Rise and Growth of the Law of Nations, 1882. Jackson's Institutions of Christianity, 1868. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 9, 1872. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Pycroft's Twenty Years in the Church, 1861. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. CHURCHES (Church Buildings, Antiquities, etc. See also Abbeys, Archeeology, Antiquities, Brasses, Cathedrals, etc., and names of places, e.g., London, Siberia, etc.) AMERICAN AND AUSTRALIAN CHURCHES [Organisations] Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. ANCIENT CHURCH FITTINGS Birmingham and Midland Inst., vol. 21. ARCHITECTURAL NOTES ON CHURCHES VISITED BY THE LINCOLN ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY Reports Assoc. Architectural Societies, vol. 22. ARCHITECTURE OF CHURCHES Beckett's Book on Building, 1880. ARRANGEMENT OF CHAPELS EAST OF TRANSEPTS Archaeological Jour., vol. n, 1854. CHURCH BELLS Jt-affreson's Book About Clergy, 1870. Chambers' Book of Days. CHURCH GOING Nineteenth Century ,vol. 22, 1887. CHURCH Music AND CONGREGATIONAL SINGING English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2 CHURCH NOTES, PRINCIPALLY IN THE COUNTIES OF BERKS, OXFORD, WILTS, SOMERSET, AND GLOUCESTER Archaeological Journal, vol. 44, 1887. CHURCH PLATE OF SURREY Collections of Surrey Archaeological Society, vol. 13. CHURCH PORTRAIT GALLERY Bullock's Home Words for Heart and Hearth, 1881. CHURCH PROPERTY IN LONDON Lottie's London [Historic Towns], 1887. CHURCH SEATS Jeaffreson's Book About Clergy, 1870. CHURCH TOWNS Ditchfield's Our English Towns, 1897. CHURCH WALKS IN ENGLAND Antiquary, vol. n, 1885. CHURCHES BUILT AND REPAIRED BY SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN Phillimore's Sir Christopher Wren: His Family and His Times, 1881. CHURCHES PROTECTED FROM LIGHTNING Anderson's Lightning Conductors, 1880. CHURCHES VISITED IN EXCURSIONS FROM SKKGNESS Report Assoc. Archi.Soc.,vol. 21. CONCERNING CHURCHYARDS Boyd's Recreations of a Country Parson, 1864-5. COST OF WREN'S CHURCHES Hone's Year Book, 1829. CURIOSITIES IN OUR ANCIENT CHURCHES Chambers' Journal, vol. 7, 1890. CURIOSITIES OF THE CHURCH Antiquary, vol. 22, 1890. [127] CHURCHES-CICERO Churches (continued). ENGLISH ABBEYS AND CHURCHES Cassell's Picturesque Europe. ENGLISH CHURCH LIFE ON THE CONTINENT Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. GLEANINGS FROM FRENCH CHURCHES Antiquary, vol. 33, 1897. HOUR GLASSES IN CHURCHES Chambers' book of Days, vol. 2. IPSWICH DEANERY PLATE Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, vol. g, LAKE DISTRICT CHURCHES Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. LARGEST CHURCHES IN EUROPE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12,1891. LIGHTS OF A MEDIEVAL CHURCH Antiquary, vol. 23, 1891, & vol. 25, 1892. LOFTIEST CHURCHES IN EUROPE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13/1892. MARSHLAND CHURCHES Antiquary, vol 26. 1892. MURAL AND OTHER PAINTINGS IN ENGLISH CHURCHES Archaeological Journal, vol. 45, 1888. MURAL PAINTINGS Archaeological Journal, vol. 49, 1892. MURAL PAINTINGS OK ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, FUISKNEY Reports Assoc. Architect. Soc., vol. 21. NOTES ON CHURCHES IN THK DEANERIES ov KERRIER AND KENWITH, CORNWALL Archaeological Journal, vol. 18, 1861. NOTES ON CIRCULAR CHURCHES Archaeological Journal, vol. 18, 1861. OLD DOORS OF CHURCHES Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1892. ON THE CHURCHES OF NORTH BEDFORDSHIRE AND THE NEIGHBOURING PORTION OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Archaeological Journal, vol. 39, 1882. ON THE DIFFERENCE IN PLAN ALLEGED TO EXIST BETWEEN CHURCHES or AUSTIN CANONS AND THOSE OF MONKS, AND THE FREQUENCY WITH WHICH SUCH CHURCHES WERE PAROCHIAL Archaeological Journal, vol. 41,42 & 43, 1884-6. ON THE NUMBER OF ANGLO-SAXON CHURCHES Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part ii.], 1886. ORGANS FIRST USED IN CHURCHES Hone's Table Book. OUR MOST ANCIENT CHURCHES Quiver, vol. 25, 1890. PARISH CHURCHES Archaeological Institute, vol. 53. PARISH CHURCHES IN THE YEAR 1548 Archaeological Journal, vol. 35, 1878. PECULIAR CHURCHES Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. PERPENDICULAR STYLE IN EAST ANGLIA Archaeological Journal, vol. 46, 1889. PIGEON HOUSES IN CHURCHES Archaeological Journal, vol. 45, 1888. RESTORATION OF CHURCHES Antiquary, vol. 26, 1892. RESTORATION OF CHURCHES, WITH EXPERIENCES Antiquary, vol. i. 1880. ROUND CHURCHES OF ENGLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Esses Arch. Society's Transactions, vol. I, 1858. SAXON CHURCH BUILDING Archaeological Institute, vol. 53. SAXON CHURCH OF ST. LAWRENCE, BRADFORD-ON-AVON Archaeological Journal, vol. 45, 1888. SOME FAMOUS CHURCHES Quiver, vol. 29, 1894. SUFFOLK CHURCH PLATE Suffolk Inst. Archaeology, vol. 9, GENERAL INFORMATION Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Churchill (Arabella, Sister to the first Duke of Marlborough, and Mistress to James the Second) Bucke's Life of Marlborough, 1839. Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Wolseley's Life of Marlborough, vol. i, 1894. Churchill (Charles, Satirist and Poet, died 1764) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. National Review, vol. 6, 1885-6. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Churchill (John, First Duke of Marlborongk, Famous General, died 1722.) See Marl- borough (Duke of.) Churchill (John, Medical Publisher, died 1875) Curwen's History of Booksellers. Churchill (Lord Randolph, Conservative Statesman, died 1895). CAREER OF LORD RANDOLPH CHURCHILL Daily Graphic, vol. 21, 1895. New Review, vol. 12, 1895. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. n, 1895. LORD RANDOLPH CHURCHILL AS AN OFFICIAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. MEMOIR OF LORD RANDOLPH CHURCHILL National Review, vol. 25, 1895. Two DEMAGOGUES New Review, vol. 12, 1895. WORD ON CHURCHILL'S RESIGNATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 47, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. Churchyards. CHURCHYARD RESURRECTIONISTS Chambers' Book of Days, vol. i. SOME PRETTY CHURCHYARDS Quiver, vol. 28, 1895. Gibber (Colley, Dramatic Writer, died 1757) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Lawrence's Life of Fielding, 1855. Gibber (C. G., Danish Sculptor, Father of Colley Gibber, died 1700) Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, etc., vol. 3, 1830. Cicero (Marcus Tullius, Celebrated Roman Orator, assassinated 43 B.C.) CHARACTER OF CICERO Dublin Review, vol. 35 (n.s.), 1880, CICERO AND CLODIUS Fortnightly Review, vol 5, 1866. CICERO AS A MAN OF LETTERS Fortnightly Review, vol. 28, 1877. CICERO AS A POLITICIAN Fortnightly Review, vol. 27, 1877. GENERAL INFORMATION Church's Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. DeQuincey's Complete Works, 1862-74. Fronde's Caesar: a Sketch, 1891. Newman's His- torical Sketches. Plutarch's Lives, 1883. Seyffert's Classical Antiquities. [128] CIDER-CIUD AD-REAL Cider. ABOUT CIDER All the Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. CIDER SONGS AND CUSTOMS Walters' Bygone Somerset, 1897. How TO MAKE CIDER Young's Tour in Ireland, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Hone's Everyday Book. Cigarettes. HAND-MADE CIGARETTES Daily Graphic, vol. 31, 1897. Cigars. CIGAR-MAKING Mark's Diary of My Trip to America, 1885. MANUFACTURE OF CIGARS Ford's Gatherings from Spain, 1846. Cilicia. COAST OF CILICIA, ASIA MINOR Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 3, 1830. Cincinnati, U.S. Dickens' American Notes and Reprinted Pieces, 1888. Cincinnatus (Roman Dictator, born about 519 B.C.) Church's Stories from Livy. Cinna (Lucius Cornelius, Roman General and Consul, killed 84 B.C.) Mommsen's Rome, vol. 3, 1867. Cinnamon (Bark of a species of laurel tree, found in Ceylon). CINNAMON PEELERS OF CEYLON Leisure Hour, vol. i, 1852. Cinque Ports (The Channel Ports of Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover, Sandwich, Winchelsea, Rye, and Seaford). CINQUE PORTS AND HARBOURS Ditchtield's Our English Towns, 1897. LORD WARDENS OF THE CINQUE PORTS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 3, 1894. PECULIAR RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES Half Hours in Early Naval Adventure. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i. St. James' Magazine, vol. 2, 1861. Cinquevalli (Paul, Conjurer and Juggler). THE GREATEST JUGGLER IN THE WORLD Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. Cintra, Portugal (Contains a Royal Palace) Conder's Modern Traveller,^ vol. 19, 1830. Murray's Guide to Portugal, 1887. Cipher Writing. CIPHER OK PERKIN WARBECK Phonetic Journal, 1893. CIPHER WRITING AND CIPHERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. SECRETS IN CIPHER Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. Circassia (Mountainous Region in S.E. Russia). BELIEFS OF THE CIRCASSIANS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Gardner's Faiths of the World. TRAVELS IN CIRCASSIA Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 6. Frazer's Magazine, vol. 6, 1872. GENERAL INFORMATION Barkley's Bulgaria before the War. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 17, 1830. Dublin Review, vol. 9, 1840. Circle. SQUARING OF THE CIRCLE The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. Circumnavigators Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Circumspection Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Circus Maximus (A ncient Roman Circus)- Head's Rome : a Tour of Many Days, 1849. Circuses. A WEEK WITH A TRAVELLING CIRCUS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. Frost's The Old Showman, 1881. La Koux's Acrobats, 1890. Cirencester, Gloucestershire (Noted for its Agricultural College). REGISTER OF THE CHAPEL OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Transactions of the bristol and Gloucester Archaeological Society, vol. 18. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to the County of Gloucestershire, 1884. Cis-Sutlaj Country, India Bowring's Eastern Experiences, 1871. Cistercians (Order of Monks) Morison's St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux. Cisterns. DIRTY CISTERNS Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. HOT WATER CISTERNS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 2, 3, 4, & 6, 1897. SIZE OF FLUSHING CISTERNS Journal of State Medicine, vol. 4, 1896. Citeaux (A town of France). ABUEY OK CITEAUX -Morison's St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux. Cities. CATHEDRAL CITIES OF ENGLAND Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. 2. EVOLUTION OK CITIES Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. HISTORY OK CITIES IN MODERN EUROPE Freeman's Lectures on European History, 1886. Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. UNHEALTHINESS OF CITIES Contemporary Review, vol. 61, 1692. See also under names, e.g., Canterbury, Chester, York, etc. Citizenship. ESSAYS ON CITIZENSHIP International Journal of Ethics, vol. 8, 1897. FEW WORDS ON CITIZENSHIP Lubbock's Use of Life, 1894. IDEAL CITIZEN Farrar's Social and Present-Day Questions, 1892. PLEA FOR THE CITIZENSHIP OK WOMEN Fortnightly Review, vol. 13, 1870. WORD ON GOOD CITIZENSHIP Fortnightly Review, vol. 26, 1876. Citron. CITRON AND CITRON TREE Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. Citta di CastellO Hare's Cities of Central Italy. City Companies. ACCOUNT OK THE CITY COMPANIES Contemporary Review, vol. 47, 1885. Gilbert's The City, 1877. HALLS OF THE CITY COMPANIES Timbs' Curiosities of London. 1855. GENERAL INFORMATION Sharpe's London and the Kingdom, 1895. Ciudadela (Spanish Seaport) Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890 Ciudad-Real, Spain (Noted for its magnificent Church) Murray's Guide to Spain, 1892. K [ 129 ] CIVIC LIFE-CLANS Civic Life. Civic BANQUETS Hawthorne's Our Old Home, 1863. LORD MAYOR'S SHOWS Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. THE TEACHING OF Civic DUTY Contemporary Review, vol. 64, 1893. Civil Engineering Haldane's Engineering, 1 8gd See also Engineering, Surveying, etc. Civil Government. INTRINSIC END OF CIVIL GOVERNMENT Dublin Review, vol. i (n.s.), 1863. See also Government. CIVIL SERVICE. ANTHONY TROLLOPE ON THE CIVIL SERVICE Fortnightly Review, vol. 2, 1865. BRADLAUGH ON THE Civir. LIST Contemporary Review, vol. 53, 1888. CIVIL LIST AND ROYAL GRANTS Contemporary Review, vol. 56, 1889. CIVIL SERVICE APPOINTMENTS BY NOMINATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. CIVIL SERVICE AS A PROFESSION Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1890-1. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Bain's Practical Essayist, 1884. Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. Fortnightly Review, vol 46, 1886. CIVIL SERVICE PENSIONS National Review, vol. u, 1888. ENGLISH CIVIL SERVICE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. HOME CIVIL SERVICE Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE Fortnightly Rev., vol. 28, 1877. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 30, 1874. INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE AND THE UNIVERSITIES Fortnightly Review, vol. 59, 1893. NEW SCHEME FOR THE INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Contemporary Review, vol. 59, 1891. REPORT OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Fortnightly Review, vol. 23, 1875. RUIN OF THE CIVIL SERVICE Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. Leisure Hour, vol. 21, 1872. Civil Sovereignty. CIVIL SOVEREIGNTY AND NECESSARY TRUTH Dublin Review, vol. 25 (n.s.), 1875. Civil War. CIVIL WAR BETWEEN CHARLES I. AND THE PARLIAMENT Carlyle's Cromwell, 1892. Guizot's England, 1877. Hood's Oliver Cromwell. See also Charles I., Cromwell, etc. CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA Ollier's History of the United States, 1875-7. CIVIL WAR IN FRANCE Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. See also under Rebellion, Revolution, and Names of Countries. Civility Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891 CIVILIZATION. ADVANCE OF CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION IN EUROPE Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8, 1880. AMERICAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO CIVILIZATION Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. CIVILIZATION AND NOISE Fortnightly Review, vol. 30, 1878. CIVILIZATION AND SEWERS Truth, vol. 30, 1891. COMPARISON OF ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN CIVILIZATION Vambe'ry's Struggle for India, 1885. EARLY CIVILIZATION Leisure Hour, vol. 25, 1876. ENGLAND AND CHINA Congreve's International Policy, 1884. FAILURES OF CIVILISATION Temple Bar, vol. 6, 1862. INFLUENCE OF CIVILIZATION ON HEALTH Fortnightly Review, vol. 12, 1869. INSANITY, SUICIDE, AND CIVILIZATION Contemporary Review, vol. 43, 1883. ISLAM AND CIVILIZATION Contemporary Review, vol. 53, 1888. MORALS AND CIVILIZATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. ORIGIN OF CIVILIZATION Whately's Lectures on Political Economy, 1855. PERSIAN CIVILIZATION Contemporary Review, vol. 59, 1891. PROBLEMS OF CIVILIZATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 27, 1872-3. PROSPECTS OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD Contemporary Review, vol. 63, 1893. RECONSTRUCTION OF THE CIVILIZATION OF THE WEST Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 9, 1881. ROMAN CIVILIZATION IN ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. SAVAGE CONTRIBUTIONS TO CIVILIZATION Chambers's Journal, vol. 68, 1891. SAVAGEISM AND CIVILIZATION Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7. STRUGGLE OF CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION Trans. Royal Historical Soc., vol. 10, 1882. THREE CAUSES OF EUROPEAN PROGRF.SS Spofford's Lib. of Choice Literature, vol. 2. TRANSITION FROM HEATHEN TO CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, TO!. 7, 1878. GENERAL INFORMATION Emerson's Prose Works, 1889. Civita Castellana (Site of the Ancient "Faleritim Vetus" of Ovid : one of the most beautiful spots in Italy and noted for its Castle) Hare's Cities of Central Italy. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Civita Lavinia (Site of the A ncient " Lanuvium," birthplace of Roscius, the Comedian) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Civita Vecchia (Naval Port of Central Italy) Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Civitali (M., Italian Sculptor, died 1501) Leader Scott's Delia Robbia, 1890. Clairon (Mademoiselle, French A ctress, died 1803) Men and Women of the i8th Century. Clairvoyance (Mental or Spiritual Vision). ON CLAIRVOYANCE IN TRANCE Podmore's Apparitions, 1894. See also Hypnotism, Mesmerism, etc. Clans. HISTORY OF THE HIGHLAND CLANS Keltic's History of the Scottish Highlanders. NAMES OF SCOTTISH CLANS Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers' Jour., v. 48, 1871. See also Highlands, Scotland, etc. [130] CLAPPERTON-CLEMENT IV. Clapperton (Hugh, Scotch Traveller in Africa, died 1827) Thomson's Mungo Park. Kingston and Low's Great African Travellers. Verne's Great Explorers. Clare County, Ireland Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (3rd series), vol. 4. Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland (5th series), vol. 6. Clare (John, Rural Poet, died insane, 1864) Hood's Peerage of Poverty, 1870. Clarence. ORIGIN AND BEARERS OF THE TITLE Antiquary, vol. 5, 1882. Clarence (George, Duke of, Brother of Edward IV., put to death in 1477) Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 45, 1896. Clarence and Avondale (Albert Victor, Duke of, died 1892) Blackwood's Mag., vol. 151, 1892. New Review, vol. 6, 1892. Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Earl of, Historian, died 1674) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Jones' Recollections of Royalty, 1828. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Clarendon (G. W. F. Villiers, Earl of, Foreign Secretary, died 1870) Gladstone Government. Grant's Public Characters. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 7. Kinglake's Crimea, 1885-8. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 22, 1870. Claret (Light French Wim). CLARETS OF THE GIRONDE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. See also Bordeaux, Wine, etc. Clarionet (A Wind Instrument, whose sound is caused by a small thin reed) Groves' Dictionary of Music and Musicians, vol. i, 1879. Clark (Sir Andrew, Eminent Physician, died 1893). PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF SIR ANDREW CLARK Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. Clark (Latimer) Munro's Heroes of the Telegraph. Clark (Ruth, Faithful Domestic, died 1807) Hack's Faithful Service : Sketches of Christian Women. Clark (W., Professor of Anatomy at Cambridge, born 1788, died 1869). BRIEF SKETCH OF His LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. Clarke (Dr. Adam, Irish Divine and Bibliographer, died 1832) Groser's Men Worth Imitating. Blunt's Essays from "The Quarterly," i6o. Clarke (Sir Edward, Solicitor-General 1886-92, Q.C., M.P.) Idler, vol. 9, 1896. Clarke (Dr. Samuel, Nonconformist Divine, died 1750) Abbey's English Church, 1887. Clarke (Samuel, Theologian and Philosopher, died 1769) Turner's Em. Unitarians, 1840. Clarke (Lieut. William). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the igth Century, 1881. Clarkson (Thomas, Philanthropist and Anti-Slave Agitator, died 1846) Grant's Public Characters, 1841. Gurney's God's Heroes and the World's Heroes, 1858. Class Changes Lecky's History of England in the Eighteenth Century, 1892. Classics. CLASSICAL STUDIES IN AMERICA Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. OLD SCHOOL OK CLASSICS AND THE NEW Fortnightly Review, vol. 49, 1888. THE RATIONAL STUDY OF THE CLASSICS Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. VALUE OF GREEK IN EDUCATION Thirteen Essays on Education, 1891. VALUE OF THE CLASSICS Bain's Education as a Science, 1889. Claude (Gelee or Lorraine, French Landscape Painter, died 1682). GENERAL REMARKS ON THE ARTIST Ruskin's Modern Painters, 1892. Portfolio, No. 15, 1895. "Claudian" (A Play, by H. Herman and W. G. Wills) Theatre, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1884. Claudii (A Noble Family of Imperial Rome). THE PATRICIAN CLAUDII Mommsen's History of Rome, vol. i, 1867. Claudius (Latin Poet, wrote De Bella Getico, died circa 408) Quarterly Rev., vol. 184, 1896. Claughton (Thomas Legh, Bishop of St. Albans, died 1892) Essex Review, vol. i, 1892. Clavichord (A Stringed Instrument with Keys) Groves' Dictionary of Music, vol. i, 1879. Clay (Henry, American Statesman, Principal Founder of the Colony of Liberia, died 1852). RECOLLECTIONS OF HENRY CLAY Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. Clayton ( John, Actor, died 1888). PRIVATE LIFE OF JOHN CLAYTON Theatre, vol. n, 1888 Clayton (Robert, Bishop of Clogher, died 1758) Abbey's English Church and its Bishops, 1887. Cleaning. THE CHEMISTRY OF CLEANING Nature, vol. 50, 1894. Cleanliness. ABSENCE OF CLEANLINESS IN FORMER TIMES Chambers' Book of Days, vol. 2. BATHING, ETC. Chambers' Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts, vol. 6, Chambers' Journal, vol. 10, 1848. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Clearing House (An Office instituted for the purpose of Expediting Banking Transac- tions). THE BANKERS' CLEARING Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Clemens (Samuel L.) See Twain (Mark). Clemens or Clement (St., An Apostolic Father, died 100) Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. Shepherd's History of the Church of Rome, 1851. Clement II. (Pope, died 1947) Platina's Lives of the Pope. Clement III. (Pope, proclaimed the Third Crusade, died 1191) Platina's Lives of the Popes from the time of Gregory VII. to the death of Paul II., 1471. Clement IV. (Pope, gave Sicily to Charles of Anjou, died 1268) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 6, 1872. Platina's Lives of the Popes. [131] CLEMENT V.-CLIFFE Clement V. (Pope, suppressed the Knights Templars, died 1314) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 7, 1872. Platina's Lives of the Popes. Clement VI. (Pope, opposed the Tribune, died. 1352) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 7, 1872. Clement VII. (Pope, opposed the Divorce of Henry VIIL, dud 1534) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Life of Benvenuto Cellini, 1872. Trollope's Girlhood of Catherine de 1 Medici, 1856. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Froude's History of England, 1870. Ranke's History of the Popes, 1869. Clement Of Alexandria (A Father of the Early Greek Church, Head of the Cate- chetical School at Alexandria, died 213) Backhouse's Church History, 1892. Dale's Living Christ and the Four Gospels, 1892. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, Pressense's Early Years of Christianity, vol. 3, 1879. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers' Book of Days. Thomas' Universal Diet. , vol. i . Clement! (M., Italian Composer, died 1830) Morris' Famous Composers: Biographies of Eminent Musicians, 1891. Cleopatra (Queen of Egypt, committed suicide 30 B.C.) Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. Owen's Heroines of History. Works of Josephus, 1822. Cleopatra's Needle (An Ancient Monolith of the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty, removed from Alexandria and erected on the Thames Embankment 1878) All the Year Round, vol. i, 1859. Bramsen's Travels in Egypt, etc., 1820. Leisure Hour, vol. 2, 1853. Athenaum, 1883, vol. 2 ; 1887, vol. 2. CLERGY. ARE THE CLERGY OBSOLETE? Haweis' Broad Church, 1871. CELIBACY OK THE CLERGY Burnet's Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, 1826. Cusack's Life inside the Church of Rome, 1889. CLERGY AND CHURCH DEFENCE National Review, vol. 3, 1884 CLERGY AND LAITY Fortnightly Review, vol. 22, 1874. CLERGY AND POLITICS National Review, vol. 6, 1885-6. CLERGY AND THE DRAMA Hawkins' Annals of the French Stage, 1884. CLERGY AND THE REFORMATION Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. CLERGY IN RELATION TO MODERN DOGMATISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 4, 1866. CLERGY OF THE i6TH AND i7TH CENTURIES Brook's Lives of the Puritans, 1813. CLERICAL PARTY IN BELGIUM Fortnightly Review, vol. 18, 1872. COLUMBIAN CLERGY OF NORTH BRITAIN Trans. Royal Historical Soc., vol. 7, 1878. DRESS OF THE CLERGY Sunday Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. ENGLISH CLERGY Buckle's History of Civilization in England, 1867. ENGLISH EVANGELICAL CLERGY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 3, 1860-1. HER MAJESTY'S CHAPLAINS Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. NEW CLERGY Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. NEW CLERGY AND PREACHING Haweis' Dead Pulpit, 1896. NOTICES OF THE MINISTERS OF THE CHURCH OF WALTHAM Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8, 1880. ON THE CLERGY Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. RUSKIN ON THE CLERGY Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1884. RUSSIAN CLERGY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. SCOTTISH CLERGY Buckle's History of Civilization in England, 1867. SOME CLERICAL OBLIQUITIES OF MIND Fortnightly Review, vol. 24, 1875. SOME TALK ABOUT CLERGYMEN Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. SPANISH CLERGY Buckle's History of Civilization in England, 1867. STATE PROVISION FOR THE IRISH CLERGY Dublin Review, vol. 16, 1844. THEORY OF CLERICAL OBLIGATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 9, 1868. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Lord Chancellors and Keepersof the Great Seal of England, 1856-7. Freemantle's Woi Id as Subject of Redemption, 1885. Lecky's History of Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Milman's Latin Christianity, 1872. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1874. Stoughton's Church cf the Revolu- ticn. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Clerkenwell, London (A Parish largely inhabited by Goldsmiths, Opticians, etc.) CLERKENWELL AND ITS ASSOCIATIONS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. CURIOSITIES OF CLERKENWELL Leisure Hour, vol. 16, 1867. GENERAL INFORMATION Hare's Walks in London, 1872. Tiinbs 1 Curiosities of London, 1855. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. i (n.s.), 1868. Clerkships. FEMALE CLERKSHIPS IN THE POST OFFICE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [page 663], 1883. GERMAN CLERKS Economic Journal, vol. 3, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. Clermont-Ferraud (The Gallic Averni, a City of France, Capital of Auvergne) Baedeker's Southem France, 1891. Penny Magazine, vol. 5, 1836. Cleveland (Grover, Twice President of the United States, born 1837). CHARACTER SKETCHES. By Dr. Albert Shaw and G. F. Parker Review of Reviews, vol. 6, 1892, & vol. 13, 1896. MR. CLEVELAND AS PRESIDENT Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION National Review, vol. 29, 1897. Cleveland City, U.S.A. Harper's Magazine, vol. 72, 1885-6. Cliffe, Kent (Supposed to be Clovishoe, where the Saxon Church held its Councils) Hughes' Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land, 1891. [132] CLIFFORD-CLOUDS Clifford (Lady Ann, Heiress of the Cliffords, died 1675). TRUE MEMORIAL OF HER LIFE Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, 1846. Clifford. (Dr. John, Baptist Minister, President Metropolitan Free Church Council, born 1836) Camden Pratt's People of the Period, 1897. Clifford (Lady Margaret, Countess of Cumberland, died 1616) Strickland's Lives of the Tudor Princesses, 1868. Clifford (William Kingdom, Mathematician and Philosopher, died 1879) Fortnightly Review, vol. 31, 1879. Spectator [Mrs. Clifford], vol. 69. 1892. Cliffs. CLIFF-CLIMBING AND EGG-HUNTING Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. CLIMATE. ARCHITECTURE OF LONDON IN RELATION TO CLIMATE Fortnightly Review, vol. 4, 1866. CLIMATE OF THE CAMBRIAN PERIOD Knowledge, vol 17, 1894. CLIMATE OF SCANDINAVIA Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1882. CONNECTION OF CLIMATE WITH SUICIDE Morselli's Suicide, 1881. DEEP-SEA CLIMATES Nature, vol. 2, 1870. EFFECT OF OCEANIC CURRENTS UPON CLIMATES Report of British Assoc., 1881. FOSSIL PLANTS AS TESTS OF CLIMATE Nature, vol. 47, 1893. INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE ON RACE Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1893. REMARKS ON CLIMATES Reclus' Ocean, Atmosphere and Lite, 1873. Climbing. MOUNTAIN-CLIMBING Nature, vol. 3, 1870. Blackwood's, vol. 148, 1895. Clint (Georgp, Portrait Painter and Engraver, died 1854). LIFE AND WORK OF CLINT Art Journal, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1854. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. Clinton (Sir Henry, General, died 1795) Irving's Life of George Washington, 1855. Clitheroe, Lancashire (Has extensive Cotton and Print Industries) Murray's Guide to Lancashire, 1880. Clitumnus (A River of Italy, an affluent of the Tiber) Davies' Pilgrimage of the Tiber from its mouth to its source, 1875. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Clive (Kitty, Irish Actress, died 1785) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen from the Earliest Ages, 1877. Clive (Robert, Lord, Governor of India and Creator of the British Modern Empire, committed suicide 1774). ESSAY ON LORD CLIVE Macaulay's Essays, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Adams' Makers of British India. Adams' Steady Aim Neil's Epoch Men and the Results of their Lives, 1882. Clocks. ANCIENT CLOCKS Archaaological Journal, vol. 40, 1883. ASTRONOMICAL CLOCKS Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Henderson's Life of James Fergxison. Report of the British Association, 1880. FACTS ABOUT CLOCKS Lockyer's Stargazing, Past and Present, 1878. ORIGIN OF CLOCKS Beckmann's History of Inventions, Discoveries, & Origins, 1892. SOME REMARKABLE CLOCKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. SUGGESTIONS FOR MAKING CLOCKS Axon's Mechanic's Friend : a Collection of Receipts, etc., 1875. GENERAL INFORMATION Bakewell's Great Facts. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1882. Cloisters. CATHEDRAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. MONASTIC CLOISTERS Daily Graphic, vol. 19, 1894. THE CLOISTER IN CATHAY Fortnightly Review, vol. 49, 1888. Cloncurry (Lord) Dublin Review, vol. 38, 1855. Close (Francis, Dean of Carlisle, died 1882). CLOSE AND THE EVANGELICALS Oxenham's Studies in Ecclesiastical History and Biography, 1884. Cloth. COLOURS AND CLOTHS IN THE MIDDLE AGES Contemporary Rev., v. 44, 1883. CLOTHES. CAST-OFF CLOTHING OF ROYALTY Woman, April, 1895. CLOTHES OF THE BRITONS Barnes" Note on Ancient Britain and the Britons, 1858. CLOTHES HISTORICALLY CONSIDERED Scribner's Magazine, vol. 14, 1893. CLOTHING AS A PROTECTION AGAINST COLD Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1893. CORRECT CLOTHING Newsholme & Scott's Domestic Economy, 1891. EVILS OF TOO TIGHT CLOTHING Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. How TO MAKE CLOTHING Girl's Own Annual, vols. 2, 1881 ; 3, 1882 ; & 4, 1883. HYGIENIC CLOTHING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. MATERIALS AND MAKING OF CLOTHING Fannthorpe's Household Science, 1883. PRIMITIVE CLOTHING Joly's Man Before Metals, 1887. REFORM IN UNDERCLOTHING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. WASHING OF ROYAL CLOTHES Woman, May, 1895. WINTER CLOTHING Chambers' journal, vol. 72, 1895. Clotilde de Surville. See under Surville (Clotilde de). CLOUDS. A NEW FORM OF CLOUD Nature, vol. 4, 1897. CLOUD BEAUTY Ruskin's Modern Painters, 1892. CLOUD BELTS Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. CLASSIFICATION OF CLOUDS Loomis' Treatise on Meteorology, 1892. CLOUDS AND CLOUDSCAPES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893-4. CLOUDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. [i33] CLOUDS-COACHMEN Clouds- (continued). DECAY OF CLOUDS Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. DESCRIPTION OF CLOUDS Buchan's Handy Book of Meteorology, 1868. FORMATION AND DESCRIPTION Hartwig's Aerial World, 187.). FORMS OF WATER IN CLOUDS Tyndall's Forms of Water in Clouds, etc, 1892. KINDS OF CLOUDS Abercromby's Weather [International Scientific Series]. MEASUREMENT OF CLOUD AND SUNSHINE Waldo's Modern Meteorology, 1893. MEASUREMENT OF CLOUD HEIGHTS AND VELOCITIES Nature, vol. 54, 1896. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF CLOUDS Nature, vol. 2, 1870. PHOTOGRAPHIC OBSERVATION OF CLOUDS Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. RAIN AND CLOUDS Reclus' Ocean Atmosphere and Life, 1873. RAIN CLOUDS Temple Bar, vol. 97, 1893. STORM-CLOUDS IN THE HIGHLANDS Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. STUDY OF CLOUD Nature, vol. 51, 1894. dough (Arthur Hugh, Poet, died 1861). DIPSYCHRUS AND THE LETTERS OF A. H. CLOUGH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. POEMS OF ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. POETRY OF ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH Fortnightly Review, vol. 39, 1883. GENERAL INFORMATION Fortnigbtly Rev., vol. 10. 1868. National Rev., vol. 29, 1897. Temple Bar, vol. 108, 1896. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Clovelly, Devonshire (A Village described by Dickens in "A Message from the Sea"). ACCOUNT OF CLOVELLY Art Journal (n.s.), 1896. DESCRIPTION OF CLOVELLY Norway's Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, 1897. Magazine of Art, vol. 3, 1880. GENERAL INFORMATION Truth, vol. 12, 1802. Clovis (King of the Franks, died 511). BAPTISM OF CLOVIS Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. i, 1872. Clowes (William, London Printer, of Stamford Street, died 1883) Grant's Portraits of Public Characters, 1841. Smiles' Men of Invention. CLUBS. BOOK AND MAGAZINE CLUBS AND HOW TO MANAGE THEM Girl's Own Annnal, vol. 13, 1892. CLUB AND CARD-LAND Besant's Fifty Years Ago, 1888. CLUBS AND CLUB-HOUSES OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. CLUBS AND CLUB MEN Antiquary, vol. 18, i8h8. CLUBS AND CLUB-WITS UNDER ANNE Wharton's Wits and Beaux of Society, 1890. CLUBS AND THEIR CREDITORS Truth, vol. 19. 1886. CLUBS FOR WORKING GIRLS Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. CLUB-HOUSES FOR UNMARRIED WORKING MEN Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 156, 1894. CLUBS IN THE REIGN OF QUEEN ANNE Adams' Good Queen Anne, 1886. CLUBS OF LONDON Rodenberg's England, Literary and Social, 1875. COFFEE-HOUSES AND CLUBS Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 1856. Hay'? Club and the Drawing Room, 1870. CONSTITUTIONAL CLUB Jeaffreson's Annals of Oxford, 1874. COUNTRY CLUBS AND HUNT CLUBS IN AMERICA Scribner's Magazine, vol. 18, 1895. EARLY HISTORY OF CLUBS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. ESSAY ON CLUBS Emerson's Complete Prose Works, 1889. LONDON AND AMERICAN CLUBS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. LONDON CLUBS FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS OF ALL CLASSES Girl's Own Annual, NIGHT CLUBS FOR MEN SERVANTS Truth, vol. 13, 1883. [vol. n, 1890. TOURING CLUBS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. UNION CLUB Ballantine's Some Experiences of a Barrister's Life, 1883. UNIVERSITY CLUBS Hay's Club and the Drawing Room : Pictures of Modern Life. WIVES AND CLUBS Hay's Club and the Drawing Room : Pictures of Modern Life. WOMEN'S CLUBS IN LONDON Cassell's Magazine, vol. 25. 1898. WORKING GIRLS' CLUBS Sunday Magazine, vol. 27. 1891. Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson, 1851. Jerrold's Life and Remains of Douglas Jtrrold, 1859. Clubs. INDIAN CLUBS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. Cluniacs (An Order of Benedictine Monks, founded in 910) Morison's Life and Times of St. Bernard, 1868. Clyde (Famous River of Sonth-Weit Scotland). CLYDE NAVIGATION DANGERS Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. CLYDE, FROM ITS SOURCE TO DUMBARTON Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. I. DUMBARTON AND THE CLYDE Haldane's Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Glasgow, and its Environs, 1891. Black's Guide to Scotland, 1889. Black's Where shall we go? 1892. Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Coaches. COACH MAKING, PAINTING, ETC -Cassell's Tech. Educator, vols. 5 & 6, 1897. HISTORY OF COACHES Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. And Carriages. OLD COACHING DAYS Beaufort's Driving [Badminton Library], 1890. STATE COACHES Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. Coachmen. TALK ABOUT COACHMEN Harris' Coaching Age, 1885. COALCOBRA-DE-CAPELLO COAL and COAL-MINING. (See also Fuel). ANTHRACITE COAL Report of British Association, 1880. BRITAIN'S COAL CELLARS Proctor's Light Science for Leisure Hours, 1875. COAL AND MACHINERY IN MEXICO Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. COAL-CLEANSING AND WASHING Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (Supp.), 1879. COAL-CUTTING BY MACHINERY Engineer, vol. 82, i8g6. COAL-CUTTING MACHINE Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. COAL-FIELDS OF IRELAND Kane's Industrial Resources of Ireland, 1845. COAL-FIELDS OF SAN jERONiMo Mulhall's Rio Grand Do Sul and its German Colonies, 1873. COAL IN KENT Daily Graphic, vol. i, 1890. COAL IN NORTH AMERICA Hayden's North America, 1883. COAL MINES : The Pitman English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. COAL-MINING Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 5 & 6, 1897. Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874 ; and Supplement, 1879. COAL OF THE WORLD Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. COAL PLANTS AND COAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 29, 1873-4. COAL QUESTION Jevons' Letters and Journal, 1886. COAL SUPPLY OF LONDON Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. COAL-WORKS IN THE FOREST OF DEAN Nicholls' Forest of Dean, 1858. COMBUSTION OF BITUMOUS COAL IN BOILKRS -Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. COMPLEXITIES OF THE SOUTH WALES COAL QUESTION Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. FORMATION OF COAL Huxley's Critiques and Addresses, 1873. Lyell's Elements of Geology, 1874. KENT COAL-FIELDS Science Gossip, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1897. OLD PREJUDICES AGAINST COAL Andrews' Bygone England, 1892. OUR COAL SUPPLY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 26, 1872. PROFITS ON COAL-PITS Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. REMARKS ON COAL Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Coghlan's New South Wales, 1890. Griffin's New South Wales : Her Commerce and Researches, 1888. Ure's Arts & Manufactures, vol. i. Coal Trade. ARCHEOLOGY OF THE COAL TRADE Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1852. GIGANTIC COAL MONOPOLY Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. LOCK-OUT IN THE COAL TRADE Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1893. OUTLOOK IN THE COAL TRADE Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. RISE OF THE COAL TRADE Contemporary Review, vol. 62, 1872. Coalville, Leicestershire (near Ashby-de-la-Zouche) White's All Round the Wrekin. Coast. CONTEST FOR THE COAST Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. ENGLISH COAST Whymper's The Sea : its Stirring Story of Adventure, etc. Coate, near Swindon. ROUND ABOUT COATE Art Journal (n.s.), 1893. Coats. CHAPTER ON RED COATS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. See Dress. Coats Of Arms. COATS OF ARMS IN KENT CHURCHES Archaeologia Cantiana, vol.22. See also Corporations, Heraldry, etc. Cobalt (A Mineral used for colouring purposes). NICKEL AND COBALT Report ol British Association, 1877. Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. i. Cobbe (Frances Power, Antivivisectionist Writer and Philanthropist, born 1822). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 10, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, vol. 6, 1876. Cobbett (William, Political Writer, died 1835). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891-2. COBBETT'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR New Review, vol. 15, 1896. ESSAY ON COBBETT Forsyth's Essay, 1874. SKETCH OF WILLIAM COBBETT Temple Bar, vol. 93, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 19, 1886. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Cobden (Richard, Political Economist, died 1865). MEMOIR OF RICHARD COBDEN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. " MISSION " OF RICHARD COBDEN Hobart's Political Essays. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. MORLEY'S LIFE OF COBDEN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. GENERAL INFORMATION Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Great Orators, States- men, and Divines, 1889. Cobdenism. DECLINE OF COBDENISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. FROM COBDEN TO CHAMBERLAIN Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. Cobham (Lord [Sir John Oldcastle], Lollard Leader, original of Shakespeare's " Falstaff," hanged 1417) Jeaffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. Cobham Park Black's Guide to Kent, 1886. Hughes' Dickens-Land, 1891. Coblenz, Germany Baedeker's Rhine, 1889. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad : in France, Germany, Switzerland, etc., 1890. Cobra-de-Capello (A Poisonous Snake of South Asia). DESCRIPTION OF THE COBRA-DE-CAPELLO Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 1890. VENOM OF THE COBRA Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. [135] COBDRG-COINS Coburg, Saxony. COBURGERS AND THE ENGLISH COURT English Illus., vol. n, 1893-4. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, 1890. Stoughton's Homes and Haunts of Luther, 1883. Coburg, Saxe-. PALACES OF THE DURE OF SAXE-COBURG Strand Mag., vol.8, 1894. Cochin-China, Annam, China (French Colony in the China Sea and Gulf of Siam) FORTNIGHT IN FRENCH COCHIN-CHINA National Review, vol. 3, 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Ainsworth's All Round the World, 2 vols., 1861. Cochineal (A Dye-Stuff used for Crimson and Scarlet Colours). ORIGIN OF COCHINEAL Beckmann's History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins, 1846 Cockburn (Sir Alexander James, Lord Chief Justice, Judge in the Wainwright and Tichborne Cases, died 1880) Phonetic Jour., 1891. Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1890. Cockburn (Alison, Scottish Poetess, died 1795) Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. Cockburn (Sir George, Admiral, died 1853) James' Naval History, 6 vols, 1837. Cockburn (H. T., Lord, Scottish Judge, died 1854) Robinson's Bench and Bar, 1891. Cockfighting Antiquary, vol. 4, 1881. Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. Brand's Antiquities. Hone's Everyday Book, etc. Cockney (Nickname for a London Citizen, dating from about A.D. 1521 [?]). Murray's Dictionary, vol. 2, 1893. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Folk Lore], 1884. Cockroach (A Species of Beetle). DESCRIPTION OF THE COCKROACH Morgan's Text Book of Animal Biology, Cocoa (Ground Kernels of the Chocolate Cacao Tree). MANUFACTURE OF COCOA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. GENERAL INFORMATION Kingsley's At Last. Nature, vol. 2, 1870. Coco-Nut. ESSAY ON THE Coco-NuT Grant Allen's Falling in Love and other Essays on the more Exact Sciences, 1891. Cod-Fish. FISHING FOR COD Simmonds' Commercial Products of the Sea, 1883. Codification Am,os' Science of Law, 1889. Codrington (Sir Edward, Admiral, fought at Trafalgar, died 1851) James' Naval History, vols. 4, 5, & 6, 1837. Coelestine V. (Pope, died 1296) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 6, 1892. Coelian Hill Hare's Walks in Rome, 1872. Coercion in Ireland. POLICY OF COERCION Fortnightly Review, vol. 34, 1880. STRUGGLE OF COERCION IN IRELAND O'Connor's Parnell Movement, 1886. See also Fenians, Home Rule, Ireland, Parnell, etc. Coffee (Seed of a Shrub first found in Abyssinia and Arabia). COFFEE-PLANTING IN BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. CONCERNING COFFEE Andrews' Bygone England, 1892. RIGHT WAY OF MAKING TEA AND COFFEE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 210], 1883. USE OF COFFEE IN MODERN EGYPT Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1833-5. GENERAL INFORMATION Nature, vol. 2, 1870. Coffee-Houses. ANCIENT CoFFEF.-HousES Archer's Highway of Letters, 1893. BUTTON'S COFFEE-HOUSE Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. CLUBS AND COFFEE-HOUSES Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 1856. COFFEE-HOUSES OF LONDON Rodenberg's England. fimbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. Timbs' London Clubs, 1828. Leigh Hunt's The Town, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Adams' Good Queen Anne, 1886. Coggeshall, Essex History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 5, 1771. Cognac (The best kind of French Brandy) English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 6, 1888-9. Cognition (Knowledge or Perception). NATURE OF COGNITION Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875. Coif (Badge of Ser^eants-at-Law). PROCESS OF TAKING THE COIF Robinson's Bench and Bar, 1894. Coimbra (City of Portugal, noted for its University) Murray's Guide to Portugal, 188! COINAGE. BANK OF ENGLAND NOTES Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. COINAGE OF THE GREEKS Alleyne's History of Greece, Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. COINAGE OF ROME Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. Stevenson's Diet, of Coins, 1889. CURIOSITIES OF OUR COINAGE Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. ENGLISH COINAGE QUESTION Cobden Club Essays, 1871-2. FAUNA AND FLORA OF GREEK COINAGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. INTERNATIONAL COINAGE Shadwell's System of Political Economy, 1877. NEW COINAGE Daily Graphic, vol. 13, 1893. ONE YEAR'S HARD CASH Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Coincidences. DOCTRINE OF COINCIDENCES Reade's Readiana, 1886. MAX MULLER ON COINCIDENCES Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. COINS. (See also Numismatics). ANCIENT BRITISH COIN FOUND NEAR WATFORD Numismatic Chron., vol. 16, ANCIENT WEIGHTS, COINS AND MEASURES Grote's Minor Works, 1873. ART IN MINIATURE Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. BRITISH COINS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7. Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 1852. [136] COINS- COLERIDGE Coins ( contin ucti). COIN CASTS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1885-6. COINS AND COINING Hallam's Europe during the Middle Ages, 1840. COINS AND TOKENS Boy's Own Annual, vols. n, 1889, & 13, 1891. COINS OF THE BRITONS Boy's Own Annual, vol 8, 1885-6. COINS OF THE REALM All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. ENGLISH COINS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. FRENCH COINS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. JEWISH COINS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886. NOTES ON ANCIENT COINS Journal of the Koyal Institute of Cornwall, vol. 13. ROMAN COINS FOUND AT BRICKENDONBURV Numismatic Chronicle, vol. 16, ROMAN COINS FOUND AT ROSS-ON-WYE Numismatic Chronicle, vol. 16, ROMAN COINS Boy's Own Annual, vol. b, 1886. Murray's Guide to Northampton- shire, 1878. TOKEN COINAGE Woolwich Antiquarian Society, vol. i, GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Sat. Jour., 1896-7. Ewald's Israel, vols. 5-8, 1886. Coke. COKE AND COKE OVENS Spon's Dictionary of Engineering [Supplement], 1879. MAKING OF COKE Engineer, vol. 82, 1896, and vol. 83, 1897. SOUTH YORKSHIRE COKE TRADE Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Penny Cyclopaedia, 1845. Uie's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 1867, See also Fuel, etc. Coke (Lord, Judge, died 1634). LIFE OF LORD COKE Phillip's Essays from "The Times," 1871. Colbran-Rossini (Madame) Edwards' The Prima Donna, 1888. Colburn (Henry, Publisher, died 1855) Curwen's . History f Booksellers, 1873. Lennox's Fifty Years' Biographical Reminiscences, 1863. COLCHE8TER, Essex. COLCHESTER CASTLE Clark's Military Architecture, 1884. COLCHESTER IN THE OLDEN TIMES Andrew's bygone Essex, 1892. COLONIA CAMULODUMUM- -Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND FAMOUS MEN OF COLCHESTER Andrews' Bygone Essex, 1892. HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE WALLS OF COLCHESTER Essex Archaeological Society's Trai actions, vol. i, 1858. ROMAN PAVEMENTS IN COLCHESTER Essex Archaeological Soc Trans , vol. 5, 1873. SAINT MARTIN'S CHURCH Buckler's Churches of Essex, 1856. SAINT RUNWALD'S CHURCH Bucklers' Churches ot Essex, 1856. SIEGE OF COLCHESTER Andrew's Bygone Essex, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Antiquary, vol. 31, 1895. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol.6. Freeman's English Towns, 1883. History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 6, 1771. Murray's ouide to Eastern Counties, 1892. See also Histories of Essex by Moraiit, Wright, tie. Colds. COMMON COLDS AND INFLUENZA Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. COUGHS AND COLDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [p. 702], 1882. Coldstream Guards. THE COLDSTREAM GUARDS Macmillan's Mag., vol. 75, 1896-7 Cole Wm., Theologian and Botanist, died 778) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Colenso (J. W., Bishop of Natal, died 1883) Davidson's Life of Tail, 1891. Coleridge (Christabel Rose) Sunday "Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. Coleridge (Hartley, Poet, son of S. T. Coleridge, died 1849). ESSAY ON HARTLEY COLERIDGE Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. REMINISCENCES OF HARTLEY COLERIDGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6. GENERAL INFORMATION Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Coleridge (Herbert, Philologist, grandson of S. T. Coleridge, died 1861) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 5, 1861-2. COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor, Poet and Philosopher, died 1834). BRIEF SKETCH- JLeisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. COLERIDGE AND His CRITICS Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. COLERIDGE AS A DRAMATIST 1 heatre, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1884. COLERIDGE AS A POET Fortnightly Review, vol. 52, 1889. COLERIDGE AS A SPIRITUAL THINKER Fortnightly Review, vol. 43, 1885. ESSAY ON COLERIDGE Devey's English Poets. Pater's Appreciations, 1890. LETTERS OF COLERIDGE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. National Review, vol. 25, 1895. . LETTERS FROM COLERIDGE TO WILLIAM GODWIN Macmillan's Mag., vol. 9, 1863-4. RECOLLECTIONS OF COLERIDGE Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. SELECTIONS Lang's Blue Poetry Book, 1891. SKETCH OF HIS LIFE De Quincey's Works, 1862-74. Maclise's Portrait Gallery. GENERAL INFORMATION Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. Gilfillan's Literary Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. [137] COLERIDGE-COLOMBIA Coleridge (Sara, Writer, daughter of S. T. Coleridee, died 1852) Adams' Celebrated Englishwomen of the Victorian Era, 1884. Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. Coleshill, Warwickshire Black's Guide to Warwickshire, 1892. Colet (Dr. John, Dean of St. Paul's, died 1519) Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 2. Coligny (Gaspard de, Noted A dmiral of France, murdered 1572) Froude's History of England, 1870. Smiles' Huguenots in France, 1874. Collars Of SS (Ancient Collar formed in the shape of SS). NOTES ON COLLARS OF SS Archaeological Journal, vol. 39, 1882. Collatia (Ancient Italian Town) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Collecting. SOME COLLECTING FADS Temple Bar, vol. 108, 1896. Collections. CURIOUS COLLECTIONS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Collectivism. COLLECTIVIST PROSPECT IN ENGLAND Nineteenth Cent., vol. 37, 1895. COMMON-SENSE AND COLLECTIVISM Truth, vol. 40, 1896. LIMITS OF COLLECTIVISM Contemporary Review, vol. 63, 1893. Collects Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. COLLEGES. AMERICAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. CAN COLLEGES REFORM THEMSELVES? Macmillans Magazine, vol. 25, 1871-2. COLLEGE LIFE AT OXFORD Pycroft's Oxford Memories. COLLEGE LIFE FOR WOMEN Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1896. COLLEGE LIFE IN CALCUTTA Longman's Magazine, vol. 14, 1889. COLLEGES OF CAMBRIDGE Cassell's Land We Live In, vol. i. COLLEGES OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. ETON COLLEGE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4. 1881-2. FESTIVALS AT AMERICAN COLLEGES FOR WOMEN Century Magazine, vol.27, 1894-5. FREEDOM IN THE AMERICAN COLLEGES Progressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. GIRTON COLLEGE- Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. HALL AND COLLEGES Jeaffreson's Annals of Oxford, 1874. LOCAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. LONDON UNIVERSITY, AND LONDON COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS OF SCIENCE Mac- millan's Magazine, vol 16, 1867. OLD COLLEGE LIFE Ditchfield's Our English Towns, 1897. OUR OWN COLLEGES Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. PHASE OF MODERN COLLEGE LIFM. Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6. SOME GIRL-GRADUATES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. TROPICAL COLLEGE LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6;, 1892-3. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES AND PROFESSIONALCOLLEGES Macmillan's Mag ,v. 33, 1875-6. GENERAL INFORMATION Jeaffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. Colleoni (Bartolommeo, Noted Italian Commander, died 1475) Oliphant's Makers of Venice : Doges, Conquerors, and Men of Letters, 1891. Collepardo. GROTTO OF COLLEPARDO Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Collerye (Roger de, Poet] Besant's Studies in Early French Poetry, 1868. Collier (J., Theologian, died 1726) Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Collieries. COLLIERS AND COLLIERY EXPLOSIONS Nature, vol. 47, 1893. COLLIERY DISASTERS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Macaulay's Thrilling Tales. COLLIERY DISTRICTS OF THE NORTH Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1861-2. NEW COLLIERIES IN DERBYSHIRE AND NOTTS Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. SAFETY IN COLLIERY WINDING Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. THE MYSTERY OF COLLIERY EXPLOSIONS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Murray's Guide to Durham, etc. Hull's Coal-Fields of Great Britain : their History, etc., 1881. See also Coal, Fuel, etc. GE Collins 3 (William, Poet, died 1759) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets. Johnson's Lives of the Poets. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Collins (William, Artist, died 1847). CRITICAL STUDY Temple Bar, vol. 102, 1894. Collins (William Wilkie, Noted Novelist, son of above, died 1889). COLLINS AND DICKENS Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. NOVELS OF WILKIE COLLINS Contemporary Review, vol. 57, 1890. REVIEW OF WILKIE COLLIN'S WORKS Temple Bar, vol. 89, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 52, 1889. Collisions. COLLISIONS AT SEA Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. [ 1878. COLLISIONS MATHEMATICALLY CONSIDERED Todhuntei's Mechanics for Beginners, Colmar, Alsace-LorraineBaedeker's Rhine, Rotterdam, etc., 1889. Cologne, Germany (Noted for its Cathedral and Eau de Cologne). AFFAIRS OF COLOGNE Dublin Review, vol. 9, 1840. ARCHBISHOP OF COLOGNE [Clemens Augustus] Dublin Review, vol. 4, 1838. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Rhine, Rotterdam, etc., 1889. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad. Stowe's Sunny Memories, 1854. Colombia (Republic of South A merica) Clark's Peru. Nelson's Panama, 1891. [138] COLOMBO-COLOSSEUM Colombo (Domenico, Father of Columbus) Markham's Christopher Columbus, 1892. Colombo (Principal Seaport and Capital of Ceylon) Brassey's Last Voyage. Caine's Trip Round the World. Hornaday's Two Years in the Jungle, 1885. Murray's India and Ceylon, the Native States, and Assam, 1891. Colonial Governors. SELECTING COLONIAL GOVERNORS igth Century, vol. 24, 1888. Colonial Institute. KENSINGTON WHITE ELEPHANT Daily Chron., Feb. 26-8, 1898. WORD FOR THE COLONIAL INSTITUTE Fortnightly Review, vol. 46, 1886. COLONIES. (See also Colonisation, atui under Names of Colonies, e.g., Australia, Canada, Cape Colony, India, West Indies, etc., and Africa, China, Germany, etc.) A COLONIAL CHRONICLE National Review, vol. 29, 1897. A TROPICAL COLONY New Review, vol. 13, 1895. BRITISH COLONIES Meliora, vol. 12, 1869. BRITISH COLONIES AND COLONIAL CONFERENCE Contemporary Rev., vol. 67, 1895. BRITISH COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES May's Constitutional History, 1871. COLONIAL CONFERENCE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. COLONIAL DANGERS Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. COLONIAL DEPENDENCE Trollope's North America, 1862. COLONIAL EMPIRES New Review, vol. 17, 1897. COLONIAL EMPIRE OF 1837 Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. COLONIAL EXPANSION Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. COLONIAL PRIME MINISTERS IN BRITAIN Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. COLONIAL QUESTIONS IN 1870 Fortnightly Review, vol. 13, 1870. COLONIAL SUBORDINATION Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. COLONIES AND THE EMPIRE National Review, vol. 24, 1894-5. COLONIZATION REPORT Contemporary Re-iew, vol. 59, 1891. CONFERENCE OF COLONIAL MEMBERS Contemporary Review, vol. 64, 1893. CONVICT LIFE AND STATE OF THE COLONIES Griffith's Millbank, 1884. DRY-NURSING THE COLONIES Fortnightly Review, vol. 52, 1889. EARLY COLONIAL INSTITUTIONS Tians. Royal Historical Society, vol. io(n.s.),i8g6. ENGLAND AND HER COLONIES New Review, vol. 16, 1897. ENGLISH COLONIES UNDER QUEEN ANNE Bury's Western Nations. FEDERATION OF THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian History, vol. 2, i8gr FIFTY YEARS OF COLONIAL DEVELOPMENT Fortnightly Review, vol. 47, 1887. FRENCH PENAL COLONIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 21, 1887. FUTURE OF THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. GIRL'S TOUR IN THE COLONIES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. GIVE AND TAKE WITH THE COLONIES Fortnightly Review, vol. 43, 1885. GREATER BRITAIN AND THE QUEEN'S LONG REIGN Nineteenth Cent., vol. 41, 1897. HAVE WE A COLONIAL POLICY? National Review, vol. 2, 1883-4. How SHALL WE RETAIN THE COLONIES ? Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. LOYALTY OF THE COLONIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. OUR COLONIAL EMPIRE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. OUR COLONIAL POLICY Fortnightly Review, vol. 41, 1884. QUEEN VICTORIA AND THE EMPIRE Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. RIGHTS OF COLONIES Lang's Coming Event, or Australian Independence. STUDY IN COLONIAL HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 75, 1896-7. THE EMPIRE AND DOWNING STREET New Review, vol. 15, 1896. TRADE OF THE BRITISH COLONIES Contemporary Re>iew, vol. 72, 1897. WHAT is IMPERIAL DEFENCE? National Review, vol. 24, 1894-5. [vol. 34, 1880. WHY THE AMERICAN COLONIES SEPARATED FROM ENGLAND Fortnightly Review, GENERAL INFORMATION Lecky's History of England. Shadwell's Political Economy. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1819. Transactions of Royal Colonial Institute. COLONIZATION. (Sec also Colonies and under Names of Colonies, etc.) AMONG GERMAN COLONISTS Stadling &. Reason's In the Land of Tolstoi,. 1897. COLONIZATION AND THE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES National Review, vol. n, 1888. DEPRESSION OF TRADE AND STATE DIRECTED COLONIZATION Nat. Rev., vol.7, 1886 PRINCIPLES OF COLONIZATION Dublin Review, vol.4, 1838. STATE COLONIZATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 49, 1888. STATE-DIRECTED COLONIZATION National Review, vol. 9, 1887. SYRIAN COLONIZATION Contemporary Review, vol. 43, 1883. GENERAL INFORMATION Jung's Australia, its Country and Inhabitants, 1884. Colonna Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Colonna (Vittoria, Italian Poetess, died 1547) King's Cluster of Lives, 1874. Wilson's Michel Angelo. Colorado, United States. CLIMATE Bird's Life in the Rocky Mountains, 1885. COLORADO AND ITS CAPITAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 25, 1893. COLORADO RIVER Hayden's North America, 1883. LIFE IN THE ALTITUDES Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. THROUGH THE GRAND CANON OF THE COLORADO Scribner's Mag., vol. 8, 1890. ColOSSSe (A City of Asia Minor to which St. Paul wrote his Epistle) Ramsey's Church in the Roman Empire before A.D. 170, 1893. Ramsey's St. Paul the Traveller. Colosseum (A Roman Edifice for Gladiatorial Combats, etc., built A.D. 80) Antiquary, vol. 5, 1882. Chambers' Encyclopaedia, 1895. Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1863. Middleton's Ancient Rome. Rydberg's Roman Days. [139] COLOSSEUM-COMEDIE FRANCAISE Colosseum. COLOSSEUM IN REGENT'S PARK, LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London. Colour-Blindness. COLOUR-BLINDNESS AND RAILWAY SIGNALS Leisure Hour, vol. 2, 1853. See also Railways. OBSERVATIONS ON COLOUR-BLINDNESS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1891. PATHOLOGY OF COLOUR BLINDNESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. Colour, etc. COLOURS. (See also A rt, Chromatics, Light, Painting, etc.) ANALINE COLOURS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. Watt's Scientific Industries Explained, showing how some Articles of Commerce are made, 1881. BIRD'S COLOURS Darwin's Descent ot Man, 1871. CAUSES OF COLOUR Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. COLOUR IN DOMESTICITY AND DRESS Fortnightly Review, vol. 51, 1889. COLOUR IN ART AND ARCHITECTURE Kuskin's Stones of Venice, 1886. COLOUR Music Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. COLOUR SENSE Macmillan's Magazine [Development of the Colour Sense], vol. 41, Nineteenth Century, vol. 2, 1872. COLOUR VISION Young's Theory of Colour. Report of British Association, 1886. COLOUR SHADOWS Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 37, 1895. COLOURS AND CLOTHS IN THE MIDDLE AGES Contemporary Review, vol. 44, 1883. COLOURS IN FLOWERS Henslow's Origin of Floral Structures, 1888. CORRELATION OF COLOUR AND Music Nature, vol. i, 1870. DEVELOPMENT OF THE COLOUR SENSE Fortnightly Review, vol. 37, 1882. EXPLANATION OF COLOUR Todhunter's Natural Philosophy, FISHES' COLOURS Darwin's Descent of Man, 1871. Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., vol. 36. INSECTS' COLOURS Darwin's Descent of Man, 1871. MEASUREMENT OF COLOUR Photogram, vol. i 1894. NAMES AND DEFINITIONS OF COLOURS Standage's Artists' Pigments, 1887. OF TRUTH OF COLOUR Ruskin's Modern Painters, 1892. ON COLOUR VISION Nature, vol. 4, 1871. PERCEPTION OF COLOUR Conte's Sight, an Exposition of the Principles of Vision. PHENOMENA OF COLOUR Green's Colour-Blindness. Longman's Mag., vol.23, 1 893-4- RED AND BLUE COLOURING MATTER OF FLOWERS Natural Science, vol. 12, 1898. SCHEME OF COLOUR STANDARDS Nature, vol. 52, 1895. SCHUNCK ON COLOURING MATTERS British Association Report, 1847. SOME EXPERIMENTS ON COLOUR Nature, vol. 3, 1870. TASTE IN COLOUR Mrs. Haweis' Art of Beauty, 1883. USES OF COLOUR Poulton's Colours of Animals, their Meaning and Use, 1890. VARIOUS CODOURING MATTERS Hummel's Dyeing and Textile Fabrics, 1885. WATER-COLOURS AND COLOURING DRAWINGS Davidson's Drawing for Cabinet- Makers. GENERAL INFORMATION Ellis' Beautiful in Nature. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 764], 1882-3. Longman's Maga/ine. vol. 23, 1893-4. Columba (St., Celtic Missionary, converted the Picts in Scotland, died 59?) Bede's Ecclesiastical History, 1894. Kingsley's Hermits, St Paul, St. Malo, St. Anthony, St. Columba, etc. Columbanus (St., Irish Missionary, preached Christianity in France and Switzerland, died 615). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. Columbia River, North America Rustling's Great West and Pacific Coast. Columbus (Christopher, Navigator and Discoverer of America, died 1506). COLUMBUS AND THE COURT OF SPAIN Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella. COLUMBUS CELEBRATIONS Daily Graphic, vol. n, 1892. FIRST VOYAGE OF COLUMBUS Dr. Macaulay's Wonderful Stories. FOURTH CENTENARY OF COLUMBUS Nature, vol. 46, 1892. LIFE OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 11. GENERAL INFORMATION Ewart's Heroes and Martyrs of Science. Exemplary Biog aphv. Kent's Footprints on the Road. Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Whymper's The S-:a and its Stirring Story of Adventure. Comanclies. RAIN CHARMS OF THE COMANCHES Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Comb. USE OF THE COMB IN CHURCH CEREMONIES Antiquary, vol. 33, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Combe (George, Scottish Phrenologist, died 1858) Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. Whately's Remarkable People. Combe (William, A .uthor of " Dr. Syntax," died 1823) Gentleman's Magazine Library [Bibliographical Notes], 1889. Combe Abbey. Warwickshire Black's Guide to Warwickshire, 1892. Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Combustion. THEORY OF COMBUSTION Cook's New Chemistry. "Come -where my Love lies Dreaming" (Song by F. C. Foster) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Comedians. COUNCILS AND COMEDIANS Fortnightly Review, vol. 44, 1885. See also Actors, Drama, Stae;e, etc. Comfidie Framjaise. COMEDIE FRANCAISE IN LONDON Fort. Rev., vol. 59, 1893. THE ACTING OF COMEDIE FRAN^-AISE Theatre, vol. 22 (n.s.), 1893. THE FOYER OF THE COMEDIE FRANCAISE Theatre, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. [140] COMEDY COMMON LAND Comedy. CLASSICAL COMEDV COMPARED WITH SHAKESPEARE Hamilton's Nugas Literariae. COMEDY IN ENGLAND Ward's Dramatic Literature. FANCIFUL COMEDY Theatre, vol. 28, 1896. GRECIAN COMEDY Haigh's Attic Theatre. Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. IDEA OF COMEDY AND PINERO'S NEW PLAY Fortnightly Review, vol.67, 1897. OLD COMEDY ON A NEW STAGE Fortnightly Review, vol. 41, 1884. See also Actors, Stage, Drama, Theatre, etc. COMETS. CAPTURE OK COMETS BY PLANETS Report of British Association, 1891. CHANGES OF FORM IN COMETS' TAILS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. COMET OF 1066 Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 3, 1869. COMETS DUE IN 1895 Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. COMETS' TAILS Proctor's Science Byways, 1875. IRREGULARITIES IN THE TAILS OF COMETS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. METEORS AND COMETS Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. NOTES ON COMETS AND METEORS Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. PERIODICAL COMETS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. REMARKS ON COMETS Pouchet's Universe: the Infinitely Great and Infinitely Little. SIR R. BALL ON COMETS Daily Graphic, vol. 13, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1882. igth Cent., v. 12, 1882 Comic Papers. MODERN COMIC NEWSPAPERS Contemporary Review, vol. 50, 1886. RIVALS OF " PUNCH" National Review, vol. 25, 1895. Seealso Newspapers, Periodicals, Press, anditnJer names, e.g., "Judy," "Punch," etc. ."Comin 1 through the Rye" (Song, Author unknown, altered by Burns) Fitz- gerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Comino Island (Off the coast of Sicily) Napier's Wild Sports in Europe. Command. WORD OF COMMAND Bains' The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Commandments. MORAL LAW Burnet's Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, 1826. TEN COMMANDMENTS Farrar's Early Da>s of Christianity, 1882. GENERAL INFORMATION Leathes' Foundations of Morality, 1882. Commensals (In Zoology, Animals which live on or in other Animals [not parasites']). COMMENSALISM AND SvMBOsis Science Gossip, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. Commentators. SOME CURIOSITIES OF COMMENTATING Chambers' Jour., v. 68, 1891. COMMERCE. (See also Business, Trade, etc.) ALIEN MERCHANTS IN ENGLAND IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 9 (n.s.), 1895. AMONG THE ANCIENTS Ewald's Israel, vols. 3-5, 1886. ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL COMMERCE I aylor's History of the Factory System, 1886. ARE NATIONAL HOME INTERESTS WORTH TAKING CARE OF AND CULTIVATING Westminster Review, vol. 149, 1898. CARRYING TRADE OF THE WORLD Contemporary Review, vol. 66, 1894. COMMERCE IN EUROPE Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1647. COMMERCE OF THIBET Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. COMMERCIAL CRISES AND THE SUN-SPOT PERIOD Jevons' Letters and Journal, 1886. COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES Adams' Steady Aim. COMMERCIAL LEGISLATION Lecky's History of Ireland in the Eighteenth Cent., 1892. COMMERCIAL POLICY OF EDWARD III. Transactions of the Rojal Histoiical Society, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1889. COMMERCIAL TREATIES A SURRENDER OF PRINCIPLE Fortnightly Rev., vol. 36, 1881. COMMERCIAL TREATY BETWEEN ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1786 Transactions of the Royal Historical Socieiy, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1885. COMMERCIAL UNION OF THE EMPIRE Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. COMMERCIAL VALUE OF SMALL THINGS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. FOREIGN TRADE OF GREAT BRITAIN Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE HANSEATIC LEAGUE Transactions of the Royal. Historical Society, vol. 9, 1891. PREHISTORIC COMMERCE Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 4, 1875. RELATIVE SIZES OF THE TRADING WORLD IN 1860 AND 1896 Engineer, vol.82, 1896. SCHOOLS OF COMMERCE Contemporary Review, vol. 52, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Westminster Review, vol. 7, 1827. Commercial Travellers. ADVENTURES OF COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS Burnley's Romance of Modern Industry, 1889. Commination (An Office in the Church Liturgy) Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Committees. CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEES IN MATTERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. ELECTION COMMITTEES Ballantine's Experiences of a Barrister's Life, 1883. Commodus (Emperor of Rome, son of Marcus Aurelius, killed 192) Milinan's Latin Christianity, 1875. Common Land. CASES OF COMMON LANDS Freeman's Norman Conq., vol. 5, 1870. ENCLOSURE OF COMMONS, 1871 Fawcett's Speeches on Political Questions, 1873. FUTURE OF OUR COMMONS Fortnightly Rev., vol. 28, 1877. Hill's Common Land, 1877. OPEN SPACES AND OUR COMMON LAND Hill's Common Land, 1877. PRESERVATION OF COMMONS AND OPICN SPACES Meliora, vol. n, i8C8. COMMON-PLACE-COMTE Common-Place Book. How TO KEEP A COMMON-PLACE BOOK Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [page 601], 1882. READER'S COMMON-PLACE BOOK Mason's How to Excel in Study. Common Sense. REVIVAL OF COMMON SENSE [a Critique on Mr. Gladstone's Political Life] National Review, vol. 7, 1886. GEN. INF. Mind, vol. 20, 1895. Commons (House of). See House of Commons. Commons. COMMONS AND COMMON FIELDS OF ENGLAND Edinburgh Rev., v. 186,1897. Commonwealth. GROWTH OF COMMONWEALTHS Fortnightly Review, vol. 20. 1873. GENERAL INFORMATION Jesffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Price's History of Protestant Nonconformity, 1836. White's History of England from the Earliest Times. Sec also Cromwell, England, etc. Communion. HOLY COMMUNION Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Lord's Supper. Communion Plate. NOTES ON THE COMMUNION PLATE OF ALL HALLOWS CHURCH Proceedings of the Huguenot Society, vol. 5. COMMUNISM. (See also Anarchism, Nihilism, Socialism, etc.) COMMUNAL HABITATIONS OF PRIMITIVE COMMUNITIES Antiquary, vol. 5, 1882. COMMUNK AND THE PARISH Contemporary Review, vol. 55, 1889. COMMUNE AND THE TERROR, FRANCE, 1791 Gardiner's French Revolution, 1892. DESCRIPTION OF COMMUNISM Ruskin's Fprs Clavigera, 1871. FALL OF THE COMMUNE Fortnightly Review, vol. 16, 1871. MILITARY SIDE OF THE COMMUNE Fortnightly Review, vol. 20, 1873. VILLAGE REPUBLICS Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. [Thought, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Contemporary Review, vol. 57, 1890. Treasury of Religious Como (Lake of Northern Italy) Bennett's Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean, 1875. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Hare's Cities of Northern Italy. Companies. CITY COMPANIES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-;). COMPANY PROMOTING Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. ORIGIN OF THE NEW ENGLAND COMPANY, LONDON Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1885. Companionship. Goon AND BAD COMPANIONSHIP Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. Compass (Mariner's Compass). EFFECTS OF IRON VESSELS ON THE COMPASS Rogers' Magnetism of Iron Vessels, 1877. ORIGIN OF THE COMPASS McCulloch's Treatises and Essays on Money, 1859. GENERAL INFORMATION Harris' Rudimentary Magnetism, 1875. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations. Compasses (mathematical Compasses) Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Compassion Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Compensation. COMPENSATION FOR LICENCES Contemporary Review, vol. 58, 1890 COMPENSATION OR CONFISCATION Nineteenth Century [Publicans under the Local Veto Bill], vol.28, 1890. GOVERNMENTAL ENCROACHMENTS AND COMPENSATION Sedgwick's Elements of Politics, 1891. Competition. AMERICAN VIEW OF COMPETITION Fortnightly Review, vol. 31, 1879. COMPETITION AND FREE TRADE National Review, vol. 10, 1887-8. COMPETITION AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION National Review, vol. 5, 1885. COMPETITIVE ELEMENT IN MODERN LIFE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 5, 1889. ENGLISH INDUSTRY AND EASTERN COMPETITION Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. EVILS OF COMPETITION IN TRADE AND IN EXAMINATIONS Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, ' 1871-7. Ashton's English Lotteries, 1893. QUEER COMPETITIONS Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. Compiegfne, France (Contains a former Royal Residence). ROUND ABOUT PARIS, CHANTILLY, AND COMPIEGNE All Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Challice's Memories of French Palaces, 1871. Composers. How COMPOSERS WORK Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. POPULAR COMPOSERS Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. SOME TRUTS OF COMPOSERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. GENERAL INFORMATION Naumann's Music, vol. 5, 1886. Composition. PHILOSOPHY OF COMPOSITION Poe's Works, 1874-5. WRITERS ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION Adam's Plain Living. Comprehension Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. Compromise. JOHN MORLEY ON COMPROMISE Fortnightly Review [Limits of Compromise], vol. 21, 1874. Compton (H., Bishop of London, died 1713) Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Compton-Winyates, Warwickshire Howitt's Visit to Remarkable Places, 1856. COMTB (Auguste, French Philosopher, died 1857). CHURCH OF HUMANITY [Followers of Comte] Molloy's Faiths of the People, vol. i, 1892. COMTE AND MILL Fortnightly Review, vol. 6, 1866. Mill's Autobiography. COMTE AND POLITICAL ECONOMY Fortnightly Review, vol. 13, 1870. COMTE AND THE " LIVING WAGE " Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. [142] COMTE-CONGRESS Comte (cont inued) . POSITIVISM AND COMTE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. n, 1865-6. PROF. HUXLEY ON M. COMTE Fortnightly Review, vol. n, 1869. SUNDAY WITH THK FOLLOWERS OF COMTE Molloy's Faiths of the People, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 3, 1865-6. Conan (Count of Brittany, died 1066). WILLIAM, DUKE OF NORMANDY, CHARGED WITH THE DEATH OF CONAN Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 3, 1869. Concertina. DESCRIPTION Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. i, 1879. How TO PLAY IT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. Concerts. CONCERTS IN CATHEDRALS Truth, vol. 24, 1888. PEOPLES' CONCERT SOCIETY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, i8So-i. POPULAR CONCERTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. u, 1890. SOME EARLY LONDON CONCERTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. Concnolpgy (Science of Shells), RECENT PROGRESS IN CONCHOLOGY Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. See also Shells, Conclaves. CARTWRIGHT ON CONCLAVES Dublin Review, vol. n (n.s.), 1868. Concord (Capital of New Hampshire, U.S.). SUNDAY AT CONCORD Fortnightly Review, vol. 49, 1888. Concrete. CEMENT, CONCRETE, LIMES, AND MORTAR Spoil's Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. GENERAL INFORMATION Middleton's Ancient Rome in 1888. Condamine (C. M. de la, French Traveller, died 1774). TRAVELS Verne's Gt. Navig. Conde (Prince Louis de, French General, died 1686) Cust's Warriors, 1867. Condillac (E. B. de, French Philosopher, died 1780) Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. Chambers' Encyclopaedia, vol. 3, 1895. Conduct. CHARACTER AND CONDUCT International Journal of Ethics, vol. 3, 1892-3. CONDUCT AND GREEK RELIGION Fortnightly Review, vol. 55, 1891. Conductors and Drivers Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886. And under 'Busses, Cabs, Coachmen, etc. Coney Island (Seaside Resort near New York) Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. Confederation Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Confession. AURICULAR CONFESSION AND THE ENGLISH CHURCH Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 37, 1895. CONFESSIONAL- Cusack's Life Inside the Church of Rome, 1889. KING'S CONFESSORS Antiquary, vols. 22 & 23, 1890-1. GENERAL INFORMATION Davidson & Benham's Life of Archibald Campbell Tail, 1891. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Confirmation Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. See also Christianity. Confiscation. CONFISCATION OF LANDS AT THE CONQUEST Freeman's Norman Conquest, vols 4 & 5, 1870. Confucianism. CONFUCIANISM IN JAPAN Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Davis' China : a general description of that Empire, 1837. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Douglas' Confucianism and Taoism, 1879. Confucius (Chinese Philosopher, died 478 B.C.) CONFUCIUS IN CHINA Henry's Cross and Dragon, or Light in the Broad East ESSAYS ON THE WORKS OF CONFUCIUS Vliiller's Chips from a German Workshop. SIR J. BOWRING ON CONFUCIUS Fortnightly Review, vol. 9, 1868. TEACHINGS OF CONFUCIUS Fielde's Corner of Cathay, 1894. THE TCHONG-YONG OF CONFUCIUS Trans, of the Royal Hist. Soc., vol.2 (n.s.), 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Conger-eel. MY NIGHT WITH THE CONGER Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. CONGO (Great River and State in Central Africa). BASIN OF THE CONGO Johnston's Africa [Stanford's Compendium], 1884. CONGO FREE STATE Bourne's Other Side of the Emiu Pasha Relief Expedition, 1891 . CONGO NEUTRALIZED Contemporary Review, vol. 43, 1883. CONGO RIVER SYSTEM Junker's Travels in Africa, 1891. CONGO TREATY Fortnightly Review, vol, 42, 1884. CRUELITY IN THE CONGO FREE STATE Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. LIFE AMONG THE CONGO SAVAGES Scribner's Magazine, vol. 7, 1890. PORTUGAL AND THE CONGO National Review, vol. 3, 1884. STANLEY'S DESCENT OF THE CONGO Montefiore's Leaders to Unknown Lands. SUPERSTITIONS IN THE KINGDOM OF THE CONGO Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GF.NERAL INFORMATION Geddie'S Lake Regions of Centnl Africa, 1881. Jameson's Story of the Rear Column oi the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, 1890. Kingston & Low's Great African Travellers. Stanley's In Darkest Africa, 1890. Werner's Visit to Stanley's Rear Guard at Major Barttelot's Camp, 1889. White's De- velopment of Africa, 1890. Stanley's Through the Dark Continent, 1878. CongregUtionaliStS. THURSDAY NOON SERVICE AT THE CITY TEMPLE Curties' Dissent in Relation to Church of England. Molloy's Faiths of the Peoples, 189:. Congress (American Congress) Trollope's North America, 1862. And United States. [143] CONGRESS-CONSTANCE Congress. CONGRESS OK BERLIN Lusignan's Abdul Hamid II., 1889. Congreve (William, Dramatist and Wit, died 1729) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Johnson's Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets. Love- Letters of Fanious Men and Women of the Past and Present Century. Thackeray's The English Humourists. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Ward's English Dramatic Literature. Wharton's Wits and Beaux of Society, 1890. Congreve (Sir'William, Physicist, died 1828) Distinguished Men of Science. Coningsburgh Castle, Yorkshire. ON THE NORMAN KEEP TOWER OF COKINGS- BOROUGH CASTLK Archaaological Journal, vol. 5, 1848. Conington (J., Classical Schnlar and Christian Socialist, died 1869). BRIEF SKETCH OF His CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. ai, 1869-70. GENERAL',!NFORMATION Japp's Good Men and True. Conington Castle, Huntingdonshire Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Coniston (Lake"jn Lancashire) Black's Guide to the English Lakes, 1886. Conjeveram, British India Macleod's Peeps at the Far East, 1871. Conjuring Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879, & vol. 3, 1881. Every Boy's Book. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Pastimes. Connaught, Ireland Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 6. Connemara, Ireland. A MONTH IN CONNF.MARA Fortnightly Review, vol. 40, 1883. GENERAL INFORMATION Orr'sLand We Li vein, vol. 3. Cass. Own Own Country, v. 6. Conquest (The). See Norman Conquest. Conrad III. (First fen King of Germany, died 1152) Morison's Life and Times of St. Bernard, 1868. Conradin (Last Hohenstau/eit Emperor, executed 1268) Hope's Royal Youths, 1892. Consanguinity Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Conscience. ANALYSIS OF CONSCIENCE International Journal of Ethics, vol. 2, 1891-2. EMOTION OF ANGER Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. HEREDITARY CONSCIENCE Contemporary Review, vol. 44, 1883. LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE Gilfillan's Modern Christian Heroes, 1869. NATURE AND ORIGIN OF CONSCIENCE International Journal ot Ethics, vol.6, 1895-6. PROF. MIVART ON THE RIGHTS OF CONSCIENCE Dublin Review, vol. 27 (n.s.), 1876. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. Cook's Boston Monday Lectures, 1881. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. Consciousness. ANIMAL AUTOMATISM AND CONSCIOUSNESS Monist, vol. 7, 1896-7. CONSCIOUSNESS GOVERNING MOTIVES Ellis' Education of Character. CONSERVATION OF SPIRIT AND ORIGIN OF CONSCIOUSNESS Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. VOLITIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. Consecration Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. CONSERVATISM. (See also Tories, Unionists, etc.) APPEAL TO THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY National Review, vol. 4, 1884-5. CHANCES OF A CONSERVATIVE REGIME -Fortnightly Review, vol. 30, 1878. CONSERVATISM ANI> SOCIALISM National Review, vol. 2, 1883-4. CONSERVATISM AND YOUNG CONSERVATIVES National Review, vol. 8, 1886-7. CONSERVATISM OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY National Review, vol. 4, 1884-5. CONSERVATISM OF YOUNG OXFORD National Review, vol. 3, 1884. CONSERVATIVE DILEMMA Contemporary Review, vol. 43, 1883. CONSERVATIVE FOREIGN POLICY Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1892. CONSERVATIVE LEADERSHIP Fortnightly Review, vol. 38. 1882. CONSERVATIVE REACTION Fortnightly Review, vol. 21, 1874. HAS CONSERVATISM INCREASED SINCE 1868 Fortnightly Review, vol. 36, 1881. WHY CONSERVATISM FAILS IN SCOTLAND National Review, vol. 2, 1883-4. Conservatories. CONSTRUCTION OF CONSERVATORIES Fawkes' Horticuliural Buildings : their Construction, etc. Consistency Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Consols (Consolitlu'ed Annuities). CONSOLS AT no Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. Consonants. CONSONANTS' RELATION TO SPEECH Meyer's Organs of Speech, 1892. Conspiracy. LAW OF CONSPIRACY Spectator, vol. 68, 1892. Constable (Archibald, Original Publisher of "Edinburgh Review," died 1827) Cnrwen's History of Booksellers: the Old and New, 1873. Smiles' Murray: a Publisher and his Friends, 1891. Constable (Henry, Poet, died about 1613) Ward's English Poets, vol. I, 1880. Constance (Town in Germany noted for its Ancient Palace and Cathedral) Baedeker's Guide to Southern Germany and Austria, 1891. Baedeker's Rhine from Rotte.dam to Constance, 1889. Macgregor's Thousand Miles in the " Rob Roy Canoe [Lake of Constance] 1875. Seguin's Black Forest : its People and its Legends, 1885. [144] CONSTANCE OP BBETAGNE CONVENTIONALITY Constance of Bretagne. CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S CONSTANCE Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. " Constantes Amours d'Alix et d' Alexis " (Old French Poem by Paradis de Moncrif) Fitz-gerald's Stones of Famous Songs, 1898. Constantine, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20, 1830. Murray's Algeria and Tunis, 1891. Constantine (Roman Emperor, founded Constantinople and adopted Christianity as the State Religion, died 332). LIFE OF CONSTANTINE Shepherd's History of the Church of Rome, 1851. GENERAL INFORMATION Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Milner's History of the Church of Christ, 1840. Sozomen's History of the Church, 1855. CONSTANTINOPLE (Capital of the Turkish Empire. See also Turkey, .East, etc.) ANTIQUITIES OF CONSTANTINOPLE Archaeological Journal, vol. 39, 1882. CONSTANTINOPLE AND OUR WAY TO INDIA Fortnightly Review, vol. 27, 1877. CONSTANTINOPLE AS AN HISTORIC CITY Fortnightly Review, vol. 61, 1894. CONSTANTINOPLE MASSACRE, 1895 Contemporary Review, vols. 68, 1895, & 70, 1896. CONSTANTINOPLE REVISITED Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. DESCRIPTION OF CONSTANTINOPLE Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 14, 1830. IMPRESSIONS OF CONSTANTINOPLE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. LATIN EMPIRE OF CONSTANTINOPLE Cox's Crusaders [Epochs of Modern Hist.] 1889. MEN AND MANNERS IN CONSTANTINOPLE Fortnightly Review, vol. 44, 1885. PROBLEM OF CONSTANTINOPLE Fortnightly Review, vol. 61, 1894. "QUEEN OF CITIES" Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. SKETCH DURING THE CONFERENCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. SKETCHES FROM CONSTANTINOPLE Dailv Graphic, vol. 28, 1896. STORY OF CONSTANTINOPLE Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1896-7. THE VALUE OF CONSTANTINOPLE National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. WALLS OF CONSTANTINOPLE Art Journal (n.s.), 1896. Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. GENERAL INFORMATION Baker's Turkey in Europe, 1877. Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Brassey's Sunshine and Storm in the East, 1881. Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Hodder's Cities of the World. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. Milman's Latin Christianity, 1872. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 14, 1893 & vol. 15, 1894. Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. Constantius (Son of Constantine) Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Sozomen's History of the Church, 1855. Constitution (Fundamental Law of a State). CHANGES IN THE ANCIENT CONSTI- TUTION Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. CONSTITUTION OF STATES IN EUROPE Robertson's History of the Reign of Charles V., 1887. THE CONSTITUTION OF ENGLAND IN THE TENTH CENTURY Freeman's History of the Norman Conquest, 1870. THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION Fortnightly Review, vol. 7, 1867. Stubbs' Con- stitutional History of England in its Origin and Development. GENERAL INFORMATION Hallam's the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, 1869. Newman's Discussions and Arguments on Various Subjects, 1891. Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. Westminster Review [Eng. Constitution], vol. 154,1895. Consuls. BRITISH CONSULS ABROAD Bedford's Sailor's Handbook with Charts, 1890. MULTIFARIOUS DUTIES OF A BRITISH CONSUL Temple Bar, vol. 112, 1897. Consumption. CONSUMPTION IN CATTLE CONVEYABLK TO MAN Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. PULMONARY CONSUMPTION Clark's Sanative Influence of Climate, 1846. ROYAL COMMISSION Science Progress, vol. 3, 1895. Contagion. HENRY ON THE LAWS OF CONTAGION British Association Report, 1834. Contempt Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. Contentment. GOSPEL OF CONTENT Yellow Book, vol. 2, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Continent. CONTINENTAL GROWTH AND GEOLOGICAL PERIODS Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. GOSSIP ABOUT THE CONTINENT Dublin University Magazine, vol. 29, 1847. Contortion. ANATOMY OF THE CONTORTIONIST Scribner's Magazine, vol. 5, 1889. Contract. EARLY HISTORY OF CONTRACT Maine's Ancient Law, 1891. FREEDOM OF CONTRACT Fortnightly Review, vol. 35, 1881. LAW OF CONTRACT Amos's Science of Law, 1889. RIGHTS OF CONTRACT Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. GENERAL INFORMATION Sedgwick's Elements of Politics, iBgi. Contrivance (A necessity arising out of the Reign of Law) Argyll's Reign of Law, 1868. Controversy. THE PLAGUE OF CONTROVERSY Dublin Review, vol. 36, 1854. Conundrums Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. Hood's Excursions into Puzzledom. Conventionality. IN PRAISE OF CONVENTIONALITY New Review, vol. 12, 1895. L [ 145 ] CONVENTS-COOKERY CONVENTS. CONVENT PRISON Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. ENGLISH CONVENT LIFE English Illustrated, vol. 8, 1890-1. GIRLS IN AN ITALIAN CONVENT Ruskin's Fors Clavlgera, 1887. LIFE IN A CONVENT Cusack's Life Inside the Church of Rome, 1889. Richardson's Personal Expeiience of Roman Catholicism, 1871. RUSSIAN CONVENTS Hepworth Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. Six MONTHS IN A CONVENT Dublin Review, vol. i, 1836. SYRIAN CONVENTS Hepworth Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. Two VIEWS OF THE CONVENT QUESTION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. UTILITY OF CONVENTS Eustace's Classical Tour Through Italy, 1841. GENERAL INFORMATION Murray's Guide to Egypt, 1891. Conversation. ART OF CONVERSATION De Quincey's Works, vol. 10, 1890. Hardy's Manners Makyth Man, 1887. Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. CONVERSATION : an Apology Wells' Certain Personal Matters, 1898. ESSAY ON CONVERSATION Sir William Temple's Works, vol. 3, 1757. ESSAY ON THE CONVERSATION OF AUTHORS Hazlitt's Plain Speaker : Opinions on Books, Men, and Things 1870. ON CONVERSATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. SMALL TALK THAT is NOT SMALL Woman, February, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Jowett's College Sermons, 1895. Conversion. INDIAN CONVERTS Leupolt's Further Recollections of an Indian Missionary, 1873. TRIALS OF CON VERTS IN CHINA Henry's Cross & Dragon: or Light in the Broad East. GENERAL INFORMATION Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Conveyances. MODERN TOWN CONVEYANCES Meliora, vol. 12, 1869. QUEER CONVEYANCES Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. See also Cabs, Carriages, Cycles, Motor Cars, 'Busses, etc. Convicts. CONVICT LIFE Griffiths' Memorials of Millbank, 1884. FRENCH CONVICTS IN SOUTH PACIFIC Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. FROM RAGGED SCHOOLS TO CONVICTS Life and Work of Mary Carpenter, 1881. G. W. WALKER AND THE CONVICTS Japp's- Master Missionaries, 1880 OCCUPATION AND BURIAL OF CONVICTS Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. GENERAL INFORMATION Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Life and Work of Mary Carpenter, 1881. Convocation (An Assembly of the Clergy of Canterbury or York on Ecclesiastical Matters). DR. COLENSO AND CONVOCATION Macinillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. HOUSE OF CONVOCATION Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. GENERAL INFORMATION- Abbey's English Church and its Bishops, 1887. Heylyn's The History of the Reformation, 1869. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Pearson's Reviews cfThirlwall, vol. i [Bishop Thirlwall's Charge, 1854]. Conway (Town of North Wales, noted for its old Castle) Gossiping Guide to Wales, 1897. Murray's Guide to North Wales, 1874. Roscoe's Wanderings in North Wales, 1862. Conway (Brilliana, Wife ofRobt. Harley, died 1643) Anderson's Memorable Women, 1862. Conway (Hon. H. S., Field-Marshal and Statesman, died 1795) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Conway (Sir W. Martin, Famous Mountaineer and Explorer, born 1856) Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. Conyers (W. and T., Barristers) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Coo, near Spa. THROUGH THE ARDENNES TO Coo Macquoid's In the Ardennes, 1881. Cook (Eliza, Poetess, died 1889) Poetical Souvenir. Cook (Captain J., Famous Navigator, killed 1779). ACCOUNT OF THE THIRD AND LAST VOYAGE OF CAPTAIN COOK ROUND THE WORLD Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 7, 1818. COOK'S JOURNAL Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. DEATH OF CAPTAIN COOK Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 10. LIFE OF CAPTAIN COOK Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 5. TRAVELS Verne's Great Navigatois of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. GENERAL INFORMATION Adams' Steady Aim. Challice's Heroes, Philosophers, and Courtiers of the Time of Louis XVI., 1863. Whymper's The Sea and its Story. Cook (T.) and Son. SKETCH OF THE RISK OF THE FIRM Japp's Successful Business Men [Short Accounts of the Rise of Famous Firms] , 1892. Cooke (Anne, Lady Bacon, Governess to Edward VI., died circa 1604) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, 1855. Cooke (Mildred, Lady Burghley, wife of William Cecil, Lord Biirghley, died 1589) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, 1855. Cooke (Dr. W., Head Master of Eton College) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Cooke (Sir W. F., Electrician, died 1879) Munro's Heroes of the Telegraph. COOKERY. (See also Baking, Food, Diet, Digestion, etc.) A LITTLE ANGLO-FRENCH COOKERY Woman, April, 1895. AMERICAN COOKEKY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883-4. AN EARLY COOKERY BOOK Antiquary, vcl. 4, 1881. ANCIENT ROMAN COOKERY All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. [146] COOKERY-CO-OPERATION Cookery (continutd). ARMY COOKERY All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. ART OF COOKERY Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. BAKERY AND COOKING APPARATUS Colyer's Public Institutions : their Engineering, Sanitary, and other Appliances, 1889. CHEMISTRY OF FOOD AND COOKERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881-2. CHINESE COOKERY Temple Bar, vol. 93, 1891. COOKERY AS A BUSINESS Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1893. COOKERY AT HOME AND ABROAD Daily Graphic, vol. 7, 1891. COOKERY CHAT Home Chat, various volumes. COOKERY CLASSES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. COOKERY FOR THE POOR Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 132], 1883. COOKERY TEACHING UNDER THE LONDON SCHOOL BOARD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 50, 1884. DECADENCE OF FRENCH COOKERY Longman's Magazine, vol 7, 1885-6. ECONOMICAL COOKERY Tallerman's Agricultural Distress and Trade Depression, 1889. EMERGENCY COOKING Woman, November, 1896. FISH COOKING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. FORMATION OF THE ENGLISH PALATE Antiquary, vol. 10, 1884. FRENCH AND ENGLISH COOKERY CONTRASTED Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. FUNERAL BAKED MEATS--Antiquary, vol. 26, 1892. GERMAN COOKERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5 [p. 75], 1884. GIPSY COOKERY Scott's Notes to Guy Mannering [Author's Edition]. HINTS ON COOKERY Drewry's Cup and Platter : Notes on Food and its Effects, 1879. Loudon's Lady's Country Companion, 1867. IMPROMPTU COOKERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. ITALIAN COOKERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. LITERATURE OF COOKERY National Review, vol. 24, 1894-5, and vol. 25, 1895. MAKING OF PORRIDGES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. PRIMITIVE COOKING Joly's Man before Metals, 1887. RECEIPTS FOR COOKING The House Manager: A Guide to House-keeping, etc., 1877. . RENAISSANCE COOKERY Murray's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. SCHOOL FOR COOKS Daily Graphic, vol. 14, 1893. SCOTTISH COOKERY Girl's -Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. SIMPLE COOKING Buckton's Health in the House, 1890. SPANISH COOKERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. SPIRIT OF COOKERY Nature, vol. 52, 1895. WANTED, A GOOD PLAIN COOK Truth, vol. 41, 1897. WASTE IN COOKERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. WHAT TO COOK AND How TO COOK IT Girl's Own Annual, voi. 18, 1896-7. GENERAL INFORMATION Enquire Within. Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880, vol. 7, 1886. Volant & Warren's Memoirs of Alexis Soyer, 1859 : etc. Beeton's Works. Coolies (Indian Labourers) Barker's Tea Planter's Life in Assam, 1884. Cooling 1 , Kent Hughes' Week's Tramp in Dickens' Land, 1891. Cooper (Sir A. A., first Earl of Shaftesbury, Lord Chancellor, died 1683) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. See also Shaftesbury. Cooper (James Fenimore, American Author, died 1851). COOPER'S NOVELS Dublin Review, vol 6, 1839. GENERAL INFORMATION Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Cooper (John Gilbert, Poet, died 1769) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Cooper (Thomas, Literary Shoemaker and Chartist, died 1892) COOPER AND THE PURGATORY OF SUICIDES Langford's Prison Books and their Authors, 1861. GENERAL INFORMATION Biographies reprinted from "The Times," vol. 5, 1896. Bullock's Home Words for Heart and Hearth. Hoare's Notable Workers. Cooper (T. Sidney, Painter of Cattle, born 1803). INTERVIEW WITH T. S. COOPER Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Art Journal, vol. 7,1861. CO-OPERATION. (See also Socialism, Friendly Societies, Trade Unionism, etc.) CO-OPERATION IN AGRICULTURE Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. CO-OPERATION IN ENGLAND Maurice's Life of F. D. Maurice, 1884. CO-OPERATIVE BUSINESS FOR LADIES Leisure Hour, vol. 22, 1873. CO-OPERATIVE CONGRESS AT BRISTOL Daily Graphic, vol. 14, 1893. CO-OPEKATIVE CONGRESS Daily Graphic, vol. 6, 1891, & vol. 23, 1895. CO-OPERATIVE FARMING Fortnightly Review, vol. 36, 1881. CO-OPERATIVE HOME WINNING Scribner's Magazine, vol. 7, 1890. CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENT Daily Graphic, vol. 18, 1894. CO-OPERATIVE STORES Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. CO-OPERATIVE WORKING MEN Leisure Hour, vol. 20, 1871. CO-OPERATIVE UNION CONGRESS Daily Graphic, vol. 22, 1895. CO-OPERATIVES AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE Daily Graphic, vol. n, 1892. ETHICS OF CO-OPERATION Daily Graphic, vol. 3, 1890. FIRST INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE CONGRESS, 1895 Saturday Rev., vol. 83, 1897. GROWTH OF CO-OPERATION IN ENGLAND Fortnightly Review, vol. 48, 1887. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF CO-OPERATION Dyer's Evolution of Industry, 1895. [147] CO-OPERATION-COPYRIGHT Co-operation (continued). HISTORY OF CO-OPRRATION Transactions of the Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 3 (n.s.), 1886. INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATION Contemporary Review, vol. 57, 1890. Fortnightly Review, vol. 3, 1865-6. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION IN SCANDINAVIA -Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885- LORD ROSEBERY ON CO-OPERATION Daily Graphic, vol. 2, 1890. OPERATIVE CO-OPERATION Leisure Hour, vol. 9, 1860. POSITION AND PROSPECTS OF CO-OPERATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 21, 1873. PRESENT PROSPECTS OF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES Macmillan's Mag., vol. 5, 1861-2. SOCIAL AND ECONOMICAL ASPECTS OF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. TRADES' UNIONS, STRIKES, AND CO-OPERATION Macmillan's Mag., vol. 13, 1865-6. GENERAL INFORMATION Holyoake's Self-Help a Hundred Years Ago, 1888. Coorg Land, British India Bowring's Eastern Experiences, 1871. Markham's. Peruvian Bark, 1880. Coots (Water-fowl). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES Jardine's Nat. Lib., vol. 3. Cope (Church Vestment). ORIGIN OF THE COPE AS A VESTMENT Dublin Review- vol. 120, 1897. [ Mag., vol. 55, 1897- Cope (Edward Drinker, Naturalist, dud 1897) Natural Science, vol. 10, 1897. Century Copenhagen (Capital of Denmark). BATTLE OF COPENHAGEN Century Magazine,. vol. 53, 1896-7. Mahan's Life of Nelson : the Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain, 1897. BOMBARDMENT OF COPENHAGEN Letters of the First Earl of Malmesbury, 1870. THORWALDSEN'S MUSEUM IN COPENHAGEN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, 1890. Hodder's Cities of the World: their Origin, Progress, and Present Aspect. Murray's. Guide to Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, 1892. Copernicus (N., German Astronomer, died 1543) De Morgan's Paradoxes. Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. Niel's Epoch Men and the Results of their Lives, 1882. Stoughton's Worthies of Science. Copestake, Lindsay, Cramptonand Co. (Wholesale Lace Merchants). SKETCH OF THE RISE OF THE FIRM Japp's Successful Business Men, 1892. Copley (John Singleton, Historical Painter, died 1815) Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 5, 1832. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1893. (Fran?ois. French Poet and Dramatic Author, born 1842) English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. Copper. ANCIENT WORK IN COPPER Napier's Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times, 1879. COPPER FROM GREEN WATER Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. COPPER MINING Pepper's Playbook of Metals. COPPER MINING IN SPAIN Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. REMARKS ON COPPER Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. SILVER, GOLD, AND COPPER Mendeleeff's Principles of Chemistry, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Giiffin's New South Walts: her Commerce and Resources, 1888. Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874 ; and Supplement, 1879. See also Metals, Metallurgy, etc. Copts (Christian Descendants of an Ancient Egyptian Race). AWAKENING OF THE COPTIC CHURCH Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. COPTIC CHURCH Dublin Review, vol. 28, 1850 COPTIC CHURCH AND THE COPTS Klunzinger's Upper Egypt, 1878. COPTIC WOMEN Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 5, 1830. COPTS AS A POLITICAL FACTOR Contemporary Review, vol. 44, 1883. GENERAL INFORMATION Dublin Review, vol. it, 1884. Lane's Account of the- Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, 1842. COPYRIGHT. ACTIONS CONCERNING COPYRIGHT Phonetic Journal, 1884 & 1889. AMERICA AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT Fortnightly Review, vol. 27, 1877. ANGLO-AMERICAN COPYRIGHT Contemporary Review, vol. 59, 1891. ANGLO-CANADIAN COPYRIGHT Daily Graphic, vol. 20, 1894. ART AND MUSICAL COPYRIGHT Daily Graphic, vol. 29, 1897. ARTISTIC COPYRIGHT Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. CANADIAN COPYRIGHT ACT Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. COPYRIGHT IN PLAYS Daily Graphic, vol. 14, 1893. COPYRIGHT QUESTION Fortnightly Review, vol. 25, 1876. DICKENS ON INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. ENGLISH COPYRIGHTS Paterson's Liberty of Press, Speech, and Public Worship, 1880. ETHICS OF COPYRIGHT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT All Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879, & vol. 54, 1886. Nineteenth Century, vol. 10, 1881. Charles Reade's- Readiana : Comments on Current Events, 1886. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA Macmillan's. Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. MATTHEW ARNOLD ON COPYRIGHT Fortnightly Review, vol. 33, 1880. PETITION ON THE COPYRIGHT BILL Carlyle's Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. POLITICAL ECONOMY OF COPYRIGHT Fortnightly Review, vol. 2, 1865. PRINCIPLE OF COPYRIGHT Fortnightly Review, vol. 30, 1878. VIEWS CONCERNING COPYRIGHT Herbert Spencer's Various Fragments, 1897. [148] COQUILLART-CORIOLANUS Coquillart (Guillaume, French Poet, died 1490) Besant's Early French Poetry, 1868. CORAL. BORING A CORAL REEK Daily Graphic, vol. 27, 1896. CONFIRMATION OF DARWIN'S THEORY OF CORAL ISLANDS Natural Sci., vol. n, 1897. CORAL INDUSTRY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1891. CORAL ISLANDS Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. CORAL REEFS Da win's Life and Letters ; edited by his Son, 1887. Hutchinson's Concise Knowledge Natural History, 1897. Huxley's Critiques and Addresses, 1873. Reclus 1 Ocean, Atmosphere, and Life, 1873. CORAL REEFS OF SAMOA Nature, vol. 56, 1897. FISHING FOR CORAL Simmonds' Commercial Products of the Sea, 1883. FOUNDATIONS OF CORAL ATOLLS Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. REEF JUMPING Sundowner's Rambles in Polynesia, 1897. STONY CORAL Duncan's The Seashore, 1891. STRUCTURE OF CORALS Natural Science, vol. u, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Crowther's Microscope and Its Lessons. Holder's Charles Darwin: His Life and Work, 1891. Klunzinger's Upper Egypt: its People and its Products, 1878. Darwin's Life and Letters, by F. Darwin, 1887. Corani (Captain Thomas, Philanthropist, died 1751). CAPTAIN THOMAS CORAM AND THE FOUNDLING HOSPITAL Dorset Field Club Proceedings, vol. 13. Corday (Charlotte, a French Heroine who stew Marat and was guillotined 1793). SKETCH OF HER CAREER Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 2. Cordelia. CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S CORDELIA Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. Cordilleras (Mountain Ranges of America,}. CROSSING THE CORDILLERAS Gerstacker's Travels in South America, 1854. Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. Cordite (Explosive Compound). CORDITE AND ITS MANUFACTURE Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. STORAGE OF CORDITE Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. Cordova (Ancient Spanish City noted for its Moorish remains] Sorrow's Bible in Spnin, 1893. Bennet's Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean, 1875. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19, 1830. Gautier's Wanderings in Spain, 1853. Hare's Wanderings in Spain, 1873. Harrison's Travels in Europe during the Years 1888-90, 1891. Murray's Guide to Spain, 1892. Poole and Gilman's Moors in Spain, 1890. Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities [Corduba], iSsfS. CORBA (An Asiatic Kingdom situate on the Sea. of Japan. See also China, Japan, etc.) CATHOLIC CHURCH IN COREA Dublin Review, vol. 116, 1895. COREA, CHINA, AND JAPAN Fortnightly Review, vol. 62, 1894. FIGHTING IN COREA Daily Graphic, vol. 25, 1896. KINGS OF COREA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. KOREAN PEOPLE Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. SIBERIAN RAILWAY AND COREA Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. UNPLEASANT KEMINISCENCES OF COREA Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. VISIT TO COREA Fortnightly Review, vol. 62, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Dublin Review, vol. 8, 1882. Corelli ( Marie, Novehst,born 1864). A CERTAIN Miss MARIE CORELLI Woman, Aug., 1897. MARIE CORELLI AND HER WORK Lady's Realm, vol. 3, 1898. MARIE CORELLI AS I KNOW HER. By Rev. H. R. Haweis Temple Mag., vol. i, 1896-7. " THE SORROWS OF SATAN " Review ol Reviews, vol. 12, 1895. Corfe Castle (Dorsetshire, Scene of the murder of Edward the Martyr 979). DESCRIP- TION OF CORFE CASTLE Archaeological Journal, vol. 22, 1865. Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. Corfu (Greek Island in the Mediterranean). AMONG THE CORFIOTES Chambers' Journal, vol. 6\ 1891. Belgr^via, vol. 78, 1892. Sunday Magazine, vol. 22, 1893. CORCYRA [Ancient Name of Corfu] Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1846. GENERAL INFORMATION Ansted's Ionian Islands in the Year 1863. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. Parry's Sketches of a Yachting Cruise, 1889. Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. Magazine of Art, vol. 15, 1892. Cori (Italy, Noted for its Corinthian Columns and other Antiquities) Hare's Days Near Rome, 1884. Corinne (A Mormon Town) Hiibner's Ramble Round the World, 1871. Corinth (Ancient City of Greece, destroyed by an earthquake 1858; Re-built on a site three miles distant as New Corinth). GULF OF CORINTH Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. NEW CORINTH Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. TYRANTS OF CORINTH Duncker's History of Greece, vol. 2, 1883. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1846. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16, 1830. Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 7 & 8, 1886. Parry's Sketches of a Yachting Cruise, 1889. Corinthians (Epistle). ARE THERE Two EPISTLES IN SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS Expositor, vol. 6, 5th series, 1897. Coriolanus (Caius Marcius, Roman Hero 490 B.C.) Church's Story from Livy, 1882. Plutarch's Lives, 1883. Skeat's Shakespeare's Plutarch, 1875. CORK-CORRA LINN Cork. ORIGIN OF THE USE OK CORK Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. Cork (An important City in Ireland). CORK CATHEDRAL Mag. of Art, vol. 18, 1895. j CORK IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 2. Inglis' Journey Throughout Ireland, 1835. Cormorants (Sea Crows). BRITISH CORMORANT Yarrell's Hist, of Brit. Birds, 1856. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 4. Corn Brodrick's English Land and English Landlords, 1881. Frazer's Golden Bough [Corn as a Rain-charm], 1890. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1872. See also Agriculture, Oats, Wheat, Farming, etc. Corn Exchange. THE LONDON CORN EXCHANGE Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. Corn Laws. ANTI-CORN LAW AND FREE TRADE PARTY Mackay's Forty Years* Recollections, 1877. ANTI-CORN LAW CONFERENCE Hope's George Hope of Fenton Barns, 1881. ANTI-CORN LAW MOVEMENT James McKerrow's Life of W. McKerrow, 1881. REPEAL OF THE CORN LAWS Thursfield's Peel [Twelve English Statesmen], 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Sidney Godolphin Osborne's Letters. Smith's Life of John Bright, 1889. Villiers' Free Trade Speeches, 1883. Corn Mills. HISTORY OF CORN MILLS Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1892. Cornelia (Mother of the Roman Tribunes, Tiberius and Caius Gracchus, 2nd Century B.C.) Goodrich's Women of Beauty. Owen's Heroines of History, 1854. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. HYDRAULIC LABORATORY FOR CORNELL UNIVERSITY Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. LIBRARY Library Journal, vol. 18. CornetO (Cathedral Town of Italy) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Cornhill, London Timb's Curiosities of London, 1855. Cornish (Scottish Lake)Lydon & Croil's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. CORNWALL Maritime County, noted for its Copper and Tin Mines). ACCOUNTS OF PLACES IN CORNWALL Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, part ii.], 1892. COASTS OF CORNWALL Whymper's The Sea and its Stirring Story of Adventure. DISCOVERY OF A GOLD CUP IN A BARROW IN CORNWALL, 1837 Archaeological Journal, vol. 24, 1867. GLIMPSES OF THE CORNISH COAST Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. LAND or TIN Antiquary, vol. 17, 1888. MAY-DAY CUSTOMS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. NOTICE OF ANCIENT REMAINS DISCOVERED IN WEST CORNWALL Archaeological Journal, vol. 20, 1863. OLD CORNISH FONTS, BELLS, ALTAR AND CORPORATION PLATF. Antiquary, vol. 15, 1887. RAMBLES BY CORNISH SEAS Macmillan's Magazie, vol. 34, 1876. SCENERY OF CORNWALL Magazine of Art, vol. i, 1878. TOPOGRAPHY OF CORNWALL Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Topography, partii.J, 1892. VESTIGES OF EARLY HABITATION IN CORNWALL Archaeological Jour., vol. 30, 1873. WEST CORNWALL AND THE LAND'S END Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i. GENERAL INFORMATION Land We Live In, vol. 3. Cornwall (Barry [Bryan W. Procter], Poet and Dramatic Author, died 1874) Fort- nightly Review, vol. 27, 1877. See also Procter (B. W.) Cornwallis (Charles, Lord, Governor-General of India, died 1805) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 7, 1830. Dublin Review [Cornwallis Correspondence], vol.46, 1859. Irving's Life of George Washington, 1855. Jesse's Celebrated Etonians. Cornwallis (F., A rchbishop of Canterbury, died 1783) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Cornwallis (Hon. Wm., Admiral, died 1819) James' Naval History, vols. 1,4, & 5, 1837. Corona. THE STRUCTURE OF THE CORONA OF THE SUN Nature, vol. 5, 1871-2. Coronation. ANCIENT CORONATION OFFICE Freeman's Norman Conquest, v. 3, 1869. CROWNING OF MONARCHS Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. RUSSIAN CORONATION Strand Magazine, vol. u, 1896. USE OF THE CORONATION SERVICE AMONG THE ANGLO-SAXONS Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. Corot (Jean, B. C., French Painter, died 1875) Art Journal (n.s.), 1889. Corporal Punishment. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IN SCHOOLS Macmillan's Mag. r vol. 48, 1883. Humanitarian, vols. 6 & 7, 1895. FLOGGING IN THE ARMY Saturday Review, vol. 84, 1897. And under Army, etc. See also Flogging, Punishment, etc. Corporations. ARMORIAL BEARINGS OK SHROPSHIRE CORPORATIONS Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society, vol. 8, 2nd series. CONCERNING CORPORATION CUSTOMS Andrews' England in the Days of Old, 1897. CORPORATION REFORM Molesworth's History of England, 1887. National Review, vol. 8, 1886-7. See also Boroughs, Cities, Local Government, Municipalities, Corpulence. CAUSES OF CORPULENCE Anderson's Gastronomy as a Fine Art, 1877. See also Fat People, Obesity, etc. Corra Linn (Scottish Lake) Lydon & Croat's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. [150] CORRESPONDENCE-COSTUME Correspondence. CURIOUS AND AMUSING CORRESPONDENCE Chambers' journal, vol. 69, 1892. LATEST INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE [Learning Languages by International Correspondence] Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1892. SOME LETTERS AND RECOLLECTIONS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18 (n.s.), 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Hamerton's Human Intercourse, 1884. Correspondents. FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS Fortnightly Review, vol. 45, 1886. Corrosion Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Corsa (Juan de la, died circa ). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882 Corsairs All the Year Round, vol. 62, 1888. And under Buccaneers, Pirates, etc. Corsets. CORSETS AND HEALTH Knowledge, vol. 2, 1882, & vol. 3, 1883. See also Dress, Stays, etc. Corsica (Island in the Mediterranean ; native land of Napoleon Bonaparte). BANDITTI OF CORSICA Contemporary Review, vol. 64, 1893. LAND OF THE BANDIT Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25 (n.s.), i8qs. REDUCTION OF CORSICA BY THE BRITISH Mahan's Life of Nelson, 1897. REVIEW OF BOOKS ON CORSICA Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. STRUGGLES FOR INDEPENDENCE Morley's Rousseau, 1888. Two DAYS IN CAPE CORSE Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890, Southey's Life of Nelson, 1845. See also Ajaccio, Napoleon, etc. "Corsican Brothers" (A Play, by Dion Boncicault) Theatre, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1880. Corso (Principal Street of Rome) Baedeker's Central Italy and Rome, 1890. Hare's Walks in Rome, 1872. Head's Rome : A Tour of many days, 1849. Cortereals (Joas Vaz, died 1502). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Cort^S (Hernando, Conqueror of Mexico, died 1554) Del Mar's Precious Metals, 1880. Eggleston's Mexican Prince. Prescott's Conquest of Mexico, 1891. Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Vogel's Century of Discovery, 1877. Cortona, Italy Hare's Cities of Central Italy. Corunna (Seaport of Spain, noted for its Lighthmtse and Tobacco Factory). BATTLES OF CORUNNA Hall's Fragment's of Voyages and Travels, 1842. GENERAL INFORMATION Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19, 1830. Hall's Fragments of Voyages and Travels, 1842. Murray's Guide to Spain, 1892. Corvo (Smallest of the Azores) Roundell's Visit to the Azores, 1889. Cosin (J., Bishop of Durham, diedli6j2) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Cosmetics. A DEFENCE OF COSMETICS Yellow Book, vol. i, 1894. FACE-ENAMELLING Chambers' Journal, vol. 45, 1868. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. Scoffern's Stray Leaves, 1870. See also under Beauty, Toilet, etc. Cosmic Emotion Nineteenth Century, vol. 2, 1877. See also Evolution. Cosmic Philosophy. RECENT WORK ON COSMIC PHILOSOPHY Fortnightly Review, vol. 23, 1875. See also Evolution. Cosmogony (Theory of the Origiiiofthe Universe) Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Cossa (Pietro,.//fl/ta Dramatist, born 1830) Fortnightly Review, vol. 37, 1882. Cossacks (Military Tribes of Russia). As COWBOY, SOLDIER, AND CITIZEN Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. COSSACKS AND RUSSIA Ollier's History of the Russo-Turkish War, 1878-9. COSSACKS IN RUSSIA Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 17, 1830. % URAL COSSACKS Burnaby's Ride to Khiva: Travels and Adventures in Central Asia. GENF.RAL INFORMATION Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. Hare's Studies in Russia. Costa (Marquis Henry). A SOLDIER OF SAVOV Temple Bar, vol. 112, 1897. Costa Rica, Central America Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 26, 1830. Costermongers. COSTERMONGER AT HOME Daily Graphic, vol. 12, 1892. HISTORY OF COSTERMONGERS' MOVEMENT Hodder's Life and Work ofthe Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, 1888. IN COSTER-LAND English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893-4. STREET-SELLERS OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor. Country House, 1895. COSTUME. (See also Clothing, Dress, and under articles of Clothing, e.g., Bonnets, Boots, Coats, Hats, Mantles, Shawls, Turbans, etc.) ABOUT STAGE COSTUME Theatre, vol. 28, 1896. Magazine of Art, vol. 17, 1894. APPAREL AND ATTIRE IN ELIZABETHAN TIMES Harrison's Elizabethan England, from " Holinshed's Chronicle." ART IN COSTUME Harris' Theory ofthe Arts, 1869. CLOTHING OF THE ANCIENT BRITONS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part ii.], 1886. COSTUMES OF HOSPITAL NURSES Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. COSTUMES OF SWEDEN, NORWAY, LAPLAND, AND FINLAND Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1881. COSTUMES REPRESENTED IN TAPESTRY AT COVENTRY Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities, part i.], 1890. DRESS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 22 (n.s.), 1894. [151] COSTUME-COUNTRY LIFE Costume (continued). DRESS OF THE MUSLIM EGYPTIANS Lane's Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, 1835. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY COSTUME Andrew's Eighteenth Century: Illustrations of the Manners and Customs of our Grandfathers, 1856. ENGLISH ACADEMICAL COSTUME (Mediaeval) Archaeological Journal, vol i, 1846. ORIENTAL DRESS Graham's Jordan and the Rhine, 1854. PERSIAN COSTUME AND CUSTOMS Condor's Modern Traveller, vol. 12, 1830. PERSIAN COSTUMES Wills' Land of the Lion and Sun ; or, Modern Persia, 1881. SHAKESPEARE AND STAGE COSTUME Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. SOME ECCENTRIC STAGE COSTUMES Theatre, vol. 20 (n.s.), 1892. THEATRICAL COSTUMES Theatre, vol. 3, 1879. GENERAL INFORMATION Lacroix's Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages and Eighteenth Century, 1874. Magazine of Art, vols. n, 1888, & 12, 1889. Cosway (Richard, Miniature Painter, died 1821) Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 6, 1833. Cotgrave (Randle, Lexicographer, noted for his French and English Dictionary, died about 1634) Cooper's Men of Cambridge, vol. 2. Harleian MSS., 1500, fol. 118. Cotgreave Draining Plough Munn's Practical Land Drainer, 1856. Cotgreave Library Indicatpr, etc. Bargoyne's Library Construction, 1897. Greenwood's Free Public Libraries, 1886. Library Chronicle. London, 1893. Cotman (John Tell, Water-Colour Painter, died 1842) Monkhouse's English Water- Colour Painters, 1890. CotOpaxi (A Volcano in the Andes). ASCENT OF COTOPAXI Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. Whymper's Travels among the Great Andes of the Equator. Cottages COTTAGE PROPERTY IN LONDON Fortnightly Review, vol. 6, 1866. GENERAL INFORMATION Recreations of Christopher North, vol. i, 1857. Cottin (Sophie, Madame de, French Novelist, died 1807) King's Cluster of Lives, 1874. Cottle (Joseph, Bristol Bookseller, died 1853) Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. COTTON. AMERICAN COTTON Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. i, 1873. COTTON DUTIES: Lancashire v. the Empire New Review, vol. 14, 1896. COTTON MACHINERY Spon's Dictionary of Engineeiing, 1874. COTTON PLANT Murray's Guide to Lancashire, 1880. COTTON PLANTATIONS Russell's North America: its Agriculture and Climate, 1857. COTTON WEAVING AND LANCASHIRE LOOMS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. CRISIS IN THE COTTON TRADE Daily Graphic, vol. 12. 1892. CULTIVATION OF PERUVIAN COTTON IN INDIA Markham's Peruvian Bark, 1880. ENGLISH INDUSTRY AND EASTERN COMPETITION Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. FIRE ON COTTON SHIPS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. HISTORY OF THE COTTON FAMINE Arnold's History of the Cotton Famine, 1864. LANCASHIRE COTTON FAMINE Burnley's Modern Industry, 1889. MANUFACTURE OF COTTON Adams' Steady Aim. Great Industries of Great Britain. Land We Live in, vol. i. Ure's Philosophy of Manufactures, 1835. GENERAL INFORMATION Gordon's Foundry, Forge, and Factory, 1890. Cotton (Charles, Poet, Witter on Angling, etc., died 1687) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Cotton (G. E. L., Bishop of Calcutta, drowned in the Ganges 1866). SHORT SKETCH OF His CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. Cotton (Sir Robert Bruce, Antiquary, formed a famous Collection of Manuscripts, died 1631). 'COTTONIAN 'LIBRARY Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. Cotton Printing. PROGRESS IN COTTON PRINTING Art Journal (n.s.), 1895. Couch (Quttler, Novelist, borni863). INTERVIEW WITH QUILLER COUCH Idler, vol. 5, 1894. Coughs. COLDS AND COUGHS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. and vol. 14, 1893. Coulomb (C. A. de, French Mathematician, d. 1806) Munro's Pioneers of Elecy., 1890. Council Of Alexandria Shepherd's History of the Church of Rome, 1851. Council of Basle Moore's Lectures and Papers on the Hist, of the Reformation, 1890. Council Of Constance Milner's History of the Church of Christ, 1840. Moore's Lectures and Papers on the History of the Reformation, 1890. Council Of Nicosa Dean Stanley's Eastern Church. Council Of the Vatican Bishop Thirlwall's Charge, 1872. Perrowne's Remains of Bishop Thirlwall. Council of Trent Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Moore's Lectures and Papers on the History of the Reformation, 1890. Counting. EVOLUTION OF COUNTING Nature, vol. 54, 1896. [of Mythology, 1891. ORIGIN OF COUNTING Tylor's Primitive Culture : Researches into the Development UNCONSCIOUS COUNTING Knowledge, vol. 9. Reckoning, etc. Country Life. COUNTRY HOUSES AND COUNTRY LIFE Boyd's Recreations of a Country Parson, 1864-5. IN PRAISE OF THE COUNTRY Contemporary Review, vol. 52, 1887. NATURE AND ETERNITY. By Richard JefFeries Longman's Magazine, vol. 26, 1895. TOWN AND COUNTRY LIFE Smiles' Lite and Labour, 1887. WHEN WE WERE BOYS Macmillan's Magazine, vol 72, 1895. [152] COUNTRY SBSSIONS-COVESEA Country Sessions. BRIEFS AND PAPERS Sketches of the Bar and the Press. By Two Idle Apprentices, 1872. County Boards Probyn's Local Covert, and Taxation in the United Kingdom, 1882. County Councils. BUSINESS OF A COUNTY COUNCIL Herbert's Councillors' Handbook, 1888. LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL Contemporary Rev., vol. 47, 1895. COUNTY COUNCIL OF LONDON : The Election of 1895 ; An Appeal to Loyal Londoners Review of Reviews, vol. n, 1895. HOUSE OF LORDS AND THE COUNTY COUNCILS Fortnightly Review, vol. 49, 1888. WORK OF THE LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. London, vols. 1-7, 1893-8. County Courts. THE EVOLUTION OF THE ENGLISH COUNTY COURTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. COUNTY COURT PRACTICE Chambers' Jour., vol.49, 1872. Couperin (Fraii9ois, "le Grand," Musician, died 1773) Morris' Famous Composers : being Biographies of Eminent Musicians, 1891. COURAGE. A QUESTION OF COURAGE Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. CHAPTER ON COURAGE Smiles' Character, 1874. COURAGE AND DEATH Fortnightly Review, vol. 25, 1876. COURAGE IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. LORD WOLSELEY ON COURAGE Fortnightly Review, vol. 50, 1888. MILITARY COURAGE OF ROYALTY Contemporary Review, vol. 63, 1893. MORAL COURAGE Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Also under Bravery, etc. Courier de Me're' (Paul Louis, French Political Writer, assassinated 1825). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. LIFE AND WRITINGS OF PAUL Louis COURIER Fortnightly Review, vol. 27, 1877. Lytton's Pamphlets and Sketches. Temple Bar, vol. 96, 1892. Coursing 1 . CHAPTER ON COURSING Wilton's Sports and Pursuits of the English, 1869. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COURSING Stonehenge's British Rural Sports. Court (English Court). CHRISTMAS AT COURT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. How I WAS PRESENTED AT COURT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. LADIES OF QUEEN VICTORIA'S COURT Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. THREE WEEKS AT THE COURT OF WINDSOR Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. Court (A., French Protestant, died 1760) Smiles' Huguenots in France, 1874. Courtenay (E., Earl of Devonshire, died 1556) Heylyn's Hist, of the Reformation, 1859. Courtenays (Earls of Devonshire) Walford's Chapters from Family Chests, 1887. All the Year Round, vol. 62, 1888. See also under Devonshire (Earls of). Courts. COURTS OF JUSTICE Lovett's London Pictures drawn with Pen & Pencil, 1890. ECCLESIASTICAL COURTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. Courtship. ART AND SCIENCE OF COURTSHIP The Young Woman, vol. 5, 1896-7. ARTS OF COURTSHIP British Essayi-ts, vol. 12, 1823. CHAPTER ON COURTSHIP Yonge's Womankind, 1876. COURTSHIP AMONG ANIMALS Poulton's Colours of Animals, 1890. Coutances (Noted for its Cathedral) Macquoid's Pictures and Legends from Nor- mandy, 1879. See also under Normandy, etc. Coutts (Baroness Burdett-Coutts, Philanthropist, born 1814). INTERVIEW WITH BARONESS BURDETT-COUTTS Strand Mag., vol. 7, 1894. See also Burdett-Coutts. Couvade (A Curious Custom at the Birth of a Child). CUSTOM OF THE COUVADE IN THE WEST INDIES Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua, 1888. Covenanters. SCOTTISH COVENANTERS Blackie's Lay Sermons, 1881. Gilfillan's Modem Christian Heroes, 1869. Morris' Claverhouse, 1887. Covent Garden, London. COVENT GARDEN MARKET Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. COVENT GARDEN MARKET AS IT WAS AND is Leisure Hour, vol. i, 1852. THROUGH COVENT GARDEN Leisure Hour, vol. n, 1863. GENERAL INFORMATION Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. Coventry, Warwick '(Noted for its annual processions in honour of Lady Godiva). ACCOUNT OF THE TOWN OF COVENTRY Rimmer's Rambles Round Rugby, 1892. COVENTRY AND ITS INDUSTRIES Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. CRAFT GUILDS AT COVENTRY Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, vol. 16. HOME OF THE CYCLE TRADE Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. LICHFIELD AND COVENTRY Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 2. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Warwickshire, 1892. Gentleman's Mag. Library [Architectural Antiquities, part i.], 1890. Hawthorne's Passages from English Note-Books, 1870. Walford's Antiquarian [Coventry X], vol i. Coventry (Thomas, First Lord, Lord Keeper 1625, died 1640) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1850. Coverdale (Miles, Earliest^ Translator of the Bibleinto English, died 1568). COVERDALE'S BIBLE Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Stoughton's Our English Bible : its Translations and Translators. GENERAL INFORMATION Martin's History of the New Testament. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Covert-Shooting' Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. And under Shooting. Covesea, Scotland. THE CAVES AT COVESEA Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. [153] COVETOUSNESS-CRANBROOK CHURCH CovetOUSness Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. Cowdray, Sussex Free man's English Towns and Districts, 1883. Cowes, Isle of Wight (Yachting Port), DESCRIPTION OF COWES CASTLE English Illustrated, vol. 7, 1889-90. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to the Isle of Wight, 1891. Cowley (Abraham, Poet, died 1667) Campbell's Specimen of British Poets, 1844. Johnson's Lives of Poets, 1872. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Cowley (Hannah, Poet and Dramatist, died 1809) Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. Cownley (J.) Jackson's Lives of Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 2, Cowper (Sir Charles, A ustralian Politician) Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian His., 1892. COWPER (William, Poet, died 1800). BARD OF OLNEY Temple Bar, vol. 91, 1890. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. BIRTHPLACE OF COWPER Leisure Hour, vol. 21, 1872. BRIEF SKETCH OF His LII-E Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893, Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. COWPER'S LETTERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891-2. LOCALITIES OF WILLIAM COWPER Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. POPE AND COWPER Macmillan's Magazine, vol 24, 1871. SELECTIONS OF COWPER'S POETRY FOR THE YOUNG Lang's Blue Poetry Book, 1891. SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF COWPER Oliphant's Literary History of England, 1882. SOME BEAUTIES OF COWPER Temple Bar Magazine, vol. 104, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Bonney's Abbeys and Churches of England and Wales, 1890. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Cunningham's English Nation [Portrait], vol. 4. Lester's Criticisms on the Poets of the Present Day, 1854. Love Letters of Famous Men and Women of the Past and Present Centuries, 1888. Rossetti's Lives of Famous Poets, 1878. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. COWS. Cows AS SCAPEGOATS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Kipling's Beast and Man in India. Cattle, Farming, etc. COX (David, A rtist, died 1859) Monkhouse's English Water-Colour Painters, 1890. Magazine of Art, vol. i, 1878; vol. 14, 1891 ; vol. 15, 1892. COX (R., Bishop of Ely, died 1581) Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. COX (Samuel, Secretary to Sir Christopher Hatton) Nicolas' Life of Sir Christopher Hatton, 18.17. Coxey ("General"). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. Coxwell (Henry, Aeronaut, born 1819). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. Glaisher's Travels in the Air. See also Aerial Navigation. Coxwold, Yorkshire Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Cozens (John Robert, Water-Colour Painter, died 1799) Monkhouse's Early English Water-Colour Painters, 1890. Crab (Crab-Fish). A DEVON CRABBER Longman's Magazine, vol. 30, 1897. FAMILIES OF CRABS Stebbing's History of Crustacea, 1893. LAND CRABS BY EDWARD STEP Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. LOBSTERS AND CRABS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. VARIETIES OF CRABS Duncan's Seashore, 1891. Crabbe (George, Poet, died 1832). ACCOUNT OF CRABBE'S LIFE Oliphant's Literary History of England, 1882. Review of Reviews, vol. to, 1895. ESSAYS ON CRABBE Devey's Comparative Estimate of English Poets, 1873. SKULL OF THE POET CRABBE Wilts Archasological Magazine, vol. 29. GENERAL INFORMATION Hall's Book of Memories, 1870. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. Oliphant's Literary History, vol. i, 1882. Smiles' Publisher and His Friends, John Murray, 1891. Temple Bar, vol. 90, 1890. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Cracow (Ancient Capital of Poland). DESCRIPTION OF CRACOW English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. Edinburgh Review, vol. 85. GENERAL INFORMATION Hare's Studies in Russia. Stoddart's Across Russia: from the Baltic to the Danube, 1892. Cradles. HISTORICAL NOTICES OF THE CRADLE OK HENRY V. Transactions of the Roval Historical Society, vol. 4, 1876. QUEEN'S CRADLE Art Jour., vol. 2, 1850. SOME HISTORIC CRADLES Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. Craik (Mrs. \n(e D. M. Muloch] Novelist, died 1887). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. Crail Church. REGISTER OF THE COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF CRAIL, FIFESHIRE Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6, 1877. Crake (A Species of Bird.) DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 3. Yarrell's British Birds, vol. 3, 1856. Cramer (J. B., Musician, died 1858) Morris' Famous Musical Composers, 1891. Cramming Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. Cramp. GROWTH AND VOLUNTARY POWER Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Cranborne Chase (North-eastern part of Dorset) Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19 (n.s.), 1892. Cranbrook Church Archaeologia Cantiana, vol. 22. [154] CRANE- CREMATION Crane (A Wading Bird). DESCRIPTION AND PLATES Jardine's Nat. Library, vol. 3. Cranes (Machinery for lifting). DESCRIPTION OF CRANES Campin's Details of MECHANICAL HAULAGE Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. [ Machinery, 1863. TEN TON HYDRAULIC CRANE Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. TITAN CRANE Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. Cranford [Knutsford], Cheshire. CRANFORD SOUVENIRS Temple Bar, vol. 105,1895. Craniology. IRISH CRANIOLOGY Proc. of the Royal Irish Acad. (3rd ser.), vol. 2. MALAY CRANIOLOGY Wallace's Malay Archipelago, the Land of the Orang-Utan, 1890. ON CRANIOLOGY Hamilton's Nugae Literariae, 1841. See also Anthropology, Phrenology, Head, Man, Skull, etc. Cranmer (T., died at the stake 1556). CRANMER AND THE REFORMATION Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. King's Own, vol. 5, 1894. LIFE OF CRANMER Tayler's English Martyrs, 1853. GENERAL INFORMATION Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 18=56-7. Cobbett's History of the Protestant Reformation, 1857. Cunningham's English Nation [portrait], vol. i. Hook's Archbishops, vols. 6 & 7, 1868. Jeaftreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 3. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Price's History of Protestant Nonconformity, 1836. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Crash aw (Richard, Poet, died 1650) Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Crassus (Marcus Licinius Dives, the Triumvir, killed 53 B.C.) Mommsen's Rome, vol. 4, 1867. Merivale's Roman Triumvirates. Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Crawfish or Crayfish. A DAY AFTER CRAWFISH Longman's Mag., vol. 23, 1893-4. DESCRIPTION OF CRAYFISH Huxley & Martin's Practical Biology, 1889. PHILOSOPHY OF CRAYFISHES Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880. Crawford (F. Marion, Novelist, born 1854). THE ITALIAN NOVELS OF MARION CRAWFORD Nineteenth Century, vol.42, 1897. Crawford (Mrs., Journalist). INTERVIEW WITH PORTRAIT Cassell's Sat. Jour., 1896-7. Crawfurd (William, Poet, died 1754) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. CREATION. CREATION OF THE WORLD Blackie's Lay Sermons, 1881. CREATION STORY [Article by Gladstone] Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. CREATION TO DELUGE Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. CRITICISM AND CREATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. DAYS OF CREATION Dublin Review, vol. 6, it8i. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. DRAMA OF CREATION Expositor, vol. 6(5th series), 1897. EVOLUTION versus CREATION Tail's Mind in Matter, 1892. FIRST STATE OF MAN Philip Smith's Ancient History of the World, 1864. FULL-GROWN CREATION Gosse's Omphalos: an attempt to untie the Geological MOSAIC VISION OF CREATION Miller's Testimony of the Rocks, 1872. [Knot, 1857. PURPOSE OF CREATION Chambers' Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. WORK OF THE Six DAYS TABULATED Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, vol. 4, 1874. GENERAL INFORMATION Kennedy's Thoughts on Being, 1850. McCausland's Sermons in Stones [Geology], 1858. Pember's Earth's Earliest Ages and their connection with Modern Spiritualism, 1893. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Crebillon (P. J. de, Tragic Poet, died 1762) Men and Women of France during the Eighteenth Century. Crecy. BATTLE OF CRECY, 1346 Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. i, 1880. Valentine's Land Battles, from Hastings to Inkerman, 1880. Credit. COMMERCIAL CREDIT Laing's Theory of Business, 1867. NATURAL HISTORY OF CREDIT Contemporary Review, vol. 50, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Shadwell's System of Political Economy, 1877. Credulity. MODERN CREDULITY Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. PRIMITIVE CREDULITY Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. Creed. APOSTLES' CREED Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. CREEDS IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOLS Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. THE ATHANASIAN CREED Momerie's Church and Creed, 1890. Bishop Thirlwall's Essays, etc., 1880. THE CHURCH CREEDS Wiiberforce's Five Empires, 1874. USE AND ABUSE OF CREEDS Momerie's Church and Creed, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Archbishop of Dublin's Cautions for the Times, 1854. Channing's Works. Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. Creek Indians (Of North America) Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. CREMATION. BURIAL AND CREMATION Archaeological Journal, vol. 12, 1855. BURNING AND EXPOSURE OF BODIESIN INDIA Ainsworth'sAll Round the World, 1861. CREMATION AND CHRISTIANITY Dublin Review, vol. 23, 1890. CREMATION AT MILAN Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. HISTORICAL NOTICE OF CREMATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. ON THE CREMATION OF INHJAN WIDOWS Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1890. PROGRESS OF CREMATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 23, 1888. SIR SPENCER WELLS ON CREMATION Daily Graphic, vol. 13, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Boxton's Political Questions of the Day, 1885. Dublin Review, vol. 27 (n.s.), 1876. Truth, vol. 12, 1882. [1551 CREMONA CRIME Cremona Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy. Hare's Northern Italy, 1883. Cremorne Gardens. LAST OK CRKMORNE GARDENS Walford's Londoniana, 1879. Crenne ( la, Traveller) Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. Crests. HISTORY OK CRESTS Boutell's English Heraldry, 1889. VARIOUS CKESTS AND COATS OK ARMS Norman's London Signs, 1897. CRETE (An Island under Turkish rule, the population of which is chiefly of Greek descent. See also the East, Greece, Russia, Turkey, etc.) AN OBJECT LESSON Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. CANDIA REDIVIVA Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. CRETAN INSURRECTION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. CRETAN QUESTION Fortnightly Rev., vol.66, 1896. Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. CRETAN STRUGGLES KOR LIBERTY Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. CRETE AND THK CRETANS Fortnightly Rev., vol. 67, 1897. Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. CRETE AND THE SPHAKIOTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. CRETE BEFORE 600 B.C. Evelyn Abbott's History of Greece, part i. GREEK RAID ON CRETE Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. GREEK SENTIMENT KOR CRETE Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. ISLAND OK DISCORD Century Magizine, vol. 54, 1897. RESEARCHES IN CRETE Antiquary, vols. 25, 27, 1892-3. SACRIFICES IN CRETE Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. SITUATION IN CRETE Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Daily Graphic, vol. 29, 1897. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. Academy, vol. 49, 1896. Crew (Sir Thomas, Speaker of the House of Commons, died 1634) Woolrych's Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law of the English Bar, 1869. Crewe. CREWE AND ITS INDUSTRIES Leisure Hour, 1896-7. GENERAL INFORMATION Murray's Cheshire and Shropshire, 1869. Orewe Hall, Cheshire Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1892. Crick. NEIGHBOURHOOD AND CHURCH OF CRICK Rimmer's Round Rugby, 1892. CRICKET. (Sec also A thletics, Sports, etc.) AUSTRALIANS IN THE CRICKET FIELD Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. CHAMPAGNE OF CRICKET Idler, vol. u, 1897. CHAT ABOUT CRICKET Longman's Magazine, vol. I, 1882-3. CRICKET AND CRICKETERS Strand Magazine, vol. ir, 1896. CRICKET AT OXFORD Pycroft's Oxford Memories, 1886. CRICKET GOSSIP Longman's Magazine, vol.4, 1884. CRICKET IN, 1896 New Review, vol. 15, 1896. DEVELOPMENT OF CRICKET National Review, vol. 2, 1883-4. ENGLISH CRICKET IN AUSTRALIA Idler, vol. 13, i8g. EVOLUTION OF CRICKET Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. FRONT RANK CRICKETERS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. HAMBLEDON CRICKET CLUB Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF CRICKET English Illustrated, vol. 7, iSJg-go. How's THAT? Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. IN LORD'S PAVILION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. JUBILEE CRICKET BOOK [Ranjitsinhji's] Longman's Magazine, vol. 30, 1897. LORD HARRIS ON CRICKET Contemporary Review, vol. 48, 1885. MAKING OF CRICKET BATS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. MID-CENTURY CRICKETERS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. OLD AND NEW CRICKET Fortnightly Review, vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. RECOLLECTIONS OF CRICKET English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. REMARKS ON CRICKET Stonehenge's British Rural Sports, 1857. SOME ETON AND HARROW MATCHES National Review, vol. 25, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. Crickets. SOME AMERICAN CRICKETS Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. Cries. CRIES OF PARIS IN THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY Gentleman's Magazine Library [Jinglish Traditions], 1890. See also London, Street Cries, etc. CRIME. (See also Anthropology, Drink, Man, Pauperism, Prisons, Punishment, Society, etc.) ANIMALS AS CRIMINALS Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. APPEAL IN CRIMINAL CASES New Review, vol. 12, 1895. BRITISH TREATMENT OK CRIME Barnes' Notes on Ancient Britain and the Britains. CIVILIZATION AND CRIME Fortnightly Review, vol. 2, 1865. COMMON SENSE AND CRIME Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. CONVICTS AT NEW CALEDO*NIA Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. CRIME AND CRIMINALS Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. CRIME AND EDUCATION Daily Graphic, vol. 17, 1894. CRIME AND ITS DETECTION Dublin Review, vol. 50, 1861. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. CRIME AND THE LAW Scribner's Magazine, vol. n, 1892. CRIME IN ENGLAND Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. CRIME IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND Report of British Association, 1882. CRIME IN RUSSIA Hepworth Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. CRIMES ACT Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. [156] CRIME-CRISPI Crime (continued). CRIMINAL ANTHROPOLOGY The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. CRIMINAL CODE Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. CRIMINAL LAW, 1819-27 Thursfield's Peel [Twelve English Statesmen], 1891. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE IN SCOTLAND AND ENGLAND Forsj th's Essays, 1874. CRIMINALS "General " Booth's In Darkest England, 1890. CRIMINALS' CONFESSIONS New Review, vol. 15, 1896. CROWN'S RIGHT OF REPLY Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. DECREASE OF CRIME Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1893. DISCOURSES ON CRIME Haweis' Current Coin, 1876. DRINKING AND CRIME Wings, vol. 14, 1896. ENGLISH AND IRISH CRIME Dublin Review, vol. 42, 1857. EXECUTED CRIMINALS AND FOLK MEDICINE Folklore, vol. 7. GOVERNMENT CRIMINAL RETURNS Dublin Review, vol. 28, 1850. HABITUAL OFFENDERS Blackvvood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. HOMES OF THE CRIMINAL CLASSES National Review, vol. i, 1883. How CRIME is INVESTIGATED IN SCOTLAND Fortnightly Review, vol. 2, 1865. How TO AID DISCHARGED CRIMINALS Contemporary Review, vol. 43, 1883. HYPNOTISM AND CRIME Hudson's Law of Psychic Phenomena, 1892. IDENTIFICATION OF CRIMINALS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. IDENTIFICATION OF CRIMINALS BY MEASUREMENT Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. INCREASE OF CRIME Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. Is CRIME INCREASING OR DIMINISHING National Review, vol. 6, 1885-6. ITALIAN CRIME Whiteside's Italy in the Nineteenth Century, 1860. JUDGES OF THE CRIMINAL LAW Thorold Rogers' British Citizen, 1886. NOTORIOUS CRIMINALS IN YORK CASTLE Twyford & Griffith's York Castle, 1880. ON CRIME Ellis' Education of Character, 1856. ON CRIMINAL SUGGESTION The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. ORIGIN OF CRIME Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1893. PENAL CODE Lecky's History of England in the Eighteenth Century, 1892. PETTY OFFENCES AND CRIME Alexander Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 1856. PHASES OF CRIME IN PARIS Fortnightly Review, vol. 56, 1891. PHENOMENA OF CRIMINAL LIFE Leisure Hour, vol. 6, 1857. PHILOSOPHY OF CRIME Contemporary Review, vol. 65, 1894. PREVENTION OF CRIME Baker's War with Crime, 1889. International Journal of Ethics, vol. 2, 1891-2. PROBLEM OF CRIME IN FRANCE Contemporary Review, vol. 62, 1892. PROCEDURE AND CRIMINAL LAW Amos' Science of Law [Inter. Sci. Series], 1889. PUNISHMENT AND CRIME Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. PUNISHMENT OF CRIMINALS Alexander Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 1858. REFORMED TREATMENT OF CRIMINALS Nineteenth Century vol. 36, 1894. STATE REFORMATION OF CRIMINALS Murray's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. STATISTICS OF CHIME FOR 1893 Review of Reviews, vol. n, 1895. [ vol. 7, 1877. TREATMENT OF CRIMINALS BY GREEKS AND ENGLISH Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, TREATMENT OF CRIMINALS IN THE PAST Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. UNSOLVED MYSTERIES OF CRIME Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. WINTER ASSIZES Cornhill Magazine (n.s.), vol. 22, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. Nicoll's Man's Revenge [Reminiscences of Causes Cclcbres]. Senior's Biographical Sketches. CRIMEA. (See also Balaclava, Inkeniian, Russia, Sebastopol, etc.) CRIMEA IN 1854 AND 1894 Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. EXCAVATIONS IN THE CIMMERIAN BOSPHORUS, CRIMEA Sir Chas. Newton's Essays. INVASION OF THE CRIMEA McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 1879. ORIGIN OF THE CRIMEAN WAR Kinglake's Crimea, 1885-88. PAGES FROM A SURGEON'S JOURNAL IN THE CRIMEA Good Words, vol. 39, 1898. SKETCHES OF THE CRIMEA Leisure Hour, vol. 4, 1855. SOYER IN THE CRIMEA Soyer's Culinary Campaign, 1857. TEN DAYS IN THE CRIMEA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 5, 1861-2. UNEXPECTED RESULTS OF THE CRIMEAN WAR Formightly Review, vol. 2, 1865. WITHIN SEBASTOPOL DURING THE SIEGE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Adams' England at War, 1886. Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1890-1. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 17, 1830. Hayward's Selections from his Correspondence, 1886. Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury. Kingston's Our Soldiers. Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. Molesworth's History of England, 1879. Smith's Life of Bright, 1889. Valentine's Land Battles. English Illus. [Dead on the Battlefields], vol. 16, 1897. Criminian Hills Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. ,te, London Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Meteyard's Hallowed Spots ent London, 1862. Crispi (Francesco, Italian Statesman, born 1819). APPRECIATION OF FRANCESCO CRISPI Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 37, 1895. CHARACTER SKETCH. By G. M. JamesReview of Reviews, vol. 10, 1894. "OuiDA" ON THE CRISPI DICTATORSHIP Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. THE KING, THE POPE, AND CRISPI Fortnightly Review, vol. 62, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Century Magazine, vol. 27 (n.s.), 1894-5. [157] CRITICISM CROMWELL CBWICISM. (See also Art, Drama, Litimture, Reviewing, etc.) A CHAT WITH THE CRITICS Idler, vol. 5, 1894. A CONTEMPORARY CRITICISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 3, 1865-6. A DIP IN CRITICISM Contemporary Review, vol. 54, 1888. A NEW CRITICISM OK POETRY Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. ART AND CRITICISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 32, 1879. BOOKS AND CRITICS Fortnightly Review, vol. 28, 1877. CLOISTRAL CRITICISM Scribner's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. CREATION AND CRITICISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. CRITICISM AS AN INDUCTIVE SCIENCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. CRITICISM AS THEFT Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. CRITICISM IN RELATION TO NOVELS Fortnightly Review, vol. 3, 1865-6. CRITICS AND CLASS LISTS Dublin Review, vol. 17, 1887. CRITICS IN COURT Macmillan's Magazine, vol 60, 1889. DECAY OF CRITICISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 37, 1882. DEGENERACY OF DRAMATIC CRITICISM Theatre, vol. 15 (n.s.), 1890 DICKENS IN RELATION TO CRITICISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 17,1872. DRAMATIC CRITICISM Contemporary Review, vol. 64, 1893. DRAMATIC CRITICISM IN PARIS Theatre, vol. 10 (n.s.), 1887. DRAMATIC, MUSICAL, AND ART CRITICISM Russell's Authors' Manual, 1886. ESSAYS ON CRITICISM Helps' Friends in Council, 1879. ETHICS OF THEATRICAL CRITICISM Archer's About the Theatre, 1886. GENIUS AND CRITICISM Rees' Book-Worm, 1886. LITERARY CRITICISM IN FRANCE Fortnightly Review, vol. 52, 1889. NOVELISTS' VIEWS ON CRITICISM Idler, vol. 6, 1894-5. OLD CRITICISM Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24 (n.s.), 1895. OLD CRITICISMS ON OLD PLAYS AND PLAYERS Fortnightly Review, vol. 15, 1871. ON SOME PRINCIPLES OF CRITICISM Symond's Essays, 1888. SECTARIAN CRITICISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. SHAKESPEARIAN CRITICISM Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. SOME LITERARY CRITICS Idler, vol. 5, 1894. TWENTY YEARS OF REVIEWING Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. WAYS OF ORTHODOX CRITICS Fortnijjhtly 'Review, vol. 34, 1880, and vol. 49, 1888. WOMEN AND CRITICISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. GENERAL INFORMATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. Croatia. HUNGARY AND CROATIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. Crochet. FANCY BRAID CROCHET Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [page 627], 1882-3. SOME MODERN CROCHET WORK Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892; etc. Crockery. TASTE IN CROCKERY Eastlake's Household Taste in Furniture, Up- holstery, etc., 1878. See under Chinaware, etc. Crockett (S. R., Novelist, born 1860). A NOVELIST'S TRAINING Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. "CLEG KELLY, ARAB OF THE CITY" Review of Reviews, vol. 13, 1896. Crocodile. CROCODILE PITS OF MAHABDIE, EGYPT Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. CROCODILE SHOOTING ON THE JUMNA Hornaday's Two Years in the Jungle, 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Baker's Wild Beasts and their Ways, 1891. Gerard's Lion Hunting and Sporting in Algeria, 1856. And under Alligators. Croft (Herbert, Bisp. of Hereford, died 1691) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Crofters. CROFTER PROBLEM Contemporary Review, vol. 47, 1885. HIGHLAND CROFTERS Contemporary Review, vol. 43, 1883. Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. Croke (Dr., Catholic Archbishop of Cashel, Ireland, born 1824). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 12, 1895. Croker (John Wilson, Irish Politician and Essayist, died 1857) Fortnightly Review, vol. 42, 1884. Maclise's Portrait Gallery. Smiles' Murray, 1891. Croker (Richard, An American Politician). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. McClure's Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. Croly (Dr. George, Iiisk Poet, died 1860) Gilfillan's Stars in the Church Sky, 1867. Lester's Criticisms on the Poets of the Present Day, 1854. Crome (John, Landscape Painter, died 1821) Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 3, 1879. Cromer, Norfolk (Seaside Resort). CROMER CLIFFS Truth, vol. 16, 1884. Cromlechs (Ancient Stone Cairns). CROMLECHS OF ANGLESEY Archaeological Journal, vol. 28, 1871. CROMLECHS OF WALES Archaeologia Cambriensis, vols. i & 3. ETRURIAN CROMLECHS Dennis 1 Cities of Etruria, 1883. Cromwell (Henry, Fourth Son of Oliver Cromwell, died 1674) Neal's Puritans, 1822. CROMWELL (Oliver, Lord Protector of England, died 1658). COURT OF CROMWELL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. CROMWELL AND ESSEX Esses Review, vol. i, 1892, & vol. 5, 1896. CROMWELL AND His INDEPENDENTS Review of Reviews, vol. 4, 1891. [158] CROMWELL -CROWLAND Cromwell (continue*) . CROMWELL'S GOVERNMENT OF SCOTLAND Mackintosh's Scotland from the Earliest Times, 1891. DAUGHTERS OF OLIVER CROMWELL Anderson's Memorable Women, 1862. FRANCE AND CROMWELL Trans, of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. HOUSE OF LORDS AND CROMWELL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1894-5. POLICY OF CROMWELL Price's History of Protestant Nonconformity in England, 1836. PRIVATE LIFE OF OLIVER CROMWELL D'Aubigne's Protector: a Vindication, 1847. REVIEW OF GUIZOT'S CROMWELL Dublin Review, vol. 41, 1856. REVIEW OF HORTON'S CROMWELL Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. THE CELT IN POWER : Tudor and Cromwell Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 3 (n.s.), i86. GENERAL INFORMATION Blunt's Sketch of the Reformation in England, 1832. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. Brook's Lives of the Puritans, 1813. Buckle's Civili- zation in England, 1885. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Corhett's General Monk, 1889. Cunningham's English Nation [portrait], vol. 2. Gilfillan's Modern Christian Heroes, 1869. Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. Guizot's England, 1877. Guizot's Monk and the Restoration in 1660, 1886. Jeaffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Knight & Valen- tine's Half-Hours of English History. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 7. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Morris' Claverhouse [English Worthies]. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Smith's Three English States- men, 1868. Stoughton's Church pt the Restoration, 1870. Rev. James White's History of England from the Earliest Times, 1860. Cromwell (Richard, Third Son of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector Sept., 1658, to May, 1659, died 1712). FALL OF RICHARD CROMWELL Guizot's General Monk, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Carlyle's Letters, etc., of Oliver Cromwell, 1892. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Cromwell Family. CROMWELLS OF AMERICA Antiquary, vol. 15, 1887. WOMEN OF THE CROMWELL FAMILY Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. Cromwell (Thomas, Earl of Essex, Favourite of Wolsey, beheaded 1540). CROMWELL AND ANNE BOLEYN Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. LIFE AND DEATH OF THOMAS CROMWELL Lee's Historical Sketches. GENERAL INFORMATION Bell's Notices of Historic Persons buried in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, Tower of London. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Ellis' Original Letters illustrative of English History, 1846. Froude's History of England, 1870. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 3. Lee's Historical Sketches of the Reformation. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Crops. SACRIFICES FOR CROPS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Croquet Every Boy's Book. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. i (n.s.), 1868. Crosby Hall, Bishopsgate Street, London (Built by Sir John Crosby 1470, some time residence of Richard III.) Pike's Meeting-Houses, 1870. Cross. SIGNIFICATION OK THE CROSS Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. THE PASSION AND THE CROSS Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Cross-Bows (An ancient weapon, the bolt or arrow of which is discharged by means of a lock and trigger) Antiquary, vol. 23, 1891. And under Weapons, etc. Cross-Examination. ARTICLE BY LORD BRAMWELL Nineteenth Cent., vol. 31, 1892. Cross-Slabs. SOME ANCIENT SEPULCHRAL CROSS-SLABS Sunday Mag., vol. 29, 1893 CROSSES. AN ACCOUNT OF SOME MONUMENTAL AND WAYSIDE CROSSES STILL REMAINING IN THE WEST OF CORNWALL Archaeological Journal, vol, 4, 1847. ANCIENT CROSSES OF ENGLAND Architecture, vol. i, 1896. BANBURY CROSS Archasological Journal, vol. 46, 1889. BRADBOURNE CROSS, DERBYSHIRE Archaeological Journal, vol. 45, 1888. CROSSES OF WALES Archaeologia Cambriensis, vol. 3. ESSAY ON MARKET CROSSES Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, 1849. MEMORIAL CROSSES FOUND AT ST. OSWALD'S, DURHAM Transactions of the Durham Archaeological Society, vol. 4. PUBLIC CROSSES OT NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Antiquary, vols. 15, 16, 17, 1887-8. QUEEN ELEANOR'S CROSSES Archasological Journal, vol. 49, 1892. ROADSIDE CROSSES AND OTHER REMAINS IN MID-DEVONSHIRE Gentleman's Mag. Library [English Topography, part iv.], 1893. SCULPTURED CROSS AT GOSFORTH, WEST CUMBERLAND Archaeological Journal, vol. 40, 1883. STORY OF THE CROSS [in Architecture and Art] Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. WAY-SIDE CROSSES IN YORKSHIRE Antiquary, vol. 31, 1895. Crossing-Sweepers English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893. Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor [London Crossing-Sweepers], 1861. Crosthwaite, Cumberland Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [ ii.], 1892. Crow. HOODED CROW, ETC. Yarrell's History of British Birds, 1856. INDIAN CROW Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. THE COMMON CROW Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. Orowland. (An ancient Market Town, Lincolnshire) Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i. Murray's Lincolnshire, 1892. CBOWN-CRYSTOLEUM Crown. CROWNS, ANCIENT AND MODERN Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. REMARKS ON CROWNS Choice Notes from Notes and Queries. GENERAL INFORMATION Twining's Symbols. Crown Lands (Lands belonging to the Crown). NOTES ON THE HISTORV OF THE CROWN LANDS Antiquary, vol. 13, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Croxden Abbey. NOTES ON CROXDEN ABBEY Jour. Brit. Archaeo. Assoc. (n.s.), vol. 2. Croydon, Surrey. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF CROYDON Suburban Homes of IN THE OLD PALACE OF CROYDON Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. [London, 1881. ROMAN AND SAXON REMAINS AT CROYDON Collection of Surrey Arch. Soc., vol. 13. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Surrey. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera. Crucifixion Goodwin's Creed. Lanciani's Ancient Rome [Grofitt's Caricature of Crucifixion in Rome], 1889. Sunday Mag., vol. 22 [Legends of the Cruci.], 1896. Cruden (Alexander, A uthor of the Scripture Concordance, died 1770). ALEXANDER, THE CORRECTOR Chambers' Journal, vol. 37, 1862. Cruelty. AFRICAN CRUELTY Mackay of Uganda, 1892. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Fortnightly Review, vols. 25-6, 1876. EVERY-DAY CRUELTY Fortnightly Review, vol. 62, 1894. QUALITY OF MERCY Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. Cruikshank (George, Caricaturist, died 1878). GEORGE CRUIKSHANK: A Defence- Temple Bar, vol. 99, 1893. UNPUBLISHED SKETCHES BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK Strand Mag., vol. 14, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. Hodder's Memories of My Time, 1870. Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. Everitt's English Caricaturist, 1886. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1893. Leisure Hour, vol.24, 1875. Grant's Public Characters. Temple Bar, vol. 83, 1888. Cruisers. ARMOURED CRUISERS Brassey's British Navy, vol. i, 1882. TRIAL TRIP OF A CRUISER Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. And under Navy. Cruising 1 . CRUISING IN COMPANY, LOWESTOFT TO ROTTERDAM Yachtsman, vol. 10. SIR THOMAS BRASSEY ON CRUISING Fortnightly Review, vol. 40, 1883. Ships, etc. Cruoch Mab Dara (Off the Coast of Connemara). NOTICE OF ITS CHURCH, CROSSES, AND ANTIQUITIES Journal of the Royal Archaeological Society, vol. Crusades (Religions Wars of the Middle Ages, waged for the purpose of recovering the Holy Land from the Mohamt'tedans). ORIGIN OF THE CRUSADES Hallam's Europe during the Middle Ages, 1869. PETER THK HERMIT AND THE CRUSADES Spofford's Lib. of Choice Literature, vol. 7. SALADIN AND KING RICHARD : The Eastern Question in the Twelfth Century Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 19. Collier's Outlines of General History, 1873. French's Medieval Church History, 1877. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 4, 1872. Mackay's Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions, 1869. Morison's St. Bernard, 1868. Quarterly Review, vol. 183, 1896. Edinburgh Review, vol. 179. Crustacea (General Name for all kinds of Animals having Jointed Shells). CRAFTY CRUSTACEANS Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. CRUSTACEA IN EARLY PALAEOZOIC TIMES Nature, vol. 52, 1895. CURIOSITIES OK CRUSTACEA Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. THE KARKINOKOSM OR WORLD OF CRUSTACEA Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. GENERAL INFORMATION Wood's Nature and Her Servants. Cryptography (The Art of writing in Secret Characters or Cipher) "Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. Cryptoprocta (A fierce Camiverous Animal of Madagascar). DESCRIPTION OF THE CRYPTOPROCTA Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Crypts (Subterranean Cells or Caves). CRYPTS AND VAULTS IN THE METROPOLIS Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. SOME FAMOUS CRYPTS Quiver, vol. 27, 1892. Crystal Palace (A Glass and Iron Structure erected at Sydenham, near London, from the materials of the building of the Exhibition of 1851). SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE, SYDENHAM Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. GENERAL INFORMATION Land We Live in, vol. 2. Crystallisation. ON THE CRYSTALLISATION OF SILVER, GOLD, AND OTHER METALS Nature, vol. 6, 1872. GENERAL INFORMATION Pepper's Boy's Playbook of Science. CRYSTALS. FORMATION OF CRYSTALS Hogg's Microscope: its History and Application, 1886. FORMS OF CRYSTALS Reynold's Chemistry, 1889-91. And Books on Chemistry. INK-CRYSTALS Nature, vol. 51, 1894. INNER STRUCTURE OF SNOW CRYSTALS Nature, vol. 48, 1893. METALLIC CRYSTALS Bauerman's Descriptive Mineralogy, 1884. MICROSCOPIC INVESTIGATION OF CRYSTALS Nature, vol. 51, 1895. ON HOLLOW PYRAMIDAL ICE-CRYSTALS Nature, vol. 50, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Bauerman's Systematic Mineralogy, 1884. Crystoleum. CRYSTOLEUM OR CHROMO-PHOTOGRAPHY Girl's Own Ann., vol. 5, 1883-4. CTBSIPHON-CUMMING Ctesiphon (A n ancient city of Babylonia, which became finally the Capital of Parthia) Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1846. Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Mommsen's Provinces of the Roman Empire. CUBA (The most westerly and largest of the West Indian Islands). CUBA AND THE CUBANS Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. CUBAN INSURRECTION Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. CUBAN QUESTION New Review, vol. 15, 1896. Cosmopolitan, vol. 19, 1875. FIVE WEEKS WITH THK Ci BAN INSUKGENTS Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. FUTURE OK CUBA: President McKinky's Views on Cuban Independence Daily Mail, March u, 1898. How CUBA MIGHT HAVE BELONGED 10 FRANCE Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. INSURRECTION IN CUBA Daily Graphic, vol. 28, 1896. Pall Mall Mag., vol. 12, 1897. OBJECT LESSONS OF THE CUBAN WAR Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. PEARL OF THE ANTILLES AND THE HAITIAN REPUBLIC Progressive Rev., v. 2, 1897. POLITICAL ESSAY ON THE ISLAND OF CUBA Humboldt's Travels, 1852. RESOURCES, PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS OF THE ISLAND OF CUBA Dublin Review, UNITED STATES AND CUBA National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. [vol. 27, 1849. GENERAL INFORMATION Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. Froude's West Indies, 1888. Cuckfleld (A town of Sussex, locality of Ainsworth's "Rookwood"). CUCKFIELD FROM THE ELEVENTH TO THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Sussex Arenas. Collection, vol. 40. CUCKOO (A well-known type of the genus of climbing Birds of the Cuculida). COMMON CUCKOO, ETC. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Morris' British Birds, 1891. CUCKOOS' EGGS Nature, vol. i, 1869. Morris' Nests and Eggs, 1892. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 2. GREAT SPOTTED CUCKOO Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. HABITS OF THE CUCKOO Wood's Lane and Field, 1891. SUPERSTITIONS ABOUT THE CUCKOO All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. WEST AFRICAN CUCKOOS Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 12. GENERAL INFORMATION National Review, vol. 7, 1886. Birds, Ornithology, etc, Cucumber (A Plant of the or Gourd order). CULTURE OF CUCUMBERS Cassell's Popular Gardening. GENERAL Kitto's Palestine, 1841. Cucuta, Colombia Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 27, 1830. Cuenca (A town of Spain, built by the Moors, and remarkable for its Cathedral) Murray's Guide to Spain, 1892. Stoughton's Spanish Reformers. Cullen (William, Physician, died 1790) British Physicians, 1830. Culloden (Thesite of the last Battle fought on British soil [1746], famous forthe defeat of the Stuart Pretender). FIELD OF CULLODEN Howitt's Remarkable Places, 1856. Cultivation. DELUSIONS ABOIT TROPICAL CULTIVATION Nineteenth Century, THE ORIGIN OF CULTIVATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 61, 1894. [vol. 36, 1894. See Agriculture, Flowers, Fruit, Gardening, Vegetables, etc. CULTURE. A DIALOGUE ON CULTURE Fortnightly Review, vol. 8, 1867. ADDRESS ON POPULAR CULTURE Fortnightly Review, vol. 26, 1876. CAPITAL AND CULTURE IN AMERICA Fortnightly Review, vol. 50, 1888. CATHOLICISM AND CULTURE Dublin Review, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1879. DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURE Tylor's Primitive Culture, 1891. FELLOWSHIPS AND NATIONAL CULTURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. GROWTH OF CULTURE Tylor's Early History of Mankind, 1878. PROPHET OF CULTURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. SCIENCE AND CULTURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. Culverhouses. See Pigeon-houses. Cumana '(Town in the Province of Venezuela) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 27, 1830. Humboldt's Travels, 1852. Cumanacoa. CULTIVATION OF TOBACCO IN CUMANACOA Humboldt's Travels, 1852. CUMBERLAND (The extreme North-western County of England). ACCOUNT OF PLACES IN CUMBERLAND Gentleman's M-agazine Library [English Topography, part ii.J, 1892. Black's England and Wales ; etc. EARLY HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND Archaeological Journal, vol. 16. 1859. EDUCATION IN CUMBERLAND Smiles' George Moore, Philanthropist, 1878. HOME ARTS IN THE CUMBERLAND MOUNTAINS Fortnightly Review, vol. 40, 1896. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN CUMBERLAND Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano- British Remains, part i.], 1887. REMARKABLE FORTIFIED CHURCHES IN CUMBERLAND Archas. Jour., vol. 16, 1859. TOPOGRAPHY OF CUMBERLAND Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Topography, pt. ii.], 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-7. See also Carlisle, etc. Cumberland. (George Clifford, Third Earl of, as a Pirate, died 1605) Whymper's The Sea : its Stirring Story, etc. Cumberland (Richard, Poet and Dramatist, died 1811) Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. Cumberland (William Augustus, Duke of, born 1721, died 1765) Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 3 [portrait]. Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women. Gumming 1 (Constance F. Gordon, daughter of Sir W. Gordon dimming. Traveller, born 1837). TRAVELS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. M [ 161 ] CUMMING-CURSES Gumming 1 (Dr., Scottish Theologian and great W liter on 1'rophetical Subjects, died 1881) Oxenham's Ecclesiastical History, 1884. [vol. 88, 1851. Gumming' (Gordon, "The Lion Hunter," African Hunter, died 1866) Quarterly Review! Gunard. Line (A Mail Packet Service founded by Sir Samuel Cunard, 1839) Fleming's England and Canada, 1884. Good Words, vol. 28, 1887. Cuneiform Characters (A ji'edge-shaped Writing used in A ncient Babylon). MONUMENTS OF NINEVEH AND THE CUNEIFORM CHARACTERS Dublin Rev., v.24, 1848. CUNEIFORM WRITING AND LITERATURE Smith's History of the East, 1885. Sayce's Higher Criticism and the Monuments, 1894. ORIGIN OF THE CUNEIFORM CHARACTERS Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. TEL EL-AMARNA TABLETS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM Nature, vol. 46, 1892. Sayce's Higher Criticism and the Monuments, 1894. Hommel's Hebrew Traditions, 1897. Cunning. ANIMAL CUNNING Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. GENERAL Bacon's Essays. Cunningham (Allan, Scotch Poet, Novelist, and Sculptor, died 1842). LIFE OF ALLAN CUNNINGHAM Cunningham's British Painters, vol. i, 1879. GENERAL INFORMATION Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Maclise's Picture Gallery [Short Sketch and Portrait]. Oliphant's Literary History of England. Smiles' Murray, or a Publisher and his Friends, 1891. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland. Art Journal, vol. 8 (n.s.), 1869. [Poets, 1844. Cunningham (John, Irish Poet and Actor, died 1773) Campbell's Specimens of British Cunningham (Peter, Son of Allan Cunningham, died 1869) Croker's Edition of Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1880. Hodder's Memories of My Time, 1870. " Cup " (The). A PLAY BY LORD TENNYSON Theatre, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1881. Cupid. MYTH OF CUPID AND PSYCHE Academy, vols. 31, 32 & 33, 1887-8. CuraQOa (Island of the Dutch West Indies). SURRENDER OF CURA9OA James' Naval History of Great Britain, vol. 3, 1878. Curates. CASE FOR THE CURATE'S Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. Pycrott's Twenty Years in the Church. 1861. Curfew (French Couvre-feu, an Institution inaugurated by William I. for the putting out of fires and lights at 8 o'clock at night). CURFEW BELL Sir W. Temple's Works, CURFEW TOWER AT BARKING Daily Graphic, vol. 18, 1894. [1757- RINGING OF THE CURFEW Quiver, vol. 26, 1891. Curiosities. CURIOUS INVENTIONS Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. LITERARY CURIOSITIES Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, 1881. NATURAL CURIOSITIES Beckman's Inventions, 1846. Strand Mag., vol. 14, 1897. Curlew (A Wading Bird with long curved Bill). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE OF THE BIRD Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 3. Morris' British Birds, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Yarrell's History of British Birds, 1856. Curling 1 (Scottish winter game) Pall Mall Magazine, vol. n [page 80], 1897. Curran (John Philpot, Noted Irish Orator, died 1817) Cunningham's English Nation [Portrait], vol. 4. Great Orators, 1889. Madden's United Irishmen, 1858-60. Curran (Sarah, (The lover of Emmet, the Irish Patriot ; Subject of a Poem by Thomas Moore, " She is far from the land where her young Hero sleeps " Madden's United Irishmen. See also Emmet. CURRENCY. (See also Banking, Bimetallism, Finance, Money, etc.) AMERICAN CURRENCY CRANKS Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. AMERICAN SILVER REBELLION National Review, vol. 27, 1896. BATTLE OF THE STANDARDS IN AMERICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. COLLOQUY ON CURRENCY Contemporary Review, vol. 56, 1889. CRY FOR FRAUDULENT MONEY IN AMERICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. CURRENCY, 1819-27 Thursfield's Peel [Twelve English Statesmen], 1891. CURRENCY AND ITS REFORM Fortnightly Review, vol. 6, 1866. CURRENCY CRISIS IN THE UNITED STATES Fortnightly Review, vol. 59, 1893. CURRENCY QUESTION National Review, vol. 26, 1895. EMPIRE AND THE GOLD STANDARD National Review, vol. 28, 1897. GLADSTONE AND THE CURRENCY Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1893. IMAGINATIVE CURRENCY STATISTICS Fortnightly Review, vol. 62, 1894. " OLD SILVER DOLLAR " Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. THE STATE AND THE CURRENCY Fortnightly Review, vol 8, 1867. UNITED STATES CURRENCY Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. UTILITY OF SMALL CURRENCY Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. VALUE OF PAPER CURRENCY Shadwell's Political Economy, 1877. WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND CURRENCY OF MADAGASCAR Oliver's Madagascar, 1886. Currents (Running Streams). CURRENTS IN THE ATLANTIC Humboldt's Travels, 1852. CURRENTS IN THE GREAT LAKES OF NORTH AMERICA Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. WARM UNDERCURRENT IN THE ARCTIC OCEAN Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. GREAT MOVEMENTS OF THE SEA Reclus' Ocean, Atmosphere, and Life, 1873. MAGNETIC CURRENTS Reclus' The Ocean, Atmosphere, and Life, 1883. OCEAN CURRENTS Hartwig's Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. J. Macaulay's Sea Pictures. Nature, vol. 5, 1872. Currie(Sir Donald, Shipowner, born 1825). ILLUS. INTERVIEW Strand Mag., vol. 8, 1894. Currie (Sir Philip, AmbassadoratConstantinople 1893, born 1834) English Illus.,, 896. Curses Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Koelle's Mohammed and Mohammedanism, 1889. [162] CURTIS-CYCLING Curtis (George William, American Author). IN MEMORIAM Harper's Mag., vol. 24, 1892 Curtis (Sir Roger, Rear Admiral, died. 1816) James' Naval History, vols. i, 2 & 5, 1837. Curves. REMARKS ON CURVES Halliday's Mechanical Graphics, 1889. REMARKS ON RAILWAY CURVES Nesbit's Land Surveying, 1892. Curwen (Rev. John, Originator of the Tonic Sol-fa system of Musical Teaching, die 1880). CURWEN AND THE TONIC SOI.-FA MOVEMENT Cassell's Mag., vol. 9, 1883. Curzon (Right Hon. George, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1895, born 1859). AT HOME AND ABROAD WITH THE RIGHT HON. GEORGE CURZON Cassell's Mag., vol. 22, 1896. TRAVELS IN INDIA Dublin Review, vol. 116, 1895. Curzon (Sir Robert, otherwise Lord, died 1873) Suffolk Archaeological Institute, vol. 9. Curzola (An Island of the Adriatic) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. Cushman (Charlotte S., American Actress, died 1845) Cook's Hours with the Players. Marston's Our Recent Actors. Theatre, vol. i, 1878-9. Custom House. CUSTOMS OFFICERS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. CUSTOMS OF THE MIDDLE AGES Hall's Custom Revenue, 1885. OUR CUSTOM HOUSE REGULATIONS Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. CUSTOMS. (See also Manners and under Names of Places). ASH WEDNESDAY CUSTOMS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. [Round, vol. 67, 1890, AT HOME ON THE ROLLING TIDE [A Series of Articles on Customs] All the Year CURIOUS LANDHOLDING CUSTOMS Andrews' Bygone England, 1892. CURIOUS MARRIAGE CUSTOMS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. CUSTOM AND SEX Fortnightly Review, vol. 17, 1872. CUSTOMS AND ARTS IN GERMANY Menzel's History of Germany, 1859. CUSTOMS AND MANNERS OF NORTHERN NATIONS Mallet's Northern Antiq., 1859. EDWARD CARPENTER ON CUSTOM Fortnightly Review, vol. 50, 1888. ESSAY ON CUSTOMS Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. [vol. u, 1897. INITIATION RITES OF THE ARUNTA TRIBE, CENTRAL AUSTRALIA Natural Science, IRISH MANNERS AND CUSTOMS Young's Tour in Ireland in the Years 1776-9, 1892. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AGAINST ANIMALS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. MARRIAGE AND FUNERAL CUSTOMS Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 1856. OLD COURT CUSTOMS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881-2. OLD SHOWS AND CUSTOMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. PERSIAN CUSTOMS Wills' Land of the Lion and the Sun, or Modern Persia, 1881. STUDY OF CUSTOMS Macmillan's Magazine, vol.46, 1882. TRADITION AND CUSTOM Hamerton's Intellectual Life, 1873. TYRANNY OF CUSTOMS Lubbock's Origin of Civilisation, 1875. Cuthbert (Archbisliop of Canterbury, died 758) Hook's Archbishops, vol. i, 1875. Cuthbert (St., Bishop of Lind isfarne, died 687) Raine's North Durham, 1852. Surtees' Society Publications. Eraser's Magazine, vol. 88, 1873. Cutters (Sailing Vessels). ORIGIN OF THE CUTTER Leslie's Old Sea Wings, 1890. RIGGING A MODEL CUTTER Biddle's Modern Yachts, Ships, and Steamers, 1883. Cuttlefish. PAST AND PRESENT CUTTLEFISHES Wilson's Studies in Life& Sense, 1887. Cuvier (George C. L. D., Baron, French Naturalist, ,died 1832) Bolton's Men of Science. Stoughton's Worthies of Science, 1880. Timbs 1 Strange Stories of the. Animal World [Life of Cuvier], 1868. Jardine's Naturalist's Library [portrait], vol. 16. Cuyp or Kuyp (Jacob, Albert and Benjamin, three great Dutch Landscape Painters of the i6th and ijth Centuries). GENERAL REMARKS ON THE ARTISTS Ruskin's Modern Painters, 1892. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters. Cundall's Ruisdael, Hobbema, etc. [Great Artist Series], 1891. CycadS (The oldest family of seed-plants) Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. (Greek Islands) Murray's Guides to the Mediterranean, V.D. CYCLES. (See also Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, etc.) BAMBOO CYCLES Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES Nature, vol. 56, 1897. BICYCLE-MAKING IN JAPAN Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. CYCLE AND TRADE OF THE MIDLANDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. CYCLE MARKET Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. CYCLE MECHANICS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. CYCLE MANUFACTURERS' TUBE COMPANY Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. CYCLES AND TYRES FOR 1893. Fortnightly Review, vol. 59, 1893. EVOLUTION OF THE CYCLE Strand Mag., vol. 4, 1892. English Illus., vol. 17, 1896. How TO KEEP AND CLEAN THE CYCLE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. MECHANISM OF MODERN CYCLES Bury's Cycling, 1889. MOTOR CYCLE TRIALS IN FRANCE Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. REAR-ACTING CYCLE BREAK Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. RECENT CYCLE EXHIBITIONS [illustrated] Engineer, vol. 8r, 1896. SOME POINTS IN CYCLE-MAKING New Review, vol. 17, 1897 CYCLING. ABUSE OF THE CYCLE Woman, March, 1895. ANTI-CYCLONES New Review, vol 15, 1896. CO-OPERATIVE CAMPS FOR CYCLISTS Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. CYCLE RIDE IN NORTHERN FRANCE Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. CYCLING IN 1896 New Review, vol. 15, 1896. Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1896. CYCLING AND CYCLISTS Fortnightly Rev., v. 63, 1898. Nineteenth Cent., v. 17, 1885. [163] CYCLING CZECHS Cycling: (contin tied) . CYCLING AS A HEALTH PURSUIT Richardson's The Commonhealth, 1887. CYCLING AS AN INTELLECTUAL PURSUIT Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1882. CYCLING CLUBS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. Bury's Cycling, 1889. CYCLING CRAZE FOR LADIES Lady's Realm, vol. i, 1896-7. CYCLING FOR HEALTH AND PLEASURE Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. CYCLING FOR THE SICKLY Woman, September, 1896. CYCLING GYMKHANA Woman, August, 1896. CYCLING IN THE DESERT National Review, vol. 27, 1896. CYCLING IN PARIS Lady's Realm, vol. 2, 1897. CYCLING IN THE HIGHLANDS Woman, September, 1897. CYCLING IN WINTER Fortnightly Review, vol. 56, 1891. CYCLOMANIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. DECADE OF CYCLING Woman, October, 1895. DEVELOPMENT OF CYCLING Longman's Magazine, vol. 3, 1883-4. FANCY CYCLING FOR LADIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. HIDDEN DANGERS National Review, vol. 29, 1897. LADY BICYCLISTS All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. OUR GIRLS A-WHEEL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18. 1896-7. PRACTICAL VALUE OF CYCLING Murray's Magazine, vol. 8, 1890. RACING AND TOURING Bury's Cycling, 1889. SINGULAR CYCLE TRICKS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. SIXTY YEARS OF CYCLING English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. SOCIAL SIDE OF CYCLING Scribner's Magazine, vol. 17, 1895. SOME FAMOUS LADY CYCLISTS Lady's Realm, vol. 2, 1897. THE CYCLE. By J. R. Starley New Review, vol. 12, 1895. THE ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE BICYCLE National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. Two GIRLS ON A TANDEM TRICYCLE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. USE OF THE CYCLE FOR MILITARY PURPOSES Longman's Magazine, vol. 10, 1887. WATER CYCLE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. Routledge's Every Boy's Book. Cyclones. CYCLONES AND TORNADOES Science, vols. 2 & 3, 1883-4. SOME FACTS CONCERNING CYCLONES Waldo's Modern Meteorology, 1893. THE CALCUTTA CYCLONE OF 1864 Fortnightly Review, vol. 2, 1865. See also Hurricanes, Storms, Tempests, Wind, etc. " C ymbeline. " "CYMBELINE" AT THE LYCEUM Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. THE STAGE HISTORY OF "CYMBELINE" Theatre, vol. 28 (n.s.), 1896. Cypher Writing Boy's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1887, & vol. ii, 1889. Cyprian (St., Bishop of Carthage, martyred 258). ECCLESIASTICAL CRISIS IN THE TIME OF CYPRIAN Pressens^'s Early Years of Christianity, vol. 4, 1879. REVIEW OF BENSON'S LIFE OF CYPRIAN Athensum' 1897, vol. i. GENERAL INFORMATION Farrar's Lives of the Fathers. Milman's Latin Christianity,. vol. i, 1872. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Lefroy's Lectures, 1897. CYPRUS. (An Island in the Mediterranean Sea under English Protection, and noted' formerly for its Copper Mines). A GLIMPSE OF CYPRUS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. ANCIENT CYPRUS Abbott's History of Greece, part i. Gardner's New Chapters in. Greek History, 1892. CYPRUS, ACTUAL AND POSSIBLE Contem.Rev.,vol.7i,i8g7.. ARMENIAN EXILES IN CYPRUS Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. CYPRUS AFTER TWELVE YEARS OF BRITISH RULE Macmillan's Mag., vol. 63, 1890-1. CYPRUS AND ENGLAND New Review, vol. 15, 1896. CYPRUS AND MYCEN.B Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. ENGLAND'S DUTY TO CYPRUS New Review, vol. 15. 1896. HISTORY OF CYPRUS Ollier's Russo-Turkish War, 1878-9. Is IT WORTH KEEPING? Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. OUR POSITION IN CYPRUS Contemporary Review, vol. 51, 1887. PRESENT DISCONTENT IN CYPRUS Fortnightly Review, vol. 52, 1889. SCENES IN CYPRUS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 4, 1888. THE CYPRUS CONVENTION Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1896. WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR CYPRUS National Review, vol. n, 1888. GENERAL INFORMATION Bonomi's Nineveh and its Palaces, 1853. Brassey's Sun- shine and Storm, 1881. Kinglake's Eothen [Eastern Travels] , 1854. Macmillan's. Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. Gyrene, Africa. RUINS OF CYRENE Hamilton's Wanderings in North Africa, 1856. GENERAL INFORMATION Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20, 1830. Cyrus the Elder (King of Persia, killed in the Battle of Massaeata: 529 B.C.). ACCOUNT OF THE KINGDOM OF CYRUS Duncker's History of Antiquity, 1878-82. CYRUS THE PERSIAN Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 4 & 5, 1856. Rawlinson's Herodotus, vol. i. Cytology (Study of Organic Cells). CELL OR COR.PUSCLE Natural Sci., vol. n, 1897. Czar (Title of the Russian Emperors). CZAR AND EMPEROR Fortnightly Rev., vol. 65, 1896. Czechs (The most westerly branch of the great Sclavic family of Nations). RIVAL- LEADERS OF THE CZECHS Temple Bar, vol. 107, 1896. [164] DACCA-DAMASCUS i/ACCA, India (Formerly the Chief City of Bengal) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. Heber's Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, 1844. Dacians. THE REVOLT OF THE DACIANS Lynam's Roman Emperors, 1850. Dacotas (Sioux Indians). RESURRECTION OF DOGS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. See also Dakota. Dacres (J. R., Vice-Admiral in 1806) James' Naval History, 1837. Daddy-LonglegS (A Species of the Crane Fly) Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1868. Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. Daffodils. DESCRIPTION OF DAFFODILS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Dagenham, Essex History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 4, 1771. Daggers. DAGGERS, TANGED, SOCKETTED AND HILTED Evans' Ancient Bronze Implements, 1881. See also Arms and Armour, Weapons, etc. Daguerreotype Abney's Treatise on Photography, 1890. Tissandier's History and Handbook of Photography, 1878. See also under Photography. Dahomey, West Africa (Army partly composed of Amazons [Female Soldiers]). FRENCH AND DAHOMEY Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. HOSTILITIES IN DAHOMEY Daily Graphic, vol. 12, 1892. KING OF DAHOMEY Frazer's Golden Bougn, 1890. See also Africa. DAILY PRESS, etc. For Histories of Daily Chronicle, Daily News, Daily Graphic, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Echo, Evening News, Globe, Morning Leader, Pall Mall Gazette, Standard, Times, Westminster Gazette, and other Newspapers, Magazines, and Reviews, see Mitchell's Newspaper Press Directory, Sell's World's Press, Sampson's History of Advertising, Brown's Advertiser's Guide, etc. Leisure Hour, vol. 41, 1891-2. Fortnightly Review, vol 62, 1894. Spectator, vol. 71, 1893. See also Magazines, Newspapers, Periodicals, Press, Reviews, etc. DAIRIES. (See also Butter, Cheese, Farming, Milk, etc.) BUTTER-MAKING IN JUTLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 63, 1890-1. DAIRY CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT Buckmaster & Willis' Elementary Principles of Scientific Agriculture, 1882. DAIRY FARMING Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. DANISH COMPETITION IN DAIRY FARMING New Review, vol. 17, 1897. MANAGEMENT OF THE DAIRY The House Manager: a Guide to Housekeeping, 1877. MAKING MONEY BY DAIRY PRODUCE Woman, June, 1897. MODEL DAIRY Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. OUR COMPETITORS IN DAIRY PRODUCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. SOILS AND CLIMATES SUITABLE FOR DAIRYING Sheldon's Dairy Farming, 1881-8. Dakke, Nubia Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. Dakota, North America (lnhabitd by the Sioux Indians'). BAD LANDS OF DAKOTA Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 84, 1892. SHOOTING IN DAKOTA Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. Dale (Dr. R. W., a Noted Congregational Minister of Birmingham, died 1895). RECOLLECTIONS OF R. W. DALE Westminster Review, vol. 144, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Davidson's English Liberals, 1880. Sunday at Home, , vol. 42, 1895. Expositor, 1895. Dalecarlia, Sweden Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1881. Murray's Guide to Sweden, 1877. Dales. IN AND OUT DALES Good Words, vol 23, 1882. YORKSHIRE DALES Atkinson's Forty Years in a Moorland Parish, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Lockwood's Storm and Sunshine in the Dales, 1897. Dalgairns (J. B., Priest of the Oratory, died 1876) Oxenham's Studies in Ecclesiastical History, 1884. Dalhousie (Lord, Viceroy of India, died 1860). UNPUBLISHED LETTERS Athenaeum, GENERAL INFORMATION Adam's Makers of British India, 1888. [1896, vol. I. Dallinger (Dr. W. H., Naturalist, Authority on Spiders, born 1841) Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. Dalmatia, Austria. WAR IN DALMATIA Lynam's Roman Emperors. 1850. GENERAL INFORMATION Ainsworth's All Round the World, ik6i. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. [Women, 1893. Dalrymple (Anne, Countess of Balcarres, died 1820) Yonge's Biographies of Good Dalrymple (D., Lord Hailes, Scottish Antiquary and Historian, died 1792) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Dalrymple (Sir James, First Viscount Stair, Scottisli Lawyer and Statesman, died 1695). SCOTTISH STATESMEN Lancaster's Essays and Reviews, 1876. Dalton (]o\m, Che mist and M eteorolo%ist,died 1844) Stoughton's Worthies of Science, 1879. Damaraland, South Africa (Now German Territory) Gallon's Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa, 1851. Damascus, Syria (Accounted to be the most Ancient City in the World, and mentioned in Gen. xiv. 15 and xv. i. See also under Syria). GREAT MOSQUE AT DAMASCUS Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. PEARL OF THE EAST Good Words, vol. 35, 1891. RIVERS OF DAMASCUS: Abana and Pharpar Expositor, vol. 4 [jth series], 1896. Macgregor's Rob Roy on the Jordan, 1869. URSINUS AND DAMASCUS Shepherd's History of the Church of Rome, 1851. [165] DAMASCUS- DANIEL Damascus- (continued). GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Burton's Inner Life of Syria, 1884. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 3, 1830. Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Graham's Jordan and the Rhine, 1854. Hill's With the Beduins, 1891. Kinglake's Eothen, 1854. Martineau's Eastern Life, Past and Present, 1850. Macleod's Eastward : Travels in Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, 1869. Picturesque Palestine, vol. 2, 1882. Sumner's Our Holiday in the East, 1881. Damer (Anne, Sculptress, died 1828) Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, etc., vol.3, 1830. Walford's Chapters from Family Chests, 1887. Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Damien de Venster (Joseph, A Roman Catholic Missionary who devoted his life to the welfare of the lepers on the Island of Molokai, Hawaii ; he fell a victim to the disease 1889). FATHER DAMIEN AND THE LEPERS Longmans' Magazine, vol. 14, 1889. Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. Fortnightly Review, vol. 52, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Benson's Men of Might, 1892. Leisure Hour, vol. 36, 1887. Damietta, Egypt (Noted for its Mosques and Marble Baths) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 5, 1830. St. John's Egypt and Nubia, 1845. Dams. CONSTRUCTION OF DAMS Spoil's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Stone's Notes on Water Supply in New Countries, 1888. Dana (Richard H., A merican Poet and Essayist, died 1879) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1847. Dana (James Dwight, American Naturalist, died 1895) Nature, vol. 51, 1895. Danbury Park, Essex Rush's Seats in Essex [with illustration], 1897. DANCING. (See also Ballet, Balls, Stage, etc.) ACCOUNT OF THE MORRIS DANCERS Andrews' England in the Days of Old, 1897. ANCIENT AND MODERN DANCING Art Journal (n.s.), 1894. All the Year Round, vol. ART OF S.TAGE DANCING Woman, December, 1896. [73, 1893. DANCING IN GREENLAND Nansen's First Crossing of Greenland, 1892. DANCING IN EGYPT St. John's Egypt and Nubia, 1845. DEVIL-DANCERS IN CEYLON Folklore, vol. 7, 1896. See also Ceylon. ENGLISH STAGE DANCING Theatre, vol. 25, 1895. FUTURE OF STAGE DANCING Theatre, vol. 28, 1896. PHILOSOPHY OF DANCING Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 55, 1886-7. PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTIONS Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. PUBLIC DANCERS OF MODERN EGYPT Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1835. SKIRT DANCING All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. THE DANGERS OF DANCING British Essayist, vol. 7, 1823. THE WALTZ Argosy, vol. 57, 1894. GENERAL Edinburgh Review, vol. 183, 1896. TRAINING OF A DANCER Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. Dancourt (F. C., French Comedian, died 1726) Men and Women of France during the Eighteenth Century, 1852. DandOla (Enrico, Doge of Venice, Crusader, died 1205) Oliphant's Makers of Venice, 1891. D'Andrea (G.) See Andrea (G. d') in Supplement. Danemora Iron Mines Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. DANES. (See also under Britain, Denmark, etc.) ACCOUNT OF THE DANES Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. DANISH CONQUEST Philips' Picturesque History of England, 1886. DANISH MYTHOLOGY Johnson's Normans in Europe, 1877. DANISH PLACE NAMES IN ENGLAND Isaac Taylor's Words and Places, 1873. EARLY INTERCOURSE OF THE FRANKS AND DANES Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vols. 6 & 7, 1877-8, and vols. i & 2 (n.s.), 1884-5. KING ALFRED AND THE DANES Guizot's History of England, 1877. NAVAL HISTORY OF THE DANES Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. i, 1818. GENERAL INFORMATION Freeman's Norman Conquest, 1870. Dangerneld (T., Inventor of the Meal Tub Plot about 1678, killed 1685) Western Martyrology, or Bloody Assizes, and the Life of Judge Jeffreys, 1873. Daniel (Hebrew Prophet, raised to high rank bv successive Kings of Babylon). BOOK OF DANIEL Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. CAREER OF DANIEL Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. DANIEL IN BABYLON Morley Punshon's Lectures, 1882. DANIEL IN THE CRITIC'S DEN [Review of Expositor's Bible] Blackwood GENI Milman s History ot the Jews, 1862. IJean bianley s jewisn pnuico, voi. 3. Daniel (Samuel, Poet Laureate, died 1619). BRIEF SKETCH Macuiillan's Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Hamilton's Poets Laureate of England, 1879. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. [Iff] DANITES-DARWIN Danites (A Morman Secret Society). See Mormons, etc. D'Annunzio (Gabriele). See Annunzio (G. d') in Supplement. DANTE (Alighieri, Celebrated Italian Poet, died 1321). BRIEF SKETCH OF His LIKE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 29, 1873-4. CELTIC SOURCES OK THE DIVINA COMMEDIA Dublin Review, vol. 119, 1896. COMPARISON OF DANTE AND TENNYSON -Temple Bar, vol. 102, 1894. DANTE AND BEATRICE Vandam's Amours of Great Men, vol. i, 1878. DANTE AND PAGANISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. DANTE AND THE NEW REKORMATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. DANTE'S VITA NUOVA Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 1896. DELITZSCH AND DANTE Expositor, vol. 8 [3rd series], 1888. ESSAYS ON DANTE Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches, 1891. GRAVE OF DANTE Little's Sketches in Sunshine and Storm, 1892. INFLUENCE OF DANTE ON His AGE Sismondi's Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe, 1846. RELIGION OK DANTE Religious Systems of the World, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION King's Cluster of Lives, 1874. Macaulay's Reviews, Essays, and Poems, 1890. Neil's Epoch Men and the Results of their Lives, 1882. Oliphant's Makers of Florence, 1876. Stebbing's Lives of Italian Poets, 1860. Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. Danton (G. J., French Revolutionist, guillotined 1794) Brougham's Statesmen of the Times of George III., 1845. Carlyle's History of the French Revolution, 1870. Dantzig, Prussia. CUSTOMS IN DANTZIG Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Pmssia,etc. Danube, Austria-Hungary (Largest European River next to the Volga). DESTRUCTION OF THE IRON GATES Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Bennet's Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediter- ranean, 1875. Macgregor's Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe, 1875. Daphnse (In Greek Mythology a nymph turned by Apollo into a bay tree). THE FINDING OF DAPHN.I: Archaeological Journal, vol. 44, 1887. Darbhanga (Sir Lachhmeswar Singh Bahadur, Maharaja of, One of tlie Premier Nobles of British India) Lethbridge's Golden Book of India, 1893. D'Arblay (Madame). See Arblay (Madame d'). D'Arc (Jeanne). See Joan of Arc. Dardanelles (Ancient Hellespont, a narrow Channel between Europe and A sia) Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Brassey's Sunshine and Storm in the East, 1881. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 14, 1830. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1891. Cassell's Mediterranean [The Plains of Troy], 1891. Dar-Foor, Central Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 21, 1830. Darien Scheme Spofford's Library of Choice. Literature, vol. 5, 1890. Darius (Name of several ancient Persian Kings) Church's Young Macedonian, 1890. Duncker's History of Antiquity, 1883. Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 4 & 5, 1886. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Rawlinson's Herodotus. Tancock's Story of the Persian Wars as told by Herodotus, 1897. Darjeeling, Bengal (Noted for its Tea. Cultivation) Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Darlingf (Grace, Heroine of the 1'arnc Islands, died 1842) Belgravia, vol. 74, 1891. Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 2. Owen's Heroines of Domestic Life, 1862. Darlington, Durham Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Darmesteter ( ]ames,\French Scholar and Author, died 1894) Contemp. Rev., v. 67, 1895. Darmstadt, Germany (Noted for its old Palace with its Library of over 500,000 volumes, Museum, etc.) Baedeker's Rhine from Rotterdam to Constance, 1889. Darnall (Sir John, Lawyer, died 1706) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Darning. FANCY DARNING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. Swiss DARNING Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. See also Needlework, etc. Dart (River in Devonshire). THE COUNTRY AND TOWNS OF THE RIVER DART Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. Dartford, Kent (Birthplace of Wat Tyler) M\ the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. Archaeological Journal [Priory of Dartford], vol. 36, 1879, & vol. 39, 1882. Dartmoor, Devonshire. PURCHASE OF DARTMOOR Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. 28. STONE Rows OF DARTMOOR Transactions of the Devon Association, vol. 28. THREE DAYS' EXCURSION ON DARTMOOR Gent. Mag. Library [Topo, pt. iii.], 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Devonshire, 1897. Norway's Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, 1897. Page's Rambles on Dartmoor. Dartmouth, Devonshire Britton & Brayley's Beauties of England, 1803. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5. DARWIN (Charles R., Celebrated Naturalist, died 1882. See also Darwinism). CORAL REEF FORMATION McKinney's Science of Religion, 1888. [of Ethics, 1888. DARWIN AND THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION Williams' Review of the Systems EARLY DAYS OF DARWINISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. EXPOSITION OF MK. DARWIN ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 3, 1860-1. OBITUARY NOTICES OK CHAKI.ES DARWIN Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 2, 1894. [167] DARWIN DAVIS Darwin (continued). SPENCER AND DARWIN Fortnightly Revie-.v, vol. 51 (n.s.), 1897. THE LOGIC OF DARWIN Nature, vol. 56, 1897. VIEW OF DARWIN AND SPENCER Tail's Mind in Matter, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1881-2. Cochrane's Great Thinkers and Workers, 1888. Farrar's Social and Present-Day Questions, 1892. Hardwick's Science Gossip [In Memoriatn], 1882. Darwin (Erasmus, Grandfather of Charles Darwin, Physician and Poet, died 1802) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Oliphant's Literary History of England, 1882. Leisure Hour [Erasmus and Charles, with portraits] , vol. 29, 1880. DARWINISM. ASCENT OF MAN Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. DARWINISM AND DESIGN Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. DARWINISM AND NATIONAL LIFE Nature, vol. i, 1869. DARWINISM AND RELIGION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. DARWINISM OF DARWIN AND THE POST-DARWINIAN SCHOOLS The Monist, v. 6, 1895-6. DARWINIST UTOPIA Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. DEGENERATION : a Chapter in Darwinism Lankester's Advancement of Science, 1890. NEUTER INSECTS AND DARWINISM Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. PRESENT STATE OF THE DARWINIAN CONTROVERSY Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. PROFESSOR SCHILLER ON DARWINISM AND DESIGN Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. RELATION OF DARWINISM TO OTHER BRANCHES OF SCIENCE Longman's Magazine, RELIGION AND DARWINISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. [vol. 3, 1883-4. SWIMMING AND DARWINISM Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Carpenter's Nature and Man, 1888. Romanes' Darwin and After Darwin. Wallace's Darwinism. Lankester's Science, 1890. Dashur, Egypt (Noted for its Pyramids). EXPLORATION OF DASHUR Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6. Dates (Fruit of the Date Palm). DATE-PACKINT, AT MUSCAT Chambers' Jour., v. 67, 1890. DATE-TREES Koelle's Mohammed and Mohommedanism, 1889. D'Aubigne\ See Merle D'Aubignt. dore Agrippa). See Aitbignf. . . Daudet (Alphonse, French Novelist, died 1897). AI.PHONSE DAUDF.T AT HOME/ Idler, vol. 3, 1893. Review of Reviews, vol. 17, 1898. Contemporary Rev., vol. 73, 1898. DICKF.NS AND DAUDET Cornhill, vol. 17. iHgi. INTERVIEW WITH ALPHONSE DAUDET Daily Graphic, vol. 23, 1895. Dauphine (Ancient Province of France) Murray's Handbooks to France, V.D. Davenant (John, Bishop of Salisbury, died 1641) M. Fuller's Life and Times of Thomas Fuller, 1886. Davenant (Sir William, Poet and Dramatist, died iGf>8) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. David. [Heb. "Beloved one"] (Second King of Israel, 1055-1015 n.c.) DAVID AND GOLIATH A. L. O. E's. Shepherd of Bethlelem. Hasting's Diet, of Bible, v. 1,1898. DAVID AND SAUL Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Characters, 1885. Milman's History of the Jews. Church, vol. 2. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. David (King of Scotland, died 1153). KING DAVID'S SAINTSHIP AND THE EFFECTS OF HIS REIGN UPON SCOTTISH HISTORY Freeman's Norman Conquest, vols. 2 & 5, 1870. David II. (King of Scotland, died 1371) Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. i, 1880. 'David Cppperfield" (A Novel by Charles Dickens portraying many important scenes in his own Ufe) Forster's Life of Charles Dickens, 1872-4. Davidson (John, Poet, born 1857). POETS' CORNER New Review, vol. 12, 1895. Two MODERN POETS Fortnightly Review, vol. 57 (n.s.), 1895. Davidson (Thomas [The Scottish Probationer], Poet, died 1870) Japp's Labour and Victory, 1883. Davies (Sir John, Poet, died 1626) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Davies (John, Poet and Head Master of F.ton College, died 1618) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Davies (Sneyd, Poet and Rector of Kingslnr.d, Herefordshire, died 1789) Jesse's Cele- brated Etonians, 1875. Da Vinci (Leonardo). See Leonardo. Davis (John, Navigator, killed 1605). JOHN DAVIS'S THREE VOYAGES Fox Bourne's English Seamen under the Tudors, tsfj.v GENERAL INFORMATION Verne's Exploration of the World, 188^. Davis (Mary, Actress, died 1669) Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England, 1857. Davis (Thomas, Irish Poet and Politician, died 1845) Lester's Criticisms on the Poets of the Present Day, 1854. [168 i DAVISON-DEBS Davison (John, Traveller, died 1836) Newman's Essays: Critical and Historical, 1890. Davos (Alpine Valley). WINTKR AT DAVOS Longman's Magazine, vol. 22, 1893. Davy (Sir Humphry, Chemist, and Inventor of the Safety Lamp, died 1829) Adams' Steady Aim, 1892. Bolton's Famous Men of Science, 1890. Brougham's Lives of Eminent Men of Letters, 1845. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 5 [portrait]. Meteyard's Group of Englishmen, 1871. Munro's Pioneers of Electricity, 1890. Davy (William, Lawyet , died 1780) Woolrych's Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-law of the English Bar, 1869. Davy Jones' Locker (Nautical expression signifying death) Whymper's The Sea and its Stirring Story. Davys (Sir John, Attorney General of Ireland in the reign of James I., died .1625) Woolrych's Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-law of the English Bar, 1869. Dawsbn (George, Birmingham Lecturer and I'reachcr, died 1876) igth Cent., v. 2, 1877. Dawson W. J., Minister & Novelist, born 1854). AT HOME Sunday Mag , vol. 32, 1896. Day (George, Bishop o/Chichester, died 1556) Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Eothen, 1854. Martmeau's Eastern Life, Past and Present, 1850. Sumne Holiday in the East. Sunday at Home, vol. 33, 1897. Picturesque Palestine. DEAFNESS. CAN THE DEAF APPRECIATE Music Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. DEAF AND DUMB Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. DEAF AND DUMB PEOPLE Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. EDUCATION OF THE DEAF Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 63, 1890-1. EDUCATION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB Scribner's Magazine, vol. 12, 1892. FACTS ABOUT THE DEAF AND DUMB Sunday Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. How THE DEAF AND DUMB ARE EDUCATED Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. POETRY OF THE DEAF Harper's Magazine, vol. 68, 1883-4. GENERAL INFORMATION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. Deal (Seaport Town in Kent) Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1888. Deane (Henry, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1503) Hook's Archbishops, vol. 5, 1879. Deane (Henry, Chemist, born in West Ham 1807, died 1874) Darton's Brave Boys. DEATH. (See also Burial, Dying, Graves, Mortality, Sepulchres, Tombs, etc. BOOK OF THE DEAD: The Papyrus of Ani in the British Mus. Nature, vol. 52, 1895. CEREMONIES AT DEATHS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. DEATH RATES Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. DEATH-DOVE IN FOLKLORE Antiquary, vol. 31, 1895. DISPOSAL OF THE DEAD Richardson's National Health, 1890. DORSET DEATH CUSTOMS Dorset Field Club Proceedings, vol. 14. / EARLY BILLS OF MORTALITY Trans, of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 7, 1878. EMOTION OF FEAR Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. HATCHES, MATCHES, AND DESPATCHES Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. IN THE HOUR OF DEATH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. NATURE OF DEATH Pember's Earth's Earliest Ages and their Connection with Modern Spiritualism and Tfteosophy, 1893. PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. REFLECTIONS ON THE DEATH OF A FRIEND British Essayist, vol. 8, 1823. REPORT ON THE REGISTRATION OF DEATHS British Association Report, 1835. ROYAL DEATHS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 5, 1861-2. SIMULATED DEATH Binns' Anatomy of Sleep, 1842. SUDDEN DEATH Spectator, vol. 77, 1896. THE WORSHIP OF THE DEAD Positivist Review, vol. i, 1893. TIMES 'TO DIE Temple Bar, vol. 106, 1895. VARIOUS CEREMONIES IN DISPOSING OF THE DEAD Bettany's The World's VARIOUS IDEAS OF DEATH Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. [Religions, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. Drurn- mond's Natural Law in the Spiritual World, 1887. Gregory's Conditional Immortality and Universalism, 1878. Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Voysey's Mystery of Pain, Death, and Sin, 1892. Debating Societies Bain's Practical Essays [Metaphysics and Debating Societies], 1884. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1882-3. Debden Hall, Essex Rush's Scats in Essex [with illustration], 1897. Deborah and Barak (Deliverers of Israel) Church's Stories from the Bible [and series], 1891. Geikie's Old Test. Portraits, 1878. Stanley's Jewish Church, 1866. Debs (Eugene V., President of the American Railway Union, born 1855). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 10, 1894. [169] DEBT DEJECTION Debt. DETAINING THE DKAD FOR DKBT Andrews' England in the Days of Old, 1897. MISERY OF BEING IN DEBT British Essayists, vol. 7, 1823. NATIONAL DEBT Shadwell's System of Political Economy, 1877. PUBLIC DEBT Rogers' Economic Interpretation of History, 1891. Debtors. DEVICES OF SIXTEENTH CENTURY DEBTORS Andrews' Legal Lore: Curiosities of Law and Lawyers, 1897. GREAT DEBTORS [Goldsmith, Sheridan, etc.] Smiles' Thrift, 1875. STATISTICS OF DUKHUM British Association Report, 1837. Decemvirs (Rulers of Rome) Church's Stories from Livy, 1882. Decimal System. WHO INVENTED THE DECIMAL SYSTEM Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. Decision Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. DECORATION. (See also A rt, Ornament, etc.) BURNT WOOD IN DECORATION Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. COLOUR DECORATION Hulme's Birth of Ornament, 1893. DECORATIONS IN THE NEW CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY Century Mag., vol. 53, 1897. EGYPT, THE BIRTHPLACE OF GREEK DECORATIVE ART Edwards' Pharaohs, Fellahs, and Explorers, 1892. ESSAY ON DECORATIONS Marshall's International Vanities, 1875. FLORAL DECORATIONS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. HINTS FOR CHRISTMAS DECORATION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881 Puvis DE CHAVANNES IN BOSTON Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. STENCIL DECORATION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. TABLE DECORATIONS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. USE OF THE WRITTEN CHARACTER FOR DECORATION IN CHINA Medhurst's Foreigner in Far Cathay, 1872. See also Chinatvare, etc. Decorum Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Decoys (For 'catching Wild Fowl) Davies' Norfolk Broads and Rivers, :884. Dee (A River of North Wales) Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i. See also Chester. Deepdale Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Deepdene, Surrey (Seatof Duchessof Marlborough) Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 4. DEER. (See also Animals, Hunting, Natural History, Stags, Zoology, etc.) BLACK-TAILED DEER Dodge's Hunting Grounds of the Great West, 1876. vol. 69, 1893-4. DEER-STALKING AND DRIVING Leveson's Sport in many Lands, DEFENCE OF DEER FORESTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OK DEER Nature, vol. 3, 1870. HUNTING THE WILD FALLOW DEER Ehnhirst's Fox-hound, Forest, and Prairie, 1892. LIFE IN A DEER FOREST Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. RED DEER IN BUCKLAND WOODS Transactions of the Devon Association, vol. 28. VARIETIES OF DEER Schmidt's Mammalia in their Relation to Primeval Times, 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Baker's Wild Beasts and their Ways, 1891. St. John's Sportsman & Naturalist's Tour in Sutherland, 1891. Fortescue's Red Deer, 1897. Deerhounds. SCOTCH DEERHOUNDS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. XDeffancl (Marie de Vichy-Chamroud, La Marquise du, A French Lady who became the centre of a famous Literary Circle, died 1780) Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Defoe (Daniel, Celebrated Author, died 1731). ACCOUNT OF DANIEL DEFOE Oliphant's Reisn of Queen Anne, 1894. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF DANIEL DEFOE Scott's Miscellaneous Prose Works, 1878. DANIEL DEFOE IN ESSEX Page's Essex in the Days of Old, 1898. NOTE ON DEFOE'S PAMPHLET ENTITLED " APPARITION OF MRS. VEAL" Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 37, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Adam's Good Queen Anne, 1886. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 1 1 . Wotton's Word Portraitsof Famous Writers, 1887. Mintoe's Defoe [English Men of Letters], 1879. Degeneration. NOTICE OF MAX NORDAU'S DEGENERATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. THEORY OF MAN'S DEGENERATION Tylor's Primitive Culture, 1891. THE TRUE DEGENERATE. By Max Nordau New Review, vol. 12, 1895. Degrees. AGAINST OXFORD DEGREES FOR WOMEN Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. Deism. PROFESSED CHRISTIANS AND DEISTS Leland's Deis:ical Writers, 1836. ROUSSEAU'S DEISM Morley's Rousseau, 1888. GENERAL INFORMATION Abbey's English Church and its Bishops, 1887. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Deities. VEDIC DEITIES Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. See also Heathen, Idols, Paganism, Religions, etc. Deity Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. See also God, Religion, etc. Dejection. SPIRITUAL DEJECTION Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. [170] DEKKER-DEMOCRACY Dekker (Thomas, Dramatist and Poet, died about 1640) Nineteenth Century, vol. 21, 1887. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Delacroix Eugene, French Painter, died 1863). LE JOURNAL D'EUGENE DELACROIX Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1896. Delagpoa Bay, Africa Chambers' Journal, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1897. Delamere Forest, Cheshire. PREHISTORIC PEOPLE IN DELAMERE FOREST Journal of the Chester Archaeological and Historical Society, vol. 4 (n.s.), Delane (John Thaddeus, Editor of u The Times" 1841-77, died 1879). BRIEF SKETCH OF His CAREER Macmiilan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. Delany (Mary, Artist, died 1788) Clayton's English Female Artists, 1876. Delft-ware (A kind of glazed Earthenware made at Delft in Holland). ENGLISH DELFT Solon's Art of the Old English Potter, 1885. See also Pottery. Delhi, India (Ancient Capital of the Mogul Empire, noted for its Mosque and Palaces). MEERUT TO DELHI Heber's Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, 1844. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Caine's Trip Round the World, 1892. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 10, 1830. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Macleod's Peeps at the Far East, 1871. Murray's Guide to Bengal Presidency, 1882. Murray's Hand- book for India and Ceylon, V.D. Deliberation Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Delicacies. TEA-TABLE DELICACIES FOR THE SUMMER SEASON Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. See also Cookery, Food, etc. Delicacy Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Argosy [False D.], vol. 61, 1896. Delilah (Mistress and Betrayer of Samson) Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Delisle Brothers (French Geographers, reign of Louis XV.}. TRAVELS Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. Delitzsch (F., German Theologian, died 1890) Expositor, vol. 3, 1886. Delia Robbia. See Robbia. Delphi (Ancient Greek Town, seat of the Oracle of Apollo). THE ORACLE AT DELPHI Mitford's History of Greece, 1829. [vol. 37, 1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Nineteenth Century, Deluge (Deluge of Mosaic History). BABYLONIAN ACCOUNT OF THE DELUGE Nineteenth Century, vol. 11,1882. CHALDEAN ACCOUNT Leisure Hour, v. 22, 1873. CATASTROPHE OF SIN Smith's Ancient History of the World, 1864. NOACHIAN DELUGE Miller's Testimony of the Rocks, 1862. NOAH'S DELUGE COMPARED Hitchcock's Religion of Geology, 1851. PROFESSOR HUXLEY AND THE DELUGE Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. Deluges. GEOLOGIES AND DELUGES Nature, vol. 50, 1894. Demas (Companion of St. Paul) Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Demerara, British Guiana, S. America. AN UNEXPLORED EL DORADO Chambers' Journal, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1897. BOATMEN Saturday Revie-v, vol. 83, 1897. CAPTURE OF DEMERARA James' Naval History, vol. i, 1837. DESCRIPTION OF DEMERARA Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19, 1892. Demeter (Mythological Goddess of Vegetation). MYTH OF DEMETER Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Fortnightly Review, vcl. 25, 1876. [1885. Demetrius I. (SumamedPoliorketes, King of Macedonia, died 283 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives, Demetrius II. (Nicanor, King of Syria, died 125 B.C.). DEALINGS WITH ISRAEL Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 5, 1874. Josephus' Works. Demnat Thomson's Travels in Morocco. DEMOCRACY. (See also Commonwealth, Republicanism, Socialism, etc.) ARISTOCRACY AND DEMOCRACY Hamerton's Intellectual Life, 1873. ARTICLE ON DEMOCRACY Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. AUSTRALIAN APPEAL TO THE ENGLISH DEMOCRACY- Macmiilan's Mag. .vol. 52, 1885. BRITISH MONARCHY AND MODERN DEMOCRACY Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. CHRISTIAN DEMOCRACY Hughes' Ethical Christianity: a series of Sermons, 1892. COLONIAL DEMOCRACY Dilke's Greater Britain, 1890. Dilke's Problems of Greater DANGER IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM Macmiilan's Mag., vol. 72, 1895. [Britain, 1890. DEMOCRACY AND PARTY Nineteenth Century, vol. 24. 1882. DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA Tocqueville's Democracy in America, 1862. DEMOCRACY IN SWITZERLAND Hepworth Dixon's Switzers, 1872. DEMOCRACY versus PARTY GOVERNMENT Gronlund's Co-operative Commonwealth, DEMOCRATIC TENDERNESS Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. [1886. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS Whitman's Vistas and other Papers, 1888. DOMINANT IDEA OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. ETHICS OF DEMOCRACY Scribnei's Magazine, vol. i, 1887. GENUINE DEMOCRACY IN SWITZERLAND Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. GREAT DEMOCRATIC JOKE New Review, vol. 12, 1895. Is DEMOCRACY A REALITY? Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897, LABORING MAN AND DEMOCRACY Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. LIBERTY AND DEMOCRACY Positivist Rev , vol. 4, 1896. Catholic World, v. 66, 1897. LOCAL DEMOCRACY Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. NATURE OF DEMOCRACY Maine's Government ; four Essays, 1890. [i?'] DEMOCRACY-DERBY Democracy (continued). OBJECT LESSON IN CHRISTIAN DEMOCRACY Fortnightly Review, vol. 59, 1896. PROGRESS OF DEMOCRACY IN ENGLAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. PROGRESS OF DEMOCRACY IN SWITZERLAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. REAL PROBLEMS OF DEMOCRACY Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. REFERENDUM IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND Contemporary Rev., vol. 72, 1897. RUSSIAN DEMOCRACY Stepniak's Russian Peasantry, 1890. SOCIALISM AND DEMOCRACY Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. SOCIALISTIC TENDENCIES OF MODERN DEMOCRACY Macmillan's Mag., vol. 53, 1885-6. UNRECOGNISED ESSENCE OF DEMOCRACY Fortnightly Review, vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL INFORMATION Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Spectator, vol, 78. DemocritUS (Greek Philosopher, died circa 357 B.C.) Sir W. Temple's Works, 1757. Demography (The science of Statistics concerning Population) igth Cent., v. 30, 1891. Demonology. FOOTPRINTS OF THE DEVIL IN OUR OWN COUNTRY Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. DEVIL LORE Nature, vol. 21, 1880. GENERAL INFORMATION Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Saturday Review, vol. 57, 1884. And under Devil, Superstition, etc. Demosthenes (Athenian Orator and Statesman, died 322 B.C.). DEMOSTHENES AND ^ESCHINES Edinburgh Review, vol. 12, 1808. DEMOSTHENES AND CICERO Monthly Review, vol. 152, 1840. GENERAL INFORMATION Brougham's Works, vol. 7, 1872. Cox's Greek Statesmen, 1885. Curteis' The Macedonian Empire. Mill's Poets and Poetry of Ancient Greece, 1854. Edinburgh Review, vol. 33, 1820. Denbigh (.4 Town of North Wales) Murray's Guide to North Wales, 1874. Dendera (A Village of Upper Egypt) Condor's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. Deneholes. DENEHOLES AND ARTIFICIAL CAVES WITH VERTICAL ENTRANCES Archaeological Journal, vol. 38, 1881. Denham (Sir John, Royalist Poet, died 1668) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Johnson's Lives ot the Poets, 1854. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1887. Denham (Major, Governor of Sierra Leone, died 1828) Kingston's Great African Travellers, 1873. Denia (Spanish Seaport on the Mediterranean) Murray's Guide to Spain, 1892. Denison (Edward, East End Worker and Social Reformer, died 1870). IN MEMORIAM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. GENERAL INFORMATION Japp's Good Men and True, 1889. Denman (Thomas, Lord, Noted Judge, died 1854) J. T. Hodgson's Memoir of the Rev. Francis Hodgson, 1878. DENMARK. (Sre also under names of places, e.g., Copenhagen, and names of Kings, e.g., Canute, Christian, and also under Danes, etc.) AN OLD PAGE OF DANISH HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. ANCIENT HISTORY OF DENMARK Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1847. BROUGHAM IN DENMARK Brougham's Life and Times [Autobiography], 1881. CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS IN DENMARK Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. COURT OF DENMARK Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1897. KING AND QUEEN OF DENMARK, 1694 Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. ROB ROY [J. Macgregor] IN DENMARK Macgre^or's Rob Roy on the Baltic, 1892. UNION OF NORWAY AND DENMARK Boyesen's History of Norway, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION E. S. A.'s World in which I Live. Hughes' Treasury of Descriptive Geography, 1885. Ireland's Wall- Street to Cashmere, or Five Years in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1859. De Noort (Oliver, Dutch Navigator i6th to i"/th Centuries). TRAVELS Verne's Ex- ploration of the World, 1882. Denver City (Capital of Colorado). CITY OF THE PLAINS Dixon's New America, 1867. GENERAL INFORMATION Kuslmg's Great West and Pacific Coast, 1877. D'Eon (Chevalier). See Eon (Chevalier D'). Deportment. GRACEFUL DEPORTMENT Walker's Exercises for Ladies, 1836. SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON DEPORTMENT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. Deppe and Schwarwencka (Musical Composers) Walker's My Musical Ex- periences, 1890. Deptford, London. DEPTFORD DOCKYARD All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Emerson's London : How the Great City Grew. De Quincey (Thomas, Essayist and Critic, died 1859). ACADEMY PORTRAITS Academy, vol. 51, 1897. How HE WROTE Saturday Review, vol. 79, 1895. BRIEF SKETCH OF His LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865, & vol. 62, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Oliphant's Literary History, vol. 2. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Derby (Horse-Race, instituted by Lord Derby in 1780). THE PRINCE'S DERBY Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 87, 1893. Derby (Edwd. Geoffrey Smith, I4th Earl of, died 1869) Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Derby (Edward Henry Smith, ijth Earl of, born 1826). LORD DERBY AT THE FOREIGN OFFICE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. F r previous Earls see Lodge's Portraits, etc. DERBYSHIRE-DEVIL, Derbyshire (Noted for its Mountains, the l j eak, ami Mineral Springs). BRADBOURNE CROSS Archaeological Journal, vol. 45, 1888. DALES OK DERBYSHIRE Cassell, Fetter & Galpin's Picturesque Europe, vol. i. DERBYSHIRE PEAK- -Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, 1890. DOWN THE WYE AND THE DERWENT Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 2. REPTON PRIORY Archaeological Journal, vol. 41, 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Land We Live in, vol. i. See also Button, Matlock, etc. Derna (A Seaport town of Africa) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20, 1830. Derry (Maritime County of Ulster). ACREAGE OF DERRY Young's Tour in Ireland during 1776-9, 1892. Dervishes (Mahomedan Devotees of the Monastic Order). DOCTRINE OF THE DERVISHES Heckethorn's Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries, 1875. MENDICANT FRIARS OF PERSIA Bishop's Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan, 1891. Derwentwater (James, Last Earl of, executed 1716). BRIEF MEMOIR AND PORTRAIT Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 2. Derwentwater (Lake in Cumberland) Black's Guide to English Lakes, 1886, Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i. Jenkinson's Guide [Floating Island, etc.] Villar's English Provinces. Descartes (Rene', French Philosopher and Mathematician, died 1650). DESCARTES AND His PUPILS Bevan's Sketches of the Quiet in the Land, 1890. THEORY OF VORTICES Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. GENERAL INFORMATION Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Lecky's Rational- ism in Europe, 1870. Stoughton's Worthies of Science, 1880. " Desdemona " (Heroine in Shakespeare's "Othello.") CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKE- SPEARE'S " DESDEMONA " Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. Desert Islands. ONE HUNDRED AND THREE DAYS ON A DESERT ISLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Deserters. DESERTION FROM' THE MERCHANT SERVICE Brassey's Brit. Seamen, 1877. Deserts. DESERTS OF ASIA AND AFRICA Report of British Association, 1882. DESERTS OK CALIFORNIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. DESERTS OF UPPER EGYPT Klunzinger's Upper Egypt : its People, etc., 1878. GREAT AMERICAN DESERT Harper's Magazine, vol. 77, 1888. Design (Arrangement or Invention in Works of Art and Industry). GROTESQUE DESIGN IN ORNAMENTAL AND INDUSTRIAL ART Fairholt's Rambles of an Archaaologist, HISTORY OF PATTERN DESIGNING Poole's Lectures on Art, 1882. [1871.. LESSON IN DESIGN Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. ORNAMENTAL DESIGN IN FORM AND COLOUR Smith's Art Education, 1872. Desire. ASPECT OF DESIRE Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. MENTAL DESIRES Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. GENERAL INFORMATION Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1890. Mind, vol. 17, 1892. Desmond (Lady Katherine Fitzgerald, Countess of, died 1604, aged 140) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Desmoulins (Camille, French Revolutionist, guillotined 1794) Brougham's Statesmen of the Times of George III., 1843. Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. Despard (Col. E. M., Irish Military Officer and Conspirator, hanged 1803) Burke's. Naval and Military Trials, 1876. Madden's United Irishmen, vol. 3, 1858-60. Despondency. How TO CURE DESPONDENCY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. Despotism. ESSAY ON DESPOTISM Helps' Friends in Council, 1857. De Saint Gelais (Octavien, Poet, died 1502). See St. Gelais. D'Estaing (Vice- Admiral of France, 1777). See Estaing (Charles H. d'). Detectives. AMATEUR DETECTIVES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. INGENUITY OF DETECTIVES Watts' Note-book, or Recollections of an old Reporter, 1862. Saturday Review, vols. 53, 1882 ; 55, 1883 ; & 57, 1884. LONDON DETECTIVES Lansdowne's Life's Reminiscences of Scotland Yard, 1893. Determination Treasury of Religious Thought, 1890. Mind, vol. 10, 1885. Detroit, U.S. (Noted for its Industrial Establishments). ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF DETROIT Parkman's Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War, etc., 1885. Deusdedit (Archbishop of Canterbury, aied 664) Hook's Archbishops, vol. i, 1875. '' Devastation " (English Mastless Turret Battle Ship) Brassey's British Navy, 1882. Devices. STRANGE DEVICES Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. DEVIL. (See also Demonology, Hell, Satan, Superstition, etc.) COMPACTS WITH THE DEVIL Godwin's Lives of the Necromancers, 1876. DEVIL WORSHIP Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. DISCOURSES ON THE DEVIL Haweis' Current Coin, 1876. EXPULSION OF DEVILS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. FOOTPRINTS OK THE DEVIL IN OUR OWN COUNTRY Pall Mall Mag., vol. 5, 1895. SELLING THE SOUL TO THE DEVIL Contemporary Review, vol. 33, 1878. [173] DEVIL -DIAMONDS Devil (continued). TASMANIAN DEVIL Jung's Australia and its Inhabitants, 1884. GENERAL INFORMATION Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Sale's Koran, 1891. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1890. Devil's Bridge (Natural Rridgein Cardiganshire) Black's Guide to Wales. Gossiping Guide to Wales. Penny Magazine, vol 4, 1835. Devil's Kitchen ["Twll-Du"] (Remarkable Cleft inthe Rock near Llanberis) Gossiping Guide to Wales. Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. Devizes (Town in Wiltshire) Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. DEVONSHIRE (Maritime County, notc-l for its Cider, Clotted Cream, Mines, etc. See also under names of places, e.g., Dartmouth, Exeter, etc.) ACCOUNTS OF PLACES IN DEVONSHIRE Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Topog.,pt.iii.], 1893. COUNTRY AND TOWNS OF THE RIVER DART Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. COAST OF NORTH DEVON Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 3. DESCRIPTION OF DEVON FROM MOOR TO SEA English Illustrated, vol. 7, 1889-90. DIALECT OF DEVONSHIRE Hewitt's Peasant Speech of Devonshire, 1892. ESSAY ON NORTH DEVON Charles Kingsley's Prose Idylls, 1889. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN DEVONSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano- British Remains], 1887. Archaeological Journal, vol. 29, 1872. NORTH DEVON Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. 2. ON A DEVONSHIRE TROUT STREAM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. PRE-HISTORIC ARCHEOLOGY OF EAST DEVON Archaeological Journal, vol. 29, 1872. REAPING CRIES IN DEVONSHIRE Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. REMARKS ON THE WORTHIES OF DEVONSHIRE Archaeological Journal, vol. 31, 1874. SOUTH COAST OF DEVONSHIRE Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. z. WELSH AND ENGLISH ELEMENT IN DEVONSHIRE Freeman's Norman Conquest, 1870. GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5. Orr's Land We Live In, vol 3 Meliora, vol. 10, 1867. Dublin Review [Social Life, 1287], vol. 116, 1895. Devonshire (Edward Courtenay, Earl of, Aspirant for the hand of Queen Elizabeth, died in exile 1556) De Ros' Memorials of the Tower of London, 1867. Devonshire (William Cavendish, First Duke of, died 1707) Lodge's Portraits, v. 7, 1850. .Devonshire (William Cavendish, Seventh Duke of, died 1891) Biographies reprinted from " The Times," vol. 5, 1896. Hodgson's Life of the Rev. F. Hodgson, 1878. Devonshire (S. C. Cavendish, Eighth Duke of, Statesman, born 1833) New Review, vol. n, 1894. See also Hart ington. Devonshire (Georgiana, Duchess of, wife of William, fifth Duke of Devonshire, died 1806) Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Devonshire Square, London Pike's Meetina-Houses, 1870. DeVoS (Venerable Mere) Herbert's Three Phases of Christian Love, 1877. Devotion. NOTIONS OF THE HEATHENS ON DEVOTION British Essayists, vol.9, 1823. ON APPOINTED SEASONS FOR DEVOTION British Essayists, vol. 5, 1823. Dew. CHAPTER ON DEW Proctor's Pleasant Ways in Science, 1890. DESCRIPTION OF DEW Hartwig's Aerial World, 1874. FORMATION OF DEW H. Smith's Study of Heat, 1883. Dewe (Orville, American Unitarian, died 1882) Griswold's Prose Writers of Amer., 1852. De Wint (Peter). See Wint (P. de) [ 1870. Dewhurst (T.) Pike's Meeting-Houses, or Pictures of Nonconformity in Old London, Dhu LiOCh, Loch-na-gar (Scottish Lake) Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. DIALECTS ^ >rot "" afl ' and Local Forms or Idioms of the Common Language). DEVONSHIRE DIALECT Hewitt's Peasant Speech of Devonshire, 1892. LISTS OF LOCAL WORDS AND SPECIMENS OF DIALECTS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Dialect, Proverbs, and Word-Lore], 1886. MIDDLE ENGLISH DIALECTS Skeat's English Etymology, 1891-2. ON THE ABUSE OF DIALECT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. ON THE DIALECTS OF THE ENGLISH Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 5, 1870. YORKSHIRE DIALECT Hamilton's Nugae Literariae, 1841. GENERAL Early English Text Society's Reprints. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 76, 1897. DIAMONDS. (See also Gems, Precious Stones, Africa [South] , etc.) ABOUT DIAMONDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. As MADE BY NATURE AND BY MAN Chambers' Journal, vol. 74 1897. DESCRIPTION OF DIAMONDS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 3, 1860-1. DIAMOND DIGGING AT DE BEERS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. DIAMOND MINING IN SOUTH AFRICA Strand Magazine, vol. n. 1896. DIAMOND FIELDS OF SOUTH AFRICA Finch's To South Africa and Back, 1890. Good Words, vol. 34, 1893. Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1871. Little's South Africa: a sketch-book of Men, Manners and Facts, 1884. Longman's Magazine, LADY'S VISIT TO THE KIMBERLEY MINES Leisure Hour, vol. 45, 1896-7. [v. 8, 1886. LECTURE ON DIAMONDS Nature, vol. 56, 1897. MAKING DIAMONDS Japp's Days with Industrials. MINES AT KIMBERLEY Churchill's Men, Mines and Animals in South Africa, 1892. Leisure Hour, vol. 45, 1896-7. Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. WHERE FOUND, AND DESCRIPTION OF DIAMONDS Ansted's In Search of Minerals OENERAL INFORMATION Griffin's New South Wales, 1888. King's Antique Gems,. i860. Ritchie's Brighter South Africa ; or, Life at the Cape and Natal, 1892. [174] DIAMOND NECKLACE-DIGBY Diamond Necklace Campari's Private Life of Marie Antoinette, 1887. Carlyle' 8 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, 1840. Diana (In Mythology an ancient Italian goddess identical with the Greek Artemis, virgin goddess of the Moon and of the Chase). FKSTIVAL OF DIANA Frazer's Golden DIANA OF THE EPHESIANS Rumsey's Church in the Roman Empire. [Bough, 1890. Diaphragm or Midriff. A GRADUATING DIAPHRAGM Science Gossip, 1865. Diaries. DEATHLESS DIARY Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. DIARY OF THE JOURNEY OF PHILIP JULIUS THROUGH ENGLAND IN 1602 Transac- tions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1892. ROYAL, AND OTHER LETTERS AND DIARIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. Diatoms (Microscopic Plants) Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1872, and succeeding vols. Diaz de la Pena (N. V., Painter, died 1876). Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. Dibbs (George Richard, Colonial Politician, born 1834) Parke's Fifty Years of Australian History, 1892. Dibdin (Charles, Writer of Nautical and Patriotic Songs, died 1814). TOM BOWLING, ETC. Theatre, vol. 20, 1886. Blackwood's, vol. 26, 1829. GENERAL INFORMATION Doran's Drury Lane, 1881. Gentleman's Magazine, vol.43 (n.s.), 1889. Jerdan's Men I have known, 1866. Temple Bar, vol. 39, 1873. Dice. ANCIENT DICE Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Dick (Robert, Baker and Geologist, died 1866) Page's Leaders of Men, 1880. DICKENS (Charles, Celebrated Novelist, died 1870). A CHILD'S MEMORIES OF GAD'S HILL Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. CHARLES DICKENS AND CHIGWELL Page's Essex in the Days of Old, 1897. DICKENS' AMATEUR THEATRICALS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. DICKENS AND DAUDET Cornhill Magazine, vol. 17, 1891. DICKENS AND " PUNCH" English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. DICKENS AND THACKERAY: Two Great Novelists Phillips' Essays from " The Times, 1871. Temple Bar, vol. 83, 1888. DICKENS AS A DRAMATIC CRITIC Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. DICKENS IN SOUTHWARK English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 6, 1888-9. DICKENSIANA Fiizgerald's Book Fancier, 1887. ESSAYS ON DICKENS Field's Yesterdays witn Authors, 1872. Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. Lang's Essays in Little, 1891. Poe's Complete Prose Works, 1856. HOME OF DICKENS AND Du MAURIER Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. IN MEMORIAM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. MEMOIRS OF CHARLES DICKENS Chambers' Journal, vol. 74 1897. MANUSCRIPTS OF CHARLES DICKENS Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. NOTES ON SOME DICKENS' PLACES Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. SIGNATURES OF CHARLES DICKENS Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. WHO WROTE DICKENS? Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. WHO WROTE DICKENS' NOVELS? Cornhill Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. WITH DICKENS IN HERTFORDSHIRE Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Hodder's Memories ot My Time, 1870. Shepherd & Williamson's Life of Carlyle, 1881. Trollope's What I Remember, 1887. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Dickens (Charles, Son of above, born 1837) Academy, v. 50, 1896. AtbenaBum, 1896, v. 2. Dickens (Mary, Novelist, Grand-daughter of Charles Dickens, born 1862 [?]). How I WRITE MY BOOKS The Young Woman, vol. r, 1893. Dicksee (Frank, Painter, born 1853). A POPULAR PAINTER Windsor Mag., vol. 5, 1896-7. Dickson (D.) DICKSON AS A PREACHER Taylor's Scottish Pulpit from the Reforma- tion to the Present Day, 1887. Dictionaries. ANGLO-GERMAN DICTIONARIES De Quincey's Uncollected Writings. RHYMING DICTIONARIES Disraeli's Amenities of Literature. STANDARD DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 76, 1895. VERY OLD DICTIONARY Chambers' Journal, vol. 7, 1890. GENERAL INFORMATION Bookworm, vol. 3, 1890. Gentleman's Mag., vol. 49 (n.s.), 1892. Diderot (Denis, French Philosopher, died 1784) Carlyle's Critical and Miscellaneous. Essays. Men and Women of France during the Last Century. Morley's Rousseau, 1888. Dieppe (French Seaport on the English Channel) Baedeker's Guide to Paris and Environs, 1891. Baedeker's Northern France : from Belgium and the English Channel to the Loire, 1889. Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Diet. CHILDREN'S DIET Goodeve's Management of Children in India, 1880. PHILOSOPHY OF DIET -Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. ROMANCE OF DIETETICS Burnley's Romance of Life Preservation, 1888. And under Food, etc. Diets of Augsburg 1 , Frankfort, Nuremberg, Spires, & Worms. See under Augsburg, Frankfort, Nuremberg, Spires, Worms, etc. Diffidence (Reserve, Modesty, Distrust in oneself) Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Digby (Sir Kenelme, An Eccentric Philosopher, died 1665). His LIFE REVIEWED Dublin Review, vol. 121, 1897. SIR KENELME DIGBY'S WRITINGS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Bibliograp. Notes], 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England, 1857. [I75J DIGESTION-DISCERNMENT Digestion. DISORDERS OF DIGESTION Clark's Sanative Influence of Climate, 1846. ORGANS. OF DIGKSTION Ashby's Notes on Physiology, 1889. PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGKSTION Nature, vol. 2, 1870. Ashby's Notes on Physiology, 1889. PROCESS OF DIGESTION Goodfellow's Dietetic Value of Bread, 1892. Diggers and Miners Jung's Australia : The Country and its Inhabitants, 1884. Dijon (Capital of Burgundy i2th century to 1477; Noted for its ancient buildings and Ruins). CAPITAL OF BURGUNOY Temple Bar, vol. no, 1897. DIJON AT THE END OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Young's Travels in France during the Years 1787-9, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Northern France : from Belgium and the Channel Islands to the Loire, 1889. Diligence (Active, Steady Application) Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Dilke (Sir Charles W., Politician and Author, born 1843). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 6, 1892. GENERAL INFORMATION Cooper's Men of Mark [photo], 1876-82. Reid's Politicians of To-day, 1880. Strand Magazine [with portraits], vol. 7, 1894. Dillon (C., Actor) Marston's Our Recent Actors, 1889. Time, vol. 8, 1886. Dilston Hall (Ancient seat of the Earls of Derwentwater, near Newcastle) Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Dimsdale (Henry, Mayor of Garratt) Wilson's Book of Wonderful Characters, 1869. Dinan, France (Noted for its defence by Guesclin, 1359) Baedeker s Northern France : from Belgium and the English Channel to the Loire, 1889. Macquoid's Pictures and Legends from Normandy and Brittany, 1879. Musgrave's Rambles into Brittany, 1870. Dinant, Belgium Costello's Tour through the Valley of the Meuse, 1856. Macquoid's In the Ardennes, 1881. DINNERS. (See also Cookery, Diet, Food, Gastronomy, etc.) A CHINESE DINNER Woman, February, 1896. AESTHETICS OK THE DINNER TABLE National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. ART OF DINING Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. CONCERNING DINNERS IN OUR AUGUSTAN AGE All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. DINING OUT: Some Dining Dresses Daily Mail, March u, 1898. DINING ROOM DIETETICS Spon's Household Manual, 1887. GRACE BEFORE DINNER Lamb's Elia and Eliana. Ho WTO ORGANISE A PEOPLE'S KITCHEN IN LONDON Nineteenth Century, vol.37, i&95- INVITATION TO DINNER: Physiologically Considered Wilson's Studies in Life LONDON DINNERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 25, 1871-2. [and Sense, 1887. PENNY DINNERS FOR POOR CHILDREN Home Chat, vol. 12, 1898. SOME CHARMING DISHES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. SOME SWEDISH DISHES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 15, 1894. Dinosaurs (Prehistoric Monsters of the Mesozoic Period). THE DINOSAURS OF NORTH AMERICA Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. RECENT RESTORATIONS Nature, vol.48, 1893. Diocletian (Emperor of Rome, died 313). THE BEGINNING OF ROMANESQUE IN THE PALACE OF DIOCLETIAN AT SPALATO Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 5, 1870. GENERAL INFORMATION Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Milman's History ot' Christianity, 1875. Diogenes (Famous Cynic Philosopher of Greece, died 323 B.C.) Lewes' Biographical History of Philosophy, 1897. Mitford's History of Greece, 1829. Dion (Syracusan Statesman, friend of Plato, assassinated 353 u.c ) Plutarch's Lives, 1883. Grote's Greece. Freeman's History of Sicily, vol. 4, 1894. Dionysius I. & II. (Tyrants of Syracuse, 430-344 u.c.) Freeman's History of Sicily, 1894. Grote's History of Greece, 1894. Dionysius (Sometimes called "the Great," etc., Patriarch of Alexandria, died 265) Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Shepherd's Church of Rome, 1851. Dionysus (Greek God of the Vine). MYTH OF DIONYSUS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Diorama Bakewell's Great Facts: Popular Hist, of Inventions of Present Cent., 1878. DipeltiS (A Fossil Insect) Natural Science, vol 12, 1898. Diphtheria. DIPHTHERIA AND ITS PREVENTION Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. NEW CURE FOR DIPHTHERIA New Review, vol. 12, 1895. NEW TREATMENT OF DIPHTHERIA Century Magazine, vol. 49, 1894-5. Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. Nature, vol. 51, 1894. Diplomacy. AMERICAN DIPLOMACY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1897. DIPLOMATIC PRIVILEGES Marshall's International Vanities, 1875. MODERN DIPLOMACY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. OUR DIPLOMATISTS Temple Bar, vol. 14, 1888. THE PALMEBSTON IDEAL IN DIPLOMACY Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. TRADE AND DIPLOMACY Rogers' Economic Interpretation of History, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Help's Thoughts upon Government, 1862. Directors. WORKMEN DIRECTORS National Review, vol. 27, 1896. Dirks (LyskenJ-Ft/e of JeronimusSegerson, executed circa 1551) Anderson's Ladies of the Dirty Dick. See Bentley (Nathaniel). [Reformation, 1855. Disaster. EMOTION OF FEAR Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Discernment Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. [ 176 J DISCIPLINE -DIVINE PERSONALITY Discipline. DECAY OF DISCIPLINE Temple Bar, vol. 102, 1894. DISCIPLINE IN A CHARITY SCHOOL A HUNDRED YEARS AGO Cooper's History of the Rod in all Countries, 1887. EDUCATION & DISCIPLINE Spencer's Education: Intellectual, Moral & Physical, 1890. NAVAL DISCIPLINE Whymper's The Sea : its Stirring Story of Adventure. SCHOOL DISCIPLINE Fitch's Lectures on Teaching. Science & Art of Teaching, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Spencer's Study of Sociology, 1885. Disco (Island in Baffin's Bay) Markham's Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay, 1875. Discovery. ASTRONOMICAL DISCOVERIES Humboldt's Cosmos, vols. 2 & 3, 1847. Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. DISCOVERIES OF THE PORTUGUESE Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. HIBERNO-DANISH PREDECESSORS OF COLUMBUS Dublin Review, vol. 122, 1898. PART PLAYED BY ACCIDENT IN INVENTION AND DISCOVERY The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. WOMEN AND GIRLS AS INVENTORS AND DISCOVERERS Girl's Own Ann., vol. 16,1895. GENERAL INFORMATION Macaulay's Sea Pictures. See also Inventions, Travels, etc., and under names and subjects, e.g., Columbus, Stephenson, Electricity, Steam, etc. DISEASE. (See also Bacilli, Cholera, Epidemics, Microbes, Pathology, Typhoid, etc.) COMMUNICABLE DISEASE Corfield's Laws of Health, 1892. DISEASE CAUGHT FROM BUTCHER'S MEAT Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. DISEASE-GERMS Nineteenth Century, vol. 10, 1881. DISEASES INCIDENTAL TO PUBLIC LIFE Richardson's Commonhealth, 1887. DISEASES MOST PREVALENT IN SOUTH AMERICA Humboldt's Travels, 1852. How TO AVOID INFECTIOUS DISEASES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. MICROBES OF VARIOUS DISEASES Trouessart's Microbes, Ferments, and Moulds, 1889. NERVOUS DISEASES AND MODERN LIFE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. STRANGE DISEASES AND STRANGE REMEDIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Disestablishment. BUSINESS ASPECT OF DISESTABLISHMENT Nineteenth Century, BUSINESS OF DISESTABLISHMENT Arnold's Social Politics, 1878. [vol. 3, 1878. CHURCH DISESTABLISHMENT BILL Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. DISENDOWMENT AND DISESTABLISHMENT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9, & vol. 27, 1872-3* WELSH DISESTABLISHMENT Buxton's Political Questions of the Day, 1885. GENERAL INFORMATION Hope's Life of George Hope, of Fenton Barnes, 1881. Nineteenth Cenu:ry, vol. 30, 1891. Ryle's Principles for Churchmen, 1884. Disguises. ROYAL DISGUISES Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity, 1837. THE ART OF DISGUISE Cassell's Magazine, vol. 25, 1898. THE ART OF SELF-DISGUISE [Stage Make-upj Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. Disinterestedness Treasury of Religious Thought ; edited by H. D. Spence, 1891. Dispensing. LADY DISPENSERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. Disraeli (Benjamin, Statcsmanand Novelist, Twice Prime Minister of England, died 1881). See under Beaconsfield (Earl of). D'Israeli (Isaac, Author, Father of Lord Beaconsficld, died 1848) De Morgan's Paradoxes. Froude's Beaconsfield, 1891. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Dissent. DISSENTING ACADEMIES Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840. PERSECUTION OF DISSENTERS Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885, TOLERATION AND DISSENTERS Paterson's Liberty of the Press, 1880. i>ee also Church, Nonconformists, Religion, and under names of sects, e.g., Baptists, Presbyterians, Quakers, Wesleyans, etc. Distance. ADJUSTMENT TO DISTANCE Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. CAN WE SEE DISTANCE ? Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6. KNOWLEDGE OF DISTANCE IN MAN Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. Distilling 1 . DISTILLING APPARATUS Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Distinctions. DISTINCTIONS TO THE BRITISH SERVICE Chambers' Russian War. Distortion. TIGHT LACING Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 10, 1846. District Councils. DEMOCRATIC DISTRICT COUNCILS London, vol. i, 1893. See also Local Government, Parishes, etc, Diver (A Species of Oceanic Bird of the Colymbida order). Morris' British Birds, vols. 5 & 6. 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Diversions. CURIOUS DIVERSIONS All the Year Round, vol. 70, 1892. Diversity. LIKENESS IN DIVERSITY Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Divination (Discovery of things secret or obscure by magical or supernatural means). DIVINATION BY LOT Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. DIVINATION BY ROD OR ARROW Buckland's Anthropological Studies, 1891. DIVINATION BY SHOULDER-BLADES Rockhill's Land of the Lamas: Notes of a Journey through China, Mongolia, and Thibet, 1891. DIVINATION, WITCHCRAFT, AND MESMERISM Dublin Review, vol. 38, 1855. ESSAY ON DIVINATION Waite's Occult Sciences, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Brand's Observations of Popular Antiquities of Great Britain, 1888. Godwin's Lives of the Necromancers, 1876. Magic, etc. Divine Personality. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONCEPTION OF THE DIVINE PERSON. ALITY Illingworth's Personality: Human& Divine, 1894. And underGod, Deity, etc. N [ 177 J DIVINES-DOG-FISH Divines Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1881. Anil wider Church. Diving. DESCRIPTION OF DIVING BELLS Magnus' Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, :8qo. DIVING AND THE DIVING BELL Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. DIVERS AND THEIR WORK Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. DRESSES FOR DIVING Simmond's Commercial Products of the Sea, 1883. PEOPLE WHO FACE DEATH Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. Divining 1 Rods (Used to discover Water, Minerals, etc.) Gentleman's Magazine Library [Popular Superstitions], 1884. Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. DIVORCE. DIVORCE AMONG THE VIK-NGS Du Chaillu's Viking Age, 1889. DIVORCE IN THE UNITED STATES Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. ENGLISH LAW OF DIVORCE Westminster Review, vol. 9, 1856. EFFECT ON ROMAN SOCIETY OF DIVORCE Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 2, 1872. HENRY VIII. 's DIVORCES Moore's History of the Reformation in England, 1890. HIGH CHURCH DOCTRINE AS TO MARRIAGE & DIVORCE Contem. Rev., vol.68, 1895. MARRIAGE OF INNOCENT DIVORCEES Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. RIGHTS OF WEALTHY WOMEN Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. GENERAL INFORMATION Brace's Gesta Christi : History of Human Progress under Christianity, 1882. Koelle's Mohammed and Mohammedanism, 1889. Dixon (Thomas, Unitarian Minister, died 1733) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840. Dixon (W. Hepworth, Author and Journalist, Editor of "Atheiurum" 1853-69, died 1879). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Once a Week, vol. 26, 1872. DjOWf, Arabia Palgrave's Personal Narrative of a Journey through Arabia, 1868. Dobell (Sydney, Poet, died 1874) Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Docility Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Dockers. DOCKERS' RESTAURANTS Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. DOCKERS' STORY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. Docks, Labour, etc. DOCKS. (See also Navy, Shifts, and names of Rivers and Places, e.g., Thames, Clyde, Mersey, Tyne, London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Hull, Bristol, Cardiff, etc.) ADMINISTRATION OF DOCKYARDS Brassey's British Navy: its Strength, Resources, and Administration, 1882-3. ARTICLE ON DOCKYARDS All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. AT THE DOCKS Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. DOCK CONSTRUCTION Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. DOCK LIFE All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. DOCK LIFE OF EAST LONDON Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. DOCKS AND DOCK CONSTRUCTION Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. DOCKS OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1872. DOCKYARD FORTIFICATIONS Asnley's Life of Viscount Palmerston, 1879. FLOATING DOCKS Winton's Modern Workshop Practice as Applied to Marine, Land and Locomotive Engines, 1889. ILLUSTRATED ACCOUNT OF BARRY DOCKS Engineer, vol. 8r, 1896. LONDON AND ST. KATHERINE DOCKS Daily Graphic, vol. 10, 1892. RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN DOCKS AND DOCKING APPLIANCES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. TRIP TO DOCKLAND Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. Two NEW DOCKS AT PORTSMOUTH Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. GENERAL INFORMATION Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1861-2. Doclea (Roman Town in Montenegro) Archaeologia, vol. 55, Doctors. DAY WITH A COUNTRY DOCTOR Scribner's Magazine, vol. 8, 1890. DOCTORS AND NURSES Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. Doctrine. DOCTRINAL CHANGES IN ENGLAND Moore's History of the Reformation in England and on the Continent, 1890. TRIAL OF DOCTRINE Keble's Occasional Papers and Reviews, 1877. GENERAL INFORMATION Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. And under Church, Dogma, Religion, Theology, etc. Dodd (W., King's Chaplain 1763, hanged for forgery 1777). DR. DODD AND PRISON THOUGHTS Langford's Prison Books and their Authors, 1861. GENERAL INFORMATION Fitzgerald's Famous Forgeries, 1865. Dodder (A Parasitic Flint). MISTLETOE AND DODDER Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. Doddridge (Dr. Philip, Nonconformist Theologian, died 1751) Abbey's English Church and its Bishops, 1887. Groser's Men worth Imitating, 1871. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Dodgson (Rev. C. L.) See Carroll (Lewis). Dodo (An extinct bird of large dimensions of the family columbidce or pigeons). THE WHITE DODO Harwicke's Science Gossip, 1867. GENERAL INFORMATION Timbs' Strange Stories of the Animal World, 1868. Dodsley (R-, A itthor (tnd Publisher, died 1764) Davenport's Lives of Individuals who have raised themselves from Poverty to Eminence, 1841. Dodwell (H., Theologian and Classical Scholar, died 1711) Abbey's English Church and its Bishops, 1887. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Doges Of Venice Oliphant's Makers of Venice, 1891. See also under Names. Dog-fish (A Cartilaginous Fish belonging to the Shark family). DESCRIPTION OF THE DOG-FISH -Wells & Howes' Text-Book of Biology, 1892. [ 178] DOGGETT'S COAT-DOMESDAY Doggett's Coat and Badge (A Prize competed for annually by Thames Watermen). THOMAS DOGGETT Antiquary, vol. 19, 1889. Hone's Every Day Book, vol. 2, 1827. Dogma. DOGMA, REASON, AND MORALITY Nineteenth Century, vol. 4, 1878. DOGMATIC THEOLOGY Expositor, vol. 6 (jth series), 1897. IMPORTANCE OF DOGMA Kyle's Principles for Churchmen, 1884. NECESSITY OF DOGMA International Journal of Ethics, vol. 5, 1894-5. THE INCARNATION AND DOGMA Expositor, vol. 7, 1898. GENERAL INFORMATION Reclorand His Friends: Leading Religious Questions, 1869. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. See also Doctrine, Theology, etc. DOGS. (See also Animals, Natural History, Zoology, etc., and under names, e.g., Bull- dog, Mastiff, Spaniel, etc.) ANECDOTES OF DOGS Watson's Reasoning Power in Animals, 1867. ABOUT Snow DOGS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. CEMETERY FOR DOGS, HYDE PARK Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. COLLIE DOGS Scott's Blackfaced Sheep : Their History, Management, etc., 1888 DANDY DOGS Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. DECAY OF CANINE FIDELITY Longman's Magazine, vol. 17, 1890-1. DISEASES OF THE DOG Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. Stonehenge's British Rural Sports, 1867. DOG-BREAKING Dead Shot ; or, Sportsman's Complete Guide, 1866. DOG SHOWS IN LONDON Daily Graphic, vol. 12, 1892. DOG SMUGGLERS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. DOGS AS SCAPEGOATS, ETC. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. DOGS AS SITTERS FOR PHOTOGRAPHS Photogram, vol. i, 1894. DOGS IN GERMANY Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. DOGS OF CELEBRITIES Strand Magazine, vol. b, 1894. HOME FOR LOST DOGS Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. How TO MAKE A KENNEL -Davidson's Boy Joiner, 1874. How TO MANAGE DOGS Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. JN DEFENCE OF THE MUZZLE National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. MANAGEMENT OF DOGS Stonehenge's British Rural Sports, 1867. NOTABLE DOGS OF THE CHASE Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. NOTES ON THE BRITISH DOG Antiquary, vol. 3, 1881. PRAIRIE DOG AS PET Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. SPANIELS, POODLES, PUGS, AND RETRIEVERS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. STORIES OF DOGS [Petland Revisited] Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. SUNDAY DOG SHOWS Parkinson's Places and People: Studies from the Life, 1869. THE DOG TRIBE Waterton's Natural History Essays, 1870. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annuals. Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1892. Lessons derived from the Animal World, 1847. Dog-Whipper. OFFICE OF DOG-WHIPPER, DANBY, YORKS Atkinson's Forty Years in a Moorland Parish, 1891. Dol (A Town of France) Macquoid's Pictures from Normandy, 1875. Dolabella (Publius C., Roman Consul, died A.D. 43). DOLABELLA THE EXTINGUISHER OF THE AFRICAN WAR Lynam's Roman Emperors, 1880. Dolby (Catherine H. [Madame Saintcn], Famous Contralto, died 1885) Blanchard's Reminiscences, 1891. Doldrums (Variable Winds near the Equator) Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. Dolet (Etienne, French Printer and Scholar, condemned for heresy and hanged 1546). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. Dolgelly, Merionethshire Gossiping Guide to Wales, 1897. Murray's Guide to N. Wales. Dollond (John, French Optician, died 1761) Groser's Men Worth Imitating, 1871. Dolomites. BICYCLING THROUGH THE DOLOMITES Century Mag., vol. 32(11.5.), 1897. Edwards' Untrodden Paths and Unfrequemed Valleys, 1870. Dolphin (A Cetaceous Fish) Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition, 1874. Dom Rings (Ancient Scandinavian Sacrificial Temples). THE DOM RINGS OF THE NORSEMEN Du Chaillu's Viking Age, 1889. DOMESDAY or DOMESDAY BOOK (Containing a Survey of all the Lands in England at the time of the Conquest). ANALYSIS OF THE EXON DOMESDAY Transations of the Devon Association, vol.28. BRIEF SURVEY OF THE DOMESDAY BOOK English Illustrated Mag., vol. n, 1894. DEVONSHIRE DOMESDAY Transactions of the Devon Association, vol. 28. DOMESDAY BOOK AND DOMESDAY EXCHEQUER Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 5, 1870. DOMESDAY BOOK All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. DOMESDAY BOOK FOR WILTSHIRE Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1849. DOMESDAY HUNDREDS Transactions of the Devon Association, vol. 28. DOMESDAY-DORE Domesday or Domesday Book (continued). DOMESDAY SURVEY OF LONDON Loftie's London [Historic Towns]. RESUM OF DOMESDAY HOLDERS AND HOLDINGS Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Archaeo- logical Journal, vol. 2. YORKSHIRE DOMESDAY Yorks Archaeological Society, vol. 14. Domestic Life. USAGES OF DOMESTIC LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES Archaeological Journal, vol. 2, 1846. GENERAL INFORMATION Emerson's Prose Works. See also Customs, Manners, etc. Domestic Motors. DESCRIPTION OF VARIOUS DOMESTIC ENGINES Spon's House- hold Manual, 1887. Domestic Service Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. Saturday Review, vol. 77, 1894. Servants, etc. Domfront, France (An Ancient Norman Stronghold) Macquoid's Normandy, 1875. Dominic (St., Founder of the Dominicans, died 1221) Jeaffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 6, 1872. Dominica, West Indies. CURIOSITIES IN DOMINICA Froude's West Indies, 1888. GENERAL INFORMATION Coleridge's West Indies in 1825. Dominoes (National Game of China) Routledge's Every Boy's Book. B.O.A., v. 8, 1885-6. Domitia (Aunt of the Emperor Nero, put to death 59). DEATH OF DOMITIA Lynam's Emperors of Rome, 1850. Domitian (Roman Emperor, son of Vespasian, murdered 96). TREATMENT OF CHRISTIANS Milman's Christianity. 1875. GENERAL INFORMATION Josephus' Works, 1822. Don (Sir William, English Actor, died 1862) Blanchard's Reminiscences, 1891. Donatello (Donate, Italian Sculptor, 1460) Oliphant's Makers of Florence, 1889. Doncaster (The Ancient Danum ; noted for its Races). DONCASTER AND THE ST. LEGER English Illustrated Magazine, vol. a, 1891-2. DONCASTER IN 1860 Doran's Memoirs of Our Great Towns, 1878. GENERAL INFORMATION Black's Guide to Yorkshire, 1888. Donegal (Maritime County of Ulster). BEAUTIES AT DONEGAL All the Year Round, IN DARK DONEGAL Blackwood's Magazine, vol 160, 1896. [vol. 74, 1894. UNBEATEN TRACK IN DONEGAL Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 6, 1880. Dongola, Up. Nubia Gleichen's Camel Corps up the Nile. Edinburgh Rev. ,v. 187, 1898-. Donkeys. DONKEYS AND DONKEY BOYS Leisure Hour, vol. 17, 1868. DONKEYS AND HORSES Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 54 (n.s.), GOATS AND DONKEYS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. ORIGIN OF DONKEYS Popular Science Monthly, vol. 22, THE MUCH MALIGNED MOKE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1897-8. GENERAL INFORMATION Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. And under Ass, etc. Donizetti (Gaetano, Italian Musical Composer, died 1848) Edwards' Rossini and his School, 1888. Ferris' Musical Composers, 1893. Don-nai River, Anam Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. n, 1830. Donne (John, Poet and Divine, Dean of St. Paul's, died 1631) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets. Coleridge's English Divines. Macdonald's English Antiphon. Izaac Walton's Lives. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Dons. OXFORD DONS Pycroft's Oxford Memories, 1886. Doon Loch, Ayrshire Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Doon River, Ayrshire (Celebrated in the Poems of Burns). SPORT i THE DOON Leveson's Sport in Many Lands. Doors. ANCIENT AND MODERN DOOR KNOCKERS Architecture, vol. i, 1896. ETRUSCAN DOORS Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. OLD DOORS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Dora (Sister [Dora W. Pattison]) Fawceit's Some Eminent Women of our Times, 1889. Dorat (C. ]., Prolific French Dramatist, died 1770) Men and Women of the i8th Cent. Dordrecht (Ancient City of the Netherlands) Havard's Heart of Holland, 1880. Dorchester, Dorsetshire (Garrison Town). ABBEY CHURCH, DORCHESTER Archaeo- logical Journal, vol. 9, 1852. ANCIENT EARTHWORKS IN CASTERBRIDGE English Illustrated Mag., vol. n, 1893-4. ARCHITECTURE OF THE ABBEY CHURCH OF DORCHESTER Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, 1850. MINUTE BOOK BELONGING TO THE CORPORATION OF DORCHESTER Dorset Field! Club Proceedings, vol. 15, GENERAL INFORMATION Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5, 1880. Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, part iv.], 1893. See also Dorsetshire. Dore" (Paul Gustave, French Artist, died 1883). GUSTAVE DOR IN LONDON AND PARIS Idler, vol. 7, 1895, and vol. 13, 1898. GENERAL INFORMATION Magazine of Art [A Dreamer of Dreams], vol. 6, 1883. Tirebuck's Great Minds in Art, 1888. [180] DOREY-DRAGON FLIES Dorey, Papua Wallace's Malay Archipelago, the Land of the Orang Utan, 1890. Dorians (Ancient Rulers of Sparta). MIGRATION OF THE DORIANS Duncker's Greece, vol. i, 1883. Crete's History of Greece, 1884. Dorking (Famed for its breed of Fowls) Black's Guide to Surrey, V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 4, 1880. Dormice. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Nat. Lib., vol. 17, 1848. SQUIRRELS AND DORMICE Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889-90. THE COMMON DORMOUSE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1865. GENERAL INFORMATION Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. "Dorothy" (A Comedy Opera by B.C. Stepheiison&A.Cdlier) Theatre, v.8 (n.s.), 1886. Dorringstone, Kent Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1887. D'Orsay (Count). See Orsay (Count D'). Dorset (C. Sackville, Earl of, Poet, died 1706) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. DORSETSHIRE. (One of the most southerly Counties of England, noted for its breed of Sheep, and British and Roman Antiquities. See also Dorchester). ACCOUNTS OF PLACES IN DORSETSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, part iv.], 1893. Murray's Handbook for Dorsetshire, V.D. ANCIENT DORSET Archaeological Journal, vol. 22, 1865. ANTIQUITIES IN DORSETSHIRE Gentleman^Magazine Library, 1886. CHURCH PLATE OF THE COUNTY OF DORSET Antiquary, vol. 21, 1890. DORSETSHIRE BIRTH, DEATH, & MARRIAGE CUSTOMS Dorset Field Club Proc., vol. 14. DORSETSHIRE NUMISMATICS Archasological Journal, vol. 23, 1866. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN DORSETSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1887. SOME VESTIGES OF ROMAN OCCUPATION IN DORSET Archasological Jour., v. 24, 1867. Dost Mohammed (Ameer of Afghanistan, died 1863) Kaye's Sepoy War, 1888. Dostolefski (F. M., Rttssian Novelist, died 1881) Macmillan's Magazine [Dostoi'efski and His Work], vol. 55, 1886-7. Temple Bar, vol. 91, 1891. Dotterel (Bird of Passage of the Plover Species). DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIOUS SPECIES OF THE BIRD Jardine's Naturalist'sLibrary, vol. 3, 1848. Dou (Gerard, Dutch Painter, 1670) Gower's Figure Painters of Holland, 1881. Douai, France (Noted for its A rsenal and Catholic University) Musgrave's Brittany, 1870. Doubt. BELIEF AND DOUBT Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. ETHICS OF DOUBT International Journal of Ethics, vol. i, 1890-1. NATURE OF RELIGIOUS DOUBT Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Douglas (A Seaport, Capital of the Isle of Man; a favourite sea-side resort) Black's Guide to l=le of Man, V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5, 1879. Douglas (Gavin, Bishop of Dunkehl, Poet, died 1522) Blackie's Modern Cyclopaedia [Douglas FamilyJ, 1896. Tytler's Scottish Worthies. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Douhault (Madame de, Victim of Conspiracy; alleged to have died 1788). CASE OF MADAME DE DOUHAULT National Review, vol. 25, 1895. Dove (A small variety of Pigeon). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 8, 1848. Morris' History of British Birds, vol. 3, 1891. DOVES AND PIGEONS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. RING, ROCK, STOCK, AND TURTLE DOVES Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. GENERAL INFORMATION Lessons derived from the Animal World, 1847. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Dovedale, Derbyshire (A Picturesque Valley) Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, partiv.], 1893. Black's Guide to Derbyshire, V.D. Dover, Kent (Chief of the Cinque Ports, and Terminus of Packet lines to Calais and Ostend). ACCOUNT OF THE CASTLE, CHURCHES, AND HEIGHTS OF DOVER Kentish Tourist. DOVER CASTLE Archaeological Journal, vol. 32, 1875. Land we Live in, vol. 2, 1853. GENERAL INFORMATION Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1888. Myrback& Villar's Sketches of England, 1891. Lambarde's Perambulations of Kent, 1826. Dovercourt, Essex. HARWICH AND Do VERCOURT Watson's Tendring Hundred, 1884. "Down among 1 the Dead Men "(Song-) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Down Hall, Essex Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustrations], 181.7. Downs (.-1 Range of Hills in Surrey, Kent, and Hampshire). ON THK SOUTH DOWNS Coruhill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. Studio [As a Sketching Ground], vol. 5, 1895. UNDER THE NORTH DOWNS Architecture, vol. i, 1896. Doxology (.-1 Form of Praise to God) Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Doyle (Dr. A. Conan, Novelist, born 1859). A DAY WITH DR. A. CON AN DOYLE Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. CHAT WITH CONAN DOYLE Idler, vol. 6, 1894-5. Doyle (Sir Francis, Uncle of above, Poet, died 1888). POETRY OF SIR FRANCIS DOYLE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. Dragon (A Fabulous Monster). ACCOUNT OF DRAGONS Henty's Those other Animals. DRAGON OF MYTHOLOGY, LEGEND AND ART Mag. of Art, vol. 3, 1880, & vol. 14,1891. Dragon Flies Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1872. [181] DRAINAGE-DRAMA DRAINAGE. CARSHALTON MAIN DRAINAGE Engineer, vol. 85, 1897. DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE AND DRAINAGE Colyer's Public Institutions: Their Engineer- ing, Sanitary, and other Appliances, 1889. FARM DRAINAGE Burn's Modern Farming, 1865. HINTS ON DRAINAGE Turner's Househunters and Householders, 1884. LONDON'S MAIN DRAINAGE SYSTEM London, vol. i, 1893. METROPOLITAN MAIN DRAINAGE Nature, vol. i, 1870. MODES OF DRAINAGE Corfield's Laws of Health, 1892. TAME AND REA DISTRICT DRAINAGE, BIRMINGHAM British Association Report, 1886. GENERAL INFORMATION Hoskin's Clerk of Works : a Vade Mecum for Building Operations, 1888. Smiles' Lives of the .Engineers, 1861-2. Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Drake (Sir Francis, English Adventurer and Admiral, died 1596). ADVENTURES OF SIR FRANCIS DRAKE Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. BUCKLAND ABBEY AND SIR FRANCIS DRAKE Trans. Royal Hist. Society, vol. 6, 1877. EARLIER EXPLOITS OF HAWKINS AND DRAKE Fox Bourne's English Seamen, 1868. ENGLISH ULYSSES Temple Bar, vol. no, 1897. His CHARACTER AND CAREER National Review, vol. i, 1883. GENERAL INFORMATION All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. Archaeological Journal, vol. 30, 1873. Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 2, 1818. Cunningham's English Nation (portrait], vol. i. Froude's History of England, 1870. Half Hours in Early Naval Adventure. Heroes of England. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 4. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Whymper'sThe Sea: Its Stirring Story of Adventure, etc. DRAMA. (See also Actors, Burlesque, Comedy, Stage, Theatre, Tragedy, etc.) AT THE PLAY Be? ant's Fifty Years Ago, 1888. AT THE PLAY IN 1837 Besant's London : its Streets and Citizens, 1892. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND LITERARY NOTES ON THE OLD ENGLISH DRAMA Antiquary, vol. 20, 1889. BLIGHT ON THE DRAMA Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. CHAPTER ON THE DRAMAS OF CERVANTES Sismondi's Literature, 1846. CHINESE DRAMA Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 37, 1895. CRITICS AND DRAMATISTS All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. DANISH NATIONAL THEATRE Gosse's Northern Studies, 1890. DISCONTENTS OF A DRAMATIST Theatre, vol. 7 (n.s.), 1886. DR. PEARSON ON THE MODERN DRAMA Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. DOMESTIC DRAMA Jerrold's Life of Douglas Jerrold, 1859. DRAMA IN AUSTRALIA Theatre, vol. 15, 1890. DRAMA IN TANGIERS Perrier's Morocco, 1873. DRAMA IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES I. Adams' White King and the Men and Women of the Seventeenth Century, 1889. DRAMA OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Masson's Mediaeval France, from the Reign of Hugh Capet to the beginning of the Sixteenth Century, 1888. DRAMA OF THE MOMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. DRAMA OF THE VICTORIAN ERA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. DRAMATIC ART: the Meiningen Theatre Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. DRAMATIS PERSONA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. DRAMATISATION OF NOVELS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DRAMA Andrews' Eighteenth Century; or, Illustrations of the Customs of our Grandfathers, 1856. ELIZABETHAN DRAMA Brooke's Literature, 1890. Dowden's Shakespere, 1877. ENGLISH AND FRENCH DRAMA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. ENGLISH FOLK-DRAMA Folk-Lore, vol. 4. ENGLISH RELIGIOUS DRAMA Antiquary, vol. 17, 1888. , ESSAY ON THE DRAMA Scott's Miscellaneous Prose Works, 1878. FIRST-NIGHT JUDGMENT OF PLAYS Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. FRENCH OPERA Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. GIOSTRA, OR OPEN-AIR PLAYS IN THE AppENiNES Scott's Tuscan Studies, 1888. "HENRY VIII." ON THE STAGE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, itgi-2. HISTORY OF THE DRAMA Posnett's Literature, 1886. How TO ACQUIRE DRAMATIC TECHNICS Russell's Literary Manual, 1886. How TO WRITE DRAMAS FOR Music Theatre, vol. 18, 1891. IDEA OF COMEDY AND PINERO'S NKW PLAY Fortnightly Review, vol.67, 1897. INFLUENCE OF WOMEN ON THE DRAMA Woman, June, 1895. ITALIAN DRAMA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. JAPANESE PLAYS All the Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. "KiNG ARTHUR" ON THK STAGE Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. LADY AUTHORS All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. MIRACLE PLAYS Longman's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889 90. MODERN FRENCH DRAMA Fortnightly Review, vols. 61 & 62 (n.s.), 1897, & 63, i8gS. MORAL PURPOSE IN A MODERN DRAMA Theatre, vol. 19, 1892. MUSICAL DRAMA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. MYSTERIES AND MIRACLE PLAYS Hone's Mysteries, 1823. MYSTERIES AND MORALITIES Sismondi's Literature, 1846. MYSTERIES, MORALITIES, AND THE DRAMA Verney's Cottier Owners, 1885. OBSERVATIONS ON THE DRAMA AMONGST DEMOCRATIC NATIONS Tocqueville's Democracy, 1862. [182] DRAMA-DRESS Drama (continued). PANTOMIME MASKS AND PROPERTIES Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. PERSIA AND ITS PASSION DRAMA Nineteenth Century, vol. 9, 1881. PLAYS, PLAYERS, AND DRAMATISTS Archer's Highway of Letters [Fleet Street] , 1893. POETIC DRAMA AH the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. POETRY AND PLAYS Arnold's Seas and Lands [Japan, etc.], 1892. POETRY OK THE EARLY MYSTERIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. PRE-ELIZABETHAN PLAYS AND' PLAYERS IN NORFOLK Norfolk Arch. Soc., vol. n. PRIMITIVE DRAMAS Disraeli's Amenities of Literature, 1842. SKETCH OF THE DRAMA Russell's Authors' Manual, 1886. SKETCH OK THE EARLV DRAMA Lacroix's Middle Ages, 1878. SOME PLAYS OK THE DAY Fortnightly Review, vol. 53. 1893. SPANISH DRAMA Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, 1887. SPANISH THEATRE Ford's Gatherings from Spain, 1846. THE VERNACULAR DRAMA IN INDIA Theatre, vol. 6, 1882. THEATRE AND THE MOB Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. TRAGEDIES OK SOPHOCLES Lytton's Athens: its Rise and Fall, etc., 1874. WAGNERIAN DRAMA All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. Drammen (Norwegian Seaport) Murray's Guide to Norway, 1892. Draper (Sir VJ.,Lieutenant-Governor of Minorca, died 1787) J esse's Celeb. Etonians, 1875. Drapers' Company. CHARTER OF THE DRAPERS' COMPANY Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society [2nd series], vol. 8. Draping. How TO DRAPE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. Draughts (A popular Indoor Game) Boy's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1880. Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Every Boy's Book. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreation. Drawbridges Spoil's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Drawing. CHARCOAL DRAWING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. LEARNING TO DRAW Ellis' Beautiful in Art, 1866. MECHANICAL DRAWING Spoil's Mechanics' Own Book, 1889. PAINTING AND DRAWING Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. GENERAL INFORMATION Various volumes of Boy's and Girl's Own Annuals, Cassell's Popular Educator, Magazine of Art, etc. Drawing Room Etiquette Spon's Household Manual, 1887. See also Etiquette. Drayton (Michael, Historical Poet, died 1631) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Henley's Lyra Heroica. Lang's Blue Poetry Book. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. DREAMS. COINCIDENT DREAMS Podmore's Apparitions, 1894. DREAMS AND ILLUSIONS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. DREAMS IN RELATION TO MYTH Vignoli's Myth and Science, 1885. INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS Godwin's Lives of the Necromancers, 1876. NATURE OP DREAMS Owen's Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World, 1872. PHYSIOLOGY OF DREAMS Luy's Brain and its Functions, 1883. PROPHECIES, DREAMS, AND GHOST STORIES Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1890. SLEEP AND DREAMS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 9, 1863-4. THE DREAM AS A REVELATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 53, 1893. THE SUPERSTITION OF DREAMS AMONG THE VIKINGS Du Chailfu's Viking Age, 1889. THEORIES OF DREAMS Sully's Illusions: a Psychological Study, 1881. VISIONS AND DREAMS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 5, 1861-2. WHAT DREAMS ARK MADE OF Wilson's Studies in L'fe and Sense, 1887. GENERAL INFORMATION Aubrey's Miscellanies upon Various Subjects, 1890. Dre Ch'U River Rockhill's Land of the Lanias : Journey through China & Thibet, 1891. Dredging. DREDGERS ON THE BALTIC SHIP CANAL Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. DREDGING MACHINE Spoil's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Winton's Modern Workshop Practice as applied to Land, Marine, and Locomotive Engines, 1889. GENERAL INFORMATION Spoil's Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. Dresden (Capital of Saxony, famous for its Japanese Palace and Educational Institution*). DESCRIPTION OF DRESDEN Harrison's Travel* in various parts of Europe, 1891. GENERAL INFORMATION Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, 1890. Chetwynd's Life in a German Village, 1880. DRESS. (See also Costume, and under articles of Dress, e.g., Bonnets, Coats, Hats, etc.) A MEDITATION ON THE KNICKERBOCKER Woman, April, 1895. CIVILIAN DRESS IN THE MIDDLE AGES FROM MONUMENTAL EFFIGIES Transactions of the Bristol Arch;eological Society, vol. 18, CLOTHING OF THE ANCIENT BRITONS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part ii.], 1886. DEVELOPMENT IN DRESS Macmillan's Magazine, vpl 26, 1872. DRESS AND MANNERS Lccky's History of England in the Eighteenth Century, 1892. DRESS IN RELATION TO HEALTH Richardson's The Commonhealth, 1887. DRESS OF MEN AND WOMEN AMONG THE VIKINGS Du Chaillu's Viking Age, 1889. DRESS OF THE ANCIENTS Rawlinson's Ancient Monarchies, vol. 3, 1871. ECCLESIASTICAL HEAD-DRESS Trans. St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society, vol. 3, FASHIONABLE COSTUMES OF LONG AGO Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. [183] DRESS-DRUGS Dress (continued). FASHIONS IN DRESS Mrs. Haweis' Art of Beauty, 1883. FEMALE HEAD-DRESS British Essayist, vol. 10, 1823. GARB OF OUR GRANDMOTHERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. GIRL'S ATTIRE, THE NEWEST AND BEST Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. How TO WASH COLOURED DRESSES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. IDEAS ON DRESS REFORM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. JAPANESE DRESS Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. EWELLERY AND DRESS Eastlake's Household Taste in Furniture, etc., 1878. "OuiDA" ON DRESS Lady's Realm, vol. 3, 1897. PARIS DRESSMAKERS Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. PASSION FOR GAY AND SHOWY DRESS British Essayists, vol. 4, 1823. PECULIARITIES OF BRITISH ARMY DRESS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. n, 1897. PECULIARITIES OF DRESS British Essayists, vol. 2, 1823. PRIMITIVE DRESS Tylor's Anthropology : an Introduction to the Study of Man, 1892. RAIMENT OF VICTORIAN WOMEN English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. RATIONAL DRESS REFORM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. REQUIREMENTS OF CLOTHINO Spon's Household Manual, 1887. SOME CURIOUS FANCY DRESSES Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. SOME TRIUMPHS OF FANCY DRESS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. VARIOUS ARTICLES OF DRESS British Essayists, vol. 6, 1823. WOMEN AS DRESSMAKERS Woman, December, 1895. WORDS ON DRESS Yonge's Womankind, 1876 GENERAL INFORMATION Greville's Gentlewoman in Society. And various volumes of the Girl's Own Annual, Gentlewoman, Home Chat, Home Notes, Ladies Pictorial, Lady, Queen, Woman, etc. Dressing-gown. How TO MAKE A GENTLEMAN'S DRESSING-GOWN Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. Dressmaking 1 Brant's Systematic Cutting-out, 1884. Girl's Own Annual [Dress- making as a Trade in Life], vol. 13, 1892. Drew (Samuel, Self-taught Methodist Preacher, died 1833) Groser's Men worth Imitating. Dreyfus (Captain). THE DREYFUS CASE Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. Drill. GYMNASTIC DRILL Cassell's Popular Recreator. Lagrange's Physiology of Bodily Exercise, 1890. SIGNALLING ON A TRAINING SHIP Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Drilling Machines. MULTIPLE DRILLING MACHINES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. ROCK DRILL Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. TOOLS FOR DRILLING Campin's Hand-turning, 1883. DRINK QUESTION. (See also Abstinence, Alcohol, Compensation, Drunkenness, Liquor Traffic, Local Veto, Teetotalism, Temperance, etc.) DEFENCE OF SOBER DRINKING British Essayist, vol. 5, 1823. DRIIIK AS A TRADE National Review, vol. 25, 1895. DRINK DIFFICULTY Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. DRINKING SYSTEM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. ENGLAND AND THE GOTHENBURG SYSTEM Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. LAST WORD TO LORD BRAMWELL Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. LIQUOR TRAFFIC IN AFRICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. LIQUOR TRAFFIC IN RELATION TO LABOUR AND CAPITAL Meliora, vol. 12, 1869. LOCAL VETO ON DRINK Positivist Review, vol. i, 1893. OLD DRAMATISTS ON DRINK Meliora, vol. 10, 1867. ON THE EVILS OF DRINKING British Essayist, vol. 4, 1823. QUESTION OF DRINK IN ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. REPORT OF CONVOCATION ON INTEMPERANCE Meliora, vol. 12, 1869. SUNDAY SALE OF INTOXICATING DRINK Meliora, vol. n, 1868. TOTAL ABSTINENCE Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. GENERAL Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. Drinking. CURIOUS DRINKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. EATING AND DRINKING Jowett's College Sermons, 1895. OUR NATIONAL DRINK Nature, vol. i, 1870. See also Ale, Beer, etc. Driving. ART OF DRIVING- Handy Horse Book, 1887. Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. Stonehenge's British Sports, 1856. DRIVING AND RIDING Nimrod's Chase, Turf, and Road, 1870. How TO DRIVE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. GENERAL Corbett's Old Coachman's Chatter, 1890. Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1897. Hissey's Across England in a Dog-cart, 1891. Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1887. Routledge's Every Boy's Book. See also Carriages, Coaching, Conveyances, Horses, etc. Drontheim (Seaport in Norway, with Cathedral) Forester's Norway and its Seen., 1853. Droughts. CAUSE OF DROUGHTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. GREAT DROUGHT OF 1893 Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, vol. 4, 1893. Drowning. PREJUDICE AGAINST SAVING THE DROWNING Tylor's Prim. Cult., 1891. Drugs. How OUR DRUGS ARE IMPORTED Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. RARE VND PECULIAR DRUGS Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. [184] DRUIDS-DUCKS Druids (A Sacred Order of learned men or Priesthood among Celtic -Nations)'. DRUIDS OF IRELAND Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 7 (n.s.), 1893. DRUIDS' THEORY OF PROGRESSIVE LIFE Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. RITES AND DOCTRINES OF THE DRUIDS Heckethorn's Sacred Societies, 1897. SUPPOSED DRUIDICAL REMAINS IN YORKSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part ii.], 1886. GENERAL Jane Williams' History of Wales, 1869. Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 1867. Philip's History of England, 1886. Drum. DRUMS AND FIFES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. GENERAL Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. i, 1879. Drummer Boys. ENGLAND'S DRUMMER BOYS Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. Drummond (Professor Henry, died 1897). OBITUARY NOTICE Academy, vol. 51, 1897. RELIGIOUS TEACHING OF PROFESSOR DRUMMOND Expositor, vol. 5, 1897. REVIEW OF " ASCENT OF MAN " Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. GENERAL Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. Drummond (William, of Hawthornden, Scottish Poet, died 1649) Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876. Drummond Castle, Perthshire (Formerly Seat of Drummonds, Earls, and Dukes of Perth) Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. DRUNKENNESS. (See also Alcohol, Drink Question, Crime, etc.) CURIOSITIES OF DRUNKENNESS Mayhew's London Characters, 1874. DECLINE OF DRUNKENNESS National Review, vol. 26, 1896. DECREASE OF DRUNKENNESS Daily Graphic, vol. 28, 1896. DISCOURSES ON DRUNKENNESS Haweis' Current Coin, 1876. DRUNKENNESS ON THE STAGE Theatre, vol. 24, 1894. EXTENT AND CAUSES OF DRUNKENNESS Smith's Temperance Reformation, 1875. RATIONAL TREATMENT OF DRUNKARDS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. Drury (Dr. Christian, Entomologist, died 1804). MEMOIR Jardine's Nat. Lib., vol. 15. Drury (Rev. H. J., Master at Harrow School) Hodgson's Life of Rev. F. Hodgson, 1878. Drury Lane Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. And other works on London. MANAGERS OF DRURY LANE THEATRE Theatre, vol. 9 (n.s.), 1887. Druses (A remarkable people inhabiting the district of Lebanon) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 2, 1830. Taylor's Mohammedanism, 1834. Drusilla (Daughter of Germanictis, Noble Roman General). THE DEATH AND DEIFICATION OF DRUSILLA Lynam's Roman Emperors, 1850. DruSUS (Nero Claudius, given the name of Germanictis, brother of Tiberius, died B.C. 9) Lynam's Roman Emperors, 1850. Dryburgh, Berwickshire (Noted for ruins of Twelfth Century Abbey) Harriet Beecher Stowe's Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854. Dryden (John, Poet, Translated " Virgil," dieUi/oo). BEN JONSON AND JOHN DRYDEN Temple Bar, vol. 95, 1892. ESSAY ON JOHN DRYDEN Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1891. LIFE OF JOHN DRYDEN Scott's Prose Works, 1878. REVIEW OF JOHN DRYDEN Temple Bar, vol. S TR " GENERAL Poets Revii Dualism (Doctrine of two-foldness in the Unity of Being) Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Du Barry Diamonds. THE MYSTERY OF THE Du BARRY DIAMONDS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. DUBLIN. ACCOUNT OF PICTURESQUE DUBLIN Art Journal, 1896. ACREAGE OF DUBLIN Young's Tour in Ireland 1776-9, 1892. DUBLIN AND ITS ENVIRONS Land We Live In, vol. 3, DUBLIN AS IT is Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. DUBLIN CITY Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i, 1879. DUBLIN IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. DUBLIN MUSEUM Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. OLD DUBLIN Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland (jth series), vol. 6. OLD DUBLIN GUILD CHEST Jour. Royal Society Antiq., Ireland (5th series), vol. 6. GENERAL Hodder's Cities of the World. Inglis' Journey through Ireland, 1835. Dubravius (Bishop of Olmtttz, Bohemia, died 1553). LIFE AND WRITINGS Transac- tions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 9, 1881. Ducking-Stool (Apparatus once used for the punishment of scolding wives) Book of Table Talk, 2 vols., 1836. Chambers' Encyclopaedia, vol. 5, 1895. DUCKS. AMERICAN WIDGEON Morris' British Birds, vol. 5, 1891. AYLESBURY DUCKS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. BLACK EAST INDIA AND OTHER DUCKS Wright's Poultry, 1880. DESCRIPTION OF VARIOUS SPECIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 4, 1848. DOMESTIC WATER FOWL Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 14, 1848. DUCK-KEEPING FOR PROFIT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. EIDER DUCK, ETC. Morris' British Birds, vol. 5, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. [185] DUCKS-DUMAS Ducks (continued) MANAGEMENT OF DUCKS AND POULTRY Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. PINTAIL DUCK Morris' British Birds, vol. 5, 1891. WHISTLING DUCK Morris' British Birds, vol. 5, 1891. WILD DUCKS St. John's Wild Sports of the Scottish Highlands, 1888. WILD DUCKS AND TAME DECOYS Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1896-7. Duckweeds Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1865. Duckworth (Sir John Thos., Admiral, died 1817) James' Naval History, vols. 1-5, 1837. DuddingfSton Loch, Edinburghshire. THE SMALLEST LOCH IN SCOTLAND Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Duddon Valley, Lake District (Scene of many of Wordsworth's Poems). THE VALLEY OF THE DUDDON Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. Dudley (Anne, wife of Simon Bradstreet, died 1672) Anderson's Memorable Women, 1862. Dudley (John, Duke of Northumberland, beheaded 1553). RISE OF JOHN DUDLEY Froude's History of England, vols. 5 & 6, 1870. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Dudley (Sir Robert) Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 1848. Dudley. DUDLEY AND STOURBRIDGE [Midland Sketches] Leisure Hour, vol.45, 1896-7. Dudley Castle, Staffordshire (Said to be founded in the Eighth Century; only the Keep now remaining) Archaeological Journal, vol. 15, 1858. Dudleys of Northamptonshire Walford's Chapters from Family Chests, 1887. DUELLING. BRUCE AND SACKVILLE DUEL Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 1848. CASUISTRY OK DUELLING Ue Quincey's Uncollected Writings, 1890. CURIOSITIES OF DUELLING All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. DUELLING AMONG THE VIKINGS Du Chaillu's Viking Age, 1889. DUELLING IN GERMANY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890 DUELLING IN GERMAN UNIVERSITIES Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. DUELLING IN THE BRITISH ISLES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. DUELLING ON THE STAGE AND OFF Theatre, vol. 17, 1891. DUELS AND ORDEALS Mackay's Popular Delusions, 1869. DUELS IN FRANCE Cornhill Mag., vol. 15, 1890. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 76, 1897. DUELS OF ALL NATIONS Cornhill Magazine, vol. i, 1896, & vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DUELLING Andrews' Eighteenth Ceutury, 1856. ESSAY ON DUELLING British Essayists, vols. i & 2, 1823. IRISH DUELS All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. OLD LONDON DUELLING-GROUNDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. REMARKS ON DUELLING Larwood's Story of the London Parks, 1871. WHARTON AND SMART DUEL Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 1848. WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO FIGHT A DUEL Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. GENERAL Brace's Gesta Christi, 1882. Lennox's Fifty Years' Biographical _Reminiscences, 1863. Dufferin (Lady Harriot, Marchioness of, Ambassadress in Russia, Turkey, France, etc.} LADY DUFFERIN AND THE WOMEN OF INDIA Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. Dufferin (Helen, Lady, Poetess, died 1867) Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. Dufferin and Ava (Marquis of, Governor-General of Canada in 1872, Viceroy of India 1884, born 1826) Mrs. Sala's Famous People I have met, 1892. Strand Magazine [Brief Sketch], vol. 3, 1892. Duffy (Sir Charles Gavan, Statesman and Man of Letters, born 1816). A FAMOUS IRISH STATESMAN English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1896. Dufresny (C. R., French Dramatist, died 1724) Men and Women of France during the Eighteenth Century, 1852. Du Halde (J. B., French Geographer, died 1743). TRAVELS IN ASIA Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. " DuiliO " (An Italian Turret Battleship) Br&ssey's British Navy, 1882. Duke (R., Theologian and Poet, died 1711) Johnson's Lives of the English Poets, 1854. Dulwich (Noted for its " College of God's Gift," founded by Edward Alleyn, 1619). ACCOUNT OF DULWICH SCHOOL Staunton's Great Schools of England, 1865. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF DULWICH Suburban Homes of London, 1881. DULWICH GALLERY Black's Guide to London, V.D. FOUNDATION OF DULWICH COLLEGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. GENERAL Blanch's History of Camberwell, 1877. Galer's Norwood and Dulwich, 1890. Rogers' Reminiscenses, 1888. Du Maurier (George, A rtist and Novelist, died 1896). HOME OF DICKENS AND Du MAURIEK Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. IN BOHEMIA WITH Du MAURIER Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. REVIEW OF " TRILBY " Review of Reviews, vol. 12, 1895. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 34, 1897. Dumas (Alexandre, French Novelist, died 1870). ESSAYS ON DUMAS Lang's Essays. in Little, 1891. SOME ASPECTS OF THE GREATER DUMAS Temple Bar, vol. in, 1897. GENERAL Castelar's Life of Lord Byron and other Sketches, 1875. Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880 Dumas (Alexandre, Fils, Dramatist, died 1895). DEATH OF DUMAS THE YOUNGER New Review, vol. 14, 1896. DUMB-DUN WICH Dumb. EDUCATION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB Scribner's Magazine, vol. 12, 1892. FACTS ABOUT THE DEAF AND DUMB Sunday Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. HISTORY OF THE INSTRUCTION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB Hamilton's Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, 1852. TEACHING THE DUMB TO SPEAK Report of the British Association, 1880. TEACHING THE DUMB TO TALK Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. Dumbarton, Scotland Black's Guide to Glasgow. Hawthorne's Notes in England and Italy, 1869. Dumb-Bells. NOTES ABOUT DUMB-BELLS Archaeological Journal, vol. 53, 1896. Dumfries, Scotland Black's Guide to Scotland. Hawthorne's Notes in England and Italy, 1869. Beauties of Scotland, vol. 2, 1805. Dumouriez (Charles Francois, French General, died 1823) Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. Dunbar (William, Poet, died 1530) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Tytler's Lives of Scottish Worthies, 1831. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Duncan (Adam, Viscount Camperdovvn, Admiral, died 1804) James' Naval History, vols. i & 2, 1837. Ralfe's Naval Biography, vol. i, 1828. Duncan (John, Weaver and Botanist, died 1881) Page's Leaders of Men, 1881. Duncan (King of Strathdyde, murdered 1039). THE REIGN AND MURDER OF DUNCAN Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 2, 1870. " Duncan Gray " (Song-) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Dundas (Sir James Whitley Deans, Admiral, died 1862) Kinglake's Crimea, 1885-8. Dundee, Scotland. DUNDEE IN 1867 Doran's Memoirs of Our Great Towns, 1878. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 4. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Dundonald (Thomas Cochrane, Earl of, English A dmiral, died 1860) Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. Walford's Chapters from Family Chests, 1887. Dunedin, New Zealand Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Payton's Round About New Zealand, 1888. Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. Dunes (Sand-hills on the sea coast). FORMATION OF DUNES Reclus' Ocean, Atmos- phere, and Life, 1873. Nature, vol. 23, 1881. Dunfermline, Scotland (Ancient Town of Fife ; frequent Residence of Scottish Kings) Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i. Gentleman's Magazine [Abbey] , vol. 39, 1887. Dung. DUNG USED AS FUEL Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. Dungeons. THE DUNGEONS OF OLD PARIS Atalanta, 1898. See also Prisons, etc. Dungeness (The Foreland) Geographical Journal, vol. 9, 1897. Dunkeld (A Town of Perthshire). DUNKELD IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Beauties of Scotland, vol. 4, 1806. Dunkirk (Most Northerly Seaport of France). ENGLISH ACQUISITION AND Loss OF DUNKIRK Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. Dunlin (A Seabird of the Sand-piper Species, inhabiting the Arctic Seas) Morris' History of British Birds, vol. 5, iSgt. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Dunlop (Mrs., Friend of Robert Burns). See Burns (R). Dunmow, Essex (Remarkable for the ancient curtain of " The Dunmow Flitch ") History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 3, 1772. Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, 1892. vol. i. Hone's Everyday Book, vol. 2, 1827. Dunning (J., Lord Ashburton, Lawyer, died 1783) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, vols. Dunning (J. W., Entomologist, died 1897) Athenaeum, vol. 2, 1897. [6 & 7, 1856-7 Dunnock (Acceptor Modularis [Hedge Sparrow]) Morris' British Birds, vol. 3, 1891. Dunstable Priory, Bedford. DUNSTABLE PRIORY IN THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. Dunoon Argyllshire (Favourite Watering Place) Black's Guide to Glasgow, V.D. Dunstan (St., Archbishop of Canterbury, died 988). CHARACTER AND DEATH OF DUNSTAN Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. ST. DUNSTAN AND THE DEVIL Hone's Everyday Book, vol. i, 1826. GENERAL Godwin's Lives of the Necromancers, 1876. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Catholic World, vol. 29, 1879. Dunstan (Jeffrey, Mayor of Garratt, Wandsworth) Hone's Everyday Book, vol.2, 1827. Wilson's Book of Wonderful Characters, 1869. Dunstanburgh, Northumberland Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. Dunster (County). DUNSTER AND ITS CASTLE English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. DUNSTER AND ITS LORDS Archaeological Journal, vols. 37-38, 1880-1. DUNSTER CASTLE Archaeological Journal, vol. 36, 1879. Dunwich, Suffolk (Formerly Capital of the East Angles). DESCRIPTION OF TOWN OF DUNWICH Excursions through Suftolk, 1818. Cornhill Magazine, vol.47, 1883. [187] DUPANLOUP-DYEING Dupanloup (Felix Antoine F., Bishop of Orleans, died 1878) Oxenham's Ecclesiastical History, 1884. Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. Duperrey ( L. I., French Sea Captain, died 1865). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1888. Duppa (Brian, Bishop of Salisbury, died 1662) Stoughton's Church of the Reformation. Duppy (A Species of Negro Ghost or Spirit, usually evil). CONCERNING DUPPIES National Review, vol. 25, 1895. Dupr^ (A.) TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1888. DurangTO, Mexico Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 26, 1830. Durban, Natal Finch's To South Africa Back, 1890. Little's South Africa, 1884. Durer (Albert, German I'ainter and Engraver, died 1528). WORKS AND TIMES OF ALBERT DCRER Fairholt's Rambles of an Archaeologist amongst Old Books, etc., 1871. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. GENERAL W. B. Scott's Little Masters, 1879. Tirebuck's Great Minds in Art, 1887-8. DURHAM. DEDICATION NAMES OF ANCIENT CHURCHES IN THE COUNTIES OF DURHAM AND NORTHUMBERLAND Archaeological Journal, vol. 421 1885. DESCRIPTION OF DURHAM BY WILLIAM OF MALMESBURV Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. DURHAM BEFORE THE CONQUEST Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, 1852. DURHAM CATHEDRAL Baedeker's Great Britain, 1890. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 55 (n.s.), 1895. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY OF DURHAM CATHEDRAL Ward Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols., 1887. ROMANCE OF DURHAM CATHEDRAL Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. TOPOGRAPHY OF DURHAM Gentleman's Mag. Library [Topography, pt. iv.], 1893. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, '-vol. 2. Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1891. Stables' Cruise of the Land Yacht " Wanderer," 1886. Duse (Eleanora, Italian Actress, born 1859). ART OF ELEANORA DUSE Lady's Realm, GENERAL Century Mag., vol. 29, 1895-6. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 58, 1895. [vol. 3, 1897. Dussek (J. L., Musician, (tied 1812) Morris' Famous Musical Composers, 1891. Dusseldorf, Prussia Baedeker's Rhine : from Rotterdam to Constance, 1889. Dust. DUST AND DISEASE Nature, vol. i, 1870, & vol. 26, 1882. NUMBERING THE DUST [Particles in the Air] Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. GENERAL Longman's Magazine, vol. 18, 1891. Nature, vol. 31, 1885. Dustmen (Scavengers) Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886. Dustyard.8 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. Dutch East Indies Wallace's Australasia [Stanford's Compendium], 1888. Dutt (Toru, Hindu Poetess, died 1877) Gosse's Critical Kit-Kats, 1896. Duty. DEFINITION OF DUTY International Journal of Ethics, vol. 7, 1896-7. HAPPINESS OF DUTY Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. MORALITY OF DUTIES Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. RIGHTS AND DUTIES International Journal of Ethics, vol. 6, 1895-6. SACREDNESS OF PUBLIC DUTIES Farrar's Present-day Questions, 1892. STATE DUTIES Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. GENERAL Bain's The Emotionsand the Will, 1875. Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1860. Hamerton's Intellectual Life, 1890. Sunday Mag., vol. 24, 1888. Duval (Claude, Highwayman, executed 1670) Griffiths' Chronicles of Newgate, 1884. Duval (V. J., Professor in the Academy of Luneville, died 1775) Davenport's Lives of Individuals who have raised themselves from Poverty to Eminence, 1841. Dvlna River (Two Rivers of Russia) Hepworth Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. Dvorak (A., Bohemian Musical Composer, born 1841) Morris' Famous Musical Composers, 1891. Music, vol. 4. Saturday Review, vol. 81, 1896. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1890. Dwarfs. ABNORMAL RACES OF MAN C. H. Smith's Natural History of the Human CENTRAL AFRICAN DWARFS Stanley's In Darkest Africa, 1890. [Species, 1852. GIANTS AND DWARFS Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. PIGMIES OF THE GREAT AFRICAN FOREST Scribner's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. GENERAL Brewer's Phrase and Fable. Chambers' Book of Days, 2 vols. Hone's Works, 4 vols. Dwellings- DWELLING, SITE, SOIL, ASPECT Spon's Household Manual, 1887. IMPROVEMENT OF WORKING-CLASS HOMES Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. LAKK DWELLINGS Figuier's Primitive Man, 1870. PRIMITIVE DWELLINGS Tylrr's Anthropology, 1892. See also under Buildings, Houses, Residences, Sanitation, etc. Dwight (Timothy, Ametican Writer, died 1817) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Dyaks (An Aboriginal Race inhabiting the Islands of the Indian Archipelago), BELIEFS OF THE DYAKS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. DYAKS OF BORNEO Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. Spectator, vol. 78. 1897. GENERAL Hornaday's Two Years in the Jungle, 1885. "D'ye ken John Peel?" (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. DYEING. ANCIENT DYEING Napier's Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times, 1879. DYEING IN BIBLICAL TIMES Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. DYEING OF TEXTILE FABRICS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-6, 1897. [188] DYEING-EARTH Dyeing (continued). FAMOUS DYES AND DYERS Burnley's Romance of Modern Industry, 1889. POISONOUS STOCKING DYE [Coralline] The Student of Science, Literature, and Art, vol. 3, 1869. VARIOUS DYES [see under the name of colour required] Cass. Tech. Ed., vols. 1-6,1897. GENERAL Taylor's History of the Factory-System, 1886. And under Colour, etc. Dyer (Sir Edward, Poet, died 1607) Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Dyer (John, Poet, died 1758) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1885. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Dyer (Mary, Quakeress, suffered martyrdom 1660) Anderson's Memorable Women, 1862. Dying. DYING SPEECHES Curiosities of Street Literature. THE ART OF DYING Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. DYING IN HARNESS Spectator, vol. 71, 1893. See also Death. Dynamics (The Science treating of Matter and Motion). Nature, vols. 47 & 48, 1893; 49. 1894; 5i, 1895- Dynamite (An Explosive Compound produced by the admixture of Nitro-Glycerint and Kieselgtthr). ARTICLE ON EXPLOSIVES All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. IN A DYNAMITE FACTORY Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. MANUFACTURE OF DYNAMITE Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. Dynamos. COMBINED COMPOUND ENGINE AND DYNAMO Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. DYNAMOMETER CAR Spoil's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. FARADAY'S DISCOVERY OF INDUCTION AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DYNAMO Mendenhall's Century of Electricity, 1887. How TO MAKE A DYNAMO Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. MANAGEMENT OF DYNAMOS Thompson's Dynamo-Electric Machinery, 1892. NOTES ON DYNAMOS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-3, 1897. Dynes Hall, Essex Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. JjjADGYTH ([Edith] Daughter of Earl Godwin and wife of Edward the Confessor) Church's Eaily Britain, 1891. Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 2, 1870. Sadie (J., Scotch United Presbyterian Minister, Author of the "Bible Encyclopedia" died 1876) Teachers and Preachers of Recent Times, 1881. Eagle. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES OF THE EAGLE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. i. Morris' British Birds, vol. i, 1891. HABITS AND ANECDOTES OF THE EAGLE St. John's Wild Sports, 1888. SPOTTED EAGLES, ETC. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. THE GOLDEN EAGLE Morris 1 British Birds, vol. i, 1891. GENERAL Brewer's Phrase and Fable. Hasting's Dictionary of Bible, vol. i, 1898. Ealdormen (An Ancient Thane or Nobleman, havine supreme command over his County). DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EALDORMEN AND KINGS Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. Baling, Middlesex. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF BALING Suburban HomesofLon., 1881. Ear. AN ESTHETIC SENSE Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. CHAPTER ON EARS Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. EYES AND EARS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. GENERAL Brewer's Phrase and Fable, 1895. Ear-Rings. BIBLICAL EAR-RINGS Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. TORQUES, EAR-RINGS AND PERSONAL ADORNMENTS OF THE BRONZE AGE Evans" Bronze Implements, 1881. Earls. THE EARLDOMS UNDER EDWARD I. Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 8 (n.s.), 1894. Early Rising. EARLY TO BED AND EARLY TO RISE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 341], 1883. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 34 (n.s,), 1885. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Earn Loch (Scottish Lake)LyAoi\ & Croat's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Earnestness Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. EARTH. (See also Geology, Ocean, Universe, World, etc.) AGE OF THE EARTH Draper's Religion and Science. Nature, vol. 51, 1894. ARE THE DIMENSIONS OF THE PHYSICAL WORLD ABSOLUTE? Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. FORMATION OF THE GLOBE Pouchet's Universe : the Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Little, 1870. FUTURE DESTINY OF THE EARTH Hitchcock's Religion of Geology, 1851. INTERIOR OF THE EARTH Judd's Volcanoes, 1881. INTERNAL FLUIDITY OF THE EARTH Nature, vol. 5, 1872. MEASUREMENT OF THE EARTH Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. REMARKS ON THE EARTH Pouchet's Universe: the Infinitely Great and the Infinitely STABILITY OF THE EARTH Scribner's Magazine, vol. i, 1887. [Little, 1870. TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH Humboldt's Cosmos, 1847. THE EARTH PEOPLED Wilberforce's Five Empires, 1874. WEIGHING OF THE EARTH Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. Strand Mag., vol. 13, 1897. GENERAL Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. [189] EARTHENWARE-EASTBOURNE Earthenware. CREAM-COLOUR AND AGATE-WARE Solon's English Potter, 1885. And tinder China-ware, Pottery, etc. EARTHQUAKES. (See also Seismology, Volcanoes, etc.) AFTER-SHOCKS OF EARTHQUAKES Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. ARTICLE ON EARTHQUAKES Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. BIBLICAL EARTHQUAKES Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. I, 1898. CAUSE OF EARTHQUAKES Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. CONSTANTINOPLE EARTHQUAKE OF JULY IOTH, 1894 Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. DESCRIPTION OK EARTHQUAKES Humboldt's Cosmos, 1847. EARTHQUAKE AND VOLCANIC PHENOMENA IN JAPAN British. Assoc. Reports, 1895. EARTHQUAKE AT LAODICEA, 60 A D. Lynam's Roman Emperors, 1850. EARTHQUAKE AT POMPEII, 63 A.D. Lynam's Roman Emperors, 1850. EARTHQUAKE IN AMERICA Nelson's Panama, 1891. EARTHQUAKE IN PERU Proctor's Light Science for Leisure Hours, 1875. EARTHQUAKE OF 1812 IN CARACAS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 27, 1830. EARTHQUAKE WAVES IN THE PACIFIC Nature, vol. i, 1869. EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES Nature, vol. 6, 1872. EARTHQUAKES IN ENGLAND Longman's Magazine, vol. 4, 1884. EARTHQUAKES IN LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. FEARFUL EARTHQUAKE IN CHINA Nature, vol. 4, 1871. GREAT EARTHQUAKE IN JAPAN Nature, vol. 46, 1892. How TO MEASURE EARTHQUAKES Century Magazine, vol. 25 (n.s.), 1893-4. How TO OBSERVE EARTHQUAKES Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. ISCHIA AND ITS EARTHQUAKE Cornliill Magazine, vol. 16, 1891. NATURE OF EARTHQUAKES Jukes- Browne's Physical Geology, 1853. PHENOMENA OF EARTHQUAKES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1868. REGISTERING SHOCKS OF EARTHQUAKES British Association Report, 1842. REMARKS ON EARTHQUAKES Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. SOUTH AMERICAN EARTHQUAKES Humboldt's Travels, 1852. THEORIES OF ELEVATION AND EARTHQUAKES Biitish Association Report, 1847. USEFULNESS OF EARTHQUAKES Proctor's Light Science, 1875. VOLCANIC EARTHQUAKE Hull's Volcanoes, 1892. VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES Pouchet's Universe: Infinitely Great & Little, 1870. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Daily Graphic, vol. 20, 1894. Holder's Darwin, 1891. Nature, vol. 48, 1893. Sunday at Home, vol. 8, 1861. Wright's Our World. Chambers' Book of Days, 2 vols. Hone's Works, 4 vols. Earthworks (Military Fortifications formed chiefly of Earth). ACCOUNTS OF EN- CAMPMENTS, EARTHWORKS, ETC. Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Archaeology, part i.], EARTHWORKS OF THE BRITONS Barnes' Ancient Britons, 1858. [1886. EARTHWORKS OF THE POST-ROMAN AND ENGLISH PERIOD Archaeological Journal, vol. 38, 1881. Clark's Miliiary Architecture, 1884. ROMAN EARTHWORKS IN WALES Archaeologia Cambriensis, various vols. ROMAN DEFENSIVE WORKS Archaeological Journal, vol. 37, 1880. GENERAL Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part i.], 1886. EARTHWORM. DESCRIPTION OF THE EARTHWORM Huxley's Practical Biology, EARTHWORMS AND OCEANIC ISLANDS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. [1889. EARTHWORMS AND THE EARTH'S HISTORY Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. EARTHWORMS AND THE GROWTH OF THE SOIL Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1882. EARTHWORMS AND THEIR ALLIES Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. HABITS, FOOD, AND USES OF THE EARTHWORM Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1878. NEW BRITISH EARTHWORMS Nature, vol. 46, 1892. GENERAL Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. Nature, vol. 29, 1884. Earwigs. THOSE HORRID EARWIGS Strand Magazine [Glimpses of Nature], vol. 14, Easby Abbey Thomas & Katherine Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. [1897. East (The). ASIA MINOR RE-DISCOVERED Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. TRAVELS IN SYRIA, PALESTINE, ARABIA, NILE, NUBIA, ETC. Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. GENERAL Church's Stories of the East from Herodotus. See also Armenia, Asia, China, Crete, Eastern Question, India, Japan, Greece, Russia, Turkey, etc. East Anglia. FOUNDING OF THE KINGDOM OF EAST ANGLIA Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. NOTES ON THE BISHOPS OF EAST ANGLIA Proceedings of Arch. Institute, 1847. East Ham, Essex. FRESCOES DISCOVERED IN EAST HAM CHURCH Essex Archaeolo- gical Society's Transactions, vol. i, 1858. ROMAN SEPULCHRAL REMAINS AT EAST HAM Essex Archaeological Society's Transactions, vol. 3, 1865. GENERAL Thome's Handbook to the Environs of London, 1876. East India Company Burke's Works, 1834. See also India. East London. SUNDAY IN EAST LONDON Sunday at Home, vol. 42, 1895. East Lothian. TWENTY YEARS AGO IN EAST LOTHIAN Macmillan'sMag.,v. 64, 1891. Eastbourne, Sussex (Sea-side Resort). AN ACCOUNT OF OLD EASTBOURNE Gentle- man's Magazine, vol. 283, 1897. GENERAL Black's Guides to Sussex. Leisure Hour, vol. 13, 1864. [190] EASTER-EDEN Easter (Festival to Commemorate Christ's Resurrection). ANCIENT ENGLISH OFFICE OF THE EASTER SEPULCHRE Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 37, 1895. EASTER CUSTOMS Frazer's Golden Hough, 1890. EASTER EGGS Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897 EASTER IN RUSSIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. RULE FOR FINDING EASTER Wheatley's Book of Common Prayer, 1849. GENERAL Antiquary, vol. 5, 1882. Chambers' Books of Days, 2 vols. Hone's Works. Easter Island, South Pacific Ocean Nature, vol. 46, 1892. Eastern Question. FAR EASTERN QUESTION -Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. NEW SITUATION IN THE FAR EAST Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. SERVIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. SLAUGHTER OF ARMENIANS IN CONSTANTINOPLE, 1896 Scribner'slMag,, vol. 21, 1897. TURKISH REFORMS AND ARMENIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. WILFUL ISOLATION OF ENGLAND Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. See also Armenia, Bulgaria, Crete, East, Greece, Russia, Turkey, etc. Eastlake (Sir Charles Lock, Noted A rtist, died 1865) Cunningham's Brit. Painters, v. 3. Easton Lodge, Essex Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. Eating. ANECDOTES OF GOURMANDS Book of Table Talk, 1836. EATING AND DRINKING Jowett's College Sermons, 1895. Eraser's Mag., v. 36, 1847. See also Cookery, Diet, Digestion, Food, Gastronomy, etc. Eaton Hall, Cheshire (Residence of the Grosvenor Family) Crickmore's Old Chester, 1895. Woman at Home, vol. 5, 1895. Ebers (Georg, Egyptologist and Novelist, born 1837), M.A. Academy, vol. 51, 1897. Saturday Review, vol. 54, Ebony. VARIETIES OF EBONY Art Journal, vol. 24, 1872. Ebro (A Spanish River) Ford's Gatherings from Spain, 1846. Ebsambal, Nubia Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. Ecart< (A Game of Cards). GAME OF ECARTE All the Year Round, vol. 17, 1866-7. Ecbatana (Ancient Metropolis of Media) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1846. " Ecce Homo" (Latin for "Behold the Man"; the title of a celebrated work by J.R.Seeley). SURVEY OF THE BOOK " ECCE HOMO" ON THE LIFE AND WORK OF CHRIST Macmillan's Mag., vol. 14, 1866. Gladstone's Gleanings, 1879. Eccentricity. ECCENTRICITY IN RELATION TO GENIUS Nisbet's Insanity of Genius. Ecclefechan (Birthplace of Thomas Carlylc) Reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle, 1887. ECCles (Town near Manchester) Murray's Guide to Lancashire, V.D. Ecclesiastes (Title of one of the Books of the Bible) AUTHORSHIP AND DATE OF ECCLESIASTES Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. GENERAL Bradley's Lectures on Ecclesiastes. Hamilton's Royal Preacher, 1884. Ecclesiastical History, etc. ECCLESIASTICAL ADMINISTRATION Church's Saint Anselm, 1891. ECCLESIASTICAL COURTS Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. ECCLESIASTICAL POMP Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. GENERAL Hallam's Europe during the Middle Ages, 1871. Maclear's Conversion of the West. Merle D'Aubigne's Reformation, 1846. Stoughton's Religion in England, 1884." Wakeman'sHist.of theChuich of Eng., 1896. Andunder Church, etc. Echinoderms (A Class of Marine Animals with thorny hedgehog-like skins). ECHINO- DERMS SPICULES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 5, 1868. Echo. FAMOUS ECHOES Hartwig's Aerial World, 1874. Eckius (Romanist adversary of Luther) Milner's History of the Church of Christ, 1840. Eclipses. HISTORICAL ECLIPSES Leisure Hour, vol. 22, 1873. TOTAL ECLIPSE OF 1896 Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN Leisure Hour, vol. 14, 1865. Nature, vols. 24, 25, and 26, 1881-2. TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, JANUARY 22ND, 1898 Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. Set also Sitn, Moon, Astronomy, etc. Economics. ECONOMIC SCIENCE Guyot's Social Economy, 1885. RELATION BETWEEN ETHICS AND ECONOMICS Inter. Journal of Ethics, vol. 3, 1892-3. STUDIES IN ECONOMICS Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. Economy. METHODS OF ECONOMY Smiles' Thrift [Social Questions, etc.], 1875. PETTY ECONOMIES Woman, April, 1895. RIGHT AND WRONG ECONOMY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Edam, Holland Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Eddas (The name of two collections of ancient Scandinavian literature). THE EARLIER AND LATER EDDAS Du Chaillu's Viking Age, 1889. Eddystone Lighthouse. VISIT TO THE EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE Strand, v. 4, 1892. GENERAL Gilpin's Observations on the Western Parts of England, 1808. Whyniper's The Sea and its Stirring Story of Adventure, etc. See also Lighthouses. Edelweiss (An Alpine Plant). SEARCH AFTER EDELWEISS Cornhill Mag., vol. 18, 1892. Eden(Chas. Page, Vicar of Aberford, died 1885) Burgon's Lives of Twelve Good Men, 1888. [191] EDEN EDRIDGE Eden (Site of Paradise). GARDEX AND REGION OF EDEN: Their Location Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. GARDEN OF EDEN DISCOVERED Pearson's Mag., vol. 5, 1898. LOCATION OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. GENERAL Kitto's Scripture Lands, 1850. Picturesque Palestine ; etc. Edenvale.- EDENVALE IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Edgar (Saxon Brctwalda of England, died 975) Church's Early Britain, 1891. Free- man's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 1852. Edgar Atheling (Grandson of Edmund Ironside, diedabont 1120) Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 3, 1870. Edgehill, Warwickshire. BATTLE OF EDGEHILL Archaeological Journal, vol.46, 1889. GENERAL Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Edgeworth (Maria, Novelist and Educational Writer, died 1849). BRIEF SKETCH OF MARIA EDGEWORTH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. Temple Bar, vol. 105, 1895. STUDY OF Miss EDGEWORTH Thackeray's Sibyls, 1883. GENERAL Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1889. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. L'Estrange's Friendships of Mary Russell Mittord, 1882. Oliphant's Literary History, vol. 3, 1882. Walford's Twelve English Authoresses, 1892. Edgeworthtown (Where Miss Edgeworth died). EDGEWORTHTOWN IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Edible Birds' Nests Brassey's Last Voyage, 1889. See also Nests. Edible Nest Caves Abercromby's Seas and Skies in many Latitudes, 1888. Nests. Edicts Of Nantes Smiles' Lives of the Huguenots in France, 1874. EDINBURGH (Metropolis of Scotland ; one of the finest and most ancient Cities in the British Empire. See also Holyrood, Scotland, etc.) ACCOUNT OF THE QUEEN'S PARK Art Journal (n.s.), 1894. AN ANGLO-INDIAN.'S ^RECOLLECTIONS OF THE EDINBURGH MEDICAL SCHOOL Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. DESCRIPTION OF EDINBURGH BY MRS. OI.IPHANT English Illustrated Mag., 1890-1. EDINBURGH IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. F.DINBURGH IN 1871 Doran's Our Great Towns, 1878. GREAT CENTRES OK RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. MEDICAL STUDENT LIFE IN EDINBURGH Thomson's Memoirs of Elmslie, 1881 PROFESSOR BLACKIE IN EDINBURGH Stoddart's John Stuart Blackie, 1895. REMINISCENCES OF EDINBURGH SOCIETY NEARLY FIFTY YEARS AGO Longman's Magazine, vol. 21. 1892-3. REMINISCENCES OF EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. n, 1864-5. SABBATH IN EDINBURGH Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. ST. ANTHONY'S CHAPEL, EDINBURGH [Views and Plans] Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. 30. SOUTH LOWLANDS OF SCOTLAND & EDINBURGH Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. r. THE YOUNG MEN OF EDINBURGH The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. VISIT TO EDINBURGH Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 14, 1846. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, 1890. Black's Guide to Scotland. Black's Where shall we go. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, 1887. Land We Live in, vol. 3. Stables' Cruise of the Land Yacht ''Wanderer," 1891. Stowe's Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-8. "Edinburgh Review." COMMENCEMENT OF THE "EDINBURGH REVIEW" Cockburn's Life of Lord Jeffrey, 1852. "EDINBURGH REVIEW" AND THE SCOTCH BAR Brougham's Life and Times, 1881. GENERAL Westminster Review, vol. i, 1824. Edison (Thomas Alva, American Electrician and Inventor, born 1847). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 8, 1893. Leisure Hour, vol. 30, 1881. SKETCH OF EDISON Munro's Heroes of the Telegraph, 1890. SKETCH OF His LIFE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. TALKS WITH EDISON Harper's Magazine, vol. 80, 1890. THE WIZARD OF MENLO PARK Nature, vol. 52, 1895. Editors. AMERICAN EDITORS Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. EVOLUTION OF EDITORS National Review, vol. 26, 1896. IN THE SUB-EDITOR'S ROOM Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. Edmonton, Middlesex. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF EDMONTON Suburban Homes of London, 1881. Edmonton Fort, British North America Butler's Great Lone Land, 1873. Edmund Ironside (King of England, died about 1016) Church's Early Britain, 1891. Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. Pearson's Early and Mediasval England, 1887. Edomites. EDOM AND THE EDOMITES Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. WARS OF THE EDOMITES Ewald's Israel, vol. 3, 1869-88. Edridge, (Henry, Artist, died 1821) Monkhouse's Earlier English Water Colour Pa'inters, 1890. [192] EDUCATION EDUCATION. (See also Colleges, Learning, Schools, Study, Tuition, Universities, etc.) A SCHEME IN LIEU OF PAYMENT BY RESULTS Longman's Magazine, vol. 13, 1888-9. ADDRESSES ON EDUCATION Froude's Short Studies on Great Subjects, 1891. Lub- bock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. AMERICA. AMERICAN EDUCATION Trollope's North America, 1862. COMMON SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES, U.S.A. Reminiscences of America in EDUCATION IN AMERICA Dixon's White Conquest, 1876. [1869-70. FREEDOM OK TEACHING IN AMERICA Westminster Review, vol. 149, 1898. NEW YORK COMMON SCHOOLS Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1894-5. " SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION IN AMERICA -Nature, vol. 52, 1895. ARE OUR CHILDREN BEING OVER-EDUCATED? Cassell's Magzine, vol. 20, 1894. ATHLETICS AND EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. AUSTRALIA. EDUCATION IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA Harcus' South Australia, 1876. EDUCATION SYSTEMS Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Dale's Impressions of Australia, 1889. PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM Parke's Fifty Years of Australian History, vol. 2, 1892. BELGIUM EDUCATION QUESTION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. BIRMINGHAM LEAGUE AND THE EDUCATION ACT, 1873 Fawcett's Speeches on Political Questions, 1873. BOARD SCHOOLS. DEBATE ON ASSISTANCE TO BOARD SCHOOLS Spectator, vol. 78, DOOMED BOARD SCHOOLS Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1896. [1897 RELIGIOUS TEACHING IN BOARD SCHOOLS Buxton's Political Questions of the " BUCK UP AND LOOK SLIPPY ! " Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. [Kay, 1885. CAPE COLONY EDUCATION Silver's South Africa, 1891. CASE OF APPEAL AND EDUCATION De Quincey's Un< ollected Writings, 1890. CATHOLIC EDUCATION IN ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. CLASSICS IN EDUCATION All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. COLONIAL EDUCATION Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Macmillan's Mag., vol 66,1892. Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. COMMERCIAL EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1898. COMPARISON OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH EDUCATION Stanley's Life and Corres- pondence of Thomas Arnold, 1893. COMPULSORY EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. COMTE AND PRIMARY EDUCATION Positivist Review, vol. 3, 1895. CONSERVATIVE PARTY AND EDUCATION National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. COUNTRY DAY-SCHOOL SEVENTY YEARS AGO Longman's Magazine, vol. 13, 1888-9. COUNTY COUNCILS AND RURAL EDUCATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. CRAMMING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. DEFECTS IN GENERAL EDUCATION Nature, vol. 3, 1870. DENOMINATIONAL EDUCATION FROM A NATIONAL POINT OF VIEW Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 29, 1873-4. DISADVANTAGES or HIGHER EDUCATION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. EARLY ENGLISH EDUCATION [Early English Meals and Manners] Early English Text Society's Reprints, No. 32, ifc68. EARLY EFFORTS IN THE CAUSE OF EDUCATION Mackay's Forty Years Recollec., 1877. EDUCATION AND ELECTIONS Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. EDUCATION AND INVENTION Engineer, vol 81, 1896. EDUCATION AND THE WORKING MAN English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. EDUCATION BILL, 1896 National Review, vol. 27, 1896. EDUCATION BILL AND LONDON London, vol. 6. 1897. EDUCATION BILL FROM THE OLD NONCONFORMIST STANDPOINT Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1896. EDUCATION IN SWEDEN, NORWAY, LAPLAND, AND FINLAND Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1881-2. EDUCATION IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Brown's Life of George Buchanan: Humanist and Reformer, 1890. EDUCATION IN THE WEST Harper's Magazine, vol.24, 1892. EDUCATION OF AFTER LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. EDUCATION OF CHILDREN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. EDUCATION OF PAUPER CHILDREN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. EDUCATION OF THE BLIND Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. EDUCATION OF THE DEAF : Historical Notes Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8, 1880. EDUCATION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. EDUCATION THROUGH THE SENSES Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 2. EDUCATIONAL ORGANISATION OF THE MENDICANT FRIARS IN ENGLAND Transac- tions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8 (n.s.), 1894. EFFICIENCY OF VOLUNTARY SCHOOLS Fortnightly Review, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1897. ELEMENTARY AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION Daily Graphic, vol. ai, 1895. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION AND TAXATION Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION AND THE DECAY OF LITERATURE igth Cent., vol.35, 1894. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION IN SCOTLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION OF EGYPTIANS Lane's Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, 1842. EXAMINATION AND EDUCATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. FACTORY EDUCATION BILL J. M. McKerrow's Life of William McKerrow, 1881. FALSE STEP IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. O [ 193 ] EDUCATION Education (continued). FEMALE EDUCATION Chester's Girls and Women, 1891. Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. Sydney Smith's Prose Works, 1845. COLLEGE FOR RICH AND POOR Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects, 1857. EDUCATION AT OXFORD Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. EDUCATION IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Macmillan's Mag., vol. 14, 1866. EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES Tocqueville's Democracy in America, 1862. EDUCATION OF GIRLS Brit. Essayist, vol. 3, 1823. Macmillan's Mag., vol.68, 1893. EDUCATION OF GIRLS IN FRANCE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 14, 1893. EDUCATION OF GIRLS IN ITALY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. EDUCATION OF OUR GIRLS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. GIRLS' SCHOOLS OF TO-DAY Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. GIRTON AND NEWNHAM COLLEGES Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. LETTERS ON FEMALE EDUCATION British Essayist, vol. 6, 1823. WOMAN'S COLLEGE IN THE UNITED STATES Nineteenth Century, vol.23, '888. WOMEN OF THE MIDDLE AND UPPER CLASSES Macmillan's Mag., vol. 17, 1867-8. FRANCE. EDUCATION QUESTION Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. EDUCATION IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Morley's Rousseau, 1888. FRENCH ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 13, 1883 FREE SCHOOLS Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. FUTURE OF EDUCATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. GERMAN EDUCATION Chetwynd's Life in a German Village, 1880. HEALTH THROUGH EDUCATION Richardson's The Commonhealth, 1887. How TO GIVE HIGH EDUCATION Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-84. How TO IMPROVE ONE'S EDUCATION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. HUNGARIAN REPORT ON ENGLISH EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. IDEAS ON EDUCATION IN I4TH CENTURY Collingwood's Life of Bernard Gilpin, 1884. INDIA. GOVERNMENT EDUCATION IN INDIA Macleod's Peeps at the Far East, 1871. MADRAS SYSTEM Dublin Review, vol. 119, 1896. INTELLECTUAL EDUCATION Spencer's Education. Intellectual, Moral, Physical, 1890. IRISH EDUCATION Nineteenth Century, vols. 19, 1886, & 39, 1896. Westminster Rev., IRISH ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Contemporary Rev., vol. 73, 1898. [vol. 148, 1897. IRISH INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. ITALIAN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. JAPANESE EDUCATION Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. LEGAL EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 25, 1871-2. [Life, 1873. LETTERS ON EDUCATION British Essayists, vol. 5, 1823. Hamerton's Intellectual LIBERAL EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vols. 15, 1866-7, & '7. 1867-8. LOCAL SUPPORT OF EDUCATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. MIDDLE CLASS EDUCATION Macmillan's Mag., vol. 25, 1871-2. igth Cent., vol. 13.1883. MEXICAN LANGUAGE AND EDUCATION Howell's Mexico: its Progress, etc., 1892. MODERN EDUCATION Contemporary Rev., vol. 70, 1896. Nine. Cent., vol. 42, 1897. NATIONAL EDUCATION Lubbock's Use of Life, 1894. Macmillan's Magazine, vol.4, 1861, & vol. 35, 1876-7. National Review, vol. i, 1883. NATIONAL NECESSITIES AS THE BASES OF NATIONAL EDUCATION Richardson's Commonhealth, 1887. NATIONALISATION OF EDUCATION AND THE UNIVERSITIES Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. NAVAL EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. NEW DEPARTURE IN EDUCATION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. [1880. NEW ZEALAND EDUCATION Bathgate's New Zealand: its Resources and Prospects, NORTH AMERICAN EDUCATION Hayden's North America, 1883. OLD AND NEW SCHOOLMASTER Lamb's Essays of Elia, 1867. OUR NATIONAL SEMINARY OF LEARNING Harper's Magazine, vol. 96, 1898. OVER-PRESSURE IN SCHOOLS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE SOCIETIES Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. PERSIAN EDUCATION Wills' Land of the Lion and the Sun, or Modern Persia, 1881. PLACE OF LIBRARIES IN RELATION TO ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, AND HIGHER EDUCATION The Library, vol. 5, 1893. PLEASURE AND PAIN IN EDUCATION International Journal of Ethics, vol. 2, 1891-2. POPULAR EDUCATION Lytton's England and the English, 1874. POPULAR EDUCATION AND ITS RELATION TO RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS Shuttle- worth's Thoughts and Suggestions on Certain Social Problems, 1873. POPULAR EDUCATION AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY New Review, vol. 15, 1896. POPULARISATION OF KNOWLEDGE Lecky's History of England in the i8th Cent., 1892. POSITION OF THE EDUCATION QUESTION Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. PREPARATORY SCHOOL Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. PREPARATORY SCHOOL ASSISTANT MASTERS Longman's Magazine, vol. 31, 1897-8. PRIMARY EDUCATION AND THE STATE Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. PROBLEM OF EDUCATION Progressive Review, vol. i. 1896-7. PRODUCTION OF LEARNED PIGS AMONG THE POOR Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. PROPERTY AND EDUCATION Rigg's National Education in its Social Cond., 1873. PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR THE UNORTHODOX Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. RANGE OF MODERN KNOWLEDGE Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. RATIONAL EDUCATION Academy, vol. 51, 1897. RECENT PROGRESS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1894-5. REFORM IN EDUCATION International Journal of Ethics, vol. 6, 1895-6. RELATIONS OF THE DRAMA TO EDUCATION, 1895 Jones' Renascence of the English RELIGION AND EDUCATION Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. [Drama, 1895. [194] EDUCATION-EDWARD III. Education (continued). REMARKS ON EDUCATION Channing's Complete Works, 1885. RE-OPENING THE EDUCATION SETTLEMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS FOR FAILURE OF MODERN EDUCATION Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. ROUSSEAU'S THEORY OF EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, iSga-3. RUSSIAN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES Stoddard's Across Russia, 1892. SCHOOLS AND SCHOOLING IN CHINA Fielde's Corner of Cathay, 1894. SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY Besant's Fifty Years Ago, 1888. SECONDARY EDUCATION COMMISSION REPORT Contemporary Review, vol. 68. 1895, Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. SELF EDUCATION Lubbock's Use of Life, 1^94. SIXTY YEARS OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. STATE AND EDUCATION Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. STATE EDUCATION : Past and Future Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 5, 1861-2. STATE OF EDUCATION IN THE 14 CENTURY Warburton's Edward III., 1876. STIMULUS IN EDUCATION Sidgwick's Three Lectures on Education, 1883. SUGGESTIONS ON PRIMARY EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. TEACHING BY WORDS Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects, 1857. TEACHING OF HISTORY IN SCHOOLS Trans, of the Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 4 (n.s.), 1889. TEACHING OF HISTORY IN SCHOOLS AND ITS RESULTS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. TECHNICAL EDUCATION Meliora, vol n, 1868. TECHNICAL EDUCATION A NATIONAL WANT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. TECHNICAL EDUCATION FOR BOYS AND MF.N Murray's Magazine, vol. 8, 1890. TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION IN ESSEX Essex Review, vol. 3, 1894. THE COLLEGE AND THE HOSPITAL Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects, 1857. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF EDUCATION Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 5, THEORY OF EXAMINATIONS Ray Lankester's Advancement of Science, 1890. THOUGHTS ON EDUCATION Maurice's Life of F. D. Maurice, 1884. TRAINING FOR AFTER-LIFE Baker's War with Crime, 1889. TRIANGULAR BATTLE FOR EDUCATION Dublin Review, vol. 120, 1897. [1880. TRINIDAD EDUCATION QUESTION Kingsley's At Last: a Voyage to the West Indies, USE OF ENGLISH CLASSICAL LITERATURE IN THE WORK OF EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. VOLUNTARY SCHOOLS Contemporary Rev., v. 67, 1895. Nineteenth Cent., v. 40, 1896. WHAT JOHN KNOX DID FOR SCOTCH EDUCATION Macmillan's Mag., vol. 22, 1870. WORKERS ON BEHALF OF EDUCATION Adams' Earnest Lives, 1884. WORTH OF EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1860. Christopher Words- worth's Life of William Wordsworth. Coghlan's Wealth and Progress of New South Wales, 1890. Cunningham's Path towards Knowledge, 1891. Daily Graphic, vol. 7, 1891. Lacroix's Eighteenth Century, 1876. Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1842. Malthus' Population, 1888. Proverbs of Solomon; classified and arranged as a guide through life, 1870. Russell's Selections from Speeches and Despatches, 1870. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1887. Whewell's Elements of Morality including Polity, 1848. Edward the Elder (Saxon King of England, son of Alfred the Great, died 925). EDWARD THE ELDER AND ATHELSTAN Church's Early Britain, 1891. EDWARD AND EDRED Church's Early Britain, 1891. GENERAL Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 1852. Pearson's Early and Middle Ages, 1867. Edward the Martyr (Saxon King of England, assassinated 978). Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol.- i, 1870. Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 1852. Pearson's Early and Middle Ages, 1867. Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 17, 1889. Edward the Confessor (Saxon King of England, died 1066). Church's Early Britain, 1891. Cornhill Magazine, vol. i (n.s.), 1896. Freeman's Norman Con- quest, vol. 2, 1870. Good Words, vol. 30, 1889. Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 1852. Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. Old England : a Pictorial Museum, 1854. Edward I. (Norman King of England, died 1307). EARLDOMS UNDER EDWARD I. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8 (n.s.), 1894. EXPULSION OF THE JEWS BY EDWARD I. Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, vol. i, 1856. Hosack's Law of Nations, 1882. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 7, 1872. Freeman's Nor. Con., vol. i, 1870. Edward II. (King of England, son of Edward I., murdered 1327). EDWARD II. DEPOSED BY PARLIAMENT Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. GENERAL Antiquary, vols. 30 & 31, 1894-5. Campbell'sLord Chancellors, vol. 1,1856. Edward III. (King of England, son of Edward II., and Father to the Black Prince ; conquered a large portion of France and also of Scotland, died 1377). COMMERCIAL POLICY OF EDWARD III. Transactions of the Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 4 (n.s ), 1889. EDWARD III. AND HIS ADMIRAL, ROBERT DE MORLEY Half Hours in Early Naval Adventure, 1897. His FIGHT BEFORE CALAIS Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, vol. 3, 1887. GENERAL Adams' Great Names in European History. Campbell's Lord Chan- cellors, vol. i, 1856. Hosack's Law of Nations, 1882. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. :. [195] EDWARD-EGRET Edward I., II., & III. TOMBS OF THE ENGLISH KINGS Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. Edward IV. (King of England, died 1483). TRANSACTIONS IN BRISTOL IN REIGN OF EDWARD IV. Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1851. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, vol. i, 1856. Jeaffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. Edward V. (King of England, murdered in the Tower 1483.). MURDER OF EDWARD V. AND THE DUKE OF YORK De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. Edward VI. (King of England, died 1553). CORONATION OF EDWARD VI. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. GENERAL Blunt's Reformation, 1832. Brook's Puritans, 1813. Cobbett's Protestant Reformation, 1857. Froude's History of England, 1870. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Price's Protestant Nonconformity, 1836. Edward Of Lancaster (Son of Henry VI., murdered at Tewkesbtiry, 1471). Boy's Own Annual, vol. I, 1879. Chambers' Encyclopaedia, vol. 5, 1895. Edward the Black Prince (Son of Edward HI., died 1376) Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. Heroes of England. Hosack's Law of Nations, 1882. Tytler's Tales of the Great and Brave, 1861. Edward (Thomas, Scottish Naturalist, died :886) Barton's Brave Boys, 1883. Japp's Labour and Victory, 1883. Smiles' Life of a Scotch Naturalist, 1877. Edwards (J. Passmore, Philanthropist, famed for his munificent gifts of Public Libraries, Hospitals, etc.). BIOGRAPHY ILLUSTRATED Review of Reviews, vol. n, 1895. GENERAL Library, vols. 2-9, 1890-7. Edwards (Richard, Poet Laureate, died 1566) Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 1879. Eels. A NIGHT IN AN EEL-SETT Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. EEL BUCKS AT BRAY Leslie's Our River, iSSl. EELS AND THEIR WHEREABOUTS Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. ELECTRIC EELS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7. 1885. YARRELL ON THE REPRODUCTION OF THE EEL British Association Report, 1833. GENERAL Davies' Norfolk Broads and Rivers, 1884. Buckland's British Fishes, 1881. And under Fishes. Effigies. EFFIGIES IN WOOD Portfolio, vol. 24, 1893. PUNISHMENT IN EFFIGY Chambers' Journal, vol. 51, 1874. Effort Bain's The Emotions.and the Will, 1875. Egbert (King of Wessex, first king of all England, died 839) Freeman's Norman Con- quest, vol. i, 1870. Pearson's History of Early and Mediaeval England, 1867. Egesta (A Roman Town on the Coast of Sicily) Freeman's History of Sicily, 1891. Grote's History of Greece, 1884. EGGS. (See also Birds, Fowls, Poultry, Farming, Entomology, Ornithology, etc.) A BROOKSIDE RAMBLE IN SEARCH OF EGGS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1881. BATTLE OF THE EGGS Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. BIRDS' EGGS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1872. BIRDS' EGGS [with coloured illustrations] Harper's Magazine, vol 46, 1898. BIRDS' EGGS AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM Natural Science, vol.4, 1894. CHICKENS AND EGGS IN MID-WINTER Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. DESCRIPTIONS AND COLOURED PLATES OF BIRDS' EGGS Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 2. Morris' Nests and Eggs of British Birds, 1892. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1879-80, & vol. 16, 1893-4. EGGS AND How TO COOK THEM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. EGGS OF BRITISH BIRDS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 15, 1892-3. EGGS OF BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS Hardwicke's Science Gossip. 1870. GROWTH IN THE EGGS OF INSECTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1883. HUNTING FOR INSECTS' EGGS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1871. IN SEARCH OF BIRDS' EGGS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1882. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING BIRDS' EGGS Nature, vol. 6, 1872. MAKING OF EGG DISHES Spon's Household Manual, 1887 MONSTROSITIES IN EGGS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1868. ON THE RETENTION AND COLOURING OF EGGS Nature, vol. 6, 1872. Egham (Village near Runnymedt:, the place where King John signed MagHa Charta) Black's Guide to Surrey, V.D. Murray's Guide to Surrey. Eglinton, Ayrshire. EGLINTON TOURNAMENT Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. Eglon (KingofMoab in the times of the Judges, slain by Ehud 1230 [?] B.C. Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. Egoism (Practically doubt of everything except one's own existence). EGOTISM AND EGOISM Morgan's Book of the Boudoir, 1829. Egotism (Self Commendation) Spectator, vol. 70, 1893. Hazlitt's Plain Speaker, 1872. Egret (Species of Heron). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE OF THE EGRET Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 3, 1848. GREAT EGRET Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. GREAT WHITE EGRET Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. LITTLE EGRET Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. [196] EGYPT EGYPT. (See also A lexandria, Cairo, Nile, Pyramids, Red Sea, Soudan, Suez Canal, etc.) A NILE FLIGHT IN MARCH, 1897 Longmans' Magazine, vol. 31, 1897-8. ADMINISTRATION, FINANCES, AND CONDITION OF EGYPT Edinburgh Rev., vol. 184, ANTIQUITY OF CIVILIZATION IN EGYPT Duncker's Hist, of Antiquity, 1878-82. [1896. ARAB MONUMENTS OF EGYPT Nineteenth Century, vol. 10, 1881. ARCHITECTURE OK EGYPT Ruskin's Stones of Venice, 1886. ASTRONOMY AND MYTHOLOGY OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS igth Cent., vol. 32, 1892. BOOK OF THE DEAD Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, vol. 14. Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1896-7. BOY'S TOUR THROUGH EGYPT Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. BRIGANDAGE IN EGYPT Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. BRITISH RIGHTS IN EGYPT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. BURDEN OF EGYPT Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. CONSIDERATIONS ON PETRIE'S EGYPTIAN CHRONOLOGY Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch., vol. 18. CUSTOMS IN EGYPT Fiazer's Golden Bough, 1890. DESTRUCTION OF EGYPTIAN MONUMENTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. DISCOVERIES IN THE " FAYUM," EGYPT Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. EGYPT AND ITS FRONTIER Fortnightly Review, vol. 59, 1896. EGYPT AND THE EGYPTIANS Church s Stories from Herodotus, 1880. EGYPT AND THE SOUDAN Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. EGYPT IN BIBLICAL TIMES Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. EGYPT PAST AND PRESENT Miller's Alone through Syria, 1892. EGYPTIAN ART Turner's Short History of Art, 1886. EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN Kingston's Our Sailors, 1882 ; and Our Soldiers, 1882. EGYPTIAN FISHKRIES Natural Science, vol. 12, 1898. EGYPTIAN INTAGLI King's Antique Gems, 1860. EGYPTIAN LITERATURE Maspero's Dawn ol Civilization, 1894. EGYPTIAN MYSTERIES Heckethorn's Secret Societies, 1875. EGYPTIAN ROMANCE Keary's Nations Around, 1875. EGYPTIAN TOMB AND THE FUTURE STATE Poole's Lectures on Art, 1882. ENGLAND AND EGYPT National Review, vol. 27, 1896. Review of Reviews, vol. 7, J 8g3. Quarterly Review, vol. 180, 1895 ENGLISH FAILURE IN EGYPT Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. [vol. u, 1864-5. EXTRACTS FROM LADY GORDON-DUFF'S LETTERS FROM EGYPT Macmillan's Mag., FRAGMENTS OF OLD EGYPTIAN STORIES Proc. Soc. Biblical Arch., vol. 14. FRANCE AND EGYPT National Review, vol. 27, 1896. FROM CAIRO TO CATARACT Strand Magazine, : vol. 15, 1898. FUTURE OF EGYPT Nineteenth Century, vol. 2, 1877. GLASS IN ANCIENT EGYPT Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GOLD MINES OF EGYPT Del Mar's Money in Ancient Countries, 1885. How THE EGYPTIAN MONUMENTS WERE READ Cornhill, vol. 18, 1892. IN THE LOTUS LAND Argosy, vol. 53, 1892. [1874. INSCRIPTIONS IN THE MUSEE GUIMET AT PARIS Proc. Soc. Biblical Arch., vol. 14. JUSTICE TO EGYPT National Review, vol. 27, 1896. LEGENDARY HISTORY OF EGYPT Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. LIBERTY IN EGYPT Eliot's Liberty of Rome ; a History, 1849, MODERN EGYPT Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. MONUMENTS AT DORPAT Proceedings of the Society Biblical Archaeology, vol. 16. NATURAL HISTORY OF EGYPT AND MALTA Nature, vol. 5, 1872. ON THE RIVER OF EGYPT. By G. W. Steevens Daily Mail, March 17, 1898. PLAIN OF THEBES Edinburgh Review [Review], vol. 186, 1897. PLAINS OF LOWER EGYPT Napier's Wild Sports, 1844. [Bible, vol. i, 1898. POLITICAL HISTORY OF EGYPT FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES Hasting's Diet, of the PRESENT POSITION OF EGYPTOLOGY igth Cent., vol.36, 1894. Whately's Lectures. PRESENT SITUATION IN EGYPT Fortnightly Rev. ^.57,1895. Macmillan's Mag., v. 53, ROYAL FAMILY OF EGYPT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 39, 1878-9. [1885-6. STONE AGE IN EGYPT Nature, vol. i, 1870. TEL-EL-AMARNA TABLF.TS Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1896-7. THE EXODUS Kitto's Scripture Lands, 1850. THE NILE AND EGYPT Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. THREE DAYS IN ALEXANDRIA Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. TUNIS AND EGYPT National Review, vol. 25, 1895. Two BOOKS ox EGYPT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. VISIT TO UPPER EGYPT IN THE HOT SEASON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. WEDDING IN EGYPT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. WHERE MOSES STOOD Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. WHY OUR FLEET AND ARMY WENT TO EGYPT Grant's History of the War in the WITH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. [Soudan. WRITING MATERIALS OF ANCIENT EGYPTIANS Sir E. Maunde Thompson's Hand- book of Greek and Latin Palaeography, 1893. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Gordon's Journals at Kartoum, 1885. Heeren's Manual of Ancient History, 1833. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Johnston's Africa [Stanford's Compendium] , 1884. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. Mahaffy & Gilman's Alexander's Empire, 1887. Merewether's Mediterranean. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean. Pinnock's Bible and History. Poole's Life of Lane. Sumner's Our Holiday in the East. Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. 2. Wilber- force's Five Empires. Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. Hommel's Ancient Hebrew Tradition, 1897. E. S. A.'s World in Which I Live, 1875. [197] EIDER DUCKS-ELECTRIC LIGHT Eider Ducks. EIDER DUCK FARMS IN ICELAND Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. GENERAL Morris' British Birds. Yarrell's British Birds. And under Ducks. Eiffel Tower (French Observatory in Paris, 984 //. high) All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1888-9. New Review, vol. i, 1889. [1871. Eigfer-Joch (Mountain in Switzerland, 13,045 ft. high) Stephen's Playground of Europe, Eight Hours Question Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. Thames Iron Works Gazette, vol. 4, 1898. See also Labour, Trade Unionism, etc. Eikon Basilike (" Royal Image," A Book professing to be the private Journal of Charles I.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EIKON BASILIKE Bibliographer, 1883. WHO WROTE IT ? Edinburgh Review, vol. 44, 1826. " Eileen Aroon " (An Irish Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Eimeo or Morea (A beautiful Island in the South Seas) South Sea Bubbles, 1872. Eisenach, Germany (Birthplace of Sebastian Bach) Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, 1890. Stoughton's Homes and Haunts of Luther, ib83. Eisleben, Prussian-Saxony (Celebrated place where Luther was born and where he died) Stoughton's Homes and Haunts of Luther, 1883. Eisteddfod. (Welsh Musical and Literary Festival). DESCRIPTION OF THE EISTEDDFOD Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. THE WELSH NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD Daily Graphic, vol. 19, 1894. Ekaterinburg, Russia (Mining Town, founded by Peter the Great) De Windt's Siberia. Ela de Rosmar (Countess of Salisbury 1200) Holt's Memoirs of Royal Ladies, 1861. Elam. ELAM AND THE ELAMITES Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. Elasticity. MATHEMATICAL THEORY Nature, vol. 31, 1884-5. NOMENCLATURE IN ELASTICITY Nature, vol. 32, 1885. Elba (An Island in the Mediterranean; Napoleon resided here as King, May, 1814, to February, 1815). A MONTH IN ELBA Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. THE EVACUATION OF ELBA Mahan's Life of Nelson, 1897. GENERAL Baedeker's Central Italy, 1890. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 59, 1889. Elche, Spain Bennet's Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean, 1875. Hare's Wanderings in Spain, 1873. Eldon (John Scott, Earl of, Lord Chancellor, died 1838) Campbell's Chancellors, 1856-7. Eldorado, California. SURVEYING IN ELDORADO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867 GENERAL Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 75, 1896-7. Eleanor Of Aquitaine (Queen of Henry II. , died about 1203) Freeman's Norman Con- quest [Character of Eleanor], vol. 5, 1876. Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Eleanor Of Castile (First Queen of Edward I., died 1290) Archaological Journal, vol. 10, 1853. Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 5, 1876. Owen's Heroines of History, 1854. Strickland's Queens of England from the Norman Conquest, 1869. Eleanor Of Provence (Queen of Henry III., died 1291) Campbell's Chancellors, 1856-7. Strickland's Queens of England from the Norman Conquest, 1869. Election (Predestination to Salvation [Theol.]) Hasting's Diet, of the Bible, vol. 1,1898. DOCTRINE OF ELECTION Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. ELECTIONS (Political or Municipal). (See also Ballot. Local Government, Munici- palities, Parliament, Voting, School Boards, County Councils, etc.) ACT OF VOTING AT PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS Hare's Election of Representa- AN ELECTION IN FRANCE Forsyth's Essa\s, 1874. [lives, 1869. BRIBERY AT ELECTIONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. CORRUPTION AT ELECTIONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. EDUCATION AND ELECTIONS Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. ELECTION EXPENSES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. ELECTION FOR THE PRESIDENCY OF UNITED STATES Macmillan's Mag., vol.35, 1876-7. ELECTION OF 1895 National Review, vol. 26, 1895. ELECTION OF LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL, 1898 London, vol. 7, 1898. ELECTION OF POPE BY SACRED COLLEGE Shorthouse's John Inglesant. ELECTION-TIME IN AMERICA Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. 2, 1873. ENGLISH ELECTIONS Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. GENERAL ELECTION, 1895 Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. Review of Reviews [The Poster in Politics], vol. 12, 1895. GENERAL ELECTION IN ENGLAND Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. HUMOURS OF A CANADIAN ELECTION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. MAYORALTY ELECTION IN NEW YORK Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS Buxton's Political Questions of the Present Day, 1885. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Mark's Trip to America and Havana, 1885. SCHEME OK ELECTORAL REFORM Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. SUPPRESSION OF BRIBERY IN ENGLAND Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1892-3. ELECTRIC LIGHT. (See also Dynamos, Electricity, Light, etc.) BATTERY AND ELECTRIC LIGHT STATIONS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. [etc., 1889. CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRIC LIGHT Colyer's Public Institutions : their Engineering, COOKING BY ELECTRICITY Young Woman, vol. 3, 1895. DANGERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING Daily Graphic, v. 30, 1897. igth Cent. ,v. 27, 1890. DOMESTIC ELECTRIC LIGHTING Nature, vol. 47, 1892. [198] UNIVERSAL ENGINES (RAWORTH'S PATENT) ... AND . . . INDUCTOR ALTERNATORS (MORDEY'S PATENT). MANUFACTURED BY ... The Brash Electrical Engineering Co,, Ltd,, 49 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.G. Q a z < 0. O LLJ U z o z. o E r- ^ UJ J UJ en ELECTRIC LIGHT-ELEPHANTS Electric Light (continued). ELECTRIC LIGHT AND FORCE Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. ELECTRIC LIGHT CABLES Nature, vol. 46, 1892 ELECTRIC LIGHTING IN CAPE TOWN Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. ELECTRICAL COOKING AND HKATING Cassier's Magazine, vol. 7, 1895. ELECTRICITY IN LIGHTING Electricity in Daily Life, 1891. GAS POWER FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING Nature, vol. 47, 1893. ISLINGTON ELECTRIC LIGHT STATION Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. LEYTON ELECTRIC LIGHTING Engineer, vol. 82, i8q6. ST. PANCRAS ELECTRIC LIGHTING Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. USE OF THE ELECTRIC LIGHT Brassey's British Navy, 1882. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. Randall'-* Practical Treatise on the Incandescent Lamp. Stevenson's Lighthouse Construction & Illumination, 1881. Electric Railways. THE NF.W ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND RAILWAY Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GENERAL Nature, vol. 47, 1893. Spectator, vol, 70, 1893. Electric Telegraph. ESSAY ON THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH Wynter's Curiosities THE NEW TELEGRAPHY Strand Magazine, vol. 13, iSg^. ("of Civilization, 1868. GENERAL Sir F. B. Head's Descriptive Essays, 1857. See also Telegraphy. Electrical Engineering Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. ELECTRICITY. ANIMAL ELECTRICITY Marey's Animal Mechanism: Treatise on Terrestrial and Aerial Motion, 1883. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY Buchan's Handy-book of Meteorology, 1868. Loomis' Treatise on Meteorology [with Meteorological Tables], 1892. Nature, vol. 53,1896. CERTAIN PHENOMENA IN ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY Hardwicke's Sci. Gossip, 1881. CHEMICAL COMBINATION AND ELECTRIC DISCHARGE British Assoc. Reports, 1894. GUMMING ON THERMO-ELECTRICITY British Association Report, 1831-2. CURIOSITIES OF ELECTRICITY Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883." DESCRIPTION OF A CONVERTIBLE GALVANIC BATTERY Henry's Sci. Writings, 1886. DYHAMO-ELECTRIC AND MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINES Spoil's Diet, of Engineering DYNAMOMETER Spon's Dictionary of Engineering I Stipp.), 1879. [ (Supp.), 1879. ELECTRIC POWER AND NIAGARA FALLS Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION OF POWER IN MINES Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. ELECTRICAL MACHINE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS Science Lectures at South Kensington, 1878. ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION OF POWER Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. ELECTRICITY AT WORK Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. ELECTRICITY DIRECT FROM THE COAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1896-7. ELECTRICITY IN LAND WAR Scribner's Magazifte, vol.6, 1889 ELECTRICITY IN THE SERVICE OF MAN Electricity in Daily Life, 1891. EXTENSION OF ELECTRICITY IN LONDON Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Fox ON THE ELECTRICITY OF METALLIC VEINS British Association Report, 1837. GREAT AMERICAN INDUSTRIES Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. How THE ELECTRIC CURRENT is PRODUCED Molloy's Gleanings in Science, 1888. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRICITY All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. LATEST ELECTRICAL DISCOVERY Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. LAWS OF ELECTRICITY Balfour Stewart's Physics [Science Primers], 1890. LECTURES ON ELECTROMETERS Science Lectures at South Kensington, 1878. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT AND ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE Glazebrook & Shaw's Practical Physics, 18)3. MECHANICAL CONCEPTIONS OK KLECTRICAL PHENOMENA Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. NERVES OF THE WORLD [Telegraph Cables! Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1805. NOTES ON ELECTRICITY Axon's Mechanic's Friend : a Collection of Receipts and Practical Suggestions, 1875. NEW SOURCES OF ELECTRIC POWER Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. ODD USES OF ELECTRICITY Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. ST. ELMO'S FIRE [Electric Displays in the Air] Chambers' journal, vol. 68, 1891. STORAGE BATTERY OF THE AIR Harper's Magazine, vol. 2S, 1891. STORING OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY Molloy's Gleanings in Science, 1888. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT Molloy's Gleanings in Science, iN88. USE OF ELECTRICITY ON BOARD SHIPS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 6. GENERAL Bakewell's Great Facts. Boy's Own Annual, vol. u, 1889, & vol. 13, 1891. Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes. Every Boy's BJOK. Giberne's Ocean of Air. Munro's Pioneers of Electricity. Pepper's B jy's Playbook of Science. Henry's Scientific Writings, i8!-6. Ward Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3. Electro-Magnet. ELECTRO-MAGNET OF YALE COLLEGE Henry's Sci. Writings, 1886. Electro-Metallurgy Bakewell's Great Facts. Spon'sDictionaryof Engineering, 1874. Electrolysis (Chemical Decomposition under the Action of F.lec'ricity). PRESENT STATE OF OUR KNOWLEDGE IN ELECTROLYSIS AND ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY Report of the British Association, 1891. Eleopura (A Town on the Coast of Borneo) Brafsey's Last Voyage, 1889. ELEPHANTS. (See also Animals, Natural History, Zoology, etc.) A MEMORABLE ELEPHANT HUNT Hnrnaday's Two Years in the Jungle, 1885. AFRICAN ELEPHANT Baker's Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, etc., 1888. Livingstone's Popular Account of Missionary Travels and Researches in South AMERICAN ELEPHANT MYTHS- -Scribner's Magazine, vol. i, 1887. [Africa, 1861. [199] ELEPHANTS-ELIZABETH Elephants (continued). AN ELEPHANT ROUND-UP Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. ANECDOTES OF ELEPHANTS Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 7, 1845. Watson's Reason- ing Power in Animals, 1867. [Himalayas, 1801. ASIATIC ELEPHANT Macintyre's Hindu-Koh, Wanderings and wild Sports on the CAPTURE OF WILD ELEPHANTS IN MYSORE Harper's Magazine, vol. 24, 1892. CAPTURING WILD ELEPHANTS Gerard's Lion Hunting and Sporting Life in Algeria. DESCRIPTION AND PLATES OF VARIOUS SPECIES Jardine's Nat. Lib., vol. 23, 1848. ELEPHANT CATCHING Cassell's Mag., vol. 25, 1898. Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. ELEPHANT CATCHING IN INDIA Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. ELEPHANTS AT WORK Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. FALL OF THE AFRICAN ELEPHANT Bryden's Kloof and Karroo: Sport, Legend and Natural History in Cape Colony, 1889. HUNTING ELEPHANTS Ward's Five Years with the Congo Cannibals, 1890. HUNTING ELEPHANTS IN AFRICA Walmsley's Zululand. 1879. I Pearl, 1886. HUNTING ELEPHANTS IN CEYLON Moore's Queen's Empire; or, Ind and Her HUNTING ELEPHANTS IN INDIA Leveson's Sport in many Lands. INDIAN ELEPHANT Hornaday's Two Years in the Jungle, 1885. KILLING ELEPHANTS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. ORDER PROBOSCIDEA Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2. REMARKS ON THE ELEPHANT Greenwood's Wild Sports of the World, 1864. [1885. VARIETIES OF ELEPHANTS Schmidt's Mammalia in their relation to Primeval Times, GENERAL Baker's Wild Beasts: Reminiscences of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, 1891. Bird's Golden Chersonese, and the way thither, 1883. Brassey's Last Voyage, 1889. Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. Cumniing's Five Years Hunting Adventures in South Africa, 1850. Kiplirg's Beast and Man in India. Lessons derived from the Animal World, 1847. Nott's Wild Animals Photo- graphed and Described, 1886. Wilson's Studies in Life and Sense, 1887. Eleusis (A small city of ancient Greece, noted for its Temple of Dtmeter Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1849. Elgin (Lord, James Bruce, Eighth Earl of, Viceroy of India, died 1863) Oliphant's Life of Laurence Oliphant, 1891. Elgin Marbles (A splendid collection of ancient Sculpture from the Parthenon at Athens, purchased from the Seventh Earl of Elgin for the Hritish Museum). CRITICISM OF THE ELGIN MARBLES Hazlitt's Essays on the Fine Arts, 1873. Perry's Greek and Roman Sculpture, 1882. Quarterly Review, vol. 14, 1816. Elham, East Kent Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1861. LIBRARY Notes & Q., v.2, 1862. Eli (One of the Hebrew 7rf#)-,Geikie's Old Testament Portraits. Mercer's Bible Characters: being Selections from Sermons, 1885. Stanley's Jewish Church, 1866. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Eliezer (Steward in Abraham's Household) Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Elijah (Prophet of Israel gth century B.C.) Church's Sfries from the Bible (2nd series). Ewald's Israel, vol. 4, 1871. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits. Josephus' Works. Milman's History of the Jews, 1866. Morley Punshon's Lectures. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Hasting's Diet, of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. Stanley's Jewish Church, 1866. Eliot (George [Miss Marion Evans, Mrs. Lewes, Mrs. Cross] , Celebrated novelist, died 1880). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. GEORGE ELIOT'S CHILDREN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. GEORGE ELIOT'S NOVELS Lancaster's Essays. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 14, 1866. GENERAL Adams' Celebrated Englishwomen of the Victorian Era, 1884. Forman's Living Poets : An Essay in Criticism, 1871. Jacobs' Essays and Reviews from the Athenaeum. Nineteenth Centurv, vol. 9, 1881. Robertson's English Poetesses : A Series of Critical Biographies, 1883. Walford's Authoresses, 1892. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Eliot (John, Apostle to the Indians, died 1690) Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. Eliot (Sir John, Leader of the Opposition against Charles I., died 1632). BIOGRAPHY Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1886. EliS (City and Maritime State of A ncieitt Greece) Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16, 1830. Evelyn Abbott's History of Greece, 1888. Elisha (Disciple and Successor of Elijah, gth century B.C.) Church's Stories from the Bible (2nd series). Ewalo's Israel, vol. 4, 1871. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits. Josephus' Works. Milman's History of the Jews, 1866. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Taylor's Elijah the Prophet, 1889. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Geikie's Hours with the Bible, 1887. Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. Stanley's Jewish Church, 1866. Elixir (Name applied to various solutions and potions for magical or medical purposes). ELIXIR OF LIFE IN SCIENCE AND ROMANCE Cosmopolitan, vol. 8, 1890. ELIZABETH (Queen of England, died 1603. See also Armada, Leicester, Raleigh, etc.) ACCESSION OF ELIZABETH, 1558 Froude's History of England, 1870. BRIEF LIFE OF QUEEN ELIZABETH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891; 13,1892. DEATH OF QUEEN ELIZABETH Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. Temple Bar Magazine, vol. 107, 1896. ELIZABETH'S LOVERS Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 3, 1880. F203] ELIZABETH-ELS WICK Elizabeth (continued). EXPLORATION UNDER ELIZABETH, 1558-1603 Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol.9(n.s.),i8gj. GIRLHOOD OF QUEEN ELIZABETH Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. IN THE DAYS OF GOOD QUEEN BESS Ditchfield's Story of Our English Towns, 1883. LAST DAYS OF QUEEN ELIZABETH Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 8. PERSECUTION UNDER ELIZABETH Trans, of Royal Historical Society, vol. 9, 1881. PRINCESS OF THE PERIOD Ewald's Stories from State Papers, 1882. QUEEN ELIZABETH AT HATFIELD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2 REIGN OF ELIZABETH Buckle's Works, Miscellaneous and Posthumous, 1885. SOME TROUBLES OF THE ELIZABETHAN EPISCOPATE Dublin Review, vol. 121, 1897. VISIT TO QUEEN ELIZABETH Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. GENERAL Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, 1855. Blunt's Sketch of the Reformation in England, 1832. Brook's Puritans, from Elizabeth to the Act of Uniformity, 1813. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. De Ros' Memorials of the Tower of London, 1867. Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Hosack's Rise and Growth of the Law of Nations, 1882. Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Jones' Recollections of Royalty, from the Death of Rufus to 1807, 1828. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthus, vol. 5. Lodge's Portraits of Eminent Persons, 1850 Moore's Lectures and Papers on the History of the Reformation, 1890. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Price's Protestant Nonconformity in England from the Time of Henry VIII., 1836. Smyth's Modern History. Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Wh>mper's The Sea, and its Stirring Story, 1878-81. Elizabeth of England. (Landgravine of Hesse Hamburg; third daughter of George III., died 1840) Hall's Royal Princesses of England from Reign of George I., 1858. Elizabeth (Daughter of Charles I., died 1650) Girl's Own Annual [An English Princess], vol. 6, 1885. Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Elizabeth Of York (Queen of Henry VII. , died 1503) Lodge's Portraits of Eminent Persons, 1850. Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Elizabeth Carl of Hesse (Princess, Mother-in-L aw of Princess Alice of England, died 1885). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Ai.nual, vol.8, 1887. Elizabeth ["Carmen Sylva"], Queen of Ronmania, born 1843). PORTRAITS Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. GENERAL Sunday Magazine, vol. 19, 1890. Elizabeth Christina (Fourth Queen of Prussia, died 1502) Atkinson's Queens of Prussia, 1858. Elizabeth Woodville (Queen of Edward IV., died 1492) Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Archaeologia Cantiana, vol. i. Elk (Moose Deer, largest of the Deer Family). ELK-HUNTING IN THE ROCKY MOUN- TAINS Harper's Magazine, vol. 77, 1888. GENERAL Dodge's Hunting-Grounds of the Great West, 1877. Jardine's Naturalist's Library [Plate], vol. 21, 1848. See also under Deer. Ellenborough (Edward, Lord, Lord Chief Justice, died 1818) Brougham's Statesmen of the Time of George III., 1843. Ellenborough (Edward, Viceroy of India, died 1871) Adams' Makers of Brit. India, 1888. Elliot (George Augustus). See Heathfteld (Lord). Elliot (Hugh, Diplomatist, died 1830). HUGH ELLIOT IN BERLIN Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1889. Elliot (Jane, Poetess, died 1805) Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. Elliott (Charlotte, Poetess and Hymn Writer, died 1871) Gray's Wise Words and Loving Deeds, 1880. Elliott (Ebenezer, Poet, died 1849) Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Ward's English Poets, vol.4, 1880.. Elliott's Library Indicator Leisure Hour, vol. 21, 1872. Ellis (George, Antiquary, Corn Law Rhymer, died 1815) Smiles' Murray, 1889. Ellis (William, Dissenting Minister, died 1872). BIOGRAPHY Japp's Labour and Victory Ellwood (Thomas, Poet, died 1713) Armitage's Quaker Poets of Great Britain, 1896. Elm Tree. ABOUT THE ELM TREE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 6, 1870. Elmslie (William). BIOGRAPHY Japp's Master Missionaries, 1880. Elocution Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3. Eloquence. AMERICAN ELOQUENCE Westminster Review, vol. 2, 1824. ANCIENT AND MODERN ELOQUENCE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 68, 1850. ON ELOQUENCE British Essayists, vol. 5, 1823. PARLIAMENTARY ELOQUENCE Westminster Review, vol. 99, 1873. STUDY OF ELOQUENCE IN CATHOLIC SEMINARIES Dublin Review, vol. 39, 1855. GENERAL Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 7, 1820. Emerson's Prose Works, 1857. Elphinstone (Lord, Statesman and Traveller in India, died 1859). LORD ELPHINSTONE'S POLICY DURING THE MUTINY Malleson's History of the Mutiny, 1888. TRAVELS IN AFGHANISTAN Verne's Great Explorers of the Ninteenth Cent , 1891. Elsenham Hall Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. Elsinore (Danish Seaport) Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. Elswick (A suburb of Newcastle, containing the Ordnance Works of Armstrong & Co.) FACTORY AT ELSWICK Brassey's British Navy, 1882. Murray's Northumberland. [201 ] ELTHAM -EMIGRATION E It ham. Kent. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF ELTHAM Suburban Homcsof London, 1881. ELTHAM PALACE Woolwich District Antiquary Society, vol. i. WELL HALI,, ELTHAM Woolwich District Antiquary Society, vol. i. GENERAL Black's GuHe to Kent, v.n. Walford's Greater London. Eltze (Fredei ick, "Punch" Artist) E wart's Toilers in At t, 1891. Elven (A Town of France) Macquoid's Through Brittany, 1879. ELY (Noted for its magnificent Cathedral). ARCHITECTURE OF ELY CATHEDRAL Sharp's Seven Periods of Church Architecture. 1888. BUILDINGS OF THE DISSOLVED MONASTERY AT ELY Archaological Jour., v. 54, 1897. DAY AT ELY Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. DESCRIPTION OF ELY CATHEDRAL Gust's Our English Minsters (2nd series), 1897. Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. [vol. 54, 1897. DISTRIBUTION OF THK BUILDINGS OF THE MONASTERY OF ELY Archieological Jour., ELY PALACE Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. SCULPTURES IN THE LADY CHAPEL AT ELY Archaeological Journal, vol. 49, 1892. SOME ACCOUNT OF THE ISLE OF ELY Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Topog., pt. ii.], 1892. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, 1890. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 4. Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, V.D. See also CttmbndgtMrt. Ely Chapel, Holborn Walford's Londoniana, 1879. [Palaces, 1871. Elys^e, Paris (A Palace used as a private residence by Xapoleon) Clwllice's French Elzevir (Name of a family of celebrated Printers and Publishers of Amsterdam and Leyden, and applied to works of their production). ESSAY ON ELZEVIRS Lang's Books and Bookmen, 1892. Magazine of Art, vol. 7, 1884. OLD PRINTERS AND THE ELZEVIRS Fitz-gerald's Book Fancier, 1887. Embankments. RAILWAY CUTTINGS AND EMBANKMENTS Spoil's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. GENERAL Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1861-2. See also Thames Embankments, etc, Embassies. EMBASSIES AND FOREIGN COURTS Eclectic Review, vol. 104, 1858. MASTER DALLAM'S MISSION [Temp. Elizabeth] Antiquary, vol. 18, 1888. Emblems. EMBLEMS OF SAINTS Archaeological Jour., v. i, 1846. Illus. Carpenter and ESSAY ON EMBLEMS Marshall's International Vanities, 1875. [Builder, 1898. EMBROIDERY. (See also Needlework). ANCIENT EMBROIDERY AND TAPESTRY Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. ANTIQUE EMBROIDERIES Magazine of Art, vol. 21, 1897. BULGARIAN EMBROIDERY AND PAINTING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. CHAMOIS LEATHER EMBROIDERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. DANISH EMBROIDERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12. 1891. DESIGNING FOR EMBROIDERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. EMBROIDERED INITIALS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. ENGLISH MEDIEVAL EMBROIDERY Archaeological Journal, vol. 4, 1847. FASHIONABLE EMBROIDERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887; And also other vols. GOLD EMBROIDERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. HUNGARIAN EMBROIDERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. NEW EGYPTIAN EMBROIDERY Woman, November, 1896. NEW SEQUIN EMBROIDERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. ROUMANIAN AND SOUTACHE EMBROIDERY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. SOME EMBROIDERY STITCHES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. SOUTACHE EMBROIDERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. VARIETIF.S OF EMBROIDERY The Younv? Lady's Book, 1829. WASHABLE GOLD EMBROIDERY Ca^sell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. GENERAL Gentlewoman. Girl's Own Annual. Lady. Weldon's Publications. EmbryolOtry (That branch of Biology which deals with an animal or plant from the first sign of organization until perfect formation). EXPERIMENTAL EMBRYOLOGY Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. American Naturalist, vol. 26, 1892. COMPARATIVE EMBRYOLOGY Nature, vol. n, 1875. PREFORMATION OR NEW FORMATION Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. INSECT EMBRYOGENY Hardwick's Science Gossip, 1870. GENERAL EMBRYOLOGY Morgan's Animal Biology, 1887. Emerald (A gem or precious stone of a green colour) King's Antique Gems, 1860. Emerson (Ralph Waldo, American Essayist and Poet, died 1882). LIFE OK EMERSON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. MEMOIR OF EMERSON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 50. 1884. SIXTY YEARS AFTER EMERSON Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79. 1897. TRANSCENDENTAI.IST AND UTILITARIAN Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. GENERAL Birrell's Obiter Dicta, 1896. Gilfillan's Literary Portraits, vol. 2, 1845-9. Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Shepherds & Williamson's Life of Carlyle. 1881. Emery (Winifred [Mrs. Cyril Maude], Actress, born 1862) Theatre, vol. 22 (n.s.), 1893. EMIGRATION. (See also under Colonies, and names of places, e.%., Africa, America, Australia, Canada, Europe, United States, etc.) AUSTRALIAN EMIGRATION Fronde's Oceana, or England and Her Colonies, 1886. CANADIAN EMIGRATION Church's Making a Start in Canada, 1889. Marshall's- Canadian Dominion, 1871. EMIGRANT IN NEW YORK Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. EMIGRANTS' HOME AT BLACKWALL Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. [202] EMIGRATION-ENERGY Emigration (continued). , EMIGRATION FOR WOMEN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. EMIGRATION IN THE DARK Spectator, vol. 68. 1892. EMIGRATION OF DOMF.STIC SERVANTS TO NEW ZEALAND Girl's Own Ann., v. 6, 1885. EMIGRATION OF IRISHMEN Lecky's History of Ireland in the Eighteenth Cent., 1892. EMIGRATION TO CANADA Whately's Miscellaneous Lectures and Reviews, 1861. EMIGRATION TO OREGON Nash's Two Yea's in Oregon, 1882. EMIGRATION TO SOUTH AMERICA Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. EMIGRATION TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA Harcus' South Australia, 1876. EMIGRATION TO THE RIVER PLATE Latham's States of the River Plate, 1868. GENTLEMEN EMIGRANTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. HINTS FOR EMIGRANTS TO THE UNITED STATES Reminiscences of America in 1869 by Two Englishmen, 1870. PROSPECTS IN AUSTRALIA Young Man, vol. 8, 1894. MODES OF EMIGRATION [Australia] Sidney's Three Colonies of Australia, 1852. PROSPECTS OF MIDDLE-CLASS EMIGRANTS English Illustrated Mag., vol.7, 1889-90. SOMETHING BETTER THAN EMIGRATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. THE STEERAGE OF TO-DAY ON EMIGRANT SHIPS Century Magazine, vol. 55, 1897-8. TURKEY AS A FIELD FOR EMIGRATION Baker's Turkey in Europe, 1877. UPPER CLASS EMIGRATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. GENERAL Osborne's Letters; edited by White, 1866. Ritchie's Brighter South Africa, 1892. Rogers' Industrial and Commercial History of England, 1892. Publications issued by the Agents-General for the various Colonies. Emilia (A district of Italy) Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, including Leghorn, Florence, etc., v.i>. Emin Pasha [Dr. E.Schmitzer] (African Explorer, killed iSgz). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. i, 1890. DEATH OF EMIN PASHA Century Magazine, vol. 27 (n.s.), 1894-5 EMIN PASHA IN AFRICA Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. EMIN PASHA RELIEF EXPEDITION Scribner's Magazine, vol. 7, 1890. GENERAL Geographical Journal, vol. 2, 1893. Mackay of Uganda, 1892. Scottish Geographical Mag., vol.g, 1893. Wauters' Stanley's Emin Pasha Expedition, 1890. Emlyn (Thomas, Presbyterian Divine, died 1741) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840-3. Emmet (Robert, Barrister, Irish Revolutionary Leader, executed 1803) Madden's United Irishmen, 1858-60. All the Year Round, vol. 17, 1867. See also Curran (S.) Emmet (Thomas Addis, Irish Politician, died 1827) Madden's United Irishmen, 1858-60. Emotion. ./ESTHETIC EMOTIONS Mind, vol. 19, 1894. CLASSIFICATIONS OF EMOTIONS Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. DISCOURSES ON EMOTION Haweis' Current Coin, 1876. EMOTIONS VERSUS PLEASURE Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. PHYSICAL BASIS OF EMOTION : A Reply Mind, vol 4 (n.s.), 1895. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE EMOTIONS Nature, vol. 56, 1897. TRANSFERENCE OF IDEAS AND EMOTIONS Podmore's Apparitions and Thought GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind. 1860. [Transference, 1894. Empire. ETHICS OF EMPIRE Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE & ITS LESSON FOR us Contemporary Rev., vol.73, 1898. THE THEBAN AND MF.MPHITE EMPIRES Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. GENERAL Serjeant's The Franks [Story of the Nations], 1898. Seettndernmes,e.g., England, France, Germany, Persia, Rome, Russia, Turkey, etc. Employers' Liability. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ACT, 1880 Bradlaugh's Labour and TAKING STOCK OF EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY National Rev., vol.26, 1896. [Law, 1891. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. Drage's Labour Problems, 1896. Employment. EMPLOYMENT FOR GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. OUR JUVENILE LABOUR OFFICE Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. Enamel. HISTORICAL NOTICE OF ENAMEL Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Enamels (Photographic Enamels) Tissandier's History and Handbook of Photo., 1878. Encampments, etc. THE ENCAMPMENT AT SENLAC [Hastings], 1066 Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 3, 1869. GENERAL Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part i.], 1886. Enchanted Lake, Island of Luzon Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Enchantments Sir William Temple's Works, 17^7. Encke (Johann Franz, German Astronomer, died 1861). All the Year Round [End ot the World], vol. 2, 1868. Nature, vol. i, 1870. Encyclopeedia ESritannica Miller's Leading Articles, 1872. Endowments. ENDOWMENTS OF THE CHURCH Stephen's New Commentaries on the Laws of England, vol. 2, 1886. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENTS Macmillan's Mag., vol. 52, 1885. GENERAL Fortnightly Review, vol. n, 1869. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. See also under Charities, Church, Education, etc. Endurance Bain's The Emotions & the Will, 1875. Treas. of Religious Thought, 1891. Energy (In Physics and Mechanics). CONSERVATION OF ENERGY Engineer, vol.82, 1896. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION OF ENERGY Thompson's Dynamo-Elect. Machinery, 1892. NATURAL STORAGE OF ENERGY The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. STORING OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY Molloy's Gleanings in Science, 1888. [203 ] ENERGY- ENGLAND Energy (Physical and Mental}. TRANSFORMATION OF ENERGY Tail's Lectures on Recent Advances in Physical Science, 1876. WHAT is ENERGY? Nature, vol. i, 1870. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 3, :862. See also /Vivstcs. Energy (Moral and Spiritual) Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. ENGINEERING. (See also Bridges, Electricity, Machinery, Steam, etc.) ACHIEVEMENTS OF MODERN ENGINEERING All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. ANCIENT ROMAN ENGINEERING Middleton's Ancient Rome in 1888, 1888. BARLOW ON STRENGTH OF MATERIALS British Association Report, 1833. CUTTING TOOLS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-4, 1897. DRAWINGS FOR ENGINEERS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-3, 1897. ENGINEERING IN THE NAVY New Review, vol. 13, 1895. ENGINEERING WORKSHOP PRACTICE Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 4-6, 1897. HODGKINSON ON THE IMPACT UPON BEAMS British Association Report, 1835. PROGRESS OF ENGINEERING IN 1896 Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. RAILWAY ENGINEERING Nesbit's Practical Land-Surveying, SIXTY YEARS' PROGRESS IN ENGINEERING Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. SOME METHODS USED IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Cass. Tech. Ed., vols. 1-6, 1897. GENERAL Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1881-8. Lukin's Boy Engineers, 1886 The Engineer, Engineering, etc. Engineers. ASSISTANT ENGINEERS IN THE ROYAL NAVY Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. EDUCATION OF ENGINEERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. ENGINEERS IN THE UNITED STATES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. ROAD ENGINEERS Harris' The Coaching Age [McAdam], 1885. ENGINES. (See also Locomotives, Machinery, Steam, Electricity, etc.) AIR AND STEAM ENGINES Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. AIR ENGINES Wormell's Thermodynamics, 1892. AMERICAN EXPRESS ENGINES Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. BROAD GAUGE ENGINES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. DETAILS OF ENGINES Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ENGINES Rankine's Manual of the Steam Engine, 1891. ENGINE DRIVER [How ihe other half lives] English Illustrated Mag., vol. 15, 1896. ENGINE DRIVERS AND THEIR WORK Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. ENGINES AND STEAM ENGINES Lukin's Young Mechanic, 1877-8. HEAT ENGINES Wormell's Thermodynamics, 1892. HIGH SPEED ENGINES Engineer, vol. 82. 1896. JOHANNESBURG ENGINES [with Illustrations] Engineer, vol. 81, 1896 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES Frith's Biography of a Locomotive, 1891. MODEL MARINE ENGINES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1883. MODEL STEAM ENGINES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881, and vol. 4, 1882. MODERN EXPRESS PASSENGER ENGINES Pall Mall Magazine, vol n, 1697. PUMPING ENGINES AT COLCHESTER WORKS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. STEAM, AIR, AND GAS ENGINES Campin's Details of Machinery, 1883. THE UNIVERSAL HIGH SPEED ENGINE Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. VARIETIES OF ENGINES Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. ENGLAND. (See also Britain, British Isles, Great Britain, and under Counties and Places, e.g., Essex, Middlesex, Birmingham, Liverpool, London, Tower of London ; and under Names of Kings, etc., e.g., Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, Victoria, Cromwell, Nelson, Wellington, Gladstone, Shakespeare; and under various subjects, e.g., Antiquities, Art, Church, Education, etc.) ABBOT AND TOWN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. AMERICAN VIEW OF ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 39, 1878-9 ANARCHY OF ENGLAND UNDER STEPHEN Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 5, 1876. ANCIENT TRACKWAYS IN ENGLAND Antiquary, vol. 20, 1889. [vol. 2, 1860. ANGLO-NORMAN CONSTITUTION Hallam's State of Europe dcrine the Middle Ages, ARTHURIAN LOCALITIES: Essay by J. Stuart Glennie Early English Text Society's Reprint (Merlin), no. 32. 1868. BACKWARD GLANCES: England in 1769 Meliora, vol. 12, 1869. BOYS OF ENGLISH HISTORY Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. CHAPTER OF ENGLISH HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. COMMONERS OF ENGLAND Wharton's Wits and Beaux of Society, 1890. COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE Edinburgh Rev., vol. 181, 1895. CONVERSION OF ENGLAND TO CHRISTIANITY Freeman's Norman Conq., vol. 1,1870. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 2, 1872. Trench's Mediaeval Church Hist., 1886. DANISH CONQUEST OK ENGLAND Freeman's Hist, of the Norman Con., vol. i, 1870. DEFENCE OF ENGLAND AGAINST HERSELF Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. DEFENCES OF ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. DESCRIPTION OF ENGLAND AS GIVEN IN DOMESDAY Freeman's Nor. Con., vol.5, 1876. DUTCH RAID ON THE MEDWAY IN 1667 Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. EARLIER ENGLISH TRIBES AND THEIR LAWS Du Chaillu's Viking Age, 1889. EGYPT AND ENGLAND National Review, vol. 27, 1896. ENGLAND AND FRANCE Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. i, 1890. ENGLAND AND SOUTH AFRICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 2, 1877. ENGLAND AND THE MEDITERRANEAN Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. ENGLAND IN THE REIGN OF GEORGE I. Defoe's London to Land's End, 1724. ENGLAND IN 1726 Voltaire's Letters, 1773. [204] ENGLAND-ENGLISH LANGUAGE England. (continued). ENGLAND IN 1782 Moritz s Travels, 1795. ENGLAND REVISITED Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. ENGLAND'S PLACE AMONG THE NATIONS Macmilian's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. ENGLISH CHRONICLES : Their Origin and Character Freeman's Nor. Con., v. 2, 1870 ENGLISH CONSTITUTION Hallam's State of Europe during the Middle Ages, 1860. ENGLISH CONSTITUTION : Effects of the Norman Conquest Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. ENGLISH FAMOUS FOR THEIR SKILL IN ARCHERY Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. ENGLISH GENTRY : Disappearance of the Old Squires Spectator, vol. 72, 1894. ENGLISH IN MUSCOVY DURING THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 7, 1878. Johnstone's British Colony in Russia, 1897. ENGLISH SOCIETY OF TO-DAY Pall Mall Magazine, vols. 7 & 8, 1893. EXPANSION OF ENGLAND Macmilian's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. EXPANSION OF ENGLAND IN THE j8xH CENTURY Macmillan's Mag., vol. 46, 1882. FALSIFICATION OF ENGLISH HISTORY De Quincey's Complete Works, 1862-74. FIFTEENTH CENTURY ENGLAND Merry England, vol. 21, 1893. FINANCES OF FRANCE AND ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. n, 1864-5. FOLLOWING DICKENS WITH A CAMERA Outing, vol. 23, 1894. FRENCH FEELING TOWARDS ENGLAND National Review, vol. 23, 1894. FRENCH VIEW OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE Fortnightly Review, vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. FUTURE OF ENGLAND AND AMERICA Foster's Critical Essays. 1888. GLIMPSES BACK A HUNDRED YEARS AGO Temple Bar, vol. 99, 1893. HISTORIC EPISODES Sir William Temple's Works, 1757, HISTORY ON THE FACE OF ENGLAND Trans, of the Royal Hist. Soc., vol. i (n.s.), 1884. IMPERIAL EXPANSION IN THE VICTORIAN ERA English Illustrated Mag., vol. 17, 1897. IMPRESSIONS OF A GERMAN GIRL IN ENGLAND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. IN FIFTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND Sir W. Temple's Works, vol. 3, 1757. Is THE ENGLISH RACE DEGENERATING Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. LES SENTIMENTS DE LA FRANCE POUR L'ANGLETERRE New Review, vol. 12,1895. LIFE IN ENGLAND Taine's Notes on England, 1872. [vol. 2, 1873, MATERIALS FOR A DOMESTIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND Trans, of the Royal Hist. Soc., MEDI.EVAL MILITARY ARCHITECTURE IN ENGLAND Archaeological Jour., vol.24, 1867. NAPOLEON AND ENGLISH COMMERCE English Historical Review, vol. 8, 1893. ORIGIN OF THE ENGLISH NATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. OUR CIVILIZATION Free Review, vol. i, 1893. OUR RELATIONS WITH ENGLAND [America] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70 PRESERVATION OF LOCAL NAMES IN ENGLAND Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i> PYTHEAS, THE DISCOVERER OF BRITAIN Geographical Journal, vol. i, 1893. [1870. REUNION OF ENGLISH SPEAKING NATIONS Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. ROMAN OCCUPATION OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND Archaeological Jour., vol. 36, 1879. ROMANTIC ELEMENTS IN ENGLISH HISTORY Freeman's Historical Essays, 1872-80. RURAL ECONOMY OF ENGLAND Grote's Collected Papers, 1862. RURAL ENGLAND AND SOCIAL LIFE Rogers' Six Centuries of Work and Wages, 1884. RURAL LIFE IN ENGLAND Spectator, vol. 72, 1894. RUSSIA AND ENGLAND Contemporary Rev., v. 67, 1895. Macmillan's Mag., v. 42, 1880* RUSSIA, PERSIA, AND ENGLAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. SAXON INVASION AND ITS INFLUENCE ON OUR CHARACTER Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1885. SETTLEMENT OF BRITAIN AND RUSSIA BY THE ENGLISH RACES Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 7, 1878. SHALL AMERICA AND ENGLAND BE UNITED North American Review, vol. 156, 1893. SOME DECISIVE MARRIAGES OF ENGLISH HISTORY New Review, vol. 9, 1893. SOUTH COAST OF ENGLAND (from Margate to Portsmouth) Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. i. SOUTH COAST OF ENGLAND (from Portsmouth to Lizard) Cassell's Picturesque SPANISH AND BRITISH FLEETS James' Naval History, vol. i, 1837. [Europe, vol. i. STATE OF ENGLAND UNDER THE NORMANS White's History of England from the Earliest Times, 1860. UNIFICATION OF ENGLAND Burrow's Commentaries on the History of England, 1893. VILLAGE LIFE IN ENGLAND North American Review, vol. 158, 1894. WAGES AND PRICES IN ENGLAND, 1261-1701 Jour, of Political Economy, vol.2, 1893. WHAT is A TOWN? Archaeological Journal, vol. 34, 1877. GENERAL Cobbett's Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland, 1857. E. S. A.'s. World in which I Live. Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. And various Histories anil Topographies of England. Englefield (Sir Francis, Officer in the Household of Princess May, Duchess of York, died 1896) Dublin Review, vol. 119, 1896. ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BYEWAVS OF ENGLISH Meliora, vol. 12, 1869. EARLY ENGLISH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. EARLY ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION. By Alex. J. Ellis Early English Text Society's. Reprints (extra series), Nos. 2, 7, 14, 1867-71. ENGLISH IN NEWSPAPERS AND NOVELS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 2, 1887. ENGLISH IN SCHOOLS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. ENGLISH SLANG Leland & Barrere's Dictionary of Slang, 1890. ESSAY ON STYLE De Quincey's Complete Works, 1862-74. [205] ENGLISH LANGUAGE-ENTREES English Language (continued). FOLK-SPEECH IN AMERICA Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1894. FUTURE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. GUIDE TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Bain's Education as a Science, 1889. LANGUAGES, NOMENCLATURE, AND RACES IN ENGLAND AT THE PRESENT TIME Freeman's History of the Norman Conquest, 1870. NOTES ON POPULAR ENGLISH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. ORIGIN OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Disraeli's Amenities ot Literature, 1870. ORTHOGRAPHY OF THE BRITAIN TONGUE FROM A SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MS. Early English Text Society's Reprint, no. 5, 1865. PLEA FOR THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. Moon's The Dean's English. RHYMING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE BY PETER LEVINS, 1570 Early English Text Society's Reprint, no. 27, 1867. SPECIAL WORDS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Dialect, Proverbs and Word-Lore], 1884. STUDY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Fitch's Lectureson Teaching, 1889 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. TEACHING OF ENGLISH Macmillan's Mag., vol. 18, 1868. Atlantic Mon., vol. 81, 1898. WARDOUR STREET ENGLISH Longman's Magazine, vol. 12, 1888. GENERAL Murray's New English Dictionary, 1888. English Literature. See Literature, Books, Fiction, Peotry, etc. Englishism. PROGRESS OF ENGLISHISM IN INDIA Kaye's Hist, of Sepoy War, 1877-8. Engraving. ART IN ENGRAVING ON WOOD Atlantic Monthly, vol. 51, 1883. GERMAN ENGRAVERS Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. HISTORY OF WOOD ENGRANING Harper's Magazine, vol. 3, 1881-2. ILLUSTRATION OF BOOKS AND NEWSPAPERS Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. MEDIAEVAL GERMAN ENGRAVING Archaeological Journal, vol. 21, 1864. MONOGRAMS OF PAINTERS AND ENGRAVERS Bryant's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1895. MYSTERY OF MEZZOTINT ENGRAVING Idler Magazine, vol. 11, 1897. ORIGINALITY IN WOOD ENGRAVING Century Magazine, vol. 16, 1889. PRESENT CONDITION OF WOOD ENGRAVING IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA National Review, vol. 25, 1895. REVIVAL OF MEZZOTINT AS A PAINTER'S ART Harper's Magazine, vol. 9, 1884-5. TRUE CONDITION OF WOOD ENGRAVING IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA National Review, vol. 25, 1895. GENERAL Bryant's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1893-5. A rt, Etching, etc. Enkhuizen (A Seaport of Holland) Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Enoch (Seventh in descent from Adam, Old Testament Patriarch and Saint). THE BOOK OF ENOCH Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. GENERAL Ewald's Israel, 1869. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1861. Ensilage (/I mode of storing green Fodder, Vegetables, etc.) Maon'Maris Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. Wrightson's Fallow and Fodder Crops [Introduct. of Ensilage], 1889. Entertainment. ENTERTAINMENT GIVING Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. How GIRLS MAY ENTERTAIN THEIR FRIENDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. SOME PECULIAR ENTERTAINMENTS Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. Enthusiasm (Religious) Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. ENTOMOLOGY. (See also Insects, Natural History, Zoology, etc., and under names, e.g., Ant, Bee, Butterfly, Spider, Wasp, etc.). AFRICAN ENTOMOLOGY Mounteney Jephson's Emin Pasha, 1890. AFRICAN INSECTS Drnmmond's Tropical Africa, 1888. ENGLISH AND MAORI FLIES IN NEW ZEALAND Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. EQUATORIAL AFRICA Jameson's Story of the Rear Column, 1890. ENTOMOLOGY OF EPPING FOREST Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1877. EXOTIC ENTOMOLOGY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. u, 1875. INDIAN INSECTS Hooker's Himalayan Journals, or Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal. INSECTS OF ASSAM Barker's Tea Planter Life in Assam, 1884. INSULAR ENTOMOLOGY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. u, 1875. INTRODUCTION TO ENTOMOLOGY Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 28, 1848. LEPIDOPTERA FROM SOMALILAND James 1 Unknown Horn of Africa : An Exploration from Berbera to Leopard River, 1888. NOTES ON THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SEASON OF 1873 Hardwicke's Science Gossip, SOME INDIAN INSECTS Longmans' Magazine, vol. 15, 1889-90. [vol. 10, 1874. SUBTERRANEAN ENTOMOLOGY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual. Crowther's Microscope : Its Lessons. Essex Field Club Papers, 1881-6. Hardwicke's Science Gossip. Jardine's Naturalist's Library. Kirby's Insects : Friends and Foes, 1898. Muddock's Guide to Switzer- land, 1890. Entrecasteaux (J. A. B. d', French Navigator, died 1793) Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. Entre'eB (In Cookery, made dishes, such as Sweetbreads, Cutlets, etc. Girl's Own, v. 6, 1885. [206] ENVY EPITAPH Envy. ENVY AND EVIL DEVICES J. A. P. Proverbsof Solomon (classified & arranged). ON ENVY British Essayists, vol.6, 1823. Shenstone's Essays on Men & Manners, 1779. GENERAL Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Knickerbocker Magazine [and Scandal], vol. 33. Eon (Chevalier d', Equerry to Louis XV. ; disguised himself as a woman for years, died 1810) Campan's Private Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France and Navarre, 1887. Lady Jackson's French Court and Society, 1881. Letters of the First Earl Malmesbury, 1870. Wilson's Book of Wonderful Characters, 1869. Boris. EORLS AND CEORLS Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. THE THEGNS SUPPLANT THE OLD EORLS Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. Eozoon (Supposed gigantic Fossil). EOZOON AND MONTE SOMNA BLOCKS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. Ephesus (Ancient Greek City of Asia Minor; St. Paul established a Church there). EPHESUS AND THE TEMPLE OF DIANA Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [page 731], 1882. Temple Bar, vol. 104, 1895. EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS Hasting's Dictionary to the Bible, vol. i, 1898. MEMORIES OF EPHBSUS Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. ST. PAUL AT EPHESUS Ramsey's Church in the Roman Empire, 1893. GENERAL Black's Hundred Days in the East : Diary of a journey to Egypt and the East, 1865. Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1846. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 3, 1830. Treasury of Religous Thought, 1891. Conybeare & Howson's St. Paul, 1870. Epic (A Poem of the narrative kind) Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 1853. Posnett's Comparative Literature. See, also Homer, Virgil, Dante, Milton, etc. EpictetUS (Greek Stoic Philosopher, died about 109 A.D.). STOICAL WRITINGS Brace's Unknown God : Inspiration among the pre-Christian Races, 1890. GENERAL Farrar's Seekers _after God [Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius], 1891. Epicureans (A School of Grecian Philosophers) Hastings Diet, of the Bible, v. i, 1898. A PHASE OF MODERN EPICUREANISM International Journal of Ethics, vol. 4, 1893-4. Epicurus (Greek Philosopher, Founder of Epicurean School, taught that pleasure and pain are the chief good and evil, died 270 B.C.). EPICURUS AND His SAYINGS Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. LUCRETIUS AND EPICURUS Benn's Greek Philosophers, vol. 2, 1882. Epidaurus, Morea (Seaport of Ancient Greece) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16, 1830. Epidemics (Contagious Diseases such as Cholera, Diphtheria, Smallpox, Typhoid Fever, etc.) GREAT EPIDEMICS AND HOW THEY HAVE BEEN MET Burnley's Romance ot Life Preservation, 1888. EARLY EPIDEMICS Spectator, vol. 68, 1892. HISTORY OF EPIDEMICS Nature, vol. 46, 1892. PAST AND PRESENT EPIDEMICS Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. PLAGUES, FEVERS AND EPIDEMICS Nature, vol. 46, 1892. PREVENTION OF EPIDEMICS Richardson's National Health, 1890. Epigram (A pointed and witty saying). ANCIENT AND MODERN EPIGRAMS Good Words, vol. 34, 1893. Temple Bar, vol. 21, 1867. Belgravia. vol. 14, 1871. ART OF EPIGRAM Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. FRANCIS THYNNE'S EMBLEMES AND EPIGRAMES Early English Text Society's Reprint, no. 64, 1876. GENERAL Lytton's Wit and Wisdom, Passages from the Works of Lytton. Epilepsy (A nervous disease in which a person is subject to sudden seizures or fits). EPILEPSY FOLLOWED BY INSANITY Maudsley's Responsibility in Mental Disease, 1874. Epiphany (A Church Festival, dating fromSi^) Wheatly'sBookof Common Prayer, 1859. Epiphyte (A plant which grows on trees, like moss, lichens, etc.) ON EPIPHYTES Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. Epirus (A district of Ancient Greece). EARLY HISTORY OF EPIRUS Abbott's History of Greece, 1888. NOTES OF TRAVEL Fortnightly Review, vol. 35, 1881. THIRTY DAYS IN EPIRUS -Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. Episcopacy (System of Church Government in which Bishops are superior to Priests or Presbyters). INCREASE OF THE EPISCOPATE Rector and His Friends : Leading Religious Questions, 1869. PRESBYTERY AND EPISCOPACY: a Review M'Crie's Miscellaneous Writings. GENERAL Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1859. Neale's History of the Puritans, 1822. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Episcopal and Papal Rings King's Antique Gems, 1860. Epistles Martin's Origin and History of the New Testament, 1877. Epitaph (Inscription upon a tomb or monument). EPITAPHS IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. Loftie's Westminster Abbey, 1891. EPITAPHS IN LEICESTERSHIRE, LINCOLNSHIRE, MIDDLESEX, AND MONMOUTHSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, part 7], 1896. NOTICE ON EPITAPHS Cornhill, vol. 16, 1891. SOME CURIOSITIES OF EPITAPHS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. SOME PAGAN EPITAPHS Cornhill, vol. 17 (n.s.), 1891. GENERAL Croker's Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1860. Life and Works of Wordsworth, Burns, etc., and Notes and Queries Indices. [207] EPPING FOREST-ESCURIAL EPPING FOREST. (4 Royal Forest in Essex, open free to the public). AN AUTUMN RAMBLE IN EPPINQ FOREST Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 14, 1878. BLEAK MARCH IN EPPING FOREST Well's Certain Personal Matters, 1897. COACHING IN EPPING FOREST Daily Graphic, vol. 18, 1894. DRIVE IN EPPING FOREST Daily Graphic, vol. 22, 1895. EPPING FOREST CONTROVERSY Nature, vol. 50, 1894. [vol. 7, 1895. EPPING FOREST MUSEUM AT CHINGFORD Nature, vol. 53, 1895. Natural Science, EPPING History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 4, 1777. HISTORY, CUSTOMS, AND LAWS OF EPPING FOREST Andrew's Bygone Essex, 1897. THINNING OF EPPING FOREST Daily Graphic, vol. 24, 1895. TREES IN EPPING FOREST Daily Graphic, vol. 22, 1895. [Essex Review. GENERAL Longman's Magazine, vol. 37, 1898. Thome's Environs of London, 1876. Epsom (A Town in Surrey, noted for its Races and its Medicinal "Salts.") RECOLLEC- TIONS OF EPSOM AND THE DERBY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. GENERAL Black's Guide to Surrey. Holmes' Our Hundred Days in Europe, 1887. See also under Derby and Oaks for the Races. Equality. AMERICAN NOTION OF EQUALITY Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. EQUALITY AS THE BASIS OF GOOD SOCIETY Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. SOCIAL EQUALITY International Journal of Ethics, vol. i, 1890-1. Equator (The Line or Circle which divides the F.arth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres). CROSSING THE EQUATOR: Customs on Board Ship Gentleman's Magazine Library [Manners and Customs], 1883. See also Geography. Equatorial Zone Wallace's Tropical Nature, 1878. Equity. ENGLISH SYSTEMS OF EQUITY Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. GENERAL Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. Erasmus (Desiderius [Gerhard Gerhards], Dutch Scholar, Reviver of Classic Literature, died 1536). DEAN COLET AND ERASMUS AT CANTERBURY All the Year Round, EARLY YEARS OF ERASMUS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. n, 1864-5. [vol. 69, 1891. ERASMUS. By the late Professor Froude Edinburgh Review, vol. 181, 1895. ERASMUS AND THE REFORMATION Temple Bar, vol. 104, 1895. ERASMUS IN ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. LUTHER AND ERASMUS Froude's Short Studies on Great Subjects, 1891. GENERAL Beard's Reformation of the Sixteenth Century and Modern Thought, 1885. Blunt's Sketch of the Reformation in England, 1832. Bradshaw's Collected Papers, 1889. Bridgett's Life of Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, 1888. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Collingwood's Life of Bernard Gilpin, Parson of Houghton-le-Spring, 1884. Expositor, vol. 7 (znd series), 1884. Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1859. Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. Quarterly Review, vol. 180, 1895. Roscoe's Life of Leo X., 1883. Seebohm's Oxford Reformers, 1869. Eregli (Seaport on the Black Sea ; the ancient Heracleia) Stevenson's Asia Minor,. 1881. Erfurt, Prussia (Contains a Royal Academy and Library of 60,000 vols.) Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany. Stoughton's Homes and Haunts of Luther, 1883. Stowe's Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854. Eric the Red (Reputed Discoverer of North America in the Eleventh Century) Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Erie (Great Lake of North America) Lyell's Second Visit to the United States. Erigena (Joannes Scotus, Irish Theologian and Philosoper, died about 875) Contem- porary Review, vol. 71, 1897. Erne (Lough, Irish Lake). BALLYSHANNON EXCURSION Jour. Roy. Soc.Antiq., Ireland, GENERAL Black's Guide to Galway. [ (sth series), vol. 6. Errors. COMMON ERRORS IN SPEECH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5 [p. 57], 1884. COMMON ERRORS IN WRITING AND SPEAKING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. POPULAR ERRORS Timbs' Strange Stories of the Animal World, 1868. Erskine (Thomas, Lord, Lord Chancellor, died 1823) Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. i [portrait]. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 5 [portrait]. Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. Pall MaJL Magazine, vol. 6, 1895. Erythrea (Italian Colony on the Red Sea) Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. Erzeroum, Turkish Armenia Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. Erzingau, Turkey Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. Esau (Eldest Son of Isaac). ESAU AND JACOB Church's Stories from the Bible (2nd ser.) GENERAL Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Treas. of Relig. Thought, 1891. Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. Stanley's Jewish Church, 1866. Escapes. EXCITING ESCAPE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. REMARKABLE ESCAPES DURING THE REIGN OF TERROR IN FRANCE Dr. Macaulay's Strange yet True, 1892. Eschatology. ESCHATOLOGY OF THE BIBLE Hasting's Diet, of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. See also Eternity, Future State, Judgment, etc.) EsCUTial or Escorial (Town of Spain, celebrated for Monastery and Palace) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19, 1830. Gautier's Wanderings in Spain, 1853. Hare's Walks in Spain, 1873. Inglis' Spain in 1830. Roberts' Autumn Tour in Spain, 1859. [208] ESDRAELON-ESTAING Esdraelon The great Pi-Jin of Central Palestine, and scene of many famous Battles) Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. See also Palestine. Esdras. THE BOOKS OF ESDRAS Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. Esher, Surrey (Vicinity of Claremont Palace) All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. Black's Guide to Surrey, V.D. ESKIMOS or ESQUIMAUX (A Race inhabiting the Arctic Coast of North America.. See also Alaska, Greenland, Hudson's Bay, Labrador, etc.) ACCOUNT OF THK ESQUIMAUX Hartwig's Polar World, 1869. ANCIENT AND MODERN ESKIMOS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. ESKIMO ENCAMPMENT Nansen's First Crossing of Greenland, 1892. ESKIMO HUTS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. ESKIMOS' CUSTOMS Nansen's First Crossing of Greenland, 1892. ESQUIMAUX SETTLEMENTS Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition, 1874. LIFE AMONG THE ESKIMOS Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. MANNERS OF ESQUIMAUX INDIANS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Foreign Customs], 1885. SUPERSTITIONS OF THE ESKIMOS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GENERAL Whymper's The Sea: its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, and Heroism. Astrup's With Peary near the Pole, 1898. Espirito Santo [Holy Spirit] (A Brazilian Maritime State) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 30, 1830. Espremesnil (Duval d', FrenchStatesman, died 1794) Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. Espronceda (Jos de, Poet, died 1842) Kennedy's Poets of Spain, 1832. Esquiline Hill, Rome Sir George Head's Rome, 1849. Lanciani's Ancient Rome. Esquimaux. See Eskimos. Essayists. VICTORIAN ESSAYISTS AND POETS Morley's Literature in the Reign of Victoria, 1881. Sec also Literature. Essays. ESSAYS AND REVIEWS Life and Letters of Rowland Williams, 1874. ESSAY WRITING Girl's Own Annual, vols. 1-2, 1880-1. WRITING OF ESSAYS Wells' Certain Personal Matters, 1897. Essenes (A Jewish Sect founded about the Century' before the Christian Era; disappeared aftei the fall of Jerusalem) Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 5, 1886. Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible [History of the Sect of the Essenes], vol. i, 1898. ESSEX (A Maritime County of S.E.England. See also tinder names of Towns and Places, e.g., Canning Town, Chclmsford, Colchester, Epping Forest, Harwich, Plaistow, Stratford, Walt ham Abbey, West Ham, etc.) ACROSS A CORNER OF ESSEX All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ESSEX Walford's Antiquarian, vol. i, 1882. CENSUS OF ESSEX Essex Review, vols. i, 1892, & 3, 1894. CHIPPING ONGAR CASTLE, GREENSTEAD CHURCH, AND WALTHAM ABBEY Gentle- man's Magazine Library [English Topography, part iv.], 1893. CHRONICLES OF ESSEX All the Year Round, vol. 55, 1884. CHURCH BELLS OF ESSEX Essex Review, vols. i & 2, 1892-3. CHURCHES OF ESSEX Essex Review, vol. i, 1892. CONVENTUAL REMAINS Reliquary, vul 22, 1882. DANELAND OF ESSEX Chambers' Journal, vol. 20, 1853. EASTERTIDE IN ESSEX All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. ESSEX ANTIQUITIES Chancellor's Sepulchral Monuments. Morant's Essex. Wright's ESSEX REVISITED Once a Week, vol. n, 1864. [Essex, etc. FARM FOLK OF ESSEX English Illustrated, vol. 13 (n.s.), 1895. FOREST OF ESSEX Cornhill Magazine, vol. 9, 1864. See also Epping Forest. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN ESSEX Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano-British Remains, part i.] , 1887. MINISTERS OF ESSEX, i6TH AND I7TH CENTURIES Brook's Puritans, 1813. MUTILATION OF ESSEX Daily Graphic, vol. 19, 1894. NOTES ON A POTTER'S KILN AT SHOEBURY, ESSEX Proc. Soc. of Antiq., vol. 16. NOTES ON ROMAN ESSEX Essex Archaeological Society's Transactions, vol. i, 1858. REVIEW OF BARRETT'S ESSEX Saturday Review, vol. 74, 1892. ROMAN ROAD AND ROMAN STATIONS IN ESSEX Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano-British Remains, partii.], 1887. SOME EARLY CHURCH DEDICATIONS IN KENT AND ESSEX Antiquary, vol. 18, 1888. STORMING OF CAMULODUNUM [COLCHESTER] AND DEFEAT OF A ROMAN LEGION Lynam's Roman Emperors, 1850. WALTHAM ABBEY AND CROSS All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. GENERAL Gilpin's Observations on Parts of Cambridge, etc., 1809. Land We Live In, vol.i. Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, ,1892. Essex Archaeological Societies' Transactions. Essex Review. Essex (Arthur Capel, Earl of, English Statesman concerned in the Rye House Plot, died 1683)- De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. Essex (R. Devereux, Second Earl of, executed 1601) Bell's Historic Persons Buried in the Tower. Campbell's Chanc., 1856-7. Ewald's Stories from State Papers, 1882. Es-SUkhra. THE LOCKED UP STONE OF JERUSALEM Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 2, 1873. Estaing (Charles Hector D', Vice-Admiral of France, died 1794) Challice's Heroes, Philosophers, and Courtiers, 1863. P [ 209 1 ESTEEM-ETHNOGRAPHY Esteem Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 18-5. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Esther (Queen, Wife of Ahasuenis, King of Persia) Church's Stories from the Bible (ist ser.). Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Treas. of Relig. Thought, 1891. Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible [Book of Esther], vol. i, 1898. Esthonian Hercules Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. Esthonian Superstition Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Eston, Yorkshire. THE BLAST FURNACES or ESTON [illustrated] Villars' English Provinces, 1888. Estremadura, Portugal (Maritime Province) Murray's Guide to Spain, V.D. Etching (Designs produced on Steel or Copper Plates with an Etching Needle). A RAMBLE ON COPPER Argosy, vol. 49, 1890. ART OF THE PAINTER ETCHER Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. ARTICLE ON ETCHING Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. FRANK SHORT AND WILLIAM STRANG English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. MASTERS OF ETCHING Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. MODERN ETCHING Fortnightly Revie-v, vol. 41, 1887. PHILOSOPHY OF ETCHING Hamerton's Thoughts About Art, 1873. SOME FORGOTTEN ETCHERS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1883-4. TONE ETCHING ON COPPER Photogram, vol. i, 1894. GENERAL Hallatt's Hints on Architectural Draughtsmanship, 1892. See also Art, Drawing, Engraving, etc. Eternity. ETERNAL LIFE AND DEATH Maurice's Theological Essays, 1853. Is THE GREAT HEREAFTER A DREAM? Haweis' Broad Church, 1891. WORLD'S SUPPOSED ETERNITY Hitchcock's Religion of Geology, 1851. GENERAL Hamilton's Rewards and Punishments, 1853. Kennedy's Thoughts on Being, 1850. See also Eschatology, Future State, etc. Ethelhard (Archbishop of Canterbury, died 805) Hook's Archbishops, vol. i, 1875. Ethelred II. (Saxon King of England, died 1016). ETHELRED AND SWEYN Church's Early Britain, 1891. Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. Ether (The subtle Fluid supposed to fill space). ATOMS, MOLECULES, AND ETHER WAVES Tyndall's New Fragments, 1^92. Longman's Magazine, vol. i, 1882-3. FACTS ABOUT ETHER Wright's Threshold of Science, 1891. LUMINIFEROUS ETHER Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. Ether (A light, volatile Fluid used occasionally as an An&sthetic). FIRST CAPITAL OPERATION UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ETHER Scribner's Mag., vol. 12, 1892. Etherege (Sir George, Dramatist, died 1691) Jesse's Court of England, 1857. ETHICS. (Moral Philosophy ; the Science which treats of the Nature and Laws of the Actions of Intelligent Beings. See also Moral Philosophy, Socialism, Society, etc.) ADVANCEMENT OF ETHICS The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. ANIMAL ETHICS Spencer's Justice: being Part IVof "The Principles of Ethics,"i8gi. CHRISTIAN ETHICS Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. CRITERION OF ETHICS The Monist, vol. i. 1890-1. [vol. 2, 1891-2. ESSENTIALS OF BUDDHIST DOCTRINE AND ETHICS International Journal of Ethics, ETHICAL AND ARTISTIC NOTES Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 4. ETHICS AND BIOLOGY International Journal of Ethics, vol. 5, 1894-5. ETHICS AND SCIENCE Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. ETHICS AND THE COSMIC ORDER : A Criticism of Huxley The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. ETHICS OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT Hasting's Diet, of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. EVOLUTIONARY ETHICS Herbert Spencer's Various Fragments, 1897. SOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ETHICS Dyer's Evolution of Industry, 1895. THE RELIGIOUS ELEMENT IN ETHICAL CODES Inter. Jour, of Ethics, vol. i, 1890-1. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1860. International Journal of Ethics. The Monist, etc. Ethiopia (An ancient region south of Egypt). THE ETHIOPIA OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. See also Abyssinia. ETHNOGRAPHY (Science dealing with particular tribes of mankind, their localities, etc. See also Anthropology, Ethnology, Man, Races, and under names of countries). ARRAN ISLANDS ETHNOGRAPHY Proc. Royal Irish Academy (3rd series), vol. 2. DOMESTIC EVERYDAY LIFE, MANNERS AND CUSTOMS IN THE ANCIENT WORLD Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vols. 2-4, 1873-6. DOMESTIC EVERYDAY LIFE, MANNERS AND CUSTOMS IN ENGLAND Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vols. 6-10, 1877-82. [Africa, 1857. ETHNOGRAPHICAL RELATIONS OF AHER Earth's Travels in Northern and Central ETHNOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM Trans. Bristol Arcb. Soc.,v. 18. [210] ETHNOLOGY-ETRURIA ETHNOLOGY (Science treating of the Customs, Languages, Institutions, etc., of Man. See also Anthropology, Ethnography, Man, Races, and under names of countries). ACCOUNT OF THE MALAGASY PEOPLE Oliver's Madagascar, 1886. BRITISH ETHNOLOGY Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 7, 1895. EUNSEN ON ASIATIC AND AFRICAN ETHNOLOGY British Association Report, 1847. CONFLICT OF THE RACES Sergeant's Franks [The Story of the Nations], 1898. ETHNOLOGICAL JURISPRUDENCE The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. ETHNOLOGY OF ANCIENT EGYPT Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. ETHNOLOGY OF EARLY BRITAIN Rhys' Celtic Britain, 1884. ETHNOLOGY OF THE INHABITANTS OF BURMA Fytche's Burma, Past and Present, 1878. EUROPEAN SECTION OF THE ARYAN RACE Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 6. GERMAN R^E Sergeant's Franks [The Story of the Nations], 1898. IBERIAN AND BELGIAN INFLUENCE AND EPOCHS IN BRITAIN Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. JERSEY ETHNOLOGY Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 22, 1893. MONGOLIAN RACE Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 6, 1881-9. NEGRITOS AND NATIVE AUSTRALIANS Cassell's Pop. Educator, vol. 6, 1881-9. [i&73- ON THE METHODS AND RESULTS OF ETHNOLOGY Huxley's Critiques and Addresses, PRITCHARD ON THE RELATIONS OF OTHER BRANCHES OF KNOWLEDGE British Association Report, 1847. REMARKS ON LINGUISTIC ETHNOLOGY Report of the British Association, 1892. ROMANS IN BRITAIN Burrows' Commentaries on the History of England, 1893. GENERAL Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3, 1883. ETIQUETTE (Forms, ceremonies and usages of Society. See also Customs, Manners, Society, and under names of places, etc.) ABSURDITIES OF ETIQUETTE Idler, vol. 8, 1894. CARD-LEAVING ETIQUETTE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. ETIQUETTE EXTRAORDINARY Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. ETIQUETTE FOR ALL CLASSES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. ETIQUETTE FOR OUR BROTHERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. ETIQUETTE IN WALKING, RIDING, AND DRIVING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. GOOD BREEDING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. GUEST AND GUEST CHAMBER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. MEN AND MANNERS Greville's Gentlewoman in Society, 1892. ON WHAT is CALLED ETIQUETTE Friswell's The Gentle Life, 1886. ROYAL ETIQUETTE Lady's Realm, vol. 3, 1897. SOME VARIATIONS OF ETIQUETTE Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. Etive (Loch, Inlet of the Sea, West Coast of Scotland) Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Etna, Sicily (The greatest Volcano in Europe). A CASTLE ON MOUNT ETNA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. ASCENT OF MOUNT ETNA Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19, 1892. Hare's Cities of Southern Italy, 1883. GENERAL Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19 (n.s.), 1892. Mountains and Mountain-Climbing: Records of Adventure and Enterprise among the Famous Mountains of the World, 1883. Murray's South Italy. ETON, Buckinghamshire (Noted for its College, founded by Henry VI., 1440). DESCRIPTION OF ETON COLLEGE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. Staunton's Schools of England, 1865. ETON COLLEGE, 1836 TO 1841 Longmans' Magazine, vol. 12, 1888. ETON COLLEGE IN i844---Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. ETON COLLEGE MUSEUM Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. ETON FIFTY YEARS AGO Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. ETON REFORM Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. ETON SIXTY YEARS AGO Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1870. ETON THIRTY YEARS SINCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. GREAT NAMES AT ETON AND HARROW Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. LIFE AT ETON Montagu Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1890. OLD ETON AND MODERN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. RECOLLECTIONS OF ETON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 3, 1860-1. ROWLAND WILLIAMS, D.D., AT ETON Life and Letters of Rowland Williams, 1874. SCHOOL GRACES AT ETON Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. SOME DISTANT PROSPECTS OF ETON COLLEGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. STORIES OF OLD ETON DAYS Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 4, 1879-80. Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. i, 1876-8. Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography], 1891. J. T. Hodgson's Life of Rev. Francis Hodgson, Scholar, Poet, and Divine, 1878. Land We Live in, vol. 2, 1853. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. Staun- ton's Schools of England, 1865. Stowe's Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854. Etretat (French Watering Place near Havre) Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Etruria (Ancient name .of country now occupied by Tuscany, Italy. The Etruscans were celebrated for their painted vases, ornamental tiles, statues, etc.) COAST OF ETRURIA Hare's Cities of Northern and Central Italy, 1876. ETRUSCAN TOWNS Baedeker's Central Italy, V.D. See also Florence. WEDGWOOD AND ETRURIA Meteyard's Group of Englishmen, 1871. GENERAL Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1848. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Hulme's Birth and Development of Ornament, 1893. Edinburgh Review, vol. 50, 1829-30. [211] ETTY-EVANS Etty (William, Artist, died 1849) Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 3, 1830. Etymology (Derivation and Modification of Words). ENGLISH ETYMOLOGY Macmil l.m's Magazine, vol. i, 1859-60. LOCAL All the Year Round, vol. 3, 1860* PRINCIPLES OF ETYMOLOGY Max Miiller's Science of Language, 1871. See also Grammar, Language, I'hilology, etc. Eubcea (Grecian Island in the ALgean Sea) Parry's Sketches of a Yachting Cruise, 1889. Eucalyptus. EUCALYPTUS IN THE FUTURE Popular Science Monthly, vol. 12, 1878. EUCALYPTUS IN THE ROMAN CAMPAGNA Chambers' Journal, vol. 58, 1881. PRODUCTS OF TREES OF THE GENUS Intellectual Observer, vol. 9, i860. Eucharist. EUCHARISTIC CONTROVERSIES OF MIDDLE AGES Trench's Medieval GENERAL Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. [Church History, 1886. See also Communion, Lord's Supper, Sacrament, etc. Euchre (American Game at Cards) Saturday Review, vols. 57, 1884, & 62, 1886. Euclid. EXERCISES IN EUCLID Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 4, 1891. EudOXUS (Greek Astronomer, flourished 366 B.C.) Nature, vol. 30, 1884. [World, 1882. Eudoxus (Greek Navigator, died about Second Century B.C.) Verne's Exploration of the Euganea Hills (Volcanic Hills in Italy) Hare's Cities of Northern Italy, 1883. Eugene Aram. STORY OF EUGENE ARAM Ashton's Eighteenth Century Waifs, 1887. Leisure Hour, vol. 34, 1885. See also Aram (Eugene). Eugene (Prince, Austrian General, died 1736). EUGENE AND MARLBOROUGH Coxe's. Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, 1847. GENERAL Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers, 1865. Eugenie (Empress Marie De Guzman, Ex-Empress of the French, born 1826). AT CHISLEHURST E. H. Yates' Celebrities at Home, 1877-9. EMPRESS AND EXILE Lady s Realm, vol. i, 1896-7. FLIGHT TO ENGLAND Leisure Hour, vol. 20, 1871. Temple Bar, vol. 8, 1883. Eugenius II. (Pope, died 827) Machiavelli's History of Florence, 1891. Eugenius III. (Pope, died 1153) Morison's St. Bernard, 1889. Platina's Lives of the Popes from the time of Gregory VII. to Paul II. Eugenius IV. (Pope, died 1447) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 8, 1872. Eumenes (Greek General 310) Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Thirlwall's History of Greece. Euphuism (Affected style of speech) Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. EUROPE. (See also under names of Countries and places, e.g., England, France, London, Paris, Rome, Russia ; and under A rt. Civilization, Customs, Education, etc.) ABORIGINAL EUROPE Del Mar's Money in Ancient Countries, 1885. ADVANCE OF CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION IN EUROPE Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc., vol. 8, 1880. DARK AGES OF EUROPE Del Mar's Money and Civilization, 1885. EAST EUROPE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 26, 1872. EMIGRATION FROM EUROPE TO AMERICA Journal of Statistical Soc., vol. 19, 1856.. ENGLAND AND THE EUROPEAN CONCERT Fortnightly Review, vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. EUROPEAN CITIES Appleton's European Guide, V.D. EUROPEAN SITUATION IN 1868-9 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. FUTURE OF EUROPE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. GLANCE AT MODERN EUROPE, 1850 Crete's Collected Papers, 1862. GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EUROPEAN CONCERT Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. How THE FRONTIERS OF EUROPE ARE KEPT Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. LEGENDS OF EASTERN EUROPE Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. MOROCCO AND EUROPE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. PEACE MINISTERS OF EUROPE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. REVIEW OK THE STATK OF EUROPE AFTER THE PEACE OF VERSAILLES Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1878. I History, 1847. STATE OF EUROPE IN IOTH, HTH, & I2TH CENTURIES Woodhouselee's Universal STATE OF EUROPEAN SOCIETY DURING THE MIDDLE AGES Hallam's State of Europe during the Middle Ages, vol. 3, 1860. UNITED STATES OF EUROPE Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. GENERAL Buckle's History of Civilization ii> England, :885. Eurypterida (An extinct sub-order of Crustacea, allied to the King Crab species). RECENT ADDITIONS TO OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE E. Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. Eusden (Lawrence, Poet Laureate, died 1730) Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 1879. Eusebius (Father of Ecclesiastical History; a Greek Writer, died 340). SILENCE OF EUSEBIUS AS TO THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON Cassel's Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays. 1889. GENERAL Dale's Living Christ, 1892. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Shepherd's Church of Rome, 1851. Sozomen's Ecclesiastical History, 1855 Eustatius (A n enthusiastic Friar who denounced the Sabbath-breaking in England oj the. nth century) Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Evangelicalism. THE WANING OF EVANGELICALISM Contemp. Rev., vol. 73, 1898. Evangelism. EVANGELICAL MOVEMENT Abbey's English Church, 1887. OFFICE OF EVANGELISTS Jackson's Institutions of Christianity, 1868. Also Religion. Evans (Christmas, Welsh Theologian, died 1838) Shaw's Religious Humorists, 1879. Evans (Sir George De Lacy, Irish General, fought at Waterloo and in the Crimea, died 1870) Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, vols. 3 & 6, 1885-8. [212! EVANS'-EVOLUTION Evans", Covent Garden Serjeant Ballantine's Experiences of a Barrister's Life, 1883. Evanson (Edward, Clergyman, died 1805) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840-3. Evaporation (Conversion of liquid into vapour or steam). MEASUREMENT OF EVAPORA- TION Loomis' Treatise on Meteorology, with Tables, 1892. PROFESSOR CLEVELAND ON EVAPORATION Nature, vol. 54, 1896. Eve (According to Genesis, the Mother of the Human Race). MILTON'S CHARACTER OF EVE Hazlitt's Round Table, 1884. Milton's Paradise Lost. GENERAL Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Hasting's Bible Diet. Evelyn (John, English Writer, died 1706). EVELYN THE DIARIST Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Evenness of Temper. BEAUTY OF EVENNESS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. Events of the Year Review of Reviews, vols. for each year. Note. The above is a valuable feature of the " Review of Reviews," and is given in each month's issue under the heading of "Diary for "naming the month. It is practically a current history of principal events. See also Irving's Annals of our Time. Palmer's Index to the "Times." And Indexes of the various Journals. " Ever of Thee " (Song published in 1859) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Everett (Alexander H., American Diplomatist and Author, died 1847) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Jones' Essays on Authors and Books, 1849. Everett (Edward, American Statesman and Orator, died' 1865) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. All the Year Round, vol. 4, 1860-1. [Sky, 1867. Everett (Rev. James, An Eminent Preacher, died 1872) Gilfillan's Stars in the Church Evergreens. YULE TIDE EYERGREENS Girls' Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 186], 1883. GENERAL Standish's Practical Hints on the Planting of Ornamental Trees, 1852. Evesham, Worcestershire. EVESHAM AND ITS CHURCHES Rep. Assoc. Arch.Soc.,v.2i. PASSAGES IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE ABBEY Rep. Assoc. Arch. Soc., v. 22. GENERAL Bonney's Abbeys and Churches of England and Wales, 1890. Murray's Handbook of Worcestershire, V.D. Evictions. EVICTED TENANTS New Review, vol. u, 1894. LONDON EVICTIONS -Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. Evil. CHRISTIAN USE OF EVIL Hughes' Ethical Christianity, 1892. EVIL SPIRIT Maurice's Theological Essays, 1853. EXPULSION OF EVILS -Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. [in Religion. GOOD AND EVIL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 4, 1863. Stuart Mill's Three Essays KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL International Journal of Ethics, vol. 4, 1893-4. UTILISATION OF EVIL Blackie's Lay Sermons, 1881. Good Words, vol. 20, 1879. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, i?6o. Household Words, vol. i, 1850. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Sec also Devil, Sin, Ethics, etc. EVOLUTION (Natural Change, Development. See also Man, Sex, Selection, Universe, etc.) ABOUT A SEPARATE CREATION Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. BONNEY'S THEORY OF EVOLUTION The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. BUD-VARIATION AND EVOLUTION Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. [vol. 2, 1894. CAUSES OF THE PHENOMENA OF ORGANIC NATURE Huxley's Collected Essays, CHINESE THEORY OF EVOLUTION Field's Corner of Cathay, 1894. CLIMACTERIC IN EVOLUTION Science Gossip, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. CONCEPTS OF EVOLUTION Williams' Review of the Systems of Ethics, 1893. CONTINUITY OF EVOLUTION The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2, COSMIC PHILOSOPHY Herbert Spencer's Works. CREATION versus EVOLUTION Tait's Mind in Matter, 1892. CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION Expositor, vol. 7 (5th series), 1898. CRITICISMS ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 2, 1894. DARWIN AND THE THEORY OF NATURAL SELECTION Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. DARWINIAN HYPOTHESIS Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 2, 1894. DARWINIAN HYPOTHESIS OF SEXUAL SELECTION Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. DARWINISM AND DESIGN Contemporary Rev., v. 71, 1897. The Student, v. 3, 1869. DARWINISM AND RELIGION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. DARWIN'S CRITICS Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 2, 1894. DE CANDOLLE ON DARWIN'S THEORY The Student, vol. 3, 1863. DEGENERATION : achapterin Darwinism Ray Lankester's Advancement of Sci., 1890. DEMONSTRATIVE EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 4, 1895. DISSOLUTION versus EVOLUTION Unalism: or, New yet Old Christianity, by Unitas, M.A., 1892. EGOISM AND ALTRUISM IN EVOLUTION Williams' Rev. of Systems of Ethics, 1893. ETHICAL PHILOSOPHY AND EVOLUTION Nineteenth Century, vol. 4, 1878. EVOLUTION AND A PRIORI ETHICS National Review, vol. 2, 1^83-4. EVOLUTION AND ETHICS Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 9, 1895. EVOLUTION AND MAN'S PLACE IN NATURK--Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. EVOLUTION AND NATURAL HISTORY Watts' Reign of Causality, 1888. EVOLUTION AND THE AMATEUR NATURALISTS Blackwood's Mag., vol. 161, 1897. EVOLUTION APPLIED TO MIND Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. EVOLUTION AS APPLIED TO MAN Leisure Hour, vol. 21, 1872. EVOLUTION IN BIOLOGY Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 2, 1894. EVOLUTION OF LIFE Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. EVOLUTION OF SOME RECENT BRACHIOPODA Natural Science, vol 2, 1893. EVOLUTIONARY LOVK The Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. [213] EVOLUTION-EXAGGERATION Evolution (continued). EXAMPLES OF EVOLUTION Buckley's Winners in Life's Race, 1891. EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. FACTORS OF EVOLUTION The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. FR. ZAHM'S WORK ON EVOLUTION AND DOGMA Dublin Review, vol. 119, 1896. GEORGE HENSI.OW ON NATURAL SELECTION Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. GORE ON EVOLUTION AND THE FALL Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. HERBERT SPENCER AND LORD SALISBURY ON EVOLUTION Nineteenth Cent., vol. 41, HEREDITY versus EVOLUTION The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. [1897. HISTORY OF EVOLUTION Nature, vol. 52, 1895. HUMAN EVOLUTION Natural Science vol. 10, 1897. HUMAN EVOLUTION AN ARTIFICIAL PROCESS Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. HUXLEY AND DANA ON EVOLUTION Cook's Boston Lectures, 1881. HUXLEY ON EVOLUTION AND ETHICS Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. INDIVIDUAL VARIATIONS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. INFLUENCE OF MIND IN EVOLUTION- Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. INFLUENCE OF WOMAN IN THE EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN RACE Natural Science,. ISOLATION IN ORGANIC EVOLUTION The Monist, vol. 8, 1898. [vol. n, 1897. KARL PEARSON ON EVOLUTION Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. LAMARCK AND LYELL : a Short Way with Lamarckians Natural Sci., vol. 8, 1896. LAWS OF EVOLUTION- Morselli's Suicide : an Essay on Comparative Moral Statis- LECTURES ON DARWINISM Nature, vol. 52, 1895. [tics, 1881. LECTURES ON EVOLUTION Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 4, 1895. LORD SALISBURY ON EVOLUTION. By Herbert Spencer Nine. Cent., vol. 38, 1896. LOVE AS A FACTOR IN EVOLUTION The Monist, vol. 8, 1898. MAN AND EVOLUTION Dyer's Evolution of Industry, 1895. [vol. 41, 1879-80. MATHEMATICIAN'S VIEWS OF THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION Macmillan's Magazine, MECHANICAL EVOLUTION Natural Science, vol. 2, 1^93. MENTAL EVOLUTION The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. METHOD OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. MONISTIC EVOLUTION Dawson's Modern Ideas of Evolution, 1891. NATURAL SELECTION AND LAMARCKISM Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. NEUTER INSECTS AND DARWINISM Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. ORGANIC EVOLUTION AND MENTAL ELABORATION Mind, v. 4 (n.s.), 1895. [v. 5, 1894. ORIGIN OF SPECIES WITHOUT THE AID OF NATURAL SELECTION Natural Science, PALAEONTOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Nature, vol. 54, 1896. [dresses, 1873. PALEONTOLOGY AND THE DOCTRINE OF EVOLUTION Huxley's Critiques and Ad- PHASES OF EVOLUTION IN THE GUIANA FOREST Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. PHILOSOPHY OF EVOLUTION Symond's Essays, Speculative and Suggestive, 1890. PLACE OF CONSCIENCE IN EVOLUTION Nineteenth Century, vol. 4, 1878. PLACE OF ISOLATION IN ORGANIC EVOLUTION Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. PRESENT EVOLUTION OF MAN Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. PRESENT PROBLEMS OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. PROBLEM OF VARIATION Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. [1897. PROF. TAIT ON THE FORMULA OF EVOLUTION Herbert Spencer's Various Fragments, RECENT EVOLUTIONARY STUDIES IN GERMANY The Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. REMARKS ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 2, 1894. REPRODUCTIVE DIVERGENCE: an Additional Factor in Evolution Nat. Sci., v. 11,1897. REPRODUCTIVE DIVERGENCE NOT A FACTOR IN THE EVOLUTION OF NEW SPECIES Natural Science, vol. 12, 1898. [Science, vol. 8, 1896. REPRODUCTIVE SELECTION Karl Pearson's Chances of Death, etc., 1897. Natural REVIEW OF DARWIN'S VARIATIONS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS UNDER DOMESTICA- TION The Student and Intellectual Observer, vol. i, 1868. ROMANES' CRITICISM OF WALLACE ON PHYSIOLOGICAL SELECTION The Monist, SEXUAL SELECTION Natural Science, vol. i, 1892. [vol. i, 1890-1. SOCIAL EVOLUTION Kidd's Social Evolution, 1894. SOCIALISM AND NATURAL SELECTION Karl Pearson's Chances of Death, etc., 1897. SPENCER'S THEORY OF EVOLUTION Positivist Review, vol. 3, 1895. SPREAD OF EVOLUTION Charles Darwin's Life & Letters; edited by his Son, 1887. THE COMING OF AGE OF "THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES" Huxley's Essays, vol. 2, 1894. THE ENDEAVOUR AFTER WELL-BEING Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. THE RIGHT OF EVOLUTION The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. THEORY OF EVOLUTION AND SOCIAL PROGRESS The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. THEORY OF PARTHENOGENESIS Ray Lankester's Advancement of Science, 1890. THREE LECTURES ON EVOLUTION Huxley's American Addresses, 1877. WHAT is EVOLUTION ? Dawson's Modern Ideas of Evolution, 1891. GENERAL Billing's Scientific Materialism and Ultimate Conceptions, 1879. Birk's Modern Physical Fatalism, 1876. Carpenter's Nature and Man, 1888. Clodd's. Story of Creation, 1891. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Treasury of Relig. Thought, 1891. Wallace's Darwinism. Romanes' Darwin and after Darwin. Evora, Portugal Murray's Guide to Portugal, V.D. Penny Magazine, vol. 4, 1835. Evreux, France Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Musgrave's Rambles into Brittany, 1870. Ewald (H., German Biblical Critic, died 1875). LIFE AND WORKS Expositor, vol. 4. Exactness Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. [(3rd series), 1886. Exaggeration. TALL TALK All the Year Round, vol. 70, 1892. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. [214] EXAMINATIONS-EXILE OP ERIN EXAMINATIONS. (See also A nny, Navy, Civil Service, Education, Colleges, Schools, Universities, etc.) ARMY ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 3, 1894. CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. CIVIL SERVICE Saturday Review, vol. 80, 1895. COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION SYSTEM IN CHINA Macmillan's Mag., vol. 23, 1870-1. COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS Todhunter's Conflict of Studies, 1873. EXAMINATION A FAILURE Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. EXAMINATION IN SECONDARY AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Time, vol. 19, 1888. GIRL'S EXAMINATION IN SCRIPTURAL KNOWLEDGE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. How TO PREPARE FOR EXAMINATIONS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS Education, vol. 14, 1894. Public Opinion, vol. 15, 1895. SPECIMENS OF PAPERS FOR TEACHERS' EXAMS. Macmillan's Mag., v. 68 [p. 312], 1893. UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS IN CHEMISTRY Barft's Scientific Chemistry, 1872. USE AND MANNER OF EXAMINATION Fitch's Lectures on Teaching, 1889. USEFUL HINTS FOR EXAMINATION CANDIDATES Girl's Own Annual, vol.7, 1886. Example. INFLUENCE OF EXAMPLE Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1860. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, it'75. Excavations. ANCIENT EXCAVATIONS Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Lanciani's Ancient Rome, 1889. Lanciani's Pagan and Christian Rome, 1892. Antiquities, etc. "Excelsior " (A llegorical lyric by Longfellow) Fitzgerald's Stor. of Famous Songs, 1898. Exchequer (Court of Exchequer). EXTRACTS FROM TH*: MEMORANDA ROLLS OF THE EXCHEQUER Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1886. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Spectator, vol. 68, 1892. Excitement. ELEMENTS OF VOLITION Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Excommunication. EXCOMMUNICATION OF QUEEN ELIZABETH Froude's History of England, vol. 9, 1887. [1859. GENERAL Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, Executions. AN EXECUTION IN INDIA - Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. FIRST EXPERIENCE OF PUBLIC EXECUTIONS Watts' My Private Note Book, 1862. EXERCISE (Athletic). (See also Boating, Cricket, Cycling, Fencing, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Riding, Running, Sport, Swimming, Walking, Wrestling, etc.) ANCIENT SCANDINAVIAN EXERCISES Du Chaillu's Viking Age, 1889. ATHLETIC SPORTS AND MANLY EXERCISES Every Boy's Book, 1886. DECLINE OF MILITARY EXERCISES Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. EXERCISE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE Popular Science Monthly, vol. 39. EXERCISES OF THE BRITONS Barn<-s' Notes on Ancient Britain and the Britons. How TO BENEFIT BY EXERCISE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 218], 1883. MUSCULAR EXERCISE Combe's Principles of Physiology, 1873. NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF BODILY EXERCISE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. POETRY OF MOTION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. REST AND EXERCISE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. SYSTEMATIZED EXERCISE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 3, 1860-1. GENERAL Lagrange's Physiology of Bodily Exercise, 1890. Maclaren's Physical Education, 1895. New Review, vol. 4, 1892. EXETER (Chief Town in Devonshire. See also Devonshire). ANCIENT CHURCH WITHIN THE CASTLE OF EXETER Archaeological Jour., v. n, 1854. CASTLE OF EXETER, DEVONSHIRE Archaeological Journal, vol. 7, 1850. CELT AND TEUTON IN EXETER Archaeological Journal, vol. 30, 1873. [1897. EXETER CATHEDRAL Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. Gust's Our English Minsters, EXETER CATHEDRAL ARCHITECTURE Sharpe's Seven Periods of Church Architecture, EXETER IN 1869 Doran's Memories of our Great Towns, 1878. [1888. HERALDRY OF EXETER Archaeological Journal, vol. 30, 1873. [3 vols., 1887. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY Ward Lock's Our National Cathedrals, OLD EXETER LIFE Norway's Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, 1897. ORDINANCES OF EARLY GILDS Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 40, 1870 PLACE OF EXETER IN THE HISTORY OK ENGLAND Archaeological Journal, vol. 30, 1873. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 28, 1873. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. SIEGE OF EXETER, 1644-6 M. Fuller's Life of Thomas Fuller, 1886. GENERAL Black's Guide to Devonshire, V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 2. Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, part iii.], 1893. Gilpin's Observations on the Western Parts of England, 1808. Land We Live In, vol. 3. Macmillan's Mag., v.28, 1873. Exeter Hall, 'London (Head-quarters of the Young Men's Cliristian Association) Sunday M_agazine, vol. 32, 1896. Walford's Old and New London, vol. 3, 1878. Exhibitions. EXHIBITIONS OF LONDON Land We Live in, vol. 2. GREAT EXHIBITION OF 1851 Molesworth's History of England, 1879. GREAT INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES EXHIBITION Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1883. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF 1886 Sunday Magazine, vol. 15, 1886. PARIS EXHIBITION OF 1878 Sala's Paris Herself Again, 1879 RECENT FOREIGN FISHERY EXHIBITIONS AND THEIR LESSONS Macmillan's Mag., WINTER EXHIBITIONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. [vol. 16, 1867. "Exile Of Erin" (Irish Song by Thomas Campbell) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. [215] EXILES-FABLES Exiles. EXPERIENCES OF A RUSSIAN EXILE -Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. PAINS OF EXILE Spectator, vol. 56, 1883. GENERAL Macmillan's Mag., vol. 72, 1895. SIBERIAN EXILES De Windt's Siberia as it is, 1892. Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. Existence. STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE IN HUMAN SOCIETY Huxley's Collected GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1860. [Essays, vol. 9, 1895. Exmoor (A wild district on the borders of Somerset aud Devonshire). COURTSHIP IN EXMOOR Gentleman's Magazine Library [Dialects, Proverbs & Word-lore], 1884. EXMOOR MEMORIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. EXMOOR PONIES Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 2. Magazine of Art, vol. ir, 1888. Exmouth (Viscount, Admiral, died 1833;. See Pellets (Edward). "Exmouth " Training Ship, Grays London, vol. i, 1893. Exodus. ISRAEL IN EGYPT AND THF. EXODUS Expositor, vol. 5 (51)1 series), 1897. STORY OF GENESIS AND EXODUS [a Thirteenth Century SongJ Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 7, 1865. STORY OF THE EXODUS Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. GENERAL Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Experience. DISCIPLINE OF EXPERIENCE Smiles' Character, 1874. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Emerson's Essays, 1845. Exploration and Discovery. EXPLORATION UNDER ELIZABETH, 1558-1603 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 9 (n.s.), 1895. FAMOUS EXPLORERS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. GREAT EXPLORERS OF QUEEN VICTORIA'S REIGN English Illustrated, vol. 17, 1897. REPORT OF THE " CHALLENGER " EXPEDITION Hardwicke's Sc. Gossip, vol. 16, :88o. GENERAL Macaulay's Sea Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil, 1884. Explosions. EXPLOSIONS IN MINES Nature, vol. 51, 1894. SYMPATHETIC EXPLOSIONS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894 GENERAL Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. Nature, vols. n, 1875, and 31, 1885. Explosives. How EXPLOSIVES ARE MADE Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. MODERN EXPLOSIVES Every Boy's Book, 1888. Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 3, 1888. THERMO-CHEMISTRY OF EXPLOSIVE COMPOUNDS Hake's Explosives. GENERAL Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. Expression. PHYSIOLOGY OF EXPRESSION Darwin's Expression ot the Emotions in Man and Animals. Lavater's Physiognomy, 1884. Warner's Physical Ex- pression, its Modes and Principles, 1885. See also Face, etc. Eyam (A Village in Derbyshire, nearly depopulated in the 1'laguc of 1665-6). EYAM AND ITS MEMORABLE WOE Girl's Own Ann , vol. 10, 1889. Baddeley's Peak District. EYES. (See also Blind, Optics, Sight, Vision, etc.) ARTIFICIAL EYES Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. CHIT-CHAT ABOUT EYES Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. CONSTRUCTION OF THE EYF. Lardner's Optics, 1878. ESSAY ON THE EYES British Essayists, vol. 9, 1823. EXPRESSION OF THE EYE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. EXPRESSION OF THE HUMAN EYE Bell's Anatomy of Expression, 1872. EYE AN ^ESTHETIC SENSE Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. EYE LANGUAGE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 163, 1898. EYESIGHT AND THE MICROSCOPE The Student and Intellectual Observer, 1869. HUMAN EYE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 8, 1871. HUMAN EYE AND SOME OK ITS DEFECTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. LIGHT SENSATIONS OF EYELESS ANIMALS Natural Science, vol. 10, 1897. MOVEMENT OF THE EYES AND OF THE HEAD Nature, vol. 52, 1895. MY EYES ARE so BAD Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. Science, vol. 12, 1888. STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN EYE Student of Sci., Literature, and Art. vol. 4, 1870. Eyre (Edward John," South Australian Explorer, and Governor of Jamaica, 1864-6, died 1867). BRIEF SKETCH OF His LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. Shepherd's Life of Carlyle FCarlyle's Defence and Support of Eyre], 1881. Eza (A lofty rock in the Riviera) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. Ezekiel (The Third of the Great Prophets, died about 572 H.C.). EZEKIEL, THE PROPHET OF INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. GENERAL Ewald's Israel, vols. 4 & 5, 1871. Geikic's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Josephus' Works. Oliphant's Jerusalem : its Hist. & Hope, 1891. Sun. at H., 1895. Ezra (Jewish Scribe and Governor of J Mica to B.C. 445) Ewald's Israel, vol. 5, 1874, & vo '- 7, 1885. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Stanley's Jewish Church, vol. 3. J ABIAN (Bishop of Rome, and Martyr, died 249) Platina's Lives of the Popes. Shepherd's Church of Rome, 1851. Fabian (Robert, Chronicler and Poet, died 1513) Walford's Londoniana, 1879. Fabii (Roman Heroes) Church's Stories from Livy, 1890. FabiUS Maximus (Roman Consul, died B.C. 203) Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Fables. FABLES BY MRS. PROSSKR Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. FABLES OF INDIA Leisure Hour, vol. 32, 1883, and vol. 34, 1885. MIGRATION OF FABLES Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, vol. 4, 1895. [216] FABLES-FAITH Fables (continued). OLD FABLES WITH NEW FACES Leisure Hour, vol. 31, 1882. [30, 1881. ORIGINAL FABLES Leisure Hour, vols. 19, 1870; 21, 1872; 23, 1874; 25, 1876; 26, 1877; GENERAL Bullock's Home Words for Heart and Hearth. See also A^sop, Fontaine; and under Folk-Lore, Legends, Stories, Tales, etc. Fabre (Ferdinand, French Author, died 1898) Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. Face. ABOUT FACES IN JAPANESE ART Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. FACE AND FiGURr Daily Mail, March n, 1898. FATE IN THE FACU Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 159, 1896. MOVEMENTS OF THE FACE Bain's The Senses and the Intellect, 1868. TRADES AND FACIAL EXPRESSION Blackwood's Mag., vol. 157, 1895. [Arts, 1872. GENERAL Bell's Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression as connected with the Fine Fact. FACTS AND MENTAL SYMBOLS The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. FACTORIES. BUSINESS OF A FACTORY Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1897. FACTORY INSPECTORS Bradlaugh's Labour and Law; with Memoir, 1891. FACTORY LEGISLATION FOR WOMEN Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. GREAT FACTORIES Fox-Bourne's Romance of Trade, 1871. HEALTH IN FACTORIES Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1878-80. HISTORY OF FACTORY LEGISLATION Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury, 1888. Lecky's Democracy and Liberty, 1896. Smith's Life of Bright, 1889. Ure's Philosophy. LOWELL AND ITS FACTORY SYSTEM Dickens' American Notes, 1884. MODEL ESTABLISHMENTS Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1878-80. MODEL FACTORY Nineteenth Century, vol. 23, 1888. MORALS OF FACTORY GIRLS Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. STORY OF THE FACTORIES Chambers' Miscellanies, vol 9, 1846. THE FACTORY AS A CIVJLIZER Daily Mail, March 22, 1898. THE FACTORY SYSTEM Dyer's Evolution of Industry, 1895. Taylor's History of the Factory System, 1886. Pad (Loch, Scottish Lake) Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Faed. (Thomas, Scottish Landscape Painter, born 1820) E wart's Toilers in Art, 1891. Faenza, Italy (.4 walled. City, the ancient Faventia) Hare's Central Italy, 1876. Fagging. FAGGING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Fraser's Magazine, vol. 40, 1849. West- minster Review, vol. 10, 1828. FAGS AND FAGGING Cornhill Magazine, vol. i, 1896. London Society, vol. 4, 1863. .Failures (Of Liberal Government) Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 134, 1883. Fairfax (Thomas, third Lord, Parliamentary Commander-in-Chief, died 1671) Carlyle's Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, with Elucidations, 1892. Guizot's Monk and his Contemporaries, 1866. Fairies. FAIRIES AND GIANTS OF POLYNESIA Longman's Magazine, vol. 17, 1890- 1. FAIRIES IN LITERATURE Antiquary, vol. 12, 1885. FAIRY BELIEFS Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Traditions], 1890. FAIRY BELIEFS FROM COUNTY LEITRIM Folklore, vol. 7, 1896. FAIRY MYTHOLOGY Chambers' Journal, vol. 52, 1875. Cornhill Mag., vol. 43, 1881. INEDITED HEBREW MSS. : Fairy Tales of the gth and i2th Cent. Folklore, vol.7, WELSH FAIRIKS Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. [1896. WEST COUNTRY PIXIES Argosy, vol. 64, 1897. GENERAL Godwin's Nscromancers. And under Folklore, Superstition, etc. -FAIRS. (See also names of places, e.g., Greenwich, Nottingham, etc.) AT AN IRISH FAIR Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. BARTHOLOMEW* F^AIR Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. CURIOUS FAIR CUSTOMS Andrews' Bygone England, 1892. EARLY ENGLISH FAIRS Fox-Bourne's Romance of Trade, 1871. [Chronicles. ELIZABETHAN FAIRS Harrison's Elizabethan England, from Hollingshed's FAIR AT NijNi-NovooROD Forsyth's Essays, 1874. Stoddard's Across Russia, 1892. FAIRLOP FAIR Andrews' Bygone Essex, 1892. Antiquary, vol. 9, 1884. FAIRS IN LINCOLNSHIRE Daily Graphic, vol. 10, 1892. FAIRS OF SCANDINAVIA Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1881. GREENWICH FAIR Antiquary, vol. 10, 1884. Bentley's Miscellany, vol. n, 1842. INDIAN AND RUSSIAN FAIRS Good Words, vol. 14, 1873. IN FAIR AND MARKET Ditchfield's Our English Towns, 1897. MAY FAIR HELD IN ST. JAMES' PARK, 1560 TO 1809 Antiquary, vol. 8, 1883. OLD ENGLISH FAIRS Daniels' Metric England in the Olden Time, 1842. ROUND AND ABOUT A PARIS FAIR Idler, vol. 12, 1897-8. SNARESBROOK FAIR All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. [Our Grandfathers, 1856. STREET FAIRS Andrews' Eighteenth Century, or, Illustrations of the Customs of SUBURBAN FAIR Wynter's Social Bees, or, Pictures of Town and Country Life, 1861. WELSH FAIRS Sikes' Rambles and Studies in Old South Wales, 1881. WESTMINSTER FAIR Antiquary, vol. 9, 1884. GENERAL Chambers' Book of Days. Frost's Old Showmen. Hone's Popular Works. Fairy Glen, Bettws-y-coed Gossiping Guide to Wales. Myrback & Villars' Sketches of England, 1891. Land We Live in, 1853. FAITH. A FEW WORDS ON FAITH Lubbock's Use of Life, 1896. CONFESSIONS OF FAITH Moore's History of the Reformation in England and on the DIFFICULTIES OF FAITH Jowett's College Sermons, 1895. [Continent, 1890. FAITH AND CHARACTER Good Words, vol. 30, 1889. [217] FAITH-FANO Faith (continued) FAITH AND KNOWLEDGE Goodwin's Foundations of the Creed, 1890. FAITH IN HUMANITY Farrar's Social and Pres>ent-Day Questions, 1892. FAITH IN THE RELIGIOUS SENSE Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. FIRMNESS OF FAITH Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH Maurice's Theological Essays, 1853. PHILOSOPHIC FAITH International Journal of Ethics, vol. 7, 1896-7. TESTS OF FAITH Henry's Cross and Dragon, or Light in the Broad East, 1885. GENERAL Blackie's Lay Sermons. Cunningham's Path towards Knowledge [Dis- courses on some Difficulties of the DayJ, 1891. Good Words, vol. 16, 1875. Nineteenth Century, vol. 4, 1878. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Green's Lay Sermons in Balliol Chapel. Faith-Healing. BELIEF IN FAITH-HEALING Contemporary Review, vol. 48, 1885. FAITH CURES Century Magazine, vol. 9, 1856. SUPERSTITION AND FAITH-HEALING Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. [vol. 37, 1890 GENERAL Gentleman's Mag., v. 259, 1885. igth Cent., v. 24, 1888. Sunday at Home, Falaise, Normandy. CASTLE OF FALAISK, BIRTHPLACE OF WILLIAM THE CON- QUEROR Macquoid's Pictures from Normandy and Brittany, 1879. Good Words, vol. 31 [page 312], 1890. " Falcon " (The, a Play by Lord Tennyson) Theatre, vol. I (n.s.), 1880. Falconer (Dr. Hugh, Scotch Naturalist and Geologist, died 1865) Darwin's Life and. Letters, edited by his Son, 1887. Falconer (William, Poet, died 1769) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol.3, 1880. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Falconry (Pursuit of Game by means of trained Falcons or Hawks. See also Hawking, Hunting, etc.) FALCONRY IN AFRICA Gerard's Lion Hunting, 1857. FALCONRY IN MINIATURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2 HINTS ON FALCONRY Stonehenge's Sports, 1867. HISTORY OF FALCONRY Beckmann's Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins, 1846. MODERN FALCONRY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 3, 1885-6. PRACTICAL FALCONRY Corballis' Forty-five Years of Sport, 1891. GENERAL Barker's Lares & Penates, 1853. Cornhil!,v. 11,1865. Gd. Words, v. 36, 1895. Falcons (Name of various Birds of Prey, some of which were formerly iised for Hunting). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES OF FALCONS Jardine's Nat. Lib., vol. n, 1848. PEREGRINE FALCON Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1877. GENERAL Morris' British Birds, vol. i, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, vol. I, 1856. Faliero (Marino, Doge of Venice, died 1355) Smith's Romance of History, 1891. Falkland. (Lord, Secretary of State to Charles I. ; killed at the Battle of Newbury, 1643) Campbell's Chancellors, 1856-7. Carlyle's Letters of Oliver Cromwell, 1892. Falkland. Islands, South Atlantic Temple Bar, vol. in [page 59], 1897. Vincent's. Around and About South America, 1890. Fallacies. FALLACIES OF FAITH All the Year Round, vol. 3, 1860 FALLACIES OF THE LEARNED All the Year Round, vol. 45, 1880. FASHIONABLE FALLACIES Dublin University Magazine, vol.54, 1859. LOCALISATION OF FALACY Mind, vol. 7, 1882. Falmouth. KILLIGREW PYRAMID OR MONUMENT Jour. Cornwall Roy. Inst., vol. 13. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 3, 1879-80. Falsetto (Artificial high notes in singing). TRUE NATURE OF FALSETTO Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. See also Singing. Falsehood Goldsmith's Miscellaneous Works. Hamerton's Human Intercourse, 1884. Falstaff (Sir John, a character in Shakespeare, said to be a caricature of Sir John Oldcastle). CHARACTER OF FALSTAFF Fortnightly Rev., vol. 19, 1873. Eraser's Mag., vol. 46, 1852. FAMOUS FALSTAFFS Theatre, vol. 13 (n.s.), 1889. GENERAL Birrel's Obiter Dicta, 1887. Journal of British Arch. Assoc., vol. 2 (n.s.). FamagUSta (A ruined city of Cyprus, nou< used as a Seaport by the British). GLORIES OF FAMAGUSTA Mallock's Enchanted Island ; or a Winter Retreat in Cyprus, 1889. Fame. POSTHUMOUS FAME Godwin's Enquirer. Spofford's Lib. of Choice Liter., v. 5. UNCERTAINTY OF FAME British Essayists, vol. 7, 1823. [Thought, 1891. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1860. Treasury of Religious Families. STORIES OF GREAT FAMILIES Girl's Own Annual, vols. n, 1890, & 13,1892. Famllistere. LIFE IN A FAMILISTERE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 26, 1896. Family (The). EVOLUTION OF THE FAMILY Transactions of the Royal Hist. Soc., Is THE FAMILY DECLINING ? Inter. Jour, of Ethics, vol. 7, 1896-7. [v. 6 (n.s.), 1892. PLACE OF WOMAN IN THE FAMILY Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. SCOPE, TERMS, AND DATA OF THE FAMILY Hasting's Diet, of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. Famines. COMING OF THE IRISH FAMINE O'Connor's Parnell Movement, with a Sketch of Irish Parties from 1843, 1886. See also Ireland. FAMINES IN INDIA AND THEIR REMEDY Fortnightly Review, vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. FAMINE-MAKERS IN INDIA Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. INDIAN FAMINES Nineteenth Century, vol. z, 1877. See aho India. Fanariotes (Part of Old Constantinople) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 14, 1830. Fancy Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Fano, Italy (Contains ruins of a Triumphal A rch to A ugustus) Hare's Central Italy, 1876. [218] FANS-FASHION Fans. COLLECTION OF FANS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. ESSAY ON FANS Morgan's Book of the Boudoir, 1829. FANS OF JAPAN Art Journal, vol. 46, 1897. FANS AND How TO DECORATE THEM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. Fans (Blast Fans) Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (supplement), 1879. Fans (Ventilating Fans) Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Fanshawe (Catherine, English Poet, died 1834) L'Estrange's Literary Life of the Rev. W. Harness, 1871. Lockhart's Life of Scott, 1878. Somerville's Recollections, 1873. Fanshawe (Sir Richard, English Diplomatist and Poet, died 1666). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. Fanti-land (A Country on the African Gold Coast). SOCIAL LIFE IN FANTI-LAND Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 26. Once a Week, vol. 29, 1873. Faraday (M.., Chemist and Philosopher, died 1867). A DISCOVERER Macmillan's Maga- His LIFE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. [zine, vol. 18, 1868. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 12,1871. Hood's Peerage of Poverty. Munro's Pioneers, of Electricity, or Short Lives of the Great Electricians, 1890. Stoughton's Worthies of Science, 1880. Maclise's Portrait Gallery [portrait], 1883. Farjeon (B. L., Novelist, born 1833) Mrs. Sala's Famous People I have Met, 1892. FARMING. (See also Agriculture, Cattle, Land, etc.) A FARM THAT PAYS Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. AUSTRALIAN FARMS Froude's Oceana, or England and Her Colonies, 1886. CANADIAN FARMING INTEREST Marshall's Canadian Dominion, 1871. CHARM OF FARMING Spectator, vol. 74, 1895. ENGLISH AND DUTCH DAIRY FARMING Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. FARM SANITATION Journal of State Medicine, vol. 5, 1897. FARMING CURIOSITIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1897. FARMING IN MANITOBA Daily Graphic, vol. 19, 1894. FARMING IN OREGON, U.S.A. Nash's Two Years in Oregon, 1882. FARMING IN SWEDEN, NORWAY, LAPLAND, AND FINLAND Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1881. FARMS AND FARMERS Brodrick's English Land and English Landlords, 1881. FARMS IN AMERICA Jones' Emigrant's Friend, 1881. Cosmopolitan, vol. 15, 1893. MORE FARMYARD CRITICISM New Review, vol. 17, 1897. OPINIONS OF MANITOBA FARMERS D'Ewes' Sporting in both Hemispheres, 1858. PEASANT FARMER OF LANCASHIRE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. STATE-MADE FARMERS Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. THE IDLE EARTH. By Richard Jefferies Longman's Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. GENERAL Emerson's Complete Prose Works. Saturday Rev. [Depression] , v. 80, 1895. Fame Isles (Group of Islets off the Coast of 'Northumberland; Scene of the Heroism of Grace Darling) Howitt's Remarkable Places, 1856. And under Darling (Grace). Farnese (Alexandra). See Parma (Duke of). Farnham, Surrey. FARNHAM CASTLE Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. GENERAL Black's Guide to Surrey, V.D. Faroes (Danish Islands near Iceland). ST. OLAF'S DAY IN THE FAROES Chambers' WALK IN THE FAROES Macmillan's Mag., vol. 53, 1885-6. [Jour., vol. 69, 1892. Farquhar (George, Dramatist and Comic Writer, died 1707) Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women of the Past and Present Century, edited by Merydew, 1888. Farrar (F. W., Dean of Canterbury, born in Bombay, 1831). ARCHDEACON FARRAR AT HOME Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. LIFE STORY OF DEAN FARRAR Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. GENERAL Men and Women of the Day, 1888. Farren (Elizabeth, Countess of Derby, died 1829) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Watford's Chapters from Family Chests, 1887. Farren (Nellie [Mrs. Soutar] , A ctress) "AMONG THE GODS" Daily Mail, March 18, Miss NELLIE FARREN AT HOME Idler, vol. 9, 1896. [1898. THE NELLIE FARREN BENEFIT, MARCH 17, 1898 [Some Extraordinary Scenes at Drury Lane Theatre] Daily Chronicle, March 18, 1898. Farren (William, A ctor, Grandfather of Nellie Farren, died 1861) Cook's Hours with the Players, 1881. Marston's Our Recent Actors, 1890. Theatre, vol. i (n.s.), 1878-9 Farrer (Thomas, Lord, Writer on Political Sitbjects, born 1819) Darwin's Life and Letters, 1887. Academy, vol. 39, 1891. FASHION. (See also Costume, Customs, Dress, Habit, Wigs, etc.) ALICE MEYNELL ON FASHION AND MORALS Woman, January, 1895. DICTATES OF FUTURE FASHION Strand Magazine, vol. 5, 1893. ELIZABETHAN FASHIONS Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 1896. FASHION IN DRESS Mrs. Haweis' Art of Beauty, 1883. FASHIONS IN HEELS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. FASHIONS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. FASHIONS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Chambers' Book of Days, vol. 2. FOLLIES OF FASHION Pall Mall Magazine, vol. i, 1893. FOOTPRINTS OF FASHION Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. FOR AND AGAINST FASHION Woman, March, 1897. WHAT is FASHION ? Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. WHIMS OF FASHION Burnley's Romance of Invention, 1886. GENERAL Besant's Fifty Years Ago. Leigh Hunt's The Town. For Fashions and Customs of particular periods see also various historical and descriptive novels, etc. [219] FASTING-FEDERATION FastinfiT. FASTING DAYS Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. VIRTUE OF FASTING Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. GENERAL English Illus., vol. 7, 1889-90. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Fastolf (Sir J., English Military Commander, died 1459). APPOINTMENT AS KEEPER OF THE BASTILE Archaeologia, vol. 44, 1879. GENERAL Sharpe's London Magazine, vol. i, 1846. Paston Letters, 1872. Fat People. FAT AND FAT-CURES- Longman's Magazine, vol. 13, 1888-9. SUMMER BEVERAGES FOR FAT PEOPLE Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 47 (n.s.), 1891. Fata Morgana (A variety of Mirage noticed principally in the Straits of Messina). FATA MORGANA IN THE BAY OF REGCIO Penny Magazine, vol. 2, 1833. GENERAL Public Opinion, vol. 14, 1893. Fatehpur-Sikri, India (Was favourite Residence of the Emperor ylfc&fly) Caine's Picturesque India: a'Handbook for European Travellers, 1891. Fatigue. THEORY OF FATIGUE Lagrange's Physiology of Bodily Exercise, 1890. Faucit (Helen [Lady Theodore Martin], Actress, born 1816) Russell's Representative Actors, 1888. Theatre, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1885. Faulkbourne Hall Rush's Seat? in Essex, 1897. Fauna (The Collective Animals of any Region). AUSTRALIAN FAUNA Lumholtz's Among Cannibals, and Camp Life with the Aborigines of Queensland, 1889. PROTECTION OF THE BRITISH FAUNA Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. See also tinder names of Countries, e.g., Africa, America, Australia, etc. Fauns (Rural Deities\believed in by the Romans) Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. "Faust" (A Drama by Goethe, founded upon the legendary life of Dr. Faiutus. See below). "FAUST " LEGENDS Theatre, vol. 6, 1885. JOB AND THE " FAUST" Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. [62, 1890. GENERAL Calver's Goethe: His Life and Works, 1872. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. "Faust" (A Play by W. G. Wills) Theatre, vol. 6, 1885. Faust (John, One of the curliest Printers, died 1466). See Fust (J). Faustus (Dr., A famous dealer in the Black Art, died about 1544). DOCTOR FAUSTUS AND His CONTEMPORARIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. Faversham (Kentish Seaport). NOTES FROM THE RECORDS OF FAVERSHAM Trans- actions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i, 1872. GENERAL Burrow's Cinque Ports [Historic Towns], 1888. Fawcett (Henry, Political Economist, died 1884). IN MEMORIAM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. His STATUE Saturday Review, vol. 75, 1893. Fawcett (Mrs. Henry, Wife of above; writer on Political Economy, born 1847). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 2, 1890. Fawcett (Miss Philippa Garrett, Daughter of above). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 2, 1890. Fawcett (John, English Dramatist, died 1837). ESSAY ON THE LIFE OF JOHN FAWCETT Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. Fawkes (Guy, Conspirator, hanged 1606). GUNPOWDER PLOT, 1605 Lawson's Remarkable Conspiracies, vol. 2. Jardine's Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot, 1857. Fawsley Park, Northamptonshire (Seat of Sir R. Knightley). DESCRIPTION OF FAWSLKY PARK English Illustrated, 1890-1. [America, 1852. Fay (Theodore S., American Writer and Diplomatist) Griswold's Prose Writers of Fear. EMOTION OF FEAR Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. EXPRESSION OF FEAR IN THE COUNTENANCE Bell's Anatomy of Expression, 1872. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Feasts. FEASTS AND FASTS OF THE BIBLE Hasting's Diet, of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. FEASTS IN CHINA Henry's Cross and Dragon, 1855. FEAST OF TABERNACLES Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions: a Popular Account of Ancient and Modern Religions, 1890. Evvald's Israel, vols. 5, 1874, and 6, 1883. And under Festivals. Feathers. INTERLOCKING OF THE BARBS OF FEATHERS- Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893- NATURE AND USES OF FEATHERS Penny Magazine, vol. 10, 1841. OSTRICH FEATHERS London Society, vol.35, 1879. PLUMES AND FEATHERS Archaeological Journal, vol. 53 [page 126], 1896. GENERAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 39, 1879. Feats. FOOLHARDY FEATS Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. February. WHY WILL IT HAVE A DAY MORE NEXT YEAR Good Words, vol. 4, 1863. Fecamp (French Seaport). ABBEY OF FECAMP Burrows' Cinque Ports [Hist. Towns]. GENERAL Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Fechter (Charles A., Actor, died 1879). FECHTER AS HAMLET Brereton's Famous Hamlets from Burbage to Fechter, 1884. GENERAL Cook's Hours with the Players, 1881. Marston's Our Recent Actors, 1890. Federal Power. GROWTH OF THE FEDERAL POWER Harper's Mag., vol. 24, 1892. Federation. EMPIRE AND FEDERATION Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. FEDERATION MOVEMENT IN AUSTRALASIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. IMPERIAL FEDERATION Froude's Oceanu, or England and Her Colonies, 1886. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. WHIGS AND IMPERIAL FEDERATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. [220] FEE FERRERS Fee (John G., Abolitionist and Missionary to the Negroes). BIOGRAPHY Japp's Master Missionaries, 1880. Feeling 1 . ACCOMPANIMENTS OF FEELING Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. FEELINGS AND THE ELEMENTS OF FEELING The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. INSTINCTIVE PLAY OF FEELING Bain's The Senses and the Intellect, 1855. PATHOLOGICAL PLEASURES AND PAINS The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. See also Brain, Mind, Morals, Physiology, Psychology, Sensations, Senses, Thought, etc. Feet. CARE OF THE FEET Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. CRAMPED FEET OF CHINESE WOMEN Milne's Life in China, 1858. F'EET AND THEIR TROUBLES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. Felicity. FELICITY AS A SANITARY RESEARCH Richardson's Commonwealth, 1887. Felix (Antonius, Freedman of Claudius Caesar, and Roman Procurator of Jndea, 60-62) Milman's Christianity, 1875. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 8, 1872. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Felix Hall Rush's Seats in Essex, 1897. . [1880. Feller (Madame, French-Canadian Protestant) Gray's Wise Words and Loving Deeds, Fences. VARIETIES OF FENCES Burn's Landed Estates Management, 1880. Fencing (Art of using Sword or Rapier). DEVELOPMENT OF FENCING Antiq., v. 15,1887. F'ENCING AND FENCERS Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes. Every Boy's Book. Theatre, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1880. F^nelon (Fra^ois de la Motte, Archbishop of Cambray .1694-1715, died 1715). CHARACTER AND WRITINGS Channing's Works, 1862. SOME THOUGHTS ON FENELON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1894-5. GENERAL Benson's Men of Might, 1892. Hume's Courtships of Queen Elizabeth, 1898. Lady Jackson's Old Paris [Portrait], 1878. Fenians. FENIAN BROTHERS Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. FENIAN MOVEMENT, 1865-8 McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 1879. WAS FENIANISM EVER FORMIDABLE? Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. Fens (Marsh Lands). BOSTON, CAPITAL OF THE FENS Eng. Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. DESCRIPTION OF A FEN PARISH [Surfleet] Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. ELY FEN LAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. Daily Graphic, vol. 9, 1892. LINCOLNSHIRE FENS Kingsfey's Prose Idylls, New and Old, 1889. GENERAL Land We Live in, vol. i, 1853. Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, with an Account of their Principal Works, 1861-2. Fenton (Elisha, Poet, died 1730) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Fenton (Lavinia, iSth Century Actress and Singer) Edwards' Prima Donna, 1888. Fenwick (Sir J., Conspired against William III., executed 1697) Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Galaxy, vol. 3, 1867. Ferdinand (King of Aragon, expelled the Moors from Spain, died 1516). FERDINAND AND ISABELLA Poole's Moors in Spain [Story of the Nations}. Ferdinand II. (Emperor of the West, died 1637). FERDINAND II. AND GERMANY Fletcher's Gustavus Adolphus & the Struggle of Protestantism for Existence, 1891. Fereiltino, near Rome (Noted for its Ruins, Cathedral, Castle, etc.) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Ferguson (Robert, Scottish Conspirator, died 1714). FERGUSON THE PLOTTER > Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. Spectator, vol. 60, 1887. Fergusson (James, Philosopher, Mechanist, and Astronomer, died 1776) Brightwell's Industry and Genius, 1869. Popular Science Monthly, vol. 31, 1887. Fergusson (Robt., Scottish Poet, died 1774) Campbell's Specimensof British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Fermor Family. FOUNDER OF THE FERMOR FAMILY Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 1848-50. Fern-Owl. THE FERN-OWL OR NIGHT JAR Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1875. Ferns. ACCOUNT OF FERNS Cassell's Popular Gardening, 1884-6. BRITISH FERNS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. EUROPEAN BRISTLE FERN Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1873. FERNS AND MOSSES OF CASTLETON Croston's On Foot Through the Peak, 1889. FERNS OF LAKE DISTRICT Jenkinson's Guide to the Lakes. FERNS OF THE OOLITE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1866. How TO MAKE A FERNERY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1873. MOSSES AND FERNS Cooke's Woodlands [Natural History Rambles], 1885. STRUCTURE OF FERNS Somerville's Molecular and Microscopic Science, 1869. THEIR MANNER OF GROWTH AND HOW THEY MAY BE RAISED FROM SPORES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1877. See also Botany, etc. Ferrar (Robert, Bishop of St. David's, burnt 1555) Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. Ferrara, Italy (Noted for its University and Castle) Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy. Hare's Northern Italy, 1883. American Literary Mag., vol. 3, 1848. Ferrers (Lawrence Shirley, Earl, executed 1760) De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. [221] FERRIBR-FICTION Ferrier (J. F., Scottish Philotopktr, died 1864). BRIEF SKETCH OF His CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. Ferrier (Susan, Scottish Novelist, aunt of above, died 1854) Oliphant's Lit. Hist., vol. 3. Ferries. A NOVEL VESSEL Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. GENERAL Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1861-2. Fertilisation. FERTILIZATION OF CRUCIFERS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1877. VARIETIES OF FERTILIZATION Henslow's Floral Structures, 1888. FESTIVALS. (See also Feasts, Jubilees, etc., and under names, e.g., Christinas, Easter, etc.) AMERICAN RURAL FESTIVALS Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. CHINESE FESTIVALS Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. CHRISTMAS IN THE OLDEN TIME Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. CHURCH FESTIVALS Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. FESTIVALS IN AMERICAN COLLEGES FOR WOMEN Century Magazine, vol. 49, 1894-5. .FESTIVALS OF THE HEBREWS Josephus' Works, 1822. GENERAL NOTES ON FESTIVALS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Popular Super.], 1884. HINDOO FESTIVALS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. JAPANESE FESTIVALS Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. MAY FESTIVAL Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Popular Superstitions], 1884. [J833-5. PUBLIC FESTIVALS IN MODERN EGYPT Lane's Modern Egyptians during the Years RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS Jeaftreson's Book about Clergy, 1859. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. FestUS (Porcius, Roman Procurator, time of St. Paul) Treas. of Religious Thought, 1891. Fetishism (A form of heathen worship chiefly prevailing in West Africa). Is FETISHISM A PRIMITIVE FORM OF RELIGION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. GENERAL Lubbock's Origin of Civilization. Treasury ol Religious Thought, 1891. Feudalism (A system of land tenure in consideration of services rendered). CAUSES OF THE DECLINE OF THE FEUDAL SYSTEM Kalinin's State of Europe during the Middle Ages, vol. i, 1860. FEUDAL ARISTOCRACY Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. FEUDALISM AND CHIVALRY Pearson's Early and Middle Ages, 1861. FEUDALISM AND THE MONARCHY Gardiner's French Revolution, 1892. GROWTH OF THE FEUDAL PRINCIPLE Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. PROGRESS OF FEUDALISATION Maine's Village Communities, 1890. GENERAL Atlantic Monthly [Belated Feudalism in America], vol. 81, 1898. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Hallam's Europe during the Middle Ages, 1871. Johnson's Normans in Europe, 1884. Sergeant's Franks [Story of the Nations], 1898. Swinton's Outlines of the World's History, 1881. '. Feuds. FEUDS OF OLD LINCOLNSHIRE FAMILIES Proc. of Archaeological Inst., 1848. Feuerbach (Paul Johann, German Jurist, died 1833) Senior's Biograph. Sketches, 1863. Fever. CYPRUS FEVERS Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. [1861. FEVERS OF EQUATORIAL AFRICA Du Chaillu's Explorations in Equatorial Africa, Fez (One of the Capitals of Morocco). CITY OF FEZ, AFRICA Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 21, 1830. Century Magazine, vol. 24, 1893. Fibres. VEGETABLE FIBRES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1866. Fichte (Johann Gottlieb, German Metaphysician, died 1814) Japp's German Life and Literature, 1880. Chambers' Journal, vol. 3, 1845. FICTION. (See also Literature, Novels, Romances, Stories, Tales, etc.) ABUSE OF FICTION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. ADVANTAGE OF FICTION Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. APOTHEOSIS OF THE NOVEL UNDER QUEEN VICTORIA Nineteenth Cent., vol. 41, 1897.. ART IN FICTION Lytton's Pamphlets, 1875. ART OF FICTION Longman's Magazine, vol. 4, 1884. BOURGET'S "ANDRE CORNELIS" Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. CRAVING FOR FICTION Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. CHRONOLOGICAL AND SUBJECT INDEX OF FICTION Guille-Alles Catalogue, 1891. DISEASE IN FICTION Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. EARLY VICTORIAN FICTION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. FAIR AND FOUL FICTION Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. FEMININE FICTION All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. FICTION AS AN ART Russell's Literary Manual : a Complete Guide to Authorship, 1886. FICTION IN FREE LIBRARIES -The Library, vol. 2, 1890. FICTION OF THE FUTURE Woman, May, 1895. HISTORICAL NOVEL (AMERICAN) Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. HISTORICAL NOVELS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. INFLUENCES OF NOVEL READING West Ham Library Notes, vol. z. 1896. LAST FASHIONABLE NOVEL Lang's Essays in Little, 1891. LEGITIMATE USES OF FICTION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. LITTLE PHARISEES IN FICTION Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896 MEDICAL WOMEN IN FICTION Nineteenth Centurj, vol. 33, 1893. NAMES IN FICTION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. NEW REALISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 61 (n s.), 1897. NEW SCHOOL OF FICTION National Review, vol. i, 1883. NOVELS OF AMERICAN LIFE Edinburgh Review, vol. 187, 1898. NOVELS OF HALL CAINE Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. NOVELS OF IRISH LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 75, 1896-7. [222 J FICTION-FILTRATION Fiction (continued). PICTURESQUE NOVEL New Review, vol. 13, 1895. RECENT FICTION IN ENGLAND AND FRANCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 50, 1884. RELATION OF FICTION TO ART Hamerton's Thoughts about Art, 1873. RELIGIOUS NOVEL National Review, vol. 31, 1898. SIR GEORGE TRESSADY AND THE POLITICAL NOVEL Fortnightly Rev., vol. 66, 1896. SOME ENGLISH CHARACTERS IN FRENCH FICTION Macmillan's Mag., vol. 67, 1892-3. SOME OLD NOVELS Temple Bar, vol. in, 1897. THE SHORT STORY Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LOCAL COLOUR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. Two PRINCIPLES IN RECENT AMERICAN FICTION Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. USES AND ABUSES OF FICTION Chambers' Journal, vol. u, 1894. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. [Authorship, 1886. WAY TO SUCCEED IN FICTION Russell's Literary Manual : a Complete Guide to Fiddles. ALL ABOUT THEM Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1682. See also Violins, etc. Fidenae (Ancient City of Latinum) Davies' Pilgrimage of the Tiber, 1875. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Field (Cyrus W., Founded the Atlantic Cable Co., died 1892). ENGLAND AND AMERICA IN 1863 Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6. Field (Eugene, American Writer, born 1850). EUGENE FIELD AND His WORK Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. Book Buyer, vols. 8, 1892, and 13, 1897. Field (J., Musical Composer, died 1837) Morris' Musical Composers : being Biographies of Eminent Musicians, 1891. Irish Monthly, vol. 18, 1890. Field (Richard, Theologian, died 1616) Coleridge's English Divines, 1853. Field-Clubs. AIMS AND WORK OF FIELD-CLUBS Journal of Science, vol. 4, 1867. Field-Names. STUDY OF FIELD-NAMES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. Field-SportS. FUTURE OF FIELD-SPORTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. Fielding (Beau [Robert Feilding], A Leader of Fashion in the Reign of James II. and William III., died 1712) Doran's Habits and Men, 1855. Wharton's Wits and Beaux of Society, 1890. Belgravia, vol. 30, 1876. Fielding (A. V. Copley, Water-Colour A rtist , died 1855). THE HILLSIDE [in Art] Ruskin's Art of England, 1884. GENERAL Monkhouse's English Water-color Painters, 1890. Fielding (Henry, English Playwright and Novelist, died 1754). ESSAY ON FIELDING Lang's Letters on Literature, 1889. LIFE OF HENRY FIELDING Scott's Miscellaneous Prose Works, 1878. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Fieschi (J. M., attempted, to assassinate Louis Philippe, executed 1836) Raikes' Jour.,i88i. Fiesco (Giovanni, Conte di Lavagna, drowned 1547). CONSPIRACY OF FIESCO AGAINST GENOA, 1547 Lawson's Remarkable Conspiracies, vol. i, 1829. Fiesole (Mino da, Italian Sculptor, died 1484) Scott's Luca Delia Robbia, 1890. Piesole (Etruscan City near Florence) Dennis' Cities of Etruria, vol. 2, 1883. Fife (Maritime County of Scotland). AN OLD FIFE BURGH TOWN English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. FIFESHIRE IN HISTORY Academy, vol. 38, 1890. KINGDOM OF FIFE Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. SONGS AND BALLADS OF FIFE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 150, 1891. GENERAL Black's Guide to Scotland, V.D. Figure-Heads. FIGURE-HEADS OF SHIPS Leslie's Old Sea-Wings, Ways, and Words in the Days of Oak and Hemp, 1890. FIGURE-HEADS OF THE NAVY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 18, 1897-8. GENERAL Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. Fiji (Island Group in South Pacific belonging to Great Britain). CUSTOMS OF FEEJEE ISLANDS Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Traditions], 1885. REVOLT IN FIJI Daily Graphic, vol. 19, 1894. GENERAL Abercromby's Seas and Skies in Many Latitudes, 1888 Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Erskine's Cruise in the Western Pacific, 1853. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Filby Broad Davies' Norfolk Broads and Rivers, 1884. Fildes (Luke, Artist, born 1844). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. MONOGRAPH ON LUKE FILDES Art Journal, vol. 45, 1895. Filial Love Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. See also Love, etc. Filigree (Ornamental Open Work in Gold and Silver). FILIGREE AND How TO MAKE IT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. Filippo (Visconti, Lord of Lombardy) Machiavelli's History of Italy, with various Historical Tracts, 1891. Filtration. CHARCOAL FILTERS Once a Week, vol. 14, 1866. Practical Mag., vol. 5. EARTH AS A FILTER Wood's Nature's Teaching, 1877. ORGANIC MATTER AND WATER FILTERS Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. [223] FINANCE-FIREPLACES FINANCE. (See also Hanks and Hanking, Bimetallism, Currency, Money, etc.) AMERICAN CURRENCY Century Magazine, vol. 29 Ipage 312], 1895-6. BANK OF ENGLAND NOTKS Strand Maga/ine, vol. 8, 1894. COMPANY-MONGER'S ELYSIUM National Review, vol. 26 (n.s.), 1896. COUNTY FINANCE Herbert's Councillor's Handbook. DEMOCRATIC FINANCE Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 1896. FINANCES OF FRANCE AND ENGLAND Hobart's Political Essays, 1866. FINANCIAL BOOM OF THE LAST CENTURY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 26 (n.s.), 1896. FINANCIAL HISTORY FROM 1865 Cox's Whig and Tory Administrations, 1868. FINANCIAL REFORM Cobdcn Club Essays, 1870-2. [1897. FINANCIAL RELATION BETWEEN ENGLAND AND INDIA Westminster Rev., vol. 148, INDIAN BUDGET OF 1872 AND 1873 Fawcett's Speeches on Political Questions, 1873. INVESTORS AND THEIR MONEY National Review, vol. 26, 1895. RECENT FINANCE National Review, vol. 26, 1895. THE BUDGET: a New Scheme Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. Finch (General name for a class of small seed-eating birds). THE FINCH FAMILY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 17 (n.s.), 1891. Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. DESCRIPTION OF VARIETIES OF WEST AFRICAN FINCHES Jardine's Nat. Library, MOUNTAIN FINCH, ETC. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. [vol. n, 1848. GENERAL Morris' British Birds. See also Bullfinch, Goldfinch, etc. Finch (Heneage, English Statesman, created Earl of Nottingham 1681, died 1682) Lodge's Portraits of Eminent Persons, vol. 6, 1850. Finch (Sir Henry) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Finch (Sir J., Lord Keeper, died 1660) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856. Finch (Margaret, Queen of the Gipsies) Wilson's Wonderfultharacters, 1869. Finchale Priory, near Durham Gibson's Miscellanies, 1863. Finchley, London. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF FINCHLEY Suburban Homes of London, 1881. Fine Art. CRITICISM ON THE FINE ARTS Coleridge's Miscellanies, 1885. DEVELOPMENT OF THE FINE ARTS UNDER THE PURITANS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. PRINCIPLES OF CRITICISM CONCERNING THE FINE ARTS Coleridge's Miscellanies. Esthetic and Literary, 1885. WOMEN AND THE FINE ARTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. GENERAL Gambic Parry's Ministry of Fine Art to the Happiness of Life. See also- under Architecture, Art, Engraving, Music, Painting, Sculpture, etc. Finger-Nails. ABOUT FINGER-NAILS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. Finistere (Most Western Part of France) Macquoid's Through Brittany, 1870. Finland (Russian Grand-Duchy, has its own Laws, Religion, etc.). IN THE LAND OF A. THOUSAND LAKES Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. POETRY OF FINLAND Household Words, vol. 9, 1854. GENERAL Hare's Studies in Russia, 1885. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891-2. Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. Stoddard's Across Russia from the Baltic to the Danube. De Windt's Siberia as it is, 1892. FinneylJ. B., Indian Missionary, died 1855). THE REVIVAL EVANGELIST Pierson's Evangelistic Works, 1892. Finns (A Race of People in Nortli-East Russia, Sweden, and Norwav, and principally in Finland). DIFFERENT TKIHKS OF FINNS IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE Pinkerton's Russia, or Observations on its Country's Inhabitants, 1833. MAGIC SONGS OF THE FINNS Folklore, vol. 1-4, 1890-3. Firdusi (Persian Poet, died about 1020) Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 55 (n.s.), 1895. Time, vol. 18, 1885. Argosy, vol. 4, 1867. Fire. INVENTION AND USES OF FIRE Mason's Origins of Invention. Fire-Arms. THE GENERAL USE OF FIRE-ARMS IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Brooke's Visits to English Battle Fields, 1857. Fire Balloons. FIRE BALLOONS AND HOW TO MAKE THEM Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, FIRE AND GAS BALLOONS Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1891. [1881. Fire Damp Nineteenth Century, vol. 9, 1881. Jour, of Society of Arts, vol. 41, 1893. Fire Engines. HISTORY OF FIRE ENGINES Beckmann's Inventions, 1846. MODEL FIRE ENGINE AND How TO MAKE IT Boy's Own Annual, vol. it, 1889. Fire Festivals. FESTIVAL OF THE CAR OF FIRK Chambers' Journal, vol.68, 1891. GENERAL Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Knowledge, vol. 10, 1887. Firemen HEROES WHO FIGHT FIRE Century Magazine, vol. 55, 1897-8. How FIREMEN ARE TRAINED Boy's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1880. LONDON FIRES AND THE BRIGADE Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. LONDON FIRE BRIGADE Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. PEOPLE WHO FACE DEATH Cassell's Magazine, 1894. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886. Temple Bar, vol. 20, 1867. Fireplaces and Fires (For Domestic Purposes). MANAGEMENT OF FIRES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. OUR DOMESTIC FIREPLACES Nature, vol. i, 1870. SMOKELESS FIREPLACES Tomlinson's Warming and Ventilation, 1886. [224] FIRES-FISHES Fires. CAMPDEN HOUSE FIRE Serjeant Ballantine's Experiences, 1883. FIGHTING THE FIRE DEMON Quiver, vol. 32, 1896-7. FIRE OF LONDON Adams' Book About London, 1884. Archer's Highway of Letters [Fleet Street] and its Echoes, 1893. Bray's Memoirs of the Life of John Evelyn, 1871. Ewald's Stories from State Papers, 1882. Southey's Book of the Church. Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 5, 1890. Walford's GREAT LONDON FIRES Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. [Londoniana, 1879. LONDON FIRES Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. MODERN FIRE APPARATUS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. [Gossip, vol. u, 1874. ORIGIN OF GREAT FIRES FROM A NATURAL HISTORY POINT Hardwicke's Science PROTECTION FROM FIRE Burnley's Romance of Life Preservation, 1888. SHIPS ON FIRE Whymper's The Sea, and its Stirring Story of Adventure, etc., 1881. SOME FAMOUS FIRES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. THE FIRE TOURNAMENT London, vol. 5, 1896. THROUGH THE FLAMES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1897. Fireworks. COLOURED FIREWORKS Watt's Scientific Industries Explained, 1881. FIREWORKS OF THE PAST Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. PICTURES IN FIREWORKS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. RECEIPTS FOR FIREWORKS Axon's Mechanic's Friend, 1875. ROCKETS All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. GENERAL Every Boy's Book. Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. Firmilian (St., Bishop of Ccesarea, 230) Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Firth. Of Forth. PICTURESQUE NOTES Clark Russell's British Seas, 1892. Fisher (John, Bishop of Rochester, beheaded 1535) Bell's Historic Persons Buried in the Tower, 1887. Froude's History of England, 1870. FISHERIES. (See also Fishes, and names of Fishing Places, e.g., Yarmouth, etc.) BRITISH AND FOREIGN FISHERIES J. Macaulay's Sea Pictures, 1870. BUCKLAND AS INSPECTOR OF FISHERIES Bompas' Life of Buckland, 1885. CROWN GRANTS IN IRELAND Dublin Review, vol. n, 1841. CROWN SALMON FISHINGS IN SCOTLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. EGYPTIAN FISHERIES, 1883 Natural Science, vol. 12, 1898. FISHER-FOLK OF THE SCOTTISH EAST COAST Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. FISHERIES EXHIBITION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. Ray Lankester's Advancement of Science, 1890. FISHERIES IN CANADA Hayden's North America, 1883. FISHERIES IN CANADIAN MARITIME PROVINCES Marshall's Canadian Dominion, 1871. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. FISHERIES IN IRELAND, 1776 Young's Tour in Ireland [1776-9], 1892 NEW ENGLAND DEEP SEA FISHERIES Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1897. NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERY QUESTION Appleton's Foreign Policy of Europe. PROTECTION OF OUR SEA FISHERIES Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS OF THE SCOTTISH FISHERY BOARD Nature, vol. 46, SEA FISHERIES OF SWEDEN Wheelwright's Ten Years in Sweden, 1865. [1892. TRAWLERS AND THE LINE FISHERMEN Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. WHALE FISHERIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 25, 1848. FISHES. (See also A ngling, and under names of Fishes, e.g., Herring, Salmon, Trout, etc.) ACCOUNT OF MARINE FISHES Hartwig's The Sea, 1866. AGASSIZ ON FOSSIL FISHES OF THE DEVONIAN SYSTEM British Assoc. Report, 1842. BORDER FISH POACHERS New Review, vol. 15, 1896. BREEDING OF SEA FISHES Nature, vol. 56, 1897. CARBONIFEROUS FISH Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. n, 1894. CHEAP FISH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. CHEAP FISH FOR LONDON Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. CHOICE FISH AND HOW TO COOK IT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. COLOURS IN FISH Darwin's Descent of Man, 1871. DEEP-SEA FISH Cornhill Magazine, vol. 15 (n.s.), 1890. DEEP-SEA FISHES OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD-FISHES IN RELATION TO THEIR PHYSICAL SURROUNDINGS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. ELECTRIC FISHES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 3, 1866. Timbs' Strange Stories of the Animal World, 1868. EVOLUTION OF THE SCALES OF FISHES Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. EYELESS FISHES Forwood's Mammoth Cave of Kentucky. FISH CULTURE : a Day on a Trout Farm Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. FISH TRADE Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, vol. 4, 1871-8. FISHES OF THE HOLY LAND The Student and Intellectual Observer, vol. 3, 1869. FLAT FISHES Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. FLY-FISHING AND THE SEPTEMBER GRAYLING Temple Bar, vol. in [p. 548], 1897. FLYING FISH Cassell's Popular Natural History, vol. 4. FOSSIL FISHES OF LONDON CLAY British Association Report, 1844. FRESHWATER FISHF.S Napier's Lakes and Rivers, 1884. GOLD AND SILVER FISH Every Boy's Book, 1888. HAVE FISH A MEMORY? Natural Science, vol. 10, 1897. How TO MAKE AND COLOUR CASTS OF FISHES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1878. JELLY FISHES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 2, 1866. LONDON F'ISH AND FISH-SHOPS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4, 1898. MATING FISHES Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Q ' [225] FISHES FITZGERALD Fishes (continued). ORIGIN OF SPECIES AMONG FLAT FISHES Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. OUANANICHE AND ITS CANADIAN ENVIRONMENT Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. OUR NEGLECT OF EDIBLE FISH Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. QUEER FISHES Longman's Magazine, vol. 3, 1883-4. REFLECTIONS ON THE HABITS AND TASTES OF FISH Pall Mall Mag., vol. 6, 1895. REMARKS ON FISHES Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. SAVAGES AND FISH Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. SOME EFFECTS OF THE PELAGIC SPAWNING-HABIT ON THE LIFE HISTORIES OF TELEOSTEAN FISHES Natural Science, vol. 10, 1897. SOME INDIAN FISH Longman's Magazine, vol. 13, 1889-90. SOME SHORE-HAUNTING FISHES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 17, 1881. STRUCTURE AND ECONOMICAL USES OF FISHES Jardine's Nat. Lib., vol. 35, 1848. SUPRARENAL BODIES OF FISHES Natural Science, vol. 10, 1897. TEETH OF FISHES Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. [vol. n, 1875. Two MUD-LOVING FISHF.S [Mud Minnow & Mud Sunfish] Hardwicke's Sci. Gos., VIVAPOROUS FISH Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 3, 1867. VOLCANO FISH Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 7, 1871. WONDERFUL FISH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual. Griffin's New South Wales: Her Commerce, etc., 1888. Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., 1848. Wheelwright's Ten Years in Sweden, 1865. FISHING. (See also A ngling, Fisheries, Fishes, etc.). A CLOSE TIME FOR TROUT IN SCOTLAND Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. A DAY AFTER CRAWFISH Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. A SUBURBAN FISHERY Parkin.-on's Places and People, 1869. BARBEL FISHING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. BREAM FISHING Davies' Angling Idylls, 1876. CROWN SALMON FISHING IN SCOTLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. DRIFT-NET FISHING Holdsworth's Deep-Sea Fishing and Fishing Boats, 1874. EXTRACTS FROM IZAAC WALTON, WITH A DISCOURSE BY WAY OF POSTSCRIPT BY SIR JOHN HAWKINS Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 38, 1848. FISH AND FISHING IN AUSTRALIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1897. FISH AS FOOD AND FACTS ABOUT FISHING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. FISHING FOR CARP Davies' Angling Idylls, 1876. FISHING IN THE BAHAMAS Brassey's In the Trades and Tropics, 1885. FISHING IN WEST AFRICA National Review, vol. 29, 1897. FISHING ON THE BROADS Davies' Norfolk Broads and Rivers, 1884. FISHING-TACKLE AND How TO MAKE IT Bey's Own Ann., vol. 3,1881, & vol. n, 1889. FLY-DRESSING Stoddart's Angler's Companion, 1892. FLY-FISHING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. HOOKS, TACKLE, AND FISHING GEAR Pennell's Fishing, 1889. MAY-FLY FISHING Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. NORWEGIAN FISHING Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1881. NOTES ON FISHING Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 1890. OLD FASHIONED FISHING Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. PASS FISHING FOR TARPON Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. SALMON AND ITS KIN Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. SALMON AND TROUT FISHING Corballis' Forty-Five Years of Sport, 1891. SALMON FISHING Blackwood's Travel, Adventure and Sport, vol. i. Brown's Powder, Spur, and Spear, 1889. TARPON FISHING IN FLORIDA Badminton Magazine, vol. i, 1895. THE SEPTEMBER GRAYLING Temple Bar, vol. in, 1897. THE STONE AGE OF FISH AND FISHING Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1872. TROUT FISHING Oswald Crawfurd's Horses and Riders, and other Essays, 1885. TROUT FISHING IN SCOTLAND St. John's Sutherlandshire, 1891. TROUT FISHINGS OF LOCHLEVEN Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. TROUT FISHING IN NEW ZEALAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. TROUT OF THE CHALK STREAM Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. TUBA FISHING Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 163, 1898. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884, vol. n, 1889, vol. 13, 1891. Dodge's Great West, 1877. Every Boy's Book. Cholmondeley Pennell's Fishing [Badminton]. Fishguard (Welsh Seaport and Market Town) Hissey's Across England, 1887. Fishmongers' Company, London Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Fishmongers' Hall, London All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. Cunningham's Handbook of London, vol. i, 1849. Dodsley's London, vol. 2, 1761. Fiske (John, American Writer, born 1842). FISKE AND THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION Williams' Review of the Systems of Ethics, 1893. Fitness. ^ESTHETIC OF UTILITY Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Fitzgerald (Lord Edward, Irish Revolutionist, died 1798) Madden's United Irishmen, vol. 4, 1858. Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. Temple Bar, vol. 61, 1881. Fitzgerald (Edward, Writer and Translator, died 1883). LETTERS OF EDWARD FITZ- GERALD TO FANNY KEMBLE Quarterly Rev., v. 184, 1896. Temple Bar, v. 104, 1895. LETTERS OF FITZGERALD REVIEWED Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 1896. GENERAL English Illustrated, vol. 11, 1893-4. Gosse's Critical Kit-Kats, 1896. Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. Temple Bar, vol. 88, 1890. Fitzgerald (Gerald, Ninth Earl of Kildare, died 1534) Bell's Historic Persons buried in the Tower, 1877. [226] PITZGIBBON-FLEET PRISON FitZgibbon (John, Earl of Clare, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, died 1802) Cunningham's English Nation [Portrait], vol. 4. Madden's United Irishmen, 1858. Fitzherbert (Mrs., married secretly to George IV., died 1837) Dublin Review, vol. 40, 1856. Edinburgh Review, vol. 103, 1856. Fitz-Roy (Capt., Commander of the "Beagle," afterwards made Admiral; famous for his system of storm warnings, died 1865) Darwin's Life and Letters, 1887. FitZ-William (Sir William, Earl of Southampton, Naval Commander, died 1542). MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. i, 1818. Fiumicino (A Seaport of Italy) Haze's Days near Rome, 1884. Fives. FIVES, TENNIS, ETC. Casell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Every Boy's Book, 1888. Ainger's Tennis, Fives, etc. [Badminton Library], 1891. Fjords (Irregtilarly-shaped Inlets of the Sea). FJORDS OF SCANDINAVIA Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1881. FJORDS OF SWEDEN Murray's Sweden, 1877. NORWAY FJORDS Longman's Magazine, vol. i, 1882-3. Flagellation. SECT OF THE FLAGELLANTS Cooper's History of the Rod, 1887. Hone's Year Book. See also Flogging, Punishment. Flageolet (A small Flute) Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. i, 1879. Lynd's Musical Instruments, 1897. FLAGS. CLUB AND RACING FLAGS [Coloured 111.] Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. FAMOUS FRENCH FLAGS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881. COLOURS OF THE BRITISH ARMY [Coloured Illus.] Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. FLAGS AND BANNERS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 9, 1887. FLAG-SIGNALS AT SEA Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS Boy's Own Annual, vol. , FLAGS OF OUR EMPIRE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. FLAGS OF OUR MERCANTILE MARINE [Coloured Illus.] Boy's Own Ann., vol. 4, 1882. HISTORY OF FLAGS [Illustrations] Boutell's English Heraldry, 1889. How TO MAKE BANNERS AND FLAGS [Illustrations] Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. NATIONAL FLAGS [Coloured Illustrations] Chambers' Encyclopaedia, vol. 4, 1895. Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. NELSON'S SIGNAL AT TRAFALGAR [Coloured Illustra.] Boy's Own Ann., vol. 8, 1886. ROYAL STANDARD OF ENGLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. SIGNAL FLAGS OF THE WORLD [Coloured Illus.] Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1882-3. STANDARDS AND FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS [Col. Illus.] Boy's Own Ann., vol. 3, 1881. TRICOLOUR FLAG All the Year Round [National Emblems], vol. 73, 1893. UNION JACK [Coloured Illustrations] Archaeological Journal, vol. 48, 1891. Flambard (Rann-alf, 'Chief Minister of William Rufns, died 1 128) Freeman's Rufus, 1882. Flame. CONSTRUCTION OF FLAME Barff's Scientific Chemistry, 1872. LECTURE ON FLAME Henry's Scientific Writings, 1886. GENERAL Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. See also Fire. Flamingo (Tropical Bird with long legs and neck). FLAMINGOES AT HOME Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1881. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 1848. Flamininus (Titus Quintius, Roman Consul, died about 174 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Flanders (Ancient Country of Europe bordering on the North Sea, now included in Holland, Belgium, and France). COLIGNY INVADES FLANDERS Maxwell's Cloister Life of Charles X., 1891. CUSTOMS IN FLANDERS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. SKATING IN FLANDERS Argosy, vol. 59, 1895. TOUR IN FLANDERS Fraser's Magazine, vol. 27, 1843. Murray's Handbook, V.D. Flannelette Cham bers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. Flatman (Thomas, Poet, died 1688) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Flattery. ON THE LOVE OF FLATTERY British Essayists, vol. 9, 1823. Flaubert (Gustave, French Novelist, died 1880). BRIEF SKETCH OF His CAREER Macmillan's Mag., vol. 67, 1892-3. GENERAL Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. Flax (Small plants, the fibre of which is used for making thread, cloth, etc.) FLAX CULTURE IN SCOTLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. FLAX MACHINERY Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. RECENT FLAX MANUFACTURE Ure's Philosophy of Manufactures, 1861. GENERAL Fraser's Magazine, vol. 44, 1851. Leisure Hour, vol. 19 [page 332], 1870. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, etc , 1867. Flaxman (John, Sculptor, died 1826) Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, etc., vol. 3, 1879. Ewart's Toilers in Art, 1891. Fleas. CAT-FLEAS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1865. FLEAS-FLEAS ! Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1871. INTELLECTUAL FLEAS Household Words, vol. 13, 1856. PERFORMING FLEAS Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, vol. 4, 1878. TRAINING FLEAS Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, vol. 4, 1891. Fleet. See Navy, Ships, War, etc. Fleet Marriages Chambers' Book of Days, vol. 2, 1864. Fleet Prison Cunningham's Handbook, vol. i, 1849. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. See also London, Prisons, etc. [227] FLEET STREET-FLORA Fleet Street, London. FLEET STREET TO ST. PAUL'S Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Vox CLAMANTIS IN FLEET STREET Archer's Highway of Letters, 1893. GENERAL Adams' London, 1890. Cunningham's London, vol. i, 1849. Timbs' Curiosties of London, 1855. See also London, etc. FleetWOOd (William, an eminent Serjeant-at-Law, died 1594) Woolrych's Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law of the English Bar, 1869. Fleming (Caleb, Socinian Theologian, died 1779) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840. Fletcher (Eliza, Christian Worker, died 1883) Hack's Faithful Service, 1885. Fletcher (John, Dramatist and Poet, died 1625). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF FLETCHER AND BEAUMONT Kingsley's Fireside Studies, 1876. Ward's Eng. Poets, v. 2, 1880. Fleur and Blanche-Flour Leighton's Mediaeval Legends, 1895. Fleurieu (Chevalier d'E. de, French Navigator, died 1810). TRAVELS Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. Fliedner (Theodore, German Protestant Clergyman, died 1864) Meliora, vol. n, 1868. Flies. AGGRESSIVE MIMICRY AMONG FLIES OF THE GENUS Volucella Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSE-FLY AND ITS PARASITE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1879. FLY PARASITES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. i, 1865. FOOT OF THE FLY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. i, 1865. HOUSE-FLIES Brown's Science for All, vol. 4. Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. Half-Hours in the Tiny World, 1875. Hardwicke's Science Gossip. See also Entomology, Insects, etc. Flight. ARTIFICIAL FLIGHT Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. AIECHANICAL FLIGHT Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. SOARING FLIGHT Nature, vol. 56, 1897. See also Flying, Wings, Birds, Balloons, etc^ Flinders (Captain, English Navigator and Explorer of Australia, died 1814) Dr. Macaulay's Strange yet True. Verne's Great Navigators of the igth Cent., 1891. Flint (Timothy, A merican Congregational Minister, died 1840) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Flint Implements, etc. CELTIC FLINT IMPLEMENT FACTORY Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part i], 1886. DISCOVERY OF CHIPPED FLINT-FLAKES Natural Science, vol. 10, 1807. EGYPTIAN AND DANISH FLINT IMPLEMENTS Archaeological Journal, vol. 53, 1896. FLINT IMPLEMENTS FROM HASTINGS AND SEVENOAKS Jour. Anthrop. Inst., vol. 25. FLINTS FOR GUN LOCKS Ure's Dictionary of Arts, 1867. FLINTS IN PRIMEVAL REFUSE HEAPS AT HASTINGS Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. NEOLITHIC IMPLEMENTS FOUND AT WEST WICKHAM.IN KENT Antiquary, v. 15, 1887. TALE OF THE FLINT Longman's Magazine, vol. 31, 1897-8. WORKED FLINTS FROM THE CROMER FOREST BED Natural Science, vol. 10, 1897. See also Stone Age, Antiquities, Archeology, etc. Flintshire (Maritime County of Wales). FLINTSHIRE MILITIA Journal of the Chester Archasological Society (n.s.), vol. 4. [Wales, V.D. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5, 1879-80. Baddeley & Ward's North Flirtation. AN ANALYSIS OF FLIRTATION Woman, February, 1896. GENTLE ART OF FLIRTATION Greville's Gentlewoman in Society, 1892. MALE AND FEMALE FLIRTS Friswell's Gentle Life Essays, 1886. THEORY OF FLIRTATION Cornhill Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. FlOCkhart (Robert, Soldier and Evangelist) Hoare's Notable Workers, 1887. Flodden Field, Northumberland (Noted for the great battle fought here in 1513, in which the Scotch were defeated by the English) Archasologia yEliana (n.s.), vol. 16. Hov/itt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1891. Chambers' Book of Days. Flogging [in the Army]. HIST. OF FLOGGING IN ALL AGES Cooper's Hist, of the Rod. MILITARY FLOGGING Brougham's Political Speeches. Eraser's Magazine, vol. 13, . Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. Saturday Review, vols. 84-5, 1897-8. GENERAL Hone's Popular Works. See also Flagellation. Flood (The). CHALDEAN STORY OF THE FLOOD Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. See also Ark, Deluge, Noah, etc. Floods. FLOODS IN SWITZERLAND Proctor's Light Science for Leisure Hours, 1875. GREAT FLOODS Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. PREVENTION OF FLOODS Daily Graph., vol. 21, 1895. Macmillan'sMag.,vol.43, 1880-1. THAMES FLOODS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. GENERAL Davies' Norfolk Broads and Rivers, 1884. Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. Flora (The collective plants of any particular region). AUSTRALIAN FLORA Lumholtz's Among Cannibals, or Four Years' Travel in Australia, 1889. FLORA OF AN OLD GARDEN WALL Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1875. FLORA OF ASSYRIAN MONUMENTS Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. See also other volumes of " Natural Science " for descriptive Flora. FLORA OF THE COLISEUM AT ROME Murray's Rome and its Environs, V.D. FLORA OF HAWAII Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. FOSSIL FLORA OF THE HALIFAX HARD BED COAL Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1881. LIST OF LOCAL FLORAS OF THE BRITISH ISLES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1880. VERNAL FLORA Science, vol. i, 1895. See also Botany, Flowers, andnames of places. [228] FLORENCE-FLOWERS Florence (William J., Actor, born 1831) Theatre, vol. 2, 1880. FLORENCE, Italy (Famous for its Art Collections and beautiful Buildings). A DAY IN THE CITY OF FLOWERS Lady's Realm, vol. i, 1896-7. EARLY HISTORY OF FLORENCE Eustace's Classical Tour through Italy, 1841. FIRENZE Dennis' Cities of Etruria, vol. 2, 1883. FLORENCE AND SOME NOTABLE FLORENTINES Morley Punshon's Lectures, 1888. FLORENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES Hallam's Europe during the Middle Ages, 1871. FLORENTINE VILLAS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. GOVERNMENT OF FLORENCE Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. LITERARY LANDMARKS OF FLORENCE Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. MEDIAEVAL FLORENCE Brown's Fine Arts, 1891. OLD FLORENCE AND MODERN TUSCANY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. SKETCH OF FLORENTINE HISTORY Whiteside's Italy in the igth Century. SOME IMPRESSIONS OF FLORENCE Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. STUDENT LIFE IN FLORENCE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. WORKS OF ART IN FLORENCE Ruskin's Modern Painters, 1892. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy. Black's Hundred Days in the East. Black's Riviera, or the Coast from Marseilles to Leghorn, etc., 1887. Bray's Life of John Evelyn, F.R.S., 1871. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1862. Hare's Central Italy, 1884. Hawthorne's England and Italy, 1869. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Senior's Journals. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 29, 1873-4. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. Ruskin's Stones of Venice, 1886. Ruskin's Mornings in Florence, 1881. Trollope's Girlhood of Catherine de'Medicl. Trollope's Visit to Italy, 1842. Trollope's What I Remember, 1887. Mrs. Oliphant's Makers of Florence, 1889. Flores (One of the A zores Islands , Chief Port, Santa, Cruz) Roundell's Azores, 1889. Florian (Jean-Pierre C. de, French Romancer and Dramatist, died 1794). BRIEF SKETCH OF FLORIAN Temple Bar, vol. 107, 1896. Men and Women of the i8th Century. Floriculture. A CARPET OF FLOWERS Strand Mag., vol. 12, .1896. See also Flowers. Florida, U.S. of America. A FLORIDA FARM Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. AN AFTERNOON RIDE IN FLORIDA Badminton Magazine, vol. 5, 1897. FLORIDA IN WINTER Cornhill Magazine, vol. 26, 1896. SCENE FROM FLORIDA LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 50, 1884. SETTLEMENT OF ST. AUGUSTINE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. SPANISH AND FRENCH EXPEDITIONS INTO FLORIDA Murray's North America, v.D. Flour. FLOUR-MAKING IN CANADA Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. GENERAL Tallerman's Trade Depression and Agricultural Distress, 1889. See also Baking, Bread, Corn, etc. Flower (C. E., recently created Lord Battersea, Founder of the Shakespeare Memorial at Stratford-on-Avon,born 1843). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. Flower-BoxDavidson's Boy Joiner, 1874. Flower-Girls. LONDON FLOWER-GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. GENERAL English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n [page 925], 1893-4. FLOWERS. (See also Botany, Flora, Floriculture, Gardening, Horticulture, etc., and under names, e.g., Lily, Rose, Violet). A CARPET OF FLOWERS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. AFFINITIES OF FLOWERS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. AMONG WILD FLOWERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. BESS AND FLOWERS Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. BEES AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF FLOWERS Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. COMMON GARDEN FLOWERS Cassell's Gardening, 1884-6. CONTRASTS BETWEEN THE COLOURS OF FLOWERS AND FRUITS Hardwicke's Sci. FASHIONS IN FLOWERS Longman's Magazine, vol. 30, 1897. [Gossip, 1881. FAVOURITE FLOWERS Hibberd's Garden Favourites; their History, Properties, etc., FIELD FLOWERS Wood's Lane and Field [Natural History Rambles], 1891. [1858. FLOWERS AND GRASSES Cooke's Woodlands [Natural History Rambles], 1885. FLOWERS IN CHURCHES Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. FLOWERS IN HISTORY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. FLOWERS IN LONDON : Natural and Artificial Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. FLOWERS IN THE GUIANA FOREST Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. FLOWERS OF THE FOREST Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. GENESIS OF FLOWERS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. GROWING DEMAND FOR FLOWERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. INSECTS AND FLOWERS Lubbock's Scientific Lectures, 1890. LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS Well's Certain Personal Matters, 1898. LONDON FLOWER TRADE Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. NAMES GIVEN BY GARDENERS TO FLOWERS British Essayists, vol. 5, 1823. NATURAL HISTORY OF THE FLOWER Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. OBERLAND FLOWERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. ORIGIN OF FLOWERS Longman's Magazine, vol. 21, 1892-3. RED AND BLUE COLOURING MATTERS OF FLOWERS Natural Science, vol. 12, 1898. TREES AND FLOWERS OF TENNYSON Temple Bar, vol. 103, 1894. TYPES OF FLORAL STRUCTURE Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. VIRTUES OF SIMPLE HERBS AND FLOWERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [p. 746], 1882. WHITE AND OTHER VARIETIES OF FLOWERS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1875. [229] FLOWERS-FOLK-LORE Flowers (continued). WILD FLOWERS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1882. Tytler's Footprints, 1884. WILD FLOWERS IN THE LONDON STREETS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. n, 1897, GENERAL Botanical Works of J. H. Balfour, G. Henslow, Linnaeus, Sowerby, etc ;. also The Garden, Gardener's Chronicle, Journal of Horticulture, etc. Flowers (Artificial Flowers). PAPER FLOWER MAKING Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. " Flo wers Of the Forest " (Scottish Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898 Fluids. ACTION OF FLUIDS Tarn's Science of Building, 1890. CHALLIS ON THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF FLUIDS British Assoc. Report, 1836. PRESSURE OF FLUID Magnus' Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, 1885. SOLIDIFICATION OF FLUIDS Wright s Threshold of Science, 1890. Fluorine. DESCRIPTION OF FLUORINE Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Flushing (A Seaport of Holland) Havard's Heart of Holland, 1880. See also Holland. Flushing Cisterns. SIZE Journal of State Medicine, vol. 4, 1896. Flute (A musical wind instrument). ANCIENT & MODERN FLUTES Leisure H., v. 33, 1884. GENERAL Grove's Diet, of Music, v. 1, 1879. Synd's Ancient Mus. Instruments, 1897. Flycatcher (Name of several varieties of small insect-catching birds). DESCRIPTIONS- AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., vol. 13, 1848. GENERAL Morris' British Birds, vol. I, 1891. Varrell's British Birds, 1856. Flying. ACCOUNT OF THE MAXIM FLYING MACHINE Nature, vol. 52, 1895. EXPERIMENTS IN FLYING Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. FLIGHT OF MAN All the Year Round, vol. 75, 1894. FLYING MACHINE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. FLYING SHIP Chambers' Book of Days, vol. 2, 1864. LILIENTHAL'S EXPERIMENTS IN FLYING Nature, vol. 51, 1894-5. LONG SOUGHT FLYING MACHINE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 18, 1897-8. MACHINES FOR FLYING Burnley's Romance of Invention, 1886. Hartwig's Aeriat World, 1874. Pettigrew's Animal Locomotion, 1873. MECHANISM OF FLYING Marey's Animal Mechanism, 1883. NEW FLYING MACHINE Century Mag., vol. 27, 1894 5. Strand Mag., vol. 13, 1897. See also Birds, Flight, Wings, Balloons, etc. Flying Fish. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 35, 1848. See also Fishes. Flying Scotchman (Railway Train) Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. Fly-Trap (Dioncea Muscipula, a Carnivorous Plant). THE LEAVES OF THE VENUS- FLY-TRAH Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. n, 1875. Chambers' Encyclo., 1895. Fly- Wheels Rankine's Steam Engine, 1891. Fogs. FOG POSSIBILITIES Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1897. FOGS AND HORTICULTURE Nature, vol. 48, 1893. IN PRAISE OF LONDON FOG Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. LONDON FOGS All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. Daily Graphic, vol. 28, 1896. Longman's Magazine, vol. 9, 1886-7. RED FOGS AND SEA DUST Maury's Geography of the Sea, 1880. TOWN SMOKE AND TOWN FOG Westminster Review, vol. 117, 1882. Fog-Signals. COAST FOG-SIGNALS Edwards' Seamarks, 1884. FOG-SIGNALS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 21, 1870. MECHANICAL FOG-SIGNALLING Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. REMARKS ON FOG-SIGNALS Stevenson's Lighthouse Construction, 1881. [1885. Foliage. LEAF BEAUTY Ruskin's Modern Painters, 1892. Heath's Autumnal Leaves, Foligno (Cathedral Town of Umbria, Central Italy) Hare's Central Italy, 1884. FoliOt (G., Bp. successively of Hereford and London, died 1187) Robertson's Becket.iSsg. Folkestone (Kentish Wateringplace) Black's Guide to Kent, 1886. Black's Where Shall we Go ? Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1893. FOLK-LORE. (See also Fairies, Legends, Mythology, Superstition, under names of places). AFRICAN FOLK-LORE Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. AUSTRALIAN BUSHMAN FOLK-LORE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. BRETON FOLK-LORE The Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. BROKEN GATES OF DEATH Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1898. CANADIAN FOLK-LORE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 49, 1882. CHINESE FOLK-LORE All the Year Round, vol. 24, 1879-80. CORSICAN FOLK-LORE Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. DEVONSHIRE FOLK-LORE Transactions of the Devon Association, vol. 28. ESSAY ON FOLK-LORE Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1895. FOLK-LORE IN CHINA Henry's Cross and Dragon, or Light in the Broad East, 1885. FOLK BOOKS OF FRANCE Dublin University Magazine, vol. 66, 1865. FOLK-LORE OF IRELAND Lawless' Ireland [Story of the Nations], 1887. FOLK-LORE OF PALESTINE All the Year Round, vol. 75, 1894. FOLK-LORE OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GERMANIC MYTHOLOGY Contemporary Review, vol. 23, 1873-4. GUERNSEY FOLK-LORE Antiquary, vol.6, 1882. Pitts' Witchcraft and Devil Lore, 1886. HIGHLAND SEER AND SCOTCH SUPER'STITION Murray's Magazine, vol. 3, 1888. HINDOO FAIRY LEGENDS Edinburgh Review, vol. 128, 1868. IRISH FOLK-LORE Gentleman's Mag-tzine Library [Folk-Lore], 1890. [230] FOLK-LORE-FOOT Folk-Lore (continued) . MONTGOMERYSHIRE FOLK-LORE Montgomeryshire Collections, vol. 29. NORWEGIAN FOLK-LORE All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. SEA FOLK-LORE Boy's Own Annual, vol. ip, 1888. STAFFORDSHIRE FOLK-LORE Journal of British Archaeological Assoc. (n.s.), vol. 2. SUSSEX FOLK-LORE Sussex Archasological Collections, vol. 40. TRIBES OF THE DANU New Review, vol. 17, 1897. URSINE FOLK-LORE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 17, 1881. WEST INDIAN SUPERSTITIONS Contemporary Review, vol. 26, 1875. YORKSHIRE FOLK-LORE Atkinson's Forty Years in a Moorland Parish, 1891. GENERAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19 [p. 256], 1892. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. Antiquary, Folk-Lore, Folk-Lore Journal, Folk-Lore Record, Gentleman's Magazine Library, Notes and Queries, etc. Follett (Sir Wm. W., Lawyer, died 1845) Robinson's Bench and Bar, 1891. Fontaine. See La Fontaine. Fontainebleau MEMORIES OF FONTAINEBLEAU English Illus. Mag., vol. 9, 1891-2. PALACE OF FONTAINEBLEAU Locock's Modern Paris, 1870. GENERAL Baedeker's Paris, 1891. Challice's Memories of French Palaces, 1871. Fontenelle (B. le Bovie, Fre nch Poet, died 1757) Men and Women of i8th Cent., 1852. Fontenoy. BATTLE OF FONTENOY Temple Bar, vol. 107, 1896. Fonts. BAPTISMAL FONT OF AMERICA Harper's Magazine, vol. 24, 1892. SOME NORMAN FONTS Antiquary, vol. 27, 1893. FOOD. (See also Cookery, Diet, Digestion, Health, etc.) ADULTERATION OF FOOD All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. Hogg's The Micro- scope, 1886. Normandy's Chemical Analysis. Wynter's Curiosities of Civilization. CAN THE EMPIRE FEED ITS PEOPLE ? Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. CHEMISTRY OF FOOD AND COOKERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. CHEMISTRY OF FOOD Johnston's Chemistry of Common Life, 1855. CLASSIFICATION OF FOOD Goodfellow's Dietetic Value of Bread, 1892. CLOTHING AND FOOD Spencer's Education : Intellectual, Moral, and Physical, 1890. CURIOSITIES OF FOOD AND P'EEDING Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. DANGERS IN FOOD AND DRINK Century Magazine, vol. q, 1885-6. DESCRIPTION OF FOOD Ashby's Notes on Physiology, 1889. EARLY LAWS AND CUSTOMS IN GREAT BRITAIN REGARDING FOOD Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8, 1880. FACTS AND FALLACIES ABOUT FOOD AND PHYSIC Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. FISH AS FOOD All the Year Round, vol. 32, 1883. Temple Bar, vol. 92, 1891. FOOD AND COOKERY Lacroix's Manners during the Middle Ages, 1874. FOOD AND FEEDING Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. FOOD EATEN IN CATHAY Reid's Peeps into China, 1892. FOOD FOR PEOPLE WITH LIMITED INCOMES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [p. 667], 1882. FOOD IN RUSSIAN PRISONS De Windt's Siberia, 1892. FOOD OF THE BRITONS Barnes' Ancient Britain, 1858. FOOD OF THE PEOPLE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. FOOD OF THE PERSIAN POOR Wills' Persia from 1866-1881. FOODS FOR ANIMALS Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry, 1871. FORMATION OF THE ENGLISH PALATE Antiquary, vol. 10, 1884. FROZEN FOOD Chambers' Journal, vol. 20, 1883. Good Words, vol. 39, 1898. GASTRONOMY AND GASTRONOMERS Quarterly Review, vol. 54, 1835. GREAT FOOD QUESTION Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. HORSEFLESH AS FOOD Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. How FOOD is USED IN THE BODY Century Magazine, vol. 54, 1897. Mann's Diet. How TO PROVIDE FOOD FOR SMALL FAMILIES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 90], 1883. How TO TEST FOOD Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1897. MILK AS MEDICINE AND AS FOOD Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. ORGANIC FOOD Seller's Physiology at the Farm, 1867. OUR FOOD SUPPLY IN THE EVENT OF WAR National Review, vol. 27, 1896. OUR FOREIGN FOOD SUPPLIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. OUR URGENT NEED OF A RESERVE OF WHEAT Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. POULTRY AS FOOD, AND HOW TO COOK IT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. PREPARATION OF FOOD Faunthorpe's Household Science, 1889. Newsholme's Domestic Economy, 1891. PRESERVED MEATS Eraser's Magazine, vol. 45, 1852. STRANGE FOODS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. TUBERCULOUS MEAT Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. USE AND ABUSE OF FOOD Proctor's Pleasant Ways in Science, 1890. VARIETIES OF FOOD Corfield's Laws of Health, 1892. VEGETARIAN FOOD Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. WHAT TO EAT, AND HOW TO EAT IT Antiquary, vol. 3 [page 268], 1881. WHY VEGETARIAN ? Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Villiers' Speeches, 1883. Fools. APRIL Fooi.s, ETC. Hone's Works [Year Book, 1845] . COURT FOOLS Chambers' Book of Days, vol. i, 1864. See also Customs. Foot. ANATOMY OF THE FOOT Leno's Boot and Shoemaking, 1889. CURIOSITIES OF FOOT-GEAR Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. FOOTBALL FORESTS FOOTBALL. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. CURRENT CRITICISM OF FOOTBALL Century Magazine, vol. 47, 1893-4. FOOTBALL AS A MORAL AGENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. FOOTBALL AS A SPORT Shearman's Athletics, 1889. FOOTBALL CLUBS AND PLAYERS Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. FOOTBALL DURING THE SEASON Badminton Magazine, vol. 6, 1898. FOOTBALL IN ARMOUR Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. FOOTBALL IN 'g6-'97 New Review, vol. 16, 1897. FOOTBALL IN MAORILAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. FOOTBALL IN OUR COLLEGES Century Magazine, vol. 47, 1893-4. HINTS ON FOOTBALL Stonehenge's Sports, 1867. NEW FOOTBALL MANIA Nineteenth Ctutury, vol. 32, 1892. RUGBY UNION FOOTBALL English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. SOME FAMOUS FOOTBALLERS Windsor Magazine, vol. 7, 1897-8. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879, & vol. ir, 1889. Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. Every Boy's Book, 1888. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 13 [page 568], 1897. Foote (Samuel, Dramatist and Comedian, died 1777). ANECDOTES OF SAMUEL FOOTE All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891. FOOTE AS A HUMOURIST Theatre, vol. 6, 1885, and vol. 8, 1886. FOOTE'S MAYOR OF GARRATT Chambers' Book of Days. Hone's Every Day Book. SAMUEL FOOTE THE HUMOURIST Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, v.8, 1890. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. Croker's Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1880. Quarterly Rev., v. 95, 1854. Russell's Actors, 1888. Temple Bar, v. 45, 1875. Footpaths. PRESERVATION OF FOOTPATHS Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. Forage. VARIETIES OF FORAGE Seller's Physiology at the Farm, 1867. Foraminifera (A class of marine animals with limy shells from which chalk has been formed). ON THE DISTRIBUTIONOF THE PF.LAGIC FORAMINIFERA Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. Spry's Voyage of the "Challenger." 1876. Forbes (Sir Charles, Philanthropist, died 1849) Grant's Public Characters, 1841. Forbes (Prof. Edward, Naturalist, died 1854) Gibson's Miscellanies, 1863. Force. CORRELATION OF FORCE IN ITS BEARING ON MIND Macmillan's Magazine, INDESTRUCTIBILITY OF FORCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. [vol. 16,1867. PHASES OF FORCE Carpenter's Nature and Man, 1888. RELATION OF FORCE TO MATTER Somerville's Molecular Science, 1869. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. Force, Yorkshire Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Ford (E. Onslow, Sculptor, born 1852). INTERVIEW WITH ONSLOW FORD [with Portrait] The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. Ford (John, Dramatist, flourished 1639) Swinburne's Essays and Studies, 1888. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Ford (Richard, Author and Critic, died 1858. SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF RICHARD FORD Maxwell's Essays and Addresses, 1891. Ford Abbey, Dorset (Fine Monastic Structure) Gilpin's Western England, 1808. Fordun (John de, Historian, died about 1384) Tytler's Scottish Worthies, 1849. Fordwlch, Kent Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1893. Foreman (Margaret, died 1872) Hack's Faithful Service, 1885. Forest Gate. FOREST GATE SCHOOLS All the Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. FRANCISCAN MONASTERY McCabe's Twelve Years in a Monastery, 1897. Forest Hall Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. [1881. Forest Hill. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF FOREST HILL Suburban Homes of London, Forestry. BRITISH FORESTRY Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 156, 1894. FORESTRY IN NATAL Nature, vol. 51, 1894. FORESTRY LEGISLATION IN EUROPE Century Magazine, vol. 47, 1893-4. SCHOOLS OF FORESTRY Brown's Forestry in Germany, 1887. GENERAL Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. FORESTS. (See also under names, e.g., Black Forest, Epping Forest, etc.) AMERICAN FORESTS Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. BATTLE OF THE FORESTS Nature, vol. 51. 1894-5. BRAZILIAN FORESTS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 29, 1830. DANISH FORESTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1883. DEPLETION OF AMERICAN FORESTS Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1894. EUROPEAN FORESTS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. FOREST LAWS AND FOREST ANIMALS IN ENGLAND Antiquary, vol. 10, 1884. FOREST RIGHTS OF WINDSOR FOREST Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 4, 1880. FOREST SCENERY OF GREAT BRITAIN Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. i, 1876-8. FORESTS IN CANADA Hayden's North America, 1883. GREAT CENTRAL AFRICAN FOREST Stanley's In Darkest Africa, 1890. LAWS OF THE FOREST Andrews' Legal Lore : Curiosities of Law and Lawyers, 1897. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. PRIMAEVAL FOREST OF EQUATORIAL AFRICA Wissmann's Equatorial Africa, 1891. RAVAGERS OF THE FORESTS [Caterpillars, Moths, etc.] Pouchet's Universe, 1870. SUBMERGED FOREST AT LEASOWE Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. [1898. WILD PARKS AND FOREST RESERVATIONS OF THE WEST Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, GENERAL Hone's Table Book. Wheelwright's Ten Years in Sweden, 1865. [232] FORETELLING-FOSSILS Foretelling 1 . HISTORY OF FORETELLING Tylor's Primitive Culture, 1891. Prophecy. Forethought. DEFINITION AND NATURE Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Forgery. FORGERY AND ITS PUNISHMENT Edinburgh Review, vol.52, 1831. Eraser's Magazine, vol. n, 1835. LITERARY FORGERY Andrew Lang's Books and Bookmen, 1892. Household Words, vol. 5, 1852. Bookworm, vol. 3, 1890. Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature. Forges. FITTINGS OF FORGES Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 5 and 6, 1897. REMARKS ON FORGING Spon's Mechanic's Own Book, 1889. Forgiveness. LAW OK FORGIVENESS Seeley's Ecce Homo, 1895. NATURE AND FORMS OF FORGIVENESS Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Forks. ANCIENT FORKS Chambers' Book of Days, vol. 2, 1864. HISTORY OF FORKS Beckmann's History of Inventions and Discoveries, 1892. Forli (A handsome walled City of Central Italy) Hare's Central Italy, 1884. Form. ANALOGY OF FORM Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 2, 1866. HUMAN FORM Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Formalin. USE OF FORMALIN AS A PRESERVATIVE MEDIUM FOR MARINE ANIMALS Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. Formalism. ON FORMALISM Blackie's Lay Sermons, 1881. VARIOUS ASPECTS OF FORMALISM Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 4, 1891. Forster (John, Biographer of Goldsmith and Dickens, died 1876). FORSTER AND DICKENS Talfourd's Memoirs of Charles Lamb, 1892. GENERAL Forster's Life of Goldsmith, 1890. Shepherd's Life of Carlyle, 1881. Forster (Nathaniel, Theologian and Philologist, died 1757) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary, vol. 14, 1814. Forster (Rt. Hon. W. E., Statesman, carried the Education Bill of 1870, died 1886) Darton's Brave Boys, 1883. Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. Fortescue (Chichester [Lord Carlingford], Statesman, held successively several Cabinet Offices) Gladstone Government [of 1869], by a Templar. Fortescue (Sir John, Judge, died about 1485) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856- Macmillan's Magazine [A Chancellor of England], vol. 75, 1896-7. Forth Bridge. BUILDING THE FORTH BRIDGE Cochrane's Great Thinkers and Workers, i88i. Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. DESCRIPTION OF THE FORTH BRIDGE Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Engineering, vols. 47-50, 1889-90. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. Gordon's Foundry, Forge, and Factory, 1890. All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. Forth River, Scotland Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Fortifications. CONSTRUCTION OF COAST DEFENCES Spon's Diet, of Engineering, 1874 FORTIFICATIONS OF MEDIEVAL TENBY Arcnasologia Cambrensis(5th Series), vol. 13. PARIS FORTIFICATIONS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. Fortitude Treasury of Religious Thought, 1890. Fortresses. BORDER FORTRESSES Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, 1852. MODERN FORTS Saturday Review, vol. 70, 1890. ROMAN COAST FORTRESSES OF KENT Archaeological Journal, vol. 53, 1896. Fortune Theatre, Barbican, 1599-1649 Cunningham's London, vol. 2, 1891. Fortunes. FORTUNES AND TREASURES Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. MUTABILITY OF FORTUNES Antiquary, vol. 20, 1889. Fortune-Telling. FORTUNE-TELLING BY CARDS AND OTHERWISE Pearson's Mag., How TO TELL FORTUNES BY STARS Pall Mall Mag., vol. 9, 1896. [vol 3, 1897. GENERAL Chambers' Book of Days. Mackay's Delusions, 1869. See also Gipsies. Forum Romanum (An ancient meeting-place in Rome and centre of public life) Baedeker's Central Italy, 1884. Burns' Rome and the Campagna. Hare's Walks in Rome, 1893. Head's Rome ; a Tour of many Days, 1849. Lanciani's Ancient Rome, 1889. Murray's Rome. FOBCOlo (Ugo, Italian Poet and Patriot, died 1827) Cassell's Celebrities of the Cent., 1890. Hall's Book of Memories. Redding's Personal Reminiscences of Em. Men, 1867. Foskett (Edward, Librarian). INTERVIEW WITH EDWARD FOSKETT London, v. i, 1893. FOSSILS. (See also Geology and Paleontology, and under names, e.g., Chalk, Coal, Mammoths, Mastadon, etc.) AGASSIZ ON FOSSIL FISHES OF THE DEVONIAN SYSTEM British Assoc. Report, 1842. AMERICAN MONSTERS NOW EXTINCT Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. ARRANGEMENT OF FOSSILS IN STRATA Lyell's Elements of Geology, 1874. BRACHIOPODS OF THE ALPINE TRIAS Nature, vol. 46, 1892. COMMON BRITISH FOSSILS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1875-1877-1880. DETERMINATION OF FOSSILS Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. EXAMPLES OF FOSSILS Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 1890. EXTINCT MAMMALS OF AUSTRALIA Report of the British Association, 1844. FLORA OF THE COAL PERIOD Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1881-1882. FOSSIL APODID.* Natural Science, vol. u, 1897. FOSSIL ELK Jardine's Naturalists' Library [plate], vol. 21, 1848. FOSSIL FISHES Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 38, 1848. [233] FOSSILS-FOX Fossils (continued). FOSSIL FISHES OF LONDON CLAY British Association Reports, 1844. FOSSIL MAMMALS IN NORTH AMERICA Nature, vol. 2, 1870. FOSSIL PHYLLOPODA OF THE PALEOZOIC ROCKS Report of the British Assoc., 1893. FOSSIL PLANTS AS TESTS OF CLIMATE Nature, vol. 47, 1892-3. FOSSIL PLANTS OF THE CARBONIFEROUS LIMESTONE Hardwicke's Sci. Cos., 1866. FOSSIL TEETH FROM THE NORTHUMBRIAN COAL MEASURES Hardwicke's Science FOSSIL VEGETATION Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Archaeolog, Pt. i.] , 1886. [Gossip, 1874. FOSSIL WOOD Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. FOSSIL WOOD IN FLINT Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1866. OWEN ON THE BRITISH FOSSIL MAMMALIA British Association Report, 1842-3. OWEN ON THE BRITISH FOSSIL REPTILES British Association Report, 1841. PREPARATIONS AND MOUNTING OF CHALK FOSSILS Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. RECENT DISCOVERY OF FOSSIL REMAINS AT LAKE CALABONNA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Nature, vol. 50, 1894. REMARKS ON F'ossn.s Hartwig's Subterranean World 1892. Pouchet's Universe, 1870. SILURIAN FOSSILS Chambers' Explanations: a sequel to Vestiges of Creation, 1845. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. Geikie's Founders of Geology. Holder's Darwin, his Lif- and Work, 1891. Smiles' Robert Dick, Geologist & Botanist, 1878. Rhind's Age of the Earth, 1838. Chambers' Vestiges of the Nat. Hist, of Creation, '45. Foster Brotherhood. FOSTER BROTHERHOOD AMONG THE NORTHMEN Du Chaillu's Viking Age, 1889. FOSTERAGE IN SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, vol. 30. Foster (James, Theologian, died 1753) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840. Foster (John, Essayist, Baptist Minister, died 1843) Chambers' Journal, vol 10, 1848. Foster (John, Head Master of Eton College, 1765, died 1774) Jesse's Celeb. Etonians, 1875. Foster (Sir Walter, Physician and Politician) The Young Man, vol. u, 1897. Fothergill (John, Quaker Philanthropist, died 1780) Lives of the Brit. Physicians, 1830^ Fotheringay Castle. ALL THAT is LEFT OF FOTHERINGAY CASTLE Antiquary, GENERAL Murray's Guide to Northamptonshire, 1878. [vol. 9, 1884. Fouch^ (DukeofOtranto,died 1820) Brougham's StatesmenofTimesofGeorgeIII.,i843 Founding 1 . IRON AND OTHER METAL FOUNDING Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement). 1879. Ure's Dictionary of the Arts, etc., 1867. Foundling 1 Hospital, London. CAPTAIN THOMAS CORAM AND THE FOUNDLING HOSPITAL Dorset Field Club Proc., vol. 13. Chambers' Book of Days, 1849. CAPTAIN CORAM'S FAMILY Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. HOSPITAL FOR FOUNDLINGS Beckmann's Inventions, 1846. GENERAL Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. Foundry. A FAMOUS FOUNDRY Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Fountains. BRETON FOUNTAINS Macquoid's Pictures from Normandy, 1875. GREAT FOUNTAINS IN SYRIA Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. FOUNTAINS OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. FOUNTAINS OF ROME Eustace's Classical Tour through Italy, 1841. Fountains Abbey. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESORIP. Villar's English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Black's Guide to Harrogate and its Vicinity, 1888. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities, part ii.], 1891. Fouque (F. H. de la Motte, German Romanist, died 1843) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1890. Fowler (Sir H. H., Secretary of State for India, 1894-5, 60*1*1830). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 10, 1894. Fowling 1 . FOWLING ON LONGSHORE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. Fowls. ANDALUSIAN FOWLS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. CHARACTERISTICS OK BRAHMA FOWLS Wright's Poultry, 1880. DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOWL Wells' Text-book of Biology, 1892. FOWLS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. How TO REAR FOWLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1880. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. English Illustrated Mag., vol. 5, 1887-8. And under Poultry, Eggs, etc. Fox (Charles James, Whig Orator and Statesman, died 1806). BIOGRAPHY Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. Lecky's History of England, 1890. ESSAY ON CHARLES JAMES Fox AND WILLIAM PITT Lytton's Quarterly Essays, 1875. GENERAL Amherst's Catholic Emancipation, 1886. Campbell's Chancellors, 1856-7. Dunlop's Life of Grattan, 1889. Cunningham's English Nation [portrait], vol. 4. Prior's Life of Burke, 1867. Torrens' Viscount Melbourne, 1890. FOX (George, Founder of the Quakers, died 1690). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Mag., v. 68, RELIGION OF GEORGE Fox Westcott's Social Aspects of Christianity, 1888. [1893. SKETCH OF GEORGE Fox Roby's Lancashire Traditions, 1892. GENERAL Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Stoughton's Wm. Penn, 1878. Fox (Henry, First Lord Holland, died 1774) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Trevelyan's Early Life of C. J. Fox, 1881. FOX (Sarah Hustler, Poet, died 1882) Armitage's Quaker Poets of Great Britain, 1896. Fox (Sir Stephen, Statesman, died 1716) Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 1848. [234] FOX -FRANCE Fox (Rev. W. Darwin, First cousin to Charles Darwin). Fox ON "THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES" Darwin's Letters, 1887. FOX (William Johnson, Unitarian Minister, died 1864) Grant's Public Characters, 1841. Fox (A carnivorous animal, genus Vulpes). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vol. 17, 1848. REYNARD'S BID FOR SANCTUARY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. GENERAL Gerard's Lion Hunting and Sporting Life in Algeria, 1874. Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1892. Foxhounds. TRAINING YOUNG FOXHOUNDS English Illustrated Mag., vol. 16, 1896-7. Fox Hunting. Fox HUNTING AND AGRICULTURE Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. Fox HUNTING IN KENTUCKY Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. Fox HUNTING IN THE UNITED STATES Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. Fox HUNTING IN THE GENESSE VALLEY Harper's Magazine, vol. 24, 1892. SPORT OF THE MONTH [February] Pall Mall Magazine, vol. n, 1897. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 13, 1883. And under Hunting, Dogs, etc. Foxe (John, Martyrologist and Reformer, died 1587). Fox THE MARTYROLOGIST Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. JOHN FOXE THE MARTYROLOGIST AND HIS FAMILY Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc., v. 5,1877. GENERAL Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Neal's Hist, of Puritans, 1822. Foyers (A stream of Inverness-shire). FALLS OF F'OYERS Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Fra AngeliCO [Giovanni da Fiesole] (Italian Painter, died 1455). FRA ANGELICO AT SAN MARCO Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2, 1893-4. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1886. See also Angelica. Framlingham, Suffolk Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, V.D. Frampton (G., Sculptor). A CHAT WITH MR. G. FRAMPTON Idler, vol. 12, 1897-8. FranQais (Fran9ois Louis, French Landscape Painter, died 1897) Ewart'sToilersin Art. FRANCE. (See also under names of places, e g., Brittany, Normandy, Paris, Calais ; under names of noted personages, e.g., Charlemagne, Catherine de' Medici, Napoleon, Bayard, Mazarin, Robespierre, etc.; and under Antiquities, Art, Education, Language, Literature, Religion, Society, etc.) A MISSIONARY TO THE WORLD Smith's Modern Apostle, 1891. ABB GREGOIRE AND THE F'RENCH REVOLUTION Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. ADULTERATION 'IN FRANCE Blyth's Food: Composition and Analysis, 1888. ANTIQUITIES IN THE SOUTH-WEST OF FRANCE Archa3ological Journal, vol. 36, 1879. ARMIES OF FRANCE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. i, 1893. AUTUMN JOTTINGS IN FRANCE, 1881 Verney's Peasant Properties, 1885. BEGINNINGS OF A REPUBLIC Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. CANOE VOYAGE ON A FRENCH RIVER Temple Bar Magazine, vol. 101, 1894. CATHEDRALS AND CHURCHES OF FRANCE Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. CENTENARY OF THE FRENCH INSTITUTE Longman's Magazine, vol. 27, 1895-6. CHAPTER ON FRENCH GEOGRAPHY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 50, 1884. CHINA, FRANCE, AND THE VATICAN Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. CIVIL WAR IN FRANCE, 1561 Froude's History of England, 1870. CLIMATES OF FRANCE Clark's Influence of Climate, 1846. CONDITION OF FRANCE IN FIRST HALF OF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Macgregor's History of the British Empire, 1852. CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT IN FRANCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 27, 1872-3. COUNTRY LIFE IN FRANCE Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, vol. 4, 1174. COURT OF FRANCE, 1897 Cassell's Mag., vol. 23, 1897. Lady Jackson's Works, 1878-90. DANGER IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. DEMORALISATION OF FRANCE, 1897 Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. DR. ARNOLD IN FRANCE Stanley's Life of Arnold, 1877. ELECTIONS IN FRANCE Grenville Murray's French Pictures in English Chalk, 1876. ENGLAND AND FRANCE Burke's Works, 1834. Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. Maine's Government, 1890. Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. Raikes' Journal. Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. i, 1890. ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN THE ISTH CENTURY Woodhouselee's Univer. Hist., 1847. EXAMPLES OF ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE IN FRANCE Arch, lour., vol. 9, 1852. FALL OF Two EMPIRES Maxwell's Miscellaneous Essays and Addresses, 1891. FAMILY COUNCIL IN FRANCE National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. FAMILY LIFE IN FRANCE Leisure Hour, vol. 45, 1896-7. " [vol. i, 1860. FEUDAL SYSTEM IN FRANCE Hallam's State of Europe during the Middle Ages, FINANCES OF FRANCE AND ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. n, 1864-5. FLAGELLATION IN FRANCE Cooper's History of the Rod, 1887. FRANCE AND CHINA Nineteenth Century, vol. 13, 1883. FRANCE AND CROMWELL Transactions of the Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. FRANCE AND GERMANY Sergeant's The Franks [Story of the Nations], 1898. FRANCE AND SAVOY Wickham's Life of Whalley, 1865. FRANCE AND THE PAPACY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. FRANCE IN THE EAST Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. FRATERNAL FRANCE National Review, vol. 25. 1895. FRENCH ARISTOCRACY Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. FRENCH ARM Y Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers, 1865. FRENCH ARMY, BIRIBI [Colonial Troops] Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. [235] FRANCE .France (continued). FRENCH CHARACTER SEEN THROUGH ENGLISH SPECTACLES Cassell's Mag., vol. 15, FRENCH GIRLHOOD English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. [1889. FRENCH NOVELS AND FRENCH LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. FRENCH OFFICIALISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. FRENCH PROVINCE IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Macmillan's Mag., vol. 66, 1892. FRENCH REVOLUTION, 1789. CAUSES OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Lecky's History of England, 1892. DEFENCE OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Spofford's Library of Choice Litera- ture, vol. 3, 1890. DRAMA OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Phillips' Essay, 1871. ENGLISH FRIENDS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Stanhope's Miscellanies, 1863. ESCAPE OF THE REPUBLICAN EXILES FROM CAYENNE Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, and Sport, vol. 2, 1890. FINANCIAL CAUSES OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Nineteenth Cent., vol. 33, '93. FRENCH REVOLUTION AND MODERN FRANCE Edinburgh Rev., vol. 187, 1898. GOUVENEUR MORRIS AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. INFLUENCE OF SEA POWER ON THE FRENCH REVOLUTION AND EMPIRE By A. T. Mahan, 1893. PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Carlyle's Essays. PITT AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Guizot's England, 1877. PROXIMATE CAUSE OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. TAINE ON THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. GENERAL Brougham's Statesmen of the Time of George III., 1843. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Hayward's Correspondence, 1886. Jephson's The Platform : its Rise and Progress, 1892. Mahon's Historical Essays, 1861. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1876. Underbill's Literary Epochs, 1887. Young's Travels in France, 1889. H. M. Stephen's French Revolution, 1891. FRENCH ROYALISTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. FRENCH SCARE OF 1875 Harper's Magazine, vol. 25, 1893. FRENCH STAGE AS IT is Theatre, vol. 10, 1887. See also Drama, Stage, etc. FRENCH STAGE OF OLD Theatre, vol. 4, 1884. FRENCH WAR, 1543 Froude's History of England, 1870. GENERAL BOULANGER: an Object-Lesson in French Politics Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. GOVERNMENT OF FRANCE SINCE 1870 Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. HISTORY OF FRANCE Hallam's Europe during the Middle Ages, 1837. G. Masson's History in Story of Nations, 1889. Lady Jackson's Works. HISTORY OF FRANCE FROM ITS CONQUEST BY CLOVIS TILL 1492 Hallam's Middle Ages, vol. i, 1860. INSTITUTE OF FRANCE. By G. M. M. Review of Reviews, vol. 13, 1896. INSTITUTIONS, CUSTOMS, & COSTUMES OF FRANCE, 1700-1789 Lacroix'siSth Cent. ,'76. KINGS OF FRANCE : Charles the Simple, Louis d' Outreme, Philip I., Louis VI. and VII., Philip II., Louis VIII. and IX., Philip III., Philip IV. and V., Charles IV., Philip VI., John, Charles V., VI. and VII., Louis X., Louis XI., Charles VIII., Louis XII., Francis I., Henry II., Francis II., Charles IX., Henry III., Henry IV., Louis XIII., Louis XIV.-XVIII., Louis Philippe, Charles X. Burrows' Com- mentaries on the History of England, 1893. LINES OF TRAVEL Loomis' Guide to Travel and Art Study in Europe, V.D. LORD SALISBURY'S DEALINGS WITH FRANCF. Fortnightly Review, vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. MAY-DAY IN FRANCE Girl's Own Annual, vol 4 [p. 484], 1883. MEDIEVAL AND FEUDAL FRANCE Del Mar's Money and Civilisation, 1886. MILITARY ESPIONAGE IN FRANCE Quarterly Review, vol. 187, 1898. NEW FRANCE UNDER BRITISH RULE Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. PEOPLE OF FRANCE Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. POLITICAL SITUATION IN FRANCE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. POLITICAL STATE OF FRANCE IN 1815 Scott's Paris Revisited, 1816. POLITICAL STATE OF GAUL AT THE END OF THE FIFTH CENTURY Sergeant's The Franks [Story of the Nations] , 1898. POWER OF FRANCE, ETC. Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. PRESIDENTS AND POLITICS IN FRANCE Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF THE RENEWAL OF THE WAR BETWEEN ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN 1803 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8 (n.s.), 1894. PROSPECTS OF GREATER FRANCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 63, 1890-1. PROXIMATE CAUSE OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Sir Walter "Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1878. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIBRARIES OF FRANCE Edwards' Memoirs of Libraries, 1859. RELATIONS OF FRANCE AND ENGLAND Lecky's History of England, 1892. REVOLUTION OF 1848 Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. RISE OF THE FRENCH NAVY Norman's Corsairs of France, 1887. ROSES OF JERICHO: a Day in Provincial France Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. ROYALISTS AND REPUBLICANS Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. RURAL EXCURSION IN FRANCE Crete's Collected Papers, 1862. SCENES IN THE HISTORY OF FRANCE Macfarlane's Napoleon, 1880. 'SCOTTISH GUARD OF FRANCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 73, 1896. SKETCH OF FRENCH HISTORY E. S. A.'s World in which I Live, 1865. [236] FRANCE-FRANKLIN France (continued) . SOCIAL LADDER IN FRANCE Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1897.. SOME ANGLO-FRENCH PROBLEMS National Review, vol. 25, 1895. SOME GREAT CHURCHES IN FRANCE Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. SOUTH COAST OF FRANCE Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. SOUTH OF FRANCE IN WINTER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. SPORT AND ADVENTURE D'Ewes' Sporting in both Hemispheres, 1858. STATE OF FRANCE AND ANGLOMANIA Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte,. STATE PAPERS OF FRANCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. [1878. THE CONCIERGERIE, 1770-1793 [French Prisons] Cochrane's Historic Pictures, 1865. THE ORLEANS PRETENDERS Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. WAR BETWEEN ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1225 White's England, 1860. GENERAL Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1862. Hosack's Law of Nations, 1882. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Lacroix's Eighteenth Century, 1876. Macgregor's Rob Roy Canoe, 1875. O'Hagan's Joan of Arc, 1893. Rivington's Notes of Travels, 1864. Smith's Wealth of Nations, etc., 1894. Grenville Murray's French Pictures in Eng. Chalks, 1876. France (Anatole, French Writer, born 1844) Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. Frances (Duchess of Suffolk, Mother of Lady Jane Grey, died 1559). MONUMENT IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. Franchise. A CENTURY'S STRUGGLE FOR THE FRANCHISE IN AMERICA Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1897. AFTER THE COUNTY FRANCHISE Longman's Magazine, vol. 3, 1883-4. ELECTORAL EXPERIMENT IN BELGIUM Dublin Review, vol. 117, 1895. LABOURER AND THE FRANCHISE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. NEW ZEALAND UNDER FEMALE FRANCHISE Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. See also Elections, Constitution, Government, Parliament, etc. Francis (Frai^ois Louis Thomas, Water Colour Painter, died 1839) Monkhouse's English Water Colour Painters, 1890. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. Francia (Jose Gasper Rodreguez, Dictator of Paraguay, died 1840) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1890. Francia or Rebolini Bryant's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1886. Francis and Margaret (French Poets, children of Charles, Count of Angoullme, died: respectively 1547 and 1549) Besant's Early French Poetry, 1868. Francis, Joseph, and. Charles (Emperors of A ustria) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1890. Francis I. (King of France, died 1547) Lady Jackson's Court of France [portrait], 1886. Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, by himself, 1872. Francis (Sir Philip, The supposed Jtinius, died 1818) Athenaeum, vol. i, 1898. Temple Bar, vol. 87, 1889. Francis Of Assisi (St., Founder of the Franciscan Order of Grey Friars, died 1226). RULE AND TESTAMENT OF ST. FRANCIS Wyclif's Unpublished Works [Early. English Text Society's Reprint, no. 74, 1880]. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. SOMF. THOUGHTS ON FRANCIS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. GENERAL Milman's Latin Christianity, vol.6, 1872. Renan's Religious History, 1886. Stephen's Ecclesiastical Biography, 1868. Edinburgh Review, vol. 86, 1847. Franciscans. FRANCISCAN CONVENT Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 50, 1841. FRANCISCAN FRIARS Dublin University Mag., vol. 69, 1867; [Monasteries], vol. 82. MEDIAEVAL EFFORTS Westcott's Social Aspects of Christianity, 1888. GENERAL Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Monumenta Franciscana, [Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain], edited by Brewer, 1858. Franco-German War. MARSHALL MACMAHON IN THE FRANCO-GERMAN WAR Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2, 1893-4. FRANCO-GERMAN WAR OF 1870-71 Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition,. 1874. Macmillan's Magazine, vol.68 [p. 13], 1893. Malleson's Refoundingof the German Empire, 1892. Scribner's Mag vol. 4, 1888. Also France, Germany, etc. Franeker, Holland Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Frankfort Baedeker's Rhine, 1889. Stowe's Sunny Memories, 1854. Frankincense. LAND OF FRANKINCENSE AND MYRRH [Dhofar, South-East Coast of Arabia] Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. Franking Letters (A former privilege of members of Parliament to send letters post free). FRANKING MEMORANDA Antiquary, vol. i, 1880. FRANKS Longman's Magazine, vol. 24, 1894. Franklin (Benjamin, American Philosopher and Statesman, died 1.790). ESSAY ON. FRANKLIN Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. FRANKLIN IN PARIS Lady Jackson's French Court and Society, 1881. GENERAL Brightwell's Industry and Genius, 1869. Chambers' Exemplary Biography, 1873. Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Munro's Pioneers of Electricity, 1890. Challice's Heroes, Philosophers, and Courtiers, 1863.. Thomas' Biography and Mythology, vol. 2, 1891. [237] FRANKLIN-FREEDOM Franklin (Rear Admiral Sir John, Arctic Navigator, died 1847). ARCTIC EXPLORATION Realm of the Ice Kint>, 1881. Chambprs' Book oi Days. FRANKLIN'S LAST VOYAGE Whymper's The Sea: its Stirring Story, etc., 1878-81. SEARCH FOR THE FRANKLIN EXPEDITION Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Eraser's Magazine, vol, 43, 1851. Yachtsman, vol. 12, 1896-7. TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. WORK OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. Franks. EARLY HISTORY OF THE FRANKS Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. EARLY INTERCOURSE OF THE FRANKS AND DANES Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. FRANKS AND GAULS Freeman's Historical Essays, V.D. FRANKS AND GOTHS Church's Middle Ages, 1894. INTERCOURSE OF THE DANES WITH THE FRANKS Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc.,v. zfn.s.), WHO WERE THE FRANKS ? Serjeant's Franks [Story of the Nations], i8g. [1885. GENERAL Sheppard's Fall of Rome and" Rise of New Nations, 1892. And tinder France. Frascati (A beautiful town of Italy, about fifteen miles from Rome; scene of the death of Prince Charles Edward the Pretender) Hare's Central Italy, 1884. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Fraser (Prof. Alexander Campbell, born 1819) Barrie's Edinburgh Eleven, 1889. Fraser (S., Lord Lovat, Scottish Jacobite, beheaded 1747) Walford's Family Chests, 1887. Fraser River (Principal River of British Columbia) Hayden's North America, 1883. Roper's Track and Trail : a Journey through Canada, 1891. Freaks. FREAKS OF NATURE IN OLDEN TIMES English Illustrated, vol. 18, 1897-8. HUMAN FREAKS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. Timbs' English Eccentrics, 1877. Frederic (Harold, Novelist, born 1856). HAROLD FREDERIC [with portraits] Idler, vol. 12, 1897-8. The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. Frederica Louisa (nth Queen of Prussia, died 1805) Atkinson's Queens of Prussia, 1858. Frederick I. (Barbarossa, German Emperor, drowned 1190) Milman's Latin Christianity, vols. 4 & 5, 1872. Frederick II. (the Great, King of Prussia, died 1786). ESSAYS ON FREDERICK THE GREAT Macaulay's Essays, 1892. FREDERICK THE GREAT'S INVASION OF SAXONY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. SKETCH Adams' Great Names in European History, 1879. GENERAL Gurney's God's Heroes and World's Heroes. Hope's Royal Youths : a Book of Princehoods. Macaulay's Reviews, Essays, and Poems, 1890. Mahon's Hist. Essays, 1861. Mitchell's Em. Soldiers, 1865. Bryce's Holy Roman Empire, '75. Frederick II. (Holy Koman Emperor, died 1251). EMPEROR FREDERICK II. OF THE HOUSE OF HOHENSTAUFEN Trans, of the Royal Hist. Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. GENERAL Bryce's Holy Roman Empire, 1875. Hosack's Rise and Growth of the Law of Nations, 1882. Milman's Latin Christianity, vols. 5 & 6, 1872. Frederick (Empress, Victoria, Princess Royal of England, born 1840). THE EMPRESS AND FRIEDRICHSHOF Lady's Realm, vol. i, 1896-7. See also Friedrichshof. Free Church. IN ENGLAND Fortnightly Rev., vol. 51 (n.s.), 1897. And under Church. Free Labour. RIGHTS OF FREE LABOUR Macmillan's Mag., vol. 65, 1891-2. And Free Libraries. See Libraries. [under Labour. Free Speech. ABUSE OF FREE SPEECH BY SEDITIOUS WRITINGS Paterson's Liberty of the Press, i?8o. Milton's Areopagitica. And tinder Liberty. Free Thought. FREETHINKING : its History and Tendencies Quarterley Review, GENERAL Wilberforce's Lectures on Faith and Free Thought, 1874. [vol. 116, 1864. Free Trade. ENCOURAGEMENT OF HOME INDUSTRIES Macmillan's Mag., vol. 71, 1895. FREE TRADE IN LAND. Kay, 1880. GLADSTONE AND THE FREE TRADE STRUGGLE McCarthy's Gladstone's Life, 1898. ISOLATED FREE TRADE Nineteenth Century, vol. 10, 1881. PROTECTION AND FREE TRADE Sidney Godolphin Osborne's Letters. RAILWAYS AND GROWTH OF COMMERCE Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. RECIPROCITY THE TRUE FREE TRADE Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. THE NEW PARTY Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. GENERAL Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Brace's Gesta Christi, 1882. Hope's Life of George Hope, ib8i. See also Trade, Protection, Political & Social Economy. Freebooters. FREEBOOTERS IN BECHUANALAND Mackenzie's Austral Africa, 1877. Freedom. FREEDOM AND ITS CONDITIONS Progressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. FREEDOM AND RESTRAINT Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. FREEDOM : Its relation to the proof of Determinism International Journal of Ethics, vol. 3, 1892-3. FROM FREEDOM TO BONDAGE Mackay's Plea for Liberty, 1892. RELATION OF CHOICE TO FREEDOM Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. RESPONSIBILITY AND PUNISHMENT Mind, vol. 3, 1894. TRUE FREEDOM Good Words, vol. 24, 1883. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1890. See also Liberty. [238] FREEMAN-FRIENDSHIP Freeman (Edward Augustus, Regius Professor of History, died 1892). MR. FREEMAN AT HOME Scribner's Magazine, vol. 14, 1893. RECOLLECTIONS Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. GENERAL Biographies reprinted from " The Times," vol. 5, 1896. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1890. Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. Freemasonry. DEVIL WORSHIP AND FREEMASONRY Contemporary Rev., vol. 70, ESSAY ON FREEMASONS Waite's Occult Sciences, 1891. [1896. FREEMASONRY IN KENT Daily Graphic, vol. 20,. 1894. FREEMASONRY: Its History and Aims Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. FREEMASONS' LODGES IN LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. RITES AND CUSTOMS Heckethorn's Secret Societies, 1875. ROMAN CHURCH AND FREEMASONRY Cornhill Mag , v. i (n.s.), 1896, & v.z (n.s.), 1897. ROSICRUCIANS AND FREEMASONS De Quincey's Opium Eater, 1878. THE DEVIL IN MODERN OCCULTISM Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. WHAT is THE GOOD OF FREEMASONRY? All the Year Round, vol. 16, 1866. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 43, 1866. Month, vol. 25, 1896-7. Parkinson's Places and People, 1869. Westminster Review, vol. i, 1824. Freetown, Sierra Leone Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 22, 1830. Free-will. FREE-WILL AND RESPONSIBILITY Inter. Journal of Ethics, vol. 5, 1894-5. SELF-DETERMINATION OR FREE-WILL Illingworth's Personality : Human & Divine, '95. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Martineau's Types of Ethical Theory, 1886. Freiburg, Germany Baedeker's Rhine, 1889. Se'guin's Black Forest, 1885. Frejus (Anciently the Forum Julii, a town of France, noted for its remains of a. Roman wall) Gould's Troubadour Land, 1891. French Language. FRENCH PRONUNCIATION IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Early English Text Society's Reprint (extra series), No. 14, 1871. INSTANCES OF SEMI-SAXONISED FRENCH Le Livere de Reis di Brittanic [Chron. and Memorials of Great Britain, Stationery Office]. GENERAL Cassell's Popular Educator, etc. See also Language, Philology, etc. French Literature Morris' Early Hanoverians, 1892. And under Literature. Frenchmen. CHARACTER SKETCH OF A FRENCHMAN Cornhill Mag., vol. 23, 1894. Frend (Wm., Reformer and Scientific Writer, died 1841) Turner's Em. Unitarians, 1840. Frere (Sir Bartle, Governor of the Cape, died 1884). CAREER OF SIR BARTLE FRERE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. [ (n.s.), 1886. GENERAL Cassell's Celebrities of the Cemiry., 1890. Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 3 Frescoes. FRESCO PAINTING Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 12, 1822. FRESCOES OF RUNKELSTEIN Harper's Magazine, vol. 96, 1898. GENERAL Fraser's Magazine, vol. 25, . Hare's Walks in Rome, 1884. Fret- Work Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Every Boy's Book, 1888. Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Frewen (A., A rchbishop of York, died 1664) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Freycinet (L. C. de S. de, French Navigator and Explorer, died 1842). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1882. Friars (Certain Orders of Catholic Priests). EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF THE MENDICANT FRIARS IN ENGLAND Trans. Royal Historical Soc., vol. 8 (n.s.), 1894. NOTES ON THE CHURCHES OF THE FRIARS' PREACHERS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Ecclesiology] , 1894. RECORDS OF THE FRIARS Gairdner's England, 1879 WANDERING FRIARS Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. [1892. WANDERING PREACHERS AND FRIARS Jusserand's Wayfaring Life in the I4th Cent., GENERAL Blunt's Reformation, 1832. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30 [page 511], 1874. Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. Friction. APPLICATION OF FRICTION Ball's Mechanics, 1889. HAULAGE ROPES : Method of Calculating Friction Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. PRINCIPLES OK FRICTION Goodeve's Mechanics, 1888. GENERAL Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Friedrichshof, Germany. THE EMPRESS FREDERICK'S RESIDENCE IN THE TAUNUS MOUNTAINS Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. Friendly or Tonga Islands, South Pacific Ocean Captain Cook's Voyages, 1782. See also Tonga Islands. Friendly Societies. FAILURE OF FRIENDLY Socs. All the Year Round, vol. n, 1864. MANAGEMENT OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Quarterly Review, vol. 166, 1888. PRESENT AND FUTURE OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Contemporary Rev., vol. 48, 1885. SAVINGS OF THE PEOPLE Edinburgh Review, vol. 138, 1873. GENERAL Abraham's Study of a Socialist Parson, 1892. See also Societies. Friendship. A LITERARY FRIENDSHIP OF THE I4TH CENTURY Macmillan's Mag., ART OF FRIENDSHIP Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. [vol. 33, 1875-6. BLESSING OF FRIENDS Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. CHOICE OF FRIENDS Adams' Plain Living, 1880. CONDUCT OF FRIENDSHIP Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. ESSAY ON FRIENDS Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7, 1890. ESSAY ON FRIENDSHIP British Essayists, vol. 12, 1823. Emerson's Prose Works. 1890. [239] FRIENDSHIP-FUEGIANS Friendship (continued). GIRL FRIENDSHIP Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. LITERARY FRIENDSHIPS Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, 1866. NEW WAY OF ENTERTAINING FRIENDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Haraerton's Intellectual Life, 1880. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 18 [page 353] , 1868. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. See also Associates, Companionship, Society, etc. Friesland, Holland Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Frigate Battles. By W. J. Gordon Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Fright. SOME STAGE FRIGHTS Theatre, vol. 18, 1891. See also Fear. Frisian Islands (Islands in the North Sea) Knight's " Falcon " on the Baltic, 1889. Frobel (Friedrich). THE KINDERGARTEN SYSTEM Literary World, vol. 56, 1897. Frobisher (Martin, English Navigator, died 1594). ARCTIC EXPLORATIONS Realm of the Ice King. Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. FROBISHER'S THREE VOYAGES Fox Bourne's English Seamen, 1868. Frocks. GOWNS AND FROCKS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. HISTORY OF MY FROCKS Longman's Magazine, vol. 30, 1897. Frogs. DESCRIPTION OF THE FROG Huxley's Practical Biology, 1889. FROG AND His RELATIONS Longman's Magazine, vol. 13, 1888-9. FROG SPAWN AND ITS DEVELOPMENT Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1881. NATURAL HISTORY OF FROGS Napier's Lakes and Rivers, 1884. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. Chambers' Journal, vol. 13, 1850. House- hold Words, vol. 14, 1856. Froissart (Jean, French Historian and Poet, died 1410). CAREER OF FROISSART Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1894-5. FROISSART THE HISTORIAN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1894-5. GENERAL Besant's Early French Poetry, 1868. Frontiers. FRONTIER LAW Chambers' Journal, vol. 49. ROMAN FRONTIER SYSTEM Trans. Cumb. and West. Arch. Soc., vol. 14. Frost. ARBORESCENT FROST PATTERNS Nature, vol. 47, 1892-3. CELEBRATED FROSTS Chambers' Book of Days, 2 vols., 1864. Haydn's Dates, 1892. COST OF A GREAT FROST Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. FREAKS OF FROST Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. FROST FAIRS ON THE THAMES Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1855. "FROST PHENOMENA" AND EVAPORATION FROM ICE Hardwicke's Sci. Gossip, 1875. FROST PHOTOGRAPHY Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. GENERAL Hone's Every-Day Book, vol. 2. Froude (James Anthony, Historian, died 1894). CAREER OF J. A. FROUDE [Reminis- OPEN LETTER TO JAS. ANTHONY FROUDE Steuari's Letters to Living Authors, 1892. cences Reviewed] Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. RECOLLECTIONS OF J. A. FROUDE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. [1894. REMINISCENCES OF JAMES ANTHONY FROUDE Blackwood's Edinburgh Mag., v. 156, GENERAL Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1890. Reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle, 1887. Once a Week, vol. 27. Frugality Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. FRUIT. (See also names, e.g., Apples, Pears, Oranges, etc., and under Botany, Gardening, etc.) CANNING VEGETABLES AND FRUIT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. CONTRASTS BETWEEN THE COLOURS OF FLOWERS AND FRUITS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1881. CULTURE OF FRUIT IN SCOTLAND Chambers' Journal [Apples], vol. 71, 1894. EXPORTATION OF FRUIT Tallerman's Agricultural Distress Trade Depression, 1889. FRUIT IN THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY Chambers' Book of Days, vol.2, 1864. FRUIT-FARMING FIASCO IN CALIFORNIA National Review, vol. 25, 1895. FRUIT-GROWING Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890, & vol. 56, 1879. FRUIT-GROWING IN FLORIDA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. FRUIT-GROWING REVIVAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. FRUIT-KANCHING IN CALIFORNIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. NAMES OF FRUITS Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. PERSIAN FLOWERS AND FRUITS Wills' Persia from 1866-81. PRESERVATION OF FRUIT Breuil's Fruit Trees, 1881. GENERAL Griffin's New South Wales, 1888. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 1892. Popular Science Monthly, vol. 2. Wilson's Rural Encyclopaedia, 1855. Fry (Elizabeth, Quaker Preacher and Philanthropist, resided in West Ham, died 1845). HOMES AND HAUNTS OF ELIZABETH FRY Page's Essex in the Days of Old, 1897. MRS. FRY AND THE LATE KING OF PRUSSIA Sunday at Home, vol. 21. 1885. SKETCH OF MRS. FRY Women of Worth, 1859. GENERAL Biographies of Good Women, 1876. Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1889. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Owen's Heroines of Domestic Life, 1862. Fryerning, Essex. ST. MARY'S CHURCH Buckler's Churches of Essex, 1856. Fucino (A Lake in Central Italy) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Fuegians, South America Chambers' Jour., vol. 4, 1834-5. Vincent's South America, 1890. See also Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, etc. [240] FUEL-FURNESS ABBEY Fuel. COAL DUST FUEL Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. [1844. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL AND THE PREVENTION OF SMOKE British Assoc. Report, HUALITIES OF FUEL Bloxam's Metals ; their properties and treatment, 1885. ENERAL Ure's Arts and Manufactures, etc. See also Coal, Oil, Wood, etc. " Fuji " (Japanese Warship) Engineer, v. 81, 1896. Thames Iron Works Journal, 1897. Fujisan (A Mountain of Japan). FUJISAN VOLCANO IN JAPAN Nature, vol. 47, 1892. GENERAL Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. Fulham. FULHAM AND PUTNEY BRIDGE Antiquary, vol. 14, 1886. THE BISHOP'S PALACE Leisure Hour, vol. 2, 1853. Sunday Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. Fuller (Andrew, Baptist Minister, died 1815) Coleridge's Notes on English Divines, 1853, Fuller (Loie, Originator of Skirt Dancing) Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. Fuller (Margaret, Marchioness of Ossoli, American Author and Journalist, drowned 1850). MARGARET FULLER IN A NEW ASPECT Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. PERSONALITY OF MARGARET FULLER Temple Bar, vol. 108, 1996. SKETCH OF HKR LIFE Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. Household Words, vol. 5, 1852. NERAL Coleridge s Notes on English Divines, 1853. Jeanreson s Bi Clergy, 1870. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 7. Fullerton (Lady Georgiana, Authoress, died 1885). REVIEW OF HER NOVEL "ELLEN MIDDLETON " Review of Reviews, vol. i, 1890. GENERAL Athenasum, 1888, vol. 2. Spectator, vol. 61, 1888. Fullonica. WORKSHOP OF A POMPEIAN FULLER Dyer's Pompeii, 1867. Fullwood (John, Artist). SKETCH OF JOHN FULLWOOD Art Journal, 1896. Fulton (R., Inventor) Quarterly Rev., vol. 19, 1818. Tail's Ed. Mag., vol. 27 (n.s.), 1860. Fundy, East Coast of North America. TIDES OF THE BAY OF FUNDY Scribner's Magazine, vol. 14, 1893. EXPEDITION TO Universalist Quarterly, vol. 4. FUNERALS. (See also Burial, Death, Interment, Mourning, etc.) ANCIENT FUNERAL RITES Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. Becker's Charicles BOYARD'S FUNERAL PROCESSION Berger's Roumania, 1877. [and Gallus, 1895. FLORENTINE FESTIVAL OF THE DEAD Scott's Tuscan Studies, 1888. EGYPTIAN FUNERAL RITES Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1833-5. FUNERAL AT SEA Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. FUNERAL BAKED MEATS Antiquary, vol. 26, 1892. FUNERAL CEREMONIES Chambers' Book of Days, 2 vols., 1864. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Manners and Customs], 1890. Miiller's Anthropological Religion, 1891. Folk-Lore, vol. 2, 1891. FUNERAL ORATIONS IN STONE AND WORD Harper's Magazine, vol. 24, 1892. FUNERALS IN ENGLAND, NEW ENGLAND, ETC. Folklore, vol. 7, 1896. FUNERALS IN NAPLES Household Words, vol. 5, 1852. FUNERALS IN RUSSIA Hare's Studies in Russia, 1885. ORIENTAL FUNERALS Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. ROMAN FUNERALS AT SEA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. SCOTCH FUNERALS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 32, 1859. Hone's Popular Works, 4 vols. Jeaffre- son's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Fungi (Cryptogamous or Flowerless Plants such as mushrooms, also substances known as mildew, moulds, rust, etc.) A GOSSIP ABOUT FUNGI Hardwicke's Science Gossip, EXAMINATION OF FUNGI Somerville's Molecular Science, 1669. [1883. INSECT FUNGI Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1866. PARASITIC FUNGI Trouessart's Microbes, Ferments and Moulds, 1889. PARASITIC FUNGI IN FISHES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 36, 1848. REMARKABLE FUNGUS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. RESTING SPORES OF THE POTATO FUNGUS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1875. ROUMEGUERE ON FUNGI Nature, vol. 2, 1870. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 4, 1845. Good Words, vol. 19, 1878. Nature, vol. 48, 1893. Fur. A FUR STORE Through the Gold Fields of Alaska, 1898. DRESSING FUR Brovwi's Practical Taxidermy, 1879. FUR-PULLERS OF SOUTH LONDON Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. HISTORY OF FUR DRESSES Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, etc., 1846. LONDON FUR TRADE Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. OUR FUR PRODUCERS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. RUSSIAN FUR COMPANY Hartwig's Polar World, 1869. GENERAL Ure's Arts and Manufactures, etc., 1867. [1891. Furnaces. EXAMPLES OF FURNACES Rankine's Steam Engine & other Prime Movers, TEMPERATURE OF THE BLAST FURNACE, ETC. Cassell's Tech. Ed., vols. 1-3, 1897. Furness Abbey, Lancashire (Founded by Stephen, Count of Bologna, 1127). FURNESS ABBEY AND ITS STORY Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 280, 1896. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Black's Guide to English Lakes, V.D. Boy's Own Annual, vol 6, 1884. Murray's Guide to Lancashire, V.D. R [ 241 ] PURNISS-GALERIUS Furniss (Harry, Caricaturist, born 1854). ILLUS. INTERVIEW Strand Mag., vol. 5, 1893. FURNITURE. (See also Decoration, Houses, and under names of articles of Furniture, e.g., Carpets, Chairs, Tables, etc.) ANIMAL FURNITURE Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. ANTIQUE CABINETS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. BUYING FURNITURE Panton's From Kitchen to Garret, 1890. ESSAY ON ANTIQUE FURNITURE Industrial Arts: Historical Sketches, 1874. FASHION IN FURNITURE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 31, 1875. FORTUNES IN OLD FURNITURE Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. FURNITURE AND JOINERY Architecture, vol. i, 1896. FURNITURE IN COLLEGE ROOMS Bradshaw's Collected Papers, 1889. How TO FURNISH A DRAWING ROOM FOR EIGHTEEN GUINEAS Girl's Own, v. 12,1891. OLD OAK FURNITURE Antiquary, vol. 8, 1883. PECULIAR FURNITURE Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. SCHOOL FURNITURE The Teacher's Manual of the Science and Art of Teaching, 1879. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 12, 1849. Litchfield's History of Furniture, 1894. Fumivall (F. J., a noted Philologist and Shakesperian Scholar, born 1825). FURNIVALL AS A CRITIC OF SHAKESPEARE Saturday Review, vol. 54, 1882. GENERAL Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1890. Malcolm's Shakspere, 1881. Fury Beach, Arctic Regions Markham's Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay, 1875. Furz (J., Methodist Minister) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 5, V.D. Fuseli (Henry [otherwise called Fuessby], Painter and Art Critic, died 1825) Art Journal, 1860. Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 2, 1879. Fusi-Yama Mountain, Japan Bax's Cruise of the " Dwarf," 1875. See also Fust-San. Fussa, Persia. SHIRAZ AND FOSSA Wills' Persia from 1866 to 1881. Fust (J onannes > German Printer, Partner of Gutenburg, died about 1467). JOHN FUST AND THE INVENTION OF PRINTING International Magazine, vol. 5, 1852. GENERAL Carey's History of a Book. Johnson's Typographia. See also Gutenburg. Future State. BELIEF IN A FUTURE LIFE AMONG THE BLACKS Lumholtz's Among Cannibals, 1889. SPIRITUAL THEORY Contemporary Review, vol. 17. CONDITIONS OF LIFE AFTER DEATH Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. HAPPY HUNTING-GROUNDS OF THE INDIAN Dodge's Great West, 1877. IMMORTALITY AND FUTURE LIFE Channing's Works, 1885. INFINITE FUTURE Kennedy's Thoughts on Being, 1850. Farrar's Eternal Hope, 1878. Is THE GREAT HEREAFTER A DREAM ? Haweis' Broad Church, 1891. ON THE KNOWLEDGE OF A FUTURE STATE Expositor, vol. 5, 1897. THOUGHTS UPON A FUTURE LIFE Macleod's Parish Papers, 1862. GENERAL Bettany's Woild's Religions, 1890. Nineteenth Century, vol. I, 1877. Fyvle Castle (One of the most beautiful specimens of Sixteenth Century Architecture). FYVIE CASTLE AND ITS LAIRDS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. VTABII Hare's Central Italy, 1884. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Gabriel (One of the Archangels) Koelle's Mohammed and Mohammedanism, 1889. Sale'b Koran, 1891. Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, 1898. Gabrielle (Sister). A REMINISCENCE OF MAX O'RELL Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. Gabrielli (Catarina, Italian Singer, died 1769) Edwards' Prima Donna, 1888. Gade (N. W., Musical Composer, died 1890) Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. Gad's Hill Place (The Residence of Charles Dickens and where he died). A CHILD'S MEMORIES OF GAD'S HILL- Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. GENERAL Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. Gaelic Dictionary Blackwood's Magazine, vol. i, 1817. Gaelic Language and Literature Keltic's History of the Scottish Highlands, v. 2. Gaelic Nuisance Chambers' Journal, vol. 54, 1877. Gaillard [Chateau, Gaillard] (Ruins of a Castle built by Richard I. in 1197) Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. GAINSBOROUGH DURING THE CIVIL WAR Antiquary, vol. 28, 1893. GENERAL Murray's Guide to Lincolnshire, V.D. Gainsborough (Thomas, Painter, died 1788). OLD ENGLISH MASTERS Century Magazine, vol. 55, 1897-8. Portfolio, vol. 3. Temple Bar, vol. 5, 1862. GENERAL Arnold's Life of Gainsborough, 1881. Bryant's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1886. Cunningham's Painters, etc., vol. i, 1830. Muther's History of Modern Painting, vol. i, 1895. GalapagOS Archipelago Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Galard Terraube(Mlle. Vlctorinede) Herbert's Three Phases of Christian Love, 1877 Galba (Servius Sulpicius, Emperor of Rome, died 69 A.D.) Bury's Roman Empire, 1873 Merivale's History of the Roman Empire, 1873. Plutarch's Lives, 1883-5. Galera (Picturesque Village of Italy) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Galerius (Valerius Maximianus, Roman Etnptror, died 311) Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. [242] GALIANI-GAMBLING Galiani (Fernando, Abb6, Italian Political Economist, died 1787) Book of Table Talk [Knight's Library of Anecdote], 1836. Galilee (In the Roman Period a Division of Palestine). PROVINCE OF GALILES Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. SEA OF GALILEE OR GENNESARETH Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. Hill's With the Beduins, 1891. Hours at Home, vol. i, 1865. GENERAL Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 2 & 5, 1869-74. Kinglake's Eothen, 1854. See also Tiberias, Gennesareth,etc Galileo (Celebrated Astronomer and Physicist, died 1642). CASE OF GALILEO Nineteenth Century, vol. 19, 1806. Dublin Review, vols. 57-58, 1865. GALILEO AND THE INVENTION OF THE TELESCOPE Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. GALILEO CELEBRATION AT PADUA Nature, vol. 47, 1892-3. THE PRIVATE LIFE OF GALILEO Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. WORD UPON GALILEO'S TRIAL Kenan's Studies in Religious History, 1886. GENERAL Argosy, vol. n, 1871. Bolton's Men of Science, 1890. Brewster's Martyrs of Science, 1867. De Morgan's Paradoxes, 1872. Ewart's Heroes and Martyrs of Science, 1886. King's Cluster of Lives, 1874. Dublin Review, vol. 5, 1838. Galley (A low flat-built vessel, navigated with both sails and oars). GALLEYS AND GALLEY SLAVES, SIXTEENTH CENTURY Poole & Kelley's Barbary Corsairs, 1890. GALLEY SLAVES Smiles' Huguenots, 1868. Quarterly Review, vol. 120 [p. 391,1866. Gallipoli, Turkey (First European Town conquered by the Saracens, 1357) Cassell's Picturesque Mediterranean, 1891. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Parry's Sketches of a Yachting Cruise, 1889. GalliSOn (John, American Editor and Law Writer, died 1820) Channing's Works, 1885 Gallo (A. S., Architect-Sculptor, died 1534) Scott's Lucca Delia Robbia, 1890. Galloway, S.W. Scotland. GALLOWAY AND HER FEUDAL SHERIFFS Scottish Rev., GALLOWAY BYGONES Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. [vol. 22, 1893. GALLOWAY FASTNESSES Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. POETS AND ARTISTS OF GALLOWAY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Gallows. A PLEA FOR THE GALLOWS Life and Labours of Albany Fonblanque, 1874. GALLOWS TREE ON HAMPSTEAD HEATH Chambers' Jour., vol. 65, 1888. Hanging. Galls (Vegetable excrescence used in the manufacture of ink, dyes, etc.) INHABITANTS or SOME COMMON GALLS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. LIFE-HISTORY OF SOME VEGETABLE GALLS Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. GENERAL Ure's Arts and Manufactures, 1867. Gait (John, Scottish Novelist, died 1839). NOVELS OF JOHN GALT New Rev., v. 13, 1895 GENERAL Olipbant's Literary History, vol. 3, 1882. Maginis' Maclise Portrait Gallery [with portrait]. Westminster Review, vol. 16-17, 1832. Galton (F., Traveller and Meteorologist, born 1822) Darwin's Life and Letters, edited by his Son, 1887. Galvanism (Production of Electricity by the Galvanic Battery). A GALVANIC ENGINE Henry's Scientific Writings, 1886. DANIEL'S GALVANIC BATTERY Nature, vol. 3, 1870-1. GENERAL Every Boy's Book, 1888. Galway (Earl, originally, Henry, Marquis de Ruvigtty (Huguenot Refugee), created Earl of Gallway by William III., died 1720) Smiles' Huguenots: their Settlements, etc., 1889. Galway 1 , Ireland. WARDENS OF GALWAY Jour. Roy. Soc.Antiq., Ireland (sthser.),v GENERAL Inglis' Journey Throughout Ireland, 1835. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 12, 1865. Gama (Vasco da, Portuguese Navigator, died 1524). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Month, vol. 12, 1870. Gamala (A City of Galilee) Buckingham's Palestine, 1822. Gambetta (Leon, Great French Politician, died 1882) Chambers' Encyclopaedia, 1895. Spectator, vol. 63, 1889. Garribier (James, Lord, Admiral, died 1833) James' Naval History, vols. i & 4, 1837. Gambier (A substance used in dyeing). MANUFACTURE AND USES OF GAMBIER Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. GAMBLING. (See also Betting, Racing, Stock Exchange, etc.) CLUBS AND GAMBLING Bcsant's Fifty Years Ago, 1888. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GAMBLING Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 1856. FEMALE GAMBLERS All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. GAMBLING AND BETTING Sunday Magazine, vol. 37, 1891. GAMBLING AND THE LAW Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. GAMBLING AT MONTE CARLO All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. GAMBLING IN AMERICA Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. GAMBLING IN THE PARIS CLUBS Truth, vol. 15, 1884. GAMBLING ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE Daily Graphic, vol. 21, 1895. MODERN GAMBLING AND GAMBLING LAWS Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1886. REMARKS ON GAMBLING Doings in London, or Day and Night Scenes in the Metro- THE LAW AND GAMBLING Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. [polls. WHAT is GAMBLING? Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. GENERAL Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. Lecky's Democracy and Liberty, 1896. Progressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. Sunday at Home, vol. 37, 1890. [243] GAME-GARDINER Game. AMERICAN BIG GAME HUNTING Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. BIG GAME HUNTERS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. GAME IN ENGLAND Cornhill Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. GAME IN NORTH AMERICA Dodge's Hunting Grounds of the Great West, 1877. LONDON GAME-SHOPS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. POACHERS AND THEIR WAYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. PRESERVING OF GAME IN THE UNITED STATES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. THE GREAT GAME OF CANADA Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. See also tinder names, e.g., Hare, Pheasant, Deer, etc. Game Laws. ESSAY ON THE GAME LAWS Sydney Smith's Prose Works, 1845. REMARKS ON THE GAME LAWS MacDonald's Cattle, Sheep, and Deer, 1872. GENERAL Hope's Life of George Hope, 1881. Westminster Rev., vols. 140 and 141. GAMES. DORSETSHIRE CHILDREN'S GAMES Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 7, 1889. EGYPTIAN GAMES Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1835. GREEK GAMES Beckar's Charicles and Gallus, '95. Guhl & Koner's Life of the Greeks How GAMES ARE MADE Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. [and Romans, 1880. INDIAN GAMES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. INDOOR GAMES OF SCHOOL BOYS IN THE MIDDLE AGES Archaeological Jour., vol. 49, OBSOLETE PASTIMES Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. [1892. OUTDOOR GAMES Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. ROMAN GAMES Seyffert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. SICILIAN CHILDREN'S GAMES Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 2, 1884. TOYS AND GAMES IN THE PAST Lacroix's Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages, 1874. Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. WARLIKE GAMES AMONG THE SAXONS Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. GENERAL Boy's Modern Playmate; edited by J. G. Wood. Boy's Own Annual, vols. i, 1879, & 5, 1883. Cassell'sBookof Sports & Pastimes, 1888. Chambers' Jour., v. 49, 1872. Every Boy's Book, 1888. Girl's Own Annual. See also Pastimes, Play, Sport, and under names of various games, e.g., Billiards, Cricket, Football, Golf, etc. Ganganelli, Clement XIV. (Pope, died 1774) Miss Cornelia Knight's Autobiography, '61. Ganges (Sacred River of India). CITIES OF THE GANGES Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 7, 1830. Gannet (A Diving Bird) Morris' British Birds, vol. n, 1891. Gardane (Antoine, French General, died 1807). TRAVELS IN PERSIA, ETC. Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Gardanne (Town of France, near Aix) Gould's Troubadour-Land, 1891. GARDENING. (See also Botany, Flowers, Fruit, Horticulture, etc., and under names of various flowers, fruit, vegetables, etc., e.g., Kose, Apple, Cabbage, etc.) A SURREY GARDEN Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. AQUATIC GARDENING Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. COTTAGE GARDENS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. FLOWER GARDEN Cassell's Gardening, 1884-6. GARDEN CRAFT AND GARDEN LORE Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. GARDEN POTS AND POTTING Cassell's Gardening, 1884-6. GARDENER'S CALENDARS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Bibliograp. Notes], 1889. GARDENING FOR BOYS Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. GARDENING FOR PROFIT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. GARDENING FOR TOWN GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. GARDENING IN SEPTEMBER Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. GARDENS IN LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. GOSSIP ON GARDENS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. HINTS ON THE GARDEN The House Manager : a Guide to Housekeeping, etc., 1877. HISTORY OF GARDENING IN ENGLAND Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 1896. HISTORY OF GARDENS Humboldt's Cosmos: a Sketch of the Physical Universe, 1847. IN THE AUTUMN GARDEN Woman, October, 1895. KITCHEN OR PLEASURE GARDENING London's Lady's Country Companion, 1867. LANDSCAPE GARDENING Harris' Theory of the Arts, 1869. MARKET GARDENING Household Words, vol. 7, 1853 OLD ITALIAN GARDENS Longman's Magazine, vol. 26, 1895. OLD-TIME FLOWER GARDENS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. PAPERS ON GARDENING Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. SOME TALKS ABOUT GARDENING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. SUBURBAN GARDENING Cassell's Gardening, 1884-6. TOWN GARDENS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. Stackhpuse's Hardy Plants, 1877. WINDOW GARDENING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. Girl's Own Ann., vol. 4,1883. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vols. n, 1889, & 13, 1891. Cassell's Magazine, vol. 14,. 1888. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 26, 1872. English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. Every Boy's Book. Good Words, vol. 4, 1863. Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. Sir William Temple's Works, vol. 3, 1757. Gardiner Pro History ot the Reformation, 1859. Oxenham's Studies in Jicclesia 4. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856. Gardiner (Colonel, Killed at the Battle of Preston Pans, 1745). THE STORY OF HIS CONVERSION Sir Walter Scott's Waverley, or Sixty years since, 1851. [244] GARDNER-GASCOIGN Gardner (Allan, Lord, Admiral, died 1808) James' Naval History, 6 vols, 1837. Garfleld (J ames, A merican President, assassinated 1881) Farrar's Present Day Questions, 1892. Heroes of the Great Republic, 1892. Nineteenth Century, vol. 10, 1881. Garibaldi (Guiseppe, Italian Patriot, died 1882). GARIBALDI IN ROME Godkin's Life of Victor Emmanuel II., 1880. PERSONAL REMINISCENCES Macmillan's Magazine, vol.46, 1882. SICILIAN REVOLUTION AND GARIBALDI Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. GENERAL Farrar's Present Day Questions, 1892. Gallon's Explorer in Africa, 1851. Harrison's Travels in Europe, 1891. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1890. Garlands. WREATHS AND GARLANDS Archaeological Journal, vol. 54. 1897. Garlic. THE HISTORY OF GARLIC Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1874. Garnet (Precious Stone). See Gems. Garnett (Dr. R., Keeper of Printed Books, British Museum, born 1835) Men and Women of the Time, 1895. Saturday Review, vol. 77, 1894. Gamier (Francis, French Explorer, died 1873). MEMOIR OF FRANCIS GARNIER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. Garonne (River in South-West France). ALONG THE GARONNE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. u, 1893-4. Garravalt. FALLS OF GARRAVALT Lydon & Croat's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Garrick (David, A ctor and Dramatist, died 1779). ANECDOTES OF GARRICK Croker's Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1860. GARRICK AS A MIMIC Doran's Annals of the English Stage, 1888. [1871. GARRICK AS HAMLET Brereton's Famous Hamlets, 1884. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 15, GARRICK'S ACTING Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1860. Temple Bar, vol. n, 1864. GARRICK'S WRITINGS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Bibliograpical Notes], 1889. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856. Chambers' Journal, vol. 45, 1868, & vol. 57, 1880. Love Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888. Russell's Representative Actors, 1888. Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. Doran's Annals of the English Stage, 1888. Garrick Club Hay's Clubs and Drawing Room, 1870. Garrison (William Lloyd, American Journalist and Abolitionist, died 1879). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. GENERAL Atlantic Monthly, vol. 44, 1879. Heroes of the Great Republic, 1892. Garrotting. SCIENCE OF GARROTTING Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. Garry Cape Markham's Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay, 1875. Garshine (V. M., A Russian Novelist, died 1888). "A RUSSIAN WRITER" Temple Bar, vol. 105, 1895. Time, vol. 22, 1890. Garter. ORDER OF THE GARTER Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 1892. Garth (Samuel, Poet, died 1718) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1890. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Gas (Natural Gas). GASES IN COALMINES Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. i & 5, LIQUEFYING GASES Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. [1897. NATURAL GAS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. NATURAL GAS IN SUSSEX Science Gossip, vol. 5 .1898. Noxious GASES AND VAPOURS Knowledge, vol. 17,1894. ON THE ELECTROLYSIS OF GASES Nature, vol. 52, 1895. SAFETY OF COMPRESSED GASES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. SOLUTION OF GASES IN LIQUID SOLVENTS Wright's Threshold of Science, 1891. THE SALT AND GAS WELLS OF CHINA Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Gas (Coal or Manufactured Gas). CHEAP GAS QUESTION London, vol. i, 1893. ENRICHMENT OF COAL GAS Nature, vol. 50, 1894. GAS MAKING Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. GASWORKS MANAGEMENT AND CONSUMERS' INTERESTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, GREAT GASWORKS All the Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. [1898. How LONDON GETS ITS GAS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. How LONDON'S GAS is MADE Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. IN GAS-LAND [Stratford, London] Andom's Industrial Explorings, 1896. MANUFACTURE OF GAS Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874, and Supplement, 1877. Winton's Modern Workshop Practice as applied to Locomotive Engines, REMARKS ON GAS FURNACES Hodgett's Liquid Fuel, 1890. [1889. GENERAL Bakewell's Great Facts. Strand Mag., vol. 4, 1892. See also Gas Lighting. Gas Engines. GAS AND On, ENGINES Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 5 & 6, 1897. Gas Fitting. GAS BURNERS Hughes' Gas- Works: their construction, etc., 1892. REMARKS ON GAS FITTING Spons' Mechanics' Own Book, 1889. Gas Lighting. A CHANGE IN THE LONDON GAS SUPPLY Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. GAS LIGHTING IN LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. GAS WORKS AND LIGHTING Colyer's Public Institutions, etc., 1892. INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHTING Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. PLEA FOR GAS LAMPS Stevenson's Virginibus Puerisque, 1895. Gascoign (Sir William. Chief Justice, died 1419). THE STORY OF PRINCE HENRY OF MONMOUTH AND CHIEF-JUSTICE GASCOIGN Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1886. [2451 GASCOIGNE- GEIKIE Gascoigne (George, Poet, died 1577). HISTORICAL ALLUSION IN SUNDRY ENGLISH POETS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s,), 1884. GENERAL Campbell's Spec, of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Gascon (Jasmin Barker, Poet and Philanthropist, died 1864). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF JASMIN GASCON All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. Gascon Rolls. THE PUBLICATION OF THE GASCON ROLLS BY THE BRITISH AND FRENCH GOVERNMENTS Trans, of the Royal Hist. Society, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1892. Gaskell (Mrs. E. C., Novelist, died 1865). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1^65-6. Prospective Review, vol. 5. STRAY NOTES ABOUT MRS. GASKELL Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. GENERAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 13, 1866, & vol. 29, 1874. Walford's Twelve English Authoresses, 1892. Fortnightly Review, vol. 30, 1878. Gasparin (Countess De, French Writer, died 1895). SWISS-FRENCH LITERATURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Gastronomy. ETHICS OF DINING Arnold's Armchair Essays, 1888. GENERAL Volant & Warren's Memoirs of Alexis Soyer, 1859. Gatehouses. ANCIENT GATEHOUSES Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1847. OLD ENGLISH GATEHOUSES Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. See also Tollbars. Gates. ANCIENT ETRUSCAN GATES Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Gateways All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1895. Gates (Horatio, American General, died 1806) Irving's Life of Washington, 1850. Gates (Sir J., Statesman and Sheriff >of Essex, died 1553) Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Morant's Essex, 1768. Gath (Birthplace of Goliath). CITY OF GATH Ewald's Israel, vol. 2, 1869, & vol. 3, 1871. Picturesque Palestine, with views. Gauchos (Half-breed Herdsmen of South America). GAUCHOS AT HOME Temple Bar, GENERAL Atlantic Monthly, vol. a, 1858. [vol. 101, 1894. Gauden (John, Bishop of Worcester, died 1662) Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Gauls (The leading division of the Celtic race). CONQUESTS OF THE GAULS Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 56, GALLO-ROMA-NS AND GERMANS Serjeant's Franks [Story of the Nations], 1898. GAULS AND FRANKS Freeman's Historical Essays, V.D. ROMAN CONQUEST OF GAUL Serjeant's Franks [Story of the Nations], 1898. SUBJECTION OF GAUL Serjeant's Franks [Story of the Nations], 1898. GENERAL Davidson's Study of the New Testament, 1862. [1862. Gaunt (Elizabeth, wife of William Gaunt, died 1685) Anderson's Memorable Women, Gauntlets Archaeological Journal, vol. 41, 1884. [Telegraph. GaUSS (Karl F., German Mathematician and Physicist, died 1855) Munro's Heroes of the Gautama (Hindoo Reformer, supposed founder of Buddhism, died 543 B.C.) Thomas' Biography and Mythology, vol. 2, 1891. Gauthier (Lieutenant). BRIEF SKETCH Strand Magazine, vol. 5, 1893. Gautier (Thfephile, French Journalist and Poet, died 1872). BRIEF SKETCH Temp. B., GENERAL Chalbce's French Authors at Home. Longman's, v. 16, 1890. [v. 99, 1893. Gavarni [Guillaume-Sulpice Chevalier] (French Artist, died 1866). SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1898. Gavelkind. See Tenures. [i, 1880. Gaveston (Piers, favourite of Edward II., executed 1312) Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. Gay (N. N., Russian Artist). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 2, 1890. Gaynes Park, Upminster Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. Gaza (A trading City of the Philistines) Ewald's Israel, vols. 3 and 4, 1871. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Picturesque Palestine, vol. 3, with views. Gearing. BELT GEARING Cassell's Technical Educ-^tfT, vol. 4, 1897. POWER TRANSMITTED BY BELTS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 4 and 6, 1897. WIRE ROPE GKARING, ETC. Cassell's Technical Educator, vol. 4, 1897. GENERAL Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Geese. CANADA GOOSE, ETC. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE VARIOUS SPECIKS OF GEESE Jardine's Nat. Lib., vols. 4 & 14, GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF GEESE WrightV Poultr., i8,-o. [1848. GOSSIP ABOUT THE GOOSE Andrews' England in the Days of Old, 1897. THE BEAN GOOSE Morris' British Birds, vol. 5, 1891. THE BF.RNICLE GOOSE Morris' British Birds, vol. 5, 1891. WILD GEESE St. John's Wild Sports of the Scottish Highlands, 1888. Gehazi (Servant of Elisha, smitten with leprosy for his wickedness). A STUDY Quiver, vol. 29, 1894. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Geikie (Prof. Sir Archibald, Scotch Geologist, born 1835) Darwin's Life and Letters ; edited by his Son, 1887. Nature, vol.47, 1892-3. Popular Science Monthly, vol. 43. [246] GELASIUS II.-GENOA GelasiUS II. (Pope, died nig) Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. Gelatine (A n animal product, a kind of jelly) Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. Gell (Sir William, Arch&ologist, died 1836) Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Gem6t (The Witenagemot or Anglo-Saxon Parliament). THE POWERS OF THE GEMOT Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. Gems. ANCIENT GEMS AS TALISMANS King's Gnostics and their Remains, 1887. ARTIFICIAL GEMS Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, etc., 1846. Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. BLACAS GEMS Archasological Journal, vol. 24. 1867. GEMS AND PRECIOUS STONES Antiquary, vol. 2, 1880. GREEK GEMS Illustrated British Museum Catalogue, 1888. MYTHS OF THE PRECIOUS STONES Cornhill Magazine, vol. i (n.s.). 1883. PRECIOUS STONES Antiquary, vol. 13, 1886. Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. GENERAL Ansted's In Search of Minerals, 1880. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, 1881-3. Genazzano (Town of Italy, contains a rich chapel and famous shrine) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. See also Italy, etc Genealogy. GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH IN PUBLIC LIBRARIES Library Jour. (Amer.), HISTORIC GENEALOGY Trans. Royal Historical Soc., vol. 4 (n.s.), 1889. [vol. 21, 1896. Generaliffe (Royal Villa of Spain) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 18, 1830. General Post Office. See Post Office. Generation. ALTERNATION OF GENERATION Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1879. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 3, 1878. Geneseo (Capital of Livingston Co., N.Y.) Russell's North America, 1857. Genesis. MR. GLADSTONE AND GENESIS Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 4, 1895. NOTES ON THE BOOK OF GENESIS IN HEBREW Expositor, vol. 7, 1898. STORY OF GENESIS AND EXODUS [a Thirteenth Century Song] Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 7, 1865. ZEND-AVESTA AND GENESIS Muller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1^67. GENERAL Kitto's Journal, vol. 26, 1861. Robertson's Notes on Genesis, 1876. Genet (E. C., French Minister in U.S. 1792, died 1834) Irving's Life of Washington, 1855. Geneva (Wealthiest City of Switzerland, noted for its Watches). ANCIENT CATHEDRAL OF GENEVA Journal of the Royal Institute of British Arch., vol. 3 (3rd series). GENEVA AND CALVIN Hug's Sw tzerland, 1890. GENEVA AND ITS MEMORIES Sunday Magazine, vol. 3, 1895. LAKE OF GENEVA Baedeker's Guide to Switzerland, V.D. Nature, vol. 47. 1892. REVIEW OF SISMONDI'S "CONSIDERATIONS ON GENEVA" M'Crie's Miscellaneous ROUSSEAU'S VISIT AT GENEVA Morley's Rousseau, 1888. [Writings. GENERAL Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Dixon's Switzers, 1872. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Genii (In Arabian Mythology supernatural beings, intermediary between angels and men). COMBATS OF THE GODS AND EVIL GENII Maspero's Dawn of Civilization 1894. ON GENII Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 13, 1866. GENIUS. CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMBLE GENIUS Hood's Peerage of Poverty, 1870. CHILD GENIUSES Home Chat, vol. 13, 1898. DECAY OF GENIUS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 50, 1884. EDUCATION OF GENIUS Ei-glish Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. GENIUS AND INSANITY Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. GENIUS AND STATURE Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. GENIUS AND VERSATILITY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. HEREDITARY GENIUS Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. MEN OF GENIUS Chambers Journal, vol. 52, 1875. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 44, 1885. PERSEVERANCE AND GENIUS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [p. 215], 1882. PHYSICAL TEMPERAMENT OF MEN OF GENIUS Chambers' Journal, vol.68, 1891. SOURCES OF GENIUS Godwin's Enquirer. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy. 1867. Hamerton's Intellectual Life, 1890. Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Genlis (S. F. D., Countess de, celebrated for her talents and literary works, died 1830). MADAME DE GENLIS AND HER FRIENDS Temple Bar, vol. 53, 1878. GENERAL Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1890. Westminster Rev., vol. 6, 1826. Gennesareth Eadie's Biblical Encyclopedia. See also Tiberias, Galilee, etc. Genoa, Italy (A Seaport Town on the Adriatic Sea). EARLY HISTORY OF GENOA Hallam's Europe during the Middle Ages, 1871. GOVERNMENT OF GENOA Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. HISTORY OF GENOA Cassell's Picturesque Mediterranean [Illustrated], 1890. Dent's How a Republic Rose and Fell, 1881. IN GENOA Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. MONETARY LAWS OF VENICE Del Mar's Money and Civilization, 1886. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, V.D. Black's Riviera, or the Coast from Marseilles to Florence, 1887. Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Dickens' Mediterranean, V.D. Trollope's Visit to Italy, 1842. [247] GENT-GEOLOGY Gent (Thomas, Printer and Antiquary, died 1778). CAREER OF THOMAS GENT Longman's Magazine, vol. 27, 1895-6. GENERAL Hood's Peerage of Poverty, 1870. Gentlemen. GENTLEMEN IN FICTION All the Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 3, 1888. REAL AND AMATEUR GENTLEMEN Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. WHAT is A GENTLEMAN ? Cornhill Magazine, vol. 9, 1887. Gentlewomen. LADY GREVILLE'S GENTLEWOMAN IN SOCIETY Spectator, v. 68, 1892. Gentry. DISAPPEARANCE OF THE SMALLER GENTRY Macmillan's Mag., vol. 72, 1895. Geodesy (Branch of Mathematics which determines the figure, dimensions, etc., of the Earth) Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Geoffrey Of Monmouth (Historian, died 1154). PARTICULARS FOR HIS BIOGRAPHY Proceedings of the Archasological Institute, 1850. GENERAL Academy, vol. 49, 1896. Geoffrey (Plantagenet Chancellor, died about 1199) Campbell's Chancellors, vol. i, 1856. GEOGRAPHY. (See also Voyages, Travels, and under names of various Continents. Countries, Oceans, etc.). AN OLD GEOGRAPHY Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. CURIOSITIES OF GEOGRAPHY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. EARLY MEDIAEVAL GEOGRAPHY Academy, vol. 51, 1897. GEOGRAPHY AS A SCIENCE IN ENGLAND Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. GIGANTIC MODEL OF THE EARTH Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. How TO LEARN GEOGRAPHY Bain's Education as a Science, 1889. How TO TEACH GEOGRAPHY Science and Art of Teaching, 1879. LESSONS IN GEOGRAPHY Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 5, 1892. PRESENT STANDPOINT OF GEOGRAPHY Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. SIXTH INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL CONGRESS Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. STUDY OF GEOGRAPHY Fitch's Lectures on Teaching, 1889. SUESS' THEORIES OF GEOGRAPHICAL EVOLUTION Natural Science, vol. 12, 1898. THE NEW GEOGRAPHY Popular Science Monthly, vol. 48, 1896. VICTORIAN ERA IN GEOGRAPHY Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. GEOLOGY. (See also Fossils, Glaciers, Paleontology, Rocks, Sandstone, etc.) ANCIENT LAKE BOTTOM Longman's Magazine, vol. 4, 1884. ANTIQUITY OF BRITISH MOUNTAINS Taylor's Mountain and Moor, 1884. ARCTIC REGIONS Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition, 1869-70. AUSTRALIAN GEOLOGY Lumholtz's Among Cannibals, or Four Years in Australia, 1889. Wallace's Australasia, 1888. BED OF THE OCEAN Good Words, vol. 25, 1890. BIBLE AND GEOLOGY Kinns' Moses and Geology, 1883. CAUSES OF VARIATION IN THE COMPOSITION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS Nat. Sci., v\4, 1894. GAUSSES OF THE LOZERE Edwards' Roof of France, 1889. COAST OF NEW SOUTH WALES Field's New South Wales, 1825. CONTINENTAL GROWTH AND GEOLOGICAL PERIODS Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. CORDILLERAN PLATEAU Hayden's North America, 1883. DESERT OR STEPPE CONDITIONS IN BRITAIN Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893 EPOCHS IN GEOLOGY Clodd's Story of Creation : a Plain Account of Creation, 1888. EXPERIMENTAL GEOLOGY Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. GEOGNOSTIC DESCRIPTION OF SOUTH AMERICA Humboldt's Travels, 1852. GEOLOGIC AND PREHISTORIC REMAINS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Archasology, parti.], GEOLOGICAL CONSTITUTION OF THE DESERT Klunzinger's Upper Egypt, 1878. [1886. GEOLOGICAL CONTINUITY Nicholson's & Lydekker's Palasontology, 1889. GEOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF AUSTRALIA Nature, vol. 52, 1895. GEOLOGICAL ERAS Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, 1845. GEOLOGICAL INFLUENCES WHICH HAVE AFFECTED BRITISH HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. GEOLOGICAL LESSONS AMONG THE SANDHILLS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1881. GEOLOGICAL NOTES ON A JOURNEY FROM ALGIERS TO SAHARA Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1874. GEOLOGICAL PHENOMENA RESULTING FROM THE EARTH'S FIRST DIURNAL ROTA- TION Ritchie's Creation, 1874. GEOLOGICAL PROGRESS OF THE CENTURY Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1896-7. GEOLOGICAL REMINISCENCES Temple Bar, vol. 91, 1890. GEOLOGICAL REVOLUTIONS Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. GEOLOGICAL SYSTEMS Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 3. GEOLOGY AND AGRICULTURE Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY OF MADAGASCAR Oliver's Madagascar, 1886. GEOLOGY AND THE MINERALS OF THE FOREST OF DEAN Nicholl's Forest of Dean, GEOLOGY IN PRACTICAL USE Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. [1858. GEOLOGY IN SECONDARY EDUCATION Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. GEOLOGY OF ALGERIA Murray's Guide to Algeria, V.D. GEOLOGY OF BORNEO Natural Science, vol. i, 1892. GEOLOGY OF CARDIFF AND ITS SURROUNDING DISTRICT Hardwicke's Sci. Cos., 1879. GEOLOGY OF CENTRAL AFRICA Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1881. GEOLOGY OF CYPRUS Baker's Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. GEOLOGY OF DANDY, YORKSHIRE Atkinson's Moorland Parish, 1891. [248] GEOLOGY-GEORGE II. Geology (continued) . GEOLOGY OF ISLE OF MAN Black's Guide to Isle of Man, V.D. GEOLOGY OF ISLE OF WIGHT Black's Guide to Isle of Wight, V.D. GEOLOGY OF LANCASHIRE Murray's Guide to Lancashire, V.D. GEOLOGY OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. GEOLOGY OF NORTH WALES Murray's Guide to North Wales, V.D. GEOLOGY OF OXFORD Nature, vol. 5, 1871-2. GEOLOGY OF SCANDINAVIA Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1881. GEOLOGY OF SCOTLAND Nature, vol. 47, 1892. GEOLOGY OF SOUTH AFRICA Silver's South Africa, 1891. GEOLOGY OF THE AMAZON VALLEY Wallace's Amazon and Rio Negro, 1892. GEOLOGY OF THE DIAMOND FIELDS OF SOUTH AFRICA Nature, vol. 3, 1870-1. GEOLOGY OF TROPICAL AFRICA Drummond's Tropical Africa, 1888. GLACIAL PERIOD Ball's Ice Age, 1891. GLACIAL PERIODS OF THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 3, 1894 See also Glaciers. HISTORY OF GEOLOGY Rhind's Age of the Earth, 1838. HISTORY OF THE NAMES CAMBRIAN AND SILURIAN IN GEOLOGY Nature, vol.6, 1872. INFLUENCE OF VOLCANIC DYKES UPON LITTORAL LIFE Natural Science, vol.4, 1894. LESSONS IN GEOLOGY Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 5. LETTERS ON GEOLOGY J. Bute Jukes' Letters, 1871. MEASUREMENT OF GEOLOGICAL TIME Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. MINES AND MINERALS OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Hart's Western Australia in 1891. MUD Cornhill Magazine, vol. 17, 1891. NEW SCHEME OF GEOLOGICAL ARRANGEMENT AND NOMENCLATURE Natural Science, vol. n, 1897, and vol. 12, 1898. ON THE LAST STATE OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1874. PERIOD OF POLAR GI.ACIATION Campbell's Circular Notes, 1876. PERIODS IN GEOLOGY Guyot's Creation, or the Biblical Cosmogony, 1884. PIPERNOID STRUCTURE OF IGNEOUS ROCKS Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. POPULAR GEOLOGY Nature, vol. 54, 1896. POSITION OF GEOLOGIC PERIOD Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. PRE-CAMBRIAN ROCKS OF ENGLAND AND WALES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1883. RECORDS OF GEOLOGY Taylor's Natural History Rambles Underground, 1884. RECENT WORK OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Nature, vol. 56, 1897. RELATION OF GEOLOGY TO ARCHEOLOGY AND HISTORY Dawkins' Early Man in Britain, 1880. RELATIVE TO SINKING WELLS Spon's Sinking and Boring Wells, 1885. RIVER-DRIFT GRAVEL-BEDS Lubbock's Pre-Historic Times, 1890. RIVIERA Bennett's Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean, 1875. ROGERS ON THE GEOLOGY OF NORTH AMERICA British Association Report, 1834. ROMANCE OF GEOLOGY Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 2, 1844. SCENERY OF THE LAKE DISTRICT GEOLOGICALLY CONSIDERED Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1873. [Gossip, 1874. SKETCH OF THE GEOLOGY OF BELFAST AND ITS ENVIRONS Hardwicke's Science SKETCH OF THE GEOLOGY OF DUBLIN AND WICKLOW Hardwicke's Sci. Cos., 1878. SOME PROBLEMS OF ARCTIC GEOLOGY Nature, vol. 56, 1897. STRUCTURE OF IRELAND Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. [by his Son, 1887. STUDY OF GEOLOGY DURING THE "BEAGLE'S" VOYAGE Darwin's Letters; edited THEORIES OF ELEVATION AND EARTHQUAKES British Association Report, 1847. UNDERGROUND MOUNTAINS Good W< rds, vol. 31, 1890. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Buckley's Short History of Natural Science, 1879. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. i, 1882-4. Geometry (Science which treats of the properties and relations of definite portions of Space). ABSTRACT GEOMETRY Nature, vol. 50, 1894. ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY Todhunter's Conflict of Studies, 1873. GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTION Davidson's Boy Joiner, 1874. GEOMETRICAL CURVES : Objects in Outline Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. i, V.D. INEVITABLE NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. INSTRUMENTS USED IN PRACTICAL GEOMETRY Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. i. LOGIC OF GEOMETRY Mind, vol. 21, 1896. PLANE AND SOLID GEOMETRY School Review, vol. 4, 1896. PLANE GEOMETRY Halliday's Mechanical Graphics, 1889. SQUARING OF THE CIRCLE The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. GENERAL De Morgan's Budget of Paradoxes, 1872. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3. Also Euclid, Trigonometry, etc. George I. (King of England, died 1727). PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS UNDER GEORGE I. Grego's Elections, 1886. WIFE OF GEORGE I. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856. Guizot's England, 1877. Hassall's Viscount Bolingbroke, 1889. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges. Thackeray's Four Georges, 1892. And various Histories of England. -George II. (King of England, died 1760). GEORGE II. AT DETTINGEN Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1898. PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS UNDER GEORGE II. Grego's Elections, 1886. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. Stoughton's Religion under Anne & the Georges, 1878. Thackeray's Four Georges. [249] GEORGE III.-GERMANY George III. (King of England, died 1820). CORONATION OF GEORGE III. Timbs' Century of Anecdote, 1864. COURT OF GEORGE III. Ward's Madame D'Arblay, 1890. Spectator [Mrs. Papendick's Journal], vol. 60, 1887. GEORGE III. AND GEORGE IV. Amherst's Catholic Emancipation, 1886. GEORGE THE THIRD'S JUBILEE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. WAR WITH AMERICA Guizot's History of England, 1877. GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne, 1890. Earl Malmesbury's Letters, from 1745 to 1820, 1870. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1876. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Thackeray's Four Georges, 1892. George IV. (King of England, died 1830). NOTE ON GEORGE IV. By Max Beerbohm Yellow Book, vol. 3, 1894. GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856. Merydew's Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1876. George (Henry, American Political Economist and Socialist, died 1897). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. INFLUENCE OF HENRY GEORGE IN ENGLAND Fortnightly Rev., vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL Edinburgh Review, vol. 28, 1817. Rae's Contemporary Socialism, 1891. George Lake, State of New York, U.S. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 23, 1830. George (St., Patron Saint of England, a Prince of Cappadocia according to early accounts, who suffered martyrdom, 303). CULTUS OF S>T. GEORGE IN ENGLAND Academy, vol. 37, 1890. ORIGIN OF ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON Cornhill Magazine, vol. 61, 1890. GENERAL Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire : Menology of England and Wales, 1887. Jameson's Sacred and Legendary Art, 1848. Georgetown, U.S. (Contains the Peabody Library). OLD GEORGETOWN Century Magazine, vol. 53, 1897. GENERAL Vincent's South America, 1890. Georgia (Turkish Georgia or Gurgistan) Cornhill Magazine, vol. 28, 1873. Georgia, U.S. INDUSTRIAL REGION OF NORTHERN ALABAMA, TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. J. OGLETHORPE AND GEORGIA Japp's Master Missionaries, 1880. GENERAL Russell's North America, 1857. [vol. i, 1895. Gerard. (F., Eminent French Artist, died 1836) Muther's History of Modern Painting, Gerasa [Djerash] (A Ruined Town in Syria) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1846. Germain, St. (Palace of, near Paris). See Paris. Germain (Sophie, Distinguished Lady Mathematician, died 1831). AN UNKNOWN MATHEMATICIAN Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1894. German Language Cassell's Popular Educator. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, voT. i, 1882-4. Spectator [Fliigel's Dictionary], vol. 68, 1892. German Literature. ESSAY ON GERMAN LITERATURE Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7, 1890. See also Athenaeum, Academy, etc.] SOME GERMAN NOVELS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. GERMANY. (See also under names of towns, etc., e.g., Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzic, Rhine ; and under names of Kings, Emperors, Commanders, etc., e.g., Charlemagne, William, Bismarck, Moltke ; and under Art, Education, Literature, etc.) ADULTERATION IN GERMANY Blyth's Foods : Composition and Analysis, 1888. ANCIENT GERMANS AND THE NORTHERN TRIBES Schlegel's Philosophy of History, CAMPAIGN IN GERMANY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. [1846. CAMPAIGNS OF 1758-60 Lecky's History of England, 1892. CHRISTMAS IN THE GERMAN FATHERLAND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. COLONIES OF GERMANY Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. CONVERSION OF GERMANY Trench's Mediaeval Church History. 1886. [Empire. EMPIRE OF GERMANY Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. Bryce's Holy Roman EMPRESS OF GERMANY [Augusta Victoria] Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. ENGLAND AND GERMANY Harper's Magazine, vol. 96, 1898. EXPANSION OF GERMANY Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884, and vol. 43, 1898. FLAGELLATION IN GERMANY Cooper's History of the Rod, 1887. FOREIGN POLICY OF GERMANY Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1896. GERMAN AFFAIRS, 1848 Memoirs of Baron Stockmar, 1872. GERMAN CHARACTER International Journal of Ethics, vol. 3, 1892-3. GERMAN COUNTRY LIFE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 163, 1898. GERMAN GIRLHOOD English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. GERMAN PERIL [Trade Competition] Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 163, 1898. GERMAN STRUGGLE FOR LIBERTY Harper's Magazine, vols. 30, 31, and 32, 1895-6. GERMANS AND CELTS Barnes' Ancient Britain and the Britains, 1858. GERMANS AND THEIR KAISER Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. GERMANS IN LONDON Brand's London Life seen with German Eyes, 1887. GERMANY A MISSIONARY TO THE WORLD Smith's Modern Apostles, 1891. GERMANY AND EGYPT Nineteenth Century, vol. 2, 1876. GERMANY AND ENGLAND, i8TH CENTURY Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. GERMANY AND HOLLAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 3, 1878. GERMANY UNDER THE EMPIRE Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. GIRL LIFE IN GERMANY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882, and vol. 5, 1884. [250] GERMANY-GHOSTS Germany (continued) . HISTORY OF GERMANY TO THE DIET OF WORMS, 1495 Hallam's State of Europe during the Middle Apes, vol. 2, 1860. HOLIDAY IN GERMANY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1880. INTERNAL CRISIS IN GERMANY Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897 LIFE IN A GERMAN COUNTRY PARISH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [p. 443] 1883. LINES OF TRAVEL IN GERMANY Loomis' Guide to Travel in Europe, 1891. MADE IN GERMANY New Review, vol. 14, 1896. MILITARY FUTURE OF GERMANY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. MONETARY MOVEMENTS OF 1600-21 IN HOLLAND AND GERMANY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 9 (n.s.), 1895. MUNICIPAL WORK IN BERLIN London, vol. 5, 1896. NATIONAL INSURANCE IN GERMANY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. NATIONAL TRAITS OF THE GERMANS AS SEEN IN THEIR RELIGION International Journal of Ethics, vol. 3, 1892-3. PALACES AND STABLES OF THE GERMAN EMPEROR Strand Magazine, vol. 11,1896. RELIGIOUS LIFE IN GERMANY Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. REVOLT OF SOUTH GERMANY Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1^97. SCHOOL JOURNEY IN GERMANY National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. SPORT AND ADVENTURE D'Ewes' Sporting in both Hemispheres, 1858. THE GERMAN AND GERMAN AMERICAN Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. THE NEW GERMANY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. TRADE AND TRAINING IN GERMANY National Review, vol. 29, 1897. TRADITIONAL POLICY OF GERMANY IN RESPECT TO AUSTRIA AND TURKEY Harper's. Magazine, vol. 96, 1898. TRADITIONS OF GERMAN COLONIZATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890. TRADITIONS OF NORTH GERMANY Thorpe's Yule-Tide Stories, 1853. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 5, 1856. E. S. A.'s World in which I Live, 1865. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Loftie's Orient Line Guide, 189:. Macgregor's Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe, Germinal Selection (A Botanical Term) The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. Germs. DISEASE GERMS Maclagan's Germ Theory, 1876. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION AND THE GERM THEORY Contemp. Rev., vol. 29, 1876-7. Gerona, Spain (Noted for its Cathedral) Hare's Spain, 1873. Gersoppa Falls, India Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Gervase of Canterbury (Monk, 13th Cent.) GERVASII CANTUARIENSIS OPERA His- TORICA Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain [H.M. Stationery Office]. Gesner (Conrad, Zoologist, died 1565). MEMOIR Jardine's Nat. Library, vol. 20, 1848. Gethsemane (An olive garden of ancient Jerusalem, notable as having beenthe scene of the- last suffering of our Lord). GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE Martineau's Eastern Life, 1850. Picturesque Palestine. Sir W. Temple's Palestine Illustrated, 1888. Geysers (Natural springs of hot water). GEYSER BASINS IN NORTH AMERICA Hayden's North America, 1883. YELLOWSTONE GEYSERS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. Macmillan's Magazine,. vol. 44, iStii. Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. Ghent (Capital of East Plunders, noted for its cotton and lace manufactures) Baedeker's Belgium and Holland, V.D. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Household Words, vol. 14, 1856. See also Flanders, etc. Ghetto, Rome (Jewish locality) Hare's Walks in Rome, 1893. Story's Roba di Roma, 1862. Ghiberti (Lorenzo, Florentine Sculptor, died 1455) Oliphant's Makers of Florence, 1889.. GHOSTS. (See also Apparitions, Spirits, Spiritualism, Supernaturalism, Superstition, Visions, Wraiths, Spectres, etc.) A CHAPTER ON GHOSTS Haweis' Dead Pulpit, 1896. BATTLE OF EDGE HILL AND ITS GHOST STORY Argosy, vol. 59, 1895. COCK LANE GHOST Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. FAKENHAM GHOST Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, i8s$. GHOST STORIES AND BKAST STORIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. GHOST LEGENDS OF DURHAM Andrew's Bygone Durham, 1897. GHOSTLY PREMONITIONS Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. GHOSTS AND RIGHT REASON Cornhill Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. HISTORICAL GHOSTS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. INVISIBLE GHOSTS Household Words, vol. 16, 1857. MY BELIEF IN GHOSTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. OPINION OF GHOSTS Shenstone's Essays, 1892-3. PHOTOGRAPHIC GHOSTS Proctor's Light Science, 1875. PROPHECIES, DREAMS, AND GHOST STORIES Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Tradiiional Lore], 1890. SOME ENGLISH GHOSTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. SOME HISTORICAL APPARITIONS Chambers' Journal, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol.39, J 863. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Southey's Life of John Wesley. All the Year Round, vol. 58, 1886. [251] GIANT MOUNTAINS-GILBERT Giant Mountains Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, V.D. Giant's Causeway (An extraordinary group of basaltic columns on the coast of Antrim, Ireland) Inglis' Ireland, 1835. Leisure Hour, vol. n, 1862. Giants. ABNORMAL RACES OF MAN C. H. Smith's Nat. Hist, of the Human Species, ACCOUNTS OF GIANTS Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 1875. [1852. ADVENTURES WITH GIANTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 19, 1853. DWARFS AND GIANTS Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. [vol. 15, :8g8. PROCESSION OF GIANTS, BRUSSF.LS [Models of Traditional Giants] Strand Mag., SOME FAMOUS GIANTS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. Gibbon (Anthropoid Ape). DESCRIPTION OF THE GIBBON Hartmann's Anthropoid STUDY OF THE GIBBON Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. [Apes, 1889. GIBBON (Edward, died 1794). A GREAT HISTORIAN Edinburgh Rev., vol. 185, 1897. ADDRESS ON THE GIBBON COMMEMORATION Trans, of Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 9 (n.s.), CENTENARY OF EDWARD GiBBON-^Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. [1895. EVOLUTION OF AN HISTORIAN Chambers' Journal, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1897. GIBBON AS A SOLDIER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. GIBBON AT LAUSANNE Quarterly Review, vol. 187, 1898. GIBBON THE MAN Fortnightly Review, vol. 57 (n.s.), 1897. GIBBON'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY National Review, vol. 29, 1897. GIBBON'S LIFE AND LETTERS Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. NEW LETTERS OF EDWARD GIBBON Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. REVIEW OF AUTOBIOGRAPHIES Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. REVIEW OF GIBBON'S LIFE AND LETTERS Academy, vol. 51, 1897. SEQUEL TO GIBBON'S LOVE STORY National Review, vol. 29, 1897. THE GIBBON CENTENARY Daily Graphic, vol. 20, 1894. GENERAL Anton's Masters in History, 1879. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856. National Review, vol. 29, 1897. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Gibbons (G., Sculptor, died 1720) Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, &c., vol. 3, 1830. Gibbs (J., Architect of the Radcliffe Library, Oxford, died 1754) Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, vol. 4, 1830. Gibbs (Sir Vicary, Chief Justice, 1814, died 1820) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856. Gibeonites Smith's History of Joshua, 1870. Stanley's Lectures on the Jewish Church, vol. i, 1884. Gibraltar (A town and strongly fortified rockv peninsula in Southern Spain, belonging to Great Britain). ACCOUNT OF GIBRALTAR Spofford's Library of Choice DEFENCE OF GIBRALTAR Temple Bar, vol. 103, 1894. [Literature, vol. 3, 1890. GIBRALTAR AS A WINTER RESORT Fortnightly Review, vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. GIBRALTAR FOR TWENTY CENTURIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. PAST AND FUTURE OF GIBRALTAR Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1896. ROCK OF GIBRALTAR Cassell's Picturesque Mediterranean, 1890. SIEGE OF GIBRALTAR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. SUMMER AMUSEMENTS, SPORTS, AND RECREATIONS AT GIBRALTAR Napier's Wild Sports, 1844. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 18, 1830. Gautier's Spain, 1853. Hard- wicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Hare's Spain, 1873. Inglis' Spain, 1831. Macmillan's Magazine, vols. 36, 1877, and 58, 1888. . Murray's Guide to Spain, V.D. Perrier's Morocco, 1873. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 3, 1888. Temple Bar Magazine, vol. 103, 1894. Whymper's The Sea: its Stirring Story, etc., 1878-81. Gibson (Dr. Monro, Ex-President of the FreeChnrch Council} Temple Mag., vol. 1, 1896-7. Gideon (Great Israelitish Judge and Religious Reformer, i$th century B.C.) A. L. O. E.'s Triumph over Midian. Church's Stories from the Bible, 1890. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Stanley's Lectures on the Jewish Church, vol. i, 1884. Gien, France Black's Riviera, V.D. Gifford (William, Satirical Poet and first Editor of " Quarterly Review," died 1826). ESSAY ON GIFFORD Devey's English Poets, 1873. GENERAL Brightwell's Industry and Genius. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 5. [Portrait]. Davenport's Lives. Smiles' Murray, 1891. Gifts. ENGLISH GIFTS TO INDIAN CHILDREN Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. LOVERS' GIFTS Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. GENERAL Atlantic Monthly, vol. 74, 1894. Gilbert (E., Philanthropist, died 1885) Athenaeum, Dec. 17, 1887. Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1689. BRIEF SKETCH OF HER LIFE Girl's O. Ann., vol. 13 [p. 100], 1892. Gilbert (Sir Humphrey, Navigator, drowned off the Azores, 1584). COLONIZING PROJECTS OF GILBERT Fox Bourne's English Seamen, 1868. MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 2, 1818. GENERAL Adams' Sword and Pen. Realm of the Ice King, 1874. Gilbert (Sir John, A rtist, died 1897). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Leisure Hour, v. 42, 1893. SKETCH OF HIS LIFE [Portrait] Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. Gilbert (W., First Electrician, died 1603) Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. Munro's Pioneers of Electricity, 1890. Gilbert (W. S., Dramatist and Writer, born 1836). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. GENERAL Theatre, vol. i, 1883. [252] OILBOA-GIRLS Gilboa (Mountain range in Palestine where King Saul and his son Jonathan were killed) M'Farlane's Mountains of the Bible, 1881. Cass. Picturesque Palestine [with view]. Gild (A Corporation). ENGLISH GILDS: Original Ordinances of more than 100 English Gilds, and their History and Development Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 40, 1870. FORMATION AND DECAY OF CRAFT GILDS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1886. See also Companies, Corporations, Guilds, etc. Gilding 1 (Applying a. thin coat ofgold)Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. Gilead (Mountainous district east of Jordan) Maunder's Bible Knowledge, 1866. Oliphant's Land of Gilead, 1880. Gilflllan (George, Critic and Essayist, died 1878) Lester's Criticisms, 1854. Gilflllan (Robert, Scottish Poet, died 1850) Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1875. Gilflllan (Sam., of Connie, father of above, died 1826) Gilfillan's Stars in the Church Sky. Gilgal (i. Name especially given to a city about one and half miles from Jericho, Modern Telljiljul, a ruin. 2. A heap of stones or sacred mound) Ewald's History of Israel, 1869. Cassell's Picturesque Palestine. Temple's Palestine Illustrated, 1888. Gilglt, Cashmere. CEREMONIES IN GILGIT Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GilolO (Molucca Island) Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. Gilyaks Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. Giordano (Luca, Neapolitan Painter, died 1705) Stirling Maxwell's Annals of the Artists of Spain, 189 1. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1886. Giotto di Bondone (Italian A rtist, friend of Dante, died 1336) Oliphant's Makers of Florence, 1889. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1886. Vassari's Eminent Painters, 1868. Gipps Land, Victoria Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. GIPSIES (A wandering nation, supposed to have come originally from India). ACCOUNT OF THE GIPSIES Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 16, 1844. CHILDREN OF THE HIGHWAYS Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. GYPSIES AND THEIR FRIENDS Temple Bar, vol. 7, 1876. GYPSIES OF GRANADA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. GIPSIES, TRAMPS, AND BEGGARS Lacroix's Manners, etc., during the Middle Ages. GIPSY LIFE Chambers' Journal, vol. 5, 1856. Household Words, vol. 8, 1853-4. HUNGARIAN GYPSIES Temple Bar, vol. 75, 1885. LAWS RELATING TO GIPSIES Andrews' Legal Lore: Curiosities of Law and Lawyers, NEW FOREST GIPSIES Hampshire Field Club, vol. 2. [1897. RUSSIAN GIPSIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. SCOTTISH GYPSIES Blackwood's Magazine, vol. i, 1817. SPANISH GYPSIES Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 50, 1841. Borrow's Zincali, 1841. TZIGANS IN ROUMANIA Berger's Roumania,i877. GENERAL Adam's Life of E. H. Palmer, 1893. Chapman & Buck's Wild Spain, 1893. " Gipsy Countess " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Giraffe (Or Cameleopard; a native of the interior of Africa, well known to the Ancients). DESCRIPTION OF THE GIRAFFE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. FEMALE GIRAFFE AT THE Zoo Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. How TO CAPTURE GIRAFFES Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2, 1893-4. HUNTING THE GIRAFFE Gerard's Lion Hunting, 1874. ON THE GIRAFFE Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. [1886. GENERAL Baker's Wild Beasts. Nott's Wild Animals Photographed and Described, Girardin (Emile de, French Journalist, died 1881). THE KING OF JOURNALISTS Fortnightly Review, vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL Castelar's Byron and other Sketches, 1875. Girardin (Madame Emile de [Delphine Gay], French Novelist, wife of above, died 1855) Challice's French Authors at Home, 1864. Castelar's Byron. Men of the Third Republic. Girders. CAST IRON GIRDERS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-3, 1897. Girgenti, Sicily (The Ancient Acragus, Agrigentum, Noted for its remains of ancient Greek and Roman structures) Bartlett's Sicily, 1863. Hare's Southern Italy, 1883. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Murray's Guide to Southern Italy, V.D. Freeman's History of Sicily. History of Sicily [Story of the Nations Series] . "Girl I left behind me " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. GIRLS. (See also Children, Education, Labour, Schools, Women, etc.) ADVICE TO GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol.^5, 1884. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH GIRLS Little's Living Age, vol. 180, 1889. BELGIAN GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. COMMON-PLACE GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. EDUCATION OF GIRLS Education, vol. 10, 1890. EDUCATION OF NERVOUS GIRLS Critic, vol. 21, 1892. ENGLISH GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. Saturday Review, vol. 64, 1887. FRENCH GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. FRENCH GIRLS AND THEIR MOTHERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. FRENCH GIRLS' EMPLOYMENT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. FRENCH SCHOOL-GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. [253J GIRLS-GLACIERS Girls (continued). GIRL BACHELORS Chautauquan, vol. 17, 1893. GIRL OF THE FUTURE University Review, vol. 7, 1890. GIRL OF THE PERIOD English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1892. GIRL'S LIFE EIGHTY YEARS AGO -Scribner's Magazine, vol. 2, 1886. GIRLHOOD Peter's Girl's Own Outdoor Book. GIRLHOOD DURING ADOLESCENCE: Effect of High School Work upon Pedagogal Seminary, vol. 3, 1896. GIRLHOOD SQUANDERED Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. GIRLS' ALLOWANCES AND How TO MANAGE THEM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. GIRLS AND THEIR MOTHERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. GIRLS AS NEEDLEWORKERS FOR THE POOR Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. GIRLS AT WORK Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. GIRLS IN ITALY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. GIRLS IN LOVE Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. GIRLS OF GREECE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. GIRLS OF THE BALLET AND CHORUS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. GIRLS OF THE UNITED STATES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. GIRLS OF TO-DAY Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. GIRLS WHO WEAR WELL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. GIRLS RESCUED FROM THE WORKHOUSE Good Words, vol. 7 [page 692], 1866. GREEK PEASANT GIRLS AND How THEY LIVE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. HEALTHY LIVES FOR WORKING GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. " IN THE DAYS OF HER YOUTH" Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. JAPANESE GIRLS Girl's Own Annnal, vol. n, 1890. LAPP GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. LITERARY WORK FOR GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. MODERN GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. MONGOLIAN GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. Music AMONG THE WORKING GIRLS OF LONDON Girl's Own Annual, vol. ii, 1890. NORWEGIAN GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. NOTES ON GIRL LIFE IN GERMANY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. PERFECTING OF THE MODERN GIRL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. PHYSICAL TRAINING FOR GIRLS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1894. SCHOOLGIRL TROUBLES AND How TO COPE WITH THEM Girl'sOwn Ann., v. 11, 1890. SECLUSION OF GIRLS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. SPANISH GIRLS Gill's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. SOME TYPES OF GIRLHOOD Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. STUDIES OF GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. SWEDISH GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. TALL GIRLS Little's Living Age, vol. 192, 1891. Spectator, vol. 67, 1891. THE MODERN GIRL North American Review, vol. 1^8, 1893. TYPES OF GIRLHOOD Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. UNPOPULAR GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. WHAT ARE THE COUNTY COUNCILS DOING FOR GIRLS? Girl's Own Ann., v. 18, 1896-7. WHAT GIRLS CAN DO Chambers' Journal, vol. 18, 1881. WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH OUR GIRLS? Catholic World, vol. 61, 1895. WORKING GIRLS IN LONDON : How they live Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1890. WORKING GIRLS OF LONDON Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. GENERAL All the Year Round [Beautiful], v. 14, 1866. Belgravia [Nice], v. 57, 1868. Girondists (One of the political parties of the First French Revolution) Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. Gardiner's Fr. Revolution, 1892. Lamartine's Girondists, 1848. Girtin (Thomas, One of the founders of the English School of Painting in Water Colours, died 1802) Monkhouse's English Water-Colour Painters, 1890. Thornbury's Life of J. M. W. Turner, 1897. Girton College (A College for Women,near Cambridge). GIRTON COLLEGE Idler, vol. 5, GIRTON AND NEWNHAM COLLEGES Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. [1894. Gissing 1 (George R., Writer f Novels on Suburban Life, born 1857). NOVELS OF MR. GEORGE GISSING Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. Giving THE ART OF LARGE GIVING Century Magazine, vol. 53, 1897. Gjende Lake Murray's Guide to Norway, V.D. GLACIERS (Icy masses which cover the sides and summits of mountains). ALASKA AND ITS GLACIERS Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. ALPINE GLACIERS Molloy's Gleanings in Science, 1888. ARCTIC GLACIERS Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition, 1874. CAUSE OF THE MOVEMENT OF GLACIERS Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. CAUSES OF GLACIAL PHENOMENA Nature, vol. 48, 1893. EFFECT OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD ON THE FAUNA AND FLORA OF THE BRITISH ISLES Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. ETERNAL SNOW AND GLACIERS Pouchet's Universe, 1870. FORMS OF WATER IN GLACIERS Tyndall's Forms of Water, 1892. GLACIAL PERIOD. IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE Pall Mall Mag., vol. 3, 1893. GLACIAL THEORY Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. GLACIERS OF NORWAY Forester's Norway and its Scenery, 1853. GLACIERS OF SCANDINAVIA Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1881. GRINDELWALD GLACIERS Jevons' Letters and Journal, 1886. [254] GLACIERS-GLASGOW Glaciers (continued) . ICE AND GLACIERS Helmholtz's Scientific Subjects, 1893. ON THE LAST STATE OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1874. ON THE WORK OF GLACIERS Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. ORIGIN AND FEATURES OF GLACIERS Muddock's Switzerland, V.D. STUDY OF EXISTING GLACIERS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. GENERAL Main's My Home in the Alps, 1892. Gladiators (Combatants in the public games of Ancient Rome). LAST OF THE GLADIATORS Irish Monthly, vol. n, 1883. ROMAN GLADIATORS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. GENERAL Milman's Hist, of Christianity, 1875. Seyffert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. Gladstone (Mrs., Wife of the great Statesman, born 1812) Men and Women of the Day, 1888. Strand Magazine [Portraits], vol. 9, 1895. GLADSTONE (William Ewart, Celebrated Statesman, Four Times Prime Minister of England, born 1809, died 1898). AMERICAN TRIBUTE TO GLADSTONE Saturday Review, vol. 64, 1887. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS WITH PORTRAITS Evening News, May 19, 1898. Daily Chronicle, May 20, 1898. And all London and Provincial Papers of same dates. CHAPTER OF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Gladstone's Pamphlets, 1868. CHARACTER SKETCHES Review of Reviews, vol. 5, 1892, & vol. 9, 1894. ENGLAND'S INJUSTICE TO GLADSTONE Andover Review, vol. 4, 1883. ENGLAND'S PROGRESS UNDER GLADSTONE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 137, 1885. FOREIGN AND COLONIAL FAILURES OF MR. GLADSTONE Blackwood's Mag., v. 137, '83. GLADSTONE ADMINISTRATIONS Hayden's Dictionary of Dates, 1895. GLADSTONE AND HIS CRITICS Congregational Review, vol. i, 1887. GLADSTONE AND THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND National Review, vol. 16, 1863. GLADSTONE AND THE CIVILISED WORLD Fortnightly Review, vol. 52, 1889. GLADSTONE AS A BOOK-COLLECTOR Academy, vol. 50, 1896. GLADSTONE AS A FOREIGN MINISTER Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. GLADSTONE AS A THEOLOGIAN Fortnightly Review, vol. 45, 1886. GLADSTONE AT EIGHTY-SEVEN Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. GLADSTONE HISTORICALLY ESTIMATED Spectator, vol. 58, 1885. GLADSTONE MINISTRY, 1868 Molesworth's History of England, 1879. GLADSTONE ON " HOMER" Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. GLADSTONE'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-3. GLADSTONE'S CLAIMS TO GREATNESS Forum, vol. 4, 1888. GLADSTONE'S DRAMATIC POLICY Saturday Review, vol. 60, 1885. GLADSTONE'S EARLY POLITICS Temple Bar, vol. 68, 1883. GLADSTONE'S FOREIGN POLICY Spectator, vol. 58, 1885. GLADSTONE'S VISITORS' BOOK Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. GLIMPSES OF GLADSTONE Century Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. GREAT GLADSTONE MYTH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. GREATNESS OF GLADSTONE (?} Saturday Review, vol. 68, 1889. OXFORD DAYS OF GLADSTONE Temple Bar, vol. 68, 1883. PERSONAL INTERESTS OF MR. GLADSTONE Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. PORTRAITS OF GLADSTONE Magazine of Art, 1889. REMINISCENCES, ANECDOTES, AND AN ESTIMATE OF MR. GLADSTONE Harper's Magazine, vol. 97, 1898. THE FOURTH GLADSTONE ADMINISTRATION Review of Reviews, vol. 6, 1892. GENERAL Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Froude's Lord Beaconsfield, 1891. Gladstone Government, 1869. Great Orators, Statesmen and Divines, 1889. Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury, 1888. Hutton's Life of Manning, 1891. Marquis of Lome's Viscount Palmerston, 1892. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, vol. 5, 1897. Nineteenth Century, vol. 2, 1877. O'Connor's Parnell Movement, 1886. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-84. Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. Traill's Life of Salisbury, 1891. Montague Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1890. Gladstone Family. NOTABLE FAMILIES Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. Gladwin (Henry, General who defeated Pontiac, died about 1800?). HENRY GLADWIN AND THE SIEGE OF PONTIAC Harper's Magazine, vol. 34, 1897. Glaisher (]., Aeronaut, born 1809). GLAISHER'S BALLOON ASCENTS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. Cassell's Wonderful Balloon Ascents. Glamorgan (A County in South Wales) Black's Guide to South Wales, V.D. Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. Glands. REES ON THE ANALYSIS OF THE GLANDS OF THE HUMAN BODY British Association Report, 1837. Glanvill (Joseph, English Divine, died 1680). WRITINGS OF JOSEPH GLANVILL Temple Bar, vol. 98, 1893. Glanville (Sir John, Lawyer & Statesman, died 1661) Woolrych's Serjeants-at Law, 1869. GLASGOW (Largest City in Scotland, noted for the variety and importance of its industries, especially shipbuilding). "A MODEL MUNICIPALITY "Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. ART COLLECTIONS OF GLASGOW Art Journal, vol. 45, 1893. ART IN GLASGOW Art Journal (n.s.), 1890. Harper's Magazine, vol. 29 (n.s.), 1895. GLASGOW IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. GLASGOW IN 1876 Doran's Our Great Towns, 1878. GOVERNMENT OF GLASGOW Progressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. [255] GLASGOW-GLOUCESTER Glasgow (continued). How GLASGOW is GOVERNED London, vol. 5, 1896. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLE ON GLASGOW Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. MITCHELL LIBRARY Knowledge, vol. 4, 1883. OLD COLLEGE AT GLASGOW Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. OLD GLASGOW Antiquary, vol. 2, 1880. Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 2, 1817-18. WATER SUPPLY Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. YOUNG MEN OF GLASGOW The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, V.D. Black's Guide to Scotland, V.D. Chambers' Journal, vol. 15, 1851, & vol. 72, 1895. Hawthorne's Notes in England and Italy, i6g. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Land We Live In, voL 3, 1853. Stables' Cruise of the Land Yacht "Wanderer," 1886. Stowe's Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854. GLASS. ANCIENT GLASS Napier's Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times, 1879. ARTISTIC GLASSWORK Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. ASSYRIAN AND HEBREW GLASS Dunlop's Glass in the Old World, 1882. COLEMAN COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE GLASS Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1894. COLOURED GLASS Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, etc., 1846. DESIGNING FOR STAINED GLASS Crane's Bases of Design, 1898. DOMESTIC GLASS MAKING IN LONDON Art Journal (n.s.), 1896. ENGLISH GLASS MAKING IN THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES Antiquary, vols. 30 & 31, 1894-5. ESSAYS ON ANCIENT GLASS Industrial Arts; Historical Sketches, 1874. GLASS IN ANCIENT EGYPT Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GLASS CUTTING AND GRINDING Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. How TO MAKE GLASS Watt's Scientific Industries Explained, 1881. MACHINERY IN THE GLASS TRADE Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. [1874. MACHINERY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF GLASS Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, MAKING GLASS Gordon's Foundry, Forga and Factory, 1890. MEDIEVAL FABRICATION OF MATERIALS FOR GLASS MOSAIC Journal of the Royal Institute of British Archaeology (3rd series), vol. 3. PAINTED GLASS Ruskin's Stones of Venice, 1886. ROMAN GLASS Wright's Celt, Roman and Saxon, 1852. STAINED" GLASS Murray's Guide to Northamptonshire, V.D. STAINED AND PAINTED GLASS Architecture, vol. 3, 1898. STAINED GLASS IN ENGLAND Gentleman's Magazine Library [Ecclesiology], 1894. TABLE GLASS Eastlake's Household Taste, 1878. TOUGHENED GLASS Every Boy's Book, 1888. USE OF GLASS IN ELIZABETHAN TIMES Book of Table Talk, 1836. VENETIAN GLASS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 3, 1845. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19, 1869. Household Words, vol. 2, 1850-1. Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. Glass-Houses. Vineries, etc. Neill's Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Garden, 1845. Paul's Villa Gardening, 1855. Glasses (Spectacle Glasses) Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. And under Spectacles. Glastonbury, Somersetshire (Noted for the Ruins of its Benedictine A bbey and also as the lege-ida-y locality where Joseph of Arimathea and King Arthur were buried). ABBEY OF GLASTONBURY Gilpin's Western England, 1808. BRITISH AND ENGLISH GLASTONBURY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. GLASTONBURY LAKE-DWELLERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. GLASTONBURY LIBRARY Gentleman's Magazine Library, vol. 6, 1888. LEGENDS AND ANTIQUITIES OF GLASTONBURY Walter's Bygone Somerset, 1897. SUMMER DAY IN THE ISLE OF AVALON Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 6, 1879-80. Freeman's English Towns, 1883. Murray's Guide to Wilts, etc., V.D. Glave (Edward J., African Explorer). GLAVE IN THE HEART OF AFRICA Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. GLAVE'S CAREER Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. Glazing. HOME-MADE GLAZE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. REMARKS ON GLAZING Spon's Mechanic's Own Book, 1889. Glencoe. DARK DEED OF CRUELTY Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History. Glendalougtl. GLENDALOUGH IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Glendower (Owen, A Welsh Hero and Rebel against Henry V., died 1415). A PRINCE OF WALES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. HISTORY OF GLENDOWER Retrospective Review, vol. 13, 1826. See also Wales, etc. Globe. See Earth, World, etc. Globe Theatre (Built by the Burbages in 1599 ; Shakespeare, Hemming, and Condell played here). AT THE OLD GLOBE PLAYHOUSE Theatre, vol. 15, 1890. Gloddaeth, North Wales (Seat of Mostyn Family) Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. Glory Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. Gloucester (The Roman Glevum ; an important commercial and cathedral town). ABBEY OF ST. PETER'S AT GLOUCESTER Archaeological Journal, vol. 54, 1897. BENEDICTINE ABBEY OF ST. PETER AT GLOUCESTER Arcn. Jour., vol. 54, 1897. DESCRIPTION OF GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY OF THE CATHEDRAL Ward & Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols., 1887. [236] GLOUCESTER GOD Gloucester (continued) . SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, v.o. Hawthorne's Passages from English Note-Books, 1870. Hissey's Across England in a Dog-Cart, 1891. Land We Live In, vol. 2, 1853. Gloucester (Thomas, Duke of, Youngest Son of Edward HI., murdered 1397). INVEN- TORY OF THE PROPERTY OF THE DUKE OK GLOUCESTER, 1397 Archa3ological Journal, vol. 54, 1897. MURDER OF THE DUKE OK GLOUCESTER Fry's East and West Harn, 1886. Gloucestershire (County in West Midlands). ANCIENT IRON TRADE OF THE FOREST OF DEAN Archaeological Journal, vol. 17, 1860. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN GLOUCESTERSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano British Remains, part i.|, 1887. OFFA'S DYKE, NEAR ST. BRIAVEL'S, Co. GLOUCESTER Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part ii.], 1886. TOPOGRAPHY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Eng. Topog., part iv.] TRACES OF HISTORY AND ETHNOLOGY IN THE LOCAL NAMES OK GLOUCESTER- SHIRE Archaeological Journal, vols. 18 and 19, 1861-2. Black's Guide to Gloucester, V.D. See also Cheltenham, Gloucester, etc. Glover (Mrs., Actress, died 1850) Marston's Recent Actors, 1890. Glover (Richard, Poet, died 1785) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Gloves. ALL ABOUT GLOVES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. BUTTONS AND GLOVES Doran's Habits and Men, 1855. CHAPTER ON GLOVES Antiquary, vol. 2, 1880. GOSSIP OF GLOVES Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. HISTORY OF GLOVES I. Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, 1867. SIGNIFICANCE OF GLOVES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. WOMEN AND THE GLOVE TRADE Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. GENERAL Chambers' lournal, vol. 26, 1856. Doran's Habits and Men, 1856. Glow-worm Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. Gliick (Christoph W. von, German Operatic Musical Composer, died 1787) Crowest's Tone-Poets, 1890. Engel's From Handel to Halle, 1890. Ferris' Musical Composers. Naumann's Music, vol. 4, 1886. Saturday Review, vol. 81, 1896. Glue. MARINE GLUE Penny Magazine, vol. 14, 1845. Ure's Arts, etc., vol. 2, 1860. Gluttony. FAMOUS GLUTTONS Saturday Review, vol. 65, 1888. SPIRITUAL DANGERS The Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. Glycerine. ECONOMIC USES OK American Journal of Science, vol. 76, 1858. MANUKACTRE OF GLYCERINE Wright's Mixed Oils, Fats, etc., 1894. Glycol (A diatomic acid). AROMATIC GLYCOL Nature, vol. 2, 1870. Glyn (John, Legal Defender of Wilkes, died 1779) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Glynn (Robert, Scholar find Physician, died 1800) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Glyptography. See Stones. Gnats. MOSQUITOS AND GNATS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. GnidOS, Asia Minor Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1846. Gnostics (Heretics who corrupted Christianity by Human Philosophy). GNOSTICISM AND MODERN PANTHEISM Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. GENERAL Davidson's Study of the New Testament, 1882. Pressense's Early Years of Christianity, vol. 3, 1879. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Gnu (African A nimal resembling the Antelope). THE GNU AND THE ORYX ANTELOPE Nott's Wild Animals Photographed and Described, 1886. Goa (Capital of Portuguese India). PUNA TO GOA Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. GENERAL Brassey's Last Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1889. Goats. DONKEYS AND GOATS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. How TO KEEP GOATS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. SACRED GOATS Fra/er's Golden Bough, 1890. [vol. 161, 1897. THE GOAT: His useful qualities, and how he came by them Blackwood's Magazine, GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1892. Gobat (Samuel, Swiss Missionary in Abyssinia, died 1879) Hotten's Abyssinia, 1868. Gobelin Tapestry- A FAMOUS FRENCH INDUSTRY Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. GOD. (See also Bible, Christ, Creation, Deity, Divine Personality, and tinder names of different Religions, e.g., Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Mahomedanism, etc., also under Agnosticism, Gods, etc.). DIVINE SACRIFICE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. GOD IN NATURE Dawson's Modern Ideas of Evolution, 1891. Martineau's Seat of Authority in Religion, 1891. How PEOPLE OF MANY MINDS CAN USE THE WORD " GOD " Sheldon's Ethical Is GOD OMNIPOTENT? Haweis' Broad Church, 1891. [Movement, 1896. MAN'S KNOWLEDGE OF GOD Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, iS6o. PERSONALITY PREDICABLE OF GOD Illingworth's Personality; Human & Divine, 1895. PICTORIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF DEITY Hamerton's Man in Art, 1892. S [ 257 ] GOD-GOLD God (continued). PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE OK GOD Miiller's Anthropological Religion, 1892. THE FATHERHOOD OF GOD Expositor, vol. 7 (sth series), 1898. THE TRUE GOD Josephus' Works, 1822. THOUGHTS ABOUT GOD Maurice's Life of F. D. Maurice, 1884. VARIOUS IDEAS OF GOD Bettany's World's Religions, Ancient and Modern, 1890. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. Burnet's Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles, 1826. Goodwin's Creed, 1890. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Sale's Koran ; commonly called the Alkoran of Mahommed. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Contemporary Review, vol. 53, 1888. " God Preserve the Emperor " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. "God Save the Queen" (Na Kinglake's Crimea, 1885-8. GOSChen (Right Hon. G. J., First Lord of the Admiralty 1895) Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1891. Gladstone's Government of 1869. GOSfleld Hall, near Halstead, Essex. Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustrations], 1897. Goshen (An ancient district of Egypt, provided by Joseph for his fat kef and brethren). THE LAND OF GOSHEN Christian Review, vols. 14 & 15. Hommel's Ancient Hebrew Tradition, 1897. Fausset's Biblical Encyclopedia, 1891. Gospel. ENNOBLING POWHR OF THE GOSPEL Moule's Christ is All, 1892. ESSENTIALS OF THE GOSPEL Newman's Via Media, 1891. ORIGIN OF THE GOSPELS Tulloch's Lectures on Renan's Vie de J6sus, 1864. THE GOSPEL IN THE SHIRE HIGHLANDS [Africa] Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1898 THE "LOGIA" AND THE GOSPELS Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. GENERAL Bettany's World's Ancient and Modern Religions, 1890. Davidson's Study of the New Testament. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Bishop Westcott's Introduction to the Study of the Gospels, 1875. Gospellers (A term applied to those reformers who taught and read the. Gospels in the vulgar tongue: Wicliffe, Lollards, etc.) Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Gosse (P. H., Zoologist, died 1888) Westminster Review, vol. 48, 1847. Got (F. J. E., French Actor, born 1822) Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. Vandam's My Paris Note Book, 1896. Theatre, vol. 25, 1895. Gotha. GOTHA CANAL Murray's Guide to Sweden, V.D. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, V.D. Gotham, Nottinghamshire. THF, WISE MEN OF GoTHAM--Paxton Hood's World of Anecdote and Parable, 1885. Gothic Architecture Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Remains], 1890. Parker's Concise Glossary of Architecture, V.D. Parker's Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture, 1888. See also A rchitecture. Goths (A Teutonic Race). CONVERSION OF THE GOTHS Freeman's Nor. Conq.,v. i, 1870. GENIUS AND CHARACTER OF THE GOTHIC NATIONS Woodhouselee's Universal GOTHS IN SPAIN Church's Beginning of the Middle Ages, 1892. [History, 1847. LAST OF THE GOTHS Poole's Moors in Spain, 1890. GENERAL Sheppard's Fall of Rome, 1892. Spectator, vol. 62, 1889. Gotland (An Island in the Baltic) Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1881. Gough (J. B., Temperance Orator, died 1886) Darton's Brave Boys, 1868. Gould (Jay, American Capitalist, died 1892). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. Spectator, vol. 69, 1892. Gould (J., Ornithologist, died 1881) Nature, vol. 23, 1881. Westminster Rev., v. 36, 1841. Gould (Robert, Author and Poet, died 1709) Campbell's Specimens of Brit. Poets, 1844. Gould (S. Baring, Novelist, born 1834). NOVELS; OF BARING GOULD Contemporary Review, vol. 57, 1890. TALKS WITH Two NOVELISTS Good Words, 1896. Gounod (Charles F., French Operatic Musical Composer, died 1893). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 387], 1883. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 8, 1893. SKETCHES OF CHARLES GOUNOD Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. WAGNER AND GOUNOD Truth, vol. 15, 1894. GENERAL Ferris' Great Musical Composers: German, French, and Italian. Gour, India (Bengal Capital i^th Century) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. Gourds (Plants of the pumpkin and water-melon species). THE HISTORY OF GOURDS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1877. Gout. ESSAY ON THE CURE OF THE GOUT Sir W. Temple's Works, vol. 3, 1757. NEW THEORY OF GOUT National Review, vol. 26, 1895. PLEA FOR NEUROTIC THEORY OF. GOUT Brain, vol. 3, 1880-1. Governesses. DUTY OF A GOVERNESS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 19, 1878. Murray's Magazine, vol. 5, 1889. GOVERNMENT. (See also Franchise, Law, Municipal Government, Parliament, Politics, and under names of Countries and Towns, e.g., England, France, London, Birmingham, Liverpool, etc.) ADMINISTRATIONS OF 1874 AND 1880 Escott's Platform, Press, etc. ALGERNON SIDNEY ON GOVERNMENT Spofford's Lib. of Choice Literature, v. 3, 1890. ANARCHY OR REGIMENTATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. ANGLO-SAXON SYSTEM Stubbs' Constitutional History, 1874. CHINESE GOVERNMENT Davis' China, 1857. Moges' Baron Gros' Embassy to China, COUNTY GOVERNMENT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. [1861. DECLINE OF PARTY GOVERNMENT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1835. See also Egypt. ENGLISH CABINET Bagehot's English Constitution, 1891. Cassell's Magazine [The Cabinet and its Secrets], vol. 21, 1895. ENGLISH GOVERNMENT Burke's Works, 1834. ENGLISH REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Lecky's Democracy and Liberty, 1896. [261] GOVERNMENT-GRACE Government (continued). FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Trollope's North America, 1862. Freeman's History of Federal Government, 1892. FORESIGHT IN GOVERNMENT Helps' Thoughts upon Government, 1862. FORM OF NORTHERN GOVERNMENT Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1847. GOVERNMENT AND THE TITHES Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. GOVERNMENT OF ABYSSINIA Hotten's Abyssinia and its People, 1868. GOVERNMENT OF CHARLEMAGNE Sergeant's Franks [Story of the Nations], 1898. GOVERNMENT OF JAMAICA Trollope's West Indies and the Spanish Main, 1860. GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN Moges' Baron Gros' Embassy to China, 1861. GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Harcus' South Australia, 1876. IDEAS ON, AND SCIENCE OF, GOVERNMENT Morley's Rousseau, 1888. INTERIOR GOVERNMENT OF EUROPE Robertson's History of the Reign of Charles V., IRISH LOCAL GOVERNMENT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. [1856. KING'S BRIEFS : their Purposes and History Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 10, 1882. LAW AND GOVERNMENT Amos' Science of Law, 1889. LAWS OF THE CVMRY AND BRITONS Barnes' Notes on Ancient Britain, etc., 1858. LOCAL AND SECTIONAL GOVERNMENT Sedgwick's Elements of Politics, 1891. LOCAL GOVERNMENT Westminster Review, vol. 146, 1896. MAINTENANCE OF GOVERNMENT Sedgwick's Elements of Politics, 1891. MILL (JAMES) ON GOVERNMENT Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings & Speeches, 1891. MILL (J. STUART) ON REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT Macmillan's Mag., vol. 4,1861. NATURAL PROGRESS OF GOVERNMENT Whewell's Elements of Morality, including ORIGIN OF GOVERNMENT, ETC. Temple's Works, vol. i, 1757. [Polity, 1848. PARTY GOVERNMENT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. PATERNAL GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA Stepniak's Russian Peasantry, 1890. PRESENT SCOPE OF GOVERNMENT IN AMERICA Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. PRESIDENTIAL GOVERNMENT Freeman's Historical Essays, 1872-80. [1867. PRINCIPLES OF FREE GOVERN MENT Guizot's Last Days of the Reign of Louis Philippe, PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT AND THE FRENCH NATION Macmillan'sMag.,v. 23, 1870-1. RURAL GOVERNMENT Brodrick's English Land and English Landlords, 1881. RURAL LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT Buxton's Political Questions of the Day, 1885. SOCIAL SOVEREIGNTY IN RELATION TO THE ORIGIN OF INSTITUTIONS Transac- tions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6, 1877. SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON THE ORIGIN OF MONARCHICAL GOVERNMENT Transac- tions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5, 1877. THE SPHERE OF GOVERNMENT Lecky's History of England, vol. 6, 1887. THOUGHTS ON GOVERNMENT Helps' Friends in Council, 1859. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 26, 1872. G. C. Lewis' Dialogue on the Best Form of Government, 1863. TRIBAL GOVERNMENT OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS Dodge's Great West, 1877. TURKISH GOVERNMENT Baker's Turkey in Europe, 1877. VOTING SUPPLIES IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. WASHINGTON CABINET Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. [1896. WHY WE SHOULD REVERE LAW AND GOVERNMENT Sheldon's Ethical Movement, GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1837. New Review, vol. 10, 1894, and vol. 12 1895. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera. 1872-8. Shad well's Systems of Political Economy, 1877. Westminster Review, vol. 142, 1894. Government Offices. TREASURY AND OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICES Land We Live In, vol 2, 1853. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Gower (John, Poet, some of whose Works were printed by Caxton, died 1408) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Disraeli's Amenities of Literature, 1870. Hamilton's Poets Laureate of England, 1879. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Gower Street, London. REMINISCENCES OF GOWER STREET Temple Bar, v. 97, 1893. Gowns. FROCKS AND GOWNS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. And tinder Dresses, etc. Gowrie Conspiracy in 1600 Lawson's Remarkable Conspiracies, vol. i, 1829. Goya (Francis Joseph, Spanish Artist, died 1829) Hamerton's Portfolio, 1879. Goyaz, Brazil Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 30, 1830. GOZO (Brit. Islattdinthe Mediterranean, near Malta) Napier's Wild Sports in Europe, 1844. Gracchus (Caius Sempronius, Roman Politician, killed 121 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives, 1883-5. Mommsen's History of Rome, 1888. Freeman's Historical Essays, V.D. Gracchus (Roman Plebeian Family of the Sempronia Gens). TIMES OF THE GRACCHI Mommsen's Rome, vol. 3, 1868. Smith's Classical Dictionary, 1891. Grace (Divine Grace). ATONEMENT AND COVENANT OF GRACE Martin's The Atonement, 1882. Benham's Dictionary of Religion. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Gr&ce (Short prayer before and after meals). GRACE BEFORE MEAT London Mag., v. 4, 1821. LATIN GRACES Early Eng. Text Soc. Reprint, no. 32 [Early Eng. Meals & Mans.] , 1868. Charles Lamb's Elia, 1867. Grace (Dr. W. G., Noted Cricketer, born 1848). A GREAT DAY AT LORDS Daily News, CRICKET IN 1895 New Review, vol. 13, . [July J 9. 1898. HONOURING W. G. Daily Mail, July 20, 1898. ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. GENERAL Leisure Hour, vol. 36, 1887. Men and Women of the Day, 1888. [262] GRACIOSA-GRANT Graciosa {One of the Western Islands) Roundell's Visit to the Azores, 1889. GraciOUSnesS Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Gradenigo (Pietro, Doge of Venice, died 1311) Oliphant's Makers of Venice, 1891. Grafting 1 . MODES OF GRAFTING Breuil's Culture of Fruit Trees, 1891. Also Gardening. Grafton (A. H. Fitzroy, Duke of, Statesman, died 1811) Campbell's Chancellors, 1856-7. Graham (Rev. George, Dramatist, died 1767) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Graham (General Sir Gerald). GRAHAM IN THE SOUDAN Grant's War in the Soudan. Graham (Sir James R. G-, Statesman, died 1861) Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury, 1888. Graham (James). See Montrose (Marquis of). Graham (John, of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee, Scottish Royalist, killed in battle 1689), SOME UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF CLAVERHOUSE Macmillan's Mag., vol. 57, 1887-8. GENERAL Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 88, 1860. Burton's History of Scotland, 1853. Graham (Thomas). See Lynedoch (Lord). Graham (Thomas, Master of the Mint, died 1869). SHORT SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. Smith's Life and Works of Graham, 1884. Grahame (James, Scottish Poet, died 1811) Lester's Crit. on Poets of Present Day, 1854. Grain. GRAIN PRODUCING POWER OF THE UNITED STATES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. NATIONAL GRANARIES National Review, vol. 27, 1896. NEW ZEALAND GRAIN Bathgate's New Zealand, 1880. OUR URGENT NEED FOR A RESERVE OF WHEAT Nineteenth Century, June, 1898. GRAMMAR. (See also Language, Philology, Etymology, etc.) COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR Max Mullet's Science of Language, 1871. King & Cook- son's Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, 1890. ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND ENGLISH GRAMMARIANS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Bibliographical Notes], 1889. GRAMMAR OF THE " UPPER TEN "Theatre, vol. 21, 1888. How TO TEACH GRAMMAR Teacher's Manual of the Science and Art of Teaching, MODERN GRAMMAR Spectator, vol. 64, 1890. [1879. PLEA FOR GREATER UNIFORMITY Educational Review, vol. 7, 1894. TEACHING OF GRAMMAR BY THE SENTENCE-DIAGRAM American Educational Review, vol. 13, 1897. Grammont (Count Philibert de, French Nobleman, Courtier at the Court of Charles II., noted for his " Memoires," died 1707) Wharton's Wits and Beaux, 1890. Grampians (Mountain range in Scotland). A MORNING IN THE GRAMPIANS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 138, 1885. GENERAL Baddeley's Scotland, 1891. Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. 2, 1876-7. Grampus (A large cetacean of the whale kind). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 25, 1848. Granada (Province and town of Spain, the town is noted for its Moorish Palace of the Alhambra and other Moorish remains). KINGDOM OF GRANADA Poole's Moors in Spain, 1890. ILLUSTRATIONS Magazine of Art, vol, 8, 1885. SPANISH LIFE IN GRANADA Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7, 1890. GENERAL Bennett's Mediterranean, 1875. Buck's Ancient Cities, 1846. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 18, 1830. Gautier's Spain, 1853. Hare's Wanderings in Spain, 1873. Inglis' Spain in 1830, 1831. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Murray's Guide to Spain, V.D. Robert's Autumn Tour in Spain in the Year 1859. Granby (John Manners, Marquis of, English Commander-in-Chief, 1766, died 1770) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Granby (Marchioness of, Noted Beauty) Men and Women of the Day, vol. i, 1888. Grand. (Sarah, Author of " Heavenly Twins," etc., born 1866 [?] ). MADAME SARAH GRAND AT HOME Young Woman, vol. 6, 1897. Men and Women of the Day, vol. 8, 1894. Grande Chartreuse Monastery, France (Noted for its manufacture of the Liqueur Chartreuse). A NIGHT AT THE GRANDE CHARTREUSE Strand Mag,, vol. i, 1891. A VISIT TO THE GRANDE CHARTREUSE London Society, vol. 36, 1879. GENERAL Penny Mag., vol. i, 1832. The Grey Friar [with Illus.], vol. i, p. 13, 1884. Grangerising (The act of inserting additional Illustrations in a book or pamphlet, from the practice of so illustrating Granger's "Biographical History of England" Bookworm, vol. 2, 1889, and vol. 6, 1893. Fitzgerald's Book Fancier, 1887. Grant Allen. See Allen (Grant). Grant (Anne, of Laggan, Poetess, died 1838) Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Yonge's biographies of Good Women, 1893. Grant (C., Indian Philanthropist) Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. Grant (Elizabeth, Song Writer, died 1814). MEMOIRS OF A HIGHLAND LADY Longman's Magazine, vol. 31, 1898. Grant (Sir James Hope, English General in the Indian Mutiny, etc., died 1875). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. Knollys' China War, 1875. Grant (Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1231) Hook's Archbishops, vol. 3, 1865. [263] GRANT-GREAT AUK Grant (U. S., American General during the War of Secession, iSth President of United States, 1872, died 1885). A JAPANESE LIFE OF GENERAL GRANT Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. CAMPAIGNING WITH GRANT Century Magazine, vol. 53, 1897. MEMOIR OF GENERAL GRANT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. SHERMAN'S OPINION OK GRANT Century Magazine, vol. 53, 1897. [House, 1892. GENERAL Farrar's Present-Day Questions, 1892. Thayer's From Tan-yard to White Grantham, Lincolnshire. ON FOOT ABOUT LINCOLNSHIRE All the Year Round, vol. 67, GENERAL Murray's Lincolnshire, V.D. [1890. Granville (George, Lord Lansdowne, Poet and Politician, died 1735) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Granville (George Leveson-Gower, Second Earl, Liberal Statesman, died 1891) Bio- graphies reprinted from " The Times," vol. 5, 1896. Gladstone Government, 1869. Granville (French Seaport) Macquoid's Normandy, 1875. Graphite (One of the forms wide r which Carbon occurs in Nature, known as plumbago, blacklead, and wad). GRAPHITE AS A LUBRICANT Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. Graptolites (One of the genus and sub-family of Fossil Hydrozoa). STRUCTURE OF THE GRAPTOLITES Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. Grasmere (A village in the Lake District, Westmoreland, burial place of Wordsworth). SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. STROLL TO GRASMERE Recreations of Christopher North, vol. 3, 1842. GENERAL Black's Guide to the English Lakes, 1886. Grasse, France (Noted for its Perfumery Manufactories) Longman's Magazine, vol. 25- 1895. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Grasses. FLOWERS AND GRASSES Cooke's Woodlands, 1885. FLOWERS OF THE GRASSES The Student and Intellectual Observer, vol. 4, 1870. FORAGE GRASS Seller's Physiology at the Farm, 1867. RUSHES, SEDGES, AND GRASSES Taylor's Mountain and Moor, 1884. GENERAL Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1873. Pratt's Flowering Plants. A Iso Botany. Gratian (Roman Emperor, killed 383) Gibbon's Rome, 1863. Milman's Christianity, 1840. Gratitude. EMOTIONS OF ACTION Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1865. GENERAL Temple Bar, vol. 8, 1863. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Grattan (Henry, Irish Orator and Statesman, died 1820). PATRIOT AND IMPERIALIST Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1898. GENERAL Amherst's Catholic Emancipation, 1886. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 5 [portrait]. Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. Madden's United Irishmen, 1887. Graves. EXAMINATION OF GRAVE HILLS IN THE NORTH RIDING OF YORKSHIRE Archaeological Journal, vol. 22, 1865. PREHISTORIC GRAVES: IN IRELAND Jour, of Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland (jth series), vol. 6. IN NORWAY Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1881. SOME ENGLISH GRAVES Argosy, vol. 60, 1895. STORIED GRAVES ChamberslJournal, vol. 67, 1890. See also Burial, Funerals, Tombs, etc. Gravesend, Kent (A Thames River Port) Black's Guide to Kent, V.D. Cooke's Thames Scenery, 1818. Hall's Book of the Thames, 1859. Kentish Note-book. vol. i, 1891. Lambarde's Perambulation of Kent [1570], 1826. Tombleson's Views of the Thames. Virtue's Picturesque Views of Great Britain [Kent vol.]. Gravitation (The force by which smaller and adjacent bodies are attracted to the Earth and by which the Planets are kept in their orbits in the solar system). APPLIED TO ASTRONOMY Mitchell's Orbs of Heaven, 1865. LAWS QF GRAVITATION Ball's Astronomy, 1877. Ball's Mechanics, 1889. Maxwell's Matter and Motion, 1882. NEWTON AND THE LAW OF GRAVITATION Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1892. ON THE NEWTONIAN CONSTANT OF GRAVITATION Nature, vol. 50, 1894. SPECIFIC GRAVITY Magnus' Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, 1890. GENERAL Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Gray (Asa, Eminent Botanist, died 1888) North American Review, vol. 35, 1843. Gray (David, Scottish Poet, died 1861) Hood's Peerage of Poverty, 1870. Gray (Graham, Professor of Divinity, died 1604) Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Gray (Lady Jane). See Grey (Lady Jane). Gray (Thomas, LyricPoef, died 1771). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Mag., vol. 59, 1888-9. ESSAYS ON THOMAS GRAY Lowell's Latest' Literary Essays, 1891. Lytton's Quarterly Essays, 1875. LIBRARY OF GRAY THE POET Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1888. GENERAL Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Croker's Boswell's Johnson, 1880. Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1870. Rossetti's Lives of Famous Poets, 1878. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Gray's Inn. Holborn (Ancient Inn of Court) Hone's Year Book, i86. Hope's Chronicles of an Old Inn, 1889. See also works on London. Great Auk (A great Bird of the Penguin Family, now supposed to be extinct) Morris' British Birds, vol. 6, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. See also Auk. [264] GREAT BRITAIN-GREECE Great Britain. COLONIES AMD DEPENDENCIES OF GREAT BRITAIN Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 52], 1883. See also Colonies. FINANCE. BRITISH FINANCE Contemporary Review, vol. 34, 1878-9. OUR INVISIBLE CAPITAL Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 98, 1865. GREAT BRITAIN AND THE CRISIS IN CHRISTENDOM Wylie's History of Protestantism, GREAT BRITAIN AS A SEA-POWER Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. [1875-7. STANDING ARMY OF GREAT BRITAIN Harper's Magazine, vol. 80, 1889-90. TRADE OF GREAT BRITAIN Cunningham's Growth of English Commerce, 1892. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1870. Set also Britain, British Isles, England, Scotland, Wales, etc. '"Great Eastern" (A n immense Ship 0/20,000 tons, designed by Brunei, launched 1859, broken up 1888) Journal of the Society of Arts, vol. 8, 1859. Whymper's The Sea: its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, and Heroism, 1878-81. Great Eastern Railway Works, Stratford Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. Great Northern Railway Acworth's Railways of England, 1890. Great Western Railway Acworth's Railways of England, 1890. [Road, 1887. vGreat Wigsell (Country Mansion near Hawkhurst, Sussex) Hissey's Holiday on the -Greatness. NATURE AND DEGREES OF- THE SUPERIORITIES OF GREAT MEN Mallock's Aristocracy and Evolution, 1898. PENALTIES OF GREATNESS All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. Grebe (A Diving Bird of the Columbidee Order). GREAT CRESTED GREBE Morris' British Birds, vol.6, 1891. RED-NECKED GREBE Morris' Brit. Birds, vol. 6, 1891. DESCRIPTION OF VARIOUS SPECIES OF THE BIRD Jardine'sNat. Library, vol. 4, 1848. -GREECE (A Kingdom of Soitth-Eastern Europe ; noted for its ancient Works of Art and Literatuie. See also names of places, e.g., Athens, Crete; and noted persons, e.g., Alexander, Aristotle, Homer, and under Art, Literature, Sculpture, etc.) A MISSIONARY TO THE WORLD Smith's A Modern Apostle, 1891. ANCIENT GREECE: ARISTOTLE'S TREATISE ON THE CONSTITUTION OF ATHENS Review of Reviews, vol. 3, 1891. ATHENS AND ITS ACROPOLIS Temple Bar Magazine, vol. 101, 1894. ATHENS AND RECENT DISCOVERIES Antiquary, vol. 20, 1889. CASE AGAINST GREECE Fortnightly Revie'v, vol. 61, 1897. CITY LIFE IN OLD GREECE Macmillan's Mag., vol. 13, 1865-6. Mahaffy's Social Life in Greece, 1880. W. W. Fowler's City States of the Greeks and Romans, 1893. DESCRIPTION OF MODERN GREECE De Quincey's Works, 1862-74. DOWNFALL OF GREECE National Review, vol. 29, 1897. EARLIEST GREEK SETTLEMENT AT HISSARLIK Gardner's New Chapters in Grk. Hist., 1892. Schliemann's Troja, 1884. Schuchardt's Schliemann's Excavations, 1891. EASTERN QUESTION AND GREECE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. EDUCATION AND FINE ARTS AMONG THE GREEKS Schlegel's Philosophy of History, EUROPE AND GREECE National Review, vols. 24, 1897, and 29, 1897. [1846. FATE OF GREECE Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. FESTIVALS IN GREECE Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. FIVE WEEKS IN GREECE Temple Bar, vol. 99, 1893. FREEDOM OF THE GREEKS Mahafty's Alexander's Empire, 1890. GLIMPSE OF THE GREEK WAR OF INDEPENDENCE, 1821 Leisure Hour, vol.45, 1896-7. GOVERNMENT OF GREECE Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. GRECIAN EMPIRE Wilberforce's Five Empires, 1874. GRECIAN LEGENDS AND EARLY HISTORY Crete's Minor Works, 1873. GRECIAN PHILOSOPHERS Wilberforce's The Five Empires, 1874. GREECE AND MEDIEVAL ITALY Freeman's Historical Essays, 1872-80. GREECE IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY The Literary World, vol. 56, 1897. GREECE UNDER THE ROMANS De Quincey's Works, 1862-74. Finlay's History of Greece from B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864, 1875. GREEK GAINS Butcher's Some Aspects of the Greek Genius, 1891. GREEK RAID ON CRETE Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. GREEK WAR, 1897 Fortnightly Review, vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. GREEKS AND THEIR LESSON [War with Turkey in 1897] Macmillan's Mag., vol.76, GROTE'S HISTORY OF GREECE Phillips' Essays, 1871. [1897. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF IDEALISM AND REALISM IN GREECE Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5, 1877. HUMANITY OF THE GREEKS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. IN A GREEK FAMILY OF TO-DAY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 50, 1884. IN THE PELOPONNESUS Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 2, 1890. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. INDIAN AND GREEK PHILOSOPHY The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. IRON AGE IN GREECE Antiquary, vol. 9, 1884. .LIBERTY OF THE GREEKS Eliot's Liberty of Rome, 1849. LORD BYRON IN THE GREEK REVOLUTION Scribner's Magazine, vol. 22, 1897. MRS. ORMISTON CHANT'S ADVENTURES IN GREECE Woman, June, 1897. MODERN GREEK Scribner's Magazine, vol. 4, 1888. MY SIXTY DAYS IN GREECE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. MYTHOLOGY OF THE GREEKS Max Miiller's Science of Language, 1871. OLYMPIA Antiquary, vol. 16, 1887. 'OLYMPIC ERA OF THE GREEKS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1896. Farnell's Cults of the Greek States, 1896. GREECE-GREENWICH Greece (continued). PEASANT OF ANCIENT GREECE Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. PROGRESS OF GREECE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 39, 1878-9. REVOLUTION OF GREECE De Quincey's Works, 1862-74. SURVEY OF THE HEROIC AGE OF GREECE^Schuchhardt'sScliliemann's Excavations: an Archaeological and Hist. Study, 1891. Gardner's New Chapters in Greek Hist., TRIP IN HIGHLAND GREECE Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. [1892. VISIT TO DARA Antiquary, vol. 16, 1887. VISIT TO MOUNT ATHOS Antiquary, vol. 16, 1897. WITH THE GREEK SOLDIERS Harper's Magazine, vol. 34, 1897. WRECK OF GREECE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 22, 1897. GENERAL Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Brassey's Sunshine and Storm in the East, 1881. Heeren's Manual of Ancient History, 1833. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Ireland's Wall the East, 1881. Greek Archipelago Bent's Cyclades, 1874. Murray's Guide to Mediterranean, V.D. Greek Church. MASS AT THE GREEK CHURCH Molloy's Faiths of the Peoples, vol. i, 1892. GENERAL Blackwood, vol. 79, 1856. Dublin Rev., vol. 23, 1870. Greek Coins. GREEK COINS AS ILLUSTRATING HISTORY AND ART Hamerton's Port- Greek Humanists Benn's Greek Philosophers, vol. i, 1882. [folio, 1875. Greek Language. COMPULSORY GREEK Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 63, 1890-1. CRITICISM OF DR. HATCH'S "ESSAYS IN BIBLICAL GREEK" The Expositor, vol. 5 (5th series), 1897. HOMER AND THE STUDY OF GREEK Lang's Essays in Little, 1891. NEO-HEE.LENIC DIALECT OF THE GREEK TONGUE Blackie's Horse Hellenicae, 1874. POETRY Jebb's Growth and Influence of Classical Greek Poetry, 1893. PRONUNCIATION OF THE GREEK IN ENGLAND Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. PROPER PRONUNCIATION OF GREEK Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. SHAKESPEARE AND MODERN GREEK Nineteenth Century, vol. 30. 1891. STUDY OF GREEK All the Year Round, vol.68, 1891. Greek Literature. RECOVERY OF LOST GREEK LITERATURE Leisure Hour, v. 46, 1897. Greek Philosophy Alleyne's Teller's Predocratic Philosophy, 1881. Ferrier's Lectures and Philosophical Remains. 1866. Stirling's Schlegel's History of Philosophy, 1871. Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. Greek Testament. STUDY OF GREEK TESTAMENT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. Greeks and Romans Butcher's What we Owe to Greece and Rome. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. Greeks and Saracens Hallam's State of Europe during the Middle Ages, vol. 2, 1860. Greely (Horace, Journalist and Politician, died 1872) Recollections of a Busy Life, 1868. Green (Colour). SYMBOLISM OF GREEN Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Green (John Richard, English Historian, died 1883). MEMOIR OF JOHN RICHARD GREEN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. Young Man, vol. 8, 1894. Green (Matthew, Poet, died 1737). AN ARMCHAIR PHILOSOPHER Macmillan's Mag., vol. 74, 1896. GENERAL Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Green Sand. THE ORIGIN OF GREEN SAND Hardwicke's Science Cos., vol. 12, 1876. Greenaway (Kate, Artist). FAIRY LAND [in Art] Ruskin's Art of England, 1884. Greene (Robert, Novelist and Poet, died 1592) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Greenhithe, Kent Antiquary, vol. :6, 1887. Black's Guide to Kent, V.D. Greenhouses. CONSTRUCTION OF GREENHOUSES Cassell's Tech. Educa., vol. 6,1697. MANAGEMENT OF GREENHOUSES Loudon's Lady's Country Companion, 1867. See also Gardening. Greenland (An extensive Region in the Arctic Circle, belonging to Denmark). ACCOUNT OF GREENLAND Hartwig's Polar World, 1869. COLONIZATION OF GREENLAND BY SCANDINAVIANS Mallet's Northern Antiquities, FIRST CROSSING OF GREENLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. [1847. FLORA OF GREENLAND Nature, vol. 48, 1893. LIFE IN GREENLAND Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition, 1874. LIFE ON A GREENLAND WHALER Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. NANSEN AND THE FIRST CROSSING OF GREENLAND Montenore's Leaders to Unknown Lands, 1891. Greenock, Scotland (Seaport on the Clyde) Black's Guide to Glasgow, V.D. Greenstead Church, Essex Andrew's Bygone Essex, 1892. Greenwich, Kent (Noted for its Naval Hospital and Royal Observatory). A PISCATORIAL DINNER Cosmopolitan, vol. 9, 1890. CHRONICLES OF GREENWICH Walford's Antiquary, vol. 8, 1883. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF GREENWICH Subui ban Homes of London, 1881. GREENWICH FAIR Antiquary, vol. 10, 1884. Bentley's Miscellany, vol. n, 1842. GREENWICH HOSPITAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. [266] GREENWICH-GREY Greenwich (continued). GREENWICH OBSERVATORY All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. Good Words, vol. 5, 1864. Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. GREENWICH VILLAGE Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. GENERAL Black's Guide to Kent, V.D. Emerson's London, 1862. Hawthorne's Our Old Home, 1864. Hone's Every day Book, 2 vols., 1866. Gregorian Music (Chants composed by Pope Gregory the Great, and considered by Romanists as inspired). GREGORIAN MELODIES, ETC. Dublin Rev., vol. 121, 1897. Gregorovius (Ferdinand, a distinguished German Historian, died 1891). ROMAN JOURNAL OF GREGOROVIUS Longman's Magazine, vol. 24, 1894. Gregory (Patriarch of Antioch, died about 594) Evagrius' History of the Church, 1846. Gregory (St., Bishop of Nazianzus, died 389) Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Gregory (St., Bishop of Neoccesarea, 250) Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Gregory (Thaumaturgus, or the " Wonder-Worker," celebrated disciple of Origen, Bishop of Nyssa, died about 270) Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Gregory I. [the Great] (Pope, the first Bishop of Rome who took the title of /Ecumenical, or Universal Bishop, died 604) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 2, 1872. Gregory VII. (Pope Hildebrand, pre-eminently the historical Representative of the temporal claims of the Papacy, died 1085) Neil's Epoch Men, 1882. Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. See also Hildebrand. [vol. 6, 1872. Gregory IX. (Ugolino di Conte di Segni, Pope, died 1241) Milman's Latin Christianity, Gregory X. (Thibaut Visconti, Pope, died 1276) Milman's Latin Christianity, v. 6, 1872. Gregory XI. (Pierre Roger de Mont Roux, an Ecclesiastical Reformer, died 1378) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 8, 1872. Gregory XII. (Angelo Corrario, Pope, deposed by a Council, 1409, died 1417) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 8, 1872. Grellett (Stephen, French Quaker Missionary, died 1855) Sunday at Home, vol. 13, 1866. Grenada (West Indian Island belonging to England) Coleridge's West Indies, 1625. Grenfell (Sir Francis, Sirdar of the Egyptian Army 1885-92, born 1841) Men and Women of the Day, 1889. Who's Who, 1899. Grennah, North Africa Hamilton's Wanderings in North Africa, 1856. Grenoble, France ([Roman Gratianopolis] , a Fortified Town, contains a Library of 170,000 vols.) Argosy, vol. 5, 1868. Baedeker's Southern France, V.D. Grenville (Right Hon. George, Statesman, died 1770) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Grenville (Sir Richard, an English Naval Hero, cousin of Sir W. Raleigh, killed 1591). AT FLORES IN THE AZORES New Review, vol. 16, 1897. SIR RICHARD GRENVILLE AND THE "REVENGE" Geographical Mag., vol. 5, 1878. Grenville (William Wyndham, Lord, Orator and Statesman, died 1834) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Poets and Statesmen : their Homes and Haunts, 1857. Gresham (Sir Thomas, Financier, founded the Royal Exchange 1565, and Gresham College 1575, died 1579) Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 4, 1845. Gresham Lectures. PROGRESS OF THE GRESHAM LECTURES Becker's Scientific London, 1874. Gretna Green, Scotland (Noted for Runaway Marriages) Belgravia, vol. 21, 1873. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 57, 1888. Household Words, vol. 5, 1852. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1895. Gre'try (A. E. M., French Musical Composer, died 1813) Men and Women of France during the last Century. Greville (Charles C. F., Clerk of the Privy Council, wrote the " Greville Memoirs," died 1865). JOURNALS OF GREVILLE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. GENERAL Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne, 1892. Torrens' Viscount Melbourne. Greville (Earls of Warwick). HISTORY OF THE GREVILLE FAMILY Burke's Portraits of Distinguished Females, 1833. Greville (Sir Fulke, Lord Brook, Poet, died 1628) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. GreVy (Jules, French Statesman, died 1891) Biographies Reprinted from "The Times," vol. 5, 1896. Vandam's My Paris Note Book, 1896. Grey Mare's Tail (A well-known Waterfall) Black's Guide to Moffat, V.D. Grey (Lady Catherine, Countess of Hertford, died 1568) DeRos' Tower of London, 1867. Grey (Charles, Second Earl, Statesman, died 1845) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne, 1892. Marquis of Lome's Viscount Palmerston, 1892. Grey (Earls Grey). HISTORY OF THE GREY FAMILY Burke's Portraits of Distinguished Females, 1833. Grey (Dr. Zachary, an eminent Antiquarian, died 1766) Disraeli's Quarrels of Authors. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Surtees' History of Durham. Watson's Life of Warburton. Grey (Sir George, Colonial Governor, born 1813). SIR GEORGE GREY AND SOUTH AFRICA Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. [267] GREY-GROWTH Grey (Lady Jane, proclaimed Queen of England 1553, beheaded 1554). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. GENERAL Cunningham's English Nation [portrait], vol. i. De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 3, 1845. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Strickland's Lives of Princesses, 1868. Grey and Ripon (Earl de, now Marquis of Ripon, Lord President of the Council) Gladstone Government, 1869. See also under Ripon. Greyhound. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 19, 1848. See also under Coursing, Dogs, etc. Greytown, Nicaragua. GREYTOWN AND ADJACENT COUNTRY Nature, vol. 4, 1871. Grief. EXCESSES OF GRIEF Sir William Temple's Works, vol. 3, 1757. ' EXPRESSION OF GRIEF IN THE COUNTENANCE Bell's Anatomy of Expression, 1872. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Grieg (Edvard Hagerup, Musical Composer, born 1843) Century Magazine, vol. 25- 1882-3. Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. Temple Bar, vol. 113, 1898. Grierson (Constantia, Irish Author and Classical Scholar, died 1733) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Grimaldi (Joseph, Celebrated Clown, died 1837) Notes and Queries, series 3, 5, and 7. Grimm's Law. SIMPLIFIED FORM OF GRIMM'S LAW Skeat's Principles of English Etymology, 1887. Giles' Comparative Philology, 1895. Sayce's Introduction to the Science of Language, 1880. Grimsby (Important Fishing Port, Lincolnshire). ITS DOCKS AND ITS FISH Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. GENERAL Murray's Lincolnshire, V.D. Grimston (Earls of Venilam). HISTOITV OF THE GRIMSTON FAMILY Burke's Portraits of Distinguished Females, 1833. Grimston (Sir Harbottle, Speaker of the House of Commons, died 1685) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Grindal (Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1583) Brook's Puritans, 1813. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Hook's Archbishops, vol. 10, 1872. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Grindstone. GRINDSTONE AND OILSTONE Davidson's Boy Joiner, 1874. USE OF GRINDSTONES Rankine's Machinery and Millwork, 1883. Griqualand. TRADING TRIP THROUGH GRIQUALAND Selous' Hunter's Wanderings in Africa, 1895. Grisi (Giulia, Italian Singer and Actress, died 1869) Edwards' Prima Donnas, 1888. Grisons (Largest Canton in Switzerland) Baedeker's Guide to Switzerland, V.D. Gronow (Captain R. H., Leader of Fashion and Society, died 1865) Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 221, 1866. Harper's Magazine, vol. 43, 1862. GrO88beak(4 kind of Finch). THE PINE GROSSBEAK Morris' British Birds, vol. 2, 1891. Grosseteste (Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, died 1253). HOUSEHOLD STATUTES Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 32, 1868. PHILOSOPHICAL REMAINS Proceeedings of Archaeological Institute, 1848. Grossmith (George, A ctor and Entertainer, born 1850). GEORGE GROSSMITH TO AN AUDIENCE OF ONE Windsor Magazine, vol. 6, 1897. HUMOUR OF GEORGE GROSSMITH Idler, vol. 3, 1893. GENERAL Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. Theatre, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1879. Grosvenor (Family Name of the Dukes of Westminster). HISTORY OF THE GROSVENOR FAMILY Burke's Portraits of Distinguished Females, 1833. Grote (Dr. George, Historian, died 1871) Anton's Masters in History, 1884. Mill's Autobiography, 1873. Mrs. Grote's Life of G. Grote, 1873. GrotiUS (Hugo, Dutch Statesman and Writer, died 1645) Motley's Life of Barneveld, 1875. Oxenham's Ecclesiastical History, 1884. Grotta Ferrata Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Grottoes and Caverns Good Words, vol. 12, 1871. Grouchy (Emmanuel de, French Marshal, died 1847) Court and Camp of Buonaparte [Family Library], 1829. Ground Rents Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. Westminster Rev., vol. 143, 1895. Ground Sloths Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. Grouse (The Heathcock, also called Moot-fowl, Ptarmigan, etc.). BLACK GROUSE Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. DISEASE OF GROUSE Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1892. GROUSE DISEASE AND FOWL ENTERITIS Nature, vol. 46, 1892. GROUSE SHOOTING Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. PTARMIGAN AND GROUSE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. REMARKS ON GROUSE MacDonald's Cattle, Sheep, and Deer, 1872. WHAT HAS BECOME OF THEM Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1858. WHITE GROUSE Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. GENERAL Badminton Magazine, vol. 5, 1897. Dodge's Great West, 1877. Growth. How TO GROW TALL Boy's Own Annual, vol. u, 1889. [268] GRUBB-GUILDFORD Grubb (Sir Howard). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEWS Strand Magazine, vol. is, 1896. Guaclaaros, Venezuela. CAVERN OF THE GUACHAROS Conder's Modern Traveller^ vol. 27, 1830. Guadaloupe (An Island of the West Indies, belonging to France). CAPTURE AND, RECAPTURE OF GUADALOUPE James' Naval History, vol. i, 1837. GENERAL Penny Magazine, vol. 12, 1843. Guadalquivir (A River of Southern Spain) Gautier's Wanderings in Spain, 1853. GuanaxuatO, Mexico Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 26, 1830. Guanclies (A ncient Inhabitants of the Canary Islands) Antiquary, vol. 29, 1894. Guano (A Valuable Manure composed partially of the decomposed excrement of fish-eating Sea Birds found principally in the Chincha Islands). GUANO DEPOSITS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. GUANO DIGGINGS Household Words, vol. 6, 1852-3. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. i, 1844, & vo ^ 6, 1846. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, etc., vol. 2, 1860. Guardians. BOARD OF GUARDIANS Probyn's Local Government, 1882. Guards. BRIGADE OF BRITISH GUARDS Cosmopolitan, vol. 12, 1892. THE GUARDS UNDER QUEEN ANNE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. Guatemala (Republic and Town of Central America) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 26, 1830. Scribner's Magazine, vol. i, 1887. Spectator, vol. 61, 1888. GubbiO, Italy (The Eugubine Tables were discovered here in 1414) Hare's Central and Northern Italy, 1876. Symonds' Italian Byways, 1883. Gu^rin (Maurice and Eugenie de, two French Writers, brother and sister, died 1839 and 1848) Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1^63. Edinburgh Review, vol. 120, 1864,. Forsyth's Essays, 1874. Matthew Arnold's Essays in Criticism, 1875. GUERNSEY. (See also Channel Islands, Herm,Jethou, Sark, etc.) A NATURAL HISTORY RAMBLE Science Gossip, vol. i, 1894. CASTLES OF THE CHANNEL ISLANDS [Castle Cornet] Art Journal, vol. 10, 1894. FRAMING OF CHURCH DISCIPLINE IN GUERNSEY AND JERSEY Brook's Puritans, 1813. GOVERNMENT OF GUERNSEY Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. GUERNSEY AND SARK [illustrated] Daily Graphic, vol. 3, 1890. GUERNSEY BOOK-PLATES Ex-Libris Journal, vol. 9, 1897. GUERNSEY FOLK-LORE Antiquary, vol. 6, 1882. HISTORY OF THE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY Cotgreave's Encyclopaedic Catalogue, 1891. LEPIDOPTERA OF GUERNSEY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. PACKET FROM THE CHANNEL ISLANDS Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. POETRY OF GUERNSEY J. Linwood Pitts' Patois Poems of the Channel Islands, 1883-4. ROCKS OF SARK, HERM, AND JETHOU Journal of the Geological Society, 1887. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. VICTOR HUGO'S HOME AT GUERNSEY Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1897. WITCHCRAFT, ETC. J. Linwood Pitts' Witchcraft and Devil Lore, 1886. GENERAL Argosy, vol. 37, 1884. Bowies' Flotsam and Jetsam, 1882. Bruce's Life of General Sir W. Napier, 1864. M. C. Cooke's Fern Book for Everybody. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. See also Channel Islands. Guerra (Chris, a Spanish Merchant and Explorer of America) Irving's Companions of Columbus, 1831. Guesclin (Bertrand du, celebrated French Cotltmandcr, Constable of France, 1370, died 1380) Bonnechose's History of France, 1853. Froissart's Chronicles, 1879. Guesswork. EMPLOYMENT OF GUESSWORK Sidgwick's Fallacies, 1886. Guettard (J. E., Geologist, died 1786) Geikie's Founders of Geology, 1897. Guiana (British). AN UNEXPLORED EL DORADO Chambers' Journal, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1897. DESCRIPTION OF BRITISH GUIANA English Illustrated, vol. 8, 1890-1. FISHES OF GUIANA [with Coloured Plates] Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., vol. 39, 1848. GLIMPSES OF VENEZUELA AND GUIANA Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. GOLDFIELDS OF GUIANA Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. GUIANA STAMPS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. PHASES OF EVOLUTION IN THE GUIANA FOREST Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. SEAMY SIDE OF BRITISH GUIANA Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. SKETCH OF BRITISH GUIANA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 73, 1896. THE VENEZUELA AND BRITISH GUIANA BOUNDARY Nature, vol. 53, 1896. Guicciardini (Francis, Italian Philosopher and Historian, died 1540) Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. Guide Books. OLD AND NEW GUIDE BOOKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1897. SOME OLD GUIDE BOOKS Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. THE OLDEST GUIDE BOOK IN THE WORLD [Pausanias 1 Description of Greece] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1898. Guide Corps. THE QUEEN'S OWN GUIDES Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1896-7. Guilbert (Yvette, Singer). ON THE ART OF YVETTE GUILBERT Yellow Book, v. 9, 1896. Guildford (Lord, Lawyer and Physicist, died 1685) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7, [269] GUILDFORD-GULL, Guildford, Surrey. CHURCH OF ST. MARY, GUILDFORD Archaeological Jour. ,v. 29, 1872. HOSPITAL OF THE BLESSED TRINITY, OR ABBOTT'S ALMSHOUSE, IN GUILDFORD Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1897. SOME ACCOUNT OF GUILDFORD CASTLE Archaeological Journal, vol. 29, 1872. Clark's Mediaeval Military Architecture, 2884. GENERAL Black's Guide to Surrey, V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 3, 1879-80. Gilpin's Western England, 1808. Magazine of Art, vol. 9, 1886. Guildhall (Council Hall of the City of London, founded 1411). GUILDHALL COLLECTION OF PICTURES Art Journal, vol.46, 1884. GUILDHALL LIBRARY Bookworm, vol. 6, 1893. GENERAL Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities], 1890. Sharp's London and the Kingdom, 1894-5. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Guilds (Societies for carrying on Commerce, Handicrafts, or other undertakings). ACCOUNT OF THE LONDON GUILDS AND COMPANIES Loftie's London, 1880. CRAFT GUILDS OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Dublin Review, vol. 122, 1898. GUILDS AND TRADE CORPORATIONS Lacroix's Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages, 1874. GUILDS OF THE CITY OF LONDON Century Magazine, vol. 15, 1888-9. MERCHANT AND CRAFT GUILDS Dyer's Evolution of Industry, 1895. MODERN INDUSTRIAL GUILDS Dyer's Evolution of Industry, 1895. ON CERTAIN GUILDS IN NORFOLK Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, 1847. THE TYRANNY OF GUILDS Ditchfield's Our English Towns, 1897. Guille-Alles Library, Guernsey Cotgreave's Guille-Alles Encyclopaedic Catalogue, 1891. J. Linwood Pitts' Story in Brief, 1891. See also Channel Islands, Guernsey, etc. Guillemot (A Diving Bird of the Columbidte Order) Morris' British Birds, vol. 6, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 4, 1848. Guillotine (A Machine for Beheading persons). HISTORY OF THE GUILLOTINE Saturday Review, vol. 73, 1892. INVENTION OF THE GUILLOTINE Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. GENERAL Quarterly Review, vol. 73, 1844. Guilt. DEGREES OF GUILT Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. INDIVIDUAL GUILT Kennedy's Thoughts on Being, 1850. Guincamp (A Town of Brittany) Musgrave's Rambles into Brittany, 1870. Guinea (An English Coin worth sis., no longer minted). STORY OF THE GUINEA Chambers' Journal, vol. 13, 1896. Guinea, West Africa. COAST OF UPPER GUINEA Johnston's Africa, 1884. CUSTOMS OF GUINEA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. DESCRIPTION OF NEW GUINEA English Illustrated, vol. 8, 1890-1. REGIONS OF LOWER GUINEA Johnston's Africa, 1884. Guinea Fowl. PEA FOWL AND GUINEA FOWL Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., v. 14, 1848. Guinea Pigs Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1858. Guise (Henri I. of Lorraine, Duke of, killed 1588) Lady Jackson's Last of the Valois [portrait], 1888. Guise (Henry II. of Lorraine, Duke of, died 1664). LAST DUEL IN THE PALAIS ROYALE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. Guitar (A stringed Musical Instrument). How TO PLAY THE GUITAR Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. GENERAL Grove's Dictionary ofMusic, vol. i, 1879. Guizot (F. P. G., French Statesman and Historian, died 1874). LIFE OF GUIZOT GUI GEK Marquis of Lome's Viscount Palmerston, 1892. Guldenstaedt (John Anthony, Russian Naturalist, died 1781) TRAVELS IN THE CAUCASUS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Gulf Stream (A n Oceanic Current issuing from the Gulf of Mexico). DESCRIPTION or THE GULF STREAM Maury's Geography of the Sea, 1880. INFLUENCE OF THE GULF STREAM'ON CLIMATE Reclus 1 Ocean, Atmosphere and Life, 1873. Is THE GULF STREAM A MYTH ? Proctor's Light Science, 1875. SOUNDING IN THE GULF STREAM IN ROUGH WEATHER Thomson's Voyage of the " Challenger," 1877. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 14, 1873. Macaulay's Sea Pictures, 1884. Student and Intellectual Observer, vol. i, 1868. Gull (A ravenous Sea Bird). BREEDING SEASON AT THE GULLERY ON WALNKY ISLAND Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. BUONAPARTE'S GULL Morris 1 British Birds, vol. 6, 1891 [Coloured Plates]. DESCRIPTION [Coloured Plates] Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 4, 1848. VARIETIES OF THE GULL St. John's Wild Sports, 1888. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. Morris' British Birds, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 4, 1848. "Gull (Sir W. W., Physician to the Prince of Wales in 1871, died 1890) London Society, vol. 31, 1877. [270] GUM-GUY'S HOSPITAL Gum. KAURI GUM Chambers' Journal, vol. 13, 1896. ORIGIN AND COMMON PROPERTIES OF GUMS Photogram, vol. 2, 1895. . Gum Tree. THE BLUE GUM TREE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. Gundulf (Bishop of Rochester, died 1108) Archaeological Journal, vol. 21, 1864. Gunmaker's Company Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Gunnery. LONG AND STRAIGHT SHOTS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 5, 1862. GENERAL Household Words, vol. 5, 1852. Spoil's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Gunning (Maria and Elizabeih, two beautiful Irish Sisters, one of whom married the Earl of Coventry and the oilier the Duke of Hamilton, Maria died 1760, and Elizabeth 1790). THE BEAUTIFUL MISSES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. GENERAL P. Fitzgerald's Story of the Beautiful Sisters, N.D. Gunning (P., Bishop of Ely, died 1684) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Gunpowder. CHEMISTRY OF GUNPOWDER Cooke's New Chemistry, N.D. HISTORY OF GUNPOWDER Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, etc., 1846. How TO MAKE GUNPOWDER Watt's Scientific Industries Explained, 1881. MODERN GUNPOWDER AND ITS DEVELOPMENT Chambers' Journal, vol. 13, 1896. GENERAL Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. Gunpowder Plot Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. Cornhill Magazine, vol. i, 1896. De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. Dublin Review, vol. 120, 1897. Edinburgh Review, vol. 185. 1897. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. Ewald's Stories from State Papers, 1882. Johnson's Life of Coke, 1845. Father Gasquet on the Gunpowder Plot, 1894. Professor Gardner's Answer to Father Gasquet, 1897. See also Guy Fawkes. GUNS. (See also Arms and Armour). ARMSTRONG GUNS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886. BIG GUNS IN ACTION Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1898. CANNON, QUAINT AND CURIOUS Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1898. CHAPTER ON GUNS Noel's Gun, Ram, and Torpedo, 1874. DEVELOPMENT OF GUNLOCKS FROM EXAMPLES IN THE TOWER Arch. Jour., vol. i, GENTLE ART OF KILLING Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. [1846. GUN-MAKING AT BIRMINGHAM Land we Live in, vol. i, 1853. HASKELL MULTICHARGE GUN Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. HINTS ON GUNS FOR SPORTING "Marksman's" Dead Shot, 1866. IRONCLADS AND GUNS OF THE FUTURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. LEADING ARTICLE ON LONG GUNS Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. MANUFACTURE OF GUNS Braunt's Metallic Alloys, Amalgams, 1888-9. ORIGIN OF GUNS Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, and Discoveries, 1846. OUR HEAVY GUNS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. PNEUMATIC DYNAMITE GUNS AT SAN FRANCISCO Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. PREDICTED REVOLUTION IN GUNNERY Chambers' Journal, vol.67, 1890. QUICK-FIRE NAVAL SIGHTS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. REMARKS ON GUNNERY AND GUNS Brassey's Navy, 1882-3. SPORTING SHOT GUNS Greener's Gun and its Development, N.D. UNITED STATES NAVAL GUN FACTORY Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. GENERAL Lennox's Fifty Years' Reminiscences, 1863. Gurkhas (The Mountaineers of Nepaul, who freely enter the native Indian Army and are very brave and faithful). RECORD OF THE GURKHAS Pall Mall Mag., v. 14, 1898. Gurney (Joseph A., Great Philanthropist, died 1847) Geldart's A Good Man's Life, 1883. Gurney (Hon. Russell, Lawyer) Montagu Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1890. Gurneys of Earlham (Philanthropists, etc.) Sunday Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. Gustavus Adolphus (Second King of Sweden, died 1632). GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS AND THE THIRTY YEARS' WAR Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 14, 1850. DEATH OF GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS Wylie's History of Protestantism, vol. 3, 1875-7. GENERAL Adams' Great Names in European History. Carlyle's Life of Friedrich von Schiller, 1873. Cornhill Magazine, vol. i, 1896. Gurney's God's Heroes and World's Heroes. Hosack's Law of Nations, 1882. Gutenberg (John, Invented Printing with Movable Types, died 1468) Hansard's Typographia, 1825. Stower's Printer's Grammar, 1808. See also Fust (J.). Guthlac (St., a Hermit of the Seventh Century) Kingsley's Hermits, 1891. Guthrie (Thomas, Scottish Philanthropist, Founder of the Ragged Schools in Edinburgh, died 1873). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Howat's Summer Days, 1878. DR. GUTHRIE AS I KNEW HIM Quiver, vol. 33, 1898. [True. GENERAL Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. Japp's Good Men and Gutta-percha. INDIA-RUBBER, GUTTA-PERCHA, AND THEIR SOURCES Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. GENERAL Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. Guy Fawkes [Guido Fawkes] (A Conspirator in the Reign of James I., executed 1605) Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History. See also Fawkes (Guy), Gunpowder Plot, etc. Guyot (A great courtly cynic of the 12th and 13th Centuries, who retired to Clairvaux and other monasteries, dying sometime after the year 1204). GUYOT OF PROVINS, FIRST FRENCH PAMPHLETEER National Review, vol. 25, 1895. Guy's Hospital, London London, vol. 5, 1896. [271] GWALIOR-HAGENBECK Gwalior (An Indian State under English protection) Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 10, 1830. GwarriahS Macfarlane's Banditti and Robbers, 1839. Gwynn (Nell, Actress and favourite Mistress of Charles II. ,d ted 1687). REMINISCENCES OF NELL GWYNN Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 4, 1894. GENERAL Grammont's Charles 1 1., 1846 Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. Gymnastics (Exercises intended to develops the physical and muscular powers). ARMY GYMNASTICS Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. GYMNASTICS AND ACROBATISM Chambers' Journal, vol. 53, 1876. GYMNASTICS FOR WOMEN Woman, January, 1897. ILL EFFECTS OF GYMNASTICS Lagrange's Bodily Exercise, 1890. OLD GREEK ATHLETICS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. GENERAL Every Boy's Book, 1888. Jowett's Dialogues of Plato (especially on the "Republic"). Guhl & Koner's Life of the Greeks and Romans, 1889. See also Athletics, etc. Gypsies. See Gipsies. 'Gypsum. EFFECTS IN SOILS Johnston's Lime in Agriculture, 1849. ilABAKKUK (Heb. Prophet about 608-578 B.C.) Ewald's Israel, vols. 4, 1871 ; & 5, 1874. Farrar's Minor Prophets, N.D. Habeas Corpus Act (A ct passed in 1679 to prevent illegal imprisonment) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Haberdashers' Hall, London Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 39, 1878-9. Habington (William, Poet, died 1654) Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Habit. BUSINESS HABITS IN ORDINARY LIFE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. EARLY RISING Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. EARLY TO BED AND EARLY TO RISE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [page 341], 1883. HABIT AND LITTLE THINGS Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Crete's Aristotle. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Habits and Vestments Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Habsburgs. RISE OF THE HABSQRGS Hug's Switzerland, 1890. See also Hapsburg. Hacket (John, Bishop of Lichfield, died 1670) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chan- cellors, 1856-7. Coleridge's Notes on English Divines, 1853. Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Hackney, London Emerson's London : How the Great City Grew, 1862. Noorthouck's History of London, 1773. Walford's Old and New London, vol. 5, 1878. Hackworth (Timothy) Layson's Famous Engineers. Smiles' Engineers, vol. 3, 1863. Haddon Hall (Derbyshire Seat of the Duke of Rutland). ACCOUNT OF H ADDON HALL All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. Sec also Vernon (Dorothy). STEWARD'S ACCOUNTS AT HADDON HALL, 1549 & 1564 Journal of the Derbyshire Archaological Society, vol. 16. [1877. GENERAL Black's Guide to Buxton, V.D. Jewitt & Hall's Stately Homes of England, Hades (Variously interpreted to signify the abode of all departed spirits, Purgatory, or Hell). DESCENT INTO HADES Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. Bishop Harold Browne's Articles of the Church of England. Gibson's XXXIX. Articles, 1897. SCENES IN THE ETRUSCAN HADES Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Hadleigh, Essex. HADLEIGH CASTLE Page's Essex in the Days of Old, 1897. HADLEIGH FARM COLONY, ESSEX London, vol. 5, 1896. RECORDS RELATING TO HADLEIGH CASTLE Essex Arch. Soc. Trans., vol. i (n.s.), 1878. SAINT JAMES'S CHURCH Buckler's Churches of Essex, 1886. GENERAL History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 5, 1771. Hadleigh, Suffolk Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, V.D. Hadrian (Roman Emperor, noted for his peaceful policy, died 138). HADRIAN AND ANTONINUS Rydberg's Roman Days, 1879. RELIGIOUS ATTITUDE OF HADRIAN Oxenham's Ecclesiastical History, 1884. Ramsey's Church in the Roman Empire, 1898. [1866. GENERAL Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1868. Milman's Jews, Hadrian IV. [Nicholas Breakespeare], (Pope, originally an English Ploughboy, died 1159) Milman's Latin Christianity, 1872. Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. Haeckel (Ernst, German Naturalist, born 1834). HAECKEL AND THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION William's Review of the Systems of Ethics, 1893. Hdflz (Mohammed Shems ed din, Famous Persian Poet, died about 1390) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. Hagenbeck (Carl, Proprietor of the Zoological Gardens, Hamburg). THE MOLTKE OF MENAGERIE OWNERS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. [272] HAGGARD-HALLE Haggard (H. Rider, Barrister and Novelist, born 1856). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. GENERAL Rutherford's English Authors, 1896. Hagiocracy (Government by Priests) Ewald's Israel, 1874. See also Theocracy. Hague (The, Practically the Capital of the Netherlands, contains Royal Library of 200,000 volumes). CAPITALS AT PLAY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1898. GENERAL Baedeker's Belgium and Holland, V.D. Hahn (Phillip M., German Inventor and Mathematician, died 1790) Brightwell's Annals of Industry'and Genius, 1863. Hahnemann (Samuel C., Founder of the System of Homeopathy, died 1843) Maunder's Treasury of Biography, 1866. Haifta, Syria Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Hail. A HAILSTORM Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1873. Nature, vol. 47, 1893. HAILSTONES All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891, Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, i8g7i SOME OBSERVATIONS ON METEOROLOGY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1881. GENERAL W. S. Gibson's Miscellanies : Historical and Biographical, 1863. Hailes (Sir David Dalrymple, Lord, Scottish Judge and Historical Antiquary, died 1792) Croker's Boswell's Johnson, 1880. See also under Dalrymple. Haime (John, died 1784) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. i, 1865. Hair. CHINESE MODE OF WEARING THE HAIR Milne's Life in China, 1858. COMPARATIVE SIZE OK ANIMAL HAIRS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1873. EXTRAORDINARY HAIRDRFSSING Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. FALSE HAIR Chambers' Journal, vol. 36, 1861 Parkinson's Places and People, 1869. HAIR DYES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7 [page 391], 1863. HUMAN HAIR Household Words, vol. 5, 1852. POWDERING THE HAIR Andrew's England in the Days of Old, 1897. PRACTICAL HINTS ABOUT THE HAIR Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. SUPERSTITIONS ABOUT HAIR Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. THE SECRET OF BALDNESS Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. Haite (G. C., Artist and Designer, born 1855) Who's Who, 1899. Hakone, Japan Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Hale (Sir Chs Hales (John, EiiKlish Scholar and Divine, died 1656). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 55, 1886-7. Hales Owen Abbey, Worcestershire Archasological Journal, vol. 28, 1871. Halford (Sir Henry, Celebrated Shot, born 1828). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. Haliburton (Thomas Chandler, A nglo-A merican Judge and Humourist, known as " Sam Slick," and father of first Lord Haliburton, died 1865) Grant's Public Characters. Halifax (Charles Montague, Earl of, P oet and Statesman, died 1715) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1863. Hall (Basil, Scottish Naval Officer, Traveller, and Author, died 1844) Smiles' Murray, 1891. Hall (Sir James, of Dunglass, Geologist, died 1832) Geikie's Founders of Geology, 1897. Hall (James, Lawyer and Descriptive Writer, born 1793) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Hall (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich 1641, died 1656). NEWLY DISCOVERED POEMS BY BISHOP HALL Gentleman's Magazine Library [Bibliographical Notes], 1889. GENERAL Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Hall (Newman, Celebrated Congregational Minister, born 1816). DR. NEWMAN HALL AT HOME Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. INTERVIEW WITH NEWMAN HALL Quiver, vol. 32, 1889. Hall (Robert, Baptist Minister, died 1831) Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. Memoirs of Sir J. Mackintosh. Shaw's Religious Humourists, 1879. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Hallam (A. H., Friend of Tennyson, subject of "In Memoriam," and Son of the Historian, died 1834) Life of Tennyson, by his Son, 1897. Hallam (Henry, Historian, died 1859) Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 24, 1890. Macaulay's Reviews, Essays, and Poems, 1890. Oliphant's Literary History, vol. 3, 1882. Smiles' Murray, 1891. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Maclise's Portrait Gallery [Portrait and Short Sketch by MaguinJ, 1873. Hallamshire, West Riding of Yorkshire. ANTIQUITIES OF HALLAMSHIRE Edinburgh Review, vol. 187, 1898. Halle, Prussia Stoughton's Homes and Haunts of Luther, 1883. Halle (Sir Charles, Eminent Musician, died 1895) Men and Women of the Day, 1889. Halld (Lady, Wife of above, born 1840). CHAT WITH LADY HALL Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. Men and Women of the Day, 1889. T [ 273 ] HALLER-HAMLIN Haller (Baron, Scientist, died 1777). MEMOIR Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., vol. 13, 1848. Halles Centrales (The "Covent Garden" of Paris) Sala's Paris Herself Again, 1879. Hallet (Joseph, Nonconformist Divine, died 1744) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840. Halley (Edmund, Astronomer Royal 1720, died 1742) Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 12, 1847. Hallingbury Place, Bishop's Stortford Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illus.], 1897. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O., Shakespcrian Scholar, died 1889) Athenaeum, January 12, 1889. Daily News, January 4, 1889. Hall-Marks. LAWS OF HALL-MARKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Chaffer's Hall-Marks on Gold and Silver Plate. Hallucinations. DESCRIPTION OF HALLUCINATIONS Binet's Animal Magnetism, '87. HALLUCINATIONS AND THE SUBJECTIVE SENSATIONS OF THE SANE Brain, v. n, 1889. HALLUCINATIONS IN RELATION TO GENIUS Nisbet's Insanity of Genius, 1891. ILLUSIONS AND HALLUCINATIONS The Literary World, vol. 56, 1897. INDUCED TELEPATHIC HALLUCINATIONS Podmore's Apparitions, 1894. INSTANCES OF HALLUCINATIONS Binns' Anatomy of Sleep, 1842. See also Insanity. Halsbury (Lord [H. S. Giflfard] , Lord High Chancellor, born 1825) Montagu Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1890. Ham, Egypt. LAND OF HAM Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. GENERAL M'Causland's Builders of Babel, 1871. Ham House, Surrey. DESCRIPTION OF HAM HOUSE Eng. Illustrated, vol.8, 1890-1. Hamadan, Persia Bishop's Persia and Kurdistan, 1891. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 13, 1830. Wills' Modern Persia, 1881. Haman (Persian Courtier, Fifth Century B.C.). CHARACTER OF HAMAN Treasury of Religious Thoughts, 1891. Fausset's Biblical Cyclopedia, 1891. Hamburg 1 (City and State of the German Empire). HAMBURG HARBOUR LIFE Good Words, vol. 34, 1893. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, V.D. Hamerton (Philip Gilbert, Art Critic and Author, born 1834). LIFE AND WORKS Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. GENERAL Scribner's Magazine, vol. 5, 1889. Hamid II. (Sultan of Turkey, born 1842). BRIEF SKETCH Strand Mag., vol. 6, 1893. See also Abdul Hamid II. Hamilcar (Son of Hanno, Carthaginian General, slain at the Battle of Himera 480 B.C.) Bosworth Smith's Carthage and the Carthaginians. Freeman's Hist, of Sicily, '91. Hamilcar Barca (Carthaginian General, died 229 B.C.) Mommsen's Rome, vol.2, 1875. Dr. Arnold's Rome, vol. 3. Bosworth Smith's Carthage and the Carthaginians. Hamilton (Alexander, American Statesman, died 1804). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. [1855. GENERAL Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Irving's Life of Washington, Hamilton (Elizabeth, Countess ofGrammont, one of the Beauties of the Court of Charles II., died 1708) Anderson's Scottish Nation, 1880. Jesse's Court of England, 1840. Hamilton (John, Lord Belhaven, supporter of the Darien Scheme, died 1708) Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. Hamilton (John McLure, Artist and Portrait Painter, born 1853). A STUDY OF JOHN McLuRE HAMILTON Art Journal, 1896. Hamilton (Katharine, Sister of Patrick Hamilton, the Martyr) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, 1855. Hamilton (Lady [Emma Lyon], Nelson's Mistress, died 1815). NELSON'S MEETING WITH LADY HAMILTON Mahan's Life of Nelson, 1897. GENERAL Calton's Annals of Calais, 1852. Paget's Paradoxes and Puzzles, 1874. Southey's Life of Nelson, 1830. Hamilton (Patrick, a Scottish Reformer, burned 1528). LIFE OF HAMILTON M'Crie's Miscellaneous Writings. Chambers' Eminent Scotsmen, 1840. Hamilton (Sir W., Envoy at the Court of Naples, 1766) Long's Lady Hamilton, 1891. Mahan's Life of Nelson [with Portrait] , 1897. Hamilton (Sir William, Scottish Philosopher, died 1856). REVIEW OF MILL ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON Crete's Minor Works, 1873. GENERAL Shepherd and Williamson's Life of Carlyle, 1881. Hamilton (William, Poet, died 1754) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Roper's Track and Trail, 1891. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Hamlet (Shakespearian Character). A GUESS AT THE ORIGIN OF HAMLET National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. CENTURY OF HAMLET Harper's Magazine, vol. 79, 1879. FROM AN ACTOR'S PROMPT BOOK Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. HAMLETS I HAVE SEEN Daily Graphic, vol. 9, 1892. GENERAL Theatre, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1880, and vol. 3 (n.s.), 1881. Hamley (Sir Edward Bruce, General. Writer on Military Subjects, died 1893). REVIEW OF SHAND'S LIFE OF HAMLEY Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 1896. .e Unitt ;azine," [274] Hamlin (Hannibal, Vice-President of the United States under Lincoln, died 1891). Two VICE-PRESIDENTS Century Magazine,-vol. 28, 1895. HAMMER-HANGING Hammer. POWER HAMMERS AND STEAM HAMMERS Spoil's Dictionary of Engineer- ing (Supplement), 1879. STEAM HAMMER [Biography of Inventor] Boy's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1890. Hammerfest (Norwegian Seaport) Tromholt's Aurora- Borealis, 1885. Hammersmith (London Western Suburb). DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF HAMMER- SMITH Suburban Homes of London, 1881. HAMMERSMITH AND ITS MUNICIPAL WORK London, vol. 5, 1896. GENERAL Emerson's London, 1862. And under London. Hammock (A hanging Bed). ALL ABOUT HAMMOCKS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1880. HAMMOCK MAKING AND NETTING Hutchison's Indoor Games, 1891. Hammond (H., Theologian, died 1660) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Hampden (John, Politician and Opponent of Charles I., died 1643). DEATH OF HAMPDEN Price's Protestant Nonconformity, 1836. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 6, 1846. Hampden (Viscount [H. B. Brand], Speaker of the House of Commons, died 1892) Biographies Reprinted from " The Times," vol. 5, 1896. Hampshire. A HAMPSHIRE COMMON Longman's Magazine, vol. 30, 1897. ANCIENT POTTERIES OF THE NEW FOREST, HANTS Archaeological Jour., vol. 30, 1873. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN HAMPSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano- British Remains, part i], 1887. ODIHAM CASTLE, HANTS Archaeological Journal, vol. 29, 1872. ROYAL COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. SOME HAMPSHIRE HOSPITALITIES Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. TICHBORNE DALE Chambers' Book of Days, vol. i, 1864. WALK THROUGH HAMPSHIRE Mortimer Collins' Pen Sketches, 1879. See also Portsmouth., Southampton, etc. Hampstead (London Northern Suburb). BANK HOLIDAY ON HAMPSTEAD HEATH London, vol. 5, 1896. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF HAMPSTEAD Suburban Homes ot London, 1881. PUBLIC LIBRARIES AT HAMPSTEAD London, vol. 5 [with Illustration], 1896. STROLL ROUND HAMPSTEAD AND HIGHGATE Walford's Londoniana, 1879. Hampstead Hill (Short Poem) Cornhill Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. Hampton Court. HAMPTON COURT CONFERENCE, 1604 Chambers' Book of Days, HAMPTON COURT IN BYGONE YEARS National Review, v. 28, 1896-7. [vol. i, 1864. HAMPTON COURT PALACE Chambers' Journal, vol 69, 1892. HAUNTED HAMPTON COURT Borderland, vol. 4, 1897. ROYAL GHOSTS IN HAMPTON COURT PALACE Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. GENERAL Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Land we Live in, vol. 2, 1853. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891-2. Hanby (T., died 1796) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 2, 1878. Hand. BEAUTIFUL HANDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. CARE OF THE HANDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. DESIGN OF THE HAND Bell's Bridgewater Treatise, 1833. How THE HANDS ARE HELD Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1893. GENERAL Hone's Table Book, 1866. Strand Magazine, vol. 5, 1893. Handcuffs Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. Handel (George Frederick, German Musical Composer, died 1759). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. HANDEL AND THE HANDEL FESTIVALS Fortnightly Review, vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. HANDEL IN ENGLAND Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1897. HANDEL'S ENGLISH EXPERIENCE AND INFLUENCE Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. MAN AND MUSICIAN Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. MOTHER OF HANDEL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. GENERAL Crowest's Tone-Poets, 1891. Ferris' Musical Composers, 1893. Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. Naumann's Music, vol. 4, 1886. Rowbotham's History of Music, 1893. Temple Bar, vol. 86, 1889. Handicrafts. GREEK AND ROMAN HANDICRAFTS Seyffert's Classical Antiq., 1895. Handkerchiefs. How BANDANA [HANDKERCHIEFS ARE MADE Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain. Handturning. ART OF HANDTURNING Rankine's Machinery and Millwork. See also Lathe, Turning, Woodwork, etc. Handwriting 1 . FREAKS AND TRICKS IN HANDWRITING Cassell's Mag., vol. 22, 1896. HANDWRITING OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. HANDWRITING OF FAMOUS DIVINES Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1897. HANDWRITING OF MAD PEOPLE Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. HANDWRITING OF THOMAS CARLYLE Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. RUSKIN'S HANDWRITING Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. THE DREYFUS CASE : A PUZZLE IN HANDWRITING Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. See also Autographs, Caligraphy, Paleography, Writing. Hanging. CHAPTER ON HANGING Book of Table Talk [Knight], 1836. [275] HANNIBAL-HAREMS Hannibal (Carthaginian General, died 183 B.C.) Dr. Arnold's Rome, vol. 3, 1849. Bosworth Smith's Carthage and the Carthaginians. Moiiim sen's Rome, v. 2, 1887. Hannington (James, Missionary, Bishop, and Traveller, martyred 1885) Japp's Good Men and True, 1889. Mackay of Uganda, 1892. Hanno (Carthaginian Navigator). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. GENERAL Bosworth Smith's Carthage and the Carthaginians, 1878. Hanotaux ("Albert Auguste Gabriel, French Statesman, born 1853) Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1898. Hanover Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, V.D. Haydn's Dates, 1895. Hanoverian Dynasty. HOUSE OF HANOVER Coxe's Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, 1847. Thackeray's Four Georges, 1880. WIVES AND DAUGHTERS OK THE ROYAL HOUSE OF HANOVER Girl's Own Annual, GENERAL Williams' Philips' Picturesqe History of England, 1886. [vol. 14, 1893. Hansard. ("Hansard's" Parliamentary Debates) Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Hanseatic League (Confederation of German Cities). OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE HANSEATIC LEAGUE Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 9, 1881. Hanson (T., died 1804) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 6, 1878. Hanway (Jonas, English Traveller and Philanthropist, died 1786) Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. Smiles' Self Help, 1860. Happiness. DUTY OF HAPPINESS Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. HAPPINESS OF YOUTH Godwin's Enquirer, 1797. How TO SECURE HAPPINESS IN THE MARRIED STATE British Essayists, vol. 2, 1823. Hardy's How to be Happy though Married, 1885. ON PEACE AND HAPPINESS Lubbock's Use and Pleasures of Life, 1891. SECRET OF HOME HAPPINESS AND WEALTH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 746], 1883. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Hapsburg Dynasty (Race of German Princes and Sovereigns) Felbermann's Hungary. See also Habsburg, and tinder Austria, Germany, Spain, etc. Harbours. ALBERT HARBOUR AT GREENOCK Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. HARBOURS AND WATERWAYS Engineer, vols. 81-2, 1896. [Engineers, 1861-2. HARBOURS OF INDIA Engineer, vol. 81. 1896. GENERAL Smiles' Lives of the Harcourt (Sir William Vernon, English Statesman, born 1827). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894, and vol. 14, 1896. GENERAL Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1895. Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. Hardenberg (Frederick von [" Novalis "], German Poet and Philosopher, died 1801) Japp's German Life and Literature, 1880. Harderwyk, Holland Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee 1876. Hardicanute (Son of Canute and Emma). ACCESSION OF HORTHOCANUTE Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1895. Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. i, 1870. Hardinge (Nicholas, Poet and Arch&ologist, died 1758) Jesse's Celeb. Etonians, 1875. Hardinge (Lord, Viceroy of India, died 1856) Adams' Makers of British India, 1888. Hardres (Sir Thomas, Serjeant-at-Law, died 1681) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Hardware. MANUFACTURE or HARDWARE Great Industries of Great Britain, 1878. Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire. RAMBLES OF AN ANTIQUARY IN HARDWICKE HALL Antiquary, vol. 33, 1897. GENERAL Jewitt & Hall's Stately Homes of England. Pall Mall Mag., vol. 9, 1896. Hardwicke (Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1764) Campbell's Lives of the Chancellors, 1856-7. Trevelyan's Early History of C. J. Fox, 1880. Hardy (Dudley, Artist, bom 1867). INTERVIEW Woman, November, 1896. Hardy (Thomas, A well-known Novelist, born 1840). MR. HARDY AS A DECADENT OPEN LETTER TO THOMAS HARDY Steuart's Letters. [National Rev., vol. 27, 1896. GENERAL Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. Men and Women of the Day, 1889. Hardy (Sir T. Duffus, Palaeographer, died 1878) Athenaeum, vol. i, 1878. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1890. Hardy (T. M., Captain of the " Victory," Nelson's Flagship, at the Battle of Trafalgar) Mahan's Life of Nelson [with Portrait] , 1897. Southey's Life of Nelson, 1888. Hare. CARE OF PET HARES Edwards' Minor Pets, 1887. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, HAUNTS AND HABITS OF HARES Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. [vol. 17, 1848. RABBITS AND HARES Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. GENERAL Folk-lore, vol. 7. Fur and Feather, series, 1896. Hare (John, Actor, born 1844) Theatre, vol. 26 (n.s.), 1895. Hare (Julius, Author, Archdeacon of Lewes 1840, died 1855). HARE CORRESPONDENCE, 1843-55 Hughes' Life of Daniel Macmillan, 1882. NOTES ON JULIUS HARE Maurice's Life of F. D. Maurice, 1884. GENERAL Rigg's Modern Anglican Theology, 1857. Harefleld (Village near Uxbridge). PILGRIMAGE TO HAREFIELD Cassell's Mag., v. 8, '82. Harems. AMONG THE WOMEN OF THE HAREM The Humanitarian, vol. 12, 1898. AN AFRICAN HAREM Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1871. SULTAN OF TURKEY AND HIS HAREM Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. GENERAL Martineau's Eastern Life, Past and Present, 1850. [276] HABGREAVES-HARRISON Hargreaves (James, Inventor of the Spinning Jenny, died 1778) Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies, 1874. :Harham Hall Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration] , 1897. Harlamoff (Alexis, Russian Portrait Painter, born 1844) Ewart's Toilers in Art, 1891. Harland (Henry). THE STORY-TELLER AT LARGE Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1898. Harlech (Ancient Capital of Merionethshire). HARLECH CASTLE Clark's Military Architecture, 1884. GENERAL Murray's Guide to North Wales, V.D. Harlequin (An Actor in a Pantomime) Chambers' Book of Days, vol. 2, 1864. Harlesden Green. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF HARLESDEN GREEN Suburban Homes of London, 1881. And under Kilburn and Willesden. Harley (Robert, First Earl of Oxford, Statesman, died 1724) Coxe's Marlborough, 1847. Harley Papers. HARLEIAN LIBRARY IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 162, 1897. MANUSCRIPTS OF His GRACE THE DUKE OF PORTLAND AT WELBECK ABBEY Edinburgh Review, vol. 187, 1898. Harlingen, Holland Hivard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Harlow (George Henry, Portrait Painter, died 1819) Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 2, 1879. Harmonica (Musical Instrument) Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. I, 1879. Harmonics. PRODUCTION OF HARMONICS Bernstein's Five Senses of Man, 1885. Harmonium (Musical Instrument). How TO PLAY THE HARMONIUM Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. GENERAL Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. i, 1879. Harmony. STUDY OF HARMONY Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Also Music, etc. Harmsworth (Alfred C., Journalist, born 1865) MORNING CALLS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. Harness (W., Vicar of All Saints, Knightsbridge) L'Estrange's Friendships of Mary Russell Mitford, 1882. Harness (Horse Harness). See Horse (The). Harold (Saxon King of England, killed at the Battle of Hastings 1066). BURIAL OF HAROLD AT WALTHAM Andrews' Bygone Essex, 1892. LAST OF THE SAXON KINGS: Passages in his Life and Reign Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5, 1877. Tennyson's Harold: a Drama, 1892. SUPREMACY OF HAROLD Church's Early Britain, 1891. GENERAL Freeman's Norman Conquest, 1869. Sir Wm. Temple's Works, 1757. Haroun-al-Raschid (A famous Caliph of Bagdad, 786-809) Draper's Intellectual Development, 1875. Palmer's Sketch [New Plutarch Series], 1880. Harp (Stringed Musical Instrument). How TO PLAY THE HARP Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. GENERAL Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. i, 1879. " Harp that once through Tara's Halls " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Harpenden, Hertfordshire. A-PRETTY HERTFORDSHIRE VILLAGE Art Jour., v. 10, 1894. Harpsichord (Ancient Musical Instrument) Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. i, 1879. Synd's Ancient Musical Instruments, 1897. Harraden (Beatrice, Novelist, born 1864). BEATRICE HARRADEN AT HOME Young Woman, vol. 5, 1896-7. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Woman at Home, vol. 6, 1897. Harrar, East Africa. TRADE OF HARRAR Board of Trade Journal, vol. 23, 1897. VISIT TO HARRAR Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 156, 1894. Johnston's Africa, 1884. Harrier. DESCRIPTION OF THE BIRD AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. i, 1848. THE MARSH HARRIER Morris' British Birds, vol. i, 1891. Harrington (Sir John, Poet, died 1582) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844 Harrington (Sir John, Son of the preceding, died 1612) New Review, vol. 15, 1896. Harris (Sir Augustus, noted Theatrical Manager, died 1896). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 2, i8gt. GENERAL Sala's Famous People I have Met, 1892. Theatre, vol. 9 (n.s.), 1887. Harris (Lord, the famous Cricketer, born 1851) Cassell's Saturday Journal [Interview, with Portrait], vol. 15, 1896-7. Harris (Thomas Lake, an American Evangelist) Oliphant's Life of Laurence Oliphant, vol. 2, 1891. Oxley's Modern Messiahs, 1889. Harris (Major W. C., Abyssinian Traveller, 1841) Hotten's Abyssinia, 1868. Harrisburg (Capital of Pennsylvania) Dickens' American Notes, 1892. Harrison (Anne, Lady Fanshawe, died 1679) Biographies of Good Women. Temple Bar, vol. 3, 1861. Harrison '(Benjamin, 23rd President of the United States of America, 1888-92). CHARACTER SKETCH. By T. J. Morgan Review of Reviews, vol. 6, 1892. Harrison (Clifford, Actor). CHAT WITH CLIFFORD HARRISON Young Woman, vol. 5, 1896-7. [277] HARRISON-HATCHING Harrison (Frederick, Positivist Essayist, born 1831). INTERVIEW WITH FREDERICK. HARRISON Great Thoughts, vol. 9, 1897. MODERN ENGLISH ESSAYIST Great Thoughts, vol. 9, 1897. Harrison (John, Chronometer Maker, died 1776) Longman's Magazine, vol. I, 1882-3. Harrogate, Yorkshire (Noted for its Mineral Springs) Black's Where Shall We Go ? Harrow, Middlesex (Noted for its College, founded 1571). DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF HARROW Suburban Homes of London, 1881. GREAT NAMES AT ETON AND HARROW Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. HARROW SCHOOL English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. Staunton's Great Schools of England, 1865. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5, 1879-80 Harrowden. HARROWDEN HALL GIRLS' SCHOOL Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. Harsnet (Samuel, Archbishop of York, died 1631) Brook's Lives of the Puritans, 1813. Harte (Francis Bret, American Poet and Novelist, born 1839). EARLY RECOLLECTIONS- OF BRET HARTE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. INTERVIEW WITH FRANCIS BRET HARTE Idler, vol. i, 1892. Hartington (Marquis of, Present Duke of Devonshire, Postmaster-General 1868) Gladstone Government, 1869. See also Devonshire (Duke of). HartZ District. THE HARTZ JOURNEY Heine's Pictures of Travel, vol. I, 1892. TOWNS OF THE HARTZ DISTRICT Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. GENERAL Baedeker's Northern Germany. Mountains and Mountain-Climbing, 1883. Harvard University, U.S A. CEDIPUS TYRANNUS OF SOPHOCLES ACTED AT HARVARD Jebb's CEdipus Tyrannus (Appendix, 1893. UNDERGRADUATE LIFE AT HARVARD Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1897. GENERAL Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 23, 1830. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Trollope's North America, 1862. Harvest. HARVEST CUSTOMS Frazer's Golden Bough, r8go. HARVEST HOME CUSTOMS Andrews' England in the Days of Old. NOTES ON HARVEST CUSTOMS Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 7, 1889. [Book, 1866. GENERAL Chambers' Book of Days, vol. 2, 1864. Hone's Every-Day Book and Year Harvest Bug Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1877. Harvest Child Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Harvey (William, Physiologist, discovered the Circulation of the Blood, died 1657) Cunningham's English Nation [Portrait], vol. 2. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 7, 1846. Lives of British Physicians [Fam. Lib.], 1830. Harwich (A Municipal Borough, Seaport, and Market Town of Essex). DOVERCOURT AND HARWICH Watson's Tendring Hundred, 1884. DEEPENING OF HARWICH HARBOUR Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. Haschisch (Hashish, or Indian Hemp, used as a Drug in the East). DESCRIPTION OF HASCHISCH Johnston's Chemistry of Common Life, 1855. Haslemere, Surrey Black's Guide to Surrey, V.D. Brayley's Surrey, 1850. Hassobury Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. Hastings (A Parliamentary and Municipal Borough, and famous Watering Place of Sussex). BATTLE OF HASTINGS, 1066 Constable's Historical Novels (Harold), 1897. Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles, 1877. Valentine's Land Battles, 1880. DUNGEON CELLS AT HASTINGS CASTLE Sussex Archaeological Collection, vol. 40. HASTINGS CASTLE Clark's Medijeval Military Architecture, 1884. HASTINGS OLD AND NEW Art Journal, 1895. PRIMEVAL REFUSE HEAPS AT HASTINGS [Kitchen Middens] Nat. Science, v. 11,1897. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION OF HASTINGS Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Black's Where Shall We Go ? V.D. Black's Sussex, V.D. Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1893. Land We Live In, vol. 2, 1853. Hastings Family. RISE AND RACE OF HASTINGS Archaeological Jour., vol. 26, 1869. Hastings (Francis, Marquess of, died 1826) Adams' Makers of British India, 1888. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 5. Hastings (Warren, Governor-General of India, died 1818). ESSAY ON WARREN HASTINGS Macaulay's Essays, 1881. IMPEACHMENT OF WARREN HAST(NGS Parke's Life of Francis, 1867. TRIAL OF WARREN HASTINGS Ward's Madame D'Arblay, 1890. GENERAL Burke's Works, 1890-3. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 8, 1830. Macaulay's Hastings, etc. Macaulay's Reviews, 1894. Macfarlane's History of British India, 1881. Merydew's Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888. Walpole's Life of Perceval, 1874. Hatasu (Queen of Egypt, daughter of Tothmes I., 18th dynasty). QUEEN HATASU AND LAND OF PUNT Edwards' Pharaohs, Fellahs, and Explorers, 1892. GENERAL Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1896. Sayce's Higher Criticism and the Monuments, 1894. Kinns' Graven in the Rock, 1891. Hatch (Dr. E., An eminent and learned Theologian, died 1889) Expositor, vol. I (4th ser.). Hatching. ARTIFICIAL HATCHING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. [ 278 ] HATCHMENT-HAWKINS Hatchment (The Funeral Escutcheon, placed in front of the House of the deceased Owner). USAGE OF HATCHMENTS Cussan's Handbook of Heraldry, 1869. Hatfleld House, Hertfordshire (Seat of the Marquis of Salisbury, built in 1611). SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. STATESMEN'S HOMES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 2, 1879-80. Jewitt & Hall's Stately Homes of England, 1873. Quarterly Review, vol. 141, 1876. Hatherley (Baron, [Sir William Page Wood], Lord High Chancellor, 1868) Gladstone Government : being Cabinet Pictures by a Templar, 1869. Hatred Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Cracroft's Essays, 1868. Hats. BONNETS AND HATS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, CHAPTER ON HATS Book of Table-Talk [Knight], 1836. [1880. ESSAY ON HATS Doran's Habits and Men, 1855. HAT-MAKING Smiles' Huguenots, 1874. Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. HATS AND HAT- WORSHIP Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. HATS AND HEAD-DRESS Planche's Cyclopedia of Costume, 1898. HATS OF TO-DAY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. THE TALL HAT AND ITS ANCESTORS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1896. THE TOP HAT Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. WOMEN'S HATS AND THE HEIGHT OF ABSURDITY English Illustrated, vol. 15, 1896. See also Costume, Head-dress, etc. Hatton (Sir C., Statesman 1580) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Haunted Houses. PSYCHICAL RESEARCH AND AN ALLEGED "HAUNTED" HOUSE Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. SOME GOBLIN HAUNTED HOUSES Borderland, vol. 4, 1897. Haunted People, etc. Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1848. See also Ghosts. Hauran (The), Syria Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 3, 1830. Hausa People Dr. Barth's Travels in Central Africa, 1873. Leisure Hour, 1895. Havana (Capital of the Island of Cuba). CIGAR AT HAVANA Temple Bar, vol. 91, 1891. GLIMPSES OF HAVANA AND THE HAVANESE Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1898. HOTELS IN HAVANA Fronde's English in the West Indies, 1888. GENERAL Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Chambers' Journal, vol. 48, 1871. Humboldt's Travels, 1852. Russell's North America, 1857. Havelock (Sir Henry, English General during the Indian Mutiny, died 1857) Edgar's Heroes of England, 1861. Archibald Forbes' Men of Action, 1890. Inglis' Siege of Lucknow, 1892. Kaye & Malleson's Indian Mutiny, 1897. See also India, etc. Havergal (Frances Ridley, Popular Hymn Writer and Poetess, died 1879). BRIEF SKETCH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, :888. Havre (A important Seaport Town in the Department of Seine InfMeure, France) Baedeker's Guide to Paris, V.D. Baedeker's Northern France, V.D. Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Hawaiian Islands (Known as the Sandwich Islands, an A rchipelago in the North Pacific). A BOTANIST'S VACATION IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Nature, vol.47, 1893. BELIEFS IN HAWAII Frazer's Golden Bough, i8qo. HAWAIIAN REVOLUTION Nineteenth Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1893. TROUBLES IN HAWAII Daily Graphic, vol. 21, 1895. WHY NOT ANNEX HAWAII? English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. GENERAL Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1892-3. Mountains and Mountain-Climbing, 1883. See also Sandwich Islands. Hawarden. HAWARDEN COSTLY. (Residence of the late Right Hon. W.E.Gladstone) Archaeological Jour., vol. 27, 1870. Cassell's Mag. [Statesmen's Homes], vol.22, 1896. Clark's Military Architecture, 1884. Crickmore's Old Chester, 1895. THE HOME OF THE GLADSTONES Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886. Murray's Guide to North Wales, V.D. Haweis (Rev. H. R., Author, born 1818). INTERVIEW, WITH PORTRAIT The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. GENERAL Men and Women of To-day, 1888. Hawes (Stephen, Poet, died about 1523) Ward's English Poets, vol. I, 1880. Hawk (The). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, DIFFERENT SPECIES OF HAWKS Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. [vol. 1,1888. HAWKS AND MODERN FALCONRY Cornhill Magazine, vol. i, 1848. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Falconry. Hawke (Lord Edward, Naval Commander, fought against the French in 1747, died 1781). FATHER OF THE BRITISH NAVY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 73, 1896. MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 6, 1818. GENERAL Cunningham's English Nation [portrait], vol. 3. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Hawking 1 . GRAND FALCONER OF FRANCE: His Privilege and State Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. HAWKING IN THE OLDEN TIME [Illustrated Articles] Chambers' Book of Days, vol. 2, 1834. Hone's Year Book, 1866. GENERAL Chambers' Jour., vol. 71, 1894. Hawkins (Edward, Provost of Oriel College, Oxford, 1828) Burgon's Good Men, 1888. Mozley's Reminiscences of Oriel College, etc., 1882. [279] HAWKINS-HEALTH Hawkins (Sir Henry, Judge of the High Court, created liaron Krampton 1899, born 1817) Idler, vol. 15, 1899. Men and Women of the Day, 1889. Montagu Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1890. Hawkins (Sir John, Naval Commander, fought against the Spaniards, died 1595. EARLIER EXPLOITS OF HAWKINS Fox Bourne's English Seamen, 1868. MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 2, 1818. Hawkins (William, a Sergeant-at-Law, died 1746)) Woolrych's Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law of the English Bar, 1869. HawkWOOd (Sir John, the Leader of an armed Mercenary Hand in Italy, Latinised as " Acutus," dud 1394). EXPLOITS OF SIR JOHN HAWKWOOD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 73, 1896. GENERAL Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1872-8. Hawthorne (Nathaniel, American Author, died 1864). DOUGLAS JERROLD AND HAWTHORNE Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. ESSAY ON HAWTHORNE Field's Yesterdays with Authors, 1872. Poe's Works, 1874-5. GENERAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1895. Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. Hay (James, Earl of Carlisle, Statesman, friend of James I., died 1636) Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, 1857. Haydn (Franz Joseph, German Composer, died 1809). ANECDOTE OF HAYDN Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. GENERAL Argosy, vol. 12, 1871. Crowest's Tone-Poets, 1891. Ferris' Musical Composers, 1893. Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. Naumann's Music, v.4, 1886. Haydon (Benjamin Robert, Historical Painter, died 1846) Cunningham's British Painters, 1879. Hall's Book of Memories. Bryant's Diet, of Painters & Engravers. Hayes (Catherine, Irish Actress, died 1861) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Hay-FeverChambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. Haymarket Theatre. RECOLLECTIONS OF THE HAVMARKET THEATRE Theatre, GENERAL Baker's London Stage, 1889. [vol. 1,1880. Hay ti or St. Domingo (A n Island of the West Indies). PEARL OF THE ANTILLES Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. GENERAL Froude's English in the West Indies, 1888. Haydn's Dates, 1892. Hazael (King of Syria, usurped the Throne after murdering his Master, died after 860 B.C.) Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 4, 1878. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Hazlltt Family. HAZLITTS IN AMERICA A CENTURY SINCE Antiquary, vol. 10, 1884. Hazlitt (William. Essayist and Critic, died 1830). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Mag., vol. 55, 1886-7. GENERAL Cornhill Mag., vol. 31 [p. 467], 1875. Gilfillan's Literary Portraits, 1845. Merydew's Love-Letters of Famous Men, etc., 1888. Patmore's Friends, 1854. Talfourd's Life of Charles Lamb, 1892. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Head. NATIONAL PECULIARITIES IN THE FORM OF THE HEAD Bell's Anatomy ot Expression, 1872. SANCTITY OF THE HEAD Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. SOME SHAPES OF HEADS Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. See also Brain, Craniology, Phrenology, Physiognomy, Skull. Head (Sir Francis Bond, Bart., Soldier and Essayist, died 1875) Smiles' Murray, 1891. Headaches. ABOUT HEADACHES National Review, vol. 25, 1895. RECURRENT HEADACHES IN CHILDREN Brain, vol. 3, 1880-1. Head-Dress. ECCENTRICITIES IN HEAD-DRESS Good Words, vols. 37-38, 1897-8. See also Bonnets, Hair, Hats, etc. Headley (Joel Tyler, American Writer) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. HEALTH. A FEW WORDS ON HEALTH Lubbock's Use of Life, 1894. ARE THE INDUSTRIAL CLASSES NECESSARILY UNHEALTHY ? Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain. CHAPTER ON HEALTH AND HOBBIES Smiles' Life and Labour, or Characteristics of Men of Industry, etc, 1887. CIVILIZATION AND HEALTH Meliora, vol. 12, 1869. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. DYETARY OF HELTH. By Andrewe Boorde Early English Text Society's Reprint (extra series), No. 10, 1870. ESSAY ON HEALTH Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. Yonge's Womankind, 1876. HEALTH AND LONG LIFE Sir William Temple's Works, vol. 3, 1757. HEALTH-DRINKING Chambers' Book of Days, vol. 2, 1864. Hone's Every-Day HEALTH IN A HEALTH RESORT Longman's Mag., vol. i, 1882-3. [Book, vol. i, :866. HEALTH OF ENGLISH TOWNS Daily Graphic, vol. 24, 1895. HEALTHY HOUSES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 574], 1883. HINTS ON HEALTH AND NURSING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. How A CONSUMPTIVE FOUND HEALTH Cassell's Magazine, vol. 9, 1883. How TO BE HEALTHY IN SPRINGTIME Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [p. 411], 1877. INFLUENCE OF OCCUPATION ON HEALTH Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects, LIGHT AND HEALTH Meliora, vol. 10, 1867. [1857. [280] HEALTH-HEBREWS Health (continued) . MIND AND THE HEALTH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. PHYSICAL, MENTAL, AND MORAL HEALTH Positivist Review, vol. i, 1893. PROVINCIAL HEALTH LAWS Gosnell's Year Book of British Columbia, 1897. ROYAL ROAD TO HEALTH Chambers' Journal, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1897. SCIENCE OF CHANGE OF AIR National Review, vol. 27, 1896. SEED-TIME OF HEALTH Richardson's The Commonhealth, 1887. STRENGTH, HEALTH, AND BEAUTY Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. TRAVELLING FOR HEALTH Clark's Sanative Influence of Climate, 1846. WEATHER AND HEALTH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. WOMAN'S HEALTH Chester's Girls and Women, 1891. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3, 1861. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, i88<;. Good Words, vol. 7, 1866. Keith's Plea for a Simpler Life, 1896. Temple's Works, 1757. Ward, Lock's Univ. Inst., v. 3, 1884. Hearing. HEARING IN ANIMALS Good Words, vol. 5, 1865. HEARING OF ANTS, BEES, AND WASPS Sir J. Lubbock's Ants, Bees, & Wasps, 1885. SENSE OF HEARING Bain's Senses and the Intellect, 1868. THE PRESERVATION OF HEARING Longman's Magazine, vol. 32, 1898. Hearne (Thomas, Water-Colour Painter, died 1817) Monkhouse's Earlier English Water-Colour Painters, 1890. Heart. CURIOUS HEART BEQUESTS AFTER DEATH Chambers' Book of Days, v. 2, 1864. DAILY LABOURING FORCE OF THE HUMAN HEART Nature, vol. i, 1870. MOTIONS AND SOUNDS OF THE HEART British Association Report, 1835. NEUROSAL AND REFLEX DISORDERS OF THE HEART Brain, vol. i, 1878-9. ORGANIC EFFECTS OF FEELING Bain's Senses and the Intellect, 1868. " Hearts Of Oak " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. HEAT. ACTION OF HEAT ON CEMENT Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. ANIMAL HEAT Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. CONDUCTION OF HEAT Tail's Recent Advances in Physical Science, 1876. CONVERSION OF HEAT INTO FORCE, ETC. Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 6, 1891. DYNAMICAL THEORY OF HEAT Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (Supp.), 1879. FRICTIONAL HEAT Wormell's Thermodynamics, 1892. HEAT REGULATOR Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. HEATING OF CONSERVATORIES Fawkes' Horticultural Buildings, 1886. HUDSON ON THE RADIATION OF HEAT British Association Report, 1835. KELLAND ON THE LAWS OF CONDUCTION OF HEAT British Association Report, 1841. LATENT HEAT Rankine's Steam Engine, 1891. LAWS OF HEAT Buckle's Civilization in England, 1868. MEASUREMENT OF HEAT Wright's Threshold of Science, 1891. MODERN THEORY OF HEAT Molloy's Gleanings in Science, 1888. NATURE OF HEAT Clark's Treatise on Steam and the Steam Engine, 1892. NATURE OF HEAT AND MODE OF MEASURING IT Holmes' Steam Engine, 1891. NOTES ON HEAT Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. i. 3, and 4, 1897. POWELL ON RADIANT HEAT British Association Report, 1831-2. RADIATION OF HEAT Henry's Scientific Writings, 1886. Science Lectures at South Kensington, 1878. SOLAR HEAT AS A MOTIVE POWER Student of Science, Literature, and Art, v. 3, 1869. SUBTERRANEAN HEAT Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. GENERAL Billing's Scientific Materialism, 1879. Buckley's Short History of Natural Science, 1894. Every Boy's Book, 1888. Pepper's Boy's Playbook of Science, 1881. Heath (Nicholas, Archbishop of York, died 1579) Heylyn's Hist, of Reformation, 1859. Heath (Miss [Mrs. Wilson Barrett], born 1837) Theatre, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1879. Heathenism. FACE TO FACE WITH HEATHENISM Paton's Autobiography, 1891. GENERAL Milman's Christianity, 1875. Heathfleld (George Augustus Elliott, Lord, died 1790) Anderson's Scottish Nation vol. 2 [portrait]. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 4 [portrait]. Mahan's Life of Nelson [portrait], 1897. Heaven. HEAVENLY STATE Hamilton's Rewards and Punishments, 1853. VARIOUS IDEAS OF HEAVEN Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. [Thought, 1891. GENERAL Expositor, vol. i, 1875. Good Words, vol. i, 1860. Treasury of Religious Heavens. MOHAMMEDAN BELIEF CONCERNING THE HEAVENS Sale's Koran, 1891. Heber (Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta, died 1826). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. GENERAL Lester's Criticisms, 1853. Heber (Richard, a Bibliomaniac, died 1833) Chambers' Book of Days, vol. 2, 1864. Heberden (W., Physicist, died 1801) Lives of British Physicians [Family Library], 1830. Hebich (Samuel). BIOGRAPHY Japp's Master Missionaries, 1880. Hebrews. HEBREW MORALITY Evolution of Christianity [Williams & Norgate], 1883. HEBREW PERSONAL NAMES Hommel's Ancient Hebrew Tradition, 1897. HEBREW RACE Formby's Monotheism, 1877. ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF HEBREW POETRY Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 6. Driver's Introduction to the Literature of the Old Test., 1892. ORIGIN AND DESCENT OF THE HEBREWS Duncker's History of Antiquity, 1878-82. GENERAL Josephus' Works, 1874. See also Bible, Jews, Old Testament, etc. [281] HEBRIDES-HELMSLEY Hebrides. CRUISE AMONG THE HEBRIDES Longman's Magazine, vol. 14. 1880. Miller's Cruise of the " Betsy," 1869. FOLK-LORE FROM THE HEBRIDES Folk-LofC, Vol. 8, 1897. FROM THE HEBRID ISLES Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6. JOHNSON'S TOUR TO THE HEBRIDES Croker's Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1860. WEEK IN THE HEBRIDES Chambers' Journal, vol. 10, 1848. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 50, 1882. Hebron Geikie's Holy Land and the Bible, 1891. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Hedgehog. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., vol. 17, DESCRIPTION OF HEDGEHOG Wood's Lane and Field, 1891. [1848., GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. Every Boy's Book, 1888 Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Heding-ham Castle Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. Hedonism (The Science of Ethics) HEDONIC ESTHETICS Mind, vol. a, 1893. RATIONAL HEDONISM International Journal of Ethics, vol. 5, 1894-5. GENERAL Lang's Life : Is it worth Living, 1883. Heels. FASHIONS IN HEELS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. [World, 1882. Heemskerk (Jacob Van, Explorer, died 1607). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the Hegel (George Wilhelm Frederich, German Philosopher, died 1831). ETHICS OF HEGEL International Journal of Ethics, vol. 2, 1891-2. HEGEL TO-DAY The Monist, vol. 7, 1896-7. HEGEL'S DIALECTIC : Changes of Method Mind, vol. i, 1892. HEGELIANISM AND ITS CRITICS Mind, vol. 3, 1894. GENERAL Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. E. Caird's (Master of Balliol) Hegel [Philosophical Classes Series] . Prof. W. Wallace's Hegel and Hegelianism, 1894. Heidelberg Argosy, vol. 3 [page 390], 1867. Baedeker's Rhine, V.D. Hardwicke's- Rambles Abroad in France, Germany, etc., 1890. Stoughton's Homes and Haunts of Luther, 1883. Stowe's Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854. Heilmann (Josue). HEILMANN AND WOOL-COMBING MACHINERY Burnley's Wool, 1889. Heine (Heinrich, German Poet and Satirist, died 1856). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's - Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. HEINRICH HEINE Cosmopolis, vol. 8, 1897. LAST DAYS OF HEINE. By Dr. Karpeles Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890. GENERAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. Hekla (Volcanic Mountain in Iceland) 'Lock's Home of the Eddas, 1879. Mountains. and Mountain-Climbing, 1883. Hele (Sir John, Lawyer, died 1608) Woolrych's Eminent Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Heleigh Castle, Staffordshire Journal of the British Archaeological Assoc. (n.s.), v. 2. Helen Of Troy (Wife of Menelaus, Legendary King of Sparta; abducted by Paris, Prince of Troy) Cornhill Magazine, vol. 31, 1875. Helena. CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S HELENA Jameson's Characteristics. of Women, 1858. Helensburgh (A well-known tetatering-place opposite Greenock, and a few miles froin- Glasgow) Black's Guide to Glasgow, V.D. Heligoland. BIRD-CATCHING IN HELIGOLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 13, 1896. DESCRIPTION OF HELIGOLAND English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. SUNDAY UNDER THE SHADOW OF HELIGOLAND Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. HeliOgraphy Tissander's History and Handbook of Photography, 1878. Heliopolis (An Ancient Egyptian City) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1846. Hell. HAPPINESS IN HELL Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. HELL, NO PART OF DIVINE REVELATION Dr. Manley in " Arena," vol. 17, 1897. VARIOUS IDEAS OF HELL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. GENERAL Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. See also Future State, Hades, etc. Hellenes. See under Greece, etc. Heller (S., Musical Composer, 1880) Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. Hellespont. ACROSS THE HELLESPONT Poole's Turkey [Story of the Nations], 1891. Hellflre Clubs (So named from their Profane Orgies, suppressed in 1721). ACCOUNT OF HELLFIRE CLUBS Chambers' Book of Days, vol. i, 1864. Helmets. ACCOUNT OF AN EXHIBITION OF HELMETS AND MAIL Archaeological Journal, vol. 37, 1880. HELMETS OF THE HOMERIC POEMS Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 4, 1883. NOTE ON HELMETS Proceedings of tne Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, vol. 30. ROMAN HELMETS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Romano-British Remains, Part ii.j, 1887. Helmholtz (Hermann Ludwig von, Prussian Physicist and Physiologist, born 1821). AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ Helmholtz's Scientific Subjects, 1893. PHYSICAL WORK OF HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ Nature, vol. 51, 1895. GENERAL Daily Graphic, vol. 19, 1894. Nature, vol. 50, 1894. Scribner, vol. 18, 1895. Helmsley (A Township of Yorkshire) Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. [282] HELOISE-HBNRY VIII. Heloise (French Abbess, died 1164). HELOISE AND ABELARD Vandam's Amours of Great Men, vol. i, N.D. HELOISE AND ABELARD Westminster Rev. ^01.32,1838-9. Helps (Sir Arthur, Historian and Essayist, died 1875) Macmillan's Mag., vol. 31, 1874-5. Helsingfors, Finland Stoddard's Across Russia, 1892. Heist (B. Van der, Dutch Painter, 1660) Gower's Figure Painters of Holland, 1881. H. J. W. Buxton's German and Flemish and Dutch Painting, 1881. Helvetians. ORGETORIX AND THE HELVETIANS Hug's Switzerland, 1890. Hemans (Mrs. Felicia Dorothea, Lyrical Poetess, died 1835). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. GENERAL Argosy, vol. 28, 1879. Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Gilfillan's Literary Portraits, vol. 2, 1853. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. Rossetti's Lives of Famous Poets, 1885. Walford's. Authoresses, 1892. Ward's Eng. Poets, vol.4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, '87. Hemenway (Mary, American Philanthropist, died 1894) Leisure Hour, 1894. Hemp. ON THE CULTIVATION ON FLAX AND HEMP Husbandry, vol. 3 [1837]. Doyle's Cyclopedia of Husbandry, 1844. USE OF HEMP IN MODERN EGYPT Lane's Modern Egyptians during 1833-5. GENERAL Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, vol. 2, 1867. Henchman (H., Bishop of London, 1663) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Henderson (Alexander, Scottish Ecclesiastic and Diplomatist, died 1646). LIFE OF HENDERSON M'Crie's Miscellaneous Writings, 1841. Henderson (John, Actor, died 1785). HENDERSON AS HAMLET Brereton's Famous. Hamlets from Burbage to Fechter, 1884. GENERAL Theatre, vol. 7 (n.s.), 1885. Hendon. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF HENDON Suburban Homes of London, 1881. Hendrik (Hans, Arctic Traveller). AN ICE HERO Good Words, vol. 21, 1880. Henke (Heinrich, died 1809) Roscoe's Life of Leo X., 1883. Henley-in-Arden. TYPE OF GROWTH OF ENGLISH MARKET TOWN Birmingham and Midland institute, vol. 21. GENERAL Black's Guide to Warwickshire, V.D. Henley-on-Thames (Celebrated Riverside Resort). HENLEY REGATTA Nautical Magazine, vol. 66, 1897. Leslie's Our River, 1881. Henrietta Maria (Queen-Consort of Charles I., died 1669) Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Henrietta Maria (Daughter of Charles I., Duchess of Orleans, died 1670) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Henry I. (King of England, ninth Duke of Normandy, died 1135). THE TEXT OF HENRY I.'s CORONATION CHARTER Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 8 (n.s.), 1891. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, 1839. Henry II. (King of England, tenth Duke of Normandy, died 1187) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, 1839. Robertson's Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1859. Henry III. (King of England, died 1272) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Henry IV. (King of England, died, 1413). LETTERS OF HENRY IV. Macmillan's Mag., TOMBS OF THE ENGLISH KINGS Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. [vol. 68, 1893. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Smyth's Modern History, 1860. Henry V. (King o~f England, died 1422). HISTORICAL NOTICES OF THE CRADLE OF HENRY V. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 4, 1876. PRINCE HAL Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 2, 1883. TOMBS OF THE ENGLISH KINGS Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. YOUTH OF HENRY V.Cornhill, vol.43, 1881. Ewald's Stories from State Papers, 1882. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chan- cellors, 1856-7. Heroes of England. Hosack's Law of Nations, 1882. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 2, 1845. Henry VI. (King of England, supposed to have been murdered in the Tower, 1471). HENRY VI. AND HIS ASSOCIATES Eton Portrait Gallery, 1876. TRANSACTIONS IN BRISTOL IN REIGN OF HENRY VI. Proc. Archaeological Inst., 1851. GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Henry VII. (King of England, died 1509) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Henry VIII. (King of England, inaugurated the Reformation in England, died 1547) DEATH AND BURIAL OF HENRY VIII. Lee's Sketches of the Reformation, 1879. DEATH OF HENRY VIII. Froude's History of England, 1871. HENRY VIII. 's BOOK Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8, 1880. HENRY VIII. 's PROGRESS IN LINCOLNSHIRE Proc. of Archaeological Inst., 1848. KING HENRY VIII. AT WOLF HALL Lee's Sketches of the Reformation, 1879. LETTERS OF HENRY VIII. AGAINST LUTHER Ellis' English History, N.D. MAIDEN'S TOWER, WINDSOR Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 3, 1880. MISTRESS JANE SEYMOUR Antiquary, vol. 33, 1897. NEW LIGHTS ON THE DIVORCE OF HENRY VIII. English Historical Rev., v. 12,1897. GENERAL Bridget t's Life of Fisher, 1883. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Price's Protestant Nonconformity, 1836. Roscoe's Life of LeoX., 1883. Smyth's Modern History, 1860. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Yonge's Catharine of Aragon, 1881. [283] HENRY II.-HERCULANEUM Henry II. (King of France, died 1559) Lady Jackson's Court of France [Portrait], 1886. Henry III. (King of France, assassinated 1589) Lady Jackson's Last of the Valois [Portrait], 1888. Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, 1892. Humes' Courtships of Queen Elizabeth, 1898. Henry IV. (King of France, assassinated 1610). ACCESSION OF HENRY or NAVARRE Lady Jackson's Last of the Valois, 1888. GENERAL Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 9, 1846. Lady Jackson's First of the Bourbons [Portrait], 1890. Motley's Life of Barneveld, 1875. Henry (J., American Physicist, 1832) Bolton's Famous Men of Science, 1890. Henry (M., Nonconformist Theologian, 1687) Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, '74. Henry (Patrick, American Patriot and Orator, died 1799). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER. By Bradley Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891-2. Henry (P., Nonconformist Minister, died 1696) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration. 1870. Henryson (Robert, Poet, died about 1480) Tytler's Scottish Worthies, 1831. Ward'* English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Henselt (Adolph, German Pianist, born 1814) Walker's Musical Experiences, 1890. Henslow (Prof., Botanist, died 1861) Darwin's Letters, 1887. Heptarchy. THE HEPTARCHY AN EXPLODED NOTION Freeman's Norman Con- quest, vol. i, 1870. GENERAL Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 1852. Beracletus (Greek Philosopher, died 475 B.C.) Seyffert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. HERALDRY. ANOMALIES OF HERALDRY Book of Table Talk [Knight], 1836. ARMORIAL BEARINGS Hallam's Europe during the Middle Ages, 1878. ARMORIAL CHINA Antiquary, vol. 4, 1881. BADGES, ETC., FOR THE ARMY United Service Magazine, vol. 137, 1897. BURLESQUE HERALDRY Chambers' Book of Days, vol. i, 1864. HERALDIC BOOK PLATES Geneological Magazine, vol. i, 1897. HERALDIC SCIENCE Lacroix's Science and Literature in the Middle Ages, 1878. HISTORICAL AND PRACTICAL HERALDRY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. HUMOUR IN HERALDRY Journal of the Ex-Libris Society, vol. i, 1892. HUMOURS OF HERALDRY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. NOTES ON LOCAL HERALDRY Trans. Cuinb. and West. Antiq. Society, vol. 14. ON SOME GARTER-KING-AT-ARMS Antiquary, vol. 16, 1887. ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL HERALDRY Crane's Bases of Design, 1898. SCOTTISH HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY Archaeological Journal, vol. 48, 1891. SURNAMES AND ARMS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. GENERAL Hulme's Birth of Ornament, N.D. Loftie's Westminster Abbey, 1891. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries. Williams' History of Wales, 1869. Herald's College Walford's Londoniana, 1879. Cassell's Old and New London, vol i, 1872. Heraud (John A., Poet and Dramatist, died 1887) Lester's Criticisms, 1853. Herat (Capital of the most westerly of the three divisions of Afghanistan). A RECENT RIDE TO HERAT Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 6, 1890. DEFENCE OF HERAT IN 1838 Dr. Macaulay's Stirring Stories, 1885. RUSSIA'S DESIGNS UPON HERAT VambeYy's Struegle for India, 1885. GENERAL Boulger's England and Russia in Central Asia, 1879. Ferrier's Caravan Journeys, 1856. Herbalists. HERBALISTS, CHARLATANS, JUGGLERS, AND TUMBLERS Jusserand's Wayfaring Life in the Fourteenth Century, 1892. Herbarium (An Anglo-Saxon Herbal) Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1877. Herbert (Arthur, Earl of Torrington, Commander-in-Chief, fought in the Ljutch Wars, died 1716). MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 3, 1818. Herbert (Sir Edward, Lawyer, died 1608) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Herbert (George, Poet, died 1633). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Girl's O. A.,v. 14,1893. GEORGE HERBERT AND BEMERTON Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, 1887. Quiver, vol. 31, 1896. HOME LIFE AND WORK OF HERBERT Sunday nt Home, vol. 41, 1894. LIFE OF GEORGE HERBERT Bullen's Walton's Lives, 1884. GEI> Herbert LuiaiKi b i^eiMicai vv tilers, 1030. O.NE.KAL. i nuniuuiy & n.iuiueu JL.UIIUUU, loou. Herbert (Sir Thomas, Author and Traveller, died 1682). His PETITION TO OLIVER CROMWELL Montgomeryshire Collections, vol. 29. Herbert (William, Earl of Pembroke, Poet, died 1630) Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Herbs. OUR SALAD HERBS Nature, vol. 2, 1870. GENERAL Shaw's Market and Kitchen Gardening, 1889. Also Herbarium, Herbalists. Herculaneum (Ancient City of Italy near Mount Vesuvius, destroyed 79). DESTRUCTION OF HERCULANKUM Cornhill Magazine, vol. 17 [page 282], 1868. DESTRUCTION OF HERCULANEUM AND POMPEII Hartwig's Subterranean World, VISIT TO HERCULANEUM Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 3, 1845. [1892. GENERAL Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1846. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1862. Murray's South Italy, V.D. Whiteside's Italy in the Nineteenth Century, 1849. [284] HERCULES-HERODOTUS Hercules (Greek Heracles, An Ancient Mythological Being, represented as the God of Strength). ANTIQUITIKS DEPICTING HERCULES Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. STATUES OF HERCULKS Lanciani's Ancient Rome, 1889. Perry's Greek and Roman Sculpture, 1882. GENERAL Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Herder (Johann Gottfried von, German Philosopher and Poet, died 1803). THE SPONSOR OF FOLK-SONG Temple Bar, vol. in, 1897. GENERAL Japp's German Life and Literature, N.D. Heredia (Jose Maria, Poet, born 1842) THE SONNETS OF Fortnightly Review, Sept., 1898. GENERAL Kennedy's Poets of Spain, N.D. HEREDITY. BEARING OF HEREDITY Schmidt's Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism, EGG-STRUCTURE AND THE HEREDITY OF INSTINCTS Monist, vol. 7, 1896-7. [1885. EVOLUTION versus HEREDITY The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. FACTS OF EXPERIENCE AND TRUTHS OF LIFE Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1897. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF HEREDITY Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. HEREDITARY GUILT Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. HEREDITARY PRINCIPLE: Aristocracy and Democracy Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 1848. HEREDITY AND CRIME IN EPILEPTIC CRIMINALS Brain, vol. 2, 1879-80. HEREDITY AS A SOCIAL FORCE Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1898. HEREDITY ONCE MORE Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. LAW OF MORAL HEREDITY Good Words, vol. 18, 1877. QUESTION OF HEREDITY Humanitarian, vol. n, 1897. RELATIONS OF ACQUIRED MODIFICATIONS TO HEREDITY Natural Science, v. n, 1897. THEORY OF HEREDITY Ray Lankester's Advancement of Science, 1890. WEISMANN ON HEREDITY AND PROGRESS. By Lloyd Morgan Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. GENERAL Cook's Boston Monday Lectures, 1881. Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. Natural Science, vol. i, 1892. Nature, vol. 47, 1893. Sunday at Home, v. 44, 1897. Hereford. DESCRIPTION OF HEREFORD CATHEDRAL Archaeological Journal, vol. 34, 1877. Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6. 1884. HEREFORD CASTLE [Site now marked by the Nelson Monument] Clark's Mediaeval Military Architecture, 1884. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY OF THE CATHEDRAL Ward, Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols., 1887. GENERAL Hissey's Across England, 1891. Herefordshire. MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND SUPERSTITIONS Gentleman's Mag. Lib., ROMAN HEREFORDSHIRE Archaeological Journal, vol. 34, 1877. [1883. GENERAL White's All Round the Wrekin, 1860. Heresy. BRANDING HERETICS Jeaffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. EXECUTIONS AND BURNINGS FOR HERESY Chambers' Book of Days, vol. i, 1864. HERESY LAWS Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. GENERAL Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Milman's Latin Christianity, 1872. Pressense's Early Years of Christianity, vol. 3, 1879. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Herkomer (Prof. H. H.), R.A. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. HERKOMER AND WELSH ART Daily Graphic, vol. 27, 1896. PROFESSOR HERKOMER AND HIS STUDENTS Cassell's Magazine, 1894. Hermes (Greek God) Seyffert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. See also Mercury. Hermione. CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S HERMIONE Jameson's Charac- teristics of Women, 1858. Hermitage Castle, Co. Wicklow Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Hermitages. NOTES ON HERMITAGES Worcester Arch. Society, 1892. OUR HERMITAGES Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Hermits. CELTIC HERMITS Kingsley's Hermits, 1891. HERMITS, ANCIENT AND MODERN All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. HERMITS OF ASIA AND EUROPE Kingsley's Hermits, 1891. Hermon (Mount), Palestine (Now Jebel-es-Sheikh, g,i$ofeet high) Expositor, v. 5, 1896. Picturesque Palestine, vol. 2 (views). Herne Bay, Kent (A Popular Watering Place). THE RISE OF HERNE BAY London, vol. 5, 1896. Herne's Oak, Windsor Forest (Blown doinnyst August, 1863, aged 650 years) Britton's Beauties of England and Wales [Engraving], vol. i, part 2. Herod the Great (King of Judea, died in the year A.D.). DEATH OF HEROD THE GREAT Lynam's Roman Emperors, 1850. GENERAL Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 5, 1874. Josephus' Works, 1897. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Milman's History of the ews, 1866. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Herodias (Wife of Philip, son of Herod the Great, who afterward married Herod Agrippa) Josephus' Works, edited by Whiston, 1897. Herodotus (Greek Historian, died B.C. 429) Church's Stories of the East from Herodotus. Seyffert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. Tancock's Story of the Persian Wars as told by Herodotus, 1897. [285] HEROES- HEYNE Heroes. ANCIENT GERMAN HEROISM Menzel's History of Germany, 1859. ESSAYS ON HEROISM Emerson's Prose Work*, 1889. HOHENZOLLERN STAGE OF HERO- WORSHIP Lucas' Sccularia, or Surveys on the HEROES AND HEROISM Cornhill Magazine, vol. 27, 1873. [Mainstream, 1859. HEROES OF THE ALBERT MEDAL Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. HEROIC VIRTUES Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. POPULAR HEROES Chambers' Journal, vol. 40, 1863. [1891. GENERAL Carlyle's Heroes and Hero- Worship, 1873. Treasury of Religious Thought, Heroines. FEMALE HEROISM Girl's Own Annual, v. i, 1880. Strand Mag., v. 14, 1897. HARD TIMES AMONG THE HEROINES Lippincot, vol. 57, 1877. WINSOME WOMEN HEROINES Great Thoughts, vol. 9, 1897. Heron (A Bird of the Stork Family). AFRICAN HERON Yarrell's Brit. Birds, v. 2, 1856. COMMON, PURPLE, AND NIGHT HERONS Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 3, 1848. GREAT WHITE HERON Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. HERON-HUNTING OF THE WANKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 14, 1897. HERONRIES OF AMERICA Michelet's The Bird, 1874. NIGHT HERON, ETC. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. GENERAL Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. Jaidine's Naturalist's Library, 1848. Herreros (Manuel Breton de los, Dramatist, died 1873) Kennedy's Poets of Spain, 1852. Herrick (Robert, Poet, died 1674). A POET OF SPRING Temple Bar, vol. HI, 1897. BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. HERRICK AND HIS FRIENDS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. HERRICK AND HIS VICARAGE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. NOTICE OF HERRICK. By Pollard Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. GENERAL Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Kent's Footprints on the Road, 1864. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Herring (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1757) Abbey's English Church, 1887. Herrings. FISHING FOR HERRINGS Simmond's Commercial Products of the Sea. FRESH HERRINGS Longman's Magazine, vol. 13, 1888-9. HERRING FISHERY IN SCOTLAND Quiver, 1897. HERRING-FISHING Chambers'Journal, vol. 6, 1846. Davies' Norfolk Broads and Whymper's The HERRING HARVEST Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4, 1 , Rivers, 1884. Whymper's The Sea : its Stirring Story of Adventure, etc., 1878-81. LOCHFYNE AND HERRINGS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. THE PERSECUTED HKRRING Chambers'Journal, vol. 13, 1896. THE POLLEN OR FRESHWATER HERRING Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1880. HerSChel (Caroline Lucretia, Astronomer, diedi^S) Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1889. Herschel (Sir Freidrich William, Astronomer, died 1822). HERSCHEL AND THE MOTION OF THE FIXED STARS Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1850. GENERAL Distinguished Men of Science, N.D. Herschel (Sir John F. \V., Astronomer-Royal, died 1871) De Morgan's Paradoxes, 1872. Stoughton's Worthies of Science, 1880. Herschel (Sir W. and C., German Astronomers) Bolton's Men of Science, 1890. Herschell (Farrer, First Baron, Lord Chancellor 1892-5, died 1899} "The Times" and other daily papers of March 2, 1899. Hertfordshire. LOCAL DISCOVERIES Gent.'s Mag. Lib. [Romano-Brit. Rem.], 1887. WITH DICKENS IN HERTFORDSHIRE Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Hertwigf (Dr. Oscar). REVIEW OF HIS WORKS Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. Hervey (Mary Lepel, Lady, Lady of Fashion, died 1768) Longman's Magazine, vol. 28, [page 452], 1896. Wharton's Queens of Sooiety, 1890. Hervey (Thomas K., Poet and Novelist, died 1859) Lester's Criticisms, 1853. Herview (M. Paul, French Novelist) Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1896. Hesiod (Earliest Epic Greek foet)SeySert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. Hesse (A State of the German Empire) Haydn's Dates, 1872. Hesselius (Gustavus, Me Earliest Painter in America, died 1755). RECENTLY-DISCOVERED RECORDS OF GUSTAVUS HESSELIUS AND OF THE FIRST PUBLIC ART COM- MISSION Harper's Magazine, vol. 96, 1898. Hessia. Two VILLAGES OF HESSIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. HetaristS. ORIGIN OF THE HETARISTS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 15, 1830. Heterocephalus. AFRICAN HETEROCEPHALUS James' Unknown Horn of Africa, '88. Hever Castle, Kent Jewitt & Hall's Stately Homes of England, N.D. Hewett (Sir William, Admiral, born 1834) Men and Women of the Day, 1888. Hewling (Hannah, Wife of Major Richard Cromwell) Anderson's Mem. Women, 1862. Heylyn (Dr. P., Historical Writer, died 1662) Jeaffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Heyne (Christian G.. Professor of Eloquence in the University of Gottingen, died 1812) Brightwell's Industry and Genius, 1863. Heyne (H., German Poet and Satirist) Carlyle's Essays, vols. i and 2, 1890. [286] HE Y WOOD -HIN DUISM Heywood (N.) Burnet's Life of Sir Matthew Hale, etc., 1774. Heywood (Samuel, Strjeant-at-Law, died after 1827) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, '69. Heywood (Thomas, Playwright, died about 1648). ROMANTIC AND CONTEMPORARY PLAYS OF HEYWOOD Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. GENERAL Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Hibachi (Japanese Hearth) Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. Hickes (Rev. George, Nonjuror and Philologist, died 1715) Stoughton's Church of the Reformation, 1870. Hierapolis (Two Ancient Cities of the Orient) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1846. Lightfoot's Epistle to the Colossians. Ramsey's Church in the Roman Empire, 1893. Ramsey's Historical Geography of Asia- Minor, 1890. Hieroglyphics. HIEROGLYPHIC ORIGIN OF THE CUNIEFORM CHARACTERS Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. HIEROGLYPHIC WRITING OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS Edwards' Pharaohs, Fellahs, and Explorers, 1892. INDIAN HIEROGLYPHICS Froebel's Seven Years' Travel in Central America, 1859. Higham, Kent Hughes' Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land, 1891. Highdere Castle, Hampshire English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. Highgate (Northern Suburb of London). ANCIENT CUSTOMS AT HIGHGATE Chambers' Book of Days, vol. i, 1864. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF HIGHGATE Suburban Homes of London, 1881. STROLL ROUND HAMPSTEAD AND HIGHGATE Walford's Londoniana, 1879. GENERAL Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, part 7], 1896. Highland Moors Recreations of Christopher North, vol. 2, 1857. Highlanders Buckle's Civilization in England, 1873. Morris' Claverhouse, 1887. Highlands Blackie's Altavona, 1883. Hone's Table Book, 1866. Queen Victoria's Our Life in the Highlands, 2 vols., 1877-85. See also Scotland. Highwaymen. See Robbers, and under names, e.g., Duval, Turpin, etc. Hilarion Mount Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. Hilarion or Hilary (St., Bishop of Poictien, Founder of Monachism in Palestine, died 367) Kingsley's Hermits, 1889. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889 HildeDrand (St., Pope Gregory VII., died 1085) Fremantle's World as the Subject of Redemption, 1885. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 4, 1872. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. Stephen's Ecclesiastical Biography, 1860. Trench's Medieval Church History, 1877. See also Gregory VII. Hildesheim (A City of Prussia) Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, V.D. Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. Hill (Aaron, Poet, died 1750) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Fry's East and West Ham, edited by Dr. Pagenstecker, 1886. Hill (George, King's Serjeant, died 1808) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Hill (Lord, General, Commander-in-Chief 1828-1842, died 1842) Alexander's Life of Wel- lington. Draper's Peninsular War. Gleig's Life of Wellington. Hooper's Life of Wellington. Yonge's Life of Wellington, 1891. Hill (Rowland, Preacher and Wit, died 1833) Shaw's Religious Humourists, 1879. Sunday at Home, vol. 24, 1877. Hill House, Messing Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. Hiller (F., Musical Composer, 1880) Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. Hills. FORMATION OF HILLS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Hilton Castle, Durham Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Himalayas (A Chain of Snow-clad Mountains in Asia). CONWAY'S JOURNEY IN THE HIMALAYAS Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. GAME OF THE HIMALAYA MOUNTAINS Leveson's Sport in Many Lands, 1862. SPORT IN THE HIMALAYAS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. GENERAL Abercromby's Seas and Skies in Many Latitudes, 1888. Moore's Queen's Empire, 1886. Mountains and Mountain-Climbing, 1883. Hindoos (Natives of India who profess the Hindu or Brahmanic Faith). CHANGES AMONG THE HINDUS Leupolt's Indian Missionary, 1884. HINDU WOMEN Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. SACRED LAWS OF THE HINDUS Maine's Early Law and Custom, 1891. THEIR DOCTRINES, IDEALS, MORALS. ETC. Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. GENERAL Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Hinduism (The Religion of the majority of the people of India). ART THEMES FROM HINDUISM Art Journal, vol. 58, 1896. BESTIALITY OF THE RELIGION OF THE HINDOOS Hornaday's Two Years in the Jungle, 1885. CHRISTIANITY AND HINDUISM Life and Letters of Rowland Williams, 1874. GROWTH OF HINDUISM Hunter's Brief History of the Indian Peoples, 1892. GENERAL Brace's Unknown God, 1890. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. [287] HIPPESLEY-HISTORY Hippesley (Sir J. C., Political Writer, died 1825) Amherst's Catholic Emancipation, '86. Hippocrates (Famous Greek Physician, died about 377 B.C.) Seyffert's Classical Dictionary of Antiquities, 1895. Hippolytus (St., Greek Father, Bishop ofPortus, died 218) Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Milman's History of Latin Christianity, 1854. Hippopotamus. ANCIENT AND MODERN HIPPOPOTAMI Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. DESCRIPTION AND PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 23, 1848. HABITS AND FOOD OK THE HIPPOPOTAMUS Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2, 1877-8. HIPPOPOTAMUS CHASE Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. REMARKS ON THE HIPPOPOTAMUS Greenwood's Wild Sports of the World, 1864. GENERAL Baker's tfile Tributaries of Abyssinia, 1883. Baker's Wild Beasts and Their Ways, 1891. Cumming's Five Years' Hunting Adventures in South Africa, 1850. Nott's Wild Animals Photographed and Described, 1886. Ward's Five Years with the Congo Cannibals, 1890. Hiram I. (King of Tyre, helped Solomon to build the Temple 1014 B.C.) SOLOMON'S GIFT OF ISRAELITISH TOWNS To HIRAM Notes and Queries, vol. r (gth series), 1898. GENERAL Ewald's Hist, of Israel, 1886. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary Hist., '87. Hirsch (Baron, An Austrian Jewish Philanthropist and Millionaire, died 1896) English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1896. Hissarlik. THE FIRST PREHISTORIC SETTLEMENT ON THE HILL OF HISSARLIK Schliemann's Troja, 1884. Gardner's New Chapters in Greek History, 1892. Schuchhardt's Schliemann's Excavations, 1891. Historians. HISTORIANS OK ESSEX Essex Review, vols. 2 and 3, 1893-4. HISTORIANS OK GREECE Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. OUR YOUNG HISTORIANS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. PHILOSOPHERS AND HISTORIANS OK ENGLAND Oliphant's Literary History of England, 1882. Historical Phrases Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. HISTORY. (See also under names of Countries, etc., e.g., England, France, Germany, Alexander, Casar, Alfred, etc.) ADDRESS ON HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. ANCIENT HISTORY Church's Historical Stories, N.D. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. i, 1882-4. Seyffert's Classical Dictionary of Antiquities, 1895. ANCIENT HISTORY : The Epoch of the Hittite, Khita, Canaanite, Etruscan, etc. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6, 1877. ARCHEOLOGY, LITERATURE. AND HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. BABYLONIAN CHRONOLOGY AND HISTORY Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol.5 (n.s.), 1891. BRIBE SURVEY OK RECENT HISTORICAL WORK Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. DESIRABILITY OK TREATING HISTORY AS A SCIENCE OK ORIGINS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. EARLY HISTORY or THE MEDITERRANEAN POPULATIONS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 10, 1882. EARLY INTERCOURSE OK THE FRANKS AND DANES Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6, 1877; vol. 7, 1878; and vol. i (n.s.), 1884. ECONOMICAL SIDE OK HISTORY Rogers' Economic Interpretation of History, 1891. EVOLUTION OK AN HISTORIAN Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. GROUNDS AND SOURCES OK HISTORY Hamilton's Nugae Literariae, 1841. HISTORICAL RESEARCH Trans, of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. HISTORICAL SKETCHES: THE BLOODY ASSIZE AND THE MASSACRE OF GLENCOE Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 2, 1890. HISTORICAL SOCIETY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. HISTORY AND ASSASSINATION Trans, of Royal Historical Society, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1889. HISTORY AND ITS SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. HISTORY AND TRADITION Simonias' Underground Life, 1869. HISTORY ON THE FACE OK ENGLAND Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. i (n.s.), 1884. How HISTORY is WRITTEN IN AMERICA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. How TO LEARN HISTORY Bain's Education as a Science, 1889. How TO STUDY HISTORY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [page 826], 1882. How TO TEACH HISTORY Manual of the Science and Art of Teaching, 1879. How TO WRITE HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 66 [page 221], 1892. IBERIAN AND BELGIAN INFLUENCE IN BRITAIN Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc., vol. i (n.s.), IMAGINATION IN HISTORY New Review, vol. 17, 1897. [1884. MATERIALS FOR A DOMESTIC HISTORY OK ENGLAND Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc., v. 2, 1873. MODERN HISTORY Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. i, 1882-4. Dr. Arnold's Introductory Lectures on Modern History, 1860. MORALS IN HISTORY International Journal of Ethics, vol. i, 1890-1. NEW SPIRIT IN HISTORY Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. NOTES ON THE STUDY OK HISTORY Trans. Royal Historical Society, vol. 8, 1880. OBJECT OF HISTORY Tolstoi's Napoleon and the Russian Campaign, N.D. ON THE WRITING OF HISTORY Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. PERPLEXITIES OF ORIENTAL HISTORY Trans. Royal Historical Soc., vol.2 (n.s.),i885. PICTURESQUENESS IN HISTORY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. POLITICS AND HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. [288] HISTORY-HOHENZOLLERNS History (continued). PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF THE RENEWAL OF THE WAR BETWEEN ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN 1803 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8 (n.s.), 1894. REVIEW OF JEWISH HISTORY FROM A.D. 44 TO 58 Lewin's Life and Epistles of St. Paul, 1890. SCIENCE OF HISTORY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. g, 1881. SHOULD HISTORY BE TAUGHT BACKWARDS? Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. STUDY OF HISTORY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i, 1872. STUDY OF HISTORY : Depression of English Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. STUDY OF HISTORY IN SCHOOLS Fitch's Lectures on Teaching, 1889. THE TEACHING OF HISTORY IN SCHOOLS Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 4 (n.s.), 1889; UNIVERSAL HISTORY E. S. A.'s World in which I Live, 1865. [and vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. UNWRITTEN HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. VOLTAIRE, HIS RELATION TO THE STUDY OF HISTORY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 10, 1882. WIT OF HISTORY Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5 [p. 300], 1895. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Farrar's Social and Present-Day tuestions, 1892. Freeman's Methods of Historical Study, 1886. Froude's Short tudies on Great Subjects, 1891. Macaulay's Reviews, Essays, and Poems, 1890. Stubb's Seventeen Lectures on the Study of Mediaeval and Modern History, 1886. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Hitcham (Sir Robert, King's Serjeant, died 1636) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Hittites (Ancient Oriental Race). EPOCH OF THE HITTITE, KHITA, CANAANITE, ETRUSCAN, ETC. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6, 1877. HISTORICAL CONNECTIONS OF THE HITTITES Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1889. Hoadley (Benjamin, English Prelate, Controversial Writer of the Eighteenth Century, died 1761) Abbey's English Church, 1887. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Hoaxes. SWINDLES AND HOAXES Sampson's Advertising from the Earliest Times, 1875. De Morgan's Budget of Paradoxes, 1872. Hobart (Chief Town of Tasmania and Seat of the Government). SOME TASMANIAN ASPECTS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. GENERAL Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Hobart-Hampden (Hon. A. C., Admiral, died 1886). HOBART PASHA Longman's Magazine, vol. 9, 1886-7. Hobbes (Thomas, Philosopher, died 1679). HOBBES' WRITINGS Leland's View of the Deistical Writers, 1836. [1873. SIR WM. MOLESWORTH'S EDITION OF THE WORKS OF HOBBES Crete's Minor Works, GENERAL Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 8. Whewell's History of Moral Philosophy in England, 1852. Hobhouse (John Cam, Lord Broughton) Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, '78. HobSOn (Admiral) Boy's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1880. Maclise's Portrait Gallery [Character Sketch by Maguin, and portrait], 1883. Hockey. GIRLS AT HOCKEY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Every Boy's Book, 1888. Hocking (Silas K., A merican Writer) Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. Hofer (Andreas, A Tyrolean Peasant and Patriot, died 1810). BRIEF SKETCH Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. Hofftnann (Charles Fenno, A merican Poet and Novelist, died 1884) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Hog. THE DOMESTIC, THE PAPUAN, AND THE WART HOG Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 23, 1848. See also Pig. Hogarth (William, Painter and Engraver, died 1764). BOYHOOD AND SUCCESS OF W. HOGARTH Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. ESSAY ON WILLIAM HOGARTH Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 6, 1890. MARRIAGE A-LA-MODE Hazlitt's Essays on the Fine Arts, 1873. OLD ENGLISH MASTERS [Cole's New Series] Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL Cunningham's British Painters, vol. i, 1879. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 12. Muther's History of Modern Painting, vol. i, 1895. Lawrence's Life of Fielding, 1855. Oliphant's Historical Sketches of the Reign of George II., 1869. Sharp's Painters. Thackeray's English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century, 1858. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1893. Hogg (James. The Ettrick Shepherd, Scottish Poet, died 1835). BRIEF SKETCH Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. GENERAL Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 14, 1846. Hall's Book of Memories. Hood's Peerage of Poverty. Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women. Smiles' Murray, 1891. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Maclise's Portrait Gallery [Character Sketch by Maguin, with Portrait]. Hohenloh, Germany. IN HOHENLOH LAND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. Hohenstaufen (German Princely Family). THE POSES AND THE HOHENSTAUFEN Trench's Medieval Church History, 1877. Hohenzollerns (German Imperial Family). HOME OF THE HOHENZOLLERNS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 6, 1895. U [ 289 | HOJEDA-HOLMES Hojeda (Alonzo, Spanish Explorer). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Hokkaida. HAIRY TRIBES OF THE HOKKAIDA Pall Mall Magazine, vol. a, 1893-4. HolbergT (Louis, Father of Modern Danish Literature, died 1754) Brightwell's Annals of Industry and Genius, 1869. Holbom (A portion of London lying just outside the old Roman Wall, now the W.C. District). REMARKS ON HOLBORN AND ITS CHURCH Loftie's London, 1880. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. Walford's Old and New London, 1872-8. Holcroft (T., Novelist and Dramatist, 1809) Paul's Life of Godwin, 1876. Holden (Sir Isaac, Methodist Preacher, died 1898). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. HOLDEN AND WOOL-COMBING MACHINERY Burnley's History of Wool and Wool- GENERAL The Young Man, vol. n, 1897. [Combing, 1889. Hole (Very Rev. S. Reynolds, Dean of Rochester, bom 1819). MEMORIES OF DEAN HOLE All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. Holford (Sir Henry, Bart., C.B., A Noted Marksman, born 1828) Strand Mag., v 6, 1893. Holidays. AUTUMN HOLIDAYS National Review, vol. 25, 1895. BANK HOLIDAYS: A PLEA FOR ONE MORE Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. ESSEX SEASIDE HOLIDAY RESORTS The Schoolmaster, vol. 52, 1897. HINTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Daily Graphic, vol. 15, 1893. HOLIDAY HAUNTS Windsor Magazine, vol. 6, 1897. HOLIDAY RAMBLE TO CASTLETON Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1874. How TO EARN A SUMMER HOLIDAY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. LODGINGS AND HOLIDAYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. LONG HOLIDAYS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. OCTOBER HOLIDAYS Truth, vol. 18, 1885. SINS OF St. LUBBOCK Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. GENERAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. Holker (Sir John, Lawyer) Montagu Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1890. HOLLAND. (See also Amsterdam, Hague, Netherlands, etc.) ARTIST STROLLS IN HOLLAND Harper's Magazine, vol. 69, 1884. BEHIND DIKES AND DUNES Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. BROUGHAM IN HOLLAND Brougham's Life, 1881. CUSTOMS IN HOLLAND Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. DESCRIPTION OF HOORN AND ENKHUIZEN English Illustrated Mag., vol. 7, 1889-90. DESCRIPTION OF NYMEGEN English Illustrated; Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. DUTCH CANALS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18 (n.s.), 1892. DUTCH GIRLHOOD English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. FLAGELLATION IN GERMANY AND HOLLAND Cooper's History of the Rod, 1877. HOLLAND AND HER LITERATURE IN THE I7TH CENTURY Macmillan's Mag., v. 60, HOLLAND AND THE TRANSVAAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 9, 1881. [1889. HOLLAND, QUEEN WILHELMINA OF (Crowned 1898). AT THE COURT OF THE NETHERLANDS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1897. CHILDHOOD AND GIRLHOOD OF QUEEN WILHELMINA English Illustrated, vol. SUNDAY WITH THE QUEEN OF HOLLAND Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. [18, 1897. LABOUR COLONIES OF HOLLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. MONETARY MOVEMENTS OF 1600-1621 IN HOLLAND AND GERMANY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 9 (n.s.), 1895. OUTDOOR LIFE IN HOLLAND Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. [1885. PICTURES IN HOLLAND, ON AND OFF THE CANVAS, 1877 Verney's Peasant Properties, PICTURESQUE QUALITY OF HOLLAND Scribner's Mag., vols. 2, 1887; 5, 1889; and REMARKS ox HOLLAND Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. [10,1891. SOME DUTCH CHARACTERISTICS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. THE DUTCH AT HOME Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 6, 1890. THE EYE OF THE GREY MONK Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. THE QUEEN OF HOLLAND AND THE ROYAL PALACES Strand Mag., vol. 7', 1894. WINTER IN HOLLAND All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. GENERAL Rivington's Notes of Travel in Europe in the Years 1856-64. J. E. Rogers' Holland [Story of the Nations Series], 1889. Holland ([Henry Fox], Pint Lord Holland, died 1774) Brougham's Statesmen of the Times of George III., 1843. Macaulay's Lord Holland, etc. Trevelyan's Early History ot C. J. Fox, 1881. See also Fox (Henry). Holland (Sir Henry, Bart., M.D., Physician, died 1873) Meteyard's Group of Englishmen [1795-1815], 1871. Hollenthal S^guin's Black Forest : its People and Legends, 1885. Holloway College for "Women, Egham, Surrey Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. Holly. NOTES ON THE HOLLY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1881. Holm-Cultram Abbey, Cumberland Archaeological Journal, vol. 24, 1867. Holmes (Oliver Wendell, American Essayist and Poet, died 1894). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Longman's Magazine, vol. 28, 1896. Cassell's Celebrities of the Century, 1889-90. [1892. OPEN LETTER TO OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES Steuart's Letters to Living Authors, PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES Cent. Mag.,v. 49, 1894-5. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1896-7. Leisure Hour, vols. 43 and 44, 1894-5. Longman's Magazine, vol. 8, 1886. National Review, vol. 27, 1896. [290] HOLMES-HOMICIDE Holmes (Randle). THE FOUR HANDLE HOLMES OF CHESTER [Antiquaries, Heralds, and Genealogists, 1571-1707] Journal of the Chester Archaeological Soc., (n.s.), v. 4. Holroyd (Earls of Sheffield). HISTORY OF THE HOLROYD FAMILY Burke's Portraits of Distinguished Females, 1833. Holstein. CUSTOMS IN HOLSTEIN Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. " ROB ROY" IN HOLSTEIN Macgregor's "Rob Roy" on the Baltic, 1892. Holy Ghost (A ccording to Trinitarians the Third Person in the Holy Trinity). ANGLICAN DOCTRINE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Bishop Pearson on the Creed, 1821. DOVE, THE SYMBOL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Expositor, June, 1894. H. B. SERCHE ON THE HOLY SPIRIT Dictionary of Christian Biography. HARE ON THE MISSION OF THE COMFORTED Moberley's Bampton Lectures, 1870. Is THE HOLY GHOST A REALITY? Haweis' Broad Church, 1891. THE HOLY SPIRIT AND INSPIRATION Gore's Lux Mundi, vol. 8, 1889. THE HOLY SPIRIT THE SPIRIT OF FAITH Bishop Thirlwell's Essays, Speeches, and Sermons, 1880. THE REAL PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Dr. R. W. Dale's Lectures on the Ephesians, 1890. GENERAL Dr. Abbott's Kernel and Husk, 1886. J. C. Conybeare's Modern Inter- pretation of the Holy Spirit. Expositor, March, 1895 [Bishop Chadwick], Gibson's Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England, vol. i, 1896. Holy Grail (The legendary Holy Vessel from which Christ dispensed the Wine at the Last Supper). ROMANCE OF THE SEINT GRAAL, OR HOLY GRAIL Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 49, 1871. Tennyson's Poems, 1894. Holy Island or Lindlsfarne (An Island off the North-East Coast of England). OFF THE BEATEN TRACK Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. Holy Land. See Palestine. Holy Places Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. And under Jerusalem, Palestine, etc. Holy W^ellS. HOLY WELLS: their Legends and Superstitions Antiquary, vols. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 1890-2. OUR HOLY WELLS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Holyhead (An Island off the West Coast of A nglesey) Murray's Guide to N. Wales, V.D. Holyrood (A Palace of Edinburgh). VISIT TO HOLYROOD Queen Victoria's Our Life in the Highlands, 1868. Rogers' Social Life in Scotland, 1884-6. Holz (Arno). A GERMAN POET OF REVOLT Fortnightly Review, vol. 51 (n.s.), 1897. Home. HISTORY OF HOME Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. PLEASURES OF HOME Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. WOMAN'S INFLUENCE ON THE DECORATION OF THE HOME Woman, Feb., 1895. GENERAL Hardy's How to be Happy though Married, 1886. Home Rule (In British Politics a measure advocated by Liberals in regard to Ireland). CANADIAN OPINION ON HOME RULE Dublin Review, vol. 16, 1886. FUTURE OF HOME RULE Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. HOME RULE BILL Ellis' Life of Gladstone, 1892. Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. IRISH PARTY AND HOME RULE Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. LORD CARNARVON AND HOME RULE Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1899. SUGGESTION AS TO HOME RULE Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. ULSTER AND HOME RULE Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. " Home, Sweet Home" (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. HOMER (Ancient Greek Epic Poet, flourished about 1250 B.C.) AGE OF HOMER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 39, 1878-9. ANDREW LANG ON HOMER Scribner's Magazine, vol. 12, 1892. ESSAY ON HOMER Froude's Short Studies on Great Subjects, vol. i, 1891. GLADSTONE ON HOMER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. GLADSTONE'S HOMER AND THE HOMERIC AGE Freeman's Historical Essays, 1871-9. HOMER AND DR. SCHLIEMANN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. HOMER AND HIS TRANSLATORS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. Matthew Arnold's Lectures on Homer, 1861. HOMER AND THE HOMERID.E De Quincey's Works, 1862-74. HOMER THE BOTANIST Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 56, 1887. [Homer, 1887. HOMERIC POEMS Posnett's Comparative Literature, 1886. Jebb's Introduction to LIFE IN HOMER'S TIME Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. Gardner's New Chapters in Greek History, 1892. ON THE THEOLOGY OF HOMER Blackie's Horae Hellenic*, 1874. PROFESSOR BLACKIE ON HOMER Stoddart's John Stuart Blackie, 1895. RECENT HOMERIC STUDIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. Schuchhardt's Schliemann's Excavations, 1891. Homes. CONVALESCENT HOME, HIGHGATE Strand Magazine, vol. i [p. 197], 1891. COTTAGE HOMES FOR THE AGED POOR Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. DR. BARNARDO'S HOMES Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. HEALTHY HOMES Smiles' Thrift, 1875. HOME FOR LOST DOGS Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. HOMES IN CITY, SUBURB, AND COUNTRY Scribner's Magazine, vols. 5-8, 1889-90. Miss RYE'S GIRLS' HOMES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. QUEEN'S HOMES Leisure Hour, vol. 37, 1888. GENERAL Burdett's Hints in Sickness, 1.883. Young Ladies' Book, 1859. Homicide (The killing of one human being by another) Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. [ 291 ] HOMILIES-HOPE Homilies (Discourses or Sermons on some subject of Religion). DISCOURSE ON THE HOMILIES Macuiillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. OLD ENGLISH HOMILIES AND HOMILETIC TREATISES Early English Text Society's Reprints, Nos. 29 and 34, 1867-8. OLD ENGLISH HOMILIES OF THE TWELFTH CENTURY Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 53, 1873. THE BLICKLING HOMILIES OF THE TENTH CENTURY, WITH TRANSLATIONS AND- NOTES Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 58, 1874. See also Religion, Sermons, Theology, etc. Honduras. BRITISH HONDURAS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 75, 1896-7. SPORT IN BRITISH HONDURAS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Honesty. ON PROFIT AND HONESTY Spofford's Lib. of Choice Literature, v. 4, 1890. GENERAL J. A. P.'s Proverbs of Solomon Classified and Arranged. Treasury ot Religious Thought, 1891. Honey. COLLECTION OF HONEY Natural History of Insects [Family Library], Honeycomb. STRUCTURE OF HONEYCOMB Natural Hist, of Insects [Family Lib.] Honeydew (A sweet saccharine substance found on the leaves of trees and other plants in- small drops like dew). DESCRIPTION OF HONEYUEW Grant Allen's Falling in. Love, and other Essays. 1891. Longman's Magazine, vol. 5, 1884-5. Honfleur (A Seaport of France on the Estuary of the Seine) Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Hong-Kong (An Island on the S.E. coast of China belonging to the British). HONG-KONG AND THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. JUBILEE OF A CROWN COLONY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18 (n.s.), 1892. THE HARBOUR OF HONG-KONG Allom & Wright's China, vol. i, 1857. GENERAL Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Bird's Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither, 1883. Caine's Trip Round the- World, 1892. Cornhill Mag., vol. 37 [p. 27], 1878. Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Milne's Life in China, 1858. Honiton, Devonshire Gentleman's Mag. Library [English Topography, part iii.], 1893. Honolulu (The Capital of the Sandwich Islands) Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Brassey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1879. Froude's Oceana, 1886. HonoriUS (Archbishop of Canterbury, died 653) Hook's Archbishops, vol. i, 1868-75. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. HonoriUS II. (Lambert, Pope 1124, died 1130) Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. HonoriUS III. (Pope, died 1227) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 6, 1875. Honthorst (Gerald Van, Dutch Painter, died 1656) Gower's Figure Painters of Holland, 1881. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1886. Hooch (Pieter de, Dutch Painter, died about 1681) Gower's Fig. Painters of Holland, '81. Hood (Alexander, Viscount Bridport, Admiral, died 1814) James' Naval Hist., v. i, 1837. Hood (Samuel, Viscount, Admiral, died 1816) James' Naval History, vol. 4, 1837. Mahan's Life of Nelson, 1897. Southey's Life of Nelson, 1883. Hood (Thomas, Poet and Humourist, died 1855). BRIF.F SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Macmillan's Mag., vol. 2, 1860. Bryan's Diet, of Painters and Engravers, 1886. ESSAY ON THEODORE HOOK AND THOMAS HOOD Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. ESSAY ON THOMAS HOOD Stedman's Victorian Poets, 1876. GENERAL Gilfillan's Literary Portraits, vol. 2, 1851-4. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Hodder's Memories of My Time, 1870. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890. Merydew's Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women, i88. Temple Bar, vol. no, 1897. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Hook (J. C., Artist, born 1819) CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. Hook (Theodore Edward, Journalist, Novelist, and Dramatist, died 1841). ANECDOTES OF THEODORE HOOK All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891. THEODORE HOOK, SATIRIST AND NOVELIST Temple Bar, vol. 103, 1894. GENERAL Argosy,, vol. 64, 1897. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Oliphant's Literary History, vol. 3. Wharton's Wits and Beaux, 1890. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. The Maclise Portrait Gallery [Portrait and Character Sketch by Maguin]. Hooke (John, Serjeant-at-Law, died 1712) Woolrych's Eminent Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Hooker (Sir J. D., noted Botanist, born 1817) Darwin's Life and Letters, 1887.- Hooker (Richard, Theologian and Master of the Temple, died 1600) Buckle's Civilization in England, by Grant Allen, 1885. Coleridge's English Divines, 1853. Jeaffreson's Book About' the Clergy, 1870. Walton's Lives, 1884. Hooper (John, Bishop of Gloucester, burnt 1555). HOOPER ON GOSPELLERS Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. GENERAL Froude's History of England. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Hooper (4 Wild Swan) Morris' British Birds, vol. 5, 1891. Hoorn, Holland Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Hope. A FEW WORDS ON HOPE Lubbock's Use of Life, 1896. GENERAL British Essayists, vols. 9, 13, 14, 19, 21, 22, and 24, 1823. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. [292 ] HOPE-HORSE Hope (Anthony [Anthony Hope Hawkins], Novelist and Dramatist, born 1863). INTER- VIEW, WITH PORTRAIT Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. Hope (Sir Thomas, Lord A dvocate of Scotland, died 1646) Anderson's Scottish Nation [Portrait], vol. 2, 1880. Hopetown, South Africa Boyle's To the Cape for the Diamonds, 1873. Hopkins, the Witchflnder Andrew's Bygone Essex, 1892. Hopper (C.) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. i, 1865. Hoppner (John, R.A., Fashionable Portrait Painter, died. 1810) Cunningham's British Painters, vols. 2 and 5, 1830. Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. Hops. ABOUT HOPS All the Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. AN EELWORM DISEASE OF HOPS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. HISTORY OF HOPS Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1892. HOP-PICKING Girl's Own Annual, v. 16 [pp. 801 & 818] , 1895. Sunday at Home, v. 34, IN A HOP GARDEN Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1882. [1887. KENTISH HOP GARDENS All the Year Round, vol. 70, 1892. Hopscotch. HOPSCOTCH AS PLAYED IN DENMARK Folk-Lore, vol. 6, 1895. Hopson (Sir T., Naval Commander, died 1717) Davenport's Lives of Individuals who have raised themselves from Poverty to Eminence, 1841. Hopton (Sir R.) M. Fuller's Life of Thomas Fuller, 1886. Hor (Mount, Mountain of Arabia Petrcea ; scene of the death of Aaron) Martineau's Eastern Life, Past and Present, 1850. Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Latin Poet and Satirist, died 8 B.C.) CHILDHOOD OF HORACE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. LOVERS OF HORACE Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Theodore Martin's Horace [Cavendish Classics for English Readers]. THE MEETING OF HORACE AND VIRGIL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1897. GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891-2. Horeb. ASCENT OF HOREB Martineau's Eastern Life, Past and Present, 1850. Horkesley Park Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. Horn (French Horn, Wind Instrument) Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. i, 1879. Hornbills. A REMARKABLE NIDIFICATION English Illustrated Mag., vol 15, 1896. Hornby (Sir Geoffrey, Admiral, died 1895). MEMOIR OF SIR GEOFFREY HORNBY National Review, vol. 25, 1895. Horn Church Priory, Essex Trans. Essex Archseological Society (n.s.), vol. 6. Home (R. H.,Poet, died 1884) ESSAY ON R. H. HORNE Poe's Works, 1874-5. GENERAL Forman's Living Poets, 1871. [- vo ] IO> ,gg 4 Horner (Leonard, Scientist, died 1864). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Macmillan's Mag., Horns. CHARTER HORNS Andrews' Old Church Lore, 1891. Horns. HORNS OF DEER, ANTELOPES, ETC. Jardine's Nat. Lib. [Plate], vol. 21, 1848. Hornsey, London. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF HORNSEY Suburban Homes of London, 1881. GROWTH AND IMPROVEMENT OF HORNSEY London, vol. i, 1893. HORNSEY AND ITS COUNCIL London, vol. 5, 1896. THE GROWTH OF HORNSEY London, vol. 5, 1896. GENERAL Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, Part vii.], 1896. Horology. NOTABLE HOROLOGICAL INVENTION Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. WATCH-TRADE FALLACIES Nelthropp's Watchwork, 1873. See also Clocks, etc. Horoscopes. How TO TELL FORTUNES BY THE STARS Pall Mall Mag., vol. 9, 1896. Horrocks (Jeremiah, Astronomer, first to observe the transit of Venus over the sun's disc, died 1641) Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies, 1874. HORSE (The). ANECDOTE OF THE HORSE Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 5, 1845. ARAB MEN AND ARAB HORSES Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. CARRIAGE AND COACH HORSES Beaufort's Driving [Badminton Library], 1890. CLEVEREST OF HORSES Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. COLONIAL HORSE Weir's Riding and Polo [Badminton Library], 1891. DESCRIPTIONS AND COLOURED REPRESENTATIONS OF VARIETIES OF THE HORSE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 20, 1848. SEASES OF THE HORSE Burn's Modern Farming, 1889. DISEASES OF THE HORSE Burn's Modern Farming, 1889. Stonehenge's Sports, 1867. EDUCATION OF THE HORSE Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. EVOLUTION OF THE TROTTING HORSE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. EXMOOR PONIES Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. EXTRAORDINARY HORSE-DEALING Parkinson's Places and People, 1869. INTELLIGENCE OF THE HORSE Watson's Reasoning Power in Animals, 1867. MANAGEMENT OF HORSES Stonehenge's British Sports, 1856. NEJD HORSES Blunt's Pilgrimage to Nejd, 1881. NORTH-COUNTRY HORSE FAIR Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. ORIGIN OF THE ARABIAN HORSE New Review, vol. 15, 1896. OUR FRIENDS THE HORSES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. PACES OF THE HORSE Marey's Animal Mechanism, 1883. PEDIGREES OF BRITISH AND AMERICAN HORSES Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. PRINCESS OF WALES' HORSES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1897. RECOLLECTIONS OF AN EQUESTRIAN MANAGER Chambers' Journal, vol. 57, 1880. [293] ' HORSE-HOSPITALS Horse (continued). REMARKS ON THE HORSE Greenwood's Wild Sports of the World, 1864. SADDLE-HORSH Weir's Riding and Polo [Badminton Library], 1890. SHETLAND PONIES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. SOME FAMOUS HORSES All the Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. THE HORSE IN RELATION TO WATER-LORE Antiquary, vol. 33, 1897. THE HORSE-MARKET Century Magazine, vol. 49, 1894-5. THE TEETH OF THE HORSE Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. TRAINING OF BRONCHOS Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. VARIETIES OF HORSES Schmidt's Mammalia in their Relation to Primeval Times, WAR HORSES Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. [1885. WHAT ALL GIRLS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT HORSES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. GENERAL Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1891. Lessons derived from the- Animal World, 1847. Hayes' Joints of the Horse, 1897. Horse-Breakingf. NINETEENTH CENTURY HORSE-BREAKING Macmillan's Mag., vol. 3, 1860-1. Horsemanship. HINTS ON HORSEMANSHIP Weir's Riding and Polo [Badminton] , '90. LONG-DISTANCE RIDES Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 87, 1893. Horse-Racing Curzon's Blue Ribbon of the Turf. Mayhew's Horse Management,. 1876. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 1867. Horse-Shoes. HISTORY OF HORSE-SHOES Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. Hort (John Anthony Fenton, Theologian, born 1828) Expositor, vol. 4 (jth series), 1896 Horticulture. BOOKS ON HORTICULTURE AND BOTANY Gentleman's Magazine Library [Bibliographical Notes], 1889. GROWTH OF PLANTS UNDER GLASS WITHOUT AIR British Association Report, 1837. HORTICULTURAL " SPORTS" Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. OBSERVATIONS ON THE STATE OF HORTICULTURE IN ENGLAND IN EARLY TIMES Archaeological Journal, vol. 5, 1848. PROGRESS OF HORTICULTURE Nature, vol. 46, 1892. See also Fruit, Gardening, Vegetables, etc. Horton (Robert Forman, D.D., born 1855). REV. HORTON AT HOME Sunday Mag , vol. 29, 1893. GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. Horwood, Devonshire Gentleman's Mag. Library [English Topography, pt. iii.], 1893. Hosea (A Prophet of Israel who flourished in the reign of Jeroboam II., B.C. 790-749). Driver's Introduction to the Old Testament. Farrar's Minor Prophets. Eadie's. Scriptural Encyclopedia. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Hosiery. HOSIERY DISTRICTS Land we Live in, vol. i, 1853. LACE BLEACHING, DRESSING, ETC. Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain. Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. Hoskins (John, Serjeant-at-Law, friend of Selden and Ben Johnson, born 1566) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Hospitality. GERMAN HOSPITALITY Menzel's History of Germany, 1859. GENERAL Percy Anecdotes, vol. 2, 1868. Treasury 01 Religious Thought, 1891. Hospital Sundays Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 1892. HOSPITALS. ABOUT HOSPITALS Morley's Gossip, 1859. AT THE LONDON HOSPITAL [with Illustrations] Daily Mail, June 28, 1898. BENEFITS CONFERRED BY HOSPITALS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. CHRISTMAS AT THE NEW HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884- EARLY HOSPITALS OF SOUTHWARK Antiquary, vol. 19, 1889. FOUNDLING HOSPITAL Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, etc., 1846. FOUNDLING HOSPITALS OF ITALY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. HISTORY OF A HOSPITAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. HISTORY OF HOSPITALS Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, etc., 1846. HOSPITAL DAYS AND HOSPITAL WAYS Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. HOSPITAL FOR INCURABLES, WIMBLEDON Parkinson's Places and People, 1869. HOSPITAL LIFE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 3, 1888. HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT London, vol. i, 1893. HOSPITAL NURSING English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. HOSPITAL WORK AND WORKERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5 [p. 8], 1884. HOSPITALS IN LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. IN A GREAT TOWN HOSPITAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 50, 1884. INNER LIFE OF A LONDON HOSPITAL Arnold's Essays, 1888. JESUS HOSPITAL, Bray Leslie's Our River, 1881. LESSONS IN HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT FROM RUSSIA London, vol. 6, 1897. LONDON EYE HOSPITAL All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. METROPOLITAN HOSPITALS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 66, 1892. MODERN HOSPITAL SYSTEM Burnley's Life Preservation, 1888. NEW HOSPITAL OF ST. THOMAS Nature, vol. 3, 1870-1. [Subjects, 1857. ON DISPENSARIES AND ALLIED INSTITUTIONS Lectures to Ladies on Practical PRINCE OF WALES' HOSPITAL FUND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 75, 1896-7. RECEIVING-ROOM OF THE LONDON HOSPITAL English Illustrated, vol. 15, 1896. RECORDS OF ST. THOMAS' HOSPITAL Antiquary, vol. 20, 1889. HOSPITALS -HOUSEKEEPING Hospitals (continued) . ROYAL AND OTHER HOSPITALS FOR INCURABLES Smiles' George Moore, Merchant and Philanthropist, 1878. SHADWELL HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. USE AND ABUSE OF HOSPITALS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 25, 1871-2. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 13, 1883. Hosts (Sir Wm., Naval Commander, died 1828) James' Naval History, vols. 2,4,5, 6, 1837. Hostilius (Tullus, Third King of Rome, died 640 B.C.) Dyer's Kings of Rome, 1867. Ihne's Early Rome, 1886. See also under Rome. Hotel Life. ETHICS OF HOTEL LIFE Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. EVILS OF HOTEL LIFE FOR CHILDREN Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. Hotels. AMERICAN HOTELS Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. 2, 1873. Trollope's North America, 1862 CONDUCT OF A GREAT HOTEL Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1897. HOTEL DE VILLE, PARIS Hame' ton's Paris in Old and Present Times, 1892. LONDON'S LARGEST HOTEL [Hotel Cecil] London, vol. 5, 1896. Hottentot (An Aboriginal Native of South Africa). CUSTOMS OF THE HOTTENTOTS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Keith Johnson's Africa, 1884. Houghtpn-le-Spring (A Town of Durham; abode of Bernard Gilpiri) Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Hounds. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 19, 1848. See also Dogs. House Boats. CHINESE HOUSE BOATS Bird's Golden Chersonese, 1883. PAINTER'S HOUSE BOAT Magazine of Art, vol. n, 1888. PLEA FOR HOUSE BOATS Outing, vol. 20, 1892. House Community Maine's Law and Custom, 1891. HOUSE OF COMMONS. (See also Government, Parliament, etc.) A PLEA FOR DELIBERATION Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. CELEBRITIES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Harper's Magazine, vol. 95, 1897. COMMENCING IN THE COMMONS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. DECADENCE OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. HOUSE OF COMMONS AND THE ELECTORS Rogers' British Citizen, his Rights and Privileges, 1886. HOUSE OF COMMONS HALF A CENTURY AGO Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. HUMOURS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT Hare's Election of Representatives, 1885. LOBBY OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. LORDS AND COMMONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. ORIGIN OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Freeman's N* rman Conquest, vol. 5, 1876. RESOLUTIONS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS National Review, vol. 25, 1895. RIGHTS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Traill's Life of Salisbury, 1888. THE COMMONS AT WORK Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. UNPOPULARITY OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS National Review, vol. 27, 1896. GENERAL Bagehot's English Constitution, 1891. Burke's Works, 6 vols., 1890-3. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. O'Connor's Paruell Movement, 1886. White's History of England from the Earliest Times, 1860. Van Gneists' History of the English Parliament, 1889. HOUSE OF LORDS. (See also Government, Parliament, etc.) A NIGHT IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. A STRONG SECOND CHAMBER Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. CONCERNING THE HOUSE OF LORDS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. ENDING THE HOUSE OF LORDS Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. HOUSE OF LORDS : A Plea for Deliberation Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. HOUSE OF LORDS AS A COURT OF APPEAL Good Wo'ds, vol. 37, 1896. HOUSE OF LORDS SINCE THE REFORM ACT Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. LORDS AND COMMONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. ON THE HOUSE OF LORDS Antiquary, vols. 9, 10, n, 12, 1884-5. REFORM THE HOUSE OF LORDS! Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. SHORT WAY WITH THE HOUSE OF LORDS Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. Student of Science, Literature, and Art, vol. i, 1868. Cassell's Old and New London, vol. 5. HOUSEKEEPING. ART OF HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT igth Century, vol. 34, 1893. DAUGHTER OF THE HOUSE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. GRADUATES IN HOUSEKEEPING AND How THEY QUALIFIED Girl's O. A., vol. 5, 1884. HIGHER THOUGHTS ON HOUSEKEEPING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. HINTS ABOUT HOUSEKEEPING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. HOUSEHOLD GODS Barker's Lares and Penates, 1853. HOUSEKEEPING IN FRANCE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. HOUSEKEEPING ON THE ALPS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. HOUSEKEEPING ON 250 A YEAR Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. MANAGEMENT OF A HOUSE Newsholme's Domestic Economy, 1891. SOME SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MATRONS Longman's Magazine, vol. 27, 1896. GENERAL Beeton's Corner Cupboard. Enquire Within upon Everything. Etc. [295 ] HOUSES-HUE HOUSES. CHOOSING A HOUSE Panton's From Kitchen to Garret, 1890. FURNISHING A HOUSE Panton's From Kitchen to Garret, 1890. GREEK AND ROMAN HOUSES Seffeyrt's Classical Antiquities, 1895. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE HOUSE Antiquary, vol. 9, 1884. [1897. HOUSE-HUNTING AS AN OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT Wells' Certain Personal Matters. HOUSES OF OLD LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. HOUSES OF THE BRITONS Barnes' Notes on Ancient Britain and the Britons, 1858. LETTING OR RENTING FURNISHED HOUSES Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, iBgo. OLD COUNTRY HOUSES Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. OLD STORIED HOUSES Antiquary, vols. 15 and 16, 1887. WANTED A HOUSE Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. Housewifery. SCHOOL OF HOUSEWIFERY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. Housing Question. FINANCIAL ASPECT OF THE HOUSING QUESTION Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. HOUSING OF THE POOR Outlook, vol. 53, 1896. HOUSING OF AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS Essex Review, vol. i, 1892. WANTED : A ROWTON HOUSE FOR CLERKS Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. Hovellers (Boatmen of East Kent) Cattle's Goodwin Sands, 1890. Hovelling 1 Whymper's The Sea: its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, etc., 1878-81. "How Stands the Glass Around?" Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Howard. (Charles, of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham, Commander against the Armada, died 1624). MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. i, 1818. Howard (Sir Edward, Lord High Admiral of England, died 1513). MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. i, 1818. Howard (Frances, Duchess of Richmond). See Richmond (Duchess of). Howard (Henry, Earl of Surrey). See Surrey (Earl of). Howard (John, Prison Philanthropist, died 1790). SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 13, 1846. [Work, 1892. GENERAL Gurneys' God's Heroes. Phillips' Essays, 1871. Pierson's Evangelistic Howard (Katharine, Fifth Queen of Henry VIII., executed 1542). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. GENERAL Bell's Historic Persons buried in the Tower, 1877. Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Howard (Sir Thomas, Naval and Military Commander, died 1534). MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. i, 1818. Howden Church, Yorkshire Bonney's Churches of England and Wales, 1890. Howe (John, Dissenting Minister, died 1705) Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 3 [Portrait]. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Howe (Admiral Lord, Served against the Americans 1778, died 1799) Irving's Life of Washington, 1850. James' Naval History, vols. i, 2, and 3, 1837. Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Howe (Hon. Col., Brother of Lord Howe) Irving's Life of Washington, 1850. Howell (James, Historian, died 1666) Gibson's Miscellanies. N.D. Howells (W. D., An American Novelist and Poet, born 1837). OPEN LETTER TO WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS Steuart's Letters to Living Authors, 1892. Howitt (Mary, An English Authoress, died 1888). Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 24. 1828. Howitt (William, An English Poet and Miscellaneous Author, died 1879). ESSAY ON WILLIAM AND MARY HOWITT Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. GENERAL Armitage's Quaker Poets, 1896. Howth, Dublin. ECCLESIASTICAL ANTIQUITIES IN THE PARISH OF HOWTH Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland, jth series, vol. 6. Hoxton, London. HAUNTED HOXTON Yates' Business of Pleasure, 1865. Huber (Francis, Entomologist, died 1831. MEMOIR AND PORTRAIT Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 34, 1848. Huddersfleld, Yorkshire (Noted for its Fancy Woollen Manufactures). MUNICIPAL HUDDERSFIELD London, vol. 5, 1896. Black's Guide to Yorkshire, V.D. Hudibras (A Satirical Poem published 1663). ANTHOLOGY OF HUDIBRAS Proceedings of the Royal Society of Literature, and series, vol. 18. Jones' British Poets, 1827. Hudson (George, The Railway King, died 1871) Robinson's Bench and Bar, 1891. Hudson (Henry, Navigator and Discoverer of Hudson Bay, died 1611 [?] ). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF HENRY HUDSON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. Hudson ( Jeffery, Dwarf to Charles I., died 1682.) Wilson's Wonderful Characters, 1869. Hudson Bay, North America Hayden's North America, 1883. Hudson Bay Company. HISTORY OF THE HUDSON BAY COMPANY Forsyth's Essays, 1874. Harper's Magazine, vol. 84, 1892. GENERAL Butler's Great Lone Land, 1873. Fleming's England and Canada, 1884. Hudson River [North River, New York]. HUDSON TUNNEL Chambers' Jour., vol. LORDLY RIVER HUDSON Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. [67, 1890. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, v. 23, 1830. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, '90. (Capital of Anam) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. n, 1830. [296] HUBLVA-HUMOUB Huelva [Pr. Welva] (A Province of Andalusia, Spain) Murray's Guide to Spain, 1892. Huesca [Pr. Weska] (A Province and Town of Spain) Murray's Guide to Spain, 1892. Hugh (St., of Lincoln, died 1200). His CHURCH, HIS LIFE, AND HIS TIMES Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland, 5th series, vol. 6. SHRINE AND HEAD OF ST. HUGH OF LINCOLN Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc., vol. 21. Hugh Myddelton School, London London, vol. 5, 1896. See also Myddelton. Hughes (Hugh Price, Wesley an Preacher, President of the Conference 1898, born 1847). LIFE STORY OF HUGH PRICE HUGHES Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. Hughes (John, Poet, died 1720). Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Hugo (Victor, Celebrated French Novelist and Poet, died 1885). CONVERSATIONS AND OPINIONS OF VICTOR HUGO Scribner's Magazine, vol. 12, 1892. DRAMAS OF VICTOR HUGO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. EPISTOLARY REMINISCENCES OF VICTOR HUGO Theatre, vol. 6, 1885. L'HOMME QUI RIT Swinburne's Essays and Studies, 1888. PLAYS OF VICTOR HUGO Archer's About the Theatre, 1886. VICTOR HUGO'S HOME AT GUERNSEY Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1897. GENERAL Castelar's Byron and other Sketches, 1875. Challice's French Authors at Home. Forster's Some French and Spanish Men of Genius, 1891. Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. Gautier's French Authors, 1879. Huguenots (The name as applied to the Protestants of France and first used about 1560). HENRY IV. OF FRANCE AND THE HUGUENOTS Lady Jackson's First of the Bourbons, MASSACRE OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW Lady Jackson's Last of the Valois, 1888. [1890. GENERAL Punshon's Lectures, 1881. Smiles' Huguenots in England, etc., 1868. Hull (A Seaport in the East Riding of Yorkshire). CENTRES OF RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF HULL Art Journal, vol. 34, 1882. [Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villar's English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Black's Guide to Yorkshire, V.L>. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 4, 1879-80. Land we Live in, vol. i, 1853. London, vol. 8, 1899. Hull (Isaac, A n A merican Commodore, died 1843). BIRTHPLACE OF COMMODORE ISAAC HULL Harper's Magazine, vol. 24, 1892. Hulme Priory, Northumberland Archaeological Journal, vol. 47, 1891. Human Automatism Carpenter's Nature and Man, 1888. Human Development. LIMITS AND DIRECTIONS OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Greg's Enigmas of Life, 1891. Human Personality. CONCEPTION OF HUMAN PERSONALITY Illingworth's Personality, Human and Divine, 1894. Human Knowledge Eraser's Selections from Berkeley, 1884. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. See also under Education, Knowledge, etc. Human Race. STAGES OF THE HUMAN RACE Simonin's Underground Life, 1869. Human Sacrifices Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. See also Sacrifice, Human Species. HISTORY AND PROSPECTS OF THE HUMAN SPECIES Hamilton's Nugas Literariae, 1841. See also Man, Races, etc. Humanitarianism. THE NEW HUMANITARIANISM Blackwood's Mag., vol. 163, 1898. GENERAL Lang's Life : Is it Worth Living? 1883. Humanity. RELIGION OF HUMANITY Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. GENERAL Treasury of Relig. Thought, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. Humbert (King of Italy, born 1844). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Pall Mall Mag., v. 8, 1896. Humboldt (Friedrich H. A. Von, Celebrated Scientist, Author, and Traveller, died 1859). TRAVELS IN AMERICA Verne's Great Navigators of the i8th Century, 1881. TRAVELS IN CENTRAL ASIA, ETC. Verne's Great Explorers of the igth Cent., 1881. GENERAL Bolton's Famous Men of Science, 1890. Jardine's Natur. Lib., v. 37, 1848. Hume (Alexander, Scotch Poet, died 1609) Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Hume (David, Scotch Historian and Philosophical Writer, died 1776). ESSAY ON THE LIFE OF DAVID HUME Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. ON MIRACLES Formby's Monotheism, 1877. PHILOSOPHICAL SCHEME Leland's Deistical Writers, 1836. GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Cobbett's Protestant Reformation, 1857. Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 3, 1879. Merydew's Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women. Oliphant's Historical Sketches of the Reign of George II., 1869. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Humility Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Hummel (J. N., Musical Composer, died 1837) Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. Humming Birds. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES OF THE VARIOUS SPECIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vols. 6 and 7, 1848. GENERAL Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1865. Longman's Mag., vol. 8, 1886. Birds. Humour. ANALYTICAL HUMORIST Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. GEOGRAPHICAL HUMOUR Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. HUMOUROUS IN LITERATURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. [1894. SCOTTISH NATIONAL HUMOUR Contemporary Rev., v. 67, 1895. Leisure Hour, v. 43, SCOTTISH WIT AND HUMOUR Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 3, 1890. SOME OLD GERMAN HUMOURISTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. USES OF HUMOUR National Review, vol. 29, 1897. VALUE OF HUMOUR Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1897-8. [297] HUMPEBDINCK-HUNTING Humperdinck (Engelbert, German Music Writer). HUMPERDINCK'S " HANSEL AND GRETEL" [Music and Portrait] Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. Humphreys (Dr. Lawrence, A great Leader among the Puritans, died 1589) Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. "Hunchback" (A Play by Sheridan Knovles) Theatre, vol. 5 [p. 145], 1882. HUNGARY (A Country lying in the centre of Europe and under the kingship of the Emperor of Austria). AUSTRIA-HUNGARY AND THE AUSGLEICH Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. BANDERIUM OF HUNGARY Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1897. BANISHMENT OF PASTORS IN HUNGARY Wylie's History of Protestantism, v. 3, 1875-7. CROATIA AND HUNGARY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1837. CUSTOMS IN HUNGARY Frazer's Golden Bough, iSgo. DESCRIPTION OF TOKAY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. FERDINAND II. AND THE ERA OF PERSECUTION Wylie's Protestantism, v. 3, 1875-7. HUNGARIAN CAVERNS Stoddard's Across Russia, 1892. HUNGARIAN COSTUME Bramsen's Travels in Egypt, 1820. HUNGARIAN SONGS Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. HUNGARY UNDER KING MATTHIAS HUNDAY, SURNAMED "CORVINUS" Transactions. of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. MUNICIPAL WORK IN BUDA-PESTH London, vol. 5, 1896. ORIGIN OF THE HUNGARIANS Felbermann's Hungary, 1892. SACRED CROWN OF HUNGARY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1896. TOUR IN HUNGARY Harrison's Travels in Europe during the Years 1888-90, 1891. VATICAN AND HUNGARY Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Southern Germany, 1891. E. S. A.'s World in which I Live, 1865. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. Hunger. THIRST AND HUNGER Bain's Senses and the Intellect, 1868. GENERAL Atlantic Monthly, vol. 71, 1893. Brown's Science for All, vol. i. Huns (An Ancient Mongolian Race) RISE OF THE HUNS UNDER KING ATTILA Hug's Switzerland, 1890. GENERAL Sheppard's Rome, 1892. Hunt (J. H. Leigh, An English Essayist, Poet, and Miscellaneous Author, died 1859). CONCERNING LEIGH HUNT Cornhill Magazine, vol. 65, 1892. ESSAY ON LEIGH HUNT AND WM. WORDSWORTH Home's New Spirit of the Age, NOTICE OF HUNT Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1892. [1844. POETRY OF LEIGH HUNT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. PRISON WORK OF LEIGH HUNT Langford's Prison Books and their Authors, 1861. GENERAL Forster's Lite of Dickens, 1872-4. Gilfillan's Literary Portraits, vol. 2, 1845. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Kent's Footprints on ihe Road, 1864. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. Redding's Eminent Men, 1867. Shepherd's Life of Thomas Carlyle, 1881. Smiles' Murray, 1891. Temple Bar, vol. 108, 1896. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Wotton'sWord Portraits of Famous Authors, 1887. Maclise's Illustrated Portrait Gallery [Life and Portrait,], 1883. Hunt (Win. Henry, Artist, died 1864) Monkhouse's English Water Colour Painters, 1890. Hunt (W. Holman, Artist, one of the Leaders of the Pre-Raphaelite School, born 1827) Muther's History of Modern Painting, vol. 2, 1896. Ruskin's Art of England, 1884. Hunter (John, Scottish Surgeon and Anatomist, died 1793) Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 22, 1848. Hunter (W., Scottish Physician, brother to John Hunter, died 1783) Lives of Briti h Physicians [Family Library], 1830. Hunter (William, A young London Apprentice, burnt at Brentwood 1556). THE YOUNO MARTYR OF BRENTWOOD Andrews' Bygone Essex, 1892. GENERAL Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 2, V.D. HUNTING. (See also Sport, and under names of various Animals, e.g., Fox, Lion, etc) A GRAND ELEPHANT HUNT Selous" Hunter's Wanderings in Africa, 1895. AFTER BIG GAME IN AFRICA AND INDIA Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. BEAR HUNT Boy's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1887. BIG-GAME HUNTERS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. BIG-GAME HUNTING IN INDIA Rice's Indian Game, 1884. BOOKS ON BIG GAME Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. CHAPTER ON HUNTING Wilton's Sports, 1869. CHASE, TURF, AND ROAD Nimrod's Chase, Turf, and Road, 1870. CRAFT OF HUNTING Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 73, 1896. CRANBORNE CHASE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19, 1892. CROCODILE-SHOOTING IN INDIA Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. DAY WITH THE HOUNDS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1897. FOX-HUNTING AT ROME Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. HEAD-HUNTING Ling Roth's Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo, 1896. HIPPOPOTAMUS HUNTING Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2. HISTORY OF HUNTING Beaufort's Hunting [Badminton Library], 1891. HUNTING AND ITS FUTURE Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. HUNTING MORE ANCIENT THAN HAWKING Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. HUNTING THE BUCK IN WARWICKSHIRE English Illustrated Mag., vol. 16, 1896-7. RIDING TO HOUNDS Stonehenge's Sports, 1856. Weir's Riding and Polo, 1891. [298] HUNTING-HYDRA Hunting (continued). STAG-HUNTING IN THE OLD DAYS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 14, 1898. THE ROYAL BUCKHOUNDS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1897. WALRUS-HUNTING IN 'THE BEHRING STRAITS De Windt's Through the Alaska WAR AND HUNTING Wood's Nature's Teaching, 1877. [Goldfields, 1898. WITH THE HOUNDS IN FRANCE Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. GENERAL Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. Huntingdon (English Midland County). LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN HUNTINGDONSHIRE Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano- British Remains, part i.], 1887. Huntingdon (Selina, Countess of, Founder of the Sect known as the Lady Huntingdon's Connexion, died 1791) Newman's Essays, 1890. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. Hunua Payton's Round about New Zealand, 1888. " Huon Of Bordeux " (A Charlemagne Romance from which Shakespeare gathered many of his characters for "A Midsummer Night's Dream") Early English Text Society's Reprint, extra series, No. 40, 1882. Saturday Review, vol. 81, 1896. Hurdis (James, Poet, died ii)oi) Lester's Criticisms, 1853. Hurdy-Gurdy Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. i, 1879. [1896. Humard (James, Poet, born at Boreham in Essex, died 1881) Armitage's Quaker Poets, Hurons (Tribe of North American Indians). THE HURON RACE AND ITS HEAD FORM Nature, vol. 6, 1872. SUPERSTITION OF THE HURONS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. See also Wyandottes. Hurricane (A Tempest or Violent Storm). PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF A HURRICANE IN MAURITIUS Temple Bar, vol. no, 1897. REMARKS ON HURRICANES Reclus' Ocean, Atmosphere, and Life, 1873. WEST INDIAN HURRICANES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1890. GENERAL Abercromby's Seas and Skies in Many Latitudes, 1888. Hurst (Hal, Artist, born 1865) Idler, vol. 9, 1896. Hurstmonceaux Castle, near Hastings Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1887. Husbandry. HUSBANDRY IN THE GREEK DRAMATISTS Contemporary, vol. 72, 1897. PALLADIUS ON HUSBONDRIE, FROM MS. OF 1420 Early English Text Society's. Reprint, No. 52, 1872. Huskisson (William, Statesman and Political Economist, died 1830) Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne, 1891. Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 1878. HUBS (John, Bohemian Religious Reformer, burned at Constance, 1415). Huss AND BOHEMIA Trench's Mediaeval Church History, 1886. GENERAL Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 8, 1875. Hussunees. ORIGIN OF HUSUNEES OR ASSASSINS Conder's Mod. Trav slier, v. 12,1830. Huts. HOMES OF MANY LANDS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Hutton (James, Geologist, died 1797) Geikie's Founders of Geology, 1897. Hutton (Richard Holt, Editor of the " Spectator," died 1897) Contemporary, v. 72, 1897. Hutton (William, Birmingham Bookseller and Topographer, died 1815). LIFE OF WILLIAM HUTTON OF BIRMINGHAM Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 8, 1846. GENERAL Brightwell's Industry and Genius, 1869. Davenport's Lives of Individuals who have raised themselves, 1841. Hood's Peerage of Poverty, 1870. Huxham (J., Physician, died 1768) Lives of British Physicians [Family Library], 1830. Huxley (Thomas Henry, An eminent English Biologist, died 1895). BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. Nature, vol. 52, 1895. HUXLEY AND KARL VOGT Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. HUXLEY AS BIOLOGIST, ETC. Fortnightly Review, vol.64, 1895. HUXLEY FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF A DISCIPLE Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. HUXLEY ON THE RECEPTION OF THE "ORIGIN OF SPECIES" Darwin's Letters. REMINISCENCES OF HUXLEY Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896, and vol. 42, 1897. GENERAL New Revi-w, vol. 13, 1895. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 18, 1895. Huy, Belgium Costello's Valley of the Metise, N.D. Hyacinth. HYACINTH CULTURE IN HOLLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Hyacinthe (Father [Charles Loyson], French. Carmelite Preacher, born 1827) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1, and vol. 63, 1890-1. Hyde (E., Earl of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor, 1661) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. See also Clarendon (Earl of). Hyde Park, London. A WORD ABOUT HYDE PARK Wynter's Social Bees, 1861. HISTORY AND ROMANCE IN HYDE PARK Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1897. HYDE PARK IN DAYS GONE BY igth Century, v. 41, 1897. Pall Mall Mag., v. 12, 1897. SUMMER DAY IN HYDE PARK Walford's Londoniana, 1879. GENERAL Adams' London, 1890. Wheatley's Round about Piccadilly and Pall Mall, 1870. See also London, Rotten Row, Serpentine, etc. Hyderabad (Principal Mohammedan State in India) Brassey's Last Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1889. Murray's Guide to Madras, V.D. Hydra (A Species of Water Snake) Parry's Yachting Cruise, 1889. Hydra (Island of Greece) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16, 1830. [299] HYDRADLICS-IBERNIUM Hydraulics (Water-Power in Mechanics). HYDRAULIC MACHINERY Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1870. HYDRAULIC POWER Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. i, 2, 4, and 6, 1897. HYDRAULICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINES Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. HYDRAULICS AS A BRANCH OF ENGINEERING British Association Reports, 1833-4. WATER: THE MODERN RIVAL OF COAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. Hydrodynamics (Laws of Force as applied to Fluids). STOKES ON RECENT RESEARCHES IN HYDRODYNAMICS British Association Report, 1846. Hydrography (Geographical description of Seas, Lakes, Rivers, etc.) HINTS ON Gribble's Preliminary Survey, 1891. Natural Sci. ["Challenger" Ex.], v. 7, 1895. Hydropathy. LIFE IN A HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT Tinsley's Mag., vol. 41. Gully's Water Cure in Chronic Disease, 1862. Hydrophobia (A Disease caused by the bite of a Rabid Animal). PASTEUR AND HYDROPHOBIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. Ray Lankester's Advance- ment of Science, 1890. Hydrostatics (The Science which treats of the application of Forces to Fluids at test). CHALLIS ON THE ANALYTICAL THEORY OF HYDROSTATICS Brit. Assoc. Report, 1833. CHAPTERS ON HYDROSTATICS Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 5. HYDROSTATICS AND PNEUMATICS Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3, 1884. Hyena (A Wild Animal of Africa and Asia). . HYENA FAMILY, CRYPTOPROCTA AND AARD-WOLF SPECIES Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2, 1881-2. GENERAL Baker's Wild Beasts and their Ways, 1891. CumminKs' Adventures in South Africa, 1850. Gerard's Lion-Hunting, N.D. Nott's Wild Animals Photo- graphed and Described, 1886. Hyeres (A Town in Southern France on the Riviera and Mediterranean Coast) Black's Riviera, V.D. Idler, vol. i, 1892. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, v.D. Hygiene (Relating to Health). HYGEIA IN MANHATTAN [New York Public Health] Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1897. HYGIENE AND METEOROLOGY Nature, vol. 52, 1895. HYGIENE OF LONDON Daily Graphic, vol. i, 1890. MEDICINE AND HYGIENE The Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. MODERN HYGIENE IN PRACTICE Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. [1892. PERSONAL HYGIENE Chambers' Jour , vol. 68 [p.8i], 1891. Corfield's Laws of Health. Hylands Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. Hymenoptera (An Order of Insects having four membranous wings,). ON SETTING AND PRESERVING HYMENOPTERA Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1875. Hymns. ENGLISH HYMNS OF THE ELIZABETHAN ERA Sunday Magazine, vol. 2, 1866- HYMNS AND HYMN-WRITERS OF THE i8TH CENTURY Sunday Magazine, vol.23, 1894. HYMNS OF THE POPULACE Mozley's Essays from Blackwood, 1892. NOTES ON CATHOLIC HYMNOLOGY Dublin Review, vol. 120, 1897. SOME NOTABLE HYMNS Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. SOME POPULAR HYMNS AND How THEY WERE WRITTEN Strand Mag., vol. 9, 1895. THE MOST POPULAR HYMNS IN THE CHURCH WORSHIP OF THE DAY Sunday Mag., THE QUEEN'S FAVOURITE HYMNS Quiver, vol. 33. 1898. [vol. 32, 1896. WOMEN HYMN-WRITERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. Hypatia (Celebrated Female Philosopher, killed 415) Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1895. Hypnotism. CURIOUS EXPERIMENTS IN HYPNOTISM Daily Graphic, vol. 12, 1892. DEATH FROM HYPNOTISM Daily Graphic, vol. 19, 1894. HISTORY OF HYPNOTISM Binet's Animal Magnetism, 1888. HYPNOTISM AND HUMBUG Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. HYPNOTISM, CRIME, AND THE DOCTORS Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. MESMERISM AND HYPNOTISM Daily Graphic, vol. 2, 1890. ON HYPNOTISM Brain, vol. 14, 1891. WAS I HYPNOTISED? Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1890. GENERAL Haweis' Broad Church, or What is Coming, 1891. igth Cent., vol. 8, 1880. Hypocrisy. HYPOCRISY AND EVIL SPEAKING J.A.P.'s Proverbs of Solomon Classified. ON HYPOCRISY Shenstone's Essays, 1802. GENERAL Brit. Essayists, vols. 12, 13, 17, 19, 1823. Treasury of Relig. Thought, 1891. Hyracoldea. ORDER OF HYRACOIDEA OR CONIES Cassell's Natural Hist., v. 2. 1881-2. Hyrax (Genus of Small Pachyderms). THE SYRIAN AND THE CAPE HYRAX Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 23, 1848. Hyrcanus (John, Name of two Jewish High Priests, B.C.) Josephus' Works, 1874. Hysteria (A Female Nervous Affection). HYSTERIA AND NEURASTHENIA Brain, vol. 17. RELATION OF HYSTERIA WITH SCROFULA Brain, vol. 7, 1884-5. [1894. Hythe, Kent (One of the Cinque forts) Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1888. J.AMBIC POETRY (So named from the metre used of alternate short and long syllables) Seyffert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. Iberian Race (The inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula, Spain). IBERIAN AND BELGIAN INFLUENCE AND EPOCHS IN BRITAIN Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. Geographical Journal, vol. i. Ibemium (Roman Station in Dorsetshire) Barnes' Ancient Britain, 1858. r 300 ] IBEX-IDEALISM Ibex. DESCRIPTION AND ILLUS. OF THE EUROPEAN IBEX Jardine's Nat. Lib. ,v. 22, 1848. HIMALAYAN IBEX Macintyre's Hindu-Koh : Wanderings and Sport on and beyond the Himalayas, 1891. IBEX-STALKING Leveson's Sport in many Lands, 1879. Ibis (Tht Sacred Bird of Egypt). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE OF THE GLOSSY IBIS Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 3, 1848. THE GLOSSY BAY AND GREEN IBIS Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. Ibn Batuta (Eastern Traveller, about 1340) Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Ibsen (Henrik, Norwegian Poet and Dramatist, born 1828). BJORNSTJERNE BJORNSON AND HENRIK IBSEN Temple Bar, vol. 98, 1893. IBSEN TRIUMPHANT Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. IBSENISM National Review, vol. 28 [p. 641], 1896-7. IBSEN'S DRAMATIC EXPERIMENT Theatre, vol. 13 [p. 74], 1889. IBSEN'S "LITTLE EYOLF "Dublin Rev., vol. 120, 1897. Fortnightly Rev., vol.63, 1895. LAST IBSEN PLAY Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. NEW IBSEN PLAY ["John Gabriel Borkman"] Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. REVIEW OF IBSEN Temple Bar, vol. 93, 1891. THE NEW IBSEN New Review, vol. 12, 1895. GENERAL Gosse's Northern Studies, 1890. Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. Scribner's Magazine [portrait], vol. 5, 1889. ICE. AN HOUR IN AN ICE FACTORY Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1898. ARTIFICIAL ICE Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, and Discoveries, 1846. ATLANTIC ICE Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. FORMS OF WATER IN ICE Tyndall's Forms of Water, 1892. GLACIAL THEORY Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. GLACIERS AND ICE Helmholtz's Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects, 1893. How TO MAKE ICE Watt's Scientific Industries Explained, 1881. ICE AND ICE-MAKING Harper's Magazine, vol. 85, 1892. ICE HARVEST ON THE HUDSON RIVER Longman's Magazine, vol. 3, 1883-4. ICE-MAKING: AMMONIA COMPRESSION ICE-MAKING AND REFRIGERATING PLANT Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. ICE-MAKING IN THE TROPICS Nature, vol. 5, 1872. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ICE AND THEIR RELATION TO GLACIER MOTION Nature, vol. i, 1870. MELTING AND REGELATION OF ICE Nature, vol. 5, 1872. NOTES ON GROUND-ICE Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. PERILS IN THE ICE Dr. Macaulay's True Tales of Travel and Adventure, 1884. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 7, 1847. Tyndall's Forms of Water, 1892. Ice Age. RECORDS IN RHYME OF THE GREAT ICE AGE Hardwicke's Sci. Gossip, 1881. TRACES OF THE GREAT ICE AGE IN DERBYSHIRE Jour. Derby. Arch. Soc., vol. 18. Icebergs Scribner's Magazine, vol. 12, 1892. Whymper's The Sea : its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, and Heroism, 1878-81. Iceland. ACCOUNT OF ICELAND Hartwig's Polar World, 1869. IMPRESSIONS OF ICELAND Cornhill Magazine, vol. 29, 1874. IN ICELAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. LAWS AND INSTITUTIONS OF ICELAND Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1847. OLDEST ICELANDIC FOLK-LORE Folk-Lore, vol. 4, 1893. TRIP TO SNOWLAND Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. VISIT TO ICELAND AND THE FAROE ISLANDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 24, 1855. GENERAL Hughes' Treasury of Geography, etc., 1885. Nineteenth Century, v. 8, 1880. Icelandic Language. THOMAS SAGA ERKIBYSKUPS: A LIFE OF BECKET Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain [H.M. Stationery Office], 1857. Ices. HOME-MADE ICES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. ICE CREAM VENDORS AND REGISTRATION Journal of State Medicine, vol. 5, 1889. Ichthyodorulites (Fossil Fishes, Upper Silurian Rocks) Nicholson & Lydekker's Palaeontology, 1889. See also Fossils, etc. Ichthyology (Treating of Fishes. See also Fishes). RICHARDSON ON THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF THE SEAS OF CHINA AND JAPAN British Association Report, 1845. RICHARDSON ON THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF NEW ZEALAND British Assoc. Report, 1842. STRUCTURE AND ECONOMICAL USES OF FISHES Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., v. 35, 1848. Ichthyosaurus (Fish Lizard, now extinct) Hutchinson's Extinct Monsters, 1897. Iconoclasm. ICONOCLASTS IN SPAIN Prescott's Philip II., 1877. [1886. GENERAL Milman's Latin Christianity, v. 2, 1872. Trench's Mediseval Church Hist., Idaho (One of the United States, America, since 1890) Rustling's Great West, 1877. Idea. CLASSIFICATION OF IDEAS British and Quarterly Review, vol. 78, 1883. IMPERATIVE IDEAS Brain, vol. 17, 1894. GENERAL Eraser's Magazine, vol. 103. SENSATION AND THE IDEA Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Idealism. ESSAY ON IDEALISM Hamilton's Discussions on Philosophy, 1852. IDEAL EMOTION Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. IDEAL FEELINGS OF MOVEMENT Bain's The Senses and the Intellect, 1868. IDEALISM AND.EPISTEMOLOGY Mind, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1893. IDEALISM AND REALISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 42, 1887. NATIONAL IDEALS Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. PRESENT-DAY IDEALISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. [301] IDENTITY-IMAGES Identity. PERSONAL IDENTITY Hamilton's Nugae Literariae, 1841. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Illingworth's Personality. Idiocy. CASE OF MICROCEPHALJC IDIOCY Brain, vol. 3, 1880-1. EDUCATION OF IDIOTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 8, 1847. [6, 1883-4. INFLUENCE OF HEREDITARY SYPHILIS IN THE PRODUCTION OF IDIOCY r Brain, vol. TREATMENT OF IDIOTS Shuttleworth's Thoughts and Suggestions on Social Problems, 1873. See also Brain, Imbeciles, Insanity, Madness, etc. Idleness. WORK versus IDLENESS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5,1884. British Essayists, vol. ii [No. 316], 1823, and vol. 37 [No. 59], 1823. Sunday Mag., vol. 22, 1886. Idolatry. ANCIENT SYSTEM OF IDOLATRY AMONG THE RUSSIANS Pinkerton's Miscellaneous Observations on Russia, 1833. CHALDEAN IDOLATRY Ragozin's Chaldea [Story of the Nations], 1891. CHINESE IDOLATRY Du Hose's Dragon, Image, and Demon, 1886. HIGH PLACES OF BAAL Keary's Nations Around [Hist, of the Early Eastern Empires] . IDOLATRY IN MODERN SOCIETY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19, 1869. GENERAL Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. See also under Gods, Images, Worship, etc. Idols. THE "Goos" OF AFRICA Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. THE "Goos" OF CHINA Quiver, 33, 1898. THE "Goos" OF THE SOUTH SEAS Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Sale's Koran, 1891. Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. See also Images, Gods, etc. "' If Doughty Deeds " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. Ignatius (St., Bishop of Antioch, martyred about no). MARTYRDOM OF IGNATIUS Backhouse's Church History to the Death of Constantine, 1892. IGNATIAN EPISTLES Dublin Review, vol. 21, 1873. THEOLOGY OF ST. IGNATIUS Newman's Critical and Historical Essays, 1890. GENERAL Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Shepherd's Church of Rome, 1892. Bishop Lightfoot's Apostolic Fathers, 1889. Ignatius (Father [Joseph Leycester Lyne, O.S.B.], Monk and Superior at Llanthony Abbey, Abergavenny, born 1837). FATHER IGNATIUS AT LLANTHONY ABBEY Idler, vol. 4, 1893. GENERAL Davidson's Life of Archbishop Tait, 1891. Ignorance. IGNORANCE AND ERROR Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1873. VANITY OF LEARNED IGNORANCE Paxton Hood's World of Proverb and Parable, 1885. Ikhrnim, Egypt Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. Iklik (An Historical Arabic Poem, loth Century). THE IKL!K Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. I (n.s.), 1884. He de Sein (A large Granite Reef off the Coast of Brittany). GRAVE OF THE DRUIDS Temple Bar, vol. 105, 1895. Ilford, Essex (A largely-populated and flourishing parish, seven miles from London). ILFORD VILLAGE HOMES Westminster Review, vol. 146, 1896. RISE AND DEVELOPMENT OF ILFORD London, vol. 5, 1896. GENERAL History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 4, 1771. Thome's Environs of London, 1876. See also various works on Essex. Ilfracombe (A Seaside Resort, North Devon) Black's Where shall we go ? 1892. Iliad of Homer. See Homer. Ilium (The Ancient Troy). THE GREEK AND ROMAN ILIUM Schliemann's Ilios, 1880. Schliemann's Troja, 1884. Schuchhardt's Schliemann's Excavations, 1890. " I'll hang my Harp on the Willow Tree " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous 111 River, France Macgregor's " Rob Roy " Canoe, 1892. [Songs, 1897. Illegitimacy. BASTARDY LAWS Quarterly Review, vol. 59, 1837. ESSAY ON ILLEGITIMACY Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. Ill-humour Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1873. Illinois, U.S.A. Russell's North America, 1857. Illness. CHILDREN IN INDIA Goodeve's Children in India, 1879. HOME HINTS IN ILLNESS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Illuminants. LIGHTHOUSE ILLUMINANTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. MINERAL OIL FOR LIGHTHOUSE ILLUMINATION Henry's Science Writings, 1886. THEORY, COST, AND STATISTICS OF ILLUMINANTS Ure's Arts, etc., vol. 2, 1860. Illumination. DECORATIVE ILLUMINATION Hulme's Birth of Ornament, 1893. See also Decoration, Ornament, etc. Illusions. IN RELATION TO MYTH Vignoli's Myth and Science, 1885. TEACHING BY ILLUSION Dr. Abbott's The Kernal and the Husk. GENERAL Emerson's Prose Works, 1889. See also Hallucination. " Illustrated London News." HERBERT INGRAM AND " THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS" Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. Illustrations. BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS Literature, vol. 2, 1898. MEDIEVAL ILLUSTRATIONS [Very like a Whale] English Illustrated, vol. 19, 1898. See also Art, Engraving, Etching, Woodcuts, etc. Images. CONTROVERSY ON IMAGES Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. IMAGE-BREAKING Wylie's History of Protestantism, vol. 3, 1875-7. IMAGE-WORSHIP Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. ORIGIN OF IMAGES Tylor's Early History of Mankind, 1878. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Burnet's Exposition of the Thirty- nine Articles, 1826. Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. See also Idols. [302] IMAGINATION-INCOME TAX Imagination. IMAGINATIVE OR CREATIVE FACULTY [in Literature] Russell's Literary Manual, 1886. THREE FORMS OF IMAGINATION [in Art] Ruskin's Modern Painters, 1892. USE AND ABUSE OF IMAGINATION Quiver, vol. 6, 1871. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Treasury of Relig. Thought, 1891. Imbeciles. ATROPHY OF THE BRAIN IN IMBECILES Brain, vol. 7, 1884-5. Also Idiocy. Imitation. FACULTY OF IMITATION Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. GENERAL Mind, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1894. Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1894. Imtnaterialism Kennedy's Thoughts on Being, 1891. Immigration. ALIEN IMMIGRATION Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. ALIEN IMMIGRATION IN ENGLAND New Review, vol. 7, 1892. NEEDED CHANGES IN THE LAW OF IMMIGRATION Public Opinion, vol. 14, 1893. RUSSO-JEWISH IMMIGRANT English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. STRANGERS WITHIN OUR GATES Chambers' Journal, vol. 72 [p. 344], 1895. UNITED STATES Century Magazine, vol. 24, 1892. Public Opinion, vol. 14, 1893. Immorality. IMMORALITY AND MODERN THOUGHT Century Mag., vol. 8, 1885. VICE AND IMMORALITY International Journal of Ethics, vol. i, 1890-1. Immortality. DOCTRINE OF IMMORTALITY Huxley's Hume, 1887. ETHICAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE DOCTRINE OF IMMORTALITY International Journal of Ethics, vol. 5, 1894-5. IMMORTALITY AND NOTHINGNESS Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. SCIENCE AND IMMORTALITY Contemporary Review, vol. 19, 1871-2. THE IMMORTALITY OF INFUSORIA The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Brown's Risen Christ the King of Men, 1890. Emerson's Prose Works, 1889. The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. See also Future State, Heaven, Hell, etc. Imogen. CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S IMOGEN- Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1889. Martin's On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, 1887. Imperator (Roman Title) Seyffert's Classical Antiquities, 1885. Imperial Defence. THOUGHTS ON IMPERIAL DEFENCE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. GENERAL Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Imperial Federation Freeman's Greater Greece and Greater Britain, 1886. Nineteenth Century, vol. 21, 1887, and vol. 30, 1891. Imperialism. IMPERIALISM AND SOCIALISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. ROMAN IMPERIALISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. THE NEW IMPERIALISM Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. GENERAL New Review, vol. 17, 1897, Impey (Sir Elijah, First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice, Calcutta, died 1809). MACAULAY AND SIR ELIJAH IMPEY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. Implements [Flint]. AUTHENTICITY OF PLATEAU IMPLEMENTS Natural Sci.,v. 12, '98. STONE AND FLINT IMPLEMENTS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Archasology, Part i.], 1886. Impostors. EMINENT IMPOSTORS St. James' Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. LITERARY IMPOSTORS Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, 1881. MODERN PERKIN WARBECKS Book of Table Talk [Knight's], 1836. QUACKS AND IMPOSTORS Sampson's Advertising, 1895. RELIGIOUS IMPOSTORS Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 2, 1845. REMARKABLE IMPOSTURE Chambers' Book of Days, 1864. Two IMPOSTORS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 39, 1879. Impressionism. PHILOSOPHY OF IMPRESSIONISM Blackwood's Mag., vol. 163, 1898. Imprisonment Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 55. Nature, vol. 52, 1895. Improvidence. CHAPTER ON IMPROVIDENCE Smiles' Thrift [Social Quest., etc.], '75. Incarnation. JESUS CHRIST THE DIVINE Illingworth's Personality : Human and Divine, 1894. Alexander's Primary Convictions, 1893. Gore's Lux Mundi, 1889. OTTLEY'S DOCTRINE OF THE INCARNATION Dublin Review, vol. 120, 1897. STUDY OF PHILIPPIANS ii. 5-11 Expositor, vol. 4 (jth series), 1896. GENERAL Goodwin's Foundations of the Creed, 1890. Maurice's Theological Essays, 1853. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Incas (The ancient Reigning and Aristocratic Order in Peru). ANCIENT INCAS Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. CIVILIZATION OF THE INCAS Prescott's History of the Conquest of Peru, 1847. INCAS OF PERU Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Inch Cruin (A beautiful Island on Loch Lomond, N.B.) Recreations of Christopher North, vol. i, 1842. Inchbald (Elizabeth, Actress and Dramatist, died 1821) BRIEF SKETCH OF HER LIFE Temple Bar, vol. 99, 1893 ; also in vol. i, 1861, and vol. 55, 1879. GENERAL Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Inchcape Rock (Reef of old Red Sandstone Rocks in the German Ocean) Whymper's The Sea ; its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, and Heroism, vol. 2, 1879. InclOSUre Acts Maine's Village Communities in the East and West, 1890. Income Tax. INCOME AND PROPERTY TAX Molesworth's History of England, 1879. MR. GLADSTONE AND THE INCOME TAX Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. GENERAL Boult's Income Tax as it is, 1853. Lytton's Speeches, 1874. [303] INCREDULITY- INDIA Incredulity All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. Spectator, vol. 77, 1896. Incubators. ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. BABY INCUBATORS Home Chat, vol. 13, 1898. Strand Magazine, v. 12, 1896. Independence (Moral and Religious) British Essayists, vol. 35, 1823. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Independents (Congrfgatiotmlists), FIRST INDEPENDENT CHURCH IN ENGLAND Brook's Lives of the Puritans, 1813. GENERAL Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Curteis' Dissent in its Relation to the Church of England, 1872-3. See also Congregationalists, Dissent, Nonconformists, Puritans, etc. Indexing. AN INTERNATIONAL INDEX OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Library, v. 8, 1896. DIXSON'S SUBJECT-INDEX TO PROSE FICTION REVIEWED The Library, vol. 10, 1898. INDEXING OF PERIODICALS Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. MR. COTGREAVE ON LIBRARY PUBLICATIONS Library Assistant, vol. i, 1899. [1899. MR. COTGREAVE ON SUBJECT-INDEXES TO GENERAL LITERATURE Literature, vol. 4, GENERAL Library, Library Assistant, Library Association Record, Library Jour., etc. INDIA (An extensive region of Southern Asia, after China the most populous area in the world. See also Bombay, Calcutta, Deccan, Delhi, Madras, Punjab, etc.; also under names of Viceioys, Generals, etc., e.g., Clive, Hastings, Hardinge, Mayo, etc.). A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF THE NORTH-WEST FRONTIER National Review, vol. 28, 1897. A BRIEF NOTE ON THE NORTH- WEST FRONTIER POLICY Nineteenth Cen., v. 43, 1898. A CENTURY AND A HALF OF BRITISH POWER IN INDIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 14 A NIGHT IN INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. [(n.s.), 1897. A REMEDIABLE GRIEVANCE Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. AFF^JRS OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY Lecky's History of England, 1892. AGRICULTURAL FOLK-LORE NOTES (INDIA) The Folk-lore Record, vol. 5, 1882. ALPS OF INDIA Good Words, vol. 8, 1867. AN ENGLISH GIRL IN INDIA ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO Temple Bar, vol. 104, 1895. AN INDIAN VILLAGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. AN UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN RUSSIA AND GREAT BRITAIN National Rev., vol. 29, ANGLO-INDIAN ARMY Boulgei j s England and Russia in Central Asia, 1879. [1897- BANKRUPTCY OF INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol.4, 1878. BOMBAY All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. See also tinder Bombay. BREAKDOWN OF THE " FORWARD " FRONTIER POLICY Nineteenth Cent., vol. 43, 1897. BRITISH CIVILIAN IN INDIA National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. BRITISH CONQUEST OF INDIA Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 18, 1847. [1880. BRITISH INDIA Dilke's Problem of Greater Britain, 1890. Markham's PeruvianBark, BRITISH OCCUPATION OF INDIA Fosteriana: Thoughts, Reflections & Criticisms, iSjH. CHANGES IN INDIA Leupolt's Further Recollections of an Indian Missionary, 1884 CHILD WIVES AND CHILD WIDOWS OF INDIA Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. CLIMATE AND GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Cornhill Magazine, vol. 6 [p. 241], 1862. CONQUEST OF HINDOSTAN Lecky's History of England, 1892. CULTIVATION OF COTTON IN INDIA Markham's Peruvian Bark, 1880. CUSTOMS IN INDIA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. DANGERS IN INDIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. DEADLY WILD BEASTS OF INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. DEATH OR LIFE IN INDIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. DISCOVERY OF INDIA BY THE PORTUGUESE Murray's Travels in Asia, 1820. ECONOMIC PRODUCTS OF INDIA Nature, vol. 51, 1894. ENCROACHMENT OF RUSSIA IN CENTRAL ASIA Vambery's Struggle for India, 1885. ENGLAND AND INDIA Burke's Works, 1890-3. International Policy, 1884. ENGLISH IN INDIA Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. De Quincey's Uncollected Writings, 1890. FAMINE IN INDIA Macmillan's Mag., vol. 75, 1896-7. S. G. Osborne's Letters, 1891. FAMINE IN MADRAS Hornaday's Two Years in the Jungle, 1885. FAMINES AND FLOODS IN INDIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. FIRST VISIT TO INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. FOLK-TALES OF INDIA (JATAKAS) Folk-lore, vol. 2, 1884; vol. 3, 1885; and vol. 7, 1889. FRENCH AND ENGLISH VIEWS OF INDIA Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. FRONTIER OF INDIA Blackwood's Mag., vol. 157, 1895. Boulger's Central Asia, 1879. Marvin's Russian Advance toward India, 1882. FRONTIER POLICY Edinburgh Review, vol. 187, 1898. FRONTIER RISING AND INDIAN DISCONTENT Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. FRONTIER RISINGS National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. FRONTIER RISINGS AND THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA IN THE FOREIGN DEPART- MENT Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 163, 1898. FRONTIER TRIBES OF NORTH-EAST INDIA Journal Anthropological Inst., vol. 26. FRONTIERS AND INDIAN FINANCE Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. FUTURE OF THE N.W. FRONTIER Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 162, 1897. GANG-ROBBERS OF INDIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 14, 1850. GIRL LIFE IN INDIA Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [p. 54], 1882, and vol. 6, 1885. GODS OF INDIA Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1893-4. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Bradlaugh's Speeches, 1890. Macmillan's Mag., v. 68, 1893. GREAT INDIAN SURVEY Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. [304] INDIA India (continued) . HABITS, CUSTOMS, PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELIGIONS or THE NATIVES OF INDIA Report of the British Association, 1892. HINDOO AND MOSLEM Harper's Magazine, vol. 91, 1895. HINDU AND MUSSULMAN Chambers' Journal, vol. 6>i, 1891. HINDU MONISM The Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. HOLY LAND OF INDIA Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. HOME RULE FOR INDIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. HOME RULE IN INDIA Cust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, 1887. [1890. How ENGLAND BECAME POSSESSED OF INDIA Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 2, How THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH SAVED INDIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol.76, 1897. How WARS ARE GOT UP IN INDIA Cobden's Political Writings, 1867. MPENDING FAMINE IN INDIA Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. MPRESSIONS OF ANGLO-INDIAN LIFE Harper's Magazine, vol. 30, 1895. MPRESSIONS OK INDIA New Review, vol. 12, 1895. MPRESSIONS OF RAJPUTANA Temple Bar, vol. 101-3, I 894- NDIA AND ENGLAND Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. NDIA AND HER FRIENDS Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. INDIA BETWEEN Two FIRES [Russia and France] Nineteenth Century, vol.34, 1893. INDIA IN DEEP WATERS National Review, vol. 31, 1898. INDIA UNDER QUEEN VICTORIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. INDIAN ALPHABET [Origin of the Indian Alphabet] Cust's Linguistic and Oriental INDIAN ART Turner's History of Art, 1891. [Essays, 1887. INDIAN BOTANY: Oliver's Indian Botany Reviewed Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. INDIAN CAPITALS All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. INDIAN CITIES AND STATIONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE AS A PROFESSION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. INDIAN CRISIS AND A REMEDY National Review, vol. 31, 1898. INDIAN CURRENCY MUDDLE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. INDIAN LATHE AND LAC WORK Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. INDIAN LEGISLATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. INDIAN MILLSTONE Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. INDIAN MOTHER-WORSHIP The Folk-lore Record, vol. 3, 1880. INDIAN MUTINY [1857] Adams' England at War, 1886. Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Blackwood's Magazine [In Fiction], vol. 161, 1897. Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury, 1888. Kingston's Our Soldiers, 1882. Leupolt's Indian Missionary. Low's Indian Navy, 1877. McCarthy's History of our Own Times, 1879. Male's Battle Smoke, . Molesworth's History of England, 1879. New Review [The Novel of the Mutiny], vol. 16, 1897. Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897; etc. INDIAN WILD SPORTS. By Sir E. Braddon Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. INDIA'S AGONY Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History. INDO-BURMESE FOLK-LORE -Folk-lore Journal, vol. 7, 1889. INFANTICIDE IN INDIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. INSTITUTIONS OF THE INDIANS Schlegel's Philosophy of History, 1846. INVASION OF INDIA BY RUSSIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. IRRIGATION IN INDIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. JOHN BRIGHT ON INDIA Smith's Life of John Bright, 1882. LADY'S RAILWAY JOURNEY IN INDIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. LAHORE AND THE PUNJAUB Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. LANGUAGES OF INDIA Cust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, 1887. LETTERS ON INDIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. LIBERTY OF INDIA Eliot's Liberty of Rome, 1849. LITERATURE OF BRITISH INDIA Cust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, 1887. LORD DUFFERIN'S ADMINISTRATION IN INDIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. LORD ROBERTS AND INDIAN FRONTIER POLICY Fortnightly Review, vol.68, 1897. LORD ROBERTS' "FORTY-ONE YEARS IN INDIA" [A Review] Rev. of Reviews, v. 15, LORD ROBERTS ON INDIA [a Review] Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1896-7. [1897. MARRIAGE IN INDIA Hutchinson's Marriage Customs in Many Lands, 1897. MISSIONARY LIFE Life and Work of Mary Carpenter, 1881. Vanguard of the Christian Army, 1882. MONETARY SYSTEM OF INDIA Del Mar's Money in Ancient Countries, 1885. Journal of Political Economy, vol. i, 1893. NATIVE INDIA AND ENGLAND National Review, vol. 24, 1894-5. NATIVE STATES OF INDIA Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. NORTH-WEST FRONTIER OF INDIA Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. OUR ROUTE TO INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol. i, 1877. OUTLINE OF A HISTORY OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHY The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. OVERLAND FROM INDIA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. OVERLAND JOURNEY TO INDIA Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 19, 1847. PAINTER'S IMPRESSIONS OF RAJPOOTANA Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. PARLIAMENT AND THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol.68, 1893. PEOPLE OF INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 4, 1878. PESTILENCE AND FAMINE IN INDIA Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. POLITICAL DISTURBANCES IN INDIA Westminster Review, vol. 149, 1898. POOR OF INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 2, 1877. POOR WHITES OF INDIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. PRESENT CONDITION OF INDIA Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1850. W [ 305 ] INDIA-INDIANS India (continued). PRESENT POSITION AND PROBABLE FUTURE IN INDIA Macmillan's Mag., vol. 27, REMINISCENCES OF INDIA Fytche's Burma, Past and Present, 1878. [1872-3. REVISION OF THE INDIAN TARIFF New Review, vol. 14, 1896. RISE OF BRITISH DOMINION IN INDIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. RUSSIAN ADVANCE ON INDIA National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. SEPOY REVOLT AT DELHI Cornhill Mag., vol. 3 (n.s.). 1897. See also Indian Mutiny. SIR PHILIP FRANCIS IN INDIA Parkes' Life of Francis, 1867. SKETCHES OF SOCIETY IN INDIA Chambre's West End Life, 1858. SOMERVILLE'S MISSION TO INDIA Smith's Modern Apostle, 1891. SPORT IN INDIA Leveson's Sport in Many Lands, 1879. STRANGERS IN A STRANGE LAND [Indians in London] Chambers' Jour., vol. 69, 1892. SUBALTERN IN INDIA A HUNDRED YEARS AGO Cornhill Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. THE PLAGUE Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. THE QUEEN AS A MAHOMEDAN SOVEREIGN National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. THE QUEEN'S PERSONAL INTEREST IN INDIA [with Portraits! English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1897-8. THIRTY YEARS OF SHIKAR Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. THREE ASPECTS OF THE NORTH-WEST FRONTIER Quarterly Review, vol. 184,1896. TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF INDIA Proctor's Light Science, 1875. TRAVELS OVERLAND TO AND FROM INDIA Murray's Travels in Asia, 1820. TWELVE YEARS OF INDIAN GOVERNMENT Edinburgh Review, vol. 181, 1895. VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., v. 3, 1890, VILLAGE LIFE IN INDIA Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. WAR IN INDIA [1797] Maxwell's Life of the Duke of Wellington, 1862. WHAT CAN INDIA TEACH us? Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 10, 1890. WORDS ON THE INDIAN FINANCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. GENERAL Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Hall's Voyages. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Ireland's Wall-Street to Cashmere, 1859. Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. North's Recollections of a Happy Life, 1892. Sayce's Twelve Times Round the World. Stephen's Life of Henry Fawcett, 1885. Caine's Trip Round the World, 1888. Indian Ocean Darwin's Coral Reef, 1890. Froude's Oceana, 1886. Macaulay's Sea Pictures, 1884. Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891 ; etc. INDIANS [American]. CREEK INDIANS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol 24,1830. CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. DISPERSION OF AMERICAN INDIANS Shaffner's United States, N.D.. HOME LIFE AMONG THE INDIANS Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. HUNTING INDIANS Parkman's Oregon Trail, 1892. INDIAN CAVES [Kentucky] Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. INDIAN COMMONWEALTH Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1803. INDIAN FESTIVAL [Mexican] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. INDIAN LEGENDS Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. INDIAN RESERVATIONS Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 284, 1898. INDIAN TRIBES EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI Parkman's Pontiac, 1885. INDIAN TRIBES OF SOUTH AMERICA Humboldt's Travels, 1852. INDIANS OF THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MarquisotLorne'sCanadianPictures,i885. LIFE AMONG NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. MARRIAGE CUSTOMS AMONG THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS Hutchinson's Marriage Customs in Many Lands, 1897. MISSIONS TO NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS Thompson's Moravian Missions, 1883. NEGOTIATIONS WITH INDIANS Irving's Life of Washington, 1850. NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS Hayden's North America, 1883. Marcy's Army Life on the Border, 1866. Marshall's Canadian Dominion, 1871. Nash's Oregon, 1882. Roper's Track and Trail, 1891. ORIGIN OF THE NEW ENGLAND COMPANY, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF ITS LABOURS ON BEHALF OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1885. OUR INDIANS [North- West Coast] Gosnold's Year Book of British Columbia, 1897. PERSONAL STUDIES OF INDIAN LIFE Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895, vol. 29, 1895-6. PI-A-POT'S RESERVE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. PRAIRIE INDIANS Hepworth Dixon's New America, 1867. REMINISCENCES OF THE Sioux INDIANS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Sioux INDIANS Boy's Own Annual, vol.7, 1885, and vol. 12, 1890. SPORT AND ADVENTURE D'Ewes' Spotting in both Hemispheres, 1858. STATE OF AMERICAN INDIANS Malthus' Population. 1888. TRAITS OF INDIAN CHARACTER Washington Irving's Sketch Book, 1887. ZEISBERGER AND THE INDIANS Japp's Master Missionaries, 1880. GENERAL Dodge's Hunting Grounds of the Great West, 1877. Eggleston's United States, 1889. Fleming's England and Canada, 1884. Fosteriana, 1838. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Froebel's Central America, 1859. Griffis' Sir W. Johnson and the Six Nations, '91. Guillaume's Peru, 1888. Lennox's Reminiscences, 1863. Markham's Christopher Columbus, 1892. Murray's North America, 1839. Park- man's Jesuits in North America, 1892. Parkman's La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West, 1885. Rusling's Great West and the Pacific Coast, 1877 ; etc. [306] IN DI A-RUBBER-INFALLIBILIT Y India-Rubber. CINDERELLA OF CIVILIZATION Longman's Magazine, vol. 24, 1894. CULTIVATION OF INDIA-RUBBER Markham's Peruvian Bark, 1880. INDIA-RUBBER AND GUTTA-PERCHA AND THEIR SOURCES Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. INDIA-RUBBER GATHERERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. INDIA-RUBBER TREE Guillaume's Amazon Provinces of Peru, 1888. GENERAL Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua, 1888. Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1882. Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Indicator (Library Indicators). MAGAZINE INDICATOR [Cotgreave's] Cassell's Mag., vol. 16, 1890. See also under Libraries. Indignation. SPECIES OF ANGER Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Individualism. INDIVIDUALISM IN LITERATURE Posnett's Literature, 1886. Indo-China. PARTITION OF INDO-CHINA Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. Indo-Mediterranean Railway Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. Indolence. A CURE FOR INDOLENCE- Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. Indoor Amusements Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889, and vol. 13, 1891. Indore, India Caine's Picturesque India for European Travellers, 1891. Induction Coils. How TO MAKE INDUCTION COILS Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Electrical Review, vols. 40 and 41, 1897. See also Electricity. Indulgence Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Indulgences. CHURCH INDULGENCES Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. DR. LEA'S HISTORY OF INDULGENCES Dublin Review, vol. 121, 1897. GENERAL Count Campello's Autobiography, 1881. Moore's History of the Reforma- tion, 1890. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Indus (A River of India) Boy's Annual, v. 10, 1888. Conder's Modern Traveller, v. 7, 1830. Industrial Arts. ARTISTIC GLASSWORK Chambers' Jour., vol. 73, 1896. Industries. Industrial Life. PHILOSOPHY AND INDUSTRIAL LIFE The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. Industrial Schools. REFORMATORY AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS Fortnightly Review, vol. 51 (n.s.), 1897. See also Schools. INDUSTRIES. (See also Labour, Manufactures, names of Countries, etc.) ABYSSINIAN INDUSTRIES Wylde's In the Soudan, 1887. ARTS AND INVENTIONS OF CHINA Davis' China: a General Description, 1857. BLACK FOREST INDUSTRIES Seguin's Black Forest : its People and Legends, 1885. CAPE COLONY Little's South Africa : a Sketch Book of Men, Manners, & Facts, 1884. COAL CRISIS AND THE PARALYSIS OF BRITISH INDUSTRY Nineteenth Century, INDUSTRIES OF ANCIENT INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. [vol. 34, 1893. INDUSTRIES OF MODERN EGYPT Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1835. INDUSTRIES OF THE HOLY LAND Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. INDUSTRIES OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Harcus' South Australia, 1876. INDUSTRIES OF THE PROTESTANT REFUGEES IN ENGLAND Smiles' Huguenots in England, 1889. INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES IN RELATION TO THE TARIFF Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. INDUSTRIES OF THE VICTORIAN ERA Century Magazine, vol. 55, 1897-8. INDUSTRY WITHOUT CAPITAL Cunningham's Use and Abuse of Money, 1891. JAPANESE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES Caine's Trip Round the World, 1892. MADE IN GERMANY New Review, vol. 14, 1896. MONASTIC AND LAY CRAFTSMEN OF THE MIDDLE AGES Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 3rd series, vol. 3. OLD SOUTH COUNTRY INDUSTRIES Chambers' Journal, vol.68, 1891. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES Taylor's History of the Factory System, 1886. TRANSFORMATION OF THE BLACK COUNTRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1894-5. WOMEN'S HOME INDUSTRIES Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. Industry. CHAPTER ON INDUSTRY Smiles' Thrift, 1875. FEW WORDS ON INDUSTRY Lubbock's Use of Life, 1894. GUIDE TO THE WORLD OF INDUSTRY AND THIRIFT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. IDLENESS AND INDUSTRY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. J. A. P. Proverbs of Solomon. Beecher's Lectures to Young Men, 1857. LEADERS OF INDUSTRY: Inventors and Producers Smiles' Self-Help, 1886. ORIENTALISM IN EUROPEAN INDUSTRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. THE PLACE OF INDUSTRY IN THE SOCIAL ORGANISM International Journal of Ethics, vol. 3, 1892-3. GENERAL Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Treasury of Religous Thought, 1891. Inertia (Inactivity, a state of rest). HAMILTON ON INERTIA Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. Infallibility of the Pope. CRAVING FOR INFALLIBILITY Archbishop of Dublin's Cautions for the Times, 1854. Gladstone's Vatican Decrees, 1874. DOCTRINE OF INFALLIBILITY MORALLY CONSIDERED Newman's Via Media, 1891. FALLIBILITY OF INFALLIBITY Cusack's Life Inside the Church of Rome, 1889. [307] INFANTICIDE-INQUISITION Infanticide. INFANTICIDE IN INDIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Conder's. Modern Traveller, vol. 10, 1830. IN CHINA Dublin Review, vol. in. Infants. LECTURES ON THE CARE OF INFANTS London, vol. 5, 1896. Also Children. Inference. LOGICAL INFERENCE Jevons' Pure Logic and other minor works, 1890. THEORY OF INFERENCE Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. Infidelity. MODERN INFIDELITY Hall's Miscellaneous Works, 1853. [1891. GENERAL Leland's Deistical Writers, 1837. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, Infidels Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Sale's Koran, 1867. Infinite. PHILOSOPHY OF THE INFINITE Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. Inflorescence. THE STUDY OF INFLORESCENCE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1879. Influenza. COLDS AND INFLUENZA Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. EPIDEMIC INFLUENZA OF 1837 British Association Report, 1837. INFLUENZA COLDS AND WHOOPING COUGH Cassell's Magazine [Recipe], v. 16, 1890. INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC All the Year Round, vol. 70. 1892. Nature, vol. 47, 1893. INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC IN GERMANY IN 1889-90 Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. SALICIN AND INFLUENZA Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. Informers. IRISH INFORMERS AND SPIES Madden's United Irishmen, vol. 1, 1857. Infusoria (Protozoa, or Microscopic Organisms). THE IMMORTALITY OF INFUSORIA The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. Ingatestone, Essex. SAINT MARY THE VIRGIN CHURCH Buckler's Churches of Essex architecturally described and illustrated, 1856. See also Essex. IngelOW (Jean, Pout and Novelist, died 1897) Forman's Our Living Poets, 1871. Robertson's English Poetesses : a series of Critical Biographies, 1883. Ingenuity. ANECDOTKS OF INGENUITY Percy Anecdotes, vol. 4, IngfOldsby (Thomas, [R. H. Barham] Atithor of the " Ineoldsby Legends," died 1845). ESSAY ON THOMAS INGOLDSBY Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. WITH INGOLDSBY IN KENT Architecture, vol. i, 1896. Temple Bar, vol. 106, 1895. See also under Barham (R. H.). Ingulfus (Abbot of Crowland, Lincolnshire, died nog). HISTORY AND CHARTERS 01 INGULFUS CONSIDERED Archaeological Journal, vol. 19, 1862. Inheritance. GREEK AND ROMAN LAW OF INHERITANCE Seyffert's Classical. Antiquities, 1895. GENERAL Sedgewick's Elements of Politics, 1891. Inisfallen Abbey, Ireland Archaeological Journal, vol. 34, 1877. Ink. How TO MAKE INK Watt's Scientific Industries Explained, 1881, INDELLIBLE AND OTHER INKS Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1876. SYMPATHETIC INK Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins & Discoveries, 1846. Inkerinan. BATTLE OF INKERMAN Cornhill Magazine, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1898. Kinglake's Crimea, vol. 5, 1875. THE GUARDS AT INKERMAN English Illustrated Magazine, vol, 19, 1898. Crimea. Inkster (Lawrence, Librarian, born 1854). LIBRARIES IN BATTERSEA London [with Portrait] , vol. 5, 1896. Innocence Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Innocent I. (Bishop of Rome, died 417) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. i, 1854. Innocent II. (Pope, died 1143) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 3, 1854. Morison's St. Bernard, 1868. Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. Innocent III. (Pope, died 1216). ENGLAND AND INNOCENT Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 4, 1855. PHILIP AUGUSTUS OF FRANCE AND INNOCENT Milman's Latin Christianity, v. 4, 1855. GENERAL Hosack's Rise and Progress of the Law of Nations, 1882. Innocent VI. (Pope, died 1362) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 5, 1855. Innocent VII. (Pope, died 1406) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 6, 1855. Inns and Taverns. BRISTOL COACHING INNS Harris' The Coaching Age, 1885. INNS OF OLD LONDON Chambers' Book of Days, vol. i, 1864. Timbs 1 Curiosities of OLD LIFE OF THE INNS Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. [London, 1871. SIGNS OF INNS, ETC. Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Dialect, Proverbs & Folk-lore], 1884. SPANISH INNS Ford's Gatherings from Spain, 1846. See also Taverns. Inns of Court. INNS OF COURT AND CHANCERY IN LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. See also under Law, and Law Courts. STUDENT LIFE AT THE INNS OF COURT Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1892. THE LITTLE INNS OF COURT Andrews' Legal Lore and Curiosities of Law and Lawyers, 1897. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Inquisition. ACTS OF THE INQUISITION, i6TH CENTURY Prescott's Philip II., 1877. ALLIES AND VICTIMS OF THE INQUISITION, 1558 Maxwell's Charles V., 1891. ESTABLISHMENT AND ABOLITION OF THE INQUISITION Heckethorn's Secret Societies, 1875. [1867. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MODERN INQUISITION Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, GALILEO AND THE INQUISITION Brewster's Martyrs of Science, 1870. Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. [n and 12, 1855- INQUISITION AT MADRID Choice Notes from "Notes and Queries," vols. 10, 1854, and INQUISITION IN SPAIN Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. [308] INQUISITION INSECTS Inquisition (continued). LAND OF THE INQUISITION Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. METHODS OF THE INQUISITION Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. VENETIAN RECORD OF THE INQUISITION Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. GENERAL Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Also under Roman Catholicism. INSANITY. AORTA, ANEURYSM, AND INSANITY Brain, vol. 12, 1890. CASK OF GENERAL PARESIS OF THE INSANE Brain, vol. i, 1878-9. CAUSES AND CURES OF INSANITY London, vol. i, 1893. FIRST BEGINNINGS OF INSANITY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 5, 1862. INCREASE OF INSANITY Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. INSANITY AS A PLEA FOR DIVORCE The Humanitarian, vol. 12, 1898. INSANITY, CRIME, AND MARRIAGE Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. INSANITY IN PRISONS Progressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. INSANITY OF THE CRIMINAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 79, 1898. Is INSANITY INCREASING? Fortnightly Rev., vol. 66, 1896. igth Cent., vol. 5, 1879. Is THE INCREASE OF INSANITY REAL OR ONLY "APPARENT"? Westminster Rev., LAW AS REGARDS INSANITY Paterson's Liberty of the Subject, 1877. [vol. 147, 1897. LEGAL TESTS OF INSANITY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 5, 1862. MODERN LIFE AND INSANITY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. NEWER ASPECTS OF THE PATHOLOGY OF INSANITY Brain, vol. 17, 1894. PREMONITIONS OF INSANITY Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6. PREVENTION OF INSANITY Maudsley's Responsibilities in Mental Disease, 1881. Inscriptions. ANCIENT INSCRIPTIONS Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, V.D. Westropp's Archaeology, 1878. Archaeological Journal, Essex Review, etc. ANCIENT ROCK INSCRIPTIONS IN OHIO Nature, vol. 5, 1872. ASSYRIAN INSCRIPTIONS Bonomi's Nineveh and its Palaces, 1853. ETRUSCAN INSCRIPTIONS Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. GREEK AND LATIN INSCRIPTIONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. INSCRIPTIONS FROM CRETE Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 16. INSCRIPTIONS IN ALL SAINTS' CHURCHYARD, HASTINGS Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol. 40. See also A rchxology. INSECTS. (See also Entomology and undervalues of Insects, e.g.. Ant, Beetle, Spider, etc.) ACCOUNT OF THE GALL-MAKING INSECTS OF AUSTRALIA Natural Science, vol. 5, ARACHNID AND INSECT DEVELOPMENT Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. [ 1894. BUILDING INSECTS Wood's Homes without Hands, 1869. CANNIBALISM AMONG INSECTS Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. COLOUR CHANGES IN INSECTS Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. COLOURS IN INSECTS Darwin's Descent of Man, 1871. DEFINING POWER OF INSECTS' EYES Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. DESCRIBING AND DRAWING INSECTS Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. DISGUISES OF INSECTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1867. FLIGHT OF INSECTS Marey's Animal Mechanism, 1883. INDUSTRY OF INSECTS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. INJURIES AND BENEFITS OF INSECTS Sunday Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. INSECT-EATING ANIMALS Cassell's Natural History, vol. i, 1877. INSECT FUNGI Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1866. INSECT MINERS Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. INSECT SCAVENGERS Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. INSECT SECRETIONS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. INSECTS AND YEASTS Nature, vol. 56, 1897. INSECTS IN DISGUISE Student of Science, Literature and Art, vol. i, 1869. INSECTS OBNOXIOUS TO THE POETS Good Words, 1894. INSECTS OF A LONDON BACK GARDEN Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. LUMINOUS INSECTS All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1893. MARVELLOUS INSECTS Timbs' Strange Stories of the Animal World, i86S. MARVELS OF INSECT ORGANIZATION Pouchet's Universe: the Infinitely Great and METAMORPHOSES OF INSECTS Nature, vol. 3, 1871. [the Infinitely Little, 1870. NERVOUS GANGLIA OF INSECTS The Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. NEUTER INSECTS AND DARWINISM Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. NEUTER INSECTS AND LAMARCKISM Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. NOTES ON THE HABITS OF INSECTS Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. ON KILLING, SETTING, AND PRESERVING Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. ON THE ORIGIN OF INSECTS Nature, vol. 5, 1871. ORIGIN OF SPECIES IN INSECTS Science Gossip, vol. 5, 1898. PRESERVING INSECTS Watertpn's Natural History, 1870. REMARKS ON INSECTS Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. SCALES OF INSECTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1866, and 1877. SENSES OF INSECTS Nature, vol. 52, 1895. SOCIAL INSECTS Wood's Homes without Hands, 1869. SOME RECENT INSECT LITERATURE Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. SOME RECENT RESEARCHES ON INSECT ANATOMY Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. SOME REMARKABLE HABITS OF INSECTS Chambers' Journal, vol.74, 1897. SPIRACLES OF INSECTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1865. STINGING INSECTS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894 STRENGTH OF THE HOUSE FLY AND THE KARWIG Strand Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. THE ANTENNA OF INSECTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1874. INSECTS INTELLECTUAL LIFE Insects (continued). THE MANTIS OR PRAYING INSECT Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1873. THE OLDEST INSECT TRAPS UPON RECORD Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1874. THE TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS Nature, vol. 53, 1895. VARIETIES AND HABITS OF INSECTS Cooke's Woodlands, 1885. WARNING AND PROTECTIVE COLOUR IN LARV.* Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. WINGLESS INSECTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1873. WINGS OF INSECTS Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. WINTER LIFE OF INSECTS Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. WOOD-BORING INSECTS Wood's Homes without Hands, 1869. GENERAL Westwood's Entomology, 1838 Wood's Lane and Field, 1891. Insight. ARTICLE ON INSIGHT Cornhill Magazine, vol. 61, 1890. [1881-2. Insomnia (Sleeplessness). INSOMNIA IN PERSONS OF GOUTY DISPOSITION Brain, vol.4, Inspiration. DIVINE INSPIRATION Illingworth's Personality, Human and Divine, 1894. GENERAL Emerson's Prose Works, 1889. Field's Student's Handbook of Theology, 1890. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. INSTINCT. ANIMAL INSTINCT Watson's Reasoning Power In Animals, 1867. EGG-STRUCTURE AND THE HEREDITY OF INSTINCTS The Monist, vol. 7, 1896-7. EXAMPLES OF INSTINCT Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. HABIT AND INSTINCT Guardian, vol. 52, 1897. Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. INSTINCT IN THE ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE KINGDOMS Edinburgh Rev., v. 186, 1897. INSTINCT OF PLANTS Science Gossip, vol. 5, 1898. INSTINCTIVE MOVEMENTS Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. MOVEMENT, SENSE, AND INSTINCT Bain's Senses and the Intellect, 1875. NATURE AND ORIGIN OK INSTINCT Bastian's The Brain as an Organ of Mind, 1890. REASON AND INSTINCT Grindon's Life ; its Nature, etc., 1856. SMEE ON INSTINCT Chambers' Journal, vol. 14, 1850. SOME DEFINITIONS OF INSTINCT Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. THE PROBLEM OF INSTINCT AND REASON Natural Science, vol. 10, 1897. WHAT MEN CALL INSTINCT Cornhill Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Darwin's Life and Letters, 1887. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i&2, 1891. Whateley's Lectures, 1861. Institution of Civil Engineers. RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE INSTITUTION Becker's Scientific London, 1874. Institutions. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS Smiles' George Moore, Merchant and Philanthropist, 1878. CHINESE INSTITUTIONS Davis' Empire of China, 1857. How SOME POPULAR INSTITUTIONS BEGAN Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. LITERARY AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS OF BIRMINGHAM Dent's Making ol Birmingham, 1894. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS AT CALCUTTA Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. SOVEREIGNTY IN RELATION TO THE ORIGIN OF SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS Transac- tions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6, 1877. See also under names of places, e.g., London, etc., and founders of Institutions, e.g., Carnegie (A.), Edwards (J. Passmore), Peabody (G.), etc. INSURANCE. COMPULSORY INSURANCE IN GERMANY Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, CURIOSITIES OF EARLY INSURANCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. [1891. ECONOMY IN LIFE ASSURANCE Smiles' Thrift [Social Questions], 1875. FIRE INSURANCE AND FIRES Wynter's Curiosities of Civilization, 1868. HISTORY OF INSURANCE Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, etc., 1846. INSURANCE AGAINST RAILWAY ACCIDENTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 14, 1850. LIFE ASSURANCE Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 5, 1845. LOTTERIES AND LOTTERY INSURANCE Sampson's Advertising from the Earliest Times, 1874. MUNICIPAL FIKE INSURANCE Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. NATIONAL INSURANCE IN GERMANY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. OUR NATIONAL INSURANCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. SCHEME FOR SANITARY INSURANCE Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. SHIP INSURANCES AND Loss OF LIFE AT SEA Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. STATE AID AND CONTROL IN INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE Nineteenth Cent., vol. 8, 1880. WORKING MEN'S INSURANCE IN GERMANY Gentleman's Maga/ine, vol. 283, 1897. GENERAL Cassell's Domestic Dictionary, 1891. Chambers' Jouinal, vol. 70, 1893. Intaglios. See Gems, Jewellery, etc. Integrity. ANECDOTES op INTEGRITY Percy Anecdotes, vol. 3, 1887. [2, 1891. GENERAL Brit. Essayists, vols. 12 and 14, 1823. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. Intellect. CAPACITY OF THE INTELLECT Bain's Mind and Body, 1887. EMOTIONS OF INTELLECT Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875. ENGLISH INTELLECT Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. HUMAN INTELLECT Kant's Critique of Pure Reason; trans, by Mciklejohn, 1856. GENERAL Bain's The Senses and the Intellect, 1868. Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Intellectual Hygienics Hamerton's Intellectual Life, 1873. Intellectual Life. INTKLLECTUAL LIFE OF THE FIFTEENTH CF.NTURY Masson's Mediaeval France, 1888. INTEMPERANCE IONIAN ISLANDS Intemperance. A HORRIBLE SIGHT "Daily Mail" Correspondence, March 24, 1898. AGITATION AGAINST INTEMPERANCE Conybeare's Essays, 1855. INTEMPERANCE: PAST AND PRESENT National Review, vol. 26, 1895-6. REMEDIES FOR INTEMPERANCE Richardson's National Health, 1890. TOPOGRAPHY OF INTEMPERANCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. GENERAL Brace's Gesta Christi, 1882. Gustafson's Foundation of Death, 1886. See also A Icohol, Crime, Drink Question, Drunkenness, Intoxicating Liquors, etc. Interest. RATE OF INTEREST Shadwell's Political Economy, 1877. RENT AND INTEREST Walker's Wages Question: a Treatise on Wages, etc., 1886. RENT, INTEREST, AND PROFITS Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. USURY AND INTEREST LAWS McCullock's Treatise and Essays on Money, etc., 1859. International Exhibition, 1862. END OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. GENERAL Gibson's Miscellanies, 1863. Internatipnal Law. AN EARLY EQUIVALENT FOR INTERNATIONAL LAW Maine's Ancient Law, 1861. [vol. 63, 1895. INTERNATIONAL LAW IN THE WAR BETWEEN JAPAN AND CHINA Fortnightly Review, Interpretation. LAWS OF INTERPRETATION Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Intervention. MATERIAL AND MORAL INTERVENTION Macmillan's Mag., v. n, 1864-5. Interviewing. INTERVIEWING IN PRACTICE National Review, vol. 26, 1895. Intoxicating Liquors. ACT FOR REGULATING THE SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 27, 1872-3. INTOXICATING LIQUORS QUESTION Arnold's Social Politics, 1878. Intrigues. INTRIGUES, POLITICAL AND AMATORY, CONNECTED WITH THE REBELLION OF THE YOUNG PRETENDER Lang's Pickle the Spy, 1897. Introspection. LITERATURE OF INTROSPECTION Macmillan's Mag., vol. 49, 1883-4. Inundations Simonin's Underground Life, 1869. See also Floods, etc. Invalids. ADVICE TO INVALIDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. INVALIDS AND INVALID COOKERY Cassell's Domestic Dictionary, 1891. WHAT SUMMER MAY DO FOR INVALIDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. Invasion. CAN ENGLAND BE INVADED ? National Review, vol. 27, 1896. Inventions. ACCIDENTAL INVENTIONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. EARLY ENGLISH INVENTIONS Antiquary, vol. 12, 1885. GREAT MECHANICAL INVENTION Taylor's Factory System, 1886. INVENTORS AND DISCOVERERS Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. OVERDUE INVENTIONS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. PART PLAYED BY ACCIDENT IN INVENTION AND DISCOVERY Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. SOME CURIOUS INVENTIONS Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. SOME PECULIARITIES OF INVENTIONS Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. THE " GATHERER " (Inventions, etc.) Cassell's Magazine, from vol. 2, 1876. WHAT is AN INVENTION? Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. [1895. WOMEN AND GIRLS AS INVENTORS AND DISCOVERERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, GENERAL Beckman's Inventions and Discoveries, 1846. Inventory. How TO MAKE AN INVENTORY IN LETTING OR RENTING FURNISHED HOUSES Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Inverness (A Picturesque County of Scotland) Black's Guide to Scotland, V.D. Inverquoich (A large Village situated on the banks of the River Quoich, N.B.) SOME ACCOUNT OF THE VILLAGE OF INVERQUOICH Macmillan's Mag., vol. 7, 1862-3. Inversnaid. FALLS OF INVERSNAID Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. GENERAL Hawthorne's Notes on England and Italy, 1869. Invertebrata (That large class of living Animals which have no Skeleton). ZOOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF THE PROTOZOA Nicholson & Lydekker's Palaeontology, 1889. GENERAL Wood's Nature and her Servants, 1896. See also Mollusca, Oyster, etc. Investigation Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Investments. How TO INVEST Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. How TO SCAN A PROSPECTUS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. Invitations. ACCEPTANCE AND REFUSAL OF INVITATIONS Woman, July, 1896. LETTERS OF INVITATION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. Involution (Act of involving or infolding) Drummond's Ascent of Man, 1894. Iodine (Chemical Substance). MANUFACTURE OF IODINE Ure's Arts, etc., vol. 2, 1876. "lolanthe " (An Opera by Gilbert and Sullivan) Theatre, vol. i (n.s.), 1883. lona (An Island of the Hebrides). ESSAY ON IONA Howat's Summer Days, 1878. THE CATHEDRAL OR ABBEY OF IONA Fine Art Quarterly Review, vol. i (n.s.), 1866. THE ROMANCE OF BRITISH CHRISTIANITY The Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. GENERAL Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Ionian Islands, Greece. CORFU AND ITS SURROUNDINGS Cassell's Picturesque Mediterranean, 1891. IONIAN ISLANDS, 1858-63 McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 1879. LEGENDS OF THE IONIANS- Duncker's Greece, vol. i, 1883. GENERAL Bennet's On the Shores of the Mediterranean, 1875. Brassey's Sunshine and Storm, 1881. [3"] IOWA-IRELAND Iowa, United States. ENGLISH COMMUNITY IN IOWA Macmillan's Mag, vol. 44, 1881. STATE OK IOWA Harper's Magazine, vol. 18, 1889. Ipecacuanha (An Emetic Drug) Cassell's Domestic Dictionary, 1891. Ipswich, Suffolk (Birthplace of Cardinal Wolsey). ACCOUNT OF PICTURESQUE IPSWICH Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. ACCOUNT OF THE TOWN OF IPSWICH Excursions Through Suffolk, vol. i, 1818. GEOLOGY OF IPSWICH AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. Iquique (A Seaport in Chili). BOMBARDMENT OF IQUIQUE, 1891 igth Cent, v. 29, 1891. IRELAND. (See also under Jiome Rule, etc. ; names of places, e.g., Belfast, Cork, Dublin; and names of notable men, e.g., Emmet, Grattan, McCarthy, O'Connell, Parnell, Tone, etc.). A CONGESTED DISTRICT Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. A TRIP TO THE IRISH HIGHLANDS Quiver, vol. 33, 1898. ACTUAL AND POLITICAL IRELAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. AFFAIRS IN IRELAND, 1705 Craik's Life of Swift, 1882. AN EMIGRE ON IRELAND IN 1796 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. ARRAN ISLES AND GALWAY BAY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1875. ATLANTIC BAYS IN THE WEST OF IRELAND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. BOROUGH PARLIAMENT Madden's United Irishmen, 1858-60. CATHEDRALS IN IRELAND Gentleman's Magazine Library [Ecclesiology], 1894. CELTIC MIND [Qualities of Irish Human Nature] Contemporary Rev., vol. 72, 1897. CHANCE TO REDEEM A PROMISE [Financial Adjustment] National Rev., v. 25, 1895. CHURCH IN IRELAND Traill's Life of Salisbury, 1891. CONQUEST OF IRELAND Green's Henry II., 1888. Pearson's Middle Ages, 1861. CONSTITUTION OF IRELAND Hallam's History of England from Reign of Henry VII., CONVICT SYSTEM OF THE IRISH Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3, 1861. [1855. COTTON MANUFACTURE IN IRELAND Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1880. CUSTOMS IN IRELAND Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. DESCRIPTION OF IRELAND Lecky's History of Ireland in the i8th Century, 1892. DESCRIPTION OF LISMORE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. DIFFICULTIES IN IRELAND FROM THETIME OF JAMES I. Macgregor's British Empire, DISESTABLISHMENT OF THE IRISH CHURCH Davidson's Life of Tail, 1891. [1852. EDUCATION IN IRELAND Edinburgh Review, vol. 187, 1898. FIFTY YEARS' RESIDENCE IN IRELAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. FINANCIAL GRIEVANCE OF IRELAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. FINANCIAL RELATIONS BETWEEN ENGLAND AND IRELAND Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. Review of Reviews, vol. 15 [p. 134], 1897. FRENCH EXPEDITION TO IRELAND IN 1798 Dublin Review, vol. 121, 1897. FRENCH INVASION OF IRELAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1898. FUTURE OF IRISH POLITICS Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. GLADSTONE AND HOME RULE McCarthy's Gladstone's Life, 1898. GREAT IRISH EXODUS [1847-50] Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. HISTORY OF IRELAND White's England from the Earliest Times, 1860. HISTORY OF LANDHOLDING IN IRELAND Trans. Royal Hist. Society, vol. 5, 1877. HOME RULE: THE FALL OF MR. PARNELL Review of Reviews, vol. 2, 1890. IMPORTANT IRISH INDUSTRY [Flax] Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. INSURRECTION IN IRELAND [1870] Letters of the first Earl Malmesbury, 1870. IRELAND ABOUT 1800-1850 Marquis of Lome's Life of Viscount Palmerston, 1892. IRELAND AND THE IRISH Paladin's Great and Little Men, 1890. IRELAND AS A FIELD FOR TOURISTS Fortnightly Review, vol. (6, 1896. IRELAND BEFORE THE UNION May's Constitutional History, 1871. ' [1847. IRELAND DURING THE COMMONWEALTH D'Aubigne's The Protector : a Vindication, IRELAND IN 1898 Quarterly Review, vol. 187, 1898. IRELAND SINCE THE UNION Froude's Short Studies on Great Subjects, 1891. IRELAND, THEN AND Now [Since the Union] Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. IRELAND UNVISITED : From a Tourist point of view National Review, vol. 25, 1895. IRELAND, 1840-80 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. IRELAND'S DIFFICULTY, ENGLAND'S OPPORTUNITY Fortnightly Rev., vol. 60, 1896. IRISH CATTLE TRADE Tallermann's Trade Depression, 1889. IRISH CHURCH Hodder's Life of the Earl of Shaftesbury, 1888. IRISH CHURCH AND "IRISH IDEAS" McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 1879. IRISH CHURCH QUESTION Ellis' Life of William Ewart Gladstone. 1892. IRISH CRIME IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Lecky's History of Ireland, 1892. IRISH FOLK-TALES Folk-Lore Journal, vol. i, 1883. IRISH IN AMERICA Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. IRISH LAND BILL Ellis' Life of Gladstone, 1892. Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. IRISH LAND QUESTION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70, and vol. 32, 1875. IRISH LANGUAGE Belfast Naturalists' Field Club, 2nd series, vol. 4. IRISH MYTHOLOGY ACCORDING TO A RECENT WRITER Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 2, 1884. IRISH OUTBREAK OF 1798 Walpole's Life of Perceval, 1874. IRISH PEASANTRY Longman's Magazine, vol. i, 1882. IRISH POLICY Froude's Life of Lord Beaconsfield, 1891. IRISH POLITICAL QUESTION Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 1878. IRISH PRIESTHOOD Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. IRISH QUESTIONS Macmillan's Mag., vol. 45, 1881-2. Smith's Life of Bright, 1882. IRISH QUESTIONS [1858] Ewald's Life of Sir Joseph Napier, 1887. IRISH REBELLION OF 1641 Froude's History of England, 1870. 312] IRELAND Ireland (continued). IRISH SACRED LITERATURE AND ART Sunday at Home, vol. 36, 1889. RISH SHOOTINGS [Rebels, etc.] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. RISK STORIES, BIRD-LORE, AND FOLK-TALES Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 2, 1884 RISK SURNAMES Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. RISH UNIVERSITY QUESTION Quarterly Revievy, vol. 187, 1898. s IRELAND DISTRESSED OR PROSPEROUS? Daily Graphic, vol. 4, 1890. Is IRELAND REALLY OVERTAXED? Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897 JEWS AND IRISH ANTIQUITIES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 12, 1876. LACE-MAKING IN IRELAND English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889 90. LAND PURCHASE IN IRELAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. LITTLE OUTING IN IRELA.ND Leisure Hour, vol.42, 1893. LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT Buxton's Political Questions of the Day, 1885. LOCALISING OF THE IRISH POLICE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. MEMOIRS OF THE UNITED IRISHMEN Madden's United Irishmen, 1858-60. MR. MORLEY AND THE IRISH LAND BILL Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. MUCKROSS AND iNNisFALi.EN FRANCISCAN ABBEYS Archaeological Jour., vol. 34 1877. MUDDLE OF IRISH LAND TENURE Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. NATIVE AND ANGLO-NORMAN IRISH Thierry's Conquest of England, 1869. NEW IRISH DIFFICULTY [Fenian Socialism] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6. NOTES IN IRELAND Hope's Life of George Hope of Fenton Barns, 1881. OLD IRISH HOSPITALITY Lady Morgan's Memoirs, 1842. OLD IRISH PARLIAMENT All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. OLIVER GOLDSMITH'S COUNTRY Temple Bar, vol. no, 1897. ON THE REMAINS OF ANCIENT STONE-BUILT FORTRESSES AND HABITATIONS OCCURRING IN COUNTY KERRY Archaeological Jour., vol. 15, 1858. Also Kerry. OVERTAXATION OF IRELAND National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. PAGAN IRELAND Nature, vol. 53, 1895. Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. PLAIN SPEAKING ON THE IRISH UNION Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. POVERTY OF IRELAND, ETC. Sir William Temple's Works, 1770. PROGRESS IN IRELAND Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 163, 1898. QUEEN VICTORIA'S FIRST VISIT TO IRELAND Our Life in the Highlands, 1848-61. REBELLION OF 1798 Madden's United Irishmen, 1857-60. Rev. of Reviews, v. 18, 1898. RECOLLECTIONS OF AN IRISH HOME Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. RELATION OF GREAT BRITAIN TO IRELAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. REMAINS OF ABORIGINAL INHABITANTS OF IRELAND Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology], 1886. REMARKS ON IRELAND Burke's Works [Bonn's Library], 1890-3. REPORT ON DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES Review of Reviews, ROCKS OF THE BURREN Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1873. [vol. 14, 1896. ROYAL IRISH CONSTABULARY Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. ROYAL RESIDENCE IN IRELAND National Review, vol. 25, 1895. RURAL ADMINISTRATION IN IRELAND National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. SETTLING THE IRISH LAND PROBLEM National Review, vol. 25, 1895. SHORT HISTORY, A.M. 2242 TO A.D. 498 Keith's History of Scotland (Appendix), 1886. SISYPHUS IN IRELAND, OR 25 LAND ACTS IN 26 YEARS igth Century, vol. 40, 1896. SKETCHES IN THE WEST OF IRELAND Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1875. SOCIAL STATE OF IRELAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 42, i8o. STATE OF IRELAND IN THE I&TH CENTURY Froude's History of England, 1870. STATE OF IRELAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. [1882. TAXATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN IRELAND [1881] Probyn's Local Government, "THAT DAMNABLE COUNTRY" Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 156, 1894. THE ACTUAL AND POLITICAL IRELAND [1890] Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. THE CENTENARY OF '98 Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. THE DRUIDS OF IRELAND Trans. Royal Historical Society, vol. 7 (n.s.), 1893. THE GOVERNMENT'S IRISH POLICY Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. THE IRISH DIFFICULTY McCarthy's England tinder Gladstone, 1885. THE LORD LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND AND HIS 'OFFICIAL RESIDENCES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 27, 1898. THE OLD IRISH ON THE CONTINENT Trans. Royal Hist. Society, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. THE TOURIST IN IRELAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. TITHE QUESTION IN IRELAND Thomas Raikes' Journal, kept from 1831-47, 1858. UNION WITH IRELAND Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. UNIONIST POLICY FOR IRELAND National Review, vol. 26, 1895. UNITED IRISHMEN Madden's United Irishmen, 1857-60. WAS IRELAND EVER INVADED BY THE ROMANS? Archaeological Jour., vol. 44, 1887. WEST COAST OF IRELAND Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. 2, 1876-8. WHAT CAN BE DONE FOR IRELAND? Macmillan's Magazine, vol.43, 1880-1. WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR'S DEALINGS WITH IRELAND Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol. 4, 1876. GENERAL Burrows' Commentaries on the History of England, 1893. Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. i, 1876-8. Croker's Bosvvell's Johnson, 1851. Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne, 1891. E.S.A.'s World in which I live, 1865. Froude's History of England, 1870. Froude's Life of Lord Beaconsfield, 1891. Good Words, vol. 20, 1879. Hayward's Correspondence, 1886. Household Words, vol. 2, 1850-1. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Land We Live In, vol. 3, 1853. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. Madden's United Irishmen, 1857-60. Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880. Koutledge's Popular Progress, 1876. Russell's Life of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, 1891. [3'3l IREN.EUS-IRREVERENCE Ireneeus (St., Bishop of Lyons, suffered martyrdom about 202) Dale's Living Christ, 1892. Davidson's Study of the New Testament, 1882. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. Shepherd's Church of Rome, 1851. Ireton (Bridget, Daughter of Henry Ireton and granddaughter of Oliver Cromwell, died 1729) Anderson's Memorable Women, 1862. Ireton (Henry, Parliamentary General and Statesman, died 1651) Trials of Charles I. and Some of the Regicides, 1832. Iriarte (Tomas de, Spanish Poet, died 1791) Kennedy's Poets of Spain, 1852. Irish. STREET IRISH Mayhew's London Labour and London Poor, 1862. Irish SongTS Fitz-gerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Irkutsk, Siberia, Russia Conder's Modern Traveller, v. 17, 1830. Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. Meignan's Paris to Pekin, 1885. Murray's Russia, 1898. IRON. (See also Metals, Mines, etc.) ACTION OF SEA AND RIVER WATER UPON CAST AND WROUGHT IRON British Association Report, 1838. ANCIENT WORK IN IRON Napier's Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times, 1879. BEST YORKSHIRE IRON AND HOW IT is MADE Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. CAST IRON Spons' Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. COBALT, NICKEL AND IRON Mendele'eff s Chemistry, 1891. CONDITION OF THE IRON MANUFACTURE IN GREAT BRITAIN British Association Report, 1846. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CAST IRON PRODUCED BY THE COLD AND THE HOT BLAST British Association Report, 1837. GASES EVOLVED IN THE SMELTING OF IRON British Association Report, 1845. IRON AND STEEL-MAKING IN SOUTH WALES English Illustrated, vol. 2, 1884-5. IRON DISTRICTS [of England] ILLUSTRATED Villars' English Provinces, 1888. IRON MANUFACTURE IN AMERICA Nature, vol. 47, 1892. LATEST PROMISE OF THE IRON AGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 6, 1856. MANUFACTURE AND USE OF IRON Tarn's Science of Building, 1890. Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. MANUFACTURE OF IRON Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. MEDICAL COMPOUNDS FROM IRON Cassell's Domestic Dictionary, 1891. MINES AND IRON WORKS IN THE FOREST OF DEAN Nicholls' Forest of Dean, 1858. NOTES ON IRON Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-6, 1897. ON THE CARBURIZATION OF IRON Nature, vol. 46, 1892. OUR IRON INDUSTRY Chambers' Journal, vol. 13 (5th series), 1856. PRODUCTION OF IRON ORE IN GERMANY Engineer, vol. K2, 1896. PRODUCTION OF PIG IRON IN THE UNITED STATES IN 1895 Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. PROPERTIES OF IRON Mr. B. Roberts-Austen's Study of Metallurgy, 1898. Wright's Threshold of Science, 1891. REVOLUTION IN IRON MINING Chambers' Journal, vol. 15 (sth series), 1898. SWEDISH IRON MINES AND GELLIVARE IRON FIELDS Wheelwright's Sweden, 1865. GENERAL Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 11,. 1864-5. Pepper's Playbook of Metals, 1869. Spoil's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874, an d Supplement, 1879. Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. Iron Age. MYTHS OF THE IRON AGE Clodd's Story of Primitive Man, 1897. Ironclads (Naval Vessels protected by Armour). EARLIEST IRONCLADS Brassey's- The British Navy, vol. i, 1882. IRONCLAD FIGHTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1891. GUNS AND IRONCLADS OF THE FUTURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. IRONCLADS AND TORPEDO FLOTILLAS Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. LIFE ON A BATTLESHIP DURING THE MANOEUVRES Pearson's Mag., vol. 2, 1896. OUR IRONCLAD NAVY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1871. VARIETIES OF IRONCLADS Reed's Ironclad Ships, 1869. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. See also Navy, Ships, etc. Ironwork. ARTISTIC IRONWORK Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. BIRMINGHAM DECORATIVE WROUGHT IRON Art Journal, 1895. DESIGN IN WROUGHT IRONWORK Walter Crane's Bases of Design, 1898. ENGLISH WROUGHT IRONWORK Archaeological Journal, vol. 47, 1890. IRISH ORNAMENTAL IRONWORK OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. MODERN ENGLISH IRONWORK Architecture, vol. i, 1896. OLD IRONWORK Antiquary, vol. 6, 1882. See also Archa-ology, etc. THE MEDIAEVAL BLACKSMITH AND HIS WORK Good Words, vol. 39, 1898. Ironworks. BIRKENHEAD IRONWORKS Haldane's Civil and Mechanical Engineering, CYCLOPS IN LONDON [Thames Iron Works] Cornhill, vol. 20, 1893. [1890. KRUPP'S IRONWORKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Irony. SATIRE, IRONY, AND SARCASM Fleet's Theory of Wit and Humour, 1899. Iroquois (Confederacy of North American Indians). CEREMONIES OF THE IROQUOIS. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. See also Indians. Irrawaddy (River of Burmah). THOUSAND MILES UP THE IRRAWADDY Sunday- Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. Irreverence Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. [3H] IRRIGATION-ISLINGTON Irrigation. AUSTRALIAN IRRIGATION Griffin's New South Wales, 1888. IRRIGATION IN EGYPT Baker's Nile Tributaries, 1883. Nature, vol. 50, 1894. IRRIGATION IN INDIA Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. GENERAL Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Irving' (Edward, Scotch Divine, died 1834). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. DEATH OF EDWARD IRVING Carlyle's Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, v. 5, 1872. PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OK IRVING Expositor, vol. 6 (3rd series), 1887. GENERAL Carlyle's Reminiscences ; edited by Froude, 1881. Great Orators, Statesmen and Divines, 1889. Lester's Criticisms, 1853. Teachers and Preachers of Recent Times, 1881. Irving (Sir Henry, Son of Samuel Brodribb, adopted the name of Irving tibon becoming an Actor, born 1838) BOYHOOD OF HENRY IRVING Idler, vol. 6, 1894-5. EARLY WORK OF HENRY IRVING Theatre, vol. 23 [page 198], 1894. ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. IRVING AS A TRAGEDIAN National Review, vol. i, 1883, IRVING AS HAMLET Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 125, 1879. IRVING AS SHYLOCK Theatre, vol. i, 1880. SIR HENRY IRVING'S CLAIM National Review, vol. 28, 1899. GENERAL Century Magazine, vol. 5, 1883-4. Montagu Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1891. Strand Magazine, vol. 4. 1892. Theatre, V.D. Irving (Washington, American Historian, Essayist, and Novelist, died 1859). SKETCH OF WASHINGTON IRVING Temple Bar, vol. go, 1892. GENERAL Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872. Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Haweis' American Humourists, 1883. Smiles' Memoirs of Murray, 1891. Irvingism Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Isaac (Hebrew Patriarch). SACRIFICE OF ISAAC Expositor, vol. 4 (sth series), 1896. GENERAL Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Stanley's Jewish Church (ist series). Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Isabella (A Character in Shakespeare's " Measure for Measure"). CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S ISABELLA Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. Isabella of AngOUleme (Queen-Consort of King John, died 1246) Strickland's Lives of the Queens ot England, vol. i, 1869. Isabella of France (Surnamed the Fair, Queen of Edwardll., died 1358) Strickland's Lives of the Queens of England, vol. i, i8fg. Isabella of Spain (Patron of Columbus, died 1504) Owen's Heroines of History, 1854. Isabella of Valois (Surnamed the Little, second Queen-Consort of Richard II., died 1409) Strickland's Lives of the Queens of England, vol. 2, 1869. Isaiah (A Prophet of Judah, 760 B.C.) Expositor, vol. 5 (2nd series), 1883. Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Milman's History of the Jews, 1866. Oliphant's Jerusalem: its History and Hope, 1891. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Driver's Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament, 1892. Ischia (Island off Cape Miseno, Italy) Murray's Handbook for Southern Italy, V.D. i860 (Lake near Bergamo, Italy) Bennett's Shores of the Mediterranean, 1875. Isfahan, Persia See Ispahan. Isbmael (Son of Abraham and Hagar, regarded by the Arabs as their ancestor) Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Ishtar (The Chaldean Venus) Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. Isinglass. COMMERCIAL ISINGLASS Simmond's Commercial Products of the Sea, 1883. IsiS (An Egyptian Goddess). ISIAC MYSTERIES Hamilton's Nugae Literariae, 1841. METAMORPHOSIS OF THE LEGEND OF Isis Heckethorn's Secret Societies, 1875. MYTH OF OSIRIS AND Isis Proceedings Society of Biblical Archaeology, vol. 14. GENERAL Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. Seyffert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. Islam. HOLY PLACES OF ISLAM Harper's Magazine, vol. 24, 1892. IN DEFENCE OF ISLAM Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. MONASTIC ORDERS OF ISLAMISM Taylor's Mohammedanism, 1834. SOME FALLACIES ABOUT ISLAM Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. THE CHILDREN OK ISLAM Molloy's Faiths of the People, vol. i, 1892. GENERAL Trench's Mediaeval Church History, 1886. See also Arabia, India, Persia, Turkey, Koran, Mahomet, etc. Islands. ORIGIN AND CLASSIFICATION OF ISLANDS Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. THE BROADENING OF ATOLL-ISLETS Natural Science, vol. 12, 1898. Islay (Island of the Hebrides). AUTUMN DAYS IN ISLAY Temple Bar, vol. 3, 1897. Isleworth, Middlesex. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF ISLEWORTH Suburban Homes of London, 1881. HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF SION MONASTERY, ISLEWORTH Early English Text Society's Reprint, exira series, No. 19, 1873. GENERAL Middlesex and Herts. Notes and Queries, vols. 1-4, 1895-8. Islington, London. ISLINGTON'S MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC LIGHTING London, v. 5, 1896. GENERAL Emerson's London, 1862. Hewitt's Northern Heights. Middlesex and Herts. Notes and Queries, vols. 1-4, 1895-8. Timbs' Curiosities of London. [315] ISHMAELIANS-ITALY Ishrnaelians. SECT OF THE ISHMAELIANS Taylor's Mohammedanism, 1834. Ispahan, Persia (Celebrated for its great mosque) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 13, 1838. De Windt's Rtde to India, 1891. Wills' Land of the Lion and the Sun, 1881. Israelites. CHILDREN OF ISRAEL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. DAVID, KING OF ISRAEL Oliphant's Jerusalem: its History and Hope, 1897. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MONARCHY IN ISRAEL Duncker's History of Antiquity, EXODUS OF ISRAEL Wilberforce's Five Empires, 1874. [vol. 2, 1879. KINGDOMS OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL Milman's History of the Jews, vol. i, 1863, MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL CULTURE AMONG THE ISRAELITES Hasting's Dic- tionary of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. ROUTE OF THE ISRAELITES Sunday at Home, vol. 3, 1856. GENERAL Milman's History of the Jews, 1866. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Sale's Koran, 1891. Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Israels (Josef, Dutch Painter, born 1824) Ewart's Toilers in Art, 1891. Muther's History of Modern Painting, vol. 3, 1896, Istein Se'guin's Black Forest : its Peoples and Legends, 1885. Isthmian Games (Boxing, Racing, and Wrestling Games held in the Isthmus of Corinth from about 570 B.C. tilt after the first Cent. A.D.) Seyflert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. Isthmus of Suez Chambers' Journal, vol. 23, 1855. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 12, 1865. Istria, Austria. WEDDING IN ISTRI A Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [p. 462], 1882. Italian Art. ART AND Music, 1615-1673 Lady Morgan's Salvator Rosa, 1855. THE RENAISANCE IN ITALY Turner's History of Art, 1889. GENERAL Ellis' Beautiful in Art, 1866. See also under Michael Angela, Raffaelle, etc. Italian Folk-songs Folk-Lore, vol. i, 1890. Italian Literature. LITERATURE OF ITALY SINCE 1870, by Lombroso The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. NOVELS OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. POLITICS IN RECENT ITALIAN FICTION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. GENERAL Eustace's Classical Tour through Italy, 1841. See also Literature. Italian Opera. EARLY ITALIAN OPERA IN LONDON Theatre, vol. 25, 1895. GENERAL Marshall's Life of Handel [Great Musician Series], 1883. Italian Painters Brewer's Historic Note Book, 1891. See also Art. Italica, Spain (Birthplace of Trajan, Hadrian, and Theodosius) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. ITALY (A Kingdom of Southern Europe. See also names of places, e.g., Rome, and under Art, Music, Sculpture, etc.). ANCIENT GREECE AND MEDIA VAL ITALY Freeman's Historical Essays, 1871-9. ANNIVERSARY AT ROME [Commemoration of the Fall of the Pope's Temporal Power, Sept. 20, 1870] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. ARNOLD [Dr. Thos.] IN ITALY Stanley's Life of Arnold, 1893. BEYOND THE ADRIATIC Century Magazine, vol. 49, 1894-5. BIT OF ITALIAN MERRYMAKING Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. BROUGHAM IN ITALY- Brougham's Life and Times, 1881. CAMPAIGN IN ITALY [Austro-Italian, culminating in the Union of Italian States] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. CHRISTMAS IN ITALY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. CHURCHES OF ITALY Eustace's Classical Tour through Italy, 1841. CLIMATES OF ITALY Clark's Influence of Climate, 1846. CONDITION AND PROSPECTS OF SOUTHERN ITALY [1863] Macmillan's Mag., vol. 8, CRISIS OF ITALIAN FREEDOM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. i, 1859-60. [1863. EARLY POPULATION OF ITALY Dyer's History of the Kings of Rome, 1868. ETRUSCAN CEMETERY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF ITALY [1858] Good Words, vol. 12, 1871. FOREIGN AFFINITIES OF THE ANCIENT ITALIANS Donaldson's Varronianus, 1852. GARIBALDI AND VICTOR EMMANUEL II. IN ITALY Godkin's Life of Victor Emmanuel II., 1880. GIRL LIFE IN ITALY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Gill's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. HISTORY OF ITALY FROM gTH TO i6TH CENT. Hallam's Middle Ages, vol. i, 1860. HUMBERT I. OF ITALY [Character Sketch, by C.E.D.B.] Rev. of Reviews, v. 14, 1896. ITALIAN AND GERMAN AFFAIRS [1849-50] Memoirs of Baron Stockmar, 1872. ITALIAN AWAKENING [After the Abyssinian War] Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. ITALIAN DISUNION Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. ITALIAN GARDENS Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. Also Old Italian Gardens. ITALIAN LAKES Baedeker's Guide to Switzerland, 1891. Hare's Northern Italy, 1883. ITALIAN UNITY AND THE NATIONAL MOVEMENT IN EUROPE Macmillan's Mag., v. 3, ITALY AND POPE Pius IX., 1846-8 Guizot's Reign of Louis Philippe, 1867. [1860-1. ITALY IN 1888-9 Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. ITALY IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. ITALY REVISITED Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. LAGO Di GARDA Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. See also Italian Lakes, etc. LINES OF TRAVEL Loomis' Index Guide to Travel, etc., 1891. [316] ITALY-JACOBINS' SOCIETY Italy (continued). NEW ITALY Sunday at Home, vol. 47, 1898. NORTHERN ITALY Harrison's Travels in Europe, 1891. OLD ITALIAN GARDENS Longman's Magazine, vol. 26, 1895. PEOPLE OF ITALY Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. POLITICAL SITUATION IN ITALY Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. POPULATION OF ANCIENT ITALY Eustace's Tour through Italy, 1841. PRESENT ITALY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. PRINCE PRINTERS OF ITALY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 29, 1873-4. PROSPERITY AND POLITICS IN ITALY Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. SITUATION IN ITALY [April, 1895] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. THE FUTURE ROUTE TO ITALY Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. THE KINGDOM OF ITALY Forsyth's Essays, 1874. THE MARQUIS DI RUDINI AND ITALIAN POLITICS Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. THE REVOLT IN ITALY [Bread Riots, 1898] Contemporary Review, vol. 74, 1898. THE REVOLUTION OF 1848 Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. THE RISING OF 1820 AND 1831 Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. VATICAN AND QUIRINAL Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1899. VILFREDO PARETO ON ITALY Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1899. WEIMAR AND ITALY Calvert's Goethe, his Life and Works, 1872. GENERAL Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. E.S.A.'s World in which I Live, 1865, Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Loftie's Orient Line Guide, 1891. Meriwether's Afloat and Ashore on the Mediterranean, 1892. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. Sheppard's Fall of Rome, 1892. Ithaca (Greek Ionian Island, famed as the reputed home of Odussus Ulysses ; its modern name is Thiaki). PHCENICIAN AFFINITIES OF ITHACA Nineteenth Century, vol.26, 1889. GENERAL Ansted's Ionian Islands in the year 1863. Cavan's With the Yacht, Camera, and Cycle in the Mediterranean, 1895. Parry's Yachting Cruise, 1889. Ivan VI. (Czar of Russia, assassinated 176)) Hope's Royal Youths: A Book of Prince- hoods, 1891. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 1895. Ivelchester. ILCHESTER, SOMERSETSHIRE Antiquary, vol. 8, 1883. Iviza Island (One of the Balearic Isles off the coast of Spain). DESCRIPTION OF IVIZA Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. IVO (Known as St. Jves, an Ecclesiastical Lawyer, died 1303). SAINT AND LAWYER Andrews' The Lawyer in History, etc., 1896. Ivory. ESSAYS ON IVORY Industrial Arts [Historic Sketches], 1876. SUPPLY OF IVORY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 17, 1852. Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. Mackay of Uganda ; by his Sister, 1892. Ivy. STRUCTURE AND GROWTH OF IVY Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. " Ivy Green " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. J ABAXiPUR (A District of the Central Provinces, India) Caine's Picturesque India, '91. Jabez (Person mentioned -in i Chronicles iv. 9-10) Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Jackal (Animal of the dog genus, native of Africa and Asia). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 18, 1848. JACKAL-HUNTING Elmhirst's Fox-hound, Forest, and Prairie, 1892. THE CEYLON JACKAL Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1875. WOLVES, JACKALS, AND FOXES Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2, 1877-8. GENERAL Gerard's Lion-Hunting, 1856. Jackdaw Every Boy's Book, 1888. Morris' British Birds, vol. i, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 2, 1848. Jack-in-the-Green Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Hone's Everyday Book, v. i, 1826. Jack-O'-Lantern. DESCRIPTION Hartwig's Aerial World : Phenomena and Life of the Atmosphere, 1874. See also Will-o'-the-Wisp. Jackson (J., Portrait Painter, died 1831) Cunningham's Brit. Painters, vols. 3 &6, 1879. Jackson (T. G., Architect of the New Examination Schools, Oxford, born 1835). JACKSON AND HIS WORK Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. Jacob (Heb. Patriarch). JACOBANDESAU Church's Stories from the Bible (2nd ser.), '91. JACOB THE ARAM.EAN [Syrian] Hommel's Ancient Hebrew Tradition, 1897. VISION OF JACOB, ETC. Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. GENERAL Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Josephus' Works, 1897. Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Milman's History of the Jews, 1866. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Quiver, 1873, and 1896. Sale's Koran, 1891. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891 Jacob's Well Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Temple's Palestine : with view of its present state [1888]. Stanley's Jewish Church (ist ser.). Sunday at Home, v. 42, 1895., Jacobins' Society (French Revolutionists) Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. [317] JACOBITES-JAMES I.-V. Jacobites (Partisans of James II.). JACOBITE DAYS IN THE WEST Transactions of the Devon Association, vol. 28. RENEWAL OF JACOBITISM Westminister Review, vol. 46, 1847. GENERAL Hassall's Life of Viscount Bolingbroke, 1889. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Jacobson (William, Bishop of Chester, died 1884) Burgon's Lives of Twelve Good Men. J"acomb (T., Nonconformist Minister, 1660) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Jacquerie (The). THE FRENCH INSURRECTION OF 1358 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i, 1872. Jade (An ornamental Stone of a green colour). REMARKS ON JADE Archaeological Jour., GENERAL Antiquary, vol. i, 1880. Good Words, vol. 39, 1898. [vol. 45, 1888. Jael (Slayer of Sisera) Geikie's Old Test. Portraits, 1878. Owen's Heroines of Hist., '54. Jaffa (Seaport of Palestine). JAFFA AND ITS ENVIRONS Bramsen's Travels in Syria, Cyprus, etc., 1820. Mozley's Ruling Ideas in the Early Ages, 1878. MOHAMMEDAN JAFFA Hepworth Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. GENERAL Macleod's Eastward: Travels in Egypt, Palestine, etc., 1869. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. Summer's Holiday in the East, 1881. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Stanley's Sinai and Palestine, 1887. Picturesque Palestine, 1882. Jaguar (The American Tiger). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 16, 1848. HUNTING THE JAGUAR IN VENEZUELA Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. THE JAGUAR AND SMALLER WILD CAT Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2, 1877-8. THE JAGUAR AND THE PUMA Notts' Wild Animals Photod. and Described, 1886. GENERAL Gerard's Lion-Hunting and Sporting Life in Algeria, 1856. Jam. HOME-MADE JAM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883 Jamaica (British West Indian Island, noted for its rum and sugar trade). AWAKENING OF JAMAICA Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. DISCOVERY OF JAMAICA Markham's Life of Christopher Columbus, 1892. JAMAICA RESURGENS Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. MUSEUM WORK IN JAMAICA Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. NEW AND OLD JAMAICA Harper's Magazine, vol. 80, 1889-90. SUMMER AT CHRISTMAS-TIDE Century Magazine, vol. 53, 1897. TROUBLES IN JAMAICA, 1865 McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 1879. ZOOLOGICAL JAMAICA Natural Science, vol. 13, 1898. GENERAL Brassey's In the Trades, the Tropics, and the Roaring Forties, 1885. Froude's English in the West Indies, 1888. Marianne North's Recollections of a Happy Life, 1892. See also Colonies, West Indies, etc. James (Son of Alphacus, stirnamed the Less, one of the Twelve Apostles) Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. Reed's Companions of the Lord, 1873. James ("Brother of our Lord," surnamed the Just, first Bishop of Jerusalem, martyred 62). EPISTLE OF JAMES Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. Mayor's Epistle of James, 1892. JAMES, "THE BROTHER OF OUR LORD" Bishop Lfghtfoot's Epistle to the Galatians, GENERAL Reed's Companions of the Lord, 1873. [1882. James (Son of Zebedee, an Apostle, brother of St. John, beheaded 44). THE CALL OF JAMES Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. [1873. GENERAL Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. Reed's Companions of the Lord, James I. (King of England [James VI. of Scotland], died 1625). JAMES I. -II. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. LEAVES FROM AN OLD ACCOUNT BOOK Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. GENERAL Brook's Biographical Account of the Puritans, 1813. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Cobbett's Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland, 1857. Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Johnson's Life of Sir Edward Coke, 1845. Lewis' Life of Joseph Hall, D.D., 1886. Motley's Life of Barneveld, 1875. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Price's Protestant Nonconformity in England, 1836. Smyth's Modern History, 1854. Tytler's Scottish Worthies, 1845, James II. (King of England, deposed 1688, died 1701). ACCESSION OF JAMES II. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. ELECTIONS UNDER JAMES II. Grego's History of Parliamentary Elections, 1887. TAMES II. AND THE REVOLUTION Guizot's England, 1877. JAMES II. AT SAINT GERMAINS New Review, vol. 13, 1895. GENERAL Alison's Military Life of John, Duke of Marlborough, 1848. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Morris' Claverhouse, 1887. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. James I. (King of Scotland, died 1437). ASSASSINATION OF JAMES AT PERTH Lawson's History of Remarkable Conspiracies, vol. i, 1829. POET AND LEGISLATOR Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, 1890. [1873. POETICAL REMAJNS OF KING JAMES I. OF SCOTLAND Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 2, GENERAL Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 2, 1845. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. James I.-V. Of Scotland Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, 1891. JAMES II.-JAPAN James II. (King of Scotland, died 1460) Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, 1891. James III. (King of Scotland, died 1488). DEATH OF JAMES THE THIRD Lawson's History of Remarkable Conspiracies, vol. i, 1829. GENERAL Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. 2, 1880. Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, 1891. James IV. (King of Scotland, died 1513) Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. 2, 1880. James VI. (King of Scotland land also James I. of England] , died 1625) Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. See also James I. (King of England). James (Duke of Monmouth, illegitimate Son of Charles II., executed 1685) Bell's Historic Persons buried in the Tower, 1877. Jesse's Court of England, 1857. James (Edwin, Lawyer) Robinson's Bench and Bar: Recollections, 1891. James (G. P. R., Historical Novelist, died 1860). ESSAY ON G. P. R. JAMES Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 29, 1892. James (Henry, American Novelist, born 1843). A FEW NOTES UPON MR. JAMES Yellow Book, vol. 7, 1895. Bookman, vol. 4, 1893. James (Sir Henry, created Baron James of Hereford 1895, born 1828) Montagu Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1890. James (Sir W., Naval Commander, 1749) Davenport's Lives of Individuals who have Risen from Poverty to Fortune, 1841. Jameson (Leander Starr, Leader of the Transvaal Raid 1895, born 1853). HOME- COMING AND TRIAL OF DR. JAMESON FOR THE RAID Daily Graphic, vol. 25, 1896. Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. KRUGER AND THE RAID Statham's Paul Kruger, 1898. RHODES AND JAMESON Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. THE SCANDAL AT WESTMINSTER Review of Reviews, vols. 15 and 16, 1897. TRUTH ABOUT THE JAMESON RAID Garrett & Edwards' Story of an African Crisis, 1897. Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1895-6. WHITE MAN'S AFRICA Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. GENERAL Saturday Review, vols. 81-2, 1896. Jameson (Mrs., Authoress, died 1860). ESSAY ON MRS. JAMESON AND HARRIET MARTINEAU Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. Magazine of Art, vol. 2, 1879. Jamesone (George, Scottish Portrait Painter, died 1644) Cunningham's British Painters, vols. 2 and 5, 1879. Jamieson (Rev. John, of Methven, a Scottish Divine, died 1837) Gilfillan's Stars in the Church Sky, 1867. Jamrach (J. C. C., Noted Dealer in Wild Animals, died 1891). ACCOUNT OF JAMRACH'S WILD ANIMALS Parkinson's Places and People, 1869. Jane (Queen of England, beheaded 1554) Froude's History of England, 1870 Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. See also under Grey (Lady Jane). Jane De Montfort Owen's Heroines of History, 1854. Janeway (James, Nonconformist Divine, died 1674) Benson's Life of Dickinson, etc. JaniCUlum (Highest of the Hills of Rome) Hare's Walks in Rome, 1893. Sir George Head's Rome : a Tour of Many Days, 1849. Barie's Romans and the Campagna. Janissaries (The, A former body of Turkish Infantry, the Sultan of Turkey's body-guard) Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Jannina (A Town of European Turkey). GREEK OR TURKISH Macmillan's M., v. 40, '79. Janotha (Natalie, An eminent Pianiste, born 1856). DIARY OF HER EARLY DAYS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. JAPAN (An Empire of Asia. See also Tokio, China, Corea, etc.) AN ISLAND WITHOUT DEATH Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. AUTUMN IN JAPAN Harper's Magazine, vol. 90, 1895. BUDDHIST SECTS IN JAPAN Dublin Review, vol. 116, 1895. CEREMONIES OF THE JAPANESE Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. COMMERCIAL EXPANSION OF JAPAN Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. COMMERCIAL MORALITY IN JAPAN Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. DAY IN KYOTO English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. EARLY SUMMER IN JAPAN Harper's Magazine, vol. 89, 1894. EMPRESS OF JAPAN : Brief Sketch of her Life Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. ETHICAL LIFE AND CONCEPTIONS OF THE JAPANESE Inter. Jour, of Ethics, vol. 6, EXPEDITIONS TO JAPAN Life and Letters of S. W. Williams, 1888. [1895-6. GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. HOUSE-BUILDING IN JAPAN Milne's Earthquakes and other Earth Movements. IMPERIAL FAMILY OF JAPAN Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 6, 1895. IMPRESSIONS OF YUMOTO AND ITS SURROUNDINGS Temple Bar, vol. 112, 1897. INLAND SEA OF JAPAN Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 2, 1890. INVESTIGATION OF THE EARTHQUAKE AND VOLCANIC PHENOMENA OF JAPAN Report of the British Association, 1893. JAPAN AND CHINA Wpodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. JAPANESE GIRL English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893-4. JAPANESE IMBROGLIO Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. JAPANESE INVASION OF COREA IN 1592 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1894-5. JAPANESE MAGIC MIRRORS Every Boy's Book, 1888. XESE THEATRE Theatre, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1884. IESE WAR Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. [319] J Al-ANh JAPANE JAPAN* JAPANE JAPAN-JEFFERIES Japan (continued). JAPANESE WAYS AND THOUGHT Scribner's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. LEADING ARTICLE ON INDUSTRIAL JAPAN Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. MARRIAGE IN JAPAN Hutchinson's Marriage Customs in Many Lands, 1897. MODERN JAPAN Del Mar's Money and Civilisation from the Earliest Times, 1885. MODERN JAPAN, INDUSTRIAL AND SCIENTIFIC Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. Music OF JAPAN Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. NAVAL WAR IN THE EAST [Chino-Japanese] Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. rary Rev., vol. 74, 1898. NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF OLD JAPAN Trans, of Royal His. Soc., vol. 10, 1882. OUR NEW TREATY WITH JAPAN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. OUTLINE OF JAPANESE ART Century Magazine, vol. 56, 1898. [156, 1894. POSITION OF JAPAN [Chino-Japanese War] Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. PRE-HISTORIC CANNABALISM IN JAPAN Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1880. RAMBLES IN JAPAN Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. RECENT VISIT TO JAPAN National Review, vol. 27, 1896. RELIGION OF JAPAN Religious Systems of the World, 1892. RELIGIOUS PRACTICES OF THE JAPANESE Jour. Anthropological Institute, vol. 22. SOCIAL AND DOMESTIC LIFE OF jAPAN^Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. SOME JAPAN FOLKTALES Folk-lore Record, vol. i, 1878. SPRING IN JAPAN Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. SUMMER HOLIDAY IN JAPAN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. THE CASK OF THE FOREIGN RESIDENTS IN JAPAN Nineteenth Century, v. 42, 1897. THE DRAGON AND THE CHRYSANTHEMUM Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. THE NEW CONSTITUTION OF JAPAN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. THE WONDERFUL MORNING GLORIES OF JAPAN [Asagaos, a noted Japanese Flower] Century Magazine, vol. 55, 1897-8. TOPSY-TURVYDOM [Reverse or Contrary Methods and Customs of Japan and England] Idler, vol. 5, 1894. TRANSFORMATION OF JAPAN Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. WITH AN ARTIST IN JAPAN Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. GENERAL Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. Bates' Kaleidoscope : Shifting Scenes from East to West, 1089. Brassey's Voy- age in the " Sunbeam," 1879. Campbell's Circular Notes, 1876. Chambers' Journal, vol. 36, 1861. Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. Hovgaard's Norden- skiold's Voyage Round Asia and Europe, 1882. Keane's Asia [Good account and valuable map], 1886. Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. North's Recollections of a Happy Life, 1892. Sayce's Twelve Times Round the World, . Scrib- ner's Magazine, vols. 8 and 9, 1890-1. Whymper's The Sea; Its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, and Heroism, 1878-81. Nature, vol. i, 1869. Japhet (Eldest Son of Noah) M'Causland's Builders of Babel, 1871. Jardin des Plantes, Paris Baedeker's Paris, V.D. Blackwood's Mag., vol. 14, 1823. Jardine (Sir W., Naturalist, died 1874) Nature, vol. n, 1874-5. Jarrow (A Municipal Borough and Seaport Town of Durham). ABODE OF THE VENERABLE BEDE Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Jaulan (The A ncient Golan, Northern Palestine) Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Jaunpur, British India Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Java (Chief of the Dutch East Indies). CAPTURE OF JAVA James' Naval History, v. 6, DOWN TO JAVA Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. [1837. ENGLISH CONQUEST OF JAVA Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. GREAT JAVA ERUPTION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. Six WEEKS IN JAVA Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 156, 1894. GENERAL Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Markham's Peruvian Bark, 1880. North's Recollections of a Happy Life, 1892. Wallace's Australasia, 1888. Wallace's Malay Archipelago, '90. Javita, South America Wallace's Travels on the Amazon, Rio Negro, etc., 1892. Jaws. MOLLUSCAN JAWS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1883. Jay (A genus of Bird belonging to the family of the Crows) Morris' British Birds, vol. 2, 1891. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 2, 1848. Yarrell's Brit. Birds, vol.2, 1856. Jay (Rev. Osborne, A militant Bethnal Green Clergyman) London, vol. 5, 1896. Jaypur, India Murray's Guide to the Punjab, Western Rajputanab, etc. Jealousy British Essayists, vol. 8, 1823. Saturday Review, vol. 77, 1894. " Jeannie Morrison " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. Jebb (John, Physician and Divine, died 1786) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840. Jedda (Arabian Seaport on the Red Sea). JEDDA MASSACRES AND SLAVERY IN THE RED SEA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. Jefferies (Richard, Writer of Works descriptive of Xattire, died 1887). A STUDY 01 RICHARD JEFFRIES Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. BRIEF SKETCH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. Sunday Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. LAST DAYS OF RICHARD JEFFERIKS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. REVIEW OF RICHARD JEFFERIES Temple Bar, vol. 92, 1890. GENERAL Idler, vol. 14, 1898. [320J JEFFERSON-JERROLD Jefferson (Thomas, Third President of United States, died 1826) Brougham's Statesmen of the Times of George III, 1843. Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Irving's Life of George Washington, 1850. Jeffrey (Francis, "Lord, Scotch Critic, died 1850) Carlyle's Reminiscences, 1887. Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. Macniillan's Magazine, vol. 56, 1887. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Jeffreys (George, Lord, Chief Justice, died 1689) Bell's Historic Persons, 1877. Camp- bell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. New Review [Bloody Jeffreys], vol. 15, 1896. North's Lives of the Norths, 1826. Jehoash [Joash] (King ofjndah, died 840 B.C.). Seejoash. Jehoram (Son of Tehoshaphat, King of Jndah, died 885 B.C.) Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6. 1891. Faussett's Critical Bible Cyclopedia, 1878. Jehoshaphat (King of Jndah, died 889 B.C.) Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 4, 1886. Treas. of Religious Thought, v. 6, 1891. Faussett's Critical Bible Cyclopedia, 1878. Jehovah (The Sacred Name of God among the Israelitish Nations) Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 4, 1891. Faussett's Critical Bible Cyclopedia, 1878. Jehu (Conspirator and King of Israel, destroyed the worship of Baal, died 857 B.C.) Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Treasury of Relig. Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Stanley's Jewish Church (2nd series), 1884. Jekyll (Sir J., Lawyer, died 1738) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Jelly-Fish (Called also Sea-Blubbers and Sea-Nettles). ABOUT JELLY-FISHES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. BRITISH JELLY-FISH Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. HYDROZOA AND JELLY-FISH Duncan's The Sea-Shore, 1891. POLYPS AND JELLY-FISHES Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. REMARKS ON JELLY-FISHES Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1886. Jenkin (H. C. Fleeming, Engineer and Electrician, died 1885) Munro's Heroes of the Telegraph, 1891. Jenner (Edward, Discoverer of Vaccination, died 1823) Distinguished Men of Science, N.D. Lives of British Physicians [Family Library], 1830. Chambers' Journal, vol. 3, 1845. Jennings (Frances, Duchess ofTyrconnel, died 1731) Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Jennings (Sir Patrick, Colonial Politician, born 1831) Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian History, 1892. Jennings (Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, died 1744) Coxe's Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, 1847. Gearey's Royal Friendships, 1898. Lodge's Portraits of Remarkable Men, 1850. Jenolan Caverns, New South Wales Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Jephtha (A Judge and Chieftain of Israel, died 1137 B.C.) Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Josephus' Works, 1897. Treas. of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Jordan (William, Scottish Journalist, died 1869) Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Jeremiah Hebrew Prophet, died about 586 B.C.) Church's Stories from the Bible, 1891. Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 4, 1886. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. How's Knowlege of God, 1892. Josephus' Works, 1897. Milmau's History of the Jews, 1866. Oliphant's Jerusalem : its History and Hope, 1891. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Driver's Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament, 1892. Jericho (City of Palestine). FALL OF JERICHO Quiver, vol. 26, 1891. SIEGE OF JERICHO Smith's History of Joshua, 1870. THE PLAIN OF JERICHO Geikie's Holy Land and the Bible, 1891. GENERAL Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 5 and 6, 1886. Martineau's Eastern Life, Past and Present, 1850. Sumner's Holiday in the East, 1881. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Picturesque Palestine [with illustration]. Stanley's History of the Jewish Church (2nd series), 1884. Jericho (Manor House, near Ingatestone, Essex) Rush's Seats in Essex [Illus.], 1897. Jermyn (Henry, Lord Dover, died 1708) Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Jeroboam (King of Israel, 953-925 B.C.) Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 3 and 4, 1886. Pinnock's Bible and Contemp. Hist., 1887. Treasury jof Relig. Thought, v. 6, 1891. Stanley's History of the Jewish Church (2nd series), 1884. Jerome (Jerome K., Author, etc., born 1859). TALK WITH JEROME K. JEROME Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. GENERAL Idler, vol. i, 1892, and vol.4, 1893-4. Jerome (St., Secretary to Damascus, Bishop of Rome, died 420) Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Milinan's History of Christianity, 1875. Shepherd's Church of Rome, 1851. Jerrold (Douglas W., Dramatist and Novelist, died 1857). ESSAY ON DOUGLAS JERROLD AND SYDNEY SMITH Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. GENERAL Wilkie Collins' My Miscellanies, 1875. Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. Hodder's Memories of My Time, 1870. Kent's Footprints on the Road, 1864. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. X [ 321 ] JERSEY-JESUS CHRIST JERSEY (Largest of the Channel Islands). ANGLO-FRENCH IN JERSEY Chambers' Journal, vol. 18, 1852. CHAT ABOUT JERSEY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF JERSEY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. FRAMING OF CHURCH DISCIPLINE IN JERSEY AND GUERNSEY Brook's Lives of the JERSEY CATTLE IN AMERICA Harpers Magazine, vol. 70, 1885. [Puritans, 1813. JUSTICE IN JERSEY Truth, vol. 19, 1886. NOTES ON JERSEY Good Words, vol. 12, 1871. Magazine of Art, vol. 4, 1881. NOTES ON THE NATURAL HISTORY OF JERSEY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1882. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. SUNDAY IN JERSEY Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. THE JOURNEY TO JERSEY London Society, vol. 34, 1878. GENERAL Ansted & Lathom's Channel Islands, 1862. Argosy, vol.37, 1884. English Historical Review, 1887. JERUSALEM ([" City of Peace"], The Ancient Capital of Palestine). DESCRIPTION OF JERUSALEM Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. i, 1830. DESCRIPTION OF JERUSALEM AND THE TEMPLE Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7, 1890. DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM BY TITUS, A.D. 70 A. L. O. E.'s Stories from Jewish History, 1875. Backhouse's Early Church History, 1892. HOME LIFE IN THE HOLY CITY Sunday Magazine, vol. 33, 1897. JERUSALEM TO-DAY Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1897. JERUSALEM WITHOUT WALLS Macleod's Eastward : Travels in Egypt, etc., 1869. LATIN KINGDOM OF JERUSALEM Cox's Crusaders [Epochs of Modern History], 1889. LIFE IN JERUSALEM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. LITERARY LANDMARKS OF JERUSALEM Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. PASSION PLAY AT JERUSALEM Sunday at Home, vol. 42, 1895. PASSOVER SCENES AND CEREMONIES IN JERUSALEM Daily Mail, April 7, 1898. POOR OF JERUSALEM Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. PROFESSOR SCHICK'S MODELS OF THE TEMPLE Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. SIEGE OF JERUSALEM Milman's History of the Jews, vol. 2, 1863. SKETCH OF JERUSALEM Lewin's Life and Epistles of St. Paul, 1890 STREETS OF JERUSALEM Hepworth Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM Josephus' Works, 1897. Archaeologia [Site], vol. 44, THE FIGHT THAT LOST JERUSALEM Cornhill Magazine, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1898. THE HOLY PLACES Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. THE LOCKED-UP STONE OF JERUSALEM Trans. Royal Historical Soc , vol. 2, 1873. WATER SUPPLY OF JERUSALEM Quiver, vol. 30. 1895. GENERAL Ainswortn's All Round the World, 1861. Baedeker's Guide to Palestine, 1876. Bramsen's Travels in Egypt, etc., 1820. Briggs' Messianic Prophecy, N.D. Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Buckingham's Travels in Palestine, 1822. Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 2, 1886. Geifcie's Holy Land and the Bible, 1891. Hill's With the Beduins, 1891. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Josephus' Works, 1897. Kitto's Scripture Lands, 1850. Martineau's Eastern Life, Past and Present, 1850. Miller's Alone Through Syria, 1892 Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Sumner's Our Holiday in the East, 1881. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Picturesque Palestine [Illustrations], 1882. Jervaux or Jervaulx. ABBKYS OF JERVAUX AND FOUNTAINS Thomas and Katharine Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Jervls (John, Earl St. Vincent, Admiral, died 1823) James' Naval History, yols. 1,2, & 3, 1837. Southey's Life of Nelson, 1861. Mahan's Life of Nelson [with portrait]. JESUITS ([Society of Jesus], The most celebratedof the Roman Catholic Religious Orders). CANADA AND THE JESUITS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. CATHOLIC CHURCH IN ENGLAND Molloy's Faiths of the People, vol. i, 1892. ENGLISH JESUITS AND SCOTTISH INTRIGUES, 1581-2 Edinburgh Rev., vol. 187, 1898. FALL OF JESUIT MISSIONS IN SOUTH AMERICA Mulhall's Between the Amazon and FLAGELLATION AMONG THE JESUITS Cooper's History of the Rod, 1877. [Andes, 1881. FOUNDERS OF JESUITISM Stephens' Ecclesiastical Biography, 1860. ESUITISM Carlyle's Latter-day Pamphlets, 1872. JESUITISM AND FREEMASONRY Heckethorn's Secret Societies, 1875. 'ESUITS AND ORATORIANS Challice's Heroes, etc., of the Time of Louis XVI., 1863. ' ESUITS, 1579 Froude's History of England, 1870. ESUITS IN NORTH AMERICA Dixon's White Conquest [America], 1876. 'ESUITS IN SWITZERLAND W. Hepworth Dixon's The Switzers, 1872. THE JESUITS ENTER POLAND Wylie's History of Protestantism, voi. 3, 1875-7. TRAINING OF A JESUIT Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. Parkman's La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West, 1885. Smiles' Huguenots in England & Ireland, 1868 JESUS CHRIST (The Saviour. Most of the works referring to Jesus will be found under Christ, and Christianity ; see also Belief, God, Religion, etc.) CHILDHOOD OF JESUS Harper's Magazine, vol. 87, 1893. FLIGHT INTO EGYPT Harper's Magazine, vol. 80, 1889-90. JESUS AND THE BAPTIST Evolution of Christianity, 1883. [;22] JESUS CHRIST-JEWS .JeSUS Christ (continued). JOURNEYS OF OUR LORD Sunday at Home, vol. 31, 1884. THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD AS EXEMPLIFIED IN WORKS OF ART Fine Art Quarterly Review, vol. i (n.s.), 1866. THE LIKENESSES OF JESUS CHRIST Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. Sir W Bayliss' Portrait of Our Lord, 1898. Ton's Portrait of Christ in the British Museum, 1898. THE SAYINGS OF JESUS Expositor, vol. 6 (sth series), 1897. Grenfell & Hunt's Sayings of Our Lord [with facsimile of the Papyrus], 1897. Jet (Fossil substance) Ure's Arts and Manufactures, vol. 2, 1860. Jethro (Father-in-Law of Moses). JETHRO, PRIEST OF MIDIAN Hommel's Ancient Hebrew Tradition, 1897. Stanley's History of the Jewish Church (ist series), 1884. Jeune (Sir Francis, Judge, bom 1844). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand, vol. 7, 1894. INTERVIEW, WITH PORTRAIT Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Jeune (Lady, Wife of above). LADY JEUNE AND HER DAUGHTERS Temple Magazine, GENERAL Mrs. Sala's Famous People I have met, 1892. [vol. i, 1896-7'. Jewel (J., Bishop of Salisbury, died 1571) Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Jewels. ARTIFICIAL JEWELS Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. FAMOUS J.EWELS All the Year Round, vol. 75, 1894. PREHISTORIC JEWELLERY Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. SOME JEWEL MYSTERIES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. u, 1893-4. TIBET JEWELLERY, ETC. Pratt's To the Snows of Tibet, 1892. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. JEWS. (See also Hebrews, Israelites, Judaism, etc.). AMONG THE RUSSIAN JEWS IN THE EAST END Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. ANTI-SEMITISM AND THE DREYFUS CASE Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. ARE THERE JEWS IN CORNWALL? Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. BIBLE HISTORY OF FOURTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH Early English Text Society's Reprint |" Cursor Mundi "], Nos. 57, 59, 62, and 65, 1874-7. CIVIL DISABILITIES OF THE JEWS Macaulay's Essays, 1891. COLOURED JEWS Quiver, vol. 34, 1898-9. EMANCIPATION FROM THE JEWS National Review, vol. 27, 1896. EMANCIPATION OF THE JEWS Russell's [Lord John] Despatches from 1859-1865, 1870. Loewe's Diary of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, 1812-83, 1890. EUROPE AND THE JEWS Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. EXPU T " '"-- " -' EXPI GREAT WHITE FAST Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. HEBREW CATALOGUE OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM Jewish Chronicle, Mar. 17, 1899. HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN ENGLAND Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 18, 1847. HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN ROME Hare's Walks in Rome, 1893. JEW-BAITING ON THE CONTINENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. EWISH COLONY IN LONDON Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. EWISH LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1897. EWISH NATION AND GOD'S DEALING WITH THEM Keble's Occasional Papers, 1877. -.WISH QUESTION IN ITS RECENT ASPECTS Inter. Jour, of Ethics, vol.6, 1895-6. :WISH TRIBES AND THEIR TOWNS IN CANAAN Kitto's Scripture Lands, 1850. :WISH WAR Church's Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem, 1880. JWISH WEDDINGS Hutchinson's Marriage Customs in Many Lands, 1897. EWISH WIT AND HUMOUR Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. EWISH WORKMAN Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. EWS AND EGYPTIANS Brace's Unknown God, 1890. EWS AND JUDAISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 4, 1878. EWS AND PREHISTORIC IRISH ANTIQUITIES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1876. EWS IN EASTERN EUROPE Smith's Modern Apostle, 1891. EWS IN ENGLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. Milman's History of the Jews, vol. 3, 1863. Rodenberg's England, Literary and Social, 1876. EWS IN EUROPE Dollinger's Studies in European History, 1890. EWS IN LONDON Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. EWS IN PALESTINE Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. Conder's Modern Traveller, EWS IN PARLIAMENT Froude's Life of Lord Beaconsfield, 1891. [vol. i, 1830. EWS OF EGYPT Bonsol's Morocco as it is, 1893. Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1833-5. JEWS OF NEW YORK Riis' How the other half Lives, 1891. LIBERTY OF THE JEWS Eliot's Liberty of Rome : a History, 1849. LONDON'S COURT OF KING SOLOMON Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. MEDIAEVAL JEWS OF LINCOLN Archaeological Journal, vol. 38, 1882. MISSION OF JUDAISM Fortnightly Review, vol.66, 1896. MODERN JEW AND THE NEW JUDAISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. MODERN JEWS Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. no], 1883. Sunday at Home, vol. 33, 1886. MONEY-LENDING ISRAEL IN THE EAST Berger's Winter in the City of Pleasure, 1877. OUTRAGES ON JEWS IN RUSSIA Readiana, Comments on Current Events, 1886. PRIVATE WORSHIP OF THE JEWS Quiver, 1895. RELIGIOUS LIFE OF HEBREWS AT TIME OF CHRIST Martineau's Eastern Life, 1850. [323] JEWS JOEL Jews (continued) . RETURN OF THE JEWS TO PALESTINE Nineteenth Century, vol. 44, 1898. SOME ACCOUNT OF THE JEWS Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. SOME JEWISH FESTIVALS Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. STREET-JEWS Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor, vol. 2, 1865. SYNAGOGUE IN BEVIS MARKS Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. SYSTEM OF EDUCATION AMONG THE JEWS Hasting's Diet, of the Bible, vol. i, 1898. THE FINAL TRAGEDY: FALL OF JERUSALEM Oliphant's Jerusalem: its History TUNISIAN JEWS Good Words, vol. 34, 1893. [and Hope, 1891. WHAT THE WORLD OWES TO THE JEWS Good Words, vol. 4, 1863. ZIONISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. ZIONIST CONGRESS Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. ZIONISTS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 163, 1898. ZOLA ON ANTI-SEMITISM IN FRANCE The Humanitarian, vol. 12, 1898. GENERAL Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Burnet's Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, 1826. Brewer's Scripture History, 1860. Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 3, 1890-1. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 14, 1830. Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Farrar's Present-day 8uestions, 1892. Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Lacroix's Manners, Customs, and ress during the Middle Ages, 1878. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Milman's Latin Christianity, 1872. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Thomson's Travels in Morocco, 1889. Whately's Lectures, 1865. Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. Jeypore, India Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Jezebel ( Wife of A hab, King of Israel, killed 884 B.C.) Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Stanley's History of the Jewish Church, series i and 2, 1884. Taylor's Elijah the Prophet, 1889. Universal Review, vol. 4, 1891. Jezreel (Bible City of Palestine) Macleod's Eastward : Travels in Egypt, Syria, and Palestine, 1869. Picturesque Palestine, 1882. Jim, trie Manchester Fire Dog 1 . "OUR JIM " Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1874. Joab (Commander under King David) Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 3, 1886. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Milman's History of the Jews, 1866. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Stanley's Hist, of Jewish Church (ist series). Joan of Arc (French National Heroine, burned 1431). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. BRIEF SKETCH OF HER LIFE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. JOAN OF ARC IN ENGLAND [Dramatic Representation] Theatre, vol. 17, 1891. NEWLY DISCOVERED PORTRAITS OF JEANNE D'ARC Century Magazine, vol. 53, 1897. PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF JOAN OF ARC [an Historical Romance] Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895 ; vol. 31, 1895-6. THE DAYS OF JEANNE D'ARC Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. THE MAID OF ORLEANS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. THE MIRACLE OF THE MAID OF ORLEANS Review of Reviews, vol. 8, 1893. GENERAL Godwin's Necromancers, 1876. Gurney's God's Heroes and World's Heroes, 1858. King's Cluster of Lives, 1874. Mahon's Historical Essays, 1849. O'Hagan's Joan of Arc, 1873. Owen's Heroines of History, 1854. Sunday Magazine, vol. 15, 1879. Tytler's Tales of the Great and Brave, 1861. Joan Plantagenet ( ["Fair Maid of Kent," Princess of Wales, wife of the Black Prince,. died 1385) Holt's Memoirs of Royal Ladies, 1861. See also Kent (Joan of). Joanna Of Navarre (Queen of Henry IV., and known as the Witch Queen, died J 437) Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Hepworth Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 2, 1879. Holt's Memoirs of Royal Ladies, 1861. Joash (King ofjttdah, died 840 B.C.) Church's Stories from the Bible, 1891. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Job (Bible character, noted for his patience under misfortune). BOOK OF JOB AND ITS LATEST COMMENTATOR Expositor, vol. 6 (5th series), 1897. BOOK OF JOB Bradley's Lectures in Westminster Abbey, 1888. ESSAYS ON THE BOOK OF JOB Froude's Short Studies on Great Subjects, 1882. JOB AND HIS FRIENDS Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. JOB AND THE " FAUST " Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. NATURE LESSONS FROM THE BOOK OF JOB Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. .REMARKS ON THE BOOK OF JOB Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. WAS JOB AN AGNOSTIC? Expositor, vol. 7 (5th series), 1898. GENERAL Driver's Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament, 1892. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Jocelyn (Earls of Roden). HISTORY OF THE JOSCELYN FAMILY Burke's Portraits of Distinguished Females, 1833. Jockey Club. HISTORY OF THE JOCKEY CLUB Suffolk and Berkshire (Earl of) Racing and Steeplechasing, 1889. Jockeys. TRAINERS AND JOCKEYS Suffolk and Berkshire (Earl of) Racing and Steeplechasing, 1889. Jodhpur, India Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Joel (A Minor Prophet of Israel) Driver's Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament, 1892. Farrar's Lives of the Minor Prophets. Good Words, vol. 33,. 1892. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. [324 JOHANNESBURG-JONATHAN Johannesburg (A Town in the Transvaal). GOLDEN JOHANNESBURG Temple Bar, LIFE IN JOHANNESBURG Woman, Jan., 1896. [vol. 107, 1896. NEW ELDORADO Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. THE GOVERNMENT OF JOHANNESBURG London, vol. 5, 1896. TO-DAY IN JOHANNESBURG Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. [Crisis, 1897. TRUTH ABOUT THE JOHANNESBURG REVOLT Garrett & Edwards' Story of an African GENERAL Finch's To South Africa, 1890. And books on South Africa, etc. John (King of England, died 1216) Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. Freeman's History of the Norman Conquest, 1873. See also Magna Charta, Richard I., etc. John (St., the Baptist, beheaded A.D. 30). BAPTISM OF JOHN Expositor, vol.6 (5th ser.), FORERUNNER OF JESUS Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. [1897. ST. JOHN IN ART, LEGEND, AND RITUAL Archaeological Journal, vol. i, 1846. GENERAL Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 6, 1883. Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Seeley's Ecce Homo, 1886. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. .John (St., One of Christ's Apostles). APOSTLE AND PROPHET Pressense's Early Years of Christianity, vol. i, 1875. AUTHORSHIP OF THE GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN Westcott's St. John [Preface], 1882. Salmon's Introduction to the New Test. Speaker's Commentary (N.T.), v. 2, 1880. JOHN OF THE GOSPELS Reed's Companions of the Lord, 1873. ST. JOHN AND PHILO JUD^JUS Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Ewald's History of Israel, vol.6, 1886. Liddon's Divinity of our Lord, 1891. Bishop Westcott's Introduction to the Study of the Gospels, 1875. John (Twelfth Duke of Normandy) Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, 1839. John XXI. (Pope, 1276-1277) Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. John XXII. (Pope, died 1334) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 7, 1872. John XXIII. (Pope, died 1419) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 8, 1872. *' John Anderson, my Jo " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. John George I. (Elector of Saxony, died 1656) Fletcher's Gustavus Adolphus, 1891. John Of Bologna. See Bologna (G. Di). John of Jenstein (Archbishop of Prague, 1378-1397) Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 7, 1878. Johnson (Samuel, Celebrated Lexicographer, died 1784). BOSWELL'S LIFE OF JOHNSON Carlyle's Essays, 1847. Macaulay's Essays, 1892. ESSAY ON SAMUEL JOHNSON Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1891. JOHNSON AND EDMUND HECTOR Dent's Making of Birmingham, 1894. JOHNSON AND HIS FRIENDS Archer's Highway of Letters, 1893. JOHNSON AND THE LADIES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. JOHNSONIANA National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. JOHNSON'S FAVOURITES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON Scott's Prose Works, 1878. LIVES OF THE POETS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. GENERAL Abbey's English Church, 1887. Birrell's Obiter Dicta, 1887. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Cunningham's English Nation [portrait], vol. 4. De Morgan's Paradoxes, 1872. Lawrence's Life of Fielding, 1855. Macaulay's Biographies, 1865. Macaulay's Reviews, 1890. Merydew's Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888. Prior's Life of Burke, 1867. Stoughton's Shades and Echoes of Old London, 1864. Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Seeley's Fanny Burney and her Friends, 1895. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Authors, 1887. Johnston (Charles). A FORGOTTEN SATIRE, "CHRYSAL" Macmillan's Mag., v. 72, 1895. Johnston (Priscilla, died 1850) Hack's Faithful Service, 1885. Joinery. FURNITURE AND JOINERY Architecture, vol. i, 1896. See also Carpentry. Joint Stock. JOINT STOCK BANKS Bagehot's Lombard Street, 1888. JOINT STOCK PRINCIPAL IN CAPITAL Rogers' Industrial England, 1892. Joints. JOINTS IN WOODWORK AND IRON Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-6, 1897. Jokai (Maurus, Hungarian Novelist, born 1825). MAURUS JOKAI AT HOME The Young Man, vol. 11, 1897. Jokes. JOKES IN DICTIONARIES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1890. OLD JEST BOOKS Strand Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. OXFORD JOKES AND SAUSAGES Jeaffreson's Annals of Oxford, 1874. " Jolly Miller " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. Jonah (Hebrew Prophet, died 862 B.C.). JONAH AND CHRIST Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. MISSION TO NINEVEH Formby's Monotheism, 1877. SIGN OF THE PROPHET JONAS Expositor, vol. 6 [sth series], 1897. GENERAL Driver's Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Sayce's Higher Criticism and the Monuments, 1894. Stanley's History of the Jewish Church (2nd series), 1884. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Jonathan (Son of Saul and friend of David) Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 5, iE86. Josephus' Works, 1891. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. [325] JONATHAN'S DAUGHTERS-JOURNALISM' Jonathan's Daughters (Typical American Women). NOTES ON JONATHAN'S DAUGHTERS Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. See also United States, Women, etc. Jones (Agnes E., Philanthropist). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Annual, GENERAL Fawcett's Some Eminent Women, 1889. [vol. 6, 1885. Jones (Sir E. Burne, Painter and Designer, died 1898). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. MONOGRAPH ON BURNE JONES Art Annual, 1894. MYTHIC SCHOOLS OF PAINTING Ruskin's Art of England, 1884. SIR E. BURNE JONES AND HIS WORK- -Daily Graphic, vol. 13, 1893. SKETCH OF HIS LIFE AND WORKS Contemporary Review, vol. 76, 1898. GENERAL Atlantic Monthly, vol. 82, 1898. Muther's History of Modern Painting,, vol. 3, 1896. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 15, 1894. Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. Jones (Henry Arthur, Dramatist, born 1851). BRIEF SKETCH Idler, vol. 4, 1893-4. Jones (Inigo, Noted Architect, died 1652) Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, vol. 4, 1830. Jones (John Paul, Scotch Privateersman in the service of America, died 1792). SKETCH OF PAUL TONES Century Mag., vol. 49, 1894-5. Fitzgerald's Kings of an Hour. GENERAL Whymper's The Sea: its Stirring Story of Adventure, and Peril, 1878-81. Jones (Sir William, Orientalist and Linguist, died 1794). LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM JONES Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 18, 1847. GENERAL Brightwell's Industry and Genius, 1869. Campbell's Specimen's of British Poets, 1844. Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, vol. 4, 1830. Jonson (Benjamin, Noted Dramatist, died 1637). JONSON IN SCOTLAND Masson's Drummond of Hawthornden, 1873. GENERAL Campbell's Specimens ofBritishPoets,i844. Cunningham's English Nation, [portrait], vol. 2. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 5,1845. Nineteenth Century, vol. 23, 1888. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Joppa or Jaffa (A maritime Town of Palestine). HOUSETOP AT JOPPA Sunday Maga- zine, vol. 27, 1891. JOPPA AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD Geikie's Holy Land and the Bible, 1891. GENERAL Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Picturesque Palestine [with Views] , 1882. Eastern Life, 1850. Smith's History of Joshua, 1870. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Picturesque Palestine [with Views] . Stanley's Sinai and Palestine, 72. Jordan (Dorothy, Irish Actress, Mistress of the Duke of Clarence [William IV.}, died 1816) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. English Illustrated, v. 9, 1891-2 Joseph (Son of Jacob, noted in traditional Hebrew history). JOSEPH AND HIS BRETHREN Good Words, vol. 21, 1880. LESSONS FROM THE HISTORY OF JOSEPH Sunday at Home, vol. 5, 1858. GENERAL Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Church's Stories from the Bible, 1891. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Josephus' Works, 1874. Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Milman's History of the Jews, 1866. Pinnock's Bible and History, 1887. Quiver, vol. 8, 1873. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol, 6, 1891. Stanley's Hist, of the Jewish Church. Joseph Of Arimathea (A rich Jew who believed in Jesus Christ, and who buried Him). FOURTEENTH CENTURY ALLITERATIVE POEM, AND THREE i6TH CENTURY PROSE LIVES Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 49, 1871. Josephine (Empress, Married to Napoleon Bonaparte 1795, divorced 1809) Lady Jackson's French Court and Society [portrait], 1881. See also Napoleon I. Josephus (Celebrated Jewish Historian, died 95) Church's Stories of the Last Days of Jerusalem, 1880. Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 7, 1885. Farrar's Christianity, 1882. Milman's History of the Jews, 1866. Joshua (Successor of Moses as Leader of the Israelites). FROM JOSHUA TO DAVID Hommel's Ancient Hebrew Tradition, 1897. GENERAL Church's Stories from the Bible, itgi. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Good Words, vol. 10, 1869. Milman's History of the Jews. 1866. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Treasury of Religious Thought, v. 6, 1891 . Stanley's Jewish Church, 1884. Josiah (King of Judah, 640-609 B.C.). JOSIAH, SON OF AMON Ewald's History of Israel, vol. 4, ifc86. GENERAL Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Stanley's Jewish Church, 1884. JOSS House (Chinese Temple) Pratt's To the Snows of Tibet, 1892. JOURNALISM. (See also Magazines, Newspapers, names of Papers, etc.) AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892 ANONYMOUS JOURNALISM Macmillan's Mag. y. 5, 1861-2. Scribner's, Mag., v. 10, 1891. CHAPTERS IN JOURNALISM Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. COMPLETE LEADER-WRITER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. EARLY DAYS OK FRENCH NEWSPAPERS Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. EARLY NEWSPAPER SKETCHES Longman's Magazine, vol. 8, 1886. EARLY NEWSPAPERS AND PAMPHLETS Archer's Highway of Letters, 1893. [326] JOURNALISM-JUDAS ISCARIOT Journalism (continued). EGYPTIAN NEWSPAPER PRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN JOURNALISM Literature, vol. 3, 1898. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. ETHICS OF MODERN JOURNALISM Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. FORTY YEARS OF JOURNALISM English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. FRENCH JOURNALISM National Review, vol. 26, 1895-6. FRENCH NEWSPAPER PRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. GERMAN DAILY PRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. GERMAN NEWSPAPER PRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. ILLUSTRATED JOURNALISM : Its Past and Future Contemporary Rev., vol. 75, 1899. Is ANONYMITY IN JOURNALISM DESIRABLE? Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2, 1893-4. JOURNALISM AND LITERARY FRIENDSHIPS Almon's Life of John Wilkes, 1888. OURNALISM AND THE INSTITUTE Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. JOURNALISM FOR LADIES Lady's Realm, vol. 2, 1897. JOURNALISTIC REMUNERATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. JOURNALS AND JOURNALISTS Besant's Fifty Years Ago, ib88. JOURNALS AND JOURNALISTS IN 1837 Besant's London, 1892. LETTER TO A YOUNG JOURNALIST Lang's Essays in Little, 1891. LONDON MORNING DAILIES Review of Reviews, vol. 4 [p. 413], 1891. LONDON PEN AND GOWN IN THE SIXTIES AND SINCE Fortnightly Rev., vol.63, 1895. NEW JOURNALISM Escott's Platform, Press, etc., 1895. New Review, vol. 13, 1895. NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENTS IN THE FIELD Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. NEWSPAPER PRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. NEWSPAPER PRESS AND PRINTING OFFICE Russell's Authors' Manual, 1890. NEWSPAPERS THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO [1798] Chas. Lamb's Complete Works, 1874. NIGHT ON A MORNING PAPER Cassell's Magazine, vol. 3, 1877. " PALL MALL GAZETTE " Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. See also tinder name. PARISIAN NEWSPAPERS Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. PRESS AND GOVERNMENT Nineteenth Century, 28, 1890. SEVEN DAYS' NEWSPAPER Newsagent and Bookseller's Review, vol. 20 (April and May), 1899. The Guardian [page 488], 1899 ; see a ' so Index to the vol. SEVEN YEARS AS A JOURNALIST Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian History, v. 1,1892. SOME METHODS OF MODERN JOURNALISM Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. SOME REMINISCENCES OF ENGLISH JOURNALISM Nineteenth Cent., vol. 42, 1897. SORROWS OF A SCRIBBLER National Review, vol. 31, 1898. SPANISH JOURNALISM Literature, vol. 4, 1899. TRADE JOURNALS Russell's Literary Manual, 1886. TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN A NEWSPAPER OFFICE Nineteenth Century, vol. 21, 1887. VICTORIAN JOURNALISTS Morley's Literature in the Reign of Victoria, 1881. WESTERN JOURNALISM Harper's Magazine, vol. 77, 1888. WOMEN AS JOURNALISTS Daily Graphic, vol. 20, 1894. Girl's Own Annual [Young Women as Journalists], vol. 12, 1891. Pearson's Magazine [Leading Lady Journalists], vol. 2, 1896. WORKING JOURNALISTS Russell's Literary Manual, 1886. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 58, 1881. Contemporary Review, vol. 63, 1893. Jovellanos (Caspar Melchor de, Spanish Statesman and Poet, died 1811) Kennedy's Poets of Spain, 1852. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 1849. Jowett (Benjamin, A noted Classical and Theological Writer and Master of Balliol, died 1893). ANECDOTES OF PROFESSOR JOWETT Temple Bar, vol. 99, 1893. REVIEW OF ABBOTT & CAMPBELL'S LIFE OF JOWETT Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. Athenasum, vol. i, 1897. National Review, vol. 29, 1897. Quarterly Review, JOWETT'S JUNKETTINGS Truth, vol. 20, 1886. [vol. 185, 1897. MASTER OF BALLIOL Longman's Magazine, vol. 26, 1895. RECOLLECTIONS OF PROFESSOR JOWETT Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. GENERAL Dublin Review, vol. 122, 1898. Guardian, vol. 52, 1897. Rigg's Modern Anglican Theology, 1857. Joy. ITS NATURE AND VARIED ASPECTS Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Joyce (M., A Methodist Preacher, born 1754) Jackson's Early Meth. Preachers, v. 4, 1876. Jubilees. JUBILEE AND DIAMOND JUBILEE OF QUEEN VICTORIA'S REIGN Illustrated London News (Special Supplements), 1887 and 1897. Judah (The Territory of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel ; also name of one of Jacob's sons and his Tribe). KINGDOMS OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL Milman's History of the Jews, vol. i, 1863. Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible, 1899. THE KINGS OF JUDAH Oliphant's Jerusalem : its History and Hope, 1891. GENERAL Ewald's History of Israel, vote. 3 and 4, 1871. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Josephus' Works 1897. Judaism (Religion of the Jews). ITS LATEST PHASES Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY Hort's Judaistic Christianity, 1894. Milman's History of the Jews, vol. 3, 1863. SATURDAY MORNING AT THE WEST LONDON SYNAGOGUE OF BRITISH JEWS Molloy's Faiths of the People, vol. i, 1892. . Judas Iscariot (The Apostle who betrayed Christ). ESSAY ON JUDAS ISCARIOT De Quincey's Works, vol. 6, 1867. Good Words, vol. 34, 1893. GENERAL Expositor, vol. 10 (3rd series), 1889. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Reed's Companions of the Lord, 1873. Treasury of Relig. Thought, vol. 6, 1891. [327] JUDAS MACCABEUS-JUNIPER TREES Judas Maccabteus (Famous Warrior, took Jerusalem from the Syrians and re-consecrated the Temple, killed 160 B.C.) Ewald's Hist, of Israel, v. 5, 1886. Josephus' Works, '97. Jude or Judas (One of the Apostles). EPISTLE OF JUDK Tartar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. Plummer's The General Epistles of St. James and Jude, 1891. JUDAS AS ONE OF THE BRETHREN OF OUR LORD Bishop Lightfoot's Epistle to the Galatians, 1890. Judea. Seejudah. Judges. AMERICAN JUDGES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 25, 1871-2. ANECDOTES OF JUDGES James' Curiosities of Law and "Lawyers, 1882. EMINENT JUDGES OF ENGLAND W. S. Gibson's Miscellanies, Historical and Bio- HER MAJESTY'S JUDGES Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. [graphical, 1863. touRNEYiNGs OF THE JUDGES Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. UDGES OF ENGLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 47, 1870. JDGES OF ENGLAND BETWEEN 1660 AND 1865 Macmillan's Mag., vol 19, 1868-9. ALARIES AND TITLES OF JUDGES Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. SOME JUDGES Temple Bar Magazine, vol. 107, 1896. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Westminster Rev., vol. 145, 1896. Judges of Israel Hassell's Scripture Biography and its Teachings, 1885. Stanley's Jewish Church (ist series), 1884. Judgment (Moral and Intellectual). ESSAY ON COMMON SENSE AND JUDGMENT Reid's Essays on the Intellectual Power of Man, 1865. EVOLUTION OF JUDGMENT Luys' Brain and its Functions, 1883. JUDGMENT: HUMAN AND DIVINE Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1898. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. TRANSCENDENTAL DOCTRINE OF THE FACULTY OF JUDGMENT Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, 1883. Judgment (Last Judgment). JUDGMENT DAY Maurice's Theological Essays, 1853. JUDGMENT DAY Sale's The Koran, 1891. JUDGMENT TO COME Expositor, vol. 7, 1898. THE GREAT JUDGMENT Goodwin's Foundations of the Creed, 1890. THOUGHTS UPON FINAL JUDGMENT Macleod's Parish Papers, 1862. GENERAL Bush's The Intermediate State, 1877. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 5, 1891. Judgments. QUAINT JUDGMENTS [In Disputes] Chambers' Journal, vol. 62, 1895. Judith (In Biblical History, the Deliverer of Judtfa or Jiidah). A HEBREW VERSION OF THE HISTORY OF JUDITH Proc. Soc. Biblical Arch., vol. 13, N.D. GENERAL Owen's Heroines of History, 1854. Judson (Adoniram, A merican Missionary, died 1850) Gurney's God's Heroes and the World's Heroes, 1858. Judson (Sarah, born 1840) Hack's Faithful Service, 1885. Juggling. HISTORY OF JUGGLERS Beckmann's History of Inventions, etc., 1892. THE GREATEST JUGGLER IN THE WORLD [Paul Cinquevalli] Strand Magazine, GENERAL Sketches of Imposture, Deception and Credulity, 1837. [vol. 13, 1897. Julfa, Persia. ISPAHAN AND JULFA Bishop's Persia and Kurdistan, 1891. Wills' Land of the Lion and the Sun, 1891. Julia Octavia (Daughter of Augustus Ccesar, died A.D. 14) Lynan's Roman Emperors, 1850. Julian (Flavius Claudius, Emperor, surnatned the Apostate, died 363) Macmillan's Mag., vol. 48, 1883. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Sozomen's History of the Church, 1855. Juliet (Shakespearian Character). CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S JULIET Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. Julius II. (Pope, died 1513) Oliphant's Makers of Florence, 1889. Roscoe's Life of Leo X., 1883. Ranke's History of the Popes, 1870. Julius Ceesar (Roman Dictator and Statesman, assassinated 44 B.C.) DEATH OF JULIUS CAESAR Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. MARBLE BUSTS OF JULIUS C^SAR Rodberg's Roman Days, 1879. TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. GENERAL Froude's Life of Caesar: a Sketch, 1891. See also Ccesar. Julius (Philip, Duke of Stettin-Pomerania, born 1584). THE DIARY OF HIS JOURNEY THROUGH ENGLAND IN 1602 Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 6 (n.s.), 1892. Jumieges (A Village near Rouen, France, noted for the ruins of a Benedictine Monastery) Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Jumping. CHAMPION JUMPER OF THE WORLD [Mr. JohnHiggins] Strand Mag., v. 14, HIGH JUMPING Boys' Own Annual, vol. u, 1889. [1897. WEIGHT-PUTTING AND JUMPING Shearman's Athletics and Football, 1889. Jung (Sir Salar, Chief Minister of the Nizam of Hyderabad, born 1829). SIR SALAR JUNG AND HIS CLAIMS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. Jungfrau-Joch (Swiss Alps) Stephen's Playground of Europe, 1871. Jungle. DANGERS OF THE INDIAN JUNGLE Chambers'.Journal, vol. 62, 1885. Junior Carlton Club, London Hay's Club and the Drawing Room, 1870. Juniper Trees Thompson's Land and the Book, 1859. [328] JUNIUS-JUXON JuniUS (Pseudonym of the unknown Author of many letters condemning the British Ministry, 1768-1772, supposed to have been Sir Philip Francis). DID JUNIUS COMMIT SUICIDE? Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. ESSAY ON JUNIUS Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. JUNIAN CONTROVERSY Athenaeum, vol. 2, 1897, and vol. i, 1898. JUNIUS AND SIR PHILIP FRANCIS Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, v. 5, 1890. LAST PHASE OF THE CONTROVERSY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1871. LETTERS OF JUNIUS Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. MR. LECKY ON JUNIUS Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. ON THE LETTERS OF JUNIUS British Essayists, vol. 43, 1823. GENERAL Fitzgerald's Life of John Wilkes, 1888. Lippincott's Magazine, 1870. Junker (Wilhelm, African Explorer, died 1892) Mackay of Uganda; by his Sister, 1892. Wauters' Stanley's Emin Pasha Expedition, 1890. Juno (In Roman and Greek Mythology the Queen of Heaven). ETRUSCAN JUNO Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. GENERAL British Essayists [Tatler] , vol. 4, 1823. Smith's Classical Dictionary, 1863. Jupiter (In Roman and Greek Mythology the Supreme Deity). THE ETRUSCAN TINA Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. THE SUPREME ARYAN GOD Max Miiller's Science of Language, 1871. GENERAL Seyffert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. Smith's Classical Dictionary, 1863. Jupiter (The Planet). JUPITER AND HIS SATELLITES Student of Science, etc., v. 2, 1869. PSEUDO-SATELLITES OF JUPITER IN THE I7TH CENTURY Nature, vol. 51, 1895. THE CONDITION OF JUPITER Student of Science, Literature, and Art, vol. 5, 1871. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. Nature, vol. 3, 1871, and vol. 53, 1895-6. See also Astronomy. Jurisdiction (Legal Authority) Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. Jurisprudence (Science of Law). ABORIGINAL JURISPRUDENCE Sundowner's Rambles in Polynesia, 1897. CHRISTIAN JURISPRUDENCE Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 2, 1872. JUDICIAL PROCEDURE AND JURISPRUDENCE Seyffert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. RELATION OF ETHICS TO JURISPRUDENCE International Jour, of Ethics, v 4,1893-4. STUDY OF J URISPRUDENCE Maine's Village Communities in the East and West, 1890. Jury (A body of private citizens sivorn to try a question of fact). CURIOSITIES OF JURY TRIALS Chambers' Journal, vol. 50, 1873. [vol. 148, 1897. ENGLISH AND SCOTCH JURY SYSTEMS IN CRIMINAL TRIALS Westminster Review, RISE AND PROGRESS OF TRIAL BY JURY IN BRITAIN Macmillan's Mag., v. 5, 1861-2. TRIAL BY JURY Creasy's English Constitution : its Rise and Progress, 1853. Rout- ledge's Chapters in the History of Popular Progress [1660-1820], 1876. GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Justice. FIJIAN JUSTICE Sundowner's Rambles in Polynesia, 1897. JUSTICE IN JERSEY Truth, vol. 19, 1886. RUSSIAN JUSTICE Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. Lowth's Around the Kremlin, 1868. SENTIMENT OF JUSTICE Spencer's Principles of Ethics [Justice], 1891. THEORY OF JUSTICE Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. J. A. P.'s Proverbs of Solomon (classified and arranged). Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 4, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. Justin (St., Philosopher and Martyr, beheaded about 163) Backhouse's Church History, 1892. Dale's Living Christ and the Four Gospels, 1892. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875, Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. Kennedy's Gospels: their Age and Authorship, 1880. Justinian I. (Flavius Anicus, Emperor of the East, died 565) Evagrius' History of the Church, from 431 to 594, 1846. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. i, 1872. Justus (St., Archbishop of Canterbury, died 627) Hook's Archbishops, vol. i, 1868. Jute (The fibre of the inner bark of a plant from which coarse fabrics are woven). A MODEL JUTE MILL Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1880. JUTE IN TRANSIT Chambers' Magazine, vol. 69, 1892. JUTE SPINNING Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 3 and 4, 1897. THE INTRODUCTION OF JUTE Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1880. WHAT is JUTE ? Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1866. Jutes. JUTISH SETTLEMENTS IN ENGLAND Antiquary, vols. 29 and 30, 1894. Jutland and the Danish Isles Gibson's Miscellanies, Historical and Bio- graphical, 1863. Juvenal (Decimus J., Roman Satirist, died about 120). BIOGRAPHY Chambers' Encyclopaedia' vol. 6, 1895. Peters' Poets of Greece and Rome, 1847. SATIRES OF JUVENAL [Hodgson's Translations of Juvenal] Hodgson's Memoir of Rev. Francis Hodgson, 1887. Juvenile Answers. AMUSING JUVENILE ANSWERS Casssell's Mag., vol. 15, 1889. Juxon (William, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1663) Hook's Archbishops, vol. 3, 1868-75. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. [ 329] KABA-REGGA-KARAMAN IXABA-REGGA (King of Unyoro, Central Africa) Mounteney-Tephson's Emin Pasha, and the Rebellion at the Equator, 1890. Kabul, Afghanistan Keane's Asia, 1886. Leisure Hour, vol. 28, 1879. Kabyles (A n A Igerian Tribe descended from an ancient A rab Race). MARRIAGE CUSTOMS AMONG THE KABYLES OF NORTH AFRICA Hutchinson's Marriage Customs in Many Lands, 1897. GENERAL Seguin's Walks in Algiers, 1888. Keempfer (Engelbrecht, German Physician and Traveller, died 1716) Verne's Explora- tion of the World, 1882. Kaffirs (Pagan Natives of Africa). KAFFIR Music Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. KAFFIRS OF SOUTH AFRICA Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. KAFFIRS OF THE TRANSVAAL Johnston's Africa, 1884. KAFIR Bovs Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. NATAL KAFFIRS Little's South Africa, 1884. STORY OF THE KAFFIR WARS All the Year Round, vol. 41, 1878. Kaflristdn (An Asiatic Region bordering on Afghanistan). KAFIRISTAN AND THE KAFIRS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. Kailas Mountains, Tibet. SALAAMING THE SACRED MOUNTAINS Lander's Toward Lhassa: Daily Mail, March 14, 1898. Kai6a Islands (A Group of small Islands in the Malay Archipelago) Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. Kaisariyeh (Formerly Ccesarea, an ancient Seaport of Palestine)Stevenson's Our Ride- through Asia Minor, 1881. Conybeare & Howson's Life and Letters of St. Paul, 1888. Wilson's Picturesque Palestine, 1882. See also Ccesarea. Kalabshe, Nubia Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. Kalahari Desert, South Africa Longman's Magazine, vol. 18, 1891. Kalamata, Morea Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 15, 1830. Kaleidoscope (An Optical Toy invented by Sir David Bre-wster by which many beautiful designs in colours can be obtained). STRUCTURE OF THE KALEIDOSCOPE Lardner's Natural Philosophy (Optics), 1878. GENERAL BakewelPs Great Facts, 1878. Hutchinson's Indoor Games, etc., 1891. Kalkas, N. Mongolia, Chinese Empire Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Kalkbrenner (F. W., German Pianist and Composer, died 1849) Morris" Famous Musical Composers, 1891. Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. 2, 1880. Kalmucks (A branchofthe Mongolian Tribes of China) Household Words, v. 17, 1857-8 Kambula Dixie's In the Land of Misfortune [South Africa], 1882. Kamchatka (Russian Province in Siberia) Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. Kampen, Holland Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Kandy (Formerly the chief Town of Ceylon) Caine's Trip Round the World, 1892. Hornaday's Two Years in the Jungle, 1885. Kane (E. K., American Physician and Arctic Explorer, died 1857). KANE'S EXPEDITIONS Whymper's The Sea : its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, and Heroism, 1878-81. Kangaroo (A Marsupial Quadruped peculiar to A ustralia, having long hind legs and short fore feet). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 24, 1848. GROUP OF RED KANGAROOS Nolt's Wild Animals Photographed and Described, 1886. HUNTING THE KANGAROO Lumholtz's Among Cannibals, 1889. KANGAROOS IN AUSTRALIA Jung's Australia: its Country and its Inhabitants, 1884. PROBLEM OF THE KANGAROO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. REMARKS ON THE KANGAROO Greenwood's Wild Sports of the World, 1864. GENERAL Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. And under Australia, etc. Kano, Soudan, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 21, 1830. Kanouje, India Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. Kansas, U.S.A. A TYPICAL KANSAS COMMUNITY Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. BLEEDING KANSAS [Anti-Slavery Struggle] Dixon's New America, 1867. CENTRAL STATE Harper's Magazine, vol. 16, 1888. LADIES' DAY AT THE RANCH Harper's Magazine, vol. 10, 1885. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 25, 1893. Kant (Immanuel, Celebrated German Philosopher, died 1804). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Girls' Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. [1890. GERMAN LANGUAGE AND PHILOSOPHY OF KANT DeQuincey's Uncollected Writings, IMMANUEL KANT IN HIS RELATION TO MODERN HISTORY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 4, 1876. KANT'S DOCTRINE OF THE SCHEMATA The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. LAST DAYS OF KANT De Quincey's Works, vol. 3, 1863. PHILOSOPHY OF KANT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. SWEDENBORG AND KANT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. Kantara (An ancient Cyprian Fortress Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. Kara, Siberia (Noted for its Gold Mines). PENAL COLOKY AT KARA Lansdell's. Through Siberia, 1882. Kara Sea Hovgaard's Nordenskiold's Voyage Round Asia and Europe, 1882. Karaman, Asia Minor Stevenson's Our Ride Through Asia Minor, 1881. 1330] KARDAMOULA-KEELEY Kardamoula, Morea Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 15, 1830. Karens (A native race of Burmah and Siam). FUNERAL CUSTOMS OF THE KARENS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. KAREN INSCRIPTIONS Jour, of Helenic Studies, KARENS OF BURMAH Dublin Review, vol. 114, 1894. [vol. 16, 1896. Karli (A Village in Bombay). CAVES OF KARLI Macleod's Peeps at the Far East, 1871. Karpass (A District of Cyprus) Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. Karroo (An elevated region in Cape Colony). A KARROO FARM Bryden's Kloof and Karroo, 1889. MY PUPILS IN KARROO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, PLANTS OF THE KARROO Martin's Home Life on an Ostrich Farm, 1890. GENERAL Boyle's To the Cape, 1873. Ritchie's Brighter South Africa, 1892. Kashan, Persia Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 13, 1830. Kashmir, India Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 6, 1890. See also Cashmere. Katchanik, Roumelia Mackenzie & Irby's Slavonic Provinces, 1877. Katharine Of Arragon (First Queen of Henry VIII., died 1536) CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S KATHERINE Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. GENERAL Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1858. Strickland's Lives of the Queens of England, 1869. See also under Catherine, Henry VIII., etc.', Katherine Of ValoiS (Surnamed the Fair, Consort of Henry V., died 1437) Strick- land's Lives of the Queens of England, 1869. See also Henry V. Kathiawar, India, A RUN THROUGH KATHIAWAR Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 5, 1890. " Kathleen Mavourneen " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. Katrine (Loch, Lake in Perthshire, contains Ellen's Isle, noted in Scott's " Lady of the Lake") Airy's Topography of "The Lady of the Lake," 1873. Hawthorne's Notes, on England and Italy, 1869. Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Kattegat (A large arm of the North Sea) Knight's " Falcon " on the Baltic, 1889. " Katty Avourneen " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. Katanga, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 21. 1830. Kauffmann (Hermann, A rtist,died 1888) Muther's Hist, of Modern Painting, v.2, 1896. Kaufmann (Angelica, Artist, died 1807). SKETCH OF HER LIFE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 19, 1897-8. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 68, Kay (John, Inventor of the Fly-shuttle, died about 1764) Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies, 1874. Kay (John, Poet Laureate to Edward IV.) Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 1879. Kazan, Russia Meignan's Paris to Pekin over Siberian Snows. 1885. K^ Islands Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. Kea (New Zealand Parrot). A RF.MARKABLE BIRD English Illustrated Mag., v. 14, 1896. Kean (Charles, J., Actor, died 1868). KEAN AS HAMLET Brereton's Famous Hamlets from Burbage to Fechter, 1884. UNPUBLISHED LETTER OF CHARLES KEAN Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. GENERAL Cook's Hours with the Players, 1881. Lennox's Fifty Years' Reminis- cences, 1863. Marston's Recent Actors, 1890. Theatre, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1879. Kean (Mrs. C., Wife of above, Actress, died 1880) Pascoe's Dramatic List, 1880. Kean (Edmund, Celebrated Actor, died 1833). KEAN AS HAMLET Brereton's Famous Hamlets from Burbage to Fechter, 1884. GENERAL Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 3, 1818. Fitzgerald's English Stage, 1874. Quarterly Rev., vol. 54, 1835. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1881. Theatre, v. 25, 1895. Keary (Annie, Serial Writer) Macm/llan's Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. Keats (John, Poet, died 1821). ACCOUNT OF KEATS' LIFE AND WORK -Oliphant's. Literary History of England, 1882, BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 3, 1860-1. ESSAY ON KEATS Devey's Comparative Estimate of English Poets, 1873. KEATS : THE TRUE GRECIAN Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. ON SOME LETTERS OF KEATS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. RECOLLECTIONS OF KEATS Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. SHORT SELECTIONS FROM HIS WORKS Lang's Blue Poetry Book, 1891. GENERAL De Quincey's Works, vol. 5, 1864. Gilfillan's Literary Portraits, 1851-4. Kent's Footprints on the Road, 1864. Lester's Criticisms, 1853. Merydew's Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888. Phillips' Essays from the " Times," 1871. Ward's English Poets, v. 4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. KeatS (Sir K. G., Rear- Admiral) James' Naval History, 6 vols., 1837. Keble (J., Poet and Religious Writer, died 1866). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-69. POETRY OF KEBLE Contemporary Review, vol.67, J895. GENERAL Newman's Essays, 1890. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Authors, 1887. Kedlestone Hall, Derbyshire Jewitt & Hall's Stately Homes of England, 1874-7. Keeldar Castle, Northumberland Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Keeley (Mrs., Actress, died 1899) Mrs. Sala's Famous People I Have Met, 1892. Mon- tagu Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1890. Theatre, vol. 26, 1895. KEELEY-KENT Keeley (Robert, Actor, died 1869). THE KEELEVS Theatre, vol. 26, 1895. Keene (C. S., Illustrator and Caricaturist, died 1891). ART OF CHARLES KEENE Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. THE WORK OF CHARLES KEENE The Bookman, vol. 13, 1898. GENERAL Daily Graphic, vol. 5, 1891. Scribner's Magazine, vol. n, 1892. Keith (George, Viscount, Admiral, died 1823) James' Naval History, vols. 2, 3, & 6, 1837. Kelat, Baluchistan De Windt's A Ride to India, 1891. Kelly (Thomas, Publisher, died 1855) Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. Kelmscott Press. KELMSCOTT PRESS AND BOOK DECORATION Vallance's William Morris : His Art and Life, 1897. END OF Academy, vol. 50, 1896. KELMSCOTT PRESS AND THE NEW PRINTING Contemporary Review, vol. 76, 1898. Kelp-making. KELP-MAKING IN SHETLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Kelvedon Hall [with Illustrations] Rush's Seats in Essex, 1897. Kelvin (William Thompson, Baron, Eminent Scientist, born 1824). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Phonetic Journal, vol. 51, 1892. BRIEF SKETCH Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. CAREER OF LORD KELVIN Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 6, 1895. CHARACTER SKETCH [by J. Munro] Review of Reviews, vol. 8, 1893. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS TO THE ROYAL SOCIETY Proc. Royal Society, vol. 50, 1891-2. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Nature, vol. 54, 1896. Kelyng (Sir John, Serjeant-at-Law, died 1680) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Kemble (Charles, Actor, died 1854) Hodder's Memories of my Time, 1870. Marston's Recent Actors, 1890. Inchbald's British Theatre, vol. 8. Kemble (Frances Anne [" Fanny "], Daughter of the above, Actress, died 1893). BRIEF SKETCH Temple Bar, vol. 97, 1893. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. GENERAL Pascoe's Dramatic List, 1880. Theatre, vol. 21, 1893. Kemble (John, Actor, died 1823) Russell's Representative Actors, 1888. Kemp (John, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1454) Hook's Archbishops, vol. 5, 1868-75. Ken (Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Hymn Writer, died 1711) Abbey's English Church and its Bishops, 1887. Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Kendal, Westmoreland Black's Guide to the English Lakes, V.D. See also Lakes. Kendal (W. H., [W. H. Grinston] born 1843, and Margaret [M. B. Robertson] born 1849, Actors) Longman's Magazine, vol. 9, 1886-7. Men and Women of the Day, 1888. Strand Magazine, vol. 5, 1893. Theatre, vol. i (n.s.), 1880. Kenilworth (A Town in Warwickshire noted for its Castle and Scenery). AMY ROBSART, KENILWORTH AND WARWICK Scribner's Magazine, vol. 8, 1890. BAN OR DICTUM DE KENELWORTHA [1266] Archaeological Journal, vol. 21, 1864. CASTLE OF KENILWORTH Archaeological Journal, vol. 32, 1875. Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, 1890. Clark's Mediaeval Military Architecture, 1884. ENTERTAINMENT OF QUEEN ELIZABETH AT KENILWORTH CASTLE [1575] New Shakespeare Society's Publications, No. 6, 1887. PARLIAMENT OF KENILWORTH Archaeological Journal, vol. 21, 1864. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. TOWN AND CASTLE OF KENILWORTH Rimmer's Rambles round Rugby, 1892. GENERAL Black's Guide to Leamington, V.D. Black's Guide to Warwickshire, V.D. Stowe's Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854. Kennedy (John Pendleton, American Politician and Novelist, died 1870) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Kenneh, Egypt Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. Kennington, London Emerson's London : How the Great City Grew, 1862. Kensal Green Cemetery, London All the Year Round, vol. 10, 1863-4. Middlesex and Herts Notes and Queries, vol. 3, 1897. Kensington, London. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF KENSINGTON Suburban Homes ot London, 1881. FIFTY YEARS AGO Magazine of Art, vol. u, 1888. HISTORY OF KENSINGTON All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. KENSINGTON AND HOLLAND HOUSE Hare's Walks in London, 1878. PORTRAITS AT KENSINGTON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. PUBLIC LIBRARIES OF KENSINGTON Greenwood's Library Year Book, 1897. GENERAL Emerson's London : How the Great City Grew, 1862. Middlesex and Herts Notes and Queries, vols. 1-4, 1895-7. Kensington Palace. QUEEN'S HOMES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. SOME MEMORIES OF KENSINGTON PALACE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1898. KENT (Noted for its Hop Industry; invaded by Cczsar 55 and 54 B.C.) A CORNER OF KENT Panton's By-paths and Cross-roads, 1889. A KENTISH ARCADIA Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. BARONIAL HALLS OF KENT Land we Live in, vol. 2, 1853. BRITISH ANTIQUITIES IN KENT Gentleman's Mag. Library [Archaeology, pt.ii.], 1886. KENT AND THE CANTERBURY TALES Rodenberg's England : Literary and Social, '75. KENTISH DIALECT Howell's The Kentish Note Book, vol. i, 1891. [part i., 1887. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN KENT Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Romano-British Remains], KENT-KHIVA Kent (continued). ROMAN COAST FORTRESSES OF KENT Archaeological Institute, vol. 53, N.D. ROMAN MARITIME TOWNS IN KENT Archaeological Journal, vol. 33, 1876. SAXON COINAGE OF KENT Howell's The Kentish Note Book, vol. i, 1891. SOME EARLY CHURCH DEDICATIONS IN KENT AND ESSEX Antiquary, vol. 18, 1888. TYPICAL CHURCH TOWERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 19, 1898. [vol. i, 1879. WEALD OF KENT All the Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. Cassell's Our Own Country, Kent (Duke of, fourth son of George III., and father of Queen Victoria,- died 1820) Memoirs of Baron Stockmar, 1872. Walls' Good Queen's Reign, 1886, Kent (Joan, "The Fair Countess" of, wife of the Black Prince). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Annual, v. 5 [p. 454], 1884. Also under Joan Plantagenet. Kent (W., A rchitect, died 1748) Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, & Architects, v.4, 1879. Kentish Town, London. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF KENTISH TOWN Suburban Homes of London, 1881. Middlesex and Herts Notes and Queries, vols. 1-4, 1895-7. Kentucky, U.S.A. BLUE-GRASS REGIONS OF KENTUCKY Harper's Mag., vol. 72, 1885-6. HUMORS OF POLITICAL CAMPAIGNING IN KENTUCKY Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. KENTUCKY FAIRS Harper's Magazine, vol. 79, 1889. THE MAMMOTH CAVE OF KENTUCKY Century Magazine, vol. 55, 1897-8. VISIT TO THE MAMMOTH CAVE OF KENTUCKY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. Russell's North America, 1857. Kenyon (John, Poet, died 1856). KENYON AND HIS FRIENDS Temple Bar, vol. 88, 1890. Kepler (Johann, German Astronomer, died 1630). KEPLER AND THE LAWS OF PLANETARY MOTION Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. GENERAL Brewster's Martyrs of Science, 1874. De Morgan's Paradoxes, 1872. Keppel (Augustus, Viscount, English Admiral, died 1786). ADMIRAL KEPPEL'S TRIALS Burke's Celebrated Naval & Military Trials, 1876. Letters of Earl Malmesbury, '70. Kerk (Elizabeth Vander, widow of Adam Van Diemen) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, 1855. Kermanshah, Persia Wills' Land of the Lion and Sun, or Modern Persia, 1881. Kerry, Ireland. A FORTNIGHT* IN KERRY Froude's Short Studies on Great Subjects, ANCIENT STONE FORTRESSES Archa3ological Journal, vol. 15, 1868. [1891, THE KINGDOM OF KERRY Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. Kertch (Russian Seaport). ON ANTIQUITIES AT KERTCH, IN THE CRIMEA Archaeo- logical Journal, vol. 6, 1849. Kesrouan Mountains, Syria Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 2, 1830. Kestrel (A Bird of the Falcon Tribe) DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. i, 1848. THE LESSER KESTREL Morris' British Birds, vol. i, 1891. [Britain, 1890. KeBWick, Cumberland. KESWICK AND DERWENTWATER Baedeker's Guide to Great KESWICK LAKE Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, pt. ii.], 1892. WAYS OF LIFE AT KESWICK, 1803-1839 Dowden's Life of Robert Southey, 1888. GENERAL Black's Guide to English Lakes, V.D. Rounsley's Literary Associations of the Lakes, 1894. See also Lakes, etc. Ketshwayo. VISIT TO KING KETSHWAYO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. See also Cetewayo, Zulus, etc. Kettlewell (J., Nonjuror, died 1695) Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Kew, Surrey (Celebrated for its Botanical Gardens). DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF KEW Suburban Homes of London, 1881. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT KEW OBSERVATORY Student of Science, Literature and Art, vol. i, 1868, and vol. 2, 1869. Nature, vol. 53, 1896. GENERAL Black's Guide to Surrey, V.D. Middlesex and Herts Notes and Queries, vols. 1-2, 1895-6, and vol. 4, 1898. Keys. NOTABLE KEYS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. OLD LOCKS AND KEYS Leisure Hour, vol. 52, 1899. Mag. of Art, vols. 2 & 3, 1879-80. Khama (Chief of the Bamangwato). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 12, 1895. Khammura'bi (King of Babylon, 2130 B.C.). KHAMMURABI AND ABRAHAM Hommel's Ancient Hebrew Tradition, 1897. Khans. SYRIAN KHANS Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. Khartoum (Chief City of the Egyptian Soudan, Scene of Gordon's Death). FALL OF KHARTOUM All the Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. Pall Mall Mag., vol. 17, 1899. GENERAL GORDON AT KHARTOUM Grant's War in the Soudan [Cassell's], 1885-6. THE COLLEGE AT KHARTOUM AND AFTER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 79, 1899. THE SIRDAR'S COLLEGE AT KHARTOUM Contemporary Review, vol. 75, 1899. THE TIRAH AND KHARTOUM EXPEDITIONS Nineteenth Century, vol. 44, 1898. GENERAL Baker's The Albert N' Yanza, 1888. Wauter's Stanley's Emin Pasha, 1890. Sec also Kitchener, Egypt, Soudan, etc. Khedive of Egypt [Abbas II.] (born 1874) Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. Khiva, Central Asia. A RIDE TO KHIVA [A Review of Capt. Burnaby's Book] Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 10, 1890. CITY LIFE IN KHIVA Good Words, vol. 12, 1871. RUSSIA'S RELATIONS WITH KHIVA AND KHOKAND Boulger's Central Asia, 1879. [333] KHOGAS-KINGFISHER Khogas (One of the three sects of Indian Moslems) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. Khorsabad (Ancient City founded 722 B.C.) Bonomi's Nineveh and its Palaces, 1853. Khyber Pass, Afghanistan Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Kiakhta (A Town in Russian Siberia} Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. Kidd (Benjamin, Author, bom 1858). KIDD'S SOCIAL EVOLUTION DISCUSSED Mallock's Aristocracy and Evolution, 1898. (Captain W., notorious Pirate, hanged 1701) Burke's Naval and Military Trials, 1876. Doyle's English in America, 1887. lames' Letters Illustrating Reign of William III. [1688-1702], 1841. Kidderminster, Worcestershire (noted for its Carpets}. KIDDERMINSTER AND ITS INDUSTRIES Leisure Hour, vol. 45, 1896-7. See also Worcester. Kidney-Bean. HISTORY OF THE KIDNEY-BEAN Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1875. Kieff, Russia. DESCRIPTION OF WINTER IN KIEFF Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 17, 1830. Geddie's Russian Empire. 1882. Hepworth Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. Pinkerton's Russia, 1833. Kiel Bay, Denmark Knight's " Falcon " on the Baltic, 1889. Kilburn, London. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF KILBURN Suburban Homes of London, 1881. RISING SUBURBS [with Illustrations of Kilburn Library] London, vol. 5, 1896. GENERAL Cassell's Old and New London, vol. 5, 1877. Dodsley's London, vol. 3, 1761. Middlesex and Herts Notes and Queries, vol. 2, 3, 1896-7. Also Willesden. Kildare (Gerald, 'Ninth Earl of. Lord Deputy of Ireland, died in the Tower 1534) De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. Kildare (Gerald, Eleventh Earl of, died 1585) De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. [1835. Kilkenny, Ireland. ANTIQUITIES OF KILKENNY Inglis' Journey Throughout Ireland, Killaloo, Ireland. ITS ANCIENT PALACES AND CATHEDRAL Proceedings of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland (5th series), vol. 3. Killarney, Ireland. KINGDOM OF KERRY Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. KILLARNEY IN THE i8TH CENTURY Young's Tour in Ireland, 1776-9, 1892. LAKES OF KILLARNEY Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 3, 1880. Chambers' Journal, vol. 20, 1853. Her Majesty's Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, 1868. Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Land we Live in, vol. 3, 1853. GENERAL Inglis' Journeys Throughout Ireland, 1835. See also Lakes. Killigrew (Anne, Poet and Artist, died 1685) Clayton's English Female Artists, 1876. Killigrew (Thomas, King's Jester, died 1683) Grammont's Charles II., 1846. Jesse's Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, vol. 3, 1857. Killin, Scotland Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Killindryeh, Asia Stevenson's Our Ride Through Asia Minor, 1881. Kilmorac (A Town in Inverness-shire, celebrated for its Falls). SACRAMENT SUNDAY AT KILMORAC Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Kilns. CONSTRUCTION OF KILNS Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Kilrush, Ireland. KILRUSH IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Kilwardby (Robert, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1279) Hook's Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, vol. 3, 1865. Kimberley (Earl of [John "Wodehouse], Lord Privy Seal, 1868; born 1826) Gladstone Government, 1869. Kimberley, South Africa Finch's To South Africa, 1890. Lady Florence Dixie's Land of Misfortune [South Africa], 1882. Ritchie's Brighter South Africa, 1890. Kimon (Athenian Statesman and Son of Miltiades, 440 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Kindergarten (A system of Education by means of Toys, and other Articles, originated in Prussia, 1840). A GARDEN OF CHILDREN Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. FREE KINDERGARTEN Harper's Magazine, vol. 57, 1878. KINDERGARTEN AT KILBURN Good Words, vol. 15, 1874. See also Frobel (F.) Kindness Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Kineton (A small Town of Warwickshire) Black's Guide to Warwickshire, V.D. KinetO-Phonograph. EDISON'S INVENTION OF THE KINETO-PHONOGRAPH Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1894. Cassier's Magazine, vol. 7, 1895. King 1 (Archbishop of Dublin) Abbey's English Church and its Bishops, 1887. King (H. H., Poetess, died 1873) Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. King' (P., Lord Chancellor, 1725) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. King (Peter, Lord, died 1833) Senior's Biographical Sketches, 1863. King (William, Poet, died 1712) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. [1875-7. King and the Scholars [Henry VIII.] Wylie's History of Protestantism, vol. 3, "King Lear" (A Tragedy by Shakespeare). A HISTORY OF THE PLAY Theatre, vol. 20, 1892. Kingdom Of God on the Earth (Christadelphians) Davies' Unorthodox London. Kingfisher (A small Bird of the Order of Insessores) Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1866. Morris' British Birds, vol. i, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, vol. 2, 1856. [334] KINGLAKE-KISSING Kinglake (A. W., Historian of the Crimean War, died 1891). ARTICLE ON A. W. KINGLAKE Temple Bar, vol. 91, 1889. INVASION OF THE CRIMEA Macinillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. GENERAL Biographies Reprinted from the " Times," vol. 5, 1896. Kings. DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS Book of Table Talk [Charles Knight], 1836. FUTURE KINGS Leisure Hour, vol. 45, 1896-7. KINGS OF ISRAEL Hassell's Scripture Biography, 1885. LAUDER'S "OFFICE AND DEWTIE OF KYNGIS," i6TH CENTURY Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 3, 1864. NEW KINGS ON OLD THRONES Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. POWER OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND Creasy's English Constitution, 1886. RIGHTS OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. USE OF THE TITLE OF KING IN ENGLAND Freeman's Norman Conquest, vol.5, 1870. GENERAL Burder's Oriental Literature, 1822. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Kings' Briefs. THEIR PURPOSE AND HISTORY Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., v. 10, 1882. King's College, Cambridge Bradshaw's Collected Papers, 1889. King's Norton, Worcestershire. CHURCH OF KINGS' NORTON Reports Assoc. Archaeological Societies, vol. 21. King's Weigh House, London (The original Customs House) Pike's Ancient Meeting Houses, 1870. Kingsford (Anna, born at Stratford, Essex, 1846). EDWARD MAITLAND'S "LIFE OF A. KINGSFORD" [Review] Review of Reviews, vol. 13, 1896. Kingsley (Charles, Vicar of Eversley and Canon of Westminster, Celebrated Writer, died 1875). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF CHARLES KINGSLEY All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. The Library, vol. 3, 1891. ESSAY ON KINGSLEY Lang's Essays in Little, 1891. MAURICE AND KINGSLEY Maurice's Life of F. D. Maurice, 1884. RECOLLECTIONS OF KINGSLEY Good Words, vol. 16, 1875. GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5, ar "d vol. 35, 1876-7. Rigg's Modern Anglican Theology, 1857. Teachers and Preachers of Recent Times, 1881. Ward's English Poets, v. 4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Kingsley (Henry, Brother of above, Author, died 1876) Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1895. Haydn's Dictionary of Biography. Diet, of National Biography, vol. 31, 1892. Kingsley (Mary). INTERVIEW, WITH PORTRAIT Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Miss KINGSLEY'S TRIP TO WEST AFRICA Woman, January, 1897. Kingston (Self-styled Duchess of [Elizabeth Chudleigh, Countess of Bristol], Prototype of Thackeray's "Beatrix Esmond," died 1788) Gould's Historic Oddities and Strange Events, 1889. KingSton-on-Thames. CORONATION STONE AT KINGSTON-ON-THAMES Gentle- man's Magazine Library [Archeology, part ii.], 1886. ITS MUNICIPAL WORK London, vol. I, 1893. GENERAL Black's Guide to Surrey, V.D. KingBton-upon-Hull Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. See also Hull. Kingston, U.S.A. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. Dickens' American Notes, 1892. Kington Black's Guide to Hereford, V.D. Kinross, Scotland Black's Guide to Scotland, V.D. Kinship Maine's Early History of Institutions, 1891. Kioto (late Miaco, Japan) Bra^sey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1879. Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Knollys' Sketches ot Life in Japan, 1887. Kipling (Rudyard, Novelist, born 1865). KIPLING IN INDIA Pearson's Mag., vol. i, 1896. REMINISCENCES OF RUDYARD KIPLING Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. RUDYARD KIPLING AS JOURNALIST Literature, vol. 4, 1899. "SEVEN SEAS" AND OTHER POEMS Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. THE POETRY OF RUDYARD KIPLING Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. UN POETE DE L'ENERGIE Literature, vol. 3, 1898. WORKS OF MR. KIPLING Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 162, 1898 Edinburgh Review, vol. 187, 1898. Lang's Essays in Little, 1891. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 40, 1899. Review of Reviews, vol. 18, 1898. Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmoreland Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1872-8. Kirkcudbrightshire Black's Guide to Scotland, V.D. Kirkland (Mrs. Caroline M., American Miscellaneous Writer, died 1864) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Kirkstall (A Village near Leeds) Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. Kirkwan (Richard, Chemist and Philosopher). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF KIRKWAN Morgan [Lady] Book of the Boudoir, 1829. Kirmanshah, Persia Bishop's Persia and Kurdistan, 1891. Kissing. KISSING ON THE STAGE Theatre, vol. 25, 1895. ROYAL KISSES All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1993. THE EVOLUTION OF KISSING Abercromby's Seas and Sides in many Latitudes, 1888 GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 5, 1865. Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. [335] KISSINGEN-KNIVES KiSSingen, Bavaria. BATTLE OF KISSENGEN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. Kit-Cat Club, London (flourished 1703-1733). ORIGIN OF KIT-CAT CLUB British Essayists, vol. 6 (No. 9), 1823. GENERAL Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. Kitchen. HINTS FOR THE KITCHEN Turner's Househunters and Householders, 1884. EXPLOSION OF KITCHEN RANGE BOILERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. KITCHEN FOR THE SICK All the Year Round, vol, 35, 1875-6. [1889. GENERAL Cassell's Domestic Dictionary, 1891. Panton's From Kitchen to Garret, Kitchener (H. [Baron Kitchener of Khartoum], English General in the Soudan and Sirdar of the Egyptian Army, born 1850). KITCHENER AND KHARTOUM Fortnightly Review, vol. 70, 1898. LORD KITCHENER AND THE SOUDAN CAMPAIGN Review of Reviews, vol. 18, 1898. See also Egypt, Khartoum, Omdurman, Soudan, etc. Kitchiner (Dr. William, died 1827) Recreations of Christopher North, vol. 2, 1857. Kite (Bird of the Falcon Family). SWALLOW-TAILED KITE Morris' British Birds, vol. i, 1891. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. i, 1848. Kite (Flying Toy made of Paper or other buoyant material). COLUMBIAN KITE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. HORSES AGAINST KITES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881. How TO MAKE KITES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1880. SCIENTIFIC KITE-FLYING Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. Kitries, Morea Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 15, 1830. Kiy6tO, Japan Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Klaproth (H. Julius von, German Orientalist, died 1835). TRAVELS IN THE CAUCASUS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Kleomenes (King of Sparta, died 489 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Klephts (Greek Brigands). LAST OF THE KLEPHTS Leisure Hour, vol. 45, 1896-7. Kleptomania Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. Klipspringer (A South African Antelope). KLIPSPRINGER SHOOTING IN SOUTH AFRICA Bryden's Kloof and Karroo, 1889. GENERAL Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. ai, 1848. KLONDIKE (A Gold-Mining District in the Yukon Territory, British Columbia). A VOICE FROM THE YUKON GOLD DISTRICT Sunday Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. FROM HUSTON TO KLONDIKE Illustrated London News, vol. 113, 1898. KLONDIKE GOLDFIELDS Contemporary Rev. [with Map], vol. 72, 1897. Fortnightly Review, vol. 68, 1897. KLONDIKE PLACERS Nature, vol. 56, 1897. How TO REACH KLONDIKE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 18, 1897-8. KLONDIKE UP TO DATE Anglo-Californian, vol. i, 1897. NEW EL DORADO ON THE KLONDIKE Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. OFF TO KLONDIKE Daily Graphic, vol. 31, 1897. ON THE WAY TO YUKON THROUGH THE ROCKIES Daily Graphic, April 14, 1898. OVER THE CHILKOOT PASS TO THE YUKON Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. RIVER TRIP TO THE KLONDIKE Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1897-8. RUSH TO THE GOLDFIELDS Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. THE STIKINE RIVER : THE ROUTE TO KLONDIKE Badminton Mag., vol. 5, 1897. THROUGH TO THE KLONDIKE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL Harry De Windt's Through the Gold Fields of Alaska, 1898. Knaresborough (A Parliamentary Borough and Market Town of the West Riding of Yorkshire) Idler Magazine, vol. 13, 1898. [1875. Knebworth. VILLAGE OF KNEBWORTH Lytton's Student ; and Asmodeus at Large, Kneeling. KNEELING IN THE CHURCH Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Kneller (Sir Godfrey, Portrait Painter, died 1723) Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. Knick-Knacks. ARTISTIC KNICK-KNACKS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. PHOTOGRAPHIC KNICK-KNACKS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Knickerbockers. A MEDITATION ON THE KNICKERBOCKER Woman, April, 1895. See also Cycling, Dress, etc. Knight (Charles, Publisher, died 1873) Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. Knighthood. FOREIGN ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD Millington's Heraldry, etc., 1858. KNIGHT HOSPITALLERS IN KENT Archaelogia Cantiana, vol. 22. KNIGHTS OF ST. JOHN All the Year Round, v. 64, 1889. Prescott's Philip II., 1877. KNIGHTS TEMPLARS Morison's St. Bernard, 1868. Transactions of Bristol Arch- aeological Society, vol. 18. MALTA AND ITS KNIGHTS Trans, of Royal Historical Society, vol. 3, 1874. ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD Boutell's English Heraldry, 1889. Knill (Sir Stuart, Lord Mayor of London 1892-3, born 1824), Bart. ILLUSTRATED- INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. Knitting/ HISTORY OF KNITTING Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. KNITTING MACHINE Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Knives. How A KNIFE is MADE Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. KNIVES AND FORKS Japp's Days with Industrials, 1889. [336] KNOCKERS-KOSSUTH Knockers. CONCERNING KNOCKERS All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. MEDIEVAL KNOCKERS Antiquary, vol. 31 (n.s.), 1895. Knole House, Kent Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities, part i.], 1890. Jewitt & Hall's Stately Homes of England, 1874-7, Knollys (Lettice, Cousin to Queen Elizabeth, died 1634) Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 1850. Knots. FORMATION OF KNOTS Bushell's Rigger's Guide and Seaman's Assistant, 1877. KNOTS USED BY SEAMEN Dana's Seaman's Manual, 1871. Knout. USE OF THE KNOUT IN RUSSIA Cooper's History of the Rod, 1877. Knowledge. ADVANTAGES OF KNOWLEDGE Hall's Miscellaneous Worksand Remains, 1853. British Essayists, vol. 7 (No. 94) ; vol. 10 (No. 287) ; vol. 17 (No. in), 1823. DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE Humboldt's Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Universe, 1847. GOAL OF KNOWLEDGE Mind, vol. 6, 1897. SLIPSHOD KNOWLEDGE All the Year Round, vol. 50, 1882. USELESS KNOWLEDGE Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875 Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Knowles (J. Sheridan, Dramatist, died- 1862). ESSAY ON SHERIDAN KNOWLES AND WILLIAM MACREADY Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. GENERAL Grant's Public Characters, 1841. Hodder's Memories of My Time, 1870. Marston's Our Recent Actors, 1890. [tion, 1855. Knox (Elizabeth, Daughter of John Knox, died 1625) Anderson's Ladies of the Reforma- Knox (Henry, American General, died 1806) Irving's Life of Washington, 1850. Knox (John, Scotch Reformer, died 1572). JOHU KNOX AND His RELATIONS TO WOMEN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. KNOX AS A PREACHER Taylor's Scottish Pulpit from the Reformation to the Present Day, 1887. KNOX'S INTERVIEW WITH QUEEN MARY Wylie's History of Protestantism, v.3, 1875. SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF JOHN KNOX Howat's Summer Days and Winter Evenings, 1878. TRIAL OF KNOX FOR TREASON Wylie's History of Protestantism, vol. 3, 1875-7. WHAT KNOX DID FOR SCOTCH EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. GENERAL Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. 2, 1880 [portrait]. Heylyn's Reforma- tion, 1859. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 3, 1845. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, 1890. KnOX (Robert, Traveller, born 1640). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Koch (Robert, An eminent Bacteriologist, born 1843). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 2, 1890. LABORIOUS DR. KOCH Bevan's Sketches of the Quiet in the Land [Germany], 1890. Kcenig (Frederick, Inventor of the Steam Printing Machine, died 1833). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-79. Koh-I-Noor (Largest Diamond of the English Crown). TRUE HISTORY OF THE KoH-I-Nt/R English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. KokO-Nor (Chinese Lake near Tibet) Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. Kongsberg, Norway Forester's Tourists' Norway, with Hints to Anglers, etc., 1853. Murray's Guide to Norway, V.D. Koniah, Asia Minor (The ancient Iconium visited by St. Paul). RUINS AND DERVISHES Stevenson's Our Ride through Asia Minor, 1881. GENERAL Ramsay's The Church in the Roman Empire, 1893. [17, 1894. KoniSCOpe (An instrument for detecting the quantity of dust in the air) Knowledge, vol. Koodoo (A magnificent species of Antelope, allied to the Eland) Cumming's Five Years' Hunting Adventures in South Africa, 1850. Koom, Persia Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 13, 1830. KoorankOO, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 22, 1830. Koordistan (The Country of the Koords ; an extensive region of Western A sia) Stevens' Round the World on a Bicycle, 1887. Keane's Asia [Stanford's Compendium] , '82. Koran (A rab. from Karaa = to read ; the Mohammedans' Sacred Booh) Koelle s Mohammed, 1889. Gardner's Faiths of the World, 1860. See also Mohammedanism. Korea. JAPANESE INVASION OF KORKA IN 1592 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. REVIEW OF MRS. BISHOP'S BOOK, "KOREA AND HER NEIGHBOURS" Quarterly Review, vol. 187, 1898. See also Corea. Korniloff (Vice-Admiral of Russian Navy, died 1854) Kinglake's Crimea, vol. 3, 1874. Korti (A Town of Nubia on the left bank of the Nile) Count Gleichen's With the Camel Corps up the Nile, 1888. KOSSOVO, Turkey. BATTLE FIELD OF Kossovo Mackenzie & Irby's Slavonic Provinces, 1877. Kossuth (Louis, Hungarian Patriot, died 1894). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. KOSSUTH IN HUNGARY All the Year Round, vol. 23 1869 70. GENERAL Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Chambers' Encyclopasdia, vol. 6, 1895. Y [ 337 ] KOTZEBUE-LABOUR Kotzebue (Otto von, German Navigator, died 1846) Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Koutokceino, Scandinavia Tromholt's Under the Rays of the Aurora Borealis, 1885. Kouyunjik (One of the Mounds under which the ruiiis of Nineveh were discovered) Bonorni's Nineveh and its Ancient Palaces 1853. Smith's Assyrian Dis- coveries, 1875. Kovalevsky (Sonya, An eminent Russian Mathematician, died 1891). A WOMAN MATHEMATICIAN Woman, September, 1895. CAREER OF SONYA KOVALEVSKY Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. Fortnightly Review, vol. 57, 1895. Kraken (Sea Serpent) Forester's Norway and its Scenery, 1853. Kralievitch (Marko). BRIEF SKETCH OF His CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, v. 35, Krasnoiarsk (Siberian Town) Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. [1876-7. Kremlin (A great and magnificent Palace at Moscow, and principal Residence of the Czars) Lowth's Around the Kremlin, or Pictures of Life in Moscow, 1868. Stoddard's Across Russia, 1892. Turner's Short History of Art, 1886. Kriloff (Ivan). See Kryloff (Ivan). Krobo, Gold Coast, Africa (A bout 60 miles from the Sea) FETISH-MOUNTAIN IN KROBO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. Kruger (Paul, President of the Transvaal, born 1825). A CALL ON "OoM PAUL" The Young Woman, vol. 5, 1896-7. A VISIT TO PRESIDENT KRUGER Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. A WORD TO PRESIDENT KRUGER Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 13, 1896. MR. CHAMBERLAIN AND PRESIDENT KRUGER Garrett & Edwards' Story of an African Crisis, 1897. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 94, 1896-7. See also Transvaal, etc. Kruzenstern (A. J. von, Russian Navigator, died 1846). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Kryloff (Ivan, Writer of Fables and Librarian of the Imperial Library, Russia, died 1844) Chambers' Journal, vol. 25, 1856. Kumaoon, India Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. Kumbum Rpckhill's Land of the Lamas: Notes on a Journey through China- Mongolia, and Tibet, 1891. [1876-8] (A Mission Station, London Missionary Society, Bechuanaland) Mackenzie's Austral Africa : Losing it or Ruling it, 1877. KutSChke Lied (German War-Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. Kwala Kangsa, Malay Peninsula Bird's Golden Chersonese and the Way thither KykkOU (Monastery in Cyprus) Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. [1883. Kyrenia (Garrison Town in Cyprus) Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. JjABELS. OLD TRAVELLING LABELS REMINISCENT OF FORMER DAYS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. Labiates (In Botany the Mint Tribe, such as Horehound, Thyme, etc.) DISPERSAL OF THE NUTLETS IN CERTAIN LABIATES Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. Laboratories. FAMOUS SCIENTIFIC WORKSHOPS Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. Labouchere (Henry, Politician and Writer, born 1831). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. GENERAL Mrs. Sala's Famous People I have Met, 1892. LABOUR. (See also Agriculture, Artizans, Children, Girls, Industries, Manufactures, Trade Unionism, Unemployed, Wages, Women, Workmen, etc.) A LABOUR PROGRAMME Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS ABOUT 1790 Kebbel's Life of George Crabbe, 1888. ARBITRATION IN LABOUR DISPUTES Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. AUTONOMY OF LABOUR Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. CAPITAL AND LABOUR Bradlaugh's Speeches, 1890. CASE FOR LABOUR Pall Mall Magazine, vol. i, 1893. CHARACTER SKETCH OF A LABOURER Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. COLONIAL LABOUR Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. COMMON SENSE IN WORK AND WAGES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. CONDITION OF AGRICULTURAL LABOUR Burn's Modern Farming, 1865. DEVELOPMENT OF THE LABOUR MOVEMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. DIGNITY OF LABOUR Blackie's Lay Sermons, 1881. DIRECT LABOUR IN PROVINCIAL CITIES London, vol. 6, 1897. EAST LONDON LABOUR Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. [Old, 1890. EIGHT HOURS WORKING DAY Engineer, vol. 86, 1898. Graham's Socialism, New and FAILURE OF THE LABOUR COMMISSION [1891-4] Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. FEMALE LABOUR IN AUSTRALIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. [338] LABOUR-LABYRINTHS Labour (continued). FORMS OF LABOUR ORGANISATION Taylor's Intro, to the Hist, of the Factory System, FREE LABOUR ON THE CLYDE Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. [1886. GAOL LABOUR Baker's War with Crime, 1889. GIRL LABOUR IN LONDON Wonderful London: its Lights and Shadows, 1878. INDEPENDENT LABOUR PARTY Progressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. INDUSTRIAL LEGISLATION AND LIBERTY Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. IRISH LABOUR, 1776 Young's Tour in Ireland, 1776-9, 1892. JOINT STOCK PRINCIPLE IN LABOUR Rogers' Industrial History of England, 1892. KANAKA LABOUR TRAFFIC Paton's Autobiography, 1891. LABOUR AND LAW Bradlaugh's Labour and Law, 1891. LABOUR AND POLITICS Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. LABOUR AND WAGES IN MANITOBA D'Ewes' Sporting in both Hemispheres, 1858. LABOUR BUREAUX IN ENGLAND Drage's Unemployed, 1894. LABOUR COLONIES IN GERMANY Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. LABOUR COLONIES ON THE CONTINENT Drage's Unemployed, 1894. LABOUR DISPUTES AND THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Nineteenth Cent., vol. 27, 1890. LABOUR IN THE COLONIES Chambers' Jour., v. 76, 1899. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. LABOUR MOVEMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890; vol. 28, 1890; and vol. 30, 1891. Wood's English Social Movements, 1892. LABOUR PROBLEMS : Leo XIII. 's Encyclical on Labour Rev. of Reviews, v. 3, 1891. LABOUR QUESTION IN THE UNITED STATES Daily Graphic, vol. 20, 1894. LABOUR QUESTIONS Lecky's Democracy and Liberty, 1896. S.G.Osborne's Letters. LABOUR REMUNERATION Levi's Wages and Earnings of the Working Classes, 1867. LABOUR SONGS AND CRIES Antiquary, vol. 12, 1885. LABOURING CLASSES W. E. Channing's Complete Works, 1885. [History, 1891. LEGISLATION ON LABOUR AND ITS EFFECTS Rogers' Economic Interpretation of LIBERTY FOR LABOUR Mackay's Plea for Liberty : an Argument against Socialism, LONDON LIFE AND LABOUR London, vol. 6, 1897. [etc., 1892. MASTER AND WORKMEN Ruskin's Unto this Last : Essays on Political Economy, '92. MORAL FORCES IN DEALING WITH THE LABOUR QUESTION International Journal of Ethics, vol. 5, 1894-5. NATURAL VALUE OF LAND, CAPITAL, AND LABOUR Weiser's Natural Value, 1893. NEW LABOUR PARTY [1888] Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. NEW ZEALAND LABOUR Payton's Round about New Zealand, 1888. PEASANTRY OF SOUTH WALES Longman's Magazine, vol. 6, 1885. POLITICAL FUTURE OF LABOUR Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. PRICE OF LABOUR Malthus' Essay on the Principle of Population, 1888. PSYCHOLOGY OF LABOUR AND CAPITAL Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1893. RAILWAY LABOUR Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. REAL AND NOMINAL COST OF LABOUR Walker's Wages Question, 1876. REDUCTION IN THE HOURS OF LABOUR AND ITS EFFECT ON WAGES Report of the British Association, 1890. REFORMATORY EFFECT OF REMUNERATIVE PRISON LABOUR Meliora, vol. 10, 1867. RIGHT OF LABOUR TO PROFIT Holyoake's Co-operative Movement of To-day, 1896. RIGHTS OF FREE LABOUR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891-2. SIGNIFICANCE OF RECENT LABOUR TROUBLES IN AMERICA International Journal of Ethics, vol. 5, 1894-5. [vol. 3, 1864. SKILLED AND UNSKILLED LABOUR Mayhew's London Labour and London Poor, SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LABOUR COLONIES Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. SOUTH SEA LABOUR QUESTION South Sea Bubbles, by the Earl and the Doctor, 1872. STATE AND CONDITIONS OF LABOUR Edinburgh Review, vol. 187, 1898. STRIKES, ETC. : First Step to end Industrial Strife Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. THE AIM BEHIND AN EIGHT HOURS BILL Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 155, 1894... THE DORSETSHIRE- LABOURER Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. THE NINE HOURS BILL, 1873 Fawcett's Speeches on Political Questions, 1873. TORYISM AND TOIL Fortnightly Review, vol. 68, 1897. TRAINING OF SKILLED CRAFTSMEN London, vol. 6, 1897. TRANSFERABILITY OF LABOUR Bagehot's Economic Studies, 1888. WAGES AND LABOUR George's Progress and Poverty, 1884. Rogers' Work and Wages [Social Science Series], 1891. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1872-8. WHAT CAN BE DONE FOR AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS Macmillan's Mag., vol. 18, 1868. WILTSHIRE LABOURER. By Richard Jefferies Longman's Magazine, vol. 3, 1860-1. WOMAN AND LABOUR Karl Pearson's Chances of Death, etc., 1897. See also Women. WOMEN AND INDUSTRY Burnley's Romance of Modern Industry, 1889. WOMEN'S WORK AND WAGES Longman's Magazine, vols. 10, 1887, and 12, 1888. WORKING HOURS AND WORKING MEN Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. GENERAL Shadwell's Political Economy, 1877. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1880. Labrador (Tract of land on the East Coast of British North America). CHRISTMAS IN LABRADOR Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. EXPEDITION TO LABRADOR Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. GENERAL Hatton's Newfoundland : the Oldest British Colony, 1883. La Bruy^re (Jean de, French A uthor and Moralist, died 1696). ESSAY ON BRUYtRK Mozley's Essays from Blackwood, 1892. Labuan (British Island near Borneo) Brassey's Last Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1889. Labyrinths. NOTICES OF ANCIENT AND MEDIAEVAL LABYRINTHS Archaeological Journal, vol. 15, 1858. Chambers' Journal, vol. 32, 1859. [339] LACE LAKE DWELLINGS LACE. (See also Industries, Manufactures, etc.) A LACE REVIVAL Argosy, vol. 63, 1897. ENGLISH LACE IN 1896 Art Journal, 1896. ENGLISH LACES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. ESSAY ON ANCIENT LACE Industrial Arts: Historical Sketches, 1876. GOLD AND SILVER LACE Planche's Cyclopaedia of Costume, 1842. HISTORY OF LACE Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, etc., 1846. HONITON LACE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. u, 1897. IRISH LACES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. LACE BRAID WORK Woman, Sept., 1896. LACE MAKING BEFORE THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 11,1890. LACE MAKING AT NOTTINGHAM Chambers' Journal, vol. 12, 1849. English Illus- trated Magazine, vol. i, 1883-4. LACE MAKING IN IRELAND English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. LACE MAKING IN THE ERZGEBIRGE (MOUNTAINS) Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. LACES OF QUEEN MARGHERITA OF ITALY Art Journal, 1895. MAKING OF POINT-LACE Lady's Realm, vol. i, 1896-7. PILLOW-LACE IN THE MIDLANDS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. POINT LACE Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. [12, 1891. SPANISH, GREEK, MALTESE, RUSSIAN AND POLISH LACES Girl's Own Annual, vol. VARIETIES OF LACE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Young Lady's Book, 1829. WITH THE DEVONSHIRE LACE-MAKERS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vols. n, 1890, and 12, 1891. Lacedeemon or Sparta (The Capital of Ancient Laconia and the most famous City of the Peloponesus) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Evelyn Abbott's History of Greece, vol. i, 1888. See also Sparta. Lacedaemonian Laws Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. Lacepede (Bernard G. E. de la Ville, Comte de, Ichthyologist, died 1825) Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 25, 1848. Lacerda y Almeida (J. de, Portuguese Engineer and Traveller, died 1798. TRAVELS Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1882. Lachish (A n ancient Town of Palestine, founded about time of the 17th Egyptian Dynasty). HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF LACHISH Flinders Petrie's Tell-el-Hesey, 1891. Lackington (J., Bookseller, died 1816) Davenport's Lives of Individuals, etc., 1841. Lacock Abbey, Wilts. RECENT DISCOVERIES AT LACOCK ABBEY Wilts Arch. Mag., Lacquer. JAPANESE LACQUER Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. [vol. 29. Lacrosse. GAME OF LACROSSE Chambers' Journal, vol. 53, 1876. GENERAL Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. [1862. Ladak (A Province of Cashmere). SHOOTING IN LADAK Brinckman's Rifle in Cashmere, Ladder. STEP-LADDER Davidson's Boy Joiner, 1874. Ladies. LADIES OF QUEEN VICTORIA'S COURT Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 189;. LADIES OF THE "HOUSEHOLDS OF THE PRINCESSES OF ENGLAND Strand Maga- zine, vol. ii, 1896. LADY-MISSIONARIES IN THIBET Landor's In the Forbidden Land, 1899. LEARNED LADIES OF BOLOGNA Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. NEW CAREER FOR LADIES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. See also Women. Lady-Bird (A small beetle of great service to cultivators) Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1866, and 1874. Henty's Those Other Animals, 1897. "Lady of Lyons" (A Play by Lord Lytton) Theatre, vol. 4, 1881. Lafarge (Madame Marie C., convicted of murder and condemned, died 1852). STRANGE STORY OF MADAME LAFARGE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1898. Lafayette (Marie Jean, Marquis de, French General and Politician, died 1834) Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. Challice's Heroes, 1863. Irving's Life of George Washington, 1855. Lattitte (Jacques, French Banker, died 1844) Tweedie's Youthful Diligence and Future Greatness, 1866. La Fontaine (J. de, French Poet and Fabulist, died 1695). LA FONTAINE'S FABLES Macmillan's Mag., vol. 54, 1886. GENERAL Temple Bar, vols. 30, 1870, & 98, 1893. La Garaye, Brittany Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Lago Maggiore (Italian Lake) Baedeker's Guide to Italy, V.D. See also Maggiore. Lagrange (J. L., Comte, Mathematician, died 1813). CONTRIBUTIONS TO ASTRONOMY Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. La Hire (Philippe de, Traveller, died 1718) Verne's Great Navigators, 1881. Lahore, India Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Murray's Guide to the Panjab, 1883. Laity Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Lake Dwellings. ANCIENT LAKE-VILLAGE AT GLASTONBURY Leisure Hour, v. 44, ENGLISH LAKE DWELLINGS Natural Science, vol. J, 1892. [1895. LAKE DWELLINGS OF EUROPE Antiquary, vol. 23, 1891. ORIGIN OF THE LAKE DWELLERS Clodd's Story of Primitive Man, 1895. PLACE OF LAKE DWELLINGS AT GLASTONBURY IN BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGY Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. GENERAL Hug & Stead's Switzerland [Story of the Nations], 1890. [ 340 ] LAKES-LAMP-POSTS LAKES. (For any particular Lake or Lakes see name, e.g., Derwentwater, Katrine, Killamey, etc.) AUTUMN ON THE ENGLISH LAKES Rodenberg's England, 1876. CHURCHES OF THE LAKE DISTRICT Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. COACH DRIVE AT THE LAKES Cornhill Magazine, vol. n (n.s.), 1888. DILOLO AND NGAMI, AFRICA Geddie's Lake Regions of Central Africa, 1881. GOSSIP ABOUT THE LAKES Wynter's Social Bees, 1861. HOLIDAY IN LAKELAND The Idler, vol. 13, 1898. HOT LAKES OF NEW ZEALAND Sunday at Home, vol. 33, 1886. IRISH LAKES Bartlett's Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland, 1842. ITALIAN LAKES Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. LAKE COUNTRY OF ENGLAND Cassell's Picturesque Europe, -vol. 2, 1876. LAKES OF AMERICA Bunn's Old England and New England, 1853. LAKES OF SWEDEN Murray's Guide to Sweden, V.D. NORTH AMERICAN LAKES Conder's Modern;Traveller, vol. 23, 1830. OFF BEATEN TRACKS IN THE LAKE DISTRICT All the Year Round, vol. 75, 1894. GENERAL Davies' Norfolk Broads and Rivers, 1884. Hawthorne's English Note- Books, 1870. Latrobe's Alpenstock, 1829. Wordsworth's Life of William Wordsworth, 1888. Lalanne (Maxhne, French Landscape Artist, born 1827) Ewart's Toilers in Art, 1891. La Mancha, Spain Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19, 1830. Lamarck (Jean B. P. A. de Monet, Chevalier de, Malacologist, died 1829). MEMOIR AND PORTRAIT Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 31, 1848. Lamartine (Alphonse de, French Poet and Historian, died 1869) Challice's French Authors at Home, 1864. Lamas. IN THE LAND OF THE LAMAS. By A. H. Savage Landor Daily Mail, 1898. Lamb (Lady Caroline, Poet and Novelist, died 1828) Smiles' Murray, 1891. Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 1878. Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. LAMB (Charles, Essayist, Critic, and Humourist, died 1834). ACCOUNT OF LAMB s LIFE AND WORK Oliphant's Literary History of England, 1882. ANECDOTES OF CHARLES LAMB All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891. CHARLES LAMB AND SOME OF HIS COMPANIONS Lytton's Quarterly Essays, 1875. ESSAY ON CHARLES LAMB Pater's Appreciations, 1890. FIVE NEW ANECDOTES ON CHARLES LAMB Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 39, 1878-9. FRIENDS OF CHARLES LAMB Archer's Highway of Letters, 1893. GLEANINGS AFTER HIS BIOGRAPHERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. IN THE FOOTPRINTS OF CHARLES LAMB Scribner's Magazine, vol. 7, 1890. LETTERS OF CHARLES LAMB Macmillan's Mag., vol. 55, 1886-7, and vol. 58, 1888. MR. CHARLES LAMB OF THE INDIA HOUSE Macmillan's Mag., vol. 75, 1696-7. SKETCH OF CHARLES LAMB De Quincey's Works, 1862-74. UNPUBLISHED LETTER OF CHARLES LAMB Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF CHARLES AND MARY LAMB Cornhill, vol. 19 (n.s.), 1892. GENERAL Birrell's Obiter Dicta, 1887. Gilfillan's Literary Portraits, 1851. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Hazlitt's Mary and Charles Lamb, 1874. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. Oliphant's Literary History of England, vol. 2, 1882. Patmore's My Friends and Acquaintances, 1854. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Maclise's Portrait Gallery [Portrait and Short Sketch]. Lamb (Mary, Authoress, sister of Charles, died 1847) Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1889. Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. See also Lamb (Charles). Lamberhurst, Sussex Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1887. Lambert (John, Cromwellian General, died 1683) Carlyle's Letters, etc. of Oliver Cromwell, 1892. Church's Oliver Cromwell, 1894. Picton's Oliver Cromwell, 1889. Lambeth. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF SOUTH LAMBETH Suburban Homes of London, LAMBETH PUBLIC LIBRARIES Burgoyne's Library Construction, 1897. [1881. GENERAL Emerson's London : How the Great City Grew, 1862. Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Timb's Curiosities of London, 1871. Lambeth. Palace. EARLY HISTORY OF LAMBETH PALACE Jesse's London : its Characters and Places, vol. 3, 1871. PORTRAIT GALIF.RY OF LAMBETH PALACE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. Timb's Curiosities of London, 1871. Lambton Castle (Seat of the Earl of Durham) Hewitt's Remarkable Places, 1856. Lamech (Polygamist, descendant of Cain) Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Wilberforce's Five Empires, 1874. Lameness Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. Lamennais (Felicitd de, French Philosopher, died 1854) Challice's French Authors at Home, 1864. Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. Lammas Day Gentleman's Magazine Library [Popular Superstitions], 1884. La Motte (A. H. de French Critic and Poet, died 1731) Men and Women of France during the Eighteenth Century, 1852. Lampeter, Cardiganshire Hissey's Across England in a Dog Cart, 1891. Lamp-posts. NUTRITIOUS LAMP-POSTS: Development of the Penny-in-Slot System Daily Mail, April 6th, 1898. LAMPREYS-LAND Lampreys. SUPPOSED FOSSIL LAMPREYS Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. Lamps. LAMPIANA: an Idyll of Lamps and Shades Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. LAMPS AND OILS USED IN MINES Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, vols. i-io, 1889-96. ROMAN LAMPS FOUND AT COLCHESTER Proc. Soc. Antiquaries (2nd ser.), vol. 15. SAFETY LAMP Proctor's Light Science for Leisure Hours, 1875. SEPULCHRAL AND PERPETUAL LAMPS Sketches of Imposture, Deception, etc, 1837. THE SAFETY POINT IN OIL AND LAMPS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Lancashire (Noted for its Cotton Manufactures), DISTRESS OF LANCASHIRE AND- PRESENT MODES OF RELIEF Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. PEASANT FARMER OF LANCASHIRE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. VOCABULARY OF THE LANCASHIRE DIALECT Gentleman's Magazine Library [Dialect, Proverbs, and Word-Lore], 1884. WITCHCRAFT IN LANCASHIRE Gentleman's Mag. Lib [Popular Superstitions], 1884. Lancaster, England Black's Guide to the English Lakes, V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 6, 1879-80. Murray's Guide to Lancashire. V.D. Lancaster (Line of Kings descended from John of Gaunt, 1399-1461). YORK AND- LANCASTER Hepworth Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 2, 1880. Lancaster (Joseph, Educationalist, died 1838). VIEWS ON TEACHING Leitch's Practical Educationists and their Systems of Teaching, 1876. Lancaster Sound, Polar Regions Markham's Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay, 1875. Lancelot (One of King Arthur's Knights). ACHILLES AND LANCELOT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. GENERAL Mallory's Morte d'Arthur, 1871. Lan-Chou-Fu, China Rockhill's Land of the Lamas : Notes on a Journey through China, Mongolia, and Tibet, 1891. LAND. (See also Agriculture, Cattle, Corn, Farming, Labour, Landlords, tic.) BEARINGS OF THE LAND QUESTION Fliirscheim's Rent, Interest, and Wages, 1891. CANADIAN LAND Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. CHANGES IN LAND AND WATER Chambers' Journal, vol. 53, 1876. CONTRACTS FOR THE USE OF LAND Rogers' Industrial England, 1892. CULTIVATION OF LAND BY OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS Rogers' Economic Interpreta- tion of History, 1891, CURIOSITIES OF LAND TENURE Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. EARLY LANDHOLDING AND MODERN LAND TRANSFER Macmillan's Mag., v 61, 1889-90. FREE-GRANT LANDS OF CANADA Marshall's Canadian Dominion, 1871. FREE LAND AND PEASANT PROPRIETORSHIP Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. FREE LAND Arnold's Social Politics, 1878. FREE TRADE IN LAND Arnold's Social Politics, 1878. HISTORY OF LANDHOLDING IN ENGLAND Trans, of the Royal Hist. Soc., vol.4, 1876. HISTORY OF LANDHOLDING IN IRELAND Trans, of the Royal Hist. Soc., vol.5, 1877. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LAND LAWS M^cmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. IDEAL LAND TENURE AND THE BEST MAKESHIFT Fortnightly Review, vol. 79, 1898. IRISH LAND ACTS AT WORK [Report of the Royal Commissioners] National Review, vol. 31, 1898. IRISH LAND BILL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. IRISH LAND QUESTION Lecky's Democracy and Liberty, 1896. The Irish Land- lord and his Accusers, by " Political Economy," 1882. See also Ireland. IRISH LAND QUESTION, 1776-9 Young's Tour in Ireland, 1892. LAND AND ITS OWNERS IN PAST TIMES Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. LAND IN THE HIGHLANDS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. LAND LAWS Buxton's Political Questions of the Day [Local Taxation], 1885. LAND NATIONALIZATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. LAND-OWNING AS A BUSINESS Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. LAND TAX London, vol. 5, 1896. LAND TENURE IN TUSCANY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. LAND TENURE ETHICS International Journal of Ethics, vol. i, 1890^1. LANDED PROPERTY Brodrick's English Land and English Landlords, 1881. LANDLORDS AND THEIR LAND Truth, vol. 35, 1894. LORD DUFFERIN ON THE TENURE OF LAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. MANAGEMENT OF LAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP OF LAND Progressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. OCCUPANCY AND LETTING OF LAND McCulloch's Treatises and Essays on Money, PRESENT ASPECT OF THE LAND QUESTION Cobden Club Essays, 1871-2. [1859. PRIVATE PROPERTY IN LAND George's Progress and Poverty, 1884. Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 10, 1890. QUESTION OF LAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. RE-PEOPLING THE LAND Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. RIGHT OF PRIVATE PROPERTY IN LAND International Journal of Ethics, v. 2, 1891-2. RUSSIAN LAND QUESTION Stepniak's Russian Peasantry, 1890. SOME CONSIDERATIONS FOR SMALL HOLDERS National Review, vol. 25, 1895. SQUIREARCHY AND THE STATUTE BOOK Quarterly Review, vol. 180, 1895. STATE SOCIALISM AND LAND NATIONALIZATION Macmillan's Magazine, v. 48, 1883. TRANSPORTING POWER OF WATER AND THE MAKING OF LAND Longman's Magazine, vol. 26, 1895. UNDERGROUND WASTE OF THE LAND Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. WHAT is THE LAND QUESTION ? Progressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. [342] LAND-LANGHORNE Land (continued). GENERAL Emerson's Prose Works, 1889. Lecky's History of Ireland in the Eighteenth Century, 1892. Maine's History of Institutions, 1890. Maine's Village Communities in the East and West, 1890. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-84. Shadwell's Political Economy, 1877. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1863. The Irish Landlord and his Accusers, by " Political Economy," 1882. Land League (Irish Organization, projected by Mr. Parnell, etc.) O'Connor's Parnell Movement, 1886. See also under Home Rule, Ireland, etc. Land Surveying 1 . LESSONS ON LAND SURVEYING Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 5, 1892. See also Surveying, Engineering, etc. SURVEY OF WASTE LAND Dobson's Pioneer Engineering, 1880. Landed Gentry. ABUSES OF A LANDED GENTRY Arnold's Social Politics, 1878. Lander (John, African Explorer, died 1839) Thomson's Mungo Park and the Niger, 1890. Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Africa and its Explorations (Sampson Low), 1894. Landerneau, France Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Landes (A Forest Department of France). DAY IN THE LANDES Chambers' Journal, WALKING TOUR IN THE LANDES Macmillan's Mag., vol. 52, 1885. [vol. 72, 1895. Landladies. SOME LANDLADIES OF FICTION Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Landlords. ABOLITION OF LANDLORDS Nineteenth Century, vol. 9, 1881. IRISH LANDLORDS O'Connor's Parnell Movement, 1886. LANDLORDS AND LAND LAWS Blackie's Lay Sermons, 1881. Miss OCTAVIA HILL'S WORK IN MARYLEBONE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. SMALL FARMERS THEIR OWN LANDLORDS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. TENANT AND LANDLORD [Renting and Leasing] Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. GENERAL Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-84. Westminster Rev., v. 141, 1894. See also Landmarks. COUNTY LANDMARKS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. [Land. LANDMARKS, BOUNDARIES, AND BEATING OF BOUNDS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Manners and Customs], 1883. Landon (Letitia Elizabeth, Poetess, died 1838) Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Robert- son's English Poetesses, 1883. Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Maclise's Portrait Gallery [Portrait and Sketch], 1883. Landor (A. H. Savage, Artist and Traveller, grandson of Walter Savage Landor). ADVENTURES IN THIBET Daily Mail [In the Land of the Lamas, 1898], 1898. Landor (Walter Savage, Poet and Prose Writer, died 1864). ARTICLE ON WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR Temple Bar, vol. 92, 1891. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF LANDOR Stedman's Victorian Poets, 1876. ESSAY ON WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. NOTES ON WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR De Quincey's Works, vol. n, 1862-74. SHORT SKETCH OF LANDOR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20 [p. 355], 1869. SKETCH OF W. S. LANDOR Devey's English Poets, 1873. SOME LETTERS OF LANDOR Lowell's Latest Literary Essays, 1891. GENERAL Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. Gilfilfan's Literary Portraits, 1845. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. Oliphant's Literary History of England, vol. i, 1882. Trollope's What I Remember, 1887. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Landscape. LANDSCAPE IN POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. PAINTING LANDSCAPES Humboldt's Cosmos, 1847. Ruskin's Modern Painters, 1892. Land's End, Cornwall (South-Western Extremity of England). ILLUSTRATED DESCRIP- TION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. i, 1876-8. Landseer (Sir Edwin, Animal Painter, died 1873) Ballantine's Some Experiences of a Barrister's Life, 1883. Cunningham's Lives of the most Eminent British Painters, vol. 3, 1879. Tirebuck's Great Minds in Art, 1888. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1889. Traill's Social England, vol. 6, 1897. Landshells. ARMATURE OF HELICOID LANDSHELLS Science Gossip, vol.4 (n.s.), 1898. See also Shells. Landslips. LANDSLIPS AT NYNEC TAL Chambers' Journal vol. 57, 1880. LANDSLIPS IN FRANCE Daily Graphic, vol. 28, 1896. REMARKS ON LANDSLIPS Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. THE GOHNA LANDSLIP AND FLOOD Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. Lanfranc (Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1089). APPOINTMENT AS PRIMATE Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Traill's Social England, vol. i, 1898. GENERAL Hook's Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, vol. 2, 1879. Lang (Andrew, Miscellaneous Writer, born 1844). LETTERS TO ANDREW LANG Steuart's Letters to Living Authors, 1892. GENERAL Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1893-4. Langdon (Hilly district of S.E. Essex) History of Essex ; by a Gentleman, vol. 5, 1771. Langhorne (John, Poet and Prose Writer, translated Plutarch's "Lives," died 1779) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. [343] LANGLAND-LANGUAGE Langland (William, Fourteenth Century Poet) COLLATION OF THE TEXTS OF VARIOUS MSS. OF " PIERS PLOUGHMAN," WITH NOTES Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 54, 1873. NOTES ON " PIERS PLOWMAN," WITH GLOSSARY Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 38, 1869. " PIERS PLOUGHMAN" AND ENGLISH LIFE IN THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL Traill's Social England, vol. 2, 1897. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. (L. M., French Orientalist, died 1824) Redding's Eminent Men, 1867. Langleys (Near Chelmsford, seat of Col. W. N. Tu/nell, D.L.) Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. Langrthorne Abbey. See West Ham. Lang-ton (Bennet, Greek Scholar, died 1801) Croker's BoswelPs Life of Johnson, 1860. Langton Stephen, Cardinal and Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1228) Hook's Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, vol. 2, 1879. Traill's Social England, vol. i, 1895. Langtry (Mrs. [Lily Le Breton], Celebrated Actress, born 1852). MRS. LANGTRY AS AN ACTRESS Truth, vol. n, 1882. Theatre, v. 5 (n.s.), 1882; [portrait], v. 6 (n.s.), '82. LANGUAGE. (See also Dialect, Grammar, Philology, etc.; and under names, e.g., English, French, German, Spanish, etc.) A. UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 26, 1856. ANCIENT LANGUAGES Rawlinson's Ancient Monarchies, vol. 3, 1871. ARABIC LANGUAGE Murray's Guide to Egypt, V.D. BABEL REVERSED [One Universal Language] Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. BURMESE LANGUAGE Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 11,1830. Fytche's Burma: Past and Present, 1878. CELTIC LANGUAGE Bradshaw's Collected Papers, 1889. Traill's Soc. England, v. i, '95. CHINESE LANGUAGE Davis' China, 1857. [1872. CHRISTIAN LETTERS IN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES Milman's Latin Christianity, vol 9, COINCIDENCES [The Original Source of European Language] Fortnightly Rev., v.66, COREAN ALPHABET AND VOCABULARY Oppert's Forbidden Land, 1880. [1896. COREAN LANGUAGE Carles' Life in Corea, i8b8. CUMULATION IN LANGUAGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. EFFECT OF DEMOCRACY ON LANGUAGE Tocqueville's Democracy in America, 1862. EGYPTIAN LANGUAGE Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1842. EMOTIONAL LANGUAGE Tyler's Primitive Culture, 1891. ESSAY ON LANGUAGE Lacroix's Manners, Customs, etc., during the Middle Ages, 1878. EVOLUTION OF LANGUAGE Drummond's Ascent of Man, 1894. FORMATION OF THE ROMANCE LANGUAGE Sismondi's Literature of Europe, 1846. GESTURE LANGUAGE Tylor's Early History of Mankind, 1878. HAUSA LANGUAGE Robinson's Hausaland, 1896. INDIAN LANGUAGE Schlegel's ./Esthetic Works, 1849. ISLE OF MAN LANGUAGE Black's Guide to Isle of Man, V.D. JAPANESE LANGUAGE Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN THE I4TH CENTURY Warburton's Edward III., 1876. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE OF THE ENGLISH BEFORE THE CONQUEST Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1885. LANGUAGE OF THE BRITONS Barnes 1 Ancient Britain, 1858. LANGUAGE OF EASTERN THIBET Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. LANGUAGE OF EQUATORIAL AFRICA Du Chaillu's Equatorial Africa, 1861. LANGUAGE OF INDIANS Humboldt's Travels, 1852. LANGUAGE OF RUSSIA Murray's Guide to Russia, V.D. LANGUAGE OF THE FIJIANS Williams' Fiji and the Fijians, 1884. LANGUAGE OF THE SAGAS Vicary's Saga Time, 1887. LANGUAGES OF AFRICA Cust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, 1887. LANGUAGES OF ANCIENT ITALY Donaldson's Varronianus, 1852. Eustace's Classical Tour through Italy, 1841. LEARNING LANGUAGE BY LETTER-WRITING Review of Reviews, vols. 16 & 17, 1897-8. MALAY ARCHIPELAGO Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. MEANING AND METAPHOR The Monist, vol. 34, 1892-3. METHOD OF TEACHING LANGUAGES Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. MISUNDERSTANDINGS [Curiosities of Expression] Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. MODERN ABUSES OF LANGUAGE Longman's Magazine, vol. 5, 1884-5. MODERN BABEL [Making English Universal] Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. MODERN LANGUAGE TEACHING Longman's Magazine, vol. 32, 1898. NEW WORLDS AND OLD Harper's Magazine, vol. 36, 1898. NOMENCLATURE, RACES, ETC., OF ENGLAND AT THE PRESENT TIME Freeman's History of the Norman Conquest, 1870. NORWEGIAN AND SWEDISH GRAMMARS Murray's Guide to Norway & Sweden, V.D. NORWEGIAN VOCABULARY Forester's Norway and its Scenery, 1853. ON ONOMATOPOEIA IN LANGUAGE Blackie's Horae Hellenicae, 1874. Max Miiller's Lectures on the Science of Language, 1868. ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE Joly's Man before Metals, 1887. Lubbock's Origin of Civili- zation, 1875. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. Tylor's Anthropology, 1892. POLITE LANGUAGE AS A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. PROPOSITIONS CONCERNING NECESSARY TRUTHS Huxley's Life of David Hume, 1887. RELATION OF THE BENGALI TO THE ARIAN AND ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES British Association Report, 1847. [344] LANGUAGE-LARNACA Language (continued), ROUMANIAN LANGUAGE Trans, of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1892. SABELLO-OSCAN LANGUAGE Donaldson's Varronianus, 1852. SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. Nature, vol. i, 1870. SCIENCE OK LANGUAGE versus THE SCIENCE OF LIFE Monist, vol. 2 fp. 70] , 1891-2. SOLOMON ISLES Woodford's Naturalist among the Head-Hunters, 1890. SOURCES OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Skeat's English Etymology, 1891-2. SPEECH OF CHILDREN Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. STRUCTURE OF LANGUAGE Blair's Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 1853. STUDY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES: The Gouin System Review of Reviews, vol. 5, 1892, and vol. 7, 1893. STUDY OF LANGUAGE Fitch's Lectures on Teaching, 1889. STUDY OF MODERN LANGUAGES Lowell's Latest Literary Essays, 1891. TEUTONIC AND CELTIC LANGUAGES Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1847. THE GREAT AMERICAN LANGUAGE [American Slang] Cornhill Mag., vol. n, 1888. THE WORLD'S BABY TALK AND THE EXPERIENCES OF SPEECH Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. THOUGHT AND LANGUAGE. By Max Miiller and G. J. Romanes The Monist, v. 1-2, 1890-1, Miiller's Natural Religion, 1889. TRACED HOMEWAKDS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. UNNAMED HABIT OF LANGUAGE [Tautology in Word Construction] Macmillan's UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE Macmillan's Mag., vol.65, 1891-2. [Mag., vol. 31, 1874-5. VARIETIES OF LANGUAGE Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Languedoc, France. WINES OF ROUSSII.LON AND LANGUEDOC Thudichum & Dupr6's Origin, Nature, and Varieties of Wine, 1872. Lannion, France Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Lansdowne (George Granville, Viscount, Poet and Politician, died 1735) Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 1878. Lansdowne (Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, third Marquis of, died 1863) Ashley's Life and Letters of Viscount Palmerston, 1879. Lord Melbourne's Papers, 1889. Spencer Walpole's Life of Lord John Russell, 1889. Lantara (S. M., French Painter, died 1778) Men and Women of France of the i8th Cent. Lanterns (Chinese Lanterns). CUSTOM OF CARRYING LANTERNS Milne's Life in China, 1858. Laodicea, Asia Minor Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 3, 1830. Lightfoot's Epistle to the Colossians, 1882. Ramsay's The Church in the Roman Empire, 1893. Laon (Once Capital of France, noted for its Cathedral). LAON AND LIESSE Temple Bar, vol. 115, 1898. GENERAL Macquoid's In the Ardennes, 1881. La Paz, Bolivia Vincent's Round about South America, 1890. La Perouse (J. F. G. de, French Navigator, died 1788). TRAVELS Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1881. Lapithos (Village near Kyrenia, Cyprus) Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. La Place (P. S., Marquis de, Mathematician, died 1827). CONTRIBUTIONS TO ASTRONOMY Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1850. Lapland. AMONGST THE LAPPS Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. CUSTOMS IN LAPLAND Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. [World, 1869. LAPPS AND LAPLAND Forester's Norway and its Scenery, 1853. Hartwig's Polar REINDEER RIDE THROUGH LAPLAND Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., v. 3, 1890. La Plata (Capital of the Province of Buenos Ayres). EXPEDITION TO LA PLATA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. LA PLATA MUSEUM Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. La Plata River, South America Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Laporte (Abbe J. de, Critic and Composer, died 1779) Smiles' Huguenots in France, 1889. La Puebla, Mexico Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 25, 1830. Lapwing (A Bird generally known as the Peewit). GREEN LAPWING Morris' British Birds, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Lardner (D., Mathematician and Scientist, died 1859) Fraser's Magazine, vol. 5, 1832. Maclise's Portrait Gallery [with Portrait, and Short Sketch by Maginn], 1883. Lardner (Nathaniel, Nonconformist Divine and Author, died 1768) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840. Laria (An important Town in the Soudan) Robinson's Hausaland, 1896. L'Ariccia (Ancient Town of Aricia) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Lark (Singing Bird). ALAUDARUM LEGIO Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. CRESTED LARK, ETC. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. u, 1889. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 2, 1848. Lessons derived from the Animal World, 1847. Morris' British Birds, 1891. Larnaca (Chief Seaport in Cyprus) Baker's Cyprus as I saw it, 1879. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. [345] LA ROCHEFOUCAULD-LAUD La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (Duo de, French Philosopher, died 1827) Wharton's Wits and Beaux of Society, 1890. La Rochejaquelein (Henri, Comte de, killed 1794) Alison's Europe, vol. 3, 1847. La Rochelle, France (Noted for its Fortress and Fisheries) Trollope's Western France, 1841. Larva (First stage in the metamorphosis of Insects'). ANATOMY OF THE LARVA OF THE CRANE FLY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, 1875. Larynx (Organ by which the Voice is produced). LARYNX AS AN ORGAN OF SPEECH Meyer's Organs of Speech [International Scientific Series], 1892. La Saisiaz (A Chalet near Geneva, made famous by Browning). LA SAISIAZ IN 1895 Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. La Salle (Rene'e Robert, Chevalier de, French Explorer, died 1687). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Las Casas (Bartolomeo, Spanish Missionary, died 1566) Gurney's God's Heroes, 1858. Lasco (Johannes, Polish Ecclesiastical Reformer, died 1560) Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. "Lass Of Richmond Hill" (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. Lassalle (Ferdinand, Originator of the Social Democratic Movement in Germany, died 1864) Cassell's Celeb, of the Cent., 1889. Rae's Contemporary Socialism, 1891. " Last Rose of Summer" (Song') Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1897. Last Words of Great Men Chambers' Journal, vol. 37, 1862. Lateau (Louise, A peasant girl born at Bois d'Haine, Belgium, 1850, subject to the pheno- menon known as the stigmata). A BIOLOGICAL STUDY Macmillan's, v. 23, 1870-1. Lateran (Palace in Rome) Hare's Walks in Rome, 1893. Lanciani's Ancient Rome, 1889. Lanciani's Pagan and Christian Rome, 1892. Burn's Rome and the Campagna, 1895. Latham (Ebenezer, Dissenting Minister, died 1754) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840.. Lathe (Machine for cutting or turning). DESCRIPTION OF LATHE Campin's Practice of Hand-Turning, 1883. IMPROVED SCREW-CUTTING LATHE Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. LATHE AND LAC WORK IN INDIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. NEW LATHE ATTACHMENT Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. NOTES ON LATHES Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 2, 3, and 6, 1897. SLIDING AND SURFACING BREAK LATHE Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. Lathom House, Lancashire (The old building was noted as having been held by the Countess of Derby against the Parliamentarian Army in 1644-5) Murray's Guide to* Lancashire, V.D. Latimer (Hugh, Bishop and Martyr, burnt 1555). BIOGRAPHY Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. LATIMER AS AN HISTORIAN Temple Bar, vol. 50, 1877. LIFE OF LATIMER Tayler's English Martyrs, 1853. Traill's Social England, v. 3, 1895. GENERAL Gurney's God's Heroes and the World's Heroes, 1858. Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 3, 1845. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Shaw's Religious Humourists, 1879. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825.. Latin Language. CATHOLICON ANGLICUM : a I5th Century Word-Book Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 75, 1880. LATIN APHORISMS AND PROVERBS Trans. Royal Historical Society, vol. i, 1872. LATIN INSCRIPTIONS Lanciani's Ancient Rome, 1889. Mahon's Hist. Essays, 1849. OLD ROMAN OR LATIN LANGUAGE Donaldson's Varronianus, 1852. PROGRESSIVE CHANGES IN THE LATIN LANGUAGE Eustace's Classical Tour through Iialy, 1841. SOME HINTS ON THE TEACHING OF LATIN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. GENERAL Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. i, 1882. See also Language. Latitude (Distance of a Place North or South of the Equator). VARIATIONS OF LATITUDE Nature, vol. 48, 1893. Latitudinarians (Broad Church Divines of Charles II.'s time). THEIR THEOLOGY Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Latooka Baker's The Albert N'Yanza, 1888. La Trappe (French Abbey). THE MONASTERY OF LA TRAPPE, 1626-1700 Cochrane's. Historic Pictures, 1865. Latreille (Pierre Andre, Entomologist, died 1833). MEMOIR AND PORTRAIT Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 32, 1848. Latude (Henri Masers de, escaped from the Bastile 1756, died 1805) Davenport's History of the Bastile and its Principal Captives, 1838. Laud (William, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1645) Brook's Biographical Account of the Puritans, 1813. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, vol. 3, 1857. Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Hook's Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, vol. n, 1875. JeaSreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England, vol. 2, 1840. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 6, 1846. Lewis' Life of Joseph Hall, 1886. Lodge's Por- traits of Illustrious Personages, 1850. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Price's Protestant Nonconformity, 1836. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. [346] LAUDEB-LAW Lauder (William, Scottish Poet, 16th Century). NOTES ON HIS MINOR POEMS, WITH* GLOSSARY Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 41, 1870. Lauf Castle Ruins in the Rhine Valley) Seguin's Black Forest, 1885. Laughter. CAUSES OF LAUGHTER Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. CHAT ABOUT LAUGHTER All the Year Round, vol. 75, 1894. LAW AND LAUGHTER Andrews' The Lawyer in History, etc., 1896. PECULIARITY OF LAUGHTER Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. PHILOSOPHY OF LAUGHING The Monist. vol. 8 [page 250], 1897-8. PHILOSOPHY OF LAUGHTER Chambers' Journal, vol. 17, 1852. PHYSIOLOGY OF LAUGHTER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. i, 1859-60. TREATISES ON LAUGHTER Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Bibliographical Notes], 1889. Laundries. COMMERCIAL LAUNDRIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. HOURS IN MY LAUNDRY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 14, 1888. LAUNDRIES IN RELIGIOUS HOUSES Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. STEAM LAUNDRIES Colyer's Public Institutions, 1889. Laurens (Jean Paul, Artist) Ewart's Toilers in Art, 1891. Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. Laurentius (Second Archbishop of Canterbury, died 619) Hook's Archbishops, v. i, 1875. Laurler (Sir Wilfrid, Premier of Canada 1896, born 1841. CANADA'S PREMIER English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. Lausanne, Switzerland. A SUNNY CORNER OF EUROPE All Year Round, v. 75, 1894. Lauzun (Antoine N. de Caumont, Duke de, Favourite of Louis XIV., died 1723) Temple Bar, vol. 45, 1875. La Valette (Jean Parisot de, French General, died 1568) Prescott's Philip II., 1877. La Vendee, France. HEROES OF LA VENDEE Gurney's God's Heroes and the World's Heroes, 1858. See also La Rochejaquelein. Lavender Hill, Battersea. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF LAVENDER HILL Suburban, Homes of London, 1881. Lavieille (Eugene, Landscape Painter) Ewart's Toilers in Art, 1891. LAW (Legal and General. See also Crime, Jurisprudence, Lawyers, Legislation, etc.). ADMINISTRATION OF LAWS [Among the Northmen] Vicary's Saga Time, 1887. ALIEN LAWS Marshall's International Vanities, 1875. ANCIENT IRISH LAW Maine's Early History of Institutions, 1890. ANCIENT LAWS Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. ANGLO-SAXON LAW Brace's Gesta Christi, 1882. ANGLO-SAXON POLICE AND CIVIL LAW Pearson's Middle Ages, 1861. BENCHERS AND THE BAR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. BIBLE LAW Andrew's Legal Lore : Curiosities of Law and Lawyers, 1897. CIVIL COURT OF ENGLAND Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. COMMON LAW OF ENGLAND Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. CREATION BY LAW Hitchcock's Religion of Geology and its connected Sciences, 1851. DEFINITION OF LAW Paterson's Liberty of the Subject, 1877. DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMON LAW Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. DIVINE LAWS Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. ECONOMIC FOUDATIONS OF THE LAW Loria's Economic Foundations of Society, 1899. EARLY LAWS AND CUSTOMS IN GREAT BRITAIN REGARDING FOOD Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8, 1880. ENGLISH FALCK LAWS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. GERMAN COURTS OF JUSTICE AND LAWS Menzel's History of Germany, 1859. GLORIOUS UNCERTAINTY OF LAW Chambers' Journal, vol. 27, 1857. [Ago, 1884. GOVERNMENT AND THE LAWS OF THE SAMOANS Turner's Samoa a Hundred Years GREEK LAW Mahaffy's Old Greek Life [History Primers], 1896. GROWTH OF LAW Amos' Science of Law [International Scientific Series,] 1889. IMPROVEMENT OF STATUTE LAWS Quarterly Review, vol. 189, 1899. INSTITUTIONS AND LAWS OF ICELAND Mallett's Northern Antiquities: Historical Account of the Scandinavians, 1847. INTERNATIONAL LAW Amos' Science of Law, 1889. Whewell's Elements of Morality, including Polity, 1848. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND MORALITY Sedgwick's Elements of Politics, 1891. JAPANESE LAW Chamberlain's Things Japanese; for the use of Travellers, 1891. LABOUR AND LAW Bradlaugh's Labour and Law [with a Memoir], 1891. LANDLORD AND TENANT LAW Turner's Househunters and Householders, 1884. LAW AMONGST PRIMITIVE RACES Andrews' The Lawyer in History, etc., 1896. LAW AND JUSTICE Lacroix's Eighteenth Century [France] , 1876. Lacroix's Manners* Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages, 1876. LAW AND LAUGHTER Argosy, vol. 57, 1894. LAW AS IT AFFECTS THE POOR Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects, 1857. LAW CONCERNING INSANITY Maudsley's Responsibility in Mental Disease, 1874. LAW COURTS AND LAWYERS OF THE UNITED STATES Trollope's North America,. LAW IN EUROPE [i6th Cent.] Robertson's Reign of Charles V., 1820. [1862. LAW IN RHYME Andrews' The Lawyer in History, etc., 1896. LAW IN SCOTT Andrews' The Lawyer in History, etc., 1896. LAW IN SHAKESPEARE Andrews' The Lawyer in History, etc., 1896. LAW OF MISTRESS AND SERVANT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. [1858. LAW OF PRIVILEGE, PROTECTION, ASYLUM AND SANCTUARY Barnes' Ancient Britain,. [347] LAW LAZARUS Law (continued). LAWLESSNESS OF LAW Progressive Review, vol. a, 1897. LAWS OF WAR Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. LAWS UNDER THE FEUDAL SYSTEM Andrews' Legal Lore: Curiosites of Law and Lawyers, 1897. LAWS AND CUSTOMS [in England, etc.] Timbs' Notabilia, 1872. LAWS OF KING ATHELSTAN Pearson's Early and Mediaeval England, 1867. LAWS OF SWEDEN Wheelwright's Ten Years in Sweden, 1865. LAWS OF THE BARBARIANS Smyth's Modern History, 1854. LAWS OF THE ISRAELITES Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Josephus' Works, 1897. Robertson Smith's Old Testament in the Jewish Church, 1881. LAWS RELATING TO HUNTING Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. LAWS RESPECTING HAWKS Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. LEGAL FICTIONS Maine's Ancient Law, 1891. LEGAL PROCEDURE Serjeant Wm. Robinson's Bench and Bar: Reminiscences, 1891. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AGAINST ANIMALS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. MARITIME INTERNATIONAL LAW Appleton's Foreign Policy, 1892. MARRIED WOMEN'S PROPERTY ACTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. MARTIAL LAW AND MILITARY LAW Cornhill Magazine, vol. 15, 1867. NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL LAW Lawrence's Principles of the Commonwealth, 1884. NEW GREAT REFORM IN THE CRIMINAL LAW Nineteenth Century, vol. 44, 1898. ON LAW STUDIES Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 9, 1890. ORIGIN OF LAW Lubbock's Origin of Civilisation, 1875. Maine's Ancient Law, 1891. PROGRESS OF MARITIME LAW McCulloch's Treatise and Essays on Money, 1859. PROVINCIAL HEALTH LAWS Year Book of British Columbia, 1897. REFORM OF FEUDAL LAWS Nineteenth Century, vol. 9, 1881. RELIGION AND LAW Maine's Early Law and Custom, 1891. De Coulange's Ancient Civilisation [La Citd Antigas]. RELIGION AND LAWS OF THE EGYPTIANS Lane's Manners and Customs of Modern Egyptians [1833-5], 1842. RISE OF THE ENGLISH LEGAL PROFESSION Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 3, 1874. SAVAGE, CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW Greenwood's Wild Man at Home, 1879. SOCIETY OF COMPARATIVE LEGISLATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. SOUTH AUSTRALIA Harcus' South Australia, 1876. SOURCES OF INDIAN LAW Maine's Village Communities in the East and West, 1890. WEST SAXON LAWS Earle's Anglo-Saxon Literature, 1884. Law (Edmund, Bishop of Carlisle, died 1787) Abbey's English Church and its Bishops [1700-1800], 1887. Law (John, Scottish Financier, died 1729 Chambers' Eminent Scotchmen. Mackay's Extraordinary Popular Delusions, 1869. Law Courts. BENCH AND BAR Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. NEW LAW COURTS [London] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 25, 1871-2. STATE OF THE LAW COURTS [London] Strand Magazine, vols. i and 2, 1891. GENERAL Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Train's Social England, vol. I, 1898. Lawes (Henry, Friend and Patron of Milton; Composer of Songs; died 1662 Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. Lawford Hall, near Manningtree, Essex Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illus.], 1897. Lawn Tennis. FORM IN LAWN TENNIS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 6, 1889. How I LEARNED TO PLAY LAWN TENNIS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENTS AND PLAYERS Lady's Realm, vol. 2, 1897. ORIGIN OF LAWN TENNIS Heathcote's Tennis, Rackets, and Fives, 1891. Lawrence (Sir Thomas, Painter, died 1830) Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 1889. Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 3, 1880. Lawson (Sir Edward Levy, Principal Proprietor of the "Daily Telegraph," born 1833) English Illustrated, vol. u, 1894. Mrs. Sala's Famous People I have met, 1892. Lawson (Sir John, Vice-Admiral of the Red Squadron, died 1665). MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 2, 1818. Lawson (Sir Wilfrid, Great Temperance Advocate, bom 1829), M.P. Smiles' George Moore, 1878. Lucy's Two Parliaments, 1885. See also Temperance etc. Lawyers. ANECDOTES ABOUT LAWYERS James' Curiosities of Law and Lawyers, BARS OF FRANCE AND ENGLAND Cornhill Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. [1882. DICKENS' LAWYERS Andrews' The Lawyer in History, etc., 1896. FIGHTING LAWYERS Andrews' The Lawyer in History, etc., 1896. IRISH LAWYERS AND STATESMEN OF A BYGONE GENERATION Macmillan's Mag., LITERARY LAWVERS Andrews' The Lawyer in History, etc., 1896. [vol. u, 1864-5. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE LAWYER International Journal of Ethics, vol. 7, 1896-7. GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. And tinder Law, etc. LayCOCk Nunnery (A Conventual Relic of pre-Reformation times, near .Matmesbitry) Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities], 1890. Layer Marney, Essex. LAYER MARNEY TOWER AND CHURCH IN ESSEX Art Jour., LAYER MARNEY TOWER Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. [1895. Lazarus (Brother of Mary and Martha and friend of Jesus). SOME PHRASES IN THE RAISING OF LAZARUS Expositor, vol. 3 (sth series), 1896. GENERAL Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. [348] LAZARUS-LEDBURY Lazarus (Henry). " ENGLISH REVOLUTION OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY" [Review] Review of Reviews, vol. 10, 1894. Lea River (A Tributary of the Thames). KING ALFRED AND THE RIVER LEA Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archasology, part ii.], 1886. NORTHERN BANKS OF THE LEA Fitzgerald's London City Suburbs, 1893. GENERAL Katherine Fry's East and West Ham ; edited by Dr. Pagenstecker, 1888. Major L. Flower's River Lea, 1893. Walford's Old and New London, vol. 5, 1877. Lead. FACTS ABOUT LEAD Wright's Threshold of Science, 1891. LEAD MINES OF CUJABEIRA Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 30, 1830. LEAD MINES OF THE MENDIPS Walter's Bygone Somerset, 1897. LEAD MINING, ETC. Pepper's Playbook of Metals, 1869. NOTES ON LEAD Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-5, 1897. PERCY'S METALLURGY OF LEAD [Review] Nature, vol. 4, 1871. REMARKS ON LEAD Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. ROMAN LEAD IN DERBYSHIRE Antiquary, vol. 29 [page 218], 1894. [vol.4. ROMAN PIGS OF LEAD DISCOVERED NEAR CHESTER Jour. Chester Arch. Soc., (n.s.), GENERAL Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. [1884-5 Lead Poisoning 1 . NERVOUS LESIONS PRODUCED BY LEAD POISONING Brain, vol. 7, Lead Work. ANCIENT WORK IN LEAD Napier's Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times, 1879. ENGLISH ORNAMENTAL LEAD WORK Archasological Journal, vol. 45 1888. Leadenhall Market, London. IN LEADENHALL MARKET Strand Mag., vol. 3, 1892. Leader (B. W., Artist, born 1831). INTERVIEW, WITH PORTRAIT Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Leah (First Wife of the Patriarch Jacob) Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Leake (Sir John, Naval Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean, died 1720). MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 6, 1818. Leamington (Watering Place in Warwickshire) Nathaniel Hawthorne's Our Old Home, 1864. Black's Guide to Warwickshire, V.D. Stables' Cruise of the Land Yacht, " Wanderer," 1892. Leanness. How TO CURE LEANNESS Savarin's Gastronomy as a Fine Art, 1877. Leapfrog Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. Learning. DANGERS OF A LITTLE LEARNING Whateley's Miscellaneous Lectures, ESSAY ON ANCIENT AND MODERN LEARNING Temple's Works, vol. 3, 1757. [1861. How TO LEARN Fitch's Lectures on Teaching, 1889. LEARNING BY HEART Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. MIDDLE AGES AND THE REVIVAL OF LEARNING Macmillan's Mag., vol. 26, 1872. Traill's Social England, vol. i, 1898. ON LEARNING Godwin's Inquirer, 1797. PREJUDICE AGAINST LEARNING AMONG UNDERGRADUATES Century Mag., v. 28, 1895. See also Education, Knowledge, Schools, Teaching, etc. Leather. USES OF LEATHER Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1882. GENERAL Griffin's New South Wales : Our Commerce and Resources, 1888. Leather Work. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. Leatherhead (Town in Surrey, on the River Mole) Black's Guide to Surrey, V.D. Leaves. CHEMISTRY OF THE FOREST LEAF Natural Science, vol. 13, 1898. METAMORPHOSES, OR CHANGES TO WHICH LEAVES ARE SUBJECT Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. i, 1891. RAINFALL AND THE FORMS OF LEAVES Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. THEORY OF THE LEAF Student of Science, Literature and Art, vol. 2, 1869. THE FORMATION OF CHLOROPHYLL Hardwick's Science Gossip, 1873. Lebanon (Mountain Range in Syria). CASTING THE DJEREED ON LEBANON Napier's Wild Sports, 1844. CEDARS OF LEBANON Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 2, 1830. Martineau's Eastern CHRISTIAN PASHA OF LEBANON All the Year Round, vol. n, 1864. [Life, 1850. HEIGHTS AND HOLLOWS OF LEBANON W. J. Knox Little's Sunshine and Storm, 1892. MOUNT LEBANON Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. PASS OF THE LEBANON Kinglake's Eothen : Travels in the East, 1889. GENERAL Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Burton's Syria, 1884. Ewald's Hist, of Israel, 1886. Graham's Jordan and the Rhine, 1854. Miller's Syria, 1892. Wilson's Picturesque Palestine [Views], 1882. Lebida, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20, 1830. Lecky (W. E. H., Philosophical Historian, born 1838). AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL (FORMATIVE INFLUENCES) Forum, vol. 9, 1890. "DEMOCRACY AND LIBERTY" [Review] Review of Reviews, vol. 13, 1896. "HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS" [Review] Macmillan's Mag., vol. 20, 1869. " HISTORY OF ENGLAND," VOLS. 7 AND 8 [Review] Macmillan's Mag., vol. 63, 1890-1. GENERAL Contemporary Review, vol. 58, 1890. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 63, 1890-1. Lectern (Church Reading Desk). ON THE LECTERN Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. Lectures. AMERICAN LECTURE-SYSTEM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. LOCAL LECTURES FOR WOMEN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. REMINISCENCES OF EMINENT LECTURERS Harper's Magazine, vol. 35, 1898. Ledbury (Market Town in Herefordshire) Black's Guide to Hereford, 1892. [349J LEE-LEGISLATION Lee (Charles, Anglo-American General, died 1782) Irving's Life of Washington, 1855. Lee (Henry, American General, died 1818) Irving's Life of Washington, 1855. Lee J3 B I H | J> fT > . be "S 2 en * C8 cu G > O ^) 13 52 o ^5 O in Cu ^a (U . Cd G -2 '^ /"i *s^ ^ OJ E ^ c a en ':/) E "S 'o E 3 D ^ en g S in ^H 5 CO >, 01 M O a '5 sc -5 G O oc G 1; IH 'gh, 1890. REMARKS ON LIONS Greenwood's Wild Sports of the World, 1864. STORIES OF LIONS Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 1890. THE LION TAMER Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1897. VARIETIES OF LIONS Leveson's Sport in Many Lands, 1879. GENERAL Bak-r's Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, 1883. Baker's Wild Beasts and their Ways, 1891. Churchill's Men, Mines and Animals in South Africa, iPga. Gerard's Lion Hunting and Sporting Life in Algeria, 1856. Gordon Cumming's Adventures in Soutli Africa, 1850. Notts' Wild Animals Photographed and Described, 1886. Lipari Islands (Volcanic Islands off Sicily) Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Lippi (Fra Lippo [Filippo di Tommaso Lippi], Florentine Artist, died 1469) Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. L ler, vol. 13, 1898. Bryan's Paintets & Engravers, 1889. Liquid. Air Century Magazine, vol. 35, 1899. Pearson's Magazine, vol. 6, 1898. Strand Magazine, vol. 17, 1899. Liquor Laws. LOCAL OPTION Buxton's Political Questions, 1885. STUDY OF AMERICAN LIQUOR LAWS Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. Liquor Traffic. AFRICAN LIQUOR TRAFFIC Mackenzie's Austral Africa, 1877. AUSTRALIAN LIQUOR TRAFFIC Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian Hist ry, vol. 2, 1892. CANADIAN LIQUOR TRAFFIC Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. DRINK AND TRADE National Review, vol. 25, 1895. ENGLAND AND THE GOTHENBURG LICENSING SYSTEM Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, ENGLISH PUBLIC HOUSE National Review, vol. 25, 1895, [1895. LEGISLATION AND THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC Smith's Temperance Reformation, 1875. LIQUOR TRAFFIC WITH WKST AFRICA Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. SUNDAY CLOSING IN OPERATION Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. Liquorice. CULTURE AND PREPARATION OF LIQUORICE Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. Liquors. ADULTERATION OF LIQUORS Harper's Magazine, vol. 19 [American Edition]. Tricks of Trade, 1856. See also Food. Lisbon (Capital of Po'ttigal). GREAT EARTHQUAKE OF LISBON Hartwig's Subter- ranean World, 1892. SOME LISBON NOTES Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. STREETS OF LISBON Borrow's Bible in Spain, 1843. GENERAL Atchison's Winter Cruise in Summer Seas, 1891. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol 19, 1830. Finch's To South Africa and Back, 1890. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Latouche's Travels in Portugal, 1875. Murray's Guide to Portugal, V.D. Saturday Review, vol. 73, 1892. Lisieux, France (Noted for its Cathedral) Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Lisle (Sir George (Royalist, defended Colchester against Parliament, and was, with Lucas, tried by Court Ma tial and shot when the town was taken, 1648). THE CASE OF LUCAS AND LISLE Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8 (n.s.), 1894. Lismore, Ireland (Small City containing Castle and Cathedral) Inglis' Journey throughout Ireland. 1835. Lister (Joseph, first Barnn, President of the Royal Society ; discovered antiseptic treatment in Surgery, born 1827). CHARACTER SKETCH Nature, vol. 54, 1896. Lister (S. Cunliffe, Inventor, born 1815; created Baron Masham 1891). LISTER AND WOOL-COMBING MACHINERY Burnley's Hist, of Wool and Wool-Combing, 1889. Lister (Thomas, Port, died 1888) Armitagp's Quaker Poets, 1896. Liszt (Franz, Celebrated Hungarian Pianist and Composer, died 1886). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883 ; and vol. 7, 1886. GENERAL Be'tina Walker's Musical Experiences, 1890. Haweis' Musical Life, 1891. Longman's Magazine, vol. 3, 1883-4. Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. Wohl's Recollections of a Compatriot, 1887. [359] LITANY-LITERATURE Litany. ORIGIN OF THE LITANY Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Litany River, Syria Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. LITERATURE. (See also Authors, Books, Drama, Fiction, Libraries, Poetry, etc.) AMERICAN LITERATURE Eggleston's United States, '89. Trollope's North Amer., '62- AMERICAN LITERATURE IN EXILE (W. D. HOWELLS ON) Literature, vol.4, 1899. ANCIENT GERMAN POESY Menzel's History of Germany, 1859. ANCIENT LITERATURE Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. ANECDOTES OF LITERATURE Percy Anecdotes, vols. 5 and 6, 1826. ANGLO SAXON LITERATURE Pearson's Early and Middle Ages, 1861. ARABIC LITERATURE Sismondi's Literature of the South of Europe, 1846. ARCHEOLOGY, LITERATURE, AND HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. BEAUTY IN LITERATURE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. BOHEMIAN LITERATURE [Review] Literature, vol. 4, 1899. BOHEMIAN LITERATURE IN THE I4TH CENTURY Macmillan's Mag., vol. 38, 1878. BURMESE LITERATURE Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. n, 1830. Fytche's Burma Past and Present, 1878. CASTILIAN LITERATURE Prescott's Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 1887. CELTIC LITERATURE Bradshaw's Collected Papers, 1889. CELTIC RENASCENCE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. CHANCELLORS AND LITERATURE Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. CHARLEMAGNE ROMANCES IN FRANCE AND ENGLAND Early English Text Society's Reprint (extra series), No. 40, 1882. CHEAP LITERATURE FOR VILLAGE CHILDREN Macmillan's Mag., vol. 38, 1878. CHILDREN'S LITERATURE OF THE ISTH CENTURY Macmillan's Mag., vol. 20, 1869. CHINESE LITERATURE Davis' China : a General Description, 1857. CLASSIFICATION OF LITERATURE Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. COMING LITERARY REVIVAL Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. [1882. CONNECTION BETWEEN SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND RELIGION Punshon's Lectures, CONTENTS-SUBJECT INDEX TO LITERATURE Literature, vol 4, 1899. DECADENT MOVEMENT IN LITERATURE Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. DEMOCRACY AND LITERATURE Tocqueville's Democracy, 1862. DFSCRIBING NATURE Humboldt's Cosmos, 1847. DRAMATIC ART AND LITERATURE Baker's London Stage, 1889. Ward's Dramatic Literature of England, 1875. EARLY CHRISTIAN LITERATURE Dublin Review, vol. 124, 1899. EGYPTIAN LITERATURE [ANCIENT] Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 108, 1870. Edwards' Pharaohs, Fellahs, and Explorers, 1892. Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. EGYPTIAN LITERATURE [MODERN] Lane's Modern Egyptians, during years 1833-5. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 1856. Mrs. Oliphant's Literary History of England 1791-1825, 1882. ELIZABETHAN LITERATURE All the Year Round,, vol 68, 1891. Creighton's Age of Elizabeth, 1892. Underbill's Literary Epochs. 1887. ENGLISH ACADEMY OF LITERATURE Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, 1881. ENGLISH AND FRENCH LITERATURE CONTRASTED Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. Macin Han's Magazine, vol. 63, 1890-1. ENGLISH LITERATURE Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 5, 1891. Lytton> England and the English, 1874. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3, 1884. ENGLISH LITERATURE AND THE VERNACULAR Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. ENGLISH LITERATURE AT THE UNIVERSITIES Macmillan's Mag., vol. 55, 1886-7. ENGLISH LITERATURE IN 1896 Academy, vol. 51, 1897. ENGLISH PROSE WRITERS Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. FIRST ESSAYS IN LITERATURE BY FAMOUS WRITERS Chambers' Jour., v. 69 [p. 394], FOULNESS OF MODERN LITERATURE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. [1892. FRENCH ACADEMY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 78, 1898. FRENCH AND ENGLISH LITERATURE IN TIME OF ANNE Morris' Age of Anne, 1877. FRENCH LITERATURE Ward & Lock's Universal In-tructor, vol. 3, 1884. FRENCH LITERATURE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Blackwood's Mag., vol. 157, FRENCH MASTERY OF STYLE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. [1895. GAELIC AND NORSE POPULAR TALES: an Apology for the Cult Macmillan's Mag., vol. 3, 1860-1. GAELIC LITERATURE Keltie's History of the Scottish Highlands, vol. 2, 1885. GENIUS AND DISCIPLINE IN LITERATURE Macmillan's Mag., vol. 7, 1862-3. GERMAN LITERATURE Carlyle's Critical Essays, 1847. Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. Ward & Lock's Unive'Sal Instructor, vol. 3, 1884. GERMAN LITERATURE: IMPORTATION OF GERMAN [The Study of German Language and Literature in England] National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. GERMAN LITERATURE OF THE I4TH AND ISTH CENTURIES Carlyle's Essays, 1847. GOSPKL OF INTENSITY Contemporary Review, vol.67, 1895. GREEK LITERATURE: RECOVERY OF LOST GREEK LITERATURE Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896 7. Collins' Ancient Classics for E> glish Readers, 1871. De Quincey's Uncollected Writings, 1890 Lytton's Athens : its Rise and Fall, 1874. Smith's History of Greece, 1860. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3, 1884. HISTORICAL LITERATURE Ewald's History of I*r. el, 1886. HISTORICAL NOVELS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. See also Fiction. HOLLAND LITERATURE DURING THE igTH CENTURY Macmillan's Mag., v. 33, 1875-6. How TO COUNTERACT THE " PENNY DREADFUL" Fortnightly Rev., vol. 64, 1895. ICELANDIC LITERATURE Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1847. [360] LITERATURE Literature (continued). ITALIAN ART AND LITERATURE BEFORE GIOTTO AND DANTE Macmillan's Mag., vol. 33, 1875-6- ITALIAN LITERATURE Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3, 1884. JAPANESE LITERATURE Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. Literature, v. 4, 1899. JEFFERY ON ENGLISH LITERATURE Spofford's Lib. of Choi' e Literature, vol. i, 1890. LATIN LITERATURE Liddell's History of Rome, 1882. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3, 1884. LITERARY ETHICS Emerson's Prose Works, 1889. LITERARY FORGERIES Contemporary Review, vol. 44, 1883. LITERARY HOUSEHOLDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. LITERARY TECHNICS Russell's Author's Manual, 1890. LITERATURE AND SCIENCE IN ENGLAND IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Kale's Stuarts and Western Europe, 1883. LITERATURE AND SCIENCE IN EUROPE Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. LITERATURE AND SCIENCE IN THE I4TH CENT. Gairdner's Lancaster and York, LITERATURE AS A PROFESSION Mason's How to Excel in Smdy, 1880. [1875. LITERATURE IN IRELAND Oliphant's Literary History of England, 1882. LITERATURE IN PHILADELPHIA Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. LITERATURE IN THE REIGN OF ANNE Adams' Good Queen Anne, 1886. LITERATURE IN THE REIGN OF CHARLKS I. Adams' White King, 1889. LITERATURE IN THE VICTORIAN ERA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 1879. LITERATUKE OF COOKERY National Review, vol. 25, 1895. LITERATURE OF THE KAILYARD New Review, vol. 12, 1895. LITERATURE OF THE SEA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. LITERATURE OF THE TWELFTH CENTURY Traill's Social England, vol. I, 1898. " MAGA " AND HER PUBLISHERS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 162, 1897. MAKING A NAME IN LITERATURE Russell's Author's Manual, 1890. MEDIAEVAL LITERATURE Pearson's Early and Middle Ages in England, 1861. METHODS OF LITERARY WORK Leisure Hour, vol. 45, 1896-7. MODERN ELEMENT IN LITERATURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. MOTIVES AND METHODS OF AUTHORSHIP Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. MUTABILITY OF LITERATURE Washington Irving's Sketch Book, 1887. NORSE AND IRISH LITERATURE Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. OFFICE OF LITERATURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. ON COMMENCING AUTHOR Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. ORGANIZATION OF LITERATURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol 9, 1863-4. OTTOMAN LITERATURE Poole, Gilman, & Gibbs' Turkey, 1891. OUR MEN OF LETTERS AND OUR EMPIRE Temple Bar, vol. in, 1897. PLEASURES OF LITERATURE Ireland's Book-Lover's Enchiridion, 1883. POETRY OF THE ACHAEANS AND IONIANS IN ASIA Alleyne's History of Greece, 1883. POETS AND LESSER POETS OF ANNE'S REIGN Adams' Good Queen Anne, 1886. PRESENT CONDITIONS OF LITERARY PRODUCTIONS Atlan'ic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. PRESERVATION OF LITERATURE Burton's Book-Hunter, 1885. PROFESSION OF LETTERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 56, 1887. PROSPECTS < -F LITERATURE Temple Bar, vol. no, 1897. QUEEN VICTORIA'S HINDUSTANI DIARY Strand Maaazine, vol. 4, 1892. RELIGIOUS PIECES OF THE FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH CENTURIES Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 26, 1889. REMARKS ON NATIONAL LITERATURE Channing's Complete Works, 1885. RETICENCE IN LITERATURE Yellow Book, vols. i and 2, 1894. RUSSIAN LITERATURE Athenajum, 1898. Morfill's Russia. 1891. Murray's Russia, v.n. SANSCRIT LITERATURE Fosteriana : Thoughts, Reflections, and Criticisms [of J. Foster], 1858. Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. SENSATIONAL LITERATURE All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. SEQUELS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. SPANISH LITERATURE Ford's Spain, 1892. Inglis' Spain, 1831. Prescott's Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 1887. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3, 1884. SPANISH LITERATURE DURING THE FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH CENTURIES Sismondi's Literature of the South of Europe, 1846. SPIRIT OF FUN IN ART AND LITERATURE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. STORY READING AND STORY WRITING Chambers' Journal, vol. i (6th series), 1898. SUGGESTIVE FEATURES OF OUR LAST SIXTY YEARS' LITERATURE Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. TEACHING OF ENGLISH LITERATURE Academy, vol. 51, 1897. Literature, vol. 2, 1898. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. TEACHING THE SPIRIT OF LITERATURE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. THE BOUNDER IN LITERATURE New Review, vol. 17, 1897. THE DELINQUENT IN ART AND IN LITERATURE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. THE PROSE EDDA Mallett's Northern Antiquities, 1847. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LOCAL COLOUR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. THREE VICES OF CURRENT LITERATURE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. WELSH AND BRITISH LITERATURE Barnes' Notes on Ancient Britain, 1858. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Hutchii. son's Extinct Monsters, 1897. Literature, from vol. i, 1897-8. Rees' Pleasures of a Book-Worm, 1886. Sir J. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1889. LITHGO W-LL AM AS LithgOW (Wm , Scottish Traveller, died about 1645) Smith's Romance of History, 1891. Lithography CENTENARY OF LITHOGRAPHY Fortnightly Review, vol. 70, 1898. RENAISSANCE OF LITHOGRAPHY Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. THE REVIVAL OF LITHOGRAPHY Art Jour., vol 48, 1896. Mag. of Art, vol. 20, 1897. GENERAL Art Journal, vol. 49, 1897. Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. Lithuania (A part of Russian Poland). CUSTOMS IN LITHUANIA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GENERAL Geddie's Russian Empire, 1882. Little Carter Lane, London Pike's Ancient Meeting-Houses, 1870. " Little Drops of Water " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Little Maplestead, Essex. ROUND CHURCH AT LITTLF. MAPLESTEAD Page's Essex in the Days of Old, 1897. Wallen's Hist, and Antiquity of the Round Church, 1836. See also Maplestead. Littr^ (M. P. E. French Lexicographer, died 1881) Chambers' Jour., vol. 58 [p. 570], 1881. Liturgy. ENGLISH LITURGY Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1849. Wheatly's Book of ( omrfion Prayer, 1859. REVIEW OF SIMEON ON THE LITURGY M'Crie's Miscellaneous Writings, 1841. Two RECENT LITURGICAL BOOKS [Review] Dublin Review, vol. 122, 1898. GENERAL Moire's History of the Reformation, 1890. Neal's Hist, of Puritans, 1822. Livadla (A Division of Greece, containing a Town of same name) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16, 1830. Liver. STORY OF THE LIVER Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. [1882. Liverpool (Important Seaport). DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF LIVERPOOL Art Journal, DOCKS AT LIVERPOOL Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. Pall Mall Mag., vol. 8, 1896. ESTABLISHMKNT OF THE ATHENAEUM [Library] AT LIVERPOOL Gentleman's Magazine Library [Literary Curiosities], 1888. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Pearson's Mag., vol. i, :8g6. Villars' English Provinces, LIVERPOOL, 1860-77 Doran's Our Great Towns, 1878. [1888. LIVERPOOL IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. LIVERPOOL PUBLIC LIBRARIES Greenwood's Public Libraries, 1894. LIVERPOOL SHIP CANAL [to Manchester] All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. MUSEUMS AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS OF LIVERPOOL Nature, vol. 2, 1870. WALKER ART GALLERY Art Journal, vol. 47, 1895. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i, 1879. Hawthorne's English Note-Books, 1870. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, 18*17. Land we Live in, vol. i, 1X53. Myrback & Villars' Sketches of England, 1891. Murray's Guide to Lancashire, V.D. Stowe's Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854 Liverpool (Robert Banks Jenkinson, Earl of, Prime Minister 1812, died 1828). SKETCH OF HIS CARF.ER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Liverpool Street Station, London. WIDENING OF LIVERPOOL STREET STATION Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. Liverseege Henry, Painter, died 1832) Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 3, 1879. Liverworts (Cryptogamic Plants similar to Mosses). ADAPTATION IN LIVERWORTS Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. Livery Companies. CITY OF LONDON LIVERY COMPANIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. See also London. Livesey (Joseph, Temperance Pioneer, died 1884) Frith & Kirton's World's Workers. Livingstone i David, Missionary and Explorer, died 1873). BOYHOOD AND YOUTH OF LIVINGSTONE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. HEART OF DR. LIVINGSTONE Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. LAST JOURNALS OF DAVID LIVINGSTONE [Review] Macmillan's Mag., v.3i, 1874-5. LIVINGSTONK.'S EXPLORATIONS Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. LIVINGSTONE'S MARCH ACROSS AFRICA Montefiore's Leaders into Unknown Lands, LIVINGSTON K'S TRAVELS Kingston & Low's Great African Travellers, 1890. [1891. MOTHER AND WIFE OF LIVINGSTONE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. SEARCH FOR LIVINGSTONE Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 6, 1890. GENKRAI. Africa and its Exploration (Sampson Low), 1894. Benson's Men of Might, 1892. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 83, 1858. Nature, vol. 6, 1872. Livingstone t]., died 1672). LIVINGSTONE AS A PREACHER Taylor's Scottish Pulpit, '87. Livy ([Titus Liviu], Roman Historian, died A.D. 17) Church's Stories from Livy, 1883. Mackail's Latin Literature, 1895. Lizard (A se* rent-like Reptile with legs). A FAMILY OF LIZARDS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. A MYSTERIOUS AND DREADED LIZARD Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. A REMARKABLE LIZARD English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. [Field. BRITISH LIZARDS AND THEIR WAYS Good Words, vol. 30, 1889. Wood's Lane and GREAT SKA LIZARDS AND THEIR ALLIES Hutchinson's Extinct Monsters, 1897. THE COMMON OK VIVIPAROUS LIZARD Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. THE FRILLED LIZARD Nature, vol. 53, 1896. Llama (Wnol-bearing Quadruped of S. America) Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., v. 21, 1848. Llamas. See l.amas. [362] LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL-LOCKE Llandaff Cathedral, near Cardiff. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY Ward & Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols., 1887. GENERAL Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities, part i.], 1890. Llandudnq (Watering-Place in North Wales) Black's Where shall We Go? V.D. Gossiping Guide to Wales, V.D. Llandyssil, Wales Hissey's Across England in a Dog Cart, 1891. Llangollen, North Wales. BARMOUTH, CARNARVON, AND LLANGOLLEN Myrback and Villars' Sketches of England, 1891. Gossiping Guide to Wales, V.D. LlanOS (Large tracts of grazing Land in Spanish America) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 27, 1830. Llanthony Abbey, South Wales. ACCOUNT OF LLANTHONY ABBEY Seattle's Castles and Abbeys of England, 1851. Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. Hissey's Across England in a Dog Cart, 1891. LLANTHONY ABBEY AND Two OF ITS PRIORS National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. Llhasa. See Lhassa. Lloyd (Charles, Poet, died 1839) Armitage's Quaker Poets, 1896. Lloyd (Edward, Eminent Vocalist, born 1845). ILLUS. INTERVIEW Strand, v. 7, 1894. Lloyd (W., successively Bishop of St. Asaph, Lichfield, and Worcester, died 1717) Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Lloyd's (Mercantile Association which took its name from Lloyd's Coffee-Housc, where meetings on mercantile matters were first held about 1688). ARTICLE ON LLOYD'S Temple Bar, vol. 15, 1865. Hare's Walks in London, 1878. PAST AND PRESENT OF LLOYD'S English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1894. LoangfO, Africa (District at the month of the Congo). KINGS OF LOANGO Frazer's Golden ^Bough, 1890. GENERAL Keith Johnston's Africa, 1884. Loano, Italy. BATTLE OF LOANO Mahan's Life of Nelson, 1893. Loans. THE IMMORALITY AND COWARDICE OF MODERN LOAN-MONGERS Contem- porary Review, vol. 73, 1898. LOAN SOCIETIES Penny Magazine, vol. 12, 1843. Lobengula (King of_ the Matabele, South Africa, died 1894). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vcl. 8, 1893. CHARTERED COMPANY AND LOBENGULA Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. How Lo BEN'S QUEENS RETURNED Daily Mail, March 22, 1898. LOBENGULA AT H&ME Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. Lobster. CRABS AND LOBSTERS Awdry's Early Chapters in Science, 1899. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. Hartwig's The Sea, 1866. See also Crayfish. FAMILIES OF LOBSTF.RS Stebbing's Crustacea, 1893. HISTORY OF THE LOBSTER Hatdwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. THE LOBSTER AT HOME Longman's Magazine, vol. 28, 1896. THE LOBSTER IN COMMERCE AND SCIENCE Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. Local Government (Government of the various Towns or sub-Divisions of a County). BIRMINGHAM GOVERNMENT Dent's Making of Birmingham, 1894. EXTENSION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN IRELAND Macmillan's Mag., vol. 52, 1885. GOVERNMENT OF GERMAN CITIES Century Magazine, vol. 26, i8g4. IDEAL OF A LOCAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE METROPOLIS Macmillan's, vol. 7, 1862-3. IRISH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND LIBERAL POLICY Progressive Kev., vol. 2, 1897. IRISH LOCAL GOVERNMENT EXTENSION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. IRISH LOCAL GOVERNMENT: THE PROMISED BILL Nineteenth Century, v. 42, 1897. RURAL REVOLUTION Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. GENERAL Amos' Science of Politics, 1890. Helps' Thoughts upon Government, 1862. May's Constitutional History, 1871. Nineteenth Century, vols. 23 and 24, 1888. See also Boruwgfu, County Councils, Municipalities, etc. Local Option (Principle by which the majority of ratepayers in any locality may decide whether the sale of i 'toxicating liquor shall be permitted). DRINK AS A TRADE National Review, vol. 25, 1895. ENGLAND AND THE GOTHENBURG SYSTEM Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. THE LIBERAL VARTY AND LOCAL VETO Fortnightly Review, vol. 71, 1899. Local Scientific Societies Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. Local Veto. See Local Option. Lochfyne (Salt-water Loch in Argyleshire). HERRINGS AND LOCHFYNE [The Herring Fishery] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. ip, 1864. Lochiel ([Sir Ewen Cameron], Scottish Chieftain, died 1719) Smith's Romance of History, 1891. Loch Katrine (Lake in County Perth, ten miles long; supplies Glasgow with water) Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Lyclon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Baddeley's Scotland, 1895. See also Katrine. Lochmaben (A Borough of Scotland ; has ruins of Castle of Robert Bruce) Lydon & Croat's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. [Educationists, 1876. Locke (John, Philosopher, died 1704). VIEWS ON TEACHING Leitch's Practical GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Groser's Men Worth Imitating. 1892. Knight's Portrait Gallery of Briti h Worthies, vol. 10, 1846. Lodge's Portraits, i v 5o. Stoughton's Worthies of Science, 1880. Whewell's Moral Philosophy, 1852. Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. Patten's Development of English Thought, 1899. [363! LOCKER-LAMPSON-LOGIC Locker-Lampson (Frederick, Writer, died 1895) Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. Lockhart (John Gibson, Scottish Poet and Novelist; Biographer of Sir W. Scott, died 1854). NOTES ON J G. LOCKHART Temple Bar, vol. 105, 1895. THE BIOGRAPHER OF SIR WALTER SCOTT Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. GENERAL Blaci-wood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Smiles' Murray, 1891. Wilson's Poeis and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Sir W. Scott's Journals, 1890. Sir W, Scott's Letters, 1894. Lockjaw. NEW TREATMENT OF LOCKJAW Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. Locks (For Doors, Boxes, etc.) LOCKS AND SAFES Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1882. OLD LOCKS AND KEYS Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1899. [1874. Locks (River and Canal Locks). LOCKS AND LOCK-GATES Spon's Diet, of Engineering, LOCKS ON THE THAMES Krausse's Pictorial History of the Thames, 1889. Pennell's Stream of Pleasure, 1891. Robertson's Life on the Upper Thames, 1875. THE LOCK-KEEPER English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15 [page 520], 1896. Lockwpod (Sir Frank, celebrated Lawyer; Solicitor-General 1894-5, died 1897). BRIEF SKETCH Idler, vol. 4, 1893-4. Locomotion (Change of place and method of movement, etc., generally applied in connection with Railway Steam Engines, Automatic Carnages, etc.) AMERICAN SELF-PROPELLED CARRIAGES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. LOCOMOTION IN LONDON Truth, vol. 31, 1892. LONDON LOCOMOTION IN 1837 Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 283, 1897. THE AUTOMOBILE New Review, vol. 13, 1895. TRAVELLING AND PORTERAGE IN CHINA Medhurst's Foreigner in Far Cathay, 1872. LOCOMOTIVES (Generally applied to a Railway Steam Engine). EARLY HISTORY OF THK LOCOMOTIVE Reynolds' Model Locomotive Engineer, 1879. ECONOMICAL HIGH POWER LOCOMOTIVES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. ENGINE-DRIVERS AND THEIR WORK Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. EXPRESS SPEED Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY AND ITS LOCOMOTIVES English Illustrated, vol. 10, HISTORY OF LOCOMOTIVES Perry's Treatise on Steam, 1889. [1892-3. How TO MAKE A MODEL LOCOMOTIVE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. LIQUID FUEL FOR LOCOMOTIVES Hodgetts' Liquid Fuel, 1890. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE AND RAILWAYS Smiles' Lives ot the Engineers, 1861-2. LOCOMOTIVES AND TENDERS Engineer, vol. 86, 1898. LOCOMOTIVES IN THE UNITED STATES Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. PROGRESS OF LOCOMOTIVES Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. RAILWAY ENGINES Layson's Famous Engineers, 1892. ROAD LOCOMOTIVE Spon's Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. STEAM LOCOMOTIVES ON COMMON ROADS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. THE RACE TO THE NORTH Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. TREATISE ON STEAM ENGINES Rankine's Manual of the Steam Engine, 1891. TRIPLE CYLINDER LOCOMOTIVES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. GENERAL Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Loco-Plant (4 Poisonous Weed of North America). DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCO- PLANT Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Locust (A Destructive Insect, allied to the Grasshopper and Cricket). DESCRIPTION OF LOCUSTS Natural Hisiory of Insects [Family Library], 1840. LOCUST WAR IN CYPRUS Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. LOCUSTS IN CYPRUS Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. [1891. PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1884-5. Cornhill Mag., vol. 16 (n.s.), SOUTH AMERICAN LOCUSTS Mulhall's Amazon and Andes, 1881. GENERAL Burder's Oriental Literature, 1822. Longman's Magazine, vol. 32, 1898. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Lodge (John, Deputy-Keeper of Records, died 1774). MR. JOHN LODGE'S MSS. AND THE LIBER MUNERUM HIBERNI.K Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Literary Curiosities], '88. Lodge (Thomas, Dramatist and Poet, born at West Ham 1558, died 1625). THOMAS LODGE'S WORKS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Bibliographical Notes], 1889. GENERAL Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Gosse's Seventeenth Century Studies, 1883. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Lodging-Houses. CHEAP LODGING-HOUSES Mayhew's London Labour, 1861. COMMON LODGING-HOUSES OF LONDON Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. LADIES' DWELLINGS AND LODGINGS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. LIVING IN LODGINGS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. LODGINGS FOR THE POOR All the Year Round, vol. 62, 1888. LODGINGS AND HOLIDAYS Chambers' Journal, vol.73, 1896. Lofoden Islands (Off Norway) Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1882. Log (Instrument for tiieasnriag a ship's rate of sailing) I.ecky's Practical Navigation, 1891. Nares 1 Seamanship, 1874. Logan (John, Scottish Poet, died 1788) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Logic (A division of Mental Science). CHANGES OF METHOD IN HEGEL'S DIALECTIC Mind, vol. i (n.s.), 1892. ENGLISH TREATISES ON LOGIC Hamilton's Philosophy and Literature, 1852. [364] LOGIC-LONDON Logic (continued), LAWS OF LOGIC Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. LESSONS IN LOGIC Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 5, 1891. NATURE OF INFERENCE IN HINDU LOGIC Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.). 1895. NATURE OF LOGICAL JUDGMENT Mind, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1893. PROPERTIES OF THE ONE DIMENSIONAL MANIFOLD Mind, vol. i (n.s.), 1892. REFORM m LOGIC Mind, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1893. REGENERATED LOGIC The Monist, vol. 7, 1896-7. TRANSCENDENTAL LOGIC Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, 1860. GENERAL Jevons' Letters and Journal, 1886. Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. Ward and Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3, 1883. Loire River, France. SOUVENIRS OF THE CAMPAIGN OF THE LOIRE [Franco- German War, 1870-1] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. Lollards (The followers of Wycliffin the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries). DANGEROUS OPINIONS OF THE LOLLARDS Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. WICLIF AND THE LOLLARDS Trench's Mediaeval Church History, 1886. GENERAL Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 8, 1872. Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. Lolonois (Francis, French Pirate, killed 1668) Whymper's The Sea, 1878-81. Lombards. LOMBARDS IN ITALY Church's Middle Ages, 1892. Lombardy, Italy Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, V.D. [Archipelago, 1890. Lombock (Island of the East Indies). MANNERS AND CUSTOMS Wallace's Malay Lomenie de Brienne (Etienne Charles, French Controller of Finance, died 1794) Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. Lomond, Loch (A Lake in Scotland) Lydon & Croat's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Mrs. Hawthorne's Notes in England and Italy, 1869. LONDON (Capital of England. See also under names of various districts and placef of note, e.g., Battersea, Bermondsey, Camberwell, Chelsea, Kensington, Westminster, St. Paul's, Tower of London, Thames, etc.) A GIRL'S RAMBLE THROUGH LONDON Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. A PANORAMA OF LONDON LIFE Leisure Hour, vol. 45, 1896-7. A WALK THROUGH DESERTED LONDON Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. ABOUT THE DOCKS All the Year Round, vol. 55, 1884-5. ANNUAL REPORT OF THK LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL Quarterly Rev., vol. 187,1898. ANTIQUITIES OF LONDON Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries. AWAKENING OF LONDON Cornhill Magazine, vol. 26, 1896. BEAUTIFYING OF LONDON Daily Graphic, vol. 23, 1895. National Rev., vol. 27, 1896. BEAUTY SPOTS IN LONDON Photogram, vol. 3, 1896. BELLS OF LONDON Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. BIRDS OF LONDON English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF LONDON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12 [page 275], 1865. BUTTON'S COFFEE-HOUSE Chambers' Journ .1, vol. 67, 1890. CABS AND THEIR DRIVERS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. CHARTERHOUSE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 3, 1886. CHURCHES OF LONDON Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. London, vol. 5, 1896. Lovett's London Pictures, 1890. Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. Quiver, vol. 26, 1891. Photogram, vol. 3, 1896. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Civic BANQUETS Hawthorne's Our Old Home, 1864. CLUBS OF LONDON Rodcnberg's England : Literary and Social, 1876. CoFFEit-HouSES OF LONDON Rodenberg's England : Literary and Social, 1876. COMPARISON OF LONDON WITH PARIS IN THE MIDDLE AGES Hallam's Middle Ages, CORPORATION OF LONDON Probyn's Local Government and Taxation, 1882. [1878. CORPORATION OF LONDON AND THEIR RECORDS Macmillan's Mag., vol. 20, 1869. DEFENCE OF LONDON Synge's Defence of England, 1872. National Rev., vol. 29, DEFENCELESSNESS OF LONDON Nineteenth Century, vol. 23, 1888. [1897. DICKENS IN LONDON Hughes' Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land, 1891. EARLY MAPS AND VIEWS OF LONDON Antiquary, vol. 20, 1889. EAST END. EAST END STUDIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. LIFE AND WORK AMONG THE POOR Good Words, vol. 25, 1884. TEN YEARS IN EAST LONDON Sunday at Home, vol. .14, 1896-7. THE QUEEN AND EAST LONDON Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. THE REAL EAST LONDON Quiver, vol. 34, 1899. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF EAST LONDON Contemporary Review, vol. 74, 1898. ELIZABETHAN LONDON Stow's Survey of London, 1890. EMANUEL HOSPITAL, WESTMINSTER English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. FIRST MAYOR OF LONDON [Henry Fitz Aylwin] Antiquary, vol. 15, 1887. FORTIFIED LONDON Macmillan's Magazinp, vol. 23, 1870-1. GLIMPSES OF OLD LONDON Antiquary, vols. 13 and 14, 1886. GOVERNMENT OF LONDON Arnold's Social Politics, 1878. Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880. Probyn's Local Government and Taxation, 1882. GREAT LONDON FIRES Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. GROSLEY'S " LONDRES" (reviewed) Longman's Magazine, vol. 27, 1895-6. HEART OF LONDON Longman's Magazine, vol. 17, 1890-1. HIGHER LIFE OF LONDON London, vol. 6, 1897. HISTORIC LONDON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. [365] LONDON London (continued). HOME RULE FOR LONDON Positivist Review, vol. i, 1893. How THE PEOPLE COME TO LONDON London, vol. 5, 1896. IDEAL LONDON Contemporary Review, vol. 74, 1898. IMPROVEMENT OF LONDON Daily Graphic, vol. 24, 1895. INNS AND TAVERNS OF OLD LONDON English Illustrated, vol. 8, 1890-1. ITALIAN COLONY IN LONDON Good Words, vol. 40, 1899. LEADENHALL MARKET Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. LESSONS FROM OLD LONDON London, vol. I, 1893. LIBRARIES OF LONDON. See under Libraries. LIFE IN WEST LONDON : a Review Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. LITERARY LONDON, 1618-19 Masson's Drummond of Hawthornden, 1873. LONDON AS A JUBILEE CITY National Review, vol. 29, 1897. LONDON AS SEEN BY C. D. GIBSON Scribner's Magazine, vol. 22, 1897. LONDON AS THE BIRTHPLACE OF GENIUS Literature, vol. 2, 1898. LONDON AT SUNRISE Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1^83. LONDON BEFORE THE HOUSE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. LONDON BRIDGE: REVIVAL OF OLD LONDON BRIDGE Pall Mall Mag., vol. n, 1897. LONDON CLERGY [Roman Catholic] McCabe's Twelve Ye-rs in a Monastery, 1897. LONDON CROSSES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. LONDON EPISODES Antiquary, vol. n, 1885. LONDON FROM ALOFT Glaisher's Travels in the Air, 1871. Strand Mag., vol. 2, 1891. LONDON GOVERNMENT BILL [1899] Contemporary Review, vol. 75, 1899. LONDON IN 1650 Wheatley s Pepys and the World he Lived in, 1850. LONDON IN 1669 Antiquary, vol. 10, 1884. LONDON IN 1837 Besant's Fifty Years Ago, 1888. LONDON IN THE QUEEN'S REIGN Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1897. LONDON PARKS Art Journal, vol. 48, 1896. Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. LONDON STREET IMPROVEMENTS Contemporary Review, vol. 75, 1899. LONDON STREETS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1897. [vol. i. LONDON THEATRES Antiquary, vols. n, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16. 1885-7. Theatre, from LONDON UNIVERSITY AND LONDON COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS OF SCIENCE Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. LONDON'S GREAT LANDOWNERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. MUNICIPAL HOUSING IN LONDON London, vol. 6, 1897. MUNICIPAL REFORM OF LONDON Buxton's Political Questions of the Day, 1885. MUNICIPALITY OF LONDON National Review, vol. i, 1883. NEW GOVERNMENT OF LONDON All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. NOISE OF LONDON All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. NOTES ON LONDON WALL Antiquary, vol. 12, 1885. OLD CITY HOUSES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. OLD LONDON : A STORIED TAVERN English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. OLD LONDON: MACARONI AND HIS KIND Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. OLD LONDON CITY NAMES Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. OLD SPORTS OF THE CITIZENS OF LONDON Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. OLD STONE SIGNS OF LONDON Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. ORDINANCES OF EARLY GILDS Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 40, 1870. OUR CITY OF NATIONS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. PLAGUE OF LONDON, 1625-6 Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Chambers' Miscellany, PLANTAGENET LONDON Walford's Londoniana, 1879. [vol. 14, 1846. PORT OF LONDON AND ITS COMMERCE Land we Live in, vol. 2, 1853. PRETTIEST SCENERY AROUND LONDON Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. RECORDS OF THE CITY Gairdner's England [Early Chroniclers of Europe], 1879. RIDE FROM BLOOMSBURY TO STRATFORD, E., IN A TRAMCAR All Year Round, v. 69, '91. ROMAN LONDON Archaeological Journal, vol. 34, 1877. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Traill's Social England, vol. i, 1898. ROME AND LONDON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. ROOKERIES OF LONDON Daily Graphic, April 16, 1898, and following dates. SCHOOL BOARD WORK IN LONDON The Schoolmaster, vol. 52, iSt. of Booksellers, 73. Longsword (William, Second Duke of Normandy, son of Kollo, the jirst Duke, died 943) Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, 1839. Longton, Staffs (One of the Pottery Towns) White's All Round the Wrekin, 1860. Lonsdale (J., Bishop of Lichfield, died 1867) Hodgson's Life of Rev. F. Hodgson, 1878. Loom. NOTES ON THE LOOM Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 3. 4, and 5, 1897. Lord Mayor of London. LORD MAYOR'S DINNER Stowe's Snrny Memories, 1854. LORD MAYOR'S SHOWS, PAST AND PRESENT Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Century Magazine, vol. 33 [page 433], 1897-8. Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. GENERAL Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Lord's Day. See Sunday. Lords (House of). See House of Lords. Lord's Prayer. WYCLIF ON THE PATERNOSTER Early Eng. Text Soc. Reprint, No. GENERAL Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. [74, 1880. Lord's Supper. DOCTRINE OF THE LORD'S SUPPER Contemporary Rev., v. 74, 1898. HARNACK, JULICHER, AND SPITTA ON THE LORD'S SUPPER Expositor, v. 8 (6th ser.). "98. MEDITATIONS ON THE SUPPER OF OUR LORD, IN FOURTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH GE LoretO, Italy Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. [vol. 13, 1896. Lorimer (Dr. G. C.) "PEOPLE'S BIBLE HISTORY" [Review] Review of Reviews, Lorimer (J. H., Artist, born 1856). SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Art Journal, vol.47, 1895. Lorraine (Henri de). See Guise (Henri de Lorraine, Due de). Losh Brothers (John and William, A lhali Manufacturers, 1800) Lonsdale's Worthies of Cumberland, 1873. "Lost Chord" (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Lost Property Office Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. Lot (In Biblual History the Nephew of Abraham) Expositor, vol. 8 (and series), 1884. Stanley's Jewish Church, 1884. Treasury of Religtous Thought, vol. 6, 1891. "Lothair." EARL OF BEACONSFIELD'S "LOTHAIR" Blackwood's Magazine, vols. 107 and 108, 1870. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. Lothian Hinds (Farm Servants of East and Mid Lothian) Longman's Mag., vol. i, Lottery. HISTORY OF LOTTERY Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1892. [1882-3. [367] LOTTI-L'OUVERTURE Lotti (A., Musical Composer, died 1740). LOTTI AND THE MASTERS OF THE CATHOLIC RESTORATION Naumann's History of Music, vol. 3, 1886. Lotus Land [Egypt]. FROM THE LAND OK THE LOTUS Sunday Magazine, vol. 34 1898. See also Egypt. LotZ6(R. H,, German Philosopher, died 1881). THE PHILOSOPHY OF LOTZE [Review] Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. [1899. Loubet (Emile, President of French Republic). CHARACTER SKETCH Rev. of Revs., v. 19, Loughborough (Lord, Lord High Chancellor, 1793). See Rosslyn. Loughton, Es^ex. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF LOUGHTON Suburban Homes of London, 1881. GENERAL Thome's Environs of London, 1876. Louis I. (Called the Pious, King of France, died 840) Milman's Latin Christianity, v. 3, 1872. Kitchin's History of France, vol. i, 1892. Louis VI. (King of France, died 1137) Kitchin's History of France, vol. i, 1892. Morison's St. Bernard, 1868. Louis IX. (St. Louis, King of France, died 1270) Milman's Latin Christianity, v. 6, '72. Louis XI. (King of France, died 1483) Kitchin's History of France, vol. 2, 1892. Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, 1887. LOUIS XII. (King of France, died 1515) Kitchin's History of France, vol. 2, 1892. Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, 1887. Louis XIII. (King of France, died 1643) Hope's Royal Youths, 1891. Lady Jackson's Old Paris, 1878. Kitchin's History of France, vol. 2, 1892. Louis XIV. (King of France, died 1715)- COURT LIFE [with portrait] Lady Jackson's Old Paris, 1878. MARIE-THERESE AND Louis XIV, 1660 Cochrane's Historic Pictures, 1865. POLICY OF Louis XIV. -Dollinger's Studies in European History, 1890. TRAITS OF Louis XIV. Book of Table Talk [Knight's], 1836. GENERAL Alison's Life of Marlborough, 1848. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Coxe's Marlborough, 1847. Hosack's Law of Nations, 1882. Louis XV. (King of France, died 1774). COURT AND SALONS UNDER Louis XV. Lady Jackson's The Old Regime [Portrait], 1880. COURT OF Louis XV. Campan's Life of Marie Antoinette, 1887. Due DE LAUZUN AND THE PRIVATE COURT OF Louis XV. Fortnightly, v. 63, 1895. GENERAL Challice's Heroes, Philosophers, and Courtiers, 1863. Men and Women of France during the Last Century, 1852. Louis XVI. (King of France, guillotined 1793). FLIGHT OF Louis XVI. TO VARENNES - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1886. LAST DAYS OF Louis XVI AND MARIE ANTOINETTE Century Mag., vol. 33, 1897-8. REIGN OF Louis XVI. Lady Jackson's French Court and Society, 1881. TRIAL AND EXECUTION OF Louis XVI. Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1878. GENERAL Campan's Private Life of Marie Antoinette, i8S/. Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. Lecky's History of England, 1892. Louis XVII. (King of France, died 1795) Hope's Royal Youths, 1891. Louis XVIII. (King of France, died 1824) Cornhill Magazine, vol. 53, 1886. Louis Of Bavaria (Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, died 1347) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 7, 1872. Louis Philippe (King of the French, died 1850). Louis PHILIPPE AND HIS FAMILY Phillips' Essays from the Times, 1871. RESTORATION TO THF. FLIGHT OF Louis PHILIPPE Lady Jackson's Court of the GENERAL Chambers' Miscellany, vol. i, 1844. [Tuileries, 1883. Louis (Sir T., Rear-Admiral, died 1807) James' Naval History, vols. 2, 3, and 4, 1837. Louisa Of England (Queen of Denmark, youngest daughter of George II., died 1751) Hall's Royal Princesses, 1858. Louisa of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Sixth Queen of Prussia, died 1810) Atkinson's Queens of Prussia, 1858. Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1889. Louise de Colligny (Daughter of Gaspard Coligny, afterivards Princess of Orange, died 1620) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, 1855. Louise-Ulrique (Queen of Sweden, died 1782) Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 164, 1898. Louisburg, Nova Scotia Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Louisiana, United States. ADVENTURES IN LOUISIANA Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, and Sport, vol. 6, 1890. GENERAL Russell's North America, 1857. Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. Dickens' American Notes, 1892. Lourdes, France (Noted for a supposed miraculous curative spring which pilgrims visit). PILGRIMAGF TO LOURDES Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1893-4. Pearson's Magazine, vol. 6, 1898 GENERAL Hughes' Vacation Rambles, 1895. Temple Bar, vol. 114, 1898. [1897. Louvain, Belgium. A YEAR AT LOUVAIN McCabe's Twelve Years in a Monastery, L'Ouverture (Toussaint, Governor of the Island of Hayti, imprisoned by Napoleon Bonaparte through jealousy, anil starved to death at the Castle of Joux, 1803) Temple Bar, vol. 113, 1898. [368] LOUVIERS-LUCCA LiOUViers (Woollen-Manufacturing Town of France) Macquoid's Thro' Normandy, 1875. Louvre (A modern palace of Paris, erected on the site of an old castle, from which it took its name ; now the great National Museum of France). LOUVRE AND THE TUILERIES Challice's French Palaces, 1871. Edwards' Old and New Paris, 1893. GENERAL Baedeker's Paris, V.D. Hamerton's Paris, 1892. Hare's Paris, 1887. Lovat (Simon Fraser, Lord, beheaded 1747). LORD LOVAT'S TRIAL Letters of the First Earl Malmesbury; edited by his Grandson, 1870. THE LAST EXECUTION IN THE TOWER, BEING SOME ACCOUNT OF THE NOTORIOUS LORD LOVAT English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 18, 1897-8. Bell's Notices ot Historic Persons buried in the Tower of London, 1877. Love. A SERIOUS VIEW OF LOVE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. ANGER AND LOVE Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. CHARACTERISTICS AND GENERAL ASPECTS OF LOVE Treasury of Relig. Thought, ESSAY ON LOVE Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. [vols. a and 3, 1891. EVOLUTIONARY LOVE The Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. LETTERS ON LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP British Essayists, vol. 5, 1823. LOVE, THE SUPREME GIFT Contemporary Pulpit, 2nd series, vol. 2, 1889. TENDER EMOTION Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. TRUE LOVE Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. GENERAL Brown s Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Chambers' Jour., vol. 61, 1884. Emerson's Prose Works, 1889. Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. Love (Mabel, Burlesque Actress) Strand Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. Love (Mary, Wife of Christopher Love, a Royalist, who was executed for plotting against Cromwell, 1651) Anderson's Memorable Women of Puritan Times, 1862. Lovelace (Sir Richard, Royalist Poet, died 1658) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Langford's Prison Books and their Authors, 1861. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Lover (Samuel, Author of " Rory O'More," " Handy Andy," etc., died 1868). RECOLLEC- TIONS OF SAMUEL LOVER. By his Daughter Century Magazine, vol. 31, 1897. Lovibond (Edward, Poet, died 1775) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Lowe (Hon. Robert, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1868-73; created Viscount Sheibrooke, died 1892) The Gladstone Government; by a Templar, 1869. Lowell, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Dickens' American Notes, 1892. Lowell (James Russell, American Poet, Scholar and Diplomatist, Ambassador to England, 1880-1885, died 1891). BIOGRAPHY Biographies reprinted from the " Times," vol. 5, 1896. BRIEF SKETCH Harper's Magazine, vol. 25, 1893. Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 4, 1891. LETTERS OF JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. LOWELL AS A TEACHER Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. OPEN LETTER TO JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL Steuart's Letters to Living Authors, 1892. REVIEW OF JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL Temple Bar, vol. 96, 1892. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol.31, 1895-6. Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. Lowestoft (Seaside resort in Suffolk). DESCRIPTION OF TOWN OF LOWESTOFT Excursions Through Suffolk, 1818. LOWESTOFT TO ROTTERDAM Yachtsman, vol. 10, 1895-6. GENERAL Black's Where Shall We Go ? V.D. Clement Scott's Poppyland, 1894. Clement Scott's Sisters by the Sea, 1897. Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, Lowman (Moses, Theologian, died 1752) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1843. [V.D. Lowther Castle, Westmoreland Jewitt & Hall's Stately Homes of England, 1877. Loyalty. LOYALTY OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND SPANISH COMPARED Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. [vol. 3, 1891. NATURE, OBJECTS AND MANIFESTATIONS OF LOYALTY Treas. of Religious Thought, Loyalty Islands, South Pacific Erskine's Western Pacific, 1853. Lualaba Lakes (Expansions of the Lualaba River, Central Africa) Geddie's Lake Regions of Central Africa, 1881. LubbOCk (Sir John, Scientist, Banker, and Politician, born 1834) Men and Women of the Day [Photograph], 1889. Darwin's Life and Letters; edited by his Son, 1887. Lubeck, Germany (Was in the Middle Ages the first commercial City in Germany, now greatly decayed) Chetwynd's Life in a German Village, 1880. Lubnaig (Loch, Lake in County Perth, Scotland, five miles long) Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Lucan or Lucanus (Roman Poet, put to death by Nero 65). THE "PHARSALIA" OF LUCAN Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. Mackail's Latin Literature, 1895. Lucas (Sir Charles, Royalist, defended Colchester against Parliament, and was, with Lisle, tried by Court-martial, and shot on the capture of the town, 1648). THE CASE OF LUCAS AND LISLE Trans, of the Royal Historical Society, vol.8 (n.s.), 1894. GENERAL Cromwell's History of Colchester, 1825. Cults' Colchester, 1888. History and Description of Colchester (Keymer), 1803. History and Antiquities of Colchester (Fenno), 1789. Watson's Sketches of Ancient Colchester, 1879; ' Lucca, Italy (Noted for its Silk Manufactures) Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, V.D. Black's Riviera, V.D. Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. F. E. Trollope's Italy, 1842. 2A [ 369 ] LUCCA-LUNATIC ASYLUMS Lucca (Pauline, Austrian Singer, born 1841) Edwards' The Prima Donna, 1888. Lucerne (Lake of Switzerland) Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Macgregor's " Rob Roy " Canoe on the Rivers and Lakes of Europe, 1875. Baedeker's Switzerland, V.D. Murray's Handbook for Switzerland, V.D. Lucian (Greek Satirist, died about 200). AN ANCIENT CRITIC New Review, v. 17, 1897. MACAULAY AND LUCIAN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1898. GENERAL Church's Greek Gulliver, 1891. Church's Traveller's True Tale, 1879. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. Lucifer Matches All the Year Round, vol. 3. 1860. See also Matches. Lucius II. (Pope, died 1145) Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. Luck. GOOD AND BAD LUCK Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. ITS LAWS AND LIMITS Longman's Magazine, vol. 8, IB86. Lucknow, India (Scene of some notable events in the Indian Mutiny). CAWNPOOR TO LUCKNOW Heber's Indian Journal, 1844. LOOTING OF LUCKNOW Idler, vol. 9, 1896. GENERAL Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Condor's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. Forbes' Havelock, 1891. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Macleod's Peeps at the Far East, 1871. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. Murray's Handbook to Bengal Presidency, 1882. Lucretius (Roman Philosophical Poet, died 55 B.C.) EPICURUS AND LUCRETIUS Benn's Greek Philosophers, vol. 2, 1883. GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1868. "Lucretius" (A Poem). [ON TENNYSON'S "LUCRETIUS" Macmillan's Mag., v. 18, 1868. Lucullus (Lucius Licinius, Roman General, died 57 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives, 1880. Lucy (H. W., "Daily News" Reporter, "Toby M. P." of "Punch," born 1845). INTERVIEW WITH H. W. LUCY (" TOBY, M.P.") Young Man, vol. 10 [p. 145], 1896. Ludgate, London. LUDGATE AND ITS MEMORIES Ludgate Magazine, vol. i, 1891. Ludlow, Shropshire (An ancient Town containing ruins of a Castle and a fine Church). AUSTIN FRIARS PRIORY Timbs' Abbeys and Castles, 1870. LUDLOW CASTLE AND THE SCENE OF MILTON'S " COMUS "Antiquary, vol. 20, 1889. LUDLOW CASTLE Clark's Mediaeval Military Architecture, 1884. Woolnoth and Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Timbs' Abbeys and Castles, 1870. LUDLOW CHURCH Bonny's Churches of England and Wales, 1890. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i, 1879. See Shropshire. Ludwig (John, Self-taught Saxon Peasant) Brightwell's Industry and Genius, 1869. Lugano (Town and Lake of Switzerland) Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, V.D. LUGANO LAKE Bennet's Mediterranean, 1875. Murray's Switzerland, V.D. Lugard (Major F. p., African Traveller, born 1858). BIOGRAPHY AND PORTRAIT Cabinet Portrait Gallery, part 15, 1894. Luke (St., A uthor of the third Gospel and Companion of St. Paul) Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Ramsey's Church in Rome, 1893. Ramsey's Paul, 1897. Lullworth Castle, Dorset (Built 1600 on site of older Castle dated 1146) Dorset Antiquary Field Club Proceedings, vol. 13. Timbs' Abbeys and Castles, 1870. Lully (Jean Baptiste de, French Operatic Composer, died 1687). LULLY AND THE OLD FRENCH OPERA Naumann's History of Music, vol. 3, 1886. Lully (Raymond, Spanish Missionary to the Mohammedans, died 1315) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. Lumbermen. WORK OF CANADIAN LUMBERMEN English Illus. Mag., vol. 9, 1891-2. Luminosity. LUMINOUS PLANTS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9. 1896. See also Light. Luminous Paint Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. See also Paint. Lumley Castle, Durham (Seat of the Earl of Scarborough ; built time of Edward I.) Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Timbs' Abbeys and Castles, 1870. LUNACY. (See also Insanity, Idiocy, Imbeciles, Madness, etc.) BRAIN OF A CRIMINAL LUNATIC Brain, vol. 5, 1882-3. BROADMOOR AND OUR CRIMINAL LUNATICS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. COLONY FOR LUNATICS [Gheel, Belgium] Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. CONDITION OF LUNACY Winslow's Mad Humanity, 1898. COURT OF LUNACY Nineteenth Century, vol. 19, 1886. LUNACY IN LONDON London, vol. 5, 1896. LUNACY QUESTIONS Hodder's Life of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, 1888. LUNATICS AS PATIENTS, NOT PRISONERS Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. LUNATICS OF MONTENEGRO Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. PLAIN SPEAKING ABOUT LUNACY Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS ON LUNACY Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. STRANGE LUNACY CASES Winslow's Mad Humanity, 1898. THE LATE LORD CHIEF JUSTICE OF ENGLAND [SiR A. COCKBURN] ON LUNACY Brain, vol. 4, 1881-2. TREATMENT OF LUNATICS Maudsley's Responsibility in Mental Disease, 1874. Lunatic Asylums. A DAY AT BROADMOOR CRIMINAL LUNATIC ASYLUM Cassell's Magazine, vol. 27, 1899. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. ESSAY ON LUNATIC ASYLUMS Wynter's Curiosities of Civilization, 1868. LIFE IN LUNATIC ASYLUMS Meliora, vol. 10, 1867. [370] LUND-LYNTON Lund, Sweden (Noted for its Cathedral and University) Murray's Sweden, V.D. Lundy (A small Island near Ilfracombe) Science Gossip, vol. 5, 1898. Lunghezza, Italy Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Luristan, Persia Ferrier's Caravan Journeys, 1856. Lute (A Musical Instrument) Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, vol. 2, 1880. Luther (Martin, German Reformer, died 1546). ERASMUS AND LUTHER Froude's Short Studies, 1891. ESSAY ON MARTIN LUTHER Stephens' Ecclesiastical Biography, 1868. HOMES AND HAUNTS OF LUTHER Sunday at Home, vol. 4, 1857. LUTHER CELEBRATION AT WITTENBERG Daily Graphic vol. 12, 1892. REVIEW OF WORKS ON LUTHER Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. GENERAL Beard's Reformation and Modern Thought, 1885. Blunt's Reformation in England, 1832. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. i, 1884. M liner's Church of Christ, 1840. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. Roscoe's Life of Leo X., 1883. Lutke (Capt., Russian Navigator, died 1882). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers, 1881. Luttrell (Henry, Society Wit, died 1851). AN OLD SOCIETY WIT Temple Bar Magazine, vol. 104 [page 47], 1895. Lutzen, Prussia (Noted for Battles fought here by Gustavus Adolphtis 1632, and by Napoleon 1813). VISIT TO LUTZEN IN 1862 Macmillan's Mag., vol. 7, 1862-3. Luxembourg (Province and City of the Netherlands) Baedeker's Belgium & Holland. Luxembourg Palace, Paris (Built for Marie de' Medici) Hamerton's Paris, 1892. Hare's Paris, 1887. Murray's Paris, V.D. Luxury Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Spectator, vol. 77, 1896. [vol. 37, 1896. Lyall (Edna [Ada Ellen BaylyJ, Novelist). How I BECAME A NOVELIST Good Words, LyC88US, Greece. ASCENT OF MOUNT LYC.EUS Conder's Modern Traveller, v. 16, 1830. Lyceum (London Theatre). BEEFSTEAK ROOM AT THE LYCEUM English Illustrated, vol. 7, 1889-90. REHEARSALS AT THE LYCEUM Idler, vol. 3, 1893. LyCurgUS (A Spartan Legislator, lived in the 9th Century, B.C.). LYCURGUS OF SPARTA Abbott's History of Greece, 1881. Duncker's Greece, vol. i, 1883. LycurgUS (Attic Orator ; Manager of Public Revenue, 337 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Lydd, Kent (An ancient market town ; corporate member of the Cinque Port of Romncy) Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1888. Lydda (The traditional birthplace and burial-place of St. George) Dixon's Holy Land, '69. Lyddite (A variety of Picric Acid, which has been melted and allowed to solidify). LYDDITE, THE NEW EXPLOSIVE Chambers' Journal, vol. 76, 1899. Lydgate (John, Poet, died 1451). THE MONK OF BURY Disraeli's Amenities of Literature, 1870. [i, 1880. GENERAL Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol. Lydia (A Country of Asia Minor). THE LYDIAN SETTLEMENT ON THE SITE OF TROY Schliemann's Troja, 1884. Lyell (Sir Charles, Geologist, died 1875) Bolton's Famous Men of Science, 1890. Darwin's Life and Letters, edited by his Son, 1887. Geikie's Founders of Geology, 1897 Lying. DECAY OF LYING igth Cent., vol. 25, 1889. GENERAL Good Words, v. 35, 1894. Xiyly (John, an English Dramatist, died 1606) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Chambers' Journal, v. 68 [p. 667], 1891. Ward's English Poets, v. i, 1880. Lyme, Cheshire. OLD HOME OF THE LEIGHS OF LYME Croston's Historic Sites of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1883. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire Holiday Rambles in Ordinary Places, 1880. Murray's Guide to Wilts, Dorset and Somerset, V.D. Norway's Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, 1897. ling. LYNCH LAW Clowe Macmillan's Magazine, vol. LYNCHING IN AMERICA Chambers jour., vol. 07, 1090. contemporary, vol. t>5, 1894. Lyndesay (Sir David, Scottish Poet, died about 1555). OUTLINE OF HIS WORKS Early Eng. Text Society's Reprint, No. 47, 1871. Ward's English Poets, v. i, 1880. Lyndhurst (Lord, English Statesman, Lord Chancellor 1841, died 1863). MEMOIR OF LORD LYNDHURST Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Serjeant Ballantine's Experiences, 1883. Lynedoch (Thomas Graham, Lord, General in Peninsular War, died 1843) Anderson's Scottish Nation [portrait], vol. 2, 1880. Lynmouth, Devonshire. THE LAND OF LORNA DOONE Young Woman, vol. i, 1893. GENERAL Norway's Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, 1897. Lynn, Lynn Regis, or King's Lynn, Norfolk. ORDINANCES OF EARLY GILDS Early English Text Soc. Reprint, No. 40, 1870. GENERAL Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, V.D. Lynton, Devonshire. HOLIDAY LETTER FROM LYNTON Daily Graphic, vol. 3, 1890. GENERAL Norway's Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, 1897. [37i] LYNX- MACCABEES Lynx (An Animal gf the Cat Family). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 16, 1848. Mivart's The Cat, 1881. Lyon (Captain G. F., African anil Arctic Explorer, died 1832). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Lyons (The second City in France) Baedeker's Southern France, V.D. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1862. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Lyons (Edmund, Lord, Admiral and Diplomatist, died 1858) Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, 1888. National Review, vol. 32, 1899. Lyre (A Musical Instrument) Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, vol. 2, 1880. Lysander (Spartan General, died 395 B.C.) Grote's Greece, 1884. Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Lyttelton (Dr. C., Bishop of Carlisle, died 1768) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Lyttelton (George, Lord, Poet and Greek Scholar, died 1773) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Lawrence's Life of Fielding, 1855. Lyttelton (Thomas, Lord, Son of above, Litterateur, supposed to have been warned of death, died 1779). DEATH OK LORD LYTTELTON Blackwood's Mag., vol. 157, 1895. Lytton (Edward Bulwer, Lord, Noted Novelist, Poet and Politician, died 1873). ESSAY ON LORD LYTTON Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. [1877. Lytton (Edward Robert Bulwer, Earl of, Son of above, Viceroy of India, 1876-1880, died 1891) Biographies reprinted from the "-Times," vol. 5, 1896. JM.AARTENS (Maarten [J. M. W, Van der Poorten Schwartz], Novelist, born 1858). MAARTENS' NOVEL, " THE GREATER GLORY," REVIEWED Rev of Revs., v. 9, '94. GENERAL Author, vol. n, 1891. Bookman, vol. 4, 1893. Spectator, vol. 68, 1892. McAll (R. W., Presbyterian Minister, died 1893). McALL, THE EVANGELIST OF THE FRENCH Pierscn's Evangelistic Work, 1892. Macao (Portuguese Town and Settlement in China). A TRIP TO MACAO Yachtsman, ENGLISH IN MACAO Williams' Life of S. W. Williams, 1888. [vol. 10, 1895-6. GENERAL Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Milne's Life in China, 1858. Macaroni (Name given to a gang of young bloods and gamblers about 1760). MACARONI AND HIS KIND Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Macartney (George, Earl, Colonial Governor, died 1806). TRAVELS IN CHINA Verne's Great Navigators, 1880. Macassar, Celebes Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. MACAULAY (Thomas Babington, Lord, celebrated Historian and Essayist, died 1859). ACADEMY PORTRAITS Academy, vol. 51, 1897. BOYHOOD OF MACAULAY Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 34, 1876. ESSAY ON LORD MACAULAY Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. LORD MACAULAY ON LONDON Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. i, 1890. MACAULAY AND SIR ELIJAH IMPEY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. MACAULAY AS A HISTORIAN Howat's Summer Days and Winter Evenings, 1878. MACAULAY, THE LONDONER Walford's Londoniana, 1879. MACAULAY'S PLACE IN LITERATURE Henry H. Lancaster's Essays & Reviews, 1876. MACAULAY'S SCHOOLBOY: a Biography Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. MEMOIR OF MACAULAY Macaulay's History of England, vol. i, 1865. MOTHER OF MACAULAY Argosy, vol. 22, 1876. PROOF SHEETS OF MACAULAY'S ESSAYS Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. REVIEW OF HIS WORKS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. i, 1859-60. GENERAL Anton's Masters in History, 1884. Brougham's Old English Worthies. Torrens' Second Viscount Melbourne, 1878. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Whately's Remarkable People, 1889. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Macaw (Bird of the Parrot Tribe). DESCRIPTIONS AND COLOURED PLATES OF MACAWS Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 10, 1848. Macbeth (A Scottish Chieftain, killed in battle about 1057; the Hero of the Tragedy by Shakespeare). MACBETH ON THE STAGE English Illustrated, vol. 6, 1888-9. Theatre, vol. 12, 1888. NOTES ON THE CHARACTERS IN SHAKESPEARE'S MACBETH Macmillan's Magazine, TRUE TALE OF MACBETH Chambers' Journal, vol. 2, 1844. [vol. 16, 1867. Macbeth (Lady, Wife of above). CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S LADY MAC- BETH Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. Maccabees (A Family of Heroes who delivered Jtidea from the Syrians). MACCABEAN TIMES Church's The Hammer, 1890. GENERAL Church's Stories from the Bible, 1891. Oliphant's Jerusalem ; its History and Hope, 1891. See also Judas Maccabeus. [373] McCARTHY-MACKAY McCarthy (Justin, Irish Journalist, Historian, and Politician, born 1830). THE HISTORIAN OF THE QUEEN'S REIGN English Illustrated Mag., vol. 17, 1897. Macdesfleld, Cheshire Croston's Historic Sites of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1883. Croston's Nooks and Corners of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1882. Land we Live in, vol. i, 1853. Murray's Cheshire, etc., V.D. Macdesfleld (T. Parker, Earl of, Lord Chancellor; impeached by the Commons, tried for Corruption, and fined ; died 1732) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, vol. 5, 1857. McClure (Sir R., Arctic Explorer, died 1873) Jour. Royal Geog. Society, vol. 44, 1872-3. Macdonald (E. J. J. A., Due de Tarento, French Marshal, died 1840) Court and Camp of Buonaparte [Family Lib.], 1848. Thiers'The Consulate and the Empire, 1894. Macdonald (Flora, A Scottish Jacobite Heroine who assisted Prince Charles Edward to escape after the Battle of Culloden, died 1790). LIFE OF FLORA MACDONALD Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 6, 1845. GENERAL Jesse's Pretenders and their Adherents, 1860. Owen's Heroines of Domestic Life, 1862. New Monthly Magazine, 1840. Macdonald (George, Poet and Novelist, born 1824) Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Academy, vol. 44, 1893. Spectator, vol. 71, 1893. Macdonald (Hugh, Poet and Antiquarian, died 1860). MEMOIR Macmillan's, v. 5, 1862. Macdonald (Sir John Alexander, Canadian Statesman, died 1891). BIOGRAPHY Biographies Reprinted from " The Times," vol. 5, 1896. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 3, 1891. McDowell (Edward A., An American Composer, born 1861) Century Mag., vol. 31, 1897- Mace (An ornamental Staff of authority, also a Weapon). Civic AND OTHER MACES Antiquary, vol. i, 1880. Archaeological Journal, vol. 41, 1884. MACE OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Antiquary, vol. 23, 1891. MORPETH GREAT MACE Archasological Journal, vol. 42, 1885. SOME WORDS ON THE MACE Antiquary, vol. 7, 1883. [1874. THE GREAT MACE OF THE BOROUGH OF LEICESTER Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 3, Macedonia (An ancient Territory on the borders of Greece which became powerful nndei Philip and Alexander the Great ; now forms part of European Turkey). IN MACEDONIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. MACEDONIA AND THE MACEDONIANS [Modern] Contemporary Rev., vol. 68, 1895. MACEDONIAN HISTORY [Ancient] Heeren's Ancient History, 1833. THE MACEDONIANS [Ancient] Church's Young Macedonian in the Army of Alexander the Great, 1890. Hogirth's Philip and Alexander of Macedon, 1897. Macedonius (Patriarch of Constantinople, died about 360) Sozomen's History of the Church, 1855. McBwan (Tom, Artist, of Glasgow). SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Art Jour., vol. 48, 1896. Macfarren (Sir George Alexander, Musical Composer, died 1887) Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [page 827], 1883. Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 1880. McGiffln (Captain P. N., Commander of the "Chen Yuen" in the recent China-Japanese War) Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. MacGregor (Hamish or James, Jacobite Agent, and son of Robert MacGregor "Reb Roy," died 1754). SOME PASSAGES IN HIS LIFE Macmillan's Mag., vol. 62, 1890. MacGregor (John, " Rob Roy," Canoe Traveller, died 1892). JOHN MACGREGOR " ROB ROY "Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. Darton's Brave Boys, 1893. MacGregor (Robert [" Rob Roy"]. See Rob Roy. Machiavelli (N., Florentine Statesman and Philosopher, died 1527). ESSAY ON MACHIAVELLI Macaulay's Essays, 1891. INFLUENCE OF MACHIAVELLI ON THE REFORMATION IN ENGLAND igth Cent., v. 40, RETIREMENT OF MACHIAVELLI Book of Table Talk [Knight], 1836. [1896. GENERAL Macaulay's Reviews, Essays, and Poems, 1890. MACHINERY. AUTOMATIC MACHINES Thames Ironworks Gazette, vol. 4, 1898. BEARINGS IN MACHINE CONSTRUCTION Cassell's Technical Educator, vol. 4, 1897. EFFECTS OF MACHINERY ON LABOUR Hobson's Modern Capitalism, 1894. INFLUENCE OF MACHINERY ON MODERN. LIFE Burnley's Romance of Life Preser- vation, 1888. [Britain, 1878. INVENTION OF THE CYLINDER MACHINE Cassell's Great Industries of Great MACHINERY FROM A SOCIAL POINT OF VIEW Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1887. MACHINERY USED IN CONNECTION WITH MINING Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, vols. i-io, 1889-96. NOTES ON MACHINE CONSTRUCTION Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 3-4, 1897. PAPER AND PRINTING MACHINERY Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. PRESENT USE OF MACHINERY Chambers' Journal, vol. 6, 1846. RIOTS CONNECTED WITH MACHINERY Burnley's Romance of Invention, 1886. SIMPLE MACHINES Goodeve's Manual of Mechanics, 1888. SIMPLE OR COMPOUND MACHINES Todhunter's Mechanics, 1878. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1878. THE KINEMATICS OF MACHINERY Science Lectures at South Kensington, 1878. VARIETIES OF SUGAR MACHINERY Soames' Manufacture of Sugar, 1872. Machpelah (In Bible History a Cave in Hebron, burial place of the Patriarchs). CAVE OF MACHPELAH Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Mackay (Alexander, Missionary, died 1890) Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. [373] MACK AY "MADAM VETO' Mackay (Charles, Scottish Poet and Journalist, died 1889). LEGENDS OK THE ISLES Chambers' Journal, vol. 4, 1845. GENERAL Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Mackay (Eric, Author and Poet, died 1898). WRITINGS OF MACKAY Idler, vol. 6, 1894. Mackay (Lieut.-General Hugh, died 1692) Morris' Claverhouse, 1887. Mackenzie (Sir A., Scottish Traveller, died 1820). ADVENTURES AND DISCOVERIES OF MACKENZIE Ballantyne's The Pioneers, 1872. TRAVELS IN AMERICA Verne's Great Navigators of the i8th Century, 1880. See also Mackenzie River. Mackenzie (John Morell, Glasgow Clergyman, drowned 1843) Gilfillan's Remoter Stars in the Church Sky, 1867. Mackenzie (Sir Morell, Physician, born at l.eytonstone, Essex ; attended upon Frederick HI., German Emperor, during his fatal illness, died 1892). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. Review of Reviews, vol. 5, 1892. Mackenzie River Hayden & Selwyn's North America, 1883. Mackerel Fishing. A SCHOOL OF MACKEREL Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. McKinley (William, Twenty-fourth President of the United States, born 1844) CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. Saturday Review, vol. 81, 1896. Mackintosh (Sir James, a Scottish Philosopher and Historian, died 1832). A GLANCK AT HIS WORKS De Quincey's Works, vol. 12, 1870. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. Macklin (Charles, Celebrated Actor, died 1797) Fitzgerald's Life of Garrick, 1868. Genest's Account of the English Stage, 1832. Oxberry 's Dramatic Biography, 1820. Mackworth Castle, Derbyshire. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Woolnoth& Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Madaren (Dr. Alexander, Minister of Union Street, Manchester, born 1826). CHURCHES THAT LIVE AND MOVE Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. GENERAL Expositor, vol. 6 [3rd series], 1887. Maclaren (Charles, Journalist, died 1866) Teachers & Preachers of Recent Times, 1881. Maclaren (Ian [Rev. J. Watson], well-known Author; born at Manningtree, Essex, 1850). IAN MACLAREN AT HOME Sunday Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. Macleod (Dr. Alexander, Presbyterian Divine, died 1891) Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891 . Macleod (Dr. Donald, Present Editor of "Good Words"; brother of Norman Macleod) DONALD MACLEOD AT HOME Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. Kecent limes, 1001. wnsoii s roeis anu rotnry 01 ocuuanu, 1077. Maclise (Daniel, Historical Painter, died 1870) Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 3, 1879. Forster's Life of Dickens, 1874. MacMahon (Marshal, a President of the French Republic, died 1873). MARSHAL MAC- MAHON IN THE FRANCO-GERMAN WAR Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2, 1893-4. Macmillan (Dr. Hugh, Free Church Minister and Author, born 1833). DR. HUGH MACMILLAN AT HOME Sunday Magazine, vol. 33, 1897. Macnamara (T. J., Editor of the "Schoolmaster," born 1861). INTERVIEW AND PORTRAIT The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. Macpherson (James, Poet, died 1796) Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1877. Macready (William Charles, a noted Tragedian, died 1873). MACREADY AS HAMLET Brereton's Famous Hamlets, 1884. MACREADY AS SARDANAPALUS Hodder's Memories of my Time, 1870. MACREADY RIOT IN NEW YORK Longman's Magazine, vol. 3, 1883-4. MEMOIR OF WILLIAM CHARLES MACREADY Doran's Drury Lane, 1881. GENERAL Grant's Public Characters, 1841. Temple Bar, vol. 38, 1873. MADAGASCAR (A large island in the Indian Ocean. See also Malagasy). A MALAGASY FOREST Cornhill Magazine, vol. 42 (n.s.), 1894. AN UNPUBLISHED PAGE IN MADAGASCAR HISTORY Temple Bar, vol. 104, 1895. AN ENGLISH SLAVE IN MADAGASCAR Temple Bar, vol. 64. 1882. BELIEFS AND CUSTOMS IN MADAGASCAR Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. "EXPOSITION DE MADAGASCAR" AT THE JARDIN DES PLANTES [Exhibition In Paris] Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. FAUNA AND FLORA OF MADAGASCAR Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. FOLK-LORE FROM MADAGASCAR Folk-lore Record, vol. 4, 1881. FRENCH IN MADAGASCAR- New Review, vol. 12, 1895. Nineteenth Cen., v. 41, 1897. MADAGASCAR BY VAZAHA Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. RANAVALONA II., QUEEN OF MADAGASCAR Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. REVIEWS OF BOOKS ON MADAGASCAR Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 1896. SANCHO PANZA OF MADAGASCAR [i?th Century attempts at Colonization] Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. SLAVE TRADE IN MADAGASCAR Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. STORY OF MADAGASCAR Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. [Dup'eix, 1890. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. Keith Johnston's Africa, 1884. Malleson's " Madam Veto" (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. [3741 MADEIRA-MAGIC Madeira (Chief of the Madeira. Islands; great health resort). CAPTURE OF MADEIRA IN 1801 James' Naval History, vol. 3, 1878. DESCRIPTION OK THE ISLAND OF MADEIRA Wickham's Life of Walley, 1865. DISCOVERY OF MADEIRA Household Words, vol. 5, 1852. ['877. FROM MADEIRA TO THE COAST OF BRAZIL Thomson's Voyage of the " Challenger," LEVADA-WALKING IN MADEIRA [Traversing the Levadas or Water -Ways] Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. VISIT TO MADEIRA AND TENERIFFE Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 7, 1845. WILL YOU TAKE MADEIRA ? [for holidays] All the Year Round, vol. 14, 1865-6. GENERAL Brassey's Trades and Tropics, 1885. Brassey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1879. Coleridge's West Indies in 1825. Finch's To South Africa, 1890. Idler, vol. 2 [page 437], 1892-3. Leveson's Forest and Field, 1867. Little's South Africa, 1884. Murray's Portugal, V.D. Roundell's Visit to the Azors, 1889. Wilkes' Exploring Expedition, 1842. Whitford's Western & Central Africa, 1877. Madeleine (A Church in Paris) Hamerton's Paris, 1892. Murray's Paris, V.D. Madness. EXPRESSION IN MADNESS Bell's Anatomy of Expression, 1872. LAUGHING MADNESS Temple Bar, vol. 44, 1875. See also Insanity, Lunacy, etc. Madog or Madpc (A Welsh Prince of the Twefth Century ; believed by his countrymen to have discovered America) Lloyd & Powell's Historic of Cambria, 1584. Stephens' Literature of the Kymry, 1849. Madras (Seaport and also a Presidency in the East Indies), PICTURES OF MADRAS Harper's Magazine, vol. 16 [American Edition]. MADRAS PRESIDENCY Ireland's Wall-Street to Cashmere, 1859. GENERAL Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Chambers' Journal, vol 57, 1880. Condor's Modern Traveller, vol. 10, 1830. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Macleod's Far East, 1871. Moore's Queen's Empire, 1886. Murray's India and Ceylon, V.D. Madrid (Capital of Spain), ACCOUNT OF THE CITY Lomas' Sketches in Spain, 1884. LIFE IN MADRID Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. MADRID IN 1830 Inglis' Spain, 1831. MUSEUM OF THE PRADO Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. RIVER OF MADRID AND ITS WASHERWOMEN Temple Bar, vol. 48, 1876. GENERAL Bennet's Shores of the Mediterranean, 1875. Borrow's Bible in Spain, 1843. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19, 1830. Gander's Spain, 1853. Hare's Spain, 1873. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Roberts' Spain, 1859. Madura, East Indies All the Year Round, v. 76, 1895. Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Maes (N., Dutch Painter, died 1693) Gower's Figure Painters of Holland, 1881. Maeterlinck (M., "The Belgian Shakespeare," born 1864). MAETERLINCK AS A MYSTIC Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. THE FLEMISH SHAKESPEARE Fortnightly Review, vol. 68, 1897. Mafia (A Sicilian secret Society formed for purposes of smuggling, etc.) DESCRIPTION OF THE MAKIA SOCIETY Chambers' Journal, vol. 69 [page 385], 1892. Mafra (Contains a Royal Palace of great dimensions). DESCRIPTION OF THE LIBRARY AT MAFRA IN PORTUGAL Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Literary Curiosities], 1888. GENERAL Murray's Guide to Portugal, V.D. Magazines. CONTENTS OF MAGAZINES Cotgreave's Contents-Subject Index, 1899. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. Review of Reviews [Monthly Issue and Annual Index]. MAGAZINES OK THE LAST CENTURY Chambers' Journal, vol. 18, 1852. See also Journalism, etc. Magdalen College, Oxford Boase's Oxford, 1887. Moore's History of the Refor- mation, 1890. Wade's Walks in Oxford, 1817. Magdalena River, Colombia Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 27, 1830. Magee (William Connor, Archbishop of York, died 1891). ARCHBISHOP MAGEE OK YORK Longman's Magazine, vol. 29, 1896-7 BIOGRAPHY Biographies reprinted from the " Times," vol. 5, 1896. MAcDoNNEi.L's LIFE OF MAGEE [Review] Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. REMINISCENCES OF DR. MAGEE Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. Two ARCHBISHOPS Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. Sunday at Home, vol. 43, 1896-7. Magellan (Fernando, a great Navigator, killed 1521). MAGELLAN'S GREAT VOYAGE Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes in History, 1882. TRAVELS OF MAGELLAN Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. [1869. Magellan Strait, South America (named after F. Magellan) Hartwig's Polar World, Maggiore (Lake) Bennet's Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean, 1875. See also Lago Maggiore. Magi (The learned and priestly caste in ancient Persia). ACCOUNT OF THE MAGI Heckethorn's Secret Societies, 1875. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. MAGIC. EGYPTIAN MAGIC Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1842. MAGIC AND SCIENCE All the Year Round, vol. 4, 1860-1. MAGIC Disc Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. MAGIC IN INDIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 18, 1852. MAGIC IN THE MIDDLE AGES [Witchcraft] Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. [375] MAGIC-MAIDEN WAY Magic (continued). MAGIC MIRROR : JAPANESE MAGIC MIRRORS Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. MAGIC SONGS OF THE FINNS Folk-lore, vol. i, 1890. MODERN MAGIC Edinburgh Review, vol. 181, 1895. MODERN MAGIC AND ASTROLOGY Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. NATURAL MAGIC Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 9, 1845. ORIGIN OF MAGIC Tylor's Primitive Culture, 1891. SOME INDIAN WEIRD DOINGS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. WHITE AND BLACK MAGIC Waite's Occult Sciences, 1891. GENERAL Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890 Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Magic Lantern. EVOLUTION OF THE MAGIC LANTERN Chambers' Jour., vol. 75, HINTS ON THE MAGIC LANTERN Heather's Mathematical Instruments, 1888. [1898. OPTICAL PRINCIPLE OF THE MAGIC LANTERN Lardner's Optics, 1878. POWERS OF THE MAGIC LANTERN Brewster's Natural Magic, 1834. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1891. Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Boy's Own, v. i, 1879. Maginn (William, Irish Author, died 1842) Bates' Maclise Portrait Gallery [portrait], 1891. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Magistrates. MARLBOROUGH STREET POLICE MAGISTRATES W. H. Watts' My Private Note-Book, 1862. GENERAL Serjeant Ballantine's Experiences, 1883. See also Lawyers, etc. Magna Charta (The Great Charter of the Liberties of England, signed by King John at Runnymede, June 15, 1215). BARONS AND THE GREAT CHARTER Creasy's English Constitution, 1853. Penny Magazine, vol. 2, 1833 ; and vol. 10, 1841. GENERAL Guizot's History of England, 1877. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Magna Graecia (Southern parts of Italy, and Sicily, early colonized by the Greeks). MARCH IN MAGNA GRAECIA [Descriptive of the Country] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. Magnesia, Asia Minor (Noted for its Classic Ruins). A RIDE TO M/GNESIA Black- wood's Travel, Adventure, and Sport, vol. 4, 1890. GENERAL Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Magnetism. ANIMAL MAGNETISM T. A. Trollope's What I Remember, 1887. CHRISTIE ON THE MAGNETISM OF THE EARTH British Association Report, 1833. CURES BY MAGNETISM Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. DESCRIPTION OF MAGNETISM Latimer's Incandescent Electric Lighting, 1890. EARTH MAGNETISM : THE AURORA BOREALIS Henry's Scientific Writings, 1886. ELEMENTARY MAGNETISM Tyndall's Fragments of Science, 1871. MAGNETISM AND THE MARINER'S COMPASS Good Words, vol. 20, 1879. NOTES ON MAGNETISM Axon's Mechanic's Friend, 1875. SABINE ON TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM British Association Report, 1835. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETIC FORCE IN IRELAND British Association Report, 1835. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM Chambers' Journal, vol. 46, 1869. GENERAL Buchan's Meteorology, 1868. Westminster Review, vol. 3, 1825. Magnets. EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON MAGNETS Lloyd's Magnetism, 1874. Magnifying Glasses. OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS Lardner's Optics, 1878. Magpie (A Bird of the Crow Family, noted for its power of imitating speech). THE MAGPIE Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., v. 2, 1848. Morris' British Birds, vol. i, 1891. Maguelonne (A former Seaport of the Mediterranean) Gould's In Troubadour- Land, 1891. Magyars (The People of Hungary). ALFOLD AND THE MAGYARS Felbermann's GLIMPSES OF MAGYAR LAND Macmillan's Mag., vol. 13, 1865-6. [Hungary, 1892. MAGYAR WEDDINGS : The Kissing Feast Hutchinson's Marriage Customs, 1897. THE MAGYAR COUNTY: Study in the Comparative History of Municipal Institutions Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 7 (H.S.), 1893. Mahabharata (Great Epic Poem of Ancient India). HISTORICAL SUGGESTIONS IN THE MAHABHARATA Trans, of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1885. Mahan (A. T., Retired Captain in the American Navy, Writer on Naval Subjects, born 1840). MAHAN'S " LIFE OF NELSON " REVIEWED Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. Mahdi ([Mohammed Ali], " The Moslem Messiah," died 1885). REVOLT OF THE MAHDI Wauters' Stanley's Emin Pasha Expedition, 1890. GENERAL Gordon's Journals, 1884. Slatin Pasha's Fire & Sword in the Soudan, '96. Mahdia, North Africa. SFAX AND MAHDIA New Review, vol. 15, 1896. Mahogany. IN QUEST OF MAHOGANY Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 15, 1851. See also Wood. Mahomet and Mahometanism. Set Mohammed and Mohammedanism. Mahony (Francis [Father Prout], Irish Journalist and Author, died 1866) Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Bates' Maclise Portrait Gallery, 1891. Mahratta Princes. PERSONAL TRAITS OF MAHRATTA BRAHMAN PRINCES Trans. of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. Maiden "Way (Roman Road crossing the borders of England and Scotland). SURVEY OF THE MAIDEN WAY, FROM THE ROMAN WALL INTO SCOTLAND Archaeological Journal, vol. n, 1854. [376] MAIDENHOOD-MALEVOLENCE Maidenhood Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. Maids. OLD MAIDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892 Finck's Romantic Love, 1887. OLD AND YOUNG MAIDS Good Words, vol. 3, 1862. PLEA FOR YOUNG AND OLD MAIDS Lady Cook's Essays; vol. i, 1898. Maidstone, Kent. FRATERNITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, MAIDSTONE Journal British Archaeological Association, vol. 2 (n.s.). BATTLE, 1648 Saturday Rev., v. 74, 1892. INVENTORY OF THE CHURCH GOODS OF MAIDSTONE Archaeologia Cantiana, vol. 22, MAIDSTONE IN KENT Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. GENERAL Hughes' Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land, 1891. Mr. Pickwick's Kent, 1899. Mail. CATCHING THE MAILBAGS Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. WITH HER MAJESTY'S MAILS TO IRELAND Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. Mail Coaches. PROCESSION OF MAIL COACHES Harris' The Coaching Age, 1885. Maillezais, France (Totem in Vendee). ABBEY OF MAILLEZAIS T. A. Trollope's Western France, 1841. Main River, Germany Macgregor's Thousand Miles in the " Rob Roy " Canoe, 1875. Maina (Greek Peninsula) Earl of Carnarvon's Reminiscences of Athens, 1869. HISTORY OF THE MAINOTES Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 15, 1830. Mainau (Island in the Lake of Constance) Seguin's Black Forest, 1885. " Maine " (A merican Battleship, blown up in Havana Harbour, February, 1898, presumably by submarine mines). PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF THE " MAINE " BY HER COM- MANDER Century Magazine, vol. 35, 1898-9. THE " MAINE " DISASTER AND AFTER Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE " MAINE " National Review, vol. 31, 1898. Maintenon (Madame de, Second Wife of Louis XIV., Patroness of Letters and the Fine Arts, died 1719). YOUTH OF MADAME DE MAINTENON Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 9, 1890. GENERAL Smiles' Huguenots in England and Ireland, 1868. Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Maize (Indian Corn). CULTIVATION OF MAIZE Markham's Peruvian Bark, 1880. Mechi's Profitable Farming, 1872. Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua, 1880. Majani (The, Artist Family of the i$th Century) Leader Scott's Robbia and other Italian Sculptors, 1890. Majorca (Spanish Island in the Mediterranean). DESCRIPTION OF MAJORCA Bennet's Shores of the Mediterranean, 1870. Murray's Guide to the Mediterra- nean, V.D. Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. See also Balearic Islands. Majorities. THE MAJORITY AND THE REMNANT Nineteenth Century, v. 15, 1884. WORSHIP OF MAJORITIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 3, 1861-2. Malabar (Maritime District of British India). SEPULCHRAL CHAMBERS IN MALABAR Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 25. Malacca (British Territory in the Malay Peninsula). TRADITIONS OF THE ABORIGINES OF MALACCA Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 6, 1888. GENERAL Bird's Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither, 1883. Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. Thomson's Straits of Malacca, 1875. Mediterranean, V.D. Ford's Handbook of Spain, 1892. Malagasy (Inhabitants of Madagascar). DIVINATION AMONG THE MALAGASY Folk-Lore, MALAGASY FOLK-TALES Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 2, 1884. [vol. 3, 1892. ON THE ORATORY, SONGS, LEGENDS, AND FOLK-TALES OF THE MALAGASY Folk-Lore Journal, vol. i, 1883. See also Madagascar. Malar Lake, Sweden Murray's Guide to Sweden, V.D. Malaria (A noxious exhalation producing fever). MYSTERIES OF MALARIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. knowledge, vol. 22, 1899. Malay Archipelago (A large group of Islands lying south and south-east of Asia, includes Borneo, Java, Swnatra, etc.) ROUGH NOTES IN THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO Temple Bar, vol. 26, 1869. [1891. WALLACE AND THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO Montifiore's Leaders into Unknown Lands, GENERAL Macmillan's Mag., vol. 19, 1868-9. Mountains and Mountain-Climbing, 1883. Malay Peninsula (A Peninsula stretching into the Gulf of Siam on the east and the Bay of Bengal on the west). DESCRIPTION OF BRITISH MALAYA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. FROM FAR CATHAY Macmillan's Magazine, vol 75, 1896-7. GENERAL Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. Malbrougll or Malbrouck (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Malcolm I-IV. (Kings of Scotland, 10th, 11th, and 12th Centuries) Freeman's Norman Conquest, 1870. Maldive Islands, Indian Ocean Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Maldon. Essex History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 5, 1774. Wright's History of Essex, 1836. BATTLE OF MALDON Freeman's Norman Conquest, 1870. Malevolence. SPECIES OF ANGER Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. [377] MALHERBE-MAMMOTH Malherbe (Fran?ois de, French Poet, died 1628) Lady Jackson's First of Bourbons, 1890. Malibran (Maria [Madame de Beriot], French Vocalist, died 1836) Edwards' The Prima Donna, 1888. Lord William Lennox's Reminiscences, 1853. Malice Southgate's Many Thoughts of Many Minds, 1870. Malingering (Simulation of Illness) Sketches of Imposture, Deception, etc., 1837. Mallarme (St^phane, French Writer, born 1642). STEPHANE MALLARME Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. Mallet (Claude Fran9ois, French General; Conspirator against Napoleon I. ; shot 1812) Gould's Historic Oddities, 1889. Mallet (David, Scottish Poet, died 1765) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876^7. Malmaison (Favourite Residence of the Empress Josephine). NAPOLEON AT LA MAL- MAISON Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Malmesbury. NOTICES OF MALMESBURY ABBEY Archaeological Jour., vol. 15, 1858. GENERAL Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities], 1890. Malmesbury (James Howard, third Earl of, Foreign Secretary, died 1876). MEMOIRS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. MalO (St. [Maclovius or Machutus], a legendary Breton Saint; supposed to have given his name to the port of St. Malo, Brittany) Kingsley's The Hermits, 1875. Malplaquet (Battle of, fought between the English and French, September n, 1709) Alison's Life of Marlborough, 1848. Malt. MANUFACTURE OF MALT Faulkner's Modern Brewing, 1888. Malta (Chief of the Maltese Islands in the Mediterranean, belonging to England). CLIMATE OF MALTA Clark's Influence of Climate, 1846. GRAND HARBOUR AT MALTA Cassell's Picturesque Mediterranean, 1891. KNIGHTS OF MALTA Bramsen's Travels in Egypt, etc., 1820. Trans. Royal Hist. Soc.. MALTA AND GIBRALTAR Chambers' Journal, vol. 15, 1851. [vol. 3, 1874. NATURAL HISTORY OF EGYPT AND MALTA Nature, vol. 5, 1872. RECOLLECTIONS OF MALTA Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. ROMAN REMAINS AT MALTA Antiquary, vol. 5, 1882. ST. PAUL'S VOYAGE TO MALTA Smith's Voyage of St. Paul, 1886. SIEGE OF MALTA [1565] Prescott's Philip II., 1877. SURRENDER OF MALTA, 1800 James' Naval History, vol. 3, 1878. GENERAL Cassell's Picturesque Mediterranean, 1891. Macleod's Eastward, 1869. Murray's Guide to Madras, V.D. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Napier's Wild Sports, 1844. Nineteenth Century, vol. 4, 1878. Whymper's The Sea; its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, and Heroism, 1881. Malton, , .. , . Malton (Thomas, Senr. and Junr., Water-Colonr Painters, Father died 1801, and Son died 1804) Monkhouse's English Water-Colour Painters, 1890. Malvern, Worcestershire (Fashionable Watering-place) Chambers' Journal, v. 43, i860. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, 1887. Murray's Worcestershire, V.D. Malwah (Old Province of Central India). HISTORY AND BOUNDARIES OF MALWAH Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 10, 1830. Mamelukes (Former Mounted Soldiery of Egypt). PRESENT CONDITION OF THE MAMELUKES Legh's Journey in Egypt, 1817. MAMMALIA (That class of the Animal Kingdom, including Quadrupeds and Man, distinguished by the fact that the females suckle their young). ANCIENT MAMMALS OF BRITAIN Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. BRANCH-BUILDING MAMMALIA Wood's Homes Without Hands, 1869. BURROWING MAMMALIA Wood's Homes Without Hands, 1869. EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIA Natural Science, vol. i, 1892. EXTINCT ARGENTINE MAMMALS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. HISTORY OF MAMMALIA IN EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA Natural Science, v. 12, 1898. MAMMALS OF KILIMA-NJARO Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. MAMMALS OF THE MALAY PENINSULA Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. NEARCTIC REGION AND ITS MAMMALS Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. ORDERS EDENTATA, CETACEA, SIRENIA, AND UNGULATA Nicholson & Lydekker's PENSILE MAMMALIA Wood's Homes Without Hands, 1869. [Palaeontology, 1889. QUATERNARY MAMMALIA Lubbock's Pre-historic Times, 1890. REMARKS ON MAMMALIA Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. [vol. u, 1897. SOUTH AMERICA AS THE SOURCE OF THE TERTIARY MAMMALIA Natural Science, SUCCESSION OF TEETH IN MAMMALS Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. THE ASSOGUE : A PECULIAR BRITISH MAMMAL Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. Mammon Worship Farrar's Social and Present-Day Questions, 1892. Mammoth (Extinct species of Elephant). DISCOVERY OF MAMMOTHS IN SIBERIA Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. DISCOVERY OF THE MAMMOTH Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2, 1877. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 55, 1878. Hutchinson's Extinct Monsters, 1897. Melville's In the Lena Delta, 1885. See also Paleontology. [378] MAMMOTH CAVE-MAN-OF-WAR Mammoth Cave, Kentucky Longman's Magazine, vol. 10, 1887. Reminiscences of America, by Two Englishmen, 1870. Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. MAN. (See also Anthropology, Creation, Ethnology, Evolution, History, etc.) ALLEGED DEGENERATION OF MAN Chambers' Journal, vol. 52, 1875. ANCESTOR OF MAN Darwin's Life and Letters, edited by his Son, 1887. ANTIQUITY OF MAN Buckland's Anthropological Studies, 1891. Laing's Modern Science, 1891. Lubbock's Pre-historic Times, 1890. Macmillan's Mag., v. 7, 1862-3. ANTIQUITY OF MAN IN CAPE COLONY Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. ASCENT OF MAN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. AUTHENTICITY OF PLATEAU MAN Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. CAVE MAN AND THE ADVANCE IN CULTURE Dawkins' Early Man in Britain, 1880. CAVE MEN Natural Science, vol. i, 1892. CHARACTER OF THE INDIANS, CHINESE, EGYPTIANS AND HEBREWS Schlegel's Philosophy of History, 1846. CORRELATION OF MENTAL AND PHYSICAL POWERS The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. CREATION OF MAN Pember's Earth's Earliest Ages, 1893. CRIMINAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Illustrative Studies by Lombroso Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. DEBRUTALISATION OF MAN Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. DEVELOPMENT OF MAN Schmidt's Doctrine of Descent, 1891. DUAL MAN Billing's Scientific Materialism, 1879. EARLY HISTORY OF MAN Chambers' Vestiges of the Nat. Hist, of Creation, 1845. FALL OF MAN Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. FOSSIL REMAINS OF MAN Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 7, 1895. FROM ANIMAL TO MAN The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. FUTURE MAN Schmidt's Mammalia in their relation to Primeval Times, 1885. HEAT-CENTRES IN MAN Brain, vol. n, 1889. HUMAN RESEMBLANCES TO LOWER LIFE Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. MAN AND NATURAL SELECTION Student of Science, Literature and Art, v. 5, 1871. MAN AND THE UNIVERSE Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. MAN AS A MEMBER ov SOCIETY Monist, vol. 8, 1897-8. MAN AS AN ANIMAL AND AS A MEMBER OF SOCIETY Moni-t, vol. 6, 1895-6. MAN OF THE FUTURE Nineteenth Century, vol. 13, 1883. MANIFESTATION OF MAN Kennedy's Thoughts on Being, 1850. MANKIND AS SEEN BY A CYCLIST Review of Reviews, vol. 19, 1899 MAN'S PLACE IN NATURE Laing's Modern Science and Modern Thought, 1891. MATRIARCHAL FAMILY SYSTEM Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. MIOCENE MAN IN INDIA Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. NATURE OF MAN Schlegel's Philosophy of History, 1846. ON THE RELATION OF MAN TO THE LOWER ANIMALS Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 7, 1895. ORIGIN OF HUMAN FACULTY Brain, vol. 12, 1890. ORIGIN OF MAN Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. Wesley's Nat. Philos., 1836. PALEOLITHIC MAN IN EAST BERKS Berks Archasological Journal, vol. 2. PLACE OF MAN IN EARTH'S TIME HISTORY Clodd's Story of Primitive Man, 1897. PLATEAU MAN IN KENT Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. PRE-GLACIAL MAN Natural Science, vol. i, 1892. PRE-HISTORIC ARTS AND CRAFTS Quarterly Review, vol. 187, 1898. PRE-HISTORIC MKN Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. PRICHARD ON PHYSICAL RESEARCHES IN THE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN SPECIES British Association Report, 1831-2. PRIMITIVE MAN, His TIMES AND COMPANIONS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 14, PROGRESS OF MAN Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. [1878. PROGRESS OF MANKIND Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. REMARKS CONCERNING MAN Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. SOUTH AFRICAN RACES Silver's South Africa, 1891. STUDY OF MAN National Review, vol. 28, 1897. SUBTERRANEAN RELICS OF PRE-HISTORIC MAN Hartwig's Subterranean World, THEORY OF NATURAL SELECTION -Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. [1892. VARIATION IN MAN AND WOMAN Pearson's Chances of Death, etc., 1897. WESTERN TREATMENT OF BACKWARD RACES Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. WOMAN'S IDEAL MAN The Young Man, vol. n, 1897. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Burder's Oriental Literature, 1822. Carpenter's Nature and Man, 1888. Ling Roth's Aboriginal Races of Tasmania, 1899. Ling Roth's Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo, 1896. Sale's Koran, 1891. Treasury of Relig. Thought, vols. 2 & 4, 1891. Man (Isle of, favourite Holiday Resort. Its history is of great interest). CHURCH LIFE IN MANXLAND Quiver, vol. 31, 1896. CUSTOMS IN THE ISLE OF MAN Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. MANX FOLK-LORE Antiquary, vol. 31, 1895. ROCKS OF THE ISLE OF MAN Science Gossip, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1898. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, V.D. Black's Where shall we go ? V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5, 1883. Man-Of-War. See Men-of-War, Navy, Ships, etc. [379] MAN-MANNA Man With the Iron Mask (A French State prisoner, confined in the Bastile, supposed by some to have been an elder or a twin brother of Louis XIV., died 1703) Antiquary, vol. 30, 1894. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 21, 1870. Edward Gibbon's Miscellaneous Works, 1837. Manassas, Virginia. BATTLE OF MANASSAS All the Year Round, vol.24 [p. 324], 1870. Manasseh (Thirteenth King ofjudah) Davidson's Introduction to the Old Testament, 1897. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Manche (A department of France, formed from Ancient Normandy) Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. MANCHESTER, Lancashire (The centre of Cotton Manufacture and Trade). ACCOUNT OF MODERN MANCHESTER Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. CENTRE OF RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY Ward Lock's Our National Cathedrals, MANCHESTER CITY ART GALLERY Art Journal, vol. 46, 1894. [vol. 3, 1887. MANCHESTER PUBLIC LIBRARIES Greenwood's Public Libraries, v.D. MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. Chambers' Jour., vol. 70, 1893. Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. igth Cent., vol. 35, 1894. MUSEUM FOR MANCHESTER Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1887. RYLANDS' LIBRARY Manchester Quarterly, 1893. See also Althorp. SATURDAY EVENINGS IN MANCHESTER Chambers' Journal, vol. 13, 1850. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. THE CLEANSING OF MANCHESTER London, vol. 5, 1896. TRAMWAYS IN MANCHESTER London, vol. 5, 1896. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol.3,i88i. Hawthorne's English Note- Books, 1870. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Land We Live in, vol. i, 1853. Murray's Guide to Lancashire, V.D. Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway (Now the Great Central Railway) Acworth's Railways of England, 1890. Manchester (E. Montagu, Earl of, died 1671) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. Manchuria (A North-eastern territory of China). THE FUTURE OF MANCHURIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. GENERAL Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. Mancini (Hortensia, Duchess of Mazarin, niece of Cardinal Mazarin, and reported to be a mistress of Cnarles II., died 1699) Jesse's Court of England, etc., 1857. Mandalay (Capital of Burmah). CITY OF M AND ALA y Chambers' Journal, vol. 51, 1874. MANDALAY IN 1867 Fytche's Burma ; Past and Present, 1878. REMINISCENCES OF MANDALAY Idler, vol. 12, 1897-8. Mandar Mountain, India Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. [1852. Mandeville (Bernard, Dutch-English Writer, died 1733) Whewell's Moral Philosophy, Mandeville (Sir John, Traveller, died 1372) Becker's Adventurous Lives, 1878. Disraeli's Amenities of Literature, 1870. Ashton's Chapbooks, 1882. Mandingoes, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 22, 1830. Mandoline (.Musical Instrument) Grove's Diet, of Music and Musicians, vol. 2, 1880. Mandrake (A Plant to which was formerly attributed many magical properties). SOME NOTES ABOUT MANDRAKES Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Manet (Edward, French A rtist, died 1883) Muther's Hist, of Modern Painting, v. 2, 1896. Mangan (James Clarence, Irish Poet, died 1849). POET, ECCENTRIC AND HUMORIST Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1898. Duffy's Young Ireland, 1883. Mangel Wurzel (A vegetable of the beet kind, for feeding cattle). INTRODUCTION OF MANGEL WURZEL Wrightson's Fallow and Fodder Crops, 1889. Manhood and Boyhood Temple Bar, vol. 50, 1877. See also Man, Boys, etc. Manicheeism (An Oriental Form of Religion) Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Pressensg's Early Years of Christianity, vol. 3, 1879. Manicure. MANICURE SECRETS Finck's Romantic Love and Personal Beauty, 1887. Manila (Capital of the Philippine Islands). CAPTURE OF MANILA BY THE UNITED STATES Spectator, vol. 80, 1898. LIFE IN MANILA Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. MANILA AND ITS SURROUNDINGS Harper's Magazine, vol. 19, 1890. REMINISCENCES OF MANILA National Review, vol. 31, 1898. GENERAL Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 1888. Wilkes' Exploring Expedition, 1842. Manipur (Native State of India, under British influence). DESCRIPTION OF MANIPUR Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. Manitoba (A Province of Canada). LADY'S LIFE IN MANITOBA All Year Round, v. 54, MR. LAURIER AND MANITOBA Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. [1884. RECENT PROGRESS IN MANITOBA Chambers' Journal, vol. 57, 1880. THE MANITOBA SCHOOL QUESTION National Review, vol. 27, 1896. GENERAL Dufferin's Canadian Journal, 1872-78, 1891. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Roper's By Track and Trail, 1891. Mankind. See Man, Women, etc. Manna. MANNA OF THE DESERT Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vols. 8, 1872, & 11,1875. NEAPOLITAN MANNA Maxwell's Cloister Life of Charles V., 1891. THE MANNA OF THE ISRAELITES Science Gossip, vol. 3, (n.s.), 1897. [380] MANNERS-MANSE!., Manners (Mary E., Poet) Armitage's Quaker Poets of Great Britain, 1896. Manners Family Black's Leicester and Rutland, V.D. See also Rutland. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. AFRICAN FEZZAN CUSTOMS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 21, 1830. AMERICAN MANNERS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. ANCIENT CUSTOMS Rawlinson's Ancient Monarchies, vol. i, 1871 DOMESTIC EVERY DAY LIFE, MANNERS AND CUSTOMS IN THE ANCIENT WORLD Trans, of the Royal Hist. Soc., v. 2, 1873, v. 3, 1874, v. 4, 1876. BURMESE CUSTOMS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. n, 1830. ENGLISH CUSTOMS. ARE MANNERS DISAPPEARING FROM GREAT BRITAIN ? Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. ' COMPANY MANNERS All the Year Round, vol. 20, 1868. DANBY, YORKSHIRE Atkinson's Moorland Parish, 1891. DEATH AND BURIAL CUSTOMS IN LINCOLNSHIRE Antiquary, vol. 31, 1895. DOMESTIC EVERYDAY LIFE AND MANNERS AND CUSTOMS IN ENGLAND Trans, of the Royal Hist. Soc., vols. 5-10, 1877-82. Hone's Year Book, 1835. EARLY ENGLISH MEALS AND MANNERS Early Eng. Text Soc. Reprint, No. 32, '68. EARLY LAWS AND CUSTOMS IN GREAT BRITAIN REGARDING FOOD Trans. of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8, 1880. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 1856. FOURTEENTH CENTURY MANNERS DEPICTED IN TAPESTRY Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities], 1890. NATIONAL TASTES AND MANNERS IN THE i8TH CENTURY Lecky's History of SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MANNERS Pepys' Diary, 1871. [England, 1892. EUROPEAN MANNERS Robertson's Charles V., 1887. FELLATAH'S CUSTOMS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 22, 1830. FOREIGN CUSTOMS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Eng. Trad. & For. Cust.], 1885. FRENCH WIVES AND MOTHERS Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1897-8. GOOD BREEDING Girl's Own Annual, vols. 2, 1881, and 5, ih84. GREEK CUSTOMS [MODERN] Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16, 1830. HUNGARIAN PEASANT CUSTOMS Felbermann's Hungary and its People, 1892. ICELANDIC CUSTOMS Du Chaillu's Viking Age, 1889. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, JAPANESE CUSTOMS Moges' Baron Gros' Embassy to China, 1861. [1847! MIDDLE AGES MANNERS, CUSTOMS AND DRESS Lacroix's Middle Ages, 1878. MOORISH MANNERS AND CUSTOMS Perrier's Winter in Morocco, 1873. NEW GUINEA CUSTOMS Pitcairn's Savages of New Guinea, 1891. NORWAY, SWEDEN, LAPLAND AND FINLAND CUSTOMS Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1882. PERSIAN CUSTOMS AND MANNERS Wills' Land of the Lion and Sun, 1881. RUSSIAN CUSTOMS AND CEREMONIES Stoddard's Across Russia, 1892. SEA CUSTOMS [OLD] Bassett's Legends and Superstitions of Sailors, 1885. Russell's Book for the Hammock, 1893. SOCIAL MANNERS AND CUSTOMS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Mann. & Customs], 1883. SPANISH MANNERS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 18, 1830. Ford's Spain, 1892. ZULU CUSTOMS Ludlow's Zululand and Cetewayo, 1882. GENERAL Emerson's Essays, 1845. Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. Mannheim, Baden (Important Town on the Rhine) Baedeker's Rhine, V.D. MANNING (Henry Edward, Cardinal, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster died 1892). BIOGRAPHY Biographies Reprinted trom the " Times," vol. 5, 1896. CARDINAL MANNING AND THE CATHOLIC REVIVAL Fairbairn's Catholicism: Roman and Anglican, 1899. Contemporary Review, vol. 69. 1896. CARDINAL MANNING'S MEMORY : FRESH LIGHTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896 CHARACTER SKETCHES Review of Reviews, vol. i, 1890, and vol. 5, 1892. CONVERSION OF MANNING National Review, vol. 27, 1896. FACSIMILE OF THE NOTES OF A SERMON BY MANNING Strand Mag., vol. i, 1891. ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. MANNING IN THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND -Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF CARDINAL MANNING Contemporary Rev., vol. 69, 1896 POISONING THE WELLS OF CATHOLIC CRITICISM [Purcell's reply to criticisms of his " Life of Manning"] Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. REAL CARDINAL MANNING New Review, vol. 14, 1896. REMINISCENCES OF CARDINAL MANNING The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. REVIEW OF PURCELL'S LIFE OF MANNING Edinburgh Rev., v. 184, 1896. [v. 5, '97 GENERAL Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. McCarthy's Hist, of Our Own Time Manorbeer Castle, Pembrokeshire Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Manor House, Peering Bury, near Colchester, Essex (Given to Nicolas Ridley Bishop of London, by Edward VI.) Rush's Seats in Essex [Illustrations], 1897 Manors. MANORIAL COURTS Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. MANORIAL CUSTOMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 50, 1873. THE MANOR AND MANOR LAW Andrews' Legal Lore : Curiosities of Law, 1897. Mans, France (Birthplace of Henry II. of England, and scene of the defeat of the French by the Germans, 1871) Baedeker's Northern France, V.D. Mansel (Hy. L., Philosopher and Poet, died 187:) Burgon's Twelve Good Men, 1888. Mansel (Sir Robert, Vice-Admiral, commanded the fleet against the Pirates of Algiers 1620, died 1656) Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 2, 1818. MANSFIELD-MARA Mansfield (William Murray, Earl of, Scottish Judge, ditd 1793) Anderson's Scottish Nation [portrait], vol. 3, 1880. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1857. Mansfield College, Oxford [Illustrated] Daily Graphic, vol. i, 1890. Mansfield House, Canning Town (University Settlement in West Ham; Mr. Percy AUen,M.A., Warden). MANSFIELD HOUSE SETTLEMENT London, vol. 5, 1896. Leisure Hour vol. 44, 1895. Mansion House, London (Official Residence of the Lord Mayor) Cassell's Mag., v. 25, Mansions. MANSIONS IN LONDON -Times' Curiosities of London. 1871. [1898. OLD ENGLISH HOMES Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. 2, 1876. Two OLD CITY MANSIONS Norman's London Signs, 1897. Mantegna (Andrea, Italian Historical Painter, died 1506) Crane's Bases of Design, '98. Mantes, France Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Mantinea (Ancient City of Arcadia, Greece, scene of many battles) -Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1846. Sankey's Spartan and Theban Supremacies, 1877. Mantis (A genus of Insects remarkable for their grotesque forms). MANTIS OR PRAYING INSECT Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. [1870. Manton (T., Nonconformist Minister, died 1677) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, Mantua (Fortified Town of Italy) Baedeker's Guide to Northern luly, V.D. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1888. Hare's Cities of Northern Italy, 1883. MANUFACTURES. (See also Industries, Trades, Names of Manufactures, e.g., Cloth, Silk, etc., and Names of Places, e.g., America, England, Leeds, Manchester, etc.) BURMESE MANUFACTURES Fytche's Burma, Past and Present, 1878. CEPHALONIAN MANUFACTURES Ansted's Ionian Islands, 1863. CHINESE MANUFACTURES Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 13, 1830. [V.D. ENGLAND. INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES OF LANCASHIRE Murray's Guide to Lancashire, LOCAL MANUFACTURES [Birmingham] Dent's Making of Birmingham, 1894. MANCHESTER AND THE COTTON MANUFACTURE Cassell's Great Industries, MANUFACTURING WORKS Engineer, vol. 86, 1898. [1880. MIDLAND MANUFACTURES Timmins' Midland Hardware District, :866. FRANCE. MANUFACTURES IN THE MIDDLE AGES Masson's Mediaeval France. IRELAND'S MANUFACTURES, 1776 Young's Tour in Ireland, 1892. IRISH COTTON MANUFACTURES Cassell's Great Industries, 1880. NEW ZEALAND MANUFACTURES Bathgate's New Zealand, 1880. NORTH AMERICAN MANUFACTURES Hayden & Selwyn's North America, 1883. Noxious MANUFACTURES Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884 THINGS MADE BY CHILDREN Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. GENERAL Lecky's History of England, 1892. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1880. Manufacturers. SOME EMINENT MANUFACTURERS Cassell's Great Industries, 1880. Manures. ANIMAL MANURE Seller's Physiology at the Farm, 1867. GARDEN MANURES Shaw's Market and Kitchen Gardening, 1889. THEORY OF MANURES Burn's Modern Farming, 1878. VARIOUS MANURES Wood's Tree Planter, 1890. See also Agriculture, etc. Manuscript. How TO PREPARE MANUSCRIPT FOR THE PRESS Russell's Literary DICKENS' MANUSCRIPTS Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. [Manual, 1886. LITERARY EPISODES OF MANUSCRIPTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. LITERARY TREASURE TROVE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. OUR NATIONAL COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS AT THE COTTONIAN LIBRARY Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. OUR OLDEST MANUSCRIPT AND WHO MUTILATED IT Macmillan's Mag., vol. 31, PAPYRUS MANUSCRIPTS Kenyon's Palaeography, 1899. [1874-5- PRODUCTION OF MANUSCRIPTS Thompson's Palaeography, 1893. SUPPRESSORS AND DILAPIDATORS OF MANUSCRIPTS- Disraeli's Curios, of Lit., 1881. Manx Folk-lore. MANX FOLK-LORE AND SUPERSTITIONS Folk-lore, vol. 2, 1891. See also Man, Isle of. Manzoni (Alessandro, Italian Patriot and Poet, died 1873) Macmillan's Mag., v. 28, 1873. Maoris (Aboriginal Inhabitants of New Zealand). INDUSTRIES OF THE MAORIES Natural MAORI CEREMONIES Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. [Science, vol. 2, 1893. MAORI MEETING Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. GENERAL Bathgate's New Zealand, 1880. Dilke's Greater Britain. 1869. Froude's Oceana. 1886. Payton's New Zealand, 1888. Verschuur's Antipodes, 1891. Maples (Right Rev. Chauncey, Bishop of Likoma, drowned 1895) English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14 [page 170], 1896. Maplestead, Essex Chancellor's Sepulchral Monuments, 1890. History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 2, 1769. Morant's Essex, 1768. Wright's Essex, 1836. See also Little Maplestead. Maplin Sands, Essex. LORD HERSCHELL'S JUDGMENT Essex Review, vol. i, 1892. Maps. FIFTEENTH CENTURY MAPS Winsor's Columbus, 1891. MAP-FLAPPING [Signalling or Telegraphing Outlines] Longman's Mag. vol. 7, 1885-6. UNPUBLISHED MAPS OF THE MISSISSIPPI Parkman's La Salle, 1885. See also'fartographers, Chartography, etc. Mar. ANCIENT EARLDOM OF MAR Antiquary, vol. i, 1880. [1888. Mara (Gertrude Elizabeth, German Singer, died 1833) Edwards' The Prima Donna, [382] MARACAYBO LAKE-MARIA THERESA Maracaybo Lake, Venezuela Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 27, 1830. Maraksh [Morocco] (The Capital of Morocco). LIFE IN MARAKSH Thomson's Travels in Morocco, 1889. See also Morocco. Maranham (A Maritime State of Brazil) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 30, 1830. Marat (Jean Paul, French Physician and Revolutionist, assassinated 1793). A FRIEND OF THE PEOPLE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. ASSASSINATION OF MARAT Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1878. GENERAL Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. Marathon, Greece (Celebrated for the battle between the Greeks and Persians, 590 B.C.) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles, 1877. Parry's Yachting Cruise, 1889. Tancock's Ionic Revolt and Persian War, 1897. Marble. MARBLE QUARRIES OF CARRARA Chambers' Journal, vol. 76, 1899. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. u, 1893-4. Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. WALLS AND TOMBS OF MARBLE Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. GENERAL Lanciani's Ancient Rome, '89. Middleton's Ancient Rome, '88. [Book, '88. Marbles. MARBLE GAMES Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Every Boy's Marburg, Austria Hungary Stoughton's Homes and Haunts of Luther, 1883. Marbury (Anne, New England Puritan, tried for heresy ; killed by Indians 1643) Anderson's Memorable Women of Puritan Times, 1862. Marcellus (Roman Consul, killed about 46 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives, 1885. "March of the Men of Harlech" (Welsh Patriotic Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Marchand. (Etienne, Eighteenth Century Navigator) Verne's Great Navigators, 1881. Marches. THE ROMANCE OF REGIMENTAL MARCHES Pall Mall Mag., vol. 9. 1896. Marcian (Emperor of the East, died 457) Evagrius's History of the Church, 1846. Marcion (A noted Heretic of the Second Century) Dale's Living Christ, 1892. Marco Polo (Venetian Traveller, died about 1324). See Polo (Marco). Marcus Antonius ([Mark Antony] Roman Triumvir, Nephew of Julius Catsar ; committed suicide 30) Baring Gould's Tragedy of the Cassars, 1897. Froude's Caesar, 1886. Mommsen's Rome, vol. 4, 1888. See also Antony (Mark). Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (Celebrated Roman Emperor, died 180). STOICAL WRITINGS -Brace's Unknown God, 1890. GENERAL Farrar's Seekers after God, 1891. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Maree Loch (Lake in Ross, Scotland, 20 miles long) Cassell's Our Own Country, v. 3, 1881. Lydon & Croal s Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Maremma (Marshy region of Western Italy ; formerly the seat of Etruscan Cities). THE MAREMMA Dennis' Cities of Etruria, vol. 2, 1883. Margam, Glamorganshire (Has remains of Cistercian A bbey, founded 1150) Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities], 1890. Margaret (St., Queen of Malcolm III. of Scotland, died 1093). ACCOUNT OF MARGARET OF SCOTLAND Eng. Illus., vol. 7, 1889-90. Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, 1890. DEATH OF ST. MARGARET Grant's Old and New Edinburgh, 1883. Margaret Of Angouleme (Queen of Navarre, and sister of Francis I. of France, wrote poetry, died 1549). MARGARET AND FRANCIS Besant's Early French Poetry, 1868. See also Francis I. Margaret Of Anjou (Queen of King Henry VI., died 1482). CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S MARGARET Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. GENERAL Owen's Heroines of History, 1854. Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Margaret Of Lancaster (Mother of Henry VII., died 1509) Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Margaret Of Logy (Second Queen of David II., King of Scots, died about 1375). HISTORICAL NOTICES OF THE FAMILY Trans, of Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 7, 1878. Margaretting, Essex. CHURCH OF MARGARETTING [ST. MARGARET'S] Buckler's Churches of Essex, described and illustrated, 1856. Morant's Essex, 1768. Margarine (A substance made to imitate Butter). MONSTED'S MARGARINE FACTORY; SOUTHALL Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. Margate, Kent (Favourite Seaside Resort). DAY AT MARGATE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. DESCRIPTION AND ANTIQUITIES OF MARGATE Kentish Tourist, 1820. RAMSGATE AND MARGATE Myrback & Villars' Sketches of England, 1892. GENERAL Argosy, vol. 12, 1871. Black's Guide to Kent, V.D. Black's Where shall we go, V.D. Frost's In Kent with Chas. Dickens, 1880. Hughes' Dickens-Land, '91. Marguerite of France (Second Queen of Edward I., died 1317) Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Maria Louisa (Second wife of Napoleon, died 1847). BONAPARTE'S MARRIAGE WITH MARIA LOUISA Diaries of Sir George Jackson, 1873. See also Napoleon. Maria Teresa (Queen Consort of Louis XIV., died 1683). THE EMPRESS QUEEN Temple Bar, vol. 49, 1877. Maria Theresa (Empress of Austria, murdered 1898). A MOTHER UPON HER THRONE Argosy, vol. 67, 1899. [Magazine, vol. 20, 1898. THE ROYAL HOUSE OF AUSTRIA AND ITS MURDERED EMPRESS English Illustrated [383] MARIAMNE-MARKS HALL Mariamne (Wife of Herod the Great, killed by him 28) Owen's Heroines of Hist., 1854. Marianna, Brazil Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 30, 1830. Marie Antoinette (Queen Consort of Loins XVI., guillotined 1793). LAST DAYS OF Louis XVI. AND MARIE ANTOINETTE Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1897-8. MARIE ANTOINETTE AND THE QUEEN'S NECKLACE Temple Bar, vol. 12, 1864. MARIE ANTOINETTE AS DAUPHINE Century Magazine, vol. 32 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL Campari's Louis XVI., 1887. F. A. Edmund's Essays and Sketches, 1882. Lady Jackson's TheOld Regime [portrait], 1880. Owen's Heroines of Hist., 1854. Marie Clementine Of Poland (Titular Queen of England ; married the old Pre- tender, James Francis Edward, son of James II.; died 1735) Holt's Roy. Ladies, '61. Marie de Medici (Queen of Henry IV. of France, and Regent for her son Louis XIII ; died 1642) Lady Jackson's First of the Bourbons [portrait], 1890. Marine Animals. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF MARINE ANIMALS Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. MARINE LIFE Chambers' Journal, vol. 2, 1844. OBSERVATIONS ON CERTAIN MARINE ANIMALS Natural Science, vol. 3 [p. 31], 1893. PROBLEMS OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF MARINE ANIMALS Nat. Science, vol. 2, 1893. Marine Cables. See Telegraphy. Marine Engineering. BOARD OF TRADE MARINE ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATES Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. ORIGIN OF MARINE ENGINEERING Haldane's Engineering, 1890. SHIPS OF WAR AND COMMERCE Engineer, vol. 86, 1898. GENERAL Brassey's Naval Annual, 1898. See also Engineering. Marine Engines. DESCRIPTION OF MARINE ENGINES Murray's Marine Eng., 1886. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF MARINE ENGINES Haldane's Engineering, 1890. TRIPLE EXPANSION MACHINERY Haldane's Engineering, 1890. Marine Phenomena Chambers' Journal, vol. n, 1849. [1875. Mariner's Compass. HISTORY OF THE MARINER'S COMPASS Harris' Magnetism, Marines. BY SEA AND BY LAND Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. MARINE GARRISONS FOR NAVAL BASES Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. THE MARINES New Review, vol. 13, 1895. Marino (Town near Rome ; has a Castle) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Mario (G., a, great Tenor Singer, died 1883) Temple Bar, vol. 70, 1884. Marion Dufresne (N. T., French Explorer, died 1772). DISCOVERIES IN THE ANTARCTIC OCEAN Verne's Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, 1880. Marionettes (Puppet Shows). AN EVENING WITH MARIONETTES Theatre, v. 3, 1884. PUNCH'S PROTOTYPES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. Maritime Law Hosack's Law of Nations, 1882. See also Law, Shipping, etc. Maritzburg or Pietermaritzburg (Capital of Natal) Little's South Africa, 1884. Msrius (Caius, Roman General, died 86 B.C.) Mommsen's Rome, v. 3, 1888. Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Freeman's Historical Essays, 1889. Beesly's The. Gracchi, etc., 1889. Marivaux (P. C. de, French Novelist and Dramatist, died 1763) Men and Women of France during the Eighteenth Century, 1852. Mark (St., the Evangelist). CHARACTERISTICS OF ST. MARK'S GOSPELS Westcott's Study of the Gospels, 1894. GENERAL Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. Ramsey's Church in the Roman Empire, 1893. Ramsey's Paul the Traveller, 1897. Marken (An Island in the Zuyder Zee). QUAINT MARKEN Eng. Illus. Mag., v. 15, 1896. Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Market Harborough, Leicestershire. ACCOUNT OF MARKET HARBOROUGH Rimmer's Rugby, 1892. Gentleman's Mag. Library [Eng. Topography] , v. 7, 1896. Markets. A CHEAP MARKET [In London] Chambers' Journal, vol. 46, 1869. A HIGHLAND MARKET Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. BOROUGH MARKET [London] All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. ELIZABETHAN MARKET AND FAIRS Harrison's Elizabethan England, 1889. IN FAIR AND MARKET Ditchfield's Our English Towns, 1897. LONDON MARKETS Tallerman's Agricultural Distress and Trade Depression, 1889. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. MUNICIPAL MARKETS London, vol. i, 1893. POOR MAN AT THE MARKET Chambers' Journal, vol. 25, 1856. TOLLS AND MARKET RIGHTS Bradlaugh's Speeches, 1890. Markham (A. H., Rear-Admiral, born 1841). ILLUS. INTERVIEW Strand, vol. 10, 1895. Markham (Sir Clements R., President of the Royal Geographical Society, born 1830). SIR CLEMENTS MARKHAM AND THE ROYAL GEOG. SOCIETY Strand Mag., vol. 13, 1897. Marks. See Signs, Trade Marks, etc. Marks (Henry Stacy, Painter, died 1898). ILLUS. INTERVIEW Strand, vol. 2, 1891. Marks Hall, near Coggeshall, Essex (A Tudor Mansion, for 300 years the seat of the Honywoods) Rush's Seats in Esses, 1897. MARLBOROUGH-MABRIAGE Marlborough, Wiltshire. ACCOUNT OF MARLBOROUGH COLLEGE Staunton's Schools of England, 1865. MARLBOROUGH: TOWN AND SCHOOL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 4, 1882. Marlborougb, (John Churchill, Duke of, English General and Statesman, died 1722). LOVE LETTERS OF MARLBOROUGH Love Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888. MARLBOROUGH'S UNCONSCIOUS TREASON Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. MYSTERIOUS LETTERS OF THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH Leisure Hour, v. 43,1894. WARS OF MARLBOROUGH Valentine's Land Battles, 1880. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 3 [portrait], 1849. Groves' Some Notable Generals, 1892. Edgar's Heroes of England, 1861. Hosack's Law of Nations, i8S2. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. n, 1846. Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages, 1850. Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers, 1865. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Wilkinson's From Cromwell to Wellington, 1899. Marlborough (Sarah Jennings, Duchess of, wife of above, died 1744) Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. And under Jennings (Sarah). Marlowe (Christopher, Dramatist, died 1593). BRIEF SKETCH Harper's Mag., v. 24, '92. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Henry Kingsley's Fireside Studies, 1876. Theatre, v. 16, 1890. GENERAL Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Tancock's Introduction to Marlowe's Edward III. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Marmontel (J. F., French Poet, Novelist, and Dramatist, died 1799). COMMENTS ON MARMONTEL AND HIS WRITINGS Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. Marmora (Sea of, between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean) Brassey's Sunshine and Storm, 1881. Marne River, France Macgregor's " Rob Roy " Canoe on Rivers of Europe, 1875. Maronites (Christian Syrians living near Mount Lebanon) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 2, 1830. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 126, 1879. Maroons (Fugitive slaves) Edinburgh Rev., vol. 2, 1803. Tinsley's Mag., vol. 2, i86P. Marot (Clement, French Poet, died 1544) Besant's Early French Poetry, 1868. Lady Jackson's Court of France [Portrait], 1886. Vandam's Amours of Great Men, 1878. Marquesas Islands, Pacific Ocean. CUSTOMS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. MARRIAGE. (See also Match-Making, Matrimony, Wedlock, Wives, Women, etc.) ADVICE ON MARRIAGE BY A CYNIC Temple Bar, vol. 34 [page 364], 1872. ADVICE TO YOUNG MARRIED PEOPLE Temple Bar, vol. 26 [page 498], 1869. AFTER MARRIAGE All the Year Round, vol. 70, 1892. [1894. ANCIENT MARRIAGE CONTRACTS AND CEREMONIES Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, ARTIFICIAL SELECTION AND THE MARRIAGE PROBLEM The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. BUCKS AND OXON MARRIAGE BONDS Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour., vol. 2. CHAPTER ON MARRIAGES Smiles' Life and Labour, 1887. CHIEF REASON FOR MARRIAGE The Young Woman, vol. 6, 1897. CHINESE BIRTH, MARRIAGE AND DEATH RITES Folk-lore Journal, vol. 5, 1887. CHINA. PECULIAR MARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN CHINA Daily Mail, March 22, 1898. MARRIAGE LAWS AND USAGES IN CHINA Field's Corner of Cathay, 1894. CHINA AND JAPAN. MARRIAGE CUSTOMS Spofford's Lib. of Choice Literature, v. 10, MARRIAGE IN CHINA Chambers' Journal, vol. 50, 1873. [1890. CHURCH CEREMONY OF MARRIAGE Antiquary, vol. 7, 1883. CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS MARRIAGE Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. CIVIL MARRIAGE Lecky's Democracy and Liberty, 1896. COMPANIONSHIP IN MARRIAGE Smiles' Character, 1874. CURIOSITIES OF MARRIAGE LAW AND RITUAL Temple Bar, vol. 23, 1868. CURIOUS PROPOSALS OF MARRIAGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. DEVELOPMENT OF MARRIAGE Starcke's Primitive Family, 1889. DIVORCE AND MARRIAGE Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. DORSET MARRIAGE CUSTOMS Dorset Field Club Proceedings, vol. 14. ETIQUETTE OF MARRIAGE IN FRANCE Temple Bar, vol. 36 [page 279], 1872. FOLK-LORE AND CUSTOMS OF MARRIAGE Tyach's Lore of the English Church, 1899. GENIUS AND MARRIAGE Finck's Romantic Love and Personal Beauty, vol. i, 1887. HATCHES, MATCHES AND DESPATCHES [Birth, Marriage and Death Rates] Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. HIGH CHURCH DOCTRINE AS TO MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE Contemp. Rev., v. 68, '95. IN DEFENCE OF WORLDLY MOTHERS National Review, vol. 29, 1897. INDIAN CHILD MARRIAGE AND MURDER Morning Leader, April i, 1898. INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE Malthus' Essay on Population, 1888. Is MARRIAGE A LOTTERY ? Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. JAPANESE MARRIAGE RITES Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. JUDICIAL SHOCK TO MARRIAGE Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. LAW OF MARRIAGE Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Chambers' Journal, vol. 36. 1861. Lecky's Democracy and Liberty, 1896. LOTTERY OF MARRIAGE Friswell's The Gentle Life : Essays, 1886. LOVE AND MARRIAGE British Essayists, vol. 10, 1823. MANCHUS' MARRIAGE CEREMONIES Folk-lore, vol. i, 1890. MARRIAGE AMONG ENGLISH ARISTOCRACY Temple Bar, vol. 4 [page 329], 1862. MARRIAGE AND A SINGLE LIFE Good Words, vol. 4, 1863. MARRIAGE AND MORALS Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. 2B [ 385 ] MARRIAGE-MARS Mar riage (cont inu ed). MARRIAGE AS A DISCIPLINE OF CHARACTER Hardy's Manners Makyth Man, 1887. MARRIAGE BY CAPTURE All the Year Round, vol. 50, 1882. Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. McLennan's Studies in Ancient History, 1876. MARRIAGE CUSTOMS Hutchinson's Marriage Customs in Many Lands, 1897. Chambers' Jour., vol. 58, 1881. Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Manners and Cus.J, 1883. MARRIAGE FORECASTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. MARRIAGE IN THE LIGHT OF THE NEW IDEALISM Sheldon's Ethical Movement, 1896. MARRIAGE OF CLERGY Heylyn's Reformation. 1859. MARRIAGE OF WARDS OF COURT Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. MARRIAGE ON SMALL INCOMES Temple Bar, vol. 9 [page 506], 1863. MARRIAGE QUESTIONS IN FICTION Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. MARRIAGE SERVICE Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. MARRIAGE SETTLEMENTS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. MARRIAGE WITH A DECEASED WIFE'S SISTER Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. MARRIED LOVERS Good Words, vol. n, 1870. MATHEMATICS OF MARRIAGE Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. MATRIMONY ON A NEW BASIS Truth, vol. 29, 1891. MAY-FAIR MARRIAGES Walford's Londoniana, 1879. MODERN ASSAULTS ON MARRIAGE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. MODERN MARRIAGE MARKET Lady's Realm, vols. i and 2, 1896-7. MORALITY OF MARRIED LIFE Fortnightly Review, vol. 18, 1872. MORGANATIC MARRIAGES Chambers' Journal, vol. 37, 1862. Truth, vol. 10, 1881. MUTUAL RELATIONS OF MEN AND WOMEN New Review, vol. 13, 1895. OLD CUSTOMS AT WEDDINGS Andrews' Old Church Ale, 1891. ON HUMAN MARRIAGE International Journal of Ethics, vol. 3, 1892-3. PHILOSOPHY AND POETRY OF MARRIAGE Mortimer Collins" Pen Sketches, 1879. PROSPECTS OF MARRIAGE FOR WOMEN Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. PURITY AND MARRIAGE Brace's Gesta Christi, 1882. REMARKABLE SIDE OF MARRIAGE All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. RIGHTS OF MARRIAGE Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. RINGS: BETROTHAL AND WEDDING Wood's Wedding-Day in all Ages, 1869. ROYAL MARRIAGES OF 1897 Lady's Realm, vols. i and 2, 1896-7. RUSSIAN MARRIAGES Hare's Studies in Russia, 1885. SARDINIAN MARRIAGES Chambers' Journal, vol. 24, 1855. SAVAGES : MARRIAGES AMONG SAVAGES Greenwood's Wild Man at Home, 1879. Lubbock's Origin of Civilization, 1875. SCOTLAND: SOME CURIOUS MARRIAGE CUSTOMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. SHORT HISTORY OF MARRIAGE Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. SLAVES OF THE RING All the Year Round, vol. 20, 1868. SLAVONIC MARRIAGE CUSTOMS Chambers' Journal, v. 67, 1890. Folk-lore, v. 1,1890. SOME DISUSED ROADS TO MATRIMONY New Review, vol. 14, 1896. SPANISH ROYAL MARRIAGES, 1840-7 Memoirs of Baron Stockmar, 1872. SUPPOSED ABOLITION OF TIES Temple Bar, vol. 25 [page 319], 1869. WEDDING NOTICES IN THE LAST CENTURY Andrews' Bygope England, 1892. WEDDINGS IN TANGIER Perrier's Winter in Morocco, 1873. WHO SHOULD PROPOSE? Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. i WHY MEN DON'T MARRY Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. WOMAN WHO DID [Reviewed] Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. WOMAN IN MARRIAGE Argosy, vol 59, 1895. WOMEN AND MARRIAGE Hamerton's Intellectual Life, 1873. WOMAN'S CHANCE OF MARRIAGE Strand Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. YOUNG MEN AND MARRIAGE The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Burden's Oriental Literature, 1822. Burnet's Thirty-nine Articles, 1826. Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Cook's Boston Monday Lectures, 1861. Cunningham's Path Towards Knowledge, 1891. Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. Jeaffreson's Book About Clergy, 1870. Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. McLennan's Ancient History and Primitive Marriage, 1876. Marriott (Charles, a man of saintly life, died 1858) Burgon's Twelve Good Men, 1888. Mozley's Reminiscences, vol. i, 1882. Marryat (Florence [Mrs. Francis Lean] , Novelist, daughter of Captain Marryat, born 1837). INTERVIEW [WITH PORTRAIT] Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Marryat (Capt. Fred., Noted Writer of Naval Stories, died 1848). ESSAY ON CAPTAIN MARRYAT Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. LIFE AND LETTERS OF MARRYAT [Review] Chambers' Journal, vol. 49, 1872. SEA NOVELS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 27, 1873. GENERAL Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Mars (Greek and Roman God of War) Seyffert's Classical Antiquities, 1895. Mars (the Planet). BRIGHT PROJECTIONS OF MARS TERMINATOR Nature, v. 50, 1894. CANALS OF MARS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. Is MARS INHABITED? Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 7, 1895. LIFE IN MARS Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. MARS AS A WORLD Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1892. Good Words, vol. 34, 1893. Leisure Hour, vol. 41, 1892. NEW VIEWS ABOUT MARS Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. [386] MARS-MARVELL Mars (continued). SCHIAPARELLI ON MARS Nature, vol. 51, 1894-5. THE PLANET MARS Nature, vol. 47, 1893. GENERAL Brown's Science for All, 1897. Nature, vol. g, 1873-4. See Astronomy, etc. Mars (Mdlle. [Anne Boutet Monvell, French Actress, died 1847) Lady Jackson's Court of the Tuileries [portrait], 1883. All the Year Round, vol. 42, 1878-9. Marsden (Kate, Philanthropist, born 1860). HER WORK AMONG THE LEPERS OF SIBERIA Review of Reviews, vol. 6, 1892. NOTICE OF Miss KATE MARSDEN Argosy, vol. 51, 1891. " Marseillaise " (French Patriotic Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Marseilles (Principal Seaport of France). ABOUT MARSEILLES Longman's Mag , v. 26, AQUEDUCT OF MARSEILLES Chambers' Journal, voi. 13, 1850. [1895. MARSEILLES IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Young's Travels in France, 1889. MARSEILLES UNDER A WAR ASPECT Chambers' Journal, vol. 31, 1859. GENERAL Baedeker's Southern France, V.D. Black's Riviera, V.D. Gould's Troubadour Land, 1891. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Murray's France, V.D. Murray's Guide to Mediterranean, V.D. Marsh (George P., American Philologist, Diplomatist and Politician, died 1882) Gris- wold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Marshes* Blackwood's Mag., vol. 152, 1892. Davies' Norfolk Broads and Rivers, 1884. Marsico (A City of Italy) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Marston (John, Dramatist and Poet, died 1634) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. igth Cent., vol. 24, 1888. Ward's English Dramatic Literature, 1875. Marston Moor (Noted for a battle fought here between the Royalists and Cromwellians, 1644). AN ANNIVERSARY STUDY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. VISIT TO MARSTON MOOR, MAY, 1862 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. Marsupials (Pouch-bearing Animals). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 15, 1848. Wood's Natural History, vol. i, 1860. THE ORDER MARSUPIALIA Nicholson & Lydekker's Palaa6ntology, 1889. Martial de Paris (French Poet, died 1508) Besant's Early French Poetry, 1868. Martial Law Chambers' Journal, vol. 43, 1866. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 15, 1867. Martin (A Bird of the Swallnw Species). INDIAN FAIRY MARTIN [with Illustrations] Sharpe's Wonders ot the Bird World, 1898. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. u, 1890. Morris' British Birds, vol. 2, 1891. Martin (St., Bishop of Tours, died about 397) Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Martin IV. ([Simon de Brion], Pope, died 1285) Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. Martin V. ([Ottone Colonna], Pope, died 1431) Milman's Latin Christianity, v. 8, 1872. Martin (Claude, French Soldier, died 1800) Davenport's Individuals who have raised themselves, 1841. [History, 1892. Martin (Sir James, Colonial Statesman, died 1886) Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian Martin (Sarah, Prison Visitor, died 1843) Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1889. Gray's Wise Words and Loving Deeds, 1880. Owen's Heroines of Domestic Life, 1862. Martin (Thomas Byam, Admiral, died 1854) James' Naval History, 6 vols., 1837. Martineau (Harriet, Noted Author, died 1876). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. ESSAY ON HARRIET MARTINEAU Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. RECOLLECTIONS OF HARRIET MARTINEAU Cornhill Magazine, vol. 49, 1884. GENERAL Adams' Celebrated Englishwomen, 1884. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1889. Macpherson's Life of Anna Jameson, 1878. Nineteenth Century, vol. 2, 1877. Walford's Twelve English Authoresses, 1892. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Maclise's Port. Gallery, 1873. Martinez de la Rosa (Francisco, Spanish Statesman and Poet, died 1862) Kennedy's Poets of Spain, 1852 Martinique, French West Indies Bates' Central America and the West Indies, 1885. Coleridge's West Indies in 1825. Paton's Down the Islands, 1888. Martinmas (The Feast of St. Martin, 11th November) Antiquary, vol. 6, 1882. Martyn (Henry, Orientalist, died 1812). LIFE OF MARTYN Good Words, vol. 6, 1865. GENERAL Benson's Men of Might, 1892. Gurney's God's Heroes, 1858. Martyrs. AN ARMY OF MARTYRS Wylie's History of Protestantism, vol. 3, 1875-7. CASE OF THE WIGTOWN MARTYRS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. CATHOLIC MARTYRS OF i6TH CENTURY Fronde's History of England, 1870. [1877. JOHN FOXE THE MARTYROLOGIST AND HIS FAMILY Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., vol. 5, MARTYR OF ALGIERS [Geronimo, a Christian] Little's Sunshine and Storm, 1892. SPANISH MARTYRS Quiver, vol. 14, 1879. GE BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Marvell (Andrew, Poet, died 1678). [387] MARVYN- MASON Marvyn (Sir Audley, Sergeant and Speaker in the Irish Parliament 1661 to 1666) Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 3, 1874. Marx (Karl, German Socialist, died 1883). KARL MARX AND SOCIAL REFORM Progressive Rev., vol. 2, 1897. GENERAL Rae's Contemporary Socialism, 1891. Mary (The Virgin, Mother o/ Jesus) Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Milm'an's History of Christianity, 1875. Sale's Koran, 1891. Mary (Qtieen of England, died 1558). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. CHARACTER Fraser's Magazine, vol. 92, 1875. BURNINGS UNDER MARY Wylie's History of Protestantism, vol. 3, 1877. NEW FACTS IN THE HISTORY OF QUEEN MARY Macmillan's Mag., vol. 19, 1868-9. GENERAL Blunt's Sketches of the Reformation, 1832. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Cobbett's Protestant Reformation, 1857. Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 3, 1880. Froude's History of England, 1870. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Hume's Courtships of Queen Elizabeth, 1898. Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. Neat's History of the Puritans, 1822. Price's Protestant Nonconformity, 1836. Strick- land's Lives of the Queens of England, 1869. Dublin Review, vol. 117, 1895. Mary (Queen of England, daughter of James II. ; reigned conjointly with William of Orange, died 1694) Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Strickland's Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman Conquest, 1869. Mary Beatrice Of Modena (Queen-Consort of James II., died 1718) Strickland's Lives of the Queens of England, 1869. Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Mary Magdalene (St.). EXPOSITORY NOTES Contemporary Pulpit (2nd sen), v. 9, '93. Mary of England (Daughter of George II., died 1772) Hall's Royal Princesses, 1858. Mary (Princess, second daughter of Henry VII., and Queen of Louis XII. of France, died 1533) Strickland's Tudor Princesses, 1868. Mary (Princess, Duchess of Gloucester, daughter of George III., died 1857) Hall's Royal Princesses, 1858. Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots, beheaded 1587). LAST MOMENTS OF MARY STUART All the Year Round, vol. 32, 1874. Once a Week, vol. 25. LETTERS OF MARY Mahon's Historical Essays, 1849. MARY'S TRIAL AND EXECUTION Dr. Macaulay's Thrilling Tales, 1890. MARY STUART AT ST. GERMAIN'S Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856. Froude's History of England, 1870. Hume's Courtships of Queen Elizabeth, 1898. Jones' Recollections of Royalty, 1828. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Mackintosh's Scotland, 1891. Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, 1890. Owen's Heroines of History, 1854. Blackwood'sMag., v. ioi,'67. Maryland, United States (One of the thirteen original States). CERTAIN WORTHIES AND DAMES OF OLD MARYLAND Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. EASTERN SHORES OF MARYLAND Harper's Magazine, vol. 43 [American Edition]. HOMES AND WAYS IN OLD MARYLAND Century Magazine, vol. 27. 1894-5. GENERAL Russell's North America, 1857. Trollope's North America, 1862. Marylebone, London. CHRONICLES OF MARYLEBONE All Year Round, v. 27, 1871-2. Masai-Land, Equal. Africa. How I CROSSED MASAI-LAND Scribner's Mag., v. 6, 1889. THOMSON'S TRAVELS IN MASAI-LAND Africa & its Exploration [Sampson Low], 1894. Masaniello (Tommaso, Neapolitan Demagogue, assassinated 1647). RISE AND FALL OF MASANIELLO Lawson's Remarkable Conspiracies, vol. 2, 1829. GENERAL Bentley's Miscellany, vol. 23, 1848. Smith's Romance of History, 1895. Mascagni (Pietro, Italian Composer, born 1863). COMPOSER OF " CAVALLERIA RUSTI- CANA " Argosy, vol. 52, 1891. Saturday Review, vol. 74, 1892. EARLY LIFE OF MASCAGNI Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 3, 1894. Masham (Mrs., Maid of Queen A nne, died 1734) Coxe's Memoirs of Marlborough, 1847. Mashonaland, South Africa. GOLDEN MASHONALAND Scribner's Mag., vol. 11,1892. HUNTING TRIP TO THE MASHUNA COUNTRY Selous' Hunter's Wanderings in Africa, 1895. LORD R. CHURCHILL'S EXPEDITION TO MASHONALAND Daily Graphic, vol. 6, 1891. ORIGIN OF THE MASHONALAND RUINS Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. RUINED TEMPLES IN MASHONALAND Journal of the Anthrop. Institute, vol. 26. RUINS OF MASHONALAND Renort of the British Association, 1892. GENERAL Churchill's Men, Mines, and Animals, 1892. Mathers' Zambesia, 1891. Maskew (J., Minister, died 1793) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers-, vol. 4, 1870. Masks. MAKING A LIKE MASK Strand Magazine, vol. 16, 1898. GENERAL Gentleman's Mag. (n.s.), vol. 18, 1877. Strand Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. " Masks and Faces " (A play by Charles Keade and Tom Taylor) Theatre, v. 5, 1885. Mason (Canon Arthur J., Prof, of Divinity, Cambridge) Contemporary Pulpit, v. 4, 1885. Mason (George, Painter, died 1872) Longman's Magazine, vol. 30, 1897. Mason (John, Theologian, died 1763) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 3, 1870. Mason (Sir Josiah, Philanthropist, made a fortune by steel pen manufacture; endowed scientific college at Birmingham, died 1881). SKETCH OF THE RISE OF THE FIRM Japp's Successful Business Men, 1892. GENERAL Cochrane's Beneficent and Useful Lives, 1890. Dent's Making of Birmingham, 1894. Illustrated London News, vol. 55, 1869. [388] MASON-MATCHES Mason (William, Poet, died 1797) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Masonic Lodges, etc. See Freemasonry. Masonry. ETRUSCAN FRAGMENTS Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. REMARKS ON MASONRY Sppn's Mechanic's Own Books, 1889. STONE MASONRY Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. STYLES OF MASONRY IN PALESTINE Flinders Petrie's Tell-el-Hesy, 1891. Masquerades. FOLLIES OF FASHION Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 7, 1895. Masr-el-Kahira, Cairo. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. xi, 1864-5. See also Cairo. Masrium. THE NEW ELEMENT Nature, vol. 46, 1892. Mass (A Roman Catholic Religious Service or Rite). ABOLITION OF MASS Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. GENERAL Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Massachusetts, United States. CAPE COD, NANTUCKET, AND THE VINEYARD Harper's Magazine, vol. 51 [American Edition]. PERSECUTIONS IN MASSACHUSETTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 3, 1845. SHAY'S REBELLION Harper's Magazine [American Edition], vol. 24, 1862. SUMMER IN MASSACHUSETTS Harper's Magazine [American Edition], vol. 22, 1861. GENERAL Hayden & Selwyn's North America, 1883. Russell's North America, 1857. Massacres, GREAT MASSACRE OF PRISONERS AT PARIS, 1794 Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1878. MASSACRE OF AN AFRICAN TRIBE Selous' Hunter's Wanderings in Africa, 1895. MASSACRE OF GLENCOE Macaulay's History of England, 1868. Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, 1882. MASSACRE OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW Cobbett's Protestant Reformation, 1857. MASSACRES IN FRANCE Smiles' Huguenots : their Settlements, etc., 1868. Massage (A form of Medical treatment, in which tlie body is rubbed, squeezed and kneaded). A JAPANESE SHAMPOOER Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. JAPANESE MASSAGE Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. LADY MANNERS ON MASSAGE Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. THE PRACTICE OF MASSAGE Nature, vol. 54, 1896. Popular Science Monthly, vol. 44, 1894 ; and vol. 49, 1896. Massena (Andre, Due de Rivoli, French Marshal, died 1817) Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers, 1865. Temple Bar, vol. 94, 1892. Massinger (Philip, Dramatist, died 1640) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Dramatic Literature, 1875. Massingham (Henry W., Editor of the "Daily Chronicle," born 1860). A GIFTED EDITOR English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. MasSOn (David, Historiographer-Royal for Scotland, born 1832) Barrie's Edinburgh Eleven, 1889. The Young Man, vol. n, 1897. Master Of the Horse. CONCERNING THE OFFICE OF THE MASTER OF THE HORSE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. Masters. MASTERS AND WORKMEN Macmillan's Mag., vol. 4, 1861. See Labour, etc. Mastication. GROWTH OF VOLUNTARY POWER Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875. Mastiff (A race of large dogs). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 19, 1848. See also Dog. Mastodon (Extinct species of Elephant). DESCRIPTION AND PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 23, 1848. THE MASTODON AND THE WOOLLY RHINOCEROUS Hutchinson's Extinct Monsters, 1897. Melville's In the Lena Delta, 1885. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 19, 1853. See also Elephant, Fossils, Mammoth, etc. Masut. THE NEW SUBSTITUTE FOR COAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. Matabeleland, South Africa. CHARTERED COMPANY AND MATABELELAND National Review, vol. 26, 1896. Review of Reviews, vol. 12, 1895. DESCRIPTION OF MATABELES Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. HISTORY OF MATABELELAND Mathers' Zambesia, 1891. MATABELE REBELLION Argosy, vol, 62, 1896. Saturday Review, vol. 76, 1893. MATABELELAND AND ITS PEOPLE Sunday Magazine, vol. 30, 1894. SETTLEMENT OF MATABELELAND Daily Graphic, vol. 18, 1894, THE GOD WHO PROMISED VICTORY TO THE MATABELE igth Century, vol. 40, 1896. Match-Making. IN REGARD TO MARRIAGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. See also Marriage, Matrimony. Matches. A Box OF MATCHES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 3, 1877. How MATCHES ARE MADE Andom's Industrial Explorings, 1896. INVENTION OF FRICTION MATCHES Andrews' Bygone England, 1892. LUCIFER MATCHES Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. Good Words, vol. 27, 1886. See also Lucifer Matches. LuciFER-Box MAKING Parkinson's Places and People, 1869. MATCH-BOX MAKING All the Year Round, vol. 17, 1866-7. MATCH-BOX MAKERS OF LONDON Young Woman, vol. 6, 1897. MATCH-BOX MAKING AT HOME English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. MATCH FACTORY AT Bow Sunday Magazine, vol. 21, 1885. [389] MATERIALISM-MAUNDY THURSDAY Materialism (In Philosophy that system which denies the existence of a spiritual prin- ciple in man). DISCOURSES ON MATERIALISM Haweis' Current Coin, 1876. FALLACY OF MATERIALISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. MATERIALISM UNTENABLE Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. REFLECTIONS UPON PSYCHO-PHYSICAL MATERIALISM Mind, vol. 3, 1894. SCIENTIFIC MATERIALISM Tyndall's Fragments of Science, 1871. TRANCENDENTALISM AND MATERIALISM Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. WHAT is MATERIALISM ? Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. GENERAL Huxley's Evolution and Ethics, 1893. Newnham's Body and Mind, 1842. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. See also Matter. Maternity. ESSAY ON MATERNITY Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. See also Mothers, Women, Children, Sex, etc. Mathematics. GUIDE TO MATHEMATICS Bain's Education as a Science. 1889. MATHEMATICAL TRIPOS AND THE PRIVATE STUDY OF MATHEMATICS Todhunter's Conflict of Studies, 1873. NATURE OF MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. PRESENT STATE OF MATHEMATICS Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. QUETELET ON THE SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES CHEZ LES BELGES British Association Report, 1835. STUDY OF MATHEMATICS AS AN EXERCISE OF MIND Hamilton's Philosophy and Literature, 1852. Edinburgh Review, vol. 62, 1835-6. THE FOURTH DIMENSION Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. Mathers (Helen [Mrs. Henry Reeves], Novelist, botn 1853) Men and Women of the Day [portrait], 1888. Mathew (Father, Apostle of Temperance, died 1856) Kirton's World's Workers, 1883. Mathews (Charles, Comedian, died 1835) Hodder's Memories, 1870. Lord William Pitt Lennox's .Reminiscences, 1863. Marston's Our Recent Actors, 1890. Mathews (Charles James, Son of above, Actor, died 1878) Macmillan's Mag., v. 40, 1879. MatheWS (Mrs. Charles [Madame Vestris], Wife of C. Mathews, the younger, Actress, died 1856) Pascoe's Dramatic List, 1880. Mathews (Cornelius, American Miscellaneous Writer, born 1815) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Matilda Of Boulogne (Queen Consort of Stephen, died 1152)- Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Matilda Of Flanders (Queen Consort of William the Conqueror, died 1083) Stiick- land's Queens of England, 1869. Archaeologia, vol. 32. Matilda Of Scotland (Queen Consort of Henry I., died 1118) Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Matlock, Derbyshire (Noted for its hot springs) Baddeley's Peak District, V.D. Black's Guides, etc., V.D. Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [English Topography, part iii.], 1893. Matrimony. CANDIDATES FOR MATRIMONY All the Year Round, vol. 30, 1873. CURIOSITIES AND SUPERSTITIONS OF MATRIMONY Chambers' Journal, v. 48, 1871. FROM BANNS TO MARRIAGE All the Year Round, vol. 41, 1878." MATRIMONIAL ADVERTISEMENTS Sampson's Advertising, 1875. MATRIMONY AND MATCHMAKING All the Year Round, v. 50, 1882. See also Marriage. Mattel (Count, Italian Nobleman, Discoverer of an alleged cure for Cancer, born 1809). MATTEI AND HIS CANCER REMEDY Review of Reviews, v. 3, ifgi, v. 6, 1892. Matter (That which occupies space, and through which force is manifested). ON THE ATOMIC CONSTITUTION OF MATTER Henry's Scientific Writings, 1886. RELATION OF FORCE TO MATTER Somerville's Molecular Science, 1869. SCIENTIFIC ESSAY ON MATTER Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. STATES OF MATTER Wright's Threshold of Science, 1891. STRUCTURE OF MATTER Tail's Physical Science, 1876. GENERAL Billing's .Scientific Materialism, 1879. Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Laing's Modern Science and Modern Thought, 1891. Matterhorn (A Peak of the Pennine Alps on borders of Switzerland and Italy). A WOMAN'S ASCENT OF THE MATTERHORN English Illustrated, vol. 16, 1896-7. ATTEMPTS TO ASCEND THE MATTERHORN Whymper's Scrambles amongst the Alps, MATTERHORN AND ITS VICTIMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. [1871. Matthew (St., Apostle of Jesus Christ). MATTHEW OF THE GOSPELS Reed's Companions of the Lord, 1873. Westcott's Study of the Gospels, 1875. WERE MATTHEW AND ZACCH.US THE SAME PERSON? Expositor, v. 8 (sth ser.), 1898. Matthews (Katharine, Wife of Philip Henry, mother of Matthew Henry, died 1707) Anderson's Memorable Women, 1862. MattO GrosSO (A western state of Brazil) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 30, 1830. Maturin (Charles Robert, Irish Novelist and Poet, died 1824) Smiles' Murray, 1891. Maty (Paul Henry, Sec. of the Royal Soc., died 1787) Gentleman's Magazine, 1787. Lindsey's Unitarian Doctrine, 1783. Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1843. Mauchline, Ayrshire Mrs. Hawthorne's Notes in England and Italy, ib6g. Maule (Sir Wm., Judge, died 1858) Robinson's Bench and Bar, 1691. Maundy Thursday (Thursday in Passion Week; the day on which the Queen's bounty, called Maundy Money, is distributed) All the Year Round, vol. 64, ib8p. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Gent. Mag. Lib. [Popular Superstitions], 1884. [390J MAUPASSANT-MAZARIN Maupassant (Guy de, French Novelist, died 1893) CRITICAL NOTICE Temple Bar, SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2,1893-4. [vol. 103, 1894. Maurice (Byzantine Emperor, killed 602) Evagrius" History of the Church, 1846. Maurice (Count of Nassau, died 1625) Motley's Life of Barneveld, 1875. Maurice (Frederick Denison, Noted Divine and Philosopher, died 1872). IN MEMORIAM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 26, 1872. Good Words, vol. 13, 1872. MAURICE AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES Haweis' Dead Pulpit, 1896. MEN I HAVE KNOWN. By Dean Farrar Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. GENERAL Davidson's Life of Tait, 1891. Good Words, vol. 25, i8S4. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 50, 1884. Rigg's Modern Anglican Theology, 1857. Mauritius (An Island Colony of Great Britain in the Indian Ocean). CAPTURE OF THE ISLE OF FRANCE IN itiio James' Naval History, vol. 5, 1878. GLIMPSES OK MAURITIUS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. ISLAND OF MAURITIUS Mountains and Mountain-Climbing, 1883. THE GEM OF THE OCEAN All the Year Round, vol. 75, 1894. GENERAL Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Napier's Wild Sports, 1844. Maury (M. F., American Naval Officer and Hydrographer, died 1873) Temple Bar [Portrait], vol. 38, 1873. Southern Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. Maxentius (Roman Emperor, drowned 312) Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Maxim (Hiram S., noted Inventor, born 1840). EXPERIMENTS IN ./RIAL NAVIGATION Century Magazine, vol. 27, 1895. ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. MAXIM FLYING MACHINE Nature, vol. 52, 1898. MAXIM GUN Navy and Army, vol. 5, 1897-8. MR. HIRAM S. MAXIM Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1897. Maximianus I. (Roman Emperor, strangled himself by command 310) Bury's Roman Empire, 1873. Maximilian (Emperor of Mexico, shot 1867). FALL OF MAXIMILIAN Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1897-8. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 1879. NAPOLEON AND MAXIMILIAN Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. Maxims (Established principles or self-evident truths), MATRIMONIAL MAXIMS. By a Married Man Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. MAXIMS BY A MAN OF THE WORLD Chambers' Journal, vol. 44, 1867. Maxwell (Darcy, Lady, died 1810) Hack's Faithful Service, 1885. Maxwell (James Clerk, Electrician, died 1879} Munro's Pioneers of Electricity, 1890. May (Phil, Caricaturist, born 1864). INTERVIEW [portrait] Cassell's Saturday Journal, PHIL MAY AND HIS WORK Young Man, vol. n, 1897. [1896-7. MAY. ANCIENT CUSTOMS ON MAY DAY All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. MAY CAROLS Nineteenth Century, vol, 41, 1897. MAY CUSTOMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 46, 1869. MAY DAY CELEBRATIONS Daily Graphic, vol. 14, 1893. MAY DAY CUSTOMS Antiquary, vol. 5, 1882. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. Recreations of Christopher North, vol. 2, 1864. MAY DAY IN LIVERPOOL Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. MAY DAY IN THE OLDEN TIMES Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. MAY DAY SPORTS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893-4. MAY FESTIVAL AND THE CHIMNEY SWEEPERS Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. MAY IN LONDON Household Words, vol. 3, 1851. MAY QUEENS Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. PROF. RUSKIN'S MAY DAY FESTIVAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. GENERAL Chambers' Book of Days, 1862. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 69, 1864. Maya Inscriptions. ARCHAIC MAYA INSCRIPTIONS Nature, vol. 56, 1897. Mayence, Mainz or Mentz, Hesse Darmstadt Baedeker's Rhine, V.D. Mayfleld Palace, Sussex (said to have been built by St. Dunstan ; Residence of several Archbishops of Canterbury, and now a Nunnery) Hissey's Holiday on the Road. " Mayflower " (A Ship in which the English Pilgrims sailed to Massachusetts in 1620). THE MEN OF THE "MAYFLOWER" Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes in History, 1882. Cheever's Journal of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1849. Maynard. (Sir John, Lawyer, died 1690) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Mayne (Jasper, Poet and Theologian, died 1672) Campbell's British Poets, 1844. Maynooth College (Irish Roman Catholic College) Inglis' Ireland, 1835. Mayo (R. S. Bourke, Sixth Earl of, Viceroy of India, assassinated 1872) Strachey's Public Works of India, 1882. Mayoralty. INSIGNIA OF MAYORALTY Magazine of Art, vol. 12, :88g. Mazarin Bible (The first printed Bible, and probably the first printed book ; called the Mazarin Bible because the first to be noticed of the few remaining copies was found in the library of Cardinal Mazarin; printed about 1455 by Gutenberg & Fust; at present worth 4,000) Facsimiles from Early Printed Books [British Museum Publications] , 1897. Fitzgerald's Book Fancier, 1887. Gordon Duff's Early Printed Books, 1893. Mazarin (Jules, Cardinal and Minister of France, died 1661) Edinburgh Rev., v. 123, 1866. Rothschild's Personal Char, from French History, 1896. Temple Bar, v. 46, 1876. [39i] MAZES-MEDICI Mazes ANCIENT AND MODERN MAZES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. MAZE AT HAMPTON COURT Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. MAZE AT SENS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1890. Mazzini (Guiseppe, Italian Patriot, died 1872). LIFE AND WRITINGS OF MAZZINI Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. Nineteenth Century, vol. 37, 1895. MAZZINI AND MEDICI Garibaldi's Autobiography, 1889. MEMOIR OF MAZZINI Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 25, 1871-2. Mead (Richard, Court Physician to George II., died 1754) British Physicians [Family Library], 1830. LIBRARY OF MEAD Bibliographica, vol. i, 1895. Meals. EARLY ENGLISH MEALS AND MANNERS Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 32, 1868. See also Food, etc. Meaning 1 . SCIENCE OF MEANING Fortnightly Review, vol. 68 (n s.), 1897. Meare, near Glastonbury, Somersetshire. MANOR HOUSE, MEARE, SOMERSET Archaeological Journal, vol. 10, 1853. Measures. ANCIENT WELSH MEASURES OF LAND Archaeologia Cambrensis, 5th series, vol. 13. See also Weights and Measures. [1888. Measuring. INSTRUMENTS FOR MEASURING Heather's Mathematical Instruments, METHODS OF MEASURING Shelley's Workshop Appliances, 1883. See also Surveying. Meat. DEAD MEAT MARKET Tallerman's Trade Depression, 1889. DRY MEAT All the Year Round, vol. 13, 1865. MEAT AT STARVATION PRICE Good Words, vol. 7, 1866. MEAT POISONING Journal of State Medicine, vol. 5, 1897. ON THE EXTRACT OF MEAT Nature, vol. 2, 1870. OUR DAILY MEAT Daily Graphic, vol. 21, 1895. THE MEAT QUESTION Cassell's Magazine, vol. 6, 1880. Meaux Abbey, Yorkshire (A Cistercian Priory, founded 1150). ANNALS OF THE ABBEY Transactions of the East Riding Antiquarian Society, vol.' i. Mecca (Capital of Arabia; birthplace of Mohammed). BURTON'S PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA Dr. Macaulay's Wonderful Stories, 1887. MECCA AND MEDINA Harper's Magazine, vol. 14 [American Edition]. Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, :8go. PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA Cornhill Mag., vol. 60, 1889. Robinson's Hausaland, 1896. GENERAL Bettany's The World's Religions, ibgo. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 4, 1830. Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Sale's Koran, 1891. Also Arabia, Mohammed, etc. Mechanics. FORCE: ITS DIRECTION, MAGNITUDE, AND APPLICATION Cassell's Pop. MECHANICAL INVENTION The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. [Educator, vol. 3, 1891. MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. MECHANICAL PUZZLES Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. MECHANICS OF NATURE Good Words, vol. 12. 1871. NOTES ON PRACTICAL MECHANICS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-3, 1897. STUDY AND TEACHING OF MECHANICS Nature, vol. 5, 1872. GENERAL Nature, vols. 4, 1871; 5, 1871-2; 12, 1875; 51, 1894-5. Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 2, 1882. Mecklenburgh-Strelitz (German Grand-Duchy). HISTORY OF THE DUCAL HOUSE OF MECKLENBURGH-STRELITZ Burke's Portraits of Distinguished Females, 1833. Medallions. RARE AND UNPUBLISHED ROMAN MEDALLIONS Numismatic Chroniclei GENERAL Humphreys' Coin Collector, 1891. [vol. 16. MEDALS. ALBERT MEDAL HEROES Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. ARCTIC AND NILE MEDALS Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. DIALOGUES ON MEDALS Addison's Works, vol. i, 1856. ENGLAND'S GRAVEN IMAGES : RARE MEDALS AND THEIR STRANGE STORY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 18, 1897-8. ENGLISH MEDALS Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. ITALIAN MEDALS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. MEDALS AND MEDAL-COLLECTING Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. MEDALS AND MEDALLIONS OF THE igTH CENT. Numismatic Chron. ,3rd ser., vol. 13. MEDALS OF ENGLISH SCIENCE [with facsimile illus.] Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. MEDALS OF THE BRITISH ARMY AND NAVY Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. MILITARY AND OTHER MEDALS All the Year Round, vol. 75, 1894. PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN MEDALS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 4, 1888. SOUDAN MEDALS Grant's War in the Soudan, 1886. WOMEN WHO HAVE WON DECORATIONS Cassell's Mag., vol. 25, 1898. [Zee, 1876. Medemblik, Holland (Town on the Zityder Zee) Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Media (An ancient country of Asia, now forming a part of Persia). EMPIRE OF THE MEDES AND PERSIANS Duncker's History of Antiquity, 1878. Rawlinson's Ancient Monarchies, vol. 2, 1871. Salverte's Philosophy of Magic, 1846. Medici (Allesandro de 1 , First Duke of Florence, assassinated 1537). A FLORENTINE DESPOT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. Memoirs of Cellini, 1872. Medici (Catharine de', Queen of France, died 1589) Lady Jackson's Last of the Valois [portrait], 1888. Fane's Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, 1892. Temple Bar, vol. 44, 1875. See also Catharine de' Medici. Medici (Lorenzo de', Florentine Statesman, died 1492) Oliphant's Makers of Florence, 1889. Symonds' The Renaissance in Italy, 1875. [392] MEDICI-MELANESIA Medici (Marie de'). See Marie de' Medici. Medici Family Machiavelli's History of Florence, 1891. Roscoe's Memoirs of Cellini, 1872. Roscoe's Life of Leo X., 1883. Trollope's Commonwealth of Florence, 1865. MEDICINE. (See also Disease, Drugs, Health, Illness, Pathology, etc.) ANCIENT BOOK ON MEDICAL RECIPES Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Pop. Super.], 1884. ART OF MEDICINE IN CHALDEA Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. BLAKE ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF MEDICINES British Assoc. Report, 1845. CENTURY'S PROGRESS IN SCIENTIFIC MEDICINE Harper's Magazine, vol. 99, 1899. DELUSIONS AND FRAUDS IN MEDICINE Davenport's Sketches of Imposture, 1837. DELUSIONS OF MEDICINE Harper's Magazine, vol. 46 [American Edition]. DR. CHESTERFIELD'S LETTERS ON MEDICINE AS A CAREER Longman's Magazine, DRIFT OF MODERN MEDICINE New Review, vol. 15, 1896. [vol. 22, 1893. FACTS ABOUT MEDICINES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. How TO ARRANGE A MEDICINE CUPBOARD Woman, January, 1895. MEDIEVAL MEDICINE Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. MEDICAL EDUCATION Nature, vol. 6, 1872. MEDICAL EDUCATION IN ENGLAND Temple Bar, vol. 13, 1865. MEDICAL EVIDENCE OF CRIME Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. MEDICAL PROFESSION : PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Contemporary Rev., v. 67, 1895. MEDICAL RECIPES OF THE I7TH CENTURY Archaeological Journal, vol. 29, 1872 MEDICAL REFORM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 28, 1873. MEDICAL STAFF CORPS: ARMY MEDICAL STAFF CORPS Pearson's Mag., vol 3,1897. HELP ON THE FIELD OF BATTLE Sunday Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. MEDICAL WOMEN Nineteenth Century, vol. i, 1877. MEDICINE AND HYGIENE The Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. MEDICINE BAGS Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. PATENT MEDICINES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. PROGRESS OF MEDICINE DURING THE QUEEN'S REIGN Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, REVOLUTIONS OF MEDICINE Hamilton's Philosophy and Literature, 1852. [1897. SAVAGE MEDICINE Lubbock's Origin of Civilization, 1875. SOCIETY AND MEDICINE Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. SPANISH DOCTOR'S SOCIAL POSITION Ford's Gatherings from Spain, 1846. STATE MEDICINE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. n, 1864-5. Nature, vol. 64, 1871. STRANGE MEDICINES Nineteenth Century, vol. 21, 1887. SZEKELY FOLK MEDICINE Folk-lore Journal, vol. 2, 1884. THOUGHT IN MEDICINE Helmholtz's Lectures on Scientific Subjects, 1893. USES AND ABUSES OF MEDICINE Chambers' Journal, vol. n, 1849. VICTORIAN MEDICINE : ITS STATUS AND DEVELOPMENT Westminster Rev., vol. 148, WHEN NOT TO TAKE MEDICINE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. [1897. WHEN TO TAKE AND WHEN TO AVOID MEDICINES Girl's Own Annual, v. 4, 1883. . Medina, Arabia (Second Holy City in the Mahommedan World). MECCA AND MEDINA Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. GENERAL Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Mediterranean Sea (An extension of the Atlantic separating Europe from Africa). CURRENT OF THE MEDITERRANEAN Smith's Natural Hist, of Human Species, 1852. NAVIGATION, TIDES, ETC. Bennet's Shores of the Mediterranean, 1875. GENERAL Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Gibson's Miscellanies, 1863. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Whymper's The Sea, 1881. Mediums. SPIRITUAL MEDIUMS All the Year Round, vol. 7, 1862. Also Spiritualism. Medoc, France (Noted for its Wines). IN THE LAND OF CLARET Cornhill Magazine, vol. 73, 1896. Medway (The, A River of South-Eastern England) Land We Live In, vol. 2, 1883. Meer (Jan van der, Dutch Painter, died 1705) Gower's Figure Painters of Holland, 1881. Meercat (An African Carnivorous Animal). HABITS AND APPEARANCES OF MEERCATS Boyle's To the Cape, 1873. Martin's Home Life on an Ostrich Farm, 1890. Megalithic Remains. STONE CIRCLES AND MEGALITHIC REMAINS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archasology, part ii.], 1886. Megalopolis (In ancient geography a city in Arcadia, Greece) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16, 1830. Megara, Greece Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Meikle (Andrew, Inventor of the Threshing Machine, died 1811) Smiles' Engineers, 1862. Meiling Pass, China Milne's Life in China, 1858. Meissonier (Ernest, French Historical Painter, died 1891) Miither's History of 'Modern Painting, vol. 2, 1896. Mekong (River of Tibet and Cochin China). SHANS AND HILL TRIBES ON THE MEKONG Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 26. Melancholy. CAUSES OF MELANCHOLIA Winslow's Mad Humanity, 1898. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Melanchthon (Philip, German Rtformer with Luther, died 1560) Beard's Reformation and Modern Thought, 1885. Seebohm's Protestant Revolution, 1888. Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1896-7. Melanesia (Island groups in the Pacific). See under New Guinea, New Hebrides, Fiji Islands, etc. 1393] MELBOURNE-MBNDE Melbourne, Australia (Capital of Victoria). EXHIBITION OF 1881 Art Journal, vol. 33, MELBOURNE IN 1869 Temple Bar, vol. 30, 1870.. [1881. MELBOURNE PUBLIC LIBRARY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. MEMORIES OF MELBOURNE Chambers' Journal, vol. 32, 1859. GENERAL Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Bates' Kaleidoscope, 1889. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Froude's Oceana, 1886. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Jung's Australia, 1884. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Melbourne (William Lamb, Viscount, Prime Minister under William IV. and Victoria, died 1848). MELBOURNE AND THE CORN LAWS Shepherd's Memoirs of the Life of Carlyle, 1881. MEMOIRS Edinburgh Review, vol. 89. GENERAL Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Eton Portrait Gallery, 1876. Hodgson's Life of Rev. F. Hodgson, 1878. Melbourne Hall, Derbyshire Jewitt & Hall's Stately Homes of England, 1877. Melchizedek (In Bible History a King of Salem and High Priest of God). SERMON ON MEICHIZEDEK Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 2, 1884. [1891. GENERAL Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. Treas. of Relig. Thought, vol. 6, MelitO (Bishop of Sardis, A.D. 170) Cassel's Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays, 1889. MellitUS (The first Bishop of London and the third Archbishop of Canterbury, died 624) Hook's Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, vol. i, 1875. Mellon (Harriet, Actress, Duchess o) St. Albans,died 1837) Walford's Family Chests, '87. Melrose, Scotland (A Village near A bbotsford, celebrated for its Abbey, etc.). MLLROSE ABBEY Antiquary, vol. 4, 1881. Architecture, vol. 3, 1898. GENERAL Stowe's Sunny Memories, 1854. Baddeley's Scotland, 1895. Melusina (French legendary character). MYSTERIOUS HISTORY OF MELUSINA Leighton's Mediasval Legends, 1895. Melville (Andrew, Scottish Reformer and Scholar, died 1622). MELVILLE AS A PREACHER Taylor's Scottish Pulpit, 1887. Melville (Henry Dundas, Viscount, Scottish Advocate and Statesman, died 1811) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1857. Melville (Herman, American Novelist, died 1891). ADVENTURES OF HERMAN MELVILLE Chambers' Journal, vol. 5, 1846. Melville Bay, Greenland Markham's Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay, 1875. Members of Parliament. M.P.'s AS ARTISTS Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. Sre also Parliament, etc. Memling (Hans, Flemish Painter, died 1494) Vandam's Amours of Gt. Men, v. i, 1878. Memnon (A hero of Greek mythology) Church's Young Macedonian, 1898. Memorial Hall, London. CONGREGATIONAL MEMORIAL HALL Sunday Mag., vol. 31,. MEMORY. (See also Brain, Mind, etc.) ART OF MEMORY Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. ATTENTION AND MEMORY Mason's How to Excel in Study, 1880. - BELIEF IN MEMORY Bains' The Emotions and the Will, 1875. CULTIVATION OF MEMORY Science and Art of Teaching, 1879. EVOLUTION OF MEMORY Luy's Brain and its Functions, 1883. ILLUSIONS OK MEMORY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 41, 1880. KEYS OF MEMORY Temple Bar, vol. 13, 1865. MEMORY AND ABSENCE OF MIND All the Year Round, vol. 26, 1871. MEMS. ON MEMORY Argosy, vol. 63, 1897. MISTAKES OF MEMORY Sully's Illusions, 1887. ON MEMORY Brain, vol. 14, 1891. RELATION OF ATTENTION TO MEMORY Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. THEORIES CONCERNING MEMORY Reid's Intellectual Powers, 1865. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Treasury ot Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Memphis (The early Capital of Egypt). MEMPHITE EMPIRE Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. GENERAL Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 5, 1830. Men of Letters. See Authors, Literature, etc., and under names of litterateurs, e.g., Addison, etc. Men-Of-War (Naval Vessels). INNER LIFE OF A MAN-OF-WAR Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1864. Good Words, vol. 30, 1889. GENERAL Whymper's The Sea, 1881. See also Ironclads, Navy, Ships, etc. Menado (A Dutch Town in the Malay Archipelago) Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. Menageries. HISTORY OF MENAGERIES Wild Animals Photographed and Described, MENAGERIE AT THE TOWER De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. [1886. MENAGERIES AND How TO BUY THEM Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. ROYAL MENAGERIE OF EDWARD IV. Brooke's Visits to the Eng. Battle Fields, 1857. Menai Bridges, North Wales Boy's Own Annual, vol. u, 1889. Also under Bridges. Mendana (Alvaro de, Spanish Navigator, died 1596). ACCOUNT OF HIS TRAVELS^- Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Mende, France (Cathedral town; capital of LozZre) Edwards' Roof of France, 1889. [394] MENDELSSOHN-MERLE D'AUBIGNE Mendelssohn (Moses, German Jewish Philosopher, died 1786) Japp's German Life and Literature, 1880. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. MendelSSOhn-Bartholdy (Felix, German Mtisic Composer, grandson of above, diediStf). CRITICAL ESTIMATE OF MENDELSSOHN Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. LETTERS BY MENDELSSOHN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. GENERAL Crowest's Tone-Poets, 1891. Ferris' Musical Composers, 1891. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 29, 1873-4. Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. Naumann's History of Music, vol. 5, 1886. Mendicants. MOORISH MENDICANTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. PROFESSIONAL MENDICANTS IN PARIS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. GENERAL Adventures of Bampfylde-Moore Carew, 1882. Life of G. A. Brine, 1883. Turner's History of Vagrants and Vagrancy, 1887. Mendip Hills, Somersetshire. ROUND ABOUT TH.E MENDIPS Cham. Jour., v. 70, 1893. Mendoza (Bernardino de, Spanish Ambassador to England 1585) Froude's History of England, 1870. Mensuration Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. 3, 1884. See also Measuring, Surveying, etc. Mental Feats. SOME STRANGE MENTAL FEATS Proctor's Science Byways, 1875. Mental Properties Newnham's Body and Mind, 1842. Mental Self-CultureAdams' Plain Living and High Thinking, 1880. Arnold's Turning Points in Life, 1882. Thayer's Tact, Push, and Principle, 1890. Mental Telegraphy Scribner's Magazine, vol. 18, 1895. See also Mind, etc. Mentality. THE LAW OF THE MIND The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. See also Mind. Mentana (A town in the province of Rome) Hare's Day's near Rome, 1884. Mentone, France (Winter Health Resort) Bennet's Mediterranean, 1875. Black's Riviera, V.D. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. Murray's Mediterranean, V.D. MentSChikoff (Prince Alexander Sergyevitch, Russian General aud Diplomatist, died 1869) Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, 1888. Menus. ROYAL MENUS Strand, v. 15, 1898. See Cookery, Food, Dinners, Meals, etc. Menzel (Adolf Frederick Erdmann, German Historical Painter, born 1815). THE GREATEST PAINTER OF MODERN GERMANY -Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. Mepeham (Simon, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1333) Hook's Archbishops, v.3, 1865. Meran, Austria-Hungary (Noted health resort, with whey-cure and grape-cure establish- ments ; near by are several noted Castles) Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. Mercers' Company. LAWS OF THE MERCERS' COMPANY OF LICHFIELD Trans. of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 7 (n.s.), 1893. MERCERS' COMPANY AND HALL, LONDON Walford's Old and New London, 1878. Merchant Service. OUR MERCHANT SERVICE Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. WASTE OF SEAMEN IN THE MERCHANT SERVICE Brassey's British Seamen, 1877. Merchant Taylors' School. ACCOUNT OF THE MERCHANT TAYLORS' SCHOOL Staunton's Schools of England, 1865. Wheatley and Cunningham's London : Past and Present, 1891. Hazlitt's Schools and Schoolmasters, 1888. Merchants. ITINERANT MERCHANTS, ETC. Jusserand's Wayfaring Life in the Fourteenth Century, 1892 MERCHANTS' MARKS Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries (and series), vol. 12. Mercia (Ancient Saxon kingdom in the interior of England) Freeman's History of the Norman Conquest, 1870. KEMARKS ON MERCURY Hartwigs stioterrane GENERAL Pepper's Playbook of Metals, 1869. Mercury (The planet). A FIERY WORLD Cornhill Magazine, vol. 37 [p. 721], 1878. MERCURY IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT DISCOVERIES Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. Mercy. LAW OF MERCY Seeley'sEcce Homo, 1866. Treas. of Relig. Thought, v. 3, 1891. Meredith (George, Novelist and Poet, born 1828). BRIEF SKETCH Idler, vol. 4, 1893-4. Temple Bar, vol. 97, 1893. LA POESIE DE MR. GEORGE MEREDITH Literature, vol. 4, 1899. MR. MEREDITH IN LITTLE Yellow Book, vol. 5, 1895. [vol. 186, 1897. NOVELS OF GEORGE MEREDITH Temple Bar, vol. 108, 1896. Quarterly Review, OPEN LETTER TO GEORGE MEREDITH Steuart's Letters, 1892. Merian (Maria Sibilla, Entomologist, died 1717) Jardine's Nat. Lib., vol. 30, 1848. Merida. Spain (Contains many Roman Antiquities) Conder's Modern Traveller, v. 19, 1830. Ford's Spain, 1892. Harrison's Travels in Europe, 1891. [vol. 27, 1830. Merida, Venezuela (Destroyed by an Earthquake in 1812) Conder's Modern Traveller, Merimee (Prosper, French Author and Archaeologist, died 1870) Literature, vol. 3. 1898. Merivale (J. H., Scholar and Poet, died 1844) Hodgson's Life of Rev. F. Hodgson, 1878. Merivale (Herman Charles, Barrister Dramatist, born 1839) Theatre, vol. 15, 1890. Merle D'Aubigne^ (J. H., Church Historian, died 1872) Benham's Dictionary of Religion, 1887. [395] MERLIN-METALLURGY Merlin (The smallest British Falcon) Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. i, 1848. Merlin (A legendary Welsh prophet and magician). MERLIN THE ENCHANTER AND MERLIN THE BARD Wheatley's Edition of Merlin in Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 10, 1865. MERLIN'S GRAVE Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. GENERAL Godwin's Necromancers, 1876. Mallory's Morte D'Arthur, 1880. Skene's Four Ancient Books ot Wales, 1868. Stephen's Literature of the Kymry, 1876. Mermaids All the Year Round, vol. 29, 1872-3. Art Journal, vol. 32, 1880. Merovingians (Prankish kings, fifth century). THE MEROVINGIANS AND THEIR ORIGIN Serjeant's The Franks, 1898. Stephens' Lectures on History of France, Merriment Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. [1852. Mersey (A n important river running through Cheshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, etc.). SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom, 1888. See also Liverpool. Morton, Surrey. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF MERTON Suburban Homes of London, 1881. Walford's Greater London, 1884. MERTON PRIORY Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. Merton College, Oxford Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. Merve, Asia. IMPORTANCE OF MERVE Burnaby's Ride to Khiva, 1876. GENERAL Curzon's Russia in Central Asia, 1889. Me'ry (Joseph, French satirist and novelist, died 1866). MADRAS SEEN FROM MAR- SEILLES [Sketch of Mdry] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. M^ryon (Charles, Great French etcher, born 1821) Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 16, 1898. Mesa (A nigged rock table-land in New Mexico). ASCENT OF THE ENCHANTED MESA : with Notes on the Old Mesa Life Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. Mescal (A narcotic drug used by the Mexican Indians ; has somewhat similar effects to Opium) Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. Meshed, Persia Ferrier's Caravan Journeys, 1856. Mesmerism (Animal Magnetism). ESSAY ON MESMERISM Waite's Occult Sciences, EXAMPLES OF MESMERISM Binns' Anatomy of Sleep, 1842. [1891. HISTORY OF MESMERISM Binet's Animal Magnetism, 1888. HYPNOTISM AND MESMERISM Hudson's Law of Psychic Phenomena, 1892. MAGNETISERS Mackay's Popular Delusions, 1869. MESMERISM AND HYPNOTISM Daily Graphic, vol. 2, 1890. THE NEW MESMERISM Daily Graphic, vol. 13, 1893. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 15, 1851. Haweis' Broad Church, 1891. Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. See also Hypnotism. Mesopotamia (A region between the Euphrates and Tigt -is) Bonomi's Nineveh, 1853. Kitto's Scripture Lands, 1850. Messene, Greece Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Conderls Modern Traveller, vol. 15, 1830. Messengers. DISTRICT MESSENGER SYSTEM OF LONDON Chambers' Journal, v. 73. MESSENGERS AND MODES OF COMMUNICATION Chambers' Jour., v. 70, 1893. [1896. Messiah (A designation of Jesus as the "Anointed of God," "the Christ"). FALSE MESSIAHS Davenport's Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity, 1837. MESSIANIC PROPHECY Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. GENERAL Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Davidson's Old Testament, 1863. Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 4 and 6, 1886. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Oliphant's Jerusalem ; its History and Hope, 1891. "Messiah" (Famous Oratorio by Handel). AUTOGRAPH OF HANDEL'S "MESSIAH" [An account of the original MS. Score] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. Messina (Province and seaport of Sicily) Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Bartlett's Sicily, 1863. Hare's Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily, 1883. Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878 Murray's Mediterranean, V.D. Murray's Southern Italy, V.D. Freeman's Sicily, 1891. Metallurgy (Art of separating metals from other matters in the ore; refining, etc.) ANCIENT IRON TRADE OF THE FOREST OF DEAN, GLOUCESTERSHIRE ArcbaBo- logical Journal, vol. 17, 1860. ANCIENT MINING IMPLEMENTS IN CORNWALL Archaeological Journal, vol. 31, 1874. METALLURGICAL WORKS IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, vols. 3-4, 1891-3; vols. 6-7, 1893-4; and vol. 9, 1894-5. MINING OPERATIONS OF THE ANCIENT ROMANS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BLAST FURNACES Archaeological Journal, vol.42, 1885. NOTICES OF ROMAN PIGS OF LEAD FOUND AT BRISTOL, AND OF METALLURGICAL RELICS IN CORNWALL, IN OTHER PARTS OF ENGLAND, AND ALSO ON THE CONTINENT Archaeological Journal, vol. 23, 1866. SMITH AND WRIGHT Antiquary, vol. 16, 1887. THOUGHTS ON ANCIENT METALLURGY AND MINING IN BRITAIN Archaeological Journal, vol. 16, 1859. VESTIGES OF ROMAN WORKINGS FOR COPPER IN ANGLESEY Arch. Jour., v. 30, 1873. GENERAL Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, vols. i-io, 1889-96. [39C] METALS-METHODISM Metals. DISTRIBUTION AND VALUE OF THE PRECIOUS METALS OF THE SIXTEENTH AND NINETEENTH CENTURIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. EMBOSSING OF METALS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. FATIGUE OF METALS AND MUSCULAR FATIGUE Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. MACHINERY AND METALS IN BAVARIA Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. METALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES Photogram, 1896. NEW METALS Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. PRODUCTION OF THE PRECIOUS METALS Walker's Money, 1888. RARER METALS AND THEIR ALLOYS Nature, vol. 52, 1895. THE AGE OF METALS Clodd's Story of Primitive Man, 1897. See also Gold, Lead, Silver, and under Metallurgy, Mineralogy, etc. [n, 1890. Metal-work. BENT METAL-WORK: IRON, COPPER, AND BRASS Girl's Own Annual, vol. METAL-WORK FROM THE EAST Woolwich District Antiquarian Society, vol. i. SARASENIC METAL-WORK English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893-4. Metamorphosis (Change of form, shape, or structure). THE MEANING OF META- MORPHOSIS Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. Temple Bar, vol. 5, 1862. Metaphor (Figure of speech founded on resemblance of one object to another) Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. All the Year Round, vol. 17, 1866-7. Metaphysics (Philosophy of Mind). SECTARIAN CRITICISM Fortnightly Rev., vol. 64, GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. [1895. MetastasiO (P. B., Italian Poet, died 1782) Stebbing's Lives of Italian Poets, 1860. Metaurus Battle (Between the Rowans and the Carthaginians 207 B.C.) Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles, 1877. Arnold's Rome, 1849. Smith's Carthage, 1894. Metcalf (John, known as " Blind Jack of Knaresborough," Engineer, died 1810). BLIND JACK OF KNARESBOROUGH Baring-Gould's Yorkshire Oddities, 1874. GENERAL Gentleman's Magazine, 1810. Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1862. Smiles' Telford, 1867. Spencer Walpole's History of England, vol. i, 1878. Meteoric Dust. THE METEORIC DUST OF THE SIROCCO Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 17, 1881. Gentleman's Magazine (n.s.), vol. 23, 1879. Meteorites (Solid bodies falling front the higher atmosphere). FLUID CAVITIES IN METEORITES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 19, 1883. MICROSCOPICAL INVESTIGATION OF METEORITES Nature, vol. i, 1870. NATURE AND SUPPOSED ORIGIN OF METEORITES Good Words, vol. 22, 1881. WHENCE COME THE METEORITES? Student of Science, etc.,v. 5, 1871. See Meteors. METEOROLOGY (Science which treats of atmospheric phenomena, relating to weather and climate). APPLICATION OF THE THERMAL GALVANOMETER TO METEOROLOGY Henry's Scientific Writings, 1886. ATMOSPHERE AND METEOROLOGY Reclus' Ocean, Atmosphere and Life, 1873. BALLOON AND KITE IN METEOROLOGY Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 283. 1897. CLIMATOLOGY OF MADAGASCAR Oliver's Madagascar, 1886. DEW Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. Nature, vol. 47, 1897-8. HYGIENE AND METEOROLOGY Nature, vol. 52, 1895. LONG PERIOD WEATHER FORECASTS OF INDIA Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. METEOROLOGICAL PROGRESS OF THE CENTURY Harper's Magazine, vol. 34, 1897. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON BEN NEVIS Report of the Brit. Assoc., 1893. METEOROLOGY AT HOME AND ABROAD Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. NUMBERING THE DUST Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY Nature, vol. i, 1870. SABINE ON THE METEOROLOGY OF BOMBAY British Association Report, 1845. SABINE ON THE METEOROLOGY OF TORONTO IN CANADA Brit. Assoc. Report, 1844. SCHOOLS OF METEOROLOGY Nature, vol. 50, 1894 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN METEOROLOGY Harcus' South Australia, 1876. THE FOHN -Longman's Magazine, vol. 14, 1889. THUNDERSTORMS Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. WEATHER MAKING Cassell's Magazine, vol. 28, 1899. WEATHER WATCHERS AND THEIR WORKS Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. WORKING OF THE WEATHER OFFICE Good Words, vol. 39, 1898. GENERAL Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 6, 1891. Giberne's Ocean of Air, 1889. Henry's Science Writings, 1886. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, v. 3, 1884. Meteors (Luminous bodies floating in space, e.g., shooting stars, fireballs, etc.) COMETS AND METEORS lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. DETONATING METEORS Loomis' Meteorology, 1892. NOTES ON COMETS AND METEORS Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. NOVEMBER METEORS Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. NOVEMBER STAR SHOWERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. SHOWERS OF FALLING STARS [South America] Humboldt's Travels, 1852. SUNS AND METEORS Longman's Magazine, vol. 7, 1885-6, See also Meteorites. Meters. WET GAS METERS Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Method. HERBERT SPENCER ON METHOD Spofford's Lib. of Choice Liter., v. 7, 1890. TRANSCENDENTAL DOCTRINE OF METHOD Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, i86o.j GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Methodism (The principles and practice of the Methodists ; a religious sect founded by John Wesley). ESSAY ON METHODISM Sydney Smith's Works, 1845. METHODIST SAINTS AND MARTYRS Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. [397] METHODISM-MICHELANGELO Methodism (continued). RISE OF METHODISM Gilfillan's Christian Heroes, 1869. Overtoil's John Wesley, 1891. Southey's Life of Wesley, 1864. Tyerman's Life and Times of Wesley, '70. SPIRIT OF MODERN METHODISM Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. SUNDAY EVENING WITH THE REV. H. P. HUGHES Molloy's Faiths of the People, '92. WESLEYAN, NEW CONNEXION, AND PRIMITIVE METHODISTS Gardner's Faiths of the World, 1860. Overton's Evangelical Revival, 1891. GENERAL Abbey's English Church, 1887. Lecky's History of England, 1892. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Stoughtnn's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, 1882. Curteis' Dissent in Relation to the Church of England, 1872. Methold (Sir William, Chief Justice of Ireland, died 1620) Woolrych's Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Metric System (The fystein of Weights and Measures adopted in France and founded on the" mitre"), AGAINST THE METRIC SYSTEM Herbert Spencer's Various DESCRIPTION OF THE METRIC SYSTEM Ashby's Physiology, 1889. [Fragments, 1897 THE METRIC SYSTEM IN OUR WORKSHOPS Engineer, vols. 81-2, 1896. THE METRIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Nature, vol. 53, 1895. GENERAL Science Gossip, vol. 5, 1899. Metronome (Instrument used by musicians to keep time). How TO MAKE A METRO- NOME Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. GENERAL Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, vol. 2, 1880. Metropolitan Fire Brigade. WORK OF THE METROPOLITAN FIRE BRIGADE Strand Magazine, vol. I, 1891. See also Fires, etc. Metsu G., Dutch Painter, died 1667) Gower's Figure Painters of Holland, 1881. Metternicb (Clement, Prince de, Austrian Statesman, died 1859) Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Napoleon and his Detractors; by Prince Napoleon, 1888. Metz, Alsace-Lorraine (Noted for its Fortress and Siege, Franco-German War 1870-1) Baedeker's Guide to the Rhine, V.D. De la Chapelle's War of 1870. Meurthe River, France Macgregor's Rob Roy Canoe on Rivers of Europe, 1875. Mease (A department and river of France). VALLEY OF THE MEUSE Macquoid's In the Ardennes, 1881. GENERAL Macgregor's Rob Roy Canoe on Rivers, etc., 1875. Mewatties (A Race of Robbers and Assassins wliich infested Central India) Macfarlane's Banditti and Robbers, 1839. MEXICO (A Republic of North America. See also Cortes, Maximilian, etc.) ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDIES IN MEXICO Nature, vol. 54, 1896. AWAKENING OF A NATION Harper's Magazine, vol. 33, 1897. AZTEC CIVILIZATION Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 2, 1890. CONQUEST OF MEXICO Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 17, 1852. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 25, 1830. Dr. Macaulay's Stirring Stories, 1885. CULTIVATION OF TOBACCO IN MEXICO Humboldt's Travels, 1852. DOWN THE WEST COAST Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. ' GLIMPSE OF MEXICO Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. GULF OF MEXICO All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. How AN AUSTRIAN ARCHDUKE RULED AN AMERICAN EMPIRE Century Mag., v. 33, HUMAN SACRIFICES IN MEXICO Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. [1897-8. JOURNEY TO THE NORTH OF MEXICO Froebel's Central America, 1859. MEXICAN NOTES Harper's Magazine, vol. 14, 1887. MEXICAN SOCIETY IN MAXIMILIAN'S TIME Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1897-8. MEXICAN SUPERSTITIONS AND FOLK-LORE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 5, 1889. PRE-HISTORIC STONEWORK OF MEXICO Archaeological Journal, vol. 49, 1892. PROSPECTING IN TEXAS AND MEXICO Hughes' Gone to Texas, 1884. WITHDRAWAL OF THE FRENCH FROM MEXICO Century Magazine, vol. 32, 1897. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 12, 1864-5. Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 2, 1890. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 25, 1830. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Sayce's Twelve Times Round the World, 1892. Meyerbeer (G., German Musical Composer, died 1864) Ferris' Musical Composers, 1893. Naumann's History of Music, vol. 4, 1886. Meynell (Alice [nee Thompson] , Poetess, 1877) Robertson's Poetesses, 1883. Mice. ARTICLE ON MICE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. CARE OF PET MICE Edwards' Minor Pets, 1887. CHARMS FOR MICE Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. HARVEST MOUSE Good Words, vol. 30, 1889. WALTZING MICE Natural Science, vol. 7 [page 101], 1895. [1882. Michaelmas (Feast of St. Michael [Sept. 29] , established fifth century) Antiquary, vol. 6, Michel (Louise, French Anarchist, born 1839). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 5, 1892. Michelangelo (Famous Italian Painter, Sculptor, Architect, and Poet, died 1564). ESSAY ON MICHAEL ANGELO Story's Art and Letters, 1891. GENIUS AND STUDIES OF MICHAEL ANGELO Bell's Anatomy of Expression, 1872. WORK OF MICHELANGELO Perkins' Italian Sculpture, 1883. GENERAL Crane's Bases of Design, 1898. See also Buonarroti. [398] MICHELET-MIDSHIPMEN Michelet (Jules, French Historian and Philosopher, died 1874). IN MEMORIAM Macniillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. Once a Week, vol. 6, 1862. SPIRITUALISTIC MATERIALISM : MICHELET Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. Michelham Priory, Sussex (An Austin Canonvy now in ruins) Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1887. Michigan, United States Hayden & Selwyn's North America, 1883. Russell's North America, 1857. Microbes (Microscopic organisms found associated with certain diseases). HALF AN HOUR WITH THE MICROBES Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. MICROBES AND MINERAL WATERS Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. REALM OF THE MICROBE Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. See also Bacilli. Micrometer (Instrument used with telescope for measurements). DESCRIPTION OF THE MICROMETER Heather's Math. Instruments, 1888. Lockyer's Stargazing, 1878. Microphone (Instrument to augment faint sounds). DESCRIPTION OF THE MICROPHONE Cassell's Magazine, vol. 4, 1878. Good Words, vol. 19, 1878. Jenkin's Electricity and Magnetism, 1887. MICROSCOPE (An optical instrument which' magnifies objects'). A NEW ERECTING GLASS FOR THE MICROSCOPE Hardwicke's Sci. Gossip, v. 9, 1873. A WET METHOD OF PREPARING OBJECTS FOR MICROSCOPICAL MOUNTING Hard- wicke's Science Gossip, vol. 14, 1878. CHOICE OF A MICROSCOPE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. i, 1865 [18, 1882. DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS FROM THE MICROSCOPE Hardwicke's Sci. Gossip, vol. HINTS FOR THE YOUNG MICROSCOPIST Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 15, 1879. HINTS ON MICROSCOPES Heather's Mathematical Instruments, 1888. LECTURES ON MICROSCOPES Science Lectures at South Kensington, 1878. MICROSCOPE AND MICROSCOPIC WORK Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 12, 1876. MICROSCOPE IN EDUCATION The Student of Science, Literature, and Art, v. i, 1868. MICROSCOPE IN GEOLOGY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1877. MICROSCOPIC GLASSES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 19, 1883. MICROSCOPIC SEA LIFE Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. MICROSCOPIC SLIDE CEMENTS AND VARNISHES Science Gossip, vol. 5, 1899. NOTES ON MICROSCOPY Nature, vol. 5, 1872. OURSELVES AND THE MICROSCOPE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. RESULTS FROM THE MICROSCOPE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. SIMPLE AND COMPOUND MICROSCOPES Lardner's Optics, 1878. SOME WONDERS OF THE MICROSCOPE Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. THE EYESIGHT AND THE MICROSCOPE The Student of Science, Literature, and Art, USE OF THE MICROSCOPE Huxley's Practical Biology, 1889. [vol. 3, 1869. USEFUL METHODS IN MICROSCOPY Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. WONDERS OF THE MICROSCOPE Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 17, 1847. GENERAL Buckley's Through Magic Glasses, 1890. Crowther's Unwritten Record, 1882. Girl's Own Annual, vols. 9 and 10, 1888-9. Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. i, 1882. Middelburg, Netherlands (Capital of Zealand) Harvard's Heart of Holland, 1880. Middle Ages (Term applied to the period in European history which lies between ancient and modern civilization. See also under names of countries, monarchs, etc.) A BEDFORDSHIRE SQUIRE OF THE I4TH CENTURY Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF IDEALISM AND REALISM Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., v. 7, INNOVATIONS OF THE MIDDLE AGES WhewelPs Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. ['78. MR. BULL AT HOME IN THE MIDDLE AGES Household Words, vol. 4, 1852. PIERS PLOUGHMAN AND ENGLISH LIFE IN THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. PILGRIMS AND SUPERSTITIONS OF MIDDLE AGES Cornhill Mag., vol. 17 [p.68i], 1868. POLITICAL OPINION IN THE MIDDLE AGES Brown's Life of Geo. Buchanan, 1890. REVIVAL OF LEARNING IN THE MIDDLE AGES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 26, 1872. THE ROUND TABLE Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. GENERAL Brace's Gesta Christi, 1882. Trench's Mediaeval Church History, 1886. Middle Class. MIDDLE CLASS AND THE NEW LIBERALISM igth Cent., vol. 26, 1889. Middleham, Yorkshire (Contains ruins of castle in which Richard IN. was born). MIDDLEHAM CASTLE, YORKSHIRE Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. GENERAL Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Middlesex. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN MIDDLESEX Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano-British Remains, part i.], 1887. THE PLANTS OF MIDDLESEX [Review] Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. TOPOGRAPHICAL NOTES Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Eng. Topography, part vii.], 1896. GENERAL Loftie's London, 1889. Middlesex and Herts Notes and Queries, 1895-8. A nd under districts or toivns, e.g., London, Chiswick, Hammersmith, Twickenham, etc. Middleton (Thos., Dramatist, died 1627) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Midianites (An Arabian tribe mentioned in the Bible as the descendants of Abraham) A.L.O.E.'s Triumph over Midian, 1887. Josephus" Works, 1874. Midland Railway Acworth's Railways of England, 1890. Midnight Sun Abercromby's Seas and Skies in many Latitudes, 1888. Midshipmen (Junior Naval Officers). MIDSHIPMEN WANTED Once a Week, vol. 20. See under Navy, Men-of-War, lives of celebrated naval heroes, e.g., Blake, Nelson, etc. [399] MIDSUMMER-MILLAIS tury, vol. 21, 1887. rs' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. ir Kound, vol. 20, 1868. Midsummer. MIDSUMMER Antiquary, vol. 5, 1882. MIDSUMMER CUSTOMS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. [ [Pop. Super.], 1884. MIDSUMMER EVE AND MIDSUMMER DAY SUPERSTITIONS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. THE FOLK-LORE OF MIDSUMMER EVE Andrews' England in the Days of Old, 1892. Midwives. THE REGISTRATION OF MIDWIVES Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. Mieris (F. van, Dutch Painter, died 1681) Gower's Figure Pointers of Holland, 1881. Migration. MAN'S MIGRATION Quatrefages' Human Species, 1889. PRIMITIVE MIGRATION Buckland's Anthropological Studies, 1891. THE WESTWARD MIGRATIONS Serjeant's The Franks, 1898. Mikado (Emperor of Japan). AN AFTERNOON WITH THE MIKADO [Mutsuhito, born 1852] Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. BELIEFS ABOUT THE MIKADO Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. " Mikado " (The, An Opera by W. S. Gilbert and Sir A . Sulliv an) Theatre, vol. 5, 1885. Milan (A Province and City of Italy), HISTORY OF MILAN Eustace's Italy, 1841. ITALIAN GOVERNMF.NTS: MILAN Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. LA SCALA OPERA HOUSE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 33, 1876. RISE OF MILAN Del Mar's Money and Civilization, 1886. GENERAL Baedeker's Northern Italy, V.D. Black's Hundred Days in the 351,1865. Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1888. Hare's Cities of Northern Italy, 1883. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. Miletus, Asia Minor (Ancient City of Ionia) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Conybeare & Howson's Life and Letters of St. Paul, 1892. Milford (Seaport in Wales). MILFORD HAVEN : SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. TRUE HISTORY OF MILFORD Temple Bar, vol. 88, 1890. Military. CAUSES OK MODERN MILITARISM Positivist Review, vol. i, 1893. GROWTH OF THE MODERN MILITARY SYSTEM Lecky's History of England, 1892. MILITARY AND MARTIAL LAW All Year Round, vol. 37, 1876-7. Cornhill, vol. 15, 1867. MILITARY MUSTERS IN REIGN OF ELIZABETH Proc. of Archaeological Inst., 1848. TRUE MILITARY POLICY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1898. See also Army, etc. Militia. A MILITIA REGIMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 21, 18 DESCRIPTION OF MILITIA TRAINING Chambers OUT WITH THE ENGLISH MILITIA All the Year GENERAL National Review, vol. 27, 1896. See also Army. Milk. ADULTERATED MILK All the Year Round, vol. 13, 1865. Chambers' Journal, ANALYSIS OF MILK Roscoe's Chemistry, 1882. [vol. 2, 1844. BOILING MILK Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF MILK Tallerrnan's Trade Depression, 1889. COMPOSITION OF Cow's MILK Blyth's Foods : their Composition and Analysis, 1896. FARM SANITATION AND MILK SUPPLY Journal of State Medicine, vol. 5, 1897. INHABITANTS OF MILK Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. MILK AS A FOOD Drewry's Cup and Platter, 1879. MILK DANGERS AND REMEDIES Longman's Magazine, vol. 29, 1896-7. MILK FAIR All the Year Round, vol. 57 [page 60], 1885-6. OUR MILK SUPPLIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. PUBLIC MILK-SUPPLY Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1894. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. See also Cows, Dairies, Farming, etc. Milky "Way (In Astronomy the Galaxy, a luminous band extending across the heavens consisting of myriads of stars). DISTRIBUTION OF STARS IN THE MILKY WAY Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894; and vol. 18, 1895. NEW THEORY OF THE MILKY WAY Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. PHOTOGRAPHIC NEBULOSITIES IN THE MILKY WAY Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. STRUCTURE OF THE MILKY WAY Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. GENERAL Nature, vol. 47, 1893. Proctor's Old and New Astronomy, 1891. Mill (James, Scottish Philosopher and Historian, died 1836). MEMOIR OF JAMES MILL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. J. S. Mill's Autobiography, 1873. Mill (John Stuart, son of above, Philosophical Writer, died 1873). JOHN STUART MILL FOR WESTMINSTER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. MEMOIR OF JOHN STUART MILL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. MILL AND TENNYSON Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. MILL ON AN ALMIGHTY GOD Goodwin's Foundations of the Creed, 1890. MR. MILL'S LOGIC Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. RELIGION OF J. S. MILL Haweis' Broad Church, 1891. [67, 1897. UNPUBLISHED LETTERS FROM J. S. MILL TO PROF. NICHOL Fortnightly Rev., vol. GENERAL Froude's Carlyle in London, 1890. Jevons' Letters and Journals, 1886. Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. Patten's Development of Eng. Thought, 1899. Mill Hill. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF MILL HILL Suburban Homes of London, 1881. Millais (Sir John Everett, Artist and President of the Royal Academy, died 1896). APPRECIATION OF SIR JOHN MILLAIS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. CHARACTER SKETCH. By J. Underbill Review of Reviews, vol. u, 1895. MILLAIS' WORKS AT BURLINGTON HOUSE Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. SOME EARLY RECOLLECTIONS OF MILLAIS Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Mrs. Sala's Famous People I have met, 1892. Mather's History of Modern Painting, vol. 2, 1896. [400] MILLAU-MIMICRY Millau, France Betham-Edwards' Roof of France, 1889. Millennium. CHRISTADELPHIANS Davies' Unorthodox London, 1873. GENERAL McKinney's Science of Religion, 1888. Milman's Hist, of Christianity, 1875. Miller (Hugh, Scottish geologist, committed suicide 1856) Good Words, vol. 12, 1871. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12 [page 82], 1865. Miller (Joe, Low comedian and wit, died 1738). JOE MILLER'S JESTS Ashton's Chap- Books, 1882. SKETCH OF JOE MILLER Theatre, vol. i, 1883. Miller (Thomas, Basket Maker, Poet, and Novelist, died 1874) Hood's Peerage of Poverty, 1870. Lester's Criticisms, 1853. Miller (William, Scottish Poet, died 1872) Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1877. Milles (Dr. Jeremiah, Dean of Exeter, died 1784) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Millet (Jean FranQois, French Painter, died 1875). EARLY LIFE OF MILLET Cornhill Magazine, vol. 45, 1882. MILLET'S LIFE AT BARBIZON Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1893-4. GENERAL Mollett's Painters of Barbizon, 1890. Miither's History of Modern Painting, vol. 2, 1896. Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. Temple Bar, vol. 43, 1875. Millet (Madame, wife of above, died 1894) Art Journal, vol. 47, 1895. Millinery. MILLINERY AS A CAREER IN LIFE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. MILLINERY FOR THE MILLION Chambers' Journal, vol. 28, 1857. See also Bonnets, Dress, etc. Milling Machines. VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL MILLING MACHINES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. Millionaires. A FAMILY OF MILLIONAIRES [The Rothschilds] Idler, vol. 15, 1899. A MILE OK MILLIONAIRES Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. AMERICAN MILLIONAIRES Cornhill Magazine, vol. i (n.s.), 1896. RACE FOR WEALTH IN AMERICA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 11, 1893-4. SOME MODERN MILLIONAIRES Burnley's Modern Industry, 1889. TEN YEARS OF MILLIONAIRES Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. WHAT A MILLIONAIRE COULD Do Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1897. Milman (Henry Hart, Dean of St. Paul's and Historian, died 1868) ESSAY ON DEAN MILMAN Verney's Peasant Properties and other Selected Essays, 1885. MEMORIAL OF MILMAN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. GENERAL Eton Portrait Gallery, 1876. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. Smiles' A Publisher and His Friends : Memoir of John Murray, 1891. Milner (Isaac, Church Historian, died 1820). ESSAY ON THE LIFE OF MILNER Stephen's Ecclesiastical Biography, 1868. [tion, 1886. Milner (John, Romanist Bishop of Castabala, died 1826) Amherst's Catholic Emancipa- MilO (Volcanic island of the Grecian Archipelago: the Melos of ancient Greece). THE "VENUS DE MILO " [Famous Statue found in Milo] Perry's Greek Sculpture, 1882. Rydberg's Roman Days, 1879. GENERAL Brassey's Sunshine and Storm, 1881. Bent's The Cyclades, 1885. Milsand. (Joseph, died 1887). A FRENCH FRIEND OF BROWNING Scribner's, v. 20, 1896. MILTON (John, Celebrated Poet, died 1674). AT CHALFONT ST. GILES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. AUTHOR OF " PARADISE LOST " Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. BRIEF SKETCH OF His LIFE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. C/EDMON AND MILTON Disraeli's Amenities of Literature, 1870. CHARACTER AND WRITINGS Channing's Works, 1873. CRITICISM ON "PARADISE LOST" British Essayists, vol. 10, 1823. ESSAYS ON JOHN MILTON De Quincey's Works, vol. 6, 1867. Macaulay's Essays, 1891. Macdonald's English Antiphon, 1868. IN MILTON'S FOOTSTEPS AT VALLOMBROSA Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. KEBLE'S ESTIMATE OF MILTON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. LIFE OF JOHN MILTON De Quincey's Works, vol. 10, 1869. LOCAL MEMORIES OF MILTON Good Words, vol. 34, 1893. MASSON'S LIFE OF MILTON [Review] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 28, 1873. MILTON AS SEEN IN HIS LATIN POEMS Temple Bar, vol. 115, 1898. MILTON'S MACBETH Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. MILTON'S POETRY Henley's Lyra Heroica, 1891. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 19, 1868-9. GENERAL Academy, vol. 51, 1897. Birrell's Obiter Dicta (2nd series), 1888. Camp- bell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Coleridge's Miscellanies, 1885. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 2, 1849. Gilfillan's Christian Heroes, 1870. Gilfillan's Literary Portraits, vol. 2, 1849. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 7, 1846. Macaulay's Reviews, Essays, etc., 1890. Poets and Statesmen : their Homes and Haunts, 1857. Rossetti's Lives of Famous Poets, 1878. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1883. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Milton Abbas, Dorsetshire Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Eng. Topography, part Hi.], 1893. Milwaukie, United States Butler's Great Lone Land, 1873. Mimicry. ANIMAL MIMICRY Poulton's Colours of Animals, 1890. MIMICRY AND VENTRILOQUISM Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. 2C [ 401 ] MIND-MINING MIND (The intellectual or intelligent faculty in man. See also Intellect, Intelligence Mental, Psychology, Thought, Will, etc.) ARRESTED MENTATION The Monist, vol. 6. 1895-6. AUTOMATISM AND SPONTANEITY The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. BODY AND MIND Wilstm's Studies in Life and Sense, 1887. DEFINITION OF MIND Bain's Senses and the Intellect, 1894. DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS Foster's Lectures (2nd series), 1847. EVOLUTION OF MIND Clodd's Story of Creation, 1888. GROWTH AND DECAY OF MIND Proctor's Science Byways, 1884. HAND AND THE MIND Hood's Peerage of Poverty, 1860. HEALTH AND MIND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. HEALTH OF THE MIND Longman's Magazine, vol. 14, 1889. INFLUENCE OF MIND ON THE BODY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. INTUITION AND REASON The Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. LAW OF THE MIND The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. MENTAL EXERCISE Combe's Physiology, 1873. MIND AMONG THE LOWER ANIMALS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 19, 1883. MIND AND DISEASE. National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. MIND TELEGRAPHY Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. MONISTIC THEORY OF MIND The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. NATURE AND THE INDIVIDUAL MIND The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. ON SOBER MINDEDNESS Foster's Lectures, 1844. ORIGIN OF MIND The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. PECULIARITIES OF MIND Combermere's Our Peculiarities, 1863. QUESTION OF DUALITY OF MIND The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. RELATION OF THE MIND TO THE BODY Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. THE DAWN OF MIND Drummond's Ascent of Man, 1894. GENERAL Argyll's Reign of Law, 1868. Eraser's Selections from Berkeley, 1884. Minden, Prussia. BATTLE OF MINDEN [Defeat of the French, 1759] Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. Mine Salting (Device for fraudulently -representing poor mines to be good ones) Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. Mineral Oil Trade Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, :883. Mineral Springs, etc. DAUBENY ON MINERAL AND THERMAL WATERS British Association Reports, 1836. HOME USES OF MINERAL WATERS Harper's Magazine, vol. 16, 1888. IN MINERAL WATER LAND [Camden Town] Andom's Industrial Explorings, 1896. MINERAL SPRINGS Gibson's Miscellanies, Historical and Biographical, 1863. MOFFAT WELL Black's Guide to Moffat, V.D. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 29, 1858. See also Bath, Buxton, Leamington, etc. Minerals and Mineralogy. DRESSING, CRUSHING AND WASHING MINERALS Transactions of Institute of Mining Engineers, from vol. i, 1889. DEFINITION, CHARACTERISTICS AND PECULIARITIES OF MINERALS CasselPs Popular Educator, vol. 6, 1891. GENERAL VIEW OF MINERALS Wesley's Natural Philosophy, 1836. GEOLOGY OF NEWFOUNDLAND Hatton's Newfoundland, 1883. MINERAL RICHES OF CHINA Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. MINERALOGY AND CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Trans. Inst. Mining Engineers, vols. 3 and 6-8, MINERALS OF EASTERN FRANCE Harper's Magazine, vol. 12, 1886. [1891-5. MINERALS OF VESUVIUS Lobley's Mount Vesuvius, 1889. PRINCES OF THE MINERAL KINGDOM Simonin's Underground Life, 1869. TAYLOR ON MINERAL VEINS British Association Report, 1833. TREASURES OF THE EARTH Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 15, 1847. WHEWELL ON MINERALOGY British Association Report, 1831-2. Minerva (Goddess of wisdom, war, and the liberal arts) Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Minet Library, Camberwell. LIBRARIES FOR LITTLE PEOPLE London, vol. 5, 1896. Miniatures. COLLECTION OF MINIATURES AT WINDSOR CASTLE English Illustrated MINIATURE IN ENGLAND Art Journal, vol. 48, 1896. [Magazine, vol. i, 1883-4. MINIATURE PORTRAITS BELONGING TO QUEEN VICTORIA [Queen's Hobby] Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. MINIATURE PORTRAIT PAINTING Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1897. ' MINING. (See also under names of metals and minerals, e.g., Gold, Silver, Coal, etc.). ACCIDENTS IN MINES AND THEIR PREVENTION Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, vol. 10, 1895-6. ADMINISTRATION AND STATISTICS Trans. Inst. Mining Engineers, vols. i-io, 1889-96. AFRICA: DIAMOND MINING IN SOUTH AFRICA Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. AFRICA: SOUTH AFRICAN MINES Churchill's Men, Mines and Animals, 1892. AMERICA: AMERICAN MINERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. . AMERICA: NORTH AMERICAN MINES Hayden & Selwyn's North America, 1883. ANCIENT MINES Simonin's Underground Life, 1869. AUSTRALIA : SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MINING Harcus' South Australia, 1876. CALIFORNIAN DIGGER'S LIFE Gerstacker's Travels, 1854. CANADA AS A FIELD FOR MINING INVESTMENTS National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. CHILDREN IN MINES Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury, 1888. [1893-4. COAL MINES : BLASTING IN COAL MINES Trans. Inst. Mining Engineers, vols. 6 & 7, [402] MINING-M1QUEL Mining (continued), COAL MINES PAST AND PRESENT Simonin's Underground Life, 1869. COLORADO MINES Rusling's Great West and the Pacific Coast, 1877. CORNISH TIN MINES Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. CORNISH TIN MINING AND ITS TRADITIONS Good Words, vol. 8, 2867. CUMBERLAND LEAD MINE Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. DEPTHS OF MINES British Association Report, 1833. DESCRIPTIONS OF COAL, SALT, AND OTHER MINES IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES Trans. of Institute of Mining Engineers, from vol. i, 1889. DISASTERS IN MINES All the Year Round, vol. 58, 1886. DISEASES OF MINERS Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1880. DRAINAGE, PUMPING, DAMS, ETC., IN CONNECTION WITH MINES Trans, of Inst. of Mining Engineers, from vol. i, 1889. EXPLOSIONS FROM COAL-DUST IN MINES [Discussion on Report of Royal Com- mission] Trans, of Institute of Mining Engineers, vol. 2, 1890-1, & vol. 8, 1894-5. EXPLOSIONS IN COLLIERIES AND THEIR CURE Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880. GOSSIP ON MINING Chambers' Journal, vol. n, 1849. IMPROVEMENTS IN MINING Trans, of Inst. of Mining Engineers, vols. 2-3, 1890-2. INSPECTION A SHAM Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. INSPECTION OF MINES Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. MANCHESTER: DEEP MINING AT MANCHESTER Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. MEXICAN MINES Howell's Mexico; its Progress and Commercial Possibilities, 1892. MINES OF THE WORLD Simonin's Underground Life, 1869. MINING TECHNOLOGY Trans, of Institute of Mining Engineers, vols. i-io, 1889-96. MINING TENURES AND ROYALTIES Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, vols. 3 and 6, NORWAY: COPPER AND SILVER MINES Forester's Norway, 1853. [1891-4. PEOPLE WHO FACE DEATH Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. PERILS OF THE MINE Burnley's Life Preservation, 1888. PERU : GOLD AND SILVER MINES OF PERU Guillaume's Peru, 1888. [1890-1. PROGRESS IN MINING, ETC., SINCE 1826 Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, vol. 2, REPORTS OF AUSTRIAN, FRENCH, AND PRUSSIAN FIRE-DAMP COMMISSIONS Trans- actions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, vols. 3-5, 1891-3 ; and vol. 7, 1893-4. SCOTTISH MINERS Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. SHAFT-SINKING, TUNNELLING, ETC., IN CONNECTION WITH MINES Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, vols. 2-5, 1890-3 ; and vols. 8-10, 1894-6. SIBERIA: CONVICT MINES AT KARA Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. STAFFORDSHIRE MINERS Temple Bar, vol. 3, 1861. UNDERGROUND LIFE Meliora, vol. 12, 1869. YORKSHIRE MINERS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. Ministers (Cabinet ministers). PARLIAMENTS AND MINISTRIES OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. Ministers (Church and Nonconformist). COUNTRY MINISTERS [Roman Catholic] McCabe's Twelve Years in a Monastery, 1897. MINISTRY IN LONDON [Roman Catholic] McCabe's Twelve Years in a Monastery, OFFICE OF MINISTERS Jackson's Institutions of Christianity, 1868. [1897. THOUGHTS ON THE MINISTRY Ryle's Principles for Churchmen, 1884. GENERAL Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. See also Clergy. Minnesota, United States. HOME OF HIAWATHA Harper's Magazine, vol. 6, 1883. GENERAL Butler's Great Lone Land, 1873. Minnow (A small fresh water fish) Walton's Complete Angler, 1856. Minorca (Largest of the Balearic Islands). CAPTURE OF MINORCA James' Naval ENGLISH OCCUPATIONS OF MINORCA Temple Bar, vol. 106, 1895. [Hist., v. 2, '78. TRIP TO MINORCA Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. Minorities. THE RIGHTS OF MINORITIES International Jour, of Ethics, vol. i, 1890-1. Minster Lovell, Oxford Hissey's Across England in a Dog Cart, 1891. Minstrels. ACCOUNT OF WANDERING MINSTRELS Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. MINSTREL IN THE OLDEN TIME Andrews' Bygone England, 1892. Mint (Place where money is coined). ANCIENT MINTS AND COINING The Student of Science, Literature, and Art, 1869. CLOSING OF THE INDIAN MINTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. DESCRIPTION OF THE MINT Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. MAKING MONEY IN UNITED STATES Harper's Mag., vol. 23 [American Edition]. MINTS OF WILTSHIRE Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1849. ROYAL MINT OF ENGLAND [Queen's Money Makers] Chambers' Jour., v. 19, 1853. ROYAL MINT, LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1867. YEAR'S WORK AT THE ENGLISH MINT Chambers' Journal, vol.62, 1885. GENERAL Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. MintO (Lord, Governor-General of India, died 1814) Conder's Mod. Traveller, vol. 8, 1830. Elliot's Border Elliots and Family of Minto, 1897. Minton'S Works, Stoke-on-Trent (China and fancy tiles) Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1880. [1888. Miot de Melito (Count, French Diplomatist, died 1841) Napoleon and his Detractors, Miquel (Dr. Johannes Von, Prussian Finance Minister, born 1828). DR. VON MIQUEL, "THE KAISER'S OWN MAN" Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. [403] MIBABEAU-MISSIONS Mirabeau (H. G. R., Count de, French Revolutionist and Orator, died 1791). BRIEF SKETCH Macniillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. ESSAY ON MIRABEAU Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1891. MIRABEAU IN LONDON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1898. GENERAL Campan's Private Life of Marie Antoinette, 1887. Carlyle's Essays, vol. 5, 1872. Carlyle's French Revolution, 1888. Temple Bar, vol. 94, 1892. Vandam's Amours of Great Men, vol. 2, 1878. Miracle Play. ENGLISH MIRACLE PLAYS AND MYSTERIES Hone's Mysteries, 1823. MIRACLE PLAY IN AMERICA Theatre, vol. 2 [page 213], 1879. MYSTERIES AND MIRACLE PLAYS Theatre, vol. 9, 1887. MIRACLES (Deviations from the laws of nature, generally attributed to supernatural or divine power). BELIEF IN MIRACLES Schmidt's Doctrine of Descent, i8pt. FRAUDULENT MIRACLES AT WINCHESTER AND CALNE Southey's Book of the Church, MEDIEVAL MIRACLES All the Year Round, vol. 70, 1892. [1825. MEDITATIONS ON THE MIRACLES Sunday at Home, vol. 3, 1856. MIRACLE AT CANA Contemporary Pulpit, vol. i (2nd series), 1889. MIRACLE OF THE LOAVES AND FISHES Contemporary Pulpit, 2nd ser., vol. 4, 1890. MIRACLES AS SUBJECTS OF TESTIMONY De Quincey's Works, vol. 7, 1868. MIRACLES AT HOLYWELL Daily Graphic, vol. 20, 1894. MIRACLES OF HEALING Lee's Sights and Shadows, 1894. MIRACLES: ORDER OF NATURE Huxley's Life of David Hume, 1881. MIRACLES: THEIR PLACE IN RELIGION Contemporary Pulpit, v. 5 (2nd ser.), 1891. PROPHETS AND MIRACLES Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity, 1837. RENAN AND MIRACLES Nineteenth Century, vol. 10, 1881. RENAN'S TESTS OF MIRACLES Tulloch's Lectures on Renan's Vie de Jdsus, 1864. GENERAL Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Burnet's Thirty-nine Articles, 1826. Evolution of Christianity, 1883. Expositor, vol. 5, ist series, 1877. Laing's Modern Science and Modern Thought, 1891. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Morison's St. Bernard, 1868. Rector and his Friends, '69. Treas. of Relig. Thought, v. i, '91. I. M. Wilson's Essays and Addresses, 1887. Newman's Biblical and Ecclesiastical Miracles, '90. Mirage (Optical illusion by which the appearance of water or houses is presented in sandy deserts, etc.). EXPLANATION OF THE MIRAGE Hartwig's Aerial World, 1874. Loomis' Meteorology, 1892. ROMANCE OF THE MIRAGE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. THE MIRAGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. THE MIRAGE OR GOBLIN OF THE DESERT St. John's Egypt and Nubia, i8j5. Miranda (Daughter of Prospero in " The Tempest.") CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKES- PEARE'S MIRANDA Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. Miriam. (Hebrew Prophetess) Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Mirrors. ANCIENT AND MODERN MIRRORS Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. DISTORTING MIRRORS Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. ESSAY ON ANCIENT MIRRORS Dunlop's Glass in the Old World, 1882. ETRUSCAN MIRRORS Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. HISTORY OF MIRRORS Beckmann's History of Inventions, Discoveries, etc., 1846. SPHERICAL MIRRORS Lommel's Nature of Light, 1888. Mirth. CAN CHRISTIANS CONSISTENTLY SMILE? Dublin Review, vol. 120, 1897. Misericordia. BROTHERHOOD OF PITY AT FLORENCE English Magazine, v. 19, 1898. Misers. CHARACTER OF THE MISER Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. FRENCH MISERS All the Year Round, vol. 50, 1882. JOHN ELWES, MISER, ETC. All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. SOME FAMOUS MISERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 40, 1863. MISSIONS. (See also Religion ; and under names of sects and missionaries). AFRICA : BAGANDA CONVERTS AND MARTYRS Ashe's Two Kings of Uganda, 1890. AFRICA: HARD WORKING MISSIONARIES Selous' Hunter's Wanderings, 1895. AFRICA: MR. MACKAY'S MISSION AT USAMBIRO Parke's Equatorial Africa, 1891. AFRICAN CATHOLIC MISSIONS Clarke's Cardinal Lavigerie, 1889. AFRICAN MISSIONARIES Johnston's British Central Africa, 1897. Werner's Stanley's Rear Guard, 1889. AFRICAN MISSIONARIES [South Africa] Little's South Africa, 1884. AFRICAN MISSIONS [North Africa] Moffat's Life of R. and M. Moffat, 1889. AMERICA: CATHOLIC MISSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA Dixon's White Conquest, 1876. ARAB MISSIONS Hill's With the Beduins, 1891. AUSTRALIAN MISSIONS lung's Australia, 1884. CHINA MANDARINS AND MISSIONARIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. CHINESE MISSIONS Reid's Peep's into China, 1892. CHINESE MISSIONS: PROTESTANT AND ROMISH Milne's Life in China, 1858. CHINESE MISSIONARIES Medhurst's Foreigner in Far Cathay, 1872. DAMASCUS: JEWISH MISSIONS Graham's Jordan and the Rhine, 1854. DANISH MISSIONS Macgregor's " Rob Roy " on the Baltic, 1892. DEBATE ON CHRISTIAN MISSIONS The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. FOREIGH MISSIONS: A CROSS-BENCH VIEW National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8.. FOREIGN MISSION WORK Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 4, 1885. GIRLS' WORK IN THE MISSION FIELD Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. GREENLAND MISSIONS Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition, 1874. [404] MISSIONS-MITES Missions (continued). HEROES OF THE MODERN MISSION FIELD Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. HEROIC MISSIONARIES Adams' Earnest Lives, 1884. HEROISM IN THE MISSION FIELD Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. How MISSIONARIES TRAVEL Quiver, vol. 33, 1898. INDIAN CHRISTIAN MISSIONS [South India] Macleod's Far East, 1871. INDIAN MISSIONS Sydney Smith's Works, 1869. JAPANESE CHRISTIAN MISSIONS Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. LABRADOR MISSIONARY SHIPS Dr. Macaulay's Strange yet True, 1892. LECTURE ON MISSIONS Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. LONDON CITY MISSION Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. MANCHURIAN MISSIONS James' Long White Mountain, 1888. MISSIONS AND MISSIONARIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. MISSIONS AND MISSIONARY LIFE Brigg's Sunny Fountains and Golden Sand, 1888. MOORISH MISSIONS Perrier's Winter in Morocco, 1873. OUR MISSIONARIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. PALESTINE MEDICAL MISSION WORK Quiver, vol. 29, 1894. PAST AND FUTURE OF MISSIONS Contemporary Pulpit, vol. i, 1884. PERSIA: CHRISTIAN MISSIONS Bishop's Persia and Kurdistan, 1891. PERSONAL REMINISCENCES TOUCHING CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES IN CHINA, COREA, BURMA, ETC. Dublin Review, vol. 120, 1897. PROBLEM OF FOREIGN MISSIONS Expositor, vol. 49, 1899. PROGRESS OF MISSIONS Macleod's Parish Papers, 1862. REPRESENTATIVE MISSIONARIES OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY [with 54 portraits] Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1897. SHALL I HELP THE MISSIONARIES? All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. SIBERIA: ENGLISH MISSIONS Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. SIERRA LEONE MISSIONARIES Gurney's God's Heroes, 1858. SOUDAN AND ABYSSINIA Wylde's In the Soudan, 1888. SOUTH PACIFIC MISSIONARY INCIDENTS Sunday at Home, vol. 22, 1875. SOUTH SEA ISLAND MISSIONARIES Gurney's God's Heroes, 1858. SOUTH SEA MISSIONS South Sea Bubbles ; by the Earl and the Doctor, 1872. THAMES CHURCH MISSION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. TIBETAN MISSIONS AND MISSIONARIES Pratt's To the Snows of Tibet, 1892. TURKEY : MISSIONS IN TURKEY Sunday at Home, vol. i, 1854. WOMEN IN THE MISSION FIELD Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. WOMEN WORKERS IN THE MISSION FIELD Sunday Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. GENERAL Rivers of Water in a Dry Place, 1875. Sunday at Home, vol. 36, 1889. Vanguard of the Christian Army, 1882. Missis, Asia Minor Stevenson's Our Ride Through Asia Minor, 1881. Mississippi, United States (A southern state). IN SUNNY MISSISSIPPI Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. Hayden & Selwyn's North America, 1883. Mississippi [" Father of Waters "] , United States (The largest river in North A merica). DISCOVERIES OF THE MISSISSIPPI Parkman's La Salle, 1885. IBERVILLE AND THE MISSISSIPPI Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. MISSISSIPPI SCHEME Mackay's Popular Delusions. 1869. PINE REGION OF THE MISSISSIPPI Harper's Magazine, vol. 25 [American Edition]. UPPER MISSISSIPPI Trollope's North America, 1862. GENERAL Conder's Modern Trav., vol.23, 1830. And tinder Rivers, United States, etc. Missouri River, United States (Largest tributary of the M ississippi) Conder's Modern Traveller, v. 23, 1830. Harper's Mag., v. 16, 1888. Trollope's North America, 1862. Mistaken Identity All the Year Round, vol. 23, 1869-70. Mistletoe (A parasitical plant used largely in Christinas festivities). MISTLETOE AND DODDER Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896 MISTLETOE IN COVENT GARDEN Walford's Londoniana, 1879. MISTLETOE: ITS GROWTH AND USES Hardvvicke's Science Gossip,' vol. 13, 1877. MISTLETOE OF THE OAK Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 2, 1866. UNDER THE MISTLETOE BOUGH Andrews' Bygone England, 1892. GENERAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 17, 1891. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. "Mistletoe Bough" (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Mistra, Morea (Townnear the remains of ancient Sparta) Conder's Mod. Trav., v. 15, 1830. Mistress and Servant. LAW OF MISTRESS AND SERVANT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. See also Servants. Mitcham, Surrey. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF MITCHAM Suburban Homes of London, 1881. Mitchell (T., Preacher, died 1785) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. i, 1865. Mitchell Library, Glasgow Ogle's The Free Library, 1897. Mitchelstown, Ireland (Scene of a riot where the police -were compelled to use their firearms, 1887) Inglis' Journey throughout Ireland, 1835. Young's Tour in Ireland [1776-9], 1892. Mites (A name common to small, sometimes microscopic, animals). BRITISH FRESH- WATER MITES Science Gossip, vol. 5, 1899. WHITE MITES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 14, 1878. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 22 [American Edition], 1860-1. [405] MITFORD-MOHAMMEDANISM Mitford, Northumberland Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Mitford (Mary Russell, Poet and Novelist, died 1855). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. Maclise's Portrait Gallery [portrait], 1883. ESSAY ON Miss MITFORD Fields' Yesterdays with Authors, 1872. IN Miss MITKORD'S COUNTRY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. Miss MITFORD AND '.'OUR VILLAGE "- Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. SOME LETTERS FROM Miss MITFORD Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. GENERAL Adams' Celebrated Englishwomen, 1884. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Robertson's English Poetesses , 1883. Trollope's What I Remember, 1887. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Mithradates Eupator (King of Pontus, committed suicide 63 B.C.) Church's Two Thousand Years Ago, 1885. Mommsen's Rome, vol. 3, 1888. Mitliraism (A Persian religion : the worship of the Mithra and Mithras) Gardner's Faiths of the World, 1860. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Mittenwald, Bavaria. MITTENWALD AND ITS VIOLINS Girl's Own Annual, v. 10, '89. Mitylene, Greece Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. See also Lesbos. Moa (An extinct bird of New Zealand) Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 2, 1866. Natural Science, vol. 2, 1883. Student of Science, Literature and Art, v. 4, 1870. Moab Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Sunday at Home, vol. 21, 1874. Moabite Stone (Oldest monument of the Semitic Alphabet, noio broken in pieces) Good Words, vol. n, 1870. Palmer's Jewish Nation, 1883. Sayce's Fresh Light, Mobs. MOB LAW AND ORDER All the Year Round, vol. 9, 1863. [1884. Mocha, Arabia Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 4, 1830. Models and Modelling'. CLAY MODELLING -Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. IMITATION BARBOTINE PAINTING UPON EARTHENWARE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, MODELLING OF DISTANT OBJECTS Photogram, vol.4, '897. [1885. MODELS AND THEIR WAYS English Woman, vol. 8, 1898. MODEL MAKING Davidson's Boy Joiner, 1874. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Rec- SUGGESTIONS FOR MODELLING Axon's Mechanic's Friend, 1875. [reations, 1891. Modena, North Italy (Noted for its palace and public library) Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, V.D. Dickens' Pictures from "Italy, 1888. Hare's Cities of Northern Italy, 1883. Modena (Mary of, Queen of James II., died 1718) Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Moderation Cunningham's Path towards Knowledge, 1891. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Modesty. ESSAY ON MODESTY Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. GENERAL British Essayists, 1823. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Modjeska (Helena B., Countess, Noted Polish actress, born 1844) Temple Bar, v. 66 & 67, Modon, Morea Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 15, 1830. [1882-3. Moelfre Hill, Wales. BRON-Y-VOEL, ON THE WESTERN SLOPE OF MOELFRE [Account of some Ancient Celtic Remains] Antiquary, vol. 29, 1894. Moeris Lake, Egypt Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. Moffat (Robert, Scotch missionary, father-in-law to Dr. Livingstone, died 1883) Japp's Master Missionaries, 1880. Sunday at Home, vol. 30, 1883. Mogador, Morocco (A seaport noted for its mosques). A TRIP TO MOGADOR Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1897. GENERAL Thomson's Travels in the Atlas and Southern Morocco, 1889. Moghies (A band of robbers of Central India) MacfaMane's Banditti and Robbers, 1839. Moghul Empire (A Mohammedan empire in India, 1526-1707). CITIES OF THE MOGULS Moore's Queen's Empire, 1886. [ature, vol. 9, 1890. DECLINE AND FALL OF THK MOGHUL EMPIRE Spofford's Library of Choice Liter- LAST OF THE GREAT MOGULS Dr. Macaulay's True Tales, 1880. Mogridge (George, Known as " Old Humphrey," " Peter Parley," etc., writer of stories,. etc., principally for juveniles, died 1854) Groser's Men Worth Imitating. 1892. Mohammed (Founder of Mohammedanism, died 632). See Mohammedanism* MOHAMMEDANISM. (See also Islam, Moslems, Mussulmans, etc.) ASIATIC MOHAMMEDANS Vambdry's Struggle for India, 1885. CHRISTIANITY AND MOHAMMEDANS Sunday at Home, vol. 14,1867. CHRISTIANITY AND MOHAMMEDANISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. CRY FROM INDIAN MOHAMMEDANS Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY IN AFRICA White's Development of Africa, 1890, JUDAISM AND MOHAMMEDANISM Milman's History of the Jews, vol. 3, 1863. MAHOMETANISM IN THE LEVANT Palgrave's Eastern Questions, 1872. MAHOMMEDANISM IN THE CENTRAL SOUDAN Robinson's Hausaland, 1896. MOHAMMEDANISM AMONG THE CHINESE Milne's Life in China, 1858. MOHAMMEDANS FROM 753 TO 1250 Collier's Outlines of General History, 1873. MOHAMMEDANISM IN AFRICA Mackay of Uganda ; by his Sister, 1892. Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 1887. RELIGION OF MAHOMET Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. [406] MOHAMMEDANISM-MONARCHY Mohammedanism (continued). RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS OF MOHAMMED Sheppard's Fall of Rome, 1892. SKETCH OF MAHOMET AND HIS RELIGION Schlegel's Philosophy of History, 1846. SLAVERY OF MOHAMMEDANISM Clarke's Cardinal Lavigerie, 1889. GENERAL Benson's Men of Might, 1892. Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Deans' Ottoman Empire, 1854. Martineau's Eastern Lite, 1850 Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Milman's Latin Christianity, v. 2, 1872. Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1896-7. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891, Mohl (Madame Mary, nee Clarke ; conversationalist, died 1883). SOME PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF MADAME MOHL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. GENERAL N. W. Senior's Conversations, 1878. Prothero's Dean Stanley, 1894. Mohurrum (First month of the Mohammedan year) Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Moindon, New Caledonia Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Molde, Norway (A seaport town). FROM CHRISTIANIA TO MOLDE Macmillan's Mag- azine, vol. 18, 1868. Mole (A small burrowing animal). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE OF THE COMMON MOLE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 17, 1848. HABITS OF THE MOLE Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. MOLE AT HOME Longman's Magazine, vol. 3, 1883-4. PLEA FOR THE MOLE Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. Molecule (A n ultimate particle or atom of bodies). EXPLANATION OF MOLECULES Cook's New Chemistry, 1884. MAN'S GLASSY ESSENCE The Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. Moles (Spots on the skin). DREAMS AND MOLES Ashton's Chap-Books, 1882. Molesworth (Sir W., Statesman, died 1855) Bates' Maclise Portrait Gallery [Portrait and Short Sketch], 1883. Redding's Eminent Men, 1867. Moliere (J. B. P. de, French Dramatist, died 1673). HUMOUR OF MOLIERE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 56, 1887. LITERARY SALONS OK OLD PARIS [Portrait] Lady Jackson's Old Paris, 1878. MOLIERE [with Portrait] Scribner's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. GENERAL Vandam's Amours of Great Men, vol. 2, 1878. Mollien (Nicholas Francois, Count, Financial adviser of Napoleon I., died 1850). MEMOIRS OF COUNT MOLLIEN Temple Bar Magazine, vol. 101, 1894. Mollusca (An animal sub-kingdom, comprising limpets, oysters, slugs, snails, etc.). ACCOUNT OF MOLLUSCS Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. BURROWING MOLLUSCS Wood's Homes Without Hands, 1869. COLORATION AND VARIATION OF BRITISH EXTRA-MARINE MOLLUSCA Science Gossip, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1898. MARINE AND FRESHWATER MOLLUSKS Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua, 1888. REMARKS ON MOLLUSCA Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. "Molly Magulres" (An infamous brotherhood of Irish Americans) Macmillan's Magazine [Review], vol. 75, 1896-7. Moltke (Field-Marshal Von, celebrated Prussian General, died 1891). BIOGRAPHY Biographies Reprinted from the "Times," vol. 5, 1896. COUNT MOLTKE IN RUSSIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. FIELD-MARSHAL COUNT VON MOLTKE Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. MOLTKE AND MOLTKEISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. MOLTKE AS A MAN OF LETTERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. MOLTKE'S CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE EGYPTIANS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. Moluccas, Malay Archipelago (Islands belonging to the Dutch). CUSTOMS AND FESTI- VALS IN THE MOLUCCAS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GENERAL Wallace's Australasia, 1888. Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. Momerie (Alfred Williams, Preacher, Writer and Thinker, bom 1848). INTERVIEW WITH DR. MOMERIE Gould's Chats with Pioneers of Modern Thought, 1898. Mommsen (Theodor, German Historian, born 1817). EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF MOMMSEN Literature, vol. i, 1897-8. MOMMSEN ON THE ETRUSCANS Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Mona. See Anglesey, also Man (Isle of). Monaco (A principality situated on the Mediterranean ; noted for its gaining tables). HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF MONACO Cornhill Mag., vol. 10, 1864. GENERAL Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Murray's Guide to Mediterranean, V.D. See also Monte Carlo. Monarchy. ABSOLUTE MONARCHY Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. BRITISH MONARCHY AND MODERN DEMOCRACY Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. CROWNING OF MONARCHS Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. DECLINE OF MONARCHICAL SENTIMENT Lecky's History of England, 1892. ENGLISH MONARCHY Bagehot's English Constitution, 1891. May's Constitutional History, 1871. JEWISH MONARCHY Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. ROYAL PREROGATIVE AND PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY Stubbs' Constitutional History of England, 1874. [407] MONASTERIES-MONEY MONASTERIES and MONKS. A NIGHT AT THE GRANDE CHARTREUSE Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. [1897-8. AN ANGLICAN MONASTERY: A DAY WITH FATHER HOPKINS AT ALTON Idler, v. 12, CHARTERHOUSE MONKS Lee's Sketches of the Reformation, 1879. CLOISTER LIFE IN THE DAYS OF CCEUR DE LION Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. CRITIQUE OF MONASTICISM McCabe's Twelve Years in a Monastery, 1897. DAILY LIFE IN A MEDIAEVAL MONASTERY Jessopp's Coming of the Friars, 1888. Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. DAILY LIFE IN A MODERN MONASTERY Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. DISSOLUTION OF MONASTERIES Froude's Short Studies (ist series), 1891. [1895. DISSOLUTION OF MONASTERIES, 1536-1541 Yonge's Cameos from Eng. Hist., vol. 4, DRESS OF THE WORLDLY MONK Jusserand's Eng. Wayfaring Life in i4th Cent., '92. ENGLISH MONASTERY [Abbey of Mount St. Bernard, Leicestershire] All the Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. ENGLISH TRAPPISTS [Life at the Abbey of Mount St. Bernard, Leicestershire] Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. ESSEX MONASTERIES Essex Archaeological Society's Transactions, v. i (n.s.), 1878. FLAGELLATIONS IN MONASTERIES AND CONVENTS Cooper's Hist, of the Rod, 1887. FORGOTTEN MONASTERY [Bermondsey Abbey] Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 14, 1898. HERNICAN MONASTERIES Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. IRISH MONKS AND THE NORSEMEN Trans. Royal Historical Society, vol. 8, 1880. ITALIAN MONASTERIES Eustace's Classical Tour through Italy, 1841. LONDON MONKERIES All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. MONASTERIES NEAR Moscow Hare's Studies in Russia, 1885. MONASTERY OF EINSIEDELN Sunday at Home, vol. i, 1854. MONASTERY OF METCORA English illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. MONASTERY OF ST. ANTHONY AT LEITH Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc., vol. 5, 1877. MONASTERY OF ST. JEROME AT YUSTE Maxwell's Cloister Life of Charles V., 1891. MONASTIC LIFE OF THE i2TH CENTURY Chambers' Journal, vol. i, 1844. MONASTIC MYSTERIES All the Year Round, vol. 13, 1865. MONASTICISM IN ENGLAND Molloy's Faiths of the People, vol. 2, 1892. MONKS AND THE CRUSADES Trevor's Rome from Fall of the Western Empire, 1869. MONKS AND THE HEATHEN Good Words, vol. 4, 1863. MONKS OF PALESTINE Kinglake's Eothen, 1854. RECORDS OF THE MONKS Gairdner's England [Early Chroniclers of Europe], 1879. RISE OF MONACHISM IN EGYPT Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 5, 1830. SPOLIATION OF THE MONASTERIES Disraeli's Amenities of Literature, 1870. SUPPRESSION OF THE RELIGIOUS HOUSES IN LONDON Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. VICE OF THE CLERGY IN THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII. Simon Fish's Supplicacyon for the Beggers [Early English Text Society's Reprints, (extra ser. 13)], 1871. VISIT TO THE MONASTERY OF MOUNT ST. BERNARD Chambers' Jour., vol. 16,1851. VISITATION OF THE MONASTERIES, I&TH CENTURY Froude's Hist, of England, 1870. WESTERN MONASTICISM Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 2, 1872. WHITE MONKS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 26, 1898. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Blunt's Reformation in England, 1832. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i, 1879. Cobbett's Protestant Reformation, 1857. Jeaffreson's Book About the Clergy, 1870. Johnson's Normans in Europe, 1884. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milman's Latin Christianity, vols. 1-2, 1872. Morison's Saint Bernard, 1868. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Trench's Medieval Church History, 1886. Traill's Soc. England, vols. i, 1893, & 3, 1895. Woodhouselee's Universal Hist., 1847. Monastir or Bitolia, Turkey Mackenzie & Irby's Slavonic Provinces, 1877. Moncel (Count T. du, French Physicist, born 1821) Munro's Heroes of the Telegraph, '91. MONEY. (See also Banks, Bimetallism, Capital, Coinage, Coins, Finance, Numismatics, Wealth, etc.). BIMETALLISM AND THE NATURE OF MONEY Fortnightly Review, CHANCES OF MAKING MONEY Chambers' Journal, vol. 31, 1859. [vol. 66, 1896. CONCERNING MONEY Paxton Hood's World of Proverb and Parable, 1885. CURRENCY QUESTION FOR LAYMEN National Review, vol. 25, 1895. DECIMALISING OF THE COINAGE Longman's Magazine, vol. 10, 1887. ENOLISH INTEREST Cernuschi's Monetary Diplomacy, 1878. FOREIGN MONEY Bedford's Sailor's Handbook, 1890. HISTORICAL ASPECT OF THE MONETARY QUESTION Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. HISTORY OF MONEY Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. How MONEY WEARS Chambers' Journal, vol. 35, 1861. How TO MAKE MONEY All the Year Round, vol. 2, 1859-60. HUSBANDING OF MONEY Jowett's College Sermons, 1895. ILLUSTRATED PAPER MONEY Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. INFLUENCES OF MONEY Hamerton's Intellectual Life, 1873. INVESTMENTS AND MONEY Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. LENDING MONEY IN THE OLD TIMES All the Year Round, vol. 27, 1871-2. LORD FARRER ON THE MONETARY STANDARD National Review, vol. 24, 1894-5. LOVE OF MONEY Foster's Lectures (2nd series), 1847. MEANING OF CHEAP MONEY Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. MONETARY QUESTION AND THE UNITED STATES National Review, vol. 27, 1896. MONEY AND Music [Remuneration of Musicians] Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. MONEY MAKERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 57, 1880. MONEY OBLIGATIONS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 188 [408] MONEY-MONMOUTH Money (continued). MONEY OF MANY LANDS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 7, 1899. MONEY OF THE FAR EAST National Review, vol. 27, 1896. MYSTERIES or MONEY ARTICLES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. MYSTERY OF MONEY Chambers' Journal, vol. 16, 1851. ON MONEY MATTERS Lubbock's Use of Life, 1894. ON THE MANAGEMENT OF MONEY Lytton's Prose Works, 1868. ON THE WANT OF MONEY Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 2, 1890. PHILOSOPHY OF MONEY The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. POST OFFICE ORDERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 57, 1880. PRECIOUS METALS IN USE AS MONEY Report of the British Association, 1888. PRIMITIVE USE OF THE PRECIOUS METALS BY WEIGHT AS MONEY Schliemann's PROBLEM IN MONEY Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. [Troja, 1884. RIGHT USE OF MONEY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 343], 1883. RUSSIAN MONEY Stepniak's Russian Peasantry, 1890. SHADY SIDE OF BORROWING MONEY Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. THE GREAT UNCLAIMED Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. TREATISE ON MONEY McCulloch's Treatises and Essays, 1859. Two PER CENT Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. UNCLAIMED MONEY Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883 ; and vol. 73, 1896. USE AND ABUSE OF MONEY Smiles' Self-Help, 1860. VALUE OF MONEY Chambers' Journal, vol. 16, 1851. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 9, 1864. Shadwell's System of Political Economy, 1877. WEALTH AND CAPITAL Laing's Theory of Business, 1867. WHAT is MONEY ? Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. WHAT TO DO WITH MONEY Chambers' Journal, vol. 53, 1876. WORDS ABOUT MONEY MAKING Yonge's Womankind, 1876. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. Cunningham's Path Towards Know- ledge, 1891. Hallam's Europe during the Middle Ages, 1878. " Money" (A play by Lord Lytton) Theatre, vol. i, 1880. Monghyr, India (A manufacturing town on the Ganges) Conder's Mod. Trav., v. 9, '30- Mongolia (A dependency of China). ACROSS MONGOLIA Price's from the Arctic Ocean to the Yellow Sea, 1892. JAMES GII.MOUR IN MONGOLIA Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. RUSSIA, MONGOLIA AND CHINA Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. GENERAL Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Mongoose (An animal domesticated by the Hindoos to rid the houses of rats and other vermin) Chambers' Journal, vol. 54, 1877. Monica. (St., Mother of St. Augustine, died 387) H erbert's Three Phasesof Chris. Love, '77. Monism (Development of the all or universe from a monad or single principle) The Monist, from vol. i, 1890. Monitor (A heavily-armed -iron-clad war vessel). TURRET SHIPS AND MONITORS Brassey's British Navy, 1882. See also Iron-dads, Men-of-War, Navy, Ships, etc. onanceiiors, 1057. Lodge s Portraits, 1050. . Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Monk or Monck (Hon. Mary, Irish Poet, died 1715) Blackburne's Illustrious Irish- women, 1877. Ballard's Memoirs of Ladies, 1775. MONKEY (A quadrumanous man-like animal of Asia and Africa. See also Apes, Orang Oittang,etc.) AN INVISIBLE MONKEY [the Guereza] Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. ANECDOTES OF MONKEYS N. W. Senior's Sketches, 1863. Watson's Reasoning CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM OF THE MONKEY Brain, vol. 18, 1895. [Power, etc., '67. DESCRIPTION OF VARIETIES, WITH COLOURED PLATES Jardine's Nat. Lib., v. 27, 1848. DOG-SHAPED MONKEYS Cassell's Natural History, vol. i, 1877. HABITS OF MONKEYS Waterton's Natural History Essays, 1870. LARGE MONKEYS Hartmann's Anthropoid Apes, 18^9. MONKEYANA [The Ways of Monkeys] Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. MONKEYS IN CONFINEMENT AND AT LIBERTY Chambers' Journal, vol. 58, 1881. MONKEYS OF THE NEW WORLD Cassell's Natural History, vol. i, 1877. MONKEYS: REVIEW OF MIVART'S "MAN AND APES" Hardwicke's Science Gossip, OUR FIRST COUSINS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. [vol. 10 [p. n], 1874. PET MONKEYS Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 1890. REVIEW OF NATURAL HISTORIES Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. SAGACITY OF MONKEYS Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua, 1888. SPEECH OF MONKEYS Daily Graphic, vol. 17, 1894. Nature, vol. 46, 1892. TALE OF MANY MONKEYS Chambers' Journal, vol.67, 1890. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Good Words, vol. 16, 1875, Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1892. Wilson's Studies in Life and Sense, 1887. tO I (] Magazine Library [English Topography, part vii.], 1896. TRADITIONS OF MONMOUTHSHIRE All the Year Round, vol. 32, 1874. [1891. GENERAL Black's Hereford, V.D. Black's South Wales, V.D. Hissey's Across England, [409] MONMOUTH-MONTAIGNE Monmouth ([Prince Henry of Monmouth], Henry V., King of England, died 1422). PRINCE HENRY OF MONMOUTH His LETTERS AND DISPATCHES Trans, of Royal Historical Society, vol. 4 (n.s.). 1889. THE STORY OK PRINCE HENRY OK MONMOUTH AND CHIEF-JUSTICE GASCOIGN Trans, of the Royal Hist. Society, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1886. See also Henry V. Monmouth (Tames Scott, Duke of, reputed an illegitimate son of Charles II. ; aspired to the throne, beheaded 1685). His PRETENSIONS TO THE CROWN Stoughton's. Church of the Restoration, 1870. GENERAL Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Monnikendam, Holland Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Monograms (A sign or abbreviation used to denote a name or word). ESSAY ON MONOGRAMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 46, 1869. MONOGRAMS OK PAINTERS AND ENGRAVERS Bryan's Dictionary of Painters, 1895. GENERAL Art Journal, vol. 30, 1878. Chambers' Journal, vol. 46, 1869. Monophysitism (The doctrine of a sect who maintain that Christ had only one nature, viz., the human, raised to the divine) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. t, 1854. Monopolies. ARTICLE ON OLD LICENSES Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. GREAT MONOPOLIES Bourne's Romance of Trade, 1876. HISTORY OF MONOPOLIES Dyer's Evolution of Industry, 1895. PATENTS AND MONOPOLIES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 17, 1852. Monos, West Indies Kingsley's At Last, 1874. [Unknown God, 1890.. Monotheism (Relief in a single, personal God). EGYPTIAN MONOTHEISM Brace's RISE OK MONOTHEISM Allen's Evolution of the Idea of God, 1897. SEMITIC MONOTHEISM Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. Monotony. EMOTIONS OK RELATIVITY Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Monotype (A machine for casting and setting type). THE MONOTYPE [A Description of the Lanston Monotype Machine] New Review, vol. 17, 1897. Monotypes (Prints produced from a metal plate upon which the artist has previously painted his picture with plate-printer's ink) Century Magazine, vol. 31, 1897. Monreale, Sicily Hare's Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily, 1891. Monroe (J., Fifth President of the United States, promulgated the Monroe Doctrine, died 1831) Harper's Magazine, vol. 29 [American Edition]. Monroe Doctrine (Opposed to the colonization of any portion of the A merican continent by an European power). A MONROE DOCTRINE FOR CHINA Fortnightly Review, GENERAL Literature, vol. 3, 1898. New Review, vol. 14, 1896. [vol. 69, 1898. Mons Meg (A big cannon). MONS MEG, THE ANCIENT BOMBARD AT EDINBURGH CASTLE Archaeological Journal, vol. 10, 1853. Monson (Sir William, Admiral, died 1643) Campbell's Lives of Brit.' Admirals, v. 2,1818- Monsoons (Winds which prevail for certain months in the year in the A rabian and Indian Seas). DESCRIPTION OF MONSOONS Abercromby's Weather, 11:87. THE SOUTH-WEST MONSOONS Chambers' journal, vol. 68, 1891. Monsters. EXTINCT MONSTERS Hutchinson's Extinct Monsters, 1897. IMAGINARY MONSTERS All the Year Round, vol. 49, 1882. SEA MONSTERS, SEA SERPENTS, ETC. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 25, 1848. SET OF ODD FELLOWS Household Words, vol. n, 1855. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 3, 1881-2. Mont Blanc ([White Mountain] Highest mountain of the Alps). ALBERT SMITH'S ASCENT OF MONT BLANC Blackwood's Travel, Adventure & Sport, vol. 4, 1890. CLIMBING MONT BLANC IN A BLIZZARD Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. FIRST ASCENT OK THE GREAT WHITE MOUNTAIN Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. STORY OK MONT BLANC Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. GENERAL Baedeker's Switzerland, V.D. Mountains and Mountain Climbing, 1883. Mont Cenis Tunnel (Railway route under Alps between France and Italy, 7$ miles long, built 1861-70). OPENING OK THE MONT CENIS TUNNEL Nature, v. 4, 1871. PASSAGE OF MONT CENIS Gentleman's Mag., vol. 5(11.3.), 1870. Once a Week, vol. 17, Mont St. Michel, France. LES EAUX MORTES Temple Bar, vol. 71, 1884. [1867. GENERAL Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Montagu (Edward, First Earl of Sandwich, A dmiral, killed 1672). MEMOIRS Campbell's- Lives of British Admirals, vol. 2, 1818. Montagu (George, Second Earl of Halifax, Statesman, died 1771) Jesse's Etonians, 1875. Montagu (Mrs. Elizabeth, Lady of rank and fashion, died 1800). MEMOIRS Temple Bar, vol. 101, 1894. GENERAL Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley, Traveller and Author, died 1762). BRIBE SKETCH Temple Bar, vol. 98, 1893. LETTERS AND WORKS Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. GENERAL Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 283, 1897. Merydew's Love Letters ot Famous Men and Women, 1888. Oliphant's George II., 1869. Robertson's. English Poetesses, 1883. Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Montaigne, Michel de (French Essayist, died 1592). A HOLIDAY WITH MONTAIGNE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890: vol. 66, 1892. ON THE TRACK OF MONTAIGNE Temple Bar, vol. 99, 1893. [410] MONTAIGNE-MONTSERRAT Montaigne (continued) . ROMANTIC SIDE OF MONTAIGNE Temple Bar, vol. no, 1897. [vol. 106, 1895. GENERAL Emerson's Works, 1889. Good Words, v. 3, 1862. Temple Bar, v.84, '88 ; Montana, Peru Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 28. 1830. Guillaume's Peru, 1888. Harper's Magazine, vol. 16, 1888 ; and vol. 24, 1892. Montanus (Founder of the sect, Montanists, died about 200) and Novatian (died about 255) Wilberforce's Five Empires, 1874. Monte Carlo, Monaco (Gambling and sea bathing resort). BEHIND THE SCENES AT MONTE CARLO Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 7, 1895. DAY AT MONTE CARLO Arnold's Arm Chair Essays, 1888. GAMBLING AT MONTE CARLO Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. THOUSAND GAMES AT MONTE-CARLO English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. GENERAL Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. Truth, vol. 10, 1881. See also Monaco. Monte Casino, Italy (A mountain on which is a celebrated abbey, in which originated the order of the Benedictines) Atlantic Monthly, vol. 35, 1875* Fortnightly Review, vol. 5, 1866. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Monte Cavo, Italy (Highest summit of the Alban Mountains) Hare's Days near Rome, Monte Gennaro, Italy (Sabine Mountains) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. [1884. Monte RotondO, Italy Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. MontefiBSCOne, Italy (Town occupying site of ancient Etruscan City) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Dennis' Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, 1883. Montenegro (A principality of Europe). FORTNIGHT IN MONTKNEGRO Pall Mall, MONTENEGRO AND HER PRINCE Fortnightly Review, vol. 70, 1898. [vol. 4, 1894. RIDE THROUGH MONTENEGRO Good Words, vol. 7, 1866. THIRTEEN DAYS IN UNEXPLORED MONTENEGRO Harper's Magazine, vol. 37, 1899. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to South'n Germany, V.D. Macmillan's Mag., v. 33, '75-6. Montepulciano, Italy (A town of central Italy, containing remains of ancient Etruscan City) Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. Montes (Lola [M. E. R. Gilbert], Dancer, Actress and Philanthropist, died 1861) Sala's Life and Adventures, 1895. Temple Bar, vol. 59, 1880. Montevideo (Capital of Uruguay). FROM MONTEVIDEO TO PARAGUAY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. GENERAL Atchison's Winter Cruise in Summer Seas, 1891. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 29, 1830. Hervey's Dark Days in Chile, 1892. Price's Two Americas, 1877. Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Vincent's S'th America, '90. Montfort (Eleanor de, daughter of Simon de Mont fort, died 1282) Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. Green's Princesses of England, 1855. Montfort (Simon de, Earl of Leicester, celebrated warrior and statesman, killed 1265). LAST DAYS OF SIMON DE MONTFORT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1857. MontgOlfier (Joseph Michel, died 1810 ; and Jacques Etienne, died 1799, Inventors of the balloon) Brightwell's Annals of Industry and Genius, 1869. Montgomery Castle, Wales (A stately Norman castle now in ruins) Clark's Mediaeval Military Architecture, 1884. Timbs' Abbeys and Castles, 1880. Montgomery (James, Scotch poet and journalist, died 1854). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. ESSAY ON MONTGOMERY Devey's English Poets, 1873. PRISON WORK OF JAMES MONTGOMERY Langford's Prison Books, 1861. GENERAL Boyd's Critical Essays, 1865. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Hodson's Life of Rev. Francis Hodgson, 1878. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876. Montgomery (Robert, Poet, died 1855) Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. Macaulay's Reviews, Essays and Poems, 1890. Monticelli (Adolphe, French Painter, died 1886) Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. Montmorency (Anne, Due de, Constable of France; killed in battle, 1567) Lady Jackson's Last of the Valois, 1888. Pardoe's rrancis the First, 1887. Montpellier, France Baedeker's Guide to Southern France, V.D. Montpellier-le-Vieux (Rocks on south coast of France) Edwards' Roof of France, '89. Montreal (Largest city of Canada). NOTRF.-DAME STREET Temple Bar, v. 15, 1865. MONTREAL AND OTTAWA Fleming's England and Canada, 1884. GENERAL Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. Caine's Trip Round the World, 1892. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. Dickens' American Notes, 1892. Dufi'erin's Canadian Journal, 1891. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Reminiscences of America [By Two Englishmen], 1870. Roper's Track and Trail, 1891. Montrose (James Graham, Marquis of, executed 1650) Anderson's Scottish Nation, v. 2 [portrait], 1880. Macmillan's, v. 56, 1887. Mahon's Historical Essays, 1849. Montserrat, British West Indies Coleridge's W. Indies, 1825. Kingsley'sAt Last, '59. Montserrat, Spain (A mountain of Spain upon which a monastery stands). DESCRIP- TION OF MONTSERRAT Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. VISIT TO MONTSEKRAT Temple Bar, v. 84, 1888. GENERAL Argosy, vol. 62, 1896. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 18, 1830. [4"] MONUMENTAL BRASSES-MOORE Monumental Brasses. BRASSES IN KENT Antiquary, vols. i and 2, 1880. BRASSES OF ENGLAND AND WALES Antiquary, vol. 3, 1881. CONTINENTAL BRASSES Creeny's Book of Facsimiles, 1884. GENERAL Sparvel-Bayly's New Studies in Old Subjects, 1889. See also Brasses. MONUMENTS. (See also Brasses, Monumental Brasses, etc.). CATALOGUE OF EARLY CHRISTIAN MONUMENTS IN PEMBROKESHIRE Archaeologia Cambrensis, vol. 13 DESTRUCTION OF EGYPTIAN MONUMENTS Nineteenth Cen., v. 28, 1890. [(5th ser.) EARLY CHRISTIAN MONUMENTS Edinburgh Review, vol. 181, 1895. EARLY CHRISTIAN MONUMENTS OF NORTH WALES Chester Arch. Soc. Trans., v. 4, FERGUSSON'S "RUDE STONE MONUMENTS" [Review] Nature, vol. 5, 1872. KELTIC AND TEUTONIC MONUMENTS Turner's Short History of Art, 1885. LONDON MONUMENT Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. LONDON MONUMENTS Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1867. MEGALITHIC MONUMENTS AND TUMULI Lubbock's Pre-historic Times, 1890. MONUMENTS IN THE ATHOL CHANTRY, ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, NEWCASTLE-UPON- TYNE Archaeologia ^Eliana, vol. 18. SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS IN OXFORD CATHEDRAL Proc. Archaeological Inst., 1850. SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS: THEN AND Now Idler, vol. 14, i8q8. SPANISH ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. Two CENTURIES OF NATIONAL MONUMENTS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. WESTMINSTER ABBEY MONUMENTS Loftie's Westminster Abbey, 1891. Monza, Italy (Cathedral town) Hare's Cities of Northern Italy, 1883. Moody (D. L., Evangelist, born 1837). MR. MOODY AS I KNEW HIM. By F. B. Meyer- Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. MOODY, THE EVANGELIST OF THE PEOPLE Pierson's Evangelistic Work, 1892. MOON (The satellite of the Earth. See also Astronomy, Planets, etc.) A POSSIBLE CAUSE OF CHANGE ON THE MOON'S SURFACE Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. ARISTARCHUS AND THE SINUS IRIDUM Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. BEAUTIES OF MOONLIGHT Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. COLOUR IN THE MOON The Student of Science, Literature, and Art, vol. 3, 1869. CENTRAL EQUATORIAL REGION OF THE MOON Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. CRATERS IN THE MOON Good Words, vol. 8, 1867. EARTH AS SEEN FROM THE MOON Chambers' Journal, vol. 25, 1856. ECLIPSE OF THE MOON The Student of Science, Literature, and Art, vol. 5, 1871. EFFECTS OF THE MOON ON WEATHER Henry's Scientific Writings, 1886. FACTS ABOUT THE MOON Lockyer's Stargazing, 1878. FANCIES CONCERNING THE MOON All the Year Round, vol. 58, 1886. HARVEST MOON Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, :88g. HAS THE MOON AN ATMOSPHERE? Science Gossip, vol. 4, 1898. HAS THE MOON ATTAINED ITS FINAL CONDITION? The Student of Science, Literature, and Art, vol. i, 1869. ILLUMINATION, COLOUR, ETC., OF THE MOON Student of Science, etc., vol. 4, 1870. IN THE MOON'S NORTHERN REGIONS Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. Is THE MOON A DEAD PLANET? Cornhill Magazine, vol. 35, 1877. LUNAR PHOTOGRAPHY Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. LUNAR VOLCANOE IN ERUPTION Temple Bar, vol. 21, 1867. MOON AND THE LONGITUDE Hall's Fragments of Voyages, 1842. MOON MYTHS All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. NORTH POLE OF THE MOON Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. NOTIONS ABOUT THE MOON Chambers' Journal, vol. 50, 1873. REMARKS ON THE MOON Pouchet's Universe, 1870. Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. SCENERY OF THE MOON Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. SUPPOSED CHANGES IN THE MOON Student of Science, Literature and Art, vol. 2, SURFACE OF THE MOON Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. [1869. Moon (Dr. William, the blind friend of the blind, died 1894). DR. MOON AND HIS WORK FOR THE BLIND Sunday at Home, vol. 54,1898. Moon (Z., Public Librarian of Leyton). LEYTON LIBRARIES AND THEIR WORK London, vols. 6 and 7, 1897-8. Moore (Albert, Painter, ditd 1893) Muther's History of Modern Painting, v. 3, 1896. Moore (F. Frankfort, Novelist, born 1855) Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. Moore (George, Merchant and Philanthropist, died 1876) Page's Leaders of Men, 1881. Moore (Sir Graham, Admiral, died 1843) James' Naval History, 1878. Moore (Sir John, General, killed at Cortinna, 1809). MOORE AT SALAMANCA Diaries of Sir George Jackson, 1873. Napier's Peninsular War, 1882. SIR JOHN MOORE AT CORUNNA Cornhill Magazine, vol 4, 1898. GENERAL Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. 3 [portrait], 1880. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 4 [portrait], 1849. Edgar's Heroes of England, 1861. Walpole's Life of Perceval, 1874. Moore (Sir John Henry, Poet, died 1780) Campbell's Specimens of English Poets, 1844. Moore (Miss Mary, Actress, widow of the late James Alberry, dramatist) Men and Women of the Day [portrait] , 1889. [412] MOORE-MORE Moore (Thomas, Irish Poet, died 1852). ESSAY ON MOORE Devey's English Poets, '73. MOORE AND KENNY MEADOWS Hodder's Memories, 1870. REVIEW OF MOORE'S LIFE Grote's Collected Papers, 1862. ROGUERIES OF TOM MOORE Father Prout's Works, 1890. GENERAL Cassell's Magazine, vol. 5, 1879. Gilfillan's Literary Portraits, vol. 2, 1845. Grant's Public Characters, 1841. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Hodgson's Life of Rev. F. Hodgson, 1878. Kent's Footprints on the Road, 1864. Lady Morgan's Memoirs, 1842. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. Oliphant's Literary History, vol. 3, 1882. Rossetti's Lives of Famous Poets, 1878. Smiles' Murray, 1891. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Moors. LITERATURE OF THE MOORS Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, 1887. MOORISH REMAINS IN SPAIN Ford's Spain, 1892. Inglis' Spain, 1831. MOORS AND ARABS AT HOME Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. MOORS OF SPAIN Prescott's Philip II., 1877. POLITICAL AND INTELLECTUAL CONDITION OF THE MOORS Prescott's Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 1887. Moose. A MOOSE CHASE IN MAINE Chambers' Journal, vol. 20, 1853. THE MOOSE OR TRUE ELK Notts' Wild Animal Photographed and Described, 1886. VANISHING MOOSE AND THEIR EXTERMINATION Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1893-4. Moraines (Accumulations of debris formed by glaciers) Main's My Home in the Alps, '92. Moral Courage Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. Moral Power. EMOTIONS OF POWER Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Moral Training. PRINCIPLES OF MORAL TRAINING Ellis' Education of Character, '56. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF MORAL TRAINING Inter. Journal of Ethics, v. 3, 1892-3. Morality. ARE WE POLYGAMISTS ? Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. AUTOMATISM IN MORALITY International Journal of Ethics, vol. 5, 1894-5. ['899. ECONOMIC FOUNDATIONS OF MORALITY Loria's Economic Foundations of Society, INNER LIFE IN RELATION TO MORALITY Inter. Journal of Ethics, vol. i, 1890-1. INTERNATIONAL MORALITY New Review, vol. 17, 1897. LAW AND MORALITY Amos' Science of Law, 1889. Sidgwick's Elements of Politics, LIFE'S MINOR MORALITIES Good Words, vol. 39, 1898. [1891. MORAL ESPIONAGE Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. MORAL RESTRAINT Malthus' Population, 1888. MORALITY OF NATIONS International Journal of Ethics, vol. i, 1890-1. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. J. Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism, 1854. MORALS. ALICE MEYNELL ON FASHION AND MORALS Woman, January, 1895. AUSTRALIAN MORALS Dale's Impressions of Australia, 1889. BASIS OF MORALS The Monist, vol. 7, 1896-7. EDUCATION IN MORALS Bain's Education as a Science, 1889. EVOLUTION OF MORALS Clodd's Story of Creation, 1891. FIRST PRINCIPLES AND SYSTEMS OF MORALS Reid's Essays, 1865. MORAL SCIENCE AND THE MORAL LIFE International Journal of Ethics, v. 4, 1893-4. MORALS OF AUTHORS Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. NATURAL SELECTION IN MORALS International Journal of Ethics, vol. 2, 1891-2. PRINCIPLES OF MORALS Huxley's Hume, 1887. REVIEW OF LECKY'S HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS Meliora, vol. 12, 1869. SCIENCE AND MORALS Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 9, 1894. GENERAL Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Tail's Mind in Matter, 1892. Morant (Philip, Antiquary and Topographer, wrote the "History of Essex," died 1770) Essex Review, vol. 3, 1894. Nichols' Illustrations of Literary History, 1858. Moratin (Leandro Fernandez, Spanish Poet, died 1828) Kennedy's Poets of Spain, 1852. Moravia, Austria Baedeker's Guide to Southern Germany, V.D. Moravians (A Protestant sect distinguished for its missionary activity). JOHN WESLEY AND THE MORAVIANS Southey's Life of Wesley, 1864. SUNDAY MORNING IN FETTER LANE CHAPEL Molloy's The Faiths of the People, GENERAL Abbey's English Church, 1887. [vol. 2, 1892. Morbihan, Brittany (A western department of France) Macquoid's Thro' Brittany, 1879. Mordant (A substance used in dyeing processes). NOTES, ON MORDANTS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 2 and 3, 1897. Mordvins (A Finnish race). BELIEFS AND RELIGIOUS SUPERSTITIONS OF THE MORDVINS Folk-lore Journal, vol. 7, 1889. MARRIAGE CUSTOMS OF THE MORDVINS Folk-lore Journal, vol. i, 1890. More (bir Francis, Lawyer, died 1621) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. More (Hannah, Moral Novelist and Essayist, died 1833). A WORD FOR HANNAH MORE Temple Bar, vol. 101, 1894. GENERAL Abbey's English Church, 1887. Biographies of Good Women, 1868. Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1889. Good Words, vol. 15, 1874. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Quiver, vol. 17, 1882. Sunday at Home, vol. 12, 1865. Temple Bar, vol. no, 1897. Walford's Authoresses, 1892. Wotton's Word Portraits, '87. More (Henry, Philosopher, died 1687) Coleridge's English Divines, 1853. More (Margaret, [Mrs. Roper] , died 1544) Biographies of Good Women, 1868. [413] MORE MORRIS More (Sir Thomas, Statesman, beheaded 1535). ERASMUS AND SIR THOMAS MORE Good Words, vol. 19, 1878. LIFE AND WORKS REVIEWED Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 1896. PRIVATE LIFE OF SIR THOMAS MORE Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. GENERAL Bell's Historic Persons buried in the Tower, 1877. Blunt's Reformation, 1832. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. English Illustrated Mag., vol. 3, 1885-6. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 2, 1845. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Traill's Social England, vol. 3, 1895. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Morecambe Bay, Lancashire. COCKLING AT MORECAMBE BAY Pall Mall Mag., vol. 16, 1898. Croston's Lancashire and Cheshire, 1882-3. Moredunum (Roman station in Devonshire) Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano-British Remains, part ii.], 1887. Morehead (Robert, Rector of Easington, died 1842) Cockburn's Lord Jeffrey, 1852. Morell (Thomas, Greek Scholar, died 1784) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Morgan (Sir Henry, Buccaneer, died 1688) Burney's Buccaneers of America, 1891. Whymper's The Sea : its Stirring Story of Adventure, etc., 1881. Morgan (Sydney, Lady, Irish Novelist, died 1859) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Redding's Personal Reminiscences, 1867. Temple Bar, vol. 58, 1880. Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. [Bible, 1865. Moriah (Hill in Jerusalem, site of Solomon's Temple) Macfarlane's Mountains of the Morier (James, Traveller and Novelist, died 1849) Maclise Portrait Gallery, 1883. Morlais Castle, Glamorgan Clark's Mediaeval Military Architecture, 1884. Morlaix, France Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Morland (George, Painter, died 1804) Cunningham's Painters, etc., vol. 2, 1830. Wilson's Wonderful Characters, 1869. Morley (G., Bp. of Winchester, died 1684) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Morley (John, Statesman and Author, born 1838). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 2, 1890. GENERAL Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. Men and Women of the Day [Portrait], 1888. Morley (Samuel, Philanthropist, died 1886) Cochrane's Beneficent and Useful Lives, '90. Mormons (A religious body of the United States founded by Joseph Smith in 1830). AMONG MORMONS All the Year Round, vol. 10, 1863-4. Woman, March, 1896. COUNTRY OF THE MORMONS [In the name of the Prophet Smith] Temple Bar, vol. ESSAY ON MORMONISM Conybeare's Essays, 1855. [4, 1862. HISTORY OF THE MORMONS Harper's Magazine, vol. 6 [American Edition], 1852-3. JOSEPH SMITH, FOUNDER OF MORMONISM Hayden's North America, 1883. MORMON THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY Dixon's New America, 1867. MORMONISM IN GENERAL Rusling's Great West and the Pacific Coast, 1877. NEW VIEW OF MORMONISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. SALT LAKE CITY Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. GENERAL Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Dixon's White Conquest, 1876. Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Marcy's Army Life on the Borders, 1866. Marshall's Through America, 1882. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. See also Smith (J.), Young (Brighton), Utah, Polygamy, etc. MOROCCO, N.W. Africa. A DAY'S SPORT IN MOROCCO Badminton Mag., v. 3, 1896. ACCESSION OF THE NEW SULTAN OF MOROCCO Blackwood's Mag., vol. 156, 1894. CAMP LIFE AND PIG STICKING IN MOROCCO Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. DESCRIPTION OF MOROCCO Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. EATING ANTS IN MOROCCO Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. EUROPE AND MOROCCO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. FUTURE OF MOROCCO National Review, vol. 32, 1898-9. HISTORY OF MOROCCO AND NORTHERN AFRICA Macmillan's Mag., vol. i, 1859-60. LIFE IN MOROCCO Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. MOROCCO QUESTION National Review, vol. 32, 1898-9. ON MULEBACK IN MOROCCO English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9,1891-2. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF MOROCCO Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20, 1830. ROHLF'S TRAVELS IN MOROCCO Chambers' Journal [Review], vol. 51, 1874. SHREDS OF MOROCCO Cornhill Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. THE "TOURMALINE" EXPEDITION AND THE OPENING OF THE Oxus Fortnightly TOUR IN MOROCCO Chambers' Jour., vol. 56, 1879. [Review, vol. 71, 1899. Two AFRICAN CITIES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. WORLD'S LAST MARKET Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. GENERAL Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Conder's Modern Traveller, v. 21, 1830. Johnston's Africa, 1884. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Morpeth, Northumberland. VISIT TO MORPETH Hewitt's Remarkable Places, 1856. Morphology (The department of science which treats of forms in organisms). MOR- PHOLOGY AT THE NATIONAL MUSEUM Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. POSITION OF MORPHOLOGY IN ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Natural Science, v. 10, 1897. Morris (F. O., Naturalist, died 1893) Good Words, v. 34, 1893. Leisure Hour, v.42, '93. Morris (Sir Lewis, Poet, born 1833) English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893-4. MORRIS-MOSES Morris (William, Poet anil Socialist, died 1896). CHARACTER SKETCH Rev. of Revs., MR. MORRIS' POEMS : A CRITICAL REVIEW Longman's Mag., v. 28, 1896. [v. 14, '96. MORRIS' "NEWS FROM NOWHERE" [Review] Review of Reviews, vol. 3, 1891. POEMS OF WILLIAM MORRIS Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. POETRY OF WILLIAM MORRIS Fortnightly Review, vol. 68, 1897. SHORT SKETCH OF HIS LIFE AND WORK Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 78, 1898. STUDY OF WILLIAM MORRIS Stedman's Victorian Poets, 1876. THE MAN AND HIS WORK Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. WALTER CRANE ON WILLIAM MORRIS Scribcer's Magazine, vol. 22, 1897. WILLIAM MORRIS : POET AND CRAFTSMAN Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 185, 1897. WILLIAM MORRIS : POET AND REVOLUTIONIST Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. GENERAL Forman's Living Poets, 1871. Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. Pro- gressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. Morris Dance (A ncient dance of the Moors of Spain, introduced into England in the reign of Edward HI.) ACCOUNT OF THE MORRIS DANCERS Andrews' England in the Days of Old, 1897. Brand's Popular Antiquities, 1810. MORRIS DANCE AT REVESBY Folk-lore Journal, vol. 7, 1889. Morse (Samuel F. B., American Painter, Inventor of the Morse system of telegraphy, died 1872) Bolton's Men of Science, 1890. Munroe's Heroes of the Telegraph, 1891. Mortain, France Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Mortality. CHEERING ASPECTS OF MORTALITY Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884: MORTALITY OF CHILDREN Temple Bar, vol. 8, 1863. See also Death. Mortar (A cement used in building). CEMENT, CONCRETE, LIMES AND MORTAR Spon's Diet, of Engineering (Supp.), 1879. Rivington's Building Construction, '91. Mortars (Vessel used for domestic and funereal purposes) Archaeological Jour., v.48, '91. Morte d'Arthur English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 6, 1888-9. See also Arthur. Mortimer (J. H., Painter, died 1779) Cunningham's British Painters, 1830. Mortlake, Surrey. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF MORTLAKE Suburban Homes of MORTLAKE TAPESTRY WORKS Leisure Hour, v. 42, 1893. [London, 1881. Morton (John, Cardinal and Diplomatist, died 1500) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. Hook's Archbishops, vol. 5, 1867. Morvan, France (An old division of France) Edwards' Roof of France, 1889. MorwenstOW, Cornwall Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [English Topography, pt. ii.], 1892. Mosaic (Inlaid work formed of small pieces of glass, enamel, marble, precious stones, etc.) ANCIENT MOSAICS Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. ART OF MOSAIC Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. ARTICLE ON MOSAICS Industrial Arts : Historical Sketches, 1874. ENAMEL DECORATION IN MOSAIC WORK Chambers' Journal, vol. 47, 1870. FLORENTINE MOSAICS Leader Scott's Tuscan Studies and Sketches, 1888. How MOSAIC WORK is EXECUTED Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. MANUFACTURE OF MOSAIC WORK Household Words, vol. 7, 1853. MEDIEVAL MOSAIC Gentleman's Magazine Library [Ecclesiology], 1894. MOSAICS AT RAVENNA Crane's Bases of Design, 1898. MOSAIC PAVEMENT AT THRUXTON, HANTS Proc. of Archaeological Institute, 1849. ROMAN MOSAICS Lanciani's Christian and Pagan Rome, 1892. WALL DECORATION AND MOSAICS Dunlop's Glass in the Old World, 1882. GENERAL Hare's Walks in Rome, 1872. Moscheles (I., Musical Composer, died 1870) Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. MOSCOW (Second Capital of the Russian Empire). CAMPAIGN OF Moscow Temple Bar, FEW DAYS IN Moscow Harper's Mag., vol. 26 [American Edition]. [vol. 63, 1881. GIPSY CONCERT IN Moscow Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, 1873. HOLY Moscow Harper's Magazine, vol. 18, 1889. MEMORIES OF Moscow Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. Moscow AND ST. PETERSBURG Good Words, vol. 18, 1877. Moscow AND THE KREMLIN Turner's Short History of Art, 1886. GENERAL De Windt's Siberia as it is, 1892. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 17, 1830. Geddie's Russian Empire, 1882. Hare's Studies in Russia, 1885. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Lowth's Around the Kremlin, 1868. Meignan's Paris to Pekin, 1885. Murray's Russia, V.D. Pinkerton's Russia, 1833. Stoddard's Across Russia, 1892. Moselle River, France Macgregor's " Rob Roy " Canoe on Rivers of Europe, 1875. Moselle Valley, France Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Moser (Mary, Flower Painter, died 1819). A FORGOTTEN ROYAL ACADEMICIAN English Illustrated Mag., vol. 19, 1898. Clayton's English Female Artists, 1876. Moses (Leader, Prophet, and Legislator of the Israelites, died about 1480 B.C.) BLESSING OF MOSES Proceedings of the Biblical Archaeological Society, vol. 18. CRADLE OF MOSES Sunday at Home, vol. 6, 1859. MOSES AT THE BATTLE OF REPHIDIM The Expositor, vol. 5 (sth series), 1897. MOSES AT THE BURNING BUSH Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 6, 1886. MOSES IN EGYPT Contemporary Pulpit, vol 6 (2nd series), 1891. MOSAIC RECORD COMPARED WITH GEOLOGY Rhind's Aje of the Earth 1838. THE TIME OF MOSES Hommel's Ancient Hebrew Tradition, 1897. VEILING OF MOSES Good Words, vol. 29, 1888. MOSES-MOTOR CABS Moses (co ntinued). GENERAL Church's Stories from the Bible, 1891. Ewald's Israel, vol. i & 2, 1886. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Josephus' Woiks, 1874. Milman's History of the Jews, 1866. Pinnock's Bible and History, 1887. Quiver, vol. 8, 1873. Sale's Koran, 1891. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Moslems (Mussulmans or orthodox Mohammedans). HINDOO AND MOSLEM Harper's Magazine, vol. 30, 1895. See also Mussulmans, Mohammedanism, etc. Mosque (Mohammedan houte of prayer). MOSQUES AT CAIRO Murray's Guide to TARTAR MOSQUE IN Moscow Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, 1873. [Egypt. V.D. GENERAL Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Sunday at Home, vol. 7, 1860. Mosquito (A kind of gnat, the bite of which is very poisonous). DESCRIPTION OF THE MOSQUITO Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. MOSQUITO FAMILY Harper's Magazine, vol. 18 [American Edition], 1858-9. MOSQUITOS AND GNATS Chambers' Jour., v. 8, 1847. Girl's Own Annual, v. 8, 1887. MOSQUITOS AND TSETSE FLIES Selous' Hunter's Wanderings in Africa, 1895. GENERAL Henty's Those Other Animals, 1897. Roper's Track and Trail, 1891. Mosses (A group of cryptogamic or flowerless plants). COLLECTING MOSSES Nave's Collector's Handbook, 1867. DESCRIPTION OF MOSSES Somerville's Molecular Science, 1869. . FERNS AND MOSSES Cooke's The Woodlands, 1885. LICHENS AND MOSSES Chambers' Journal, vol. 7, 1847. MOSSES AND FERNS OF CASTLETON Croston's On Foot Through the Peak, 1889. MOSSES AND HEPATICS OF MOURNE MOUNTAINS Science Gossip, v. 3 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1890. Tripp's British Mosses, 1893. Moth. (Popular name of a numerous and beautiful division of Lepidopterous insect, very similar to butterflies). BRITISH MOTHS Boys' Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. DAY-FLYING MOTHS KNOwledge, vol. 19, 1896. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES OF MOTHS Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 30, 1848. ESSAY ON MOTHS Chambers' Journal, vol. 15, 1851. EXOTIC MOTHS Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 32, 1848. GOAT MOTH Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. MOTHS OF THE WORLD Nature, vol. 46, 1892. SMALL EGGAR MOTH Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 8, 1872. WALNUT MOTH Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. GENERAL Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Mothers. DUTIES OF WIVES AND MOTHERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. IN DEFENCE OF WORLDLY MOTHERS National Review, vol. 29, 1897. LEAF OUT OF A YOUNG MOTHER'S JOURNAL Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. MOTHERS ACCORDING TO ENGLISH NOVELISTS Temple Bar, vol. 88, 1890. MOTHERS AND THEIR DUTIES Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. See also Children, Maternity, Wives, Women, etc. Mothers-in-Law. ESSAY ON MOTHERS-IN-LAW Lady Cook's Essays, vol i, 1898. Chambers' Journal, vol. 30, 1858. [vol. 4, 1880. Motherwell (William, Scottish Journalist and Poet, died 1835) Ward's English Poets, Motion (Movement of a given body from one place to another). CONVERSION OF MOTION Goodeve's Mechanism, 1892. LAWS OF MOTION Todhunter's Mechanics, 1878. NATURE OF MOTION The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. OPTICAL ILLUSIONS OK MOTION Brain, vol. 3, 1880. PERPETUAL MOTION : ATTEMPTS TO DISCOVER De Morgan's Paradoxes, 1872. SCIENTIFIC ESSAY ON MOTION Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. Motives. MOTIVES, SIMPLE OR PRIMARY Ellis' Education of Character, 1856. GENERAL Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875. Motley (John Lothrop. American Historian, died 1877). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Anton's Masters in History, 1884. MOTLEY'S "UNITED NETHERLANDS" Lancaster's Essays and Reviews, 1876. Mot-Mot (A beautiful bird of South America) Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua, 1888. MOTOR CARS (Road carriages of various descriptions, propelled by steam, electricity, etc.) AMERICAN MOTOR CARRIAGES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. CARRIAGES WITHOUT HORSES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. FRENCH MOTOR CARRIAGE RACE Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. FUTURE OF THE MOTOR CARRIAGE London, vol. 5, 1896. HORSELESS VEHICLES Cochrane's Wonders of Modern Mechanism, 1897. MECHANICAL ROAD CARRIAGES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. MORE ABOUT HORSELESS CARRIAGES Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. MOTOR CARRIAGES AND CYCLES Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. MOTOR CAR RUN FROM LONDON TO BRIGHTON Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. MOTOR CARS, TRAMWAYS, AND ROAD TRACTION Engineer, vol. 86, 1898. NOTES ON MOTOR CARS Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. SIR DAVID SALOMONS AND THE MOTOR QUESTION Idler Magazine, vol. n, 1897. STEAM LOCOMOTIVES ON COMMON ROADS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. STORAGE OF ENERGY IN MOTOR CARS Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. GENERAL Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Daily Graphic, vol. 28, 1896. Engineer, vol. 87, 1899. Engineering, vol. 67, 1899. [416] MOTOUALIES-MOUNTENEY Motoualies (Shi-ite sect of Mohammedans) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 2, 1830. Mott (Lucretia, Abolitionist, died 1880) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. Motteux (Pierre Antoine, Dramatist and Poet, died 1718) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Mottoes. COLLECTION OF MOTTOES Chambers' Journal, vol. 27, 1857. DEVICES AND MOTTOES Sterling-Maxwell's Essays and Addresses, 1891. MORALS OF MOTTOES Sunday at Home, vol. 18, 1871. TYROLESE HOUSE MOTTOES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 28, 1873. WAR CRIES AND MOTTOES Millington's Heraldry, 1858. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. g, 1848. Moukden, China (A city of Manchuria) James' Long White Mountain, 1888. Mouldings. IRON MOULDINGS Cassell's Technical Educator, vol. 6, 1897. [1870. VARIOUS KINDS OF MOULDINGS Davidson's Drawing for Carpenters and Joiners, Moulton (William Fiddian, Wesleyan Minister and Biblical Scholar, died 1898). MEMOIR Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1898. Moultrie (J-> Poet, died 1874). MOULTRIE'S POEMS Macmillan's Mag., vol. 57, 1887-8. Mounds. AN ABERDEENSHIRE MOUND-DWELLING Antiquary, vol. 33, 1897. CONICAL MOUNDS [on the site of Troy] Schliemann's Troja, 1884. See also Antiquities, Archeology, Moraines, etc. Mount AthOS, Macedonia Parry's Sketches of a Yachting Cruise, 1889. See Athos. Mount Edgecumbe, Devonshire (A hilly promontory upon which stands the seat of the Earl of Mount Edgecumbe) Gilpin's Western Parts of England, 1808. Jewitt & Hall's Stately Homes of England, 1877. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. Mount Etna (Volcano of Sicily) Bartlett's Pictures from Sicily, 1863. And under Etna. Mount of Olives. Palestine (A celebrated hill near Jerusalem). A NIGHT ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. GENERAL Knox Little's Sketches in Sunshine and Storm, 1892. See also Olivet. Mount Tabor, Palestine Buckingham's Travels in Palestine, 1822. Mount Vernon, Fairfax County, U.S.A. (Famous as the residence of Gen. Washington) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. MOUNTAINEERING and MOUNTAINS. (See also wider names, e.g., Mont Blanc, Mont Ctnis, and under Alps, Andes, etc.) A CHAT WITH SIR W. M. CONVVAY ON MOUNTAINEERING English Illus., v. 15, 1896. A NEW SWITZERLAND [Dauphine Province] Harper's Magazine, vol. 34, 1897. AFRICA: CHIEF MOUNTAIN-SYSTEMS OF AFRICA White's Africa, 1890. AFRICA : CROSSING A MOUNTAIN RIDGE Earth's Travels in Africa, 1857. AFRICA : MOUNTAINS OF THE MOON Stanley's Darkest Africa, 1890. AGE OF MOUNTAINS Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. ALPINE CLIMB Boy's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1887. ALPINE GUIDES Main's My Home in the Alps, 1892. AMERICA : ASCENT OF CHIMBORAZO IN SOUTH AMERICA Macaulay's Strange yet BIRTH OF MOUNTAINS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. [True, 1892. BOOKS ON MOUNTAINS Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. CAIRNGORM IN WINTER Chambers' journal, vol. 69, 1892. CYPRUS: MOUNTAINS IN CYPRUS Baker's Cyprus as I saw it, 1879. DOLOMITES: ROCK CLIMBERS IN THE DOLOMITES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1897. ENGLAND : MOUNTAINEERING IN ENGLAND Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. EXPERIMENTS AMONG THE MOUNTAINS Chambers' Journal, vol. 74 (n.s.), 1897. FORMATION OF MOUNTAINS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Geikie's Founders of FORMS OF MOUNTAINS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. [Geology, 1897. HIGHEST MOUNTAINS All the Year Round, vol. 70, 1892. HILLS AND MOORS Tytler's Footprints: Nature seen on its Human Side, 1890. IRELAND: MOURNE MOUNTAINS Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. JAPANESE MOUNTAINS -Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. LADY ALPINE CLIMBERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. LADY MOUNTAINEERS Lady's Realm, vol. 2, 1897. MODERN MOUNTAINEERING Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. MOUNTAINEERING IN WINTER [A Climb on the Schreckhorn] Cassell's Magazine, MOUNTAINEERING MEMORIES Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. [v. 25, 1898. MOUNTAINS [In Art] Ruskin's Modern Painters, 1883. NEW ZEALAND: AORANGI MOUNTAINS Mannenng's New Zealand Alps, 1891. ORIGIN OF MOUNTAIN RANGES Nature, vol. 48, 1893. ORIGIN OR GENESIS OF MOUNTAIN RANGES Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. [1880. OUR MOUNTAINS AND HOW WE CAME BY THEM Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. 16, RUSSIA : OURAL MOUNTAINS De Windt's Siberia as it is, 1892. SCOTLAND : OUR HIGHLAND MOUNTAINS AND THEIR ORIGIN Good Words, v. 37, '86. SIERRA NEVADA Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. SWEDEN : MOUNTAINS OF SWEDEN Murray's Sweden, V.D. SWITZERLAND Muddock's Guide to Switzerland, 1890. See also Alps. UNDERGROUND MOUNTAINS Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. UPHEAVALS OF THE GLOBE Pouchet's Universe, 1888. [Etonians, 1875. Mounteney (R., Irish Judge and Classical Scholar, died 1768) Jesse's Celebrated 2D [417] MOUNTNESSING-MULOCK Mountnessing, Essex. SAINT GILES' CHURCH Buckler's Churches of Essex, 1856. Suckling's Antiquities and Architecture of Essex, 1845. GENERAL Morant's History of Essex, 1768. Wright's Essex, 1836. Mourning. QUEER MOURNING CUSTOMS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. WHY is MOURNING BLACK? All the Year Round, vol. 30, 1873. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. See also Funerals, Burial, Death, etc. MoUFZOUk, North Africa (Capital of Fezzan) Gender's Modern Traveller, v. 21, 1830. Mouse (A small rodent animal, of which there are several varieties). THE ENGLISH FIELD MOUSE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 17, 1881. THE JUMPING MOUSE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. RATS AND MICE Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Mouth. ITS ACTION IN SPEECH Meyer's Organs of Speech, 1892. PRANKS WITH THE MOUTH Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. [10,1874. THE STRUCTURE OF THE MOUTHS OF INSECTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. GENERAL Finck's Romantic Love and Personal Beauty, 1887. Movement. SENSE, MOVEMENT AND INSTINCT Bain's Senses and the Intellect, 1868. THE PSYCHOPHYSICS OF MOVEMENT Mind, vol. i, 1892. See also Motion. Moxa (A substance prepared and med as a cure for gout). JAPANESE MOXA Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. Moxon (Edward, Publisher and Poet, died 1858) Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. Moynes Park, Essex (Seat of Major-General Ives) Rush's Seats in Essex, 1897. Mozambique, East Africa Keith Johnston's Africa, 1884. Mozart (Johann C. W. A., German Musical Composer and Pianist, died 1791) Crowest's Tone-Poets, 1891. Ferris' Musical Composers, 1893. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1805. Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. Naumann's History of Music, vol. 4> 1886. Temple Bar, vol. 76, 1886. Mozley (J. B., Canon of Worcester, died 1878) Expositor, vol. i (srd series), 1885. Mucking 1 , Essex. SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH Buckler's Churches of Essex, '56. MuckTOSS Abbey, Ireland Archaeological Journal, vol. 34, 1877. Young's Tour in Ireland [1776-79], 1892. Mudfishes. THE BRAIN IN MUDFISHES (Review) Nature, vol. 47, 1893. Mudie (Charles Edward, Founder of Mndie's Lending Library, died 1890). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. DESCRIPTION OF MUDIE'S LIBRARY Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. SKETCH OF THE RISE OK THE FIRM Japp's Successful Business Men, 1892. Mueller (Johannes, Physiologist, died 1858) Haeckel's The Last Link, 1899. Mueller. See also Miiller. Mueller Glacier, New Zealand Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Muffs. MEN WEARING MUFFS Andrew's England in the Days of Old, 1898. Muir (Elizabeth Huntley, Lady, Wife of Sir W. Muii) Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. Muir iThomas, Scottish political martyr, died 1798) Dr. Macaulay's Strange yet True, '92. Muirhead (Professor J. H.). INTERVIEW Gould's Pioneers of Modern Thought, 1898. Mulberry. THE MULBERRY TREE Nature, vol. 2, 1870. Mule. DESCRIPTION OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 20, 1848. MULES IN INDIA Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1891. Mulhacen, Sierra Nevada (A mountain of Spain) Gautier's Spain, 1853. Mulhausen, Alsace-LorraineBaedeker's Handbook for the Rhine, V.D. Miiller (Friedrich Max, German Philologist and Orientalist, born 1823). INTERVIEW WITH MCLLER Quiver, vol. 29, 1894. Darwin's Life and Letters, 1887. Miiller (George, Founder of the Miiller Orphanages, Bristol, died 1898). CHARACTER SKETCH, WITH PORTRAIT AND ILLUSTRATIONS Review of Reviews, vol. 17, 1898. GEORGE MILLER'S LIFE WORK Quiver, vol. 33, 1898. MCLLER AND HIS ORPHANS Household Wotds, vol. 16, 1857. GENERAL Frith's World's Workers, 1887. Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. Miiller (Johann). See Mueller. Miiller (Johann von, Swiss Historian, died 1809) Switzerland and the Swiss, 1877. Miiller (Wilhelm, German Poet, Jat her of Max Miiller, died 1827). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF WILHELM MCLLER Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. Miiller (William J ohn, A rtist, died 1845). SKETCH OF MULLER'S CAREER Art Journal, vol. 47, 1895. GENERAL Hamerton's Portfolio, 1875. Monkhouse's English Water Colour Painters, 1890. Muther's History of Modern Painting, vol. 2, 1896. Mullet (A salt-water fish). THE GREY MULLET Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. 2, 1866. Mullins (J. D., First Borough Librarian of Birmingham, the Public Libraries of which he organized, born 1832) Greenwood's Library Year Book [Portrait], 1897. Library, vol. 10, 1898. Ogle's The Free Library, 1897. MulOCk (D. M.). See Craik (Mrs.). Mulock (Thomas, father of Mrs. Craik, the novelist). THOMAS MULOCK : AN HISTORICAL SKETCH Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 4, 1876. [418] MULREADY-MURRAY Mulready (William, Irish Landscape Painter, died 1863) Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 3, 1879. Redgrave's Century of Painters, 1866. Multan, India Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Mummer (A masker; a buffoon). DORSETSHIRE MUMMERS Folk-lore Record, vol. 3, MUMMERS OF THE I4TH CENTURY Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. [1880. Mummy (A dead human body embalmed). AMERICAN MUMMIES Forwood's Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, 1870. See also Mammoth Cave. MAKING MUMMIES Buckland's Curiosities ot Natural History, 1890. MUMMIES AND SCARABS Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. MUMMY PITS Martineau's Eastern Life, 1850. MUMMY PITS AT THEBES Legh's Journey in Egypt, 1817. NOTES ON EGYPTIAN MUMMIES Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 23. GENERAL Baedeker's Egypt, v.r>. Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. Mundella (Anthony John, Education Minister 1880-85, died 1897) Schoolmaster, vol. 52, MungO Park. See Park (Mttttgo). [1897. Munich (Capital of Bavaria). DWELLING HOUSES IN MUNICH Temple Bar, v. 9, "63. METAL FOUNDER OF MUNICH Chambers' Journal, vol. 15, 1851. THEATRE IN MUNICH Temple Bar, vol. 6, 1862. GENERAL Baedeker's Southern Germany, V.D. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. MUNICIPALITIES (Towns or Cities possessed of certain privileges of self-government granted by the State. See also Boroughs, Corporations, Guilds, Local Government, etc.) BRUSSELS : MUNICIPAL WORK IN BRUSSELS London, vol. 5, 1896. ENGLAND: BASIS OF MUNICIPAL REFORM Quarterly Review, vol. 180, 1895. ENGLAND : CONSERVATIVE PARTY AND MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS igth Cent., v.43, 1898. ENGLAND: DEVELOPMENT OK MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATION Archaeolo. Jour., v. 46, '89. ENGLAND: MUNICIPAL ANTIQUITIES OF BRISTOL Proc. of Archaeological Inst., 1851. ENGLAND: MUNICIPAL LEGISLATION IN PARLIAMENT London, vol. 6, 1897. ENGLAND: MUNICIPAL OFFICES Antiquary, vols. 12, 13, and 14, 1885-6. ENGLAND: ORIGINAL ORDINANCES OF EARLY ENGLISH GILDS Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 40, 1870. EUROPE: MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT IN CONTINENTAL EUROPE London, v. 5, 1896. EUROPE: MUNICIPAL INST. IN THE MIDDLE AGES Hallam's Middle Ages, 1878. UNITED STATES: MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Scribner's Magazine, vol. 2, 1887. UNITED STATES: MUNICIPAL PROBLEM AND GREATER NEW YORK Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. UNITED STATES: MUNICIPAL SERVICE OF BOSTON Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. UNITED STATES : NOTES ON CITY GOVERNMENT IN ST. Louis Cent. Mag., v. 30, 1896. UNITED STATES: PECULIARITIES OF AMERICAN MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. GENERAL London, from vol. i, 1893. Municipal Year Book, 1899 ; etc. Munro (Sir Thomas, Governor of Madras, died 1827) Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. 3 [portrait], 1880. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 5 [portrait], 1849. Munster, Germany (Chief town of Westphalia). MUNSTER AND ITS TAILOR-KING [John Bocold, of Leyden, who was tortured to death with red hot pincers, 1536] Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. Murray's North Germany and the Rhine, V.D. Murad II. (Sultan of Turkey, died 1451). MURAD!!. AND HUNYADY Poole's Turkey, '91. Murano, Italy (Suburb of Venice) Hare's Cities of Northern Italy, 1883. Murat (Joachim, French Marshal, made King of Naples, executed 1815). DEATH OF MURAT Chambers' Journal, vol. 10, 1848. GENERAL Bramsen's Travels in Egypt, etc., 1820. Court and Camp of Bonaparte [Family Library], 1848. Tillers' Consulate and the Empire, 1894. Murchison (R. I., Director-General of the Geological Survey, died 1871) Geikie's Founders of Geology, 1897. Murcia (A province of Spain) Bennet's Mediterranean, 1875. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 18, 1830. Inglis' Spain, 1831. Murray's Guide to Spain, V.D. Murder. ESSAY ON MURDER De Quincey's Works, vol. 4, 1864. LAW AND MURDER Paterson's Liberty of the Subject, 1877. MICROSCOPE AND MURDER Chambers' Journal, vol. 26, 1856. MURDER BY MISTAKE All the Year Round, vol. 12, 1864-5. MURDER MANIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 12, 1849. See also Crime. Murger (Henri, French Poet, died 1861) Temple Bar, vol. 37, 1873, and vol. 59, 1880. Murgthal (Valley of the Murg, Black Forest) Seguin's Black Forest, 1885. Murian Gwyddelod, Wales. REMAINS OF MURIAN GWYDDELOD Antiquary, v. 29,'g4. MurillO (B. E., Spanish Painter, died 1682) Household Words, vol. 19, 1859. Inglis' Spain, 1831. Stirling Maxwell's Annals of the Artists of Spain, 1891. Murlin (J., Wesley an Minister, died 1799) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, v. 3, 1870. Murphy (D. Brownell, Father of Anna Jameson, died 1842) Macpherson's Life of Anna Jameson, 1878. Murphy (Francis S., Serjeant-at-Law, died 1860) Robinson's Bench and Bar, 1891. Murray (Alexander, Scottish Philolsgist, died 1813). LIFE OF ALEXANDER MURRAY Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 18, 1847. GENERAL Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. Brightwell's Industry and Genius, 1863. [419] MURRAY-MUSIC Murray (Sir Charles, Diplomatist, died 1895). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 163, 1898. RECOLLECTIONS OF THE LATE SIR C. MURRAY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3(n.s.), 1897. Murray (Sir George, Vice-Admiral, died 1819) James' Naval History, 1878. Murray (Lord George, Jacobite leader, died 1760) Jesse's The Pretenders, 1860. Murray (John, Famous publisher, son of the founder of the firm, friend of By ion, died 1843). BIOGRAPHY Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. Grant's Public Characters, 1841. Murray's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. REVIEW OF DR. SMILES' MEMOIR OF MURRAY Review of Reviews, vol. 3, 1891. Murray (John, son of above, died 1892). RECOLLECTIONS OF JOHN MURRAY Daily Graphic, vol. 10, 1892. GENERAL Darwin's Life and Letters, edited by his Son, 1887. Murray (William, Earl of Mansfield, Scottish Judge, died 1793) Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 4 [portrait], 1849. Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. Murrays and. the Stanleys (Sovereigns of the Isle of Man) Walford's Chapters from Family Chests, 1887. Caine's Little Manx Nation, 1891. And under Stanley. Murray River, Australia. ITS TRADE Harcus' South Australia, 1876. Muscat, Arabia. A RAMBLE IN MUSCAT Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. Muscle. FORMATION OF MUSCLE Ashby's Physiology, 1889. FREE DEVELOPMENT OF MUSCLES Harper's Mag., vol. 56 [Amer. Edition], 1877-8. MOTOR-FEELINGS AND THE MUSCULAR SENSE Brain, vol. i, 1878-9. MUSCULAR SENSE: ITS NATURE, ETC. Brain, vol. 10, 1888. ON SOME POINTS IN THE ACTION OF MUSCLES Brain, vol. 14, 1891. MUSEUMS. BRITISH MUSEUM Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. BRITISH MUSEUM, ETC., LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. BRITISH MUSEUM, KEW AND SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUMS Boy's Own Annual, CASUAL THOUGHTS ON MUSEUMS Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. [vol. 10, 1888. DULNESS OF MUSEUMS Nineteenth Century, vol. ai, 1887. ETRUSCAN MUSEUMS Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. FORMING A NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Waterton's Natural History Essays, 1870. LESSER-KNOWN MUSEUMS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 20, 1899. LOCAL MUSEUMS Good Words, vol. 23, 1882. LONDON MUSEUMS Black's Guide to London, V.D. MUSEUM OF THE G.P.O. Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. MUSEUM OF PRACTICAL GEOLOGY, JERMYN STREET Becker's Scientific London, MUSEUM OF THE HISTORY OF PARIS Harper's Magazine, vol. 16, 1888. [1874. MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION Nature, vol. 48, 1893. MUSEUMS FOR THE PEOPLE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. MUSEUMS IN LONDON IN THE I7TH CENTURY Chambers' Journal, vol. 15, 1851. NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUMS Brown's Practical Taxidermy, 1891. NOTES ON ARCHEOLOGY IN PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS Antiquary, vol. 23, 1891. ON THE OBJECTS AND MANAGEMENT OF PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS Nature, vof. 5, 1871-2. OUR PUBLIC ART MUSEUMS Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS Natural Science, vol. u, 1897. PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM British Association Report, 1888. REORGANISATION OF OUR NATIONAL ART MUSEUMS Nineteenth Cent., vol. 44, 1898. ROMANCE OF THE MUSEUMS Strand Magazine, vol. 11, 1896. SOME CASUAL THOUGHTS ON MUSEUMS Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. Two VIEWS ON MUSEUMS Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. Mushroom (A fungous edible plant). A TUNNEL OF MUSHROOMS Pearson's Mag., BRITISH EDIBLE FUNGI Nature, vol. 2, 1870. [vol. 5, 1898. CULTURE OF MUSHROOMS Cassell's Gardening, 1886. CULTURE OF MUSHROOMS IN JAPAN Chambers' Journal, vol. 54, 1877. EDIBLE MUSHROOMS AND TOADSTOOLS Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. FRENCH MUSHROOMS AND MUSHROOM-GROWING Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. MUSHROOMS FOR THE MILLION Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. MUSHROOM MERCHANTS IN THE APPENINES Leader Scott's Tuscan Studies, 1868. RUSSIAN MUSHROOMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 44, 1867. MUSIC. (See also Music Halls, Musicians, and under names, e.g., Mozart, Patti, etc.) AFRICA: Miss MACINTYRE ON Music IN SOUTH AFRICA Woman, Jan., 1895. AMATEUR Music Cornhill Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. AMERICAN Music Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. ANCIENT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 49, 1872. ANECDOTES OF Music Percy Anecdotes, vol. 3, 1826. ANGLO-SAXON Music Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. ANIMALS AND THE INFLUENCE OF Music All fhe Year Round, vol. 50, 1882. AUSTRALIAN Music Woman, August, 1897. BRASS BANDS : How THEY ARE MADE Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. BRITISH AND IRISH Music All the Year Round, vol. 45, 1880. CHAPTERS ON Music Good Words, vol. 16, 1875. CHICAGO: DEVELOPMENT OF MUSICAL CULTURE Harper's Magazine, vol. 35, 1897-8. CHINESE Music Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1898. COMBINATIONS OF SOUND Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. [ 420] MUSIC Music (continued). COMPOSERS : COMPOSERS AND ARTISTES Harper's Mag., vol. 33, 1897. [v. 4, 1883. COMPOSERS : EVENINGS WITH OUR GREAT MUSICAL COMPOSERS -Girl's Own Annual, COMPOSERS: How COMPOSERS WORK Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. CONCERT PITCH Chambers' Journal, vol. 38 [page 101], 1862. CORRELATION OF COLOUR AND Music Nature, vol. i, 1870. CRITICISM: Music AND MUSICAL CRITICISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 4, 1878* DEFENCE OF TRUE Music The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. DESCRIPTIVE Music Macmillan's Magazine, vols. 68 and 69, 1893-4. EASTERN Music Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. EASTERN : CHARACTER OK ORIENTAL Music Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. EGYPTIAN Music Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1890. ENGLAND : INFLUENCE OF PRINCE ALBERT UPON MUSICAL TASTE Martin's Prince Consort, 1880. ENGLAND : Music IN ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 26, 1872. ENGLAND: NATIONAL MELODIES OF ENGLAND Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, ENGLAND: QUEEN ANNE'S REIGN Adams' Good Queen Anne, 1886. [1877. ENGLAND : REIGN OF CHARLES I. Adams' White King, 1889. ENGLISH MEDI.-EVAL CHURCH ORGAN Archaeological Journal, vol. 45, 1888. ENGLISH Music AND MUSICIANS Harper's Magazine, vol. 60 [American Edition]. ESSAY ON Music Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. EXPERIMENTAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF MUSICAL TONE Nature, vol. 6, 1872. EUGENE YSAYE AND BERNHARD STAVENHAGEN Century Magazine, vol. 27, 1894-5. FESTIVALS Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, vol. 2, 1880. FESTIVALS: BIRMINGHAM FESTIVALS FROM THE YEAR 1768 Dent's Making of FRENCH MUSICAL ART English Illustrated, vol. n, 1893-4. [Birmingham, 1894. GERMANY: METHOD AND Music Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. GROVE'S "DICTIONARY OF Music" (Review) Temple Bar, vol. 64, 1882. GUILDHALL SCHOOL OF Music Cas- sell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. How TO TEACH THE ELEMENTS OF Music Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. HULLAH ON THE HISTORY OF Music Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. IDIOTS AND THE INFLUENCE OF Music Chambers' Journal, vol. 26, 1856. Is Music THE TYPE OR MEASURE OF ALL ART? Symonds' Essays, 1890. KAFFIR Music Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. LIBRARIES AND Music The Library, vol. 5, 1893. LITERARY MALTREATMENT OF Music Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. LITERATURE AND Music Macmillan's Magazine, vol.75, 1896-7. LONDON MUSICAL SEASON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. MEASUREMENT OF MUSICAL INTERVALS Nature, vol. 6, 1872. MISSION OF Music Harper's Magazine, vol. 51 [American Edition]. MONEY AND Music [Remuneration of Musicians] Chambers' Journal, vol.73, 1896. Music AND MUSICIANS All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. Music AS MEDICINE Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. MUSIC-COPYING AS A FINE ART Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. Music FOR THE MASSES Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. Music HATH CHARMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. Music OF NATURE Good Words, vol.32, 1891. Strand Mag., vols. 6, 1893 ; and 7, 1894. Music's MOTHER-TONE AND TONAL ONOMATOPY The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. MUSICAL CRITICISM New Review, vol. 12, 1895. MUSICAL EAR Good Words, vol. 2, 1861. MUSICAL FORMS : HISTORICAL SKETCHES Girl's Own Annual, vols. 8-9, 1887-8. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: OLD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Pearson's Mag., vol. 3, 1897. MUSICAL MYTHS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. MUSICAL PITCH QUESTION Good Words, vol. 10, 1869. MUSICAL SNAPSHOTS Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. MUSICAL TEMPERAMENT AND ITS MANIFESTATIONS Blackwood's Mag., v. 160, 1896. MUSICAL TRAINING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. NEW YORK MUSICIANS Harper's Magazine, vol. i, 1880-1. ODDITIES IN Music Chambers' Journal, vol. 32, 1859. OVER-PRODUCTION IN THK MUSICAL WORLD National Review, vol. 24, 1894-5. PLEA FOR Music Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. PIANOFORTE PIECES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. POETRY AND Music Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. POWER OF Music Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. PRIMITIVE Music Buckland's Anthropological Studies, 1891. ROUSSEAU ON Music Morley's Life of Rousseau, 1888. ROYAL ACADEMY OF Music Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. ROYAL COLLEGE OF Music Cassell's Magazine, vol. 26, 1898. ROYAL MUSICIANS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. SACRED Music British Essayists, vol. 12, 1823. SARAWAK AVtD NORTH BORNEO Music Roth's Natives of Sarawak and North Borneo, SCHUMANN ON Music AND MUSICIANS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. [1896. SIGNIFICANCE OK Music The Monist. vol. 5, 1894-5. SOCIAL REGENERATION AND Music Theatre, vol. 15, 1890. STREET AND CELLAR Music Chambers' Journal, vol. 28, 1857. STREET MUSICIANS ABROAD Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. TEACHING OF Music Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. TIME AND RHYTHM IN Music Mind, vol-4 (n.s.j, 1895. [421] MUSIC-MYSTICISM Music (continued). TUNING FORKS AND MUSICAL PITCH Chambers' Journal, vol. 34, 1860. UNEMOTIONAL Music International Journal of Ethics, vol. 5, 1894-5. VILLAGE Music Woman, May, 1895. WHAT is A CORRECT MUSICAL TASTE ? Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. WIT AND HUMOUR IN Music Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. WOMEN COMPOSERS Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1897-8. WORLD'S LARGEST SCHOOL OF Music [Guildhall] London, vol. 6, 1897. Music Halls. APOTHEOSIS OF THE Music HALL Theatre, vol. 20, 1892. CONTINENTAL Music HALLS Theatre, vol. 17, 1891. COUNTY COUNCIL AND THE Music HALLS Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. MAGISTRATES AND THE Music HALLS Theatre, vol. 2 [page 87], 1879. Music HALLS AND THEATRES Argosy, vol. 2, 1866. Music HALLS AND THEIR EFFECTS Meliora, vol. 10, 1867. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Musicians. CELEBRATED FEMALE MUSICIANS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. HEADS OF THE PROFESSIONS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. MOMENTS WITH MODERN MUSICIANS Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. MULTIPLICATION OF MUSICIANS National Review, vol. 29, 1897. SOME MUSICAL PERFORMERS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. STREET MUSICIANS Mayhew's London Labour, 1861. Strand Mag., vol. 3, 1892. See also Composers, Music, and under names, e.g., Balfe, Halle, etc. Musk Deer. THE THIBETAN AND NAPU MUSK Jardine's Nat. Lib. [Plate], v. 21, 1848. Musk Ox. DESCRIPTION AND PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 22, 1848. HUNTING MUSK-OX Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. GENERAL Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition, 1874. Nature, vol. 47, 1893. Musketry. SCHOOL OF MUSKETRY Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. Muskoka, Canada. MUSKOKA LAKE Roper's By Track and Trail, 1891. SUMMER IN MUSKOKA Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. Muslin (A fine cotton fabric). THE SEWED MUSLIN TRADE Cassell's Industries, 1878. Mussel (A bivalve shellfish), CULTURE OF MUSSELS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. FRESHWATER MUSSELS Huxley's Practical Biology, 1889. [Nature, vol. 51, 1895. SAND MUSSELS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. Musset (Alfred de, French Poet, died 1857) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 25, 1871-2. Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. Mussulmans (Moslems or Mohammedans). EXODUS OF MUSSULMANS FROM SERVIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. See also Mohammedans, Moslems, etc. MUSSULMANS OF INDIA AND THE SULTAN Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. Mustard. THE CHEMISTRY OF MUSTARD Blyth's Foods, 1888. HISTORY OF MUSTARD Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 14, 1878. Mutinies. MUTINY AT THE NORE, 1797 James' Naval History, vol. 2, 1878. MUTINY AT SPITHEAD, 1797 James' Naval History, vol. 2, 1878. MUTINY AT SEA Whymper'sThe Sea; Its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, etc., '81. MUTINY OF THE "BOUNTY" Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 14, 1846. MUTINIES AT SPITHEAD AND THE NORE Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes, "82. SEPOY OR INDIAN MUTINY Adam's Makers of British India, 1888. " My Lodging is on the Cold Ground " (Song) Fitzgerald's Famous Songs, '98. "My Pretty Jane" (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Mycense, Greece (Noted for the antiquity and grandeur of its ruins). CITY AND FORTI- FICATIONS OF MYCEN^; Schuchhardt's Schliemann's Excavations, 1890. Gard- ner's New Chapters in Greek History, 1892. MYCENA; AND CYPRUS Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. [1830. GENERAL Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Conder's Modern Traveller, v, 16, Mycetozoa (Animalcule of low organization). THE MYCETOZOA AND SOME QUESTIONS WHICH THEY SUGGEST Knowledge, vol. 22, 1899. Mycology (Science o/ / Kg" J) Nature, vol. 48, 1893. See also Fungi, Botany, etc. Myddelton (Sir Hugh, Mining engineer and projector of the New River water supply of London, died 1631) Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1862. Also Hugh Myddelton. MyolOgy (Description in physiology of the muscular system). VALUE OF MYOI.OGV AS AN AID IN THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. Myrrh (A perfume much esteemed by the ancients). LAND OF FRANKINCENSE AND MYRRH Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1897. WHAT is MYRRH ? Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. Mysia (A ncient name of a district in Asia Minor). EXPLORATIONS IN MYSIA Geographical Journal, vol. 9, 1897. Mysore, India. MYSORE AND THE LATE MAHARAJAH Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. GENERAL Bowring's Eastern Experiences, 1871. Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Mysticism (A term applied to certain forms of religious thought). ESSAY ON THE MYSTICS Waite's Occult Sciences, 1891. GERMAN MYSTICS Trench's Mediasval Church History, 1886. SUFISM, OR PERSIAN MYSTICISM Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 283, 1897. GENERAL Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. See also Fenelon, Swedcnborg, Brahmanism, Buddhism, etc. [422 MYTHOLOGY-NAJARA MYTHOLOGY (Fables, traditions, etc. See also Fairy Tales, Folk-lore, Traditions, etc., and tinder names of celebrated persons and places). ANIMAL MYTHS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 47, 1883. APIS: THE CULTUS OF APIS Schliemann's Troja, 1884. ARGOS: LEGENDS OF ARGOS Alleyne's History of Greece, 1883. ARYAN MYTHS Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Ragozin's Media, 1891. ASIATIC AND GREEK MYTHOLOGIES Coleridge's Miscellanies, 1885. BIOGRAPHICAL MYTHS Folk-lore Record, vol. 3. 1880. BUDDHIST MYTHOLOGY The Monist, vol. 7, 1896-7. CELTIC MYTH AND SAGA, 1888-89 Folk-lore, vol. i, 1890. CHALDEAN MYTHOLOGY Ragozin's Chaldea, 1891. COMPARATIVE MYTHOLOGY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19, 1869. Renan's Religious DEVELOPMENT OF MYTHS Tylor's Primitive Culture, 1891. [History, 1886. DISTRIBUTION OF MYTHS Tylor's Early History of Mankind, 1878. EARLY MYTHS Max Miiller's Science of Language, 1871. EGYPTIAN DIVINE MYTHS Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. ENGLAND: FAIRY MYTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE Folk-lore, vol. 8, 1897. ENGLISH AND SCOTCH FAIRY TALES Folk-lore, vol. i, 1890. ESSAY ON MYTHOLOGY Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. FAIRY MYTHOLOGY Brand's Popular Antiquities, 1810. FINNISH MYTHOLOGY Household Words, vol. 17, 1857-8. GOG, MAGOG & Co. Harper's Magazine, vol. 46 [American Edition], 1872-3. GREECE : GODS OF GREECE Temple Bar, vol. 89, 1890. GREECE : REPORT ON GREEK MYTHOLOGY Folk-lore, vol. 2, 1891. GREEK MYTHOLOGY Max Miiller's Science of Language, 1871. HEROES AND ADVENTURES OF AN ANCIENT TIME Curtin's Hero-Tales of Ireland, '94. HINDOO MYTHOLOGY Foster's Fosteriana, 1858. HISTORICAL AND LITERARY MYTHOLOGY All the Year Round, vol. 57, 1885-6. HOTTENTOT MYTHOLOGY Nineteenth Century, vol. u, 1882. IONIAN LEGENDS Alleyne's History of Greece, 1883. JAPANESE MYTHOLOGY Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. JUPITER: LESSON OF JUPITER Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. MODERN MYTHOLOGY Max Miiller's Science of Language, 1871. MYTHS AND MYTHOLOGISTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 19, 1886. NATURE MYTHS AND ALLEGORIES Symond's Essays, 1890. NATURE MYTHS Lang's Myth, Ritual and Religion, 1899. OLD MYTHOLOGY IN NEW APPAREL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. ORIGIN AND INTERPRETATION OF MYTHS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 56, 1887. POETRY: OLD MYTHOLOGY IN MODERN POETRY Macmillan's Mag., vol. 44, 1881. POPULAR MYTHS AND GREEK MYTHOLOGY Blackie's Horae Hellenicae, 1874. RATIONALE OF MYTHOLOGY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 35, 1877. RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY Allen's Evolution of the Idea of God, 1897. SCANDINAVIAN MYTHOLOGY Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1847. SCIENCE OF MYTHOLOGY [Review] Athenaeum, vol. i, [p. 407], 1897. SCULPTURE MYTHOLOGY Westropp's Archa3ology, 1878. SOLAR MYTHS Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. SOLAR AND LUNAR MYTHS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. SOLDAN : MYTH OF THE SOLDAN Longman's Magazine, vol. 32, 1898. SYSTEMS OF MYTHOLOGY Lang's Myth, Ritual and Religion, 1899. TEUTONIC MYTHOLOGY : RECENT RESEARCH Folk-lore, vol. i, 1890. WELLS AND LOCKS AND THEIR GUARDIAN SPIRITS Folk-lore, vol. 3, 1892. GENERAL Coleridge's Miscellanies, 1885. Grote's History of Greece, 1884. Miiller's Natural Relig.,i88g. Tylor's Anthropology, 1892. Treas. Relig. Thought, v. i, '91. JN AAMAN (Syrian General ; time of Elisha). THE CURE OF NAAMAN Contemp. Pulpit, vol. 2 (2nd series), 1889. Stanley's Jewish Church, 1884. GENERAL Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Treas. Relig. Thought, v. 6, 1891. Nabal (A rich and selfish Jew of David's time) Treas. of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Stanley's Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church, 1884. Nablous, Palestine (Formerly the capital of Samaria) Black's Hundred Days in the Nabotb. (Jezreelite, hilled by A hab) Taylor's Elijah the Prophet, 1889. [East, 1865. Nagasaki (One of the chief commercial cities of Japan) Hiibner's Round the World, '71. Nails (Finger nails). CUTTING OF THE NAILS [Customs] Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Popular Superstitions], 1884. Nails (Metal pins or spikes). MANUFACTURE OF NAILS AND CHAINS Eng. Illust. Mag., NAIL WORK Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. [vol. 7, 1889-90. NAILMAKERS OF BROMSGROVE Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. WONDERS OF NAILS AND SCREWS Household Words, vol. 4, 1851-2. [ward, 1869. Nam, Palestine (Scene of Christ raising the widow's son from the dead)Mac\eod's East- Nairne (Carolina Oliphant, Baroness, Scottish ballad writer, died 1845) Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Najara, Spain. BATTLE BETWEEN THE TROOPS OF PETER THE CRUEL AND His BROTHER HENRY, 1367 Valentine's Land Battles, 1880. [423] NAMES-NAPLES NAMES. (See also Nomenclature, Surnames, Nick-names, etc.) CHANGES OF NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES Household Words, vol. 14, 1856. CHOOSING NAMES Good Words, vol. 26, 1885. CHRISTIAN NAMES IN ENGLAND AND WALES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1871. CONFUSION OF PROPER NAMES Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. DEVONIAN NAMES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. DROLL SELECTION OF NAMES Chambers' Journal, vol. 52, 1875. FAMILY NAMES Household Words, vol. 15, 1857. FASHIONS IN GIRLS' CHRISTIAN NAMES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. GIRLS' CHRISTIAN NAMES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 39], 1883. GOSSIP ABOUT NAMES Chambers' Journal, vol. 50, 1873. GOSSIP ON NAMES All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. INFLUENCE OF NAMES Good Words, vol. 2, 1861. LENDING OF NAMES Chambers' Journal, vol. 53, 1876. LIGHT ON BIBLICAL NAMES Daily Mail, April 13, 1899. NAMES AND FORTUNES Chambers' Journal, vol. 19, 1853. NAMES AND NICK-NAMES All the Year Round, rol. 49, 1882. NAMES FOR CHILDREN Chambers' Journal, vol. 44, 1867. ODDITIES AND PERSONAL NOMENCLATURE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 45, 1882. OLD ENGLISH CLANS Cornhill Magazine, vol.44, 1881. ORIGIN OF NAMES Tylor's Early History of Mankind, 1878. PERSONAL NAMES IN ANCIENT GREECE Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. POETRY OF PLACE NAMES Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. POPULAR APPLICATIONS OF PROPER NAMES Chambers' Journal, vol. 62, 1885. PRONUNCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1877. PROPER DERIVATION OF NAMES Harper's Magazine, vol. 28 [American Edition]. RELIGIOUS SIGNIFICANCE OF ANCIENT PERSONAL NAMES Hommel's Ancient Hebrew Traditions, 1897. ROMAN NAMES AND MODERN EQUIVALENTS Serjeant's The Franks, 1898. SHIPS' NAMES Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. SURNAMES Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. USE AND ABUSE OF GREAT NAMES Chambers' Journal, vol. 4, 1845. GENERAL Burder's Oriental Literature, 1822. Household Words, vol. 18, 1858. Namur Belgium (Noted for its cutlery) Costello's Valley of the Metise, 1856. Nancy, France (Noted for its School of Forestry, and beautiful palaces and other buildings) Baedeker's Guide to Northern France, V.D. Nankin, China (The southern capital of China) Davis' China, 1857. NANSEN (Fridtjof, Norwegian Arctic explorer, born 1861. See also North Pole). A TALK WITH DR. NANSEN Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. CHAT WITH DR. NANSEN Temple Bar, vol. 97, 1893. EARLY LIKE OF NANSEN Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. " FARTHEST NORTH " REVIEWED Academy, vol. 51, 1897. Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. MRS. NANSEN Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. NANSEN AND THE APPROACH TO THE POLE Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. NANSEN AND THE FIRST CROSSING OF GREENLAND Monteftore's Leaders to Unknown Lands, 1891. NANSEN AND THE NEW POLAR QUEST All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. NANSEN AT HOME Temple Bar, vol. 98, 1893. NANSEN IN ENGLAND McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, vol. 5, 1897. NANSEN'S POLAR EXPEDITION English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1896. NANSEN'S RECEPTION AT CHRISTIANIA Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. NANSEN'S WAYMARKS TO THE NORTH POLE Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. STORY OF THE " FRAM " Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. GENERAL Idler, vol. 9, 1896. Nantes, France (An ancient and beautiful cathedral city ; the famous " Edict of Nantes " was signed here by Henry IV., 1598). A SUNDAY IN THE CITY OF THE EDICT OF NANTES Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. GENERAL Baedeker's Northern France, V.D. Macquoid's Through Brittany, 1879. Trollope's Western France, 1841. Naparima, West Indies Kingsley's At Last, 1889. Napier (Sir Charles James, Distinguished General, died 1853) Ashley's Life of Palmer- ston, 1879. Edgar's Heroes of England, 1861. Napier (Sir William F. P., General and Historian, died 1860) Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 95, 1864. Edinburgh Review, vol. 121, 1865. Kent's Footprints on the Road, 1864. Smiles' Murray, 1891. Napier, New Zealand Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. NAPLES (Largest city and principal seaport of Italy ; once a Greek settlement). A NEAPOLITAN ISLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. ANCIENT HISTORY OF NAPLES Eustace's Classical Tour Through Italy, 1841. DUKE OF ALBA DEFENDS NAPLES Maxwell's Cloister Life of Charles V., 1891. FROM GIBRALTAR TO NAPLES Loftie's Orient Line Guide, 1896. GARIBALDI AND NAPLES, 1860 Gallon's Explorer in Africa, 1851. MUSEUMS OF NAPLES Murray's Guide to Southern Italy, V.D. [424] NAPLES-NARWHAL Naples (continued). NAPLES AND ITS SURROUNDINGS Cassell's Picturesque Mediterranean, 1891. NAPLES IN PANORAMA All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. NAPLES QUESTION [Revolution, 1861] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. PROTESTANT SCHOOLS IN NAPLES Sunday at Home, vol. 10, 1863. SEE NAPLES AND DIE All the Year Round, vol. 54, 1884. STREET LIFE IN NAPLES Temple Bar, vol. 67, 1883. GENERAL Bartlett's Pictures from Sicily, 1863. Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Brassey's Sunshine and Storm, 1881. Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1888. Hare's Cities of Southern Italy, 1883. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Murray's South Italy, V.D. Trollope's Visit to Italy, 1842. Whiteside's Italy, 1860. NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE (Emperor of the French; one of the greatest of military commanders, died 1821. See also France, Josephine, Marie Louise, Wellington, Waterloo, etc.) ANECDOTES OF NAPOLEON Household Worlds, vol. 6, 1852-3. BONAPARTE AT ST. HELENA Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1893-4. CONVERSATION WITH NAPOLEON AT ELBA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. DECLINE AND FALL OF NAPOLEON [By Gen. Viscount Wolseley] Pall Mall, v. 2, '93-4. FROM THE CAMBRIDGE LECTURE ROOMS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. GERMAN STRUGGLE FOR LIBERTY Harper's Magazine, vol. 30, 1895. GLIMPSES OF NAPOLEON IN 1804 Scribner's Magazine, vol. 7, 1890. GREAT EMPEROR NAPOLEON Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. HATES OF NAPOLEON Fortnightly Review, vol. 68, 1897. HOUSE WHERE NAPOLEON WAS BORN English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 12, 1894-5. IMPERIAL VICISSITUDES [Buonaparte Family] All the Year Round, vol. 24, 1870. LIFE AND CHARACTER OF BUONAPARTE Channing's Works, 1885. LIFE OF NAPOLEON AT LA MALMAISON Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. LIFE OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE Century Magazine, vols. 27-29, 1894-6. NAPOLEON AND JOSEPHINE AT BAYONNE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 78, 1898. NAPOLEON AS MAN OF THE WORLD Emerson's Works, 1889. NAPOLEON AT ST. HELENA All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. NAPOLEON IN EGYPT Sunday at Home, vol. 29, 1882 NAPOLEON MEMOIRS Curran's Sketches of the Irish Bar, 1855. NAPOLEON ON ENGLAND AND THE ENGLISH Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. NAPOLEON ON HIMSELF Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. NAPOLEON'S VOYAGE TO ST. HELENA Blackvvood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. NOTES ON NAPOLEON Knight's Book of Table Talk, 1836. PENINSULAR WAR AND NAPOLEON Temple Bar, vol. 44, 1875. RESTORATION OF THE MONARCHY Lady Jackson's Court ot the Tuileries, 1883. SIGNATURES OF NAPOLEON Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. SOME ILLUSTRATIONS OF NAPOLEON AND HIS TIMES Scribner's Mag., v. 1-2, 1887. STORY OF 1812 Pall Mall Magazine, vols. n and 12, 1897. STUDIES AND SKETCHES OF THE FIRST NAPOLEON English Illus., vols. 18-9, 1897-8. SURRENDER OF NAPOLEON [after Waterloo] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. THE GREAT EMPEROR Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF NAPOLEON Quarterly Review, vol. 187, 1898. UNPUBLISHED NAPOLEON [concerning unpublished letters, etc.] New Review, v. 17, VETERANS MEETING NAPOLEON'S REMAINS Cornhill Magazine, v. 36, 1877. [1897. GENERAL Cockbnrn's Diary, 1888. Gurney's God's Heroes and the World's Heroes, 1858. James' Naval History, 1878. Kent s Footprints on the Road, 1864. Lady Jackson's French Court and Society, 1881. Malleson's Life of Prince Metternich, 1888. Marquis of Lome's Viscount Palmerston, 1892. Thomas Raike's Journal, 1858. Scott's Paris Revisited, 1816. Southey's Life of Nelson, 1861. Tytler's Tales of the Great and Brave, 1861. Yonge's Wellington, 1891. Napoleon III. (Emperor of the French, nephew of Napoleon I., died 1873). ANECDOTES OF NAPOLEON III. Harper's Magazine, vol. 23 [American Edition], 1861. LIFE OF NAPOLEON III. Idler, vols. 10-12, 1896-8. NAPOLEON AND MAXIMILIAN Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. NAPOLEON LE PETIT Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. i, 1890. NAPOLEON THE THIRD AND THE STAGE Theatre, vol. 9, 1887. Two DAYS IN HIS LIFE, AUG. 6th, 1840, AND SEPT. 26th, 1853 Argosy, vol. 15, 1873. GENERAL Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. Malleson's Refounding of the German Empire, 1892. Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, 1882. Napoleon (Prince, cousin to Napoleon HI., died 1891) Biographies Reprinted from the "Times," vol. 5, 1896. Annual Register, 1896. Napoli di Romania [Nauplia], Morea (A fortified seaport of Greece) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16, 1830. See also Nauplia. [Land, 1891. Narbonne, France (Cathedral town dating from Roman times) Gould's In Troubadour Narcotics (Drugs producing sleep or torpor). CHEMISTRY OF NARCOTICS Johnston's Chemistry, 1855. Narni, Italy (Cathedral town) Hare's Central Italy, 1884. Hare's Days Near Rome, '84. Narwhal or Sea-Unicorn. DESCRIPTION AND PLATE Jardine'sNat. Lib., v. 25, '48. [425] NASEBY-NATUBAL HISTORY Naseby. BATTLE OF NASEBY [Civil War, 1645] Church's With the King at Oxford, '85. TALE OF NASEBY FIELD Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. Nash (Beau, (" King of Rath," Leader of fashion, died 1761). BEAD NASH AND HIS LITTLE STATE Chambers' Journal, vol. 32, 1859. GENERAL Doran's Habits and Men, 1855. Wharton's Wits and Beaux, 1890. [1862. Nasmyth (A., Landscape Painter, died 1840) Walker's Distinguished Men of Science, Nasmyth (James, Inventor, son of above, died 1890) Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. Cochrane's Great Thinkers and Workers, 1888. Smiles' Industrial Biography, '84. Natal (British Colony in South Africa). ANIMALS OF NATAL Cham. Jour., vol. 62, 1885. FLORA OF NATAL Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 14, 1878. GARDEN OF SOUTH AFRICA Little's South Africa, 1884. HOME LIFE IN NATAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. LIFE AT NATAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 55, 1878. NATAL: A COLONIAL PARADISE Harper's Magazine, vol. 34, 1897. NATAL AS A PLACE FOR EMIGRANTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 12, 1849. PICNICS IN SOUTH EASTERN AFRICA Argosy, vol. 7, 1869. SEA-SIDE OF NATAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. TRAVELLING IN NATAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 31, i8sg. GENERAL Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Keith Johnston's Africa, 1884. Nathan (Hebrew Prophet, time of David) Ewald's Israel, vol. 3, 1871. [v. 6, 1890. Nathanael (A disciple of Jesus ; identified with Bartholomew) Treas. of Relig. Thought, National Covenant (A public religious covenant or bond drawn up by James VI. of Scotland in 1580, and sworn and subscribed by all ranks and classes of Scotland for the protection of the reformed Church). REHEARSAL OF EVENTS WHICH OCCURRED IN THE NORTH OF SCOTLAND, 1635-45 Trans, of the Roy. Hist. Soc., vol. 5, 1877. National Debt. FOREIGN LOANS AND NATIONAL DEBT Westminster Rev., vol. 49, JOHN BULL'S BALANCE SHEET Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1897. [1876. NATIONAL DEBT IN THE TIME OF ANNE, 1702 Morris' Age of Anne, 1877. REDUCTIONS MADE IN THE NATIONAL DEBT Banker's Magazine, vol. 63, 1897. GENERAL Buxton's Finance and Politics, 1888. Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Noble's National Finance, 1875. Wilson's National Budget, 1882. See also Finance. National Galleries Hamerton's Thoughts About Art, 1873. National Gallery, London. NATIONAL GALLERY AND COMMON SENSE Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. STUDENTS AT THE NATIONAL GALLERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. VISIT TO NATIONAL GALLERY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. GENERAL Black's Guide to London, V.D. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. National Library (British Museum). IN OUR NATIONAL LIBRARY Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. See also British Museum, Museums, etc. National Portrait Gallery, London. HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. GENERAL Scrlbner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. National Rifle Association Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. National Social Union Review of Reviews, vols. 10-12, 1894-6. Nationality. NATIONALITY OF PERSONS OF BRITISH ORIGIN BORN ABROAD New RELATION OF NATIONALITY TO SUICIDE Morselli's Suicide, 1881. [Rev.,v. 17, '97. NATURAL HISTORY (A branch of knowledge generally comprising the sciences of botany and zoology. See also A nimals, Botany, Birds, Entomology, Fishes, Insects, Natural Science, Nature, Zoology, and under names of animals). AFRICA: A NATURALIST IN THE TRANSVAAL Natural Science, vol. i, 1892. AFRICA: NATURAL HISTORY OF SOUTH AFRICA Silver's South Africa, 1891. AMONG OUR FOOTPRINTS Harper's Magazine, vol. 3, 1881-2. ANIMAL DISGUISE AND DEFENCE Argosy vol. 49, 1890. AUSTRALIA: NATURAL HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA Wallace's Australasia, 1888. AZORES: NATURAL HISTORY Roundell's Azores, 1889. BIRD AND BEAST POACHERS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 16, 1891. BRAZIL: NATURAL HISTORY Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 29, 1830. CELEBES : NATURAL HISTORY Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. CHINA: NATURAL HISTORY Condor's Modern Traveller, v. 13, '30. Davis' China, '57. ESSAYS ON NATURAL HISTORY Grant Allen's Falling in Love & other Essays, 1891. FACTS IN NATURAL HISTORY Mangin's Desert World, 1869. FIELD AND HEDGE GLEANERS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. [1898. FROZEN WORLD: BEING A STUDY OF A POND AND ITS INHABITANTS Strand, v. 15, FROZEN OVER PONDS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 17, 1881. FURRED AND FEATHERED YOUNGSTERS English Illus. Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. GREECE: NATURAL HISTORY Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 15, 1830. HOME OF A NATURALIST Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. How TO SEE THE Zoo Cornhill Magazine, vol. i (n.s.), 1896. INDIA: DEADLY WILD BEASTS OF INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. INDIA: NATURAL HISTORY Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 7, 1830. INDIA : SOME BIRDS IN INDIA Longman's Magazine, vol. 17, 1890-91. [426] NATURAL HISTORY-NAUKRATIS Natural History (continued). INDIA: SOME WILD INDIAN BEASTS Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. INDIA: VOICES OF THE INDIAN NIGHT Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. INDO-MALAY ISLANDS Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. IRELAND: FIELD CLUB WORK IN IRELAND Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. LETTERS ON NATURAL HISTORY Beete Juke's Letters, 1871. MADAGASCAR: NATURAL HISTORY Oliver's Madagascar, 1886. MADEIRA : NATURAL HISTORY Harcourt's Madeira, 1851. , MEXICO: NATURAL HISTORY Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 25, 1830. MUSEUMS OF NATURAL HISTORY Browne's Practical Taxidermy, 1884. NATURAL HISTORY AS A RECREATION Kingsley's Glaucus, 1890. NATURAL HISTORY AS A VOCATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. NATURAL HISTORY IN THE I7TH CENTURY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. 14, 1878 NATURE AT WAR Chambers' Journal, vol. 7, 1847. NOTES ON NATURAL HISTORY Grant Allen's Evolutionist at Large, 1884. PALESTINE : NATURAL HISTORY Kitto's Scripture Lands, 1850. PAPUAN ISLANDS: NATURAL HISTORY Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. PERSIA : NATURAL HISTORY Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 12, 1830. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURAL HISTORY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. POACHERS: FURRED AND FEATHERED English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. PRIMITIVE NATURAL HISTORY Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. RECREATIVE NATURAL HISTORY Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. i, 1891. SIBERIA: NATURAL HISTORY Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. SPAIN : NATURAL HISTORY Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 18, 1830. SPECIES, THE SEX, AND THE INDIVIDUAL Natural Science, vol. 13, 1898. TIMOR ISLANDS: NATURAL HISTORY Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. [1874. UTILITY OF THE STUDY OF NATURAL HISTORY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. 10, VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS OF THE SEA Macaulay's Sea Pictures, 1884. Natural Philosophy. DISCOVERY OF NATURAL LAWS Mitchell's Orbs of Heaven, 1865. Natural Science. CELL DIVISION Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. CELLULOSE Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. NAEGELI'S EXPERIMENTS ON LIVING CELLS Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. NATURAL SCIENCE AT THE CHICAGO EXHIBITION Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. NATURAL SCIENCE IN JAPAN Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. NATURAL SCIENCE IN SCHOOLS AND IN GENERAL EDUCATION Macmillan's Mag., THEORY OF CELLS Hogg's Microscope, 1886. [vol. 4, 1861. See also Botany, Natural History, Zoology, etc. Natural Selection. PROFESSOR WELDON'S EVIDENCE OF THE OPERATION OF NATURAL SELECTION Natural Science, vol. 14, 1899. THEORY OF NATURAL SELECTION Romanes' Darwin and After Darwin, 1897. See also Evolution, Man, Sex, etc. Naturalisation. EUROPEAN LAWS OF NATURALISATION Chambers' Jour., v. 47, '70. Naturalism. NATURALISM AND ETHICS International Journal of Ethics, v. 4, 1893-4. NATURALISM [COMMENT UPON BALFOUR'S "FOUNDATIONS OF BELIEF"] Monist, RISE OF NATURALISM IN ENGLISH ART Macmillan's Mag., vol. 33, 1875-6. [v.6, '95-6. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. NATURE. (See also Citation, Natural History, Natural Science, Universe, etc.) ANALOGIES OF NATURE Grindon's Life: its Nature, etc., 1863. APHORISMS BY GOETHE Nature, vol. i, 1870. ART AND NATURE Harris' Theory of the Arts, 1869. BEAUTIES OF NATURE Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. DESIGN IN NATURE Good Words, vol. 19, 1878. DUPLICATES IN NATURE Chambers' Journal, vol. 40, 1863. FREAKS OF NATURE IN OLDEN TIMES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 18, 1897-8. GLIMPSES OF NATURE Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. GOD IN NATURE Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 2, 1884. Quiver, vol. 25, 1890. GREAT SCOURGES OF NATURE All the Year Round, vol. 54, 1884. LABORATORIES OF NATURE Simonin's Underground Life, 1869. LAWS OF NATURE Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Positivist Rev., v. 3, 1895. LIMITS OF NATURE Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. Music OF NATURE Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. NATURE AND RELIGION Good Words, vol. 16, 1875. NATURE AT NIGHT Cprnhill Magazine, vol. 61, 1890. NATURE AT SEA Loftie's Orient Line Guide, 1896. NATURE AT WAR Chambers' Journal, vol. 7, 1847. NATURE IN POETRY Posnett's Literature, 1886. NATURE ON THE ROOF Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. RELATION OF ART TO NATURE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. STUDY OF NATURE AS A GUIDE TO ART Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. TEACHINGS OF NATURE Chambers' Journal, vol. 55, 1878. UNIFORMITY OF NATURE Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. VIGNETTES FROM NATURE BY RICHARD JEFFERIES Longman's Magazine, v.26, 1895. GENERAL Emerson's Essays, 1845. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i & 4, 1891. Naukratis (Ancient Egyptian city). FINDING OF NAUKRATIS Archaeo. Jour., v. 43, 1886. [427] NAUPLIA-NAVY Nauplia [Napoli di Romania] (Seaport of Greece) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Carnarvon's Athens, 1869. See also Napoli di Romania. Nautical Terms. ALPHABETICAL EXPLANATION OK THE MOST COMMON AND THE MOST IMPORTANT SEA TERMS AND PHRASES Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 8, 1818. Nautilus (A shell fish which can rise to the surface and float upon the water). IN THE HOME OF THE NAUTILUS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. PEARLY NAUTILUS The Student of Science, Literature and Art, vol. 4, 1870. Navarino, Greece (A small seaport). BATTLE OF NAVARINO [at which the English, French, and Russian Fleets annihilated that of the Turks] James' Naval Hist., 1878. GENERAL Conder's Mod.Trav., v. 15, 1830. Parry's Yachting Cruise, 1889. Navarra (Constance de, Queen of Castilla, died 1394) Holt's Royal Ladies, 1861. Navarra (Juana de, Queen of Spain, died 1555) Holt's Royal Ladies, 1861. Navarre, Spain (A province of Spain, formerly a kingdom) Hare's Spain, 1873. Murray's Guide to Spain, V.D. Navarre (Henry, King of [Henry IV. of France] assassinated 1610) Fane's Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois. 1892. See also Henry IV., King of France. Navarre (Jeanne D'Albret, Queen of Navarre, died 1572) Sunday at Home, vol. 34, 1887. Navigation. FINDING THE WAY AT SEA Proctor's Science Byways, 1875. INLAND NAVIGATION Trans. Inst. Mining Engineers, v. 3, 1891-2 & v. 8, 1894-5. JAMES WATT AND OCEAN NAVIGATION Nature, vol. 51, 1895. NAVIGATION OF THE SOUTH AMERICAN STATION Hall's Chili, Peru, etc., 1824. OPEN-BOAT NAVIGATION History of the Mutiny of H.M.S. " Bounty " [Fain. Lib.] PRIMITIVE NAVIGATION Joly's Man before Metals, 1887. STEAM NAVIGATION Bourne's Handbook of the Steam Engine, 1879. Haldane's UNCHARTED ROCKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. [Engineering, 1890. Navigators. OLD ENGLISH SEAMEN Harper's Magazine, vol. 5, 1882-3. Navvies. LIFE OF A NAVVY All the Year Round, vol. 31, 1873-4. NAVY (A collection of ships belonging to a country, generally confined to ships of war. See also Shits, Ironclads, Men of War, Frigates, etc. ; and tinder names of admirals, battles and countries, e.g., Nelson, England, etc.). ADMINISTRATION OF THE NAVY, 1880-1885 Nineteenth Century, vol. 19, 1886. AMERICA : BEGINNINGS OF THE AMERICAN NAVY Harper's Magazine, v. 34, 1897. AMERICA: FUTURE IN RELATION TO AMERICAN NAVAL POWER Harper's Magazine,. vol 30, 1895. See also United States. ANCIENT AND MODERN SEA-FIGHTS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. BRITISH FLEET AND STATE OF EUROPE Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889.. BRITISH NAVY Harper's Magazine, vol. n, 1885-6. BRITISH SHIPS IN FOREIGN NAVIES Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898* CAN ENGLAND FIGHT ? Literary World, vol. 56, 1897. CAN WE HOLD OUR OWN AT SEA? Fortnightly Review, vol. 70, 1898. CHAPTER IN NAVAL HISTORY All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. CHINESE NAVY Blackvvood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. COAST DEFENCE SHIPS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. COMMAND OF THE SEA AND BRITISH POLICY National Review, vol. 26, 1896. COMPARISON OF THE ARMIES AND NAVIES OF THE Sjx GREAT EUROPEAN POWERS- [With Diagrams, etc.] Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 16, 1898. CURRENT FALLACIES UPON NAVAL SUBJECTS Harper's Magazine, vol. 36, 1898. DANGERS TO BRITISH SEA POWER UNDER THE PRESENT RULES OF NAVAL WARFARE Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. DISCIPLINE IN THE OLD NAVY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 78, 1898. ENGLAND ON THE SEA. i6TH CENTURY Froude's History of England, 1870. ENGLAND'S NAVY Macaulay's Sea Pictures, 1884. ENGLISH NAVY FROM 1348 TO 1399 Traill's Social England, vol. 2, 1897. ENGLISH NAVY IN THE i7TH CENTURY Thames Ironworks Gazette, vol. i, 1895. ENGLISH NAVY UNDER THE TUDORS Fox Bourne's English Seamen, 1868. ENGLISH SEAMEN IN THE i6TH CENTURY Longman's Magazine, vol. 25, 1894-5. ENTRY AND TRAINING OF NAVAL OFFICERS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 162, 1897. FIGHTING POWER OF THE NAVY Murray's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. FIRST FIGHT OF IRONCLAD SHIPS Dr. Macaulay's Thrilling Tales, 1890. " FLEET IN BEING" New Review, vol. 13, 1805 FLOGGING IN THE NAVY Cooper's History of the Rod, 1896. FOUNDATION OF THE BRITISH NAVY Half Hours in Early Naval Adventure, 1897. FRENCH NAVY : EARLY YEARS OF THE FRENCH NAVY Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. FRENCH NAVY AND ITS RISK Norman's Corsairs of France, 1887. FRENCH NAVY AND TOULON Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. FUNCTIONS OF THE NAVY AND ARMY IN THE DEFENCE OF THE EMPIRE Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. FUTURE NAVAL WARFARE National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. HISTORY OF OUR NAVY [Review] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1898. How OUR BLUE-JACKETS ARE FED Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. How SAILORS ARE PUNISHED Chambers' Journal, vol. 67. 1890. INSTITUTE OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. [428] NAVY Navy (continued). Is THE BRITISH NAVY INVINCIBLE? [the opinions of leading experts, with illustrations] Idler, vol. 13, 1898. LATEST RECONSTRUCTION OF THE NAVY Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. LIFE IN THE R.N. AT THE BEGINNING OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Hall's Voyages and Travels, 1842. MANNING OF THE FLEET New Review, vol. 12, 1895. MANNING THE NAVY Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. Hall's Voyages. 1842. Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. Thames Ironworks Gazette, vol: 4, 1898. MARINERS OF ENGLAND BEFORE THE ARMADA English Illustrated, vol. 8, 1890-1. MARITIME SUPREMACY Positivist Review, vol. 3, 1895. Miss WESTON'S WORK IN THE ROYAL NAVY Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. MODERN NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. MUTUAL RELATIONS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY Blackwood's Magazine, v. 157, 1895. NATIONAL DEFENCE Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. NATIONAL DEFENCE: THE NAVAL MANOEUVRES Fortnightly Rev., vol. 64, 1895. NAVAL ACTIONS : CUTTING OUT OF THE CHEVRETTE Cham. Jour., vol. 68, 1891. NAVAL AND MILITARY HEROES Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A FEW PRINCIPLES POPULARLY EXPLAINED Engineer, NAVAL ARCHITECTS IN GERMANY Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. [vol. 81, 1896. NAVAL DEFENCE: ADMIRAL DUNCAN AND NAVAL DEFENCE Edin. Rev., v. 188,1898. NAVAL EXPERTS New Review, vol. 13, 1895. [vol. i, 1818. NAVAL HISTORY FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES Campbell's Lives of Brit. Admirals, NAVAL MANOEUVRES Graphic, vol. 50, 1894. Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. NAVAL POWER OF THE ANCIENT BRITONS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Archaeol., pt. i.], NAVAL PROGRAMME FOR 1896 Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. [1886. NAVAL SCIENCE (Review) Nature, vol. 6, 1872. NAVAL SITUATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 45, 1899. NAVAL TEACHINGS OF THE CRISIS Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. NAVAL WARFARE or THE FUTURE National Review, vol. 29, 1897. NAVAL WAR IN THE EAST Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 157, 1805, NAVAL WARFARE : COLLAPSE OF CHINA AT SEA Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. NAVIES OF FRANCE AND ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. NAVIES OF THE WORLD Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. NAVY AND ITS DUTIES Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. NAVY AND THE ADMIRALITY Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. NAVY AND THE COLONIES New Review, vol. 13, 1895. NAVY AND THE ENGINEERING DISPUTE Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. NAVY AND THE MONEY BAG New Review, vol. 17, 1897. NAVY AS A PROFESSION National Review, vol. 32, 1899. NAVY ESTIMATES AND IMPERIAL DEFENCE Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. NAVY RECORDS OF THE ARMADA Edinburgh Review, vol. 181, 1895. NAVY RECORDS SOCIETY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. NEW BATTLESHIPS Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. NEW NAVIES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1894. NEW ORGANIZATION FOR THE NEW NAVY Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. NURSERY OF THE BRITISH NAVY Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. OLD NAVAL SONGS Longman's Magazine, vol. 12, 1888. OUR MEDITERRANEAN FLEET Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. OUR NAVAL INCREASE Chamber's Journal, vol. 73, 1896. OUR NAVAL REQUIREMENTS IN WAR Brassey's The British Navy, vol. i, 1882. OUR NAVAL RESERVES Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. OUR NAVAL RESERVES FOR MANNING THE FLEET Nineteenth Century, v. 42, 1897. OUR NAVAL WEAKNESS National Review, vol. 27, 1896. OUR NAVY AGAINST A COALITION Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. OUR POSITION AS A NAVAL POWER Nineteenth Century, vol. 13, 1883. OUR WARSHIPS Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. PASSING OF ENGLAND New Review, vol. 12, 1895. PREPARATION FOR THE NAVY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. PREPAREDNESS FOR NAVAL WAR Harper's Magazine, vol. 33, 1897. PROTECTION OF OUR COMMERCE IN WAR Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. PUNISHMENT OF NAVAL OFFICERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. QUEEN'S NAVY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. REBUILDING OF THE BRITISH NAVY Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. REMARKABLE NAVAL DUELS Chambers' Journal, vol. 22, 1854. RESERVE AND NAVAL VOLUNTEERS Chambers' journal, vol. 54, 1877. RETARDATION OF THE NAVY BY THE ENGINEERS' STRIKE NinteenthCent., v.45, 1899. ROYAL NAVY IN 1894 National Review, vol. 24, 1894-5. ROYAL NAVY THREE HUNDRED YEARS AGO Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. RUSSIAN NAVY Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE NAVY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. SOME LESSONS FROM KIEL Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. STRUGGLE BEFORE us Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. TABULAR ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE STATE AND PROGRESS OF THE BRITISH NAVY FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY TO THE BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR Campbell's Lives o,f British Admirals, vol. 8, 1818. TEACHING OF NAVAL HISTORY New Review, vol. 12, 1895. THE ENGINEER IN NAVAL WARFARE Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. [429] NAVY-NEGROES Navy (continued). TWENTY-FOUR MILLIONS ON THE NAVY Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. UNITED STATES : ADDITIONS TO THE UNITED STATES NAVY Engineer, v. 82, 1896. UNITED STATES : PRESENT STRENGTH OF THE U.S. NAVY Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6. UNITED STATES NAVY Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. URGENT QUESTIONS FOR THE COUNCIL OF DEFENCE Nineteenth Cent., vol. 41, 1897. WORLD'S PRINCIPAL WAR FLEETS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. GENERAL Daily Graphic, vol. 31, 1897. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. New Review, vol. 12, 1895. Scribner's Magazine, vols. 8 and 10, 1890-1. Nazareth, Palestine (Dwelling place of Jesus) Baedeker's Guide to Palestine, V.D. Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Geikie's Holy Land and the Bible, 1891. Harper's Magazine, vols. 6 & 36 [American Edition]. Knox Little's Sketches in Sunshine and Storm, 1892. Macleod's Eastward, 1869. Martineau's Eastern Life, 1850. Sumner's Holiday in the East, 1881. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. Neal (John, American novelist, poet and journalist, died 1876) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Griswold's Poets of America, 1850. [1872. Neander (A., German Theologian, died 1850). GERMAN STUDENTS Temple Bar, v. 36, Nearchus (Greek Admiral under Alexander the Great, about 330 B.C.). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Nearctic Regions. NEARCTIC OR SONORAN ? Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. NEARTIC REGION AND ITS MAMMALS Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. PAL^EARCTIC AND NEARCTIC REGIONS COMPARED Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. Neath Castle, Glamorganshire Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Nebo Mount, Palestine (Place where Moses died) Sunday at Home, vol. 12, 1865. Nebuchadnezzar (King of Babylon, died 562 B.C.) Ewald's Israel, 1886. Josephus" Works, 1874. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. NebulSB (Astronomical name for clusters of stars or meteors). ARE ANY OF THE NEBULAE STAR SYSTEMS? Nature, vol. i, 1879. ASTEROIDS AND THE NEBULAR HYPOTHESIS Student of Science, Literature and Art, VARIABILITY OF NEBULAE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. [vol. 4, 1870. WHAT is A NEBULA? Knowledge, vol. 14, 1896. See also Astronomy. Necessity. CASES OF NECESSITY Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. DOCTRINE OF NECESSITY EXAMINED The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. LIBERTY AND NECESSITY Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875. NECESSITARIANISM Whedon's Freedom of the Will, 1864. VINDICATION OF THE DOCTRINE OF NECESSITY The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. Necker (Jacques, Swiss statesman, died 1804).- LAST VIEWS Edin. Rev., vol. I, 1802-3. NECKER AND CALONNE Fortnightly Review, vol. n, 1869. Necklaces. NECKLACES IN RELATION TO PRE-HISTORIC COMMERCE Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. Necromancy (Divination of the future by questioning the dead). EVOCATION OF THE SOULS OF THE DEAD Waite's Occult Sciences, 1891. MODERN NECROMANCY Lee's More Glimpses of the World Unseen, 1878. NECROMANCY OF SCIENCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 24, 1855. Needles. NEEDLE-MAKING Chambers' Journal, vol. 25, 1856. Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1882. GENERAL Wynter's Social Bees, 1861. Needlework. ANCIENT NEEDLEWORK All the Year Round, vol. 30, 1873. ART NEEDLEWORK Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883 ; vol. 5, 1884 ; vol. 8, 1887: vol. n, 1890; and vol. 12, 1891. Harper's Magazine, vol. 61 [American Edition], 1880. ART NEEDLEWORK IN BRITTANY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. DUSTER WORK Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. NEEDLEWOMAN Cassell's Magazine, vol. i, 1875. NEEDLEWORK GUILD English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. NEEDLEWORK IN GERMAN SCHOOLS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. NURSERY NEEDLEWORK Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. PLAIN NEEDLEWORK Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. TURKISH AND BULGARIAN NEEDLEWORK Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. NeedwOOd Forest, Staffordshire Longman's Magazine, vol. 10, 1887. Neff (Felix, Swiss Minister, died 1829) Quiver, vol. 8, 1873. Sunday at Home, vol. 3 [p. 533], 1856; and vol. 10, 1863. Quarterly Review, vol. 49, 1833. Nefs (Table ornaments, now obsolete). SILVER NEFS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. Negroes (A term generally understood to include all the native tribes of Africa). AFRICAN NEGROES White's Africa, 1890. AMERICA : REAL AND THE CONVENTIONAL NIGGER Temple Bar, vol. 2, 1861. AWAKENING OF THE NEGRO Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. BLACK MAN All the Year Round, vol. 33, 1874-5. DWARF NEGROES OF THE ANDAMAN ISLANDS Sunday Magazine, vol. 30, 1894. FAMILY LIFE IN A NEGRO TOWN Chambers' Journal, vol. 17 [page 12] 1852. NEGRO EDUCATION Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. NEGRO SUFFRAGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. [430] NEGROES-NERVOUS DISEASES Negroes (continued) . NEGROES: BOND AND FREE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. SHOULD HIGHER EDUCATION BK PROVIDED FOR THE NEGRO? Century, v. 27, 1894-5. STRIVINGS OF THE NEGRO PEOPLE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. GENERAL Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, v. 2, '73. Nehemiah (Governor of Judah, 450 B.C.) Ewald's Israel, 1886. Geikie's Old Testa- ment Portraits, 1878. Oliphant's Jerusalem : Its History and Hope, 1891. Treas. of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Neilson (Julia, Actress, born 1868) Marston's Recent Actors, 1890. Men and Women of the Day [portrait], 1889. Theatre, vol. 24 [portrait], 1894. Neilson (Samuel, Member of Society of United Irishmen, died 1803) Madden's United Irishmen, vol. 4, 1846. Webb's Compendium of Irish Biography, 1867. Nell Gwyn. See Gwyn (Nell). NELSON (Horatio, Lord, Celebrated Admiral, killed at the battle of Trafalgar, 1805). BIOGRAPHY OF NELSON Thames Ironworks Gazette, vol. i, 1895. DEATH OF NELSON AT TRAFALGAR James' Naval History, vol. 4, 1878. GENEALOGY OF NELSON Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. His CAREER Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. HORATIO NELSON AND EMMA HAMILTON Doran's Drury Lane, 1881. How NELSON LOST HIS ARM Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. LIFE OF NELSON Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 3, 1844. MAHAN'S " LIFE OF NELSON " REVIEWED Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. Literary World, vol. 56, 1897. Quarterly Review, vol. 187, 1898. Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. NELSON AND LADY HAMILTON Letters of the first Earl Malmesbury, 1870. Long's Lady Hamilton, 1891. Phillips' Essays, 1871. NELSON AND HIS BIOGRAPHERS Maemillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. NELSON AT CAPE ST. VINCENT Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. NELSON AT TRAFALGAR Century Magazine, vol. 31, 1897. NELSON IN THE BATTLE OF T.HE NILE Century Magazine, vol. 31, 1897. NEW NELSON MANUSCRIPTS Literature, vol. 2, 1898. PICTURES FROM THE LIFE OF NELSON English Illustrated Mag., vols. 16-17,1896-7. STUDY OF NELSON Maemillan's Magazine, vol. 63, 1890-1. GENERAL Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 4 [portrait], 1849. Edgar's Heroes of England, 1861. James' Naval History, vols. 1-4, 1878. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Merydew's Love-Letters of Famous Men .and Women, 1888 New Review, vol. J 3i l &95- Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. Whymper's The Sea, 1881. Nelson Column (Monument in Trafalgar Square, London) Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Nelson (John, Preacher, died 1774) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. I, 1865. Nelson (Thomas, Publisher, died 1892) Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. Nelson, New Zealand Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Nemea, Greece Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Conder's Modern Traveller, v. 16, 1830. Nemi, Italy (Lake and Village) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Neology (Rationalistic views in theology) Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Neophron (Egyptian bird) Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. i, 1848. Nepal, India. A JOURNEY INTO NEPAL Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2 [p. 724], 1896. Nepi, Italy (Town enclosed by walls on Etruscan foundations) Dennis' Cities of Etruria, vol. i, 1883. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Neptune (The planet) DISCOVERY OF NEPTUNE Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. Strand Magazine, vol. 12 [page 161], 1896. SATELLITE OF NEPTUNE Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. Nero (Claudius Caesar, Emperor of Rome, committed suicide A.D. 68). CHARACTER OF NERO Maemillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890. PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS BY NERO Lewin's St. Paul, 1890. WAS HE A MONSTER ? Cornhill Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. Good Words, vol. 19, 1878. GENERAL B-aring-Gould's Tragedy of the Caesars, 1897. Church's Burning of Rome, 1891. Davidson's Study of the New Testament, 1882. Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. Farrar's Seekers After God, 1891. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Nertchinsk, Asiatic Russia Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. Nerve (An organ of sensation and motion in animals). CASE OF NERVE-SPLITTING Brain, vol. 3, 1880-1. EXCITORS OR CONTROLLERS ? Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. How TO TREAT NERVOUSNESS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 10, 1884. NERVE CELL CONSIDERED AS THE BASIS OF NEUROLOGY Brain, vol. 16, 1893. NERVOUSNESS Chambers' Journal, vol. 50, 1873. WHAT ARE NERVES ? Cornhill Mag., vol. 5, 1862. See also Neurology, Neurotomy. Nervous Diseases. ARE NERVOUS DISEASES INCREASING? Century Mag., v. 30, MODERN LIFE AND NERVOUS DISEASES Contemporary Rev., vol. 67, 1895. [1896. [43i] NERVOUS SYSTEM-NEW FOREST Nervous System. ARTIFICIAL FORMATION OF A RUDIMENTARY NERVOUS SVSTKM Natural Science, vol. 13, 1898. HENRY ON THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Brit. Association Report, NERVOUS SYSTEM IN CHILDHOOD Brain, vol. 15, 1892. [1833. RELATION OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM TO THE ALIMENTARY CANAL Brain, vol. 10, 1888. SIMULATION OF HYSTERIA BY ORGANIC DISEASE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Brain, vol. 13, 1890. GENERAL Bain's Senses and the Intellect, 1868. See also Neurology, Neurotoiny, etc. Ness (Loch, Scottish lake forming portion of Caledonian Canal) Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery. 1882. Nestorians (Religious sect founded by Nestorius) Milman's Lat. Christianity, v. i, 1872. Nestorius (Patriarch of Constantinople, died about 450) Evagrius' Hist, of the Church. Nests. FISHES NESTS Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 36, 1848 [1846. PARASITIC NESTS Wood's Homes Without Hands, 1869. PECULIARITIES OF BIRDS' NESTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. QUEER NESTS AND NESTING-PLACES Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. STRANGE SITES FOR BIRDS' NESTS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. SUB-AQUATIC NESTS Wood's Homes Without Hands, 1869. Nether Stowey, Somersetshire Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. Netherlands or Holland (A kingdom of western Europe, formerly including Belgium). CAMPAIGN OF Roucoux Temple Bar, vol. in, 1897. CHILDHOOD AND GIRLHOOD OF THE QUEEN OF THE NETHERLANDS [Queen Wilhel- mina] English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 18, 1897-8. COURT OF THE NETHERLANDS Cassell's Magazine, vol.23, l %97- NOTES FROM THE NETHERLANDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 14, 1850. NETHERLANDS AND THEIR INHABITANTS Wyhe's History of Protestantism, 1875-7. VIEW OF THE NETHERLANDS Prescott's Philip II., 1877. [History, 1882. WHAT CAME OF THE BEGGARS' REVOLT? Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes in GENERAL Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. See also Holland, Belgium. Netley Abbey, Hants. ACCOUNT OF NETLEY ABBEY Beattie's Castles andAbbeys of England, 1851. Black's Hampshire, V.D. Kohl's Ireland, Scotland & England, '44. NetSCher (C., German Painter, died 1684) Gower's Figure Painters of Holland, 1881. Nettleship (J. S.) Idler, vol. 10, 1896. Neuberg (Joseph). CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN CARLYLE AND NEUBERG Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 50, 1884. Neuchatel, Switzerland Latrobe's Alpenstock : Sketches of Swiss Scenery, 1829. Neuralgia Cassell's Magazine, vol. 4, 1878. Chambers' Journal, vol. 17, 1852 Neurology (Science of the nerves). PHILOSOPHICAL RELATIONS OF NEUROLOGY Brain, vol. 14, 1891. See also Nerves, Nervous System, Neurotomy, etc. Neurotomy (Dissection of the nerves). SOME OF THE LESSONS OF NEUROTOMY Brain, vol. i, 1878-9. See also Nerves, Nervous System, Neurology, etc. Nevada, United States. DESERTS OF NEVADA Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. REESE RIVER COUNTRY Harper's Mag., vol. 33 [Amer. Edition]. Nevis Island, West Indies Coleridge's West Indies, 1825. New Brighton, Cheshire (A rising watering place), SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIP- TION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Black's Guide to Liverpool, V.D. Good Words, vol. 5, 1864. New Brunswick (A province of Canada). FIVE DAYS IN THE WILDERNESS OF NEW BRUNSWICK Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1848. GENERAL Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. New Caledonia (A French convict island in the Pacific). NEW CALEDONIA RISING All the Year Round vol. 43, 1879. RAIN MAKING IN NEW CALEDONIA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GENERAL Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 1888. Erskine's Western Pacific, 1853. New Church (Swedenborgians). CHURCH OF NEW JERUSALEM Molloy's Faith of the People, vol. 2, 1892. Bush's Doctrines and Disclosures of Swedenborg, 1885. Giles' Why I am a New Churchman, 1890. See also Swedenborg. New England, United States (Granted to the Plymouth Company by James I., 1606). FOUNDERS OF NEW ENGLAND Good Words, vol. 21, 1880. IN THE GRAY CABINS OF NEW ENGLAND Century Magazine, vol. 27, 1894-5. PROBLEM OF RURAL NEW ENGLAND Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, 1897. VISIT TO NEW ENGLAND Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 23, 1830. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. New Forest (A royal forest in Hampshire, scene of the death of William II.). AROUND THE NEW FOREST All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. NEW FOREST AND ITS GIPSIES Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. SPORT IN THE NEW FOREST Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1877. GENERAL Black's Guide to Hampshire, V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 3, 1883. Dorset Field Club Proceedings, vol. 14. English Illustrated, vol. 2, 1884-5. [4321 NEW GUINEA-NEW YORK New Guinea, Australasia (Largest island of the world, is divided into three parts respectively under the government of England, Holland and Germany). ANIMALS OF NEW GUINEA Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. BIRDS OF NEW GUINEA Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1897. HOISTING THE UNION JACK IN NEW GUINEA Longman's Magazine, vol. 5, 1884-5. NEW GUINEA UNDER CHRISTIAN TRAINING Sunday at Home, vol. 42, 1895. PROSPECTS OF NEW GUINEA Chambers' Journal, vol. 62, 1885. GENERAL Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Nature, vol. 47, 1893. Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. Sunday at Home, vol. 32, 1885. Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. Wallace's Australasia, 1888. New Hebrides (A group of islands in the Pacific). FRANCE AND THE NEW HEBRIDES Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. NOTES ON THE NEW HEBRIDES Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. GENERAL Erskine's Western Pacific, 1853. John G. Paton's Autobiography, 1891. New Jersey, United States. COAST OF NEW JERSEY Harper's Mag., v. 56, 1877-8. FOSSIL BACILLARIA IN NEW JERSEY Science Gossip, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1898. IRON REGION OF NEW JERSEY Harper's Magazine, vol. 20, 1859-60. New Mexico, United States. INCIDENTS IN NEW MEXICO Harper's Mag., v. 8, 1853-4. NATIVE TRIBES AND AZTEC RUINS OF NEW MEXICO All the Year Round, v. 21, '68-9. New Orleans, United States. DIARY OF A PRIVATE SOLDIER IN THE CAMPAIGN OF NEW ORLEANS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77. 1898. FRENCH MARKET AT NEW ORLEANS All the Year Round, vol. 33, 1874-5. SLAVE MARKET AT NEW ORLEANS Chambers' Journal, vol. 16, 1851. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. Harper's Magazine, vol. 13, 1886-7; and vol. 25, 1893. Russell's North America, 1857. New River Company. ADVENTURER'S SHARE IN THE NEW RIVER COMPANY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. GENERAL Timbs' Curiosities ot London, 1867. New Shoreham, Sussex Black's Guide to Brighton, V.D. New South Wales, Australasia (A British Colony). CONDITION OF NEW SOUTH WALES Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. STATISTICS CONCERNING NEW SOUTH WALES, ETC. Parkes' Fifty Years 01 Australian History, 1892. [1897. STORY OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES SOUDAN CONTINGENT, 1885 Temple Bar, v. in, GENERAL Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Brassey's Last Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1889. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [page 804], 1883. Jung's Australia, 1884. Loftie's Orient Guide, 1891. Marianne Norh's Recollections, 1892. Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Wilkes' Exploring Expedition, 1845. New Testament. BIBLE HISTORY IN FOURTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH Early English Text Society Reprint [Cursor Mundi, Nos. 57, 59, 62, & 65], 1874-7. MlSREADINGS AND MlSRENDERINGS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Expositor, Vol. 8 REVISION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT Macmillan's Mag., v. 44, 1881. [(sth series), '98. SOME NEW TESTAMENT SYNONYMS Expositor, vol 6 (5th series), 1897. SURVEY OF LITERATURE ON THE NEW TEST. Expositor, vols. 6-8, (sth ser.), 1897-8. TEXTUAL CRITICISM OF THE NEW TESTAMENT Dublin Review, vol. 122, 1898. GENERAL Tail's Mind In Matter, 1892. See also Bible, Christ, Gospels, Jesus Christ, names of evangelists and apostles, e.g., Matthew, John, Paul, etc. New Westminster, British Columbia. DESCRIPTION OF NEW WESTMINSTER Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. New Year's Day. NEW YEAR CUSTOMS Antiquary, vol. 5, 1882. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Popular Superstitions], 1884. NEW YEAR'S DAY IN PARIS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1894. NEW YEAR'S PAY IN SCOTLAND All the Year Round, vol. 25, 1870-1. GENERAL Chambers' Book of Days, 1862. Good Words, vol. 23, 1882. NEW YORK (An important city and state of the United States). ACCOUNT OF FIFTH AVENUE Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1893-4. AN AMERICAN HOLIDAY Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. APPROACHES TO NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 8, 1884. BOWERY ON SATURDAY NIGHT Harper's Magazine, vol. 42, 1870-1. BROADWAY [Streets of the World] Temple Bar, vol. 14, 1865. . BROOKLYN BRIDGE AND NEW YORK Mark's Trip to America, 1885. CASTLE GARDEN Harper's Magazine, vol. 42, 1870-1. CHARITY INSTITUTIONS OF NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 56, 1877-8. CLINTON PLACE INTO BROADWAY Temple Bar, vol. 14 [page 30], 1865. CROTON AQUEDUCT Harper's Magazine, vol. 22, 1860-1. CUSTOM HOUSE Harper's Magazine, vol. 43, 1871 ; and vol. 8, 1884. DESCRIPTION OF NEW YORK [Two Great Cities] Cornhill Magazine, vol. 17, 1868. DISAPPOINTMENT OF NEW YORK [Tammany Rule] National Review, vol. 26, 1896. EATING AND DRINKING IN AMERICA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. ELECTION DAY IN POORER NEW YORK English Illustrated Mag., vol. 16, 1896-7. EMIGRANT IN NEW YORK Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. EVOLUTION OF NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 25, 1893. FIRE DEPARTMENT OF NEW YORK (Old Volunteer) Harper's Mag., vol. i, 1880-1. GOVERNMENT OF GREATER NEW YORK Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. HOUSING PROBLEM IN NEW YORK London, vol. 5, 1896. LIFE IN TENEMENT-HOUSES IN NEW YORK Scribner's Magazine, vol. n, 1892. 2E [ 433 1 NEW YORK-NEWBUBY New York (continued). LIGHT AND DARK PLACES: a Study of the Better New York Century Mag. vol. 31 LITERARY MOVEMENT IN NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 12, 1886. ' [1897.' LITTLE LABOURERS Harper's Magazine, vol. 47, 1873. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM Harper's Magazine, vol. 60, 1879-80. Music IN NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 57, 1878. NEW YORK AND SAN FRANCISCO: ACROSS THE PLAINS Longman's Mag., v. 2, 1883. NEW YORK CIRCUMNAVIGATED Harper's Magazine, vol. 23, 1861. NEW YORK IN SUMMER Harper's Magazine, vol. 57, 1878. NORMAL COLLEGES OF NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 56, 1877-8. NOTES ON NEW YORK Nineteenth Century, vol. 21, 1887. OLD COFFEE-HOUSES OF NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 3, 1882. PEOPLE IN NEW YORK Century Magazine, vol. 27, 1894-5. PLACES IN NEW YORK Century Magazine, vol. 31, 1897. POLICE OF HARBOUR AND COMMERCE OF NEW YORK Harper's Mag., vol. 45, 1872. PROBLEM OF LIVING IN NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 4, 1882. PRODUCE EXCHANGE Harper's Magazine, vol. 12, 1886. PROPOSED ZOOLOGICAL PARK AT NEW YORK Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIBRARIES OF NEW YORK Edwards' Memoirs of Libraries, '59. RICHARD CROKER AND GREATER NEW YORK Review of Reviews, vol. 16, 1897. SEA-ROBBERS OF NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. SOCIAL NEW YORK Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 26, 1872. SPRING IN NEW YORK Temple Bar, vol. 105, 1895. SQUATTER LIFE IN NEW YORK Harper's Magazine, vol. 61, 1880. TENEMENTS OF NEW YORK Riis' How the Other Half Lives, 1891. THE CITY TO THE NORTH OF TOWN Harper's Magazine, vol. 34, 1897. THREE WEEKS IN NEW YORK Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 5, 1861-2. TOPOGRAPHY OF NEW YORK Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 23, 1830. TRINITY CHURCHYARD TOMBS Harper's Magazine, vol. 53, 1876. WALL STREET Harper's Magazine, vol. 41, 1870. Round the World, 1871. Reminiscences of America, by two Englishmen, 1870. Sunday at Home, vol. 27, 1880. Trollope's North America, 1862. NEW ZEALAND, Australasia (.4 group of islands belonging to Great Britain, in the South Pacific. See also Australia, and under names of towns, e.g., Auckland, etc. AMONG THE MAORIS All the Year Round, vol. 10, 1863-4. AUSTRALIAN COLONIES AND NEW ZEALAND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. CHRISTMAS IN NEW ZEALAND Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2, 1893-4. CITIES OF NEW ZEALAND Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. CRISIS IN NEW ZEALAND [Maori rebellion] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. DESTRUCTION OF THE TERRACES Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 1888. EMIGRATION TO NEW ZEALAND Cassell's Magazine, vol. 5, 1879. FIRST WEEK IN NEW ZEALAND Good Words, vol. 5, 1864. [vol. 27, 1896. FIVE YEARS' POLITICAL AND SOCIAL REFORM IN NEW ZEALAND National Review, GEYSER REGION OF NEW ZEALAND Cornhill Mag., vol. 50 [page 367], 1884. GLOBE-TROTTING IN NEW ZEALAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. IN THE NEW ZEALAND ALPS Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. IN THE WAKE OF CAPTAIN COOK Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. MAORI SKETCHES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. NATIVE CUSTOMS IN NEW ZEALAND Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. NEW ZEALAND ANIMALS IN THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS Nature, vol. 3, 1870. ORNITHOLOGY OF NEW ZEALAND Nature, vol. 6, 1872. OUR NEW ZEALAND CONQUEST Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE OF NEW ZEALAND Temple Bar, vol. 11,1864. PROGRESS OF NEW ZEALAND All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. RECENT MOA REMAINS IN NEW ZEALAND Nature, vol. 4, 1871. RELATION OF THE FAUNA AND FLORA OF AUSTRALIA TO NEW ZEALAND Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. SCIENCE IN NEW ZEALAND Natural Science, vol. 10, 1897. SECOND CLASS TO AND FROM NEW ZEALAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. SHEPHERD LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND Good Words, vol. 7, 1866. SOCIAL PROGRESS IN NEW ZEALAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 28, 1857. SQUATTER LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. SUNDAY IN NEW ZEALAND Sunday at Home, vol. 8, 1861. TEA AND SILK FARMING IN NEW ZEALAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 58, 1881. UNDER FEMALE FRANCHISE Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. GENERAL Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Bates' Kaleidoscope, 1889. Cook's Voyage, 1782. Dilke's British Empire, 1899. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Froude's Oceana, 1886. Loftie's Orient Guide, 1891. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 3, 1860-1. Wilkes' Exploring Expedition, 1845. Newark, Nottinghamshire Bailey's Annals of Nottinghamshire, 1853. Newbury, Berkshire. BATTLE OF NEWBURY 1643 Cartwright's Sacharissa, 1893. PARISH REGISTERS OF NEWBURY Journal of British Arch. Assoc., vol. 2 (n.s.). GENERAL Murray's Guide to Berkshire, etc., V.D. [434] NEWCASTLE-EMLYN-NEWQUAY Newcastle-Emlyn, Wales (Contains ruins of a castle) Hissey's Across England in a Dog Cart, 1891. Newcastle-under-Lyiie (Henry Clinton, fifth Duke of, Statesman, died 1864) Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, vol. 7, 1887. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Northumberland (Seaport noted for its great coal trade). A NORTHERN PILGRIMAGE Nineteenth Century, vol. 40. 1896. CATHEDRAL OF NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE Andrews' Bygone Northumberland, 1899. Ward & Lock's Our National Cathedrals, vol. 3, 1887. CENTRES OF RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. NATURAL SCIENCE IN NEWCASTLE Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. NEWCASTLE CASTLE Woolnoth& Brayley's Ancient Castles in England & Wales, '25. OLD BITS IN A NEW CITY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 3, 1885-6. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villar's English Provinces, 1888. WALLS OF NEWCASTLE Archasologia ^Eliana, vol. 18. GENERAL Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Hewitt's Remarkable Places, 1856. Land We Live In, vol. 3, 1853. See also Northumberland, Tyne, etc. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (W. Cavendish, first Duke of, died 1676) Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages, 1850. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (Margaret Lucas, Duchess of, second wife of the first Duke, poetess, died 1 1674) Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. NEWFOUNDLAND (A British inland in the North Atlantic, noted for its fisheries). ACCOUNT OF NEWFOUNDLAND Hartwig's Polar World, 1869. BEOTHUKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. CRISIS IN NEWFOUNDLAND Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. FRANCE AND NEWFOUNDLAND Dilke's British Empire, 1899. Macmillan's, v.7g, 1899. FRENCH RIGHTS IN NEWFOUNDLAND National Review, vol. 32, 1898. GLIMPSE AT NEWFOUNDLAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 9, 1881. IN NEWFOUNDLAND Temple Bar, vol. 112, 1897. OUR OLDEST COLONY Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. POLITICS IN NEWFOUNDLAND New Review, vol. 12, 1895. REVIEW OF PROWSE'S HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. SURVEY OF NEWFOUNDLAND [Geological] Jukes' Letters and Extracts from Addresses, 1871. TRIP TO NEWFOUNDLAND Harper's Magazine, vol. 12 [American Edition], 1855-6. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Tucker's Life of Feild [Bishop of Newfoundland], 1877. Newgate Prison, London. A VISIT TO NEWGATE Theatre, vol 5, 1882. BURNING OF NEWGATE Letters of the First Earl Malmesbury, 1870. HISTORY OF NEWGATE All the Year Round, vol. 48 [page 509], 1881-2. LODGED IN NEWGATE -Household Words, vol. 8, 1854. NEWGATE AND THE GORDON RIOTS All the Year Round, vol. 27, 1871-2. SOME NEWGATE EPISODES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. GENERAL Adams' Book About London, 1890. Newhaven, Sussex (Port and watering-place) Black's Guide to Brighton, V.D. Newhaven, United States Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 23, 1830. Newlyn, Cornwall Norway's Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, 1897. Newman (John Henry, Cardinal, Roman Catholic prelate, died 1890). NEWMAN AND JOHN KEBLE Good Words, vol. 22, 1881. NEWMAN AND RENAN National Review, vol. 29, 1897. NEWMAN AND WESLEY Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. REMINISCENCES OF NEWMAN Expositor, vol. 2 (4th series), 1890. SOME RECOLLECTIONS OF CARDINAL NEWMAN Nineteenth Century, v. 40, 1896. WHATELY, NEWMAN AND " PHENAKISM " Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. GENERAL Farrar's Social and Present Day Questions, 1892. Hutton's Life of Manning, 1892. Jacob's Essays and Reviews, ibgi. Men and Women of the Day [portrait], 1888. Newman (R., Philanthropist of West Ham, Essex). CHARITABLE BEQUESTS Annual Register, vol. 9 [page 102], 1766. Newmarket (Chief seat of the Jockey Club and other racing interests). IN AND ABOUT NEWMARKET Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. RACING AT NEWMARKET Ear) of Suffolk's Racing [Badminton Library], 1889. Newnes (Sir George, Journalist and Publisher, born 1851). A CHAT WITH SIR GEORGE NEWNES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. GEORGE NEWNES AT PUTNEY Idler, vol. 3, 1893. Newnham College, Cambridge (Founded for the education of women). GIRTON AND NEWNHAM COLLEGES Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. Newport, Monmouthshire Black's Hereford and Monmouth, V.D. Hissey's Across England in a Dog Cart, 1891. Newport Castle, Pembrokeshire Sikes' Rambles and Studies in Old South Wales, 1881. Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Newquay, Cornwall Norway's Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, 1897. [435] NEWSPAPER PRESS-NEWTON NEWSPAPER PRESS. (See also Journalism, Literature, Periodicals, Press, etc.) AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PRESS All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. Chambers' Jour., vol. 22, 1854. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Nineteenth Cent., vol. 32, 1892. AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS ON THEMSELVES Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. AMERICAN: SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS IN UNITED STATES Universal Rev., vol. 8, 1890. AMERICAN : WESTERN NEWSPAPER PRESS All the Year Round, vol. 20, 1868. BUSINESS OF A NEWSPAPER Scribner's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. COLONIAL NEWSPAPERS Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. COLONIAL NEWSPAPERS: SOME EARLY COLONIAL NEWSPAPERS Chambers' Journal, DAILY NEWSPAPERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 22, 1854. [vol. 67, 1890. EARLY ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. EARLY NEWSPAPERS OK MODERN EUROPE Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. EDITORS AND NEWSPAPER PRESS Harper's Magazine, vol. 46, 1872-3. EGYPTIAN NEWSPAPER PRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY NEWSPAPERS Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 1856. ENGLISH COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS Temple Bar, vol. 10, 1864. FALSEHOOD IN NEWSPAPERS Harper's Magazine, vol. 49 [American Edition]. FIRST NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHED IN ENGLAND Gent.'s Mag. Lib. [Biblio. Notes], '89. FRANCE: FATHER OF THE FRENCH PRESS Temple Bar, vol. i, 1861. FRANCE: FRENCH NEWSPAPERS Chambers' Journal, vol.8, 1847. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 27, 1873 ; and vol. 48, 1883. Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. FRANCE: NEWSPAPERS OF PARIS Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. FRANCE : THE PRESS OK PARIS Macmillan's,Magazine, vol. 79, 1899. GERMAN DAILY PRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. GERMAN NEWSPAPER PRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. GERMANY: NEWSPAPER WRITERS IN GERMANY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. HABIT OK READING THE NEWSPAPERS Hamerton's Intellectual Life, 1890. How WE GET OUR NEWSPAPERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. HUMOURS OK THE NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. ILLUSTRATING OF BOOKS AND NEWSPAPERS Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. INDEX TO NEWSPAPERS Library Journal [American], vol. 18, 1893. LEADING COLUMNS OK NEWSPAPERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 44 [page 449], 1867. LONDON NEWSPAPERS Leisure Hour, vol. 41, 1892. Timbs' Curiosities of London, LONDON'S HALKPENNY PAPERS Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. MAPS OK NEWSPAPERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 36, 1861. METROPOLITAN NEWSPAPERS Harper's Magazine, vol. 56, 1877-8. MY NEWSPAPER All the Year Round, vol. n, 1864. NEW ZEALAND NEWSPAPER PRESS Chambers' Jour., v. 12, 1849. [Mag., v. 14, 1893. NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENCE Gentleman's Mag., vol. 54 (n.s.), 1895. Scribner's NEWSPAPERS UNDER THE PAPER DUTY Chambers' Journal, vol. 36, 1861. NEWSPAPER TRADE Chambers' Journal, vol. 40, 1863. NEWSPAPER WORLD Chambers' Journal, vol. 30, 1858. NEWSPAPERS AS RULERS OF PUBLIC OPINION Cornhill Magazine, vol. 21, 1870. NOBODY'S NEWSPAPERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 35, 1861. ORIGIN OF NEWSPAPERS Gentleman's Mag. Library [Bibliographical Notes], 1889. OUR SPECIAL WIRE Chambers' Journal, vol. 45, 1868. PAROCHIAL NFWSPAPERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 31, 1859. PENNY NEWSPAPER Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, 1882. PERIODICAL PRESS Meliora, vol. 10, 1867. PROVINCIAL NEWSPAPER MANAGEMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. ROMANCE OK OUR NEWS SUPPLY Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. SCISSORS AND PASTE Chambers' Journal, vol. 4(, 1867. SCOTTISH NEWSPAPERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 24, 1855. SOME OLD NEWSPAPERS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896 SPECIAL STAFF OK A NEWSPAPER Chambers' Journal, vol. 50, 1873. SUB-EDITING OK THE LONDON NEWSPAPER Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. TRANSMISSION OK NEWS Chambers' Journal, vol. 38, 1862. WOMEN'S NEWSPAPERS Fortnightly Review, vol. 62, 1894. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Good Words, vol. 3, 1862. Newsrooms. PENNY NEWSROOMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. GENERAL Mullins' Newsrooms and Public Libraries, 1869. Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire (Ancestral home of Byron). BYRON AT NEW- STEAD Gibson's Miscellanies, 1863. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Hodgson's Life of Rev. F. Hodgson, '78. Mrs. Hawthorne's Notes in England and Italy, 1869. Newt (Name applied to various orders of amphibia, the larva of which is known in some cases by the popular name, tadpole. A small lizard). HABITS OK THE SMOOTH NEWT Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE SMOOTH NEWT Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. 9, '73. Newton (Sir Charles J., Archaeologist, died 1894) Nature, vol. 51, 1895. Newton (Sir Isaac, Famous Mathematician and Scientist, ditd 1727). BACON TO NEW- TON Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. LAW OK GRAVITATION AND " PRINCIPIA" Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. GENERAL Bolton's Men of Science, 1890. Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 20,1847. De- Stoughton's Shades and Echoes of Old London, 1864. Stoughton's Worthies- of Science, 1880. [436] NEWTON-NICOLL Newton (John, Clergyman and Religious Poet, died 1807). CHARACTER OF JOHN NEWTON Sunday at Home, vol. 2, 1855. NEWTON AND HIS HYMNS Sunday Magazine, vol. 6, 1870. ORIGINAL LETTER OF JOHN NEWTON Sunday at Home, vol. 3, 1856. GENERAL Abbey's English Church, 1887. Argosy, vol. 28, 1879. Ney (Michel, Celebrated French Marshal, executed 1818). FAMILY RECORD OF NEY'S EXECUTION Century Magazine, vol. 30, 1896. GENERAL Court and Camp of Buonaparte [Family Library], 1848. Also Napoleon. I'AI.LS OF NIAGARA AND ITS WATER JrOWERS (jOOQ VVOrdS, V. HARNESSING NIAGARA Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. NIAGARA BRIDGES Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. NIAGARA IN WINTER Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. SHOOTING NIAGARA: AND AFTER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. VISIT TO NIAGARA Good Words, vol. 16, 1875. VISITOR'S BOOK AT NIAGARA All the Year Round, vol. 26, 1871. GENERAL Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 1888. Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. Caine's Trip Round the World, 1892. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 23, 1830. Dickens American Notes, 1892. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Head's Emigrant, 1846. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 28, 1873, Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Marshall's Canadian Dominion, 1671. Marshall's Through America, 1882. Reminiscences of America ; by Two Englishmen, 1870. Trollope's North America, 1862. Nicsea (Ancient city of Asia Minor, famous for the adoption of the Nicene Creed, 325). THE CITY OF THE CREED Fortnightly Review, v. 53, 1890. See also Nicene Creed. Nicaragua (A republic of Central America). ANCIENT TOMBS OF NICARAGUA Archaeological Journal, vol. 23, 1866. ENGLAND IN NICARAGUA Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. NICARAGUA CANAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Century Magazine, vol. 35, 1899. Nature, vol. 54, 1896. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. RAMBLES IN NICARAGUA Froebel's Central America, 1859. RUN TO NICARAGUA Blackwood's Travel, Adventure and Sport, vol. 2, 1890. VISIT TO NICARAGUA Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 26, 1830. Harper's Magazine, v. 11, 1855. Nice, France (A cathedral city and seaport on the Mediterranean; a noted health resort). CLIMATE OF NICE Clark's Influence of Climate, 1846. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY NICE Young's Travels in France [1787-9], 1889. TOWN AND ENVIRONS OF NICE Cassell's Picturesque Mediterranean, 1891. GENERAL Baedeker's Southern France, V.D. Black's Riviera, V.D. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. Murray's France, V.D. Murray's Mediterranean, V.D. Nicene Creed. (A summary of Christian faith adopted by the Nicttan Council against Arianism 325). THE NICENE CREED IN A NOVELETTE Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. [1875. GENERAL Goodwin's Foundations of the Creed, 1890. Milman's Hist, of Christianity, Nichol (James, Scottish Poet, died 1819) Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1877. Nicholas (Bishop of Myra ; most popular saint of the Greek Church, ami the patron saint of children). SAINT NICHOLAS IN ENGLAND [Memorials of the saint preserved in names, churches, etc.] Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895' Nicholas I. (Czar of Russia, died 1855) Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, 1887. Nicholas II. (Czar of Russia, born 1868). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 18, 1898. THE NEW CZAR AND WHAT WE MAY EXPECT FROM HIM Harper's Mag., vol. 30, 1895. Nicholas. See also Nicolas. Nicholson (John, Brigadier-General, killed at the Siege of Delhi, 1857). THE HERO OF THE INDIAN MUTINY Idler, vol. u, 1897. Nickel (A white metal of which the principal ore is found in Germany). A DESCRIPTION OF NICKEL Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Pepper's Playbook of Metals, 1869. Nicknames. AMERICAN NICKNAMES Chambers' Journal, vol. 52, 1875. ESSAY ON NICKNAMES Hazlitt's Sketches and Essays, 1878. KINGLY NICKNAMES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. See also Nomenclature. Nicodemus (The inquiring J 'ew who visited Jesus by night). SERMON ON NICODEMUS Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 4, 1885. GENERAL Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Nicolas I. (Pope, died 867) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 3, 1872. Nicolas III. (Pope, died 1280) Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. Nicolas V. (Pope, died 1455) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 8, 1872. Nicoll (Robert, Scottish Poet, died 1837). ROBERT NICOLL, THE KINE HF.RDER Hood's Peerage of Poverty, 1870. . GENERAL Wilson's Poets & Poetry of Scotland, 1877. [437] NICOLL-NILE NiCOll (W. Robertson, Author anil editor, born 1851). AN INTERVIEW WITH DR NICOLL Sunday Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. Nicomedia, Asia Minor (An ancient city upon the site of which now stands Ismeed) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 3, 1830. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Nicosia (The capital of Cyprus) Mallock's Enchanted Island, 1889. Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. Nicuesa (Diego de, Spanis h commander, died 1511) Irvine's Companions of Columbus, '31. Niebuhr (Barthold Georn, German historian and archcelogist, died 1831) Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Chambers' Journal, vol. 18, 1852. Niel (Adolphe, French Marshal, died 1869) Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, 1887. NiellO (A metallic alloy used in engraving precious metals) Archaeolo. Jour., v. 19, 1862. Nieuwe-diep, Holland Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Nieuwland (Peter, Dutch poet and mathematician, died. 1794) Brightwell's Annals of Industry and Genius, 1869. Nigdeh (A fortified town of Asia Minor) Stevenson's Asia Minor, 1881. Niger (A great river of Western Africa). BASINS OF THE NIGER Earth's North Africa, BRITAIN'S PRIORITY ON THE MIDDLE NIGER New Review, vol. 16, 1897. [1890. FRENCH ON THE NIGER Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. LIFE AND DEATH IN THE NIGER DELTA Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 163, 1898. NIGER REGIONS Keith Johnston's Africa, 1884. UP THE NIGER All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. UP THE NIGER TO THE CENTRAL SOUDAN Good Words, vol. 27, 1886. GENERAL Kingston & Low's Great African Travellers, 1890. Robinson's Hausa- land, 1896. White's Development of Africa, 1890. Night Schools. See Schools, etc. Nightingale (A bird of the thrush family which sings at night) Morris' British Birds, vol. 3, 1891. Nightingale (Florence, Philanthropist ; organiser pf nursing in the Crimean War, born 1820). ABOUT FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE Woman, May, 1895. GIRLHOOD OF FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE Girl's Realm, 1899. LIFE STORY OF FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. GENERAL Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1889. Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, 1887. Owen's Heroines of Domestic Life, 1862. Night-jar (Fern-Owl) Morris' British Birds, vol. 2, 1891. See also Fern-Owl. Nihilism (A scepticism which denies everything ; now chiefly applied to an organised secret movement in Russia to overthrow the established order of things). ADMINISTRATIVE NIHILISM Huxley's Critiques and Addresses, 1873. FOUNDERS OF NIHILISM Heckethorn's Secret Societies, 1875. NIHILISM A CENTURY AGO All the Year Round, vol. 44, 1879-80. NIHILISM AND PESSIMISM IN GERMANY Nineteenth Century, vol. 3, 1878. RUSSIAN NIHILISM igth Cent., vol. 7, 1880. Rae's Contemporary Socialism, 1891. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Nijni-Novgorod, Russia (A cathedral town which holds the largest fair in the world for eight weeks annually). VISIT TO RUSSIA AND THE FAIR OF NIJNI-NOVGOROD Forsyth's Essays, 1874. GENERAL De Windt's Siberia as it is, 1892. Geddie's Russian Empire, 1882. Meignan's Paris to Pekin, 1885. Murray's Russia, v.i>. Oliphant's Russian Shores of the Black Sea, 1854. Stoddard's Across Russia, 1892. Nikias (Athenian General, put to death 413 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives, 1885. NikkO, Japan (A religious centre, noted for its shrines) Caine's Trip Round the World, 1892. Knollys' Sketches of Life in Japan, 1887. Nikobar Islands, Indian Ocean Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Nikon (Russian Prelate, died 1681) Hare's Studies in Russia, 1885. NikOSia, Sicily Brassey's Sunshine and Storm in the East, 1881. NILE (A great river of East Africa running through Egypt; the most celebrated river of the ancient world. See also Egypt, Khartoum, Omdiirintin, Soudan, etc.) AFLOAT ON THE NILE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. BAKER'S EXPLORATION OF THE NILE SOURCES Macmillan's Mag., vol. 14. 1866. DAMMING OF THE NILE Pearson's Magazine, vol. 7, 1899. ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN THE VALLEY OF THE NILE National Review, vol. 25, 1895. EXPLORATION OF THE OLD WHITE NILE Baker's Ismaili'a, 1890. FRENCH ON THE NILE Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. . HARNESSING THE NILE Century Magazine, vol. 35, 1899. MODERN NILE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 2, 1887. NILE AND EGYPT Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. NILE AND ITS NOBLE SAVAGES All the Year Round, vol. 10, 1863-4. NILE TRIBUTARIES OF ABYSSINIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. ON THE NILE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. ON THE RIVER OF EGYPT Daily Mail, March 17, 1898. OUR NILE VOYAGE Antiquarian Gossip, vol. 2, 1899. PHIL^C AND THE NILE RESERVOIRS Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. REGIONS OF THE NILE Keith Johnston's Africa, r884. [438] NILE-NOMENCLATURE Nile (continued). REMINISCENCES OF THE NILE Miller's Alone through Syria, 1892. RIVER NILE AND THE EGYPTIANS Grant's War in the Soudan, 1886. RIVER SYSTEM OF THE NILE Junker's Travels in Africa, 1891. SACRED NILE Nature, vol. 47, 1893, and vol. 51, 1895. SOURCES OF THE NILE Stanley's In Darkest Africa, 1890. GENERAL Burder's Oriental Literature, 1822. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 5, 1830. Geddie's Lake Regions, 1881. Martineau's Eastern Life, 1850. Murray's Guide to Egypt, V.D. White's Development of Africa, 1890. Nile Battle (Engagement fought near the mouth of the Nile, in which Nelson defeated and destroyed the French fleet, 1798). BATTLE OF THE NILE Cornhill, v. i (n s.), '96- BATTLE OF THE NILE [Pictures from the Life of Nelson] Eng. Illus., v. 17, 1897. CAMPAIGN AND BATTLE OF THE NILE Mahan's Life of Nelson, 1897. CAMPAIGN OF THE NILE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 14, 1898. See also Nelson. Nilgiri Hills, Madras Markham's Peruvian Bark, 1880. Murray's Madras, V.D. Nilsson (Christine, Swedish Singer, born 1843). Edwards' Prima Donna, 1888. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. Temple Bar, vol. 74 [page 342], 1885. Nimes, France (Cathedral town containing many fine Roman remains) Baedeker's Southern France, V.D. Gould's In Troubadour Land, 1891. Murray's France, V.D. Nimrod (According to Old Testament the grandson of Plain, and founder of the Assyrian Tetrapolis) Sale's Koran, 1891. Wilberforce's Five Empires, 1874. Ninaroud (Important arch&ological site in Assyria, from which were excavated the many reliefs now in the British Museum) Bonomi's Nineveh and its Palaces, 1853. Nineveh (In ancient geography the capital of the Assyrian Empire). BABYLON, PERSE- POLIS, AND NINEVEH Turner's Short History of Art, 1886. BURDEN OF NINEVEH Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. FALL OF NINEVEH AND ITS TESTIMONY TO THE FAITH Quiver, vol. 17, 1882. LAYARD'S DISCOVERIES AT NINEVEH Phillips' Essays from the ''Times," 1871. SCULPTURES OF NINEVEH Timbs' Strange Stories of the Animal World, 1868. GENERAL Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Ewald's Israel, vol. 4, 1886. Ningpo, China (City and port enclosed by walls). VISIT TO THE CITY OF NINGPO Reid's Peeps into China, 1892. GENERAL Milne's Life in China, 1858. Niilo (Pedro A , Spanish navigator, died about 1505) Irving's Companions of Columbus, Nisbet (James, Publisher, died 1854) Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. [1831. Nisbett (Louisa, Actress, died 1858) Marston's Recent Actors, 1890. Theatre, v. 8, 1886. Nishni-Novgorod. See Kijni-Novgorod. Nithisdale (William Maxwell, Earl of, Jacobite, escaped from Tower 1716, died 1744) De Ros' Memorials of the Tower of London, 1867. Glycerine. CHEMISTRY OF NITRO-GLYCERINE (River of France, rising in the 1'yrenees). BATTLES o battles fought near the river] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 73. 1890. Nivernais, France (A 11 old province, now divided between two depaitments). TEN DAYS IN THE NIVEKNAIS Macinillan's Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. Nixon (William or Robert, the Cheshire prophet, time of Edward IV.) Ashton's Chap- Books, 1882. Ormerod's History of Cheshire, 1882. Nizam (The title of the native ruler of Hyderabad). INVESTITURE OF THE NIZAM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 49, 1883-4. No. IMPORTANCE OF SAYING No Temple Bar, vol. 44, 1875. Noah (In the Bible a patriarch, the son of Lamech, died 1998 B.C.) ARK OF NOAH Napier's Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times, 1879. DAYS OF NOAH Pember's Earth's Earliest Ages, 1893. FAITH AND COURAGE OF NOAH Quiver, vol. 8, 1873. NOAH AND THE DELUGE Foster's Lectures, 1844. SETTLEMENT OF NOAH'S DESCENDANTS Kitto's Scripture Lands, 1850. TRADITIONS OF THE ELDERS All the Year Round, vol. 75, 1804. GENERAL Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Josephus' Works, 1874. Pinnock's Bible and History, 1887. Sale's Koran, 1891. Treas. of Relig. Thought, v. 6, 1891. Nobel (Alfred, Inventor of Dynamite, died 1896) Nineteenth Century, vol. 44, 1898. Nobility. CHEAP NOBILITY Chambers' Journal, vol. 58, 1881. DEGREES OF NOBILITY Cussans' Heraldry, 1869. PAUPERS AMONG THE ENGLISH NOBILITY Temple Bar, vol. 32, 1871. Noise. NOISES All the Year Round, vol. 27, 1871-2. Nola, Italy (Formerly one of the largest cities of Magna Grxcia) Hare's Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily, 1883. Nolan (Louis Edward, Cavalry Capt., killed at Balaclava, 1854) Kinglake's Crimea, 1887. Nollekens (J., Sculptor, died 1823) Cunningham's Painters, Sculptors, etc., v. 3, 1830. Nomenclature. ART OF NOMENCLATURE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 26, 1896. BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE Natural Science, vol, i, 1892. CHINESE PROPER NAMES Medhurst's Foreigner in Far Cathay, 1872. GEOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE: A NEW SCHEME Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. GOTHIC PERSONAL NAMES Poole's Barbary Corsairs, 1890. [439] NOMENCLATURE-NORMANDY Nomenclature (continued). NAMES OF PERSONS AND PLACES Gentleman's Mag. Library [Dialect, etc.], 1884. NAMES OF THE CVMRY AND BRITONS Barnes' Notes on Ancient Britain, 1858. SOUTH ARABIAN NOMENCLATURE Hommel's Ancient Hebrew Tradition, 1897. TEUTONIC BASIS OF ENGLISH LOCAL NOMENCLATURE Freeman's Norman Con- GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. Also Names, etc. [quest, vol. i, 1890. Nonconformists (Those who refuse toconform to an established religious or other system). CHAPELS OF THE FIRST NONCONFORMISTS Quiver, vol. 29, 1894. DR. EDWIN HATCH ON NONCONFORMITY AT OXFORD Contemp. Pulpit, vol. 4, 1885. EARLY NONCONFORMITY IN ASHBURTON Transactions ot Devon Association, vol. 28. FORBOI>INGS OF NONCONFORMITY Nineteenth Century, vol. 36. 1894. NONCONFORMITY IN LITERATURE Literature, vol. 4, 1899. NONCONFORMITY IN RELATION TO LABOUR AND THE SOCIAL MOVEMENT Pro- gressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. GENERAL Abbey's English Church, 1887. Jeaffreson's Book About Clergy, 1870. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1876. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Stough- ton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. See also Baptists, Congregationalists, Methodism, Wesley, etc. Nonjurors (Those who refused to swear allegiance to the government and crown of Eng- laiid after the revolution of 1688) Abbey's English Church, 1887. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Norba (Ancient city of Italy; the modern Norma) Hare's Days Near Rome, 1884. (Max, Author and Physician, born 1849). THE MAN AND HIS MESSAGE The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. GENERAL Idler, vol. 9, 1896. Nordenskiold (A. E., Traveller, born 1832). ARCTIC EXPLORATIONS Realm of the Ice King, 1881. Nature, vols. 12, 1875 ; 15, 1877; 20, 1879; a "d 2I > '880. Nore. MUTINY OF THE NORE, 1797 Burke's Naval and Military Trials, 1876. NORFOLK (A n eastern county of England. See also Norwich, Cromer, Yarmouth, etc.) ARCHAEOLOGICAL TOUR IN NORFOLK Antiquary, vol. 3, 1881. CASTLE ACRE, NORFOLK Archaeological Journal, vol. 47, 1890. COAST OF NORFOLK Whymper's The Sea; iis Stirring Story of Adventure, etc., 1881. CRUISE IN THE BROADS AND RIVERS OF NORFOLK All the Year Round, vol. 54, 1884. Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. DAY ON THE NORFOLK BROADS Badminton Magazine, vol. 5, 1897. DELUGE IN NORFOLK All the Year Round, vol. 7, 1862. ECCLESIOLOGY IN NORTH-EAST NORFOLK Archaeological Journal, vol. 46, 1889. HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF NORFOLK Proc. of Archaeological Institute, 1847. PAINTED SCREENS AND ROOFS IN NORFOLK Archaeological journal, vol. 47, 1890. REVIEW OF BOOKS ON NORFOLK Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. RIVER AND NORFOLK BROAD F'ISHING PennelPs Fishing. 1889. ROMAN NORFOLK Archaeological Journal, vol. 46, 1889. RUN ON THE NORFOLK BROADS Yachtsman, vol. 12, 1896-7. VILLAGE LIFE IN NORFOLK 600 YEARS AGO Jessop's Coming of the Friars, 1888. GENERAL Gilpin's Observations on Parts of Cambridge, etc., 1809. Land We Live In, vol. i, 1853. Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, V.D. Norfolk Island (An island in the South Pacific, belonging to Great Britain) Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. Romilly's Western Pacific, 1886. . , Norham Castle, Durham (izth century border castle, now in ruins) Archaeological Journal, vol. 33, 1876. Clark's Mediaeval Military Architecture, 1884. Woolnoth and Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Norman (Henry, Author and Journalist, born 1858) Rev. of Revs., vol. 13, 1896. [1896-7. Norman (Mrs. Henry [Menie Muriel Dowie], Writer, born 1867) Young Woman, v. 5, Norman Conquest (The conquest of England by William, Duke of Normandy, 1066). BATTLE OF HASTINGS National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. BATTLE OF SENLAC [OR HASTINGS] Black's Guide to Sussex, V.D. THE NORMAN LANDING Half Hours in Early Naval Adventure, 1897. GENERAL Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 15, 1896. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825 See also England, Harold, Hastings, Normans, William I., etc. Normanby (C. H. P., Marquis of, Statesman, died 1863) Ashley's Life of Palmerston, '79. NORMANDY (An ancient province in the north of France). ARCH.. Murray's Scotland, V.D. Obeah (A species of witchcraft practised in the West Indies). OBEAH WORSHIP IN EAST AND WEST INDIES Folk-lore, vol. 4, 1893. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Obedience. LIBERTY OF OBEDIENCE Quiver, vol. 9, 1874. [Morality, 1848. GENERAL Treasury of Relig. Thought, vols. 3 and 5, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Obelisks (Columns of rectangular form tapering towards a pyramidal top, erected as monuments). NIMROUD OBELISK Bonomi's Nineveh and its Palaces, 1853. OBELISKS AT ALEXANDRIA Murray's Guide to Egypt, V.D. OBELISKS IN ROME Eustace's Italy, 1841. Hare's Walks in Rome, 1893. OBELISKS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES Westropp's Handbook of Archasology, 1848. Ober-Ammergau, Bavaria ( Village noted for the miracle play acted there every ten years). OBER-AMMERGAU PASSION PLAY Theatre, vol. i, 1880; and vol. 15, 1890. PASSION PLAY OF 1860 Dean Stanley's Essays, 1870. See also Passion Play. Oberkampf (Christophe Philippe, German economist, died 1815) Temple Bar, v. 114, '98. Oberlin (J. F., French clergyman and philanthropist, died 1826) Chambers' Misc., v io,'46. Obesity Quain's Dictionary of Medicine, 1894. See also Corpulence. Obi River, Siberia De Windt's Siberia as it is, 1892. Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1892. Obituaries. NEWSPAPER OBITUARIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. Object Lessons. EXAMPLES IN OBJECT LESSONS Bain's Education as a Science, '89. Obligation. ANALYSIS OK THE IDEA OF OBLIGATION Inter. Jour, of Ethics, v. 2, 1891-2. Oboe (A musical wind instrument) Grove's Dictionary of Music, etc., vol. 2, 1880. Observation. MEMORY AND OBSERVATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 55, 1878. Observatories (Buildings devoted to the observation of astronomical and other natural phenomena). A GREAT MODERN OBSERVATORY [Harvard] Century Mag., vol.32,. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY English Illustrated, vol. 17, 1897. Also Ben Nevis. [1897. EVENINGS AT THE OBSERVATORY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. See Greenwich. HIGH MOUNTAIN OBSERVATORIES Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. MOUNTAIN OBSERVATORIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. NIGHT IN AN OBSERVATORY Good Words, vol. 3, 1862. OLDEST OBSERVATORY IN THE WORLD [Pekin] Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. TYCHO BRAKE AND THE EARLIEST OBSERVATORIES Lodge's Pioneers of Science, '93. Obstruction. PARLIAMENTARY OBSTRUCTION AND ITS REMEDY igth Cen., v. 8, 1880. O'Carrol (Margaret, Eminent Irishwoman, died 1451) Blackburn's Illus. Irishwomen, '77. Occleve (Thomas, Poet, died 1454) Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Occultism (Science of things hidden, secret, or mysterious; including Magic, Alchemy, Astrology, and Theosophy, q.v.). LITERATURE OF OCCULTISM Literature, v. 4, '99. Occupation. HEALTH AND DISEASE IN INDUSTRIAL OCCUPATIONS Cassell's Great RELATION OK OCCUPATION TO SUICIDE Morselli's Suicide, 1881. [Industries, 1878. Ocean. ARE GREAT OCEAN DEPTHS PERMANENT ? Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. DEPTHS OK THE OCEAN Maury's Physical Geography of the Sea, 1880. LIFE IN THE DEPTHS OK THE OCEAN Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. LIKE UNDER THE OCEAN Harper's Magazine, vol. 46, 1872-3. OCEAN AS A HEALTH RESTORER Chambers' Journal, vol. 62, 1885. OCEANIC DEPOSITS : ANCIENT AND MODERN Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. OCEANOGRAPHY : WORLD BENEATH THE OCEAN Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. PRIMITIVE OCEAN Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. WAVES OK THE OCEAN Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. Sea. Oceania (A geographical division including A ustralasia, Polynesia and the Malay A rchi- pelago, q.v ) RACES AND LANGUAGES OF OCEANIA Cust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, 1887. GENERAL Loftie's Orient Guide, '91. Wallace's Australasia, '88. Ocbrida (Town and lake of Turkey) Mackenzie & Irby's Slavonic Provinces, 1877. Ockley (Simon, English Orientalist, died 1720). MEMOIR Ockley's Saracens, 1875. O'Connell (Daniel, Irish Agitator and Orator, died 1847). ANECDOTES OF O'CONNELL. Chambers' Journal, vol. 52, 1875. CHARACTER OK O'CONNELL Temple Bar, vol. 45, 1875. [445 ] O'CONNELL-OLD MAIDS O'Connell (continued). FEW WORDS ON DANIEL O'CONNELL Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. O'CONNELL AND THE CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION Dunckley's Lord Melbourne, 1891. PEEL AND O'CONNELL Thursfield's Pee!, 1891. GENERAL Amherst's Catholic Emancipation, 86. O'Connor's Parnell Movement, '86. Torrens' Melbourne, 1878. Curran's Sketches of the Irish Bar, 1855. Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 28, 1873. O'Hagan's Occasional Papers, 1884. O'Connor (Feargus. Irish Politician and Chartist, died 1855) Molesworth's History of England [1830-74], 1879. October. FESTIVALS IN OCTOBER BEFORE THE REFORMATION Gentlemen's Mag. Library [Popular Superstition], 1884. OCTOBER [An Essay on the Month] Cornhill Magazine, vol. i (n.s.), 1896. OCTOBER : DESCRIPTION AND HISTORICAL ACCOUNT Chambers' Book of Diys, '64. Octopus (Familiarly knownas the cuttle fish). DESCRIPTION OF THE OCTOPUS Henty's Those Other Animals, 1897. See also Cuttle-fish. SEA SERPENT AND OCTOPUS Harper's Magazine, vol. 21, 1860. Odessa, Russia (Chief seaport of south Russia ; and one of the largest cities of the realm) Murray's Russia, V.D. Oliphant's Russian Shores of the Black Sea, 1854. Pinkerton's Russia, 1833. Arnold's From the Levant, 1868. Odiham Castle, Hampshire Archasological Journal, vol. 29, 1872. Odin (Chief god of Scandinavian mythology, corresponding to the Anglo-Saxon Woden.) ESSAY ON ODIN Vicary's Saga Time, 1887. GENERAL Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1847. Chambers' Book of Days, 1864. Odo (St., Archbishop of Canterbury, died 958) Hook's Archbishops, vol. i, 1875. Odysseus or Ulysses (In Greek legend a king of Ithaca ; the hero of Homer's epic poem). DOMINION OF ODYSSEUS [Homeric Topography], by Gladstone- Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. See also Homer, Ulysses, etc. Oehlenschlager (A. G., Danish Poet and Dramatist, died 1850) Jaeger's Ibsen, 1890. Oersted (Hans Christian, Danish Physicist ; founded the science of electro-magnetism, died 1851) Munro's Pioneers of Electricity, 1890. Oghams (The characters of a particular kind of ancient Irish writing). RUNES AND OGHAMS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. Oglethorpe (James E., English General and Philanthropist, died 1785). BIOGRAPHY Japp's Master Missionaries, i88'_>. Temple Bar, vol. 54, 1878. OGLETHORPE AND GEORGIA All the Year Round, vol. 18, 1867. Oguier (Mrs. Robert, Reformation Martyr, burned at the stake 1557) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, 1855. O'HigginS (Bernard, Chilian General and Dictator, died 1842) Temple Bar, v. 115, 1898. Ohio, U.S.A. (A south central state of America) Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. Russell's Nocth America, 1857. Ohm (Georg Simon, German Physicist, died 1854) Munro's Pioneers of Electricity, 1890. OIL. (See also Mineral Springs, Olive, Paraffine, Petroleum, etc.) BAKU AND ITS OIL INDUSTRY Nature, vol. 54, 1896. DESCRIPTIONS OF OILS Normandy's Chemical Analysis, 1864. FISH OILS Simmonds' Commercial Products of the Sea, 1892. LAMP OILS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. OIL AND THE OIL KINGS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. OIL-MAKING IN TUSCANY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. OIL SPRINGS OF CANADA Marshall's Canadian Dominion, 1871. OIL WELLS AND THEIR PRODUCTS Cochrane's Wonders of Modern Mechanism, PRODUCTION OF OIL Harper's Magazine, vol. n, 1886. [1897. REVIVAL OF ANOINTING WITH OIL Chambers' Journal, vol. 19, 1853. SAFETY POINT IN OIL AND LAMPS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. WHAT ARE OIL WELLS? Cornhill Magazine, vol. 5, 1862. Oil Engines. OIL AND GAS ENGINES Engineer, vol. 86, 1898. OIL-BURNING LOCOMOTIVES Engineer, vol. 86, 1898. Ojeda (Alonzo de, Spanish soldier, died 1508) Irving's Companions of Columbus, 1831. Oklahoma, U.S.A. OKLAHOMA BOOMERS Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. Olaf (St., King of Norway, killed 1030). ST. OLAF'S DAY IN THE FAROES Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. GENERAL Maclear's Apostles of Medieval Europe, 1869. Old Age. ART OF GROWING OLD Cornhill Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. THE DARK VALLEY : a Vision Paxton Hood's World of Proverb and Parable, 1885. THE NEW ZEALAND OLD AGE PENSIONS ACT National Review, vol. 32, 1899. See also Age, Death, Life, Longevity, Mortality, Pensions, etc. Old Bailey, London (Principal Criminal Court of England) Briefs and Papers, by Two Idle Apprentices, 1872. Robinson's Bench and Bar, 1891. Walford's Old and New London, vol. 2, 1873. Wheatley & Cunningham's London, 1891. " Old Clock on the Stairs " (Song-) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. " Old Hundredth " (Psalm tune) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Old 'Maids. WHAT AN OLD MAID SHOULD BE Chambers' Journal, vol. 48, 1871. GENERAL Quiver, vol. 6, 1871. See also Maids, Marriage, Women, etc. [446] OLD TESTAMENT-O'NEILL Old Testament. BIBLE HISTORY IN FOURTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH Early English Text Society's Reprints, "Cursor Mundi," Nos. 57, 59, 62,65, 1874-7. CHRIST AND THE OLD TESTAMENT [Exposition] Contemporary Pulpit, v. 5 (2nd ser), How TO STUDY THE OLD TESTAMENT Sunday Magazine, vol. 5, 1869. [1891. LINGUISTIC HISTORY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT The Expositor, vol. 5 (5th ser.), 1897. NEW OLD TESTAMENT Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. 1898. SOME RECENT OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE Expositor, vol. 8 (sth ser.), See also Bible, Jews, and under Old Testament names, e.g., Genesis, Moses, etc. Oldenburg (Henry, First Secretary of the Royal Society, died 1678) Nature, v.-jg, 1893-4. Oldham, Lancashire (Cotton manufacturing town). SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIP- TION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Murray's Lancashire, V.D. Oldham (John, Satirical Poet, died 1683) Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Oldmixon (John, Historical writer, died 1742) Campbell's Specimens of Brit. Poets, '44. Oldys (William, Bibliographer, died 1761). RELIC OF OLDYS Cornhill, v. 4 (n.s.), 1898. Olevano, Italy (Town noted for its picturesque environs) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Oligarchy (Government in the hands of a fern) Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. Oliphant (Carolina, Baroness Nairn). See Nairne (Baroness). Oliphant (Laurence, Author and Traveller, died 1888) Macmillan's Mag., vol. 64, 1891. Oliphant (Mrs. Margaret, Novelist, died 1897). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OK MRS. OLIPHANT Fortnightly Review, vol. 68, 1897 MRS. OLIPHANT AS A BIOGRAPHER Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 163, 1898. MRS. OLIPHANT AS A REALIST Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. Olive (A fruit grown in Italy, Spain, etc., from which olive or sweet oil is obtained). OLIVE AND ITS OIL Sunday at Home, vol. 6, 1859. OLIVE TREES Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. OLIVES AND OIL-MAKING AT SORRENTO Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. OUR OIL FLASKS All the Year Round, vol. 9, 1863. [1865. Olivers (T., Preacher and Hymn-writer, died 1799) Jackson's Methodist Preachers, vol. 2, Olivet, Mount ([Mount of Olives], a hill near Jerusalem) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. i, 1830. Dixon'sHoly Land, 1869. Macfarlane's Mountains of the Bible, 1865. Olivier (G. A., Traveller, died 1814). TRAVELS IN PERSIA Verne's Great Navigators, '81. Olney, Buckinghamshire (Residence of the poet Cowper). OLNEY CHURCH Bonney's Abbeys and Churches of England and Wales, 1890. Olympia, Greece (A famous valley ; scene of the ancient Olympic Games). CONTESTS AT OLYMPIA Duncker's History of Greece, vol. 2, 1883. DAY AT OLYMPIA Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. DISCOVERIES AT OLYMPIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. NEW OLYMPIAN GAMES Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. OLYMPIA AND ITS RUINS Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. OLYMPIC GAMES Hamilton's Nugae Literariae, 1841. Leisure Hour, vol.44, '895. OLYMPIC GAMES: THE OLD AND THE NEW Century Magazine, vol.29, l8os-6 GENERAL Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16, 1830. Parry's Sketches of a Yachting Cruise, 1889. Olympic Theatre,' London Baker's London Stage ; its History and Traditions, 1889. Olympus Mount, Cyprus Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. Olympus Mount, Macedonia Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Omaha, U.S.A. (Capital of Douglas County, Nebraska). THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPIA.NS AND THEIR FAIR AT OMAHA Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. O'Mailly (Grainne, Irish chieftain's wife, died about 1600) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Omar I. (Mussulman Caliph, died 644) Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 2, 1872. 'Omar Khayyam (Persian Poet and Astronomer, difd 1123). RECENT NOTES UPON 'OMAR KHAYYAM Idler, v. 14, '98. GENERAL Palgrave's Eastern Questions, '72. Omdurman (Town on the Nile opposite Khartoum; scene of the victory of the Anglo- Egyptian Army over the Dervishes, 1898). AFTER OMDURMAN Contemporary Review, vol. 75, 1899. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol 44, 1898. See also Kitchener, Khartoum, Nile, etc. Omens. FAMILY OMENS OF DEATH Chambers' Book of Days, 1864. FATAL OMENS All the Year Round, vol. 31, 1873-4. GENERAL Brand's Popular Antiquities, 1810. See also Superstition, etc. Omnibus ([Latin "for all"], a vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers). IN A CITY OMNIBUS Chambers' Journal, vol. 44, 1867. IN AND ON AN OMNIBUS All the Year Round, vol. 12, 1864-5. LONDON OMNIBUSES Chambers' Jour., vol. 3, 1845. Yates' Business of Pleasure, 1865. OLD COACHING DAYS Cassell's Magazine, vol. i, 1875. OMNIBUS OUT AND AT HOME Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. OmOplatOSCOpy (Divination by a shoulder-blade). See Divination. "Once Again" (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. O'Neal (Shan, Irish Chief, assassinated 1567) Fronde's History of England, 1870. O'Neill (Elizabeth, Irish Actress, died 1872) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. [447] ONION-OPTICS Onion. HISTORY OF THE ONION Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. Onslow (Arthur, Scrjeant-at-Lav, died 1833) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Onslow (Arthur, Speaker of the House, died 1768). THE ONSLOW PAPERS Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 1896. Onslow (William Hillier, Fourth Earl of, Statesman, born 1853). ILLUSTRATED INTER- VIEW WITH LORD ONSLOW IN NEW ZEALAND Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. Ontario (Province and lake of Ontario). EDUCATION IN ONTARIO Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. GENERAL Duflerin's Canadian Journal, 1891. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. [vol. at, 1854. Onyx (A gem with various coloured veins). CAMEO AND THE ONYX Chambers' Jour., Opal (A precious stone of various colours). DESCRIPTION OF OPALS Cham. Jour., v. 67, TURQUOISE, AMBER, JET AND OPAL Argosy, vol. 12, 1871. [1890. OPERA (Musical drama. See also Actors and Acting, Music, Singing, Stage, Theatre; and under the names of actors, composers and singers). ABSURDITIES OF THE MODERN OPERA British Essayists, vol. 6, 1823. BAYREUTH HALLUCINATION New Review, vol. 15, 1896. CHANCES OF THE ENGLISH OPERA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. COMIC OPERA: Is SAVOY OPERA PLAYED OUT? Theatre, vol. 28, 1896. COMIC OPERA: REHEARSING THE SAVOY OPERA Idler, vol. 2, 1892-3. COMIC OPERA: THE FATHERS OF OPERA COMIQUE Macmillan's Mag., v. 69, 1893-4. CONDITION OF OPERA IN ENGLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. DEPTHS AND HEIGHTS OF OPERA All the Year Round, vol. 22, 1869. GERMAN OPERA AND ITS MAKERS All the Year Round, vol. 13, 1865. GROWTH AND DECAY OF THE OPERA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 3^, 1875. How OPERATIC ARTISTS ARE MADE Idler, vol. 2, 1892-3. ITALIAN OPERA [Musical Season] Chambers' Journal, vol. 17, 1852. ITALIAN OPERA TO THE TIME OF ROSSINI Edward's Rossini, 1888. OPERA AT ROME All the Year Round, vol. 4, 1860-1. ORIGIN OF THE OPERA Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. PARISIAN OPERA UNDER Louis XVI. Lady Jackson's French Court and Society, '81. WANTED, AN OPERA Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. Ophelia (Daughter of Polonitis in Shakespeare's "Hamlet"). CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S OPHELIA Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. Lady Martin's Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, 1887. Ophir (Place mentioned in Old Testament never satisfactorily identified). GOLD OF OPHIR Mathers' Zambesia : England's El Dorado in Africa, 1891. Opie (Amelia, Novelist and poet, wife of John Opie the painter, died 1853). BRIEF SKETCH Temple Bar, vol. 98, 1893. ESSAY ON MRS. OPIE Thackeray's Book of Sibyls, 1883. LIFE OF AMELIA OPIE Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. [son's Poetesses, 1883. GENERAL Armitage's Quaker Poets, 1896. Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Robert- Opie (John, Painter, died 1807) Cunningham's British Painters, vol. i, 1879. Opinion. AUTHORITY IN MATTERS OF OPINION Nineteenth Century, vol. i, 1877. MAXIMS ON OPINION Chambers' Journal, vol. 45, 1868. OF DIFFERENCE IN OPINION Godwin's Enquirer, 1797. OPIUM (A powerful narcotic made from the juice of the white poppy). CHINA AND OPIUM Davis 1 China, 1857. COLERIDGE AND OPIUM-EATING De Quincey's Works, vol. n, 1870. CONFESSIONS OF AN OPIUM-EATER De Quincey's Works, vol. i, 1862. CONTROVERSY ON OPIUM Nineteenth Century, vol. it, 1882. ENNUI AND THE OPIUM PIPE Temple Bar, vol. 102, 1894. IN THE LAND OF THE WHITE POPPY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1898. LONDON OPIUM DENS Good Words, vol. 26, 1885. OPIUM AND COMMON SENSE Nineteenth Century, vol. 10, 1881. OPIUM AND ENGLAND'S DUTY Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. OPIUM IN INDIA AND CHINA Household Words, vol. 16, 1857. OPIUM SMOKERS Allom & Wright's China: its Scenery, etc., vol. 3, 1857. OPIUM TRADE Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury, 1888. James' Long White Mountain, OPIUM WAR OF 1839-43 McCarthy's History ot Our Own Times, 1879. [1888. REPORT OF THE OPIUM COMMISSION Contemporary Review vol. 74, 1898. SOME FACTS ABOUT THE OPIUM HABIT Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. THE POPPY'S VICTIMS The Quiver, vol. 33, 1898. USE OF OPIUM IN MODERN EGYPT Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1842. OportO (Important city and port of Portugal) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19, 1830. Latouche's Portugal, 1878. Murray's Guide to Portugal, 1877. Opossum (A marsupial mammal of nocturnal habits, living in trees; common in America). DESCRIPTION AND PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 24, 1848. Ward's Illustrated Natural History, vol. i, 1860. Optical Illusions. SOME CURIOUS OPTICAL ILLUSIONS Strand, vol. 14, 1897. Optics (The science which treats of light and the phenomena of vision). BREWSTER ON THE PROGRESS OF OPTICS British Association Report, 1831-2. HAMILTON ON CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION IN OPTICS Brit. Assoc. Report, 1833. LLOYD ON PHYSICAL OPTICS British Association Report, 1834. [448] OPTICS-O'RELL Optics (continued). NATURE AND OPTICS Wood's Nature's Teaching, 1877. PHYSICAL OPTICS Zommel's Nature of Light, 1888. RELATION OF OPTICS TO PAINTING Helmholtz's Scientific Subjects, 1893. STUDY OF OPTICS FOR STUDENTS OF ARCHITECTURE, ETC. Tarn's Light, 1890. Optimism (The view that the present state of things is the best ; a hopeful view of things). OPTIMISM Lang's Life: Is It Worth Living? 1883. OPTIMISTS AND PESSIMISTS Temple Bar, vol. 116, 1899. Oracles. ANCIENT ORACLES Sketches of Imposture, Deception and Credulity, 1837. GENERAL Abbott's Hellenica, 1880. Goodwin's Lives of the Necromancers, 1876. Oran (Westernmost department of Algeria) Murray's Algeria and Tunis, 1891. Orang-Outang (The great ape of the Malay Archipelago). DESCRIPTION AND COL- OURED PLATES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 27, 1848. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORANG-OUTANG Hartmann's Anthropoid Apes, 1889. SPECIES or THE OKANG-OUTANG IN BORNEO Keppel's Borneo, 1847. STUDY OF THE ORANG-OUTANG Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. GENERAL Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 1888. Wallace's Malay Archipelago. 1890. Orange (The fruit of a species of citrus). ORANGES OF PALESTINE Neil's Palestine EX- ORANGE GROWING IN JAFFA Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. [plored, 1883. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. Orange, France (the anci'nt Arausio ; noted for its Roman antiquities, especially the theatre, which seated 7,000). COMEDIE FRANCHISE AT ORANGE Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. GENERAL Hare's South-Eastern France, 1890. Orange Free State (A republic of South Africa). PRESIDENT OF THE ORANGE FREE STATE [President Steyn] Harper's Mag., vol. 33, 1897. [Low), 1894. Orange River (The chief river in South Africa) Africa and its Exploration (Sampson Orange Society (A secret political and religious society, instituted in Ireland, 1795) Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. Frost's Secret Societies, 1876. Oratorio. LEADERS IN ORATORIO Cassell's Magazine, vol. 25, 1897-8. See also Music. Orators. ATTIC ORATORS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. INFLATED STYLE OF AMERICAN ORATORS Tocqueville's Democracy in Amer., 1862. QUEENS AS ORATORS Lady's Realm, vol. 3, 1897. Oratory. CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS ORATORY Lacroix's Middle Ages, 1878. HAPPY HITS IN ORATORY Temple Bar, vol. 116, 1899. THE IRISH SCHOOL OF ORATORY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL British Essayists, vol. 25, 1823. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. Orbigny (Alcide D', French Traveller, died 1857). TRAVELS Verne's Explorers, 1881. Orchardson (William Q., Artist, born 1835). LIFE AND WORK Art Annual, 1897. GENERAL Miither's History of Modern Painting, vol. 3, 1896. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 21, 1897. Strand Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. Orchids. COOL ORCHIDS Longman's Magazine, vol. 13, 1888-9. DESCRIPTION OF ORCHIDS Cassell's Gardening, 1884-6. Chambers' Jour., v. 67. 1890. DESCRIPTION AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF ORCHIDS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. HOT ORCHIDS Longman's Magazine, vol. 17, 1890-1. How ORCHIDS CLIMBED THE TREES Longman's Magazine, vol. 22, 1893. How TO GROW ORCHIDS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. NATIVE ORCHIDS AND THEIR INSECT SPONSORS Harper's Magazine, vol. 33, 1896-7. THE COMMON ORCHIS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 19, 1883. WARM ORCHIDS Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. Harper's Magazine, vol. 12, 1886-7. Longman's Magazine, vol. n, 1887-8. See also Flowers, Horticulture, etc. Ordeal (A severe test or trial) ORDEAL IN ASIA AND AFRICA Chambers' Jour., vol. 45, ORDEAL OF BATTLE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. [1868. Order. BEAUTY OF ORDER Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875. NECESSITY AND VALUE OF ORDER Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Orders. MENDICANT ORDERS Trench's Mediaeval Church History, 1886. ORDERS OF THE GARTER Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GENERAL Smith's Cyclopedia of Names, 1894. Ordnance (Cannon or great guns). EXPERIMENTS WITH ORDNANCE AT SHOEBURYNESS Chambers' Journal, v. 43, 1866. HEAVY ORDNANCE AND IRON WAR SHIPS Temple Bar, vol. 5, 1862. LARGE GUNS AND ORDNANCE [SHOEBURYNESS] Chambers' Jour., vol. 31, 1859. ORDNANCE IN THE TOWER De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. ROYAL ORDNANCE FACTORIES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. See also Woolwich. TABLES OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN ORDNANCE Brassey's Naval Annual, 1898. Ordnance Survey. SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORDNANCE SURVEY All the Year Round, vol. 38, 1877. Oregon (One of the Western States of the U.S.A.). IN THE WAHLAMET VALLEY OF OREGON Harper's Magazine, vol. 4, 1882. GENERAL Wilkes' United States Exploring Expedition during the Years 1838-1842. O'Rell (Max [Paul Blouet], Author and lecturer, born 1848) Men and Women of the Day [Portrait], 1889. 2F [ 449 ] ORELLANA-ORNITHOLOGY Orellana (F. de, Spanish explorer, died about 1550) Verne's Explor. of the World, 1882. Orenburg, S.H. Russia (An important trading centre) Geddie's Russian Empire, 1882. Ores. MACHINES AND PROCESSES FOR DRESSING ORES Spoil's Diet, of Engin.,i874- Organ (The largest of musical wind instruments). AMATEUR CHURCH ORGANIST Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. CHURCH ORGAN BUILDING All the Year Round, vol. 25, 1870-1. ENGLISH MEDIEVAL. CHURCH ORGAN Archaeological journal, vol. 43, 1888. EVOLUTION OF THE ORGAN Lynd's Ancient Musical Instruments, 1897. FAMOUS ORGANISTS Quiver, vol. 29, 1894. How TO PLAY THE OKGAN Girl's Own Annual, vol. I, 1880. OLD ORGANS AND THEIR BUILDERS Scott's Tuscan Studies, 1888. ORGANISTS AND ORGAN-PLAYING Sunday at Home, vol. 28, 1881. SHORT ACCOUNT OF CHURCH ORGANS Gentleman's Mag, Lib. [Ecclesiology], 1894. GENERAL Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol. 2, 1880. Organ Grinder [How the Other Half Lives] English Illustrated, v. n [p. 1007], '93-4. Oriel College (A college of Oxford University, founded 1326). NOTES FROM ORIEL COLLEGE HALL ABOUT 1827 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6. Orientation (The determination of the East). ON SENSATIONS OF ORIENTATION Tin- Monist, vol. 8, 1898. ORIENTATION OF ANCIENT TEMPLES AND PLACES OF WORSHIP Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 4. 1876. Origen (A., Greek Father and Mystic, died about 253). SYSTEM OF ORIGEN Pressense's Early Years of Christianity, vol. 3, 1879. GENERAL Backhouse's Church History, 1892. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Origin of Species. FOR THE BEAUTY OF AN IDEAL Contemp. Rev., vol. 67, 1895. ORIGIN OK SPECIES IN FLOWERS Henslow's Floral Structures, 1888. See also Creation, Evolution, Darwinism, Man, Natural Selection, etc. Oriole (Golden). See Golden Oriole. Orkney (A county of Scotland consisting of the Orkney Islands). ANTIQUITIES OK ORKNEY Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archasology] , 1886. CHRISTIANITY FIRST INTRODUCED INTO ORKNEY Choice Notes from "Notes and and Queries " [History], 1858. ORKNEY AND SHETLAND ISLANDS Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, v.i>. Black's Guide to Scotland, V.D, Harper's Magazine, vol. 55, 1877. ORKNEYS AND THE ARCADIANS Good Words, vol. 6, 1865. OHeanistS (Adherents to the princes of the family of Orleans in their claims to the French throne). ORLEANISM New Review, vol. 15, 1895. Orleans (Ancient cathedral city of France). JOAN OF ARC'S VICTORY AT ORLEANS--- Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, 1877. GENERAL Baedeker's Northern France, 1889. Trollope's Western France, 1841. Ormesby Broad, Norfolk Davies' Norfolk Broads, 1884. Ormond (James, Duke of, Military Commander, died 1745) Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 3 [portrait], 1849. Coxe's Memoirs of Marlborough, 1847. Ornament. IRISH ORNAMENTAL IRONWORK Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. LOVE OF ORNAMENT Ellis' Beautiful in Nature and Art, 1866. ON SIMPLICITY OF ORNAMENT British Essayists, vol. 5, 1823. POLYNESIAN ORNAMENT AND MYTHOGRAPHY Journal of Anthrop. Inst., vol. 22. PREHISTORIC ORNAMENT IN IRELAND Jour. Roy. Spc. Antiq., Irel'd., v. 6 (5th. ser.) TREATMENT AND MATERIALS OF ORNAMENT Ruskin's Stones of Venice, 1886. See also Art, Decoration, G/ass, Mosaic, etc. Ornaments. ANGLO-SAXON ORNAMENTS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Arch., p. ii.], 1886. EGYPTIAN ORNAMENTS Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1842. FASHIONS IN ORNAMENTS Mrs. Haweis" Art of Beauty, 1883. GOLD ORNAMF.NTS AND GEMS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM Good Words, v. 37, 1896. ORNAMENTS WORN IN MANY LANDS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. PRIMITIVE ORNAMENTS Joly's Man Before Metals, 1887. SAVAGES LOVE OF ORNAMENTS Darwin's Descent of Man, 1871. SAVAGE ORN AM ENTS Lubbock's Origin of Civilization, 1875. See also Jewels, Dress, etc. ORNITHOLOGY (The science of birds. See also Birds, Eggs, Natural History, Nests, and under names of birds, e.g., Canary, Eagle, Owl, etc.). AFRICA : BIRDS OF AFRICA Junker's Africa, 1891. Mounteney-Jephson's Emin Pasha, AFRICA : EQUATORIAL AFRICAN BIRDS Jameson's Rear Column, 1890. [1890. AMERICA : ORNITHOLOGY IN OREGON, U.S.A. Nash's Oregon, 1882. ARCTIC REGIONS Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition, 1874. BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR NESTS AND EGGS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 15, 1890. GIANT BIRDS Hutchinson's Extinct Monsters, 1897. MADEIRA: BIRDS OF MADEIRA Harcourt's Madeira, 1851. Music OF BIRDS Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. ORNITHOLOGICAL ESSAYS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 14, 1878. ORNITHOLOGY AT SOUTH KENSINGTON English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 5, 1887-8. ORNITHOLOGY IN RELATION TO AGRIC. AND HORTICULTURE Nat. Science, v. 2, '93. ORNITHOLOGY OF THE POETS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 18, 1882. SCOTLAND: BIRDS OF SCOTLAND St. John's Sutherlandshire, 1891. [450] ORNITHOLOGY OSYTH PRIORY Ornithology (continued). SOMALI-LAND BIRDS James' Unknown Horn of Africa, 1888. STRICKLAND ON THE PRESENT STATE OF ORNITHOLOGY British Assoc. Report, 1844. YORKSHIRE BIRDS Atkinson's Forty Years in a Moorland Parish, 1891. GENERAL Brassey's Last Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1889. South Sea Bubbles, 1872. Orotava, Teneriffe Murray's Sixteen Years of an Artist's Life, 1859. Orphans. ENGLISH ORPHANS IN PARIS Good Words, vol. 19, 1878. GEORGE MCLLER AND HIS ORPHANAGES Quiver, vol. 17, 1882. See also Uliiller (G.) GIRLS' ORPHAN ASYLUMS IN ITALY Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. ORPHAN HOMES OF SCOTLAND Quiver, vol. 18, 1883. ORPHAN SCHOOLS All the Year Round, vol. 31, 1873-4. ORPHANS AND ORPHANAGES Sunday at Home, vol. 7, 1860. SCHOOLS AND HOMES FOR ORPHANS Smiles' George Moore, Merchant and Philanthropist, 1878. See also Charity, Children, Homes, etc. Orpheus (Greek' mythological character, whose music moved even inanimate things; Eurydice, his wife). ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. Orsay (Count d', French Artist and Author, died 1852) Lennox's Reminiscences, 1863. Maclise Portrait Gallery [portrait and short sketch]. Orta Lake (In the Province of Novara, Italy) Bennet's Shores of Mediterranean, 1875. Orthodoxy (Accepted belief or doctrine) Cook's Boston Monday Lectures, 1881. THE NEW ORTHODOXY The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. Orton (Arthur, the Tichborne Claimant, died 1898) Impudent Impostors and Celebrated Claimants. Gentleman's Magazine, vois. 8 and 12 (n.s.), 1872 and 1874. Orvieto, Italy (A fortified city with a fine palace and cathedral) Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Idler, vol. 2, 1892. Osaka, Japan (A city and port intersected by 15 canals) Hiibner's Round the World 1871. Osborne (Queen Victoria's Isle of Wight residence). QUEEN'S HOMES English Illus. Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. ROUND ABOUT BALMORAL AND OSBORNE Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. GENERAL Black's Guide to I. of Wight, V.D. See Wight(Isle of). Palaces, Victoria, etc. Osborne (Family name of Dukes of Leeds). DUCAL OSBORNES Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 1850. HISTORY OF THE OSBORNE FAMILY Burke's Portraits of Distinguished Females, '33. Osborne (Sir. T., successively Earl of Dauby, Marquis of Carmarthen, and Duke of Leeds; Statesman, died 1712) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Lodge's Portraits, vol. 7, 1850. Macaulay's History of England, 1868. O'Shaughnessy (Arthur, Poet, died 1881) Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Osiris (The great Egyptian divinity; husband, of Isis). MYTH OF OSIRIS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, 1839. MYTH OF OSIRIS AND Isis Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Arch., vol. 14. GENERAL Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. Osmanlies (Ottomans or Turks) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 14, 1830. Osprey (Tim fishing hawk) Morris' British Birds, vol. i, 1891. Ossian ([James Macpherson], Scottish Poet, died 1796). THE CENTENARY OF OSSIAN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. Ossoli (Margaret Fuller, Marchioness of, American writer, died 1850) Chambers' Journal, vol. 17, 1852. See also Fuller (Margaret). Ostade (A. J. van, Dutch Painter, died 1685) Gower's Figure Painters of Holland, 1881. Ostend, Belgium (Fortified seaport) Baedeker's Belgium and Holland, V.D. Scott's Paris Revisited in 1815, by way of Brussels, 1816. Osteology (That section of anatomy treating of the bones). ON COLLECTING AND PRESERVING OF OSTEOI.OGICAL SPECIMENS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. GENERAL Quain's Elements of Anatomy, vol. z, 1893. Ostia, Italy (A decayed seaport) Davies' Pilgrimage of the Tiber, 1875. Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Ostrich (The largest bird existing, much esteemed for its feathers). AFRICAN OSTRICH Livingstone's Missionary Travels in South Africa, 1861. AFTER AN OSTRICH All the Year Round, vol. 3, 1860. ARTIFICIAL OSTRICH REARING IN SOUTH AFRICA Little's South Africa, 1884. DOMESTICATION OF THE OSTRICH Chambers' Journal, vol. 46, 1869. OSTRICH FARMING IN CALIFORNIA Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. OSTRICH FARMING IN CAPE COLONY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 3, 1885-6. OSTRICH FARMING IN SOUTH AFRICA Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. OSTRICH FEATHERS Longman's Magazine, vol. 12, 1888. OSTRICH HUNTING Gerard's Lion Hunting and Sporting Life in Algeria, 1856. OSTRICHES AT THE Zoo Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. REMARKS ON THE OSTRICH Greenwood's Wild Sports of the World, 1864. GENERAL Cumming's Adventures in South Africa, 1850. Martin's Home Life on an Ostrich Farm, 1890. Ritchie's Brighter South Africa, 1892. Oswestry, Shropshire Murray's North Wales, V.D. Murray's Shropshire and Cheshire, V.D. Shropshire Gazetteer, 1824. Osyth Priory, Essex. See St. Osytk. [451] OTFOBD CASTLE-OVIEDO Otford Castle, Kent (Ancient palace of the A rchbishops of Canterbury) A.Dtiq., v. 15, '87. "Othello" (A tragedy by Shakespeare). "OTHELLO" AT THE LYCEUM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. Othman I. -III. (Sultans of the Ottoman Turks) Deans' Ottoman Empire, 1854. Otho I.-IV. (Emperors of the West, or Germany, ioth-i^th centuries) Milman's Latin Christianity, 1872. Otho (M. Salvius, Roman Emperor, committed suicide 69) Plutarch's Lives, 1865. Ottawa (Capital of the dominion of Canada) M\ the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. Duft- erin's Canadian Journal, 1891. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. Ottawa River, Canada. TRIP ON THE OTTAWA RIVER Harper's Mag., v. 10, 1885. Otter (A carnivorous mammal of the weasel family, living largely in water). AMERICAN OTTER Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES OK THE SEA OTTER Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 15, 1848. DESCRIPTION OF THE COMMON OTTER Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 17, 1848. Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. HABITS AND ANECDOTES OF THE OTTER St. John's Wild Sports, 1888. OTTER HUNTING [Sport of the Month! Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. OTTER HUNTING IN THE HEBRIDES Harper's Magazine, vol. 10, 1885. OTTER IN WINTER Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Otterburn. (Village in Northumberland inhere a battle between the English and Scots was fought in 1388, known as Chevy Chase). BATTLE OF OTTERBURN, A.D. 1388 Andrews' Bygone Northumberland, 1899. Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. See also Chevy Chase, etc. Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire (The birthplace of Coleridge). A GREAT DEVONSHIRE CHURCH Bonney's Abbeys and Churches of England and Wales, 1890. Ottley Papers (Relating to the Civil War) Trans. Shrop. Arch. Soc.,vol.8 (zndser.) Ottoman Empire. See Turkey, etc. Otway (Thomas, Poet, Dramatist and Actor, died 1685) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits. 1887. Ouananiche (A fresh-water salmon found in Canadian waters). THE OUANANICHE AND ITS CANADIAN ENVIRONMENT Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. Oude Schild, Holland Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Oudeypore, India (Capital of the State of Oudeypore). THE CITY OF THE SUNRISE Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. Oudh (A province of British India). NORTHWEST PROVINCES OF OUDH Savage- Landor's In the Forbidden Land, 1899. GENERAL Gender's Mod. Trav., v. 9, 1830. Ouida ([Louise de la Rame'e], Novelist, born 1840). AN APPRECIATION OF OUIDA Yellow Book. vol. 6, 1895. GENERAL Truth, vol. n, 1882. Oulton Broad, Suffolk Davies' Rivers and Broads of Norfolk and Suffolk, 1884. Oural Mountains, Russia De Windt's Siberia as it is, 1892. See also Ural. " Ours" (A play by T. W. Robertson) Theatre, vol. I, 1880. Ousel (A bird of the thrush family) Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1877. Outamaro (Japanese Artist, died 1806) Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. Outcasts. CLUB LIFE AMONG OUTCASTS [in America] Harper's Mag., vol. 29. 1895. Outdoor Relief Nineteenth Cent., vol. 13, 1883. See also Poor, Poor Law, Poverty, etc. Outfits. OUTFITS AND OUTFITTERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 20, 1853. PURCHASE OF OUTFITS FOR INDIA AND THE COLONIES Girl's Own Annual, v. 11,1890. Outlaws Hazlitt's Tales and Legends of National Origin, 1892. Jusserand's Wayfaring Life in the Fourteenth Century, 1892. Outram (Sir James, English General, known as the Bayard of India, died 1863) Good Words, vol. 21, 1880. Japp's Labour and Victory, 1883. Ovampoland (A region in German South-west Africa) Gallon's Explorer in Africa, '51. Ovens. COKE OVENS Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, vol. 1, 1889-90; vol. 3, 1891-2; and vols. 9-10, 1894-6. " Over the Hills and Far Away " (Song) Fitzgerald's Famous Songs, 1898. Overbury (Sir Thomas, Poet and Philosopher, poisoned 1613) All the Year Round, vol. 31, 1873-4. Bell's Historic Persons buried in the Tower, 1877. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. De Ros' Memorials of the Tower of London, '67. Overland Route (The route from England to India through France and Italy). PIONEER OF THE OVERLAND ROUTE Dr. Macaulay's Strange yet True, 1892. Overwork. EFFECTS OF OVERWORK Lagrange's Bodily Exercise, 1890. OVERWORK OR OVERWORRY ? All the Year Round, vol. 28, 1872. Ovid ([Publius Ovidius Naso], Roman Poet, died 18). AN APOLOGIA Temple Bar, vol. OVID AND THE NATURAL WORLD Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. [66, 1882, Oviedo (A province and a university city of Spain) Conder's Modern Trav., v. 19, 1830. [452] OWEN-OXFORD Owen (John, Independent Theologian,, died 1683). REVIEW OF LIFE OF DR. OWEN M'Crie's Miscellaneous Writings, 1841. Sunday at Home, vol. 6 fp. 545], 1859. GENERAL Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Owen (Sir Richard, Naturalist and Paleontologist, died 1892) Biographies Reprinted from the "Times," vol. 5, 1896. Darwin's Life and Letters, 1887. Leisure Hour, vol 42, 1893, and vol.44, 1895. Men and Women of the Day [portrait], 1888. Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. Nature, vol. 47, 1892-3. Owen (Robert, Socialist, died 1858) Grant's Public Characters, 1841. Holyoake's Co-operative Movement of To-day, 1896. Owen (William, Portrait Painter, died 1825) Cunningham's Brit. Painters, vol. 2, 1880. Owens' College, Manchester (Founded under the will of John Owens, a merchant who died 18461. MR LOWE AND OWENS' COLLEGE Macmillan's Mag., vol.35, 1876-7. OWLS AND OWLETS Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. STORIES ABOUT OWLS All the Year Round, vol. 63, 1888. SUPERSTITIONS ABOUT OWLS All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 15, 1851. Morris' British Birds, vol. i, 1891. Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Ox. BELIEFS ABOUT THE Ox Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. [Library, vol. 22, 1848. DESCRIPTION AND PLATES OF THE BOVINE TRIBE OR OXEN Jardine's Naturalist's OXEN IN INDIA Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1892. See also Cattle, etc. OXFORD (The capital of the county of Oxford, and the seat of Oxford University. See also Colleges, Universities, etc.) ANCIENT ORGANIZATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Macmillan's, v. 36, 1877. ANTIQUITIES OF THE CITY OF OXFORD Proceedings of the Archaeological Inst., 1850. BODLEIAN LIBRARY. See tinder Bodleian Library, and Libraries. BOTANIC GARDEN OF OXFORD Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. CAMBRIDGE AND OXFORD All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. CASTLE; LINES FORMED ROUND OXFORD 1642-6; AND THE DEBASED GOTHIC BUILDINGS OF OXFORD Archaeological Journal, vol. 8, 1851. CASTLE: OXFORD CASTLE Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. CATHF.DRAL AND SEE OF OXFORD Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. CATHEDRAL: DISCOVERIES IN OXFORD CATHEDRAL Archaeological Jour., v. 45. CATHEDRAL: ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY Ward Lock's Our National COLLEGE CHAPELS OF OXFORD Quiver, vol. 33, 1898. [Cathedrals, 1887. COLLEGES OF OXFORD Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architec. Antiq., pt. i.], 1890. COMMEMORATION AT OXFORD IN THE I7TH AND i8TH CENTURIES Macmillan's, v. 17, DEMOCRATIC AND POPULAR OXFORD Macmillan's Mag., vol. 61, 1889-90. [1867-8. EARLY HISTORY OF OXFORD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. FAMOUS FOOTPRINTS AT OXFORD Escott's Platform, Press, etc., 1895. GERMAN VIEWS OF OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE Macmillan's Magazine, v. 37, 1877-8. GOVERNMENT IN UNIVERSITY TOWNS London, vol. 5, 1896. HISTORY OF OXFORD Ditchfield's Our English Towns, 1897. JOWETT AND OXFORD Fairbairn's Catholicism : Roman and Anglican, 1899. JOWETT AND OXFORD LIBERALISM Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1896-7. LIFE AT OXFORD Paladin's Great and Little Men, 1890. MEDIEVAL OXFORD Newman's Historical Sketches, 1891. MODERN OXFORD Progressive Review, vol. i, 1896-7. NEW OXFORD Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. ORIGIN OF OXFORD National Review, vol. 28, 1897. OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE SOCIETIES Strand Magazine, vol. 7. 1894. OXFORD AT HOME Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. OXFORD BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY Hamerton's Portfolio, 1879. OXFORD COLLEGE UNDER JAMES I. AND CHARLES I. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 49, OXFORD IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. [1883-4. OXFORD IN FACT AND FICTION Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. OXFORD IN THE MIDDLE AGES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 56, 1887. OXFORD IN THE I7TH CENTURY Good Words, vol. 13, 1872. OXFORD IN THE ITH CENTURY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 78, 1898. OXFORD REFORM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. OXFORD THEN AND Now Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. OXFORD UNION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 28, 1873. OXFORD UNION: CRISIS IN THE OXFORD UNION Longman's Mag., vol. 23, 1893-4. OXFORD UNION REMINISCENCES National Review, vol. 29 [page 68], 1897. PRE-ACADEMIC OXFORD Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. PROFIT AND Loss AT OXFORD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. QUIET CORNERS IN OXFORD Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. REMARKABLE MEN AT OXFORD Whately's Remarkable People, 1889. SCOTCH STUDENTS AT OXFORD FIVE HUNDRED YEARS AGO Macmillan's Mag., v. 22, SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION OF OXFORD Villars' Eng. Provinces, 1888. [1876. SUNDAY AT OXFORD Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. SUNDAY EVENING AT OXFORD Sunday at Home, vol. 21, 1874. THREE CENTURIES OF OXFORD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 66, 1892. UNDERGRADUATE LIFE AT OXFORD Davidson's Life of Archbishop Tait, 1891. Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. [453] OXFORD-PACIFIC OCEAN Oxford (continued). UNIVERSITY MUSEUM Natural Science, vol. 5, i8oj. UNIVERSITY MUSEUM : ITS FORMATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 5, 1861-2. UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. UNIVERSITY: OXFORD UNIVERSITY BILL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7 UNIVERSITY : RISE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Traill's Social England, v. i, '98. UNIVERSITY: STATE OF ENGLISH UNIVERSITIES Hamilton's Philosophy, etc., 1852. UNIVERSITY STUDY AND OPINION AT OXFORD Macmillan's Mag., vol. 21, 1869-70. UPPER RIVER: OXFORD Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. YOUNG OXFORD OF TO-DAY Quiver, vol. 29, 1894. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, V.D. Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. 2, 1876. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 3, 1883. Hawthorne's English Note Books, 1870. Hawthorne's Our Old Home, 1864. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, 1887. Jeaffreson's Book About Clergy, 1870. Land We Live In, vol. i, 1853. Murray's Guide to Berkshire, etc., V.D. Myrback & Villars' Sketches of England, 1891. Oxford (A south-midland county of England). ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, 1850. MATERIALS FOR THE TOPOGRAPHY OF OXFORDSHIRE Berks, etc., Arch. Jour., vol. a. WALK THROUGH OXFORDSHIRE Mortimer Collins' Pen Sketches, 1879. Also Oxford. Oxford (Earldom of). DESCENT OF THE EARLDOM OF OXFORD Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, 1850. See also Harley (Robert) and Walpole (Horace). Oxford House, London (University settlement). THE BISHOP OF STEPNEY AND HIS WORK Sunday Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. OXFORD HOUSE SETTLEMENT Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. Oxford Mpvement (A movement in the Church of England towards high church principles, originating in Oxford 1833-4) Patten's Development of English Thought, 1899. See also Keble, Newman, Pttsey, etc. Oxford Street, London Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Walford's Old and New London, vol. 4, 1875. Wheatley & Cunningham's London, Past and Present, 1891. Oxygen (A gas constituting one-fifth of the atmosphere ; essential to animal life). OXYGEN AS A COMMERCIAL PRODUCT Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. OXYGEN IN THE SUN Proctor's Pleasant Ways in Science, 1890. See also Air, Atmosphere, Chemistry, Gas, etc. OYSTER (An edible bivalvular mollusc). ARTIFICIAL REARING OF OYSTERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. BIOGRAPHY OF THE OYSTER Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. BRIGHTLINGSEA AND ITS OYSTERS Argosy, vol. 62, 1896. BRITISH OYSTERS Whymper'sThe Sea; its Stirring Story, etc., 1880-1. BRITISH OYSTERS IN ROMAN TIMES Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. CULTIVATION OF OYSTERS Simmonds' Commercial Products of the Sea, 1881. CULTURE IN FRANCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. CULTURE ON THE WEST COAST OF FRANCE Nature, vol. 51, 1894. FOSSIL OYSTERS Nature, vol. 2, 1870. HOME OF THE NATIVE Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1896-7. MENTION OF OYSTERS BY HOMER Schliemann's Troja, 1884. NATURAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY OF OYSTERS Macmillan's Mag., vol. 7, 1862-3. OYSTER AND TYPHOID Nature, vol. 51, 1895. OYSTER CULTURE Good Words, vol. 5, 1864, and vol. 31, 1890. OYSTER GROUNDS All the Year Round, vol. 59, 1886-7. WHAT TO DO WITH OYSTERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. WHITSTABLE OYSTERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 62, 1885. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol.4, 1860-1, and vol. 46, 1880-1. Ozone (A modified form of oxygen, existing in small quantities in pure country air). CHAPTER ON OZONE Proctor's Pleasant Ways in Science, 1890. HISTORY OF OZONE Student of Science, Literature and Art, vol. i, 1868. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AND OZONE MendeleefTs Principles of Chemistry, 1891. OZONE AND ITS USES Knowledge, vol. 22, 1899. SCHONBEIN ON OZONE British Association Report, 1845. JT ACHYDERMS (Thick-skinned animals) Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 23 [coloured plates], 1848. Wood's Nature and her Servants, 1896. Pacific Ocean or South Sea (Stretching from America to Asia, the Malay Archi- pelago and Australia). ACROSS THE PACIFIC Caine's Trip Round the World, 1892. DESCRIPTION OF LORD HOWE ISLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. FORTY YEARS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN Sunday at Home, vol. 23, 1876. INCIDENTS OF A JOURNEY ROUND THK WORLD Sunday at Home, vol. 27, 1880. PACIFIC ISLANDS: EUROPE IN THE PACIFIC Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. PATTESON AND THE SOUTH PACIFIC Japp's Master Missionaries, 1880. SAN FRANCISCO TO YOKOHAMA Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. GENERAL Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. Darwin's Coral Reefs, 1890. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Macaulay's Sea Pictures, 1884. See also Fiji, Sandwich Islands, South Sea Islands, etc. [454] PACKET SERVICE-PAINTING Packet Service. THE OLD PACKET SERVICE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. Paddington. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF PADDINGTON Surb. Homes of London, '81. Paderewski (Ignace Jan, Pianist and Composer, born 1860) Pearson's Mag., v. 6, 1898. PadstOW, Cornwall Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, pt. ii.], 1892. Padua (A province and a university city of Italy). ANCIENT PADUA Eustace's Italy, 1841. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, V.D. Hare's Cities of Northern Italy, 1883. Latrobe's Pedestrian, 1832. Psestum or Posidonia (In ancient geography a city of Magna Grtscia) Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1862. Murray's S'th. Italy, V.D. Paganini (Nicolo, Italian violinist, died 1840). BOYHOOD OF PAGANINI Boy's Own NOTICE OF PAGANINI Cornhill Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. [Annual, vol. 10, 1888 GENERAL Argosy, vol. 21, 1876. Haweis' Musical Life, 1891. Temple Bar, v.77, '86. Paganism (The worship of many gods ; heathenism). ACCOUNT OF PAGAN THEOLOGY, ETC. Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. CHRISTIANITY AND ROMAN PAGANISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. INFLUENCE OF PAGANISM ON CHRISTIANITY Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. GENERAL Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Renan's Religious History, 1886. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Pageants. STATE PAGEANTS OF THE VICTORIAN ERA English Illustrated, vol. 17/97. Pages (Male attendants). PAGES AND PAGEDOM IN THE PAST Temple Bar, vol. 42, 1874 Paget (Sir Arthur, Diplomatist, died 1840). THE PAGET PAPERS Edinburgh Review, Paget (Henry William). See Anglesey (Marquis of). [vol. 184, 1896. Paget (William, ist Baron, died 1563) Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Pagodas (Indian and Chinese temples). CHINESE PAGODAS Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. PAGODAS IN CHINA Milne's Life in China, 1858. Pah-Gahn (Ancient capital of Burmah ; now in ruins) Conder's Mod. Trav., v. n, 1830. Pain. BENEFICENCE OF PAIN ? Chambers' Journal, vol. 28, 1857. DISTINCTION OF PLEASURE AND PAIN Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. MYSTERY OF PAIN Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 6 (2nd ser.), 1891. PHYSICAL PAIN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. PLEASURE AND PAIN Mind, vol. i, 1892. PREVENTION AND RELIEF OF PAIN Cassell's Magazine, vol. 6, 1880. VALUE OF PAIN Hutchinson's Gospel according to Darwin, 1898. Monist, v. 7, '96-7. GENERAL Quiver, vol. 3, 1868. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, i8?' [1891. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Also Children, Mothers, etc. Parini (Giuseppe, Italian Poet, died 1799) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. PARIS PARIS (The capital of France; after London the largest and most populous city of Europe. See also France, Louvre, Luxembourg, Madeleine, Notre Dame, etc.) AMERICANS IN PARIS Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. BAKERS OF PARIS Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. BALLS IN PARIS Temple Bar, vol n, 1864. BOARDING SCHOOLS AT PARIS Chambers' Journal, vol. 6, 1846. BOULEVARDS: ALONG THE PARISIAN BOULEVARDS Harper's Mag., vol. 24, 1892. BOULEVARDS OF PARIS All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. BRITISH EMBASSY AT PARIS Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. CAPITAL OF PARIS [Montmartre] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 75, 1896-7. CATTLE MARKETS OF PARIS Household Words, vol. 2, 1850-1. CLAQUE IN THEATRES OF PARIS All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. COLLEGES: LIFE IN THE PARIS COLLEGES, 1520-35 Brown's Life of Geo. Buchanan, COMMUNE OF PARIS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. [1890. DRESSMAKERS OF PARIS Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. EASTER IN PARIS Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PARIS Young's Travels in France [1787-9], 1889. ENGLISH WORKING MAN IN PARIS IN 1848 Chambers' Journal, vol. n, 1849. [1867. EXHIBITION, 1867: GOSSIP ABOUT THE PARIS EXHIBITION Macmillan's Mag., v. 16, EXHIBITION, 1889: INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION AND THE EIFFEL TOWER All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. EXHIBITION OF 1900 Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. FAIR: IN AND ABOUT A PARIS FAIR Idler, vol. 6, 1894-5. FORTIFICATIONS OF PARIS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. FORTUNES OF PARIS FOR THE LAST FIFTY YEARS Blackwood's Mag., vol. 160, 1896. FREE LODGINGS IN PARIS All the Year Round, vol. 54, 1884. GOSPEL IN PARIS Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. HISTORIC HOUSES OF PARIS Good Words, vol. 40, 1899. HOSPICES OF PARIS Good Words, vol. 15, 1874. IN A CORNER OF PARIS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. u, 1894. INDOOR LIFE IN PARIS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 156, 1894. JOURNALISTS OF PARIS Harper's Magazine, vol. 51, 1875. See also Journalism. LIBRARIES: MUNICIPAL LIBRARIES OF PARIS The Library, vol. 4, 1892. LIBRARIES: PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN PARIS Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. LIBRARIES: PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIBRARIES OF PARIS Edwards' Memoirs of Libraries, 1859. Library, vol. 4, 1892 ; and vol. 5, 1893. LITERARY PARIS Harper's Magazine, vol. 24, 1892. MANNERS: PARISIAN MANNERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. MUNICIPAL WORK IN PARIS London, vol. 5, 1896. OLD PARIS: ABOUT OLD PARIS All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. OLD PARIS: GOOD OLD TIMES IN PARIS Chambers' Journal, vol. 16, 1851. OLD PARIS Chambers' Journal, vol. 44, 1867. OMNIBUSES OF PARIS Chambers' Journal, vol. 43, 1866. PALAIS-ROYAL THEATRE Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880. PARIS AND MANCHESTER AT WHITSUNTIDE Sunday at Home, vol. 18, 1871. PARIS IN 1851, 1852, AND 1853 Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. PARIS IN MOURNING Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. PARIS REVISITED Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 5, 1861-2. POOR OF PARIS All the Year Round, vol. 12, 1864-5. PRISONS AND PRISONERS OF PARIS Harper's Magazine, vol. 7, 1853. PROLETARIAN PARIS Harper's Magazine, vol. 25, 1893. REFORMATION: PARIS AT THE TIME OF THE REFORMATION Sunday at Home, v. 35, RESTAURANTS OF PARIS [Cafe Riche] All the Year Round, vol. 33, 1874-5. [1888. REVOLUTION: PARIS IN INSURRECTION Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. RIOTS IN PARIS Thomas Raikes' Journal [1831-47], 1858. SEWERS OF PARIS -Chambers' Journal, vol. 51, 1874. SEWERS: UNDER THE STREETS OF PARIS Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. SHOW PLACES OF PARIS Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. SIEGE OF PARIS: BALLOONS AND THE SIEGE OF PARIS Glaisher's Travels in the Air, SIEGE OF PARIS: NEXT SIEGE OF PARIS National Review, vol. 24, 1894-5. [1871. SIEGE OF PARIS: PAUIS AFTER THE SIEGE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. SIEGE OF PARIS: PARIS IN 1870 Paladin's Great and Little Men, 1890. SIEGE OF PARIS : PARIS IN 1871 Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. SOCIETY IN PARIS [1815] Chambre's West End Life, 1858. STREETS OF PARIS Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. STREETS OF PARIS FORTY YEARS AGO Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 156, 1894. SUNDAY IN PARIS Sala's Paris Herself Again in 1878-9. Sunday at Home, v. 2, 1855. THEATRES OF PARIS Theatre, vol. 6, 1882. TUILERIES : LIFE IN THE TUILERIES UNDER THE SECOND EMPIRE Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. UNKNOWN PARIS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2, 1893-4. VANISHING PARIS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 75, 1896-7. VISIT TO PARIS Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. GENERAL Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, 1887. Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. N. W. Senior's Journals, 1853. Scribcer's Mag., vol. 9, 1891. Stowe's Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854. Paris (Louis Albert Phillippe d'Orleans, Comte de, died 1894) Annual Register, 1894. [460] PARISHES-PARLIAMENT Parishes. CURIOSITIES OF PARISH REGISTERS Quiver, vol. 6, 1871. GROWTH OF ENGLISH PARISH CHURCHES Archaeological Journal, vol. 37, 1880. ORIGIN OF PARISHES Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. PARISH CHURCHES Poole's Lectures on Art, 1882. See also Churches. PARISH CLERK All the Year Round, vol. 46, 1880-1. [page 182], 1895. PARISH COUNCILS: ELECTIONS OK PARISH COUNCILS Contemporary Rev., vol. 67 PARISH LIFE IN ENGLAND BEFORE THE GREAT PILLAGE igth Cent., vol. 43, 1898. PARISH REGISTERS All the Year Round, vol. 7, 1862. Essex Review, vol. i, 1892. PARISH SKETCHES Sunday at Home, vol. n, 1864. Park (Mungo, African Traveller, murdered 1805) Africa and its Exploration (Sampson Low), 1894. Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. Kingston & Low's Great African Travellers, 1890. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, v. 8. Verne's Great Navigators, 1881. Parke (James, Baron Wensleydale, Judge, died 1868) Ballantine's Experiences, 1883. Parker (Sir Hyde, Rear-Admiral, died 1783) James' Naval History, vols. 1-3, 1878. Parker (Joseph, Popular Preacher, born 1830). BRIEF SKETCH Idler, vol. 4, 1893-4. REV. DR. PARKER IN NEWCASTLE Contemporary Pulpit, vol. i, 1884. Parker (Joseph, Publisher) Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. Parker (Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1575) Bradshaw's Collected Papers, 1889. Brook's Puritans, 1813. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Hook's Archbishops, vol. 9, 1875. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Parker (S., Bishop of Oxford, died 1688) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Parkes (Sir Harry Smith, Diplomatist, died 1885) Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. Parkes (Sir Henry, Australian Statesman, died 1896). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 3, 1891. Annual Register, 1896. PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS Cornhill Magazine, vol. i (n.s.), 1896. GENERAL Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian History, 1892. Parkhurst (John, Bishop of Norwich, died 1574) Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Parkman (F., Historian, died 1893). WORK OF PARKMAN Macmillan's Mag., vol. 69, WRITINGS OF FRANCIS PARKMAN Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. [1893-4. Parks. ACCOUNT OF THE LONDON PARKS Loftie's London, 1880. Timbs' Curiosities ENGLISH PARKS Once a Week, vol. 16. [of London, '71. PARK-MAKING AS A NATIONAL ART Atlantic Monthly, v. 79, 1897. PARKS AND GARDENS OF LONDON Land we Live in, vol. 2, 1853. SOME LONDON PARKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Blackwood's Magazine, vols. 46 and 51. Temple Bar, vol. 33. Two NF.W LONDON PARKS All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891. GENERAL Eraser's Magazine, vol. 47. Westminster Review, vol. 35. Parkyns (Mansfield, Abyssinian Traveller, died 1894) Hotten's Abyssinia, 1868. PARLIAMENT (A deliberative assembly or legislature; in England consisting of the Sovereign, the Lords, and the Commons. See also Government, House of Commons, House of Lords, Legislature, Members of Parliament, etc.) ANECDOTE: PARLIAMENTARY ANECDOTE Jennings' Parliamentary Anecdote, 1872. ANTIQUITIES: PARLIAMENTARY ANTIQUITIES Stubbs' Constitutional History, 1874. CANDIDATES FOR PARLIAMENT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. CEREMONIES OF PARLIAMENT All the Year Round, vol. r, 1859. CHARLES I.: THIRD PARLIAMENT OF CHARLES I. Carlyle's Cromwell, 1892. CHURCH AND PARLIAMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. CHURCH: ECCLESIATICAL MATTERS AND PARLIAMENT Stoughton's Church of the CLOTURE AND THE TORIES Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. [Restoration, 1870. CRISIS OF PARLIAMENTARY GOVERNMENT, 1882 Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM Tout's Edward I., 1893. EARLIEST PARLIAMENT Rogers' British Citizen, 1886. EARLY PARLIAMENTS Grego's Parliamentary Elections, 1887. ENGLISH PARLIAMENT Creasy's English Constitution, 1853. White's England, 1860. EVOLUTION OF PARLIAMENT Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. EXPULSIONS FROM PARLIAMENT Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. FROM BEHIND THE SPEAKER'S CHAIR Strand Magazine, from vol. 5, 1893. HOURS OF PARLIAMENT IN 1640 Knight's Book of Table Talk, 1836. HOUSE OF COMMONS AND PARLIAMENT May's Constitutional History, 1871 HOUSE OF LORDS Positivist Review, vol. i, 1893. HOUSE OF LORDS BY A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT Windsor Magazine, v. 5, 1896-7. HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT Lovett's London Pictures, 1890. Timbs' Curiosities of INTOLERABLE WASTE OF PARLIAMENT New Review, vol. 15, 1896. [London, '71. LAST IRISH PARLIAMENT -Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. LONDON AND PARLIAMENT Sharpe's London and the Kingdom, 1894-5. LONG PARLIAMENT Guizot's Monk and the Restoration in England, 1866. NIGHT IN THE HOUSK OF COMMONS Temple Magazine, vol i, 1896-7. NINETEENTH CENTURY PARLIAMENTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. OATHS : PARLIAMENTARY OATHS Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. OLIVER CROMWELL AND THE HOUSE OF LORDS Macmillan's Mag., vol. 71, 1895. OPENING PARLIAMENT All the Year Round, vol. 37, 1876-7. PARLIAMENT BEFORE EASTER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6. PARLIAMENTS OF THE EMPIRE Cassell's Magazine, vol. 26, 1898. [vol. 36, 1894. PARLIAMENTS OF THE WORLD Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. Nineteenth Cent., [461] PARLIAMENT- PARTIES Parliament (continued). PARTIES : PARLIAMENT WITHOUT PARTIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. PAYMKNT OF MKMBERS OF PARLIAMENT Positivist Review, vol. i, 1893. PHILANTHROPISTS IN PARLIAMENT Quiver, vol. 28, 1893. PLATFORM AND PARLIAMENT Escott's Platform, Press, etc., 1895. PULSE OF PARLIAMENT Contemporary Keview, vol. 67, 1895. QUAINT SIDE OF PARLIAMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. REFORM OF PARLIAMENT Crete's Minor Works, 1873. Gnizot's England, 1877. Hobart's Po itical Essays, 1866. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6. Russell's Dispatches, Speeches, etc., 1870. REFORM OF PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Positivist Review, vol. i, 1893. RELIGION AND PARLIAMENT FROM 1517-1688 Neal's Puritans, 1822. RIGHT TO PUBLISH PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES Paterson's Liberty of the Press, 'So. RUMP PARLIAMENT Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. SECOND CHAMBER Positivist Review, vol. i, 1893. SESSION 'OF 1894 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 156, 1894. SEXCENTENARY OF THE ENGLISH PARLIAMENT Macmillan's Mag., vol. 71, 1895. SHORTENING OF PARLIAMENT Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. . SHORTER PARLIAMENTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. SOME FEATURES OF THE SESSION National Review, vol. 24, 1894-5. WORKING MEN IN PARLIAMENT Harper's Magazine, vol. 12, 1886. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. Carlyle's Latter-day Pamphlets, 1872. Routl^-dge's Popular Progress, 1876. Stanhope's Life of Pitt, 1861. T'arlours. CONCERNING PARLOURS Arnold's Arm-chair Essays, 1888. Parma Parma the Bourbons [portrait], 1890. Parnassus (A famous mountain of Greece, 8,000 feet high). ASCENT OF PARNASSUS Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16, 1830. .Parnell (Charles Stewart, Leader of the Irish Party, died 1891). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. i. 1890. PARNELL COMMISSION Nineteenth Century, vol.27, 1890. WAS MR. PARNELL BADLY TREATED ? Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. GENERAL Biographies reprinted from the "Times," vol. 5, 1896. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, vol. 5, 1897. O'Connor's Parnell Movement, 1886. Parnell (Thomas, Poet, died 1718) All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Ward's English Posts, vol. 3, 1880. Chalmers' English Poets, vol. 9, 1810. Parr (Catherine, Sixth Queen of Henry VIII., after his death married Lord Seymour, died 1548) Girl's Own Annual, vol. 11, 1890. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. [1835. Parr (Samuel, LL.D., Theologian and Critic, died 1825) Memoirs of Sir J. Mackintosh, Parr (Thomas, alleged to have lived to the age of 152 years, died 1635). OLD PARR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. GENERAL Wilson's Wonderful Characters, 1869. Parrot. ARTICLE ON PARROTS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1892. DESCRIPTIONS AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES OF THE PARROT Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 10, 1848. Do PARROTS THINK? Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. OWL PARROT OF KOKAPO Student of Science, Literature, etc., vol. 5, 1871. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Parry (Caleb H., Physician, died 182?) Lives of British Physicians [Family Lib ], 1830. Parry (Sir W. E., Rear Admiral and Arctic Explorer, died 1855) Adams' Neptune's Heroes, 1880. Blackwood's Magazine, vols. 4, 1818-9 ; 8, 1820-1 ; 9, 1821. Quar- tet ly Review, vol. 37, 1828. Realm of the Ice King, 1881. Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Pareees ('/'// fire-worshipping followers of Zoroaster, settled in India). ANCIENT AND MODERN PARSEES- All the Year Round, vol. 55, 1884-5. FIRE-WORSHIPPERS Household Words, vol. 19, 1858-9. PARSEE BURIAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 48, 1883 PARSI RELIGION Religious Systems of the World, 1892. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 10, 1830. Parsimony. PARSIMONIOUS PEOPLE Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. GENERAL British Essayist, yol. 3, 1823. Parsnip. HISTORY OF THE PARSNIP Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. Parsons. COUNTRY PARSONS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. See also Clergy. Parthenon (A celebrated Grecian temple on the Acropolis of Athens; one of the finest monuments of ancient architecture). FROM CORINTH TO THE PARTHENON IN 1886 Cornhill Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. How A RIDDLE OF THE PARTHENON WAS UNRAVELLED Century Mag., v. 32, 1897. GENERAL Bramseri's Travels in Egypt, 1820. Crane's Bases of Design, 1898. Parties (Social gatherings). CHRISTMAS PARTIES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. How TO PROVIDE FOR A CHILDREN'S PARTY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. SOME MOORISH TEA PARTIES Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. [462] PARTRIDGE PATCHWORK Partridge. AMERICAN PARTRinohs Dodge's Hunting Grounds of the Great West AMONG PARTRIDGES Chambers' Journal, vol. 34, 1860. [1877. BARBARV PARTRIDGE Yarrell's British Birds, vol. 2, 1856. COMMON PARTRIDGE Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. DESCRIPTIONS OF VARIOUS SPECIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 8, 1848. IRISH PARTRIDGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 73, 1896. PARTRIDGE SHOOTING Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. PARTRIDGES BY THE SEA-SIDE Badminton Magazine, vol. 5, 1897. ' SPORT WITH PARTRIDGES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. VIRGINIAN PARTRIDGE Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891 Partridge (Bernard [Bernard Gould], Artist and Actor, born 1861). AN AFTERNOON WITH MR. BERNARD PARTRIDGE Idler, vol. n, 1897. Party (In politics, religion, etc., a number of persons united in opinion or design). "A PLAGUE ON BOTH YOUR PARTIES" Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. DECAY OF PARTY GOVERNMENT Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1806. PARTY SPIRIT AND PATRIOTISM Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. [1895. PREDOMINANT PARTNERS AND UNIONIST DISCORDS Contemporary Review, vol.67, Pasargadee (Ruins near Moorghaub, Persia) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 13, 1830. Pascal (Blaise, French Philosopher and Mathematician, died 1662). LIFE OF BLAISE PASCAL Sunday Magazine, vol. i, 1865. SOME THOUGHTS ON PASCAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. GENERAL Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. Expositor, vol. 2 (3rd series), 1885. Stoughton's Worthies of Science, 1880. Sunday at Home, vol. 9, 1862. Tweedie's Youthful Diligence, 1881. Paschal II. (Pope, died 1118) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 4, 1872. Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. Pasquino (Maestro (Italian Tailor and I Vif) Chambers' Journal, vol. 8, 1847. Hare's . Walks in Rome, 1872. Passion Flower (A climbing plant with a beautiful flower) All Year Round, v. 15, 1866. Passion Play (A mystery or miracle play representing scenes in the passion of Jesus). PASSION PLAY AT BRIXLEGG All the Year Round, vol. 20, 1868. PASSION PLAY AT OBER-AMMERGAU, 1890 Rev. of Revs., v. 2, 1890. Ober-Ammergau. PASSION PLAY AT SELZACH Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. PASSION PLAY AT VORDER-THIERSEE Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. PERSIAN PASSION PLAY Cornhill Mag., vol. 24, 1871. Harper's Mag., vol. n, 1885-6. SPIRIT AND GROWTH OF THE PASSION PLAY Karl Pearson's Chances of Death, etc., See also Miracle Play and Ober-Ammergau. [1897. Passions. EXPRESSION OF THE PASSIONS Bell's Anatomy of Expression, 1872. PASSIONS AND MACHINERY Cornhill Magazine, vol. n, 1865. PASSIONS EXPRESSED BY SHAKESPEARE British Essayists, vol. 2, 1823. PASSIONS OF THE HUMAN MIND Hamilton's Nuua? Literarias, 1841. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Burke's Works, vol. i, 1890. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Passmore Edwards' Settlements Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. See also Edwards (J. Passmore). [vol. 3, 1897 Passover (A solemn Jewish festival). FESTIVAL OF THE PASSOVER Pearson's Mag., PASSOVER FEAST IN PALESTINE Daily Mail, April 7, 1898. Quiver, vol. 31, 1896. POOR JEW'S PASSOVER Morning Leader, April 7, 1898. SAMARITAN PASSOVER Good Words, vol. 9, 1868. GENERAL Josephus' Works, 1874. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Passports -Chambers' Journal, vol. 36, 1861. Past. PAST AND FUTURE Good Words, vol. 9, 1868. Pasta (Giudetta, Italian Operatic Singer, died 1865) Edwards' The Prima Donna, 1888. Pasteur (Louis, French Chemist, died 1895). PASTEUR AND HYDROPHOBIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. PASTEUR'S METHOD OF INOCULATION Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. PASTEUR'S SCIENTIFIC WORK Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. VISIT TO THE PASTEUR INSTITUTE Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. WORK OF THE PASTEUR INSTITUTE Longman's Magazine, vol. 27, 1896. GENERAL Annual Register, 1895. Contemporary Review, vol.68, 1895. New Review, vol. 13, 1895. Nineteenth Centuty, vol. 23, 1888. Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. Pastimes. PASTIMES IN CHINA Henry's Cross and Dragon, 1885. SAVAGE PASTIME Greenwood's The Wild Man at Home, 1879. See also Sport, Games, Recreation, etc. Pastors. PASTORAL MEDITATION Cornhill Mag., v. 47, 1883. AlsoClergy, Parsons, etc. Pastry. How TO MAKE FANCY PASTRY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. PASTRY AND ENTREMET OF GREAT MERIT All the Year Round, vol. 20, 1868. See also Cookery, etc. Patagonia (Southernmost portion of South America). ACCOUNT OF PATAGONIA AND THE PATAGONIANS Hartwig's Polar World, 1874 CAPTURED BY PATAGONS All the Year Round, vol. 26, 1871. CUSTOMS OF THE PATAGONIANS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Patchwork Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. [463] PATENTS-PAU Patents. CURIOSITIES OF PATENTS AND PATENTEES Chambers' Jour., vol. 53,1876. CURIOSITIES OF THE PATENT ROLLS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. ENGLISH PATENT OFFICE Chambers'Journal, vol. 39, 1863. ENGLISH PATENTS AND PATENTEES Temple Bar, vol. 16, 1866. How TO PKOCURE PATENTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 62, 1885. How TO SEARCH THE PATENT OFFICE The Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. NEW PATENT BILL Nineteenth Century, vol. i, 1877. PATENTS AND MONOPOLIES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. ROMANCE OF PATENTS Burnley's Modern Industry, 1889. TRADE MARK AND PATENT RIGHT Paterson's Liberty of the Press, etc., 1880. Pater (Walter, Critic and Essayist, died 1894). A PORTRAIT AND APPRECIATION Gosse's Critical Kit-Kats, 1896. Paternoster BOW (An ancient street in London). PATERNOSTER Row AND MAGA- ZINE DAY Chambers' Journal, vol. 23, 1855. PATERNOSTER Row IN THE i6TH CENTURY London, vol. 5, 1896. GENERAL Leisure Hour, vol. 48, 1899. Wheatley & Cunningham's London, 1891. Pathology (Science of diseases, etc.). FOREST PATHOLOGY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1877. PATHOLOGY OF PEARLS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. TEACHING OF PATHOLOGY [Review] Nature, vol, 52, 1895. See also Disease, etc. Patience British Essayists, vol. 14, 1823. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. " Patience " (An opera by Gilbert and Sullivan) Theatre, vol. 3, 1881. Patient Grissel or Griselda (Heroine of medieval tales) Ashton's Chap- Books, 1882. Patmore (Coventry, Writer and Poet, died 1896). COVENTRY PATMORE: PRAISE OF THE ODES Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. POETRY OF COVENTRY PATMORE Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. POETRY, PROSE AND MR. PATMORE -Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 3, 1860-1. GENERAL Annual Register 1896. Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. Forman's Living Poets, 1871. New Review, vol. 16, 1897. Patmos (Island in the JEgean Sea under Turkish nil/:). PATMOS AS IT is Sunday at Home, vol. 10, 1863. WHAT ST. JOHN SAW ON PATMOS Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. Patna, India (A native state under British rule) Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Paton (Sir Joseph Noel. Artist, born 1821). LIFE AND WORK OF PATON Art Journal, GENERAL Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1877. [1895. Patrae or Patras (An ancient city of Greece) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 16, 1830. Murray's Guide to Mediterranean, V.D. Patriarchs. JEWISH PATRIARCHS Hassell's Scripture Biography, 1885. LIFE OF ABRAHAM Sunday at Home, vol. 2, 1855. And under Abraham. ONE OF THE TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS Proceedings of the Society Biblical Archaeology, vol. 16. GENERAL Ewald's Israel, 1886. Pinnock's Bible and History, 1887. Stanley's Scripture Portraits, 1868. See also under names, e.g., Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc. Patrick (St., the Apostle and Patron Saint of Ireland, died about 469). BURIAL PLACE OF ST. PATRICK Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 2 (3rd series). LIFE OF ST. PATRICK Pooler's Church of Ireland, 1890. ST. PATRICK THE MISSIONARY Lawless' Ireland, 1887. GENERAL Household Words, vol. 13, 1856. Kingsley's The Hermits, 1891. Patrick (Simon, Bishop of Ely, died 1707) Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Patriotism. ANECDOTES OF PATRIOTISM Percy Anecdotes, vol. i, 1887. BIAS OF PATRIOTISM Spencer's Study of Sociology, 1885. FEW WORDS ON PATRIOTISM Lubbock's Use of Life, 1896. REASONABLE PATRIOTISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. GENERAL Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Patronage. THE MODE OF DISPENSING PUBLIC PATRONAGE IN INDIA Gust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, 1887. Patterns. THE LOST SOUL OF PATTERNS Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Patteson (John Coleridge, Missionary Bishop of Melanesia, murdered 1871). BIO- GRAPHY Japp's Master Missionaries, 1880. Sunday at Home, vol. 19, 1872. Patti (Adelina, Celebrated Prima Donna, born 1843). MADAME ADELINA PATTI : ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. MADAME PATTI AT HOME Woman, July, 1895. GENERAL Edwards' The Prima Donna, 1888. Men and Women of the Day [portrait] , 1889. Theatre, vol. 5, 1882. Pattinson (Hugh Lee, Metallurgical Chemist, died 1858) Lonsdale's Worthies of Cumberland, 1873. PattiSOn (Mark, Clergyman and Author, died 1884). IN- MEMORIAM Macmillan's Mag., PATTISON'S MEMOIRS Macmillan's Magazine, voL 51, 1884-5. [vol. 50, 1884. RECOLLECTIONS OF MARK PATTISON Temple Bar, vol. 73, 1885. GENERAL Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 3, 1885. Pau, France Baedeker's Southern France, V.D. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. [464] PAUL-PAWNEES PAUL (St., The great Apostle to the Gentiles; said to have been beheaded at Rome A.D. 64. See also Apostles, Ephesus, etc.) CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 7, 1887. CRITICISM OF THE NEW CHRONOLOGY OF ST. PAUL Expositor, vol.7 (5th ser.), 1898. DIFFICULT PASSAGES IN ROMANS: ST. PAUL'S THEORY OF ETHICS Expositor, vol. 7 (sth series), 1898. His FIRST MISSION Pressense's Early Years of Christianity, vol. i, 1879. LIFE OF ST. PAUL, THE FIRST HERMIT Kingsley's Hermits, 1891. MADNESS OF ST. PAUL Good Words, vol. 4, 1863. MODERN OVERESTIMATE OF ST. PAUL'S RELATION TO CHRISTIANITY Expositor, vol. 6 (5th series), 1897. MYSTIC ELEMENT IN ST. PAUL'S THEOLOGY Expositor, vol. 4 (sth series), 1896. PAUL AT ATHENS Sunday Magazine, vol. 33, 1897. PAUL AT CORINTH: THE POWER OF THE CROSS Contemporary Pulpit, vol.2, 1884. PAUL'S ATTITUDE TOWARDS PETER AND JAMES Expositor, vol. 4 (sth series), 1896. PAUL'S REFERENCES TO ROMAN LAW Good Words, vol. 7, 1866. QUESTIONS ON THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF PAUL Sunday at Home, vol. 6, 1859. ST. PAUL A DEBTOR Reynolds' Light and Peace, 1892. ST. PAUL AND HIS EPISTLES Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 3, 1885. ST. PAUL AS A FRIEND Quiver, vol. 13, 1878. ST. PAUL AS MAN OF BUSINESS Expositor, vol. i (2nd series), 1882. ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE AND JEREMIAH COMPARED Good Words, vol. 9, 1868. ST. PAUL'S END OF CONTROVERSY Good Words, vol. 14, 1873. STUDY OF ST. PAUL BY MR. BARING GOULD Expositor, vol. 6 (sth series), 1897. THE APOSTLE PAUL Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. VALUE OF ST. PAUL'S EPISTLES Good Words, vol. 20, 1879. WAS ST. PAUL MARRIED ? Expositor, vol. 5 (sth series), 1897. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Evolution of Christianity, 1883. Ewald's Israel, vol. 7, 1885. Expositor, vol. 4 (2nd ser.), 1882. Goodwin's Foundations of the Creed, 1890. Hassell's Scripture Biography, 1885. Liddoii's Divinity of our Lord, 1891. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Shepherd's Church of Rome, 1851. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Paul II. (Pope, died 1471) Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. Paul III. (Pope, died 1549) Cellini's Memoirs, 1872. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Paul IV. (Pope, died 1559) Prescott's Philip II., 1877. Ranke's Lives of the Popes, 1896. Paul (Emperor of Russia, murdered 1801). PAUL THE ECCENTRIC Temple Bar, vol. 106, THE MAD TSAR Temple Bar, vol. 71, 1884. [1895. Pauldingf (J. K., Author and Politician, died 1860) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, Pauperism. DISCOURSES ON PAUPERISM Haweis' Current Coin, 1876. [1852. ENDOWED CHARITIES AND PAUPERISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. INCREASED PAUPERISM AND ITS REMEDY Meliora, vol. n, 1868. ORIGIN OF ENGLISH PAUPERISM Rogers' Economic Interpretation of History, 1891. PROBLEMS OF PAUPERISM Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. WINTER PROSPECTS OF THE NORTH OF ENGLAND Temple Bar, vol. 9, 1863. GENERAL Brace's Gesta Christi, 1882. Daily Graphic, vol. 27, 1896. Cobbett's Poor Man's Friend. See also Poor, Poor Law, Workhouses, etc. "Pauper's Drive" (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Pausanias (Greek Geographer, flourished about 174). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Pausanias (King of Spurta, died 385 B.C.) Cox's Greek Statesmen, 1885. Pavement Portraits Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882 ; and vol. 60, 1883. Pavements. DECORATIVE PAVEMENT TILES Proc. Archaeological Institute, 1851. HISTORY OF PAVEMENT STREETS Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. STREET PAVEMENTS Law's Roads and Streets, 1890. Pavia, Italy Baedeker's Northern Italy, V.D. Hare's Cities of Northern Italy, 1883. Pawn or Pau (A mixture of betel leaf and nut, red catechu, and quicklime which the natives of India chew). USE OF PAWN IN INDIA Chambers' Jour., vol. 69, 1892. PAWNBROKING. CUSTOMERS OF PAWNBROKERS Meliora, vol. 11, 1868. HISTORY OF PAWNBROKING Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. LOAN OFFICES AND PAWNBROKERS Harper's Magazine, vol. 39, 1869. MUNICIPAL PAWNBROKING Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. MY UNCLE All the Year Round, vol. 57, 1885-6. MYSTERIES OF PAWNBROKING Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. PARTING WITH THE HOME Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. PAWNBROKING IN ENGLAND Good Words, vol. n, 1870. PAWNBROKING IN PARIS Good Words, vol. 9, 1868. PAWNBROKING ABROAD AND AT HOME Nineteenth Century vol. 9, 1881. POOR MAN'S BANKER Good Words, vol. 5, 1864. SATURDAY NIGHT IN A PAWNBROKER'S SHOP Parkinson's Places and People, 1869. STORY OF A PHILANTHROPIC PAWNSHOP National Review, vol. 29, 1897. Pawnees (American Indians). SIR CHARLES MURRAY'S ADVENTURES WITH THE PAWNEES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. 2G [ 465 ] PAWSON-PEEBLES Pawson (J., Dissenter, died 1806) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 4, 1870. Payn (James, Novelist, died 1898). AN AFTERNOON CHAT WITH JAMES PAYN Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. FIRST BOOK OF JAMES PAYN'S [with portrait] Idler, vol. i, 1892. GENERAL Annual Register, 1898. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1898; vol. 70 [p. 34], 1894. Saturday Review, vol. 78, 1894. Payne (John Howard, Dramatist and Author nf " Home, Sweet Home," died 1852) Theatre, vol. 6, 1885. Payne (T., Preacher, died 1783) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 2, 1865. Pea. CHINESE PEAS Blyth's Foods ; their Composition and Analysis, 1888. PEAS AND PODS UNDER THE MICROSCOPE Recreative Science, vol. 3, 1862. THE HISTORY OF THE PEA Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. n, 1875. Pea Fowl. See Peacock. Peabody (George, Philanthropist, died 1869) Cochrane's Beneficent & Useful Lives, '90. Peace. ESSAY ON PEACE Sunday at Home, vol. 13, 1866. ON PEACE AND HAPPINESS Lubbock's Use of Life, 1896. PEACE CONFERENCE AT THE HAGUE, 1899 : CZAR'S APPEAL Contemporary Review, vol. 74, 1898. Fortnightly Review, vol. 71, 1899. National Review, vol. 32, 1898-9. Review of Reviews, vol. 19, 1899. PEACE OF EUROPE Contemporary Review, vol. 75, 1899. QUESTION OF THE AGE: is IT PEACE? Macmillan's Magazine, vol.2, 1860. PEACE, TRUE AND FALSE [Peace with God] Sunday Magazine, vol. 5, 1869. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 5, 1891. Peace (Charles, Murderer, hanged 1879) Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1890. Peace River, British North America Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Peacock (A beautiful gallinaceous fowl) Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 14, 1848. Tegetmeier's Poultry Book, 1867. Peacock (Thomas Love, Poet, Novelist and Satirist, died 1866). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. PEACOCK'S PLACE IN LITERATURE Oliphant's Literary History of England, 1882. GENERAL Temple Bar, vol. 44, 1875. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Peak (A hilly region in Derbyshire) Black's Guide to Derbyshire, V.D. Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, part Hi.], 1893. Granville's Spas of England, 1841. Black's Buxton and its Environs, V.D. See Buxton, Mattock, etc. Pear Tree. HISTORY OF THE PEAR TREE Hardwicke's Sci. Gossip, vols. 17 & 18, '81-2. Pearl (A silvery white gem extracted from the pearl oyster). ARTIFICIAL PEARLS Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. GEMS AND PEARLS Harper's Magazine, vol. 21, 1860. MOTHER-OF-PEARL Simmonds' Commercial Products of the Sea, 1883. PATHOLOGY OF PEARLS Hardwicke^s Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. VRLS AND PEARL FISHERIES Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 19, 1847. Klunzinger's Upper Egypt, 1878. Simmonds' Commercial Products of the Sea, 1883. Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. PEARLS IN THE PERSIAN GULF Chambers' Journal, vol. 19, 1853. PEARLS OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS All the Year Round, vol. 63, 1888. SCOTCH PEARLS All the Year Round, vol. 21, 1868-9. GENERAL Ansted's In Search of Minerals, 1880. Household Words, vol. 19, 1859. Pearl River, China Brassey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1879. Pearson (Hugh, Canon of Windsor, died 1882) Boyd's St. Andrews and Elsewhere, '94. Pearson (John, Architect, died 1897). SKETCH OF HIS LIFE [with examples of his architectural work] Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. Pearson (John, Bishop of Chester, died 1668) Eton Portrait Gallery, 1876. Peasants. FOREIGN OPINIONS ON PEASANT PROPERTIES igth Century, vol. 18, 1885. PEASANT PROPERTIES IN RURAL ITALY Nineteenth Century, vol. 19, 1886. PEASANTS' REVOLT, 1381 Davidson's Annals of Toil, 1899. Peat (Vegetable accumulations used as fuel). PEAT FUEL Al the Year Round, vol. 33, PEATAL AGGRESSION Household Words, vol. 6, 1853. [1874-5. SOME NEW USES FOR PEAT Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. Pebbles. THE FACETTED PEBBLES OF INDIA Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. Peckham, London Emerson's London, '62. Walford's Old & New London, v.6, 1878. Peckham G onn ' Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1292) Hook's Archbishops, v. 3, 1865. Peculiar People (A small religious sect, who, in sickness, reject the aid of physicians) Good Words, vol. 15, 1874. Pedestrianism. ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PEDESTRIANISM Stonehenge's Sports, '75. VAGABONDAGE AND PEDESTRIANISM Cornhill Magazine, vol. 43, 1881. Pedlars. A DECAYED PROFESSION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. BEGGARS AND PEDLARS Chambers' Journal, vol. 55, 1878. [1892. ITINERANT MERCHANTS AND PEDLARS Jusserand's Wayfaring Life in I4th Century, Pedro II. (Emperor of Brazil, died 1891) Vincent's South America, 1890. Peebles (An inland county of Scotland). CHRONICLES OF SCOTTISH COUNTIES All the Year Round, vol. j8, 1886. [466] PEEL-PENDULUM Peel (Sir Robert, Statesman; established the Police Force, died 1850). BIOGRAPHY Great Orators, Statesmen and Divines, 1889. BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. SIR ROBERT PEEL AND THE COMTE DE JARNAC Macmillan's Mag., vol. 31, 1894-5. SIR ROBERT PEEL AND RICHARD COBDEN Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. GENERAL Amherst's Catholic Emancipation, 1886. Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Brougham's Old English Worthies, 1846. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne, 1891. Fortnightly Review, vol. 71, 1899. Froude's Beaconsfield, 1891. Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury, 1888. Mar- quis of Lome's Viscount Palmerston, 1892. Molesworth's History of England, 1879. Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. Russell's Gladstone, 1896. Torren's Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 1878. Peerage. PRIVILEGES OF PEERAGE Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. ROYAL FAVOURITES Temple Bar, vol. 15, 1865. Peers. HOUSE OF PEERS Bagehot's English Constitution, 1894. ORIGIN OF THE HOUSE OF PEERS Creasy's English Constitution, 1891. PICTURESO.UENESS OF THK PEERS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. WHAT is A PEER? Cham. Journal, vol. 61, 1884. House of Lords, Parliament, etc. Pegram (Fred, A rtist, born 1870). HALF AN HOUR WITH FRED PEGRAM Idler, v. n, '97. Peirce (James, Nonconformist Divine, died 1726) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1843. Pekin (Capital of the Chinese Empire). FROM THE WALL OF PEKIN Daily Mail, WESTERN GATK OF PEKIN Allom & Wright's China, v. 3, 1857. [March igth, 1898. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 13, 1830. Davis' China, 1857. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Maemillan's Magazine, vol. 3, 1860-1. Meignan's Paris to Pekin, 1885. Price's From the Arctic Ocean to the Yellow Sea, 1892. Reid's Peeps into China, 1892. Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. Pelagmnism (The doctrine taught by Pelagius in the stli century). HOLY SEE AND PELAGIANISM Dublin Review, vol. 120, 1897. PELAGIAN CONTROVERSY Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. GENERAL Milman's Latin Christianity, v. i, '72. Treas. of Relig. Thought, v. i, '91. Pelew Islands, North Pacific. CUSTOMS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Pelham (John Thomas, Bishop of Norwich, died 1894) Annual Register, 1894. Pelissier (A. J. J., Due de Malakhoff, Marshal of France, died 1864) Kinglake's Crimea, 1888. Wood's The Crimea in 1854 and 1894, 1896. Pell (Sir Albert, Judge, died 1832) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-law, 1869. Pella, Macedonia (Birthplace of Alexander the Great) Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Pellew (Edward, Viscount Exmouth, Admiral, died 1833) James' Naval History, v. 6, '78. Pelopidas {Theban General, killed 364 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Peloponnesus (Ancient name of the southern portion of Greece; the modern Morea). A RIDE ACROSS THE PELOPONNESE, GREECE Blackwood's Travel, Adven., etc., v. 2, TEN DAYS IN THE PELOPONNESE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2, 1893-4. [1890. GENERAL Baedeker's Greece, V.D. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, v.D. Pelotas, Brazil Mulhall's Rio Grande Do Sul, 1873, Pelvoux (Mount, one of the French Alps), THE ASCENT OF MONT PELVOUX Whymper's Scrambles among the Alps, 1871. Pemberton (Max, Journalist and Novelist, born 1863) The Young Man, vol. n, 1897. Pembroke ([Mary Sidney] Countess of, Poetess, sister of Sir Philip Sidney, died 1621) Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Pembrokeshire, South Wales. ON THE PEMBROKESHIRE COAST Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. PEMBROKE CASTLE, PEMBROKESHIRE Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. PEMBROKESHIRE CASTLES Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION OF PEMBROKE Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Black's Guide to South Wales, V.D. Baddeley's Guide to South Wales, V.D. Penal Servitude. PENAL SENTENCES Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. PENAL SERVITUDE COMMISSION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. GENERAL Griffith's Memorials of Millbank, 1884. Leighton's Convict 99, 1898. Penance. VARIOUS KINDS OF PENANCE Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. GENERAL Burnet's Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles, 1826. Penarth Castle, Glamorganshire Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Pencoed Castle, Monmouthshire Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. PenCZ (G., German Painter and Engraver, died 1550) Scott's Little Masters, 1879. Pendennis Castle, Cornwall Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Fender (Sir John, Chairman of Company which laidHhe Atlantic cable, died 1896) Annual Register, 1896. Pendulum. DESCRIPTION OF THE PENDULUM Maxwell's Matter and Motion, i88a EXPLANATION OF THE PENDULUM Goodeve's Manual of Mechanics, 1888. HISTORY OF PENDULUMS Beckett's Watches and Clocks and Bells, 1883. HORIZONTAL PENDULUM Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. WHY THE PENDULUM SWINGS Chambers' Journal, vol. 17,1852. [467] PENEDO-PEOPLE'S PALACE PenedO, Brazil Vincent's Around and About South America, 1890. Penelope (Wife of Ulysses, famed as a model of domestic virtues). PENELOPE ANI> OTHER WOMEN OF HOMER Cornhill Mag., vol. 32, 1875. Homer's Odyssey, v.n. Penge (A suburb of London). DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF PENGE Suburban Homes of London, 1881. Besant's South London, 1899. Walford's Greater London, v. 2. Pengrelly (William, Geologist, died 1894) Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Company All the Year Round, vol. 27, 1871-2. Chambers' Journal, vol. 44, 1867. Peninsular War [1807-14] (Between the French under Napoleon, and the Spanish and Portuguese assisted by the English under Sir John Moore and Wellington). BATTLES OF THE PENINSULAR WAR Valentine's Land Battles, 1880. DIARY OF A PRIVATE SOLDIER IN THE PENINSULAR WAR Macmillan's, v. 77, 1898. MARQUINEZ AND COLLEGIALA Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 3, 1890. MEMORIES OF AN OLD RIFLEMAN Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL Adams' England at War, 1886. L'Estrange's Recollections, 1874. Wai- pole's Life of Perceval, 1874. Penley (W. S., Actor, born 1852). W. S. PENLEY AT ST. JOHN'S, WOKING Idler, v.4, '93. MEMOIR, WITH PORTRAIT Theatre, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1885. Penmaenmawr, Wales. BRAICH-Y-DDINAS ON PENMAENMAWR Antiquary, v. 29, '94. GENERAL Jenkinson's Guide to North Wales, V.D. Penmanship. MR. VAN PLOOS ON PENMANSHIP Household Words, vol. 2, 1851. WRITING MASTER OF YORE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 19, 1898. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. I. Se also Handwriting, Writing, etc. Penn (William, Eminent Quaker and Founder of Pennsylvania, died 1718). ACCOUNT OF WILLIAM PENN Oliphant's Reign of Queen Anne, 1894. EARLY HOMES OF WILLIAM AND GULIELMA PENN Temple Bar, vol. 115, 1898. JOURNAL OF WILLIAM PENN Sevan's Quiet in the Land, 1890. LIFE OF WILLIAM PENN Chambers' Miscellany, vol. i(>lied to the first five books in the Bible). HISTORY ANI> METHOD OF PENTATEUCHAL CRITICISM Expositor, vol. 4 (jth series), 1896. Pentecost (A Jewish harvest festival). DAY OF PENTECOST Quiver, vol. 7, 1872. OUTLINE OF SERMON ON PENTECOST Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 9 (2nd ser.), 1893. GENERAL Josephus' Works, 1874. Penzance (A seaport in Cornwall) Black's Where shall We go, 1892. Villar's English Provinces, 1888. People's Palace (An institution in East London established for recreative and educa- tional purposes, first suggested in Besant's "All Sorts 'and Conditions of Men "). APPRENTICES AT THE PEOPLE'S PALACE All the Year Round, vol. 62, 1888. PEOPLE'S PALACE LIBRARY The Library, vol. 2, 1890. WORKING OF THE PEOPLE'S PALACE Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. GENERAL Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. [468] PEPE-PERSECUTION Pepe (G., Neapolitan General, died 1855) Redding's Reminiscences of Eminent Men, '67. Pepin the Short (King of France, died 768) Milman's Latin Christ., vols. 2 &3, 1872. Pepper. VARIETIES AND GENERAL COMPOSITION OF PEPPER Blyth's Foods, 1888. Pepsine (An essential constituent of Gastric Juice). VEGETABLE PEPSINE Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Pepys (Samuel, Secretary of the Admirality, died 1703). BEHIND THE SCENES : PEPYS AND HIS DIARY Temple Bar, vol. 30, 1870. EARLY LIFE OF PEPYS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. PEPYS AS A CITIZEN Antiquary, vol. 8, 1883. PEPYSIAN LIBRARY Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. PORTRAIT OF PEPYS Rose's Collection of Bhgraved Portraits, 1894. THE REAL PEPYS New Review, vol. 14, 1896. UNPUBLISHED PAGES OF PEPYS' DIARY Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. GENERAL Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Doran's Habits and Men, 1855. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Thorn- bury's Haunted London, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Perak, Malay Peninsula (Under British protection) Bird's Golden Chersonese, 1883. Perception. ANIMAL AND HUMAN PERCEPTION Vignoli's Myth and Science, 1885. MISTAKES IN PERCEPTION Sully's Illusions, 1887. PHILOSOPHY OF PERCEPTION Hamilton's Philosophy and Literature, 1852. [1870. SENSATION AND PERCEPTION Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Nature, v. i, THEORY OF PERCEPTION Green's Colour Blindness, 1891. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. [vol. 16, 1866. Perceval (S., Statesman, assassinated 1812). MURDER OF PERCEVAL All Year Round, Perch (A fresh-water fish). CARP, TENCH AND PERCH Pennell's Fishing, 1889. FISHES OF THE PERCH FAMILY Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 38, 1848. GENERAL Walton's Complete Angler, 1856. Percy (Lady Elizabeth, the beautiful Duchess of Somerset, died 1722) English Illus- trated Magazine, vol. 18, 1897-8. Percy (Family name of the Dukes and Earls of Northumberland). HISTORY OF THE PERCY FAMILY Burke's Vicissitudes of Families, vol. i, 1869. Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, 1852. PERCY CASTLES Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. PERCYS AND NORTHUMBERLAND HOUSE Temple Bar, v. 38, 1873 ; and v. 83, 1888. Perdita (A character in " A Winter's Tale.") CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S PERDITA Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. Pere Lachaise (Famous Paris Cemetery). IN PERE LACHAISE Cham. Jour., v. 75, '98. Perez (Antonio, Spanish Politician, died 1611). ANTONIO PEREZ IN EXILE Trans, of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8 (n.s.), 1894. Perfection. THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF PERFECTABILITY Foster's Lectures, '44. CHRISTIAN PERFECTION Expositor, vol. 5 (jth series), 1897. Perfumery. ART OF PERFUMERY Harper's Magazine, vol. 49, 1874. ODOROGRAPHIA Nature, vol. 47, 1892-3. GENERAL Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1882. See also Scent. Pergamus (Natne given in the Iliad to the city of Troy) Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Pericles (Athenian Statesman, died 429). As AN ART PATRON Mag. of Art, v. n, 1888. GENERAL Plutarch's Lives, 1885. PeriffOrd, France (Now the department of Dordogne). IDLE HOURS IN PERIGORD Temple Bar, vol. 98, 1893. Pdrigueux, France (Capital of Perigord) Baedeker's Southern France, V.D. Periodical Literature, WRITINGS FOR PERIODICAL LITERATURE All the Year Round, v. 14, 1865-6. See also Newspaper Press, Press, Magazines, Journalism, etc. Perkin Warbeck Insurrection Trans. Roy. His. Soc., v. 1/72. See also Warbeck. "Perkins School Tokens." "PERKINS SCHOOL TOKENS" OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Numismatic Chronicle, vol. 16. Perm (-4 forest region of Russia) De Windt's Siberia as it is, 1892. Meignan's Paris to Pekin, 1885. Pernambuco, Brazil Atchison's Winter Cruise, 1891. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 30, 1830. Vincent's Around and About South America, 1890. Peron (Fran9ois, Traveller and Zoologist, died 1810). MEMOIR AND PORTRAIT Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 25, 1848. Perpetual Motion. ATTEMPTS TO DISCOVER PERPETUAL MOTION Burnley's Romance of Invention, 1886. Nature, vol. 37, 1887-8. Penny Mag., vol. 3, 1834. Perry (Capt. John, Civil Engineer, died 1733) Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1862. Persecution. ALLEGED TENDENCIES OF CHRISTIANITY TO PERSECUTION Good Words, vol. 7, 1866. [Christianity, 1879. CHRISTIAN MISSIONS AND PAGAN PERSECUTIONS Pressens's Early Years of RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. Neal's Puritans, '22. GENERAL Brace's Gesta Christi, 1882. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. [469J PERSEPOLIS-PESTH Persepolis (An ancient capital of the Persian Empire). RUINS OF PERSEPOLIS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. GENERAL Bonomi's Nineveh and its Palaces, 1853. Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 13, 1830. Perseverance. APPLICATION AND PERSEVERANCE Smiles' Self-Help, 1860. GENIUS OR PERSEVERANCE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. SERMON ON PERSEVERANCE Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 2, 1884. [vol. 3, 1891. GENERAL British Essayists, vols. 19 and 21, 1823. Treasury of Religious Thought, PERSIA. (Country of Western Asia. See also East (The), Persepolis, etc.) ACROSS PERSIA ON A BICYCLE Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. ATTACK ON A TELEGRAPH STATION FN PERSIA Longman's Magazine, vol. 30, 1897. ATTEMPT TO REACH MERV Temple Bar, vol. 65, 1882. AWAKENING OF PERSIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. DAYS AND NIGHTS IN PERSIA Good Word-s, vol. g, 1868. DOMESTIC AND COURT CUSTOMS OF PERSIA Harper's Magazine, vol. u, 1886. ENGLISH ENTERPRISE IN PERSIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. ETIQUETTE IN PERSIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 44, 1867. FROM MESHED TO TREBIZOND Argosy, vol. 2, 1866. HIGH LIFE IN PERSIA All the Year Round, vol. 8, 1862-3. [etc., vol. 2, 1869. JAvfDAN KHIRAD, OR PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY OF PERSIA The Student of Science, LIBERTY IN PERSIA Eliot's Liberty of Rome, etc., 1849. LOVE AND MARRIAGE IN PERSIA All the Year Round, vol. 6 [page 488], 1861-2. NEW YEAR'S DAY IN A PERSIAN VILLAGE English Illustrated, vol. 7, 1889-90. OUR TRADE WITH PERSIA Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. PERSIA OF THE SHAH Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. PERSIAN EMPIRE Wilberforce's Five Empires, 1874. PERSIAN MONARCHY Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. PERSIAN WAR, 1856-7 Low's Indian Navy, 1877. PERSIAN POETRY CHARACTERISTICS Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 10, PUNISHMENTS IN PERSIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 50, 1873. [1890 RELIGIOUS EFFORTS FOR PERSIA Sunday at Home, vol. 4, 1857. RUSSIA, PERSIA AND ENGLAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. SHAH AT HOME English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. SHIRIZ TO BUSHIRE Blackwood's Travel. Adventure, and Sport, vol.6, 1890. WANDERINGS IN PERSIAN KURDISTAN Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 55, 1886-7. Rawlinson's Ancient Monarchies, vol. 3, 1871. Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. Persian Gulf (An arm of the A rabian Sea). ANCIENT TRADING CENTRES OF THE PERSIAN GULF Geographical Journal, vol. 9, 1897. Personal Statistics Macmillan's Mag., vol. 16, 1867. See also Society, Sociology, etc. Personality. MULTIPLE PERSONALITY Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. Perth (Capital of Perthshire, Scotland). MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. NOTES ON THE RECORD ROOM OF THE CITY OF PERTH Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scotland, PERTH IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland and England, 1844. [vol. 30. GENERAL Black's Guide to Scotland, V.D. Perthshire, Scotland. AN IDLER IN PERTHSHIRE Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. Peru (Republic of South America). ANCIENT PERU Antiquary, vol. 19, 1889. CUSTOMS AND SUPERSTITIONS IN PERU Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. INSURRECTION IN PERU Daily Graphic, vol. 19, 1894. [1892. SOCIAL AND INTELLECTUAL CONDITION OF EASTERN PERU Harper's Mag., vol.24, GENERAL Markham's Peruvian Bark, 1880. Vincent's Around and About South America, 1890. Wilkes' Exploring Expedition, 1842. Perugia, Italy Baedeker's Central Italy, V.D. Davies' Pilgrimage of the Tiber, 1875. Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. Mrs. Hawthorne's England and Italy, 1869. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 55, 1886-7. Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Peruglno (P. V., Italian Painter, died 1523). ALTAR-PIECE OF PERUGINO English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. Pesaro, Italy Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. Peshawur, India Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Pessimism (General complaint, or cynicism as to the good of anything). ETHICS OF PESSIMISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. OPTIMISTS AND PESSIMISTS Temple Bar, vol. 116, 1899. OUTLINE OF A SERMON ON PESSIMISM Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 10 (2nd ser.), 1893. PESSIMISM AND ITS ANTIDOTE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. PESSIMISM IN LITERATURE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 12, 1892. THEOLOGICAL PESSIMISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. GENERAL Lang's Life : Is it Worth Living ? 1883. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Voysey's Pain, Death, and Sin, 1892. Pestalozzi (J. Henri, Swiss Philanthropist and Educationist, died 1827). VIEWS ON TEACHING Leitch's Practical Educationists, 1876. GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. * Pesth, Hungary. PAGEANT AT PESTH Cornhill Mag., vol. 16, 1867. See also Budapest. PESTILENCE-PETROPOLIS Pestilence. PESTILENCES : THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE DESTINY OF NATIONS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.). 1884. RATIONALE OF PESTILENCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 20, 1853. Pests. ANOTHER GARDEN PEST Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 19, 1883. GENERAL Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. Peter (St., Apostle, crucified A.D. 67). APOSTLE PETER Farrar's Early Days ot Christianity, 1882. DEVELOPMENT OF PETER'S CHARACTER Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 9, 1888. FIRST EPISTLE OF PETER Lewin's Life and Epistles of St. Paul, 1890. PETER OF THE GOSPELS Reed's Companions of the Lord, 1873. PETER'S DENIAL Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF PETER Dublin Review, vol. 120, 1897. GENERAL Ewald's History of Israel, vpls. 5 and 7, 1886. Farrar's Life of Christ, 1874. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Peter I. (Surnamed "The Great," Emperor of Russia, died 1725). CHARACTER OF PETER THE GREAT OF RUSSIA Alison's Life of Marlborough, 1848. LIFE OF PETER THE GREAT Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 12, 1846. [vol. 187, 1898. REVIEW OF WALISZEWSKI'S "LiFE OF PETER THE GREAT" Edinburgh Review, GENERAL New Review, vol. 17, 1897. Tytler's Tales of the Great and Brave, 1861. Voltaire's Charles XII., 1873. Whymper's The Sea ; its Stirring Story, etc., 1881. Peterborough, Northamptonshire. FOUNDATION AND EARLY FASTI OF PETER- BOROUGH Archaeological Journal, vol. 18, 1861. PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL: ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY Ward & Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 1887. [1897. PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL: MUST PETERBOROUGH PERISH? Saturday Rev., v. 83, PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL: PRESENT STATE Athenaeum, vol. i, 1897. PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL Daily Graphic, vol. 31, 1897. Gentleman's Magazine Lib. [Architectural Antiquities, part i.], 1890. Mrs. Hawthorne's England and Italy, 1869. Hawthorne's English Note-Books, 1870. Sunday Mag., vol. 34, 1898. Peterborough (Charles, Lord, General and Admiral, died 1735) Merydew's Love Letters of Famous Men, 1888. Peterloo Massacre (Riot in St. Peter's Field, Manchester, 1819). SABREING OF MANCHESTER WORKMEN All the Year Round, vol. 17, 1866-7. Peters (Carl, African Explorer, born 1856) Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. Peters (Hugh, Independent Preacher and Demagogue; accomplice in the death of Charles I.; hanged 1660) Trials of Charles I., 1832. Knight's Pictorial History of England, vol. 3, 1840. Petitions. ELECTIONS AND PETITIONS, 1768-84 Grego's Parliamentary Elections, 1887. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 31, 1873-4. Petofi (Alexander, Poet , died 1823). HUNGARY'S PATRIOT POET Temple Bar, v. 109, 1896. Petra, Arabia Baedeker's Guide to Palestine, V.D. Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Martineau's Eastern Life, 1850. Petrarch (F., Celebrated Italian Poet, died 1374). CHAPTER ON PETRARCH AND DANTE Sismondi's Literature, 1846. ESSAY ON PETRARCH Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1891. LIFE, TIMES AND WORKS OF PETRARCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 28, 1873. GENERAL King's Cluster of Lives, 1874. Stebbing's Lives of Italian Poets, 1860. Vandam's Amours of Great Men, vol. i, 1878. Petrel (A sea bird so named from its habit of running or walking upon the water, after the manner of the Apostle Peter). DESCRIPTIONS OF THE STORMY PETREL Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 4, 1848. GENERAL Morris' British Birds, vol. 6, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. . PETROLEUM (A mineral oil found in different parts of the earth. See also Mineral Oil, Oil, etc). AMERICAN PETROLEUM Chambers' Journal, vol. 37, 1862. COAL AND PETROLEUM Good Words, vol.4, J 863. DEFEAT OF THE OIL KINGS Contemporary Review, vol. 74, 1898. LIGHT OF THE POOR Good Words, vol. 25, 1884. MESOPOTAMIAN PETROLEUM F'IELD Geographical Journal, vol. 9, 1897. ORIGIN OF PETROLEUM Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Trans, of the Institute of Mining Engineers, vol. 6, 1893-4. PETROLEUM AND ITS ALLIES Nature, vol. i, 1870. PETROLEUM AND MOTOR CARS Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. PETROLEUM IN THE UNITED STATES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. PETROLEUM INDUSTRY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. PETROLEUM VAPOUR: ITS PRODUCTION AND USE Engineer, vol. 86, 1898. RISE AND FALL IN PETROLEUM Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. RUSSIAN PETROLEUM Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. USE OF PETROLEUM Engineer, vol. 82,' 1896. GENERAL Japp's Days with Industrials, 1889. Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. Trans, of the Institute of Mining Engineers, vols. i-io, 1889-96. Petronius (Titus, a licentious Roman author, who lived at the court of Nero, died A.D. 66) New Review, vol. 15, 1896. Petropolis, Brazil Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. [47i] PETS-PHILIP II. Pets. DOMESTIC PETS Crawfurd's Horses and Riders, and other Essays, 1876. FATE OF PET ANIMALS Good Words, vol. 13, 1872. PET ANIMALS Temple Bar, vol. 41, 1874. PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES' PETS AT SANDRINGHAM Idler, vol. 4, 1893. QUEEN'S PETS Idler, vol. 3, 1893. REGIMENTAL PETS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 18, 1897-8. SOME UNCOMMON PET ANIMALS Chambers' Journal, vol. 54, 1877. STRANGE PETS Wood's Life and Work of J. G. Wood, 1890. GENERAL Routledge's Every Boy's Book, V.D. Girl's Own Annual, v.D. Petticoat Lane, London. SUNDAY IN PETTICOAT LANE Quiver, vol. 31, 1896. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 48, 1881-2. Pettie (John, Artist, died 1893) Annual Register, 1893. Petty (Family name of the Marquises of Lansdowne). HOUSE OF PETTY Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 1850. Petty (Sir William, Political Economist, died 1687) Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 9, 1846. Pevensey (A seaport of Sussex). NOTES ON PEVENSEY Sussex Archaeo. Coll., vol. 40. PEVENSEY CASTLE Transactions of the Archaeological Institute, 1853. Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. GENERAL Black's Sussex, V.D. Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1888. Peverell's Castle (In the Peak, Derbyshire) Archaeological Journal, vol. 5, 1848. Baddeley's Peak District, V.D. Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Pews. NOTES ON SOME CORNISH BENCH ENDS Antiquary, vol. 25, 1892. PEWS OF THE PAST Sparvel-Bayly's New Studies in Old Subjects, 1889. Pfeiffer (E., Poetess, died 1890) Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. Pfeifler (Ida, Austrian Traveller, died 1858) Argosy, vol. 56, 1893. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 70, 1851. Phantoms. DEADMOOR TOWER PHANTOMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 45, 1868. PHANTOM ARMIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 48, 1871. PHANTOM HORSE Chambers' Journal, vol. 26, 1856. PHANTOMS OF REGATTA ISLAND All the Year Round, vol. 21, 1868-9. Pharaoh (Kings of Egypt). PHARAOH AND PHARAOHISM Sunday Magazine, v. 34, 1898. PHARAOH OF THE HARD HEART Century Magazine, vol. 30, 1896. PHARAOH OF THE OPPRESSION Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. PHARAOH'S DAUGHTER Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. [1894. PHARAOHS OF THE ANCIENT AND MIDDLE EMPIRES Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, GENERAL Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Sale's Koran, 1867. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Pharisees (A sect among the the Jews of great influence at the time of Jesus). REBUKED PHARISEES Good Words, vol. 2, 1861. SINNERS AND PHARISEES Household Words, vol. 8, 1854. GENERAL Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Ewald's Israel, vol. 5, 1886. Farrar's Life of Christ, 1874. Josephus* Works, 1874. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Pheasant. COMMON PHEASANT Morris' British Birds, vol. 3, 1898. DESCRIPTIONS AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Nat. Lib., v. 14, 1848. PHEASANTS AND THEIR MALADIES Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. SHOOTING PHEASANTS Nineteenth Century, v. 14, 1883. Pall Mall Mag., v. 13, 1897. GENERAL Cassell's Magazine, vol. 26, 1898. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. Phelps (Samuel, noted Actor, died 1878). PHELPS AS I KNEW HIM Theatre, vol. 6, 1885. GENERAL Marston's Recent Actors, 1890. Pascoe's Dramatic List, 1880. Theatre, Phigalia, Greece Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. [vl- * 1878-9. Philadelphia, U.S.A. CITY OF HOMES Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. FOUNDING OF PHILADELPHIA Stoughton's William Penn, 1882. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS AT PHILADELPHIA Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. GENERAL Bunn's Old England and New England, 1853. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. Dickens' American Notes, 1862. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Mark's Trip to America, 1885. Trollope's North America, 1862. Philee. THE SACRED ISLAND OF PHIL* Art Journal, vol. 57, 1895. Philanthropy. LAW OF PHILANTHROPY Seeley's Ecce Homo, 1866. [1878. MISCHIEVOUS PHILANTHROPY Berry's Mischievous Goodness, '97. Chambers', v. 55, PHILANTHROPISTS Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. PHILANTHROPY AND MORALITY International Journal of Ethics, vol. 3, 1892-3. GENERAL Sunday Magazine, vol. 3, 1867. Treasury of Relig. Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Philaret (Vasily Drozdov, Archbishop of Moscow, died 1867). RECOLLECTIONS OF PHILARET Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. Philip (St., Monk, died 1548) Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. Philip (St., the Disciple and Apostle) Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Philip II. (King of Spain, died 1598). CAREER OF PHILIP II. Temple Bar, v. 104, '95. PASSING OF PHILIP Temple Bar, vol. 105, 1895. PHILIP II. IN HIS DOMESTIC RELATIONS Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Hume's Courtships of Queen Elizabeth, 1898. Maxwell's Charles V., 1891. Smiles' Huguenots, 1868. [472] PHILIPPA OF HAINAULT-PHILOSOPHY Philippe Of Hainault (Heroic Wife of Edward III., died 1369) Owen's Heroines of History, 1854. Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. Philippe Of Orleans (Duke of Orleans, died 1894). MARRIAGE OF PHILIPPE OF ORLEANS AND MARIE-!SABELLE OF SPAIN Cochrane's Historic Pictures, 1865. Philippines (An archipelago in the Pacific Ocean). A VISIT TO THE PHILIPPINES Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. MALAY PIRATES OF THE PHILIPPINES Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. MARTIAL LAW IN THE PHILIPPINES Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. REBELLION IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. SPAIN AND THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Contemporary Review, vol. 74, 1898. GENERAL Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Fortnightly Review, vol. 70, 1898. Wallace's Australasia, 1888. Philips (Ambrose, Poet, died 1749) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Johnson's Lives ot the Poets, 1863. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Philips (John, Poet, died 1708) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1863. Philips (K , Poetess, died 1664) Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. PhiliStia, near Palestine Hill's With the Bedouins, 1891. Philistines (Inhabitants of P/it/isfw) Ewald's Israel, 1886. Pinnock's Bible and Con- temporary History, 1887. Phillip (John, Scottish Painter, died 1867) Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 3, 1879. Philo Of Alexandria (Jewish Philosopher, died after 40) Ewald's Israel, 1886. Philoe, Nubia Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. Philology (Science of language). AFRICAN PHILOLOGY Athenasum, 1879. ASCERTAINMENT OF ENGLISH Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. COMMON MISTAKES ABOUT WORDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. DYAK LANGUAGE Keppel's Borneo, 1847. Ling Roth's Natives of Sarawak, etc., 1896. LATHAM ON ETHNOGRAPHICAL PHILOLOGY British Association Report, 1847. LECTURE ON COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, LESSON OF JUPITER Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. [1867. STUDY OF PHILOLOGY Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. SYRIAC PHILOLOGY Athenaeum, 1897. VOCABULARY OF LANGUAGE OF NEW GUINEA Pitcairn's New Guinea, 1891. GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. Westminster Review, vol. 98. See also Grammar, Language, etc. Philopoemen (Greek General, killed 183 B.C.) Plutarch's Lives, 1881. PHILOSOPHY (General laws or principles of knowledge-, science, etc.). ABERDEEN PHILOSOPHERS ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO Macmillan's, vol. 8, 1863. ARABIAN PHILOSOPHERS Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. ARABIC PHILOSOPHY IN MEDIAEVAL EUROPE Stanhope's Miscellanies (and ser.), 1872. ATHENIAN PHILOSOPHY Lytton's Athens, 1874. BISHOP AND THE PHILOSOPHER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. CHINESE PHILOSOPHY The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. CONNECTION BETWEEN INDIAN AND GREEK PHILOSOPHY The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. DUALISTIC CONCEPTION OF NATURE The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. EARLY GREEK PHILOSOPHY: A REVIEW Mind, vol. i, 1892. EARLY PHILOSOPHY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. HEATHEN PHILOSOPHERS Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1834. HINDOO PHILOSOPHY Schlegel's Philosophy of History, 1846. HISTORIANS AND PHILOSOPHERS OF ENGLAND Oliphant's Literary Hist, of England, HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Wesley's Natural Philosophy, 1836. [1882. HUME'S PHILOSOPHY Huxley's Life of Hume, 1887. INTRODUCTION OF PHILOSOPHY Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. JAvfDAN KHIRAD, OR PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY OF PERSIA Student of Science, Literature and Art, vol. 2, 1869. JOHN STUART MILL'S PHILOSOPHY TESTED Jevon's Pure Logic, 1890. MODERN GERMAN PHILOSOPHY Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. NATURE AND AIMS OF PHILOSOPHY Mind, vol. 2, 1893. ON INDUCTIVE MORALITY Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. ON THE INDIAN PHILOSOPHY Schlegel's Esthetic Works, 1849. ON THE PRE-SOCRATIC PHILOSOPHY Blackie's Horae Hellenicae, 1874. OUTLINE OF A HISTORY OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHY The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. PAPERS ON PHILOSOPHY Crete's Minor Works, 1873. PHILOSOPHERS AT PLAY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. PHILOSOPHICAL TERMINOLOGY AND ITS HISTORY The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6 PHILOSOPHY IN AMERICAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. PHILOSOPHY IN CUNEIFORM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. PHILOSOPHY IN ITS NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Mind, vol. 5, 1896. PHILOSOPHY OF COMMON-SENSE Mind, vol. 4, 1895. PHILOSOPHY OF LOTZE Mind, vol. 4, 1895. PHYSICAL AND RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. REACTION AGAINST SENSATIONAL SCHOOL Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. RELATION OF PHILOSOPHY TO NATURAL SCIENCE Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. RELATION OF SOCIOLOGY TO PHILOSOPHY Mind, vol. 6, 1897. [473] PHILOSOPHY-PHOTOGRAPHY Philosophy (continued). SCOTTISH PHILOSOPHY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 39, 1878-9. SERVICE OF ETHICS TO PHILOSOPHY International Journal of Ethics, vol. i, 1890-1. WELL-SPRINGS OF REALITY The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. GENERAL Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Treasury of Religious Thought, "91. Philostorgius (Greek Ecclesiastical Historian, died about 430) Sozomen's History of the Church, 1855. Philtres (Love potions) Notes and Queries, vol. n (3rd series), 1867. " Phiz " (Pseudonym of Hablot K. Browne). See Browne (Hablot Knight). Phoenicia (In ancient geography a country situated on the coast of Syria, whose inhabitants were famed for their voyages and skill in navigation and shipbuilding). NAVIGATION AND COLONIES OF THE PHOENICIANS Duncker's Hist, of Antiquity, 1877. ORIGIN OF THE PHOENICIANS Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. PHOENICIAN BOWLS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. PHOENICIAN MONUMENT AT THE FRONTIER OF PALESTINE Proc. Soc. Biblical Arch., PHOENICIANS IN HELLAS Duncker's History of Greece, vol. i, 1883. [vol. 14. PHOENICIANS, OR PALM TREE PEOPLE Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. RELIGION OF THE PHOENICIANS Sunday at Home, vol. 26, 1879. GENERAL Eliot's Liberty of Rome, 1849. Ewald's History of Israel, vols 3 and 5, 1886. Half-Hours in Early Naval Adventure, 1897. Woodhouselee's Universal Hist., 1847. Phoenix Park Murders Ellis' Life of Gladstone, 1892. Cosmopolitan, vol. 21, 1896. Phoenix Tower, Chester Croston's Nooks and Corners of Lanes, and Cheshire, 1882. Phokion (Athenian General, 317 B c.) Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Phonetic Writing. HART'S, BULLOKAR'S, GILL'S, BUTLER'S, WILKINS', BUCHANAN'S, AND FRANKLIN'S PHONETIC WRITING Early English Pronunciation, in Early English Text Society's Reprints, extra series, Nos. 2, 7, and 14, 1867-71. Phonograph (Instrument by which sounds or speech can be permanently registered). PHONOGRAPH AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR BOOKS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 16, 1894. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Cochrane's Wonders of Modern Mechanism, 1897. Proctor's Pleasant Ways in Science, 1890. Phosphorescence. BACTERIA OF PHOSPHORESCENCE Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. EXPERIMENTS OF PHOSPHORESCENCE Henry's Scientific Writings, 1886. MARVELS OF PHOSPHORESCENCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. PHOSPHORESCENCE IN FISH Nature, vol. 6, 1872. PHOSPHORESCENCE OF THE SEA Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. Phosphorus. CIVILIZATION AND PHOSPHORUS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 9, 1864. PHOSPHORUS AND PHOSPHORESCENCE Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. Nature, vol. 41, 1889-90. PHOTOGRAPHY. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY Graphic, vol. 51, 1895. APPLICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY TO PRINTING Harper's Magazine, vol. 13, 1856. APPLIED PHOTOGRAPHY The Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY Daily Graphic, vol. 14, 1893. ASTRONOMICAL PHOTOGRAPHY AT THE LICK OBSERVATORY Photogram, v. i, 1894. BIOGRAPHIES OF PHOTOGRAPHERS The Photogram, vols. i, 1894; 2, 1895 ; 3, 1896. CAMERA AND THE COMEDY Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. CAMERA OBSCURA Heather's Mathematical Instruments, 1888. CAPTAIN ABNEY ON PHOTOGRAPHY Science Lectures at South Kensington, 1878. CARTE DE VISITE All the Year Round, vol. 7, 1862. CELESTIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. Longman's Magazine, v. 24,. 1894. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. CHROMO PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDY OF ANIMALS Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. COLOUR IN PHOTOGRAPHY Saturday Review, vol. 83, 1897. Nature, vol. 53, 1896. COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY: PHOTOGRAPHY IN COLOURS Daily Graphic, vol. 55,1897. COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY: PHOTOGRAPHY'IN NATURAL COLOURS Knowledge, v. 20, '97. CRIMINAL PHOTOGRAPHY All the Year Round, vol. 31, 1873-4. CURIOSITIES OF MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. DURABLE PHOTOGRAPHY Chambers' Journal, vol. 48, 1871. EARLY HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY Good Words, vol. 15, 1874. ELECTRIC LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY Process Photogram, 1897. ELECTROGRAPHY, OR THE NEW PHOTOGRAPHY Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. EXPERIMENTS WITH THE X RAYS Daily Graphic, vol. 25, 1896. FILM PHOTOGRAPHY Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. FIRST ATTEMPTS AT PHOTOGRAPHY Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. FROST PHOTOGRAPHY Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. HUMOURS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Theatre, vol. 20, 1892. INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHS Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892. INTRODUCTION TO THE ART OF PHOTOGRAPHY Cassell's Tech. Educator, vs. 1-3, '97. Is PHOTOGRAPHY AMONG THE FINE ARTS ? Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1894. LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL AND PHOTOGRAPHY The Process Photogram, 1897. MODERN AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY Harper's Magazine, vol. 17, 1889. NEGATIVE IN' PHOTOGRAPHY Harper's Magazine, vol. 41, 1870. NEW PHOTOGRAPHY Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. [474J PHOTOGRAPHY-PHYSIOGNOMY Photography (continued) . NEW PHOTOGRAPHY AND NATURAL SCIENCE Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. NEW PHOTOGRAPHY BY CATHODE RAYS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. NEW USES OF PHOTOGRAPHY All the Year Round, vol. 41, 1878. PANORAMIC PHOTOGRAPHY Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. PERSPECTIVE AND LIGHT AND SHADE The Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. PHOTO CAMERA Buckley's Through Magic Glasses, 1890. PHOTO-CHROMOTYPE: HAND SELECTED PROCESS The Process Photogram, 1896. PHOTOGRAPHING FLYING BULLETS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 6, 1898. PHOTOGRAPHING A WOUNDED AFRICAN BUFFALO Harper's Magazine, vol. 35, 1898. PHOTOGRAPHING ROYALTY Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. PHOTOGRAPHY AS A FINE ART Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1896-7. PHOTOGRAPHY AT NIGHT Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. PHOTOGRAPHY FIFTY YEARS AGO Harper's Magazine, vol. 18, 1889. PHOTOGRAPHY FOR GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. PHOTOGRAPHY IN FICTION Scribner's Magazine, vol. 18, 1895. PHOTOGRAPHY OF CLOUDS The Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. PHOTOGRAPHY OF THE LAST CENTURY Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. PHOTOGRAPHY WITHOUT LENSES The Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. PHOTO-METALLIC WORK The Process Photogram, 1897. PICTURE PHOTOGRAPHY Art Journal, 1896. PLATINOTYPE PROCESS Cassell's Technical Educator, vol. 2, 1897. PRISMATIC CAMERA AT THE RECF.NT ECLIPSE Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. PROGRESS OF ASTRONOMICAL PHOTOGRAPHY Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. PROGRESS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Household Words, vol. 9, 1854. PSYCHIC PHOTOGRAPHY Photogram, vol. 3, 1896. RADIOGRAPHY The Photogram, vol. 3, 1896. RECENT ADVANCES IN PHOTOGRAPHY Good Words, vol. 23, 1882. REFLECTOR AND PORTRAIT LENS IN CELESTIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Nature, v. 55, 1896-7. REMARKABLE PHOTOGRAPHIC FIGURES Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. SOME CURIOSITIES OF MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. SPECTRUM PHOTOGRAPHY Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 1878. SUBMARINE PHOTOGRAPHY Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. SULPHITES IN PHOTOGRAPHY The Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. UNDERGROUND PHOTOGRAPHS Engineer, vol. 8r, 1896. UNUSUAL USES OF PHOTOGRAPHY Scribner's Magazine, vol. 22, 1897. WONDERS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Chambers' Jour., v.46, 1869. Cornhill Mag., v. 48, 1883. YACHTING PHOTOGRAPHY Yachtsman, vol. 13, 1897. GENERAL Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1882. Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Scribner's Mag., vols. 5, 1888, and 9, 1891. Photometry. CELESTIAL PHOTOMETRY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 16, 1880. IMPROVEMENTS IN PHOTOMETRY Nature, vol. 51, 1895. Phrenology (Study of the shape of the head as delineating character). OLD PHRENOLOGY AND NEW Bastian's Brain as an Organ of Mind, 1890. Wilson's Studies in Life and Sense, 1887 GENERAL Newnham's Body & Mind, 1842. See also Brain, Head, Physiognomy, etc. Physic. FACTS AND FALLACIES ABOUT FOOD AND PHYSIC Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. See also Medicine. Physical Geography. BURMA Fytche's Burma, Past and Present, 1878. NORTHERN ARABIA Blunt's Pilgrimage to Nejd, 1881. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA Macaulay's Sea Pictures, 1884. THE FLOOR OF A CONTINENT Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. GENERAL Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. i, 1882. Physical Science Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Physicians. EFFECT OF HIS OCCUPATION UPON THE PHYSICIAN International Journal of Ethics, vol. 4, 1893-4. JEWISH DOCTORS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. PHYSICIANS AS MEN OF LETTERS Temple bar, vol. 55 [page 191], 1879. WOMEN PHYSICIANS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. See also Women. Physics (The department of science which treats of the properties of natural bodies, their laws of motion, etc.) A POINT IN MUSCULAR PHYSICS Nature, vol. I, 1870. ASTRONOMICAL PHYSICS Lockyer's Stargazing; Past and Present, 1878. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE, GRAVITY, ETC. Pepper's Boy's Playbook of Science, 1881. CENTURY'S PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Harper's Magazine, vol. 34, 1897. LONG RANGE TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE VARIABLES IN PHYSICS Nature, vol. 56, SOCIOLOGY AND PHYSICS Contemporary Review, vols. 68 and 69, 1895-6. [1897. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Seealso N atural Philosophy , Science, etc. Physiognomy (Art of discerning the character from the features of the face). FIRST PRINCIPLE OF PHYSIOGNOMY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. ON THE TRUTH OF PHYSIOGNOMY Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, v. 5, '90. PHYSIOGNOMY OF THE ANARCHISTS Monist, vol. i, 1890-91. GENERAL British Essayists, vol. 7, 1823. See also Head, Face, Expression, etc. [ 475 ] PHYSIOLOGY-PIEDIGROTTA PHYSIOLOGY (Science of the organic functions of animals and plants. See also under Anatomy, Animals, Botany, Man, Natural History, Osteology, etc.) ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. i, 1892. CENTURY'S PROGRESS IN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Harper's Mag., vol. 35, 1898. CLARK ON ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY British Association Report, 1834. FOSTER ON THE TEACHING OF PHYSIOLOGY IN SCHOOLS Nature, vol. 51, 1895. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 6, 1891. Faunthorpe's Household Science, 1883. Wesley's Natural Philosophy, 1836. MODERN PHYSIOLOGY The Monist, vol. 4, 1893-4. MORAL LESSONS OF PHYSIOLOGY Good Words, vol. 20, 1879. NOTES ON PHYSIOLOGY Hogg's Microscope, 1886. OWEN ON THE VERTEBRATE SKELETON British Association Report, 1846. PHYSIOLOGICAL ERRORS Chambers' Journal, vol. 55, 1878. PROBLEM OF SOCIETY Temple Bar, vol. 6, 1862. REVIEW OF VERWORN'S GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. GENERAL Awdry's Early Chapters in Science, 1899. Carpenter's Nature & Man, '88. Physique. ENGLISH PHYSIQUE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. Piacenza, Italy Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, V.D. Hare's Northern Italy, V.D. PIANO (Keyed musical instrument). EVOLUTION OF A PIANO Eng. Illus., vol. 20, 1898. FANCY PIANOS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. HINTS ON PIANOFORTE TEACHING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. How PIANOS ARE MADE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. How TO CHOOSE A PIANOFORTE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. How TO IMPROVE PIANOFORTE PLAYING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. How TO PRESERVE A PIANO Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. IN PIANO-LAND [Kentish Town] Andom's Industrial Explorings, 1896. METHOD IN TEACHING THE PIANOFORTE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. MODERN PROFESSIONAL PIANOFORTE PLAYING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. PIANOFORTE AND ITS PRECURSORS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. I, 1883-4. PIANOFORTE DUET PLAYING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889 PIANOFORTE, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Art Journal, 1894. PIANOFORTE PRACTISING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. TECHNIQUE OF THE PIANOFORTE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. GENERAL Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, vol. 2, 1880. Picardy (A n ancient government of northern France). PICTURESQUE PICARDY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 4, 1887. Piccadilly, London. DESCRIPTION OF PICCADILLY Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. GENERAL Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. Walford's Old and New London, vol. 4, 1878. Wheatley & Cunningham's London, 1891. Pickering' Castle, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, vol. 30, 1873. Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Pickles. HOME MADE PICKLES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. PiCO (Volcanic island) Roundell's Visit to the Azores, 1889. PiCton (Sir Thomas, died 1815) Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 4 [portrait], 1849. PiCtS (Former inhabitants of the Highlands of Scotland). PICTISH BURGH NEAR LERWICK Antiquary, vol. 31, 1895. PICTISH MEMORIALS AND ARTHURIAN LOCALITIES Early Eng. Text Soc. Reprints PICTLAND Keith's History of Scotland, 1886. [Merlin] , No. 32, 1868. THE PICTS AND PRECELTIC BRITAIN Trans, of the Roy. Hist. Soc. vol.3 (n.s.), 1886. PICTURES. (See also Art, Painting, and names of artists, e.g., Leighton, Raphael, Rubens, etc.). AMERICAN PICTURES IN PARIS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. CARE OF PRINTS AND PICTURES Longman's Magazine, vol. 7, 1885-6. DESIGNS OF THE OLD MASTERS AT FLORENCE Swinburne's Essays and Studies, EARLY GERMAN PICTURES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. [1888. EARLY ITALIAN PICTURES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. EXODUS OF PICTURES FROM ENGLAND Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. HISTORIC PICTURES AT HATFIELD Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. NOTES ON SOME PICTURES OF 1868 Swinburne's Essays and Studies, 1888. ON THE MODE OF LOOKING AT PICTURES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10,1874. PICTURE CONSERVATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. [Arts, 1873. PICTURE GALLERIES: ENGLISH PICTURE GALLERIES Hazlitt's Essays on the Fine PICTURE GALLERIES: PRIVATE PICTURE GALLERIES Good Words, vols. 37-8, 1896-7. PICTURE GALLERIES : PUBLIC PICTURE GALLERIES IN LONDON Timbs' Curiosities PICTURES FOR THE PEOPLE Quiver, vol. 33, 1898. [of London, 1871. PICTURES WITHIN PICTURES The Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. PRICES OF PICTURES Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. PRIVATE VIEWS AT EXHIBITIONS OF PICTURES Temple Bar, vol. 74, 1885. ROYAL ACADEMY PICTURES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. SMOKE PICTURES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. SOME INTERESTING PICTURES Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. STEALING PICTURES Chambers' Journal, vol 60, 1883 GENERAL Art Journal, V.D. Magazine of Art, V.D. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. Piecework. EVILS OF PIECEWORK Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. Piedigrotta, Naples (Famous for its musical festival). SONGS OF PIEDIGROTTA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 73, 1896. [476] PIEDMONT-" PILGRIM'S PROGRESS Piedmont, Italy. VISIT TO THE VALLEYS OF PIEDMONT Sunday at Home, v. ig, 1872, GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, V.D. Piers. CONSTRUCTION OF PIERS Spoils' Dictionary of Engineering (Supp.), 1879. "Piers Plowman." "PIERS THE PLOWMAN": COLLATION OF THE VARIOUS MSS., WITH TEXT AND NOTES Early English Text Society's Reprints, No. 54, 1873. NOTES ON LANGLAND'S " PIERS PLOWMAN," GLOSSARY, ETC. Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 38, 1869. GENERAL Disraeli's Amenities of Literature. See also Langland (William). "Pierce the Ploughman's Crede " (Fourteenth century poem planned on "Piers Plowman," but not same author). DESCRIPTION OF FORMER EDITIONS AND OF THE MSS. Early English Text Society's Reprints, No. 30, 1873. Pietermaritzburg 1 (Capital of Natal) Finch's To South Africa, 1890. Maritzburg. Pietism (A German system of theology, advocating practical as opposed to doctrinal religion). HISTORY AND LESSONS OF PIETISM Ker's History of Preaching, '88. Piety. A FORGOTTEN VIRTUE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. NATURAL PIETY Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. See also Religion. PIGEONS. ARISTOCRATIC PIGEON SHOOTING Parkinson's Places and People, 1869. CARRIER PIGEONS Good Words, vol. 39, 1898. DESCRIPTIONS AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES OF THE PIGEON Jardine's. Naturalist's Library, vol. 9, 1848. FANCY PIGEONS All the Year Round, vol. 59, 1886-7. HOMING PIGEONS Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. LONDON PIGEONS Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1^94. PIGEON KEEPING AND HOW TO COMMENCE Boy's Own Annual, vol. 20, 1898. PIGEON HOUSES: CULVERHOUSES Archaeological Journal, vol. 44, 1887. How TO MAKE A PIGEON HOUSE Davidson's Boy Joiner, 1874. PIGEON HOUSES IN HEREFORDSHIRE AND GOWER Archaeological Jour., v. 48, 1891. PIGEON LOFT AND DOVECOT Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881. PLEBEIAN AND ARISTOCRATIC PIGEONS Harper's Magazine, vol. u, 1886. SHOOTING PIGEONS Dead Shot, or Sportsman's Complete Guide, 1866. [1888.. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports & Pastimes, '88. Routledge's Every Boy's Book, Pigments (Materials for imparting colour). ANCIENT EGYPTIAN PIGMENTS Nature, WHITE PIGMENTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. [vol.49, 1893-4. Pigmies (Dwarfs). ARTICLE ON PIGMIES All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. DWARFIANA All the Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. PIGMIES ISLE IN THE HEBRIDES Antiquary, vol. 31, 1895. GENERAL Parke's Equatorial Africa, 1890. See also Dwarfs. PigS. GOATS, PIGS AND POULTRY Sheldon's Dairy Farming, 1888. How TO KEEP PIGS Slagg's Sanitary Work, 1884. SUPERSTITIONS ABOUT THE PIG Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. THE PIG OR HOG FAMILY Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2, 1878. GENERAL Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1892. See also Farming, Hog, etc. Pigtails. PIGTAILS AND POLITICS Penny Magazine, vol. i, 1832. Pike (A voracious freshwater fish). MONSTER PIKE Davies' Angling Idylls, 1876. PIKE AND PIKE FISHING Stoddart's Angler's Companion, 1892. Pennell's Fishing,. PIKE FISHING IN NORFOLK Belgravia, vol. 16, 1872. [1889. PIKE OF THE THAMES Penny Magazine, vol. n, 1842. GENERAL Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 2, 1866. Once a Week, vol. 8, 1863. Pilate (Roman Governor of Judea, tried and condemned Christ, died 39). PILATE'S. CONSCIENCE Wright's Friendship of God, 1882. GENERAL Ewald's History of Israel, vols. 6 and 7, 1886. Josephus' Works, 1874. Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Sunday at Home, vol. 37, 1890. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Pilchard (A fish belonging to the herring family). PILCHARD DRIVING Chambers' Journal, vol. 52, 1875. GENERAL See Fishes. Pile Dwellings. ROMANO-BRITISH PILE DWELLING AT HEDSOR, BUCKS Pro- ceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, vol. 16. Piles and Pile-Driving Spons' Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Pilgrim Fathers. GLIMPSES OF THE PILGRIM FATHERS Sunday at Home, v. i, '54. NOTICES OF THE PILGRIM FATHERS: JOHN ELIOT AND HIS FRIENDS OF NAZING Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 10, 1882. THE "MAYFLOWER," 1620-1 Cochrane's Historic Pictures, 1865. Also " Mayflower." Pilgrims. AN ENGLISH PILGRIMAGE Daily Mail, May 21, 1898. EARLY PILGRIMS: THEIR CALL AND JOURNEYING Quiver, vol. 21, 1886. ENGLISH PILGRIMS TO PARIS, AS SEEN THROUGH FRENCH SPECTACLES Daily Mail v April 9, 1898. PILGRIMS AND PILGRIMAGES Jusserand's Wayfaring Life in the i4th Century, 1892. PILGRIMS AND THE PILGRIM SPIRIT Idler, vol. 3, 1893. PLEA FOR REVIVED PILGRIMAGE Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. GENERAL Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. "Pilgrim's Progress" (Banyan's famous allegory, written in prison). NOTES ON " PILGRIM'S PROGRESS" Coleridge's English Divines, 1853. See also Bunyan (J .) [477] PILKINGTON-PISANO Mlkington (James, Bishop of Durham, dial 1575) Collingwood's Life of Gilpin, 1884. Pillars Of Hercules (In ancient geography the two opposite promontories of Calpe (Gibraltar)iiiEuropeand Abyla in Africa) Cassett's Pictur. Mediterranean, 1890. Pillory (A frame to confine criminals by the neck and hands, abolished in England in 1837). PEOPLE IN THE PILLORY Andrews' The Lawyer in History, etc., 1896. GENERAL New Review, vol. 14, 1896. Pillows. PILLOWS AND PILLOW-MAKING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. Pilots. PILOTS AND PILOTAGE All the Year Round, vol. 24, 1870. REMARKS ON PILOTS Leslie's Old Sea Wings, 1890. GENERAL Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. Pimlico, London Emerson's London, 1862. Walford's Old and New London, 1878. Pinang (An island of India) Bird's Golden Chersonese and the Way thither, 1883. PinciO (A hill in the northern part of Rome) Head's Rome : a Tour of many Days, 1849. Pinckney (Eliza, wife of Col. Charles Pincknev, the American Revolutionary Politician died 1793). RKVIEW OF LIFE Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. Pincushions Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. Pindarries (A horde of mounted robbers in India, 17th and 18th centuries) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 8, 1830. Pine (An evergreen forest tree of the fir tribe). CULTIVATION OF PINES Temple Bar, IN THE PINES Harper's Magazine, vol. 4, 1882. [vol. 17, 1866! Pine-Apple. CULTIVATION OF THE PINE-APPLE Cassell's Gardening, 1886. PINE-APPLES AT COVENT GARDEN All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. Pinero (Arthur Wing, Dramatist, born 1855). INTERVIEW WITH A. W. PINERO Daily Graphic, vol. 5, 1891. PLAYS OF PINERO Theatre, vol. 26, 1895. GENERAL Pascoe's Dramatic List. Theatre, vols. 20 (n.s.), 1892 ; and 22 (n.s.), 1893. Pinner's Hall, London (Ancient hall of the Pinmakers Company) Pike's Meeting Houses, 1870. Wheatley & Cunningham's London, 1891. Pins. NEW PINS Penny Magazine, vol. 3, 1834. PIN-MAKING MACHINE Spons' Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. GENERAL Belgravia, vol. 6, 1868. Chambers' Journal, vol. 47, 1870. Pinto .(Maj. Serpa, Portuguese Traveller, bom 1846) Africa and its Exploration (Samp- son Low), 1894. Lives and Discoveries of Famous Travellers, 1879. Pinwell (George John, Water-colour Painter, died 1875) Art Jour., 1875. Athenaeum, vol. 2, 1875. Ewart's Toilers in Art, 1891. Pinzon (Vicencio Yafiez, Spanish Navigator, discovered Brazil, died 1524) Irving's Companions of Columbus, 1831. Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Piozzi (Mrs. Hester L., a scholarly lady and friend of Dr. Johnson, died 1821) Boswell's Life of Johnson (Croker's Edition), 1860. Merydew's Love Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888. Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Pipes (For drains, etc.). IRON, LEAD, AND STONEWARE PIPES Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. MANUFACTURE OF PIPES Chambers' Journal, vol. 24, 1855. Pipes (Tobacco pipes). ARAB PIPES Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. OLD ENGLISH TOBACCO PIPES Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. PERSIAN PIPES Bishop's Persia and Kurdistan, 1891. Pipit (A bird generally known as the Titlark) Morris' British Birds, vol. 2, 1891. Piranesi (Giovanni Battista, Italian Engraver, etc., died 1778) Macmillan's, v. 62, 1890- PIRATES. AMONG CHINESE PIRATES Idler, vol. 10, 1896-7. BULLY HAYES IN THE PACIFIC Romilly's Western Pacific, 1886. CILICIAN PIRATES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. DESTRUCTION OF PIRATE VESSELS, 1809 James' Naval History, vol. 5, 1878. FRENCH PIRATES Norman's Corsairs of France, 1887. MOSLEM PIRATES IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Cornhill Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. PETTY PIRATES Poole's Barbary Corsairs, 1890. PIRATE IN FACT AND FICTION Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1896-7. PIRATES AND SLAVERS Kingston's Our Sailors, 1882. PIRATES IN THE CHANNEL All the Year Round, vol. 6, 1861-2. SOME EMINENT PIRATES AH the Year Round, vol. 36, 1876. Becker's Adventurous Lives, 1878. "Pirates Of Penzance " (An opera by Gilbert and Sullivan) Theatre, vol. i, 1880. Piron (A., French Dramatic Poet, died 1773) Men and Women of France during the Eighteenth Century. 1852. Pisa, Italy (Noted for its cathedral and leaning tower). FORTNIGHT IN PISA Temple HISTORY OF PISA Eustace's Classical Tour Through Italy, 1841. [Bar, v. 21, '67. SITE OF PISA Dennis' Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, 1883. GENERAL Baedeker's Northern Italy, V.D. Black's Riviera, V.D. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1862. Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. Murray's Mediterranean, V.D. Ruskin's Stones of Venice, 1886. Trollope's Visit to Italy, 1842. Pisano (V., Italian Sculptor, i$th century) Scon's Lucca Delia Robbia, etc., 1890. [478] PISCICULTURE -PLAGUE Pisciculture (Artificial breeding of fish). LIFE IN A ROCK POOL Good Words, vol. 39, 1898. Sue also Fishes. PiSgall, Palestine (Mountain from which Moses viewed the promised land) McFarlane's Mountains of the Bible, 1865. Pistoia, Italy (Has manufactures of iron and firearms) Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, V.D. Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. Pistols. COLT'S REVOLVERS Household Words, vol. 9, 1854. PISTOL PRACTICE IN AMERICA All the Year Round, vol. 42, 1878-9. PISTOL SHOOTING Lennox's Reminiscences, 1863. See also Anns, etc. Pitcairn'S Island, South Pacific (settled in 1790 by mutineers from the "Bounty,") INCIDENT IN PITCAIRN'S ISLAND Sunday at Home, vol. 2, 1855. PITCAIRN ISLANDERS IN 1849 Chambers' Journal, vol. 13, 1850 GENERAL Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Lee's Paradise of the Pacific. See also "Bounty," Mutinies, etc. Pitcher Plant. PITCHER PLANT AND ITS PREY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. 10, PITCHER PLANT INSECTS Nature, vol. 10, 1874. Pitman (Sir Isaac, Inventor of the^ best known system of shorthand, died 1897). BIO- GRAPHICAL SKETCH Phonetic Journal, vol. 56, 1897. Daily Graphic, vol. 29, '97. Pitmen. DIALECT OF A REAL PITMAN All the Year Round, vol. 17, 1866-7. PAST AND PRESENT PITMEN Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. PitsligO (Alexander, Lord, Stuart Partisan, died 1762) Temple Bar, vol. 103, 1894. Pitt (Christopher, Poet, died 1748) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854 Pitt (William. Earl of Chatham, famous Whig Statesman and Premier, died 1778). THE Two MR. PITTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890. GENERAL Eton Portrait Gallery, 1876. Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Lecky's History of England, 1892. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Tiaill's Social England, vol. 5, 1897. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellots, 1857. Great Orators, States- men, and Divines, 1889; etc. Pitt (William, son of above, great Statesman and Orator, died 1806). ESSAY ON PITT Macaulay's Essays, 1891. FOREIGN POLICY OF WILLIAM PITT Trans. Royal Hist. Society, vol. 10 (n.s.), 1896. LORD ROSEBERY'S " WILLIAM PITT " REVIEWED Review of Reviews, vol. 4, 1891. PITT IN PRIVATE LIFE Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. PITT'S DEBTS AND FRIENDS Walpole's Life of Perceval, 1874. THE Two MR. PITTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890. WAS PITT A PROPHET ? Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. GENERAL Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 4 [portrait], 1849. Dunlop's Life of Grattan, 1889. Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. Lecky's History of England, 1892. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Macaulay's Biographies, 1865. Prior's Life of Burke, 1867. Rose's Collection of Engraved Portraits, 1894. Smith's Three Statesmen, 1868. Traill's Social England, vol. 5, 1897. Amherst's Catholic Emancipation', 1886 ; etc. Pitts (J. Linwood, Curator of the Guille-Alles Library and Museum, Guernsey, and Historian of the Channel Islands) The Encyclopaedic Catalogue of the Guille- Alles Library, 1891. Pitts' Guernsey and its Bailiwick, 1889. Story in Brief of the Guille-Alles Library, 1891. Witchcraft and Devil Lore, 1886. Pittsburg 1 , U.S.A. (Noted for its manufactures). PITTSBURG ILLUSTRATED Harper's Magazine, vol. I, 1880-1. Pity Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Pius II. (Pope, died 1464) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 27, 1872-3. Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 8, 1872. Platina's Lives of the Popes, 1888. PiUS IX. (Pope, died 1878). Pius IX. AT HOME Chambers' Journal, vol. 50, 1873. GENERAL Arthur's The Pope, the Kings, and the People, 1877. Pizarro (F., Spanish Warrior, conquered Peru, died 1541) Davenport's Lives of Indi- viduals who have raised themselves from Poverty to Fortune, 1841. Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. , Place-Names. ORIGIN OF PLACE-NAMES IN : BRITISH INDIA Gust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, 1887. Plagiarism (Literary theft). COINCIDENCE AND PLAGIARISM Macmillan's Mag., v. 15, ETHICS OF PLAGIARISM Longman's Magazine, vol. 8, 1886. [1866-7. Plague. BUBONIC PLAGUE IN INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. HISTORY OF PLAGUE AND PESTILENCE Cornhill Magazine, vol. n, 1865. PESTILENCES: THEIR INFLUENCES ON THE DESTINY OF NATIONS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i (n.s.), 1884. PLAGUE AND FIRE OF LONDON Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes in Hist., 1882. PLAGUE AT EYAM All the Year Round, vol. 22, 1869. Baddeley's Peak District, V.D. PLAGUE OF LONDON Adams' Book About London, 1890. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Walford's Londoniana, 1879. PLAGUE IN OLD TIMES Chambers' Journal, vol. 31, 1859. PLAGUES AND PESTILENCES Andrews' Old Church Lore, 1891. PLAGUES OF EGYPT Sunday at Home, vol. 5, 1858. VISITATIONS OF THE PLAGUE AT LEICESTER Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6, 1877. [479] PLAIN-SPEAKING-PLANTS Plain-speaking Good Words, vol. 21, 1880. Plains (Tracts of country of nearly uniform elevation). ACROSS THE PLAINS : BETWEEN NEW YORK AND SAN FRANCISCO Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. PLAINS OF NORTH AMERICA Dodge's Hunting Grounds of the Great West, 1877. PLAINS OF THE UNITED STATES Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. PlaistOW (A n Esse x village ; a ward of the Borough of West Ham). SISTER KATHER- INE'S HOME AT PLAISTOW Home Notes, vol. 18, 1898. EDMUND BURKE AT PLAISTOW Prior's Life of Burke, 1867. GENERAL Fry's East and West Ham, 1888. Various Histories of Essex by Morant, Wright, Ogborne, etc. Planche* (James Robinson, Dramatist, died 1880) Theatre, vol. 2, 1880. Planchette. A THREE-LEGGED IMPOSTOR Chambers' Journal, vol. 45, 1868. GENERAL Once a Week, vol. 17, 1867. See also Spiritualism, etc. Plane (A joiner's tool). HAND AND SMOOTHING PLANES Cassell's Tech. Educator, vols. i & 2, 1897. Planet (A celestial body which revolves about the sun or some other star a$ its centre). CONSIDERATIONS ON THE PLANET SATURN Knowledge, vol. 22, 1899. HYPOTHETICAL PLANET Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 15, 1879. LETTERS FROM THE PLANETS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 13, 1887. PICTURING THE PLANETS; PORTRAITS OF JUPITER, MARS, AND SATURN Century- Magazine, vol 28, 1895. PLANETARY LAWS Wesley's Natural Philosophy, 1436. STARS AND PLANETS All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. NEW PLANET " EROS " Nineteenth Century, vol. 45, 1899. NEW PLANET DQ. Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. THE PLANETS : ARE THEY INHABITED? Harper's Magazine, vol. 33. Two SUN-LIKE PLANETS Longman's Magazine, vol. 5, 1884-5. See also Astronomy, and under names, e.g., Moon, Jupiter, Mars, etc. Planimeter (A n instrument used by surveyors in measuring areas on maps). REPORT ON PLANIMETERS British Association Reports, 1894. Plant (C. W., Librarian of Shoreditch) London, vol. 5, 1896. The Library, vol. 4, 1893. Plantagenet (Name borne by fourteen kings, from Henry II. to Richard III.) West- minster Review, vol. 23, 1835. Williams' History of England, 1886. White's England, 1860. Plantagenet (Richard, supposed son of Richard III., who lived as a bricklayer). THE ROYAL BRICKLAYER Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. Plantain (A fruit similar to the banana) Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 1, 1865. Plantation (A place planted with trees). ADVANTAGES OF PLANTATIONS Burn's Landed Estates Management, 1880. MANAGEMENT OF PLANTATIONS Brown's The Forester, 1847. Plantin (Christopher, French Printer, died 1589). ELZEVIRS, PLANTINS, AND OLD PRINTERS Fitzgerald's Book Fancier, 1887. GENERAL Library, vol. 2, 1890. PLANTS. (See also Botany, Flowers, Gardening, etc.). ACCOUNT OF AQUATIC PLANTS Cassell's Gardening, 1886. ALPINE PLANTS Darwin's Life and Letters, edited by his Son, 1887. Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. ALTERNATIONS OF GENERATIONS IN PLANT LIFE Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. ANATOMY OF PLANTS Pouchet's The Universe, 1877. ANCIENT PLANT LIFE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. BRITISH PLANTS All the Year Round, vol. 10, 1863-4. [1874. CARNIVOROUS HABITS OF CERTAIN PLANTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, CELLULAR CONSTUCTION OF PLANTS Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. COLOURS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. COMMON CARNIVOROUS PLANTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. CONTINUITY OF THE PROTOPLASM IN PLANTS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1897. CROSS-FERTILISATION OF FOOD PLANTS Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. CURIOSITIES OK PLANT LIFE Good Words, vol. 7, 1866. DURATION OF PLANTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 18, 1852. ECONOMICAL PRODUCTS OF PLANTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1877. EXCRESCENCES FORMED BY INSECTS UPON PLANTS Harper's Mag., vol. n, 1885-6. EXTINCTION OF PLANTS All the Year Round, vol. 58, 1886. Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 17, 1881. FERTILISATION AND HYBRIDITY IN PLANTS Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. FLOWERING PLANTS Cooke's Ponds and Ditches, 1888. FRESH WATER PLANTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 40, 1863. GARDEN OF CLIMBING PLANTS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. GOSSIP ABOUT RARE PLANTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. GREEN COLOUR OF PLANTS Harper's Magazine, vol. 33, 1897. GROUPING OF PLANTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. GROWTH OF PLANTS Ville's Artificial Manures, 1879. HISTORY OF THE SALAD PLANTS AND CRESSES Hardwicke's Sci. Gossip, v. 14, '78. IMPERFECTLY DEVELOPED PLANTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 1, 1866. INNER LIFE OF PLANTS Wilson's Studies in Life and Sense, 1887. INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. [480] PLANTS PLATTER Plants (continued) . . INSECTS AND PLANTS Lubbock's Scientific Lectures, 1890. INSTINCT IN PLANTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. INTERESTING PLANTS IN KEW GARDENS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. 15, 1879. LIFE HISTORY OF PLANTS Cassell's Popular Gardening, ed. by D. T. Fish, 1886. LIFE IN PLANTS Figuier's Vegetable World, 1867. LOWER PLANT LIFE Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. LUMINOUS PLANTS All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. Pall Mall Mag., vol. 9, '96. MAKE AND GROWTH OF PLANTS Sunday Magazine, vol. 12, 1876. MARINE PLANTS Hartwig's Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. MICROSCOPIAL PLANTS Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. MIGRATIONS OF PLANTS Pouchet's The Universe, 1877. MOUNTAIN PLANTS Hutchinson's Stories of the Hills, 1892. MOVEMENTS OF PLANTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. MUSCLES IN PLANTS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. NATURAL SELECTION AND ORIGIN OF SPECIES AMONG PLANTS Natural Science, NUTRITION OF PLANTS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. [vol. n, 1897. ON PRESERVING PLANTS Hardwick's Science Gossip, vol. n, 1875. ORIGIN OF ARCTIC PLANTS IN BRITAIN Science Gossip, vol. 5, 1898. ORIGIN OF MONOCOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. ORIGIN OF SPECIES AMONG PLANTS Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. PHYSIOLOGY OF PLANTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. PLANT BREEDING Nature, vol. 54, 1896. PLANT DISEASES AND BACTERIA- Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. PLANT LORE All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. PLANT RAMBLES IN WALES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 16, 1880. PLANTING AND POTTING Cassell's Magazine, vol. 2. 1876. PLANTS IN AMBER Natural Science, vol. i, 1892. PLANTS OF THE GREAT ORMES' HEAD Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. PLANTS WITHOUT EARTH Good Words, vol. 23, 1882. PRIMITIVE USES OF PLANTS Mason's Origins of Invention, 1895. RECENT RESEARCHES ON PLANT NUTRITION Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. ROOTS OF PLANTS Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. SELF-IRRIGATION IN PLANTS Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. SLEEP OF PLANTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 39, 1863; and vol. 71, 1894. SOCIAL, REPRESENTATIVE, AND RAMBLING PLANTS Macmillan's Mag., vol. 34, 1876. SOME PLANT CELLS: ILLUS. BY THE MICROSCOPE AND CAMERA Leisure Hour, STEMS OF PLANTS Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. [vol. 47, 1898. STRUCTURE OF PLANTS Hogg's The Microscope, 1886. USEFUL PLANTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. WONDERFUL PLANTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. Plasencia, Spain (Remarkable for its cathedral decorations and choir stalls) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19, 1830. Plate. ANCIENT PLATE Proc. of the Soc. of Antiquaries, vols. 13, 1889-91 ; & 15, 1893-5. ASSAY MARKS ON GOLD AND SILVER PLATE Archaeological Journal, vol. 9, 1852. DORSET CHURCH PLATE Antiquary, vol. 21, 1890. ELIZABETHAN COMMUNION PLATE Archaeological Journal, vol. 35, 1878. HALL-MARKING OF PLATE All the Year Round, vol. 44, 1879-80. IRISH ECCLESIASTICAL PLATE Antiquary, vol. 31, 1895. SUFFOLK CHURCH PLATE Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, vol. 9. TABLE OF THE ANNUAL ASSAY OFFICE LETTERS, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD OF THEIR USE Archaeological Journal, vol. 10, 1853. WILTSHIRE CHURCH PLATE Antiquary, vol. 26, 1892. GENERAL Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries (2nd series), from vol. i, 1860. Plate River or Rio de La Plata (A river running between the Argentine Republic and Uruguay). TRADE WITH SOUTH AMERICA Harper's Mag., vol. 33, 1897. GENERAL Brassey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1879. Platinum (The heaviest of metals, in appearance like silver). CONSUMPTION AND RESOURCES OF PLATINUM Dublin Review, vol. 113, 1893. GENERAL Pepper's Playbook of Metals, 1869. Plato (Greek Philosopher, died 347 B.C.) CHAPTER ON PLATO Macmillan's Magazine, COMMENTS AND QUOTATIONS Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. [vol. 66, 1892. GROWTH OF A THINKER'S MIND: A STUDY IN PLATONIC CHRONOLOGY Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. INTERPRETATION OF PLATO'S PARMENIDES Mind, vol. 5, 1896. PHILOSOPHY OF PLATO [By Walter Pater] Macmillan's, v. 66, 1892. [Works, 1873. PLATO'S DOCTRINE RESPECTING THE ROTATION OF THE EARTH Grote's Minor PLATO'S "REPUBLIC " IN GREEK HISTORY Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc., v. 5 (n.s.), 1891. REVIVAL OF PLATONISM Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. STUDY OF PLATO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. GENERAL Benn's Greek Philosophers, vol. i, 1882. Emerson's Prose Works, 1889. Farrar's Early Days of Christianity, 1882. Freemantle's World as the Subject of Redemption, 1885. Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. Platonic Friendship Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. Platter (T., Printer, died 1582) Davenport's Lives of Individuals who have raised themselves from Poverty to Fortune, 1841. 2H [ 481 ] PLAY-PLOUGHS Play and Playgrounds. LONDON PLAYGROUNDS Macmillan's Mag., vol. 46, 1882. PLAYGROUNDS FOR POOR CHILDREN Good Words, vol. 8, 1867. PLAYGROUND GAMES Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. PUBLIC PLAYGROUNDS FOR CHILDREN Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. Playbills. OLD AND NEW PLAYBILLS Theatre, vol. 4, 1881 ; vol. 6, 1885. PAST AND PRESENT PLAYBILLS Theatre, vol. 20, 1892. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. a6, 1871. Players. ON THE ACTORS' LISTS Trans, of the Roy. Hist. Soc., vol. 9, 1881. STROLLING PLAYERS All the Year Round, vol. 28, 1872. Playfair (Lord Lyon, Chemist, died 1898) Annual Register for 1898. Playing Cards. THE DEVIL'S PICTURE BOOK Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. See also Cards, Whist, etc. PLAYS. (See also Drama, Stage, Theatre, Burlesque, Miracle Play, Passion Play, etc.) A FIRST PERFORMANCE IN SHAKESPEARE'S TIME Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. ADVICE ON PLAY- WRITING [Behind the Curtain] Cornhill Magazine, vol. t, 1860. A PLAY IN OLD ATHENS Chambers' Journal, vol. 19, 1853. AT THE PLAY Temple Bar, vol. 19, 1867. CENSORSHIP OF THE PLAYS Theatre, vol. 14, 1889. CHURCH PLAYS AND ALES Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. EXAMINER OF PLAYS All the Year Round, vol. 32, 1874. EXAMINERSHIP OF PLAYS Theatre, vol. 25, 1895. FAMOUS PLAYS All the Year Round, vol. 58, 1886. FIRST NIGHTS OF FAMOUS PLAYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. MANAGERS, AUDIENCES, AND PLAYS Theatre, vol. 15, 1890. [times, 1845. MIRACLE PLAYS Oxenham's Ecclesiastical History, 1884. Strutt's Sports and Pas- MIRACLE PLAYS OF THE i4TH CENTURY Macdonald's England's Antiphon, 1868. MODERN SOCIETY PLAY Theatre, vol. 25, 1895. PLAYS PERFORMED IN CHURCHES Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. ROUSSEAU, D'ALEMBERT, COLLIER, BOSSUET, AND VOLTAIRE ON PLAYS Morley's Rousseau, 1888. WHO WROTE OUR OLD PLAYS? Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. GENERAL Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Theatre, V.D. ; etc. Playwrights. EARNING OF PLAYWRIGHTS AND PLAYERS Theatre, vol. 26, 1895. GERMAN PLAYWRIGHTS Carlyle's Essays, 1872. MODERN PLAYWRIGHTS Chambers' Journal, vol 69, 1892. PLAYWRIGHT'S MANUSCRIPT Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 73, 1893. Pleasure. CHEAPNESS OF PLEASURE All the Year Round, vol. 13, 1865. DISTINCTION OF PLEASURE AND PAIN Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Is PLEASURE THE SUMMUM BONUM?- International Journal of Ethics, vol. 6, 1895-6. MAXIMS OF PLEASURE AND PAIN Chambers' Journal, vol. 45, 1868. PAIN AND PLEASURE Bain's Senses and the Intellect, 1868. PLACE OF PLEASURE IN A SYSTEM OF ETHICS Inter. Jour, of Ethics, vol. 7, 1896-7. PLEASURE AND DESIRE Contemporary Review, vol. 19, 1871-2. PLEASURE AND PAIN Mind, vol. i, 1892. PLEASURE AND PLEASURE TAKING Dublin University Magazine, vol. 76. GENERAL British Essayists, 1823. Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. See also Feeling, Sensation, etc. Pledging. PRACTICE OF PLEDGING Andrews' Bygone England, '92. Also PawnbrokinK- Pleiades (The so-called seven stars in the neck of the constellation Taurus). MYTHS OF THE PLEIADES Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. GENERAL Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. See also Astronomy, Stars. Pleshy (Near Chelmsford, noted for its Roman relics) Hist, of Essex, by a Gent., v. 3,1770. Plesiosauria (An extinct reptile). THE STRUCTURE AND HABITS OF THE PLESIO- SAURIA Natural Science, vol. 12, 1898. Pletsch (Oskar, Artist, died 1888) Ewart's Toilers in Art, 1891. Pleyel (I. J., Austrian Musical Composer, died 1831) Morris' Musical Composers, 1891. Plimsoll (Samuel, Sailors' advocate and friend, died 1898) Japp's Good Men and True, 1891. Tinsley's Magazine, vol. 28. Plinlimmon (Mountain on the border of Cardiganshire, 2,481 feet high) Black's Guide to South Wales, V.D. Pliny ([Caius Plinius Secundus], Celebrated Roman Naturalist, diedyS). PRESCRIPTIONS OF PLINY THE ELDER All the Year Round, vol. i, 1859. GENERAL Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 9, 1848. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Plotinus (Neoplatonic Philosopher, died 270). SPIRITUALISM OF PLOTINUS Benn's Greek Philosophers, vol. 2, 1882. Plouaret Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Ploughs. ELECTRIC PLOUGHS Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. PLOUGHING NEAR SALERNO Chambers' Journal, vol. 4, 1845. See also Agriculture, Fanning, etc. [482] PLOVER-POETRY Plover (A bird that frequents the banks of rivers and. the sea-shore). ABOUT PLOVER'S EGGS Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE GREY AND GOLDEN PLOVER Jardine's Nat. Lib., vol. 3, 1848. PLOVERS AND THEIR PECULIARITIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. THE GOLDEN PLOVER Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. GENERAL Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 1848. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. PlOWden (Edmund, famous Lawyer, died 1585) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Plum Puddings and Pan Cakes Argosy, vol. 34, 1882. Plumbing 1 . INTRODUCTION TO PLUMBING AND THE VARIOUS METHODS IN USE Cassell's Tech. Educa., vols. 1-4, 1897. GENERAL Hoskin's Clerk of Works, 1888. Plumes. FEATHERS AND PLUMES Archaeological Journal, vol. 53, 1896. Plumptre (E. H., Dean of Wells, died 1891) Boyd's Homely Tragedy, 1887. Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. Plunket (Win. C., Lord Chancellor of Ireland, died 1854) Torrens' Melbourne, 1878. Plutarch (Greek Biographer and Moralist, died about 120). ESSAYS OF PLUTARCH Fortnightly Review, vol. 20. 1873. PLUTARCH AND HIS TIMES Westminster Review, vol. 73, 1860. PLUTARCH AND UNCONSCIOUS CHRISTIANITY OF THE FIRST Two CENTURIES Contemporary Review, vol. 39, 1881. THE NEW PLUTARCH [Review of North's Translation of Plutarch's Lives] New Review, vol. 12, 1895. Plym River. THE PLYM, FROM THE SOURCE TO PLYMOUTH Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. . i, 1879. Plymouth (One of the chief naval stations and seaports of England). HISTORIC STREETS OF PLYMOUTH Antiquary, vols. 13 and 14, 1886. MUNICIPALITY OF PLYMOUTH London, vol. 5, 1896. OLD AND NEW PLYMOUTH Leisure Hour, vol. 26, 1877. PLAN OF PLYMOUTH Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, v.n. PLYMOUTH AND ITS RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATIONS Sunday at Home, vol. 24, 1877. PLYMOUTH IN 1877 Doran's Our Great Towns, 1878. [v. 8, 1896. PLYMOUTH PUBLIC LIBRARIES Greenwood's Public Libraries, V.D. The Library, GENERAL All the Year Kound, vol. 21, 1868-9. Black's Guide to Devonshire, V.D. Fraser, vol. 87, 1873. Norway's Highways and Byways in Devon & Cornwall, '97. Plympton St. Mary, Devonshire Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Eng. Topog., pt.iii.], 1893. Plympton St. Maurice, Devonshire Gent's. Mag. Lib. [Eng. Topog., pt. iii.], 1893. Pneumatics (The science which treats of the air and other elastic fluids). PNEUMATIC TRANSMISSION Spons' Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. SCHEME OF PNEUMATIC TUBE DISPATCH Chambers' Journal, vol. 36, 1861. VARIOUS ARTICLES ON PNEUMATICS Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 6, 1891. GENERAL Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Pniel, South Africa Boyle's To the Cape for Diamonds, 1873. Poaching. POACHER AND HIS CRAFT Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. POACHING AND GAME LAWS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. WATER POACHERS Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. GENERAL Argosy, vol. 2, 1866 Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. Poblet, Spain. RUINS OF POBLET Argosy, vol. 62, 1896. Hare's Spain, 1873. Poe (E. A., American Poet and Novelist, died 1849). POE AND HIS BIOGRAPHERS Temple Bar, vol. 68, 1883. SELECTIONS FROM POE'S CORRESPONDENCE Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1894. GENERAL Boyd's Critical Essays, 1865. Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Poet Laureate. ORIGIN OF THE OFFICE OF POET LAUREATE Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8, 1880. THE POET LAUREATESHIP Temple Bar, vol. 106, 1895. POETRY. (See also Poets, Literature, Songs, and under names of Poets). AMERICAN HUMOROUS POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. i, 1859-60. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR LITERATURE Chambers' Journal, vol. 38, 1862. ARISTOTLE'S POETICS Cardinal Newman's Critical and Historical Essays, 1890. ART OF PORTRAIT PAINTING IN WORDS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. CANADIAN POETRY National Review, vol. 29, 1897. CHILDREN'S POETRY: POETRY FOR CHILDREN Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. CHINESE POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 39, 1878-9. CHINESE POETRY IN ENGLISH VERSE Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. CHURCHYARD POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. COMPARISON OF ELIZABETHAN WITH VICTORIAN POETRY Symonds' Essays, 1890. CONSOLATIONS OF POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 66, 1892. DRAMATIC POETRY Blair's Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 1853. EARLY BRITISH POETRY Harris' Theory of the Arts, 1869. EARLY ENGLISH ALLITERATIVE POEMS Early English Text Soc. Reprint, No. i, "64. EARLY ENGLISH CROSS-POEMS Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 46, 1871. ENGLISH POETRY: How TO WRITE ENGLISH VERSE Girl's Own Annual, v. 19, 1898. ENGLISH POETRY: MODERN ENGLISH POETRY Lang's Letters on Literature, 1889. ENGLISH POETRY: OLD ENGLISH POETICAL FACETI/E Gentleman's Mag. Library [Bibliographical Notes], 1899. [483] POETRY-POETS Poetry (continued). ENGLISH SACRED POETRY IN THE i8TH AND IQTH CENTS. Macmillan's, v. 5,1861-2. ESSAY ON ENGLISH POETRY Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. ESSAY ON POETRY Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. FLOWERS AND POETS Chambers' Journal, vol. 7. 1847. FORM IN POETRY Literature, vol. 4, 1899. FUTURE or POETRY National Review, vol. 25, 1895. GERMAN POETRY: GROTH, THE FATHER OF Low GERMAN POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. GERMAN POETRY : TAYLOR'S HISTORIC SURVEY OF GERMAN POETRY Carlyle's Essays, 1870. GREEK POETRY: LYRICAL POETRY OF MODERN GREECE Macmillan's, vol. 44, 1881. HEBREW METRICAL SYSTEM AND BABYLONIA Hommel's Ancient Heb. Tradition, '97. HOUR'S TALK ABOUT POETRY Recreations of Christopher North, vol. i, 1857. HYMNOLOGY : SOME NOTABLE HYMNS Strand Magazine, vols. 9 and 10, 1895. IDYLLIC POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38. 1878. INDIAN POETRY Religious Systems of the World, 1892. IRISH POPULAR POETRY Longman's Magazine, vol. 5, 1884-5. Is POETRY A CRITICISM OF LIFE? Symonds' Essays, 1890. JAPANESE POETRY AND PLAYS Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. LANDSCAPE IN POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. LATIN POETRY: CHRISTIAN LATIN POETRY Milman's Latin Christianity, v. 9, 1872. LATIN POETRY : RECENT LATIN VERSE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. LESSER ELIZABETHAN LYRISTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. LIFE IN POETRY : POETICAL CONCEPTION Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. LIFE IN POETRY : POETICAL DECADENCE Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. LIFE IN POETRY : POETICAL EXPRESSION Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. MAGIC VERSES Temple Bar, vol. 104, 1895. MUSICAL AND PICTURESQUE ELEMENTS IN POETRY Macmillan's Mag., v. 53, 1885-6. NATURE OF POETRY Blair's Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 1853. NEW TESTAMENT POETRY Quiver, vol. 15, 1880. NIGHTINGALES AND POETS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 47, 1883. OLD BARDIC POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. OTTOMAN POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. PATRIOTIC POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. PESSIMISM AND POETRY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 37, 1878. POETIC MEDIOCRES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. POETRY AND Music Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. POETRY AND PAINTING Temple Bar, vol. 59, 1880. POETRY AND PANTOMIME All the Year Round, vol. 13, 1865. POETRY OF SPORT Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. POETS' PETS Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. POLITICS AND POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. PRACTICAL USES OF POETRY Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. PRISON POETRY New Review, vol. 12, 1895. PROPER NAMES IN POETRY Chambers' Journal, vol. 6, 1846. PROSE OF POETRY AND THE POETRY OF PROSE Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. RARIORA OF OLD POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. [vol. 2, 1842. SACRED POETRY Keble's Occasional Papers, 1877. Recreations of Christopher North, SCOTTISH POETRY : EARLY SCOTTISH POETRY Spofibrd's Library of Choice Litera- ture, vol. 7, 1890. SCOTTISH POETRY: POETICAL REMAINS OF KING JAMES I. OF SCOTLAND Transac- tions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 2, 1873. SCOTTISH POETRY TO THE TIME OF SIR DAVID LYNDESAY. By Professor Nichol Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 47, 1871. SOME MINOR POETS Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. SPANISH POETRY: POETRY OF THE SPANISH PEOPLE Macmillan's Mag., v. 55, 1886-7. Two THEORIES OF POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. VALUE OF POETRY TO THOSE WHO WISH TO LIVE IN THE SPIRIT Sheldon's Ethical Movement, 1896. WATSON'S SERIOUS VERSE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. WELSH POETRY: OLD WELSH LEGENDS AND POETRY Verney'S Peasant Properties, WHAT is POETRY? Chambers' Journal, vol. i, 1844. [1885. WHAT is THE USE OF POETRY? Chambers' Journal, vol. 13, 1850. WILLIAM BELL SCOTT AND MODERN BRITISH POETRY Macmillan's, vol 33, 1875-6. WRITERS ON ENGLISH POETRY Adams' Plain Living and High Thinking, 1880. GENERAL Sir William Temple's Works, vol. 3, 1757. Yonge's Aunt Charlotte's Evenings at Home with the Poets, 1880. POETS. A BURGHER POET [Allan Ramsey] Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, 1890. CENTENARY OF ROBERT BURNS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. CHRISTMAS CARD POETS Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. DRAMATIC POETS Doran's Annals of the English Stage, 1888. ELIZABETHAN MISCELLANIES Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. ENGLISH POETS, BIOGRAPHIES AND EXTRACTS Ward's English Poets, 1880. [1884. HISTORICAL ALLUSIONS IN SUNDRY ENGLISH POETS Trans, Roy. His. Soc. v. i (n.s.), LAKE POETS Whately's Remarkable People, 1889. Rawnsley's Literary Associa- tions of the English Lakes, 1894. LONGFELLOW WITH HIS CHILDREN Strand Magazine,, vol. 14, 1897. [484] POETS-POLAR REGIONS Poets (continued). MODERN POETS AND THE MEANING OF LIFE Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. OUR MINOR POETS Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. OUR POETS' CORNER [Biographical] Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. POETS LAUREATE Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 1879. POPULAR AND UNPOPULAR POETS All the Year Round, vol. 24, 1870. PURITANS AND POETS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. ROMAN POETS Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 10, 1890. THREE POETS OF THE SCOTTISH REFORMATION Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc., v. 3, 1874. VICTORIAN ESSAYISTS AND POETS Morley's Literature in the Reign of Victoria, '81. WOMEN POETS OF THE DAY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893-4. WITS AND POETS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Spofford's Lib. of Choice Lit- YOUNG POETS Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. [erature, v. 8, 1890. Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey Loftie's Westminster Abbey, 1891. Poictiers. See Poitiers. POISONS. ARSENIC EATING AND ARSENIC POISONING Chambers' Journal, vol. 36, ASP POISONS Temple Bar, vol. 29, 1870. [1861. CURIOSITIES OF POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES Chambers' Journal, vol. 62, 1885. DETECTION OF POISON -Thorpe's Qualitative Chemical Analysis, 1889. DOMESTIC POISONS : THEIR DETECTION AND ANTIDOTES Girls' Own Annual, v. 4, EFFECT OF ACRID POISONS British Association Report, 1835. [1883. LURKING POISONS Chambers' Journal, vol. 30, 1858. PACIFIC POISONS Sundowner's Rambles in Polynesia, 1897. POISON BERRIES All the Year Round, vol. 33, 1874-5. POISON EATERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 25, 1856 ; and vol. 16, 1851. POISONED ARROWS Chambers' Journal, vol. 54, 1877. Parke's Equatorial Africa, '91. POISONING Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. POISONOUS LEAVES Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. POISONOUS REPTILES AND INSECTS OF INDIA All the Year Round, vol. 53, 1883-4. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. POISONS IN COMMON THINGS Good Words, vol. 23, 1882. POISONS OF THE DAY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. POPULAR POISONS Johnston's Chemistry of Common Life, 1855. RATTLESNAKE POISONS All the Year Round, vol. 19, 1867-8. ROUPELL'S REPORTS ON POISONS British Association Reports, 1835 and 1841. SECRET POISONS Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, and Discoveries, 1846. Burnley's Romance of Invention, 1886. SNAKE POISONS Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 1890. Sc Si SUMPITAN [Blow-pipe] AND OTHER POISON GENERAL Household Words, vol. 13, 1856. Poitiers, France (Noted for the defeat of the French in 1356 by the Black Prince). BATTLE OF POICTIERS Valentine's Land Battles, 1880. GENERAL Baedeker's Southern France, V.D. Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. Trollope's Western France, 1841. POLiAND (A former kingdom of Europe, now principally under the Government of Russia. See also Cracow, Warsaw, etc.) CUSTOMS IN POLAND F'razer's Golden Bough, 1890. GIRLHOOD OF A POLISH PRINCESS Temple Bar, vol. in, 1897. HISTORY OF POLAND Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 8, 1845. JOURNAL OF COUNTESS FRAN^OISE KRASINSKA, GREAT GRANDMOTHER OF VICTOR EMANUEL Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. LIFE IN POLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. MOST MISERABLE PEASANTRY IN EUROPE Good Words, vol. 39, 1898. POLAND AND THE TREATY OF VIENNA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. POLISH CARPATHIANS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 5, 1888. POLISH INSURRECTION Hodder's Life of the Earl of Shaftesbury, 1888. POLISH QUESTION Lecky's History of England, 1892. POLISH SUCCESSION WAR, 1733 Morris' Early Hanoverians, 1892. RELIGIOUS LIKE IN POLAND New Review, vol. 17, 1897. RUSSIAN RULE IN POLAND Ollier's Russo-Turkish War, 1879. STATE OF POLAND Fletcher's Gustavus Adolphus, 1891. WAR WITH POLAND Voltaire's Charles XII. of Sweden, 1873. [Many Lands, 1897. WEDDING PROCESSIONS IN AUSTRIAN POLAND Hutchinson's Marriage Customs in GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 9, 1863. Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Geddie's Russian Empire, 1882. Hare's Studies in Russia, 1885. Poland. (Sir Harry Bodkin, Barrister, born 1829) Williams' Leaves of a Life, 1890. Polar Regions. DAYS IN THE ARCTIC Harper's Magazine, vol. 36, 1898. NANSEN AND THE APPROACH TO THE POLE Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. EASTERN POLAR BASIN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. OPEN SEAS Chambers' Journal, vol. 44, 1867. POLAR EXPF.DITIONS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Verne's Great Explorers, 1881. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 46, 1869. Whymper's The Sea : its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, and Heroism. 1881. See also Arctic Regions, Antarctic Regions, North Pole, South Pole, North-West Passage, and under names of explorers, e.g., Franklin, Nansen, Ross, etc. [485] POLE-POLITICS Pole (M. de la, Earl of Suffolk, died 1388) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. Pole (Reginald, Cardinal of the Romish Church; Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1558). A HOLY MISSION Ewald's Stories from State Papers, 1882. COMMISSION OF CARDINAL POLE Froude's History of England, 1870. DIALOGUE BETWEEN CARDINAL POLE AND THOMAS LUPSET Early English Text Society's Reprints (extra series), No. 12, 1871. GENERAL Hook's Archbishops of Canterbury, vol. 8, 1875. Pole Star. WHEN SHALL WE LOSE OUR POLE STAR? Chambers' Journal, v.62, 1885. Polecat (A hind of weasel). DESCRIPTION OF THE FITCHET, FOUMART OR POLECAT Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 17, 1848. FEW WORDS ABOUT THE POLECAT Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 15, 1879. STOATS, WEASELS AND POLECATS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. POLICE (The system established by communities to maintain public order and detect crime ; also applied to the officers appointed to enforce the law. See also Crime, Law, etc.). ANGLO-SAXON POLICE Pearson's Early and Mediaeval England, 1867. CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 14, 1893. FRANCE : DETECTIVE POLICE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. FRANCE: PARISIAN POLICE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. p, 1891-2. [1872. FRANCE: POLICE OF PARIS Cassell's Mag., vol.24, 1897. Chambers' Journal, vol. 49, GERMANY : MORNING CALLS ON THE MUNICH POLICE Macmillau's, v. 21, 1869-70. LONDON : CITY POLICE Probyn's Local Government, 1882. LONDON : METROPOLITAN POLICE All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. Williams* Leaves of a Life, 1890. LONDON : NIGHT WITH THE THAMES POLICE Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. LONDON : OUR ONLY MUNICIPAL POLICE London, vol. 6, 1897. LONDON: THAMES POLICE Parkinson's Places and People, 1869. LONDON POLICE Macmillan's, vol. 46, 1882. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. LONDON POLICE AND WHAT is PAID FOR THEM Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. POLICEMEN OF THE WORLD Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. POLICE SUPERVISION Baker's War with Crime, 1889. RECOLLECTIONS OF A POLICE OFFICER -Chambers' Journal, vol. 20, 1853. RUSSIA: SECRET POLICE IN RUSSIA Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. UNITED STATES: NEW YORK POLICE FORCE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. UNITED STATES: NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT Harper's Magazine, v. 13, '87. UNITED STATES: ROLL OF HONOUR OF THE NEW YORK POLICE Cen. Mag., v. 32, "97. GENERAL Ballantine's Experiences, 1883 Chambers' Journal, vol. 37, 1862. Police Court. CITY MAGISTRATES' COURT, NEW YORK Scribner's, vol. 21, 1897. HISTORY OF Bow STREET POLICE COURT All the Year Round, vol.47, 1881. How A LONDON POLICE COURT is WORKED Leisure Hour, vol. 48, 1899. LONDON POLICE COURTS Wonderful London : Its Lights and Shadows, 1878. THE OLD BAILEY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 25, 1897-8. Polishing. INSTRUCTIONS FOR POLISHING- Campin's Hand-turning in Wood, Ivory, REMARKS ON WOOD POLISHING Spons' Mechanics' Own Book, '89. [Shell, etc., "83. Politeness. COMPARATIVE POLITENESS All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO Temple Bar, vol. 54, 1878. POLITENESS AT HOME Hardy's Manners Makyth Man, 1887. SCIENCE OF POLITENESS IN FRANCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 18, 1852. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. Godwin's Enquirer, 1797. Political Economy (Science of the social ordering of wealth). ADAM SMITH AND OUR MODERN ECONOMY Bagehot's Economic Studies, 1888. DIALOGUES ON POLITICAL ECONOMY De Quincey's Works, vol. 4, 1865. DROLLERIES OF FALSE POLITICAL ECONOMY Chambers' Journal, vol. 17, 1852. FIRST PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY Ruskin's Unto this Last, 1892. GOSPEL AND POLITICAL ECONOMY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. INAUGURAL LECTURE ON POLITICAL ECONOMY Macniillan's Magazine, vol. 9, 1863-4. LESSONS IN POLITICAL ECONOMY Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 6, 1891. MILL ON POLITICAL ECONOMY J. Stuart Mill's Autobiography, 1873. POLITICAL ECONOMY AND THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC Meliora, vol. 10, 1867. POLITICAL ECONOMY AS AN INDUCTIVE SCIENCE Wbewell'sPhilos. of Discovery, '60. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Chambers' Journal, vol. 29, 1858. George's Progress and Poverty, 1884. Jevons' Letters and Journals, i8B6. Stephen's Life of Henry Fawcett, 1885. POLITICS (Science and art of government). AMERICA: PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN POLITICS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 4, 1888. AMERICAN POLITICS Monist, vol. 2, 1891-3. National Review, vol. 26, 1896. AMERICAN WOMEN IN POLITICS Century Magazine, vol. 27, 1894-5. AT LAST Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158. 1895. AUSTRALIAN POLITICIANS Dale's Impressions of Australia, 1889. AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Froude's Oceana, 1886. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. BRITISH POLICY IN CHINA Edinburgh Review, vol. 188, 1898. CELEBRITIES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Harper's Magazine, vol. 34, 1897. CHARACTER OF THE POLITICIAN New Review, vol. 12, 1895. [(n.s.), 1884. CHINA : POLITICAL LESSONS OF CHINESE HISTORY Trans. Roy. His. Soc., vol. I [486] POLITICS-POLYCARP Politics (continued) . CURRENT POLITICS [From Behind the Speaker's Chair] Strand, from vol. 5, 1893. DARWINISM IN POLITICS Positivist Review, vol. 2, 1894. DECLINE OF THE POLITICIAN New Review, vol. 17, 1897. ECONOMIC FOUNDATIONS OF POLITICS Loria's Economic Foundations of Soc., '99. EIGHTEETH CENTURY POLITICS Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 1856. EMPIRICISM IN POLITICS National Review, vol. 25, 1895. ENGLAND'S FOREIGN POLICY Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. EVOLUTION OF PARLIAMENT Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. FAILURE OF OUR FOREIGN POLICY Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. FOREIGN AFFAIRS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC POLITICS OF THE PRESENT DAY Macmillan's, v. i, '59-60. FOREIGN POLICY : Is IT PEACE ? [The Progress of Anglo-French Negotiations] Fortnightly Review, vol. 71, 1899. FOREIGN POLICY : KEYNOTE OF OUR FOREIGN POLICY Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. National Review, vol. 26, 1896. Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. FRENCH POLITICS, 1850 Grote's Collected Papers, 1862. FUTURE OF POLITICS Dyer's Evolution of Industry, 1895. HISTORY AND POLITICS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. POLITICAL HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. IMPATIENCE IN POLITICS Nineteenth Century, vol. 2, 1877. [vol. 3 (n.s.), 1886. IMPERIAL POLICY OF ELIZABETH FROM THE STATE PAPERS Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc., INDEPENDENT LABOUR PARTY'S PROGRAMME Nineteenth Century, vol.45, 1899. INDUSTRY AND POLITICS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891-2. INTRIGUES, POLITICAL AND AMATORY Lang's Pickle the Spy, 1897. LABOUR AND POLITICS Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. LAW IN POLITICS Argyll's Reign of Law, 1868. LIBERALISM AND THE EMPIRE Contemporary Review, vol. 74, 1898. LORD SALISBURY'S TRIUMPH Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. MANCHESTER SCHOOL Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. MILTON'S POLITICAL QUESTIONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. NAMES OF POLITICAL PARTIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. ORIGIN OF POLITICAL REPRESENTATION Contemporary Review, vol. 74, 1898. OUR NEW POLITICAL SYSTEM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 63, 1890-1. PARTIES AND POLICIES Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. PARTING OF THE WAYS Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. PARTY POLITICS Fronde's Short Studies on Great Subjects, 1891. POETRY AND POLITICS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. POLITICS AND SCIENCE Karl Pearson's Chances of Death, etc., 1897. POLITICAL INAUGURATION OF THE GREATER NEW YORK Allan. Monthly, v. 81, ;g8. POLITICAL SOMNAMBULISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. POLITICAL MEETINGS, 1788-1807 Grego's History of Parliamentary Elections, 1892. PUBLIC OPINION IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 79. 1899. RE-DISTRIBUTION OF POLITICAL POWER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 27, 1872-3. RUSSIAN POLITICAL PRESS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. STRENGTH OF PARTIES IN THE TIME OF. ANNE, 1702 Morris' Age of Anne, 1877, TEACHING OF POLITICS Macmillan's Magazine, vol 21, 1869-70. THK BENTHAMITES, OR UTILITARIAN SCHOOL Wallis' Life of Francis Place, 1898. THE COALITION [Conservatives and Liberal Unionists, 1895] New Review, vol. 13, THE PRIEST IN POLITICS Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. [1895. THE SULTAN OF TURKEY Strand Magazine, vol. 6, 1893. TIMELY TRUTHS FOR THE OUTS AND INS Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. WESTMINSTER POLITICS [1815-30] Wallis' Life of Francis Place, 1898. WHERE LORD SALISBURY HAS FAILED Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. WOMEN AND POLITICS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. See also Women. GENERAL Emerson's Essays, 1845. POlka. See Dancing. [1873. Pollen. COMPARATIVE SIZES OF POLLEN GRAINS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, Pollock (Charles Edward, Baron, Judge, died 1897) Annual Register, 1897. Pollok (Robert, Poet, died 1827) Lester's Criticisms, 1853. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1877. Polo (Man Ad\ Tr of the World, 1882. Polo (Game at ball resembling hockey, in which the players are mounted on ponies), ANTIQUITY OF POLO Weir's Riding, 1891. POLO IN INDIA Weir's Riding, 1891. POLO IN JAPAN Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. POLO ON THE PAMPAS Badminton Magazine, vol. 5, 1897. WHO WERE THE FIRST PLAYERS OF POLO ? Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Polycarp Ess> Mill [487] POLYCRATES -POON A Polycrates (Tyrant of Santos, killed 522 B.C.) Cassel's Reply to Lightfoot's Essays, '89. Polygamy (Consists of a man having more than one wife). POLYGAMOUS SOCIETY Dixon's New America, 1869. GENERAL Bonwick's Mormons, 1872. Dixon's Spiritual Wives, 1868. Polygraphic Copying Process Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Polynesia (Name applied to a number of islands east of Australia). HISTORY OF POLYNESIA Kingston's Life of Captain Cook, 1893. MARRIAGE IN POLYNESIA Starcke's Primitive Family, 1889. MISSIONARY LIFE IN POLYNESIA Vanguard of the Christian Army, 1882. GENERAL Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Wallace's Australasia, 1888. Polyp. FRESH-WATER POLYP Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. Polytechnic Institute, London All the Year Round, vol. 54, 1884. Polytheism (Belief in a plurality of Gods). HISTORY OF POLYTHEISM Tylor's Primi- tive Culture, 1891. GENERAL Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Polyzoon (A class of lower Mollusca). FRESH- WATER POLYZOON Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. Cooke's Ponds and Ditches, 1888. Pomander (A perfumed ball or powder which used to be carried at the girdle). NOTES ON POMANDERS Archaeological Journal, vol. 31, 1874. Pombal (Marquis de, Famous Portuguese Statesman, died 1782) Temple Bar, v. 57, 1879. Pomerania, Prussia. CUSTOMS IN POMERANIA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Pomfret (John, Poet, died 1702) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Pompadour (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquis de, Mistress of Louis XV., died 1764) Lady Jackson's The Old Regime [portrait], 1880. Men and Women of France during the Eighteenth Century, 1852. POMPEII (Ancient city of Italy, destroyed by an eruption of Vesuvius in 79). DESCRIPTION OF POMPEII Earl Malmesbury's Letters, 1870. DESTRUCTION OF HERCULANEUM AND POMPEII Hartwig's Subterranean World; '92. DESTRUCTION OF POMPEII Eustace's Classical Tour Through Italy, 1841. FAMILY PORTRAITS AT POMPEII Archaeological Journal, vol. 54, 1897. FIVE-STORIED CLIFF HOUSES OF POMPEII Antiquary, vol. 33, 1897. GARDENS OF POMPEII Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. [vol. 37, 1895. POMPEIAN PAINTINGS Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 16. Nineteenth Century, POMPEII IN 1864 Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. RUINS OF POMPEII Argosy, vol. 38, 1884. [1844. VISIT TO POMPEII All the Year Round, vol. 55, 1884-5. Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 3, WALL SCRIBBLING AT POMPEII Chambers' Journal, vol. 58, 1881. GENERAL Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1846. Hare's Cities of Southern Italy, 1883. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879, Murray's South Italy, V.D. Sunday at Home, vol. 30, 1883. Trollope's Visit to Italy, 1842. Whiteside's Italy, 1860. Pompey [Pompeius Cneus] (Roman General, killed 48 B.C.) Church's Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. 1887. Froude's Caesar, 1891. Josephus' Works, 1874. Mommsen's Rome, vol. 4, 1888. Plutarch's Lives, 1851. Pompilius (Numa, second mythical King of Rome) Formby's Monotheism, 1877. Pond Life. DWELLERS IN HORSE PONDS Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, FISHING PONDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 35, 1861. [1890. NATURAL HISTORY OF MY POND Chambers' Journal, vol. 27, 1857. POND-COLLECTING IN MID-WINTER Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 18, 1882. RESEARCHES IN POND LIFE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 16, 1880. GENERAL Crowther's Microscope and its Lessons, 1891. Good Words, vol. 20, 1879. Ponds. ORNAMENTATION OF PONDS AND LAKES Scribner's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. Ponies All the Year Round, vol. 15, 1866. Pongol. HINDU FESTIVAL OF THE PONGOL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 17, 1868. Ponsonby (Sir H. F., Private Secretary to the Queen, died 1895) Annual Register, 1895. Pont-Audemer, France Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Pont-Aven, France Macquoid's Pictures and Legends from Normandy and Brittany, Pontecorvo, Italy Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. [1879. Pontiac (Celebrated Indian Chief, killed 1769). HENRY GLADWIN AND THE SIEGE OF PONTIAC Harper's Magazine, vol. 34, 1897. Pontihe Marshes, Italy Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Pontresina, Switzerland. ACCOUNT OF PONTRESINA National Review, vol. 25, 1895. Pontypool, Monmouthshire Black's Guide to Hereford and Monmouth, V.D. Pool. DESCRIPTION OF THE GAME Crawley's Billiards for Beginners, 1868. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Poona, Bombay, India Brassey's Last Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1889. Macleod's Far East, 1871. [488] POOR-POPLAR POOR. (See also Out-door Relief, Pauperism, Poor Laws, Unions, Workhouses, etc.) AGED POOR National Review, vol. 33, 1899. ANECDOTES ABOUT THE LONDON POOR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. CASE OF THE POOR AGAINST THE RICH Crete's Collected Papers, 1862. DORSETSHIRE POOR S. G. Osborne's Letters to the "Times," 1891. DWELLINGS OF THE POOR Nineteenth Century, vol. 13, 1883 DWELLINGS OF THE POOR IN TOWNS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. FRENCH SYSTEM OF RELIEVING THE POOR Cornhill Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. HELP FOR THE POOR Adams' Earnest Lives, 1884. HOUSING OF THE POOR Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. How THE POOR LIVE Murray's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. How THE POOR OLD FOLKS FARE IN OTHER LANDS Temple Bar, vol. 113, 1898. How TO ASSIST THE POOR Loudon's Lady's Country Companion, 1867. LABOURING POOR Osborne's Letters to the "Times," 1891. LONDON: DWELLINGS OF THE POOR IN LONDON Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. LONDON : HOMES OF THE LONDON POOR Good Words, vol. 17, 1876. Macmillan's, LONDON: HOUSING OF THE LONDON POOR Macmillan's, v. 49, 1883-4. C v - 3, '74- LONDON: HOUSING OF THE POOR IN LONDON AND IN DUDLEY Review of Reviews, LONDON : INNER LIFE OF POORER LONDON Daily Graphic, v. 12, 1892. [v. 13, 1896. LONDON : WORK IN AN EAST END DISTRICT Nineteenth Century, vol. 18, 1885. LONDON : POOR IN LONDON All the Year Round, vol. 53, 1883-4. ORGANIZED WORK AMONG THE POOR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. PARSONS AND THE POOR London, vol. i, 1893. PAUPERISM IN THE TIME OF ANNE, 1702 Morris' Age of Anne, 1877. POOR IN GREAT CITIES Scribner's Magazine, vol. n, 1892. PROVISION FOR THE POOR IN ELIZABETHAN TIMES Harrison's Elizabethan England. PUBLIC RELIEF OF THE POOR Lawrence's Principles of the Commonwealth, 1884. RICH AND POOR Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. UNSEEN POOR All the Year Round, vol. 55, 1884-5. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 4, 1863. POOR LAW (Law for the relief of the poor. See also Outdoor Relief, Poor, Unions, Workhffusest etc.) A HUMANE POOR LAW Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, '92-3. ADMINISTRATION OF THE POOR LAW IN LONDON Meliora, vol. n, 1868. BOARD OF POOR LAWS IN ENGLAND All the Year Round, vol. 16, 1866. BOARDING OUT UNDER LADIES COMMITTEES National Review, vol. 32, 1898-9. CHARITY AND THE POOR LAW Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. ENGLISH POOR LAW Paterson's Liberty of the Subject, 1877. Roger's Work and EXISTING POOR LAW OF ENGLAND Macmillan's, vol. 23, 1870-1. [Wages, 1891. HUMANE POOR LAW Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. PHILANTHROPY AND THE POOR LAW Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891-2. POLITICS AND THE POOR LAW Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. POOR LAW CHILDREN Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. POOR LAWS IN ENGLAND All the Year Round, vol. 4, 1860-1. GENERAL Malthus' Population, 1888. Lord John Russell's Speeches & Dispatches,'7o. Pope (Alexander, Famous Poet, died 1744). COWPER AND POPE Macmillan's Mag., v. 24, ESSAY ON POPE Fields' Yesterdays with Authors, 1872. [1871. POPE AND THE POETRY OF THE i8TH CENTURY Macmillan's Mag., vol. 58, 1888. POPE AND HORACE Temple Bar, vol. 115, 1898. PORTRAIT OF POPE Rose's Collection of Engraved Portraits, 1894. SKETCH OF ALEXANDER POPE De Quincey's Works, vol. 7, 1867, and vol. 15, 1874. GENERAL Birrell's Obiter Dicta, 2nd series, 1887. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 12, 1847. Mery- dew's Love Letters of Famous Men, 1888. Oliphant's George II., 1869. Poets and Statesmen : their Homes and Haunts, 1857. Rossetti's Lives of Famous Poets, 1885. Scribner's Magazine [with Portrait], vol. 3, 1888. Thackeray's English Humourists, 1858. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Pope (Maria, Irish Actress, died 1803, Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Pope (Title Of the head of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy). CARDINAL* AND POPES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. ELECTION, RANK, INCOME, AND INFALLIBILITY OF THE POPES Eustace's Italy, 1841. GROWTH OF PAPAL POWER Boultbee's History of the Church of England, 1879. POPERY IN GREAT BRITAIN Sunday at Home, vol. 14, 1867. Paton's British History and Papal Claims, 1893. POPERY IN ENGLAND FROM 1517 TO 1688 Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. POSTURE OF THE POPE IN THE COMMUNION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. WHAT CAME OF A " No POPKRY " CRY Ward and Lock's Epochs in History, 1882. GENERAL Burnet's Thirty-Nine Articles, 1826. Burrow's Commentaries, 1893. Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Smiles' Huguenots in England, 1868. See also Papacy, Roman Catholicism, etc. Popham (Sir Home, Admiral, died 1820) James' Naval History, vols. 2-5, 1878. Poplar, London. ACCOUNT OF POPLAR PUBLIC LIBRARY London, vol. i, 1893. GENERAL Emerson's London : How the Great City Grew, 1862. [489] POPLICOLA-PORTRAITS Poplicola (Roman Consul) Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Poplin (A fabric made in Ireland, being a combination of silk and wool). MANUFACTURE OF POPLIN Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. Popping the Question All the Year Round, vol. 31, 1873-4. Chambers' Jour., v. 59, Popularity. USE OF POPULARITY Godwin's The Enquirer, 1797. [1882. Population. BENEFITS OF OVERPOPULATION Hutchinson's Gospel according to Darwin, 1898. CENSUS AND THE CONDITION OF THE PEOPLE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. CHECKS TO POPULATION Malthus' Essay on the Principle of Population, 1888. GROWTH OF POPULATION Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. INDIGENOUS BERHER POPULATION Earth's Travels in Northern and Central Africa,. LAWS OF POPULATION Nature, vol. 4, 1871. [1857. POPULATION IN TIME OF ANNE, 1702 Morris' Age of Anne, 1877. POPULATION OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. POPULATION OF THE WORLD Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. POPULATION OF THIBET Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Chambers' Journal, vol. 57, 1880. Cunningham's Path towards Knowledge, 1891. Shadwell's Political Economy, '77. Porcelain (China-ware and pottery). A PIECE OF PORCELAIN Japp's Industrial Curiosi- CURIOUS OLD CHINA AND PORCELAIN All the Year Round, v. 34, 1875. [ties, 1882. FAMOUS PORCELAIN Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. MANUFACTURE OF PORCELAIN Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1880. POTTERY AND PORCELAIN Household Words, vol. 4, 1851-2. VARIOUS KINDS OF PORCELAIN Janvier's Practical Keramics, 1880. See also China-ware, Pottery, etc. Porchester Castle, Hampshire. ITS HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURE Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1845. Porcupine (Name of certain rodent animals whose bodies are provided with a kind of quill or spine). PORCUPINE AND VARIOUS GAME Gerard's Lion Hunting, 1856. Pork. AMERICAN PORK MARKET Chambers' Journal, vol. 58, 1881. ENGLISH PORK All the Year Round, vol. 2, 1859-60. Porpoise. DESCRIPTION OF VARIETIES, WITH COLOURED PLATES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 25, 1848. Porridge. BENEFITS OF PORRIDGE Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. Port Elizabeth (Seaport in Cape Colony) Martin's Home Life on an Ostrich Farm, '90. Port Mahon (Capital of Minorca) Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Port Royal, Jamaica. GREAT EARTHQUAKE OF PORT ROYAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. GENERAL Froude's English in the West Indies, 1888. Port Royal Society (A society of religious recluses established near Paris in 1637). PORT ROYAL AND THE COURT Martin's Angelique Arnauld, 1873. THE PORT ROYALISTS Stephen's Ecclesiastical Biography, 1868. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 52, 1883. Kenan's Religious History, 1886. Port Said, Egypt Loftie's Orient Guide, 1896. Murray's Guide to the Mediter., V.D. Port Wine Crawfurd's Portugal, Old and New, 1882. Redding's Modern Wines, 1851. Portal (Sir Gerald Herbert, Consul-General to British East Africa, died 1894) Annual Register, 1894. Porter (Anna Maria, Novelist, died 1832) Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Porter (Jane, Novelist, died 1850) Hall's Book of Memories, 1871. Porter (The Misses) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Porteus (Bielby, Bishop of London, died 1808) Abbey's English Church, 1887. Portfolios. GOSSIP ON PORTFOLIOS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. Portia (Heroine in the "Merchant of Venice"). CHARACTERISTICS Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. Portico (A porch or entrance). PORTICOES OF ANCIENT ROME Eustace's Italy, 1841. Portland (Isle of, peninsula on the Dorset coast; has ancient remains, a castle and a convict prison). ANCIENT REMAINS FOUND IN THE ISLE OF PORTLAND Archaeological Journal, vol. 25, 1868. BREAKWATER AND PORTLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 29, 1858. DESCRIPTION OF PORTLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. STONE QUARRIES OF PORTLAND Dorset Field Club Proceedings, vol. 12. VISIT TO PORTLAND PRISON Good Words, vol. 14, 1873. GENERAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. Dorset Antiq. Field Club Proc., vol. 12. Household Words, vol. 17, 1857. Land We Live In, vol. 3, 1853. Murray's Guide to Wilts and Dorset, V.D. Portland ([William and Henry Bentinck], Dukes of) Walford's Family Chests, 1887. Porto RiCO (Spanish {Vest India Island). ALONE IN PORTO Rico Century, v. 34, '98. Porto Seguro (A maritime town of Brazil) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 30, 1830. Portraits. EARLIEST PRINTED PORTRAITS OF SOME NOTABLE ENGLISHWOMEN Sunday at Home, vol. 42, 1895. FAMILY PORTRAITS AT POMPEII Archaeological Journal, vol. 54, 1897. [490] PORTRAITS-POST OFFICE Portraits (continued). MEMOIRS AND PORTRAITS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY New Review, vol. 14, 1896. PORTRAIT ART OF THE RENAISSANCE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 47, 1883. POSTAGE STAMP PORTRAITS The Photogram, vol. 4, 1897. QUEEN ELIZABETH AND HER PORTRAITS Antiquary, vol. 21, 1890. WESTMINSTER PORTRAIT or RICHARD II. Fine Arts Quar. Review, v. 2 (n.s.), 1867. Portraiture. ANATOMY IN PORTRAITURE The Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. ART IN PORTRAITURE The Photogram, vol. 3, 1896. ART OF PORTRAITURE Lady's Realm, vol. 2, 1897. CHARACTERISATION : POSING AND LIGHTING The Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. PORTRAITURE OF THE ANCIENTS Archaeological Journal, vol. 27, 1870. Ports. OF PORTS Hall's Custom Revenue of England, 1885. Portsmouth (Principal station of the British Navy). DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF PORTSMOUTH Art Journal, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1882. EASTER MONDAY AT PORTSMOUTH All the Year Round, vol. 19, 1867-8. PLAN OF PORTSMOUTH Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, V.D. PORTSMOUTH AND ITS DOCKYARD Villars' English Provinces, 1888. PORTSMOUTH IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland and England, 1844. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. i, 1859. Black's Guide to Hampshire, V.D. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Land We Live in, vol. 3, 1853. Portugal. AFFAIRS OF PORTUGAL Thomas Raikes' Journal, 1858. COLONIAL EMPIRE OF THE PORTUGUESE TO THE DEATH OF ALBUQUERQUE Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 8 (n.s.), 1894. MONETARY SYSTEM OF PORTUGAL Del Mar's Money and Civilisation, 1886. PORTUGUESE IN AFRICA Mathers' Zambesia, 1891. GENERAL Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Harrison's Travels in Europe, 1891. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Meriwether's Mediterranean, 1892. Portumna, Galway (Has remains of monastery and castle) Inglis' Ireland, 1835. Positivism (A philosophy which aims at bringing the supernatural and metaphysical into harmony with science). COMTE AND POSITIVISM Carlyle's Reminiscences, 1887. ON THE WORD POSITIVE Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. POSITIVE COMMENTS ON PUBLIC AFFAIRS, 1878-92 Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. POSITIVISM AND SECULARISM Woman, Jannary, 1896. POSITIVISM AND THE ETHICAL CONFERENCE Positivist Review, vol. i, 1893. POSITIVISM AND THE SUPERNATURAL Tulloch's Lectures on Renan's Vie de Jesus, POSITIVISM ON AN ISLAND Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, v. i, 1890. [1864. GENERAL Cunningham's Path Towards Knowledge, 1891 POST OFFICE. A YEAR'S ENGLISH POSTAL WORK Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886 ABUSE OF POST OFFICE MONOPOLY Truth, vol. 36, 1894. AMERICAN POST OFFICE -Trollope's North America, 1862. BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE G.P.O. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. CATCHING THE MAIL BAGS Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. CHINESE POSTMEN Household Words, vol. n, 1855. CURIOSITIES OF OUR POST OFFICE Chambers' Journal, vol. 25, 1856. Walford's Londoniana, 1879. DESCRIPTION OF THE POST OFFICE Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. ENGLISH POST OFFICE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. i, 1884. ESSAY ON POST CARDS All the Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. ESSAY ON THE POST OFFICE Wynter's Our Social Bees, 1861. GENERAL POST OFFICE, LONDON Head's Descriptive Essays, 1857. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. GENERAL POST OFFICE MUSEUM Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. HUMOURS OF THE POST OFFICE Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. IN CHARGE OF THE MAILS All the Year Round, vol. i, 1859. INTERNATIONAL POSTAGE STAMPS Chambers' Journal, vol. 58, 1881. LIFE ASSURANCE AND ANNUITIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. MODERN MERCURY Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. MONEY ORDERS Household Words, vol. 5, 1852. PARCELS AND TELEGRAPHS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 5, 1887-8. PARCELS POST DEPARTMENT All the Year Round, vol. 53, 1883-4. PENNY POST FOR THE EMPIRE Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Life and Labours of Fonblanque, 1874. Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, 1882. POST OFFICE v. PRIVATE ENTERPRISE -Truth, vol. 41, 1897. POST OFFICE PARCEL DELIVERY All the Year Round, vol. 25, 1870-1. POSTAL AND TELEGRAPHIC PROGRESS UNDER QUEEN VICTORIA Fortnightly Rev., POSTMEN OF THE WORLD Strand Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. [v. 67, 1897. PROVINCIAL POST OFFICES All the Year Round, vol. 9, 1863. TELEGRAPH MONEY ORDERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. TEN YEARS' POSTAL PROGRESS Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. WOMEN IN THE POST OFFICE Chambers' Journal, vol. 76, 1899. WORK OF THE POST OFFICE Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1882. GENERAL English Illustrated Magazine, vol. i, 1884. Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1885. Stephen's Life of Henry Fawcett, 1885. POSTERS-POVERTY Posters. AMERICAN POSTERS, PAST AND PRESENT Scribner's Mag., vol. 18, 1895. ART IN THE POSTER Art Journal, vol. 16 (n.s.), 1896. FRENCH POSTERS AND BOOK-COVERS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 17, 1895. POSTERS AND POSTER-DESIGNING IN ENGLAND Scribner's Magazine, vol. 18, 1895. "Postman's Knock" (Song-) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Potassium. CARBONATE OF POTASSIUM Wright's Threshold of Science, 1891. Mendel6eff's Chemistry, 1891. Potato. COMMON POTATO Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. FOOD OF THE LABOURING CLASSES Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. FRIED POTATOES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. INTRODUCTION OF THE POTATO INTO ENGLAND Antiquary, vol. 13, 1886. PLACE OF THE POTATO IN HISTORY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 6p, 1889. POTATO DISEASE Good Words, vol. 25, 1884. Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. Nature, vol. 6, 1872. RESTING SPORES OF THE POTATO FUNGUS Hardwicke's Sci. Gossip, vol. n, 1875. SUPPLY OF POTATOES Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 4, 1845. Potchefstroom, Transvaal. SIEGE OF POTCHEFSTROOM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. Dixie's Land of Misfortune, 1882. Pots and Pans All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. Potsdam, Prussia Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, V.D. Potter (John, Archbishop of Canterbury, Classical Scholar, died 1747) Abbey's English Church, 1887. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. POTTERY (Art of forming vessels or utensils in clay). AMORITE POTTERY Flinders Petrie's Tell-el-Hesy, 1891. ANCIENT BRITISH URNS Dorset Field Club Proceedings, vol. 12. [1873. ANCIENT POTTERIES OF THE NEW FOREST, HANTS Archaeological Journal, vol. 30, ANCIENT POTTERY Napier's Manufacturing Arts, 1879. Proc. of Soc. of Antiquaries, EARLY POTTERY Solon's English Potter, 1885. [V.D. ELTON'S UNIQUE POTTERY All the Year Round, vol. 50, 1882. JEWISH, GREEK, LACHISH, PHOENICIAN, AND /EGEAN POTTERY Flinders Petrie's MATERIALS FOR POTTERY Janvier's Practical Keramics, 1880. [Tell-el-Hesy, 1891. MEDI/EVAL POTTERY Archaeological Journal, vol. 3, 1846. MODERN INDIAN POTTERY Art Journal, 1893. NICOBAR POTTERY Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 23. ON POTTERY MAKING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. ORIGIN OF POTTERY Janvier's Practical Keramics, 1880. PEEP AT AN ART POTTERY Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. POTTERS IN RHINELAND English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. POTTERY OF ANCIENT EGYPT Archaeological Journal, vol. 40, 1883. POTTERIES OF STAFFORD : SHORT ILLUS. DESCRIPTION Villar's Eng. Provinces, '88. PRE-HISTORIC POTTERY Lubbock's Pre-historic Times, 1890. POTTERY AND PORCELAIN Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1880. Indus- trial Arts : Historical Sketches, 1874. POTTERY OF SAMOS Hulme's Birth of Ornament, 1893. QUAINT CONCEITS IN POTTERY Antiquary, vol. 13, 1886. RECENT ARTISTIC STAFFORDSHIRE POTTERY Art journal, 1896. RENAISSANCE OF ART POTTERY IN LAMBETH Architecture, vol. 3, 1898. ROMAN POTTERY All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. SOME POTTERY AND PORCELAIN Literature, vol. 2, 1898. STAFFORDSHIRE POTTERIES Land We Live In, vol. i, 1853. UPCHURCH MARSHES AND ROMAN POTTERY Antiquary, vol. 7, 1883. POULTRY (See also Fowls, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, etc.) BREEDING POULTRY Harper's Magazine, vol. 47, 1873. Mechi's Profitable Farming, CHRISTMAS POULTRY Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. [1872. FARMING CURIOSITIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. How TO KEEP POULTRY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 9, 1883. MANAGEMENT OF POULTRY Sheldon's Dairy Farming, 1888. MY FRIENDS WHO SHOULD BE IN THE POULTRY YARD [Cat bringing up Ducklings] Chambers' Journal, vol. 39. 1863. POULTRY AND THE POULTRY YARD Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 14, 1848. POULTRY FARMING Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. POULTRY FARMING: WILL IT PAY? Chambers' Journal, vol. 58, 1881. POULTRY KEEPING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. Woman, August, 1895. POULTRY KEEPING IN NORMANDY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. POULTRY SHOWS All the Ye*r Round, vol. 10, 1863-4. Chambers' Jour., vol. 35, 1861. PROFITABLE POULTRY Our Farm of Four Acres, 1872. Poverty. AID FOR THE POOR Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. INCONVENIENCES OF POVERTY British Essayists, vol. 8, 1823. Is POVERTY DIMINISHING ? Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. PLEASURES OF POVERTY Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1848. PROBLEM OF POVERTY AND OLD AGE National Review, vol. 26, 1895-6. RICHES AND POVERTY Godwin's The Enquirer, 1797. WAGES AND CAPITAL George's Progress and Poverty, 1884. GENERAL Quiver, vol. 3, 1868. See also Poor, Union, Workhouse, etc. [492] POWDER-PRECIOUS STONES Powder. POWDER MAGAZINES AT PURFLEET Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. PEOPLE WHO FACE DEATH [at Powder Mills] Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. THROUGH THE POWDER MILLS Chambers' Journal, vol. 24, 1855. Power. EMOTION OF POWER Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Burke's Works, 1893. Poynter (Sir E. J., President of the Royal Academy, born 1836). ARTISTS AND THEIR WORK Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. GENERAL Scribner's Magazine, vol. 22, 1897. Prachatitz (Town of Bohemia). A PERFECT MEDIEVAL TOWN OF TO-DAY Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. Praed (Winthrop Mackworth, Poet, died 1839) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. Prague (Capital of Bohemia). GLIMPSES OF PRAGUE Harper's Mag., vol. 56, 1877-8. GENERAL Bramsen's Travels in Egypt, Syria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, etc., 1820. Prague (Archbishop of). Seejohnofjenstein. Prairie (A vast natural meadow or plain). BURNING OF PRAIRIF.S Latham's States of the River Plate, 1868. INHABITANTS OF THE PRAIRIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 55, 1878. PHASES OF PRAIRIE LIFE Roper's Track and Trail, 1891. PRAIRIES OF MEXICO Froebel's Seven Years' Travel in Central America, 1859. PRAIRIES OF THE UNITED STATES Dixon's New America, 1867. SKETCHES ON THE PRAIRIES Good Words, vol. 19, 1878. GENERAL Marshall's Canadian Dominion, 1871. Praise. INFLUENCE AND POWER OF PRAISE Quiver, vol. 18, 1883. GENERAL Bain's the Emotions and the Will, 1875. Treas. Relig. Thought, v. 5, 1891. PratO, Italy (Cathedral town enclosed in walls) Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. Pratt (Charles, Earl Camden, Lawyer and Statesman, died 1794) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Pratt (Samuel Jackson, A uthor, died 1814). GLEANINGS OF SAMUEL PRATT Black- wood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. Prawns. SEAFORTH AND ITS PRAWNS Temple Bar, vol. 18, 1866. PRAYER. (See also Religion, Worship, etc.). A BOOKE OF CHRISTIAN PRAYERS Fine Arts Quarterly Review, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1867. ANSWERS TO PRAYER Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. As TO PRAYER Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 4 (2nd series), 1890. COMMON PRAYER: SERMON ON COMMON PRAYER Contemporary Pulpit, v. 9, 1888. DAILY PRAYER Channing's Complete Works, 1885. DEFENCE OF PRAYER Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. Is FAMILY PRAYER DECLINING ? Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. [1890. NATURAL LAW AND PRAYER Good Words, v. 14, 1873. Gladden's Burning Questions, NATURE AND PRAYER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6. PRAYING MACHINES AMONG THE TIBETANS AND SHOKAS Savage Lander's In the SERMON ON PRAYER Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 2, 1884. [Forbidden Land, 1898. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Koelle's Mohammed and Moham- medanism, 1889. Sale's Koran, 1867. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol.5, 1891. Expositor, vol. 5 (ist series), 1879. Prayer Book. REVISION OF THE PRAYER BOOK AND THE ACT OF UNIFORMITY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. i, 1859-60. THOUGHTS ON THE PRAYER BOOK Ryle's Principles for Churchmen, 1884. GENERAL Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. PREACHING. (See also Religion, Sermons, etc.) ELOQUENCE OF THE PULPIT British Essayists, vol. 2, 1823. FIELD-PREACHINGS Wylie's History of Protestantism, vol. 3, 1875-7. Is THE PULPIT LOSING ITS POWER ? Nineteenth Century, vol. i, 1877. MODERN PREACHERS AND PREACHING Haweis' Dead Pulpit, 1896. PREACHERS AND SERMONS Temple Bar, vol. 98, 1893. PREACHERS OF THE DAY Temple Bar, vol. 70, 1884. PREACHING ON THE STAGE Good Words, vol. i, 1860. PREPARATION OF A PREACHER Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 9 (2nd series), 1893. SILENT PREACHERS Quiver, vol. 14, 1879. UNDERGROUND PREACHING Sunday at Home, vol. 12, 1865. WANDERING PREACHERS AND FRIARS Jusserand's Wayfaring Life in I4th Century, WIT AND HUMOUR IN THE PULPIT Haweis' Dead Pulpit, 1896. [1892. GENERAL Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Jeaffreson's Book about the- Clergy, 1870. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Pre-Adamite World Temple Bar, v. 3, 1861. Also Creation, Geology, Paleontology , Precedence. MATTERS OF PRECEDENCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 51, 1874. {etc. Precious Stones. MYTHS OF PRECIOUS STONES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. PRECIOUS STONES AND How TO DISTINGUISH THEM Nature, vol. 51, 1894-5. THE FAMILY OF GEMS Simonin's Underground Life, 1869. VARIOUS PRECIOUS STONES Argosy, vol. n, 1871. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 5, 1861. Ansted's In Search of Minerals, 1880. See also Diamonds, Pearls, etc. [493 ] PRECOCITY-PRESS Precocity. PRECOCITY AND GENIUS Nineteenth Century, vol. 19, 1886. Predictions. PREDICTIONS FULFILLED All the Year Round, vol. 24, 1870. SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL PREDICTIONS Chambers' Journal, vol. 57, 1880. SOME PREDICTIONS AND COINCIDENCES Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. See also Divination, Foretelling, Prophecy, etc. [1870 Predestination Buckle's Civilization in Eng., '69. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, Prehistoric Ages. MAN OK MENTONE Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. Joly's Man Before Metals, 1887. Prejudice. ESSAY ON PREJUDICE Hazlitt's Sketches and Essays, 1878. INTERNATIONAL PREJUDICES Cornhill Magazine, vol.34, l8 76- NATIONAL PREJUDICES International Journal of Ethics, vol. 6, 1895-6. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Quiver, vol. 22, 1887. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 4, 1891. Prelates. WYCLIF ON PRELATES Early English Text Soc. Reprint, No. 74, 1880. Prentice (Archibald, Journalist, died 1857) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. Pre-Raphaelitism. THREE COLOURS OF PKE-RAPHAELITISM iqth Cent., vol. 4, '78. See also Rossetti (D. G.) Presbyterianism (A Christian religious sect). ORIGIN AND INFLUENCE OF THE PRESBYTERIANS Maurice's Life of F. D. Maurice, 1884. PRESBYTERY AND EPISCOPACY M'Crie's Miscellaneous Writings, 1841. GENERAL Abbey's English Church, 1887. Cunningham's Path Towards Knowledge, 1891. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Neal's History of the Puritans, '22. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. PreSGOtt (William Hicklin, American Historian, died 1859) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1863-4. Stirling-Maxwell's Miscellaneous Essays, 1891. Prescott, Arizona, U.S.A. Rusling's Great West and Pacific Coast, 1877. Presence Of Mind Chambers' Journal, vol. 3, 1845. Presentiment. PRESENTIMENTS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. GENERAL Quiver, vol. 4, 1869. Presents. HINTS ON GIVING PRESENTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1899. Preserved Meats and Meat Biscuits Chambers' Journal, vol. 18, 1852. Presidents. EARLY PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Harper's, vol. 7, 1883-4. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN THE UNITED STATES Nineteenth Cent., vol. 24, 1888. PRESIDENT MAKING Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. PRESS (Term applied to the world of newspaper and magazine literature. See also Journalism, Newspapers, etc.) BRITISH PRESS AND AMERICA Curran's Sketches of the Irish Bar, 1855. CENSORSHIP OF THE PRESS IN TURKEY Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. CENTURY OF NEWSPAPERS, 1688-1788 All the Year Round, vol. 62, 1888. DUBLIN PRESS AND ITS WRITERS Madden's United Irishmen, 1860. ENGLISH PRESS Roger's British Citizen, 1886. FOURTH ESTATE IN LONDON Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Hall's Miscellaneous Works, 1853. Paterson's Liberty of the Press, 1880. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1876. GERMAN DAILY PRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. GOVERNMENT AND THE PRESS Helps' Thoughts upon Government, 1862. INDIAN NATIVE PRESS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. INFLUENCE OF THE PRESS Lecky's History ot England, 1892. LIBERTY OF THE PRESS Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Fosteriana: Thoughts, Reflections and Criticisms, 1858. LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IN THE UNITED STATES Tocqueville's Democracy in America, 1862. NATIVE PRESS IN INDIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 43 1898 [vol. 73, 1896. NEWSPAPER PRESS: How EDITORS SEND BACK MANUSCRIPTS Chambers' Journal, NEWSPAPER PRESS OF LONDON Brand's London Life seen with German Eyes. NEWSPAPER PRESS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. Routledge's Popular NEWSPAPER WORK Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. [Progress, 1876. NEWSPAPERS, STATESMEN, AND THE PUBLIC Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. PENNY PRESS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. PERIODICAL JOURNALS IN 1832 Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Literary Curiosities] , 1888. POLITICS AND PRESS Escott's Platform, Press, etc., 1891. PRESS AND LIBERTY OF OPINION May's Constitutional History, 1871. PRESS ASSOCIATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. PRODUCING A GREAT DAILY PAPER Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. PROVINCIAL PRESS: PRESS IN THE PROVINCES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. READING FOR THE PRESS Jacobi's Printing, 1890. ROMANCE OF OUR NEWS SUPPLY Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. SHARPSHOOTERS OF THE PRESS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. SOME OLD NEWSPAPERS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. GENERAL Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. Willings' Press Guide, 1899. [494] PBBSSGANG-PRINCETON Pressgang (-4 detachment of seamen empowered in time of war to seize and compel persons to serve in the havy). HISTORY OF THE PRESSGANG Chambers' Journal, PRESSGANGS OF THE LAST WAR Chambers' Journal, vol. 21, 1854. [vol. 71, 1894. STORY OF THE PRESSGANG Chambers' Journal, vol. 57, 1880. Preston, Lancashire (Noted for its Harris' Free Library and other fine building',') Murray's Guide to Lancashire, V.D. Villars' English Provinces, 1888. Prestwich (Sir Joseph, Geologist, died 1896). MEMOIR Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. Pretenders. CLAIMANTS TO ROYALTY Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. PRINCE CHARLES EDWARD Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Chambers' Domestic Annals of Scotland, vol. 3, 1861. Hassall's Bolingbroke, 1889. See also Charles Edward. Pretoria (Capital of the Transvaal). SCENES AT PRETORIA Garrett & Edwards Story of an African Crisis, 1897. GENERAL Finch's To South Africa, 1890. Prevesa, Albania Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Pr^VOSt (Abb, French Author, died 1763) Men and Women of France during the Eighteenth Century. Priam (Homeric King of Troy). THE SO-CALLED TOMB OF "PRIAM Schliemann's Troja, 1884. Price (Professor Bonamy, Political Economist, died 1888) 'Temple Bar, vol. 83, 1888. Price (Richard, Dissenting Minister and Political Writer, died 1791) Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1843. Prices. SOME TUDOR PRICES IN KENT Trans.of the Royal Hist. Society, vol. i, 1872. Prickard (J., Dissenting Minister, died 1784) Jackson's Early Meth. Preachers, v. 4, '70. Pride. ON PRIDE AS AFFECTING THE REASON British Essayists, vol. 3, 1823. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Proverbs of Solomon, Classified and Arranged. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Whe- well's Elements of Morality, 1848. Prideaux (John, Bishop of Worcester, died 1650} Davenport's Lives, etc., 1841. Priesthood. FUNCTIONS OF PRIESTHOOD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. HIGH PRIESTS OF ISRAEL Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. INSTRUCTIONS OF PARISH PRIESTS : A ISTH CENTURY POEM Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 31, 1868. POLITICAL INFLUENCE OF IRISH PRIESTHOOD Pall Mall Magazine, vol. i, 1893. ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIESTHOOD McCabe's Twelve Years in a Monastery, 1897. VICE OF THE PRIESTS AT BEGINNING OF i6TH CENTURY Fish's Supplicacyon for the Beggars in Early English Text Society's Reprints (extra series), No. 13, 1871. WYCLIF ON THE ORDER OF PRIESTHOOD Early Eng. Text Soc. Reprints, No. 74, '80. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Jeaffreson's Book About Clergy, 1870. Josephus' Works, 1874. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. See also Church, Clergy, Ministry, Religion, etc. Priestley (Joseph, Chemist and Unitarian Minister, died 1804) Abbey's English Church, 1887. Brougham's Men of Letters, 1845. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1843. Prigs. CONCERNING PRIGS New Review, vol. 14, 1896. Prilip, Roumelia Mackenzie & Irby's Slavonic Provinces, 1877. Prime (Sir S., King's Serjeant, died. 1777) Woolrych's Lives of Eminent Serjeants- at-Law, 1869. Prime Ministers. PRIME MINISTERS I HAVE KNOWN Chambers' Jour., vol.75, 1898. THE QUEEN AND HER MINISTERS Leisure Hour, v. 45, 1896-7. Fortnightly, v. 58, '95. Primiero, Alps. PEAKS OF PRIMIERO Stephen's Playground of Europe, 1871. Primogeniture (Right of the eldest son to succeed to the ancestor's property) Brodrick's English Landlords, 1881. Primorsk, Siberia Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. Primrose. COWSLIPS AND PRIMROSES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 2, 1884-5. PRIMROSES AND VIOLETS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 16, 1880. Primrose League (A Conservative association founded in memory of Lord Beaconsfield) Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. Prince Consort. DEATH OF PRINCE CONSORT Macmillan's, v. 5, 1861-2. Also Albert. Prince Edward Island, Canada Brassey's Last Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1889. Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. Harper's Magazine, vol. 55, 1877. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Princes of Wales. PRINCES OF WALES AND THEIR MARRIAGES Chambers' Jour., THIRTEEN PRINCES OF WALES All the Year Round, vol. 8, 1862-3. [vol. 39, 1863. Princesses. PRINCESSES IN THE PAST All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. PRINCESSES OF ENGLAND MARRIED TO SUBJECTS Chambers' Jour., vol. 47, 1870. PRINCESSES ROYAL OF ENGLAND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. TUDOR QUEENS AND PRINCESSES Girl's Own Annnal, vol. n, 1890. Princeton, New Jersey, U.S. PRINCETON COLLEGE Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. UNDERGRADUATE LIFE AT PRINCETON Scribner's Mag., vol. 21, 1897. [23, 1830. [495] PRINGLE-PRISONS Pringfle (Sir J., Physician, died 1782) British Physicians [Family Library], 1830. Pringle (T., Scottish Poet, died 1834) Redding's Reminiscences of Eminent Men, 1867. Prinsep (Val C., Artist, born 1838) Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. PRINTING (A rt of stamping impressions of letters, figures, etc., on paper or other material). AGE oh PRINTING Martin's History of the New Testament, 1884. ANNALS OF SCOTTISH PRINTING The Library, vol. 2, 1890. APPLEDORE PRIVATE PRESS, U.S.A. The Library, vol. i, 1889. ART OF PRINTING Crane's Bases of Design, 1898. BASKERVILLE PRESS Dent's Making of Birmingham, 1894. BROTHERS FOULIS AND EARLY GLASGOW PRINTING The Library, vol. i, 1889. CALICO PRINTING Cassell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1880. COLLOTYPE PRINTING Process Photogram, 1897. COUNTRY PRINTER Scribner's Magazine, vol. 13, 1893. CHINA : PRINTING IN CHINA Life of Samuel Wells Williams, 1888. CHINESE EARLY PRINTING Chambers' Journal, vol. n, 1849. CURIOSITIES OF PRINTING Fitzgerald's Book Fancier, 1887. EARLY PRINTING Harper's Magazine, vol. n, 1855. FAMOUS PRINTING HOUSE [Aldine Press, Venice] All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. HISTORY OF PRINTING Gordon's Foundry, Forge and Factory, 1890. HOME OF AN OLD MASTER PRINTER [Antwerp] Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. INVENTION OF PRINTING Disraeli's Amenities of Literature, 1870. LESSONS IN COMPOSITOR'S WORK All the Year Round, vol. 39, 1877-8. MODERN PRINTING OFFICE Russell's Literary Manual, 1886. MONUMENTS OF EARLY PRINTERS Literature, vol. i, 1897-8. NOTES ON PRINTING AND THE VARIOUS PROCESSES IN USE Cassell's Tech. Edu- ORIGIN OF PRINTING Harper's Magazine, vol. 37, 1868. [cator, vols. 3 & 6, '97. PRINTERS' BLUNDERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 58, 1881. PRINTER'S DEVIL Head's Descriptive Essays, 1857. PRINTERS' POLYTECHNIC London, vol. 6, 1897. PRINTING OF COLOURED LEAVES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 637], 1883. PRINTING PRESSES Spons' Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. PROCESS AND DEVELOPMENT OF COLOUR PRINTING Process Photogram, 1896. PROGRESS IN PRINTING Cochrane's Wonders of Modern Mechanism, 1897. REMARKS ON THE HISTORY OF PRINTING IN NORTH COUNTRY TOWNS Trans, of Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society, vol. 14. Prints (Printed matter or pictttres). BRITISH MUSEUM PRINT ROOM Good Words, v. 36, CARE OF PICTURES AND PRINTS Longman's Magazine, vol. 7, 1885-6. [1895. GRACE COLLECTION OF PRINTS Walford's Londoniana, 1879. CRAZE OF THE COLOURED PRINT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. Prior (Matthew, Poet, died 1721) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. John- son's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Temple Bar, vol. 108, 1896. Thackeray's English Humourists, 1858. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Priories. ALIEN PRIORIES OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT Archaeological Jour., v. 29, 1872. BRINKBURN PRIORY Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1852. DOMINICAN'S PRIORY, BRISTOL Proceedings of Archasological Institute, 1851. Prishtina, Roumania Mackenzie & Irby's Slavonic Provinces, 1877. Prisms. SENSES AND PRISMS Glazebrook's Physical Optics, 1886. Prisoners. DISCHARGED PRISONERS : STORY OF A GLORIOUS WORK Sunday Mag., TREATMENT OF PRISONERS International Jour, of Ethics, vol. 7, '96-7. [v. 27, '91. PRISONS. (See also Crime, etc. ; and under names, e.g., Bastile, Newgate, etc.) ACCOUNT OF FLEET PRISON Doings in London; or Day and Night Scenes, , CHAPTER ON PRISON DISCIPLINE Meliora, vol. n, 1868. EASTERN PRISONS Good Words, vol. 2, 1861. EDUCATION AS A FACTOR IN PRISON REFORM Harper's Magazine, vol. 12, 1855. ENGLISH PRISONS Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. ESSAY ON PRISONS Sydney Smith's Works, 1845. FRENCH CONVICTS ESTABLISHMENTS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. FRANCE : THE PRISONS OF PARIS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. IN A WOMAN-CONVICT'S PRISON Woman, April, 1896. IN FRENCH PRISONS Nineteenth Century, vol. 19, 1886. ITALIAN PRISONS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. LIFE IN A MILITARY PRISON Cornhill Magazine, vol. 15, 1867. LIFE IN HOLLOWAY GAOL Review of Reviews, vol. 14, 1896. LONDON PRISONS Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. MODEL PRISONS Carlyle's Latter-day Pamphlets, 1872. Pall Mall Mag., vol. 8, 1895. NEAPOLITAN PRISONS, PAST AND PRESENT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. NOTES ON PRISONS Heather's Mathematical Instruments, 1888. OFFICIAL VIEW Daily Mail, May 21, 1898, and following issues. ONLY FEMALE CONVICT PRISON IN ENGLAND Woman, October, 1897. PRISON COMMITTEE REPORT Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. PRISON DISCIPLINE IN PHILADELPHIA Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. PRISON FLEDGELINGS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. PRISON GOVERNMENT Baker's War with Crime, 1889. PRISON MALINGERING Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, i8g6t [4S6] PRISONS-PROFIT Prisons (continued). PRISON PETS Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. PRISON REFORM Brace's Gesta Christi, 1882. Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. Nineteenth Century, vol. 36, 1894. PRISON REFORM IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA Life of Mary Carpenter, 1881. PRISON RESEARCHES AT HOME AND ABROAD Stoughton's Life of Howard, 1884. PRISON TREATMENT OF JUVENILE OFFENDERS Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. PRISON TREATMENT OF WOMEN Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. PRISON WARDERS [How the Other Half Lives] English Illustrated, vol. 15, 1896. PRISONERS ON THE MOVE Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. PRISONS AND THE GALLEYS Wylie's History of Protestantism, vol. 3, 1877. PRISONS BILL AND PROGRESS IN CRIMINAL TREATMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. PRISONS OF VENICE Antiquary, vol. 9, 1884. [43, 1898. RECENT ESCAPES FROM GAOL Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. SIBERIAN PRISONS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. De Windt's Siberia as it is, 1892. Simpson's Side-Lights on Siberia, 1898. Six YEARS IN PRISONS OF ENGLAND Temple Bar, vol. 24, 1868. SOME MEMORIES OF A PRISON CHAPLAIN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 77, 1898. Two HOURS IN A PRISON Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. UNAVOIDABLE USELESSNESS OF PRISON LABOUR Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. UNPAID MAGISTRACY AND PRISON REFORM Meliora, vol. n, 1868. VISIT TO A RUSSIAN PRISON Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. 2, 1873. VISIT TO SING-SING PRISON, NEW YORK English Illustrated, vol. 15, 1897-8. YORK CASTLE PRISON Twyford's Records of York Castle, 1880. [1878. Pritchard (J., Wesleyan Minister, died 1807) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, v. 6, Privateer (A vessel of war owned by private individuals and licensed by Government). A WORD FOR THE PRIVATEER United Service Magazine, vol. 138, 1898. CONCERNING PRIVATEERING Naval and Military Magazine, vol. 3, 1898. NEW YORK COLONIAL PRIVATEERS Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. PRIVATEERS AND PRIVATEERING Chambers' Journal, vol. 22, 1854, and vol. 60, 1883. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 8, 1847. See also Buccaneers. Privy Council of Great Britain Helps' Thoughts on Government, 1862. See also Cabinet, Parliament, etc. Prize Essays All the Year Round, vol. 49, 1882. Prize Money Chambers' Journal, vol. 22, 1854. See also Naval History, etc. Prize System in Education Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. See also Education. Processions. ANCIENT PROCESSIONS Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. PROCESSIONAL CUSTOMS Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Traditions], 1885. Procrastination British Essayists, vols. 8 and 39, 1823. Chambers' Jour., v. 59, 1882. Procter (Adelaide Anne, Poetess, died 1864) Adams' Celebrated Englishwomen, 1884. Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. Procter (Bryan Waller [Barry Cornwall], Poet, father of above, died 1874) Talfourd's Life of Charles Lamb, 1892. Stedman's Victorian Poets, 1876. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Proctor (R. A., Astronomer, died 1888) Scribner's Magazine, vol. 7, 1890. Popular Science Monthly, vol. 4, 1874. Proctors. OXFORD PROCTORS Pycroft's Oxford Memories, 1886. See Oxford. Prodigal Son. THE STORY OF THE PRODIGAL SON Contemporary Pulpit, v. 2, 1882. Prodigies. PRODIGY HUNTER All the Year Round, vol. 6, 1861-2. GENERAL Sketches of Imposture, Deception and Credulity, 1837. Production. COST OF PRODUCTION Bagehot's Economic Studies, 1888. FOREIGN RIVALRIES IN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS Cassell's Great Industries, 1878. LAW AND CAUSE OF PRODUCTION Gunton's Wealth and Progress, 1888. Profanity Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 4, 1891. Professions. EVOLUTION OF THE PROFESSIONS Contemporary Rev., vol. 69, 1896. INFLUENCES OF PROFESSIONS Whately's Miscellaneous Lectures and Reviews, 1861. PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTIONS: BIOGRAPHER, HISTORIAN AND MAN OF LETTERS; MAN OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHER; JUDGE AND LAWYER; ORATOR AND POET ; TEACHER, ETC. Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, v. 2, 1884. ROMANTIC PROFESSIONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 68, 1893. [Life, 1873. TRADES AND PROFESSIONS Godwin's The Enquirer, 1797. Hamerton's Intellectual Profit. EFFECTS OF AN EIGHT HOUR LAW ON PROFITS Gunton's Wealth & Progress, NEW DEPARTURE IN PROFIT SHARING Chambers' Journal, vol.68, 1891. [1888. ON PROFIT AND HONESTY Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 4, 1890. PROFIT SHARING Nineteenth Century, vol. 9, 1881. PROFIT SYSTEM Gronlund's Co-operative Commonweath, 1886. RENT, INTEREST AND PROFITS Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 38, 1862. Laing's Theory of Business, 1867. Roger's Work and Wages, 1891. Shadwell's Political Economy, 1877. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1880. 2l [ 497 1 PROGRESS-PROSTITUTION Progress (National progress). AFTER SIXTY YEARS [A record of our progress since 1837] Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1897. AGE OF PROGRESS Maine's Popular Government, 1890. GEORGE'S " PROGRESS AND POVERTY "Good Words, vol. 24, 1883. GREAT MEN AS THE TRUE CAUSE OF PROGRESS Mallock's Aristocracy & Evolu- LIMBO OF PROGRESS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892. [tion, 1898. NEED OF PROGRESS Farrar's Social and Present Day Questions, 1891. PROGRESS FROM THE FIRST TO THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Wylie's History of Protestantism, vol. i, 1875-7. RELIGION AND PROGRESS The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. Progression. LAW OF PROGRESSION Newnham's Body and Mind, 1842. Prohibitionism. PROHIBITIONISM IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1889-9. See also Drink, Liquor Traffic, etc. Projectiles. MODERN SHELLS AND PROJECTILES Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. Prologue (Introduction to a dramatic performance). ARTICLE ON PROLOGUE All the Year Round, vol. 31, 1873-4. EPILOGUES AND PROLOGUES Chambers' Journal, vol. 43, 1866. " Promise Of May" (A pastoral play by Lord Tennyson) Theatre, vol. 6, 1882. Promptness Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Pronunciation. CHANGES IN PRONUNCIATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. EARLY ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION Early Eng. Text Soc. Reprints, extra ser., Nos. 2, 7, 14, 1867-71. See also Language. ERASMUS AND THE PRONUNCIATION OF GREEK Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, vol. i, 1882. Proof (Evidence). PROCESS OF PROOF IN GENERAL Sidgwick's Fallacies, 1886. Proof-Reading. DAY IN A PROOF-READER'S LIFE Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. ON PUNCTUATION AND PROOF-READING Russell's Author's Manual, 1890. Propellers. SCREW PROPELLERS Kunhardt's Steam Yachts and Launches, 1888. PROPERTY. (See also Riches, Wealth, etc.). ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY FOR LOCAL TAXATION Probyn's Local Government, 1882. ATTACKS ON PROPERTY Lecky's Democracy and Liberty, 1896. CLASSIFICATIONS OF PROPERTY Maine's Early Law and Custom, 1891. DESCENT OF PROPERTY IN EARLY EGYPT Proc. Soc. Biblical Archaeology, vol. 17. DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. EARLY HISTORY OF PROPERTY Maine's Ancient Law. 1891. EMOTION OF POWER Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. LAWS OF OWNERSHIP Amos' Science of Law, 1889. LAWS OF PROPERTY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. ON PROPERTY Sidgwick's Elements of Politics, 1891. PEASANT PROPERTIES IN AUVERGNE, 1882 Verney's Peasant Properties, 1885. RIGHT OF PROPERTY Spencer's Justice [pt. iv. of Principles of Ethics], 1891. RIGHTS OF PROPERTY Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. SPECIAL TAXES ON PROPF.RTY Lawrence's Principles of the Commonwealth, 1884. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. igth Century, vol. 27, 1890. PROPHECY. (See also under names, e.g., Daniel, Samuel, Isaiah, etc.). CHRISTIAN PROPHETS Jackson's Institutions of Christianity, 1868. DREAMS, GHOST STORIES. AND PROPHECIES Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Traditions] , 1885. FALSE PROPHETS IN THE PAST Quiver, vol. 21, 1886. FALSE PROPHETS Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity, 1837. HEBREW PROPHECY IN THE EIGHTH CENTURY BEFORE CHRIST Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 6, 1886. ILLUSTRATIONS FROM THE PROPHETIC LITERATURE OF THE ISTH AND i6TH CENTURIES Early English Text Society's Reprints, No. 61, 1875. JEWISH INTERPRETATION OF PROPHECY Good Words, vol. 15, 1874. JEWISH PROPHETS Hassell's Scripture Biography and its Teaching, 1885. LATER CHRISTIAN PROPHECIES Oxenham's Studies in Ecclesiastical History, 1884. MINOR PROPHETS Sunday Magazine, vol. 3, 1867. MODERN PROPHECIES Mackay's Popular Delusions, 1869. PROPHECIES AND FULFILMENTS Sunday at Home, vol. 24, 1877. STUDIES IN THE MINOR PROPHETS Expositor, vol. 3 ("2nd series), 1882. GENERAL Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Davidson's Old Testament, 1862. Evolu- tion of Christianity, 1883. Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Koelle's Mohammed and Mohammedanism, 1889. Sale's Koran, 1867. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Proportion. LAWS OF PROPORTION Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1870. Proposing. SOME QUEER WAYS OF PROPOSING Home Chat, vol. 13, 1898. See also Courtship, Marriage, Popping the Question, etc. Prose. ON STYLE IN ENGLISH PROSE Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. POETRY OF PROSE AND THE PROSE OF POETRY Girl's Own Annual, vol. u, 1890. Prosecutions (In courts of law) Chambers' Journal, vol. 46, 1869. Prostitution. DEGRADATION OF THE SEXES Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. GENERAL Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor, extra vol., 1862. [498] PROTBCTION-PRUDHOMME Protection (Economical advantage conferred by a Government on home productions). COLONIAL PROTECTION Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. EMPIRE AND PROTECTION Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. FREE TRADE AND PROTECTION Ward Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, PROTECTIONIST REVIVAL National Review, vol. 25, 1895. PROTECTIVE SPIRIT Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. GENERAL Villiers' Free Trade Speeches, 1883. PROTESTANTISM (Religion of those who protest against the authority of the Church of Rome). COMTE AND PROTESTANTISM Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS OF PROTESTANTISM P'roude's Short Studies, 1891. MEMENTOES OF PROTESTANT REFORMERS Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. METAPHYSICAL BASIS OF PROTESTANTISM Dublin Review, vol. 120, 1897. ORIGIN OF PROTESTANTISM Schlegel's Philosophy of History, 1846. OPPOSITION TO PROTESTANTS IN SPAIN Temple Bar, vol. 26, 1869. PROTESTANTISM AND CATHOLICISM IN THE i6TH CENT. Creighton's Age of Eliza- PROTESTANTISM IN FLORENCE Sunday at Home, vol. u, 1864. [beth, 1892. PROTESTANTS AND THE SCRIPTURES Martineau's Authority in Religion, 1891. PROTESTANTS IN FRANCE Good Words, vol. i, 1860. PROTESTANTS IN ROME Quiver, vol. 13, 1878. PROTESTANTS OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Froude's History of England, 1870. ROMAN QUESTION AND PROTESTANTS OF FRANCE Sunday Magazine, vol. 4, 1868. ST. PAUL AND PROTESTANTISM Cornhill Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. SOCIAL ASPECTS OF GERMAN PROTESTANTISM Macmillan's Mag., vol. 16, 1867. GENERAL Abbey's English Church, 1887. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Hosack's Law of Nations, 1882. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. Ruskin's Stones of Venice, 1886. Protoplasm (Substance consisting of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen). CONTINUITY OF THE PROTOPLASM IN PLANTS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. DESCRIPTION OF PROTOPLASM Clodd's Story of Creation, 1891. SENSATION IN Low FORMS OF LIFE Chambers' Journal, vol. 7, 1890. GENERAL Hilles' Essentials of Physiology, 1876. Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. ProtOZOJa (Sub-kingdom including the most lowly organized members of the animal kingdom). CHIEF DIVISIONS OF THE PROTOZOA Nicholson & Lydekker's Low FORMS OF LIFE Cooke's Ponds and Ditches, 1888. [Palaeontology, 1889. Proudhon (P. J., French Socialist, died 1865). As A WRITER ON ART [Review] Hamerton's Thoughts about Art, 1873. Prout (Samuel, Artist, died 1852) Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. Monkhouse's Earlier English Water Colour Painters, 1890. Provence, France. CHURCHES OF PROVENCE Century Magazine, vol. 49, 1894-5. FOLK SONGS OF PROVENCE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 47, 1883. LIFE IN PROVENCE Argosy, vol. 32, 1881. OLD TOWNS IN PROVENCE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. GENERAL Baring Gould's In Troubadour Land, 1891. Murray's France, V.D. PROVERB (A short pithy sentence forming a popular saying, and expressing some experience of life in ti keen or quaint fashion). ENGLISH AND SCOTCH PROVERBS Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 20, 1847. ESSAY ON PROVERBS Helps' Friends in Council, 1839. FAMILY RHYMES AND PROVERBS All the Year Round, vol. 75, 1894. FRENCH AND ENGLISH PROVERBS Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. GAELIC PROVERBS Cham. Jour., v. 39, 1882. Stirling-Maxwell's Miscellaneous Essays, HISTORICAL SCOTTISH PROVERBS Chambers' Jour., vol. 74, 1897. [1891. NORTH INDIAN PROVERBS Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 3, 1885. ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF PROVERBS AND SAYINGS IN MANX AND ENGLISH Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 5, 1894. PANJABI PROVERBS Folk-Lore Journal, vol. i, 1883. PHILOSOPHY OF PROVERBS Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, 1881. PROVERBS IN CHAUCER Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. SPANISH PROVERBS ABOUT FRIARS Stirling-Maxwell's Miscellaneous Essays, 1891. TURKISH PROVERBS Knight's Book of Table Talk, 1836. TWO-EDGED PROVERBS Quiver, vol. 9, 1874. WEST COUNTRY PROVERBS All the Year Round, vol. 59, 1886-7. GENERAL Gentleman's Magazine Library [Dialect, Proverbs, etc ], 1884. Providence. ON THE WAYS OF PROVIDENCE British Essayists, vol. 9, 1823. Provincial Dialects of England Chambers' Journal, vol. 30, 1858. Provisions. PRESERVED PROVISIONS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. Food, etc. Prudence. DUTY AND PRUDENCE Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875. ESSAY ON PRUDENCE Emerson's Prose Works, 1889. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. PrudentlUS (Early Christian Poet, died 5th century) Milman's Hist, of Christianity, '75. Prudery. ESSAY ON PRUDERY Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. Prudhomme (Rene F. A. Sully, French Poet, born 1839). POETRY OF SULLY- PRUDHOMME English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. [4993 PRUSSIA-PUBLIC OPINION Prussia (Kingdom of Northern Germany), AGRICULTURAL LIFE IN PRUSSIA Cornhill Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. CUSTOMS IN PRUSSIA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. PRUSSIA AND THE VATICAN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. PRUSSIAN HISTORY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. See also Germany. SOLDIER'S NOTES ON ARMY OF PRUSSIA Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1868. GENERAL Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Prynne (W., Lawyer, died 1669) Campbell's Lives of Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. PRYNNE'S HISTRIOMASTRIX Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. P.S.A. [Pleasant Sunday Afternoons] . THE P.S.A. MOVEMENT Sunday Mag., v. 32/96. Psalms. AID TO THE STUDY OF THE PSALMS Sunday Magazine, vol. 12, 1876. BOOK OF PSALMS Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 6, 1886. METRICAL VERSION OF THE PSALMS Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. ORIGINAL EXPOSITION OF THE BOOK OF PSALMS Spurgeon's Treasury of David, 1885. PSALMS IN HISTORY Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. GENERAL Sunday at Home, vol. 3, 1856; and vol. 15, 1868. Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. [vol. 55, 1878. Pseudonyms (Assumed names). PSEUDONYMS IN LITERATURE Chambers' Journal, Psyche (A mythological maiden who won the heart of Cupid). SYMBOLS OF PSYCHE Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1897. Smith's Classical Dictionary, 1891. PSYCHOLOGY (Department of philosophy which deals with the phenomena of mind). DANGER FROM EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. DESCRIPTIVE AND EXPLANATORY PSYCHOLOGY Mind, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1895. HOFFDING ON THE RELATION OF THE MlND TO THE BODY Monist, vol. I, 1890-!. HUMAN MIND AND ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. INFLUENCE OF MUSCULAR STATES ON CONSCIOUSNESS Mind, vol. i, 1892. LEIPSIC SCHOOL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Mind, vol. i, 1892. MATTER-OF-FACT PSYCHOLOGY The Literary World, vol. 35, 1897. MODERN PSYCHOLOGY Mind, vol. 2, 1893. NEW PSYCHOLOGY Nineteenth Century, vol. 45, 1899. NEW STUDY OF PSYCHOLOGY International Journal of Ethics, vol. i, 1890-1. OUR DOUBLE SELVES [Two Mental States] Longman's Magazine, vol. 31, 1897-8. POSITIVIST PSYCHOLOGY Positivist Review, vol. 4, 1896. PSYCHOLOGY AND ART Atlantic Monthly, vol. 82, 1898. PSYCHOLOGY AND THE REAL LIFE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. PSYCHOLOGY IN ENGLAND Nature, vol. 2, 1870. PSYCHOLOGY OF ARISTOTLE Bain's Senses and the Intellect, 1878. PSYCHOLOGY OF CONCEPTION The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. SCIENCE OF MENTATION ; AND NEW GENERAL METHODS OF PSYCHOLOGIC RE- SEARCH The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. SIMPLE PSYCHOLOGY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. TEXT-BOOKS OF PSYCHOLOGY Nature, vol. 46, 1892. WHAT is MEANT BY THE INTENSITY OF THE PSYCHICAL STATES ? Mind, v. 4 (n.s.). See also Brain, Feeling, Mind, Morals, Sensation, Thought, etc. [i895r Psychography. A NEW SCIENCE ? Photogram, vol. 3, 1896. Psycho-Physics. ELEMENTS OF REALITY The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. SOME QUESTIONS OF PSYCHO-PHYSICS The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. Ptarmigan (A bird of the grouse family). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE OF THE ROCK PTARMIGAN Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 3, 1848. GENERAL Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. PtOlemeta, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20, 1830. Ptolemy (Claudius, Greek Astronomer, second century). CLAUDIUS PTOLEMY AND HIS WORKS Nature, vol. 53, 1895-6. Smith's Classical Dictionary, 1872. Ptolemy (Name of aline of Graco-Egyptian kings) Ewald's Hist, of Israel, vol. 5, 1886. Public Buildings. LONDON BUILDINGS Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. Public Duty Good Words, vol. 25, 1884. See also Duty. Public Expenditure. CURIOSITIES OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE Chambers' Journal, vol. 39, 1863. See also Finance, Municipalities, Political Economy, Taxation, etc. Public Houses, PUBLIC HOUSES AND THE POOR Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. REFORMED PUBLIC HOUSES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. See also Drink, Liquor Traffic, Local Veto, Prohibitionism, Temperance, etc. Public Lands. OUR POLICY CONCERNING PUBLIC LANDS Harper's Mag., vol. 10/85. Public Libraries. FREE ACCESS TO BOOKS AND OPEN SHELVES London, vol. 5, 1896. See also Libraries; also various Library Association Publications. Public Meetings. FREEDOM OF PUBLIC MEETINGS Paterson's Liberty of the Press, Speech, and Public Worship, etc., 1880. Public Offices Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. See also under names. Public Opinion. GROWTH AND EXPRESSION OF PUBLIC OPINION Atlantic Monthly, MANUFACTURE OF PUBLIC OPINION Nineteenth Cent., vol. 13, 1883.. [vol. 8>i, 1898. 5co ] PUPLIC OPINION-PUNISHMENT Public Opinion (continued). PRESS AND PUBLIC OPINION Cornhill Magazine, vol. 21, 1870. WHAT is PUBLIC OPINION ? All the Year Round, vol. 40, 1878. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891 Public Order. LEGISLATION ABOUT PUBLIC ORDER Lecky's Hist, of England, 1893. Public Schools. PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND ARMY COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. RELIGIOUS TRAINING OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOY Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. See also Colleges, Schools, Universities, etc. Public Service Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 29, 1873-4. See also Civil Service, etc. Public Speaking. ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. See also Elocution, Oratory, Public Meetings, Speech, etc. Publicans. THE PUBLICANS OF SCRIPTURE Sunday at Home, vol. 4, 1857. See Liquor Traffic, Local Option, etc. Publishing 1 . ANNALS OF A PUBLISHING HOUSE [Blackwood & Sons] Quarterly Review, vol. 187, 1898. Edinburgh Review, vol. 187, 1898. AUTHOR, AGENT AND PUBLISHER Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1896. Pueblos (American Indians'). AMONG THE PUEBLOS All the Year Round, vol. 22, 1869. Harper's Magazine, vol. 51, 1875. Puffin (Sea parrot; anoceanic birdvery plentiful in the Shetland*) Morris' British Birds, vol. 6, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Puffing. THOUGHTS ON PUFFING All the Year Round, vol. 25, 1870-1. Pugilism. CONCERNING PUGILISM National Review, vol. 29, 1897. GENII OF THE " RING " All the Year Round, vol. 15, 1866. TRAINING FOR PUGILISM Chambers' Journal, vol. 33, 1860. GENERAL Molesworth's History of England, 1879. See also Sayers, etc. Puharrees, India Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. Pukaki Lake, New Zealand Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Pullman (George Mortimer, Inventor of the Pullman car ; and founder of Pullman City, U.S.A., died 1897) Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. Pulpits. ANECDOTES OF THE PULPIT Percy Anecdotes, vol. 3, 1826. SOME CURIOUS PULPITS Quiver, vol. 22, 1887. SOME HISTORIC PULPITS Quiver, vol. 33, 1898. SOME NOTABLE PULPITS Sunday at Home, vol. 35, 1888. SOME OLD PULPITS Sunday at Home, vol. 34, 1887. GENERAL Farrar's Social and Present Day Questions, 1892. Jeaftreson's Book About Clergy, 1870. Sunday Mag., v. 31, 1895. See also Churches, Preaching, etc. Pultowa (Battle fought in 1709) Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles, 1877. Pumpkins. How TO COOK PUMPKINS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 9, 1883. Gardening- Pumps. AIR PUMPS Magnus' Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, 1890. DESCRIPTION OF PUMPS Baker's Practical Mechanism, 1882. Rankine's Ma- chinery and Millwork, 1883. PUMPS AND THEIR FITTINGS CasselPs Technical Educator, vol. 4, 1897. STEAM PUMPS Spons' Dictionary of Engineering [Supplement], 1879. VARIETIES OF PUMPS Magnus' Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, 1890. GENERAL Spons' Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Puna. PUNA TO GOA Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Punch (The beverage'). MANUFACTURE OF PUNCH Terrington's Cooling Cups and Dainty Diinks, 1870. Punch (The puppet). ORIGIN OF PUNCH Hodder's Memories of My Time, 1870. PHILOSOPHY OF PUNCHKIN Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 2, 1884. PUNCH AND THE PUPPETS All the Year Round, vol. 27, 1871-2. STORY OF PUNCH, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS Harper's Magazine, vol. 42, 1870. THE STORY OF PUNCH AND JUDY Theatre, vol. 3, 1884. See also Puppets. "Punch" (A caricature periodical). DICKENS AND "PUNCH" English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. " PUNCH " ART Crane's Bases of Design, 1898. " PUNCH " IN AUSTRALIA [" Melbourne Punch "] All the Year Round, vol. 9, 1863. " PUNCH " IN INDIA [" Delhi Sketch Book "] All the Year Round, vol. 7, 1862. STORY OF "PUNCH " AND HIS MERRY MEN The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. GENERAL Blanchard Jerrold's Life of Douglas Jerrold, 1859. Punching Machine. MULTIPLE PUNCHING MACHINE Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. Punctuality Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Punctuation. PUNCTUATION VIEWED IN A NEW LIGHT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 55, 1884-5. [P- 726], 1883. PUNISHMENT. ANECDOTES OF CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Percy Anecdotes, v. 3, '26- BARBAROUS PUNISHMENTS Andrews' Legal Lore: Curiosities of Law and Lawyers, 1897. Burnley.s Romance of Invention, 1886. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Paterson's Liberty of the Subject, 1877. CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS Stephen's Criminal Law, 1887. [501] PUNISHMENT-PYM Punishment (continued). ETERNITY OF FUTURE PUNISHMENT Hamilton's Rewards and Punishments, 1853. EXPERIMENTS IN PUNISHMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. FUTURE PUNISHMENT Macleod's Parish Papers, 1862. INEQUALITY IN PUNISHMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. MIDDLE AGES PUNISHMENTS Lacroix's Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages, 1878. OLD-TIME PUNISHMENTS [Review] Antiquary, vol. 23, 1891. PUNISHMENTS IN OLD TIMES All the Year Round, vol. 62, 1888. Chambers' Jour., RESPONSIBILITY AND PUNISHMENT Mind, vol. 3, 1894. [vol. 31, 1859. SOME REMARKS ON PUNISHMENT International Journal of Ethics, vol. 4, 1893-4. THEORY OF PUNISHMENTS International Journal of Ethics, vol. 2, 1891-2. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 5, 1891. Punjaub, India. CEREMONIES IN THE PUNJAUB Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. IN THE PUNJAUB Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. SHOOTING IN THE PUNJAUB Brinckman's Rifle in Cashmere, 1862. GENERAL Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Puns. ARTICLE ON PUNS All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. LETTER ON PUNNING British Essayists, vol. 12, 1823. Puppets (Images of human figures, moved bv wires, cords, etc.). ANCIENT AND MODERN PUPPETS Harper's Magazine, vol. 46, 1898. PEDIGREE OF PUPPETS Household Words, vol. 4, 1851-2. POPULAR PUPPETS Chambers' Journal, vol. 27, 1857. PUNCH'S PROTOTYPES Cornbill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. TASTE FOR PUPPET SHOWS British Essayists, vol. 3, 1823. See also Punch. Purbeck (Isle of). ISLE OF PURBECK AND ITS MARBLE Jour. British Archsological Association, vol. 2 (n.s.). Purcell (Henry, Musician, died 1695). COMMEMORATION OF PURCELL Temple Bar, OUR LAST GREAT MUSICIAN New Review, vol. 13, 1895. [v. 107, 1896. PURCELL AND MUSICAL ENGLAND Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895. GENERAL Knight's Port. Gallery of Brit. Worthies, v. 9, '46. National Rev., v. 26, '96. Purchasing 1 a House. WHAT TO CONSIDER IN BUYING OR RENTING A HOUSE Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Puritanism (An austere form of Protestantism). ESSAY ON PURITANISM Good Words, SHAKESPEARE AND PURITANISM Contemporary Review, v. 67, 1895. [v. 35, 1894. GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. Puritans. DEVELOPMENT OF THE FINE ARTS UNDER THE PURITANS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. ORIGIN AND PERSECUTIONS OF PURITANS Macgregor's British Empire, 1852. POETS AND PURITANS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. PURITANISM AND THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND Cornhill Magazine, vol. 21, 1870. PURITANS AND THE COMMONWEALTH Traill's Social England, vol. 4, 1897. GENERAL Gilfillan's Christian Heroes, 1869. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Lodge's Boston [Historic Towns], 1891. Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Price's Protestant Nonconformity, 1836. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Purity. OUTLINE OF SERMON ON PURITY Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 5, 1886. PROBLEM OF PURITY New Review, vol. 12, 1895. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. Purpose. SUPREMACY OF PURPOSE Argyll's Reign of Law, 1868. Purrah, Western Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 22, 1830. Pusey (Edward Bouverie, Theologian, leader of Pttseyism, died 1882). CARDINAL WISEMAN AND E. B. PUSEY Quarterly Review, vol. 187, 1898. ESSAY ON DR. PUSEY Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. DR. PUSEY AND BISHOP WILBERFORCE Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. PUSEY AND THE OXFORD MOVEMENT Oxenham's Ecclesiastical History, 1884. Pushing on in Life Good Words, vol. 21, 1880. " Puss in Boots " (Old nursery tale translated from the French). FOLK-LORE OF " Puss IN BOOTS " Nineteenth Century, vol. 13, 1883. Puteoli (Now called Pozzaoli, a seaport of Naples) Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Putney, Surrey. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF PUTNEY Suburban Homes of London, '81. Putrefaction. PTOMAINES FORMED DURING PUTREFACTION Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. Puvis de Chavannes (Pierre, French Painter, born 1824) Century Mag., v. 29, 1895-6. Puzzles. PHILOSOPHICAL PUZZLES Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. PUZZLE MANIA All the Year Round, vol. 44, 1879-80. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880; vol. 2, 1881 ; and vol. 10, 1889. Pygmies. PYGMIES IN EUROPE Jour. Anthrop. Inst., v. 25. Also Dwarfs, Pigmies, etc. Pym (John, Republican Statesman, died 1643) Price's Protestant Nonconformity, 1836. Rose's Collection of Engraved Portraits [portrait, etc.], 1894. Smith's Three Statesmen, 1868. [502] PYM-QUA.NTOCK HILLS Pym (Sir Samuel, Admiral, died 1855) James' Naval History, vols. 2, 4, and 5, 1878. Pyne (Louisa, popular Singer, born 1832) Girl's Own Annual, vol. 14, 1893. Pyramids. PYRAMIDS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES Westropp's Archaeology, 1878. Pyramids Of Egypt (Supposed to have been erected about 4000 B c.) CLIMBING UP THE GREAT PYRAMID Dalton's Cruise of H.M.S. "Bacchante," 1886. COFFIN OF THE BUILDER OF THE THIRD PYRAMID Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. DESCRIPTION OF THE GREAT PYRAMID Beckett's Book on Building, 1880. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 3, 1880. DESCRIPTION OF THE PYRAMIDS Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7, 1890. LATEST FROM THE PYRAMIDS Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. 2, 1873. NIGHT AT THE PYRAMIDS Sunday at Home, vol. 7, 1860. ON THE EARLY TEMPLES AND PYRAMID BUILDERS Nature, vol.48, 1893. St. John's Egypt and Nubia, 1845. Pyrenees (A mountain range between France and Spain). A VISIT TO ANDORRA Fortnightly Review, vol. 51 (n s.), 1897. WATERING PLACE IN THE PYRENEES All the Year Round, vol. 28, 1872. GENERAL Baedeker's Southern France, V.D. Mountains and Mountain-Climbing, 1883. Rivington's Notes of Travel in Europe in 1856-64. Senior's Journal kept in France 1848-52. Pyrrhus (King of Epirus, killed 272 B.C.) STRUGGLE BETWEEN PYRRHUS AND ROME Mommsen's Rome, vol. i, 1888. GENERAL Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Python (A genus of large serpents) Chambers,' Journal, vol. 37, 1862. Pyx (Chest in which minted coins are kept for testing). TRIAL OF THE PYX Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. \J . See Couch (Quitter). Quackery ANCIENT QUACKERY All the Year Round, vol. 59, 1886-7. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY QUACKERY Temple Bar, vol. 37, 1873. QUACKS AND QUACKERY Temple Bar, vol. 2, 1861. SOME NOTABLE QUACKERIES All the Year Round, vol. 55, 1884-5. Quadrilateral (Name given to the space upon which four fortresses are situated in Northern Italy) Cornhill Magazine, vol. 5, 1862. Quadrupeds. AMERICAN QUADRUPEDS Chambers' Journal, vol. n, 1849. See also Animals, Mammalia, Zoology, and under names, e.g., Elephant, etc. Quagga (A South African animal similar to the zebra). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 20, 1848. EXTINCTION OF THE TRUE QUAGGA Bryden's Kloof and Karroo, 1889. Quail (A bird belonging to the partridge family). AMERICAN QUAIL Badminton Mag., vol. 3, 1896. Dodge's Hunting Grounds of the Great West, 1877. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 2, 1844. Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, vol. 2, 1856. Quain (Sir Richard, Physician, died 1898) Annual Register, 1898. QUAKERS (The religious sect called the Society of Friends, founded by George Fox). AMERICAN QUAKERS Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. EARLY QUAKERS IN ENGLAND AND PENNSYLVANIA Harper's Magazine, vol. 4, 1882, FIRST DAY MEETING OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Molloy's Faiths of the People, FLAGELLATION AMONG QUAKERS Cooper's History of the Rod, 1877. [1892. JOHN BRIGHT AND QUAKERISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. JOHN G. WHITTIER Harper's Magazine, vol. 58, 1878-9. MODERN EFFORTS Westcott's Social Aspects of Christianity, 1888. QUAKERS AND CONVICTS Good Words, vol. 19, 1878. QUAKERS AND QUAKERISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol 34, 1876. QUAKERS IN IRELAND Temple Bar, vol. 61, 1881. QUAKERS IN NORWAY Good Words, vol. 9, 1868. QUAKERS IN SCOTLAND Good Words, vol. 13, 1872. QUAKERS' MEETING Lamb's Essays of Elia, 1869. QUAKERS' SCHOOL AT ACKWORTH All the Year Round, vol. 49, 1882. QUAKER'S SPIRITUAL DIARY Temple Bar, vol. 17, 1866. WHITE QUAKERS All the Year Round, vol. 55, 1879. GENERAL Religious Systems of the World. 1892. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Stoughton's William Penn, 1882. Quantock Hills, Somersetshire. COLERIDGE AND THE QUANTOCK HILLS Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 56, 1887. WITCHERY OF THE QUANTOCKS Temple Bar, vol. 104, 1895. [503] QUARANTINE-QUILTS Quarantine (A space of forty days during which a plague-infected ship must not hold intercourse with the shore). ORIGIN OF QUARANTINE Beckmann's History of Inventions, Origins, etc., 1846. 8UARANTINE IN THE MEDWAY [1829] Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1896-7. ENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884 ; and vol. 66, 1889. Quarles (Francis, an Essex Poet, died 1644) Andrews' Bygone Essex, 1892. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Quarries (Open excavations made for obtaining stone, etc.) CAPE ANN QUARRIES Harper's Magazine, vol. 9, 1885. CELEBRATED QUARRIES Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. MARBLE VERDE ANTICO AND TEN OLD QUARRIES Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, vol. 3 (3rd series), . [1894-6. QUARRYING TECHNOLOGY Trans, of Inst. of Mining Engineers, v. 3, 1891-2; vs. 8-10, "Quarterly Review " (Founded by John Murray, 1809). COMMENCEMENT OF THE "QUARTERLY REVIEW" Smiles' Memoirs and Correspondence of Murray, 1891. Quartz (A silicious mineral). ITS VARIETIES AND MODES OF FORMATION Hard- wicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1877. Quaternary Period (In Geology, the fourth period, or that above the Tertiary). MAN OF THE QUATERNARY PERIOD Joly's Man Before Metals, 1887. Quatre-bras, Belgium (Scene of a battle between the English and French, 1815). FIELD OF QUATRE-BRAS Scott's Paris Revisited by way of Brussels, 1816. Quebec, Canada. CITY AND PROVINCE OF QUEBEC Dilke's Problems of Greater HALIFAX TO QUEBEC Fleming's England and Canada, 1884. [Britain, 1890. ICE BRIDGE AT QUEBEC Chambers' Journal, vol. 55, 1878. MONTREAL AND QUEBEC All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. QUEBEC AND ITS TENANTS Parkman's Jesuits in North America, 1892. SIEGE OF QUEBEC Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 23, 1830. Parkman's Montcalm and Wolfe, 1892. Trans, of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5, 1877. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. Dickens' American Notes, '92. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Dufferin's Canadian Journal, 1891. Good Words, vol. 23, 1882. Harper's Magazine, vol. 15, 1887-8; and vol. 25,1893. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Marshall's Canadian Dominion, 1871. Reminiscences of America ; by Two Englishmen, 1870. Roper's By Track and Trail through Canada, 1891. Queen (The). See Victoria. Queen Margaret College, Glasgow Young Woman, vol. 5, 1896-7. Queen Of Sheba Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. See also Sheba. Queens. GIRLHOOD OF GREAT QUEENS Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. TUDOR QUEENS AND PRINCESSES Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Also under name. Queen's Shilling'. WHO TAKE IT AND WHAT BECOMES OF THEM Daily Mail, March 22, 1898. See also Army, Recruits, Soldiers, etc. Queensbury (Kitty, Duchess of, died 1777) Chambers' Journal, vol. 52, 1875. Queensland. (Australian Colony). BLACK LABOUR IN QUEENSLAND Cham. Jour., BUSH LIFE IN QUEENSLAND Temple Bar, vol. 21, 1867. [vol. 69, 1892. FORMATION OF THE COLONY, ETC. Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian History, 1892. INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION IN QUEENSLAND Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. LABOUR PARTY IN QUEENSLAND Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. LIFE IN QUEENSLAND North's Recollections of a Happy Life, 1892. WHITE MEN AMONG THE ABORIGINES Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 5, 1861. Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. Booth's Australia Illustrated, vol. 2, 1890. Brassey's Last Voyage in the " Sun- beam," 1889. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Jung's Australia, 1884. Loftie's Orient Guide, 1891. Queenstown (Irish seaport). A RUN ASHORE AT QUEENSTOWN Harper's Maga- zine, vol. 8, 1884. Queer People. AMONG QUEER PEOPLE Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. Quendon Hall, Essex Rush's Seats in Essex [with Illustration], 1897. Quercia (J. Delia, Italian Sculptor, died 1442) Scott's Robbia, 1890. QueVouaile (Louise de, Duchess of Portsmouth ; mistress of Charles II., died 1734) Jesse's Court of England, 1857. See also Charles II. Quetta, Baluchistan De Windt's Ride to India, 1891. Quevedo (F. de, Spanish Poet, died 1645). WRITINGS OF QUEVEDO Curran's Sketches of the Irish Bar, 1855. Quicksilver Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. Nature, vol. 2, 1870, and vol. 6, 1872. See also Mercury. Quietude. ART OF QUIETUDE Chambers' Journal, vol. 21, 1854, QUIET WAYS Temple Bar, vol. 50, 1877. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891 [v. 9, 1873. Quill- Worts. NOTES ON QUILL-WORTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. 2, 1896 ; and Quilts. CHAT ABOUT QUILTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. [504] QUIMPER-RACES OP MAN Quimper, France (Noted for its ruins and antiquities). HOLIDAY IN QUIMPER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. GENERAL Macquoid's Pictures and Legends from Normandy and Brittany, 1879. Macquoid's Through Brittany, 1879. Musgrave's Rambles into Brittany, 1870. Quimperle', France Macquoid's Pictures and Legends from Normandy and Brittany, 1879. Macquoid's Through Brittany, 1879. Quin (James, Comedian, died 1766). NOTE ON JAMES QUIN Chambers' Jour., v. 67, '90. GENERAL Doran's Annals of the English Stage, 1888. Theatre, vol. 6, 1885. Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. Quinine All the Year Round, vol. 34, 1875. Quinn (J. H., Librarian). CHELSEA FREE LIBRARIES [with Portrait] London, v. 5, '96. Quintana (Manuel Jose 1 , Spanish Poet and Patriot, died 1857) Kennedy's Poets of Spain, 1852. Quirinal (One of the seven hills of A ncient Rome) Hare's Walks in Rome, 1893. Head's Rome : a Tour of Many Days, 1849. Quires (Pedro Fernandez de, Portuguese Navigator, discovered the Marquesas and Polynesian Islands, died 1614). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Quito, Ecuador Vincent's Around and About South America, 1890. Quixada (Luis Mendez, Spanish General, died 1570) Stirling-Maxwell's Cloister Life of Charles V., 1891. Quoits Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. Quotations (Literary extracts). FOUNDLING QUOTATIONS Chambers', vol. 63, 1886. MISQUOTATIONS AND QUOTATIONS -Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. USE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF QUOTATION Temple Bar, vol. 102, 1894. JtvABBI (The title of a Jewish doctor or interpreter of the law). CHIEF RABBI [Rev. Nathan Adler, died 1890] Men and Women of the Day [portrait], 1889. SOME GREAT JEWISH RABBIS Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. TEACHINGS OF THE RABBIS Polano's Selections from the Talmud, 1889. RABBIS AND RABBINISM Ewald's Israel, vol. 8. 1886. GENERAL Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. RABBITS. AUSTRALIAN RABBITS Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. BREEDING RABBITS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. CARE OF PET RABBITS Edwards' Minor Pets, 1887. COOKING OF RABBITS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. DESCRIPTION OF THE RABBIT Wells' Biology, 1892. HARES AND RABBITS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. HINTS ON RABBIT KEEPING Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. NEW ZEALAND RABBITS All the Year Round, vol. 70, 1892. Chambers' Journal, vol. RABBIT PLAGUES AND THEIR REMEDIES Chambers' Journal, v. 74, 1897. [58,1881. RABBIT SKINS All the Year Round, vol. 21, 1868-9. RABBITING Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. RABBITS AND RABBIT-WARRENS Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. SHOOTING BUNNIES Brown's Powder, Spur and Spear, 1889. " [Book, 1888. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Routledge's Every Boy's Rabelais (Francois. French Satirist, died 1553). BRIEF SKETCH OF RABELAIS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. HOME OF RABELAIS Harper's Magazine, vol. 6r, 1880. SATIRE OF RABELAIS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. Rabies (A disease affecting certain animals, especially the dog tribe). IN DEFENCE OF MUZZLES National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. See also under Dog. Raby Castle, Durham. RABV AND ITS MEMORIES Pall Mall Mag., vol. 8, 1895. GENERAL Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Jewitt & Hall's Stately Homes of England, 1877. Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Raccoon (American forest animal). RACCOON, PANDA AND WEASEL FAMILIES Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2, 1878. RACES OF MAN. (See also Anthropology, Ethnology, Man, and under names of races and countries, e.g., Maori, Negro, England, Russia, China, Asia, America, etc.). ABYSSINIA: GALLA, SHIHOS, AND BEDOUINS IN ABYSSINIA Hotten's Abyssinia, 1868. AFRICA: INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS OF AFRICA White's Africa, 1890. AFRICAN IRIBES Hares ianganyika, 1092. AMERICAN TRIBES AND LANGUAGES Bates' Central America, 1885. AMERICAN TRIBES Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. ASIATIC RACES Keane's Asia, 1886. AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES Wallace's Australasia, 1888. CHINESE: CHARACTER OF THE CHINESE Medhurst's Foreigner in Far Cathay, 1872. [505] RACES OF MAN-RAG-PICKERS Races Of Man (continued). CHINESE : PHYSIOGNOMY OF THE CHINESE Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 13, 1830. CHINESE: RACES OF MAN IN CHINA Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. CONFLICT OF RACES Sarjeant's The Franks, 1898. ETRUSCAN RACES Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. EUROPE : PEOPLES OF EUROPE Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. MALAY RACES Bird's Golden Chersonese, 1883. Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. MALAYS IN MONGOLIA Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. NUBIANS: TRIBES OF NUBIA Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 6, 1830. POLYNESIAN NEGROES Erskine's Western Pacific, 1853. ROMANCE OF RACE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. THIBET: RACES OF MAN IN THIBET Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. VARIETIES OF RACES Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Rachel (Wife of the patriarch Jacob) Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Rachel (Mile., celebrated Swiss Actress, died 1858). RACHEL IN THE UNITED STATES Theatre, vol. 6, 1862. GENERAL Lady Jackson's Court of the Tuileries, 1883. Marston's Onr Recent- Actors, 1890. Nineteenth Cen., vol. 14, 1883. Cook's Hours with the Players, '81.. Racine (J., French Dramatic Poet, died 1699). ESSAY ON RACINE Hazlitt's Plain RACINE AND HIS WORKS Temple Bar, vol. 54, 1878. [Speaker, 1870. SOME THOUGHTS ON RACINE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. GENERAL Hawkins' French Stage, 1884. RACING. CHAPTER ON HORSE RACING Wilton's Sports and Pursuits of the English,. CHASE, TURF, AND ROAD Nimrod's Chase, Turf, and Road, 1870. [1869. DONCASTER AND THE ST. LEDGER English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. EPSOM AND THE DERBY English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. FAMOUS RACING STABLES Idler, vol. 14, 1898. HANDICAPS National Review, vol. 31, 1898. HURDLE RACING Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire's Racing and Steeplechasing, 1886. OBSTACLE RACES Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. ODD RUNS AND WALKS All the Year Round, vol. 23, 1869-70. RACE RIDING Weir's Riding and Polo, 1891. RACING AND THE TURF [Saint Ladas] Review of Reviews, vol. 10, 1894. RACING AT GOODWOOD Lennox's Reminiscences, 1863. RACING IN AUSTRALIA Scribner's Magazine, vol. 12, 1892. REMARKS ON HORSES AND HORSE RACING Doings in London ; or Day and Night ROGUERIES OF RACING Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. [Scenes. THE TURF Temple Bar, vol. 76, 1886. Raconteurs. ESSAY ON RACONTEURS Morgan's Book of the Boudoir, 1829. Racquets (A ball game) Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Radclifte (Ann, Novelist, died 1823) Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Radcliffe (J., Physician, died 1714) Lives of British Physicians [Family Lib.], 1830. Radicalism (/I large section of the Liberal Party). OLD AND NEW RADICALS RADICALISM AND THE PEOPLE National Review, v. i, 1883. [Macmillan's, v. 74, '96. RADICALISM OF THE MARKET PLACE National Review, vol. i, 1883. Radiography. A COMPANION OF CATHODIC AND X RAYS Photogram, v. 3 (sup.), '96. Radiometer (An instrument for taking altitudes, and for testing the effect of radiation of light). LESSONS OF THE RADIOMETER Nineteenth Century, vol. i, 1877. GENERAL Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Radnorshire Black's Guide to South Wales, V.D. Raeburn (Sir Henry, Painter, died 1823) Century Magazine, vol. 57, 1898. Cunning- ham's British Painters, vol. 2, 1879. Raff (J., Musical Composer, died 1882) Morris' Famous Composers, 1891. Rattaello. See Raphael. Raffles (Sir Thomas Stamford, Traveller and Zoologist, died 1826). MEMOIR Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 8, 1848. TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. GENERAL Congregationalist, vol. 9, 1880. Edinburgh Review, vol. 31,1818; & vol. 51,1830. Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. Quarterly Review, vol. 42, 1830. Rafts and Catamarans Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1891. d Schools. EDINBURGH AND SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE RAGGED SCHOOLS RPOOL RAGGED SCHOOLS Chambers' Journal, v. 7, 1847. Good Words, v.2, '6r, IVE [1888. Life of Shaftesbury, Heroes of , . Raglan (Fitzroy Somerset, Lord, English General, died 1855) Edgar's H England, 1861. Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, 1888. Raglan Castle, Monmouthshire. ACCOUNT OF RAGLAN CASTLE Beattie's Castles and Abbeys of England, 1851. Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5,1879-80. Sikes' Old South Wales, 1881. Rag-pickers. RAG-PICKERS IN FRANCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 34, 1860. [506] RAGS-RAILWAYS A STUDY IN RAGS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Raliab (The woman of Jericho who protected the spies sent by Joshua). SERMON ON RAHAB Contemporary Pulpit, vol. i, 1884. Raiatea and Talia (Society Islands) South Sea Bubbles, 1872. Raikes (Thomas, Bond Street Lounger, died 1848). AN UNAPPECIATED DIARIST Temple Bar, vol. in, 1897. GENERAL Household Words, vol. 16, 1857. Kent's Footprints on the Road, 1864. RAILWAYS. (See also under Engineering, Locomotives, Steam, etc.) AERIAL RAILWAYS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. AFRICA: ROUTES IN AFRICA National Review, vol. 25, 1895. AFRICA: SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS Little's South Africa, 1884. AIR BRAKES Chambers' Journal, vol. 51, 1874. AMALGAMATION OF RAILWAYS Grierson's Railway Rates, 1886. AMERICAN RAILWAYS AND BRITISH FARMERS Nineteenth Century, vol. 28, 1890. AMERICAN RUN THAT BREAKS THE WORLDS RECORD FOR SPEED English Illus- trated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. AMERICAN STREET RAILROADS Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. 1,1873. ASIATIC TURKEY: RAILWAYS IN ASIATIC TURKEY Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. AUSTRALIA: SOUTH AUSTRALIA Harcus' South Australia, 1876. BLOCK SYSTEM Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. BRIDGES: THE LIFE OF IRON RAILWAY BRIDGES Engineer, vol. 8r. 1896. CANADIAN RAILWAYS : Hayden's North America, 1883. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. CAPE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. CARRIAGES: BETTER CARRIAGES NEEDED Chambers' Journal, vol. 46, 1869. [1890. CARRIAGES: BUILDING A RAILWAY CARRIAGE Gordon's Foundry, Forge, & Factory, CHEAP RAILWAY TRAVELLING Chambers' Journal, vol. 52, 1875. CHINA: RAILWAYS IN CHINA Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. [19, 1898. COREA: CIVILISING BY STEAM. THE FIRST RAILWAY IN COREA Daily Mail, March CONSTRUCTION OF RAILWAYS Mahan's Civil Engineering, 1890. CONTINENTAL COMPETITION AND RAILWAY RATES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. EARLY DAYS OF RAILWAYS Harris' Coaching Age, 1885. > EARLY RAILWAY TRAVELLING Cornhill, vol. 18, 1892. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS Thames Iron Works Gazette, vol. 4, 1898. ELECTRIC RAILWAY OF TO-DAY Electricity in Daily Life, 1891. ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND RAILWAY Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. ENGLAND: RAILWAY TRAVEL IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA Scribner's Mag., v. 16, '94. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN RAILWAYS Harper's Magazine, vol. 10, 1885. ENGLISH RAILWAY METHODS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 16, 1894, EUPHRATES VALLEY RAILWAY Blunt's Pilgrimage to Nejd, 1881. [vol. 15, 1898. EVOLUTION OF COMFORT IN RAILWAY TRAVELLING ] Illustrated] Pall Mall Mag., EXPRESS TRAINS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. FEDERAL RAILWAY REGULATION Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. FIRST RAILWAY Good Words, vol. 16, 1875. FRANCE: RAILWAYS IN FRANCE Cassell's Magazine, vol. 28, 1899. FUTURE OF RAILWAYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. GOODS YARD All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891. GOVERNMENT LIGHT RAILWAYS IN IRELAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY WORKS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. Eng. Illus., v. 9, 1891-2. GREAT NORTHERN: A NIGHT ON THE FLYING SCOTCHMAN Strand Mag., v. 3, 1892. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY AND ITS LOCOMOTIVES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 10, 1892-3. HIGHEST RAILWAYS IN THE WORLD Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 18*92. HYDRAULIC RAILWAYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. INDIA: NATIVE INDIAN STATES RAILWAYS Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. JAFFA AND JERUSALEM RAILWAYS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 13, 1893. LANARKSHIRE AND DUMBARTONSHIRE RAILWAY Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. LIGHT RAILWAY AT EATON HALL Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. LIGHT RAILWAYS IN SOUTH WALES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. LIGHT RAILWAYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. LIGHT TRAFFIC RAILWAY SYSTEMS Cochrane's Wonders of Mod. Mechanism, 1897. LONDON : CENTRAL LONDON RAILWAY Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. LONDON : FIRST LONDON RAILWAY Engineer, vol. 83, 1897. LONDON : RAILWAY STATIONS IN LONDON Black's Guide to London, 1891. LONDON'S UNDERGROUND RAILWAYS Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6. LONDON AND NORTH-WESTERN LOCOMOTIVE WoRKS-^English Illus., vol. 9, 1891-2. LONDON AND NORTH-WESTERN RY. Head's Essays, '57. Land we Live in, vol. i. '53. L. & N.W.R. : STORY OF THE NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Good Words, v. 39, 1898. MEXICAN RAILWAYS Howell's Mexico, 1892. MIDLAND RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVE WORKS English Illustrated Mag., vol. 9, 1891-2. MISMANAGEMENT OF RAILWAYS Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. NATIONALIZATION BY INCHES New Review, vol. 13, 1895. NIGHT ON THE IRON ROAD Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1897. NORTH-EASTERN RAILWAY AND ITS ENGINES English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. NORTH-EASTERN RAILWAY WORKS Engineer, vol. 82, 1896, [507] RAILWAYS-RAIN Rail ways (continued) . OPPOSITION TO RAILWAYS All the Year Round, vol. 42, 1878-9. PACIFIC RAILWAYS Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. PANAMA : BUILDING OF THE PANAMA RAILWAY Nelson's Panama, 1891. PEOPLE WHO FACE DEATH Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. ^ PERMANENT WAY Spons' Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. PERU : RAILROADS OF PERU Guillaume's Peru, 1888. PERU: RAILWAY BEYOND THE CLOUDS Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. PILFERING ON RAILWAYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. POINTS AND CROSSINGS Barry's Railway Appliances, 1890. PRECAUTIONS AND SAFEGUARDS ON THE RAILWAY Burnley's Life Preservation, 1888. PROGRESSIVE UNITY AND RAILWAY NATIONALISATION Progressive Rev., vol. 2, 1897. RACE TO THE NORTH Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. RAILROAD ARCHES AND THEIR OCCUPANTS All the Year Round, vol. 19, 1867-8. RAILWAY CLAIMANTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. RAILWAY CLEARING HOUSE IN 1853 Chambers' Journal, vol. 20, 1853. RAILWAY COLONY Chambers' Journal, vol. 45, 1868. RAILWAY COMMISSION JOTTINGS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. RAILWAY CROSSINGS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. RAILWAY EARTHWORKS Nesbit's Land-Surveying, 1889. RAILWAY ENGINE-DRIVERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. RAILWAY GUARDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. RAILWAY FACTS IN FANCY FRAMES Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. RAILWAY LABOUR Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. RAILWAY NOTES AND MEMORANDA Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. RAILWAY PORTERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. RAILWAY SIGNALMEN Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. RAILWAY STATION-INDICATORS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 189:. RAILWAY STATIONS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. RAILWAY TO INDIA Contemporary Review, vol.67, 1895. RAILWAY TRAVEL OF QUEEN AND PEOPLE English Illustrated Mag., vol. 17, 1897. RAILWAY WHISTLE Japp's Days with Industrials, 1889. RAILWAYS AND LOCOMOTIVES Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. RAILWAYS IN THE AIR Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. RECENT RAILWAY RACING Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. REFORM OF ABUSES CONNECTED WITH RAILWAYS Harper's Mag , vol. 12, 1886. RHODESIA: RAILWAYS IN RHODESIA Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. ROLLING STOCK Spons' Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. SAFETY IN RAILROAD TRAVEL Scribner's Magazine, vol. 6, 1889. SHIP RAILWAYS Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. SIBERIA: THE GREAT SIBERIAN IRON ROAD Blackwood's Mag, vol. 161, 1897. SIGNALLING BY NIGHT ON THE RAILWAY Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. SINGLE LINE RAILWAY Strand Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. SINS OF OUR RAILWAYS Daily Mail, March 3oth, 1898, and several following dates. SKY RAILWAYS Chambers', vol. 47, 1870. SOCIAL EFFECTS OF RAILWAYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 2, 1844. SPECULATION IN GREAT BRITAIN IN 1845 Cornhill Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. STATE AND THE RAILWAYS Arnold's Social Politics, 1878. SUAKIM-BERBER RAILWAY Wylde's In the Soudan, 1888. SUBMERGED RAILWAY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. SUICIDES ON THE RAILWAY All the Year Round, vol. 32. 1874. SWINDQN : A LOOK ROUND SWINDON WORKS English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. TABLET TRAIN SIGNALLING Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. TELEGRAPHS AND RAILWAYS IN AMERICA Chambers' Journal, vol. 22, 1870. TICKETS: MAKING RAILWAY TICKETS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. .. TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAY OF AMERICA Chambers' Jaurnal, vol. 67, 1890. \ TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAYS Harper's Magazine, vol. 6, 1883. -'" TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. Simpson's Side-Lights on Siberia, 1898. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. WHAT IT COSTS TO WORK A RAILWAY Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. WHEELED HOTELS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1896-7. ' GENERAL Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Scrib- ner's Magazine, ypls. 3-6, 1888-9. Coghlan's New South Wales, 1890. Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1889. RAIN. (See also Atmosphere, Cloud, Meteorology, Snow, Storms, Weather, etc.). CLOUDS AND RAIN Reclus' Ocean, 1873. DISTRIBUTION OF RAIN IN AFRICA Johnston's Africa, 1884. FORCING POWER OF RAIN Proctor's Light Science, 1875. HAILSTONES AND SNOWFLAKES Good Words, vol. 23, 1882. INDICATING RAIN GAUGE Cassell's Magazine, vol. 8, 1882. LAW OF THE RAINFALL Quiver, vol. 28, 1893. LEVELLING POWER OF RAIN Cornhill Magazine, vol. 35, 1877. Proctor's Pleasant Ways in Science, 1890. MEASUREMENT OF RAIN Loomis' Meteorology, 1892. NOTES ON RAIN Henry's Science Writings, 1886. PECULIAR RAIN Hartwig's Aerial World, 1874. PERIODIC VARIATIONS OF RAINFALL IN INDIA Nature, vol. 56, 1897. [1835. QUANTITIES OF RAIN FALLING AT DIFFERENT ELEVATIONS British Assoc. Report, [508] RAIN-RANSOM Rain (continued) . RAIN AND DEW Huxley's Physiography, 1878. RAIN IN 1862 IN ENGLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 40, 1863. RAIN-CHARMS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. RAINFALL AND THE FORMS OF LEAVES Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. RAINFALL FLUCTUATIONS Knowledge, vol.22, 1899. RAINFALL OF 1893 Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. STORAGE OF RAINWATER Slagg's Sanitary Work, 1884. GENERAL Burder's Oriental Literature, 1822. Proctor's Science Byways, 1875. Rainbow. DIMENSIONS OF RAINBOW Loomis' Meteorology, 1892. DOUBLE LUNAR RAINBOW Selous' Hunter's Wanderings in Africa, 1895. EXPLANATION Hartwig's Aerial World, 1874. RAINBOW AND ITS CONGENERS Tyndall's New Fragments, 1892. THEORY OF THE RAINBOW Lommel's Light, 1888. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. Raising of the " Utopia "Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. Rajpootana, India. DIVISIONS OF RAJPOOTANA Conder's Mod. Trav., vol. 10, 1830^ GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. Temple Bar, vols. 101-3, 1894. Raleigh (Sir Walter, Famous Elizabethan Seaman and Courtier, executed 1618). MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 2, 1818. PRISON WORK OF SIR W. RALEIGH Langford's Prison Books, 1861. RALEIGH AND AMERICA Farrar's Present-day Questions, 1892. [Oddities, 1889. RALEIGH AND HIS TIMES Edmunds' Essays and Sketches, 1882. Gould's Historic RALEIGH AS A COURT POET Chambers' Journal, vol. 16, 1851. SIR WALTER RALEIGH'S BIRTHPLACE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. TRAVELS OF RALEIGH Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England, 1856-7. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets. 1844, De Ros' Memorials of the Tower of London, 1867. Edgar's Heroes of England, 1861. Johnson's Life of Coke, 1845. Kent's Footprints on the Road, 1864, Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 5, 1846. Sigourney's Biographies ot the Great and Good, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Ralph of Escures (Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1122), Hook's Archbishops, vol. Ram. SACRED RAMS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. [2, 1879. Ram (Man-of-war armed with a steel prow below the water line). CHAPTER ON RAMS Noel's Gun, Ram, etc., 1874. IRON-CLAD RAMS Reed's Our Iron-Clad Ships, 1869. RAM AS A NAVAL WEAPON Brassey's British Navy, 1882. Rama (Near Jerusalem) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Ramee (Mademoiselle Louise de la). See Ouida. Rameses I. (King of Egypt) Baedeker's Guide to Upper Egypt. 1892. Ramilies, Belgium. BATTLE OF RAMILIES, 1706 Alison's Life of Marlborough, 1848. Ramleh, Palestine. CONVENT OF RAMLEH Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. Ramsay (Allan. Scottish Poet, died 1758) Anderson's Scottish Nation, v. 3 [port.], 1880. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, '76-7. Ramsay (Allan, Painter, son of above, died 1784) Cunningham's Brit. Painters, v. 5, '32. Ramsay (Hon. Sir Henry, Soldier and Statesman; popularly known as the "King of Kumaon," died 1893). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. Ramsbottom Letters. By Theo. Hook Barham's Life of Hook, 1877. Ramsey, Isle of Man (Seaside resort) Black's Guide to the Isle of Man, 1888. Ramsgate, Kent (Seaside resort). FROM FOLKESTONE TO RAMSGATE Black's Guide to Kent, 1886. MARGATE AND RAMSGATE Myrback & Villars' Sketches of England, 1891. GENERAL Black's Where Shall We Go, V.D. Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1888. Ranavalona II. (Queen of Madagascar 1868-82) Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. Ranching. AMERICAN RANCHMAN Longman's Magazine, vol. 30, 1897. ENGLISH RANCHWOMAN Longman's Magazine, vol. 28, 1896. RANCHE LIFE IN THE FAR WEST Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. WHY THE ENGLISH RANCHMAN is A FAILURE Longman's Magazine, vol. 26, 1895. Randolph (Thomas, Poet and Dramatist, died 1635) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Ranelagh Gardens, Chelsea (Formerly noted for concerts, masques, etc., closed 1804) English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1894. Rangabe (Caroline, Greek Ambassadress in various foreign countries). A NOBLE LIFE Argosy, vol. 65, 1898. Rangoon, Burmah. ON A RANGOON JURY Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, v. u, 1830. Brassey's Last Voyage, 1889. Ranjitsinhji (Prince, Noted Cricketer, born 1872) Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. Rankin (T., Methodist Preacher, died 1810) Jackson's Early Method. Preach., v. 5, V.D. Ransom. RANSOMS IN THE MIDDLE AGES Chambers' Journal, vol. 6, 1846. [ 509] RANUNCULACE.E-READING Ranunculaceee. THE COLUNBINE SERIES OF PLANTS Hartog's Natural Hist , 1871. RapallO (Italian Seaport) Antiquary, vol. 31, 1895. Rapa-nui (Island in the Pacific Ocean). RAPA-NUI, OR EASTER ISLAND, IN 1868 Macmillan's Magazine, vol 21, 1869-70. Raphael (Sanzio, Ctlebrated Italian Painter, died 1520). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. CARTOONS OF RAPHAEL IN THE SISTINE CHAPEL Fine Arts Quarterly Review, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1867. Sunday at Home. vol. 45, 1898. GENERAL REMARKS ON RAPHAEL Raskin's Modern Painters, 1892. WORK OF RAPHAEL Turner's History of Art, 1886. [vol. i, 1878. GENERAL Tirebuck's Great Minds in Art, 1888. Vandam's Amours of Great Men, Rapp (Strange settlement in Pennsylvania, founded by a German named Rapp in 1824) Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1893. Rat (One of the rodent mammalia). DESCRIPTION OF BLACK AND BROWN RATS Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 17, 1848. ESSAY ON RATS Wynter's Curiosities of Civilization, 1882. FARMER PINCHER'S RAT All the Year Round, vol. 5, 1861. HABITS OF RATS Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 1890. MICE AND RATS Girl's Own Annual, vol. u, 1890. MICE AND WEASELS Chambers' Journal, vol. 13, 1850. RAT CATCHING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. RATIANA Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. RATS ON SHIPBOARD Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. RAVAGES ON FARMS Mechi's Fanning, 1860. GENERAL Cornhill Mag., vol. 61, 1890. Wood's Nature and her Servants, 1896. Rates. EQUALISATION OF LONDON RATES London, vol. i, 1893. LONDON POOR RATES Probyn's Local Government, 1882. GENERAL Probyn's Local Government and Taxation, 1882. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1880. See also Taxes. Rating. LOCAL RATING OF MINES Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, vol. 7, 1893-4. Rationalism. CRITICISM OF A. J. BALFOUR'S ATTACK ON RATIONALISM Karl Pearson's Chances of Death, etc., 1897. RUSSIAN RATIONALISM Stepniak's Russian Peasantry, 1890. [1891. GENERAL Gladstone's Church Principles, 1840. Treas. of Religious Thought, vol. i, Rattlesnake (Venomous American snake) Chambers' Journal, vol. 49, 1872. Ravello, Italy Knox-Little's Sketches in Sunshine and Storm, 1892. Raven (A large bird of the crow family). RAVENS IN SOMERSETSHIRE Longman's Magazine, vol. 28, 1896. RAVENS Superstitions about Ravens All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. GENERAL Every Boy's Book, 1888. Ravenna, Italy Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. RaVOgfli (Sofia and Giulia, Operatic Singers) Mrs. Sala's Famous People, 1892. Rawlinson (Sir Henry, Politician and Soldier, died 1895) Annual Register, 1895. Nature, vol. 51, 1894-5. Rawlinson (Sir Robert, Engineer, died 1898). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 5, 1893. GENERAL Annual Register, 1898. Ray (John, Zoologist and Botanist, born in Essex, died 1705). MEMOIR AND PORTRAIT Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 33, 1848. GENERAL Andrews' Bygone Essex, 1892. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 10, 1846 Stoughton's Worthies of Science, 1880. Rayleigh (J. W. Strutt, Lord, Scientist, born 1842). THE SCIENTIFIC WORK OF LORD RAYLEIGH National Review, vol. 32, 1898-9. Reaction. SIMPLE REACTIONS Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. "TYPE THEORY" OF REACTION Mind, vol. 5, 1896. Reade (Charles, Popular Novelist, died 1884). TWENTY YEARS' PERSONAL REMINIS- CENCES or CHARLES READE Temple Bar, vols. 71 and 72, 1884. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. READING. (See also Authors, Books, Libraries, Literature, News Rooms, etc.) A WELL-READ MAN Temple Bar, vol. 76, :886. ABOUT READING Hardy's Manners Makyth Man, 1887. [1896. ADVANTAGES OF READING Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, '87. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, ART OF READING ALOUD All the Year Round, vol. 43, 1879. ART OF READING All the Year Round, vol. 58, 1882. Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Russell's Literary Manual, 1886. CONCERNING BOOKS AND READING Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1893-4. DICKENS' GRATUITOUS READINGS Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. EARLY TASTE FOR READING Godwin's Inquirer, 1797. FEW WORDS ABOUT READING Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. FEW WORDS ON READiNG-^Lubbock's Use of Life, 1894. GENERAL READERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. HABIT OF READING THE NEWSPAPERS Hamerton's Intellectual Life, 1890. How TO PROFIT BY READING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. [510] BEADING-RECRUITS Reading (continued). How TO READ Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. How TO TEACH READING Science and Art of Teaching, 1879. INFLUENCE OF EARLY READING All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. LEARNING TO READ Macmillan's Magazine, vol. ai, 1869-70. ON BOOKS AND READING The Library, vol. 2, 1890. ON THE READING OF BOOKS Temple Bar, vol. 72, 1884. POPULAR READING ROOMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 40, 1863. PROFITABLE READING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. READING MADE EASY All the Year Round, vol. 16, 1866. READING REVIVAL Review of Reviews, vol. 13, 1896. RESPONSIBILITY OF READING Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. SEEING, READING AND THINKING Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. SOMETHING WANTED TO READ Chambers' Journal, vol. 29,1858. VICE OF READING Temple Bar, vol. 42, 1874. WHAT GIRLS READ Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. WHAT THE WORKING CLASSES READ Nineteenth Cent., vol. 20, 1886, & v. 33, 1893 WHAT TO READ AND HOW TO READ Mason's How to Excel in Study, 1880. Reading, Berkshire (Celebrated for its biscuit factory). BISCUIT TOWN English Illust. Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. GENERAL Murray's Guide to Berkshire, etc., V.D. Realism. IDEALISM AND REALISM Symond's Essays, Speculative & Suggestive, 1890. REALISM OF TO-DAY Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. WHAT is A REALIST? New Review, vol. 16, 1897. WHAT is REALISM ? Girl's Own Annual, vol. u, 1889-90. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Reality. REALITY AND CAUSATION Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. Reaping. REAPING MACHINE versus THE SICKLE Chambers' Journal, vol. 28, 1857. Reason. DESCARTES' DISCOURSE ON REASON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. DROLLERIES IN REASONING Chambers' Journal, vol. 55, 1878. ESSAY ON REASONING Reid's Essays, 1865. INSTALLATION OF THE GODDESS OF REASON Scott's Life of Nap. Bonaparte, 1878. REASON AND RELIGION Fairbairn's Catholicism : Roman and Anglican, 1899. REASON INFLUENCED BY LANGUAGE Max Miiller's Science of Language, 1871. SCIENCE OF REASONING Bain's The Senses and the Intellect, 1868. SYMBOLIC REASONING Mind, vol. 6, 1897. TRUE PRINCIPLE OF REASONING Jevons' Logic, and other Minor Works, 1890. WILL AND REASON The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. GENERAL Argyll's Reign of Law, 1868. Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. Rebellions. GREAT REBELLION [Commenced 1641] Church's With the King at Ox- OUT IN THE FORTY-FIVE [1745] Antiquary, vols. 23 and 24, 1891. [ford, 1885. REBELLION OF 1569 Collingwood's Lite of Bernard Gilpin, 1884. REBELLIONS IN ENGLISH HISTORY Antiquary, vol. n, 1885. See also names of Countries. Rebukes All the Year Round, vol. 51, 1883. Recamier (Madame Jeanne, French Politician, died 1849) Chambers' Journal, vol. 12, 1849. King's Cluster of Lives, 1874. Lady Jackson's Court of the Tuileries [portrait], 1883. Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Rechabites (A society of total abstainers) Sunday Magazine, vol. 2, 1866. Wolfe's Missionary Journal, 1839. Reciprocity. FREE TRADE AND RECIPROCITY Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. Recitations. How TO RECITE A POEM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1880-1. [1888. READING FOR WINTER ENTERTAINMENTS Langbridge's What to Read at Entertain., Record Office. THE NEW AND OLD RECORD OFFICE Daily Graphic, vol. 22, 1895. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 51, 1883. Records. PUBLIC RECORDS OF ENGLAND Antiquary, vol. i, 1880. RECORDS OF THE PAST Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. RECREATION. COLOUR, SPACE AND Music FOR THE PEOPLE Nineteenth Cent., DERIVED FROM NATURAL HISTORY Kingsley' Glaucus, 1890. [vol. 15, 1884. DISCOURSES ON RECREATION Haweis' Current Coin, 1876. FEW WORDS ON RECREATION Lubbock's Use of Life, 1894. HEALTH AND RECREATION Richardson's The Commonhealth, 1887. HEALTHY RECREATIONS [Skating] Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL AND RECREATION Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. PHYSIOLOGY OF RECREATION Contemporary Review, vol. 68, 1895. RECREATIONS OF MEN OF LETTERS All the Year Round, vol. 53, 1883-4. RECREATIONS OF THE LEARNED Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1890-1. RECREATIVE EVENING SCHOOLS Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. RECREATIVE SCIENCE Cassell's Book of Sports, 1888. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 33, 1874-5. Good Words, vol. 22, 1881. Nine- teenth Century, vol. 6, 1879 ; and vol. 14, 1883. Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1892. Recruits (Army recruits). EXAMINATION OF RECRUITS Book of Table Talk, 1836. RECRUITING Good Words, vol. 4, 1863. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 76, 1899. [511] RECTITUDE-REFORMATORIES Rectitude Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Reculver, Kent Black's Guide to Kent, V.D. Frost's In Kent with Chas. Dickens, 1880. Red Deer. RED DEER or NEW ZEALAND Macmillan's Mag., vol. 74, 1896. Also Deer. Red Indians. INDIAN SKETCHES Temple Bar, vol. 45-48, 1875-6. NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. RED INDIAN : PAGAN AND CHRISTIAN Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. THE RED INDIAN : HIS RELIGION Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1897. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. See also America, Indians, etc. Red Karens (A degraded tribe of savages inhabiting the Burma mountains). MARRIAGE CUSTOMS AMONG THE RED KARENS Hutchinson's Marriage Customs, 1897. "Red Riding Hood" (Nursery tale). A SOUTH AFRICAN "RED RIDING HOOD" Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 7, 1889. Red River, Canada Butler's Great Lone Land, 1873. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Marshall's Canadian Dominion, 1871. Red Sea (A branch of the Indian Ocean). RED SEA COAST Johnston's Africa, 1884. RED SEA TRADE Wyld's 1883 to 1887 in the Soudan, 1888. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 4, 1830. Klunzinger's Upper Egypt, 1878. Macleod's Eastward, 1860. Redan (A fortification of Sebastopol in the Crimean War). BOMBARDMENT OF THE REDAN Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, vols. 4, 8 and 9, 1885-8. Redditch, Worcestershire. REDDITCH AND ITS INDUSTRIES Leisure Hour, vol. 46, Redistribution Bill Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. [1896-7. Redon, Brittany Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Redshank (A bird with red legs from which it derives its name). THE COMMON REDSHANK Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. Reduced Circumstances Good Words, vol. ai, 1880. Reed (Andrew, Independent Minister and Philanthropist, died 1862) Frith's World's Workers, 1887. Page's Leaders of Men, 1881. Reed (E. S., A rtist and member of the staff of " Punch," born 1860) Idler, vol. 9, 1896. Reed (Talbot Baines, W riterof books for juveniles, died 1894) Boy's Own Ann., v.i6, 1894. Reefs. CORAL REEFS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. i, 1865. Reeve (Henry, Editor of " Edinburgh Review," died 1895) Annual Register, 1895. Reeves (Sims, famous Tenor Singer, born 1822) Men and Women of the Day, 1888. Temple Bar, vol. 67, 1883. Reform. STATE SOCIALISM AND SOCIAL REFORM Rae's Contemp. Socialism, 1891. GENERAL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15 [Review of Essays on Reform], 1866-7. Reform Acts, etc. FIRST REFORM ACT AGITATION Jephson's Platform, etc., 1892. EARL GREY, LORD BROUGHAM, AND THE REFORM MINISTRY Macmillan's, v. 14, 1866. REFORM BILL OF 1831-2 Lytton's Speeches, 1874. Molesworth's History of Eng- land, 1879. Ward & Lock's Epoch's and Episodes in History, 1882. REFORM BILL OF 1867 Molesworth's History of England, 1879. Reform Club, London Hay's The Club and the Drawing Room, 1870. Nineteenth Century, vol. 19, 1886. REFORMATION (Religious revolution in the 16th century. See also under Calvin, Knox, Luther, Henry VIII., Elizabeth, Religion, etc.). BIBLE AND SWORD Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, 1882. COUNCIL OF TRENT : FROUDE AND THE COUNCIL OF TRENT Dublin Rev., v. 119, "96. ENGLAND : REFORMATION IN ENGLAND Froude's History of England, 1870. Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, 1882. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE REFORMATION IN SCOTLAND Wylie's Hist, of Protestantism, EVE OF THE REFORMATION Trench's Mediaeval Church History, 1886. [v. 3, '75-7. FRIESLAND : REFORMATION IN EAST FRIESLAND Wylie's History of Protestantism. IRELAND : NEW REFORMATION IN IRELAND Sunday at Home, v. i, '54. [v. 3, '75-7. ISLAM : REFORMATION OF ISLAM Earth's Travels in Northern & Central Africa, 1857. ORIGIN AND PROMOTION OF THE REFORMATION Brook's Lives of the Puritans, 1813. PICTURES OF THE REFORMATION PERIOD Dublin Review, vol. 122, 1898. PROTESTANT REFORMATION Trevor's Rome from the Fall of the West'n Empire,' 69. RATIONALISM AND THE REFORMATION Contemporary Pulpit, vol. i, 1884. REFORMERS AFTER THE REVOLUTION Bevan's Sketches of the Quiet in the Land, '92. SCHOLAR OF THE REFORMATION [George Buchanan] Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, SCOTLAND: REFORMATION IN SCOTLAND 1559 Froude's Hist, of Eng., 1870. [1890. WHAT, THEN, DID HAPPEN AT THE REFORMATION ? Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. GENERAL Guizot's History of England, 1877. Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. Menzel's History of Germany, 1859. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Smyth's Lectures on Modern History, 1854. Reformatories (Generally understood as schools for training juvenile offenders.) ADULT REFORMATORIES Baker's War with Crime, 1889. In A REFORMATORY SCHOOL Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. JUVENILE REFORMATORIES IN FRANCE Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. REFORMATORY AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS Fortnightly Review, vol. 51 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL Carpenter's Life of Mary Carpenter, 1879. REFORMERS-RELIGION Reformers Moore's Hist, of the Reformation, 1890. See also Reformation and names' Refrigerating 1 (Freezing), ICE-MAKING AND REFRIGERATING Cochrane's Wonders of Modern Mechanism, 1897. Refuse. REFUSE DISPOSAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. REMOVAL OF REFUSE Corfield's Laws of Health, 1892. [and 3, 1891. Regard Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. Treas. of Religious Thought, vols. r Regatta (A sailing or rowing race). SOME REGATTAS All the Year Round, v. 75, 1894. Regeneration. REGENERATION: FACTS AND INTERPRETATIONS Natural Science, GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 5, 1891. [vol. 14, 1899. Regent Street and Regent's Park, London Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Reggio, Italy Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, V.D. Hare's Northern Italy, 1883. Regicides (King-killers, generally applying to those who condemned for execution Charles I.) MEMOIRS OF THE REGICIDES Trials of Charles I., 1832. STORY OF THE REGICIDE Crouton's Nooks and Cornersof Lancashire & Cheshire, '82. Regiments. BRITISH REGIMENTS AND THEIR INSIGNIA Chambers' Jour., v. 69,1892. See also Army, Soldiers, etc. Reginald Fitz-Jocelin (Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1191) Hook's Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, vol. 2, 1879. Registers. PAROCHIAL REGISTERS Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. STUDY OF AN OLD PARISH REGISTER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. Behan (Ada, American Actress, born 1860). LIFE AND WORK OF ADA REHAN Theatre, vol. 17, 1891. Rehearsing. LYCEUM REHEARSING Idler, vol. 3, 1893. See also Acting, Stage, etc. Rehoboam (King of Judah 953-932 B.C.) Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Reid (Capt. Mayne, Hunter, Soldier, and Novelist, died 1883). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. Reid (Dr. Thomas, Scottish Professor and celebrated Philosopher, died 1796) Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Reid (Wemyss, Biographer and Journalist, born 1842) Mrs. Sala's Famous People, 1892. Reigate, Surrey. REIGATE CHURCH AND MONUMENTS Surrey Arch. Society, vol. n. GENERAL Black's Guide to Surrey, 1887. Reigns. LONGEST REIGNS IN THE WORLD English Illustrated, vol. 17, 1897. Reims, France. GALLO-ROMAN MONUMENTS OF REIMS Archaeological Jour., v. 41, '84. Reindeer (A deer used by the Laplanders as a substitute for the horse, etc.). DESCRIPTION AND PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 21, 1848. NORWEGIAN REINDEER Forester's Norway, 1853. REMARKS ON THE REINDEER Greenwood's Wild Sports, 1864. Harting's British Animals Extinct within Historic Times, 1880. GENERAL Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1888. Clutterbuck's Skipper in Arctic Seas, 1890. Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition, 1874. Lessons Derived from the Animal World, 1847. Nansen's First Crossing of Greenland, 1892. Notts' Wild Animals Photographed and Described, 1886. Tromholt's Aurora Borealis, 1885. See also Deer. Reis (Johann Phittipp, first inventor of an electric telephone, died 1874) Munro's Heroes of the Telegraph, 1891. Rejane (Madame, German Actress). SKETCH OF MADAME REJANE Century, v. 27, '94-5. Relations. CLASSIFICATORY SYSTEM OF AUSTRALIA Anthropological Journal, vol. 24. RELATIVES AND CONNECTIONS Temple Bar, vol. i, 1861. UNPOPULAR RELATIONSHIPS Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. Relics (i : Remains of saints and martyrs, or objects connected with them ; 2 : That which remains or is left after loss or decay) Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Southey's Book of the Church, 1825. Sunday at Home, vol. 3, 1856. See also Antiquities, Archeology, etc. RELIGION (Feeling and expression of reverence which men entertain towards a supreme being. See also Christianity, Church, Idolatry, Worship, etc.) ABUSE OF PRIVATE JUDGMENT Newman's Via Media, 1891. AFRICAN RELIGION AND LAW National Revie-.v, vol. 30, 1897-8. AMERICA : RELIGION IN AMERICA Trollope's North America, 1862. ANCIENT RELIGIONS Rawlinson's Ancient Monarchies, vol. 3, 1871. ANCIENT WORLD'S RELIGION Sunday at Home, vol. 26, 1879. APOSTOLICAL TRADITION Newman's Essays, 1890. ASSYRIA : RELIGION OF ASSYRIA Religious Systems, 1892. BUSINESS AND RELIGION Sunday at Home, vol. 22, 1875. CARTHAGINIAN RELIGION Davis' Carthage, 1861. CEREMONIALISM v. EXPERIMENTAL RELIGION Contemporary Review, vol. 75, 1899. CHALDEAN RELIGION Ragozin's Chaldea, 1891. CHINA : TAOU SECT IN CHINA Davis 1 China, 1857. CHURCH AND DISSENT Dent's Making of Birmingham, 1894. [Anglican, '99. CHURCHES AND THE IDEAL OF RELIGION Fairbairn's Catholicism: Roman and 2K [513] RELIGION Religion (conti nued) . CONFORMITY: ETHICS OF RELIGIOUS CONFORMITY Inter. Jour, of Ethics, v. 7, '96-7. CONNECTION BETWEEN SCIENCE, LITERATURE AND RELIGION Morley Punshon's Lectures, 1882. DARWINISM AND RELIGION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. DEFINITION OF RELIGION Miiller's Natural Religion, 1889. DR. CLIFFORD ON RELIGION AND THE STATE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. ECCLESIASTICAL SPIRIT: ITS DOCTRINE Lecky's History of England, 1893. EGYPT: LAW AND RELIGION OF MODERN EGYPT Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1842. EGYPT: RELIGION IN EGYPT Smith's History of the Hast, 1885. [1892. EGYPT : RELIGION OF ANCIENT EGYPT Edwards' Pharaohs, Fellahs, and Explorers, ELIZABETHAN SETTLEMENT OF RELIGION Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. EMOTION IN RELIGION Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 10, 1888. [Ages, 1861. ENGLAND: EARLY BRITISH AND ANGLO-SAXON CHURCH Pearson's Early & Middle ESSAY ON RELIGION Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. EVOLUTION OF RELIGION Contemporary Review, vol. 75, 1899. International Journal of Ethics, vol. 5, 1894-5. The Monist, vol. 8, 1897-8. EXPRESSION : FUNCTION OF RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION Mind, vol. 6, 1897. FIJI ISLANDS Williams' Fiji and the Fijians, 1884. FOUNDATIONS OF BELIEF [Review of Mr. Balfour's Book] Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. GREEK RELIGION Mahaffy's Old Greek Life, 1876. HEBREWS : EARLIEST RELIGION OF THE ANCIENT HEBREWS Contemporary Rev., HISTORY OF RELIGION Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. [vol. 74. 1898. HISTORY OF RELIGION AND THEOLOGY Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, 1878. IGNATIUS: THEOLOGY OF ST. IGNATIUS Newman's Essays: Critical and Historical, IN SEARCH OF A RELIGION Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. [1890. INDIA : LATENT RELIGION OF INDIA Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. ITALY: RELIGION IN ITALY Eustace's Classical Tour in Italy, 1841. LITERATURE AND RELIGION IN THE i8TH CENTURY Morris' Early Hanoverians, '92. Louis XIII. OF FRANCE AND THE WARS OF RELIGION Wylie's History of Protestantism, vol. 3, 1875-7. MANCHURIA : RELIGION OF MANCHURIA James' Long White Mountain, 1888. MYSTERIES OF THE MULASTHANUM Chambers' Journal; vol. 69, 1892. NATIONAL RELIGION Illingworth's Personality, 1895. Macmillan's, vol. 31, 1874-5. NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION Butler's Analogy of Religion, 1788. Good Words, vol. 24, 1883. NATURAL RELIGION Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. ORIGIN OF RELIGION Fortnightly Review, vol. 70, 1898. PARLIAMENT OF RELIGIONS Monist, vols. 4 & 5, 1893-5. Positivist Rev., vol. a, 1894. PERSIA : RELIGION OF PERSIA Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 12, 1830. PLEA FOR THE CRITICS Murray's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. POPULAR EDUCATION AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY New Review, vol. 15, 1896. PRIMITIVE RELIGION Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. Joly's Man before Metals, 1887. Lubbock's Origin of Civilization, 1875. Tylor's Anthropology, 1892. PRIMITIVE RELIGION: ORIGINS AND INTERPRETATIONS OF PRIMITIVE RELIGIONS Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. RELIGION: A RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. RELIGION AND COMMERCE Sunday at Home, vol. 7, 1860. RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY Allen's Evolution of the Idea of God, 1897. RELIGION AND PROGRESS. By Moncure D. Conway The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. RELIGION AND SUICIDE Morselli's Suicide, 1881. English Review, vol. 6, 1844-53. RELIGION AND THE STATE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. RELIGION AND THE STAGE Jones' Renascence of the English Drama, 1895. RELIGION AT THE LONDON SCHOOL BOARD Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. RELIGION ON EARTH AND IN HEAVEN Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. RELIGIOUS ENDOWMENTS Theological Review, vol. 12, 1875. RELIGIOUS FAITHS Swainson's Apostles' Creed, 1875. RELIGIOUS GUILDS Sparvel-Bayly's New Studies in Old Subjects, 1889. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Lecky's History of England, 1892. RELIGIOUS TEACHING IN SCHOOLS Positivist Review, vol. 3, 1895. RETROGRESSIVE RELIGION Nineteenth Century, vol. 16, 1884. RIGHTS OF FREE BELIEF AND WORSHIP Spencer's Justice, 1891. ROMAN AND PROTESTANT ERRORS Newman's Via Media, 1891. ROMAN RELIGIOUS FEELING Liddell's Rome, 1882. Wilkins' Roman Antiquities, RUSSIA : RELIGIOUS LIFE IN RUSSIA Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. [1885. SCIENCE AND RELIGION Sunday at Home, vol. 3, 1856. SECTS Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. See also tinder names of sects. STATE OF BELIEF AT THE ADVENT OF CHRIST Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 8, 1890. [1874-5- SUPERNATURAL RELIGION: SOME CURRENT FALLACIES Macmillan's Mag., vol. 31, VARIETY OF RELIGION, ETC. Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. VEDIC RELIGION Mutter's India: What can it Teach us ? 1899. WHAT BEING RELIGIOUS MEANS TO AN ETHICAL IDEALIST Sheldon's Ethical Move- WHAT is OUR RELIGION ? Lady Cook's Essays, vol. 4, 1899. [ment, 1896. WHAT is TRUE RELIGION ? Good Words, vol. 24, 1883. WOMEN UNDER THE JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS Sunday Mag., vol. 23, 1894. WORLD'S PARLIAMENT OF RELIGIONS [Review] Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. YOUTH AND RELIGION Jowett's College Sermons, 1895. RELIGION-REPORTING Religion (continued). GENERAL Allen's Evolution of the Idea of God, 1897. Argyll's Reign of Law, 1868. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Burnet's Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, 1826. Channing's Works, 1885. Ewald's History of Israel, 1886. Farrar's Present-day Questions, 1892. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13,1892. Koelle's Mohammed and Mohammedanism, 1889. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. Neat's History of the Puritans, 1822. Sale's The Koran, 1891. Sunday at Home, V.D. Treasury of Religious Thought, vols. i, 2, 4, & 5, 1891. Religious Tract Society. EARLY PUBLICATIONS OF THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. Rembrandt (Paul, Dutch Painter and Engraver, died 1669). INFLUENCE OF REM- BRANDT ON CHRISTIAN ART Hamerton's Man in Art, 1892. MONOGRAPH ON THE GREAT MASTER Art Journal, 1894. . REMBRANDT AND HIS WORK Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. STORY OF REMBRANDT Chambers' Journal, vol. 17, 1852. [1888. GENERAL Hamerton's Etching and Etchers, 1876. Tirebuck's Great Minds in Art, Remedies (Medical). SOME POPULAR REMEDIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. Remedies (Superstitious). REMARKABLE REMEDIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 57, 1880. R&nusat (Madame de, Attendant on the Empress Josephine, died 1821) Prince Napoleon's Napoleon and his Detractors, 1888. Renaissance (A term applied to the last stage of the Middle Ages, particularly in connection with architecture, literature, and painting). KINGS OF THE RENAISSANCE: CHARLES VIII. AND Louis XII. Temple Bar, v. 47, '76. MONETARY SYSTEM OF THE RENAISSANCE Del Mar's Money and Civilisation, 1886. PHILOSOPHY OF THE RENAISSANCE Dublin Review, vol. 122, 1898. RENAISSANCE IN ENGLAND Architecture, vol. i, 1896. RENAISSANCE IN THE ISTH AND i6TH CENTURIES Turner's Short Hist, of Art, 1886. THREE CENTURIES OF RENAISSANCE WORK IN ENGLAND Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. Renan (Ernest, French Critic and Historian, died 1892). AUTOBIOGRAPHY [Review] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. NEWMAN AND RENAN National Review, vol. 29, 1897. RENAN : A DISCOURSE BY MONCURE D. CONWAY Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. RENAN IN EARLY MANHOOD Literature, vol. 2, 1898. SERMON ON ERNEST RENAN Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 8 (2nd series), 1892. GENERAL Biographies Reprinted from the "Times," vol. 5, 1896. Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. Liddon's Divinity of Our Lord, 1891. New Review, vol. 17, 1897. Nineteenth Century, vol. 9, 1881. Renan (Henriette, Sister of Ernest Renan) Temple Bar, vol. 108, 1896. Renandot (Theophraste, French Social Reformer, died 1653). MEMOIRS OF THEO- PHRASTE RENANDOT Temple Bar, vol. 101, 1894. Rennes, France (Capital of ancient Brittany ; scene of the second Dreyfus trial) Baedeker's Northern France, V.D. Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Rennie (John, Scottish Engineer, died 1821) Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. Distinguished Men of Science, 1862. Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1861-2. RENT. CURIOSITIES OF RENT Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. FAIR RENTS Irish Landlord and His Accusers, 1882. FAIR TAXATION OF GROUND RENTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. HISTORY OF PRICE AND RENT Maine's Village Communities, 1890. INTEREST AND RENT Walker's Wages Question, 1886. INTEREST, RENT AND WAGES Fliirscheim's Rent, Interest and Wages, etc., 1892. NATURAL LAND RENT Weiser's Natural Value, 1893. POVERTY AND RENT George's Progress and Poverty, 1884. RENT APPROPRIATION AND SOCIALISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. RENT, INTEREST AND PROFITS Westminster Review, vol. 147, 1897. RICARDO AND THE GROWTH OF RENT Toynbee's Lectures on the Industrial Revo- THEORY OF ECONOMIC RENT Rogers' Industrial England, 1892. [lution, 1896. GENERAL Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. Shadwell's System of Political Economy, 1877. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1880. Renting a House. WHAT TO CONSIDER IN BUYING OR RENTING A HOUSE Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889-90. Repentance. REPENTANCE AND JUDGMENT TO COME Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 5, GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 5, 1891. [(2nd series), 1891. Reporting. AT THE REPORTERS' TABLES Chambers' Journal, vol. 48, 1871. DICKENS AS A REPORTER Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. How I BECAME A REPORTER Watt's My Private Note Book, 1862. MISTAKES OF REPORTERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 52, 1875. OUR OWN REPORTER Briefs and Papers: Sketches of the Bar and Press, 1872. Chambers' Journal, vol. 4;;, 1868. ORDINARY REPORTING Russell's Literary Manual, 1886. REPORTING AND REPORTERS Meliora, vol. 12, 1869 SOME HUMOURS OF PARLIAMENTARY REPORTING Macmillan's, vol. 71, 1894-5. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 58, 1881. See also Shorthand, etc. REPRESENTATION-RETROGRESSION Representation (Parliamentary). HARE'S SCHEME OF REPRESENTATION Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 23, 1870-1. PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884; and vol. 17, 1885. See also Elections, Politics, etc. Reproduction. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION Schmidt's Doctrine of Descent, 1891. PHYSIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION [Review] Nature, vol. 56, 1897. Reproof. THE RIGHT MODE OF GIVING AND TAKING REPROOF Foster's Lectures, '44. Reptile (A creeping animal such as a snake or crocodile). BURROWING REPTILES Woods' Homes Without Hands, 1860. DESCRIPTION OF REPTILES Buckley's Winners in Life's Race, 1882. MAN-EATING REPTILES Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. OWEN ON BRITISH FOSSIL REPTILES British Association Report, 1841. PLEA FOR REPTILES Household Words, vol. 2, 1850-1. REMARKS ON REPTILES Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. REPTILE AND FISH STUFFING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1882-3. REPTILES OF THE OCEAN Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. RESTORATION OF SOME EXTINCT REPTILES Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. WONDERFUL REPTILES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883-4. GENERAL Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1892. Wheelwright's Sweden, 1865. Wood's Nature and Her Servants, 1896. See also Crocodile, Lizard, Snake, etc. Repton Priory, Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, vol. 47, 1884. [1897. Republicanism. ARREST OF ENGLISH REPUBLICANISM Progressive Review, vol. 2, ROYALISTS AND REPUBLICANS IN FRANCE Century Magazine, vol. 32, 1897. UNIQUE REPUBLIC [Andorra, between France and Spain] Chambers' Jour., v. 69, Reputation. PERSONAL REPUTATION Godwin's Inquirer, 1797. [1892. ReredOS (A screen or partition wall behind an altar). PAINTED REREDOS IN NORWICH CATHEDRAL Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, vol. 16. Resemblance. IMMEDIATE RESEMBLANCE Mind, vol. 2, 1893. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Jevons 1 Pure Logic and other minor works, 1890. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Resentment. LAW OF RESENTMENT Seeley's Ecce Homo, 1866. SPECIES OF ANGER Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. [Morality, 1848. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Re'sht, Persia De Windt's Ride to India, 1891. Residences. ROOMS WORTH REMEMBERING The House, vol. 3, 1898. Resignation Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Resins. ORIGIN AND COMMON PROPERTIES OF RESINS Photogram, vol. 2, 1895. Resolution Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. British Essayists, vol. 20. 1823. Respectability. ANTI-RESPECTABILITY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. Respiration. A QUARTER OF A CENTURY'S WORK ON RESPIRATION Knowledge, vol. COMPARATIVE RESPIRATION Chambers' Journal, vol. 36, 1861. [19, 1896. GROWTH OF VOLUNTARY POWER Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Responsibility. IN RELATION TO HYPNOPTISM Binet's Animal Magnetism, 1888. RESPONSIBILITY, FREEDOM, AND PUNISHMENT Mind, vol. 3, 1894. [vol. i, 1891. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Treasury of Religious Thought,. Rest Cornhill Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. Good Words, vol. 22, 1881. "Rest, Troubled Heart" (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Restoration (Restoration of the Monarchy, 1660). FULLER'S PANEGYRIC TO- CHARLES II. M. Fuller's Life of Thomas Fuller, 1886. MORALS AND LITERATURE OF THE RESTORATION Macmillan's Mag., vol. 6, 1862. THEATRES OF THE RESTORATION Baker's London Stage, 1889. [1870. GENERAL Chambers' Encyclopaedia, vol. 8, 1895. Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy,. Resurrection. EFFICACY OF THE RESURRECTION Contemporary Pulpit, v. i, 1884. RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 3,1885. RESURRECTION OF ANIMALS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. RESURRECTION OF THE BODY Good Words, vol. 24, 1883. Gregory's Letters on Doctrines of Christian Religion, vol. 2, 1812. Resurrectionists (Body snatchers). BURKE AND HARE All the Year Round, vol. 17, GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 39, 1863. [1866-7. Retina (A membrane of the eye). PHOTOGRAPHY OF THE RETINA Photogram, v. 2, 1895. SOME PECULIARITIES CONNECTED WITH RETINAL IMAGES Brain, vol. 7, 1884-5 Retorts (Answers). READY RETORTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, 1882. Retorts (For gas production) Hughes' Treatise on Gas Works, 1882. Retriever (A dog specially trained to fetch game which has been shot). RETRIEVERS AND HOW TO BREAK THEM Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. TRAINING OF RETRIEVERS Hutchinson's Dog-Breaking, 1848. See also Dogs. Retrogression (Complement of the theory of Evolution). A THEORY OF RETRO- GRESSION Natural Science, vol. 13, 1898. [516] RETZ-RHINOCBROS Retz (Cardinal de, French Politician, died 1679). THE FRONDE AND CARDINAL DE RETZ Temple Bar, vol. 38, 1873. Reuss River, Switzerland Macgregor's Thousand Miles in " Rob Roy " Canoe, 1875. Revelation. CHRISTIAN REVELATION Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. RELATION OF THE CHRISTIAN REVELATION TO EXPERIENCE Contemp. Rev., v.6g, '96 REVELATION OF ST. JOHN : the Prophetical Book Martin's History of the New Testament, 1877. Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 10 (and series), 1893. GENERAL Koelle's Mohammed and Mohammedanism, 1889. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Revelstoke (Lord, Gnat Financier, died 1897) Annual Register, 1897. Revenge Bain's The Emotions & the Will, 1875. Whewell's Elements of Morality, '48. Revenhall Place, Essex Rush's Seats in Essex, 1897. Revenue. EVASIONS OF THE REVENUE Cavendish's Card Essays, 1879. How TO INCREASE THE REVENUE WITHOUT TAXATION English Illus.,v. 7, 1889-90. GENERAL Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1880. [vol. 33, 1897-8. Revenue-Cutters. UNITED STATES REVENUE-CUTTERS SERVICE Century Mag., Reverence. REVERENCE FOR PARENTS Proverbs of Solomon, classified & arranged. GENERAL Momerie's Church and Creed, 1890. Treasury of Religious Thought. vols. i, 3, and 5, 1891. Reviewers and Writers Temple Bar, vol. 42, 1874. Revivals. ON RELIGIOUS REVIVALS Macleod's Parish Papers, 1862. Revolutions. CLOSE OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1886. See also under France, Marat, etc. COMPARISON OF ANCIENT AND MODERN REVOLUTIONS Lucas' Secularia, 1862. ENGLISH REVOLUTION OF THE igTH CENTURY [Reform]~-Macmillan'sMag.,v. 22, '70. MORAL EFFECTS OF REVOLUTIONS De Quincey's Uncollected Writings, 1890. REVOLUTION OF 1688 Routledge's Chapters in the Hist, of Pop. Progress, '76. REVOLUTION OF 1848 Senior's Journals Kept in France, 1852. SKETCH OF THE REVOLUTION OF 1789 Knight's Paris and its Historical Scenes, v. i. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, 1790 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 38, 1878. THE REIGN OF TERROR, 1792 Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes in History, 1882. VIEW OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1878. Revolvers. MINIATURE RIFLES AND REVOLVERS Greener's The Gun and its De- REVOLVERS AND RIFLES Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. [velopment, 1884. Reynard the Pox. STORY OF REINEKE THE Fox Household Words, vol. 3, 1851. GENERAL Ashton's Chap-Books of the Eighteenth Century, 1882. Reynolds (E., Bishop of Norwich, died 1676) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Reynolds (Sir Joshua, Eminent Painter, died 1792). SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS AS A PAINTER OF CHILDREN Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1897. OLD ENGLISH MASTERS Century Magazine, vol. 32, 1897. REYNOLDS AS A PAINTER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16, 1867. TAYLOR'S " REYNOLDS AND HIS TIMES" Fine Art Quar. Rev., vol. i (n.s.), 1866. GENERAL Croker's Edition of Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1860. Cunningham's British Painters, vol. i, 1829. Merydew's Love Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888. Muther's History of Modern Painting, vol. i, 1895. Prior's Life of Burke, 1867. Stoughton's Shades and Echoes of Old London, 1864. Tweedie's Youthful Diligence, i8C6. Reynolds (Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1327) Hook's Archbishops, v. 3, '65. Rhebok (South African antelope). VAAL RHEBOK SHOOTING Bryden's Kloof and Karroo, .1889. GENERAL Kirby's Haunts of Wild Game, 1896. Rheims, France (Noted for its fine Gothic structures and manufacture of champagne) Argosy, vol. 4, 1867. Baedeker's Northern France, V.D. Penny Mag., vol. 3, 1834. Rhetoric (Theory of eloquence). ART OF RHETORIC Westminster Rev., v. 148, 1897. GENERAL De Quincey's Works, 1862-74. S ge fl ' so Oratory, Speeches, Literature, etc. Rheumatism. A FEW WORDS ON RHEUMATISM Cassell's Magazine, vol. 4, 1878. KINDRED AILMENTS OF RHEUMATISM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891-2. RHEUMATISM IN THE YOUNG Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891-2. Rhine (The principal river of Germany). DRIFTING DOWN THE RHINE Boy's Own RHINE FRONTIER Macmillan's Mag., vol. 19, 1868-9. [Annual, v. 6, 1883-4. RHINE IN WINTER Good Words, vol. 4, 1863. RHINELAND All the Year Round, vol. 47, 1881. Swiss RHINE Harper's Magazine, vol. 50, 1874-5. GENERAL MacGregor's Thousand Miles in the " Rob Roy " Canoe, 1875. Riddell's Mad Tour, 1891. Stowe's Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854. Rhinoceros (A genus of hoofed mammals, allied to the elephant and hippopotamtts). DESCRIPTION AND PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., vol. 23, 1848. DESCRIPTION OF THE RHINOCEROS Schmidt's Mammalia, 1885. NEW RHINOCEROS Nature, vol. 6, 1872. [Africa, 1895. NOTES UPON THE SOUTH AFRICAN RHINOCEROS Selous' Hunter's Wanderings in REMARKS ON THE RHINOCEROS Greenwood's Wild Sports of the World, 1864. RHINOCEROS-RICHARD III. Rhinoceros (continued). RHINOCEROS FAMILY Notts' Wild Animals Photographed and Described, 1886. GENERAL Baker's Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, 1883. Baker's Wild Beasts and their Ways, '91. Cumming's Adventures in South Africa. '50. Nature, v.j, '71-2. Rhode Island, United States Trollope's North America, 1862. Rhodes (Island in the SEgean Sea) Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Rhodes (B., Methodist Preacher, died 1816) Jackson's Early Metho. Preachers, v. 6, 1878. Rhodes (Rt. Hon. Cecil ]., notable South African Statesman, born 1853). CECIL RHODES : COLONIST AND IMPERIALIST Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. CHARACTER SKETCHES Review of Reviews, vol. 3, 1891 ; vol. 13, 1896. CHILDHOOD OF CECIL RHODES Woman, January, 1896. JAMESON AND RHODES Fortnightly Review, vol. 65, 1896. KRUGER AND RHODES- Statham's Paul Kruger, 1898. MR. RHODES AS CAPITALIST CONSPIRATOR Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. MR. RHODES' RAID National Review, vol. 27, 1896. MR. RHODES' SPEECHES Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. POLICY OF CECIL RHODES Garrett & Edwards' Story of an African Crisis, 1897. POSITION OF MR RHODES Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. REVIEW OF HIS LIFE AND WORK Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. [Africa, 1877. GENERAL McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, vol. 5, 1897. Mackenzie's AustraV Rhodesia (Popular name of the territories of the British South Africa Company). CRISIS IN RHODESIA Dublin Review, vol. 119, 1896. GOLDEN RHODESIA : A REVELATION National Review, vol. 29, 1897. NATIVE RHODESIA: A REJOINDER National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. PROSPECTS OF RHODESIA Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. SECOND THOUGHTS ON RHODESIA National Review, vol. 31, 1898. SOME HOME TRUTHS ABOUT RHODESIA National Review, vol. 29, 1897. Two YEARS IN RHODESIA National Review, vol. 27, 1896. [1892. Rhododendrons. RHODODENDRONS AT 12,000 FT. HIGH Pratt'sTo the Snows ofTibet, Rhone (A river running through Switzerland and France). A FEAST DAY ON THE RHONE Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. THE VALLEY OF THE RHONE Argosy, vols. 63 and 64, 1897. Baedeker's Guide to Switzerland, 1891. GENERAL Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1862. Rhubarb. THE HISTORY OF THE RHUBARB Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. 15, 1879. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. Rhuys, France Macquoid's Through Brittany, 1879. Rhyme. AN ENQUIRY AS TO RHYME Longman's Magazine, vol. 32, 1898. FAMILY RHYMES AND PROVERBS All the Year Round, vol. 75, 1894. ORIGIN OF RHYME Disraeli's Amenities of Literature, 1870. PETKR LEVINS' MANIPULUS VOCABULORUM, OR RHYMING DICTIONARY, 1570 Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 27, 1867. Rhythm. MUSICAL RHYTHM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. Ribchester (An old Roman city on the Kibble). A DAY DREAM AT RIBCHESTER Croston's Nooks and Corners of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1882. RIcardo (David, Political Economist, died 1823). LIFE AND WRITINGS OF DAVID RICARDO McCulloch's Essays, 1859. GENERAL Patten's Development of English Thought, 1899. Rice. ALL ABOUT RICE Good Words, vol. 24, 1883. ART OF COOKING RICE Cassell's Magazine, vol. 8, 1882. CULTURE OF RICE IN THE UNITED STATES Harper's Magazine, vol. 19, 1859. Russell's North America, 1857. [vol. i, 1857. RICE-SELLERS AT TONG-CHANG-FOO Allom & Wright's China ; its Scenery, etc.,. TRANSPLANTING RICE Allom & Wright's China; its Scenery, etc., vol. 3, 1857. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. i, 1859 Japp's Days with Industrials, 1889. Rich (Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1240) Hook's Archbishops, vol. 3, 1865. Rich (Lord R., Solicitor-General, died 1567) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Rich Folks. PERILS AND USES OF RICH FOLKS Good Words, vol. 8, 1867. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 54, 1877. See also Riches. Richard I. ([Coeur de Lion] King of England, died 1199). LION HEART Hepwortb, Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. i, 1879. SKILL OF RICHARD I. AS CAPTAIN Cornhill Magazine, vol. 14 [p. 666], 1866. GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, 1839. Gurney's God's Heroes and World's Heroes, 1858. Hosack's Rise and Progress of tlie Law of Nations, i8?2. Percy's Tales of the Kings and Hueens of England, 1885. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. Tytler's Tales of the real and Brave, 1861. Richard II. (King of England, murdered in Pontefract Castle 1400). RICHARD THE REDELAS- Transactions Royal Historical Society, vol. 10 (n.s.), 1896. TOMBS OF THE ENGLISH KINGS Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. WESTMINSTER PORTRAIT OF RICHARD II. Fine Arts Quarterly Rev., v. 2 (n.s.), 1867. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. Traill's Social England, vol. 2, 1897. Richard III. (King of England, killed in battle 1485) English Historical Review, 1891. Traill's Social England, vol. 2, 1897. [518] RICHARD I-III.-RIPLE Richard I. -III. (Dukes of Normandy) Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, 1839. Richard Of Bordeaux (Son of the Black Prince) Dixon's Royal Windsor, v. i, 1879. Richards (Admiral Sir G. H., died 1896) Annual Register, 1896. Richardson (Sir B. W., celebrated Physician, died 1896) Annual Register, 1896. British Medical Journal, vol. 2, 1896. Richardson (S., Novelist, died 1761). LIFE OF SAMUEL RICHARDSON Scott's Prose RICHARDSON AT HOME Scribner's Magazine, vol. 14, 1893. [Works, 1878. GENERAL Lawrence's Life of Fielding, 1855. Oliphant's George II., 1869. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. /j Richborough, Kent Black's Guide to Kent, 1886. /O Richelieu (Cardinal, celebrated French Statesman, died 1742}, CARDINAL RICHELIEU. ',. AND FATHER JOSEPH Sunday at Home, vol. 29. 1882.* [vol. 7, 1890. LAST TRAGEDY OF RICHELIEU, 1639-42 Yonge's Cameos from English History, RICHELIEU'S POLICY IN THIRTY YEARS' WAR Fletcher's Gustavus Adolphus, 1891. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Hawkins' French Stage, 1884. Temple Bar, vols. 45, 1875 ! an d 62, 1881. " Richelieu " (A play by Lord Lytton) Theatre, vol. 6, 1882. Riches. NEITHER RICHES NOR POVERTY Good Words, vol. 17, 1896. POVERTY AND RICHES Godwin's Inquirer, 1797. USE AND ABUSE British Essayists, vol. 8, 1823. Richmond (Frances Howard, Duchess of). Richmond, Surrey (A picturesque and beautiful townsituated on the Thames, andnoted for its historical associations and the magnificent view from Richmond Hill). ACCOUNT OF THE CHURCH, TOWN, AND PALACE OF RICHMOND Excursions through Surrey. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF RICHMOND Suburban Homes of London, 1881. HOUSING PROBLEM IN RICHMOND London, vol. 5, 1896. MUNICIPAL DWELLINGS IN RICHMOND London, vol. 5, 1896. NIGHT FETE AT RICHMOND All the Year Round, vol. 67, 1890. RICHMOND PARK Harper's Magazine, vol. 57, 1878. THEATRICAL RICHMOND Theatre, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1885. [Greater London, 1883-4. GENERAL Black's Guide to Surrey, 1887. Land We Live In, vol. 2, 1853. Walford's Richmond Castle, Yorkshire. ON THE NORMAN KEEP TOWER OF RICHMOND Archaeological Journal, vol. 5, 1848. GENERAL Black's Guide to Yorkshire, 1888. Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles of England, 1825. Richmond, U.S.A. SOME RICHMOND PORTRAITS Harper's Magazine, vol. 9, 1884-5. GENERAL Dickens' American Notes, 1892. Richter (Eugen, German Politician, born 1838). "PICTURES OF THE FUTURE" [Review by Miss A. Werner] Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. Richter (Dr. Hans, celebrated conductor of orchestral concerts, born 1843) Men and Women of the Day, 1888 Richter (J. P. F., German \Vriter, died 1826). ESSAY ON JOHN PAUL FREDERICK RICHTER Carlyle's Critical Essays, 1847. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 7, 1847. De Quincey's Works, 1862-74. Riddles. ARTICLE ON RIDDLES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. Ridicule. RIDICULE AS A WEAPON Chambers' Journal, vol. 15,1851. TRUTH AND RIDICULE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 35, 1877. GENERAL British Essayists, vols. a, 5, 7, 8 &g. 1823. Good Words, vol. 2, 1861. Riding 1 . ART OF RIDING - Handy Horse Book, 1887. Stonehenge's British Sports, 1875. CROSS-COUNTRY RIDING Harper's Magazine, vol. 33, 1896-7. HEALTHY RIDING All the Year Round, vol. 22, 1869. REMARKABLE RIDES All the Year Round, vol. 43, 1879. How TO RIDE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. LADIES RIDING ASTRIDE [illustrated] Daily Graphic, vol. i, 1890. SOME ORIENTAL RIDERS Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. SPANISH HORSES, MULES, AND ASSES Ford's Gatherings from Spain, 1846. WOMEN ON HORSEBACK English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1887-8. Casstll's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1891. Ridley (Nicholas, Bishop, butnt to death 1555) Cunningham's English Nation, vol. i [portrait], 1849. Heylyn's History of the Reformation, 1859. Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. Tayler's English Martyrs, 1853. Riel (Louis, Canadian Rebel, executed 1885). RIEL REBELLION IN NORTH-WEST CANADA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. Rienzi (Italian Patriot, killed 1354) Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 7, 1872. Rievaulx Abbey, Yorkshire Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Rifle (A firearm with a grooved barrel). BLAKE ELECTRIC RIFLE Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. BREECH-LOADING RIFLES IN THE BRITISH ARMY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. ENFIELD RIFLE Chambers' Journal, vol. 31, 1859. LEE-METFORD RIFLE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 163, 1898. MAKING OF RIFLES Nature, vol. 47, 1892. MILITARY RIFLES AND HOW THEY ARE MADE Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. [5-9] RIFLE -RITES Rifle (continued). MODERN RIFLE SHOOTING Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. NEEDLE-GUN AND CARTRIDGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 43, 1866. SPORTING RIFLES Greener's The Gun and its Development, 1881. Swiss RIFLES Chambers' Journal, vol. 28, 1857. TESTS OF AMERICAN RIFLES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. GENERAL Baker's Wild Beasts, 1891. Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. Guns, etc. Riga, Russia Conder's Mod. Trav., vol. 17, 1830. Murray's Handbook to Russia, V.D. Rigging'. CUTTING AND FITTING STANDING RIGGING Dana's Seaman's Manual, 1871. MASTING AND RIGGING Biddle's Yachts, Ships, and Steamers, 1883. PECULIARITIES OF RIGGING Russell's Book for the Hammock, 1893. Set also Boats, Seamanship, Ships, Yachts, etc. Right-Handedness. WHAT is RIGHTHANDEDNESS? Scribner's Mag., vol. 9, 1891. Rights. DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS Oxenham's Ecclesiastical History, 1884. FRENCH DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF MAN Blind's Madame Roland, 1886. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. Riley (John Athelstan Laurie, Traveller and Author, born 1858). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 10, 1894. Rilo, Bulgaria. VISIT TO THE MONASTERY AT RILO Macmillan's Mag., vol. 58, 1888. Rimini, Italy (Noted for its Roman Antiquities) English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. Hare's Cities of Central Italy, 1884. Rincon (Captain Antonio, Trusted Servant of King Francis of France, in the i6th century) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. Rinderpest. FIGHTING THE RINDERPEST Daily Graphic, vol. 31, 1897. RINGS. CARDINAL'S RINGS Archaeological Journal, vol. 16, 1859. EPISCOPAL RINGS Archaeological Journal, vol. 20, 1863. FACTS ABOUT FINGER-RINGS Fairholt's Rambles of an Archaeologist, 1871. FINGER-RINGS Antiquary, vols. 17 and 18, 1888. [z, 1863. FINGER-RINGS FOUND IN ESSEX Essex Archasological Society's Transactions, vol. FINGER-RINGS OF THE EARLY CHRISTIAN PERIOD Archaeo. Jour., v. 26, 1869, and INSCRIPTIONS ON RINGS Hulme's Birth of Ornament, 1893. [vol. 28, 1871. MARRIAGE KINGS Chambers' Journal, vol. 49 [page 350], 1872. NOTES ON FINGER-RINGS AND ON SOME ENGRAVED GEMS OF THE EARLY CHRISTIAN PERIOD Archaeological Journal, vol. 37. 1880. POSY RINGS Archaeological Journal, vol. 16, 1859. QUEEN'S CORONATION RING Archaeological Journal, vol. 54, 1897. RING IN MARRIAGE Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. RINGS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 25, 1856. STORIES ABOUT RINGS All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. WEDDING RINGS Antiquary, vol. 3, 1881. Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. GENERAL Proceedings ot the Society of Antiquaries. Rio de Janeiro (The most important city of Brazil). Two DAYS IN Rio DE JANEIRO Household Words, vol. 12, 1855-6. GENERAL Atchison's Winter Cruise, 1891. Brassey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1879. Bucknall's Search for Fortune, 1878. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 29, 1830. Gerstacker's Travels, 1854. Hervey's Dark Days in Chili, 1891-2. Hinchliffe's South American Sketches, 1863. Price's Two Americas, 1877. Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Vincent's Around and About South America, 1890. Wilkes' Exploring Expedition, 1842. Rio Grande [Great River]. ALONG THE Rio GRANDE Harper's Mag., vol. 79, 1884-5. Riots. BIRMINGHAM, NORWICH, AND NOTTINGHAM RIOTS Ditchfield's English Towns, FOOTMEN'S RIOT AT RANELAGH GARDENS Letters of Earl Malinesbury, 1870. [1897. GREAT RIOTS IN EDINBURGH Letters of Earl Malmesbury, 1870. LAW OF RIOTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1848. LORD-GEORGE-GORDON RIOTS Chams. 1 Jour., v. 58, '81. Letters of Earl Malmesbury, MACHINERY RIOTS Burnley's Romance of Invention, 1886. [1870. MILITARY RIOTS IN BELFAST Madden's United Irishmen, 1846. MOBS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 15, 1867. PORTEUS RIOTS, 1736 Morris' Early Hanoverians, 1892. RIOTS OF LONDON Choice Notes from " Notes and Queries," 1858. RiOU (Capt., the " Gallant Good " Captain, shot in the Battle of the Baltic 1801) Southey's Life of Nelson, 1861. Rip Van Winkle. GENESIS OF RIP VAN WINKLE LEGEND Harper's Mag., v. 6, '83. Ripon (Earl de Grey and Marquis of, born 1827) Men and Women of the Day, 1892. Ripon, Yorkshire. RIPON CATHEDRAL: ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY Ward, Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols., 1887. RIPON CATHEDRAL: SHORT ILLUS. DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. RIPON MINSTER Archaeological Journal, vol. 31, 1874. GENERAL Black's Guide to Harrogate, V.D. Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Ritchie (Joseph, African Traveller, died 1819). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers, 1881. Rites. RELIGIOUS RITES Tylor's Primitive Culture, 1891. RITES AND CEREMONIES Neal's History of the Puritans, 1822. GENERAL Religious Systems of the World, 1892. [520] RITUALISM-ROBBERY Ritualism. CHRISTMAS AND MODERN RITUALISM Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1893-4. DEVELOPMENT OF RITUALISM Contemporary Review, vol. 74, 1898. ENGLISH CHURCH COURTS AND PRIMITIVE RITUAL Macmillan's Mag., v. 45,1881-2. GROWTH OF RITUALISM Backhouse's Early Church History, 1892. MR. KENSIT AND AFTER National Review, vol. 31, 1898. PLAIN VIEW OF RITUALISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. RITUALISM AND DISESTABLISHMENT Nineteenth Century, vol. 45, 1899. RITUAL AND RITUALISM Gladstone's Chapters of Autobiography and other Pamphlets, RITUAL COMMISSION Ewald's Napier, 1887. Contemp. Rev.,v. 6, 1867. [1868. THE RISE OF RITUALISM Molloy's Faiths of the People, vol. i, 1892. GENERAL Davidson's Life of Tait, 1891. De Morgan's Budget of Paradoxes, 1872. Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury, 1888. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 17, 1867-8. Rector and his Friends, 1869. See also High Church, Oxford Movement, Pusey, etc. RivarOl (A., Miscellaneous Author, died 1801) Men and Women of France, 1852. Riviera (A portion of the coast of North Italy much resorted to by invalids). A BICYCLE TOUR ON THE RIVIERA Badminton Magazine, vol. 5, 1897. ACCOUNT OF THE RIVIERA Lady's Realm, vol. i, 1896-7. [1883. ON THE RIVIERA DI PONENTE Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. Hare's Northern Italy, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND METEOROLOGY OF THE RIVIERA Bennet's Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean, 1875. VALESCURE, NEW RIVIERA HEALTH RESORT Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. GENERAL Gould's In Troubadour-Land, 1891. Hare's Central Italy, 1884. Riviere (Briton, Animal Painter, born 1840). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, BRITON RIVIERE, R.A. Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. [vol. 9, 1894. RIVERS. AFRICAN RIVER AND LAKE SYSTEMS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 8, 1890. DEVELOPMENT OF RIVERS Natural Science, vol. 14, 1899. FORMS OF WATER IN RIVERS Tyndall's Forms of Water, 1892. OLD AND NEW WORLD RIVERS AND RIVER GORGES English Illustrated, v. i, 1876. ON THE RIVER OF EGYPT G. W. Steevens in Daily Mail, March 17, 1898. POLLUTION OF RIVERS Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. [1876. PRIMITIVE MODES OF CROSSING THE CASHMERE RIVERS Chambers' Jour., vol. 53, RESEMBLANCE OF THE NAMES OF BRITISH RIVERS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Dialect, Proverbs, and Word-Lore], 1884. RIVERS AND CANALS OF GREAT BRITAIN Yachtsman, vol. 10, 1895-6. RIVERS AND THEIR ASSOCIATIONS Gibson's Miscellanies, 1863. RIVERS OF SWEDEN Murray's Handbook for Sweden, V.D. RUSKIN ON RIVER CONSERVATION Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. THE RIVER CHERWELL English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. WORK OF RIVERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 59, ib82. GENERAL Tyndall's Forms of Water, 1892. Tytler's Footprints, 1890. Rivington Family (Oldest Publishers in London) Curwen's Hist, of Booksellers, '73. RizziO (A favourite of Mary Queen of Scots, killed 1566). MURDER OF RIZZIO Westminster Review, vol. 40, 1843. RIZZIO AND DARNLEY -Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes in History, 1882. Roach (A fresh-water fish). ROACH-FISHING AS A FINE ART Pennell's Fishing, 1889. "Road to Ruin" (Comedy by T. Holcroft) Theatre, vol. i, 1880. ROADS. ANCIENT ROADS Westropp's Handbook of Archaeology, 1878. BRIDGES AND ROADS Jusserand's Wayfaring Life in the Fourteenth Century, 1892. Spons' Mechanics' Own Book, 1889. CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS Mahon's Treatise on Civil Engineering, 1890. ENGLISH ROADS AND RAILROADS -All the Year Round, vol. 6, 1861-2. HIGHEST ROAD IN ENGLAND Jenkinson's Lake District, V.D. HISTORIC AMERICAN ROAD [Boston to Concord, U.S.A.] Chambers' Jour., vol. 67 HISTORY OF ROADS AND BOUNDARIES Antiquary, vol. 29, 1894. [1890. OLD ROAD TO CAMBRIDGE All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. OUR HIGHWAYS Nineteenth Century, vol. 10, 1881. ROADMAKERS AND ROADS Chambers' Journal, vol. 44, 1867. ROAD-MAKING All the Year Round, vol. 58. 1886. Spons' Diet, of Engineering, 1874. ROADS AND ROAD-MAKING IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Alexander's Notes and Sketches of Northern Rural Life, 1877. ROADS AND TRAVELLING Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1861-2. ROADS OF THE BRITONS Barnes' Notes on Ancient Britain, 1858. ROMAN AND GREEK ROADS Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. RULE OF ROADS All the Year Round, vol. 36, 1876. RURAL ROADS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. SECURITY OF THE ROADS Jusserand's Wayfaring Life in the I4th Century, 1892. 41 Roast Beef of Old England " (Song-) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, '98. Rob Roy ([Robert McGregor or Campbell], a famous Scottish Outlaw, died 1734). CLAN MACGREGOR AND ROB ROY Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 13, 1846. GENERAL Blackwood's Magazine, vol. a, 1817-18. Robben Island (A n islet at the entrance of Table Bay, ten miles N.W. of Cape Town). THE ISLAND OF AFFLICTION Temple Bar, vol. 106, 1895. GENERAL Ritchie's Brighter South Africa, 1892. Robbery. SCIENTIFIC ROBBERY Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1862-3. SPANISH ROBBERS Ford's Gatherings from Spain, 1846. See also Crime, Thieves, etc. [521] ROBBIA-ROBSON Robbia (Lucia Delia, Italian Sculptor, died 1482) Harper's Magazine, vol. 60, 1880. Robert I. (Sixth Duke of Normandy, died 1035) Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, 1839. Robert II. (Eighth Duke of Normandy, eldest son of William the Conqueror, died in prison 1134) Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, 1839. Robert I. ([the Bruce], King of Scotland, died 1329). ROBERT THE BRUCE AND THE ANGLO-SCOTTISH CONTROVERSY Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. THE BRUCE: BARBOUR'S FOURTEENTH CENTURY POEM Early English Text Society's Reprint (extra series), No. n, 1870. GENERAL Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 61, 1847. Penny Magazine, vol. 5, 1836. Tytler's Scottish Worthies, 1849. Tytler's Tales of the Great and Brave, 1861. Roberts (Arthur, Comedian, born 1852). ARTHUR ROBERTS AT HOME Truth, v. 32, '92. Roberts (David, Artist, died 1864). MEMORIAL OF DAVID ROBERTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866-7. GENERAL Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 3, 1879. Roberts (Field-Marshal Lord, born 1832). ROBERTS' " FORTY-ONE YEARS IN INDIA" [Reviews] Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. Review of Reviews, vol. 15, 1897. Roberts (R., Methodist Preacher, died 1843) Jackson's Early Meth. Preachers, v. 2, 1865. Roberts (William Hayward, Poet and Biblical Critic, died 1791) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Robertson (David, Scottish Naturalist, born 1806) Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. Robertson (Frederick W., Clergyman and noted Pulpit Orator, died 1853) Gilfillan's Stars in the Church Sky, 1867. Teachers and Preachers of Recent Times, 1881. Robertson (Sir John, Australian Statesman, died 1891) Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian History, 1892. Robertson (T. W., Dramatist, died 1871). ROBERTSONIANA Theatre, vol. 14 (n.s.), 1889. GENERAL Athenaeum, October 14, 1871. Dutton Cook's Nights at the Play, 1883. Robertson (W. B., Divine, died 1886). MEMOIRS OF THE REV. DR. W. B. ROBERTSON, OF IRVINE Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 6, 1886. GENERAL Graham's Essays, Historical and Biographical, 1888. Robertson (William, Scottish Clergyman and Historian, died 1793) Brougham's Men of Letters, 1845. Robertson (Wm. Theological Writer, died 1783) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840-3. Robespierre (Maxmillian, French Revolutionist, guillotined 1794). CHARACTER OF ROBESPIERRE Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1886. DICTATORSHIP OF ROBESPIERRE Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1878. EXECUTION OF ROBF.SPIKRRE Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1886. PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY OF ROBESPIERRE Temple Bar, vol. 32, 1871. RELIGION RE-ENTHRONED IN FRANCE Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1886. SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF ROBESPIERRE Thiers' French Revolution, 1881. GENERAL Brougham's Statesmen of the Times of George III., 1843. Carlyle's. French Revolution, 1837. Robin (A familiar bird known by its red breast). ROBIN REDBREAST AND ALL ABOUT HIM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1894-5. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 55, 1878. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 2, 1848. Morris' British Birds, 1891. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. "Robin Adair" (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Robin Hood (Celebrated Outlaw of Sherwood Forest, noted for his skill with the bow - said to have died in 1247). ORIGIN OF THE ROBIN HOOD EPOS Folk-lore Jour., ROBIN HOOD AND ROBIN CRUSOE Antiquary, vol. 12. 1885. [vol. 3, 1885. SEARCH FOR ROBIN HOOD Chambers' Journal, vol. 18, 1852. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 27, 1871-2. Ashton's Chap-books, 1882. Gentle- man's Magazine Library [English Traditional Lore], 1885. " Robinson Crusoe " (Famous story by Defoe) Ashton's Chap-books of the Eighteenth Century, 1882. See also Selkirk (Alexander). Robinson (Anastasia, Actress and Singer, afterwards Countess of Peterborough, died 1755) Edwards' The Prima Donna, 1888. Robinson (Henry Crabb, Barrister and Diarist, died 1867). BRIEF ACCOUNT OF ROBINSON Macmillan's Mag., v. 20, 1869. Talfourd's Memoirs of Chas. Lamb, '92. Robinson (Sir Hercules G. R. [Lord Rosmead] , Co/oi/ Governor, died 1897) Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian History, vol. I, 1892. Robinson (J., Methodist Preacher, died 1888) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, v. 6, Robinson (M., Poetess, born 1857) Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883. [1878. Robinson (Mrs. Mary, A ctress and A uthor, known as " Perdita," died 1800) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. Doran's Annals of the Stage, 1888. Robinson (Robert, Baptist Minister, died 1790) Shaw's Religious Humourists, 1879. Robsart (Amy, unacknoivledged wife of the Earl of Leicester, murdered 1560, believed by some to have been at the instigation of Queen Elizabeth). AMY ROBSART, KENILWORTH, AND WARWICK Scribner's Magazine, vol. 8, 1890. HER DEATH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. SIR JOHN ROBSART AND HIS DAUGHTER AMY Archaeological Journal, vol. 49, 1892. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. See also Kenilworth. Robson (George Fennel, Water-colour Painter, died 1833). THE HILLSIDE [in Art] Ruskin's Art of England, 1884. [522] ROCHDALE-RODDA Rochdale, Lancashire. ROCHDALE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY All the Year Round, vol. GENERAL Murray's Guide to Lancashire, V.D. [vol. 19, 1867-8. Roche (Sir Boyle, Irish Politician, inveterate perpetrator of " bulls," died 1807) Cornhlll Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. Froude's English in Ireland, 1881. M'Dougall's Sketches of Irish Political Character, 1799. Rochefort, Belgium Costello's Valley of the Meuse, 1856. Trollope's Summer in Western France, 1841. Rochefort (Henri, Marquis, French Journalist and Dramatist, born 1832). INTERVIEW WITH M. HENRI ROCHEFORT Idler, vol. 5, 1894. Rochelle, France (Fortified town and seaport). SIEGE OF ROCHELLE, 1625 Yonge's Cameos from English History, vol. 6, 1887. Rochester, Kent (Noted for its castle and other ruins). CHATHAM AND ROCHESTER Myrback & Villars' Sketches of England, 1891. DESCRIPTION OF OLD ROCHESTER Architecture, vol. i, 1896. RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER Nineteenth Cent., vol. 43, 1898. ROCHESTER CASTLE Archaeological Journal, vols. 20, 1863; and 32, 1875. Seattle's, Castles and Abbeys of England, 1851. Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. ROCHESTER CATHEDRAL: ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY Ward, Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols., 1887. ROCHESTER CATHEDRAL : RESTORATION OF ROCHESTER CATHEDRAL Daily Graphic, SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. [vol. 9, 1892. GENERAL Black's Guide to Kent, V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5, 1879-83. Frost's In Kent with Charles Dickens, 1880. Hughes' Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land, 1891. Rochester (John Wihnot, Earl of, a profligate wit of the court of Charles II., died 1680) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Wharton's Wits and Beaux of Society, 1890. Rochford (George Boleyn, Viscount, brother of Queen Anne Boleyn, beheaded 1536) Bell's Historic Persons buried in the Tower, 1877. Rochford (Jane, Viscountess, beheaded 1542) Bell's Notices of Historic Persons buried in the Tower, 1877. Rocksll (The most westerly of the British Islands). DESCRIPTION OF ROCKALL Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Rock-Basins. THE EROSION OF ROCK-BASINS Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. [vol. 2. Rock-Cutting's. NORTHUMBERLAND ROCK-CUTTINGS Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. (n.s.), Rock-Paintings. ROCK-PAINTINGS AND CARVINGS OF THE AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 25. Rock- Whistler ([Hoary Marmot], an animal of the squirrel family) Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. i, 1865. Rockets. ABOUT ROCKETS [For use and display] Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. Rockets (Mortar and rocket life-saving apparatus) Cornhill Magazine, vol. 28, 1873. Rockingham Castle, Northamptonshire Archsological Journal, vol. 35, 1878. Rockland Broad, Norfolk Davies' Norfolk Broads and Rivers, 1884. Rocks. BASS ROCK Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1885-6. CONTROVERSY ON THE ARCHEAN ROCKS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 19, 1883. IGNEOUS ROCKS Jukes-Browne's Physical Geology, 1884. MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF THE OLDER ROCKS OF ANGLESEY Brit. Assoc. Report, RECORDS OF THE ROCKS [Review] Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. [1888. REMARKABLE ROCKS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. ROCK CLEAVAGE- Ruskin's Modern Painters, 1892. ROCKS AT Low WATER Chambers' Journal, vol. 25, 1856. ROCKS OK THE ISLE OF MAN Science Gossip, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1898. TREATISE ON ROCKS, ROCK-WEATHERING, AND SOILS [Review] Nature, v. 56, 1897. VOLCANIC ROCKS Hull's Volcanoes: Past and Present, 1892. GENERAL Geikie's Geology, 1891. Wright's Our World : its Rocks and Fossils, 1859. See also Geology. Rocky Mountains (Important mountain system in North America). A FALL HUNT IN THE ROCKIES Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, and Sport, vol. 5, 1890. MISHAPS IN THE MOUNTAINS Roper's By Track and Trail through Canada, 1891. Miss BIRD'S LIFE IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Chambers' Journal, vol. 57, 1880. OVER THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS IN 1884 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. PHOTOGRAPHS FROM HIGH ROCKY MOUNTAINS- Harper's Magazine, vol. 39, 1869. WINTER IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Good Words, vol. 14, 1873. WINTER SPORT IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS English Illustrated, vol. 12, 1894-5. GENERAL Ainsworth's All Round the World, :86i. Bates' Kaleidoscope: Shifting Scenes from East to West, 1889. Dilke's Greater Britain, i8fp. Hayden's North America, 1883. Lees' " B.C., 1887." Longman's Magazine, vol. 5, 1884-5. Marcy's Army Life on the Borders, 1866. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. Rusling's Great West and Pacific Coast, 1877. Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. ROCOCO Work. HINTS ON Rococo WORK Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. Rodda (R., Methodist Preacher, died 1815) Jackson's Early Meth. Preachers, vol.2, 1865. [523] RODENTS-ROMAN CATHOLICISM Rodents (Gnawing animals, including rats, mice, rabbits, squirrels, etc.) A FISH-EATING RODENT [RAT] Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. HOME OF THE RODENTS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. GENERAL Wood's Nature and her Servants, 1896. See also Rats, etc. , Rodney (G. B., Admiral Lord, Naval Hero, died 1792) Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Roebuck (European deer of small size). DESCRIPTION AND PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 21, 1848. [and Prairie, 1892. ROEBUCK SHOOTING ON THE BANKS OF THE RHINE Elmhirst's Fox-hound, Forest, Roebuck (John Arthur, Political Reformer, died 1879) Ashley's Life and Letters of Viscount Palmerston, 1879. Mill's Autobiography, 1873. Roger. NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF THE SCOTTISH BRANCH OF THE NORMAN HOUSE OF ROGER Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i, 1872. Roger de Leybourne (Constable of the Castle of Rochester, temp. Henry III.) ROGER DE LEYBOURNE : HIS SHARE IN THE BARONS' WAR Archaeological Jour , v. 21, '64. Roger Of Wendover (Historian and Monk, died 1237) Household Words, v. 7, 1853. Rogers (John, of Deritend, Scholar and Martyr, burned 1555) Birmingham and Midland Institute Proceedings, vol. 21. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. [1865. Rogers (Jan, Itinerant Preacher, died 1807) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, v. 4. Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Rogers (William, Chaplain to the Queen, died 1896) Annual Register, 1896. Rogers (Capt. Woods, English Navigator, died 1732). TRAVELS Verne's Great Navigators, 1881. Roggewein (Jacob, Dutch Navigator, died 1733). TRAVELS Verne's Gt. Navigators, '81. Rogues. INCORRIGIBLE ROGUES All Year Round, v. 6, 1861-2. Also Crime, Vagrancy. Rohilcund, India Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. Rokeby, Yorkshire Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Rokeby (Matthew, Lord, died 1799) Walford's Chapters from Family Chests, 1887. Rokeby House, Stratford Cotgreave's Souvenir of West Ham Libraries, 1898 [at British Museum, or West Ham Libraries]. Roland (Famous Paladin of Charlemagne, killed at the Battle of Roncesvalles 778). SONG OF ROLAND Harper's Magazine, vol. 63, 1881. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 6, 1862. Roland (Madame, French Politician, guillotined 1793). MADAME ROLAND AND THE GIRONDINS Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 10, 1846. GENERAL Temple Bar, vol. 33, 1871. Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Rolle (Richard, an English father of the Church, the " Hermit of Hampole," died 1349). RICHARD ROLLE THE HERMIT Dublin Review, vol. 121, 1897. Roller Skating Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Every Boy's Book, 1888. Rollesby Broads, Norfolk Davies' Norfolk Broads and Rivers, 1884. Rollicking Days. ROLLICKING DAYS OF OUR GREAT GRANDFATHERS All the Year Round, vol. 24, 1870. RollO (First Duke of Normandy, died 932) Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, 1839. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 48, 1853. Palgrave's Normandy and England, vol. a, 1851-64. Rolls Chapel, London. DEMOLITION OF THE ROLLS CHAPEL Antiquary, vol. 32 [page 53], 1896. Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. Rolmer (Olans, Astronomer, died 1710). ROLMER AND THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT Lodge's Pioneers of Science, 1893. Roinagna, Italy. PEASANTS OF ROMAGNA Fortnightly Review, vol. 68, 1897. ROMAN CATHOLICISM. (See also under Catholicism, Jesuits, names of popes, BISHOPS OF ROME Shepherd's History of the Church of Rome, 1851. [Papacy, etc. CATHOLIC CHURCH IN ENGLAND Molloy's Faiths of the Peoples, vol. i, 1892. CATHOLIC MYSTICS OF THE MIDDLE AGES Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. CATHOLICS IN IRELAND Lecky's History of Ireland, 1892. CHURCH OF ROME McCabe's Twelve Years in a Monastery, 1897. [1897. DEVOTION TO THE SACRED HEART IN MEDIEVAL ENGLAND Dublin Rev., vol. 120, DIFFICULTIES IN ACCEPTING THE COMMUNION OF ROME Newman's Anglican ELECTION OF A POPE Century Magazine, vol. 52, 1896. [Difficulties, 1891. FREEMASONRY AND THE ROMAN CHURCH Cornhill Magazine, vol. 73, 1896. GLADSTONE AND THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Nineteenth Century, vol.44, l8 98- GROWTH OF ROMAN CATHOLICISM IN ENGLAND Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE Serjeant's Franks [Story of the Nations], 1898. LIBERAL PARTY AND CATHOLICS Arnold's Social Politics, 1878. ON THE CHURCH OF ROME Christopher Wordsworth's Life of William Wordsworth. PAPAL CONCLAVES Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 189^. [1851. PAPAL ELECTIONS AND CORONATIONS Dublin Review, vol. 119, 1896. POPE'S LETTER TO THE ENGLISH PEOPLE Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. POPULAR ARGUMENTS AGAINST ROMAN CATHOLICISM Archbishop of Dublin's Cautions for the Times, 1854. [524] ROMAN CATHOLICISM-ROME Roman Catholicism (continued). REGIUS PROFESSOR [Dr. Bright] ON THE TRUTHFULNESS OF CATHOLICS Dublin Review, vol. 119, 1896. REVIVAL OF ROMANISM Froude's Short Studies, 1891. RIGIDITY OF ROME Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. ROMAN CATHOLICISM IN THE UNITED STATES Tocquei ROMAN CHURCH IN FRENCH FICTION Macmillan's Ma ROMAN SEE: THE LOMBARDS IN ITALY Serjeant's Fraims, ioy ROMANISM ON THE CONTINENT Sunday at Home, vol. 2, 1855. SECRET OF ROMAN CATHOLICISM National Review, vol. 27, 1896. VIEW OF ROMAN CATHOLICISM National Review, vol. 26, 1895-6. GENERAL Channing's Complete Works, 1885. Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury, 1888. Prior's Life of Burke, 1839. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Romance. ESSAY ON ROMANCE Scott's Prose Works, 1878. IDEAL OF ROMANCE Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. ROMANTICISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 35, 1876-7. Romanes (George John, Eminent English Naturalist, died 1894). REVIEW OF HIS LIFE AND LETTERS The Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. THE LATE PROFESSOR'S THOUGHTS ON RELIGION The Monist, vol. 5, 1894-5. GENERAL Nature, vol. 50, 1894. Romano-British Remains. ROMAN CAMPS: CAMP AT CAISTOR (NORFOLK) Pro- ceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1847. ROMAN ORNAMENTS Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, 1850. ROMAN REMAINS IN ENGLAND All the Year Round, vol. 52, 1883. Proceedings of Society of Antiquaries, V.D. ROMAN ROAD AND STATIONS Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Romano-Brit. Remains], 1887. ROMAN ROADS, CAMPS, AND EARTHWORKS BETWEEN THE TEES AND THE SWALE, YORKSHIRE Archaeological Journal, vol. 6, 1849. ROMAN ROADS: ICENHILDE ROAD Archaeological Journal, vol. 25, 1868. ROMAN ROADS: THE FOUR ROMAN WAYS Archaeological Journal, vol. 14, 1857. ROMAN WALL IN NORTH BRITAIN Chambers' Journal, vol. 15, 1851. Romanoffs (Present reigning house o/ Russia) Harper's Magazine, vol. 6, 1883. " Romany Rye " (A novel by George Barrow, also a play by George R. Sims) Theatre, vol. 6, 1882. ROME (Capital of the greatest state of the ancient world ; the centre of the Roman Catholic world, and the present capital of Italy). ARCH OF TITUS AT ROME Sunday at Home, vol. 35, 1888. ARCH^OLOGICAL RESEARCHES IN ROME Archaeological Journal, vol. 31, 1874. ARCHEOLOGY OF ROME Freeman's Historical Essays, 1871-9. ART OF WAR AMONG THE ROMANS Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. ASPECTS OF ROME Harper's Magazine, vol. 98, 1899. BASILICAS OF ROME Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896 BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS OF ROME Whiteside's Italy in the Nineteenth Century. BIBLE IN ROME Sunday at Home, vol. 23, 1876. BLACKIE (PROF.) IN ROME Stoddart's John Stuart Blackie, 1895. C^SARISM IN ROME Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes in History, 1882. CITY OF ANCIENT AND MODERN ROME Eustace's Classical Tour through Italy, 1841. CONSTITUTION OF ROME Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. CREDIBILITY OF EARLY ROMAN HISTORY [Review of Sir G. C. Lewis] Crete's Minor DECLINE OF ROME Serjeant's Franks [Story of the Nations], 1898. [Works, 1873. DECLINE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE Schlegel's Philosophy of History, 1846. DEPARTURE OE THE ROMANS FROM BRITAIN Church's Count of the Saxon Shore, "go. DID THE ROMANS DEGENERATE? International Journal of Ethics, vol. 3, 1892-3. EARLY CHRISTIAN- HOUSE AT ROME Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. EARLY ROMAN HISTORY Dyer's Kings of Rome, 1868. EASTER IN ROME All the Year Round, vol. 70, 1892. EPISODES IN ROMAN HISTORY Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. ETRUSCAN ANTIQUITIES IN ROME Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. FLAGELLATION AMONG THE ROMANS Cooper's History of the Rod, 1877. FLAVIAN CAESARS Freeman's Historical Essays, 1871-9. FOUNDATION OF ROME Dyer's Kings of Rome, 1868. GAULS AND ROME Church's Stories from Livy, 1890. GEOGRAPHY OF THE GREEKS AND ROMANS Gust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, HOLIDAYS AT ROME All the Year Round, vol. 54, 1884. [1887. How PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE CAN LIVE IN ROME Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. IMPRESSIONS OF A DECORATOR IN ROME Scribner's Magazine, vol. 13, 1893. INFLUENCE OF ANCIENT ROME Humboldt's Cosmos, 1847. ITALY AND ROME Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 5, 1872. JEWS IN ROME Household Words, vol. 18, 1858. KALEIDOSCOPE OF ROME Century Magazine, vol. 29, 1895-6. KING AND PRETENDER IN ROME [Leo XIII.] Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. LITERARY LANDMARKS OF ROME Harper's Magazine, vol. 33, 1897. LONDON AND ROME Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. MODERN ROMAN All the Year Round, vol. 29, 1872-3. MONETARY SYSTEMS OF ROME Del Mar's Money in Ancient Countries, 1885. [525] ROME-RONTGEN RAYS Rome (continued). MORAL LIFE OF THE EARLY ROMANS International Jour, of Ethics, vol. 7, 1896-7. MORALS: ROMAN MORALS Miss Knight's Autobiography, 1861. MUSEUM AT ROME Antiquary, vol. 30, i8.)4. NATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS OF ENGLAND IN MEDIEVAL ROME Dublin Review, NECROMANCY IN ROME Godwin's Lives of the Necromancers, 1876. [vol. 123, 1898. NOTES ON ROME Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. OLD ROME Antiquary, vol. 5, 1882. PAGAN AND PAPAL ROME Sunday at Home, vol. 17, 1870. PRE-HISTORIC ROME Antiquary, vol. 25, 1892. PRESENT STATE OF ROME Sunday at Home, vol. 6, 1859. ROMAN ART Turner's History of Art, 1886. ROMAN BOUNDARIES: LIMES RH^TICUS AND LIMES TRANSRHENANUS Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute, 1852. ROMAN CONQUESTS Schlegel's Philosophy of History, 1846. ROMAN DRAMATISTS All the Year Round, vol. 23, 1869-70. ROMAN DWELLINGS Wilkins' Roman Antiquities, 1885. ROMAN EMPIRE Wilberforce's Five Empires, 1874. ROMAN FEVER Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. ROMAN HISTORY Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. ROMAN HISTORY: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF IDEALISM AND REALISM Tran- sactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6, 1877. ROMAN IMPERIALISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. ROMANS AT SEA Half-Hours in Early Naval Adventure, 1892. ROME AFTER THE CONVERSION OF CONSTANTINE Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. i, ROME AFTER THIRTY YEARS [1863-93] Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. [1872. ROME AND ENGLAND [i6th Century] Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. ROME IN 1889 Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. ROME IN WINTER Temple Bar, vol. 29, 1870. RECENT WORKS ON THE BUILDINGS OF ROME Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. RELATION OF ROME TO GERMANY IN THE MIDDLE AGES Dollinger's Studies in European History, 1890. REPUBLICANISM: LAST REPUBLICANS OF ROME Macmillan's Mag., vol. 17, 1867-8. RUN AND READ RAMBLE TO ROME Quiver, vol. i, 1866. ST. PAUL AT ROME Lewin's Life and Epistles of St. Paul, 1890. [1863. ST. PETER'S: ROUND THE DOME OF ST. PETER'S, ROME All the Year Round, vol. 9, TURANIAN EPOCH OF THE ROMANS, ETC. Trans. Royal Hist. Society, vol. 8. 1880. Two MONTHS IN ROME Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 9, 1863-4. WINTERING IN ROME Woman, November, 1895. WORKS OF ART AT ROME Raikes' Journal. 1858. GENERAL Antiquary, vols. 3 and 4, 1881. Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Davies' Pilgrimage of the Tiber, 1875. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, 1862. Farrar's Christianity, 1882. Hawthorne's Notes on England and Italy, 1869. Heeren's Ancient History, 1833. Hpdder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Latrobe's Pedestrian, 1830. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, V.D. Quiver, vol. 28, 1893 Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. Senior's Journals, 1871. Sneppard's Fall of Rome, 1892. Stoughton's Homes and Haunts of Luther, 1883. Trollope's Visit to Italy, 1842. Whiteside's Italy in the Nineteenth Century, 1851. ~" Romeo and Juliet " (A tragedy by Shakespeare). IRVING AS ROMEO Theatre, v. 5, " ROMEO AND JULIET " Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1815. [1882. " ROMEO AND JULIET" AT THE LYCEUM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. STORY OF "ROMEO AND JULIET" Theatre, vol. 35, 1895. STUDY OF ROMEO Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. Romford, Essex History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 4, 1771. Thome's Environs of London, 1876 ; and various works on Essex. Romford Road. ROBBERY AT THE "THREE RABBITS" INN 1784-5 Annual Register, vol.27 [P- 239] i 1784-5. Romilly (Sir S., Lawyer and Politician, died 1818) Campbell's Chancellors, 1856-7. Romney (George, Painter, died 1802). OLD ENGLISH MASTERS Century Mag., vol. 56, ROMNEY AS AN INVESTMENT Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. [1898. GENERAL Cunningham's Painters, etc., vols. 2 and 5, 1879. Romney, Kent Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1888. Romulus (According to Roman legend founder of Rome, 753 B.C.) Dyer's Kings of Rome, 1868. Plutarch's Lives, 1885 ; and various histories of Rome. Rondelet (William, French Ichthyologist, died 1566). MEMOIRS AND PORTRAIT Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 35, 1848. Rontgen Rays. APPARATUS FOR RONTGEN WORK Photogram, vol. 3, 1896. NATURE OF RONTGEN RAYS The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. NEW KIND OF RAYS Nature, vol. 53, 1895-6. NEW LIGHT English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1895-6. NEW PHOTOGRAPHY Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1806. NEW PHOTOGRAPHY OF THE INVISIBLE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9, 1896. [526] RONTGEN BAYS-BOSS Bontgen Bays (continued). PHOTOGRAPHING THE UNSEEN Century Mag., vol. 52, 1896. Cornhill, vol. 73, 1896. RECENT RESEARCHES ON THE RONTGEN RAYS Nature, vol. 54, 1896. STEREOSCOPIC APPLICATION OF RONTGEN RAYS The Monist, vol. 6, 1895-6. WHAT ARE THE X-RAYS Century Magazine, vol. 56, 1898. GENERAL Nature, vol. 54, 1896. Bood Screens. ROOD SCREENS IN EAST ANGLICAN CHURCHES Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, V.D. Boofs. CONSTRUCTION OF ROOFS Spons' Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. DEVELOPMENT OF ROOFS Davidson's Drawing for Carpenters and Joiners, 1870. Book (A bird of the cruw family differing from the crow by not feeding upon carrion), ABOUT ROOKS Badminton Magazine, vol 4, 1897. FIRST NEST OF A ROOKERY Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. HERMIT ROOKS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. i, 1865. How TO FOUND A ROOKERY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 15, 1879. ROOKERY ESTABLISHED Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. ROOKS AND THEIR WAYS Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. GENERAL Lessons derived from the Animal World, 1847. Booke (Sir George, A dmiral, died 1709) Campbell's Lives of Brit. Admirals, vol. 4, 1818. Booker (Michael Angelo, Water-Colour Painter, died 1801) Monkhouse's English Water-Colour Painters, 1890 Boots. ROOT-TUBERCLES OF PEAS, BEANS, AND VETCHES Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. SOME RECENT PROGRESS IN ROOT-PHYSIOLOGY Natural Science, vol. 12, 1898. Bope. In ROPE-LAND [Old Ford] Andom's Industrial Explorings, 1896. ROPE-MAKING MACHINE Spoils' Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. ROUND ROPES versus FLAT ROPES Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. Boper (Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas More, died 1544) Owen's Heroines, etc., 1862. Rosa (Salvator, Neapolitan Painter, Poet, and Musician, died 1673) Lady Morgan's Memoirs, 1842. Ruskiu's Modern Painters, 1883. Bosalind (A character in Shakespeare's "As You Like It"). CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE'S ROSALIND Jameson's Characteristics of Women, 1858. Bosamond ([The Fair Rosamond], Mistress of Henry II. died 1176 or 1177). HER LIFE AND DEATH Ashton's Chapbooks, 1882. Gentleman's Mag. (n.s.), vol. 54, 1895. Boscoe (Sir Henry E., celebrated Chemist, born 1833) Jevons' Letters and Journal, 1886. Boscomrnon (Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of, Poet, died 1685) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Bose (One of the most beautiful and fragrant of flowers), A CHAPTER ON ROSES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 17, 1881. CULTURE OF THE ROSE Cassell's Gardening, 1884-6. DoG-RosE Grant Allen's Colin Clout's Calendar, 1883. HISTORY OF A ROSE Household Words, vol. 3, 1851. ORIGIN OF THE ROSE Argosy, vol. 13, 1872. " ROSE OF JERICHO " Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 16, 1880. ROSES AND How TO GROW THEM Cassell's Magazine, vol. 7, 1881. SINGLE ROSES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1897. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 3, 1845. Quiver, vol. 28, 1893. Bose (Hugh James, Principal of King's College, London, 1836) Burgon's Twelve Good Men, 1888. [1894. Bose Castle, Cumberland. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF ROSE CASTLE Good Words, v. 35, Bosebery (Archibald P. Primrose, 5th Earl of, Liberal Statesman, born 1847). BRIEF SKETCH Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. HOMES OF LORD ROSEBERY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. MINISTERIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND THE FALL OF THE ROSEBERY GOVERNMENT Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1895. RECORD OF THE ROSEBERY ADMINISTRATION Review of Reviews, vol. 12, 1895. ROSEBERY'S "WILLIAM PITT": [Review] Review of Reviews, vol. 4, 1891. SAINT LADAS Review of Reviews, vol. TO, 1894. GENERAL Barrie's Edinburgh Eleven, 1889. Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. Boselle (Amy and Julia, Actresses) Pascoe's Dramatic List, 1880. Bosenmold (Duke Carl of) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 56, 1887. Bosicrucians (Secret Society of the 17th century), ESSAY ON THE ROSICRUCIANS Waite's Occult Sciences, 1891. FREEMASONS AND ROSICRUCIANS De Quincey's Opium-Eater, 1862. RITUAL AND CEREMONIES OF THE ROSICRUCIANS Heckethorn's Secret Societies, GENERAL Goodwin's Necromancers, 1876. [1875. BoskOff (On the coast of Brittany) Musgrave's Rambles into Brittany, 1870. Rosmead ( [H. G. R. Robinson] , Lord, Governor of the Cape, died '97) Ann. Register, '97. BOSS (Capt. John, Arctic Navigator, died 1856). TRAVELS Verne's Gt. Explorers, 1881. GENERAL Black's Guide to Hereford, 1884. Realm of the Ice King, 1880. BOSS (Sir James Clark, Arctic and Antarctic Navigator, died 1862). TRAVELS Verne's Great Explorers, 1881. [527] ROSS ALL SCHOOL-ROUSSEAU Rossall School. ACCOUNT OF ROSSALL SCHOOL Staunton's Schools of England, 1865. ROBSe ([William Parsons] , third Earl of, Astronomer, died 1867) Good Words, v. 36, 1895. Rossetti (Christina Georgina, Poetess, died 1894). POETRY OF CHRISTINA ROSSETTI New Review, vol. 12, 1895. GENERAL Annual Register, 1894. Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Gosse's Critical Kit-Kats, 1896. Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. Robertson's English Poetesses, 1883, ROSSETTI (Dante Gabriel, Artist and Poet, brother of above, died 1882). D. G. ROSSETTI AND HIS FAMILY LETTERS Longman's Magazine, vol. 27, 1895-6. ESSAY ON DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI Pater's Appreciations, 1890. LETTERS OF D. G. ROSSETTI Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. NOTES ON ROSSETTI'S NEW POEMS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. PAINTINGS OF ROSSETTI National Review, vol. i, 1883. POEMS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI Swinburne's Essays and Studies, 1888. POETRY OF D. G. ROSSETTI Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. REALISTIC SCHOOLS OF PAINTING Ruskin's Art of England, 1884. STUDIES OF ROSSETTI Quarterly Review, vol. 184, 1896. STUDY OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI Stedman's Victorian Poets, 1876. TRUTH ABOUT ROSSETTI Nineteenth Century, vol. 13, 1883. WILLIAM MORRIS AND ROSSETTI Vallance's William Morris, his Art and Life, 1897. GENERAL Forman's Living Poets, 1871. Muther's History of Modern Painting, vol. 3, 1896. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1887. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Rossini (Gioachino Antonio, Italian Musical Composer, died 1868) Crowest's Tone Poets, 1891. Ferris' Musical Composers, 1893. Hellborn's Life of Schubert, 1869. Naumann's Music, vol. 5, 1886. Rosslyn (Alexander W., Earl of [Lord Lough borough], Lord Chancellor, died 1805) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Rotche (An oceanic bird of the Gitillemot order) Morris' British Birds, vol. 6, 1891. Rothenburgh, Bavaria. ROTHENBURGH AND ITS GIANT WINE CUP Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. VISIT TO ROTHENBERG Temple Bar, vols. 72 and 73, 1884-5. Rotheram (Caleb, dissenting Minister & Tutor, died 1752) Turner's Eminent Unitarians, Rotherhithe, London Emerson's London, 1862. [1840. Rothesay, Scotland Black's Guide to Glasgow, 1889. Black's Where shall we go, 1892. Rothhorn (Summit of the Alps) Stephen's Playground of Europe, 1871. Rothschild (Name of a family of millionaires) Idler, vol. 15, 1899. Rothschild (Lionel Walter, born 1868). THE HON. WALTER ROTHSCHILD AT TRING PARK English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1896. Rothschild Museum, Tring Natural Science, vol. 2, 1893. Rotomahana, New Zealand Payton's New Zealand, 1888. Rotorua, New Zealand Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Rotten Row, Hyde Park, London All the Year Round, vol. 62, 1888. Rotterdam, Holland Baedeker's Belgium and Holland, 1891. Baedeker's Rhine, 1889. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Roubilac (L. F., French Sculptor, died 1762) Cunningham's Painters, etc., vol. 3, 1879. ROUCOUX. THE CAMPAIGN OF Roucoux Temple Bar, vol. in, 1897. Rouen, France (Important seaport, noted for its cotton and other manufactories and its antiquities). DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF ROUEN Art Journal, 1882. ROUEN CATHEDRAL: ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS Ruskin's Stones of Venice, 1886. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Paris, 1891. Baedeker's Northern France, 1889. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Macquoid's Pictures from Normandy, 1879. Macquoid's Normandy, 1875. Rouge et Noir (A card game) Bohn's Handbook of Games, 1850. Roulette (A game of chance). SCIENTIFIC ASPECT OF MONTE CARLO ROULETTE Karl Pearson's Chances of Death, etc., 1897. Roumania (A European Kingdom). CUSTOMS OF THE ROUMANIANS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. ROUMANIAN FOLKLORE NOTES The Folk-Lore Record, vol. 5, 1882. ROUMANIAN PEASANTS AND THEIR SONGS Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. THE ROUMANIAN LANGUAGE Trans of the Royal Historical Soc, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1892. Roumelia (Denoting the European Possessions of Turkey). HISTORY OF ROUMELIA Ollier's Russo-Turkish War, 1878-9. GENERAL Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. Rounders (A bat and ball game) Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Roundheads [1672] Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 4, 1880. Round-Table (4 military pastime) Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. Rouse (F., one of Cromwell's Lords) Carlyle's Letters. &e., of Oliver Cromwell, 1892. Rousseau (] J-i French Philosopher, died 1778). INFLUENCE OF ROUSSEAU IN. SWITZERLAND Hug's Switzerland, 1890. ROUSSEAU'S THEORY OF EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. SOME THOUGHTS ON ROUSSEAU Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 69, 1893-4. [528] ROUSSEAU-ROYALTY Rousseau (continued) . GENERAL Brougham's Men of Letters, 1845. Challice's Heroes, 1863. Curran's Sketches of the Irish Bar, 1855. Lady Jackson's The Old Regime [portrait], 1880. Mollett's Painters of Barbizon, 1890. Rose's Collection of Engraved Portraits, 1894. Vandam's Amours of Great Men, vol. 2, 1878. " Rousseau's Dream " (Sog-) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. ROUSSillon, France. WINES OF ROUSILLON AND LANGUEDOC Thudichum and Dupre's Origin, Nature and Varieties of Wine, 1872. Routh (Martin J., President of Magdalen College, Oxford, 1791) Burgon's Twelve Good Rovezzano (B. da, Architect-Sculptor) Scott's Robbia, 1890. [Men, 1888. Row (John, eminent Lawyer) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Rowe (Nicholas, English Poet and Dramatist, died 1718) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Rowing (Art of propelling a boat by oars). A ROWING INDICATOR Natural Science, CHAPTER ON ROWING Wilton's Sports, 1869. [vol. 8, 1896. EXPERIMENTS IN ROWING Natural Science, vol. 13, 1898. ROWING AT CAMBRIDGE English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. ROWING AT OXFORD Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. Eng. Illus., vol. 7, 1889-90. ROWING FOR GIRLS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 8, 1882. UNIVERSITY ROWING FIFTY YEARS AGO Badminton Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Every Boy's Book, 1888. Rowlands (Samuel, Poet, born about 1570) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Rowley (William, Dramatist, died 1642) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Roxburghe Club (A literary club, founded 1812) Burton's Book Hunter, 1885. Royal Academy, London. A VISIT TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2. 1881. DIPLOMA PICTURES AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY All the Year Round, vol. 40, 1878. EIGHT PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY English Illus. Mag., vol. 15, 1896. FOUNDATION OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY Gerard's Angelica Kauffmann, 1892. MODEST DEFENCE OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY Longman's Magazine, vol. 9, 1886-7. ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITION OF 1861 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. ROYAL ACADEMY: THE CONSTITUTION AND ORGANISATION Pearson's Mag., v. 5/98. THE ROYAL ACADEMY AND ARCHITECTURE Architecture, vol. i, 1896, THE ROYAL ACADEMY IN THE PRESENT CENTURY Art Journal, 1896. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 45, 1868. Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 2, 1860. Royal Arms. CUSTOM OF SETTING UP THE ROYAL ARMS IN CHURCHES Transac- tions of the Essex Archaeological Society, vol. 5 (n.s.). Royal Asiatic Society Cust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, 1887. Royal Assent. THE ROYAL ASSENT Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Royal Authors All the Year Round, vol. 19, 1867-8. Royal Exchange, London Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. London, etc. Royal Families. THE FORTY ROYAL FAMILIES AND THEIR INTERMARRIAGES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. See also Royalty, and under names, etc. Royal Geographical Society, London. ILLUS. INTERVIEWS Strand, v. 13, 1897. RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE ROYAL GEOG. SOCIETY Becker's Scientific London, '74. "Royal George." Loss OF H.M.S. "ROYAL GEORGE," 1782 Dr. Macaulay's Strange yet True, 1892. Royal Humane Society, London. A CHAT ABOUT THE ROYAL HUMANE SOCIETY Sunday Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. GENERAL Strand Magazine, vol. 5, 1893. Royal Institution, London. THE HISTORY OF THE ROYAL INST. Nature, v. 5, 1872. RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION Becker's Scientific London, 1874. Royal Oak Day. THE SERVICE AND CUSTOMS OF ROYAL OAK DAY Andrews' Old Church Lore, 1891. Royal Society of London. EARLY DAYS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY Chambers' Journal, vol. 8, 1847. GOVERNMENT OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY Nature, vol. 3, 1870-1. HISTORY OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY Chambers' Journal, vol. 10, 1848. RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY Becker's Scientific London, 1874. GENERAL De Morgan's Paradoxes, 1872. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Royal Touch. ON THE CURE OF SCROFULOUS DISEASES ATTRIBUTED TO THE ROYAL TOUCH Archaeological Journal, vol 10, 1853. Royal Train All the Year Round, vol. 44, 1879-80. Royalties. ROYAL COMMISSION ON MINING ROYALTIES, ETC. Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, vols. 5-6, 1892-4. GENERAL Financial Reform Almanack, 1899. Royalty. COMING KINGS AND QUEENS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. FUTURE KINGS Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1897. INTERMARRIAGES OF ENGLAND AND DENMARK English Illustrated, vol. 15, 1896 ROYAL IMPOSTORS Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity, 1837. 2L [ 529 ] ROZE-RUSKIN Roze (Madame Marie, renowned Prima Donna, born 1850) Men and Women of the Day, Rubber. IN RUBBER-LAND [Limehousej Andom's Industrial Explorings, 1896. ['88. Rubbish. VALUE OF RUBBISH Chambers' Journal, vol. 15, 1851. WEALTH IN RUBBISH Burnley's Modern Industry, 1889. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. Rubens (P. P., Flemish Portrait Painter, died 1640). GENERAL REMARKS ON RUBENS Ruskin's Modern Painters, 1892. RUBENS IN ANTWERP, ITALY, AND PARIS Argosy, vol. 2, 1866. RUBENS IN ENGLAND Temple Bar, vol. 43, 1875. [1886. GENERAL Rose's Collection of Engraved Portraits, 1894. Ruskin's Stones of Venice, Rubenstein (Anton, Russian Pianist, died 1894). AN EVENING WITH RUBENSTEIN Girl's Own Annual, vol 4 [page 777], 1883. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 10, 1894. RUBENSTEIN AS A MUSICIAN Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. RUBENSTEIN AS A PIANIST Truth, vol. 19, 1886. THE MAN AND THE MUSICIAN Century Magazine, vol. 50, 1895. GENERAL Annual Register, 1894. Morris' Famous Composers, 1891. Rubruquis (W., German Envoy in Tartary, 1253). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Ruchonnet (Louis, a Member of the Swiss Federal Council, died 1893). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 8, 1893. Ruckert (Friedrich, German Poet, died 1866). MEMORIAL OF RUCKERT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 14, 1866. Ruddygore (Opera by W. S. Gilbert and A . Sullivan) Theatre, vol. 9, 1887. Rudolph Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, tlied 1889) TempleBar, vol. 85, 1889. Rudolph II. (Emperor of Germany, died 1612) Motley's Life of Barneveld, 1875. Ruff (A fighting bird). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE OF THE BIRD Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 3, 1848. Yarrell's British Birds, vol. 2, 1856. GENERAL Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. Ruff (An article of attire). THE RUFF AND ITS SUCCESSORS Chambers' Journal, vol. 50, 1873. Ruffian. THE RUFFIAN All the Year Round, vol. 20, 1868. Rugby, Tennesse, U.S. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1. Rugby, Warwickshire (Noted for its great Public School). Black's Guide to Warwick- shire, 1892. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 6, 1879-83. Rugby School. ACCOUNT OF RUGBY SCHOOL Staunton's Schools of England, 1865. SCHOOL LIFE AT RUGBY Stanley's Life of Arnold, 1893. TAIT AS HEADMASTER OF RUGBY SCHOOL Davidson's Life of Tait, 1891. "Rule Britannia" (Patriotic song) All the Year Round, vol. 46 (page 400), 1880-1. Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Rum. COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS OF RUM Blyth's Foods, their Composition and Analysis, 1888. Spencer's The Flowing Bowl, 1899. Rumbold (Col. R., executed 1685). NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF THE FAMILY OF RUMBOLD Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 6 (n.s.), 1892. Western's Martyrology, 1873. Rumford (Count [Colonel Sir Benjamin Thompson], Chemist and Physicist, died 1814). COUNT RUMFORD AT BROMPTON Walford's Londoniana, 1879. THOMPSON : REGENT OF BAVARIA Temple Bar, vol. 117, 1899. GENERAL Holyoake's Self Help a Hundred Years Ago, 1888. Runic Stones. RUNES AND OGHAMS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. Running. PAPER-CHASING AND CROSS-COUNTRY RUNNING Shearman's Athletics and Football, 1889. GENERAL Badminton Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. Lennox's Fifty Years' Biographical Reminiscences, 1863. Runswick, Yorkshire Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Rupert (Prince, of Bavaria, Naval Commander, nephew of Charles I., died 1682), MEMOIR Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 2, 1818. GENERAL Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Smith's Romance of History, 1895. Rupert's Land, Hudson Bay Territory. RUPERT'S LAND AND ITS BISHOP Sunday at Home, vol. 4, 1857. Rural Lanes of England Temple Bar, vol. 14, 1865. Rusgania (An ancient Algerian fort) Seguin's Walks in Algiers, 1888. Ruskin (John, eminent Art Critic and Writer, born 1819). CARLYLE AND RUSKIN : Two LETTERS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. HANDWRITING OF JOHN RUSKIN Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. JOHN RUSKIN, POET, PAINTER AND PROPHET Review of Reviews, vol. 17, 1898. LECTURES ON ART Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. OPEN LETTER TO JOHN RUSKIN Steuart's Letters to Living Authors, 1892. KUSKIN AS MASTER OF PROSE Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. RUSKIN MANIA Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. [vol. 2, 1881. RUSKIN'S MAY-DAY FESTIVAL AT WHITELAND'S COLLEGE Girl's Own Annnal, t530] RUSKIN-RUSSIA Ruskin (continued). RUSKIN'S SOCIAL EXPERIMENT Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. WRITINGS OF RUSKIN Lancaster's Essays and Reviews, 1876. GENERAL Cochrane's Great Thinkers and Workers, 1888. Darton's Brave Boys, 1893. Hamerton's Etching and Etchers, 1876. Harper's Magazine, vol. 19, 1890. Men and Women of the Day, 1888. Shepherd's Life of Carlyle, 1881. Teachers and Preachers of Recent Times, 1881. Russell (C., Lord, of Killowen, [formerly Sir Charles Russell]. Chief Jnstice of England, born 1833) Men and Women of the Day, 1889. Russell (Henry, Song writer, born 1813). SONGS OF HENRY RUSSELL Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Russell (Lord John, Eminent Statesman, carried the first Reform Bill 1832, died 1878). BIOGRAPHY Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS LIFE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. GENERAL Amherst's Catholic Emancipation, 1886. Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Dunckley's Life of Lord Melbourne, 1891 Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury, 1888. Marquis of Lome's Viscount Palmerston, 1892. Molesworth's Hist, of England, '79. Torrens 1 Melbourne, '78. Russell (Lady, Wife of above). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER LIFE Girl's Own Ann., v. 2,'8i. Russell (Lady Rachel, Wife of Lord William Russell, died 1723) Owen's Heroines of Domestic Life, 1862. Russell (Lord William, Statesman, executed 1683) Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 2 [portrait], 1849. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 8, 1846. Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages, 1850. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Western Martyrology, 1873. Ruesell (Dr. W. H., Journalist, born 1821). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand, v. 4, '92. RUSSIA. (See also Crimea, and under names of towns, czars, etc.). ALLIES : RUSSIA'S NEXT ALLY Daily Mail, April, 14, 1898. AMBASSADORS: OUR FIRST AMBASSADORS TO RUSSIA Macmillan's Mag., v. 68, 1893. ANGLO-RUSSIAN TREATIES Edinburgh Review, vol. 184, 1896. ANTICHRIST : RUSSIANS AND ANTICHRIST Temple Bar, vol. us, 1897. APOTHEOSIS OF RUSSIA Blackwood's Magazine, *rol. 160, 1896. ARMAMENT OF RUSSIA Temple Bar, vol. 74, 1885. BULGARIA AND RUSSIA Fortnightly Review, vol. 59, 1896. CHANGE OF TSARS Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. CHOLERA IN RUSSIA Raikes' Journal, 1858. CHURCH SERVICES Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. CONVICTS: RUSSIAN CONVICTS IN SALT MINES OF ILETSK Harper's Mag., vol. 15, CORONATION Harper's Magazine, vol. 33, 1897. [1888. CORONATION: THE IMPERIAL CORONATION AT Moscow Cornhill Mag., vol. i (n.s.), CORONATION IN RUSSIA Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896. [1896. CORONATION NOTES New Review, vol. 15, 1896. CRIMEA IN 1854 AND 1894 Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. CRIMEAN WAR Kingston's Our Sailors, 1880. Kingston's Our Soldiers, 1882. Smith's Life of John Bright, 1882. CUSTOMS IN RUSSIA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. CZAR AND RUSSIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 22, 1854. CZAR'S PEOPLE Harper's Magazine, vol. 36, 1898. CZARS: Six GENERATIONS OF CZARS Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. CZARS: TSAR AND TSARITSA OF RUSSIA AT HOME English Illustratecf, v, 18, 1898. ENGLAND AND RUSSIA Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. Macmillan's Maga- zine, vol. 42, 1880 ; and vol. 59, 1888-9. ENGLISH TRADING WITH RUSSIA, I7TH CENTURY Lives of the Norths, 1826. EUROPE AND RUSSIA Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. FAIRS AND PILGRIMAGES IN RUSSIA AND INDIA Good Words, vol. 14, 1873. FRIENDS AND FOES OF RUSSIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 5, 1879. GIRLHOOD IN RUSSIA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 8, 1890-1. GIRL LIFE IN RUSSIA Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. GOSPEL IN RUSSIA Sunday at Home, vol. 18, 1871. GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA Brougham's Political Philosophy, 1843. HOLY RUSSIA Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1696. HOME LIFE: RUSSIANS AT HOME Chambers' Journal, vol. 22, 1854. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 19, 1892. How RUSSIA AMUSES ITSELF Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. INDIA : RUSSIA AND INDIA Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Nineteenth Century, vol. 3, 1878. Vambdry's Stuggle for India, 1885. KATE MARSDEN AND HER MISSION TO RUSSIA AND SIBERIA Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. LITERATURE: RECENT RUSSIAN LITERATURE [Reviews by Dr. E. J. Dillon] Review of Reviews, vols. 3 and 4, 1891 ; and vol. 6, 1892. LUKERIA OF GORELOVKA Harper's Magazine, vol. 32, 1896. MONETARY SYSTEM OF RUSSIA Del Mar's Money and Civilization, 1886. MONGOLIA, RUSSIA AND CHINA Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. MURDER OF EMPEROR PAUL OF RUSSIA Letters of Earl Malmesbury, 1870. NAVY OF RUSSIA Brassey's Naval Annual, 1898. [53i] RUSSIA-BYE Russia (continued). NEO-STUNDISM Review of Reviews, vol 7, 1803. NIHILISM IN RUSSIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. OUT-CAST RUSSIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. PEASANT LIFE OF SOUTH RUSSIA Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 158, 1895, PEOPLE OF RUSSIA Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. PERSIA, RUSSIA AND ENGLAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. POLAND : WEEK IN RUSSIAN POLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 9, 1863-4. POLICY OF RUSSIA National Review, vol. 31, 1898. PRESENT CONDITION OF RUSSIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. PRISONS OF RUSSIA Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. RACES AND RELIGIONS IN RUSSIA AND THEIR STRUGGLE Fortnightly Rev., vol. 69,. RACES IN RUSSIA All the Year Round, vol. 40, 1878. [1898. RAILWAY JOURNEY IN RUSSIA Cornhill Magazine, vol. 18, 1892. REFORM PERIOD IN RUSSIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. RELIGIOUS EFFORTS IN RUSSIA Sunday at Home, vol. i, 1854. RIVALRY OF ENGLAND AND RUSSIA Boulger's Central Asia, 1879. ROD IN RUSSIA Cooper's History of the Rod in all Countries, 1877. RUSSIA: A MISSIONARY TO THE WORLD Smith's Modern Apostle, 1891. RUSSIA AND ENGLAND Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895, and vol. 71, 1897, Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. RUSSIA AND ENGLAND IN ASIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 7, 1880. RUSSIA AND THE EAST Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. RUSSIA AND THE REVOLUTION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. RUSSIA AS IT is Contemporary Review, vol. 71, 1897. RUSSIA ON THE CASPIAN SEA Cust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, 1887. RUSSIAN ASCENDANCY IN EUROPE Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. RUSSIAN CENTRAL ASIA All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. RUSSIAN DISSENTERS AND THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT Sunday Mag., vol. 29, 1893. RUSTICATING IN RUSSIA Temple Bar, vol. 112, 1897. SCENES FROM HISTORY Barrow's Peter the Great, 1879. SELF GOVERNMENT IN RUSSIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. SERF MARRIAGE IN RUSSIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 23, 1855. SERFAGE: THE ABOLITION OF SERFAGE Cust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, 1887. SETTLEMENT OF BRITAIN AND RUSSIA BY THE ENGLISH RACES Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 7, 1878. SINEWS OF WAR National Review, vol. 31, 1898. Six WEEKS IN RUSSIA Dublin Review, vol. 116, 1895. SLEDGING: IN A SLEDGE THROUGH FAMISHED RUSSIA Cassell's Mag., vol. 21, 1895. SLEIGH-RIDE THROUGH EASTERN RUSSIA Harper's Magazine, vol. 38, 1868-9. SOCIAL LIFE IN RUSSIA Harper's Magazine, vols. 7 and 8, 1884-5. STAY IN NORTHERN RUSSIA Sunday at Home, vol. 26, 1879. SUNDAY WITH THE CZAR AND CZARINA OF RUSSIA Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. SUNDAYS IN RUSSIA Good Words, vol. 21, 1880. TRAVEL: OLD ENGLISH TRAVELLERS IN RUSSIA All the Year Round, vol. 42, 1878 9. TRAVELS IN RUSSIA All Year Round, vols. 6-7, 1861-2 Burnaby's Ride to Khiva, 1895. TURKISH HISTORIAN OF A WAR WITH RUSSIA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. VILLAGE AND VILLAGERS IN RUSSIA Temple Bar, vol. 99, 1893. VILLAGE LIFE Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. VILLAGE LIFE: RUSSIAN VILLAGE COMMUNITIES Macmillan's Mag., vol. 34, 1876. WAR WITH RUSSIA Traill's Life of the Marquis of Salisbury, 1891. WHY RUSSIA DISTRUSTS ENGLAND Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. YOUNG AND OLD RUSSIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 24, 1855. YOUNG RUSSIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 22, 1854. GENERAL Ashley's Life and Letters of Viscount Palmerston, 1879. Cobden's Political Writings, 1867. E.S.A.'s World in which I Live, 1865. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Nineteenth Century, vol. i, 1877. Thornbury's Criss-Cross Journeys, vol. 2, 1873. Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. Russico (A monastery in Athos) Parry's Sketches of a Yachting Cruise, 1889. Russo-Turkish War Lusignan's Twelve Years Reign of Abdul Hamid II., 1889 Ruth (Wife of Roaz, and ancestress of David, King of Israel) Church's Stories from the Bible, 1891. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Owen's Heroines of Domestic Life, 1862. Sunday at Home, vol. 7, 1860. Sunday Mag., vol. 3, 1867. Rutherford (Samuel, Scotch Theologian, died 1661). RUTHERFORD AS A PREACHER Taylor's Scottish Pulpit from the Reformation, 1887. GENERAL Sunday Magazine, vol. 4, 1868. Rutland (Dukes of) Sanford's Great Governing Families of England, 1874. Rutlandshire. CHRONICLES OF RUTLANDSHIRE All the Year Round, vol. 55, 1884-5. GENERAL Murray's Handbook for Travellers in Rutland, V.D. Rydal, Westmoreland Black's Guide to the English Lakes, V.D. Ryde, Isle of Wight Black's Guide to Isle of Wight, V.D. Rye, Sussex. ACCOUNT OF RYE AND WINCHELSEA Art Journal, vol. , 1895, RAMBLE THROUGH RYE Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. GENERAL Black's Guide to Sussex, V.D. Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1893. [552] RYE-SAGA Bye (Maria S., Philanthropist). MARIA S. RYE'S WORK AMONG THE POOR Good Words, vol. 12, 1871. Ryland (Henry, Artist). ARTISTS AND THEIR WORK Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. Ryland (J., Merchant and cloth manufacturer, died 1888) All the Year Round, v. 59, '86-7. Ryland (William Wynne, Engraver, died 1783). AN ARTIST WHO WAS HANGED English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. Ryle (Dr., Bishop of Liverpool, born 1816) Men and Women of the Day, 1888. Ryves (Eliza, Irish Writer, died 1797) Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877. QAALBURG-, Germany. ROMAN CAMP OF THE SAALBURG Macmillan's, vol.46, 1882. Saavedra (Angel de, Duque de Rivas, Spanish Statesman and Poet) Kennedy's Poets of Spain, 1852. Sabbath. CONTINENTAL SABBATH Sunday at Home, vol. 26, 1879. JEWISH SABBATH Jackson's Institutions of Christianity, 1868. JEWISH SABBATH AND THE CHRISTIAN LORD'S DAY Blackie's Lay Sermons, 1881. OBSERVANCE OF SABBATH Hodder's Life of Shaftesbury, 1888. REST OF THE SABBATH Sunday at Home, vol. 2, 1855. ST. JOHN'S VIEW OF THE SABBATH REST The Expositor, vol. 5 (sth series), 1897. SUNDAY OBSERVANCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. THE LORD'S DAY- Quarterly Review, vol. 185, 1897. GENERAL Davidson's Old Testament, 1862. Ewald's Israel, 1869-86. Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Josephus' Works, 1897. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Sunday. Sabine Mountains Baedeker's Central Italy, 1890. Sacerdotalism (The spirit of the priesthood) Contemporary Review, vol. 75, 1899. Sacharissa (Lady Dorothy Spencer, Countess of Sunderland, Waller's Sacharissa, died 1684). SACHARISSA'S LETTERS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 57, 1887-8. SaCheverell (H., Tory Divine, died 1724) Abbey's English Church and its Bishops, 1887. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Sackville (Charles, 6th Earl of Dorset, died 1706) Campbell's Spec, of Brit. Poets, 1844. Sackville (Lord George, 7th Earl of Dorset, died 1785). TRIAL OF LORD GEORGE SACKVILLE Burke's Naval and Military Trials, 1876. Sackville (Thomas [Lord Buckhurst], 1st Earl of Dorset, and Baron, Poet, died 1608) Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Sacrament (["The Lord's Supper"], a solemn religious ceremony enjoined by Christ to be observed in memory of Him). MEANING OF THE TERM "THE LORD'S SUPPER " Keble's Occasional Papers, 1877. GENERAL Gladstone's Church Principles, 1840. Treasury of Religious Thought, '91. Sacrament (A pledge or oath). ARTICLE ON SACRAMENTS Positivist Rev., vol. 4, 1896. Sacramentalism. SACRAMENTALISM THE TRUE REMEDY FOR SACERDOTALISM Expositor, vol. 8 (5th series), 1898. Sacramento, California Gerstacker's Travels, 1854. Sacred Books. THE KUTHO-DAW Nineteenth Century, vol. 38, 1895. GENERAL Miiller's Natural Religion, 1889. Sacrifice (Gifts offered with some symbolical intent to the Deity). DOCTRINE OF SACRIFICE Rigg's Modern Anglican Theology, 1857. ELIJAH'S SACRIFICE AND THE PRIESTS OF BAAL Foster's Lectures, 1844. HUMAN SACRIFICES Lubbock's Origin of Civilization, 1875. SACRIFICE AND SACRAMENT Allen's Evolution of the Idea of God, 1897. SACRIFICE OF FIRSTBORN Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. VICARIOUS SACRIFICE Martin's Atonement, 1882. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Davidson's Old Testament, 1862. Ewald's History of Israel, 1869-86. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Sacrilege (Violation of sacred things). NOTES ON THE TRADITION OF FLAYING INFLICTED IN PUNISHMENT OF SACRILEGE Archaeological Journal, vol. 5, 1848. Sadducees (A Jewish sect, time of Christ) Ewald's History of Israel, 1869-86. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Sadler (Walter Dendy, Humorist and Genre Painter, born 1854). MR. DENDY SADLER AT PLAY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1897. GENERAL Art Journal, 1895. Sadler's Wells Theatre Baker's London Stage; its History and Traditions, 1889. Sadowa (A village in Bohemia in the vicinity of which, a great battle was fought (1866) between the Germans and the French). A TRIP TO SADOWA Quiver, vol. 10, 1875. Sadras, India. CALCUTTA TO SADRAS Heber's Indian Journal, 1844. Safes. LOCKS AND SAFES Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1882. STEEL WALLS AND THEIR STORIES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 24, 1897. Saffron Walden, Essex (Birthplace of Gabriel Harvey). MAY DAY CUSTOMS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GENERAL Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, V.D. And works on Essex. Saga (An Iceland prose epic). ESSAY ON THE SAGAS Lang's Essays, 1891. [533] SAGUNTUM-ST. ENIMIE Saguntum, Spain Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Sahara, Africa (The largest desert in the world). SLAVE TRADE IN THE SAHARA White's Africa, 1890. STATES AND RACES IN THE SAHARA Johnston's Africa, 1884. VISIT TO THE WESTERN SAHARA Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 283, 1897. GENERAL Earth's North Africa, 1890. Saharanpur, India Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Saigon, Anam Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. n, 1830. Sailing. CRUISE IN A FIVE TONNER Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. REMARKS ON SAILING Biddle's Yachts, 1883. See also Boating. SAILING FOR LADIES IN HIGHLAND LOCHS Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. SAILING TOURS Yachtsman, vol. n, 1896. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. u, 1889. Every Boy's Book, 1888. Sailors. A WORD TO SAILORS Sunday Magazine, vol. 2, 1866. Boy SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. DR. JOHNSON ON SAILORS Whymper's The Sea : its Stirring Story, etc., 1878-81. LIFE OF A MERCHANT SAILOR Scribner's Magazine vol. 14, 1893. MARINERS OF ENGLAND BEFORE THE ARMADA English Illustrated, vol. 8, 1890-1. OUR FUTURE SAILORS Quiver, vol. 12, 1877. SAILOR V.C.'s Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. SUPERSTITION OF SAILORS All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. GENERAL Verne's Great Navigators, 1881. See also Seamen, etc. Sails. BENDING AND UNBENDING SAILS Dana's Seaman's Manual, 1871. SQUARE AND LUG SAILS OF THE NORTHMEN Leslie's Old Sea Wings, 1890. St. Al ban's Abbey, Hertfordshire (Founded by Offa, King of Mercia). ACCOUNT OF ST. ALBAN'S ABBEY Gust's Our English Minsters (2nd series), 1897. MEDIEVAL PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE OF ST. ALBAN Antiquary, vol. 2, 1880. THE HIGH ALTAR SCREEN AT ST. ALBAN'S ABBEY Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. GENERAL Archaeological Journal, vol. 30, 1873. Beattie's Castles and Abbeys or England, 1851. Casseli's Our Own Country, vol. 3, 1879-83. Church's Chantry Priest of Barnet, 1890. Freeman's English Towns, 1883. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities, part i.], 1890. Sunday Magazine, vol. 23,. 1894. Ward, Lock's Our National Cathedrals, vol. 3, 1887. St. Alban's, Holborn. AFTERNOON IN ST. ALBAN'S PARISH, HOLBORN Good Words, vol. 9, 1868. St. Andrews, Scotland. A CITY OF THE NORTH Quiver, vol. 33, 1898, ST. LEONARD'S GIRLS' SCHOOL AT ST. ANDREWS Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. GENERAL Black's Where Shall We Go ? 1892. Harper's Magazine, vol. 80, 1889-90. St. AntOine, Paris (A low-class Faubourg) Hare's Paris, 1880. St. Arnaud (Jacques Achille Leroy de, Marshal of France, died 1854) Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, 1863-87. Bentley's Miscellany, vol. 38, 1855. St. Asaph Cathedral. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY Ward and Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols., 1887. St. Bartholomew's Day (The day of the great massacre of Huguenots in France, August 24, 1572). EFFECTS OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY Yonge's Cameos from English History, vol. 5, 1883. MASSACRE OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW Knight's Paris and its Historical Scenes, vol. i. REVIEW OF DR. WHITE'S WORK ON THE MASSACRE OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY The Student of Science and Literature, vol. i, 1868. St. Bartholomew's, Smithfield. AN HOUR IN ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S, SMITHFIELD Sunday Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. St. Bees, Cumberland Gentleman's Mag. Library [English Topography, part ii.], 1892. St. Bernard Hospice. Pious MONKS OF ST. BERNARD English Illus., vol. 14, 1896. St. BotOlph'S, Boston. A BEACON IN THE FENS Bonney's Abbeys and Churches of England and Wales, 1890. St. BriavePs Castle, Gloucestershire Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. St. Christopher's Island, West Indies Coleridge's West Indies in 1825. St. Clement Danes, London. WALK ROUND ST. CLEMENT DANES Walford's Londoniana, 1879. St. Cloud, Paris Baedeker's Guide to Paris, 1891. Challice's French Palaces, 1871. St. Crispin's Day [Oct. 25] Antiquary, vol. 6, 1882. St. David's, Wales. ST. DAVID'S CATHEDRAL : ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY Ward & Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols., 1887. ST. DAVID'S COLLEGE Life and Letters of Roland Williams, ed. by his wife, 1874. GENERAL Casseli's Our Own Country, vol. 6, 1879-83. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities, part i.], 1890. Hissey's Across England, 1891. St. Denis, Paris Baedeker's Guide to Paris, 1891. St. Donat'S Castle, Glamorganshire Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. St. Elias (Mountain in Alaska). THE FIRST ASCENT OF MOUNT ST. ELIAS Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1898. St. Enimie, France Edwards' Roof of France, 1889. [534] ST. ESPBIT-ST. PANCRAS St. Esprit, France Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. St. Etienne du Mont, Paris Hamerton's Paris in Old and Present Times, 1892. St. Eustache, Paris Hamerton's Paris in Old and Present Times, 1892. St. Gaudens (Augustus, American Sculptor, born 1848). THE SHAW MEMORIAL AND THE SCULPTOR ST GAUDENS Century Magazine, vol. 32, 1897. Saint Gelais (Octavien Poet, died 1502) Besant's Early French Poetry, 1868. St. George (Patron Saint of England). See George. St. George and the Dragon [Evolution of the legend] Cornhill Mag., vol. 61,1890. St. George's Channel. PICTURESQUE NOTES. By P. G. Hamerton Clark Russell's British Seas, 1892. St. George's Chapel, Windsor Bonney's Abbeys and Churches of England and Wales, 1890. Saint-Germain (Count, a European Adventurer, died 1780) Becker's Adven. Lives, '78. St. Germain, Paris (A once fashionable quarter of Paris) Challice's French Palaces, 1863. Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. Hare's Paris, 1880. St. Giles, London Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. St. Helena (Island in the South Atlantic where Napoleon was imprisoned and died). GLIMPSE OF ST. HELENA Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. GENERAL Cornhill Magazine, vol. 22, 1870. Gill's Six Months in Ascension, 1878. St. Helens, Lancashire. SHORT ILLUS. DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, '88. Saint-Hilaire (Etienne Geoffroy, Naturalist, died 1844) Haeckel's Last Link, 1899. Saint-Hilaire (Jules B., French Minister, died 1895) Annual Register, 1895. Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 9 1896. St. James* Palace, London. THE ROYAL PALACE OF ST. JAMES Cassell's Mag., St. James' Square, London Wheatley's Round about Piccadilly, 1870. [vol. 22, '96. St. James" Theatre, London Baker's London Stage ; its Hist, and Traditions, 1889. St. John (J. A., A byssinian Traveller, died 1875) Hotten's Abyssinia and its People, 1868. St. John's, Canada Dickens' American Notes, 1892. [1881. St. John's W^ood, London. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT Suburban Homes of London, St. Kavin'S, Traumberg, Bohemia Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. St. Kildans (The inhabitants of the Island St. Kilda in the North A tlantic). A REMARK- ABLE PEOPLE Quiver, vol. 33, 1898. St. Lawrence (Great North American river). GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. Hopkins' Canada, 1898. LOWER ST. LAWRENCE RIVER Harper's Magazine, vol. 16, 1888. ON THE ST. LAWRENCE Dufferin's My Canadian Journal, 1872-8. GENERAL Hayden's North America, 1883. Lees' B.C. 1887 : a Ramble in British Columbia, 1892. Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. St. Leonards, Sussex (Seaside resort) Black's Guide to Sussex, V.D. St. L6, France Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. St. Louis, United States (One of the chief American railway centres). NEW GROWTH OF ST. Louis Harper's Magazine, vol. 24, 1892. GENERAL Dickens' American Notes, 1892. Harper's Magazine, vol. 7, 1884 ; and vol. 16, 1888. Trollope's North America, 1862. St. Lucia, West Indies. ISLAND OF ST. LUCIA Coleridge's West Indies in 1825. St. Malo, France. LEGENDS OF ST. MALO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 73, 1895-6. GENERAL Baedeker's Northern France, V.D. Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. St. Marcel, Paris Hare's Paris, 1880. St. Martin's Lane, London Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. St. Martin's Public Library London, vol. i, 1893. St. Mary's Church, Cambridge Bonney's Abbeys and Churches of England, 1890. St. Mary's Church, Oxford Bonney's Abbeys and Churches of England, 1890. St. Mary's Loch, Scotland Black's Guide to Moffat, V.D. Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. St. Michael's Day and Bird Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [English Topography, part ii.], 1892. Norway's Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, 1897. Pall Mall Mag., v. 14,, 1898. St. Osyth Priory, Essex (Monastery founded in the reign of Henry I., of which there are extensive remains) Andrews' Bygone Essex, 1892. Barrett's Essex Highways and Byways, 1893. History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 6, 1769. Rush's Seats in Essex, 1897. Watson's Tendring Hundred, 1887. St. Pancras, London. ST. PANCRAS AND ITS POOR London, vol. 6, 1897. St. Pancras at Lewes. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF THE CLUNIAC PRIORY Archaeological Journal, vol. 41, 1884. [535] ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL-SALA ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL, London. (See also London). A SUNDAY AT ST. PAUL'S Sunday Magazine, vol. 33, 1897. CHOIR OF ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 20, 1899. DECORATION OF ST. PAUL'S Sunday Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. DESCRIPTION OF ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL Allen's Hist. & Antiquities of London, 1827. EVENSONG SERVICE AT ST. PAUL'S Molloy's Faiths of the Peoples, vol. 2, 1892. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY Ward & Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols., 1887. Is THE BLACKNESS or ST. PAUL'S MERELY THE EFFECT OF SMOKE ? Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 14, 1878. LARGEST CHURCH OF OLDEN TIMES Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 14, 1898. NEW MOSAICS AT ST. PAUL'S Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 74, 1896. REVIEW OF MILMAN'S ANNALS OF ST. PAUL'S Walford's Londoniana, 1879. ST. PAUL'S AND ITS SURROUNDINGS Hare's Walks in London, 1878. SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN AND ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL Loftie's London, 1880. STORY OF ST. PAUL'S Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 162, 1897. WALK ROUND OLD ST. PAUL'S IN 1501 Antiquary, vol. 3, 1881. GENERAL Adams' London, 1890. Black's Guide to London, V.D. Boy's Own Annual, vol. u, 1888-9. Cornhill Magazine, vol.2, 1897. Cust's Our English Minsters (2nd series), 1897. Good Words, vol. 38, 1897. Jesse's London, its Characters and Places, vol. 3, 1871. Loftie's London, 1880. Neal's Puritans, 1822. Sunday at Home, vol. 14, 1867. St. Paul's Cross, London Andrews' Old Church Lore, 1891. St. Paul's School, London. ACCOUNT OF ST. PAUL'S SCHOOLS Staunton's Schools of England, 1865. St. Peter's, Rome (Chief Romish Church). IN ST. PETER'S Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. GENERAL Century Magazine, vol. 30, 1896. Hare's Walks in Rome, 1893. Also Rome. St. Peter's Mancroft, Norwich. A FAMOUS Civic CHURCH Bonney's Abbeys and Churches of England and Wales, 1890. St. Peter's School. York. CATALOGUE OF ANTIQUITIES IN THE MUSEUM Pro- ceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1846. St. Petersburg (The Capital of Russia). FOUNDING OF ST. PETERSBURG Chambers' Journal, vol. 74 (n.s.), 1897. IN THE STREETS OF ST. PETERSBURG Temple Bar, vol. 96, 1892. GENERAL Cassell's Magazine, vol. 25, 1898. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 17, 1830. De Windt's Siberia as it is, 1892 Hare's Studies in Russia, 1875. Hodder's Cities of the World, '83-4. Pinkerton's Russia, '33. Stoddard's Across Russia, '92. St. Pol de L^on, France Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. St. Procop. ST. PROCOP OF BOHEMIA : A Legend of the Eleventh Century Trans- actions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5, 1877. St. Saviour's Cathedral, Southwark, London London, vol. 6, 1897. St. Servan, France Baedeker's Northern France, V.D. Musgrave's Ramble into Brittany, 1870. Saint-Simon (Louis de Rouvroy, Due de, died 1755) New Review, vol. 17, 1897. St. Sulpice, Paris Hamerton's Paris in Old and Present Times, 1892. St. Swithin. See Swithin (St.). St. Valentine's Day Antiquary, vol. 5, 1882. See also Valentines. St. Valery-en-Caux Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. St. Vincent, West Indies. CAMPAIGN OF ST. VINCENT Pall Mall Mag., vol. 13, 1897. GENERAL Coleridge's West Indies in 1825. Froude's English in the West Indies, '88. St. Wandrille, France Macquoid's Through Normandy, 1875. Sainte Chapelle, Paris Hamerton's Paris in Old and Present Times, 1892. Saintes (An old town of France, famous for Roman remains). ANTIQUITIES OF SAINTES Archaeological Journal, vol. 44, 1887. GENERAL Trollope's Summer in Western France, 1841. Saints. ANCIENT BRITISH SAINTS Verney's Peasant Properties, 1885. CHARACTERISTICS OF SAINTS Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-8. EARLY SCOTTISH SAINTS Keith's History of Scotland, 1886. LOVE OF THE SAINTS Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. [1893. THE SAINTS AND STUDENTS OF KAIROUIN UNIVERSITY Bonsai's Morocco as it is, GENERAL Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. See also under names, e.g., Paul, etc. "Saints and Sinners " (A play by H. A . Jones) Theatre, vol. 4, 1884. SaiS (In ancient geography a capital city of Lower Egypt) Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Sakhalin (Large island or peninsula in the Sea of Okotsk). ISLAND OF SAKHALIN Fortnightly Review, vol. 61, 1897. Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. Sal a (G. A., Journalist and Novelist, died 1895). ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. GENERAL Hodder's Memories of my Time, 1870. Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. Mrs. Sala's Famous People I have met, 1892. [536] SALADS-SALMON Salads. FRUIT SALADS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. PAPER ON DELECTABLE SALADS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. Salamanca, Spain (Noted for its cathedrals and ancient Roman bridges and other edifices). BATTLE OF SALAMANCA [1812] Earl Malmesbury's Letters, 1870. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19, 1830. Hare's Spain, 1873. Murray's Spain, v.D. Salamander (A species of lizard). THE GIGANTIC JAPANESE SALAMANDER Hard- wicke's Science Gossip, vol. 2, 1866. Salamis (A ancient city of Cyprus) Stevenson's Our Home in Cyprus, 1880. Salamona (Jewess, martyred 167 B.C.) Owen's Heroines of History, 1854. Salaries. WAGES AND SALARIES Laing's Theory of Business, 1867. Saldanha Bay, South Africa Boyle's To the Cape, 1873. Sale (Sir R. A., Indian Commander, died of wounds 1845) Dublin University Magazine, Sale (Lady, Wife of above) Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1889. [vol. 28, 1846. Salehurst, Sussex Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1887. Salem, Massachusetts. FOUNDATION OF SALEM Lodge's Boston [Historic Towns], '91. Sales. HUMOURS OF SALES All the Year Round, vol. 76, 1895. Salieri (An Italian Musical Composer, died 1825) Morris' Famous Composers, 1891. Salimbene de Adam (died 1290). THE LIFE OF SALIMBENE Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i, 1872. Salisbury ([New Sarum], celebrated for its beautiful cathedral). ACCOUNT OF SALISBURY CATHEDRAL Gust's Our English Ministers (2nd series), 1897. ARCHITECTURE OF SALISBURY CATHEDRAL Archaeological Journal, vol. 44, 1887. DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY OF SALISBURY CATHEDRAL Ward & Lock's Our National Cathedrals, 3 vols , 1887. SALISBURY BISHOPS' PALACE Sunday Magazine, vol. 31, 1895. SALISBURY CATHEDRAL Baedeker's Guide to Great Britain, V.D. SALISBURY IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland and England, 1844. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. STONEHENGE AND SALISBURY PLAIN Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. I, 1879. GENERAL Black's Guide to Wiltshire, V.D. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities], 1890. Gilpin's Western England, 1808. Hawthorne's English Note-Books, 1870. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, 1887. Land We Live In, vol. 3, 1853. Murray's Guide to Wilts, etc., V.D. Salisbury (Earldom of Salisbury) Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1849. Salisbury (Robert Cecil, 3rd Marquis of, Prime Minister of England in three adminis- trations, born 1830). CHARACTER SKETCH [with Portraits] Rev. of Reviews, vol. DEVELOPMENT OF LORD SALISBURY Fortnightly Review, vol. 60, 1896. [17, 1898. HATFIELD HOUSE AND THE MARQUIS OF SALISBURY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 27, 1899. Harper's Magazine, vol. 9, 1885. LORD SALISBURY FROM A FRENCH POINT OF VIEW Fortnightly Rev., vol. 58, 1895, THIRD SALISBURY CABINET Review of Reviews, vol 12, 1895. UNIONIST LEADERS National Review, vol. 27, 1896. Salisbury (Robert Cecil, Earl of, Statesman, died 1612) Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Salisbury (Margaret Plantagenet, Countess of, died 1541) Bell's Historic Persons buried in the Tower, 1877. Salkeld (Wm., Eminent Lawyer, died 1715) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. " Sally in our Alley " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Salmon (Nathaniel, Antiquary, died 1742) Essex Review, vol. 2, 1893. SALMON (One of the principal of the food-fishes). ABOUT SALMON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A SALMON Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE LATE SALMO SALAR, ESQ. Macmillan's Mag., vol. 14, 1866. BAIT-FISHING FOR SALMON Cholmondeley-Pennell's Fishing, 1889. CATCHING AND POTTING SALMON Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-8. COOKING OF SALMON Stoddart's Angler's Companion, 1892. CANADIAN SALMON-FISHING Marquis of Lome's Canadian Pictures, 1885. HABITS OF THE SALMON Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 1890. HAUNTS OF SALMON Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. SALMON AND ITS KIN Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. SALMON-BREEDING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. SALMON-CANNING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. SALMON-CANNING IN THE FAR WEST Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. SALMON DISEASE AND ITS CAUSE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 16, 1880. SALMON FISHERIES OF NORWAY Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. SALMON-FISHING Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. SALMON-FISHING WITH THE FLY Stoddart's Angler's Companion, 1892. SALMON-FLIES: How TO DRESS THEM Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. SALMON FOR THE MILLION Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. STORY OF THE SALMON Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 25, 1884. Walton's Complete Angler, 1856. Whymper's The Sea; its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, and Heroism, 1878-81. [537] SALOME-SAMBRE RIVER Salome (Sister of Herod the Great, caused the death of John the Baptist) Josephus* Works, 1874. Salones (A tribe inhabiting the Mergui Archipelago) Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. Salonica (A large seaport in Turkey, next to Constantinople in importance) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 14, 1830. Mackenzie & Irby's Slavonic Provinces, 1877. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. Salt (Sir Titus, Manufacturer and Philanthropist, died 1876) Japp's Good Men and True, 1891. Japp's Labour and Victory, 1880. Japp's Successful Business Men, 1892. SALT (A substance used as a seasoner and preserver of food from the earliest ages). AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A GRAIN OF SALT Quiver, vol. 13, 1878. CHESHIRE SALT REGION Cornhill Mag., vol. 19, 1892. Good Words, vol. 34, 1893. DROITWICH SALT MINE Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. MANUFACTURE OF SALT Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. MARINE SALT Simmonds' Commercial Products of the Sea, 1883. OUR COMMON SALT Girl's Own Annual, vol. g, 1888. Japp's Days with Industrials, REMARKS ON SALT Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. [1889. SALT AND GAS WELLS OF CHINA Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. SALT OF THE SEA Maury's Physical Geography of the Sea, 1880. SALT WORKS IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, vol. i, 1889-90 ; vol. 3, 1891-2 ; vols. 5-7, 1892-4 ; and vol. 9, 1894-5. VALLEY OF SALT, PALESTINE [noted for its lake from which salt is obtained] Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 2, 1830. GENERAL Marshall's Canadian Dominion, 1871. Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. Salt-Glaze. CHAPTER ON SALT-GLAZE POTTERY Solon's Old English Potter, 1885. Salt Lake City, U.S.A. (Capital of the State of Utah). NEW JERUSALEM Dixon's New America, 1869. See also Utah, Mormons, etc. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 8, 1884. Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Rusling's Great West and Pacific Coast, 1877. Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. Salters* Hall, London Pike's Ancient Meeting-Houses, 1870. Salthouse, Norfolk Davies' Norfolk Broads and Rivers, 1884. Saltwood Castle, Kent Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles, 1825. Salutation. MODES OF SALUTATION Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Traditional Lore], 1885. British Essayists, vols. 10 and 13, 1823. Salvage (A recompense allowed by law to anyone by whose efforts goods have been saved from destruction). DEEP SEA SALVAGE Chambers' Jour., vols. 73, 1896; 74, 1897. LAW OF SALVAGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. Salvation Army (A religious organization, founded by W. Booth in 1865). FARM AND THE CITY Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. FROM BRIGHTEST AUSTRALIA BACK TO DARKEST ENGLAND Rev. of Revs., v. 5, 1892. GENERAL BOOTH Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. HEADQUARTERS OF SALVATION ARMY All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. " IN DARKEST ENGLAND," SOCIAL SCHEME Rev. of Reviews, v. 2, 1890 ; & v. 5, 1892. NIGHT SHELTERS OF THE SALVATION ARMY Sunday Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. SALVATION ARMY WORK IN THE SLUMS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 17, 1895. STORY OF THE SALVATION ARMY Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. [1892. SUNDAY EVENING AT REGENT CIRCUS BARRACK Molloy's Faiths of the People, v. 2, GENERAL Brand's London Life, 1887. Contemporary Review, vol. 74, 1898. Daily Graphic, vol. 8, 1891. Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 9, 1895. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. Salvator Rosa. See Rosa (Salvator). Salviani (Hippolito, Italian Ichthyologist, died 1572). MEMOIR AND PORTRAIT Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 35, 1848. Salvini (Signer, Actor, born 1829). REMINISCENCES OF SALVIN I Theatre, vol. 26, 1895. Samara, Russia. SPRING SCENES IN SAMARA Stadling's In the Land of Tolstoi, 1897. Samaria (Ancient town of Palestine, and formerly capital of the Kingdom of Israel, novt in ruins). CITY OF SAMARIA Geikie's Holy Land and the Bible, 1891. JERUSALEM TO SAMARIA Macleod's Eastward, 1869. GENERAL Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. Ewald's Israel, vol. 4, 1871. Samaritans (A religious community which originated after the fall of Samaria, partly composed of the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim, and partly of Assyrian colonists). DEALINGS WITH SAMARITANS Sunday Magazine, vol. 6, 1870. GENERAL Josephus' Works, 1897. Martineau's Eastern Life, 1850. Milman's Christianity, 1875. Milman's Jews, 1866. Samarkand, Asiatic Russia (Noted for its tomb of Tamerlane) Curzon's Russia in Central Asia, 1889. Geddie's Russian Empire, 1882. Samber (A species of Indian stag). SAMBER SHOOTING Rice's Indian Game, 1884. Sambre River, Belgium Macgregor's " Rob Roy " Canoe, 1875. [538] SAMOA-SANDBY Samoa (Islands in the South Pacific belonging to the Fiji group). ABOUT SAMOA Sundowner's Rambles in Polynesia, 1897. CUSTOMS OF THE SAMOANS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GERMAN CONDUCT IN SAMOA Nineteenth Century, vol. 24, 1888. LOTUS LAND OF THE PACIFIC Harper's Magazine, vol. 34, 1897. SAMOA AND THE POWERS Daily Graphic, vol. 21, 1895. [1889. SAMOA PAST AND PRESENT Fortnightly Rev., v. 65, 1899. Sunday at Home, vol. 36, THREE WEEKS IN SAMOA Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. Erskine's Western Pacific, 1853. Nineteenth Century, vol. 19, 1886. South Sea Bubbles, 1872. Wilkes' Exploring Expedition, 1845. Samoa (Islands in the Grecian Archipelago) Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, 1890. Samplers. PAST AND PRESENT SAMPLERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [p. 588], 1882. Samson (Judge in Israel, endowed with amazing physical strength, flourished about 1116 to 1096 B.C.). LIFE OF SAMSON Sunday Magazine, vol. 5, 1869. SERMON ON SAMSON Contemporary Pulpit, vol. i, 1884. GENERAL Church's Stories from the Bible [2nd series], 1891. Expositor, vol. 4, 1896. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Josephus' Works, 1897. Milman's Jews, 1866. Quiver, vol. 15, 1880 ; and vol. 21, 1886. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Samuel (Jewish Prophet time 'of Saul and David). SAMUEL AND SAUL Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. THE RULER SAMUEL Sunday Magazine, vol. 4, 1868. GENERAL Church's Stories from the Bible [2nd series], 1891. Ewald's Israel, vol. 2, 1869. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Josephus' Works, 1897. Quiver, vol. 16, 1881. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. San Bias, Mexico Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 26, 1830. San DiegO (Californian seaport) Rusling's Great West and Pacific Coast, 1877. San Francisco (Chief town and seaport of California). " CHINA TOWN " IN SAN FRANCISCO Cornhill Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. GOLDEN CITY Dilke's Greater Britain, 1870. GENERAL Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. De Beauvoir's Pekin, Jeddo, and San Francisco, 1872. Froebel's Seven Years' Travel in Central America, 1859. Froude's Oceana, 1886. Gerstacker's Travels in South America, 1854. Harper's Magazine, vol. 5, 1882-3. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Poole's Queen Charlotte Islands, 1872. Rusling's Great West and Pacific Coast, 1877. San Gimignano, Italy Hare's Central Italy, 1884. Scott's Tuscan Studies, etc., 1888. San Jorge (An island of the Azores) Roundell's Visit to the Azores, 1889. San Juan (Mineral region in South-Western Colorado). SILVER DISTRICT OF SAN JUAN Harper's Magazine, vol. 3, 1881-2. San Leopoldo (German settlement on the Rio Grande)- Mulhall's Rio Grande Do Sul, '73. San Marco, Florence. CONVENT OF SAN MARCO Macmillan's Mag., vol. 30, 1874. GENERAL Grant Allen's Historical Guide to Florence, 1897. San Marino (Small State of Italy) Hare's Central Italy, 1884. San Miguel, Azores Roundell's Visit to the Azores, 1889. San Remo, Italy (Health resort). SKETCH OF SAN REMO Good Words, vol. 34, 1893. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Northern Italy, V.D. Black's Riviera, V.D. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. San Sebastian, Spain. SIEGE OF SAN SEBASTIAN. 1813 Cornhill Mag., v. 5 (n.s.), '98. THE SPANISH NEWPORT Scribner's Magazine, vol. 22, 1897. GENERAL Murray's Guide to Spain, V.D. Bancroft (W., Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1693) Stoughton's Church of the Revolu- Sanctiflcation Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 5, 1891. [tion, 1874. Sanctuary (Privilege attaching to certain places by which criminals taking refuge in them are protected from the operations of the law). THE RIGHT OF SANCTUARY Andrews' Old ChurchLore, 1891. GENERAL Andrews' Legal Lore : Curiosities of Law and Lawyers, 1897. Sand (George [Baroness Dudevant], Noted French Novelist, died 1876). CORRESPONDENCE OF GEORGE SAND Atlantic Monthly, vol. 82, 1898. [1893-4. LETTERS AND PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF GEORGE SAND Century Mag., v. 25, GENERAL Challice's French Authors at Home, 1864. Longman's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889-90. Nineteenth Century, vol. I, 1877. Sand Dunes. A PAPER ON SAND DUNES Geographical Journal, vol. 9, 1897. Sand Hills. AMONG THE SAND HILLS Harper's Magazine, vol. 24, 1892. Sand-Waves. SAND-WAVES AT HENLOPEN AND HATTERAS Scribner's Magazine, vol. 8, 1890. Sandalwood. TRADE IN SANDALWOOD Erskine's Western Pacific, 1853. Sandby (Paul, Water-colour Painter, died 1809) Monkhouse's Earlier English Water- Colour Painters, 1890. [539] SANDEAU-SARCASM Sandeau (Jules, French Novelist, died 1883). FEW WORDS ABOUT JULES SANDEAU Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2, 1893-4. Sanderson (John, Amer. Author, died 1844) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, '52. Sanderson (R., Bishop of Lincoln, died 1663) Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, 1870. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Walton's Lives, 1888. Sandford (Francis Richard, Lord, died 1893). FRANCIS RICHARD SANDFORD- Black- wood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. Sandhurst (Royal Military College) Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. SOLDIERING AT SANDHURST Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. Sandow (Eugene, Professional Athlete) Ludgate, vol. 5, 1898. [1836. Sandowne Castle (Ruined block-house near Deal, Kent) Knight's Book of Table Talk, Sandpiper (A small wading bird belonging to the snipe family). DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIOUS SPECIES OF THE BIRD Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 3, 1848. Yarrell's British Birds, vol. 3, 1856. Sandringham, Norfolk (Residence of the Prince of Wales). A PEEP AT SANDRINGHAM English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1896. ROUND ABOUT SANDRINGHAM Temple Magazine, vol. I, 1896-7. SUNDAY AT SANDRINGHAM Quiver, vol.32 [page 291], 1897. Sandwich, Kent Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1893. [vol. 4. 1891. Sandwich Islands, North Pacific. QUEEN LILIUOKALANI Review of Reviews, VOLCANOES OF THE SANDWICH ISLANDS All the Year Round, vol. 51, 1883. GENERAL Brassey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1879. Cook's Voyage, 1782. Wilkes' Exploring Expedition during the years 1838 to 1842. Verschuur's Antipodes, 1891. See also Hawaii. Sanger (Lord George, Exhibitor of wild animals, etc.). LORD GEORGE SANGER'S CIRCUS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22, 1896. Sanhedrin (The supreme Judicial Tribunal of the Jfws) Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Sanitation (Maintenance of health and prevention of disease). GREAT SANITARY LESSON OF THE CRIMEAN WAR Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. ON SANITARY LAW Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects, 1857. PAST AND IDEAL SANITATION Longman's Magazine, vol. 26, 1895. SANITARY APPLIANCES Colyer's Public Institutions. 1889. SANITARY ENGINEERING Spons' Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. SANITARY LAWS ENFORCEMENT SOCIETY Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION Engineer, vol. 86, 1898. WOMAN AS A SANITARY REFORMER Richardson's The Commonhealth, 1887. GENERAL Jour, of State Medicine, vols. 4 and 5, 1896-7. S. G. Osborne's Letters, 1891. Sansculottism (A derisive term applied to the Jacobins at the French Revolution) Carlyle's French Revolution, 1837. Sanskrit Literature. HUMAN INTEREST OF SANSKRIT LITERATURE Miiller's India : What can it Teach us ? 1899. Santa Barbara (Californian watering place) Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 7, 1895. Santa Catharina, Brazil Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 29, 1830. Santa Catarina (Near Bormio, N. Italy) Stephen's Playground of Europe, 1871. Santa Cruz, California Froebel's Central America, 1859. Santa Cruz, Teneriffe Murray's Sixteen Years of an Artist's Life, 1859. Santa Maria (An island of the Azores) Roundell's Visit to the Azores, 1889. Santa Maura Island Ansted's Ionian Islands, 1863. Santarem, Portugal Murray's Guide to Portugal, 1887. Santiago (Capital of Chili) Brassey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1879. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 28, 1830. Vincent's South America, 1890. Santiago de Cuba (Formerly the capital of the Island of Cuba). THE SANTIAGO CAMPAIGN [Spanish-American War, 1898) Harper's Magazine, vol. 36, 1898. Saphed (A city of Palestine) Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Sappho (Greek Lyric Poetess, fl. about 600 B.C.). SAPPHO AND FEMALE FRIENDSHIPS Finck's Romantic Love and Personal Beauty, vol. i, 1887. Sapphura (Formerly the metropolis of Galilee) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Saracens (Arabians or Mussulmans of the early period). SARACENS IN ITALY Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 3, 1872. GENERAL E. S. A.'s World in which I live, 1875. See also Mohammedanism. SaragOSSa, Spain. DEFENCE OF SARAGOSSA All the Year Round, vol. 25, 1870-1. Saratoga. AMERICAN VICTORY AT SARATOGA, 1709 Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles, GENERAL Reminiscences of America, by Two Englishmen, 1870. ['877. Saratov, Russia. IN THE CITY OF SARATOV Stadling's In the Land of Tolstoi, 1897- Sarawak, Borneo. SARAWAK, PAST AND PRESENT Hornaday's Two Years in the Jungle, 1885. See also Borneo. Sarcasm. SATIRE, IRONY, AND SARCASM Fleet's Theory of Wit and Humour, 1890. GENERAL Quiver, vol. 20, 1885. SARCOPHAGUS-SAVINGS BANKS Sarcophagus (A coffin or tomb of stone). A BRITISH SARCOPHAGUS Report of the Association of Architectural Societies, vol. 22. CHRISTIAN SARCOPHAGI AT ARLES Archaeological Journal, vol. 54, 1897. ETRUSCAN SARCOPHAGI Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Sardine (A small fish found largely in the Mediterranean). A TIN OF SARDINES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 4, 1878. FISHING FOR SARDINES Simmonds' Commercial Products of the Sea, 1883. SARDINE FACTORY OF KENT Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. Sardinia (An island in the Mediterranean). SARDES AND SARDINIA Chambers' Jour., WILD SHEEP OF SARDINIA Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. [vol. 66, 1889. GENERAL E. S. A.'s World in which I live, 1865. Murray's Mediterranean, 1890. Sardis, Asia Minor Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1840. Conder's Modern Traveller, v. 3, 1830. Sargasso-weed (A sea-weed) Brassey's Trades and Tropics, 1885. Sargent (John S., Portrait Painter, born 1856). SARGENT AND HIS PAINTING Century Mag., vol. 52, 1896. GENERAL Muther's History of Modern Painting, vol. 3, 1896. Sark (One of the Channel Islands, near Guernsey). CAVES AND ROCKS OF SARK Good DAY IN SARK Edmunds' Essays and Sketches, 1882. [Words, vol. 26, 1885. GUERNSEY AND SARK [illustrated] Daily Graphic, vol. 3, 1890. PACKET FROM THE CHANNEL ISLANDS Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. THREE DAYS IN SARK Forsyth's Essays, 1874. TRADITION OF SARK Chambers' Journal, vol. 6, 1846. TRIP TO SARK Temple Bar, vol. 23, 1868. WEEK'S IMPRISONMENT IN SARK Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. GENERAL Household Words, vol. 12, 1855-6. Longman's Magazine, vol. 17, 1890-1. Sarum, Old, near Salisbury Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, 1887. Saskatchewan, North- West America (A great river rising in the Rocky Mountains) Butler's Great Lone Land, 1873. Satan (The Devil) Beecher's Life of Christ, 1872. Koelle's Mohammed and Moham- medanism, 1889. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 4, 1891. British Essayists, vol. 24, 1823. S ee a ^ so Devil. Satellites (Secondary planets). EVOLUTION OF SATELLITES Atlantic Monthly, v. 81, '98. Satire (Pungent ridicule or censure). EARLY I7TH CENTURY SATIRICAL POEMS, WITH NOTES Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 48, 1871. IRONY, SATIRE, AND SARCASM Fleet's Theory of Wit and Humour, 1890. SATIRES AND SATIRISTS Temple Bar, vol. 109, 1896. SYMBOLISM AND SATIRE IN MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. TWENTY YEARS OF POLITICAL SATIRE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 61, 1889-90. Saturn (One of the planets of the solar system). COLOURS OF SATURN The Student of Science, Literature, and Art, vol. 2, 1869. SATURN'S DARK RING Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. SATURN'S RINGS Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. Harper's Mag., vol. 18, 1889. GENERAL Strand Magazine, vol. n [page 513], 1896. Sauber (Robert, Painter and Illustrator, born 1868) Idler, vol. 9 [page 233], 1896. Sauces. SAUCES AND HOW TO MAKE THEM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. Saul (King of Israel, killed himself 1055 B.C.). SAUL AT HEBRON Deane's David : His Life and Times, 1889. GENERAL A. L. O. E.'s Shepherd of Bethlehem, 1887. Ewald's Israel, 1886. Evolu- tion of Christianity, 1883. Geikie's Old Testament Portraits, 1878. Josephus' Works, 1874. Milman's History of the Jews, 1875. Pinnock's Bible and Con- temporary History, 1887. Sunday Magazine, vol. i, 1865. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Saumarez (James, Lord de, Admiral, died 1836) James' Naval Hist., vs. 1,2, 3, & 5/78. Saumur, France Trollope's Summer in Western France, 1841. Saurians (Name applied to crocodiles, lizards, etc.). REMINISCENCES OF INDIAN SAURIANS Longman's Magazine, v. 23, 1893-4. See also Alligators, Crocodiles, etc. Saussure (H. B. de, Geologist, died 1799) Geikie's Founders of Geology, 1897. Savage (Richard, Dramatist and Poet, died 1743) Gibson's Miscellanies : Historical and Biographical, 1863. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Savages. BIRTH AND BOYHOOD Greenwood's Wild Man at Home, 1879. CAPACITY or SAVAGES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 79, 1898. CUSTOMS IN SAVAGE ISLANDS Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. LOVE AMONG SAVAGES Finck's Romantic Love and Personal Beauty, vol. i, 1887. MENTAL CONDITION OF SAVAGES Lang's Myth, Ritual and Religion, 1899. MODERN SAVAGES Lubbock's Pre-historic Times, 1890. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, 1885. Savile (George, First Marquis of Halifax, Statesman and A uthor, died 1695) NEW MANUSCRIPT OF GEORGE SAVILE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. SAVILE LETTERS 1660-89 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. Savings Banks. PENNY SAVINGS BANKS Good Words, vol. i, 1860. PROGRESS AND PRESENT EXTENT OF SAVINGS BANKS Brit. Association Report, 45. SAVING AND LENDING BANKS Westminster Review, 147, 1897. GENERAL Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. SAVIOUR-SCARRON Saviour (The) Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Savonarola (G., Italian Monk and Religious Reformer, executed 1498). ALEXANDER VI. AND SAVONAROLA, 1484-99 Yonge's Cameos from English History, vol. 3, 1894. GENERAL Benson's Men of Might, 1892. Mrs. Oliphant's Makers of Florence, 1889. Quiver, vol. 12, 1877. Sunday at Home, vol. 29, 1882. Savoy (The, an ancient palace of London). A WALK ROUND THE SAVOY Watford's GENERAL Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. [Londoniana, 1879. Savoy (A duchy of Europe, ceded to France in 1860). SAVOY AND FRANCE Journals and Correspondence of Thomas Whalley, 1863. GENERAL Baedeker's Guide to Switzerland, V.D. SaWSton, Cambridgeshire Gentleman's Magazine Lib. [English Topog., pt. ii.], 1892, Saxe (Herman, Count of, French Marshal, died 1750) Edinburgh Review, vol. 176, 1892. Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers, 1865. Saxe-Coburgf (Alfred, Duke of, late Duke of Edinburgh, born 1844). DUKE OF SAXE- COBURG'S PALACES Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. Saxon Switzerland (A mountainous region of Saxony) Baedeker's Guide to Northern Germany, V.D. Saxons (A people or nation which invaded and conquered Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries, also their descendants). CONVERSION OF THE SAXONS Serjeant's The Franks, 1898. INTERCOURSE OF BRITONS AND SAXONS Barnes' Ancient Britain, 1858. LAWS OF THE SAXONS, ETC Sir William Temple's Works, 1757. NAVAL HISTORY OF THE SAXONS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. i, 1818. PASSAGES IN THE LIFE AND REIGN OF HAROLD Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5, 1877. SAXON INVASION AND ITS INFLUENCE ON OUR CHARACTER Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1885. SAXON OCCUPATION OF BRITAIN White's England, 1860. SAXONS AND ANGLES AT HOME Stubbs' Constitutional History, 1874. SAXON PERIOD : STATE OF NEWCASTLE AND GATESHEAD Proc. of Arch. Inst., 1852. SAXONS OF TRANSYLVANIA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GENERAL Church's Count of the Saxon Shore, 1890. Milman's Latin Christianity, vols. 3 and 4, 1872. See also England and names of Saxon kings. Saxony. FREDERICK THE GREAT'S INVASION OF SAXONY Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5 (n.s.), 1891. GENERAL Rivington's Notes of Travels in Europe in the years 1856-1864. Say (M. Leon, French Statesman, died 1896 Annual Register, 1896. Sayce (A. H., English Philologist, born 1846). DR. SAYCE ON DR. SCHLIEMANN'S DISCOVERIES Schliemann's Troja, 1884. REVIEW OF SAYCE'S "EARLY HISTORY OF THE HEBREWS" Expositor, vol.7 (jth series), 1898. ROMANCE OF THE EAST The Young Man, vol. n, 1897. Scandal British Essayists, vols. 4, 12, 14, 17, and 19, 1823. Paxton Hood's World of Proverb and Parable, 1885. Scanderbeg (G. C., Albanian Chieftain, died 1468) Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers, 1865. Scandinavia (Lands occupied by the Scandinavian people, e.g., Norway, Sweden, Denmark, etc.). ANTIQUITIES OF SCANDINAVIA Archaeological Journal, vol. 34, 1877. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology, part ii.], 1886. BROUGHAM IN SCANDINAVIA Brougham's Life and Times, 1881. MARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN SCANDINAVIA AND RUSSIA Hutchinson's Marriage Customs in Many Lands, 1897. [vol. 58, 1895. NORWAY AND SWEDEN: CASE FOR NORWEGIAN LIBERALISM Fortnightly Review, SCANDINAVIA AND HER KING [Oscar] Fortnightly Review, vol. 62 (n.s.), 1897. SCANDINAVIAN CITIES Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. [1895. SWEDEN AND NORWAY SCHEME OF SCANDINAVIAN UNIFICATION Fortnightly, v. 58, GENERAL Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1888. Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1834. Scapulamancy. See Divination. Scarabaeus (A kind of beetle much venerated by the Egyptians). WORSHIP OF THE SCARAB.KUS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Foreign Customs], 1890. Scarabs (Embalmed specimens or sculptured representations of the above). MUMMIES AND SCARABS Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. Scarborough, Yorkshire (A fashionable watering-place). SCARBOROUGH CASTLE Woolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles of England, 1825. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Black's Guide to Yorkshire, V.D. Black's Where shall we go? V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i, 1879. Scarlatti (A., died 1725 ; and D., died 1757 ; Musical Composers) Morris' Famous Musical Composers, 1891. Naumann's History of Music, vol. 3, 1886. Scarlet Fever. RATIONALE OF PESTILENCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 20, 1853. Scarlett (Sir James Yorke, Lieutenant-General, died 1871) Kinglake's Crimea, 1888. Scarrou (Paul, Satirist, first husband of Madame de Maintenon) Temple Bar, vol. no, 1897. Wharton's Wits and Beaux of Society, 1890. [54Z] SCENERY-SCHOOL-TEACHING Scenery. CONTRASTS OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SCENERY Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1894. ESSAY ON HIGHLAND SCENERY Keltic's History of the Scottish Highlands, vol. 2. See also under names of places. Scent. CHEMISTRY OF SCENTS AND ODOURS Johnston's Chemistry of Common Life, 1855. [1898. THE STORY OF A FAMOUS SCENT [Bailey's Ess. Bouquet] Cassell's Mag., vol. 26, Scepticism (A disbelief in knowing anything with certainty ; doubt, infidelity). CARDINAL NEWMAN'S SCEPTICISM Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. CRITICAL SCEPTICISM Expositor, vol. i (ist series), 1875. RELIGIOUS ASPECT OF SCEPTICISM Religious Systems of the World, 1892. SCEPTICS AND ECLECTICS Benn's Greek Philosophers,. vol. 2, 1883. THOUGHTS FOR SCEPTICS Ryle's Principles for Churchmen, 1884. [v. i, 1891, GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1869. Treasury of Religious Thought. Schaffhausen (A canton and frontier town of Switzerland) Riddell's Mad Tour, 1891. Schamyl (A Caucasian leader and patriot, died 1871). A FORGOTTEN HERO Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. Scharf (Sir George, Artist, died 1895) Annual Register, 1895. Schenkel (German Theologian, died 1885) Liddon's Divinity of our Lord, 1891. Schiller (F. von, German Poet and Historian, died 1805). CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN SCHILLER AND THE DUKE OF SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN Macmillan's, v. 34, 1876. ESSAY ON SCHILLER Carlyle's Essays, vol. 3, 1870. LIFE AND WORKS OF SCHILLER Boyesen's Essays on German Literature, 1892. Lytton's Pamphlets, 1875. Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop, 1867. SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF SCHILLER De Quincey's Works, vol. 15, 1874. GENERAL Japp's German Life and Literature, 1880. Schism (Division in the Church). CURE OF SCHISM Macleod's Parish Papers, 1862. Schlangfenbad, Prussia (Watering-place). SCHLANGENBAD OR THE "SERPENT- BATH " Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 10, 1896. Schleswig-Holstein (A Province of Prussia). FIORDS OF SCHI.ESWIG Knight's " Falcon " on the Baltic, 1889. Macgregor's " Rob Roy " on the Baltic, 1892. LANGUAGE AND POETRY OF SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN Macmillan's Mag., vol. 10, 1864. THE SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN QUESTION AND ITS PLACE IN HISTORY Nineteenth Century, vol. 41, 1897. Schliemann (Dr. Henry, celebrated German Archceologist, died 1890). AUTOBIOGRAPHY Schliemann's Ilios, 1880. BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 63, 1890-1. Schlusselburg (A town and fortress of Russia) Hare's Studies in Russia, 1880. Schmalkalden, Prussia Stoughton's Homes and Haunts of Luther, 1883. SchmalkaldiC League (Lutheran League against the Emperor Charles V., 1531) Moore's History of the Reformation, 1890. Schneider (Mdlle., Prima Donna of Opera Bouffe) Edwards' Prima Donna, 1888. Schomburgfk (R. H., German Traveller and Naturalist, died 1865) Jardine's Naturalist's Library [Portrait], vol. 39, 1848. " School " (A play by T. W. Robertson) Theatre, vol. i, 1880. School Boards. LONDON SCHOOL BOARD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. Nineteenth Century, vol. 34, 1893. LONDON SCHOOL BOARD AT WORK Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1894-5. SCHOOL BOARD OF LONDON : STORY OF A STINGY STEPMOTHER Review of Reviews, vol. 10, 1894. WHAT SCHOOL BOARDS CAN AND MAY DO Huxley's Critiques and Addresses, 1873. GENERAL London, from vol. i, 1893. McKerrow's Life of McKerrow, 1881. School-Books. MODERN SCHOOL-BOOKS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890. School-Boy. ELIZABETHAN SCHOOL-BOY AND His BOOK Antiquary, vol. 29, 1894. SchOOl-Girl. BRAHMIN SCHOOL-GIRL Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. CHARACTER SKETCH OF A SCHOOL-GIRL Cornhill, vol. 23, 1894. PEEP AT SCHOOL-GIRLS IN EASTERN SIBERIA Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. SCHOOL-GIRL TROUBLES AND HOW TO COPE WITH THEM Girl'sOwn Annual, v.n, '90. See also the other volumes of this Magazine. School- Life. LIFE AT RUGBY SCHOOL Stanley's Life of Arnold, 1893. OBLIGATIONS OF SCHOOL LIFE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. SCHOOL LIFE AT WINCHESTER COLLEGE Mansfield's Winchester College, 1866. STUDIES OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LIFE Longman's Magazine, vol. 13, 1888-9. Schoolmasters. AVERAGE SALARIES OF HEAD MASTERS Schoolmaster, vol. 52, 1897. FOUR GREAT HEAD MASTERS Quarterly Review, vol. 187, 1898. SCHOOLMASTERS IN COUNCIL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. SEVERITY OF SCHOOLMASTERS British Essayists, vol. 8, 1883. School-Ship. BOARDING SCHOOL AFLOAT : " CONWAY " ON THE MERSEY Good Words, vol. 24, 1883. School - Teaching. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL -TEACHING AS A PROFESSION FOR WOMEN AtaTanta, 1898. See also Education, Teaching, etc. 1543] SCHOOLS-SCIENCE SCHOOLS. (See also Colleges, Education, Teaching, etc.) AIMS AND ORGANIZATION OF SCHOOLS Fitch's Lectures on Teaching, 1889. ATHENS: BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 55, 1886-7. BRUTALITY IN SCHOOLS All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. CATHEDRAL SCHOOLS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Ecclesiology], 1894. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' SCHOOLS Smiles' George Moore, 1878. CONDUCTORS OF SCHOOLS Ellis' Education of Character, 1856. CUMBERLAND SCHOOLS Smiles' George Moore, Merchant and Philanthropist, 1878. DAY SCHOOLS AND BOARDING SCHOOLS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Longman's Magazine, vol. 12, 1888. ESSAYS ON SCHOOL-KEEPING Morley's Gossip, 1859. FLORENCE : SCHOOLS IN FLORENCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. FOUNDATION SCHOOLS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 6, 1880. FREE SCHOOLS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 63, 1890-1. FRENCH GIRLS' SCHOOLS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 66, 1892. FRENCH SCHOOLS: PEEP AT FRENCH SCHOOLS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. FURNISHING: How TO FURNISH SCHOOLS Science and Art of Teaching, 1879. GERMAN SCHOOLS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 36, 1877. GERMAN SCHOOLS: VISIT TO A GERMAN GIRLS' SCHOOL Macmillan's Magazine, GIRLS' SCHOOLS OF TO-DAY Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. [vol. 30, 1874. GIRLS' SCHOOLS: ORGANIZATION OF GIRLS' SCHOOLS Macmillan's Mag., v. 14, 1866. GRAMMAR SCHOOLS: THE FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL OF BRISTOL AND THE THORNS, ITS FOUNDERS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. I, 1872. HIGHER GRADE SCHOOLS' FUTURE The Schoolmaster, vol. 52, 1897. HISTORY IN SCHOOLS Trans, of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1889. HOSTEL SYSTEM IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. LONDON ART SCHOOL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. See also Art. MANAGEMENT OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS FOR BOYS Macmillan's Mag., vol. 9, 1863-4. MODEL WORKHOUSE SCHOOL Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. NORTH LONDON COLLEGIATE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3 [p. 494], OUR OWN SCHOOLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. i, 1880. [1882. PRIVATE SCHOOLS: ANCIENT AND MODERN Longman's Magazine, vol. 29, 1896-7. . PUBLIC SCHOOL PRODUCT [Bovs] New Review, vol. 15, 1896. PUBLIC SCHOOL PRODUCT : A REJOINDER New Review, vol. 16, 1897. RAGGED SCHOOL Life of Mary Carpenter, 1881. RAGGED SCHOOL : STORY OF THE RAGGED SCHOOL Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. ROME: NIGHT SCHOOLS IN ROME IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Autobiography of Count Campello, 1881. SCHOLARS AND SCHOOLS Jeaffreson's Annals of Oxford, 1874. [1896. SCHOOL CUSTOMS : SOME CURIOUS PUBLIC SCHOOL CUSTOMS Strand Mag., v. 12, SCHOOL PUNISHMENTS Cooper's History of the Rod, 1877. SYSTEMS OF TEACHING IN SCHOOLS Leitch's Practical Educationists, 1876. VILLAGE NIGHT SCHOOLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. VILLAGE SCHOOL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. [1897. VILLAGE SCHOOLS : NEGLECT OF THE VILLAGE SCHOOL Westminster Rev., v. 147, VOLUNTARY SCHOOLS Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. VOLUNTARY SCHOOLS AND THEIR CLAIMS National Review, vol. 26, 1895-6. WINCHESTER FIFTY YEARS AGO Tuckwell's The Ancient Ways, 1893. WORKHOUSE SCHOOLS FOR GIRLS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. [1896. GENERAL Buckingham's Bible in the Middle Ages, 1853. Educational Rev., vol. 12, Schooners. YAWLS, SCHOONERS, AND LUGGERS Biddle's Yachts, 1883. Schreckhorn, Bernese Alps Stephen's Playground of Europe, 1871. Schubert (Franz Peter, German Musical Composer, died 1828) Crowest's Tone-Poets, 1891. Ferris' Musical Composers, 1893. Morris' Famous Composers, 1891. Naumann's Music, vol. 4, 1886. Schulenburgr (Johann M., Field-Marshal, died 1747) Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers, '65. Schumann (Clira, German Pianist, born 1819). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 808], 1882-3. FRAU DR. CLARA SCHUMANN : BRIEF LIFE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. GENERAL Men and Women of the Day, 1888. Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1891. Schumann (Robert, German Mv.sical Composer, husband of above, died 1856). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF SCHUMANN Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1893-4. GENERAL Crowest's Tone-Poets, 1891. Ferris' Musical Composers, 1893. Morris' Famous Composers, 1891. Naumann's Music, vol. 5, 1886. Temple Bar, v. 67, '83. Schuyler( Philip, Generals-Governor of New York, died 1804) Irving's Washington, 1850. " Schwertlied " (Die, song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. SCIENCE. (See also different branches of science, e.g., Chemistry, Geology, Zoology, etc.). ADDRESS ON SCIENCE Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1891. AMERICAN SCIENCE: FIFTY YEARS OF AMERICAN SCIENCE Atlantic Monthly, v. 82, ANECDOTES OF SCIENCE Percy Anecdotes, vol. 2, 1826. [1898. ART AND PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE Menzel's History of Germany, 1859. ART AND SCIENCE Spencer's Education, 1890. BOUNDARIES OF SCIENCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. [London, 1874. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE Becker's Scientific [544] SCIENCE-SCOT Science- (continued). CENTURY'S PROGRESS IN SCIENCE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. CHINA : SCIENCES IN CHINA Davis" China, 1857. CULTURE AND SCIENCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. DENOMINATIONAL SCIENCE Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. DULNESS OF SCIENCE Nature, vol. i, 1870. EGYPTIAN SCIENCE Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1842. ETHICS AND SCIENCE Contemporary Review, vol.72, 1897. FAIRY LAND OF SCIENCE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 5, 1862. FAITH OF SCIENCE Expositor, vol. 7 (5th series), 1898. HISTORY AND PROGRESS OF SCIENCE DURING THE QUEEN'S REIGN English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. INFLUENCE OF SCIENCE Patten's Development of English Thought, 1899. LITERARY VALUE OF SCIENCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 54, 1886. MICROSCOPE : SOME WONDERS OF THE MICROSCOPE Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. MILITARY : ADVANCE OF SCIENCE IN MILITARY ORGANISATION Macmillan's Mag., MONEY FOR SCIENCE Proctor's Science Byways, 1875. [vol. 26, 1872. MORAL SCIENCE Cassell's Popular Educator, vol. 6, 1891. See also Ethics. NATURAL SCIENCE IN SCHOOLS Fitch's Lectures on Teaching, 1889. NEED OF ORGANISING SCIENTIFIC OPINION Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. NOTES FOR SCIENCE CLASSES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vols. 18-19, 1882-3. NOTES ON CURRENT SCIENCE Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. ORIGIN OF SCIENCE Draper's Religion and Science, 1890. OXFORD : POSITION OF SCIENCE AT OXFORD Nature, vol. 54, 1896. PHOTOGRAPHIC EYES OF SCIENCE Longman's Magazine, vol. i, 1882-3. POETRY AND SCIENCE Calvert's Goethe : His Life and Works, 1872. POLITICS AND SCIENCE Karl Pearson's Chances of Death, etc., 1897. PRACTICAL REFORMERS OF SCIENCE Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. RECENT SCIENCE Nineteenth Century, vols. 33,1893; 38,1895; 42,1897; and 44, 1898. RECENT SCIENCE : RONTGEN'S RAYS Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. RELIGION AND SCIENCE Good Words, vol. 12, 1871. Sunday at Home, vol. 3, 1856. RELIGION AND MODERN SCIENCE The Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. RELIGION OF SCIENCE The Monist, vols. 3 and 4, 1893-4. REVIEW OF THE COLLECTED PAPERS OF PROF. ADAMS Nature, vol. 56, 1897. RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART Becker's Scientific London, 1874. SCIENCE AND INVENTION McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 1879. SCIENCE AND LITERATURE IN EUROPE Wpodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. SCIENCE AND METAPHYSICS [a review] Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. SCIENCE AND MORALS Huxley's Collected Essays, vol. 9, 1895. SCIENCE AND THE PUBLIC HEALTH Nature, vol. i, 1870. SCIENCE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CENTURY Harper's Magazine, vol. 33, 1896-7. SCIENCE IN FETTERS Dublin Review, vol. 117, 1895. SCIENCE IN THE PROVINCES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1877. SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 20, 1869. SCIENTIFIC WORLD OF FIFTY YEARS AGO Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 15, 1879. SECTARIAN CRITICISM Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. SEERS OF SCIENCE Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1894. TEACHING OF SCIENCE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Report British Association, 1892. THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE Quiver, vol. 29, 1894. THEORETICAL REFORMERS OF SCIENCE Whewell's Philosophy of Discovery, 1860. USE OF SCIENCE TO CHRISTIANS Good Words, yol-_37, i " urgh Rev., vol. 186, i iv of the Human \ , Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Scientific Societies. WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH OUR LOCAL SOCIETIES? Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. Scilly Isles (A group of islands at the entrance of the English Channel). DESCRIPTION OF THE SCILLIES Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. IN LYONNESSE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. SKETCHES IN THE SCILLIES All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891. THE FLOWERY ISLANDS Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. THE ISLES OF SCILLY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 11, 1875. Scinde, India Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. See also Sind. Scoffing 1 (Expression of scorn) Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 4, 1891. Scogan (Henry, Poet Laureate to Henry IV., died 1407) Hamilton's Poets Laureate, '79. Scorano (A town of Italy) Davies' Pilgrimage of the Tiber, 1895. Scorpions. How AND WHY SCORPIONS Hiss Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. NOTES UPON THE HABITS OF SOME LIVING SCORPIONS Nature, vol. 48, 1893. POISON OF THE SCORPION The Student of Science, Literature, and Art, vol. 5, 1871. SCORPIONS AND THEIR GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. SEA SCORPIONS Hutchinson's Extinct Monsters, 1897. Scory (J., Bishop of Rochester, died 1585) Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Scot (Sir John, Scottish Lawyer and Statesman, died 1670). MEMOIR Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. i, 1872. 2M [ 545 1 SCOTLAND SCOTLAND (Northern division of Great Britain. See also Great Britain, Highlands, names of places, e.g., Edinburgh, Glasgow, etc., and names of kings, queens, and men of note, e.g., Mary Queen of Scots, Robert Bruce, Wallace, Burns, etc.). ABBEYS AND CATHEDRALS Quarterly Review, vol. 85, 1849. AGRICOLA'S INVASION INTO SCOTLAND Cassell's Old and New Edinburgh, 1872-8. ARTHURIAN LOCALITIES Early English Text Society Reprints [Merlin] , No. 32, 1868. ARTHURIAN SCOTLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 17, 1867-8. BALLADS OF SCOTLAND All the Year Round, vol. 23, 1869-70. BAR: SCOTCH BAR AND EDINBURGH REVIEW Brougham's Life, 1881. BIBLE AND SWORD Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, 1882. BUCKLE'S DOCTRINE AS TO THE SCOTCH AND THEIR HISTORY Macmillan's, v. 4, 1861. BURTON'S HISTORY OF SCOTLAND [REVIEWED] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 16,1867. CHURCH LIFE IN THE HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 6, 1886. CLERICAL LIFE IN SCOTLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1863. COAST SCENERY OF SCOTLAND Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. CONQUEST OF SCOTLAND Touts' Edward I., 1893. CONSTITUTION OF SCOTLAND Hallam's History of England, 1855. CUSTOMS IN SCOTLAND Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. DROVE ROAD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. EDUCATION IN SCOTLAND IN THE i6TH CENTURY Brown's Life of G. Buchanan, '90. ELIZABETH'S REIGN: CONDITION OF SCOTLAND Macgregor's British Empire, 1852. FLAGELLATION IN SCOTLAND Cooper's History of the Rod, 1877. FOSSIL FLORA OF SCOTLAND Miller's Testimony of the Rocks, 1862. GOVERNMENT AND SCOTTISH AFFAIRS Blackwood's Edinburgh Mag., vol. 155, 1894. HIGHLANDS AND THE HEBRIDES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 6, 1862. HIGHLANDS: IMPROVEMENT OF THE HIGHLANDS Lecky's Hist, of England, 1892. HIGHLANDS: IN THE HEART OF THE HIGHLANDS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 43, 1881. HIGHLANDS: THE HIGHLANDS Antiquary, vol. 19, 1889. Chambers' Journal, v. 8, '47. How TO KNOW A SCOTCHMAN Sunday at Home, vol. 25, 1878. LITERATURE OF SCOTLAND All the Year Round, vol. 55, 1884-5. [1887. LOCAL DISCOVERIES IN SCOTLAND Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Romano-Brit. Remains], LOCH NESS TO LOCH EIL Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. 2, 1876-9. MEN OF THE HILLS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. MONARCHS OF SCOTLAND : KENNETH, CONSTANTINE, MALCOLM I., KENNETH III., EDGAR, DAVID I., WILLIAM THE LION, ROBERT BRUCE, DAVID BRUCE, JAMES I., JAMES V., MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, JAMES VI. Burrows' Commentaries, 1893. NEW SCOTLAND New Review, vol. 13, 1895. OLD SCOTCH BURGH [Culross] Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. PATRIOTIC HISTORIANS OF SCOTLAND Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. PERSECUTIONS IN SCOTLAND Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 12, 1845. PREACHERS OF SCOTLAND Sunday at Home, vol. 36, 1889. PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY OF SCOTLAND Stirling-Maxwell's Essays, 1891. REHEARSAL OF EVENTS WHICH OCCURRED IN SCOTLAND 1635-45 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5, 1877. REMARKS ON SCOTLAND Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-8. REMINISCENCES OF ROSS-SHIRE FOREST Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 5, REMNANT OF PAGAN SCOTLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. [1890. RISING OF SCOTLAND [Geological] Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 5, 1861-2. RUFUS: SCOTTISH EXPEDITION OF WILLIAM RUFUS, 1091 Freeman's Rufus, 1882. SCOTLAND : A MISSIONARY TO THE WORLD [Dr. Alexander Somerville in Scotland, etc.] Smith's Modern Apostle, 1891. SCOTLAND IN THE I4TH CENTURY Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. SCOTLAND IN THE i6rH CENTURY Froude's History of England, .1870. SCOTLAND IN 1637 Carlyle's Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, 1892. SCOTLAND'S GREAT VICTORY: THE STORY OF THE BATTLE OF BANNOCKBURN Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, 1882. See also Bannockburn. SCOTLAND'S SORROW: THE STORY OF FLODDEN FIELD Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, 1882. SCOTTISH NATIONAL HUMOUR Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. SCOTTISH NOBILITY : ESTIMATE OF THE SCOTTISH NOBILITY DURING THE MINORITY OF JAMES VI. AND SUBSEQUENTLY Trans. Royal Historical Soc., vol. 2, 1873. SCOTTISH REFORMATION : THREE POETS OF THE SCOTTISH REFORMATION Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 3, 1874. SIXTH CENTURY LOCALITIES IN "THE NORTH" Early English Text Society's Reprint [Merlin], No. 32, 1868. [vols. 13 and 14. 1856-7. SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE IN SCOTLAND Archaeological Jour., SONGS : SCOTTISH SONGS Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. STATE OF SCOTLAND ABOUT 1568 Early English Text Society's Reprint [William Lauder's Poems], No. 41, 1870. TAXATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN SCOTLAND Probyn's Local Government, VICTORIA'S FIRST VISIT TO SCOTLAND Our Life in the Highlands, 1877. [1882. VITRIFIED FORTS ON THE WEST COAST OF SCOTLAND Archaeological Jour., v. 37, '80. WITCHCRAFT IN SCOTLAND Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Popular Superstitions], 1884. WORDSWORTH'S TOUR IN SCOTLAND Wordworth's Life of Wordsworth, 1888. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. E. S. A.'s World in which I live, 1865. Hawthorne's English Note-Books, 1870. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Lecky's History of England, 1892. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1876. Thierry's Conquest of England, 1869. [546] SCOTLAND YARD -SCULLING Scotland Yard (Headquarters of the London Police). NEW SCOTLAND YARD: ITS CUSTOMS AND CURIOSITIES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 18, 1897-8. OLD SCOTLAND YARD Walford's Old and New London, vol. 3, 1878. " Scots, Wha Hae " (Song) Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. Scott (Clement, Dramatic Critic, born 1841). INTERVIEW, WITH PORTRAIT Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. Scott (David, Scottish Painter, died 1849) Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 3, 1879. Scott (James Hope-, Barrister, died 1873). MEMOIR Macmillan's Mag., vol. 49, 1883-4. Scott (John, Quaker Poet, died 1783) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Scott (Sir Michael, Philosopher and Naturalist, died 1291) Tytler's Scot. Worthies, '31. SCOTT (Sir Walter, celebrated Novelist, Historian, and Poet, died 1832). BIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF SCOTT Oliphant's Literary History of England, 1882. COMMENTS AND QUOTATIONS Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-8. DESCRIPTION OF BRANKSOME TOWER Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. EMBARKATION AT PORTSMOUTH IN 1831 Hall's Voyages, 1842. ESSAY ON SCOTT Devey's English Poets, 1873. ESSAY ON SCOTT, RACINE, AND SHAKESPEARE Hazlitt's Plain Speaker, 1870. ESSAY ON THE POEMS OF SIR W. SCOTT Lang's Essays, 1891. FATE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT'S MANUSCRIPTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. HEROINES OF SCOTT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 62, 1890. LAST YEARS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. LETTERS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. LIFE OF SCOTT Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 17, 1844-7. LOVE-LORE FROM AuBOTSFORD Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. MEMORIALS AND RELICS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 18196. METHODS AND ORIGINALS Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT Argosy, vol. 57, 1894. PORTRAIT Rose's Collection of Engraved Portaits, 1894. SHAKESPEARE OF SCOTLAND [Scott] Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, 1890' SIR WALTER SCOTT AND HIS MONUMENT Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, '77. SIR WALTER SCOTT AND THE CATALOGUE OF THE ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY Gentleman's Magazine Library [Literary Curiosities], 1888. SIR WALTER SCOTT AT WORK Scribner's Magazine, vol. 5, 1889. SCOTT AT NAPLES Knight's Book of Table Talk, 1836. SCOTT CENTENARY Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 3, 1890. SCOTT'S SCOTCH NOVELS Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7, 1890. SKETCH OF SIR WALTER SCOTT Stirling-Maxwell's Essays, 1891. STORY OF SCOTT'S RUIN Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. GENERAL Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. 3, 1880. Carlyle's Essays, 1847. Cock- burn's Jeffrey, 1852. Croker's Johnson, 1860. Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. Keble's Occasional Papers, 1877. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. Oliphant's Literary History, vol. 2, 1882. Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, 1891. Rossetti's Lives of Famous Poets, 1885. Smiles' Murray, 1891. Ward's English Poets, vol. 4, 1880. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. See also Abbotsford. .Scott (William Bell, Scottish Artist and Poet, died 1890). SCOTT AND MODERN BRITISH POETRY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. GENERAL Forman's Living Poets, 1871. Wilson's Poets & Poetry of Scotland, '76-7. Scottish Language. LOWLAND SCOTCH OF THE 15 CENTURY Early English Text Society's Reprints, No. 43, 1870. Scrap Iron Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Screens. How TO MAKE SCREENS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. SCREEN MAKING AND PAINTING Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. SCREEN PAINTING IN OILS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1889. Screens (Photographic screens). IRREGULAR GRAINED SCREENS Photogram, v. 2, 1895. Screws. SCREW CUTTING LATHES Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 2, 4 & 5, 1897. WONDERS OF NAILS AND SCREWS Household Words, vol. 4, 1851-2. Scribe (Eugene, French Dramatist, died 1861) Theatre, vol. 2, 1880. Scrimger (Isabel, wife of Richard Melville) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, '55. Scriptures (The Old and New Testaments). CHINESE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE SCRIPTURES Sunday at Home, vol. i, 1854. HEATHEN INSPIRATION AND THE SCRIPTURES Brace's Unknown God, 1890. How THE BIBLE is PRINTED AND CIRCULATED Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. THE UNITY OF SCRIPTURE Quiver, vol. 15, 1880. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Hawker's Daily Portion, 1868. Hele's Select Offices, 1842. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. See also Bible, New Testament, Old Testament, & under names of books, e.g., Genesis, Revelation, etc. Scrofula (A disease formerly called the King's Evil). RELATIONS OF HYSTERIA WITH SCROFULA Brain, vol. 7, 1884-5. . Scrolls. DESIGNS FOR SCROLLS Davidson's Drawing for Carpenters and Joiners, 1870. Scrope (Wm., Sportsman, died 1852) Smiles' Memoir and Corres. of John Murray, 1891. Sculling'. CHAPTER ON SCULLING Woodgate's Boating, 1891. Boating, Rowing, etc. [547] SCULPTURE-SEA FISHERIES SCULPTURE (A rt of cutting or moulding figures in clay, marble, brass, etc. See also- Art, and under names of sculptors, e.g., Donatella, Ghiberti, Michelangelo, etc.) A NEW NOTE IN AMERICAN SCULPTURE Century Magazine, vol. 32, 1897. ACCOUNT OF ROMAN PORTRAIT SCULPTURE Burn's Roman Literature and Art, 1888.. ARCHAIC SCULPTURINGS IN DUMBARTONSHIRE AND STIRLINGSHIRE Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, vol. 30. CHRISTIAN SCULPTURE Milman's Latin Christianity, vol. 9, 1872. ECCLESIASTICAL AND MONUMENTAL SCULPTURE Proc. Archaeological Inst., 1849. ETRUSCAN SCULPTURE Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. GALLERY OF SCULPTURE IN THE CAPITOL Hare's Walks in Rome, 1893. HISTORY, THEORY, AND PRACTICE Wyatt's Fine Art, 1870. How THE SCULPTOR WORKS Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. Strand Mag., vol. 3, 1892. KINDS AND QUALITIES OF SCULPTURE Ruskin's Stones of Venice, 1886. LOST MASTERPIECES OF GREEK ART Quarterly Review, vol. 180, 1895. MODERN FRENCH SCULPTORS Harper's Magazine, vol. 15, 1888. MODERN FRENCH SCULPTURES IN THE LUXEMBOURG Art Journal, 1896. MYTHOLOGY OF SCULPTURE Westropp's Archaeology, 1878. NEW SCULPTURE Art Journal, 1894. OBSERVATIONS ON THE PROGRESS OF THE ART OF SCULPTURE IN ENGLAND IN: MEDIEVAL TIMES Archasological Journal, vol. 3, 1846. ORIGIN OF PORTRAIT SCULPTURE Edwards' Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers, 1892. PHOTO-SCULPTURE The Photogram, vol. 3, 1896. PISANO AND THE RENASCENCE OF SCULPTURE Nineteenth Century, vol. 39, 1896. PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTIONS Contemporary Review, vol. 69, 1896. SCULPTURE AT THE ACADEMY Truth, vol. 20, 1886. SCULPTURE AS ACCESSORY TO ARCHITECTURE Gent's. Mag. Lib. [Ecclesiology], '94- SCULPTURE IN LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL Archaeological Journal, vol. 32, 1875. SCULPTURE IN NORTHERN ITALY BEFORE THE REVIVAL Perkins' Italian Sculpture, SCULPTURE OF OLIN WARNER Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. [1883- SCULPTURED COLUMNS OF THE TEMPLE OF DIANA AT EPHESUS Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, vol. 3 (3rd series). SCULPTURES AND ROMAN REMAINS IN THE DESERT Earth's Travels in Northern and Central Africa, 1857. SCULPTURES IN THE LADY CHAPEL AT ELY Archasological Journal, vol. 49, 1892. SHAW MEMORIAL AND THE SCULPTOR ST. GAUDENS Century Magazine, v. 32, 1897. STATUES OF DAVID, HERCULES AND NEPTUNE AT FLORENCE Scott's Tuscan Studies, TUSCAN SCULPTORS Fine Art Quarterly Review, vol. I (n.s.), 1866. [1888.. VATICAN GALLERIES Hare's Walks in Rome, 1893. GENERAL Art Journal, V.D. Edinburgh Review, vol. 185, 1897. Magazine of Art, V.D. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, V.D. Studio, V.D. Scutari (A city of Asia Minor on the Bosphoms) Parry's Yachting Cruise, 1889. [1871-86. Scythians (Anciently the inhabitants of the north of Europe and Asia) Ewald's Israel, SEA. (See also Seamanship, Ocean, and under names, e.g., A tlantic, Pacific, Mediterranean f ARCHITECTS OF THE SEA: CORAL, ETC. Pouchet's Universe, 1870. \_Red Sea, etc.) BATTLES WITH THE SEA ; By R. M. Ballantyne Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881. COLOUR OF THE SEA All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. CURIOSITIES OF THE SEA Timbs' Strange Stories of the Animal World, 1868. CURRENTS OF THE SEA Maury's Geography of the Sea, 1880. DEEP, DEEP SEA! Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. i, 1865. DEEP SEA AND ITS CONTENTS Carpenter's Nature and Man, 1888. DEEP SEA DEPOSITS Natural Science, vol. i, 1892. DEEP SEA: TEMPERATURE AND ANIMAL LIFE OF THE DEEP SEA Nature, v. i, 1870- DEPTH OF THE SEA Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. Reclus' Ocean, 1873. Scribner's Magazine, vol. 12, 1892. FOLK-LORE: WEATHER FOLK-LORE OF THE SEA Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 2, 1891. FOLK-LORE OF THE SEA Folk-Lore Journal, vol. 3, 1885. LUMINOSITY OF THE SEA Insect Miscellanies [Knight], 1831. MAGNITUDE OF THE SEA Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. MESSAGES FROM THE SEA Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. OILING THE WAVES Nineteenth Century, vol. n, 1882. PHOSPHORESCENCE OF THE SEA Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. i, 1865. Hartwig's RIVERS AND SEAS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. [Sea, i860. SEA PHRASES Russell's Book for the Hammock, 1893. SEA VOYAGES: A TERRIBLE VOYAGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 56, 1879. SEA VOYAGES: SAIL AND STEAMER Land We Live In, vol. 2, 1853. SEA-WAVES Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. SEEKING SUNKEN TREASURE Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. SIZE OF THE SEA Longman's Magazine, vol. 22, 1893. SKETCHES OF SEA LIFE Yachtsman, vol. n, 1896. SPECTRES OF THE SEA Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. SUPF.RSTITIONS OF THE SEA Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1894. THE SEA AS WORSLEY-BENISON PHOTOGRAPHS IT Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. WAY OF THE WORLD AT SEA Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. WORK OF THE SEA Nature, vol. i, 1870. GENERAL Tytler's Footprints, 1890. YARNS FROM THE CAPTAIN'S LOGS Strand Magazine, vol. u, 1896. Sea Fisheries. TERRITORIAL WATERS Blackwood's Mag., v. 158, '95. Fishing, etc^ [548] SEA MONSTERS-SEALS Sea Monsters Whymper's The Sea ; its Stirring Story of Adventure, etc., 1878-81. Sea Otters. THE SEA OTTER Chambers' Journal, vol 75, 1898. THE SEA OTTER AND ITS EXTERMINATION Knowledge, vol. 31, 1898. Sea-Anemones. LITHOPHYTES AND SEA-ANEMONES Hartwig's Nature, 1886. Sea-Birds. ODDITIES AMONG SEA-BIRDS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 15, 1879. See also Birds, Gulls, Albatross, etc. Sea-Captains. See Sailors, Trafalgar, Navy, and under names, e.g., Cook, Nelson, etc. Sea-Coast. EROSION OF SEA-COAST Report of British Association, 1884. Seaford, Sussex. THE ANCIENT TOWN OF SEAFORD Art Journal, 1895. Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1888. Black's Sussex, V.D. Murray's Sussex, V.D. Sea-Lions. A PERFORMING SEA-LION Nott's Wild Animals Photographed & Described, DESCRIPTION AND PLATES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 25, 1848. [1886. SEA-LION SPECIES Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2, 1877-8* Seaports. DEFENCE OF OUR SEAPORTS Harper's Magazine, vol. 10, 1885. INFORMATION ABOUT SEAPORTS Bedford's Sailors' Handbook, 1890. THE GROWTH OF OUR SEAPORTS Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. Sea-Serpent. DESCRIPTIONS AND PLATES OF ALLEGED SEA-SERPENTS Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 25, 1848. ON THE SEA-SERPENT Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 23, 1896-7. Whymper's The Sea, 1878-81. Sea-Sickness. A MECHANICAL REMEDY FOR SEA-SICKNESS Knowledge, v. 19, 1896. Sea-Side. Is THE SEA-SHORE FREE TO ALL? Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. GENERAL Peters' Girl's Own Outdoor Book, 1891. Also Sea-Coast, Watering Places. Sea- Weed. COLLECTING SEA-WEED Nave's Collector's Handbook, 1867. PRACTICAL USES OF SEA-WEEDS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 5, 1879. RECENT WORK ON SEA-WEEDS Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. RESEARCHES ON OLIVE-BROWN SEA-WEEDS Natural Science, vol. 4, 1894. USES OF SEA-WEED Simmonds' Commercial Products of the Sea, 1883. VARIETIES OF SEA- WEED Wood's Common Objects of the Sea-shore, 1893. Sea- Wrack (A marine plant) Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. i, 1865. SEAL (A marine animal). BEHRING FUR-SEALS Natural Science, vol. 12, 1898. BLADDER-NOSE SEALS Nansen's First Crossing of Greenland, 1892. DESCRIPTIONS AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Nat. Lib., vol. 17, '48. EARED SEALS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1877. Nott's Wild Animals Photographed and Described, 1886. EARED SEALS AND THEIR HABITS Nature, vol. 3, 1870-1. EARLESS SEALS Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2, 1877-8. FUR SEALS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. FUR SEALS: THE AMERICAN CASE Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. GREENLAND SEAL Nott's Wild Animals Photographed and Described, ifi86. ^GREENLAND AND HOODED SEAL Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 13, 1877. HABITS AND ANECDOTES OF SEALS St. John's Wild Sports, 1888. HUNTERS OF THE NORTH PACIFIC Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 71, 1895. SEAL FISHERIES: CROCODILE TEARS AND FUR SEALS National Rev., vol.28, 1897. SEAL FISHERIES: PASSING OF THE FUR SEAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 31, 1895-6. SEAL FISHING AND SEAL SHOOTING Daily Graphic, vol. 14, 1893. SEAL HUNTING IN SHETLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. SEAL HUNTERS OF NEWFOUNDLAND Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1898. SEAL INDUSTRY OF NEWFOUNDLAND Hatton's Newfoundland, 1883. SEAL SHOOTING Clutterbuck's Skipper in Arctic Seas, 1890. .SEALING IN OPEN WATERS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. SEALS AND SAVAGES Nineteenth Century, vol. 25, 1889. SEALS AND SEALSKINS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1891. Wood's Nature and her Servants, 1896. SEALS AND THE SEAL TRADE : DESCRIPTIONS AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 25, 1848. SEALS AND WHALES OF THE BRITISH SEAS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. 13, 1877. WALRUSES AND SEALS Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. .Sealing- Wax. ORIGIN OF SEALING-WAX Beckmann's Inventions, 1846. SEALS (Pieces of stone or metal with some device impressed or engraved thereon), ART IN MINIATURE Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. ECCLESIASTICAL SEALS OF WARWICKSHIRE Trans. Birm.and Mid. Institute, vol. 19. EXAMPLES OF MEDIAEVAL SEALS Archaeological Journal, vols. n, 1854 ; 14, 1857 ; 15, 1858; 17, 1860; 18, 1861. GREAT SEAL Pall Mall Magazine, vol 14, 1898. GREAT SEAL: ACCOUNT OF THE GREAT SEAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GREAT SEAL, FROM SAXON TIMES TO THE COMMONWEALTH Pall Mall, vol. 14, 1898. HISTORICAL USE OF SEALS Cussans' Heraldry, 1869. HISTORY OF THE GREAT SEALS OF ENGLAND, ESPECIALLY THOSE OF EDWARD III. Archaeological Journal, vol. 2, 1846. JEWISH SEALS Archaeological Journal, vol. 41, 1884. SEAL SET WITH AN INTAGLIO OF LAOCOON, USED BY THOMAS COLYNS, PRIOR OF TYWARDRETH, CORNWALL, EARLY IN THE i6TH CENT. Arch. Jour., vol. 34, 1867. [549J SEALS-SEED Seals (continued). SEALS OF THE BARONS AND BAILIFFS OF HASTINGS Sussex Arch. Coll., vol. 40. SEALS OF THE BISHOPS OF SALISBURY Archaeological Journal, vol. 45, 1888. SOME ANCIENT TOTNES SEALS Transactions of the Devonshire Association, vol. 28. GENERAL Proc. of the Society of Antiquaries, V.D. See also under Boroughs, etc. Seamanship. COMMISSIONING AND FITTING OUT A SHIP Hall's Voyages, 1842. MODERN SEAMANSHIP Eraser's Magazine, vol.84, 1871. Seamen. AGENCIES FOR THE WELFARE OF SEAMEN Macaulay's Sea Pictures, 1884. BRITISH SEAMEN AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS Brassey's Navy, v. 5, '83. ENGLISH SEAMEN IN THE i6TH CENTURY Longman's Mag., v. 22, 1895, & 25, 1894-5. OLD ENGLISH SEAMEN Harper's Magazine, vol. 5, 1883. POOR JACK English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, 1896-7. QUEEN ANNE'S SEAMEN Adams' Good Queen Anne, 1886. [vol. 73, 1898. SUPPLY OF BRITISH SEAMEN Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. Contemporary Rev., WAGES OF SEAMEN Brassey's British Seamen, 1877. See also Sailors, Ships, etc. Seamstresses. EMANCIPATION OF SEAMSTRESSES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 12, 1891. Seasons. SEASONS OF THE YEAR Longman's Magazine, vol. 31, 1898. SOLILOQUY ON THE SEASONS Wilson's Recreations of Christopher North, vol. 3, 1856. GENERAL Argyll's Reign of Law, 1868. Belgravia, vol. 7, 1869. Seaton, Devonshire Black's Guide to Devonshire, V.D. Seaton-Delaval, Northumberland Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Sebastian! (H. F., French Marshal, died 1851) Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Sebastoppl (A Russian fortress and seaport, taken by the English and French armies during the Crimean War. See also Crimea). ' FROM ALMA TO SEBASTOPOL Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes of History, 1882. SEBASTOPOL AFTER THE ENGAGEMENT OF i8TH JUNE Kinglake's Crimea, vol. 8, TRENCHES BEFORE SEBASTOPOL English Illustrated Mag., vol. 14, 1896. [1887. WITHIN SEBASTOPOL DURING THE SIEGE English Illustrated Mag., vol. 17, 1897. GENERAL Kinglake's Crimean War, 1887. Molesworth's History of England, 1879. Oliphant's Russian Shores of the Black Sea, 1854. Parry's Yachting Cruise, 1889. Seeker (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1768) Abbey's English Church, 1887. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Secret Societies All the Year Round, vol. 49, 1882. See also Freemasonry, etc. Secret Tribunals Lacroix's Manners, Customs and Dress during the Middle Ages, '78. Sectarianism (Disposition to dissent). RUSSIAN SECTARIANISM Stepniak's Russian GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 4, ibgi. [Peasantry, 1890. Sects (Various religious bodies). RELIGIOUS STATISTICS OF ENGLAND AND WALES SECTS AND PARTIES Public Opinion, vol. 20, 1895. [Contemp. Rev., v. 71, 1897. SECTS OF THE MIDDLE AGES Trench's Mediaeval Church History, 1886. SECTS OF THE REFORMATION Beard's Reformation and Modern Thought, 1885. GENERAL Curteis' Dissent in Relation to the Church of England, 1872-3. Secularism (Worldliness). CHRISTIANITY AND SECULARISM Good Words, vol. 26. NEW SECULARISM Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. [1885. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Sedan, France (Here the French army, under Napoleon III., surrendered to the Germans, 1870) Good Words, vol. 12, 1871. Malleson's Refounding of the German Empire. Sedan-Chair (A covered chair borne on poles by two men) Andrews' Bygone England, '92. Book of Table Talk [Knight], 1836. Sedgemoor (Marshy tr.ict in Somersetshire where Monmouth was defeated by James II.) SEDGEMOOR AND THE MONMOUTH REBELLION Walter's Bygone Somerset, 1897. Sedgwick (Adam, Geologist, died 1873). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. GENERAL Darwin's Letters, 1887. Geikie's Founders of Geology, 1897. Temple Bar, vol. 112, 1897. Stoughton's Worthies of Science, 1880. Sedgwick (Catherine Maria, A merican Novelist, died 1867) Griswold's Prose Writers. of America, 1852. Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge Natural Science, vol. 3, 1893. Sedition Fortnightly Review, vol. 19, 1873. Bacon's Essays: Civil and Moral, 1892. Sedley (Catherine, Countess of Dorchester, died 1717) Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Sedley (Sir Charles, Father of above, Wit and Dramatist of the Restoration, died 1701) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Seduction. WHICH is TO BLAME? Lady Cook's Essays, vol. i, 1898. Sedulousness (Diligence) Treasury of Religious Thought, vols. i and 3, 1891. Seed. BUR-FRUIT AND HOOKED-SEEDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. DISPERSAL OF SEEDS BY BIRDS Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. INFLUENCE OF LIGHT ON THE GERMINATION OF SEEDS Brit. Assoc. Report, 1842. MIGRATIONS OF SEEDS Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. ORNAMENTAL USES OF NUTS AND SEEDS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. OUR KNOWLEDGE OF SEEDLINGS [Review] Nature, vol. 47, 1892-3. SEED AND GERMINATION Pouchet's The Universe, 1870. SEED PRODUCTION OF CUT FLOWERS Natural Science, vol. n, 1897. VITALITY OF SEEDS Nature, vol. 52, 1895. [550] SBELBY-SELOUS Seeley (Sir John, Author of " Ecce Homo" and other works, died 1895) Annual Register, 1895. Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. Seez, France (Cathedral town near Alettfon) Macquoid's Normandy, 1875. Sefton Mount, New Zealand Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Segfantini (Giuseppe, Italian Painter, born 1858) Scribner's Magazine, vol 21, 1897. Segni, Italy (The ancient Signia) Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Segond Canal, Spirito Santo Island Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. SegOVia, Spain (A province of Old Castile and its capital) Hare's Spain, 1873. Seine (One of the principal rivers of France). ISLANDS IN THE SEINE Hare's Paris, 1883. VOYAGE UP THE RIVER Moens' France and Belgium, 1876. GENERAL Macgregor's " Rob Roy " Canoe, 1875. Nature, vol. 5, 1872. Seismology (Science of volcanoes and earthquakes). SEISMOLOGY IN JAPAN Nature, vol. 48, 1893. See also under Volcanoes, Earthquakes, etc. Selangor, Malay Peninsula Bird's Golden Chersonese, 1883. Selborne (Parish in Hampshire). GILBERT WHITE AND SELBORNE Temple Bar, v. 109, PILGRIMAGE TO SELBORNE Longman's Magazine, vol. 3, 1883-4. [1896. STORY OF SELBORNE PRIORY [founded 1235] Macmillan's Mag., vol. 75, 1896-7. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 70, 1893. [1895. Selborne (Roundell Palmer, 1st Earl of, Lord Chancellor, died 1895) Annual Register, Selby, Yorkshire. A GREAT YORKSHIRE ABBEY Bonney's Abbeys and Churches, 1890. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY OF SELBY ABBEY Yorkshire Arch. Journal, vol. 12. GENERAL Freeman's English Towns and Districts, 1883. Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1883. Selden (John, Statesman and Jurist, died 1654) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 6,1846. Lodge's Portraits, vol. 5, 1850. Selection. ARTIFICIAL SELECTION AND THE MARRIAGE PROBLEM Monist, v. 2, 1891-2. WALLACE ON PHYSIOLOGICAL SELECTION Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. See also Darwinism, Evolution, Germinal Selection, Man, Natural Selection, Sex, etc. Selenography (Lunar photography) Elger's The Moon, 1895. See also Photography. Seleucia (Name of several ancient cities of Asia, founded by Seleucus Nicanor) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Self. EMOTIONS or SELF Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. MAX MILLER'S THEORY OF THE SELF The Monist, vol. 8, iEg8. VIEW OF THE SELF Mind, vol. 3, 1894. Self- Assertion. SELF-ASSERTION AND SELF-DENIAL Inter. Jour. Ethics, v. 5, 1894-5. Self-ConquestTreasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Self-Consciousness. VARIETY OF EXTENT AND DEGREE IN SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS Mind, vol. 6, 1897. Self-Control. CHAPTER ON SELF-CONTROL Smiles' Character, 1874. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. Treas. of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Self-Culture. CHAPTER ON SELF-CULTURE Smiles' SeH-Help, 1860. GENERAL Adams' Plain Living and High Thinking, 1883. Channing's Works, 1885. Self-Defence. NEW ART OF SELF-DEFENCE Pearson's Magazine, vol. 7, 1899. Self-Denial Channing's Works, 1885. Godwin's Enquirer, 1797. Treas. Relig. Thought, Self-Deternaination Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. [ v l- 5i 1891. Self-Discipline. SERMONS ON SELF-DISCIPLINE Moule's Christ is All, 1892. Self-Bsteem Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Self-Examination Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 5, 1891. Self-Interest Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Selfishness Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 21, 1827. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 4, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. Self- Reliance Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Self-Righteousness Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 4, 1891. [1894-5. Self-Sacrifice. INDIVIDUAL AND NATIONAL SELF-SACRIFICE Inter. Jour. Ethics, y. 5, GENERAL Argosy, vol. 22, 1(376. Good Words, vol. 16, 1875. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. SelinuntO, Italy Hare's Cities of Southern Italy, 1891. [Ancient Cities, 1840. Selinus or Selinuntum, Sicily (Noted for its rums of Greek Temples, etc.) Bucke's Selkirk (Alexander, the real Robinson Crusoe, died 1723). LIFE AND ADVENTURES Chambers' Miscellany, v. 16, 1846. Verne's Great Navigators of i8th Cen., 1880. GENERAL All the Ytar Round, vol. 46, 1880-1. Dr. Macaulay's All True, 1891. Selkirks (Group of mountains in the Rocky Mountain system of Canada) Caine's Trip Round the World, 1892. Roper's Track and Trail, 1891. Sellar (W. Y., Classical Scholar and Author, died 1890) Barrie's Edinburgh Eleven, 1889. Sellon (B. J., Lawyer, died 1835) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Selous (F. C., African Traveller and Author, born 1851). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 7, 1893. INTERVIEW [with Portrait] Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1896-7. [551] SELWYN-SERMONS Selwyn (George, Wit, died 1791) Wharton's Wits and Beaux of Society, 1890. at Home, vol. 25, 1878, Semiramis (Queen of Assyria, reigned about 1250 B.C.) Owen's Heroines of History, '54. Semites (Supposed descendants o/Shem, son of Noah). CUSTOMS Frazer's Golden Bough, SEMITIC RELIGIONS Edinburgh Review, vol. 175, 1892. See also Shem. [1890. Seneca (Roman Stoic Philosopher, died 65). FAITH OF THE STOICS Brace's Unknown God, 1800. [God, 1891. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1851. Farrar's Seekers after Senegambia, Africa. FOOLAH STATES OF SENEGAMBIA Conder's Mod. Traveller, GENERAL Keith Johnston's Africa, 1884. vol. 22, 1830. Senility. DEMENTIA IN OLD AGE Maudsley's Responsibility in Mental Disease, '74. Senior Wranglers Cornhill Magazine, vol. 45, 1882. Sennacherib (Celebrated Assyrian king 705-681 B.C.). COMING OF SENNACHERIB Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 6 (and series), 1891. LETTERS TO HIS FATHER, SARGON Proceedings of the Soc. Brit. Arch., vol. 18. GENERAL Ewald's Israel, vol. 4, 1886. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Sensation (Perception by the senses). ANALYSIS OF THE SENSATIONS Monist, vol. i, ANIMAL AND HUMAN SENSATION Vignoli's Myth and Science, 1885. [1890-1. BISHOP BERKELEY ON THE METAPHYSICS OF SENSATION Macmillan's, vol. 24, 1871 . NATURE OF THE OBJECTIVE CAUSE OF SENSATION Brain, vols. 8, 1885-6 ;& 10, 1888. SENSATION AND MOVEMENT Brain, vol. 8, 1885-6. SENSATION AND PERCEPTION Nature, vol. i, 1870. SENSATIONS AND THE ELEMENTS OF REALITY Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1851. See also Brain, Feelings, Mind, Morals, Nerves, Psychology, Senses, Thottght, etc. Sense. CONTROL OF SENSE Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875. COMMON SENSE: POETRY OF COMMON SENSE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 64, 1891. MEANING AND INTERPRETATION OF SENSE Mind, vol. 5, 1896. MOVEMENT, SENSE AND INSTINCT Bain's Senses and the Intellect, 1868. Senses (The faculties of feeling, hearing, smelling, etc.). CULTIVATION OF THE SENSES Teacher's Manual of tne Science and Art of Teaching, 1879. CULTURE OF THE SENSES Good Words, vol. 29, 1888. PECULIARITIES OF THE SENSES Combermere's Our Peculiarities, 1863. SENSES IN CRAYFISH Huxley's Crayfish, 1880. SENSE OF DIRECTION IN ANIMALS Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. THE FIVE SENSES Treasury of Religious Thought, vols. i and 2, 1891. See also Ear, Eyes, Nose, Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch, etc. Sensibility. PHENOMENA OF SENSIBILITY Luys' Brain and its Functions, 1883. SENSITIVENESS Sunday at Home, vol. 34, 1887. Sentiment (Feeling, opinion, etc.). THE RENAISSANCE OF SENTIMENT Woman, April, GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. [1895. Sentimentalism (The affectation of fine feelings, pathos, etc.). NEMESIS OF SEN- TIMENTALISM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 60, 1889. British Essayists, vols, 36, 37, and 39, 1823. Sepulchres. EASTER SEPULCHRES Andrews' Old Church Lore, 1891. SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS OF BRISTOL Proceedings of Archaeological Inst., 1851. SEPULCHRAL REMAINS Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology], 1886. Sepulture. ANCIENT MODES OF SEPULTURE Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. See also Burial, Funerals, Sarcophagus, etc. Sequels. DISCOURSE ON SEQUELS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. Serapis (Egyptian deity) Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Serenading*. DECLINE AND FALL OF SERENADING Knight's Book of Table Talk, 1836. Serenity (Calmness) Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Serfdom. SERFDOM AND VILLEINAGE Hallam's Europe during the Middle Ages, 1878. SERFDOM IN ENGLAND Buckinghamshire Archaeological Soc. Transactions, vol. 7. SERFDOM IN RUSSIA Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 4, 1861. Pinkerton's Russia, 1833. SLAVERY IN MIDDLE AGES Brace's Gesta Christi, 1882. See also Slavery. Sergeant-at- Arms (A n officer of the Houses of Parliament) Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. Seringapatam, India (Celebrated town and fortress) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 7, 1830. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. SerjeantSrat-LaW (Formerly barristers of high rank) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Gentleman's Mag., vol. 283, 1897. Yellow Book, vol. 10, 1896. Serjeant's Inn, London Robinson's Bench and Bar, 1891. Sermon on the Mount Evolution of Christianity, 1883. Liddon's Divinity of Our Sermons. NEGRO SERMONS Good Words, vol. 8, 1867. [Lord, 1891. NOTES OF A SERMON BY CARDINAL MANNING Strand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. PREACHING AND SERMONS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. [5521 SERMONS-SEVILLE Sermons (continued). SPECIMENS OF RUSSIAN PREACHING Pinkerton's Russia, 1833. TRAFFIC IN SERMONS Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. GENERAL Macleod's Parish Papers, 1862. See also Homilies, Preaching, etc. Serpentine, Hyde Park Walford's Old and New London, vol. 4, 1878. Serpents. ANECDOTES OF SKRPENTS Chambers' Miscellany, vol. g, 1845. SEA SERPENTS Hutchinson's Extinct Monsters, 1897. See also Sea-Serpent. SERPENT IN CONNECTION WITH METALLURGY Buckland's Anthropological Studies, SERPENTS AND How TO RECOGNIZE THEM Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. [1891. STORIES OF SERPENTS Timbs' Strange Stories of the Animal World, 1868. WORSHIP OF SERPENTS, PAST AND PRESENT Quiver, vol. 25, 1890. See also Snakes, Sea-Serpent. Sertoriu.8 (Quintus, Roman General, died 72 B.C.) Mommsen's Rome, vol. 4, 1888. Plutarch's Lives, 1880. SERVANTS. ARTICLE ON SERVANTS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. DOMESTIC SERVANT DIFFICULTY Chambers' Tour., v. 59, 1882. Lady's Realm, v. 2, DUTIES OF SERVANTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. [1897. ENGAGING SERVANTS Woman, Sept.. 1895. EVERLASTING SERVANT QUESTION Woman, Sept., 1896. LAW OF MISTRESS AND SERVANT Girl's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1886. LONDON SERVANTS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1894. MASTER AND SERVANT AS THEY WERE Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. MISTRESSES AND SERVANTS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4 (n.s), 1898. MODERN SERVANT-GIRLS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. MODERN SERVANTS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 4, 1878. OF SERVANTS Godwin's Enquirer, 1797. OUR YOUNG SERVANTS Longman's Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. REVOLUTION BELOW STAIRS Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. RUTH CLARK THE FAITHFUL DOMESTIC Hack's Faithful Service, 1887. SERVICE AND SERVANTS Girl's Own Annual, vol.4, 1883. SIDE OF THE MAIDS AND THE SIDE OF THE MISTRESSES Cornhill Mag., vol.29, 1874. STUDY OF BLACK MAIDS All the Year Round, vol. 57, 1885-6. TRAINING SCHOOLS FOR SERVANTS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 6, 1880. WYCLIF ON SERVANTS AND LORDS Early English Text Soc. Reprint, No. 74, 1880. Servia (Kingdom of Eastern Europe). PLEA FOR SERVIA: THE PIEDMONT OF THE BALKANS Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. RAIN-MAKING IN SERVIA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. SERVIA IN 1863 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 7, 1862-3. GENERAL New Review, vol. 15, 1896. Stevens' Round the World on a Bicycle, '87. Servitors. CHRIST CHURCH SERVITORS IN 1852 Macmillan's Mag., vol. 19, 1868-9. Servius Tullius (Sixth King of Rome, 578-534 B.C.) Church's Stories from Livy, 1890. Dyer's Kings of Rome, 1868. Settlements. CANNING TOWN SETTLEMENTS [Illustrated] Sunday at Home, v. 45, THE WAYS OF SETTLEMENTS AND OF MISSIONS igth Century, v. 42, 1897. [1898. WOMEN'S SETTLEMENTS OF LONDON Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. Settlements (Family settlements) Brodrick's English Landlords, 1881. Setlibal, Portugal Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 19, 1830. Seven Dials. SATURDAY NIGHT IN SEVEN DIALS All the Year Round, vol. 51, 1883. Seven Suabians. STRANGE ADVENTURES OF THE SEVEN SUABIANS Leighton's Mediaeval Legends, 1895. GENERAL Adams' England at War, 1886. Kugler's Frederick the Great, 1877. Seven Years' War (Between Maria Theresa of Austria and Frederick II. of Prussia, 1756-63). WHEN EUROPE WAS ON THE BRINK OF THE SEVEN YEARS' WAR Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. Sevenoaks, Kent. OLD ROAD TO TUNBRIDGE WELLS All the Year Round, v. 73, 1893. REMARKABLE BARROW AT SEVENOAKS Journal of Anthrop. Institute, vol. 25. GENERAL Black's Guide to Kent, v.D. Severinus (St., Apostle of Noricum or Austria, 5th Cent.) Kingsley's The Hermits, 1871. Severn (Second largest river of England). BY WYE AND SEVERN Architecture, v. I, '96. ENGLISH CONQUEST OF THE SEVERN VALLEY Archaeological Journal, vol. 19, 1862. SEVERN TUNNEL Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1889. [1882. GENERAL Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom, 1891. Randall's Severn Valley, Severus (Lucius, Roman Emperor, died 211) Milner's Church of Christ, 1840. wicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Hare's Spain, 1873. Harrison's Travels in Europe, :8gi. Inglis' Spain, 1831. Murray's Guide to Spain, V.D. Poole's Moors in Spain, 1890. Roberts' Autumn Tour in Spain, 1859. [553] SEWAGE-SHAKESPEARE Sewage (Liquid re/use of a town or house carried off by the sewers). CIVILISATION ND SEWERS Truth, vol. 30, 1891. DISPOSAL OF TOWN SEWAGE Dobson's Pioneer Engineering, 1880. DRAINAGE OR SEWAGE OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. MANCHESTER SEWAGE DISPOSAL Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. PURIFICATION OF SEWAGE AND WATER Edinburgh Review, vol. 188, 1898. SEWAGE DISPOSAL OF SALFORD Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. TOWN SEWAGE Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. TREATMENT OF SEWAGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. UTILIZATION OF SEWAGE Mechi's Profitable Farming, 1872. Sewer (Underground passage or drain). GAS FROM SEWERS Tibbits' Medical Fashions, SEWER GAS AND TYPHOID FEVER Nature, vol. 50, 1894. [1884. SEWER GAS AND ZYMOTIC DISEASE Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. SEWER RAT [Work of the Sewer Men] English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. SEWERS OF ETRURIA Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. Sewing 1 Machine. STORY OF THE SEWING MACHINE Chambers' Jour., vol. 72, 1895. GENERAL Japp's Industrial Curiosities, 1882. Sex (Distinction of male and female). APPETITE OF THE SEXES Bain's Senses, 1868. CONNECTION OF SEX WITH SUICIDE Morselli's Suicide, 1881. EMOTIONS OF ACTION Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. MATERIAL RELATIONS OF SEX IN HUMAN SOCIETY Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. ROLE OF SEX Natural Science, vol. 7, 1895. SOCIAL INJUSTICE TO WOMEN Lady Cook's Essays, vol. 4, 1899. GENERAL Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. Darwin's Life and Letters, 1887. And under Man, Woman, Marriage, etc. Seychelles (Islands in the Indian Ocean) Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Seymour (Sir E., Tory Politician, died 1708) Heylyn's Reformation, 1859. Seymour (Jane, Third Queen of Henry VIII., died 1537). BRIEF SKETCH Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. MISTRESS JANE SEYMOUR; THE STORY OF AN OLD CONSPIRACY Antiquary, vol.33, GENERAL Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Strickland's Queens of England, 1869. [1897. Seymour (Thomas, Lord, of Sudeley, brother of the Protector Somerset and of Queen Jane Seymour; married Queen Catherine Parr; beheaded 1549) Hume's Court- ships of Queen Elizabeth, 1898. Lodge's Portraits, vol. i, 1849. Sfax (Seaport of Tunis). MAHDIA AND SFAX New Review, vol. 15, 1896. Sgambati (Giovanni, Pianist, bom 1843) Walker's Musical Experiences, 1890. [1878. Shadford (G., Wesley an Minister, died 1816) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, v.6, Shadow. PRODUCTION OF SHADOWS AND PERSPECTIVE EFFECTS Brain, v. 16, 1893. HAND SHADOWS Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. GREAT MEN'S SHADOWS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. Shadow Of the ABB (Fable) Paxton Hood.'s World of Proverb and Parable, 1885. Shadwell (Thomas, Poet Laureate, died 1692) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, . 1844. Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 1879. Shaftesbury, Dorset Dorset Field Club Proceedings, vol. 15. Shaftesbury (A. A. Cooper, First Earl of, died 1683) Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 1857. See also Confer. Shaftesbury (A. A. Cooper, Third Earl of, Philosopher, died 1713). SHAFTESBURY AND HIS WRITINGS Leland's Deistical Writers, 1836. Abbey's English Church, 1887. Shaftesbury (A. A. Cooper, Seventh Earl of, Philanthropist, died 1885) Cochrane's Beneficent and Useful Lives, 1890. Frith & Kirton's World's Workers, 1890. Pier- son's Evangelistic Work. 1892. Sunday at Home, v_32, 1885. Also Ashley (Lord). Shaftesbury (Earls of, I.-VII.) Hodder's Life of the Earl of Shaftesbury, 1888. See also under Ashley (Lord) and Cooper (Sir A. A.). Shafts. SHAFTS AND LEVELS Simonin's Underground Life, 1869. Shah ([Nasr-ed-Din] King of Persia, assassinated 1896) Bishop's Persia and Kurdistan, 1891. Men and Women of the Day, 1889. THE SHAH AT HOME [Muzafer-ed-Din] English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 17, 1897. Shairp (John Campbell, Scotch Scholar and Poet, died 1885). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol 58, 1888. Shakers (A n A merican religious community which believes that all men will be saved, and holds several views in common with the Quakers). A SHAKER HOUSE Dixon's New America, 1867. GENERAL Scribner's Magazine, vol. 18, 1895. SHAKESPEARE (William, a famous Poet, the greatest of dramatists, died 1616). AN ACTOR'S NOTES ON SHAKESPEARE Nineteenth Century, vol. i, 1877. ASTROLOGY OF SHAKSPERE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 51, 1884-5. BOOKS USEFUL TO STUDENTS OF SHAKESPERE Dowden's Shakespere, 1877. COMMENTS AND QUOTATIONS Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1896. "CYMUELINE " AT THE LYCEUM Fortnightly Review, vol. 66, 1896. DISTORTIONS OF THE ENGLISH STAGE AS INSTANCED IN "MACBETH " Story's Art and Letters, 1891. EARLY ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SHAKSPERE Early English Text Society's Reprint, Nos. 2, 7 and 14, 1867-71. ESSAY ON SCOTT, RACINE, AND SHAKESPEARE Hazlitt's Plain Speaker, 1870. [554] SHAKESPEARE-SHARP Shakespeare (continued). ESSAY ON SHAKESPEARE De Quincey's Works, vol. 15, 1863. FIRST FOLIO EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE Athenaeum, Aug., 19, 1899. Library Assistant, vol. i, 1899. Roberts' Book-Hunter in London, 1895. FORTY YEARS OF BACON-SHAKESPEARE FOLLY Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. FRENCH VIEW OF SHAKESPERE Theatre, vol. 27, 1896. FURNIVALL AS A CRITIC OF SHAKESPEARE Saturday Review, vol. 54, 1882. How SHAKESPEARE SHOULD BE STUDIED Collins' Study of English Literature, 1891. ON CERTAIN MODERN SHAKESPEARIANA The Library, vol. 2, 1890. OUR SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. PORTRAITS: LIKENESSES OF SHAKESPEARE Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. PORTRAITS OF SHAKESPEARE All the Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. PORTRAITS: Two UNDKSCRIBED PORTRAITS OF SHAKESPEARE Harper's Magazine, PORTRAITS Rose's Collection of Engraved Portraits, 1894. [vol. 33, 1896-7 PORTRAITS: UNKNOWN PORTRAIT OF SHAKESPEARE Proc. Society Antiq., vol. 16. RELIGION AND POLITICS OF SHAKESPEARE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 59, 1888-9. SHAKFSPEARE AND ARCHITECTURE Guardian, vol. 52, 1897. SHAKESPBARE AND MODERN GREEK Nineteenth Century, vol. 30, 1891. SHAKESPEARE AND PURITANISM Contemporary Review, vol 67, 1895. SHAKESPEARE AND THE EARL OF PEMBROKE Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. SHAKESPEARE AND THE EARL OF SOUTHAMPTON Cornhill Magazine, v. 4 (n.s.), "98. SHAKESPEARE AND THE PUBLIC Archer's About the Theatre, 1886. SHAKESPEARE AND WAGNER Temple Bar, vol. 113, 1898. SHAKESPEARE AS AN ACTOR Scribner's Magazine, vol. 9, 1891. SHAKESPEARE AS AN ADAPTER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 39, 1878-9. SHAKESPEARE AS THE GIRL'S FRIEND Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. SHAKESPEARE DETHRONED Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. SHAKESPEARE IN FRANCE Nineteenth Century, vol. 3, 1878. SHAKESPEARE ON THE STAGE AND IN THE STUDY Good Words, vol. 24, 1883. SHAKESPEARE'S AMERICANISMS Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. SHAKESPEARE'S COUNTRY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 2, 1884-5. SHAKESPEARE'S ENGLISH KINGS Pater's Appreciations, 1890. SHAKESPEARE'S SONNETS Fortnightly Review vol. 68, 1897. SHAKESPEARE'S WINDSOR Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 3, 1880. SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF SHAKESPEARE Contemporary Review, vol. 70, 1896. THOUGHT ON SHAKESPEARE Whitman's Vistas, 1888. TRAGIC GENIUS OF SHAKSPERE Hamilton's Nugse Literarias, 1841. TRANSLATOR OF SHAKESPEARE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 53, 1885-6. "TWELFTH NIGHT" AT THE LYCEUM Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 50, 1884. GENERAL Adams' Sword and Pen, 1881. Campbell's Chancellors, 1857. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Children's Stones in English Literature, 1892. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 2 [portrait], 1849. Disraeli's Amenities of Literature, 1870. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 5, 1845. Macaulay's Beaumont, 1883. New Shakespeare Society's Proceedings, V.D. Rossetii's Lives of Famous Poets, 1878. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Shamans (Wizard Priests). THE SHAMANS OR MEDICINE MEN Academy, vol. 43, 1892 Anthropological Journal, vol.24, ^95- De Windt's Through the Gold Fields of Alaska to Bering Straits, 1898. Shame British Essayists, vols. 17 & 37, 1823. Treas. of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Shamrock (The national flower and emblem of Ireland), SHAMROCK IN LITERATURE Journal of Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland, jth series, vol. 6. Shanghai (A large city and seaport of China, partly under English" government). MIXED COURT OF SHANGHAI Chambers' Journal, vol. 78, iMgi. GENERAL Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. Bandmann's Actor's Tour, 1885. De Beauvoir's Conclusion of a Voyage Round the World, 1872. Hiibner's Round the World, 1871. Milne's Life in China, 1858. Rockhill s Land of the Lamas, '91. Shanklin, Isle of Wight (Fashionable watering place) Black's Isle of Wight, V.D. Shannon (Largest liver of Ireland) Black's Guide to Galway, V.D. Kohl's Ireland, Scotland and England, 1844. Shares Stutfield's Stock Exchange, 1891. Laing's Theory of Business, 1867. Shark (The most formidable and voracious of fishes, mostly found in tropical seas). ABOUT SHARKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. ADVENTURE AMONG SHARKS Sundowner's Rambles in Polynesia, 1897. ADVENTURES WITH SHARKS Boy's Own Annual, vol 7, 1885. AUSTRALIAN SHARK TALES Chambers' Journal, vol 69, 1892. DESCRIPTION AND PLATES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 35, 1848. PROBLEM OF PRIMEVAL SHARKS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. SHARK FISHING Badminton Magazine, vol. 3, 1896. SHARK STORIES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1891. SHARKS AS ANCESTRAL FISHES Natural Science, vol. 8, 1896. SOME EXTINCT SHARKS AND GANOID FISHES Natural Science, vol. 2 [p-435]. 1893. GENERAL Clutterbuck's Skipper in Arctic Seas, 1890. Sunday at Home, vol. 8, 1861. Sharon, Palestine. PLAIN OF SHARON Dixon's Holy Land, 1869. Geikie's Holy Land and the Bible, 1891. Sharp (James, Archbishop of St. Andrew's, murdered 1679) Abbey's English Church, '87. [555] SHARPE-SHENFIELD Sharpe (Charles Kirkpatrick, Artist and Author, died 1851] Cornhill Mag., vol. 21, 1870. Shaw (George Bernard, Critic and Playwright, born 1856) The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. Shaw (Leonard K., Philanthropist, born 1834) Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. Shaw (Robert Gould, American Officer, killed 1863). MEMOIR Macmillan's, vol. 9, '63-4. Sheares (Henry and John, Members of Society of United Irishmen, died 1798). MEMOIR OF HENRY AND JOHN SHEARES Madden's United Irishmen, vol. 4, 1846. Sheba (Anciently a region in the south of Arabia). QUEEN OF SHEBA Mather's Zambesia, 1891. Pinnock's Bible and Contemporary History, 1887. Sheep (A ruminant animal of great service to man in clothing and food). CONCERNING SHEEP Cornhill Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. DECAYE OF ENGLAND BY THE GREAT MULTITUDE OF SHEPE [i6th Century] Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 13 (extra series), 1871. MOUNTAIN SHEEP Dodge's Hunting Grounds of the Great West, 1877. REMARKS ON SHEEP Burnley's History of Wool, 1889. SHEEP FARMING IN SOUTH AFRICA Little's South Africa, 1884. SHEEP FARMING IN THE STATES OF THE RIVER PLATE Latham's River Plate, '68. SHEEP HUNTING IN THE MOUNTAINS Nineteenth Century, vol. 10, 1881. SHEEP SHEARING IN NEW SOUTH WALES Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896 GENERAL Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1892. Sheerness, Kent (A seaport and watering place). DOCKYARD OF SHEERNESS All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. GENERAL Black's Guide to Kent, V.D. Sheffield, Yorkshire (Centre of cutlery manufacture). DEAR OLD SMOKY SHEFFIELD Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. GEOLOGY OF SHEFFIELD Hardvvicke's Science Gossip, vol. 15, 1879. SHEFFIELD: YESTERDAY AND TO-DAY Sunday at Home, vol. 47, 1898-9. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. TERRIBLE TRADES OF SHEFFIELD Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. GENERAL Black's Guide to Yorkshire, V.D. Cassell's Our Own ( ountry, vol. 3, 1883. Harper's Magazine, vol. 59, 1879. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1884. Land We Live In, vol. i, 1853. Ruskin's Fors Claviger mes without Hands, 1869. CAPTURE AND PRESERVATION OF SPIDERS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. n,"i875. CHAPTER ON SPIDERS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 19, 1883. DEVELOPMENT OF SLIDERS' LUNGS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. HARVESTMAN SPIDER H*rdwickf's Science Gossip, vol. 14, 1878. HOUSE SPIDER H-trdwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 2, 1866. INDO-MALAYAN SPIDERS [Review] -Nature, vol. 51, 1894-5. INSTINCTS OF SOME COMMON ENGLISH SPIDERS Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. LATEST ABOUT SPIDERS Longman's Magazine, vol. 18, 1891. MUSICAL BOXES IN SPIDERS Natural Science, vol. 6, 1895. REMARKS ON SPIDERS Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. SMALLEST OF STRIDULATING SPIDERS Natural Science, vol. 12, 1898. SOME NOTES ON SPIDERS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. SPIDER AND THE LIZARD Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. SPIDERS' WEBS AND SPINNERETS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. n, 1875. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF SPIDERS British Association Report, 1833. TAME SPIDERS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 1 6, 1880. WEB OF THE GARDEN SPIDER Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. WEB-SPINNING IN SPIDERS Nature, vol. 51, 1894-5. GENERAL Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua, 1888. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. Longman's Magazine, vol. 17, 1884-5. Sunday at Home, vol. 34, 1887. Spies. SPY-MANIA AND THE REVANCHE IDEA IN FRANCE Fortnightly Rev., v. 70, 1898. Spindles. SPINDLE WHORLS AND SPINNING AMONG THE ANCIENTS Schliemann's Troja, 1884. Penny Magazine, vol. 5, 1836. See also Spinning. Spine. ANGULAR CURVATURE OF THE SPINE Brain, vol. 3, 1880-1. CONCUSSION OF THE SPINAL CORD Brain, vol. 7, 1884-5. DISTRIBUTION OF THE ARTERIES OF THE SPINAL CORD Brain, vol. 3, 1880-1. HEMISECTION OF THE SPINAL CORD Brain, vol. 7, 1884-5. SYPHILIS OF THE SPINAL CORD Brain, vol. 16, 1893. Spinet (A musical instrument resembling the harpsichord) Grove's Diet, of Music, 1883. Spinning. ANCIENT SPINNING Napier's Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times, 1879. EARLY ATTEMPTS AT SPINNING Wilkinson's Story of the Cotton Plant, 1898. NEW INDUSTRY FOR WOMEN- Woman, April, 1897. Spinoza (Baruch, a famous Philosopher, died 1677). COLERIDGE ON SPINOZA Athenaeum, A WORD MORE ABOUT SPINOZA Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 9, 1863-4. ['897. GENERAL Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Renan's Studies in Religious History. 1886. Spinsters. SOME HAPPY SPINSTERS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. Spires. CROOKED SPIRES Andrews' Old Church Life, 1900. Cassell's Mag., v. 26, 1898. SOME OF THE MOST FAMOUS SPIRES Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. Spires (A city of Bavaria). DIET OF SPIRES Moore's Lectures on the History of the Reformation, 1890. See also Speyer. Spirit. CONSERVATION OF SPIRIT AND THE ORIGIN OF CONSCIOUSNESS The Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. GENERAL Koelle's Mohammed and Mohammedanism, 1889. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Spirits. PRIMITIVE IDEAS ABOUT SPIRITS AND AN AFTER-LIFE Clodd's Story of Primi- tive Man, 1897. Lang's Dreams and Ghosts, 1899. Marryat's Spirit World, 1894. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Frazer's Golden Bou^h, 1890. Spirits (Alcoholic). ASA FOOD Drewry's Cup and Platter, 1879. Sec also Alcohol, etc. LONDON GIN SHOPS Doings in London ; or, Day and Night Scenes, etc., 1850. aO [ 577 ] SPIRITUALISM-SPORT SPIRITUALISM (Communication with departed spirits through some medium). BLACK SIDE OF SPIRITUALISM Truth, vol. 36, 1894. CHAPTER ON SPIRITUALISM Beale's Light of Other Days, 1890. DISTINCTION OF SPIRITUALISTS FROM CHRISTIANS McKinney's Science of Religion, Do WE SURVIVE DEATH? National Review, vol. 32, 1898-9. [1888. DRIFT OF PSYCHICAL RESEARCH National Review, vol. 24. 1894-5. ESSAV ON MODERN SPIRITUALISM Waite's Occult Sciences, 1891. GHOSTS BEFORE THE LAW Blrtckwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. GHOSTS UP TO DATE Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. LATEST SPIRITUALISTIC FRAUD Truth, vol. 34, 1893. MRS. STOWE ON SPIRITUALISM Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe, by her Son, 1889. MODERN SPIRITUALISM AND THEOSOPHY Pember's Earth's Earliest Ages, 1893. ORIGIN OF SPIRITUALISM Tylor's Primitive Culture, 1891. PLANCHETTE, A THREE-LEGGED IMPOSTOR Chambers' Journal, vol. 45, 1868. POINTS OF CONTACT BETWEEN CATHOLICISM AND SPIRITUALISM Dublin Rev., v. 124, SAVAGE SPIRITUALISM Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. [1899. SOME STRANGE STORIES Argosy, vol. 57, 1894. SPIRITUAL COMMUNITIES IN THE UNITED STATES Reminiscences of America by SPIRITUALISM AT HOME Boy's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1883. [Two Englishmen, 1870. SPIRITUALISM IN AMERICA Dixon's New America, 1867. SPIRITUALISM Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1891. SPIRITUALISTIC COMMUNICATIONS Margaret Oliphant's Life of Laurence Oliphant. GENERAL Haweis' Broad Church, 1891. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Home's Life and Mission of D. D. Home, 1888. Spitalfleld Weavers Smiles' Huguenots : their Settlements, Churches, etc., 1868. REGISTERS OF LA PATENTE CHURCH, 1689-1785 Huguenot Soc. Pub., vol. n, 1898. Spitalflelds, London. STORY TOLD BY SPITALFIELDS Sunday Mag., vol. 29, 1893. GENERAL Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Spite Spectator, vol. 67, 1891. Spithead (A roadstead off S.E. coast of England between Portsmouth and Ryde). PORTSMOUTH AND ITS DOCKYARD All the Year Round, vol. 65, 1889. Spitzbergen (A group of islands in the Arctic Ocean). ABOUT SPITZBERGEN Chambers' Journal, vol. 36, 1861. Hartwig's Polar World, 1869. FIRST CROSSING OF SPITZBERGEN Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 14, 1898. MIOCENE FLORA OF SPITZBERGEN Student of Science, Literature, and Art, v. 5, 1871. SPORTING IN SPITZBERGEN Harper's Magazine, vol. 23, 1891-2. Spix (Doctor, Bavarian Zoologist and Traveller, died 1826). TRAVELS IN AMERICA Verne's Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, 1881. Splashes. A STUDY OF SPLASHES [Liquid falling into liquid] Pearson's, vol. 6, 1898. Splices. SPLICES USED BY SEAMEN Dana's Seamen's Manual, 1871. Splugen Pass, Switzerland Baedeker's Switzerland, V.D. Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. Spohr (Ludwig, German Musical Composer, died 1859) Crowest's Great Tone-Poets, 1891. Naumann's Music, vol. 4, 1886. Spola (Emilio Luigi, born 1805). A LINK IN THE CHAIN OF ITALIAN UNITY Trans- actions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 5 (n s.), 1891. Spoleto, Italy Hare's Central Italy, 1884. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Sponges. AFFINITIES OF THE SPONGES Nature, vol. 4, 1871. BAHAMA SPONGE INDUSTRY Graphic, 53, 1896. CHAT ABOUT SPONGES Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. CONSTRUCTION OF SPONGES Somerville's Molecular Science, 1869. FISHING FOR SPONGES Simmonds' Commercial Products of the Sea, 1883. GENERAL ZOOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF THE SPONGES- Nicholson &Lydekker's Palae- REMARKS ON SPONGES Hartwig's Harmonies of Nature, 1866. [ontology, 1889. SPONGE AND SPONGES OF THE FLORIDA COAST Scribner's Magazine, vol. 12, 1892. THE STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORY OF A SPONGE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, '8 1. WHERE SPONGES COME FROM Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. GENERAL Brassey's In the Trades and Tropics, 1885. [1886. Spontinl (Gasparo L. P., Italian Operatic Composer, died 1851) Naumann's Music, v. 5, Spoon-bill. WHITE OR EUROPEAN SPOON-BILL Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., v. 3, 1848. Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. Spoons. CELTIC SPOONS Archajological Journal, vol. 26, 1869. SILVER SPOON CRAZE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. THE SPOON [Illustrated] Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1897-8. GENERAL Cassell's Magazine, vol. 13 [p. 747], 1887. [V.D. Sporades (A group of islands in the /EgeanSea) Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, Sporozoa Natural Science, vol. 9, 1896. SPORT. (See also A thletics, Boating, Cricket, Hunting, Shooting, etc.) AFRICA: HUNTING IN SOUTH AFRICA Churchill's Men, Mines and Animals, 1892. AFRICA : SPORT IN SOUTH AFRICA Little's South Africa, 1884. ALBANIAN SPORT Badminton Magazine, vol. 5, 1897. AMERICA: HUNTING ON THE PRAIRIES Marcy's Army Life on the Borders, 1866. AMERICA : QUAIL SHOOTING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Pall Mall Mag., v. 17, 1899. [578] SPORT-SQUATTERS .Sport (continued) . AMERICA : SPORT IN AN UNTOUCHED AMERICAN WILDERNESS Scribner's Mag., AMERICANS AT PLAY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 76, 1897. [vol. 20, 1896. BASEBALL AND CRICKET Longman's Mag., vol. 10, 1887. See alco Baseball, Cricket. BIG GAME HUNTERS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. CANADA: MOOSE-HUNTING IN CANADA Nineteenth Century, vol. 6, 1879. CANADA: SPORT IN PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. CHASE: ITS HISTORY AND LAWS Nineteenth Century, vol. 8, 1880. CHINESE GAMES AND SPORTS Badminton Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. CLIFF-CLIMBING AND EGG-HUNTING Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. COREA; DUCK-SHOOTING IN COREA Carles' Life in Corea, 1888. CRICKET: EVOLUTION OF CRICKET Strand Mag., vol. 10, 1895. See also Cricket. CROMWELL'S VIEWS ON SPORT Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 70, 1894. CRUELTY OF SPORTS Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-8. [v. n, 1885. ENGLAND: OUR SPORTS AND PASTIMES; THEIR ORIGIN AND SURVIVAL Antiquary, ENGLAND: RIDING TO HOUNDS IN ENGLAND Harper's Magazine, vol. 28, 1894. ENGLISH SPORT IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY [Review] Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. FIELD SPORTS Meliora, vol. 12, 1869. FOOTBALL IN ARMOUR Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. FOX-HUNTERS AND FARMERS National Review, vol. 24, 1894-5. HONDURAS: SPORT IN BRITISH HONDURAS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. INDIA: ELEPHANT-HUNTING IN INDIA Longman's Magazine, vol. n, 1882. INDIA : SPORT IN NEPAUL Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, 1889. INDIA : SPORTING EPISODE IN INDIA Cooper's Mishmee Hills, 1873. MEDIAEVAL NATURAL HISTORY AND SPORT Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 10, 1874. MONEY WE SPEND ON SPORT Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. NEW FOREST: SPORT IN THE NEW FOREST Hardwicke's Science Gossip, v. 13,1877. NEW ZEALAND : SPORT IN NEW ZEALAND Payton's Round About New Zealand, '88. NEWFOUNDLAND SPORT Hatton s Newfoundland, the Oldest British Colony, 1883. NORWAY: SHOOTING AND FISHING IN NORWAY Forester's Norway and its Scenery, 1853. Murray's Guide to Norway, v.D. OTTERS AND OTTER-HUNTING Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. OUR SPORTING ANCESTORS Quarterly Review, vol. 180, 1895. OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE ATHLETIC SPORTS English Illustrated, vol. 9, 1891-2. OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE BOAT-RACE Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. RUSSIA: WOLF-HUNTING IN RUSSIA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPORTS Century Magazine, vol. 32, 1897. SPORT IN ART [Pictorial Illustrations of Sport] Art Jour., 1896. [Rev., v. 68, 1897, SPORT LITERATURE: SHORTCOMINGS OF OUR SPORTING LITERATURE Fortnightly SWEDISH FIELD SPORTS AND FISHING -Wheelwright's Sweden, 1865. THIBET : SPORT IN THIBET. ETC. Leveson's Sport in Many Lands, 1879. GENERAL See the Badminton Series and under names of animals and countries. iSpragsre (Sir Edward, A dmiral of the Blue Squadron, died 1673). MEMOIRS Campbell's Lives of British Admirals, vol. 3, 1818. Sprat (Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, Poet and Historian, died 1713) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. .Sprengel (Christian Conrad, German Botanist, died 1816) Natural Science, v. 2, 1893. Spring. DESCRIPTION OF SPRING IN SURREY [Spring of the Year] Longman's Mag., EARLY SPRING IN SAVERNAKE FOREST Longman's Mag., v. 29, 1896-7. [v. 24, 1894. POPULAR DELUSIONS ABOUT SPRING Woman, March, 1896. THE SEASON OF SPRING AND ITS MORAL ANALOGIES Foster's Lectures, 1844. WONDERS OF THE SPRING Good Words, vol. 29, 1888. GENERAL Sunday at Home, vol. 7, 1860. See also Seasons. Springbok (African antelope). DESCRIPTION AND PLATES Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., SPRINGBOK SHOOTING Bryden's Kloof and Karroo, 1889. [vol. 21, 1848. SPRINGBOKS AND SPRINGBOK SHOOTING Longman's Magazine, vol. 29, 1896-7. Springs. FRENCH MINERAL SPRINGS Harper's Magazine, vol. 12, 1886. HOT SPRINGS AND VOLCANOES OF INDIA Proc. Royal Irish Acad., 3rd ser., vol. 3. HOT SPRINGS AT WAIRAKEI AND ROTORUA Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. MINERAL SPRING OF SHANA, NEAR TREBIZOND Nature, vol. 6, 1872. THE YORKSHIRE GYPSEY-SPRINGS Nature, vol. 53, 1895-6. GENERAL Huxley's Physiography, 1878. See also Bath, Buxton. Spur Money (Money claimed from military men for wearing spurs during divine service) Andrews' Old Church Life, 1900. Spurgeon (Charles Haddon, Nonconformist Divine, died 1892). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Biographies Reprinted from the "Times," vol. 5, 1896. Phonetic Jour., v. 52, 1893. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 5, 1892. SPURGEON, THE PASTORAL EVANGELIST Pierson's Evangelistic Work, 1892. GENERAL Essex Review, vol. i, 1892. Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, vol 5, 1897. Men and Women of the Day, 1889. Sunday at Home, vol. 25, 1878. Teachers and Preachers of Recent Times, 1881. Squares. LONDON SQUARES Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Squatters (Persons who settle on land without a title). AUSTRALIAN SQUATTERS Paton's COLONIAL SQUATTERS Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. [Autobiography, 1891. SQUATTER LIFE All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. SQUATTER WOMEN Dixon's New America, 1867. SQUATTERS AND BUSHMEN Jung's Australia; the Country and its Inhabitants, 1884. [579] SQUIRES-STAGE Squires. ENGLISH SQUIRES Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-8. Squirrels. CARE OF PET SQUIRRELS Edwards' Minor Pets, 1887. DESCRIPTION OF SQUIRRELS Grant Allen's Colin Clout's Calendar, 1883. DESCRIPTION OF THE RED OR COMMON SQUIRREL Jardine's Naturalist's Library, DORMICE AND SQUIRRELS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. [vol. 17, 1848. SOCIABILITY OF SQUIRRELS Araosy, vol. 54, 1892. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Every Boy's Book, 1888. Hardwir-ke's Science Gossip, vol. 18, 1882. Stabat Mater (In the Roman Catholic Liturgy a sequence on the Virgin Mary at the Crucifixion). How THE STABAT MATER WAS WRITTEN Macmillan, vol. 28, 1873. Stables. CAVALRY STABLING Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 160, 1896. CONSTRUCTION OF STABLES AND Cow HOUSES Colyer's Public Institutions, 1889. How TO KEEP STABLES The Horse : and how to Manage him (W- rd, Lock & Co.). MANAGEMENT OF THE STABLE The House Manager: a Guide to Housekeeping, '77. OLD STABLES ON THE ROAD Harris' The Coaching Age, 1885. QUEEN VICTORIA'S STABLES Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. Stael-Hole tein (Anna LOUJSP Germaine Necker, Baronne de, celebrated French Writer, died 1817). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Ann., vol.2, 1881. GENERAL Life of Sir J. Mackintosh, 1835. Smiles' Memoirs of John Murray, 1891. Sunday at Home, vol. 17, 1870. Wharton's Queens of Society, 1890. Staffa (Small isl md of the Inner Hebrides) Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. STAFFA AND IONA Sunday at Home, vol. 31, 1884. See also Hebrides. Stafford. (John, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1452) Hook's Archbishops, vol. 5, 1867. Stafford (Thomas, Earl of, died 1641) Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 2, 1849. Staffordshire. NOTES ON NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE Jour. Brit. Archseo. Assoc. v. 2 STAFFORD IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. [(n.s.).. STAFFORDSHIRE FOLK AND THEIR LRE Folk-lore, vol. 7. SUPERSTITIONS OF STAFFORDSHIRE Folk-lore, vol. 7. GENERAL Burriit's Walks in the Black Country, 1868. Palmer's Wanderings of a- Pen and Pencil, 1846. White's All Round the Wrekin, 1860. Stag (The male red deer). CASHMERE STAG Macintyre's Hindu-Koh, 1891. OLD ONE HORNED STAG Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 72, 1895. STAG-HUNTING IN THE OLD DAYS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 14, 1898. WILD STAG-HUNTING Badminton Magazine, vol. 3, 1896. WILD STAG ON EXMOOR Elmhirst's Fox-hound, Forest, and Prairie, 1892. GENERAL Gerard's Lion Hunting and Sporting Life in Algeria, 1856. STAGE. (See also Drama., Plays, Theatre, etc.) ACCOUNT OF THE VARIETY STAGE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68 1891. ACTING : AN ART Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. ACTORS' DRESSING ROOMS S rand Magazine, vol. i, 1891. ACTORS' MAKE-UP -Strand Magazine, vol. 7, 1894. AMATEUR THEATRICALS Beale's Light of Other Days, 1890. ANECDOTES OF THE STAGE Percy Anecdotes, vol. 4, 1868. ANIMALS ON THE STAGE Cassell's Magazine, vol 25, 1898. ANNE'S REIGN : STAGE IN QUEEN ANNE'S REIGN Adams' Good Queen Anne, 1886. ANOMALIES OF THE STAGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 41, 1879-80. CENSORSHIP OF THE STAGE -Archer's About the Theatre, 1886. CHURCH AND THE STAGE Haweis' Dead Pulpit, 1896. COSTUME: HISTORY OF STAGE COSTUME Book of Table Talk, 1836. DEGENERACY OF THE STAGE Briiish Essayists, vol. 12, 1823. [v. 66, 1890. DRURY LANE : BEHIND THE SCENES AT DRURY LANE THEATRE All the Year Round, ELIZABETHAN STAGE Baker's London Stage: its History and Traditions, 1889.. Theitre, vol. 22, 1893. ENGLISH STAGE: A FRENCH VIEW OF THE ENGLISH STAGE Theatre, vol.26, 1895. FELONS ON THE STAGE Theatre, vpl 28, 1896. FRENCH STAGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70; and vol. 34, 1876. FRENCH STACK: BEHIND THE SCENES IN PARIS All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. FRENCH STAGE UNDER Louis XIV. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. GERMAN STAGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. "HAMLET" AND THE MODERN STAGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891-2. MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT THE STAGE Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892. Music HALLS AND THEATRES All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. ON THE ACTOKS' LISTS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 9, 1881.. PANTOMIME MASKS AND PROPERTIES Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. PRESENT AND PROBABLE FUTURE OF THE STAGE Theatre, vol. i, 1878-9. REFORMATION OF THE STAGE British Essayists, vol. i, 1823. REMINISCENCES OF THE STAGE Lennox's Biographical Reminiscences, 1863. SOME DRAMATIC DIFFICULTIES All the Year Kound, vol. 73, 1893. SOME REALISTIC STAGE EFFECTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. SOME STAGE TRADES Chambers' Journal, vol. 62, 1885. STAGE ART TO-DAY Theatre, vol. 24, 1894. STAGE AS IT is Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 45, 1881-2. STAGE FRIGHT Temple Bar, vol. 88, 1890. STAGE TRICKS TO EXCITE PITY British Essayists, vol. 6, 1823. STORIES OF THE STAGE Theatre, vol. 5, 1882. [580] STAGE-STANSFIELD .Stage (continued). THEATRICAL AMUSEMENTS Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES OF LAST CENTURY Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. THEATRICAL REMINISCENCES All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. TRANSFORMATION SCKNES: How THEY ARE MADE AND WORKED Strand, v.6,'93- VICTORIAN STAGE Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 12, 1897. VICTORIA'S REIGN : THE STAGE UNDER VICTORIA Theatre, vol. 28, 1896. WHAT is "THE SCENE?" Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 283. 1897. GENERAL- Cassell's Saturday Journal, vol. 15, 1896-7. Kelly's Reminiscences, with Original Anecdotes, 1826. ''Staines (Sir William, Lord Mayor of London, died 1807) Walford's Londoniana, 1879. Staining. GLASS PAINTING AND STAINING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. INSTRUCTIONS FOR STAINING Campin's Practice of Hand-Turning in Wood, 1883. Spons' Workshop Receipts, i8go. Van Der Bu g's School of Painting for the ; Stair (Viscount or Earl). See Dalrymple. [Imitation of Woods and Marbles, 1887. Staircases. DESCRIPTION OF THE STAIRCASE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. How TO BUILD STAIRCASES Davidson's Drawing for Carpenters and Joiners, 1870. Stalactites (Icicle-like incrustations of lime, chalcedony, etc.). NOTES ON STALACTITES Nature, vol. i, i86g-70. Stalker (J., Minister and Theologian, born 1848). INTERVIEW Sunday Mag., vol. 29, 1893. Stalking". LANDOR'S TOWARD LHASSA Daily Mail, March 9, 1898. GENERAL Brinckman's Rifle in Cashmere, 1862. See also Hunting, Shooting, etc. Stambouloff (Stefan, of Bulgaria, Russian Minister, murJered 1895). STORY OF STAMBOULOFF'S FALL Fortnightly Review, vol. 64, 1895. GENERAL Annual Register, 1895. New Review, vol. 13, 1895. Stamford Murray's Guide to Northamptonshire, V.D. Stammering 1 . HINTS TO STAMMERERS Chambers' Journal, vol. 57, 1880. STUTTERING AND STAMMERING Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. Household Words [Psellism], v. 14, '56. Stamps POSTAGE STAMP DESIGNS Strand Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. NEW POSTAGE STAMPS Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1882. POSTAGE STAMP COLLECTING Boy's Own Annual, vol. I, 1879. Every Boy's Book, POSTAGE STAMPS AND THEIR COLLECTION Chambers' Jour., vol. 74, 1897. [1888. RECENT SALES OF POSTAGE STAMPS Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. GENERAL Cassell's Saturday Journal, v. 15, 1896-7. Chambers' Journal, v. 62, 1885. See also Post Uffice. Standard (Royal). ROYAL STANDARD OF ENGLAND Chambers' Jour., vol. 74, 1897. Stanfleld (Clarkson, Landscape and Marine Painter, died 1867) Cunningham's British Painters, v. 3, 1879. Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. Hainerton'j Portfolio, '79. Stanhope (Anne, Duchess of Somerset died 1548) Heylyn's Hist, of the Reformation, '59. Stanhope (Right Hon. Edward, Politician, died, 1893) Annual Register, 1893. Stanhope (Lady Hester, Eastern Traveller, niece of William Pitt, died 1839). " QUEEN OF THE DESERT" Temple Bar, vol 107, 1896. GENERAL Diary of Sir Moses and Lady Montenore, 1890. Kinglake's Eothen, 1854. Staniforth (S., Methodist Preacher, died 1799) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, v. 4. Stanley (Arthur Penrhyn, Dean of Westminster, died 1881). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Phonetic Journal, vol. 51 [page 562], 1892. BRIEF SKETCH Leisure Hour, vol. 43, 1844. HOME OF DEAN STANLEY Ctoston's Lancashire and Cheshire, 1882. NOTES ON LIFE OF DEAN STANLEY Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. SKETCH OF DEAN STANLEY Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. STANLEY AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES Haweis' Dead Pulpit, 1896. GENERAL Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 155, 1894. Boyd's St. Andrews and Elsewhere, 1894. Farrar's Social and Present-day Questions, 1892. Good Words, vol. 23, 1882. Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. Oxenham's Ecclesiastical History and Biography, 1884. Quiver, vol. 30, 1895. Teachers and Preachers of Rt-cent Times, 1881. Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Stanley (Sir Henry Morton, African Explorer, born 1841). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. i, 1890. STANLEY AND EMIN PASHA Little's Life of Emin, 1890. STANLEY AND THK CONGO FRKE STATE Bourne's Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, '91. STANLEY'S DESCENT OF THE CONGO Montefiore's Leaders to Unknown Lands, 1891. STANLEY'S TRAVELS IN AFRICA Kingston & Low's Great African Travellers, 1890. GENERAL Africa and its Exploration, 1894. Mackay of Uganda, by his Sister, 1892. Mrs. Sala's Famous Peoi'le I have met, 1892. Scribner's Mag., vols. 7, 8 &g, 1890-1. Jacobs' Story of Geographical Discovery, 1899. Stanley (James, 7th Earl of Derby, died 1651) Espinasse's Lancashire Worthies, 1874. Lodge's Portraits, 1850. Stanley (Thomas, Poet, died 1678) Ward's English Poets, vol. 2, 1880. Stanleys and the Murrays (Sovereigns of the Isle of Man) Walford's Chapters from Family Chests, 1887. Stansfleld (Sir James, Barrister and Politician, died 1898). CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. n, 1895. GENERAL Annual Register, 1898. [581] STANSTED HALL-STATUES Stansted Hall, Essex Rush's Seats in Essex [with illustration], 1897. Stanway, Essex. ALL SAINTS' AND THE CHAPEL OF ST. ALBRIGHT Buckler's Churches of Essex, 1856. Stanway Hall, Essex Rush's Seats in Essex [with illustration], 1897. Stapleford Abbot, Essex History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 4, 1771. Star Chamber (In English history, a court of civil and criminal jurisdiction at Westminster). JURISDICTION OF THE STAR CHAMBER Woodhouselee's Universal History, 1847. PROCEEDINGS AND ABOLITION OF STAR CHAMBER Brook's Lives of the Puritans, '13. Starch. CHEMISTRY OF STARCH Reynold's Chemistry, 1889-91. COMPOSITION OF STARCH Blyth's Foods : their Composition and Analysis, 1896. GRAIN OF STARCH Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. STARCHY AND SACCHARINE SUBSTANCES Blyth's Foods, Composition & Analysis, '88.. Starfish. FIVE SOULS WITH BUT A SINGLE THOUGHT [Psychological Life of the Starfish] The Monist, vol. i, 1890-1. SEA URCHINS AND STARFISHES Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 1866. VARIETIES OF STARFISHES Duncan's The Seashore, 1891. Stark (Helen, Wife of James Ranoldson) Anderson's Ladies of the Reformation, 1855. Starling (A Bird allied to the crow). VARIOUS KINDS OF STARLINGS Morris' British GENERAL Chambers' Jour., v. 53, 1876. Yarrell's British Birds, '56. [Birds, v. 3, '91. STARS. (See also Astronomy, Milky Way, Pleiades, etc.). CELESTIAL EDDIES Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. CHEMISTRY OF THE STARS Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. COLOURS OF THE STARS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. DISTANCE AND MASS OF THE BINARY STARS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. DISTANCES OF THE STARS Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 283, 1897. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT OF STARLIGHT Nat"re, vol. 52, 1895. EVIDENCE OF THE EVOLUTION OF STELLAR SYSTEMS Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. GLOBULAR STAR CLUSTERS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. HISTORY OF A STAR Nineteenth Century, vol. 26, i8Hg. How TO FIND THE STARS Good Words, vol. 22, 1881. MASSES AND DISTANCES OF BINARY STARS Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. MILKY WAY Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. NAKED EYE DOUBLE STARS, DISCOVERED BY BURNHAM Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894^ NEW STARS Nineteenth Century, vol. 18 [page 674], 1885, and vol. 31, 1892. PHOTOGRAPHIC STAR-CHARTING Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. PLEIADES Longman's Magazine, vol. 23, 1893-4. PLEIADES : TALK ABOUT THE PLEIADES Casse ll's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. STAR OF BETHLEHEM Good Words, vol. 29, 1888. STARS AND IMMENSITY Pouchet's Universe, 1876. STARS AND LIGHTS Good Words, vol. 10, 1869. STARS AND MOLECULES Nineteenth Centurv, vol. 38, 1895. STARS AND PLANETS All the Year Round, vol. 71, 1892. VARIABLE RED STARS Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. VARIABLE STARS Chambers' Journal, vol. 65, 1888. Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. VARIABLE STARS IN GLOBULAR CLUSTERS Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. WHAT is A STAR CLUSTER? Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. [Nature, V.D. ; etc.. GENERAL Ball's Story of the Heavens, 1893. Proctor's Old and New Astronomy, 1892. "Star-Spangled Banner" (American Patriotic Song) Fitzgerald's Famous Songs, State. DUTIES OF THE STATE Spencer's Justice, 1891. [1898. FUNCTIONS OF THE STATE Guyot's Principles of Social Economy, 1884. LUTHER ON CHURCH AND STATE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. STATE RIGHTS Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. THE STATE Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. See also Government. VALUE IN THE ECONOMY OF THE STATE Weiser's Natural Value, 1893. Statesmen. AMERICAN STATESMEN Nineteenth Century, vols. 23 and 24, 1888. CHARACTERISTICS OF MODERN STATESMEN Lecky's Histo-y ot England, 1892. IRISH LAWYERS AND STATESMEN OF A BYGONE GENERATION Macmillan's Mag.,. LITERARY STATESMEN Spectator vol. 78, 1897. [vol. n, 1864-5. MURDERED STATESMEN OK THE CENTURY English Illustrated, vol. 18, 1897-8. STAGGERING STATE OF SCOTTISH STATESMEN, 15^,0-1560 Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., STATESMEN OF EASTERN EUROPE Temple Bar, vol. 78, 1886. [vol. i, 1872. Stationers' Hall, London. DESCRIPTION OF STATIONERS' HALL Chambers', v. 67, '90. Statistical Society, London. RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE STATISTICAL SOCIETY Becker's Sciemific London, 1874. Westminster Review, vol. 29, 1838. Statistics. ABUSE OF STATISTICS Quarterly Review, v 1. 179, 1894. STUDY OF STATISTICS Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. THE CENSUS UP TO DATF. Strand Magazine, vol. 9, 1895. USES OF STATISTICS Public Opinion, vol. 20, 1896. Stations. RAILWAY STATIONS Barry's Railway Appliances, 1890. Statues. ETRUSCAN STATUES Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. ON COLOURING STATUES Archaeological Journal, vol. 12. 1855. PRINCIPAL STATUES IN LONDON Times' Curiosities of London, 1871. [1822.. GENERAL Burder's Oriental Literature applied to the Illustration of the Scriptures, [582] STATURE-STEEL Stature. DEGENERATION OF HUMAN STATURE Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. GENIUS AND STATURE Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. HEIGHT AND WEIGHT OF HUMAN BEINGS Nature, vol. 2, 1870. Stavanger (A seaport in Norway) Murray's Guide to Norway, V.D. Staves. STAVES OF OFFICE Antiquary, vol. 30, 1894. Stavoren, Holland. ANTIQUITY AND CELEBRITY OF STAVOREN Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. Stayley, Cheshire Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography, part ii.], 1892. Stays [Corsets]. TIGHT LACING Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 10, 1844-7. Steadfastness Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Steam. CHEMICAL AND MECHANICAL EFFECTS OF STEAM Henry's Sci. Writings, '86. CIVILISING BY STEAM : THE FIRST RAILWAY IN COREA Daily Mail, March 19, 1898. CLOUDY CONDENSATION OF STEAM Nature, vol. 49, 1893-4. EFFICIENCY OF STEAM Rankine's Manual of the Steam Engine, 1891. LOCOMOTION BY STEAM Head's Descrptive Essays, 1857. METHODS OF DETERMINING THE DRYNESS OF STEAM Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1894. ROMANCE OF STEAM AND WHEELS Burnley's Romance of Modern Industry, 1889. STEAM-BLAST IN THE LOCOMOTIVE Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1861-2. SUPERHEATED STEAM Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. SUPERHEATER WET STEAM Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. USE IN AGRICULTURE Mechi's Profitable Farming, 1860. STEAM ENGINE. (See also Engines, Locomotives, Steam, etc.) ACCOUNT OF THE STEAM ENGINE Science Lectures at South Kensington, 1878. BOILERS OF STEAM ENGINES, FITTINGS AND DETAILS Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 3 and 4, 1897. CURIOUS OLD STEAM ENGINE Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. DESCRIPTION OF THE STEAM ENGINE Baker's Practical Mechanism, 1882. DETAILS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF ENGINES Cassell's Tech. Educa., vs. 3-4, 1897. EXPANSION OF STEAM IN THE CYLINDER OF A STEAM ENGINE Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. i and 2, 1897. HISTORICAL NOTICE OF STEAM AND THE STEAM ENGINE Clark's Elementary Treatise on Steam, 1892. MECHANICS OF THE STEAM ENGINE Holmes' Steam Engine, 1891. MECHANISM OF STEAM ENGINES Rankine's Steam Engine, 1891. NOTES ON FURNACES OF STEAM ENGINES Cassell's Tech. Educator, vols. 2-6, 1897. NOTES ON THE STEAM ENGINE Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-5, 1897. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Engineer, vol. 86, 1898. THEORY OF THE STEAM ENGINE Kunhardt's Steam Yachts and Launches, 1888. Wormell's Thermodynamics, 1892. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Frith's The Flying Horse, 1898. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1891. Pepper's Boy's Play- book of Science, 1881. Steam Hammer. STEAM HAMMER AND ITS INVENTOR Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. Chambers' Journal, vol. 60, 1883. Smiles' Industrial Biography, 1863. Smiles' Life of James Nasmyth, 1889. Steam Navigation Bakewell's Great Facts, '78. Knox's Life of Robt. Fulton, 1886. Steam Ploughs. THE INGLETON STEAM PLOUGH Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. Steamboats STEAMBOATS ON THE THAMES London, vol. 6, 1897. Thames Iron- works Gazette, vol. 4, 1898. See also Steamships, Steamships. BUILDING OF AN ATLANTIC GREYHOUND Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. DEVELOPMENT OF THE STEAMSHIP Ocean Steamships : Account of their Con- struction, etc., 1892. GIANTS OF THE CANAL [Ships on the Suez Canal] Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21 1895. GREAT STEAMSHIP LINES Murray's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. GROWTH OF STEAMSHIPS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. INLAND NAVIGATION AND FOREIGN-GOING STEAMERS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. MODELS OF SHIPS AND STEAMERS Biddle's Construction of Model Yachts, 1883. STEAMER ON WHEELS Strand Magazine, vol. 12, 1896. STEAMSHIP LINES OF THE WORLD Scribner's Magazine, vol. 10, 1891. WHAT IT COSTS TO RUN STEAMSHIPS Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. Stebbing. Essex. ST. MARY'S CHURCH Buckler's Churches of Essex, 1856. Steel. BESSEMER PROCESS FOR PRODUCING STEEL Cassell's Tech. Educa., v. 5, 1897. BESSEMER PROCESS UNDER PRESSURE Nature, vol. i, 1870. IRON AND STEEL Ca^sell's Great Industries of Great Britain, 1880. IRON AND STEEL MAKING IN SOUTH WALES English Illustrated, vol. 2 1884-5. KRUPP ON THE PERFORATION OF STEEL ARMOUR Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. MANUFACTURE OF STEEL Cochrane's Wonders of Modern Mechanism, 1897. NOTES ON STEEL ARD IRON Cassell's Technical Educator, vols. 1-6, 1897. PARKHEAD FORGE ROLLING MILLS AND STEEL WORKS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. TREATMENT OF STEEL Shelley's Workshop Appliances, 1883. GENERAL Spoils' Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. Steel (Flora Annie, Novelist, born 1847). CHAT WITH FLORA ANNIE STEEL Woman. INTERVIEW WITH MRS. STEEL Young Woman, vol. 5, 1896-7. [J"lyi 1895, L583] STEELE -STEVENSON Steele (Sir Richard, British Essayist, Dramatist, and Whig Politician, died 1729). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF RICHARD STEELE Good Words, vol. 30, 1889. SKETCH OF STEELE AND ADDISON Kingsley's Fireside Studies, 1876. GENERAL Cunningham's English Nation [portrait] , vol. 3, 1849. Merydew's Love Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888 Thackeray's English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century, 1858. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1857. Steen (Jan vac, Dutch Genre Painter, died 1679) Gower's Figure Painters of Holland, '81. Steenstrup (Johannes J. S., Zoologist, died 1897) Natural S' ience, vol. n, 1897. Steeple Jacks. A CHAT WITH A STEEPLE JACK Leisure Hour, vol.47. 1897-8. STEEPLE JACKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Spectator, vol. 73, 1894. Steep) echasingr HURDLE RACING AND STEEPLECHASING Stonehenge's British Rural Sports, 1875. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Longman's Mag., v. 3, '83-4. Steeples. ACROBATS ON STEEPLES Andrews' Old Church Customs, 1891. CHURCH STEEPLE AND ITS USE Tyack's Lore & Legend of the English Church, '99. SOME SINGULAR STEEPLES Quiver, vol. 20, 1885. Steevens (George, Shakespearian Scholar, died 1800) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Stein (Heinrich Friedrich Karl von, Prussian Statesman, died 1831). SEELEY'S LIFE AND TIMES OF STEIN Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 40, 1879. Stellaland (An ephemeral Boer Republic, west of the Transvaal, now under British government) Mackenzie's Austral Africa ; Losing it or Ruling it, 1877. Step-CleanersAll tne Year Round, vol. 55, 1884-5. Stephen (St., the first Christian Martyr) Mercer's Bible Characters, 1885. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 6, 1891. Stephen (Right Hon. Sir Alfred, Lieut.-Governor of New South Wales, died 1894) Annual Stephen (Sir James, Journalist and Judge, died 1894) Annual Register, 1894. [Reg., '94. Stephen (Sir James Historian, died 1859) Whately's Remarkable People, 1889. Stephenson (Bowman, Wesleyan Minister) Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1843. Stephenson (George, Inventor of the locomotive, died 1848). STEPHENSON AND RAIL- WAYS Boyd's Critical Essays of a Country Parson, 1865. Smiles' Lives of the STEPHENSON AND THE SABBATH Sunday at Home, vol. 5, 1858. [Engineers. GENERAL Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881. Brougham's Old English Worthies. Layson's Famous Engineers, 1886. Stephenson (Robert, Engineer; Constructor of the Menai Bridge, died 1859) Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881. Brougham's Old English Worthies. Stepney (George, Poet, died 1707) Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Steppes (Extensive plains in Russia). EASTERN STEPPES Dixon's Free Russia, 1870. STEPPES OF OMSK Meignan's Paris to I ekin, 1885. GENEKAL Ain-worth's All Round the World, 1861. Stereo Radiograms The Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. Stereochemistry. PROGRESS IN STEREOCHEMISTRY Nature, vol. 54, 1896. Stereotyping. STEREOTYPING AND ELECTROTYPING Cor hrane's Wonders of Modern Mechanism, 1897. Southward's Practical Printing, 1892. Stereoscope (A n optical instrument through which two objects that have been photographed at a certain angle appear as one). CONSTRUCTION OF THE STEREOSCOPE PRINCIPLES OF STEREOSCOPY Photogram, v. 3, 1896. [Lardner's Optics, 1878. SENTIMENT, THE HAND CAMERA, AND THE STEREOSCOPE Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. GENERAL Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. [of the Day, 1888. Sterling? (Madame Antoinette, eminent Contralto Singer, born 1850) Men and Women Sterling (John, Poet and Author, best known as a friend of Carlyle, died 1844). FRIENDSHIP OF MAURICE AND STERLING Maurice's Life of F. D. Maurice, 1884. GENERAL Froude's Carlyle in London, 1890. Mill's Autobiography, 1873. Phillips' Essays from the " Times," 1871. Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Stern (H. A., A byssinian Missionary, died 1885) Hotten's Abyssinia and its People, 1868- Markham's Abyssinian Expedition, 18(19. Sterne (Laurence, celebrated English Novelist and Humourist, died 1768). LAURENCE STERNE AT HOME Cornhill Magazine, vol. 66, 1892. LIFE OF LAWRENCE STERNE Scott's Miscellaneous Prose Works, 1878. GENERAL Merydew's Love-Letters of Famous Men and Women, 1888. Nineteenth Century, vol. 40, 1896. Shaw's Our Religious Humourists, 1879. Thackeray's English Humourists of the i8th Century, 1858. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Sterne (R., A rchbishop of York, died 1683) Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1874. Stevenson (John, Poet, died 1785) Lester's Criticisms, 1853. Stevenson (Robert Louis, Novelist, died 1894). ESSAY ON STEVENSON'S WORKS Lang's Essays in Little, 1891. GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THE NOVELISTS The Young Man, vol. 10, 1896. MEMOIR OF R. L. STEVENSON Argosy, vol. 59, 1895. MY FIRST BOOK ["Treasure Island"] Idler, vol. 6, 1894-5. OPEN LETTER TO ROBERT L. STEVF.NSON Steuart's Letters to Living Authors, 1892. PERSONAL MEMORIES Gosse's Critical Kit-Kats, 1896. PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF R. L. STEVENSON Century Magazine, vol. 28, 1895. [584] STEVENSON-STONE AGE Stevenson (continued). POSTHUMOUS WORKS OF STEVENSON Fortnightly Review, vol. 69, 1898. R. L. STEVENSON AS A SAMOAN CHIEF Cassell's Magazine, vol. 21, 1895. SOME RECOLLECTIONS OF R. L. STEVENSON Temple Bar, vol. 104, 1895. STEVENSON IN HIS HOME LIFE Scribner's Magazine, vol. 19, 1896. STEVENSON'S HOME LIFE AT VAILIMA Scribner's Magazine, vol. 18, 1895. GENERAL Annual Register, 1894. Barrie's Edinburgh Eleven, 1889. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1893-4; &vol. 21, i8qg. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, vol. 5, 1897. Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. ^Steward (The original family name of the Stuart dynasty). THE STEWARDS OF SCOT- LAND Oliphant's Royal Edinburgh, 1890. See also Stuart. [Women, 1862. Steward (Elizabeth, Mother of Oliver Cromwell, died 1654) Anderson's Memorable Steward (George, of Newcastle) Gilfillan's Stars in the Church Sky, 1867. Stewart (Alexander, of Cromarty) Gilfillan's Stars in the Church Sky, 1867. Stewart (Sir Herbert, Major-General, died 1885) Gordon's Journals at Khartoum, 1885. Stewart (Sir Donald Martin, Field-Marshal, born 1824). STEWART'S MARCH FROM KANDAHAR TO KABUL Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 44, 1881. Stewart (Dugald, Philosopher, died 1828) Hamilton's Biog. Memoirs. Stewart (Frances. Duchess of Richmond, died 1702) Jesse's Court of England, 1857 Stewart (Dr. James, Missionary). BIOGRAPHY Japp's Master Missionaries, 1880. Sticklebacks. DESCRIPTION OF STICKLEBACKS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. STICKLEBACKS' NESTS Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 2, 1866. Sticks. WALKING STICKS AND How TO TREAT THEM Boy's Own Annual, v. 7, 1885. See also Walking Sticks. Stiffness BODILY STIFFNESS Lagrange's Bodily Exercise, 1890. Stigand (Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1070) Hook's Archbishops, vol. i, 1875. Stillingfleet (E., Bishop of Worcester, dud 1699) Stpughtnn's Church of the Restor- ation, 1870. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Stilt-Racing. STILT-RACING IN BORDEAUX Strand Magazine, vol. 15, 1898. Stimulants. How STIMULANTS ARE HURTFUL AND WHEN Good Words, v. 26, '85. Stimulation. ARTIFICIAL STIMULATION Baldwin's Story of the Mind, 1899. Sting. STING OF A BEE Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 16, 1880. STINGS OF WASPS AND BEES Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 9, 1873. Stirling, Scotland. STIRLING IN 1844 Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. GENERAL Black's Guide to Scotland, V.D. Stirling (Mrs., Actress, died 1895) English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. Stisted Hall, near Colchester, Essex Rush's Seats in Essex, 1897. Stoat. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATE Jardine's Naturalist's Lib., vol. 17, 1848. POLECATS, WEASELS, AND STOATS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. .Stock Exchange. MECHANISM OF THE STOCK EXCHANGE Cornhill Mag., v. 3 (n.s.), MORNING ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE Pearson's Magazine, vol. i, 1896. [1897. RULES AND USAGES OF THE STOCK EXCHANGE Stutfield's Stock Exchange, 1891. STOCK EXCHANGE GAMBLING Chambers' Journal, vol 73, 1896. [ness, 1867. GENERAL Evans' Speculative Notes, and Notes on Speculation, 1864. Laing's Busi- StOCkholm (Capital of Sweden). FROM PARIS TO STOCKHOLM Stoddard's Across STOCKHOLM AND ENVIRONS Bramsen's Egypt, etc., 1820. [Russia, 1892. GENERAL Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 1888. Hodder's Cities of the World, 1883-4. Murray's Guide to Norway and Sweden, V.D. StOCkmar (Baron, a Coburg official, friend oj A Ibeit Prince Consort, died 1863) Grey's Prince Consort, 1869. Temple Bar, vol. 37, 1873. Quarterly Review, vol. 133. Stocks (An instrument of punishment iu which the legs of persons were fixed) Andrews' Old Church Life, 1900. Stoics (Greek and Roman Philosophers who affected control over the emotions and sensa- tions). FAITH OF THE STOICS Brace's Unknown God, 1890. [1896. MESSAGE OF THE STOICS TO THE PEOPLE OF TO-DAY Sheldon's Ethical Movement, GENERAL Mahaffy's Alexander's Empire, 1890. Benn's Greek Philosophers, v. 2, 1883. Stoke Newington. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF STOKE NEWINGTON Suburban Homes of London, 1881. Walford's Old and New London, vol. 5, 1875-8. .Stoke Pogis Church, Buckinghamshire All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891. Stokes (William, Physician, died 1878). SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. Stone. BUILDING STONE Tarn's Building, 1890. DECAY AND PRESERVATION OF STONK Mucmillan's Magazine, vol. i, 1859-60. STONE-WORKING MACHINERY Spoils' Dictionary of Engineering (Supplement), 1879. Stone Age. AGE OF STONE Tylor's Early History of Mankind, 1878. ANCIENT STONE AGE Clodd's Story of Primitive Man, 1897. EVANS' STONE IMPLEMENTS OF GREAT BRITAIN -Nature, vol. 6, 1872. IMPLEMENTS OF STONE Joly's Man Before Metals, 1887. IRISH STONE AXES AND CHISELS Royal Soc. Antiquaries, Ireland, 5th series, vol. 3. OLDEST STONE IMPLEMENTS IN THE UNITED STATES Jour. Anthrop. Inst , vol. 26. SOUTH INDIAN STONE CIRCLES Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 25. STONE CIRCLES Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archzeology] , 1886. [585] STONE AGE- STOW Stone Age (continued). STONE CIRCLES OF BRITAIN Archaeological Journal, vol. 49, 1892. STONE IMPLEMENTS IN THE DORSET COUNTY MUSEUM Dorset Field Club Proc.,v. 12. USE OF STONE IN ANCIENT TIMES Lubbock's Pre-Historic Times, 1890. Stone (Marcus, eminent Painter, born 1840). INTERVIEW Idler, vol. 5, 1894. LIFE AND WORK OF MARCUS STONE Art Journal, 1896. Stonebyres Fall, Linlithgow Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Stonehenge (A. pre-historic monument on Salisbury Plain). BELGIC DITCHES, AND PROBABLE DATE OF STONEHENGE Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1850. LETTER RELATIVE TO STONEHENGE Proceedings of Archaeological Institute, 1849. VISIT TO STONEHENGE Emerson's Prose Works, 1889. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. i, 1879. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology], 1886. Gilpin's Western England, 1808. Holiday Rambles in Ordinary Places, 1880. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, 1887. Journal of the Brit. Archaeological Assoc., vol. 49. Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Stoneleigh Abbey, Warwickshire. ACCOUNT OF STONELEIGH ABBEY Rimmer's Rugby, 1892. STONELEIGH ABBEY AND ITS MEMORIES Pall Mall Mag., v. 10, '96. Stones. ENGRAVED STONES Westropp's Handbook of Archaeology, 1878. SACRED STONES AND TREES Allen's Evolution of the Idea of God, 1897. STONES WITH STORIES Pearson's Magazine, vol. 5, 1898. VIRTUES ASCRIBED TO PRECIOUS STONES Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. See also Diamonds, Gems, Precious Stones, etc. Stonyhurst, Lancashire (Jesuits' Collece)Croston's Nooks and Corners of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1882. Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 1856. Stopford (Sir Robert, Admiral, died 1847) James' Naval History, 1837. Stops. MIND YOUR STOPS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. See also Punctuation. Storer (Thomas, Poet, died 1604) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Stores. ACCOUNT OF A GREAT AMERICAN STORE Scribner's Mag., vol. 21 [p. 4], 1897. PUBLIC STORES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 26, 1872. Storey (George Ado\phus, Artist, born 1834), THE PAINTER AND HIS WORK Cassell's Magazine, vol. 23, 1896-7. Stories. How TO WRITE A STORY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. See also Fiction. Stork (A long-billed bird allied to the heron and crane). DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED- PLATE OF THE STORK Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol.3, 1848. HABITS AND LEGENDS OF THE STORK Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. THE WHITE STORK Morris' British Birds, vol. 4, 1891. STORMS. (See also Blizzards, Hurricanes, Meteorology, Tornadoes, Weather, Wind, etc.)- CYCLONES, STORMS AND GALES Maury's Geography of the Sea, 1880. DESCRIPTION OF STORMS Buchan's Meteorology, 1868. GREAT STORM OF 1703 Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. GREAT STORMS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 13, 1887. GREATEST STORM IN ENGLISH HISTORY Whymper's The Sea, 1878-81. LAWS OF STORMS AT SEA Brassey's Trades and Tropics, 1885. ORIGIN OF STORMS IN THE BAY OF BENGAL Nature, vol. 2, 1870. REMARKABLE HAIL STORMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 71, 1894. STORMS AND HURRICANES: THEIR MOTIONS AND CAUSES Student of Science-,. Literature and Art, vol. i, 1868. STORMS IN THE DESERT Earth's Travels in Northern and Central Africa, 1857. STORMS ON THE SOUTH COAST Cassell's Magazine, vol. 26, 1898. SUPERSTITION CONNECTED WITH STORMS Chambers' Journal, vol. 25, 1856. THUNDER STORMS Henry's Scientific Writings, 1886. GENERAL Good Words, vol 23 [page 461], 1882. Russell's North America, 1857. Story (G., Itinerant Preacher, died 1818) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 5, V.D. Story (Joseph, Eminent American Jurist, died 1845) Griswold's Prose Writers of America, 1852. Story ( W. W., A merican Poet and Sculptor, died 1895) Annual Register, 1895. Forman's Living Poets, 1871. Magazine of Art, vol. 2, 1879. StOthard (Thomas, Artist, died 1834) Cunningham's British Painters, vol. 3, 1879. StOUghton (John, Congregational Minister, died 1898) Sunday at Home, vols. 23, 1876, and 45, 1898. Stourbridge, Worcestershire (Noted for its fire-brick and tile manufactory). DUDLEY AND STOURBRIDGE [Midland Sketches] Leisure Hour, vol. 46, 1896-7. GENERAL Black's Guide to Worcestershire, V.D. Stourhead, Wiltshire. TOPOGRAPHICAL GATHERINGS Proc. Archasological Inst., 1849. Stourton (Lord). LORD STOURTON'S MURDER OF THE HARTGILLS De Ros* Tower of London, 1867. Stout. LONDON STOUT Wynter's Social Bees, 1861. Stoutness. See Corpulence, Fat People, Obesity, etc. StOW (A hamlet in Lincolnshire) Murray's Guide to Lincolnshire, 1890. StOW (David, Educational Writer and founder of the Glasgow Normal College, died 1864).. VIEWS ON TEACHING Leitch's Practical'Educationists, 1876. [586] STOW- STRATHPEFPEB StOW (John, Historian and Antiquarian, died 1605). AN OLD TIME CHRONICLER Andrews' England in the Days of Old, 1897. GENERAL Doran's Habits and Men,. Stowaways Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. [1855. Stowe, Buckinghamshire Murray's Guide to Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, etc., 1882. StOWe (Harriet Beecher, American Novelist, Authoress of " Uncle Tom's Cabin," died 1896). ACCOUNT OF HARRIET BEECHER STOWE Sunday Magazine, v. 26, 1890. DAYS WITH MRS. STOWE Atlantic Monthly, vol. 78, 1896. GENERAL Annual Register, 1896. Century Magazine, vol. 30, 1896. Sunday at Home, vol. 45, 1898. Darton's Famous Girls, 1880. Stowell (Hugh, Divine, died 1865) Bullock's Home Words for Heart and Hearth, V.D. Stowell (William Scott, Baron, Ecclesiastical Judge, died 1836) Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Quarterly Review, vol. 75, '844-5. StraDO (Greek Geographer, died A.D. 20) Edinburgh Review, vol. 16, 1810, Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Strachan (Sir Richard John, Admiral, died 1828) James' Naval History, 6 vols., 1837. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 2, 1873. Stradanus (Johannes, Painter of sporting subjects, died 1608). THE LANDSEER OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 16, ii-96-7. Stradivarius (Anthony, famous Violin Maker, died 1737). STRADIVARIUS OF CREMONA Good Words, vol. n, 1870. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 45, 1882. Strafford (Thomas Wentworth, Earl of, beheaded 1641). THE IMPEACHMENT OF THE EARL OF STRAFFORD Cochrane's Historic Studies, 1865. GENERAL Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. Edinburgh Review, vol. 48, 1828. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, 1846. Temple Bar, vols. 45, 1875, and 48, 1876. Straits Settlements (British colony in the Malay Peninsula). HONG KONG AND THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND BRITISH MALAYA English Illustrated, vol. 7, 1889-90. GENERAL Sunday at Home, vol. 27, 1880. [1891. Strand (Important thoroughfare of London). STORY OF THE STRAND Strand Mag., v. i, GENERAL Adams' London, 1890. Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. "Strand Magazine." A DESCRIPTION OF THE OFFICES OF THE "STRAND MAGAZINE" Strand Mag., vol. 4, 1892. GENERAL Review of Reviews, V.D. Strange (Sir Robert, Line-Engraver, died 1792). SKETCH OF SIR R. STRANGE Maxwell's Miscellaneous Essays and Addresses, 1891. GENERAL Art Journal, vol. 7, 1855. Brightwell's Annals of Industry and Genius, 1869. Temple Bar, vol. 40, 1874. Strasburg 1 (Capital of Alsace-Lorraine) All the Year Round, vol. 24, 1870. Baedeker's Rhine, 1869. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Scribner's Magazine, vol. i, 1887. Stowe's Sunny Memories, 1854. Temple Bar, vol. 30, 1870. Stratford, Essex (An important manufacturing suburb of London, forming part of the Borough of West Ham). BRIEF NOTES ON STRATFORD AND HISTORY OF ITS PUBLIC LIBRARIES AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE A Souvenir Presented To J. Passmnre Edwards, Esq., 1898 (Published by the Committee) CHINA MANUFACTORY AT STRATFORD Jewitt's Ceramic Art in Great Britain, 1878. COOK'S SOAP WORKS Andom's Industrial Explorings, 1896. EARLY HISTORY OF STRATFORD AND THE SURROUNDING VILLAGES Essex Archaeo- logical Society's Transactions, vol. 2, 1863. FROM BLOOMSBURY TO STRATFORD All the Year Round, vol. 69, 1891. GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY WORKS Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. English Illus.,v.g, 1892. GROWTH OF STRATFORD London, vol. 6, 1897. RELIC FROM STRATFORD LANGTHORNE ABBEY Essex Arch. Soc. Trans., v. 5 (n.s.), '94. STRATFORD-LE-BOW BRIDGE Archaeologia, vol. 27. See also now. WEST HAM GAS WORKS Andom's Industrial Explorings, 1896. WEST HAM LIBRARY, INSTITUTE, AND MUSEUM London, vol. 7, 1898. GENERAL Fry's East and West Ham, 1888. History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 4, 1771. Thome's Environs of London, 1876. See also Essex, West Ham, etc. Stratford (J. de, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1348) Campbell's Chancellors, 1856-7. Stratford de Redcliffe (Stratford Canning, Viscount, Diplomatist, died 1880). PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF STRATFORD DE RKDCLIFFE AND OF THE CRIMEAN WAR National Rev., vol. 24, 1894-5. Temple Bar, vols. 62-8, 1881-3. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 1882-97. Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire (Birthplace of Shakespeare). ORDINANCES OF EARLY GILDS Early English Text Society's Reprint, No. 40, 1870. SHAKESPEARE'S STRATFORD All Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. Hamley's Shakespeare's, SUMMER DAY AT STRATFORD-ON-AVON Temple Bar, vol. 74, 1885. [Funeral, 1889.. THE POET'S CRADLE Theatre, vol. 12, 1888. VISIT TO STRATFORD-ON-AVON Irving's Sketch Book, 1867. WARWICK AND STRATFORD-ON-AVON Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. 1,1876. WITH SHAKESPEARE AND A CAMERA Photogram, vol. i, 1894. GENERAL Black's Guide to Leamington, V.D. Black's Guide to Warwickshire, V.D. Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 5, 1883. Holmes' Hundred Days in Europe, '87. Hewitt's Remarkable Places, 1856. Land We Live In, vol. i, 1853. Stowe's Sunny Memories, 1854. Strathpeffer, Scotland (Noted for its mineral springs) Black's Where Shall We Go? '92.. [587] STRATHSPEY-STUART ^'Strathspey (Valley in the counties of Inverness, Elgin & Banff ) Cham. Jour., v. 74,1897. Stratonice (A town in Caria, named after the wife of Seleucus Nicator) Bucke's R'lins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Stratton, Cornwall. STRATTON CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS, 1512-1577 Dublin Review, vol. 119, 1896. [1884. Strauss (IX F., German Theological Writer, died 1874) Oxenham's Ecclesiastical Hist., Straw Industry Chambers' Journal, vol. 75, 1898. Straw-Piaiters Good Words, vol. 32, 1891. Strawberries. CULTIVATION OF STRAWBERRIES Harper's Mag., v. 12 [p. 529], 1886. ENGLISH STRAWBERRIES Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. How TO GROW STRAWBERRIES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 7, 1881. STRAWBERRY CULTURE Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. GENKRAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. Long'nan's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. Streatham, Surrey. GROWTH OF STREATHAM London, vol. 5, 1896. Street Arabs. ADOPTION OF STREET ARABS BY THE STATE Fortnightly, v. 69, "98. Street Cries. LETTERS ON THE CRIES OF LONDON British Essayists, vol. 9, 1823. Street Literature Hindley's Curiosities of Street Literature, 1871. Street Music National Review, vol. 31, 1898. Street Songs Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous Songs, 1898. See also Music, Noises, etc. -Street;-. CONDITION OF THE STREETS Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. DANGEKS OF STREETS All the Year Round, vol. 15, 1886. HISTORY OF PAVING STREETS Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. IN THE STREETS Ditchfield's Our English Towns, 1897. LIGHTING STREETS Beckmann's History of Inventions, 1846. LONDON STREETS Jour, of Statistical Soc. v. 9. Thornbury's Haunted London, '80. NAMES OF STREETS Chambers' Journal, vol. 36, 1861 ; and vol. 42, 1865. STREET SWEEPERS St. James' Magazine, vol. 25, 1870. STREETS OF THE WORLD Temple Bar, vol. 10-16, 1864-6. Strength. HEALTH, STRENGTH AND BEAUTY Girl's Own Annual, vol. xi, 1890. SOME ENDEAVOURS TO ATTAIN AND RETAIN STRENGTH Chambers', vol. 75, "97-8. STRONG MEN Chambers' vol. 67, 1890. Sandow's Strength & How to Obtain It, '97. Stretton (Hesba [Sarah Smith], Novelist). PORTRAIT Sunday Magazine, vol. n, 1875. Strickland (Agnrs, Historical Writer, died 1874) Monthly Review, vol. 137, 1835. Strife. MORALITY OF STRIFE International Journal of Ethics, vol. I, 1890-1. STRIFE AND CONTENTION J. A. P. Proverbs of Solomon [Hamilton], 1870. STRIKES (lee also Labour, Trade Unions, Wages. Workmen, etc.) ARBITRATION AND CONCILIATION Fortnightly Review, vol. n, 1869. CAKMEN'S STKIKE 1892 Saturday Review, vol. 73, 1892. COLLIERY STRIKES 1892-3 Westminster Review, vol. 149, 1898. COLLIERY STRIKES 1897-8 Westminster Review, vol. 150, 1898. EFFECT OF STRIKES IN THE UNITED STATES Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. ENGINEERING STRUGGLE 1897 National Review, vol. 30, 1897-8. HULL DOCK STRIKES Daily Graphic, vol. 14, 1893. PICKETING Westminster Review, vol. 149, 1898. PLEVNA OF LABOUR [Engineers' Strike, 1807] Contemporary Review, vol. 73, 1898. RECENT DECISIONS ON STRIKES 1893 Public Opinion, vol. 15. SCOTTISH RAILWAY STRIKE Nineteenth Century, vol. 29, 1891. SOME GREAT STRIKES Burnley's Modern Industry, 1889. STRIKES AND HOW TO PREVENT THEM Public Opinion, vol. 18, 1870. STRIKES AND LOCK-OUTS OF 181)5 Engineer, vo '- 82, 1896. TRADES' UNIONS, STRIKES AND CO-OPERATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 13, 1865-6. UNCONSIDERED ASPECT OF STRIKES Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. GENERAL Lecky's Democracy and Liberty, 1896. Webb's Industrial Democracy, 1897. 'Strode (Sir George, King's Serjeant, died 1663) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Strode iThomas, Serjeant-at-Law, died 1699) Woolrych's Serjeants-at-Law, 1869. Strokeetown, Roscommon, Ireland Young's Tour in Ireland, 1892. Stromboli (One of the Lipari Islands, noted for its volcano). STROMBOLI IN 1891 Nature, vols. 44, 1891, and 47, 1892. Strongrbow (Richard, Earl of Pembroke and Kins; of Ireland, died 1176). STRONGBOW AND KING DERMOT Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes in History, 1882. StrOOd, Kent Hughes' Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land, 1891. Stroud, Gloucestershire Black's Guide to Gloucestershire, 1884. Strype (John, Historian, died 1737). JOHN STRYPE AND LEYTON Page's Essex in the Days of Old, 1898. Essex Review, vol. 8, 1899. GENERAL Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Stuart (A royal house of Scotland and England). HOUSE OF STUART 1603-1714 Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 4, 1880. Jones' Recollections of Royalty, 1828. White's England, 1860. Williams' History of England, 1886. LAST OF THE STUARTS Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. [1892. PARLIAMENTARY LIFE UNDER THE STUARTS Grego's Hist, of Parliamentary Elections, GENERAL Guizot's England, 1877. Jesse's Pretenders, 1860. See also Steward. [588] STUART-SUFFERING Stuart (Prince Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, grandson of James II., ; died 1788) Lang's Pickle the Spy, 1897. See also Charles Edward, Pretenders, etc. Stuart (Sir Alexander, Colonial Politician, died 1886) Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian History, 1892. Stuart (Lady Arabella, Cousin of James I., died in the Tower of London 1615). LADY ARABELLA STUART AND THE VENETIAN ARCHIVES Edinburgh Rev., v. 184, 1896. GENERAL De Ros' Tower of London, 1867. Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Strick- land's Lives of the Princesses, 1868. Stuart (John McDouall, Australian Explorer, died 1866). STUART'S JOURNEYS ACROSS AUSTRALIA Montefiore's Leaders to Unknown Lands, 1892. Students. LITERARY STUDENTS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. STRIKE OF THE GERMAN STUDENTS IN AUSTRIA. 1848 Contemp. Rev., v. 73, 1898. STUDENT LIFE IN FLORENCE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 18, 1896-7. See also Colleges, Schools, Technical Institutes, Universities, etc. Studley Royal, near Ripon. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. Study. ART OF STUDY Bain's Essavs, 1884. GENERAL Jowett's College Sermons, 1895. Treas. of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. See also Education, Learning, Schools, Teaching, etc. Stukeley (William, Eminent Antiquary, died 1765). AN [ANTIQUARY OF THE LAST CENTURY Temple Bar, vol. 101, 1894. StundiStS (In Russia a sect dissenting from the Graco-Russian Church). A STUNDIST'S PAPERS Good Words, vol. 35, 181)4. TRIAL OF RUSSIAN STUNDISTS Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. Sturge (Joseph, Birmingham Philanthropist, died 1859) Grant's Public Characters, '41. Sturt (Charles, Australian Explorer, died 1869) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. n, 1864-5. Stuttgart (Capital of Wiirtemberg) Harper's Magazine, vol. 35, 1898. Style. ESSAY ON LITERARY STYLE Forsyth's Essays, 1874. ESSAY ON NATIONAL STYLE Symond's Essays. 1890. STYLE IN SPEAKING Whately's Logic and Rhetoric, 1862. WRITING STYLES Hunter's Commercial Precis- Writing, 1888. GENERAL Coleridge's Miscellanies, 1885. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. Styx (In Greek and Roman mythology, a river of the infernal regions). MYTHS OF THE SEA AND THE RIVER OF DEATH Contemporary Review, vol. 36, 1879. Suaheli Coast, Africa Johnston's Africa, 1884. Suakim (A seaport of Egypt on the Red Sea). VISIT TO JEDDAH AND SUAKIM Longman's Magazine, vol. 16, 1890. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. SubiaCO (Town near Rome, noted for its castle and monasteries) Hare's Days near Rome, Sublimity. SYMBOLISM OF THE SUBLIME Macmillan's Mag., vol. 16, 1867. Burke's Essay on the Sublime and Beautiful, 1889. Submarine Boats. A CRUISE IN A SUBMARINE TORPEDO-BOAT IN THE YEAR 1900 Good Words, vol. 37, 1896. UNDER WATER IN A SUBMARINE BOAT Cassell's Magazine, vol. 25, 1897-8. VOYAGING UNDER THE SEA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 20, 1899. GENERAL Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea [Fiction]. Submarine Telegraph Munro's Wire and the Waves, 1891. Submerged Tenth Booth's In Darkest England, 1890. See also Poor, Poverty, etc. Success All the Year Round, vol. 74, 1894. Quiver, vol. 10, 1875. Saturday Review, VOI. 79, 1895. fjggl. Successions. IDEAS RESPECTING WILLS AND SUCCESSIONS Maine's Ancient Law, Sucket(L. G., Generalissimo of the army of Aragon, died 1826) Redding's Em. Men, '67. Suckling (Sir John, Dramatist, Poet and Courtier, died 1642) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Jesse's Court of England, 1857. Ward's English Poets, v 2, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. Sudan, Africa. DEPARTURE FOR THE SUDAN Earth's Travels in Northern & Central RE-CONQUERING THE SUDAN Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 283, 1897. [Africa, '57. See also Soudan, Egypt, Kitchener, Khartoum, Mahdi, Omdurman, etc. Sue (Eugene, French Author, died 1857) Bentley's Miscellany, vol. 44, 1858. London Society, vol. 24, 1873. Suevian Tribes (An ancient German people) Menzel's History of Germany, 1859. Suez (A seaport of Egypt). CAPTURE OF SUEZ, 1801 James' Naval History, vol. 3, 1837. GENERAL Kinglake's Eothen, 1854. Murray's Guide to Egypt, 1891. Suez Canal. ENGLAND AND THE SUEZ CANAL Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. FERDINAND DE LESSEPS AND THE SUEZ AND PANAMA CANALS Longman's, v. 25, 1895. MARITIME CANAL OF SUEZ Appleton's Foreign Policy of Europe, 1892. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. Loftie's Orient Line Guide, 1896. Mac- millan's Magazine, vol. 21, 1869-70. National Review, vol. i, 1883. Nature, vol. i, 1869-70. Whymper's The Sea, vol. i, 1890. See also Lesseps (Ferdinand de). Suffering. PROBLEM OF PERSONAL SUFFERING Expositor, vol. 6 (5th series), 1897. Voysey's Mystery of Pain, Sin, and Death, 1892. [589] SUFFOLK- SUN Suffolk (Easternmost county of England). ACCOUNT OK THE PROCEEDINGS IN SUFFOLK DURING THE PEASANTS' RISING IN 1381 Trans. Royal Hist. Soc.,v.8(n.s.),l894. BLYTHBOROUGH CHURCH, SUFFOLK Archaeological Journal, vol. 44, 1887. CHRONICLES OF SUFFOLK All the Year Round, vol 55, 1884-5. IN A CORNER OF SUFFOLK Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. LOCAL DISCOVERIES -Gentleman's Mag. Lib [Romano-British Remains, pt. ii.], 1887. PLEA FOR A HISTORY OF SUFFOLK Archaeological Journal, vol. 26, 1869. SUPERSTITIONS OF SUFFOLK Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Popular Superstitions], 1884. WITCHCRAFT IN SUFFOLK Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Popular Superstitions], 1884. GENERAL Gilpin's Observations on Parts of Cambridge, etc., 1809. Land We Live In, vol. 1,1853. Murray's Guide to Eastern Counties, 1892. Also Broads, Fens, etc. Suffolk (Henry Grey, Duke of, beheaded 1553) Bell's Historic Persons buried in the Suffrage. FEMALE SUFFRAGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 30, 1874. [Tower, 1877. UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE Russell's Dispatches, 1870. See also Franchise, Elections, etc. SUGAR. BEET-SUGAR INDUSTRY IN ENGLAND Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. CASE OF SUGAR New Review, vol. 15, 1896. DOOM OF CANE-SUGAR Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. FREE TRADE AND CHEAP SUGAR Fortnightly Review, vol. 70, 1898. GENERAL PROPERTIES AND SOLUBILITY OF SUGAR Blyth's Foods, 1896. JAMAICA SUGAR Trollope's West Indies, 1860. LUMP OF SUGAR Harper's Magazine, vol. 12, 1886. NATAL SUGAR Little's South Africa, 1884. NOVA SCOTIA SUGAR-CAMP Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. SUGAR DUTIES Morley's Life of Richard Cobden, 1896. SUGAR ESTATES Russell's North America, 1857. SUGAR MILLS Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, 1874. SUGAR PLANTATIONS Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. SUGAR-MAKING MACHINERY Cochrane's Wonders of Modern Mechanism, 1897. THE SWEET TOOTH Cornhill Magazine, vol. 22 (n.s.). 1894. Suicide (Self-murder). CASKS OF SUICIDE Winslow's Mad Humanity, 1898. CAUSES OF SUICIDE Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. DOG'S EXTRAORDINARY SUICIDE Chambers' Journal, vol. 44, 1867. Is SUICIDE A SIGN OF CIVILIZATION? Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. _ [1896. SUICIDE IN THE ENGINE-ROOM STAFF OF THE MERCANTILE MARINE Engineer, v. 81, Suleyman the Magnificent (Sultan of Turkey, died 1566) Poole's Turkey, 1891. Sulla (Dictator of Rome, died 78 B.C .) Beesly's The Gracchi : Marius and Sulla, 1877. Freeman's Historical Essays. Mommsen's Rome, v. 3, 1888. Plutarch's Lives, 1885. Sullivan (Sir Arthur Seymour, Popular Musical Composer, born 1842). A CHAT WITH SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN Young Woman, vol. 6, 1897. AN INTERVIEW WITH SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. GENERAL Engel's From Handel to Halle, 1890. Sullivan (Barry, a noted Actor, died 1891). IN MEMORIAM Theatre, vol. 17, 1891. Sullivan (J. F., Black and White Artist) The Young Man, vol. n, 1897. Sully (M. de Be'hune, Due de, Chief Minister of Henry IV. of France, died. 1641) Jackson's Last of the Valois [portrait], 1888. Sulphur. REMARKS ON SULPHUR Hartwig's Subterranean World, 1892. SELENIUM AND SULPHUR MendeleefPs Chemistry, 1891. Sulphuric Acid. LANGBERG ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID British Association Report, 1847. Sultan. SULTAN AND HIS PRIESTS [Abdul Hamid II.] Fortnightly Rev., v. 65, 1896. .Sultan of Turkey. See Abdul Hamid II., and generally under names of Sultans. Sumatra A large island of the Malay Archipelago). JUNGLE NOTES IN SUMATRA Chambers' Journal, yols. 67 and 68, 1890-1. JDIGLIANI'S RE MODIGLIANI'S RECENT EXPLORATIONS IN CENTRAL SUMATRA & ENGANO Nature, RAIN CHARMS IN SUMATRA Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. [v. 46, 1892. TOBACCO PLANTATION Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. [1888. GENERAL Lubbock's Primitive Man. 1870. Wallace's Australasia [Stanford's Comp.] , Summer. ARCTIC SUMMER De Windt's Through the Goldfields of Alaska, 1898. PAGEANT OF SUMMER, BY RICHARD JEFFERIES Longman's Magazine, vol. 2, 1883. SUMMER RESORTS Spectator, vol. 69, 1892. [vol. 7, 1860. GENERAL Howitt's Seasons, 1856. Magazine of Art, vol. 5, 1882. Sunday at Home, Sumner (John Bird, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1862) Eton Portrait Gallery, 1876. Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. SUN (The central orb of the solar system. See also Astronomy, Solar System, Stars, etc.). ACCOUNT OF SUN SPOTS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. BELIEFS ABOUT THE SUN Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. CONCENTRATION OF LIGHT AROUND THE SUN Ritchie's Creation, 1874. CORONA : SUN'S CORONA Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. ECLIPSES : HISTORICAL SKETCH OF SOLAR ECLIPSES OF THE SUN Good Words, ECLIPSES: RECENT SOLAR ECLIPSES Edinburgh Rev., vol. 187, 1898. [v. 12, 1871. ELEMENTS PRESENT IN THE SUN Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 1878. FACTS ABOUT THE SUN Lockyer's Stargazing, 1878. GREAT SUN SPOT OF SEPTEMBER, 1898 Knowledge, vol. 21, 1898. HEAT OF THE SUN Good Words, vol. 28, 1887. [590] SUN-SUNDIALS ,Sun (continued). IMMENSITY OF THE SUN'S ENERGY Molloy's Gleaning in Science, 1888. MIDNIGHT SUN Koldewey's German Arctic Expedition, 1874. NEW THEORY OF SUN SPOTS Longman's Magazine, vol. 3, 1883-4. OBSERVATIONS ON THE RELATIVE RADIATION OF SOLAR SPOTS Henry's Scientific Writings, 1886. OSCILLATION : FREQUENCIES OF SOLAR RAYS Report of British Association, 1878. OXYGEN IN THE SUN Proctor's Pleasant Ways in Science, 1890. PERIODICITY OF THE SOLAR SPOTS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. PHOTOGRAPHING SOLAR CORONA Report of British Association, 1883. PROLONGED SUN SPOT MINIMUM Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. RECENT SOLAR DISCOVERIES Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. REMARKS ON THE SUN Pouchet's Universe, 1870. SCIENTIFIC DESCRIPTION OK THE SUN Good Words, vol. 31, 1890. SOLAR ERUPTION OK THE SUN Good Words, vol. 13, 1872. SOLAR FACUL^E Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS OF THE SUN Lommel's Light, 1888. SUN A BUBBLE Proctor's Science Byways, 1875. SUN AS A GOD Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. SUN AS A STOREHOUSE OF ENERGY Molloy's Gleanings in Science, 1888. SUN IN RELATION TO WATER-LORE Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. SUN SYMBOLS IN ANCIENT EGYPT Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. SUNLIGHT MYSTERIES Harper's Magazine, vol. 6, 1883. SUN'S DISTANCE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 19, 1868-9. SUN'S PLACE IN NATURE Nature, vol. 52, 1895. SUNSHINE [Review] Nature, vol. 46, 1892. SUNSPOTS AND FAMINES Nineteenth Century, vol. 2, 1877. SUNSPOTS AND RAINFALL Report of British Association, 1878. SUNSPOTS AND TERRESTRIAL PHENOMENA Report of British Association, 1884. TENUITY OF THE SUN'S SURROUNDINGS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. THEOLOGY OF THE SUN Quiver, vol. 28, 1893. THERMAL RADIATION FROM SUNSPOTS Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. VERY EXTENDED STREAM OF SUN SPOTS Knowledge, vol. 19, 1896. WHAT THE SUN is MADE OF Nineteenth Century, vol. 4, 1878. WORSHIP OF THE SUN Milman's Christianity, 1875. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 13, 1865. Good Words, 31, 1890. Sunbeam. ALL ABOUT A SUNBEAM Girl's Own Annual, vol.3, 1882. "Sunbeam." A VOYAGE IN THE " SUNBEAM" IN 1883 Nineteenth Cent., v. 15, 1884. Sun-Birds. ACCOUNT OF SUN-BIRDS [with illustrations] Sharpe's Wonders of the Bird World, 1898. DESCRIPTION AND COLOURED PLATES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 5, 1848. SUNDAY. HISTORY OF THE SUNDAY Girl's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1885. How TO SPEND SUNDAY English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. Is SUNDAY A COMMON HOLIDAY? Sunday Magazine, vol. 27, 1898. KEEPING OF THE SABBATH : AN EIGHT-DAY CLOCK Paxton Hood's World of Proverb and Parable, 1885. LORD'S DAY Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 5, 1891. OLD ENGLISH SUNDAY Andrews' Old Church Lore, 1891. ROYAL INTERDICTION OF SUNDAY GAMES Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. SUNDAY IN ARGENTINA Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. SUNDAY IN BIRMINGHAM Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. SUNDAY IN EDINBURGH Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. SUNDAY IN OXFORD Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. SUNDAY IN PARIS Sala's Paris herself Again, 1878-9. SUNDAY IN SCOTLAND Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. SUNDAY IN THE COUNTRY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. SUNDAY OBSERVANCE Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, 1870. Macmillan's Maga- zine, vol. 76, 1897. Westminster Review, vol. 148, 1897. SUNDAY ON THE CONTINENT Miller's Wintering in the Riviera, 1879. Nineteenth Century, vol. 15, 1884. SUNDAY READING Chronicles of the Seasons, vols. i and 3, 1844. SUNDAY TRADING Parkinson's Places and People, 1869. UNITED STATES: SUNDAY IN THE STATES Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. USE OF SUNDAY AND OF THE WEEK Positivist Review, vol. 3, 1895. USES OF SUNDAY British Essayists, vol. 5, 1823. See also Sabbath. Sunday Schools. CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOLS English Illustrated, vol. 7, 1889-90. GENERAL Channing's Works, 1885. See also Schools, etc. Sunday Stone (A peculiar stone in an Oxford Museum) Girl's Own Annual, v. i, 1880. Sunderland (A Seaport of Durham). ACCOUNT OF OLD SUNDERLAND Andrews' Bygone Durham, 1898. SUNDERLAND LIBRARY Walford's Antiquary, vol. i. Sundials (Instrument for showing the time by the sun's shadows). ANCIENT SUNDIALS Archasological Journal, vol. 25, 1868. HOUR-GLASSES AND SUNDIALS Chambers' Journal, vol. 66, 1889. INSCRIPTIONS ON SUNDIALS Paxton Hood's World of Proverb and Parable, 1885. GENERAL Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1891. Strand Magazine, vol. 3, 1892 ; and vol. 6, 1893. SUNFISH-SURNAMES Sunflsh. THE BIG-EARED SUNFISH Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. n, 1875. Sunflower. SUNFLOWER-FARMING IN RUSSIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Sunium, Greece (How known as Cape Colonna) Parry's Yachting Cruise, 1889. Sunstroke. SUNSTROKE AND SOME or ITS SEQUEL.* Brain, vol. 2, 1879-80. Superior (Lake, the largest sheet of fresh water in the world, situated between United States and British A merica). NORTH SHORE OF LAKE SUPERIOR Harper's Mag., v. 8, '84. GENERAL Butler's Great Lone Land, 1873. Chambers' Journal, vol. 51, 1874. Harper's Magazine, vol. 23, 1892. Supernaturalism (Being beyond the laws of nature ; miraculous). BELIEF IN THE SUPERNATURAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. MORALITY AND THE BELIEF IN THE SUPERNATURAL Inter. Tour, of Ethics, vol. 7, THE SUPERNATURAL AND ITS OPPONENTS Lee's Sights and Shadows, 1894. [1896-7. GENERAL Argyll's Reign of Law, 1868. Carpenter's Nature and Man, ib88. Lee's Sights and Shadows, 1894. Nineteenth Century, vol. 14, 1883. SUPERSTITION. (See also Folk-Lore, Ghosts, Spiritualism, etc.) AFRICA: NATIVE SUPERSTITIONS IN AFRICA Glave's Six Years in Congo-Land, 1893. ANCIENTS : SOME POPULAR SUPERSTITIONS OF THE ANCIENTS Folk-lore, vol. i, 1890. ANIMALS AND THE SUPERNATURAL Kipling's Beast and Man in India, 1892. ARAB SUPERSTITIONS Quiver, vol. 16, 1881. ARCADV : SUPERSTITION IN ARCADY Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. BUILDING: BUILDING SUPERSTITION Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. CAUSE OF SUPERSTITION Buckle's Civilization in England, 1885. CHARMS AND AUGURATION Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1842. CHINA: SUNDRY SUPERSTITIONS IN CHINA Field's Corner of Cathay, 1894. CREDULITY AND SUPERSTITION Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 1856. DEER FOREST ROMANCE Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. EFFECTS OF SUPERSTITION Foster's Fosteriana, 1858. EGYPT: SUPERSTITIONS OF MODERN EGYPTIANS John's Egypt and Nubia, 1845. EGYPTIAN BELIEFS AND SUPERSTITIONS Klunzinger's Upper Egypt, 1878. ENGLAND: WEST SUSSEX SUPERSTITIONS Folk-lore Record, vol. i, 1878. EUROPE: POPULAR SUPERSTITIONS OF EUROPE Century Magazine, vol. 34, 1898. EUROPE : SUPERSTITION IN THE MIDDLE AGES Hallam's Europe during the Middle EVIDENCE AND SUPERSTITION All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. [Ages, 1878. GENII, SAINTS AND DARWEESHES Lane's Modern Egyptians, 1842. HINDOO SUPERSTITIONS Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 7, 1844-7. Sketches of Impos- ture, 1837. Stanhope's Miscellanies, 1779. IRELAND: ULSTER SUPERSTITIONS Antiquary, vol. 7, 1883. IRISH SUPERSTITION All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. MALAY SUPERSTITION Bird's Golden Chersonese, 1883. MODERN SUPERSTITION De Quincey's Works, 1862-74. MONSTERS AND SUPERSTITION Pouchet's Universe, 1870. MOROCCO : SUPERSTITIONS IN MOROCCO Perrier's Morocco, 1873. PAGAN SUPERSTITIONS Menzel's History of Germany, 1859. PRIMITIVE SUPERSTITIONS Buckland's Anthropological Studies, 1891. PRISONERS OF THE GODS [Irish Superstition] Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. ROMAN CATHOLIC SUPERSTITIONS Sketches of Imposture, 1837. SCOTLAND : HIGHLAND SUPERSTITIONS Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. SEA : SUPERSTITIONS OF THE SEA Russell's Book for the Hammock, 1893. SHAKESPEARE: SUPERSTITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE'S GREENWOOD Knowledge, v. 20. SPANISH SUPERSTITIONS Sunday at Home, vol. 5, 1858. [1897- STAGE SUPERSTITIONS Theatre, vol. 16, 1890. THIBET: SOME SUPERSTITIONS OF TIBETANS Pratt's To the Snows of Tibet, 1892. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Gentleman's Mag. Library [Popular Superstitions], 1884. Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Treasury of Religious Thought, vols. i, 3, and 4, 1891. Suracin (A remarkable animal pigment containing copper) Nature, vol. 48, 1893. Surat, India (A seaport and district in Bombay) Caine's Picturesque India, 1891. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 10, 1830. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, '59. Surcouf (Robert, of St. Malo, died 1827) Norman's Corsairs of France, 1887. Surgeons. SURGEONS IN THE ROYAL NAVY Boy's Own Annual, vol. 10, 1888. Surgery. HISTORY OF THE GIFT OF PAINLESS SURGERY Atlantic Monthly, v. 78, '96. MODERN SURGERY Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. PRIMITIVE SURGERY Buckland's Anthropological Studies, 1891. SCIENCE AND MILITARY SURGERY Nature, vol. 2, 1870. SOMK CURIOSITIES OF SURGERY Burnley's Life Preservation, 1888. SURGERY AND SUPERSTITIONS Nature, vol. 48, 1893. GENERAL Conn's Story of Germ Life, 1898. [vol. 3, 1878. Surinam (A name for Dutch Guiana). CAPTURE OF SURINAM James' Naval History, Surlingiiam Broad, Norfolk Davies' Norfolk Broads, 1884. Surnames. ANTIQUITY AND MULTIPLICATION OF SURNAMES Antiquary, vols. 13-4, '86. ENGLISH SURNAMES Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. Quarterly Rev., v. 180, 1895. GOSSIP ON NAMES All the Year Round, vol. 64, 1889. KENT: SURNAMES IN GRAVESEND AND NEIGHBOURHOOD Howell's The Kentish Notebook, vol. i, 1891. [592] SURNAMES SWALE Surnames- (continued). OBSERVATIONS ON SURNAMES Gentleman's Magazine Library [Archaeology], 1886. ON SURNAMES Good Words, vol. 38, 1807. OUR SURNAMES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 8, 1883. SOME QUEER NAMES Antiquary, vol. 24, 1891. See also Names, Nomenclature, etc. Surplice (Linen robe with wide sleeves worn by an officiating clergyman) Wheatly's Book of Common Prayer, 1859. Surrey (County containing part oj London and, many of its suburbs). CHRONICLES OF SURREY All the Year Round, vol. 57, if-85-6. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF SURREY Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. IN SURREY Harper's Magazine, vol. 4, 1882. LOCAL DISCOVERIES Gentleman's Magazine Library [Romano-Brit. Remains], 1887. SOME SURREY SEATS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 26, 1898. SURREY FARMHOUSES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 6, 1889. WALK THROUGH SURREY Collins' Pen Sketches, 1879. GENERAL Walford's Greater London, 1883-4. See also Guildford, Richmond, etc. Surrey ([Henry Howard], Earl of, Poet, beheaded 1547). PRISON WORK OF THE EARL OF SURREY Langford's Prison Books, 1861. GENERAL Dixon's Royal Windsor, vol. 3, 1880. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 3, 1845. Ward's English Poets, vol. i, 1880. Surveying (Measurement of various parts of the earth). INSTRUMENTS FOR SURVEYING Heather's Mathematical Instruments, 1888. Spoils' Diet, of Engineering, 1874. ORDNANCE SURVEYS Quarterly Review, vol. 180, 1895. SURVEYING AND LEVELLING IN CONNECTION WITH MINING Transactions of the Institute of Mining Engineers, vol i, 1889-00 ; vols. 3-5, 1891-3; and vol. 9, 1894-5. TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEYING Nesbit's Land Surveying, 1889. See also Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, etc. [1868. Surville (Clotilde de, French Poet, 15th cent.) Besant's Studies in Early French Poetry, Susa (Ancient city of Persia) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Susa, Africa Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20, 1830. Susceptibility. PASSIVE SUSCEPTIBILITY Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Suso (Henry, German Dominican Ascetic, died 1366) Bevan's Friends of God, 1887. Suspicion. EMOTION OF FEAR Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Susquehanna River, United States Trollope's North America, 1862. Sussex (Southern maritime county). BROOK AND POND LIFE IN SUSSEX Napier's Lake-, and Rivers, 1884. CHRONICLES OF SUSSEX All the Year Round, vols. 57-8, 1885-6. EARLY HISTORY OF SUSSEX Archasological Journal, vol. 40, 1883. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF SUSSEX Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. LOCAL DISCOVERIES Gentleman's Mag. Library [Romano-British Remains], 1887. MARSH BIRDS OF SUSSEX Napier's Lakes and Rivers, 1884. SOME PECULIARITIES OF SUSSEX Temple Bar, vol. 89, 1890. WANDERINGS IN SUSSEX All the Year Round, vol. 48, 1881-2. WEALD OF SUSSKX Sunday at Home, vol. 20, 1873. GENERAL Cassell's Our Own Country, vol. 6, 1883. See also Brighton, Hastings, etc. Sutherland, Scotland. AMONG THE SUTHERLANDSHIRE LOCHS Temple Bar, v. 97, FOLK-LORE OF SUTHERLAND Folk-lore Journal, vol. 6, 1888. [1893. GENERAL Black's Guide to Scotland, V.D. Sutherland. Book (A history of the house of Sutherland). THE SUTHERLAND BOOK [Review] Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. Sutlej, India (River in the Punjaub). VALLEY OF THE SUTLEJ, INDIA Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 9, 1830. Sutri (Town in the province of Rome) Dennis' Cities of Etruria, vol. i, 1883. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Sutton, Surrey. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF SUTTON Suburban Homes of London, '81. Sutton (C. W., Chief Librarian, Manchester Public Libraries, born 1848) Greenwood's Year Book, 1897. Library Association Record, V.D. The Library, V.D. Cotgreave's Views and Memoranda of Public Libraries, 1900. Sutton and Sons (Reading Seed Merchants). SKETCH OF THE RISE OF THE FIRM Japp's Successful Business Men, 1892. Buttons (Seat of Sir C. Cunliffe Smith, in Essex) Rush's Seats in Essex, 1897. Suwanee (A river of Georgia and Florida) Bishop's Paper Canoe, 1878. SuwarofT (Alexander, Count, Russian Field-Marshal, died 1800) Mitchell's Eminent Soldiers, 1865. Suzerainty (Paramount authority or command). SUZERAINTY, FEUDAL AND MODERN Law Quarterly Review, vol. 12, 1896. Swabia (An ancient duchy of Germany). CUSTOMS IN SWABIA Frazer's Gol. Bough, '90. GENERAL Hug's Switzerland, 1890. Stoughton's Homes & Haunts of Luther, 1883. Swale (A river in Yorkshire). SWALE AND ITS WATERFALLS Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 283, 1897. Murray's Handbook for Yorkshire. V.D. 2P [ 593 ] S WALLO W-S WIFT Swallow (A bird noted for its strength of wing and habit of hawking on the wing for insects). HIBERNATION AMONG NORTH AMERICAN SWALLOWS Hardwicke's Science Goss-ip, vol. 19, 1883. MIGRATIONS OF THE SWALLOW Sunday at Home, vol. 9, 1862. VARIOUS ORDERS OF SWALLOWS Morris' British Birds, vol. 2, 1891. GENERAL Michelet's The Bird, 1874. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 2, 1848. Swammerdam (J^hn, Entomologist, died 1680). MEMOIR AND PORTRAIT Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 28, 1848. Swan (A genus of swimming birds, noted for its graceful movements in the water, usually kept in ornamental waters). DESCRIPTIONS AND COLOURED PLATES OF VARIOUS SPECIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 4, 1848. NOTES ON THE SWAN Sunday at Home, vol. 41. 1894. SWAN MARKS Archaoological Journal, vols. 41, 42, 1884-5. SWANS ON THE THAMES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 1885. WILD SWAN St. John's Wild Sports, 1888. GENERAL Davids' Norfolk Broads, 1884. Morris' British Birds, vol. 5, 1891. Sunday at Home, vol. 41, 1894. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Swan (J. M., Artist). MONOGRAPH ON J. M. SWAN Art Journal, vol. 57, 1894. Swanage, Dorsetshire Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography], 1893. Swanscombe, Kent. THE NORMAN AT SWANSCOMBE Antiquary, vol. 20 [p. in], 1889. GENERAL Antiquary, vol. 18, 1888. Swansea (A seaport of Glamorganshire). GEOLOGICAL CONDITION OF SWANSEA Hardwickt-'s Science Gossip, vol. 16, 1880. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provincps, 1888. SWANSEA CASTLE Wpolnoth & Brayley's Ancient Castles of England, 1825. GENERAL Black's Guide to South Wales, 1889. Cassell'sOur Own Country, v.4,'83. Swansea (Hussey Vivian, Lord, Metallurgists- Politician, died 1894) Annual Register,'94. Swarthmoor Hall (The sometime home of George Fox, founder of the Society of Friends) Croston's Historic Sites of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1883. Swartz (Frederick Christian, Missionary in India, died 1798) Gurney's God's Heroes, Swaziland, South Africa Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 1890. [1858. Swearing British Essayists, vols. 3, 9, 12, 14, and 22, 1823. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 4, 1891. Sweating Sickness Ewald's Stories from State Papers, 1882. Sweating System. COMPETITION AND CO-OPERATION AMONG WOMEN English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. See also Labour. THE LORDS AND THE SWEATING SYSTEM Nineteenth Century, vol. 27, 1890. SWEDEN (A kingdom of Europe. See also Stockholm, Charles XII., etc.). CASE FOR SWEDEN New Review, vol. 12, 1895. CHEAP LIVING IN SWEDEN All the Year Round, vol. 72, 1893. , CHECKS TO POPULATION IN SWEDEN Malthus' Population, 1888. COURTSHIP IN SWEDEN Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. EARLY HISTORY OF SWEDEN Trans, of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 9, 1881. FORESTS OF SWEDEN Forester's Norway, 1853. LIFE AT A SWEDISH FARM Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 1892. LION KING OF SWEDEN Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. NORRLAND AND ITS TIMBER TRADE Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. POLITICAL CRISIS IN SWEDEN AND NORWAY, 1895 Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. QUEEN SOPHIA OF SWEDEN Girl's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1882. " ROB ROY " [Canoe] IN SWEDEN Macgregor's " Rob Roy" on the Baltic, 1892. SCENES FROM THE HISTORY OF SWEDEN Alberg's Gustavus Vasa, 1882. SONGS OF SWEDEN Fitzgerald's Stories of Famous S >ngs, 1898. SUNDAY WITH THE KING [Oscar II.] OF NORWAY AND SWEDEN Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. SUPERSTITIONS IN SWEDEN Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. SWEDISH WAR, 1788 Lecky's History of England, 1892. GENERAL E.S.A.'s World in which I Live, 11*65. Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Ireland's Wall Street to Cashmere, 1859. Temple Bar, vol. 70, 1884. Swedenborg (Emanuel, Baron von, a celebrated Philosopher and Theosophist, died 1772). CHURCH OF THE NEW JERUSALEM Molloy's Faiths of the People, 1892. KANT AND SWEDENBORG Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 10, 1864. SWEDENBORG AND SWEDENBORGIANISM Oxenham's Ecclesiastical History, 1884. SWEDENBORGIANISM Religious Systems of the World, 1892 (Sonnenschein). WRITINGS AND THEORIES Heckethorn's Secret Societies, 1875. GENERAL Emerson's Works, 1889. National Review, vol. 18, 1892. 41 Sweet Lavender " (A domestic drama by A. W. Pinero) Theatre, vol. 11, 1888. Sweetmeats. HOME-MADE SWEETMEATS Girl's Own Annual, vol. n, 1890. IN SWEET-LAND [Hackney Wick] Andom's Industrial Explorings, 1896. OLD ENGLISH SWEETMEATS Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 283, 1897. Swift (Jonathan, Dean of St. Patrick's, English Satirist and Man of Letters, died 1745). ACCOUNT OF DEAN SWIFT Oliphant's Reign of Queen Anne, 1894. SOME UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF DEAN SWIFT Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80, 1897. STELLA AND VANESSA Phillips' Essays trom the "Times," 1871. [594] SWIFT-SYDNEY Swift (continued). GENERAL Abbey's English Church, 1887. Argosy, vol. 38, 1884. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. Carruther'sLifeof Pope, 1857. Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 3 [portrait], 1849. Hassall's Bolingbroke, 1889. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 1854. Knight's , . , . Timbs' Century of Anecdotes, 1864. Vandam's Amours of Great Men, vol. 2, 1878. Ward's English Poets, vol. 3, 1880. Wotton's Word Portraits, 1887. Swimming. CHAT WITH THE HON. SEC. OF THE LIFE SAVING SOCIETY Young Man, vol. n [p. 217], 1897. INSTRUCTION IN SWIMMING Stonehenge's Manual of British Sports, 1856. SWIMMING AND LIFE SAVING Badminton Magazine, vol. 3, 1896. SWIMMING FOR LADIES Badminton Magazine, vol. 3, 1896; and vol. 7, 1898. SWIMMING IN A ROUGH SEA Boy's Own Annual, vol 5, 1883. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Chambers' Journal, vol 63, 1886. Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Sinclair & Henry's Swimming [Badminton Library], 1893. Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 1845. Swinburne (A. C., Poet, born 1837). ESSAY ON SWINBURNE Devey's Eng. Poets, '73. OPEN LETTER TO ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE Steuart's Letters, 1892. POEMS Henley's Lyra Heroics, 1891. Saturday Review, vol. 77, 1894. RECENT CRITICISM OF SWINBURNE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 43, 1880-1, STUDY OF ALGERNON CHARI.KS SWINBURNE Stedman's Victorian Poets, 1876. GENERAL Forman's Living Poets, 1871. Dublin Review, vol. 116, 1895. Swindles. ADVERTISING SWINDLES Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. LONDON SWINDLES Argosy, vol. 59, 1895. [,8 4 8. See also Pigs. Swine. DESCRIPTION OF THE SWINE FAMILY Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 23, Switbin (St.) ST. SWITHIN AND THE RAINMAKF.RS Folk-lore Journal, vol. i, 1883. ST. SWITHIN'S DAY Antiquary, vol. 6, 1882. Belgravia, vol. 81, 1893. SWITZERLAND (A country of Europe. See also A Ips, Helvetians, Tell (William), etc.) ADVENTURES IN SWITZERLAND Morley's Gossip, 1859. ANCIENT LAKE HABITATIONS OF SWITZERLAND Lubbock's Pre-historic Times, '90. CHECKS TO POPULATION IN SWITZERLAND Malthus' Population, 1888. GENUINE DEMOCRACY IN SWITZERLAND Progressive Review, vol. 2, 1897. HISTORY OF SWITZERLAND [Men and Mountains] Good Words, vol. 25, 1884. ICE AGE IN SWITZERLAND Nature, vol. 2, 1870. IN CHALET LAND Cornhill Magazine, vol. 25, 1895. LINES OF TRAVEL Loomis' Guide to Travel, 1891. NOTES IN A Swiss VILLAGE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. REFERENDUM IN SWITZERLAND Contemporary Review, vol. 67, 1895. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES IN SWITZERLAND Archaeological Journal, vol. 42, 1885. SCENIC BEAUTY Lubbock's Scenery of Switzerland, 1896. Swiss COMMUNES Dixon's The Switzers, 1872. Swiss SONDERBUND WAR Macrnillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. Swiss WAR OF INDEPENDENCE Switzerland and ihe Swiss, 1877. SWITZERLAND, 1858-63 Rivington's Notes of Travels, 1865. SWITZERLAND AND THE SONDERBUND Guizot's Louis Philippe, 1867. WILLIAM TELL AND SWITZERLAND Chambers' Miscellany, vol. i, 1844. WINTER AT THE SIMPLON HOSPICE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. GENERAL Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, 1871-8. Baedeker's Switzerland, V.D. Sword Belts. SWORD BELTS OF THE MIDDLE AGES Archaeological Jour., v. 48, 1891. Swords. ARAB SWORDS Baker's Nile Tributaries, 1883. CELTIC SWORD AND SHEATH FOUND IN DURHAM Proceedings of Soc. Antiq., v. 16, ESSAY ON SWORDS Doran's Habits and Men, 1855. [1896. FORMS AND HISTORY OF THE SWORD Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. FRANK LAMBURN ON SWORDS Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. MYTHICAL AND MEDIAEVAL SWORDS Verney's Peasant Properties, etc., 1885. SWORDS AND THEIR MAKERS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 25, 1898. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 37, 1876-7. Routledge's Every Boy's Book, 1888. Swordsmanship. STAGE SWORDSMANSHIP Theatre, vol. 27, 1896. [1895. SWORD-PLAY Saturday Rev., v. 77, '94. YORKSHIRE SWORD ACTORS Antiquary, v.3i, Sybaris (City of Ancient Greece) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Sychar, Palestine Knox Little's Sketches in Sunshine and Storm, 1892. Sydenham, Kent (Noted as locality of the Crystal Palace). DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF SYDENHAM Suburban Homes of London, '81. Walford'sOId andNewLond., v.6. Sydenham (T., Noted English Physician, died 1689) Lives of British Physicians, 1830. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 9, 1846. Sydney Oceana, 1886. Jung's Australia, 1884. Parkes' Fifty Years of Australian History, 1692. Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. [595] SYDNEY-TABLE BAY Sydney (Sir Philip, Soldier and Poet, died 1586) Campbell's Specimens of British Poets, 1844. See also Sidney, and Penshurst. Syene (Ancient city of Egypt, now called Assouan) Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. See also Assouan. Sylphs, Gnomes, etc. Godwin's Necromancers, 1876. See also Folk-Lore, etc. Sylva (Carmen, Poetess, Queen of Roiunanici, born 1843). BRIEF SKETCH OF HER CAREER Girl's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1887. See also Carmen Sylva, Elizabeth, etc. Symbiosis. COMMEMSALISM AND SYMBIOSIS Science Gossip, yol. 3, 1897. Symbols and Symbolism (Types or emblems expressive of creeds, etc.). CHRISTIAN SYMBOLISM Antiquary, vol. 29, 1894. FACTS AND MENTAL SYMBOLS Monist, vol. 2, 1891-2. [1891. NOTES ON SYMBOLIC ANIMALS IN ENGLISH ART AND LITERATURE Arch. Jour., v. 48, ON SYMBOLISM, ETC. Blackie's Lay Sermons, 1881. ON SYMBOLS Andrews' Legal Lore : Curiosities of Law and Lawyers, 1897. REALITIES AND SYMBOLS Sunday at Home, vol. 15, 1868. SYMBOLISM AND SATIRE IN MEDI/EVAL ARCHITECTURE Architecture, vol. 2, 1897. SYMBOLISM ON THE STAGE Theatre, vol. 21, 1893. GENERAL Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Symmetry. ANIMAL SYMMETRY Natural Science, vol. 14, 1899. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Symnell's Rebellion Proc. Archaeological Inst., 1846. See also Stinnett (Lambert). Symonds (John Addington, Historian and Essayist, died 1893) Annual Register, 1893. SymordS (Admiral Sir Thomas, died 1894) Annual Register, 1894. Sympathy. ANTIPATHY AND SYMPATHY Mind, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1895. CULTURE OF SYMPATHY Quiver, vol. 10, 1875. ON SYMPATHY Sunday at Home, vol. 44, 1897. GENERAL Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Jowett's College Sermons, 1895. Sunday Mag., vol. 13, 1877. Treasury of Religious Thought, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. Symphonies (Musical compositions). BEETHOVEN AND HIS TEN SYMPHONIES New Review, vol. 14, 1896. See also Music and tinder names of composers. Synagogue (Jewish place of worship). SYNAGOGUE IN BEVIS MARKS Strand Mag., vol. 8, 1894. GENERAL Mihnan's History of Christianity, 1875. Synechism (The tendency to regard continuity as an idea of prime importance in philosophy). THE ISSUES OF SYNECHISM The Monist, vol. 3, 1892-3. Synonyms (Words having the same signification). CORRELATES AND SYNONYMS Hamilton's Nugae Literarias, 1841. Syntheses (Composition of elements, etc.) THE THREE GREAT SYNTHESES Positivist Review, vol. 3, 1895. Syracuse (Situated on the Island of Ortygia, near Sicily). SYRACUSE AND CARTHAGE Cust's Linguistic and Oriental Essays, 1887. GENERAL Bartlett's Pictures from Sicily, 1863. Bucke's Ruins of Ancient Cities, 1840. Good Words, vol. 23, i8j. Hare's Southern Italy, 1883. Murray's Guirle to the Mediterranean, V.D. Murray's South Italy, V.D. Good Words, vol. 23, 1882. Syria (A country in Asiatic Turkey inhabited in ancient times by the Hittites, Hebrews, Canaanites, etc.) COAST OF SYRIA Sunday Magazine, vol. 29, 1893. FAMILIES AND MOUNTAIN RACES OF SYRIA Paton's Egyptian Revolution, 1870. JOTTINGS IN SYRIA English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 9, 1891-2. MARRIAGE AMONG THE DRUSES OF SYRIA Hutchinson's Marriage Customs in Many PLAINS OF SYRIA Napier's Wild Sports in Europe, etc., 1844. [Lands, 1897. TRAVELS THROUGH SYRIA Dalton's Cruise of H.M S. " Bacchante," 1886. GENERAL Hughes' Treasury of Geography, 1885. Koelle's Mohammed, 1889. Murray's Guide to the Mediterranean, V.D. Sumner's Holiday in the East, 1881. Syrups. SYRUPS FOR HOME USE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 16, 1895. Szegedin, Hungary. DESTRUCTION OF SZEGEDIN Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, and Sport, vol. 5, 1890. JL AAFFE (Count Eduard von, Austrian Premier, died 1895) Annual Register, 1895. Contemporary Review, vol. 63, 1893. Temple Bar, vol. 99, 1893. Tabard Inn, Southwark (A London hostelry made famous by Chaucer in the " Canterbury Tales," demolished 1866) Once a Week, vol. 16, 1867. Walford's Londoniana, 1879. Walford's Old and New London, vol. 6, 1872-8. Tabernacle. ERECTION OF THE TABERNACLE Hone's Introduction, vol. 3, 1821. Tabernacles (In Jewish antiquities the sanctuary in which the sacred utensils were kept). FEAST OF TABERNACLES Sunday Magazine, vol. 33, 1897. Tabernacles (In ecclesiology an ornamented receptacle for the host) Gentleman's Magazine Library [Ecclesiology], 1894. Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope Russell's Voyage to the Cape, 1887. [596] TABLE GLASS-TALAVERA Table Glass. TASTE IN TABLE GLASS Eastlake's Household Taste, 1878. Table Traits Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Tables and Table Customs Magazine of Art, vol. 9, 1886. Table-Turning and Table-Talking E. B. de Fonblanque's Life of Albany Fonblauque, 1874. See also Spiritualism. Tableaux Vivants Cassell's Book of Sports, etc., 1888. Tablets. WAXEN TABLETS FOR WRITING Thompson's Palaeography, 1893. Tabor Mount, Palestine (Scene of the Transfiguration) Black's Hundred Days in the East, 1865. Conder's Modern Traveller, v. i, 1830. Macfarlane's Mountains of the Bible, 1881. Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. See also Mount Tabor. Taborites (Members of the extreme party of the Hussites). ON THE TABORITES M'Crie's Miscellaneous Writings, 1841. Tacheonaetry (Telescopic surveying). INSTRUCTIONS IN TACHEOMETRY Cribble's Preliminary Survey, 1891. Ta-Chien-Lu (Town in Thibet) Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. Tacitus (Roman Historian, died about 117) Formby's Monotheism, 1877. Edinburgh Review, vols. 148, 1878 ; and 179, 1893. Saturday Review, vol. 73, 1892. Tact. A FEW WORDS ON TACT Lubbock's Use of Life, 1894. ON TACT Sunday at Home, vol. 35, 1888. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Tactics (Military). BRITISH SYSTEM OF INFANTRY TACTICS igth Century, v. 17,1885. Tadema (Laurens Alma, Artist, born 1836). ALMA TADEMA AT HOME Temple Mag., CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 9, 1894. [vol. i, 1896-7. CLASSIC SCHOOLS OF PAINTING Ruskin's Art of England, 1884. WORK OF ALMA TADEMA Scribner's Magazine, vol. 18, 1895. GENERAL Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1893-4. Tadpoles (Name given to the larval state of frogs, etc.). FROM TADPOLE TO FROG Awdry's Earlv Chapters in Science, 1899. MY TADPOLES Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Tae-ping Rebellion (Rebellion in China, 1850-66) EPISODES OF THE TAIPING REBELLION Harper's Magazine, vol. 38, 1899. TAE-PINGS IN 1854 Bowring's Eastern Experiences, 1871. GENERAL Davis' China, 1857. Wilson's " Ever- Victorious " Army, 1868. Tafif River, Wales Sike's Old South Wales, 1881. Tafllet (An oasis in the Sahara). THE LAND OF DATES Cham. Jour., vol. 73, 1896. Taganrog (Russian seaport) Oliphant's Russian Shores of the Black Sea, 1854. TagUS (Longest river in the Spanish peninsula). BOATMEN OF THE TAGUS Sorrow's BOATS ON THE RIVER TAGUS Harper's Mag., v. 16, i8S8. [Bible in Spain, 1843. GENERAL Ford's Gatherings from Spain, 1846. Tahiti, South Pacific (Largest of the Society Islands). CUSTOMS IN TAHITI Frazer's Golden Bough, 1890. GENERAL Brassey's Voyage in the " Sunbeam," 1879. South Sea Bubbles, 1872. Hort's Garden of the Pacific, 1891. Wilkes' Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition from 1838-42. See also Society Islands. TahOO Lake, California. THE GEM OF CALIFORNIAN LAKES Chambers' Journal, GENERAL Isabella Bird's Life in the Rocky Mountains, 1885. [vol. 73, 1896. Tahureau (Jacques, Poet, died 1555). BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS CAREER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. Tailoring. SLIPPER-MAKERS AND TAILORS OF LEEDS Pearson's Magazine, v. 2, '96. TAILOR-MADE IN GERMANY New Review, vol. 12, 1895. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 39, 1877-8. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 25, 1829. Chambers' Journal, vols. 34, 1860 ; 44, 1^67 ; and 49, 1872. Tails. COMMERCIAL USES OF TAILS Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. TAIL-LIKE FORMATION IN MAN Popular Science Monthly, vol. 40, 1892. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 5, 1861. Cham. Jour., vols. 19, 1853 ; and 54, 1877. Taine (H. A., Noted French Historian and Critic, died 1893). LITERARY PORTRAIT OF TAINE Nineteenth Century, vol. 20, 1886. REVIEW OF HIS LIFE Quarterly Review, vol. 186, 1897. [1888. GENERAL Annual Register, 1893. Prince Napoleon's Napoleon and bis Detractors, Tait (Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1882). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. GENERAL Boyd's St. Andrews and Elsewhere, 1894. Good Words, vol. 24, 1883. Oxenham's Ecclesiastical History, 1884. Tait (Catherine, Wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury). BIOGRAPHY Gray's Wise Words and Loving Deeds, 1880. [1880. BRIEF SKETCH OF HER LIFE Girl's Own Ann., vol. i, 1880. Sunday at Home, v. 27, Tait (P. G., Physicist, born 1831) Barrie's Edinburgh Eleven, 1889. Tai-Yuan (City in northern China) Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. Taj Mahal (Famous Mausoleum, erected at Agra, India, by Shah Jehan for Ms favourite wife) Girl's Own Annual, vol. 9, 1888. Talavera. BATTLE OF TALAVERA, 1809 Earl Malmesbury's Letters, 1870. Napier's Peninsular War, 1886. And biographies of Wellington. [597] TALBOT-TAPESTRY TalbOt (Charles, 12th Earl of Shrewsbury, Lord High Chancellor, died 1718) Campbell's. Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1856-7. Talbot (William. Bishop successively of Oxford, Salisbury, and Durham, died 1730) Abbey's English Church and its Bishops, 1887. Bartlett's Memoirs of Butler, 1839. Hutchinson's Durham, 1785. Talbot Family. BESS OF HARDWICK AND THE TALBOTS Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 1848. GENERAL Walford's Antiquary, vol. 4. Talent. HEREDITARY TALENT AND CHARACTER Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. TALENT AND FACULTY Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. GENERAL British Essayists, vols. 8 and 36, 1823. Tales. AUTHORSHIP OF TALES OF TERROR Academy, vol. 45, 1894. THE UNITY OF THE POPULAR TALE, IN MYTH, PARABLE AND PROVERB Paxton Hood's World of Proverb and Parable, 1885. Talfourd (Sir T. N., Judge and Tragic Poet, died 1854) Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. Redding's Eminent Men, 1867. Talisman (-4 magical image or figure supposed to protect its wearer from disease or danger). COMPOSITION OF TALISMANS Waite's Occult Sciences, 1891. TALISMANS AND AMULETS Archaeological Journal, vol. 26, 1869. Godwin's Necro- mancers, 1876. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 8, 1862-3. Chambers' Journal, vol. 41, 1864. Spectator, vol. 71, 1893. Talk Cornhill Magazine, vol. 46, 1882. Once a Week, vol. 25, 1871. Temple Bar, vols. 27, 1869 ; and 34, 1872. See also Conversation. Talleyrand-Perigord (C. M de, Prince of Btnevcnto, famous French Statesman, died 1838). TALLEYRAND AT VIENNA Temple Bar, vol.67, 1883. LADY BLENNERHASSETT'S TALLEYRAND Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, 1895. GENERAL Ashley's Life of Palmerston, 1879. Court and Camp of Buonaparte, 1848. Lady Jackson's French Court and Socieiy, 1881. Prince Napoleon's Napoleon and his Detractors, 1888. Raikes' Journal, 1858. Talleyrand (Madame, Wife of above) Ml the Year Round, vol. 49, 1882. Tallies. SCORES AND TALLIES Cornhill Magazine, vol. 53, 1886. GENERAL Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. Talma (F. J., Famous French Actor, died 1826) Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 65, 1891-2. Talmud (The work which contains the teachings and doctrines of the Jewish law and' religion). TALES FROM THE TALMUD Quiver, vol. 15, 1880. GENERAL BlacV wood's Magazine, vol. 106. 1869. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. Edinburgh Review, vol. 138, 1873. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875* Quiver, vol. 14, 1879. Tamerlane (Tartar Conqueror, died 1405) All the Year Round, vol. 3, 1860. Smith's Romance of History, 1891. Tammany (A political combination of New York) All the Year Round, vol. 27, 1871-2. Harper's Magazine, vol. 44, 1871-2. Nineteenth Century, vol. 42, 1897. Tamworth, near Birmingham Black's Guide to Warwickshire, V.D. Tancarville Macquoid's Normandy, 1875. Tandy (James Napper, Irish Politician and Rebel, died 1803) Madden's United Irishmen, 1846. Froude's English in Ireland, 1872-4. Tanganyika (Lake), Central Africa. LIVINGSTONE AND STANLEY ON LAKE TAN- GANYIKA Africa and its Exploration (Sampson Low), 1894. GENf RAL Cameron's Across Africa, 1885. Geddie'sLake Regions, 1881. Johnston's Africa, 1884. Tangiers (A seaport of Morocco). A MOORISH CASTLE Cassell's Picturesque Mediterranean, 1890. A STREET IN TANGIERS Cassell's Picturesque Mediterranean, 1890. MOROCCO AND TANGIERS Harper's Magazine, vol. 17, 1889. SHORT HISTORY OF TANGIERS Wheatley's Pepys' Diary, 1880. GENERAL Brassey's Sunshine and Storm in the East, 1881. Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 20, 1830. Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Murray's Sixteen Years of an Artist's Life, 1859. Perrier's Morocco, 1673. Thomson's Travels in Morocco, 1889. Tankar (Town in Thibet) Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. Tannahill (Robert, Poet, died 1810) Wilson's Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 1876-7. Tanning* Penny Magazine, vol. 5, 1836. Tansillo (Luigi, Italian Poet, died 1568). THE LOVE STORY OF LUIGI TANSILLO Yellow Book, vol. i, 1894. Taoism (A Chinese religious system). TAOISM IN CHINA Henry's Cross and Dragon, 1885. Religious Systems of the World, 1892. Tapestry ( Woven hangings of wool and silk often enriched with gold and silver and with pictorial designs). ANCIENT EMBROIDERY AND TAPESTRY Chambers' Journal, ANCIENT TAPESTRY Antiquary, vol. 14, 1886. [vol. 71, 1894 BOYS' CHAPTER ON STITCHERY Boy's Own Annual, vol. 8, 1886. DERBYSHIRE TAPESTRY Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological Society, vol. 16. MAKING OF TAPESTRY Cassell's Magazine, vol. 5, 1879. [598] TAPESTRY-TATTOO Tapestry (continued) . MUSEUM OF PICTORIAL TAPESTRY, FLORENCE Leader Scott's Tuscan Studies, 1888. TYNECASTLE TAPESTRY AT THE ALBERT WORKS, EDINBURGH Art Journal, 1896. GENERAL English Illustrated Magazine, vol. n, 1894. Gentleman's Magazine Library [Architectural Antiquities], 1890. Harper's Magazine, vol. 16, 1888. Tapir (Thick-skinned quadruped with short proboscis). DESCRIPTION AND PLATES OF VARIETIES Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 23, 1848. THE AMERICAN TAPIRS Cassell's Natural History, vol. 2, 1877-8. GENERAL Nott's Wild Animals Photographed and Described, 1886. Tar (A thick liquid substance obtained from the pine) Chambers' Journal, vol. 30, 1858. Tar Pavement. THE MANUFACTURE OF TAR PAVEMENT Nature, vol. 2, 1870. Tarakanof (Princess). LEGEND OF PRINCESS TARAKANOF Macmillan's, vol. 20, 1869. Tarantula (A large spider found in Italy). TARANTULA-KILLER Chambers' Journal, THE BITE OF THE TARANTULA Gent.'s Mag. Lib. [Arch. Antiq.], 1890. [v. 72, 1895. Tarascon, Southem France Baring-Gould's In Troubadour Land, 1891. Daudet's Port Tarascon, 1891. Tariff Fortnightly Review, vol. 58, 1892. Saturday Review, vol. 73, 1892. [1892. Tarifa, Spain Napier's Wild Sports in Europe, etc., 1844. Ford's Handbook of Spain, Tarquinii, Central Italy. TARQUINII AND ITS CEMF.TERY Dennis' Cities of Etruria, '83. Tarquina (Kings of Rome). TARQUINIUS PRISCUS, FIFTH KING OF ROME, 616-578 B.C. Church's Stories from Livy, 1882. Dyer's Kings of Rome, 1868. TARQUINIUS SUPERBUS, SEVENTH KING OF ROME, 534-5108.0. Dyer's Kings of Rome, TOMB OF THE TARQUINS Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. [1868. Tarragona (Spanish seaport) Hare's Spain, 1873. Tarshish (Now supposed to have been a district in southern Spain). WHERE WAS TARSHISH ? Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology, vol. 16. Tarsus (Ancient city of Asia. Minor). DAY IN TARSUS Stevenson's Asia Minor, 1881. Tartary (Name formerly given to Central Asia; in a restricted sense is now identical with Turkestan). CRIMEAN TARTARS Baker's Turkey in Europe, 1877. TARTARS IN CHINA Hughes' Treas. of Geography, '85. Marco Polo's Travels, 1844. GENERAL E. S. A.'s World in which I Live, 1865. English Review, vol. 16. Tashkent, Turkestan Curzon's Russia in Central Asia, 1889. Tasimset, S. W. Morocco Thomson's Travels in Morocco, 1889. Tasman (Abel Janssen, Dutch Navigator, Discoverer of New Zealand, died about 1646). TRAVELS Verne's Exploration of the World, ibSz. Tasmania (Island in Southern Ocean, 100 miles south of Australia). NEW TOWNSHIP IN TASMANIA Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. SOME TASMANIAN ASPECTS Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 8, 1896. TASMANIA, 1836-1842 Traill's Life of Sir John Franklin, 1896. TASMANIANS AS REPRESENTATIVES OF PALAEOLITHIC MAN Jour. Anthrop. Inst., v. 23. THROUGH APPLE LAND Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 5, 1895. GENERAL Bandmann's Actor.'s Tour, 1885. Bates' Kaleidoscope, 1889. Booth's Australia Illustrated, vol. 2, 1873-6. Dilke's Greater Britain, 1869. Dilke's Prob- lems of Greater Britain, 1890. Hughes' Treasury of Geography. 1885. Jung's Australia, 1884. Loftie's Orient Guide, 1891. Verschuur's At the Antipodes, 1891. Tasso (Torquato, Italian Poet, died 1595). LIFE AND WORKS OF TASSO Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 32, 1875. REMARKS ON TASSO Sismondi's Literature, 1846. GENERAL Leisure Hour, vol. 47, 1897-8. Stebbing's Lives of Italian Poets, 1860. Taste. CHARACTERISTICS OF TASTE British Essayists, vol. 12, 1823. FOOD AND FEEDING Cornhill Magazine, vol. 50, 1884. MODERN TASTE [in furniture, jewellery, etc.] All the Year Round, vol. 58, 1886. NATIONAL TASTES AND MANNERS Lecky's History of England, 1892. OBJECTS OF TASTE, GRANDEUR AND BEAUTY Reid's Essays, 1865. ON TASTE IN DRESS Nineteenth Century, vol. 13, 1883. SENSE OF TASTE Bain's Senses, 1868. GENERAL Bain's Emotions and the Will, 1875 Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Tatar Villages Lansdell's Through Siberia, 1882. See also Tartary. Tate (Nahum, Poet Laureate, died 1715) Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 1879. Tate Gallery, Westminster. TATE COLLECTION AND ITS GALLERY Architecture, Vol. 2, 1897. GENERAL Art Journal, vol. 45, 1894. Magazine of Art, vol. 16, 1893. Tatian (A Christian convert and Apologist of the second century, died about 172). TATIAN'S " DIATESSARON," A.D. 158 Cassel's Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays, 1889. GENERAL Dale's Living Christ, 1892. Tattersall's (Metropolitan mart for horses, and head-quarters of the Turf). TATTERSALL'S PAST AND PRESENT Pearson's Magazine, vol. 2, 1896. GENERAL All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. Tattoo {Army signal) Grove's Dictionary of Music, vol. 4, 1889. [599] TATTOOING-TAYLOR Tattooing. AMERICAN TATTOOING Starcke's Primitive Family, 1889. AMONG SAVAGES Lubbork's Origin of Civilization, 1875. ANCIENT TATTOOING Buckland's Anthropological Studies, 1891. ART AND MYSTERY OF TATTOOING Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1895. PICTURES ON THE HUMAN SKIN Strand Magazine, vol. 13, 1897. REMARKABLE TATTOOING World of Wonders, 1887. SKIN WRITING Strand Magazine, vol. 14, 1897. TATTOOING IN BURMA Fylcle's Burma, 1878. TATTOOING IN TAHITI Sundowner's Rambles in Polynesia, 1897. TATTOOING OF THE BRITONS Barnes 1 Ancient Britain, 1858. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1884. Lumholtz's Among Cannibals, 1889. Parkman's Great West, 1885. Tylor's Anthropology, 1892. Tauler (Johannes, German Mystic of Strasbttrg, died 1361) Bevan's Friends of God, 1887. Taunton, Somersetshire. TAUNTON AND THE BLOODY ASSIZE Walter's Bygone GENERAL Murray's Guide to Wilts, etc., V.D. [Somerset, 1897. Tavernier (J. B., French Traveller, died 1689) Verne's Exploration of the World, 1882. Taverns. LONDON TAVERNS Timbs 1 London Clubs, 1865. "MERMAID," "DEVIL," AND THE " MITRE" Archer's Highway of Letters, 1893. SOME OLD TAVERN WAYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. TAVERN LIFE FIFTY YEARS AGO All the Year Round, vol. 63, 1888. Tavism. VISIT TO THE BUDDHIST ANDTAO-IST MONASTERIES ON THE Lo FAU SAN Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 157, 1895. Tavistock, Devonshire Gentleman's Magazine Library [English Topography], 1893. TAXATION (The si stem of levying contributions from the people to defray Governmental and other public expenses). ADMINISTRATION OF LOCAL TAXES National Review, vol. i, 1883. [1896. CAUSES OF INCREASED STATE TAXATION IN EUROPE Lecky's Democracy & Liberty, CHARACTER OF EARLY TAXATION Rogers' Economic History, 1891. COMMON MEASUREMENT OF VALUE IN TAXATION Report of Brit. Assoc., 1878. CURIOSITIES OF TAXATION All the Year Round, v. 56, 1885. Temple Bar,, '93. DEVELOPMENT OF TAXATION Rogers' Work and Wages, 1891. DIRECT TAXATION -Shadwell's Political Economy, 1877. GROUND RENTS' TAXATION Nineteenth Century, vol. 33, 1893. How TO INCREASE THE REVENUE WITHOUT TAXATION Eng. Illus., vol. 7, 1889-90. INDIRECT AND DIRECT TAXATION Lawrence's Commonwealth, 1884. Button's Political Questions, 1885. INJUSTICE OF RURAL RATING National Review, vol. 27, 1896. INLAND DUTIES AND TAXATION Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 52, 1885. IRISH CLAIM AND SOME REPLIES National Review, vol. 29, 1897. LOCAL TAXATION AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION Macmillan's Magazine, v. 33, 75-6. LOCAL TAXATION IN ENGLAND AND WALES Probyn's Local Government, 1882. NEW TAXES AND OLD ONES Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. PRINCIPLES OF LOCAL TAXATION National Review, vol. 28, 1896-7. PRODUCTION AND TAXATION George's Progress and Poverty, 1884. TAXATION IN THE TRANSVAAL Truth, vol. 41, 1897. TAXATION IN THE UNITED STATES Spectator, vol. 78, 1897. TAXATION OF GROUND VALUES Nineteenth Century, vol. 44, 1898. TAXATION OF THIBET Rockhill's Land of the Lamas, 1891. TAXES, MONEY AND FINANCE Lacroix's Manners, Customs and Dress during the TAXES ON TRANSPORT Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. [Middle Ages, 1878. THEORY OF MODERN TAXATION Rogers' Economic History, 1891. GENERAL Ewald's Israel, 1886. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1880. Taxidermy (A rt of preserving the skins of animals, and also of stuffing and mounting same). A COUNIRY TAXIDERMIST English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 15, 1896. MODERN TAXIDERMY Cornhill Magazine, vol. 7, 1863. TAXIDERMY, A NEW ART- Scribner's Magazine, vol. 20, 1896. TAXIDERMY AS A FINE ART Natural Science, vol. 5, i8q4- [1891. GENERAL Boy's Own Annual, v. 3, 1881. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, Tay, near Colchester, Essex History of Essex, by a Gentleman, vol. 6, 1771. Tay, Loch, Perthshire Lydon & Croal's Scottish Loch Scenery, 1882. Taylor (Ann, Writer for the young, dird 1830) Gray's Wise Words and Loving Deeds, '80. Taylor (Frederick, Poet, born at Stratford, Essex, 1828) Armitage's Quaker Poets, 1896. Taylor (Sir Henry, Essayist and Dramatic Poet, died 1886). AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF H. TAYLOR All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. GENERAL Boyd's Homely Tragedy, 1887. Forman's Living Poets, 1871. Whately's Remarkable People, 1889. Taylor (Isaac, Antiquarian, d.ed. 1865). LITERARY LIFE OF ISAAC TAYLOR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. GENERAL Expositor, vol. 2 (3rd series), 1885. Taylor (Jane, Writer for th<- young, difd 1824) Walford's Authoresses, 1892. Taylor (Jeremy, Irish Bishop and Theologian, died 1667). BIOGRAPHY Great Orators, Statesmen, and Divines, 1889. ESSAY ON JEREMY TAYLOR Foster's Critical Essays, 1888. GENERAL Cunningham's English Nation, vol. 2, 1849. Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 7, 1846. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Sunday at Home, vol. 9, 1862. [600] TAYLOR-TECK Taylor (John, Occulist and Journalist, died 1787). AUTHOR OF " MONSIEUR TONSON " Longman's Magazine, vol. 31, 1897-8. Taylor (John, " The Water Poet," died 1654) Hood's Peerage of Poverty, 1870. Turner's Eminent Unitarians, 1840-3. Taylor (Mrs. John, of Norwich, died 1823). BRIEF SKETCH Macmillan's Magazine, GENERAL Ross' Three Generations of English Women, 1888. [vol. 55, 1886-7. Taylor (Tom, Critic and Dramatist, died 18801. MEMOIR OF TOM TAYLOR Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 42, 1880. Magazine of Art, vol. 4, 1881. Taylor (T., died 1816) Jackson's Early Methodist Preachers, vol. 5, 1865. Taylor (W. M., eminent New York Divine) Quiver, vol. 24, 1889. Taymouth Castle, Scotland Kohl's Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1844. Tchernaieff (General, Russian General, died 1898) Annual Register, 1898. Tchuktchi (A tribe of Esquimaux inhabiting Alaska). LAND OF THE TCHUKTCHI Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. GENERAL De Windt's Through the Gold Fields of Alaska to Behring Straits, 1898. TEA. A TALK ABOUT TEA Andrews' Bygone England, 1892. ADULTERATION OF TEA Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 17, 1881. AFTERNOON TEA Cassell's Magazine, vol. 15, 1889. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF TEA Blyth's Foods ; their Composition and Analysis, 1896. CONCERNING TEA Cornhill Magazine, vol. 2 (n.s.), 1897. CULTIVATION OF TEA AND TEA CUSTOMS IN JAPAN English Illustrated, v. 3, 1885-6. CULTURE AND PREPARATION OF TEA Alfom & Wright's China; its Scenery, Architecture, etc., vol. i, 1858. GROWTH AND CONSUMPTION OF TEA Good Words, vol. 35, 1894. How TO JUDGE TEA Drewry's Cup and Platter, 1879. LONDON TEA WAREHOUSE Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. PLEASURES AND PKRILS OF THE TEA-POT Cassell's Magazine, vol. 20, 1894. RIGHT WAY OF MAKING TEA AND COFFEE Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. STRUCTURE OF THE TEA LEAF Blyth's Foods ; their Composition and Analysis, 1896. TEA GARDENS, JAPAN Ainsworth's All Round the World, 1861. TEA IN HEALTH AND SICKNESS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. TEA IN JAPAN Arnold's Seas and Lands, 1892. TEA-MAKING IN CEYLON Engineer, vol. 86, 1898. GENERAL Clutterbuck's Ceylon and Borneo, 1891. Nature, vol. 2, 1870. Tea Cakes. To MAKE TEA CAKES AND ROLLS Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 1883. Tea Table. HIGH TEA Girl's Own Annual, vol. 5, 1884. THE TEA TABLE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Temple Bar, vol. 113, 1898. Teachers. CONFESSIONS OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS Atlantic Monthly, v. 78, 1896. NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS Daily Graphic, vol. 6, 1891. NORMAL SCHOOLS AND THE TRAINING OF TEACHERS Atlantic Monthly, vol. 81, 1898. THE TRAINING OF TEACHERS Daily Graphic, vol. 17, 1894. VOLUNTARY SCHOOLTEACHERS' CONFERENCE, 1897 The Schoolmaster, vol. 52, 1897. GENERAL Educational Review, vol. 12, 1896. Teaching. AIMS AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING The Literary World, vol. 55, 1897. ILLUSTRATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH TEACHING Academy, 1897. INFANT-CLASS TEACHING Girl's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1881. METHODS OF TEACHING CHEMISTRY Report of the British Association, 1888. ORGAN OF TEACHING All the Year Round, vol. 50, 1882. TEACHER AS PROVIDENCE Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 283, 1897. TEACHING OF SCIENCE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Report of British Assoc., 1881. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING Ward & Lock's Universal Instructor, v. 3, '82-4. Teak- Wood. WHERE THE TEAK-WOOD GROWS Century Magazine, vol. 26, 1894. Teal. COMMON TEAL, ETC. Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. Tears. ANATOMY OF TEARS Chambers' Journal, vol. 9, 1848. TEAR-BOTTLES Thomson's Land and the Book, 1859. TENDER EMOTION Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. Tebessa, Algeria Murray's Algeria and Tunis, v.r>. Technical Colleges. TECHNICAL COLLEGES AT ZURICH Cham. Jour., v. 67, 1890. Technical Education. ADVANCE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION Nature, v. 51, 1895. AT A TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Nineteenth Century, vol. 43, 1898. FRENCH TECHNICAL EDUCATION Teegan's Education in France, 1891. GIRLS' TECHNICAL SCHOOLS ON THE CONTINENT Contemporary Rev., v. 70, 1896. GORDON'S COLLEGE, ABERDEEN Chambers' Journal, vol. 61, 1884. PROFESSOR KLEIN ON TECHNICAL EDUCATION Nature, vol. 56, 1897. PUBLIC LIBRARIES AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION The Library, vol. 2, 1890. TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND FOREIGN COMPETITION Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND WASTE OF TIME Engineer, vol. 82, 1896. TECHNICAL EDUCATION CONGRESS Daily Graphic, vol. 30, 1897. GENERAL Nineteenth Century, vols. 16, 1884 ; and 24, 1888. Russell's Education, 1869. Souvenir of Opening the West Ham Lib. and Tech. Inst., 1898. Also Education. Teck (A small duchy in Swabia). DESCRIPTION OF THE DUCHY OF TECK Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. (H.R.H. tf ! - 'Teck (H.R.H. the Princess Mary Duchess of, died 1897) Annual Register, 1897. [601] TEETH-TELEGRAPHY Teeth. FORMATION OF TEETH Hogg's Microscope, 1886. TEETH AND TOOTHACHE Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. TEETH OF THE BLOW-FLY Hardwicke's Science Gossip, vol. 14, 1878. GENERAL Nature, vol. 50, 1894. Teetotalism Spectator, vol. 70, 1893. Sunday Magazine, vol. 24, 1895. Teetotum. GAME OF TEETOTUM AS PRACTISED BY QUEENSLAND ABORIGINES Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. 25. Tegg (Thomas, Publisher, died 1845) Curwen's History of Booksellers, 1873. Grant's- Public Characters, 1841. TeherAn (Capital of Persia) Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 13, 1830. De Windt's Ride to India, 1891. Stevens' Around the World on a Bicycle, 1887. Wills' Land of the Lion and the Sun : Modern Persia, 1881. Bishop's Persia and Kurdistan, 1891.. Tehuantepec, Mexico Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 26, 1830. Prescott's History of the Conquest of Mexico, 1891. Teifl (River in Wales} Hissey's Across England in a Dog-cart, 1891. Teignmoutll (Seaport in Devonshire) Land we Live in, vol. 3, 1853. Norway's High- ways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, 1897. Telegony (Term used to denote the influence of a first sire on the offspring of the same mother by a second sire). SOME FACTS ON TELEGONY Natural Science, v. 3, 1893. THE ALL-SUFFICIENCY OF NATURAL SELECTION Contemporary Rev., vol. 64, 1893. GENERAL Field, October, 1893. Nature, vol. 48, 1893. TELEGRAPHY, (See also Electric Telegraph, Wireless Telegraphy, etc.) ACCOUNT OF THE CABLE SHIP " SILVERTOWN " Cornhill Magazine, vol. 15, 1890. ACCOUNT OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH Awdry's Early Chapters in Science, 1899. ALL-BRITISH TRANS-PACIFIC CABLE Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 161, 1897. AN ALL-BRITISH CABLE SYSTEM Nineteenth Century, vol. 45, 1899. ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH EXPEDITION OF 1865 Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 12, 1865. CABLE REPAIRING AND CABLE DANGER Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. CABLEGRAMS FOR THE MILLION Cassell's Magazine, vol. 22. 1896. DOMESTIC TELEGRAPH Chambers' Journal, vol. 40, 1863. EARLY TELEGRAPHY All the Year Round, vol. 66, 1890. Chambers' Jour., v. 66, 1889. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH Japp's Days with Industrials, 1889. Pepper's Boy's Play- Book of Science, 1881. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH: How TO MAKE AND WORK ONE Boy's Own Ann., v. 2, 1880. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS OF LONDON Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. ELECTRO-HARMONIC TELEGRAPHY Prescott's Electric Light, 1879. ETHEREAL TELEGRAPHY Edinburgh Review, vol. 188, 1898. '[1897. EVOLUTION OF TELEGRAPHY DURING THE VICTORIAN ERA Gentleman's Mag., v. 283, How THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH SAVED INDIA Macmillan's Mag., vol. 76, 1897. IMPROVEMENTS IN TELEGRAPHY Cochrane's Wonders of Modern Mechanism, 1897. LAYING OF THE ATLANTIC CABLE Blackwood's Travel, Adventure, etc., vol. 4, 1890. MAKING AND LAYING A CABLE Electricity in Daily Life, 1891. MAKING AND LAYING AN ATLANTIC CABLE Windsor Magazine, vol. 5, 1896-7. MARVELS IN TELEGRAPHY Proctor's Pleasant Ways in Science, 1890. MULTIPLEX TELEGRAPHY AND SUBMARINE CABLES Mendenhall's Century of Electricity, 1887. NERVES OF THE WORLD Leisure Hour, vol. 44, 1894-5. NEW TELEGRAPHY Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1897-8. Strand Mag., vol. 13, 1897. POSTAL AND TELEGRAPHIC PROGRESS UNDER QUEEN VICTORIA Fortnightly Review, vol. 67, 1897. QUADRUPLEX TELEGRAPHY Prescott's Speaking Telephone, Electric Light, etc., '79. REPAIRING TELEGRAPH CABLES AT SEA Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. ROMANCE OF OUR NEWS SUPPLY Strand Magazine, vol. 10, 1895. ROMANCE OF THE TELEGRAPH Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. SIXTY YEARS OF SUBMARINE TELEGRAPHY Nature, vol. 55, 1896-7. STATE AND THE TELEGRAPHS Chambers' Journal, vol. 72, 1895. STORY OF THE TKLEGRAPHS Tunzelniann's Electricity in Modern Life, 1889. STRENGTH OF TELKGRAPH POLES Report ot the British Association, 1885. SUBMARINE CABLE LAYING Strand Magazine, vol. 16, i8q8. SUBMARINE CABLES Whymper's The Sea: Its Stirring Story of Peril, etc., 1878-81. Munro's Story of Electricity, 1898. SUBMARINE TELEGRAPH WORK Engineer, vol. 81, 1896. SUBMARINE TELEGRAPHS Nature, vol. 4, 1871. TELEGRAMS AND TELEGRAPHING Boy's Own Annual, vol. n, 1888-9. TELEGRAPH EDITOR Author, vol. 3, 1891. TELEGRAPH OF TO-DAY Electricity in Dailv Life, 1891. TELEGRAPHING WITHOUT WIRES Church Times, vol. 42, 1898. TELEGRAPHY FROM AN ENGINEERING POINT OF VIEW Spon's Diet, of Engin., 1874. TELEGRAPHY IN CHINA All Year R und, v. 64, 1889. Reid's Peeps into China, 1892. TELEGRAPHY OF THE FUTURE Daily Graphic, vol. 22. 1895. WHO INVENTED THE ELECTRIC-MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH ? Mendenhall's Century ot WIRELESS TELEGRAPH Munro's Story of Electricity, 1898. [Electricity, 1887. WIRELESS TELEGRAPH: HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT Pall Mall Mag., vol. 18, 1899. WITH A CABLE EXPEDITION Scribner's Magazine, vol. 8, 1890. GENERAL Bakewell's Great Facts, 1878. Munro's Story of Electricity, 1898. [602] TEL-EL-KEBIR-TEMPESTS Tel-el-Kebir, Egypt. BATTLE OF TEL-EL-KEBIR Male's Battle Smoke. Temple Bar,. SECOND DIVISION AT TKL-EL-KEBIR Nineteenth Century, vol. 12, 1882. [v. 68, 1883. Telemeters (Runge finders) Report of the British Association, 1890. Telepathy (Thought transference). WHAT is A BRAIN WAVE ? Christian World, vol. 42, 1898. THOUGHT TRANSFERENCE Borderland, vol. i, 1894. Telephone. DESCRIPTION OF THE TELEPHONE Atkinson's Dynamic Electricity, 1891. Jenkin's Electricity and Magnetism, 1887. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE -Good Words, vol. 19, 1878. How TO MAKE A TELEPHONE Boy's Own Annual, vol. i, 1879. LONDON'S TELEPHONE SYSTEM Daily Graphic, vol. 21, 1895. MUNICIPAL TELEPHONES IN GLASGOW London, vol. i, 1893. NOTES ON THE TELEPHONE Cassell's Technical Educator, vol. 6, 1897. SILENCE AND SOUND [First Idea of the Telephone] Paxton Hood's World of Pro- SPEAKING TELEPHONE Prescott's Speaking Telephone, etc., 1879. [verb, etc., '85. STATE AND THE TELEPHONES Contemporary Review, vol. 74, 1898. TRANSMISSION OF TELEPHONE CURRENTS Nature, vol. 48, 1893. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Cassell's Mag., vol. 4, 1878. Mendenhall's Century of Electricity, 1887. Munro's Story of Electricity, 1898. Telephotography. As APPLIED TO ARCHITECTURE Photogram, vol. 5, 1898. GENERAL Scribner's Magazine, vol. 26, 1899. TELESCOPE. CONSTRUCTION OF THE TELESCOPE Lardner's Optics, 1878. FACTS ABOUT THE TELESCOPE Lockyer's Stargazing, 1878. GALILEO AND THE INVENTION OF THE TELESCOPE Lodge's Pioneers of Science, '93.. GIANT REFRACTING TELESCOPES OF AMERICA Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. GREATEST TELESCOPE ON EARTH Pearson's Magazine, vol. 4, 1897. HERSCHEL'S FORTY FOOT TELESCOPE Mrs. J. Herschel's Life of Caroline Herschel, HINTS ON TELESCOPES Heather's Optical Instruments, 1888. [1876. How TO USE A SMALL TELESCOPE Proctor's Elementary Astronomy, 1871. MOUNTING OF LARGE REFLECTING TELESCOPES Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. MOUNTING OF LARGE TELESCOPES Knowledge, vol. 17, 1894. NEW FORM OF PHOTOGRAPHIC TELESCOPE Knowledge, vol. 22, 1899. NEWALL TELESCOPE Nature, vol. i, 1870. TELESCOPIC TUBES Wood's Nature's Teaching, 1877. THROUGH A TELESCOPE Strand Magazine, vol. n, 1896, and vol. 12, 1896. WONDERS OF THE TELESCOPE Chambers' Miso-llany, vol. 20, 1847. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1891. Knowledge, vol. 18, 1895. Telford (Thomas, Civil Engineer, constructed the St. Katherine's Docks, died 1834) Adams' Steady Aim, 1864. Distinguished Men of Science, 1862. Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1861-2. Tell (Wm., Legendary hero of Switzerland). SWITZERLAND Harper's Mag., vol. 14, 1856-7. Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 52 (n.s.), 1894. Telmessus, Asia Minor Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 3, 1830. Teluet Thomson's Travels in Morocco, 1889. Tempe Vale, Turkey Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 14, 1830. Temper. CHAPTER ON TEMPER Smiles' Character, 1874. TEMPER IN RELATION TO GENIUS Nisbet's Insanity of Genius, 1891. TEMPER OF ANIMALS Cornhill Magazine, vol. 26, 1896. TEMPERAMENT OF THE AUSTRALIANS Froude's Ocf-ana, 1886. GENERAL Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1867. Chambers' Journal, vol. 40, 1863. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol.s 2 and 3, 1891. TEMPERANCE. (See also Moderation, Alcohol, Drink, Teetotalism, etc.) A COMPREHENSIVE VIEW OF TEMPERANCE Lady Cook's Essays, vol. 4, 1899. AN ADDRESS BY LORD ROBERTS, V.C. Quiver, vol. 33, 1898. BAND OF HOPE JUBILEE Quiver, vol. 32, 1897. FORCES OF TEMPERANCE National Review, vol. 27, 1896. GOTHENBURG SYSTEM Good Words, vol. 36, 1895. NATIONAL TEMPERANCE MOVEMENTS De Quincey's Works, 1862-74. ON TEMPERANCE British Essayists, vol. 9, 1823. PHYSICAL FOUNDATIONS OF TEMPERANCE Longman's Magazine, vol. 27, 1896. PROGRESS IN TEMPERANCE Progressive Review, vol. t, 1896-7. TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes in History, 1882. TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT IN CANADA Caine's Trip Round the World, 1^92. GENERAL Channing's Works, 1885. Hutton's I ife of Manning, 1892. J. A. P. Proverbs of Solomon, 1870. McKerrow's Life of McKerrow, 1881. Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Whewell's Elements of Morality, 1848. Temperature. EXPERIMENTS ON SUBTERRANEAN TEMPERATURE Brit. Assoc. Report, HOURLY OBSERVATIONS OF THE THERMOMETER British Assoc. Report, 1835. [1836. INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON ANIMAL LIFE Semper's Animal Life, 1881. MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE Loomis' Meteorology, 1892. OBSERVATION OF TEMPERATURE Buchan's Meteorology, 1868. TEMPERATURE OF LAKES, RIVERS, ETC., OF THE UNITED KINGDOM British Assoc. VARIATIONS OF TEMPERATURE Loomis' Meteorology, 1892. [Report, 1888. Tempests Abercromby's Weather, 1887. And under Hurricanes, Storms, et'c. [603] TEMPLARS-TENNYSON Templars (Military order of Crusaders). FOUNDATION OF THE ORDER Heckethorn's Secret Societies, 1875. THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS Ward & Lock's Epochs and Episodes in History, 1882. THE TEMPLARS. By J. A. Froude Good Words, vol. vj, 1886. GENERAL Milman's Latin Christianity, 1872. Temple (Dorothy, wife of Sir William Temple, died 1695). DOROTHY OSBORNE AND HER LETTERS English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 3, 1885-6. Temple (Richard, Earl, Keeper of the Privy Seat, 1757) Jesse's Celebrated Etonians, 1875. Temple (Sir William, Statesman, died 1699) Knight's Portrait Gallery of British Worthies, vol. 10, 1846. Temple's Works, 1757. [1897. Temple, London. LITERARY ASSOCIATIONS OF THE TEMPLE Chambers' Jour., v. 74, TEMPLE CHURCH, LONDON Gentleman's Mag. Lib. [Arch. Antiquities, part i.], 1890. GENERAL Jesse's London ; its Characters and Places, vol. 3, 1871. Temple Bar, London. INSIDE TEMPLE BAR Walford's Londoniana, 1879. GENERAL Daily Graphic, vol. n, 1892. Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. Temples. ETRUSCAN TEMPLES Dennis' Cities of Etruria, 1883. GREEK TEMPLES Murray's Guide to South Italy, V.D. ORIENTATION OF ANCIENT TEMPLES AND PLACES OF WORSHIP Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 4, 1876. ORIENTATION OF GREEK TEMPLES Nature, vol. 48, 1893. ORIGIN OF TEMPLES AND PRAYING HOUSES Allen's Evolution of the Idea of God, '97. SENAMS OR MEGALITHIC TEMPLES, TRIPOLI Antiquary, vol. 32, 1896. SOLOMON'S TEMPLE Davidson's Old Testament, 1894. TEMPLE AT JERUSALEM Ewald's Israel, vol. 3, 1871. TEMPLES AND GODS OF ANCIENT CHALDEA Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, 1894. TEMPLES OF EGYPT Scribner's Magazine, vol. 4, 1888. GENERAL Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Burder's Oriental Literature, 1822. Burn's Rome and the Campagna, 1871. Temptation. OUTLINE OF SERMON ON TEMPTATION Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 5, TEMPTATION OF JESUS Trench's Studies in the Gospels, 1874. [1886. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. i, 1891. Tenants. LANDLORDS AND TENANTS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871. Tenasserim, Burma Fytche's Burma, 1878. Tenby, Wales. SHORT ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION Villars' English Provinces, 1888. GENERAL Black's Guide to South Wales, V.D. Black's Where shall we go ? 1892. Tenderness Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Tendring 1 Manor Rush's Seats in Essex, 1897. Tenements, Housing Question, etc. TenerifFe, Canary Islands. HEALTH-SEEKING IN TENERIFFE igth Century, v. 26, 1889. PEAK OF TENERIFFE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 58, 1888. Mountains and Mountain- climbing, 1883. Murray's Sixteen Years of an Artist's Life, 1859. VISIT TO MADEIRA AND TENERIFFE Chambers' Miscellany, vol. 7, 1844-7. GENERAL Brassey's Voyage in the "Sunbeam," 1889. Humboldt's Travels. 1852. Leveson's Forest and Field, 1867. North's Recollections of a Happy Life, 1892. TeniSOn (T., Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1715) Bray's Life of Evelyn, 1871. Stoughton's Church of the Restoration, 1870. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 1874. Stoughton's Religion under Anne and the Georges, 1878. Tennant (T., Itinerant Preacher, died 1793) Jackson's Early Meth. Preachers, v. 6, 1878- Tennessee, United States. INDUSTRIAL REGION OF NORTHERN ALABAMA, TENNESSEE, AND GEORGIA Harper's Magazine, vol. 29, 1895. SOME NOTES ON TENNESSEE'S CENTENNIAL Scribner's Magazine, vol. 22, 1897. TENNESSEE AND ITS CENTENNIAL Century Magazine, vol. 32, 1897. GENERAL Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 24, 1830. Tenniel (Sir John, Artist, contributor to "Punch," born 1820). THE FIRESIDE IN ART Ruskin's Art of England, 1884. THE WORK OF JOHN TENNIEL Art Journal, 1882. GENERAL Ewart's Toilers in Art, 1891. Tennis. GAME OF TENNIS Pepys' Diary, 1867. LAWN TENNIS O. Crawfurd's Horses and Riders and other Essays, 1885. LAWS OF TENNIS Heathcote's Tennis, 1891. SOME FAMOUS LAWN TENNIS PLAYERS Cassell's Magazine, vol. 26, 1898. GENERAL Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1888. Every Boy's Book, 1888. TENNYSON (Alfred, First Lord, celebrated Poet, died 1892). A REVIEW OF TENNYSON'S BIOGRAPHY The Literary World, vol. 56, 1897. A STUDY IN POETICAL WORKMANSHIP Fortnightly Review, vol. 68, 1897. As A HUMORIST Nineteenth Century, vol. 35, 1894. ASPECTS OF TENNYSON Nineteenth Century, vol. 32, 1892; and vol. 33, 1893. " BECKET" Macmillan's Magazine, vpl 51, 1884-5. BIOGRAPHY OF TENNYSON Biographies Reprinted from the "Times," vol. i, 1^96. Daily Graphic, vol. 12, 1892. BIRDS OF TENNYSON Temple Bar, vol. no, 1897. [604] TBNNYSON-TERTULLIAN Tennyson (continued). CANADIAN STUDY OF "THE PRINCESS" Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 47, 1882-3. CHARACTER SKETCH Review of Reviews, vol. 6, 1892. COMPARISON OF TENNYSON AND DANTE Temple Bar, vol. 102, 1894. DEATH OF TENNYSON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 67, 1892-3. EARLY RECOLLECTIONS OF TENNYSON Temple Bar, vol. 101, 1894. ESSAYS ON TENNYSON Devey's English Poets, 1873. Forman's Living Poets, 1871. Home's New Spirit of the Age, 1844. Howat's Summer Days, 1878. Stedman's Victorian Poets, 1876. FEW WORDS ABOUT TENNYSON Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. HANDWRITING OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON Strand Magazine, vol. 8, 1894. LIFE OF TENNYSON Atlantic Monthly, vol. 80. 1897. National Review, v. 30, 1897-8. MEN I HAVE KNOWN. By Dean Farrar Temple Magazine, vol. i, 1896-7. J. S. MILL AND TENNYSON Knowledge, vol. 20, 1897. MISSION OF TENNYSON Fortnightly Review, vol.67, ^97 . NEW LIGHT ON TENNYSON Sunday Magazine, vol. 23, 1894. NOTES ON SONGS OF TENNYSON Girl's Own Annual, vol. 13, 189?. REVIEW OF HIS LIFE Edinburgh Review, vol. 186, 1897. Quarterly Rev., v. 186, 1897. TALKS WITH TENNYSON New Keview, vol. 15, 1896. TENNYSON AND HIS FRIENDS AT FRESHWATER Century Magazine, vol. 33, 1897-8. TENNYSON AND NATURE Natural Science, vol. i, 1892. TENNYSON IN IRELAND Cornhill Magazine, vol. 3 (n.s.), 1897. TENNYSON : THE MINISTRY OF HOPE Contemporary Pulpit, vol. 8 (2nd ser.), 1892. TENNYSON'S EARLY DAYS Strand Magazine, vol. 2, 1891. TENNYSON'S EARLY POEMS Mill's Early Essays, 1897. TENNYSON'S FIRST FLIGHT Scribner's Magazine, vol. 6, 1889. TENNYSON'S THEOLOGY Hutton's Aspects of Religious and Scientific Thought, 1899. TREES AND FLOWERS OF TENNYSON Temple Bar, vol. 103, 1894. VIRGIL AND TENNYSON Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 33, 1875-6. WORD ABOUT TENNYSON Whitman's Democratic Vistas, 1888. GENERAL Contemporary Review, vol. 72, 1897. Gilfillan's Literary Remains, vol.2, 1845. Harper's Magazine, vol.25, 1893. Henley's Lyra Heroica, 1892. Longman'^ Magazine, vol. 31, 1897-8. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 27, 1872-3. Men and Women of the Day, 1888. Tenterden Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1888. Hissey's Holiday on the Road, 1887. Tents. TENTS OF ALL COUNTRIES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 6, 1883-4. [1897. Tenures. ANCIENT TENURES Andrews' Legal Lore : Curiosities of Lawand Lawyers, BOROUGH-ENGLISH TENURE Antiquary, vol.8, 1883. Archaeological Journal, vol. 4g h 1892. Dublin Review, vol. 103, 1888. FIXITY OF TENURE Irish Landlord, and his Accusers, 1882. GAVELKIND TENURE Archaeological Journal, vol. 49, 1892. LAWS RESPECTING TENURES Lawrence's Principles of the Commonwealth, 1884. See also Land. Tepic, Mexico Conder's Modern Traveller, vol. 26, 1830. Ter-Borch (Gerard, Dutch Painter, died 1681) Gower's Figure Painters of Holland, '81. Terceira, Azores Roundell's Visit to the Azores, 1889. Terling Place (Seat of Lord Rayleigh) Rush's Seats in Essex, 1897. Termites. WHITE ANTS OR TERMITES Chambers' Journal, vol. 74, 1897. Tern (An oceanic bird -remarkable for its habit of turning when seizing its prey). DESCRIP- TIONS OF SPECIES OF THE TERN Jardine's Naturalist's Library, vol. 4, 1848. WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN Yarrell's British Birds, 1856. GENERAL Morris' British Birds, vol. 6, 1891. Ternate (Island in the Malay Archipelago). VOYAGE FROM WAIGIOU TO TERNATE Wallace's Malay Archipelago, 1890. Terni, Italy Hare's Central Italy, 1884. Hare's Days near Rome, 1884. Terra del FuegfO (Archipelago south of southern end of South America) Wilkes' Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition from 1838 to 1842. Terra-Cotta. A CYPRIAN TERRA-COTTA Archaeological Institute, vol. 53. GENERAL Ure's Dictionary of Arts, etc. TerriSS (William, Actor, assassinated 1897) Theatre, vol. 6, 1882. Terror. EMOTION OF FEAR Bain's The Emotions and the Will, 1875. GENERAL Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 2, 1891. Terry (Ellen, noted Actress, born 1848). ELLEN TERRY AS PORTIA Theatre, vol. i, 1880. ELLEN TERRY AT HOME Lady's Realm, vol. 2, 1897. ILLUSTRATED INTERVIEW Strand Magazine, vol. 4, 1892. Miss ELLEN TERRY'S FIRST APPEARANCE Theatre, vol. 10, 1887. GENERAL English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 18, 1897-8. Men and Women of the Day, 1888. Pascoe's Dramatic List, 1880. Theatre, vol. i, 1878-9 ; and vol.2, 1883. Terry (Marion, Actress, sister of Miss Ellen Terry) Theatre, vol. i, 1878-9. Tertiary Epoch. MAN OF THE TERTIARY EPOCH Joly's Man before Metals, 1887. Tertullian (Latin Father, died 230) Backhouse's Early Church History, 1892. David- son's Study of the New Testament, 1882. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 1889. Lecky's Rationalism in Europe, 1870. Milman's History of Christianity, 1875. [603] TESLA THAMES 'Tesla (Nikola, Servian Inventor and Electrician). NIKOLA TESLA AND HIS OSCILLATOR Ochrane's Wonders of Modern Mechanism, 1897. THE RESEARCHKS OF TESLA Nature, vol. 52, 1895. GENERAL Century Magazine, vol. 25, 1893-4. 'Testament. See Old Testament New~Ttstament, Bible, Scriptures, etc. Testators. ECCENTRIC TESTATORS Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. Tete Livingstone's South Africa, 1861. Tetuan, Morocco Hardwicke's Rambles Abroad, 1890. Teutons. CONVERSION OF THE TF.UTONS Milman's Latin Christianity, vols. i &2, 1872. THEIR RELIGION, MYTHOLOGY, GODS, AND COSMOGANY Bettany's World's Religions, 1890. Tewfik Pasha (Khedive of Egypt, died 1892) Biographies Reprinted from the " Times," vol. 5, 1896. Nineteenth Century, vol. 31, 1892. Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire Holmes' Hundred Days In Europe, 1887. Magazine of Art, vol. 10, 1887. Tewkesbury Abbey. DESCRIPTION OF TEWKESBURY ABBEY Beattie's Castles and Abbeys of England, 1851. HISTORICAL MEMORIES OF TEWKESBURY ABBEY Antiquary, vol. i, 1880. TEWKESBURY ABBEY CHURCH Archasological Journal, vol. 47, 1890. GENERAL Good Words, vol. 33, 1892. Saturday Review, vol. 78, 1894. Texas, United States. A "TENDERFOOT" IN TEXAS Windsor Mag., vol. 5, 1896-7. LIFE IN TEXAS Hughes' Vacation Rambles, 1895. TEXAS TO CALIFORNIA Frpebel's Central America, 1859. GENERAL Harper's Magazine, vol. 26, 1893. 'Texel Island, Holland Havard's Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, 1876. 'Textiles. ART IN TEXTILES Great Industries of Great Britain, 1878. DESIGNING FOR TEXTILES Crane's Bases of Design, 1898. Texts and Mottoes Cornhill Magazine, vol. 68. See also Mottoes. Thacker (S. C., Minister of the New South Church, Boston, died 1818). OBITUARY NOTICE Channing's Works, 1841. 'THACKERAY (William Makepeace, celebrated Novelist, died 1863). AFTER READING THACKERAY Literature, vol. 4, 1899. ANDREW LANG ON THACKERAY Good Words, vol. 29, 1888. [v. 83, 1888. DICKENS AND THACKERAY Phillips' Essays from the " Times," 1871. Temple Bar, ESSAYS ON THACKERAY Fields' Yesterdays with Authors, 1872. Lang's Essays in HAUNTS AND HOMES OF THACKERAY Scribner's Mag., vol. 21, 1897. [Little, 1891. LEECH AND THACKERAY Mackay's Forty Years' Recollections, 1877. REMINISCENCES OF HIS LIFE AND CHARACTER Spofford's Library of Choice Literature, vol. 7, 1890. REMINISCENCES OF W. M. THACKERAY Temple Bar, vol. 98, 1893. REVIEW OF THACKERAY'S WORKS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 9, 1863-4. SKETCH OF THACKERAY'S CAREER. By Anthony Trollope Cornhill Mag., v. 9, 1864. SOME ASPECTS OF THACKERAY Atlantic Monthly, vol. 82, 1898. THACKERAY AND THE THEATRE Longman's Magazine, vol. 4, 1884. THACKERAY'S CONNECTION WITH "PUNCH" Spielmann's History of " Punch," 1895. THACKERAY IN WEIMAR Century Magazine, vol. 31, 1897. THACKERAY'S LONDON Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Temple Bar, vol. 105, 1895. THACKERAY'S PHILOSOPHY Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 75, 1896-7. THE REAL BARRY LYNDON English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 14, 1896. GENERAL Cochrane's Great Thinkers and Workers, 1 888. Forster's Life of Dickens, 1872-4. Hodder's Memories of My Time, 1870. Kent's Footprints on the Road, 1864. Lancaster's Essays and Reviews, 1876. Scribner's Magazine, vols. i and 2, 1887. Wotton's Word Portraits of Famous Writers, 1887. ' Thales (A n early Greek Philosopher, 7th century B.C.) CloHd's Pioneers of Evolution, 1897. G. H. Lewes' History of Philosophy, 1897. Munro's Pioneers of Electricity, 1890. 'Thame, Oxfordshire Hissey's Across England in a Dog-Cart, 1891. 'THAMES (Most important river of Great Britain). A CHAPTER ON THE THAMES Walford's Londoniana, 1879. A PILGRIMAGE ON THE RIVER THAMES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 2, 1884-5. ALONG THAMES SHORE All the Year Round, vol. 56, 1885. DESCRIPTION OF THE UPPKR THAMES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. EVOLUTION OF THE THAMES Natural Science, vol. 5, 1894. FORDS AND FERRIES OVER THE THAMES Thomson's London Bridge, 1839. FROM LONDON TO GRAVESEND Black's Guide to Kent, V.D. ON THE RIVER Art Journal, 1894. ON THE UPPER THAMES Leisure Hour, vol. 42, 1893. PUBLIC RIGHTS IN THE THAMES Antiquary, vol. 8, 1883. SCENERY OF THE THAMES Cassell's Picturesque Europe, vol. r, 1876. THAMES AND HIS BRIDGES Cassell's Magazine, vol. 25, 1898. THAMES AS A GAME-FI^H RIVER Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 165, 1899. THAMES BRIDGES Journal of the Society of Arts, vol. 31. Welch's History of the Tower Bridge, 1894. THAMES CHURCH MISSION Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4 [p. 468], 1883. THAMES THEATRES Thames (continued). THAMES CONSERVANCY Daily Graphic, vol. 31, 1897. THAMES POLICE Pearson's Magazine, vol. 3, 1897. THAMES POLICE: A NIGHT WITH THE THAMES POLICE Strand Mag., vol. i, 1891. THAMES WATERMEN Chambers' Journal, vol. 73, 1896. WEEK ON THE THAMES Boy's Own Annual, vol. 3, 1881. of London, 1871. Thames Embankment Chambers' Journal, vol. 42, 1865. Knowledge, vol. 3, 1883. Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 1861-2. Watford's Old and New London, vol. 3. Thames Ironworks. CYCLOPS IN LONDON Cornhill Magazine, vol. 20 (n.s.), 1893. REMINISCENCES OF THE EARLY DAYS OF THE THAMES IRONWORKS Thames Iron- works Gazette, vol. i, 1895. Thames Street, London Hare's Walks in London, 1878. Thames Subway Nature, vol. i [page 280], 1869-70. Thames Tunnel Walford's Old and New London, vol. 2, 1875-8. Thanet (Isle of) Black's Guide to Kent, V.D. Land We Live In, vol. 2, 1853. Thanet (Lord) De Ros' Memorials of the Tower of London, 1867. Thangue (H. H. La, Artist, born 1863). MONOGRAPH ON LA THANGUE Art Jour., 1893. Thankfulness Treasury of Religious Thought, vol. 3, 1891. Thaxted Church, Essex Essex Archaaological Society's Trans., vol. 3 (n.s.), 1889. THEATRES. (See also Actors, ComSdie Franfaise, Comedy, Drama, Play, Stage, etc.). AMERICA: A CRITICAL REVIEW OF DALY'S THEATRE Century Mag., vol. 34, 1898. AN ACTOR OF THE LAST CENTURY Chambers' Journal, vol. 67 [page 93], 1890. ANCIENT THEATRES Westropp's Handbook of Archaeology, 1878. CHILDREN IN THEATRES English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 7, 1889-90. CLERGY AND THE THEATRE Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 37, 1877-8. COST OF PLAY-GOING Theatre, vol. i (n.s.), 18 8-9. COVENT GARDEN THEATRE Beale's Light of Other Days, 1890. Also Covent Garden. DRURY LANE THEATRE Chambers' Journal, vol. 69, 1892. Thornbury's Haunted London, 1880. A nd tinder Drury Lane. DUBLIN : THE OLD DUBLIN THEATRE Doran's Annals of the English Stage, 1888. EAST END: OLD THEATRES IN THE EAST END London, vol. 5, 1896. EAST END THEATRES Baker's London Stage: its History and Traditions, 1889. EMPTY BENCHES Chambers' Journal, vol. 67, 1890. FIRST NIGHTS OF FAMOUS PLAYS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. FRANCE: BEHIND THE CURTAIN AT THE GRAND OPERA, PARIS Sala's Paris Herself Again in 1878-9. [1892. FRANCE: " BIJOU " PARISIAN THEATRE [Palais Royal] All the Year Round, vol. 70, FRANCE: GREKN ROOM OF THECOMEDIE FRANCAISE English Illustrated, v. 10, 1892-3. FRANCE: PARIS THEATRES AND CONCERTS Scribner's Magazine, vol. u, 1892. FRENCH THEATRE IN THE i8TH CENTURY Lady Jackson's The Old Regime, 1880. FRENCH THEATRE UNDER Louis XIV. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 31, 1874-5. GERMANY: TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF A GERMAN COURT THEATRE National Rev., vol. 25, 1895. GROWTH OF THE PROVINCIAL STAGE Lecky's History of England, 1892. HUMOURS OF THE THEATRE Cornhill Magazine, vol. 4 (n.s.), 1898. IRVING ON A MUNICIPAL THEATRE Theatre, vol. 24, 1894. Is THE THEATRE GROWING LESS POPULAR? Pall Mall Magazine, vol. 2, 1893-4. JAPAN: THE THEATRE IN JAPAN Bing's Artistic Japan, 1888. JAPANESE THEATRES Chamberlain's Things Japanese, 1891. LONDON THEATRES Antiquary, vols. u, 12, 14, 15, 16, 1885-7. Timbs' Curiosities of London, 1871. LONDON THEATRES FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME Baker's London Stage, 1889, LONDON THEATRES OF THE PAST Theatre, vol. 21 (n.s.), 1893. LONDON : THE HISTORY OF THEATRES IN LONDON 1576-1642 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol. 10, 1882. LONDON : THEATRE IN LONDON New Review, vol. 12, 1895. ON BEING RIGHTLY AMUSED AT THE THEATRE, 1895 Jones' Renascence of the English Drama, 1895. PLEASURES OF THE THEATRE British Essayists, vol. 4, 1823. POMPEII : THEATRES OF POMPEII Dyer's Pompeii : its History, Buildings, etc.. 1867. SCENIC WORLD Cornhill Magazine, vol. 53, 1886. SOME RECENT THEATRICAL CRITICISMS Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 48, 1883. SURREY THEATRE All the Year Round, vol. 68, 1891. THE THEATRE AND THE MOB, 1895 Jones' Renascence of the English Drama, 1895. THE THEATRE IN ITS RELATION TO THE STATE Fortnightly Rev., vol. 70, 1898. THEATRE CHILDREN Sunday Magazine, vol. 26, 1890. THEATRES AND Music HALLS Black's Guide to London, V.D. THEATRES IN THE TIME OF CHARLES THE SECOND All the Year Round, v. 42, '78-9. THEATRICAL AMATEURS Lennox's Reminiscences, 1863. THEATRICAL BENEFITS Chambers' Journal, vol. 68, 1891. [607! THEATRES -THEORY Theatres (continued). THEATRICAL PROPERTIES OK LAST CENTURY Chambers' Jour., vol. 69 [p. 789], 1892. UNSEEN REGIONS OF THE THEATRE Chambers' Journal, vol. 63, 1886. UP IN THE GALLERY OF A THEATRE All the Year Round, vol. 50, 1882. WHITEFRIARS AND THE PLAYHOUSES Archer's Highway of Let