ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY 7 r SHOWING STATIONS AND POST OFFICE ADDRESSES of ORGANIZATIONS of THE ARMY Compiled in the Office of Tb, Adjutant General 1919 Organization Directory Showing STATIONS and POST OFFICE ADDRESSES of ORGANIZATIONS OF THE ARMY November 15, 1919 Compiled in the Office of The Adjutant General WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 TERRITORIAL DEPARTMENTS. NORTHEASTERN DEPARTMENT; HEADQUARTERS, BOSTON, MASS.: Includes the North Atlantic Coast Artillery District and the States of Maine, New Hampshire, Ver- mont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. EASTERN DEPARTMENT; HEADQUARTERS, GOVERNORS ISLAND, N. Y.: Includes Middle Atlantic Coast Artillery District and the States of New York, Pennsyl- vania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia, and Porto Rico, and the islands and keys adjacent thereto. SOUTHEASTERN DEPARTMENT; HEADQUARTERS, CHARLESTON, S. C.: Includes the South Atlantic Coast Artillery District and the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Ar- kansas, also the coast defenses of Galveston. CENTRAL DEPARTMENT; HEADQUARTERS, CHICAGO, ILL.: Includes States of West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado, SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT; HEADQUARTERS, FT. SAM HOUSTON, TEL: Includes States of Texas (excepting coast defenses of Galveston), Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona. WKSTKRN DEPARTMENT; HEADQUARTERS, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.: Includes North Pacific Coast Artillery District, South Pacific Coast Artillery District, and States of Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and Cali- fornia. HAWAIIAN DEPARTMENT; HEADQUARTERS, HONOLULU, HAWAII: Includes Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies. PHILIPPINE DEPARTMENT; HEADQUARTERS, MANILA, P. I.: Includes all Philippine Archipelago and troops in China. PANAMA CANAL DEPARTMENT; HEADQUARTERS, ANCON, C. Z.: Includes entire Canal Zone. 4 COAST ARTILLERY DISTRICTS. NORTH ATLANTIC COAST ARTILLERY DISTRICT; HEADQUARTERS, BOSTON, MASS.: In- cludes coast defenses of Portland, Portsmouth, Boston, New Bedford, and Narra- gansett Bay. MIDDLE ATLANTIC COAST ARTILLERY DISTRICT; HEADQUARTERS, FT. TOTTEN, N. Y.: Includes coast defenses of Long Island Sound, eastern JNew York, southern New York, Sandy Hook, the Delaware, Baltimore, the Potomac, and Chesapeake Bay. SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST ARTILLERY DISTRICT; HEADQUARTERS, CHARLESTON, S. C. Includes coast defenses of the Cape Fear, Charleston, Savannah, Tampa, Key West, Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans, and Galveston. SOUTH PACIFIC COAST ARTILLERY DISTRICT; HEADQUARTERS, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Includes coast defenses of San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. NORTH PACIFIC COAST ARTILLERY DISTRICT; HEADQUARTERS, SEATTLE, WASH.: In- cludes coast defenses of Puget Sound and the Columbia. PANAMA CANAL COAST ARTILLERY DISTRICT; HEADQUARTERS, FT. AMADOR, C. Z.: includes coast defenses of Balboa and Cristobal. 5 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Gen. Ildqra A. Washington, D. C... 2 E. F. G. Hq. Bn., Washington, D. C... Co. A. American Forces in 3 France. Hdqrs Paris A. P. O. 702. . .. 4 Service of Sup- ply. Hdqrs Paris A. P. O. 702.. 6 Base Section Brest A. P. O. 716 No. 5. A merican Forces in <$ Germany. Hdqrs Coblenz . A P O 927 7 Base Section Antwerp, Belgium A. P. 0. 944 No. 9. American Forces in 8 Sib e r i a. Hdqrs Vladivostok, Si- beria. DIVISION HEADQUARTERS. 1st Division. . . 2d Division.... 3d Division..., 4th Division . . 5tb Division.. 6th Division.. 7th Division.. Camp Taylor, Ky.. Camp Travis, Tex. . Camp Pike, Ark Camp Dodge, Iowa. Camp Gordon, Ga. . Camp Grant, 111.... Camp Funston.Kans ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. AIR SERVICE. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Wings. 1st Kelly Field, Tex... ft 2d Langley Field, Tex. 3 Groups. 1st Day Bom- Kelly Field, Tex... 4 bardment Group. 1st Surveil- Kelly Field, Tex... 5 lance Group. 1st Pursuit Kelly Field, Tex . fi Group, let Army Ob- Langley Field, Ya. . 7 servation Group. 1st Observa- Manila, P. I 8 tion Group. 2d Observa- Honolulu, Hawaii.. 9 tion Group. 3d Observa- France Field, C. Z.. 10 tion Group. Aero squad- rons. 1st Mitchel Field Garden City, N.Y.. 1st Army Observa- 11 2d Manila, P.I tion Group. 1st Observation 1ft 3d. Manila, P. I Group. 1st Observation IS 4th Hazelhurst Field.. Mineola, N. Y Group. 2d Observation 14 5th Hazelhurst Field Mineola, N. Y Group. 3d Observation 15 6th Ford's Island Honolulu, Hawaii . . Group. 2d Observation 16 7th France Field, C.Z.. Group. 3d Observation 17 8th McAllen Group. 1st Surveillance 18 Flight A ... McAllen, Tex Group. 19 Flight B... Laredo. Tex.. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. AIR SERVICE Continued. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 .4m> otwf- rons Contd. 9th Rockwell Field San Diego, Calif ? Flight A.... Camp John H. Bea- Calexico, Calif.. 3 10th com. Boiling Field Anacostia, D. C 4 llth Ft. Bliss, Tex 1st Day Bombard- 5 12th Kelly Field, Tex .. ment Group. Army Observation 6 20th Kelly Field, Tex... Group. 1st Day Bombard- 7 27th Kelly Field, Tex... ment Group. 1st Pursuit Group 8 60th Langley Field, Va. 9 88th Langley Field, Va . in 90th Kelly Field, Tex... 1st Surveillance n Flight A. .. Eagle Pass, Tex Group. 12 Flight B Kelly Field, Tex... 13 91et Mather Field Sacramento Calif . . 14 94th Kelly Field, Tex... 1st Pursuit Group 15 95th. Kelly Field, Tex .. 1st Pursuit Group 16 96th Ft. Bliss, Tex 1st Day Bombard 17 Flight A Douglas, Ariz ment Group. IS 99th Boiling Field Anacostia, D. C . . . . 19 104th Kelly Field, Tex . 1st Surveillance 20 135th Post Field Ft. Sill, Okla Group. 21 144th c Kelly Field, Tex ?,?, 145th c Kelly Field, Tex.. 23 147th Kelly Field, Tex... 1st Pursuit Group. 24 166th Kelly Field, Tex... 1st Day Bombard- 25 258th Proving Grounds Aberdeen, Md ment Group. 26 360th Air Park No. 2 27 Aero construc- tion tquad- ront. 464th c... Sanderson. Tex . Temporary. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. AIR SERVICE Continued. Organization. Aero supply squadrons. Station. Post office. Aero repair squadrons. Aero replace- ment squad- rons. llllth.. Casual Detach- ments. N. E. Dept... S. E. Dept... Eastern Dept. Southern Dept Central Dept. . Western Dept. Flying School Detachments. Demobilized. Demobilized. France . A. P. 0.702. 14904619- Bostou, Mass Charleston, S. C. . New York, N.Y.. Ft.SamHouston,Tex Chicago, 111 San Francisco, Calif. Barron Field Call Field Chanute Field Chapman Filed Eberts Field Gerstner Field Kelly Field Langley Field Lovo Field March Field Payne Field Rich Field Scott Field Souther Field Taliaferro Field Taylor Field -2 Ft. Worth, Tex Wichita Falls, Tex. Rantoul, 111 Miami, Fla ... Lonoke, Ark Lake Charles, La... San Antonio, Tex . Hampton, Va Dallas, Tex Riverside, Calif West Point, Miss... Waco, Tex Belleville, 111 Americus, Ga Hicks, Tex Montgomery, Ala.. Remarks. Redesiguated II q . American Avia- tion Det. 10 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. A.IR SERVICE Continued. \ T o Organization. Station. Poet office. Remarks. 1 PAoto school detachments. Demobilized 2 Pilot schol de- tachments. Carlstrom Field .... Arcadia, Fla g March Field Riverside, Calif.... 4 Radio detach- ments. 18th March Field Riverside, Calif 5 Supply de- tachments. Kelly Field, Tex... 6 McCook Field Dayton, Ohio 7 Wilbur Wright Field Fairfield, Ohio - u, Dallas, Tex g Montgomery, Ala. . . o Speedway, Ind i S quadront (spruce pro- duction). Demobilized ? Balloon com- panies. No. 1 Army Balloon School Arcadia, Calif 8 No. 2 Army Balloon School Arcadia, Calif 4 No. 3 Army Balloon School Arcadia, Calif B No 4 Brooks Field San Antonio, Tex . . fi No. 5 . Brooks Field San Antonio, Tex . . 7 No. 6 . . Brooks Field San Antonio, Tex . . 8 No. 7 Brooks Field San Antonio, Tex . . q No. 8 Brooks Field San Antonio, Tex . . >0 No.9 Army Balloon School Ft. Omaha, Nebr... >1 No 10 Langley Field, Va. . >? No. 11. Brooks Field San Antonio, Tex . . >S No. 12 Ft. Omaha, Nebr . . >4 No. 13 Army Balloon School Arcadia, Calif V> No. 14 Army Balloon School Ft. Omaha, Nebr... >H No 15 . Army Balloon School Arcadia Calif ?7 No. 10... Brooks Field . . San Antonio. Tex.. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. AIR SERVICE Continued. 11 No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Balloon com- paniesCon. No. 17 Army Balloon School Ft. Omaha Nebr 9 No. 18 Proving Ground Aberdeen, Md.. ^ No. 19 Langley Field, Va- 4 No. 20 Army Balloon School Lee Hall, Va . . . | No. 21 Army Balloon School Arcadia, Calif .... fi No. 22 Army Balloon School Lee Hall, Va ...... 7 No. 23 Post Field Ft. Sill, Okla 8 No. 24 Army Balloon School Ft. Omaha, Nebr. . . q No. 25 Army Balloon School Arcadia, Calif 10 No. 26 Army Balloon School Lee Hall, Va 11 No. 27 Army Balloon School Ft. Omaha, Nebr... 1? No. 28.. Army Balloon School Lee Hall, Va 13 No. 29 . . Army Balloon School Lee Hall, Va 14 No. 30 Army Balloon School Lee Hall, Va 15 No. 31 Camp Knox Louisville Ky 16 No. 32 Army Balloon School Lee Hall, Va. . . 17 Balloon group headquarters. Demobilized 18 Balloon wing compares. Demobilized 19 Construction companies. Demobilized 90 Mechanic* regi- ment*. Demobilized fll Air parks. No 2. Kelly Field Tex . . ?,?, No. 5 c Kelly Field, Tex... 23 Air service ac- ceptance park. Demobilized.. Temporary. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. AIR SERVICE Continued. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. Photo sections. No.l Ft. Bliss, Tex No. 2 Langley Field, Va. No. 4 Langley Field, Va. No. 6 Langley Field Hampton, Va No. 7 Camp Benning, Ga No. 11 Langley Field Hampton, Va No. 12 France Field Canal Zone No. 14 Langley Field, Va No. 15 Laugley Field, Va No. 27 c Mitchel Field Garden City, N. Y. No.4Qc Carlstrom Field Arcadia, Fla No 46 c Langley Field Hampton, Va No.48c March Field Riverside, Calif.... No. 64 c Langley Field Hampton, Va No.84c Kelly Field, Tex No.88c Langley Field Hampton, Va . ARMY SERVICE CORPS. Hqra. Army A. P. O. 702 S. O. S. Service Corps. Administrative service com- panies. No. 26 France A. P. 0. 716 No.51 France A. P. O. 716 S. O. S. No. 145 France Via A. P. O. 702. . . S. O. S. No. 180 France A. P. O. 716 S. O. S. Cement mill companies. Demobilized. Censor and press company. ; Demobilized. Cook compa- nies. Demobilized . < Temporary ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. ARMY SERVICE CORPS Continued. 13 No. Organization. Depot service companies. Station. Post office. Remarks. Demobilized Guard compa- nies. ,\ Demobilized. Printing Com- pany. Demobilized Prisoner of war escort companies. No. 74 ! France < A. P. 0. 716 S. O. S. No. 217 France" A. P. O. 716 S. O. S. No. 222 France" A. P. 0. 716 j S. 0. S. No. 226 France" A. P. O. 716 S. O. S. No. 254 CampDix,N.J j _~ J , COAST ARTILLERY CORPS. Mobile organ- izations. Brigade Hq 30th Camp Eustia, Va . 31st Camp Lewis, Wash. 39th Camp Jackson, S.C.; Regiments: 42d less CampEustis, Va..-! 30th Brig. Btry. A.. Ft. Story, Va I 43d CampEustis, Va.... 30th Brig. 44th Camp Jackson, S. C. j 39th Brig. 51at I Camp Jackson, S.C.j 39th Brig. 52d ! Camp Eustis, Va 30th Brig. 53d j Camp Eustis, Va 30th Brig. 55th Camp Lewis, Wash 31st Brig. 56th Camp Jackson, S. C 39th Brig. 57th j Camp Lewis, Wash 31st Brig. 59th Camp Lewis, Wash. j 31st Brig. Assigned early convoy. 14 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. COAST DEFENSES OF BALBOA; HEADQUARTERS, FT. AMADOR C. Z. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 1st Co Ft. Amador Canal Zone 2 2d Co Ft. Amador Canal Zone ^ 3d Co Ft. Amador Canal Zone 4 4th Co Ft. Amador Canal Zone 5 5th Co Ft. Amador Canal Zone fi 6th Co Ft. Amador Canal Zone 6 7th Co Ft. Grant Canal Zone 7 8th Co Ft. Amador Canal Zone g 9th Co Ft. Amador Canal Zone q 10th Co Ft. Amador Canal Zone COAST DEFENSES OF BALTIMORE; HEADQUARTERS, FT. HO WARD, MD. 10 1st Co Ft. Howard, Md 11 2d Co Ft. Howard, Md COAST DEFENSES OF BOSTON; HEADQUARTERS, FT. WARREN, MASS. 12 let Co ... Ft Revere Hull, Mass 13 2d Co Ft Banks Winthrop S tation , 14 3d Co .... Ft Strong Mass. Boston, Mass. ...... 15 4th Co .... Ft. Banks Winthrop Station, 18 5th Co Ft Andrews Mass Mass. 17 6th Co Ft Andrews Mass.. 18 7th Co Ft Warren Boston, Mass 19 8th Co Ft. Andrews, Mass . . Boston, Mass 20 9th Co Ft. Strong Boston, Mass 21 10th Co Ft Strong Boston, Mass 2 9 llth Co Ft Strong Boston, Mass 23 12th Co Ft Andrews, Mass. . Boston, Mass ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. 15 COAST DEFENSES OP THE CAPE FEAR; HEADQUARTERS, FT. CASWELL, N. C. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 1st Co Ft. Caswell Southport, N. C. 2 2dCo Ft. Caswell Southport, N. C.. COAST DEFENSES OF CHARLESTON; HEADQUARTERS, FT. MOULTRIE, S. C. 3 Hqrs. Co Ft. Moultrie Moultrieville, S. C.. 4 1st Co Ft. Moultrie Moultrieville, S. C. 5 2dCo Ft. Moultrie Moultrieville. S. C. 6 3d Co Ft. Moultrie Moultrieville, S. C. 7 4th Co Ft. Moultrie Moultrieville, S. C. COAST DEFENSES OF CHESAPEAKE BAY; HEADQUARTERS, FT. MONROE , VA. 8 1st Co Ft. Monroe Ft. Monroe, Va.. 9 2dCo Ft. Story Cape Henry, Va. 10 3d Co Ft. Monroe Ft. Monroe, Va.. 11 4th Co Ft. Monroe Ft. Monroe, Va.. 12 5th Co Ft. Monroe Ft. Monroe, Va.. 13 6th Co Ft. Monroe. Ft. Monroe, Va.. 14 7th Co Ft. Monroe Ft. Monroe, Va.. 15 8th Co Ft. Monroe Ft. Monroe, Va.. COAST DEFENSES OF THE COLUMBIA; HEADQUARTERS, FT. STEVENS, OREG. 16 1st Co Ft. Stevens, Oreg. 17 2dCo Ft. Stevens, Oreg 18 3d Co Ft. Stevens, Oreg. 19 4th Co Ft. Columbia, Wash. JG ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. COAST DEFENSES OF CRISTOBAL; HEADQUARTERS, FT. DE LESSHP?, C. Z. No. Organization. 1 let Co .... Station. Ft. Sherman Post office. Remarks. . Cristobal, C. Z 2 2d Co ... Ft. Sherman . Cristobal, C. Z 3 3d Co Ft. Sherman . Cristobal, C. Z 4 4th Co Ft Sherman . Cristobal C Z 5 5th Co Ft. Sherman . Cristobal C. Z 6 6th Co Ft. De Lesaeps Canal Zone j 7 7th Co ... . Ft. Randolph . Cristobal C. Z. . S 8th Co Ft. Randolph . Cristobal, C. Z ' 9th Co Ft. Randolph . Cristobal, C. Z 10 10th Co Ft. Randolph . Cristobal, C. Z 1 1 llth Co . ... Ft Sherman . Cristobal C. Z COAST DEFENSES OF THE DELAWARE; HEADQUARTERS, FT. DU PONT, DEL. 12 1st Co. 13 2dCo.. 14 3d Co. 15 4th Co. Ft. Du Pont Delaware City, Del. Ft. Du Pont Delaware City, Del Ft. Delaware Delaware City, Del. Ft. Mott Salem, N. J .. COAST DEFENSES OF EASTERN NEW YORK; HEADQUARTERS, FT. TOTTEN, N. Y. 16 1st Co Ft. Totten Long Island, N. Y . 17 2d Co Ft. Totten Long Island, N. Y . COAST DEFENSES OF GALVESTON; HEADQUARTERS, FT. CROCKETT; TEX. 18 let Co Ft. Crockett Galveston, Tex 19 2d Co. 20 3d Co. Ft. Crockett Galveston, Tex Ft. Crockett Galveston, Tex COAST DEFENSES OF KEY WEST; HEADQUARTERS, KEY WEST BAR- RACKS, FLA. j 22 1st Co Ft. Taylor Key West, Fla. 22 2d Co Key West Barracks . Key West, Fla. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. 17 COAST DEFENSES OF LONG ISLAND SOUND; HEADQUARTERS, FT. H. G. WRIGHT, N. Y. No Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1st Co. 2d Co. . 3d Co. 4th Co. 5th Co. 6th.Co. 7th Co. 8th Co. 9th Co. Ft. H. G. Wright. . . Ft. H, G. Wright. . . Ft. H. G. Wright... Ft. H.G.Wright... Ft. H.G.Wright... Ft. H. G. Wright... Ft. H.G.Wright... Ft. Terry, N. Y.... Ft. Terry, N. Y... Fishers Island, N.Y. Fishers Island, N.Y. Fishers Island, N.Y. Fishers Island, N.Y. Fishers Island, N.Y. Fishers Island, N.Y. Fishers Island , N . Y . COAST DEFENSES OF LOS ANGELES; HEADQUARTERS, FT. MAC ARTHUR, CALIF. 10 2d Co Ft. MacArthur San Pedro, Calif 11 3dCo ' Ft. MacArthur San Pedro, Calif 12 7th Co Ft. MacArthur San Pedro, Calif COAST DEFENSES OF MANILA AND SUBIC BAY; HEADQUARTER?, IT. MILLS, P. I. (Pertains to Philippine Dept. not assigned any C. A. Dist.) 13 1st Co Ft. Mills, P.I... 14 2dCo Ft. Drum, P. I.. 15 3dCo Ft. Mills, P. I.... 16 4th Co Ft. Mills, P. I.... 17 5th Co i Ft. Mills, P. I. . . 18 6th Co j Ft. Wint, P. I.... 19 7th Co Ft. Mills, P. 1... 20 8th Co Ft. Mills, P. I... 21 9th Co Ft. Hughes, P. I. 22 10th Co Ft. Frank, P. I... 23 llth Co Ft. Mills, P. I.... 24 14th Co j Ft. Mills, P. I... 25 15th Co i Ft. Mills, P. I.... 26 16th Co , Ft. Mills, P. I.... 27 17th Co Ft. Mills, P. I... 28 18th Co Ft. Drum, P. I... 2!) 19th Co Ft. Mills, P. I.... 30 20th Co Ft. Mills, P. I.... 14904619 3 18 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. COAST DEFENSES OF MOBILE; HEADQUARTERS, FT. MORGAN, ALA, No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 1st Co Ft. Morgan Mobile, Ala. 2 2d Co Ft. Morgan Mobile, Ala. i COAST DEFENSES OF NARRAGANSETT BAY; HEADQUARTERS, FT. ADAMS, R. I. 3 IstCo | Ft. Adams Newport, R. I. 4 2d Co I Ft. Adams...., Newport, R. I. 6 3d Co ! Ft. Adams Newport, R. I. 6 4thCo | Ft. Greble, R. I.... 7 5th Co i Ft. Adams Newport, R. I. 8 6th Co Ft. Adams Newport, R. I. .... | COAST DEFENSES OF NEW BEDFORD; HEADQUARTERS, FT. RODMAN, MASS. 9 1st Co Ft. Rodman New Bedford, Mass. COAST DEFENSES OF NEW ORLEANS; HEADQUARTERS, JACKSON BARRACKS, NEW ORLEANS, LA. 10 IstCo Ft. St. Philip, 11 2d Co Jackson Barracks .. New Orleans, La. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. 19 COAST DEFENSES OF OAHU; HEADQUARTERS, FT. KAMEHAMEUA, II. I. (Pertains to Hawaiian Dept. not assigned any C. A. Dist.) No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 1st Co Ft. Kamehameha. . . Honolulu, Hawaii... ? 2d Co Ft. Kamehameha. . . Honolulu, Hawaii . . 3 3d Co Ft. Kamehameha. . . Honolulu, Hawaii ., 4 4th Co Ft. Kamehameha Honolulu, Hawaii.. 5 5th Co Ft. Kamehameha Honolulu, Hawaii . 6 6th Co Ft. Armstrong Honolulu, Hawaii 7 7th Co Ft. Kamehameha . . Honolulu Hawaii . R 8th Co Ft. Armstrong Honolulu Hawaii 9 9th Co Ft. De Russy Honolulu Hawaii 10 10th Co Ft. De Russy Honolulu Hawaii 11 llth Co Ft Ruger Honol ul u Hawaii 1? 12th Co Ft. Ruger Honolulu Hawaii.. 13 13th Co Ft. Ruger Honolulu Hawaii 14 14th Co Ft Ruger Honolulu Hawaii COAST DEFENSES OF PENSACOLA; HEADQUARTERS, FT. BARRANCAS, FLA. 15 16 17 18 19 1st Co Ft. Pickens Ft. Barrancas, Fla. . 2dCo Ft Barrancas Fla 3d Co Ft. Barrancas, Fla. . 4th Co Ft Barrancas Fla 5th Co Ft. Barrancas Fla . . 20 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. COAST DEFENSES OF PORTLAND; HEADQUARTERS, FT. WILLIAMS, MK No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarke. 1 let Co Ft. Williams Cape Cottage Me ? 2dCo Ft. McKiuley Portland Me . . 3 3d Co Ft. Williams Cape Cottage Me 4 4th Co Ft. Williams Cape Cottage Me 5 5th Co Ft. MrKinley Portland Me . . . 6 6th Co Ft. Levett Portland Me 7 7th Co. Ft. McKinley Portland Me 8 8th Co Ft. Preble Portland Me 9 9th Co Ft. Levett Portland, Me 10 10th Co Ft, MrKinlfiy Portland Me COAST DEFENSES OF PORTSMOUTH; HEADQUARTERS, FT. CONSTl TUTION, N. H. n 1st Co Ft. Constitution Newcastle, N. H. . T> 2dCo New Reservation New Castle, N. H. . COAST DEFENSES OF THE POTOMAC; HEADQUARTERS, FT. WASH INC- TON, MD. 15 1st Co Ft Washington, Mel Ifi 2d Co Ft Washington, Md ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. 21 COAST DEFENSES OF PUGET SOUND; HEADQUARTERS, FT. WORDEN, WASH. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1st Co Ft. Worden Pt. Townsend,Wash. 2d Co Ft. Worden Pt Townsend,Wash. 3d Co Ft. Worden Pt Townsend, Wash. Ft. Worden Pt. Townsend, Wash. 5th Co Ft. Worden.... 9th Co Ft Casey, Wash. 10th Co Ft Casey, Wa3h. llth Co Ft Casey, Wash. 13th Co Ft. Flagler Pt Townsend, Wash. 14th Co Ft. Flagler Pt Townsend, Wash. 16th Co Ft Ward, Wash \ COAST DEFENSES OF SAN DIEGO; HQ., FT. ROSECRANS, CALIF. let Co Ft. Rosecrans San Diego, Calif 3d Co Ft. Rosecrans San Diego, Calif COAST DEFENSES OF SANDY HOOK; HQ., FT. HANCOCK, N. J. 1st Co Ft. Hancock, N. J. 2dCo Ft. Hancock, N. J. 3d Co Ft, Hancock, N. J. 4th Co Ft. Hancock, N. J. 5th Co Ft. Hancock, N . J. 6th Co Ft. Hancock, N. J. 7th Co Ft. Hancock, N. J. 22 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. COAST DEFENSES OF SAN FRANCISCO; HQ., FT. WINFIELD SCOTT, CALIF. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 1st Co Ft Barry Calif ? 2d Co Ft Win Geld Scott, 3 3d Co Calif. Ft Winfield Scott, 4 6th Co Calif. Ft. Barry, Calif 5 8th Co Ft. Winfield Scott, 6 9th Co Calif. Ft. Winfield Scott, 7 10th Co Calif. Ft. Winfield Scott, R llth Co Calif. Ft Baker Sausalito, Calif ... 9 12th Co Ft. Winfield Scott 10 14th Co Calif. Ft Barry, Calif 11 15th Co Ft. Winfield Scott, 1?, 16th Co Calif. Ft Winfield Scott 13 18th Co Calif. Ft Miley San Francisco, Calif 14 19th Co Ft Winfield Scott COAST DEFENSES OF SAVANNAH; HEADQUARTERS, FT. SCREVEN, GA. 15 1st Co Ft. Screven Ga | 16 2d Co Ft. Screven Ga j ORGANIZATIO-N DIRECTORY. 23 COAST DEFENSES OF SOUTHERN NEW YORK; HEADQUARTERS, FT. HAMILTON, N-. Y. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 1st Co Ft Hamilton Brooklyn, N Y 9 2d Co Ft. Hamilton Brooklyn, NY... 3 3d Co Ft. Hamilton Brooklyn, N. Y 4 4th Co Ft. Hamilton Brooklyn, N.Y. . 5 5th Co Ft. Wadsworth Rosebank, N. Y 6 6th Co Ft. Wadsworth Rosebank, N. Y.. . 7 7th Co .... Ft. Hamilton Brooklyn, N.Y 8 8th Co Ft. Hamilton Brooklyn, N.Y.... 9 9th Co Ft. Tilden Rockaway Park, L. I., N. Y. COAST DEFENSES OF TAMPA HEADQUARTERS, FT. DADE, FLA. 10 S 1st Co 2d Co Ft. Dade, Fla Ft DaHfi Fla ' 3d Co Ft Dade, Fla COAST ARTILLERY CORPS. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 Coast artillery bands. 1st Ft. Moultrie Moultrieville, S.C.. Cape Cottage, Me ... California 2d Ft. Williams 3d . Ft. Winfield Scott . . Ft Monroe 4th Ft. Monroe, Va 5th Ft. Amador Canal Zone 6th Ft. Worden Port Town&end, Wash Newport, R. I 7th Ft Adams 8th Ft Barrancas, Fla 9th Ft Mills PI 10th . Ft Warren Mass llth Ft. H. G. Wright. . Ft. Totten Fishers Island, N. Y. Long Island, N. Y . . Hawaii 12th 13th Ft. Kamehameha. . . Ft Screven Ga 14th 15th Ft. Hamilton Brooklyn, N.Y Cristobal, Canal Zone. 16th Ft. Sherman 17th Ft. Hancock, N. J . . Ft. DuPont.. 18th.. Delaware City, Del. 24 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. COAST ARTILLERY CORPS Continued. No Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. Mine planters. 1 "Colonel Ft. Mason San Francisco, Calif George Armistead." 2 "Generalj Boston, Mass, Royal T. Frank." 3 "General Ft. Sherman Canal Zone. William M. Graham." 4 "General Ft. Mills, P. I Henry Hunt." 5 "General Ft. Mills, P. I Henry Knox." 6 "General Ft. Monroe, Va Samuel M. Mills." 7 "G e n e r a 1 | Ft. Totten, N. Y Edward O. C.Ord." 8 "Major Sam- Ft. Worden Port Townsend , uel Ring- Wash, gold." 9 "General Charleston, S. C John M. Schofield." CORPS ARTILLERY PARKS. See ARTILLERY PARKS. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. FIELD ARTILLERY. 25 No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remaiks. 1 Brigade head- quarter 8. 1st Camp Tavlor, Ky . . 1st Div. ? 2d Camp Travis, Tex.. 2d Div. 3 3d Camp Pike, Ark 3d Div. 4 4th . .. Camp Dod^e Iowa 4th Div. 5 5th Camp Brass- - Fayetteville, N.C.. 5th Div. fi 6th Camp Grant, 111 ... 6th Div. 7 7th Camp Funston, Kans 7th Div. 8 8th Camp Knox Louisville, Ky 9 10 Regiments. 1st 2d Ft. Sill, Okla Camp Taylor ... t _ Louisville, Ky 8th Brig. 11 3d Camp Grant, 111 6th Brig., 6th Div. 1? 4th Camp Stanley, Tex. 13 5th Camp Taylor, Ky . . 1st Brig., 1st Div. 14 6th less Camp Taylor, Ky. . . 1st Brig., 1st Div. 15 16 Btrys. D, E, &F. 7th Germany Camp Taylor, Ky. . . A. P.O. 927 1st Brig., 1st Div, 17 8th Camp Funston , Kans 7th Brig., 7th Div. 18 9th Ft. Sill, Okla 19 10th Camp Pike, Ark.... 3d Brig., 3d Div. ?n llth Camp Grant, 111 6th Brig., 6th Div. ?i 12th Camp Travis, Tex. 2d Brig., 2d Div. ?? 13th Camp Dod^e, Iowa. 4th Brig., 4th Div. 23 ?4 14th 15th Ft. Sill, Okla Camp Travis, Tex. . 2d Brig., 2d Div. ?5 16th Camp Dodge, Iowa. 4th Brig., 4th Div ? 17th Camp Travis, Tex. . 2d Brig., 2d Div. ?7 18th, Camp Pike, Ark .... 3d Brig., 3d Div. ? 19th less Camp Bra^e. N. C.. 5th Brig., 5th Div. ?9 2d Bn Ft. Myer, Va 30 20th Camp Brace. N. C. . 5th Brig., 5th Div. 31 21st Camp Bragg, N. C. . 5th Brig., 5th Div. 3? 76th Camp Pike Ark . . 3d Brig., 3d Div. 33 77th Camp Dodge Iowa 4th Brig., 4th Div. 34 78th Camp Grant 111 . 6th Brig., 6th Div. 35 79th Camp Funston Kans 7th Brig., 7th Div. 3fi 80th . . Camp Funston Kans 7th Brig., 7th Div. 37 81st Louisville, Ky 8th Brig. 38 82d Ft. Bliss El Paso, Tex 39 83d Camp Knox Louisville, Ky 8th Brig. 14904619 4 26 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. FIELD ARTILLERY Continued. No. Organization. Station. Poet office. Remarks. 1 Replacement Regiment. Demobilized ANTI-AIRCRAFT ARTILLERY (Demobilized). ARTILLERY PARKS. (Demobilized ) TRENCH ARTILLERY. (Demobilized.) CAVALRY. Brigades. Demobilized Regiments. 1st less .... Douglas, Ariz Tp L Ft Apache Ariz 2d Ft. Riley, Kans 3d less M G Tp Ft. Myer, Va Ft Ethan Allen, Vt . 1st & 2d Sqs. 4th less Ft. Ringgold Rio Grande City, 2d Sq less Tex. Sam Fordyce, Tex.. Troop E La Grulla, Tex Troop F Hidalgo Tex Troop G Roma 3d Sq and McAllen, Tex Tp. C. 5th less Marfa,Tex M G Tp Presidio Tex . . Tp A Candelaria, Tex Tp B Camp Ramer Valentine, Tex.... Tp C Tp D Glenn Sprint's Tex Tp E Polvo Tex TD F Tp H Lajitas Tex TD I Sierra Blanca Tex 6th Ft CMethorpe, Ga 7th less Tp. B Tp C Ft. Bliss, Tex Ysleta.Tex Ft Hancock, Tex TD. D . . Fabens, Tex.. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. CAVALRY Continued. 27 No Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. I Regiments Continued. 8th Ft. Bliss, Tex ? 9th Camp Stotsenburg. . P.I 3 10th less Ft. Huachuca, Ariz . 4 2d Sq. less.. Nogales, Ariz 5 Tp E Lochiel, Ariz .. 6 Tp F . Ari vaca, Ariz 7 Tp M Naco, Ariz 8 llth less Presidio Monterey, Calif 9 M G Tp. & Camp J. H. Beacom, 10 Tps. B & C. Tp H Calexico, Calif. Presidio San Francisco, Calif 11 3d Sq. less Camp Lawrence J. 1? Tp. K Hearn, Calif. El Campo, Calif 13 12th less Camp Furlong Columbus, N. Mex. 14 letSq Corozal Canal Zone 15 2d Sq less.. Hachita, N. Mex. . . 16 Tp. E.. Culberson's Ranch, 17 3d Sq less K Tex. Colfax N Mex.. . 18 19 13th less Tp I . Ft. Clark, Tex. Pinto Creek, Tex. . . 14th Ft Sam Houston 20 15th Tex. Ft D A Russell 21 ?? 16th less Wyo. Brownsville, Tex. . . ?S Tp D Ft Ringgold, Tex.. ?4 1st Sq less Mercedes, Tex ?f> 3d Sq less. . San Benito, Tex . . . ?6 Tp. H.. San Benito Pump . . San Benito, Tex ?7 17th less Schofield Bks Honolulu, Hawaii . . ?8 M G Tp Ft Shatter Hono'ulu, Hawaii . - NOTE. All mail for camps Lawrence J. Hearn, Fecate, El Campo, and Southern" California Border District will be sent to Pott Supply Officer, San Diego, Calif. 28 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE. No. 1 Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 7th&BSta. NW... Washington, D. C.. DEPOT BRIGADES. (Demobilized.) DISCIPLINARY ORGANIZATIONS. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Disciplinary battalions. 1st U. S. D. Bks. 2d U. S. D. Bks. 3d U. S. D. Bks. Disciplinary companies. 1st U. S. D. Bks. 2d U. S. D. Bks. 3d U. S. D. Bks. 4th U. S. D. Bks. 3d Co Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. Alcatraz, Calif 1st Bn. IstBn. 1st Bn. 1st Bn. 2dBn. 2dBn. 2dBn. 2dBn. 3d Bn. 3dBn. 1st Bn. 2d Bn. 3dBn. Pacific Branch Atlantic Branch Ft. Jay, N. Y Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. Alcatraz, Calif Pacific Branch 4th Co Pacific Branch Alcatraz, Calif 5th U. S. D. Bks. 6th U. S. D. Bks. 7th U. S. D. Bks. 8th U. S. D. Bks. 9th U. S. D. Bks. 10th U. S. D. Bks. Disciplinary bands. 1st U. S. D. Bks. 2d U. S. D. Bks. 3d U. S. D. Bks. Pacific Branch. . . Alcatraz, Calif Pacific Branch . Alcatraz, Calif Pacific Branch Alcatraz, Calif Pacific Branch Alcatraz, Calif Atlantic Branch Atlantic Branch Ft. Jay, N. Y Ft. Jay, N. Y Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. Alratraz. Calif... Pacific Branch Atlantic Branch Ft. Jay, N. Y ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. ENGINEER CORPS. 29 No Organization. Station. Post office. Regiments. 1st less ....... Camp Taylor, Ky.. Co A Germany A. P. 0.927.. . Co. D Germany A. P. O. 927.. . 2d less Camp Travis, Tex. 1st Bn Ft. Riley, Kans 3d less Schofield B k s . , 1st. Bn. Hq.. Hawaii. Ft. Santiago, P. I . . Co. A Ft. Mills, P. I Co. B Ft. Wm. McKinlev, 3rd Bn. Cos. P.I. Corozal, C. Z E&F. 4th Camp Dodge, Iowa 5th less. ...... Camp A. A. Hum- Accotink, Va 6th phreys. Camp Pike, Ark 7th Camp Gordon, Ga. . 8th Camp Newton D. El Paso, Tex 9th.. Baker. Camp Courchesne, 318th Tex. Camp Grant 111 478th Washington, D. C. . . 488th Washington, D. C.. Service battal- ions. Demobilized Stevedore battal- ions. Demobilized Remarks. 1st Div. 1st Div. 2d Div. 4th Div. 3d Div. 5th Div. 6th Div. ENGINEER TRAINS. See Trains. PONTON TRAINS. Demobilized. 30 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. INFANTRY. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 23 3f) Organization. Station. Poet office. Remarks. Brigades. 1st Camp Taylor, Ky . . 1st Div. 1st Div. 2d Div. 3d Div. 3d Div. 4th Div. 4th Div. 5th Div. 5th Div. 6th Div. Gth Div. 7th Div. 7th Div. 5th Brig., 3d Div. 10th Brig., 5th Div 5th Brig., 3d Div. 3d Brig., 2d Div. 10th Brig., 5th Div. 2d Camp Taylor, Ky.. 3d Camp Travis, Tex. . 5th Camp Pike Ark 6th Camp Pike Ark 7th Camp Dodge, Iowa. Camp Dodge, Iowa. Camp Gordon Ga 8th 9th 10th Camp Gordon, Ga llth Camp Grant, 111 12th Camp Grant 111 13th Camp Funston,Kana Camp Fimston,Kaus 14th Regiment*. 1st Inf Camp Lewis American Lake, Wash 2d Inf., less... 1st & 2nd Bns. 3d Inf., less.. 1st Bn Camp Dodge, Iowa . Camp Sherman, Ohio. Eagle Pass Tex Del Rio Tex . 2dBn Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. Camp Pike Ark. 4th Inf 5th Inf Germany Camp Gordon, Ga. . A.P. 0.927 6th Inf 7th Inf Camp Pike Ark 8th Inf Germany... Camp Travis Tex.. A. P.O. 927 9th Inf 10th Inf Camp Custer, Mich. Oan3"D Gordon Ga llth Inf 12th Inf., less.. Cos. E F G . Co. H.. Ft. Jay, N. Y Camp Hill Va Camp Alexander.Va . . ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. INFANTRY Continued. 31 No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Regiments Continued. 13th Inf., less.. Camp Merritt, N. J. - ? Cos. A & C.. Iloboken, N. J 3 Co. B Pier6,Hoboken,N.J. 4 Co.D Pier5,Hoboken,N.J. 5 2dBn Camp Mills, N. Y..I 6 14th Inf Camp Custer, Mich. 7 15th Inf Tientsin, China . 8 16th Inf Camp Taylor, Ky . . 1st Brig 1st Div q 17th Inf ,less . Camp Meade, Md . . 10 Band Ft. Mcllenry, Md.. 11 18th Inf Camp Taylor, Ky . . 1st Brig ,1st Div 1? 19th Inf., less.. Douglas, Ariz IS 1st Bn. less.. Ft. Bliss, Tex 14 Co. C Cement Plant Ft. Bliss, Tex 15 Co. K Globe, Ariz 16 Co I Jerome, Ariz 17 20th Inf., less. Ft. Crook, Nebr 18 1st Bn Fort Brady, Mich .. 19 2d Bn Fort Benj. Harri- 20 21>t Inf., less. . son, Ind. Ft George Wright. . Spokane Wash 9 1 Co. B Anchorage, Alaska. . ?? Hq 2d Bn Ft Wm H. Seward, ?S &.Co. E. Co F Alaska. Ft. Liscum, Alaska. ?4 Co G Ft. Gibbon, Alaska. 2f> Co. H Ft. St. Michael, 26 3d Bn . ... Alaska. War Prison Bks Ft Douglas Utah . . 27 28 22d Inf., less.. Supply Co FtJay Fort Niagara Governors Isl. , N . Y . Buffalo NY .. >y & Co. G. M G Co & Aberdeen Proving so Cos. B, C. Co A Ground, Md. Ft. Niagara 31 Co D Ft. Porter, N. Y... 32 E F& H . Brownsville, Pa ss Co L Seagirt, N. J 34 23d Inf Camp Travis, Tex . 3J Brig 2d Div 35 S6 24th Inf. less Cos. A & E... Camp Furlong Colfax, N. Mex Columbufl, N. Mex.. S7 25th Inf. less Nogalea, Ariz :;x Co. 1).. M(> C ( ;(ly. . 32 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. INFANTRY Continued. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Regiments Continued. 26th Inf 2d Brig 1st Div ? 27th Inf Vladivostok, Siberia 3 28th Inf Camp Taylor, Ky .. 2d Brig 1st Div 4 29th Inf Camp Benning Columbus, Ga 5 30th Inf Camp Pike, Ark 6th Brig., 3d Div 6 31st Inf Vladivostok,Siberia . 7 32dlnf Camp Kearny, Calif. 8 33d Inf , less . Gatun Canal Zone q Co E Quarry Heights.. .. Canal Zone 10 Cos F & G Empire Canal Zone 11 Co H Camp Gaillard Canal Zone 1? 3d Bn Camp Gaillard Canal Zone 13 34th Inf Camp Funston, Kans 14th Brig., 7th Div. 14 35th Inf Camp Lewis, Tex . . . 15 36th Inf Camp Devens Mass 16 37th Inf., less. Ft. Mclntosh Laredo, Tex 17 Co A Zapata, Tex 18 Cos C & I Brownsville, Tex . 19 Co D Dolores Mines, Tex ?0 2d Bn Marfa.Tex ?1 38th Inf Camp Pike, Ark.... 6th Brig., 3d Div. ?? 39th Inf Camp Dodge, Iowa. 7th Brig., 4th Div. ?3 40th Inf... Camp Sherman Chillicothe Ohio... ?4 41st Inf Camp Upton, N. Y. ?5 42d Inf Camp Upton Long Island N. Y.. ?fi 43d Inf Camp Lee, Va 37 44th Inf., less. Presidio San Francisco, Calif. ?8 let Bn., less. Ft. Lawton, Waih.. 99 Co. C. Cos. C & E . . Vancouver Bks , 30 45thlnf Wash. CampDix, N. J 31 46th Inf ... Camp Jackson, S C . 3? 47th Inf Camp Dod^e Iowa 7th Brig 4th Div. 31 48th Inf Camp Jackson S C 34 49th Inf., less. Ft. Snelling, Minn . 35 3d Bn.. Ft. Leavenworth 36 50th Inf Kans. Germany A. P. O. 927 37 51etlnf... Camp Grant. 111.. llth Brie.. 6th Div. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. INFANTRY Continued. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. Regiments Continued. 52d Inf Camp Grant, 111 llth Brig., 6th Div 53d Inf Camp Grant, 111 12th Brig., 6th Div 54th Inf ... Camp Grant, 111 12th Brig., 6th Div 55th Inf Camp Funston,Kans 13th Brig., 7th Div 56th Inf Camp Funston,Kans 13th Brig., 7th Div 57th Inf Camp DJX N. J . .. 58th Inf Camp Dod^e Io\v;i 8th Brig., 4th Div 59th Inf Camp Dodge. Iowa. 8th Brig., 4th Div. 60th Inf Camp Gordon Ga - 9th Brig , 5th Div 61st Inf Camp Gordon Ga 9th Brig , 5th Div. 62d Inf Camp Lee Va. ..... 63d Inf less Madison Bks N Y Cos C&D Ft Ontario NY... 2d Bn Potomac Park Washington, D. C.. . 3d Bn Plattsburg Bks., 14th Brig., 7th Div. 64th Inf N. Y. CampFunston Kuns . Pioneer regi- ments. Porto Rico San Juau, P. R Regt. of Inf. Hq 3d Bn Henry Bks ........ Cayey , P. R . . Cos. L & M. 34 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. INFANTRY Continued. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Philippine Scouts Bat- talions. 1st Bn Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 1st Pnil. Inf. ? 2d Bn Camp John Hay Philippine Islands.. s 3d Bn Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 3d Phil. Inf. 4 4th Bn Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 2d Phil. Inf. ^ 5th Bn Ft. Mills Philippine Islands.. 6th Bn Ft. Wm. McKinley . Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. Inf. 7 7th Bn Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 3d Phil. Inf. g 8th Bn Manila Philippine Islands 4th Phil. Inf. 9 10 9th Bn 10th Bn Ft. Mills Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. Philippine Islands.. 4th Phil. Inf. 2dPhil Inf. 11 llth Bn Camp Stotsenburg. . Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. F. A 1? 12th Bn Camp Stotsenburg. . Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. F. A. 13 13tb Bn Pettit Barracks Philippine Islands.. 1 i 14th Bn Ft. Win McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. Inf. li 15th Bn Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 2d Phil. Inf. Ifi 16th Bn Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 3d Phil. Inf. 17 17th Bn Ft. Mills Philippine Islands.. 4th Phil. Inf. 18 Philippine Scouts Com- panics. lat Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. Inf., A. 19 2d Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. Inf., B. ?n 3d Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. Inf., C. ?i 4th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. Inf., D. ?9 5th Camp John Hay Philippine Islands.. 2d Bn. Phil. Scouts. ?3 6th Camp John llay Philippine Islands.. 2d Bn. Phil. Scouts. ?4 7th Camp John Day Philippine Islands.. 2d Bn. Phil. Scouts. ?o 8th Camp John Hay Philippine Islands.. 2d Rn. Phil. Scouts. ?fi 9th Ft. Wm. McKinley . Philippine Islands.. 3d Phil. Inf., A. ?7 10th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 3d Phil. Inf., B. 9S llth Ft. Wm. McKiuley. Philippine Islands:. 3d Phil. Inf., C. ?9 12th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 3d Phil. Inf., D. 30 L3th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 2d Phil. Inf., A. 31 14th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 2<1 Phil. Inf.,B. ^9 15th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 2d Phil. Inf., C. 3S 16th Ft. Wm. McKiuley. Philippine Islands.. 2d Phil. Inf., D. 34 35 17 th 18th Ft. Mills Ft. Mills Philippine Islands.. Philippine Islands.. 5th Bn. Phil. Scouts. 5th Bn. Phil. Scouts. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. INFANTRY Continued. 35 No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 2 g P hilippine Scouts Com- panies Con. 19th 20th 21st Ft. Mills Ft. Mills Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. Philippine Islands.. Philippine Islands. . 5th Bn. Phil. Scouts. 5th Bn. Phil. Scouts. 1st Phil. Inf., E. 4 22d Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands. . 1st Phil. Inf., F. 5 23d ....... Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands. . 1st Phil. Inf., G. 6 24th : Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands. . 1st Phil. Inf., H. 7 25th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 3d Phil. Inf., E. 8 26th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands. . 3d Phil. Inf., F. q 27th Ft. Wm. McKinley Philippine Islands.. 3d Phil. Inf. , G. in 28th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 3d Phil. Inf., H. n 29th Manilla. Philippine Islands. . 4th Phil. Inf , A i 9 30th Manilla Philippine Islands.. 4th Phil. Inf., B. is 31 8 t Manilla .'. Philippine Islands. . 4th Phil. Inf., C. 11 32d Manilla Philippine Islands. . 4th Phil. Inf , D. 15 16 17 18 19 3bd 34th 35th 36th 37th Ft. Mills Ft. Mills Ft. Mills Ft. Mills Camp Eldridge. . . . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands.. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . 4th Phil. Inf., E. 4th Phil. Inf., F. 4th Phil. Inf.,G. 4th Phil. Inf.,H. 1st Phil. Engrs., A. ?n 38th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands. . 2dPhil. Inf..E. ?i 39th Ft Wm McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 2d Phil. Inf., F. ?? 40th Ft Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands. . 2d Phil. Inf., G. 93 41at Camp Stotsenburg. . Philippine Islands. . 1st Phil. F. A., A. 94 42d Camp Stotsenburg. . Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. F. A., B. ?ft 44th Camp Stotsenburg. . Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. F. A., C. ?6 45th ... . Camp Stotsenburg. . Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. F. A.,D. 97 46th Camp Stotsenburg. . Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. F. A.,E. ?8 47th Camp Stotsenburg. . Philippine Islands. . 1st Phil. F. A.,F. 9q 49th Pettit Bks Philippine Islands.. Phil. Scouts. 30 50th Pettit Bks Philippine Islands. . Phil. Scouts. SI 51st Pettit Bks Philippine Islands.. Phil. Scouts. ^9 52d Pettit Bks Philipp MX,- Islands.. Phil. Scouts. T< 53d Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands. 1st Phil. Inf., I. 34 54th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. Inf., K. 3f> 55th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands.. 1st Phil. Inf., L. 36 56th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands. 1st Phil. Inf., M. 37 57th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands. 2d Phil. Inf., I. 88 58th . Ft. Wm. McKinley. Philippine Islands. 2d Phil. Inf., K. 36 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. INFANTRY Continued. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. Philippine ScoutsCom- panies Con. 1 59th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft.Wm. McKinley. Ft. Mills Philippine Islands.. Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands.. Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands.. Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands.. Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . Philippine Islands. . 2d Phil. Inf., L. 2d Phil. Inf., M. 3d Phil. Inf., I. 3d Phil. Inf., K. 3d Phil. Inf., L. 3d Phil: Inf., M. 4th Phil. Inf., I. 4th Phil. Inf., K. 4th Phil. Inf., L. 4th Phil. Inf., M. IstPhil. Inf.,Hq.C. IstPhil.Inf ,M.G.Co. 1st Phil. Inf , Sup. Co. 2d Phil. Inf., H. 2dPhil. Inf.,Hq.Co. 2dPhil.Inf.,M.G.Co. 2d Phil. Inf., Sup. Co. 3d Phil. Inf., Hq. Co. 3d Phil Inf.. M.G Co. 3d Phil. Inf., Sup. Co. 4th Phil. Inf., Hq. Co. 4th Phil. Inf., M.G. Co. 4th Phil. Inf., Sup. Co. 1st Phil. F. A., Hq. Co. IstPhil.F.S.Bn.A. IstPhil. F.S.Bn.B. IstPhil Engrs.B. 1st Phil. Engrs. C. 2 60th 3 filit 4 tjvtn 5 63th 6 4th 7 65th 8 66th in. Mills 9 67th Ft. Mills 10 68th Ft. Mills 11 69th Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft.Wm McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Wm. McKinley. Ft. Mills Ft. Mills 12 70th 13 71st 14 72d 15 73d 16 74th 17 75th 18 76th 19 77th 20 78th 21 79th 22 80th 23 81st Ft. Mills 24 82d Camp Stotsenburg. . Camp Nichols 25 83d 26 84th Camp Nichols 27 85th Camp Eldridge CampEldridge.. 28 86th. . ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. INFANTRY Continued. 37 No Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. } Machine gun battalions. 1st Camp Taylor, Ky 1st Div o 2d Camp Taylor, Ky. 1st Div ^ 3d Camp Taylor, Ky.. 1st Div 4 4th Camp Travis Tex 2d Div 5 5th Camp Travis, Tex 2d Div fi 7th Germany . A. P. O. 927 3d Div 7 8th Camp Pike, Ark . 3d Div 8 9th .... Camp Pike, Ark 3d Div q 10th .... Camp Dodge, la 4th Div. 10 llth Camp Dodge, la.... 4th Div. 11 12th Camp Dodge la 4th Div. 12 13th Camp Gordon Ga 5th Div 13 14th Camp Gordon Ga 5th Div 14 15th Camp Gordon Ga 5th Div 15 16th 6th Div 16 17th Camp Grant 111 6th Dfv 17 18th Camp Grant 111 6th Div 18 19th CampFunston Kans 7th Div 19 20th CampFunston Kans 7th Div ?0 2 let Camp Funston Kans 7th Div ?1 A n t i - aircraft machine gun battalion. 38 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Ambulance companies. 1st Camp Travis, Tex 2d Div ?, 2d Camp Taylor, Ky. . IstDiv. 3 3d Camp Taylor, Ky.. 1st Div , 4 4th Vladivostok, Siberia 5 5th Camp Pike Ark .... 3d Div. 6 6th Germany A. P. O. 927 7. 7th Camp Pike, Ark.. . . 3d Div. 8 8th Cristobal, C. Z 9 9th Schofield Bke, Ha- 10 10th waii. Ft. Bliss, Tex 11 12th Camp Taylor, Ky.. 1st Div 1?! 13th Camp Taylor, Ky.. 1st Div. 13 15th Camp Travis, Tex . . 2d Div. 14 16th Camp Travis, Tex.. 2d Div. 15 17th Camp Gordon , Ga 5th Div. 16 19th Camp Dodge, Iowa. 4th Div. 17 20th Camp Grant, 111 6th Div. 18 21at Camp Dodge, Iowa. 4th Div. 19 22d CampFunston Kans 7th Div ?n 23d Camp Travis, Tex 2d Div. ?i 25th Camp Gordon, Ga - 5th Div. ?? 26th Camp Pike, Ark ... 3d Div. ?3 27th Camp Pike, Ark 3d Div. ?4 28th Camp Dodge, Iowa. 4th Div. ?5 29th Camp Gordon, Ga . . 5th Div. flfi 30th Camp Gordon, Ga . . 5th Div. 27 33d Camp Dodge, Iowa. 4th Div. ? 34th CampFunston Kans 7th Div ?9 35th CampFunston Kan 7th Div. 30 36th CampFunston Kans 7lh Div. 31 37th Camp Grant 111 6th Div. 3? 38th . Camp Grant, 111 6th Div. 33 40th Camp Grant, 111 .... 6th Div. 34 51st Camp Taylor Louisville, Ky Formerly 393'1. 35 Ambulance sec- tions. Demobilized 36 Base hospitals. No. 57.. France . . A. P. 0. 702 . . Assigned early convoy. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Continued. 39 No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Camp hospi- tals. No. 33 France A. P. O. 716 2 No. 43 France A. P. O. 716 3 No. 121 France A. P. O. 702 4 Convalescent camps. Demobilized 5 Convalescent hospitals. i **. ' j Demobilized 6 Debarkation hospitals. Demo bilized 7 Disinfecting squads. Demobilized Embarkation hospital. 8 Evacuation am bulance com- panies. Absorbed by Base q Evacuation hospitals. No 17 Vladivostok, Siberia Hospital, Ameri can Forces in Ger many. 10 Field hospitals. No 1 Camp Travis, Tex 2d Div. 11 No 2 Camp Taylor, Ky . . 1st Div. I 9 No 3 Camp Taylor, Ky . . 1st Div. 13 No 4 Vladivostok, Siberia 14 No 5 Camp Pike, Ark. . . 3d Div. 15 No. 6 Germany A. P. O. 927 Ifi No 7 Camp Pike, Ark. 3d Div. 17 No. 8 Germany A. P. O. 927 18 No 10 El Paso, Tex 19 No 12 Camp Taylor, Ky . . 1st Div. ?0 No. 13 Germany A. P. O. 927 1st Div. ?1 No 15 Camp Travis, Tex.. 2d Div. 2J No. 16... Camp Travis. Tex. . 2d Div. 40 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Continued. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 .FiVW hospi- tals Contd No 17 Camp Gordon, Ga. . 5th Div. ?, No 19 Camp Dodge, Iowa. 4th Div. 3 No 20 Camp Grant, 111 6th Div. 4 No 21 Camp Dodge, Tex. . 4th Div. 5 No 22 Camp Funston,Kan8 7th Div. 6 No 23 Camp Travis, Tex . . 2d Div. 7 No 25 Camp Gordon, Ga.. 5th Div. 8 No 26 Camp Pike Ark. ... 3d Div. q No 27 Camp Pike Ark. . . . 3d Div. 10 No 28 Camp Dod^e, Iowa. 4th Div. 11 No 29 Camp Gordon Ga.. 5th Div. 1? No 30 Camp Gordon, Ga. . 5th Div. 13 No 33 Camp Dodge, Iowa. 4th Div. 14 No 34 Camp Funston,Kans .................... 7th Div. 15 No 35 Camp Funston,Kans 7th Div. 16 No 36 Camp Funston,Kans 7th Div. 17 No 37 6th Div 18 No 38 Camp Grant, 111. 6th Div, 19 No 40 Camp Grant, 111 6th Div M Laboratories. Demobilized ?1 Mobile degas- sing units. Demobilized 99 Mobile hos- pital units. Demobilized ?T Mobile oper- ating unit. Demobilized 94 Mobile optical unit. ?5 Mobile labora- tories. 26 Hospital trains. (See Trains.) Mobile surgical unit. Demobilized.. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT- Continued. 41 No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Museum Unit. Demobilized ? Repair Shop. Demobilized ...... 3 S unitary squads. Demobilized 4 Medical supply companies. Demobilized 5 Advance medi- cal supply depot. Demobilized 6 Sanitary trains. (See Trains.) Advance veteri- nary hospitals. Demobilized 7 Veterinary hos- pitals. Demobilized 8 Army mobile veterinary hospitals. Demobilized 9 Corps mobile veterinary hospitals. Demobilized 10 Mobile veteri- nary sections. No. 1 Camp Taylor Ky. 1st Div. 11 No. 2 Camp Travis Tex 2d Div Ifl No. 3 Camp Grant 111. ... 3d Div. 13 No. 5 Camp Gordon, Ga - - 5th Div. 14 No. 114 France A. P.O. 716 15 No. 117 France A. P. 0. 716 S. O. S. 16 No. 309 France A. P. 0. 716 S. 0. S. 17 Veterinary evac- uation sections. Demobilized 42 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MILITARY POLICE CORPS. Organization. I Station. Battalions. Post office. Demobilized , Corps compa- nies. Demobilized Companies. A I Quarry Heights Canal Zone. B Cristobal Canal Zone. 1st Camp Taylor, Ky. . 1st Uiv 2d Camp Travis, Tex 2d Div. 3d Camp Pike, Ark 3d Div. 4th Camp Dodge, Iowa. 4th Div. 5th Camp Gordon, Ga.. 5th Div. 6th Camp Grant, 111 6th Div 7th Camp Funston, 7th Div. Kans. 301st Frances A. P. 0. 716 302d France A. P. O. 716 306th.. . France.. . A. P.O. 702. Remarks. Assigned early convoy. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS. 43 No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Headquarter s Motor com- mands. No. 2 France A. P. O. 716 9 No 24 .. .. France .. A. P. O. 702 . . g No 25 Camp Jesup .... Ft McPherson Ga 4 No 26 Camp Bragg Fayetteville, N. C . f> No 27. ... San Francisco, Calif fi No 28 U S. Naval Rifle Caldwell, N. J 7 No 29 Range. Marfa, Tex 8 No 30 Ft Sam Houston 9 No 33 Tex. Camp Benning . Columbus, Ga. . 10 No 34 Camp Meade Md . 11 No 40 Camp Merritt N J I 9 No 41 Germany , A. P. 0. 927 13 No. 44 461 Eighth Ave New York, N.Y... 11 No 45 . Camp Dix, N J.... 1ft No. 49 Ancon, C. Z 16 No. 55 Camp Sherman Chillicothe, Ohio . . 17 No. 56 Camp Upton Long Island, N.Y. 18 No. 57 Camp Mills, N.Y... 19 No 58 Camp Gordon Ga *>0 No 59 Ft Sam Houston ?1 No. 60 Tex. Ft. Mason >L>an Francisco, Calif. 99 Administration companies. Demobilized ?3 Chauffeur com- panies. Demobilized Machine shop truck units. (See Service park units.) 44 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS Continued. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remark?. Motor car com- panies. No. 312 Motor Transport Co. No. 617. No. 313 Motor Trail-port Co No. 618. No. 461 Motor Transport Co. No. 683. Motorcycle com- panies . No. 302 Camp Holabird, Md. No. 306 i France A. P. O. 702. No. 330 1 Camp Upton, N. Y. No. 331 Camp Gordon, Ga. J No. 332 j Nineteenth St. and i New York, N. Y. . . Ave. B. Motor repair units. No. 304 Camp Normoyle ... Ft. Sam Houston . . No. 305 CampJesup Ft. McPherson, Ga. No. 306 Camp Holabird Baltimore, Md No. 311 Camp Holabird, Md No. 315 j CampBoyd El Paso, Tex No. 316 Camp Normoyle ... Ft. Sam Houston . . i No. 321 Camp Holabird, Md No. 329 Camp Holabird Baltimore, Md Motor trans- port compa- nies. No. 1 Hoboken, N. J No. 2 Hoboken, N. J No. 4... Hoboken, N. J No. 5 Ft. Bliss, Tex j No. 19 Balboa, C. Z No. 20 Brownsville, Tex No. 21 CampBoyd El Paso, Tex .. .. No. 22 CatnpMeigs Washington, 1). (! No. 325. Camp Devens, Mass ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS Continued. 45 No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Afotor transport companies Continued. No. 326 Camp Upton Long Island, N. Y.. fl No 327 Camp Dix, N. J.... 3 No. 329 Camp Lee, Va 4 No. 331 Camp Bragg N . C . . ft No. 332 Camp Jesup, Ga.... 6 No. 333 Germany A. P. 0. 927 7 No 334 Germany A. P. O. 927 8 No 335 Germany A. P. 0. 927 q No 336 Germany A. P. O. 927 10 No 337 Camp, Md 11 No 339 Camp Jackson, S. C 1? No 340 Camp Gordon, Ga. 13 No 341 Camp Pike, Ark.... 14 No. 342 Camp Sherman Chillicothe, Ohio... 1ft No. 343 Camp Taylor Louisville, Ky 16 No 344 Camp Ouster, Mich 17 No. 346 Camp Dodge, Iowa 18 No. 347 Camp Funs ton, 19 ?0 No. 350 No. 351 Kans. Marfa, Tex Ft. Sill, Okla ?1 No. 353 Camp Travis, Tex.. 9 ? No. 354 Camp Kearny. Calif . ?3 No. 355 Camp Lewis American Lake, ?4 No. 358 Camp Pike, Ark.... Wash. ?ft No 377 Camp Bragg Fayetteville, N. C.. ?0 No 378 Camp Upton Long Island, N Y. . ?7 No. 379 Camp Meade, Md... 28 ?9 No. 384 No. 386 Ft. Ringgold Ft. Sam Houston, Rio Grande City, Tex. 30 No. 387 Tex. Ft. Sam Houston, 31 No. 388 Tex. Ft. Sam Houston, 32 No. 389.. Tex. Fort Clark. Tex . . 46 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS Continued. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Ilemarkp. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Motor tram- port compa- nies Con. No 390 Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. Ft. Bliss, Tex Motor Sup. Train 428. Motor Sup. Train 428. Motor Sup. Train 428. . Motor Sup. Train 428. Motor Sup. Train 428. Motor Sup. Train 428. ted States. No. 391 No 392 Douglas, Ariz No 393 . Ft. Mason San Francisco, Cal if. Chicago, 111 No 395 Dist.rirt H.. No 397 Marfa Tex No 401 . .. Ft. Bliss, Tex No 402 ' Ft. Bavard, N.Mex. No 403 Marfft Tex No. 404 Marfa, Tex NM 405 Germany, A. P. 0. 927, .. No. 406 Camp Merritt, N. J. . No 407 Bush Terminal New York, N. Y.i. No 408. Camp Merritt, N. J. . No 422 France A. P. O. 702 No 477 .... Camp Upton, N. Y. Camp Merritt, N. J. Camp Mills, N. Y... No 481 No 482 No. 485 France France... A. P.O. 702 Via A. P.O. 702.... Long Island, N. Y. . Jersey City, N. J . .. A. P. O. 702 No 493 No 613 f!RTnn Mills No 515 220 Pavonia Ave . . . Frfl,nrf>a . . No 534 No 545 . ( 6 ) A. P. 0. 716 No. 546 France A. P. O. 716 No 547 Franr* . A P. 0. 716 No. 548 (*>) A. P. O. 716 No. 549 France France.. .. A. P. O. 716....... A. P. O. 716 No 550 a Assign e<3 early convoy. * En route to Uni ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS Continued. 47 Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. Motor trans- port compa- nieg Con. No. 552 Camp A. A. Hum- Accotink, Va. ... No 554 phreys. San Francisco Calif No 555 622 W 57th Street.. New York, N Y No 556 Governors Island New York, N Y No 589 Camp Meigs. Washington D C " No 590 Camp llolahird. Baltimore, Md No. 591 No 592 Chicago, 111 Camp Meigs Washington, D. C. No 596 Camp Holabird, Md. No 604 Camp Benning Columbus, Ga. .... No 614 Hoboken, N . J No 615 Army Supply Base Norfolk, Va No 616 Pier 97 W 57th St. New York, NY... No 617 France Via A P O. 702.... S. 0. S. No 618 France A. P.O. 702 No 631 ... . Camp Knox Louisville, Ky No 657 Camp Mills NY.. No 658 Camp Grant, 111 .... No 659 Camp Benning .... Columbus, Ga No 660 Camp Jesup Ft. McPherson, Ga. No 664 Ft Mason San Francisco, Calif. No 665 Philadelphia Pa.. No 668 Camp Dix, N. J No 669 Camp Dix, N. J No 671 Camp Lee Va No 672 Camp Eustis, Va No 675 . . Camp Knox Louisville, Ky No. 683 France A. P.O. 716 S.O S. No 700 France Via A. P. O. 702 ... S. O. S. No 712 Ft McPhersou Ga No 713 Camp Dix N J No 716 Ft Jay NY. No. 717 Detachments at various posts in Eastern Dept. Ft. Jay, N. Y...... 48 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS Continued. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. I Motor trans- port compa- nies Con. No 718 Ft. Jay N. Y 2 Detachments at various posts in Eastern Dept. No 720 flamp Taylor Louisville, Ky 3 No 728 Hampton, Va ...... 4 No 736 Camp Gordon, Ga... 5 No. 737 Germany A.P. 0.927 6 No 739 Camp Dix, N. J 7 No 743 Camp Grant, 111 .... g No 747 Camp Devens, Mass g No 786 Camp Meade, Md . 10 No 788 Camp Grant 111 No 789 Camp Jackson S C I 9 No. 790 Camp Sherman Chillicothe, Ohio... 1'J No. 791 Camp Sherman Chillicothe, Ohio... 14 No. 795 Camp Upton Long Island, N. Y.. 15 No 796 Forty-third Street Brooklyn, N. Y Ifi No 797 and Second Ave. Camp Mills N Y 17 No. 798 220 Pavonia Avenue Jersey City, N. J... is No. 799 469 Fifth Avenue... New York, N.Y.... 19 No 800 461 Eighth Avenue. New York, N. Y... 20 No 801 Camp Merrit.t, N. J. . 21 No 805 Camp Meigs Washington, D. C o> No 807 Caldwell N Y 23 No 808 Camp Mei^s. ....... Washington, D.C... 24 No 809 . . Camp Meiga Washington, D. C... 25 No 810 Washington, D.C... 26 No 811 Camp Meig3 Washingtoo, D. C 27 No 812 Caldwell N Y . 98 No. 813 District II Chicago, 111 Motor truck companies (see Motor transport companies). ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS Continued. 49 Organization. Service park units. Station. Post office. No. 327 No. 330 Ft. Sill, Okla Camp Holabird, Md. No. 332 Camp Kearny, Calif. No. 333 Vladivostok, Siberia No. 334 Camp Devens, Mass. No. 339 Camp Jackson, S. C . No. 341 Camp Normoyle Ft. Sam Houston No. 342........ Camp Taylor Tex. Louisville, Ky No. 344 Camp Grant, 111 No 345 Camp Pike, Ark No. 346 Camp Dodge, Iowa. No. 348 Camp Travis, Tex. . No. 349 Camp Lewis. ....... Ameri can La ke , Wash No. 354 Camp Merritt, N. J. . No. 357 Ft. Ringgold Rio Grande City, No 358 Ft. Clark, Tex Tex. No 359 . . Marfa Tex No 371 Camp Jesup, Ga. ... No. 374 Camp Gordon, Ga. . No 380 Camp Eustis, Va No 381 Camp Upton Long Island, N. Y. . No. 382 Camp Dix, N . J No 383 Camp Lee, Va No. 384 469 Fifth Avenue. . . New York, N Y... No 420 France A. P. O. 702 No. 448 France Via A. P. O. 702 .... No. 450 Pier 97, W. 57th St. New York, N. Y.. No 467 Ft Oglethorpe, Ga . No 478 Ft Sam Houston Tex No 479. Camp Grant, 111 No 480 Honolulu Hawaii No 482 Ancon, C. Z No. 484 SchofieldBks Honolulu, Hawaii.. No 485 Camp Boyd . El Paso Tex No 487 Ft. Mason San Francisco, Calif. No. 489... Ft. Mason... San Francisco, Calif. Remarks. S. 0. S. S. O.S 50 ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS Continued. No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. 1 Service park units Contd. No 490 Ft. Mason San Francisco, Calif. 2 No. 491 Ft. Mason San Francisco, Calif. 3 No 493 Camp Boyd El Paso, Tex 4 No. 499 Forty-third Street Brooklyn. N. Y.... 1 433d Ft. Wayne, Mich. . . 22 Water tank trains. ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY. TRANSPORTATION CORPS. 61 No. Organization. Station. Post office. Remarks. T Grand Divisions. No. 1 Paris A. P. 0. 702 ? No. 2 Paris A. P. O. 702 3 No. 3 Paris A. P. O. 702 4 No 5 Paris A. P. 0. 702. . . % .. D Companies. No 105 France .... 6 No. 169 Germany A. P. O. 927 UNITED STATES GUARDS. 7 30th Bn.: Co. Ft. St. Michael, 8 Co. D Alaska. Presidio San Francisco, Calif. U. S. ARMY POST OFFICES, EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. No. 702 Paris (Seine). 716 Brest (Finistere). 927 Coblenz, Germany. 944 Antwerp, Belgium. Assigned early convoy. O