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THE circumstance of the late critical con- troversy with Lord Byron having recalled my attention to a poem, sketched some years ago, on a subject of national history, I have been induced to revise and correct, and now venture to offer it to the public. The subject, though taken from an early pe- riod of our history, is, as far as relates to the Grave of Harold, purely imaginary, as are all the characters, except those of the Conqueror, and of Edgar Atheling. History, I think, justi- fies me in representing William as acting con- stantly under strong religious impressions. A few circumstances in his life will clearly show this. When Harold was with him in Nor- Vlll INTRODUCTION. mandy, he took an oath of him on two altars, within which were concealed miraculous relics*. His banner was sent from Rome, consecrated by the Pope, for the especial purpose of the invasion of England. Without adverting to the night spent in prayer before the battle of Hastings, was not this impression more de- cidedly shown when he pitched his tent among the dead on that night, and vowed to build an abbey on the spot ? The event of the battle was so much against all human probability, that his undertaking it, at the place and time, can only be reconciled by supposing he acted under some extraordinary impression. When the battle was gained, he knew not on what course to determine : instead of marching to London, he retired towards Dover. When he was met by the Kentish men, with green boughs, the quaint historian says, " He was daunted" These and many other incidental circumstances may occur to the reader. * See the picture in Stodhard's travels. INTRODUCTION. ix In representing him, therefore, as under the control of superstitious impressions, I trust I have not transgressed, at least, poetical veri- similitude. An earthquake actually happened about the period at which the poem commences, followed by storms and inundations. Of these facts I have availed myself. I fear the poem will be thought less interest- ing, from having nothing of Love in it, except, in accordance with the received ideas of the gentleness of Atheling's character, I have made him not insensible to one of my imaginary fe- males, and have therefore, to mark his cha- racter, made him advert to the pastoral scenes of Scotland, where he had been a resident. There is a similarity between my " Monk," and " The Missionary," but their offices and the scenes are entirely different, and some degree of similarity was unavoidable in characters of the same description. Filial affection, love of our country, bravery, X INTRODUCTION. sternness, (inflexible, except under religious fears,) the loftier feelings of a desolate female, under want and affliction, with something of the wild prophetical cast ; religious submission, and deep acquiescence in the will of God ; these passions are brought into action, round one centre, if I may use the word, " The GRAVE OF THE LAST SAXON." That Harold's sons landed with a large fleet from Denmark, were joined by an immense con- federate army, in the third year of William's reign, is a well-known historical fact. That York was taken by the confederate army, and that all the Normans, except Sir William Malet, and his family, were killed, is also matter of record. (See Drake's History of York, and Turner's History of England.*) That after- wards (the blow against William failing), the whole country, from the H umber to Tyne, from the east to the west, was depopulated by sword and famine, are facts also found in all historians. INTRODUCTION. XL Some slight anachronisms may, I hope, be pardoned ; if anachronisms they are, such as the year in which the Tower was built, &c. The plan will be found, I trust, simple and coherent, the characters sufficiently marked and contrasted, and the whole, conducive, however deficient, in other respects, to the excitement of virtuous sympathy, and subservient to that, which alone can give dignity to poetry, the cause of moral and religious truth. ERRATA. Page 35, line 16. To " Mingled with things forgotten," Add " Until then, " And then remember'd freshly." Page 37, line 9. For " This, " Your darling, for his safety, lo !" Read " Him, " Whom ev'ry eye must view with tenderness. " Oh ! trust me ; for his safety, lo ! I pledge." Page 46, line last, dele " rose." 75, 6, dele " midnight." 86, 2, for " warm," read " warn." (irate of tl)e last OR, THE LEGEND OF THE CURFEW. Cfje Beneath the woods of Waltham winds, it broke First on the silence of the night, far heard Through the deep forest! PHANTOMS or THE PAST, Ye gather round me ! VOICES OF THE DEAD, Ye come by fits ! And now I hear, far off, Faint ELEESONS swell, while to the fane The long procession, and the pomp of death, Moves visible ; and now one voice is heard 8 INTRODUCTORY CANTO. From a vast multitude, " Harold, farewell ! " Farewell, and rest in peace !" That sable car Bears the LAST SAXON to his grave, (the last From Hengist, of the long illustrious line That sway'd the English sceptre !) Hark ! a cry ! 'Tis from his mother, who, with frantic mien, Follows the bier ! with manly look composed, Godwin, his eldest-born, and Adela, Her head declined, her hand upon her brow Beneath the veil, supported by his arm, Sorrowing succeed : lo ! pensive Edmund there, Leads Wolfe, the least and youngest, by the hand !- Brothers and sisters, silent and in tears, Follow their father to the dust, beneath Whose eye they grew Last and alone, behold, Marcus, (2) subduing the deep sigh, with brow Of sterner acquiescence Slowly pace The sad remains of England's chivalry, The few whom Hastings 1 field of carnage spared, To follow their slain monarch's hearse this night, INTRODUCTORY CANTO. Whose corse is borne beneath th' escutcheon'd pall, To rest in Waltham Abbey. So the train, (Imagination thus embodying it) Moves onward to the Abbey's western porch, Whose windows and retiring aisles reflect The long funereal lights. Twelve stoled monks, Each with a torch, and pacing, two and two, Along the pillar'd nave, with crucifix Aloft, begin the supplicating chant, Intoning " Miserere Domine." Now, the stone-coffins in the earth are laid Of Harold, and of Leofrine, and Girth, < 3) Brave brethren slain in one disastrous day. And hark ! again the monks and choristers Sing, pacing round the grave-stone, " REQUIEM " ETERNAM DONA us." To HIS GIIAVE, So was King Harold borne, within those walls His bounty raised : his children knelt and wept, Then slow departed, never in this world, 10 INTRODUCTORY CANTO. Perhaps, to meet again. But who is she, Her dark hair streaming on her brow, her eye Wild, and her breast deep-heaving ? She beheld At distance the due rites, nor wept, nor spake, And now is gone. Alas ! from that sad hour, By many fates, all who that hour had met, Were scattered. Godwin, Edmund, Adela, Exiles in Denmark, there a refuge found From England's stormy fortunes. Three long years Have passed ; again they tread their native land. The Danish armament beneath the SPURN (4) Is anchored Twenty thousand men at arms Follow huge Waltheof, on his barbed steed, His battle-axe hung at the saddle-bow ; Morcar and Edwin, English earls, are there, With red-cross banner, and ten thousand men From Ely and Northumberland : they raise The death-song of defiance, and advance With bows of steel. From Scotland's mountain-glens, INTRODUCTORY CANTO. 11 From sky-blue lochs, and the wild highland heaths, From Lothian villages, along the banks Of Forth, King Malcolm leads his clansmen bold, And, dauntless as romantic, bids unfurl The banner of St. Andrew ! by his side Mild Edgar Atheling, a stripling boy, His brother, heir to England's throne, appears, The dawn of youth on his fresh cheek ! and lo ! The broad-swords glitter as the tartan'd troops March to the pibroch's sound. The Danish trump Brays, like a gong, heard to the holts and towns Of Lincolnshire. With crests and shields the same, A lion frowning on each helmet's cone, Like the two brothers famed in ancient song, (5) Godwin and Edmund, sons of Harold, lead From Scandinavia and the Baltic isles The impatient Northmen to th" embattled host On Humberts side The standards wave in air, Drums roll, and glittering columns file, and arms 12 INTRODUCTORY CANTO. Flash to the morn, and banners-trumpets bray, Heralds, or armorers, from tent to tent Are hurrying crests, and spears, and steel-bows gleam> Far as the eye can reach barb'd horses neigh Their mailed riders wield the battle-axe, Or draw the steel-bows with a clang and hark ! From the vast moving host is heard one shout, " CONQUEST or DEATH !" as now the sun ascends, And on the bastion'd walls of Ravenspur Flings its first beam one mighty shout is heard, " PERISH THE NORMAN! SOLDIERS, ON! TO YORK!" of tfje last CANTO THE FIRST. Castle of Ravenspur, on the Number Daughter of Harold Ailric, the monk. " LET us go up to the west turret's top," Adela cried; " let us go up the night " Is still, and to the east great ocean's hum " Is scarcely heard. If but a wand'ring step, " Or distant shout, or dip of hastening oar, " Or tramp of steed, or far-off trumpet, break " The hush'd horizon, we can catch the sound, u When breathless expectation watches there." Upon the platform of the highest towV Of Ravenspur, beneath the lonely lamp. 14 THE GRAVE OF CANTO I. At midnight, leaning o'er the battlement, The daughter of slain Harold, Adela, And a gray monk who never left her side, Watch'd : for this night or death or victory The Saxon standard waits Hark ! 'twas a shout, And sounds at distance as of marching men ! No ! all is silent, save the tide, that rakes, At times, the beach, or breaks beneath the cliff. Listen ! was it the fall of hastening oars ? No ! all is hush'd ! " Oh ! when will they return ?" Adela sigh'd ; for three long nights had pass'd, Since her brave brothers left these bastion'd walls, And march'd, with the confederate host, to YORK. " They come not : Have they perish'd ?" So dark thoughts Arose, and then she rais'd her look to Heav'n, And clasp'd the cross, and pray'd more fervently. Her lifted eye in the pale lamp-light shone, Touch'd with a tear ; soft airs of ocean blew. Her long light hair, whilst audibly she cried, CANTO I. THE LAST SAXON. 15 " Preserve them, blessed Mary ! oh ! preserve " My brothers." As she prayed, one pale small star, A still and lonely star, through the black night Looked out, like Hope ! Instant, a trumpet rung, And voices rose, and hurrying lights appeared ; Now louder shouts along the platform peal " Oh ! they are Normans !" she exclaimed, and grasp'd The old man's hand, and said, " yet we will die " As HAROLD'S DAUGHTER ;" and, with mien and voice, Firm and unfaltering, kiss'd the crucifix. They knelt together, and the old man spoke : " All here is toil and tempest we shall go, " Daughter of Harold, where the weary rest." Oh ! holy Mary, 'tis the clank of steel Up the stone stairs ! and, lo ! beneath the lamp, In arms, the beaver of his helmet raised, Some light hairs straying on his ruddy cheek, With breath hastily drawn, and cheering smile, Young ATHELING. " THE SAXON BANNER WAVES"- " Oh ! are my brothers safe ?" cried Adela, 16 THE GRAVE OF CANTO I, "Speak! speak! Oh! tell me, do my brothers live?" Atheling answer'd, " They will soon appear " My post was on the eastern hills a scout " Came breathless, sent from Edmund, and I hied, " With a small company, and horses fleet, " At his command, to thee. He bade me say, " Even now, upon the citadel of York, " Above the bursting fires, and rolling smoke, " THE SAXON BANNER WAVES'" " I thank thee, Lord! " My brothers live !" cried Adela, and knelt Upon the platform, with uplifted hands, And look to Heaven then rising with a smile, Said, " We have watch'd, I and this old man here, " Hour after hour, through the long lingering night, " And now 'tis almost morning : I will stay " Till I have heard my brother's distant horn " From the west-woods ; but YOU are weary, youth ?" " Oh, no ! I will keep watch with you till dawn " To me most soothing is an hour like this ! CANTO I. THE LAST SAXON. 17 " And who that saw> as now, the morning stars " Begin to pale, and the gray twilight steal " So calmly on the seas, and wide-hushed world, " Could deem there was a sound of misery " On earth ? nay, who could hear thy gentle voice, " Fair maid, and think there was a voice of hate " Or strife beneath the stillness of that cope " Above us ? Oh ! I hate the noise of arms " Here will I watch with you" Then, after pause, " Poor ENGLAND is not what it once has been ; " And strange are both our fortunes." " ATHELING," (ADELA answered) " early piety " Hath disciplined my heart to ev'ry change. " How didst thou pass in safety from this land " Of slavery and sorrow ?" He replied " When darker jealousy and lowering hate " Sat on the brow of WILLIAM, England mourn'd, " And one dark spirit of conspiracy 18 THE GRAVE OF CANTO I. " Muttered its curses through the land. 'Twas then, " With fiercer glare, the lion's eye was turn'd " On me My sisters and myself embark'd " The wide world was before us we embarked, " With some few faithful friends, and from the sea " Gazed tearful, for a moment, on the shores " We left for ever (so it then appeared). " Poor Margaret hid her face ; but the fresh wind " SwelTd the full mainsail, and the lessening land, " The tow'rs, the spires, the villages, the smoke, " Were seen no more. " When now at sea, the winds " Blew adverse, for to HOLLAND was our course " More fearful rose the storm the east-wind sung " Louder, till wrecked upon the shores of Forth " Our vessel lay Here, friendless, we implored " A short sojourn and succour SCOTLAND'S king " Then sat in DUMFERMLINE he heard the tale " Of our distress he flew himself to save-^ " But when he saw my sister Margaret, CANTO I. THE LAST SAXON. 19 " Young, innocent, and beautiful in tears, " His heart was mov'd. " ' Oh ! welcome here,' he cried : " < 'Tis Heaven hath led you Lady, look on me " ( If such a flower be cast to the bleak winds, " c 'Twere meet I took and wore it next my heart." 66 Judg'd he not well, fair maid ? " Thou know'st the rest " Compassion nurtured love, and Margaret " (Such are the events of ruling Providence) " Is now all Scotland's queen ! " To join the bands " Of warriors, in one cause assembled here, " King Malcolm left his land of hills his arm " Might make the CONQUEROR tremble on his throne ! 66 E'en should we fail, my sister Margaret " Would love and honour you ; and I might hope, " (Oh! might I?) on the banks of Tay, or Tweed, " With thee to wander, (where no curfew sounds,) " And mark the summer-sun, beyond the hills, 20 THE GRAVE OF CANTO I. " Sink in its glory, and then, hand in hand, " Wind through the woods, and " Adela replied, With smile complacent, " Listen I will be " (So to beguile the creeping hours of time) " A tale-teller. Two years we held sojourn " In Denmark two long weary years, and sighed, " When, looking on the southern deep, we thought " Of our poor country < Give me men and ships P " Godwin still cried ' Oh ! give me men and ships !' " The king commanded, and his armament " (A mightier never stemmed the Baltic deep, " Sent forth by sea-kings of the north, or bent " On hardier enterprise : for NOT some isle " Of the lone Orcades was now the prize, " But ENGLAND'S throne.) " His mighty armament " Now left the shores of Denmark. Our brave ships " Burst through the Baltic straits, how gloriously ! " I heard the trumpets ring; I saw the sails CANTO I. THE LAST SAXON. " Of nigh three hundred war-ships, the dim verge " Of the remote horizon's skiey track " Bestudding, here and there, like gems of light " Dropt from the radiance of the morning sun " On the gray waste of waters So our ships " Swept o^er the billows of the north, and steer'd " Right on to ENGLAND. " Foremost of the fleet " Our gallant- vessel rode around the mast " Emblazon'd shields were ranged and plumed crests " Shook as the north-east rose Upon the prow, " More ardent, Godwin, my brave brother, stood, " And milder Edmund, on whose mailed arm " I hung, when the white waves before us swelFd, " And parted. The broad banner, in full length, " Streamed out its folds, on which the Saxon horse " Ramp'd, as impatient on the land to leap, " To which the winds still bore it bravely on ; " Whilst the red cross, on the front banner, shone, " The hoar deep crimsoning. 22 THE GRAVE OF <;ANTO i. " Winds, bear us on " Bear us as cheerly, till white Albion's cliffs " Resound to our triumphant shouts ; till there, " On his OWN TOW'R, that frowns above the Thames, " EVn there we plant these BANNERS and this CROSS, " And stamp the CONQUEROR and his CROWN to dust ! " They would have kept me on a foreign shore, " But could I leave my brothers ? I with them " Grew up, with them I left my native land, " With them all perils have I braved, of sea, " Or war, all storms of hard adversity : " Let death betide, I reck not ; all I ask, " Is yet, once more in this sad world, to kneel " UPON MY FATHER'S GRAVE, and kiss the earth. " When the fourth morning gleam'd along the deep, " ' ENGLAND, OLD ENGLAND f burst the general cry : " ' ENGLAND, OLD ENGLAND P Every eye, intent, " Was turned ; and Godwin pointed with his sword " To Flamborough, pale rising o'er the surge : " ' Nearer into the kingdom's heart bear on CANTO I. THE LAST SAXON. 23 " fi The death-storm of our vengeance !' Godwin cried. " Soon, like a cloud, the Northern Foreland rose " Know ye those cliffs, towYing in giant state ? " But hark ! along the shores alarum-bells " Ring out more loud trump answers trump the swords " Of hurrying horsemen, and projected spears, " Flash to the sun On yonder castle-walls " A thousand bows are bent Again, our course " Back to the north is turned. Now twilight veiPd " The sinking sands of Yarmouth, and we heard " A long deep toll from many a village tow'r " On shore and lo ! the scattered in-land lights, " That sprinkled, winding ocean's lowly verge, " At once are lost in darkness ' GOD IN HEAVEN, " ' IT is THE CURFEW !' Godwin cried, and smote " His forehead. We all heard that s\illen sound " For the first time, that night ; but the winds blew " Our ship saiTd out of hearing ; yet we thought " Of the poor mother, who on winter nights, " (When her belated husband from the wood 24 THE GRAVE OF " Was not come back), her lonely taper lit, " And turn'd the glass, and saw the faggot-flame " Shine on the faces of her little ones " Those times will ne'er return. " Darkness descends ; " Again the sun is rising o'er the waves : " And now hoarse Humber roars beneath our keels, " And we have landed -- " " Yea, and struck a blow, " Such as may make the crowned Conqueror quail," Edgar replied. " Grant, Heav'n, that we may live," Adela cried, ( ' in love and peace again, " When every storm is past But this good man "Is silent Ailric, does no hope, e'en now, *' Arise on thy dark heart ? Good father, speak." With aspect mild (on which its fitful light The watch-tow'r lamp threw pale) the monk replied, CANTO I. THE LAST SAXON. 25 " Youth, on thy light hair, and ingenuous brow, " Most comely sits the morn of life ; on me, " And this bare head, the night of time descends " In sorrow. I look back upon the past, " And think of joy and sadness upon earth, " Like the vast ocean's fluctuating toil " From everlasting ! I have seen its waste " Now in the sunshine sleeping now high-ridged " With storms ; and such the kingdoms of the earth. " Yes, youth, and flattering fortune, and the light " Of summer days, are as the radiance " That flits along the solitary waves, " E'en whilst we gaze, and say, c how beautiful !' " So fitful and so perishing the dream " Of human things. But there is light above, " Undying ; and, at times, faint harmonies " Heard, by the weary pilgrim, in his way " O'er perilous rocks, and through unwater'd wastes, " Who looks up, fainting, and prays earnestly, " To pass into that rest, whence sounds so sweet 26 THE GRAVE OF CANTO I, " Come, whispering of hope ; else it were best, " Beneath the load the forlorn heart endures, " To sink at once ; to shut the eyes on things " That sear the sight ; and so to wrap the soul " In sullen, tearless, ruthless apathy ! " Therefore, midst ev'ry human change, I drop " A tear upon the cross, and all is calm ; " Yea, full of blissful and of brightest views, " On this dark tide of time. " Youth, thou hast known " Adversity ; even in thy morn of life, " The spring-tide rainbow fades, and many days, " And many years, perchance, of weal or woe " Hang o'er thee : happy, if through evVy change " Thy constant heart, thy stedfast view, be nVd " Upon that better kingdom, where the crown " Immortal is held out to holy hope, " Beyond the clouds that rest upon the grave. " Oh ! I remember when King Harold stood " Blooming in youth like thee : I saw him crown'd CANTO I. THE LAST SAXON. 27 " I heard the loud voice of a nation hail " His rising star : then, flaming in mid-heaven " The red portentous comet, (6) like the hand " Upon the wall, came forth : its fatal course " All marked, and gazed in terror, as it look'd, " With lurid light, upon this land. It pass'd " Old men had many bodings ; but I saw, " Reckless, King Harold, in his plumed helm, " Ride foremost of the mailed chivalry, " That, when the fierce Norwegian (7; pass'd the seas, " Met his host, man to man ; I saw the sword, " Advanced and glittering, in the victor's hand, " That smote the HARDRADA to the earth ! To-day, " King Harold rose, like an avenging God, " To-morrow (so it seem'd, so short the space,) " To-morrow, through the field of blood, we sought " His mangled corse amid the heaps of slain " Shall I recount th' event more faithfully ? " Its spectred memory never since that hour " Has left my heart. 28 THE GRAVE OF CANTO I. " WILLIAM was in his tent, " Spread on the battle-plain, on that same night " When seventy thousand dead lay at his feet " They, who at sun-rise, with bent bows and spears, " Confronted and defied him, at his feet " Lay dead ! alone, he watches in his tent, " At midnight midst a sight so terrible " We came we stood before him, where he sat, " I and my brother Osgood. ' Who are ye ?' " Stern he inquired ; and Osgood thus replied. " ' Conqueror, and Lord, and soon to be a King, " ' We, two poor monks of Waltham Abbey, kneel " 6 Before thee, sorrowing! He who is slain " To us was bountiful. He raised those walls " ' Where we devote our life to pray'r and praise. " ' Oh ! by the mercies which the God of all " ' Hath shown to thee this day, grant our request ; " ' To search for his dead body, through this field " ' Of terror, that his bones may rest with us.' CANTO I. THE LAST SAXON. 29 " c Your king hath met the meed of broken faith,' " William replied : < But yet he shall not want " ' A sepulchre ; and on this very spot " c My purpose stands, as I have vow'd to God, " ' To build an holy monastery : here, " ' A hundred monks shall pray for all who fell " c In this dread strife ; and YOUR KING HAROLD here " ' Shall have due honours and a stately tomb.' " Still on our knees, we answered, c Oh ! not so, " ' Dread Sovereign ; hear us, of your clemency, " ' We beg his body ; beg it for the sake 66 ' Of our successors ; beg it for ourselves, " e That we may bury it in the same spot " c Himself ordain'd when living ; where the choirs " ' May sing for his repose, in distant years, " ( When we are dust and ashes.' " ' Then go forth, " ' And search for him, at the first dawn of day,' " King William said. We cross'd our breasts, and pass'd, " Slow-rising, from his presence. So we went, 30 THE GRAVE OF CANTO I. " In silence, to the quarry of the dead. " The sun rose on that still and dismal host " Toiling from corse to corse, we trod in blood " From morn till noon toiling, and then I said, " ' Seek Editha, her whom he loved.' She came ; " And through the field of death she passed : she look'd " On many a face, ghastly upturned ; her hand " Unloosed the helmet, smoothed the clotted hair, " And many livid hands she took in hers ; " Till stooping o'er a mangled corse, she shriek'd, " Then into tears burst audibly, and turn'd " Her face, and with a falt'ring voice pronounced, " c Oh ! Harold !' We took up, and bore the corse " From that sad spot, and wash'd the ghastly wound " Deep in the forehead, where the broken barb " Was fix'd. " So welt'ring from the field, we bore " King Harold's corse. A hundred Norman knights " Met the sad train, with pikes that trail'd the ground. " Our old men pray'd, and spoke of evil days CANTO I. THE LAST SAXON. 31 " To come ; the women smote their breasts and wept ; " The little children knelt beside the way, " As on to Waltham the funereal car " Moved slow. Few and disconsolate the train " Of English earls, for few, alas ! remained, " So many in the field of death lay cold. u The horses slowly paced, till Waltham tow'rs " Before us rose. THERE, with long taper'd blaze, " Our brethren met us, chanting, two and two, " The ' Miserere' of the dead. And THERE " But, my child Adela, you are in tears " There at the foot of the HIGH ALTAR lies " The LAST OF SAXON KINGS. Sad Editha, " At distance, watch'd the rites, and from that hour " We never saw her more." A distant trump Now rung again ! again ! and thrice a trump Has answered from the walls of Ravenspur. " My brothers! they are here!" Adela cried, And left the tow'r in breathless ardour. " YORK " Flames to the sky !" a general voice was heard 32 THE GRAVE OF CANTO I. The drawbridge clanks into the inner court A mailed man rides on " York is no more P 1 The cry without redoubles On the ground The rider flung his bloody sword, and raised His helm dismounting the first dawn of day GleanTd on the shattered plume. " Oh ! Adela," He cried, u your brother Godwin" and she flew, And murmuring, " my brave brother!" hid her face, Clasping his mailed breast. Soon gazing round, She cried, " But where is Edmund ? Was he wont "To linger?" " Edmund has a sacred charge," Godwin replied. " But trust his anxious love, " We soon shall hear his voice. I need some rest " 'Tis now broad day ; but we have watch'd and fought " I can sleep sound, though the shrill bird of morn " Mount and upbraid my slumbers with her song." Tranquil and clear the autumnal day declined : The barks at anchor cast their lengthened shades On the gray bastion'd walls ; airs from the deep CANTO i. THE LAST SAXON. 33 Wander'd, and touched the cordage as they pass'd, Then hover'd with expiring breath, and stirr'd Scarce the quiescent pennant ; the bright sea Lay silent in its glorious amplitude, Without; far up, in the pale atmosphere, A white cloud, here and there, hung over-head, And some red freckles streak'd the horizon's edge, Far as the sight could reach : beneath the rocks, That rear'd their dark brows beetling o'er the bay, The gulls and guillemots, with short, quaint cry, Just broke the sleeping stillness of the air, Or skimming almost touched the level main, With wings far seen, and more intensely white, Opposed to the blue space ; whilst Panope Play'd in the offing. HUMBERTS ocean-stream, Inland, went sounding on, by rocks, and sands, And castle, yet so sounding as it seem'd A voice amidst the hushed and listening world That spoke of peace; whilst from the bastion's point One piping red-breast might almost be heard. 34 THE GRAVE OF CANTO I. Such quiet all things hush'd, so peaceable The hour : the very swallows, ere they leave The coast to pass a long and weary way O'er ocean's solitude, seem to renew Once more their summer feelings, as a light So sweet would last for ever, whilst they flock In the brief sunshine of the turret-top 'Twas at this hour of evening, Adela And Godwin, now restored by rest, went forth, Link'd arm in arm, upon the eastern beach, Beyond the head-land's shade. If such an hour Seem'd smiling on the heart, how smiled it now, To him, who yesternight, a soldier, stood Amid the direst sight of human strife, And bloodshed ; heard the cries, the trumpet's blast, Ring o'er the dying ; saw, with all its tow'rs, A city blazing to the midnight sky, And mangled groups of miserable men, Gasping or dead, whilst with his iron heel CANTO I. THE LAST SAXON. 35 He splash'd the blood beneath ! How changed the scene ! The sun's last light upon the battlements, The sea, the landscape, the peace-breathing air, Remember'd both, of the departed hours Of early life, when once they had A HOME, A COUNTRY, where their father wore a crown. What changes since that time, for them, and all They loved ! how many found an early grave, Cut off by the red sword ! how many mourn'd, Scattered by various fates, through distant lands ! How desolate their own poor country, bound By the Oppressor's chain ! As thoughts like these Arose, the bells of rural Nevilthorpe Rung out a joyous peal, rung merrily, For tidings heard from York : their melody Mingled with things forgotten. Adela That instant turn'd to hide her tears, and saw Her brother Edmund, leading by the hand A boy of lovely mien, and footstep light, Along the sands. " My sister," Edmund cried, 36 THE GRAVE OF CANTO ] " See, here, a foot-page I have brought from York, " To serve a lady fair." The boy held out His hand to Adela, as he would say, " Look, and protect me, lady." Adela, Advancing with a smile and glowing cheek, Cried, " Welcome, truant brother," and then took The child's right hand, and said, " My pretty page, " And have you not a tale to tell to me ?" The boy spake nothing, but look'd earnestly And anxiously at Edmund. Edmund said, " If he is silent, I must speak for him. " Twas when the Minster flamed, and, sword in hand, " Godwin, and Waltheof, and stern Hereward, " Directed the red slaughter, black with smoke " I burst into the citadel, and saw " Not the grim warder, with his huge axe up, " But o'er her child a frantic mother, mute (9) " With horror, in delirious agony, " Clasping it to her bosom ; stern and still " The father stood, his hand upon his brow, CANTO I. THE LAST SAXON. 37 " As praying, in that hour, that God might make, " In mercy, the last trial brief. * FEAR NOT " ( I AM A MAN ! nay, fear not ME,' I cried, " And seizing this child's hand, in safety placed, " Amidst the smoke, and sounds and sights of death, " Him and his mother ! she with bursting heart " Knelt down to bless me : when I saw that boy, " So beautiful, I thought of Adela, " And said, < Oh ! trust with his preserver this " c Your darling ; for his safety, lo ! I pledge " c My honour and my life,' " And I have brought " My trusted charge, that you, my Adela, \ " May show him gentler courtesy than those, " Whom war in its stern trade has almost steel'd." His sister kiss'd the child's light hair and cheek, And folded his small hands in hers, and said, " You shall be my true knight, and wear a plume, " Wilt thou not, boy ? and for a lady's love " Fight, like a valiant soldier ?" " I will die," 38 THE GRAVE, &c. CANTO The poor child said, " for friends like those who saved " My father and my mother;" and again Adela kiss'd his forehead and his eyes, And said, " But we are SAXONS !" As she spoke, The winds began to muster, and the sea SwelPd with a sound more solemn, whilst the sun Was sinking, and its last, and lurid light, Streak'd the long line of cumbrous clouds, that hung In wild red masses o'er the murmuring deep, Now flickering fast with foam. The sea-fowl flew Rapidly on, o'er the black-lifted surge, Borne down the wind, and then was seen no more. Meantime the dark deep wilder heaves, and hark ! Heavily, over-head the gather'd storm Comes sounding ! Haste ! and in the castle-keep List to the winds and waves that roar without. Cije fetoe of tlje last CANTO THE SECOND. Waltham Forest Tower William and his Barons. THERE had been fearful sounds in th' air last night In the wild wolds of Holderness, when York Flam'd to the midnight sky, and spells of death Were heard amidst the depth of Waltham wood ; For there the wan and weird sisters met Their imps, and the dark spirits that rejoice When foulest deeds are done on earth, and there In dread accordance rose their dismal joy. " Around, around, around, " Troop and dance we to the sound, " Whilst mocking imps cry, Ho! ho! ho! " " On earth there will be Woe ! more woe F 40 THE GRAVE OF CANTO II. SPIRIT OF THE EARTHQUAKE. Arise, swart Fiends, 'tis I command Burst your caves, and rock the land. SPIRIT OF THE STORM. Loud tempests, sweep the conscious wood ! SPIRIT OF THE BATTLE. I scent from earth more blood ! more blood ! SPIRIT OF THE FIRE. When the wounded cry, And the craven die, I will ride on the spires, And the red volumes of the bursting fires* SPIRITS, AND NIGHT-HAGS. " Around, around, around, " Dance we to the dismal sound " Of dying cries and mortal woe, " Whilst mocking imps shout, Ho ! ho ! ho f" CANTO II. THE LAST SAXON. 41 FIRST SPIRIT. Hear! Spirits, that our bests perform In the earthquake or the storm, Appear, appear ! A fire is lighted the pale smoke goes up : Obscure, terrific features through the clouds Are seen, and a wild laughter heard, " We come !" MINISTERING SPIRITS SING. 1. I have syllables of dread ; They can wake the dreamless dead. 2. I, a dark sepulchral song, That can lead Hell's phantom-throng. 3. Like a nightmare I will rest This night upon KING WILLIAM'S breast! I THE GRAVE OF CANTO n. SPIRITS, AND NIGHT-HAGS. " Around, around, around, " Dance we to the dismal sound " Of dying shrieks and mortal woe, " Whilst antic imps shout, Ho ! ho ! ho !" They vanished, and the earth shook where they stood. That night, KING WILLIAM first, within the TOW'R, Received his vassal Barons in that TOW'R, (11) Which oft since then has echo'd to night-shrieks Of secret murder, or the lone lament Now other sounds were heard, for on this night Its canopied and vaulted chambers rung With minstrelsy ; whilst sounds of long acclaim Re-echoed, from the loop-holes, o'er the Thames : The drawbridge, and the pond'rous cullis-gate, Frowned on the moat the flanking towers aspired O'er the embattled walls, where proudly waved CANTO II. THE LAST SAXON. 43 The Norman banner. WILLIAM, laugh to scorn, The murmurs of conspiracy and hate, That round thee gather, like the storms of night Mustering, when murder hides her visor'd mien ! Now, what hast Thou to fear ? Let the fierce Dane Into the centre of thy kingdom sweep, With hostile armament, even like the tide A Of the hoarse Humber, on whose waves he rode ! Let foes confederate ; let one voice of hate, One cry of instant vengeance, one deep curse, Be heard, from Waltham woods to Holderness ! Let Waltheof, stern in steel, let Hereward, Impatient as undaunted, flash their swords ; Let the boy Edgar, back'd by Scotland's King, Advance his feeble claim, and don his casque, Whose brows might better a blue bonnet grace ; Let Edwin and vindictive Morcar join The sons of Harold! what hast thou to fear? LONDON'S SOLE TOW'E might laugh their strength to scorn ! Upon that night, when YORK'S proud castle fell, 44 THE -GRAVE OF CANTO II. Here William held his court. The torches glared On crest or crozier. Knights and prelates bow'd Before THEIR SOVEREIGN. He, his knights and peers Surveying with a stern complacency, Inclined not from his seat, o'ercanopied With golden valance, woven by no hand, Save of the Queen. Yet calm his countenance Shone, and his brow a dignified repose Mark'd kingly ; high his forehead, and besprent With dark hair, interspersed with gray ; his eye Glanced amiable, chiefly when the light Of a brief smile attempered majesty. His beard was dark and heavy, yet diffused, Low as the lion ramping on his breast EngraiFd upon the mail (I2) . ODO approach'd, And knelt, then rising, placed the diadem Upon his brow, with laurels intertwined. Again the voice of acclamation rung, And from the galleries a hundred harps CANTO II. THE LAST SAXON. 45 Resounded ROLAND'S song ! " LONG LIVE the King T The barons, and the prelates, and the knights, " Long live the Conqueror!" cried; " a God on earth!" That instant the high vaulted chamber shook (13) As with a blast from heaven, and all was mute Around him, and the very fortress rock'd, As it would topple on their heads : He rose Disturbed and frowning, for tumultuous thoughts Crowded like night upon his heart; then waved His hand ! The barons, abbots, knights, retire. Behold him now alone ! before a lamp A crucifix appears; upon the ground Lies the same sword that Hastings* battle dyed Deep to the hilt in gore ; behold, he kneels And prays, " Thou only, Lord, art great, " Have mercy on my sins !" The crucifix Shook as he spoke, shook visibly! and, hark! There is a low moan, as of dying men, At distance heard. Then William first knew fear' 14 >. 46 THE GRAVE OF CANTO II. He had heard tumults of the battle-field, The noise, the glorious hurrahs, and the clang Of trumpets round him, but no sound like this Ere smote with unknown terror on his heart, As if the eye of God that moment turn'd And saw it beating. Rising slow, he flung Upon a couch his agitated limbs : The lamp was near him; on the ground his sword And helmet lay, short troubled slumbers stole, And darkly rose the spirit of his dream. He saw a field of blood, it pass'd away ; A glittering palace rose, with mailed men Throng'd, and the voice of multitudes was heard Acclaiming : suddenly the sounds were ceased, The glittering palace vanished, and, behold, Long winding cloisters, echoing to the chant Of stoled fathers ; and the mass-song ceased * Then a dark tomb appeared, and, lo! a shape As of a phantom-king rose ! CANTO II. THE LAST SAXON. 47 Nearer it came, And nearer yet in silence through the gloom. Advancing, still advancing : the cold glare Of armour shone as it approached, and now It stands o'er William's couch ! The spectre gazed Awhile, then lifting its dark visor up, (Horrible vision !) show'd a grisly wound Deep in its forehead, and therein appear'd Gouts, as yet dropping from an arrow's point Infix'd ! And that red arrow's deadly barb The shadow drew, and pointed at the breast Of William; and the blood dropp'd on his breast; And through his steely arms one drop of blood Came cold as death's own hand upon his heart ! Whilst a deep voice was heard, " Now sleep in peace, " I am avenged !" Starting, he exclaim'd, " Hence, horrid phantom ! Ho ! Fitz-alain, ho! " Montgomerie !" Each baron, with a torch, Before him stood ! " By dawn of day," he cried, 48 THE GRAVE OF CANTO II. " We will to horse. What passes in our thoughts " We shall unfold hereafter. By St. Anne, " Albeit, not ten thousand phantoms sent " By the dead Harold can divert our course, " They may bear timely warning. "'Tis yet night " Give me a battle-song, ere daylight dawns ; " The song of Roland, or of Charlemagne ! " Or our own fight at Hastings ! "Torches! -ho! " And let the gallery blaze with lights f Awake, " Harpers of Normandy, awake ! By Heav'n, " I will not sleep till your full chords ring out " The song of England's conquest ! Torches ! ho ! n He spoke ! again the blazing gallery m Echo'd the harpers' song. Old Eustace led The choir, and, whilst the king pac'd to and fro, Thus rose the bold, exulting symphony. CANTO II. THE LAST SAXON. 49 SONG OF THE BATTLE OF HASTINGS. 1. The Norman armament, beneath thy rocks St. Valerie, Is moor'd; and, streaming to the morn, three hundred banners fly ; Of crimson silk, with golden cross, effulgent o'er the rest, That banner, proudest in the fleet, streams, which the Lord had bless'd. The gale is fair, the sails are set, cheerly the south wind blows, And Norman archers, all in steel, have grasp'd their good yew-bows; Aloud the harpers strike their harps, whilst morning light is flung Upon the cross-bows and the shields, that round the masts are hung. 50 THE GRAVE OF CANTO II. Speed on, ye brave, 'tis WILLIAM leads; bold Barons, at his word, Lo! sixty thousand men of might for WILLIAM draw the sword. 2. So, bound to England's southern shore, we rolTd upon the seas, And gallant the white sails were set, and swelling to the breeze. " On, on, to victory or death!"" now rose the general cry; The minstrels sung, " On, on, ye brave, to death or victory !" Mark yonder ship, how straight she steers: ye knights and barons brave, 'Tis WILLIAM'S ship, and proud she rides, the foremost o'er the wave. And now we hail'd the English coast, and, lo ! on Beachy Head, The radiance of the setting sun majestical is shed. CANTO II. THE LAST SAXON. 51 The fleet saiPd on, till, Pevensey ! we saw thy welcome strand ; Duke WILLIAM now his anchor casts, and dauntless leaps to land. 3. The English host, by HAROLD led, at length appear in sight, And now they raise a deafening shout, and stand prepared for fight; The hostile legions halt awhile, and their long lines display, Now front to front they stand, in still and terrible array. Give out the word, " God, and our right !" rush like a storm along, LIFT UP GOD'S BANNER, and advance, resounding RO- LAND'S SONG! Ye, spearmen, poise your lances well, by brave MONT- GOME RIE led, Ye, archers, bend your bows, and draw the arrows to the head. They draw the bent bows ring huzzah ! another flight, and, hark! TT O fj r* 52 THE GRAVE, &c. CANTO II. How the sharp arrowy shower beneath the sun goes hissing dark. Hark ! louder grows the deadly strife, till all the battle- plain Is red with blood, and heaped around with men and horses slain. On! Normans, on! DUKE WILLIAM cried, and, HAROLD, tremble Thou, Now think upon thy perjury, and of thy broken vow. The banner* of thy ARMED KNIGHT, thy shield, thy helm, are vain The fatal shaft has sped, by Heav'n! it hisses in his brain ! So William won the English crown, and all his foe-men beat, And Harold, and his Britons brave, lay silent at his feet. " Enough ! the day is breaking," cried the King : " Away ! away ! be armed at my side, " Without attendants, and to HORSE, to HORSE ! * Harold's banner had tlu> device of an armed knight. Cf)e 286&1 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF f OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF 9|e ) U-. ( I ^ J aM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF G\\ -^ ^ ^ ^ = ~^7\ A / ^4^m>m^t g = 6