THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES B. 'fi ^patent of J)(jonog;rapbp THE DICTIONARY OF PRACTICAL PHONOGRAPHY GIVING THE BEST PHONOGRAPHIC FOKMS FOB THE WORDS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (SIXTY THOUSAND), AND FOR OVER FIVE THOUSAND PROPER NAMES ; ALSO ILLUSTRATING THE PRINCIPLES OF PHRASE- WRITING; ALTOGETHER REPRESENTING A MUCH LARGER NUMBER OF WORDS THAN ANY PREVIOUS SHORT- HAND DICTIONARY BY JAMES E. MUNSON Author of the " Complete Pkonographer," " The Art of Phonography," " A Shorter Course in Munson Phonography," etc., and Official Stenographer N. Y. Supreme Court NEW REVISED EDITION BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY COPYRIGHT 1874 AND 1902 BY JAMES E. MUNSON COPYRIGHT 1906 AND 1916 BY JOSEPHINE L. MUNSON PKEFACE TO THE KEVISED EDITION. THE plan of this revision of " The Dictionary of Practical Phono- graphy " is as follows : The "Appendix of Revised Outlines," com- mencing at page 329, is intended to present all words whose outlines, owing to recent modifications of the system, as introduced in the new text-books, "The Art of Phonography" and "A Shorter Course in Munson Phonography," are now written differently from the out- lines given in the original edition of the Dictionary, together with the outlines of new and other words that did not appear in the former edition. The Phonographic forms of previous editions, which are found in the "first 328 pages of the book, are in accordance with the instructions of the author's first text-book, "The Complete Phono- grapher," while the forms of the Appendix are in accordance with the instructions given in both of the later text-books above mentioned. As there are some teachers of phonography who adhere to " The * Complete Phonographer," in training pupils to write shorthand, it > naturally follows that there are quite a number of phonographers who ? write Munson phonography according to the old style. Such writers .$' will have no need for the Appendix, and will consult only the origi- -* nal part of the Dictionary ; and none but learners of the system as taught in the two newer text-books will have occasion to refer to the * Appendix. L The manner in which the Dictionary as revised is to be used is as 2 follows : If the phonographer wishes to ascertain the author's latest -3 form for a particular word, he will first look for it in the Appendix. If the word is not found there, it means that its correct outline is the old one, and will be found bj r looking up the word in the main body H of the Dictionary. To illustrate, if the outline of hardy is desired, H by turning to page 340 in the Appendix it will be found to be Toid- P J? : -D ; and if the outline of hard is sought for, on referring to the Appendix the word will not be found there, but in the body of the Dictionary, at page 117, the correct form will be found to be Hrdi. Sometimes two forms are given for a word with or between, as on page 351, "Milliner, M-Z-Nr or Ml 8 -Nr," and on page 340, "Hall, HI 1 or Toid-JD 1 ." Wherever this occurs, it means that it is optional with the writer which form shall be used. Either is correct. J. E. M. NEW YORK, September, 1906. 546 PREFACE. THE completion of a phonographic dictionary of the English lan- guage so comprehensive as this, is an event of such importance that I feel impelled to devote considerable space to a review of the history and developement of the art of Phonography, and to a consideration of its ultimate bearing upon the question of the general adoption of Short-hand in place of our present long-hand, as the popular system of manuscript. It also seems especially desirable that this should be done, in order that the public may be better informed on the subject, and thus made able to guard against misrepresentation and imposture. The first question that naturally arises is, WHAT IS PHONOGBAPHY ? Phonography is both a Discovery and an Invention. The Dis- covery was made by Isaac Pitman, of Bath, England, nearly forty years ago, and was to the effect that all the consonant-sounds of tke English language could, with philosophic accuracy, artistic beauty, &nd practical efficiency, be written with simple straight and curved lines, each requiring but a single movement of the pen ; and that all ihe vowel-sounds could be written in an equally exact and satisfactory manner, with simple dots and dashes placed to those consonant-signs. Starting with this ground-work of a complete alphabet, both as re- gards simplicity and capacity for phonetic representation, through the contributions and suggestions of thousands of practical phonogra- phers, both in England and in this country, Phonography has grown to be the most perfect system of language- writing in the world. This subsequent growth of the system, being somewhat empirical in its nature, comes properly under the definition of Invention. Under this head, too, provision is made for still further abridging the phono- graphic writing by means of compound signs formed from the original simple alphabetic characters, by the addition to them of various hooks, Jy PBEFACE. modifications, circles and loops ; such signs being used to represent the natural groups of sounds as they occur in speech, and tending to in- crease both speed and legibility. PERFECTION OF PITMAN'S ALPHABET. It is a singular fact that the developement of Phonography, its changes, modifications, alterations and improvements, real or fancied, from the very start, with a few slight exceptions, have been confined within the limits of these subordinate features of the system, the hooks, modifications, etc., above mentioned, and have not at all affected the Alphabet proper. With the exception of the signs for the letters w, y and h, the stenographic alphabets of all writers of works on Phonog- raphy have always been and still are precisely the same as that of Isaac Pitman as published by him thirty-four years ago. Indeed, consider- ing the state of the stenographic art at that time, this discovery of the Phonographic Alphabet by Mr. Pitman seems like an inspiration. In the " Phonographic Class-Book " of Andrews and Boyle, the first text- book of the kind published in America, in speaking of their arrange- ment of the alphabet, the authors say; "It is believed that, this ar- rangement will exhibit the beautiful harmony of the system resulting from Mr. Pitman's analysis of the sounds, in a degree of which he himself has been hardly aware. Truth, when once discovered, un- folds new beauties to all who contemplate it. " After this record, and from the fact that all attempts to improve upon Pitman's alphabet (and many have been made by authors ambitious to found new short- hand systems) have hopelessly failed, it seems but fair to conclude that H is substantially perfect, and that in this respect we cannot look for improvement. The requirements of a scientific assignment and classifi- cation of the stenographic characters, and the wants of the practical writer of the English language, seem to have been satisfied upon a common basis. GROWTH OF PHONOGRAPHY. For the first eighteen or twenty years of the history of Phonogra- phy, although many changes were made, they were generally adopted after long discussion between phonographers in England and America, carried on in phonographic periodicals and in phonetic councils elected for the purpose; and although Isaac Pitman gave the final decision upon all suggested alterations, and sometimes did it in a way that was too arbitrary to be entirely satisfactory, the results were gen- erally acquiesced in by phonographers, and only one system was pub- fished in England and America. PBEFACE. V Pitman's first short-hand publication, which was entitled " Steno- graphic Sound Hand," was issued in 1837. It consisted of twelve pages of letter-press, about four and a half by three inches in size, and two engraved pages of short-hand of the same size, at the bottom of one of which appeared the words, " Drawn by Isaac Pitman, Stenogra- pher. " This little book contained the germ of Phonography, although that title was not given to the system until the appearance of the " Sec- ond Edition, " in January, 1840. The title then adopted was, " Phonog- raphy, or writing by sound, being also a new and natural short-hand. " This "Edition," printed from a single engraved steel plate, eight by six and a half inches hi size, was sold for one penny ; and Mr. Pitman notices the fact that it was published simultaneously with the establishment of the penny postage scheme. The "Third Edition" appeared in December, 1840, and contained twenty-three octavo pages of letter-press, and fourteen pages of exercises engraved on wood. Then followed the "Fourth Edition, "in 1841, and the "Fifth Edi- tion " in 1843. The latter was issued in two forms, one of which was called the " Pocket Edition. " Up to and including the " Fifth Edition, " Mr. Pitman had done very little towards perfecting his art ; but after 1843, as will be shown further on, the improvement was very marked and rapid. The sys- tem, as presented in the first five "Editions, " was exceedingly crude, and many of its prominent features were fanciful, absurd and imprac- ticable. Fortunately, however, at this point a number of practical verbatim reporters, attracted by the beauty of phonographic princi- ples, took the infant art in hand, and in the short space of three years. as shown by the " Seventh Edition, " published in 1845, order and sys- tem had taken the place of confusion, and improvement was every- where apparent. In 1847 the " Eighth Edition " was published ; and by the year 1849, a very high degree of perfection had been attained, and the great superiority of Phonography over every other system of sten- ography was made unmistakably manifest. The improvements in the art of Phonography during these years were certainly wonderful, but they were due almost entirely to the efforts of a devoted band of phonographic reporters, the leader of which was Mr. Thomas Allen Reed, a noted phonographer of London. In the " Advertisement" to his " Reporter's Companion " of 1849, Mr. Pitman acknowledges his great indebtedness to Mr. Reed's assistance hi the preparation of that work, and then, in closing, adds ; " Communi- cations from professional or private reporters, tending to increase still Vi PREFACE. further either the brevity or the legibility of the system, are respect- fully solicited. Address to Mr. T. A. Reed, at the publishers. " Had Isaac Pitman possessed the inclination or the power to have stopped all further changes in Phonography at that point, and had he done so, and then devoted all his energy and great industry to the propagation of the system, even as it then was, it is not at all improb- able that the use of our present long-hand, as the means of common, * every-day written intercommunication, would have long since passed away. . But Mr. Pitman was too enthusiastic a reformer to listen to the words of conservatism, and give Phonography a chance to take root in a soil that was only too ready to receive it ; and, furthermore, the phonetic mistake had been made in the system if not in theory, at least in the mode of representation of treating w and y always as the equivalents of the vowel-sounds oo and e, whereas, at the commence- ment of syllables, they are clearly of a consonantal nature ; and so, hi but a little more than one year, another great phonographic upheaval occurred. But on this occasion a phonetic council of one hundred persons (fifty in Great Britain and fifty in America) was elected by a popular vote of the phonographers of each country, for the purpose, among other things, of uniting the efforts and skill of all in effecting ;8ome further improvements in the art. The president of the British Council was Mr. A. J. Ellis, who has since become so noted for his writings upon phonetics and kindred subjects, and among the mem- bers occurs the name, "A. M. Bell, professor of elocution," afterwards the author of "Visible Speech." Of the American Council, Dr. James W. Stone was president, and among the members were Stephen Pearl Andrews, author of works on " Universology," Prof. S. S. Hal- deman, of Columbia, Pa., and a number of our older phonographic reporters. The discussions of the United Council, which continued for more than a year, took a very wide range, but in regard to Pho- nography, the chief result was the addition to the Alphabet of conso- nants stem-signs for w, y and h. The system then, with its additional consonant-signs, and a few modifications of a minor character, was, in the year 1852, published as the "Ninth Edition." It was thought that the labors of this Council would give a permanent and unaltera- ble system, and Mr. Pitman joined in the expression of a general wish that such might be the case. But the quiet lasted only five years, for hi 1857 appeared the " Tenth Edition," in which was introduced, with little or no warning, the very radical change of substituting the afi, a, e vowel-scale for the original e, a, ah scale. Both theoretically PREFACE. Til and practically the new scale is the true one, but it is doubtful if, on the Whole, Isaac Pitman has improved his system by the change, because, in the practical details of Phonography, he has failed to conform fully to the new scale ; and especially is there lacking that strict adherence to word position, that characterizes our Phonography. Besides, by showing a disregard for the result of the labors of the Council of 1851, and also for the wants of the practitioner, who is greatly inconvenienced by such continual changing, Mr. Pitman paved the way for other and independent laborers in the same field. In Eng- land, under the protection of copyright, nothing could be published without Pitman's consent ; but in this country, no such barrier existed, and so the only two authors who were then in the field, declined to follow Isaac Pitman. In 1858 Mr. Graham published his Hand Book of "Standard" Phonography, in which the "Ninth Edition" was taken as the basis ; and shortly after, Mr. Benn Pitman, of Cincinnati, Ohio, who until then had followed implicitly the publications of his brother Isaac, also issued a modification of the " Ninth Edition." The method of improving Phonography, adopted by Isaac Pitman, of consulting with, and getting suggestions from, other phonogra- phers, and especially those who were using it constantly as professional verbatim reporters, to whom both speed and legibility were impor- tant, was an excellent one for discovering a vast amount of steno- graphic material, in the form of abbreviating expedients, together with the best modes of applying that material, a work which no one person acting by himself, could hope to ever accomplish ; but, on the other hand, that method has been the means of rendering the system less simple, consistent and harmonious in its details. Little exceptional expedients have been introduced from time to time, which, at the time of their adoption, were useful and also comparatively harmless, because there was nothing with which they would conflict ; but which afterwards, on making some other change or addition, became a source of inconsistency and conflict. And yet those who had learned to use and value them were, for the sake of mere personal convenience, dis- inclined to vote for their expulsion. Finally, so numerous had these disturbing features become, that there was scarcely a rule of Phonog- raphy, even the most fundamental, to which there were not several and sometimes many exceptions. And when, in 1858, after the Hand Book of "Standard" Phonography was brought out, it appeared that its author had not only retained all of these old objectionable things, but bad added several others of like character, I resolved, having the aid Tiii PREFACE. and counsel of other practical phonograpbers, to attempt the task of simplifying Phonography, a work then so much needed. I com- menced the undertaking in the winter of 1858-9, and most of the fea- tures of my present system wereadopted at that time. No important changes, however, were made except such as were necessary to cany out the general plan of simplification. The spirit of Pitman's Pho- nography was retained, but the accumulated rubbish, that retarded the progress of the learner and hindered the practitioner, was cast off. To show how sweeping was this work of simplification, it is only necessary to exhibit, in parallel columns, the more important of the rules of the old Phonography by the side of the corresponding rules of our simplified system. For this purpose I have chosen the rules of the " Hand Book ; " but, in all essential points, they represent Benn Pitman's system as well. "HAND BOOK" RULES. OUR RULES. THE L-HOOKS. L AND R HOOKS ON STRAIGHT 161. (a) A small hook on the STEMS. circle-side, and at the beginning A small hook at the beginning of any consonant-stroke (except of any straight-stem (a) if made l,r,m,n,ng, s, z, w, h), indicates by a motion from the right over that an I follows it. to the left, indicates that the con- (6) Shel and Zhel never stand sonant I immediately follows ; alone, have their hooks at the bot- (b) if made by a motion from the torn, and are always written up- left over to the right, it indicates ward. that the consonant r immediately REM. 1. The sentence "No follows. MeRRy SoNGS[Z] We'LL HeaR," contains all the conso- L AND R HOOKS ON CURVED nants whose signs do not take the STEMS. small El-hook. ^ large hook at the beginning, REM. 2. El-hook on Em, En, an( j O n the inner or concave side Ray The reporter uses a large o f anv curved stem, indicates that initial hook on Em, En, Ray for t^e consonant I immediately fol- L The El-hook must be made lows. large in these cases, to distinguish ^ 'smaU hook in the same place it from the Way-hook. on an y curved stem, indicates that the consonant r immediately fol- THE R HOOKS. lows. % 162. Signs to indicate the combination of r with a preced- ing consonant (except , z, I, r, m, 7i, ng, w, y, h), are obtained by turning over sidewise the corres- ponding El-hook signs, except Shel, Zhel, which are turned over endwise- PREFACE. il (&) Sher and Zher have their hook at the top, and are always written downward. 163. R may be added to Em and En by a small initial hook, provided they are widened [i. e. . shaded into our Hay and Ing.] REM. 1. The widening of Em and En when they take the Ar- hook serves to distinguish mr and nr from wm and wn. REM. 2. As Ar, Es, Ing, Way do not take the Ar-hook, fr, thr, nr, vr cannot be mistaken for rr, sr, ngr, wr. REM. 4. The sentence "HiS eR- RiNG WILL You See" contains all the consonants whose signs do not take the Ar-hook. LENGTHENING PRINCIPLE. 207. Doubling the length Doubling the length of any 1. Of Ing, adds kr or gr ; curved stem, whether simple or 2. Of any other curve, adds tr, hooked, and of any straight stem dr, or thr. with a final hook, adds either tr, 264. The reporter may derive dr or thr. great advantage from doubling a full-length straight line, without a final attachment, to add thr for there, their or they are ; the heavy lines being tapered toward their termination. HALVING TO ADD EITHER T OR D. 212. Either t or d may be Either t or d maybe added by added to certain signs, by halving halving to any consonant-stem, them : whether simple or hooked. 1. To Any Unhooked Consonant- Stroke except El, Lay, Em, En, Ar [Er], Ing, Way, lay, Emp or Emb [pur Hay sign]. 2. To Any Hooked Consonant- Stroke. REM. 1. Way, Tay, Emp, and Ing are 'never halved for any purpose ; but El, Lay, Em, En, and Ar are sometimes halved, as will appear from 213. REM. 2. Hooked Way, Yay, Emp, unlike simple Way, Yay, Emp, may be halved. 213. By halving the curve- signs for I, m, n, or r, t or d is X PREFACE. added,- according as the shortened letter is made light or heavy. REM. 2. The strokes of short- ened Wem and Wen [our Mrd and Nrd] must not be widened [shaded] when d is added ; for these signs could not then be dis- tinguished from Me i- 1 and Nerd [our Hrd and NGrdJ. REM. 3. Since Yay, Emp, Ing, Way are never halved, Eld can not be read for yd; Med [our Ht] for mpt; Ned [our NGt] for ngd; Ard for wd. LEARNER'S DIFFICULTIES. The foregoing exhibit shows the following as some of the difficul- ties encountered by every student of the Old Phonography: Out of the twenty-five simple stems there are eight, viz., L (upward), L (downward.) R, NG, S, Z, W, H, to which the Z-hook cannot be joined at all ; three, M, N and B (upward), to which it may be joined in an exceptional manner ; and two others, SH and ZH, that require special directions or cautions. There are ten stems, S, Z, L, L, R, M, NG, W, Y, H, to which the r-hook cannot be joined at all ; two, SH and ZH, that require special directions, and of those signs to which it may be joined, there are six, F, V, TH, DH, M, N, that must be "turned over" or "widened" that is, changed respectively to R, W, S, Z, MP [our H], and NG, before they can receive the hook. A very large proportion of those who commence the study of the Old Phonography break down at this point. But if they continue, their next difficulty is this : Lengthening a curved stem generally adds tr or dr, or the cognate thr ; but to NG it sometimes adds kr or ffr, and in other cases this stem follows the general rule. And in Benn Pitman's Phonography, lengthening MP [our H] simply adds r. The halving of stems to add the frequent sounds t and d is the most important fundamental principle of Phonography, as it not only applies to the simple stems but also to every hooked stem ; and if anything further were needed to discourage the pupil, it may be found in ample quantities in the rules for the Halving principle. By halv- ing any one of the first sixteen consonant-stems of the Alphabet, either t or d is added ; but the halving of M, N, L or R merely adds t, and then to add d, these half-lengths are shaded, that is, changed respectively to MPt [our Ht], NGt, Yt, and Wt. PREFACE. XI In other words, and to recapitulate and further illustrate The stem W with an initial hook becomes V (Vr) ; made half-length, it is trans- formed into R (Rd) ; put an initial hook on the half-length, and it changes to V again (Vrd) ; made either full or half-length, if it has a final hook only, it is still W (Wn, Wnd) ; but in spite of such final hook, if an initial hook also is added it again becomes V (Vrn, Vrnd) ; and when lengthened it is still W in all cases except when it has an initial hook, and then it is V (Vrthr). The stem Y made half-length becomes L (Ld) ; double its length and it is Y ; and with a hook, initial, final or both, and whether made full, double or half- length, it is still Y. XG with an initial hook becomes X (Xr) ; halved when in this condition, or when simple, it remains X (Xrd, Nd) ; and whether halved or not, returns to its former self when it has a final hook (XGn). MP [our H] changes to M when it has an initial hook (Mr) ; remains M when halved whether it is -simple or has an initial hook (Md, Mrd) ; and whether halved or not assumes its maiden name (MP) when it has a final hook (MPn). The irregu- larity in the effect upon these four stems of the two modes of modifi- cation will be observed : They lose their identity when made half- length, W becoming Rd Y, Ld XG, Xd and MP, Md ; and yet the Lengthening Principle works no such change. THE XEW PHOXOGRAPHY. In our Xew and simplified Phonography all this bewildering maze is swept away. In all its elementary principles there is not a single exception to a rule. In the treatment of the stems by adding hooks, modifying them, etc., it will be seen that what is true of one straight stem is true of every other straight stem ; and what is true of one curved stem is true of every other curved stem. So that all of the elements of Phonography, so far as they relate to the Consonants, may be fully explained, illustrated and taught, with only two of the alphabetic signs, a straight and a curved stem. From the very start the author was satisfied, as were many others, that the Xew Phonography would be a vast improvement upon the Old in practical efficiency', but it was not given to the public until it had been thoroughly tried in every kind of verbatim reporting for nearly eight years. Its simplicity soon won for it many admirers and adherents, and since its first publication in December, 1866, it has advanced so rapidly in popular favor that it is now the leading system of shorthand in America. adi PREFACE. Then, besides being so very simple in its elementary principles, making it easy to acquire and retain, great care has been taken by the author in adjusting the details of the system, in order to make it as perfect in its practical working as it is in theory. All phonogra- phers know that to get the full benefits of their art, the signs of nearly all the vowels must be omitted, the writer depending almost entirely upon the unvocalized consonant outlines ; because, in prac- tice, the leaving out of the vowel-signs scarcely ever causes any illegibility of the writing. But, scattered here and there, are just a few words, which, unless specially provided for, would sometimes occasion ambiguity, and so lead to errors in reading or transcribing. This occurs in cases where two words, which cannot readily be dis- tinguished one from the other by the context of a sentence, have the same consonant outlines, or outlines between which the resemblance is too close for safety. The requisite difference in the mode of writ- ing such words is usually secured by assigning a particular outline to one word and another outline to the other the great wealth of consonant-outline material of Phonography providing an abundant supply from which to make selection. When this cannot be done, some arbitrary distinction of position, abbreviation or vocalization is employed. It is this work, more than any other, of following out all the ramifications of Phonography into word and phrase forms, and detecting and overcoming practical difficulties, that demands the greatest experience and patience on the part of the author. For per- fection in this respect no other system compares with the New Pho- nography, as it embodies the results of fifteen years' constant practice in verbatim reporting. Indeed, there is no other system of Phonog- raphy that is based alone on practical experience, or that was sub- jected to a thorough working test before publication. And so it has become a common notion that every reporter must make additions "of his own" to the system as learned from the books, in order to do satisfactory reporting with it. But, while this was true of the Old Phonography, it is not of the New, for learners here find no such necessity. The entire work of adjustment and adaptation to the needs of the practitioner has been done by the author ; and whoever attempts to tamper with or tinker the system for his own use will cer- tainly lose by the operation. In doing this part of the work there has been a constant effort to keep as close to the general rules and prin- ciples of the system as was possible ; the actual deviations being very few indeed, and only such as could not be avoided. PREFACE. Xttl The New Phonography is superior to the Old in the followiug par- ticulars : 1. SPEED. 2. LEGIBILITY. 3. SIMPLICITY. I. SPEED. By Speed of Phonography is meant the rate at which one who IB thoroughly familiar with both its theory and practice can write it in euch a manner that it may be correctly read without hesitation ; and it is usually estimated by the number of words so written in a minute. The ordinary rate of public speaking is from 120 to 130 words a minute ; an average of 150 words is quite rapid, and 175 to 190 is very rapid, but few speakers reaching that speed ; although even that is occasionally exceeded for short spurts, by eloquent or excited speakers. A phonographer who can write correctly and legibly 115 to 125 words a minute is competent to do most amanuensis work ; and one who can in like manner write 150 words, is prepared, so far as his shorthand is concerned, to begin verbatim reporting. The speed-test of the Law Stenographers' Association of the City of New York, as given in its Constitution, is as follows : "First. The applicant shall be fairly tried as to his speed of writing. If he fail to write legibly 150 words a minute, on the committee so reporting to the Association, the application shall be rejected without further test." A person who commences reporting with a speed of 150 words a minute, well writ- ten, may depend upon future experience and the inspiration of the moment to tide him safely over passages that are spoken above that rate. There are several reporters who have been known to write for short periods a little above 200 words a minute, and there is one authentic instance of a reporter of great natural quickness exceeding 250 words a minute, while writing from a dictation of matter that was new to him ! That this feat will be less uncommon in the future I have rea- son to believe, judging from recent remarkable results of practice by several of those who have been trained in this system. The great brevity that distinguishes Shorthand from Longhand comes from giving to written lines as much meaning as possible, by making them represent in the briefest manner consistent with practical re- quirements, the various sounds of the voice used in speech. But it Js a common error with those who know but little of shorthand, or have had but little practical experience in writing it, to suppose that fc is always true, as a matter of course, that the smaller or the more XiV PREFACE. contracted a word outline is, the more quickly it can be written. And we often see theorizing authors of shorthand works demon- strating by rule and dividers and by the counting of pen-strokes, the superiority of their systems in point of speed ; while they fail to take cognizance on the other hand of the many Jiindrancea to speed that in- here in their outlines. The following are some of the more important of those hindrances : (a) A great number of exceptions to rules because they overload the memory and cause hesitation. (&) The use of too large a fist of contractions or abbreviated outlines because they also overtax the memory and cause hesitancy, thus defeating the very object for which they were intended increase of speed and at the same time contribute largely to the illegibility of the writing. It is the testimony of all our best and most experienced practical ver- batim reporters that the use of a great many phonographic abbrevia- . tions is not conducive to speed ; and that the system of shorthand that divides the labor the most equally between the head and the hand is the best, (c) Writing many words with too condensed or small, though not abbreviated, forms because there is greater liabil- ity to conflict, and a consequent hesitancy in writing, (d) The use of many exceedingly brief expedients, such as ticks, ticks with hooks and circles attached, microscopic twists, curves, etc., for the representa- tion of frequent words and phrases because they require the writer to be making constant efforts to check the motion or momentum of the hand, (the necessary consequence of passing rapidly from characters of one size to those of a very different size), thus preventing the con- tinuous movement and free sweep of the hand which are so essential to rapid writing, (e) Too frequent obtuse angles between stems a very great impediment to speed, as may be readily demonstrated by tracing with exactness, but as quickly as possible, a line like the first of the following diagrams, and then in like manner, one like the second. It will be seen that the outline with obtuse or blunt angles requires a much slower movement than the one with sharp angles. ACUTE ANGLES. ' OBTUSE ANGLES. Some have made the mistake of supposing, because the general line of writing is from left to right, that therefore speed would be gained by writing the most frequently recurring consonant-sounds with stems that run in that direction ; while in fact such strokes are on several PREFACE. XT accounts the most difficult to make. Precision is quite as important as freedom in writing Phonography ; and there is a tendency of the hand in making strokes from left to right to slide beyond control. And, besides, it is more difficult to shade horizontal stems than those struck iu any other direction. The chief objection, however, to using horizontal stems for the most frequent consonant sounds is that it would add greatly to the number of obtuse angles in outlines. In, order to secure the greatest number of acute angles in shorthand, the' most frequent consonants must be written with stems that are struck across and not with the line of writing. In this respect the Phono- graphic alphabet is properly constructed ; but Mr. Lindsley, in his alphabet of Tachygraphy, has made the mistake of giving horizontal stems to the four most frequent of all the consonant-sounds, t, d, s and 2 ; and the result is that his consonant-joinings are so bad that he is obliged to use his vowel-signs quite as much to help him past obtuse angles and make his consonant outlines tolerable, as for purposes of vocalization. A line of Tachygraphy resembles a line of Phonogra- phy with the angles pulled out ! Another element that contributes to the superior speed qualities of the New Phonography is the great number of easily formed and easily remembered phrase-signs which it naturally provides for writing the groups of words that so frequently occur in speech. II. LEGIBILITY. By Legibility of Phonography is meant the certainty and ease with which it can be read after having been rapidly written, with all the Jittle deviations from mathematical accuracy that usually occur in writing done by a hand of ordinary training and skill. The impor- tance of legibility has been under-estimated by many, and it is too apt to be unappreciated by learners in their efforts to get speed. In all cases where Phonography is used to record an author's composi- tion, as employed by dictation amanuenses, phonographic secretaries, or, in short, for any phonographic work except reporting public speeches, the writer is frequently called upon to read over what he has just written, and he must be able to do so without error in any word. The exactions from short-hand writers in courts now are much greater than they were formerly, it being an every-day occurrence to require them to read in open court their notes of testimony ; and if they do not write a legible shorthand in a legible manner, they must fail There is no city in the world that has so many thoroughly skilled law stenographers as New York ; and their accuracy in recording and JCVi PHEFACE. transcribing trials and other legal proceedings is Implicitly reuea upon by litigants and courts. But instances have been known where mate- rial and permanent injury has been done through the inaccuracies of reporters ; and so it should be the aim of all learners of Phonogra- phy to get, first, Accuracy, second, Speed. Legibility in itself is an important contributor to speed, because it gives a feeling of con- fidence and certainty to the writer in regard to his work. That the New Phonography is much easier to read than the Old is now quite generally admitted by those phonographers who have had an opportunity of testing it, either in their own practice or in that of others, and especially by observing the work of young pho- nographers to whom they have given dictations to be transcribed by them into longhand. Indeed, because of the greater legibility of this system, and the consequent accuracy of the writers of it, they are now .preferred as amanuenses by our older reporters ; and those who have undertaken actual reporting have distinguished themselves by the 'superiority of their work. III. SIMPLICITY. By Simplicity of Phonography is meant the absence of exceptions rto general rules and principles. It mainly consists in (a) an Alpha- bet in wliich the consonant-signs are all simple, that is unhooked or unmodified, stems, and the vowel and diphthong signs are arranged in their proper positions with respect to the stems ; (6) a regular and .systematic series of compound or group consonant-signs, formed from the original simple alphabetic signs by the uniform addition of hooks and modifications to all of the stems ; (c) a strict adherence to the rule for word-position, by hi variably writing each word in the position indicated by its accented vowel ; and (d) a general harmony of all parts of the system, both in the fundamental principles and in the practical working details. That the New Phonography is immensely superior to the Old in all these respects scarcely admits of a doubt or an argument. The demonstration of this fact that has already been made on preceding pages of this Preface renders it unnecessary to give it further space. The great practical effect of this simplification of Phonography is shown, first in its Improved efficiency in respect to both its Speed and Legibility, and, secondly, in the far greater ease with which it is learned and remembered. The complications of the Old Phonogra- phy barred it out from our schools as a successful branch of educa tion, kept its benefits from the general public, and made it the special PREFACE. property of the few who adopted the profession of verbatim report- ing. The New Phonography is now being taught with success in many schools, and notably in the Introductory Class of the College of the City of New York, where it has been a regular branch of the commercial course for the last three years (since the Fall of 1871). The success of the phonographic instruction in this college has been so marked that it is prized as one of the most attractive and valuable features of the course. In this institution it is taught in large classes ; the classes meet but three times a week, and each student has six other branches in his course. Yet these boys learn the principles thorough- ly, become trained into making excellent phonographic forms, and reach a speed of 50 to 90 words a minute, during the college year of thirty-five weeks. Equally successful results in teaching the New Phonography have been accomplished under the plan of separate or private instruction, in the New York Institute of Phonography, in this city. This institu- tion is wholly devoted to teaching Phonography, and as it is incon- venient therein to form classes because new pupils are received at any time, the plan has been adopted with perfect success of instructing students separately, the same as book-keeping is usually taught in business colleges. It was formerly impossible to teach advanced Phonography in classes,' but now, with the New Phonography, such teaching is carried to nearly, if not quite, as high a degree of form-perfection and speed as by separate instruction. Therefore, teachers can hereafter form classes in the New Phonography with the confidence that the advanced part of the system is as simple and methodical as the beginning, and that complete practical results will be achieved in such classes, and the benefits of the art attained for immediate use by the students. CONCLUSION. In arriving at a conclusion as to superiority among systems of Phonography, it should be clearly borne in mind that the other two American systems have not had a single improvement made in them since the publication of the last edition of their text-books, 15 or 16 years ago. Since that time very many valuable points have been learned and some fortunate discoveries made by practical phonog- raphers through experience more peculiar and extensive than before realized. Reporting of courts-martial during the war, daily law- court reporting, carried to its present high proficiency by the en- couragement of permanent official appointments, and the use of short- XVttl PEEFACB. hand for purposes not before anticipated, are included in thia experience. The New Phonography in its construction has enjoyed the full benefits of all these influences, and admitting all that may be claimed in favor of the other systems, they are still the Old Phonog- raphy, contain no improvements made since 1859, and consequently do not make any provision for requirements in practical Phonogra- phy that have grown up since that date. Before that time all that was required of even the most experienced professional phonographer was to take only such minutes of trials, speeches, etc., that he would be able afterwards to furnish a correct transcript of them. Hence speed was considered of sole importance, and the authors of the old text-books had scarcely anything to say about legibility. Elaborate and systematic provision was made for the omission of frequent words in. writing, with the fond hope that "the context" would supply the missing links. It has been the boast of one author that his "reporting style" is distinguished, among other things, "By implying To, followed or not by a, an or the (which are supplied by means of the context), by joining the following word to the preceding ; thus, Ish'-Bee, wish to be. By implying Of, followed or not by a, an or the (which are supplied by aid of the context), by writing the following word near or joined to the preceding. By writing the present time for the past tense or time whenever a stroke or more can be saved thereby." In like manner another vain attempt to attain greater speed at a fearful expense to legibility was made in the provision to write a great many words with the same outline, and that usually a very much abbreviated one. The following illustrations have been taken at random from the only American dictionary of the Old Phonography: "Abundant-ly-ce, rws [reporting word-sign], Bend 2 ; Appoint-ed-ment, rs [reporting style], Pent 1 ; Criminal-ly-ity-ate-ated- ation, rs, Ker'-Men ; Exclaiin-ed, exclamation-tory-(tive), rs, Kays 2 - Kel ; Expedient-ly-ce-cy and Expedition, rs, (Kay)-Spet 1 ; Gravitate- d-ation, Gravity, rs, Ger-Vet 3 ; Hesitate-d-ion (Hesitant-ancy), Zet*; Stupid-ly-ity-ness, rws, Steh-Ped 3 " ["Steh" meaning the sMoop.] But the impracticability of all these nice theoretical expedients so inge- niously contrived was soon demonstrated. Our civil war broke out ; trials by courts-martial became numerous ; the services of phonogra- phers were indispensable ; but stern army officers, taking a thoroughly practical view of shorthand, required that their phonographers should read their notes as readily as they wrote them, and so made them read aloud to each witness, in presence of the court, his entire depo- PKEPACE. Xix sition as soon as it was taken. The result of all this was the inevita- ble one. It was very soon found that mutilated outlines, used some- times to represent a whole cluster of words, and context-reading of absent signs would not do for this work. Omitted words that the writer expected to be restored by implication refused to come back to him when he needed them. So all our shorthand writers who had adopted these expedients were obliged to abandon them and devise means to insure ready and complete legibility in their most rapid writing. Once started, the practice of calling upon the stenographer at any time to read from his notes has extended to the reporting of all other trials and legal proceedings. The contrast between our Pho- nography and the Old in respect to omitted outlines is very marked. The New Phonography does not omit the expression of a single word even in the most advanced verbatim work, and provides for repre- senting every word in the language with precision. If some persons in starting to learn Phonography should suppose that it will make no material difference to them which system they adopt because they are all called " Phonography," they are informed that no system of shorthand ever devised is any too capable ; and that if they have the ambition to be able to report rapid speakers, or even to do work of ordinary speed with ease and accuracy, they must be sure to select the best system, as by some methods no amount of natural ability and application will prevent failure. To the possible general introduction of Phonography for use in place of longhand, the objection has been raised that the system is faulty because in its construction verbatim reporting has been the ultimate aim. But when we consider that the requirements of ver- batim reporters and of those who would use shorthand for other pur- poses, are the same namely, rapidity and legibility and that the more recent experience of our best shorthand writers shows that but few abbreviations are required even in the swiftest work, this objec- tion falls to the ground. Again, it has been urged against Phonogra- phy that the vowel-signs should be always written and in the same outline with the consonant-stems. This objection is not well founded for the following reasons : (a) The vowel-signs are not needed, the unvocalized characters being practically as legible without them as with ; (6) it would of necessity take from the consonants a portion of outline-material, and so lead to the use of still longer characters for the consonants, without any compensating gain ; (c) as the vowel- signs would have to be much smaller than the consonant-stems, loss XX PREFACE. of speed from the cause already mentioned, "of passing rapidly from characters of one size to those of a very different size," would be occasioned ; (d~) the whole history of shorthand demonstrates that the vowel-signs, when given at all, should be separate from the conso- nant-outlines. Phonography provides a perfect means for writing the vowels, in such a way that whether they are expressed or omitted, the general appearance of the written word is the same. And as all mature reading is from general appearances, and not from an actual analysis of every character in a word each time that the eye passes it, this is an important point in favor of the phonographic plan of writing. Because Phonography is not so easily read by one who has just acquired it as the longhand that he has used since childhood, is no argument against it. Professor Tyndall, in his recent address before the British Association, speaking on this very point, says, "Witness the slow learning of its letters by a child, and the subsequent facility of reading in a man, when each group of letters which forms a word is instantly, and without effort, fused to a single perception." Thus it is with the experienced reader of phonographic writing, only with this difference, that instead of being confined to single words, owing to the brevity of the outlines and the use of Phraseography, whole sen- tences are taken in at a single glance. It would seem that most if not all of the objections that are raised to Phonography are similar to those that the child-learner would be apt to make in regard to the common print. But now that Phonog- raphy is beginning to have a fair chance in our schools, it may safely be left to take care of itself, without fear as to the result. Considering the great simplicity of its elementary plan it is sur- prising how few difticult or awkward outlines are to be found in Pho- nography in its application to writing every word of our complicated language, as tested in going through the entire Dictionary. In this respect it contrasts very favorably with our longhand. There are very few instances of phonographic outlines which require that after making one line the pen must retrace a portion of it, as is the case with several of the longhand letters ; and it is doubtful if there is a word in the language whose phonographic outline is intrinsically so difficult to make as the small c of longhand when it is joined to a pre- ceding letter. The common English orthography is almost entirely artificial in its character, and it requires so much time and application to master its difficulties as they occur in the ordinary words of the language, that PREPACK. Ili correct spelling has come to be considered one of the most thorough special tests of scholarship. But spelling in Phonography is so natural and easy a thing that it can never be made such a test ; hence there will always be a much greater latitude in the choice aud use of its signs than is now allowed in the common spelling. As Phonography is intended especially to be of practical utility, it should not be so closely bound as to fetter it by those little phonetic niceties that have rather a scientific than a theoretic value. For La- stance, our leading lexicographers almost invariably represent the syllables -ture, -dure, -tian, -tion, etc., in such words as nature, verdure, Christian, question, etc., as beginning with the consonants ty or dy ; but in Webster's Dictionary it is admitted that by some speakers, tu and ti in these words "are suffered to sink into the easier and closely allied sound of ch in church ; thus, na-choor, kris-chan, kwes-chun, etc." See sections 66, 95 and 97 of "Principles of Pro- nunciation" in that dictionary. But Mr. Alexander J. Ellis, in his work "On Early English Pronunciation," Part I, page 203, has treated this subject much more exhaustively. He says : "T, D have now a tendency, ignored by most orthoepists, under particular circumstances to pass into ch, j ; thus, nature, verdure are, perhaps most frequently, pronounced nS-chr, vr-jr, the last word being in that case identified with verger. * * * * The palatals 6, y have always had a great effect upon preceding consonants of the dental and guttural class, as they tend to materially alter the position of the tongue, in order to facilitate the transition to a following vowel. The languages derived from the Latin are full of instances. It is a fashion in modern English to resist, or to believe that we resist, this tendency in the especial case of -ture and -dure, but we have given into it completely in -tion. * * * * A similar change is recognized in -cious, -cial. And it is in vain to protest against -ture, -dure becoming chr, jr, at a time when even -tybor, dySor, though far less pedantic than -tEoor, deoor, have a singularly orthoepistic effect." In all other systems of Phonography but this, the arbitrary rule ot the orthoepists in regard to these words has been followed, and many preferable phonographic outlines have thus been excluded. The plan adopted in this Dictionary, however, is to treat these syllables as beginning with either ch or ty, j or dy, according to which gives the best outline in each particular case ; passing by the question of abso- lute accuracy of analysis as being of less practical importance than the securing of distinctive and easily written word-forms. PREFACE. In choosing between two outlines for a word, I have constantly kept before me while preparing this Dictionary, the question, What outline would I, if engaged in actual verbatim reporting, be most apt to select as the best? not, What outline could possibly be used? Sometimes when greatly in doubt which to adopt, I have given both, leaving it to further experience and discussion to decide the point. During the preparation of this work I have frequently referred to Isaac Pitman's Phonographic Dictionaries of 1852 and 1867, and A. J. Graham's of 1862, and have sometimes been aided by.them in my conclusions ; but they have been rather uncertain guides because of the very frequent omission of words whose outlines offer the greatest difficulties, and the constant practice of the latter author of giving the briefest possible outlines that he could devise, irrespective of their practicability both as regards the writer and the reader. Generally speaking, in this Dictionary no word has been given an outline that will not admit of receiving all the vowel-signs of that word ; for, while it is true that the advanced writer seldom inserts the vowels, yet the legibility of the writing greatly depends upon the consonant-outline itself suggesting the vocalization. In other words, the spirit of the vowel should be present though its visible sign is absent. For a like reason, when convenient, fuller outlines have been assigned to uncommon or infrequent words than would be necessary if they were of frequent recurrence. Also, with uncom- mon words, special effort has been made to retain the outlines of their derivatives. And when two words have the same consonants, but vary in number of syllables, if there is a choice of outlines, the longest outline has been assigned to the word containing the greatest number of syllables. See Acute and Cute, Atheism and Theism. Heretofore the principles of motion-balance in writing Phonogra- phy have not been understood or recognized. When possible, of two outlines of nearly equal length, the one that balances the motion of the hand the best has been preferred. Thus, the outline Br-N-CH is better than Brn-CH for branch, but Bln-CH is better than Bl-N-CH for blanch, and Dr-N-CH than Drn-CH for drench. Th itline M-N-TH (month) is an illustration of good balancing. This Dictionary gives the outlines of 60,000 words and over 5,000 proper names, being far the most complete and comprehensive work of the kind ever published ; and yet the whole is brought within a volume sufficiently small for convenient use. The Nomenclature that is provided in the Introduction for the proper analytic reading o^ PREFACE: xxiii phonographic outlines, is much superior to any ever before devised. That employed by Mr. Graham, and which he uses instead of the actual phonographic outlines in his dictionary, represents the hooks, modifications, circles and loops as if they invariably had their light or breath sounds, regardless of the way they are sounded in each particular word ; thus, his name for the outline of pave is Pef, of baize, Bees, etc. And in dividing his names of outlines into syllables, there is no yielding from a set plan in order to accommodate the peculiarities of phonographic joinings. But in our Nomenclature the name of each outline represents accurately all of its consonant- sounds, and the divisions between syllables correspond with the natural divisions between the different stems of the outline, thus indi- cating exactly how it should be written. Compare the two methods of naming phonographic signs in the following words: Abscond, [G's] Bees-Kend, [ours] Bee-Skend ; Besom, [G's] Bees-Em, [ours] Bee-Zem ; Desire, [G's] Dees-Ar, [ours] Dee-Zer ; Observe, [G's] Bees- Ref, [ours] Bee-Zreev ; Destroy, [G's] Dees-Ter, [ours] Dee-Stree. The new principle of allowing straight stems with final hooks to be lengthened to add tr, dr or thr, which was first suggested by Mr. C. A. Walworth, has been thoroughly tested in practice and found to be a very valuable improvement. It gives many new word-forms that are superior to those before in use, and also a large number of useful phrases that were not possible until its adoption. The sound of the letters a, ai and ea before r, in such words as care, bare, share, az'r, faz'r, haz'r, pear, bear, wear, has been a trouble- some one for lexicographers to determine with exactness. They have commonly treated it as being the sound of long a (a), somewhat modi- fied by the following r sound. As any modification of a sound produ- ces a different sound, this description is rather an unscientific one ; but practically it indicates with sufficient nicety the sound heard in these words as they are pronounced in England. In this country, however, (and, according to Webster and A. J. Ellis, the pronunciation pre- vails with some English people), the almost universal usage is to give to this vowel the same sound that is heard in at, cat, etc., but some- what prolonged in quantity. Isaac Pitman, following the prevailing pronunciation of his country, has always written this vowel in Pho- nography with the second-place heavy dot ; and American authors (myself included until recently) have followed his example. But in this Dictionary and in the system as now taught this vowel-sound, If the ordinary six-vowel scale is used, is represented by the first- PREFACE place light dot-sign. In the extended or complete vowel-scale its sign is a first-place heavy-dash, written parallel to the consonant-stem. Mr. Graham, in his Dictionary, says, " The sound of pare is the same as the vowel of at, only the former is long while the latter is short ; " and yet he ordinarily represents the sound of pare with the sign of &. SYNOPSIS OF PRACTICAL PHONOGRAPHY. To enable phonographers who write other systems to use this Dic- tionary with profit, a Synopsis of the New Phonography is given below in the form of illustrative stems, words and phrase-signs, under the headings of the New Classification and Arrangement. ALPHABET. Consonant Signs \ P, \ B, | T, | D, / CH, / J, __ K, _ G, V_ F, ^_ V, ( TH, ( DH, ) S, ) Z, J SH, J ZH, f-L, -> R, /- B, ^ M, ^ N, ^ NG, ^ W, ^ Y, ^ H. Vowel Signs; *j ah, '; &, ! a, -j 8, J B, j Y, "jaw, ~i 0, -j 0, -; u, i oo, i 56; v j i, *; or, 1 ow, J EW. SIMPLE-STEMS. Simple Vowels: ~\ bah, \ bay, ..^.be, I at, /etch, .-[--eat, /T-N may, - me, ^ ray, ^ hay, -^)- she, .^71 caw, -| ode, ..[._. too, \ up, \ abbey, : ago, ..')._. ado, -|' iota, ->^,- payee. Diphthongs : \ by, ^s boy, ^ ^eow, ..] due, V~^ nigh, "^ Iowa. Two Stems: V-s balm, \ back, \ bake, \ beck, V-^ Adam, -[^,- tomb, _f77T ! calm, --j^-^ king, ^, make, V__ pack, ^\ cap, p^ dumb, ^-- coop, ask, J. shake, '^> bush, \^.-. bushy, -^-feel, Vj^ felly, << lake, l alike, ...^.. |. ear ^ N ^ / . ben . v> rx^_^ arm) ^_^ roam, >/f arch, x( earth. HOOKED-STEMS. L and R Hooks on StraigJit Stems : \ PI, <\ Pr, \ Bl, % Br, f Tl, i Tr, f Dl, 1 Dr, / CHI, / CHr, / Jl, / Jr, ,__ Kl, r- Kr, ^_ Gl, ,_ Gr, y Bl, / Br ; \ play, X pray, ^- glow, \ apple, -] odor, ....j eagle, "'""N copper, V T\ noble, /S\ reply, |1_ tiger, /_ checker, - c ^- nearly, V^x furl, ^/girl; ..[... i* Will, \ by all, / which will, / which are, *\ by our. PREFACE. XXV L and R Hooks on Ourved Stems: ^_ Fl, <L_ Fr, Q_ VI, <L_ Vr, C TH1, ( THr, Q DH1, ( DHr, r ) SI, ) Sr, c ) Zl, ) Zr, J SHI, J SHr, [ <J -flHl, J -SHr ], J> ZH1, J ZHr, ~ Zl, f Lr, Nr, Q^ NG1, ^ NGr, Hr ; -^ evil, .!).. easel. busily, r- 11 N calmly, " on our. acquire ; P ought we, coal, call, can y u - 1- - ^ shown, (j then, Mr, ^ Nl, C^ Wl, ^ Wr, p Yl, f Yr, ^ HI, 5^. every, ) Ezra, QI^ only, /f) razor, ' "W) - - official, "\^i-- officially ; ...Q^ if all, TFoy Hook : C Y~ quail, - c -. ..... -.- quick, ^ ^ can we, 6 / were we. Special Vocalization: .!\.. dear, 1 tell, ...... near, ^v- engineer, .Sr^_... endure. Fay Hook : c\ but you-r, ^ what you-r, 5 2f Hook : \ pun, __, gain, ^ vain, ^r^ men, [ ^~^_. many], J attain, ) v assign, Q^ flown, ^_^ cun- ning; V-- if an, .-yT.. you and, ^> have been, ^ ^ more than. J^w V Hooks: ^ deaf, \^ pave, x^ rough, ; cough, [ v_ cof- fee], ,j gi-ave, [ <rT X^ gravy], .."X^. proof ^ cover; / charge of, [ out of, ^ can have; ^ they have, ^-^ he have, ^-^ may have. 57iw7i fiboA; . ; 3 caution, /-p motion, ^o fashion, ^x 5 Russian, ^j> nation, ^ ovation, _^ occasion, ^ _ 3 vacation, sJ^ national. 2V, Tkr or Dhr Hook: ^ actor, ^ wi-iter, ^^ gather, ^ rather, picture ; ~ "^ can there, j what their, ^b by all their. MODIFIED STEMS. s mother, -^"-waiter, ^ flatter, /^~* lend- " should there, ' ^ from there, ^ ^ on their ; rafter, ^^' run there, ... ..... _. could have their. pate, _ get, ^ bad, .".got, _y shut, -^ pit, .^_. into], ^ rate, < right, [_^\ riot, /\ ride, ^ prate, ^ word, ^ hurt, (^ friend, \j patient, bottom, \> puzzled, ^^9 muzzled; ' at the, Lengthening: x - r Jr, ^_ of their, '" ,.*^ render, ^^ Half Lengths: ^ [ " x |"" pity, ^ poet, X] rode], ^ plate, c - efficient, V N \> out of the, f from the, p said to, <^ able to, J had not, j do not, -j- did not, ~' cannot. b PREFACE. CIRCLES AND LOOPS. BmaU Circle : \ soap, sake, ,^_ save, -.[-- teas, O> mouse, ^ sect, '(~ sale, /^ lace, x 9 race, [ X] racy, X) rosy], J_ desk, ^^ uusafe; as, ... is, .^_. as if, ^ has not, C as well a- 8 ) ^ is i Q > ^ who is. Circle: _o cases, ^P races, ^P- recess, ^ necessity, system, _^> excesses; _ as h-is, -Q is as, f has said, -^ is seen. Loop: ' " cast, xf raised, -\ state, ^ store, ^X story, -,5=, coasts; ^ as the, as it, as to, ~Q is the, is it, is to, -^ is it as ,? where is the, ^_^ knows the, .^.. as it would. Large Loop: ^ castor, ^ master, ^=> coasters, [j.-, texture; as their, -^ is there, as there is, ..'^N has there not been, *\ has there been, Q^ unless there, -^ because there is. Small Circle on Hooks : 3\ supply, ^ sable, p settled, ...(^. civil, 'r squaw, _s caves, k^> veins, L_> occasions, ^ fashions, ~ ^^ actors. Circles and Loops with Hooks Implied: \ spray, \ saber, / stager, ] trance, J- dunce, J- dunces, \ puns, \ punster, \ x punsters, !\ v prosper, [_.* disgrace, .jferv.. describe, <L_> danc- ing, 3^ transpose. SUBSTITUTES AND EXPEDIENTS. In and Shun Curls: ^\ inscribe, ^ unstrung; ^-^ in some; (^- physician, -(^- physicians, f accession, --] transition, ^ transitions, -^-- transitional, ^ processional. Brief Way Sign : ^) wash, 5^. waived. Brief Hay Sign: -\, heap, \ hub, V half, ^ v "White, ^ whey. Brief Ing Sign : .^.meeting, \ petting. "To" indicated by Fourth Position: j to do, ~T~ to receive. Tick for I: ^ I am, L _ (downward with slant of CHv) I have, ^ (upward with slant of .Rl) I will, * I will not, \, I suppose. Miscellaneous : \ complain, j content, /-- recommend, ( s they complained, ^~f foreknowledge, ^^ magnify, . -^_ .. self evi- dent, ..\L.. doubtfulness, ^ thoughtlessness, t^ instrumental-ity. ^ themselves, Cj lordship, (^_^ loss of money, | [ from day to day. THE mode employed in this Dictionary of indicating the phono- graphic outlines of words by means of ordinary letter-types is called STENOTYPY. The plan is as follows : Each phonographic consonant-sign is represented by the letter or letters of the common alphabet by which it is most readily suggested. The Stenotypes of the stem-signs are distinguished from the Steno- types of consonants represented by hooks, modifications, circles, loops, curls, the tick and dot signs for 7i, and the small sign for w, by printing the former in capital letters and the latter in lower-case or email letters. STENOTYPES OF THE STEM-SIGNS. \\l | / / _ ^_ L ( ( ) P B T D CH J K G F V TH DH S ) jjr-^^^^^-^r^ ZSHZHi RJ2 M NNGWY H SHEE, LEE, REE AND UPWARD 8. The stenotypes of the up-stroke stems Shee, Lee and Ree, are dis- tinguished from the down-stroke stems Ish, El and Er, by being printed in italic or slanting capitals. The stenotype of Ess when struck upward, as in v_^> factionist, - : (^--- elocutionist, etc., is also printed With an italic capital ; thus, F-Kshn-$t, L-Kshn-^t. STENOTYPES OF STEMS WITH HOOKS, ETC. \ PI, <\ Pr, Q_ Fl, ^_ Fr, c_ Kw, c Ky, ^ Ty, _^ Kf, ( DHv, __, Kn, <^> Fn, _D Kshn, ^ Fshn, , Ktr, ^_^ Ntr, (^ Ztr, ^_ Fltr, (^ indr, ^* ^ndr, , Dt, ^ Pint, f sTs, ) sSs, c ssK, L BHss, -^j) Nss, c stK, ^ Kst, -=s Kstr, o ex v-< \ sPl, Q_ sFl, <^_ sFr, \ sPr, \ ssPr, i Drfts, % stPr, _o> Kfs, \ Pns, \ Pnstr, ^_ sKrt, /V. nsZ-V, O zdhr, V_ wV, \, heP ancviii INTRODUCTION. When a hook, modification, circle, loop or curl may be employed to write more than one consonant or group of consonants, its steno- type is varied to accommodate itself to each particular case. Thus, the stcnotype of the outline ^ is sPs for the word space, and sPz for the word suppose ; the stenotype of ,_p is sNs or sNz, of o , Kss, Ksz or Kzz, of ^, .Rst or .Rzd, of <r _= , Grf or Grv, of J , Ttr or Tdhr, of -^ , Mtr, Mdr or Mdhr of \ , sPnt or sPnd. The stenotype of the sJiun-cwl, for the sake of greater distinction, is always printed in italics ; thus, e Kss/m, (^ Yzslm. Punctuation and other printers' marks are printed between steno- types, whether of simple or compound stems, to indicate as follows : 1. A hypJwn (-) that the signs are joined; thus, ^^-^ M-M, G-G, ^-V_ N-V, V^ B-K-M, ^) H-Z, f^ L-W., \/ P-Bl \ K-Pr, e ~V_ Gr-V, '"^ M-N-TH, /\ J2-Pt-Bl, ~~L K-T-Gt, ^ P-Ld, V P-^t. 2. An inverted semicolon ( ! ) that the stems are disjoined and sim- ply written close together ; thus, ( s DH ! Plnd (they complained). 1!^ nsTr ; Mnt (instrumental). 3. A colon ( . ) that the stems are disjoined, and the second stem written close to, but a little under the first ; thus, (^ K:Dshn (accom- modation.) 4. An inverted period () that the stems are disjoined, and the second stem lapped a little over the first ; thus, | D'Td (dated), "^! W-Td (waited). Any one of the foregoing punctuation signs printed before a steno- type standing alone, indicates how its outline is to be written in relation to any outline that may precede it ; thus, : Pin denotes the outline of complain, and also that the outline should be written near the preceding word. A simple space marks the ordinary separation between words. A numeral just after and near the upper part of a stenotype, indi- cates the position of its sign ; thus, ~ ^ K'-M, (^ If, "V" F*-L. When ing is added to outlines that do not admit of the stem NG being easily joined, or to outlines that are abbreviated, the dot sign is used. The stejiotype of dot ing is an inverted period in parentheses ; thus, Pt(') 3 putting, Mt(')* meeting, Dt(') 1 doubting, B 2 -K(-) becoming, P(') 1 parting, jSVP(-) representing. CIRCLES BETWEEN STEMS. The stenotype of a circle between stems may be joined to either stem ; thus, x {_ Ps-V or P-sV, J .Bs-K or .K-sK. But it is found best in practice to join it to the first stem in all cases where upon completing the first stem and the circle the pen is left in the proper INTRODUCTION. XXIX lace to go directly on with the next stem of the outline ; thus, Bs-J, ~f Ks-J, Ks-K, ^ Ts-L, ( r Fs-L, < Ms-L, ^-y-x Ms-M, ,~t^ Ms-N. But in outlines where the circle is turned on the back of the first stem in order to specially accommodate it to the second stem, the stenotype of the circle should invariably be joined to the stenotype of the second stem ; thus, J _ D-sK, fr~ T-sL, (<- TH-sZ, STENOTYPES OP THE VOWEL-SIGNS. The stenotypes of the vowel-signs are as follows : I or I 01 ow EW or u al al el la al 61 la II v' : >-; : v: : A: <: : >; <v: ; ; i V- <; The vowel-stenotypes are printed in with the stenotypes of the consonants in the order of their occurrence in a word ; thus, \ aP, -| OD, (' L&. When a vowel is between two stems, if written to the first stem its stenotype is placed to the stenotype of that stem ; if written to the second stem its stenotype is placed to the stenotype of that stem; thus, V_ BS'-K, \_ B-6K, \_ Bs-K, 'L uT'-TK, ^T Ka-Na-Dfi 1 , " Kbf 1 , (^ Van 2 . A hyphen between the steno- type of a vowel and a consonant-stenotype indicates that the sign of the vowel is joined to the stem ; thus, | i-T, ^ i-W. The stenotypes of vowel-signs that are read between a stem and its I or r hook are enclosed in marks of parenthesis ; thus, :].. D(6)r 3 , | T(6)l*. FRENCH NASAL-VOWELS. As there are no such sounds in the English language as the French nasal vowels, Phonography does not, in its regular alphabet, provide for their representation. But, as words and sentences from the French are often used by speakers, the follow iiig expedient is pro- vided for representing these vowels : The sign of the vowel that is nasalized is placed to the stem N or M cancelled with a short tick written between the ordinary vowel-positions, or across the re-hook ; thus, in, <" an, en, ^ un. r -^ i enfant. The stenotypes of such cancelled consonants are printed in italics ; thus, 2f l en, M l am, 2V S un, If-Fn 1 enfant. PHONOGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE. In reading the stenotypic outlines the regular phonographic no> menclature is employed. The names of the consonant-signs are as follows : Simple Stems : P, Pee ; B, Bee ; T, Tee ; D, Dee ; CH, Chay ; Ji Jay ; K, Kay ; G, Gay ; F, Ef ; V, Vee ; TH (sound of th in thin jrxx INTRODUCTION. or breatli), Ith ; DH (sound of th in then or breathe), Dhee ; S, Ess ; Z, Zee ; tSH (written downward), Ish ; /Sfl" (written upward), Shee ; ZH (sound of * in pleasure or of French j as in jerar). 2hee ; X (writ- ten upward), Lee ; L (written downward), El ; K (curved sign for r, written downward), Er ; It (straight sign for r, written upward), Ree ; M, Em ; N, En ; NG, Ing ; W, Way : Y, Yay ; H, Hay. The names of the compound consonant-signs are formed with their several consonant elements, each stem with all its hooks, modifica- tions, circles and loops, being sounded with the short vowel 6 inserted! where it will best facilitate the pronunciation of the name, as follows : L-Hook Stems : PI, Pel ; Bl, Bel ; Tl, Tel ; Dl, Del ; CHI, Chel ; Jl, Jel ; Kl. Kel ; Gl, Gel ; Fl, Fel ; VI, Vel ; TH1, Thel ; DH1, Dhel ; SI, Es'l ; Zl, Zeel ; SHI (downward), Ish'l ; SHI (upward), Sheel ; L\ (upward), Leel ; LI (downward), El'l ; Rl (downward), Erl ; R\ (upward), Reel ; Ml, Mel ; Nl, Nel ; NG1, Ing'l ; Wl, Wei ; Yl, Yel ; HI, Hel. It-Hook Stems .- Pr, Per ; Br, Ber ; Tr. Ter ; Dr, Der ; CHr, Cher ; Jr, Jer ; Kr, Ker ; Gr, Ger ; Fr, Fer ; Vr, Ver ; THr, Ther ; DHr, Dher; Sr, Es'r; Zr, Zeer ; SHr, Ish'r ; SHr, Sheer; ZHr, Zher; Lr (upward), Leer ; Lr (downward), El'r ; Rr (downward), Er'r ; .Sr (upward), Reer ; Mr, Mer ; Nr, Ner ; NGr, Ing'r ; Wr, Wer ; Yr, Yer ; Hr, Her. NOTE : SI and Zl are named Es'l and Zeel to distinguish them from the outline L (downward) with an initial small circle, which is called either Sel or Zel, according as the circle represents the sound of * or 2. So Sr and Zr are named Es'r and Zeer, because the outline of R (downward) with an initial small circle is called either Ser or Zer. SHI is named Ish'l, and SHr Ish'r, to distinguish them from SHI, Sheel, and SHr, Sheer. LI is called Leel, and Lr, Leer, to distinguish them from the downward forms LI, El'l, and Lr, El'r. Rl is called Erl and Rr, Er'r, to distinguish them from the upward signs, Jfl, Reel, and Br, Reer. NG1 is called Ing'l, and NGr, Ing'r, because the consonant-sound ng never begins a syllable. Way-Hook Stems : The Way-hook, stems are named by inserting the sound of Way between the sound of the stem to which it is attached and adding a final e sound ; thus, Pw, Pwee ; Bw, Bwee ; Tw, Twee ; Dw, Dwee ; CHw, Chwee ; Jw, Jwee ; Kw, Kwee ; Gw, Gwee. Toy-Hook Stems: The Fay-hook stems are named in the same manner as the Way-hook signs, with the vowel 6 also inserted t< facilitate pronunciation ; thus, Py, Peyee ; By, Beyee ; Ty, Teyee : Dy, Deyee ; CHy, Cheyee ; Jy, Jeyee ; Ky, Keyee ; Gy, Geyee. N-Hook Stems : Pn, Pen ; Bn, Ben ; Tn, Ten ; Dn, Den ; CHn Chen ; Jn, Jen ; Kn, Ken ; Gn, Gen ; Fn, Fen ; Vn, Yen ; THn. Then; DHn, Dhen; Sn, Es'n; Zn, Zeen; SHn, Ish'n : SHn, Sheen; ZHn, Zhen; Ln, Leen: Ln, El'n; Rn, Era; .Rn, Reen; Mn, Men; Nil, Nen, NGn, Ing'n; Wn, Wen; Yn, Yen; Hn, Hen. For VHook Stems.- Pf, Pef; Pv, Pev; Bf, Bef; Bv, Bev; Tf, Tef; TV, Tev, Df, Def; Dv, Dev; CHf, Chef; CHv, Chev; Jf, Jef; Jv, .Tev; Kf, Kef; Kv, Kev; Gf, Gef; Gv, Gev; fit Reef; Rv, Reev. Shun- Hook Stems: Pshn, Peshun; Bshn, Beshun; Tshn, Teshun; Dshn, Deshun; CHshn, Cheshun; Jshn, Jeshnn; Kshn, Keshun; Gshn, Geshunj Fshn, Feshun; Yshn, Veshun; THshn, Theshun; Sskn, INTRODUCTIOK. Esshun; Zshn, Zeeshn; SHshn, Ishshun; /SGshn, Sheeshun; Zshn Leeshun; Lshn, Elshun; Rshn, Ershun; Bshn, Reeshun; NGshn, lugshun ; Wshn, Weshun ; Hshn, Heskun, etc. Ter-Hook Stems: Pit, Fetter; Btr, Better; Ttr, Tetter; Dtr, Detter ; R\.v, Reeter, etc. Lengthened Simple Stems: Ftr, Fetter; Fthr, Fether; Fclbr, Fedher; Vtr, Vetter; Str, Ester; Sthr, Esther; Ztr, Zeeter ; SHtr, Ishter; SHtr, Sheeter ; Ztr, Leeter; Ltr, Elter; Rtr, Erter [See .Zfeeter] ; NGtr, Ingter, etc. Half -length Simple Stems: Pt, Pet ; Pd, Fed; Bt, Bet; Ft, Fet; Vd, Ved; THt, Thet; DHt, Dhet; St, Est ; St (upward), Best; Zt, Zeet ; SHt, Isht: SHt, Sheet; it, Leet; Lt, Elt; Rt, Ert; fit, Reet; NGt, Ingt; Ht, Het; Hd, Hed. Modified Final-hook Stems: Pntr, Penter; Pnt, Pent; Bntr, Benter; Bnt, Bent; Dndhr, Dendher; Dnt, Dent; Futr, Fenter; THudr, Thender; Sndr, Esender; Snt, Esent; Zndr, Zeender ; Znd, Zeend. Stems with Small Circle : sP, Sep ; sB, Seb ; sT, Set ; sJ, Sej : sK, Sek; sF, Sef; sTH, Seth; sDH, Sedh ; sS, Sessee; sZ, Sezee; sSH, Sesh; sSH, Sesbee; sM, Sem ; sNG, Seng ; sL, Slee ; sL, Sel ; sR, Ser ; sfi, Seree; sW, Sway; sY, Seyay; Ps, Pess ; Bs, Bess ; Ks, Kess; Fs, Fess ; THs, Thess ; Ss, Eses ; Zs, Zees ; SHs, Isbes ; SHs, Sbees ; Ms, Mess or Ems ; Ns. Ness or Ens ; NGz, Ingz ; Ws, Wess; sPz, Spez; sNs, Sens; sLz, Sleez ; sPr, Spree; sBr, Seber ; sTr, Stree ; sDr, beder ; sCHr, Secber ; sJr, Sejer ; sKr, Skray ; sGr, Seger. Small Circle Between Stems: Ks-K, Kess-Kay; Gs-P, Gess-Pee; B-sK, Bee-Sek; B-zM, Bee-Zem ; K-zM, Kay-Zem; F-sL, Ef-Slee; Mz-M, Mez-k N-s,En-Slee; D-zR, Dee-Zer; N-Zs, En-Zees; Ss-N, Esess-N. Sterr with Large Circle: ssP, Sesspee, ssT, Sesstee ; ssF, Sessef; ssV, Sessvee ; szM, Sezem ; szN, Sezen ; Psz, Pessez; Kzz, Kezez ; Dnsz, Densez; J?zs-T, Rezess-Tee ; Nss-T, Enses-T ; ssPr, Sesper; ssTr, Sester ; Pzsz, Pezessez. Stems with Loops : stP, Step ; stD, Sted ; stK, Stek; stL, Stlee ; stR, Ster ; stR, Steree ; Bst, Best ; Fst, Fest ; Sst, Seest ; Zst, Zeest ; Rst, Erst ; fist Reest ; ist Leest ; Bstr, Bester ; Kstr, K ester ; Fstr, Fester: Sstr, Seester ; Zstr, Zeester ; SHstr, Isbister ; SHstr, Sheester; fistr, Reester ; Zstr, Leester ; Bnst, Benst ; Knstr, Kenster. Circles on Hooks: sPl, Spel ; sBl, Sebel ; sTl, Settel ; sKl, Skel; sFl, Sfel; sVl, Svel ; sNl, Snel ; sNGl, Sengel ; sFr, Sefer ; sVr, Sever; sMr, Semmer ; Kvz, Kevz ; Fshnz, Fesbunz; Vzhnz, Vezhunz; Ktrz, Ketterz. The name of the dot-sign for -ing is " Ing-dot " ; thus, B-K (), Bee- Kay Ing-dot. The initial curl for en, in or un is named by the syllable for which it stands in each particular word ; thus, nsKr-B (inscribe), Insker- Bee. The final shun-curl is named in connection with the stem to which, it is attached ; thus, Fzshn (physician), Fezsbun. The brief sign for Way is called Wee, and is named with the stem that follows it ; thus, wV, Weev ; wT, Weet. The dot-sign for Hay is named with its accompanying vowel and stem; thus, heP, Heep; hOP, Hope; Whrt, White. Tick-Hay is named with the Way-stem to which it is joined , thus, b-W, Hway. INTBODTJCTION. A stem, with a figure near it indicating the position of the word, is read thus, P 1 , Fee-one; Mt(-) J , Met-Ing-dot-Three ; N-G- J 2 -F 3, En- Gay-Jay-Two-Iug. When an inverted semi-colon is used to represent the prefix com-, eon- or cum-, it is named by the syllable for which it stands ; thus, 5 Pin 2 (complain), Com-Plen-Two; t D--M (condemn), Cpn-Dee-Two- Em ; iBrs 1 (cumbrous), Cum-Bres-Two. But when -he sign '. merely denotes disjoining it is read thus, F 3 i Gt (forget), Ef-Two-Get-Dis- loined. An outline containing an inverted period is read thus, D*'Ted (dated), Dee-Two-Ted-Lapped. GENERAL REMARKS. Attention is called to the following instructions and directions In regard to the plan and use of this Dictionary : The outlines of words are indicated by their stenotypes, in accord- ance with the method explained at the commencement of this Intro- duction. If the accented vowel-sound of a word is written in Phonography with any one of the First-place vowel-signs *{'{"] j v j the consonant outline of that word is written in the First position; if such vowel-sound is written with any one cf the Second-place vowel- signs ! ; - -i the outline of the word takes the Second posi- tion; and, if the vowel-sound is written with any one of the Third- place vowel-signs j j i j i the consoaant outline takes the Third position. Whether the outline of a word is written in the First, Second or Third position is shown by the numeral * , * or 3 , placed immediately after the stenotype of the consonant-sign that takes the position indi- cated by such numeral. The first stem of a word is written in posi- tion, (and the position-numeral is consequently placed to the stenotype of the first stem), in all cases except when the outline begins with, but does not entirely consist of, horizontal stems ; for then the first upright or slanting stem is written in position, and the numeral moved forward to its stenotype ; thus, ^A K-P 1 (cap), ^ K-P 3 (coop), TTS^.. K-B* (Cuba), T^X. K-B>-J (cabbage),"^]. M-B'-D (embody), ''^ M- N-D* (moneyed), ^\---. K-B-K (cubic). Phonographers should be very particular to write every word in its proper position so that a habit of accuracy in this respect will be early formed; and, as those words whose outlines begin with horizontals but contain stems struck In other directions are the most difficult for the learner to master, the foregoing outline illustrations of the positions of such word-forms should be carefully studied. To overcome certain practical obstacles that were unavoidable, a few words are arbitrarily Avritten out of their proper positions, and the writer should be exceedingly careful to always place them in the positions assigned to them. These words should be practiced upon until their outlines and positions are thoroughly memorized. The following is a list of them with their stenotypes : Advantage, J 2 j INTRODUCTION. Altogether, Gdhr 1 ; Another, Ndhr 1 ; Any, N 8 ; Do, D 2 ; For, F 2 ; tleman, Jut 1 ; Go, G 1 ; #<s, H 2 ; JEftra, H 2 ; Other, Dhr 1 ; Gcer, Vr' ; Own, N 1 ; Ifa^A, Tr 1 ; Ffotf, T 2 , Which, CH 2 . When a word is pronounced in more than one way, if the difference is merely of accent, generally each accent is indicated by the posi- tion-numeral with which it corresponds, and but one outline is given ; thus, "Advertisement or Advertise'ment, D 2 0r'-Vr-T-zMnt [D-or 1 - zMnt]." But if there is a difference in the consonant-sounds used, each outline is indicated; thus, "Asthma, St'-M or S'-M or Z'-M." When the outline of one word would be liable to conflict with that' of another, without some special provision being made to avoid it, either in the form of the outline or through increased care in writing, attention is called to the fact of the confliction, and the provision against it, by a reference to such word. Thus, Above is written B'--V, and not BY", because B with the hook is used as an abbreviation for Before; therefore, after giving Above and its outline, the words, "See Before" are inserted. So after Before will be found "See Above." In regard to verbs whose past tense and past participle are formed regularly, that is by the addition of -d or -ed to the present tense, the present tense only is given, and then follows its outline, and imme- diately after that the outlines of the past tense and participle and present participle; thus, " Move, M- V s , M-Vd 3 , M-V 3 -NG"; "Brush, Br 2 -SH, Br 2 -SHt, Br 2 -SH-NG " ; " Look, L 3 -K, Z 3 -K-T, L 3 -K- N G." If the verb is irregular, only the outlines of the parts formed regularly are given, and theirregular parts are put in their alphabetical places like any other independent word; thus, "Break, Br'--K, Br"-K-NG"j the word " Broke, Br*-K " being inserted elsewhere. All the parts of a regular verb have their accent on the same vowel-sound, and so their three outlines belong to and are written in one and the same word-position. When the plurals of nouns are formed regularly, that is by the simple addition of an s or z sound to the singular number, the outlines of the plural forms are not given. But when plurals are formed irregularly, as wives, men, feet, children, etc., and the Latin plural forms, their outlines are given in their proper alphabetic places. When an adjective and its corresponding adverb are written with the same outline, the former is printed in full and the latter in- dicated by merely adding at the end -y or -ly, only one outline being indicated for both words; thus, "Able-y, BP; " " Agreeable-y, Gr-BP " "Regardfiil-ly, ^-Grd-Fl." Brackets are placed around stenotypes to indicate that they are ab- breviated ; that is, that they do not represent all of the consonants of words. In most instances the full outline is first given, and then fol- lows the abbreviation in brackets ; thus, " Because, B'-Kz [Kz 1 ]," *' Represent, jR 2 -Prz-Nt [J^-P]." Sometimes an optional abbreviation for a part of a word is enclosed in brackets : thus, "Attainableness, Tn 2 -B-.L-Ns [: Bs]," means that the first and full outline may be used, or the outline " Tn 2 : Bs." The abbreviations for -fullness, lessness, -iveness, etc., are indicated in a similar way. In like manner marks of Parenthesis are placed around outlines that, although full that is, representing all the consonants of a word are especially brief; thus,'" Eeturn, If-T-Hn (Rt 2 -.fin)." Some- times marks of Parenthesis are used to enclose a part of an outline, 6* INTRODUCTION. as the stenotypes of one or more steins, or of hooks, to indicate that it is optional with the writer whether he will use the enclosed signs or omit them ; thus, " Explainable, Ks-Pln 8 -B(-L)." Outlines enclosed in Parenthesis marks are generally optional, and in most cases are in- tended more especially for use by verbatim reporters. Compound words generally follow the rule for phrase- writing ; that is, the first word is written in its proper position, the other word being joined at the end. There are a few exceptions to this rule iii cases where it is more important that the second word should be (written in its proper position than the first. .) It has been thought best not to cumber this Dictionary with lists 'of phrase-signs, so they have been only introduced sufficiently to show all the principles of Fhraseography, and thus fulfill the design of indicating how each word of the language is written under any and all circumstances. See under the words, All, An, And, Are, Been, Have, I, It, Not, Of, Or, Other, Our, Own, Than, That, The, Their, There, Time, To, Was, We, Were, Will, Would and Tou-r. Although the outline of any word may be ascertained by turning to it in the Dictionary, the necessity for such reference may be rendered less frequent by specially memorizing the following sugges- tions in regard to certain outlines and parts of outlines that charac- terize whole classes of words. REM. 1. The following outlines for terminal syllables, unless the preceding part of the outline renders them impossible or difficult, are seldom if ever deviated from : -graphic, -Grf-K; -graphical-ly, -Gr-F-Kl; -ography, -Gr-F; -metric, Mtr-K; metrical-ly, -Mtr-Kl; -nor or -rier, R-R; -ror or -rer, -Rr; -ciously, -SHs-Z; -nion or nian, n-hook followed by the stem N; thus, Geographic, J'-Grf-K; Geographically, J'-Gr-F-Kl; Geography, J'-Gr-F; Geometric, J'--Mtr-K; Geometrical-ly, J'-Mtr-Kl; Anterior, N-T 3 -R-R; Furrier, ~F'--R-R; Bearer, B'-Rr; Curer, K-Rr 3 ; Auspiciously, S'-P-SHs-Z; Graciously, Gr-SHs 5 -Z; Ju- diciously, Jd 3 -SHs-; Companion, :Pn'-N; Demonian, D'-Mn-N. REM. 2. As there are two forms for the consonants dvr, namely, D-Vr and Dv-R(-J?), in practice an important distinction is gained by using D-Vr in words commencing with vowels, such as Advert, D J - Vrt ; Adversity, D--Vrs-T ; and Dv-R(-.R) in such words as Divert, Dv=-Rt; Diversity, Dv--Rs-T. REM. 3. The consonant I, whether followed by a vowel or not, when it comes after half-length N or NG, is generally written down- ward ; and after half-length M or H it is written upward. REM. 4. The termination -ingly is written -NG1 or -NG-L (down- ward) according to whicli form is most convenient. REM. 5. The dot for -ing. besides being used after outlines that join badly with the stem NG, and after abbreviated outlines, is gen- erally employed after stems with final loops ; thus, Rst(-)*, Resting ; Mstr(-) 2 , Mustering. In a few cases where the letter n in the common spelling represents the sound of ng, for the purpose of securing better outlines, the n-hook is used to represent that sound; thus, Fn 2 -Gs, fungus, instead of the outline F'-NG-Gs. Every experienced writer of Phonography, whether he uses it in reporting, in his correspondence, or for private purposes, prefers. 'INTRODUCTION. ' XXXV nnvocalized outlines. For tliis reason the indication of full vocaliza- tion in a phonographic dictionary would be of little value. There- fore, except in a few instances where vocalization is specially needed, the signs of the vowels have been omitted entirely. Although the vast majority of the word- forms of Phonography are exceedingly facile, so that even an unskilled hand is soon trained to make them with ease, still there are a few outlines that contain in- trinsic difficulties to which it is necessary to call special attention. Thus, the junctions of M-Pt (mapped), M-Bd (mobbed, imbed), stM-Bt (steamboat) present difficulties which can only be obviated by bend- ing in the final end of the curved stem, not so as to form a hook, but yet sufficiently to allow the straight half-length to join at a slight angle. When two stems of equal length, one curved and the other straight, join without an angle, as M-P, P-N, P-S, N-.B, TH-P, P-NG, B-Z, etc., care must be taken to make each stem of the combination as exact as possible, so that if either is covered the other will be as perfect as if it stood alone. It is a good plan for phonographers to make lists of all forms or outlines that they find difficult to write, and then during leisure moments to give them special oractice until they cease to be troublesome. The stenotypic method of indicating phonographic outlines em- ployed in this Dictionary, which is almost entirely the invention of the author, is the most simple and perfect means ever devised for the purpose. It is better than a nomenclature because it is more compact, and also presents a picture more nearly like the shorthand signs themselves ; so that, in a mere book of reference like this, it answers the purpose of engraving and enables the author to present great results at a trifling cost to the public. The first three and the most important questions that the writer of Phonography wishes information upon in regard to any word, are, first, What is its consonant outline ? second, Which is its accented vowel ? and third, In which of the three word-positions does the accented vowel place that outline ? These questions the author has answered in regard to each word of the language, by giving, first, the word with its accented syllable properly marked; second, the steno- types of the full outline, and, third, the figure indicating its position. In these important respects this Dictionary is superior to any other work of the kind ever published. The perfect adaptation to its purpose of the Stenotypy here em- ployed is also evidenced by the fact that the stenotypic part of this book was actually set up by the compositors from phonographic copy. The author is indebted to Messrs. James J. Williamson, Richard Harris and Samuel B. Benn, the phonographic compositors, for the accuracy of their work, and the patient perseverence with which they have adhered to this long and oftentimes wearisome task of making a practical phonographic dictionary of the entire language. The Dictionary of Proper Names at the end is an entirely new selection, having been compiled by the author from a large number of independent lists of names, both biographical and geographical. Several Directories have been used, and special effort has been made to adapt this part of the work to the particular wants of people in this country, by giving preference to American names. CONTENTS. PAGS THE DICTIONARY OF PRACTICAL PHONOGRAPHY 1 PROPER NAMES 301 APPENDIX OF REVISED OUTLINES 329 PROPER NAMES (REVISED OUTLINES) 365 THE DICTIONARY OF PRACTICAL PHONOGRAPHY. A, the first letter of the Alphabet, is used to repre- ABA more perfectly distinguish Abash', B ] -SH, B'-SH*. a from the. the dot for a B^SH-NG may be placed slightly :Abash'ment, Bi-SH-Mnt above the line. ! Abat'able, Bt 2 -Bl 2. At the commencement Abate', Bt 2 , B 2 -Td, BtC) of phrases, by a tick struck j Abatement, Bt 2 -Mnt invariably in the direction Ab'atis, B 1 -Ts of the stem P. 3. In the middle or at sent eight distinct vowel! the end of phrases, by a sounds, fas heard in fate, tick struck in the direction far, fat, fort, ask, all, wasp of either P or CH, accord- and mauy. In the com- ing to which gives the best plete or extended phono- 1 junction, graphic vowel-scale a sep-| The dot sign is always arate sign is* given to each j preferable when the tick- of these sounds; but in sign makes an obtuse angle the scale ordinarily used a j with the stem to which it few slight shades of differ- ence in sound are not marked, and \hese eight vowels are written as indi- cated below: a in fate heavy second- place dot. a in fat, fare and ask light first-place dot. a in arm heavy first- place dot. a in all heavy first- place dash. a in wasp light first- place dash. a in many light second- place dot. A. The word a is writ- ten as follows : 1. By a dot on the line, which may be made light is joined. Aam, aMi Aaron'ic, R'-N-K Aaron'ical, Ri-N-Kl Aback', Bi-K Ab'acus, Bi-Ks Abaft', Bfti Abal'ienate, B-ii-Nt, B 2 - i-N-Td, B*-i-Nt-NG Abaliena'tion, B a -Z- Nshn Aban'don, Bn-Dn, Bn 1 - Cnd, Bni-Dn-NO Aban'doned, Bi^-Dnd. See Abundant. Abandonee', Bn-D-N Aban'doner, Bni-D-Nr Aban'donment, Bn'-Dn !Mnt [Bn 1 D-Mnt] Abarticula'tion, B-.Rt- Klshn except when the word is i Abase', Bs*, Bst, Bs*-N<J unusually emphasized. To] Abase'ment, B-sMnt 1 Aabat'or, Btr 2 Abat'toir, Bt>-Wr Abb, Bi Ab'ba, &B' Ab'bacy, Bi-S Abba'tial, B-SH1 Ab'be, Ba 1 Ab'bess, Bs 1 Ab'bey, Bi Ab'bot, aBt 1 Ab'botship, BtMSH Abbre'viate, Br 3 -Vt. BrK V-Td, BrytC) Abbreviation, Br 2 -Vshn Abbre'viator, Br 3 -Vtr Abbre'viatory, Br s -V. T-K Abre'viature, Br 3 -Vtr Ab'dicant, Bd'-Knt Ab'dicate, Bdi-Kt, Bd 1 - K-Td, Bdi-Kt-NG Abdica'tion, BdJ-Kshn Ab'dicative, Bd'-Kt-V Ab'ditory, Bdi-T-fi Abdo'men, B 2 -D-Mn Abdominal, B'-D-M-NI Abdom'inous, B"-D-M- Ns Abduce', B^-Ds, Abdu'cent, B 3 -Ds-Nt B-Ds-KG Abduct', B2-D-Kt, BS- K Td, B-D-Kt-NG Abduc'tion, B'-D-Kshn ABD Abduc'tor, B-D-Ktr Abeam', B 3 - M Abear'ance, B^-Rns Abecedarian, Bs*-D-.Bn Abed', Bd Abele', B-L A'belmosk, Bl s -Ms-K Aber'rance, B*-Bns Aber'rant, B -Rut Aberra'tion, B'^-JZshn Abet', Bt, B-Td, Bt(-) 1 Abet'ment, Bt-Mnt Abet'ter or Abet'tor Abey'ance, B^-Ns Ab'gregate, B 1 -Gr-G-T Ab'hor, B-Hr, fii-Hrd BJ-Hr-NG Abhor'rence, B'-H-Bns Abhor'rency, Bi-Hrn-S Abhor'rent, B^H-flnt Abhor'rently, B-H- fint-Z Abhor'ror, B'-Hr-R A'bib, B*-B Abide', Bd, Bd(-) 1 Abid'er, B'-Dr Abidingly, Bd>-NGl Abigail, B'-Gl Ability, B 3 -Z-T(-Zt) Abintes'tate, B"-N-Ts-Tt Abirrita'tion, fiz-fi-Tshn Ab'ject, B>-J-Kt Abjec'tion, B*-J-Kshn Ab'jectly, B^J-Kt-Z Ab'jectness, B>-J-Kt-Ns Abju'dicate, B 3 -Jd-Kt Abjudica'tion, B^-Jd- Eshn Abiura'tion, B s -Jrshn Abiu'ratory, B 3 -Jrt-7Z Abjure', B 3 -Jr, B-Jrd. B*-Jr-NG Abjur'er, B'-Jr-R Ablacta'tion, B-Z-K- Tshn Abla'queate, BS-z-Kw-T Ablaquea'tion, B*-Z- Kwshn Abla'tion, B*-Zshn Ablative, B'-Zt-V Ablaze', Biz* Al>le, (a.) Bl, B1*-R. Blst A'ble-bodied, Bl-B-Dd ATileness, BP-Ns Ab'lepsy, B>-Z-P-8 Abluent, B J -Z-Nt Ablu'tion, B 3 -Zshn A'bly, Bl Ab'negate, B'-N-Gt Abnega'tion, B 2 -N-Gshn Abnega'tor, B2-N-Gtr Abnorm'al, B'-Nr-Ml Abnormity, B'-Nr-M-T Aboard', B 2 -Rd (BrdS) Abode', Bd* Abolish, Bi-i-SH, Bi-Z- SH-T. Bi-Z-SH-NG Abollshable, : Abol'isher, B'-Z-SHr 3 Abolishment, B ! -L-sn- Mnt Aboli'tion, B'-Z.shn Aboli'tionism, B 3 -ishn- Z-M Aboli'tionist, B 3 -/.shn-St Aboli'tionize, Aboma'sum, B 2 -Ms-M Aboma'sus, B-Mss Abom'inable-y, Bi-M-N- Bl Abominate, Bi-M-N-T, B'-M-N-Td, Bi-M-N-T- NG Abomina'tion, B a -M- Nshn Aboriginal, B-.R-J-N1 Aborigines, B^-fi-j-Nz Abor'tion, B^flshn Abor'tive, Bi-flt-V Abor'tiveness, B l -fit-V- Ns [IVs] Abound', End', Bn^Dd. Bnd'-NG About', Bt Above', B-V. See Before. Above'-board, B^-v-Brd Abracadab'ra, Br-K-D- Br Abrade', 3rd', Br-Dd, Brd(-) Abra'sion, Brzhn^ Abreast', Brst Abreuvoir', Br^V-Wr Abridge', Br'-J, Br^-Jd, Br-J-NG Abridg'er, Br-Jr Abridg'ment, Br^-J-Mnt Abroach', Br-CH Abroad', Brdi Ab'rogate, Br'-Gt, Bri-G Td, Br-Gt-NG Abroga'tion, BrS-Gshn Abrupt', BS-fl-Pt Abrup'tion, B s -fi-Pshn Abruptly, B2-fi-Pt-Z, Abrupt'ness, B 2 -fi-Pt-Ns Ab'scess, Bss 1 Abscind', Bs 8 -Nd Ab'sciss, Bss Abscis'sa, Abscis'sion, Abscond', B l -sKnd, B 1 - sKn-Dd, B'-sKnd-NG Abscond'er, B'-sKndr Ab'sence, Bs^Ns Ab'sent, Bs'-Nt, Bs*-N- Td. Bs2-m-NG Absenta'tion, Bs s -N- Tshn Absentee', Bs 8 -N-T Absenteeism, Bs'-N-T- zM Absent'er, Bs^-Ntr Absinthe', B8-N-TH Absin'thian, Bs 3 -N-THn Absin'thiate, Bs 3 -N- TH-T Ab'solute, B'-sZ. Ab'solutely, B l -sZt-Zt ABU Ab'soluteness, B'-sZ-t-Nfl Absolu'tion, B-sZshn Ab'solutism, B'-sitz-M Absolutist, Bi-sZ-Tst Absolutist' ic, B'-sZr Tst-K Absolutory, B'-eZ-T-JFZ Absolv'able, B'-sL-V-Bl Absolv'atory, Bi-sZ-V- T-B Absolve', Bi-sZ-V, &-6L- Yd, Bi-sL-V-NG Absolv'er, B'-sZ-Vr Ab'sonant, Bs'-Nnt Absorb', B^sfl-B, B'-s^ Bd, Bi-sfi-B-NG Absorbability, B^-sB-B- Bl-T (-Bit) Absorb'able, Bi-sK-B-Bl Absorb'ent, B'-s/Z-Bnt Absorp'tion, B^stf-Pshn Absorp'tive, B'-sfi-Pt-V Absorptivity, Bs-sfi-Pt- V-Tf-Vt) Abstain', Bs 2 -Tn, Bs- Tnd, Bs a -Tn-NG Abste'mious, Bs 3 -T-Ms Abste'miously, Bs s -T- Ms-Z Abste'miousness, Bs 8 -T- Ms-Ns Absterge', Bs s -T-fl-J Abster'gent, Bs^T-fi- Jnt Absterse', Bs z -T-Rs Abster'sion, Bs 2 -T-J?8hn Abster'sive, Bs 2 -T-/Zs-V Ab'stinence, Bs'-Tn-Ns Ab'stinent, Bs'-Tn-Nt Abstract', B'-sTr-Kt, B*- sTr-K-Td. B'-BTr-Kt-NGt Ab'stract, Bi-sTr-Kt Abstractedly, B^sTr-K- Td-Z Abstract'er, B'-sTrtr Ab'stractly, B"-sTr-Kt- Abstract'edness, B^sl'r- K-Td-Ns Abstrac'tion, B^-sTr- Kshn Abstracti'tious, B 3 -sTr- K-T-SHs Abstractive, B>-sTr- Kt-V Ab'stractness, B J -sTr- Kt-Ns Abstruse', B'-sTrs Abstrusely, B^-sTr-sZ Abstruse'ness, B 3 -sTrs- Ns Absurd', B*-sRd Absurdity, B^ sfid-T Absurdly, B^-sRd-Z Absurd'ness, B'-sRd-Ns Abun'dance, Bnd s -Ns Abun'dant, Bnds-Nt. Sea Abandoned. Abun'dantly, Bnd*-Nt-Ij Abuse', (v.) Bz, Bzd, BzS-NG Abuse', (n.) Bs* ABU Abus'er, B 3 -Zr Abu'sive, Bs s -V Abu'sively, Bs*-V-Z Abu'siveness, Bs 8 -V-Ns tiVs] Abut', Bt B-Td, Bt(') Abut'tal,B-Tl Abys'mal, B-zM-i Abyss', Bs 3 Abyss'al, Bs'-L Abyssinian, Bs 3 -Nn Aca'cia, K-SH* Acade'mial, K-D S -M-L Acade'mian, K-D 3 -Mn Academic, K-D 2 -M-K Academlcal-ly, K-D* M-E1 Academi'cian, K-D- Mshn Acad'emy, K-D'-M Ac'aleph, K-L>-F Acale'pha, K-Z^-F Acale'phan, K-L 3 -Fn Acan'tha, K-N-TH 1 Acantha'ceous, K-N Acan'the, K-N-THi Acan'thus, K-N-THs Acatalec'tic, K-T 2 --K- T-K Acatalep'tic, K-T*-- Pt-K Acau'line, K-n Acau'lous. K-Lsi Accede', Ks-D*, Ks-D'-NG Accel'erate, Accelera'tion, Accel'erative, K-si- fit-v Accel'erator, Accel'eratory, T-fl Ac'cent, (n.) KsJ-Nt Accent', (v.) Ks 2 -Kt, Ks- N-Td*. Ks^-Nt-NG Accent'or, Ks 2 -Ntr Accent'ual, Ks-N-OH*-L Accent'uate, Ks-N-CHt', Ks-N-CH'-Td, Ks-N- CHtS-NG A-ccent'uation, Ks-N- CHshn Accept', Ks-Pt, Ks-P- Td, Ks-Pt(-)* Accept'able-y, Ks-Pts-Bl Accept'ableness, Ks-Pt- Bl-Ns [IBs] Acceptabil'ity, Ks-Pt- Bl-T (-Bit) Accept'ance, Ks-P*-Tn8 Accepta'tion, Ks-P*- Tshn frccept'er, Ks-PtK Access' or Ac'ceas, Kss'or' Acces'sary, K-ssfl* A.cces'sible, 3 Accessibility, T (-it) Acces'sion, Acces'sional, KssAn- Accesso'rial, K-ssfi-L Acces'sorily, K-ssfi 2 - Acces'soriness, K-ss/e Ns Acces'sory, K-ss-R* Ac'cidence, Ks-Dns 1 Ac'cident, Ks-Dnti Accident'al-ly, Ks-Dnt* Jj Accip'ient, Ks-Pnts Accip'iter, Ks-Ptr* Acclt Jm', aKl*-M Acclama'tion, KlVMshn Acclam'atory, Kl-Mt-fii Accli'mate, KlJ-Mt. Kl- M-Td 1 , KU-MtC) Aoclima'tion, Kl 2 -Mshn Accli'matize, Kl-M-Tz> K-M-Tzd', Kl-M-Tzi-NG Accli'mature, EH-Mtr Accliv'ity, K1-V3-T Accli'vous, Kl-Vs 1 Accolade', E-Z.S-B Ac'colent, K-inti Accom'modate, KiDt 1 , KSDi-Td. KiDt(-) 1 Accommoda'tion, K SDshn 2 or K-Dshn* Accom'modative. KiD 1 TV Accom'modator, K iDtr 1 Accom'paniment, K i P-N-Mnt Accom'panist, K!P*-Nst Accom'pany, K-P J -N, K- PS-N-D, K-P*-N-NG Accom'plice, K IPls 1 Accom'plish, K-Pl'-SH, K-Pl-8Ht, K-Pli-SH-NG Accom'plished, K-Pl 1 - SHt Accom'plishment, K- Pli-SH-Mut Accord', Krdi, Kr-Dd 1 , Krdi-NG Accord'able, Krd-BU Accord'ance, Krd'-Ns Accord'ant, Krd'-Nt Accordantly, Krd-Nt-L' Accord'ing, Krd'-NG [Krdi] Accordingly, Krd-NG- L [Krd'li] Accor'dion, Kr-Dn 1 x^.ccost', Ksti, Ks-Td', Kst(-)i Aocouchment', K-SH 1 - Mn Accoucheur', K-SSr* Account', K>-Nt, Ki-N- Td>, Ki-Nt-NG So writ- ten to distinguish per- fectly from the outline of Amount. Accountability, K-Nt- ACE Account'able-y, K-Nfc Account'ableness, E> Nt-Bl'-Ks [IBs] Account'ant, K'-Nt-Kt Accoup'le, K-n 2 Accou'ter or Accou'tre, Ktr 3 , Ktrd 3 , Ktr 3 -NG Accoutrements, K-Tr- Mnts Accredit, Kr-Dt s , Kr-D=- Td, Kr-Dt(-) 2 Accre'tion, Krshn s Accre'tive, Kr-Tv 3 Accroach', Kr-CH= Accrue', Kr* Krd 3 , Kr 8 - NG Accru'ment, Kr 3 -Mnt Accuba'tion, K-Bshn 2 Accum'bency, K iBu 2 -S Accum'bent, K ; Bnt s Accu'mulate, K-M-it* K-M-L :i -Td, K-M-it 3 -NQ Accumula'tion, K-M- Accu'mulative, K-M- Z,t 3 -V Accu'mulatively, K-M- LV-V-L Accu'mulator, 3 Ac'curacy, K-^'-s Ac'curate, li-tft 1 Ac'curately, K-Rt l -L Ac'curateness, K-Alt'-Ns Accurse', aKrs 2 Accurs'ed, aKrs-D* Accus'ablc, Kz-B 3 -L Accus'ant, Kz 3 -Nt Accusa'tion, Kzshn* Accu'sative, Kz-Tv 3 Accu'satively, Kz-T*-Vl Lccu'satory, Kz-T 3 -# Accuse', Kz3, Kzd 3 , Kz- NG Lccus'er, K-Zr 3 Accus'tom, Ks-T 2 -M, Ks- T-Md, Ks-T2-M-NG Accus'tomary, Ks-T s -M- R Ace, aS* Acel'dama, 81 2 -D-M Lc'ephal, Si-Fl Lceph'alan, S 2 -Fln Lceph'alous, S 2 -Fls Ace'-point, S-Pnt Acerb', Sr=-B Acerb'ity, Sr 2 -B-T Acerlc, Sr 2 K Ac'erose, S--RS Lces'cence, Ss 2 -Ns Aces'cency, Ss^-N-S Aces'cent, S8*-Nt Acetab'ulum, Si-T-Bl-M Lo'etate, S u Tt Acetic, or Ace'tic, St 2 or-K Acetiflca'tion, St*-F- Kshn Acetify, St-F, St-F<^ St-F-NG ACE ADI A.cetim'eter, 8t a -Mtr Acquisitiveness, Xwz- Ad'amant. Dl-Mnt. See Acetim'etry, 8t 3 -M-Tr Tv 3 -Ns I Diamond. Ace'tous, 8 3 -Ts Acquit', Kwt 3 , Kw-Td 3 , Adamante'an, D 3 -Mn-Tn Ace'tum, 8 3 -T-M Kwt 3 -NG Adaman'tine, D'-Mn-Tn Ache, K 2 , Kt 2 , K-NG Acauit'ment, Kwt 3 -Mnt Adam'ic, D^M-K Ache'an, K 3 -N Acquit'tal, Kw-Tl 3 Adanso'nia, D 2 -Ns-N Achiev'able, CHv 3 -B-L Acquit'tance, Kw-Tns 3 Adapt', Di-Pt, D!-P-Td, Achieve', CHv, CHvd 3 , Acrase' or Acraze', Krz 2 Di-Pt(-) CHv 3 -NG A'cre, Kr 2 Adaptability, D 3 -Pt-Blt Achievement, CHv*-Mnt A'creage, Kr-J* Adapt'ableness, D 1 - Pt - Achiev'er, CH 3 -Vr Ac'rid, Kr-Di Bl-N.s [iBs] Ach'ing, KS-NG Ac'ridness, Kr-D^-Ns Adapt'able, Di-Pt-Bl A'chor, Kr 2 Achromat'ic, KrJ-Mt-K Acrimo'nious, Kr 2 -M-Ns Acrimo'niously, Kr-M- Adapta'tion, D 2 -P-Tshfl Adapt'er, Di-Ptr Achromatic'ity, Kr - M - Ns-L 2 Add, D 1 . Dd 1 . D!-NG Ts 3 -T Ac'rimony, Kr J -M-N Ad'dable, DJ-B1 Achro'matism, Kr s -Mtz- Ac'ritude, Kr-Td 1 Adden'dum, Dn 2 -D-M M Ac'roamat'ic, Kr^Mt-K Ad'der, Dr 1 Acic'ular, S 3 -K-ir Ac'roamat'ical, Kr J -Mt- Addibil'ity, DS-Bl-T Acic'ulate, S 3 -K-Lt Kl Ad'dible, D'-Bl Acic'ulated, S 3 -K-/,-Td Acroat'ic, Kr-T a -K Addict', D 3 -Kt, D3-K-Td, Ac'id, 8>-D Ac'robat, Kr-Bti r^-Ktf') Acid'iflable, S'-D-F-Bl Acrobat'ic, Kr-BtJ-K Addict'edness, D 3 -K-Td- Acidification, S*-Df- Ac'rogen, Kr-Jni Ns Kshn Acrog'enous, Kr-J 1 -Ns Addic'tion, D 3 -Kshn Acid'ifler, S 3 -D-Fr Acron'ycal, KrJ-N-Kl Addi'tion, Dshn 3 Acid'ify, S 3 -D-F, 8-Df-D, Acrop'olis, Kr-P'-Ls Addi'tional, Dshn'-L 8 3 -Df-NG Acidim'eter, 8 3 -D-Mtr Acid'ity, S 3 -D-T Ac'rospire, Krs-P^R Across', Krs* Acros'tic, Krs-T 1 -^ Addi'tionally, Dshn 3 -/, Ad'ditive, D J -Tv Ad'dle, DP Ac'idness, S^D-Ns Acros'tically , K rs-T 1 - K 1 Address', Drs*, Drst*. Acid'ulate, 8 3 -D-t, S 3 - Act, Kt, K-Tdi, Kti-NG Drs 2 -NG D-i-Td, S 3 -D-it-NG Actin'ic, K-T 3 -N-K Address'er, Dr~sR Acid'ulous, 8 3 -D-Zs Actin'iform, K-T-N-F- Adduce', Ds 3 , Dst 3 , Ds- Acin'iform, S'-N-F-B-M R-M NG Acknowledge, K-N1-J 1 , Ac'tinism, K-Tn!-Z-M Addu'cent, Ds s -Nt K-Nl-Jd 1 , K-Nl-Ji-NG Actinom'eter, K - T 1 - N- Addu'cible, Ds 3 -Bl [K-N-Ji, K-N-Jd, K-N- Mtr Adduc'tion, D 2 -Kshn J-NG] Ac'tion, Kshn 1 Adduc'tive, D^-Kt-v Acknowl'edgment, K- Ac'tionable, Kshn-BH-L) Adduc'tor, D^-Ktr Nl-Ji-Mnt [K-N-J'-Mnt] Ac'tionably, Kshn-BH-i) Ademp'tion, D 2 -Mshn Aclin'ic, K1-N-K Ac'me,K l -M Ac'tionary, Kshn-B 1 Ac'tionist, Kshn-St 1 Adenog'raphy, Di-N-Gp- F Ac'olyte, K-it Ac'olyth, K-Z,-TH Ac'tive, Kt-Vi Act'ively, Kt-V 1 -/, Adenol'ogy, Di-Nl-J Adept', D2-pt Ac'onite, K'-Nt Act'iveness, Kt-vt-Ns Ad'equacy, DJ-Kw-S A'corn, Km 2 Activ'ity, Kt-V*-T (-Vt) Ad'equate, Di-Kwt Acotyle'don, K-T3-Z,-Dn Act'or, Ktr 1 Ad'equately, Di-Kwt- Acotyled'onous, K-T*- Act'ress, K-Trs 1 Ad'equateness, D J -Kwt- i-D-Ns Act'ual, Kt-Li Ns Acous'tic, Ks-T'or^K Actual'ity, Kt-J^-T Adhere', D 3 -R. D 3 -Rd, D- Acous'tics, Ks-T^rS-Ks Actualiza'tion, Kt- ff-XG. See Here. ': Acquaint', Kwnt 2 , Kwn- Lzshn* Adher'ence, D^-Rns Td 2 . Kwnt 2 -NG Act'ualize, Kt-z Adher'ency, D 3 -/?n-S Acquaint'ance, Kwnt 2 - Act'ually, Kt-/,i Act'uary, K-CH'-TZ Adher'ent, D 3 -Rnt Adher'ently, D^-Rai-L Kw- Act'uate, K-CHt 1 , K-CH- Adher'er, D 3 -R-R fit 2 , Kw-S 2 -NG I Td, K-CHt(-) Acquies'cence, Kw-Sns 2 Actua'tion, K CHshn 2 Acquies'cent, Kw-Snt 2 Acu'leate, K-i 3 -T Acquir'able, Kw-B'-Bl Acquire', Kw-R 1 , Kw- *d, Kw-Ri-NG Acquire'ment, Kw-R- Mnt Acquir'er, Kw-Rr 1 Acquisi'tion, KwzAn3 Acquis'itive, Kwz-Tv 3 Acquis'itively, Kwz-T 3 - VI Acu'men, K 3 -Mn Acu'mmate, K-M-N-T 3 Acumina'tion, K 2 - M - Adhe'sion, D 3 -Hzhn Adhe'sive, D 3 -Hs-V Adhe'sively, D 3 -Hs-V-i Adhe'siveness, D 3 -Hs-V- Ns [:Vs] Adhor'tatory, D^H-fit- Nghn Acupunct'ure, K-P- Adieu', r> 3 NGtr 'Adipoc'erate, D'-P-sfit Acute', K-T 3 . See Cute. ,Adipocera'tion, Acutely, K-T 3 -// Ad'age, Ada'gio, ) Ad'ipooere, iAd'ipose, Di- ADI 5 Ad'it, Dt Admire', Di M-B, Di-M- Adja'cency, Js'-N-S Rd, D'-M-K-NG Adja'cent, Js 2 -Nt Admir'er, D>-M-Rr Adjecti'val, J-Kt-V-L Admiringly, D^M-JZ- Ad'jective, Ji-Kt-V Ad'jectively, J-Kt-V-L NG1 Admissibillty, D 3 -Ms- Adjoin', D'-Jn, Di-Jnd, B-J^-T (-LI) D'-Ju-NG. See Join, etc. Admis'sible, D 3 -Ms-B Adjourn', Jrn*, Jrnd 2 , (-L) Jrn-NG Admis'sion, D'.Mshn Adjourn'ment, Jr 2 (-N)- Admit', D8-Mt, D3.M-Td, Mnt D 3 -MtC) Adjudge', D-J-J, D 2 -J-J- Admittable, D 3 -Mt-Bl D, D'-^-J J-NG. See Judge. Admittance, C^-M-Tns Adju'dicate, Jd 3 -Kt, Jd- Admix', D 3 -M-Ks K-Td. Jda-Kt-NG Admix'tion, P 3 -M-Ks- Adjudication, Jd^-Kshn CHn Adju'dicator, Jd^-Ktr Admixture, D 3 -M-Kstr Ad'junct,Ji-NGt Admonish, Di-M-N-SH, Adjunction, J 2 -NG8hn Adjunctlve, J*-NG-Tv Adjunct'ly, J*-NGt-L Adjuration, J*-shn Adjure', J 3 -E, J^-Bd, J'- P-M-N-SHt, Di-M-N-SH- NG Admon'isher, D'-M-N- SHr Admonition, D 3 -M-Nshn RNG Admonltive, D'-M-N-Tv Adjur'er, Jt-R-R Adjust', Jst, J 2 -sTd, Jst- Admonltor, Di-Mntr Admonitory, pi-M-N-T- NG R Adjust'able, J 2 -sT-Bl Adjust'age, J 2 -sT-J Adjust'er, Jstr 2 Adnas'cent, B'-Ns-Nt Ad'nate, B J -N-T Ado', D 3 Adjust'ment, J 2 -sT-Mnt Ado'be, P 2 -B Adjutage, J'-T-J Adoles'cence, B 2 -is-Ns Adjutancy, J'-Tn-S Adoles'cency, P^-Ls-N-S Ad'jutant, Ji Tnt Adoles'cent, P 2 -is-Nt Adju'vant, Jv*-Nt Adopt', Bi-Pt, D'-P-Td. Admeas'ure, D 2 -M-ZHr, Di-Pt(-) D 2 -M-ZHrd, D-M-ZHr- Adopt'er, P'-Ptr NG Adoption, Bi-Pshn Admeasurement, D*-M- Adoptive, B'-Pt-V ZHr-Mnt Ador'able-y, B 2 -fl-Bl Admeas'urer, D a -M-ZHr- Ador'ableness, D--R-'Bl- B Ns [!Bs] Admensuration, D 8 -M- Adoration, B 2 -Rshn Ns-fishn Adore', B 2 -R, B-Rd, B l Administer, D'-M-Nstr, 7JNG D j -M-Ns-T-Rd [-Ns-Td], Ador'er, B* R-R D'-M-Nstr(-) Adorn', B'-fiu, Pi-Bnd, Administe'rial, D'-M- B 1 -7Jn-NG Ns-T-Rl Adorn'er, B'-Kn-R Adminlstrable, D-M- Adornlngly, B-5n-NG- N-sTr-Bl t-Ns-T-Bl] L Administration, D 2 -M- Adorn'ment, B'-Rn-Mnt N-sTrshn [ Ns-Tshn] Adosculation, B8*-Klshn Administrative. D 3 -M- Adown', aPni N-sTr-Tv [-Ns-T-Tv] Adrift', Prft 3 Administrator, D 2 -M- Adroit', Brt' N-sTrtr t-Ns-Ttr] Adroit'ly, Brti-L Administratorship, D*- Adroit'ness, Brt'-Ns M-N-sTrtr-SH-P [-Ns-Ttr- Adry', Br 8H] Adscititious, Bs'-T-^fls Administratrix, D'-M- Adulation, B 2 -Lshn N sTr-Tr-Ks [-Ns -Ks] Ad'ulator, D'-itr Ad'mirable-y, D' M-S- ! Ad'ulatory, D'-Z,-T-K Bl Adult', B-Lt Ad'miral, P'-M-Hl Adulterant, D-it-Rnt Ad'miralship, D'-M-Rl- Adulterate, B'-it-Kt. SH-P[!SH] P 2 Lt-R-Td. B-it-Rt-NG Ad'miralty, P' M-l T Adulteration, B s -X,t- Admiration, P 2 -M-/Jshn' fishn ADV Adulterer, B-Lt-Rr Adulteress, D"-Lt-Ra Adulterine, D--Lt Rn Adulterous, D--Lt-Ra Adultery, D^-Lt-K Adult'ness, D-'-it-Ns Adum'brant, p2->I-Brni Adum'brate, D 2 -M-Brt Adumbration, B 2 -H Brshn Adun'city, B 2 -Ns-T Adun'cous, B s -NG-Ks Adust', a.Dst.2 Adustion, Ps 2 -CHn Advance', Dv'-Ns, Dvi- Nst, Dv'-Xs-NG Advance'ment, Dv 1 -Ns Mnt Advanc'er, Dv J -Ns-R Advantage, Bv'-Nt-J [J 2 . See Joy}, Dv'-Nt-Jd, Advantage-ground, Bvi-Nt-J-Grncl Advantageous, Bv 2 -Nt- Js [J 2 -S] Advanta'geously, Bv- Nt J-sL [J 2 -S-L] Advanta'geousness, Dv'-i-Nt-Js Ms [J 2 -S-Ns] Advene', Bv 3 -N Advenlent, Dv'-Nnt Ad'vent, Dvi-Nt Adventitious, Bv 3 -Nt- SHs Adventitiously, Dv^-Nt- SHs-L Adventlve, Pv'-Nt-V Advent'unl, Dv-Nt-L Advent'ure, Dv 2 -Ntr, Bv s -Ntr-B. Pv 2 -Ntr-NG Advent'urer. Pv2-Ntr-R Advent'uresome, Bv*"- Ntrs-M Advent'urous, Dv 2 -Ntr-S Advent'urously, Dv- Ntr-Sl Advent'urousness, Dv*- Ntrs-Ns Ad'verb, D'-Vr-B Adverbial, D 2 -Vr-B-L Adverbially, D^-Vr-B-L Ad'versary, D>-Vrs-fi Adver'sative, D 2 -Vrs-Tv Ad'verse, D'-Vrs. See Diverse. Ad'versely, DWrs-L Ad'verseness, D'-Vrs-N* Adver'sity, D'^-Vrs-T Advert', D'-Vrt, DS-Vr- Td. D^-Vrt-NG Advert'ence, D 2 -Vr-Tns Advert'ency, D 2 Vr-Tn-S Advert'ent, D 2 -Vr-Tnt Advertise', D'-Vr Tz, D 1 - Vr-Tzd, pi-Vr-Tz-NG [Dzi, Dzd 1 . Pz(-)'J Advertisement or Ad- vertise'ment, P 2 or"- Vr-T-zJInt [Dor>-zMnt] ADV Adver'tisement or Ad- vertise'ment, D 2 or l - Vr-T-zMnt [D'-zMnt] Advertis'er, Di-Vr-T-Zr [Di-Zr] Advice', Di-Vs Advice'-boat, Dt-Vs-Bt Advis'able, D^Vz-Bl Advis'ableness, Di-Vz- Bl-Ns [!Bs] Advise', D'-Vz, I> 1 -Vzd, Di-Vz-NG. See Devise. Advis'edly, Di-Vz-D-L Advis'edness, D 1 -Vz-D- Ns Advise'ment, I^-Vz-Mnt Advis'er, Di-V-Zr Advi'sory, Di-Vz-K Ad'vocacy, Dvi-K-S Ad'vocate, Dvi-Kt, Dv>- K-Td, Dvi-Kt-NG Advoca'tion, Dv-Kshn Advowee', D 3 -V Advow'son, DJ-Vz-N Adynam'ic, D^N-M-K Ad'yta, D^T Ad'ytum, Di-T-M Adz or Adze, Dz 1 ^E3g'ilops, J*-L-Ps .ZE'gis, Js 3 ./Eo'lian, Ln* JEol'ic, L a -K A'erate, R*- T-NG Aera'tion, Rshn* Ae'rial, R 3 -i Ae'rie, R 3 or* Aerifica'tion, A'eriform, .R2-F-R-M A'erify, RZ-F Aerog'raphy, Ri-Gr-F A'erolite, R2-Lt Aerol'ogist, W-L-Jst Aerol'ogy, R'-L-J A'eromancy, R2-Mn-8 Aerom'eter, R^Mtr Aeromet'ric, R2-Mtr-K Aerom'etry, Ri-M-Tr A'eronaut, R 2 -Nt Aeronaut'ic, R'-Nt-K Aeronaut'ics, R!-Nt-Ks A'eronautism, Rut-i M A'erophyte, IP-Ft Aeros'copy, Rs'-K-P A'erostat, Rs2-Tt Aerostat'ic, Rsi-Tt-K Aerostat'ics, Rs'-Tt-Ks Aerosta'tion, Rs 2 -Tshn ^Bru'ginous, R 3 -J-Ns -ffisthet'ic, S2-TH-T-K ^Esthet'ic8,_82-TH-T-Ks JEtiol'ogy, Afar', Fi-R Afifabil'ity, F 3 -B1-T (-Bit) Af ' fable-y, F>-B1 Affair', F-R Affect 7 , FZ-K-T, F2-K-Td, 6 Affecta'tion, F*-K-Tshn AfTect'ed, F-K-Td Affect'edly, F-K-Td- Affect'edness, F-K-Td- Ns Affect'er, F^-Ktr AfFect'ing, F-K-T-NG Affect'ingly, F*-K-T-NG1 AfFec'tion, F z -Kshn Affec'tionate, F^-Kshn'T Affec'tionately, F^-Kshn 'T-Z, AflFec'tiouatenesa, F*- Kshn ' T - N s Affec'tioned, F 2 -K-SHnd Affect'ive, F^-K-Tv Affect'ively, F2-K-T-V1 AflFettuo'so, F*-T-8 Affl'ance, F-Ns, F^Nst, F-Ns-NG Affl'ancer, FJ-Ns-R Affl'ant, Fi-Nt Afflda'vit, Fd-Vt Affied', Fi-D Affll'iate, F^-L-T, F*-L- Td, F3-it-NG Affllia'tion, F^-ishn Af'flnage, Fi-N-J Affln'ity, F 3 -N-T Affirm', F - R -M, F - R - Md, F2-R-M-NG Affirm'able, F^-R-M-Bl Affirm'ance, F 2 -R-Mns Affirm'ant, F^-R-Mnt Affirma'tion, F^-R-Mshn Affirm'ative, F 2 -R-Mt-V Affirm'atively, V-L Affirm'er, F 2 -.R-Mr Affix', F 3 -Ks, F 3 -Kst. F 8 - Ks-NG Affix, Fi-Ks Affix'ion, F 3 -Kshn Affixt'ure, F 3 -Kstr Affla'yon, Flshns Affla'tus, F12-Ts Afflict', FF-K-T, F1 3 -K- Td, F1 3 -K-T-NG Afflict'er, Fl 3 -Ktr Afflict'ing, F1 3 -K-T-NG Afflic'tion, Fl 3 -Kshn Afflict'ive, Fl 3 -K-Tv Afflict'ively, F1 3 -K-T-V1 Affluence, Fli-Ns Affluent, Fli-Nt Affluently, FP-Nt-L Afflux, FP-Ks Afflux'ion, Fl-Kshn Afford', FS-ff Affor'est, T^-Rst Affran'chise, Fr'-N-CHz Affran'chisement, Fr 1 - N-CH-zMnt Affray', &Fr* Aflfreight', &Frt Affright', Frti. Fr^-Td, Frti-NG Affront', Frnt2, Fr*-N-Td, Frnta-NG AGG Affront'er, Frntr a Affront'ive, Frnt^-V Affuse', Fz Affu'sion, Fzhn Afield', F-Ld Afire', Fi-R Afloat', Flt Afoot', F 3 -T Afore', F-R Afore'going, F 2 -R-G-NQ Afore'hano, F 2 -R-Hnd Afore'mentioned, F 2 -B- M-N-SHnd Afore'named, F - R - N - Md Afore'said, F-Rs-D Afore'thought,F2-.K-TH* Afore'time, F2-B-T-M Afoul', Fi-L Afraid', Frd Afresh', Ftf-SH African, Fr J -Kn Afront', Frnt 2 Aft, Fti Aft'er, Ftri Aft'er-birth, Ftri - B - JZ- TH Aft'er-clap, Ft^-Kl-P Aft'er-crop, Ftri-Kr-P Aft'ermath, Ft^-M-TH Aft'ernoon, Ftrt-Nn After-pains, Ftr l -Pnz Atl'er-piece, Ftr'-Ps Aft'er-thought,Ftri-TH* Aft'erward, Ftr>-Wrd Aft'erwards, Ftri-Wrdz A'ga, G* Again', Gn2 Against', Gnst 2 Ag'amist, G>-Mst Agape', G-P 1 Ag'apce, G-pi Ag'aric, G-ffi-K Ag'ate, G-Ti Ag'atine, G-Tnt Ag'atize, G-Tzi, G-Tzd', G-Tzi-NG Ag'aty, G-Ti Aga've, G-V Age, J2 A'ged, Jd A'gedly, Jd 2 -L A'gency, J2-N-S Agen'da, J-N-D Agen'dum, J*-N-D-M A'gent, J^-Nt A'gentship, J2-Nt :SH Agglom'erate, Gl-Mr-Td", Gl'-Mrt(-) Agglomera'tion, Gl*- Mrshn i Agglu'tinant, Glt*-Nnt ' Agglu'tinate, Glt3-Nt, Glt-N-Td, Glt 3 -Nt-NG Agglutina'tion, Git 8 - Nshn Agglu'tinative, GH-Nt- V s Ag'grandizable, Grnd- Z-B1 AGG ALG Ag'grandize, Grnd-ZVAg'ricultor, Gri-Kltr i AlTaatross, i'-B-Trs Grnd-Zd', Grnd-Zi-NG Agricult'ural, Gr - Kltr - i Albe'it, /.3-B-T Aggran'dizement, L 2 Albes'cent, i 2 -Bs-Nt (irud-Zi-Mnt I Ag'riculture, Gri-Kltr Albifica'tion, L'^-'B-F- Ag'grandizer, Grnd-Zi-B Agricult'urist, Gr-Kltr- Kshn Aggrappes', Gr-Ps 1 St 2 Albigen'ses, Z 2 -B-Jnsz Ag'gravate, Gr-Vti, Gr- Ag'rimony, Gr ! -M-N Albigeois', Z,i-B-Js Vi-Td, Gr-Vti-NG Agron'omy, Grn!-M Al'binism, ii-B-Nz-M Aggrava'tion, Gr-Vshn 2 Ag'gregate, Gr-G-Ti, Gr- Aground', Grnd A'gue, G 2 Albi'no, Z-i-B-N Albugin'eous, Z,3.B-j-Ns G-Td 1 , Gr-G-Ti-NG A'guish, G-SH 2 Albu'go, Z3-B-G Aggrega'tion, Gr 2 -Gshn Ag'gregative, Gr-G-Tvi Ah, Heavy first-place dot, either with or without the Al'bum, Z-i-B-M Albu'men, Z,3-B-Mn Ag'gregator, Gr J -Gtr nominal consonant. Albu'menize, /AB-Mn-, Aggress', Grs 2 Aha', Hi Z Aggres'sion, Grshn 2 Ahead', Hd" Albu'minous,L3-B-M-Ns Aggres'sive, Grs-V* Ahoy', Hi Albur'num, // 2 -B-Rn-M Aggress'iveness, Grs - Ahull', H-L Al'cahest, Li-K-Hst V 2 -Ns Aid, D 2 , Dd 2 . D 2 -NG Alcaid', L 2 -K-D Aggress'or, Gr-sR 2 Aid'ance, Dns 2 Alcal'de, H-Kl-D Aggriev'ance, Gr-Vns 3 Aid'-de-camp, D^D-Kn Alchem'ical-ly, L 2 -K-!H- Aggrieve', Grv 3 , Grvd 3 , Aid'er, Dr 2 Kl Grv3-NG Aid'less, D-Zs Al'chemist, L-K-Mst Aggroup', Gr-P 3 Ai'gret or Ai'grette, Grt 2 Alchemist'ical, L 3 - K - Aghast', Gst 1 Ail, Z, 2 , id 2 , L 2 -NG Ms-T-Kl Ag'ile, Ji-L Ailan'tus, Li-N-Ts Al'chemy, LJ-K-M Agile'ness, J'-i-Ns Ail'ment, L 2 -Mnt Al'cohol, H-K-H1 Agil'ity, J3-Z.-T Aim, M 2 . Md 2 . M 2 -NG Alcoholic, I^-K-Hl-K A'gio, J Aim'less, M-Z-s* Alcoholiza'tion, L 2 - K - A'giotage, J 2 -T-J Air, R", Rd, R-NO mzshn Agist', Jst 3 Air'-bath, Ri-B-TH Al'coholize, L J -K-Hlz Agist'ment, J-sT-Mnt Air'-bed, Ri-Bd Alcohol'meter, L [ -K-H1- Ag'itable, Ji-T-Bl Air'-bladder, Ri-Bl-Dr Mtr Ag'itate, J!-Tt, Ji-T-Td, Air'-cells, Rs l -Lz Al'coran, Li-K-/Jn Ji-Tt(-) Air'-gun, Ri-Gn Al'cove or Alcove', L 1 Agita'tion, J2-Tshn Air'ily, Ri-Z. or 2 -Kv Ag'itative, J'-T-Tv Air'iness, R-Ns Aldeb'aran, L--D-'B-Ra Ag'itator, Ji-Ttr Ag'let. G-Z-ti Ag'nail, Gi-Nl Ag'nate, Gi-Nt Agna'tion, G 2 -Nshn Air'ing, R'-NG Air'-pipe, R^P-P Air'-plant, R-Plnt Air'-pump, Ri-P-M-P Air'-shat't, R l -SH-F* Al'der, L l -T>r Al'derman, Ldri-Mn Ale, 7> 2 Alec'tryomancy, I, 2 -K- Tr-Mn-S Agno'men, G 2 -N-Mn Air'y, Ri Alee', Z- 3 Ag'nus-Castus, G 1 - Ns - Aisle, z/ Al'egar, L!-Gr Ks-Ts Ajar', J-R Ale'hoof, L- - h6F. See Ag'nus-Dei, Gi-Ns-D Ago', G Ai'utage, J-T-J Akim'bo. K-M-B 8 Hoof. Ale'house, L 2 -Hs Agog', Gi-G Akin', Kn* Alem'bic, L 2 -M-B-K Ago'ing, G 2 -NG Agone', aGni Al'abaster, Z/'-Bstr Alack', L!-K Alert, L*-Rt Alert'ly, L--Rt-L Ag'onism, Gi-Nz-M Ag'onist, G!-Nst Agonist'ic, G-Ns-T 3 -K Alack'aday, I^-K-D Alac'rity, Z-^Kr-T ^.lamode' L 2 -Md Alert'ness, i 2 -Kt-Ns Ale'wife, Z-2-W-F Ale'wives, z. 2 -w-Vs Agonist'ical, G-Ns-T 3 -Kl Alan'tus, L'-N-Ts Alexan'drine, l^-Ks-N- Ag'onize, G^Nz, G^Nzd, Alarm', Ai-R-M, Z, J -R-Md, Drn Gi-Nz-NG Z, 1 R-M-NG Alexiphar'mic, Li-Ks-F- Ag'onizingly, G-Nz-NG- Alarm'-clock, Z< 1 -R-M- R-M-K Iji Kl K Alexitertc, L 2 -Ks-T-K-K Ag'ony, Gi-N Alarmingly, Z.'-R-M- Alexiter'ical, L--Ks-T-^J- Agra'rian, Gr-Z2n 2 NG1 Kl Agra'rianism, Gr-Kn^Z- M Agree', Gr 3 , Grd 3 , GrS-NG Agreeabil'ity, Gr-Bl-T Alarm'ist, Z-'-R-Mst Alarm'-post, Z,-R-M-Pst Alarm'-watch, Z-'-R-M- wCH Al'ga, Li-G Al'gse, Z.1-J Al'gebra, Z,i-J-Br Algebraic, i 2 -J-Br-K Agree'able-y, Gr-Bl Alar'um, Z/'-R-M Algebra'ical-ly, Z, 2 -J-Br- Agree'ableness, Gr-Bl 3 - Alas', Z/si Kl Ns [:Bs] Agree'ment, Gr3-Mnt Alate', Z.2-T A'lated, Z*-Td Al'gebraist, Z-'-J-Brst Al'gorism, Li-Gr-zM Agres'tic, Grs-T^-K Agres'tical, Grs-T-Kl Alb, Z,i-B Alba'ta, Z,*-B-T Al'gorithm, L!-Gr-DH-M Al'gOUS, Li-G.s ALQ Alguazil', IAGz-L Al'gum-tree, Li-G-M-Tr Allanto'ic, L*-N-T-K Alias, Zs* Allan'toid, or Allan- Al'ibi, Z*-B toid, Li-N-Td Allen, IAN Allan'tois or Al'lantois, Alienability, L 3 -N-B1-T Li-N-Ts Alienable, IAN-B1 Allay', Z, Z*-D, Z*-NG Alienage, L 2 -N-J Allay'er, Z^R Alienate, IAN-T, IAN- Allay'ment, Z-Mnt Td, L 2 -N-T-NG Allega'tion, L^Gshn Aliena'tion, LANshn Allege', Z 2 - J, Z 2 -Jd, Z-J- Alienator, L*-Ntr NG Aliene', lAYn Allege'able, Z 2 -J-B1 Alienee', IAN Alle'giance, Z 3 -Jns Alienism, lANz-M Allegoric, Zi-Gr-K Al'iform, Zi-F-R-M Allegorical -ly, Zi-Gr-Kl Alight', Zi-T, Zi-Td, Z 1 - Allegortcalnessi Zi-Gr- T-NG Kl-Ns Align', Zni Al'legorist, Z^Grst Align'ment, Zn>-Mnt Allegorize, Z^Grz, Zi- Alike', Li-K Grzd, Zi-Grz-NG Ailment, Li-Mnt Allegory, Z^Gr Aliment'al, IAM-N-T-L Allegret'to, Z 2 -Gr-T [Z*i Mnt] Alle'gro, Z 2 -Gr Aliment'ary, L 2 -Mnt-fl Alimenta'tion, IAM-N- Allelulah, IAZ-Y Allemande', H-Mnd Tshn Alle'viate, Z 3 -vt, Z 3 -V- Aliment'iveness, L 2 -M- Td, Z 3 -Vt-NG N-Tv-Ns [L 2 -Mnti Vs] Allevia'tion, Z*-Vshn Alimo'nious, L 2 -M-Ns Allevlative, Z 3 -V-Tv Alimony, I^-M-N Alley, Zi Aliped, Z!-P-D All-fools'-day, Zi-F-Lz- Aliquant, U-Kwnt D Aliquot, L J -Kwt All-fours', Zi-F-Rz Alive', Zi-V Allia'ceous, Z 2 -SHs Allcahest, Li-K-Hst Alli'ance, Z^Ns Alkales'cent,L 2 -K-Zs-Nt Alliga'tion, L 2 -Gshn Alltali, Li-Kl Alligator, L'-Gtr Alkallfy or Al'kalify, Allislon, Zzhn 3 Li-Kl-F, Li-Kl-Fd, Li- Allitera'tion, Zl 2 -Trshn Kl-F-NG Allit'erative, Zl 3 -Tr-Tv Alkalig'enous, IAK1-J- Allocate, Li-K-T Ks Alloca'tion, L 2 -Kshn Alkalim'eter, L 3 -Kl-Mtr Alloca'tur, L 2 -Ktr Alkalim'etry, IAK1-M- Allocu'tion, L^-Kshn Tr Allo'dial, Z 2 -D-L Allsaline, I^-Kln Allo'dium, Z 2 -D-M Alkalinity, L 3 -Kln-T Allonge', L 2 -N-J Alkaliza'tionjI^-KlzMn Allopathic, Z!-P-TH-K Al'kalize, lAKlz Allsaloid, Li-K-Zd Allop'athist, Zi-P-THst ! Allop'athy, Zi-P-TH Alker'mes, L 2 -Kr-Mz Allot', Zi-T, Zi-Td, Zi-T- Alltoran, L'-K-fin NG All is written as follows : Allot'ment, Z>-T-Mnt 1. Zi Allotroplc, Zi-Tr-P-K 2. In phrases, when more Allot'ropism, Zi-Tr-P- convenient, L (downward) zM may be used ; thus. Allot'ropy, Z J -Tr-P That is all. DHzi-L Allow', Zi, Zi-D. i,!-NG After all, Ftr'-L Allow'able-y, Z'-Bl That it all, DHti-L Allow'ance, Zi-Ns, Zi- 3. By the J-hook ; thus, Nst, Z'-Ns-NG By all, Bli Alloy', Zi, Zi-D, Zi-NG At all, Tli Alloy'age, Z'-J To all. Tl 3 All'spice, Z^sPs For all, Fl Allude', Z-D, Z 3 -Dd, Z 3 - Of all, Vl D-NG On all, Nil Allu'minor, L 3 -M-Nr In all, Nl 3 Allure', Z R, Z 3 -fid, Z 3 - Among all, NG1 R-NG ALT Allure'ment, z*-R-Mnt Allur'er, Z 3 -Rr Alluringly, Z 3 -R-NG1 Allu'sion, Zzhn 3 Allu'sive, Zs 3 -V Allu'sively, Zs 3 -V-Z Allu'siveness, Zs 3 -V-lfs Allu'vial, Z 3 -V-L Allu'vion, Z 3 -Vn Allu'vium, Z 3 -V-M All-wise', Z!-Wz Ally', Zi, Zi-D, Z>-NG Al'magest, l^-M-Jst Al'ma Ma'ter,Li-M-Mtr Al'manac, Li-M-N-K Al'mandine, L>-M-N-Dn Almight'iness, H-M-T- Ns Almight'y, Li-M-T Al'mond, Mud 1 Al'moner, l^-M-Nr Al'monry, LJ-Mn-.R Al'most, L-Mst [Mst'] Alms, Mzi Alms'-house, Mz 1 -Hs Almucan'tar, L'-M-Kntr Al'mug-tree, Li-M-G-Tr Al'nage, L^-N-J Al'oe, Zi Aloet'ic, Z 2 -T-K Aloet'ical, Z 2 -T-K1 Aloft', Zi-Ft Alone', Zn Along', Li-NG Along'side, L^NGe-D Aloot ', Z 3 -F Aloud', Zi-D Alp, Zi-P Alpac'a, Zi-P-K Al'pha, Z,i-F Al'phabet, ii-F-Bt, iL F-B-Td, ii-F-Bt(-) Alphabeta'rian, L" - F - Bt-n Alphabet'ic, i^-F-Bt-K Alphabet'ical-ly, L* - F- Bt-Kl Al'pine, Z,i-Pn Alread'y, Lr^- iAl'so, /,i-S I Alt, iti Al'tar, Ltri Al'ter, Ztri, i^-Trd, NG Al'terable-y, itr^-Bl Al'terableness, Xtr>-Bl- Ns [:Bs] Alterabil'ity, Ltr^ - Bl - T (or -Bit) Al'terant, Ltri-Nt Altera'tion, i^Trshn Al'terative, it^-Tv Al'tercate, Z,i-Tr-Kt, H Tr-K-Td, ii-Tr-Kt-NG Alterca'tion, Z-Tr-Kshn Al'tern, L>-T-n Al'ternate orAlter'nate, Z,tr>or>-Nt, Alternately, ALT AMP Alterna'tion, UT-- Nshn ! Amaz'edly, Mz-D*-Z, | Amende', Mnd' Alter'native, 2 -N-Tv ! Amaz'edness, Mz-D-Ns Amend'er, Mnd Alternatively, Ltr 2 -N-T- VI Amazement, Mz 2 -Mut Amaz'ingly, Mz-NG-L Amendment, Mnd 2 - Mnt Amends', Mndz 2 Alter'nativeness, Ltr*- Am'azon, Mz!-N Amen'ity, M-N-T 2 N-Tv-Ns Amazo'nian, Mz 2 -Nn Am'ent, Mnt 1 Althe'a, 3 -TH Ambas'sador, M-B^sDr Amerce', M-lls 2 , JI-Rst a , Although', Z 2 -DH Ambas'sadress, M-B^- M-8-NG Altil'oqueiice, !Lt 3 -L- sDrs Amerce'able, M - Ks 8 - B- Kwns Am'ber, M-Bri L Altil'oquent, Lt-L- Am'bergris, M-Br'-Grs Amerce'ment, 11 - Rs 2 - Kwnt Ambidex'ter, M-B 2 -D- Mnt Altim'eter. Lt-Mtr Altis'onant, // 3 -Ts-Nnt Kstr Ambidexterity, M - B - Amer'cer, M-R2-sR Amer'ican, M-^-Kn Altis'onous, L 3 -Ts-Ns D-Ks-T-H-T Americanism, M - R* - Al'titude, Z-i-T-Td. See Ambidex'trous, M-B 2 - Kn - Z - M Latitude. D-K-sTrs Americanize, M-/? 2 -Kn- Al'to, L*-T AmTaient, M-B'-N-T Z, M-/e 2 -Kn-Zcl, M-/e* Altogeth'er, L*-'E- Gdhr Ambigu'ity, M-B 3 -G-T Kn-Z-NG [Gdhri] Al'torelie'vo, L l -T-Rl-V Ambig'uous, M-B 3 -Gs Ambig'uously, M-B 3 -G- Am'ethyst, M-THsti Amethyst'ine, M-THs 3 - Al'udel, Z,i-D-L sL Tn Al'um, Li-M Ambig'uousness, M-B 3 - Amiabil'ity, M-R1 3 -T Alu'mina, IAM-N Gs-Ns Am'iable-y, M-B1 2 . Sec Al'umine, H-Mn Ambil'ogy, M-B'-Z-J Humble. Alu'mini, L 3 -M-N Ambil'oquy, M-B 3 -Z,-Kw Am'iableness, M-Bl*-Xs Aluminif erous, L 3 - M - Am'bit, M-Bti Amian'thus, M-N-THsi N-F-fls Ambi'tion, M-Bsbn 3 Amicabil'ity, M-K-Blt 3 Alumin'ium, lAMn-M Ambi'tious, M - B - SHs Am'icable-y, M K-Bl' Alu'minum, Z, 3 -Mn-M [M-B 3 ] Am'icableness, M-K.-B1 1 - Alu'minous, L 3 -M-Ns Ambi'tiously, M-B- Ns [:I3s] Alu'minus, L 3 -M-Ns SHs-i Am'ice, Ms 1 Al'umish, LJ-M-SH Ambi'tiousness, M-B- Amid', M-D 3 Alum'ni, L 2 -M-N SHs-Ns Amidst', M-Dst 3 Alum'nus, L 2 -M-Ns AmTjle, M-BU Arrr'd 'ships, ~M.-D 3 -SH-Ps Al'veary, H-V-R Am'bler, M-Bli-E [or: SHs] Al'veolar, L l -V-L-R Am'bo, M-Bi Amiss', Ms 3 Al'veolary, L^-V-L-R Am'bon, M-Bni Am'ity, M-T 1 Al'veolate, L^-V-Lt Ambro'sia, M-Br-ZH Ammo'nia, M*-N Alve'oli, L S -V-L Ambro'sial, M-Br 2 -ZHl Ammo'niac, M2-N-K Alve'olus, Z, 3 -V-Zs Ambro'sian, M-Brzhn 2 Ammoni'acal, M ! -N-K1 Al'vine, i-Vn Am'brotype, M-Br J -T-P Ammo'nium, Mn z -M Al'way, z,i-W Am'bry, M-Bri Ammuni'tion, a>r 3 -NsIin Al'ways, Z^-Wz Ambs'-ace, Mz-S* Am'nesty, M-Ns-T 1 Am, Mi Am'bulance, M-Blns 1 Among', M'-NG [NG=] Am'adou, M-D 1 Am'bulant, M-Blnt l Amongst', M*-NGst Amain', Mu 2 Ambula'tion, M-Blshn 2 [NGst a l Amal'gam, MU-G-M Am'bulator, M-Bltri Amontilla'do, M-N-T 2 - Amalgamate, MP-G-Mt, Am'bulatory, M-Blt 1 -^ L-D Mli.(j.jI-'rd.Ml 1 -G-Mt(') Am'bury, M-Br 1 Amoro'so, M-fis.g Amalgama'tion, Ml 2 - G- Ambuscade', M-B 2 -sKd, Am'orous, M-Ks 1 Mshn M-B-sK-Dd; M-B-sKd- Am'orously, M-/Ji-sZ/ Amanuen'ses, M 2 -N-Nsz HG Am'orousness, M-Ksi-Ns Amanuen'sis, M 2 -N-Ns Ambush, M- Bi - SH, M- Amorphism,M-7ii-Fz-M Am'aranth, M-JB^N-TH Amaranth'ine, M-B^N- Bi-SHt, M-Bi-SH-NG Amel'iorate, M - L 3 - Rt Amorphous, M-K'-Fs Amortiza'tion, M - R? - THn M-Z 3 -R-Td, M-L 3 -KtrNG Tzsftra Amaryl'liSj M R 3 -Ls Ameliora'tion, M - i a - Amortize, M-^i-Tz Amass', Msi, Msti, Ms 1 - flshn Amort'izement, M-fii-T- NG Amel'iorative, M- 3 -5t- zMnt Amass'ment, Ms 1 -Mnt V Amount', Mnt 1 . Mn-Td 1 , Amateur', M-Tr Amen', Mn Mnti-NG. See Account, Am'ative, M-Tv Amenabil'ity,M-N-Bl-T Amour, M-R 3 Am'ativeness, M-TvJ-Ne Ame'nable-y, M-N-B1 8 Amphib'ia, M-F 3 -B [Mt'lVs] Ame'nableness, M - N - Amphib'ian, M-F 3 -Bn Amato'rial, M-T 2 -7Z1 Bl 3 -Ns c:Bs] Amphib'ious, M-F 3 -Bs Am'atory, M-T 1 -/* Amend', Mnd 2 , Mn-Dd 2 , Amphib'iousness, M- Amauro'sis, M-/JSS* Mnda-NG F 3 -Bs-Ns Amaze', Mz*, Mzd a , Mz- Amend'able, Mnd-B^-L Amphibolog'ical, M-F 1 - NG Amend'atory. Mnd-T-JJ B-i-J-Kl 1* AMP 10 Amphibol'ogy, M-T^-B- At an, Tn* L-J If an, Fn' Am'phibrach, M-Fi-Br- Of an, Vn K From *n, Mn 1 Amphictyon'ic, M-F 1 K- On an, Kn l T-N-K In an, Kii s Amphie*tyt>^i8> M-F'-K- See And. Tne A'na, N* Amphictyony, M-F-K- T-N Anabap'tist, N-Bi-P-Tst Anaeh'oret, N-K-Rti Amptiim'acer, M-F^-Hs- Anach'ronism, N l - Kr - R Nz-M Amphip'rostyle, M-F- Anachronist'ic, K-Kr- P-T-L Ns-TS-K Amphis'cii, M-F'-Sff Annclastic, N-Kls-Ti-K Amptus'eians, M - Y* - Aiiacon'cta, N-Kn-B 1 SHn/, Anacreon'titj, N - Kr - N- Ampliithe'ater or Am- Ti-K phithe'atre, M-F^-THtr An'adem, N-D'-M Amphitlieat'rieal, M- Anadiplo'sis, N-D^-Plss F-THtr-Kl Ansesthe'sis, Ns-THss Am'ple-F, M-Pl^ Aneesthefic, N-IH*-T- Amplex'Icaul, M-Pl*-Ks- K. Kl Amplification, Ta-PlP- An'aglyph, N-Glf Anaglyphlc, N^-Glf-K Kshn Aiiaglyph'ical, N-G1-F'- Am'plificative, M - Plf 1 - Kl Kt-V Annglyp'tic, N-Gl-Pt'-K Am'pliflcatory, M-Plf 1 - Anagog'ical, N-G-Ji-Kl K-T-R Anagog'ics, N-G-JT-Ks Am'plifler, M-PP-F-R An'agram, Ni-Gr-Ttf Am'plify, M-PU-F, M- Anagrammafic, > n -Gr- Pl-Fd. M-Pli-F-NG Mt-K Am'plitude, M-Pli-Td Aaagrani'matisin, N*- Am'putate, M-P^-Tt, M- Gr-Mtz-M P l -T-Td. M-pi-Tt(-) Anagrarn'matist, N-Gr- Amputa'tion, M-P*-Tsbn M-Tsti Amuck', M 2 -K Anagram'matize, N - Gr- Am'ulet, M-ZJP M-Tzi Amuoe', Mz, Mzd 3 , Mz*- A'nal, Nl* NG Analecta, N1-K-T= Amuse'ment, MzS-Mut Analectic, N1-K-T2-K Amus'er, M-Zr 3 An'alects, Nl l -Kts Amus'ingly, Mz-BTG-t* Anaieni'ma, Jf-Z^-'-M Amu'sire, M-V J Analep'sis, Nl-Pss a Amyg'dalate, M-Gr-IS-t Amyg'tlaline, M - G - 1>3- Analep'tic, Nl-Pt2-K Analog^cal-ly, Nl-Ji-Kl in Analog'icalness, Nl-J 1 - Amyg'daloid, M-G-B*-^ Et-Ns D Anarogism, Nl-T-zlH Amygdaloid'al, M-G-D 1 - ABai^ogiee, Nl-Jz' i-Dl Anal'ogous, Nl 4 -Gs Amyia'ceous, M-L*-SHe An'alogue, KP-G An, Ni. The article an is Anal'ogTi Nl-tH. See written as follows: Knowledge. 1. By a light dot above Anal'yses, Nlsz 1 fi*e line ^ first position ). Anal'yBis, Nlss 2. At the cona-meneement An'alyst.Nlsti of iphrases, by atick struck Analytic, N1-T*-K immaria'bly an the direction Analyt'ical-ly, Nl-T'-Kl' of the stem P. Analyt'ics, Nl-Ta-Ks 3. In the middle or at the end 'of phrases, by -a tick Analyz'able.JIlz-B^'-L) Analyza%ion, MzsAw* truck in the direction of An'alyee, Nlz^, Nlzdi v either P or CH, according Nlz^-NG to which gives the bet An'alyzrar, Nl-Zr* Junction. See A aad And. AaaTQor'phosis or Ana- 4. By the n-hook, 88 in morpno'sis, N-M-Je'cr* the following phrases' -JF&s By. an, Bn 1 Ana'nas, N-lfs AND An'apoest, N-Pst 1 Anapaest'ic, N-Ps*-T-K Anapsest'ical, N-Ps*-T-Kl Anaph'ora, N-F'-.S An'arch, N^-K Anareh'ic, Nr^K-K Anarch'ical, Nr'-K-Kl An'archist, Nri-Kst An'archy, Nr l -K Anasar'ca, N-sR*-K Anasar'cous, N-sff'-Ks , Anaa'tomose, Ns-T l -Mz,i Ns-T^Mzd, Xs-T'-Mz- NG Anastomo'sis, Ns-T 2 -Mss Anastomot'ic, Ns-T l -Mt- K Anas'trophe, N-sTr J -F Anath'ema, N-TH 1 -!* Anathematiza'tion, N- Anath'ematize, N - TH>- M-Tz. N-THi-M-Tzd, N- TH'-M-Tz-KG Anatom'ic, N-T'-IVI-K Anatom'ical-ly, N-T>-M- Kl Anat'omist, N-T^-lVIst Anatotniza'tion, N - T- Mz.'tAn Anat'omize, N-T-Mz, H- Ti-Mzd, N-Ti-Mz-NG Aaat'omy, N-T^M An'bury, N-B 1 -^ An'cestor, N-Sstr 1 Ances'tral, N-Ss 2 -Tr-.L An'cestry, N^Ss^Tr Anch'or, NG^Kr, NG 1 Krd, NGi-Kr-NG Anch'orage, NG-Kr-J Anch'oress, NG-Kr-8 1 Anch'oret, NG-Kr-Ti Anch'orite, NG-Kr-Ti Anch'or-ice, Ni-Kr-I-S Ancho'vy, N-CH^-V An'chylose, NG - K - Ls l f NG-K-I,st, ~ NG An'cient, Nshi An'ciently, Ns An'cientness, An'cientry, Nshat-2Z An'cillary, N-s/, l - Aucip ittXlt ^N-sP^-Al An'cony, N>-K-N And, N-D'. Andls writtep as follows . 1. By a light dot above the line (first position). 2. At the contmencemenl of phrases, toy a tick strnch invariably in the directioD of the stem P. 3. la the middle or at the end of phrases, by a tick struck ia the direction ol either P or CH, according to which gives the best junction. See A and And. 4. By the n-hook. as in AND the following phrases : Anguin'eal, N 3 -Gw-Xl That and, DHn 1 An'guish, NG-Gw-SH 1 She and, SHn 3 An'gular, XG-G1-R 1 He and. Hn 3 Angularity, XG-Gl-^-T You and, Yn s (or-flt 1 ) See An. An'gularly, NG-Gl-R 1 -^ Andan'te, N-D-N-T An'gularness, NG-G1-E 1 - Andiron, N-Di-Bn Ns Androg'ynal, N-Dri-J-Nl An'gulated, NG-Gl-Td 1 Androg'ynous, N-Dri-J- Anhela'tion, N-H-ishn 2 Ns Anhy'drous, N-H-Drs 1 An'droid, N-Drd 1 Anil, N-L 1 [ Androi'des, N-Dri-Dz Anile, N-L 1 An'ecdotal, X-K-D>-T1 An'ileness, N-Li-Ns An'ecdote, X-K-Dt 1 Anility, N-i 3 -T anecdotlcal, X - K - Dt 1 - Animadversion, N-M- ' Kl D--Vrshn Anemog'raphy, X-M-Gr- Animadver'sive, N-M- Jpl D-'-Vrs-V Anemol'ogy, N-M-.i-J Animadver'siveness, Anemom'eter, N^M-Mtr N-M-D-'-Vrs-V-Ns UVs] Anemom'etry, X - M - M- Animadvert', N-M-D-- Tr 1 Vrt, N-M-D-Vr-Td, X- Anem'one, X2-M-N M-DZ-Vrt-XG Anem'oseope, N-Ms-K- Ammadvert'er, N-M-D 2 - P* Vrtr An'eroid, Xr-D 1 Animal, N^Ml An'eurism, X-Rz 1 -M Animal'cula, x-Ml-K-i 1 Anew', X 3 , with final tick Animal'culine. N'-Ml- like New, which see. Klu Aniractuoslty, N-Fr ! -K- Animal'cule, NJ-Ml-Kl CH-sT Animal'culist. N'-Ml- Anfract'uous, N-Fr^K- Klst CHs An'gel, X-J12 [Jl 2 ] Animal'culum, N^Ml- Kl-M An'gelet, N- 3*-Li An'gel -fish, X- Jt-L-'F-SIT Animal-flower, X J -M1- Fl-R Angelic, N-Jl*-K [J1 2 -K] Animalism, N l -Mlz-M A ncro'l'-mal.'lTr "NT _ .112 _ VI Ai ., T-;*-^ XT TIITI ml ANO Annomina'tion, N 2 -N- M-Nshn. See Domination. An'notate, N-Tti, N-Ti- Td, N-Tt(-) 1 Annotation, N-Tshn 2 Annota'tor, N-Ttr- Annot'to, N-T 1 Announce', N 1 - Ns. N 1 - Nst. Ni-Ns-NG Announce'ment, X'-Ns- Mnt Announc'er, X-Xs-R 1 Annoy', Ni. N-D', Ni-NG. Annoy'ance, Ni-Xs Annoy'er, X-R 1 An'nual, X-L 1 An'nually, X-i 1 Annuitant, X-Tnts Annuity, X-T 3 Annul', X-L2, X-Ld 2 , X- L 2 -XG An'nular, X-Lri An'nulary, ~S-L l -R An'nulated, X-iLTd An'nulet, X-it 1 Annul'ment, X-L 2 -Mnt An'nulose, X-is 1 Annu'merata, X 3 -X-Mrt Annumera'troa, Mrshu Annun'ciate, TS Angel'ical-ly, N - Jl 2 - Kl Animal'ity, N-M1-T 1 [J12-K1] Animaliza'tion, - Angellcalness, N - Jl 2 - j MlzsAn Kl-Ns Anlmalize, N'-Mlz, N 1 - Angelol'ogy, N- Jl-i-J I Mlzd, N'-Mlz-NG An'ger, NGi-Gr, NGi-Grd, Animate, N-M-T 1 , N-M- NGi-Gr-XG Td 1 , N-M-T'-NG Angi na, N-Ji-N Animated, N-M-Td 1 Angiog'raphy,N-Jt-Gr-F Animation, N 2 -Mehn Angiol ogy, N-Jt-i-J Anlmative, N-M-Tvi Angiot omy, N-Jt-T-M Animosity. N-Ms-H An'gle-bar, NGi-Gl-Br An'gle-iron, NG'-Gl-I-Rn a.n'gler, NG-G1-B 1 An'gles, NGi-Glz A-n'glican, XQi-Gl-Kn An'glicanism, NG - Gl - Kn - Z 1 - M An'glice, NG-G1-S 1 An'glicism, NGi-Gl-szM An'glicize, NG - Gl - Sz*, NG-Gl-Szd, NG-Gl-Sz 1 - NG An'glo-Saxon, NGt-Gls- Ks-X [XGlsi-Ks-N] An'gor, NG'-Gr An'grily, XG-Gr-i 1 An'gry, NG J -Gr [NGr 1 ] Anguil'liform, N-Gw-Z,*- F(-R-M) Ank'er, NG 1 -Kr An'kle, NG-K1 An'lace, N-is l An'nalist, N-ist* An'nals, N-Lz 1 An'nats, N-Ts 1 Anneal', N-L 3 , N-Ld s , N- Annex', N 2 -Ks, N 2 -Kst, N-Ks-NG Annexa'tion, N*-Ks*ftn Annexlon, X 2 -Kshn Annex'ment, N 2 -K-sMnt Anni'hilable, N-H-i'-Bl Annihilate, N-H-iti, N- H-it-Td, N-H-it!-NG Annihila'tion, N-H- Anniver'sary, N-V(r)s*-/2 Annuncia'tion, Nn- SHshu* Annun'ciator, Xn-5Htr 2 An'ode. X-D 1 An'odyne, X-Dn 1 Anoint', Nnt 1 , X-X-Td 1 , Anoint'ed, X-X-Td 1 Anoint'er, Xntr 1 Anoint'ment, Xnt^-Mnt Anom'alism, X-H-Lzi-M Anomalist'io, X-M-is a - T-K Anomalist'ical, N - M - Anom'alous, X-AI-Ls 1 Anom'alously, X-JI-is 1 - L Anom'aly, X-M-i 1 Anon', Xu 1 Anon'ymous, Xni-Ms Anon'ymousiy, Xn-Ms- Anoth'er, Xdhr 1 Writ- teii in first position to dis- tinguish it from A'o other. Another is also written by then-hook and lengthening principle combined, as in the following phrases: By another, Budhr At another, Tndhr 1 Of another, Vndhr 1 With ano'r, DHndhr' Was another, Zndhr 1 In another, Nndhr 3 Still ano'r, Bi&nxlhr* Anot'ta, N-T 1 ANS An'sated, N-sTdi An'serine, N-sTJn 1 An'swer, JJ-s-R 1 , N-stfd 1 , An'swerable-y, N-sJS 1 - Bl An'sworableness, Ns- .Ri-Bl-Ns C:Bs] An'swerer, N-s/^-B An't. Nt 2 Ant, Nt ' Antac'id, Nt-S^D. See Antiacid. Antag'onism, Nt-Gn-Z 1 - M [Nti-G-zM] Antag'onist, Nt-Gn-Sti Antagonist'ic, Nt - Gn - Antag'onize, Nt-Gn-Z 1 Antal'gic, N-Ti-i-J-E AntalTcali. Nt-H-Kl Antaphrodis'iac, Nt-F 3 - R-D-zE Antaphrodit'ic, Nt - F 3 - R - Dt - E Antarc'tic, Nt-RJ-E-T-E [Nt-Rti-E] Antarthrit'ic, Nt-B 3 - THr-T-E Ant'-bear, Nti-B-B Ant'-eater, Nt'-Tr Anteced'ence, N-Ts 3 - Dns Anteced'ency, E-Ts 3 - Dn-S Anteced'ent, N-T 3 -sDnt Anteced'ently, N - T 3 - sDnt-L Anteces'sor, N-T 2 -ssR An'te-chamber, Nt-CH 2 - M-Br An'te-chapel, Nt-CHi-Pl An'tecursor, Nt-Er-sR 1 An'tedate, Nt-Dti, Nt-D 1 - Td. Nt-DtC) 1 Antedilu'vian, Nt-D 3 -i- Vn An'telope, N-T^i-P Antelu'can, N-T 3 --En Antemerid'ian, N-T 3 -M- R-Du Antemun'dane, N-T 2 -M- N-Dn Anten'na, N-T 2 -N Anten'nse, N-T 2 -N Antenup'tial, Nt-N-P 2 - 8H1 Antepas'chal, Nt-PsJ-El An'tepast, Nt-Pst> Antepenult', Nt-P^Nlt Antepenult'ima, Nt-P 2 - Nl-T-M Antftpenult'imate, Nt - pz-Nl-T-Mt Ante'rior, N-T 3 -jR-B Anterior'! ty, N- An'te-room, Nt-Ri-M Anthelmin'tic, N-TH 3 L-Mnt-K in'them, N-THI-M 12 An'ther, Nthr 1 An'theral, Nthr-Li Antherif'ercus,Nthr-F 3 - Be Ant'-hill, Nti-Hl Antholog'ical, J-E1 Anthol'ogy, N-THi-i- J An'thracite, Nthrs-T 1 Anthracit'ic, Nthrs-T 3 -E Anthropog'raphy, Nthr- pi-Gr-F An'thropoid, Nthr-Pd 1 Anthropolog'ical, Nthr- Anthropol'ogy, Nthr-Pi L-3 Anthropomor'phic, Nthr-Pi-M-fi-F-E Anthropomor'phism, Nthr-P : -M--Fz-M Anthropomor'phite, Nthr-P'-M-fi Ft Anthropomorphous, Nthr-Pi-M R Fs Anthropopath'ical, Nthr-P'-P TH El Anthropop'athism, Nthr-P-P-THz-M Anthropop'athy, Nthr- pi-P-TH Anthropoph'agi, Nthr- pi-F-J Anthropoph'agy, Nthr- pi-F-J Antiac'id, N-Ti-S-D. See Antacid. An'tic, Nti-E An'tichrist, Nti-Krst Antichris'tian, Nt-Ers- Tn 3 (or-CHn 3 ) [Nt 3 -Er] Antic'ipate, Nts-Pt 3 , Nts- P 3 -Td. Nts-PtC) 3 Anticipa'tion, Nts-Pshn 2 Antic'ipative, Nts-Pt 3 -V Antic'ipator, Nts-Ptr 3 Antic'ipatory, Nts-P 3 -T- R Anticli'max, N-Ti-El-M- Es Anticli'nal, N-T^El-Nl An'ticly, Nt-E-z,i Anticonstitu'tional, N- TSistTshn-L, Anticonta'gious, N - T 2 i T-Js Anticosmet'ic, N-T 2 -E- zMt-E An'tidotal, Nt-D^Tl An'tidote, Nt-Dt' Antifeb'rile or Antife'- brile, Nt-F2or 3 -Br-L Antil'ogy, N-T 3 -i-J Antima'niac, N-T 2 -M-N E Antima'son, N-T 2 -Ms-N Antima'sonry, N-R Antimonarch'ical, T'-M-Nr-E-Kl ANT Antimo'nial, N-T-M-N. L An'timony, N-Ti-M-N Antino'mian, Nt 2 -N-Mn Antino'mianism, Nt-N Mn-Z 2 -M An'tinomy or Antin'o- my, Nt^o7* 3 -N-lM Antipa'pal, Nt-ps-Pl Antipapist'ic, Nt-P*-Ps - T-E Antipapist'ical, Nt - P 3 - Ps-T-El Antiparalyt'ic, Nt - P 3 Antipathet'ic, T-K / Antipathetical, Nt - P2- THt-El Antip'athy, Nt-ps-TH Antipestilen'tial, Nt- Ps 2 -T-J!/-N-SHl Antiphiogis'tic, N - T 3 - Fl- J-sT-E An'tiphon, Nt-Fn* Antiph'onal, Nt-F 3 -Nl Antiphon'ic, Nt-Fni-K Antiphon'ical, Nt - Fn 1 - E-L Antiph'ony, Nt-F 3 -N Antiph'rasis, N-T^-Frss Antiphras'tic, N-Ti-Frs- T-E Antiphras'tical-Iy, N- Ti-Frs-T-El Antip'odal, Nt-P 3 -Dl An'tipode, Nt-Pdi An'tipodes or Antip'o- des, Nt-Pdzi or Nt-pa-Dz An'tipope, Nt-ps-P Antiprelat'ical, Nt - Pr 1 - Lt El Antiqua'rian, N-T^-Ew- Rn Antiqua'rianism, N-T 2 - Kw-fln-Z-M (Rnz-M) An'tiquary, N-Ti-Ew-B An'tiquate, N-T^-Kwt An'tiquated, N - T 1 - E< Td An'tiquatedness, N-T 1 - Ew-Td-Ns Antique', N-T 3 -E Antique'ness, N-T 3 -E-Ns Antiq'uity, N-T 3 -Ew-T Antis'cians, K-T't-SHna Antis'cii, N-T 3 -,Mr Antiscorbu'tic, N - T 3 - sEr-Bt-K Antiscorbu'tical, N-T 8 - eEr-Bt-El Antiscrip'tural, N-Ts- Er-Ptr-L Antisep'tic, N-T 2 -sPt-E Antislav'ery, N-T2-sZ,-Vt Antiso'cial, N-T-sSHl Antispasmod'ic, N-T 1 - sP-zMd-E Antispas'tic, T-K ANT Antisplenet'ic, K-Ts*- Pln-T-K Antis'trophe, N-T-sTr- F Antistroph'ic, N-T 1 sTrf-K Antithesis, Nt-THss 3 Antithet'ic, Nt-TH^-T-K Antithet'ical, Nt-THt 2 - Kl Antitrinita'rian, Nt-Tr 2 - N-T-fin Antitrinita'rianiszn, Nt- Tr2-N-T-finz-M An'titype, Nt-Ti-P Antityp'ical, Nt-T 3 -P-Kl Ant'ler, Nt-Lr 1 Ant'lered, Nt-rd Antonoma'sia, Nt-N-M- An'vil, N-Vi-L Anxi'ety, NGs-Ti Anx'ious, NG-SHsi Anx'iously, NG-SHs 1 -^ Anx'iousness, NG-SHs 1 - Ns Any, N 3 Written in third position to distinguish it from No. Ao'nian, Nn* A'orist, Rst 2 Aorist'ic, Rs 3 -T-K Aor'ta, fli-T Aort'al, jRi-T-L Aort'ic, Ri-T-S. A-pace', Ps 2 Apago'ge, P 2 -G-J Apagog'ical, pi-G-J-Kl Apart', P l -Rt Apart'ment, Prti-Mnt Apathet'ic, P 2 -TH-T-K Ap'athist, pi-THst Ap'athy, pi-TH Ape, P 2 , Pt 2 , P 2 -NG Apeak', P 3 -ft Apep'sy, P 2 -P-8 Ape'rient, P 3 -nt Aper'itive, P 2 -.H-Tv Ap'erture, P^-CHr Ap'ery, P*-R'alous, P^-T-Ls A'pex, P 2 -Ks Aphser'esis or Apher'e- sis, F 2 -.ffss Aphe'lia, F 3 -Z Aphel'ion, F*-Ln Aph'ides, F'-Dz A'phis, Fs 2 Aph'ony, F'-N Aph'orism, F!-^-zM Aph'orist, F l -Rst Aphorist'ic, F a -fis-T-K Aphorist'ical-ly, F 3 -fis- T-K1 Aph'thong, F L TH-Nd or P'-TH-NG Aph'yllous or Aphyl'- lous, F'orS-is A.'piarist, P 2 -Kst A-'piary, P 2 -jB 13 APP Ap'ical, pi-Kl Appall', P'-L, Pi-Ld, Pi- Ap'ices. Psz 1 Apiece , Ps 3 L-NG Ap'panage, Pa l -J Ap'ish, P 2 -SH Appara'tus, P'^-S-Ts Ap'ishness, P 2 -SH-Ns Appar'el, pi-m, pi-/zid, Apoc'alypse, Pi-Kl-Ps P'-Til-NG Apocalyp'tic, P 3 -Kl-Pt-K Appar'ent, P'-flnt Apocalyp'tical, P 3 -K1- Appar'ently, P l -Rut-L Pt-Kl Appari'tion, P 3 -A'sim Apoc'opate, P^K-pt, pi- Apparitor, P l -Rtr K-P-Td, P-K-PltCj Appeal", P^-L, P^-Ld, P3- Apoc'ope, P!-K-P L-XG Apoc'rypha, pi-Kr-F Appeal'able, P3-/.-B1 . Apoc'ryphal, pi-Kr-F-L Appear', P^-R, P--Ud, PJ Ap'ode, P!-D R-XQr 1 Apodeic'tic, pi-D-K-T-K Appear'ance, P 3 -/Jns Apodeic'tical,pi-D-IC-T- Appear'er, l^-Hr Kl Appeas able, Pz 3 -Bl Apodic'tic, P 3 -D-K-T-K Appeas'ableness, Pz 3 -* Apodic'tical, P a - D -K-T- Bl-Ns r:]isi Kl Appease', Pz^, Pzd 3 , Pz 3 - Apod'osis, P!-Dss NG Ap'ogee, P'-J Appease'ment, P^-zilnt Apologet'ic, P 2 --Jt-K Appeas'er, P-^-Zr Apologet'ical,P 2 -i-Jt-Kl Appea'sive, Pt^-V Apologet'ics, P 2 -i-Jt-K.s lAppel'lant, P--/,nt Apol'ogist, pi-L-Jst Appellate, P^-^t Apol'ogize, P'-i-Jz, P 1 - Appella'tion, P--i.slin /,-Jzd, P l -L-Jz-NGt Appellative, P 2 -it-v Ap'ologue, P l -L-Q Appellatory, P^-Lt-S Apol'ogy, P l -L-J Appellee', P*-L Apophlegmat'ic, PJ-FI- Appellor', P'-i-R G-Mt-K Append', Pud 2 , Pn 2 -Dd, Ap'ophthegm, pi-TH-M Pud--NG Apoplec'tic, P-'-Pl-K-T-K j Append'age, Pnd--J Apoplec'tical, P 2 - PI - K- Append'ant, Pii^-Dnt T-K1 Append'ency, Pu--Dn-S Ap'oplexy, PJ-PI-K-S Appen'dices, Pu-'-Dsz Apos'tasy, Ps'-T-S Appen'dix, Pu 2 -D-Ks Apos'tate, Ps'-Tt Appercep'tion, P 2 -^Js- Apos'tatize, Ps l T - Tz, Pshu Ps-T-Tzd, Ps-T-Tz-NG Appertain', P 2 -B-Tn, P- Apos'temate, Ps!-T-Mt ^J-Tnd, P 2 -/e-Tn-XG. Sea Apostem'atous, Ps 2 - T - Pertain. M-Ts Apper'tinence, P 2 - Rt Ap'osteme, Psi-T-M Nns Apos'tle, Ps!-L Apper'tinent, P 2 -fit-Nnt Apos'tleship, Ps^LiSH Ap'petence, P J -Tns Apos'tolate, Ps^-T-Lt Ap'petemcy, P^Tn-S Apostol'ic, Psi-T-i-K Ap'petent, PI Tut Apostol'ical, Ps!-T-L-Kl Ap'petible, P^T-Bl Apostol'icism, Ps 1 - T - Ap'petite, P^Tt Lsz - M Ap'petize, pi-Tz Apostolic'ity, Ps 3 -T-Ls-T Ap'petizer, P'-T-Zr Apos'trophe, P^sTr-F Applaud', Pldi, Pl'-Dd/ Apostroph'ic, pi-sTrf-K PldC) 1 Apos'trophize, P 1 - sTr - Applaud'er, Pl-Dr F.Z, pi-sTr-Fzd, P'-sTr- Applaud'ingly,Pldi-NGli Fz-NG Applause', Plz 1 / Apoth'ecary, pi-TH-Kr Applau'sive, Pls'-V Ap'othegm, P'-TH-M Ap'ple, PI' Apothegmat'ic, P^TH- Appli'able, Pli-Bl G-Mt-K Appli'ance, Pins 1 Apothegmat'ical, P- Applicability, Pl 3 -K-Blt TH-G-Mt-Kl [Pl a -K] Apotheg'matist, P*-TH- Ap'plicableness, PU-K- G-M-Tst Bl-Ns C'.Bs] Apothe'osis, P-THss Applicable, PP-K Bl Apothe'osize, P^-THsz Ap'plicant, Pl-Knt Ap'ozem, pi-zM Ap'plicate, PP-Kt APP Application, Pl 2 -K6hn Applicative, Pl'-Kt-V Ap'plicatory, T" Applique', PP Apply', P1',.P1< Appoggiatu'ra, Pd 3 -J-T- R Appoint', Pnt 1 , Pni-Td, Pnti-XG Appoint'able, Pnti-B(-L) Appointee', Pn^-T Appoint'er, Putr 1 Appoint'ment, Pnt'-Mnt Apportion, P*-JZshn, P* Appor'tioner, P'-Bshn- X Apportionment, Jtshn-Mn-X or iMnt Ap'posite, Pz'-T Ap'positeiy, Pz'-T-/ Ap'positeness, Pz'-T-Xs Apposition, Pzshn 3 Apprais'al, Prz 2 -L Appraise', Prz 2 , Przd 2 , Appraise'ment, zilut Apprais'er, Pr z -Zr Appre'ciable, Pi 3 SH-Bl Appre'ciate, Pr'-SHt, Pr 3 S-H-Xd. PrS-SHt-XG Appreciation, Pr 2 - SHsha Appre'ciative, Pr^-SH- Tv Appre'ciative ly, Pr 3 - Apprehend', Pr--Hnd, Pr 2 Hii-Dd, Pr 2 -Hnd-XG Apprehend'er, Pr--Hndr Apprehen'sible, Pr^-Xs- B(-L) Apprehen'sion, Pr 2 - Apprehen'sive, Pr 2 -Xs- V Apprehen'sively, Pr 2 - Xs-V-Z, Apprehen'siyeness, Apprentice, Pra--Ts, Prn 2 -Tst. Prii 2 -Ts-XG Apprenticeship, Prn 2 - . Ts:SH Apprise', Prz 1 , Przd', Prz' XG Apprize', Prz 1 Apprize'rnent, Pr'-zMnt Appriz'er, P^-Zr Approach', Pr J -CH, Pr 2 - CHt, Pr=-CH-XG Approach'able, Pr J -CH> Approach'ableness, Pr 2 -CH-Bl-Xs [:Bs] Approach'less, Pr'-CH- Zs Ap'probate, Pr ! -B-T Approbation, Pr^-Bshn ARC hn V Approbativeness, Pr*- Bt:Vs or P 2 -R-Bt:Vs Arbitrable, Ri-B-Tr-Bl Arbit'rament, Ra-B-Tr- 1-R Ap'probatory, Pr'-B-T-fl Mut -NG Ap'probative, Pr'-B-Tv Appro'priable, Pr^-Pr- Aj'bitrarily, R'-B-Tr-T?! Arbitrary, R'-B-Tr-fi J-T- Bl [R'-Bt] Appropriate, Pr J -Prt. Arbitrate, RJ-B-Trt, R 1 - i-Td, Pr 2 -Pr-Td. Pr 2 -Prt(-) B-TrTd, Ri-B-TrtC) Appro'prlately, Pr~Prt- Arbitration, R 2 -B-Trslin J(-D L, Arbitrator, R'-B-Trtr Appro'priateness, Pr 2 - Ar'bitratrix, R'-B-Tr-Tr- Prt-Xs Ks Mnt Appropriation, Pr*- Ar'bitress, R^B-Trs , I"* Prshii Ar'bor, R'-Br Appro'priator, Pr 2 -Prtr Arbo'real, R=-B-B1 sim- Approv'able, Prv^-B(-L) Arbo'reous, R 2 B-Ks Appro v'al, Pr^-Vl Arbores'ence, R'--B-JJs- ps. Approve', Prv 3 , Prvd 3 , Xs Prv^-XG Arbores'cent, R 2 -B-Ks- Approv'er, Pr^-Vr K* Approximate, Pr 1 - K. - Arboricult'ure, R 2 -B-fl- r-xs sMt, Pr^Ii-slI-Td, Pr 1 - Kltr K-sMt(-) Ar'borist, R!-Brst Approximation, Pr 2 -K- Arborization, R 2 -Brz*An rzd, slislm Ar'borize, R'-Brz Approx'imative, Pr'-K- ArTjorous, R'-B-fis Pr 2 - silt-V Ar'buscle, R^Bs-L Ap'pulse or Appulse', Arbus'tive, R 2 -Bs-Tv P'or 2 -Ls Arbustum, R 2 -Bs-T-M 7-B1 Appul'slon, P 2 -Lshn Ar'bute, R'-Bt Appur'tenance, P 2 - Rt - Xiia Appurtenant, P 2 -^t-Xnt A'prlcot, Pr^-Kt A'pril, Pr 2 -L A'pril-iool, Pr 2 -Z,-F-L A'pron, Pm 2 A'proned, Prnd 2 Apropos', Pr--Po Ap'sides, Pgi-Dz Ap'sis, Pas 1 Apt'ly, Pt'-Z, Apteral, P'-Tr-L Apterous, Pi-Trs Apt'itude, Ptt-Td Apt'ly, Pt'-Z, Apt'ness, Pt'-Xs Aptote, P'-Tt A'qua, Kw 2 Aqua'ria, Kw-J? 2 Aqua'rium, K.w-R 2 -M Aqua'rius, Kw-^s 2 Aquat'ic, Kw-T'-K Aquat'ical, Kw-T'-Kl A'quatint, Kw-Tut- Aquatin'ta, Kw-Xu 3 -T Aq'ueduct, Kw-L>i-E.t A'queous, Kw-S 2 A'quifprm, Kw-F 2 -R*M Aq'uiline, Kw-Ln'* Arab, Ri-B Ar'abesque, Ri-B-sK Ara'bian, R-'-Bu Ar'abic, R'-B-K Arabist, Ri-Bst ATable, Ri-Bl Ara'neous, R 2 -Xs ArTsalest or ATbalist, Arbiter, R-Btr Arbutus, R^-B-Ts Arc, R'-K. Arcade', RS-Kd Arca'na, R 2 -K-X Arca'num, Ri-Kn-M Arch, TJ'-CH, 2i l -CHt, U Cfl-XG Archseolog'ical, Ri-K-i. J-K1 Archaeol'ogist, Ri-K-Z- Jst Archseol'ogy, Ri-K-i-J Archa'ic, K--K-K Archa'ical. R--K-K1 Ar'chaism, R'-K-zM Archan'gel, R 2 - K - X - Jl Archangel'ic, R 2 - K - X- Jl-K Archbish'op, TZ^GH-B- SH-P [K'-CH-Bj Archbish'opric, B'-CH- B-SH-P-R-K [A'J-CH-B-K Archdea'con, .fti-CH-D- Kn Archdea'conry, K l -CH- Archdea'conship, RU CH-D-Ku:SH Archdu'cal, .Ri-CH-D-Kl Archduch'ess, .K'-CH-D- CHs Archduch'y, iii-CH-D- CH Archduke', fii-CH-D-K Archduke'dom, i-CH D-K-D-M Arch'ed, Ri CHt Arch'er, Ri-CHr (Arch'ery, Ri-CHr ARC 15 AKH Arch'escourt, B* - CHz - the end of phrases (when Ariette', R^-HT ' Krt mode 3. or 4. cannot be em- Aright', K l -T Archetypal, Ri-K-T-Pl ployed), by E ; thus, Ar'iose, RUS Ar'chetype, Ri-K-T-P There are, DHr'-B Arise', Rz 1 , Rz'-KG Archfiend', B'-CHf-Nd There are many, Aris'en T Rz :j -N Archidiac'onal, Ri-K-D- DHr'-R-M-N Aristoc'racy, Rs'-T-Kr-S E-H1 Many are, M2-N-B LBs'-T-Kl Archiepis'copaey, B 1 - So there are, Sdhr^-B Aris'tocrat or Ar'isto- K-P-BK-P-S See Were. crat, Rs 3 or J -T-Krt Archiepis'copal, R'-K- 3. By the r-hook ; thus, Aristocrat'ic, R^-T-Kr- . P-sK-Pl What are, Tr* T-K [R.s'-T-K] Ar'chil, Ri-Kl They are, DHr 8 Aristocrat'ical, Rs 1 - T - Archimede'an, R3-K-M- We are, Wr 3 Krt-KI l Dn You are, Yr 3 Aristote'lian^s^-T-T-in] Archlpel'ago, B-K-P1- 4. With preceding they, Ar'ith.mancy r Arith'-j G by lengthening principle, mancy, B^r^-TH-Mn-S Architect, B-K-T-Kt or large loop ; thus, Arith'metic, B 3 -XH-Mt-i [BJ-K-T] If they are, Fdhr* K Architect'ive, E-K-T- So they are. Sdhr* Arithmet'ical, it- - TH -' Kt-V Though they are, Mt-Kl Architecton'ic, E J -K-T- DHdhr* Arithmeti'cian, B3-XH- Kt-N-K Because they are, M-Tshn Architecton'ical, B-K Kzdhr 1 Ark, R^K T-Kt-N-Kl Unless they are, Aries, Rlz Architect'ress, B2-K.-T- Nlsdhr 2 Arm, R'-M, Ri-Md, R^-M- K-Trs A'rea, Ria 2 NG. Be&Army. Arcliitect'ural, B*-K-T- Arefac'tion, Bi-F-Kshn Arma'da, R--M-D Ktr-L [Ei-K-T] ! Are'na, E 3 -N Armadil'lo, Ri-M-D-^ Architecture, Ri - K - T- Arena'ceous, R-N-8Hs Ar'mament, R l -M-Mnt Ktr [Ri-K-T] Are'ola, B 3 -eZi Ar'mature, R'-Mtr Architrave, Ri-K-Trv Are'olse, W-iL Arm'-chair, E^M-CHr Archive, Ri-Kv Are'olar, Rs-Ci-B Arm'ful, R!-M-F1 Ar'chives, R^Kvsz Areom'eter, Ri-Mtr Arm'hole, R'-M-Hl Archivist, Ri-K-Vst Areom'etry, R^M-Tr Ar'millary, ll l -~ti-L-R Ar'chivolt, Ri-K-V-Lt Areop'agite, R'-P-Jt Ar'millate, R'-M-it Arch'ly, 1V-CH-L Areop'agus, R l -P-Gs Ar'millated, Ri-M-i-Td Arch'ness, /i 1 -CH-Ns Ar'gal, R!-G1 Armin'ian, R 3 -Mn-N Ar'chon, E'-Kn Ar'gand, R J -Gnd Armin'ianism, R 3 -Mn- Arch'way, BJ-CH-W Ar'gent, K l --lut Nz-M Arc'ograph, E^K-Grf Argent'al, B^Jut-L Armip'otent^a-JI-P-Tut Arc'tic, Ri-K-T-K [Bt-K] Argent'ic, B^-J-N-T-K Ar'mistice, R'-Ms-Ts Arc'uate, E'-K-T Argentiferous, W-Jnt- Arm'let, IH-M-Lt Arc'uated, E^K-Td Y-Ks Arm'or, R-M-R Arcua'tion, E 2 -Kshn Ar'gentine, B^J-N-Tn Arm'or-bearer, Ri-M-B- Ar'cubalist, EJ-K-Blst Ar'gil, R'-Jl B-Rr Arcubal'ister or Arcu- Argilla'ceous, R2-j]-Sfls Armorer, R'-M-Rr balist'er, E 1 or 3 - K- B - Argilliferous, R 3 -Jl-Frs Armo'rial, R2-M-B1 istr Ar'dency, B'-Dn-S Argil'lous, R^-J1-S Ar'give, afi'-Jv Ar'mory, R'-M-B Arm'pit, R'-M-Pt Ardent, B^Dnt Ar'gol, Ri-Gl Arms, E!-Mz Ar'dently, .R'-Dnt-L Ar'gonaut, R^G-Nt Ar'my, Ri-jMI. See Arm. Ar'dor, Rdr 1 Argonaut'ic, R^G-Nt-K Ar'nica, E'-N-K i Ard'uous, R*-T)-S Ard'uously, /i'-D-Sl Ar'gosy, Ri-G-S Ar'gue, B'-G, E!-Gd, B L Arnot'to, R'-N-T Aro'ma, R 2 -M Ard'uousness, JZ^-Ds-Ns G-NG Aromat'ic, Ri-Mt-K Are. The word Are is Arguer, E'-G-R Aromat'ical, R'-Mt-Kl written as follows: Ar'gument, Ei-G-Mnt Aro'matize, B*-M-Tz, B ' 1. Standing alone or com- Argumenta'tion, R 2 -G- M-Tzd. R-'-M-Tz-NG mencing phrases, by K 1 , M - N - Tshn Aro'matous, R s -M-Ts thus, Argumen'tative, B*-G- Ar'oph, aBf ' Are, B 1 Mnt-Tv Arose', Rz2 Are they, ^-DH Ar'gus, E^Gs Around', Rud 1 Are all, HI 1 A'ria, Eia 1 Arouse', Rz 1 , Rzd 1 , E2>. Are our, Kr l A'rian, En NO Are we, Kw l A'rianism, En s -Z-M Aroynt', Rnt' Are you, Hy l Ar'id, R 1 -!) Arpeg'gio, R=-Pd-J Are of, .Rvi Arid'ity, B 3 -D-T Ar'quebuse, RJ-Kw-Bs Are there, .Rdhr 1 Ai-'idness, B'-D-Ns Arquebusier', R8-Kw-BJ Are the, .Rt 1 A'ries, Rz 2 sR 2. In the middle or at Ariet'ta, B^-IjT Arrack', RJ-K ARR Arraign', Rn 2 . Rnd*, Rn s - NG Arraign'ment, fin 2 -Mnt Arrange', Rn 2 -J, Rn*-Jd, Ru 2 -J-NG Arrange'ment, Rn 2 - J - Mnt Arran'ger, Rn*-J-R Ar'rant, Rnt 1 Ar'ras, Rs 1 Array', R 2 , Rd, R*-NG Array'er, R 2 -B Arrear', R 3 -R Arrears', R 3 -Rz Arrear'age, R 3 -R-J Arrect', R 2 -Kt Arrect'ed, R 2 -K-Td Arrepti'tious, R 3 - P - T- Arrest', RsV, Rs 2 - Td, Rst(-) Arresta'tion, Rs 2 -Tshn Arret', RGt 2 or Ra a Arriere'-ban, R-fi-Bn Ar'ris, Rs 1 Arri'val, R!-V1 Arrive', Rv', fivd 1 , Rv l o Ar'rogance, R J -Gns Ar'rogant, R!-Gnt Ar'rogantly, Ri-Gnt-i Abrogate, Ri-Gt, Ri-G- Td. Ri-Gt-NG Arroga'tion, R 2 -Gshn Ar'rogative, Ri-Gt-V Ar'row, R 1 Ar'row-head, Ri-Hd Ar'row-headed, R-H- Dd Ar'rowroot, RJ-fit Ar'rowy, R61 1 Ar'senal, Rs'-N-L Ar'senic, Rsi-N-K Arsen'ic, Rs 2 -N-K Arsen'ical, Rs 2 -N-Kl Arse'nious, Rs 3 -Ns Ar'sis, Rss 1 Ar'son, Rs'-N Art, Rt' Arte'rial, Rt 3 -fi-L Arterializa'tion, Rt'-R- Arte'rialize, Rt 3 - R - ~Lz. Rt 3 -/d-Lzd. Rt 3 -R-Lz-NG Arteriot'omy, Rt^R-T-M Ax'tery, Rt'-fi Arte'sian, R a -Tzhn Art'ful-ly, Rt'-Fl Art'fulness, Rti-Fl-Ns [:Fs] Arthrit'ic, R 3 -THr-T-K Arthrit'ical, R 3 -THrt-Kl Arthri'tis, Ri-THr-Ts Ar'tichoke, Ri-T-CH-K Ar'ticle, /eti-Ki, t>-Kld, jm-Kl-NO Artic'ular, Rt 3 -Kl-R Artic'ulate, fit 3 -Klt, fit 3 - Kl-Td. fit-Klt-NG Artic'ulately, fit 3 Klt-L Articula'tion, fit 2 Klshn 16 ! Ar'tiflce, Rti-Fi ! Artificer, / Artifl'cial, fit 3 -F-SHl Artifl'cially, RV-F-SHl Artifl'cialness, fit 3 - F - SHI - Ns Artiflcial'ity, RV-F-SH1- T Artillerist, Rt^-z-fist Artillery, Rt 3 -L-fi Art'isan, Rt*-zN Art'ist, fi'-Tst Artiste', fi 3 -Tst Artist'ic, fi 3 -Tst-K Artist'ical, fi 3 -Tst-K-L Artless, Rti-s Artlessly, Rt'-Ls-L Artlessness, Rti-/,s-Ns Arundina'ceous, Rn-D- N-SHs Arundin'eous, Rn 3 -D-Ns Arus'pice, Rs 2 -Ps Arus'picy, Rs 2 -P-S As, aZ'. As is commonly written with a small circle in the first position. The phrases, as has, as is, as his, are written with a large circle in the first position , as to, as it, as the, with a small loop in the first posi- tion, inclined in the direc- tion of CH, and a* thr with a large loop in the same position, and with the same inclination. Asafet'ida or Asafcet'i- da, S 2 -Ft-D Asbes'tiform, S 2 -Bs-T- Fr-M Asbes'tine, S 2 -Bs-Tn Asbes'tos or Asbes'tus, 8 2 -Bs-Ts Ascend', Snd 2 , -8n*-Dd, Snd 2 -NG Ascend'able, Snd 2 -B (-L) Ascend'ant, Snd 2 -Nt Ascend'ency, Snd 2 -N-S Ascen'sion, 8 2 -Nshn Ascen'sional, S 2 -Nshn-X j Ascent', Snt 2 ! Ascertain', Sr 2 -Tn, Sr 2 - I Tnd, 8r 2 -Tn-NG Ascertain'able, 8r 2 -Tn-B (-L) Ascertain'ment, 8r 2 -T (-N)-Mnt Ascet'ic, S 2 -T-K Ascet'icism, S 2 -T-szM lAs'cii, SHIi 1 'As'cians, SHlanz 1 iAscit'ic, S 3 -T K (Ascit'ical, S 3 -T-K1 !Ascrib'able, 8 l -Kr-B-Bl 'Ascribe', S>-Kr-B. Si-Kr- Bd. S'-Kr-B-NG Ascrip'tion, 8 8 -Kr-Pshn Ash, SH 1 Ashamed', SH-Md Ash'en, SHn 1 ASS Ash'ery, SH'-fi Ash'es, SHzi Ashlar or Ashler, SH 1 - Ashlering, SH-i-R-NG Ashore', SH 2 -R. See Shore. Ash- Wednesday, SH 1 - W-Nz-D Ash'y, SHI 1 Aside', 8 ! -D As'inine, S^Nn Ask, S'-K. S ! -Kt, S'-K-NQ Askance', S'-Kns Askant', S'-Knt Ask'er, S'-Kr Askew', 8 3 -K Aslant', Slnt> Asleep', 81 3 -P I Aslope', S1 2 -P i Aso'matous, S 2 -M-Ts 'Asp, S'-P Aspar'agus, S^P-fi-Gs As'pen, S'-Pn Asper'ity, S 2 -Pr-T Asper'mous, S 2 -Pr-Ms Asperse', S 2 -Prs, S 2 -Prst, S--Prs-NG Aspers'er, S 2 -Pr-sR Asper'sion, S 2 -Prshn Asphalt', S'-Flt Asphalt'ic, S^Fl-T-K Asphalt'um, S^Fl-T-M (or-FH-M) As'phodel, S^-F-Dl Asphyx'iao/ Asphyx'y, S^-F-K-S Asp'ic, S'-P-K Aspir'ant, S'-P-Rnt As'pirate, S^P-fit, B l -P- ' R-Td. 8i-P-fit-NG Aspira'tion, S 2 -P-Rshn ! Aspire', S^P-R, Si-P-Rd, Aspir'er, S"'-P-Rr Aspir'ingly, S'-P-fl-NGl Asquint', S 3 -Kwnt Ass, S 1 Assafcet'ida, S 2 -Ft-D Assail', S1-. Sid 2 . S1 2 -NG Assail'able, S1 2 -B1 Assail'ant, SI 2 -Nt Assail'er, S1'--R Assas'sin, Ss J -N Assas'sinate, Sst-Nt, 8s 1 - N-Td Ssi-Nt-NG Assassina'tion, Ss 2 -Nshn Assas'sinator, Ss'-Ntr Assault', Slti. SU-Td, SUI- NG Assault'able, Slti-Bl Assault'er, Sltr' Assay', S 2 . S 2 -D, S 2 -NG Assay'er, S 2 -R Assem'blage, S 2 -M-B1-J 'Assem'ble, S--M-B1, 8- I M-Bld. S2-M-Bl-Na Assem'bly, S3-M(-B1) Assent', But* Sn* - Td, Snt-NG ASS 17 ATT Assenta'ticn. Sn^-Tshn Assum'er, S 3 -M-B Asymptotical, S>-M-Tfc Assenta'tor, Sn^-ltr Assump'sit, S 2 -Ms-T Kl Assent'er, Sntr 2 Issump'tion, S 2 -Mshn Asyn'deton, S 3 -Kd-Tn' Assert', Srt*. Sr 2 -Td, Srt- Assump'tive, S 2 -Mt-v At, T 1 NG Assur'ance, SH 3 -JSns At'abal, Ti-B-L Asser'tion, Srshn* Assure', 8H 3 -E, SH 3 -Rd, At'aghan, Ti-Gn Assertive, Sr 2 -Tv SH 3 -J2-NG Ate, T 2 Assert'or, Srtr 2 Assur'edly, 8H-Ed-i Athana'sian, TH 2 -lfzhn Assert'ory, Srt 2 -B Assur'edness, SH- i -d- A'theism, aTH^-z-M. See Assess', Ss 2 . Sst 2 , Ss a -NG Ns Theism. Assess'able, Ss 2 -B(-L) Assur'er, BH&-R-R A'theist, aTHsts. gee (Assess'ment, Ss 2 -Mnt Assur'gent, 8 2 -/2-Jnt Theist. 'Assess'or, Ss 2 -R Astat'ic, Si-Tt-K Atheist'ic, aTns 3 - T - K Assesso'rial, Ss 2 -JZ-L As'ter, Str 1 See Theistic. As'sets, Sts 1 As'terisk, Strs^-K Atheist'ical-ly, :iTns*-T-. -Assev'er, S 2 -Vr As'terism, St^-Z-M (or Kl Assev'erate, s 2 -Vrt. S 5 - -zM) Athene'um or Athenee'- Vr-Td, S'-Vrt-NG Astern', St 2 -Kn um, TH^-N-M Assevera'tion, S=-Vrshn As'teroid, Stri-D Athe'nian, THn 3 -N Assidu'ity, S 3 -D-T Asteroid'aJ,Stri-Dl Ather'manous, aTHr 2 *- Assid'uous, S 3 -Ds Asthen'ic, 8 2 -THn-K H-Ns Assid'uously, S 3 -D-S1 Asth'ma, St'-M or SJ-M Athirst', aTHrst 2 Assid'uousness, S 3 -Ds- or Z>-M Ath'lete, TH J -/,t Ns Asthmat'ic, St>(or S 1 or Athlet'ic, TH2-L-T-K' Assign', Sni, Snd 1 , Sn 1 - Zi)-Mt-K Athwart', TH'-Wrt NG Assign'able, SnJ-B (-L) Asthmat'ical, Sti(or 8' or Atilt', aT 3 -Lt Z)-Mt-Kl 1 Atlante'an, T 3 -i-N-Tn Assignat', Si-N-Y or S 1 - Aston'ish, SU-N-SH, St'- Atlan'tes, T^i-N-Tz G-Nt Assigna'tion, S 2 -G-Nshn N-SHt, Sti-N-SH-NG [SU, St, StC) 1 ] Atlan'tiCj T^/.nt-K A.tlan'tides, Ti-int-Dz Assignee', s-N Assign'er, S^Nr Aston'ishing, Sti-N-SH- NG [ StC) 1 ] At'las, T!-is At'mosphere, T'-Ms-F-R Assign'ment, Si - N - Mnt [Si- Mnt] Aston'ishingly, SU-N- SH-NG1 [SV-.L] [-MS-F] Atmospher'ic, T--Ms-F- Assignor', Si-Nr Assim'ilable, 8 3 -M-Z,-Bl Aston'ishment, Sti - N - 8H-Mnt [St!-Mnt] R-K. [-F-K] Atmospher'ical, T 2 -Ma- Assim'ilate, S 3 -M-it, S 3 - Astound', S!-Tnd, Si-Tn- F-R-Kl [-F-K1] M-i-Td, Sa-M-t-NG Dd, S^Tnd-NG Atoll', ilTi-I, Assimila'tion,8 s -M-.Lshn Astr'ad'dle, Si-Tr-Dl At'om, Ti-H Assim'ilative, S 3 -M-Zt* V As'tragal, Stri-Gl Atom'ic, Ti-M-K Assist', Sst 3 , Ss 3 -Td, Sstt') s i As'tral, Str 1 -^ Atom'ical,Ti-M-Kl Assist'ance, Ss 3 -Tns Astray', S 2 -Tr At'omism, T^Mz-M Assist'ant, Ss 3 -Tnt Astrict', S 3 -Tr-Kt, S 3 -Tr- At'omist, T'-Mst Assize', Szi. Szdi, Szi-NG K-Td, S 3 -Tr-Kt-NG At'omize, T J -Mz Assiz'er, Sz^E Astride', Si-Trd Atone', Tu 2 , Tnd=, Tn*. Associabil'ity, SS-S//-B- L-T (Lt) Astringe', S 3 -Tr-N-J. S 3 - Tr-N-Jd. S 3 -Tr-N-J-NG Atone'ment, Tn 2 -Mnt or Asso'ciableness, S 2 -SPT- Bl-Ns [IBs] Astrin'gency, S 3 -Tr-N- J-N-8 T6 2 -Mnt. See Attainment. Aton'er, T 2 -Nr Asso'ciable, S^-SH-Bl Astrin'gent, S 3 -Tr-N-Jnt Aton'ic, T!-N-K Asso'ciate, S*-SHt, S 2 - As'trolabe, Str^ZcB At'ony, T!-N SH-TA. S 2 -5fft-NG Associa'tion, sa-^flshn Associational, s--S7/sim, Astrol'oger, Str^Z-Jr Astrolog'ic, Str!-//-J-K Astroloc'ical, Str 1 - L - J- Atop', aT 1 -? Atrabila'rian, Tr 2 - B - L- Rn L Kl Atrabila'rious, Tr'-B-- Asso'ciative, S 2 -5fll-V Astrol'ogy, 8tr 1 -X.-J Ra As'sonance, Si-Nns [StrMJ] Atrabil'ious, Tr'-B-is As'sonant, S!-Nnt Astron'omer, Str'-N-Mr Atramen'tal, Tr2-M-N- Assort', Srti, Sri-Td, Srti- Astronom'ic, Strt-N-M- T-L fTr 2 lMnt] NG K Atrament'ous, Tr 2 -M-N- Assort'ment, Srti-Mnt Astronom'ical-ly, Str 1 - Ts Assuage', S 2 -W-J, S 2 -W, N-M-K1 Atro'cious, Tr^-Sffs Jd, S 2 -W-J-NG Assuage'ment, S 2 - w - J- Astron'omy, Stri-N-M Astute', S 3 -Tt Atro'ciously, TV-SHs-L Atro'ciousness, Tr*-SHa<- Mnt Astute'ness, S 3 -Tt-Ns Ns Assuag'er, S 2 -W-Jr Asun'der, Sndr 2 Atroc'ity, Trsi-T Assua'sive, S 2 -Ws-V Asy'lum, 8U-M At'rophy, Tr J -F As'suetudo, 8 J -Td Assume', S 3 -M, 8 s - Md, 8 s . Asym'metry, S 3 -M-Tr As'ymptote, st-M-Tt Attach'- Ti-CH, Ti-CHt, T^CH-'NG M'HG Asymptot'ic, S^M-Tt-K Attach'able, T^CH-Bl ATT 18 Attache', TS-SHa Attri b'ute, Tr-Bt, Attach'ment.Ti-CH-Mnt Td, Tr-Bto Attack', T^K, T'-Kt, T 1 - i Attribute, Tr^Bt K-XG ' Attribution, Tr s Bshn Attack'er, T'-Kr ! Attrib'utive, Tr*-Bt-V Attain', Tn 2 , Tnd 2 , Tn-i Attrite', aTrti NG Attri'tion, Trshn^ Attain'able, Tn 2 -B (-L) Attune', aTn 3 , aTnds, Attain'ableness, Tn 2 -B-i aTn 3 -XG Z-X.s [:Bs] i Au'burn, B 1 -ffn Attain'der, Tndr 2 i Auc'tion, Kshu 1 Attaiii'ment, Tn*-Mnt ! Auc'tionary, 1 [T^-Mnt] See Atonement. : Auctioneer', Kshn-R' Attaint', aTnt 2 , aTn 2 -Td. Auda'cious, D 2 -,^Ws aTnt 2 -XG Auda'ciously, D 2 -SHs- Attaint'ment, Tnt 2 :3Int Auda'ciousness, D*-SHa- Attem'per, aT 2 - M - Pr. ' Ns aT 2 -M-Prd.aT2-M-Pr-XG Audac'ity, Ds 1 -! Attempt', T2-M1, T 2 -M- Au'dible-y, D-B1 Td, T'--Mt(-) Au'dibleness, D^Bl-Ns Attempt'able, T 2 -Mt-Bl j [Bs] See Contemptible. Au'dience, Dns 1 Attempt'er, T 2 -Mtr Attend', Tnd 2 , Tn 2 -Dd. Tnd 2 -NG Attend'ance, Tnd 2 -Ns Attend'ant, Tnd 2 -Xt Attend'er, Tndr* Attent', aTnt 2 Atten'tion, T^-Xshn Attent'ive, Tnt 2 -v Attentively, Tnt 2 -V-i Attent'iveness, Tnt 2 -V- Au'dit, aDt 1 , aDi-Td, aDti(-) Au'ditor, Dt 1 - R. See Daughter and Doubter. Au'ditorship, Dt^ Au'ditory, W-R Au'ditress, D^Trs Auge'an, J-N Au'ger, Or 1 Aught, T> Au'gite, a-Tt 1 Ns [:Vs]' 'Augment', G 2 -Mnt. G 2 - Atten'uant, T 2 -X-Xt M-N-Td. G 2 -Mut-XG Atten'uate, T 2 -X-T, T-N- ' Aug'ment, G^Mnt Td, T 2 -N-T-NG Augment'able, G - Mnt- Attenua'tion, T*-X^Yshn I B 2 (-L) Attest', aTst 2 , aTs 2 -Td, Augmenta'tion, G-M-X- aTstO* I Tshn 2 Attesta'tion, Ts 2 -Tshn Attest'or, aTstr 2 At'tic, T!-K At'ticism, T'-szM Attire', T^R, B-NG At'titude, T J 'Td or T J -T- D Attitu'dinize, Augment'ative, G-Mnt TV* Au'gur, Gr 1 , Grd 1 , Au'gural, G-RV T 1 - i Augura'tion, G-/?shn* Augu'rial, T-T-D-Nz- NG Attol'lent, Ti-int Attor'ney, Tr 2 -N Attor'neyship, Tr 2 -N'SH Au'gury, G-R 1 August', Gst 2 Au'gust, Gst 1 Augus'tan, Gs-Tn* August'ine, Gs-Tn 2 Augustin'ian, Gs-Tn-N August'ins, Gs-Tnz 2 August'ness, Gs-T 2 -Ns Attorn'ment, T 2 -n-Mnt Aulet'ic, a/, 2 -T-K Attract', Tr'-Kt, Tri-K- Au'lic, aLi-K Td. Tri-Kt-NG ! Aunt, &Nt Attractabil'ity, Tr^ - Kt- Au'ra, Ri Bl-T(Blt) iAu'rse, Ri Attract'able, T^-Kt-Bl j Au'ral, Rl Attract'ile, Tr ] -Kt-L Au'rated, a^-Td Attraction, Tr-Kshn Aure'lia, R^-C-L Attract'! ve, Tri-Kt-V ' Aure'ola, R3-i Attract'i vely,Tr'-Kt-v-L Au'reole, Rio 1 -!! Attract'iveness, Tr-Kt- Au'ricle, Rt-Kl V-Ns [iVs] i Auric'ula, R3-K1 Attract'or, Tr'-Ktr i Auric'ular, R3-K1-R At'trahent, Tr-Hnt ! Auric'ulate, R 3 -K-Lt Attrap', aTri-P Auriferous, R 3 -Frs Attributable, Tr-Bt-Bl Au'riibrm, aR-Fr-M AUT Auri'gal, R>-G1 Au'rist, aRst 1 Au'rochs, aR^Ks Auro'ra, R 2 -K Auro'ral, R 2 -.R1 Ausculta'tion, S 2 Kl. Tshn Au'spicate, S'-P Kt Au'spice, s*-Ps Auspi'cial, S : <-P-SH1 Auspi'cious, S 3 -P-5fls Auspi'ciously, S a -P-SHs, L Auspi'ciousness, S 3 - Bi SHs-Xs ' Austere', St^-R Austere'ly, Sti-R-L Austere'ness, St^-J Auster'ity, St--.K-T Au'stral, Str 1 -// Authent'ic, THnt 2 -K Authent'ical, THnt 2 -K-L Authent'ically, THnt 2 - K-L Authent'icate, THut 2 - Kt, THnt 2 -K-Td, THut- Kt-XG Authentica'tion, THnt 2 - Kshn Authenticity, THnt^-St Au'thor, THr 1 Au'thoress, THri-S Author'itative, THrt 1 . TV Authoritatively, THrt 1 . T-V1 Authority, THr'-T Authoriza'tion, Au'thorize, THrz 1 , Hr/d'. THr/ 1 vo- Au'thorship, THr^SH Autobiog'rapher, Ti-B- Gr-Fr Autobiograph'ical-ly, T 1 B-Gr-F-Kl Autobiog'raphy, T 1 - B- Gr- F Autoch'thon, Ti-K-THn Autochthon'ic, T 1 - K - THn-K Autochthonous, T 1 -K-J TH-Ns Autoc'racy, T^Kr-S Au'tocrat, T J -Krt v Autocrat'ic, T'-Kr-T-K Autocrat'ical, TJ-Krt-K! Au'to-da-ie', it-DiFa' Au'tograph, T ] -Grf Autograph'ic, Ti-Grf-K Autograph'ical-ly, T 1 - Gr-F-Kl Autog'raphy, T^Gr-F Automat'ic, T^Mt-K Automat'ical, Ti-Mt-Kl Autom'aton, T'-M-Tn Autom'olite, T'-M-it Auton'omy, T^X-M Au'topsyjTt-P-S Autop'tic, T'-P-T-K AUT Au'tumn, T^M. See Time. Autum'nal, T 2 -M-N1 Auxil'iar, G-zZ. 3 -R Auxiliary, Q-zL-R Avail", V 2 -L V 2 Ld V-L- NG Availabii'ity, V't-L-Blt Avail'ableness, V 2 -Z,-B1- Ns [IBs] Avail'able-ly, V*-L-~Bl Avalanche', vi-Z-N-SH Avant'-courier, Vn 1 - K- Rr Avant'-guard, V^-Nt-Grd Av'arice, v^-Rs Avari'cious, V 3 -fi-SHs Avari'ciously,V 3 -/?-SHs- L Avari'ciousness, V 3 -JZ- 8Hs-Ns Avast', aVsti Avatar', vi-T-B Avaunt', aVnti Ave-Maria, V 2 -M-.R Avena'ceous, v 2 -N-SHs Av'enage, Vi-N-J Avenge', V 2 - N - J, V 2 -N- Jd, V2-N-J-NG Aveng'er, v^-N-Jr Av'enor, V-Nr Avent'ure, aVntr 2 Av'enue, v'-N Aver', V 2 -R, V 2 -.Rd, V 2 -.R NG Av'erage, Vr'-J, V^-Jd. Vr-J -NG Aver'ment, Vr 2 -Mnt Averse', Vrs 2 Averse'ly, Vrs 2 -L Averse'ness, Vrs 2 -Ns Aver'sion, Vrshn 2 Avert', Vrt 2 , Vr2-Td, Vrt 2 - NG A'vercorn, Vr 2 -Krn Avert'er, Vrtr^ A'viary, aV 2 -fi Avid'ity, vd*-T Av'itous, \ 7] -Ts Av'ocat, vi-KS Avoca'tion, aV 2 -Kshn Av'ocet, Vs'-T Avoid', aVdi, aVi - Dd, aVd>-NG. See Void. Avoid'able, Vdi-Bl Avoid'ance, Vi-Dns Avoid'er, V'-Dr Avoid'Jess, Vd'-Z-s Avoirdupois', Vri-D-Pz Avouch', avi - CH, aVi- CHt. aVi-CH-NG. See Vouch, etc. Avouch'able, a\ T i-CH-Bl Avouch'er, aVi-CHr Avouch'ment, aV>-CH- Mnt Avow, aV 1 , aV See Vow. Avow'able, V^Bl Avow'al, V!-L Avow'edly, V'-D-Z, 19 Avowee', Ve 8 Avow'er, V 1 B i Avow'ry, Vi R 1 Avul'sion, V 2 -Lshn ! Avun'cular, V 2 NG Await', aWt 2 , iW 2 Td, aWt NG i Awake', W 2 -K, W 2 -K or W2-Kt. W 2 -K-NG Awak'en, W 2 - Kn, "W 2 - Knd. \V"2.K.n-NG Awak'ener, W2-K-Nr Award', Wrd 1 , Wr^Dd, Wrdi-NG Award'er, Wrdr Aware', Wri Away', W 2 Awe, Heavy dash in first position, inclined like J. Awed, aD 1 Aw'ing Same as Awe, with iw^r-dot. Aweath'er, aWdhr 2 A weigh', aW 2 Awe'-struck, 'Awe':sTr 2 - K Aw"ful-ly, Fli Aw'fulness, FU-Ns Awhile', aWli Awk'ward, K-Wrd 1 Awk'wardly, K-Wrdi-Z, Awk'wardness, K-Wrd 1 - Ns Awl, &Z.1 Awn, aN 1 Awn'ing, N!-NG Awn'less, aN-Z-s 1 Awoke', W*-K Awry', RP Ax or Axe, Ke 1 Ax'ial, Ks-Li Axif'erous, Ks-F 3 -/Js Ax'iform, Ks-FJ-R-M Ax'il, Ks-L 1 Axil'la, K-sZ, 3 Ax'illar, K-sZ,i-R Ax'illary, K-sZ. 1 -^ Ax'iom, K!-sM Axiomat'ic, K'-sMt-K Axiomat'ical, Ki-sMt-Kl BAG B Ax'le, Ks-Li Ax'le-tree, K-sZ^-Tr ' Ay or Aye, ( a word ex- I pressing assent) al 1 Aye, ( meaning always, ever) a 8 Aye'-aye, aP-al Aza'lea, Z--L Az'imuth, ZJ-M-TH Az'imuthal, Zi-M-TH-L Azo'ic, Z 2 -K Azote', Z 2 -T Azot'ic, Zi-T-K (Zt'-K) Az'otize, Zi-Tz, Z'-Tzd, Zi-Tz-NG Azo'tous, Z 2 -Ts Az'ure, ZHr 1 -* Az'ured, ZHrd'or* Az'ymous, Z^Ma B, the second letter of the Alphabet, invariably rep- resents the sound of 6, as heard in 6e, by, rot. etc. Bb, like other doubled letters, has the one sound of the single letter, as in ro&fced, naCfeed, etc.; the added letter not being sounded,' but placed there generally as a mere con- ventional index to show that the preceding vowel has its short sound. In Phonography no such ex- pedient is required, and therefore only one phono- graphic sign is used to rep- resent such doubled letters. B is sometimes silent, as in debt, doufit. lamb, fcdel- hum, etc.. in which case it is not indicated in Phonog- raphy. Baa, Ba 1 Ba'al, B 2 -L Bab'bitt-metal, Bi-B-T- Mt-L Bab'ble, BJ-Bl, Bi-Bld, Bi-Bl-NG Bab'blement, BJ-Bl-Mnt Bab'bler, Bi-Bl-R Babe, B 2 -B. See Baby. Ba'bel, B 2 -B1 Baboon', B^-Bn Ba'by, (n.) B2-BL See Babe Ba'by, (v.) B 2 -B, B 2 -B-D, B2-B-NG Ba'byhood, B 2 -B-Hd Ba'by-house, B^-B-Hs Ba'byish, B^-B-SH Ba'by -jumper, B 2 - B - J- M -Pr Babylo'nian, B2-B-L-Nn Babylon'ic, BJ-B-Ln-K Babylo'nish, B 2 -B-i-N- SH Bac, Bi-K , Baccalau'reate, Bi-K-Zc Rt > Bac'cate, Bi-Kt Bac'cated, B'-K-Td Bac'chanal, BJ-K-Nl Bacchana'lian, B^-K-N- Z.n Bacchanalia, B 2 -K-N-Z Bac'ehanals, B'-K-Nlz Bacchant', B^Knt Bacchante', B^Knt Bacchan'tes, B^Kn-Tz Bac'chic, Bi-K-K Bac'chical, Bi-K-Kl Bac'chus, B!-K.s BAG *0 Baccif'erous,B 3 -K-sF-fis Bag'pipe, B^G-P-P Bacciv'orous, B 3 - K - sV- , Bag'piper, Bi-G-P-Pr RB Bah, Ba 1 Bach'elor, Bi-CH-Z-R Bach'elor's-button, B 1 - CH-i-Kz-B-Tn Bach'elorship, B^CH-Z,- R:SH Back, Bi-K, Bi-K, B'-K- NG Backbit, Bi-K-Bt Backbite, Bi-K-Bt Backbiter, B^K-Btr Back'bitten, B'-K-B-Tn Backbone, Bi-K-Bn Back'er, fii-Kr Backgam'mon; B'-K-G- Mn Back'ground, B 1 -K-Grnd Back'handed, Bi-K-Hn- Dd Back'house, Bi-K-Hs Back'-piece, Bi-K-Ps Back'-plate, Bi-K-Plt Back'snish Back'- sheesh, Bi-K-SH-SH Baek'side, B^Ks-D Back'sight, Bi-Ks-T Backslid', B'-K-sid Backslide', Bi-K-sLd Backslid'den,B 3 -K-sL-Dn Backslid'er, B^K-sidr Backslid'ing, Bi-K-sid- NG Back'staff, Bi-Ks-Tf Back'stairs, B l -Kstrs Back'stays, Bi-Ks-Tz Back'sword, Bi-K-sRd Back'ward, Bi-K-Wrd Back'wardly, Bi-K-Wrd- Backwardness, B 1 - K - Baleen'. Bail, B2-L, B^-Ld, B2-L- NG Bail'able, B-i-Bl Bail'-bond, B2-Z,-Bnd Bailee', B^-ie Bail'er, B2-Z--B Bail'ie, B^-z, Bail'iff, B2-Z-F Bail'iwick, B2-i-w-K Bail'ment, B^-L-Mnt Bail'or, W-L-R Bairn, W-Rn Bait, Bt2, B2-Td, BtC) 1 Baize, Bz Bake, B2-K, B2-Kt, B2-K- NG Bake'house, B 2 -K-Hs Bak'er, B2-Kr Bak'ery, B^-Krl Ba'k'ing, B2-K-NG Bak'shish, Bi-K-SH-SH Bal'ance, Bins 1 , Blnst 1 , Blnsi-NG Bal'ancer, Blns 1 -B (n- hook and circle both shown.) Bal'ance-sheet, Bins 1 - SHt Bal'cony, Bi-L-K-N Bald, B'-Ld Bal'dachin, B'-L-D-Kn Bal'derdash, B 1 - Zdr - D- 8H Bald'ly, Bi-id-i Bald'ness, Bi-id-Ns Bal'dric, B-i-Dr-K Bale, B2-L, B2-Ld, B2-L- NG Wrd - Ns . Bale' -fire, B'-L-F-B Back'wards, Bi-K-Wrdz Bale'ful-ly, B*-L-F1 Baclz'water, Bi-K-Wtr or Bale'tulness, B z -L-Fl-Ns fii-Kwtr [:Fs] Backwoods'man, B 3 -K- wD zMn Ba'con, B"-Kn Baco'nian, B 2 -Kn-N Bad, Bal'ister, B-istr Balize', B a -L,;z Balk, Bi-K, Bi-Kt, B-K- NG Balk'er, Bi-Kr Bad or Bade, (r.) Bd 1 . See ,Balk'y, Bid. IBall, .Badge, Bi-J j NG (Bad'ger, fii-Jr, Bi-Jrd, Bal'lad, Bi--D B'-Jr-NG adig'eon, B^-D-Jn adinage', B*-D-N-ZH adly, , Bal'last, Bi-st, Bi- Xs- B!-ist(-) Ball'cock, B'-L-K-K Bal'let, Bt-Lt or B-Z Bad'ness, Bdi-Ns or Bi-D- Ballis'ta, B 3 - Baffle, Bi-Fl,Bi-Fld. B 1 - Fl-NG Baffler, B'-Fl-B Bag, Bi-G, Bi-Gd, Bi-G- NG Bagatelle', Ba-G-T-L Bag'gage, Bi-G-J Bag'ging, Bi-G-NG Bagn'io, Bi-NIo J-IO.L uoLci ur x>iuiiB i/er, Ballis'tic, B 3 -Zs-T-K Ballis'tics, B 3 -Zs-T-Ks Balloon', B 3 -Zn Balloon'ist, B 3 -Z,n-St Bal'lot, Bi-it, Bi-i-Td, B>-Zt-NG Bal'lot-box, B'-Zt-B-Ks Ball'-valve, B-l--vi-v BAN Ball'-vein, Bi-Z-Vn Balm-y, Bi-M Bal'neal, B'-i-N-L Bal'sam, Bi-Zs-M Balsam'ic, Bi-Zs-M-K Balsam'ical, Bi-Zs-M-Kl Balsamif'erous, BS-ZB- M-Frs Bal'samine, Bi-Zs-Mn Bal'samous, Bi-Zs-Ms Bal'uster, Bi-Zstr Bal'ustrade, Bi-ZB-Trd Bal'zarine, Bi-Zz-fin Bam, Bi-M Bamboo', B 3 -M-B Bamboo'zle, B 3 -M-B-Z1 Ban, Bn 1 Bana'na, Biji-N Band, End 1 , Bn 1 - Dd, Bndi-NG Band'age, Bndi-J, Bnd 1 - Jd, Bndi-J-NG Bandan'a or Bandan'na. Bn'-D-N Band'box, Bndi-B-Ks Ban'deau, Bni-D Ban'derole, Bni-D- Rl Ban'dit, Bni-Dt Bandit'ti, Bn 3 -D-T Band'let or Band'elet, Bni-D-Zt Ban'dog, Bni-D-G Bandoleer', Bn 3 -D-Z-R Ban'dore or Bandore', Band'rol, Bni-D-.Rl Ban'dy, Bni-D, Bui-Dd, Bni-D-NG Ban'dy-leg, Bni-D-Z-G Ban'dy-legged, Bni-D- i-G-D Bane, Bn 2 Bane'ful, Bn 2 -F (-L) Bane'fully, Bn 2 -F (-L) Bane'fulness, Bn 2 - F - L- Ns LBn 2 :Fs] Bang, Bi-NG, Bi-NG-D. B'-NG-NG Ban'ian, B'-N-Yn Ban'ish, Bni-SH.Bni-SHt, Bni-SH-NG ( Ban'isher, Bni-SH-R Ban'ishment, Bn 1 - 8H . j Miit 'Ban'ister, Bnstr 1 Ban'jo, -Bu'-J Bank, Bi-NG-K, Bi-NG- ! Kt, B-NG-K-NG Bank'able, fii-NG-K-Bl Bank'-bill, B'-NG-K-B-L (or -Bl) Bank'-book, B'-NG-K- B-K Bank'er, B'-NG-Kr Bank'ing, Bi-NG-K-NG Bank'note, B'-NG-K-Nt Bank'rupt, Bi-NG-Kr-Pt. Bi-NG-Kr-P-Td, fii-NG- Kr-Pt(-) [Bi-NG-Pt, B 1 - NG-P-Td, BAN Bank'ruptcy, Bi-NG-Kr- P-8 [Bi-NG-81 Bank'-stock, BLNG-Ks- T-K Ban'ner, B-Nr Ban'nered, Bi-Nrd Ban'neret, B'-Nr-T Ban'nock, B'-N-K Ban'quet, B-NG-Kwt, B!-NG-Kw-Td, B"-NG- Kwt-NG Ban'queter, Bi-NG-Kwtr Banquette', B 2 -NG-Kt Bans, Bnz 1 iBan'shee, Br^-SH Ban'tam, Bn'-T-M Ban'ter, Bntri, Bnti-Rd, BntrJ-NG Ban'terer, Bntri-R Bant'liug, Bnti-L-NG Ban'yan or Banyan', B 1 - N-Tn Ba'obab, B 2 -B-B Bap'tism, B'-P-T-zM [Bti-zM] Baptis'mal, B3-P-T-zM-L [Bt-zM-i] Bap'tist, Bi-P-Tst [Btsti] Bap'tistery, B^P-Tst-.R [Btst'-fi] Baptist'ic, BS - P - Tst - K [Btst^-K] Baptist'ical, B^-p-Tst-K- L [Btst^-K-L] Baptize', fii-P-Tz, fii-P- Tzd, B'-P-Tz-NG [Btz 1 , Btzd'. Btz(') 1 ] Baptiz'er, Bi-P-T-Zr [Bf- Zr] Bar, Bi-R, Bi-Rd, Bi-fl- NG Barb, Bi-B-B, B'-/J-Bd, BJ-B-B-NG Bar'bacan, Bi-7?-B-Kn Barba'rian, Br2-B-fin Barbar'ic, Br'-B-ff-K Bar'barism, Br^Br-zM Barbar'ity, Bri-B-B-T (or -Hi) Bar'barize, Bri-Briz Bar'barous, Bi^-Brs Bar'barously, Br^Br-si, Bar'barousness, Bi^-Brs- Ns Bar'bate, B>-B-Bt Bar'bated, Bi-B-B-Td Bar'becue, Bi-fl-B-K. Bi- fi-B-Kd, B'-fl-B-K-NG Barbed, Bi-fl-Bd Bar'bel, Bi-R-B-L (or -Bl) Barker, B^-Br Bar'berry, BrJ-B-JB BarTset, Bi-fi-Bt Barbette', B 2 -B-Bt Bar'bican, B-fl-B-Kn Bard, B'-Rd Bard'ed, B'-B-Dd Bard'ic, B-fi-D-K Bare,Bi-R, B>-Rd, Bi-fi- NG 21 EAS Bare'faced, B'-R-Fst Bare'facedly, Bi - R - J-s- Barrenly, B'-Rn-Z Barrenness, B^Rn-Ns T-L Barricade', B--R-Kd, BS. Bare'facedness, B 1 - R - R-K-Dd, B 2 -R-Kd-NG Fs-T-Ns [or-Fs-Ns] Barrica'do, B 2 -R-K-D Bare'foot, B'-R-Ft Bar'rier, B'-R-R Bare'footed, BI -R-F-Td Bar'ring-out, B'-R-NG-T Barege', B 2 -R-ZH Bar'rister, BJ-Rstr Bare'-headed, B 1 -R - H- Bar'row, B'-R Dd Bar'-shot, Bi-R-SJ/t Bare'-legged, B-R--G- Bar'ter, Bi-7^tr. Bi-R-Trd D (or -Rtrd), B'-Rtr-NG Bare'ly, B'-Rl Bar'terer, B'-Rtr-R Bare'ness, B'-R-Ns Bar'tizan, Bi-R-Tz-H Bar'gain, Bi-R-Gn, Bi-R- Bar'tram, Br>-Tr-M Gnd. B'-R-Gn-NG Bary'ta, BJ-R-T Bargainee', B 3 -R-G-N Bary'tes, B'-R-Tz Bar'gain er or Bar'gain- Baryt'ic, B3-/n-K or, Bi-R-G-Nr Bar'ytone, B^R-Tn Barge, B'-R-J Bary'tum, B'-R-T-M Barge' board, BJ-R-J-B- Ba'sal, Bs2-L Rd (or-Brd) Basalt', Bi-sZ,t Barge'-man, B'-R-J-Mn Basalt'ic, B'-s/>-T-K Barge'-master, B 1 - R - J- Bas-bleu, B J -B1 Mstr Base, B. -. Bst2. Bs=-NG Baril'la, W-R-L Base'-ball, ]3s 2 -B-L Baritone, BJ-R-Tn Base'-born, Bs--B-Rn Ba'rium, B 2 -R-M Base'less, B 2 -s/.s Bark, fii-R-K, B ! -R-Kt, Base'-line, B--sin Bi-R-K-NG Base'ly, B 2 -sL Bark'-bound, Bi - R - K - Base'ment, B^-sMnt Bud Base'minded, BMMn Bark'er, B'-R-Kr Dd ' Bark'y, B^R-K Base'ness, Bs^-Ns Bar'ley, Br'-L Bas'enet, Bsi-Nt Bar'ley-brake or Bar- Base'-plate, Bs2-Pit' ley-break, BrJ-L-Br-K Base'-ring, B-sR-NG Bar'leycom, Bri-i-Krn Ba'ses, BKX'- Barm-y, Bi-R-M Base'-viol, B.s 2 -V-L Barn, Bi-Rn Bashaw', B'-*'W Bar'nacle, BJ-R-N-K1 Bash'ful-ly, B'-SH-Fl Barom'eter, Bri-Mtr Bash'fulness, B^SH-Fl, Baromet'ric, Br 2 -Mtr-K Ns [Bi-SH:Fs] Baromet'rical, Br^-Mtr- Ba'sic, B 2 -sK Kl Ba'sify, Bs2-F Ba'ron, B 1 -Rn Bas'il, Bzt-L, Bz^-Ld, Bzi- Bar'onage, Bi-R-N-J L-NG Bar'oness, B^Rn-S Bas'ilar, BJ-zi-R Bar'onet, B J -R-Nt .Das ilary, B -xL-R Bar'onetage, B^R-Nt-J. Basil'ic, B^ -zL-K Bar'onetcy, Bi-R-Nt-S Baro'nial, B 2 -R-N-L Basil'ica, B :J -zi-K Basil'ical, B^-zL-Kl Bar'ony, B^-R-N Basil'icon, B-z-Kn Bar'oscope, B^Rs-K-P Bas'ilisk, B'-zis-K. Baroscop'ic, B>-Rs-K-P- Ba'sin, Bs 2 -N E Ba'sis, Bss 2 Baroscop'ical, B>-R8-E- Ba'sist. Rss 2 -T P-K1 Bask, B'-sK, B'-sKt, B* Barouche', B3-R-SH aK-NG Barque, Bt-R-K Bas'ket, Bi-sKt Bar'racan, Bi-R-Kn Ba'son, Bs 2 -N Barrack, Bi-R-K Basque, B' sK Bar'racoon, B>-R-Kn Bas-relief, B^-Rlf Bar'rator, B J -Rtr Bass, Be 1 Barratrous, B^R-Trs Bass (base), Bs l Barratry, B^R-Tr Bas'set or Basset', Barred, B>-Rd Bs'or 2 T Bar'rel, B^Rl, BJ-Rld, Bas'seting, Bs'-T-NG; B^-R1-NG Bas'so, B'-S Bar'ren, Bi-Rn Jtlas so-rilievo, Bs'-Rl-V BAS Bassoon', B "-N Bassoon'ist, Bs s Net Bass'-relief, Bs'-lf Bass'-viol, Bs2-v-L Bast, Bsti Bas'tard, Bs'-T-Rd Bas'tardize, Bs^T-tf-Dz, Bs'-T R-DzA, Bs l -T-.R- Dz - NG Bas'tardy, Be^T-fl-D Baste, Bst2, Bs2-Td. BstC) 5 Bastile', BsW-T-L Bastinade', Bs2-T-Nd Bastina'do, BsS-T-N-D Bast'ing, BstC) 2 Bas'tioa, BsM3Hn Bas'yle, Bs'-L Bat, Bti. B'-Td. BtC) 1 Batch, Bi-CH Bate, Bts. B2-Td, BtC) 1 Bateau', B 2 -T Bat'-fowling,Bti-F-L-NG Bath, Bi-TH Bath'-briek, B'-TH-Br-K Bathe, B2-DH, B^-DHd, B2-DH-NG Bath'er, B-DHr Bath'ing-tub, B - DH - NG - T - B Ba'thos, B2-THs Baths, Bi-DBz Bat'ing, Bt(-)* Bat'let, Bti-Lt Baton', Bi-Tn Batoon', B^-Tn Batra'chia, B2-Tr-K Batra'chian, B2.Tr-Kn Bats'ter, Bt'-sTr. Bat's '-wing, Bt-sW-NG Battal'ia, B2-T-Ia Battal'ion, B^T-Zn Bat'tel, B-T1 Bat'teler, Bi-Tl-R Bat'ten, B!-Tn, B^Tnd, Bi-Tn-NG Bat'tening, Bi-Tn-NG Bat'ter, Btr 1 , BtrdMor B 1 - Trcl). Btr'-NG Bat'terer, Btr^R Bat'tering-ram, Btr 1 - NG -R-M Bat'tery, Bt- Bat' ting, Bt )' Bat'tle, Bi-Tl, Bi-Tld, B- Tl-NG Bat'tle-array, Bi-Tl-R Bat'tle-nx or Bat'tle- axe, E 1 Tl-Ks Bat'tle-door, Bi-Tl-Dr Bat'tleinent, Bi-Tl-Mnt Bat'tier, B'-Tl-B Bat tue, B-T Bau'ble, fii-Bl Bava'rian, B2-V-fin Bav'in, B^-Vn Bawd, Bd 1 Bawd'ily, &-D-L Bawd'iness, B^D-Ns Bawd'ry, B'-Dr Bawd'y, B-D 22 BED Bawd'y-house, Bi-D-Hs Beat'ify, BJ-T-F. B-Tf-D, Bawl, Bi-L, B^Ld, B^L- B^Tf-MG-. See Beautify. I NG , Bearing, Bt(-) 'Bawl'er, B>-Z,-R j Beat'itude, Bt'-Tud )Bay, B^. Bdz. B2-NG ! Beau, B'-> Bayadere', B^-D-R 'Beau'ish, B2-SH Bay'ard,- B^-Rd Beau Monde, B2-Mnd Bay'berry, B2-B-B ' Beau'teous, Bs-T-8 Bay'onet, B2-N-T, B-N- Beau'teously, B^-T-81 Td. B2-N-T-NG Bay'ou, Br>* Bay'-rum, B^-R-M Bay'-salt, W-sLt Bay'-tree, B-Tr Bay'-window, B2-Wn-D Bazaar' or Bazar', B 1 -zR Bdell'ium, D2-L-M Be, B a , B 3 -NG Beach, B^-CH, B'-CHt, B3- CH-NG Bea'con, B^-Kn, B 3 -Knd. B 3 -Kn-NG Bea'conage, B 3 -Kn-J Bead, Bd 3 , B 3 -Dd, BdC) 8 Bead'ing, Bdc) 1 Bea'dle, B-D1 Bea'dleship, B 3 -D1:SH Bead'-roll, Bd 3 -Rl Beads'-man, Bd 3 -zMn Bea'gle, fis-Gl Beak, B 3 -K Beaked, B 3 -Kt Beak'er, B 3 -Kr Beam, B 3 -M, B3-Md, B 3 - M-NG Beam'-engine, B 3 -M-N- Ju Beam'less, B 3 -M -Zs Beam'y, B^-M Bean, Bn See Bore. iBear'able, B^K-Bl IBear'baiting, B l -K-Bt(-) !Bear'-berry, B--B- Beard, B 3 -Rd, B 3 -^-Dd, B^-fid-NG Beard'ed, B 3 -R-Dd Beard'less, B'i-Rd-iB Bear'er, B'-Rr Bear'-garden, B'-fl-Grd- N Bear'-herd, B'-R-Hrd Bear'ing, B'-R-NG Bear'ish, B'-ft-SH Bear's'-foot, Bi-Sz-Ft Bearlike, B l -R--K Bear'-skin, B'-Rs-Kn Bear'-ward, B l -/e-Wrd Beast, Bst 3 Beast'liness, Bs 3 -T--Ns Beast'ly, B^-1-L Beat, Bt 3 , Bto Beat'en, B 3 -Tn Beat'er, Btr 3 Beatific, B 3 -Tf-K Beatifical, B 3 -Tf-K-L Beatif ically, B 3 -Tf-K-L Beau'teousness, B 3 -Ts Ns Beau'tifler, Bts-F-R Beau'tilul, Bt^-Fl Beau'tilully, Bt 3 -FH Beau'titulness, Bt 3 -Fl-Nc [Bt':Fs] Beau'tify, Bt 3 -F. Bt 3 -Fd, Bta-F-NG. See Beatify. Beau'tiless, B^-T-Z-s Beau'ty, B a -T Beau'ty-spot, B 3 -T-sPt Beaux-esprits, B 2 -zS-Pre Bea'ver, B 3 -Vr ' Becafi'co, B 3 -K-F-K Becalm', B'-K-M, Bi-K- Md, B!-K-M-NG Became', B^-K-M. See Become. Because', Bi-Kz [Kzi] Bechance', B'-CHus Becharm', Bi-CHr-M Beck, B^-K Beck'on, B2-Kn, B^-End, B2-Kn-NG Becloud', B'-Kld, B'-Kl- Dd. B'-Kld-NG Become', B^-K-M [B2-K] See Became. Becom'ing, B2-K-M-NG [B2-KOI Beatiflca'tion, K.slm B2 - Tf - Becom'ingly, B^-K-M- NG1 Becom'ingness, B 2 -K-M- NG-Ns Bed, Ed 2 . B2-Dd. BdC) 2 Bedab'ble, B'-D-Bl, BL D-B!d. B'-D-Bl-NG Bedag'gle, B'-D-Gl Bedash', W-V-SH. B J -D- SHt, Bi D-.5H-NG Bedaub', B^D-B, B!-D- Bd. B'-D-B-NG Bedaz'zle, B^D-Zl. Bi-D- Zld. B'-D-Zl-NG Bed'-bug, Bd-:B-G Bed'-chamber, Bd^-CH- M-Br [' -CH-Br] i Bed'clothes, Bd^-Kl-DHz Bed'ding, BdC)* Bedeck', B^-D-K, B*-D' Kt. B'-i-D K-NG Bedev'il, B'--D-V1 Bedew', B 3 -D, B-Dd, B- D -NG Bed'lellow, Bd2-F- Bedight', Bi-Dt Bedim', B 3 -D-M, B 3 -D- Md. BS-D-M-NG Bedi'zen or Bediz'en, BED BEN Bed'lam, Bd 2 -i-H Befool', B3-F-L, B3-F-Ld, Belay', B 2 -Z, B=-Zd, B2-I,. Bedlamite, Bd 2 -Z-Mt B^-F-L-NG NG Bed'ouin, Bd*-Wn Before', Bf2-R [BP] See Belay'ing-pin, B 2 -Z-NG- Bed'-plate, Bd^-PH Above. Pu Bed'-quilt, Bd*-Kw-Lt Before'hand, BP-R-Hnd Belch, B2-Z-CH. B 2 -Z- Bedrag'gle, Bi-Dr-Gl, B l - [Bf 2 -Hnd] CHt. B2-Z-CH NG Dr-Gld. Bi-Dr-Gl-NG Befoul', Bi-F-L Bel'dam or Bel'dame, Bedrench', B 2 -Dr-N-CH, Befriend', B-Frnd, B 2 - B 2 -Z-D-M B--Dr-N-CHt, B^-Dr-N- Fr-N-Dd, B2-Frnd-NG Belea'guer, B 3 -Z-Gr, B- CH-NG Befringe', B*-Fr-N-J Z-Grd, B^-Z-Gr-NG Bed'rid, Bd 2 -/M> Beg, B 2 -G, B-Gd, B 2 -G- Belem'nite, B^-Z-JI-N-T Bed'ridden, Bd 2 -K-Dn NG Bel-esprit', B--Zs-Pri Bed'room, Bd-'-R-M Began', B'-Gn tGn 1 ] Bel'fry, B^-L-Fr Bedrop', B^Dr-P Begat', Bi-Gt Belie', B'-Z, B^Zd, B'-Z - Bed'side, Bd*-sD Beget', B 2 -Gt. B2-Gt-NG NG Bed'stead, Bd 2 -sTd Beget'ter, B^-Otr Belief, Blf* [Bl 3 ] Bed'-tick, Bd2-T-K Beg'gar, B^-Gr, B^Grd. Believ'able, Blv- B - L Bed'-time, Bd 2 -T-M B^-Gr-NG [B1 3 -B1] Beduck', B 2 -D-K Beg'garliness, B ! -Gr-Z- Believe', Blv 3 . Blvd^, Bedung', B 2 -D-NGt Ns Blv-NG [Bl a .BU13, Blc Bedust', B 2 -Dst Beg'garly, B*-Gr-i Believ'er, Bl : '-Vr Bedwarf , B l -Dw-fif Beg'gary, B 2 -Gr Belike', Bi-Z-K Bedye', Bi-D Begild', B3-G-Ld Belit'tle, B3-Zt-Z Bee, B Begin', BS-GU Gn3] Bell, B 2 -L Bee'-bread, B^-Brd Begin'ner, B J -G-Ni- Belladon'na, B l -Z-D-N Beech, B 3 -CH Begin'ning, B-Gu-NG Belle, B2-L Beech'en, B^-CHn tGn('^*] Belles-let'tres, B 2 -z-Ztr Beech-Mast, B^-CH-Mst Begird', B 2 -Grd, B 2 -Gr- Bell'-fashioned, B 2 - Z- Bee'-eater, B*-Tr Dd, B 2 -Grd-NG F.- Imd Beef, Bf Beef -eater, B3-F-Tr Begnaw', BJ-Ni Begone', B^Gn Bell'-flower, B 2 -Z-Fl-R Bell'-founder,B--Z-Fndr Beefsteak, B' ! -Fs-T-K Begot', B!-Gt Bell'-foundery or Bell'- Bee'-glue, B*-G1 Begot'ten, Bi-G-Tn foundry, B--Z-Fud-l Bee'-hive, B 3 -hiV Begrease', B^-Grs (or z) Bellicose, B^-Z-Ks Bee'-line, B'-Za Begrime', Bi-Gr-M. B 1 - Bellig'erent, B'-z-Jrnt Bee'-moth, B-M-TH Gr-Md. B'-Gr-M-NG Bellip'otent, B-Z-P-Tnt Been, Bu-*,And.after/arciue. Begrudge', B 2 -Gr-J, B 2 - Bell'man, B*-L-Mn Yet and the pronouns Gr-Jd. B2-Gr-J-NG Bell'-metal, B 2 -L-Mt-Z We, You, They, He and Beguile', B'-G-L, Bi-G- Bello'na, B2-Z-N She, by the n-hook; thu^ Ld. B J -G-1-NG Bel'low, B 2 -Z Have been, "Vn 1 Beguile'ment, B - G- L- Bel'lows, B 2 -Zs Have been there, Mnt Bel'lows-flsh, B-'-Zs-F- Vndhr 1 Beguil'er, Bi-G-Zr SH We been. Wn* Begun', B'--Gn [Gn*] Bell'-ringer, B 2 -Z-fi-NGr You been, Yn* Behalf, Bi-haF Bell'-shaped,B--L-5//-Pt How long have yon Behave', B 2 - haV, B* - Bel'luine, B 2 -Z-N been there, HVNG- haVd. B 2 -baV-NG Bell'- wether, B 2 -L-Wdhr V-Yndhr Behav'ior, B^-haVr Bel'ly, B2-Z How long had he Behead', B2-Hd, B*-H-Dd. Bel'ly-band, B 2 -Z-Bnd >een there, H^-NG- B2-HdC) Belong', Bl'-NG. BU-NG- D-Hndhr Beheld', B2-Hld. See Be- D. BP-NG-NG [Bl 1 , Bld>, Beer, B^-R hold. B1C)>] Beer'y, B 3 -K Be'hemoth, B^-H-M-TH Belonging, BH-NG-NG Bees'-wax, B-EW-Ks Behest', B^Hst [Bl(')i] Beet, Bt^ Behind', B'-Hnd Belov'ed, B^-Z-Vd Bee'tle, U-T1 Behind'hand. B 1 - Hnd- Below'. B 2 -Z Bee'tle-browed, B - Tl - Hnd Belt, B^-Lt, B2-Z-Td, B> Brd Behold', B2-H61d, B s -! Zt NG Bee'tle-headed, B-Tl- Hld(-). See Beheld. Belt'ing, B-Zt-NG H-Dd Behold'en, B'--Hl-Da Belu'ga, B3-Z-G Bee'tling, B-T1-NG Behold'er, B2-Hldr Belvedere', B 3 -Z-V-Dr Beeves, EP-Vz Behold'ing, B-HldC) Bemaze', B 2 -Mz Befall', Bi-F-I., B>-F L- Behoof. BMioF Bemire', B>-M-R NG Behoov'able, B^-hoV-Bl Bemoan', B 2 - Mn, B* Befall'en, B>-F -La Behoo ve' or BehoTe',B- Mnd. B2-Mn-NG Belell', B-F-L hoV Bemock', BJ-M-K Beflf , Bs-rt Beflt'ting, B^-Ft-NG Befog', Bi-F-G, B-F-G-i>, Be'ing, B-NG Bela'bor, B-i-Br Belate', Ba-it, B-i-Td, Bemoist'en, B'-AIs-N Ben, Bn a Bench, Bi-N-CH k BI-F-G-NO B-Lt-NG Bench'er, B-N-CHr BEN 24 BET Bench'-mark. B l -N-CH- Bereave', B 3 -v, Bs-fivd, Besprink'le, B 3 sPr-NG M-.K-K B :i -vC) Kl, B3-BPr-NG-Kld, B* Benoh'-warrant, B2-N- CH-Wrnt Bereave'iaent, B 3 - Rv - Mnt sPr-NG-Kl-NG Besput'ter, Bs 2 -Ptr Bend, End 2 , Bn^-Dd, Bereav'er, B 3 -Rv-B Best, Bsts Bnd"-NG Bereft', B 2 -fift Bestain', Bs 2 -Tn Bend'able, Bnd-B (-L) Berg, B 2 -.K-G Bestead', Bs 2 -Td Bend'er, Bndr 2 iBer'eamot, Br 2 -G-Mt Bes'tial, Bs'-CH-L Beneath', B 3 -N-TH Ben'edick, B 2 -M-D-K Ber'gander, Br 2 -Gudr Berg'master, Br 2 -G-Mstr Bestiality, Bs'-CH-Z-T Bes'tialize, Bs--CH-Z.z, Ben'edict, B 2 -N-D-Kt Berg'meal, Br 2 -G-M-L Bs 2 -CH-X,zd, Bs 2 -CH-Zz- Benedictine, B^-N-D-K- Berhyme', B'-R-M NG Tn Ber'lin, Br*-Zn Bes'tially, Bs 2 -CH-Z Benedic'tion, B 3 -N-D- Ber'nardine, Br 2 -Nr-Dn Bestick', Bs 3 -T-K, Bs s -T- Kshn Ber'oe, B 2 -K K.-NG. See Bestuck. Benei'ac'tion, Bni - F - Ber'ried, B 2 -R-D Bestir', Bs 2 -T-R, Bs*-T- Kshn Ber'ry, B 2 -K Rd, Bs 2 -T-^-NG Benefac'tor, Bn'-F-Ktr Berth, B 2 -^Z-TH. See Bestow', Bs 2 -T, Bss-Td, Benefac'tress, Bn'-F-K- Breath. Bs 2 -T-KG Trs Ber'tram, Br 2 -Tr-M Bestow'age, Bs J -T-J Ben'efice, Bn 2 -Fs Ber'yl, B 2 -l Bestow'al, Bs--T-L Ben'eflced, Bn 2 -Fst Ber'ylline, B 2 -Kln Bestow'er, Bs 2 T-R Beneficence, Bu^Fs-Ns Bescrib'ble, Bs 3 -Kr-Bl Bestow'ment, Bs 2 T-Mnt Beneficent, Bns-Fs-m Beseech', Bs 3 -CH, Bs- Bestrad'clle, B'-sTr-Dl Beneficently, Bri-J - Fs- CH- NG Bestraught', B'-sTrt Nt-L Beseech'er, B 3 -sCHr Bestrew', BS-.sTr.BS-sTrd, Benefl'cial, Bn 3 -F-SHl Beseechingly, Bs 3 -CH- B 3 -sXr-NG. See Bestrown. Benefi'cially, Bn"-F-.S7/l NGl Bestrid', B^-sXrd Benefi'ciary,Bn 3 -F-Stf-.R Beseem', B 3 -sM Bestrid'den, B : i-sTr-Dn Ben'efit, Bn 2 -Ft, Bn 2 -F- Beset', Bs--T, Bs*-T-NG Bestride', B'-sXrd, Bi- Td. Bn 2 -Ft-NG Beset'ment, Bs 2 -T-Mnt sXrd-NG Beneplaclto, B'-N-Pls-T Beset'ting, BsVT-NG Bestrode', B 2 sTrd Benev'olence,Bn 2 -V-ins Beshrew', B 3 -SHr Bestrown', B 2 -sXrn Benev'olent, Bn 2 -V-Zut Beside', Bs'-D Bestuck', Bs 2 -X-K Benev'olently, Bn 2 - V - Besides', Bs^Dz Bestud', Bs 2 -Td Lnt-L Besiege', Bs 3 -J, Bs s -Jd, Bet, Bt 2 , B 2 -Xd. BtC) s Bengal', Bi-N-Gl Bs s -J-NG Betake', B 2 -T-K, B 2 -T-K- Bengal'ee, B'-N-G-Z Benight', Bi-N-T Besieg er, B 3 -s-Ir Beslab'ber, B'-sL-Br NG Betak'en, B 2 -X-Kn Benight'ed, B-N-Td Beslav'er, B'-sL-Vr Beteem', B^-T-M Benign', B'-Nn Beslime', B'-si-M Be'tel, B 3 -Tl Benig'nant, B 3 -N-G-Nnt Beslob'ber, B'-si-Br Be'tel-nut, B^-xi-N-T Benig'nantly, B 3 -N-G- Beslub'ber, B 2 -sL-Br Beth'el, B 2 -XHl Nnt- L Besmear', B 3 -sM-R, B 3 - Bethink', B^-XH-NG-K, Benig'nity, B 3 -N-G-N-T sM-Rd. B 3 -sM--NG B 3 -TH-NG-K-NG[B 3 -TH, Benign'ly, B'-Nn -Z Besmoke', B 2 -sM-K B3-TH(-)] Benlson, B 2 -N-zN Besmut', B^-sMt Bethought', B'-THt Ben-nut, B 2 -N-T Besnufl", Bs^N-i 1 Betid', Ba-Xd Ben'shee, Bu 2 -SH Be som, B 3 -zM Betide', B'-Xd, Bi-T-Dd, Bent, But* Besort',Bi-sRt B'-Td(-) Benumb', B 2 -N-M, B 2 -N- Besot', Ba'-T Betime', B'-X-M Md, B-J-N-M-NG Besot'ted, Bs>-Td Betimes', B ] -X-Mz Ben'zine, Bu 2 -Zn Besot'tedly, Bs'-Td-Z. Beto'ken, B--T-Kn, B 2 -T- Benzole, Bn 2 -Z-K Besot'tedness, Bs'-Td-Ns Kiid. B 2 -T-Kn NG Benzoin', Bn'-Zn Besoueht'. Bs'-T Bet'ony, B 2 -T-N Ben'zole, B 2 -N-z6L Bespau-gle, Bs'-P-NG-Gl Betook', B 3 -T-K Ben'zoline, Bn 2 -Z-Zn [or-NG13 Betray', B 2 Tr, B-Trd, Ben'zoyl, B 2 -N-zoiL Bespat'ter, Bs'-Ptr, Ba 1 - B 2 -Tr-NG Ben'zule, B 2 -N-zuL Ptrd, Bs'-Ptr-NG Betray'al, B 2 -Tr-L Beplas'ter, B'-Plst-K Bepow'der, B'-P-Dr Bepraise', B 2 -Prz Bequeath', B 3 -Kw-DH, Bespeak', BHS-P(-K), Bb- P-K-NG [or -PC)] Bespeak' er, Bs a -P-Kr Bespew', Bs 3 -P Betray'er, B- Xr-B Betroth', B'-Xr-TH Betroth'al, B'-Xr-XHl Betroth'ment, B 1 - Tr B-Kw-DHd, B3-KW-DH- NG Bequeath 'er, B 3 -Kw-DHr Bequest', B 2 -Kwst Berate', Bs-flt, B-K-Td, B 2 fit-NG Bespit', B^-Pt, Bs 3 -PtC) Bespit'ten, Bs 3 P-Tn Bespoke', Bs 2 -P(-K) Bespok'en, Bs^-P-Kn Bespot', Bs'-Pt XH - Mnt Betrust', B 2 -Xrst Betrust'ment, B 2 - Tr - sMnt Bet'ter, Btr 2 , Btrd 2 , Btr 8 - Ber'berry, B"-.R-B-.B BPr^J-^G'. See Spread. " IBet'terment, B-Tr-Mnt BET 25 Bet'tor, Btr BicarTbonate, B-Kr-B- Bet'ty, B2-T N-T Between', B3-Twn [Tn3] Bice, Bs* Between'-decks, B 3 - Biceph'alous, Bs*-F-ia Twn - D - Ks [Tu 3 -D-Ks] Bichro'mate, B2-Kr-Mt Betwixt', Bs-Tw-Kst Bicip'ital, Bs s P-T1 Bev'el, B2-V1, B2-vid, B- Bicip'itous, Bs.P-Ts Vl-NG Bick'er, B 3 -Kr, B 8 -Krd, Bev'erage, B^-Vr-J BS-Kr-NG Bev'y, B2-V Bewail', B*-W1, B^-Wld, Bick'erer, B 3 -Kr-E Bicol'or, B2-K-ir B2-W1-NG Bicol'ored, B2-K-Zrd Beware', B'-Wr Bi'corn, Bi-Krn Bewil'der, Ba-widr. B3- Bi'corned, B^Kmd Wl-Drd, B3-Wldr-NG Bicor'nous, B^Kr-Ns Bewil'derment, B - Bicor'poral, BJ-Kr-Pr-L Wldr- Mnt Bewitch', Bs-wCH, B- Bicor'porate, B J -Kr-Prt Bicru'ral, B a -Kr-Bl wCHt, B 3 -wCH-NG Bicus'pid, B 2 -Ks-Pd Bewitch'er, B 3 -W-CHr Bicus'pidate, BS-Ks-P-Dt Bewitch'ery, B-wCH- Bewitch'ingly, B-wCH- Bid, Bd 3 , Bd(-) Bid'den, B 3 -Dn NG1 Bid'der, B3-Dr Bewitch'ingness, B- Bid'dery-ware, B3-D-.R- wCH-NG-Ns Wr Bewitch'ment, B-wCH- Bid'dy, B 3 -D Mnt Bide, Bdi Bewray', B^-fi, B2-B-D, Bident'al, B2-Dnt-L BZ-.R-NG Biden'tate, B2-Dn-Tt Bey, Baa Bidet', B 2 -Dt (or -D) Beyond', Bi-Ynd [Y*i Bien'nial, B 2 -N-L Bez'el, B2-Z1 Bien'nially, B 2 -N-Z Be'zoar, B3-piB Bier, B 3 -R Bi'as, Bi-S, Bi-S-T, Bi-S- Biest'ings, Bs3-T-NGz NG Bifa'cial, B 2 -F-SH1 Biax'al or Biax'ial, B 1 - Bifa'rious, B2-F-.RS Ks-L Bifa'riously, W-F-R-sL Bib, B3-B Bif erous, Bf 3 -Rs Biba'cious, B2-B-SHs Biffin, B 3 -Fn Biba'sic, B-B-sK Bi'fid, Bi-Fd Bib'ber, B 3 -Br Bifidate, B 3 -F-Dt Bi'ble, B'-Bl Bifida'ted, B2-F-D-Td Bib'lical, B 3 -B1-K1 Bif'ilar, B 3 -F-i-R Bibliog'rapher, B 1 - Bl - Biflo'rate, W-Fl-Rt Gr-Fr Biflo'rous, B2-F1-.RS Bibliograph'lc, Bi - Bl - Bi'fold, Bi-F-Ld Grf-K Bifoliate, B 2 -F-Lt Bibliograph'ical-ly, Bi- Bifoliolate, ~B--F-L-Lt Bl-Gr-F-Kl Bifo'rate, B 2 -F-Bt Bibliog'raphy, Bi-Bl-Gr- Bi'form, Bi-F (-K-M) F Bi'formed, Bi-F-R-Md Bibliol'atry, Bi-Bl-i-Tr [or -Fd] Bibliomancy, B3 - Bl - Biform'ity, Bi-F-R-M-T Mn-S [or-F-T] Biblioma'nia,B2-Bl-M-N Bifront'ed, B2-Fr-N-Td Biblioma'niac, B2-B1-M- Bifur'cate, B2-F-R-Kt N-K Bifur'cated,B2-F-R-K-Td Bibliomani'acal, B^Bl- Bifurca'tion, B2 - F - R - M-N-K1 Eshn Bibliophile, B 3 -B1-F-L Bifur'cous, B-F-R-Ks Bibliopho'bia,B 2 -Bl-F-B Big, B 3 -G, B 3 -Gr, B 3 -Gst Bibliopole, B 3 -B1-P1 Big'amist, B 3 -G-Mst Bibliop'olist, B^Bl-Plst Big'amy, B"-G-M Bibliothe'cal, B 3 - Bl Bigem'inate, B2-J-M-N- TH-K1 T Bib'liotheke, B3-B1-TH- Big'gin, B3-Gn E Bight, Bti Biblist, B3-Blst Big'ness, B 3 -G-Ns Bib'ulous, B3-B-is Big'ot, B3-Gt ^Bicap'sular, B^K-P-si-B Big'otea, B 3 -G-Td 2 BIN Big'otedly, B 3 -G-Td-Z, Big'otry, B a -G-Tr Big'-wig, B3-G-W-G- Bijou', B 3 -ZH Bijoux', B^-ZH Bijou'try, B- ! -ZH-Tr Biju'gate, B-J-Gt Bij'ugous or Biju'gous, B<*-J-Gs Bila'biate, B=-Z,-B-T Bilam'elate, B'-L-M-it Bilam'elated, B 1 -L-M-.E,- Td Bilat'eral, B>-ztr-L Bilat' erally, B'-itr-L Bil'berry, W-L-V-R Bil'bo, B^-L-B Bile, Bi-L Bilge, B 3 --J, B^-i-Jd, Bs-i-j-KG Bilge'-water, B3-i-J-Wtr Bilg'y, B-i-J Bil'iary, W-L-R Bilin'gual, B^-Z-XG-Gw- L [or -Gl] Bilin'guar, BS-Z-XG-Gw- R [or -Gr] Bilin'guous, B 3 -Z-NG- Gws lor -Gs] Bil'ious, B^-is Bilit'eral, B a -Ztr-L Bilk, B^-i-K. B :i -Z-K-T, B3-Z-K-NG Bill, B^-L. Occasionally in phrases, by Bl ; as in the following: Bank bill, Bi-NG-K-Bl Dollar bill, EH-Z-R-Bl Due bill, D 3 -B1 Play bill, P1 2 -B1 True bill. Tr'-Bl Bill'-book, B 3 -Z-B-K Bill'-broker, B^-i-Br-Kr Bil'let, B 3 -Zt, B3-Z-Td, B3-it-NG Billet-doux', B3-Z.-D5 Bill'-hook, B3-L-H-K Bill'iard, B3-i-7?d Bill'iards, W-L-R&z Bill'ing, B 3 -L-NG Billingsgate, B*-L-Naf Gt Bill'ion, B3-n Bill'man, B^-L-Mn Bil'low, B3-L Bil'lowy, Bs-iol Bill'-sticker, B 3 -is-T-KI Bil'ly, B3-/, Bilo'bate, B2-i-Bt Bi'lobed, Bi-Z,-Bd Biloc'ular, Bi-i-Kl-B Bima'nus, B 2 -M-Ns Bime'dial, B3-M-D1 Bimen'sal, B^-M-Ns-L Bimes'trial, B2-Ms-Tr-L Bimontii'ly, B2-M-N-TH- L Bin, Bn" Bin'acle, B3-N-K1 Bi'nary, Bi-Nr BIN Bi'nate, Bind, Bndi, Bind'er, Bndr* Bind'ery, BndVB Bind'ing, Bndi-NO Bind'-weed, BndJ-VTd Bin'nacle, B 3 -N-K1 Bin'ocle., B 3 -N-KJ Binoc'ular, B^N-KI-B Binoc'ulate, Bi-N-K-Z,t Bino'mial, B-N-M1 Binom'inal, Bi-N-M-Nl Binom'inous, Bi-N-M-Na Biog'rapher, Bi-Gr-Fr Biograph'ic, Bi-Grf-K Biograph'ical-ly, Bi-Gr- F-K1 Biog'raphy, B^-Gr-F Biological, Bi-Z-J-Kl Biol'ogy, Bi-Z-J Bipa'rous or Bip'arous, Bipar'tible, Bi-Prt-Bl Bipar'tile, B^Prt-L Bipar'tite or Bip'artite, Biparti'tion, B 3 -Pr-Tshn Bi'ped, B!-Pd Bipe'dal, B^-P-DI Bipen'nate, B-P-N-T Bipen'nated, B2-P-N-Td Bipet'alous, B 2 -Pt-Z,s Bipin'nate, B 3 -P-X-T Bipin'nated, B3-P-N-Td Bipinnat'ifid, Bi-P-N-Tf- D Bipli'cate, Bi-Pl-Kt Bi'pont, Bi-Pnt Bipont'ine, B^Pn-Tn Biquad'rate, B^Kw-Drt Biquadratic, B^-K w-Drt- K Bira'diate, Bira'diated, Birch, B2-B- Birch'en, B2-JS-CHn Bird, B2-Rd or Brd^ Bird'-cage, Brd^-K-J Bird'-call, Brd2-Kl Bird'-catcher, Brd'-K- CHr Bird'-fancier, Brd 2 - F - Ns - K Bird'-lime, Bra2-Z-M Bird-of-par'adise, Brd a '. pi--Dz Bird's'-eye, Brdz2-i Bird's'-nest, Brdz^-Nst Bir 'gander, Br=-Gndr Bi'reme, Bi-K-M Birth, B2 - R - TH. See Breath. Birth'day, B=-7J-TH-D Birth'-mark, BS -R- TH- Mr-K JBirth'place, Birth'right, W Bis'euit, B-'-sK.t Bisect', B-sKt, B-sK-Td 26 Bisec'tion, B z -sKshn Biseg'ment, B^-sG-lT Bisex'ual, B^-sKs-Ij Bish'op, B3-SH-P Bish'opric, [B3-SH-K] Bis'muth, B3-zM-TH Bis'muthal, B 3 -zM-TH-L Bismuth'ic, B-zM-TH-K Bi'son, B-sN Bissex'tile, B^-sKs-T-L Bis'ter, Bstr Bis'tort, Bsa-T-Rt Bis'toviry, Bs 3 -T-JZ Bis'tre, Bstr* Bisul'cate, B 2 -sL-K-T Bisul'cous, B 2 -sL-Ks Bisul'phate, B 2 -si-Ft Bisul'phuret, W-sL-F-Rt Bit, Bts, B-Td. Bt Bit, Bts. See Bite- Bitch, B-CH Bite, Bti, Bt(-). See Bit. Bit'er, Btri Bit'ing, Bt Bit'ingly, Bfi-NGl Bitt, B1* Bit'tacle, B3-T-K1 Bit'ten, B3-Ta Bit'ter, Btr 3 Bit'terish, Btr-sn Bit'terishness, Ns Bit'terly, Bit'tern, Bit'terness, Bit'ters, Btrz Bit'ter-spar, B 3 -Tr-sP-B . Bit'ter-sweet, B 3 -Tr-sWt Bitts, Bts 3 Bitumed', B^-T-Md Bitu'men, B 3 -T-Mn Bitu'minate, B 3 -T-M-N- T, B 3 -T-M-N-Td, B 3 -T- M-N-T-NG Bitu'minize, B 3 -T-M-Nz, B 3 -T-3I-Nzd, BS-T-M-Nz- NG Bitu'minous, B'-T-M-Ns Bi'valve, B'-Vl-V Bi'valved, BJ-Vl-Vd Bivalv'ous, Bi-Vl-Vs Bivalv'ular, Bi-Vl-V-r Bi'ventral, Byi-Ntr-L Biv'ious or Bi'vious, B 3 ori-Vs Biv'ouac, BvS-W-K, Bv- W-Kt, Bv3-W-K 7 NG Bi'- weekly, BMV-K1 Bizzarre', B l -zR Blab, Bli-B, B1>-B-D, Bl- B-NG Blabber, Bl'-Br Black, Bl'-K, BU-Kt, BH- K-NG Black'amoor, BU-K-Mr Black'-art, BP-K-t Blackball, Bl - K - B - L, BU-K-B-Ld, NG BLA Black'berry, Black'bird, Bli-K-Brd Blackboard, BU-K-Brd Black'-book, BU-K-B-K Black'en, Bli-Kn, B1U Knd, BU-Kn-NG Black' eyed, Bli-K-I-D Black'fish, BP-K-F-^fl" Biack'-flux, BP-K-FI-KE Black'-friar, Bli-K-Fr-B Black'-Friday, BU-K- Fr-D Black'-grass, BU-K-Grs Black'guard, Bl 1 - Grd, Bli-Gr-Dd, Bli-Grd-NG Black'guardism, Bl 1 Grd-zM Black'ing, Bli-K-NG Black'ish, BP-K-SH Black'-jack, BU-K-J-K Black-lead', BU-K-i-D Black'leg, BU-K-//-G Black'-letter, BU-K-itr Black'ly, Bli-K- Black'-mail, Bl-K-Ml Black'-martin, BU-K-M- R-Tn Black'-Monday, Bl^K- M-N-D Black'ness, BU-K.-NS Black'-pudding, Bli-K- P-D-NG Black'-rod, BU-K-K-D Black'rust, BU-K-Kst Black'smith, BJi-K-sM- TH Black'-snake, Bli-Ks-N- E Blact'-strap.BU-K-sTr-P Black'tail, Bli-K-T-L Black'thorn, BU-K-TH- Rn Black'-vomit, BP-K-V- Mt Black'-walnut, BU-K- Wl-Nt Blad'der, Bl^-Dr Blade, Bids Blade'-bone, Bld^tBn Blad'ed, Bl^-Dd Blain, Bin 2 Blam'able-y, B12-M-B1 Blam'ableness, B1 2 -M- Bl-Ns [IBs] Blame, B1 2 -M, Bl=-Md, B12-M-NG Blame'ful, Bl^-M-Fl Blame'less, Bls-M-Zs Blamelessly, BP-M-Z*- L Biame'lessness, Bl 2 - M- Ls - Ns [or :Ls] Blam'er, Bl^-Mr Blame'worthiness, Bl*- M-Wr-DH-Ns Blame'worthy, B12-M- Wr-DH Blanc'ard, BU-NG-Krd Blanch, Blni-CH, CHt. Blni-CH-NG BLA * Blafich'er, Bli-N-CHr Blanc-mange', BU-Mn, ZH Bland, Blndi Blandil'oquence, Bln 3 - D-//-KWn8 Bland'ish, Bind 1 - SH, Blndi-SHt, Blndi-SH-NG Bland'isher, Blnd^SH-K Blandishment, Bind 1 - SH - Mnt Bland'ness, Blndi-Ns Blank, Blni-K Blank'et, Blni-Kt, Bln 1 - t K-Td, Blni-Kt-NG Blank'eting, Blni-Kt-NG Blank'ly, Blni-K-Z, Blank'ness, Bln^K-Ns Blare, Bl^-R Blar'ney, BU-JR-N Blaspheme', Bis 3 - F - M, Bls 3 -F-Md, Bls 3 -F-M-NG Blasphem'er, Bls 3 -F-Mr Blas'phemous, Bls^F- Ms Blas'phemously, Bls^F- Ms-i Blas'phemy, Bls^-F-M Blast, Blsti Bis 1 - Td, Blast'ed, Blsi-Td Blast' er, Blstr 1 Blasting, Blstf) 1 . See . Plastering. Blast'-pipe, Blst5Pi-P , (or Bis 1 -?-?) Bla'tant, Bl*-Tnt Blat'ter, Bltr 1 Blaze, Blz2, Blzd", Blz2- NG Blaz'er, BP-Zr Blaz'ing-star, Blz a -NGs- T-R (or -NGstr) Bla'zon, Blz^-N, Blz-N-NG Bla'zoner, Blz-N-B Bla'zonry, Blea'berry, Bia- Bleach, BP-CH, B13-CH-NG Bleach'er, Bi'-CHr Bleach'ery, Bleak, BF-K Bleak'ly, B1-K-L Bleak'ness, BF-K-Ns Blear, B1 3 -B, Bia-Ed, fi-NG Blear'-eye, Bis-fi-i Blear'-eyed, BP-B-i- Blear'-eyedness, I-D-Ns Bleat, Bits Bleat'ing, BHC)' Bled, Bld2 Bleed, Bid 3 , BldC) 8 Bleed'ing, BldC) Blem'ish, Bl^-M-SH, Bl^ M-S//t, B12-M-SH-NG Blench, Bln2-CH, Bln CHt. Bln8.CH-NG 27 Blend, Bind*, Bln-Dd, Blnd^-NG Blende, Bind* Blend'er, Blndr* Blen'ny, Bl^-N Blent, Blnta Bless, Bls2, Blsta, Bls^-NG Bless'ed, B1 S 2-D Bless'edness, Bls 2 -D-Ns Bless'er, BP-sK Bless'ing, Bls2-NG Blest, Blst 5 * Blet, Bits Ble'tonism, BP-Tn-Z-M Blet'ting, Blto Blew, BK See Blow. Blight, Blti. BU-Td.Bltf) 1 Blind, Bind 1 , Blni-Dd, Bind' -NG Blind'er, Blndr 1 Blind'fold, Blndi-F-Ld, Blnd!-F-i-Dd, Blndi-F- Ld(-) Blind'ly, Blndi-L. Blind'-man's-bufF, Blndi-Mnz-Bf Blind'ness, Blndi-Ns Blind'-side, BlndsJ-D Blink, Bln 3 -K, Bln 3 -Kt, Bln 3 -K-NG Blink'ard, Bl 3 -NG-Krd Blink'er, Bl 3 -NG-Kr Blink'ers, Bl 3 -NG-Krz Bliss, Bis 3 Bliss'ful-ly, Bls 3 -Fl Bliss't'ulness, Bls 3 -Fl-Ns [:Fs] Blis'som, Bl 3 -sM Blis'ter, Blstr, Bl-sTrO, Blstr(-) 3 Blithe, Bli-DH Blithe'ful, BU-DH-F1 Blithe'ly, BU-DH1 Blithe'ness, BU-DH-Ns Blithe'some, BP-DHs-H Blithe'someness, Bl^ - DHs-M-Ns Bloat, Bits, B12-Td, BltC) Bloat'er, Bltr* Blobtief-lip, BU-Br-Jfi-P Block, Bl!-K, Bli-Kt, Bli- K-NG Blockade', B12-Kd, B12- K-Dd, B12-Kd-NG Blockad'er, Bl^-K-Dr Block'head, Bli-K-Hd Block'-house, Bli-K-Hs Block'ish, Bli-K-SH Block'ishly, Bli-K-SHl Block'ishness, BU - K - SH-Ns Block'-tin, BU-K-Tn Blom'ary, B1 3 -M-.R Blonde, Blndi Blond'-lace, Blnd^-LB Blood, Bids, BP - Dd, Bld(-)" Blood'-flower,Bld2-Fl-B Blood'-j^iiltiness, Bld s - Ol-T-Ns BLU Blood'-guilty, Bld=-Gl-T Blood'-heat, Bld 2 -Ht Blood'-horse, Bld^-Hrs Blood'-hot, Blds-Ht Blood'-hound, Bld^-Hnd Blood'ily, W-V-L Blood'iness, B1--D-JTS Blood'less, Bld--Z,s Blood'lessly, m^-Ls-L Blood'-letter, Blood'-letting, Bld^-Zt- NG Blood'-red, Bld^-B-D Blood'-relation, Bld^ - filshn , Blood'rbot, Bkl2-Rt Blood'shed, Bld2-SHd Blood' shedder, Bld2 - SHdr Blood'shedding, Bld - SHd-NG lor ()! Blood'-shot, Bld2-SHt Blood'-shotten, Bid 2 - SH-Tu Blood'-spavin, Bld 2 -sP- Vn Blood'-stained, Bld2 - sTud Blood'-stone, Blds-sTn Blood'-sucker, Bld-sKr Blood'-thirstiness,Bld 2 - THrs-T-Ns Blood'-thirsty, Bid 2 - THrs-T Blood'-vessel, Bld 2 -Vs-L Blood'-warm, Eld* - Wr - M Blood'y, BP-D Blood'y-flux, El 2 - D - Fl- Ks Blood'y-minded, B12-D- Mn-Dd Bloom, BF-M. Bl 3 -3ild, B13-M-XG Bloom'er, Bl-Mr Bloom'ing, BP-M-NG Bloom'ingly, B1 3 -M-NG1 Bloom'y, B1 3 -M Blos'som, BU-sM, Bli- sMd, BU-sM-NG Blot, Blti, Bl'-Td, BltC) 1 Blotch, Bli-CH Blot'ter, Bltr 1 Blot'ting-paper 3 BltC) 1 . 1 P2-Pr Blouse, Biz* Blow, B12, B12-NG. Sec Blew and Blown. Blow'er, B12-K Blown, Bin 2 Blow'-pipe, B12;pi-p Blowse, Blzi Blowth, B12-TH Blow'y, B16I2 Blowze, Biz 1 Blowzed, Blzd 1 * Blow'zy, BU-Z Blub'ber, B12-Br, Bl- Brd, Bl^-Br-NG Bludg'eon, Bl 8 -Jn BLU 28 Blue, Bis, Bids. B1-NG Boast'ingly, Bs*-T-NGl Blue'bell, Bis-B-L Boat, Bt2, B2-Td. BtC) 1 Blue'berry, BP-B-.R Boat'able, Bt2-Bl Blue'bird, BP-Brd Boat'-bill, Bt;B-L Blue'-book, B1 3 -B-K Boat'-hook, Bt2-H-K Blue'-bottle, BP-B-Tl Boat'ing, Bt(-) 2 Blue' -breast, BP-Brst Boat'man, Bt2-Mn Blue'-devils, BP-D-Vlz Boats'man, Bt2-sMn Blue'-flsh, B13-F-Sf Boat'swain, Bt*-N Blue'-light, B13-t Bob, Bi-B, Bi-B-D, Bi-B- Blue'ly, B13-L NG Blue'ness, BP-Ns Bob'bin, B J -Bn Blue'-peter, Bl-Ptr or Bobbinet' or BobTtiinet, :Ptr3 B 2 ori-Bn-T Blue'-pill, Bis ! ps-L Boblin'coln, B^-B-in-Kn Blae'-stocking, Bls 8 -T- Bob'olink, Bi-B-in-K K -NG Bob'stays, Bi-Bs-Tz Blue'-vitriol, Bis-vtr-L Bob'tail, B'-B-Tl Bluff, Blfa, Blft2, Blf2-NGr Bob'wig, Bi-B-W-G BlufTness, Blf^-Ns Bock'ing, B'-K-NG BlufTy, B12-F Bock'land, Bi-K-ind Blu'ing, Bls-NG Bode, Bd2, B2-D-1, B2-D- Blu'ish, Bia-SH NG Blun'der, Blndr*, Blnd 2 - Bod 'dice, Bi-Ds Rd, Blndr2-NG Bod'ice, B^Ds Blun'derbuss, Blndr^-Bs Bod'ied, B-Bd Blun'derer, Blndr 2 -K Bod'iless, B>-D-is Blun'derhead, Blndr* - Bod'ily, Bi-D-i Hd Bod'ing, B2-D-NG Blun'deringly, Blndr 2 - Bod'kin, Bd^Kn NG-L Bod'y, Bi-D, Bi-Dd, Bi-D- Blunt, Bints, Bin 2 - Td, NG Blnf-NG Bod'y-clothes, Bi-D-Kl- Blunt'ly, Blnt2- DHz Blunt'ness, Blnt 2 -Ns Bod'y-coat, Bi-D-Kt Blur, B12-B, B12-Rd, Bl- Bod'y-color, Bi-D-K-ir fi-NG Bod'y -guard, Bi-D-Grd Blurt, B12-K1, B12--Td. Bod'y-snatcher, Bi-Ds- B12-M-NG N-CHr Blush, B12-8H, B12-SHt, Bceo'tian, B2-SHn B1 2 -SH-NG Bog, Bi-G Blush'ful, B12-SH-F1 Bo'gey, B 2 -G Bi-Gld, Bog'gler, B'-Gl-R jBog'gy, B>-G Blush'ingly, Bl 2 -SH-NGl|Bo'gle, B 2 -G1 Blush/less, Bl 2 -SH-i8 Bog'gle, Bi-Gl, Blus'ter, Blstr2, B12-sTrd, ' B^Gl-NG Blstr(-)* Blus'terer, Blstr 2 -R B^us'trous, Bl 2 -sTrs Bog'-spavin, Bi-Gs-P- Vn Bo'a, Boa 2 Bog'-trotter, Bi-G-Trtr Bo'a-constric'tor, B : ;Bo'gus, B 2 -Gs sTr 3 -Ktr Bo'gy, B 2 -G Boar, B2-R Bohea', B-H Board, B2-Rd, B2-K-Dd, Bohe'mian, B3-H-Mn BS-ffd-NG Boil, Bi-L, B>-Ld, Bi-L- Board'er, B 2 -Rdr i NG Board'ing, B 2 -tfd-NG Boil'er, Bi-L-R Board'ing-house, B 2 - Boil'ery, W-L-R R<1 - NG - Hs Boil'ing, Bi-L-NG Board'ing-school, B 2 - Bois'terous, B^sTrs .Rd-NG-sKl Bois'terously, Bi-sTr-si Board'-wages, B s -fid- Bois'terousness,Bi-sTrs- wJz I Ns Boar'ish, B-fi-SH Bold, B 2 -Ld Boast, Bst 2 . Bs^-Td, BstO* Bold'ly, B 2 -id-i Boast'er, Bstr 2 Bold'ness, B 2 -id-Ns Boast'fuMy, Bs 2 -T-Fl or Bole or Boll, B 2 -!, Bs-'-Fl Bologn'a Sau'sage, B 2 - Boast'fulness, Bs2-T-Fl-l i-N-Ss-J (or -Nss-J) Ns [Bst 2 :Fs] IBol'ster, B*-str, B 2 -is- Boast'ing, BstC)* I Trd, B*-istr(0 BON Bol'sterer, B*-s-Tr-R Bolt, B2-Lt, B2-X,-Td, B. it-NG Bolt'er, B2-tr Bolt'-head, B2-Lt-Hd Bolt'ing, B2-z,t-XG Bolt'-rope, B2-it--P Bolt'-sprit, B2-it-sPrt Bo'lus, B2-Z.8 Bomb, B 2 -M Bombard', Bi-M-Brd, B- M-Br-Dd. B^M-BrdC) Bombardier', B-M-Brd- R Bombard'ment, BI - M Brd - Milt Bom'bast, B 2 -M-Bst Bombast'ic.B'- M -Bs-T-K Bombast'ically, Bi-M- Bs - T - Kl Bombazet' or Bomba- zette', B2-M-BZ-T Bombazine' or Bomba- sine', BS-M-BZ-N Bom'bic, B'-M-B-K Bomb'-ketch, B 2 - M - K- CH Bomb'-vessel, B 2 -M-Vs- L Bomb'-proof, B 2 -M-Prf Bomb'-shell, B 2 -M-SH1 Bombyc'inous, B^-M-Bs- Ns Bom'byx, Bi-M-B-Ks Bonapart'ean, BJ-N-Pr- Tn Bo'napartism, B 2 -N-Prt- zM Bo'napartist,B 2 -N-Pr-Tst Bon'bon, Bn^Bn Bond, Bndi, Biii-Dd.Bndi- NG Bond'age, BndJ-J Bond'ed, Bu^-Dd Bond'maid, Bndi-Md Bond'man, Bud>-Mn Bonds'man, Bndsi-lln Bond'-stone, Bnds'-Tn Bonds'woman^nds^W- Mn Bond'woman, End 1 - W- Mn Bond'-timber, End 1 -!- M - Br Bone, Bn 2 , Bud 2 . Bn2_NG- Bone'-dust, Bn 2 -Dst Bone'less, Bu^-Ls Bone'set, Bus 2 -T Bone'-spavin, Bns*-P-Vn Bon'fire, Biii-F-R Boni'to, BS-N-T Bon-mot', B2-M Bon'net, Bi-N-T Bon'neted, B-N-Td Bon'nily, BJ-Nl Bon'ny, Bi-N Bon'ny-clabber, B^-lf Kl-Br Bon Ton, Bni-Tn Bo'nus, B s -Ns BON Bon-vivant', Bn^V-Vn Bo'ny, B 2 -N Bon'ze, Bni-Z Boo'by, B3-B Boo'by-hut, Ba-B-Ht Boo'by-liutch, B 3 - B - H- CH Boodh,B8-D Boodh'ism, B 3 -D-zM Boodh'ist, B 3 -Dst Book, B3-K, B 3 -Kt, B3-K- NG Book'-binder,B 3 -K-Bnd* Book'-bindery, B 3 - K Bnd-B Book'-binding, B - K - End - NG Book'-case, B 3 -K-Ks Book'ish, B3-K-SH Book'ishness, BS-K-SH- Ns Book'-keeper,B3-K-K-Pr Book'-keeping, B 3 -K-K- P-NG Book'-learned, B*-K- Zrnd Book'-leaming, B 3 -K- irn-NG Book'-maker,B 3 -K-M-Kr Book'-making, Bs-K-M- K-NG Book'-mark, B3-K-Mr-K Book'-seller, B 3 -K-s//-R Book'-shelf, B 3 -K-SHl-r Book'-shop, B3-K-SH-P Book'-stall, B 3 -Ks-T-L Book'-stand, B^-Ks-Tnd Book'store, BS-Ks-T-R or B3-Kstr Book'worm, B 3 -K-Wr-M Boom, B3-M, B3-Md, B 3 - M-NG Boom'erang, B-M-K-NG Boon, Bn* Boor, B'-B Boor'ish, Boor'ishly, B 3 -R-SH1 Boor'isliness, Ks Boose or Booze, Boos'er, B 3 -Zr Boost, fist 3 . Bs 3 -Td, BstO* Boo'sy or Boo'zy, B 3 -Z Boot, Bts, B 3 -Td. BtC) s Boot'-crimp, Bt 3 -Kr-M-P Bootee', B"-T Booth, B3-DH Boot' hose, Bt 3 -Hz Boot' -jack, Bt 3 -J-K Boot'-last, Bts-ist Boot'less, Bt-/,8 Boot'lessness, Bt-Ls-Na Boot' -tree, Bt 3 -Tr Boot'y, B 3 -T Bopeep', BS-P-P Borac'ic, &-RS-K. Bo'racous, B^-fl-Ks Bor'age, W-R-J Bo'rate, B2-fit Bo'rax, B^-fi-Ka BRA Bor'der, Bi-Rdr, B'-JZ. Drd, Bi-Rdr-NG Jounc'ing, Bns 1 -NG 3ound, End 1 , Bni-Dd, 3or'derer, Bt-Rdr-R Bore, B-R, B^-Rd, W-R, Jound'ary, BndJ-fl Jound'ed, Bni-Dd NG Jo'real, B-2Z-L Jor'er, B 2 -Rr Jor'ing, B 2 -.R-NG Sound'en, Bn^Dn 3ound'less, Bndi-Ls Jound'lessness, Bud 1 - Ls-Ns Ciis] Born, B 1 -JSn Jorne, B 2 -Kn Jo'ron, B 2 -Kn Jor'ough, B-B Joun'teous, B^-T-S Joun'teously, Biit-T-Sl Joun'teousness, Bni-Ts- Ns Jor'row, B J -B, B 1 -B-D, Boun'tiful-ly, Bi-N-T-Fl Jor'rower, S^R-R 3ort, Bi-Rt , Boun'tifulness, B'-N-T> Fl-Ns [:Fs] Boun'ty, B'-N-T Jos, Bs* Bosc'age, B'-sK-J Bosh, Bi-SH Boun'tyhood, Bi-N-T-Hd Bouquet', B 2 -K Bosk, Bi-sK 3osk'y, B^-sK Bourgeois', Bi^-Js Bourgeois', (a citizen) B 1 - Bos'om, B 3 -zM, B 8 -zMd, B 3 -zM-NG B-ZH-W Bourgeoisie', B 3 - R - ZH- 3oss, Bs 1 3oss'y, Bi-S Botan'ic, B l -T-N-K 3otan'ical-ly, B^T-N-Kl W-Z Bour'geon, Br^-Jn Bourn or Bourne, B2-5n Bourse, B^-Rs Bot'anist, B 1 -T-Nst Bot'anize, Bi-T-Nz, BJ-T- Boustrophe'don, B s - sTrf - Dn Nzd, B!-T-Nz-NG "R/Mlf 1 TAfl Bot'any, Bi-T-N Botch, Bi-CH, B^CHt BU JjUU.L'j J->l l Bouts-rimes', B2-R-M Bo'vine, B 2 -Vn CH-NG Botch'er, B^-CHr Bot'-fly, Bti-Fl Both, B2-TH Bow, B 1 , Bd 1 , Bi-NG Bow, B 2 , Bd2. B--NG Bow'-drill, B2-Dr-L Both'er, Bdhr", Bdhrd^, Bow'el, B 1 ^ Bow'els, B!-Lz Bothera'tion, Bdhr2-SHn Bot'ryoid, Bti-fi-D Botryoid'al, Bt!-K-D-L Bots or Botts, Bts 1 Bot'tle, Bi-Tl, Bi-Tld, B 1 - Bow'er, Bi-R Bow'ery, B 1 -^ Bow'-hand, B2-Hnd Bow'ie-knite, B2-N-F Bowl, B2-L, B2-Ld, BS-L- Tl-NG Bot'tle-green, Bi-Tl-Grn Boftle-holder, B*-T1 NG Bowl'der, B 2 -idr Bow'-legged, B2-Z-G-D Bowl'er, B2-Z-R (-H)-idr Bot'tling, B^Tl-NG Bot'tom, B^-M, Bti-Md, Bow'Une, B 2 -in Bowl'ing-green, B 2 -z,. NG- Grn Bt!-M-NG Bot'tomed, B^-Md Bow'man, B 2 -Mn Bot'tom-glade, Bti-M- Bowse, Bz 1 Bow'sprit, B'-sPrt Gld Bot'tom-land, Bt 1 - M - Bow'string, B 2 -sTr-NG Box, Bi-Ks, Bi-Kst, Bi-Ks- i/nd Bot'tomless, Btt-M-is Bot'tomry, Bti-M-B Boudoir', Bi-Dw-R NG Box'er, Bi-K-sR Box'haul, BJ-K-sHl, Bi. K-sHld, B!-K-sHl-NG Bough, B 1 Bought, Bt> Bougie', B 8 -ZH Box'-tree, B'-K-sTr Box'-wood, B^Ks-wD Boy B 1 Bouilli', B-Y or B*-Z-Y Bouillon', B l -Yn or B^-L Boy'hood, B^-Hd Boy'ish, Bt-SH Boul'der, B-Zdr Boulevard', B-I,-Vr(d) Boy'ishly, W-SHI Boy'ishness, B^SH-Na Brab'ble B^-Bl Bounce, Ens', Bust Brac'cate, Bri-Kt Bns'-NG Bounc'er, Bns^R (n-hoo and circle both shown.) Brace, Brs2, Brst, Bra* NG BRA Brace'let, Br^sLt Bra'cer, Br 2 -sR Braeii, Br'-K Bracn'ial or Bra'chial, Br'or2-K-L Brachycatalec'tic, Br 2 - K-K-T-i-K-T-K Brachyg'raphy, BrS-K- Gr-F Brack, Br'-K Brack'en, Bri-Kn Brack'et, Bri-Kt, Bri-K- Td. Br'-Kt-NG Brack'eting, Br^Kt-NG Brack'et-light,Br'-Kt-it Brack'ish, Br-K-SH Brack'ishness, Br 1 - K - 8H - Ns Bract. Bri-Kt .Brac'teal, Br^K-T-L .Brac'teate, Bri-K-T-T Bract' ed, Bri-K-Td Brad, Brdi Brad '-awl, Brdi-L .Srae, Br 2 Brag, Bri-G, Br'-Gd, Br 1 - G-NG Braggado'cio, Br 2 -G-D- SH Brag'gardism, Br^Grd- zM Brag'gart, Bri-Grt Brag'ger, Br'-Gr Brag'ging, Br'-G-NG- Brah'ma, Br'-M Brah'man, Br'-Mn Brahman'ic, Br'-Mn-K Brahman'ical, Br'-M-N- ki Brah'manism, Br 1 - Mn- Z-M Brah'min, Br ] -Mn Brahmin'ic, Br^-Mn-K Brahmin'ieal, Br^-M-N- Kl Brahmin'ieal, Br-M-N- Kl Braid, Brd^, Br - Dd, BrdCJ* Brail, Br 2 -L, Br 2 -Ld, Br 2 - L-NG Brain, Brn 2 , Brnd 2 , Brn- NG Brain'-fever, Brn 2 -F-Vr Brain'less, Br--Nls Brain'-pan, Brn 2 -Pn Brait, Brt^ Brake, Br 2 -K Brake'man, Br 2 -K-Mn Brak'y, Br*-K Bram'ble y, BrJ-M-Bl Bra'min, Br'-Mu Bran, Brn 1 Branch, Br^-N-CH, Br'- N-CHt. Bri-N-CH-NG Bran'chial, Br'-NG-Kl Branch'iness, Br-N-CH- Ns Bran'chiopods, BrJ-NG- K-Pdz 30 Branchless, Br^N-CH Lt Branch'let, B^-N-CH-it Branch'y, Bri-N-CH Brand, Brnd 1 , Brni-Dd. Brnd'-NG Brand'ed, Bnii-Dd Brand'-goose, BrndJ-Gs Bran'died, Brni-Dd Brand'ing-iron, Brnd 1 - NG-I-Rn Brand'-iron, Bn^-D-Bn Bran'dish, Brnd 1 - SH, Brndi-SHt, Brndi-SH- NG Bran'disherjBrndi-SH-R Brand'ling, Brand'-new, See New. Bran'dy, Brn Bran'gle, Bi^ Brank, Br'-XG-K Bran'lin, Br'-Nln Bran'-new, Brni-N. See New. Bran'ny, Bri-N Brant, Brnti Brash, B^-SH Bra'sier, Br 2 -ZHr Brass, Brs 1 Brass'-band, Brs J -Bnd Brassej'Brs 1 Brass'iness, B^-S-Ns Brass'-leaf, Br^si-F Brass'y, Br J -S Brat, Brt 1 - Brava'do, Br 2 -V-D Brave, Brv 2 , Brvd 2 , Brv 2 - NG Brave'ly, Br 2 -Vl Brav'ery, Brv 2 -.R Bra'vo, Br 2 -V Bra'vo, Br J -V Brawl, Br 1 -!,, Bri-Ld, Br 1 - L-NG Brawl'er, Br^i-K Brawn, Brn 1 Brawn'iness, Br ] -N-Ns Brawn'y, B^-N Bray, Br^, Brd 2 , Br 2 -NG Bray'er Br 2 -R Bray'ing, Br*-KG Braze, Brz 2 Bra'zen, Brz 2 N Bra'zen-faced, Br z- N - Fst Bra'zenly, Brz 2 -Nl Bra'zier, Br 2 -ZHr Brazil' -wood, Br^-Zl-Wd Braz'ing, Brz 2 -NG Breach-y, Br 3 -CH Bread, Brd 2 Bread'-corn, Brd 2 -Krn Bread'-lruit, Brd 2 -Frt Bread'-fruit-tree, Brd 2 - Frt-Tr Bread'stuff, Brds*-Tf Breadth, Brd 2 -TH Break, Br 2 -K. Br 2 -K-NG Break'able, Br 2 -K-Bl BRI Break'age, Br*-K-J Break'down, Br 2 -K-Ln Break'er, Br 2 -Kr | Break'tast, Br 2 - K - Fst, Br 2 -K-Fs-Td, Br-K- Fst(-) Break'-neck, Br 2 -K-N-K Break'water, Br 2 -K-Wtr (or -KwtrJ Bream, Br-M Breast, first 2 . Brs^-Td, Brst(-) 2 Breast'-bone, Brs 2 -Bn Breast'-hook, Br 2 -sH-K . Breast'ing, Brstf-) 2 Breast'knot, Brs*-Nt Breast'pin, Brs 2 -Pn Breast'plate, Brs 2 -Plt Breast'-plow or -ough, Brs 2 -Pl Breast'rail, Brs 2 -ffl Breast'work, Br 2 -sWr-K Breath, Br-'-TH. See Birth Breath'able, Br 3 -DH-Bli Breathe, Br - DH, Br 5 - DHd, Br3-DH-NG Breath'er, Br-DHr Breath'ing, BrS-DH-NG Breath'less, Br 2 -TH-Ls Breath'lessness, Br 2 - TH-^s-Ns [tis] Brec'cia, Brt-'-CH Brec'ciated, BrZ-K-SH- Td Bred. Brd* Breech, BrS-CH, Br-CHt, Br3-CH-NG Breech'es, Br^-CHz Breech'ing, Br'-CH-NG Breech'- loading, Br 3 - CH-i-D-NG Breed, Brd", Brd(') 3 Breed'er, Br^-Dr Breed'ing, BrdC)* Breeze, Brz^, Brzd^, Brz*- NG Breeze'-fly, Brz3-Fl Breeze'less, B^-zLs Breez'y, Br^-Z Brent, Brnt 2 Breth'ren, Br 2 -DHrn [Brn 2 ] Brett, Brt 2 Breve, Brv3 Brevet', Br 2 -Vt Bre'viary, Bri-V-B Brevier', Brr*-R Brev'iped, Br 2 -V-Pd Brev'ipennate, Br 2 -V-P- N-T Brevity, Br 2 -V-T Brew, Br 3 , Brd", BrS-NG Brew'age, Bri-J Brew'er, Bpi-R Brew'ery, Br 3 - Brew'- house, Br 3 -Hs Brew'ing, Br 3 -NG Brew'is, Br^-S Bri'ar, Brt-R Bria'rean, BRI Bribe, Bri-B, Bri-B-D, Bri-B-NG Brib'er, Br^Br Brib'ery, Br^B-fl Brick, Br3-K, Br-Kt, Br- K-NG Brick'bat, Br>-K-Bt Brick'-dust, BrS-K-Dst Brick'-kiln, Br*-K-Kl Brick'-layer, Br*-K--R BrickMaying, Br-K-i- NG Brick'-maker, Br-K-M- Kr Brick'-nogging, Brs - K - N - Gr NG Brick'-tea, Bi-s-K-T Brick'-w ork,Br-K-Wr-K Brid'al, Bri-Dl Bride, Brdi Bride'-cake, Brd^K-K Bride'-chamber, Brdi - CH(-M)-Br Bride'groom, Brd^Gr-M 3ride'-maid, Brd'-Md Sride'-man, Brd^Mn 3rides'-maid, Brd'-zMd 3rides'-man, BriP-zMn Bride'well, Brdi-Wl Bridge, Br*-J, BrWd, Br>- J-NG Bridge'-board,BrS-J-Brd Bridg'ing-joist, Br - J - NG-Jst Bri'dle, B r i-Dl, Br^-Dld, Bri-Dl-NG Bri'dle-path, Br 1 - Dl - P- TH Bri'dle- way, BrJ-Dl W Bri'dler, B^-Dl-B Bridoon', Br^-Dn Brief, Brfs Briefless, Br^-Fls Briefly, Br-Fl Briefness, Brf3-Ns Bri'er, Br 1 R Bri'ery, Br 1 -^ Brig, Br3-G Brigade', Br^-Gd, Br*-G- Dd, Br2-Ud-NG Brigadier', Br^-G-Dr Brig'and, Br^-Gnd Brig'andage, Br^-Gnd-J Brig'andine, Bri-Gn-Dn Brig'antine, Br 3 -Gn-Tn Bright, Brt 1 . See Broad. Bright'en, BrJ-Tn, Br>- Tnd, Br'-Tn-NG Bright'ly, Brt'-i Bright'ness, Brt'-Ns Bright's' Disease, Brts 1 - D-zZ Brill'iance, Br^-Ins Brill'iancy, BrS-Zn-S Brill'iant, Br-Z,iit Brill'iantly, KtS-Lnt-L Brim, BrS-M Brim'ful, Br^-M-Fl Brim'mer, Br-Mr Brim'ming, Br-M-NG 31 Brim'stone, Br*-Ms-Tn Brin'ded, Brn^-Dd Brin'dle, Brnd^-L Brin'dled, Brnda-Ld Brine, Brn 1 Brine'-pan, Brn^-Pn Bring, Br-NG, NG Bring'er, Br^-NGr Brinish, Brn-SH Brin'ishness, Brn^-SH- Ns Brink, Br-NG-K Brin'y, Br^-N Brisk, Br"-sK Brisk'et, Br3-sKt Brisk'ly, Brs-Kl Brisk'ness, Br-sK-Ns Bris'tle, Brs-L, Brs^-Ld, Bris'tly Britan'nia, Br&-T-N Brit'ish, Brts-SH Brit'on, Br-Tn Brit'tle, Br^-Tl Brit'tleness, BrS-Tl-Ns Britz'ska, Br3-sK Broach, Br^-CH, Br^-CHt, Br2-CH-NG Broach'er, Br 2 -CHr Broad, Br-D. Br^-Dr, B r i- Dst. See Bright. Broad'-brim, Brdi-Br-M Broad'cast, Brd'-Kst Broad'cloth, Brdi-Kl-TH Broad'en, BrJ-Dn Broad'-gauge, Brd-G-J Broad'ish, Br^-D-SH Broad'ly, Bi^-D-X, Broad'ness, Br'-D-Ns Broad'side, B^-Ds-D Broad'sword, Brd'-sKd Broad'wise, Brd'-Wz Brocade', Br^-Kd Brocad'ed, Br*-K-Dd Bro'cage, Br2-K-J Broc'ard, Br'-Krd Brocatel', Br 2 -K-T-L Brocatel'lo, Br^-K-T-X Broc'coli, Bri-K-Z, Brochure', Br-8Hr Brock, Br'-K Brock'et, BrJ-Kt Bro'gan or Brogan', Br2 ori-Gn Brogue, Br*-G Broi'der, Br^Dr, Bri-Drd, Br'-Dr-NG Broil, Br-L, Br'-Ld, Br 1 - L-NG Broil'er, Br J -L-E Bro'kage, Br*-K-J Broke, Br 2 -K Brok'en, Br^-Kn Brok'en-heart'ed, Br- Kn-fi-Td Brok'enly, Bi-K-Nl Brok'enness, Br*-Kn-Ns Brok'en-wind'ed, Br* - Kn - Wn - Dd BRU Bro'ker, Br^-Kr Bro'kerage, Br^-Kr-J Bro'ma, Br 2 -M Bro'mic, Br^-M-K Bro'mide, Br^-Md Bro'mine, Br 2 -Mn Bron'chi, Br ! -NG-K Bron'chia. Br ! -NG-K Bron'chial, Bri Xti-Kl Bron'chic, Br 1 NG-K-K Bronchi'tis, Bru^or^-K- Ts Bron'chocele, Brn'-Ks-L Bronchot'omy, Bm^-Kti M Bron'chus. Br'-XG-Ks Sronze, Brnz', Erazd 1 , Brnzi-NG Brooch, Br 2 -CH Brood, Brd3, Br 3 - DO, Brd(-J 3 Brook, Br3-K Brook'let, Br-K-it Broom, Br^-M Broom'-corn, Br^-il-Krn Broom'stick,Bi--Ms-T-K. Broom'y, Br^-M Broth, Bi-i-TH Broth'el, B^-DHI Broth'er, Brdhr 2 Broth'erhood, Brdhr^-D Broth'er-in-law, Brtlhr N-i [Bi-2-Nl] Broth'erliness, Brdhi* L-Ns Broth'erly, Brtlhr2-L Brougham, Bi- 3 -^! Brow, Br 1 Brow'beat, Bri-B-T, Br 1 - B-T-NG Brow'beaten, B^-B-Tn Brown, (u.)Bru 1 , Br'-Xr, Br!-Nst Brown, (v.) Bm 1 , Brnd 1 , Bnii-NG Brown'ie, Bri-N Brown'ish, Bni'-SH Brown'ness, Bm'-Xs Brown'-stout, Brns'-Tt Brown'-study,Brn.s'-T-D Browse, Brzi, Brzdi, Brz>- NG Browse, Brs 1 Brows'er, Br 1 Zr Bru'in, BrS-N Bruise, Brz', Brzd s , Brz 8 - NG Bruis'er, Br-Zr Bruit, Brt*. Br-Td. Brfc')*, Bru'mal, Br-M-L Brunette', Br^-N-T Brunt, Brut 2 Brush, Brs SH, Br=-SHt, Br2-SH-NG Brush'er, Br^-SHr Brush'iness, Bra-^ Brush '-wood, Br^- SH Wd Brush'y, Br2-5H Brask, Br*-sK BRU 32 BUR Brus'tle, Brs-L, Brs*-Ld, Buffoon'ish, W-Fn-SH Bun'gler, B 2 -NG-G1-B Bra^-L-NG Bru'tal, Brt-L BufTy, B2-F Bug, BS-G Bun'gling, B2-NG-G1-NQ Bun'glingly, B^-NG-Gl- Brutal'ity, Brti-i-T Bug'aboo, B-G-B NG1 Bru'talize, Brt'-Z-z, Brt 3 - Bug'bear, B^-G-B-B Bun'ion, Bn*-N Zzd. Brt a -Z,z-NG Bug'giness. w --Ns Bunk, B 2 -NG-K, B^-NO- Bru'tally, Brt 3 -Z Brute, Brt> Bru'tify, Brta-F, Brta-Fd, Bug'gy, B2-(Gr Bu'gle, Ba-Gl Bu'gle-horn, B 3 -Gl-Hrn Kt, B*-NG-K-NG BunTsum, B*-NG-K-M Bunt, Bnt2, Bn2-Td, Bnts. Brt'-F-NG Bu'gler, Bs-Gl-E NG Bru'tish, Brt 3 -SH Bu'gloss, B 3 -Gls Bunt'ing, Bnt2-NG Bru'tishly, Brts-SHl Buhl, B 3 -L Bunt'ine, Bn 2 -Tn Bru'tishness, Brf-SH-Ns Buhr'-stone, B 3 -Bs-Tn Bunt'line, Bnt2-Ln Bru'tism, Brt 3 -zM Build, B3-Ld, B3-id-NG Buoy, Bw^or 1 , Bwd 3 or', Bru'tum Fulmen, Brt 3 - (Bld">, Bld(-)) Bw^ori-NG. [Generally M-Fl-Mn BuUd'er, B 3 -idr Boll by sailors.] Bry'ony, Br l -N Build'ing, BldCj* Buoy'age, BwSor 1 -! Bub, B2-B Built, Bits Buoy'ancy, Bwn 3 or!-8 Bub'ble, B2-B1, B*-Bll, Bulb, B2-L-B Buoy'ant, Bwn 3 ori-T B*-B1-NG Bulbif erous, B 3 -Z-Bf-.R8 Buoy'antly, BwnSo^-T-i Bubbler, B=-B1-B Bulb'ous, B^-i-Bs Bur, B2-B Bub'bly, B2-B1 Bulge, B2--J, B2-i-Jd, Bur'bot, B2-H-Bt Bub'by, B2-B B2-L-J-NG Bur'den, B 2 -fi-Dn, B-fi- Bu'bo, B3-B Bulk-y, B2-i-K Dnd, B2-fi-Dn-NG Bubon'ocele, Bi-B-Ns-L Bulk'er, B'-L-Kr Bur'denous, B 2 -fl-D-Ns Bucanier', B 3 -Kn-B Bulk'-head, B2-i-K-Hd Bur'densome, B 2 -fi-D- Buc'cal, B 2 -K1 Bulk'iness, B^-L-K-Ns Ns - M [r -D-sM] Buccaneer', B 3 -Kn-E BuU, B 3 -L, B 3 -Ld, B 3 -L- Bur'densomely, B^-B.D- "Bucci'nal, B l -Ks-N-L NG Ns-M-Z/[or-D-sM-i] Bucen'taur, Bs*-N-T-B Bull'-baiting, B 3 -i-Bt(-) Bur'densomeness, B 2 - Bu'chu, B 3 -K Buir-dog, W-L-V-G /Z-D-Ns-M-Ns [or -D-sM- Buck, B2-K, B-Kt, B-K- Bul'let, B-Lt Ns NG Bul'letin, BS-L-TJI Bur'dock, B 2 -B-D-K Buck'-basket, B 2 - K - B - Bull'-flght, B^-i-Ft Bu'reau, B 3 - sKt Bull'-flnch,B 3 -/,-F-N-CH Bureau'cracy, B2-K-Kr-8 Buck'board, B 2 -K-Brd Buck'et, B2-Kt Bull'-frog, B 3 -i-Fr-G Bull'-head, B 3 -L-Hd Bureaucrat'ic, Bi-fi-Kr- T-K Buck'eye, B^-K-i Bull'ion, W-Ln Burg, B2-B-G Buck'ish, B2-K-SH Bull'ock, B 3 -/,-K Burg'age, B 2 -K-G-J Buckle, B2-K1, B-Kld, BulFs'-eye, B 3 -Lz-i Bur'gamot, Br 2 -G-Mt B2-K1-NG Bull'-trout, Ba-i-Trt Burgeois', Bi^-Js Buck'ler, B2-K1-B Bull'y, B 3 -i, B 3 -Zd, B 3 - Bur'geon, Br 2 -Jn Buck'- mast, B^-K-Mst Z-NG Bur'gess, Br^-Js Buck'ra, B 2 -Kr Bul'rush, B 3 -i-B-SH Burg'grave, B2-JZ-Grv Buck'ram, B 2 -Kr-M Bul'wark, B*-L-MVr-E. Burgh, B 2 -fl-G Buck'skin, B^-Ks-Kn Bum, B2-M Burgh'al, B 2 -fi-Gl Buck'stall, B2-KS-T-L Bumbail'iff, B^-M-B-i-F Burgh'er, B 2 -fi-Gr Buck'thorn, B^-K-TH-fin Bum'ble-bee, B-M-B1-B Bur'glar, Br 2 -Gl-E Bucol'ic, B'-Kl-K Bum'boat, B^-M-Bt Burgla'rious, Br2-Gl-Ss Bucol'ical, Bi-Kl-Kl BumTtin, B 2 -M-Kn Burgla'riously, Br 2 - Gl - Bucra'nia, B2-Kr-N Bum'mer, B^-Mr R-KL Bud, Bd2, B2-Dd, BdC) 1 Bump, B2-M-P. B2-M-P-T Burg'lary, Br 2 -Gl-B Bud'dhism, B^-D-zM (or -Mt), B2-M-P-NG Burg'omaster, Br ! - G - Bud'dhist, B-Dst Bump'er, B^-M-Pr Mstr Buddhist'ic, B^-Dst-K Bump'kin, B2-M-Kn Bur'grave, 3 2 -.R-Grv Bude'-light, Bd*-it Bun or Bunn, Bn 2 Bur'gundy, Br-Gn-D Budge, B2-J, B2-Jd, B*-J- Bunch, B2-N-CH, B2-X- Bu'rial, B2-fl-L HO CHt. B2-N-CH-NG Bu'rin, B^-fln Budg'er, B^-Jr Bunch'iness, B 2 - N - CH- Burke, W-B-K, B*-B-Kt, Budg'et, B^-Jt Ni BS-.K-K-NG Bud'let, Bd2-it Bunch'y, B2-N-CH Burl, Br 2 -L BuflF, Bfs Bun'combe, B^-NG-K-M Burl'er, Br-Z-B Buffalo, B2-F- Bund, Bnd Burlesque', Br 2 - Zs - K, Buffer, B2-Fr Bun'dle, Bnd^-L, Bnd 2 - Br2-Zs-Kt, Br2-Zs-K-NG Buffet, B2-Ft, BS-F-Td, Ld, Bnd-L-NG Burlet'ta, Br2-z-T B2-Ft-XG Bung, B2-NG Burliness, Br 2 -Z-Ns Buf feter, B^-Ftr Bun'galow, B^-NG-G-i Bur'ly, Br-/, Buffo, B2-F Buffoon', BS-FQ Bung'-hole, B^-NG-Hl Bun'gle, B2-NG-G1, B2- Burn, B2-BH, BS-Bnd, B n-NG Buafoon'ery, B*-Fa-,K NG-Gld, B2-NG Gl-KG /Burn'er, B-Bn-E BUR Bur'nettize, B 2 -.R-N-Tz Burn'ing-glass, W-Rn- NG - Gls Bur'nish, B2-.Rn-SH, B2- fln-SHt, B2-.Rn-SH-NG Bur'nisher, B2-.Rn-SH-E Burnt, B2-flnt Burr, B2-E, B2-Ed, B 2 -.R- NG Bur'row, B 2 -B, W-R-V, Bur'ry, W-R Bur'sar, B 2 -Es-E Bur'sary, B^-Ks-fi Burse, B--KS Burst, B 2 -Rst. B2-Bst(-) Burst'er, B 2 -Estr Burt, B 2 -Et Bur'theu, B 2 -.R-DHn Bur'y, B2-fl, B2-.R-D, B2- /J-NG Bur'ying-ground, B 2 -fi- NG-Grnd Bur'ying-place, NG - Pis Bus, fig" Bus'by, Bz2-B Bush, B^-SH, BS-SHt, B 3 - SH-NG Bush'-bean, B-SH-Bn Bush'el, BS-SHI Bush'elage, B-SH1-J Bush'eler, B-SHl-E Bush'el-roan, B^-SHl-Mn Bush'-harrow, B^-SH-H- K Bush'iness, W-SH-TXs Bush'ing, B^-SH-NG Bush'man, B3-SH-Mn Bush'-whacker, B 3 -SH- W-Kr Bush'-whacking,B 3 -8H- W-K-NG Bush'y, W.SH Bus'ily, B-Z1 Bus'iness, Bz-Ns Busk, B2-sK Bus'kin, B2-gKn Bus'kined, B^-sKnd BusTcy, B2-sK Buss, Bs2, Bst2, Bs2-NG Bust, Bst2 Bus'tard, Bs^-T-Ed Bus'tle, Bs2-L, Bs2-Ld, Bs 2 -L-NG Bus'tler, B2-sL-E Bus'y, BS-Z, B^-D, B3-Z- NG Bus'y-body, Bz3-B-D But, (cory.) Bt2 [B2] But, (w.) Bt2 Butch'er, B 3 - CHr, B* - CHrd. B^-CHr-NG Butch'er-bird, B" - CHr - Brd Butch'erly, B3-CHr- Butch'ery, fis-CH-fi But'ler, Bt2-L-E But'lerage, Btf-L-R-3 Butlership, a* 33 But'ment, Bt-Mnt Butt, Bt2, B 2 -Td, Bt(')* Butte, Bta But'ter, Btr2, B - Trd, Btr 2 -NG But'ter-cup, Btr2-K-P But'tered, Btrd But'terfly. B2-Tr-Fl But'teris,B*-T-fis But'termilk, Bs-Tr-M-i- K But'ternut, B^-Tr-N-T But'tery, B-Tr Butt'-hinge, Bt2-H-N-J Butt'-joint, Bt2-Jnt But'tock, B2-T-K But'ton, B2-Tn, B2-Tnd, B2-Tn-NG But'ton-hole, B2-T-N- Hl, B2-T-N-Hld, B2-T-N- Hl-NG But'ton-wood,B2-Tn-Wd But'tress, B2-Trs Butt'-weld, Bt^-wid Butyra'ceous, W-T-R- SHs Bu'tyrus, B 3 -T-.Rs Butyr'ic, B 3 -T-fi-K Bu'tyrine, B-T-Rn Bux'om, B*-K-sM Bux'omly, B2-K-sM- Bux'omness,B2-K-sM-Ns Buy, Bi, Bi-NG Buy'er, Bi-E Buzz, Bz2, Bzd2. Bz-NG Buz'zard, B2-Zrd Buzz'er, B2-Zr By, Bi Bye, Bi By'-gone, BJ-Gn By'-law, W-L By'-play, B-P1 Byre, B-E By'-stander, Bsi-Tndr By'-street, B^sTrt By'-way, B'-W By'-word, Bi-Wrd Byz'ant, Bz-Nt Byzan'tine or Byz'an- tine, Bzior*-N-Tn c. C, the third letter of the Alphabet, like q and x, has no sound of its own, and therefore has no sign ap- propriated to it in Phonog- raphy. It sounds like k in can, like * in cell, like z in suffice, and (with follow- ing e or i) like sh in ocean, commercial, etc. i?c, before a, o and , nave the one sound of k. as in baccate, account, accuse ; CAD but, before e and i, they have the two sounds of k and s, as in accede, acci- dent. See Bb. C is sometimes silent, as in indict. See silent 6. Cab, K-B 1 Cabal', K-Bi-L, K-Bi-Ld, K-Bi-L-NG Cab'ala, K-W-L Cab'alism, K-B^i-zM Cab'alist, K-B^Lst Cabalist'ic, K-B^-Ls-T-K Cabalist'ical-iy, K - B 3 - Ls - T - Kl Cabal'ler, K-B'-Z-R Cab'alline, K-B l -n Cab'bage, K-Bi-J, K-Bi- Jd. K-Bi-J-XG Cab'bage-rose,K-Bi-J-.Rz Cab'in, K-Bni, K-Bnd 1 , Cab'in-boy, K-Bi^-B Cab'inet, K-Bi-N-T [K-B^ Ca'ble, K-B12 Cabob', K-B!-B Caboose', K-Bs 3 Cabriolet', K-Br 2 - Caca'o, K 2 -K Cach'alot, K-SHi-it Cache, K-SH 1 Cachec'tic, K-K-K-T2-K Cachee'tical, K-K-K-T 2 - Kl Cach'et, K-SHi Cachex'y, K-K-K-S 2 Cachinna'tion, K 2 - K - Nshn Cacique', Ks 3 -K Cack'le, Ri-Kl, Ki-Kld, K!-K1-NG Cack'ler, K-Kl-Ri Cack'ling, Ri-Kl-NG Cac'ochymy, K^K-K-M Cacode'mon, K-K-D 3 -Mn Cacoe'thes, K-K-THz 3 . Caoog'raphy, K-K-Gr-F 1 Cacoph'onous, K - K - F>- Ns Cacoph'ony, K-K.-F!-N Cac'ti, K-K-T 1 Cae'tus, K-K-Ts 1 Cad, K-D 1 Cadav'erous, K-Dv'-Ss Cad'dice, K-Ds 1 Cad'dice-ny, K-Dsi-Fl Cad'dis, K-Ds 1 Cad'dow, K-Di Cad'dy, K-Di Cade, K-D 2 Ca'dence, K-Dns z Ca'dency, K-Dn 2 -S JCa'dent, K-Dut 2 Caden'za, K-Dn2-Z Cadet', K-Dt 2 Cadew', K-D Cade'- worm, K-DS-Wr-M Cadge, K-J 1 jCad'ger, K-Jr iCad'gy,K-Ji CAD 34 CAM Ca'di, K-D2 Calculator, KlJ-Kltr Calmly, K'-Ml Cadme'an, K-D 3 -Mn Cal'culous, Kl-K-isi Calm'ness, Ki-M-Ns Cad'mia, K-D'-M Cal'culus, Kl-K-is 1 Calog'raphy, Kl-Gr-F Cad'mian, K-D J -Mn Cal'dron, Kl-Drn 1 ICal'omel, KP-M1 Cad'mium, K-Di-M-M Calefa'cient, Kl-Fshnt* Calor'ic, K-LrJ-K Cadu'ceus, K-D 3 - SHs Calefac'tion, Kl-F^Kshn Calorific, K-ir^-F-K Cadu'city, K-Ds*-T Calefac'tive, Kl-Fi-K-Tv Caloriflca'tion, K-irS-F- Cadu'cous, K-D 3 -Ks Calefac'tor, Kl-F^-Ktr Kslm Csesu'ra, S 3 -zfl Caesu'ral, 8 a -zfi-L Calefac'tory, Kl-Fi-K-T- R Calorim'eter, K-Z-^-Mtr Calorim'etry, K - Z,r - M- Cafe, K-Fi Caffe'ic, K-F3-K Cal'efy, K1-F Cal'endar, Klndr 1 Tr Calorimo'tor, K - ir 2 - Caffe'ine, K-F-N Cal'ender, Klndr 1 , Klnd 1 - Motr Caf fre, K-Fr 1 Rd, Kliidri-NG Calote', K-Lt Caftan or Caftan', K-F 1 - Cal'enderer, Klndr-R 1 Calotte', K-Z,ti Tn Cal'ends, Kli-Ndz Cal'otype, Kl-T^P Gag, Ki-G Cal'enture, KU-Ntr Caloy'er, K-Z- J -R Cage, K-J 2 , K-Jd 2 , K-J 2 - Cales'cence, K-Z,s 2 -Ns Cal'trap or Cal'trop, Kl- NG Calf, Kfi Tr 1 -? Cai'man, K 2 -Mn Cal'iber or Cal'ibre, Kl 1 - Cal'umet, K-Li-Mt Ca'ique or Caique', K 2 or Br Calum'niate, Kl-M-N-T*, 3 -K Cal'ice, K-is 1 Kl-M-N-Td 2 , K1-M-N-T2- Cairn, K-ZZn 1 Cal'ico, K-it-K KG Cais'son, Ks*-N Cal'id, K-Z-d 1 Calumnia'tion, Kl 2 - M - Cai'tiff, K-Tf 2 Calid'ity, K-id-T Nshn Caj'eput, K-J J -Pt Cajole', K-J 2 -L, K-J2-Ld, Cal'iduct, K-Z-t-D-Kt Ca'lif, K-Z.2-F Calum'niator, Kl 2 -3I-Ntr Calum'niatory, Kl-M-N- K-J2-L-NG. See Cudgel. Cal'ifate, K-Z-^Ft T 2 -# ;ajol'er, K-J S -Z,-R Cajol'ery, K-J 2 -i-K Calig'inous, Kl^-J-Ns Calig'raphy, Kl-Gr-F 3 Calum'nious, Kl 2 -M-Ns Calum'niously, Kl - M - Cake, K 2 -K, K-K-T 2 , K 2 - Calipash', K-i^P-SH Ns - L- K-NG Calipee', K-ZAP Cal'umny, KP-M-N Cal'abash, K-L'-B-SH Cal'ipers, K-Z,i-Prz Cal'vary, Kl-V 1 -^ Calaboose', K-Z, a -Bs Ca'liph, K-Z, 2 -F Calve, Kv 1 Cala'brian, K-Z, 2 -Bru Cal'iphate, K-L^-Yt Calves, Kvz 1 Calaman'co,Kl'-M-NG-K Calisthen'ic, Kls-THn 2 -K Cal'vinism, Kl-Vni-Z-M Calamiferous, Kl-M-F 3 - Calisthen'ics, Kls-THn 2 - Cal'vinist, Kl-Vni-St RB Ks Calvinist'ic, Kl-Vn 3 -St-K Caramine, K-Z/t-Mn Ca'lix, K-Z. 2 -Ks Calvinist'ical, Kl-Vn8- Calam'itous, Kl-M-Ts 1 Calam'itously, Kl-M-T 1 - Calk, Kt-K, K-K-Ti, K^-K- NG St-Kl Calx, K-I^-Ks l Calk'er, Rt-Kr Cal'ycle, K-L^Kl Calam'itousness, Kl-M- Calk'in, KU-Kn or Ki-Kn Calyx, K-Z, 2 -Ks Tsi-Xs Calk'ing-iron, K'-K-NG- Cam, K!-M Calam'ity, Kl-M-Ti i-Rn Cama'ieu, K-M-T 2 Cal'ami, Kl'-M Call, Kli, Kid 1 , KP-NG Cam'ber, K-M-Bri Cal'amus, KH-Ms Call'er, K-Z,ri Cam'bist, K-M-Bst* Calash', K-Z^-SH Cal'lid, K-L l -D Cam'bistry, K-M-Bi-sTr Cal'car, Kl'-Kr Calligraphic, Kl : -Grf-K Cam'blet, K-M-Blt 1 Calca'reous, Kl-K-7?s 2 Calligraph'ical, Kl - Gr - Gamboge', K-M-B2-J Gai'ceated, Kl-S'-Td F 1 Kl Camboose', K-il-Bs 3 Calcif erous, Kls-F-ffs Callie'raphist, Kl - Gr - Cam'brel, K-M-Bri-L Cal'ciform, Kla-F^R-M 1 Fsta Cam'brian, K-M-Brn 1 Cal'cify, Kls F Calcin'able,Kls-N-Bl> Callig'raphy, Kl-Gr-F 3 Call'me, KU-NG Cam'bric, K-M-Br 2 -K Came, K 2 -M. See Come. Cal'cinate, Kis'-Nt Calli'ope, K-Z-J-P Cam'el, K ] -Ml Calcina'tion, Kls 2 -Nshn iCallipash', K i'-P-SH Cameleon, K M-Ln 8 Calcin'atory, Kls-N-TS-^j Callipee', K-L*-P Calcine'orCal'cine, Kls 1 - Cal'lipers, K-I,i-Prz Camellia, K-M-Z 2 Camel'opard or Cam'el- N, Kls-Nd, Kls'-N-NG Callisthen'ics, Kls- Calcin'er, Kls-N-Ri THu--Ks opard, K-Ml-Prd^or 1 Cam'eo, K'-Mio Cal'cite, Kls.T 1 Cal'citrate, Kl-sTrti Callos'ity, K-Zs 1 -! Callous, K-Z/s 1 Cam'era, K M-/J 1 Cameralist'ics, K M - Cal'cium, Kl J -sM Cal'lousness, K-is^Ns TJls 3 T-Ks Calc'-sinter, KH-Ks-Ntr Cal'low, K-Z,> Cam'era Lu'cida, K-M. Calculable, K1-K1-BH jCal'lus. K-Aai Ri-Ls-D cEcHlon^illshn 1 r!ftlm / \ VI. \1 Kl.TW/1 Cam'era Obscu'ra,K-M. Camisade' or Camlsa' do,K CAM Cam'let, K-M-Zti Cam'omile, K-M-M-L> Camp, K-M-pi, K.!-Mt, K- M-P'-NG Campaign', K-M-Pn 2 Campaign'er, K-M-P 2 -Nr Campanlform, K-M-P>- N-F-E-5I [-Pn-F] Campanol'ogy, K-M-P 1 Nl-J Campan'ulate, K-M-pi- Nl-T Campes'tral, K-M-P 2 - sTr-/- Campes'trian, K-M-P 2 - sTrn Camphene', K-M-Fn3 Cam'phire, K-M-F'-R Cam'phor, K-M-Fr 1 Cam'phorate, K-M-F^-T Camphorlc.K-M-Fi-R-K Cam'pion, K-M-Pn 1 Camp' -meeting, K-M-P 1 - Mt(-) Cam'-wheel, Ki-M-Wl Can, (n.) Kn Can, (u.)Kni [Ki] Canaille', K-N-L* Canal', K'-Nl Canard', Kn-RiorKn-Rd 1 Cana'ry, Kn- 2 Cana'ry-bird, Kn-.R 2 -Brd Can'cel, K-N-sLi, K-N- sLdi, K-N-sLi-NG Can'cellated, K - N - sL l - Td [K-s/^-Tdi Cancella'tion, K - N - sLshn 2 [K-sLshn 2 ] Can'cer, Kn-sR 1 Can'cerate, K-N-s7?ti Cancera'tion, K - N - Jbbn* Can'cerous, K-N-sRs 1 Can'criform, K-NG-Kr- FM-R-M) Can'crine, K'-NG-Km Candela'bra, Kn-D 2 -i-Br Candela'brum, Kn-D 2 -i- Br-M Can'dent, Kn-Dnti Can'did, Kn-Ddi Can'didacy, Knd-D^S Can'didate, Kud-Dti Can'didly, Kn-Dd'-/, Can'didness, Kn-Dd^X.s Can'dle, K-Nd-L 1 t/an'dlemas, K-Nd-L'-Ms Can'dor, Kndr 1 Can'dy, Kn-D 1 , Kn-Dd 1 , Kn-D'-NG Cane, Kn 2 , Knd 2 , Kn 2 -NG Canic'ula, K^-N-Kl Can'icule, K-N-K1 Canic'ular, K-N-K1-R* Canine', K'-Nn Can'ister, Knstr 1 Can'ker, Ki-NG-Kr, Ki- NG-Krd, Kl-NG-K^-^G Can'kered, Ki-NG-Krd CanTterous, K-NG-Kr-S 1 35 Can'ker-rash, K^NG-Kr -SH Can'ker- worm, K 1 - KG - Kr-Wr-M Can'nel-coal, Ki-Nl-Kl Can'nibal, K-N-BU Can'nibalism, K-N-BP- zM Can'non, Kni-N Cannonade', Kn - N - D 2 , Kn-N-Dd*, Kn-N-D2-NG Can'non-ball,Kni-N-B-L Cannoneer' or Cannon- ier', Kn-N-R* Can'nonry, Kn-N-R> Can'non-shot.KnJ-N-SHt Can'not, Kni-Nt[Kntij Can'nular, Kn-Z^R Can'ny, Ki-N Canoe', K 3 -N Can'on, Kni-N Can'on, (a gorge) K-N-Yn 1 Can'oness, Kn-N-S 1 Canonic, Kni-N-K Canonlcal-ly, Kn^-N-Kl Canon'icalness, Kni-N- Kl-Ns Canonicals, Kni-N-Klz Canonlcate, Kn!-N-Kt Canoniclty, Kn-Ns-1' 3 Can'onist, Kn^lsst Canonist'ic, Kn-Ns-T 3 -K Canoniza'tion,Kn 2 -NzsAn Can'onize, Kn^Nz, Kn 1 - Nzd, Kni-Nz-NG Can'onizer, Kn-N-Zr 1 Can'on-law, Kn!-N-/i Can'onry, Kn-N-B 1 Can'onship, KnJ-NrSH Can'opy, K-N-P 1 , K-N- Pdi, K-N-Pi-NG Cano'rous, Kn-^fs 2 Cant, Knt 1 , Kn-Td 1 , Knt'- NG Can't, Knti Cantab', Kn-Ti-B Cantab'rigian, Kn - T 1 - Br- Jn Can'taleup or Can'ta- loupe, Kn-TJ-i-P Can'talever, Kn-Ti-^-Vr Jantan'kerous, Knt-NG- Kr-S Canta'ta, Kn-T'orS-T Oanteen', Kn-Tn 3 Jan'ter, Kntr 1 , Knt-Rd 1 , Kntri-NG Can'terbury, Kntr-Bi- Oan'terbury-tale, Kntr- BI-_K-T-L Canthar'ides, K-N-TH 1 - B-Dz Can'tharis, K-N-TH^/Js Cant'-hook, Knti-H-K Can'thus, K-N-THsi Can'ticle, Kn-T'-Kl Can'tilever, Kn-Ti-i-Vr Can'tillate, Kn-TJ-it Cantilla'tion, Kn - T^ - Lshu CAP Cantine'j Kn-Tn' Cant'ingly, Knt-NG-H Can'tle, Kn T'-L Cant'let, Kut-iti Can'to, Kii-T 1 Can/ton, Kn - Tn 1 , Kn- Tiid', Kn-Tni-NG Can'tonal, Kn-T'-Nl Can'tonize, Kn-T'-Kz Can'tonment, Ku-Ti-N- Mut Cantoon', Kn-Tu* Can'vas, Kn-Vs 1 Can'vas-back, Kn-Vs^B- K Can'vass, En - Vs 1 , Ka- Vsti. Kn-AV-NG Can'vasser, Kn-Vsi-R Can'y, K--X Can'yon, K-N-Yn 1 Canzo'ne, Ku-Z-'-N Canzonet', Ku-Z--Nt Caout'chouc, K-CH'-K Cap, K-P 1 . K-Pf. K-pi-KG Capabil'ity, K-P'Bl- T [K-B1 3 -T] Ca'pable, K-P^-Bl [K-B1*] Ca'pableness, K - P- - Bl- Ns [iBs] Capa'cious, K-P 2 -SHs Capa'ciously,K-P--SHs-Zi Capa'ciousness, K - P" - SHs - Ns Capac'itate, K-Ps'-Tt, K- Ps!-T-Td, K-Ps'-Tt-NG Capac'ity, K-Ps 1 -!' Cap-a-pie', K-P^-PG Capar'ison, K. - P 1 - R a- N, K-P'-/es-Xd, K-P^JZs-N- NO Cape, K-ps Cap'ellet, K-pi-Zt Ca'per, K.-Pr-, K-Prd^, K- Pr--NG Ca'perer, K-Pr^-R Ca'per-tree, K-Pr^-Tr Ca'pias, K-Ps 2 Capilla'ceoua, K-P 2 -- SHs Capil'lament, K-P 3 -i- Mnt Capillar'ity, K-F l -L-Rt Cap'illary or Capil'lary, K-F^ofi-L-lt Capil'liform, K-P^-i-F It-M Cap'ital, K-Pt 1 -!,. See Capitol. Capitalist, K-Pti-Zst Capitaliza'tion, K - Pt^ - Lzshn Capitalize, H-Pt l -Lz Capitally, K-Pt'-L Capita'tion, K-P 2 -Tshn Caplte, K-pi-T Capitol, K-P 1 -!!. Se Capital. Gapltoline, K-P J -T-in j Capit'ular, K-Pt-i-R I Capit'ulary, CAP Capif ulate, K-Pt*- t, K- Capitula'tion, K - Pt* - Lshn Capit'ulator, K Pts-Ltr Capi'vi, K-ps-V Cap'nomancy, K - P* - N- Mn-8 Capoch', K-I> 3 -CH Ca'pon, K-Pn 2 Caponiere', K-Pn 8 -K Capot', K Pt Capote', K-Pt 2 Capouch', K P 3 -CH Cap'reolate, K-Pri-Lt Capric'cio, K-Prt 3 -CH Caprice', K-Prs 3 Capri'cious, K-Pr 3 -5Hs Capri'ciously, K Pr 3 - 8Hs- Capri'ciousness, K-Pr 3 - Cap'ricorn, K-Pr^Krn Caprifica'tion, K - Prf 2 - Kita Cap'riform.K-Pri -F-B- M Caprig'enous.K-Pr'-j-Ns Cap'riole, K-Pr 1 -!, Cap'-sheaf, K-P l -SH-F Cap'sicine, K-P>-S(*-N Cap'sicum, K-P^sK-M Capsize', K-P l -sZ, K-pi- sZd. K-P'-sZ-NG Cap'stan, K-Ps'-Tn Cap'sular, K-P*-sZ,-R Cap'sulary, K-P'-si-B Cap'sulate, K-P>-s/,t Cap'sulated, KJ>i-s/--Td Cap' sale, K-Psi-L Cap'tain, K-pi-Tn [K-Pn 1 Cap'taincy, K-P'-Tn-S lor Pn-S] Cap'tainry, K-pi-T-Nr Cap'tainship, K-pi-Tn : 8H Cap'tion, K-Pshni Cap'tious, K-P'-SHs Cap'tiously, K-P'-SHs-L Cap 'tiousness, K-pi-Sflis- Ks Cap'tivate, K-Pti-Vt, K- Pt'-V-Td, K-Pti-Vt(-) Captiva'tion, K-Pt 2 -Vshn Cap'tive, K-Pt l -V Captiv'ity, (-Vt) Cap'tor, K-Ptr> Capt'ure, K-P'-CHr, K- p!-CHrd. K-P'-CHr-NG Capuchin', K-P 3 -SHn Ca'put, K-Pt Ca'put Mortuum, K-Pt 2 M-.R-T-M Car, Kri Car'abine, K-K'-Bn Car'ack, K-R l -K Car'acole, K-fi^Kl Car'agheen, K--Gn Car'amel, K-^-Ml Car'apace, K-R l -Pa K-Pt-V-T Cardoon 86 Car'apax, K- Car'at, K-RV Car'avan or Caravan', K-R l -\n Caravan'sary or Cara- van'serai, E.-R l -\us-S Car'avel, K-fi l -V-L Car'away, K-R l -Vf Car'bine, Kr-Bn 1 Carbineer', Kr-Bn'-E Car'bon, Kr-Bni Carbona'ceous, Kr-Bn*- SHs Carbona'ri, Kr-B'-Nr Car'bonate, Kr-Bi-X-T Car'bonated., Kr-B'-N-Td Carbon'ic, Kr-B^N-K. Carboniferous, Kr-B*- N-F-fis Carboniza'tion, Kr-B=- Nz*ft?i Car'bonize, Kr - B' - Nz, Kr-Bi-Nzd, Kr-B-Nz-NG Car'boy, Kr-Bi CarTjuncle, Kr-Bi-NG-Kl Car'buncled, Kr-Bi-NG- Kld Carbun'cular, Kr-B^-NG- Kl-B CarTsuret, Kr-Bi-fit Car'bureted, Kr-Bi-fi-Td Car'canet, K^-K-Nt Car'cass, Kr'-Ks Card, Krdi, Kr-Dd^, Krdi- NG Gar'damine, Kr-D^Mn Car'damom, Kr-Di-M-M Card'-board, Krd^Brd Card'er, Kr-Dr 1 Car'diac, Kr-Di-K Cardi'acal, Kr-D'-Kl Car'dialgy, Kr-Di-i-J Car'dinal, Kr-Di-Nl Car'dinalate, Kr-D J -Nl-T Car'dinalship, Kr-D'-Xl: SH Car'dinal-bird, Kr - D 1 - Nl - Brd Card'ing-engine, Krd 1 - NG - N - Jn Card'ing-maehine, Krd^NG-M-SHu Car'dioid, Kr-D'-D Cardiol'ogy, Kr-Di-L-J Cardoon', Kr-Dn 3 Card'-table, Krd^T-Bl Care, Kr>, Krd 1 , Kr'-NG Car'er, K-Kr 1 Careen', K-fin 3 , K-^nd 3 , K-n3-NG Career', K-R*-R, K-Rt-R- . Care'ful, Kr-F'-L [Krf 1 ] Care'tully, Krf-Z, 1 Care'fulness, Kr-F'-L-Xs [Kri;F8j Care'less, Kr-Ls* Care'lessly, E.r-Ls l -L Care'lessness, Kr-^s'-Ns [Kr'JLs] CAR iCarene', K-JSn s Caress', K-R&-. K-RsP, K. ! fls^-NG Ca'ret, K Bt Care' -worn, KrLWrn Car'go, Ki-i-G Car'ibou, K-JP-B Car'icature, Kr-K-CHr 1 , Kr-K-CHrd 1 , Kr-K-CHr 1 - NG. See Character, Car x icaturist 3 Kr-K-CHrsti Ca'ries, K-Kz 2 Car'inate, K-fi>-Nt Car'inated, K-fl-N-Td Car'iole, K-/ei-L Carips'ity, K-flsi-T Ca'rious, K-Rs- Cark'ing, KrJ-K-NG Carl, Kr-Li Car'line, Kr-^n 1 Car'ling, Kr-L-NG Car'man, Kr'-Mn Car'melite, Kr-M-ti Carmin'ative, Kr - M - N- Tv Car'mine, K^-Mn Car'nage, Kr-N-Ji Car'nal, Kri-Nl Car'nalist, KrJ-Nlst Carnal'ity, Kr-Nl-Ti Car'nalize, Kr^Nl^, Zr 1 - Nlzd, Kri-Nlz-XG Car'nally, Kr J -Nl Carna'tion, Kr 2 -Nshn Carnel'ian, Kr-N-Ln 3 Car'neous, Kr-N-S 1 Car'ney, Ki-i-N Carninca'tion, Kr-N-F. Kshn Car'nify, Kr-N-F* Car'nival, Kr-N-Vt-L Carniv'ora, Kr-N-V 3 - Carniv'orous, Kr-N-V 8 - Rs Carnos'ity, Kr-Ns-T 1 Car'ob. K-^-B Car'ol, K-/ili, K-Bld', K- J?li-NG Carot'id, K-K J -Td Carot'idal, K--K'-T-D1 Carous'al, K-zi-L Carouse', K-Rz^, K-fizd 1 . K-zi-NG Carous'er, K-K'-Zr Carp, K-.RI-P, K-/2i-Pt, K- X'-P-NG Car'pal, Kr-pi-L Car'penter, Kr-Pnfr 1 Car'pentry, Kr-P'-N-Tr Carp'er, Kr-Pr 1 Car'pet, Kr-Pt', Kr-P'-Td, Kr-Pt(-)i Car'peting, Kr-PtC)i Carphol'ogy, Kr-F'--J Carp'ing, Kr-P^NG Carp'ingly, Kr-P'-NGl Car'polite, Kr-Pi-it Carpol'ogy, Kr-pJ-i-J Car'raek. K-fi l -K Carrageen', K-.K 3 -Gn CAR Car'rel, Carriage, K-.R1-J Car'riageable, K-K'-J-Bl Car'rier, K-fii-B Car'rion, K-Pn 1 Car'rom, K-Ri-M Carronade', K-fi^-N-D Car'rot, K-fit 1 Car'roty, K-fli-T Car'ry, K-R\ K-tfi-D, K- .R!-NG Car'ry-all, K-fii-L Cart, Krti, Kr-Tdi, Krti- NG Cart'age, Krt-J 1 Carte-blanche', Krti - Bin - SH Cartel' or Cartel, Kror -T-L Cart'er, Krtr 1 Carte'sian, Kr-Tzhn Carthu'sian, Kr-THzhn Car'tilage, Krt-Z,i-J Cartilag'inous, Krt - L l J-Ns Cartography, Krt-Gr-F' Car'ton, Kr-Tni Cartoon', Kr-Tn 3 Cartouch', Kr-T 3 -SH Cartridge, Rrt-fli-J Car'tridge-box, Krt-.R 1 - J-B-Ks Cart' -wheel, Krti-Wl Cart'-wright, Krt'-fit Caruncle, K^-NO-Kl Carun'cular, Kr-NG-Kl- R* Carun'culate, Kr*-NG- KH Carve, Krv^, Krvd 1 , Krv 1 - NG Car'vel, Kr-Vi-L Carv'er, Kr-Vri Carv'ing, Krvi-NG Carv'ing-knife, Krvi - NG-N-F Carya'tes, K-.R2.Tz Caryat'ic, K-BJ-T-K Caryat'ld, S.-R l -T& Caryat'ides, K-R l -T-Dz Cas'cabel, Ks-K-BU Cascade', Ks^-Kd Cascaril'la, Ks-K-fil Case, Ks 2 , Kstz. Ks 2 -NG Case'harden, K^-sfi-Dn Ca'seine, Ks"-N Case'-knife, Ks 2 -N-F Case'mate, K 2 -sMt Case'mated, K-sM-Td Case'ment, K^-sMnt Ca'seous, K-sS 2 Ca'sern, K-Zrn Case'-shot, Ks 2 --S'Wt Case'-worm, K 2 -sWr-M Cash, K-SH 1 , K-SHi-T, K- SHi-NG Cash'-account, K - SH 1 - K-Nt Cash'-book, K-SHJ-B-K Cashew', K-SH3 37 Cashier', K - SHrS, K- SHrd 3 , K-SHr3-NG Cash'mere, K-SHi-M-B Cashoo', K-SH 3 Cas'ing, Ks 2 -NG Casi'no, Ks 3 -N Cask, Ksi-K Cask'et, K8i-Kt Casque, Ks^K Cas'sada, Ks-D> Cassa'tion, KssAn 2 Cas'sava, Ks-Vi Cas'se-paper, Ks-P^Pr Cas'sia, K-SHi Cas'sidony, Ks-D J -N Cas'simere, K-sM-K 1 Cassi'no, Ks 3 -N Cas'sius, K-SHs 1 Cas'sock, Ksi-K Cas'sowary, K-sW 1 -^ Cast, Ksti, Kst(-)i Casta'nea, Ks-T 2 -N Cas'tanet, Ks-T'-Nt Cast'away, Ks-TJ-W Caste, Ksti Cas'tellan, Ks-Ti-in Cas'tellany, Ks-TJ-L-N Cas'tellated, Ks-T^L-Td Cast'er, Kstr 1 Cas'tigate, Ks-T>-Gt, Ks- Ti-G-Td, Ks-T^Gt-NG Castiga'tion, Ks-T 2 -Gshn Cas'tigator, Ks-T^Gtr Cas'tigatory, Ks-Ti-G-T- R Cas'tile, Ks-Ti-L Cast'ing, Kst(-) 1 Cas'tle, Ks-L Cas'tle-builder, K - sZ, 1 - Bldr Cas'tle-guard, K-s/^-Grd Cas'tle-ward, K-sZ/i-Wrd Cast'-ofF, Ks-Tfi Cas'tor, Kstr 1 Castrameta'tion, K-sTr 2 - M-Tshn Cas'trate, K-sTrt 1 , K-sTr 1 - Td, K-sTrt^-) Castra'tion, K-sTrshn 2 Cas'trel, K-sT^-L Castren'sian, K-sTr 2 -N- sN Cas'ual-ly, K-ZHU Cas'ualty, K-ZHH-T Cas'uist, K-ZHst 1 Casuist'ic, K-ZHs 3 -T-K Casuist'ical,K-ZHs 3 -T-Kl Cas'uistry, K-ZHs>-Tr Cat, Kti Catacaus'tic, K-TJ-Ks-T- K Catachre'sis, K-T^-Kres Catachres'tic, K-T 2 -Krs- T-K Catachree'tical-ly,K-T- Krs-T-Kl Cat'aclysm, K-Ti-Kl-zM Cat'acomb, K-T^K-M Catacous'tics, K-T^r^-K- sT-Ks CAT Catadiop'tric, Kt - Di - P- Tr-K Catadiop'trical, Kt-D J -P- Tr-Kl Catafal'co, Kt-F^i-K Catafalque', Kt-F^i-K Cat'agraph, Kti-Grf Catalec'tic, Kt-/,2-K-T-K Cat'alepsy, Kt-i'-P-S Catalep'tie, KI-/.2-P-T-K Cat'alogue, Kt-L l -G Catal'pa, K-T'-i-P Catamaran', K-T>-M-n Catame'nia, K-T-M-N Catame'nial, K-T 3 -M-N- L Cat'amount, K-T'-Mnt Catapelt'ic, Kt-P 2 -A-T-K Cataphon'ics, Kt-Fn^Ks Cat'aphract.K-T'-Fr-K-T Cat'aplasm, Kt-PJi-zM Cat'apult, Kt-p!-Lt Cat'aract, K-lV-Kt Catarrh', K-T^E Catarrh'al, K-T 1 -/?! Catarrh'ous, K-T'-ffs Catas'trophe, K-I^-sTr-P Cat'-bird, Kt'-Brd Cat'-call, Kt'-Kl Catch, K-CHi, K-CHt, K- CH!-NG Catch'able, K-CHi-Bl Catch'er, K-CHri Catch'penny, K-CIli-P-N Catch'pole, K-CH^P-L Catch'up, K-CH^-P Catch'-word, K-CH'-Wrd Catechet'ic, K-T^-K-T-K Catechet'ical-ly, K - T 2 - K-T- Kl Cat'echise, K-T'-Kz, K- T'-Kzd, K-Ti-Kz-NG Cat'echiser, K-T [ -K-Zr Cat'echism, K-T'-K-zM Cat'echist, K-T^Kst Catechist'ic, K-T^-Ks-T- K Catechist'ical, K-T3-Ks- T-K1 Cat'echu, K-'P-K Catechu'men, K-T 3 -K- Mn Categoi^ical-ly, KtJ-Giv Kl Cat'egory, Kt^-Gr Catena'rian, Kt-N-^Jn 2 Cat'enary, Kt-N-fi 1 Cat'enate, Ktf-Nt, Kt-N- Tdi,Kti-Nt-NG Catena'tion, Kt 2 -Nshn Ca'ter, Ktr 2 , Ktrd 2 , Ktr*- NG Ca'terer,.Ktr-R 2 Ca'teress, Ktr-S 2 Cat'erpillar, Ktr-pi-i-K Cat'erwaul, Ktr-W-Z, Gates, Kts 2 Cat'-fish, Kf-F-5/r iCat'gut, K-T J -Gt ICath'arist, K-THi-Jtet 449546 CAT Cat'-harpin, KO H B-Pn Cat'-harping, Kt'-H-J?-P- NG Cathar'tic, K-TH'-^-T-K (Kthr-T-K) Cathar'ticai, K-THi-fi-T- Kl (Kthr-T'-Kl) Cat'-head, Kti-Hd Cath'edra or Cathe'dra, K-THW 3 -Dr Cathe'dral, K-THdr 3 -!, Cath'eter, K-THtri Oaf-hole, Kti-Hl Cath'olic, K-THi-L-K [K- Cathol'icism, K-TH'-Z- szM [K-THi-szM] Catholic'ity, K-TH 3 -i 8 -T Cathol'icize, K-TH^isz Cathol'icon, K-THi-Z-Kn Cafkin, K-T^Kn Cat'ling, Kt-/,i-XG Cat'mint, KU-Mnt Cat'nip, Kt-x-pi Cat'-o'-nine'-tails, Kt - Nnt - Zzi Catop'tric, Kt-pi-Tr-K Catop'trioal, Kt-pi-Tr-Kl Catop'trics, Kt-Pi-Tr-Ks Cat'-pipe, Kt!-P-P Cat's'-cradle, Kt'-sKr-Dl CatV-eye, KtsM Cat's'-foot, Kts>-Ft Cat's'-paw, Kts'-P Cat's'-tail, Ktsi-T-L Cat' -stick, Kts'-T-K Cat'sup, Kts-pi Cat' tie, K-Tli Cat'tle-guard, K-TU-Grd Cat'tle-show, K-T1 1 -.?// Cauca'sian, K'or^-Kshn Cau'cus, K'-Ks Cau'dal, K-DH Cau'date, K-Dt* Cau'dated, K-Di-Td Cau'dex, K-D'-Ks Cau'dle, K-DU Cauf, Kfi Cau'fle, K-Fi-L Caught, Kti Caul, K-Li Caules'cent, K-is 2 -Xt Caulii'erous, K-L^-F-Rs Cau'liflower, K-i-Fl-K Caus'able, Kz-Bi-L Caus'al, Kz-Li Causal'ity, K-zL l -T Causa'tion, Kzshn* Caus'a*,ive, Kz-Tvi Caus'etively, Kz-T^Vl Cause, Kz', Kz-Di (See Cost). Kz'-NG Cause'less, K-zLs 1 Cause'lessness, K - zLs 1 - >"s i'.Lsl Caus'er, K-Zr^ Cause'way, K-zWi Cau'sey, K-Z 1 Caas'tic, Ks-T^K Caus'tical-ly, Ks-T'-Kl 38 Caustic'ity, Ks-Ts 8 -T Cau'ter, Ktr' Cau'terism, Ktr-Z 1 -^! Cauteriza'tion,Ktr-Zshn 2 Cau'terize, Ktr-Zi, Ktr- Zdi, Ktr-Zi-NG Cau'tery, K-Tr 1 Cau'tion, Kshii 1 , Kshnd 1 , Kshni-NG Cau'tionary, Kshn-fi l Cau'tioner, Kshn-B> Cau'tious, K-SHs 1 Cau'tiously, K-SHs 1 -^ Cau'tiousness^-SHs^Ns Cav'alcade, Kv-i'-K-D Cavalier', Kv-/,-K. See Caviler. Cavalier'ly, Kv-L*-R-L Cav'alry, Kv-H-R Cavati'na, K-V^-T-N Cave, Kv, Kvd2, Kv-2-NG Ca'veat, K-V^-T Cav'endish, K-Vndi-S/T Cav'ern, Kv-Rni Cav'ernous, Kv-ftii-S Cav'iar, K-V^R Caviare', K-V 3 -K Cav'il, K-V-L, K-V^Ld, K-YI-L-KQ Cav'iler, K-Vi-i-R. See Cavalier. Cav'ity, K-yi-T Caw, K 1 , K-D 1 , Ki-NG Cawk'er, K'-Kr Cay'enne, K 2 -N Cay'man, K=-Mn Cay'mans, K 2 -Mnz Cazique', Kz^-K Cease, Ss3, ssl 3 , SS^-XG Cease'less, Ss 3 -X.s Cease'lessly, Ss 3 -is-// Ceas'ing, Ss-NG Ce'dar, sDr 3 Ce'darn, sD^-Kn Cede, sD 3 , sDd^, sD 3 -NG Cedil'la, sD 3 -L Ce'drine, sDrn 3 Ceil, s/, 3 , sL3-D, BL3-XG Ceiled, sZ, 3 -D Ceil'ing, si 3 -NG Cel'andine, sL^-X-Dn Cel'ebrant, sL 2 -Brnt Cel'ebrate, sZ, 2 -Brt, sZ, 2 - Br-Td, g/. 2 -Brt(-) Cel'ebrated, s 2 -Br-Td Celebra'tion, si 2 -Brshn Cel'ebrator, sZ, 2 -Brtr Celeb'rity, sL 2 -Br-T Celer'ity, sL 2 -fi-T Cel'ery, sL^-R Celes'tial, Celes'tially, sis*-CH-L [sLs 2 -i] Celes'tine, sZ,s 2 -Tn Ce'liac, sL 3 -K Celib'acy or Cel'ibacy, Cel'ibate, i Cell, sZ,a CSS I Cel'lar, sL 2 -R Cel'larage, sL*-R-J Cel'larer, sL 2 -Rr Cel'larist, sL*-Rst Cell'ulse, BLZ-L Cell'ular, si 2 -L-R Cell'ulated, sZ, 2 -L-Td Cell'ule, si 2 -L Cellulif'erous, sL*-L-F- Rs Cell'ulose, sL^-Ls Celt, sit 2 Celt'ic, si 2 -T-K Celt'icism, si 2 -T-szM Cem'ent or Cement', sMnt 2 Cement', silnt 2 . sMn-Td, sMnt 2 -NG Cementa'tion, sMn - Tshn2 Cement'er, sMntr* Cem'etery, sMt-R 2 Cen'atory, sN-T 2 -.R Cen'obite, sN-Bt 2 Cenobit'ic, sX-Bt 3 -K Cenobit'ical, sN-Bt^-Kl Cen'otaph, sN-Tf 2 Cense, sXs 2 , sXst 2 , sNs*- NG Cens'er, sX-sff* Cen'sor, sN-sfi 2 Censo'rial, sN-sfll 2 Censo'rian, sN-sKn 2 Censo'rious, sN-ss 2 Censo'riously, sN-s^-si "^enso'riousness, sN - Cen'sorship, sN-s Cen'surable-y, sX-SHr- Bl Cen'surableness. sN - SHr 2 -Bl-Ns [iBs] Cen'sure, sX-SHr 2 . sN- SHrd 2 , sX-SHr 2 -XG Cen'surer, sX-SHr 2 -K Cen'sus, sXss 2 Cent, sXt 2 Cent'age, sXt-J* Cen'taur, sX-T 2 -R Cen'taury. sX-T'--/2 Centena'rian, KXt-X-fin* Cen'tenary, sXt-X-/f Centen'nial, sXt-X-L 2 Cen'ter, sXtr 2 , sN-Trd 2 , sXtr2-XG Cen'ter-bit, sXtr 2 -Bt Cen'tering, sXtr 2 -XG Centes'imal, sN-T 2 -sM-L Centesima'tion, BX-T*- sMshu Centifol'ious, sXt-F 2 -is Cen'tigrade, sXt 2 -Grd Cen'tigramme, sXt 2 -Gr- M Centil'oquy, sX-T 3 -L-Kw Centil'iter or Cen'tili- ter, sX-T 3 or 2 -Ltr Centime', pX-T-M Centim'eter or Cen'ti- meter, sX-T 3 or-Mtr UEN Centinel, sNt- Cen'tiped or pede, sNt-Pda Cen'to, sN-T Cen'tral-ly, Central'ity, Centraliza'tion, 39 CHA L* iCertificate, (n.) s.Rt 3 -F- , Chalde'an, Kl-Dn^ Cen'ti-i K-T [K-ttt 3 -Fj jChal'dee or Chaldee', Certificate, (v.) sRtf-F- 1 Kl-DW 3 K-T, 8#t a -F-K-Td, sRt 3 - Chal'dron, CHP-Drn F-K-T-NG jChal'ice, CH'-is Certiflca'tion, stft 2 - F - Chalk, CHi-K, CHi-Kt, Cen'tralize, sNt - Rlz?, 8Nt-.Rlzd 2 , sNt-filz2-NG Cen'tre, sNtr 2 Cen'tric, sNtr 2 -K Cen'trical-ly, s Centric'ity, sNtrs-T^ Centrifugal, sMr-F3-Gl Centrip'etal, sNtr-P^-Tl Cen'try, sN-Tr^ Centum'vir, sN-T 2 -M-Vr Centum'viral, sN-T^-M- Vr-L Centum'virate, sN-T- M-Vrt Centum'viri, sN-T2-M- Vr Cen'tuple, sN-T^-pi, sN- T 2 -Pld. sN-T 2 -Pl-NG Centu'plicate, BN-T 3 -P1- Kt Centu'rial, SN-T3-.R1 Centu'rion, sN-T^-fin Cent'ury, sN-T 2 -7e Ceph'alalgy, sF2-Z,-Z,-J Cephalic, sF^-L-K Cephalog'raphy, sF 1 -/,- Gr-F Ceph'alopod or Ceph- al'opod, sF^ori-Z-Pd Cera'cepus, sW-SHa Ceram'ic, sR^M-K Ceras'tes, s.ffs^Tz Ce'rate, s^t^ Ce'rated, sjR 3 -Td Cere, sH", sKd3,sE?-Na Ce'real, sR^-Ij Cerea'lia, eRZ-L Cer'ebel, s/i^-B-L (or -Bl) Cerebel'la, sW-B-L Cerebel'lar, sR^-B-L-'R Cerebel'lous, BR--&-LB Cerebel'lum, Cer'ebral, 8 Cer'ebrum, Cere'cloth, sR^-Kl-TH Cere'ment, sR 3 -Mnt Ceremo'nial, sR^-M-N-L Ceremo'nious, sR 2 -M-Ns Ceremo'niously, sR 2 -M- Ns-L Cer'emony, Ce'reous, sRs 3 Ce'rium, sRs-M Cerograph'ic, s Cerograph'ical, s^J-Gr F-K1 Cerog'raphy, sKi-Gr-F Ceroon', sRn 3 Cer'tain, sfits-N Cer'tainly, sRtf-m Cer'tainness, sRt 2 -N Ns Cer'tainty, sKt-N-T sNt - 1 Kshn iCer'tifier, sRt2-F-R Cer'tify, sfit*-F, sfit 2 -Fd, CHi-K-NG Chalk'iness, CH'-K-X.s Chalk'-stone, CH'-Ks-Tn sfit2-F-NG Chalk'y, CHi-K Certiora'ri, sR*or*-SH-R- , Challenge, CHl> - N - J, R Cer'titude, s/Tt 2 -Td Ceru'lean, sR 3 -Lu Ceru'leous, KR 3 -Ls Ceru'men, sR 3 -Mn Ce'ruse, sRs8 Ce'rused, s/fst* Cer'vical, sR?-V-Kl Cer'vine, sR 2 -Vn Cesa'rean, sZ 2 -Rn Cespiti'tious, &sP*-T!-SH Ces'pitose, ssP 2 -Ts Ces'pitous, ssP 2 -Ts Cessa'tion, Sss/m 2 Cessa'vit, sS 2 -Vt Ces'sion, sSHn 2 Cess'-pool, Ss--P-L Ces'tus, ssTs* Cesu'ra, sZ^-R Ceta'cea, sT 2 -S// Ceta'cean, sT 2 -5//n Ceta'ceous, sT 2 -5//s Cetol'ogy, sl'i-Z,-J Chafe, CHfs, CHft 2 , CHP- NG Chaf er-y, CH 2 -Fr Chafe'-wax, CHli-N-Jd. CHli-N-J-NG Chal'lengeable, CHli-N- J-B1 Chal'lenger, CHU-N-Jr Chal'ly, kUl^-L Chalyb'eate, Kl-B^-T Cham, K!-iI Chamade', SH-Md Charn'ber, (n.) CH 2 (-M)- Br Cham'ber, (v. } CH 2 -M- Br, CH2-M-Brd, CH=-M- Br-NG Cham'ber-council, CH 2 (-M)-Br-K-sL Cham'ber-counselor, CH 2 (-M)-Br-K-si-R Cham'berer, CH- (-M) - Br-R Cham'berlain, CH=(-M)- Br-in Cham'berlainship, CH- (-M)-Br-Lu:SH Cham'bermaid,CH2(-M)- Br-Md Cham'brel, CRi-M-Br-L Chaff, CHf, CHft 1 , CHf 1 - Chame'leon, NG Chaffer, CH>-Fr, CH>- Frd, CHi-Fr-NG Chafferer, CH'-Fr-R Chaffinch, CHf'-N-CH Chaffy, CHi-F Chafing-dish, CHf2-NG- D-8H Chagreen', 5//3-Grn Chagrin', SH-Gri\, SH*- Grnd, iS/f^-Grn-NG Chain, CHn 2 , CHnd 2 , CHu 2 -NG Chain'er, CH 2 -Nr Chain'less, CH 2 -Nls Chain'-shot, CHu 2 -SHt Chair, CH'-R, CH-Rd, CH'-R-NG(CHr>,etc.) Chair'man, CH'-Mn Chair'manship, CHr 1 - Mn:8H Chaise, SHz* Chalced'ony or Chal'- cedony, Kls-D^ori-N Ohalcog'rapher, Kl-K- Gr-Fri Chalcog'raphist, Kl - K - Chame'leonize, K - M CH^JI-Frd, CHi-M-Fr NG Cham'ferer, CHi-M-Fr-1 Cham'fret, CHi-M-Frt Cham'ois, SH'-M Cham'omile, Ki-M-Ml Champ, CHi-M-P, CH'- Mt, CHJ-M-P-NG Champagne', SH 2 -M-P*> Cham'per, CH^M-Pr Cham'pertor, SH 1 - M Prtr Cham'perty, SH'-M-Pr-T Cham'pion, CH' - M - Pn- CH'-M-Pu-D, CH ] -lI-Pn- NG Cham'pionship, CH 1 -!!- Pn:SH Chance, CHiis', CHnst 1 , CHnsi-NG Chan'cel, CH'-N-sL Chan'cellor, CH'-N-sL-R lor CHi-si-R] Chan'cellorship, CH 1 Gr - Fst 1 I a R : 8H Chalcog'raphy, Kl-K - Chan'cery, Gr-Fi Chalda'ic, Kl-DS-K CH'-Ns- i Chan'cre, SH>-NG-Kr CHA Chan'crous, SH'-NG-Krs Chandelier', 8H-N-D- Z-R Chand'ler, CH'-N-D-i-B Chand'lery, CH^N-D-X,- B Chandoo', CH3-N-D Chan'dry, CHi-N-Dr Change, CH2-N-J, CH2-N- Jd, CH2-N-J-NG [CH2, CHd2, CHC)] Changeabil'ity, CH 3 -N- J-B1-T [CH-Blt] Change'able-y, CH^-N- i J-B1 [CH2-B1] Change 'ableness, CH^- N-J-Bl-Ns [CH2;Bs] Change'ful-ly, CH2-N-J- Fl [CH2-F1] Change'fulness, CH-N- J-Fl-Ns [CH 2 :F8] Change'less, CH-N-J-Zs [CH2-L8J Change'ling, CH2-N-J-Z- NG [CH2-/,-NG] Chang'er, CH-N-Jr [CH2- Jr] Chan'nel, CHi-Nl, CH- Nld, CHi-Nl-NG Chant, CHnt 1 , CH^N-Td, CHnti-NG Chant'er, CHntr 1 Chant'icleer, CH 1 - Nt - Kl-R Chant'ing, CHnti-NG Chant'ress, CHi-N-Trs Chant'ry, CH^N-Tr Cha'os, -82 Chaot'ic, K-Ti-K Chap, CHi-P^H^Pt.CH 1 - P-NG Chap'arral, CH^P-tfl Chap'book, CTH-P-B-K Chape, CH2-P Chap'eau, SH 1 -? Chap'eau Bras, 8Hi-P- Br Chap'el, CHi-Pl Chap'ellany, CH^Pl-N Chap'ellet, CHi-Pl-T. See Chaplet. Chap'elry, CHi-Pl-JZ Chap'eron, SH 1 - P - Rn, SHi-P-jRnd, SHi-P-lZn- NG Chap'-fallen, CH^P-F- Ln Chap'iter, CHi-Ptr Chap'lain, CH"-Pln Chap'laincy, CH'-Pln-S Chap'lainship, CHi-Pln. SH Chap'let, CH J -P-it. See Chapellet. Chap'man, CHi-P-Mn Chaps, CHi-Ps Chap'ter, CH'-Ptr Chap'trel, CHi-P-Tr-L Char, CHi'R (meaning Chore) 40 Char, CHi . R, CHI . Rd, CH>-R-NG Char'acter, Kri-Ktr. See Caricature. Characteris'tic, Kr-Ktr- Characteris'tical-ly, Kr-Ktr-Sts-Kl [Kr-Ks-Kl Characteris'tics, Kr-Ktr- Sts-Ks [Kr3-Ks-Ks] Characteriza'tion, Kr - Ktr - Zshn * Char'acterize.Kr-Ktr-Z 1 , Kr-Ktr-Zd 1 , Kr - Ktr ~ NG Char'acterless, Kr - K - Charade', SH2-R-D Char'coal, CHr^Kl Chard, CH 1 Rd Chare, CH-R (meaning Chore, which see) Charge, CHr'-J, CHr 1 - 3-D, CHr'-J-NG [CH 1 , CHd 1 , CH(-) 1 ] Charge'able-y, CHri-J- Bl [CHt-Bl] Charge'ableness, CHr 1 - J-Bl-Ns [CHMBs] Charge' d' Affaires', SHr^-ZH D2-Fr Char'ger, CHr^Jr Charge'ship, SHr2-ZH : SH Char'ily, CH'-R-Z, Char'iness, CH^R-Ns Char'iot, CH^R-T Chariotee', CH 3 -R-T Charioteer', CH 3 - Cha'rism, K-R?-zM Char'itable-y, CHrt'-Bl Charitableness, CHrt 1 - Bl-Ns [IBs] Onar ity, OH'-R-T Charivari', SH 3 -fi-V-R Char'latan, SHr^i-Tn Char'latanism, SHr 1 -!,- Tn-Z-M [or -T-zM] Char'latanry, SHri-i-T- Nr Charles's' "Wain, CHr 1 - Zz-Wn Char'lotte-Russe, SHr 1 - Lt-Rs Charm, CHr^M, CHr 1 - Md, CHr^M-NG Charm'er, CHri-M-R Charm'ful, CHr^M-FJ Charm'ing, CHri-M-NG Charm'ingly, CHr 1 - M - NG1 Char'nel, CHri-Nl Char'nel-house, CHr 1 - Nl - Hs Charred, CHi-Rd Char'ry, CH 1 -^ Chart, CH J -Rt Char'ta, Kr-Ti Charta'ceous, Kr-T 2 -5fls Charte, CHE Ohar'ter, CHrt'-R, CHrt 1 - Rd, CHrti--NG Char'terer, CHrti-R-R Char'ter-party, CHrU-.R- P-JZ-T Chart'ism, CHrt'-Z-M Chart'ist, CHrt^St Char'y, CH 1 -^ Chase, CHs2, CHst, CHs- NG Chas'er, CH-sR Chas'ible, CHzi-Bl Chasm-y, Ki-zM i Chas'seur, SHs*-E Chaste, CHst2 Chaste'ly, CH-sT-i Chas'ten, CHs 2 -N, CHs- Nd, CHs2-N-NG Chas'tener, CHs--Nr Chaste'ness, CHbt^-Ns Chastis'able, CH^sTz-Bl Chastise', CHi-sTz, CH- | sTzd. CH'-sTz-NG IChad'tisement, CHJ-sT- zMnt Chastis'er, CH'-sT-Zr Chas'tity, CH-sT-T Chas'uble, CHzJ-Bl Chat, CHt 1 , CHi-Td, CHt 1 - NG Chateau', SH 2-T Chat'elet, SH^-T-Lt Chat'ellany, 5//i-T-i-N Chatoy'ant, S//1-T-N-T Chat'tel, CHi-Tl Chat'ter, CHtri, CHtrdi, CHi-Tr-NG Chattera'tion,CH = -Trshn Chat'ter-box, CHi-Tr-B- Ks Chat'terer, Cff-Tr-R Chat'tering, CHi-Tr-NG Chat'ty, CH 1 -! Chaud'-medley, SH2-D- M-D1 ChauFdron, CHli-Drn Chaunt, CHnt 1 Chaw, CHi, end 1 , CH 1 - NG Cheap, CH3-P Cheap'en, CH^-Pn, CH'- Pnd, CH^-Pn-NG Cheap'ener, CH ;! -p-Nr Cheap'ly, CH a -Pl Cheap'ness, CH^-p-Ns Cheat, CHts, CH3 - Td, CHt 3 -NG Cheat'er, CHtrs Cheat'ing, CHts-NG Check, CH2-K, CHS-Kt, CH2-K-NG Check'er, CH^-Kr, CH^- Krd. CH2-Kr-NG Check'er-work, CHS-Kr- Wr-K Check'er-berry, CH2-Kr- B- Check'er-board, CH* Kr - Brd ! Check'ers, CH 2 -Krz CHE Check'mate, CH 2 -K-Mt, CH 2 -K-M-Td, CH2 - K - Mt(-) Check'-roll, CH 2 -K-.R1 Cheek, CH3-K Cheek'-tooth, CH-K-T- TH Cheep, CH3-P Cheer, CHr 3 , CHrds, CHr- NG Cheer'er, CHrS-R Cheer'nil-ly, CHr3 - Fl [CHrP] Cheer'fulness, CHr s -Fl- Ns [:Fs] Cheer'ily, CHr 3 -/; Cheer'iness, Cheer'ingly, Cheer'less, CHr*-Ls Cheer'lessness, CHi 3 -Ls- Ns [lis] Cheer'ly, CHr- Cheer'y, CH 3 -/z Cheese, CHz Cheese'-cake, CH 3 -zK-K Cheese'-mite, CH 3 -zMt Cheese'-monger, CH 3 - zM -NG-Gr Cheese'-press, CHz 3 -Prs Cheese'-vat, CHz 3 -Vt Chees'y, CH 3 -Z Uheet, CHt 3 , CH^-Td, CHt'-NG Phef-d'ceuvre', SH*-D- Vr Cheg'oe, CH=-G Cheg're, CH*-Gr Cheriform, Kl-F^-K-M Chelo'nian, K-2-Nn Chem'ic, K2-M-K Chem'ical-ly, K-'-M-Kl Chem'icals, K^-M-Klz Chemise', SH^-Mz Chemisette', SH2-Mz-T Chem'ist, K^-Mst Chem'istry, K-Ms-Tr 2 Chenille', SH-N-L Checque, CH=-K Checq'uer, CH^ Kr Cher'ish, CHr 2 -SH, CHr 2 - SHt, CHri-S.ff-NG Cher'isher, CHr 2 -SHr Cheroot', CH'*-Rt Cher'ry, CH^-fl Cher'sonese, Kr-S 2 -Nz Chert, CH2-Rt Cher'ub, CH2-H-B Cheru'bic, CHi*--B-K Cheru'bical, CH a -/i-B-Kl Cher'ubim, CH2-/J-B-M Cher'up, CH'-i R-P Ches'ible, CHz 2 -Bl Chess, CHs 2 Chess'-board, Chess' -man, CH 2 -sMn Chest, CHst 2 Chest'nut, CHs-Nt Che'tah, CH 3 -T Chev'achie, SH'-V-SH Chev'age, CHv*- J 41 Cheval', SHi-vi Chevalier', SH'-Vl-K Chevaux'-de-frise, SH 2 - V-D-Frz Chev'eril, CH 2 -Vr-L Chev'isance, SH 2 -V-zNs Chev'ron, SH2-Vrn Chev'y, CH 2 -V Chew, CH3, CHd3, CH3- NG Chia'ro-oscu'ro, K-R l -S- K-R Chibouque' or Chi- bouk', CH3-B-K Chicane', SH2-Kn Chican'er, SH 2 -K-Nr Chican'ery, SH 2 -Kn- Chic'ory, CH^-Kr Chich, CH3-CH Chick, CH3-K Chick'en, CH^-Kn Chick'adee, CH^-K-D Chick'aree, CH 3 -K-K Chick'en-hearted, CH3- Kn-.B-Td Chick'en-pox, CH^ - Kn - P-K.8 Chick'-pea, CH^-K-P Chick'-weed, CH 3 -K-wD Chide, CHi-D, cm-Dd, CHi-D-NG Chid'er, CH>-Dr Chief, CHf3 Chief -baron, CHP-B-Xn Chief- justice,CHfJ-Js-Ts Chiefly, CH?-F1 Chieftain, CHft^-N Chieftaincy, CHft^-N-S Chieftainship, CHts-N: SH Chiffonier', SH3-Fn-B Chig'oe, CH-G Chig're, CH-Gr Chil'blain, CHF-Bln Child, CHldi Child'-bearing, CHldi - B-K-NG Child'bed, CHldi-Bd Child'birth, CHldi-B-5- TH Childe, CHldi Chil'dermas-day, CHP- Dr-Ms-D Child'hood, CHldi-Hd Child'ish, CHldi-SH Child'ishly, CHldi-5fl"l Child'ishness,CHldi-SH- Child'less, CHldi-Zs Child'lessness, CHldi . is-Ns [iis] Child'like, CHld'.i-K Chil'dren, CHl"-Drn Chil'iarch, K-3-R-K Chil'iarchy, K-Z.3-R-K Chil'iasm, K-Z,3.z-M Chil'iast, K-/,sta Chill, CH3-L, CH8-Ld. CH'-L-NG CHI Chilli, CH3-Z, Chill'iness, CH3-i-Ns Chill'ness, CH^-L-Ns Chill'y, CH*-L Chimb, CHi-M Chime, CHi-M, CHi-Md, CHi-M-NG Chim'er, CHi-M-K Chime'ra, K-M-fi^ Chimer'ical-ly,K3-Mr-Kl Chim'ney, CH-M-N Chim'ney-pot. CH 3 -M-N- Pt Chim'ney-swallow, CH8-M-Ns-W- Chim'ney-sweep, CH- M-Ns-W-P Chim'ney-sweeper, Chin, CHn3 Chi'na. (.'tP-K Chi'na-aster, cm-X-Str Chi'na-ware, CH'-N-Wr Chinc'apin, dia-NG-K- Pn Chinch, CH3-N-CH Chinchil'la, CH^-N-CH-i Chin'cough, CH^-N-Kf Chine, CHn' Chink, CH-NG-K, CHS- NG-Kt. CH^-NG-K-NG Chink'y, CH3-NG-K Chin'quapin, OHa-NG- Kw - Pn Chinse, CHriss Chintz, CHntsS Chip, CH^-P, CH ! -Pt. CH3. P-NG Chip'-hat, CH3-P-Ht Chip'munk, CH 3 - P - M - NG-K. Chip'muck, CH3-P-M-K Chip'py, CH3-P Chira'gra, K-li^-Gr Chirk, CHr^-K Chi'rograph, Ki^-Grf Chirog'rapher, Kr - Gr Fr> Chirograph'ic.Kr^Grf-K Chirograph'ical, Kr-Gr- Fi-Kl Chirog'raphist, Kr-Gr- F_sti Chirog'raphy, Kr-Gr-F 1 Chirol'ogy, Kr-i^J Chi'romancer, Kr-M-Ns- Ri Chi'romancy, Kr-Mn-8 1 Chiron'omy, Kr^X-M Chirop'odist, Kr-PJ-Dst Chirp, CHr2-P, CHr 2 -Pt, CHr 2 -P-NG Chirp'er, CHr^-pr Chir'rup, CH2-.R-P, CH^ K-Pt, CH 2 -^-P-NG Chirur'geon, Kr-^ J -Jn Chirur'gery, Kr-R*-J-B Chirur'gic, Kr--J-K Chirur'gical, Kr-R-J-Kl Chis'el, CH^-Zl, CHa-Zld, CEP-Z1-KG Cbis'eler, CH3-Z1-B Chis'ley, CHs-ZU Chit, CHts Chit'chat, CHts-CHt Chi'tine, K-Tn l Chi'tinous, K-'P-Ns Chit'terlings, CH 3 -Tr-Z- NGz Chit'ty, CH*-T Chiv'alric, SH'-Vl-K-K Chiv'alrous, SH-Vl-#s Chiv'alrously, SH*-V1- - CMv'alry, SH*-V1-B Chive, CHv' Chives, CHvzi Chlo'rate, Kl-fiP. See Chlnride. Chlo'ric, K1-K-K Chlo'ride, K1-K2-D. See Chlorate. Chlorid'ic, KI-^D-K Chlo'ridise, Kl-K 2 -Dz Chlo'rine, Kl-tfn* Chlo'rolorm, K1-.S*-! 1 (-B-1IJ Chlo'rophyl, El-fia-F-L Chlo'rous, Kl-Be 2 Chock, CHi . K, CH^ - Kt, CHi-K-NG Chock'full, CH-K-r-L Choc'olate, CH l -K-Lt Choice, CHs 1 , CH-sK, CH'-ssT Choice'ly, CH^-sL s Choice'ness, CHs-N* Choir, Kw-K 1 Choke, CH2-K, CH^-Kt, CH2-K-NG Choke'-cherry, CEP-K- CH-fi Choke'-damp, CH^-K-D- M-P Choke'-full, CH2-K-F-L Choke'pear, CH^-K-P-B Chok'er, CH2-Kr Chok'y, CH2-K Chol'e r, K-ir Chol'era, K-Zr 1 Chol'eric, K-ir'-K Chol'ericly, K-Z, r i-Kl Chol'erine, K-iri-N Choles'teric or Choles- ter'ic, K-<s-Tr-K Cho'mer, K.2.-M r Choose, CHz3, Ghoos'er, H3-Zr Chop, CHi-P.CH^Pt, CH*- P-NG Chop'-houe, CH l -P-Hs Chop'in,CHi-Pn Chop'per, CHi-Pr Chop'ping, CH!-P-NG Chops, CH l -Ps Chop'sticks,CH-P8-T-Ks Chorag'ic, K-fi^J-K Cbo'r^-ly, K-J21 43 Chord, Krdi, Kr - Dd*, Krd-NO Chore, CH Z -R Cho'rea, K-K* Choree', K-fi 3 Cho'riamb, K-R*-M-B Choriam'bic, K-R^M-B- K Choriam'bus, K-B>-M-Bs Cho'rist, K-Rst* Chor'ister, K-fistri Chorog'rapher, Kr - Gr - Fr i Chorograph'ical, Kr-Gr- F l -Kl Chorog'raphy, Kr-Gr-F 1 Cho'roid, E.-W-'D Cho'rus, K-fe* Chose, (meaning a thiug) SHz Chose, CHz* Chos'en, CHz-N Chough, CHf 2 Chouse, CHs 1 , CHst 1 . CHs-NG Chow'cho-vr, CH'-CHow Chow'der, CH'-Dr Chrestom'athy, Krs-Ti M-TH Chrism, KrS-zM Chris'mal, Kr-zM-L 3 Chrisma'tioUjKr^-zMshn Chris'inatory,Kr-z Mt-fia Christ, Kreti Christ'-croas-row, Kr- sKr-83 Chris'ten, Kre3-N, Krs- Nd, Kre-N-KG Chris'tendom, Krs-N-D- M Chris'tian, Krs-CHn CKr 3 ] Christian'ity, Krs-CHuti Christianization, Kre- Chris'tianiae, Krs-CH 3 - Nz, Krs-CH*-Nzd, Krs- CH3-NZ-NG Chris'tianly, Kis-CHS-Nl Ghriat'less, Krs-T ] -Ls Christ'mas, Kr J -eMs Chrisfmas-box, Kr 3 - sMs li - Ks Christol'ogy, Krs-Ti-i-J Chro'mate, Kr^-Mt Chromat'ic, Kr^Mt-K Chromat'ics, Kr'-Mt-Ks Chrome, Kr-M Chro'mic, Kr^-M-K Chro'mium, Kr-M-M Chro'mo-lithography, Chron'ic, Kr'-N K Chronical, Kr'-N-Kl Chron'icle, Kr 1 - N - Kl, Kri-N-Kld, Kr'-N-Kl-NG Chron'icler, Kr-N-K.l-Ki Chron'ogram, Kr>-N-Gr- M Chron'ograph, Grf CHY Chronog'rapher, Kr-N- Gr-Fr 1 Chronol'oger, Kr-Nl-Jr 1 Chronolog'ic, Kr-Nl-J>-K Chronolog'ical-ly, Kr- Nl-J^Kl Chronol'ogist.Kr-Nl-Jst 1 Chronol'ogy, Kr-Nl-J 1 Chronom'eter, Krn'-Mtr Chronomet'ric, Krn 2 - Mtr-K Chronomet'rical, Krn*- Mtr-Kl Chronom'etry, Krn-M- Tri Chrys'alid, Kr-si s -D Chrys'alis, Kr-sis s Chrysan'themum, Krs- N-THi-M-M Chrys'oberyl, Krs-B3-fll Chrys'olite, Kr-sLt 3 Chrys'oprase, Kr-sPrzS Chub-by, CH-'-B Chub'bed, CH-Bd Chuck, CH2-K, CH*-Kt, CH2-K-NG Chuck'-farthing, CH2-K- F-.R-DH-NG Chuck'le, CH2-K1, CH- Kld, CH2-K1-NG Chuck'le-head, CH2-K1. Hd Chuckling, CH2-K1-NG Chuff, CHfa ChufTily, CH^-Fl Chum, CH2-M Chump, CH2-M-P Chunk-y, CH 2 -NG-K Church, CHr-CH, CHr*- CH-T. CHr2-CH-NG Church'man, CHr 2 - CH - Mn Church'manship, CHr*- CH-Mn:SH Church'-warden, CHr- CH-Wrd-N Church'-yard, CHr 2 -CH- Yrd Churl, CHr2-L Churl'ish, CHr 2 -L-SH Churl'ishly, CHr*-L-SHl Churl'ishness, CHr 2 -Z,- SH-Ns Churn, CHrn 2 , CHrnd^ CHrn 2 -NG Churn'ing, CHrn*-NG Chute, SHt 3 Chyle, K-H Chylifaction, K-ii-F- Kslm Chylifec'tive, K-i^-F-K- Tv ChylLfica'tion, K-Z*-F- Kshn Chyl'ificatory, K-T- Chyl'ous, K-is* Chyme, K'-M Chym'io, K 3 -M-K CHT Chymifica'tion, K-M-F- Kshn Chym'ify, E-M-F Chym'istry, K-Ms-Tr* Ciea'da, sK-D* Cic'atrice, sK-Trs* Cica'trix, sK-Tr*-Ks Uicatriza'tion, sK- Cic'atrize, sK-Trz, sK- Trzd 3 , sK-Trz 3 -NG Cicero'ne, CH-CH-fi-N or 8S*-R-N Cicero'nian, sS^-fi-Nn Cicero'nianism, sS*-.B- Niiz-M Cicis'beism, sSs 8 -B-zM Cicisbe'o, CHS-CH-sB Cicis'beo, sSs-B Ci'der, sDr 1 Ci'derkin, sDri-Kn Ci-devant', sDvi-A" Cigar', sGr* Cigarette', sGr-T Cil'iary, sL*-R Cil'iate, s 3 -T Cil'iated, sZ, 3 -Td Cili'cious, sZ,*-SHs Ci'ma, sMi Cim'eter, sMtr Cimme'rian, sM-fin* Cincho'na, sN'-K-N Cinct'ure, sNGtr* Cin'der, eNdr 3 Cinemafics, sN-M-T a -Ks Cinera'tion, sN-fishn* Cin'erous, sN-fis 8 Cineri'tious, sN-B'-SHs Cin'galese, sNG-G-Zz s Cin'gle, sNG 3 -Gl Cin'nabar, sN-Br Cin'namon, sN-Mn Cinque, sNG-K Cinque'-foil, sNG'-K-F-L Ci'on, S'-N Ci'pher, sFr 1 , sFrd>, sFr 1 - NG Circe'an, sK 3 -Sn Circen'sial, sfis'-N-SHl Circen'sian, sKs*-Nshn Cir'cle, Cir'clet, 8 K-Klt Cir'cocele, sK 2 -Ks-L Cir'cuit, 8B a -Kt Circu'itous, sK-K-Ts Circu'itously, sE s -K-T- eL Cir'culable, sR-Kl-Bl Cir'cular, sfi-Kl-K Circular'ity, sR'-Kl-Rt Cir'cularly , s K- K 1-E- L Circulate, sR-KH, Bfl'- Kl-Td.8R*-Klt-NG Circula'tion, sR^-Klshn Cir'culator, efl-Kltr Cir'culatory, sR=-Kl-T-R Circumam'bient, sE 1 iM-B-N-T(or iM-Bnt> Circumam'bulate, ; M-BH Circumambula'tion, sR 8 : M-Bl8hn Circumbend'ibus, :Bnd-Bs Cir'cumcise, sK 2 isZ, SeZd, sB^lsZ-NG [sB- BZ, sR*-8Zd, sBsz2-NG] The reporter sometimefi omits the syllable cum en- tirely, and joins the first and last parts of the word in one outline. See Com. Cir'cumciser, sB ! isZr Circumcis'ion, SsZHn sB Circumduct', sR a !D-Kt Circumduc'tion, sR" iD- Eshn Circum'ference, sfi*iF- Riis [s/P-F-Rns] Circumferen'tial, sR" Circumferen'tor, sR* 1 F- Cir'cumnect, sR z !Fl-K-T Cir'cumflex, sR 2 :Fl-Ks [sR 2 -Fl-Ks] Circum'fluent, sR*;Fl- Nt Circum'fluous, sR s '.Fl-S Circumfora'nean, sR 2 Circumfora'neous, sR = IF-R-Ns Circumfuse', &R* : Fz Circumfu'sion, sR 3 IFzhn Circumgyra'tion, sR 2 '.J-Rshn Circumja'cent, sR* 1 Js- Nt Circumlocu'tion, sB 8 ii-Kshn Circumloc'utory, sB 1 ii-K-T-fi Circummured', sB'SM- Circumnav'igable, sfi 1 1N-V-G-B1 Circumnav'igate, sR 1 1N-V-G-T, sRMN-V-G- Td, sR'iN-V-G-T-NG Circumnaviga'tion, sR 2 iN-V-Gshn Circumnav'igator, sB 1 tN-V-Gtr Circumpo'lar, sfi 8 ; P-Z-B Circumposi'tion, sR 3 i PzsAn Circumro'tary, sR*;K-T- R Circumrota'tion, eB* !R-Tshn Circumro'tatory, sB '.R-T-T-R Circumscrib'able, aBi !sKr(-B)-Bl CIT Circumscribe', sR 1 isKr- B, sRi :sKr-Bd, sR 1 :sKr- B-NG Circumscrib'er, sB 1 IsKr-Br Circumscrip'tible, sR 3 IsKr-Pt-Bl Circumscrip'tion, sR* tsKr-Pshn Circumscrip'tive, sE 3 ;sKr-Pt-V Cir'cumspect, sR- isP-Kt Circumspec'tion, sR 1 isP-Kshu [ss--P-Kshu] Circumspect'ive, s/i 3 isP-Kt-V Cir'cumspectly, sR-isP- Kt-L Cir'cumspectness, sR* IsP-Kt-Ns Cir'cumstance, sR* IsTus, sR 2 !sTnst, sR* SsTns-NG [sTns 2 , sTnst 2 , sTns 2 -NG] Circumstan'tial, sR 1 IsT-N-SHl tsTn'] Circumstantial'ity, sR 1 Circumstan'tially, sR 1 Circumstan'tiate, sR l IsTn-SHt, s^MsTn-SH- Td, sRi:sTn-SHt-NG Circumval'late, B-RMV- Lt Circumvalla'tion, sR* i V-ishn Circumvent', sR 2 S Vnt Circumvention, sR- : V- Nshn Circumvent'ive, sR* SVnt-V Circumvest', sR* ! Vst Circumvolu'tion, sfi 1 IV-Z-shn Circumvolve', sR 1 i VI- V, Ri 1 Vl-Vd, sB' 1 Vl-V-NG Cir'cus, sR 2 -Ks Cirque, sR'-K Cir'ri, sR 3 Cirrif'erous, sR 3 -F-Rs Cir'riped, sR a -Pd Cirro-cu'mulus, sR*-K- M-Zs Cir'rose, sRs 3 Cirro-stra'tus, sR 2 -sTr- Ts Cir'rous, sRs 3 Cir'rus, sRs 3 Cisal'pine, Ss'-Z-Pn Cisatlan'tic, Ss-T-Lnt-K Cismon'tane, Ss'-Mn-Tn Cis'padane, Ss 3 -P-Dn Cis'soid, Ss 3 -D Cist, Sst 3 Cister'cian, Ss s -T-JZshn Cis'tern, ssTrn 3 Cit, sT Cit'adel, sT 3 -Dl CIT Cita'tion, sTshu 2 Oi'tatory, sTi-T-R Cite, sT, sTdi, sT'-NG Cit'er, sTri Cith'ern, sTH^-Kn Cit'izen, sT -N [sTn 3 ] Cit'izenship, yTz*-N : SH [sTu 3 :SH] Cit'rate, sTrts Cit'rie, sTr'-K Cit'rine, sTrn 3 Cit'ron, sTrn s Cit'rul, sT3-Bl Cit'y, sT3 Gives, sVz 1 CiVet, sVt Civ'ic, sV3-K Civ'il, svis Civil'ian, sVln 3 Civil'ity, BV1 3 -T CiVilizable, sVlzS-Bl Civilization, Civilize, sVlz 3 , BVlz*-NG Civ'ilized, sVlzd 3 Civ'ilizer, sVl^-Zr CiVilly, sVl 3 CiVism, sVz 3 -M Clab'ber, Kl-Bri Clack, KP-K, Kl-K-T 1 , KP-K-NG Clack'er, KP-Kr Clack'-valve,KU-K-Vl-V Clad, Kldi Claim, KP-M, K12-Md, K12-M-NO Claim'able, K1-M-B12 Claim'ant, Kis-Mnt Clairvoy'ance, Kl-R^V- Ns Clairvoy'ant, Kl-fli-V-Nt Clam, Kli-M, KU-Md, Kli- M-NG Cla'mant, K12-Mnt Clam'ber, Kl-M-Br 1 , Kl- M-Brd 1 , Kl-M-Bri-NG Clam'miness, KU-M-Ns Clam'my, KP-M Clam'or, KP-Mr, KP- Mrd, KP-Mr-XG Clam'orous, KP-Mrs Clam'orously, Kl-Mrs-L 1 Clam'orousness, Kl 1 - Mrs - Ns Clamp, Kl-M-pi, Kli-Mt, Kl-M-pi-NG Clan, Klni Claudes' tine, Klnd-St-N Clandestinely, Klnd- St--N-L Clandes'tineness, Kind- St=-N-Ns Clang, KP-NG, KP-NGd, KP-NG-NG Clan'gor, KP-NGr Clan'gorous, KP-XGrs Clan'gous, KP-NG-Gs Clank, KII-NG-K. KP-NG- Kt. KP-NG-K-NG Clan'nish, Kln-SH' 44 Clan'nishly, Kln-SEP-i Clan'nishness, Kln-SHi- Ns Clan'ship, Kln-SHi-P Clap, Kl-P', Kl-Pti, Kl-Pi- NG Clapboard, Kl-Brd 1 Clap'per, Kl-Pr 1 Clap'perclaw, Kl-PrJ-Kl Clap'-trap, Kl-pi-Tr-P Clar'ence, lil-flns 1 Clar'enceux or Clar'en- cieux, Kl-Kn'-SH Clare'-obscure, Kl-K'-B- sljr Clar'et, Kl-tft 1 Clar'ichord, Kl-i-Krd Clariflca'tion, Kl-^-F- Kshn Clar'ifler, Kl-TS'-F-R Clar'ity, Kl-fii-F Fd, Kl-^-F-NG Clar'inet, Kl-7fi-Nt Clar'ion, Kl-Ki-N Clarionet', Kl-7J2-Nt Clar'itude, Kl-^-Td Cla'ro-obscu'ro, K B-sK-B Clash, Kl-SHi, Kl-SHti, K1-SH!-NG Clasp, Kls - P 1 , Kls - Pti, Kls-Pi-NG Clasp'er, Kl-sPr 1 Class, Klsi. Klsti.Kls'-NG Clas'sio, Kls!-K Clas'sical-ly, Klsi-Kl Clas'sicalism, Kls 1 - Kl - zM Classical'ity, Kls-Kl-Ti Clas'sicalness, Kls 1 - Kl - Ns Clas'sicism, Kl-Ssz^M Clas'sicist, Kl-Si-sSt Classit'ic, Els-F^-K Classification, Kls - F= - Kshn Clas'sify, Kls-F 1 , Kls-Fd 1 , Kls-F!-NG Clas'sis, Kl-Ss 1 Class'mate, KP-sMt Clat'ter, Kltr 1 , Kltrd 1 . Kltri-NG Clat'terer, Kltr K 1 Clause, Klz 1 Claus'tral, Kl sTr 1 -!. Cla'vate, Kl-Vt2 Cla'vated, Kl-V^-Td Clav'ichord, Kl-Vi-Krd Clav'icle, Kl-Vi-Kl Cla'vier, Kl-V^or^R ClaViger, Kl-\ T1 -Jr Claw, KP, KkP, KP-NG Clay, K12, Kid'-. K12-NG Clay'-cold, Kl^-Kld Clay'er, K1-B Clay'ey, KP Clay'ish, K1-SH2 Clay'-marl, Kl^-M.Rl Clay'-more, Kl*-Mr Clay'-pit, Kl^-Pt CLI Clay'-stone, Klsa-Tn Clean, (a.) Kin', Kl 3 -Nr, Kl^-Nst Clean, (v.) Kin 3 , Kind*, Klus-NG Clean'lily, Kl-Nl-i* Clean'liness, Kl^-Xl-Ns Clean'ly, Kl^-Nl, K1-K1- K2, Kl'-i-Nlst Clean'ness, Kln a -Ns Cleans'able, Kl-Nz-B2-L Cleanse, Klnz 2 , Klnzda. Klmc 2 -NG Cleans'er, Kln-zR* Cleans'ing, Klnz^-NG Clear, (a.) Kl-R 3 , Kl-Rr 3 , Kl-^st Clear, (t>.) Kl-R 3 , Kl-Bd, Kl-R'-NG Clear'age, Kl-fi 3 -J Clear'ance, Kl-^ns 3 Cleared, Kl-/i;d 3 Clear'er, Kl-Rr 3 Clear'ing-house, K1-R- NG-Hs Clearly, Kl-RV Clear'ness, Kl R 3 -Ns Clear'-sighted, Kl-Rs 3 - Td Clear'-sightedness, Kl- ^s 3 -Td-Ns Clear'-starch, Kl-.Ks 3 -T- .- Clear'-story, Kl Rs*-T-R Clear'-stuff, Kl-^s 3 -Tf Cleat, Klt Cleav'able, K1-V3-B1 Cleav'age, Kl-V^-J Cleave, Klv 3 , Klvd 3 , Klv- NG Cleav'er, Kl-Vr* Clef, KlfJ Cleft, Klfts Clem'atis, Kl-M-Ts 2 Clem'ency, Kl-Mu-S 2 Clem'ent, Kl--Mnt Clem'antine, Kl-Mn-Tn Clem'ently, Kl-Mut-Z,2 Clench, Kl-N-CH* Clep'sydra or Clepsy- dra, Kl-PSorJ-sDr Cler'gy, Kl-K^.j Cler'gyable, K1-.R2-J-B1 Cler'gyman, Kl-^2-J-Ma Cler'ic, Kl-fl2-K Cler'ical, K1-K2-K1 Clerk, K1-R2-K Clerk'ly, K1-R2-K1 Clerk'ship, Kl-l{2-K:SH Clev'er, Kl-Vr CleVerly, Kl-Vr 2 -Z, Clev'erness, Kl-Vr 2 - Na Clev'is, Kl-Vs 2 Clev'y, Kl-vs Clew, Kl 3 , Kid 3 . K1 3 -NG Click, K1 3 -K, Kl-K-T 3 , Kl K-NG Cli'ent, KP-Nt Client'al, Kl-Nt-L 2 CL1 45 COB Client'ship, KH-Nt:SH Clos'er, Kl-Zr* Clyp'eate, Kl-ps-T Cliff, Klfs Close'-stool, Kls 2 -T-L | Clys'ter, Klstr^ Cliff-y, K1-F3 Clos'et, Klz-T 1 , Klz-Tdi, Co. (meiiniug company), Clift'ed, Kl-F*-Td Klz-T'-NG K a Climac'teric or Cli- Clos'ure, Kl-ZHr2 Coach, K-CH 2 , K-CHt 2 , macter'ic, Kl-M-K- Clot, Kit'. Kl-Td, Klti-NG K-CH-'-NG Cloth, Kl-THi Coach'-box, K-CH-'-B-Ks Climacter'ical, Kl-H-K- Clothe, IU-DH2, Kl-DHd2, Coach'ee, K-CH- Tr 2 -Kl K1-DH 2 -NG Coach'man, lv-CH--5In Cli'mate, KU-Mt Clothes, Kl-DHz 2 Coac'tion, K'-Kslm Climat'ic, KH-Mt-K Clothes'-wringer, Kl- Coact'ive, K-K-Tvi Climat'ical, KP-Mt-Kl DHz 2 -.R-NGr Coad'jutant or Coadju'- Cli'matize, Kl-M-Tzi, KJ_ Cloth'ier, K1-BH2-B tant, K-J^H-Tut ' M-Tzd 1 , Kl-M-Tzi-NG Climatol'ogy,Kl-Mt-I,i-J Cloth'ing, K1-DH 2 -NG Clot'ty, Kl-Ti Coadju'tor, K-Jt^orS Coadju'trix, K-J 3 -Tr-Ks Cli'max, KU-M-Ks Cloud, Kldi, Kl - Ddi, Coadvent'urer, K - Dv 2 - Climb, Kli-M, Kli-Md, Kldi-NG Ntr - K KU-M-NG Cloud'-compelling,Kldi Coa'gent, K-J 2 -Nt Climb'able, Kl-M-BU :P-L-NG Coag'ulable, K-(i-/>i-Bl Climb'er, KP-Hr Cloud'ily, Kl-D 1 -^ Coag'ulate, K-G-it 1 . K- Clime, KP-M Cloud'iness, Kl-DJ-Ns G-L'-Td. K-G-/,t ] -NG Clinch, K1-N-CH3, Kl-N- Cloud'less, Kl-D!-s Coagula'tion, K-G-Zshn 2 CHt 3 . K1-N-CH3-NG Cloud'y, Kl-Di, Kl-Di-K, Coag'ulative, K-G-/,t!-V Chinch'er, Kl N-CHr 3 Kl-Dsti Coag'ulator, K-G-Ltr 1 Cling, Kia-NG, K1 3 -NG- Clough, Klf Coag'ulum, K!-G1-5I NG Clough, Klfi Coal, K1-, Kid 2 . K12-NG- Cling'stone, Kl-NGs-Tn 3 Clout, Klti, Kl-Tdi, Klti- Coal'ery, Kl-A' 2 Cling'y, K1 3 -NG NG Coalesce', K-Ls-, K-ist2, Clin'ic, K1 3 -N-K Clout'-nail, Klt^-N-L K-Z.S--NG Clin'ical, K1 3 -N-K1 Clove, Klv2 Coales'cence, K-is 2 -Ns Clink, Kia-NG-K, KIS-NGt, Clove'-hitch, Klv 2 -H-CH Coales'cent, K-is 2 -Nt K13-NG-K-NG Clo'ven, Kl-Vn2 Coal'-fleld, Kl 2 -F-Ld Clink'er, Kl 3 -NG-Kr Clo'ven-footed, Kl-Vn 2 - Coal'-heaver, Kl 2 -H-Vr Cli'noid, Kl-N-D 1 F-Td Coali'tion, K-/>slin a Clip, Kl-P 3 , Kl-Pt 3 , Kl-ps- Clo'ven-hoofed, Kl-Vn 2 - Coal'-measure, Kl 2 - M - NG H-Ft ZHr Clip'per, Kl-Prs Clove'-pink, Klv 2 -P-NG- Coal'-meter, Kl 2 -Mtr Clip'ping, Kl-ps-NG K Coal'-mine, Kl-'-Mu Clique, K1 3 -K Clo'ver, Kl Vr Coal'-pit, Kl 2 -pt Cloak, K1 2 -K, Kl-K-T 2 , Clown, Kin* Coal'-scuttle, Kl 2 -sK-Tl K12-K-NG Cloak'-bag, K1 2 -K-B-G Clown'ish, Kln-SH 1 Clown'ishly, Kln-SHi-Z, Coal'-tar, K1 2 -T R Coal'-whipper, Kl 2 -W-Pr Clock, Kl'-K Cloy, Kli, Kid 1 , Kli-NG Coal'y, K-t- Clock'-maker, Kli-K-M- Club, K1-B2, Kl-Bd2, Kl- Coam'ings, K2-M-NGz Kr B2-NG Coapta'tion, K-P 2 -Tshn Clock'-work,Kli-K-Wr-K Club'bish, K1-B2-SH Coarc'tate, K-Ri-K-Tt Clod-dy, Kl-D* Club'bist, Kl-Bst 2 Coarse, Krs 2 , Kr - sR 2 , Clod'-hopper, K1-D-H- Club'-foot, Kl-B 2 -Ft Krss-i' 2 Pr Club'-footed,Kl-B2-F-Td Coarse'ly, Kr-si 2 Clod'pate, Kl-D 1 -?* Club'-house, Kl-B2-Hs Coarse'ness, Krs 2 -Ns Clod'pated, Kl-Di-P-Td Club'-law, Kl-B2-i Coast, Kst 2 . Ks-Td 2 , Kst(-) Clod'poll, K1-D-P-L Club'-room, K1-B 2 -R-M Coast'er, Kstr2 Cloff, Kin Club'-shaped, K1-B2-SH- Coast'-line, Ks-T 2 -n Clog, Kli-G, Kl-G-D 1 , Kl 1 - Pt Coast'wise, Ks-T 2 -Wz G-NG Cluck, K12-K, Kl-K-T 2 , Coat, Kt-'. K-Td 2 . Kt 2 -NG Clog'giness, KP-G-Ns K12-K-NG Coat'-card, Kt2-Krd Clog'gy, KP-G Clue, Kl 3 Coatee', K-T 3 Clois'ter, Klstr 1 , Kl-sTrdi, Clump, Kl-M-P 2 Coat'ing, Kt 2 -NG Klstr(-)i Clum'sily, Kl-M-Zia Coax, K 2 -Ks, K2-Kst, K2- Clois'tral, Kl-sTri-L Clum'siness, Kl-M-Z 2 -Ns Ks-NG Cloke, K12-K Clum'sy, Kl-M-Z 2 Coax'er, K-K-sR 2 Close, (D.) Klz Klzd*, Clung, K12-NG Cob, K-B 1 Klz^-NG Clu'niac, K1 3 -N-K Co'balt, K-BU2 Close, (a.) Kls*, Kl-sK, Clus'ter, Klstr,Kl-8Trd 2 , Cobalt'ic, K-BP-T-K K188-T2 Klstr<-)* Cob'ble, K-B1 1 , K-Bldi. Close'-bodied,Kls2-B-Dd Clus'tery, Kls-T-fl K-Bli-NG Close'-fisted, Kls*-Fs-Td Clutch, Kl-CH 2 , Kl-CHt2 Cob'bler, K-Bl'-R Close'-hauled, Kl 2 -iHld K1-CH 2 -NG Cob'ble-stone,K-BlsJ-Tn Closely, K1-8L* Clut'ter, Kltr, Kltrd 2 , Cob'le, K-Bli Close'ness, Kls-Ns Kltr 2 -NG Cob'nut, K-B>-N-T COB COL Cob'stone, K-Bs'-Tn Coeliac, s-K Cog'nizance, Ri-G-Nz-Ng Cob'web, R-Bi-W-B Coemp'tion, R 2 -Mshn or :Nzi-Ns Cocagne', R 2 -Rn Co-e'qual, K-Kw-L* Cog'nizant, K^G-Nz-Nt Coccif erous, E-Es-F 3 -fis Co-eaual'ity, K-Kw-L'-T or tNz'-Nt Coch'ineal, R-CH-N1 Co-e'qually, K-Kw-X, 3 Cog'nize, Ri-G-Nz Coch'leary, R-R-i'-K Coerce', R-s 2 , K-Rst*, Cognizee', R-G-N-Z* or Coch'leate, E-E-Li-T R-J?s 2 -NG :N Z 3 Coch'leated, E-K-//i-Td Coer'cible, E-Bs 2 -B-L Cognizor', E-G-N-Zr 1 or Cock, Ki-E, K-K-Ti, Ri- Coer'cion, E-fishn 2 - N-Zr^ K-NG Coer'cive, K-R&-V Cogno'men, E 2 -G-N-Mn Cockade', K-K-D* Coer'civeness, R-Ks z -V- Cognom'inal, Ri-G-N-M- Cockatoo', R-E-T 3 , Ns Nl Cock'atrice, R-K-Trsi Co-essen'tial,R-S2-N-SHl Cognomina'tion, K 2 -G- Cocklrill, K-R-Bi-L [E-Sn 2 J N-.M-Nshn Cock'-boat, Ri-K-Bt Cock'-chafer, Ri-R-CH- Co-essential'ity, K-S J -N- &HI-T Cog'nocence.RJ-G-Ns-Ns Cognoscen'te, K-G-Xs- Fr Co-essen'tiaUy, R-S-N- N-T 2 Cock'-crow, E'-E-Er SHl Cognoscibil'ity, R-G-Ns- Cock'-crowing, R 1 - E - Co-estate', R-S 2 -Tt B 3 -Lt Kr-NG Coeta'neous, R-T 2 -Ns Cognos'cible, K-G-Ns- Oock'er, K^Kr, E'-Krd, Co-eter'nal, K-Tr 2 -Nl BJ-L E'-Er-NG Co-eter'nity, K-Tr 2 -N-T ! Cogno'vit, K-G-N-Vt* Cock'erel, E-Er-L 1 Coe'val, R-V 3 -L Cog'-wheel, R'-G-Wl Cock'et, E-R-Ti Co-exec'utor, R 2 -Ks-Etr Cohab'it, E-Bti, R-Bi-Td, Cock'-fight, Ri-E-Ft Co-exist', R-Rss-T 3 . K- K-BU-) 1 Cock'-fighting, Ri-R-Ft- Rss-Td 3 . E-Rss-T 3 -NG Cohab'itant, R-B'-Tnt KG Co-exist'ence, K - Rss - '. Cohabita'tion.K B 2 -Tshn Cock'-horse, Ri-R-Hrs Tns 3 Co-heir', K-R> Cock'le, Ri-Rl Co-exist'ent, R-Kss-Tnt 3 Co-heir'ess, K-R'-S Cock'ler, R-Rl-Ri Co-extend', K-Rs-Tnd 2 . Cohere', R-Hr, R 3 -Hrd Cock'le-shell, Ri-Rl-SHl K-Rs-Tn 2 -Dd,R-Ks-Tnd2- R 3 -Hr-NG Cock'le-stairs, Ri-Rls-T- NG Coher'ence, K 3 -Hrns Rz Co-exten'sion, E-Es-T 2 - Coher'ency, K-Hrn-8 3 Cock'-loft, Ri-R-L-Ft Nshn Coher'ent, K 3 -Hrnt Cock'-match, Ri - K - M- Co-exten'sive, R-Ks-T- \ Coher'ently, K-Hrnt-Z CH Ns-V Cche'sion, R 3 -Hzhn Cock'ney, R'-K-N Coffee, E-Fi 1 Cohe'sive, R-Hs-V Cock'neyism, R-R-N-Z 1 - Coffee-house, K-F l -Hs Cohe'siveness, K-Hs-V*- M Coffee-mill, K-F-M1 Ns Cock'pit, R-K-Pti Coffee-pot, R-F!-Pt Co'hom, R 2 -Hrn Cock'roach, R-R-B'-CH Coffer, K-Fri, R-Frdi. Co'hort, K 2 -Hrt Cocks'comb, R^Rs-K-M K-F^-NG Coif, Rfi Cock'spur, R-Rs-p!-R Coffer-dam, Kf-ffi-D-M Coifed, Eft' Cock'swain, K-R-sWn 1 Coffin, K-Fn', K-Fndi, R- Coiffure, R-Fi-R Co'coa, R 2 -R Fn ! -NG | Coiene. En 1 Co'coa-nut, E 2 -K-Nt Coffin-bone, K-Fn'-Bn Coil, R-L 1 , R-Ld 1 , E-Ll- Cocoon', R 3 -Rn Cof fie, E-F'-L NG Cocoon'ery, R-Kn-K 3 Cog, RJ-G, R-G-D 1 , Ri-G- Coin, Kni, End 1 , Eni-NG Coc'tile, R-E-Ti-L NG Coin'age, E-N-Ji Coc'tion, K^-Eslin Cog'gle, Ei-Gl Coincide', K-Xs-Di. K- Cod, R-D 1 Co'gency, R-J 2 -N-S Ns-Ddi. K-Ns-D'-NG Cod'dle, K-D1 1 , K-Dld 1 , Co'gent, R-Jnt 2 Coin'cidence, K-Ns-Dns* R-Dli-NG Co'gently, R-Jnt 2 -L Coin'cident, R-Ns-Dnt 8 Code, R-D 2 Cog'itable, R-J'-T-Bl Coincid'er, K-N-sDr 1 (or Co'dex, R-D 2 -Ks Cog'itate, R-J'-Tt, R-Ji- R-N-Sdr') Cod '-fish, K -D'-F-SIT T'Td, R-Ji-Tt-NG Coin'er, K'-Nr Cod'ger, K-Jr l Cogita'tion, R-J 2 -Tshn Coir, R-Ri Cod'ices, K-Dsz 1 Cog'itative, K-Ji-T-Tv ! Coi'tion, K-SHn Cod'icil, R-Ds'-L Codifica'tion, Ed - F* - Cog'nac, K 2 -X-R Co-join', R-Jni Cog'nate, RJ-G-Nt Coke, R 2 -R Ksho Cogna'tion, R 2 -G-Nshn Col'ander, Elndr' Co'dify, Ed-F 2 , Kd-Fd 2 , Cog'niac, R 2 -N-R Col'cothar, Rl-R-THi-R Eci-F--N<T Cognisee', R-G-N-Z 3 or Cold, Rid 2 . Kl-Dr 2 . Rl-Dst* Cod'lin, R-Di-Ln iX-Z 3 Cold'-blooded, Rld 2 -Bl- Cod'line, R-Di-Z,n Cognisor', E-G-N-Zr 1 or Dd Cod'ling, R-Di-L-NG :N-Zr> Cold'-chizel, KW-CH-Z] Co-efficacy, R-F 2 -K-S Cogni'tion, R 3 -G-Nshn Cold'-hearted, Kld s -Hr- Co-effi'ciency,K-Fshn 3 -S Cog'nitive, R-G-N-Tv l Td Co-effl'cient, R-Fshnt 3 Cog'nizable, K-G-Nz-Bi- Cold'ly, Rld-Z, 2 Coe'horn, K 2 -Hrn ' LoriNz-fii-L 1 Cold'ness, Rld 2 -Ns COL 47 Cold'-Bhort, KldS-SHrt Cole, K12 Collo'qulalism, Kl-Kw- Coleop'teral, Kl-Pt^-L Coleop'terous, Kl-Pt^-S Coleop'teriat, Kl-Ptr'-St Collo'quially, Kl-Kw-i 2 Col'loquist, KP-Kwst Colloquy, Kl-Kw Cole'- wort, Kl-Wrt Collude', K-/>3-D, K-i- Col'ic, K-Zi-K Col'icky, K-ii-K Collud'er, K-/,dr Colise'um, K-is 8 -M Collu'sion, K - zhns Colab'orator, K-Li-Brtr (Vocalized with ew.) See Collapse', K-Z,'-Ps, E.-L 1 - Collision and Coalition. Pst, K-/,i-Ps-NG Collu'sive, K-is-V Collap'sion, K-L^Pshn Collu'sively, K-L&-V-L Col'lar, K-Xr 1 , K-Lrd 1 , K- Collu'siveness, K-is a -V- I*T^- NO* Ns Col'lar-beam, K-ir'-B-M Collu'sory, K-is*-^ Col'lar-bone, K-Lri-Bn Collu'vies, K-i 3 -Vz Collate', K-LV, K-L2-Td. Col'ly, K-Z,1, K-Zdi, K-Li- K'Jj t^-xJG' NG Collat'eral-ly, Klt-fil 1 Colla'tion, K-/,shn 2 Col'ooynth, Kls-N-THi Cologne', K-in* Colla'tive, K-it-v Cologne'-water, K-in 2 - Colla'tor, K-Z,tr* Wtr Col'league, K-x,-a Co'lon, K-in s Collect', Kl-K-T*, Kl-K- Colonel, Kr 2 -Nl Td 2 , K1-K-T 2 -NG Colonelcy, Kr-Nl-S 2 Col'lect, KI-K-TI Colonelsnip, Kr 2 -NHSH Collecta'nea, K1-K-T 2 -N Colo'nial, Kl-N-L* Collecta'neous, Kl-K-T 2 - Col'onist, Kl'-Nst Ns Coloniza'tion, Kl*-Nz7m Collect'ed, Kl-K-Td" Uoloniza'tionist, Kl- Collect'edness, Kl - K - Nz^n-St a Td 2 -Ns Col'onize, Kl-Nz, Kl 1 - Collect'ible, Kl-K-T 2 -Bl Nzd, Kli-Nz-NG Collec'tion, Kl 2 -Kshn Colonnade', Kln-D Collect'ive, Kl-K-Tv 2 Col'ony, Kli-N Collect'ively,Kl-K-T2-Vl Col'ophon, Kl-Fni Collect'or, Kl-Ktr Col'ophony or Coloph'- Collect'orate, Kl-Ktr-T 2 ony, Kl-Fi-N Collect'orship, Kl - Ktr - Coloquin'tida, Kl-Kwnt- 8H(-P) D 3 Col'lege, K1-J Col'or, K-ir 2 , K-ird", K- Colle'gial, K1-J3-L JJY^-NOr Colle'gian, Kl-Jn Col'orable-y, K-ir2-Bl Colle'giate, Kl-Jt Col'orableness, K - ir 2 - Col'let, K-it 1 Bl-Ns [!Bs] Collide', K-i-D Colora'tion, K-rshn2 Coll'ier, K-Li-K Coll'iery, K-L^-R Col'orature, K-irtr 2 Col'or-blindness, K-Lr 2 - Col'ligate, K-Z.1-G-T Bbad-Ns Colliga'tion, K-i 2 -Gshn Col'limating, Kl'-Mtc) Col'ored, K-ird* Colorific, K-Lr-F-K Collima'tion, Kl 2 -Mshn Col'orist, K-Zrst 2 Collima'tor, Kl 2 -Mtr Col'orless, S.-Lr*-Ls Collin'gual, Kl-NG-Gw- Col'or-sergeant, K-Zr a Jj3 sff-Jnt Col'liquate, Kli-Kwt Colos'sal, K-Ls^-L Colliqua'tion,Kl 2 -Kwshn Colosse'an, K-s 3 -N Colliq v uative,Kl-Kw-Tv3 Colosse'um, K-is 3 -M Colliquefac'tion,Kl Kw- Colos'si, K-i'-S Fi-Kshn Colos sus, K-iss 1 Collis'ion, Klzhn. See Colos'suses, K-/.SSZ 1 Coalition and Collusion. Col'portage, Kl-Prti-J Col'locate, K-l-'-K-T. K- Col'porter, Kl-Prtr 1 H-K-Td. K-Z,-K-T-NG COi'porteur, Kl-Prtr^ Colloca'tion, K-i 2 -Kshn Col'staff, KJs-Tf 1 Collocu'tor, KF-Ktr Colt, K-Lt*(Klt*) Collo'dion, K-2-Dn Col'ter, Kltrz Col'lop, K-I-i-P Colt'ish, Klt-SH Collo'quial, Kl-Kw-IP Colt'8-fOOt, Klt8-Ft COM Col'ubrine, Kl-Brn 1 Col'umbary, Kl M-B'-fl Colum'biad, Kl-M-BS-D Col'umbine, Kl-M-Bni Columel'la, Kl-M-Z, Col'umn, KU-M Colum'nar, Kls-M-Nr Colure', K-is.R Col'za, K-!-Z Com- The syllables com, con, cum, whether at tho commencement or in the middle of words, and cog in the middle of words, are generally not written but indicated by proxim- ity, that is, by writing the part of the outline that comes after the omitted syllable near the part that precedes it. When, however, proxim- ity cannot be used, as at the beginning of a para- graph, sentence or line, or when any Indistinctness would be occasioned by it, either of these syllables, except cog, may be written with a light dot, placed near the beginning of the succeeding part of the out- line. Initial cog- is always writ- ten K-G. The reporter sometimes omits the syllable entirely, as with gome words begin- ning with circum-, simply joining the first and latter parts of the outline. Co'ma, K 2 -M Co'mate, K 2 -Mt Co'matose, K-M-Ts* Co'matous, K-M-Ts Comb, E.2-M, K.2-Md, K.2- M-NG Com'bat, iBti, '.Bi-Td, SBtC) 1 Com'batant, ! Bi-Tnt Com'bater, iBtri Com'bative, IBti-V Com'bativeness, ; BU-V* Ns [SVsl Comb'er, KS-Mr Combin'able, IBni-B-L Combina'tion, :B2.NshQ Combine', SBn 1 , iBnd\ IBni-NG Combin'er, IBi-Nr Combus'tible, iBs^-T-Bl Combus'tibleness, IBs*- T-Bl-Ns [IBs] Combustibility, IBs"-!- Bit Combus'tion, '.Bs 2 -CHn Come, R2-M, K2-M-NQ [K'-i, K'-)2] See Came. Come'dian, K-M-Da 8 Com'edy, K-M-D 1 COM 48 Comeliness, K-M-Z*-Ns Commend'ably, iNd-BP Come'ly, K-M-/, 2 Commend'ableness, Come-out'er, K 2 - M - Tr iNd-B! 2 -Ns [iNd 2 :Bs] [K 2 -Tr] Commen'dam, iN-D 2 -M Com'er, K*-Mr Commend'atary, iNd- Comes'tibles, K-Ms-T*- 1--R Blz Commenda'tion, iN- Com'et, KJ-Mt Dshn 2 Com'etary, K-Mt-.Ri Commend'atory, SNd- Com'eth, K-M-TH [K2- T 2 -fi TH] Commend'er, iNdr 2 Comet'ic, K-Mt-K Commensurabil'ity, iN- Cometog'raphy, K-Mt- SHr-Blt Gr-Fi Commen'stirable-y, Com'flt, !Ft 2 SN-8Hr 2 -Bl Com'flture, iFtr* Commen'surableness, Com'fort, iFrt 2 , !Fr*-Td, iN-8Hr z -Bl-Ns ['. N-/SSr 2 : SFrt 2 -NG s] Com'lbrtable-y, !Frt*-Bl Commen'surate, iN- Com'fortableness, iFrt 2 - SHrtf, iN-SHr 2 -Td, iN- Bl-Ns [:Bs] SflH^-NG Com'forter, iFrtr* Conunen'surately, iN- Com'fortless, ;Frt 2 -is 8Hrt 2 -/i Cona'frey, ; Fr 2 Commensura'tion, 5N- Com'ic, K!-M-K Sflrehn* Com'ical-ly, K>-M-K1 Com'ment, iNti, SN-Tdi, Comical'ity, K-M-Kl-Ti iNt^-NG Com'icalness, K l -M-El- Com'mentary, iN-'H-.R Ns Com'mentator, iN-Ttr 1 Com'ing,K 2 -M-NG [Kf')] Com'menter, INtr 1 Com'ing-in, K*-M-NG-N Com'merce, iRs 1 , SBst 1 , [K(-) 2 :N8] IRs'-NG Comi'tia. K-M-SH 3 Comi'tial, K-M-8H1 Commer'cial-ly, iRZ-SHl Commina'tion, i M 2 - Com'ity, : T 1 Nshn Com'ma, Ki-M Commin'tftory, t M-X-T 3 - Command', iNd 1 , iN-Dd 1 , jf ;jJd J -NG Commin'gle, iM3-NG-GI. Commandant', SN-Dnt 1 i M3-NG-Gld. 5 MS-NG-Gl- Command'atory. iNd- NG [!M 3 -NG1, :M 3 -NGld, T'-fi 1M3-NG1-NG] Command'er, SNdri Com'minute, '.M-N-T>, Command'ery, ;N-D>-R iM-N-Tdi, :M-N-T!-NG Command'ing, INd'-NG Command'ingly, INd 1 - Comminu'tion, : M 8 - Nshn NG1 Commis'erable, iMz-B 8 - Command'ment, iNd 1 - Bl Mnt Commis'erate, iMz-TZt 3 , Command'ry, iN-Dri '. Mz-fis-Td, i Mz-fif-NG Commate'rial, ; Mtr-I- 3 Commisera'tion, ; Mz- Commeas'urable, SM- Tishn 2 Commis'erative, SMz- Commem'orable, !M-M- R%-H\ Commis'erator,; Mz-fitr 3 Commem'orate, i M - M - Commissa'rial, 1 Ms-/2 2 -L fit 2 , iM-M-^-Td, iM-M- Commissa'riat, i Ms-/J 2 -T Bt 2 -NG Com'missary, ; Ms-A 1 Commemora'tion, i M - Com'missary-general, H-SOua.* j Ms-./i-Jn Commem'orative, S M- Com'missaryship, iMs- M-t 2 -V ^2^:SH Commem'oratory, iM- Commis'sion, '.SHn 3 , WL-R--1-R ISHnd 3 . iSHn-NG f/ommence', iNs 2 , iNst 8 , Commis'sioner, iSH 3 -Nr !Ns 2 -NGr Commis'sure, iM-SHr 3 Commence'ment, i Ns 2 - Commit', i Mt 3 , ! AI-Td 3 , Mnt i Mt(*} 3 Commend', '.Nd 2 , iN-Dd 2 , Commit'ment, iMt 3 -Mnt iNd--NG Commit'tal, i M-T1 3 Commend'able, iNd-Bl Commit'tee, iT 3 COM Commit'teeship, S Commit'ter, IMtr 3 Commit'ible, :Mt-Bl 3 Commix', SMS-KS, tM 3 - Kst, SM-Ks-NG Commixt'ion, ;M - Ks CHn 8 Commixt'ure, i M3-Kstr Commode', IMd 2 Commo'dious, : 5I-Ds Commo'diously, 1M-D*- BL Commo'diousness, SM Ds2-K S Commod'ity, i Md-Ti Com'modore, '.M-Dr 1 Com'mon, (a.) INi, iN-BA iNsti Com'monable, i N-B1 Com'monage, :>*-Ji Com'monalty, : Nl-T 1 Com'moner, iN-R 1 Com'mon-law, INi-Ji Com'monly, iNl 1 Com'monness, '. NJ-Ns Com'monplace, iN-Pls 1 Com'monplace-book, iN-Pls!-B-K Com'mon-pleas, iNi-Pla Com'mon-prayer, 1N 1 - Pr-R. Com'mons, iNz 1 Com'mon-sense, INe'-Ni Commonweal', : N-W1 3 Commonwealth', iN- \Vj2.xH Commo'tion, iMshn 2 Commove', iM-v, JM- Vd J , 1M-V3-NG Commun'al, i N-L 3 Commune', iN 3 , SNd 3 , tN 3 -NG Com'mune, JNi Communicabil'ity, iN- K-B1 3 -T(-BH3) Commu'nicable, iN-K- Bl Commu'nicableness, :N-K-Bl 3 -Ns [IBS] Commu'nicant, :N 3 -Ent Commu'nicate, iN^-Kt, iN-K-Td 3 , xa-Kt-NG Communica'tion, IN*- Kshu. See Connection. Commu'nicative, iN-Kt^ v , Commu'nicativeness, ' !N-Kt-V-Xs [:VB] Commu'nicator, ;N3-Ktt Commu'nicatory, 1N-K- T*-R Commun'ion, INn 3 Commun'ionist, INn-Stf Com'munism, i N-ZJ-M Com'munist, : Nst 1 Commu'nity, !N-T* Commutabil'ity, iMfr Bl a -T Commu'table, ! Mt-Bl 3 Commuta'tion,: M-Tsorf COM Commu'tative,; M-T3-Tv Commute', :Mt 3 , ;M-Td", iMt(-)8 Commut'ual, !Mt-Z,s Com'pact SPi-Kt Compact', SP'-Kt, .'pi-K- Td, :pi-Kt-NG Compact'edly, i pi - K - Td-Z, Compact'ly, iPi-Kt-Z. Compact'ness, SP-Kt- Ns Compagina'tion, iP2-J- Nshn Compan'ion, iPr^-N Compan'ionable, JPn 1 - N-Bl Compan'ionableness, !Pni-N-Bl-Ns [iPu 1 - NtBs] Compan'ionship, iPn 1 - N-SH(-P) Com'pany, SP 2 -N Com'parable-y, tPJ-fl-BJ Comparative, SPrtf-V Compar'atively, ; Prt 1 - VI Compare', ;pi-E, ;pi-Ed, :P-.R-NG Compar'er, SP'-Rr Compar'ison, i Compart', i Comparti'tion, t P 3 - R- Tshn Compart'ment, SPrti- Mnt Com'pass, '.Ps^, SPsts, !Ps 2 -NG Com'passable, iPs 2 -Bl Com'passes, ! Pss 2 Compas'eion, iPslm 1 Compas'sionate, tPshn'- NG' Compas'sionately, IPshn 1 -!-// Compas'sionateness, :Pshni-T-Ns Compatibil'ity, IPts-Bl- T, (or -Bit) Compat'ible-y, iP^-Bl Compat'ibleness. iPt 1 - Bl 2 -Ns [IBs] Compa'triot, iP 2 -Trt Compeer', :PH-E Compel', ;P 2 -L, !P 2 -Ld, 1P2-L-NG Compel'lable, L Compella'ticn, i Compel'lative, ;. . . Compel'latory, ;p-i-T- R Compel'ler, iP 2 -Z-E Com'pend, IPnd 1 Compend'ious, iPn 2 -Ds Compend'iously, i Pn 2 - D-sL Compend'iousness, lPn 2 -Ds-Ns Compen'dium, ; Pn 2 -D- M 3 49 Compensaljle, iP 2 -Ns- Bl Com'pensate or Com- pen'sate, SPior 2 -Ns-T, iPior 2 -N8-Td, SP^s-Ns- T-NG Compensa'tion, iPnste 2 Compen'sative, i P 2 - Ns - TV Compen'satory iP 2 -Ns- T-R Compete', iPts, iP"-Td, iPtC)3 Com'petence, SP 1 -Tns Com'petency, SP^-Tn-a Com'petent, iP J -Tnt Com'petently, tPi-Tnt- L Competi'tion, ;P 3 -Tshn Compet'itive, !Pt 2 -Tv Compet'itoa, tPt 2 -Tr Compila'tion, iP^-ishn Compile', ;pi-L, ;pi-Ld. iPi-L-NG Compil'er, iP^i-E Compla'cence, lPls 2 -Ns Compla'cency, ;Plb 2 -N- S Compla'cent, 5Pls-K* Compla'cently, iPls*-i\t- L Complain', '.Pin*, iPlnd 2 , !Pln 2 -NG Complain'ant, !Pln 2 -Nt Complain'er, ;Pl 2 -Nr Complaint', ; Pint 2 Com'plaisance, iPlz 1 Ns Com'plaipant, ;Plz'-Kt Com'plaisantly, iPlzi- Nt-L Com'planate, iPP-N-T Com'plement, IPP-Mnt Complement'al, '.PI 2 - Mnt-L, [iP! 2 !Mnt] Complement'ary, 5P1 2 - Mnt-.R Complete', iPl iPltC) 3 Completely, I Complete'ment, 1PU3- Mnt Completeness, i PH 3 -Ns Comple'tion, '.Plshn 3 Comple'tive, SPlts-V Com'plex, tPP-Ks Complex'edness, '.PI 2 - Ks-D-Ns Complex'ion, iP! 2 -Kshn Complex'ional, 1P1 2 - Kshn-I, Complex'ionary, SP1 2 - Kshn- Complex'! ty, tPl-Ks-T Com'plexly, iPli-K-sZ, Com'plexness, iPli-Ks- Ns Complex'ure, '.Pis - K - SHr Compli'able, iPl'-Bl Compli'ance, iPlns 1 COM Compliant, '. Pint* Compli'antly, SPlnt'-L Com'plicacy, iPl'-E-S Com'plicate, iPl 1 - St, SPl>-K-Td. :Pli-Kt-Nft Com'plicately, iPU-Kt- L Com'plicateness, SP1 1 > Kt-Ns Complica'tion^, .'Pl s Kshn Com'plioative, iPl ! "Kt- V Complic'ity, iPls 3 -T Complied', :Pldi Compli'er. :Pli-E Com'pliment, iPli-Mnt Compliment'al, ;P12> JIut-L [iMnt] Compliment'ary, i'.'is. Mnt-B Com'plin or Com'plinej IPln' Com'plot, iPlti, '.Pli-Td, iPltC) 1 Compluten'sian, i P1 2 -T- Nshni Comply', '.PI', iPldi, iPli- NG Compo'nent, iPn 2 -Nt Comport', iP 2 -t. IP2-B- Td. IP 2 t-NG Comport'able, iP^-fit-BJ Compose', ;Pz 2 , iPzd^, iPz-NG Composed', !Pzd 2 Compos'edly, :Pz2-D-i Compos'edness, tPz^-D- Ns Compos'er, iP 2 -Zr Compos'ing-stick, iPz^. NGs-T-K Compos'ite, SPzi-T iComposi'tion, iPzshn 3 Compos'itive, ;Pz J -Tv ICompos'itor, ipi-zTr or I tP/.tr 1 jCom'post, IPst 1 jCompos'ure, ;P 2 -ZHr i Compound', (-.>.) iPnd 1 iPn^Dd. IPndi-NG Com'pound, (a.) !Pnd' Compound'er, iPndr 1 Comprehend', :Pr2-Hnd, ;Pr 2 -Hu-Dd, iPr 2 -Hnd NG Comprehensibil'ity, !Pr ; i-Ns-B-it Comprehen'sible, iPr- Ns-B-L Comprehen'sibleness, lPr 2 -Ns iBs Comprehen'sion, !Pr*. Nshn Comprehen'sive, IPr 8 - Ns-V Comprehen'sively.iPi* Ns-V-i Comprehen'siveness* !Pr 2 -Ns-V-Ns COM Compress', (.) '.Prst2, SPre 2 -NG Com'press, (n. ) i Pi Compressibility, iPrs 3 - Blt Compress'ible, ! Prs^-Bl Compress'ibleness, Compression, iPrshn 2 Compress'i ve, '.Prs 2 -V Compress'or, JPr R Compress'ure, ;Pr 2 -SHr Compris'al, :Prz l -L Comprise', IPrz 1 , '.Przd 1 , <Przi-NG Compromise', IPr'-Mz, IPr'-Mzd, IPri-Mz-NG Com'promiser, iPr 1 - M - Zr Com'promit, iPr 1 - Mt, '.Pri-M-Td, iPri-Mt(-) Comptroller, iTr 2 -Z-R Compul'sative, iP 2 -Zs- Tv Compul'satory, SP 2 -Zs- T-R Compulsion, i P 2 -Zshn Compulsive, : P^Zs-Y Compul'sively, iP^-Zs- \-L Compul'siveness, is-V-Ns Compul'sorily, iPs-Zs- R-L Compul'sory, !P 2 -Zs-B Compunc'tion, tP* NGshn Compunc'tious, !P 2 -NG- SHs Compurga'tion, ! Pr a - Gshu Compurga'tor, iPr 2 -Gtr Comput'able, ;pt 3 -Bl Computa'tion', :P 2 -Tshn Compute', iPt, ipa-Td, ;pto 3 Comput'er, i Ptr 3 Cpm'putist or Comput'- Com'rade, ifli-D Con-, See Corn- Con, Kni, Knd 1 . Kni Cona'tion, K 2 -Nshn Co'native, K-Nt-V* Concam'erate, ;K-M-.Rti Concamera'tion, 1K.-M- Concat'enate, SKti - Nt, iKt-N-Td 1 , iKt-Nt-NG Concatena'tion, !Kt 2 - Nshn Concava'tion, iK-Vskn* Con'cave, iKv 1 , tKvd 1 iKvi-NG Con'caveness, !K-Vi-Ns Concav'ity, :K-V!-T Concavo-con'cave, i K- Concavo - con'vex, i K - 50 CON Conca'vous, i K-Vs* ! Conchol'ogist, iKl-Jsf Conceal', isZ*, iaZ-D Conchol'ogy, 1K1-J 1 (IsZd 3 ). IsZ^-NG Conciliate,^-T. isIA- Conceal'able, ! s// 3 -Bl Td, isZO-T-Ntt Conceal'er, isZ 3 - R Concilia' tion, isZshn 2 Conceal'ment, isZ 3 -Mnt Concil'iator, tsZtr 8 Concede', isD 3 , tsDd, Concil'iatory, i sL 3 -1-B 18D8-NG Concin'nity, tsN-T* Conceit', isT 3 Concin'nous, ;sNs 3 Conceit'ed, !sTd 3 Con'cio, 18HI6 1 Conceit'edly, isTd 3 -L Concise', ISs 1 Conceit'edness, isTd 3 - Concise'ly, iSs 1 -Z Ns Concise'ness, iSsi-Ns Conceiv'able, lsV 3 -Bl Concis'ion, SsZHn 8 Conceiv'ableness, isV 3 - Con'clave, SKlv 1 Bl-Ns [IBs] Conclude', IKld 3 , !K1- Conceive', tsV 3 , isVd 3 , Dd, iKlda-XG !sV 3 -NG Conclud'er, IKl-Dr 3 Conceiv'er, isVr 8 Ctonclu'sion, '.Klzhn* Concent', IsNt 2 IConcIu'sive, :Ki V 1 Concen'ten or Concen'- Conclu'si vely, :Kls-V-Zj tre, isNtr 2 , isN- Trd 2 , Conclu'si veness, iKla- ;sNtr 2 -NG V-Ns [:Vs] Con'centrate or Con- Concoct', 1E-K-T 1 . '.K-K- cen'trate, i sN - Trt 1 ^ 2 , Td'. iK-K-T'-NG isN -Trior-Td, isN - Concoct'er, iK'--Ktr TrtC)>or* Concoc'tion, tKi Kshn Concentra'tion, 5sN - Concoct'ive, i K-K-Ty* Trshn 2 Concom'itance, SK.-M- Concen'trative, isN-Tr 2 - Tnsi Tv Concom'itancy, iK-M- Concen'trativeness, Tni-8 1 8N-Tr*-Tv-Ns Concom'itant, 1 K - M - Concen'tDic, IsNtrS-K Tnti Concen'trical-ly, isNtr 2 - Concom'itantly, iK-M- El Tuti-L Concentric'ity, IsNtrs- Con'cord, iKrdi I* Concord'ance, SKrd'-Ns Con'cept, isPt 1 Concord'ant, ;Krd'-Nt Concept'ible, 5sPt 2 -Bl Concord'antly, iKrd-Nt- Concep'tion, isPshn 2 L 1 Concep'tionalist, Concor'dat, i Kr-Dt 1 isPslm--Zst Concord'ist, ;Kr-DsH Concep'tive, !sPt 2 -V Concor'porate, : Kr-Prti Concept'ual, :sPt 2 -L Con'course, tKrs 1 Concept'ualism, isPt 2 -Z- Concreate', ! Kr-T 2 M Con'crement, :Kr ] -Mnt Concept'ualist, isPt 2 -Zst Concres'cence, SKrs 2 -Ns Concern', isRn 2 , isRnd 2 , Concres'cive, ;Krs 2 -V isRn 2 -NG Con'crete, (n.) iKrt' Concern'edly, isRn 2 -D- Concrete', (.) iKrt 3 , '.Kr- Z Td 3 , '. Krt 3 -KG Concern'ing, i sRn*-NG Concrete'ly, iKrt-Z Concern'ment, isfiu 2 - Concrete'ness, SKrt 3 -Ns Mnt Concre'tion, iKrshn 3 Concert', isRt 2 , Is/^-Td, Concre'tional, i Krshn - ls^?t 2 -NG Z* Con'cert, isRt 1 Concre'tive, iKr-Tv 3 Concerti'na, isK 3 -T-N Concu'binage, !K-Bn 3 -J Con'cert-pitoh, isRt l -P- Concu'binal, ;K-B 3 -N1 CH Concu'binary, ;K-B-Nr Conces'sion, isSHn 2 Con'cubine, tK-Bu 1 Conces'sionist, isSH 2 - Concu'piscence, iK-Ps- Nst Ns Conces'sive, !KSV Concu'piscent, iK-Ps 3 - Conch, Ri-NG-K Nt Conch'oid, K-NG-E-D Concur', iKr^, IKrd 2 , Conchoid'al, 1K-D1 1 !Kr-NG Concholog'ical, i Kl - Ji- VI Concurrence, 'Krns* f~*.r\-nrrtm f *imi- iTTwQ "M^ CON Doncur'rently, !Kr*-Nt- L Concus'sion, ! Kshn* Concus'sive, iKs-V 2 Condemn, SD2-M, SD 2 - Md, SD 2 -M-NG Condem'nable, SD 2 -M- N-B1 Condemna'tion, ;D 2 -M- Nshn Condemnatory, iD 2 -M- N-T-fl Condem'ner, !D 2 -M-Nr Conden'sable, i D 2 -Ns-B- L Conden'sate, iD2-Ns-T, iD 2 -Ns-Td, !D 2 -Ns-T-NG Condensa'tion, l .Dnsshn? Conden'sative, !D 2 -Ns- Tv Condense', iDns 2 , i Condens'er, !D 2 -Ns-B Condescend', iD 2 - sNd !D 2 -sN-Dd, iD2-sNd-NG Condescending, il>2. sXd-NG Condescend'ingly, iD2- sNd-NG-L Condescen'sion, 5D2 - sNshn Condign', SDn 1 Condign'ly, '.Di-Nl Condign'ness, iDni-Ns Con'diment, lD!-Mnt Condisci'ple, iDJ-sPl Condi'tion, iDshn', , Condi'tionalj SDshn 3 -L Conditional'ity, iDshn 3 - L-T Condi'tionally, iDshns- L Condi'tioned, IDshnd* Con'ditory, '.Di-T-B Condole', 1D2-L, .'D2-Ld, SD2-L-NG Condole'ment, iD 2 . L - Mnt Condolence, iD2-Zns Condol'er, ; D2-Z-E Condona'tion, lD 2 -Nshn Condone', lDn2, iDnd2, tDu2.xa Con'dor, Kndri Conduce', tDs, iDsts, IDsS-NG Conducibil'ity, tDs-Bl- T Condu'cible, SDs^Bl Condu'cibleness, SDs 8 - Bl-Ns Condu'cive, !Ds 3 -V Condu'civeness, iDs-V- Ns Con'duct, !Di-Kt Conduct', '.D2-Kt, iD*-K- Td, iD-Kt-NG vonductibil'ity, iD 3 -Kt- Bl-X 51 Conduct'ible, 5 Conduction, lD 2 -Kshn Conductive, SD 2 -Kt-V Conductivity, iD 3 -Kt- V-T(or-Vt) Conduct'or, SD^-Ktr Conduct'ress, iD2-K-Trs Con'duit, SD^cr* Condu'plicate. iD3-Pl- Kt Cone, Kn 2 Con'fab, IF 1 ^ Confab'ulate, ! F 1 - B - Zt, iF^"B-*Xd, iF^-B-Xt-NG Confabula'tion, iF 2 -B- Zshn Con'fect, iFi-K-T Confec'tion, IF^-Kshn Confec'tioner, iF 2 -Kshn- B Confec'tionery, ; F 2 - Kshn-B Confed'eracy, iF 2 -Dr-S Confed'erate, iF 2 -Drt, !F 2 -Dr-Td. :F 2 -Drt(-) Confedera'tion, 1F 2 - Drshn Confed'erative, !F 2 -Dr- Tv Confer 7 , 1F 2 -B. iF 2 -.Rd, Con'ference, lF 1 -2?ns Confer'rable, l .F 2 -^-Bl Confer'rer, '.F 2 -Rr Confess', i Es'-, i Fst 2 , i Fs 2 - NG Confess'edly, i Fs 2 -r>-Z Gonfess'er, :Fs 2 -R Confes'sion, IFslm 2 Confes'sional, !Fshn 2 -Z Confes'sionary, IFshn 2 - R Confess'or, iFs 2 -B Confidant', IFi-Dnt Confidante', SF.i-Dnt Confide', IFJ-D, JF^Dd. '.Fi-D-NG Con'fidence, iF^-Dns Con'fldent. iFi-Dnt Confiden'tial-ly, iF-D- SH1 [i F 2 -Dn] Confidently, iF'-Dnt-L Confid'er, :F-Dr Configura'tion, 1F 2 - Grshn Config'ure, !FS-Gr, SF 3 - Grd. '.F3-Gr-NG Confln'able, iFni-B-L Con'fine, !Fni Confine', '.Fn 1 , iFnd 1 , JFni-NG Conflne'ment, iFnJ-Mnt Confln'er, ;F'-Nr Con'flner, '.F-Nr Confirm, 5F2-R-M, !F 2 -B- Md. 1F2-B-M-NG Conflrm'able, iF-B-M- Bl Conflrma'tion, tF 2 - B - Mshu CON Conflrm'ative, i F 2 - E . Mt-V Confirm'atory, iF2 - B - Mt- Confirm'er, iF^-TJ-Mr Confis'cable, :Fs 3 -K-Bl Con'fiscate or Confis'- cate, IFs^rS-Kt, :Fsioj-s- K-Td, iFsiora-Kt-KG Confisca'tion, iFs=-Kslin Con'fiscator, IFs^Ktr Confis'catory, tFs 3 -K-T- R Confix', !F3-Ks Confla'grant, iFl--Grnt Conflagra'tion, : Fl~ Grshn Con'fliet, IFP-K-T Conflict', :FI-K-T, ;FI- K-Td, ;FI-K-T-XG Conflict'ive, :Fl :) -K-Tv Con'fluence, iFP-Ns Con'fluent, tFl'-Nt Con'flux, '.Fl'-Ks Conform', iF'-ll-M. 1F 1 - R-Md, iF^E-M-KG [SFi, tFd, SFC)"] Conformabil'ity, !F 3 -B- M-Bl-T[i Fa-Bit] Conform'able-y, iF'-B- M-Blt'.F l -Bl] Conform 'ableness, iFi- B-M-Bl-Ns [IF'iBs] Conform'ate, iFMi-Mt Conforma'tion, IF 2 - E Mshn [tFshn 2 ] Conform'er, iF 1 -7?-l!r Conform'ist, il^-K-Mst Conformity, :FI-B-M-T [SPl-T] Confound', iFntP, iFi-N- Dd, :Fnd-NG Confound'ed, IFi-N-Dd Confound'edly, :F : -N- Dd-Z Confound'er, iFndr 1 Confrater'nity, i Fr 2 -Tr- N-T Confrica'tion, !Fr 2 -Kslin Confront', :Frut=, iFr 8 - N-Td, SFrnt2-NG Confronta'tion, '.Fr 2 -N- Tshn Confront'er, SFrntr 2 Confuse', :FZ', iFzd 3 , ;FZS-NG Confus'edly. !Fz 3 -D-Z Confus'edness, :Fz-D- Ns Confu'sion, IFzlin 3 Confut'able, '.Ft^-Bl Confut'ant, iF 3 -Tnt Confuta'tion, :F 2 -Tshn Confute', SFt 3 , ;F3-Td, Confut'er, IFtr 3 Con'ge, '.Jor iZH 1 Con'ge, ij, SJd, U'-NG Congeal', 1J 3 -L, iJ 3 -Ld, JJ8-L-NG CON Congeal'able, :J 3 -L-B1 Congeal'ment, \3*-L- Mnt Conge d'elire', iJ l -D-L- KorlZHl-D-i-R Congela'tion, '.J 2 -shn Con'gener, ttP-Nr Congener'ic, i J 2 -Nr-K Congen'erous, iJ 2 -Nrs Congen'ial, tJ-'-Nl Congeniality, t<n-Nl-T Conge'nialness, U 3 -N1- Na Congen'ital, iJ 2 -N-T-L Congen'ite, iJ 2 -N-T Con'ger, Ki-NG-Gr Con'ger-eel, K'-NG-Gr-L Conge'ries, !J 3 -.Rz Congest', :Jst 2 Congest'ible, i J*-sT-Bl Conges'tion, i Js 2 -CHu Congest'ive, i J*-sTv Congla'ciate, !Gl-SHt 2 Conglacia'tion, !G1- SHslm 2 Conglo'bate, '.Gl - Bt^, lGl-B 2 -Td. iGl-bt'-) 1 Conglo'bately, ;Gl-Bt 2 -L Congloba'tion, SG1- Bshn 2 Conglobe', !G1-B, iGl- Bd 2 , 1G1-B2-NG Conglob'ulate, IGl-Bi-Zt Conglomerate, iGl 1 - Mrt, :Gl-Mr-Tdi, SG1 1 - Mrt(-) Conglomera'tion, iGl 2 - Mrshii Oonglu'tinant, iGlt s -Nnt Conglu'tinate, ;Glt-Nt. Congressman, '.Grsi-Mii Con'gruence, IGr^Ns Con'gruent, IGi^-Nt Congru'ity, tGr 3 -! Con'gruous, iGri-S Con'gruously, iGr'-Sl Con'ic, K'-N-K Con'ical-ly, Ki-N-Kl Con'icalness, K 1 - N - Kl- Ns Con'ics, KJ-N-Ks Con'ic-section, 1K 2 -X-K- sKshn Coniferous, K-N-F^-^s Co'niform, K-N-F-E-M Conject'urable, SJ 2 -Ktr- B-L Conject'ural-ly, SJ 2 -Ktr- L Conject'ure, iJ 2 -Ktr, i J 2 - Ktrd. iJ 2 -Ktr-NG Conject'urer, ;J 2 -Ktr-R Conjoin', iJn 1 . Und 1 , '.Jn'-NG Conqoint', i Jnti ' i- Conglutina'tion, SGlt 2 - Nshn Conglu'tinative, iGlt- Nt-va Con'go, Ki-NG-G Con'gou, KJ-NG-G Congrat'ulant, iGrt-int 1 Congrat'ulate, iGrt-Zrt 1 , iGrt-Ai-Td. iGrt-Lti-NG Congratulation, iGrt- Ubn* Congrat'ulator, i Grt - Ztri Congrat'ulatory, iGrt- Lt l -K Con'gregate, iGr-G-Ti, SGr-G-Tdi. IGr-G-Ti-XG Congrega'tion, iGr- Gshn Congrega'tional, iGr 2 - Gshn-/, Congrega'tionalism, :Gr 2 -Gshn-Z,-zM Congrega'tionalist, '.Gr- Gshn-ist 2 Con'gress, iGrs' Congres'sional, IGrshn 2 - L Congres'sive, lGrs-Y a Con'jugal-ly, iJ^Gl Conjugate, tJJ-Gt, tJi- G-Td, :J!-Gt-NG Coniuga'tion, iJ 2 -Gshn Conju'gial, !J 3 -J1 Coniunct', iJ 2 -NGt Conjunction, iJ 2 -NGshn Conjunc'tive, U 2 -NG-Tv Conjunc'tively, !J 2 -NG- T-V1 Conqunct'ly, iJ 2 -NG-T-Z Conjuncture, U 2 -NGtr Conjura'tion, !J 2 -fishn Conjure', iJ^-B, iJ^-Rd, iJa-fi-NG Conjure'ment, ;Jr3-Mnt Conjur'er, \3*-R-R Con'jure, ;Jr 2 Con'jurer, Ur 2 -R Conn, Kn 1 Connas'cence, iNsi-Ks Connas'cency, iNsi-N-S Connas'cent, ; Ns^Nt Con'nate or Connate', INt^or 2 Connat'ural, SNt-Kl 1 Connatural'ity, iNt-Bl 1 - T Connect', !Kt 2 , !K-Td 2 . ;Kt 2 -NG Connect'ed, ;K-Td 2 Connect'edly, iK-Td 2 -/- Connec'tion, !Kshn 2 Connect'ive, IKt-V 2 Connect'! vely, iKt-V 2 -^ Connect'or, ;Ktr 2 Connex'ion, ;Kshn 2 Connex'ive, iKs-V a Conniv'ance, IN-Vns 1 Connive', iN-Vi, !N-Vd. iN-Vi-NG Conniv'ent, iN-Vnt 1 Conniv/er, tN-Vi-R Connoisseur', iNs-R 3 CON Connoiseur'ship, .'Ns- Connota'tion, !X-Tt<hn a Connot'ative, ;Nt-Tv 2 Connote', !Nt 2 , IN-Tdi iNt 2 -NG Connu'bial, !N-B 3 -L Connumera'tion, iN J> Mrshn Co'noid, K 2 -Noid Conoid'al, K-N-D1 1 Conoid'ic, K J -Nd-K Conoid'ical, K ! -Nd-Kl Con'quer, i Kr 1 , i Krd 1 , !Kr!-NG Con'querable, iKr-Bli Con'queror, : Kr-fi 1 Con'quest, i Kwsti Consanguin'eous, isN - Gwu-S s Consanguin'ity, isN - Gwn-T 3 Con'science, i SHns 1 Con'scienceless, i SH 1 - Ns-Ls Conscien'tious, i SH 2 -N- SHs Conscien'tiously, i SH 2 - N-SHs-i Conscien'tiousness, :SH 2 -N-SHs-Ns Con'scionable, iSH 1 -!?- Bl Con'scious, iSHs 1 Con'sciously, iSHs 1 -/- Con'sciousness, 1 SHs 1 - Ns Con'script, i sKr - Pt', isKr-Pi-Td, isKr-Pt(-) 1 Conscrip'tion, i sKr - Pshn 3 Con'secrate, isKrt 1 , '.sKr- Td 1 , isKrt'-NG Con'secrated, isKr-Tdi Consecra'tion, i sKrshn 2 Con'secrator, tsKrtr 1 Consecta'neous, ;sK-T*- Ki Consecu'tion, i sKshn 8 i Consec'utive, isKt-V* Consec'utively, rsKt-V 2 - L Consent', isNt 2 , tsN-Td a , :sNt 2 -NG Consentane'ity, '.sNt-N- T3 Consenta'neous, IsN-T*- NH Consenta'neously, IsN- XS-Ns-L Consenta'neousness, ;aN-T 2 -Ns-Ns Consent'er, isNtr 2 Consen'tient, '.sN-SHnt* Con'sequence, i sK-wns 1 Con'sequent, IsKwnt 1 Consequen'tial-ly, :sKw-N-S//l 2 PfiKwn 2 ] Consequen'tialness, :sKw-N-,S//l 2 -N8 CON 53 CON Consequently, SsKwnt- Con'sonance, isNnsi Construct', isTr 2 - Kt, jji Con'sonancy, SsN-N-S 1 SsTr 2 -K-Ta, '.sTr^-Kt-NG Conserv'able, is^-V-Bl Con'sonant, isNnt 1 Construct, isTrJ-Kt Conserv'ancy, ;s 2 -Vn-S Consonant'al-ly, isNnt- Construct'er, :sTr 2 -Ktr Conserv'ant, is^-Vnt ,1 Construc'tion, '.sTr 2 - Conserva'tion, isR? - Con'sonous, isXs 1 Kshn Vshn Con'sort, IsRt 1 Construc'tional, '.sTr 2 - Conserv'atism, is^-V- Consort', tsKt 1 , isfiJ-Td, Kshn-i T-zM Construc'tionist, i sTr 2 - Conserv'ative, is^-Vt-V Conspec'tus, !sP 2 -K-Ts Kshn-/St Conserva'tor or Con'- Conspic'uous, :sP 3 -K-S Construot'ive, isTr-Kt- servator, islPor'-vtr Conspic'uously, lsP 3 -K- V ponserv'atory, ! sR z - V - 81 Construct'ively, i sTr 2 - Conspic'uousness, isP 3 - Kt-V-Z Conserve', isKv 2 , isflvd 2 , Ks-Ns Construct'iveness, tsfiv(-)' Conspir'acy, SsP 3 -/2-8 !sTr 2 -Kt- V-Ns [tsTrS- Con'serve, tsKv 1 Conspir'ant, isPi-fint KtiVs] Conserv'er, l .sRv-R Conspira'tion, isPS-ffshn Construe, '.sTr 1 , isTrdi, Consid'er, isDr 3 , isDrd 3 , Conspir'ator, !sP 3 -/Jtr isTr!-NG isDrS-NG Conspire', lsP 1 -R, isP 1 - Con'stuprate, isT 1 - Prt, Consid'erable-y, isDr 3 - Rd, isPi--NG isTl-Pr-Td. isT'-PrtC) Bl Conspir'er, lsP 1 -Rr Constupra'tion, :sT 2 - Consid'erableness, Constable, lsT 2 -Bl Prslm ConStablery, IsT^-Bl-B Consubstan'tial, IsB 1 - Consid'erate, isDrt 3 ConStablesnip, SsT 2 -Bl; 8T-N-S//1 t:sBi-sTu] Consid'erately, SsDrt 3 -/, 8H Consubstan'tialist, i sB 1 - Consid'erateness.i sDrt 3 - Ns Considera'tion, i sDrshn 2 Consid'erer, isDr^-B Constab'ulary, isT'-Bl-fi Constancy, isTnJ-S Con'stant, isTnti Constantly, isTnt^L Consubstantial'ity, sTn] Consign', isNi, isNd 1 , Constella'tion,;sT 2 -ishn Consubstan'tiate, isBi- isN^-NG Consterna'tion, !sTr 2 - sTn-SHt, IsBi-sTn-SH- Consignee', IsNe 8 Nshn Td, isBi-sTn-SHt-NG Consign'er, ! sNr 1 Constipate, isTJ-Pt, Consubstantia'tion, Consigniflca'tion, isG- tsT!-P-Td. IsT^Ptf') ;sB 2 -sTn-SHshii N-F 2 -Kshn Consign'ment, isNJ-Mnt Con'stipation, lsT 2 -Pshn Constit'uency, i stT 3 -N- Consuetude, tsTJ-B Consuetu'dinal, isTS-D- Consign 'or, isN-Ri 8 Nl Consil'ience, '.s 3 -Ns Constit'uent, istT 3 -N-T ConSul, isL 1 Consist', '.Sst 3 , :8s 3 -Td, Constitute, istT 1 - T, Consular, isZ^-R iSst 3 (') tstTi-T-D, IstTi-T-NG Con'sulary, '-.sL^-R Consist'ence, iSs 3 -Tns ConStituter, istTi-Ttr Consulate, isit 1 Consist'ency, i Ss 8 -Tn-8 Constitu'tion, istTshn 3 Consulship, :si'-SH-P Consist'ent, 1 8s 3 - Tut Consist'ently, ;Ss 3 -Tnt-L Constitu'tional, tstTshn 3 -L Consult', isLt 2 , isi 2 -Td, Consisto'rial, i8s 2 -T-JFZl Constitutional'ity, tsZ,t 2 -NG Consis'tory, iSs( 8 -T-.R tstTshni-i-T Consulta'tion, i sL 2 -Tshj| Conso'ciate, !S 2 -,Stf/t, iS 2 - Constitu'tionally, Consult'er, isLtr-' *S7/-Td. iS 2 -$jyt-NG SstTslin 3 -/!/ Consum'able, isiI-Bl 3 Consocia'tion, ; S*-SHshn Constitu'tive, istT 3 - TV Consume', :sil 3 , islld 8 , Consocia'tional, IS 2 - Constrain', i sTrn 2 , isM 3 -NG SHsho-L isTrnd 2 . isTrn 2 -NG Consum'er, isMr 3 Consol'able, !sL 2 -Bl Constrain'able, isTrn 2 - Consummate or Con Consola'tion, Isishn 2 B(-L) sum'mate, isMt l ors Consol'atory, taL l -T-R Constrain'edly, IsTrn 2 - Consum'mately, '.sMts-i Console', isL 3 , isid z , D-L Consumma'tion, isi 2 -NG Constrain'er, isTr 2 -Nr isMshn 2 Con'sole, isi 1 Constraint', '.sTrnt Donsump'tion, i sllshn* Consol'er, !sZ/ 2 -R Constrict', ! sTr 8 - Kt, Donsump'tive, IsMt-V 2 Con'sole-table, isi 1 - T - IsTrS-K-Td. IsTr^-Kt-NG Consump'tively, IsHts Bl Constrict'ed, isT^-K-Td V-L Consol'idant, is/^-Dnt Constric'tion, isTr 3 - Consump'tiveness, Consolidate, isi 1 - Dt, Kshn isMt-V 2 -Ns [iVs] / Constrict'ive, isTrS-Kt-V Con'tact, '.T'-Kt Consolida'tion, :s//-'- Constrict'or, :sTr 3 -Ktr Conta'gion, '.T 2 -Jn Dslin Constringe', isTrs-N-J, Conta'gious, IT^-Js Consol'idative, ; sL l - D - IsT^-N-Jd, tsTr s -N- Conta'giously, iT-J. TV J-NG BL Consols' or Con'sols, Constrin'gent, '.sTr 3 - N - Contagiousness, i T--J* isis 1 Jut Ks CON Contain', iTn a , Containable, iTn-B(-L) Contain'ant, iTn-Nt Contain'er, :T-Nr Contam'inable, iT>-M- N-B1 Contam'inate, iT'-M-N- T, iT-M-N-Td, ST-M-N- T-NG Contamination, iT 2 -M- Nsbn Contemn', ST*-M, iT*- Md, iT2-Mn-NG Contem'ner, ;T 2 -M-Nr Contem'per, !T2-M-Pr Contem'perate, ST 2 -M- Prt Contem'perament, '.T 2 - M-Pr-Miit Contempera'tion, iT- M-Prshn Con'template or Con- tem'plate, iTior 2 - M - Pit, ITior-a-M-Pl-Td, Contempla'tion, iT^-M- Plshn Contem'plative, !T*-M- Plt-V Contem'platively, !T"- M-Plt-V-/, Contem'plativeness, ;T 2 -M-PltiVs Con'templator, iT-M PHr Contemporaneous, ; T 2 - M-Pr-Ns Contemporaneously, ST2-M-Pr-Ns-L Contempora' neousness iT2-M-Pr-Xs-Ns Contem'porariness, !T 2 - M-Pr-fi-Xs Contem'porary, ST*-M- Pr-R Contempt', iT-Mt Contempt'ible-y, ST 2 - Mt-Bl Contempt'ibleness, ! T 2 - MtiBs Contempt'uous, ITS-M- Ts Contempt'uously, !T2- M-T-sL Contend', STnd*, STn^ - Dd, !Tnd 2 -NG Contend'er, iTndr* Content', ;Tnt* Con'tent, :Tnt Content'ed, !Tn*-Td Content'edly, iTn^-Td-X, Content'eduoss, STn 8 - Td-Ns Contention, iT^-Nshn Conten'tious, ;Tn 2 -SHs Conten'tiously, ITn 8 - SH-sL Bonten'tiousness, '.Tn*- SHs-Ns 54 Content'ment, ;TS N-T- Mnt [iTt*-Mnt] Con'tents or Contents', STnts'or* Conter'minable, iTr s -M- N-B1 Conter'minate, !Tr 2 -M- N-T Conter'minous, STr*-M- Ns Contest', STst", iTs*-Td. iTsta-XG Con'test, STsti Contest'able, iTs* - T - B 1 [ITsa-Bl] Contest'ant, iTs 2 -Tnt Contestation, ITs^-Tshn Contest'ed, :Ts 2 -Td Con'text, iTi-Kst Context'ural, iT - Ks - CHr-i Context'ure, iT-Kstr Contigna'tion, IT 2 - G - Isshn Contigu'ity, iT'-G-T Contig'uous, :T 3 -G-S Contiguously, iT^-G-Sl Contig'uousness, ST- Gs-Ns Con'tinence, '.T 1 -Nns Con'tinency, JT^N-N-S Con'tinent, iTi-Nnt Continent'al, iT 2 -JTnt-Z Con'tinently, '.T^Nnt-Z/ Contin'gence, 5Tn 3 -Jns Contin'gency, STn 3 - J - N-S Contin'gent, iTn'-Jnt Contin'gently, :Tn 3 -jnt- L Contin'uable, iT^-N-Bl Contin'ual-iy, iT 3 -Nl Contin'uance, iT^-Nns Contin'uate, t T^ - N - T, tT 3 -N-Td. ST3-N-T-XG Continua'tion, iT 2 -Nshn Contin'uative, ST 3 -N-Tv Contin'uator, ITs-Ntr Contin'ue, iT^-N, ST 3 -N- D, '.T3-N-NG Contin'uer, ST 3 -N-E Continu'ity, JT 3 -N-T Contin'uous, iT 3 -Ns Continuously, iT 3 -Ns-L Contort', S T - Bt, i T - R - Td. ITi-fit-NG Contor'tion, ST 1 -JF?shn Coutor'tive, i1 l -Kt-V Contour', iP-R Con'traband, iTr^Bnd Contrabandist, tTr 1 - Bnd-St Contract', STri-Kt, STr 1 - K-Td, ;Tr!-Kt-NG Con'tract, : Tr'-Kt Contract'ed, iTr'-K-Td Contract'edly, i Tr* - K - Td-L Contract'edness, '.Tri- K-Td-Na CON ContractibU'ity, iTrS . Kt-Blt Contract'ible, iTri-Kt-Bl Contract'ibleness, STr 1 - KtlBs Contract'ile, STri-Kt-L Contractil'ity, i Tr 3 - Kt L-T Contrac'tion, iTri-Kshn Contract'ive, iTr^Kt-V Contract'or, iTri-Ktr Con'tra-dance, Kntr - Dnsi Contradict', i Trd 3 - Kt, iTrd^-K-Td, iTrd 3 -K.t- NG Contradict'er, iTrd 3 -Ktr Contradic'tion, i Trd- Kshn Contradic'tious, STrd3- K-SHs Contradict'ive, STrd 3 - Kt-V Contradict'orlly, iTrd 3 - Kt-fil Contradict'oriness, Contradict'ory, STrdS- Kt-R Contradistinction, iTrdst^-NGshn Contradistinct'ive, ITrdsts-NGt-V Contradistin'guish, ITrdst 3 - NG - Gw - 8H. !Trdst 3 -NG - Gw - SHt; I Trdsta-NG - Gw- SH - NO [ITrdst 3 - NG-SH, iTrds* 3 - NG-SHt, tTrdst3-NG-SH- NG] Contraindica'tion, ITr*- N-D-Kshn Contral'to, ITri-i-T Contramand', i Tr^Mnd Contraposi'tion, i Tr* Pzshn Con'traries, iTr ! -ffz Contrari'ety, iTri-B-T Con'trarily, iTr'-fi-Z, Con'trariness, : Tri-fi-Ns Contra'rious, STr 2 -fl-s Contra'riously s iTr 2 - 22- aL Con'trariwise, l .Ti l -B- Ws Contrary, iTri-fi Contrast', ITrst 1 , iTrs 1 - Td, '.Trsti-NG Con'trast, i Trsti Con'tra-tenor, iTr^T-Ni Contravalla'tion, iTr- Vlshn Contravene', JTrv 3 - N, '.Trv3-Nd, iTrv 3 -N-NG Contra ven'er, :Trv 3 -N-E Contraven'tion, STrva- Nshn Contraver'sion, STr 8 Vrshn Contretemps, Kntr-Tn 1 CON Contrib'utable, iTrVBt- Bl Contrib'utary, iTr 8 B-T R Contrib'ute, !Tr 3 - Bt, iTr-B-Td. :Tr*-Bt(-) Contribu'tion, iTr*- Bshn Contrib'utive, iT^-Bt-V Contrib'utor, 5Tr-Btr Contributory, '.Tr*-B-T- K Con'trite, iTrti Con'tritely, !Trti- Con'triteness, i Contri'tion, i Trshn 3 Contriv'able, '.Trvi - B ,J-D Contriv'ance, STrv'-Ns Contrive', ITrvi, iTrvd 1 , iTrvi-NG Contriv'er, '.Tr^Vr Control', ITrS-L, iTr*-Ld, !Tr 2 -L-NG Control'lable, STr 2 -.-Bl Control'ler, ITra-L-R Control'lership, !Tr*-i- RtSH Control'ment, '. Tr 2 - L - Mnt Controversial, '.Trs-Vr- SH1 Controversialist, STr*- Vr-SHlst Controversially, STr 2 - Vr-SBl Controversy, iTri-Vr-S Con'trovert, ITr 1 - Vrt, iTri-Vr-Td, iTr-Vrt(') Con'troverter, ST^-Vrtr Controvert'ible-y, iTr z - Vrt-Bl Con'trovertist, '.Tri-Vr- Tst Contxima'cious, 5T2-M- BHa Contuma'ciously, iT- M-SHs-// Contuma'ciouaness, 1T2-M-SH8-N8 Con'tumacy, iT^M-S Contume'lious, '.T-M- La iontume'liously , i T3-M- Ls-L Contumeliousness, 1T3- M-is-Ns Oon'tumely, iT 1 -!!-^ Contuse', :Tr, '.Tzd, Contu'sion, i Conun'drum, ;N-Dr-M Con'usance, tSns 1 Uon'usant, i Snt 1 Convalesce', 5V*-Z8, iV s - Convales'cence, i Ns Convales'cency, S V-Ls- N-S 55 COO Convales'cent, svs-is- Convex'o-con'cave, ! V? Nt K-S:Kvi Convales'cently, '. V 2 -Ls- Convex'o-con'vex, iV 3 Nt-L K-S:V!-Ks Convec'tion, iV*-Kshn Convex'o-plane, iV 2 -K- Conven'able, tVn'-B(-L) S-Pln Convene', iVn 3 , iVnd", Convey', IV 2 , iVd 2 , tva. i Vn 3 -NG NG Sonven'er, !V 3 -Nr Convey'able, iV 2 -Bl [/onvenlence, ;vn 3 -Ns Convey'ance, iV 2 -Ns Conven'iency, iVn'-N-S Convey'ancer, iV 2 -Ns-R Convenient, : Vn 3 -Nt Conveniently, iVn'-Nt- Convey'ancing, :V2-N* NG L Convey'er, SV 2 -R Con'vent, tVnti Convict', iV 3 -K-T, iV3-K, Conventicle, i v 2 -Nt-Kl Td, : V^-K-T-NG Conventlcler, i V* - Nt - Con'vict, ;V!-K-T Kl-B Convic'tion, iV 3 -Kshn Conven'tion, i V 2 -Nshn Convictlve, '. V 3 -K-Tv Conven'tional-ly, : V 9 - Convince', IVns 3 , iV3. Nshn-Z, Nst. :V 3 -Ns-NG Conventionalism, IV 2 - Convince'ment, lV 3 -Ns, Nshu--zM Mut Conven'tionalist, '.V s - Convin'cer, !V 3 -N-sR Nshn-Zst Convin'cible, ; V 3 - Ns - B Conventionality, iV 1 - (-L) N8hn--T Convin'cingly, '. V 3 - Ns - Conven'tionary, iV* - NG-L Nslm-72 Convivial, iV 3 -V-L Convent'ual, ; v*-Nt-L Conviviality, iV J -V--T Converge', IVr^-J, IVr'- Convivlally, ;v s -V-L Jd, SVr^-J-NG Con'vocate, i Vi - K - T, Convergence, 5Vr 2 -Jns iV'-K-Td, ;V!-K-T-NG Convergency, SVr 2 -J-N- Convoca'tion, i V-Kshn s Convoke', ;V 2 -K, 1V2-K- Convergent, iVrS-.Tnt T, SV2-K-NG Conversable-y, iVrs*-Bl Con' volute, iV l -Lt Conver'sableness, ! Vrs 2 - Con'voluted, iV'-i-Td Bl-Ns [IBs Convolu'tion, iV 3 -ishn Con'versant, iVr 1 -sNt Convolve', 1VP-V, iVl 1 - Conversa'tion, SVrs*An a Vd. IVU-V-NG Conversa'tional, Convol'vuli, iVP-V-L i VrssftB'--L Convol'vulus, SVli-V-s Conversationalist, Convoy', tv 1 , tVd, iV l - t Vrs5/i7i 2 -Lst NG Conversa'tionist, Con'voy, ! V 1 t VrssAw^-St Convulse', SV 2 -Ls, iV- Conver'sative, i Vrs*-Tv Lst, '.v-Ls-NG Con'versazione, i Vr l -sT- Convul'sion, i V 2 -Lshn 8N Convul'sive, ;v 2 -Ls-V Converse', iVrs', SVrst*, Convulsively, i V--L8-V1 i Vr 2 -NG Co'ny, K2-N Con' verse, iVrs Coo, K, K-D 3 . K 3 -NG Con'versely, !Vrs l -Ij Coo'ing, K3-NG . Convers'er, iVrs 2 -R Cook, K^-K, K-K-T 3 , KS-, Conver'sion, i Vrshn* K-NG Convert', (.) : Vrt s , SVr*- Cook'ery, K 3 -Kr Td, Vrt<') Cook'y, R3-KI Con'vert, (n.) i VrU Cool, (a.) K-L 3 , K-ir 3 , K- Convert'er, i Vrtr* Convertibility, ;Vr-Blt Cool, (r.) K-L3, K-Lds, K- Convortlble-y, iVrt-Bl IANG Convertlbleness, iVrt 2 - Cooled, K-Ld* Bl-Ns l:B8] Cool'er, K-ir 3 Con'vex, ; V^-Ks Cool'-headed,K-L 3 -H-Dd Convex'edness, tV*-Ks- D-Ns Coo'lie, K-L* Coollsh, K-L3-SH Convexity, ;v*-Ks-T Cool'ly, K-L-i" Con'vexly, !V-K-sZ Cool'ness, K-L8-Na Con'vexness, 1 V^Ka-Ns Coo'ly, K-L coo Doom, K3-M Coomb or Coombe, Ka- il Coop, K-P3, K-Pt*, K-pa- jro Coop'er, K-Prs Coop'erage, K-Pr*-J Co-op'erate, K-Prt 1 , K- Pri-Td. K-PrtC)i Co-opera'tion, K-Prshn 2 Co-op'erative, K-Prt>-V Co-op'erator, K-Prtr 1 Coop'ery, K-Pr* Co-or'dinate, T Co-or'dinately, K-R^D- N-T-L Co-ordina'tion, K-R2-D- Nshn Co-or'dinative, K-Ri-D- N-Tv Coot, Kt Cop, K-pi Copai'ba, K-P^-B Copai'va, K-P2-V Co'pal, K-Pls Copar'cenary, K-Prs'-Nr Copar'cener, K-Prsi-Nr Copar'ceny, K-Prs^N Copart'ner, K-Prt^Nr Copartnership, K-Prt 1 - Nr-SH(-P) Cope, K-P 2 , K-Pt 2 , K-P2- NG Coper'nican, K-Pr 2 -N- Kn Cope'stone, K-p2-sTn Cop'ier, K-pi-R Cop'ing, K-P2-NG Co'pious, K-Ps 2 Co'piously, K-pt-eL Co'piousness, K-Psz-Ns Copped, K-Pti Cop'per, K-Pr 1 , K-Prd 1 , K-Pri-NG Cop'peras, K-Prs 1 Cop'per-head, K-P^-Hd Cop'pering, K-Pri-NG Cop'perish, K-Pri-SH Cop'per-plate, K-Pri-Plt Cop'persmith, K-Pri-sM- TH Cop'per-wonn, K - Pr 1 - Wr-.AJ Cop'pery, K-Pri Cop'pice, K-Ps 1 Cop'pled, K-Pldi Copse, K-Ps 1 Copt, K-Pti Cop'tic, K-Pti-K Cop'ula, K-P 1 -/, Cop'ulate, K-p!-Lt, K-pi- L-Td, K-Pi-Lt-NG Copula'tion, K-P 2 -ishn Cop'ulative, K-pJ-Zt-V Cop'ulatory, K-pi-Zt-fl Cop'y, K-pi, K-Pdi, K-pi- NG Cop'y-book, K-P1-B-K Cop'yer, K-P-R 56 COR Cop'y-hold, K-Pi-Hld Cor'ner, Kr^Xr. KrJ-Nrd, Cop'y-holder, K-pi-Hldr Cor'neous, Kr-N-S 1 Cop'y-hook, K-P'-H-K K^-Nr-NG Cop'ying-press, K - P 1 - Cor'ner-stone, Kri-Nr- NG-Prs sTn Cop'yist, K-Pst 1 Cor'nerwise, Kr-Nr-Ws 1 Cop'yright, K-P^Rt, K- Cor'net, Kr'-Nt p!-R-Td. K-Pi-JZt-NG Cor'net-a-piston, Kr 1 - Cop'yrighted, K-pt-R- Nt-Ps-Tn Td Cor'netcy, Kr-Nt-8 1 Coquet, K-K-T2, K-K-Td 2 , Cor'nice, Kri-Xs K-K-T 2 -NG Corn'ish, Kr-N-SH 1 Coquet'ry, K-K-Tr* Cornstalk, Krn-sTt-K Coquette', K-K-T 2 Cornuco'pia, Kr-N-K-P* Coquet'tish, K-K-T^SH Cor'nute, Kri-Nt Coquet'tishly, K-K-T 2 - Cor'nuted, Kr-N-Td 1 SHl Corn'y, K-R 1 -^ Cor'acle, K-R^Kl Cor'ol, K-R1 1 Cor'acoid, K-Ri-Kd Corolla, K-R1 1 Cor'al, K-R1 1 Corolla'ceous, K-Rl 2 -SHu Cor'aline, K-Rln 1 Cor'ollary, K-RP-fi Cor'alloid, K-RP-D Cor'ollate, K-Rl'-T Coralloid'al, K-Rli-D-L Cor'ollated, K-RP-Td Corb, K-R J -B Coro'na, K-R--N Cor'ban, K-Ri-Bn Cor'beil, K-R'-B-L Coro'nse, K-R 2 -N Cor'onal, K-Ri-Nl (or -N- CorTjel, K-R^B-L D Cord, Krd 1 , Kr-Dd 1 , Krd 1 - Cor'onary, K-Rn^R NG Corona'tion, K-R 2 -Nshn Cord'age, Krd- J 1 Cor'oner, K-R^Xr Cor'date, Kr-Dt 1 Cor'onet, K-R'-Xt Cor'dated, Kr-Di-Td Cor'poral, Kr-Pr'-L. See Cor'dately, Kr-Dt 1 -/; Cordelier', Kr-D3--R Corporeal. Corporal'ity, Kr-Pri-i-T Cord'ial, Kr-D^L Cor'porally, Kr-Pr 1 -/, Cordial'ity, Kr-Di-i-T Cord'ially, Kr-D J -i Cord'ialness, Kr-D l -L- Cor'porate, Kr-Prt 1 Cor'porately, Kr-Prt 1 - L Corpora'tion, Kr-Prshn 2 Ns Cor'porator, Kr-Prtr ; Cor'don, Kr-Dn 1 Corpo'real, Kr-P 2 -Rl. 9ee Cor'dovan, Kr-Dvi-N Corporal. Corduroy' or Cor'duroy Corpo'realist, Kr-P 2 -Rlet Kr-Di-R Corporeality, Kr-P 1 -*!- Cord'wain, Kr-Di-Wn T Cord'wainer, Kr - D 1 - W- Corpo'really, Kr-P 2 -Rl Nr Corpore'ity, Kr-P^-K-f Core, Kr 2 , Krd 2 , Kr 2 -NG Cor'posant, Kr-pi-zXt Core'gent, K-R 3 -Jnt Corps, Kr^ Corela'tion, K-RlshnS Corps-d'armee, Kr 2 -Pr- Cor'er, K-Rr 2 M Coria'ceous, K-R 2 -SHs Corpse, Kr-Ps 1 Corian'der, K-Rndr 1 Cor'pulenoe, Kr-P^Lns Corin'thian, Kr-N-THn3 Cor'pulency, Kr-P^/n- Cork, Krt-K, Kr^K-T, Kri- 8 K-NG. Vocalized with Cor'pulent, Kr-Pi-Lnt aw. See Crack, etc. Cor'pulently, Kr-P^ut- Cork'ingpin, Krt-K-NG- L Pn Cor'pus, Kr-Ps 1 Cork'-jacket, Kr-K-Jt-Kt Cor'puscle, Kr-Ps 2 -L Cork'screw, Kri-K-sKr Corpus'cular, Kr-Ps 2 -Kl- Cork'y, K^-Ki R Cor'naorant, Kr^M-Rnt Corpuscula'rian, Er Corn, K-Rni, K-Rnd', K- Ps 2 -Kl-Rn Corpus'cule, Kr-Ps 2 -Kl Corn'-cockle, K-Rn ! -K- Corra'diate, Kr-R 2 -Dt Kl Corradia'tion, Kr - R* Cor'nea, K-RI-N Dshn Corned, K-Rnd 1 Correct', Kr-K-T 2 , Kr-E- Cor'nel. Kr^Nl Td 2 , Kr-K-T 2 -XG [Kr--ls Cornel'ian, Kr-N-Ln^ Kr-K-Td 2 , Kr=-K(-) COR Correc'tlon, Kr 2 -Kshn Correc'tional, Kr-Kshn- L* Correct'ive, Kr-K-Tv* Correct'ly, Kr-K-T-Z Correot'ness, Kr - K - T* - NB [Kr 2 -K-Ns] Correct'or, Kr-Ktr Correlate', K-^lt 2 , K-B1- Correla'tion, K-Blshn" Correl'ative, K-.Rlt 2 -V Correl'atively, K - Kit* - \-L Correspond', Kr-sPnd', Kr-sPn l -Dd, Kr-ePnd 1 - NG Corresppnd'ence, Kr- Correspond'ency, Kr- Correspond'ent, Kr - sPndi-Nt Correspond'ently, Kr- BPndi-Nt-L Correspond'ingly, Kr- sPndi-XG-L Correspon'sive, Kr - sPnsi-V Corridor, Kr-Dr 1 Corrigen'da, Kr-J 2 -N-D Corrigen'dum, Kr-J 2 -N- D-M Corrigible, Kr-J^Bl Cor'rigibleness, Kr - J 1 - Corri'val, Kr-^-V-L Corrob'orant, Kr-Brnt 1 Corroborate, Kr - Brt 1 , Kr-Bri-Td. Kr-Brt(-) 1 Corrobora'tion, Kr - BrshnZ Corrob'orative, Kr-Brti V Corrob'oratory Kr-Brti- R Corrode', K-/J 2 -D, Dd, K-.Rd 2 -NG Corrod'ent, K-.R I>nt Corrod'ible, K-Hd 2 -Bl Corro'sible, K-.KS--B (-L) Corro'sion, K-Szhn 2 Corro'sive, K-RV-sV Corro'sively, K-R^-sV-L Corro'siveness, K - R- - sV-Ns [;Vs] Cor'rugant, K-R Cor'mgate, K-^-Gt, K- fi^G-Td. K-fii-Gt-NG Corruga'tion, K-JP-Gshu Corrupt', Kr-Pts, Kr-P 2 - Td, Kr-Pt(-) Corrupt'er, Kr-Ptr2 Corruptibil'ity, Kr-Pt 3 - Blt Corrupt'ible-y, Kr-Pt- Bl Corrupt'ibleness, Kr - 57 cou 3orrup'tion,ISKr* Psbn Cos'sack, Ks'-K 3orrupt'ive, iir-Pts-Y Cos'set, Ks-T 1 Corruptly, Kr-Pt 2 -L Cost, KsH, Kstcji 3orrupt'ness, Kr-Pt-Ns Cos'tal, Ks-T 1 L 3or'sage, Kr-sJi Cos'tard, Ks-l^-li'd Cor'sair, Kr-sE 1 Cos'teaning, Ks-Tn^NG Corse, Krs>or Cos'tive. Ks-Tv 1 Corse'let, Kr-sit* Cos'tiveneae, KB-TV'-NS Corset, Kr-sl 1 , Kr-sTd', Cost'liness, E-T-i-Ns Kr sTi-NG Uost'ly, Ks-Tt-Z Corslet, Kr-sZt 1 Costume' cr Cos'tunie, Cortege', Kr-T^-ZH Ks-T 3 or 1 -M Cor'tes, Kr-Tzi Co'sy, K-Z 2 Cor'tical, Kr-Ti-l Cot, Kt 1 Cor'ticate, Kr-T ! -Kt Co-tangent, K-Tn^-Jnt Corticated, Kr-Tt-K-Td Cote, Kt 2 Cortic'iform, Kr-Ts 3 -F Cotempora'neous, K-T 2 - (-E-M) M-Pr-Ns Cor'ticose, Kr-Ti-Ks Cotem'porary, K-T 2 -M- Cor'ticous, Kr-Ti-Ks Pr-^i Corun'dum, K-Knd 2 -M Coterie', K-T 2 -,R Corus'cant, K-,Rs 2 -Knt Co-tid'al, K-T'-Dl Cor'uscate, K-jes^Kt Cotil'lon, K-T 3 -Zn Corusca'tion, K - Rs- - Cotill'ion, K-T 3 -Zn Kshn Cot'quean, Kt'-Kwn Corvet, Kr-Vti Cots'wold, Kt-swidi Corvette', Kr-Vt 2 Cott, KH Corvine, Kr-Vn 1 Cot'tage, Kt-Ji Corybant, K-Bi-Bnt Cot'tager, Kt-Jri Coryban'tes, K-K'-Bn-Tz Cot'ter, Ktri Coryban'tic, K-K^Bnt-K Cot'ton, Kt 1 - N, Kti . Nd, Cor'ymb, Ki^-M Kt'-N-NG Corym'bose, Kr - M - Cot'ton-gin, Kt ! -X-Jn Bs a Cot'ton-plant, Kt 1 - N - Coryphe'us, K-7J 3 -Fs Pint Co-se'cant, K 3 -sKnt Cot'ton-wood, Kt ! -N-wD Co'sey, K-Z2 Cot'ton-wool, Kti-N-Wl Co'sily, K-Z1 2 iCot'tony, Kti-NI Oo'-sine, Ks a -N Cosmet'ic, K-zMt-K Cotyle'don, K-T 3 -i-Dn Cotyled'onal, K-T 2 -i-D- Gosmet'ical, K a -zMt-Kl Nl Cos'mic, Ki-zM-K Cotyled'onous, K-T 2 - Cos'mical-ly, K>-zM-Kl Cosmog'omst, K^zM-G- D-Ns Couch, K-CHi, K-CHti Nst K-CHi-NG Cosmog'ony, K'-zM-G-N Couch'ant, K-CHnt 1 Cosmog'rapher, K-zM- Couch'er, K-CHi-i Gr-Fri Couch'-grass, K-CHi-Grs Oosmograph'ic, Ki-zM- Cou'gar, K 3 -Gr Grf-K Cough, Kf, Kft 1 , Kfi-NG Cosmograph'ical, K-zM- Cough'er, Kf-Ei Gr-F-Kl Coul, K-Li Cosmog'raphy, K-zM- Could, Kd [K] Gr-F K, for could, is not joined Cosmol'ogist, K-zM-Z 1 - in phrases, except initially. Jst Could, if joined to a pre- Cosmol'ogy, K-zM-i'-J ceding word, is written Kd; Cosmoplas'tic, K-zM- thus, Pls^T-K It could. T 3 -Kd Cosmopol'itan, E-zM- It could not, T 3 -Kd- Pl>-Tn Nt Cosmop'olite, K-zM-Plt 1 If he could F S -H-K<3 Cosmop'olitism, K-zil- Coul'ter, Kltr 2 Plt'-zM Uoun'cil, K-N-sL 1 Cosmora'ma, K-zM- Coun'cilman, K-N-sL 1 - ^207l.J Mn Cosmoram'ic, K-zM-B 1 Coun'cilor, K - Ns - L 1 - B M-K [K-B/-'-K] Cos'mos Ri-zMs jCoun'sel, ( n .) K-Ns-L COBB, Kb> [Ks-LM COTJ Coun'sel, (u.) K-Ns-L 1 , K-Ns-Ld 1 . K-Ns-Li-NG Counsel'or, K-Ns-L^E [K-s/,i-K] Coun'selorship, K-Ns- L'-R ;SH Count, Knt 1 , Kn - Td 1 , Knti-NG Coun'tenance, Knt'-Nns, Knti-N-Nst, Knt>-N-Ns- NG Coun'tenancer, Knt-N- Ns-B' Coun'ter, Kntr 1 Counteract', Kntr 1 - Kt, Kiitr-K-Td 1 , Kntri-Kt- ' KG Counterac'tion, Kntr 1 - Ksbn Counteract'ive, Kntr-Kt- Vi Counterbal'ance, Ktr - Bins 1 , Ktr-Blnst 1 , Ktr- Blnsi-NG Counterchange', Kntr - CH2-N-J lor Kntr-CH 2 ] Coun'ter-chann, Kntr 1 - CHr-M, Kntr'-CHr-Md, Kntri-CHr-M-NG Counter-current, Kntr 1 - K-flnt Coun'ter-deed, Kntr^Dd Counterdraw', Kntr-Dr 1 , Kntr-Dri-NG Counterdrew', Kntr-Dr 3 Coun'ter-evidence, Kntr'-Vd-Ns Coun'terfeit, Kntr -Ft' Kiitr-Fi-Td. Kntr-Fti-NG Coun'terfeiter, Kntr-Ftr Coun'terfeitly, Kntr-Ft 1 - L Coun'ter-gage, Kntr^G- J Coun'ter-irritant, Kntr 1 - fi-Tnt Coun'ter-irritate, Kntr 1 - R-Tt Coun'ter-irritation, Kntri-JR-Tshn Coun'ter-jumper, Kntr 1 - J-M-Pr Countermand', Kntr 1 - Mnd, Kntr - Mn - Dd 1 Kntr^Mnd-NG Countermarch', Kntr-M- ^-CH, Kutr-M-fiLC Kntr-M-^-CH-NG Coun'ter-mark, Kntr-M- &-K Countrmine',Kntri-Mn Kntr 1 -Mnd, Kntr 1 - Mn- NG Coun'ter-motion, Kntr 1 - Mshn Coun'ter-movement, Kntrt-M-V-Mnt Coun'terpane, Kntr-Pn 1 Coun'terpart,Kntr-Pi-fit 58 oun'ter-plea, Ktr^Pl ount'erplot, Ktr-PlU oun'terpointjKntr-Pnt 1 ounterpoise', Kntr-Pz 1 , Kntr-Pzd 1 , Kntr-Pzi-NG oun'ter-poison, Kntr 1 - Pz-\ Coun'ter-proof, Kntr 1 - Prf oun'terprore, Kntr 1 - Prv, Kntr^Prvd, Kntr 1 - Prv-NG Coun'ter-revolution, Knt^-fiv-Lshn Coun'terscarp, Kntr-sK- fii-P Coun'tersign, Kntri-sN, Knt^-sNd. Kntri-sN-NG Coun'ter-signal, Kntr 1 - sG-Nl Coun'tersink, Kntr 1 - sNG-K, Kntr^sNG-K-NG Coun'tersunk, Kntr 1 - sNG-K Coun'ter-step, Knt^-sT- p Coun'ter-tally, Kntr J -T- L Coun'ter-tenor, Kntr 1 - T-Nr Coun'ter-timber, Kntr 1 - T-M-Br Coun'tertime, Kntri-T-M Countervail', Kntr-V^-L. Kntr-V 2 -Ld, Kntr-V2-L- NG Countervalla'tion, Kntr -V 2 -Zshn Coun'terview, Kntr-Y 1 Counterwork, Katr-W 1 - K [or Ktr-Wri-K] Count'ess, Knt-S 1 Count'ing-house, Knt 1 - NG-Hs Count'ing-room, Knt 1 - NG-R-M Count'less, Knt-is 1 Coun'trifled, Knt-/^-Fd Country, Knt-fi2 Coun'try-dance, Knt-/P- Dns Coun'tryman, Knt-fi- Mn Coun'trymen, Knt-fi 2 ;Mn2 Coun'try-seat, Knt-.R2-sT Coun'try-woman, Knt - 2-W-Mn Coun'ty, Kn-T 1 [Knt 1 ] Coun'ty-court, Kn-T 1 - Krt [Knt!-Kt] Coun'ty-seat, Kn-T^sT Coun'ty-town, Kn-Ti-Tn [Knt-Tn 1 ] Coupe', K-pa Coup'le, K-P1*, K-Pld*, K- P1 2 -NG Coup'ler, K-Pls-R i Coup'let, K-Plts I Coupling, K-P1-NG COT Cou'pon, K-Pn Cour'age, Kr-J Coura'geous, Kr-Js Coura'geously, Kr-J^-sZ Coura'geousnes8,Kr-J6 s - Ns Courant', K-ffnt> Couran'to, K-fii-N-T Cou'rier, TS.-R&-R Course, Krs 2 , Krst 2 , Krs*- NG Cours'er, Kr-sR Court, Krt2, Kr-Td, Krt. NG Court'-card, Krt=-Krd Court'-day, Krts-D Court'-dress, Krt2-Drs Court'eous, Kr-T-S Court'eously, Kr-T^-Sl Court'eousness, Kr-Ts 2 - Ni Court'er, Krtr 2 Court'esan, Kr-T 2 -zN Court'esy, Kr-T 2 -8. Kr- 1-2-sD. Kr-T2-8-NG Court'-hand, Krt 2 -Hnd Court'-house, Krt*-Hs Court'ier, Kr-T2-R Court'-leet, Krt2-it Court'like, Krt- 2 -K Court'liness, Krt-i-Ns ICourt'ly, Krt-i 2 Court'-martial, Krt 2 -Mr- SH1 Court'-plaster,Krt2-Pistr Courtship, Krt-lSH Court'-yard, Krt 2 -Yd Cou'sin, Kz 2 -N Cou'sin-german, Kz 2 -N- Jr-Mn Cove, Kva Cov'enant, K-Vn 2 -Nt, K- Yn2-N-Td, K-Vn2-Nt-NG Covenantee', K-Vn^-N-T Cov'enanter, K-Vn*-Ktr Cov'enantor, K-Vn2-Ntr Cov'er, Kv-^s, Kv-fid*, Kv-RZ-lSGr Cov'ered, Kv-Kd 2 Cov'erer, Kv-^.^ Cov'ering, KV-/P-NG Cov'erlet, Kv-fl 2 -it Cov'ert, Kv-t 2 Cov'ert-baron, K\-R&- B-fin Cov'ertly, ~Kv-Rt?-L Cov'erture, Kv-tftr 2 Cov'et, K-Vt 2 , K-va.Td, K-Vt2-NG Cov'etable, K-Vt 2 -Bl Cov'eter, K-Vtr 2 Cov'etiveness, K-Vt^V- Ns [K-Vt 2 iVs] Cov'etous, K-V 2 -Ts Cov'etously, K-V 2 -T-s Cov'etousness, K-V 2 -T* Ml Cov'ey, K-Y* Cov'in, K-Vn CoVing, K-Y 2 -NG cov Cov'inoufl, Cow, K, K- Cow'ard, K-R l -I> Cow'ardiee, K-B 1 -Ds Cowardliness, K-R l -D- i-Ns Cow'ardly, K-fii-D- Cow'-cateher, K^K-CHr CoWer, K-Ri, K-fid, K- i-NG CoWhage, Ki-H-J [or K- HJ CoWherd, Ri-Hrd CoWhide, Ki-Hd, K-H- Ddi, K-Hd(-) Cowl, K-Li Cowled, K-Ldi CoWlick, K-Z,i-K Cowl'-staff, K-Li-sTf Co-worker, K-Wr*-Kr CoW-pox, Ki-p-Ks CoWry, K l -R Cow'slip or Cow's-lip,K- BL l -P Cow'-tree, K^Tr Cox'comb, K'-Ks-K-M Coxcombleal-ly, K 1 - Ks-K-M-Kl Cox'combry, K-Ks-K-M- fii Coxcom'ical, Ki - Ks - K - M-Kl Coy, Ki Coy'ish, K-SH 1 Coy'ly, K-i Ooy'ness, Ri-Ns Coz, Kz Coz'en, Kz*-N, Kz*-Nd, Kz^-N-NG Coz'enage, Kz-N-J* Coz'ener, Kz-N-B* Co'zily, K-Z1* Co'zy, (o.) K-Z, K-Zr, K-Zst* Crab, Kr-Bi Crab-apple, Kr-Bi-Pl Crab'bed, Kr-Bdi Crab'bedly, Kr-Bd-i Crab'bedness, Kr-Bdi-Ns Crab'-louse, Hr-IP-La Crab'-tree, Kr-B^Tr Crack, Kr>-K, Kr-K-T 1 , Kri-K-NG. See Cork. Crack'- brained, K^-K- Brnd Crack'er, Kri-Kr Crack'le, Kr^Kl Crack'ling, Kr-Kl-Na Cracks'man, Kri-K-sMn Cra'dle, Kr-Dl*. Kr-Dld 2 , Kr-D12-NG Craft, Krfti Craft'ily, Kr-Ft- Craft'iness, Kr-FtVNs Crafts'man, Kr-Fts l -Mn Craft'y, Kr-Fi-T Crag, Kri-0 Crag'ged, Kr-G-D 1 Crag'gedness, Kr-G-D 1 - Ns 59 Crag'giness, Kr l -G-Ks Crag'gy, Ki^-G Crake, Kr 2 -K Cram, Kri-M, Kr-M-D 1 (See Cramped), Kr^-M-NG Cram'bo, Kr-M-B 1 Cramp, Kr-M-pi, Kri-Mt (See Crammed), Kr-M- PC) 1 Cramp'it, Kr-M-pi-T Crampoons', Kr-M-Pns3 Cramp'y, Kr-M-P 1 Cran'age, Kr-N-J Cranberry, Krn-Bi-fi Cranch, Kr-N-CHi Crane, Krn^ Crane's'-bill, L Cra'nial, Craniolog'ical, Kr-N-/; 1 - J-K1 CraniologistjKr-N-L^Jst Craniol'ogy, Kr - N - L J -J [Kr-NiJ] Craniom'eter, K^-N-Mtr Craniom'etry, Kr-N-M- Tri Cranios'copy, Kr-Ns-K- Pi Cra'nia, Kr^-N Cra'nium, Kr2-N-M Crank, Krni-K Crank'le, Kri-NG-Kl Cran'nied, Kr-N-D 1 Cran'ny, Kri-N Crape, Kr-P^ Crap'ulent, Kr-Pi-Znt Crap'ulous, Ki-P l -La Crap'y, Kr-ps Crash, Kr-SH', Kr-SHti, Kr-8Hi-NG Crash'ing, Kr-SHJ-NG Crass, Krs 1 Crass'ament, Kr>-sMnt Crass'itude, Krs-Tdi Cratch, Kr-CH 1 Cratch'es, Kr-CHs 1 Crate, Krt Cra'ter, Krtr Crater'iform, Krtr-F2-B- M Craunch, Kr-N-CH>. Kr- N-CHdi. Kr-N-CHi-NG Cravat', Kr-Vt 1 Crave, Krv^, Krvd*, Krv*- NG Cra'ven, Kr-Vn Cra'ver, Krv-R Craw, Kr 1 Craw'-flsh, Kr'-F-Sff Crawl, Kr-L 1 , Kr-Ldi, Kr- Li-NG Crawl'er, Kr-ir 1 Cray'flsh, Kr-F*-SH Cray'on, Kr 2 -N, Kr^-Nd, Craze, Krz*, Krzd 2 , NG Cra'zily, Kr-Zl* Cra'ziness, Kr-Z-Ns ORE Cra'zy, Kr-Z? Creak, Kr3-K, Kr-K-T3 Kr a -K-NG Cream, KrS-M, Kr a -Md. KrS-M-NG Cream'-cake, Kr^-M-K-K Cream'-cheese, Kr^-n- CHz Cream'-faced, Kr 3 -M-Fst Cream'y, Kr 3 -M Cre'ance, Kr 3 -Ns Crease, Krs 3 , Krst 3 , Krs 3 ' NG Cre'asote, Kr-sT 3 Create', Kr-T 2 , Kr-Td, Kr-T2-NG Crea'tion, Krslma Crea'tive, Kr-Tv2 Crea'tiveness, Kr-Tv2-Ns Crea'tor, Krtr= Creat'ure, Krtr 3 (or Kr- CHr3) Cre'dence, Kr-Dns 3 Cre'dent, Kr-Dnt : ! Creden'tial, Kr-Du= (.gn -L) Credibility, Kr-D^-Blt Credible, Kr-Ds-Bl Cred'ibleness, Kr-D 2 -Bl- Ns[IBs] Cred'ibly, Kr-D=-Bl Cred'it, Kr-Dt^, Kr-D^-Td, Kr-DtC)2 Cred'itable-y, Kr-Dt^-Bl Cred'itableness, Kr-Dt^- Bl-Ns [iBs] Creditor, Kr-Dtr 2 Credu'lity, Kr-D 3 -L-T Cred'ulous, Kr-D^-is Cred'ulously, Kr-D2-Zs- L Cred'ulousness, Kr-D*- is-Ns Creed, Krd 3 Creek, Kr 3 -K Creek'y, Kr^-K Creel, Kr-L Creep, Kr-ps, Kr-P 3 -NG Creep'er, Kr-Pr 3 Creep'ingly, Kr-P 3 -NGl Crema'tion, Kr 2 -Mskn Cremo'na, Kr^-M-N Cre'nate, Kr 3 -Nt Cre'nated, Cre'ole, Kr^-L Cre'osote, Kr-sT 3 Crepitate, Kr-P 2 -Tt, Kr P2-T-Td. Kr-P2-Tt(-) Crepita'tion, Kr-P 2 -Tsha Crept, Kr-Pta Crepus'cle, Kr-Ps^-L Crepus'cular, Kr-Ps 2 -Kl R Crepus'culous, Kr-Ps Kls Crescen'do, Krs-N-D Cres'cent, Krs 2 -Nt Cres'cive, Krs-V 2 Cress, Krs 2 Cres'set, Krs-T ORE Crest, Krst*, Krs - Td*, Krst 2 C) Crest'ed, Krs-Td Crest'-fallen, Krs z -F-Ln Crest'less, Krs-Z^s* Creta'ceous, Kr-TS/fs Creta'ceously, Kr - T - SHs-Z, Cre'tic, Kr-T 3 -K Cre'tin, Kr-Tn 3 Cre'tinism, Kr-Tn 3 -Z-M [or Kr-T 3 -zM] Cre'tism, Kr-T 3 -zM Crevasse', Kr-Vs 1 Crev'ice, Kr-Vs 2 Crew, Kr 3 Crew'el, Kr-L 3 Crew'et, Kr-T^ Crib, Kr-B 3 , Kr-Bd 3 , Kr- B*-Ha Crib'bage, Kr-B-' J Crib'bage-board, Kr-B 3 - J-Brd Crib'ble, Kr-Bl 3 , Kr-Bld 3 , Kr-BF-NG Crick, Kri-K Crick'et, Kr-K-T 3 Crick'eter, Kr-K-Tr 3 Cri'coid, Kr-K-D 1 Cried, Kr-Di Crier, Kr-R 1 Grim. Con. KrS-M-Kn Crime, Kri-M Crim'inal-ly, KrS-M-M Criminal'ity.Kr- M - >.' 1- T ' Crim'inate, Kr-M-N-T 3 , Kr-M-N-Td 3 , Kr-M-N-T3- NG Crimina'tion, Kr 2 - 31 - Nshii Crim'inatory, Kr-M-N- T*-R Crimp, Kr-M-P3, Kr3-Mt, Kr-M-P 3 C) Crimp'le, Kr-M-PF. Kr- M-Pld 3 . Kr-H-Pia-NG Crim'son, Kr-Mz-X. Kr 3 - Mx-Nd, Kr*-Mz-N-NG Cri'natory, Kr-N-Ti-fi Cringe, Kr - N - J3, Kr-N- Jd. Kr-N-J3-NG Crin'ger, Kr-N-Jr 3 Crin'gle, Kr3-NG-Gl Cri'nite, K r i-Nt Crink'le, Kr^-NG-Kl, Kr3- Sii-Kld. Kri-NG-Kl-NG Crin'oline, Kr-N-Ln 3 Crinose', Kr 2 -Ns Crip 'pie, Kir-Pi", Kr-Pld 3 , Kr-PP-XG Cri'ses, Krss 1 Cri'sis, Krss 1 Crisp, Krs-P 3 , Krs-Pt^, Krs-p3-NG Crisp'ate, Krs-Pt 3 Crisp'ated, Kra-P^-Td Crispa'tion, Krs-Pshn 2 Crisp'er, Krs-Pr 3 Crisp'ly, Krs P 3 -L Crisp'ness, Krs-P 3 -Ns 60 Crisp'y, Krs-pa Criss'-cross, Krs 3 - Krs Criss'-cross-row, Krs 3 - KrsvR Crist'ate, Krs-Tt 3 Crite'ria, Kr-T-.R Crite'rion, Kr-T-JZn Crit'ic, Kr-T 3 -K Crit'ical-ly, Krt-Kl Crit'icalness, Krt-Kl-Ns Criticise, Kr-Tsz 3 , Kr-T 3 - szD. Kr-T 3 -szNG Crit'iciser, Kr-T 3 -szR Crit'icism, Kr-T 3 -szM Critique', Kr-T 3 -K Croak, Kr 2 -K, Kr 2 -K-T, Kr 2 -K-N'G Croak'er, Kr 2 -Kr Cro'ceous, Kr-SHs* Crochet', Kr-SH 2 Crock, Kr 1 - K, Kr - K - T 1 , Kr*-K-KO Crock'ery, Kr a -Kr Crock'et, K^-K-T Crock'y, Krt-K Croc'odile, Kr-K-D 1 -L Crocodil'ian, Kr-K-D 3 -n Cro'ous, Kr 2 -Ks Croft, Krft 1 Croisade', Kr-sD 2 Croi'ses, Krsz 1 Crom'lech, Kr-M-ii-K Cromor'na, Kr-M-fii-N Crone, Krn 2 Cro'ny, Kr 2 -N Crook, KrS-K, Kr-K-T 3 , Crook'-back, KrS-K-B-K Crook'ed, Kr-K-D 3 I Crook'edly, Kr-K-D 3 -i Crook'edness, Kr-K-D 3 - Ns Croon, Krn 3 , Krnd 3 , Krn 3 - NG Crop, Kr-P 1 , Kr-Pt 1 , Kr- Crop'-eared, Kr-pi-Rd Crop'ful, Kr-Pi-Fl Crop'-out, Kr-P 1 -! ' Crop'per, Kr-Pr 1 Cro'sier, Kr-ZHr 2 Cros'let, Kr-sit 1 Cross, Krs 1 , Krst 1 , Krs 1 - NG Cross'-bar, Krsi-B R Cross'-beam, Krs^B-M Cross'-bill, Krs-B-L Cross' -bow, Krs J -B Cross'-breed, Krs^Brd Cross'-bun, Krs^Bn Cross'-chocks, Krsi-CH- Ks Cross'-cut, Krs^Kt Cross'-examination, Krs'-K-zM-Nshn [Kr 1 - zlI-Nshu] Cross'-examine, Krs^K- sMn, Krs'-K-sMncl, Krs 1 - K-sMn-> T G [Krt-sMn, Kr 1 - sMnd, Kr'-K-sMn-NG] CRU Cross'-eyeot, -grs'-i-D Cross'-fire, Krs 1 F-E Cross'flow, Krs-Fl 1 Cross'-furrow, K^-F-JI Cross'-grained, Kr 1 - sGrnd Cross'ing, Krsi-NG Cross'-jack, Krsi-J-K Cross'-legged, K^-si-G- D Cross'let, Kr-sit 1 Cross'ly, Kr-s/, 1 Cross'ness, Krs^Ns Cross'-patch, Krst-P-CH Cross'-piece, Krs'-Ps Cross'-purpose, Krs 1 -?- R-Ps Cross'-question, Krs 1 - Kws-CHn [KrsJ-Kw] Cross'-questioned, Krs u Kws-CHnd Cross'-road, Kri-sB-D Cross'-sea, Ki^-sS Cross'-tie, Krs^T Cross'-tree, Kr J -8Tr Cross'- way, K^-sW Cross'-wind, Kr^sWnd Cross'wise, Ki^-sWz Crotch, Kr-CH 1 Crotch'et, Kr-CHt 1 Crotch'ety, Kr-CHt-T Cro'ton-oil, Kr-Tn 2 -L Crouch, Kr-CH 1 , Kr- CHt 1 , Kr-CH 1 -NG Croup, Kr-P 3 Croup'er, Kra-Pr Crou'pier, Kr-P 3 -R Crow, Ki-2. Kr Crow'-bar, Kr 2 -B-E Crowd, Krd 1 , Kr-Dd 1 , Krd!-NG Crowd'ed, Kr-Dd 1 Crowd'er, Kr-Dr 1 Crow'-foot, K^-Ft Crow'-keeper, Kr 2 -K-Pr Crown, Km 1 . Krud 1 , Krn 1 -NG Crown'er, Kr ] -Nr Crown'-glass, Kri-N-Gls Crown'-imperial, Krn 1 - M-P-JB Crown'-land, Ern 1 -nd Crown'-law, Krn l -L Crown'-lawyer, ~Rru l -L- K Crown'-omce, Krn^Fs Crown'-paper, Krn 1 -?- Pr Crown'-post, Krni-Pst Crown'-saw, Krn^S Crown'-side, Knii-sD Crown'-wheel, Kr 1 - N- Wl Crown'-work, Kr 1 - N- Wr-K Crow's'-foot, Krz 2 -Ft Crow's'-nest, Krz*-Nst Crow' -toe, Kr^-T Cru'ces, Krsz 3 Cru'cial, Kr-SHl> CRU Cru'ciate, Kr-SH-T Cru'cible, Kre-B 3 -!. Cru'cified, Krs-Fd 8 Crucil'erous, Krs-F 8 -iEs Cru'cifier, Krs-F 8 -R Cru'cifix, Krs-F'-Ks Crucifix'ion, Krs - F - Kshn Cru'ciform, Krs-F3-R-M Cru'cify, Krs-F 3 , Krs-Fd 3 , Krs-F 3 -NG Crucig'erous, Kr-sJrS-S Crude, Kr-D, Kr-Dr^Kr- Dst-i Crude'ly, Kr-D3- Crude'ness, Cru'dity, Kr-D 3 -T Cru'el, Kr-L 3 Cru'elly, Kr-Z," Cru'elty, Kr-i3-T Cru'et, Kr-Ts Cruise, Krz 3 , Krzd 3 , Krz 3 - NG Cruis'er, Kr-Zr 3 Crul'ler, Kr-Lr 2 Crumb, Kr 2 -M Crumb'-cloth, Kr 2 -M-Kl- TH Crum'ble, Kr-M-Bl 2 . Kr- M-Bld 2 , Kr-M-Bl 2 -NG Crum'my, Kr 2 -M Crum'pet, Kr-M-Pt 2 Orum'ple, Kr-M-Pls, Kr- M-Pld 2 , Kr-M-P12-NG Crum'pling, Kr-M-Pl*- NG Crunch, Kr-N-CBX Kr- N-CHta. Kr-N-CH2-NG Cru'or, Kr-R 3 Crup'per, Kr-PrSor 2 Cru'ral, Kr-fiis Crusade', Kr-sD Crusad'er, Kr-sDr 2 Crusa'do, Kr-sD 2 Cruse, Krs 3 Cru'set, Kr-sT3 Crush, Kr-SH 2 , Kr-SHt, Kr-SH2-NG Crush'er, Kr-SHr 2 Crust, Krst 2 , Krs - Td 2 , Krst 2 C) Crusta'cea, Krs-T 2 -5fl" Crusta'cean, Krs-T 2 -5jHh Crustaceol'ogy, Krs-T 1 - S//1-J Crusta'ceous,Krs-T 2 -SH8 Crust'ily, Krs-T- Crust'iness, Krs-T 2 -Ns Crust'y, Krs-T 2 Crutch, Kr-CH 2 Crutched, Kr-CHd Crux, Kr^-Ks Cry, Kri, Krd', Kr-NG Cry'ing, Kr'-NG Crypt, Kr-Pta Cryp'tic, Kr-Pt-K Cryp'tical, Kr-Pt 3 -Kl Cryp'togam, Kr-Pt 3 -G-M Cryptoga'naian, Kr-Pt 2 - G-Mn 61 Cryptogam'ic, Kr-Pti-G- M-K Cryptog'amous, Kr-Pt 1 - G-Ms Cryptog'amy, Kr-P^-G- M Cryptog'raphy, Kr-Pt 1 - Gr-F Cryptol'ogy, Kr-Pti-i-j Crys'tal, Krs-T 3 -L Crys'talline, Krs-T 3 -in Crystalliza'tion, Krs-T 2 - Lzshn Crys'tallize, Krs - T 3 - Lz, Krs-T 3 -Z,zd, Krs-T 3 -z- NG Crystallog'raphy, Krs- Cub, K-B 2 , K Bd 2 , K-B 2 - NG CuTaature, K-Btr 3 (or K-CHr 3 ) Cube, K-B 3 , K-Bd 3 , K-B 3 - NG Cu'beb, K-B 3 -B Cu'bic, K BS-K Cu'bical-ly, K-B3-K1 Cu'bicalness, K - B 3 - Kl - Ns Cu'biform, K-B 3 -F-R-M Cu'bit, K-Bt 3 Cu'bital, K-Bt 3 -L Cu'bo-cube, K-B 3 -K-B Cubo-cu'bo-cube, K-B 3 - K-B-K-B Cu'boid, K-Bd 3 Cuboid'al, K-Bdi-L Cuck'ing-stool, K 2 - K - NG-sT-L Cuck'old, K-K-Ld 2 , K-K- ; 2 -Dd. K-K-Z, 2 -D-NG Cuck'oo, K 3 -Koo Cuck'oo-spit, K 3 -K-sPt Cuck'oo-spittle, K 3 -K- sP-Tl Cu'cullate or Cucul'late K-K-it 3 or 2 Cu'cullated or Cucul'- lated, K-K-L 3 or 2 -Td Cu'cumber, K-K-M-Br 3 Cucur'bit, K-Kr-Bt2 Cucurbita'ceous, K-Kr- W-T-SHs Cud, K-D 2 Cud'dle, K-D1 2 , K-Dld 2 , K-D12-NG Cud'dy, K-D 2 Cud'gel, K-J1 2 (See Ca- jole), K-Jld 2 , K-J1 2 -NG Cud'geler, K-J1 2 -R Cue, K 3 CuflF, Kf 2 , Kfd 2 , KP-NG Cu'flC, K-F 3 -K Cuirass', Kw-Ks 1 Cuirassier 7 , Kw-B 3 -zR Cuish, Kws 3 Cuisine', Kwz 3 -N Culdee', Kl-D 3 Cul-de-sac', Kld'-sK Cu'lex. K- L- KB CUN Cu'linary, K-^s-Nr Cull, K.-L2, K-Ld'-, K L2- NG Cul'lender, Kl--Ndr (or Klndr-) Cull'er, K-Li-s Cul'lion, K-in 2 Cul'lis, K-Ls 2 Cul'ly, K-L" Culm, K12-M Cui'men, Kl 3 -Mn Culmif'erous, Kl-M-ps. Ks Cul'minate, Kl-M-N-T 2 ,! Kl-M-N-Td 2 , K1-M-N-T-- NG . Culmina'tion, Kl 2 - M \ Nshn Culpabil'ity, Kl-ps-Blt Cul'pable-y, K1-P 2 -B1 Cul'pableness, Kl-ps-Bl- Ns [Kl-P 2 iBs] Cul'prit, Kl-Prt 2 Cult, K-Lt 2 Cul'ter, K-Ltr 2 Cultivable, Klt-V 2 -Bl Cul'tivate, Klt-Vt 2 , Klt- V2-Td, Klt-Vta-XG Cultiva'tion, Klt-Vshn 2 Cul'tivator, Klt-Vtr 2 Cul'trate, Kl-Trt 2 Cul'trated, Kl-Tr 2 -Td Cult'ure, Kl-CHr 2 . Kl- CHrd-'. Kl-CHr 2 -NG Cul'tured, Kl-CHrd 2 Cult'ureless, Kl-CHr 2 -Za Cult'urist, Kl-CHrst 2 Cul'verin, Klv-R^-^ Cul'vert, Klv-Rt- Cul'vertailed, Klv-.R 2 -T- Ld Cum'bent, : But 2 Cum'ber, ;Br 2 , iBrd 1 , iBr 2 -NG Cum'bersome, i Br 2 -sM Cum'bersomely, : Br 2 - sM-L Cum'bersomeness, !Br 2 - sM-Xs Cum'brance, iBrns 2 Cum'brous, '. Brs 2 Cum'brously, ;Br 2 -s Cum'brousness, i Brs 2 - Ns Cum'frey, ! Fr* Cum'in, K 2 -Mn Cu'mulate, K-M-^t 3 , K- M-L 3 -Td. K-M-Z,t 3 -NG Cumula'tion, K-M-ishn 2 Cu'mulative, K-M-t 3 -V Cu'neal, K-N-L 3 Cu'neate, K-N-T 8 Cu'neated, K-N-Td 3 Cuneat'ic, K-N-T^K Cuneiform, K-N-F 3 -R-M Cu'niform, K-N-F 3 -R-M Cun'ning, Kn 2 -NG Cun'ningly, Kn-KG-L 2 Cun'ningness, Ku 2 -NG Ns CUP Cup, K-P2, -Ptf, X-P*. NG Cup'-bearer, K-P^-B-Rr Cup'board, K-Brd 2 Cu'pel, K-PP Cupel', K-P12 Cupella'tion, K-Plshn* Cu'pid, K-Pd 3 Cupid'ity, K-Pd^-T Cu'pola, K-ps-i Cupped, K-Pt Cup'per, K-Pr 2 Cup'ping, K-P 2 -NG Cup'ping-glass, K - P 2 - T T G-Gls Cu'preous, K-Pr3-S Cupriferous, K-frP-Rs Cu'prite, K-Prt 3 Cu'pule, K-ps-L Cur, Kr 2 Cur'able, Kr-Bl 3 Cur'ableness, Kr-Bl 3 -Ns Curacoa', K-^-S Cu'racy, K-.R 3 -S Curas'sow, K-^-S Cu'rate, K-fft 3 Cu'rateship, K-fft8!8H Cu'rative, K-.Rt 3 -V Cura'tor, K-fltr2 Curb, Kr-B 2 , Kr-Bd 2 , Kr- B2-NG Curb'-roof, Kr-B2-Kf Curb'-stone, Kr-B 2 -sTn Curcu'lio, Kr-K-/, 3 Curd, Kr-D2, Zr-Dd 2 , Zr- D2-NG Cur'dle, Kr-Dl, Kr-Dld*. Kr-D12-NG Curd'y, Kr-D* Cure, Kr 3 . Krds, Kr^-NG Cure', K-/J2 Cure'less, Kr-is^ Cur'er, K-Rr 3 Cur^few, Kr-F* Curioa'ity, Curip'so, K .R2-S Cu'rious, K-Ks 3 Cu'riously, Cu'riousness, K-JKs 3 -Ns Curl, K - RV, K ld2, K - B12-NG Curl'er, K-ffl^-R Cur'lew, Kr-L2 Curl'iness, K-RV-Xs Curl'ing-irons, K - Rl* NG-IRns Curl'ing-tongs, K-JBP- 1 NG-T-XGs Curl'y, K-B12 Curmud'geon, Kr-M-Jn 2 Curmud'geonly, Kr-M- J2-M Cur'rant, K-flnt 2 Cur'rency, K-Kn 2 -8 Cur'rent, K-jRnt^ Cur'rently, K- Cur'rentness, Cur'ricle, K-/P-K1 Curric'ulum, K- Cur'rier, K-R*-R 62 CZA Cur'rish, Z-tfs-SH Cutlery, zt-L*-jR Currishly, K-R^-Sffl Cut'let, Kt-it* Cur'rishness, Z-/J2-SH- Cut'-Off, Kt 2 -F Ns Cut'purse, Kt-Prs* Cur'ry. K-.R 2 , Z-.K 2 -D, Z- Cut'ter, Ztr 2 7Z 2 -NG Cut'ting, Kt*-NG Cur'ry-comb, K-^-K-M Cut'tle, Zt-La Curse, Krs'-, Zrst 2 , Zrs 2 - Cut'tle-flsh, 'E.t-Lt-y-SB. NG Cut'ty, Z-T 2 Curs'ed, Krs-D s Cut'-water, Z-T 2 -Wtr Curs'edly, Zre-D 2 -Z. Cut' -worm, Zt~TVr-M Curs'er, Kr-sR 2 Cuz, Zz 2 Curs'ing, Krs 2 -XG Cy'anate, S^Nt Cur'sive, Krs-V 2 Cyan'ic, S'-N-K Cur'sorily, Kr-sR*-L Cy'anide, S'-X-D Cur'soriness, Kr-S-R^-Ns Cy'anite, 8>-Xt Cur'sory, Zr-s 2 Cyan'ogen, S'-N-Jn Curst, Zrst 2 Cyanom'eter, S^N-Mtr Cur'sus, Krss 2 Cy'cle, sKli Curt, Krt 2 Cyclic, sKP-Z Curtail, Kr-T-L, Kr-T- Cyclical, BZ1 3 -Z1 Ld. Kr-T2-L-NG Cur'tain, Kr - Tn*, Zr - Cy'clograph, sKli-Grf Cy'cloid, sKl-D 1 Tnd, Kr-Tn^-NG Cycloid'al, sKl-Dl 1 Curta'na, Zr-T 2 -N Cyclom'etry, sKl-M-Tr 1 Cur'tilage, Kr-T 2 --J Cy'clone, sKlu 1 Curt'ly, Krt-L* Cyclope'an, sKl-Pn* Curt'ness, Zrt 2 -Ns Cyclope'dia, gKl-P 3 -D Curt'sy, Zr-T 2 -S Cyclopedic, sZl-P 2 -D-K Cu'rule, K-K1 3 Cycloplc, sZl-P'-Z Cur'vate, Zr-Vt* Cy'clops, sKl-Ps 1 Cur'vated, Zr-V-Td Cyg'net, sG 3 -Nt Curva'tion, Zr-Vshn* Cyg'nus, sG 3 -Ns Cur'vature, Kr-Vtr 2 Cylinder, sindr 3 Curve, Krv*, Krvd 2 , Cylin'dric, sLndi^-Z Zrv 2 -NG Cylin'drical, sLndrS-Z-L Curv'edness, Zr-Vd 2 -Ns Cylin'drifonn, s!,n 3 -Dr- Cur'vet, Kr-Vt, Zr-V 2 - Fr-M Td, Kr-Vt 2 -NG Cyllndroid, sZn 3 -Drd Curvilin'eal, Zr-V 3 -Z-Nl Cy'ma, s3H Curvilin'ear, Zr-V-Z,-Nr Cymar', s5I-Ri Cur'vity, Kr-V 2 -T Gym'bal, sM-Bl 3 Cush'at, Z-SH 3 -T Cyme, sM 1 Cush'ion, Zshn 3 , Zslind 3 , Cymling, sM-Z,3-NG Zshn 3 -NG Cy'mose, sMs 1 Cusp, Ks-P 2 Cy'mous, sMs 1 Cusp'idal, Ks-P*-Dl Cynic, 8>" 3 -Z Cusp'idate, Zs-P 2 -Dt Cynlcal-ly, sX 3 -Zl Cusp'idated, Ks-P 2 -D-Td Cynlcalness, sN 3 -Zl-Ns Cus'tard, Ks-T 2 -Rd Cynicism, sN-S 3 -zll Custo'dial, Ks-T 2 -Dl Cyn'osure, sN-SHr 3 or 1 Custo'dian, Ks-T 2 -Dn Cy'on, S!-N Cus'tody, Ks-T 2 -D Cy'pher, sFr 1 Cus'tom, Ks-T 2 -M Cy'press, sPrs 1 Cus'tomable-y, Zs-T 2 - Cyp'rian, sPrn 3 M-B1 Cus'tomarily, Zs-T 2 -M- Cyrenalc, sffn^-z Cyriologlc, sR l -L-3-'S. Rl Cyst, Sst 3 Cus'tomary, Zs-T-M-fi Cystic, Ss 3 -T-Z Cus'tomer, Ks-T 2 -M-R Cys'tocele, Ss 3 -T-sL Cus'tom-laouse, Zs-T 2 - Cyst'ose, Ss 3 -Ts M-Hs Cystot'omy, Ss-Tt-M Cut, Zt 2 , Zt 2 -NG Cythere'an, sTH 3 -7J-N Cuta'neous, Z-T-Ns Cytlsus, sTss* Cute, Kt 3 . See Acute. Cy'toblast, sT'-Blst Cu'ticle, Kt 3 -Zl Czar, Zi-R Cutic'ular, Zt-Zl-R 3 Czari'na, Z 3 -R-y Cu'tis, K-Ts 3 Czarinlan, Z 3 -iZ-Nn Cut'lass, Zt-Ls Czarlsh, Z^-R-SH. Cut'ler, Zt-Z, 2 -R Czar'owitz, Z'-^-Wtz DAB 63 DAS Dag'gle-tail, Di-Gl-T-L Dan'cing, Dns'-NG DagMock, Di-G-Z-K Dan'cing-master, Dns 1 - D. Daguer'rean, D 2 -G-Kn Daguerre'ian, D^G-^n Daguerre'otype, D 2 -G- NG-Mstr Dan'delion, Dni-D-Zn Dan'der, Diidr 1 .Rt-P Dan'diprat, Dn'-D-Prt Daguerre'otyper, D-G- Dan'dle, D^X-Dl, D 1 -!?- D, the fourth letter of the Rt-Pr Dld, I> l -N-Dl-XG Alphabet, generally repre- sents the sound of d, as Daguerre'otypist, D 2 -G- flt-Pst Dan'dler, D'-N-Dl-R Dan'driff, D a -N-Drf heard in the words day, Daguerreotyp'ic, D 3 -G- Dan'druff, D^-X-Drf due, bad, did, etc. In the 7it-P-K Dan'dy, Dni-D termination of the past Daguerreotyp'ical, D 3 - Dan'dyism, Dn^-D-Z-H tense of verbs, -ed, when G-Bt-P-Kl (or Dii'-D-zM) the e is silent, d, after Daguerre'otypy, D-G- Dane, Du 2 breath consonants, has the .Rt-P Dan'ger, D s -X-Jr [D=-Jr[ sound of t, and is so writ- Dahl'ia, D^or^-L Dan'gerous, D'--X-Jrs ten in Phonography, as in rapped, matched, locked, Dai'ly, D*-L Dain'uly, Dn z -T-Z Dan'gerously, D 2 -X-Jr-' quaffed, passed, rushed, Dain'tiness, Dn 2 -T-Ns sZ [D 2] etc.; but in such termina- Dain'ty, Dn 2 -T Dan'gerousness, D 2 - X- tion, after sonant conso- Dai'ry, D"-R Jrs-Ns [D 2 -Jrs-Ks] nants, and when the e is Da'is, D 2 -S Dan'gle, D 1 - NG1, DI- sounded, the d retains its Dai'sy, D 2 -Z KGld. D>-XG1-XG proper sound ; as in robbed, Dale, D 2 -L Dan'ish, Dn 2 -SH lagged, started, etc. Dales'man, D z -iz-Mn Dank, D'-NG-K Before a palatal vowel d Dal'liance, D^i-Ns Dank'ish, D'-NG-K-SH sometimes has the sound Dal'lied, Di-Ld Daph'ne, Df'-N of j, as in soldier, verdure. Dal'lier, D^i-K Dap'per, D'-Pr The compound dg also Dally, D'-i, D'-Xd.DJ-Z- Dap'ple, D 1 -?!, D J -Pld, sometimes has the sound of NG Di-Pl-NG 4, as in judpe, judgment, Dalmat'ica, Di-Z-Mt-K Dare, D^R, Di-Ed, D^-R- bridpe. Dd, except in com- Dal Segno, D^Zs-Nlo Dal'tonism, Di-Z-Tn-Z- NG In phrases, when a better pounds, is equivalent to d, M [or D!-Z-T-zM] outline will bo obtained by as in add, odd, eddy, ruddy. Dam, D 1 ^, D 1 -Md, D^M- it. Dare is written D-R; See Bb. NG thus, D is silent in Wednesday, Dam'age, D'-M-j, D J -M- Dare not. D'-Knt and a few other words. Jd, D 1 -M-J-NG Dare say, D'-JZ-S Dab, Di-B, Di-Bd, Di-B- Dam'ageable, Di-M-J-Bl Dare do. D'-Ti-D NG Dam'ascene, Di-Ms-N Dare'-devil, D^fl-D-Vl Dab'ble, DJ-Bl, D^Bld, Dam'ask, D^Ms-K, D 1 - Dar'er, D l -R-R D 1 -Bl-jSG Ms-Kt,Di-Ms-K-NG Dai^ic, D*-R-K Dab'bler, D'-Bl-K Dam'askeen, D-Ms-Kn Dark, Dr'-K, Dr^Kr, Dr 1 - Dab'chick, Di-B-CH-K Dam'asken, D!-Ms-Kn Kst Dab'ster, D^Bstr Dam'askin, Di-Ms-Kn Dark'en, Dri - Kn, Dr 1 - Da capo, D^K-P Dame, D 2 -M Knd, Dr'-Kn-NG Dace, Ds a Damn, D^M, Di-Md, D'- Dark'ener, Dr'-K-Xr Dac'tyl, D^Kt-L M-NG (or D^Mn-NG) Dark'ish, Dr'-K-SH Dac'tylar, Di-Kt-Z-B Dam'nable-y,Di-M-N-Bi Dark'ling, Dr^-Kl-NG Dacty'lic, D 3 -Kt-Z-K Damna'tion, D 2 -M-Nshu Dark'ly, Dri-Kl Dactylog'raphy, D^Kt- Dam'natory,Di-M-N-T-B Dark'ness, Dr'-K-Ns Z-Gr-F Damned, D^Md or D>-M- Dark'some, Dr^K-sM Dac'tylist, D^-Kt-Zst N-D Dark'y, DrJ-KI Dactylol'ogy, DJ-Kt-Z-J Dam'nify, Di-M-N-F, Di- Dar'ling, Dri-Z-NG Dad, Dd 1 M-N-Fd, D!-M-N-F-NG Darn, D^^n, D^tfnd, Di- Dad'dy, D'-D Damp, (v.) D^M-P, D l - fin-NG Dad'dle, Di-Dl Mt, D^M-PO Dar'nel, D'-K-Nl Dad'dy-long-legs, D*-D- Damp, (a.jD'-M-P, D l -M- Darn'er, D'-K-Nr Z-NG-Z-Gz Pr, Di-M-Pst Dar'nex, D^K-N-Ks Da'do, D J -D Damp'en, D^M-Pn, D 1 - Dar'nic, D J -B-N-K. Dae'dal, D 3 -D1 M-Pnd, D 1 -M-Pn-NG Dar'rein, D l -Ru Daedalian, D*-D-Zn Damp'ness, Di-M-p-Ks Dart, D'-Kt, Di-K-Td, D 1 - Deed'alous, D 2 -D-Zs Dam'sel, D'-M-zZ Kt-NG Daffodil, Dfi-D-L Dam'son, D'-M-zN Dart'er, D^Rtr Daft, Dft' Da'naide, D 2 -N-D Dash, D^SH, ~D l -sm, Di- Dag, D'-G Dance, Dns 1 , Dnst 1 , Dns 1 - SH-yjQ Dag'ger, D>-Gr NG Dash'-board, D l -S3-'Bid Dag'gle, Di-Gl, D^Gld, D^-Gl-NG/ Dan'cer, D'-Ns-B [or Di- 8B] Dash'er, D^SHr Dash'ing, D l -SH-'S<3 DAS 64 Das'tard, D'-sTrd Deadly, Dd 2 - I Das'tardize, D'-sTr-Dz, Dead'-march, Dd-M R- D'-sTr-Dzd, D'-sTr-Dz- CH NG Dead'ness, Dd 2 -Ns Das'tardly, Di-sTrd-i Dead'-point, Dd 2 -Pnt Da'ta, D2or'-T Dead'-reckoning, Dd 2 - Date, Dt 2 , D 2 -Td, Dt^f) B-Kn-NG Dateless, Dt 2 -Z,s Dead'-water, Dd 2 -Wtr Date'-palm, Dt 2 -P-M Dead'- weight, Dd 2 -Wt Date'-tree, Dt 2 -Tr Deaf, Df 2 r Da'tive, D'-'-Tv Deafen, Df 2 or 3 -N, J)f-or 3 - Da'tum, Dt 2 -M Nd. Df^rS-N-NG Daub, D'-B, D'-Bd, D'-B- Deafness, DPorS-Ns NG Deal, D 3 -L, D 3 -i-NG Daub'er, D'-Br Deal'er, D 3 -i R Daub'ery, D'-Br Dealing, D 3 -i-NG Daubing, D'-B-NG Dealt, D 2 -Lt Daub'y, D'-B Dean, Dns Daugh'ter, Dtr 1 . See Au- Dean'ery, D-Nr ditor. Dean'ship, Dn-SH-P [or Daughterly, D'-Tr-Z Dn 3 iSH] Daugh'ter-in-law, D'- Dear, D 3 -R, D'-Rr, D 3 -Kst Tr-Nl In phrases dear is some- Daunt.Dnt', Di^-Td, Dnt'- times written Dr; thus, NG Dear sir, DrS-sR Daunt'ed, Dn'-Td My dear sir, M-DrS-sR Dauntless, Dnt'-Ls Dear'born, D^-R-S-Ru Dau'phin, Df'-N Dearly, D 3 -.ffl Dau'phiness, Df'-N-S Davit or Da'vit, Dv'or 2 - Dear'ness, D 3 -B-Ns Dearth, D 2 -.K-TH T Death, D 2 -TH Da'vy-lamp, D 2 - V-L-M-P Death'-bed, D 2 -TH-Bd Daw, D' Deathless, D 2 -TH-is Daw'dle, D'-Dl, D'-Dld, Deathlike, D 2 -TH-i-K D'-Dl-NG Deathly, D 2 -TH1 Daw'dler, D'-Dl-R Death's'-door, D 2 -THs- Dawn, Dii', Dnd'.Dn'-NG D-R Dawning, Dn'-NG Death's'-head, D 2 -THs- Day, D 2 Hd Day'-book, D 2 -B-K Death's'man,D 2 -THs-Mn Day'-break, D 2 -Br-K Death'-warrant, D 2 -TH- Day'-dream, D 2 -Dr-M Wrnt Day'-labor, D 2 -i-Br Death'- watch, D 2 - TH - Day'-laborer, D 2 --Br-R wCH Daylight, D 2 -it Deba'cle, D 2 -B-K1 Days'man, D 2 -zMn Debar', D'-B-R, D'-B-Rd. Day'spring, D 2 -sPr-NG D-B-7f-NG Day'-star, D 5 -sT-R Debark', D'-Br-K, D'-Br- Days'-work, D 2 -zWr-K Kt, D'-Br-K-NG Day'-time, Dt 2 -M Debarka'tion, D 2 - Br - Daze, Dz 2 , Dzd 2 , Dz-NG Kshn Daz'zle, D'-Zl, D'-Zld, D'- Debase', D 2 -Bs, D 2 -Bst, Zl-K(i D2-Bs-NG Daz'zlingly, D^-Zl-NGl Debase'ment, D 2 -B-sMnt Dea'con, D 3 -Kn Debas'er, D 2 -B-sR Dea'coness, D 3 -Kn-S Debasing, D 2 -Bs-NG Dea'conry, D 3 -Kn-7J Debat'able, D 2 -Bt-Bl Dea'conship, D 3 -KniSH Debate', D 2 -Bt, D 2 -B-Td. Dead, Dd 2 D 2 -Bt(-) Dead'-beat, Dd 2 -Bt Debat'er, D 2 -Btr Dead'-center, Dd*-sNtr Debauch, D'-B-CH, D 1 - Dead'-coloring, Dd 2 -K- B-CHt, D'-B-CH-NG ir-NG Debauchee', D 3 -B-SH Dead'en, D 2 -Dn, D 2 -Dn- Debauch'er-y, D'-B-CHr D, D 2 -Dn-NG Debauch'ment, D' - B - Dead'-head, Dd 2 -Hd CH-Mnt Dead'-letter, Dd*-/,tr Debent'ure, D 2 -Bntr Dead'-lift, Dd 2 -Z,-Ft Debent'ured, D 2 -Bnt-Rd Dead'-light, Dd 2 -t Deblle, D 2 -Bl Pead'liness, Dd 2 ://-Ns Debilitate, D3-Bl-Tt, D 3 - DEC Bl-T-Td, : Debility, D 3 -B1-T Debit, D 2 -Bt, D2-B-Td, D 2 -Bt(-). Debonair', D'-B-Nr Debonairly, D'-B-Nr-L Debonair'ness, D'-B-Nr- Ns Debouch', D 3 -B-SH Debouchure', D 3 -B-SHr Debris', D 3 -Br Debt, Dts Debtee', D'-Te Debt'less, Dt 2 -is Debt'or, Dtr 2 Debut', D 3 -B Debutant', D'-B-Tn Debutante', D'-B-Tnt Dec'achord,. D 2 -K-Krd Decachor'don, D'-K-Kr- Dn Dec'adal, D 2 -K-D1 Dec'ade, D 2 -Kd Deca'dence, D 2 -K-Dns Deca'dency, D 2 -K-Dn-S Dec'agon, D 2 -K-Gn Dec'agram, D 2 -K-Gr-M Dec'agyn, D 2 -K-Jn Decahe'dral, D 3 -K-Hdr- L Decahe'dron, D 3 -K-Hd- Rn Decaliter, D'-Kltr Decalitre, D'-Kltr Decal'ogist, D'-Kl-Jst Dec'alogue, D 2 -K1-G Decam'eron, D'-K-M-Rn Decam'eter or Dec'a- meter, D'or 2 -K-Mtr Decamp', D'-K-M-P, D 1 - K-Mt, D'-K-M-P-NG Decamp'ment, D'-K-M- P-Mnt Dec'anal, D 2 -K-N1 Decan'drous, D'-K-N- Drs Decan'gular, D 1 - K - NG- Gl-R Decant', D'-Knt, D'-Kn- Td, D'-Knt-NG Decanta'tion, D 2 - Kn - Tshn Decant'er, Di-Kntr Decapitate, D'-K-P-Tt, D'-K-P-T-Td, D'-K-P- Tt(-) Decapita'tion, D 2 - K P- Tshn Dec'apod, D'-K-Pd Decarboniza'tion, D- Kr-B-NzsAn Decar'bonize, D'-Kr-B- Nz, D'-Kr-B-Nzd, D'-Kr. B-Nz-NG Dec'astich, D 2 -Ks-T-K Doc'astyle, D 2 -Ks-T-L Decasyllabic, D'-K-s/^ B-K Decay', D-K, D 2 -Kd, D- K-NG DEC Decease', Dss 3 (See Dis- ease). Dss 3 -T, Dss"-NG Deeeas'ed, Dss 3 -T. See Diseased. Deceit', Ds3-T Deceit'ful-ly, Ds 3 -T-Fl Deceit'fulness, Ds 3 - T - Fl-Ns [tFs] Deceiv'able, Ds 3 -V-Bl Deceive', Ds 3 -V, Ds 3 -Vd, Ds a -V-NG Deceiv'er, Ds 3 -Vr Decem'ber, D" - sM - Br [D2-sM] Decem'pedal, D 2 -sM-P- Dl Decem'vir, D 2 -sM-Vr Decem'viri, D 2 -sM-Vr Decem'viral, D 2 -sM-Vr- L Decem'virate, D 2 -sM- Vrt De'cency, Ds 3 -N-S Decen'nary, Ds 2 -N-.R Decen'nial, Ds 2 -N-L De'cent, Ds 3 -Nt De'cently, Ds 3 -Nt-L De'centness, Ds 3 -Nt-Ns Deceptibil'ity, D 3 -sPt- Blt Decep'tion, D 2 -sPslm Decep'tive, D 2 -sPt-V Decep'tory, D=-sP-T-fi Decharm', Di-CHr-M Dechris'tianize, D 3 -Krs- CH-Nz, D 3 -Krs-CH-Nzd, D 3 -Krs-CH-Nz-NG Decid'able, Ds^D-Bl Decide', Dsi-D. Ds J -Dd, Ds'-D NG Decid'ed, Ds>-Dd Decid'edly, Ds'-Dd-i Decid'er, Di-sDr Dec'idence, Ds^-Dns Decid'uous, Ds 3 -D-S Decid'uousness, 2s 3 -Ds- Ns Dec'igram, Ds=-Gr-M Decil'iter, D^-sZ,tr Decill'ion. D 3 -sLn Decill'ionth, DS-B^-N- TH Dec'imal, D 2 -sM-z; Dec'imate, D2-sMt, D- sM-Td. D2-sMtC) Decima'tion, D^-sMshn Dee'irnator, D 2 -sMtr Decim'eter, D3-sMtr Deci'pher, Dsi-Fr, Ds 1 - Frd. Ds'-Fr-NG Decipherable, Ds^Fr- Bl Decipherer, D8>-Fr-K Deciphering, Dsi-Fr-NG Decis'ion, Vszhn* Deci'sive, Dss^V Deci'sively, Dssi-V- Deci'siveness, Dss^V-Ns Beci'sory, D'-ssfl eck, NQ 65 Deck'er, D^-Kr Deck'ing, D 2 -K-NG Declaim', D 2 -K1-M. D=- Kl-Md, D2-K1-M-NG Declaim'ant, D 2 -Kl-Mnt Declaim'er, D 2 -Kl-Mr Declama'tion, D 2 - Kl - Mshn Declam'atory, DJ-Kl-Mt- R Declarable, Di-Kl-K-Bl Declara'tion, D 2 - Kl - Eshn Declar'ative, D^-Kl-B-Tv Declar'atory, DJ-Kl-fi-T- R Declare', D^Kl-K, D'-Kl- RA, Di-Kl-fi-NG Declaredly, D'-Kl-Kd-i Declen'sion, D 2 -Kl-Nshn Declin'able, D'-Kl-N-Bl Dec'linate, D 2 -Kl-Nt Decima'tion, D 2 -Kl-Nshn Dec'linator, D 2 -Kl-Ntr Declin'atory, Di-Kl-N-T- R Declin'ature, DJ-Kl-Ktr Decline', D^Kln, D 1 - Kliid. Di-Kln-NG Declin'er, Di-Kl-Nr Declinom'eter, D J -Kln- Mtr Decliv'itous, D 3 -Kl-V-Ts Decliv'ity, D 3 -K1-V-T Decli'vous, Di-Kl-Vs Decoct', Di-K-K-T. DJ-K- K-Td. D 1 K-K-T-NG Decoct'ible, Di-K-K-T- Bl Decoc'tion, Di-K-Kshn Decol'late, m-K-Lt, Di- K-L-Td, p!-K-Z,t-NG Decolla'tion, D 2 -K-ishn Decol'or, D 2 -K-Lr Decol'orant, D 2 K-r-Nt Decol'oration, D 2 - K - Lrshn Decompos'able, D 2 !Pz- Bl Decompose', D 2 iPz, D 2 '.Pzd. D 2 '.Pz-NG Decompos'ed, D 2 !Pzd Decompos'ite, D 1 :PZ-T Decomposi'tion, D 3 ; fzshn Decompound', DilPnd. DMPn-Dd. DMPnd-NG Decompound'able, D 1 IPnd-B(-L) Dec'orate, D 2 -Ert, D 2 -Kr- Td. D 2 -Krt-NG Decora'tion, D 2 -Krshn Dec'orative, D 2 -Krt-V Dec'orator, D 2 -Krtr Dec'orous, D 2 -Krs Dec'orously, D 2 -Kr-sZ, Deco'rousness, D^-Krs- 1 Ns Decor'ticate, Di-Kr-T- I Kt, Di-Kr-T-K-Td, DED T-Kt-NG Decortica'tion, D-Kr-TN Kshn Deco'rum, D 2 -Kr-M Decoy', Di-K, Di-Kd, D*- K-NG Decoy'-duok, Di-K-D-K Decoy'er, IM-K-R Decrease', D 3 - Krs, D 3 - Krst. D^-Krs-NG Decree', D 3 -Kr. D 3 -Krd, Dec'rement, D-Kr-Mut Decrep'it, D--Kr-Pt Decrep'itate, I> s - Kr - P- Tt, D 2 -Kr-P-T-Td. D 2 -Kr- P-Tt(-) Decrepita'tion, D 2 -Kr-P- Tshn Decrep'itness, D 2 -Kr-Pt- Ns Decrep'itude, D 2 -Kr-P- Td Decrescen'do, D 2 -Krs-N- D Decres'cent, D 2 -Krs-Nt Decre'tal, D a -Krt-L Decre'tist, D 3 -Kr-Tst Decre'tive, D 3 -Krt-V Dec'retorily, D'--Kr-T-*l Dec'retory, l) 2 -Kr-T-7S Decri'al, D'-Kr-L Decri'er, D'-Kr-R Decry', D 1 - Kr, D 1 - Krd, Decrusta'tion, D 2 - Krs - T.shn Decuba'tion, D 2 -K-Bshn Decum'bence, P-tBns Decum'bency, D-;Bn-S Decum'bent, D-:Bnt Decum'bently, D 2 : Bnt- Decum'biture,D 2 :B-CHr Dec'uple, D^-K-Pl Decu'rion, D-K-Rn Decur'rent, D--K-^nt Decur'sion, D 2 -Krshn Decur'sive, D 2 -Krs-V Decurt', D'^-Krt Decus'sate, D--Ks-T, D 2 - Ks-Td, D 2 -Ks-T-NG Decus'sated, D 2 -Ks-Td Decussa'tion, D 2 -KsAn Ded'alous, D-'-D-Zs Dedec'orous, D 2 -D-Krs Dedenti'tion, D 3 - Dn Tshn Ded'icate, D 2 -D-Kt. D 2 -D- K-Td. D 2 -D-Kt-XG. (See Deduct.) Dedicatee', D 3 -D-K-Tc Dedica'tion, D=-D-Kshn Ded'icator, D 2 -D-Ktr Dedicato'rial, D 2 -D-K-T- R\ Ded'icatory, D 2 -D-K 1-R Deduce', D 3 -Ds, D 3 -Dst, D 3 -Ds-NG Deduce'ment,D 3 -D-sMnt DED Dedu'cible, D 3 -Ds-Bl Dedu'cive, D a -Ds-V Deduct', Dd2-Kt (See Dedicate. ), Dd 2 - K - Td, Dd - Kt - NG Deduc'tion, Dd^-Kshn Deduc'tive, Dd 2 -Kt-V Deduct'ively, Dd2-Kt-V- L Deed, Dd 3 , D 3 -Dd (or j>3. D-D). Dd 3 C) Deed'less, Dd 3 -s Deed'-poll, Dd-P-L Deem, D^-M, D 3 -Md, D 3 - M-NG Deep, (a.) DS-P, D-Pr, D 3 - Pst Deep'en, D 3 -Pn, D 3 -Pnd, D3-Pn-NG Deep'ly, D 3 -P1 Deep'-mouthed, D 3 - P - M-DHd Deep'-musing, D 3 -P-Mz- NG Deep'-read, D3-P-B-D Deer, D 3 -R Deer'-stalking, D 3 -JR-sT- K-NG Deface', D 2 -Fs, D 2 -Fst, D2-F6-NG Deface'ment, D 2 -Fs-Mnt Defa'cer, D 2 -Fs-R Defal'cate, D> - Fl - K - T, Di-Fl-K-Td, D!-F1-K-T- NG Defalcation, D 2 -Fl-Kshn Defama'tion, D 2 -F-Mshn Defam'atory, D'-F-Mt-fl Defame', D 2 -F-M, D 2 -F- Md, D 2 -F-M-NG Defam'er, D 2 -F-Mr Default', D^Flt, D-F1- Td, D'-FH-NG Default'er, D'-Fltr Defea'sance, D 3 -Fz-Ns Defeasible, D 3 -Fz-Bl Defeat', Df 3 -T, Df 3 -Td. Df 3 -T-NG Defecate, Df2-Kt, Df 2 -K- Td. Df 2 -Kt-NG Defeca'tion, Df 2 -Kshn Defect', Df 2 ^! Defec'tion, Df=-Kshn Defect'ive, Df=-Kt-V Defect'ively, Dfs-Kt-V-L Defect'iveness, DP - Kt - V-Ns[!Vs] Defence', Df 2 -Ks Defend', Df2-Nd, Df2-X- Dd. Df-i-Nd-NG Defend'able, Df 2-Nd-Bl Defend'ant, Df - - Xd - xt [D=] ' I Defend'er, Dfs-Ndr Defens'ative, Df-Ns-Tv Defense', Df--Ns Defense'less, DP-Ns-Ls Defensible, Df2-Ns-Bl Defen'sive, DP-Ns-V Defen'sively, Df2-Ns-V-Z, 66 Defer*, Df2-B, Df-Ed, Df- Deference, Deferent, Df 2 -flnt Deferen'tial, Df - B - N - SHI [Df 2 -Rn] Defer'rer, DP-R-R DeflSnce, DJ-F-Ns DeflSnt, Di-F-Nt Defl'cience, D^-F-SHns Defi'ciency, D^-Fshn-S Defl'cient, Defl'ciently, D 3 - F - SH - Nt-L [Da-F-SHii] Deficit, D2-F8-T Defl'er, D ] -F-R Defile' or De'flle, Dior 3 - F-L Defile', D'-F-L, Di-F-Ld, Di.F-L-NG Defile'ment, D'-F-L-Mnt Defil'er, Di-F-i-R Defin'able, Df>-K-Bl Define', DfJ-N, DP-Nd, Dfi-N-NG Defin'er, Df-N-K Definite, Df-Nt Definitely, DP- Nt-L Def'initeness, Df2-Nt-Ns Defini'tion, Df-Nshn Definitive, Df*-N-Tv Defin'itivelyjDP-N-T-Vl Defin'itiveness, Df 3 -N- Tv-Ns [Dfs-MlVs] Defla'grable,D2-Fl-Gr-Bl Deflagrate, D 2 -Fl-Grt, D 2 -Fl-Gr-Td, D^-Fl-Grt- NG Deflagra'tion, D 2 - Fl - Grshn Def lagrator, D 2 -Fl-Grtr Deflect', D2-F1-K-T. D 2 - Fl-K-Td. D 2 -F1-K-T-NG. See Diffract. Deflec'tion, D 2 -Fl-Kshn. See Diffraction. Deflexlare, D 2 -Fl-K-SHr Deflora'tion, D 2 -Fl-/eshn Deflour', D^-Fl-R, Di-Fl- tfd. D'-Fl-R-NG Deflour'er, D>-Fl-Rr Deflux'ion, D2-Fl-Kshn Defceda'tion, Df^-Dshn Defolia'tion, D^-F-ishn Deforce', DP-Rs, DP-Rst, Df'-.Rs-'SG, Deforce'ment, Df 2 -Rs- Wut Defor'ciant, DP--SHnt (or -RKlmt) Deforcia'tion, Df2 - R - SHshn Deform', Df'-R-M, Dfi-R- Md. Dfi-R-M-NG- Deforma'tion, Df 2 - R - Mshn Deform'edly, Dfi-R-Md- L Deform'er, DfJ-fl-Mr DEI Deform'ity, DP-R-M-T Defraud', D J -Frd, Di-Fn Dd. Di-Frd-NG Defraud'er, D'-Fr-Dr Defraud'ment, D!-Frd- Mnt Defray', D*-Fr, D 2 -Frd, D 2 -Fr-NG Defray'al, D 2 -Fr-L Defray'er, D2-Fr-R Defray'ment, D 2 -Fr-Mnt Deft, Dft 2 , Deft'ly, Dft-L Defunct', DP-NGt Defy', Di-F, Dfi-D, Df. KG Defy'er, Di-F-R Degar'nish, DJ-Grn-SH, D'-Grn-SH, Di-Grn-SH- NG Degen'eracy, D 2 -J-Nr-S Degen'erate, D2 - J - Nrt, D2-J-Nr-Td. D 2 -J-Nrt-NG Degen'erately, D 2 -J-Nrt- L Degen'erateness, D- J- Nrt-Ns Degeneration, D 2 - J - Nrshn [D 2 -Jshn] Degen'erative, D 2 -J-Krt- V Deglu'tinate, D 3 -Glt-Nt, D'-Glt-N-Td, D 3 -Glt-Nt- NG Deglutina'tion, D^ - Glt- Nshn Degluti'ti9n, D 3 -Gl-Tshn Degrada'tion, D 2 - Gr - Dshn Degrade', D 2 -Grd, D 2 -Gr- Dd, D 2 -Grd-NG Degrad'ed, D 2 -Gr-Dd Degrad'ingly, D 2 - Grd - NG1 Degree', D 3 -Gr [Gr 3 ] Degreed', D 3 -Grd Degusta'tion, D 2 - Gs - Tshn Dehis'cence, D 3 -Hs-Ns Dehis'cent, D 3 -Hs-Nt Dehort', D'-H-^Zt Dehorta'tion, D 2 -H-B- Tshn Dehort'atory, D l -H-R-1~ R De'icide, D 3 -sD ; Deif ic, D3-F-K Deif ical, D 3 -F-K1 Deiflca'tion, D 2 -F-Kshn De'ified, Df^-D i De'ifier, D 3 -F-R De'iform, D 3 -F-R-M De'ify, D-F, Df 3 -D, D-F- NG Deign, Dn 2 , Dnd, Dn^ KG Deipnos'ophist, Di - P- Ns-Fst De'ism, D 3 -Z-M (or D*. zM; DEI De'ist, D 3 -st Deist'ic, D 3 -st-K Deist'ical-ly, D 3 -St-Kl De'ity, D 3 -T Deject', D 2 -J-Kt, D 2 -J-K- Td, D 2 -J-Kt-NG Deject'edly, D 2 -J-K-Td- Deject'edness, D 2 -J-K- Td-Ns Dejeet'er, D 2 - J-Ktr Dejec'tion, D 2 -J-Kshn Dejent'ure, D 2 -J-K-CHr Dejeuner', D 2 -ZH-N De ju're, D 3 -J- Delapse', Di-Z-Ps, D l -L- Pst, D'-Z-Ps-NG Delay', D 2 -Z, D^-Zd, D 2 - Z-NG Delay'er, D 2 -Z-R De'le, D 3 -z Del'eble, D 2 -Z-B1 Delec'table-y, D 2 -Z-K-T- Bl Delec'tableness, D 2 - Z - K-T-Bl-Ns [-Bs] Delecta'tion, D 2 - z - K - Tshn Del'egate, Dl 2 -Gt, D1-G- Td, DP-Gt-NG Delega'tion, Dl 2 -Gshn Delen'da, D 2 -Z-N-D Delete', D 3 -zt, D 3 -L-Td, Delete'rious, D 3 -Z-T-jRs Dele'tion, D 3 -Zshn Dol'etory, V*-Lt-K Delf, D 2 -Z-F Delib'erate, Dl 3 -Brt, Dl 3 - Br-Td. Dl 3 -Brt(-) Deliberately, Dl 3 -Brt-Z Delib'erateness,Dl 3 -Brt- Ns Deliberation, Dl 2 -Brshn Deliberative, Dl 3 -Brt-V Delib'eratively, Dl 3 -Brt- V-Z Del'icacy, D1 2 -K-S Del'icate, Dl 2 -Kt Del'icately, Dl 2 -Kt-Z Del'icateness, Dl 2 -Kt-Ns Deli'cious, W-L-SHs Deli'ciously, D 3 -Z-SHs- Z Deli'ciousness, D 8 - z - Deliga'tion, Dl 2 -Gshn Delight', Di-Zt, Di-Z-Td, Delighted, Di-Z-Td Delight'ful-ly, Dlti-Fl Delight'fulness, Dlt^Fl- Ns [Dlti:Ns] Delight'less, Di-Zt-Zs Pelight'soma, D'-Zt-sM Delin'eament, -D 3 - Zn - Mnt Delineate, D 3 -Z-N-T, l Z-N-Td, D 3 -Z-N-T-NG Delinea'tion, 67 Delin'eator, D 3 -Z-Ntr Delinquency, D1 3 -NG- Kwn-S Delinquent, Dl 3 - NG - Kwnt Del'iquate, Dl^-Kwt Deliquesce', Dl 2 - Kws, D12-Kwst. DlS-Kws-NG Deliques'cence, Dl 2 - Kws-Ns Deliques'cent, Dl 2 -Kws- Nt Deliq'uiate, Dl 3 -Kw-T Deliq'uium, Dl 3 -Kw-M Delir'ious, D-L-Rs Delirtousness, D-Z-fis- Ns Delir'ium, D 3 -Z-R-M Delites'cence, D 2 -Z-Ts- Ns Delites'cency, D 2 -Z-Ts- N-8 Delit'igate, D 3 -Z-T-Gt Deliv'er,Dl 3 -Vr. Dis-Vrd. Dl 3 -Vr-NG [Dl 3 , Did 3 , D1 3 C) Deliv'erance, Dl 3 -Vrns [Dins 3 ] Deliv'erer,Dl 3 -Vr-R [Dl 3 - R] Deliv'ery, Dl 3 -Vr [DF] Dell, D 2 -L Delph, D 2 -Z-F Del'phian, D 2 -Z-Fn Del'phic, D 2 -Z-F-K Del'phin or Del'phine, D 2 -z-Fn Del'ta, D 2 -Z-T Del'toid, D^-Z-Td Delud'able, D 3 -Z-D-B1 Delude', D 3 -Z-D (See Di- lute), D-Z-Dd, D 3 -Z-D- NG Delud'er, D 3 -Z-Dr Delud'ing, D 3 -Z-D-NG Del'uge, D 2 -Z-J, D-Z-Jd, D 2 -Z J-NG Delu'sion, D 3 -Zzhn Delu'sive, D 3 -Zs-V Delu'sively, D 3 -Zs-V-Z Delu'siveness, DS-ZeiVs Delu'sory, D 3 -Zs-K Delve, D2-Z-V, D 2 -Z-Vd, D 2 -Z-V-NG Delv'er, D 2 -Z-Vr Demagnetize, D 1 - M - G- N-Tz [DJ-MrTz] Dem'agogism, D 2 -M-G- G-zM Dem'agogue, D 2 -M-G-G Domain', D 2 -Mn Demand', D 1 - Mnd, Di - Mn-Dd. D'-Mnd-NG Demand'able, Di-Mnd- B (-L) Demand'ant, D 1 -Mnd-Nt Demand'er, D^Mndr Demarca'tion, D 2 -M-JJ- Kshn Demean', D 3 -Mn, D 3 - DEM Mnd, D 3 -Mn-NG Demean'or, D 3 -M-Nr De'mency, D 3 -Mn-S Demen'tate, D 2 - Mn - Tt, D 2 -Mn-T-Td. D 2 -Mn-Tt(-J Dementa'tion, D- - Mu - Tslm Demen'ted, D 2 -Mn Td Demen'tia, D^-Mn-SH Demeph'itize, D--M-F- Tz, D 2 -M-F-Tzd, D^-M- F-Tz-NG Demer'it, T>--~M-Rt Demersed', D-'-M-TZst Demer'sion, l)2-ir-7Jshn Demes'merize, D 2 -Mz- M-z Demesne', D^-Hn Demi-, D 2 -M Demi-brigade, D 2 -M-Bp- Gd Demi-cadence, D 2 -M-K- Dns Dem'i-god, D 2 -M-Gd Dem'ijohn, D 2 -M-Jn Dem'i-lune, D 2 -M-/,n Dem'iquaver, D 2 - M - Kwv-fi Dem'irep, D 2 -M-.R-P Dem'i-rilievo, D 2 -M-B1- V Demis'able, Di-Mz-B-L Demise', D^Mz, D'-Mzd, Di-Mz-NO Demi-sem'i-quaver, D 2 - M-sM-Kwv-B Demis'sion, DS-Mshn Demit', D 3 -Mt, D^-M-Td, D 3 -Mt(-) Dem'i-tint, D 2 -M-Tnt Dem'i-tone, D 2 -M-Tn Dem'iurge, D 2 -M-ff-J Demiur'gic, D 2 -M-K-J-K Dem'ivolt, D 2 -M-V-Lt Democ'racy, D J -M-Kr-S [Di-M] Dem'ocrat, D 2 -M-Krt [D2. M] Democrat'ic, D'-M-Kr-T- K [Di-M] Demoorat'ical-ly, Di-M- Krt-Kl Demogor'gon, D 1 -M-Gr- Gn Demol'ish, D^M-Z-SH, SH-NG Demol'isher, D>-M-Z- SHr Demoli'tion, D 3 -M-Zshn De'mon s D 3 -Mn Demo'niac, D 2 -M-N-K Demoni'acal, D^ Demo'niacism, D 2 -M-N- S-zM Demo'nian, D 2 -Mn-N Demo'nianism, D 2 -Mn- Nz-M De'monism, D 3 -Mn-Z-M De'monist, D 3 -Mu-St DEM Demonoc'racy, D 1 -M-N Kr-S Demonol'atry, D^Mn-Z Tr Demonol'ogy, D 1 -Mn-i J Demon'omy, Di-Mn-M De'monship, D 3 -Mn-SH P Demonstrabil'ity, D 3 Ma-sT-Blt Demon'strable-y, D 1 Mn-sT-Bl Demon'strableness, D 1 - Mii-sT-Bl-Ns [IBs] Dem'onstrate or De- mon'strate, D 2 or 1 -Mn- STt, D 2 ori - Mn - sT'Td, Demonstra'tion, D 2 -Mn- sTshn Demon'strative, D 1 - Mns-T-Tv Demonstratively, D 1 - Mns-T-T-Vl Demon'stratory, D 1 - Mns-Tt-fi Demoraliza'tion, D 2 -M- Rlzshn Demoralize, D 1 -M-JZlz, NG Demosthen'ic, D 2 - Ms - THn-K Demot'ic, D^Mt-K Demul'cent, D 2 -M-s-Nt Demur', D*-M-B, D 2 -M- RA, D 2 -M-K-NG Demure', D 3 -M-B Demure'ly, D 3 -M-S1 Demure'ness,D 3 - M-.R-NS Demur'rage, D 2 ->I-7J-J Demur'rer, D2-M.-R-R Demy', D!-M Den, Dn 2 Dena'rii, D 2 -N-BII Dena'rious, D 2 -N-Ks Den'ary, D 2 -Nr Dena'tionalize,D 2 -Nshn- Lz, D 2 - Nshn - Z,zd, D 2 - Nshn-Lz-NG Denat'uralize, D 1 - Nt - Rlz, D l -Nt-filzd, Di-Nt- Den'driform, D 2 - N - Dr- Fr-M Den'drite, D 2 -N-Drt Dendrit'ic, D 3 -N-Drt-K Dendrit'ical, D 3 - N - Drt- Kl Den'droid, D 2 -N-Drd Den'drolite, D-N-Dr-Zt Dendrol'ogist, D'-N-Dr- Z-Jst Dendrol'ogy, D 1 -N-Dr-Z- J Dendrom'eter, D'-N-Dr- Mtr Dendroph'agi, D' - N - Drf-J Den'eb, D^K-B Den'gue, D 2 -NG-O Deni'able, D^-N-Bl Deni'al, Di-N-I, Deni'er, DJ-N-B Den'igrate, D 2 -N-Grt Den'im, D 2 -N-M Den'ims, D 2 -N-Mz Deniza'tion, D 2 -Nzftn Den'izen, D2-N-zN Den'net, D 2 -N-T Denom'inable, ^-N-M- N-B1 Denom'inate, D'-N-M-N- T, Di-N-M-N-Td, D>-N- M-N-T-NG Denomina'tion, D 2 -N-M- Nshn Denomina'tional, D 2 -N- M-Nshn-L Denom'inative, D 1 - N - M-N-Ty Denom'inator, D T -N-M- Ntr Denot'able, D 2 -Nt-Bl Denota'tion, D 2 -N-Tshn Denot'ative, D 2 -N-T-Tv Denote', D 2 -N-T, D 2 -N- Td, D 2 -N-T-NG Denou'ment, D 3 -N-Mn Denounce', Dn'-Ns, Dni- Nst. Dn'-Ns-NG Denounce'ment,Dn 1 -Ns- Mnt Denoun'cer, Dni-N-sB Dense, Dns 2 Dense'ness, Dns 2 -Ns Densely, D 2 -Ns-L [D 2 - sL] Den'sity, D 2 -Ns-T Dent, Dnt 2 , Dn 2 -Td, Dnt=- NG Den'tal, Dnt 2 -L Den'tate, Dn 2 -Tt Den'tated, Dnt^Td Denta'tion, Dn 2 -Tshn Dent'ed, Dn 2 -Td Den'ticle, Dn 2 -T-Kl Dentic'ulat, Dn 3 -T-KH Dentic'ulated, Dn3-T-Kl- Td Denticula'tion, Dn 2 -T- Klshn Den'ticule, Dn 2 -T-Kl Den'tiform, Dn 2 -T-Fr-M Den'tifrice, Du 2 -T-Frs Den'til, Dnt 2 -L Den'tist, Dnt 2 -St Den'tistry, Dnt 2 -St- Denti'tion, Du 3 -Tshn Den'toid, Dn 2 -Td Denud'ate, D 3 -N-Dt Denuda'tion, D 2 -N-Dshn Denude', D 3 -N-D, D 3 -N- Dd, D 3 -N-D-NG Denun'ciate, D 2 -Nn-5^t, D= - Nn - SII- Td, D- - Nn- Denuncia'tion, D 2 - Nn - SZfshn DEP Denun'ciator, D 2 - Nn - SHtr Denunciatory, D 2 -Nn- SH-T-R Deny', Ii-N, D-N-D, Di- K-HO Deob'struent, Di-B-sTr- N-T (or -Strnt) De'odand, D 3 -Dn-D Deo'dorize, D--Drz Deo'dorizer, D 2 -Dr-zB Deontol'ogist, D 1 - N - T - L-Jst [D'-N-TiJst] Deontol'ogy, D^N-T-Z-J [Di-N-TSJ] Deox'idate, Di-Ks-Dt, Di- Ks-D-Td. pi-Ks-DtC; Deoxida'tion, D 2 -Ks- Dshn Deoxidiza'tion, D 2 -Ks- Dzshn Deox'idize, DJ-Ks-Dz, D 1 - Ks-Dzd. Di-Ks-Dz-NG Deox'ygenate, D^Ks-J- Nt Depaint', D 2 -Pnt, D 2 -Pn- Td, D=-Pnt-NG Depart', D^'-Prt, D'-Pr- Td, Di-Prt(-) Depart'ment, D'-Prt-Mnt Department'al, D 2 - Prt iilut Depart'ure, D^Prtr Depas'ture, D'-P-sCHr Depau'perate, D!-P-Prt Depend', D 4 --Pnd, D 2 -pn- Dd. D 2 -Pnd-NG Depend'ant, D 2 -Pnd-Nt Depend'ence, D 2 -Pnd-Ns Depend'ency, D=-Pnd-N- S Depend'ent, D 2 -Pnd-Nt Depend'ently, D 2 -Pnd- Nt-L Depend'er, D 2 -Pndr Dephleg'mate, D 2 -F1-G- Mt, D 2 -Fl-G-M-Td, D 2 - Fl-G-Mt(-) Dephlegma'tion, D 2 -F1- G-Mshn Dephlogis'ticate, D 3 -F1- Jst-Kt, r> 3 -Fl-Jst-K-Td, D3-Fl-Jst-Kt-NG Depict', D 3 -P-Kt, D 3 -P-K- ' Td. r> 3 -P-Kt-NG Depict'ure, D 3 -P-Ktr, D 3 - P-Ktrd. D 3 -P-Ktr-NG Depila'tion, D 2 -P-Zshn Depil'atory, W-F-Lt-R Dep'ilous, p 2 -P-Zs Deplanta'tion, D 2 - Pin - Tshn Deplete', D 3 -Plt, D3-P1- Td. D 3 -Plt(-) Deple'tion, D 3 -Plshn Deple'tory, D 3 -Plt-fi Deplor'able-y, D--PI-R* Bl Deplor'ableness, D*-P1 JJ-Bl-Ns [IBs] DEP 69 DES Deplore', D 2 -Pl-R, D"-P1- Depress', D 2 -Prs, D 2 -Prst, Descend'ant, D--sXd-Xt Rd, D 2 -Pl--NG D 2 -Prs-NG Descend'ent, D s -sNd-Nt Deplor'er, D 2 -Pl-Rr Depres'sion, D 2 -Prshn Descend'er, D^-sNdr Deploy', D!-P1, D!-Pld, Depressive, D 2 -Prs-V Descendibillty, D^-sNd- Di-Pl-NG Depress'or, D 2 -Pr-sR B-/-t Depluma'tion, D 2 - PI - Depriv'able, D 1 - Prv - B Descendible, D"-sXd-B Mshn (-L) (-L) Deplume', D^-PI-M, r>3- Depriva'tion,D 2 -Pr-Vshn Descen'sion, D=-sXshn Pl-Md, D3-P1-M-NG Deprive', D^Prv, D 1 - Descen'sional,D--.sNslin- Depo'larize, V*-P-L-Rz Prvd. D!-Prv-NG L Depone', D 2 -Pn, D 2 -Pnd, Depriv'er, Di-Pr-Vr Descen'sive, D--sNs-V D 2 -Pn-NG Depth, D 2 -P-TH Descent', D 2 -sN"t Depo'nent, D 2 -Pn-Nt Depul'sion, D 2 -P-shn Describ'able, D^sKr-B- Depop'ulate, Di-P-P-t, Di- P-P-i-Td, D-P-P-it- Depul'sory, D^-P-Ls-lt Dep'urate, D 2 -P-/et, D 2 - Bl [U'-sK-B-Bl] Note. The outline for in- NG P-K-Td, D 2 -P-Bt-NG itial Descr- may always be Depopula'tion, D^-P-P- Depura'tion, D 2 -P-Kshn written D-sK. Zshn Deputa'tion, D 2 -P-Tshu Describe', D^sKr-B. D 1 - Depop'ulator, D l -P-P- Depute', D^-Pt, D-p-Td. sKr-Bd. Di-sKr-B-NG Ltr D^-Ptf*) [sKr 1 , sKrdi. sKr 1 !') Deport', D 2 - Prt, D 2 - Pr - Dep'utize, D 2 -P-Tz, D 2 - Describ'er, D^sKr-Br Td, D s -Prt(-) P-Tzd. D 2 -P-Tz-NG Descri'er, D'-sKr-K Deporta'tion,D 2 -Pr-Tshn Dep'uty, D 2 -P-T Descrip'tion, L> :; -sKr- Deport'ment, D 2 -Prt-Mnt Deracinate, D 1 - Rs - Nt. P.shn [sKrslm 3 ] Depos'able, D 2 -Pz-Bl D'-fis-N-Td, D l -7Js-Nt- Descrip'tive.D^-sKr-Pt-V Depos'al, D 2 -Pz-L NG Descrip'tiveiy, L 3 -sKr- Depose', D 2 -Pz, D 2 -Pzd, Derange', D 2 -/f-N-J. D 2 - Pt-V-L D 2 -Pz-NG #-N-Jd, D 2 --N-J-NG Descrip'tiveness, D^ - Depos'er, D 2 -P-Zr Derange'ment. ~D--R-~S- sKr-Pt-V-Xs [or:Vs] Depos'it, D 1 -Pz-T, D!-Pz J-Mnt Descry', Di-sKr. D'-sKrd, Td, Di-Pz-T-NG Der'elict, Dr 2 -i-K-T D'-sKr-NG Depositary, W-Pz-T-R Derelic'tion, Di-3-L-Kshn Des'ecrate, D 2 -sKrt, D 2 - Deposi'tion, D 3 -Pzshn Deride', D 1 - R - D, D* - R- sKr-Td. DS-sKrt-NG Depositor, Di-P-zTr (or Dd, D J -B-D-NG Desecra'tion, D 2 -sKrshn -Pztr) Derid'er, T>*-R-T>r Desert', D 2 -zRt, D 2 -zfl-Td. Depository, D^Pz-T-B Deridlngly, D'-fi-D-NGl D 2 -zt-NG Depot', D 2 -P Derision, D 3 -^zhn De'sert, D 2 -zRt De'pot, D 3 -P Deprava'tion, D 2 - Pr - Deri'sive, D^fi-sV Deri'sively, D l -R-sV-L Desert'er, D 2 -zRtr Deser'tion, D 2 -s,R.shn Vshn Deri'sory, V l -Rs-R Deserve', D-'-z/iv, D s - Deprave', D 2 - Prv, D 2 - Deriv'able, Di-fl-V-Bl zffvd, D--zftv(-) Prvd, D 2 -Prv-NG Deriva'tion, D 2 -K-Vshu Deserv'edly, D 2 -zS-Vd- Deprave'ment, D 2 -Prv- Mnt Derivative, D 3 -fi-Vt-V Deriv'atively, V 3 -R-Vt- L Deaerv'er, T>"-7.Kv-R Depravity, D^Pr-V-T V-L Deserving, D--zRv(-) (or-Vt) Derive', D^/Jv, Di-Bvd. Deservlngly, D 2 -zK-V Dep'recate, D 2 -Pr-Kt. D 2 - Di-Bv(-) (or Drv 1 , Drvd 1 , NQ1 Pr-K-Td. D 2 -Pr-Kt-NG Drvi-NG) Deshabille', D 3 -sB-L Depreca'tion, D 2 - Pr - Deriv'er, ~D l -Rv-R Desic'cant, D^-sK-Nt Kshn Derm, Dr 2 -M Desiccate or Desic'cate Dep'recative, D 2 -Pr-Kt- Derm'al, Dr 2 -M-i D 2 o)' 3 -sKt. D 2 o?' 3 -sK-Td V Dermatol'ogy, Dr 1 - Mt - j)2 or 3. s Kt-NG Dep'recator, D 2 -Pr-Ktr L-3 Desicca'tion, D 5 -Kshn Dep'recatory, D 2 - Pr - K- Der'nier, D 2 -JJ-N Desic'cative, D J -s-Kt-V T-fl Der'rogate, D 2 -7J-Gt. D 2 - Desid'erate, D 3 -sDrt, D^- Depre'ciate, D a -Pr-SHt. Ji-G-Td. D 2 -^-Gt-NG sDr-Td. D :! -sI)rt(-) D-Pr-S//-Td, B-3-Pr-SHt- Deroga'tion, D 2 -fi-Gshn Desid'erative, D 3 -sDr-Tv NG Derog'atorily, D^-R-G-T- Desidera'ta, D 2 -sDr-T Deprecia'tion, D 2 - Pr - Rl Desidera'tum, D 2 -sDrt- SHshn Derog'atory, W-R-G-T-R M Depre'ciative, VZ-Pr-SH- Der'rick, D 2 -K-K Design', Dzi-N, Dz>-Xd, Tv Der'vis or Der'vise, D 2 - Dz'-N-NG Depre'ciator, D^-Pr-SHtr Depre'ciatory, D 8 - Pr - R-\s Der'vish, TP-R-V-SH Design'able, Dzi-N-Bl Designate, D2-zG-Nt. D 2 - SH-1-R Des'cant, D 2 -sKnt zG-N-Td. D 2 -zG-M-NG Dep'redate, D 2 -pr-Dt, D 2 - Descant', D 1 - sKnt, D 1 Designa'tion, D" - zG - Pr-D-Td. D 2 -Pr-Dt(-) sKn-Td. D sKnt-NG Nshn Depreda'tion, D 2 - Pr - Descant'er, D'-eKntr Deslgnative, D 2 -zG-Nt Dshn Descend', D 2 -sNd, D 2 -sN- V Dep'redator, D 2 -Pr-Dtr Dd, D'-sNd-NG Designator, D 2 -zG-Ntr DES Des'ignatory R Design'edly, Dzi-N- Design'er, Dz^Nr Design'ing, Dz l -N-Nu Des'inent, Ds 2 -Nnt Desip'ient, DS-sPnt Desir'able-y, D>- Z R-B1 Desirableness, D 1 - zR - Bl-Ns [IBs] Desire', D'-zR, D^zRd, D!-zfi-NG Desir'er, D^zR-R Desir'ous, I^-zfis Desirously, D l -zR-sL Desir'ousness, D l -zRa- Ns Desist', Dss3-T, Dss 3 -Td, Desist'ance, Dss^Tns Desk, D 2 -sK Des'man, D^sMn Des'mine, D 2 -sMn Desmol'ogy, Di-sM-L-J Des'olate, D 2 -sit, D^sL- Td. D 2 -sit-NG Des'olately, D^-sLt-L Des'olater, D 2 -sI,tr Desola'tion, D 2 -sZ,slin Des'olatory, D 2 -sit-fi Despair, D^sP-R, Rd, Di-sP-fi-NG Despair'er, Di-sP-Rr Despairingly, D^sP-fi- NG1 Despatch', D 1 -sP-CH Despera'do, D 2 -sP-fi-D Des'perate, D 2 -sPrt Des'perately, D 2 -sPrt-Z/ Des'perateness, D 2 -sPrt- Ks Despera'tion, D 2 -sPrshn Des'picable-y, D 2 -sP-K- Bl Des'picableness, D 2 -sP- K-Bl-Ns [tBs] Despis'able, Di-sPz-Bl Despise', Di-sPz, Di-sPzd, D^sPz NG Despis'er, D l -sP-Zr Despite', D>-KPt Despite'ful-ly, D^sPt-Fl Despite'fulness, D^sPt- Fl-Ns [:FsJ Despoil', D'-sP-L, Ld. Di-sP-L-NG Despoil'er, Despoil'ment, Di-sP-Z/- Mnt De^polia'tion, D* - sP - Zshn Despond', Di - sPnd, BPn-Dd, D^ePnd-NG Despond'ence, Ms Despond'ency, DJ-sPnd- N-S Despond'ent, D 1 Despond'ently, Nt-L 70 Despond'er, D^sPndr Despond'ingly, D^sPnd- XG-L Des'pot, D 2 -sPt Despot'ic, D^sPt-K Despot'ical-ly, Di-sPt-Kl Des'potism, D 2 -sPt-zM Des'pumate or Despu'- mate, D 2 or3-sP-Mt. D"or> -sP-M-Td. Dor-sP-MtC) Despuma'tion, D 2 - sP - Mshn Desquama'tion, Ds 2 -Kw- Mshn Dessert', D 2 -zRt Destem'per, Ds 2 -T-M-Pr Des'tinably, Ds 2 -T-N-Bl Des'tinate, Ds 2 -T-Nt Des'tinated, Ds z -T-N-Td Destina'tion, Ds 2 -T-Nshn Des'tine, Ds 2 - Tn, Ds 2 - Tnd, Ds-Tn-NG Des'tinist, Ds 2 -T-Nst Des'tiny, Ds 2 -T-N Des'titute, Ds 2 -T-Tt [Ds 2 - Tt Destitution, Ds 3 -T-Tshn [Ds 3 -Tshn] Destroy', Di-sTr, D^sTrd, D-sTr-NG Destroy'er, D J -sTr-R Destructibil'ity, Kt-Blt Destruc'tible, D 2 -sTr-Kt- Bl Destruc'tion, D 2 - sTr - Kshn Destruc'tionist, D 2 -sTr- Kshn-St Destructive, D 2 -sTr-Kt- V Destruc'tively, D 2 -sTr- Kt-V-Z, Destruc'tiveness, D* - sTr-Kt-V-Ns [D=-sTr-Kt IVs] Desuda'tion, Ds 2 -Dshn Des'uetude, D 2 -sW-Td Desul'phurate, D- - sL - Frt, D 2 -sL-Fr-Td, D 2 -si- Frt-XG Des'ultorily, D 2 -sI,t-R-Z, Des'ultoriness, T>--sLt- R-~Xs Des'ultory, T>*-sLt-R Detach', Dti-CH, Dti-CHd, Dti-CH-NG Detach'er, Dti-CHr Detach'ment, Dti - CH - Mnt Detail', Dt^-L, Df-Ld, DET De'tail, Detail'er, Dt 2 -Lr Detain', D 2 -Tn, D 2 -Tnd. D 2 -Tn-NG Detain'der, D 2 -Tndr Detain'er, D 2 -T-Nr Detain'ment, D 2 -T-N Mnt Detect', Dt 2 -Kt, Dt2-Kt-NG Detect'er, Dt 2 -Ktr Detec'tion, Dt^-Kshn Detect'ive, DV-'K.t-V Detect'or, D&-Ktr Detent', D 2> Tnt Deten'tion, D 2 -T-Nshn Deter 7 , Dt 2 -R, Dts-R Deterge', W-R-J, Dt 2 -S- Jd, Dt 2 -K-J-NG Deter'gent, Dts-K-Jnt Deteriorate, NG Deterioration, Dt 2 - fi - fishn Deter'ment, Dt=-R-Mnt Deter'minable,D2-Tr-M- N-B1 Determinant, D 2 - T - Mn-Nt Determinate, D 2 -Tr-Mn- T Determinately, D 2 -Tr- Mn-T-Z- Determina'tion, D 2 -Tr- M-Niha Deter'minative, D 2 - Tr - M-N-Tv Deter'minator, D 2 -Tr-M- Ntr Determine, D 2 - Tr - Mn. D 2 -Tr-Mnd, Dii-Tr-Mn- NG Determinedly, D 2 - Tr - MndiZ, Determiner, D 2 - Tr - M- Nr Deter'rent, Dt 2 -Knt Deter'sion, Dt 2 -Rshn Deter'sive, Dt 2 -fi-sV Deter'sively, Dts-fi-sY-Z, Detest', D 2 -Tst, D 2 -Ts-Td, D 2 -Tst-NG Detest'able-y, D 2 -Ts-Bl Detesta'tion, D 2 -Ts-Tshn Detest'er, D 2 -Tstr Dethrone', D 2 -THrn, D- THrnd, D s -THrn-NG Dethi-one'ment, D - THrn-Mnt Dethron'er, D 2 -THr-Nr Det'inue, D 2 -T-N Det'onate, Dts-Xt, DtS-N- Td. Dt 2 -Nt-NG Detona'tion, Dt 2 -Nshn Det'onize, Dt=-Nz, Dt*- Nzd, Dt 2 -Nz-NG Detorsion, DtJ-fishn Detort', Dti-Rt, Dti-fi-Td, Dti-Rt-NG Detor'tion, Detour', Dt^-R Detract', D'-Tr-Kt, K-Td. D'-Tr-Kt-NG Detrac'tion, Detrac'tious, D 1 - Tr- K- SHs DET Detrac'tive, Di-Tr-Kt-V Detract'or, Di-Tr-Ktr Detract'ory,Di-Tr-K-T-K Detract'resSjD^Tr-K-Trs Det'riment, D 2 -Tr-Mnt Detrimen'tal,D2-Tr 1 Mnt Detri'tal, IH-Tr-Tl Detri'tion, D^-Trshn Detri'tus, D^Tr-Ts Detrude', D 3 -Trd, D 3 - Tr-Dd,D3-TrdC) Detrun'cate, D 2 - Tr - NG- Kt, D 2 -Tr-NG-K-Td, D 2 - Tr-NG-Kt-NG Detrunca'tion, D 2 - Tr - NG-Kshn Detru'sion, D 3 -Trzhn De'tur, Dtr 3 Deuce, Ds 3 Deu'ced, D 3 -sD Deuterog'amist, B 1 -Tr- G-Mst Deuterog'omy, I^-Tr-G- M Deuteron'omy, D'-Tr-N- M Deuterop'athy, Di-Tr-P- TH Deuteros'copy, Di - Tr - sK-P Deutox'ide, DU-K-sD Devapora'tion, D 2 - V - Prshn Dev'astate or Devas'- tate, D*ori-Vs-Tt, D=ori- Vs-T-Td, D 2 ori-Vs-Tt(-) Devasta'tion,D 2 -Vs-Tshn Devel'ope, D^-vi-P, D^- Vl-Pt, D 2 -V1-PC) [Dv^-P, Dv2-Pt, Dv2-P(-)] Devel'opinent, D^-Vl-P Mnt [Dvi-P-Mnt] Devest', D2 - Vst, DS-VS- Td, D 2 -V8tC) Devex'ity, Dv 2 -Ks-T De'viate, Dv 3 -T, Dv3-Td, Dv--T-NG Devia'tion, D 2 -Vshn Device', D^Vs Dev'il, D 2 -V1 Dev'ilish, V* Dev'ilishly, Dev'ilkin, I)2-Vl-Kn Dev'ilship, D 2 -VliSH Dev'iltry, D 2 -Vl-Xr De'vious, DS-VS De'viously, D 3 -Vs-L Devis'able, Di-Vz-Bl Devise', Di-Vz, D a -Vzd, D'-Vz-NG Devisee', Dv-Z Devis'er, D'-V-Zr Devis'or, D'-V-Zr Devoid', Dvi-D Devoir', Dvi-K Devolu'tion, D 3 -Vlshn Devolve', D'-Vl-VjDi-Vl- Vd, Di-Vl-V-NG Devolve'ment, D^Vl-V- Mnt 71 DIG Devote', DV-T, Dv^-Td, Di'aling, D^i-NG Dv 2 -T-NG Di'alist, D l -Lst Devot'edness, Dv a -Td-Ns Di'allage, Di-i-J Devotee', Dv 3 -T Devote'ment, Dv 2 -T-Mnt Dial'ogist, Di-Z,-Jst Dialogist'ic, D^-/>-J-sT-K Devot'er, Dv 2 -T-E Dialogist'ical, D^-Z-'J-sT Devo'tion, D 2 -VsHn -Kl Devo'tional-ly, D 2 - Vshn- Dial'ogize, T> l -L-3z L Di'alogue, D^-L-G Devour', Dvi-R, Dvi-Rd, Di'al-plate, T> l -L-Plt Dv^.K-NG Dial'ysis, D^Zss Devour'er, Dv l -R-R Dialyt'ic, D3--T-K Devout', Dvi-T Diamagnet'ic, D'--M :T-K Devout'ly, Dvi-I-Z- Diamagnet'ically, D 2 -M Devout'ness, Dvi-T-Ns :T-K1 Dew, D 3 , Dd 3 . D 3 -NG Diamag'netism, D'-MiT- Dew'-drop, D 3 -Dr-P zll Dew'iness, D 3 -Ns Diaman'tine, D^Mn-Tn Dew'lap, D 3 -i-P Diam'eter, Di-Mtr Dew'-point, D 3 -Pnt Diam'etral, D^M-Tr-L Dew'y, DQI 3 Diamet'ric, D 2 -J[t-K-K. Dex'ter, D 2 -Kstr Diamet'rical-ly, D2-Mt- Dexter'ity, D 2 -Ks-T-.R-T #-Kl Dex'terous, D 2 -K-sTrs Di'amond, D^-Mnd. See Dex'terously, D 2 -K-sTr- Adamant. B!J Diapa'son, D 2 -Pz-N Dex"ter6usness, D 2 -K- Diapen'te, D 2 -pn-T sTrs-Ns Di'aper, D^Pr Dex'tral, D 2 -K-sTr-L Diaphane'ity, D3-F-N-T Dextror'sal, D^K-sTr-Rs Diaphan'ic, Df!-><"-K -L Diaph'anous, D'-F-Ns Dex'trorse, D 2 -K-sTr-Es Diaphon'ics, D'-Fn-Ks Dex'trous, D 2 -K-sTrs Diaphore'sis, D 3 -Frss Dex'trously, D 2 -K-sTr-sZ Diaphoret'ic, D 2 -Fr-T-K Dey, D 3 Diaphoret'ical, D2-Fr-T- Diabe'tes, D 3 -B-Tz Kl Diabet'ic, D 2 - B - T - K or Di'aphragm, Di-Fr-M D 2 -Bt-K Di'arist, D l -K*t Diabet'ical, D 2 -Bt-Kl Diarrhe'a or Diarrhoe'a, Diablerie', D 3 -Bl-fi D 3 -/^ Diab'lery, D-Bl- Diarrhet'ic, D 2 -.R-T-K Diabol'ic, Di-Bl-K Di'ary, D l -R Diabol'ical-ly, Di-Bl-Kl Di'astase, Dgi-Ts Dia'bolism, D^Bl-zM Dias'tole, Ds l -T-L Diabol'icalness, D 1 - Bl - Di'astyle, Ds^T-L Kl-Ns Diates'saron, D 2 -T-s.B) Diacaus'tic, D^Ks-T-K Diath'esis, D^THss Diach'ylum, D>-K1-M Diaton'ic, D^T-N-K. Diac'onal, D^K-Nl Di'atribe, D'-Tr-B Diac'onate, D^K-Nt Dib'ber, D 3 -Br Diacous'tic, D 3 -Ks-T-K Dib'ble, D 3 -B1, D 3 -Bia, Diacous'tics, D 3 -Ks-T-Ks DS-BI-NG Diacrit'ic, D 3 -Kr-T-K Dice, Ds 1 Diacrit'ical, D 3 -Krt-Kl Dice'-box, DJ-sB-Ks Di'adem, D'-D-M Diceph'alous, Ds--F-L Diser'esis or Dier'esis, Dic'er, D>-sR D--Rss Dichot'omize, Di-Kt-J*/ Diagno'sis, D 2 -G-Nss Dichot'omous, D'-Kt-M? Diagnos'tic, D^G-Ns-T- Dichot'omy, Di-Kt-M K Di'chroism, D^Kr-zM Diag'onal-ly, D^G-Nl Dichromat'ic, Di-Kr-Mt^ Di'agram, D 1 -Gr-M K Di'agraph, Di-Grf Dick'ens, D 3 -Knz Di'al, D l -L Dick'er, D 3 -Kr Di'alect, D^i-K-T Dick'ey or Dick'y, D 3 -K Dialec'tic, D 2 -I,-K-T-F. Dicotyle'don, D 3 - Kt- L Dialec'tical, D 3 -L-K-T-K1 Dn Dialecti'cian, D 3 -L-K- Dic'ta, D 3 -K-T Tshn Dio'tate, ps.K-Tt, D 3 -Kt Dialec'tics, D 2 -L-K-T-Ks Td, D 3 -K-Tt(-) DIC 72 Dicta'tion, D^-K-Tshn Dif form, Df 3 - F - R - M Dicta'tor, D 2 -K-Ttr [Dfa-F] Dicv,ato'rial-ly, D 2 -Kt-T- Diflform'ity, DP-F-R-M- m T [Dfi-F-T] Dictatorship, D 2 -K-Ttr DiEract', DP-B-Kt. DP-R- SSH K-Td, Df-.R-KtC). See Dic'tatory, D 3 -Kt-T-.R Z)e^ct. Dicta'tress, D 2 -K-T-Trs Diflfrac'tion, DfJ-JZ-Kshn. Dicta'trix, D^-K-T-Tr-Ks See Deflection. Dicta'ture, D 2 -K-T-OHr DiflFran'chise, DJ-Fr-N- Dic'tion, D3-Kshn CHz Dic'tionary, D 3 -Kshn-B Diflran'chisement, D 1 - Dic'tum, D3-K-T-M Fr-N-CH-zMnt Did, Dd 3 . (See Could.) [D 3 ] Diffuse', D-Fs See Do. Diffuse', D"-Fz, D 3 -Fzd, Didac'tic, Ddi-K-T-K D 3 -Fz-NG Didac'tical-ly, Ddi-Kt-Kl Diffus'edly, DS-Fz-D-/, Didac'tics, Dd^K-T-Ks Dififus'edness, D 3 -Fz-D- Didac'tyl,Ddi-Kt-L Ns Didac'tylous, Dd^Kt-is Diffusely, D 3 -Fs-L Did'apper, Dd 3 -Pr Diffuse'ness, D 3 -Fs-Ns Did'dle, D 3 -D1, D 3 -Dld, Diffus'er, D 3 -F-Zr D 3 -D1-NG Diffusibil'ity, D 3 -Fz-Blt Di'do, D J -D6 Diffu'sible, D 3 -Fz-Bl Di'drachm, Di-Dr-M Diffu'sion, D 3 - 3 -Fzhn Didst, Ddst" Diflfu'sive, D 3 -Fs-V Diduc'tion, Did 2 -Kslm DiflFu'sively, D 3 -Fs-V-Z- Die, D 1 . Dd 1 . D!-NG Diffu'siveness, D 3 -Fs-V- Dier'esis, D 2 -.Rss Ns [i Vs] Die'-sinking, D'-sNG-K- Dig, D3-G,D3-Gd, D3-G- NG NG Di'es non, D>-Z-Nn Dig'amist, D 3 -G-Mst Di'et, Di-T, Di-T'Td, Di- Digam'ma, DJ-G-M T-NG Digas'tric, D^G-sTr-K Di'etary, T> l -T-R Digest', D2-Jst, D 2 -Js-Td, Di'eter, D^Tr. See Audi- D 2 -Jst-NG tor, Daughter, etc. Dietetic, D 2 -T-T-K Di'gest, Di-Jst Digest'er, D 2 -Jstr Dietet'ical, D 2 -T-T-K1 Digestibil'ity, D 3 -Jst-B- Dietet'ics, D 2 -T-T-Ks Lt Di'etist, DJ-T-Tst Digest'ible, D 2 -Jst-B (-L) Differ, Df3-K. DP-Rd, Df3- Digest'ibleness, D 2 - Jst B-NG [Df 3 . Dfds, Df(-)] :BS Differs, Df^-Rz [Dfz 3 ] Diges'tion, D 2 -Jst-N Difference, (n.) Df*-Bns Digest'ive, D 2 -Jst-V [Df^ Dig'ger, D a -Gr Difference, (v.) Df 3 -Rns, Dig'ging, D 3 -G-KG Df ! -Knst. Df3-fins-NG Dight, Dti, D-Td, Dt'C) Differences, DP - .Rnss Dig'it, D 3 -Jt [Dfs 3 ] Dig'ital, D^-Jt-L Different, Df3-Rnt [T>P] Digita'lis, D 2 -J-T-is Differen'tia, Df!-/n-SH i Die'itate. D^-J-Tt Pifferen'tial, Df=-^-N- Dig'itated, D 3 -Jt-Td sm [Df-i-iju] Differen'tiate. Df2 - Kn - Digita'tion, D 2 -J-Tshn DiQc'itiform. D 3 -,T-T'F DIM Dijudica'tion, D 2 - Jd - Eshn Dike, Di-K, Di-Kt, Di-K- NG Dilac'erate, D' - Ls Rt, SH t, T>t--Rn-SH-Td, Df-'- i Digltigrade, D 3 -J-T-Grd Rn-SHt-XG Dig'nifled, D 3 -G-N-Fd Differentiation, Df 2 -Un- ' Dig'nify, D 3 -G-N-F Sffshn I Dig'nitary, D 3 -G-N-T-.R Differently, Vfi-Rnt-L Dig'nity, D 3 -G-N-T [Df 3 i L] Di'graff, D-Grf Difficult, D3-F-KH [Kit 3 ] Digress', D 2 -Grs, D 2 -Grst, Difficultly, D3. F .Klt-Z, p 2 -Grs-XG [Klt-Z] ! Digres'sion, D 2 -Grshn Difficulty, D 3 - F - Kl - T Digres'sional, D 2 -Grshn- [Klt 3 ] L Diffidence, DP-Dns Diffident, DP-Dnt Diffidently, Df-Dnt-L Diffluent, Digress'ive, D 2 -Gr sV Digress'ively, D 2 -Gr-sV- L Diju'dicate, DWd-Kt NG Dilacera'tion, D 2 Ls - .Kshn Dila'neate, D 2 -i-Nt Dilapidate, Di-/,-P-Dt, Di-i-P-D-Td, Di-Z-P- Dt(-) Dilapida'tion, D 2 - L P - Dshn Dilap'idator, D^i-P-Dtr Dilatabil'ity, v-Lt-Blt Dilat'able, D 2 -it-Bl Dilata'tion, D 2 -/,-Tshn Dilate', W-Lt, W-L-1&, D 2 -Lt-NG Dilat'er, D^-Lii Dila'tion, D 2 -Zshn Dilat'ive, D 2 -it-V Dilat'or, D 2 -itr Dil'atorily, D^-Lt-R-L Diratoriness,D3-/,t-B-Ns Dil'atory, D*-Lt-R Dilem'ma, D 2 -Z,-M Dilettant', D'-A-Tnt Dilettan'te, Di-i-Tn-T Dilettan'ti, D^Z-Tn-T Dilettan'teism, Di-i-Tn- T-zM Diligence', D^-ZHns Diligence, Dl 3 -Jns Diligent, Dl^-Jnt Diligently, Dl 3 -Jnt-L Dill, D 3 -L Dill'y, T>'i-L Dil'ly-dally, D 3 -L-D-Z Dilu'ced, D 3 -Ls-D Dilu'cidate, D i -Ls-'Dt Dil'uent, D-i-Nt Dilute', D 3 -it, D3-L-T&, D^-it-NG Dilut'er, D 3 -Ztr Dilu'tion, D3.^ S hn Dilu'vial, D 3 -i-V-L Dilu'vian, D 3 -/,-Vn Dilu'vion, D 3 -L-Vn Dilu'vium, D 3 -L-V-M Dim, (a.) D 3 -M, D 3 -M-R, D^-Mst Dim, (.) D 3 -M, DS-Md, I D"-M-NG IDime, D'-M I Dimen'sion, D 2 -M-Nshn Dimen'sionless, D a - M Nshn-Zs Dimen'sive, D 2 -M-N-sV Dim'eter, D 3 -Mtr Dimidiate, D 3 -M-Dt, D3- M-D-Td. D3-M-Dt(-) Dimidia'tion,D 2 -M-Dshn Dimmish, D a - Mn - SH, D 3 - Mn - SHt, D 3 -Mn-SH- NG Dimin'ishable, D 3 - Mn- SH-B1 DIM Dimin'isher, D 3 -Mn-SH- R Diminuen'do, D 2 -Mn-N- p Dimin'uent, D 3 -Mn-Nt Diminu'tion, D 3 -M-Nshn Dimin'utive, D 3 -M-N-Tv Dimin'utively, D 3 -M-N- T-V1 Dimin'utiveness, D 3 -M- N-Ty-Ns Dim'issory, D 3 -M-s.R Dim'ity, D 3 -M-T Dim'ly, D 3 -M-Z Dim'mish, D 3 -M-SH Dim'ness, Ds-M-Ns Dimor'phism, Di - M - R- Fz-M Dimor'phous,D 1 -M-.R-F8 Dim'ple, D 3 -M-P1, D 3 -H- Pld, DS-M-Pl-NG Din, Dn 3 , Dnd 3 , Dn 3 -NG Din'archy, D 3 -Nr-K Dine, Dni, Dnd>, Dn'-NG Ding, D 3 -NG, D 3 -NGd, D a - NG-NG Ding'-dong,D 3 -NG-D-NG Din'gey, D S -NG-G Din'ghy, D 3 -NG-G Din'giness, Dn 3 -J-Ns Din'gle, D 3 -NG-G1 [D 3 - NG1] Din'gy, Dn 3 -J, Dn 3 -J-R, pn 3 -Jst Din'ner, D 3 -Nr Dint, Dnt 3 , Dn3-Td, Dnt 3 - NG Dioc'esan, Di-Ss-N Di'ocese, D^Ss Diop'tric, D^P-Tr-K Diop'trical, Di-P-Tr-Kl Diop'trics, D'-P-Tr-Ks Diqra'ma, D 2 or>-R-M Dioram'ic, Di-K-M-K Dip, D 3 -P. D-Pt, D3-P-NG Dipet'alous, D^-Pt-La Dipthe'ria, DP-TH-JZ or Diph'thong, Df-TH-NG or D3-P-TH-NG Diphthon'gal, DfJ-TH- NG-G1 Diph'yllous or Diphyl'- lous, D^-F-Zs Diplo'ma, D2-P1-M Diplo'macy, D^-pi-M-S Dip'lomat, D 3 -Pl-Mt Diplomat'ic, Di-Pl-Mt-K Diplomat'ical, DJ-Pl-Mt, Kl Diplomat'ics, D'-Pl-Mt- Ks Diplo'matism, D^-PI-M- T-zM (or -Mt-zM) Diplo'matist, D - PI - M - Tst (or -Mtst) Dip'per, D'-Pr Dip'ping, D-P-NG Dip'teral, D 3 -Ptr-L Dip'terous, D 3 -Ptr-s 73 Dip'tote, D 3 -P-Tt Dip'tych, D3-P-T-K Dipyre', pJ-P-B Diradia'tion, D 2 -.R-Dshn Dire, (a.) DJ-E, D^Rr, D 1 - Rst Direct', Dr^-Kt, Dr2-K-Td, Dr2-Kt-NG Direct'er, Dr-Ktr Direc'tion, Dr^-Kshn Directive, Dr 2 -Kt-V Direct'ly, Dr^-Kt-Z, Direct'ness, Dr^- Direct'or, Dr 2 -Ktr Direct'orate, Dr 2 -K-T-Bt Directorial, Dr 2 -K-T-^l Direct'orship, Dr 2 - Ktr - 8H-P [orlSH] Direct'ory, Dr 2 -K-T-H Direct'ress, Dr'-K-Trs Direct'rix, Dr 2 -K-Tr-Ks Dire'ful-ly, Di-B-Fl Dire'fulness, D^B-Fl-Ns [or SFs] Dire'ness, DJ-K-Ns Direp'tion, Dirge, D 2 -.R-J Dir'igent, Dirk, Dr2-K Dirt, D 2 -Kt Dirt'-eating, D 2 -Bt-T-NG Dirt'ily, D 2 -fi-T-i Dirt'iness, D 2 -K-T-Ns Dirt'y, (a.) D 2 -7Z-T, D*-R- Tr, W-R-Tst Dirt'y, (v.) D 2 -K-T, D 2 -H- Td, D 2 -B-T-NG Dirup'tion, D 2 -K-Pshn Disability, Ds 3 - Bl - T (or -Bit) Disable, Ds-Bl, Ds-Bld, Ds 2 -Bl-NG Disablement, Ds - Bl - Mnt Disabuse', D 3 - sBz, D 3 - sBzd. D 3 -sBz-NG Disaccom'modate, D 1 - sK:Dt Disaccommoda'tion,D 2 - sK : Dshn Disaccus'tom, D2. S Ks-T- M Disacknowl'edge, D 1 - sK-Nl-J Disadvan'tage, Ds^Dv- Nt-J [Dsi-J] Disadvantageous, Ds 2 - Dv-Nt-Js [Ds 2 -J-S] Disadvanta'geously, Ds 2 -Dv-Nt-J-si [Ds 2 -J- 81] Disadvanta'geousness, Ds 2 -Dv-Nt-Js-Ns [Ds 2 - Js-Ns] Disaflfect', Ds* - F - K - T, Ds 2 -F-K-Td, DS2-F-K-T- NG DisaflTec'tion, Ds - F - Kshn Disaflarm", Ds*-F-K-M DIS Disamrm'ance, : Mus Disafflrma'tion, Ds 2 - F - R-Mshn Disaffor'est, ps'-F-Kst Disaggrega'tion, Ds--Gr- Gshn Disagree', Ds 3 -Gr, Ds 3 - Grd, Ds 3 -Gr-XG Disagree'able-y, Ds 3 -Gr- Bl Disagree'ableness, Ds 3 - Gr-Bl-Ns [IBs] Disagree'ment, Ds 3 -Gr- Mnt Disallow', T> l -nL, D l -sL- | I), D'-si-NG I Disallow'able, D^si-Bl '. Disallow'ance, D^sL-Xs Disanch'or, Ds 1 -NG-Kr Disan'imate, Ds'-N-Jl-T Disannex', Ds--N-Ks Disannul', Ds'--N-L Disanoint', Ds^Nnt Disappar'el, D^sP-Bl Disappear', D 3 -sP-R, D 3 - sP-Rd. D 3 -sP--NG Disappear'ance, D 3 - sP - Disappoint', D'-sPnt, D l - sPn-Td. D'-sPnt-NG Disappoint'ment, D 1 - sPnt-Mnt Disapproba'tion, D 2 -sPr- Bshn Disap'probatoryjD'-sPr- Disappro'priate, D 2 -sPr- Prt Disapproval, D3-sPr-Vl Disapprove', D 3 - sPrv, D 3 -sPrvd. D 3 -sPrv-NG Disapprov'ingly,D 3 -sPrv NG-L Disarm', D J -sR-M, Di-sR- Md, D^sR-M-KG Disarm'ament, D'-sR-M- Mnt Disarm'er, D^sR-M-R Disarrange', D 2 - sRn - J, p 2 -sRii-Jd, D 2 -sRu-J-NG Disarrange'ment, D 2 - sRn-J-Mnt Disarray', D 2 -sR, D 2 -sRd, D 2 -sR-NG Disasso'ciate, T>--sS-SHb Disas'ter, D^ssTr Disas'trous. D'-ssTrs Disas'trously, Di-ssTr-si Disas'trousness.D^ssTrs -Ns Disavouch', Ds'-V-CH Disavow', Ds 1 ^", Ds^Vd, Dsi-V-NG Disavow'al, Ds'-V-L Disavow'er, Ds'-V-R Disband', DJ-sBnd, D 1 - sBn-Dd. Di-sBud-NG Disband'ment, Di-sBnd- Hut DIS Diabark', D^sB-K-K Disbelief, Ds^-Blf Disbelieve', Ds 3 -Blv, Ds 3 - Blvd, Ds 3 -Blv-NG Disbeliev'er, Ds 3 -Blv-.R Disbow'el, D'-sB-L, D l - sB-Ld. D^sB-L-NG Disbur'den, D^-sB-B-Dn, D 2 -sB-fi-Diid, D- -sB - R- Dn-NG Disburse', D-sB-Rs, D 2 - sB Rst, DS-sB-.ffs-.Na Disburse'ment, D 3 -sBr- sMnt Disburs'er, D 2 -sB-R-sR Disbur'then, D 2 . S B - R - DHn, D 2 -sB-J2-DHnd, D 2 - sB-.B-DHn-NG Disc, D 3 -sK Discard', I^-sKrd, Di- sKr-Dd, D^sKrd-NG Discar'nate, D^sKr-Nt Disease', D 2 -sKs Discern', D 2 -zRn, D*- rRnd, D*-zRn-NG Discern'er, D 2 -zR-Nr Discern'ible-y, DS - zRn- B(-L) Discern'ibleness, D 2 - _zRn-B-/y-Ns [or :Bs] Discern'ment, D 2 - zRn - Mot Discerp'tion.D^-sR-Pshn Dicharge', D 1 - sCHr - J, D^sCHr-JT-D, Di-sCHr-J- NG [Dsi-CH, Ds^-CHd, Ds-CH(-) Dischar'ger, D^sCHr-Jr Disci'ple, Ds 1 -?! Disci'pleship, Ds^Pl !8H Dis'ciplinable, Ds 3 -Pln- B(-L) Dis'ciplinableness, Ds 3 - Plu:Bs Dis'ciplinant.D^-Pln-Nt Disciplina'rian, Ds*-Pl- Nrn Disciplinary, Ds 3 -Pl-Nr Dis'cipline, Ds 3 -Pln, DeP- Plnd. Dsa-Plu-Xa Dis'eipliner, Ds 3 -Pl-Nr Disclaim', Ds=-Kl-M. Ds*- Kl-Md, Ds^-Kl-M-NG Disclaim'er, Ds 2 -Kl-Mr Disclama'tion, Ds*-Kl- Mshn Disclose', Ds? Kiz, Dss- Klzd, Ds 2 -Klz-NG Disclos'er, Ds 2 -Kl-Zr Disclos'xire, Ds-'-Kl-ZHr Dis'coid, D 3 -sK-D Discoid'al, D^sK-Dl Discol'or, D2-sK-i.r. D=- sK-rd. D 2 -sK-Z/r-Na Discolora'tion, D* - sK - Xrshn Discom'flt, Ps'^rt, Ds 2 !F-Td. D^iFt-NG Discom'fiture, Ds;rtr Discom'fort, Ds 2 : Frt, Ds* ! 74 Discommend', Ds*iNd Discommend'able, Ds s '. Nd-B (-L) Discommenda'tion, Ds* IN-Dshn Discommode', Ds*iD, Discommo'dious, Ds 2 '. D-8 Discommo'diousness, Ds^iDs-Ns Discommod'ity, Ds 1 ^- T Discom'mon, Ds* SN Discompose', Ds 4 ! Pz, Ds 2 iPzd, DS:PZ-NG Discompos'ure, Ds 2 i P - ZHr Disconcert', Ds 2 isRt, Ds 2 !sfi-Td, Ds 2 ;sRt-NG Disconcer'tion, Ds 2 ; sRshn Disconform'able, Ds 1 i F -K-M-B1 [1F-B1] Disconform'ity, DsMF- R-M-T [1F-T] Discongru'ity, Ds 3 ;Gr-T Disconnect', Ds 2 i Kt, Ds- !K-Td,Ds2iKt-NG Disconnec'tion, Ds 2 tKshn Discon'secrate, Ds 1 isKrt Discon'solate, Ds 1 l .sLt Disconsolately, Ds 1 isit L Discon'solateness, Ds 1 ; sit-Ns Discontent', Ds 2 '. Tnt, Ds 2 iTn-Td, DsiTnt-NG Discontent'edly, Ds 2 i Tn -Td-L Discontent'edness, Ds 2 ! Tn-Td-Ns Discontent'ment, Ds 2 i Tt-Mnt Discontin'uance, Ds 3 iT -Ns Discontinua'tion, Ds 2 ! T -Nshn Discontin'ue, Ds 3 iT-N, D8 8 :T-N-D, Ds:T-N-NG Discontin'uer, Ds^lT-N- R Discontinu'ity, Ds;T-N T Discontin'uous, DS:T- N-3 Dis'cord, D s -sKrd Discord'ance, D'-sKrd- Ns Discord'ancy, D J -sKrd- N-S Discord'ant, D-sKrd-Nt Discord'antly, D l -sKrd- Kt-L Discord'antness.D'-sKrd Ht-Jfi Dis'count or Discount', BKnt, r 3 ori - sKn - 1 DIS Td, D3ori-sKnt-NG Discount'able, Di-sKnt- B(-L) Dis'count-day, D 3 -sKnt- D Discoun'tenance, D" - sKnt-Nns, D'-sKnt-N-Xst, pi-sKnt-N-Ns-NG Discoun'tenancer, D 1 - sKnt-N-Ks-R Dis'counter, D'-sKntr Discour'age, D 2 -sKr-J, D 2 -sKr-Jd, D 2 -sKr-J-NG Discour'ageable,D 2 -sKr- J-B1 Discour'agement, D* - sKr-J-Mnt Discour'ager, D 2 -sKr-Jr Discourse', D=-sKrs, D 2 - sKrst. D 5 -sKrs-NG Discours'er, D 2 -sKr-sR Disnours'ive, D 2 -sKre-V Discour'teous, D s -sKr-Ts Discour'teously, D 2 -sKr- T-sL Discour'tesy, D 2 -sKr-T-8 Disc'ous, J> 3 -sKs Discov'er, D 2 -sKv-B, D 2 - sKv-fid, D 2 -sKv-fi-NG [D 2 -sKv, D 2 -sKvd, D sKv(-)] Discov'erable, D 2 - sKv - /i-Bl [D 2 -sKv-B]' Discov'erer, D 2 -sKv-/i-fi Discov'ery, D 2 -sKv-fl Discredit, D^-sKr-Dt,D*- sKr-D'Td, D2-sKr-Dt(-) Discreditable, D 2 - sKr - Dt-Bl Discreet', D 3 -sKrt Discreet'ly, D*sKrt-L Discreet'ness, D 3 -sKrt- Ns Discrep'ance, D 5 -sKr-Pns Discrepancy, D*-sKr-Pn- 8 Discrep'ant, D 2 -sKr-Pnt Discrete', D 3 -sKrt Discre'tion, D^-sKrshn Discre'tional-ly, D* - Discre'tionary, D* - BErshn - R Discre'tionarily, D s - RKrshn - R - L Discre'tiye, D 3 -sKrt-V Discrim'inate, D 3 -sKr-M -N-T, D'-sKr-M-N-Td. D 3 sKr-M-N-T-NG [D 3 -sKr- Discrim'inately, D 3 -sKr- M-N-T-i [D 3 -sKr-Mii] Discrim'inateness, D 3 - isKr-M-N-T-Ns Discrimina'tion, D 2 -sKr- M-Nshn Discrim'inative, D 3 -sKr- M-N-Tv Discrim'inator, D*-sKr- M-Ntr Discrown', T> l -eKrn, D 1 - sKrnd, D^sKrn-NG Discu'batory,D 3 -sK-Bt- Discul'pate, Ds 2 -Kl-Pt Discum'bency,Ds a SBn-S Discum'ber, Ds 2 i Br Discur'sion, D 2 -sKrshn Discur'sive, D 2 -sKr-sV Discur'sively, D 2 -sKr-sV -L Discur'siveness, D^sKr- eV-Ns Discur'sory, D^-sKr-sfl Dis'cus, D 3 -sKs Discuss', D2-sKs, DS-sKst, D 2 -sKs-NG Discuss'er, D 2 -sK-sB Discus'sion, D 2 -sKshn Discuss'ive, D 2 -sK-sV Discu'tient, D3-sKshnt Disdain', DzS-Dn, Dz- Dnd. Dz-Dn-NG Disdain'ful, Dz*-Dn-F (-L) Disdain'fully, Dz*-Dn-F (-L) Disdain'fulncss, Dz-Dn :Fs Disease', D^-zZ, D3-zZd, I)3-zZ-NG. See Decease. Diseased', D" - zZd. See Deceased. Disembark', D 1 -sM-Br-K, Di-sM-Br-Kt, Di-sM-Br- K-NG Disembarka'tion, D^-sM- Br-Kshn Disembark'ment, pi - sM-Br-K-Mnt Disembar'rass, D 1 -sM- Brs, D'-sM-Brst, D-sM- Brs-NG Disembar'rassment, D^- BM-Br-sMnt Disembay', D 2 -sM-B Disembel'lish, D 2 -sM-B- L-SH Disembit'ter, D'-sM-Btr Disembod'y, D^-cH-B-D, Di-sM-B-Dd, D-sM-B-D- NG Disembogue', D 2 -sM-B- G, D 2 -sM-B-Gd, D 2 -sM- B-G-NG Disembogue'ment, D 2 - sM-B-G-Mnt Disembos'om, Disembouchure', B-SHr Disembow'el, D^sM-B-L Disembroil', DJ-sM-Br-JL, Di-sM-Br-Ld, Di-sM-Br- L-NG Disenable, Ds-N-Bl Disenchant'.Dsi-N-CHnt, Ds^N-CH-N-Td, Ds l -N- CHnt-NG Pisenchant'er, Ds 1 - N - CHntp "75 Disenchant'ment, Ds 1 - N-CHt-Mnt Disencum'ber, Ds 2 -Ni Br, Ds 2 -N!Brd, Ds s -NiBr- NG Disencum'brance, Ds 2 - NiBrns Disengage', Ds - N - G - J, Ds^N-G-Jd, Ds 2 -N-G-J- NG Disenga'gednesaj Ds 2 -N- G-Jd-Ns Disengage'ment, Ds 2 -N- G-J-Mnt Disenno'ble, Ds 2 -N-Bl Disenroll', Ds 2 -N-Bl Disentan'gle, Dsi-Nt-NG- Gl, Dsi-Nt-NG-Gld, Dsi- Nt-NG-Gl-NG Disentan'glement, Ds 1 - Nt-NG-Gl-Mnt Disenthrall', Dsi-Ntr-L Disenthrone', Ds 2 - N - TH(r)n Disenti'tle, Ds^-N-T-Tl Disentomb', Ds-N-T-M Disentrance', Ds^N-Trns Disespouse', D'-sS-Pz Disesteem', DS-sSt-M, ps-sSt-Md, D3-sSt-M-NG Disestima'tion, D - sSt - Mshn Disfa'vor, Ds 2 -F-Vr, Ds 2 - F-Vrd, Ds 2 -F-Vr-NG Disfa'vorer, Ds 2 -F-Vr-E Disflgura'tion, Ds 2 - F - Grshn Disflg'ure, Ds^-F-Gr, Ds 3 - F-Grd, Ds 3 -F-Gr-NG Disflg'urement, r>s-F- Gr-Mnt Disfran'chise, Ds 1 -Fr-N- CHz, Dsi-Fr-N-CHzd, Dsi-Fr-N-CHz-NG Disfran'chisement, Ds 1 - Fr-N-CH-zMnt Disfur'nish, Ds 2 -Frn-/S'fl; Ds 2 - Frn - SHt, Ds 2 - Frn- Disgar'nish, Ds 1 -Gr-N- SH, Ds^Gr-N-SHt, Ds 1 - Gr-N-SH-NG Disgorge', DsJ-Gr-J, Ds 1 - Gr-Jd, Dsi-Gr-J-NG Disgorge'ment, Ds 1 ^^ J-Mnt Disgrace', Ds 2 -Grs, Ds- Grst, Ds 2 -Grs-NG Disgrace'ful, Ds 2 - Grs - F iff Disgrace'fully, Ds*-Grs- F(-L) Disgrace'fulness, Ds 2 - Grs-Fl-Ns [!Fs] Disgra'cer, Ds 2 -Gr-8B Disgra'cious, Ds 2 -Gr-SHs Disguise', D l - sGz, D 1 - sGzd, Di-sGz-NG D^sguis'edly, 2 DIS Disguise'ment, D 1 - sG - zMnt Disguis'er, D'-sG-Zr Disgust', D 2 -sGst, D2-sGs- Td, D 2 -sGstC) Disgust'ful, D 2 -sGs-T-Fl Disgust'ing, D 2 -sGst(-) Disgust'ingly, D^-sGs-T- NG1 Dish, D3-SH, W-Sm, DS- Dishabille', D3-sB-L Dish'cloth, D3-.S7/-K1-TH Dish'clout, ~D 3 -SH-Klt Disheart'en, Di-sH-fl-Tn, D 1 -sH-.R-Tnd, D^-sH-R- Tn-NG [D^sS-Tn, D 1 - s.R-Tnd, Di-s/e-Tn-NG] Dishev'el, D 2 -SH-Vl, D 2 - SH-Vlcl, D2-SH-V1-NG Dishev'eled, D 2 -SH-Vld Dish'ful, D3-SH-F1 Dishon'est, Dzi-Nst Dishon'estly, Dz^Ns-T-i Dishon'esty, Dzi-Ns-T Dishon'or, Dz^Nr, Dz 1 - Nrd, Dzi-Xr-NG Dishon'orable-yjDzJ-Nr- Bl Dishon'orableness, Dzi- Nr-Bl-Ns [:Bs] Dishon'orary, Dzi-TSr-R Dishon'orer, Dz^Nr-B Dishu'mor, D 3 -sH-Mr Disincar'cerate, Ds 1 - N - Kr-sflt Disinclina'tion, Ds 2 -N- Kl-Nshn Disincline', Ds 1 - N - Kin, Ds^N-Klnd, Ds^N-Kln- NG- Disinclose', Ds~N-Klz Disinclosed', Ds 2 -N-Klzd Disinfect', Ds 2 -N-F-K-T, Ds^-N-F-K-Td, Ds 2 -N-F- K-T-NG Disinfect'ant, Ds 2 -N-F-K- Tnt Disinfec'tion, Ds 2 - K - F - Kshn Disingen'uous, Ds 2 -X-J- NB Disingen'uously, Us*-N- J-Ns-L Disingen'uousness, Ds*- N-J-Ns-Ns Disinher'ison, Ds* - N - Hrz-N Disinherit, Ds 2 - N - Hrt, Ds^-N-Hr-Td, Ds 2 -N- Hrt(-) Disinher'itance, Ds^-N- Hr-Tns Disin'tegrable, Ds 3 -Nt- Gr-Bl Disin'tegrate, Ds3 - Nt - Grt, Ds-Nt-Gr-Td, Ds- Nt-Grt(-) Disintegra'tion, Ds-Nt- Grslm DIS Disinter', Ds 2 -Nt-R, Ds 2 - Nt-Rd. D8 2 -Nt-R-XG Disin'terested, Ds 3 -Ntrs- Td Disinterestedly, ps 3 - Ntrs-Td-L Disinterestedness, Ds 3 - Ntrs-Td-Ns Disinter'ment, Ds 2 -Nt-R- Mnt Disinthrair, Ds 1 - Ntr - ~L. Ds-Ntr-Ld, Dsi-Ntr- L-NG Disinthralled', Ds a -Xtr Ld Disinthrall'ment, Ds 1 - Ntr-L-Mnt Disjoin', Ds^Jn, DsWnd Dgi-Jn-NG Disjoin'edly, DsW-N-D- L Disjoint', Ds'-Jnt, Ds l -J- N-Td, Ds^Jnt-NG Disjoint'ed, DsW-N-Td Disjoint'ly, Ds'-Jnt-L Disjunct', Ds 2 -J-NGt Disjunction, Ds 2 - J - IsGshn Disjunct'ive, Ds 2 -J-NGt- V Disjunct'ively, Ds 2 - J - ROt-V-i Disjunc'ture, Ds^-J-NGtr Disk, D 3 -sK Dislike', D'-sZ-K, D^-sL- K-T. Di-sL-K-NG Dis'locate,D 3 -si-K-T, D 3 - Bi-K-Td, Da-sL-K-T-NG Disloca'tion, D*-sL-Kshn Dislodge', i-s/,-J,Di-sI,- Jd, Di-S-fc-J-NG Dislodg'ment, D!-sL-J- Mnt Disloy'al, r'-si-L Disloy'ally, Disloy'alty, Di-sL-Z-T Dis'mal-ly, D-zM-i Disman'tle, D^sM-N-T- L, D>-sM-N-T-id, Di-sM- N-T-i-NG Dismask', D^sMs-K. D 1 - sMs-Kt. D^sMs-K-NG Disibast', D 1 - sMst, Di - sMs-Td, Di-sMstC) Dismay', D 2 -sM, D^-slId. D2-8M-NG Dismem'ber, D"- sM - M- Br, D2-sM-M-Brd, D=-sM- M-Br-NG Dismem'bernient, D - sM-M-Br-Mnt Dismiss'f D 3 - sMs, T> 3 - KMst. D3-sMs-XG Dismiss'al, D 3 -sMs-L Dismis'sion, D 3 -sMshn Dismiss'ive, D^-sMs-V Dismount', D^sMnt, D- sMn-Td. Di-sMnt-NG Disnat'uralize, Ds 1 - Nt - JOB 76 Disobe'dience, D 3 - sB - PUS Disobe'dient, D 3 -sB-Dnt Disobe'diently, D 3 - sB - Dut-L Disobey', D 2 -sB, D 2 -sBd, D2. S B-NG Disobliga'tion, Ds 2 - Bl - Gshn Disob'ligatory, Ds'-Bl- G-T-R Disoblige', Ds^Bl-J, Ds 1 - Bl-Jd. Ds'-Bl-J-NG Disobli'ger, DsJ-Bl-Jr Disobli'ging, Dgi-Bl-J- NG Disobli'gingly, Dsi-Bl-J- NGi Disorbed', DJ-sR-Bd Disor'der, D> - sRdr, D 1 - sR-Drd. D^sRdr-NG Disor'derliness, Di-sRdr- I L-Ns Disorderly, pi-sRdr-L I Disorganiza'tion, D 2 -sR- Gnzs/m Disorganize, Di-sR-Gn- Z, Di-sR-Gn-Zd, Di-gR- Gn-Z-NG Disor'ganizer, D!-sR-Gn- Z-R Disown', Dz 2 -N, Dz^-Nd, Dz 2 -N-NG Dispar'age, Di-sPr-J, Di- sPr-Jd, Di-sPr-J-NG Dispar'agement, Di-sPr- J-Mnt Dispar'ager, D!-sPr-Jr Dispar'aging, Di-sPr-J- NG Dis'parate, D 3 -sP-Kt Dis'parates, D3-sP-fits Dispar'ity, Di sP-TJ-T Dispark', Di sP-tf-K Dispart', Di-sP-fit. Di-sP- K-Td. Di-sP-fft-IsG Dispas'sion, Di-fiPshn Dispas'sionate,Di-sPslin- T Dispas'sionately, D* - sPshn-T L Dispatch', r>i-sP-CH, Di- sP-CHt. Di-sP-CH-NG Dispatch'er, Di-sP-CHr Dispatch'ful, DJ-sP-CH- Fl Dis'pathy, D'-sP-TH Dispau'per, Di-sP-Pr Dispel', D 2 -sP-L, D 2 -sP- Ld. D2-SP-L-NG Dispend' D 2 -sPnd Dispen'sable, (-L) Dispen'sary, D^sP-N-stf [or D2-sP-s/<] Dispensa'tion,D 2 -sPnssAn Dispen'sative, D 2 -sP-Ns- Tv Dispen'satively, D 2 - sP - Ns-I-Vl DIS Dis'pensator, R Dispen'satory, D 2 -sP-Ns- f-K Dispense', D 2 -sPns, D- sPnst. D 2 -.sPns-NG Dipsens'er, D 2 -sPn-sR Dispeo'ple, D 3 sP-Pl, l>3- sP-Pld. D 3 -sP-Pl-NG Disperm'ous, D^-sPr-Ms Disperse', D 2 -sP-Rs, D 2 - sP-Rst, D 2 -sP-Hs-NG Dispers'er, D 2 -sP-R-sR Disper'sion, D 2 -sP-,Rshn Dispersive, D 2 -sP-ffs-V Dispirit, r> 3 -pPrt, D^-sPr- Td, D 3 -sPrtC) Displace', D -sPls, D 2 - fiPlst. D^sPls-NG Displace'able, D 2 -sPls. Bl Displace'ment, D 2 -sPl- sMnt Displac'ency, D 2 -sPls-X- 8 Displant', Di-sPlnt, Di- sPln-Td. Di-sPlnt-NG Displanta'tion, Di-sPln- Tshn Display', D 2 -sPl. D 2 -sPld, D 2 -sPl-NG Display'er, D 2 -sPl-R Displease , D 3 -sPlz, D 3 - sPlzd. D 3 -sPlz-XG Displeas'ing, D 3 sPlz-NG Displeas'ure, D 2 -sPl-Zr Displode', U 2 sPl-D. D- sPl-Dd. D 2 -sPl-D-XG Displo'sion, D 2 -sPlzhn Displo'sive, D 2 -sPis-v Displume', D3-sPl-M Dispone', D 2 -sPn Disport', D 2 -sPrt, D 2 -sPr- Td, D 2 -sPrt(-) Disport'ment, D^sPrt- Mnt Dispos'able, D 2 -sPz-Bl Dispos'al, D 2 sP-zL Dispose', D 2 -sPz. D2. s p Z( j i p 2 -sPz-XG Disposed', D-sPzd Dispos'er, D 2 -sP-Zr Disposi'tion, D 3 -sPzsfcn Dispossess', D^sPss, D 2 - sPss-T, D 2 -sPss-XG Disposses'sion,D 2 -sPz^n Dispos'ure, l) 2 -sP-ZHr Dispraise', D 2 -sPrz, D 2 - sPrzd. D 2 -sPrz-NG Disprais'er, D 2 -sPr-Zr Dispread', D 2 -sPr-D. D 2 - sPr-D-NG Disproof, D 3 -sPrf Disproportion, D 2 -sPr P-/?shn, D 2 -sPr-P-.Rshnd, D2-sPr-P-/eshn(-) [D- fiPr-Pshn.D 2 -sPr-Pslin-D, p 2 sPr-Pshn-NG] Dispropor'tionable, !>* ePr-Pshn-B (-L) DIS Dispropor'tionably, sPr-Pshn-B <-/,) Dispropor'tional-ly, D 2 - sPr-Pshn-Z, Dispropor'tionate, D 2 ePr-Pshn-aT. (Vocalized to distinguish it from Dis- froportioned. ) Disproportionately, D 2 - sPr-Pshn-T-Z, Dispropor'tionateness, pa-sPr-Pshn-T-Ns Dispropor'tioned, D 2 sPr-Pshn-D Disprov'able, DS-sPrv-B (-L) Disprov'al, D3-sPr-Vl Disprove', D^-sPrv, 1)3- sPrvd. D 3 -sPrv-NG Disprov'er, D 3 -sPrv-K Dispun'ishable, D-sPn- 8H-B1 Dis'putable, D 3 -sPt-Bl Dis'putableness, D 3 -ePt- Bl-Ns [or:Bs] Dis'putant, D-sP-Tnt Disputa'tion, D^-sP-Tshn Disputa'tious, D 2 -sP-T- SHs Dispu'tative, D 3 -sPt-Tv Dispute', Ds-sPt, D 3 -sP- Td, DS-sPtC) Disput'er, D 3 -sPtr Disqualiflca'tion, Ds - Kw-Z,-F-Kshn [Ds*-K.w- F-Kshn] Disqual'ify, Dsi-Kw-i-F. Dsi-Kw-i-Fd, Dsi-Kw-Z,- F-NG [Dsi-Kw-F, Dgi- Kw-Fd, Dgi-K-F-NG] Disquiet', Dgi-Kw-T, Dsi- Kw-Td, Dsi-Kw-T-NG Disqui'eter, Ds^Kw-Tr Disqui'etness, Dsi-Kw-T- Ns Disqui'etude, Dsi-Kw-Td Disquisi'tion,Ds 3 -Kwz*An Disregard', D 1 - sB - Grd, NG Disregard'er, D 1 - sB - Gr- Dr Disregard'ful,Di-sB-Grd- F-L Disrel'ish, Ds*->Rl-SH, NG Disremem'ber, D2-sB-M- M-Br, D^-sE-M-M-Brd, D2-sE-M-M-Br-NG Disrepair', T> l -sR-P-R Disrep'utable-y, D 2 - sR Pt-Bl Disreputa'tion, D*-sR-P- Tshn Disrepute', D 3 -sfi-Pt Pisrespect', D'-sfi-sP-Kt, Kt-NG [ Bfl-sP-Td, 77 Disrespect'ful-ly, sP-Kt-Fl [ Disrobe', V*-sR-B, Bd, D2-8/Z-B-NG Disrob'er, D2-s-Br Disroot', D^-sRt, I>3-sR Td. D^-sBt-NG Disrupt', D2-sB-Pt Disrup'tion, D 2 -sB-Pshn Disrupt'ive, D^sfi-Pt-V Disrupt'ure, D 2 - &R - Ptr (or-P-CHr) Dissatisfac'tion, Dss^Ts- F-Kshn [Ds8!-Ts-Fshn] Dissatisfac'tory, DssJ-Ts- F-K-T- [Dss'-T-sK] Dissat'isfy, Dssi - Ts F, Dssi-Ts-Fd, Dssi-Ts-F-NG Dissect', D 2 -sK.t, D 2 -sK-Td, D 2 -sKt-NG Dissect'ible, D^-sKt-Bl Dissec'tion, D 2 -sKshn Dissect'or, D 2 -sKtr Disseize', D 3 -sZ, D 3 -sZd, D 3 -sZ-NG Disseizee', D 3 -sZe Dissei'zin, D 3 -sZn Dissei'zor, D 3 -sZ-K Dissem'blance, D 2 - sM - Bins Dissem'ble, D 2 -sM-Bl, D 2 - sM-Bld, D 2 -sM-Bl-NG Dissem'bler, D 2 -sM-Bl-R Dissem'inate, D 2 -sM-N-T, D 2 -sM-N-Td, DZ-sM-N-T- NG Dissemina'tion, D 2 -sM- Nshn Dissem'inative, D 2 - sM - N-Tv Dissem'inator,D 2 sM-Ntr Dissen'sion, Ds 2 -Nshn Dissen'sions, Ds^Nshns Dissent', Ds 2 -Nt, Ds 2 -N- Td, Ds-Nt-NG Dissenta'neous, Ds 2 -Nt- N-S Dissent'er, Ds 2 -Ntr Dissen'tient, Ds 2 -N-SHnt Disserta'tion, D 2 -s.K-Tshn Disserve', U 2 - s^v, D 2 - effvd, D 2 -sRv(-) Disserv'ice, D 2 -s.R-Vs Disserv'iceable, D 2 sR - Vs-Bl Dissev'er, Ds 2 - V - R, D6 2 - V-Kd. D6 2 -V--NG Disse v'erance, Ds 2 -V-Sns Dis'sidence, Ds 3 -Dns Dis'sident, Ds 3 -Dnt Dissil'ience, D 3 -sZ-Ks Dissil'ient, D 3 -sZ--Nt Dissim'ilar, V* - sM - L - R Dissimilar'! ty, Rt [Di-sM] Dissim'ilarly, D 3 - sM - L- R-L [D 3 -sM!i] Dissimil'itude, D'-sM-I.- Td DIS Dissim'ulate, D 3 -sM-lt Dissimula'tion, U 2 -sM- Z,shn Dis'sipable, DS. S P.BI Dis'sipate, D^-sPt, D 3 -sP- Td. D*-sPtc) Dissipa'tion, D 2 -sPshn Disso'ciable, D^-SH-Bl Disso'oial, Ds 2 -SHl Disso'ciate, Ds 2 -,s7/t, Ds 2 - SH-Td. Ds2-^7/t-N(i Dissocia'tion, Ds 2 AT/shii Dis'soluble, D^-si-Bl iDis'solute, D 3 -s/,t iDis'solutely, Di-xLi-L \ Dis'soluteness.i) j -s^t-Xj IDissolu'tion, l)3-s/,slm Dissolv'able, D 1 zA-v-Bl Dissolve', D l -zL-V, D^-zL- Vd, Dl-zL-V-XG Dissolv'ent, Di-zL-Vut Dissolv'er, J) l -zL-\r Dis'sonance, Ds^-Nns Dis'sonancy, Ds ! -N-N-S Dis'sonant, Ds 2 -Nnt Dissuade', l>--wa, D 2 - W-Dd. D--sWd(-) Dissuad'er, D 2 -s'Wdr Dissua'sion, D a -sWshn Dissua'sive, D2- s Ws-V Dissua'sively, D 2 -sWs-V- L Dissyllab'ic, D ! -sL-B-K Dis'syllable or Dissyl'- lable, D 3 -si-Bl Drs'taff, D 3 -Tf Distain', Ds 2 -Tn, D.s 2 -Tnd DS--TU-NG Dis'tance, Ds 3 -Tns, Ds 3 - Tust. Ds 3 -Tns-NG Dis'tant, Ds 3 -Tnt Dis'tantly, Ds : i-Tnt-L Distaste', Ds 2 -Tst, Ds^-Ts- Td, Ds 2 -Tst-NG Distaste'ful-ly, Ds 2 -Ts- Fl Distem'per, Ds 2 -T-M-Pr, Ds 2 -T-M-Prd, Ds 2 -T-M- Pr-NG Distem'perature, Ds 2 -T- M-Pr-CHr Distem'pered, Ds 2 -T-M- Prd Distend', Ds 2 -Tnd. Ds 2 - Tn-Dd. Ds 2 -Tnd-NG Distensibil'ity, Ds 3 -T-N- sB-it Disten'sible, Ds 2 -T-Ns-Bl Disten'sion, Ds 2 -T-Nshn Dis'tich,D.s 3 -T-K Dis'tichous, Ds'^-T-Ks Distill', Ds3 - T - L, Ds 3 - T- Ld. Dsa-T-Z,-NG Distill'able, Ds 3 -T-L-Bl Distilla'tion, Ds 2 -T-ishn Distill'er, Ds 3 -T-L-R Distill'ery, Ds 3 -T-i- Distinct', Dst 3 -NGt fDs Distinc'tion, Dst 3 -NGshn Distinct'ive, Dst'-NGt-V DIS Distinctively, \-L Distinctly, Dst - NGt - L [Dst 3 iZ,i Distinct'ness, Dsts-NGt- Ns [Dsts-Ns] Distinguish, Dsts-NG- Gw-SH, DstS-NG-Gw- SHt, Dst-NG-Gw-8H- NG [Dst 3 -NG-8H, Dst 3 - NG - 8Ht, Dst 3 - NG - SH - NG] Distinguishable, Dst 3 - NG-Gw-SH-Bl [Dst3-NG- 8H-B11 Distinguished, Dsts-NG- Gw-SHt [Dsta-NG-SHt] Distin'guisher, Dst 3 -NG- Gw-SHr [Dst 3 -NG-SHr] Distin'guishing, Dsts . NG-Gw-SH-NG [Dst 3 - NG-SH-NG] Distort', Ds l -T-Rt, DsJ-T- fl-Td, Dsi-T-flt-NG Distortion, Ds^T-Kshn Distortlve, Ds'-T-St-V Distract', D 1 - sTr - Kt, D 1 - 8Tr-K-Td, Di-sTr-Kt-NG Distract'er, Di-sTr-Etr Distract'edly, Di-sTr-K- Td-Z, Distract'edness, K-Td-Ns Distrac'tion, D^s Distract'ive, ri-sTr-Kt-V Distrain', D^-sTm, D- eTrnd, D^-sTrn-NG Distrain'or, D 2 -sTr-Nr Distraint', DZ-sTrnt Distraught, Di-sTrt Distress', D" - sTrs, D* - sTrst, D^-sTrs-NG Distress'ful, D--sTrs-Fl Distributable, D^-sTr- Bt-Bl Distrib'ute,r>s-8Tr-Bt, D3- sTr-B-Td, D3. S Tr-Bt(-) See Disturb. Distribu'ter, D^-BTr-Btr Distribu'tion, D 3 - sTr - Bshn Distributive, D 3 -sTr-Bt- y Distrib'utively, DS-sTr- Bt-v-i Dis'trict, D^-sTr-Kt, D- sTr-K-Td, DS-sTr-Kt-NG Distrust', D^-sTret, D- sTrs-Td, D2-sTrst-NG Distrustful-ly, D2-sTrst- Fl Disturb', Dstr^-B, Dstr2- Bd. Dstr 2 -B-NG. See Dis- tribute. Disturb'ance, Dstr 2 -Bns Disturb'er, Dstr=-B-B Disun'ion, Ds 3 -Yn-N Disun'ionist, D.s^-Yn-Nst Disunite', Dsi-Yn-T, Yn-Td, 78 DIsu'nity, Ds-Y-N-T Disu'sage, Ds 3 -Yz-J Disuse', DS^-YS Disuse', Ds s -Yz, Ds^Yzd, Dsa-Yz-NG Disvalua'tion, Ds s -Vlshn Disval'ue, Dsi-Vl Ditch, D-OH, D 3 -CHt, D*- CH-NG Ditch'er, D*-CHr Di'theism, Di-TH-zM Ditheist'ic, D 3 -THst-K Ditheist'ical, D 3 -THst-K- L Dith'yramb, D 3 -THr-M-B DithyramTsic, D-THr M-B-K Dithyram'bus, D 1 THr M-Bs Di'tone, Di-Tn Dit'tany, D 3 -T-N Dit'tied, D 3 -Td Dit'to, D-T Dit'ty, r>s-T Diure'sis, D 3 -lfss Diuret'ic, D2-^-T-K Diur'nal-ly, D 2 -K-N1 Diutur'nal, D^-Tr-Nl Divan', Dvi-K Divar'icate, Dvi-K-Kt, Dvl-K-K-Td, Dvi-K-Kt- NG Divarica'tion, Dv - K - Kshn Dive, Dvi, Dvdi, Dive'dapper, D Div'er, Dv>-R Diverge', D\--R-3, DOC Diverge'ment, Mnt Divergence, Dv^-R-Jna Diver'gency, Dv 2 -.R-J-N- 8 Diver'gent, Di'vers, DvJ-Ez Di'verse, Dvi-Es Diverse', Dv^-Rs Di'versely, Dv^ Diversiflca'tion, F-Kshn Diversified, Dv^ Diver'siform, V Diversify, Rs-Fd, Dv2 Diver'sion, Diversity, Dv*-Rs-T Divert', Dv*-#t, Dv2-fi-Td, Divert'er, Dv*-fftr Divert'isement, Dv^-Ets Mnt Divert'ive, Dv^-Rt-V Divest', D* Vst, D2-Vs-Td, Divestiture, D-Vs-Ttr Divide', Dvi-D, Dv'-Dd, Dividend, Dv^-Dnd Divid'er, Divina'tion, Dv*-Nshn Divine', (o)Dvi-N, Dv 1 -^ E, Dvi-Nst Divine', (. ) Dvi - N, Dvi- Nd, Dvi-N-NG Divinely, Dvi-N-L Divin'er, Dvi-N-E Diving-bell, Dvi-NG-B- L Divinity, Dv 3 -N-T Divisibility, D 3 -Vz-Blt Divisible, D 3 -Vz-Bl Division, D 3 - Vzhn Divisional, D3-Vzhn-< Divi'sive, D 1 -Vs-V Divi'sor, D'-V-Zr Divorce', Dv^-Es, Dv-Est, Dv2-.Rs-NG Divorce'able, Dv 2 - Rs B (-L) Divorce'ment, Dv-Es- Mnt Divor'cer, Dv^-Es-E Divor'cive, Dv 2 -Ks-V Divulge', D2-V1-J, Jd, D 2 -V1-J-NG Divul'ger, D^Vl-Jr Divul'sion, D 2 -Vlshn Divul'sive, D 2 -Vl-sV Diz'en, Dz 3 -N, Dz 3 -Nd, Dz 3 -N-NG Diz'ziness, D 3 -Z-Ns Diz'zy, DS-Z, D 3 -Zr, D 3 -Zat Do, (n.)D 2 Do, (B.)D 3 [D*]. SeeCouW and Did. Doat, Dt Dob'ber, Di-Br Docibillty, Ds 3 -Bl-T Doclble, Ds!-Bl Doclbleness, Dbi-Bl-Ns Docile, Ds^L Docility, D^-sL-T Doclmacy, D>-sM-S Docimas'tic, Di-sMs-T-K Dock, Di-K, D ] -Kt, D-K- NG Dock'age, D^K-J Dock'et, Di-Kt, Di-K-Td, Di-Kt-NG Dock'-yard, D!-K-Y(r)d Doc'tor, Di-Ktr, Di-Ktrd, Di-Ktr-NG Note. When placed be- fore a name as a title the contraction Dr is used for Doctor. Doc'toral, Di-Ktr-L Doc'torate, D>-Ktr-T Doc'toress, D^Ktr-S Doc'tress, Di-K-Trs Doc'torship, D^Ktr-SH-P [oriSH] Doctrinaire', D^K-Tr-Nr Doc'trinal-ly, D 1 - K - Tr- Nl IDi-Tr-Nl] Doc'trine, D^K-Trn [D- Trn] Doc'ument, D^K-Mnt DOC Document'al, D*-K i Mnt Document'ary, D 2 - K - Mnt-K Dod'der, D J -Dr Dodec'agon, Dd 2 -K-Gn Dodecahe'dral, Dd3-K- Hd-fll Dodecahe'dron, Dd^- K- Hd-fln Dodge, Di-J, D'-Jd, DJ-J- NG Dodg'er, DWr Do'do, D"-D Doe, D 2 Doe'skin, D 2 -sKn Do'er, D 3 -B Does, Dz2 Doff, Df. Dfti, Dfi-NG Dog, D'-G, DMM, Di-G-NG Do'gate, D 2 -Gt Dog'berry, D'-G-B-JZ Dog'-brier, Di-G-Br-E Dog'-cart, D'-G-Krt Dog'-cheap, DJ-G Dog'-day, D^G-D Doge, D 2 -J Dog'flsh, Di-G-F- Dog'ged, Dog'gedly, D^Gd-Z Dog'gedness, Dog'ger, D J -Gr Dog'gerel, D^Gr-L Dog'gish, Dog'-Latin, D'-G-i-Tn Dog'ma, D'-G-M Dog'mata, D^G-M-T Dogmat'ic, Di-G-Mt-K ' Dogmat'ical-ly, D^G-Mt- Kl Dogmat'ics, D^G-Mt-Ks Dog'matism, D^-G-Mtz-M Dog'matist, Di-G-M-Tst lor -Mist] Dog'matize, D^G-M-Tz, D'-G-M-Tzd, DJ-G-M-Tz- NG Dog'matizer, D^G-Mt-Zr Dog'rose, Di-G-JKz Dog's-ear, D-G-zK Dog'star, D 1 - G - sT - K (or Di-Gstr] DogMooth, Di-G-T-TH Dog'-trot, Di-G-Trt Dog' -watch, Di-G-wCH Dog'wood, D>-G-wD Doi'ly, W-L Do'ings, D2-NGs. See Do. Doit, Dti Dolab'riform, Di-i-Br-F (-E-M) Dol'ce, W-L-CH Dolcemen'te, Da - L CH - Mn-T Dol'drums, D 1 -i-Dr-Mz Dole, D2-L, D-Ld, D-L- NG Dole'ful-ly, Dole'some, D^-L-s'M. Doll. Di-L Dollar, Di-i-B [D] 79 Dol'men, D'-Z-Mn Dol'omite, D^Z-Mt Dolor, D2-Z-B DoloriTerous, D3 - Z - B - Frs Dolorif'ic, D3-Z-.R-F-K Dolorif ical, D J -Z-R-F-K1 Doloro'so, r> 2 -Z-.R-S Dol'orous. Di-Z-Rs Dol'orously, D^L-R-sL Dol'phin, D!-Z-Fn Dolt, D 2 -Lt Dolt'ish, D2-Z-T-SH Dolt'ishness, D^Z-T-SZT- Ns Domain', D 2 -Mn Dome, D 2 -M Domes'day, D^-Mz-D Domes'tic, D 2 -Ms-T-K [D2-MS-K] Domes'ticate, D a -Ms-T- Kt, D2-Ms-T-K-Td, D^-Ms -T-Kt-NG [D 2 -Ms-Kt, D 2 - Ms-K-Td, D 2 -Ms-Kt-NGj Domestioa'tion, D^Ms-T -Kshn [D2-Ms-Kshn] Domesticity, D^-Ms-Ts- Dom'icile, I^-M-BZ, D 1 - M-sZd. Di-M-sZ-NG Domiciliary, DS-M-sZ-A' Domicil'iate, D 3 -M-sZ-T, D 8 -M-sZ-Td, D 3 - Bl-sZt- NG Domicilia'tion, D 2 - M - sZshn Dominance, D^Mn-Ns Domlnancy, D^Mn-N-S Dominant, Di-Mn-Nt Dominate, Di-M-N-T, D 1 -M-N-Td, D>-M-N-T-NG Domina'tion, D 2 -M-Nshn Domlnative, D'-M-N-Tv Domlnator, D^M-Ntr Dom'ine, D^M-N Domineer', D 8 -M-Nr, D 3 - M-Nrd. DS-M-Nr-NG Dominical, D 3 -M-N-K1 Dominican, D 3 -Mn-Kn Dominie, D!-M-N Dominion, D3-Mn-N Domino, D 1 -M-N Don, Dni. Dnd 1 , Dn^-NG Do'nable, D 2 -N-B1 Do'nate, D=-N-T, D 2 -N- Td, D N-T-NG Dona'tion, D 2 -Nshn Don'atism, Di-N-T-zM Don'atist, Di-N-Tst Don'ative, Di-N-Tv Dona'tor, D 2 -Ntr Done, Dn 2 Donee', D-N Don'jon, DnS-Jn Don'key, Di-NG-K Don'na, Di-N Do'nor, D*-Nr Doo'dle, D 3 Dl Doom, D 8 -M, D 3 -Md, D 3 - M-NG DOU Dooms'day, D 3 -Mz-D Door, D 2 -B Door'-keeper,D2-R-K-Pr Door'-nail, D-B-N-L Door'-plate, D'-R-Plt Door'-way, D--R-\f Dor, D'-K Dora'do, P 2 -7J-D Doree' or Do'ree, D^or^-R Do'rian, D--Hn Dor'ic, D'-^-K Dor'icism, D'-K-Sz-JI Dor'mancy, DrJ-Mn-S Dor'mant, Di^-Mut Dor'mer, Di^-M-E Dor'mer-window, Dr 1 - M-fi-Wn-B Dor'mitive, Dr^-M-Tv Dor'mitory, Dri- Dor'mouse, DrJ- Dor'nick, Di-^- Dorr, I)i-R Dor'sal, I)i-R-sZ Dorsii y erous, Do'ry, Dose, Ds 2 , Dst 2 , Dos'el, Ds!-L Dos'ser, Di-sB Dos'sil, Ds!-L Dost, I)st a Dot, Dti, Di-Td, Dt'C) Do'tage, Dt 2 -j Do'tal, Dt--L Do'tard, Dt 2 -Ed Dota'tion, D 2 -Tshn Dote, Dt 2 , D 2 -Td, Dt2(-) Dot'er, Dtra Doth, D2-TH Dot'ingly, Dt 2 -NGl Dot'tard, DH-Kd Dot'ted, Di-Td Dot'terel, D'-Tr-L Dot'trel, Di-Tr-L Dou'ay, D 3 Double, D 2 -B1, D 2 -Bld, D 2 -B1-NG Doub'le-base, D^-Bl-Bs Doub'le-breasted, D^Bl- Brs-Td Double-dealer, D 2 -B1- D-Z-R Double-dealing, D*-B1- D-Z-NG Double-dyed, D 2 -Bl-Dd Double-eagle, D 2 -Bi-Gl Double-faced, D 2 -Bl-Fst Double-flower, D 2 -B1- Fl-B Double-minded, D*-B1- Mn-Dd Doubleness, D^-Bl-Ns Double-quick, D a - Bl - Kw K Doubler, D 2 -B1-K Double-salt, D-Bl-eLt Double-star, D*-Bl-sT-B (or D 2 -Blstr) Doublet, Dz-Blt Doublets, D2-Blta uou 80 Doubloon', D 3 -Bln Drach'ma, Dri-K-M Doub'ly, D 2 -B1 Draff, Drf i Doubt, DU. Di-Td. Dti(-) DrafTy, Dr'-F Doubt'able, Dti-Bl Draft, Drfti, Drfi - Td, Doubt'er, Dtr 1 . See Audi- Drfti-NG tor. Drafts'man, Drfts l -Mn Doubt'ful-ly, Dt'-Fl Drag, Dri-G, Dri-Gd, Dri- Doubt'fulness, Dti-Fl-Ns G-NG fDt 1 : Fs] Drag'-bar, Dr'-G-Br Doubt'less, Dti-Ls Drag'gle, Dri-Gl, Dri-Gld, Doubtlessly, W-L-sL Dri-Gl-NG Douceur', D a -sR Drag'-net, Dri-G-Nt Douche', D 3 SH Drag'oman, Dr^G-Mn Dough, D 2 Drag'on, Dri-Gn Dough'-face, D 2 -Fs Drag'onet, Dri-G-Nt Dough'nut, D 2 -N-T Drag'on-flsh, Dri-Gn-F- Dough'tily, Di-T-I, SH Dough'tiness, Di-T-Ns Dragonnade', Dr 2 -Gn-D Dough'ty, Di-T Drag'on's-tail, Dri - Gns- Dough'y, D6I 2 T-L Douse, Ds 1 , Dst 1 , Ds!-NG Dragoon', Dr 3 - Gn, Dr 3 - Dove, Dv* Gnd. Dr^-Gn-NG Dove'-cot, Dv^Kt Dragoonade', Dr 2 -Gn-D Dove'-house, Dv 2 -Hs Dove'-like, Dv 2 -L-K Drag'-sheet, Dr l -G-8Ht Drain, Dm 2 , Drnd 2 , Drn 2 - Do'ver's Powder, Dv- NG Kz-P-Dr Drain'able,Drn 2 -B (-L) Dove'tail, Dv 2 -T-L, Dv- Drain'age, Drn 2 -J T-Ld. Dv 2 -T-L-NG Drain'er, Dr 2 -Nr Dow'able, Di-Bl Drake, Dr 2 -K Dow'ager, Di-Jr Dram, Dri-M Dow'dy, Di-D Dra'ma, Dr 1 or 2 -M Dow'dyish, W-V-SH Dramat'ic, Dri-Mt-K Dow'el, D'-L, D'-Ld, D- Dramat'ical-ly, Dr ] -Mt- L-NG Kl Dow'el-pin, Di-L-Pn Dram'atist, Dri-M-Tst Dow'er, Di-R Dram'atize, Dr 1 - M - Tz, Dow'ered, Di-Rd Dri-M-Tzd. Dri-M-Tz-NG Dow'erless, D'-R-Ls Dram'aturgy, Dri-M-Tr- Dow'las, Di-is J Down, Dni Drank, Dr^NG-K Down'cast, D-Ni-Kst Drape, Dr 2 -P, Dr 2 -Pt, Dr 2 - Down'fall, Dni F-L P-NG Down'fallen, Dni-F-Ln Dra'per-y, Dr 2 -Pr Down'-haul, Di-N-Hl Dras'tic, Drsti-K Down'hearted, Di-N-Hr- Draught, Drfti Td Draught'-board, Drfti . Down'hill, D'-N-Hl B-Rd Down'right, Di-Nrt Draughts'man.Drfts 1 - Mn Down'-stairs, Dnstrz 1 Draw, Dri. Dri-NG Down'trod, Di-N-Trd Draw'able, Dri BI Down'trodden, Di-N-Tr- Draw'back, Dr ! -B-K Dn Draw'-bridge, Dri-Br-J Downward, Di-N-Wrd Drawee', Dr" 3 Down'wards, Di-N-Wrds Draw'er, Dr T -R Down'y, Di-N Draw'-head, Dri-Hd Dow'ry, D l -B Draw'ing, Dr'-NG Dowse, Dsi Draw'ing-master, Dr 1 - Doxolog'ical, Di-K-si-J- NC 1 ^Vfcstr Kl Draw'ing-room, Dri-NG- Doxol'ogy, Di-K-si-J R-M Dox'y, Di-K-S Draw'-knife, Dr'-N-F Doze, Dz 2 . Dxd 2 , Dz-NG Draw'ing-knife, Dri-NG- Doz'en, Dz 2 -N N-F Doz'iness, D 2 -Z-Ns Drawl, Dri-L, Dri-Ld, Dr J - Doz'y. D 2 -Z L-NG Drab, Dri-B Drawn, Drni Drab'ble, Dri-Bl, Dri-Bld. Draw'-plate, Dri-PH Dr'-Bl-NG Dray, Dr 2 Drachm, Dr 1 -!! Dray'age, Dr 2 - J DRI Dray'cart, Dr 2 -Krt Dray'man, Dr*-Mn Dra'zel, Dr^zi Dread, Drd 2 , Dr 2 'Dd or Dr 2 -D-D. Drd 2 (-) Dread'ful-ly, Drd^Fl Dread'fulness, Drd-Fl- Ns [Drd 2 :Fs] Dread'less, Drd 2 -s Dread'naught, Drd 2 -Kt Dream, Dr^-M, Dr3-Md, Dr 3 -M-NG Dream'er, DrS-M-R Dream'ful, Dr-M-Fl Dream'-land, Dr'-M-ind Dreamless, Dr^-M-is Dreamt, Dr 2 -Mt Dream'y, (a.) D^-M, Dr*- M-R, Dr^-Mst Drear, Dr 3 -R Drear'ily, Vi Drear'iness, Dr Drear'y, Dp* R Dredge, Dr 2 -J, Dr 2 -Jd, Dr2-J-NG Dredg'er, Dr 2 -Jr Dredg'ing-box, Dr 2 - J - NG - B - Ks Dredg'ing -machine, Dr* -J-XG-M-SHn Dregs, Dr 2 -Gz Dreg'giness, Dr 2 -G-Ns Dreg'gish, Dr 2 -G-SH Dreg'gy, Dr^-G Drench, Dr2-N-CH, Dr 2 -N -CHt, Dr 2 -N-CH-NG Drench'er, Dr^N-CHr Dress, Drs 2 , Drst 2 , Drs 2 - NG Dress'-coat, Dr 2 -sKt Dress'er, Dr 2 -sR Dress'ing, Drs 2 -NG Dress'ing-gown, Drs 2 - NG-Gn Dress'ing-room, Drs 2 - NG-R-M Dress'-maker, Dr 2 -sM- Kr Dress'y, Dr 2 -S Dreul, Dri-L Drew, Dr 3 Drib, Dr 3 -B Drib'ble, Di-3-Bl, Dr-Bld, Dr'-Bl-NG Drib'blet, DrS-BH Drib'let, Dr 3 -BH Dri'er, Dr'-R Drift, Drf t", DrfS-Td, Drft- NG Drift'- way, Drft 3 -W Drift'wood, Drft^-Wd Drift'y, Drf-T Drill, Dr 3 -L, DrS-Ld, Dr- L-NG Drill'-box, Dr 3 -i-B-Ks Drill'ing, DrS-L-NG Drill'-plow, Dr 3 -L-Pl Drill'-press, DrS-i-Prs Drill'-sergeant, Drs-Zr sfi-Jnt DR1 Drink, DrS-NG-K, Dr3-NG- K-NG Drink'able, DrS-NG-K-Bl Drink'er, Dr 3 -NG-Kr Drip, Dr-P, Drs-Pt, Dr 3 - P-NG Drip'ping, DrS-P-NG Drip'ping-pan, Dr 3 - P - NG-Pn Drip'-stone, Dr 3 -P-sTn Drive, Drvi. Drvi-NG Driv'el, Dr*-Vl, Dr 3 -Vl-NG Driv'eler, Dr3-Vl-R Driv'en, Drv3-N Driv'er, Dr^Vr Driv'ing-wheel, Drv 1 - NG-W1 Driz'zle, Dr-Zl, Dr3-Zld, Dr 3 -Zl-NG Driz'zly, DrS-Zl Droit, Drt 1 Droll, (a.) Dr 2 -L, Dr 2 -i- R, Dr 2 -Lst Droll'ery, Dr 2 -Z,-K Droll'ish, Dr 2 -Z,-SH Drom'edary, Dr 2 -Md-.R Drone, Dm 2 , Drnd 2 , Drn 2 - NG Drone'-bee, Dm 2 -B Drone'-pipe, Drn 2 -P-P Dron'ish, Dr 2 -N-SH Drool, DrS-L, Dr3-Ld, Dr 3 -L-NG Droop, Dr 3 -P, DrS-Pt, Dr 3 -P-NG Droop'ingly, DrS-P-NGl Drop, Dr'-P, Dr'-Pt, Dr 1 - P-KG Drop'let, Dr'-P-it Drop'-letter, Dri-P-Ztr Drop'per, Dr J -Pr Drop'-press, Dri-P-Prs Drop'-scene, DrJ-P-sN Drop'-serene, Di^-P-a-fin Drop'sical, Dr^Ps-Kl Drop'sicalness, Dr 1 - Ps - Kl-Ns Drop'sied, Dr^P-sD Drop'sy, Dri-P-S Drop'-wort, Dr^P-Wrt Dros'ky, Dr-sK Drosom'eter, Dri-sMtr Dross, Drs 1 Dross'iness, DrJ-S-Ns Dross'y, Dr ] -S Drought, Drt 1 Drought'iness, DrJ-T-Ns Drought'y, Dr l -T Drouth, Dri-TH Drove, Drv 2 Drov'er, Dr 2 -Vr Drown, Dm 1 , Drnd 1 , Dm* -NG Drown'ing, Drn>-NG Drowse, Drz 1 , Drzd 1 , Drz 1 -NG Drow'sily, Dri-Zl Drow'siness, Dr'-Z-Ns Drow'sy, Dr [ -Z 4* 81 Drub, DrVB, Dr 2 -Bd, Dr=- B-NG Drub'ber, Dr 2 -Br Drudge, Dr 2 -J, Dr-Jd, Dr 2 -J-NG Drudg'er-y, Dr 2 - Jr Drug, Dr 2 -G, Dr 2 -Gd, Dr 2 - G-NG Drugged, Dr 2 -Gd Drug'get, Dr 2 -Gt Drug'gist, Dr 2 -Gst Dru'id, Di-s-D Dru'idess, DrS-Da Druid'ic, Dr-D-K Druid'ical, DrS-D-Kl Dru'idism, DrS-D-zM Drum, Dr 2 - M, Dr 2 - Md, Dr 2 -M-NG Drum'-fish, Dt s -fS.-T-Slf Drum'-head, Dr 2 -M-Hd Drum'-major, Dr 2 -M-M- Jr Drum'mer, Dr 2 -M-R Drum'mpnd, Dr 2 -Mnd Drum'stick, Dr^-Ms-T-K Drunk, Dr 2 -NG-K Drunk'ard, Dr 2 -NG-Krd Drunk'en, Dr 2 -NG-Kn Drunk'enness, Dr 2 -NG- Kn-Ns Drupa'ceous, ~Dr--P-SlIa. Drupe, DP"-? Druse, Drs 3 Dru'sy, DrS-S Drux'ey or Drux'y, Dr 2 - ir_Q Dry, (a.) Dri, Dr'-R, Drst 1 Dry, (v.) Dri. Drdi, Dr'-NG Dry'ad, Dr^D Dry'er, Dr!-R Dry'-goods, Dr>-Gdz Dry'ing^Dr^NG Dry'ly, Dr>-L Dry'ness, Dri-Ns Dry'-nurse, Dr J -Nrs Dry'-point, Dr>-Pnt Dry'-rot, Dri-JJt Dry'-rub, Dr^JZ-B, Dr'- fi-Bd, Dri-^-B-NG Dry'-salter, Dr'-sLtr Dry'-saltery, Dr l -sL-Tr Dry'-shod, Dr^-SHd Du'ad, D 3 -D Du'al, D3-L Du'alism, D 3 -Lz-M Du'alist, D 3 -ist Dualist'ic, D 3 -Lz-T-K Dual'ity, D^-L-T Du'archy, D 3 -R-K Dub, D-B, D 2 -Bd, D-B- NG Dub'ber, D 2 -Br Du'bious, D^-Bs Du'biously, D 3 -B-sZ, Du'biousness, D 3 Bs-Ns Dubita'tion, D*-B-Tshn Du'bitative, D 3 -B-T-Tv Du'cal, D 3 -K1 Du'cally, D-K1 Duc'at, Ds-Kt DUM Ducatoon', D^-K-Tu Duch'ess, D^.cHs Duch'y, D 2 -CH Duck, D--K, D=-Kt, DS-K- NG Duck'-bill, D=-K-B-L Duck'er, r 2 -Kr Duck' ing-stool, D 2 - K- NG-sT-L Duck'- legged, H--K-L- G-D Duek'ling, D 2 -K1-NG Duct, D2-Kt Duc'tile, D 2 -Kt-L Duc'tileness, D^-Kt-L-Ns Ductil'ity, D'-Kt-L-T Dud'geon, D 2 -Jn Duds, Ddz-' Due, DS Due-bill, D3-B-L, (or -Bl) Du'el, D'-L Du'eling, D 3 -L-NG Du'eler, D^-L-H Du'elist, D3-ist Duel'lo, D--L Duen'a, D 2 -Nla Duen'na, D 2 -N Duet',D 2 -T Duffel, DS-FI Dug, D 2 -G Dugong', D'-G-NG Dug'out, D 2 -G-T Duke, D3-K Duke'dom, D^-K-D-M [Dul'cet, r> 2 -i-sT Dulciflca'tion, D 2 -is-F- Kshn Dul'cify, D 2 -s-F, D 2 -Zs- Fd. D 2 -is-F-NG Dulcil'oquy, D 3 -i-sL-Kw Dul'cimer, D 2 -is-Mr Dul'edge, D 2 -i-J Dull, (a) D 2 -L, D 2 -/,-R, D- Lst Dull, (i-) D2-L, D 2 -Ld, D 2 - L-NG Dull'ard, D 2 -L-ffd Dull'head, D 2 -L-Hd Dul'ly, D 2 -L Dulse, D 2 -Ls Du'ly, Ds-i Dumb, D 2 -M Dumb-bells, D 2 -M-Bls Dumb'ly, D 2 -M-Z, Dumb'ness, D 2 -M-Xs Dumb'-show, D 2 -M-Sff Dumb'-waiter, D 2 -M-Wtr Dum'found, DS-M-Fnd Dumfound'er, Di- M- Fndr Dum'my, D 2 -M Du'mose, D J -Ms Du'mous, D 3 -Ms Dump, D 2 -M-P, D-Mt,D- M-P-NG Dump'ish, D 2 -M-P-SH Dump'ishly, D 2 -M-P-5m Dump'ishness, D 2 -M-P- SH-Ws Dump'ling, D 2 -M-P1-NG DUM Dumps, D 2 -M-Ps Dump'y, D2-M-P Dun, Dn", Dnd 2 , Dunce, Dns a Dun'der, Dndr a Dun'dernead, Dun'derpate, Dndr 2 -Pt Dun'fish, Dn 2 -F-Stf Dung, D2-NG Dun'geon, Dn 2 -Jn Dung'fork, D 2 -NG-F-R-K Dung'hill, D2-NG-H1 Dung'meers, D^-NG-Mrz Dung'y, D 2 -NG Dunk'er, D^-NG-Kr Dun'lin, D 2 -Nln Dun'nage, Dn 2 -J Dun'ner, D 2 -Nr Dun'ning, Dn-NG Dun'nish, Dn 2 -SH Dunt, Dnt 2 Du'o, D 3 Duodecimal, D 2 -D-sM-X. Duodec'imals, D 2 -D-sM- Lz Duodec'imo, D 2 -D-sM Duoden'ary, D 2 -D-Nr Duode'num, D-D-N-M Duolit'eral, D-zt-*l Dup, D2-P Dupe, D 3 -P, D3-Pt, D3-P- NG Dup'ery, D 3 -P-.R Du'ple, D3-P1 Du'plex, D 3 -Pl-Ks Du'plicate, D 3 -Pl-Kt. D3- Pl-K-Td, D 3 -Pl-Kt-NG Duplica'tion, D 2 -Pl-Kshn Du'plicative, D 3 -Pl-Kt-V Du'plicature, D 3 -Pl-Ktr Duplic'ity, D^-Pl-sT Durabil'ity, DrS-Bl-T (or -Bit) Du'rable-y, Dr 3 -Bl Du'rableness, Du'ra-mater, Dr3-Mtr Dur'ance, D 3 -fins Dura'tion, Drshn 2 Dur'den, V*-R-T>n Dure'less, D 3 -^ls Du'ress, D*-s Duress', D~Rs Duress'or, D 2 -K-sR Dur'ing, Dr 3 -NG [Dr 3 ] Durst, D 2 -Rst Dusk, DS-sK Dusk'ily, D 2 -sK-L Dusk'iness, Dusk'ish, D-8K-8H Dusk'ishly, D Dusk y, D 2 -sK Dust, Dst2, Ds a -Td, Dst 2 - NG Dust'er, Dstr 2 Dust'iness, Ds 2 -T-Ns Dust'pan, Dst^Pn Dust'y,(a) Ds 2 -T, Ds 2 -TBt Dutch, D-CH Dutch'-man, D 2 -CH-Mn Du'teous, D 3 -Ts Du'teously, D 3 -T-si Du'teousness, D 3 -Ts-Ns Du'tiable, D 3 -T-B1 Du'tied, D-Td Du'tiful-ly, D 3 -T-F1 Du'tifulness, lur :Fs] Duty, D-T Duum'yir, D 2 -M-Vr Duum' viral, D^-M-Vr-L Duum'virate, D^M-Vrt Dwale, Dw 2 -L Dwarf, Dwi-fif, Dw'-Rft Dwarfish, Dwarf'ishness, SH-Xa Dwarf ling, Dw Dwarf-wall, D Dwell, Dw2-L [Dw 2 ], Dw- Lt, Dw-L-NG Dwell'er, Dw 2 -L-R Dwell'ing, Dw 2 - L - NG tDw 2 (-)] Dwell'ing-house, -NG-Hs [Dw 2 -Hs] Dwell'ing-place, NG-Pls [Dw 2 -Pls] Dwin'dle, Dw 3 - N - Dl, Dw 3 -N-Dld. Dw 3 -N-Dl-NG Dye, Di, Ddi, Di-NG Dye'-house, Di-Hs Dye'ing, Di-NG Dy'er, Di-R Dy'er's-weed, Di-Rz-Wd Dye'stuff, D-sTf Dye'-wood, Dy'ing, D Dy'ingly, Dyke, Di-K Dynam'eter, D J -N-Mtr Dynamet'rical, D 2 -N-Mtr -Kl Dynam'ic, Di-N-M-K Dynam'ical, D'-N-M-Kl Dynam'ics, D^N-M-Ks Dynamom'eter, D J -N-M- Mtr Dynamomet'ric, D^-N- M-Mtr-K Dynamomet'rical, D*-N- M-Mtr-Kl Dynast'ic, D^Ns-T-K Dy'nasty, Di-Ns-T Dys'crasy, Ds 3 -Kr-8 Dysenter'ic, Ds^.Ntr-K Dysenter'ical, Ds 2 -Ntr- Kl Dys'entery, DgS-N-T-fi Dyspep'sia, D 2 -sP-P-SH Dyspep'sy, D 2 -sP-P-S Dyspep'tic, D 2 -sP-P-T-K Dyspep'tical, D 2 -sP-P-T- Kl Dys'phony, Ds 3 -F-N Dyspnce'a, D^-sP-N Dysu'ric, D 3 -sR-K Dys'ury, D 3 -s/e Dze'ren, Z 3 -Rn EAR E. E, the fifth letter of the Al- phabet, is commonly used to represent two distinct vowel-sounds, as heard in mete and met. being sounds that are not at all related. In Phonography thase sounds are written as follows: e in mete heavy third- place dot. e in met light second- place dot. The letter e has a few anomalous sounds, as in the words pretty (prltty), clerk (clark. according to the English pronuncia- tion), there (thare), etc. Ee generally has the sound of e. Ea has a variety of sounds, as in meal (e), great (a), heart (&), guinea (I), head (e) and react (ta). Of course the phonographic vowel-sign is different for each of. these sounds. Ey has generally the sound of a, as in they, prey, etc. E final is generally silent, only serving to indicate that the preceding vowel has its long sound, as in mate. note. etc. Each, CH 3 Ea'ger, Gr 3 Ea'gerly, Gr-Z3 Ea'gerness, GrS-Ns Ea'gle, Gia Ea'gle-eyed, Gl s -i-D Ea'gless, Gls 3 Ea'gle-stone, Gl-sTn 3 Ea'glet, Git 3 Ea'gre, Gr 3 Ean, eN 3 Ear, R 3 Eared', Rd 3 Ear'ing, R 3 -NG Earl, R 2 -// Ear'lap, R 3 -Z,-P Earl'dom, R 2 -L-D-M Ear'less, W-Ls Ear'liness, Earl'-marshal, SHI Ear'ly, R 2 -Z Ear'-mark, R^M-R-K. R 3 - M-K-Kt, R3-M-B-K-NG Earn, Rn 2 , Rnd 2 , Ru 2 -NG Ear'nest, R 2 -Nst Ear'nestly, R 2 -Nst-L EAR Ear'nestness, R2-Ns-Ns Earn'ing, Rn 2 -NG Ear'-ring, RS-.R-NG Ear' -shot, W-SHt Earth, 2 -TH, TH-NG Earth-board, # 2 -TH-Brd Earth'en,.R 2 -THn Earth'iness, /e 2 -TH-Ns Earth'liness, S 2 -TH-.L-N8 Earth'ling, jR2-TH-i-NG Earth'ly, R2-TH-L Earth'-nut, A^TH-Nt Earth'quake, #-TH-Kw- K Earth'ward, fl^TH-Wrd Earth-work,fl2-TH-Wr-K Earth'worm, flS-TH-Wr- M Earth'y, K-TH Ear-wax, R 8 -W-Ks Ear'wig, R-W-G Ear'-witness, R 8 -Wt-Ns Ear'-trumpet, R 3 -Tr-M- Pt Ease, Z 8 . Zd, Z 8 -NG Ea'sel, Zl Ease'less, Z 8 -s Ease'ment, Z 8 -Mnt Eas'ily, zl 8 Eas'iness, Z-NB. East, St 8 East'er, Str 3 East'erday, Str3-D East'erly, Str 8 -// East'ern, St^-Kn East'ing, Sta-NG- East'ward, Sts-Wrd Eas'y, (a.) Z 8 , Z 8 -R (See Easily), Zst 8 Eas'y-chair, Z 8 -CHr Eat, TS, TS-NG Eat'able, T^-Bl Eat'er, Tr 8 Eat'en, Tn 8 Eat'ing, T 8 -NG Eat'ing-house, T 8 -NG-Hs Eau-de-Cologne, 6D*-K- Zn Eaves, Vz 8 Eaves'drop, V 8 -zDr-P Eaves'dropper, \ T -zDr- Pr Ebb, B2, Bd 2 , B2-NG Ebb'-tide, B-Td ETaionite, B-N-T Eb'on, En" Eb'onize, B2-Nz, B-Nzd, B-Nz-NG Eb'ony, B^-N Ebri'ety, Bri-T Ebrios'ity, Brsi-T Ebul'lience, Ba-Z-Ns Ebulliency, B^-i-N-S Ebullient, B2-Z-Nt Ebulli'tion, B 8 -ishn Ebur'nean, B*-K-Nn Ecbat'ic, K-Bi-T-K Eccaleo'bion, K-L*-Bti Ec'ce-homo, K-S 8 -H-M 83 Eccen'trio, Ks*-Ntr-K Eccen'trical-ly, Ks-Ntr- Kl Eccentric'ity, Ks 2 Ntrs- T Eccle'sia, Kl-Z 8 Eccle'siarch, Kl-Z^-K Ecclesias'tes, Klzs-Tzi Ecclesias'tic, Klzs-Ti-K Ecclesias'tical-ly, Klzs- Ecclesias'ticism, Klzs - Ti-szM Ecclesias'ticus, Klzs-T 1 - Ks Ecclesiolog'ical, Kl-zZ,i- J-K1 Ecclesiol'ogist, Kl - zZ, 1 - Jst Ecclesiol'ogy, Kl-zii-J Ech'elon, SH^-in Ech'inate, K 2 -Nt Echina'ted, K 2 -N-Td Echi'ni, K'-N Ech'inite, K-Nt Echi'nus, K^Ns Ech'o, K 2 , K-D 2 , K2-NG Ech'oless, K-Zs 2 Echom'eter, Ki-Mtr Echqm'etry, K-M-Tr 1 Eclair'cise, Kl-^J-Sz Eclair'cisseinent, Kl-JZ 1 - Ss-Mn Eclat', KH Eclec'tic, K1-K-T-K Eclec'tical-ly, Kl-K-T 2 - Kl Eclec'ticism, Kl - K -T 2 - BZM Eclipse", Kl-Ps3, Kl-Pst 8 , Kl-Ps-NG Eclip'tic, Kl-Pt 8 -K Ec'iogue, K1 2 -G Econom'ic, K^-M-K Econom'ical-ly, Kn!-M- Kl Economics, KnJ-M-Ks Econ'omist, Kn J -Mst Econ'omize, Kn 1 - Mz, Kni-Mzd, Kni-Mz-NG Econ'omy, Kui-M Ec'stacied, Ks-Ts 2 -D Ec'stasy, Ks-T 2 -8 Ecstat'ic, Ks-Tti-K Ecstat'ical, Ks-Tti-Kl Ec'typal, K-T 2 -?! Ec'type, K-T2-P Ecumen'ic, K 2 -M-N-K Ecumen'ical, K^M-N-Kl Eda'cious, GD 2 -Sfa Edac'ity, CDs^-T Ed'da, eDa* Ed'dy, D, D-D, D-NG Edem'atose, D-M-Ts Edem'atous, D-M-Ts E'den, Dn 8 Eden'tal, Dnt-L Eden'talous, Dn*-T-Za Eden'tate, Dn-Tt Eden'tated, Dnt-Td EFF Edge, J 2 . Jds, J2-NG Edge'-bone, J 2 -Bn Edge'less, J*-L8 Edge'-tool, J2-T-I, Edge'wise, J'^-Wz Edg'ing, J^-NG Ed'ible, D 2 -B1 Ed'ibleness, D 2 -Bl-Ns E'dict, D^-Kt Ediflca'tion, Df 2 -Kshn Ed'iflcatory, Df 2 -K-T-B Edif'icatory, Dfa-K-T-J2 Ed'iflce, D^Fs Edifi'cial, D*-F-Sm Ed'ifled, Df2-D Ed'ifler, D'^-F-R Ed'ity, D2-F, Df2-r>, U 2 -P. NG E'dile, DP-L E'dileship, D*-L-SH-P Ed'it, D 2 -T, D 2 -Td, Dt2(-) Edi'tion, Dslm 8 Ed'itor, Dt*-R. See Debt" or. Edito'rial-ly, Ed'itorship, [orDf-i-R :SH] Ed'itress, D 2 -Trs Ed'ucate, D 2 - Kt, D 2 - K - Td, D 2 -Kt-NG Educa'tion, D 2 -Kshn Educa'tioual, D 2 -Kshn-i Educa'tionist, D 2 -Kslin- St Ed'ucator, D2-Ktr Educe, Ds3, Dsts, Ds3-NG Edu'cible, D.^.BI Educ'ing, Ds 3 -NG E'duct, 1)3- Kt Educ'tion, D 2 -Kshn Educ'tor, D2-Ktr Edul'corate, D 2 -i-Krt, D* -Z-Kr-Td. P'^-i-Krt-NG Edulcora'tion, D 2 -L - Krshn Eel, L 3 Eel'-grass, L^-Grs Eel'pot, E'en, eN3 E'er, R 2 Ef'fable, F 2 -B1 Efface', Fs 2 . Fst 2 , Fs*-NQ Efface'ment, Fs^-Mnt Effect', F 2 -K-T, F 2 -K-Td, F 2 -K-T-NG [F-K, F 2 -K- Td, F 2 -K( ) ] Effect'ible, F2-K-T-B1 Effec'tion, F 2 -Kshn Effect'ive, F 2 -K-Tv Effect'ively, F--K-T-V1 Effect'iveness, F2-K-Tv- Ns Effect or, F 2 -Ktr Effect'ual, F 2 -K-T-L Effect'ually, F 2 -K-T- Effect'ualness, F 2 -K-T- -Ns Effect'uate, F2-K-CHt, r K-CH-Td, F2-K-CHt-NO Effem'inacy, F*-Mn-a EFF Effeminate, F-Mn-T, F 2 -Mn-Td. F^Mn-T-NG "Gflfem'inately, F*-Mn-T- L Effemlnateness, F 2 -Mn- T-Ns EfFen'di, F*-N-D Efferent, FS-Knt Effervesce', Fr 2 - Vs, Fr- Vst. Fr 2 -Vs-NG Efferves'cence, Fr 2 - Vs - Ns Efferves'ency, Fr^Vs-N- 8 Efferves'cent, Fr 2 -Vs-Nt Efferves'cible, Fr 2 - Vs-Bl Effete', F 3 -T Eflftca'cious, F 2 -K-SHs Efflca'ciously, F 2 -K-SHs- L Efflca'ciousness, F-K- SHs-Ns Efficacy, F2-K-S Effl'cience, Fshns 3 Efficiency, Fshn^-S Effl'cient, Fshnt 3 Effl'ciently, Fshnta-Z, Effigies, F 3 -Jz Effigy, F-J Effloresce', Fl*-Re, Fl- tfst. FIS-Ks-NG Efflores'cence, Fl 2 -8-Ns Efflores'cency, Fl 2 -.Ks-N- 8 Efflores'cent, Fl 2 -Ks-Nt Effluence, Fl 2 -Ns Ef fluency, F1 2 -N-S Effluent, Fl 2 -Nt Efflu'via, Fls-V EfQu'vium, Fls-V-M Ef tlux, Fl 2 -Ks Efflux'ion, Fl 2 -Kshn Effort, Frts Effortless, Frt8-Ls EfFront'ery, Frnt*-R Efful'gence, Fl- Jns Eflful'gent, F12-Jnt EfiFul'gently, Fl 2 -Jnt-L Effuse', Fz^, Fzd, Fz3-NG Effuse, Fss Eflfu'sion, Fzhn Effu'sive, Fs3-V Effu'sively, Fs 3 -V-i Effu'siveness, Fs^-V-Ns Eft, Ft 2 Egad', Ga-Di Eges'tlon, Js 2 -CHn Egg, G 2 . Gd 2 . G 2 -NG Egg-nog', G 2 -N-G Egg'-plant, G 2 -Plnt Eg'lantine, Gln-Tn* E'goism, G 3 -zM E'goist, Gst E'gotism, G-T3-zM E'gotist, G-Tsta Egotist'ic, G-Tst^-K Egotist'ical, G-Tst 3 -K-L [or -Ts-Kl] Egre'gious, Gr-Js 3 Egre'giously, Gr-J 3 -eL 84 Egre'giousness, Gr - Js 3 - Ns E'gress, Grs 3 Egres'sion. Grshu' E'gret, Grt' Egrette', Grt* Egyp'tian, J 3 -Pshn Egyptol'ogist, J ' - Pt L - Jst Egyptol'ogy, Ji-Pt-L-J Eh, . Ei'der, iDri Ei'der-down, IDr^Dn Ei'der-duck, iDri-D-K Ei'dograph, i-Di-Grf Eigh, . Eight, aT2 (or 8) Eight'een, aTn 2 (or 18) Eighteenth, aTn^TH (orlSiTH') Eighth, T 2 -TH (orSiTHl) Eighthly, T 2 -TH-L (or 8! THU) Eightieth, T^-TH (or 801 THi) Eight'y, aTI 2 (or 80) Ei'ther, DH^or 3 Ejac'ulate, J'-Klt, Ji-Kl- Td, Ji-Klt-NG Ejacula'tion, J 2 -Klshn Ejac'ulatory, Ji-Kl-T-B Eject', J 2 -Kt, J 2 -K-Td, J 2 - Kt-NG Ejec'tion, J 2 -Kshn Eject'ment, J2-Kt-Mnt Eiect'or, J^Ktr Eke, K 3 , Kts, K3-NG Elab'orate, L 1 - Brt, L l - Br-Td. Z,!-Brt(-) Elab'orately, L^-'Br^L Elab'orateness, L l - Brt- Ns Elabora'tion, Z 2 -Brshn Elab'orative, ^i-Brt-V Elab'orator, ii-Brtr Elaine, X^-N Elapse', Z,!-Ps, Zi-Pst, L 1 - Ps-NG Elas'tic, Zs'-T-K Elas'tical, Zs-T-Kl Elasticity, is 3 -Ts-T Elate', -T, i 2 -Td, Lt-T- NG Ela'tion, ishn Ela'tor, itr 2 El'bow, i 2 -B, i 2 -Bd, Z 2 - B-NG ElTsow-chair, i-B-CHr El'bow-room, i 2 -B-B-M Eld, iL*-I) Eld'er, (a.) ei 2 -Dr. See Older. Eld'er, (re.) Z 2 -Dr Eld'erly, Z, 2 -Dr-i Eld'ership, /, 2 -DrtSH Eld'est, ti 2 -Dst. See Oldest. El Dora'do, ior'-D-fi-D (ori2 or l.D r .D) Eleat'ic, Zi-T-K ELE Elecampane', L^-K-M-Pn Elect', L 2 -Kt, L 2 -K-Td, L 2 -Kt-NG Electlcism, 1,2-K-T-szM Elec'tion, L 2 -Kshn Electioneer', L-Kshn-fi, IAKslm-.Rd, L-Kshn-fi- NG Elective, L-K-Tv Electlvely, L-K-T-V1 Elect'or, L 2 -Ktr Eleot'oral, L 2 -Kt-Hl Elect'orate, I^-Ktr-T Elect'ress, L 2 -K-Trs Elec'tric, IAK-Tr-K Elec'trical-ly, L 2 -K-Tr. Kl Electri'cian, L 3 -K-Trehtt Electricity, L 3 -K-Trs-T Elec'trifiable, L 2 - K - Tr- F-B1 Elec'trify, L^-K-Tr-F, L- K-Trf-D. L 2 -K-Trf-NG Electriza'tion, L 2 - K - Tizshn Elec'trize, L 2 -K-Trz. L- K-Trzd. IAK-Trz-NG Elec'tro-, L 2 -K-Tr Elec'trode, L^-K-Trd Electrol'ogy, J Electrol'ysis, L 1 - K. - Tr- Las Elec'trolyte, L 2 -K-Tr-Zt Elec'trolyze, L 2 -K-Tr-Lz, L 2 -K-Tr-izd. L 2 JfG Electrom'eter, Mtr Electro-mo'tor, L 2 -K-Tr- Motr Elec'troscope, L 2 -K-Tr- sK-P Elec'trotype, L 2 -K-Trt- P, L=-K-Trt-Pt, L 2 -K.-Trt- PC) Elec'trotyper, L 2 -K-Trt- Pr Elec'trotypy, L 2 -K-Trt- PI Elec'trum, L 2 -K-Tr-M Elect'uary, L 2 -K-CH- Eleemos'ynary, L 1 - Mz- N-K El'egance, L 2 -Gns El'egancy, IAGn-8 El'egant, L, 2 -Giit El'egantly, L 2 -Gnt-i Ele'giac, Z 3 -J-K Elegi'ac, Zi-J-K Elegi'acal, Z^J-Kl El'egist, Z 2 -Jst Ele'git, 3 -Jt El'egy, L 2 -J El'ement, L 2 -Mnt Element'al, L 2 -Mnt-L [or L- : Mnt Element'ally, L 2 -M-N-T- L Element'ary, L a -Mnt-S ELE Blench', IANG-K Elench'ical, L 2 -NG-K-K1 El'ephant, z 2 -Fnt Elephanti'asis, Zi-Fnt-Ss Elepnan'tine, Z^Fnt-N Eleusin'ian, Zs 3 -Nn El'evate, Z 2 -Vt, Z 2 -V-Td, Z 2 -\t-NG Eleva'tion, Z 2 -Vshn El'evator, Z-Vtr Elev'en, Z 2 -Vn (or 11) Elev'enth.zs-V-N-TH (or lliTHi) Elf, Z2-F Elf-lock, Z 2 -F-Z-K Elfin, Z 2 -Fn Elfish, L*--SH El'gin, Z*-Jn " Elic'it, Zs 3 -T, Zs 3 -Td, Zss- T-NG Elide', Zl-D, Zi-Dd, Zi-D- NG Eligibil'ity, Z3-J-B1-T [or -Bit El'igible-ly, Z-J-B1 El'igibleness, Z 2 -J-Bl-Ns [or :Bs] Elim'inate, L 3 -M-N-T. V -M-N-Td. lAM-N-T-NG Elimina'tion, L 2 -M.Nshn Elis'ion, Zzhn 3 Elite', Z 3 -T Elix'ir, L 3 -K-sR Elizabeth'an, Z Elk, L-K Ell, 2 Ellipse', Z 3 -Ps Ellip'sis, Z 3 -Pss Ellip'soid, Z 3 -Ps-D Ellipsoid'al, Ellip'tic, 3.p.T-K Ellip'tical, Z3-P-T-K1 Elliptic'ity, i3.p.Ts-T Elm, IAM El'mo's-flre, L-Mz-F-B Elocu'tion, L 3 -Kshn Elocu'tionary, L 3 -Kshn R Elocu'tionist,L3-Kshn-St Eloge', 2-ZH Elo'gium, Z, 2 -J-M El'ohim, L 2 -H-M Elohis'tic, L3-Hs-T-K Elon'gate, Li-NG-Gt, NG-G-Td. L-NG-Gt(-) Elonga'tion, L 2 -NG-Gshn Elope', L*-P, Z,-Pt, L-P- NG Elope'ment, Z 2 -P-Mnt El'oquence, L 2 -Kwns El'oquent, L 2 -Kwnt El'oquently, li 2 -Kwnt-i Else, As- Jn combination with a preceding word or Die, Else is always written downward to distinguish it from Less, which see. When standing alone Else should always be vocalized. 85 Else'where, Ls 2 -.R Elu'cidate, Zs^-Dt, Zs 3 - D-Td. Zss-Dtc) Elucida'tion, Zs 2 -Dshn EJlu'cidative, Zs-D-Tv Elu'cidator, Zs 3 -Dtr EJlu'cidatory, L&*-Dt-R Elude', Z-D, Z3-Dd, Z3-D- NG EJlud'ible, Z 3 -D-B1 Elu'sion, Zzhns Blu'sive, Zs 3 -V EJlu'soriness, Zs 3 -R-Ns Elu'sory, L&z-R Elu'triate, Z 3 -Trt, Z 3 - Tr-Td, Z 3 -Trt(-) Elve, Z2-V Elves, Z 2 -Vs Elv'ish, L*-V-SH Elys'ian, Z 3 -ZHn Elys'ium, Z 3 -Z-M El'ytra, L*-Tr El'ytron, Z 2 -Trn El'ytrum, Z 2 -Tr-M Em, M* Ema'ciate, M-5Ht 2 , M- Ema'ciated, I Emacia'tion, Em'anant, Mn 2 -Nt Em'anate, M-N-T 2 , M-N- Td 2 , M-N-T 2 -NG Emana'tion, M 2 -Nshn Em'anative, M-N-Tv 2 Eman'cipate, M-Ns-Pt', M-Ns-PJ-Td, M-Ns-Pt'(-) Emancipa'tion, M Ns - Pshn 2 Emancipa'tionist, M-Ns- Eman'cipator, M-Ns-Ptri Emas'culate, Ms - K - Zti. Ms-K-Z^Td, Ms-K-Zti- NG Emascula'tion, Ms - K - Zshn 2 Embale', M-B-L Embalm', M-Bi-M, M-Bi- Md, M-B'-M-NG Embalm'er, M-Bi-Mr Embank', M-B^NG-K, M-Bi-NG-Kt, M-Bi-NG- K-NG Embank'ment, M - B 1 - NG-K-Mnt Embar'go, M-Bri-G, M- Bri-Gd, M-Bri-G-KG Embark', M-Bri-K. M-Br 1 -Kt, M-Bri-K-NG Embarka'tion, M - Br 2 - Eshn Embar'rass, M - Brs 1 , M- Brsti, M-Brsi-NG Embar'rassed, M-Brst 1 Embar'rassment, M - Br'-sMnt Embas'sador, M-Bi-sDr Embassado'rial, M-Bs 2 D-ffl Em'bassage, M-Bs 2 -J EMB Em'basis, M-Bss* Em'bassy, 3I-B 2 -S Embat'tle, M - B' - Ti, M Bi-Tld, M-Bi-Tl-XG Embay', M-B2, M-Bd 2 , M- B*-NG Embed', M-Bdl ^r-us-Dd, M-B2-D-KG Embel'lish, M-B2-Z-SH, M-B 2 -Z-,Stfy.T, M-B 2 - Z-.9//-XG Embel'lisher, M - B 2 - Z- SHr Embel'lishment, M-B 2 - i-SH-Mnt Em'ber, M-Br 2 Em'bers, 3I-Brs 2 Em'ber-goose, M-Br 2 -Gs Em'ber-week, M-Br 2 -W- K Embez'zle, M-B 2 -Z1, M- B 2 -Zld. M-B2-Z1-NG Embez'zlement, M - B 2 - Zl-Mnt Embez'zler, 5I-B 2 -Z1-R Embez'zling, M B 2 - zi - NG Embit'ter, M-Btr 3 , M-B 3 - Trd, M-B3-Tr-XG Emblaze', M-Blz 2 Embla'zon, M-Bl/s-N. M- Blz 2 -Nd, 5I-Blz 2 -N-NG Embla'zoner, M-Blz2-N- R Embla'zonry, M-Blz 2 -^- R Em'blem, M-B1 2 -M Emblemat'ic, M-BU-Mt- K Emblemat'ical-ly, M - Bli-Mt-Kl Emblem'atist, M-B1 2 -M- Tst Emblem'atize, M-B1 2 -M- Tz. M-Bl 2 -M-Tzd, M-B1 2 - M-Tz-NG Em'blement, :i-B! 2 -Mnt Em'blements, M - Bl 2 - Mnts Em'blemize, M-Bl 2 -Mz Embloom', 3I-B13-M Embodiment, M - B> -D- Mnt Embod'y, M-B'-D, M-Bi- Dd, M-Bi-D-NG Embogue', M-B 2 -G Embog'uing, M-B 2 -G-NG Embold'en, M - Bl 2 - Dn, M - Bl 2 - Dnd, M - Bl 2 - Dn- NG Em'bolism, M-Bl 2 -zM Em'bolus, M-B 2 -Zs Embonpoint', INI-B'-Pwre Embor'der, M-Bi-Rdr Embosom, M-B 3 -zM Emboss', M - Bs>, M-BstA, M-Bsi-NG Emboss'ment, M - B 1 - sMnt Embot'tle, M-B 1 -!! EMB Embouchure', M-B 3 -SHr Embow'el, M-Bi-L, Embow'er, M - Bi - R, M- Bi-Rd, M-Bi-B-NG Embrace', M - Brs*, M - Bret 2 . M-Brs 2 -NG Embrace'ment, M-Br*- sMnt Embrac'er, M-Br 2 -sB Embra'cery, M-Br 2 -s.R Embra'sure, M-Br 2 -ZHr Embrocate, M-Br 2 -Kt, M-Br*-K-Td, M-Br*-Kt- NG Embroca'tion, M - Br* - Kshn Embro'glio, M-Br 2 -iI5 Embroi'der, M - Br 1 - Dr, M-Br-Drd, M-Bri-Dr-NG Embroid'erer, -R Embroid'ery, : Embroil', M - Br 1 - L, M - Bri-Ld. M-Bri--NG Embroil'ment, M-Bri-Z- Mnt Embrue', M-Br 3 Em'bryo, M-Br* Embryol'ogy, M-Br-Z- Em'bryon, M-Bm* Embryot'omy, M-Br-T- M Emeer', M-R 3 Emend', Mnd a Emend'able, Mnd-B*-l, Emenda'tion, M-N-Dshn 2 Emenda'tor, M-N-Dtr* Emend'atory, M-N-Dt 2 -!? Em'erald, M-#ld 2 Emerge', M-fi*-J, M-B 2 - Emer'gence, M-JZ*-Jns Emer'gency, M- 2 -J-N-8 Emer'gent, M-B 2 -Jnt Emer'iti, M-7J*-T Emeritus, Em'erods, : Em'eroids, __ Emer'sion, M-fishn* Em'ery, M-R* Emetic, Mt 2 -K E'meu, eMu 3 Emeute', Mii-T 3 Emica'tion, M 2 -Kshn Emic'tion, M^-Kshn Emigrant, M 2 -Grnt Emigrate, M 2 -Grt, M-Gr- Td, M 2 -Grt-NG Emigra'tion, M 2 -Grshn Eminence, Mn 2 -Ns Em'inency, Mn-N-S* Eminent, Mn 2 -Nt Eminently, Mn-Nt-L* E'mir, eMr 3 E'meer, eMr 3 Emissary, M Emis'sion, Mshn 3 Emis'sive, Ms-V 86 Emit', Mt3, M-Td, Mt(-) Em'met, Mt 2 Emmolles'cence, M-is a Ns Emolliate, M - L l - T, M ZA-Td. M-^i-T-NG Emol'lient, M-ii-Nt Emolli'tion, M-ishn 3 Emol'ument, M-ii-Mnt Emolument'al, M 2 - L iMnt Emo'tion, Mshn* Emo'tional, Msi Emo'tive, Mt-V* Empale', M-P 2 -L, M-P 2 - Ld, M-P 2 -L-NG Empale'ment, M - P 2 - L - Mnt Empan'el, M - P 1 - Nl, M - pi-Nld. M-pi-Nl-NG Empark', M-Pri-K Empasm', M-pi-zM Emper'il, M-P*-K1 Em'peror, M-Prz-R Em'phasis, M-Fss 2 Em'phasize, M - Fsz 2 , M- Fsz 2 -D, M-FszS-NG Emphat'ic, M-F-T-K Emphat'ical-ly, M - Ft 1 - El Emphyse'ma, M-Fs 3 -M Em'pire, M-Pr* Empir'ic, M-Pr-K Em'piric, M-Pr 2 -K Empir'ical-ly, Empiricism, Emplas'ter, M-Plstr 1 Emplas'tic, M-PlsJ-T Employ', M-P1 1 , M-Pld>, M-Pli-NG Employe', M-P1 2 Employee', M-Pis Employ'er, M-P^-B Employ'ment, M - Pli - Mnt Empoi'son, M-Pzi-N Empoi'soned, M-Pz^-Nd Empo'rium, M-Pr 2 -M Empov'erisn, M - Pvi - R- 8H, M-Pvi-fl-SHt, M- Pvi-K-SH-NG Empow'er, M - P* - K,.M- Pi-Rd, M-Pi-B-NG Em'press, M-Prs s Emprise', M-Przi Emp'tiness, M-T*-Ns Emp'ty, (a.) M-T 2 , M-T 2 - K, M-Tst 2 Emp'ty, (t>.) M-T*, M-Td 2 , M-T 2 -NG Emp'tying, M-T 2 rXG Emp'tyings, M-T*-NGz Empur'ple, M-Pr 2 -Pl Empyr'eal, M-P 3 -R1 Empyre'an, M-P 3 -72n Empyreumafic, M - Pr 1 - Mt-K Empyreumat'ical, M - Pri-Mt-Kl E'mu, ENC Em'ulate, M - it* M - L* Td, M-Lta-NG Emula'tion, M-Zshn^ Em'ulative, M-/,t*-V Em'ulator, M-itr* Emul'gent, M-/, 2 -Jnt Em'ulous, M-Zs Em'ulously, M-Ls 2 -i Em'ulousness, M is Emul'sion, M-ishn Emul'sive, M-is^V Emunc'tory, M-NG-T-JfZ Ena'ble, N-B1 2 , >'-Bld*, N- B1 2 -NG Ena'blement, N-Bl 2 -Mnt Enact', Ni - Kt, Ni - K - Td, Ni-Kt-NG Enact'ive, N-Kt-Vi Enact'ment, N'-Kt-Mnt Enact'or, Ni-Ktr Enal'lage, eN-Li-J Enam'el, Ni-Ml, Ni-Mld, Ni-Ml-NG Enam'elar, N-M1-B 1 Enam'eler, N-Ml-Ri Enam'elist, Ni-Mlst Enam'elled, Ni-Mld Enam'or, Ni-Mr, Ni-Mrd, Ni-Mr-NG Encage', N-K-J* Encamp', N-K-M-pi Ni- K-Mt. N-K-M-Pi(-) Encamp'ment, N - K - M- pi-Mnt Encase', N^-Ks, N 2 -Kst, N 2 -Ks-NG Encaus'tic, N-Ks-Ti-K Encave', N^-Kv, N-Kvd, N^-Kv-NG Enceinte', N^sNt Encephal'ic, Ns-Fi--K Enchafe', N-CHf 2 , N- CHft 2 , N-CHf 2 -NG Enchain', N-CHn, N- Hnd 2 , N-CHn 2 -NG Enchain'ment, N - CHn* IMnt [orN-CH 2 -Mnt] Enchant', N-CHnti, N- CHi-N-Td. N-CHnti-NG Enchant'er, N-CHntri Enchanting, N - CHnti - NG Enchant'ingly, N-CHnti- NG-L Enchant'ment, N-CHnti 1 Mnt lor N-CHti-Mnt] Enchant'ress, N-CHi-N- Trs Enchase', N - CHs* N - CB>t 2 . N-CHs 2 -NG Enchis'el, N-CH3-Z1 ncho'rial, N-K-R1 Enchorlc, N-K-i-K Encir'cle, N - sK 2 - Kl, N- 2 -Kld, N-sK 2 -Kl-NG Enclasp', N-Kls-pi, N- Kls-Pti, N-Kls-Pi-NG Enclitic, N-K1-T 3 -K ~nclit'ical, N 3 -Klt-Kl nclois'ter, ENC Enclose', X*-Klz, N 2 -Klzd, X^-Klz-XG Enclos'ure, N-Kl-ZHr 2 Enco'mia, X"-K-M Enco'miast, N2-K-Mst Encomiast'ic, N - K - Ms - T!-K Encomiast'ical, N-K-Ms- Ti-Kl Enco'mmm, N 2 -K-M-M Enconi'pass, XIPs 2 Encom'passment, N ; P 2 - sMnt Encore', N 2 - Kr, N 2 - Krd, X 2 -Kr-XG Encoun'ter' X^Kntr, X- Knt-Rdi, X'-Kntr-XG Encour'age, N-Kr-J 2 , X- Kr-Jd 2 , X-Kr-J^XG Encouragement, X-Kr- J*-Mnt Encour'ager, N-Kr-Jr 2 Encour'aging, X-Kr-J 8 - XG Encouragingly, N - Kr - JS-XGl Encrim'son, N 3 -Kr - Mz - N, X3-Kr-Mz-Xd, X 3 -Kr- Mz-X-XG En'crinite, X 2 -Kr-Xt Encroach', X-Kr-CH*, N Kr-CHt 2 X-Kr-CH 2 -XG Encroach'er, X-Kr-CHr 2 Encroach'ment, X-Kr- CH*-Mnt Encum'ber, XiBr 2 , Ni Brd 2 , XiBr 2 -XG Encumbrance, N i Bras* Encyclical, N-sKl-Kl Encyclope'dia, -D Encyclope'dian, N-sKl- P-Dn Encycloped'ic, N-sKl- pa-D K Encycloped'ical, N-sKl- pa-D-Kl Encyclope'dist, N - sKl - ps-Dst Encyst'ed, N-Ss^-Td End, Nds. N-Dd 2 , Nd 2 -NG Endam'age, N-D' - M - J, N-Di-M-Jd, N-Di-M-J- NG Endam'ageable, N-Di- M-J-B1 Endan'gar, N-D*-N-Jr, N -D 2 -N-Jrd. N-D*-Jr-NG [N-D 2 -Jr, N-D 2 -Jrd, K-D 2 -Jr-NG] Endan'germent, N-D*-N -Jr-Mnt Endear 7 , N-D'-R, N-IH- Rd, N-D 3 -/2-NG Endearing, N-D*-7i-NG Endear'ment, N-Dr'-Mnt Endeav'or, N-Dv- R, N - Dv*-Rd, JT-Dva-fi-NG [N- Dv*, N-Dvd 2 , N-DvC) Endec'agon, N-D-K-Gn 87 Ende'mial, N-D3-M-Z, Endem'ic, N-D-M-K Endem'ical, N-D 2 -M-K1 Enden'izen, N-D^Nz-N End'er, Ndr End'ing, Nd 2 -NG Endite', N-Dti End'less, Nd-Ls* ! End'lessly, Nd-Ls 2 -L | Endlessness, Nd-Ls^-Ns : En'dogen, N-D 2 -Jn I Endog'enous, N-Di-J-N Endorse', N-Drs 1 , N-Drst', N-Drs>-NG Endors'er, N-Dri-sR Endow', N-D 1 , N-Ddi, N- Di-NG Endow'ment, K-D^Mnt Endue', N-D^ Endur'able, Endur'ance, Endure', N-Dr 3 , N-Drd 3 , N-Dr3-NG End'wise, Nd-Wz* Ene'id, N-eID 3 Ene'ma, N 3 -M En'emy, N 2 -M Energet'ic, Nr-Jt 2 -K Energetical-ly,Nr-Jt 2 -Kl En'ergize, Nr-Jz 2 , Nr- Jzd 2 , Nr-Jz2-NG En'ergy, Nr-J 2 Ener'vate, Nr-Vt 2 , Nr-V 2 - Td, Nr-Vt^NG Enerva'tion, Nr-Vshn^ Enfeeble, N-F^-Bl, N- F 3 -Bld. N-F3-B1-NG EnfeeTslement, N-F-Bl- Mat Enfeoff", N-F 2 -F, N-F 2 Ft,N-F2-F-NG EnfeofTment, N - F 2 - F - Mnt Enfilade', N - F 2 - L - D. N- F 2 -Z,-Dd, N-F 2 -//-D-NG Enfold', N-F^-Ld Enforce', N-F-Rs, N-F 2 - Rst, N-F 2 -Rs-NG Enforceable, N - F 2 - Rs- B(-L) Enforce'ment, N - F - R- sMnt Enfor'cer, N-F 2 -R-sR Enfran'chise, N-Fr-N- CHz, N-Fr!-N-CHzd, N- Fri-N-CHz-NG Enfran'chisement, N - Fri-N-CH-zMnt Enfran'chiser, N-FrJ-N- CH-Zr Engage', N-G-J 2 , N-G-Jd 2 - N-G-J 2 -NG Engaged', N-G-Jd Engaged'ness, N-G-Jd 2 - Ks Engage'ment, N - G - J - Mnt Engag'er, N-G-Jr 2 Engaging, N-G-J 2 -NG Engag'ingly, N-G-J 2 -NG1 ENL Engen'der, X - Jndr 2 . N. J2-N-Drd, N-Jndr 2 -NG En'gine, N-Jn 2 Engineer', K-J3-Xr, N-J 3 - Nrd. N- J3-Nr-NG Engineering, N - J 3 - Nr- NG En'ginery, X-J=-Xr Engird', X 2 - Grd, X - Gr- Dd 2 , X 2 -Grd-XG Engirt', X--Grt Engir'dle, X-Gr-Dl 2 . N- Gr-Dld2, X-Gr-Dl 2 -XG En'glish, XG-G1 - SH' [or XGl-SHS] Englut', X 2 -Glt Engorge', X-Gr-Ji, N-Gr- Jdi, X-Gr-J'-XG Engorge'ment, X-Gr-Ji- Mnt EngrafT, X T1 -Grf Engraft', Xi-Grft Engrail', X-Gr-L 2 , N-Gr- Ld 2 , X-Gr-L^-XG Engrain', X 2 -Grn, N 2 - Grnd, X 2 -Grn-XG Engrap'ple, X-Gr-PU Engrasp', N -Grs - pi, N- Grs-Pt 1 , X-Grs-PJ-XG Engrave', X 2 -Grv, X 2 - Grvd, X 2 -Grv-XG Engrav'en, X-Gr-Vn 2 Engrav'er, X-Grv-^ 2 Engrav'ing, X 2 -Grv-XG Engross', X- - Grs, X 2 - Grst, X 2 -Grs-XG Engross'er, X-Gr-sR 2 Engross'ment, X s - Gr - sMut Engulf, N2-Glf Enhance', X n -Hns, X^H- Xst, X'-Hns-XG Enhance'ment, X 1 - Hn - sMnt Enhan'cer, X-Hn-sR 1 Enhar'bor, X-Hri-Br Enharmon'ic, X^-Hr-M- X-K Enig'ma, X^-G-M Enigmat'ic, X^G-Mt-K Enigmat'ical-ly, N^G- Mt-Kl Enig'matist, X-G-M-Tst Enig'matize, X-G-M-Tz, X-G-M-Tzd^, X-G-M Tz 3 - NG Enigmatog'raphy, X-G Mt-Gr-F 1 Enjoin', X - Jni, X - Jndi, X-Jni-XG Enjoin'ment.X-JJ-X-Mnt Enjoy', X-Ji, X-Jdi, X-Ji- XG Enjoy'able, X-J'-Bl Enjoy'ment, X-J!-Mnt Enkin'dle, X-K-Xd-L'.N- K-Xd-Ld 3 . X-K-Xd-L-XG Enlace', X-s 2 , X-ist, N- Enlace'ment, N-i8-Mnt ENL Enlarge', N-Z-ri-J, N-ri- Jd, N-z,r-J-NG Enlarge'ment, N - LT I J- Mnt Enlight'en, Nl - Tn, Nl - Tndi. Nl-Tni-NG Enlight'ener, Nl-Ti-Nr Enlight'enment, Nl-Tn 1 iMnt Enlink', N13-NG-K Enlist', Nlst', Nls-Td3, NlstC) Enlist'ment, Nls-T 3 -Mnt Enliv'en, Nl Vn*. Nl - Vnd. Nl-Vni-NG Enliv'ener, Nl-Vi-Nr Enmar'ble, N-M-fii-Bl Enmesh', N-M-SH 2 En'mity, N-M-T* En'negon, N 2 -Gn Enno'ble, N-N-B1, N - N- Bld 2 . N-N-Bl^-NG Ennoblement, N-N-B1 2 - Mut Ennui', N-W 3 Enor'mity, Nr-M-Ti Enor'mous, Nri-Hs Enor'mously, Nr-Ms-Z 1 Enor'mousness, Nri-Ms- Ns Enough', N-F Enounce', Nns 1 Enow', Ni Enquire', N-Kw-E 1 . See Inquire. Enrage', Nr - J, Nr-Jd 2 , Nr-J 2 -NG Enrank', Nri-NG-K Enrapt', Nr-Pt Enrapt'ure, Nr - P 1 - CHr. Nr-P^CHrd, Nr-Pi-CHr- NG Enrav'ish, Nr-VJ-5ff Enrav'ishment, Nr-Vi- SH-Mnt Enreg'ister, Xr-Jstr s Enrich', Nr-CH3, Nr- CHts. Nr-CH3-NG Enrich'ment, Nr-CH3- Mnt Enrip'en, Nr-Pn Enrobe', Nr-B^ Enroll', N-.R12, N-Klds, N- Enroll'ment, N-Kl^-Mnt Enroot', Nrts, Nr - Td", Nrts-NG Ensam'ple, N-sM-Pl 1 Ensan'guine, N 1 - sNG - Gwn Ensconce', Ns'-Kns, Ns 1 - Knst. Ns^Kns-NG Enseal', N-sL Enseam', Ns 3 -M Ensear', Ns-R 3 Ensem'ble, Ns-M-BH Enshield', N - -SffP - D, N- Enshrine', N - 5/frni. N i, N-SHrn>-NG Enshroud', N-Sflrdi, N- Ensif*erous, Ns-F 3 -fis En'siform, Ns-F 2 -E-M En'sign, Ns 2 -N En'signcy, Ns-N-S s En'signship, Ns-N-SH^-P Enslave', n.sL-V. nsZ, 2 - Vd. nsL2-V-NG Enslave'ment, nsi 2 - V - Mnt Enslav'er, nsi^-Vr Ensnare', Ns-N-E s Ensphere', Ns 3 -F-R Enstamp', Ns-TJ-M-P, Ns- TJ-Mt, Ns-T!-M-PC) Ensue', N-S, Ns-D 3 , N-S 3 - NG Ensure', N - SHr 3 , N - SHrd 3 , N-SHr3-NG Entab'lature, N-Ti-Bltr Entail', N-T2-L, N-T 2 -Ld, N-T^-i-NG Entail'ment, N-T-Z,-Mnt Entan'gle, MtJ-NG-Gl. Nti-NG-Gld, N1-NG-G1- NG Entan'glement, Nti-NG- Gl-Mnt Entan'gler, Nt-NG-Gl-Ri Entel'echy, N-T2-/.-K En'ter, Ntr, N-Trd 2 , Ntr- NG Enteri'tis, Ntr-Tsi Enterot'omy, Ntr-Ti-M En'terprise, Ntr-Prz 2 En'terprising, Ntr - Prz 2 - NG Entertain', Ntr-Tn, Ntr- Tnd 2 . Ntr-Tn2-NG Entertain'er, Ntr-T 2 -Nr Entertain'ing, Ntr-Tn 2 - NG Entertain'ingly, Ntr-Tn^ -NG-L Entertain'ment, Ntr-Tn 2 :>Int [or-T-Mnt] Enthrall', Nthr-H, Nthr- Ld l . Nthr-L'-NG Enthrone', N - THrn 2 . N - THrnda. N-THrn 2 -NG Enthrone'ment, N - THrn 2 -Mnt Enthu'siasm, N - TH 3 - z- z.M Enthu'siast, N-TH 3 -Zst Enthusiast'ic, N-THi-Zs- T-K Enthusiast'ical-ly, N - TH'-Zs-T-Kl En'thymeme, N-TH 2 -!!- M Entice', N-Tsi, N-Tsti, N- Tsi-NG Entice'ment, N-T'-sMnt Enti'cer, N-T>-sE Entic'ingly, N-Ts Entire', Ntri Entire'ly, Ntr-H Entire'ness, Ntr'-Ns ENV 'Entire'ty, Ntr-T 1 Enti'tle, N - T> - Tl, N - Ti- Tld. N-Ti-Tl-NG En'tity, Nt-T* Entomatog'raphy, N-T 1 - Mt-Gr-F Entomb', N-T 3 -M, N-T 3 - Md. N-T 3 -M-NG Entom'ic, N-TJ-M-K Entomolog'ical, N - T 1 - M-L-J-K1 Entomol'ogist, N-T 1 -!!- -Jst Entomol'ogy, N-Ti-M-i- J Entomos'tracan, N - T 1 - Ms-Tr-Kn En'trails, N-Tr 2 -Ls Entram'mel, N-Tr^M-L, N-Tr-M-Zd, N-Tri-M-i- NG En'trance, N-Trns* Entrance', N - Trns 1 , N - Trust 1 , N-Trnsi-NG Entrap', N-Tr'-P, N-Tri- Pt, N-Tr!-P-NG Entreat', N-Trt 3 , N-Tr 3 - Td. N-Trt(-) 3 Entreat'ingly, N-Trts. NG1 Entreat'y, N-Tr 3 -! Entree', N-Tr^ Entremets', N-Tr 2 -M Entrepot', Ntr-P 2 Entrust', N-Trst 2 , N-Trs2- Td, N-Trst=-NG En'try, N-Tr? Entwine', Nt-Wn', Nt- Wndi. Nt-Wni-NG Entwist', Nt- Wsts, Nt- Ws 3 -Td, Nt-Wst(-) 3 Enu'cleate, N-K1-T3, N- Kl-Td 3 . N-K1-T 3 -XG Enuclea'tion, N--Klshn Enu'merate, N^-Mrt. N- Mr-Td 3 . N-MrtC) Enumera'tion, X 2 -Mrshn Enu'merative, N- Mrt-V* Enun'ciate, Nn-.S7/t 2 . Nn- Sfft-T<\. Nn-5//t 2 -NG Enun'uiative, Nn-5//t-V Enun'ciatory, Nn 2 -5^f-T- R Envas'sal, N-Ysi-L Envei'gle, N-v^-Gl, N-V 3 - Gld, N-V 3 -G1-NG Envel'op, N-va-i-P. N- V2-L-Pt. N-V 2 -L-P-NG En'velope, N-V 2 -L-p (or N-vi-z,-p) Envel'opment, N-V 2 -Z- P-Mnt Enven'om, N-Vn 2 -M, N- Vn2-Md. N-Vn 2 -M-NG En'viable, N-VJ-B1 En'vier, N-Y 2 -R En'vious, N-Vs En'viously, N-VsS-L En'viousness, N-Vs-Ns ENV Envi'ron, N-V-Kn, N-V*- flnd, N-Vi-fin-NG Environment, N-V^-Rn- Mnt En'virons, N-V 2 -Knz Envi'rons, N-Vi-.Rnz En'voy, N-V* En'voyship, N-Y^-SH-P Envy, N-V2, N-Vda, N-V 2 - NG Enwrap', N-fii-P (or Nr- P 1 ) E'ocene, G6Sus Eo'lian, ton* Eol'ic, 16L-K1 Eol'ipile, z,i-p-L E'on, C6N3 E'pact, P 3 -Kt Epanalep'sis, P-Nl-Pss Epan'odos, PnJ-Ds Ep'arch, P 2 --K Ep'archy, P*-R-K Epaule', P l -L Epaule'rrfent, P 1 -Z-Mnt Ep'aulet, ps-zt Ep'aulette, P 2 -it Epen'thesis, P--N-THss Epergne', P*-Rn. Epexege'sis, P 3 -Ks-Jss E'pha or E'phah, F Ephem'era, -- Ephem'eral, Ephem'eric, Ephemer'ides, F2-M-J2- Dz Ephem'eris, F 3 -M-Ks Ephem'erist, F^-M-flst Ephem'eron, F 2 -M-7in Ephem'erous, F^-M-fis Ephe'sian, Fzhn^ Ephial'tes, F l -L-Tz Eph'od, F2-D Eph'ori, F- Ep'ic, pz-K Ep'icarp, P-Kr-P Epice'dian, Ps 3 -Dn Epice'dium, Ps^-D-M Ep'icene, P 2 -sN Ep'icure, P-Kr Epicu'rean, pa-K-fln Epicu'reanism, P 3 -K-Bn- zM Ep'icurism, P 2 -Kr-zM . Ep'icurize, P^-Kr-Z Ep'icycle, P^-sKl Epicy'cloid, P^sKl-D Epicycloid'al, P^sKl-Dl Epidem'ic, P^-D-M-K Epidem'ical, P 2 -D-M-K1 Epider'mic, P 2 -Br-M-K ' Epider'mis, P^-Dr-Ms Ep'idote, P 2 -Dt Epigas'tric, Pi-G-sTr-K Ep'igene, P 2 -Jn Epiglot'tis, Pi-Gl-Ts Ep'igram, P 2 -Gr-M Epigrammat'ic, P^Qr- Mt-K Epigrammat'ical-ly, P 1 - Gr-Mt Kl 89 Epigram'matist, P - Gr - M-Tst Epigram'matize, P 1 - Gr- M-Tz, Pi-Gr-M-Tzd, P 1 - Gr-M-Tz-NG Ep'igraph, P-Grf Ep'ilepsy, P2-L-P-S Epilep'tic, ps-i-Pt-K Epilogis'tic, ps-i-Jst-K Ep'ilogue, P2-L-G Epiph'any, P 3 - F - N (or Pfs-N) Epiph'ysis, P'-Fss Epis'copacy, P 3 -sK-P-S Epis'copal, P 3 -BK-P1 Epis'copalcy, P^-sK-Pl-S Epis'copalian, P 2 - sK. - P- Ln Episcopa'lianism, ps-sK- P-inz-M Epis'copally, P 3 -sK-P-Z, Epis'copate, P 3 -8K-Pt Ep'isode, Ps^-D Episod'ic, Ps^D-K Episod'ical, Ps^D-Kl Epis'tle, Ps 3 -L Epis'tolary, Ps 3 -T-L-R Epis'tolize, Ps 3 -T-z Epis'trophe, P 3 -sTr-F Ep'istyle, Ps 2 -T-L Ep'itaph, P 2 -Tf Epitaph'ic, pi-Tf-K Epithala'mium, P 2 - TH - L-M-M Ep'ithet, P 2 -THt Epithet'ic, P 2 -TH-T-K Epit'ome, Pt-M Epit'omist, Pt 3 -Mst Epit'omize, Pt 3 -Mz, Pt 3 - Mzd, Pt 3 -Mz-NG Epit'omizer, Pt 3 -M-Zr Epizeux'is, P 3 -sKsa Epizo'a, P 2 -Z Epizo'ans, P 2 -Zns Epizo'on, P 3 -Zn Epizoot'ic, P>-zT-K Epizo'oty, Pz*-T Ep'och, P 2 -K Ep'ocha, P 2 -K Ep'ode, P 2 -D Ep'opee, P-P Ep'os, Pss Ep'som, P 2 -sM Ep'som Salt, P^-sM-sit Ep'ulary, P'*-L-R Equabil'ity, Kw-Bl-T (or -Bit) E'quable-y, Kw-Bl 3 E'quableness, Kw-Bl'-Ns E'qual, Kw 3 -L, Kw-Ld 3 , Equal'ity, Kw - i 1 - T (or -Lt) E'qualness, Kw-Z, 8 -Ns Equaliza'tion, Kvr-Lzshn? E'qual ize, Kw-iz*, Kw- I,zd 3 , Kw-iz 3 -NG E'qually, Kw-Z 3 Equan'gular, Kw-NG-Gl- EQU Equanim'ity, Kwn-M-T Equan'imous, Kw-rii-Ms Equate', Kw-T 2 , Kw-Td 2 Kw-T 2 -NG Equa'tion, Kwshn Equa'tor, Kwtr 2 Equato'rial, Kw- Equer'ry, Kw-fls Eq'uery, Kw-^S 2 Eques'trian, Kw-sTrnS Eques'trianism, Kw-sTr* Nz-M [or -Tr] Equian'gular, Kw - NG - G1-.R1 Equicru'ral, Kw-Kr-/? 13 Equidif'ferent, Kw-DP- Rnt [Kw-Df 3 ] Equidis'tant, Kw-Ds 3 -Tnt Equidis'tantly, Kw - D^. Tnt-L Equilat'eral, KW-HT^-L Equili'brate, Kw-Z/'-Brt, Kw-Z,i-Br-Td, Kw-^i- Brt(-) Equilibra'tion, Kw-Z 2 - Brehn Equilibria, Kw-L^-Br Equilib'rity, Kw-L 3 -Br-T Equilibrium, Kw-i 3 -Br- M Equimultiple, Kw - Mlt- Pia Equi'nal, Kw'-Xl E'quine, Kwn 3 Equinoc'tial, Kw-N-K- SHli E'quinox, Kw3-X-Ks Equinu'merant, Kw 3 -X- Mrnt Equip', Kw-P 3 , Kw-Pt 3 , Kw-P3-XG Eq'uipage, Kw-P 2 -J Equip'ment, Kw-P 3 -Mnt E'quipoise, Kw-Pz 3 Equipol'lence, Kw - pi - ins Equipol'lency, Kw - Pi - in-S Equipol'lent, Kw-pi-Z.nt Equipon'derance, Kw- Pndi-i-Ns Equipon'derancy, Kw - Pndri-N-S Equipon'derant, Kw - Pndr'-Nt Equipon'derate, Kw- Pndri-T Eq'uitable, Kw-T=-Bl Eq'uitableness, Kw-T 2 - Bl-Ns [:B.s] Eq'uitably, Kw-T 2 -Bl Eq'uitant, Kw-Tnt 2 Equita'tion, Kw-Tshn a Eq'uity, Kw-T Equivalence, Kw-V>-/,ns Equiv'alency, Kw-Y 3 -in- S Equiv'alent, Kw-V 3 -int E'quivalve, Kw-V 3 -i-V Equiv'ocal-ly, EQU Equiv'ocalness, Kw- V 8 - Kl-Ns Equiv'ocate, Kw-V 8 -K-T, Kw-V-K-Td, Ew-V 3 -K-T- NG Equivoca'tion, Kw-V*- Kshn Equiy'ocator, Kw-V3-Ktr Eq'uivoque or Eq'ui- voke, Kw-V 2 -K E'ra, (R Era'diate, cRt- D'Td, Gfl 2 -DtC Eradia'tion, Eradlcable, Eradicate, D-K-Td, fli Eradica'tion, # 2 -D-Kshn Erad'icative, fi!-D-Kt-V Eras'able, Rs 2 -B-L Erase', Rs 2 , Rst 3 , Rs^-NG Erase'ment, Rs 2 -Mnt Eras'er, Rs 2 -R Era'sipn, Rzhn^ Eras'tian, Rs^CHn Eras'tianism, Rsi - CHn - Z-M [or-CH-zM] Eras'ure, R 2 -ZHr Ere, R 2 Er'ebus, R 2 -Bs Erect', RS - Kt, R - K - Td, R2-Kt-NG Erect'able, R 2 -Kt-Bl Erect'er, R2-Ktr Erectile, R 2 -Kt-L Erec'tion, R2-Kshn Erect'ive, R2-Kt-V Erect'ly, R2-Kt-i Erect'ness, R2-Kt-Ns Erect'or, R 2 -Ktr Erelong', Ri-X-NG Er'emite, R2-Mt Ere-now', Ri-N. SeeA'ow. Ere-while', R-W1 Er'go, R2-G Er'got, R2-Gt E'rin, Rn3 Er'mine, R-Mn Ern, Ru2 Erode', efl2-D, fiS-r>d, Ero'sion, Ero'sive, Rs 2 -v Erot'ic, #i-T-K Erot'ical, fii-T-Kl Erpetol'ogy, Ri-Pt-Z-J Err, R 2 , Rd 2 . R 2 -NG Err'able, R-B1 Er'rand, Rnd 2 Er'rand-boy, Rnd-B Er'rant, Rnt Er'rantry, R 2 -N-Tr Erra'ta, K*-T Erratic, i-T-K Errat'ical-ly, /?i-T-Kl Erra'tum, ^-T.M Er'rhine, Rn* Er'ring, R 2 NG Erro'neous, R=-Ns Erro'neously, R a -Ns-L 90 Erro'neousness, R - Ns - Ns Er'ror, Rr 2 Er'rorist, Rrst 2 Erse, Rs 2 Erst, Rst Erubes'cence, R2-Bs-Ns Erubes'cency, R^Bs-N-S Erubes'cent, R 2 -Bs-Nt Eruct', R 2 -Kt Eruc'tate, R 2 -K-Tt Eruc'tated, R 2 -K-T-Td Eructa'tion, R 2 -K-Tshn Er'udite, IP-Vt Erudi'tion, B 3 -Dshn Eru'ginous, JJ 3 -J-Ns Erup'tion, R 2 -Pshn Erup'tive, R 2 -Pt-V Eryn'go, R 3 -NG-G Erysip'elas, Rs 3 -P-is Erysipel'atous, Rs^P-Z.- Ts Erysip'elous, Rs 3 -P-Z.s Escalade', 8 2 -K-id Escal'op, Si-K-Z,-P Escal'oped, 8 ] -K-Z.-Pt Escapade', 8 2 -K-Pd Escape', S 2 -K-P, S^K-Pt, S 2 -K-P-NG Escape'ment, S 2 - K - P - Mnt Escarp', S^K-fl-P, &-K-R- Pt, S'-K-B-P-NG Escarp'ment. S 1 - K - R - P-Mnt Eschalot', SH-Z,t Es'char, S 2 -K-R Escharotlc, S 1 ^-^!-^ Eschatol'ogy, S'-Kt-Z,- J Escheat', S 3 -CHt, S 3 -CH- Td, S 3 -CHtC) Escheat'able, S 3 -CHt-Bl Eschew', S 3 -CH, S 3 -CHd, SS-CH-NG Es'cort, 8 2 -Krt Escort', S'-Krt, S^Kr-Td, S'-Krt-NG Escritoire', S^-Krt-Wr Escrito'rial, S 2 -Kr-T-/Jl Es'crow, S 2 -Kr Es'cuage, 8 2 -K-J Escula'pian, S 2 -K-L-Pn Es'culent, S 2 -K-int Escu'rial, 8 3 -K-/Jl Escutch'eon, S 2 -K-CHn Esodlc, S'-D-K Esoph'agus, S'-F-Gs Esoteric, 8t 2 -K-K Espalier, 81-P-Z/-R Espe'cial, S 2 - P - SHI [82- P] Especially, S 2 - P - SH l [S 2 -P] Espi'al, Si-P-L Es'pionage, 8 2 -Pn-J Esplanade', S 2 -P1-N-D Espous'al, S 1 -Pz-L Espouse', S 1 - Pz, 8 l - Pzd, SVPz-NG Espous'er, S^P-Zr ETA Esprit de corps, S 8 -Prd- Kr Espy', S l -P, S^Pd, 8 1 - P-NG Es'quimau, S 2 -K-M Es'quimaux, S-K-Mz Esquire', S l -Kw-R, S 1 - Kw-fid, Si-Kw-R-NG Esquisse', S 3 -Ks Essay', S 2 , S 2 -D, S 2 -NG Es'say, S* Essay'er, S 2 -R Es'sayist, Sst 2 Es'sence, Sus 2 , S 2 -Nst, S*- Ns-NG Essene', Sn 8 Essenes', Sns' Essen'tial, S 2 - N - SHI [Sn 2 ] Essentiality, Si-N-SHl-T Essen'tialness, S 2 -N-5//l- Ns Essen'tially,- 8 s - N - SHI [Sn-j Establish, Sti - B - L - SH, Sti - B - Z, - Stf - T. Sti-B- Z-SH-NG [Sti-B, Sti Bt, Sti-BC) Estab'lisher, Sti-B-i SHr [Sti-B-SHr] Establishment, sti-B-i- SH-Mnt [St' -B Mnt] Estafet', S 2 Tf-T Estafette', S 2 -Tf-T Estate', S 2 Tt Esteem', Sta-M, St^-Md, St^-M-NG Esthetics, S--TH-T-KS Es'timable, St 2 -M-Bl Es'timableness, St 2 - M - Bl-Ns [!Bs] Es'timate, -St 2 -Mt, St 2 -M- Td, 8t 2 -Mt(-) Estima'tion, St 2 -Mshn Es'timative, St 2 -Mt-V Es'timator, 8t 2 -Mtr Es'tival, S 2 -T-V1 Estiva'tion, St 2 -Vshn Estop', St^P, St'-Pt, St 1 - P-KG Estop'pel, St!-Pl Esto'vers, S 2 -T-Vrs "Estrade', S 2 -Trd Estrange', S 2 -Tr-N-J. 8- Tr-N-Jd, S 2 -Tr-N-J-NG Estrange'ment, S 2 -Tr-N- J-JInt Estrapade', S 2 -Tr-Pd Estray', S 2 -Tr Estreat', S3-Trt, 83-Tr-Td, S a -TrtC) Estrepe'ment, S 3 -Tr-P Wnt Est'uary, S 2 -T-fl Est'uate, S 2 -T-T Estua'tion, S 2 -T8hn Esu'rient, S 3 -Rnt Es'urine, S 2 -fin Etagere', T 2 -ZHr Etat' Major, ETC 91 Etc. (Et cet'era), T 2 -sTr I Eudiomet'rical, Yd*-Mtr Etch, CH2. CHts, CH-NG -Kl Etch'er, CHr^ Eudiom'etry, Yd^-M-Tr Etch'ing, CH2-NG Eter'nal-ly, Tr 2 -Nl Eulogist, Yl 3 -Jst Eulogistic, YF-Jst-K Eteraal'ity, Tri-Nl-T Eter'nity, Tr^-N-T Eulogis'tical, Yl-Jst-K-L Eulo'gium, Yl^J-M Eter'nize, Tr 2 -Nz, Tr s - Eulogize, Yis-Jz, Yl 3 -Jzd, Nzd, Tr2-Nz-NG Yl 3 -Jz-NG Ete'sian, Tz 3 -N Eu'logy, Y13-J E'thal, TH1 3 Eu'nuch, Y 3 -N-K E'ther, THr* Eu'nuchism, Y 3 -N-K-zM Ethe'real, TH-R1 Eupato'rium, Y 2 -P-Tr-M Ethe'realize, TH 8 - Biz, Eupep'sy, Y 2 -P-P-S TH 3 -/lzd, TH 3 -Blz-NG Eupep'tic, Y2-P-P-T-K Ethe'reous, THS-fis Eu'phemism, Y 3 -F-Mz-M Etheriza'tion, THrzsftn^ Euphemis'tic, YS-F-Ms-T E'therize, THrz 3 , THrzd 3 , -K THrz 3 -NG Euphemis'tical, Y 3 - F - Eth'ic, TH-K Ms-T-Kl Eth'ical-ly, TH-K1 Eu'phemize, Y 3 - F - Mz, Eth'ics, TH 2 -K Y-F-Mzd, Y 3 -F-Mz-NG E'thiop, TH8-P Ethio'pian, TH-Pn Euphonic, Yi-Fn-K Euphonical, Y'-Fn-K-L Ethiop'ic, THi-P-K. Eupho'nious, Y l -F-Ns Eth'moid, TH 2 -Md Eu'phonism, Y 3 -F-Nz-M Ethmoid'al, THi-M-Dl Eu'phony, Y 3 -F-N Eth'narch, TH^-Nr-K Eth'nic, TH2-N-K Eth'nical, TH-N-K1 Euphor'bia, Yi-Fr-B Eu'phrasy, Y 3 -Fr-S Eu'phuism, Y 3 -F-Z-M Ethnog'rapher, TH>-N- Eu'phuist, Y 3 -Fst Gr-Fr Euphuistlc, Y 3 -Fs-T-K Ethnographic, THi-N- Grf-K Euroc'lydon, Y^B-Kl-Dn Europe'an, Y 3 -72-Pn Ethnographical, TH 1 - N-Gr-F-Kl Eu'rus, Y 3 -Bs Eu'rythmy, Y 3 -fl-TH-M Ethnog'raphy, THi-N- Eusta'chian, Ys^-T-Kn Gr-F Euter'pean, Y 2 -Tr-Pn Ethnologic, THi-Nl-J-K Euthana'sia, Y 2 -THn-Z Ethnological, THi-Nl-J- Euthan'asy, Yi-THn-S Kl Eutychlan, Y 3 -T-Kn Ethnol'ogist, THi-Nl-Jst Eutychlans, Y 3 -T-Kns Ethnol'ogy, THi-Nl-J Ethologlc, THi-i-J-K Evac'uant, Vi-K-Nt Evac'uate, Vi-K-T, \ l -K- Ethologlcal, THi-Z-J-Kl Td, Vi-K-T-NG Ethol'ogy, THi-i-J Evacua'tion, eV 5 -Kshn E'thule, THS-L Evac'uative, eV!-K-Tv E'tiolate, eT 3 -it, eT-i- Evac'uator, eV^-Ktr Td, tT a -it-NG Evade', Vad2, V^-Dd, Vd 2 - Etiola'tion, cT^Zshn NG Etiol'ogy, GT!-L-J Evaga'tion, Y^-Gshn Etiquette', T-Kt Evanes'cence, v-Ns-Ns Etui', Tw 3 Evanes'cent, v-Ks-Nt Etymolog'ical-ly, Ti-M- Evan'gel, V'-N-J(-L) i-J-Kl Evangelic, V 2 -N-J-i- Etymolog'icon, T^-M-Z- K [V 2 -N-J-K] J-Kn Evangellcal-ly, V^N-J- Etymol'ogist, TJ-M-Z-Jstl i-Kl rV-N-J-Kn Etymol'ogize, T^M-/^- Jz Evangellcism, V 2 -N-J- Etymol'ogy, T-M-Z,-J Z-szM [V 2 -N-J-szM] Et'ymon, T 2 -Mn Evan'gelism, V-N-J-i-Z Eu'charist, Y 3 -Krst -M [V'-N-J-zM] Eucharist Ic, YS-Krs-T-K. Evan'gelist, v-N-J-Xst Eucharistlcal, Y*-Krs-T- [Vi-N-Jst] El Evangeliza'tion, V2-N- Eu'chre, Y s -Kr 3-Lzshn Eude'monism, Y'-D-Mn- Evan'gelize, Vi-N-J-Zz, Z-M (orYd 3 -Mn-Z-M) yi-N-J-izd, Vi-N-J-/,z- Eudiom'eter, Ydi-Mtr NG Eudiomet'ric, Yd-Mtr-K Evan'ish, \n*-Sff EVI Evap'orable, v^ Evap'orate, Yi-Prt, Pr-Td, V'-PrtC) Evaporation, Y'--Prskn Evap'orative, \ rl -Prt-V Eva'sion, Vzhu 2 Eva'sive, Ys--V Eva'sively, Vs^-V-L Eva'siveness. YsM'-Ns Eve, eY 3 Evec'tion, YS-Mvshn E'ven, Yn 3 , Ynd 3 , YnS-XG E'vener, Y 3 -Xr E'ven-handed, Yn 3 - Hn- Dd ; E'vening, Vu 3 -NG E'vsning-star, YiiS-^G- sT-K (or -XGstr) E'venly, Y 3 -N1 E'venness, Yu 3 -Ns Every/, "\"ut 2 Event'ful, Yut=-F (-L)) E'ventide, Y J -N-Td Event' ual, Y 2 -Nt-L Eventuality, vi-Nt-Z-T Event'ually, Vut 2 -Z, Event'uate, Y-'-Nt-T, V s - Nt-Td. Y2-Nt-T-NG Ev'er, Vr2 [Y*] Ev'erglade, Yr^-Gld Ev'ergreen, Vr2-Grn v Everlast' ing, Vri-Lst(-) Everlast'ingly, Vr 1 - L&t- NG-L Everliv'ing, Vr 3 -i-V-NG Evermore', Yr 2 -Mr Ever'sion, Vrshn 2 Evert', eVrts, OVr=-Td. eVrt(-)2 Ev'ery, Vr 2 Ev'erybody, Vr 2 -B-D Ev'ery-day, Yr^-D Ev'ery-one, Vr 2 -Wn Ev'ery-where, \r--R Evict', VS-K-T, V 8 -K-Td, V3-K-T-NG Evic'tion, V 3 -Kshn Ev'idence, Yd2-Ns, Vds- Nst. Yd2-Ns-NG Ev'ident, Vd 2 -Nt Eviden'tial, Vd2-N-5fll Evidently, Vd 2 -Nt-L E'vil, VI 3 E'vil-doer, YP-D-R E'vil-eye, Vl 3 -i E'vil-eyed, Vl 3 -i-D E'vil-favored, Vl 3 -F-Vrd E'vil-minded, VI 3 -Mn- Dd E'vilness, Yl 3 -Ns E'vil-speaking, VI 3 -sP- K-NG tVl^-sPC)] Evince', V'-Ns, v 3 -Nst, V 3 -Ns-NG Evin'cible, V 3 -Ns-Bl Evin'cive, V 3 -Ns-V Evis'cerate, \8*-Kt, Vs*- fl-Td, Vs 3 -flt-NG Eviscera'tion, VsS- Ev'itable, V-T-B1 EVO Evoke', V*-K, VS-K-T, V*- K-NG Evola'tion, \--Lshn Ev'olute, v*-it Evolu'tion, V 3 -islm Evolutionary, V 3 -jDshn- R Evolve', VI 1 - V Evul'sion, V-Lshn Ewe, Y s Ew'er, ys-R Ex- Ks Exac'erbate or Exacer- bate, K - sSr'or* - Bt, K- l BSr'orS-B-Td, K-sSrior 2 - / Bt(-) Exacerba'tion, K - sSr 2 - Bshn Exacerbes'cence, K - 8Sr 2 -Bs-Ks Exact', Ksi-Kt, Ks-K-Td 1 , Ksi-Kt-NG [sKti,sK-Tdi, sKU-NG] Exact'er, Ks^Ktr Exac'tion, Ksi-Kshn Exact'! tude, Ks-Kt-Tdi Exact'ly, Ks-Kt-ii [sKt- '] Exact'ness, Ks 1 - Kt - Ns [sKti-Ks] Exact'or, Ks^-Ktr Exag'gerate, K-sJrti, K sJr'-Td. K-sJrt(-)i Exaggera'tionjK-sJrshn 1 Exag'geratory, K-sJrti- R Exalt', K-sLti, K-si-Td. K-sZ,t-NG Exalta'tion, K-sLS-Tshn Examlnable, K - sM - N - Bli Examina'tion, K 2 - sil - Nshn [sM 2 -Nshn] Exam'ine, K^sMn, Ki- BMnd.Ki-sMn-NG [sMni. sMud 1 , sMn>-NG] Examinee', K 3 -sM-Ne Exam'iner, K^sM-Xr Exam'ple, K-sM-Pl l Exan'imate, Ks-N-M-Ti Exanthe'ma, Ks-N-TH^- M Exanthem'ata, Ks - N - TH2-M-T Ex'arch, K-sR=-K Exarch'ate, K-sK'-Kt Exas'perate, Kss-P l -7Zt, 93 HO Exaspera'tion, Kss-P^- R*hu Excandes'cence, Ks - Knd-Sns 2 Excandes'cent, Ks-Knd- Bnt* Excar'nate, Ki-sKr-Nt Ex'cavate, Ks-K-vt 2 . Ks- K-V 2 -Td, Ks-K-VtC)2 Excava'tion, Ks-K-Vshn 2 Excava'tor, Ke-K-Vtr 8 Exceed', Ks-D-NG Exceedingly, Excel', K-si 2 , K-RLd, K- Ex'cellence, K-sins* Ex'cellency, K-sLn^-S Ex'cellent, K-snt* Ex'cellently, K-sint 2 -/, Excel'sior, K-sL 2 -sE Excen'tric, Ks^-Ntr-K Except', Ks-Pt 2 , Ks-p2-Td. Ks-Pt(-) 2 Except'ing, Ks-Pt(-)* Excep'tion, Ks-Pshn 2 Excep'tionable, Ks - Pshn 2 -B(-L) Excep'tional, Ks-Pshn 2 - Excep'tionless,Ks-Pshn 2 -La Excep'tious, Ks-P^-Sfls Except'ive, Ks-Pt 2 -V Except'or, Ks-Ptr 2 Excern', K-sBn 2 Excerpt', K-s7? 8 -Pt, K- Excerp'tion, K-s^-Pshn Excerp'tor, K-sJB 2 -Ptr Excess', Kss 2 Excess'ive, Kss-V* Excess'ively, K&s-V*-L Ex-chan'cellor, Ks-CHi- Ns-L-R [Ks-CH!-sL-R] Exchange', Ks-CH 2 -N-J, Ks-CH2-N-Jd. Ks-CH^N- J-NG [Ks-CH2, Ks-CHd 2 , Ks-CH(-) 2 ] Exchangeabil'ity, Ks- CH 3 -N-J-Blt [Ks-CH 3 - Blt] Exchange'able, Ks-CH 2 - N-J-B1 [Ks-CH 2 -Bl] Exchan'ger, Ks-CH 2 -N-Jr [Ks-CH 2 -Jr] Excbeci'uer, Ks-CH 2 -Kr. Ks-CH2-Krd, Ks-CH 2 -Kr- NG Excheq'uer-bill, Ks - CH 2 -Kr-Bl Excis'able, K-sZ!-Bl Excise', (to cut off), Kss 1 , Excise', (to levy an ex- cise). K-sZ 1 , K-sZdi, K- sZ'-NG Excise'man, K-sZ ] -Mn Excise'men, K-sZi IMn 2 Excis'ion, KszAn 3 Excitabil'ity, Ks-T 3 -Blt Excit'able, Ks-Ti-Bl Excit'ant, Ks-Tnti Excita'tion, Ks-Tshn 2 Excit'ative, Ks-Ti-Tv Excit'atory, Ks-T>-T-fi Excite', Ks - Ti, Ks - Tdi, Excite'ment, Ks-Ti-Mnt Excit'er, K-sTri Excit'ing, Ks-T l -NG EXC Excit'ive, Ks-Tvi Exclaim', Ks~Kl-M. Ks 2 - Kl-Md. Ks 2 -Kl-M-NG Exclaim'er, Ks 2 -Kl-Mr Exclama'tion, Ks 2 - Kl - Mshn Exclam'ative, Ks-Kl-Mt- Vi Exclam'atory, Ks-Kl-Mt- fii Exclude', Ks3-Kld, Ks- Kl-Dd3. Ks3-Kld-NG Exclu'sion, Ks 3 -Klzhn Exclu'sionist, Ks^-Klzhn -St Exclu'sive, Ks-Kls-V Exclu'sively, Ks-Kls-Vs- L Exclu'siveness, Ks - Kls- V 3 -Ns Exclu'sory, Ks-Kl-sS 3 Excog'itate, Ks-K-Ji-Tt, Ks-K-J"-T-Td, Ks-K-Ji- Tt(-) Excogita'tion, Ks-K-J- Tshn Excommu'nicable, Ks* :N-K-B1 Excommu'nicate, Ks s :N-Kt, Ks:X-K-Td, Ks* :N-Kt-XG Excommunica'tion, Ks z :N-Kshn Excommu'nicator, Ks 3 :N-Ktr Exco'riate, Ks-K-.R 2 -T, NG Excoria'tion.Ks-K-Sshn 2 Excortica'tion, Ks-K-fi 2 - T-Kshn Ex'crement, K^-sKr-Mnt Excrement'al, K 2 - sK.r i Mnt Excrementi'tious, K - sKr-Mnt-SHs 3 Excres'cence, K 2 - sKrs - Ns Excres'cent, K 5 sKrs-Jft Excrete', K^-sKrt, K-sKr- Td 3 , K 3 -sKrt-XG Excre'tion, K 3 -.-Krshn Ex'cretive, K-sKrt-v 2 Ex'cretqry, K-sKr-T 2 -^ Excru'ciate, K-sKr-SH 3 - T, K-sKr-SH3-Td, K-sKr- SHt 3 -NG Excrucia'tion, K - sKr - SHshnS Excul'pable, Ks-Kl-P--Bl Excul'pate, Ks - Kl - Pt 2 . Ks-Kl-P 2 -Td, Ks-Kl-Pt(-)* Exculpa'tion, Ks - Kl . Pshn 2 Excul'patory, Ks-Kl-P*- 1-R Excur'sion, K ! -sKrshn Excur'sionist, K--sKrsha -St Excur'sive, K-sKrs-Y* EVO Evoca'tion, V-Kshn Excur'sively, K-sKrs-V 2 - L Excur'siveness, K-sKrs- V 2 -Ns Excur'sus, K 2 -sKrss Excus'able-y, Ks-Kz-Bl 8 Excus'ableness, Ks-Kz- Bis-Ns Excus'atory, Ks-Kz-T 3 -.E Excuse', Ks^-Kz, Ks3-Kzd, Ks 3 -Kz-NG Excuse', Ksa-Ks Excus'er, Ks-K-Zr 3 Ex'ecrable-y, K-sKr-Bl 2 Ex'ecrate, K 2 -sKrt, K-sKr -Td 2 , K 2 -sKrt-NG Execra'tion, K 2 -sKrshn Ex'ecratory, K-sKr-T 2 -.R Ee'ecute, Ks 2 -Kt, Ks-K- Td 2 , Ks 2 -Kt-NG Ex'ecuter, Ks 2 -Ktr Execu'tion, Ks 3 -Kshn Execu'tioner, Ks 3 -Kshn- B Exec'utive, Ks-Kt-V 2 Exec'utor, Ks-Ktr Executo'rial, Ks-K-T 2 -.Rl Exec'utorship, Ks 2 - Ktr- SH-P Exec'utory, Ks-K-T 2 -.R Exec'utress, Ks-K-Trs 2 Exec'utrix, Ks-K-Tr 2 -Ks Exege'sis, Ks-Jss 3 Ex'egete, Ks-Jt 2 Exeget'ic, Ks-Jt 2 -K Exeget'ical, Ks-Jt 2 -Kl Exeget'ics, Ks-Jt 2 -Ks Exem'plar, K-sM-Pl 2 -R Ex'emplarily, K.-sM-Pl 2 - Rl Ex'emplariness, K - sM - P12--K 8 Ex'emplary, K-sM-Pl 2 -K Exempliflca'tion, K-sM- Plf2-Kshn Exem'plifier, K-sM-Pl 2 - F-R Exem'plify, K-sM-P12-r, K-sM-PP-Fd, K-8M-P12- F-NG Exempt', K 2 -sMt, K-sM- Td 2 , K-sMtC) Exemp'tion, K 2 -sMshn Exequa'tur, Ks 2 -Kwtr Ex'equies, Ks 2 -Kwz Ex'equy, Ks-Kw Ex'ercisable, K-sKsz 2 -B- L Ex'ercise, K - sBsz* K - 6flsz 2 -p. K-sBsz 2 -NG Ex'erciser, K-sSsz^-R Ex'ercisible, K-sfisz 2 -B-L Exercita'tion, K - sfls 2 - Tshn Exergue', K-sE^G Exert', K-sflt 2 , K-s^-Td, K-sfit 2 -NG Exer'tion, K-sHshn 2 Exfo'liate, Ks-F-Lt, Ks- 93 F*--Td, Ks-F 2 -Zt-NG Exfolia'tion, Ks-F 2 -/,shn Exhal'able, K-sH-X^-Bl Exhal'ant, K-sH-int 2 Exhala'tion, K-sH-Z,shn 2 Exhale', K-sH-/, 2 , K-sH- Z,d 2 K-sH-i 2 -NG Exhaust', Kss-T 1 , Kss- Tdi, Kss-T!-NG Exhaust'er, Kss-Ti-R Exhaust'ible, Kss-Ti-Bl Exhaust'ion, Kss-CHn 1 Exhaust'ive, Kss-Tv 1 Exhaustless, Kss-Ti-is Exhereda'tion, K-sH-K 2 - Dshn Exhib'it, Ks - Bt 3 Ks - B 3 - Td, Ks-Bt(-) 8 Exhib'iter, Ks-Btr 3 Exhibi'tion, Ks-Bshn 3 Exhibi'tioner, Ks-^shns. B Exhib'itive, Ks-Bts-V Exhil'arant, K-sL^-Rnt Exhil'arate, K.-sL*-Rt, K- BL*-R-Td, K-sL 3 -Bt-NG Exhilara'tion, K - sL- - Rshn Exhort', K - sflti K - sfl 1 - Td, K-sKti-NG Exhorta'tion, K - sR* - Tshn Exhor'tative, K-sfii-T- Tv Exhor'tatory, K - sJJi - T- T-fi Exhort'er, K-sKtri Exhuma'tion, K^ - sH - Mshn Exhume', K^-sH-M, K 3 - sH-Md, K 3 -sH-M-NG Ex'igence, Ks-Jns 2 Ex'igency, Ks-Jn 2 -S Ex'igent, Ks-Jnt Exigu'ity, Ks-G-T 3 Exig'uous, Ks-G-S 3 Ex'Ue, Ks-L 2 , Ks-Ld 2 , Ks- L 2 -NG xile', Ks-Li Exist', Kss-T 3 , Kss-Td 3 . Kss-T 3 -NG Exist'ence, Kss-Tns 3 Exist'ency, Kss-Tn 3 -8 Exist'ent, Kss-Tnt 3 Ex'it, Ks-T 2 Ex-min'ister, K 3 -sM-Nstr Ex'ode, Ks-D 2 Ex'odus, Ks-Ds 2 Ex-offl'cial, Ks-FS-SHl Ex offl'cio, Ks-F-5H Ex'ogen, Ks-Jn 2 Exog'enous, Ks-Ji-Ns Ex'on, Ks 2 -N Exon'erate, Ks^Nrt, Ks- Nr-Tdi, Ksi-Nrt-NG Exoneration, K8 2 -Nrshn Exonerative, Ks-Nr-Tvi Ex'orable, K-s^-Bl Exorbitance, K aR l - B- Tns EXO Exor'bitancy, K-sfli-B- Tn-S Exor'bitant, K-sRi-B-Tnt Exorbitantly, K-s/2>-B- Tnt-L Ex'orcise, K-sA'S-Sz (See Exercise), K-s.K 3 -Szd, K- sff--Sz-N<T Ex'orciser, K-s/i--Sz-R Ex'orcism, K-s/e--Sz-M Ex'orcist, K-sA" Exor'dia, K-si-D Exor'dial, K-s^i-D-L Exor'dium, K-s/ei-D-M Exorna'tion, K-s7e--Ns!m Ex'osmose, K-sS 2 -5Is Exosto'sis, Ks-Tss- Exoter'ic, Ks-T 2 -/?-K Exoter'ical, K*-?2-i;-Kl Ex'otery, Ks-'i^./e Exot'ic, Ks-T!-K Exot'ical, Ks-T'-Kl Exot'icism, Ks-T l -szM Expand', Ks - Pndi. Ka - Pni-Dd. Ks-Pnd'-NO Expanse', Ks-Pnsi Expansibil'ity, Ks-Pns 3 - B-Zt Expan'sible, Ks - Pns 1 - B (-L) Expan'sile, Ks-pi-Ns-L Expan'sion, Ks-pi-Nshn Expan'sive, Ks-Pns'-V Expan'siveness, Ks-Pns 1 -V-Ns liVs] Ex-parfte, Ks-pi-fl-T Expa'tiate, Ks - p? - sm, Ks-P 2 -5//-Td, Ks-P 2 -5//t- KG Expatia'tion, Expa'tiator, Ks-P^-SHtr Expa'triate, Ks-P^-Trt, Ks-P 2 -Tr-Td. Ks-P-'-TrtC) Expatria'tion, Ks - P 2 - Trshn Expect', Ks-P=-Kt. Ks-P2- K-Td. Ks-pz-Kt-NG [sP 2 - Kt, sP-K-Td, sP2-Kt-N(i' Expect'able, Ks-pa-Kt-Bk Expect'ance, Ks-P' J -K- Tns Expect'ancy, Ks-P 2 -K- Tn-S Expect'ant, Ks-P=-K-Tnt Expecta'tion, Ks - P 2 - K- Tshn Expect'er, Ks-p=-Ktr Expec'torant, Ks-l >2 -K-T fint Expeo'torate, Ks-P--K-T- Rt, Ks-P 2 -K-T-^-Td, Ka- P 2 -K-T-t-NG Expectora'tion, Ks-P*-K- T-Hshn Expec'torative, Ks-P 2 -K- T-tft-V Expe'dience, Ks-P 3 -Dns Expe'diency, Ks-ps-Du-S Expe'dient, Ks-P^-Dnt EXP Expe'diently, Ks-P 3 -Dnt- L Ex'pedite, Ks-P 2 -Dt, Ks- p2-D-Td. Ks-P*-Dt(-) Ex'peditely, Ks-P 2 -Dt-Z, Expedition, Ks-P^Dshn Expedi'tious, Ks-P 3 -D- SHs Expedi'tiously, Ks-P 3 -D- SHs-L Expedi'tiousness, Ks-P 3 - D-SHs-'Ks Expel', Ks-P2-L, Ks-P-Ld, I Ks-P2-L-NG Expel'lable, Ks-ps-i-Bl Expel'lent, Ks-P 2 -nt Expel'ler, Ks-P^i-R Expel'ling, Ks-PS-L-NG Expend', Ks-Pnd 2 , Ks-Pn 2 Dd, Ks-Pnd^-NG Expenditure, Ks-Pn 2 - Dtr Expense', Ks-Pns 2 Expense'less, Ks-P^Ns- Ls Expen'sive, Ks-Pns 4 - V Expensively, Ks-Pns 2 - \-L Expen'siveness, Ks-Pns 2 -V-Ns [iVs] Expe'rience, Ks-P 3 -Hns, Ks-P--Knst, Ks-P 3 -.Rns- NG [sPrns 3 , sPrnst 3 , 8Prns 3 -NG] Experienced, Ks - P 3 - Rvst '[sPrnsts] Experiment, K - sPr 2 - Mnt. K-sPr 2 -Mn-Td, K- 6Pr 2 -Mnt-NG Experiment'ally, K-sPr 2 Mnt-Z, [K-sPr 2 :Mnt] Experiment'alist, K-sPr 2 Mnt-ist Experimenter, K - sPr- Mntr Expert', K-sPrt 2 Expert'ly, K-sPrts-i Expert'ness, K-sPrts-Ns Ex'piable, Ks-P^-Bl Ex'piate, Ks-P^-T, Ks-P 2 - Td. Ks-P2-T-NG Expia'tion, Ks-Pshn a Ex'piator, Ks-Ptr 2 Ex'piatory, Ks-P 2 -T-K Expira'tion, Ks-P 2 -.Rshn Expi'ratory, Ks-P'-fi-T-K Expire', Ks-pi-R, Ks-P 1 - Rd. Ks-pi-fi-NG Explain', Ks - Pin*, Ks - Plncl. Ks-Pln 2 -NG Explainable, Ks-Pln 2 -B (-L) Explain'er, Ks-Pl 2 -Xr Explana'tipn, Ks - PI 2 - Nshn Explan'atory. Ks-Plni-T- R Ex'pletive, Ks-Pl^-Tv Ex'pletory, S.s-fl"-1-R Explicable, Ks-Pl*-K-Bl 94 Ex'plicate, Ks-Pl^-Kt, Ks- Pl*-K-Td, Ks-Pl 2 -Kt-NG Explica'tion, Ks-Pl 2 - Kshn Ex'plicative. Ks-Pl 2 -Kt- V Ex'plicatory, Ks - PI 2 - K- T-fl Ex'plicator, Ks-Pl 2 -Ktr Explic'it, Ks-Plfi3-T Explic'itly, Ks-Pls3-T- Explic'itness, Ks-Pls 3 -!- Ks Explode', Ks-Pld 2 , Ks- P12-Dd. Ks-Pld(-) 2 Explod'er, Ks-Pl^Dr Exploit', Ks-Plti Exploita'tion, Ks - PI 2 - Tshn Explora'tion, Ks - PI 2 - Bshn Ex'plorator, Ks-Pl^Ktr Explor'atory, Ks-Pl 2 -^- 1-R Explore', Ks-Pl 2 -R, Ks- Pl 2 -Rd, Ks-Pl 2 -K-NG Explor'er, Ks-Pl 2 -Rr Explo'sion, Ks-P]zhn* Explo'sive, Ks-Pls 2 -V Explo'sively, Ks-Pls^V- L Expolia'tion, Ks-P 2 -Zshn Expo'nent, Ks-PuZ-Nt Exponen'tial, Ks-Pn-N- 8H1 Export', Ks-P2-.Rt, Ks-P- fi-Td, Ks-PS-JZt-NG- Ex'port, Ks-P 2 -JJt Exportable, Ks-P 2 -Kt-Bl Exporta'tion, Ks - P 2 - R - Tshn Export'er, Ks-P 2 -fftr Expose', Ks-Pz 2 , Ks-Pzd 2 , Ks-Pz 2 -NG Expose' [eks-po-za'], Ks- P2-Z Expos'edness, Ks-Pz 2 -D- Ns Expos'er, Ks-P 2 -Zr Exposi'tion, Ks-PzzAn 3 Expos'itive, Ks-Pz ] -Tv Expos'itor, Ks-Pztr 1 Expos'itory, Ks-Pz^T-fl Ex post fac'to, Ks-Ps 2 -F- K-T Expostulate, Ks - Ps 1 - T- Z,t, Ks-Psi-T-//-Td, Ks- Expostula'tion, Ks- Ps 2 - T-ishn Expost'ulator, Ks-Psi-T- Ltr Expost'ulatory, Ks-Ps 1 - T-Lt-R Expos'ure, Ks-P 2 -ZHr Expound', Ks-Pndi, Ks- Pn'-Dd, Ks-Pndi-NG Expound'er, Ks-Pndr 1 Ex-Pres'ident, K - sPrz*- Dnt EXT Express', K - sPrs 2 K- sPrst 2 , K-sPrs 2 -XG Express'age, K-sPrs^J Express'ible, K-sPrs 2 -Bl Expres'sion, K-sPrshn 2 Expres'sionless, K - sPrshn 2 -/,s Express'ive, K-sPrs 2 -V Express'ively, K-sPrs 2 - \-L Expressiveness, K-sPrs* V-Ns [iVs] Expressi'vo, K-sPrs 3 -V Express'ly, K-sPr^si Expro'pnate, K-sPr^Prt Expugn', Ks - Pn 3 , Ks - Pnds, Ks-Pn 3 ->:G Expug'nable, Ks - P 2 - G- N-B1 Expugn'able, Ks-Pn-B (-L) Expugna'tion, Ks-P 2 -G- Nshn Expugn'er, Ks-P 3 -Nr Expul'sion, Ks-P 2 -Lshn Expul'sive, Ks-P 2 -is-V Expunc'tion, Ks - P - NGshn Expunge', Ks-Pn 2 -J, Ks- Pn 2 -Jd, Ks-Pn2-J-NG Ex'purgate or Expur'- gate, K-sPr 2 -Gt, K-sPr 2 - G-Td, K-sPr 2 -Gt-NG Expurga'tion, K - sPr* - Gshn Ex'purgator or Expur'- gator, K-sPr 2 -Gtr Expur'gatory, K-sPr 2 -G- T-.R Ex'quisite, Ks-Kwz-T 2 Ex'quisitely, Ks-Kwz-T*- L Ex'qnisiteness, Ks-Kwz- T 2 -Ns Exsan'guious, Ks - NG - Gw-Si Exscind', K 3 -sNd Exsec'tion, Ks 2 -Kshn Ex-Sen'ator, K 2 -sNtr Exsic'cant, Ks 3 -Knt Ex'sicoate or Exsic'- cate, Ks 2 or 3 -Kt, Ks-K- Exsicca'tion, Ks 2 -Kshn Exsic'cative, Ks-Kt-V 3 Exspui'tion, Ks-P 3 -SHn Exsuc'tion, K 2 -suKshn Exsuda'tion, Ks-Dshn 2 Exsude', Ks-D 3 Ex'tant, Ks-Tnt 2 Ex'tasy, Ks-T2-s Extempora'neous, Ks - T2-M-Pr-> T s [sT2-Pr-Ns] Extempora'neouoly, Ks T 2 -M-Pr-Ns-L Extem'porary, Ks-T 2 -M- Pr-R Extem'pore, Ks-T-M-Pr Extemporiza'tion, K/s- T-M-Prz*A7i EXT Extem'porize, Ks-T*-M- Prz. Ks-T--M-Przd, Ks- TS-M-Prz-NG Extem'porizer, Ks-TVM- Pr-Zr Extend', Ks-Tnd2, Ks-Tn^ -Dd, Ks-Tnd2-NG Extend'er, Ks-Tndr* Extendable, Ks - Tnd* - B (-L) Extensibil'ity, Ks-T'-Ns- Blt Extensible, Ks-T^-Ns-Bl Exten'sile, K.s-T*-Ns-Ii Exten'sion, Ks-T^-Nshn. See Extenuation. Exten'sionist, Ks - T* - Nshn-St Exten'sive, Ks-T^-Xs-V Exten'sively, Ks-T^-Ns- \-L Exten'siveness, Ks-T s - Ns-V-Ns [Ks-Tnss;Vs] Exten'sor, KS-TS-NB-B Extent', Ks-Tnt^ Exten'uate, Ks-T*-N-T, Ks-T s -N-Td, Ks-T2-Nt-NG Extenua'tion, Ks - TS - N- SHn. See Extension. Exten'uator, Ks-T^Ntr Exten'uatory, Ks-T*-N- T-R Exte'rior, Ks-T 3 -R-K Exter'minate, K-sTr-M- N-T, K-sTr^-M-N-Td, K- Extermina'tion, K-sTr 2 - M-Nshn Exter'minator, K - sTr s - M-Ntr Exter'minatory, K-sTr 2 - M-N-T-/e Exter'nal-ly, K-sTr-Nl External'ity, K-sTri-Nl- T Externals, K-sTr-Nlz Extill', KS-TH-L Extinct', Ks-T-NGt Extinc'tion, Ks - T 8 - NGshn- Extin'guisb, Ks-T*-NG- Gw-SH, Ks-TS-NG-Gw- 8Ht, Ks-T-NG-Gw-SH- NG [Ks-T 3 -NG-SH, Ks- T3-NG-SHt, Ks-TS-NG- 8H-NG] Extin'guishable, Ks-T 3 - NG-Gw-SH-Bl [-NG-SH- Bl] Extin'guisher, Ks - T 3 - NG-Gw-SHr [-NG-SHr] Extinguishment, Ks-T- NG-Gw-SH-Mnt [-NG- 8H-Mnt] Extirp'able, K-sTr-P-Bl Ex'tirpate or Extir'pate K-sTrS-Pt, K-sTrS-P-Td, K-sTr s -Pt(-) Extirpa'tion, K - sTr - Mha 95 Ex'tirpator or Extir'- pator, K-sTrS-Ptr Extol', Ks-Ti-L, Ks-Ti-Ld, Ks-Tl-L-NG Extoller, Ks-Ti-Z-R Extor'sive, Ks-Ti-ies-V Extors'ively, Ks-Ti-jBs- V-L Extort', Ks-Ti-Rt, Ks-T 1 - fi-Td, Ks-T!-.Rt-:NG Extort'er, Ks-T^Btr Extor'tion, Ks-1 l -Nshn Extor'tionary, Ks - T 1 - Rstm-R Extor'tionate, Ks - T ; - fishnlT Extor'tioner, Ks - T> - .Rshn-R Extor'tious, Ks-T'-X-SHs Ex'tra, K-sTi-a Ex'tras, K-sTrz3 Extract', K - sTr* - Kt, K - sTrJ-K-Td, K-sTr-Kt-KG Ex'tract, K-sTr^-Kt Extract'able, K-sTr^Kt- Bl Extract'ible, K - sTri - Kt- Bl Extrac'tion, K-sTr'-Kshn Extract'ive, K-sTri-Kt-V Extract'or, K-sTri-Ktr Extradi'tion, K - sirs - Dsbn Extra'dos, K-sTr^-Ds Extrado'tal, K-sTr2-D-Tl Extrajudi'cial, K-sTr 3 - Jd-SHl Extramun'dane, K-sTr e - Mn-Dn Extramu'ral, K-sTrS-M- R\ Extra'neous, K-sTr^-Ns Extra'neously, K - sTr 2 - Ns-L Extraordinarily, K-sTr 1 -Ed-Nr-L [BTri-fi-i] Extraordinary, K-sTr 1 - Kd-Nr [sTr 1 -.^] Extraprofes'sional, K - sTr 2 -Pr-Fshii-L Ex'tra-uterine, K-sTr 2 - Yt-.Rn Extrav'agance, K-sTrvi- Gns [sTrvi-Gns] Extrav'agancy, K-sTrv 1 - Gn-8 [sTrv^Gn-S] Extrav'agant, K-sTrv 1 - Gnt [sTrvi-Gnt] Extrav'agantly, K-sTrv 1 - Gnt-Z, [sTrv^-Gnt-i] Extrav'agantness, K - sTrvi-Gnt-Ns Extravagan'za, K-sTrv 1 - Gn-Z Extrav'asate, K-sTr'-Vs- T, K-sTri-Vs-Td, K-sTri- Vs-T-NG Extravasa'tion, K - sTr*- \ethn Extreme', EYH Extreme'ly, Extremist, Extreru'ity, Ex'tricable, K-sTr=-K-Bl Ex'tricate, K-sTr^-Kt, K- sTr2-K-Td. K-sTr3-Kt-KG Extrica'tion, K - sTr s - Kshn Extrin'sic, K-sTr^-Xs-K Extrin'sical-ly, K -sTr 3 - Ns-Kl Extrude', K - sTr<P, K.- sTr 3 'Dd, K-sTrdi-^ Extru'sion, K-sTrzlm 3 Extu'berauce, Ks-T 3 - Bms Extu'berancy, Ks - T3 - Brn-8 Extu'berant, Ks-T3-Bmt Extumes'cence, Ks - T 3 - Ms-Xs Exu'berance, Ks-B^-Rns Exu'berancy, Ks-Bs-fin- S Exu'berant, Ks-B 3 -lfnt Exu'berantly, Ks-B-i-^nt ExuTserate, Ks-B3-,Rt Exuda'tion, Ks-Dslm 2 Exude', Ks-l)3, K-s-Dd*, Ks-DS-KG Exul'cerate, K sL--Ri Exulcera'tion, K-sLs 8 - fishn Exul'ceratory, K-sis 2 -/?- T-R Exult', K-sIt2, K-si=-Td, K-sLt2-NG Exult'ant, K-sZ,2-Tiit Exulta'tion, K-siS-Tshn Exult'ingly, K-sit^-NGl Exunda'tion, Ks-N-Dshn s Exust'ion, Kss-CHn 2 Exu'viffi, Ks-Y3 Exu'viable, Ks-V'.Bl Ey'as, iaSi Eye, ji. H D. I'-NG Eye'ball, i'-B-L Eye'bright, I'lBrt Eye'brow, i 1 : Br Eye'glass, P-Gls Eye'lash. iiii-SH Eye'less, i'tis Eye'let, n : Li Eye'lethole, P iit-Hl Eyeleteer', i 1 :L-Tr Eye'lid, Pli-D Eye'-piece, P-Ps Eye'-servant, i 1 '.sH-Vnt Eye'-service, i 1 is7J-Vs Eye'shot, i'-SHt Eye'sight, l-Sti Eye'-sore, PtsE Eye'-stone, P'.sTn Eye'-tooth, P-T-TH Eye'-water, P-Wtr Eye'-witness, P-Wt-Ns Eyne, P-N Eyre, Ri Ey'rie or Ey'ry, aEP FAB F. S 1 , the sixth letter of the Alphabet, represents the sound of./, as heard in fee, foe, if, fife, etc. In the single word of,f has the sound of v. Ff has the sound of single /, as in bnjf, riff, lujf, stuffed, etc. See Bb. Fa, Fa r Faba'ceous, F^-B-S/ft Fa'bian, F 2 -En Fa^le, F2-B1, F2-Bld, F- Bl-NQ Fa'bler, F-B1-B Fab'ric, F'-Br-K Fabricate, Fi-Br-Kt, F>- Br-K-Td, F!-Br-Kt-NG Fabrica'tion, F^-Br-Kshn Fab'ricator, Fi-Br-Ktr Fab'ulist, Fi-B-Zst .Fab'ulize, Fi-B-Zz, FVB- Zzd, Fi-B-Zz-NG Fab'ulous, F!-B-Zs Fab'ulously, F 1 -B-Zs-Z Facade', Fsori-D Face, Fs s . Fsta, Fs-NG Fa'cer, Fs^-K Fac'et, Fs!-T Face'tise, FtsP-SH Face'tious, Fs 3 -SHs Face'tiously, Fs 3 -5Hs-Z Face'tiousness, FB 3 -SHs- Ns Facette', Fs*-T Fa'cial, F^-SHl Fa'cially, F*-SH1 Fac'ile, Fs>-L Facil'itate, F^-sZ-Tt, F- sZ-T-Td. F 3 -sZ-Tt(-) Facilita'tion, F^sZ-Tshn Facility, F 3 -sZ-T Fa'cing, Fs 2 -NG Fac-sim'ile, F^-K-sM-Z Fact, Fi-K-T [Fti] Fac'tion, F'-Kshn Fac'tionist, Fi-Kshn-5t Fac'tious, Fi-K-SHs Fac'tiously, Fi-K-SHs- Fac'tiousness, F>-K-SHs- Ns Facti'tious, T 3 K-T-SI Facti'tiousness, F-K-T- S//S-NS Facti'tiously, F 3 - K - T - SHs-L Fac'tor, F'-Ktr Fac'torage, Fi-Ktr-J Fac'tory, Fi-K-T-K Facto'tum, F--K-Tt-M Fac'tum, F'-K-T-M Fac'ulty, F^Kl-T Fac'und, Fi-K-Nd 96 Facund'ity, F-K-Nd-T Fad'dle, F'-Dl Fade, F-D, F^-Dd, F-D- NG Fad'ed, F"-Dd Fadeless, F^-D-Zs Fadge, Fi-J, FWd. Fi-J- NG Fad'ding, Fi-D-NG Fa'dy, F-D Pse'cal, F3-K1 Fse'ces, Fsz^ Psec'ula, F-K1 Fa'ery, F 2 - Fag, Fi-G, Fi-G-D, Fi-G- NG Fag'-end, Fi-G-Nd Fag'ot, Fi-G-T, F!-G-Td. Fi-G-T-NG Fahrenheit, F^-^n-Ht Fail, F 2 -L, F2-Ld, F2-L-NG Failing, F 2 -L-NG Fail'ure, F^-Z-B, Fain, Fn 2 Faint, (a.) Fnt* Fntr2. Fnt2-St Faint, (v.) Fnta F2-N-Td, Faint'-hearted, Fnts-K- Td Faint'-heartedness,Fnt2 -fi-Td-Xs Faintlsh, Fnt-5H Faintly, Fnt2-z Faint'ness, Fnt 2 -Ns Faints, Fnts* Fair, F l -R, F l -~Rr, F^Sst Fair'ing, F!--NG Fair^ish, F'-R-^/f Fairly, F1-.R1 Fairness, F'-R-Ns Faii^play, Fi-R-Pl Fair'seeming, F 1 - R - sM - NG Fair'spoken, F'-R-sP-Kn Fair'y, F'- Fair'y-land, F'-TZ-Znd Faith, F-TH Faith'ful-ly, F=-TH-F1 Faith'fulness, F2-TH-F1- Ns [F2-TH:Fs] Faithless, F2-TH-Zs Faithlessly, F2-TH-Zs-t Faithlessness, F 2 - TH - Zs-Ns Fake, F 2 -K Faltir, F 2 -Kr Fal'cate, Fi-Z-K-T Fal'cated, F'-Z-K-Td Fal'chion, F'-Z-CHn Fal'ciform, F'-Zs-F-R-M Fal'con, F'-Kn Fal'coner, Fi-K-Nr Fal'conet, Fi-K-Nt Fal'conry. F a -Kn-X Fald'stOOl, Fi-Ld-sT-L Fall, F'-L, Fi-L-NG Falla'cious, F*-Z-SHs Falla'ciously, FS-Z-SHs- Z FAN Falla'ciousness, F 2 - L S//S-NS Fal'lacy, FJ-Z-S Fallen, F-Ln Fallibil'ity, FS-Z-Blt Fallible-y, F'-Z-Bl Fall'ing-sickness, F-L- NGs-K-Ns Fall'ing-star, Fi-L-NGstr Fallo'pian, F2-Z-Pn Fallow, Fi-Z, FJ-Zd, F 1 - Z-NG Fallow-crop, Fi-Z-Kr-P Fal'low Deer, F^Z-Dr I Fallow-finch, Fi-Z-F-N- CH Fal'lowness, F>-Z-Ns False, Fi-Ls. FkLs-B, F>- Zss-T False'-hearted, Fi-Zs-Jfr Td False'hood, Fi-Zs-Hd False'ly, F-Zs-Z False'ness, Fi-Zs-Ns Falsette', F2-Zs-T Falset'to, F^Zs-To Fals'ifiable, Flsi-F-Bl Falsification, Fls 2 - F - Kshn Fals'ifler, Flsi-F-R Fals'ify, Flsi-F, FIsi-Fd, Flsi-F-NG Falsity, Flsi-T Fal'ter, Fi-Ztr, Fi-Z-Trd, F^Ztr-NG Fal'teringly, Fi-Ztr-NGl Fame, F-M, F 2 -Md, F s - M-XG Fameless, F^-M-Zs Famil'iar, F3-M1-B [F- M] Familiar'ity, F^-Ml-Xt [Fi-M] Famil'iarize, F^ - Ml Bz, F^-Ml-fizd. FS-Ml-JZz-NG- [F3-Mz, F3-Mzd, F- Mz(-)] Famil'iarly, F 3 -M1-1 [F^-M-Z] Fam'ilism, F ] -M-Zz-M ! Fam'ilist, Fi-M-Zst 1 Fam'ily, FJ-M-Z Fam'ine, Fi-Mn Fam'ish, F'-M-SH, F^M- fUlt. Fi-M-SH-NG Fam'ishment, F^M-SH- Mut Fa'mous, F-Ms Fa'mously, F^-Ms-Z Fa'mousness, F 2 -Ms-Ns Fan, Fn 1 , Fndi, Fni-NG Fanat'ic, F^Nt-K Fanat'ical-ly, F'-Nt-Kl Fanat'icalness, F'-Nt-Kl- Ns Fanat'icism, Fi-Nt-S-zM Fan'cier, F^Ns-B Fan'citul-ly, Fni-S-Fl Fan'cifulness, Fni-8-Fl- Ns [Fn>-S:F8] FAN Fan'cy, Fni . s, F 1 - Ns - D, Fn'-S-NG Fandan'go, Fndi-NG-G Fane, Fn 2 Fan'faron, Fni-F-Rn Fanfaronade', Fn 2 -F-JZ- Nd Fang, F'-NG Fanged, F'-NGd Fan'gle, F - NG - Gl [Fi- NG1] Fan'gled, Fi-NG-Gld [F 1 -NGld] Fang'less, Fi-U Fan'ion, Fu'-N Fan'-light, Fn 1 -/,! Fan'ner, Fi-Nr Fan'on, Fni-N Fan'-palm, Fn'-P-M Fan' -tail, Fn'-T-L Fanta'sia, Fn 2 -T-Z Fan'tasm, Fnti-Z-M Fantas'tic, Fnti-St-K Fantas'tical-ly, Fntf-St- Kl Fantastical'ity, Fnt'-St- Kl-T Fantas'ticalness, Fnt 1 - 8t-Kl-Ns Fan'tasy, Fntf-S Fan'tom, Fnti-M Fan'-wheel, Fni-W-L Faquir', F-Kr Far, Fi-R, Frthri, Fri- DHst In phrases far is some- times written Fr; thus, So far. 8 2 -Fr How far, H'-Fr Farce, F^Rs Far'cical, Fi-Rs-K-L Far'cically, Fi-Rs-K-L Far'cicalness, F'-Rs-K- Z-Ns Far'cin, Fi-Rs-N Far'cy, F l -R-S Far'del, Fi-R-Dl Fare, F'-R, Fi-Rd, Fi-R- NG Farewell', F 2 R-W1 Fare'well, Fi-R-Wl Far'-fetched, Fi-R-F-CHt Fari'na, F'or-/J-N Farina'ceous, F 2 - R- N - SHs Farm, Fi-R-M, Fi-R-Md, Fi-R-M-NG Farm'able, F'-R-M-Bl Farm'er. Fi-R-Mr Farm'ery, Fi-R-Mr Farm'-house, F'-R-M-Hf Farm'ing, F ! -R-M-NG Far'most, Fi-R-Mst Farm'-yard, Fi-R-M-Yrd Far'o, Fi- Far'obank, F'-fl-B-NG-K Farrag'inous, F 1 Farra'go, F-fi-G Far'rier, Fi-ff-R ffar'riery, F l -R-S 5 97 Far'row, F*-R, R-NG Par'-sighted, F'-Rs-Td Far'ther, Frthri Far'thest, Fri-DHst Far'thing, Fr'-TH-NG Far'thingale, Fr 1 - TH - NG-G1 Fas'ces, F'-Sz Fas'cial, Fi-SHl Fas'ciate, T l -SH-1 Fas'ciated, F^-SH-ld Fas'cicle, Fs'-K-L Fascic'ular, Fs 3 -K-L-R Fas'cinate, Fs'-Nt, Fs 1 - N-Td. Fs'-Kt-NG Fascina'tion, Fs 2 -Nshn Fascine', FS^-N Fash'ion, Fshn 1 , Fshnd 1 , Fshni-NG Fash'ionable, Fshni - B (-D Fash'ionably, Fshn 1 - B (-L) Fash'ioner, Fshni-R Fast, (a.)Fsti, Fstri, Fs 1 - Tst Fast, (v.) Fsti, Fsi-Td, Fst(-) 1 Fast'-day, Fs'-D Fast'en, Fs* - N, Fsi - Nd, Fsi-N-NG Fast'ener, Fs'-N-R Fast'ening, Fs^N-NG Fas'ti, Fs 1 -'!' Fastid'ious, Fs^-T-Ds Fastid'iously, Fg3- T - D - sL Fastid'iousness, Fs3 - T - Ds-Ns Fast'ness, Fsi-T-Ns Fat, (a.) Ft', Ftr'. F'-Tst Fat, (c.) Ft', F'-Td, Fti- NG Fa'tal, Fa'talism, Fa'talist, Ft2-Z,st Fatal'ity, Ft'-^-T Fa'tally, Ft*-L Fa'ta Morga'na, F^T-M- B-G-N Fat'-brained, Ft'-Brnd Fate, Ftz Fat'ed, F-Td Fate'ful, Fts-F-L Fa'ther, Fdhr', Fdhr'-D, Fdhr'-NG Fa'therhood, Fdhr'-Hd Fa'ther-in-law,Fdhr>-Nl Fa'ther-land, Fdhr'-Z-nd Fa'ther-lasher, Fdhr'-Z,- SHr Fa'therless, Fdhr'-is Fa'therliness, Fdhri - L - Ns Fa'ther-iong-legs.Fdhr 1 -/,-NG-L-Gz Fa'therly, Fdhr^-Z, Fath'om, F 1 - DH - M. DH-Md, F'-DH-M-NG FEA Fath'omable, Fi-DH-M- Bl Fath'omless, F'-DH-M- Ls Fatid'ical, FS-Td-Kl Fatig'able, F3-T-G-B1 Fatigue', F3-T-G, F3-T- Gd. F 3 -T-G-NG Fatil'oquist, Ft3-Z,-K\vst Fat'ling, Ft'-i-NG Fat'ly, Ft'-L Fat'ner, Fti-Nr Fat'ness, Ft'-Ns Fat'ten, F 1 - Tu. Fi - Tnd, F'-Tn-NG Fat'tener, F'-T-Nr Fat'tiness, F'-T-Ns Fat'tish. Fti-SH Fat'ty, Fi-T Fatu'ity, F^-T-T Fat'uous, F ] -T-S Fau'bourg, F 5 -Br-G Fau'cal, F'-Kl Fau'ces, F'-Sz Fau'cet, Fs'-T Faugh, Fai Faul'chion, Fi--CHn Fault, F'-Lt, F'-/,-Td, F 1 - it-NG Fault'ily, F l -Lt-L Fault'iness, Fi-/,t-Ns Fault'less, F^Lt-Ls Fault'lessly, F^-Lt-Ls-L Fault'lessness, F'-^t-is- Ns Fault'y, Fi-L-T Faun, Fni Fau'na, F'-N Fauteuil', F2-T-L Faux' pas, F^-P Fa'vor, F^-Vr. F2-Vrd(Sea Favorite), F^-Vr-NG Fa'vorable-y, F^-Vr-Bl Fa'vorableness, F^-Vr- Bl-Ns [F2-VriBs] Fa'vorer, F 2 -Vr-R Fa'vorite, F=-Vr-T. (See Favored.) Fa'voritism, F 2 -Vr-T-zM Fawn, Fni. FucP. Fui-NG Fawn'er, F'-Kr Fawn'ingly, Fn'-NG-L Fay, F 2 Fe'alty, F 3 --T Fear, F 3 -R, F*-Rd, F-R- NG Fear'ful-ly, F 3 -R-F1 Fear'fulness, F 3 -R-Fl-Ns [F 3 R:Fs] Fear'less, F^-R-Ls Fear'lessly, F-n-Ls-L Fear'lessness, F 3 - R - Ls - Ns Fear'naught, F^-R-Nt Feasibil'ity, Fz 3 -Bl-T Fea'sible, Fz^-Bl Fea'sibleness, Fz'-Bl-Ng [Fz i Bs] Feast, Fst' Fs3-Td, Fst('( Feast'er, Fstr^ FEA 98 Feastful, Fs 3 -T-Fl Feld'spar, F 2 -Zds-P-R Feat, Ft* Feldspathlc, Fi-Zda-P- Feath'er, Fdhr 2 , Fdhr-D TH-K (See Fettered), Fdhr-'-NG Feldspath'ose, Fi-Zds- Feath'erbed, Fdhr 2 -Bd P-THs Feath'er-boarding, Felicitate, F Zs-Tt, F 3 - ^dlir^-B-/?ci-NG' Zs-T-Td. F^-Zs-TtC) Feath'ered, Fdhr 2 -D Felicita'tion, F 2 -Zs-Tslin Feath'er-edge, Fdhr^-J Feath'er-edged, Fdhr 2 - Felicitous, F 3 -Zs-Ta Felicitously, F 3 -Zs-T-sZ Jd Felicltousness, F 3 - Zs - Feath'erless, Fdhr^-Za Ts-Ns Feath'ery, F*-'H-R Felicity, F 3 -Zs-T Feat'ly, Ff-Z Fe'line, FS-Zn Feat'ure, Ftr 3 Fe'lis, F 3 -Zs Feat'ured, F 3 -CHrd Fell, F 2 -L, FiLd, F2-L-NG Feat'ureless, Ftr^Zs Fell'er, F 2 -Z-R Feat'urely, FtrS-Z Fell'-monger, F 2 - L - M - Febr ifa 'cient, F 2 - Br - NGr Fshnt Fell'ness, F^-L-Ns Febrif'ic, F 3 -Brf-K Fellow, F 2 -Z Febrifu'gal or Febrifu- Fellow-commoner, F 2 - gal, F a -Br-F-Gl Z'.N-R Feb'rifuge, F 2 -Br-F-J Fellow-creature, F 2 -Z- Fe'brile, F 3 -Br-L Krtr Feb'rile, F 2 -Br-L Fellow-feeling, F 2 -Z-F- Feb'ruary, F 2 -Br-R [F 2 - Bj L-NG Fellow-heir, F 2 -Z-R Fe'cal, F 3 -K1 Fellow-laborer, F^Z-Z- Fe'ces, Fsz 3 Br-R Fe'cit, Fs 3 -T Fec'ula, F 2 -Kl Fellow-servant, F 2 -Zs- R-Vnt Fec'ulence, F 2 -Klns Fellow-ship, F 2 -Z-SH-P Fec'ulency, F 2 -Kln-8 [F2-ZiSH] Fec'ulent, F 2 -Klnt Fellow-soldier, F 2 -Z- Fec'und, F 2 -K-Nd sZ-Jr Fec'undate, F 2 -Kn-Dt, F 2 Fellow-traveler, F 2 - Z - Kn-D-Td. F 2 -Kn-Dt(-) Tr-Vl-R Fecunda'tion, F 2 - Kn - Fellow-worker, F*-Z- Dshn Wr-Kr Fecun'dity F2-Kn-D-T Felly, F2-Z Fed, F 2 -D Felo-de-se, F 3 -Z-D-S Fed'eral, Fd 2 Rl Fel'on, F 2 -Zn Fed'eralist, Fd 2 -Rlst Fed'eralism, Fd 2 -.Rl-zM Felo'nious, F^Z-Ns Felo'niously, F^-Z-Ns-L Fed'erate, F 2 -Drt Fel'ony, F 2 -Z-N Fed'erated, F^DrTd Fel'spar, F 2 -Zs-P-R Federa'tion, F 2 -Drshn Felspath'ic, Fi-Zs-P-TH- Fed'erative, F 2 -Dr-Tv K Fee, F, F 3 -D, F-NG Felt, F=-Lt, F 2 -Z-Td, F- Fee'ble, F8-B1, F-Bl-R, Zt-NG F^-Blst Felting, F-Zt-NG Fee'ble-minded, F 3 -B1- Feluc'ca, F 2 -Z-K Mn-Dd Fel'wort, F-Z-Wrt Fee'bleness, F 3 -Bl-Xs Fe'male, F3-M1 Fee'bly, F 3 -B1 Fe'male-screw, F 3 -M1- Feed, F-D. F^-D-NG sKr Feed'er, F 3 -Dr Feme-cov'ert, F^-M-Kv- Fee'-farm, F-F-R-M t Feel, F 3 -!,, F 3 -L-NG Femme-cov'ert, F 3 - M - Feel'er, F 3 -Z-R Kv-flt Feel'ing, F 3 -L-NG Feme-sole', F 2 -M-sZ Feelingly, F 3 -L-NG1 Femme-sole', F 2 -M-sZ Fee'-simple, F-sM-Pl Femlnal, F-M-K1 Feet, Ft 3 Feminine, F 2 -Mn-N Fee'-tail, F3-T-L Fem'oral, F-M-.R1 Feign, Fn 2 , Fnd 2 . Fn^-NG Fen, Fu 2 Feign'edly, F 2 -N-D-Z Fence, Fns 2 , F 2 -Nst, F 2 - Feign'er, F 2 -Nr Ns-NG Feint, Fnta Fenceless, F 2 -Ns-Ls FER Feno'er, F^-Ns-R Fen'cible, F 2 -Ns-B (-L) Fen'cing, F^-Ns-NG Fend, Fnd 2 , F 2 -N-Dd, Fnd 2 -NG Fend'er, Fndr 2 Fenes'tral, F^-N-sTr-L Fe'nian, Fn^-N Fen'nec, Fn 2 -K Fen'nel, F 2 -N1 Fen'ny, F 2 -N Fen'ugreek, F 2 -N-Gr-K Feod, F-D Feod'al. F 3 -D1 Feoff, FS-F, F^Ft, F2-P- NG Feoffee', F 3 -Fe Feof fer, F'--Fr Feof for, F-Fr FeofTment, F 2 -F-Mnt Fera'cious, F 2 -B-SHs Fe'ral, F 3 -.R1 Fer'etory, F 2 -R-1-R Fe'rial, FS-fi-L Fe'rine, F 3 -n Fe'rineness, F 3 -Bn-Ns Ferity. F 2 -R-T Fer'ment, Fr^-Mnt Ferment', Fr 2 -Mnt. Fr- Mn-Td, Fr 2 -Mnt-NG Ferment'able, Fr 2 -Mnt- B(-L) Fermentabil'ity, Fr - Mnt-B-Zt Ferment'al, Fr 2 -Mnt-Z Fermenta'tion, Fr 2 -Mn- Tshn Ferment'ative, Fr^Mnt- Tv Fern, F 2 -#n Fern'y, F 2 -fi-N Fero'cious, F 2 -J?-8Hs Fero'ciously, F*-R-SHs-L Fero'ciousness, F- - R - SHs-Ns Feroc'ity, T l -Rs-T Fer'reous, F 2 --S Fer'ret, F 2 -t, F 2 -R-Td, Fer'riage, T--R-J Ferriferous, F 3 -Rf-Rs Ferrocy'anate, F 1 - R - S - Nt Ferrocyan'ic, F'-TJ-S-X- K Ferrocy'anide, F 1 - R - S- K-D Ferru'ginous, FS-TZ-J-Ns Ferru'go, F--/J-G Fer'rule, F--fil Fer'ry, F 2 -S, F--R-D, F 2 - R-NG Fer'ry-boat, F 2 -R-Bt Fer'ry-man, F 2 -R-Mn Fer'ry-men, F 2 -^lMn Fer'tile, Frt 2 -L Fer'tilely, Frt 2 -Z Fer'tileness, Frt*-Z-Ns Fertility, Frt 3 -Z-T Fertiliza'tion, Frts-ZzA FHR Fertilize, Frt 2 -Zz, Frt- Zzd, Frt-Zz-NG Fertilizer, Frts-Zz-R Ferula'cious, F^fi-i-SHs Fer'ula, F*-R-L Fer'ule, F*-R\, F2-R1&, F 2 - fil-NG Fer'vency, Fr 2 -Vn-S FerVent, Fr2-Vnt FerVentness, Fr^Vnt-Ns Fervently, Fr 2 -Vnt-Z Fer'vid, Fr 2 -Vd FerVidly, Fr-Vd-Z Fer'vidness, Fr^Vd-Ns Fer'vor, Fr 2 -Vr Fes'cennine, Fs 2 -Nn Fes'cue, Fs 2 -K, Fs 2 -Kd, Fs 2 -K-NG Fess, Fs 2 Fesse, Fs 2 Fesse'-point, Fs 2 -Pnt Fes'tal, Fs 2 -T-L Fes'ter, Fstr 2 , F*-sTrd, FstrC) 2 Fes'tival, Fs 2 -T-V! Fes'tive, Fs 2 -Tv Fes'tively, Fs 2 -T-Vl Festiv'ity, Fs 3 -Tv-T Fes'tivous, Fs 2 -T-Vs Festoon', Fs 3 -Tn, Fs 3 - Tnd,Fsi>-Tn-NG Fe'tal, Ft 3 -L Fetch, F2-CH, F 2 -CHt, F- CH-NG Fetch'er, F 2 -CHr Fete, Ft 2 , F 2 -Td, Ft 2 -NG Fe'tich, Fts-SH Fet'ichism, Ft 2 -SHz-M Fet'icism, F 2 -T-szM Fet'id, F 2 -Td Fet'lock, Fts-Z-K Fe'tor, Ftr Fet'ter, Ftr 2 , F 2 -Trd (See Feathered), Ftr 2 -NG Fet'terless, Ftr^-Zs Fe'tus, F 3 -Ts Feud, F 3 -D Feud'al, F 3 -D1 Feud'alism, F-Dl-zM Feudal'ity, Fi-D-Z-T Feudaliza'tion, F 2 - T>lzskn Feud'ary, F*-D-R Feud'atary, F-Dt-K Feud'ist, F a -Dst Feuilleton', F l -Tn Fe'ver, F 3 -Vr Fe'verfew, F 3 -Vr-F Fe'verish, F 3 -Vr-,S72" Fe'verishness, F 3 -Vr-^'fl'- Ns Fe'verous, F*-Vrs Few, F 3 , F 3 -R, Fst Few'ness, F 3 -Ns Fez, Fz= Fias'co, Fsi-K Fi'at, Fi-T Fib, F 3 -B, F 3 -Bd, F-B-NG Fib'ber, F-Br Fiter, 99 , F'-Br Fi'bril, F^Br-L Fibril'lose or Fib'ril- lose, F3-Br-is Fibrillous or Fib'ril- lous, F 3 -Br-is Fi'brine, Fi-Brn Fi'brous, F^Brs Fib'ster, F3-Bstr Fib'ula, F 3 -B-Z Fib'ulse, F3-B-X, Fick'le, F 3 -K1 Fick'leness, F 3 -Kl-Ns Fic'tile, F 3 -K-T-L Fic'tion, F^-Kshn Ficti'tious, FS-K-T-Sfls Ficti'tiously, F3-K-T-/Sfls -L Ficti'tiousness, F-K-T- SHs-Ns Fi'cus, FLKs Fid, F3-D Fid'dle, F 3 -D1, FS-Dld, F 3 -Dl-NG Fid'dle-dee-dee, F3-D1- D-D Fid'dler, F 3 -D1-K Fid'dle-stick, K Fid'dle-string, F3-Dl-sTr -NG Fidel'ity, F 2 -D1-T Fid'get, F 3 -Jt, F 3 -J-Td, F 3 -Jt{-) Fid'getiness, F 3 -J-T-Ns Fid'gety, F 3 -J-T Fidu'cial, F 3 -D-SH1 Fidu'cially, Fidu'ciary, Fie, Fi Fief, F3-F Field, F3-Ld Field'fare, F 3 -id-F-R Field'-marshal, F 3 -Zd- Mr-SHl Field'-mouse, F8-Ld-Ms Field'-officer, F 3 -Zd-Fs- B Field'-work, F 3 -Ld-Wr-K Fiend, Fnd 3 Fiend'ful, Fnd 3 -F-L Fiend'ish, Fnds-S/f Fiend'like, Fnd^-i-K Fierce, F 3 -Rs (See Furi- ous), F 3 -Rs-R, F 3 -Rss-T Fierce'ly, F 3 - Rs - L. See Furiously. Fierce'ness, F-Rs-Ns. See Furiousness. Fi'eri-fa'cias, Fi-JJ-F- SHa Fi'eriness, F^-fl-Ns Fi'ery, F 1 -^ Fife, Fi-F, Fl-Ft, Fl-F-NG Fif er, F^-Fr Fife'-rail, Fi-F-fil Fifteen, F 3 -F-Tn or 15 Fifteenth, F 3 -F-Tn-TH or 15TH Fifth, F8-F-TH or 5TH FIL Fifthly, F-F-TH- or Fiftieth, F 3 -F-T-TH or 50TH Fifty, F3-F-T or 50 Fig, F 3 -G Fight, Fti, Ft!-NG Fight'er, Ftri Fig'-leaf, F^-G-L-V Fig'ment, F 3 -G-Mnt Figurabil'ity, F 3 -Gr-Bl-T Fig'urable, F 3 -Gr-Bl Fig'ural, F 3 -Gr-L Fig'urant, F 3 -Q-Rnt Figurante', Fi-G-fiut Fig'urate, F 3 -Gr-T Figura'tion, F 2 -Grshn Fig'urative, F 3 -Grt-Y Fig'uratively, F 3 -Grt-V- L Fig'urativeness, F 3 -Grt- V-Ns Fig'ure, F 3 -Gr, F 3 -Grd, F 3 -Gr-NG Fig'ure-head, F 3 -Gr-Hd Fila'ceous, F*-L-SHa Fil'acer, Fa-is- R Fil'ament, F 3 -i-Mnt Filament'ous, F^-i-Mni- 8 Fil'ander, F 3 -indr Fil'ature, F a -itr Fil'bert, F 3 -i-Brt Filch, F 3 -i-CH, F 3 -i-CHt, F 3 -i-CH-NG Filch'er, F 3 -i-CHr Filch'ingly , F 3 -Z,-Cn-NGl File, F'-L, Fi-Ld. Fi-L-NG Tile'-cutter, Fi-L-Ktr File'-leader, Fi-i-idr Fil'er, F^-L-R Fil'ial, F3-L-L Fil'iate, F 3 -i-T Filia'tion, F*-Lshn Fil'ibuster, F 3 -i-Bstr Fil'iform, F 3 -i-F-R-M Fil'igree, F 3 -i-Gr Fil'igreed, F 3 -i-Grd Fill, F 3 -L, F 3 -Ld, F^-L-NG Fill'er, F 3 -i-R Fil'let, F 3 -it, F 3 -i-Td, F- it-XG Fil'libeg, F 3 -i-B-G Fil'libuster, FS-Z-Bstr Fill'ing, F--L-NG Fil'lip, F 3 -i-P, F 3 -i-P-NG Fil'lipeen, F 3 -Z-Pn Fil'ly, F 3 -i Film, F 3 -i-M Film'y, F 3 -i-M Fi'lose, F l -Ls Fil'ter, F 3 -Ztr, F 3 --Trd, F 3 -itr-NG Filth, F 3 -Z-TH Filth'ily, F 3 -Z-TH-Z Filth'iness, F 3 -Z-TH-Ns Filth'y, F-Z-TH Fil'trate, F 3 -i-Trt, Tr-Td, F 3 -Z-Trt(-) FIL Filtra'tion, F3-X-Trshn Fim'briate, F - M - Br - T, F 3 -M-Br-Td, F3-M-Br-T- NG Fin, FnS Fin'able, F^N-Bl Fi'nal, Fi-Nl Fina'le, Fi-N-i Final'ity, Fi-Nl-T Fi'nally, FVN1. See Fine- ly. Finance', Fi^-Ns Finan'cial, Fni-N-SHl Finan'cialist, Fni - N - 8Hkt Financially, Fni-N-STl Financier', Fn^-Ns-K Fi'nary, Fni-JZ Finch, F3-N-CH Find, Fndi, Fndi-NG Find'er, Fndri Find'ing, Fndi-NG Find'ing-store, Fndi- KGs-T-B (or-NGstr) Fine, (a.) Fni, Fi-Nr, Fi- Kst Fine, (u.) Fn*, Fndi, Fni- NG Fine'-draw, FnMDr, Fn' SDr-NG Fine'-drawn, Fn 1 ! Dm Finely, Fni-Z,. See Fi- nally. Fineness, Fni-Ns Fin'er, Fi-Nr Fin'ery, Fn l -R Finesse', F 2 -Ns, F*-Nst, F2-NS-NG Fin'ger, F3-NG-Gr. F3-NG- Grd, F3-NG-Gr-NG [or F3-NGr, F-NGrd, F-NG- NG] Fin'ger-board, F^-NG- Gr-Brd [F3-NGr-Brd] Fin'ger-glass, F^-NG-Gr- Gls [F3-NGr-Gls] Fin'ger-plate, F 3 -NG-Gr- Plt tF3-NGr-Plt] Fin'ger-post, F-NG-Gr- Pst [F^-NGr-Pst] Fin'ial, F-N-L Fin'ical-ly, F-N-K1 Fin'mg, Fni-NG Fin'ing-pot, Fni-NG-Pt Finical'ity, Fi-N-Kl-T Fi'nis. Fi-Ns Fin'ish, Ytf-S 100 Fin'isher, Fn^-SH-R Fi'nite, Fi-Nt Finitely, Fi-Nt-L Fi'niteness, Fi-Nt-Ns Fin'itude, F3-N-Td Fin'lander, Fn^-indr Fin'less, Fn 3 -Ls Fin'like, Fn 3 -Z,-K Fin'nikin, F^-N-Kn Fin'ny, F^-N Fin'-toed, FntTd Fir, F 2 -R Fire, Fi-R, NG Fire'-alarm, Fi-R-Z,-R-M Fire'-arm, F'-R-R-M Fire'-arms, F'-R-R-Mz Fire'-ball, Fi-R-B-L Fire'-board, Fi-R-B-Rd (or-Brd) Fire'-brand, F'-R-Brnd Fire'-brick, F^R-Br-K Fire'-clay, F'-R-Kl Fire'-eater, F'-R-Tr Fire'-fly, Fi-R-Fl Fire'-hook, Fi-R-H-K Fire'lock, F'-R-i-K Fire'man, F'-R-Mn Fire'-master, Fi-R-Mstr Fire'men, F'-RiMn^ Fire'-new, F>-R-Nu. See New, Fire'-pan, F'-R-Pn Fire'-place, FJ-R-Pis Fire'-plug, F'-R-Pl-G Fire'-proof, F'-R-Prf Fire'-set, Fi-Rs-T Fire'-ship, F'-R-^H-P Fire'side, F'-Rs-D Fire'ward, F'-R-Wrd Fire'warden, F'-R-Wrd- N Fire'-water, Fi-fl-Wtr Fire'-wood, Fi-R-Wd Fire'-work, F'-R-Wr-K FirTsin, F^-R-Kn Firm, F2-R-M, F-fl-Mr, F 2 -R-Mst Fir'mament, F 2 - R - M - Mnt Firmamenfal, F 2 -R-M iMnt Fir'man, F-R-Mn Firm'ly, F 2 -R-M-// Firm'ness, F^-R-M-Ns First, Frst 2 [Fst] First'-born, Frs 2 -B-.Rn First'ling, Frs^-T-Z-NG First'ly, Frs 2 -T- [Fs 8 - T-L] First'-rate, Frst2-/et [Fs 2 -t] Firth, F 2 -fl-TH Fir'-tree, F^R-Tr Fisc, Fs 3 -K Fisc'al, Fish, Fish'-beam, F3 Fish'er, F^-SHr Fis'herman, F 3 -SHr Mn Fish'ery, F 3 -SHr Fish'-gig, Fish'-glue, Fish'-hook, F 3 -SH-H-K Fish'iness, F J -5H-Ns Fish'ing, F3-*W-NG Fish'ing-place, F^-SH- NG-Pls Fish'ing-shore, F-SH- NG-SHr FLA Fish'ing-tackle, F-/Sff- NG-T-K1 Fish'-joint, F 3 -,S77-Jnt Fish'-monger, Fa-SH-M- NG-Gr [or -XGr] Fish'-net, F&-SH-1M Fish'pond, F 3 -SH-Pnd Fish'-tackle, F^-SH-l-Kl Fish'-wife, F*-SH-wF Fish'-wives, FS-Sfl-wVz Fish'-woman, F^-SH-Vf- Mn Fish'y, F*-SH Fis'sile, Fs 3 -L Fissil'ity, F*-sL-T Fis'sion, Fshn Fissip'arous, Fs8-P-Bs Fis'sure, F 3 -SHr Fist, Fst 3 . Fs 3 -Td, Fst(-) 8 Fist'ic, Fs3-T-K Fist'icuflEs, Fs 3 -T-Kfs Fist'ula, Fs 3 -T-L Fist'ular, Fs 3 -T-i-R Fist'ulate, Fs 3 -T-Zt Fistu'liform, Fs 3 -T-Z,-P (-R-M) Fist'ulose, Fs3-T-s Fist'ulous, Fs 3 -T-Ls Fit, (a.) Ft 3 , Ftr 3 , F-Tst [or Ftst 3 ] Fit, (v.) Ft 3 , F3-Td, Fta-NG Fitch, F 3 -CH Fitch'et, F 3 -CHt Fitch'ew, F 3 -CH 'Fit'ful-ly, Ft-Fl I Fit'ly, F&-L Fit'ness, Ft 3 -Ns t Fit'ter, Ftr 3 Fit'test, F 3 -Tst Fit'ting, Ft 3 -NG Fittingly, Ft 3 -NGl Fitz, Fts 3 Five, F 1 - V or & Five'fold, F^V-F-Ld or 5'.F 2 -Ld Fives, Fi-Vz Fix, F 3 -Ks, F 3 -Kst, FS-KS- NG Fix'able, F-Ks-Bl Fixa'tion, F'--KssAn Fixed, F 3 -Kst Fix'edly, F 3 -Ks-D-L Fix'edness, F 3 -Ks-D-Ns Fix'ing, F 3 -Ks-NG Fix'ity, F 3 -Ks-T Fixt'ure, F 3 -Kstr Fix'ure, F 3 -K-SHr Fiz'gig, Fz 3 -G-G Fizz, Fz 3 Fiz'zle, F3-Z1, F3-Zld, F- Zl-KG Flab'biness, Fl^B-Ns Flab'by, FP-B Flabel'liform, FV - B - L- F-R-M Flab'ile, Fl'-Bl Flac'cid, Fli-Ks-D Flaccid'ity, Fl 3 -Ks-D-T Flac'cidness, Fl 1 KB D- Ns FLA ''Flag, FV-Q, FH-G-D, FH- G-NG Flag'ellant, FU-J-Xnt Flag'ellate, FP-J-Zt, Fl 1 - J-L-Td, Fl'-J-it-NG Flagella'tion, FlM-Zshn Flagel'liform, F12-J-L-F- E-M Flag'eplet, FP-J-Lt Flag'giness, Fi'-G-Ns Flag'ging, FH-G-NG Flag'gy, Fl'-G Flagi'tious, Fls-J-OTs Flagi'tiously, F1 3 -J-,SH8- L Flagi'tiousness, Fl s - J - SHs-Ks Flag'-offlcer, Fli-G-Fs-B Flag'on, FlLGn Flag'-man, Fli-G-Mn Fla'grancy, FIS-Grn-S Fla'grant, Fl 2 -Grnt Fla'grantly, Fia-Grnt-Z, Flag'-ship, Fli-G-SH-P Flag'-staff, Fli-Gs-Tf Flag'-stone, FU-Gs-Tn Flail, F12-L Flake, F1 2 -K, F1*-K-T, Fl 2 - K-NG Flake'-white, Fl 2 -K-wT Flak'iness, Fl^K-Ns Flak'y, Fl^-K Flam, Fli-M Flam'beau, FU-M-B Flame, F12-M, Fia-Md, Fl -M-NG Flame'-color, Fl - M - K - Lr Flame'-colored, Fl^-M- K-ird Flame'less, Fl-M-is Fla'men, Fl^-Mn Flam'ing, F1-M-NG Flam'ingly, Fl^-M-NGl Flamin'go, F1-M-NG-G Flamin'ical, F13-M-N-K1 Flammabil'ity, FF-M-Bl -T Flam'mable, FU-M-Bl Flam'meous, Fli-M-S Flammif'erons, F1 8 -M- Frs Flammiv'omous, F1 3 -M- V-Ms Flam'y, FP-M Flanch, F1-N-CH Flange, FH-N-J, FH-N-Jd, Fli-N-J-NG Flank, Flni-K, Flni-Kt, Fln-K-NG Flank'ard, FU-NG-Krd Flank'er, F^-NG-Kr Flan'nel, FH-N1 Flap, F1-P, Fl-Pt, Fl'- P-NG Flap'-dragon, FU-P-Dr- ~ Gn Flap'eared, Fli-P-Rd Flap'jack, FU-P-J-K Flap'per, FU-,Pr 101 Flare, FU-R, FU-Kd, FU R-NG Flare'-up, FP-R-P Flash, FV-SH Fl 1 Fl'-SH-KG Flash'er, FU-SHr Flash'-house, FP-SH-Hs Flash'ily, FV-SH 1 Flash'y, Fli-SH Flask, FlsLK Flas'ket, Flsi-Kt Flat, (a.) Fit 1 , Fltr 1 , Fl 1 Tst (or Fltst 1 ) Flat, () Fit 1 , FP-Td, Flt 1 - NG Flat'-bottomed, Flt-Bt- Md Flat'-flsh, TIV-F-SH Flat'-tboted, Flti-F-Td Flat'-iron, FltM-Rn Fla'tive, Fl 2 -Tv Flat'ly, Flt J -L Flat'ness, FH 1 -Ns Flat'ten, Fli-Tn, Fl^Tnd FP-Tn-NG Flat'ter, Fltr 1 , FU-Trd Fltr^NG Flat'terer, Fltri-fl Flat'teringly, FItri-NGI Flat'tery, FU-Tr Flat'tish, Flti-SH Flat'ulence, Flt^ins Flat'ulency, Flt^in-S Flat'ulent, Flt^int Flat'ulently, FIti-int-Z, Fla'tus, F12-Ts Flat'-wise, Fl^-Wz Flaunt, Flnt 1 , Fl^N-Td, FlnU-NG Flau'tist, FU-Tst Fla'vor, Fl 2 -Vr, Fl 2 -Vrd, Fl 2 -Vr-NG Fla'vorless, Fl 2 -Vr-is Fla'vorous, Fl^Vr-S Flaw, Fl 1 , Fli-D Flaw'less, FU-is Flaw'y, Fl 1 Flax, FP-Ks Flax'comb, FU-Ks-K-M Flax'-dresser, FU-K-sDr- sR Flax'en, FU-Ks-N Flax'-seed, FP-Ks-D Flax'y, FP-K-S Flay, Fl 2 FP-D, F12-NG Flay'er, Fl^-R Flea, Fl Flea'-bane, Fl 3 -Bn Flea'-bite, Fl^-Bt Flea'-biting, Fl a -Bt(-) Flea'-bitten, Fls-B-Tn Fleam, F1 3 -M Fleck, F12-K, F1 2 -K-T, F12-K-NG Fleck'er, Fl-Kr Flec'tion, Fl 2 -Kshn Flec'tor, Fl^-Ktr Fled, Fis-r Fledge, Fl^-J, Fl-Jd, Fl- J-NG FLI Fledg'ling, F12-j-i-NG Flee, Fl 3 , F13-XG Fleece, Fls3, Fist* Fls* KG Flee'cer, : Flee'cy, Fleer, F1 3 -R, Fl-Kd, F13. R-NG Fleer'er, Fl 3 -Rr Fleer'ingly, F1 3 -R-XG1 Fleet, (a) Fit", Fltr^, F13- Tst (or Fltst^) Fleet, (v.) Fit 3 , Fl^-Td FU3-NG Fleet'-foot, rit^-Ft Fleet'ing, Flt^-XG Fleet'ly, Flt^-L Fleet'ness, Flt 3 -Ns Flem'ing, Fls-Ji-NG Flem'ish, F1--M-SH Flense, Flns2 Flesh, -pr-SH, YV-Sff-XG Flesh-brush, I SH Flesh'-color, Lr Flesh'-hook, F12-SH-H-K Flesh'iness, F\--SH-lts Flesh'less, Fl 2 -SH-is Flesh'liness, FP-SHl-'Sa Flesh'ly, VV-SHI Flesh'meat, Fl^-SH-Mt Flesh'pot, F12-5//-Pt Flesh'-tint, Fl'--^7/-Tnt Flesh'-wound, Fl^ - SH- Wnd Flesh'y, FV-SH, Fl 2 -SHr, Fletch, FP-CH Fleur'-de-lis, Fl 3 or2-7e-D- L Flew, F13 Flex, Fl 2 -Ks, Fl--Kst, F12- Ks-NG Flexibility, Fl 3 -Ks-B-Z,t Flex'ible-y, Fl--Ks-Bl Flex'ibleness, Fl--Ks-Bl- KstiBs] Flex'ile, F12-Ks-L Flex'ion, Fl 2 -Kslm Flex'or, Fl 2 -K-sR Flex'uous, F12-K-SHs Flex'uose, Fl 2 -K-sS Flex'ure, F12-K-SHr Flick'er, Fl 3 -Kr, Fia-Krd, Fl 3 -Kr-NG Fli'er, FP-R Flight, Fit 1 Flight'iness, FP-T-Ks Flight'y, F1 J -T Flim'sily, F13-M-Z1 Flim'siness, Fl 3 -M-Z-lTs Flim'sy, F13-M-Z, F1 3 -M- Zr, Fl 3 -M-Zst Flinch, F13-N-CH, F1 3 -N- CHt, Fl-N-CH-NG Flinch'er, F13-N-CHr Flind'der-mou8e,Flndr* Ms FLI 102 Flin'ders, Fliug, Fia-NG, F13-NG-NG Fling'er, Fl-NGr Flint, Flnt Flint'iness, _ - Flint'-lock, Flnta-L-K Flint'y, F1 3 -N-T. Fl-N-Tr, F13-N-Tst Flip, F1 3 -P Flip'flap, F13-P-F1-P Flip'pancy, Fl 3 -Pn-8 Flip'pant, FP-Pnt Flip'pantly, Fl 3 -Pnt-L Flip'pantness, Fl 3 - Pnt - Ns Flip'per, Fl'-Pr Flirt, Fl*-Rt, Fl 2 -fl-Td, Fl*-fit-NG Flirta'tion, Fl 2 -fi-Tshn Flirt'er, Fl 2 -fitr Flit, Fit 3 , Fl 3 -Td, FU3-NG Flitch, F1 3 -CH Flit'ter, Fltr 3 Flit'ter-mouse, Fltr 8 - Ms Float, Fit* Fis-Td, Flt*- NG Float'age, Flt*-J Float'-board, Flt*-Brd Float'er, Fltr 2 Float'ing-bridge, Flt*- NG-Br-J Float'y, Fl'-T Floccilla'tion, Fl* - K - BLshn Floc'culence, Fl'-Klns Floc'culent, FU-Kint Flock, Fl'-K, Fli-K-T, F1L K-NG Flock'-bed, FP-K-Bd Floe, Fl 2 Flog, Fli-G, F1LG-D, FU- G-XG Flood, F1*-D, Fl-Dd, Fl- D-NG Flood'-gate, Fl=-D-Gt Flood'-mark, F1 2 -D-M-B- E Floor, F1-R, Fl 2 -Sd, Fl*- R-NG Floor'-cloth, Fl 2 - R - K.1 - TH Floor'ing, F1*-R-NG Flop, FU-P, Fli-Pt. Fli-P- NG Flo'ra, F1*-.H Flo'ral, FV-R3. Flor'ence. F Florentine,.. Flores'cence, Fl 2 -fis-Ns Flo'ret. Fl*-Rt Flo'riculture, Fl 2 -fi-KHr Flor'id, FP-fi-D Florid'ity, FP-fid-T Flor'idness, FP-ffd-Ns Florif'erous, Fl*-Rf-Rs Flo'riform, Fl 2 -fi-F-B-M Flor'in, FP-Kn Flo'rist, Fl 2 -.Rst Flos'cular, FlsJ-E-Zr Flos'cule, Fls^K-L Flos'culous, Floss, Fls 1 Flos'sy, Fli-S Flo'tage, Flts-j Flo'ta, F12-T Flo'tant, Fl 2 -Tnt Flo'tation, Fl 2 -Tshn Flote, Fits Flotil'la, FP-T-Z Flot'sam, Flts-M Flot'son, Flti-sN Flounce, Flu-i Fl^Nst, Fll-Ns-NG Floun'der, Flndri, Flndi- Bd, Flndr-NG Flour, Fli-B, Fl!-d, Fli- B-NG Flourish, FV-H-SH, Fl 2 - ft-SHt, FV-R-SH-XQ Floui^isher, Fl^E-SHr Flourishingly, F12-R- SH-NG1 Flour'y, Fl'-fl Flout, Flti, Fl>-Td, Flt 1 - NG Flout'er, Fltr Flout'ingly, F Flow, Fl 2 , F12-D, F1*-NG Flow'age, F1-J Flow'er, FU-B, FU-Bd, FP-K-NG Flow'erage, Fl l -R-J Flow'er-de-luce, FU-fl- D-La Flow'eret, FH-t Flow'eriness, FV-R-JXa Flow'erless, FU-R-Ls Flow'er-stalk, Fli-Jf2s-T- K Flow'ery, Fl>-/ Flow'ingly, Fl^-NGl Flow'ingness, Fl^- Flown, Fin 2 Flu'at, Fia-T Fluct'uant, Fl 2 -K-Tnt Fluct'uate, Fl - K - T - T, Fl 2 -K.-T-Td, F12-K-T- T-NG Fluctuation, Fl*-K-Tslin Flue, Fl Flu'ency, F13-N-S Flu'ent, FP-Nt Flu'ently, Fl^-Kt-L Flu'entness, Fl^-Nt-Ns Fluff, F1 2 -F Fluff 'y, F1 2 -F, FP F-B, Fl 2 -Fst Flu'gel-man, Fl 3 -Gl-Mn Flu'id, F1 3 -D Flu'idity, F1 3 -D-T Flu'idness, Fl 3 -D-Ns Fluke, F1 3 -K Fluke'-worm, Fl 3 -K-Wr- M Fluk'y, F1 3 -K Flume, F1 3 -M Flum'mery, F1 2 -M-^Z Flung, F1 2 -XG Flunk, F1 2 -NG-K, F1-NG- Kt, F12-NG-K-NG roc Flunk'yism, Fl 2 - NG - K. zM Flu'or, F18-R Flu'or Albus. FP - B - L- Bs Fluores'cence, Fl 2 -Ss- Ns Fluoric, Fli-R-K Flu'oride, FP-B-D Flu'orine, Fl 3 -jRn Flu'orous, F13-^ s Flu'or-spar, Fl 3 -j?g-p-R Flurry, Fl 2 - R. Fl 2 - RA, , Fl 2 -5ft, Flush'deck, FV-SH-V-E. Flush'ing, Fl^-^/T-NG Flus'ter, Flstr 2 , Fl 2 -sTrd, Flush, Flute, Fits, FF-Td, Fit 3 - NG Flut'ed, Fl 3 -Td Flut'er, Fltr Flut'ing, Flts-NG Flut'ist, Fl 3 -Tst Flut'ter, Fltr 2 , Fl*-Trd, Fltr 2 -NG Flut'terer, Fltr 2 -^ Flu'vial, F13-V-L Fluviat'ic, Fl'-V-T-K Flu'viatile, Fl 3 -vt-L Flux, Fl 2 -Ks, Fis-Kst, Fl- Ks-NG Flux'ation, Fl 2 -Ks*ftn Flux'ility, Fl*-K-sL-T Flux'ion, Fl 2 -Kshn Flux'ional, Fl 2 -Kshn-L Flux'ionary, Fl-K.shn-JB Fly, Fl 1 , F1!-NG Fly'-blow, Fli-Bl, Fl>- Bid, Fli-Bl-NG Fly'-boat, FU-Bt Fly'-catcher, FP-K-CHr Fly'er, Fli-R Fly'-fish, Fli-F-^fl" Fly'ing-bridge, Fl'-NG- Br-J Fly'ing-buttress, Fl 1 NG-B-Trs Fly'ing-flsh, FU - NG - F- SH Fly'ing-jib, FP-NG-J-B Fly'ing-squirrel, Fl 1 - NG-sKw-^l Fly'-leaf, FU-i-F Fly'-rail, FV-Rl Fly'-peck, FU-sP-K Fly'trap, FP-Tr-P Fly'-wheel, FU-Wl Foal, F2-L, F 2 -Ld, F*-L- I NG Foam, F 2 -M, F 2 -Md, F- M-NG Foam'ingly, F 2 -M-NG1 Foam'y, F 2 -M Fob, Fi-B, Fi-Bd, Fo'cal, F-K1 Fo'ci, F2-S Fo'CUS, ;FOD v Fod'der, Fi-Dr, Fi-Drd, F!-Dr-NG Foe, F* Foe'man, F 2 -Mn Foe'tal, Ft-L Foe'tus, FS-TS Fog, Fi-G, Fi-G-D, Fi-G- NG Fog'-bank, Fi-G-B-NG-K Fog'-bell, Fi-G-B-L Fog'gage, Fi-G-J Fog'gily, F'~G- Fog'giness, F l -G-Ns Fog'gy, Fi-G, F1-G-.R, F 1 - Gst Fo'gy, F2-G Fo'gyism, F-G-zM Foh, F Foi'ble, Fi-Bl Foil, F-L, F!-Ld, Ti-L- NG Foil'er, F>-L-B Foin, Fn 1 Foin'ingly, Fn^NG-L Foist, Fsti, Fsi-Td, Fstf)i Foist'er, Fstri Foist'y, Fsi-T Fold, FZ-Ld, F^-L-DA, F 2 - id-NG Fold'er, T^-L-Dr Folia'ceous, F^-L-SHa Fo'liage, F*-L- J Fo'liate, F 2 -Z,-T, F^i-Td, F 2 -Z,-T-NG Folia'tion, F-ishn Fo'lio, F 2 -Z, Folk, F 2 -K Folk'-lore, F 2 -K-L-B Fol'icle, Fi-i-Kl Folic'ular, F-Z,-K1-B Fol'low, Fi-Z, Fi-Zd, F- i-NG Fol'lower, I^-L-K Fol'lowing, Fol'ly, F'-L Foment', F-Mnt, F 2 -Mn- Td, F 2 -Mnt-NG Fomenta'tion, F - Mn - Tshn Foment'er, F 2 -Mntr Fond, Fnd 1 , Fndri, Fnd 1 - St Fond'le, F^Nd-L, F J -Nd- Ld, Fi-Nd-L-NG Fondler, Fndi-Z,-B Fond'ling, Fndi-i-NG Fond'ly, Fnd 1 -^ Fond'ness, FndJ-Ns Font, Fnti Font'al, FJ-Nt-L Font'anel, FnU-N-L Food, F 3 -D Fool, F3-L, F-Ld, F8-L- NG Fool'ery, F^-L-R Fool'hardiness, F 3 -i-Hr -D-Ns Fool'hardy, Fool'ish, F' Fool'ishly, 103 Fool'ishness, Fools'cap, F 3 -Lz-K-P Fools'-errand, F 3 - Lz - Bnd Foot, Ft F3-Td, Ft-NG Foot'-ball, Fta-B-L Foot'-board, Ft'-Brd Foot'-boy, Ft 3 -B Foot'-bridge, Fts-Br-J Foot'-eloth, Fta-Kl-TH Foot'-fall, Ft B -F-L Foot'-guards, Ft^- Foof-hold, Fts-Hld Foot'ing, Fts-KG Foot'less, Ft-Zs Foot'- light, Fts-zt Foot'-man, Ft^-Mn Foot'-mark, Fts-Mr-K Foot'-note, Ft3-Nt Foot'-pace, Ft3-Ps Foot'-pad, Fts-Pd Foot'-path, Fts-P-TH Foot'-post, Fts-Pst Foot'-print, Ft 3 -Prnt Foot'-sore, Fts-B Foot'-stalk, Fts-sT-K Foot'-step, Fts-sT-P Foot'stool, Fts-sT-L Fcot'-stove, Ft 3 -sTv Foot'way, F 3 -T-W Fop, F'-P Fop'ling, Fi-P-L-NG Fop'pery, Fi-Pr Fop'pish, F>-P-SH Fop'pishly, F*-P-Sm Fop'pishness, F 1 - P - SH- Ns For, Frl [F2]. The abbre- viation for /or is written in the second position, to avoid its being mistaken. in hurried writing, for Vi of. For'age, Fi-B- J, Fi-fi-Jd, FVR-J-NG For'ager, F!-.R-Jr. [See Forger.] Fora'men, F 2 -R-Mn Forasmuch', Fr^zM-CH, [F 2 -zM-CH] Foray' or For'ay, F 2 ori- R Forbade', Fr^Bd [F^Bdj Forbear', Fr'-B-B. Fr'-B- /e-NG [F'-B-B, F>-B-.R- NG] Forbear'ance, Fr'-B-Kns [F>-B-Kns] Forbid', Fr 3 -Bd. Fr3-Bd(-) [F8-Bd. F3-Bd;-] Forbid'dance, [F 8 -B-Dns] Forbid'der, Fr3 - B - Dr [F 3 B-Dr] Forbid'ding, Fr3-Bd(-) [F3-Bd(-)] Forbore', FrS-B-B [F*-B- B] Forborne', Fr-B-JBn B-Bn] FOR Force, F 2 -Rs, F=-Rst, F*- Bs-NG Force'ful, F2-R S -F(-L) Force'less, F 2 -Rs-is Force'meat, F-'-Rs-Mt For'ceps, F>-R-sPs For'cer, F 2 -Rs-R For'cible, F 2 -Rs-B(-L) For'cibleness, F 2 -Rs-B- i-Ns [iBs] For'cibly, F 2 -Rs-B(-i) Ford, F 2 -7i-D, ' Ford'able, F 2 -K-D-B1 Fore, F 2 -R Foreadvise', Fr^D-Vz Fore'-arm, F 2 -R-R-iI, "F" R-R-Md, F2-U-R-M-NG Fore-arm', F'-R-R-M Forebode', Fr^-Bd, Fr 2 - B-Dd, Fr2-Bd(-) Forebode'ment, Fr 2 -Bd- Mnt Forebod'er, Fr 2 -B-Dr Fore'cast, F 2 -R-Kst, F s - R-KstC) Forecast', Fi-R-Kst Fore'castle, F 2 -R-Ks-L Forecit'ed, FJ-Rs-Td Foreclose', Fr 2 -Klz, Fr 2 - Klzd, Fr^-Klz-NG Foreclos'ure, Fr 2 -Kl-ZHi Foredoom', F 3 - K - D - M, F 3 -fi-D-Md, F8-/Z-D-M- NG Fore'-end, Fr 2 -Nd Fore'father, Fr--Fdhr Foretend', Fr 2 -Fnd. Fr 2 - F-N-Dd, Fr 2 -Fnd-NG Fore'flnger, Fr 2 - F - NG - Gr (or-F-NGr) Fore'foot, Fr--Ft Fore'front, Fr 2 -Frnt Forego', F 2 -R-G, F^-R-G- NG Foregone', F 2 -R-Gn Fore'ground, F' Fore'hanel, F--R-Hnd Fore'handed, F'-^-R-Hn- Dd Fore'head, F J -.R-D or F 1 . R-Hd For'eign, F l -Rn For'eigner, F'-/Jn-R For'eignness, F'-ftn-Ns Forejudge', Fr-J-/, Fr* J-J-D, Fr 2 -J-J-NG Foreknew', Fr 3 -Nu. Se* New. Foreknow', Fr 2 - N, Fr 2 - N-NG Foreknow'er, FrS-N-B Foreknowl'edge, Fr'-NI -J [Fri-N-J] Foreknown', Fr 2 -Nn Foreland, F 2 -B-ind Forelay', F 2 -R-i Fore'lock, F-R-L-K Fore'man, F 2 -R-Mn Fore'mast, F s -B-Mst FOR Foremen'tioned, F 2 -R- M-N-5//nd Fore'most, F 2 -R-Mst Fore'name, F-R-N-M Fore'named, F 2 -R-N-Md Fore'noon, F*-R-Nn Foren'sic, F 2 -.R-Ns-K Foren'sical, F 2 -.R-N8-K1 Foreordain', F 2 -R-.R-Dn, F2-R-ft-Dnd, F 2 .B-R-Dn- -NG Foreordina'tion, F 2 - R - ff-D-Nshn Fore'part, F 2 -R-Prt Fore'plane, F-R-Pln Foreran', F^-n-Ku Fore'rank, F*-R-R-:NG-K Forerun', F 2 -R-Rn, F 2 -R- Rn-NG Forerun'ner, F 2 -R-.Rn-R Fore'said, Fr 2 -sD Fore'sail, F 2 -Rs-Z, Foresaw', Fi-R-S Foresee', F*-R-8, Fa-R-8- NG Foreseen', FS-RS-N Foreseer', F 3 -Rs-R Foreshad'ow, Fi - R - SH- D, Fi-R-SH-Dd, Fi-H-Sff- D-NG Fora'ship, Fr 2 -SH-P Foreshort'en, Fri-SHr- Tn, Fri-SHr-Tnd, Fri- SHr-Tn-NG Foreshort'ening, Fri - 8Hr-Tn-NG Foreshow', F 2 -R-5/f, F 2 R-S//d, F 2 -R-SH-NG Foreshown', F 2 -R-S//n Foreshow'er, F^- Fore'side, F 2 -Rs-D Fore'sight, F 2 -Rs-T Fore'skin, F2-Rs-Kn For'est, Fi- Forestall', fis-T-Ld. F'-Rs-T-L-NG Forestall'er, yi-Rs-T-L-R For'ester, F'-Kstr Fore'taste, Fr 2 -Tst, Fr"- Ts-Td, Fr 2 -Tst-NG Foretaste', F^-R-Tst Fore'teeth, Fr 2 -T-TH Foretell', F 2 -R-T1, F 2 -R- Tl-HO Foretell'er, Fr 2 -T-i-R Fore'thought, Fr 2 -THt Foreto'ken, Fr 2 - T - Kn. Fr-'-T-Kud, Fr 2 -T-Kn-NG Fore'token, Fr-T-Kn Foretold' F 2 -R-Tld Fore'tooth, Fr-T-TH Fore'top, F^-T-P Forev'er, Fr-Vr [F-V] Forewarn', Fr'-Wrn, Fr 1 - Wrud. Fr!-Wrn-NG Forewent', F 2 -R-Wnt Fore'wind, F2-R-Wnd Fore'woman, F 2 -R-W- Hn 104 For'feit, Fr'-Ft, Fr^-F Td, Fri-Ft-NG For'feitable, Fri-Ft-Bl For'feiter, Fr'-Ftr For'feiture, Fr'-Ftr Forgave', F 2 -R-Gv [] IG] Forge, Fr-J, Fr^Jd, Fr- J-NG For'ger, Fr-Jr. (See For- ager.) For'gery, Fr 2 -Jr Forget', F 2 -R-Gt. F 2 -R-Gt -NG fF 2 iGt. F 2 iGt-NG] Forget'ful, F 2 - R - Gt - Fl [F2iGt-Fl] Forget'fulness, F 2 -R-Gt Fl-Ns [F 2 lGt-Fl-Ns] Forget'-me-not, F 2 - R - Gt-Mnt Forget'ter, F*-R-Gtr Forgiv'able, F^-R-G L [F3iG-Bl] Forgive', F-R-Gv, F3-R- Gv-NG [F31G, F3SGC)] Forgiv'en, F 3 -R-G-Vn [F31G] Forgive'ness, F^ - R - Gv - Ns [F 8 iG-Ns] Forgiv'er, F-R-Gv-R Forgiv'ing, F*-R-Gv-NG Forgot', Fi-R-Gt [F Forgot'ten, Fi - R - G - Tn [Fi;G-Tn] Fork, F 1 - R - K, Fi - R - Kt, FI-R-K-NG Fork'edness, F 1 -R-Kd-Ns Fork'iness, F^R-K-Ns Fork'y, Fi-R-K Forlorn', Fi-R-Z-Rn Forlorn'-hope, FJ-R-Z- Rn-P Forlorn'ness, Fi-R-L-Rn- Ns Form, F!-R-M. F'-R-Md. Fi-R-M-NG [Fl, Fd 1 , Form'al, Fi-R-M-Z, [Fi- Ml] Form'alism, Fi-R-M-iz- M [Fi-Mlz-Mj Form'alist, Fi-R - M - Lst [Fi-Mlst] Formal'ity, Fi-R-M-Z-T [F'-Ml-T] Form'ally, F' - R - M - L [F 1 Ml] Formation, F 2 -R-Mshn [Fshn 2 ] Form'ative, F^R-Mt-V Form'er, Fi-R-Mr For'mer, (a) Fr'-Mr For'merly, Fri-Mr-Z For'mic, Fri-M-K Formica'tion, Fr 2 - M - Kshn Formidable, Fri-Md-Bl For'midableness, Fr ! - Md-Bl-Ns [!Bs] FOR Form'less, F^R-M-is Form'lessness, Fi-R-M- Z.8-N8 For'mula, Ft-R-M-Z For'mulse, Fi-R-M-i For'mulary, F'-R-M-Z-fi For'mulate, F^R-M-Zt, Fi-R-M-i-Td, Fi-R-M-it- NG For'mullze, F'-R-M-iz, Fi-R-M-Zzd, Fi-R-M-iz- NG For'nicate, F'-Rn-Kt, Fi- Rn-K-Td. F'-Rn-Kt-NG Fornica'tion, F 2 - Rn Kshn For'nicator, For'ray, F l -R Forray', F^-R Forsake', F 2 -Rs-K, F 2 -Rs- K-NG Forsak'en, F 2 -Rs-Kn Forsak'er, F 2 -Rs-K-R Forsook', F^-Rs-K Forsooth', Frs^-TH Forswear', Fri-sWr, Fr 1 - sWr-NG [FLR-sR, F- Rs-R-NG Forswear'er, Fr'-sWr-R [F'-R-s/J-fi] Forswore', Fr 2 -sWr [F2- R-sR] Forsworn', Fr 2 -sWrn [F*. R-sRn] Fort, F 2 -Rt Fort'alice, F*-Rt-Ls Forte, F 2 -Rt - For'te, F 2 -R-T Forth, F 2 -fi-TH Forth'-coming, F2-R-TH -K-M-NG [F2-R-TH-KC)] Forthwith', F 2 -/i-TH-TH (or -DH) For'tieth, Fi-R-T-TH (or 40TH) For'tiflable, Frti-F-Bl Fortifica'tion, Frt 2 - F - Kshn For'tifier, Frti-F-R For'tify, Frt'-F, Frti-Fd. Frt'-F-NG Portis'simo, Fr 3 -T-sM For'titude, Frti-Td Fort'night, Frt'-Nt Port'nightly, Frti-Nt-L Por'tress, Fr 1 Trs Portu'itous, Fr 3 -T-Ts Fortuitously, Fr' - T - T- sL Fortu'itousness, Fr-T- Ts-Ns For'tunate, Fr'-CH-Nt For'tunately, Fri-CH-Nt- L For'tunateness, Fri-CH- Nt-Ns ?or'tune, Fri-CHn Tor'tuned, Fr'-CHnd For'tune-teller, Fri-CHn -T-i-R FOK For'tune-telling, Fr 1 - CHn-T-i-NG Fortuneless, Fr^CHn-Ls For'ty, F^fl-T (or 40) Fo'rum, F 2 -B-M For'ward, Fri-Wrd [F>- Wrd, FLWr'Dd, F 1 - WrdC)] For'wards, Fr 1 - Wrds [F^Wrds] For'warder, Fr 1 - Wrdr [FMVrdr] For'wardly, Fr 1 - Wrd - L [Fi-Wrd-i] For'wardness, Fr'-Wrd- Ns [F>-Wrd-Ns] For'wards, Fr^Wrds [F 1 - Wrds] Forzan'do, FrzJ-N-D Fosse, Fs 1 Fos'sil, Fsi-L Fossilif erous, Fs 8 -L-Frs Fos'silist, Fs'-Lst Fossiliza'tion, Fs^Lzsfcn Fos'silize, Fs>-Lz, Fs 1 - Lzd. Fsi-Lz-NG Fos'ter, Fstr 1 , Fi-sTrd, F8trC) Fos'terage, Fi- 8 Tr-J Fos'ter - child, Fstr 1 1 CHld Fos'terer, Fstr^fi Fos'ter-father, Fstr 1 IFdhr Fos'terling, Fstri-Z-NG Fos'ter-mother, Fstr 1 - Mdhr Fos'ter-parent, Fstr 1 ; pi- Rnt Fos'ter-sister, Fstr 1 IssTr 3 Fos'ter-son, Fstr 1 i sN 2 Foth'er, Fdhr 1 , Fdhrt-D, Fdhr!-NG Fought, Ft 1 Foul, (a.) Fi-L, Fi-Z-B, P 1 Lst Foul, (v.) Fi-L. F^Ld, F 1 - L-NG Foulard', F^-L-RA Foul'ly, F^L-L Foul'mouthed, F^L-M- DHd Foul'ness, Fi-L-Ns Foul'-spoken, F 1 - La - P - Kn [-sPn] Fou'mart, F 3 -M-t Found, Fnd, Fi-N-Dd, Fndi-NG Note. When used as the past-tense form of find found should always be vocalized to distinguish it from find. Founda'tion, Fnd*-5Hn Founda'tioner, Fnd s - SHn-R Found'er, Fndr 1 , Fnd 1 - Bd, Fndri-NG Found'erous, Fndr^S 5* 105 Found'ery, Fnd'-K Founding, Fnd'-NG Found'lmg, Fnd'-i-NG Found'ress, Fnd'-^s Found'ry, Fndi-fl Fount, Fnt 1 Fount'ain, Fnt 1 -!* Fount'ain-head, Fnt^N- Hd Four, F 2 -B (or 4) Fourfold, Fr 2 -F-Ld Four-footed, Fr 2 -F-Td Fou'rierism, F 3 -fi--zM Fou'rierite, F*-R-R-T Four-legged, F 2 -B-//-G D Fourscore, F 2 -Bs-K-B Foursquare, F 2 -B-sKw B Fourteen, F 2 - R Tn (or 14) Fourteenth, F 2 -S-Tn-TH (or 14TH) Fourth, F 2 -.R-TH (or4TH) Fourthly, F*-R-TH-L (or 4TH-Z) Four-wheeled, F 2 - B - Wld Fowl, F J -L Fowl'er, Fi-L-R Fowling, F K L-NG Fowling-piece, F 1 - L - NG-Ps Fox, Fi-Ks, Fi-Kst, F^Ks- NG Fox'-chase, Fi-Ks-CHs Foxed, Fi-Kst Fox'-evil, F^Ks-V-L Fox'glove, Fi-Ks-Glv Fox'-hound, F^K-sHnd Fox'-hunt, Fi-K-sHnt Fox'-hunter, Fi-K-sHntr Foxlsh, Fi-Ks-SH Fox'like, F l -E.-sL-TS. Fox'tail, F^Ks-T-L Fox'-trap, F^K-sTr-P Fox'y, F^K-S Fra'cas, Fr 2 -Ks Frac'ted, F^-K-Td Frac'tion, Frt-Kshn Frac'tional, Fri-Kshn-L Fractionary, Fr 1 - Kshn- R Frac'tious, Fr^K-SHs Frac'tiously, Fr^K-SHs- L Frac'tiousness, Fr 1 - K - SHs-Ns Fract'ure, Fri-K-CHr, Fr 1 -K-CHrd, Fri-K-CHr-NG Fragile, Fr^J-L Fragility, Fr- J-L-T (or -J-Lt) Frag'ment, Fr ! -G-Mnt Frag'mentary, Fr 1 - G - Mnt-B Fra'grance, Fr 2 -Grns Fra'grancy, Fr 2 -Grn-S Fra'grant, Fr^-Grnt Fra'grantly, Fr 2 -Grnt-L FRE Frail, Fr 2 -L. Fr 2 -i-K, Fr 1 . Lst Frail'ness, Fr 2 -L-Ns Frail'ty, Fr 2 -i-T (or -Lt) Fraise Frz 2 Frame, Fr 2 -M, Fr 2 -Md, Fr 2 -M-NG Fram'er, Fr 2 -Mr Frame'-work, Fr 2 -M-'Wr- K Franc, Frn 1 -K Fran'chise, Fr 1 - X - GHz, Fri-N-CHzd, iV-N-CHz- NG Fran'chisement, Fri-N- CH-zMnt Francis'can, Fr 3 Nss-Kn Franc'olin, Frn'-K-in Frangibillty, Fr 3 - N - J- Blt Fran'gible, Fr'-N-J-Bl Fran'gipane, F^-N-J-Pn Frangipan'ni, Fr 1 -!*- J-P- N Frank, (a.) Frn 1 - K, Fr l - NG-Kr, Frn^Kst Frank, (u.) Frn'-K, Frn 1 - Kt, Frni-K-NG Frankalmoigne', Fr'-NG -Kl-Mn Frankin'cense, Frn 3 - K- Ns-Ns Frankincense, Frn 1 , K- Ns-Ns Frank'lin, Fri-NG-KIn Frank'ly, Frn'-K-/^ Frank'ness, Fn^-K-Ns Frank'pledge, Fm 1 - K- Pl-J Fran'tic, Frnt!-K Fran'ticly, Fruti-K-i Fran'ticness, Frnt^K-Ns Frap, Fr 1 -?, Fri-Pt. Fri-P- NG Frater'nal-ly, Frtr'-Nl Fraternity, Frtr 2 -N-T Fraterniza'tion, Frtr 2 - Fra'ternize or Frater- nize, Frtr 2 -Nz, Frtr 2 - Nzd, Frtr 2 -Nz-NG Frat'ricidal, Frtrs'-D-L Frat'ricide, Frtrsi-D Fraud, Frd 1 Fraud'ful-ly, Frd J -Fl Fraud'ulence, Frd'-ins Fraud'ulency, Frd'-in-S Fraud'ulent, Frd'-int Fraudulently, Frd^int- L Fraught, Frt 1 Fray, Fr 2 , Frd 2 , Fr 2 -NG Freak, Fr^-K, Fr 3 -K-T, Fr 3 -K-NG Freakish, Fr 3 -K-SH Freakishly, Fr>-K-SHl Freaklshness, Fr 3 -K-8H- Ns Freck'le, Fr-Kl, Fr 2 -Kld, Fr*-Kl-NG FRE Freckly, Fr 2 -Kl Free, (a.) Fr 3 , Fr-B. Fret" Free, (c.) Fr 3 , Fr-D, Fr- NG Freebooter, FrS-Btr Free'born, Fr^-B-fin Freed'man, FrS-D-Mn Freed'men, FrS-D t Mn Free'dom, Fi^-D-M Free'-hearted, Fr 3 -Hr- Td Free'-heartedness, Fr 3 - Hr-Td-Ns Free'hold, Fr 3 -Hld Free'holder, Frs-Hldr Free'-liver, Fr-/<-Vr Free'-living, Fr3-Z,-V-NG Free'love, Fr^-i-V Free'ly, Fr 3 -// Free'man, Fps-Mn Free'men, FraiMn* Free'-martin, Fr - M R- Tn Free'mason, Fr'-Ms-N Free'masonry, IOC FRO Free'ness, Free'soiler, Fr3-s-B Free'stone, Fr^-sTn Free'thinker, Fr 3 - T NG-Kr [Fr^-TH-Kr] Free'thinking, Fr 3 - TH - NG-K-NG [Fr3-THC Free'-trade, FrS-Trd Free'-trader, FrS-Tr- Free'-warren, FrS-W-fin Free-will', Free'-will, Free'-woman, Fr^-W-Mn Freeze, Frz 3 . Frz 8 -NG Freez'ing-point, Frz* - NG-Pnt Freight, Frt 2 , Fr-Td, Freightage, Frt^-J Freight'er, Frtr 2 French, Fr 2 -N-CH Frencli'-berry, Fr*-N- CH-B R French'-chalk, Fr*-N- CH-CH-K French'-horn, FrS-N-CH- H-Rn French'ify, Fr*-N-CH-F, Fr^-N-CH-Fd, Fr-N-CH- F-NG French'man, Fr 2 -N-CH- Mn French'men, Fr 2 - N -CH French'-roof, Fra-N-CH- Kf French'-white, Fr 2 -N- CH-Wt Frenet'ic, Fr*-Nt-K Frenet'ioal, Fr 2 -Nt-Kl Fren'zied, Fr 2 -Nz-D Fren'zy, Frn 2 -Z Fre'quence, Fr^-Kwns Fre'quency, Frs-Kwn-S Fre'quent, Fr'-Kwnt Fright'fulness, Frti - PI- [Frnt] Ns [Frti;Fs] Frequent', Fr*-Kwnt. Fr s Frig'id, Fr-Jd -Kwn-Td. Fr2-Kwnt-KG Frigid'ity, Fr-Jd-T Frequenta'tion, Fr - Frig'idly, Fr-Jd- Kwn-Tshn Frig'idness, Fr 3 -Jd-Ns Frequent'ative, Fr 2 - Frigorific, Fr-Grf-K Kwnt-Tv Frigorif ical, Fr^ Gr - F Frequent'er, Fr*-Kwntr Kl Fre'quently, Fi a -Kwat-L Frill, Fr3-L, FrS-Ld. Fr- [FrntatZ] L-NG Fre'quentness, FrS-Kwnt Fringe, Fr-N-J, Fr-N. -Ns Jd, FrS-N-J-NG Fres'co, Frs* - K, Fr 2 - Kd, Frin'gy, Fra-N-J Frs^-K-NG Frip'per, Fr-Pr Fresh, Fr- Sff, Fr s - SHr. Frip'pery, Fr-Pr Fr*-SHst Friseur', Frz 2 -B Fresh'en, Fr*-SHn, Fr 2 - Frisk, Frs 3 -K, Frs3-Kt. SHud, Fr-SHn-NG Frs^-K-NG Fresh'et, Fr-8Ht Frisk'er, Fr-sKr Fresh'force, Fr 2 -5ff-F-Bs Frisk'et, Frs 3 -Kt Fresh'ly, Fr*-Sfll Frisk'iness, Frs 3 -K-Ns Fresh'man, FrS-SH-Mn Frisk'y, Frs 3 -K Fresh'men, Fr 2 -5HiMn 2 Frit, Frt 3 , Frs-Td, Frt'-NG Fresh'ness, FrS-SW-Ne Frith, Fr3-TH Fresh'-tap, Ftf-SH-T-P Frit'ter, Frtr 3 , Fr-Trd, Fresh'-water, Fr*-SH- Frtr*-NG Wtr Frivol'ity, Fr-Vl-T Fret, Frt, Fr-Td, Frt2- NG Friv'olous, Fr 3 -V-is Friv'olously, FrS-V-Ls-Zi Fret'ful-ly, Frtz-Fl Friv'olousness, Fr8-V- Fret'fulness, Frt-Fl-Ns is-Ns Fret'ten, Fr-Tn Friz, Frz 3 . Frzd 3 , Frz-NG Fret'ter, Frtr 2 Friz'zle, Fr^-Zl, Fr-Zld, Fret'ty, Ff T Fi--Zl-NG Fret'work, Frt 2 -Wr-K Friz'zler, Fr^-Zl-B Friabil'ity, Fr-S-L-T Fro, Fr2 Fri'able, Fr^Bl Frock, Fr!-K Fri'ableness, FrJ-Bl-Ns Frock'-coat, Fr ! -K-K-T Fri'ar, Fri-R Frog, Fr'-G Fri'arlike, Fr-B-i-K Frog'-hopper, Fr' - G - H- Fri'arly, Fr^-B-i Pr Fri'ary* Fr^JZ Frol'ic, Fri-i-K Frib'ble, Fr-Bl Frol'icsonie, Fr-Z-K-sM Frib'bler, Fr*-Bl-B Frol'icsomeness, Fr'-L- Fricassee', FrS-K-S, Fr^- K-sM-Ns ' Ks-D, Fr3-K-S-NG From, Fr!-M [Ml] Fric'ative, FrS-K-Tv Frond, Frndi Fric'tion, FrS-Kshn Fronda'tion, Fr^-N-Dshn Fric'tional, Fr'-Kshn-// Frondes'cence, Frnd 2 - Fri'day, Fri-D Sns Fried, Fr^D Frondif erous, Fr-N-Df- Friend, Frnd s , Fr-N-Dd. Rs Frnd*-NG Frondose', Fr 2 -N-Ds Friend'less, Frnd*-Z,s Frond'ous, Frnd^S Friend'lessness, Frud 2 - is-Ns Frons, Frnz 1 Front, Frnt 2 , Fr*-N-Tdt Friendliness, Frnd s - L - Frut*-NG Ns Front'age, Fr 2 -Nt-J Friend'ly, Frnd*-Z, Front'al, Frnt 2 -L Friend'ship, Frnd?-SH-P Frontier, Frnt*-B [Frnd2;SH] Front'ispiece, FrnV-S-Pi Frieze, Frz Front'less, Frnt 2 -/,s Frig'ate, Fr-G-T Front'let, Frnt 2 -Lt Frig'ate-bird, Fr- G - T - Frost, Frsti, Frs 1 - Td, Brd Frst(-)i Fright, Frt 1 , Fr>-Td, Frt>- Frost'-bite, Frs>-Bt NG Frost'-bitten, Frs^B-Tn Fright'en, Fr'-Tn Frost'ily, Frsi-T-Z, Fright'ful-ly, Frt>-Fl Frost'iness, Frs^T-Ni FRO Frosfing, Frst(-)i Frost'y, Frsi-T Froth, Fr 1 - TH, Fr 1 -THt Fpi-TH-NG Froth'ily, F^-TH-Z, Froth'iness, Fri-TH-Ns Froth 'y, Frt-TH Frounce, Frns 1 , Fr^Nst, Frou'zy, Fr'-Z Fro'ward, Fr a -Wrd Fro'wardly, Fr 2 -Wrd- Fro'wardness, Fr~Wrd- Ns Frow'ey, Fr* Frown, Frn 1 , Frndi, NG Frown'ingly, Frn>-NG-Z FroWy, Fri Frow'zy, Fr*-z Froze, Frz a Froz'en, Frz^N Fructes'cence, : Ns Fructiferous, I Frs Fructifica'tion, Tf-Kshn Fruc'tify, FrS-K-T-F, Fr- K-Tf-D, Fr2-K-Tf-NG Fruc'tuous, Fr 2 -K.-Ts Fru'gal, Fr 3 -Gl Frugality, Fri-Gl-T Fru'gally, FrS-Gl Frugif'erous, FrS-J-Frs Frugiv'erous, FrS-J-Vrs Fruit, Frt Fruit'age, Frt-J Fruit' -bud, Frt 3 -Bd Fruit'erer, F^-Tr-K Fruit'ery, Fra-Tr Fruit'ful-ly, Frt 3 -Fl Fruit'fulness, Frt 3 -Fl-Ns [:Fs] Frui'tion, Frshn* Fruitless, Frt 3 -Ls Fruit'lessly, Frt-Zs-Z Fruit'lessness, Frts-Zs- Ns [iis] Fruit'-tree, Frt 3 -Tr Fruit'y, Fr 8 -T Frumenta'ceous, Fr* - Mnt-SHs Fru'menty, FrS-Mn-T Frump, Fr2-M-P Frush, Fr*-SH Frus'ta, Frs^-T Frustra'neous, Fr 2 - sTr - Ns Frus'trate, Fr 2 -sTrt, Fr 2 - sTr-Td, Fr2-sTrt(') Frustration, Fr 2 -sTrshn Frus'trative, Fr 2 -sTr-Tv Frust'ulent, Frs-T-int Frus'tum, Frs 2 -T-M Frutes'cent, Fr 2 -Ts-Nt Fru'ticose, Fr 3 -T-Ks Fru'ticous, Fr3-T-Ks Fry, Fr 1 , Fr 1 -!), Fr J -NG Fry'ing-pan, Frt-NG-Pn 107 Fu'cate, F 3 -K-T Fu'cated, F^-K- Fuch'sia, F-SH or 8 Fu'ci, F3-S Fu'coid, F*-K-D Fucoid'al, Fu'cus, F-Ks Fud'dle, F-D1, F^-Dld F2-D1-NG Fud'dler, F-D1-K Fudge, F2-J Fu'el, F3-L Fuga'cious, F-G-SHs Fuga'ciousness, F 2 -G- SHs-Ns Fugac'ity, F^Gs-T Fugh, F Fu'gitive, F^-J-Tv Fu'gitively, F^-jt- Fu'gitiveness, F 3 - J - Tv- Ns Fu'gleman, F8-Gl-Mn Fugue, F 3 -G Ful'cra, Fl^-Kr Ful'crum, Fl^-Kr-M Fulfill', F1 3 -F-L, Fl-F-Ld, F1 3 -F-L-NG Fulflll'er, F1 3 -F-Z-K Fulfill'ing, F18-F-L-NG Fulfill'ment, F1 3 -F-L- Mnt Ful'gency, F12-J-N-S Ful'gent, F12-Jnt Ful'gor, F12-Gr Ful'gurite, Fl^Gr-T Ful'ham, FP-M Fulig'inous, F 3 -Z-J-Ns Full, (a.) F 3 -L, F 3 -i-E, F 3 st Full, (c.) F 3 -L, FS-Ld, F 3 - L-NG Full'er, F 3 -i-K Full'er's-earth, F 3 -Z,-Rz- B-TH Full'ery, Full'ing-mill, F 3 -L-NG- Ml Full'ness, Fully, F 3 -/, Ful'mmant, Fl^-Mn-Nt Ful'minate, F1 2 -M-N-T, FIS-M-N-Td, F12-M-N-T- NG Fulmina'tion, Fl 2 - M - Nshn Ful'minatory. Fl^M-N- Fulmin'ic, F1 3 -M-N-K Ful'some, F 2 -is-M Ful'somely, F^Zs-M-i Ful'someness, F 2 -s-M- Na Ful'vid, F2-i-Vd Ful'vous, F 2 --Vs Fum'ble, F^-M-Bl, F 2 -M- Bld. F2-M-B1-NG Fum'bler, F-M-B1-B Fume, F* M, F 3 Md , F 3 - M-NG FUR Fumif erous, F'-M-Frs Fu'migate, F 3 -M-Gt, F 3 - M-G-Td, F 3 -M-Gt-NG Fumiga'tion, F^-M-Gshn Fu'migatory, F 3 -M-G-T- R Fu'miter, F 3 -Mtr Fu'mitory, F3-M-T-X Fum'ous, F 3 -Hs Fum'y, F3-M Fun, FnS Funam'bulatory, Fi-N- M-BH-/J Funam'bulist, F 1 - X - M- Blst Func'tion, F^-X Func'tional-ly, NGshn-Z, Func'tionary, F^-NGshn- R Fund, Fnd 2 , F 2 - N - Dd, Fnd 2 -NG Fund'able, Fnd 2 -B-L Fun'dament, Fnd^-Mnt Fundament'al, Fnd 2 '. Mnt Fundament'ally, Fnd 2 - Mnt-i Fund'ed, F 2 -N-Dd Fune'brial, F^-N-Br-L Fu'neral, F 3 - Nr - L. See Funereal. Fune'real, F3-N-B1. See Funeral. Fun'gi, F2-N-G Fun'goid, F 2 -NG-Gd Fungos'ity, Fn J -Gs-T Fun'gous, Fn^-Gs Fun'gus, Fn 2 -Gs Fu'nicle, F 3 -N-K1 Funic'ular, F 3 -N-K1-K Funk, F2-NG-K, F 2 -NGt, F2-NG-K-NG Fun'nel, F2-N1 Fun'ning, Fu*-NG Fun'ny, F 2 -N, F 2 -N-K, F 2 - Nst Fur, F 2 -R, F 2 -.Rd, F2-R-NG Fur'below, Fr 2 -B-Z,, Fr 2 - B-id. r 2 -B-/--NG Fur'bish, Fr'--B-SH. Fr 2 - B-SHt, Fr 2 -B-SH-NG Fur'bisher, Fr-B-SHr Fur'cate, F 2 -R-Kt Fur'cated, F 2 -R-K-Td Furca'tion, F 2 -R-Kshn Furfura'ceous, Fr--F-R' SHs Furio'so, F2-S-S Fu'rious, F 3 - Jts. See Fierce. Fu'riously, F^-R-sL. See Fiercely. Fu'riousness, F 3 - Rs Ns. See Fierceness. Furl, F2-fil, F 2 -.Rld, -NO Fur'long. F 2 -R-Z-NG Fur'lough, F 2 -R-Z, F-B- L&, F 2 FUR Fur'nace, F 2 -R-Ns Fur'nish, Frn*-SH, Frn*- SHt, Pm^-SH-TlG Fur'nisher, Frn*-SH-R Fur'niture, Frntr 2 Fu'ror, Fs-R-K Furred, F*-Rd Fur'rier, F 2 -.R-B Fur'riery, F^-R-Kl Fur'ring, F-R-NG Fur'row, F 2 - R, F 2 - R - D, Fur'ry, Fur'ther, Frdhr 2 , Frdhr 2 - D. Frdhr-NG Furtherance, Frdhr 2 -Ns Fur'therer, Frdhr=-.R Fur'thermore, Frdhr 2 - Mr Fur'thermost, Frdhr ? Mst Fur'thest, Fr 2 -DHst Fur'tive, Frt 2 -V Fur'tively, Frt 2 -V-i Fu'runcle, F 3 -.R-NG-K1 Fu'ry, F-/J Furze, F 2 -Rz Fur'zy, F^-R-Z Fu'sarole, Fa^-R-I, Fusca'tion, Fs 2 -Kshn Fus'cine, Fs 2 -N Fus'cous, Fs 2 -Ks Fuse, Fzs, Fzd 3 , Fz 3 -NG Fusee', F 3 -Z Fu'sel, Fs 3 -L Fusibil'ity, FzS-B-Zt Fu'sible, Fz 3 -B-L Fu'siform, Fs 3 -F-R-M Fu'sil, Fz3-L Fu'sillade, F3-zi-D, F 3 - zI,-Dd, F3-z-D-NG Fusillade', F^-si-D Fusileer*, F 3 -zi-R Fusilier', F-zZ-R Fus'ing, Fz3-NG Fu'sion, Fzhn 3 Fuss, Fs 2 , Fst 2 , Fa-NG Fuss'ily, F2-S1 Fuss'y, F 2 -S, F 2 -S-R, F 2 - 8st Fust, Fsta Fus'tet, Fs 2 -Tt Fus'tian, Fs 2 -CHn Fus'tigate, Fs 2 -T-Gt Fustiga'tion, Fs 2 -T-Gshn Fus'tic, Fs 2 -T-K Fust'iness, Fs 2 -T-Ns Fust'y, Fs2 - T, Fs 2 - T - R, F*2-Tst Fu'tile, Ft-L Futil'ity, Fta- Fut'tock, F 2 -T-K Fut' ure, Ftr 3 Fut'urist, F 3 -T-Kst Futu'rity, F^-T-R-T Fuze, Fz 3 Fuzz, Fz Fuz'zle, Fy, Fi Fyke, 108 G. Q, the seventh letter of the Alphabet, has two sounds, namely, its own proper sound, as in tiny, and that of j, as in gem. Before a, o, u, I, and r, g has its own sound, as in game, go, gull, <7lad, jrrow, etc.; and then its proper phonographic sign is Gay. Before e, i. and y. g sometimes has its own sound, as in #et, gill (the respiratory organ in a fish), etc.; but it more fre- quently in such cases has the sound of j, as in ^em, giU (the fourth part of a pint), gyve, etc.; and then its proper phonographic sign is Jay. Gg has the sound of single g. See Bb. Gh, at the beginning of words, has the sound of simple g, as in ghost, glia&t- ly, etc. In the middle or at the end of words, it has various sounds. G, before n, at the begin- ning of words, is silent, as in (mat, gmaw. See silent 6. Gab, G-Bi, G-Bdi G-Bi- NG Gabardine', G-BrS-Dn Gab'ble, G-BH, G-Bld 1 , G-BU-NG Gab'bler, Gi-Bl-R Ga'bion, G-Bn 2 Ga'ble, G-B1* Gad, Gdi, G-Dd 1 , Gdi-NG Gad '-about, Gd-Bti Gad'der, G-Dri Gad'fly, G-DVF1 Gad'wall, Gd-Wl 1 Gael, G-L 2 Gae'lic, G-Z, 2 -K Gaff, Gf i Gaffer, G-Fri Gaf'fle, G-Fli Gag, G!-G, G-G-D 1 , Gi-G- NG Gage, G-J 2 , G-Jd 2 . G-J2- NG Ga'ger, G- Jr 2 Gagged, G-G-D 1 Gag'ger, G!-Gr Gai'ety, G-T 2 Gaily, G-L* Gain, Gn 2 , Gnd 2 . Gn 2 -XG Gain'age, Gn-J 2 Gain'er, G 2 -Kr Gain'ful, Gn-F=-L Gain'fully, Qn-F-L GAL Gain'fulness, Gn-F 2 -^-Ns CM Gam'ings, Gn^-NGz Gain'less, Gn-is s Gain'lessness, Gn-is'-Ns Ciis] Gain'ly, Gn-L" Gainsay' or Gain'say, Gn-S 2 , G-Xs-D 2 , Gn-S 2 - NG Gainsay'er or Gain'say- er, Gu-S 2 -R Gain'saying, Gn-S 2 -NG Gainst, Gust 2 Gair'ish, G-Ki-S Gair'ishness, G- Gait, Gt Gai'ter, Gtr 2 Ga'la, G-L- Galactom'eter, G-i-K- T-Mtr Ga'la-day, G-i 2 -D Gal'axy, G-L^-K-S Gale, G-L 2 Gal'eas, G-H-S Ga'leate, G-i 2 -T Ga'leated, G-Z, 2 -Td Gali'cian, G 3 -ishn Galima'tias, Gl-M-Sfls* Gal'iot, G-/. l -T Gal'ipot, G-L^-ft Gall, G - Li, G - Ldi, G - IJ~ NG Gal'lant, G-inti Gallant', G-Znti, G-ii-N- Td. G-inti-NG Gal'lantly, G-LnV-L Gallant'ly, G-LnV-L Gal'lantness, G-Ant^Ns Gallantry, G-Lnt l -R Gall'-bladder, G-Li-Bl- Dr Galled, G-Ldi Gal'leon, G-Z.!-N Gal'lery, G-H-R Gal'ley, G-L 1 Gal'ley-slave, G-isi-L-V Gall'-fly, G-Li-Fl Gall'iard, G-L^-R-D Gal'lic, G-Z-J-K Gal'lican, G-ii-Kn Gal'licism, G-iszi-M Gallicize, G-/>i-Sz, Szd. G-Li-Sz-NG Galligas'kins, G - L 1 - Gs - Knz Gallimau'fry, G-i'-M-Fr Galliiia'cean, G-L 2 -Nshn Gallina'ceous, G - L*- N - SHs Gal'linipper, G-i-N-Pr Gal'linule, G-Z.1-N-L Gallipot, G-i'-Pt Gall'-nut, G'/J-Nt Gallon, G-in 1 Galloon', G-/.n Gallop, G-ii-P, G-H-Pt, G-Z,-P-NG Gallopade', G-Z-Pd GAL Galloper, Gal'loway, Gal'lows, G-Ls 1 Gal'lows-bitts, G-Zsi-Bts Gall'-stone, G-Zs^Tn Gal'ly, G-Zi GallygasTtins, G-Z*-Gs- Knz Gloche', G-Zi-SH Galvan'ic, Gl-Vni-K Gal'vanism, Gl-Vni-Z-M Gal'vanist, Gl-Vi-Nst Gal'vanize, Gl-Vi-Nz, Gl- Vi-Nzd. Gl-Vi-Nz-NG Galvanom'eter, Gl- Vni- Mtr Galvan'oscope, Gl - Vi - Ns-K-P Gamba'do, G-M-B^-D Gam 'bit, G-M-Bti Gam'ble, G-M-Bli, G-M- Bldi, G-M-Bli-NG Gambler, G-M-BH-R Gam'bling, G-M-BP-NG Gamboge', G-M-B^J Gam'bol, G-M-B1>, G-M- Bldi, G-M-Bli-NG Gam'brel, G-M-Br 1 -!, Gambroon', G-M-BrnS Game, G a -M, G-Md, G a - M-NG Game'-cock, G^-M-K-K Game'-keeper, G-M-K- Pr Game'-leg, G 2 -M-Z-G Game'some, G^Ms-M Game'comely, G-Ms-M- Z" Game'someness, G z -Ms- M-Ns Game'ster, G=-Mstr Gam'ing, G^-M-NG Gam'ing-house, G 3 -M- NG-Hs Gam'ing-table, G*-M-NG -T-B1 Gam'ma, G J -M Gam'mer, G!-Mr Gam'mon, Gi-Mn, Gi- Mnd, G!-Mn-NG Gam'ut, G!-Mt Gam'y, G^-M Gan'der, Gndri Gang, G-NG Gang'-board, G^NG-B- Rd (or-Brd) Gang'-cask, Qi-NG-Ks-K Gan'glion, Gi-NGIn Ganglion'ic, G l -NGl-N-K Gan'grene, G^NG-Grn, G>-NG-Grnd, Gi-NG-Grn- NG Gan'grenous, Gi-NG-Gr- Ns Gangue, G^NG Gang'way, GJ-NG-W Gan'net, G J -Kt Gant'let, Gnt-Zt Gantlope, Gnt-Z>-P Qaol, J*-L 109 Gaol'er, J-Z-R Gap, G-Pi Gape, G-pior2, G-Ptior2, Ga'per, G-Pr Gar, G-Ri Garb, G-fii-B Garbage, G-^-B-J Gar'ble, G-^i-Bl, G-B 1 - Bld, G-^-Bl-NG GarTsler, G-^-Bl-R Garbles, G-K^Blz GarTjoard, G-^J-B-Rd Gar'den, Grdi-N, Grdi- Kd, Grdi-N-NG Gar'dener, Grdi-Nr Gar'dening, Grdi-N-NG Gar'get, Gr-G-T 1 Gar'gle, Gri-Gl, Gri-Gld, Gri-Gl-NG Gar'goyle, Gr-G-L 1 Gar'ish, G^-SH Garland, Gr-Zndi, Gr-Z 1 - N-Dd, Gr-Zndi-NG Gar'lic, Gr-Z^K Gar'ment, GrJ-Mnt Gar'ner, Gri-Nr, Gr^Nrd, Gri-Nr-NG Gar'net, Gi-i-Nt Gar'nish, Gr-N-SH 1 , Gr- N-SHti, Gr-N-SHi-NG Garnishee', Gr-N-SHC^ Gar'nisher, G^-N-SHr Gar'nishment, Gr-N-SHi- Mnt Gar'niture, Gri-Ntr Gar'ret, G-Kt 1 Garreteer', G-B^T-R Gar'rison, G-TJs^N, G-TJs 1 -Nd, G-Ss'-N-NG Garrote', G-RV, G-^-Td, G-Kt2-NG Garrot'er, G-Rtr* Garru'lity, G-R1 3 -T Gar'rulous, G-Rls 1 Garrulously, G-^U-sL Gai^rulousness, G - Rls 1 - Ns Gar'ter, Garth, G-i-TH Gas, Gsi Gas'-burner, Gsi-B-jRn-R Gas'con, Gs'-Kn Gasconade', Gs^-K-Nd. Gs-K-N-Dda, Gs^-K-Nd- NG Gasconad'er, Gs-K-Ndr Gas'eous, G-sS 1 Gas'-fixture, Gsi-F-Kstr Gash, G - SHi, Q - SHU, G - SHi-NG Gas'-holder, Gi-sHldr Gasinca'tion, Gs-F^-Kshn Gas'ify, Gs-F 1 , Gs-Fdi, Gs- F>-NG Gas'ket, Gsi Kt GasTcins, Gs>-Kns Gas'-lamp, Gs^L-M-P Gas'-light, GV-sZt GAZ Gas'-lighter, G^sZtr Gas'-main, Gi-sMu Gas'-meter, G ] -sMtr Gasom'eter, G!-s6Mtr Gasom'etry, G-sM-TrJi Gasp, Gs-Pi, Gs-Pt 1 . Gs-P 1 - NG Gas'sy, G-S 1 Gas'teropod, G-sTri-Pd Gas'tric, G-.sTr^K Gastril'oquist, G-sTr 3 -i- Kwst Gastril'oquy, G - sTr 3 - L~ Kw Gastri'tis, G-sTi^-Ts Gastrol'ogy, G-sTri-Z-J Gastron'omer, G-sTr 1 -^- Mr Gastronom'ic, G-sTr'-N- M-K Gastronom'ical, G-sTr 1 - N-M-K1 Gastron'omist, G-sTrJ-N- Mst Gastron'omy, G-sTri-N- INI Gat, Gti Gate, Gt2 Gate'-way, G-T 2 -W Gath'er, Gdhr 1 . Gdkrdi. Gdhri-NG Gath'erer, Gdhr-Ri Gath'ering, Gdhr 1 -> T G Gaud, G-B^ Gaud'ily, G-PJ-Z Gaud'iness, G-D^Ns Gaud'y, G-Di, G-Dri, G- Dsti Gauffer, G-Fr 1 Gauge, G-J2, G-Jd=, G-J2- NG Gauge'-cocks, G-J2-K-Kg Gau'ger, G-Jr 2 Gaul, G-Li Gaul'ish, G-Zi-SH Gault, G-Lti Gaunt, Gnti Gaunt'let, Gnt-Lti Gaunt'ly, Gnt-Zi Gauze, Gz 1 Gauz'y, G-Zi Gave, Gv2 [Gj Gav'el, G-Vli Gav'elkind, G-V^-K-Nd Ga'vial, G-V^-L Gav'ot, G-Vti Gawk, G!-K Gawk'y, Gi-K, G-K-R 1 , G>-Kst Gay, G"-, G-R2, Gst Gay'ety, G-T2 Gay'ly, G-Z Gay'ness, G^Ns Gaze, Gz2, Gzd2, Gz^-NG Gaze'ful, Gz-F^-L Gaze'hound, G 2 -zHnd Gazelle', Gz-L Gaz'er, G-Zr Gazette', Gz-T, GAZ 110 Gazetteer', Gz-T-E Gener'ic, J 2 -Nr-K Gaz'ing, Gz*-NG Gener'ical-ly, J^-Xr-Kl Gaz 'ing-stock, Gz- NG- Generosity, J>-Nr-T sT - K. Gen'erous, J*-Xrs Gear, G-S 3 , G-Sd 3 , G-K 8 - Gen'erously, J-Xre-L KG Gen'erousness, J 2 -Nrs- Gear'ing, G-fi'-NG Xs Geck'o, G 2 -Ko Gen'esis, J 2 -Xss (or Jnss*) Gee, J, Jd J-NG Gen'et, J 2 -Xt Geer, G 3 -^ Genet' or Genette', J*-Nt Geese, Gs* Genetic, J-Xt-K Gehen'na, G-H-N Genetlcal-ly, ja-Xt-Kl Gel'able, J*-i-Bl Gene'va, J^-X-V Gel'atin, J 2 -i-Tn Gene'van, J 3 -X-Vn Gelat'inate, Ji-it-Kt, JL Genevese', ja-N-Vz Zt-X-Td, Ji-it-Nt-NG Ge'nial, J 3 -N1 Gelatina'tion,J 2 -t-Nshn Geniality, Ji-Nl-T Geratine, J*-Z,-Tn Ge'nially, J-X1 Gelatinize, J-X,t-Nz Ge'nialness, J 3 -Xl-Ns Gelatinous, Ji-Lt-Ns Genic'ulate, J3-X-Klt Geld, G-Ld*, G-I,a-Dd, G- Genic'ulated, J s -X-Kl-Td d--XG Genicula'tion, J 3 - N - Geld'er, G-i-Dr Klshn Gelding, G-Zd*-KG Ge'nie, J 3 -N Gelid, J*-Z,-D Ge'nii, J 3 -NIi Gel'ly, J*-i Genital, J2-X-T-L Gelos'copy, Ji-is-K-P Genitals, J 2 -N-T-Lz Gelt, G-Lt Genitive, J 2 -N-Tv Gem, J 2 -M, J2-Md, J*-M- Genltor, J-Ntr NG Genius, JS-Ns Gema'ra, J*-M-K Genoese', J 3 -N-Z Gemina'tion, J 2 -ll-Nshn Gent, Jnt* Gemini, J*-M-N Genteel', Jnt 3 -L Gem'mary, J 8 -M-S Genteelly, Jnt-L-Z Geminate, J*-Mt Genteel'ness, Jnt^-L-Xs Gemma'tion, JS-Mshn Gen'tian, J 2 -Xshn Gemmed, J*-Md Gen'tile, Jnt*-L Gem'meous, J 2 -M-S Gen'tilism, Jnt^-Lz-.Ar Gemmiferous, J 3 -5I-FrsJ Gentility, Jn^-T-/.-! (or Gemmip'arous, J 3 - M-Prs Jnts-Lt) Gem'my, J 2 -M Gen'tle, Jnt*-L, Jut2-L-B, Gendarme', ZH'-N-Dr-M Jnt 2 -Lst Gen'der, Jndr* J-N-Drd, Gen'tleman, Jnt 2 - L - Mn Jndr-XG [Jnti. See Gentlemen.] Genealoglcal,Ji-Kl-J-Kl Gen'tlemen, Jut--L ; Mn 2 Geneal'ogist, J'-Xl-Jst [Jnt 2 . See Gentleman.} Geneal'ogize, Ji-Xl-Jz Gen'tleman-like, Jnt2-L- Geneal'ogy, Ji-Xl-J Mn-i-K [Jntti-K] Gen'era, J--Xr Gen'tlemanliness, Jnt- Gen'erable, J-Xr-Bl L-M-Xl-Xs Gen'eral, J'--X-.R1 [Jn*] Gen'tlemanly, Jnt 2 -L-:tf- Generalis'simo, J 3 -X-Jil- Nl [Jnti l .L] sM Gen'tleness, Jnt*-L-Ns Generality, J'-X-tflt Gen'tlewoman, Jnt^-L- Generaliza'tion, J 2 - N - W-Mn BlHftll Gen'tly, Jnt^-L Gen'eralize, J 2 -X-Xlz, J- Gentoo', J 3 -X-T N-7Jlzd. J 2 -N-^flz-XG Gen'try, JS-N-Tr Gen'erally, J 2 -X-/Jl [Jn] Genuflec'tion, J 2 - X - Fl - Gen'eralness, J 2 -X-Bi-Xs Kshn Gen'eralship, J 2 - N - R\ - SH-P [Jn 2 iSH] Gen'uine, Jn*-X Gen'uinely, Jn 2 -X-L Gen'eralty, J2-X-K1-T Gen'uineness, Ju^-X-Xs Gen'erent, J 2 -Xrnt Ge'nus, J 3 -Xs Gen'erate, J 2 -Nrt, J-Nr- Geocen'tric, Js s -Ntr-K ' Td, J 2 -Nrt-XG Geocen'trical, J6--Xtr-Kl < Genera'tion, J 8 -Xrshn Ge'ode, J 3 -D Gen'erative, J 2 -Xrt-V Geod'esy, Ji-D-S < Gen'erator, J 2 -Xrtr Geog'nosy, Ji-G-X-S Generatrix, J 2 -Xr-Tr-Ks Geog'ony, J^G-N < GET Geographer, Ji Geograph'ic, J-Grf-K Geograph'ical-ly, Ji-Gt- F-K1 Geography, Ji-Gr-F Geol'oger, 3 l -L-3* Geologic, Ji-i-J-K Geological, J^-L-3-Kl Geol'ogist, 3 l -L-3st Geol'ogize, Ji-L-Jz, 3 l -L- Jzd. Ji--Jz-XG Geol'ogy, Ji-i-j Ge'omancy, J 3 -Mn-8 Geoman'tic, Ji-Mnt-K Geoman'tical, J'-ilnt-K- L Geom'eter, JJ-Mtr Geom'etral, J-M-Tr-Z, Geomet'ric, J-5Itr-K Geomet'rical-ly, J^Mtr- El Geometri'cian, js . M - Trshn Geom'etrize, J 1 - M - Trz, Ji-M-Trzd, Ji-M-Trz-XG Geom'etry, Ji-M-Tr Geopon'ic, .P-P-X-K Geopon'ical, J'-P-X-Kl Geopon'ics, .P-P-X-Ks Geora'ma, Jior 2 -K-M Geor'gic, Jr l -J-K Geor'gium-Sidus, Jr J -J- Ms-Da Geor'gical, Jri- J-K1 Geos'copy, .P-S-K-P Ge'rah, J*-R Gera'nium, Jr 2 -K-M Germ, JrS-ll Germain', Jr 2 -Mn Ger'man, Jr s -Mn German'ic, Jr'-Mn-K German'der, Ji^-Mndr Germane', Jr*-Mn Ger'manism, J r*- Mn-Z- M Ger'mans, JrS-Mnz Ger'men, Jr 2 -Mn Ger'minal, Jr 2 -M-Nl Ger'minant, Jr*-Mn-Xt Ger'minate, Jr-M-X-T, Jr*-M-X-Td, Jr^-M-N-T- KO Germina'tion, 3r- - M - Mha eroco'mia, Jr--K-M Ger'und, J--^nd 3rund'ive, J2-ffnd-V Gesta'tion, J-sT^hn Ges'tatory, J 2 -sT-T-fi Ges'tic, ja-sT-K Gestic'ulate, J* - sT - Kit J 3 -sT-Kl-Td, J3 - sT - Kit - KG Gesticulation, J* - sT - Klshn Gestic'ulator, J3-sT-Kltr Gestic'ulatory, J 3 -sT-Kl- 1-R Ges'ture, J 2 - sCHr, J*- sCHrd, J 2 -sCHr-KG Get, Gt, Gt-NG GEW 111 Gew'gaw, G 3 -G Gin'ger, J 3 -N-Jr Gey'ser, G-sR 1 Gin'gerbread, J 8 - N - Jr- Ghast'ful, Gs-TJ-Fl Brd Ghast'liness, Gs^T-Z-Ns Gin'gerly, J 3 -N- Jr-Z Ghastly, Gs-Ti-Z, Gs-T-Z -E, Gs-Ti-Zst Ging'ham, G3-NG-M Gin'gival, J-N-J-V1 Ghat or Ghaut, Gt 1 Gin'gle, J 3 -NG-G1 Gher'kin, Jr s -Kn Gin'seng, J 8 -Ns-NG Ghib'elline, G-B-Zn Gip, J 8 -P Ghost, Gst* Gip'sy, J3-P-8 Ghost'liness, Gs-T 2 -Z-Ns Giraffe', J'-TJf Ghost'ly. Gs-T-Z Gir'andole, J 3 -K-Nd-L Ghole, G-L a Gir'asole, J 3 -fis-L Ghoul, G-L 3 Gir'asol, J 8 -Bs-L Gi'ant, P-Nt Gird, G-.Rd2, G-^-Dd, G- Gi'antess, Ji-N-Ts TTd^-NG Gi'antlike, Ji-Nt-Z-K Gird'er, G-^-Dr Gi'antship, Ji-Nt-SH-P Gird'ing, G-/ed-NG Giaour, J'-E Gird'le, G-fid 2 -L, G-^d- Gib, G-B3 Gib'ber, G-Br 8 , G-Brd 3 , Ld, G-d*-L-NG Gird'ler, G-Sd 2 -Lr G-Br^NG Girl, G-Rl* Gib'berish, G-Br 8 -SH Girl'hood, G-B12-D Gib'bet, J 8 - Bt, J 8 - B - Td, Girl'ish, G-.R1--SH ja-Bt(-) Girl'ishness, G - .Rl 2 - SH- Gib'bon, G-Bn 8 Ns ' Gib'-boom, J-B-B-M Girt, G - fit, G - K 2 - Td, G- Gib'bose, G-Bs 8 Xt 2 -NG Gibbosity, G-Bsi-T Girth, G-iP-TH Gib'bous, G-Bs 3 Gist, Jst 3 Gib'bousness, G-Bs 3 -Ns Give, Gv, Gv 3 - NG [G 3 , Gib'-cat, G-B^-Kt G(*) 3 ] Gibe, J'-B, Ji-Bd, Ji-B-NG Given, G-Vn 3 [G 3 ] Gi'ber, Ji-Br Giv'er, Gv-R 3 Gib'lets, J 3 -Blts Giz'zard, G-Zrd Gib'staff, G-Bs-Tf Gla'brate, Gl-Brt 2 Gid'dily, G-V*-L Gla'brous, Gl-Brs 2 Gid'diness, G-D 8 -Ns Gla'cial, G1-SH1 2 Gid'dy, G - D 3 , G - Dr 3 , G - Gla'ciate, Gl-SHtz Dsta Glacia'tion, Gl-SHshn 2 Gier'-eagle, J*-E-G1 Gla'cier, Gl-sR2 (or-SHr 2 ) Gift, Gft 3 , G - F 3 - Td, Oft 8 - Gla'cious, Gl-SHs 2 NG Gla'cis, Glss 2 Gift'ed, G-F-Td Glacis', Glss 8 Gig, G 3 -G Glad, (a.) Gld 1 , Gl-Dr 1 , Gl- Gigante'an, JS-Gn-Tn Dst 1 Gigan'tic, J l -Gnt-K Glad, (.) Gld 1 , Gl-Dd 1 , Gig'gle, Gs-Gl, G8-Gld, G 3 - Gld!-NG Gl-NG Glad'den, Gl-Dn 1 , Gl- Gig'gler, G-Gl-E 8 Dnd', Gl-Dn^NG Gig'glet, Gs-Glt Gi'got, J 3 -Gt Glade, Gld* Glad'iate, Gl-Dt 1 Gild, G-Ld 3 , G-Z 8 -Dd, G- Glad'iator, Gld-Tr 1 Zd 3 -NG Gladiato'rial, Gld-T-Bl Gild'ed, G-Z 8 -Dd Gladiato'rian, Gld-T^-^n Gild'er, G-Zdr 3 Glad'iatory, Gldi-T-JJ Gild'ing, G-Zd 3 -NG Gladi'olus, Gl-D^Zs Gill [organ of respiration Glad'ly, Gld-Zi in fishes], G-L 3 Glad'ness, Gld^Ns Gill [fourth part of a Glad'some, Gld>-sU pint]. J 8 -L Gil'ly-flower, J 8 -Z-F1-R Glad'somely, Gld-sM-Z* Glad'someness, Gld^sM Gilt, G-Lt 3 -Ns Gilt'-head, G-Lt 3 -Hd Glair, Gl- Ri, Gl- JZd 1 , Gl- Gim'bal,G-M-Bl 3 R'-NG Gim'crack, J 8 -M-Kr-K Glair'y, Gl- Gim'let, G-M-Zt 3 Glance, Gins 1 , Glnst 1 , Gim'mal, GS-Ml Glns^NG Gimp, G-M-P Gin, Ju, Jnd, Ju s -NG Glanc'ingly, Glns-NG-L 1 Gland, Glndi GL1 Gland'ered, Glnd-Rd Gland'ers, Glndrz 1 Glandiferous, Gin - D 8 Frs Gland'iform, Glnd-F ! -R- M Gland'ular, Glnd-Zi-R Gland'ule, Gln-l)i-L Gland'ulous, Gln-Di-Ls Glans, Glnzi Glare, Gl - Hi, Gl - RV, Gl- R'-NG Glar'eous, Gl-Ki-S Glar'ing, UI-K I -:NG Glar'ingly, Gl-Ri-XGl Glass, Gls 1 , Gist'. Glsi-XG Glass'-blower, Gls^Bl-it Glass'es. Gls.s 1 Glass'ful, Gls-Fi-L Glass'-i'urnace, Gls^F-E- Ns Glass'-house, GH-sHs Glass'iness, Gl-S'-Ns Glass'-like, GP-sZ-K Glass'-man, GP-sMn Glass'-work, GP-sWr-K Glass'wort, Gl-sWrt 1 Glass'y, Gl-S 1 Glau'ber's-salt, Gl-Brzs 1 - Lt Glauces'cent, Glss^-Nt Glau'cine, Gls^N Glauco'ma, G1 2 -K-M Glau'cous, GU-Ks Glave, Glv2 Glay'more, Gl 2 -Mr Glaze, Glz2, Glzd^, NG Glaz'er, Gl-Zr" Gla'zier, Gl-ZHr2 Glaz'ing, Glz^-NG Gleam, Gl^-M, GP-MO. G1 3 -M-NG Gleam'y, G1-M Glean, Glu 3 , Glnd 3 , Gln- NG Glean'er, Gl 3 -Nr Glean'ing, Gln 3 -NG Glebe, Gl-B 3 Gleb'ous, Gl-Bs 3 Gleb'y, Gl-B 3 Glede, Gl-D 3 Glee, Gl 3 Glee'ful, G1-F 3 -L Glee'some, Gl 3 -sM Gleet, Git 3 Gleet'y, Gl-T 3 Glen, Gln2 Gle'noid, Gl-N-D 3 Glib, Gl - B 3 , Gl - Br 3 , Gl- Bst Glibly, G1-B 3 -Z Glib'ness, Gl-B3-Xs Glide, Gld 1 , Gl-Dd', NG Glid'er, Gl-Dri Glim, G1 3 -M Glim'mer, Gl 3 -Mr, G1 J Mrd. Gl 3 -Mr-NG Glimpse, Gl 3 -Ms GLI 112 Glis'ten, Gls-N, Gls-Nd, Glu'tinousness, Glta-Ns- Gls 3 -N-NG Ks Glis'ter, Glstr 8 , Gl-sTrds, Glut'ton, Gl Tn 2 Glstr(-) Glit'ter, Gltr, Gltrd 3 , Glut'tonous, Gl-T*-Ns Glut'tonously, GH-Ns-L* Gltr-NG Glut'tony, Gl-T 2 -N Gloat, Glt, Gl-Td 2 , Glt- Glyc'erine, Gl-sfin* NG Glyph, Gl-F 3 Glo'bate, Gl-Bt 2 Glyphog'raphy, Gl-F 1 - Glo'bated, Gl-B-Td Gr-F Globe, Gl-B 2 Glyp'tic, Gl-Pts-K Globe'-flsh, Gl-BZ-F-Sff Glyp'tics, Gl-Pts-Ks Globose', Gl-Bs 2 Glyptog'raphy, Gl - Pt 1 - Globos'ity, Gl-Bs 1 -! Gr-F Glo'bous, Gl-Bs 2 Gnar, N-Ei Glob'ular, Gl-B^-L-E Gnarl, N-JKli, N-Bldi, N- Glob'ule, Gl-Bi-L fil'-NG Glob'ulous, Gl-Bi-is Gnarled, N-Kld 1 Glome, G1 2 -M Gnarl'y, N-7J1 1 Glom'erate, GU-Mrt, Gl- Gnash, N-SHS N-SHti, N- Mr-Td 1 , Gli-Mrt(-) SH^-NG Glomera'tion, Gl^Mrshn Gnat, Kti Gloom, G1 3 -M. Gl 3 -Md, Gnaw, N 1 , N-D 1 (or Nd 1 ), Gia-M-NG N'-NG Gloom'ily, Gl-M-s Gnaw'er, N-Ei Gloomi'ness, Gl 3 -M-Ns Gneiss, Nsi Gloom'y, G1 3 -M. G1-M-E Gneis'soid, Ns-D 1 (or Gl 3 -Mr), Gl-Mst Gnome, N 2 -M Glorifica'tion, Gl - R* - F- Gno'mic, N 2 -M-K Eshn Gno'mon, N 2 -Mn Glo'rify, G1-R2-F, G1-.K 2 - Gnomon'ics, N'-Mn-Ks Fd. G1-.R 2 -F-NG Gnos'tiCj Ks-Ti-K Glo'rious, Gl-fis 2 Gnos'ticism, Ns-TJ-szM Glo'riously, Gl-R*-sL Gnu, N3. See New. Glo'ry, Gl-^ 2 , Gl-^d 2 , Gl- Go, G 1 , G 1 -NG. Written in fi 2 -NG first position to distin- Gloss, Gls 1 , Gist 1 . Glsi-NG guish it. in rapid or care- Glossa'rial, Gl-sR^-i, less writing, from K 2 Gloss'arist, Gl-sfist 1 come. Gloss'ary, GI-S.RI Goad, G-D 2 , G-Dd 2 , Gd 2 - Gloss'er, Gl-sK 1 NG Gloss'iness, Gl-S'-Ns Goal, G-L 2 Glossog'rapher, Gl-sGr- Goat, Gt Fr^ Goatee', G-T 3 Glossog'raphy.Gl-sGr-F 1 Goat'-herd, Gt^-Hrd Glossol'ogist, Gl-sii-Jst Goat'ish, Gt-SH 2 Glossol'ogy, Gl-sZ.1- J Goat'skin, Gts^-Kn Gloss'y, Gl-Si Glot'tis, Gl-Ts 1 Goat'-sucker, Gt 2 -sKr Gob, G-fii Glottol'ogy, Glt-ii-J Gobble, G-Bli, G-Bldi, G- Glove, Glv2, Glvd 2 , Glv- Bl^-XG 1 NG Gob'bler, G-BP-E Glov'er, Gl-Vr 2 Go'-between, Gi-B-Twn Glow, Gl 2 . Gld 2 , G12-NG Gob'let, G-&-Lt Glow'-worm, Gl 2 -Wr-M Gob'lin, G-B l -Ln Gloze, Glz 2 , Glzd 2 , Glz 2 - Go'by, G-B 2 NG Go'-by, Gi-B Glo'zer, Gl-Zr 2 Go'-cart, G^Krf Glue, Gl 3 , Glds G1&-NG God, Gd 1 . See Guide. Glu'ey, Gl God'child, Gd-CHld 1 Glum, G1 2 -M God'children, Gd - CHI 1 - Glume, G13-M Drn [-CH1J Glut, Git 2 , Gl-Td, Glt 2 - God'daughter, Gd-Dtr 1 NG God'dess, G-Ds 1 Glu'ten, Gl-Tn 3 God'father, Gd-Fdhr 1 Glu'tinate, Glt^-Nt, Glt-N God'head, Gd^Hd -Td 3 . Glta-Nt-NG God'less, Gd-is 1 Glutina'tion, Glt^-Nshn God'lessness, Gd-Ls'-Ns Glu'tinative, Glt-Nt-V* God'like, Gd-L*-K Glu'tinous, Glt 3 -Ns God'liness, Gd-ii-Ns GOO God'ly, Gd-ii God'mother, Gdi-Mdhr God'send, Gdsi-Nd God'ship, Gd-SHi-P God'son, Gdsi-N God'speed, Gds-Pdi God'ward, Gd-Wrd God'wit, Gd-wTi Go'er, G-K 2 Goes, Gz> Goffer, G-Fri, G-Frd 1 , G- Fr!-NG Gog'gle, Gi-Gl, Gi-Gld, Gi-Gl-NG Gog'gle-eyed, G>-Gl-i-D ' Go'ing, G [ -NG Goi'ter or Goi'tre, Gtr 1 Gold, Gld 2 Gold'-beater, Gld-Btr Gold'-dust, Gld 2 -Dst Gold'en, Gld 2 -N Gold'flnch, Gld-F 2 -K-CH Gold'-finder, Gld^-Fndr Gold'-flsh, GW-F-SU Gold'-leai; Gld-L-F Gold'smith, Gld-sM-TH 2 Gold'-stick, Gldss-T-K Gold'-thread, Gld-THrd Golf, G-i>-F Goloe'-shoe, G-Z^-SH Golosh', G-^i-SH Gon'dola, Gn-D'-L Gondolier', Gn-D-Z,-E Gone, Gni Gon'falon, Gn-Fi-in Gon'fanon, Gn-F^Nn Gong, Gi-NG Goniom'eter, G'-N-Mtr Goniomet'ric, G-N-M- Tr2-K Goniomet'rical, G-N-M- Tr 2 -Kl Goniom'etry) G-N-M-Tr 1 Gonorrhe'a, Gn-W Good, Gd3 Good'-breeding, Gd^ - BrdC) Good-by' or Good-bye', Gds-B Good-day'^ Gd^-D Good-Fri'day, Gd Good-hu'mored, Gd^-H- Mrd orGd^-Y-Mrd Good'liness, Gd-i-Ns Good'ly, Gd-L*, Gd-3-E, Gd-/,st 3 Good'man, Gd^-Mn Good'-nature, Gd'-Ntr Good'-natured, Gd 3 -Ntr- D Good'ness, Gd3-Ns Good-tem'pered, Gd s -T- M-Prd Good-will', Gd3-Wl Goods, Gdzs Good'y, G-D3 Goos'ander, Gs'-Ndr Goose, Gs Goose'berry, Goose'-flesh, GOO Goose'-quill, Go'pher, G-Fr 2 Gor'-cock, G-R^K-K Gor'dian, Q-Ri-Dn Gore, G-R2, G-fld 2 , G-R 2 - NG Gorge, G-R l -J Gor'geous. Gr-Js 1 Gor'geously, Gr-J>-sZ, Gor'geousness, Gr-Js 1 -Ns Gor'get, Gr-Jti Gor'gon, GrJ-Gn Gorgo'nian, Gr 2 -G-Nn-N Goril'la, G-R-L. See Guerrilla. Gor'mand, Gr^Mnd Gor'mander, Gr^Mndr Gor'mandize, Gr - M - N - Dzi Gor'mandizer, Gr-M-N- Di-Zr Gorse, G-Rs 1 Gory, G-R* Gos'hawk, G*-sH-K Gos'ling, G-zLi-NG Gos'pel, Gs-Pli Gos'peler, Gs-PP-E Gos'samer, Gi-sMr Gos'samery, G-sM-fii Gos'sip, Gs-Pi, Gs-Pt 1 , Gs- Pi-NG Got. Gti Goth, G-THi Go'thamite, G-TH-Mt Goth'ic. G-TH>-K Goth'icism, G-THi-Sz-M Goth'icise, G-TH'-Sz, G- THi-Szd, G-THi-Sz-NG Got'ten, G-Tni Gouge, G-Ji, G- Jd, G-Ji- NG Gourd, G-.Rd Gour'mand, GrS-Mnd Gout, Gti Gout [goo], GS Gout'iness, G-Ti-Ns Gout'y, G-T 1 Gov'ern, Gv - fin*, Gv - Gvd. Gv(-)2 Gov'ernable, Gv-JJnS-B-L [Gv2 B] Gov'ernance, Gv-/Jn 2 -Ns Gov'ernante, Gv-K 2 Nnt Gov'erness, Gv-B-Ns Gov'ernment, Gv - .to 2 - Mnt [Gv 2 -Mnt] Governmental, Gv-Rn*- M-N-T-i [Gv 2 lMnt] Gov'ernor, Gv-.Rn 2 -R [G- V 2] Gov'ernorship, Gv-fin 2 - R-SH-P [G-V2SSH] Gowk, G>-K Gown, Gn' Gown'man, Gn 1 -Mn Gowns'man, Gnz!-Mn Gowt, Gti Grab, Gr- Bi, Gr- Bd, Gr- Bi-NG 113 Grab'ble, Gr-Bl 1 Grace, Grs 2 , Grst 2 , Grs 2 - NG Grace'-oup, Grs 2 -K-P Grace'ful, Grs-F 2 -L Grace'fully, Grs-F 2 - Grace'fulness, Grs-F 2 -L- Ns [Grs 2 i Fs] Grace'less, Gr-sis a Grace'lessly, Gr-sLs 2 Grace'lessness, Gr-sis 2 - Ns Gra'ces, Grsz 2 Gra'cious, Gr-SHs 2 Gra'ciously, Gr-SHs 2 - Z. Gra'ciousness, Gr-SHs 2 - Ns Grack'le or Grakle, Gr 1 -Kl Grada'tion, Gr - Dshn 2 . See Graduation. Grada'tional, Gr - Dshn 2 - L Grad'atory, Grd-Ti-ft Grade, Grd 2 , Gr-Dd 2 , Grd 2 -NG Gra'dient, Gr-D-N-T Grad'ual, Gr-J>-L Grad'ually, Gr-J 1 -/, Grad'uate, Gr-Jt", Gr-J 1 - Td. Gr-Jti-NG Gradua'tion, Gr - Jshn 2 See Gradation. Grad'uator, Gr-Jtr 1 Gra'dus, Gr-Ds 2 Graff, Grf Graft, Grft 1 , Gr-Fi-Td, Grfli-NG Graft'er, Gr-Ftr> Grail, Gr-L 2 Grain, Grn 2 , Grnd 2 , Grn 2 - NG Grained, Grnd 2 Grain'er, Gr 2 - Nr Grallato'rial, Gr-i 2 -T-Bl Gral'latory, GT I -L-T-R Gral'lic, Gr-H-K Gram, Gri-M Gramer'cy, Gr-Mr-S 2 Gramina'ceous, Gr-M-N- SHs 2 Gramin'eal, Gr-M-N-L 3 Gramin'eous, Gr-M-Ns Graminiv'orous, Gr-Mn- Gram'malogue, G Gram'mar, Gr'-Mr Gramma'rian, Gr-M-Kn 2 Gram'mar-School, Gr 1 - Mr-sK-L Grammat'ic, Gr'-Mt-K Grammat'ical-ly, Gr 1 - Mt-Kl Grammat'icize, Gr - M - Tsz', Gr-M-Tsz'-D, Gr-M- Tsz>-NG Gramme, Gr J -M Gram'pus, Gr-M-Ps 1 Gran'ary, Grn-fi' GRA Grand, Grud 1 , Grndr 1 . I Grnd-St" Gran'dam, Gru-D'-M ^rand'child, Grnd-CH 1 . I Ld [Grnd-CHd 1 ] Grand'children, Grnd. CH'-i-Drn [Grud-CHi] Grand'daughter, Grnd. Grandee', Grn-D 3 jGrand'eur, Gru-Jr 1 Grand'father, Grnd Fdhri Grandil'oquence, Grn- Grandil'oquent, Gra-D 3 - -Kwnt Grandil'oquos, Gru-D 3 -/; -Kws i Grand'ipse, Grn-Ds 1 Grand'-juror, Grndi-J-K- K Grand'-jury, Grnd'-J-.R Grand'ly, Grnd-/, 1 Grand'mother, Grnd 1 - Mdhr Grand'-seignor, Grnds 1 ' N-R Grand'sire, Grnds-Ri Grand'son, Gruds'-N Grange, Gr-N-J 2 Grang'er, Gr-N-Jr 2 Gran'ite, Gr>-Nt Granit'ic, Gr^-Nt-K Granit'ical, GrS-Nt-Kl Granit'iform, Gr-Kt-F 3 - R -M Gran'itine, Gr-N-Tn 1 Graniv'orous, Gr - N - V 3 - A's Gran'nam, Gr'-N-JI Gran'ny, Gr^N Grant, Grut 1 , Gru - Td 1 , Grant'able, Grut-Bi-L Grantee', Grn-T 3 Grant'er, Gmtr 1 Gran'ular, Grn-Z^-E Gran'ulary, Gm-H-R Gran'ularly, Giu-L i -'R-L Gran'ulate, Grn-Lt', Grn- Z,i-Td, Grn-Lti-NG Gran'ulated, Grn-i J -Td Granula'tioii, Grn-/,shn 2 Gran'ule, Gr-N-L 1 Gran'ulous, Gru-A.s 1 Grape, Gr-P a Grap'ery, Gr-Pr 2 Grape'-shot, Gr P^-SIf-l Grape'-stone, Gr-P 2 -sTn Grape'-vine, Gr-P--Vn Graph'ic, Grfi-K Graph'ical-ly, Gr-F ! -Kl Graph'ite, Gr-Ft 1 Grap'line, Gr-P 1 Ln Grap'nel, Gr-P^Nl Grap'ple, Gr-PP, Gr-Pld 1 , Gr-Pl'-NG Grap'pling-irons, Gr-PU -NG-l-Rnz GRA Grasp, Grs-P 1 , Grs-Pt 1 , Grs-pi-NG Orasp'er, Gr-sPr 1 Grass, Grs 1 Grass'- cloth, Grsi-Kl-TH Grass'hopper, Gr-sH-Pr 1 Grass'iness, Gr-S ! -Ns Grassland, Gr-sind' Grass'-plot, Grs 1 - Pit Grass'y, Gr-8 1 Grate, Grt 2 , Gr-Td 2 , Grt 2 - NG Grate'ful-ly, Grt-Fl 2 Grate'fulness, Grt-Fl 2 - Ns Grat'er, Grtr* Gratiflca'tion, Grt-F 2 - Kshn Grat'ifier, Grt-Fi-R Gratify, Grt-F 1 , Grt-Fdi, Grt-Fi-NG Grat'ing, Grt 2 -NG Grat'ingly, Grt 2 -NGl Gra'tis, Gr-Ts 2 Grat'itude, Grt-Td 1 Gratuitous, Grt-Ts 3 Gratuitously, Grt-T 8 -s^ Gratu'ity, Grt-T 3 Grat'ulate, Grt-itf, Grt- i>-Td, Grt-it>-NG Gratula'tion, Grt-shn 2 Grat'ulatory, Grt-Lt l -R Grava'men, Gr-V 2 -Mn Grave, (a.) Grv", Gr-Vr 2 Gr-Vst 2 Grave, (u.) Grv* Grvd 2 , Grv-NG Grave'-clotlies, Gr - V* - Kl-DHz Grav'el, Gr-VU, Gr-Vld', Gr-Vl.NG Grav'elly, Gr-Vli Gravely, Grv-/, 2 Gra'ven, Gr-Vn 8 Grave'ness, Grv*-Ns Grav'er, Gr-Vr Grave'-stone, Gr-V^-sTn Grave'-yard, Gr-V-Yrd Grav'id, Gr-Vdi Gravim'iter, Gr-V^-Mtr Grav'ing, Grv-NG Grav'ing-dock, Grv^-NG D-K Grav'itate, Gr-V^-Tt, Gr- Vfi-Td. Gr-Vi-Tt(-) Gravita'tion, Gr-V-Tshn Grav'ity, Gr-Vi-T Gra'vy, Gr-V* Gray, Gr. Qr-R*, Grsts Gray'-beard, Gr^-Brd Gray'-haired, Gr^-Hrd Gray'-headed, Gr^-H-Dd Gray'hound, Gr-Hnd Gray'ish, Gr-SH 2 Grayling, Gr- s -NG Gray'ness, Gr 2 -Ns Gray'wacke, Gr-W^-K Graze, Urz, Grzd 2 , Grz- NG Draz'er, Gr-Zr Ora'zier, Gr-ZHi 114 Grazing, Grz=-NG Grease, (n.) Grs 3 Grease, (.) Grz, Grzd 3 . Grz3-NG Greasily, Gr-Zl 3 Greaslness, Gr-Z 3 -Ns Greas'y, Gr - Z 3 , Gr - Zr 3 , Gr-Zst 3 Great, Grt 2 , Grtr", Grtst 2 Greatly, Grt-i 2 Great'ness, Grt-Ns Greave, Grv-s Greaves, Grvz Grebe, Gr-B^ Gre'cian, Grshn 3 Gre'cism, Gr-Sz 3 -M Gre'cize, Gr-Sz 3 , Gr-8zd 3 , Gr-Sz-NG Greed, Grd 3 Greedily, Gr-D 3 -X, Greediness, Gr-D 3 -Ns Greed'y, Gr - D 3 , Gr - Dr 3 , Gr-Dst Greek, Gr 3 -K Greek'-fire, Gr3-K-F-R Green, (a.) Grn 3 , Gi^-Nr, Gr'-Nst Green, (v.) Grn 3 , Grnd 3 , Grn 3 -NG GreenlDack, Grn-B 3 -K Green'-cloth, Grn 3 -KI- TH Green'-eyed, Grn-D Green'finch, Gru - F 3 - N- CH Green'-gage, Grn 3 -G-J Green'-hand, Grn s -Hnd Green'horn, Grn-H-jRn 3 Green'house, Grn 3 -Hs Greening, Grn 3 -NG Greenish, Grn-SH 3 Greenlshness, Gm-SH 3 - Ns Greenly, Gr^Nl Green'ness, Grn 3 -Ns Green'-room, Grn 3 -E-M Green'shank, Grn - 8H 3 - NG-K Green'-sickness, Grns 3 - K-Ns Green'stone, Grns-Tn 3 Green'sward, Grnz - W 3 - Rd Green'- vitriol, Grn 3 -Vt- Kl Green'wood, Grn-Wd 3 Greet, Grt 3 , Gr-Td 3 , Grt 3 - NG Greet'er, Grtr 8 Greeting, Grt 3 -NG Grega'rian, Grega'rious, Gr-G-JKs 2 Grega'riously, Gr-G-7i*- sL Grega'riousness, Gr-G- **- Grego'rian, Gr-G-fin* Greg'ory, Gr s -G'r Grenade', Gr=-Nd Grenadier', Gr-N-Dr GRO Gren'adine, Gr-K-Dn* Grena'do, Gr-N-B> Grew, Gr Grey, Gr Grey 'hound, Gr^-Hnd Grid'dle, Gr-Dl 3 Gridiron, GrdM-Bn Grief, Grf Griev'ance, Gr-Vns 3 Grieve, Grv Grvd 8 , Grv I\G f>riev'ous, Gr-Vs 3 Griev'ously, Gr-Vs 3 -L Griev'ousness, Gr - V8 = - Ns Griffin, Gr-Fn 3 Griffon, Gr-Fn Grig, Gra-G Grill, Gr-L 3 , Gr-Ld 3 , Gr- L^-NG Grillade', Gr-L 2 -D Grim, GrS-M, Gr-Mr, Gj* Mst Grimace', Gr-Ms Grimal'kin, Gri-Ml-Kn Grime, Gr'-M Grimly, Gr-M-Z 3 Grim'ness, GrS-M-Ns Grim'y, Gri-M, Gr-M-Ki, Gr>-Mst Grin, Grn 3 , Grnd 3 , Grn 3 - NG Grind, Grndi, Grud^-NG Grind'er, Grndri Grind'ery, Grn-Di-/e Grind'stone, Grnds-Tn' Grin'ner, Gr 3 -Nr Grip, Gr-P 3 , Gr-Pt 3 , Gr-P- NG Gripe, Gr-P 1 , Gr-Pt, Gr- pi-NG Grip'er, Gr-Pr 1 Grippe, Gr-P 3 Grisette, Grz-T* Gris'liness, Gr- Grisly, Gr-Zl 3 Gri'son, Grsi-N Grist, Grst 3 Gris'tle, Grs-L 3 Gristly, Gr-sZ, 3 Grist'-mill, Gr-sM 3 -X Grit, Grt 3 , Gr - Td 3 , Grtf NG Grit'stone, Grts-Tn 3 Grit'tiness, Gr-T 3 -Ns Grit'ty, Gr-T 3 Griz'zle, Gr-Zis Griz'zled, Gr Zld s Griz'zly, Gr-Zl^ Groan, Grn 2 , Grnd 2 , Grn NG Groan'er, Gr 2 -Nr Groat, Grti Groats, Grts 1 Gro'cer, Gr-sR 2 Gro'cery, Gi-sR 3 Grog, Gr'-G Grog'gery, Gr'-Gr Grog'giness, Gr^Q-Ns Grog'gy, GRO 115 Orog'ram, Gri-Gr-M Growth, Gr-THS Grog'ran, Gr-G-fini Grub, Gr-B 2 , Gr-Bd 2 , Gr- Grog'-shop, Gri-G-SH-P Groin, Grn 1 B 2 -NG Grubber, Gr-Br* Groined, Grndi Grub'-street, Gr-B 2 -sTrt Groin 'er, Gr^Nr Grudge, Gr-J ! , Gr-Jd 2 , Gr Grom'met, Gr L Mt -J 2 -NG Groom, Gr-M, Gr-Md, Grudg'er, Gr-Jr 2 GrS-M-NG Grooms'man, Gr*-Mz-Mn Grudgingly, Gr-J 2 -NGl Gru'el, Gr-L" Groove, Grv^, Grvd", Grv8-NG Gruff, GrP, Gr-Fr, Gr-Fst 2 Gruffly, Gr-Fl 2 Grope, Gr-pa, Gr-Pta, Gr- GrufTness, Grf^-Ns P 2 -NG Grum, Gr 2 -M Orop'ingly, Gr-P 2 -NGl Grum'ble, Gr-M-Bl 2 . Gr- Gross, Grs 2 , Gr-sB 2 Grss- rpj M-Bld 2 , Gr-M-Bl 2 -NG Grum'bler, Gr-M-Bl^K Gross'beak, Gre-B2-K Grume, Gr 3 -M Grossly, G-r-sZ 2 Grumly, Gr-M-i 2 Gross'ness, Grs 2 -Ns Gru'mous, Gr 8 -Ms Gross'-weigb-t, Gi^-sWt Grunt, Grnt 2 , Grn-Td 2 , Grot, Grti Grnt 2 -NG Grotesque', Gr-T 2 -sK Grotesquely, Gr-Ts 2 -Kl Grotesque'ness, Gr-T 2 - Grunt'er, Grntr 2 Grunt'ingly, Grnt-NG-L* Gruntling, Grnt-Z 2 -NG sK-Ns Gryph'on, Gr-Fn 3 Grot'to, Gr-T 1 Gualacum, Gw 2 -K-M Ground, Grnd 1 , Grn-Ddi, Gua'no, Gw>-N Grnd!-NG Guarantee', G-flS-N-T, G- Ground'age, Grnd-J 1 fi 3 -N-Td, G-K 3 -N-T-NG Ground'-ash, Grndi-SH Guarantor, G-JJntri Ground'-bait, Grndi-Bt Guar'anty, G-fi^N-T, G- Ground'floor, GrndiiFl 2 tfi-N-Td, G'/et-N-T-NG -K Guard, Grdi, Gr-Ddi, Grdi Ground'-hog, Gmdi-H-G -NG Groundless, Grnd^-Zs Guard'able, Grd^Bl Groundlessly, Grnd-Zs 1 Guard'ant, Gr-Dnt 1 L Guard'edly, Gr-Dd 1 -^ Groundlessness, Grnd- Guard'edness, Gr-Ddi-Ns Zsi-Ns Guard'er, Gr-Dr ! Groundling, Grnd-ii- Guardian, Gr-Dn 1 NG Ground'-nut, Grnd-Nt Ground'-plan, Grnd 1 : Guardianship, Gr-Dn 1 - SH-P [:SH] Guard'-ship, Grd 1 -SH-P Plni Gua'va, Gw-V 1 Ground'-plate, Grnd 1 i Gubernato'rial, G-Br-N- Pit 2 T-fil Ground'-plot, GrndMPH 1 Gud'geon, G- Jn* Ground'-rent, Grndi-fint Guelser, G-Br Ground'sel, Gr-Nds-L 1 Gue'bre, G-Br 3 Ground'sill, Gr-Nds-L 1 Guelf, Gw- 2 -F Ground'swell, Grnds-W 1 Guelph, Gw-L-F -L Guer'don, Gr-Dn 2 Oround'work, Grnd-Wr 1 Guerrilla, G - Rl*. See -K Gorilld. Group, Or-P, Gr-Pts, Gr- Guess, Gs*. Gst 2 , Gs 2 -NG P-NG Guess'er, G-sR 2 Grouse, Grs* Guess'-work, G 2 -6Wr-K Grout, Grt 1 , Gr-Tdi, Grt 1 - Guest, Gst 2 NG Guffaw' G-F 1 Grove, Grv Guid'able, G-D-B1 Grov'el, Gr-Vl 1 , Gr-Vldi, Guid'age, G-Di-J Gr-VP-NG Guid'ance, G-Dns 1 Grov'eler, Gr-VU-K Guide, G-D 1 (See God.), G- Grow, Gr. Gr-NG Dd 1 . G-D!-NG Grow'er, Gr-B Guide'-post, G-DJ-Pst Growl, Gr-Li, Gr-Ld 1 , Gr- Guid'er, G-Dr 1 Li-NG Gui'don, G-Dn^ Growl'er, Gr-Li-E Guild, G-Ld 3 &rown, Grn 2 Guild'hall, G-Ld-Hl GUN Guile, G-L 1 Guile'ful, G Guileless, G-Li- Guile'lessness, Ns [or iXs] Guillemot, G-L 3 -Mt Guillotine, G-3-Tn, G- Z-Tnd, G-3-- Guilt, G-Lt" Guilt'ily, Guilt'iness, G-it 3 -Ns Guilt'less, G-/.t3-/,s Guiltlessly, G-it^-Ls-Z ! Guiltlessness, Gr-L&-Ls= Ns Guilt'y, G-iS-T, G-3-Tr> Guin'ea, G^-N Guin'ea-dropper, G^-N- Dr-Pr Guin'ea-fowl, G3-N-F-L Guin'ea-hen, G a -N-Hn Guin'ea-pig, G 3 -N-P-G Guise, Gz 1 Guitar', G-Tr 1 Gulch, G-/,2-CH Gules, G-Lz3 Gulf, Gl-F 2 Gulf'y, Gl-F 2 Gull, G-L 2 , G-Ld 2 , G-LS- NG Gul'let, G-ita Gullibil'ity, G-LS-B1-T Gul'lible, Gul'ly, G-Z NG Gul'ly-hole, G-Z, 2 -H1 Gullos'ity, G-Lsi-T Gulp, G-L2-P, G-i^-Pt, G- Z.2-P-NG Gum, G2-M, G2-Md, G=-M- NG Gum'bo, G-M-BS Gum'-boil, G2-M-B-L Gum'-lac, G'--M-Z,-K Guminit v erous, G-M-Frs 3 Gum'miness, G^-M-Ns Gum'mous, G 2 -Ms Gum'my, G^-M, G-M-M G 2 -Mst Gump, G-M-pa Gump'tion, G 2 -Mshn Gurn'-rash, G-M- SH Gum'-resin, G 2 -M-^z-N Gum'-tree, G s -M-Tr Gun, Gn 2 , Gnd^ Gn--NG Gun'-boat, Gn 2 -Bt Gun'-cotton, Gn'-'-Kt-N Gun'-deck, GnS-D-K Gun'-metal, Gn 2 -Mt-i Gun'nel, G a -Nl Gun'ner, G^-Nr Gun'nery, Gn 2 -^ Gun'ning, Gu 2 -NG Gun'ny, G 2 -N Gun'powder, Gn-P 2 -Dr Gun'reach, Gn-.R 2 -CH Gun'-room, Gn^-R-M Gun'-shot, Gn= SHt Q-UU'-smith, Gne-M-TH GUN Gun'-stick, Gns 2 -T-K Gun'-stock, GnsS-T-K Gun'ter's Chain, Gntrz*- CHn Gun'-wad, Gn 2 -Wd Gun'wale, G-N1 Gur'geons, Gr-JnzS Gur'gle, Gr 2 -Gl, Gr-Gld, Gr 2 -Gl-NG Gur'nard, Gr^-Nrd Gur'net, Gr-Nt Gush, G-SH, G-SHt, G- SH2-NG Gush'ing, G-8H2-NG Gus'set, GS-TS Gust, Gsts Gust'atory, Qs-1--1-R Gus'to, Gs-T 2 Gust'y, Gs-T Gut, Gt2, G-Td 2 , Gtf-NG Gut'ta, G-T 2 Gut'ta-percha, G-T2-Pr- CH Gut'ta Serena, G-T*-sR- N Gut'ter, Gtr 2 , Gtrds, Qtr 2 - NG Gut'tle, G-Tl* Gut' tier, G-T12-R Gut'tural, G-Tr-L Gut'turally, G-Tr*-Z Gut'turalness, G-Tr^z- Ns Guy, Gi Guz'zle, G-Z1 2 , G-Zld G- Z12-NG Guz'zler, G-Zl^-R Gybe, Ji-B, J>-Bd. Ji-B-NG Gymna'sia, J2-M-N-Z Gymna'siarch, J2-M-Nz- R-K Gymna'sium, J 2 -M-Nz-M Gym'nast, J3-M-Nst Gymnas'tic.J^M-Ns-T-K Gymnas'tical-ly, J l - M- Ns-T-Kl Gymnas'tics, Ji-M-Ns-T- Ks Gymnos'ophist, Ji-M-Ns -Fst Gym'nosperm, J 3 -M-Ns- P-R-M Gyn'archy, J3-Nr-K Gyneoc'racy, Ji-N-Kr-S Gyp'seous, J 3 -P-Ss Gypsog'raphy, J!-P-sGr- F Gyp'sine, J 3 -Ps-K Gyp'sum, J3-P-sM Gyp'sy, Js-P-S Gy'ral, Ji-l Gy'rate, Ji-Bt, 116 H. Gyra'tion, J^.Rshn Gy'ratory, J^R-T-B Gyre, J!-R Gyr'falcon, J2-K-F-Kn Gyr'omancy, Jr*-Mn-8 Gy'roscope, J l -R-sK-P Gyve, Jvi, Jvd 1 , Jyi-NG H, the eighth letter of the Alphabet, represents the rough or forcible breath- ing heard at the beginning of such words as Aate, Aeat, ftope, Aave, ftome, etc. H is frequently silent, as in Aerb, Aour, Aeir, etc. In Phonography h is usu- ally written with the stem Hay ; but before Pee arid Bee, with simple begin- ning (that is, without ini- tial hooks, circles or loops), and in the middle of words, when the outline can be shortened or improved thereby, the h is either omitted or written by a dot placed before the following vowel. The compound Wh may be considered as either Hw or Wh. In Hw, when it is necessary to express the A at all, it is written by a small perpendicular tick at the commencement of the Way. In Wh the dot sign is used, following the Way and before the succeeding vowel. Ha, Hal Ha'beas Corpus, Bs 2 -Kr- Ps Hab'erdasher, H - Brd* - SHr Hab'erdashery, H-Brd 1 - SHr Haberdine' or Hab'er- dine, H-Br^ori-Dn Haber'geon, H-Br=-Jn Habil'iment, H-Bia-Mnt Hab'it, haBt', haBi-Td, haBt(-) 1 Habitabil'ity, haBt^-Bl-T Hab'itable, haBti-Bl Hab'itableness, haBt'-Bl -Ns Hab'itancy, haBi-Tn-S Habitant, haBi-Tnt Hab'itat, haBi-Tt Habita'tion, haB 2 -Tshn Habit'ual, haBt-L Habit'ually, haBt-i Habit'ualness, haBt3-i- Ns Habit'uate, haBt^ - T. haBtS-Td. haBt-T-NG Habitua'tion, CHshn Hab'itude, haBi-Td Hacien'da, HAL Hack, H^K, Hi-Kt, Hi-K NG HackTserry, H-K-Bi- Hack'le, Hi-Kl, Hi-Kid, H^Kl-NG Hack'ly, Hi-Kl Hack'matack, H^K-Mt- K Hack'ney, Hi-K-N, H'-K Nd, H!-K-N-NG Hack'ney-coach, Hi-K- K-K-CH Had, Hd [Di] Had'dock, H-Di-K Ha'des, H-Dz Hadj'i, H-Ji Haft, H-Fti Hag, H!-G Hag'gard, H^Grd Hag'gardly, H-Grd-i* Hag'ges, Hi-Gs Hag'gis, Hi-Gs Hag'gish, H-G-SHi Hag'gle, Hi - Gl, Hi - Gld, H'-Gl-XG Hag'gler, H-G1-R 1 Hagiog'rapha, H-J'-Gr-P Hagiog'raphal, H-Ji-Gr- F-L Ha giog'rapher, H-J!-Gr- Fr Hagiog'raphy, H-Ji-Gr-F Hagiol'ogy, H-Ji-Z-J Hag'ship, H-G-SHi-P Hague'but, H-G-Bti Hah, Ha 1 Ha-ha', Hai-Ha Haik, H 2 -K Hail, H12, Hld2, H12-NG Hail'-fellow, HP-F-Z, Hail'stone, Hls=-Tn Hail'y, H-i^ Hair, Hri Hair'-brained, Hi-i-Ernd Hair'-breadth, Hri - Brd- TH Hair'-brush, Hr'-Br-SH Hair'-cloth, Hri-Kl-TH Hair'-dresser, Hri-Dr-sB Haired, H-R l -D Hair'iness, H-^-Ns Hair'less, Hr-Zs 1 Hair'line, Hr-Zn 1 Hair'-pin, Hri-Pn Hair'-powder, H^-P-Er Hair'-splitting, Hr 1 - sPlt(-) Hair'-spring, Hrs'-Pr-NG Hair'-stroke, Hrsi-Tr-K Hair'y, H-AI> Hake, H 2 -K Hal'berd, HU-Brd Halberdier', Hl-Brd^-R Hal'cyon,H-Zsi-N Hale, His, Hld2, Hl^-NG Half, H-F 1 [Fi] Half'-and-Half, Fni-F Half-binding, Fi-Bnd- NG Half-blood, F^-Bld HAT. Hair-blooded, Hair-bred, Fi-Brd Half-breed, F-Brd Half -brother, Fi-Brdhr Half-cock, Fi-K-K Half-crown, F^Krn Half -hearted, F^Hr-Td Half-mast, Fi-Mst Half -moon, Half -note, Half -pay, F 1 -? Half -pence, F 1 -Pns Half -penny, F 1 - P - N or haP^N or haP 2 -N Half -pike, Fi-P-K Half-price, F^Prs Half-seas-over, F^S-z Vr Half -step, Fi-sT-P Half-way, F'-W Half-witted, F'-wTd Hal'ibut, H-ZVBt Hal'imas, H-Z^-Ms Hall, HU Hallelu'jah, H1-Z.3-Y Hal'Hards, Hl-Yrdzi Halloo', H-Z, a , H-ids, H- 3 -NG Hal'low, H-Z.1, H-Z,di, H- Z.1-NG Halloween', H-ZAN Hal'lowmas, H-i'-Ms Hallu'cinate, H-Z,s3-Nt Hallucina'tion, H-is 2 - Nshn Ha'lo, H-Z.S, H-z,d2, H-z,2- NG Ha'loid, H-Z2-D Ha'loscope, H-Z/s^K-P Hals'er, Hs-IU Halt, Hlt, Hl-Tdi, Hlt(-)i Halt'er, Hltr 1 , Hl-Trdi, Hltr'-NG Halt'ingly, Hlti-NGl Halve, ha NG Halves, h Hal'yard, Ham,H>-M Ham'adryad, Ham'ated, H-M-Td 1 Hames, H^-Mz Hamit'ic, H^-Mt-K Ham'let, H-M-Z.U Ham'mer, H!-Mr, Hi- Mrd, Hi-Mr-NG Ham'mer-beam, Hi-Mr- B-M Ham'mer-cloth, H'-Mr- Kl-TH Ham'merer, H-Mr-K 1 Ham'mer-hard, Hi - Mr- Hrd Ham'mer-harden, H 1 - Mr-Hr-Dn, H 1 - Mr - Hr - Dnd, HJ-Mr-Hr-Dn-NG Ham'mer-head, H 1 - Mr- Hd Ham'mock, H'-M-K Hamose', H-Ms Ha'mous, H 2 -Ms 117 Ham'per, H-M-p r , H-M- Prd, H-M-Pri-NG Ham'shackle, Hi-M-SH- Kl, H'-M-SH-Kld, Hi-M- 8H-K1-NG Ham'ster, H 1 -Mstr Ham'string, H - M - sTri - NG, H-M-sTri-NGd, H-M -sTrl-NG-NG Ham'strung, H-M-sTr 1 - NG Han'aper, H-N-Pri Hand, Hnd 1 , Hn - Dd 1 , Hndi-NG Hand'-ball, Hndi-B-L Hand'-barrow, HndJ-B-K Hand'-basket, Hnd 1 - B - sKt Hand'-bell, Hndi-B-L Hand'-bill, Hnd>-B-L Hand'-book, Hndi-B-K Hand'-breadth, Hnd 1 - Brd-TH Hand'cuflf, Hndi-Kf, Hndi -Eft, Hndi-Kf-NG Hand'er, Hndri Hand'ful, Hndi-F-L Hand'-gallop, Hnd-G-Z,- P Hand'icap, Hn-Di-K-P Handicraft, Hn-D-Krft Handicraftsman, Hu-D 1 -Krfts-Mn Hand'ily, Hn-D'-i Hand'iness, Hn-D'-Ns Hand'iwork, Hu-D 1 - Wr- K HandTierchief, H-NG- Kr-CHfi Hand'le, Hnd - L\ Hnd - LA\ Hnd-ii-NG Hand'ling, Hnd-Z,i-NG Hand'-109m, Hnd'-i-M Hand'maid, Hnd^Md Hand'maiden, Hnd - M - Dni Hand'-mill, Hnd^-M-i Hand'-organ, Hnd^B-Gn Hand'-rail, Hndi-fl-L Hand'saw, Hnd-S 1 Hand'sel, Hnds-Li Hand'some, Hns 1 - M, Hnsi-M-E, Hns^Mst Hand'somely, Hns-M-L 1 Hand'someness, Hue 1 - M-Ns Hand'spike, Hndsi-P-K Hand'writing, Hnd-Ati- NG - Hand'y, Hn-Di, Hn-DJ-K, Hn-Dst Hang, Hi-NG, Hi-NG-D (or Hi-NGd), Hi-NG-NG Hang'-bird, H-NG-Brd Hang'dog, H-NG-D'-G Hang'er, H-NGr Hang'er-on, Hi-NGr-N Hang'ing, Hi-NG-NG Hang'ing-buttresSt H 1 - NG-lTG-B-Tra HAK Hang'man, H'-NG-Mn Hang'-nail, Hi-NG-N-L Hank, HL-NiJ-K. Hank'er, H'-XG-Kr, Hi NG-Krd, H 1 -XGr-Kr-NG Hap, hapi Hap'-hazard, haPi-H-Zrd Hap'less, MPi-Zs Hap'ly, II-Pli. See Hap- pily and 1'artly. Hap'pen, haPn 1 , haPnd 1 , haPn'-NG Hap'pily, haP 1 -/, Hap'piness, lial n -Ns Hap'py, haP 1 , liaP 1 -R, haPsti Harangue', H-JJ'-XG, H- Harang'uer, H-tfi-NGr Har'ass, H-Ti.s 1 , H-/e.sti, H- Har'asser, H-ffsi-7J Har'binger, H-A^-B-N-Jr Har'bor, Hr-Br 1 , Hr-Brdi, Har'borer, Hr-Br^-R Har'borless, Hr-Bri-Zs Har'bor-master, Hr-Br 1 - Mstr Hard, Hrdi. Hrdr', Hr- Dsti (orHrdst 1 ) Hard'en, Hr-Dn 1 , Hr- Dnd 1 , Hr-DiP-XG Hard'ener, HrdJ-Nr Hard'-favored, Hrd 1 - F- Vrd Hard'-featured, Hrdi-F- CHrd Hard'-flsted, Hrd'-Fs-Td Hard'-fought, Hrd'-Ft Hard'hack, Hrdi-H-K Hard' -handed, Hrd^-Hn- Dd Hard'-hearted, Hrdi-Hr- Td Hard'-heartedness, Hrdt-Hr-Td-Xs Hard'ihood, Hr-D^-Hd Hard'ily, Hr-D 1 -^. See Hardly. Hard'iness, Hr-Di-Ns Hard'ish, Hrd-S// 1 Hard'ly, Hrd-Z 1 . Sea Hardily. Hard'-mouthed, Hrdi-M -DHd Hard'ness, Hrdi-Ns Hard'ship, Hrd-SZP-P [or HrdMSH] Hard'-tack, Hrd'-T-K Hard'ware, Hrd-Wr 1 Hard'-visaged, Hrd^Vz- Jd Hard'y, Hr-D 1 , Hr-Dr 1 , Hr-Dsti Hare, Hr 1 Hare'bell, Hr-BU Hare'-brained, Hri-Brnd Hare'-hearted, Hr 1 - Hr Td HAR 118 Hare'-hound, H^-Hnd I Harshly, Hr-SHl* Hare'lip, Hr-i-P Harsh'ness, Hr-SHi-Ns Ha'rem, Hrt-M Harslet, Hrs-Lti Hare'skin. Hrs'-Kn Hart, Hrti Har'icot, H-fii-K Harts'hom, Hrts-H-^n^ Har'ier, H-B l -R Har'um-scarura, Hr'- 11- Hark, Hri-K sK-K-M Har'lequin, Hr- l -Kn or Harus'pice, H-Ks^Ps Hr Z,i-Kwn Har'vest, Hr-VstS Hr-Vsi Harlequinade, Hr-Z>- -Td, Hr-Vst(-)i Kn-D or Hr-Z^Kwn-D Harvester, Hr-Vstr 1 Har'lot, Hr-it Har'vestfly, Hr-Vsi-T-Fl Harlotry, Hr-iti-R Harvest-home, Hr-Vst 1 - Harm, Hr^ - M, Hr' - Md, M Hri-M-NO Har'vest-moon, Hr-Vst 1 - Harmat'tan, Hr-M-Tn^ Mn Harm'ful, Hr-M-FU Har'vest-queen, Hr-Vs 1 - Harmless, Hr-M-Ls 1 Harmlessly, Hr-M-is 1 -^ Harmlessness, Hr - M - Kwn Has, Hz [z 1 ] Hash, H-SH 1 , H-Hti H- isi-Ng pis] SH^XG Harmo'nia, Hr^-M-N Hash'eesh, H-SHi-SH Harmo'nial, Hr-M-N-L Hash'ish, H-SHi-SH Harmonic, Hri-M-N-K Hash'meat, H-SH^Mt Harmonica, Hri-M-N-K Haslet, Hs-iti Harmonlcal-ly, Hri-M- Hasp, Hs-pi, Hs-Pti, Hs- K-K1 pi-NG Harmon'icon, Hr>-M-N- Has'sock, Hs^K En Hast, Hsti [sti] Harmonics, Hr^M-N-Ks Harmo'nious, HrS-M-Ns Has'tate, Hs-Tti Has'tated, Hs-Ti-Td Harmo'niously, Hr - M - Haste, Hst Hs - Td*, Ns-L2 Hst(-) Harmo'neousness, Hr s - Has'ten, Hs-N, Hs-Nd, M-Ns-Ss Hs-N-NG Har'monist, Hr 1 -lI-Nst Has'tener, Hs-X-E* Harmo'niunijHrS-M-N- M Hastily, Hs-T2- Har'monize, Hr-M-Nz, TTl_Ar.V-7r1 TTi-1 - TIT - V_ Hastiness, Hs-T*-Ns TToa'ti-ncra TTa-TX-TCn^ KG Har'monizer, Hr-M-Nz- Hs-Tsta Hast'y, Hs - T, Hs - T* - R, Har'mony, Har'ness, Hri-Ns, Hr 1 - Hat, Ht Hast'y-pudding, Hs-T 2 - P-D-NG Nst, Hr-Xs-XG Har'nesser, Hr-Ns-R 1 Hat'able, Ht-Bl* Hat'-band, Hti-Bnd Harp, H-fii-P, H-i-Pt, H- Hat'-box, Hti-B-Ks B'-P-XG Harp'er, Hr-Pr 1 Hat'-brush, Hti-Br-SH Hat'-case, Ht>-Ks Harplng-iron, H-fli-P- Hatch, H-CH', H-CHti, H- CHi-NG Hatch'el, H-CHli, CHldi, K-CHl-Is'G Hatch'eler, H-CHU-R H- NG-I-Rn Harplngs, H-K l -P-NGz Harpist, H-JZ'-Pst Harponeer', H-X 3 -P-Kr Harpoon', H- 3 -Pn,H-K 3 ;Hatch'er, H-CHr 1 -Pnd. H-^-Pn-NG Hatches, H-CHzi Harpoon'er, H-B*-P-TXr Hatch'et, H-CHt> Harp'sichord, H R l - P- Hatch'ment, H-CHi-Mnt sKrd , Hatch' way, H-CH'-W Harpy', H-ff-P Hate, Ht2. H-Td 2 . Ht(-) a Har'quebuse, Hr-Kw-Bsi Hate'ful-ly, Har'ridan, H-'-Dn Har'rier, H-R l -R Har'row, H-K 1 , H-fidi, H- i-N(J Har'rower, "S-Ri-R Har'ry, H-.K 1 , H-RA\ H- !-NG Harsh, Hr-SHi, Hr-SHr 1 , Hr-SHst Hate'fulness, Ht . Fl - Ns [Ht 2 '.Fs] Hat'er, Hti* Ha'tred, H-Trd* Hat'ter, Htr Hau'berk, H-Bri-K Haugh, Hi Haugh'tily, H-T-i Haueh'tiness, H-H-Ns HEA Haugh'ty, H-TI, H-Tr\ H-Tsti Haul, Hli, Hldi, Hli-NG Haul'er, Hl-R 1 Haulm, H 1 -!! Haunch, H^N-CH Haunt^ Hnt', Hn-Td, Haunt'er, Hntr* Haut'boy, E-B* ! Hauteur', H-Tr* Haut-gout', H-G Have, H-Vi [T], and by the tvhook; thus, To have, Tv J Can have, Kv 1 They have, DHv* May have, Mv* Hav'elock, H-Vl'-K Ha'ven, H-Vn Hav'ersack, H-Vrs'-K Hav'oc, H V'-K Haw, H, Hdi, H-NG Haw'finch, H-F^N-CH Haw'-haw, Hi-H Hawk, HJ-K, H-Kt, H-K- NG Hawk'er, H'-Kr Hawk'-eyed, H'-K-i-D Hawse, Hz 1 Hawse'-hole, Hzi-Hl Haws'er, Hz-Ri Haw'thorne, H-THi-JZn Hay, H Hay'-cock, H 2 K-K Hay'-field, H^-F-Ld Haying, H--NG Hay'-knife, H^-N-F Hay'-loft, H"--Ft Hay'mow, H--M Hay'-rick, H---R-K Hay'-stack, Hs=-T-K Hay'ward, H-Wrd* Haz'zard, H-Zrdi, H-Zrl Dd.H-Zrd' -N'G Hazardous, H-Ztdi-S Hazardously, H-Zrd-- S-L Haze, Hz 2 , Hzd 2 . Hz-NG Ha'zel-ly, H-Z12 Ha'zel-nut, H-Zl-Nt Ha'ziness, H-Z^-Ns Ha'zy, H-Z 2 He, H-. Written In the second position to distin- guish it from who when unvocalized. Head, Hd*. H-Dd 2 , HA(-f Head'ache, Hd^-K Head'-band, Hd2-Bnd Head'-cheese, Hd 2 -CHz Head'-dress, Hd^-Drs Head'er, Hdr 5 Head'-gear, Hd 2 -G-B Headlness, H-D 2 -Ns Heading, Hd(-)* Head'la,nd, Hd-ind Headless, Hd-/,s' Head'-light, Hd-Lt Headlong, Hd-L-NQ HEA Head'-man, Hd^-Mn Head'-piece, Hd 2 -Ps Head'-quarters, Hd*-Kw- Rtrz [HdZ-Kwtrz] Head'-sea, Hd 2 -S Head'ship, Hd- SH* - P [Hd2!SH] Heads'man, Hdz^-Mn Head '-master, Hd 2 -Mstr Head'spring, Hds-Pr 2 -NG Head'stall, Hds-T-L Head'-stock, Hds^T-K Head'-stone, Hds^-Tn Head'-strong, Hd - sTr - NG Head'way, Hd^-W Head'wind, Hd 2 -Wnd Head'work, Hd-Wr*-K Head'y, H-D Heal, His, Hlds, Hls-NG Heal'able, H1-B1 Healds, Hldz Heal'er, Hl-fi Heal'ing, H1 8 -NG Health-y, HI - TH [If - TH] Health'ful-ly, H1-TH*-F1 [/,2-TH-Fl] Health'fulness, HI - TH*- Fl-Ns [2-TH SFs] Health'ily, Hl-TH*-!, [ -TH-i] Health'iness, Hl-TH-Ns [L2.TH-NS] Heap, heP, hePV, heP 8 - NG Heap'er, H-Pr* Hear, Hr s , Hr-Na [B*, R3-NG] Heard, Hrd Hear'er, H-Rr Hear'ing, Hr - NG [R - NG] Heark'en, Hri - Kn, Hri - Knd, Hrt-Kn-NG Heark'ener, Hr^-K-Nr Hear'say, Hr-S [fl 8 -S] Hearse, Hra 2 Hearae'-clotli, Hrs*iKl- THi Heart, Hrti Heart'-ache, Hrt^K Heart'-breaking, Hrt 1 - Br-K-NG Heart'-broken, Hrti-Br- En Heart' -burn, HrtLBrn Heart'-burning, Hrt 1 - Brn-NG Heart'en, Hr-Tn 1 Heart'-felt, Hrti-F-Lt Hearth, Hr-TH Hearth'-stone, Hr - TH - sTn Heart'ily, Hr-Ti- Heart'iness, Hr-Ti-N Heart'less, Hrt-is 1 Heart'lessly, H.rt-Ls*-L Heart'lessness, Hrt-is l - Ns [Hrt 1 ! 8] 119 Heart'-rending, Hrt 1 - find-NG Heart'-searching, Hrts 1 - fi-CH-NG Heart's'-ease, Hrts^Z Heart'-sick, Hrts^K Heart'-sicken, Hrts 1 -Kn Heart'-sickening, Hrts 1 - Kn-NG Heart'-sore, Hrtsi-R Heart'-string, Hrts 1 - Tr- NG Heart'-whole, Hrtt-Hl Heart'-wood, H-Rt'-Wd. See Hard and Wood. Heart'y, Hr - T 1 , Hr - Tr>, Hr-Tst 1 Heat, Hts, H-Td3, Ht(-)S Heat [bet], Htz Heat'er, Htr 8 Heath, H-TH" Heath'-cock, H-TH^-K-K Hea'then, H-DHns Hea'thendom, H - DHn^- D-M Hea'thenish, H-DHn3-SH Hea'thenishness, H - DHn-SH-N8 Hea'thenism, H-DHn-Z- M Hea'thenize, H-DHn3-Z. H-DHn 8 -Zd, H-DHnS-Z- NG Heath'er, H-DHr* Heath'er-bell, Hthr2-B- L Heath'ery, H-DHr* Heath'-game, H-TH-G- M Heath'-grass, H-TH 3 -Grs Heath'-hen, H-TH-Hn Heath'y, H-TH3 Heat'ing, Ht(')* Heave, H - V, H - Vd, H - va-NG Heav'en, H-Vn2 [Vn] Heav'enliness, H-va-Nl- Ns [V2-N1-NS] Heav'enly, H-ys-Nl [V- Nl] Heav'enly-minded, H- VS-Nl-Mn-Dd [V-Nl-Mn Dd] Heav'enward, H - Vn - Wrd Heave'-offering, H-VS- Fr-NG Heav'er, H-Vr Heaves, H-Vz* Heav'ily, H-vi* Heaviness, H-V-Ns Heav'y , H - V, H - Vr3, H- V8t Heav'y-spar, H-Vs^-P-R Hebdom'adal, huBd^M- Dl Hebdom'adary, heBd 1 - M-D-B Hebdomat'ical, heBd 1 - Mt-Kl HEL Heb'etate, heB^-Tt, hcBi- T-Td, heB2-Tt{-) Hebeta'tion, heB^-Tshn Heb'etude, heB^-Td Hebra'ic, H-Br 2 -"K Hebra'ically, H-Br^-Kl He'braism, H-Br3-zM He'braist, H-Brsts Hebraist'ic, H-Brs^-T-K He'braize, H - Brz^, H- BrzdS, H-Brz3-NG Hebrew, H-Br* He'brewess, H-Br^-s Hec'atomb, H-K-T 2 -5I Heck, H^-K Heck'le, H2-K1 Hectare', K-Ti-R Hec'tic, H-K-T2-K Hec'tical, H2-Kt-Kl Hec'togram, H-K-T 2 -Gr- M Hectol'iter, H-K-T'-itr Hectom'eter, H'-Kt-Mtr Hec'tor, H2-Ktr, H2-Ktrd, H2-Ktr-NG Hectostere', K-TS Z -T-R Hed'dle, H-D12 Hedera'ceous, Hd - 7t- SHs Hed'eral, H-D 2 -^i Hedge, H-J2, H-Jd^, H-J- NG ' Hedge'hog, H-J2-H-G Hedge'-priest, H-J2-Prst Hedg'er, ll-.Jr'- Hedge'-row, H-J 2 - Hedge'-school, H-J2-sKl Hedge'sparrow, H-J=-sP -R Heed, Hd^. H-Dd3, Hd(-)3 Heed'ful-ly, Hd Fl Heed'fulness, Hd-FP-Ns [HdSiFs] Heed'less, Hd-is 3 Heed'lessly, HA-L&-L Heed'lessness, Hd - L& - Ns [iis] Heel, His, Hld3, H13-NG Heel'-piece, Hi 3 - PS Heel'-tap, Hl^-T-P Heft, H-Ft, H-F'--Td, H- Ft(-)2 Hegem'ony, H-JS-M-N Hegi'ra, H Ji- Heifer, H-Fr 2 Heigh'-ho, Hi'-H Height, Hti Heigh t'en, H-Tn 1 , H- Tnd 1 , H-Tn>-NG Hei'nous, H 2 -Ns Hei'nously, H-Ns-L Hei'nousness, H2-Ns-Ns Heir, R 1 Heir'dom, Rd J -M Heir'ess, R^S Heir'less, R l -La Heir'loom, R^L-M Heir'ship, W-SH-P [iSH] Held, Hld2. See Hold. He'liac, H-L-K HEL Heli'acal-ly, H-Z-F' Helical, H-Z 2 -K1 Hel'ices, H-Zsz^ Hellcoid, H-Z 2 -K-D Helicoi'dal, H-Z^K-Dl Hel'icon, H-Z 2 -Kn Heliocen'tric, H-Zs*-Ntr- K Heliocen'trical, H - Zs 2 - Ntr-Kl Heliog'raphy, H-Z*-Gr-F Heliol'atry, H-Zi-Tr Heliom'eter, H-Z*-Mtr Ee'lioscope, H-Zs 8 -K-P He'liostat, H-Zs 3 -Tt Heliotrope, H-Z 3 -Tr-P Helispher'ic, H-Zs 2 -F-R- K Helispher'ical, H-Zs^F- -R-K1 . Helix, H-Z-Ks Hell, HI 2 Hel'lebore, H-Z*-B-R (or Hl-Br 2 ) Helle'nian, H-Z-Nn Hellen'ic, H-Zn 2 -K Hel'lenism, H-Zn^Z-M Hellenist, H-Zn 2 -St Hel'lenize, H-Z"-Nz Hell'-flre, H1 2 -F-R Hell'-hound, Hl 2 -Hnd Hell'ish, H-Z 2 -SH Hell'ishly, H-L*-sm Hell'ishness, H-Z 2 -SH-Ns Helm, H1 2 -M Helm'et, Hl 2 -Mt Helmin'thic, HI - M - N - TH3-K Helminthol'ogy, HI - M- N-THi-Z-J [:J] Helms'man, Hl 2 -Mz-Mn Helot, H-Zt 3 He'lotism, H-itzS-M Help, H-Z,2-P, H-2-Pt, H- Help'er, Hl-Pr 2 Help'ful, H-/;2-P-Fl [L2- P-F1] Help'fulness, H-z,2-p-Fl- Ns [i2-P:Fs] Help'less, H-X,-P-is [Z 2 - P-is] Helplessly, Help'lessness, H - Z* - P - Zs-Ns [Za-PiZs] Help'mate, H-Z 2 -P-Mt [Z 2 -P-Mt] Help'meet, H-Z 2 -P-Mt [Z 2 -P-Mt] Hel'ter-skelter, Hltrs 2 - K-Ztr Helve, H-Z 2 -V. H-Z2-Vd, H-Z-V-NG Helvet'ic, H-Z-V-T-K Hem, H2-M, H 2 -Md, NG Hem'atite, H-M-Tt Hemi- H-M 120 Hemiple'gia, H-M-Pl*-J Hem'iplegy, H-M-P1 2 -J Hemip'ter, H-M-Ptr* Hemip'teran, H - M - ps- Trn Hemip'teral, H-M-ps-Tr- Z Hemip'terous, H - M - P3- Trs Hemisphere, H-Ms-F-B Hemispheric, H-Ms-F2- E-K Hemispherical, H - Ms - F 2 -R-K1 Hemistich, H-Ms-T 2 -K Hemis'tichal, H-Ms-T3- Kl Hemltone, H-M-Tn 2 Hemlock, H-M-Z^-K Hemop'tysis, H - M - pi - Tss Hem'orrhage, H-M-^ 2 -J Hemorrhoid'al, H - M - Hem'orrhoids, Hemp, H-M-P 2 Hemp'en, H-M-Pn 2 Hemp'-seed, H-M-ps-sD Hem'stich, H-Ms-T 2 -CH, H-Ms-T 2 -CHt, H-Ms-T 2 - CH-NG Hen, Hn Henbane, Hn-Bn 2 Hence, Hiis 2 Henceforth' or Hence'- forth, Hns-F 2 --TH [or -F-TH] Hencefor'ward, Hns-F 1 -Wrd Hench'man, H-N-CH 2 - Mn Hen'-coop, Hn 2 -K-P Hendec'agon, Hn-D 2 -K- Gn Hendi'adys, Hn-DJ-Ds Hen'-harrier, J3.n--H.-R-R Hen'-hearted, HnS-hafi- Td Hen'na, H 2 -N Hen'nery, Hn-J2 2 Hen'-pecked, Hn^-p-Kt Hen'-r9ost, Hn^-^st Hepatic, hePti-K Hepatlcal, htPti-Kl Hepatiza'tion, hcP 2 - Tzshn Hep'tachord, htP 2 - T - Krd Hep'tade, h&ps-Td Hep'taglot, h:P 2 -T-Glt Hep'tagon, hePt 2 -Gn Heptag'onal, hePti-G-Nl Heptan'gular, hePt-NGl -R Hep'tarchy, hcP 2 -Tr-K Her, Hr 2 [R 2 J Her'ald, H - Rid", H - Sl 2 - Dd, H-Rld 2 -NG Heral'dic, H-Kli-D-K Her'aldry, H-fil 2 -Dr HER Her'aldship, H-ld 2 -SH P Herb, R 2 -B Herba'ceous, H^-'B-SHa Herb'age, R 2 B-J Herb'al, R 2 -B1 Herb'alist, R 2 -Blst Herba'rium, R 2 -B-R-M Herb'ary, R 2 -B- Herbes'cent, R 2 -Bs-Nt Herbif erous, R3-B-Frs Herbiv'ora, R^-Bv-ff Herbiv'orous, R3.B-Vrs Herbless, R^-B-Zs Herboriza'tion, R 2 -B Rzshn Herb'orize, R2-B-Bz, R 2 - B-fizd. R2-B-z-NG Herbose', R2-Bs Herb'ous, R 2 -Bs Herb'y, R2-B Herculean, Hr-K-Zn 3 Herd, Hrd 2 , Hr-i)d Hrd(-) 2 Herd'er, Hrdr 2 Herd'man, Hrd 2 - Mb Herds'man, Hrdz 2 -Mn Herds'-grass, Hrdz 2 -Grs Here, Hr [R a ] Here'about, R3-Bt Here'abouts, R^-Bts Hereaft'er. 7i 3 -Ftr Hereat', R*-T. SeeHeret* and Whereto. Hereby', R-B Hered'itable, Hrd-T 2 -Bl Hereditament, Hr - Dt 3 - Mnt Hereditarily, Hrd-Tr-Z Hereditary, Hrd-Tr 5 Herein', R^-N. See Here" on and Whereon. Herein'to, R 3 - N - T. See Hereunto. Hereof, R-\. See Where- of. Hereon', R J -N. See Here- in. Her'esiarch, H-a a -sR-K Her'esy, H-/e 2 -S Her'etic, H- 2 -T-K Heret'ical-ly, H-fit 2 -Kl Hereto', R^-To. See Here- at. Whereat and Whereto. Heretofore', .Rt^-F-R Hereunto', R 2 -N-T. See Hereinto. Hereupon', Rs-Pn Herewith', 3 -TH or -PH. See Wherewith. Her'iot, H-fi 2 -T Heritable, H-/?t 2 -Bl Heritage, H-fit 2 -J Heritor, H-fltr 2 Hermaph'rodism, Hr- M-Fr-D-zM Hermaph'rodite, Hr-M- Fr'-Dt Hermaphrodit'ic, Hr-M -Fr-Dt-K HER Hermaphrodit'ical, Hr- M-Fr3-Dt-El Hennaph'roditism, Hr- M-Frl-Dt-zM Hermeneu'tic, Hr-M-N- X3-K Hermeneu'tical, Hr-M- N-T3-E1 Hermeneu'tics, Hr-M- N-T 8 -Ks Hermet'ie, Hr 2 -Mt-E Hermet'ical-ly, Hr 2 -Mt- ' Kl Her'mit, Hr=-Mt Her'mitage, Hr-Mt-J* Her'mitess, Hr-M-Ts 2 Hern, Hm* Her'nia, H-B-N Her'nial, H-R2-N-L He'ro, H-RS Hero'dian, H-R 2 -Dn Hero'ic, H-R2-E Hero'ical-ly, H-R 2 -E1 Heroi-com'ic, -^- Heroi-com'ical, H-R 2 -E- M-K1 Her'oine, H-R-N Ber'oism, H-R 2 -zM Her'on, H-Rn 2 Her'onry, H-Rn 2 -R He'ro-worship, H - R' - Vfr-SHP Her'pes, H-R^-Pz Herpet'ic, H-RS- Herpetol'ogist, H-Ri-Pt- L-Jst Herpetol'ogy, H - R 1 - Pt- L-3 Her'ring, H-R2-NG Hers, Hrz 2 [Rz 2 ] Her'schel, Hr-SHl* Herse, Hrs 2 Herself, Hre-i^-F [Ks 2 - L-F] Her'sillon, Hrs 2 -in Hes'itancy, Hz-Tn^-S Hes'itant, Hz-Tnt 2 Hes'itate, Hz - Tt, Hz - T2-Td, Hz-Tt(-) 2 Hes'itatingly, Hz-Tt- NG1 Hesita'tion, Hz-Tsbn 2 Hes'per, Hs-Pr 2 Hespe'rian, Hs-P 3 -Rn Hes'perus, Hs-P 2 -.Rs Hes'sian, Hshn 2 Hest, Hst 2 Hetch'el, H-CH1 2 get'eroclite, Htr 2 -Klt eteroclit'ic, Htr-Kl-T- E Heteroclit'ical, Htr 8 -Klt -Kl Het'erodox, Htr-D-Ks Het'erodoxy, Htr-D 2 -K-S Seteroge'neal, Htr-J 3 -N- L peterogene'ity, Htr - J 3 - N-T 121 Heteroge'neous, Htr-J 3 - Ns Heteroge'neousness, Htr-J3-Ns-Ns Heterop'athy, Htr-pi-TH Heterot'ypy, Htr-T 1 -? Het'man, Hts-Mn Hew, H3. Hd3. H3-NG Hew'er, H-R3 Hewn, Hn3 Hex'achord, H 2 -E-sErd Hex'ade, H-Es-D 2 Hex'agon, H 2 -Es-Gn Hexag'onal, Hi-Es-G-Nl Hexane'dral, H-E-sHdr- Hexahe'dron, H - E - sH - Hexam'eter, Hi-E-sMtr Hexamet'ric, H - E - sMt- R 2 -E Hexamet'rical, H-E-sMt -R2-E1 Hexan'gular, H-Es-NG- Gl-Ri [or -NG1-R] Hexan'dria, H-Es-N-Dri Hex'apla, H-Ks-Pl 2 Hex'aplar, H-Es-Pl-R Hey, H Hey'day, H-D Hia'tus, H-Ts 2 Hiber'nal, H-Br 2 -Nl Hi'bernate, H - Br - N - T, H-Bri-N-Td, H-Bri-N-T- NG Hibernation, H - Br 2 - Nshn Hiber'nian, H-Bm 2 -N Hiber'nianism, H-Brn 2 - Nz-M Hiber'nicism, H-Brn 2 -Sz- M Hibis'cus, H-BS-sEs Hic'cough, H-E-P3, H-E- Pta, H-E-P3-NG Hick'ory, H 3 -Er Hick'up, H-E-ps Hid, Hd Hid'age, H-Bi-J Hidal'go, H-D1-Z.-G Hid'den, H-Dn3 Hid'denly, H-D^Nl Hide, Hdi, Hd(-)i Hide'-bound, Hd^Bnd Hid'eous, H-Ds 8 Hid'eously, H-D s -sL Hid'eousness, H-Ds s -Ns Hid'er, Hdr Hie, Hi, Hdi, H'-NG Hi'erarch, H-Ri-R-E Hi'erarchal, H-Ri-R-El Hi'erarchical, H-IP-B-K- El Hi'erarchy, Hierat'ic, H-Rti-E Hi'eroglyph, H-R Hieroglyphic, H-RS-Glf- E Hieroglyph'ical-ly, H- R3-G1-F-E1 HIG Hieroglyph'ist, H-R3-G1- Fst Hi'erogram, H-Ri-Gr-M Hierograph'ic, H-Ri-Grf- E Hierograph'ical, H - R l - Gr-F-Kl Hierol'ogy, H-RH-J Hi'eromancy, H-Ri-Mn- 8 Hier'ophant, H-TJS-Fnt Hig'gle, H a - Gl, HS - Gld, Hig'gledy-pig'gledy, & -Gld-P-Gl-D Hig'gler, H-G1-R3 High, H 1 . Hr 1 , Hsti High'-blown, Hi-Bin High'-born, Hi-B-Ru High'-bred, H'-Brd High'-browed, H ] -Brd High'-church, HJ-CHt- CH High'-churchism, Hi - CHr-CH-zM High'-churchman, H 1 - CHr-CH-Mu High'-colored, H^-K Lrd Highfalu'ten, H-F^-i-Tn High'-fed, H'-F-D High'-feeding, Hi - F - D- NG High'-finished, H^Fn- sm High'-flavored, H 1 - Fl - Vrd High'-flier, Hi-Fl-R High'-flown, H'-Fln High'-fiying, H-F1-NG High'-go, Hi-G High'-going, H*-G-NG High'-handed, H^Hn-Dd High'land, H-indi Highlander, H-Zndr 1 High'-low, Hi -L High'-low-jack, H1-Z/-J- K High'ly, H-Li High '-mass, Hi- Ms High'-minded, H!-Mn- Dd High'-mindedness, Hi Mn-Dd-Ns High'nesB, H'-Ns High'-pressure, Hi-Pr' SHr High'-priced, H'-Prst High'-priest, H'-Prst High'-priestship, H' PrstiSH High'-proof, Hi-Prf High'-road, Hi-R-D High'-school, Hsi-K-L High'-seasoned, Hsi-Znd High'-shouldered, Hi - SHl-Drd High'-sounding, H8!-Nd -NO High'-spirited, Hgi - Ft' Td HIG 123 HOM High '-strung, Hs l -Tr-NG His'pid, Hs-Pd* Hod, Hdi Hignt, Hti Hiss, Hs 3 , Hst 3 . HsS-NG High'-toned, H-Tnd , Hiss'ing, Hs 3 -NG Hodge'-podge, fl-J l -P-J Hodier'nal, H-Dr 2 -Nl High'-voiced, Hi-Vst , Hist, Hst Hod'man, Hd'-Mn High'-water, H'-Wtr ! Histol'ogy, Hs-Ti-L-J Hoe, H 2 , Hd 2 , H 2 -NG High'way, H-wi Histo'rian, Hs-T-fln Hoe'-cake, H-K-K High'wayman, H-Wi-Mn Histor'ic, Hs-Ti-H-K Hog, Hi-G, Hi-Gd, Hi-G High'-wrought, Hi-fit Histor'ical-ly, Hs-Ti-B- NG Hila'rious, H.-L*-Ra Kl Hod'-carrier, Hdi-K-JB-fl Hilar'ity, H-Z.i-.K-T Historiog'rapher, Hs-Ti Hog'-frame, H'-G-Fr-M Hil'ary, B.-L*-R fl-Gr-Fr Hog'gish, H-G-SHi Hill, HI 3 . Hld. H1 3 -NG Historiog'raphy, Hs-T 1 - Hog'- herd, Hi-G-Hrd Hill'iness, H-L8-Ns fi-Gr-F Hosr'-pen, H'-G-Pn Hill'ock, H-/-3-K His'tory, Hs - T 3 - B. See Hogs'head, H^Gz-Hd Hill'-side, Hls 3 -D Mystery. Hog'-skin, Hi-Gs-Kn Hill'-top, Hia-T-P Histrion'ic, Hs-TrJ-N-K Hogs'-lard, H^G-zi-fid Hill'y, H-.s Hilt, Hlt Histrion'ical-ly, Hs-Tri- N-K1 Hog'sty, H-Gs-Ti Hoi'den, H-Dn 1 Hilt'ed, H-i 3 -Td Hit, Ht 3 , Ht(-) 8 Hoi'denish, H-Dni-SH Hi'lum, H-i-i-M Hitch, H-CH 3 , H-CHt 3 , H- Hoist, Hsti, Hs-Td, HstC) 1 Him, H'-M. [H 2 . Written OH 3 -NG Hoi'ty-toity, H-Ti-T-T in the second position to Hith'er, Hdhr 3 Hold, Hold2. See Held. prevent its being con- Hith'erto, Hdhr-T 3 Hold'-back, Hld^-B-K founded with M a mf..l Hith'ermost, Bdhx*-XM Hold'er, Hldr2 Himself , H-Ms-L^F [Hs- Hith'erward, Hdhr-Wrd 3 Hold'-fast, Hld2-Fst L 2 -F] Hive, H-V>, H-Vdi, H-V- Hold'ing, Hld(-) Hin, Hn3 NG Hole, HI 2 Hind, Hnd Hiv'er, H-Vri Holiday, H-H-D Hind'er, (a.) Hndr' Hives, H-Vzi Ho'lily, -B.-L a -L Hin'der, (v.) Hudr 3 Hnd- Ho, H'-i Ho'liness, H-i*-Ns Rd. HndrS-NG Hoa, H Hol'la, H-i 1 , H-Ldi, H-i Hin'derance, Hndr^Ns Hoar, Hr NG Hin'derer, Hndr-R* Hoard, Hrd, Hr - Dd2, Holland, H-Lnd Hind'ermost, Hndr'-Mst HrdC)* Hollander, H-Lndri Hind'most, Hndi-Mst Hoard'er, Hrdr a Hollands, H-indzi Hin'doo, Hn-D^ Hoar'-frost, Hr 2 -Frst Hollo, H-i 1 , H-Zd 1 H-i 1 - Hin'dooism, Hn-D 3 -zM Hoar'hound, Hr-Hud NG Hindoostan'ee, Hn -Ds 1 - Hoar'iness, H-K^-Ns Holloa, H-i 1 T-X Hoarse, Hrs, Hrs-K 2 , Hrs- Hollow, H-i, H-di, H- Hin'drance, Hnd-ns 3 St V.HO Hin'du, Hn-D Hoarse'ly, Hrs-L Hollow-hearted, H-ii- Hin'duism, Hn-D-zM Hoarse'ness, Hrs 2 -Ns Hr-Td Hindustan'!, Hn-Dst-T-N Hoar'y, H-fi* Hollowness, H-Z,i-Ns Hinge, H-N-J3, H-N-Jd, Hoax, H-K.s, H^-Kst, H2- Holly, H-ii H-N-J3-NG Ks-NG Hollyhock, H-ii-H-K Hin'ny, H^-N Hoax'er, H-K-sR 2 Holm, H- M Hint, Hnt, Hn-Td^, Hnt"- Hob, h8Bi Hol'ocaust, H-i^Kst NG Hob'ble, H - Bli, H-Bld 1 , Hol'ograph, H-/,i-Grf Hip, hIP 3 H-BU-NG Holograph'ic, H-Z,i-Grf- Hip'-gout, hIP3-Gt HobTjledehoy, H-BII-D- K Hip'pocamp, hlP^-K-M-P H Hol'ster, H-Lstr- Hippocen'taur, hlPs^N- Hob'bletehoy, H-Bli-T- Holt, Hit" T-E H Holy, H-i 2 , H-/.2-R, H- Hip'pocras, hIP 3 -Krs Hob'bler, H-Bli-R Lst 2 Hip'podrome, h!P 3 -Dr-M Hob'blingly, H-B1-NG1 Holy-day, H-// 2 -D Hip'pogriff, hTP 3 -Grf Hob'bly, H-BU Holy-stone, H-is^Tn Hippoph'agous, hlPf'-Gs Hob'by, h6B Holy-week, H-y/ 2 -W-K Hippoph'agy, hIPi-F-J Hob'by-horse, hflBi-Hrs Hom'age, H-M-Ji Hippopot'amus, hlpi-P- Hob'goblin, hoB'-G-Bln Home, H 2 -M [M 2 ] T-Ms Hob'nail, hoBi-Nl Home'-born, H=-M-B-Sn Hip'-roof, hIP 3 -.Rf Hob'nob, h5Bi-N-B Home'-bred, H 2 M-Brd Hip'shot, hIP 3 -5/f-T 1 Hob'omokko, hoBi-M-K Homeless, H-M-s 2 Hire, Hri. Hrdi, Hri-NG Hob'son's Choice, hdBsi Homeliness, H-M-i 2 -Ns Hire' ling, Hr-/<>-NG -Ns-CHs Homely, H-M-i 2 , H-M- Hir'er, H-Rr 1 Hock, H'-K i 2 R. H-M-st 2 Hirsute', Hrs-T 3 Hock'ey, H-K Home'-made, H 2 -M-Md Hirsute'ness,-Hrs-T*-N8 Hock'le, Hi-Kl Homeopathic, H-M-P>- His, Hz 3 tz 3 ] Ho'cus, H 2 -Ks TH-K Hispan'icism, Hs-Pn^Sz- Ho'cus-pocus, H 2 KB - P- Homeop'athist, H-M-P> M Es THst HOM Homeop'athy, H - M - P 1 - TH Ho'mer, H^-Mr Homer'ic, H-M-/J 2 -K Home'sick, H 2 -Ms-K Home'sickness, H 2 -Ms- K-Ns Home'spun, H-Ms-Pn* Home'-stall, H*-Ms-T-L Home'stead, H-Ms-Td Home'ward, H-M-Wrd* Hom'icidal, H-Ms-Di-L Hom'icide, H-Ms-D 1 Homilet'ic, H-M- 2 -T-K Homilet'ical, H-M-it*-Kl Homilet'ics, H - M - L* - T-Ks Hom'ilist, H-M-ist* Hom'ily, H-M-Z.1 Hom'iny, Hi-M-N Hom'mock, Hi-M-K Hom'mony, H^M-N Homocen'tric, H 2 - Ms - Ntr-K Homoeop'athy, H-M-pi- TH Homoge'neal, H-M-J 3 -N- L Homogene'ity, H-M-J 8 - N-T Homoge'neous, H-M-J 3 - Ns Homoge'neousness, H- M-Ja-Ns-Ns Homoiou'sian, H-M-Z^N Homol'ogous, H-M-Z/i-Gs Hom'ony, H'-M-N Hom'onym, Hi-Mn-M Homon'ymous, Hi - Mn Ms Homon'ymy, Hi-Mn-M Homoou'sian, H-M-Zi-N Homoph'onous, H-M-F 1 - Ns Homoph'ony, H-M-F^-N Hone, Hn 2 , Hnd 2 , Hn-NG Hon'est, Nst 1 Hon'estly, Ns-T 1 -!. Hon'esty, Ns-T 1 Hon'ey, H-N, H-N-D, H 2 -N-NG Hon'ey-bag, H-N-B-G Hon'ey-comb, H 2 -N-K-M Hon'ey-dew, H*-N-D Hon'ey-guide, H 2 -N-G-D Hon'ey-locust, H* - N - L KM Hon'ey-moon, H 2 -N-Mn Hon'ey-suckle, H*-N-sKl Hong.H^NG Hon'or, Nr, Nrdi, NG Hon'orable, Nr-BU Hou'orableness, Nr-Bl l - Ns Hon' jrably, Nr-BU Honora'rium, Nr-B-M Hon'orary, Nr-B 1 Hon'orer, Nr-R 1 Hood, Hd", H-Dd, Hd(-; 123 Hood'wink, Hd - \V 3 - NG- K, Hd-W 3 -NG-Kt, Hd-W- NG-K-NG Hoof, H-F Hoof -bound, H-F 3 -Bnd Hook, H 3 -K, H-Kt, H*-K- KG Hook'ah, H3-K Hook'ed, H3-Kd Hook'edness, H 3 -Kd-Ns Hook'-nosed, H 3 -K-Nzd Hoop, hoP 3 , hopts, hoP 3 - NG Hoop'er, H-Pr 3 Hoop'ing-cough, hoP 3 - NG-Kf Hoop'OO or Hoop'oo, hops Hoop'-skirt, hoP 3 -sKrt Hoo'sier, H-ZHr 3 Hoot, Ht^, H-Td^, Ht(') 3 Hoove, H-V 3 Hov'en, H-Vn 2 Hop, h6Pi. h6Pti. h5P>-NG Hope, hoP, hoPt 2 , hoP 2 - NG [P 2 , Pt PC) 2 ] Hope'ful-ly, h6P 2 -Fl Hope'fulness, hoP 2 - Fl - Ns [P 2 :Fs] Hope'less, h6P 2 -s Hope'lessly, li6P2-LB-L Hope'lessness, h6P 2 -is- Ns [P 2 iX,s] Hop'ingly, h6P 2 -NGl Hop'-ground, h5P'-Grnd Hop'per, H-Pri Hop'ple, H - Pli, H - Pldi, H-Pli-NG Hop'ples, H-Plzi Hop'-pole, hoP 1 -?-!/ Hop'-scotch., h6P!-sK-CH Ho'ral, H-fil 2 Ho'rary, H-R*-R Horde, Hrd 2 Hore'hound, Hr 2 -Hnd Hori'zon, H-/Zzi-N Horizon'tal-ly, H-Kzi-Nt -L Horn, H-Kii 1 , H-Bndi, H- jECom'bGflHij H-/fD^-B-3VI Horn'bill, H-fini-B-L Horn'blende, H - fli - N - Bind Horn'-book, H-/Sn-B-K Horn'bug, H-ui-B-G Horned, H-tfnd 1 Hor'net, H-/Ji-Nt Horn'less, H-Rn l -La Horn'-mad, H-Bni-Md Horn'-owl, H-flni-L Horn'pipe, H-/en>-P-P Horn'-stone, H-finsi-Tn Horn'work, H-Bni-Wr-K Horn'y, H-fii-N, H-fi!-N- R. H-fii-Nst Horog'raphy, H-K^Gr-F Hor'ologe, H-Rl l -3 Horolog'ical, H-RU-J-K1 Horol'ogiBt, H-fil!-Jst HOR Horol'ogy, H-Kl'-J Horom'etry, Hr-M-Tr 1 Hor'oscope, H-^si-K-P Horos'copy, H-Ss'-K-P Hor'rent.H-Ji'iiti Hor'rible, H-fti-Bl Hor'ribleness, H-/e'-Bl Ns Hor'ribly, H-fl^-Bl Hor'rid, H-.Kdi Hor'ridly, H-Rd^-L Hor'ridness, H-aP-Xs Horrific, H-H^-F-K Hor'rify, H-^-F, H-.R1- Fd, H-fi^F-NG Hor'ror, H-Kr 1 Horse, Hrsi, Hrsti, Hrs 1 - NG Horse'back, Hrs-Bi-K Horse'-bean, Hrs^Bn Horse '-boat, Hrsi-Bt Horse'-boy, Hrs!-B Horse'-breaker, Hrsi-Br Kr Horse'-car, Hi-s'-Kr Horse'-chestnut, llrs 1 - CHs-Nt Horse'-collar, Hrs^K-Lr Horse'-cucumber, Hrs 1 - K-K-M-Br Horse'-dealer, Hrs^-F-L- R Horse'-doctor, Hrsi - D - Ktr Horse'-emmet, Hrsi-Mt Horse'-ferry, Hrs'-F-^j Horse'-gentian, Hrs 1 - J- Nshn Horse-'-guards, Hrsi- Grdz Horse'-hair, Hrs'-H-R Horse'-jockey, Hrsi-J-1* Horse'-laugh, Hrs^i-F Horse'-leech, Hrsi-/,-CC Horse'-litter, Hrsi-Ltr Horse'-load, Hrs^L-D Horse'ly, Hrs-ii Horse'-mackerel, Hrs 1 M-Kr-L Horse'man, Hrs 1 -Mu Horse'manship, Hrs-Mn -SH'-P c:SH] Horse'-marten, Hrsi-M- R-fn Horse'-meat, Hrs!-Mt Horse'-mill, Hrs'-Jl-i Horse'-milliner, Hrs l -M- Z,-Nr Horse'-muscle, Hrsi-Ms. L Horse'-nail, Hrs^N-L Horse'-path, Hrsi-P-TH Horse'-pond, Hrsi-Pnd Horse'-power, Hrs^P-E Horse'-race, Hrsi-fis Horse'-racing, Hrs 1 - Rs - NO Horse'-radish, Hrsi-f?-D. 8H Horse'-rake, Hrs^B-K HOR Horse'-road, Hrs'-.R-D Horse'-run, Hrsi-Jfn Horse'shoe, Hrs'-SH Horse'shoe-head, Hrs- SHi-Hd Horse'shoeing, Hrs-SH 1 - NG Horse'-stable, Hrss'-T-Bl Horse'.-tail, Hrs'-T-I, Horse'-thief, Hrs'-TH-F Horse'-tongue, Hrs 1 - T - NG Horse'-way, Hrs'-W Horse'-weed, Hrs'-Wd Horse'whip, Hrs-W-P, Hrs-W-Pt, Hrs-Wi-P-NG Horse'woman, Hrs - W 1 - Mn Horse'- worm, Hrs 1 - Wr - M Horta'tion, Hor'tative, Hor'tatory, H-fit'-T-/Z Horticult'ural, H - Rt* - Kit-si Hor'ticulture, H - Rt l - Kltr Horticult'urist, H - fit 2 - Kltr-8t Hort'ulan, H-tft'-in Hor'tus Sicus, H - R l T- ssKs Hosan'na, H-Z'-N Hose, Hz Ho'sier, H-ZHr Ho'siery, H-ZHr 2 Hos'pice, Hs-Ps' Hos'pitable-y, Hs-Pt'-Bl Hos'pital, Hs-Pt'-I, Hos'pitaler, Hs-Pt'-L-R Hospital'ity, Hs-Pt'-L-T Hos'podar, Hs-Pi-Dr Host, H*t2 Hos'tage, HsU-J Hos'tel, Hs-T'-L Hos'telry, Hs-1^-L-R Host'ess, Hs-Ts 2 Hos'tile, Hs-T 1 -!, Hos'tilely, Hs-T l -L-L Hostil'ity, Hs-l^-L-T Hos'tler, Hs-^i-R or Sl'-R Hot, Ht', Htr', H-Tst' (or Htst 1 ; Hot'-bed, Ht'-Bd Hot'-brained, Ht'-Brnd Hotch'pot, H-CH'-Pt Hotch'potch, H - CH 1 - P CH Hot'-cockles, Ht'-K-Klz Hotel', Ht L? Hot'-headed, Ht'-H-Dd Hot'-house, Ht'-Hs Hot'ly, Ht-L' Hot'ness, Ht'-Ns Hot'-press, Ht'-Prs, Ht 1 Prst, Ht'-Prs-NG Hot'spur, Hts-Pr 1 Hot'tentot, H-Tn'-Tt Hot'-wall, Ht'-Wl Hou'dah, H-D 1 124 HUM Hough, H'-K, Hi-Kt, H 1 - Hud'dle, H-D1=, H-Dld K-NG H-D1 2 -NG Hound, Hnd 1 , Hn-Dd 1 , Hud'dler, H-DI 2 R Hnd'-NG Hudibras'tic, Hd-Brs 1 -!- Hour, Ri K Hour'-glass, R'-Gls Hue, H 3 Hour'-nand, R'-Hnd Hued, Hd3 Hour'i, H-Ri Huff, H-F, H-Ft=, H-F- Hour'ly, R'-i NG Hour'-plate, R'-Plt HufTish, H-F2-SH House, (n.) Hs' Huflf ishness, H - F 2 - SH~ House, (v.) Hz', Hzdi, Hz 1 - Ns NG HufTy, H-F2 House'-boat, Hs'-Bt Hug, H2-G, H 2 -Gd, H=-G- House'-breaker, Hs'-Br- NG Kr Huge, H-J 3 . H-Jr 3 , H-Jsts House'-breaking, Hs 1 - Huge'ly, H-J1 3 Br-K-NG Huge'ness, H-J3-Xs House'-dog, Hs^D-G Hug'ger-mugger, H 2 -Gr- House'hold, Hs'-Hld M-Gr House'holder, Hs'-Hldr Hu'guenot, H^-G-X t House'keeper, Hs-K-Pr 1 Hu'guenotism, H3-G-Xtz- HouseTieeping, Hs-K-P 1 - M KG Hulk, H1 2 -K House'leek, Hs'-i-K Hull, HI 2 , Hid 2 , H1 2 -NG House'less, Hs'-Z,s Hull-gull', H1 2 -G-L House'maid, Hs'-Md Hum, H2-M, H 2 -Md, H 2 - House'-room, Hs'-R-M M-NG House'-top, Hs'-T-P Hu'man, H 3 -Mn House'- warming, Hs 1 - Humane', H 2 -Mn Wr-M-NG Humane'ly, H-M-N1 House'wife, Hz-W 2 -F Humane'ness, H^-Mn-Ns House'wifely, Hz-W^-Fl Hu'manist, H 3 -Mn-St House'wifery, Hz-W^-Fr Humanita'rian, H-M-N- Hous'ing, Hzi-NG T 2 -7Zn Hove, H-V2 Humanita'rianism, H - Hov'el, H-V1', H-Vld', H- M-N-T 2 -^?nz-M VU-NG Human'ity, H-M-N-T 1 Hov'en, H-Vn a Humaniza'tion, H 2 -M- Hov'er, H-Vr 2 , H-Vrd 2 , H- NzAra Vr 2 -NG Hu'manize, H-Mn-z 3 , H- How, H' Mn-Zda, H-Mn-Z 3 -NG Howadj'i, H-J' Howbe'it, H-B3-T Hu'mankind, H* - Mn - Knd How'dah, H-Di Hu'manly, H3-M-N1 How'dy, H-D' Hum'ble, (a.) H - M -Bl 2 , How'el, H-L 1 H-M-B1 2 -R, H-M-Blst 2 (or Howev'er, H-Vr 2 [Hv'j M-B1 2 , etc.) How'itz, H-Ts' Hum'ble, iv.) H - M - Bl 2 , How'itzer, Hts-R' H-M-Bld 2 , H-M-B1 2 -NG Howl, HI'. Hid', Hl'-NG (or M-B1 2 . etc.) Howl'et, H'-it Hum'blebee, H-M-Bl^-B Howsoev'er, H - S 2 - Vr Hum'bleness, H-M-Bl 2 - [Hs-V] Ns Hoy, H 1 Hum'bler, H-M-Bl-R Hub, hiiB 8 HumTDles, H-M-Blz 2 Hub'ble-bubble, H-B1 2 - Hum'bly, H-M-B1= (or M- B Bl Bl 2 ) Hub'bub, huB 2 -B Hum'bug, H-.M-B 2 -G, H- Huck, H--K M-B2-Gd. H-M-B2-G-KG Huck'aback, H-K-B 2 -K Huck'le-back, H 2 -K1-B-K Hum'buggery, H - M - B- Gr Huck'le-backed, H2-K1- Hum'drum, H-M-Dr 2 -M B-Kt Hu'meral, H-M-ffl 3 Huck'le-berry, H=-K1-B- Hum'-hum, H--M-H-M R Hu'mid, H^-Md Huck'ster, H 2 -Kstr, H-K- Hu'midness, H-M-DS-Ns sTrd 2 , HS-Kstr(-) Humid'ity, H-Md-T 3 Huck'sterage, H-K-sTr- Humil'iate, H-M-it. H- J M-Zi 3 -Td, H-M-it 3 -NG HUM Humilia'tion, H-M-Zshn 1 Humil'ity, H-M-Z, 3 -T Hum'mer, H2-Mr Hum'ming-bird, H-M- NG-Brd Hum'mock, H 2 -M-K Hu'mor, H 3 -Mr, H 3 -Mrd. H*-Mr?NG or Y 3 -Mr, Y 3 - Mrd, Y-Mr-NG Hu'moral, H-Mr-L 3 or Y 8 - Mr-L Hu moralism, H-Mr-Zz 3 - M or Y 3 -Mr-Z,z-M Hu'morism, H 3 -Mrz-M or Y3-Mrz-M Hu'morist, HS-MrstorY 3 - Mrst Hu'morous, H 3 -Mrs or Y 3 -Mrs Hu'morously, H-Mrs-Z, 3 or Y-Mrs-Zr Hu'morousness, H 8 -Mrs- Ns or Y3-Mrs-Ns Hu'morsome, H 3 -Mrs-M Hump, H-M-P 2 Hump'back, H-M-P-B-K Hum'strum, H-Ms-Tr 2 -M Hu'mus, H 3 -Ms Hun, Hn2 Hunch, H-N-CHS, H-N- CHt 2 H-N-CH=-NG Hunch'back, H-N-CH 2 -B- E Hunch'backed, H - N - CH2-B-Kt Hun'dred, Hnd--Rd" (or 100) Hun'dredfold, Hnd-.Rd 2 - F-Ld Hun'dredth, Hnd - RA-- TH (or 100TH) Hung, H 2 -NG Hun'garian, H-NG-G-Rn 2 Hung'-beef, H 2 -NG-Bf Hun'ger, H^NG-Gr, H- NG-Grd. H2-NG-Gr-NG [or H2-NGr, H-NGrd, H- NGr-NG] Huu'gnly, H-NG-Gr-i* Sun'gry, H2 - NG - Gr lor H2-N(ir] Hunk, H2-NG-K Hunk'er, H^-NG-Kr Hunks, H2-NG-K8 Hunt, Hnt, Hn-Td, Hnt?- NG Hunt'er, Hntr Hunt'ing-horn, Hnt - NG-Hrn Hunt'ress, Hnts-Es Hunts'man, Hntz 2 -Mn Hur'dle, Hr-Dia Hur'dy-gurdy, H - E-- D- Gr-D Hurl, H RV, H - Rid, H- /J12-NG flurl'-bone, H-Kl-Bn Hurl'er, H-RV-R Hurl'ing, H-fll-NG Hur'ly, H-fil* Hur'ly-burly, H - fll* - B- 1 Hurra' or Hurrah', H-.R 1 Hur'ricane, H-2-Kn Hur'riedly, S-R^-D-L Kur'rier, H-Ri R Hur'ry, U.-R"-, H-R&, H- R---XG Hur'ry-skurry, H-s 2 -K- R Hurt, Hrts. Hrt2-NG Hurt'er, Hrtr^ Hurt'ful, Hrt-F-L Hurt'fully, Hrt-F2- Hurt'fulness, Hrt - F 2 - L- Ns [Hrt;Fs] Hur'tle, Hr-T12, Hr-Tld=, Hr-T12-NG Hur'tleberry, Hr-T12-B-^ Hurt'less, Hrt-/,g2 Hus'band, Hz-Bnd=, Hz- Bu2-Dd, Hz-Bnd2-NG Hus'bandman, Hz-Bnd 2 - Mn Hus'bandry, Hz-Bnd 2 -.R Hush, H-SH, H-SHV, H- SH2-NG Hush'-money, H-SH2-M- N Husk, Hs2-K, Hs2-Kt, Hs 2 - K-NG Husk'iness, Hs 2 -K-Ns Husk'ing, Hs-K-NG Husk'y, Hs2-K Hussar', Hz-B Hus'sy, H-Z2 Hus'tings, Hs-T2-NGz Hus'tle, Hs - 2, Hs - ^d2, Hs-2.N(j Hus'wife, Hz-F 2 or Hz- W2-F Hus'wifery, Hz - F 2 - R or Hz-W-'-Fr Hut, Hta. H-Td 2 , Ht(-) 2 Hutch, H-CH2 Huzza', H - Z>, Hz - D\ H- Zi-NG Hy'acinth, Hs-N-THi Hyacinth'ine, Hs N - THn Hy'ades, H-Dzi Hy'ads, H-Dzi Hy'aline, H-Lni Hy'brid or Hyb'rid, H- Hyb'ridous, Hyd'atid, H-D 3 -Td Hy'dra, H-Dr* Hydran'gea, H-D^-N-J Hy'drant, H-Drnti Hydrar'gyrum, Hdr - Ri- Jr-M Hy'drate, H-Drt Hydrau'lic, H-Dri-L-K Hydrau'lical, H-Dr'-L-Kl Hydrau'lics, H-Dr'-Z-Ks Hydro-, Hdr Hy'drocele, Hdrs-i 1 Hydroceph'alus, Hdrs- HYG Hydrodynam'ic, Hdr. D J -N-M-K Hydrodynam'ics, Hdn D'-N-M-K:; Hy'drogen, Hdr-Jui Hy'drogenate, Hdr - Ji . Nt, Hdr-Ji-N-Td, Hdr-J'- Nt-NG Hy'drogenize, Hdr - J l - Nz, Hdr-Ji-Xzd. Hdr-J 1 - Nz-KG Hydrog'enous, Hdr - J 1 - Ns Hydrog'rapher, Hdr-Gr. Fri Hydrograph'ic, Hdr 1 , Grf-K Hydrograph'ically, Hdz Gr-Fi-Kl Hydrog'raphy, Hdr-Gr- Fi Hydrol'ogy, Hdr-/.i-J Hy'dromancy, Hdr-Mn- Si Hy'dromel, Hdi-i-Ml Hydrom'eter, Hdr'-Mtr Hydromet'ric, Hdr 2 - Mir, K Hydromet'rical, Hdr 2 - Mtr-Kl Hydrom'etry, Hdr-M-Tr 1 Hydropath'ic, Hdr - Pi - TH-K Hydropath'ical-ly, Hdr- Pi-TH-Kl Hydrop'athist, Hdr - Pi - THst Hydrop'athy, Hdr-pi-TH Hydropho'bia, Hdr-F 2 -B Hydrophob'ic, Hdr - Fi- B-K Hydrop'ic, Hdr-P J -K Hydrop'ical, Hdr-P'-Kl Hy'droscope, Hdrs-K-pi Hy'drostat, Hdrs-Tt 1 Hydrostat'ic, Hdrs-Tt'-K Hydrostat'ical, Hdrs-Tt 1 - Kl Hydrostat'ics, Hdrs-Tti- Ks Hydrosul'phate, Hdrs - Hydrosul'phuret, Hdrs- L'*-F-Rt Hydrotho'rax, Hdr-TH- R-Ks Hy'drous, H-Drs 1 Hye'mal, H3-M1 Hyema'tion, H 2 -Mshii Hye'na, H 3 -N Hyge'ian, H-J 3 -N Hyge'ist, H-Jsts Hy'giene, H-Jni Hygien'ic, H-J2-N-K Hygrol'ogy, H-Gr-ii-J Hygrom'eter, H'-Gr-Mti Hygromet'ric, H a -Gr- Mtr-K Hygromet'rical, H 5 - Gr Mtr-E.1 HYG Hygrom'etry, H - Gr - M- Tri Hy'groscope, H-Grs-K-P 1 Hylotheism, H-L 3 -THz- M Hylozo'ism, H- 2 -Zz-M Hy'men, H-Mn Hymene'al, H-M-N-L 3 Hymene'an, H 3 -Mn-N Hymenop'teral, H - Mn - Ptr 1 -!, Hymenop'terous, H-Mn- Ptri-S Hymn, H 3 -M, H^-Md, H- M-NG Hym'nal, H^-M-Nl Hym'nic, H"-M-N-K Hymnog'raphy, H-M-N- Gr-Fi Hymnol'ogy, H-M-N1-.P Hy'qid, H-Di Hyoid'ean, H-Dn* Hyp, hips Hypal'lage, Hy'per, H-Pr Hyper'baton, H - Pr s - B - Tn Hyper'bola, H-Pr^Bl Hyper'bole, H-Pr 2 -Bl Hyperbolic, H-Pr-Bl-K Hyperbol'ical-ly, H-Pr 1 - B1-K1 Hyperbol'iform, H - Pr 1 - Bl-Fr-M Hyper'bolism, H-Pr 2 -Bl- zM Hyper'bolist, H-Pr 2 -Blst Hyperbo'rean, H-Pr 2 -B- Rn Hypercatalec'tic, H-Pr 2 - Kt--K-T-K Hypercrit'ic, H - Pr 3 - Kr- T-K Hypercritical, H - Pr 3 - Krt-Kl Hypercrit'icism, H-Pr3- Kr-T-szM Hyper'meter, H-Pr^-Mtr Hyper'trophy, H-Pr 2 -Tr- F Hy'phen, H-Fn 1 Hypnotic, hlP^N-T-K Hyp'notism, hIP 3 - N - T - zM Hy'po, hi-pi Hypochon'dria, hIPi - Kiid-fl Hypochon'driac, HP 1 - Knd--K Hypochondri'achal, hlP^Knd-.R-Kl Hypochondri'acism, hTP^Knd-W-szM Hypochondri'asis, MP 1 - Knd-Rss Hypochon'drium, hlP'- Knd-R-M Hypoc'risy, hlP'-Kr-S Hyp'ocrite, hIP 8 -Krt Hypocrit'ic, hIP 3 -Er-T-K 126 Hypocrit'ical-ly, hlP - Krt-Kl Hypogas'tric, hlPi-G-sTr- K Hypos'tasis, hi-Ps^Tss Hypostat'ic, hi-Psi-Tt-K Hypostat'ical-ly, hi-Pa 1 - Tt-Kl Hypot'eneuse, hi-P'-T-Ns Hypothecate, hi-pi-TH- K-T, hi Pi-TH-K-Td, hi- pi-TH-K-T-NG Hypotheca'tion, hi - P - TH-Kshn Hypofh'enuse, hi-P'-TH- N8 Hypoth'esis, W-pi-THss Hypothet'ic, hi - P 2 - TH - T-K Hypothet'ical-ly, hl-P 2 - THt-Kl Hypozo'ic, hI-P 2 -zK Hypped, hlPt Hy'son, Hs'-N Hys'sop, Hs-P 3 or Hz-P 1 Hyste'ria, Hs-T-ft Hyster'ic, Hs-T 2 --K Hysterical, Hs-T2-rt-Kl Hysterics, Hs-T 2 -fi-Ks Hys'teron-proteron, Hs- T 3 --N-Prt-tfn Hysterot'omy, Hs-T 1 -^- T-M I. I, the ninth letter of the Alphabet, is used to repre- sent four vowel-sounds, as heard in pike, pick, pique and sir. These sounds are written in Phonography as follows : i in pike v-shaped diph- thong-sign in the first po- sition. i in pick light third- place dot. i in pique heavy third- place dot. i in sir light second- place dash. Note. As commonly pro- nounced, there is no differ- ence in the sound of the vowels heard in sir, dirt, pert, curb, her, hurt, fir, fur, etc., and they should, there- fore, be written with the same sign. When the diphthong- sound of i is initial, as in ice, eyed, ire, Ike, etc., the sign may be joined, when convenient, to the first stem of the word. ICH The pronoun / irf always written with a short tick, slanting invariably to the right. (See tick-sign fora). When standing alone it is invariably written upward. When joined to a following Pee, Bee, Tee, Dee, Chay, Jay, Ef, Vee, Ith, Dhee, En, Ing or Yay, the tick is struck upward in the direc- tion of Ree. When joined to a following Kay, Gay,: Ess, Zee, Ish, Zhee, Lee,( Er, Ree, Em, Way or Hay, it is struck downward in the direction of Chay. How- ever, before can, could, can- not and could not, the up- ward tick is used to pre- vent conflict between the phrases / can and / am, f cannot and / am not, I could not and I mean to. The phrase / have is writ- ten with the downward tick with the r-hook. and / will wita the upward tick with the Z-hoofc. If care be taken to always write the down- ward tick with the same slant as Chay, and the up- ward tick with the slant of Ree, and to make the hooks on them shorter than the ticks, the signs for these phrases will never become confused. This abbreviated form of the sign for the pronoun / is also used, in single words, before Em and Lee, as in iambus, isle, island, I'amb, i-M-Bi lam'bic, i-M-Bi-K lam'bical, i-M-Bi-Kl lam'bus, i-M-Bs* I'bex, i-Bi-Ks Ibi'dem, i-B^B-M (or i- Bd'-M) Ica'rian, i-K-fln 2 Ice, i-8i, i-Sti. i-S'-NG Ice'berg, i-S^Br-G Ice'-blink, i-si-Bl-NG-K Ice'-cream, i-S^Kr-M Iced, i-Sti Ice'-floe, i-Si-Fl Ice'-house, i-Si-Hs Icelander, I-S^indr Icelandic, i-S^Lnd-K Ice'land-mocs, i-S^ind- Ms Ice'-plant, i-S'-Plnt Ichneu'mon, K 3 -N-Mn Ichnog'raphy, K-N-Gr-F* I'chor, iKr 1 I'chorous, iKr-S 1 Ichtlryol'ogy, ICH Ichthyoph'agous, K - 1 Ich'thyosaur, K-THs s -R I'cicle, i-S^Kl I'ciness, i-S'-Ns I'cing,i Si-NG Icon'oclasm, K^N-Kl-zM Icon'oclast, KJ-N-Klst Iconoclastic, K - N - Kls - T 1 K Iconog'raphy, K-N-Gr-F 1 IconoFogy, K-N-H-J Icosahe'dron, K-sH-Drn 3 Icteric, K-Tr 2 -K Icterlcal, K-Tr 2 -Kl Ic'tus, K-Ts3 I'cy,i-S. i-Si-R, i-Sst 1 I'd [contracted from / Jiad or I would], i-D 1 Ide'a. i-D Ide'al, i-D3-L Ide'alism, i-D*-Zz-M Ide'alist, i-D 3 -Zst Ideality, i-Di-Z-T Ide'alize, i-D3-Zz, i-D 3 - Zzd, I-D3-Zz-NG Ide'ally, i-D 3 ./; I'dem, i-Di-M Iden'tical-ly, i-Dn2-T-Kl [i-Dt 2 -Kl] identiflca'tion, l-Dntf-F- Eshn Iden'tify, t-Dnt*-F, i-Dnta- Fd, i-Dnf-F-NG Iden'tity, i-Dnts-T Ideographic, i-D>-Grf-K Ideograph'ical-ly, 1-D 1 - Gr-F-Kl Ideog'raphy, i-Di-Gr-F Ideol'ogy, i-D^Z-J Ides, i-Dz Idioc'rasy, Di-Kr-8 Idiocy, D3-g Idiom, D3-M Idiomatic, D^Mt-K Idiomat'ical-ly, Di-Mt El Idiopathlc, Di-P-TH-K Idiop'athy, Di-P-TH Idiosyn'crasy, Ds 3 -N-Kr- 8 Idiot, D 3 -T Idlotcy, D 3 -T-8 Idiotic, Di-T-K Idiptlcal-ly, D 1 -T-K1 Idlotism, D 3 -T-zM I'dle, i-Di-L, i-Di-Z-R, I'dleness, l-Di-L-Ns I'dler, i-Di-Z-R I'dle-wheel, i-Di-Z-Wl I'dly, i-Di-z Id'ocrase, D3-.Irs I'dol, i-Di-L Idol'ater, i-D 1 -Ztr Idol'atress, i-Di-Z-Trs Idol'atrize, i-Di-Z-Trz Idol'atrous, i-D^Z-Trs Idol'atrously, i-Di-Z-Tr ft 127 ILL Idol'atry, i-Di-Z-Tr 1 or r-hook. See words be- I'dolize, i-D 1 -Zz, l-D^-Zzd, ginning with ill- and with i-D'-Zz-NG irr-. I'dolizer, i-Di-Zz-R Ill'-bred, Z 3 -Brd Ido'neous, i-D 2 -Ns Ill'-breeding, Z 3 -Brd(') I'dyl or Id'yl, i-Di-L or Ille'gal-ly, Z1 3 -G1 D3-L Illegality, ZU-G1-T Idyl'lic, I-D8-Z-K Ille'galize, Zl^-Glz If,F Illegibility, Z1 J -J-BU Ig'neous, G-Ns Illeglble-y, Z1 2 -J-B1 Ignes'cent, G 2 -Ns-Nt Illegitimacy, Zl ! -Jt-M-S Ignif'erous, G-N-F 3 -fis Illegitimate, Zl 3 -Jt-Mt, [g'niform, G-N-F3-R-M ZF-Jt-M-Td. Z13-Jt-Mt(l [gnig'enous, G-N-J 3 -Ns Illegitimately, Zl 3 -Jt- [gnip'otent, G-N-p3-Tnt [g'nis-fatuus, G3-Ns-F-Ts Mt-z Illegitima'tion, Zl 2 -Jt- Ignite', Gi - Nt, G - N - Td 1 , Mshn Qi.jft-NG Ill'-favored, Z 3 -F-Vrd Ignitlble, G-Nt-BU Illib'eral, 7^-Br-L [gni'tion, G 3 -Nshn Illiberallty, zn-Br-Z T [gniv'omous, G-N-V 3 -Ms Illib'erally, ZP-Br-Z Igno'ble, G-N-Bls Illicit, Zs 3 -T Igno'bleness, G-N-Bl^-Ns Illicitly, Zs 3 -T-Z Igno'bly, G-N-Bl 2 Illicltness, Zs 3 -T-Ns Ignominious, G 3 - N - M- Illimitable, Zis-Mt-Bl Ns Illit'eracy, Zl 3 -Tr-S Ignominlously, G-N-M- Illit'erate, Zl 3 -Trt Ns-L Illit'erateness. Zl 3 -Trt- Ig'nominy, GS-N-M-N Na Ignora'muq, G-Nr-Ms Ig'norance, G^-Nrns Ill'-nature, L-Ntr Ill'-natured, Z 3 -N-CHr_ Ig'norant, GS-Nrnt Ill'-naturedly, Z 3 - N - Ig'norantly, G-Nrnt-Z3 CHrd-Z Ignore', G 2 - Nr, G 2 - Nrd, Ill'ness, Z 3 -Ns G 2 -Nr-NG Illoglcal-ly, Zli-J-Kl Igua'na, Gw J -N Illoglcalness, z^-J-Kl- Ilex, i-zi-Ks Ns Iliac, IAK Ill'-starred, Zs 3 -T-Rd Ili'acal, L'-Kl Illtem'pered, L- - T - M - Iliad, ZS-D Prd Ilium, L3-M Ill'-turn, Z 3 -T-En Ilk, LS-K Illude', Z 3 -D, Z 3 -Dd, z*- 111, Z D-KG Illapse', Z 1 -Ps Illume', L3-M, lAMd, L3- Illa'queable, Z 3 -Kw-Bl M-NG Illa'queate, z 2 -Kw-T, Z 2 - Illu'minable, L3-M-N-B1 Kw-Td, Z-Kw-T-NG Illu'minate, L - M - N - T, Illa'tion, Zshn L3-M-N-Td, L3-M-N-T-NG Illative, Z8-Tv Illumina'ti, LS-M-N-T Illaud'able, zli-D-Bl Illumina'tion, L- - M - Note. When, in the com- Nshn mon English spelling, a Illu'minative, L 3 - M - N- negative is formed by pre- TV fixing another syllable Illu'minator, L 3 -M-Ntr which repeats the first Illu'mine, L 3 -Mn consonant of the positive Illuminee', L 3 -M-N word, as in the words mod- Illu'sion, Zzhn 3 erate immoderate, neces- Illu'sionist, Zzhn 3 -St sary unnecessary, legal Illu'sive, Zs 3 -V illegal, rational irration- Illu'sively, Zs3-v-z al, it becomes necessary in Illu'siveness, Zs 3 -V-Ns Phonography to write an Illu'sory, Zs 3 -.R additional consonant in Illus'trate, Zs^-Trt, Zs*- order to prevent conflict Tr-Td. Zs'-TrtC) between the. outlines of Illustra'tion, Zs 2 -Tr8hn the positive and negative Illus'trative, Zs 2 -Tr-Tv words. T is done in the Illustratively, Zs 2 -Tr-T cases of m and n by prefix- VI ing an M or K stem, and in Illus'trator, Zs^-Trtr the cases of I and r,by the Illus'trious, Ls 2 -Trs ILL Illus'trioasly, LB--Tr-sL Illus'triousuess, La*-1rs- Hfl ni-wiir, L*-L Il'ly, L*-L Im'age,. M-J, M-Jd 3 M- ja-NG Im'agery, M-J 3 -^ Imaginable, M-Ji-N-Bl Imaginary, M-Ji-Nr Imagina'tion, M-J*-Nshn Imaginative, M-Ji-Nt-V Imag'ine, M-Jn 1 , M-Jnd 1 , M-Jni-NG Jmaglner, M-<n-Nr Imam', M J -M I'naan, i-Mn 1 Imaum', M J -M Imband', M-Bndi Imbank', M-Bi-NG-K Imbank'ment, M-Bi-NG- E-Mnt Imbathe', M-B*-DH. M- B*-DHd, M-B*-DH-NG "jnTjecile, M-Bs*-L Imbecil'ity, M-fis-si-T Imbed', M-Bd z , M-B^-Dd, M-B3-D-NG Imbez'zle, M-B*-Z1 Imbibe', M - fii - B, M Bi- B-D. M-B'-B-NG Imbibi'tion, M-B 3 -Bshn Imbit'ter, M-Btr M-B3- Trd, M-Btr-NG imbod'y, M-fii-D Imbold'en, M-Bl*-Dn Imbor'der, M-B>-Bdr Imbosk', M-B'-sK Imbos'om, M-B 8 -zM, M- B-zMd. M-BS-zM-NG Tmbow', M-B* Imbow'er, M-B^K Im bricate, M-Br-Kt Im'bricated, M-Br-K-Td Imbrica'tion, M - Br s - Eshn Imbrogl'io, M-Br-i Imbrown', M Brn 1 , M - Brndi. M-BrnJ-NG Imbrue', M-Br, M-Brd 3 , M-Br 3 -NG Imbrute', M-Brts M-Br- Td, M-Brt(-)8 Imbue', M-B*, M-Bd3, M- B8-NG Imburse', M-Biirs a Imburse'ment, M - Bur 2 - sMnt Imitabil'ity, M-T-Blt Im'itable, M-T3-B1 Im'itate, M-Tta, M- 128 Immac'ulately, M-M-Klt Immac'ulateness, M^M- Klt-Ns Immal'leable, M - M - i 1 - Bl Immana'tion, M* - M - Nshn Im'manence, Mn 3 -Ns Im'manency, Mn 3 -N-S Im'manent, Mn 3 -Nt Imman'ity, M-M-N-T 1 Imman'uel, M-M-N-L 1 Immask', M^Ms-K Immaterial, M-Mtr-L 3 Immate'rialjy, M-Mtr-L 3 Immate'rialism, M-Mtr- 3 -zM Immate'rialist, M-Mtr- Immaterial'ity, M - Mtr- i'-T Immate'rialness, M-Mtr- Immature', M-Mt-B 3 Immatured', M- Immature'ly, M Immature'ness, M-Mt- Immatu'rity, M-Mt-B 3 -T (or M-Mt-fltf) Immeas'urable-y, M-M- ZHr 2 -Bl Immechan'ical, Mi - M - K-N-K1 Imme'diate, M - M - Dt 3 [M 3 -Mt] Imme'diately, M-M-Dt 3 - L [M-Mt 8 -i] Imme'diateness, M - M - Immedicable, M-Md-K- Immelo'dious, M-M-Z.2- Ds Immemo'rial-ly, M-M- Immense', M 2 -Ns Immensely, M-Ns-L a Immense'ness, M*-Na-Ns Immen'sity, M-Ns-T 2 Immensurabillty, M-M- N-SHra-Blt Immen'surable, M-M-N- Immen'surate, M - M - N- SHrta Immerge', M-M-B 2 -J Immerse', M-fis a , Imita'tion, M-Tshn* Im'itative, M-T^-Tv Im'itativeness, M-T^Tv- Ns [M-Tt 3 :Vs] Im'itator, M-Ttr 3 Immac'ulate, M^M-KH. See Note under the word Illaudable. -- Immer'sion, M-flshn Immer'sionist, M-/ishn= St Immesh', M - M - SH 2 , M - M-5Ht2, M-M-SH2-NG Immethod'ical-ly, M - M-THdi-Kl Immethod'icalness, Jl M-THd'-Kl-Ns Im'migrant, M-Grnt IMP Im'migrate, M 3 - Grt, M Gr-Td a . M 3 -Grt-NG Immigra'tion, M 3 -Grshn. See Emigration. Im'minence, Mn 3 -Ns Im'minent, Mn 3 -Nt Im'minently, Mn-Nt-L3 Immiscibil'ity, M,-Ms-B- Z.-T Immis'cible, M-Ms-B 3 -L Immis'sion, M 3 -Mshn Immit', M 3 -Mt, M-M-Td M a -Mt(-) Immit'igable, M - Mt - Q- Bl Immix', M 3 -M-Ks Immob'ile, M-M-B1 1 Immobil'ity. M-M-B1 3 -T Immod'erate, M-Md-fiti Immod'erately, M - Md- KV-L Immod'erateness, M - Md-W-Ns Immodera'tion, M-Md- fishn 2 Immod'est, M-M-Dst 1 (or Mi-Mdst) Immod'estly, M-M-Dsti- L [M-M-Ds'-L] Immod'esty, M-M-Ds'-T Im'molate, M-I/t 3 , M-Z, 3 - Td, M-Z,t 3 -NG Immola'tion, M-ishn s Im'molator, M-itr 3 Immor'al-ly, M-M-fiU Immoral'ity, M-M-fil 1 -! (or -Bit) Immor'tal-ly, M-MrtJ-Z, Immortal'ity, M-Hrt-Z-i- T Immor'tallze, M-Mrt-Zzi, M-Mrt-Lzd 1 , M-Mrt-Lz 1 - NO Immortelle', M-AI-t 2 -L Immovabil'ity, M-M-V 3 - Bl-T Immov'able-y, M-M-V- Bl Immov'ableness, M - M- V 3 -Bl-Ns [IBs] Immu'nity, M-M-N-T 3 Immure', M-M-fi 3 , M-M- * Immu'sical, M-Mz-K-L 3 Immutability, M-Mt-Bl -T Immu'table-y, M-Mt-Bl Immu'tableness, M-Mt- Bl 3 -Ns [IBs] Imp, M-PS Mt 3 , M-P 3 -NG Impact', M-pi-Kt, M-Pi- K-Td. M-Pi-Kt-NG Im'pact, M-P 3 -Kt Impair', M-Pr', M-Prdi, M-P^-NG Impair'er, M-Pri-R Impale', M-P 2 -L, M-P- Ld. M-P2-L-NG Impale'ment, M-P 2 -i- Mnt IMP Impalpability, M-P1-F Bit* Impal'pable-y, M-PP-P- Bl Impal'sy, Impana'tion, M-P a -Nshn Impan'el, M-P^Nl, M-P 1 - Nld, M-P1-N1-NG Impar'adise, KG Impar'ity, M-pi-fi-T Impark', M-Pri-K, M-Pr 1 - Kt, M-Pr!-K-NG Impart', M-Prti, M-Fr 1 - Td, M-Prt(-) 1 Imparta'tion, M - Pr - Tshn Impart'er, M-Prtri Impar'tial, M-Pri-SHl Impartiality, M-Pr-fiHl- T Impartially, M-Pr-S/n Impartibil'ity, M - Prr.a Bl-T Impart'ible, M-Prti-Bl Impart'ment, M-Prti-Mnt Impass'able, M-Ps^Bl Impass'ableness, M-Ps 1 - Bl-Ns Impassibil'ity, M-Ps 3 -Bl- T Impas'sible, M-Ps^Bl Impas'sibleness, M-Ps 1 - Bl-Ns Impas'sion, M-Pshn 1 Impas'sionate, M-pi-5f- Nt. See Impassioned. Impas'sioned, M-Pshn 1 - D. See Impassionate. Impas'sive, M-Ps^V Impas'sively, M-Psi-V-Z Impassivity, M-Ps 3 -V-T Impas'siveness, M-Ps 1 - V-Ns Inipasta'tion, M - Ps 2 - Tshn Impaste', M-Pst 2 , M-Ps s - Td, M-Ps 2 -NG Impat'ible, M-pi-T-Bl Impa'tience, M-P^SHhs Impa'tient, M-P 2 -S/fnt Impa'tiently, M-pz-^Hnt- If Impat'ronize, M-PJ-Tr- Nz Impawn', M-Pni, M-Pn 1 - D, M-Pni-NG Impeach', M-P 8 -CH, M- P 3 -CHt, M-Pa-CH-NG Impeach'able, M-P'-CH- Bl Impeach'er, M-P 3 -CHr Impeach'ment, M - P 3 - CH-Mnt Impearl', M-P 2 -fil, M-P 2 - Rld. M-P 2 -1-NG Impeccabil'ity, M-P 8 -K- Blt tmpec'cable, M-P-K-Bl 6* 129 Impec'cancy, M-P 2 -Kn-S Impecunios'ity, M-pi-K- Ns-T Impecun'ious, M-P 3 -K- Na Impede', M-P^-D Y-f 3 - Dd. M-P3-D-NG Imped'iment, M-P 2 -D- Mnt Imped'itive, M-P^-D-Tv Impel', M-ps-L, M-pa-Ld, N-P2-L-NG Impel'lent, M-P 2 -Znt Impel'ler, M-ps-i-R Impelling, M-pa-L-NG Impen', M-Pn Impend', M - Pn* - D, M- Pn^-Dd, M-Pn'-i-D-NG Impend'ence, M-Pn 2 -Dns Impend'ency, M-Pu=-Dn- S Impend'ent, M-Pn-Dnt Impending, M-Pn^-D-NG Impenetrabil'ity, M-P^- N-Tr-Blt Impen'etrable-y, M - P- N-Tr-Bl Impen'etrableness, M- P 2 -N-Tr-Bl-Na [IBs] Impen'itence, M - P" - N- Tns Impen'itency, M - PS - N- Tn-S Impen'itent, M-P2-N-Tnt Impen'itently, M -P2-N- Tnt-L Imperative, M-Prt 2 -V Imper'atively, M-Prt^-V- L Imper'ator, M-ps-Ktr Imperceiv'able, M-Prs 3 - V-B1 Imperceptibil'ity, M - Prs-Pt-Blt Impercep'tible-y, M - Prs 2 -Pt-Bl Impercep'tibleness, M- Prs 2 -Pt-Bl-Ns [IBs] Impercep'tive, M - Prs 2 - Pt-V Imperfect, M-Prf-Kt Imperfec'tion, M - Prf 2 - Kshn Imper'fectly, M-Prf2-Kt- L ImperTectness, M - Prf-- Kt-Ns Impei^forable, Bl Impei^forate, Imperfora'tion, M - Prf 2 - Rshn Impe'rial. M-P 3 -B1 Impe'riahst, M-P 3 -Blst Imperial'ity, M-Pi-Hl-T Imperially, M-P-1 Imper'il, M-P 2 -fil, M-P 2 - KIA. M-P^-fil-NG Impe'rious, M-P 8 -Rs Impe'riously, M-P-fis-L IMP Impe'riousness, -Na Imper'ishable, M-P 2 -- SH-Bl Imper'manence. M-Pr 2 - Mn-Na Impermeabil'ity, M-Pr 3 - M-B1-T Imper'meable, 5l-Pr2-3I- Bl Impersonal-ly, M - Prs 2 - M Impersonal'ity, M-Prs 1 - Nl-T Impersonate, M-Prs-Xt, M-Prs--N-Td, M-Prs 2 -Nt< NG Impersonation, M-Prs 2 > Nshn Impersonifica'tion, M- Pr 2 -sN-F-Kshn Imperspicm'ity, M-Prs*- P-K-T Imperspic'uous, Il-Prs s - P-Ks Impersua'sible, M - Pr 2 - sWz-B(-L) Imper'tinence, M-P 2 -St- Nns Imper'tinency, M-ps-JZt- Nn-S Imper'tinent, M - P 2 - Rt- Nnt Imper'tinently, M - P 2 - flt-Nnt-i Imperturbabil'ity, M - Prta-^-B-BH Impertur'bable, M-Prt 2 - R B-B1 Imperturba'tion, M - Imper' viable, M - Pr 2 - V- Bl Imper'vious, M-Pr=-Vs Imper'vioasly, M-Pr'-Va -L Imper'viousness, M-Pr !i - Vs-Ns Im'petrate, M-P 3 -Trt Impetra'tion, 51 - P - Trshn Impetuos'ity, M-P'-CH- sT Impet'uous, M-P 2 -CHf Impet'uously, M-P2-CH- sL Impet'uousness, M - P : -> CHs-Ns Im'petus, M-P 8 -Ts Im'phee, M-F 3 Impierce', M-P 3 -Bs Impi'ety, M-pi-T Impinge', M - Pn* - J, M- Pns-Jd, M-Pn-J-NG Impinge'ment, M-Pn s -J Mnt Im'pious, M-Ps 8 Im'piously, M-P 3 -81 Im'piousness, M-Ps 8 -Ns Imp'ish, M-P 8 -SH IMP Implacabil'ity, M-P1*-K Bit Impla'cable-y, M-Pl^K- Bl Impla'cableness, M-P1 2 - K-Bl-Ns [IBs] Implant', M-Plnti, M-Pln 1 -Td. M-Plnti-KG Implanta'tion, M-Pln 2 - Tshn Implau'sible, M-Plz^Bl Implau'sibleness, M - Piz'-Bl-Ns Implead', M-Pld 3 , M-P1 8 - Dd, M-Pld(-) 3 Implead'er, M-Pl 3 -Dr Im'plement, M-Pl 3 -Mnt Imple'tion, M-Plshn 3 Im'plex, M-Pia-Ks Im'plieate, M-Pl 3 -Kt, M- Pl 3 -K-Td. M-Pl 3 -Kt-NG Implica'tion, M - PI 8 - Im'plicative, M-Pl 3 -Kt-V Im'plicatively, M-Pl 3 -Kt- \-L Implic'it, M-Pls8-T Implicitly, M-Pls>-T-Z, Implic'itness, M-Pls 3 -T- Ns Impli'edly, M-PU-D-Z. Implora'tion, M - PI 2 Rshn Implore', M-P1 2 -B, M-P1 2 - Bd, M-Pl 2 -#-NG Implor'er, M-Pl 2 -Rr Imploringly, M-Pl 2 -jR- KG1 Implum'ed, M-PJS-Md Implu'mous, M-Pl 3 -Ms Implu'vium, M-P1 8 -V-M Imply', M-Pli, M-Pld 1 , M-Pli-XG Impoi'son, M-Pzi-N, M- Pz'-Nd, M-Pz-N-NG Impolicy, M-pi-Zr-S Impolite', M-pi-Lt Impolitely, M-pi-it-Z, Impolite'ness, M-pi-it- Ns Impolitic, M-PU-T-K Impoliticly, M-PU-T-K1 Imponderability, M-P"- N-Dr-Blt Impon'derable, M-P'-N- Dr-Bl Impon'derableness, M- Pi-N-DrlBs Impon'derous, M-pi-N- Drs Imporoslty, M-pi-fis-T Impo'rous, M-P^-BS Import', M-Prt*, M-Pr- Td, M-Prt(-)3 Im'port, M-Prt a Import'able, M-Prt'-Bl Impor'tance, M-Pr>-Tns [M-Prf] fmpor'tant, M-Pr'-Tnt LM-Prti] 130 IMP Importantly, M-Pi^-Tnt- Im'precatory, M-PrS-K. L [M-Prt'ii] i-a Importa'tion, M - Pr 2 - Imprecision, M-PrsrAnS Tshn Impregn', M-Prn 3 Import'er, M-Prtr 2 Impreg'nable-y, M-Pr*- Import'unacy, M-P^-Kt- G-N-B1 N-8 Impreg'nate, M - Pr 2 - G- Import'unate, M-P^fit- Nt, M-Pr 2 -G-N-Td, M-Pr 2 - Nt G-Nt-NG Import'unately, M-Pi-Ztt Impregna'tion, M-Pr^G- -Nt-L Nshn Import'unateness, M-P 1 - Imprescrip'tible, M-Pr 3 - .Rt-Nt-Ns sKr-Pt-Bl Importune', M-P 3 -fl-Tn. Impress', M - Prs 8 , M - M-P 8 --Tnd, M-P 3 -Z^-Tn- Prst 2 , M-Prs=-NG NG Im'press, M-Prs 3 Importu'ner, M-P 3 -B-T- laipressibillty, M-Prs- Nr Blt Im'portunity, M-P 3 -tft- Impressible, M-Prs s -Bl Mt Impres'sion, M-Prshu 2 Impos'able, M-Pz^Bl Impres'sionable, M - Impose', M-Pz 2 , M-Pzd 2 , Prshn'-i-B-L M-Pz 2 -NG Impressive, M-Prs^V Impos'er, M-P 2 -Zr Impressively, M-Prs 2 -V. Imposing, M-Pz^NG Imposingly, M-Pz 2 -NGl Z- Impresslveness, M-Prs? Imposing-stone, M-Pz 2 - -V-Ns NG-sTn Impress'ment, M-Pr 2 - Imposi'tion, M-Pz*7m 3 sMnt Impossibility, M-Ps 3 -Bl- Impress'ure, M-Pr 2 -SHr T(-Blt) Im'prest, M-Prst 3 Impossible, M - Ps 1 - Bl Imprest', M-Prst 2 , M-Prs'' [M-Ps 1 ] Td. M-Prs 2 -T-NG Im'post, M-Pst 3 Imposfnumate, M - Ps 1 - Imprima'tur, M-Pr 2 -Mti Impri'mis, M-Pr'-Ms T-Mt, M-Psi-T-M-Td, M- Im'print, M-Prnt 3 Psi-T-Mt(-) Imprint', M - Prnt 3 . M . Imposthuma'tion, M- Prn 3 -Td, M-Prut^-NG Ps^T-Mshn Impris'on, M-Prz 3 -N. M- Impost'hume, M-Psi-T- Prz 3 -Nd. M-Prz 3 -N-NG M Impris'onment, M-Prz 3 - Impos'tor, M-Pstr 1 N-Mnt Impos'torship, M-Pstr 1 Improbability, M-Pr 3 !SH B-Blt Impost'ure, M-P'-sCHr Improb'able-y, M - Pr 1 . Im'potence, M-P 3 -Tns B-B1 [M-Pri-B] Im'potency, M-P 3 -Tn-8 Im'potent, M-P 3 -Tnt Im'potently, M-ps-Tnt-L Improbity, M-Pr'-B-T Improfl'cience, M-Pr 3 - Fshiis Impound', M-Pn 1 -!). M- Improfi'ciency, M-Pr 3 - Pn!-Dd, M-Pni-D-NG Fshn-S Impound'er, M-Pndr 1 Improlif'ic, M-P^-Z-F-K Impov'erish, M - Pv 1 - R - Impromp'tu, M-Pr'-M-T 8H. M-Pv^-fl-SHt, M-Pv 1 - Improp'er, M-Pr'-Pr JZ-8H-NG Impov'erisher, M-Pvi-fi- Improp'erly, M-Pri-Pr-Z Impro'priate, M-Pr 2 -Pr- SHr T. M-Pr 2 -Pr-Td, M-Pr 2 - Impov'erishment, M - Prt(-) Pvi-fi-SH-Mnt Impropria'tion, M-Pr 2 - Impracticability, M - Prshn PrS-K-T-K-BH [M-Pr 3 - Impro'priator, M - Pr 2 - K-Blt] Prtr Imprac'ticable-y, M-Pr 1 - Impropri'ety, M-Fr^Pr- K-T-K-Bl [M-Pr-K-Bl] T Imprac'ticableness, M- Improvabillty, M-irrv- Pr'-KiBs B-Zt Im'precate, M-Pr-Kt. M- Improv'able, M-trv*-Bl Pr 3 -K-Td, M-Pr 3 -Kt-NG (-L) Impreca'tion, M - Pr 2 - Improve'ablenesf |I- KsUn Prv 3 !Ba IMP Improve', M - Prv3 M - Prvd 3 , M-Prv-NG Improve'ment, M - Prv 3 - Mnt Improv'er, M-PrS-Vr Improvidence, M-Prvi- Dns Improv'ident, M-Prv 1 - Dut-L Improv'isate, M-PrJ-Vs- T, M-Pr>-Vs-Td, M-Pri- Vs-T-NG Improvisa'tion, M - Pr 2 - Vsshn Improvisato're, M - Pr 2 - Vz-T-fi Improvisatri'ce, M-Prvs. Z-Tr-CH Improvise', M-PrJ-Vz, M- Pr^Vzd. M-Pr!-Vz-NG Improvis'er, M-Pr'-V-Zr Impru'dence, M-Pr^-Dns Impru'dent, M-PrM)nt Impru'dently, M - Pr^ - Dnt-L Impu'berty, M-P-Br 3 -T Im'pudence, M-P 3 -Dns Im'pudent, M-P 3 -Dnt Im'pudently, M-P 3 -Dnt- L Impudic'ity, M-P 3 -Ds-T Impugn', M-Pn M-Pn'- D, M-PnS-NG Impugn'able, M-P-N-B1 Impugn'er, M-P 3 -Nr Impu'issant, M-Ps-Nt Im'pulse, M-P 8 -:Ls Impul'sion, M-P 2 -Lshn Impul'sive, M-PZ-Ls-V Impul'sively, M - P 2 - Ls- VI Impu'nity, M-ps-N-T Impure', M-P 3 -fi. See Pure. Impure'ly, M-ps-Bl Impure'ness, M-P 3 -K-Ns Impu'rity, M-P^-B-T Impur'ple, M-Pr^-Pl, M- Pr-Pld, M-Pr 2 -Pl-NG Imputabil'ity, M-P-T- Blt Imput'able, M-P'-T-Bl Imput'ableness, M-ps-T- Bl-Ns [M-PfMBs] Imputa'tion, M-P 2 -Tshn Imput'ative, M-P-T-Tv Imput'atively, M-P-T- T-V1 Impute', M-pt, Imput'er, M-Ptr^ Imputres'cible, M - P*. Trs-Bl In, N Inability, N-B'-i-T (or Lt) Inaccessibil'ity, N-Kss- Inaccess'ibleness. N - Kss-B^-i-Ns 181 i Inacoess'ible, N-Kss-B 2 - I L Inaccess'ibly, N-Kss-B 2 - L Inac'curacy, N-K-fi!-8 Inac'curate, N-K-fit> Inac'curately, N-K-.W-Z Inac'tion, Ni-Kshn Inac'tive, N-Kt-V 1 Inac'tively, N-Kt-V 1 -^ Inactivity, N-Kt-V 8 -T Inad'equacy, N-Di-Kw-S Inad'equate, N-Di-Kwt Inad'quately, N- Inad'quateness, N - D 1 - Kwt-Ns Inadher'ent, N-D^-Hrnt Inadhe'sion, N-D 3 -Hzhn Inadhe'sive, N-D^-Hs-V Inadmissibil'ity, N-D 3 - Ms-B-it Inadmis'sible, N-D-Ms- B(-L) Inadvert'ence, N-D 2 -Vr- Tns Inadvert'ency, N-D 2 -Vr- Tn-S Inadvert'ent, N-D-Vr- Trit Inadvert'ently, N-D 2 -Vr- Tnt-L InaflFabil'ity, N-F3-B1-T Inaf'fable, N-Fi-Bl Inal'ienable-y, Bl Inal'ienableness, N-Bl-Ns [or IBs] Inamora'ta, N-M- Inamora'to, N-M-fi^To In-and-in, Nn-N Inane', N*-N Inanimate, N-N-M-Ti Inan'imateness, N-N-M- TJ-Ns Inanima'tion, N 2 - N - Mshn Inani'tion, N 3 -Nshn Inan'ity, N-N-T 1 Inap'petence, N-P 1 -Tns Inap'petency, N-pi-Tn-S Inapplicabil'ity, N - PI 3 - K-Blt Inapplicable, N-PP-K- Bl Inap'plicableness, N - Pli-K!Bs Inapplica'tion, N - Pl s - Eshn Inap'posite, N-Pz'-T Inapre'ciable, N-P^-SH- Bl lapprehen'sible, N-Pr 2 - Ns-B-L Inapprehen'sive, N-Pr- Ns-V Inapproachable, N-Pr 2 - CH-B1 Inappro'priate, N-Pr a - Pr-T INC Inappro'priateness, Pr 2 -Pr-T-Ns Inapt', N-Pt' Inaptitude, N-Pt'-Td Inapt'ness, N-P'-T-Ns Inar'able, N-Ki-Bi Inarch', N-fl'-CH. CHt. N-fi>-CH-NG Inartic'ulate, Nr-T3-Klt Inartic'ulately, Ki- - T 3 Kit-/, Inartic'ulateness,Nr-T3- Klt-Ns Inarticula'tion, Kr-T2- Klshn Inartifl'cial, Nrt-F3-8Hl Inartifl'cially, Xrt - F 3 - sm Inasmuch', nzM-CH 2 Inatten'tion, N-T--Nslm Inatten'tive, N-Tnt^-V Inatten'tively, N-Tnt 2 - \-L Inaud'ible-y, N-D'-Bl Inau'gural, N-G-TJli Inau'gurate, N-(i-fiti, N- G-fl^Td, N-G-Bti-NG Inaugura'tion, N - G - Itehn 2 Inau'guratory, N-G-fli- T- Inauspi'cious, Ns-P 3 -SHs Inauspi'ciously, Xs-P 3 - SHs-L Inauspi'cioushess, Ns- P^-SHs-Ns Inbe'ing, N-B 3 -NG In'bord, N-l? :i -Ed In'born, N-B 3 -.Rn Inbreathe', N-Br-DH, N- BrS-DHd, N-Br'-DH-NG In'bred, N-Brd 3 Inbreed', N-Brd 3 . 7*- Brd(-) 3 In'ca, N 3 -K Incage', N-K-J 2 Incal'culable, N-K1-K1- Bli Incales'cence, N-K-Ls- Ns Incales'cency, N-K-is 2 - N-S Incales'cent, N-K-is 2 -Nt Incandes'cence, N-Knd- Sns 2 Incandes'cent, N-Knd- Snt Incanta'tion, N-Kn-Tshn2 Incant'atory, N-Knt-T'-K Incapabil'ity, N-K-P 3 -B1- T CN-K-BH 3 J Inca'pable-y, N-K-P^-Bl [N-K-B12] Inca'pableness, N-K-P 2 - Bl-Ns TN-K-P2 ;Bs] Incapac'itate, N-K-PsL Tt, N-K-Ps>-T'Td, N-K- Ps-Tt(-) Incapacita'tion, N-K-Pi" -Tsbn INC Incapacity, N-K-Ps 1 -! Incarcerate, N-Kr-sfit 1 , N-Er-s-Ki-Td, N-Kr-sflt 1 - NG Incarcera'tion, N - Kr 6flshn a Incarnate, Ni-Kr-Nt, N- Kr-N-Tdi, N>-Kr-Nt-NG Incarna'tion, N 2 - Kr - Nshn IncaTnative, N-Kr-Nt- V Incase', K K Ks, N^-Kst, N-Es NO Incase'rnent, N'-K-sMnt Incask', N>-Ks-K Incatena'tion, N 2 - Kt - Nshn Incau'tion, N'-Kshn Incau'tious, N-K-SHs 1 Incau'tiously, N-K-SHs 1 - L Incau'tiousness, N - K - SHgi-Ns In'cavated, !S-K-V 3 -Td Incava'tion, N-K-Vshn* Incen'diarism, Ns-N-D*- tfz-M Incen'diary, Ns-N-D-R In'cense, Ns 3 -Ns, Ns 3 -Nst, Ns 3 -Ns-NG Incense', Ns s -Ns, Ns-Nst, - Incense'ment, Ns a -Ns- Mnt Incen'sion, Ns a -Nshn Incen'sive, Ns-Ns-V 8 Incen'tive, Ns-Nt-V Incep'tion, Ns-Pshn* Tncep'tiye, Ns-Pt^V Incera'tion, Ns-ffshn a Incer'titude, Ns-fi^-Td Inces'sancy, Nss-N-S* Inces'sant, Nss*-Nt Inces'santly, Nss-Nt-L In'cest, Nss-T 3 Incest'uous, Nss-T-8 Incest'uously, Nss-T-81 Incest'uousness. Nss-T*- 8-Ns Inch, N-CH inchas'tity, N-CHi-sT-T Inch'meal, N-CH^-M-Z In'choate, N-K-T 3 Inchoa'tion, N-K-8Hn Incho'ative. N-K-Tv In'cidence, Ns-Dns s In'cident, Ns-Dnt 3 Incidental-ly, Ns-Dnt*-L Incin'erate, Ns-N-ffts. Ns- . tncinera'tion, Ns - N - Rsbn* Incip'ience, Ns-Pns 3 Incip'iency, Ns-Pn 8 -8 Incip'ient, Ns-Pnts Incip'iently, Ns-Pnts-L Incircumspec'tion, Ns- _R:sP-K8hn (ncise', Ns-Z', N-Zd, Ns- Z'-NG 132 Incis'ion, NsrAn 3 Inci'sive, Nss-V 1 Inci'sor, N-Sz'-E Inci'sory, N-Ss 1 -^ Incis'ure, N-S 3 -ZHr Inci'tant, Ns-Tnti Incita'tion, Ns-Tshn^ Incite', Ns-T', Ns-Td 1 , Ns- Ti-NG Incite'ment, Ns-Ti-Mnt Incit'er, N-sTr* Incit'ingly, Ns-Ti-NGl Incivil'ity, Ns-V 3 -/,-T Inciv'ism, Ns-V 3 -zM Inclasp', N-Kls-Pi, N-Kls- Pti N-Kls-Pi-NG In'cle, NG'-Kl Inclem'ency, N - Kl - Mn- Inclem'ent, N2-Kl-Mnt Inclin'able, N-Kl-N-Bli Inclina'tion, N 2 -Kl-Nshn Inclin'atory, N-Kln-Ti-K Incline', N'-Kln, N-Klnd, N^Kln-NG Inclin'er, N L Kl-Nr Inclois'ter, N^Klstr Inclose', N-Klz. N-Klzd, NS-Klz-NG Inclos'er, N-Kl-zRs Inclos'ure, N-Kl-ZHr 2 Incloud', N!-Kld Include', N 3 -Kld, N-K1- Inclu'sion, N 8 -Klzhn Inclu'sive, N-Kls-V 3 Inclu'sively, N-Kls-V 3 - Incoag'ulable, N K - Gl- Incog', N'-K-G Incog'itant, N-K-J-Tnt Incog'itative, N - K Jt 1 - Tv Incog'itance, N-K-Ji-Tns Incog'itancy, N-K-Ji-Tn- 8 Incog'nito, N-K-G-N-Ti Incog'nizable, NiNz-B 1 (-L) Incoherence, N 3 -K-Hrns Incoher'ency, N-K-Hrn- 8 Incoherent, N 3 -K-Hrnt Incoherently, N-K-Hrnt -L* Incoin'cident, N-K-Ns- Dnt 3 Incombustibility, N ! Bs 3 -T-Bl-T(or-Blt;. See remarks under Com- Incombus'tible, NiBs 2 -T -Bl Incombus'tibleness, N: Bs 2 -T-Bl-Ns [IBs] In'come,N 3 -K-M In'coming, N 3 -K-M-NG In Commen'dam, N 3 iN- D-M Incommensurabil'ity, N ^-SHrS-Bl-T (or -Bit) 1NO Incommen'surable, Nf N-8Hr2-Bl Incommen'surableness N:N-SHr a SBs Incommen'surate, N :N- SHrta Incommode', N!D, Ni Incommo'dious, N ! D^-S Incommo'diously. N iD 81 Incommo'diousness, N> DS-S-Ns Incommunicabirity. NSN-K-B1S-T Incommu'nicable-y, NiN-K-Bl 3 Incommu'nicablenesa, N :N-K-Bl-Ns Incommu'nicative, N : N -Kt-v 3 Incommutabil'ity, N: Mt-Bl 3 -T Incommut'able-y, N : Mt-Bia Incomrnut'ableness, N : Mt-Bl 3 -Ns Incompact', N ! P 1 -Kt Incompac'ted, NiP : -K- Td Incom'parable-y, N'.P'- fl-Bl Incom'parableness, N! pi-/e-Bl-Ns Incompas'sionate, NS Pshji 1 -! Incompas'sionately, N i Pshni-T-i Incompas'sionateness, NlPshn^T-Ns Incompatibil'ity, N !Pt- Bl-T (or-Blt) Incompat'ible-y, N '.Pt 1 - Bl Incom'petence, N!Pi- Tns Incom'petency, NiP 1 - Tn-8 Incom'petent, N IP'-Tnt Incom'petently, N ;pi- Tnt-L Incomplete', X :Plt 3 Incomple'tely, N :Plt 3 - Incomplete'ness, N :Plts -Ns Incomple'tion, N : Plshn? Incomplex', N:Pl 2 -Ks Incompli'able, N:P1'-B1 Incompli'ance, N:Plnsi Incompli'ant, N:Plnti Incompos'ite, N :Pz-T Incompre hensibil'ity, NiPr^-Ns-B-X-T Incomprehen'sible, . N: Pr2-Ns-Bl Incomprehen'sibleness NiPr2-Ns-B-Z,-Ns [N: Prns=!Bs] Incomprehen'sibly, NJ Pr^-Ns-B-Z, INC 133 TJSTO Incomprehen'sive, Ni Inconsol'able-y, Ni BL*- Incorrupt'! bleness, N- Pr*-Xs-V Bl Kr-Pt^-Bl-Ns Incompressibillty, N! Incon'sonance, N :sNsi Incorrup'tion, X - Kr Prs 8 -Bl-T Incon Sonancy, N :sN-N- Pshu- Incompressible, NiPrs 2 - Si Incorruptlve, N-Kr-Pt 2 , Bl Inconspic'uous, NisP 3 - V Incomput'able, N iPt 3 - K-S Incorrupt'ness, X-Kr-Pt' Bl Inconstancy, NisTni-S 1 -Ns Inconceal'able, Nisi 3 - Inconstant, NisTnt' Incras'sate, N-Krs-T 1 . N- Bl ; Incon'stantly, N : sTnt-Li Krs-Tdi. X-Krs-T!-XG Inconceivability, NtsV 8 Inconsum'able, N :sM- Incrassa'tion, x-Krss/ms -Bl-T Bl 3 Incras'sative, N-KTS-TV' Inconceiv'able-y, NtsV 8 Inconsum'mate, NisMt? Increas'able, X-Krs Bl^ -Bl Incontest'able-y, NITs 2 Increase'. XS.KI-S. vs. Inconceiv'ableness, N -Bl* , Krst, N 3 -Krs-XG isV 8 -Bl-Ns Inconcin'nity, NlsN-T 8 Incontig'uous, NiT 8 -G-S Incon'tinence, NlTn 1 - In'crease, x^-Krs In'create, .X-Kr-T 3 Inconclu'sive, NIKls-V 3 Inconclu'sively, NlKls- Ns Incon'tinency, N i Tn!-N- In'created, X-Kr-Td 3 Incredibility, x-Kr-D- V-Z, 8 Blt Inconclu'siveness, N Incon'tinent, N iTni-Nt Incredlble-y, X-Kr-D- tKls-V 8 -Ns Incon'tinently, NiTn 1 - Bl Inconcoc'tion, X:Ki-K- Nt-L Incred'ibleness, X-Kr- Kslm - Incontrollable-y, Ni D 2 -Bl-Ns Inconcus'sible, N'.Ks- Ti i2 -X,-Bl Incredulity, X-Kr-D 3 -L- Bl 2 Incontrovertlble-y, T Inconden'sable, NiD 2 - NiTr2-Vrt-Bl Incred'ulous, X-Kr-D=- Nns-Bl Inconvenience, N:VnS- Z,s Incon'dite, N : Dti Ns Incred'ulousness, X-Kr- Inconformlty, N'.F^B- Incon venlency, N :Vn 8 - M-T [NiFi-T] N-S In'crement, X a -Kr-Mnt Incongeal'able, NiJ 8 -Z,- Inconvenient, N :Yu 8 - Increpa'tion, X-Kr-Pshn Bl Nt Incres'cent, x^-Krs-Xt Incongeal'ableness, Ni Inconveniently, N:Vn 3 Incrust', X 2 -Krst. X-Krs- JS-L-Bl-Xs Nt-L Td2, X-Krst(-) 3 Inconge'nial, N IJS-Nl Inconvers'able, N :Vrs 8 - Incrusta'tion, X - Krs - Incon'gruence, N:Gr J - Bl Tshn 2 Ns Inconvertibility, N t In'cubate, X-K-Bt 3 , X-K- Incon'gruent, N : Gr^Nt Vrt 8 -Bl-T B 3 -Td. X-K-Bt(-)3 Incongruity, N: Gr-T 8 Incon vertlbleness, N: Incuba'tion, X-K-Bshn s Incon'gruous, N : Gr-S 1 Vrts-Bl-Ns In'cubus, X-K-Bs^ Incon'gruously, N: Gr- Incon vin'cible-y, N -.V 3 - Incul'cate, N-K1-K-T 2 , 811 Ns-Bl N-Kl-K-Td. N-K1-T2-NG Incon'scionable, N iSH 1 - Incoi^poral, N-Kr-Pr 1 -!* Inculca'tion, X2.Kl-Kshn N-B1 See Incorporeal. Incul'pable, N-Kl-PS-Bl Inconsequence, N: Incor'porate, N-Kr-Prt 1 , Incul'pate, X-Kl-Pt2, N- sKwnsi [or N 1 -sKwns] N-Kr-Pr!-Td, X-Kr- Kl-P^-Td. X-Kl-Pt(-) 2 Inconsequent, N: Prt(-) Inculpa'tion, X-Kl-Pshn 2 sKwnti [Nsi-Kwnt] Incorpora'tion, N - Kr - Incul'patory, X-K1-P^-T- tnconsequen'tial, N: Prshns R tnconsid'erable-y, nsDr 8 Incorpo'real-ly, N - Kr - P 2 -fil. See Incorporal. Incum'bency, XiBn 2 -S. See remarks under Com- -Bl Incorporelty, N-Kr-P 8 - Incum'bent, X : Bnt2 [uconsid'erableness, fi-T Incum'ber, X : Br 2 , N i nsD^-Bl-Ns Incorrect', N-Kr-K-T Brd 2 , X!Br 2 -XG Inconsid'erate, nsDi^-T Incorrectly, N-Kr-K-T 2 - Incum'brance, X :Brns2 tnconsid'erately, nsDr 8 - L Incur', N 2 -Kr. N 2 -Krd. X 2 - T-Z, Incorrect'ness, N-Kr-K- Kr-XG Inconsid'erateness, T 2 -Ns Incur'ability, X-Kr-Bl 3 - nsDiS'-T-Ns Incorrigibil'ity, N-Kr-J 3 T Inconsidera'tion, -Bl-T Incur'able-y, X-Kr-Bl 3 nsDrshn 2 Incoi^rigible-y, N-Kr-Ji- Incur'ableness, X-Kr-BP Inconsist'ence, N:ssTns 3 Bl -Xs [Ngs-Tns 3 ] Incor'rigibleness, N-Kr- Incuriosity, X-K-Rs'-T Inconsist'ency, N : ssTn 8 - Ji-Bl-Ns Incu'rious, X-K-As 3 8 [Nss-Tii 3 -8] Inconsist'ent, N! ssTnt 8 Incorrupt', X-Kr-Pt* Incorruptibility, N-Kr- Incu'riously, X-K- 8 -sL Incu'riousness, N-K-#* [Nss-Tnt 3 ] Pt 3 -Blt Ns Inconsist'ently.Ni ssTnt 3 -L [Nss-Tnf-LJ Incorruptible, N-Kr-Pt -Bl Incursion, N 2 -Krshn Incur'sive. N-Kr-sV INC Incurv'ate, N-Kr-Vt*, Kr-V 2 -Td, N-Kr-VtO* Ineurva'tion, N - Kr - Vshn 2 Incurve', N 2 - Krv, N 2 Krvd. N^-Krv-NG Incurvlty, N-Kr-V 2 -T Incuss', N 2 -Ks Indaga'tion, N-D 2 -Gshn Indart', N-D'-Rt Indebt', N-Dt 2 , Nd-Td 2 N-Dt(-) a Indebt'ed, Nd-Td Indebtedness, Nd - Td 2 - Ns Inde'cency, N-Ds 3 -N-S Inde'cent, N-Ds 3 -Nt Inde'cently, N-Ds 3 -Nt-L Indecid'uous, N-Ds 3 -Ds Indecipherable, N-Ds 1 - Fr-Bl Indeci'sive, N-Dss 1 -V Indeci'sively, N-DssJ-V- L Indeci'siveness, N-Dss 1 - V-Ns Indeclin'able-y, N-D 1 - K1-N-B1 Indecompos'able, N- D 2 tPz-Bl Indec'orous, N-D 2 -Krs Indec'orously, N-D^-Kt- Indec'orousness, N-D 2 - Krs-Ns Indeco'rum, N-D 2 -Kr-M Indeed', N-Dd 3 Indefatlgable-y, Nd-Fi- T-G-B1 Indefatlgableness, Nd- F'-T-GtBs Indefeasibil'ity, Nd-Fz 3 Bl-T Indefea'sible, Nd-Fz 3 -Bl Indefectibillty, N-Df 3 - Kt-Blt Indefectible, N-Df^Kt- Bl Indefectlve, N-Dfs-Kt-V Indefensibility, N-Df 3 - Ns-B-Lt Indefen'sible, N-Df^Ns -Bl Indefen'sive, N-Df 2 -Ns- V Indefinable, N-Dfi-N-Bl Indefinite, N-Df 2 -Nt Indefinitely, N-Df2-Nt- L Indefiniteness, N-Df 2 - Nt-N Indehis'cence, N-D 3 -Hs- Ns Indehis'cent, N-D-Hs-Nt Indelib'erate, N-D 3 --Brt Indelibility, N-D 3 -L-B1- T(or-Blt) Indellble-y, N-D--Bl Indelicacy, Indelicate, 134 Indel'icately, N-D 2 -Z-K T-Z, Indemniflca'tion, M-N-F-Kshn Indem'nify, N-D 2 -M-N-F, N-D^-M-N-Fd, F-NO Indem'nity, N-D2-M-N-T Indemon'strable, N-D 1 - Mns-Tr-Bl Inden'izen, N-D2-Nz-N, K-DS-Nz-Nd, N-D^Nz-N- NO Indent', N-Dnt 2 , Td, N-Dnt 2 -Na Indenta'tion, N - Dn 2 - Tshn Indent'ed, N-Dn 2 -Td Indent'ure, N-Dntr 2 , N- Dnt 2 -Rd. N-Dntr--NG Independ'ence, Nd - Pnd 2 -Ns Independ'ency, Nd-Pnd 2 -N-S Independ'ent, Nd-Pnd 2 - Nt Independ'ently, Nd- Pnd-'-Nt-L Indescrib'able, N-Dsi- Kr-B-Bl Indesert', K-D 2 -zEt Indes'sinent, N-Ds 2 -Nnt Indestructibility, N- D3-sTr-Kt-Blt Indestruc'tible, N-D 2 - sTr-Kt-Bl Indeter'minable, N-B 2 - Tr-M-N-Bl Indeter'minate, N-D 2 - Tr-M-N-T Indeterminately, N-D 2 - Tr-M-N-T-L Indeter'minateness, X- DS-Tr-M-N-T-Ns Indetermina'tion, X-D 2 - Tr-M-Nshn Indevo'tion, N-D 2 -Vshn Indevout', X-Dvi-T In'dex, N-D3-K8, N-D 3 - Kst. N-DS-KS-NG Index'ical, N-D 2 -Ks-Kl Indexter'ity, N-D^-Ks-T- R-' In'diaman, N-D 3 -Mn In'dian, N-Dn 3 In'dia-rubber, yj-D^.R. Br In'dicant, N-D 3 -Knt In'dicate, Nd 3 -Kt, Nd-K- Td 3 , Nd 3 -Kt-NG Indica'tion, Nd 2 -Kshn Indic'ative, Nd-Kt-V* Indic'atively, Nd-Kt-V 3 - Zr In'dicator, Nd 3 -Ktr In'dicatory, Nd-K-T 3 -B In'dices, N-Dsz 3 Indict', N-DU, Nd-Td 1 , N- Dt(-)i Indict'able, N-Dti-Bl IND Indic'tion, N-D 3 -Kshn Indic'tive, N-DS-Kt-V Indict'ment, N-Dt'-Mnt Indict'or, N-Dtri Indifference, N-DP-Bns [N-Df] Indif ferency, N-Df 3 -fin- 8 Indifferent, N-Dfs-JZnt [N-Df3] Indif ferentism, N - Df a - fint-Z-M Indifferently, N - Df - Rni-L [N-DfaiZ] In'digence, Nd-Jns 8 In'digency, Nd- Jn-S Indig'enous, Nd-J 3 -Ns In'digent, Nd-Jnt 3 In'digently, Md-Jnt 3 -L Indigest'ed, Nd-J 2 -sTd Indigestible, Nd-Js^-Bl Indigestlbleness, Kd- Jet 2 : Bs Indiges'tion, Nd-Js 2 -CHn Indigltate, Nd-J3-Tt, Nd -Jt3-Td, Nd-J3-Tt(-) Indigita'tion, Nd - J* - Tshn Indig'nant, N-D 3 -G-Nnt Indig'nantly, N - D - G - Nnt-Z, Indigna'tion, N-D 2 -G- Nshn Indig'nity, N-D 3 -G-N-T J In'digo, N-DS-G Indirect', N-Dr 2 -Kt Indiree'tion, N-Dr 2 -Kshn Indirect'ness, N-Dr 2 -Kt- Ns Indirect'ly, N-Dr 2 -Kt-i Indiscernible, N - D* - zRn-B(-L) Indiscernlbleness, N- D 2 -zRn-B-i-Ns [iBs] Indisoerptibillty, N-D 3 - sK-Pt-Blt Indiscerp'tible, T$-~D--&R- Pt-Bl Indis'ciplinable, N-Ds 3 - Pin-B-L Indiscov'erable, N-D 2 - sKv-fl-Bl Indiscreet', N-Ds 8 -Krt indiscreet'ly, N-Ds 3 -Krt- L Indisoreet'ness, N-Ds 3 Krt-Ns Indiscrete', N-Ds 3 -Krt Indiscre'tion. N-Ds a Krshn Indiscriminate, N-Ds 8 - Kr-M-N-T [N-Ds3-Kr-M] Indiscriminately, N- -Kr-M-i] Indiscrimlnating, N- Ds 3 -Kr-M-N-T-NG [N- DsS-Kr-M(-)] Indiscrimina'tion, N- Ds 2 -Kr-M-Nshn IND Indispen'sable, Nds-Pns 3 -B-L, lNds-Pn^] Indispen'sableness, Nds -Pns 2 '.Bs Indispen'sably, Nds- Pns 2 -B-Z Indispose', Nds- Pz 2 , Nds- Pzd2, Nds-Pz 2 -NG Indispos'edness, Nds - PzZ-D-Ns Indisposi'tion, Nds- Pzshn* Indis'putable-y, Nds-Pt 2 -Bl Indis'putableness, Nds- Pf-Bl-Ns Indissolubil'ity, N-D- sZ-Bl-T Indis'soluble-y, N - D 3 - sZ-Bl Indis'solubleness, N-D3- sZ-Bl-Ns Indissolv'able-y, N-D 1 - zZ-V-Bl Indistinct', N-Dst 3 -NGt [N-Dst3] Indistinc'tion, NGshn' Indistinct'ly, N-Dst 3 -NGt -L [N-Dst 3 ;Z] Indistinct'ness, N-Dst 3 - NGt-Ns Indistin'guishable, N - Dst3-NG-Gw-SH-Bl Indite', N-Dti, Nd-Tdi, N- Indite'ment, N-DU-Mnt Indit'er, N-Dtr l Individ'ual, Nd-Vd 3 -L Individ'ualism, Nd-Vd 8 - Zz-M Individuality, Nd-Vdi- Z-T Individualiza'tion, Nd- Individ'ualize, Nd-Vd3- Lz, Nd-Vd^-izd, Nd-Vd- Zz-NG Individ'ually, Nd-Vd3-Z Individ'uate, Nd-Vd^-T, Nd-Vd3-Td, Nd-Vd3-T-NG Individua'tion, Nd-V 2 - Dshn Indivisibility, Nd - Vz' - B-it Indivis'ible-y, Nd-Vz3- Bl Indivis'ibleness, Nd-Vz 3 -Bl-Ns Indocibil'ity, N-Ds^-Bl-T Indoc'ible, N-Dsi-Bl Indoc'ibleness, N-Ds 1 - Bl-Ns Indoc'ile, N-Ds>-L Indocil'ity, N-D-sL-T Indoc'trinate, N-Di-K- Tr-N-T, N-D 1 K-Tr-N-Td, N-D'-K-Tr-N-T-NG Jndoctrina'tion, N-D^-K- Xr-Nslm 135 In'dolence, N-D-Zns In'dolency, N-D-in-S In'dolent, N-D-,nt In'dolently, N-D-Znt-Z Indom'itable, N-D l -Mt- Bl In'door, N-B 3 -K Indor'sable, N-Drsi-Bl Indorse', N-Drsi, N-Drst 1 , Indorsee', N-DrS-S Indorse'ment, N - Dr 1 - sMnt Indors'er, N-Dri-sR Indors'or, N-Dr^sR In'drawn, N-Drn 3 Indu'bious, N-D 3 -Bs InduHbitable, N-D 3 -Bt-Bl Induce', N-Ds 3 , N-Dst 3 , N-DsS-NG Induce'ment, N-D3. s Mnt Indu'cer. N-D 3 -sR Indu'cible, N-Ds3-Bl Induct', N-D2-Kt, N-D2-K- Td, N-D 2 -Kt-NG Inductibil'ty, N - D- Kt - Bl-T (or -Bit) Induc'tile, N-D-Kt-L Inductillty, N-D3-Kt-Z-T Induc'tion, N-D 2 -Kshn Induc'tional, N-D 2 -K8hn- L Inductive, N-D2-Kt-V Inductively, N-D2-Kt-V- Z Induct'or, N-D^-Ktr Indue', N-D, N-Dd 8 , N- D3-NG Indue'ment, N-D 3 -Mnt Indulge', N-D 2 -Z-J, N-D=- Z-Jd, N-D2-Z-J-NG Indul'gence, N-D 2 -z-Jns Indul'gency, N-D-z-Ju- 8 Indul'gent, N-D 2 -Z-Jnt Indul'gently, N-D2-Z-Jnt -L Indul'ger, N-D2-Z-Jr In'durate, N-D 3 -fit, N-D 3 - R-TA, N-D 3 -t-NG Indura'tion, N-D"-.Rslm Indu'sial, N-D 3 -ZH1 Indus'trial, N-D-sTr-L Indus'trious, N-D^-sTrs Indus'triously, N-D 2 - sTr-sZ In'dustry, N-D 3 -sTr Indwell', N-Dw-L, N-Dw 2 Ld, N-Dw2-L-NG Indwell'er, N-Dw-Z-R Indwelling, N-Dw 2 -L- NG Ine'briant, N-Br-N-T Ine'briate, N-Br 3 -!, Br-Td, N-Br-T-NG Ineb^ia'tion, N-Brshn 2 Inebri'ety, N-Br 1 -! Ined'ited. N-D-Td Ineffabillty, N-F 3 -B1-T Ineffable-y, N- 1NE Inefface'able, N-Fs^-Bl Inef'fableness, N-F 2 -B1- Ns Ineffective, N-F 2 -K-Tv ! Ineffectual, N-F2-K.-CH- L Ineffect'ually, N-F 2 -K- CH-Z Ineffect'ualness, N-F 8 - K-CH-Z-Ns Inefferves'cent, N-F2-fi. Va-Nt Inefferves'cible, X-F 2 -fi -Vs-Bl Ineffica'cious, X-F 2 -K- SHs Ineffica'ciousness, N-F 2 - K-SHs-Ns Inef'ficacy, N-F 2 -K-S Ineffi'ciency, N-Fshn 3 -S Inefficient, N-Fshnt 3 Inefficiently, N-Fshnt 3 - Z Inelas'tio, Nls-T!-K Inelasticity, Nls-Ts 3 -T InelCgance, Nl 2 -Gns Inel'egancy, Nl-Gn-S 2 Inel'egantly, Nl-Gnt-Z 2 Ineligibillty, Nl-JS-Blt Inellgible-y, N1-J2-B1 Inel'oquent, N-L 2 -Kwnt Inept', N-Pt 2 Ineptitude, N-Pt^-Td Inept'ness, N-P 2 -T-Ns Inequality, N-Kw-Z^T Ineq'uitable, N - K w - T 2 - Bl Iner'rable, N-R2-B1 Inert', N-Rt 2 Iner'tia, Nr-SH2 Iner'tion, N-Rsh_ Inertly, N-Rt 2 -z Inert'ness, N-Rt 2 -Ns Ines'timable-y, N-St-M- Bl Inev'itable-y, N-Vt 2 -Bl. See Unavoidable. Inevltableness, X-Vt 2 - Bl-Ns [IBs] Inexact', N l -Ks-Kt Inexcit'able, N-Ks-Ti-Bl Inexcus'able-y, N-Ks-Kz -Bis Inexcus'ableness, N-Ks- Kz-Bl 3 -Ns Inexer'tion, N-K-sKshn* Inexhal'able, N-K-st^-Bl Inexhaust'ed, N-Kss-Td l Inexhaustible, N-Kss- Inexhaustlbleness, N- Kss-T^Bl-Ns Inexist'ence, N-Kss-Tns8 Inexist'ent, N-Kss-Tnt 8 Inexorability, N-K-s/J'- Blt Inex'orable-y, N-K-sfi'- Bl Inex'orableness, N - K- s/ 2 -Bl-Ns [:B] NE Inexpe'dience, DM Inexpe'diency, N-Ks-P 8 - Dn-8 Inexpe'dient, N-Ks-P s - Dnt Inexpensive, N-Ks-Pns s - V Inexpe'rienoe, N-Ks-P 8 - Ras Inexpe'rienced, N-Ks-P : -.Rnst Inexpert', N-K-sPrt 2 Jnex'piable-y, N-Ks-P 8 - Bl Inexplicabil'ity, N-Ks- Pl-K-Blt Inex'plicable-y, N - Ks - Pl-K-Bl Inex'plicableness, N-Ks -Pl-K-Bl-Ns Inexplic'it, N-Ks-Pls-T Inexplor'able, N-Ks-Pl*- B-B1 Inexpresslble-y, H-K- sPrs*-Bl Inexpress'sive, N K - 8Prs-V Inexpressively, N-K- Inexpugnable, G-N-Bl Inexpugn'able, N - Ks - Pn 8 -B-L Inextinct', N-Ks-TS-NGt Inextin'guishable, N-Ks -T-NG-Gw-SH-Bl [-NO- SH- Bl] Inextir'pable, N-K-sTr*- P-B1 Inex'tricable, N-K-sTr*- K-B1 Ineye', N'-I Infallibility, N-F 8 -i-Blt Infallible-y, N-Fi-i-Bl Infal'libleness, N-F 1 -^- Bl-Ns In'famous, N-F*-Ms In'famously, N-F-Ms-i In'famousness, N-FS-Ms .* In'famy, N-F 8 -M In'fancy, N-FnS-S In'fant, N-Fnt 8 Infan'ta, N-Fi-N-T Infan'te, N-F>-N-T Infanticide, N-Fi-Nts-D In'fantile, N-F 8 -Nt-L In'fantine, N-Fnt*-N In'fantry, N-Fnt 3 -fi Infat'uate, N-F^-CHt, N- F-CH-Td, N-F>-CHt-NG Infatua'tion, N-F-CHshn Infeasibillty, N-Fz.Bl- T Infeaslble, N-Fz3-Bl Infect', N-FS-K-T. N-F2-K- Td, N-F-K-T-NG Infect'er, N-F-Ktr Infec'tion, N-F-K8hn 136 Infec'tious, N-F*-K-8Hs Infec'tiously, N - F 2 - K SHs-Z Infec'tiousness, N-F 2 -K- SHs-Ns Infective, N-F 2 -K-Tv Infec'und, N-F 2 -K-Nd Infecun'dity, N-F*-K-Nd T Infelicitous, N-F 8 -s-Ts Infelicity, N-F 8 -is-T Infer', N-F-B, N-F 2 -.R<J, K-F 2 -B-NG Infer'able, N-F2-JZ-B1 In'ference, N-F 3 -ns Inferen'tial, N-F 2 -5-N- 8H1 [N-F 2 -7Zn] Infe'rior, N-F 3 -K-K Inferior'ity, N-F l -R-R-T Infer'nal-ly, N-F-R-N1 Infer'rible, N-F S -K-B1 Infer'tile, N-F 2 --T-L Infertility, N-F3-.R-T-.a Infest', N-Fst*, N-Fs^Td, N-FstC) Infesta'tion, N-Fs z -Tshn Infest'er, N-Fstr* Infes'tive, N-Fs*-Tv Infestiv'ty, N-Fs 8 -Tv-T Infeuda'tion, N-FS-Dshn Infibula'tion, N-F 2 -Blshn In'fldel, N-F 8 -D1 Infidelity, N-F^-Dl-T Infil'ter, N-F^./.tr Infll'trate, N-F3-Z,-Trt, N- ^ 3 Z,-TrTd, N-F 8 -I,-Trt(-) Inflltra'tion, K - F 2 - L - Trshn In'finite, N-F 8 -Nt In'flnitely, N-F 3 -Nt-L In'flnitness, N-F 3 -Nt-Ns Infinites'imal, N-F'-s-X- T-sM-L Infinitive, N-F 8 -N-Tv Infinitude, N-FS-N-Td Infinity, N-F-N-T Infirm', N-F-R-M Inflrm'ary, N-F^-B-M-JZ Infirmity, N-F-B-M-T Infirmly, N-F^B-M-i Infinn'ness, N-F 2 -B-M- Ns Trifle, N-F 8 -Ks, N-F3-Kst, Inflame', N-F1-M, N-F1- Md, N-F1*-M-NG Inflam'er, N-Fl-Mr Inflammability, N-FP- M-Blt Inflam'mable, N-Fli-M- Bl Inflam'mableness, N - Fl'-M-Bl-Ns Inflammation, N - Fis - Mshn Inflam'matory, N-FU-Mt R Inflate', N-Flt*, N-Fl-Td. N-FltO* Inflat'ed, N-Fl-Td INF Infla'tion, N-Flshn* Inflect', N-Fia-K-T, N-F1*. K-Td, N-F1*-K-T-NG Inflection, N-Fl-Kshn Inflec'tional, N-Fl 8 -Kshn -L Inflective, N-Fl-K-Tv Inflexibility, N-Fl-Ks- B-Z,t Inflexlble-y, N-Fl 2 -Ks-B? Inflexlbleness, N - fV Ks-Bl-Ns Inflex'ion, N-Fl 2 -Kshn Inflict', N-F13-K-T, N-F1* K-Td. N-F1 8 -K-T-NG Inflict'er, N-FRKtr Inflic'tion, N-Fl^-Kshn Inflict'ive, N-Fl 8 -K-Tv Inflores'cence, N-Fi 2 -fis- N In'fluence, N-Fl-Ns, N- Fis-Nut, N-F13-NR-NG [N-Fs, N-F8t, N-Fs 3 -NG] In'fluent, N-Fl-> 7 t Influen'tial, N-F1 2 -X-SHJ [N-Fn] Inluen'tially, N-Fl-N- SHI [N-Fn 2 ] Influen'za, N-F1 2 -N-Z In'flux, N-Fls-Ks In fluxion, N-Fl-Kshn Infold', N-F 2 -Ld, N-F-Z- Dd. N-F-.Z,d-NG Infold'ment, N-F 2 -Ld- Mnt Info'liate, N-F^s-Z-T Inform', N-F-B-M, N-FL B-Md, N-Fi-B-M-NG [N- F, N-Fdi, N-FC) 1 ! Infor'mal-ly, N-Fi-B-M- L [N-F!-M-i] Informality, N-Fi-B-M- L-T [N-Fi-M-Zt] Inform'ant, N-F l -B-Mnt Information, N-F 2 -B- Mshn [N-Fshn 2 ] Inform'er, N-F-fi-Mr [N -Fi-Mr] Informlty, N-Fi-B-M-T Inform'ous, N-Fi-B-Ms In'fra, N-Fr 8 Infraction, X-Fr^Kshn Infract'or, N-Fr-Ktr Infralapsa'rian, N -Fr* - L-P-sRn [nframun'dane, N-Fr s - Mn-Dn Infran'gible, N-Fr^N-J- Bl Infre'quence, N-Fr- Kwns Infre'quency, N - Fr 8 - Kwn-8 [nfre'quent, N-FrS-Kwnt Infre'quently, N - Fr< - Kwnt-Z, Infrigida'tion, N-Fr*-J- Dshn Infringe', F-FrS-N-J. N- Fr8-N-Jd. N-Fr-N-J-NO INF Infringe'ment, J-Mnt Infrin'ger, N-Fr3-N-Jr Infruct'uose, N-Fr^K CH-S Infru'gal, N-Fr-Gl Infrugif'erouB, N- Frs Infuma'tion, N-F 2 -Mshn Infundib'ular, N-F 3 -Nd- B-Z-R Infundib'ulate, N - F 3 - Nd-B-Zt Infundib'uliform, N-F 3 - ls 7 d-B-Z-F-R-M Infu'riate, N-F 3 -Rt, N-F 3 - /S Td, N-F 3 -fit-NG Infus'cate, N-Fs~Kt Infusca'tion, N - Fs 2 - Kslm Infuse', N-Fz 3 , N-Fzd3, N-Fz3-NG Infusibillty, N-FzS-Bl-T Infu'sible, N-Fz 3 -Bl Infu'sion, N-Fzhn 3 Infu'sive, N-Fs 3 -V Infuso'ria, N-Fs 2 -B In'gathering, N 3 -Gdhr- NO Ingel'able, N-J 2 -Z-B1 Ingeminate, N-J 2 -M-N- T Ingemina'tion, N-J 2 -M- Nshn Ingen'erable, N-J 2 -Nr-Bl Ingen'erate, N-J 2 -Nrt, N- J2-Nr-Td, N-J^Nrt-NG Ingen'ious, N-J^-Ns Ingen'iously, N-J 3 -Ns-L Ingen'iousness, N-J 3 -Nsi Ns Ingen'ite, N- J2-Nt Ingenuity, N-J3-N-T Ingen'uous, N-J 2 -N-8 Ingen'uously, N-J 2 -N-S1 Ingen'uousness, N-J 2 -N- 8-Ns Inges'tion, N-Js 2 -CHn In'gle, NG8-G1 Inglo'rious, N-Gl-Ks 2 Inglo'riously, N-G1-B 2 - sL Inglo'riousness, N-G1- /Js'^-Ns In'got, N3-Gt Ingraft', Ni-Grft, N - Gr - F!-Td, Ni-Grft-NG IngrafVer, Ni-Grftr Ingraft'ment, Ni - Grf t - Mnt In'grain or Ingrain', N3or 2 -Grn-NG In'grate, N 3 -Grt Ingra'tiate, N-Gr-SHt 2 . N- Gr-8H 2 -Td, N-Gr-8Ht 2 - NG Ingrat'itude, N-Grt-Tdi Ingre'dient, N-Gr-Dnts In'gress, N 3 -Grs 137 Ingres'sion, N 2 -Grshn In'guinal, NG 3 -Gw-Nl Ingulf, N-G1-F 2 , N-G1- Ft 2 , N-G1-F 2 -NG Ingur'gitate, N-Gr-J 2 -Tt, N-Gr-Jt*-Td, N-Gr-J 2 -Tt C) Ingurgita'tion, N-Gr-J 2 - Tshn Inhab'ile, Inhab'it, -Td, N-haBt(-) 1 Inhabitable, N-haBt'-Bl Inhab'itance, N - haB 1 - Tns Inhabitancy, N - haBi - Tn-S Inhabitant, N-haB'-Tnt Inhabita'tion, N-haB 2 Tshn Inhab'itativeness, N - haBi-Tt : Vs Inhablter, N-haBtr* Inhabltress, N-haBi-Trs Inhala'tion, N-H-ishn 2 Inhale', N 2 -H1, N 2 -Hld, N 2 -Hl-NG Inhal'er, N-H1-K 2 Inharmonic, Ni-Hr-M- N-K Inharmonlcal, N 1 - Hr - M-N-K1 Inharmo'nious, N 2 -Hr- M-Ns Inharmo'niously, N-Hr- M-Ns-L 2 Inhearse', N 2 -Hrs, Inhere', NS-Hr, N^-Hrd, N 3 -Hr-NG Inher'ence, N 3 -Hrns Inher'ency, N-Hrn-S' Inher'ent, N^-Hrnt Inherently, N-Hrnt-Z3 Inherit, N 2 - Hrt, N - Hr- Td 2 , N 2 -Hrt(') Inhei^itable-y, N - Hrt- Bl 2 Inheritance, N-Hr-Tns 8 Inheritor, N 2 -Hrtr Inheritress, N-Hr-Trs 2 Inheritrix, U-Hr-Tr 2 -Ks Inhe'sion, N 3 -Hzhn Inhibit, N-hIBt, Td, N-hlBt(-) 8 Inhibi'tion, N-hlBshn 3 Inhib'atory, N-hIB-T-K Inhos'pitable-y, N - Hs - Pti-Bl Inhos'pitableness, N - Hs-Pti-Bl-Ns [IBsj Inhospitallty, N-Hs-Pti- L-T Inhu'man, N'-H-Mn Inhumanity, N-H-Mn- T i Inhu'manly, N3-H-M-N1 Inhu'mate, N a -H-Mt Inhuma'tion, N 2 -H-Mshn Inhume', N-H-M, N 3 -H- Md, N-H-M-NG INN Inimi'cal-ly, XS.M-K! Inimitabil'ity, N - M -T 3 - Bl-T Inimitable -y, X-M-T 3 -B1 Inim 'itableness, N - M - TS-Bl-Ns [113s] Iniq'uitous, N-Kw-Ts 3 Iniq'uitously, X-Kw-T 3 - sL Iniq'uity, N-Kw-T 3 Ini'tial, N-SH13 Ini'tially, N-.S7/1 3 Ini'tiate, N-SHt^, N-SH'- Td, N-SHt-NG Initia'tion, N-SHshn 2 Ini'tiative, K-SII^-Tv Ini'tiatory, N-SH^-T-K Inject', N-J2-Kt, N-J2-K- Td, N-J2-K1-NG Injec'tion, N-J 2 -Kshn Iniect'or, N-J2-Ktr In30in', N-Jni, N-Jnd 1 , N- Jn'-NG In^udi'cious, N-Jd3-SHs Injudi'ciously, N - Jd 3 - SHs-L Injudi'ciousness, N-Jd 3 - SHs-Ns Injunc'tion, N-J2-NGshn In'jure, N-Jr 3 , N-Jrd 3 , N- Jr 3 -NG In'jurer, N-Jr 3 -R Inju'rious, N-J 3 -ffis Inqu'riously, ~S-.J 3 -R-sL Inju'riousness, N-J 3 -Ss- Ns In'jury, N-J 3 -J2 Injus'tice, N-J 2 -sTs Ink', NG 3 -K, KG 3 -Kt (or NGt 3 ), NG 3 -K-NG Ink'glass, NG^-K-Gls Ink'horn, NG 3 -K-Hrn Inklness, NG 3 -K-Ns Ink'le, NG 3 -K1 Ink'ling, NG 3 -K1-NG Ink'stand, NG-K-sTnd 3 Ink'y, NG 3 -K Inlace', N-/;s 2 , N-st 2 , N- is 2 -NG Inlaga'tion, N-i 2 -Gshn Inlaid', N-Ld 2 Inland, N-Lnd 3 In'lander, N-indr 3 Inlay', N-Z 2 , N-id 2 N-i 2 - NG Inlay, N-Z 3 Inlay'er, N-i 2 -B Inlaw', N-Zi Inlet, N-it* Inlist', Nlst 3 Inly, Nl 3 In'mate, N-M-T 3 In'most, N 8 -M6t Inn, N 3 In'nate or Innate', In'nate ly or Innately, N-Nt-IA>r 2 In'nateness or Innate'- ness, N INN Innav'igable-y, N-N-Vi- G-B1 See Note under the word Illaudabln. In'ner, Nr 3 In'nermost, Ni^-Mst Innerva'tion, N-Nr-Vshn 2 Innerve', N-Nr-V, N-Nr- Vd N-Nr-V 2 -NG Inn'holder, N 3 -Hldr Inn'ing, N 3 -NG In'nings, N 3 -NGz Inn'keeper, N-K-Pr In'nocence, NsS-Ns In'nocency, Ns-N-8* In'nocent, Ns 8 -Nt In'nocently, Ns-Nt-L 3 Innoc'uous, N-N-K-Si Innoc'uously, N-N-K-SU Innoc'uousness, N l -N- Ks-Ns In'novate, N-Vt 8 , N-V- Td, N-Vt(-) 8 Innova'tion, N-Vshn* In'novator, N-Vtr 8 Innox'ious, N-N-K-SHsi Innox'iously, N - N - K. - 8Hsi-i Innox'iousness, N-N-K- 8Hsi-Ns Innuen'do, N-N-D* Innumerabil'ity, N-N- Mr-Bl'-T Innu'merable-y, N-N- Mr-Bl 8 'Innu'merableness, N-N -Mr-Bl 3 -Ns [IBs] Innu'merous, N a -N-Mrs Innutrition, N-N-Trshn 8 Innutri'tious, N-N-Tr- SHs .Tnnu'tritive, Inobserv'ance, Vns Inobserv'ant, N-B a -zJ2- Vnt Inoc'ulate, N-K-xt 1 , N-K- Z-^Td, N-K-Lti-NG Inocula'tion, N-K-shn 2 Inoc'ulator, N-K-/,tri Ino'dorous, N-Dr^-S Inoffen'sive, N-F 2 -Ns-V InoflFen'sively, N-F-Ns- V-L Inoffen'siveness, N-F*- Ns-V-Ns Inoffl'cial, N-F8-SH1 Inoffl'cially, N-F 3 -SOT Inoffl'cious, N-F 8 -Sfs In'olite, N-M 8 Inop'erative, N-P 1 -fit-V Inopportune', N - P 3 - R- Tn Inopportunely, N-pa-fi- T-N1 Inop'ulent, N-pi-Lnt Inor'dinacy, N-Rd^S Inor'dinate, N-Rd-Nt Inor'dinately, N-Edi-Nt- 138 Inor'dinateness, N-Bd 1 - Nt-Ns Inorganic, Nr J -Gn-K Inorganlcal, Nr>-G-N- Kl Inor'ganized, Nr-Gn-Zd Inos'culate, N-8i-Klt, N S^Kl-Td, N-S^Klt-NG Inoscula'tion, N - S 2 - Klshn In'quest, N 3 -Kwst Inqui'etude, N-Kw-Td> Inquir'able, N-Kw-.R 1 -! Inquire', N - Kw - R 1 , N - Kw-fidi, N-Kw-Ri-NG Inquiren'do, N-E.w-.K*-N -D Inqui'rent, N-Kw-.Rnt 1 Inquir'er, N-Kw-Rr 1 Inquiringly, NG1 Inquiry, N-Kw-JR 1 Inquisi'tion, N 3 -Kwz*Aw Inquisi'tional, N-KwzsAn IS Inquisi'tionary, N- Kwz*An-.R 3 The Shun- cnrl being continued up so that Ree may be joined at an angle. Inquisitive, N-Kwz-Tv 8 Inquisitively, N - Kwz - T-V1 Inquisitor, N 8 -Kwztr Inquisito'rial, N-Kwe-T 2 - Inrail', N-fil 2 , N-.Rld 2 , N- In'road, N-K 8 -D Insalu'brious, N-sZ, 3 -Brs Insalu'brity, N-sZ^-Br-T Insal'utary, N-sZ,ti-fi Insan'able, Ns-N-BH Insane', Ns 2 -N Insanely, Ns-N-L 2 Insanity, Ns-N-T Insatiability, Ns-SH 8 -Bl -T Insa'tiable, Ns-SH 2 -Bl Insa'tiableness, Ns-SH 2 -Bl-Ns [iBs] Insa'tiate, Ns-Sfl^-T Insa'tiately, N8-/SH2-T-Z, Insati'ety, Ns-T 1 -! Insatisfac'tion, Ns - Ts 1 - F-Kshn Insat'urable, Ns-CH'-fi- Bl In'scient or Insci'ent. N-SH 3 -NtorN-8i-Nt Insci'ence, N-Si-Ns Inscrib'able, nsKr-B^Bl Inscrib'ableness, nsKr- Bi-Bl-Ns [!Bs] Inscribe', nsKr-B', nsKr- Bd, nsKr-Bi-NG Inscrib'er, nsKr-Br 1 Inscription, nsKr-Pshn 3 Inscrip'tive, nsKr-Pt a -Y Inacroll', INS Inscrutability, nsKr-T'- Blt Inscru'table-y, nsKr-T 8 - Bl Inscru'tableness, nsKr- T 8 -Bl-Ns [iBs] Insculp', Ns-Kl-P s Insculpt'ure, Ns-Kl-Ptr* Inseam', N 3 -sM Insec'able, Ns-K-Bl 2 In'sect, Ns 3 -Kt Insect'ile, Ns-Kt-L* Insec'tion, Ns 2 -Kshn Insectiv'ora, Ns-K-T 8 -Vr Insectiv'orous, Ns - K - T 3 -Vrs Insecure', nsKr 8 Insecurely, nsKr-i 8 Insecu'rity, nsKr-T 8 Inseminate, N-sM-N-T Insemina'tion, N 2 - sM - Nshn Insen'sate, Ns-Ns-T 3 Insensibility, Ns - Ns - Insen'sible-y, Ns-Ns-Bl* Insen'sibleness, Ns - Ns - Bl 2 -Ns [IBs] Insen'tient, Ns s -Nshnt Inseparability, nsPr^-Bl -T for -Bit) Insep'arable-y, nsPr 2 -Bl Insep'arableness, usPr 2 - Bl-Ns ['Bsj Insert', N-sBt 2 , N-s^-Td, Inser'tion, N-sHshn 2 In'set, Ns-T 3 Inshad'ed, N-SH 2 -Dd Inshrine', N-5//rni, N- SHmV, N-SHrni-NG Insica'tion, Ns 2 -Kshn In'side, Ns-D 3 Insidious, Ns-D 8 -S Insidiously, Ns-D 3 -Sl Insidlousness, Ns-Ds 8 - Ns In'sight, Ns-T 8 Insig'nia, Ns 3 -G-N Insignificance, Ns-G-N- Insignif icancy, Ns-G-N- Insignif icant, Ns - G - N - Insignificantly, Ns-G- N-F 3 -K-Nt-L Insincere', : Insincerely, Insincerity, Ns-Ns-S^T Insin'uate, Ns-N-T 8 , Ns- N-Td 3 , Ns-N-T 3 -NG Insinua'tion, Ns 2 -Nshn Insin'uative, Ns-N-Tv 8 Insin'uator, Ns 3 -Ntr Insipid, Ns-Pd 3 Insipidity, Ns-Pd 8 -T Insipidly, Ns-Pd 3 -L Insipidness, Ns-P 8 -D-BTf Insiplence, Ns-Pns 8 INS Insist', Nss-T, Nss-Td 8 , Nss-T'-NG Insist'ent, Nss-Tnt 3 Insi'tion, NszAn 8 orNssAra 8 Insnare', Ns-N-B 1 , Ns-N- Bd, NS-N-R^NG Insnar'er, Ns-N-Rr 1 Inaobri'ety, nsBr 1 -! Inso'ciable, Ns-SH*-Bl In'solate, N-sLt 3 , N-s.6 8 - Td, N-sLt 3 -NG Insola'tion, N-sZshn* In'solence, N-sins 8 In'solent, N-sint 3 In'solently, N-sint'-L Insolid'ity, N-sI, 8 -D-T Insolubility, N-s/, 8 -Bl-T Insol'uble, N-s^i-Bl Insolv'able, N-sLi-V-Bl Insolv'ency, N-6L-Vn-S Insolvent, N-sLi-Vnt Insom'nious, N'-sM-Ns Insomuch', N-S 2 -M-CH Inspect', Ns-P2-Kt, Ns-P 8 - K-Td, N-sPS-Et-NG Inspec'tion, Ns-P*-Kshn Inspect'or, Ns-P 2 -Ktr Inspect'orate, Ns-P*-Ktr- T Inspect' orship, Ns-P s - Ktr-SH-P Insphere', Ns-F 3 -B, Ns- 139 INT Inspir'able, nsPri-Bl Inspira'tion, nsPrshn* Inspir'atory, nsPr l -T-J2 Inspire', nsPr 1 , nsPrd 1 , nsP^-NG Inspir'er, nsPr'-B Inspir'it, nsPrt* nsPr 3 Td. nsPrtC) 3 Inspis'sate, Ns-Ps 8 -T, Ns- Ps3 Td, Ns-Psa-T-NG Inspissa'tion, Ns-PssAn a Instabil'ity, Ns-Ta-Bl-T Insta'ble, Ns-T^-Bl Install', Ns-Ti-L, Ns-T 1 - Ld. Ns-Ti-L-NG Installa'tion, Ns - T 2 - shn Install'ment, Ns-Ti-i- Mnt In'stance, Ns - Tns', Ns - Tnst", N-sTns 3 -NG In'stant, Ns-Tnt Instantane'ity, Ns-Tnt 8 - N-T Instanta'neous, Ns-Tnt 8 - Ns Instanta'neously, Ns- Tntz-Ns-L InsUiuta'neousness, Ns- Tnf-Ns-Ns Instan'ter, Ns-Tntr 1 In'stantly, Ns-Tnt 8 -L Instar', Ns-T>-B Instate', Ns-Tta Ns-T-Td, Ns-Tt(-)* Instau'rate, NB-T-t, Ns- Instaura'tion, Ns - T* - fiftba Insum'cient, Ns-Fshnt* Insufla'ciently, Ns- 1 Instaura'tor, Ns-T*-fitr Fshnt 3 -!, Instead', Ns-Tda Insuffla'tion, Ns-FZ-islm Insteep', Ns-T"-P, Ns-T 8 - In'sular, N-s 3 -R Pt, Ns-T-P-NG Insularity, N-sii-7J-T In'step, Ns-TS-P In'sulary, N-si 3 -/e In'stigate, Ns-T 8 -Gt. Ns- In'sulate, N-sit 8 N-si 3 - T-G-Td, Ns-T 8 -Gt-NG Td, N-sit 3 -NG Instiga'tion, Ns-T*-Gshn In'stigator, Ns-T 8 -Gtr In'sulated, N-sZ, 3 -Td Insula'tion, N-sislin 2 Instill', Ns-T 8 -L, Ns-T- In'sulator, N-sitr^ Ld, Ns-T-L-NG In'sult, N-st 8 Instilla'tion, Ns-TS-Lshn Insult', N-sZ/t 2 , N-s2.Td, In'stillator, N8-T 8 -itr N-s//t 2 -NG Instill'er, Ns-T 8 -/,-E Instill'ment, Ns-T 8 -- Mnt Insult'er, N-str 2 Insultingly, N-sit 2 -NGl \ Insuperability, nsPr3-Bl Instinct', Ns-T-NGt -T In'stinct, Ns-TS-NGt Insu'perable-y, nsPr 3 -T',i Instinct'ive, Ns-T3-NG- Insu'perableness, usP J - Tv Bl-Ns Instinct'ively, Ns-TS-NG- Insupport'able-y, Ns- T-V1 ps-fit-Bl In'stitute, Ns-T 8 -T-T. Ns- Insupport'ableness, Ns- TS-T-Td, Ns-T 8 -T-T-NG PS-flt-Bl-Xs [IBs] Institution, Ns-T 3 -Tshn Insuppos'able, Ns-Pz 2 -Bl Institu'tional, Ns - T 3 - Insuppresslble, nsPrs 2 - Tshn-L Bl Institu'tionary, Ns-T 8 - Insuppresslve, nsPrs 2 -V Tshn-fi Insur'able, N-SHri-Bl In'stitutive, Ns-TS-T-Tv Insur'ance, N - SHms* In'stitutor, Ns-T-Ttr 8 [Ns 3 ] Instrat'ifled, nsTri-Tf-D Insure', N-SHr 3 , N-SHrd^, Instruct' , nsTr2-Kt. nsTr 2 N-SHrS-NG -K-Td, nsTr 2 -Kt-NG Insur'er, N-SHrs-E Instruct'er, nsTr 2 -Ktr Instruct'ible, nsTr 8 - Kt - Insur'gent, Ns-fi-'-Jnt Insurmountability, Bl nsR 3 -Mnt-B-Z,t Instruc'tion, n8Tr*-Kshn Insurmount'able, nsE 1 - Instructive, nsTr^-Kt-V Instruct'ively, nsTr^-Kt- Mnt-B(-L) Insurmount'ableness, \-L nsEJ-MntlBs Instruot'iveness, nsTr*- Insurmount'ably, nsE'- Kt-V-Ns [i Vs] Mnt-B(-Z) Instruct'or, nsTr 2 -Ktr Insurrec'tion, Ns - B 2 - Instruc'tress, nsTr s -K- Kshn Trs Insurrec'tional, Ns-A'^- In'strument, nsTrS-Mnt Kshn-Z, Instrument'al-ly, nsTr 2 Insurrec'tionary, Ns-fi 2 - '.Mnt Kshn-fi Instrumentality, nsTr 1 Insurrec'tionist, Ns-fi 2 - '.Mnt Kshn-St Instrument'ary, nsTr 2 - Insusceptibility, Nss- Mnt-fl Pt 3 -Bl-T(or-Blt) Instrumenta'tion, nsTr 4 - Insuscep'tible, Nss-Pt 2 - M-N-Tshn Bl Insubjec'tion, Ns-B-J- Intact', N-H-Kt Kshn [Ns-BshnS] Intact'able, N-Ti-Kt-Bl Insubmis'sion, Ns - B 8 - Intaglio, N-T 1 -^ Mshn Intangibility, Nt-N-J 8 - Insubor'dinate, Ns-B'- Bl-T fid-Nt Intan'gible-y, Nt-N-J'-Bl Insubordina'tion, Ns-B s - Intan'gibleness, Nt-N-J 1 Kd-Nshn -Bl-Ns Insurferable-y, Ns-F*-B Intast'able, N-Ts-Bl -Bl In'teger, N-T 3 -Jr Insuffl'cience, Ns-Fshns 8 In'tegral, N-T-Gr-L Insuffi'ciency, Ns-Fshn 3 - In'tegrally, N-T 8 -Gr- INT 140 Integrate, N-T-Grt i Intentay, Nt-Nt-L* Integration, N-T*-Grshn 1 Intent'ness, Nt*-Nt-Ns Integ'rity, N-T-Gr-T Inter', Nt-E* Nt-Bd, Nt- Integuma'tion, N-T-G- B 2 -NG Mshn In'ter, Ntr Integ'ument, N-T-G- Mnt Interact', Ntr'-Kt Interac'tion, Nt^-Kshn In'tellect, Nt-L-Kt Interam'nian, N-TrJ-M- Intellec'tion, Nt - L - Nn Ksho Interax'al, Ntr-Ks-Li Intellect'ive, Nt-L-Kt-V Intellect'ively, Nt-L^Kt- \-L Interax'illary, Ntr-K-sii- R Inter'calar, Ntr-K-ir' Intellect'ual, Nt-L-Kt-L Intellect'ualism, Nt-L- Intercalary, Ntr-K-i 2 -B Intercalate, Ntr-K-it^. Kt-Lz-M Ntr-K-Z,2-Td, Ntr-K-it^- Intellect'ualist, Nt-L*- NG Kt-Lst Intercalation, Ntr - K Intellectual'ity, Nt - L - Kt-i-T (Nt-Li-Kt-Lt) ishn* Intercede', Ntrs-D 3 , Ntrs- Intellectually, Nt-L- Dd 3 , Ntrs-DS-NG Kt-L Interced'ent, Ntrs-Dnt 3 Intel'ligence, Nt-L*-Jns Interced'er, Ntr-sDr 3 [N-Jns 4 ] Intercept', Ntrs-Pt 2 , Ntrs Intel'ligencer, Nt-L*-J- -p2-Td. Ntrs-Pt(-)* Ns- Intercept'er, Ntre-Ptr 2 Intel'ligent, Nt-L'-Jnt Intercep'tion, N trs - [Nt-Jnt 2 ] 1 Pshn* Intelligen'tial, Nt-L-J- Interces'sion, NtrssAn^ N-SHl Interces'sor, Ntr-Ss^-R Intelligently, Nt-L-Jnt- Interces'sory, Ntr-Ss 2 -R L [Nt-Jnt*tL] Interchange', Ntr-CH 2 - Intelligibil'ity, Nt-L 3 -J- N-J, Ntr-CH^-N-Jd, Ntr- Blt [N-J 3 -Blt] CH-N-J-NG [Ntr-CH 2 , Intel 'ligible-y, Nt-L-j- Ntr-CHd2 Ntr-CH(-)2] Bl [Nt-J-Bl] In'terchange, Ntr - CH 3 - Intel'ligibleness, Nt-L- N-J J-Bl-Ns [N-J 2 :Bs] Interchangeabil'ity,Ntr Intem'perance, N-T*-M- -CH8-N-J-BH [Ntr-CH- Prns [N-T2-Prns] Blt] Intern 'perate, N - T* - M - Interchange'able-y, Ntr Prt [N-T2-Prt] -CH*-N-J-B1 [Ntr-CH- Intern' perately, N-T 2 -M- TI_* r rXT mo !)* r i Bl] Prt-i [N-T-Prt-//] Interchange'ableness, Intern' perateness.N-T 2 -, Ntr-CH 2 -N-J-Bl-Ns [Ntr- M-Prt-Ns [N-T*-Prt-Ns] i CH^iBs] Inten'able, N-T-N-Bl I Intercip'ient, Ntrs-Pnt 3 Intend', Nt* - Nd, Nt - N - i Interclude', Ntr 3 - Kid, Dd 2 , Nt-Nd-NG | Ntr-Kl-Dd 3 , Nti^-Kld-NG Intend'ancy, Nt-Nd-N-S 2 Interclu'sion, Ntr 3 - Intend'ant, Nt 2 -Nd-Nt Intend'ed, Nt-N-Dd Intend'er, Nt 2 -Ndr Klzhn Intercolonial, N Nl Intend'ment, Nt 2 -Nd-Mnt Intercolumnia'tion.Ntr 2 Intenera'tion, N-T 2 - -Kl-M-Nshn Intercom'mon, NtrrN 1 , Ntr:N-Di, Ntr:Ni-NG Intercom'monage, Ntr :N-Ji i Intercommu'nicate, Intensify, Nt-Ns-F*, Nt-| Ntr:N 3 -Kt Ns-Fd 2 . Nt-Ns-F 2 -NG Intercommunica'tion, Inten'sion, Nt 2 -Nshn Nrshn Inten'sative, Nt-Ns-Tv 2 Intense', Nt 2 -Ns Intensely, Nt-Ns-L Intense'ness, Nt 2 -Ns-Ns Intensity, Nt-Ns-T 2 Inten'sive, Nt-Ns-V 2 Inten'sively, Nt-Ns-V 2 -i Intent', Nt*-Nt Inten'tion, Nt 2 -Nshn Inten'tional-ly, Nshn-i Ntr:N 2 -Kshn Intercommun'ion, Ntr :Nn 3 Interoommu'nity, Ntr : N-T 3 Intercos'tal, Ntr-Ks-T 1 -!, INT Intercur'rence, Ntr 2 - Krus Intercur'rent, Ntr*-Kr-Nt Interdepend'ence, Ntr- D 2 -Pnd-Ns Interdict', Ntr-D 3 -Kt, Ntr -D"-K-Td, Ntr-D 3 -Kt-NG In'terdict, Ntr-D 3 -Kt Interdic'tion, Ktr - D 3 - Kshn Interdict'! ve, Ntr-D 3 -Kt- V Interdict'ory, Ntr-D*-K- 1-R In'terest, Ntrsts, Ntrs- Td 3 , Ntrst(-) 3 . See Un- derstood. Interfa'cial, Ntr-F^-SHl Interested, Ntrs-Td 8 In'teresting, Ntrst(-) 3 Interfere', Ntr-F 3 -R, Ntr- fd. Ntr-F 3 -R-NG Interference, Ntr-F 3 - Rns Interferer, Ntr-FS-Rr Interfluent, Ntr-Fl 2 -Nt Inter'fluous, Ntr-Fl 2 -S Interful'gent, Ntr-F 2 -i- Jnt Interfused', Ntr-Fzd 3 Interfu'sion, Ntr-Fzhn 3 In'terim, Ntr 3 -M Inte'rior, N-T 3 -.R-.R Inte'riorly, y-^-R-R-L Interja'cence, Ntr-Js^Ns Interja'cency, Ntr-Js 2 -N- 8 Interja'cent, Ntr-Js 2 -Nt Interject', Ntr-J a -Kt, Ntr- J2-K-Td. Ntr-J2-Kt-NG Interjec'tion, Xtr-js- Kshn Interjec'tional, Ntr-J2. Kshn-Z, Interknit', Ntr^-Nt Interlace', Ntr-Z,s, Ntr- Lst*, Ntr-is 2 -Na Interlard', Ntr-Lrdi, Nts Lr l -Dd, Ntr-ird'-NG Interlay', Ntr-Z,2, Ntr-Z,. D, Ntr-i 2 -N In'terleaf, Ntr-^ 3 -F Interleave', Ntr - L* - V, Ntr-IAVd, Ntr-Z,3-V-NG Interline', Ntr-in 1 , Ntr- indi. Ntr-in'-NG Interlin'eal, Ntr-Z, 3 -Nl Interlin'ear, Ntr-in 3 -B Interlinea'tion, Ntr-Z.2- Nshn Interlin'ing, Ntr-in^NG Interlink', Ntr-3-NG-K, Ntr-i-NG-Kt (or -NGt), Ntr-Z 3 -NG-K-NG Interloca'tion, Ntr - Z 2 - Kshn Interlock', Ntr-ii-K, Ntr Nt- In'tercourse, Ntr 3 -Krs i Intercross', Ntr'-Krs Interlocu'tion, Ntr L*- Kshn INT Interloc'utor, Ntr - L l - Ktr Interloc'utory, Ntr-Zi- K-T-R Interlope', Ntr-i2-P, utr- Z 2 -Pt, Ntr-Z-2-P-NG Interloper, Ntr-.L 2 -Pr Interlu'cent, Ntr-Z.s 3 -Nt Interlude, Ntr-Z, 3 -D Interlu'nar, Ntr-L 3 -Nr Interlu'nary, Ntr-Z,n 3 -.R Intermarriage, N-Tr'-M -R-3 Intermarry, N-Tr^M-i?, N-Tr!-M-fid, N-Tri-M-.R- NG Intermed'dle, N-Tr.M- Dl, N-TrZ-M-Dld, N-Tr 2 - M-D1-XG Intermed'dler, N-Tr-M- Dl-R Interme'diacy, N-Tr*-M- D-8 Intenne'dial, N-Tr-M- Dl Interme'diary, N-Tr 3 -!!- D-R Interme'diate, N-TrS-M- Dt Interme'diately, N-Tr 3 - M-Dt-Z, Intermedia'tion, N-Tr*- M-Dshn Interme'dium, N-Tr 8 -!!- D-M Interment, N-Tr 2 -Mnt Intermigra'tion, N-Tr 2 - M-Grshn Inter'minable-y, N-Tr 2 - M-X-Bl Inter'minate, N-Tr 2 -M-N -T Intermin'gle, N-Tr 8 -!!- NG1, N-Tr3-M-NGld. N- Tr-M-NGl-NG Intermis'sion, N - Tr 3 - Mshn Intermis'sive, N-TrS-Ms- V Intermit', N-Tr-Mt, N- Tr-M-Td, N-Tr-MtC) Intermit'tent, N-Tr3-M- Tnt Intermit'tingly, N-Tr 3 - Mt-NGl Intermix', N-TrS-M-Ks, N-TrM-Kst, N-Tr-M- Ks-NG Jntermix'ture, N - Tr 3 - M-Kstr Intermon'tane, N-Tr 1 - Mnt-N Jntermun'dane, N-Tr 2 - Mn-Dn Intermu'ral, N-TrS-M-Bl Intei^nal-ly, N-Tr*-Nl Interna'tional, Ntr- Nihn-L 1 Interne'cine, Ntr-Ns-N Interne'cive, Ntr-Ns-V 3 141 Internun'cio.Ntr-Nn-Sfl 2 Interocean'ic, Ntr-SH*- N-K Interpellation, Ntr-P 2 - Lsha. Interpen'etrate, Ntr-P 2 - N-Trt Interplead', Ntr-Pld 3 , Ntr Pl"-Dd, Ntr-Pld(-) 3 Interplead'er, Ntr-Pl 3 -Dr Interpledge', Ntr-Pl 2 -J. Ntr-Pl 2 -Jd, Ntr-Pl 2 -J-NG Interpolate, I Ntr-P2-Z-Td. N NG Interpolation, Ntr-P 2 - Z.shu Interpolator, Interpos'al, Ntr-Pz 2 -L Interpose', Ntr-Pz 2 , Ntr- Interpos'er, Ntr-P 2 -Zr Interposi'tion, Ntr - Interpret, Ntr-Prt 2 , Ntr- PrVTd, Ntr-Prt(-) 2 Interpreta'tion, Ntr-Pr 2 - Tshn Interpretative, Ntr-Prt 2 -Tv Interpreter, Ntr-Prtr 2 Interpunc'tion, Ntr-P 2 - NGshn Interreg'num, Ntr 2 (-K)- G-N-M Inter'rer, N-T 2 -Kr In'terrex, Ntr-fi 3 -Ks Interrogate, Ntr-Gt, Ntr -G-Td 2 , Ntr 2 -Gt-NG Interrogation, Ntr 2 - Gshn Interrog'ative, Ntr - G - Tv> Interrog'atively, Ntr-G- T'-Vl Interrogator, Ntr^-Gtr Interrog'atory, Ntr-G-T 1 -R Interrupt', Ntr-Pt 2 , Ntr- PS-Td, Ntr-Pt(-) 2 Interrupt'edly, Ntr-P 2 - Td-i Interrupt'er, Ntr-Ptr 2 Interrup'tion, Ntr-Pshn 2 Interscap'ular, Ntrs-K- Interscribe', Ntr-sKr-B', Ntr-sKr-Bdi, Ntr-sKr-Bi- NG Interse'cant, Ntrs s -Knt Intersect', Ntrs 2 -Kt, Ntrs- K-Td 2 , Ntrs 2 -Kt-NG Intersec'tion, Ntrs*- Kshn Inte.sert', Ntrs-fits Intersert'ed, Ntrs-^-Td Interser'tion, Ntrs-fishn In'terspace, Ntrs-Ps 3 Intersperse', Ntr-sPrs*, Ntr-sPrst 2 , Ntr-sPrsS-NG INT Intersper'sion, xtr- sPrshn 2 In'terstate, Ntrs-Tt 3 Interstellar, Ntrs-T 2 -/,- E Interstel'lary, Ntrs-T^-i- R In'terstice or Inter' - Stice, Ntrs-Ts3or2 Intersti'tial, Ntrs-T3-SHl Interstrat'ified, Ntr - sTri-Tf-D Intertext'ure, Ntr-T 2 - Kstr Intertrop'ical, Ntr-Tri-P -Kl Intertwine', Ntr-Twn 1 , Ntr-Twiid 1 , Ntr-TwuJ-NG Intertwist', Ntr-Twst 3 . Ntr-Tws 3 -Td, Ntr-Twst 3 - NG In'terval, xtr-V 3 -L Intervene', Xtr-Yu 3 , Xtr- Vnd 3 , Ntr-Vu^-XG Interven'ient, xtr-vn 3 - Nt Interven'er, xtr-V 3 -Xr Interven'tion, Xtr-V 2 - Nshn Interver'tebral, xtr-V 2 - t-Br-L In'terview, Ntr-V 3 , Xtr- Vd3, Xtr-VS-NG Intervolve', Ntr-V'-L-V, Ntr-Vi-Z,-Vd, Xtr-Vi-i-V -NG Interweave', xtr-wV 3 , Ntr-wY 3 -XG Interwove', Xtr-wV 2 Interwoven', xtr-wVn 2 Interwork'ing, Ntr-WrZ. K-XG Interwreathed', Xtr-K 3 - DHd Intes'table, N-Ts 2 -T-Bl Intes'taey, J. T -Ts 2 -T-S Intes'tate, N-Ts-Tt Intes'tinal, N-Ts 2 -T-Xl Intes'tine, X-Ts 2 -Tn Inthrall', Nthr-H, Xthr- Ld 1 , Nthr-L'-NG Inthrall'ment, Nthr-Li- Mnt Inthrone', N-THrn 2 . N- THrnd 2 , N-THru 2 -NG In'timacy, N-T--M-S In'timate, N-T 3 -Mt, N-T 3 - M-Td. N-T 3 -MtC) In'timately, N-T 3 -Mt-i Intima'tion, N-T 2 -Mshn Intimidate, N-T 3 -M-Dt, N-T3-M-D-Td, N-T3-M- mo Intimida'tion, N T 2 - M- Dshn Intit'ule, N-T-Tl 3 , N-T 3 - Tld, N-TS-Tl-NG In'to, N-T a Intol'erable-y, i -Bl INT 143 Intol'erableness, N-T- Intromit', N-Tr3-Mt, N- ] Z,-R-Bl-Ns [:Bs] Tr-M-Td, N-Tr 8 -Mt(-) ] Intol'erance, N-T^-Rns Introspect', Ntrs-P-Kt. Intol'erant, N-T 1 -L- J Rnt Ntrs-PS-K-Td, Ntrs-P-Kt Intolera'tion, N-T 2 -X.- -NG Jttba Introspec'tion, Ntrs-P 8 - Intomb', N-T-M, N-T 8 - Kslui Md, N-T-M-NG Introspective, Ntrs-P 2 - In'tonate, N-T-Nt, N-T- Kt-V N-Td, N-T 8 -Nt-NG Introver'aion, N - Tr 2 - Intona'tion, N-T 2 -Nshn Vrehn Intone', N-Tn 2 , N-Tnd, Introvert', N-Tr^-Vrt, N- Tr-Vr-Td, N-Tr-Vrt(-) Intoxicate, Nti-Ks-Kt, Intrude', N-Trd 8 , N-Tr 8 Nt-Ks-K-Td 1 , Nti-Ks-Kt- Dd, N-Trd(-) 8 NG Intrud'er, N-Tr-Dr Intoxica'tion, Nt 2 - Ks - Intru'sion, N-Trzhn Kshn Intru'sionist, N-Trzhn- Intractability, N-Tr-Kt St -Bl-T(or -Bit) Intru'sive, N-Trs*-V Intract'able-y, N-Tr-Kt- Intrust', N-Trst 2 , N-Trs 8 - Bl Td, N-Trst 8 -NG Intract'ableness, N-Tri- Intui'tion, N-Tshn Kt-Bl-Ns [IBs] Intui'tional, N-Tshn 8 -L Intra'dos, N-Tr 2 -Ds Intran'sitive, N -Ti^-Ns- Intuitive, N-T-Tv Intuitively, N-T-T-V1 Tv Intumesce', N-T 2 -Ms, N- Intran'sitively, N - Tr 1 - T 2 -Mst, N-T-Ms-NG Ns-T-Vl Intumes'cence, N-T-M8 Intransmis'sible, N - -Ns Ti^-sMs-Bf-L) Inturges'cence, Ntr-Js 8 - Intransmutabil'ity, N - Ns Tr-8Mt-Bl-T Intussuscep'tion, N-Tss 2 Intransmut'able, N- -Pshn TrS-sMt-Bl Intwine', N-Twni, N- In'trant, N-Trnt 8 Twnd 1 , N-Twni-NG Intreat', N-Trt Intrench', N - Tr - N - CH. Intwist', N-Twst 8 , N-Tws* -Td, N-Twst 8 -NG N-Tr 2 -N-CHt, N-Tr 2 -N- Inuen'do, N-N-D* CH-NG In'uline, N-/,n 3 Intrench'ment, N-Tr-N- Inum'brate, N - M - Brt, CH-Mnt N-M-Br2-Td. N-M-Brt(-) Intrepid, N-Tr 2 -Pd Inun'dant, N-N-Dnt 2 Intrepidity, N-Tr-Pd-T Inun'date, N-N-Dt 2 , N-N- J-ntrepldly, N-Tr 2 -Pd-Z D 2 'Td. N-N-Dt(') 3 In'tricacy, N-T^-K-S Inunda'tion, N-N-Dshn* In'tricate, N-TrS-Kt Inurbanlty, Nr-Bni-T In'tricately, N-Tr 8 -Kt-L Inure', N-R3, N-Hd 8 . N-R 8 - In'tricateness, N-Tr'-Kt- NG Ns Inure'ment, N-R3-Mnt Intrigue', N-Tr-G, N- Inurn', N - Rn 2 , N - Rnd 2 , TrS-Gd. N-Tr3-G-NG N-Rn 2 -NG Intrigu'er, N-Tr^-Gr Inustlon, Ns-CHn 2 Intrigu'ery, N-Tr^-G-K Inutillty, N-T-/,-T Intrin'sic, N-Tra-Ns-K Invade', N-Vd 2 , N-V-Dd, Intrin'siual-ly, N-Tr^-Ns- N-Vd 2 -NG Kl Invad'er. N-Vdr 2 Introces'sion, N-TrsAn Inval'id,'N-Vi-I,d Introduce', Ntr-Ds 8 , Ntr- In'valid, N-V3-Zd Dst'. Ntr Ds3-NG Invalidate. N-Vi-Z,-Dt. Introdu'cer, Ntr-D 8 -sR N-Vi-Z,-D-Td. N-Vi-Z- Introduction, Ntr - D* - DtC) Kshn Invalida'tion, N-VS-i- Introduc'tive, Ntr-D-Kt Dshn -V Introduc'tory, Ntr-D*-K- Invalidity, N-V 8 -i-D-T Inval'idness, N-V!-Z,d- T-R Ns Introlt, N-Tr-T ! Inval'uable-y, N- Vi-i-Bl Intromission, N - Tr 3 - Invariability, N-V-B- Mshn Bl-T INV Inva'riable-y, N-V-7Z-BI Inva'riableness, N-VVR- Bl-Ns ItBs] inva'sion, N-Vzhn* jiva'siye, N-Vs 2 -V invec'tive, N-V 2 -K-Tv Invec'tively, N-vs-K-T- VI Inveigh', N - V*, N - Vd, N-VS-NG inveigh'er, N-V*-R Invei'gle, N-V 8 -G1, N-V- Gld, N-Va-Gl-NG Invei'glement, N-V 8 -G1- Mnt [nvei'gler, N-V3-G1-R Invent', N-Vnt*. N-VVN- Td, N-Vnt2-NG Invent'ful, N-Vnt2-F-L [nvent'ible, N-Vnt 2 -B-L [nven'tion, N-V 2 -Nshn Cnventlve, N-Vnt-V [nvent'or, N-Vntr 8 [nvento'rial, N-Vnt^-B-L In'ventory, N-Vnt-K. N- Vnf-.Rd, N-Vnt3-.R-NG Cnven'tress, N-Vnt 2 --Rs Inverse', N-VS-Rs Inversely, N-V 2 -Rs- Inversion, N-V 2 -JSshn Invert', N-V 2 -.Rt, N-V-B- Td. N-V-'-Bt-NG Inver'tebral, N-V*-Bt-Br- L Inver'tebrate, Brt Inver'tebrated, y- Br-Td Invert'ed, N-V2-B-Td Invert'edly, N-V2--Td- L Invert'ible, N-v-t-Bl Invest', N-Vst2, N-Vs 2 -Td, N-Vst2-NG Inves'tigable, N-Vs-T-a Bl Investigate, N-Vs 2 -T-Gt, N-Vs 2 -T-G-Td. N-V62-T- Gt-NG [N-Vs 2 -Gt, N-Va- G-Td, N-Vs*-Gt-NG] Investiga'tion, N-Vs*-T- Gshn [N-ys^-Gshn] Inves'tigative, N-Vs*-T- Gt-V N-VsS-Gt-V] Inves'tigator, X - Vs 2 - T- Gtr [N-Vs 2 -Gtr] Invest'iture, N-\ T R 2 -Ttr Invest'ment, N - Vs 2 - T - Mnt Invest'or, N-VstrS Invet'eracy, N-\' 2 -Tr-S Invet'erate, K-V 2 -Trt Invet'erately, N-V 2 -Trt-4 Invet'erateness, N - V*. Trt-Ns Invid'ious, N-V3-Ds Invid'iously, N-V^-D-sL Invid'iousness, N-V 8 -Ds- Ns Invig'ilance, N-V s -J-Z<w INV Invigllancy, N-VM-Ln- 8 Invig'orate, N-V-Grt, N V3-Gr-Td, N-V-Grt-NG Invigora'tion, N - V 2 - Grshn Invineibil'ity, N-V 8 -Ns- B-Lt Invin'cible, N - V 8 - Ns - B (-L) Invin'cibleness, N-V 8 - Ns-Bl-Ns [!Bs] Invin'cibly, N-VS-NS-B (-L) Inviolabil'ity, N-V-L- Blt Invi'olable-y, N-Vi--Bl Invi'olableness, N-V 1 -^- Bl-Ns [:B8] Invi'olate, N-Vi-it Invi'olated, Invisibil'ity, N-Vz-Bl-T Invis'ible-y, Invis'ibleneas, N-Vz 3 -Bl- Ns [iBs] Invita'tion, N-VS-Tshn Invi'tatory, N-Vi-T-T-K Invite', N-Vt, N-Vi-Td, N-Vti-NG Invit'er, N-Vtri Invit'ingly, N-Vt-NGl In'vocate, N-V-K-T, N- V 8 -K-Td. N-V3-K-T-NG Invoca'tion, N-V 2 -Kshn In'voice, N-Vs, N-Vst, N-Vs^-NG Invoke', N-V-K, N-V-K- T, N-V-K-NG Invol'ucel or In'volu- cel, N-V'or3-L8-L Involu'cre, N-V--Kr Invol'untarily, N - V 1 - Lnt-K-L Invol'untariness, N-V 1 Lnt-fl-Ns Invol'untary, N-V!-Lnt-fl In'volute, In'voluted, N-V-i-Td Involu'tion, N-V 8 -ishn Involve', N-V^i-V, N-V i-Vd, N-yi--V-NG Involv'edness, Vd-Ns Involve'ment, N-V>-Z-V -Mnt Invulnerability, N-V L-Nr-Bl-T(or-BltJ Invul'nerable, N-ys-L Nr-Bl Invul'nerableness, K- V 8 -i-Nr-Bl-Ns [iBs] Inwall', N-WU, N-Wldi, N-WU-NG In'ward, N-Wrd 8 In'wards, N-Wrdz 8 In'wardly, N-Wrd'-i Inweave', N-wV 8 , N wV 8 -NG Inwove', N-wV J Inwov'en, 143 IRR Inwork', N-Wr'-K, N-Wr- Kt, N-Wr*-K-NG Irrecov'erableness, Xr- Kv-K-Bl-Ns [:Bs] In'worn, N-Wrn' Irredeem'able, r 3 -D-M- Inwrap', Nr-Pi, Nr-Pt', Bl Nr-P'-NG Irredu'cible, Kr 3 -Ds-Bl Inwreathe', N-JfJ 3 -DH, N- Irrefragabil'ity, Rr*-Fr- # 3 -DHd. N-K-DH-NG G-Blt Inwrought', Nrti Irrefragable -y, .Rri-Fr- I'D, i+6 G-B1 I'odate, i-Datf Irref'utable-y or Irre- I'odid, i-Dd fut'able-y, Kr 2 or 3 -Ft-Bl I'odide, i-Didi Irreg'ular, RT--G-LT [r s I'odine, I-Dn' -G] lo'nian, i-Nn> Irregularity, Rr l -Q-Lr-T lon'io, i-N!-K [Rr-G] lo'ta, i-T* Irreg'ularly, Rr 2 -Q-Li-L Ip'ecac, P 8 -K-K [/2r^-G-//] Ipecacuan'ha, P>-K-K-N Irrel'ative, R2-it-V Irascibil'ity, i-Rs 8 -B-Lt Irrel'evancy, R 2 -i-Vn-S Iras'cible, I-Rs^B-L Irrel'evaut, R2-i-Vnt Iras'cibleness, i-Rgi-B-Z,- Irrel'evantly, W-L-Vni- Ns L Iras'oibly, I-Rsi-B-Z Irreliev'able, R 3 -i-V-Bl Irate', i-Rt Irrelig'ion, n 3 -L-Jn Ire, i-R 1 Irrelig'ious, H^-L-Ja Ire'ful, i-R!-ri Irrelig'iously, RS-i-j-g/- Irides'cenoe, ffi-Ds-Ns Irreme'diable-y, Rr2-Md Irides'cent, i^-Ds-Nt -Bl Irid'ium, ff 8 -D-M Irreme'diableness, Rr 3 - I'ris, i-Rs 1 MdiBs I'riscope, i-Rs^K-P Irremis'sible, Rr 8 -Ms-B I'rish, i-Ri-SH (-L) I'rishman, I-R^SH-Mn Irremis'sibly, Rr 3 -Ms-B I'rishism', i-R'-SHz-M (-L) I'rish Moss, i-R'-SH-Ms Irremov'able-y, Rr 3 -M- Irk', RS-K V-B1 Irk'some, R 2 -K-sM Irremu'nerable, Rr 3 -M- Irk'somely, R-K-sM- Nr-Bl Irk'someness, R--K-slI- Irreparabil'ity, Rr--Pi- Ns Bl-T(-Blt) I'ron (I-urn), i-Rn^i-Rnd 1 , Irrep'arable-y, Hr=-P-Bl i-Rni-NG Irrepeal'able, 7Zr 3 -P-Z,-Bl I'ron-bound, i-Rn^Bnd Irrepent'ance, ^r 2 -Pnt- Iron'io, l-Ri-N-K Ns Iron'ical-ly, i-R>-N-Kl Irreplev'iable, Ri"-Pl-V- I'ron-pyrites, I-Rn>-P-B- Bl Tz Irreplev'isable, ^r 3 - PI - I'ronsides, i-Rnsi-Ds Vz-Bl I'ronwood, I-Rn 1 -Wd Irreprehen'sible-y, Rr*- I'rony, i-R'-N Pr-Ns-Bl Irra'diance, JZr 2 -Dns Irrepress'ible, RT* - Prs - Irra'diancy, #r 2 -Dn-S Bl Irra'diate, r*-Dt, JJr 2 -D Irreproach'able-y, Rt*- Td, Rr 2 -Dt(') Pr-CH-Bl See Note under the word Irreprov'able-y, Rr*-Pi- Illaudable. V-B1 Irradia'tion, Kr-Dshn Irra'tional-ly, Risha^-L Irrepti'tious, Rr - P- T SHs Irrational'ity, Risbxt-L- Irresist'ance, Rrzs^-Tna T Irresistibil'ity, Krzs 8 -T- Irreclaim'able-y, Br-Kl Bl-T(-BH) -M Bl Irresist'ible-y, .Krzss-T- Irreconoil'able, Rr l ;sL- Bl Bl Irresist'ibleness, Rrzs 3 Irreconcil'ableness, jRr 1 T-Bl-Ns :sZ,-Bl-N8 Irres'oluble, .Rr^-zL-Bl Irreconcilia'tion, fir* Irres'olubleness, /Jr 1 - tsLshn zi-Bl-Ns Irrecov'erable-y, Rr*- Irres'olute, Rr 2 -zLt Kv-fi-Bl Jrres'olutely, Ri*-zLt-L IRK Irres'oluteness, Ri^-zLt- Ns Irresolu'tion, J2i Irresolvable, l Bl Irrespective, Rrs^P-Kt- V Irrespectively, fire s -P- Kt-V-I, Irres'pirable, Rrs*-P-R- Bl Irresponsibility, fire 8 - Pns-B-Lt Irrespon'sible, Srs^Pns- B-L [firs^Pns] Irreten'tive, fir^-Tnt-V Irretrieve'able-y, Ri 3 - Tr-V-Bl Irreverence, Rrv*-Rns Irreverent, Rr^-Rnt Irrev'erently, Riv-Rnt- L Irreversible, Brv z -.Rs-B- L Irreverslbleness, flrv 2 - #s-B-L->"s [:Bs] Irreversibly, Rrv* - Ra BZ, Irrevocability, tfr 3 -V- K-BH Irrevo'cable-y, #r-V-K- Bl Irrev'ocablenesss, RT*- V-K-Bl-Ns [IBs] Ir'rigate, Rr^Gt, R^-G- Td. Ri*-Gt-NG Irrigation, Rr 2 -Gshn Irrig'uous, Rr3-G-S Irrislon, Rzhn 8 Irritability, /J3-T-B1-T Ir'ritable-y, # 3 -T-Bl Ir'ritant, 3 -Tnt Irritate, 3 -Tt, J^-T-Td, Irrita'tion, fi-Tshn Irritative, 3 -T-Tv Ir'ritatpry, 3 -T-T-fl Irrup'tion, R^-Pshn Irrup'tive, R*-Pt-V Is, z 8 Note. Is is added as fol lows : to another small circle, whether following or preceding it, by making the circle large. (Amongthe examples below, see 7s as A* is. Is seen.) to a follow- ing thf. it or to, by making the circle into a small loop. (See Is the or to, What is the.) to a following ther< or their, by making the circle into a large loop (See It ttere, What is there, and to a preceding large circle, or to a loop whether large or small, by turning a small circle within it. (Sei At it it. As there is, Because there it. 144 Examples: "6" Isas Asia "ff Is seen Is the or Is to ( What is the o >; Is there k What is there ?_ As it is As there is "^ Because there is The circles and loops when standing alone are ilways made by a motion 'rom the right over to the ^eft: and both circles and loops should be commenced at the top. I'sagon, i-S'-Gn Ischiatlc, 8>-K-T-K I'singlass, l-Zi-NG-Gls Is 'lam, Z1 3 -M Is'lamism, Zl 3 Islamitlc, Zl- Isl'and, 1-Z.nd 1 Isl'ander, i-indr 1 Isle, i-Z, 1 Isl'et, i-Z,t Ism, Z 3 -M Note. The termination -WTO is written both Z-M and zM according to which makes the best junction with the previous portion of the outline. Isochromatlc, i-S^Kr- Mt-K Isoch'ronal, i-SJ-Kr-Kl Isoch'ronism, i-8 1 - Kr Nz-M Isoch'ronous, i-Si-Kr-Ns Isocli'nal, i-S'-Kl-Nl Isoge'otherm, i - S 3 - J - THr-M Isogeotherm'al, i-S*-J THr-M-/. Is'olate, 8*-Lt, 8 3 -i-Td Isoperim'etry, i-8 J -Pr M-Tr Isos'celes, i-Ss^-Lz I'sotlierm, i-Si-THr-M Isothenn'al, l-S^-THr V.-L Isoton'ic, i-Si-T-N-K Is'rael, Z-fil Israelite, Z3-fil-T Israelit'ic, Z-fil-T-K Is'raelitish, Z-fil-T-8H or z-lt-8H Is'suable, SH 3 -Bl Is'sue, SH 3 , SHd3, SH-NG [Sth'mus, 8- Ms or St 3 - Ms [t, T 8 . and sometimes by halving; thus. Which it. CHt* Of it, Vti On it, Nt Ital'ian, Ti-in Ital'ianize, T'-Ln-Z, T'- Ln-Zd, Ti-in-Z-NG Ital'ic, Ti-i-K Italicize, T l -Z,sz, T^isz- D. Ti-Lsz-NG Itch, CH. CHt*, CH 8 -NG Itch'y, CH It'em, i-T>-M, i-Ti-Md, i- Ti-M-NG It'erant, T 3 -JZnt It'erate, T*-Rt, T 8 -B-Td, Itera'tion, T-Bshn Iterative, T 3 -fit-V Itin'eracy, i-T 8 -Nr-S Itin'erancy, i-T 3 -Nr-N-S Itin'erant, i-T 3 -Nrnt Itin'erary, i-T 3 -Nr-fl Itin'erate, i-T 3 -Nrt, i-T 8 - Nr-Td, i-T 3 -Nrt-NG Its, Ts 3 , and by the halv- ing principle and the s- circle, thus. Of its. Vtsi On its. Nts 1 If its. Fts 3 Itself, T2-SL-F [Ts] I'vied, i-Vd 1 I'vory, i-Vi-K I'vory -black, I- I'vory-nut, i-V 1 I'vy, i-Vi Iz'zard, Zrd 3 Isola'tiqn, S-ishn Isomer'ic, I-S 4 -M-.R-K Isom'erism, i-S l -M--zM Isomet'ric, i-S 2 -Mtr-K Isomet'rical, i-8 2 -Mtr-Kl Isomor'phism, Si-M-JfJ Fz-M Isomor'phous, S>-M-^Z Fs Isop'athy, I-S'-P-TH Isoperimet'rical, i-S^-Pr Mtr-Kl J. J, the tenth letter of the Alphabet, in English words represents the sound of j, as heard in joy, jay, jaw t etc. In the common spelling the sound of j is often rep- resented by g, dg or dge, as in gem, edging, edge, etc. JAB Jab'ber, Ji-Br, P-Brd, Ji- Br-NG Jabberer, Ji-Br-B Ja'cent, Js"-Nt Ja'cinth, Js-N-TH Jack, Ji-K Jack-at-all-trades, Ji-Kt -L-Trdz Jack-a-lan'tern, J 1 - K - Lnt-Rn Jack-a-dan'dy, P-K-Dn- D Jack'al, J!-K1 Jack'alent, Ji-K-Lnt Jack'anapes, Ji-K-N-Ps Jack'ass, J'-Ks Jack'boots, Ji-K-Bts Jack'daw, <P-K-D Jack'et, J'-Kt Jack' -ketch, Ji-K-K-CH Jack'knife, Ji-K-N-F Jack'-plane, Ji-K-Pln Jack'-pudding, J'-K-P- D-NG Jack'-screw, J^K-sKr Jack'-staff, Ji-Ks-Tf Jack'-stays, Ji-Ks-Tz Jack' -straw, J!-K-sTr Jack'-towel, Ji-K-T-L Jac'obin, J'-K-Bn Jac'obine, J'-K-Bn Jacobin'ic, J 3 -K-Bn-K Jacobin'ical, J8-E.-B-N- El Jac'obinism, Ji-K-Bn-Z- M [-B-zM] Jac'obite, .P-K-Bt Jacobit'ic, J 3 -K-Bt-K Jacobit'ical, J 3 -K-Bt-Kl Jae'obitism, J'-K-Bt-zM Ja'cob's-ladder, J-K-B- 7.L&T Jaco'bus, JS-K-Bs Jac'onet, Ji-K-Nt Jac'quard, J!-Krd Jactita'tion, J2-Kt-Tshn Jac'ulate, Ji-K-Lt, Ji-K- i-Td. Ji-K-it-NG Jacula'tion, J2-K-shn Jac'ulatory, J^-K-Lt-R Jade, Jd2. J2-Dd, J1-D-NG Jad'ish, Jd2-SH Jag, Ji G Jagg, Ji-G, Ji-Gd, J^-G- NG Jag'ged, Ji-Gd Jag'gedness, Ji-Gd-Ns Jag'ger, J ] -Gr Jag'gy, J'-G Jaguar', Ji-Gr Jah, Ji Jail,J2-L JailTjird, J-L-Brd Jail'er, J*-i-R Jail'-fever, J2-i-F-Vr Jakes, JS-KS Jal'ap, J'-i-P Jal'ousie, J-i-8 Jam, Ji.M, Ji-Md, J-M- NG 7 145 Jamb, Ji-M Jan'gle, J'-NG-Gl, Ji-NG- Gld, J'-NG-Gl-NG [J 1 - NG1, Ji-NGld. J^NGl 1 - NG] Jan'gler, Ji-NG-Gl-E Jan'itor, Jntr 1 Jan'izary, J'-Nz-B Jan'senism, Jnsi-Nz-M Jan'senist, Jns'-N-St Jant'ily, J^N-T-Z. Jant'y, J'-N-T Jant, Jnti Jan'uary, J'-N-S [Ji-N. See June.] Japan, Ji-Pn, Ji-Pnd, J 1 - Pn-NG Japanese', J 3 -P-Nz Japan'ner, J J -P-Nr Japhet'ic, Jf 2 -T-K Jar, Ji-R. J'-Rd, Ji-B-NG Jar'gon, Jri-Gn Jargonelle', Jr^G-N 1 Jas'mine, J ! -zMn Jas'per, Js'-Pr Jaun'dice, Ji-N-Ds Jaun'diced, Ji-N-Dst Jaunt, Jnti, Ji-N-Td, Jnt'-NG Jaun'tily, Ji-N-T-Z, Jaun'tiness, J^N-T-Ns Jaun'ty, Ji-N-T, Ji-N-T- R, Ji-N-Tst Javanese', Jv 8 -Nz Jav'el, J-Vl Jave'lin, Ji-Vln Jaw, Ji. Jdi, Ji-NG Jaw'-bone, J ] -Bn Jaw'-tooth, J!-T-TH Jay, js Jeal'ous, J 2 -is Jeal'ously, J^-Ls-L Jeal'ousness, J a -Ls-Ns Jeal'ousy, J8-i-S Jean, Jn* Jeer, Ja-R, J 3 -Rd, Jeer'er, J*-R-R Jeertngly, J-S- Jeho'vah, J2-H-V Jeho'vist, JS-H-Vst [J- Vst] Jehovist'ic, J [JS-Vs-T-K] Jejune', J"-Jn Jejune'ly, Ja.j-Nl Jejune'ness, J 3 -Jn-Ns Jel'lied, J*-L-D Jel'ly, 3--L Jel'ly-flsh, J*-L-F-SH Jen'net, J2-Nt Jen'neting, J-Nt-NG Jen'ny, J 2 -N Jeop'ard, J 2 -Prd, J2-Pr- Dd, J2-PrdC) Jeop'ardize, J - Pr - Dz, J2-Pr-Dzd, J 2 -Pr-Dz-NG Jeop'ardous, J 2 -Pr-Ds Jeop'ardy, J"-Pr-D Jer'boa, Jr 2 -B Jereed', J 3 --D JOC Jeremi'ad, Jr'-M-D Jerk, Jr 2 -K. Jr^-Kt, Jr-K- NG Jerk'er, Jr 2 -Kr Jer'kin, Jr 2 -Kn Jer'sey, Jr 2 -Z Jess, Js 2 Jes'samine, J 2 -sMn Jest, Jst 2 . J 2 -sTd, Jst 2 -NG Jes'ter, Jstr 2 Jest'ingly, Jst 2 -NG-L Jes'uit, J^-zT Jesuit'ic, J 3 -zT-K Jesuit'ical-ly, J3-zT-Kl Jes'uitism, J 2 -zT-zM Jet, Jt 2 , J'-i-Td. Jt 2 -NG Jet-d'eau', ZH 2 -D Jett'eau, JS-T Jet'sam, Jt 2 -sM Jet'son, Jts 2 - N Jet'ty, J 2 -T Jew J3 Jew'el, J 3 -L, J3-Ld, J3-L- NG Jew'eler, J 3 -//-R Jew'elry, 3^-L-R Jew'ess, J 3 -S Jew'ish, J3-SH Jew'ry, 3*-R Jew's'-harp, J 3 -zR-P Jez'ebel, J^-zB-L Jib, JS-B Jib'boom, J3-B-B-M Jibe, Ji-B, Ji-Bd, J'-B-NG Jiffy, J3-F Jig, J 3 -G Jig'ger, J 3 -Gr Jig'gle, J 3 -G1 Jill, J 3 -L Jill'flirt, J3-i-Fl-fit Jilt, J 3 -Lt, ja-L-Td, J 3 -t- NG Jim'my, J 3 -M Jimp, J3-M-P Jin'gle, J3-NG-G1. J8-NG- Gld, J 3 -NG-G1-NG [J 3 - NG1, J3-NGld, J3-NG1- NG] Jin'go, J3-NG-G Jin'nee, J 3 -N Job, J'-B. Ji-Bd, Ji-B-NG Job'ber, Ji-Br Job'bernowl, J'-Br-Nl Job'bing-house, J 1 B - NG-Hs Job'bing-store, J 1 - B. NGstr Jock'ey, <n-K, J l -Kd, 3\ K-NG Jock'eyism, Ji-K-zM Jocose', J 2 -Ks Jocose'ly, J 2 -K-s/; Jocose'ness, J 2 -Ks-Ns Jocos'ity, JJ-Ks-T Joc'ular, J'-Kl-R Jocular'ity, Ji-Kl-R-T Joc'ularly, J^-Kl-Rl Joc'und, Ji-Knd Jocun'dity, J 2 -Knd-T Joc'undly. J>-Knd-Xi JOG 146 Joc'undness, Ji-Knd-Ns Jour'ney-work, Jr 2 - N- Jog, J'-O, Ji-Gd, J-G-NG Wr-K Jog'ger, J'-Gr Jove, Jv* Jog'gle, Ji-Gl, Ji-Gld, J- Jo'vial-ly, J2-V1 Gl- NG Jovial'ity, J-V1-T Jog' -trot, Ji-G-Trt Jo'vialness, J^-Vl-Ns Johan'nes, Ji-H-Nz Jo'vialty, J-V1-T John-Do'ry. Jn 2 -D-,R Jowl, J 2 -L John'ny-cake, J'-N-K-K Jowl'er, 3-or^-L-~R Join, Jn 1 . Jndi, Jn^NG Joy, J 1 . Jdi. Ji-NG Join'der, Jndr 1 Joy'ance, J ! -Ns Join'er, J'-Nr Joy'ful, J-F1 Join'ery, Ji-Nr Joy'fulness, J 1 - Fl - Ns Joint, Jnti, J>-N-Td, Jnt 1 - [J>:Fs] NG Joint'er, Jntr 1 Joy'less, 3^-Ls Joy'lessly, Ji-is-i Joint'ing-rule, Jntf-NG- Joy'lessness, Ji-is-Ns 1 [Jl J J[,s] Joint'ly, Jnt!-L Joint'ress, J^N-Trs Joy'ous, J ! -8 Joy'ously, J!-S1 Joint'-stock, J-Nte-T-K Joy'ousness, J>-8-Ns Ju'bilant, J-Blnt Joint'"-8tool, Ji-Nts-T-L Jubila'te, J 2 ori-B--T Joint-ten'ancy, Jnt*-Tn- Jubila'tion, J 2 -B-z,shn N-8 JuTjilee, 3*-B-L Joint-ten'ant, Jnt^Tn-Nt Juda'ic, J 2 -D-K Joint'ure, Jntr 1 , Jnt'-Bd. Juda'ical-ly, JS-D-K1 Jntri-NG Ju'daism, J 3 -D-zM Joist, Jst. Ji-sTd, Jst 1 - Ju'daist, J3-Dst NG Ju'daize, J3 - Dz, J3 - Dzd, Joke, J 2 -K, J 2 -Kt, J 2 -K- J 3 -Dz-NG NG Ju'daizer, J 3 -D-Zr Jok'er, J 2 -Kr Judge, J2-J, J 2 -J-D, ja-J- Jok'ingly, J 2 -K-NG1 NG Jole, J'^-L Jollifica'tion, js-L-F- Judg'er, J 2 -Jr Judge'ship, J 2 - J - SH- P Kslin [J2. J ; SHj Jol'lily, 3 l -L-L Judg'ment, J*-J-Mnt Jol'liness, J^i-Ns Judg'ment-day, J 2 - J - Jol'lity,Ji--T Mnt-D Jol'ly, 3 l -L, Ji-L-R. Ji-Lst Judg'ment-seat, J 2 - J - Jol'ly-boat, Ji-X,-Bt Mnts-T Jolt, J2-Lt, J 2 -i-Td, J-it- Ju'dicative, Jd 3 -Kt-V NG Ju'dicatory, Jd 3 -K-T-K Jolt'er, J 2 -Z,tr Ju'dicature, Jd3-K-CHr Jolt'head, J2-Lt-Hd Judi'cial, Jd 3 -8Hl Jon'quil, J^N-Kw-L Judicially, Jd 3 -5Hl Jo'ram, J 2 -B-M Judi'ciary, 3& 3 -SHr Joss'-stick, J'-RsT-K Judi'cious, Jds-SHs Jos'tle, Js^L, Js l -Ld, Js 1 - Judi'ciously, Jd :i -SHs-Z. LNG Judi'ciousness, Jd 3 -SHs- Jos'tler, Ji-st-B Ns Jot, Jti. Jt-Td, JU-NG Jug, J 2 -G. J 2 -Gd, J 2 -G-NG Jounce, Jns 1 , Jnsti, Jns 1 - Jug'gle, J 2 -G1, ja-Gld, J- NG Gl-NG Jour'nal, Jr 2 -Nl Jug'gler, J2-G1-B Jour'nal-book, Jr 2 . Nl - Jug'glery, J 2 G\-R B-K Ju'gular, J 3 -G1-B Jour'nal-box, Jr 2 -Nl-B- Juice, Js* Ks Juice'less, J 3 -sis Jour'nalism, Jr 2 -Niz-M Jui'ciness, J3-8-Ns Jour'nalist, Jr 2 -Nlst Jui'cy, J3-8. J 3 -S-B, J 3 -8st Journalistic, Jr^-Nls-T- Ju'iube, J3-J-B K Ju'lep, J 3 -z^P Jour'nalize, Jra-NIz, Jr 2 - Ju'lian, J8-in Nlzd, Jr 2 -Nlz-NG July', 3 l -L Jour'ney, Jr^-N, Jr 2 -N-D, Ju'mart, J 3 -M-Bt Jr 2 -N*-NG Jum'ble, J2-M-B1. J!-M- Jour'neyer, Jr s -N-B Bld. J 2 -M-B1-NG Jour'neyman, Jr*-N-Mn Jum'bler, J-M-B1-B JUT Jump, JS-M-P, J 2 -Mt, J- M-P-NG Jum'per, J2-H-Pr Jump'-seat, J 2 -M-Ps-T Jun'cate, J 2 -NG-Kt Junc'tion, JS-NGshn Junct'ure, J 2 -NGtr June, Jn3. See January June'ating, J3-Nt-NG Jun'gle, J2-NG-G1 Jun'ior, J s -Nr Junipr'ity, Ji-Nr-T Ju'niper, J 3 -N-Pr Junk, J 2 -NG-K Junk'et, J2-NG-Kt. J 2 -NG- K-Td, J2-NG-Kt-NG Ju'no, J8-N Jun'ta, J 2 -N-T Ju'piter, J 3 -Ptr Jupon', Ji-Pn Juras'ic, 3 l -Rs-Ti Jurid'ic, J3-fi-D-K Juridical -ly, J 3 -R-T>-Kl Juriscon'sult, .P-fls isit Jurisdic'tion, Jr 3 - sD - Kshn [JrS-sDshn] Jurisdic'tional, Jr 3 -sD- Kshn-L [J^-sDshn-L] Jurisdic'tive, JrS-sD-Kt- V Jurispru'dence, Jrs 3 -Pr- Dns [J^-sP-Dns] Jurispru'dent, J rs 3 - Pr - Dnt Jurispruden'tial, Jrs 2 - Pr-D-N-SHl [Jr 2 -sP-Dn] Ju'rist, J 3 -^st Ju'ror, 3*-R-R Ju'ry, J3-K Ju'ry-box, J3-7e-B-Ks Ju'ry-man, J 3 -Jfi-Mn Ju'ry-men, J 3 -R iMn 2 Ju'ry-mast, J3--Mst Just, Jst 2 Jus'tice, J 2 -sTs Jus'ticeship, J--sTs-Sff- P [J2- S Ts:SH] Justi'ciable, J 3 -sT-5^-Bl Justi'ciar, J^-sT-SHr Justiciary, J J -sT-SHr Jus'tiflable-y, Jst2-F-Bl [Js2-F-Bl] Jus'tiflableness, Jst2-F- Bl-Xs [Js^-FlBs] Justiflca'tion, Jst 2 . F Kshn [Js 2 -F-Kshn] Jus'tifloative, Jst 2 -F-K TV Jus'tificator, Jst 2 -F-Ktr Jus'tiflcatory, Jst 2 -F-K- T-.K Jus'tifler, Jst 2 -F-B Jus'tify, Jst 2 -F. JsH-Fd, Jst-F-NG [Js 2 -F. Js 2 -Fd, Js 2 -F-NG] Jus'tle, Js 2 -L, Js^Ld, Js* L-NG Just'ly, J 2 -sT-^ [J 2 -gi] Just'ness, Jsta-Ns Jut, Jt 2 , J 2 -Td, Jt 2 -NG JUT 147 KIN NG Keel'age, K-*-J Jute, Jt Jut'ty, J2-T Juvenes'cence, Jv - Ns - Ns Juvenes'cent, Jvs-Ns-Nt Keel'-boat, K-z,3-Bt Ju'venile, Jv 3 -N-L j Keel'er, K-Lv> Ju'venileness, Jv-X-L- Keel'haul, K-Z, 3 -H1, Ns Hid, K-Z, 3 -H1-NG Juvenil'ity, Jv 3 -N - L- 1 Keel'ing, K-IAXG Keel'man, K-IAMn Keek, K 3 -K i Kick'er, K 3 -Kr Keel, K-L3, K-Ld 3 , K-L- Kick'shaw, K-K-SH* Kid, K-DS Kiddle, K-t>l 3 Kid'dy, K-D, Kid'dling, K-D1 3 -XG Kid'nap, Kd-X-P 8 . Kd-X- Pt 3 , Kd-N-P3-XG Juxtapos'it, Ji-Ks-T-Pz- Keel'son, K-Ls^-N Kid'ney, K-D 3 -N T, J-K8-T-Pz-Td, Jl-Ks- Keen, Kn 3 . K 3 -Nr, Kn-St 3 Kid'ney-bean, K-D 3 -X- T-Pz-T-NG Keen'ly, K 3 -N1 Bn Juxtaposition, J 3 -Ks-T- Keen'ness, Kn 3 -Ns Kil'derkin, Kl-Dr^-Kn Pzshn Keep, K-ps, K-P2-NG Kill, K-L S , K-Ld a , K-L3- Keep'er, K-Pr 3 XG Keep'ership, K - Pr - SH Kill'dee,K-Z 3 -D K. [K-PrSiSH] Keep'ing-room, K - P 3 - NG-R-M Kill'deer, K-i-Dr Kill'er, K-ir 3 Killikinick', K-L^-K-X-K Keep'sake, K-P 3 -sK Kiln, K-L 3 Keeve, Kv 3 Kiln'-dry, K-i 3 -Dr K, the eleventh letter of Keg, K.2-G Kil'ogram, K-i 3 -Gr-M the Alphabet, invariably Kelp, K-L2-P Kilol'iter, Kl-/,tr represents the sound of k, Kelp'ie, K-Z-P Kilom'eter, KP-Mtr ns heard in fceel, A-ind. /dug. Kelt, K-Lta Kilostere', K-is'--T-R etc. Kel'ter, K-itr2 Kilt, K-Lt 3 K, at the beginning of Ken, Kn2. Knd, Kn2-NG Kil'ter, K-X,tr words, before n, is silent, Ken'dal-green, Knd-i 2 - Kim'bo, K-M-B 3 as in knack. fcuew, fcuow, Grn Kin, Kn 3 Ken'nel, K-X1, K^-Nld. Kind, Knd 1 , Kndri, Knd- In the common spelling K2-N1-NG St ; is often used to represent Ke'no, K 3 -N Kind'-hearted, Kudi-72- the sound of k; as in cane, Ken'tle, K-Xt-L2 Td came, cool, cap, etc. Kent'ledge, Knt-i-J Kind'-heartedness, In many words ch has the Kept, K-Pt 2 Kndi-fi-Td-Ns Bound of k; as in cAaos, Ker'chief, Kr-CHf2 Kin' die, K-Xd-L 3 , K-Xd- cAord, ch&sm, etc. Kerf, K-li& Ld2, K-Xd-L 3 -NG Kail, K-L2 Ker'mes, Kr 2 -Mz Kin'dler, K-Nd-ir 3 Kai'ser, K-Zr* Kern, K-^n 2 , K-Knd 2 , K- Kind'liness, Knd-L^Ns Kalei'doscope, Kl-Di- ^in 2 -NG Kindly, Knd-L 1 , Knd-Zi- sK-P Ker'nel, Kr 2 -Nl R, Knd-Lsti Kal'endar, KU - Ndr(or Ker'osene, K-Ks 2 -N Kind'ness, Kndi-Ns Klndri) Ker'sey, K-1&-Z Kin'dred, Knd-d 3 Kal'ends, K-Z,nds' Ker'seymere, K-B2-Z-M- Kine, Kn 1 Ka'li, K-za B Kine'-pox, Kn 1 -P-Ks Ka'lif, K-Z 2 -F Kes'tral, K-sTr2-L King, K 3 -XG Ka'lium, K-Z-M Ketch, K-CH2 King'bird, K-NG-Brd 3 Kal'mia, K-H-M Ketch'up, K-CH2-P King'-crab, K 3 -NG-Kr-B Kaloy'er, K-X,'-R Ket'tle, K-Tl 2 King'craft, K 3 -XG-Krft Kal'somine, Kl>-sMn Ket'tle-drum, K-T12-Dr- King'cup, K-XG-K-P 3 Kam'sin, K'-Ms-N M King'dom, K-XG-D 3 -M Kanak'a, Ki-N-K Ket'tle-pin, K-Tl 2 -Pn [K 3 ] Kangaroo', K 3 -XG-Gr Kex, K 2 -Ks King'flsh, K-NG-F 3 -5ff Kant'ian, Knti-N Key, K 3 , K-D 3 , K*-NG King'flsher, K-NG-F* Ka'olin, K-Ln^ Key'age, K-J 3 SHr Ka'rob, K-i^-B Key'-board, K 3 -Brd King'-killer, K 3 -NG-K Ka'tydid, K-T^-Dd Keyed, K-D 3 Lr Kaw, Ki Key'-hole, K-H1 Kingliness, K 3 -NGl-Ns Kay'ak, K-K Key'-note, K-Nt King'-like, K 3 -NG-Z-K Kayle, K-L Key'-seat, Ks'-T Kingly, K 3 -NG1, K-NG1. Keb'lah, K-B^-i Key'-stone, Ks 3 -Tn R, K 3 -NGlst Keck, K2-K, K-K-T, K8-K Kha'lif, K-i-F King' -post, K-NG-Pst -NG Khan, Kn 1 King's'-Bench, K 3 -NGz- Keckle, K^-Kl, K^-Kld, Khan'ate, Kn-T B-N-CH K2-K1-NG Khedive', K-Dvs King's'-evil, K 3 -NGz-V-L Keck'sy, K-K-Ss Kibe, K-B King'ship, K-NG-SH 3 -P Kedge, K-J2, K-Jd, K-J- Kibifka, K-Bt-K [K 3 -NG'.SH] NG Kick, K.S-K, K-K-T8, K'-K- Kink, K 3 -NG-K, K 8 -NGt Eedg'er, K-Jr" NG K 3 -NG-K-NG KIN 148 Kinnikfnio , K-N-K-N-K : Knelt, N-Lt. Ki'no, Ri-N i Knew, N, with tick joined Kins'lblk, K-Nz-F 3 -K finally in the direction of Kin'ship, Kn-SH 3 -P CH. Kins'man, Knz 3 -Mn Knick'nack, N-K-N-K Kins'woman, Knz-W 8 - Knife, N-F Mn Kniie'-tray, N-Fi-Tr Kiosk', K-S!-K Knight, Nt>, N-Tdi, Nti- Kip, K-P 3 NG Kip'per, K-Pr, K-Prd 8 , Knight-er'rant, N-T- K-Pi^-NG Rnt Kip'-skin, K-PS-sKn Knight-er'antry, N-T- Kirk, Kr-K Rnt-R Kirk'man, Kr^-K-Mn Knight'hood, N-Ti-Hd Kirsch'wasser, Kr-SH 3 - Knight'liness, Nt-Li-Ns Ws-B Knight'ly, Nt-L Kir'tle, Krt-L* Knit, Nt 3 , N-Td 3 , Nt 3 -NG Kiss, Ks<i, Kst, Ks 3 -NG Knit'ter, Ntr Kiss'er, K-sR 3 Knit'ting, Nt 3 -NG Kiss'ing-comflt, Ks-NG Knit'ting-needle, Nt- !Ft NG-N-D1 Kiss'ing-crust, Ks 3 -NG- Knives, N-Vzi Krst Knob, N-Bi Kit, Kt 3 Knob'biness, N-B'-Ns Kit'-cat, K-T-Kt Knob'by, N-Bi Kitch'en, K-CHn 8 Knock, N-K, N^Kt, N 1 - Kite, Kt 1 K-NG Kite'-flying, Kt-FU-NG Kith, K-TH Knock'down, N-K-Dn^ Knock'er, N'-Kr Kit'ten, Kt 3 -N, Kt 8 -Nd, Knock'-kneed, Ni-K-Nd Kt-N-NG Knoll, N-L Kit'ti-wake, K-T 3 -W-K Knop, N-P 1 Kleptoma'nia, El-Pt2-M- Knot, Nt', N-Td, Nt>-NG N Knot'-grass, Nti-Grs Klick, K1 3 -K Knot'tiness, N-T'-Ns Knab, N-Bi, N-Bdi, N-B'- Knot'ty, N-Ti, N-Ti-B, N- NG Tst Knack, Ni-K Knout, Nt' Knaek'er, N l -Kr Know, N 2 . N8-SG Knag, N-G Know'able, N-BI* Knag'gy, Ni-G Know'est, N-St 2 (or Nst) Knap, N-Pi, N-Pti, N-P- Know'ingly, K-NG1 NG Knowl'edge, Nl-Ji UN- Knap'ple, N-PU Knap'sack, N-P^sK Knar, N-Ri Knarl, N-fil 1 Known, Nn 2 Knuck'le, N 2 -K1, N-Kld, Knarled, N-ld Knur, N-B* Knave, N-V* Knurl, N-jBl 2 Knav'ery, N-V*-K Knurl'y, N-fil 2 , N-K1-B, Knav'ish, N-V-5// N-filst 2 Knav'ishly, N-V 2 -Sfll Knav'ishness, X-\*-SH- Ko'balt, K-Blt 2 Ko'bold or Kob'old, K- K0 Bld Knead, N-D 3 , N-Dd 3 , N-D 8 Ko'peck, K-P-K -NG Ko'ran, K-fin* Knead'er, N-Dr 3 Kou'mis. K^-Ms Knead'ing-trough, N- ! Kowtow', K-T 1 Da-NG-Trf Kraal, Kr-L Knee, N 3 KraTen,Kr 2 -Kn Kneed, N-D 3 Krem'lin, Kr-M-Z,n 2 Knee'-deep, N* D-P Kre'osote, Krs-T Knee'-high, N-H Krul'ler, Kr-Zr Knee'-joint, N 3 -Jnt Ku'flc. K-F 3 -K Kneel, N-L 8 , N-Ld, N-L- Ku'miss, K 3 -Ms NG Kneel'er, N-Z,r Ky'anize, K^Nz, K^-Nzd, K'-NZ-NG Knee'-pan, N 8 -Pn K"1ill V-T 2 V-Tj12 M T Kyriolog'ic, K-RJ-Z-J-K LAC L. L, the twelfth letter of the Alphabet, always represents the sound of I as heard in Zay, Jay, feeZ, etc. LI, like other double let- ters, generally has the sound of single I, as in tall, call, fully, Llama,, etc. See remarks under Bb and II- laudable. L is sometimes silent, as in tu/k, walk, etc. La(lah), X,i La (law). L 1 Lab'arum, ./^-Br-M Labefac'tion, zi - B - F - Kshn La'bel, Z 2 -B1, L^-Em, L*- Bl-NG Label'lum, i 2 -B-L-M LaTsent, i 2 -Bnt La'bial, 1,2-B-L La'biate, Z S -B-T Lariated, z,2-B-Td Labiodent'al, i^-B-Dnt- L La'bor, 2-Br, Z 2 -Brd, Z- Br-NG Lab'oratory, ^-Brt-fi La'borer, /,2-Br-B Labo'rious, i 2 -B-Rs Laboriously, L^-B-B-BL Labo'riousness, z, 2 - B - s-Ns La'borsome, Z^-Br-sM Lab'yrinth, ii-Br-N-TH Laby rinth'ian, L 3 Br - N-THn Labyrinth'ic, TH-K Labyrinth'ical, TH-K1 Labyrinth'ine, i-Br-N- THn Lac, L'-K iLace, is 2 . Lst 2 , Zs 2 -NG Lace'-maker, //s 2 -M-Kr Lac'erable, is'-fi-Bl Lac'erate, Ls l -Rt, LB I -R- Td, is'-/et-NG Lacera'tion, Zs 2 -fishn Lac'erative, is'-fit-V Lacer'ta, /.s 2 -fi-T Lace'-woman, is 2 -W-Mn Lache, Z-i-CH Lach'es, Z'-CHz Lach'rymal, /.J-Kr-Ml Lach'rymary, Z-i-Kr-M- R Lach'rymatory, i>-Kr Mt-K Lach'rymose, La'cing, Ls LAO Lack, Zi-K, zi-K-T, i-K- NG Lackaday', Z 2 -K-D Lackadai'sica 1, /,- K- Dz-Kl Lackadai'sy, Z 2 -K-D-Z Lack'brain, ZLK-Brn Lack'er, Z^Kr Lack'ey, i-K Laak'luster, Zi-K-Zstr Lacon'ic, Z/i-K-N-K Lacon'ics, Zi-K-N-Ks Lacon'ical-ly, Zi-K-N- Laeon'icism, ZA-Kn-Sz- M Lac'onism, Z^Kn-Z-M Lac'onize, Z^Kn-Z, Z 1 - Kn-Zd, Zi-Kn-Z-NG Lac'quer, Z^-Kr, i-Krd, Iiac'tate, Lacta'tion, z 2 -K-Tshn Lac'teal, Z^K-T-L Lac'tean, Zi-K-Tn Lac'teous, Z'-K-Ts Lactes'cence, z 2 -K-Ts- Ns Lactes'cent, z z -K-Ts-Nt Lac'tic, Z!-K-T-K Lactiferous, L-K-T-Frs Lactom'eter, i>-K-T-Mtr Lacus'tral, Z 2 -K-sTr-L Lacus'trine, I-^-K-sTrn Lad, Z,i D Lad'anum, i^-D-N-M Lad'der, Z,i-Dr Lad'die, L^-Di Lade, z, 2 -r>, z,-Dd, X.S.D. NO Lad'en, .*-Dn Lad'ing, Z, 2 -D-NG La'dle, W-Vl, L*-Vld, L*- Dl-NG Ladrone', i-Drn La'dy, i*-D La'dy-bird, JC,-D-Brd La'dy-bug, i-D-B-G La'dy-day, Z.2-D-D La'dykin, L^-D-Kn La'dylike, W-L-TS. La'dy-love, /AD-i-V La'dyship, L* - D - SH-P [Z,2-D :SH] La'dy ' s- slipper, Z z - D - La'dy's-tresses, L*-Vz- Trss Lag, Z,i-G, Z-i-G-D. X.1-G- NG La'ger-beer, L'-Gr-Br Lag'gard, Z'-Grd Lag'ger, Z-^Gr Lagoons Z,-Gn La'ic, ZXK La'ical, Laid, Z.2-D Lain, iu^ Lair, Z-r 1 Laird, Z-rd 1 La'ity, Z,-T 149 Lake, i-K Lake'let, i*-K-Z-t La'kin, Z,-Kn Lalla'tion, La'ma, /AM Lamb, Z,-M Lam'bative, ii-M-B-Tv Lamb'dacism, Z-i-M-D- szM Lambdoid'al, i-M-D-Dl LamTjent, Z-'-M-Bnt Lamb'kin, Z,i-M-Kn Lamb'like, zi-M-Z-K Lam'brequin, Z.!-M-Br Kn Lamb's-wool, Zi-Mz-Wl Lame, (a.) Z-2-M, L-Mr, L2-Mst Lame, (.) Z--M, Z,s-Md. Z-M-NG Lam'el, Z,-M1 Lam'elar, Z'-Ml-B Lam'elate, Z J -M1-T Lam'elated, Zi-Ml- Lamel'liform, //" - Ml - F (-R-M) Lame'ly, Z 2 -M1 Lame'ness, Z 2 -M-Ns Lament', Z 2 -Mnt, Z 2 -Mn- Td, Z 2 -Mnt-NG Lam'entable, zi-Mnt-B- L Lamenta'tion, Z - Mn - Tshn Lament'er, L*-Mntr La'mia, Z 2 -M Lam'ina, Z'-M-N Lam'inable, Z^M-N-Bl Lam'inar, Z^M-Nr Lam'inate, Zi-M-N-T Lam'inated, Zi-M-N-Td Lamina'tion, Z 2 -M-Nshn Lamm, Z!-M, Z,i-Md, Z 1 - M-NG Lam'mas, Z'-Ms Lam'mergeir, Z'-Mr-G- B Lam'mergeyer, Zi-Mr- G-B Lamp, Z>-M-P Lam'pass, Z^M-Ps Lamp'-black, Zi-M-P- Bl-K Lam'per-eel, Z^-M-Pr-L Lampoon', Z^-M-Pn, Z- M-Pnd, Z-M-Pn-NG Lampoon'er, Z3-M-P-Nr Lam'prey, zi-M-Pr La'nary, Ln^-R La'nate, Z s -Nt La'nated, Z 2 -N-Td Lance, ins 1 , Z^Nst, L^- Ns-NG Lan'ceolate, Zn^-8-Zt Lan'ceolated, iu'-S-Z- Td Lan'cer, Z4-Ns-B Lan'cers, Z^Ns-Bz Lan'cat, Z^Ns-T Lance'-wood, Z-aB>-Wd LAN Launch, Z'-N-CH, CHt. Zi-N-CH-NG Lan'ciform, Zni-S-Fr-M Lan'cinate, Zni-S-Nt. Zn l -8-N-Td. Zu>-S-Nt-NG Lancina'tion, Zn 2 -S- Nshn Land, Znd 1 , Zi-N-Dd, Znd'-NG Lan'damman, Z>-N-D- Mn Lan'dau, Z' N-D Landaulet', z 2 -N-D-Zt Land'fall, Zndi-F-L Land'-force, Znd^F-Bs Land'-fowl, Ziidi-F-L Land'-grave, Znd'-Grv Landgrav'iate, Znd'-Gr- V-T Land'gravine, Zud'-Gr- Vn Land'-holder, Zud'(-H)- Zdr Land'ing-place, Zud 1 - NG-Pls Land'-jobber, Zndi-J-Br Land'lady, Znd'-Z-D Land'less, ind^Zs Land'lock, Znd>-Z-K Land'lord, Znd 1 - Z - JJd [Znd'-Zd] Land'lubber, Znd J -Z-Br Land'man, Znd'-Mn Land'mark, Znd^M-jR-K Land'-omce, ZucU-Fs Land'-rent, Zud^ffut Land'scape, Zndsi-K-P Lands'man, Ludz'-Mn Land'-surveyor, Znds 1 - Jjand -tax, Znd -T-Ks Land'ward, Znd 1 - Wrd [Zndi-Wd] Lane, Zn Lan'grage, Zi-NG-Gr-J Lan'grel, Z'-NG-Gr-L Lang'syne, Zi-NGs-N Lan'guage, Zi-NG-Gw-J Lan'guaged, Zi-NG-Gw- Jd Lan'guid, Zi-NG-Gwd Lan'guidly, Zi-NG-Gwd- L Lan'guidness, Z-i - NG - Gwd-Ns Lan'guish, Z^NG-Gw- SH, Z^NG-Gw-SHt, Z- NG-Gw-SH-NG [Z^NG- SH, Z^NG-SHt, Z!-NG- 8H-NG] Lan'guisher, Z^NG-Gw- SHr Lan'guishingly, Z^KG- Gw-SH-NGl [Zi-NG-SH- NG1] Lan'guishment, Z J -NG Gw-SH-Mnt [Zi-NG-SH Mnt] Lan'guor, Zi-NG-Gw-B LAN 150 Lard'-oil, Lrfr-L La'res, Z 8 -flz Large, Zr'-J, Lr l -Jt, Li 1 - Jst [J. Jr\ Jst>] Largely, Zr'-J-Z [Jl 1 ] Large'ness, Zr^J-Ns [J 1 - Ns] Lar'gess, Zr'-Js Larghet'to, Zr*-G-T Lar'go, Zri-G Lariat, Z1-.K- X Lark, Lr l -S., Zr^K-T, Zr 1 - K-NG Lark'spur, Zri-Ks-P-B Lar'mier, Zr'-M-E Lar'rup, L l -R-P Lar'um, Zi^-M Lar'va, Zri-V Lar'vated, Zr'-V-Td Larve, Zr'-V Larynge'al, Zr 3 -!!- J-L Larynge'an, Zr'-N-Jn Laryngi'tis, Zr^N-J-Xs Laryn'goscope, Zr 8 - N - Gs-K-P Laryngos'copy, Zr 1 - N - Gs-K-P Laryngot'omy, Zi^-N-Gt- M Lar'ynx, Zr^NG-Ks Las'car or Lascar', Zs 1 - Kr Lascivious, Ls s -\s Lasciviously, Z8 8 -Vs-L Lascivlousness, Zs s -Vs- Ns Lash, Zi-SH, H-SH-T, Z- 8H-NG Lash'er, Z^SHr Lass, Zs l Lassie, Z'-S Las'situde, Zs ] -Td Las'so, Z'-S, Z8 ! -D. Z'-S- NG Last, Zsti, ZsM Lastingly, Zst'-NG-L Lastlngness, l Lastly, Ls l -L Lataki'a, Z-T-K Latch, Z^CH, Z^CHt, Z>- CH-NG Latch'et, zi-CHt Latch'-key, Z-CH-K Late, Zt2, Ztr 2 , Z*-Tst w Ltst' Lately, Zt'-Z Lat'ency, Z^-Tn-S Late'ness, Zt 2 -Ne La'tent, Z*-Tnt La'tently, Z-Tnt-L Lat'er, Ztr* Lat'eral, ztri-L Lat'erally, ztr-L Lat'eran, Zt'-^n Laterifolious, Ltr*-F-Zs Lath, Z>-TH, Zi-THt, Zi- TH-NG Lathe, Z*-DH Lath'er, />i-DHr. Z>-DHrd, Z-DHr NG Lan guorous, H Lan'iard, Zn'-Rd La'niary, Ln*-R Lanii'erous, Z 3 -N-F-.R8 Lanig'erous, Z 8 -N-Jrs Lank, Z'-NG-K. Z'-NG Kr. Z'-NG-Kst Lankly, Z'-NG-Kl Lank'ness, Z-NG-K-Ns Lank'y, Zi-NG-K Lan'ner, Z^Nr Lan'neret, Zi-Nr-T Lans'quenet, Z^Ns-K-Nt Lan'tern, Znt^Rn Lan'terned, Znti-Bnd Lan'terning, Znti - Rn NG Lan'tern-jawed, Znt 1 - En-Jd Lan'tern-jaws, Znt'-En- Jz Lanu'ginose, Z'-N-J-Ns Lan'yard, Zni-Rd , Laoc'oon, Zi-K-N Laodice'an, Z 3 -Ds-N Liaodiee'anism, Z 3 - Ds - Sz-M Lap, i'-P, Zi-Pt, Zi-P-NG Lap'-dog, Z J -P-D-G Lapel', Z,*-P1 Lap'ful, i'-P-Fl Lapida'rian, L*-P-I>-Rn Lap'idary, L l -P-D-R Lapida'tion, //2-P-Dshn Lapid'eous, Z 3 -P-Ds Lapides'cence, i'-P-Ds- Ns Lapides'cent. Z*-P-Ds- Nt Lapidif ic, L3.p.Df-K Lapidifical, Z,-P-D-K- L Lapidtfica'tion, i^.p.Df. Kshn Lapid'ify, Z, 3 -Pd-F, L*- Pd Fd. L-Pd-F-NG Lap'idist, ii-P-Dst La'pis, 2-Ps Laplander, i'-P-indr Lap'per, Z>-Pr Lap'pet, Li-Pt Laps'able, i'-Ps-Bl Lapse, ii-Ps, Z^Pst, ii- Ps-HO Lap'sided, ii-Ps-Dd Lap'stone, i"-Ps-Tn Lap'streak, Z'-P-sTr-K Lap'sus, Z,'-Pss Iiap'wing, ii-P-W-NG Lar, Lr l Lar'board, Zr'-Brd Lar'ceny, Zrs'-N Larch, z,r>-CH Lard, Zrd 1 , Zr^Dd, ird 1 -NO Lard'ed, Lr>-Dd Larda'ceous, Lr*-T>-SHs Lard'er, irdr 1 X*ard'erer, L^-Dr-K LAU Lathing, Z'-DH-NG Lath'work, Z 1 TH-Wr-R Lath'y, Z^DH Lat'iclave, Z'-T-Klv Laticos'tate, /.i-T-Ks-Tt Latiden'tate, Z 2 T-Dn-Tt Latilo'lius, Z^-T-F-Zs Latin, Z'-Tn Latlnism, Z^Tn-Z-M Latlnist, Zi-Tn St Latinlty, Z 3 -T-N-T Lat'inize, Z'-X-Nz, L^-T' Nzd, Zi-T-Nz-N'i Latlnizer, /,'-'_ . Latlsh, Z-X SH Latltat, Z!-I-Tt(or Zt 1 - Tt) Latitude, Zti-Td. See Altitude. Latitudinal, Zta-Xd-Nl Latitudina'rian, Zt*-Td- Nni Latitudina'rianism, Zt*- Td-Nru-Z-M Latitudlnous, Zt 3 - Td - Ns La'trant, Z-Trnt La'tria, Z2-Tr Lat'ten, Z J -Tn Lat'ter, ztr 1 Lat'terly, ztr a -Z Lat'termath, Ztri-M-TH Lat'tice, Zi-Ts, Z^Tst, Zi-Ts-NG Lat'tice-work, Z'-T-sWr -K Laud, Zi-B, Zi-Dd, Z-D- NG laudabillty, Z-D-B1-T Laud'able-y, Z'-D-Bl Laud'ableness, Z'-D-Bl- Ns [:Bs] Lau'danum, Z!-D-N-M Lauda'tion, Z 2 -Dshn Laud'ative, Z^D-Tv Laud'atory, Z'-Dt-S Laud'er, Z'-Dr Laugh, Zi-F, Z'-Ft, Z-F- NG Laugh'able-y, Zi-F-Bl Laugh'ableness, Z'-F-Bl -Ns [:Bs] Laugh'er, Z*-Fr Laughing-gas, Z'-F-NG- Gs Laughingly, Zi-F NG1 Laughing-stock, Z-F- GNs-X K Laugh'ter, Z^Ftr Launch, Z^N-CH, Zi N- CHt, Zi-N-CH-NG Laun'der, Zndr 1 Laun'derer, Zndr^E Laun'dress, LvAi-Ra Laun'dry, Lnd l -R Lau'reate, L l -R-1 Lau'reateship, L^-R-Ti SH-P tZi-S-T:8H] Laurea'tion, Lau'rel, Z LAU Lau'reled, Zi-fild Lau'restine, L l -Rs-Tn La'va, Z 2 ori-V Lavat'ic, Z-V-T-K Lava'tion, Z 2 -Vshn Lav'atory, Z'-V-T-fi Lave, Z 2 -V, Z 2 -Vd. Z-V- NG Lav'ender, Zi-Vndr La'ver, Z*-Vr Lav'ish, Li-V-SH, Zi-V- SHt. ZJ-V-Stf-NG Lav'isher, Zi-V-8Hr Lav'ishly, Li-V-SHl Lav'ishment, Z^V-SH- Mnt Lav'ishness, Z 1 - V - SH- Ns Lavolt', zi-V-Lt Law, Z 1 Law'-book, Zi-B-K Law'-breaker, Z^Br-Kr Law'-day, Z-D Law'ful-ly, Zi-Fl Lawfulness, Zi - Fl - NB [:Fs] Law'giver, Z J -G-Vr Law'less, Z 1 -Zs Lawlessly, Z'-Zs-Z Lawlessness, L^-Ls- Ns [iZs] Law'-maker, Z'-M-Kr jJaw'-making, Zi - M - K - NG Lawn, Zn 1 Lawn'y, Z>-N Law'-offlcer, Z'-Fs-E Law'suit, Zs 1 -! Law'yer, Z>-E Law'yerlike, Zi-E-Z-K Law'erly, Z'-E-Z Lax, Zi-Ks, Zi-K-sE, Z- KK8-T Laxa'tion, Z 2 -Ks^n Lax'ative, Zi-Ks-Tv Lax'ity, Zi-Ks T Lax'ly, Z!-K-sZ Lax'ness, Z'-Es-Ns Lay, Z Z 2 -D, Z 2 -NG Lay' -brother, Z 2 -Brdhr Lay'-clerk, Z-K1-E-K. Lay'er, Z'^-E Lay'-figure, Z-F-Gr Lay'ing, Z-NG Lay'land, Z/*-Znd Lay'race, Z 2 -.KB Lay'man, Z 2 -Mn Lay'-stall, Zs-T-L La'zar, Z 2 -Zr Jbazaret', Zz 2 -JSt Lazaret'to, Zz 2 -.R-T La'zar-house, Z 2 -Zr-Hs La'zarlike, Z*-Zr-Z-K Laze, Zz2 La'zily Z 2 -Z1 La'ziness, Z 2 -Z-Ns Laz'uli, Zi-Z-Z La'zy, Z 2 -Z. Z 2 -Zr. Lazzaro'ni, Zz-B-N 151 Leach, z-CH. z'-CHt, z- CH-NG Leach'-tub, Z*-CH-T-B Lead (led), Z 6 -D, Z8-D-NG Lead (led), Z'-D, Z s -Dd, Z2-D NO Lead'ed, Z-Dd Lead'en, Z^Dn Lead'er, Z*-Dr Lead'ership, [:8H] Lead'ing-strings, NG-sTr-NGz Lead'-mine, Z 2 -D-Mn Lead'-pencil, Z--D-P-Ns- Leaf, Z3-F, za-Ft, Z-F- NG Leafage, Z.F- J Leaf-bridge, Z 3 -F-Br-J Leaf -bud, z 3 -F-Bd Leaf iness, Z-F-Ns Leafless, Z : *-F-Zs Leaflet, Z3-F-Zt Learstalk, z-Fs-T-K Leafy, Z-F, Z 3 -F-R, Z- Fst League, ZS-G, z^-G-D, z- G-NG Leagued, Z 3 -G-D Leag'uer, Z 3 -Gr Leak, Z-K, Z^-K-T, Z 3 -K- > 7 G Leak'age, Z^-K-J Leak'iness, Z^-K-Ns Leak'y, Z^-K, Z-Kr, Z 3 - Kst Leal, Z-L Lean, (t>.) Zn 3 . Znd 3 Zn 3 - NG Lean, (a.)ZnS, x 3 -Nr, Zn- St Lean'-faced, Zn-Fst Lean'ly, Z 3 -N1 Lean'ness, Zn 3 -Ns Leant, Znt 2 Lean'-to, Zn 3 -T Leap, Z-P, za-Pt, ZS-P- NG Leap'er, Z 3 -Pr Leap'-frog, za-P-Fr-G Leap'-year, Z 3 -P-Yr [Z- P-Y] Learn, Zrn^, Zrnd 2 , Zrn 2 - NG Learn'ed, Zr s - Nd (or Zrnd 2 ) Learn'edly, Zr^-Nd-L (or Zrnd-Z) Learner, Zr 2 -Nr Learning, Zrn^-NG Leas'able, Zs 3 -B-L Lease, Zs 3 . Zsts. Zs-NG Lease 'hold, Zs s -Hld Leaseholder, Zs-Hldr Leas'er, Zs 3 -E Leash, Z 3 -8H, L*-SHT, Z 3 -8H-NG Least, Lf.t* Least'ways, Zst*-Wz LEG I Least'wise, Zst3-Wz Leath'er, idhr', See Zet- ter. Leath'er-dresser, Zdhr^. Dr-sK Leath'ern, z 2 -DH-fin Leath'ery, z^-DH-fi Leave, Z 3 -V. Z 3 -V-NG Leaved, Z8-Vd Leav'en, Z^-Vn, Z 2 -Vnd, ZS-Vn-NG Leav'ening, Z 2 -Vn-NG Leav'er, Z 3 -Vr Leav'ings, z a -V-XGz Lech'er, /> 2 -CHr, Z^-CHrd, Z 3 -CHr-NG Lech'erous, z 2 -CHrs Lech'erously, Z--CHr-sZ Lech'erousness, L-- CHrs-Ns Lech'ery, Z 2 -CH-fi Lec'tion, Z 2 -Kshn Lec'tionary, Z 2 -Kshn-^J Lect'ure, zs-Ktr < z 2 -K- CHr, Z 2 -K-CHrd. Z 2 -K- CHr-NG Lect'urer, z^-Ktr-R Lect'ureship, Z--Ktr-SH- P [Z 2 -Ktr:SH] Lec'turn, Z 2 -K-T-Sn Led, Z 2 -D Led'-captain, Z 2 -D-K-P- Tn [Zi-D-K-Pn] Ledge, Z 2 -J Ledg'er, Z-Jr Ledg'er-line, Z--Jr-Zn Ledg'y, Z-J Lee, Z3 Lee'-board, z 3 -Brd Leech, Z 3 -CH, z 3 -CHt,Z3. CH-NG Leek, Z 3 -K Leer, Zr 3 , Zrd 3 , Zr 3 -NG Leer'ingly, Zr-NGl Lees, Zz 3 Lee'-shore, Z 3 -SHr Lee'-side, Zs 3 -D Leet, Zt 3 Lee'-tide, Z 3 -Td Lee'ward, Z 3 -\Vrd or Z- ^d Lee'way, Z 3 -W Left, Z 2 -Ft Left'-hand, Z 2 -Ft-Hnd Left'-handed, Z--Ft-Hn- Dd Left'-handedness, Z- Ft-Hn-Dd-Ns Leg,Z2-G Leg'acy, Z 2 -G-8 Le'gal-ly, Z 3 -G1 Le'galism, Z 3 -Gl-zM Le'galist, Z 3 -Glst Legal'ity, Zi-Gl-T(Zi-GH| Le'galize, Z3-Glz, Z 8 - Glzd. Z 3 -Glz-NG Leg'ate, Z^-G-T Legatee', Z 3 -G-T Leg'ateship, LEG 152 Iieg'atine, Z 2 -G-Tn Lega'tion, Z/ 2 -Gshn Lega'to, Zy'-G-T Length'wise, Z*-NG-TH- Wz [NG-TH 2 -Wz] Length'y, Z 2 -NG-TH. Z 2 - Legator', Z/>-Gtr Leg'-bail, Z 2 -G-B-L NG-TH-R, Z 2 -NG-THst [NG-TH 2 , NG-TH 2 -R, Leg'end, Z 2 -Jnd NG-THst 2 ] Leg'endary, z-Jn-D-K Leg'er, Z 2 -Jr Leg'er-line, Z 2 -Jr-Zn Legerdemain', Z 2 -Jrd- Le'nience, Zn 3 -Ns Le'niency, Zn 3 -N-8 Le'nient. Zn 3 -Nt Le'niently, Zn 3 -Nt-L Mn Lenlfy, Z 2 -N-F Legged, Z" 2 -G-D Lenitive, Z 2 -N-Tv Leg'gin, Z 2 -Gn Lenity, Z 2 -N-T Leg'ging, Z 2 -G-NG Legibility, Z 8 -J-B1-T (or Lens, Znz 2 Lens'es, Zn 2 -Zz -Bit) Lent, Zut 2 Leglble-y, Z 2 -J-B1 Leglbleness, Z/ 2 - J - Bl - Lent'en, Znt 2 -N Lentio'ular, Znt 3 -K-Zr Ns [:Bs] Len'tiform, Z 2 -Nt-F-R-M Le'gion, Z< 3 -Jn Lentiglnous, Z, 3 -Nt-J-Ns Le'gionary, Z/ 8 -J-Nr Legislate, Z 2 -J-sZt, Z 2 - Len'tigo, Z 2 -Nt-G Len'til, Z 2 -Nt-L J-sZ-Td, Z 2 -J-sZt-NG Lentis'cus, Znt 3 -8-Ks Legisla'tion, Z 2 - J-sZshn Len'tisk, Znts-S-K Legislative, Z^-J-sZt-V L'envoy', H-N-V Legislatively, Z 2 -J-sZt- Le'o, L* Le'onine, Z 8 -Nn Leglslator, Z 2 -J-sZtr Legislature, Z 2 - J - sZ - Leop'ard, Z 2 -Prd Lep'er, Z 2 -Pr CHr [ZM] Lep'orine, Z 3 -P-Zfti Le'gist, Z 3 -Jst Lep'rosy, Z 2 -Pr-S Legitimacy, Z 3 -Jt-M-S Lep'rous, Z 2 -Prs Legitimate, Z 3 -Jt-Mt, Z 3 - Jt-M-Td, Z 3 -Jt-Mt(-) Lep'rously, z 2 -Pr-sZ Lep'rousness, Z 2 -Prs-Ns Legitimately, Z 8 -Jt-Mt- Les'bian, Zz 2 -Bn Z Le'sion, Zzhn 3 Legitlmateness, Z' - Jt Less, Zs 2 Mt-Ns Lessee', Z 8 -S Legitima'tion, Z 5 - Jt - Less'en, Zs 2 -N, Zs 2 -Nd, Mshn Zs-N-NG Legitimist, Z'-Jt-Mst Less'er, Zs*-R Legitimize, Z 3 - Jt - Mz, Les'son, Zs 2 -N, Zs 2 -Nd, Zi-Jt-Mzd, Z 8 -Jt-Mz-NG Zs 2 -N-NG Legume', Z J -G-M Les'sor, Zs 2 -R Legu'minous, Z 3 - G - M - Lest, Zst 2 Ns Let, Zt 2 , Zt-NG Lei'sure, Z 2 or8-ZHr Lei'surely, Z 2 or 8 -ZHr-Z Letch, Z 2 -CH Le'thal, Z 3 -TH-L Lem'ma, Z 2 -M Lethar'gic, Zthri- J-K Lem'ming, Z 2 -M-NG Lethar'gical, Zthr'-J-Kl Lem'on, Z 2 -Mn Leth'argy, Zthr 2 -J Lemonade', Z 2 -Mn-D Le'the, Z 3 -TH Lem'on-peel, Z 2 -Mn-P-L Lethe'an, Z 3 -THn Le'mur, Z 3 -Mr Lethiferous, Z 3 -TH-Frs Lem'ures, Z 2 -M-Rz Lets, Zts 2 Lend, Znd 2 , Znd 2 -NG Let'ter, Ztr 2 , Z 2 -Trd,Ztr- Lend'able, Znd 2 -B-L NG Lend'er, Zndr 2 Note. The noun Letter Length, Z 2 -NG-TH [NG- should be written Z 2 -Tr TH 2 ] when it is liable to be con- Length'en, Z 2 -NG-THn, fused with the word Leather, Z 2 -NG-THnd, Z 2 -NG- which see. THn-NG [NG-THn 2 , NG- Let'tered, Z 2 -Trd THnd 2 , NG-THn 2 - NG] Let'ter-founder, Ztr* - Lengthi'ly, Z 2 -NG-TH-Z Fndr [NG-TH2-Z1 Let'tering, Ztr-NG Lengthlness, Z 2 -NG-TH- Let'ters-patent, Ztrz 2 -?- Ns [NG-TH 2 -Ns] Tnt [-P] Length'ways, Z 2 - NG - Let'ter-press, Ztr 2 -Prs TEMVz [NG-TH 2 -Wz] Let'ter- writer, ztr 2 -JKtr LIB Let'ter- writing, Ltr'-Bt- NG Let'tuce, Z 2 -Ts Leucorrhce'a, Z/ 8 -K-fi Le'vant, z, 3 -Vnt Levant', L l -Vnt Levant'er, L l -Vntr Levantine, //^Vnt-N Lev'ee, L-or*-V Lev'el, is-Vl, Z 2 -Vld, * Vl-NG Lev'eler, /- 2 -Vl-R Lev'eling, Z, 2 - Vl-NG Lev'elness, Z, 2 -Vl-Ns Le'ver, Z,or 2 -Vr Lev'erage, z, 2 -Vr-J Lev'eret, Z/ 2 -Vr-T Leviable, z, 2 -V-Bl Levi'athan, z^-V-THn Levigate, /,2-V-G-T, IA V-G-Td, ZAV-G-T-NG Leviga'tion, /,2-V-Gshn Le'vite, Z,-Vt Levitlcal, z/ 3 -Vt-Kl Leviticus, /-3-V-T-Ks Levity, /,2-V-T Lev'y, Z/2-V, Z, 2 -Vd, Z/ 2 -V- NG Lewd, Z-a-D, J,3-Dr, 3- Dst Lewd'ly, L 8 -D-L Lewd'ness, X,-r-Ns Lewis, L*-S Lewlsson, /,3-Ss-N Lex, L- Ks Lexicog'rapher, ^-Ks- K-Gr-Fr Lexicographic, Z^-Ks- K-Grf-K Lexicographical, Z/ 1 - Ks-K-Gr F-K1 Lexicog'raphy, ^-Ks- K-Gr-F Lexicol'ogy, i l -Ks-Kl-J Lexicon, Z, 2 -Ks-Kn Lexigraflc, ii-K-sGrf-K Lexig'raphy, Z/ 3 -K-sGr-F Ley, Z 1 Ley'denjar, z,'or2-Dn-J-R Ley'denphial, Z<ior 2 -Dn- F-L Leze-maj'esty, z/z 3 -M-J- sT Liability, Z,3-Bi-T(or-Blt) Li'able, Z-i-Bl Li'ableness, Z-J-Bl-Ns Liaison', z/'-Zra Li'ar, Zi-R Li'as, Z/i-S Liba'tion, Z- 2 -Bshn LiTsel, Z,i-Bl, Z,i-Bld, Zi- Bl-NG Li'belant, Z-i-Blnt Li'beler, Z,-B1-R Li'belons, Z-^Bls Lib'eral, Z- 8 -Br-L Lib'eralism, Z, 3 Br-Z,z-M Lib'eralist, i 3 -Br-Z,st Liberality, Z/'-Br-Z-T (or -Lt) LIB Lib'eralize, Z 8 -Br-Zz. If- Br-Zzd, Z 3 -Br-Zz-NG Lib'erally, Z 3 -Br-Z Lib'erate, Z 8 -Brt, Z 8 -Br- Td, Z 3 -Brt(-) Liberation, Z^Brshn Lib'erator, Z 3 -Brtr Lib'ertine, Z 3 -Br-Tn Lib'ertinism, Z 3 -Br-Tn- Z-M [-T-zM] Lib'erty, z 3 -Br-T (Z 3 -Brt) Libid'inous, Z 3 -B-D-Ns Iiibid'inously, Z 3 -B-D- Ns-L Libid'inousness, Z 8 -B- D-Ns-Ns Li^bra, Zi-Br Libra'rian, Z-Br-JZn Libra'rianship, Z 8 - Br - fln-SH-P [:SH] Li'brary, Li-3r-R Li'brate, Z^Brt, Zi-Br- Td, Zi-Brt(-) Libra'tion, Z 2 -Brshn Li'bratory, Z^Brt-fi Libret'to, Z 2 -Br-T Lice, Zs'- Li'cense, Ls l -Ns, Zs^Nst, Li'censed, Licensee', s 3 -N-S Li'censer, Z-s^Ns-B Licen'tiate, Z-s^-N-SHt Licen'tious, Zi8 2 -N-SHs Licen'tiously, -L Licen'tiousness, SHs-Ns Li'chen, L l -Kn or L l -CHn Lick, Z 3 -K, Z3-K-T, Z-K- NG Lick'erish, L3-Kr-SH Lick'ing, Z-K-NG Lick'-spittle, Z^-K-sPt-L Lic'orice, Z/-Kr-8. See Zt'ouor*. Lic'tor, Z-a-Ktr Lid, Z3-D Lie, Z-i, Z.LD, Z.1-NG Lief, Z-8-F Liege, Z-J Liege'man, Z- 8 -J-Mn Li'en, Z^or^N Li'entery, Z-^N-T-fi Li'er, Z^R Lieu, Z. 8 Lieuten'ancy, Z-2-Tn-N-S fZta-Nn-S) Lieuten'ant, Z - Tn - Nt (Zf-Nnt) Lieuten'antship, Z-Tn- Nt-SH-P [Zta-NntiSH] Lieve, Z 8 -V Life, Zi-F Life'-blood, ZA-F-Bld Life'-boat, .i-F-Bt Life'-estate, z^-F-S-Tt (Z-Fs-Tt) Life'-giving, Z,-F-Gv-NG Life'-guard, z>-F-Grd 7* 153 LIN Life'-Insnrance, ii-r-N- Lig'nite, zs G-Nt SHrns [Z-F-Ns] Lignum vi'tse, Z'-G-N-M- Life'less. zi-F-Zs V-T Life'lessly, Zi-F-is-Z Li'gure or Lig'ure, ZMH Life'lessness, zi-F-Zs-Ns -Gr [iZs] Like, (a.) L l -K, Z'-Kr, Z- Life'-like, Zi-F-Z-K Kst Life'-long, Zi-F-Z-NG Like, (v.)Zi-K, Z1-K-T, Z'. Life'-preserver, Z J -F-Pr- K-NG zRv-R Like'lihood, Z'-Kl-Hd Life'-spring, Z^F-sPr- Like'liness, Zi-Kl-Ns NG Like'ly, Z l -Kl, Z^Kl-R, Life'-time, Zi-F-T-M Z^Klst Lift, Z 3 -Ft, Z 3 -F-Td, Z 3 -Ft Li'ken, Zi-Kn, Z ! -K-Nd, -NG Zi-Ka-NG Lift'er, Z 3 -Ftr Like'ness, Z^K-Ns Lig'ament, Z 3 -G-Mnt Like'wise, Z j -Kwz Ligament'al, Z 2 -G-Mnt-Z Lik'ing,Zi-K-NG fZ-G:Mut] Li'lac, Z!-Z-K Ligament'ous, Z 2 -G-Mnt- Lilia'ceous, L^-L-SHs S Lil'ied, z 3 -zd Li'gan, Z'-Gn Lilipu'tian, Z 3 -Z-Pshn Liga'tion, Z a -Gshn Lil'y, Z3-Z Lig'ature, Z 2 -Gtr Lima'tion, Z 2 -Mshn Light, (a.) Zti, tri, Z 1 - Li'mature, ZJ-Mtr Tst (or Ztstl) Limb, Z 3 -M, Z3-Md, Z 3 -M- Light, (t>.) Zti, zi-Td, Zt'- NG NG Lim'ber, Z 8 -M-Br, Z 3 -M- Light'-brain, Zt'-Brn Brd, Z3-M-Br-NG Light'en, Z'-Tn, Zi-Tnd, Lim'berness, Z 3 -5l-Br-Ns Zi-Tn-NG Limb'less, Z 3 -M-Zs Light'er, Ztr 1 Lim'bo, Z 3 -M-B Light'erman, Ztri-Mn Lime, Z'-M, Z'-MdjZ'-M- Light' -fingered, Zt 1 - F NG NG-Grd [Zti-F-NGrd] Lime'kiln, zi-M-Kl Light'-foot, Zti-Ft Lime'stone, Z'-Ms-Tn Light'-footed, Zt'-F-Td Lime'-water, Z l -M-Wtr Light'- haired, Zti-Hrd Lim'it, Z 3 -Mt, z 3 -M-Td. Light'-handed, Zti-Hn- z 3 -Mto Dd Lim'itable, Z3-Mt-Bl Light'-headed, Zt 1 - H - Lim'itary, Z 3 -Mt-ft Dd Limita'tion, Z 2 -M-Tshn Light'-hearted, Zt^Hr- Lim'ited, Z 3 -M-Td Td Lim'iter, z-Mtr Light'-heartedness, Zt 1 Lim'itless, Z 3 -Mt-Zs -Hr-Td-Ns Limn, Z 3 -M, z 3 -Md, Z 8 -M- Light'-horse, ZtJ-Hre NG Light'-house, ZU-Hs Lim'ner, Z 3 -M-Nr Light'-infantry, zti-N- Limo'sis, Z 2 -Mss Fnt-TJ Limp, Z 3 M-P, Z 3 -Mt, Z- Light'ly, Zt'-Z M-P-NG Light'-minded, Zt'-Mu- Limp'er, Z 3 -M-Pr Dd Lim'pet, Z 3 -M-Pt Light'ness, Z^-Ns Lim'pid, Z 3 -M-Pd Light'ning, Zt J -N-NG Limpid'ity, Z 3 -P-D-T Light'ning-bug, Zt>-N- Lim'pidneso, Z 8 -M-P-D- NG-B-G Ns Lights, Zts 1 Limp'ingly, Z 8 -M-P-NG1 Light'some, Ztsi-M Limp'sy or Lim'sy, Z 3 - Light'- spirited, Ztsi-Pr- M-8 Td Lim'y, Zi-M Lignal'oes, Zni-Zz Lincn'pin, Z 8 -N-CH-Pn Lig'neous, Z-G-Ns Lin'den, Z 3 -N-Dn Ligniflca'tion, Z-G-N- Line, Ln\ Znd>, Zn'-NG F-Ksshn Lin'eage, Z 3 -N-J Lig'niform, Z 8 -G-N-F(-R- Lin'eal-ly, Z 8 -N1 M' Lin'eament, Z 3 -N-Mnt Lig'nify, Z 3 -G-N-F, Z-G- Lin'ear, Zn 3 -R N-Fd. Z*-G-N-F-NG Lin'eate, Z 3 -N-T Lig'nine, Z 3 -G-Nn Lin'eated, Z 3 -N-Td LIN Linea'ti&n, z*-Nshn Lin'en, Z-Nn Jjin'er, Z^Nr Ling, Z"-NG Lin'ger, Z 3 -NG-Gr, &- NG-Grd, ZS-NG-Gr-NG [Z-NGr, ZS-NGrd, Z 8 - NGr-NG] Lin'gerer, L*-~SG-Qr-R ri-NGr-B] Lingering, ZS-NG-Gr-NG [Z 3 -NGr-NG] Lin'geringly, Z 8 -NG-Gr- NG1 [Z 3 -NGr-NGl] Lin'go, Z8-NG-G Linguadent'al, Z-NG- Gw-Dnt-L Lin'gual, Z3-NG-Gw-L Lin'guiform, /ANG-Gw- F(-R-M) Lin'guist, LS-NG-Gwst Linguist 'ic, Z*-NG-Gws- T-K Linguist'ical, Ji 8 - NG - Gws-T-Kl Linguist'ics, Z 8 -NG-Gws- T-Ks Lin'iment, Zn 3 -Mnt Lin'ing, Zn 8 -NG Link, Z3-NG-K (or Zn8-K, etc.), Z"-NGt, Z-8-NG-K- NG LinkTsoy, i-NG-K-B Link'man, i^-NG-K-Mn Link'-motion, /,8-NG-K- Mshn Linnse'an, in-N Lin'net, L^-Nt Lin'seed, i^-Ns-D Lin'sey-woolsey, in*-8- W-Z,-8 Lin'stock, i'-Ns-T-K Lint, Liit* Lin'tel, Z^-Nt-L Li'num, Z,'-N-M Li'on, Z,i-N Li'oness, i'-N-S Lion'-hearted, i>-N-Hr- Td Li'onize, ii-Nz, ii-Nzd. Z'-Nz-NG Lion'like, ii-N-/,-K Lip, /,3-p. /,3-pt, Z-P-NG Lip'ogram, i^.p.Gr-M Lipoth'ymy, /^-P-TH-M Lip'pitude, i-P-Td Liq'uable, L^-Kw-Bl Liqua'tion, L-Kw8hn Liquefa'cient, L* - Kw - Fshnt Liquefac'tion, X,-Kw-F- Kshn Liq'ueflable, i-Kw-F- Bl Liq'uefy, 3 -Kw-F, // 3 - Kw-Fd. /,8-Kw-F-NG Liques'cency, /,2-Kws-N- 8 Liques'cent, L-Kws-Nt Liqueur', *-Kr 154 Liq'uid, Z-Kw-D (i^- Kwd) Liq'uidamber, J!^-Kw-D- M-Br Liq'uidate, Z,s-Kw-Dt, L 3 - Kwd-Td. Z,-Kw-Dt(') Liquida'tion, Z/ s - Kw - Dun Liquidity, Z-Kwd-T Liq'uidize, /,3-Kw-Dz Liq'uidness, Z,-Kwd-Ns Liq'uor, X 3 -Kr Liq'uors, L 8 -Krs Liq'uorice, L 3 -Kr-S. See LOA Lisp, iss-p, is'-Pt, is-P- NG Lis'per, Z.s*-Pr Lisp'ingly, is 3 -P-NGl List, Lst*. Z,8 3 -Td, List'el, is s -T-L List'en, LB*-N, Zs'-Nd, I,s-N-NG List'ener, is'-N-B List'er, Zstr 3 List'less, jt,8 3 -T-Xs [s3- ] List'lessly, La^-Ls-L List'lessness, Zs Lit, it Lit'any, it 8 -N Li'ter, Ztr 1 Lit'eral, Ztr-L Lit'eralism, Lit'eralist, Lti*-Lst Literal'ity, Ztri-Z-T Lit'eralize, ZtrS-Zz, Ztr- Zzd, itr 3 -Zz-NG Lit'erally, Lti*-L Lit'erary, Ltr^-R Lit'erate, ztr-T Litera'ti, Ztr 2 T Litera'tim, itr-T-M Lit'erature, Zt^-CHr Litera'tus, Ztr*-Ts Lith'arge, Z-TH-fi-J Lithe, L l -DH Lithe'ness, Zi-DH-Ns Lithe'some, i'-DH-BM Lith'ic, Z 3 -TH-K Lith'ium, Z-TH-M Lith'oglyph, Z-TH-Glf Lith'ograph, Z 3 -TH-Grf, Z-TH-Grft, i3-TH-Grf- NG Lithog'rapher, Zi-TH- Gr-Fr Lithograph'ic, Z^TH- Grf-K Lithograph'ical-ly, L l - TH-Gr-F-Kl Lithog'raphy, Z^TH-Gr- F Litholog'ic, Zi-TH-Z-J-K Litholog'ical-ly, Z>-TH- Z-J-K1 Lithol'ogist, Zt-TH-Z-Jst Lithol'ogy, Z>-TH-Z-J Lith'omancy, Z-TH-Mn -8 Lithoiitrip'tic, Pt-K Lith'ontriptor, Z- THntr-Ptr Lith'ophyte, Z3-TH-Ft Lith'otint, Z 3 -TH-Tn; Lithot'omist, Z - T Ht - Mst Lithot'omy, Zi-THt-M Lith'otripsy, Z-TH-Tr. P-S Lithot'rity, Lit'igant, Z 3 -T-Gnt Lit'igate, Z^.T-Gt, Z-T- G-Td, Z-T-Gt-NG Litiga/tion, z 2 -T-Gshn Lilig'ious, Z 8 -T-Js Lilig'iously, Z 8 -T-J-sZ Litig'iousness, Z 8 -T-Js- Ns Lit'mus, Zt3-Ms Li'tre, Ztr>or 8 Lifter, Ztr 8 , Z 8 -Trd, Ztr- NG Litterateur 7 , Z 2 -fitr Lit/tie, Zt-Z Lit'tleness, Zt 3 -Z-Ns Lit'toral, Z 8 -T-.R1 Litur'gic, Ltr 2 -J-K Litur'gical, Ztr2-J-Kl Lit'urgist, Ztr^-Jst Lit'urgy, Ztr^-J Live, (v.) Z-V, Z 8 -Vd, IA- V-NG Live, (a.) Z^V Livelihood, Zi-Vl-Hd Live'liness, Z'-Vl-Ns Live'long, Z 3 -v-Z-NG Live'ly, zi-V-Z, Zi-V-i- E, L>-V-Lst Live'-oak, Z^V-K Liv'er, Z 3 -Vr Liv'eried, Z 8 -V-K-D Liv'erwort, Z 8 -Vr-Wrt Liv'ery, Z 3 -Vr Liv'ery-man, Z-Vr-Mn Liv'ery-stable, Z 3 -Vrs T-B1 Lives, Z'-Vz Live'-stock, Zi-Vs-T-K Liv'id, Z 3 -Vd Livid'ity, Z^-Vd-T Liv'idness, Z 3 -Vd-Ns Liv'ing, Z-V-NG Livraison', Zi-Vrz-JV Liv're, Z 3 -Vr Lixiv'ial, Z 3 -Ks-V-L Lixiv'iate, Z 3 -Ks- V-T, fc Ks-V-Tdj Z 8 -K8-Vt-NG Lixivia'tion, Z 2 -Ks-V8hn Lixiv'ious, Z 3 -Ks-Vs Liziv'ium, Z 3 -Ks-V-M Liz'ard, Z 3 -Zrd Llama, Zior"-M Lloyd's, Zi-Dz Lo, za Loach, Z*-CH Load, Z2-D, Z-Dd, NG Load'er, LOA Load'star, Z^Ds-T-B (or Z* Dstr) Load'stone, i*-Ds-Tn Loaf, ZS-F, Z 2 -Ft, Z*-F- NG lioaf'er, za-Fr Loaf-sugar, Z-F-Sff-Gr Loam, Z2-M, 3-Md, Z 3 - M-NG Loam'y, 2-M Loan, Zn 2 , LnfP, Zn-NG Loathe, Z 2 -DH, Z-DHd, toath'er, Z 2 -DHr Loath 'ful, ZrS-DH-Fl Loath'ing, Z 3 -DH-NG Loath'ingly, Z 2 -DH-NG1 Loath'ly, Z 2 -DH-Z, Z*- DH-Z-B, Z 2 -DH-Zst Loath'some, Z-DH-sM Loat h'someness, Z*-DH- sM-Ns Loaves, Z-Vz Lob, Z*-B Lo'bate, Z 2 -Bt Lo'bated, Z 2 -B-Td Lob'by, Z-B, Zi-Bd, Z- B-NG Lobe, Z-B Lobed, Z 2 -Bd Lobe'lia, Z^-B-Z Lob'lolly, Zi-B-Z-Z Lob'lolly-boy, zi-B-Z-Z- B Lobaolly-tree, Li-B-Z-Z- Tr Lob'scouse, Zi-B-eKs Lob'ster, Zi-Bstr Lob'ule, Z-B-L Lo'cal, Z 2 -K1 Lo'calism, Z*-Kl-zM Local'ity, Zi-Kl-Tt-KH) Localiza'tion, L*-Klzshn Lo'calize, Z 2 -Klz, z- Klzd. ZS-Klz-NG Lo'cally, Z^-Kl Lo'cate, Z^-K-T, Z*-K-Td, Z*-K-T-NG Loca'tion, Z 2 -Kshn Lo'cative, Z*-K.-Tv Loch, Z>-K Lock, Zi-K, Zi-K-T, Zi-K- NG Lock'age. Z J -K- J Locked'-jaw, Z l -K-T-J Lock'er, L l -Kr Lock'et, Z-K-T Lock'-jaw, ZJ-K-J Lock'-smith, Z-K-sM- TH Lock'-up, Z!-K-P Locofo'co, Z2-K-F-K Locofo'coism, Z 2 -K-F-K- zM Locomo'tion, Z 2 -K-Mshn Locomo'tive, Z-K-Mt-V Jjocomo'tive-engine, Z 2 -K-Mt-V-il-Jn Locomo'tiveness, Z-K- Mt-V-Ns [SVs] 155 Locomotiv'ity, Z-K-Mt- V-T Lo'cust, Z*-Kst Lo'cust-tree, Z 2 -K-sT' Locu'tion, Z-Kshn Lode, Z 2 -D Lode'star, Z*-Ds-T-R (or Z 2 -Dstr) Lode'stone, Z 2 -Ds-Tn Lodge, Z l -J, Z'-Jd, zi-J- NG Lodg'er, Z 1 - Jr Lodg'ing, Z!-J-NG Lodg'ing-house, Z 1 - J- NG-Hs Lodg'ment, Z!-J-Mnt Loft, Zi-Ft Loft'ily, Z'-F-T-Z Loft'iness, Z'-F-T-Ns Loft'y, Z^F-T, Zi-F-T-B, Z!-F-Tst Log, Z-G, Zi-G-D, Zi-G- NG Log'arithm, L^-Gr-DH-M Logarith'mic, Z 3 -Gr-TH- M-K Logarith'mical-ly, Z 3 - Gr-TH-M-Kl Log'-board, Z 1 - G-Brd Log'-book, Z!-G-B-K Log'-cabin, Zi-G-K-Bn Log'-chip, Zi-G-OH-P Log'ger, Z!-Gr Log'gerhead, Zi-Gr-Hd Log'gia, Z!-D- J Log'-glass, Z^-G-Gls Log'-Eeap, Zi-G-P Log'-house, ZJ-G- Log'-hut, Zi-G-Ht Log'ic, Zi- J-K Log'ical-ly, Zi-J-Kl Logi'cian, Z^- Jghn Log'-line, Z^G-Zn Log'man, Z : -G-Mn Log'ogram, Zi-G-Gr-M Logograph'ic, Z!-G-Gr- F-K Logograph'ical, Z 1 - G - Gr-F-Kl Logog'raphy, Z a -G-Gr-F Logom'achist, Z'-G-M- Est Logom'achy, Z^G-M-K Log'os, Z l -Gs Log'otype, Z-G-T-P Log'-reel, L l -Q-Rl Log'-roU, Zi-G-fll, Zi-G- Md, Z!-G-B1-NG Log'wood, Zi-G-wD Lo'gy, Z*-G Loin, Zn 1 Loi'ter, Ztpi, Z^-Trd, Ztri- NG Loi'terer, Ltr l -R Loll, Zi-L, Z!-Ld, Zi-L- NG Lol'lard, Zi-Zrd Lol'lardism, Z l -Zrdz-M Lollipop, Z l -Z-P-P Lom'bard, Z LOO Lo'ment, z 2 -Mnt Lon'doner, Z--N-D-\r Lone, Zu2 Lone'liness, i^-Xl-Ns Lone'ly, Z--N1, L--XI-II. Z 2 -Nlst Lone'some,Zns 2 -M, Lns% -M-B, Zns--Mst Lone'somely, 7,ns 2 -M-Z Lone'someness, ins--M- Ns Long, (a.J-^-NG, z-NG- Gr, Zi-KG-Gst [XQi, NGri, XGsti] Long, (f.) ii-NG, Z!-XGd, Long'-boat, Longe, Z--N-J Longe'val, Z3- Longevity, Z 2 -N-Jv-T Longe'vous, L 3 -~$-3-Vs Long'hand, Zi-NG-Hnd Long'-headed, Z 1 - NG - H-Dd Longim'etry, Z-N-J-M- Tr Long'ing, Z^NG-NG Long'ingly, />i-NG-NGl Longin'quity, Z3-N-J-N- Kw-T Longiros'ter, Z 1 - N - J - Rstr Longiros'tral, Z'-N-J-.R- sTr-L Long'ish, ZJ-NG-SH Lon'gitude, i^N-J-Td Logitud'inal-ly, Z^-N-J- Td-Nl Long'legs, i'-NG-Z-Gz Long'-lived, zi-^G-Z-Vd Long'-measure, Z ! -NG- M-ZHr Long'-primer, ZJ-NG-Pr- Mr Long'-run, Z^NG-Sn Long'shore-man, Z^NG- SHr-Mn Long'-sighted, Z^NGs- Td Long'-sightedness, Z^- NGs-Td-Ns Long'-spun, Z^NGs-Pn Long'-sufferance, L 1 - NGs-F-ns Long'-suffering, Zi-NGs -F-B-NG Long'-winded, Z^-NG- Wn-Dd Long'wise, Z^NG-Wz Loo, Z, Z-D. za-NG Loo'by, Z3-B Loof, Z 3 or 2 -F Look, Z-K, Z3-K-T, Z3-K- NG Look'er, Z 3 -Kr Look'er-on, Z-Kr-- Look'ing-glass, Z-K- NG-Gls Look'out, Z8-K-T Looks, LOO Loom, i s -M, Z8-Md, Z*-M -NG Loon, in 8 Loop, L*-P, Z 3 -Pt, Z 3 -P- NG Loop'-hole, Z 3 -P-H1 Loose, (v.) Ls 3 , Zst 3 , Zs- NG Loose, (a.) is 3 , Zs-K, Zs 3 - St Loose'ly, Zs 3 -z Loos'en, Zs 3 -N, Zs3-Nd, Zs 3 -N-NG Loose'ness, Zs 3 -Ns Loose'strife, Zss-Trf Loot, Zt, Z-Td, Zt 3 -NG Lop, Z 1 -?, Zi-Pt, Z'-P-NG Lop'per, Zi-Pr, Z-Prd, Zi-Pr-NG Lop'ping, Z l -P-NG Lop'sided, Zi-Ps-Dd Loqua'cious, i^Kw-SHs Loqua'ciousness, Z s -Kw -SHs-Ns Loquac'ity, Z'-Kws-T Lord, Zrd 1 , Zi^-Dd, Zrd 1 - NG Lord'liness, Zrdi-Z-Ns Lord'ling, Zrdi-Z-NG Lord'ly, Zrd ! -Z, K, Zrd!-Zst Lord's-day, irdzi-D Lord'ship, Lrdi;SH Lore, ir Lorette', L*-Rt Lorgnette', ir-N-T Lor'icate, ii-fl-Kt, -- K-Td, i-K-Kt-NG Lorica'tion, i^fl-Kshn Lo'riot, i 2 -fi-T Lorn, Zrn 1 Los'able, iz 3 -B-L Lose, iz 3 , iz-NG Los'el, Z,s-Zl Los'er, L*-Zr Los'ing, Zz-KG Los'ingly, iz 3 -NG-L Loss, is 1 Lost, Zst 1 Lot, Lt\ Z,-Td, iti-NG Lote, Zta Loth, i-TH Lo'tion, Z/shn* Lo'tos, ZVTs Lot'tery, LV-R Lo'tus, Z,2-Ts Loud, i>-D, Z,i-Dr, i'-Dst Loud'ly, ii-D-Z, LoLidtiess, Zii-D-Xs Lough, ii-K Louis'-d'or, i 3 -Dr Lounge, i'-N-J, Z^-N-Jd. i'-N-J-NG Loun'ger, i'-N- Jr Louse, Ls 1 Lous'iness, L l -Z-tXs Lous'y, i>-Z Lout, Lt l Lout'ish, Z-i-T-SH Lout'ishly, 156 Lout'ishness, L l -1-SB- Lou'ver or Lou'vre, Z 3 - Vr Lov'able, z-v-Bl Lov'age, Z-V-J Love, Z 2 -V, Z 2 -Yd, Z*-V- NG Love'-apple, Z^-v-Pl Love'-favor, Z-V-F-Vr Love'-feast, Z 2 -V-Fst Love'-knot, Z-V-Nt Loveless, Z^V-Zs Love'-letter, Z 2 -V-Ztr Loveli'ness, Z^V-Z-Ns Love'-lock, Z 2 -V-Z-K Love'-lorn, Z*-V-Z-Rn Lovely, Z 2 -V-Z, Z 2 -V-Z- Lov'er, Z 2 -Vr Love'-sick, Z 2 -Vs-K Love'-sickuess, Z^Vs-K- Ns Love'-song, Z 2 -Vs-NG Love'-suit, Z-Vs-T Love'-tale, Z-V-T-L Love'-token, Z^-V-T-Kn Loving-kindness, Z a - V-NG-Knd-Ns Lov'ingly, Z-V-NG1 Lov'ingness, Z 2 - V - NG - Ns Low, (a.) Z2, Z2-R, Zst Low, (v.t Z, Z2-D, Z 2 -NG Low'-born, Z 2 -B-fin Low'-bred, Z^-Brd Low'-church, Z s - CHr - CH Low'-Dutch, Z 2 -D-CH Low'er, Z 2 -R, Z 2 -^d. Lfl- R-NG Low'er, Zi-R, L l -RA, Z 1 - R-NG Low'er-case, i^-R-Ks Low'eringly, zi-R-NGl Low'ermost, ZS-R-Mst Low'ery, L l -R Lowing, Z 2 -NG Low'land, Z 2 -Znd Lowlander, L 2 -Zndr Lowliness, Z 2 -Z-Ns Lowly, Z 2 -Z, Z-Z-R, Z- Zst Lo w'ly-minded, Z* - Z - Mn-Dd Low'ness, Z s -?s's Low'-pressure, Z s - Pr - SHr Low'-priced, Z 2 -Prst Low'-roofed, L*-Rft Low'-spirited, Zs 2 -Pr-Td Loxodromlc, Z-K-sDr- M-K Loxodromlcs, Z-K-sDr- M-Ks Loy'al, Zi-L Loy'alist, Zi-Zst Loy'ally, Zi-Z Loy'alty, Z^Z-T Loz'euge, Zz J -N-J LUM LubTier, Z*-Br Lub'berly, Z 2 -Br-Z Lu'bric, Z*-Br-K Lu'brical, Z3-Br-Kl Lu'bricant, Z 3 -Br-Knt Lu'bricate, Z 3 -Br-Kt Lubrica'tion, Z 2 -Br Kshn Lu'bricator, Z^-Br-Ktr Lubricity, Z-Brs-T Lu'bricous, Z 3 -Br-Ks Lubrifica'tion, Z 2 - Brf- Eshn Lubrifac'tion, Zi-Br-F- Kshn Luce, Zs 3 Lu'cent, Zs s -Nt Lu'cern, Zs 3 -Rn Lucer'nal, Zs^R-Nl Lu'cid, Zs3-D Lucid'ity, Zs 3 -D-T Lu'cidness, Zs 3 -D-Ns Lu'cifer, Zs 3 -F-R Lu'cifer-match, Zs 3 -F- R-M-CH Lucirerous, Ls^-F-Ea Lucif ic, Zs 3 -F-K Lu'ciform, Zs s -F-R-M Luck, Z*-K Luck'ily, Z 2 -K1 Luckiness, Z 2 -K-Ns Luckless, Z--K-Zs Luck'y, Z 2 -K, Z 2 -Kr, Z- Est Lu'crative, ZS-Krt-V Lu'cre, Z 3 -Kr Lu'cubrate, Z 3 -K-Brt,Z3. K-Br-Td, Z 3 -K-Brt(-) Lucubra'tion, Z 2 - K Brshn Lu'cubratory, Z 3 -K-Brt- R Lu'culent, z 3 -K-Znt Lu'dicrous, Z-D-Krs Lu'dicrously, Z3-D-Kr- sZ Lu'dicrousness, Z 3 -D- Krs-Ns Lu'es, Z 3 -Z Luff, Z 2 -F. Z 2 -Ft, Z2-F-N(J Lug, ZS-G, Z^G-D, Z 2 -G- NG Lug'gage, Z 2 -G-J Lug'ger, Z 2 -Gr Lug'-sail, Z 2 -G-sZ Lugu'brious, Z 3 -G-Bi-s Luke'warm, Z 3 -K-Wr-M Luke'warmly, Z 3 -K-Wr- M-Z Luke'wannness, Z 3 -K- Wr-M-Ns Lull, Z^L, Z 2 -Ld, Z2-L- NG Lull'aby, Z^Z-B Lull'er, Z-Z-R Lum, Z 2 -M Lumbag'inous, J-Ns Lumba'go, Z2-M-B-G- Lum'bar, Z^M-Br LUM Lum'ber, Z*-M-Br, - M-Brd, Z*-M-Br-NG Lum'berer, Z*-M-Br-R Luni'berman, Z*-M-Br- Mn Lum'ber-rooin, z - M * Br-R-M Lum'ber-yard, Z 2 -M-Br- Yrd Lumtric, Z-M Br-K Lum'brical, Z 2 -M Br-Kl Lu'minary, z 3 -M-Nr Lumiiiii'erous, Z 3 -M-N- F-Rs Luminos'ity, Zi-M-Ns-T Lu'minous, Z 3 -M-Ns Lu'minously, Z 8 -M-Ns-L Lu'minousness, Z 3 -M- Ns-Ns Lump, Z 2 -M-P, Z*-Mt, Z- M-P-NQ Lump'-flsh, za-M-P-F- SH Lump'ish, Z-M-P-SH Lump'ishly, L*-M-?-Sm Lump'ishness, Z 2 -M-P- SH-Ns Lump'y, Z-M-P, Z-M- Pr, Z 2 -M-Pst Iiu'na, Z 3 -N Lu'nacy, Z 3 -N-S Iiu'nar, Z 3 -Nr Lu'nar-eaustic, Z'-Nr- Ks-T-K Luna'rian, Ln*-Rn Lu'nate, i'-Nt Lu'nated, L^-ft-IA Lu'natic, Z* - Nt - K (or Z,nt-K) Lu'natic-Asylum, int- K-S1-M Luna'tion, Z-Nshn Lunch, Z-2-N-CH, Z-N- CHt. Z- 2 -N-CH-NG Lunch'eon, Z< s -N-CHn Lune, /,n Lu'net, L-Nt Lunette', i-Nt Lung, Z2-NO Lunge, i2_N-J Lu'niform, Z-N-F-R-M Luniso'lar, Z a -N-sZ-R Lunt, Znta Lu'nular, i'-N-Zr Lu'nulate, L 8 -N-Zt Lu'nulated, L-N-i-Td Luper'cal, L^-Pr-Kl L'uperca'lia, L*-Fr-K-L Lu'pine, L 3 -Pn Lu'puline, L 3 -P-Ln Lu'pus, /,3.p 8 Lurch, Lr2-CH, Zr-CHt, ir-CHNG Lurch'er, Lr a -CHr Lure, Li*, Zrd, Lr-NG. See Allure. Lu'rid, is-fid Lurk, Lr 2 -K, ir-K-T, x 3 K-NG Lurk'er, ir'-Kr 157 Lurk'ing-place, r a -K- NG-Pls Lur'ry, X,2-iZ Lus'cious, I^-SfTs Lus'ciously, i^-SHs-Z Lus'ciousness, X* Sfls - Ns Lush, ZASH Lu'siad, Zs^-D Lusk'ish, Zs"-K-SH Lu'sory, Ls*-R Lust, Zsta, Z8-Td, Zst 2 - NG Lus'ter, Zstr" Lus'terless, Zs s -Tr-Zs Lust'ful-ly, Zs*-T-Fl Lust'fulness, Zs 2 -T-Fl-Ns [Zst 2 !Fs] Lus'tily, Zs-T-Z Lus'tiness, Zs-T-Ns Lus'tral, Zs-Tr-L Lus'trate, Zs^-Trt Lustra'tion, Zs 2 -Trshn Lus'tre, Zstr 2 Lus'tring, ZsS-Tr-NG Lus'trous, Zs 2 -Trs Lus'trum, Zs^-Tr-M Lus'ty, Zs 2 -T, Zs^-T-R, Zs 2 -Tst Lut'anist, Zt 3 -Nst Luta'rious, L^-T-Rs Luta'tion, Z 2 -Tshn Lute, Zf Lu'teous, Z3-Ts Lute'string, Zts s -Tr-NG Lu'theran, Z-TH-fin Lu'theranism, Z 3 -TH-fin -zM Lu'therism, Lu'thern, Z Lut'ing, Zta-NG Lu'tose, Z3-Ts Lu'tulent, Z-T-Znt Lux'ate, Z 2 -Ks-T, Z 2 -Ks- Td. Z-KS-T-:NG Luxa'tion, Z 2 -Ksftn Luxu'riance, Z 3 -K-6Rns Luxu'riancy, Z 3 -K-s7en- 8 Luxu'riant, Z 8 -K-sKnt Luxu'riantly, Z 3 -K-sfint- Z Luxu'riate, Z'-K-sff-T, Z 3 K-sR-Td, Z 3 -K-sRt-NG Luxuria'tion, Z 8 - K - Luxu'rious, Z 3 -K-BRs Luxu'riously, z 3 -K-sR- sZ Luxu'riousness, Z 3 - K - s/Js-Ns Lux'ury, Z 2 -K-sK Lycan'thropy, Zi-Knthr- P Lyce'um, Zs^-M Lyd'ian, Z 3 -Dn Lye, Zi Ly'ing, Ly'ing-in, MAC Lymph, Z 3 -M-F Lym'phate, z 3 -M-Ft Lymphat'ic, Zi-M-F-T-K Lympti'educt, Z^-M-F-D -Kt Lyn'cean, Z 3 -Ns-N Lynch, Z 3 -N-CH. Z 3 -N- CHt, ZS-N-CH-NG Lynch'-law, Z 3 -N-CH-Z Lynx, -NG-Ks Lynx'-eyed, Z^-NG-Ks-D Ly'ra, Zi- Ly'rate, L l -Rt Lyre, Zri Lyre'-bird, Zri-Brd Lyr'ic, Zr 3 -K Lyr'ical, Zr-Kl Lyr'icism, Zr-S-zM Ly'rist, Z'-Rst M. M, the thirteenth letter of the Alphabet, represents the sound of m as heard in may, my, him., etc. In proper English words m is never silent. Mm, especially when oc- curring after an accented short-vowel, usually has the sound of single TO, as in hammer, dimmer, pum. mel, lanim, etc. Ma, M' Ma'am, M'-M Macad'amize, M-K-D 1 - Mz, M-K-D'-Mzd, M-K- D'-Mz-NG Macaro'ni, M-K-R 2 -N Macaron'ie, M-K-Ri-N-K Macaroon', M-K-Aln 3 Macaw', M l -K Mac'cabees, M-K-Bz 1 Mac'caboy, M-K-B 1 Mace, Ms 2 Mace'-bearer, Ms 2 -B-Rr Ma'cer, Ms-R 2 Mac'erate, Ms-Rt 1 , Ms- R!-Td, Ms-Rti-NG Macera'tion, Ms-ffshn 2 Machiavel'ian, M-K-V 2 - Zn Machiavel'ianism, M-K- V 2 -Znz-M Mach'iavelism, M-K-V^- Zz-M Machicola'tion, M-CH- K-Zshn Mach'inal, M'-K-Nl Mach'inate, lYP-K-Nt, M- K-N-Td 1 , M^K-Nt-NG Machina'tion, MK- Nchn Mach'inator, M'-K-Ktr Machine', MAC Machin'ery, M-SH 8 -Nr Machinist, M-SH'-Nst Mack'erel, M-Kr-Li Mack'erel-sky, M - Kr - Ls!-K Mackintosh, 3I-Knt-SHi Mack'le, M'-Kl Mac'rocosm, M J -Kr-K- zM Macrom'eter, M^Kr-Mtr Ma'cron, M*-Krn Mac'ula, M-K-L Mac'ulate, M-K-iti Macula'tion, M-K.-Z.shn* Mac'ule, M-K-U Mad, (a.) M-D* (Mdi), M'-Dr, Mi-Dst (Mdsti) Mad, (.) M-D, M-Ddi, M-Di-NG Mad'am, Mdi-M Madame', Md>-M Mad'cap, Md-K-P 1 Mad'den, M-Dn 1 , M-Dnd 1 , M-Dni-NG Mad'der, M-Dr 1 Made, Md* Mad'efy, M-Di-F, M-Dfi- D, M-Dfi-NG Madei'ra, M-Dor 2 -.R Mademoiselle', Md-M- zL 2 Mad'-headed, Md'-H-Dd Mad'-house, Md'-Hs Mad'ly, Md'-/, Mad'man, Mdi-Mn Mad'ness, M-D^Ns Madon'na, M-D-N Mad'repore, Mdr*-Pr Madrier' or Mad'rier, M-Dr 3 or'-B Mad'rigal, Mdr^Gl Mael'strom, M-Ls^Tr-M Maesto'so, Ms-T-8 Magazine', M 3 -Gz-N Mag'dalen, M-G-D^Zn Mag'got, M'-Gt Mag'goty, M-G-T 1 Ma'gi, M-J2 Ma'gian, M-Jn* Ma'gianism, [M-J2-zM] Mag'ic, M-Ji-K Mag'ical-ly, M-Ji-Kl Magi'cian, M-Jshn* Magilp', M-G-i-P Magilph', M-G-I, 3 -F Magiste'rial-ly, M-ja-sT- R\ Magiste'rialness, M-J- sT-ftl-Ns Magistracy, M-Ji-sTr-8 Magistrate, M-J^sTrt Mag'ma, M"-G-M Magna- Magne- and Magni- are commonly written by the stem M placed partially over the remainder of the word. Mag'na-Char'ta, M>-G- Jf-Kr-T [M:Kr-T] 158 Magnanimity, M-G-N- N-M-T" [M:N-M-T 3 ] Magnanimous, Mi - G - Nn-Ms [M:N'-Ms] Magnanimously, M-G- Nn-M-sI, 1 [MiN-M-sL 1 ] Mag'nate, Mi-G-Nt Magne-, See Magna-. Magne'sia, M-G-N-ZH 3 [M:ZH 3 ] Magne'sium, M-G-N-ZH 3 -M [M:ZH-M] Mag'net, M J -G-Nt Magnetic, M 2 -G-Nt-K _[M:T2-K] Magnetlcal-ly, M 2 -G-Nt- Kl [M:T 2 -K1] Magne tlcalness, M 2 -G- Nt-Kl-Ns [i:T 2 -Kl-Ns] Magneti'cian, M - G - N - Tshn 3 [M :Tshn 3 ] Magnetics, M 2 -G-Nt-^s [M:T 2 Ks] Mag'netism, Mi-G-Ntz-M [MiT^zM] Mag'netist, M-G-N-Tst 1 [M-.Tst 1 ] Magnetiza'tion, M-G-N- TzsAra 2 [MiTzs&n 2 ] Mag'netize, M-G-N-Tzi, M-G-N-Tzd 1 , M-G-N-Tz'- NG [M :Tzi, M :Tzd', M Mag'netizer, M-G-Nt-Zri [M :T'-zB] Magneto-electricity, M-G-N-T 3 --K-Trs-T [M- :T5-i-K-Trs-T] Magnetom'eter, M-G-N- T'-Mtr [McT^Mtr] Magni-, See Magna-. Mag'nifiable, M-G-N-F 1 - Bl [M :F-B1] Magniflc, M-G-N-F-K [MlF^-K] Magniflcal, M-G-N-F 3 - Magnificat, M-G-N-F3- K-T [M:F 3 -K-T] Magnificence, M-G-N- Fs 3 -Ns [M:Fs 3 -Ns] Magnificent, M-G-N- Fs 3 -J<t [M:Fs 3 -Nt] Magnificently, M-G-N- Fs a -Nt-L [M :Fs 3 -Nt-Lj Mag'nifler, M-G-N-F^B [M:Fi-B] Mag'nify, M-G-N-F', M- G-N-Fd 1 , M-G-N-F'-NG [M:Fi, M:Fd', M:Fi- NG] Mag'nifying, M-G-N-F 1 - NG [M :Fi-NG] Magnil'oquenoe, M 3 -G- Nl-Kwns [M:L 3 -Kwns] Magnil'oquent, M 3 - G - Nl-Kwnt [M:L3-Kwnt] Mag'nitude, M-G-N-Td ;no'lia, M-G-N-Z,* MAR Mag'pie, M-G-P* Maguey', M 2 -Gw Mahog'any, Mi-H-G-N Mahom'edan, M - H - M- Dni Mahom'etan, M-H-M- Tni Maid, M-D2 Maid'en, M-Dn* Maid'en-hair, M-D*-N Hr Maid'en-head, M - Dn2- h:c Maid'en-hood, M-DnS- hoD Maid'enlike, M-D-N1-K Maid'enly, M-D^-Nl Maid'hood, M-D 2 -Hod Maid'-servant, M-D^-sK- Vnt or Hd2-s.R-Vnt Mai'hem, M-H-M Mail, M-L 2 , M-Ld2, M-L*- NG Mail'able, M--Bl Mail'-coach, M-i^-K-CH Mailed, M-Ld* Maim, M 2 -M, M-Md, M*- M-NG Main, Mn 2 Main'-deck, Mn 2 -D-K Main'-land, Mn^-Lnd Main'ly, M--N1 Main'-mast, Mn*-Mst Main'pernor, M-N-Pr 2 - Nr Main'prise, M-N-Prz* M- N-Przd 2 , M-N-Prz 2 -NG Main'-sail, M 2 -N-sL Main'-sheet, Mn 2 -SHt Main'-spring, M 2 -N-sPr- NG Main'-stay, Mns 2 -T Maintain', Mnt 2 -N, Mnt- Nd. Mnt*-N-NG Maintainable, Mnt - N Bl 2 Maintain'er, Mnt-N-E 2 ' Main'tenance, Mnt-Nns Main'-top, Mn^-T-P Main' -yard, M 2 -N-Y-Bd [Mn 2 -Ydj Maize, Mz 2 Majes'tic, M-J 2 -sT-K Majes'tical-ly, M-J*-sT- Kl Majes'ticalness, M-J*- sT-Kl-Ns Maj'esty, M-J'-sT Majolica, M-n-Z,-K Ma'jor, M-Jr 2 Ma'jor-domo, M-Jr z -D-M Major-gen'eral, M-Jr ! - Jn Majority, M-Jr 1 -! [M- Jrti] Majus'cule, M-Js 2 -Kl Make, M 2 -K, M 2 -K-NG Make'-bate, M2-K-Bt Make'believe, M 2 -K-B Mak'er, MAK Make'-shift, M 2 -K-SH-Ft Make'-weight, M^-K-wT Mal'achite, M-Zi-K-T Malacol'ogist, M-Zi-Kl- Jst Malacol'ogy, M-zi-Kl-Jl Maladministration, M- /,2-D-Mns-Tshii Maladroit', M-Z*-Drt Mal'ady, M-Zi-D Mal'aga, M-Z>-G Mal'apert, M-Zi-Prt Mal'apertness, M-Zi-Prt- Ns Malapropos', M-Z 2 -Pr-P Mala'ria, M-Z 2 -.R Mala'rial, M-/,s-#l Mala'rious, M-Z 2 -.Rs Malconforma'tion, Ml !F2.R-Mslm [MliFshn^J Mai 'content, Ml :Tnti Malcontent'ed, MliTn 2 - Td Malcontent'edness, Ml !Tn2-Td-Ns Male, Ml= Maledic'tion, M-Z-D- Kshn Mal'efactor, M-Zi-F-Ktr Malefac'tion, M-Zi-F- Kshn Malevolence, M-Z2-V- Zns Malevolent, M-z-V-Znt Malev'olently, M - L* - V-Znt-Z Malfea'sance, M-Z 8 -Fz- Hl Malform', M-Z^F-R-M Malforma'tion, M-Z 2 -F- R-Mshn Mal'ice, M-Zs 1 Mali'cious, M-L 3 -SHa Mali'ciously, M-L*-S'Es- L Mali'ciousness, M - L 3 SSf-St Malign', M-X<ni, M-indi, M-Z,n-NG Malig'nancy, M - L* - Q - Nn-S Malig'nant, M-i 3 -G-Nnt Malig'nantly, M - L* - G - Nnt- Maligned', M-Lndi Malign'er, M-in'-R Malig'nity, M-L 8 -G-N-T Malignly, M-ii-Nl Malin'ger, M-i3-NG-Gr, M-i-NG-Grd, M-i-NG- Gr-NG Mal'ison, M-Zs^N Mal'kin, M'-Kn Mall, M-L', M-Ldi, M-Li- NG Mal'lard, M-L>-ffd Malleabil'ity, M-i3.Bi-T Mal'leable, M-i l -Bl Mal'leableness, M-ii-Bl- Ns [M-XMBs] 159 Mal'leate, M-Zi-T, M- Mallea'tion, M-Zshn 2 Mailed, M-Ldi Mallet, M-Zti Mallow, M-Z 1 Mallows, M-Zz 1 Malm'sey, M-M-Z' Malo'dor, M-Z 2 -Dr Malprao'tice, M-Z'-Pr-K- Ts Malt, M-Lt>, M-Z'-Td, M- Zt'-NG Malt'-liquor, M-Zt^-Z-Kr Malt'man, M-Lti-Mn Maltreat', M-Z 8 -Trt, M- Z 8 -Tr-Td, M-Z 8 -Trt(-) Maltreat'ment, M - Z - Trt-Mnt Malt'ster, M-Zti-sTr Malversa'tion, Ml - Visshn* Mam, M l -M Mam'aluke, M-M-Z^-K Mamma', M!-M Mam'mal, MJ-M1 Mammalia, M-M-Z Mammalian, M-M-Zn 2 Mammal'ogy, M-M-Z 1 ^ Mam'mary, M-M-jR 1 Mam'mifer, M-M-Fr 1 Mammif'erous, M - M - Mam'miform, M-M-F ] -R -M Mam'millary, M-M-Z 1 -^ Mam'mon, M'-Mn Mam'monist, M-Mn-Sti Mam'moth, M-M-THi Man, Mni, Mndi, Mn^NG Man'acle, M^N-Kl, M J -N -Kid, Mi-N-Kl-NG Man'age, M-N-Ji, M-N- Jd, M-N-Ji-NG Man'ageable, M-N-JJ-Bl Man'ageableness, M-N- J'-Bl-Ns [iBs] Man'agement, M-N-J 1 - Mnt Man'ager, M-N-Jr' Man'agery, M-N-Ji-B Manatee' or Manati', M- N-T8 Manchineel', M-N-CH 3 - Nl Man'cipate, M-Ns-PU Mancipa'tion, M - Ns - Man'ciple, M-Ns-Pi-L Manda'mus, Mn-D 1 Ms Mandarin', Mn-D3-.Rn Man'datary, Mn-Dti- Man'date, Mn-Dti Man'datory, Mn-Dt'-J? Man'dible, M Mandib'ular, R Man'drake, M-N-Dr^-K Man'drel, M-N-Dr 1 -!. MAN Man'ducate, !Mn-D 1 -Kt Manduca'tion, Mn - D2- Kshn Mane, Mn' Manege', Mn-ZH Ma'nes, M--NZ Maneu'ver, M-N-V^-B, M -N-V a -fid. M-K-V3-R-NO Maneu'verer, M-N-V 8 - Rr Man'ful,Mn-Fi-L Man'fully, Mu-F'-Z Man'fulness, Mn-Fi-L- Ns [MnUFs] Manganese', M 3 -N-G-Nz Mange, M-N-J 2 Man'gel-wurzel, M ! -N- Gl-Wrt-zZ Man'ger, M-N-Jr 3 Man'giness, M-N-Ji-Ns Man'gle, M'-NG-Gl, Mi- NG-Gld, Mi-NG-Gl-NQ [M'-NGl, M^NGld, ML NG1-NG Mau'gler, M-NG-Gl-Ri [M-NG1-R 1 ] Man'go, M!-NG-G Man'gostan, M-N-Gs-Tn' Man'gosteen, M - N - Gs 1 Tni Man'grove, M!-N-Grv Man'gy, M-N-J 2 , M-N-J* R, M-N-Jst 2 Manha'den, Mn-H-Dn Man'-hater, Mn'-Htr Man'-hole, M>-N-H1 Man'hood, Mn'-Hd Ma'nia, M 2 -N Ma'niac, M 2 -N-K Mani'acal, M-N-KI Maniche'an, M 3 -N-K-N Man'ichee, M'-N-K Man'icheism, M'-N-E- zM Man'icheist, MJ-N-Kr*. Man'ichord, Mi-N-Krd Manichord'on, M-N-Kr- Dn 1 Man'ifest, M-N-Fsti, M- N-Fsi-Td, M-N-Fsti-NG Manifest'able, M-N-Fs- T-B1 [M-N-Fs 2 -Bl] Manifesta'tion, M-N-Fs 3 -Tshn Manifestly, M-N-Fs 2 -T- z [-FS-L] Manifes'to, M-N-Fs 2 -T Manifold, M-N-Fi-Ld, M-N-F'-Z-Dd, M-N-Fi- LdC) Manifoldly, M-N-Fi-Zd- Z Manikin, M^N-Kn Manilla, M-N-Z 8 Ma'nioc, M 2 -N-K Maniple, M-N-P1 1 Manip'ular, M-N-P 3 -Z-B Manip'ulate, M-N-P 8 -Zt, M-N-P-Z-Td, M-N-P- Zt-NG MAN JCanipula'tion, M-N-P*- Zshn Manipulative, M-N-P 3 - Zt-V Manipulator, M-N-P 3 -: Ztr Ma'nis, M 2 -Ns Man'-killer, Mn'-K-Zr Mankind', Mn-Knd Manks, M l -NG-Ks Manlike, Mn-Z 1 -!! Manliness, M-Nl-Ns Manly, Mi-Nl, M-N1-B", IP-Hlst Man'-midwife, Mni-Md- wF Man'na, M'-N Manned, Mnd 1 Man'ner, M l -Nr Man'nered, M>-Nrd Man'nerism, M l -Nrz-M Man'nerist, M l -Nrst Man'nerliness, M-Nr-Z' Ns Man'ner ly, M-Nr-Zi Man'ners, Mi-Nrz Manlsh, Mn-SH 1 Manlshly, Mn-SH-Z Manoeu'vre, M-N-V 3 -/Z. See Maneuver. Man-of-war, Mn-V-Wr Man-of-war'-bird, Mni- V-Wr-Brd Man-of-wars'-man, Mni -V-Wrz-Mn Man'or, M J -Nr Man'or-house, M>-Nr-Hs Mano'rial, M-N-fil* Man'or-seat, Mi-Nrs-T Man'oscope, M-Ns-K-P 1 Man'sard-roof, Mns-Bd 1 - Rt Manse, Mns 1 Man'-servant, MniisR 4 - Vnt Man'sion, Mi-Nshn Man'sionary, M - Nshn - Man'sion-house, M 1 - Nshn-Hs Man'slaughter, M - N - sZtr 1 [Ms-Ztr 1 ] Man'-stealer, Mns^T-Z- B Man'suetude, Mn-S 1 -Td Man'tel, Mu-Ti-L Mantelet', Mn-T^-Zt Man'tel-pieee, Mn-T 1 -Z- Ps Man'tel-shelf, Mn-T^-Z- 8H1-F Man'tel-tree, Mn - T* - Z - Tr Mantilla, Mn-T 3 -Z Mantis'sa, Mu-T^-S Man'tle, Mn-Ti-L, Mn-T- Ld. Mn-T'-L-NG Man'tled, Mn-T-Ld Man'tle-piece, Mn-T'-Z- Pa 160 Man'tle-shelf, Mn-T-/i- 8H1-F Man'tle-tree, Mn-T 1 -^- Tr Mantlet, Mn-T'-Zt Man'to, Mn-T Mantol'ogy, Mn-T^Z-J Man'-trap, M-N-Tri-P Man'tua, Mn-T 1 Man'tua-maker, Mn-T 1 - M-Kr Man'ual, M-N-L Man'ually, M-N-Z^ Manufac'tory, M-N-F*- K-T-fi [M-N-Fi] Manufact'ure, M-N-Fi- Ktr, M-N-Fi-K-CHrd, M- N-FJ-Ktr-NG [M-N-Ftr'. M-N-F'-Trd, M-N-Ftr(-)]i Manufact'urer, M-N-F 1 - Ktr-R [M-N-Fi-R] Manumis'sion, Mn 3 - Mshn Manumit', Mn3-Mt, Mn- M-Td, Mn-Mt(-)3 Manumit'ter, Mn 3 -Mtr Manumo'tive, Mn-Mt-V 2 Manur'able, Mn-.R3_Bi Manure', Mn-B, Manur'age, Mn-R 3 -J Manure'ment, Mn - B 3 - Mnt Man'uscript, M-N-sKr- Pti [-sK-Pt] Man'- worship, M 1 - N - Vfr-SH-P Man'y, M2-N Man'y-colored, M^-N-K- Li& Man'y-cornered, M-N- Kr-Nrd Man'y-leaved, M^-N-Z- Vd Man'y-legged, M-N-Z- G-D Man'y-lettered, M-N- i-Trd Man'y-parted, M-N-P- R-T& Man'y -peopled, M*-N- P-Pld Man'y -sided, M^-Ns-Dd Man'y-times, M 2 -N-T-Mz Man'y-toned, M^-N-Tnd Man'y-voiced, M*-N-Vst Man'y-ways, M^-N-Wz Map, M-Pi, M-Pti, M-P 1 - NG Ma'ple, M-Pia Ma'ple-tree, M-Pl-Tr Mar, M-Bi, M-^di, M-.R1- NG Maranath'a, M-Ri-N-TH Maraschi'no, M-.Rs 3 -K-N Maras'mus, M-J Maraud', M-fii- Dd, M-fii-D-NG Maraud'er, M-R'-Dr Marave'di, M- MAR Mar'ble, Mr-Bli Mr- Bid 1 , Mr-Bl>-NG Mar'bled, Mr-Bldi Mar'bler, Mr-Bli-B Marc, Mr'-K Marces'cent, M-Rss^-Nt March, M-i-CH, M-R- CHt, M-fii-CH-NG Mar'chioness, Mrshn-Si March'-mad, M-fii-CH- Md March'pane, M-fi^CH- Pn March'-wind, M-.R-CH1- Wnd Mar'cid, M-/?s J -D Marcid'ity, M-Rs 3 -D-T Mare, M-Bi Mare's-nest, M-Rs'-Nst Mare'schal, Mr-SHl 1 Marge, M-!-J Mar'gent, M-R 1 - Jnt Mar'gin, M-Bi-Jn, M-RJ- Jnd, M-fii-Jn-NG Mar'ginal, M-Ri-J-Nl Mar'ginate, M-R'-J-Nt Margina'ted, M-fii-J-N- Td Mar'gravate, Mr-Gr-Vt 1 Mar'grave, Mri-Grv Margra'viate, Mr-Gr-V 2 - T Margravine, Mr-Gr-Vn Marig'enous, M-fi3.j.N S Mar'igold, M-fli-Gld Marine', M-fln 3 Mariner, M-Ri-Nr Mariol'atry, M-^-Z-Tr Marionnette', M-R2-Nt Marital, M-fii-T-L Maritime, M-fl^T-M Mar'joram, Mr-Jr^M Mark, Mr'-K Marked, Mr 1 - Kt. See Market. Marked'-price, Mr 1 - Kt - Prs Marking, Mr^K-NG Mark'er, Mri-Kr Mar'ket, M-Ri-Kt (See Marked), M-fii-K-Td, M- R'-Kt-NG Mar'keting, M-Ri-Kt-NG Marketable, M-Ri-Kt-Bl Mar'ketableness, M-B 1 - Kt-Bl-Ns [IBs] Mar'ket-basket, M-.K 1 - Kt-B-sKt Mar'ket-day, M-Ri-Kt-D Mar'keter, M-fli-Ktr Mar'ket-house, M - R l Kt-Hs Market-man, M-Bi-Kt- Mn Mar'ket-place, M-B'-Kt- Pis Mar'ket-price, Prs Market-town, Tn MAR Mark'ing-ink, Mr 1 - K - NG-NG-K Mark'ing-iron, Mr* - K - NG-i-Rn Marks'man, Mr^K-sMn Marl, M-B1 1 , M-Bld', M- Bli-NG Marla'ceous, M-fll^-SHs Marline, M-Bln 1 Marline-spike, M-Blns 1 -P-K Marl'ite, M-Blti Marlit'ic, M-B13-T-K Marl'pit, M-BP-Pt Marl'y, M-B1 1 , M-Bli-fi, M-Blst 1 Mar'malade, Mr-M-i^D Mar'matite, Mr-M-Tt 1 Mar'molite, Mr-M-Zt 1 Marmora'ceous, Mr-M- R--SHS Mar'morate, Mr-M Rt* Marmora'tion, Mr - M - Bshn2 Marmora'tum, Mr-M-fi*- T-M Marmo'real, Marmo'rean, Mr-M-Bn* Mar'mose, Mr'-Ms Marmoset', Mr-Mz-T* Mar'mot, Mr'-Mt Mar'onites, M-Bi-Nts Maroon', M-Bn<*, M-Bnd", M-tfu 3 -NG Mar'plot, Mr-Plti Marque, MrJ-K Marquee', Mi^-Ke Mar'quess, Mr^Kws Mar'quetry, M-B^K-Tr Mar'quis, Mri-Kws Mar'quisate, Mr-Kws-T 1 Marred, M-fidi Mar'rer,M-Rri Mar'riage, M-fi'-J Marriageable, M-fii-J- Bl Mar'ried, M-^-D Maroon', M Rn* Mar'row, M-fli Mar'row-bone, Mar'rowfat, M- Mar'rowish, M-fi ] -8H Mar'rowless, M-R l -Ls Mar'rowy, Mr-B 1 Mar'ry, M-fl 1 , M-B'-D, lil-fii-NG Mars, M-Rz 1 Marsh, M-fli-SH Mar'shal, Mr-8Hl>, Mr- SHld 1 , Mr-SHli-NG Mar'shaled, Mr-SHldi Mar'shaler, Mr-SHP-R Mar'shalsea, Mr-SHlJ-S Mar'shalship, Mr - 8H1- 8H-P [:8H] Marsh'-harrier, M - B 1 - SH-H-R-R Marsh'-mallow, M-B 1 - 8H-M-L Warsh'y, M B-8H 161 Marsu'pial, M-/2s a -P-L Marsupia'lia, M-.Rs2-P-.fc Marsu'piate, M-Bss.p.x Mart, M-^t> Martel'lo-Tower, M-B2- T-i-T-R Mar'ten, M-BJ-Tn Mar'-text, M-fti-T-Kst Mar'tial, Mr-SHP Mar'tial-law, Mr-SHP-i Mar'tially, Mr-SHli Mar'tin, M--Tn Mar'tinet, M-flU-Nt Mar'tingal, M-ffH-N-Gl Mar'tingale, M-flt^N-Gl Mar'tinmas, M-Bt'-N-Ms Martlet, M-Bt'-^t Mar'tyr, Mrtr', Mr-Trd 1 , Mrtr l -NG Mar'tyrdom, Mrtr-Di-M Mar'tyrize, Mrtr-z> Martyrolog'ic, Mrtr-L 1 - J-K Martyrolog'ical, Mrtr - Z,i-J-Kl Martyrol'ogist, Mrtr-Z, 1 - Jst Martyrol'ogy, Mrtr-Z^J Mar'vel, Mr-Vl 1 , Mr-Vldi, Mr-Vl-NG Mar'velous, Mr- Vis 1 Mar'velously, Mr-Vls 1 -L Mar'velousness, Mr- Vis 1 -Ns Ma'ry-bud, M-B2-Bd Mascagn'in, Ms^Kn-N Mas'cle, M l -sKl Mas'culate, Ms 1 K-it Mas'culated, Ms-K-ii-Td Mas'culine, Ms-K-in l Mas'culinely, Ms-K-I,i- Nl Mas'culineness, Ms - K - ini-Ns Mash, M-SHi, M-Sfft 1 , M-SH'-NG Mash'y, M-Sfl" 1 Mask, Mst-K, Msi-Kt, Ms^K-NG Masked, Ms^Kt Mask'er, Ms^Kr Mask'ery, Ms-K-B 1 Mask'-house, Ms^K-Hs Maslin, Mz-in 1 Ma'son, M!,*-N Mason'ic, Ms^N-K Ma'sonry, Ms-N-B Maso'ra, Ms-B 3 Masoret'ic, Ms-2-T-K Masoret'ical, Ms-Bt-Kl Mas'orite, Ms-Bt 1 Masque, Msi-K Masquerade', Ms-Kr-D^. Ms-Kr-Dd2. Ms-Kr-D-NG Masquerad er, Ms - Kr - Dr Mass, Msi, Mst 1 , Ms^NG Mas'sacre, Ms'-Kr, Ms 1 - Krd, Ms>-Kr-NG Mas'sacrer, Ms-Kr-B 1 MAT iMass'-book, Ms'-B-K Mass'er, Ms-R 1 (Masse'ter, Ms-Tr Mass'-house, Ms'-Hs Mas'sicot, Ms J -Kt Mass'iness, M-S'-Ns Mass'ive, Ms-V 1 Mass'iveness, Ms-VJ-Ns [:Vs] Mass'-meeting, Ms 1 - Mt(-) Mass'-priest, Msi-Prst Mass'y, M-Si, M-Sr 1 , M- Ssti Mast, Mst 1 , Ms - Tdi, Mstf) 1 Mast'ed, Ms-Td 1 Mas'ter, Mstr 1 , Ms-Trd 1 , Mstr(-)i Mas'ter-builder, Mstr 1 - B-idr Mas'terdom, Mstr-Di-M Mas'ter-key, Ms-Tr'-K Mas'terliness, Ms-Tri-L- Ns Mas'terly, Ms-Tr'-i Mas'terpiece, Ms-Tri-Ps Mas'tership, Mstr^SH Mas'ter-stroke, Ms-Tr 1 - sTr-K Mas'tery, Ms-T'-B Mast'-head, Ms-Ti-Hd [Ms l -Hd] Mas'tic, Ms-Ti-K Mas'ticable, Ms-Tt-K-Bl Mas'ticate, Ms-Ti-Kt. Ms -T'-K-Td. Ms-Ti-Kt-NG Mas'ticated, ils-T^K-Td Mastica'tion, JIs-T^- Kshn Mas'ticatory, Ms-Ti-K- T-B Mas'tich, Ms-Ti-K Mas'ticot, Ms-T'-Kt Mas'tifiF, Ms-Tf 1 Mastless, Ms-T'-is Mast'lin, Mz-Ln 1 Mas'todon. Ms-T'-Dn Mas'toid, Ms-Td 1 Mastol'ogy, Ms-Tt-L-J Masturba'tion, Ms-Tr*- Bshn Mast'y, Ms-Ti Mat, Mti M-Td 1 , Mt(-) Mat'achm, M-1i-SHn Mat'adore, M-T!-Dr Match, M-CH 1 , M-CHti, M-CHi-NG Matched, M-CHti Match'able, M-CHi-Bl Match'er, M-CHr 1 Matchless, M-CHt-is Matchlessly, M-cm-is- L Matchlock, M-CH>-i-K Match'-maker, M-CH L M-Kr Match'-making, M-CH 1 - M-K-NG Mate, Mt, M-Td, Mt(o MAT Ha 'ted, M-Td Mate'less, Mt-Ls Mate'ria, M-T^-fl (Mt-B s ) Mate'rial, Mtr-L 3 Mate'rialism, Mtr-iz'-M Mate'rialist, Mtr-ist Materialis'tic, Mtr-is'-T -K Materialis'tical, Mtr-is 8 -T-K1 Materiality, Mtr-Z,i-T Mate'rialize, Mtr - Li?, Mtr-izd 8 . Mtr-Lz 3 -NG Mate'rially, Mtr-Z,a Mate'rialness, Mtr-i 8 -Ns Materiel', Mi-fi^-L Maternal-ly, M-Tr*-Nl Mater'nity, M-Tr-N-T Math, M-TH 1 Mathemat'io, M-THi-Mt- K Mathemat'ical-ly, M - TH^Mt-KI Mathemati'cian, M-TH 3 - M-Tshu Mathemat'ics, M-TH 1 - Mt-Ks Mathe'sis, M-THss 3 Mat'in, M-Tni Matinee', M-T-N Mat'rass, JI-Trs 1 Mat'ress, M-Trs 1 Mat'rice, M-Trsi Mat'rices, M-Trss 1 Matrici'dal, Mtrs-Di-L Mat'ricide, Mtrs-D 1 Matric'ulate, M-TrS-Klt, M-Tr*-Kl-Td, M-Tr-Klt- NG Matricula'tion, M-Tr a - Elshn Matrimo'nial-ly, Mtr*- M-N1 Mat'rimony, Mtr^M-N Ma'trix, M-Tr-Ks Ma'tron, M-Trn Mat'ronage, M-Tr J -N-J Mat'ronal, M-T^orS-Nl Mat'ronize, M-T^-Xz Ma'tronly, M-Tr 2 -Xl Mat'ter, Mtr 1 , M-Trdi, Mtr'-NG Mat'terless, Mtr-Xs 1 Mat'tery, Mt-i Mat'ter-of-fact, Mtr' i Fti Mat'ting, M - T 1 - NG (Mt(-)i) Mat'tock, MH-K Mat'tress, M-Trsi Mat'urant, M-Ti-fint (Mt- finti) Plat'urate, Mt-Bti, Mt- Matura'tion, Mt-Kshn Mat'urative, Mt-fit'-v Mature', Mt-fia, Mt-/jd, Kt-flMfa Mature'ly, Mt-JJ-i. See Immaturely. Mature 'ness, iit-2 :! -X 162 Matures'cent, Mt-ffs*-] Matu'rity, Mt-fi*-T(-.Rt) Matu'tinal, M-T 3 -T-N1 Mat'utine, M-T'-Tn Mat'weed, Mt-Wd 1 Maud'lin, Mau'ger, M>-Gr Mau'gre, Mi-Gr Maul, M-L 1 , M-Ld 1 , M-L 1 - NG Maul'-stick, M-ist-T-K Maunch, M-N-CHi Maund, Mnd 1 , Mn-Dd 1 , Mnd>-NG Maund'er, Mndr 1 , Mnd- Bd 1 , Mndr!-NG Maund'erer, Mndr-B* Maund'ril, Mnd-Ri-L Maun'dy -Thursday, Mn-D'-THrz-D Mausole'an, Ms-in 8 - Mausole'um, Ms-Z. 8 -M Mau'ther, Mdhr 1 Ma'vis, M-Vs Maw, M 1 Mawk, Mi-K Mawk'ingly, M^-K-NGl Mawk'ishly, M-K.-5H1 1 Mawk'ishness, M-K-SH 1 -Ns Mawks, M : -Ks Mawk'y, M ! -K Maw'met, Mi-Mt Maw'mish, M-M-SH 1 Maw'-worm, Mi-Wr-M Max'illar, M-K-s^-B Max'illary, M-K-si 1 -^ Maxil'liform, M-K-s^ 3 - T-B-M Maxil'liped, M-K-si-Pd Max'im, MJ-K-sM Max'ima, M 1 -E-8M Max'imum, M'-E-sM-M May, M 2 May'-apple, M*-P1 May'-be, M 2 -B May'-bloom, M 2 -B1-M May'-bug, M=-B-G May'-bush, M 2 -B-SH May'-day, M 2 -D May'-dew, M 2 -D May'-duke, M 2 -D-E May'-flower, M*-F1-B May'-fly, M 2 -F1 May'-game, M 2 -G-M May'hem, M 2 -H-M May'ing, M-NG May'-lady, M 2 -i-D May'-lilf , T>V~L-L May'-morn, M 2 -M-fln May'or, M-BS May'oralty, N May'oress, M- May'-pole, M-P-L May'-queen, M 2 -Ewn May'- weed, M 2 -Wd Maz'agan, Mz'-Gn Maz'ard, M-Zrdi Maze, Mz2, Mzd. Mz-NG Maz'edness, Mz-D 2 -Ks MEA Ma'zer, M-Zr Maz'ily, M-Z1 2 Maz'iness, M Z 2 -Ns Mazolog'ical, M-zZ>-J-EI Mazol'ogist, M-z/,i-Jst Mazol'ogy, M-zii-J Ma'zy, M-z 2 Maz'zard, M-Zrd* Me, MS Mead, M-D 8 Mead'ow, M-D* Mead'ow-lark, M-D 2 -- B-K Mead'ow-ore, M-D 2 -B Mead'ow-rue, M-D 2 - Mead'ow-wort, M - D 5 - Wrt Mead'owy, M-D 2 Mea'ger, M-Gr Mea'gerly, M-Gr-i 8 Mea'gerness, M 3 -Gr-Ns Mea'gre, M^-Gr Mea'grely, M-Gr-Z, 3 Mea'greness, M 3 -Gr-17s Meak, MS.K Meal, M-L Meal'man, M-X. 3 -Mn ' Meal'time, ai-Z 3 -T-M (M- ita-M) Meal'iness, M- 3 -;Ns Meal'y, M-/, 3 , M-i^-B, M- ist Meal'y-mouthed, M-i 8 - M-DHd Meal'y-mouthedness, M-i 3 -M-L>Hd-Ns Mean, (o.) Mn 3 , M 8 -Nr, Mn-St Mean, (v.) Mn 3 , Mn 3 -NG Mean'der, Mndr 1 , M-N- Drd 1 , Mndr^NG Mean'drian, M-X-Dm 1 Meandri'na, K-N-Di*-X Mean'drous, M N-Drs 1 Mean'dry, M-N-Dr 1 Mean'ing, Mn 8 -NG Mean'ingless, Mn-NG 8 - Ls 3 Mean'ingly, Mn-NG-L Mean'ly, M 3 -M Mean'ness, Mn 3 -Xs Means, Mnz 8 Meant, Mnt^ Mean'time, Mn-T 8 -M Mean'while, M-N-Wl 8 , Mear, M-B 8 Mease, Ms 3 Mea'sled, M-Zld 3 Mea'sles, M-Zlz 8 Meas'ly, M-Zl 3 Meas'urable-y, M-ZHr 4 - Bl Meas'urableness, M - ZHr 2 -Bl-Ns [:Bs] Meas'ure, M ZHr", M- ZHrd 2 , M-ZHr 2 X(T Meas'ureless, M-ZHr*-i Meas'urement, M-ZHr*- Mnt Meas'urer, MEA Meat. Mt Meath, M-TH* Meat'-oflering, Mt 3 -Fr- KG Meat'y, M-T 8 Mechan'ic, M 1 -Kn-K Mechan'ical-ly, Mi-K-N- El Mechan'icalness, M J -K- N-Kl-Ns Mechani'cian, M 3 - K - Nairn Mechanics, M^Kn-Ks Mech'anism, M a -K-Nz-M [M a -K-zM] Mech'anist, M 2 -K-Nst Mech'anize, M 2 -K-Nz Mech'anized, M 2 -K-Nzd Mechanog'raphist, M - K-N-Gr-Fsti Mechanog'raphy, M-K- N-Gr-Fi Mech'lin, M-K-Zn 2 Mecho'acan, M-CH-Kn or M 2 -K-Kn Mec'onate, M 2 -K-Nt Meco'nia, M^K-N Mecon'ic, M^Kn-K Mec'onine, M a -K-Nn Mec'onite, M 2 -K-Nt Meco'nium, M 2 -Kn-M Med'al, M-D1 Med'alet, M-D 2 -Zt Medal'ic, M-Di-Z-K Med'alist, M-Dlst Medal'lion, M-D>-Zn Medal'urgy, M-Di-Z-fi-J Med'dle, M-D1, M-Dld, M-D12-NG Med'dler, M-D1-R Med'dlesome, M-Dl-sM Med'dlesomeness, M - Dl 2 -sM-Ns Med'dlingly, M-D1*-NG1 Medise'val, M-D 8 -V1 Me'dial, M-D^-L Me'dian, M-Dn 8 Me'diant, M-Dnt 8 Medias'tine, M-Ds^Tn Me'diate, M-Dt 3 , M-D 3 ' Td. M-Dt(-) 8 Me'diately, M-Dt 3 -Z Media'tion, M-Dshn 8 Mediatiza'tion, M - D" - Me'diatize, M-D-Tz, M- D 3 -Tzd. M-D 8 -Tz-NG Me'diator, M-Dtr 3 Me'diatory, M-Dt 8 -K Mediato'rial-ly, M-Dt 2 - Bl Me'diatorship, M-Dtr 3 8H-P [:SH] Me'diatress, M-D 8 -Trs Me'diatrix, M-D-Tr-Ks Med'ic, Md a -K Med'icable, Md-K-Bl* Med'ical-ly,Md-Kl Med'icament, Md a -K Mnt 163 Medicament'al-ly, Md- K-Mnt-I, [:Mnt] Med'icaster, Md^-Kstr Med'icate, Md^-Kt, Md- K-Td Md-Kt-NG Medica'tion, Mda-Kshn Med'icative, Md-Kt-V Medic'inable, M-Ds*N- Bl Medic'inal, M-Ds'-Nl Med'icine, Mds^-N Medie'val, M-D8-V1 Me'diocral, M-D^-Kr-L Me'diocre, M-D 8 -Kr Medioe'rity, M-Di-Kr-T Meditate, Md-Tt 2 , Md- T2-Td, Md-Tt(-)2 Medita'tion, Md-Tshn Med'tative, Md-T-Tv Med'itativeness, Md-T- Tv-Ns Mediterra'nean, Md-Tr 2 - Nn Mediterra'neous, Md - Tr 2 -Ns Me'dium, M-D-M (Md 8 - M) Med'lar, M-D1 2 -B Med'ley, M-D 2 -i Medul'lar, M-D 2 -i-R Med'ulary, M-D 2 -L-/J Medul'line, M-D=-/,n Medu'sa, M-D^-S Medu'sian, M-Ds 8 -N Meech, M-CH Meech'ing, M-CH 3 -NG Meed, M-D3 Meek, M 3 -K, M 3 -Kr, M 3 - Kst Meek'en, M 3 -Kn Meek'-eyed, M 3 -K-I-D Meek'ly, Ma-Kl Meek'ness, M 3 -K-N8 Meer, M-R 3 Meer'echavun, M-K 8 -8H- M Meet, Mt 3 , Mto Meet'en, M-Tn 3 Meet'er, Mtr 3 Meet'ing, Mto 3 Meet'ing-house, Mt(-) 3 IHsi Meet'ly, Mt-L 3 Meet'ness, Mt 3 -Ns Meg'acosm, M a -G-K-zM Megale'sian, M-G-zhn : Megalon'yx, M-G-L^-Ks Meg'alosaur, M-G-Ls a -R Megaloaau'rus, M-G-Ls 1 - Ka Megathe'rium, M-G-TH 8 -R-M Me'grim, M-Gr-M Mei'osis, Mss 1 Mei'onite, M-N-T Me'lam, M-L-M Melan'agogue, M-Zn'-G G Mel'ancholic, M1-N-K1- X. MEL Mel'ancholiness, Mel'ancholily, Ml-N-Kl- i 2 Mel'ancholy, >ri 2 -N-Kl Mel'ancholize, Ml* - N- Klz Melange', M-i'-X-ZH Mel'anite, M-/, 2 -Nt Melanit'ic, M-i3-Nt-K Melee', M-i2 Melic'erous, M-Ls^-Ba Mel'ilite, M-L--it Mel'ilot, M-Z--z,t Mel'iorate, M-/, 3 -.fft, M- Z,s-fl-Xd. M-X 8 -t-KG Meliora'tion, M-/, 2 -Hshn Mel'late, M-zt 2 Mel'lic, M-z 2 -K Melliferous, M-L'-Frs Melllf'iC, M-/,a-F-K Melliflca'tion, M-L-F- Kshn Mellifluence, M-X ! -F1- Ns Mellifluent, M-Z 3 -Fl-Nt Mellifluently, M-i^-Fl- Nt-L Mellifluous, M-L 8 -Fls Mellif luously, M-Z, 3 -Fls- L, Mellig'enous, M-i 3 -J-Ns Melli'go, M-ii-G Mellil'oquent, Hl- 8 - Kwnt Mel'lit, M-ita Mel'litate, M-i-Tt Mel'lite, M-Lt 2 Mellit'ic, M-/, 3 -T-K Mel'low, M-ZS, M-ZS-D, M-Z 2 -NG Mellowly, M-z 2 z Mel'lowness, M-z*-Ns Mel'low-toned, M - z- Tnd Mel'lowy, M-Z 2 Melocotoon', M-Z'-K-Tn Melo'deon, M-Z s -Dn Melo'dious, M-Z 2 -Ds Melo'diously, M-Z 2 -D- sZ JMelo'diousness, M-Z*- Ds-Ns Mel'odist, M-Z-Dst Mel'odize, M-Z 2 -Dz, M- Z 2 -Dzd, M-Z2-Dz-NG Melodra'ma, M - Z 2 or- Dr-M Melodramat'ic, M-Z 1 - Dr-Mt-K Melodram'atist, M-Z^- Dr-M-Tst Mel'odrame, M-Z 2 -Dr-M Mel'ody, M-Z-D Me'loe, M-Z 3 Mel'on, M-Zn Melo'sis, M-Zss* Melpom'ene, M-Zi-P M- N Mel'rose, MEL Melt, M-Lt*, M-i*-Td, M- it*-NO Melt'er, M-Ltr Melt'ingly, M-it*-NGl Melt'ingness, M-Lt*-NG- Ns Member, M-M-Br* [M] Mem'bered, M-M-Brd Mem'bership, M-M-Br 2 - SH-P [M2;SHJ Mem'brane, M-M-Brn* 164 Me'nial, M-N-L* Men'ilite, M-N-Zt Menin'ges, Mn-N-Jz 8 Menis'cal, M3-Ns-Kl Menis'coid, M-Ns-K-D 8 Menis'cus, M'-Ns-Ks Men'iver, M-N-V 2 -R Men'nonists, Mn-N-Stsa Men'nonites, Mn-N-Ts 2 Menolo'gium, M-N-Z, S -J- M Membrana'ceous, M-M- Menol'ogy, M-N1-.P Br2-N-SHs Men'OW, M*-N Membra'neous, M-M - Men'sal, M-Ns-L* Br-S-Ns Men'ses, M 2 ->'sz Membraniferous, M-M- Men'strual, M-N-sTr a -L Br-N-F-.R8 I [Mns-T3-L] Membra'niform, M-M- Men'struant, M-N-sTrnt 2 Br 2 -N-F(-R-M) Membranol'ogy, M-M- Bri-Xl-J Mem'branous, M-M-Br 2 - Ns Memen'to, M-M-N-T 2 Mem'non, M 2 -M-Nn Mem'orist, [Mns-Tnt 2 ] Men'struate, M-N-sTr- T, M-N-sTrS-Td, M-N- 8Tr-T-NG [Mns-Tt 2 , Mn8-T 2 'Td, Mns-Tt(-) 2 ] Menstrua'tion, M - N - sTrshn 2 [Mns-Tshn 2 ] Memorabil'ia,M-M-B 3 -B! 8 Men'struous, M-N-sTr 2 - -L Memorabil'ity, M-M-B^- M [Mns-T 2 -M] Men'struum, M-N-sTr s - Mensurabil'ity, M - N - HER Mt r'chantable, CHiit2-B(-L) Mer'chant-man, CHnt^tMnl Mer'chant-men, CHnt 2 : Mn* Mer'c h ant-tailor, CHnt=-T-i-R Mt Mr Mr- Mr- Mer'ciful-ly, Mr-S-Fl Mer'cifulness, Mr-S-Fl- Ns [:Fs] Mer'cify, Mrs-F* Mer'ciless, Mrs-is a Mer'cilessly, Mrs- Mer'cilessness, Mrs Ns Mercu'rial-ly, Mr K Mercu'rialist, Mr-K-filst Mercu'rialize, Mr - K - Rlz*, Mr-K-.Rlzd3, Mr-K- Mer'curied, Mr-K-fld* Mercuriflca'tion, Mr-K- B-i-T (nr-Lt) Mem'orable-y, M-M-/2-i 8Hr-Bl-T (-Bit) Bl Men'surable-y, M - N - Mere'ly, Memoran'da, M-M-^-N- 8Hr 2 -Bl D [M-M-Di] Men'sural, M-N-8Hr 2 -L Mercu'rify, Mr-K-fi s -F Mer'cury, Mr 2 -Kr Mer'cy, Mr-S 2 Mer'cy-seat, Mr-Ss 2 -T Merd, Mrd 2 Mere, Mr 3 Meretri'cious, Mr - Tr 3 SHs Memoran'dum, M-M - Men'surate, M-N-SHrts Meretri'ciously, Mr-Tr?- [M-Mi] Mensura'tion, Mem'orate, M-M-Kt 2 I SHrshn* Mem'orative, M-M-Kt 2 - Ment, Mnt M - N - BB.B-L . Meretri'ciousness, Mr- ' Memo'rial, M-M-fll* | Men'tal, M-N-T*-L(orMnt Mergan'ser, Mr-Gns-K> Memo'rialist, Rlst* -i 2 ) M-M- Men'tally, M-N-T 2 -Z(or Mnt-Z, 2 ) Merge, M-.R 2 -J, M-.R 2 -Jd, Mer'ger, Mr-Jr 2 memo riaiize, .u-.m-.Kiz-, jju.en lion, ai'-TNsnn, M-^- SHnd 2 , M-Nshn-NG meria lan, M-w^-un Merid'ional-ly, M-fl 3 -D- NG Men'tionable, M-Nshn- Nl Mem'orize, M-M-/Zz, M- B-L Meridional'ity, M-fli-D- M-/Jzd s , M-M-Kz*-NG Men'tor, Mntr* Nl-T Memor'iter, M-M-fitri Mento'rial, Mn-T 2 -fil Mer'ils, M-filz 2 Mem'ory, M-M-/? 2 Mem'phian, M-M-Fn* Men'opome, M-N-pz-M Mephit'ic, M-F^-T-K Meringue' (ina-ring'), M- Men, Mn Mephit'ical, M-Ft 3 -Kl Meri'no, M-ffs.jf Men'ace, M 2 -Ns, M 2 -Nst, Mephi'tis, M-Fi-Ts Mer'it, M-t 2 , M-/?2.Td, M2 Ns-NG Men'acer, M-Ns-R Meph'itism, M-F 2 -T-zM Mera'cious, M-^ 2 -SHs Mer'itable, M-Kt 2 -Bl Men'aoingly, M-Ns-XG- Mer'cable, Mr-K-B12 Merito'rious, ^i-R--T-Ra Menage', Mn-ZH> Mercantile, Mr-K-Nt-L" Mei^cenarially, Mrs-N- Merito'riously, M-^ 2 -T- R-KL Menag'erie, Mn-ZHi-B Men'agogue, M 2 -N-G-G Mei^cenariness, Mrs-N- Merito'riousness, M-JZ- T-fis-Ns Mend, Mnd*, Mn-Dd 2 , R 3 -'S8 Mer'itot, M-B 2 -Tt Mnd 2 -XG Mer'cenary. Mrs-N-7? 2 Merk, Mr 2 -K Mend'able, Mnd-B=-L Mer'cer. Mrs-R 2 Merle, M-^l 2 Menda'cious, Mnd-SHs Mer'cership, Mrs-R2-,Sff- Mer'lin, M-flln Mendac'ity, Mn-Ds'-T P [SSH] Mer'lon, M-filn Men'der, Mndr 2 Men'dicancy, Mnd-Kn- Mer'ceryt Mrs-B Mer'chandise, Mr-CH 2 - Mer'maid, Mr 2 -Md Mer'man, Mr 2 -Mn Mend'icant, Mnd 2 -Knt N-Dz, Mr-CH 2 -N-Dzd, Mr-CH-N-Dz-NG (or Mr Me'rops, M-Ji 3 -Pg Mer'rily, M-.R1 2 Mendic'ity, Mn-Ds 3 -T Menba'den, Mu-H-Cn* . -CHnd 2 -Z, etc.) Mer'chaut, Mr-CHnt Mer'rimake, M-JZ 2 -M-K Mer'riment, M-i-Mnt HER Mer'riness, M-fi2-Ns Mer'ry, M-.R2, M-7? 2 -.R, M Mer'ry-andrew, M-.R2 N-Dr Mer'ry-making, M-fi 2 M-E-NG Merry-thought, M - R* THt Mer'sion, M-Bshn 2 Merul'idans, M-fll-Dns Mesdames', M-D^M Meseemed', Ms 3 -Md Meseems', Ms 3 -Mz Mesenter'ic, Ms 2 -Ntr-E Mes'entery, Ms-N-T 2 -.R Mesera'ic, Ms-.K 2 -E Mesh, M-SH 2 , M-fft 2 , M- SH2-NG Mesh'y, M-SJ32 Me'sial, M-ZH1 Mes'lin, Mz-Zn2 Mesmer'ic, Mz-M-^-E Mesmer'ical, Mz-M-fi 2 - El Mes'merism, Mz-M-fi 2 - zM Mes'merist, Mz-M-st 2 Mesmeriza'tion, Mz-M- Mes'merize, Mz-M-fizd2, Mz-M-fiz 2 - NG ' Mes'merizer, Zr Mesne, Mn Mes'ocolon, Mz-E-Zn* Mes'olabe, Ms^ " Mes'ole, Ms-z Mes'olite, Ms-J Mes'osperm, M-Ss 2 -Pr- M Mesotho'rax, M-S^THr- Es Mes'otype, Ms-T*-P Mess, Ms 2 , Mst2, Ms-NG Mes'sage, Ms-J 2 Mes'sager, Ms-Jr 2 Mes'senger, Ms-N-Jr 2 Messi'ah, M-S 1 Messi'ahship, M-S'-/SH- P [:SH] Mesian'ic, M-S^N-E Messi'as, M-Ssi Mes'sieurs, Ms-Bs 2 Mess'mate, Ms 2 -Mt Mes'suage, Ms-W 2 -J Mestee', Ms-T Mesti'zo, Ms-TS-Z Mesym'nicum, Ms s -M-N -E-M Met, Mt Metab'asis, M-TJ-Bss Metab'ola, M-T-B1 Metabo'lian, M-T 2 -B-Zn Metacar'pal, Mt-Er-Pl Metacarpus, Mt-Er-Ps 1 Metach'ronism, Nz-M Met'acism, M-T-szM 165 MET Met'age, Mt-J3 Met'atome, Mt-T^-M Metagram'matism, Mt 1 Mete, Mts, M-Tds, Mtcjs Gr-Mtz-M Metemp'sychose, Mt- Met'al, Mt-xa Ms-Ez Metalep'sis, Mt-Z 2 -Pss Metalep'tic, Mt-Z,-Pt-K Metemsycho'sis, Mt-Ms -Kss Metalep'tical, Mt-J^Pt Metemto'sis, Mt-M-Tss El Me'teor, M-l'3-ii (or Mt- Metal'lic, Mt-ii-K K3) Metalliferous, Mt-i8- Meteor'ic, Mt-i-K Frs Me'teorite, Mt-3-T Metal'liform, Mt-XJ-F Meteor'olite, Mt-fti-zt J-K-M) Meteorolog'ic, Mt-/ei-z- Met'alline, Mt-Zn 2 J-E Met'allist, Mt-Z,st* Meteorolog'ical, Mt-ie 1 - Metalliza'tion,Mt-zsftn 2 Z-J-K1 Met'allize, Mt-Xz Mt- Meteorol'ogist, Mt-S'- Zzds. Mt-iz2-NG Z-Jst Metallog'raphy, Mt-Z 1 - Meteorol'ogy, Mt-/f'-Z-J Gr-F Meteor'omancy, Mt-R 1 - Met'alloid, Mt-Z 2 -D Mn-S Metallur'gic, Mt-ia-JZ-J- Meteor'oscope, Mt-fls 1 - E E-P Metallurgical, Mt-za-fi- Meteoros'copy, Mt-fis 1 - J-Kl E-P Met'allurgist, Mt-Z-fi- Mete'orous, Mt-JZs 3 Jst Me'ter, Mtr Met'allurgy, Mt-z R-J Metheg'lin, M-TH2-Gln Met'al-man, Mt-z^-Mn Methinks', M-TH3-NG-Es Metamor'phic, Mt-M-fli [M-THs*] -F-E Meth'od, M-THds Metamor'phism, Mt-M- Method'ic, M-TH'-D-K R'-Fz-M Method'ical-ly, M-THdi Metamorphose, Mt-M- -El fil-Fz, Mt-M-fii-Fzd, Mt- Meth'odism, M-TH^-D- M-.R'-Fz-NG zM Metamor'phoser, Mt-M- Meth'odist, M-TH'-Dst JS-Fz-B (-THdst) Metamorphosic, Mt-M- Methodist'ic, M-TH^-Dst Ki-Fz-E -E Metamor'phosis, Mt-M- 5Iethodist'ical-ly, M - Ri-Fss THS-Ds-Kl Metamorphos'tical, Mt- Meth'odize, M-TH=-Dz, M-fti-Fs-T-Kl M-TH2-Dzd, M-TR2-Dz- Met'aphor, Mt-Fr* Metaphor'ic, Mt-F-K-K NG Meth'odizer, M - THd 2 - Metaphor'ical-ly, Mt-Fi Zr -B-E1 Methought', M-THU Wet'aphorist, Mt-F-fist ttet'ic, Mt^-E Met'aphrase, Mt-Frz Met'oche, Mt-E Metaph'rasis, Mt-Frss' Meton'ic, M-T^-N-E Met'aphrast, Mt-Frst Metonym'ic, M-T3-N-M- Metaphras'tic, Mt-Frs 1 - E T-E Sletonym'ical-ly, M-T 3 - Metaphrast'ical, Mt - N-M-E1 Frs!-T-El tfeton'ymy, M-T'-N-M Metaphys'ic, Mt-Fz^-E Het'ope, M-T2-P Metaphys'ical-ly, Mt - ttetopos'copist, M-T 1 -?- Fzs-El sE-Pst Metaphysi'cian, Mt - Metopos'copy, M-T^-P- FzsAn 3 sE-P Metaphys'ics, Mt - Fz^ - Me'tre, Mtr 3 Ks Met'ric, Mtr-K tfet'aplasm, Mt-Pl-zM ttet'rical-ly, Mtr*-El tfetas'tasis, M-Ts'-Tss tfetrol'ogy, Mtr-Z ! -J VIetatar'sal, Mt-TrJ-sIj tfet'ronome, M-Tr-N-M Metatar'sus, Mt-Trss 1 ffetron'omy, M-Tr'-N-M Metath'esis, Mt-THss 1 ffietrop'olis, Mtr-Plsi Metatho'rax, M-T2.THr- Metropol'itan, Mtr-Pl 1 Es Tn MET Metrop'olite, Mtr-Plti Metropol'itic, Mtr-Pl'-T- K Metropolit'ical, Mtr - PU 3 -K1 Met' tie, Mt-Z,* Met'tled, Mt-id Met'tlesome, Mt-Z/s 2 -M Met'tlesomely, Mt - Ls s - M-L Met'tlesomeness, Mt - Z-sS-M-Ns Mew, M 3 , M-D 3 . M 3 -NG Mewl, M-L, M-Ld 3 , M- IANG Mewl'er, Mews, Mz Mex'ican, Mez'zanine, Mz^-Nn Mez'zo, M-T 2 -S Mez'zo-rilie'vo, M-T-S- m-v Mez'zo-sopra'no, M-T- Ss-Pr-N Mez'zotint, M-Tz*-Tnt Mezzotin'to, M-Tz 3 -T-N- T Mi-fmC'), MS Mi'asm, Mz!-M Mias'mn, Mz ] -M Mias'mal, Mz-M-Li Miasmat'ic, Mzi-Mt-K Miasmat'ical, Mz'-Mt-Kl Miaul', M-Li, M-Ldi. M- L-NG Mi'ca, Mi-K Mica'ceous, M-K-SHs* Mic'arel, M-K-.R1 3 Mi'ca-schist, Mi-K-SHst Mi'ca-slate, Mi-K-sZt Mice, Msi Mich'aelmas, M^-Ki-Ms Mick'le, M 3 -K1 Mi'co, M'-K Mi'crocosm, Mi-Kr-K-zM Microcos'mic. M ! -Kr-K- zM-K Microcos'mical, Mi-Kr- K-zM-Kl Microcosmog'raphy, M -Kr-K-zM-Gr-Fi Microcoust'ie, M-Kr-Ks- T'or^-K Microg'raphy, M-Kr-Gr- Fi Microm'eter, Mi-Kr-Mtr Micromet'rical, M-Kr- Mtr-Kl Mi'croscope, M-Frs-K-Pi Microscopic. M-Krs-K- pi-K Microscop'ical, M-Krs- K-Pi-Kl Micros'copy, M-Krs-K- Pi Mid, M-D3 (or Md) Mi'da, M-Di Mid'-age, Md- J Mid'-air, M-D3-E 166 Mid'-course, Md-Krs Mid'day, M-D 3 -D Mid'dle, M-Dia Mid'dle-aged, M-DP-Jd Mid'dle-deck, M-D1 3 -D- E Mid'dle-ground, M-D1 3 - Grnd Mid'dle-man, M-DP-Mn Mid'dlemost, Jl-Dl-Mst Mid'dling, M-DF-NG Mid'dlingly, M-D1-NG1 Midge, M-J 3 Mid'-heaven, Md'-Vn Mid'land, Md-Lnd Mid'-life, UW-L-F Mid'most, Md 3 -Mst Mid'night, Md 3 -Nt Mid'rib, Md-fi-B Mid'riflF, Md-f 3 Mid'-shipman, Md-Sfs. P-Mn Mid'ships, Md-5//3-Ps Midst, M-Dst 3 (o?- MdstS) Mid'-stream, Md^-sTr-M Mid'summer, Mds-Mr Mid wSV, Md-W 3 Mid'wife, Md-wF3 Mid'wifery. Md-wF 3 -7J Mid'winter, M-D-Wntr Mid'wives, Md-wVz Mien, Mn 3 Miff, M-F 3 Might, Mti Might'ily, M-Ti-JC, Might'iness, M-T'-Ns Might'y, M-Ti Mignonette', Mn-N-T^ Mi'grate, Mi-Grt, M-Gr- Tdi. Mi-Grt-NG Migra'tion, M 2 -Grshn Mi'gratory, M-Gr-T-B Mil'age, H-i-J Milch, M-i-CH Mild, M-Ldi, M-idr', M- Z'-Dst (or M-//dst') Mil'dew, M-ZAD. M-I, 3 - Dd, M-^S.D.NG Mild'ly, M-/,di-L Mild'ness, M-^d'-Ns Mile, M-Li Mile'age, M-i'-J Mile'-post, M-L'-Pst Mile'-stoue, M-is : -Tn Mil'foil, M-L3-F-L Mil'iary, M-i 3 -B Mil'itant, M-L3-Tnt Mil'itarily, M-Lt 3 -fll Mil'itary, M-L&-R Mil'itate, M-X, 3 -Tt, M-X.3- T-Td. M-^a.TtC) Mili'tia, U-L*-SH Mili'tia-man, M-Z 8 -SH- Mn Milk, M-^s-K, M-Z,8-K-T, M-/,-K-NG Milk'er, M-L-Kr Milk'iness, M- Milk'-livered, i-Vrd MIX Milk'maid, M-Z 3 -K-Md Milk'man. M-Z 8 -K-Mn Milk'-porridge, M-Z 8 -K- P-fi-J Milk'-sickness, M-Z S -K sK-Xs Milk'-pottage, M-Z3-K- Pt-J Miik'sop, M-Z 8 -Ks-P Milk'tooth, M-Za-K-T- TH Milk'-tree, M-Z 3 -K-Tr Milk'-weed, M-za-K-wD Milk'y, M-ZS-K Milk'y-way, M-Z3-K-W Mill, M-L 3 , M-Ld 3 , M-L- NG Mill'-dam, M-Z 3 -D-M Mill'ed, M-Ld3 Millena'rian, M-Zn 2 -Kn Millana'rianism, M-Zn*- Mil'lenary, M-Zn 3 -K Millennial, M-Z^-Nl Millen'nialist, M-Z^-Nlst Millen'nium, M-Zn 2 -M Mil'leped, M-Z3-P-D Mil'lepore, M-Z-Pr Mil'leporite, M-Z 3 -Pr-T Mill'er, M-Z 3 -B Mill'er's-thumb, M-Z- flz-TH-M Millesimal, M-Zs^-Ml Mil'let, M-Zt 3 Mil'ligram, M-Z 3 -Gr-M Milligramme', M-Z^Gr- M Millillter or Mil'liliter, Ml-Ztr* Millim'eter or Mil'li meter, Ml-Mtr Millime'tre, Ml^-Mtr Milliner, M-Z 3 -Nr Mil'linery, W.-Ln*-R Milling, M-L'-NG Million, M-Zn3 Millionaire, M-Zn 8 -B Milllonary, M-Zn-.R Millionth, M-Z3-N-TH Mill'-pond, M-Z 3 -Pnd Mill'-race, M-ZS-fis Mill'rea, M-Z3-fi Mill'ree, M-Z 3 -fi Mill'reis, M-Z.fis Mill'stone, M-Zs3-Tn Mill'-tail, M-Z 3 -T-L Mill'wright, M-Z 3 -fit Milt, M-Lt 3 Mime, M!-M Mimetic, M*-Mt-K Mimetlcal, M 2 -Mt-Kl Mimic, MS-M-K, M 3 -M- Kt, M 3 -M-K-NG Mimlcal, M-M-K1 Mimlcker, M 3 -M-Kr Mimicry, M 8 -M-Kr Mimo'sa, M-M-8* Mi'na, M^N Mina'ceous, M-N-SHs> Minac'ity, M-Ns-H HUT Min'aret, M-Nr-T* Min'atory, Mn-T-K Mince, Mus* M 3 -Nst, M- Ns-NG Mince'-meat, Mns'-Mt Mince'-pie, Mns 3 -P Min'cingly, Mns-NG-LS Mind, Mud 1 , Mn - Ddi Mndi-NG Mind'ed, Mn-Dd' Mind'ful, Mnd-Fi-L Mind'fully, Mnd-F'-Z Mind'fulness, Mnd-Fi- L-Ns [Mnd'IFs] Mine, Mni, Mndi, Mn- NG Min'er, M'-Nr Min'neral, M-Nr-L 3 Min'eralist, M-Nr-Lst 3 Mineraliza'tion, M-Nr- Lzsftns Min'eralize, M-Nr-Lz 3 , M-Nr-Lzd 3 , M-Nr-Lz 3 -NG Min'eralizer, M-Nr-L 3 - Zr Mineralog'ical, M - Nr - ZJ-J-Kl Mineral'ogist v TJV r' Jst Mineral'ogy, M-Nr-JW-J Miner'va, M-Nr-V Min'ever, M-N-V3-R Min'gle, M3-NG-G1, M- NG-Gld, M3-NG-G1-NG [M3-NG1. M 3 -NGld, M 3 - NG1-NG] Min'gler, M-NG-Gl-BS JM-NGl-R 3 ] Min'iate, M-N-T 3 , M-N- Td 3 . M-N-TS-NG Min'iature, M 3 -Ntr Min'iken, M 3 -N-Kn Min'im, Mn 3 -M Min'ima, Mn 3 -M Min'imize, Mn 3 -Mz, Mn -Mzd, MuS-Mz-NQ Min'imum, Mn 3 -M-M Min'ing, Mni-NG Min'ion, Mn 3 -N Min'ion-like, Mn-N-X,-K Min'ionly, Mn-N-Z, Min'ister, MS-Nstr, M-Ns- T 3 -Rd, M-NstrC) Ministe'rial, M-Ns-TS-jRl Min'istral, M - N - 8Tr- L [Mns-T 3 -Ll Min'istrant, M-N-sTrnt* [Mns-Tnt 3 ] Ministra'tion, M - N - sTrshnS [Mns-Tshn 2 ] Min'istry, M - N - sTr 8 [Mns-T 3 ] Min'ium, M-N-M Min'iver, M-N-V-B Mink, M 3 -NG-K Min'ne-singer, M-NB- NGr Min'now, M8-K Mi'nor, M-Nr Mi'norite, M-Nr-Ti 167 Minor'ity, M-Nr-T' Min'otaur, M-N-T 3 -R Min'ster, M^-Nstr Min'strel, M-N-sTr s -L [Mns-TS-L] Min'strelsy, M-N-sTr 3 -i- 8 [Mn8-T a -Z-S] Mint, Mnt 3 , Mn-Td 3 , Mnts -NG Mint'age, Mnt-js Mint'er, Mntr 3 Mint'-man, Mnt 3 -Mn Mint'-master, Mnt 3 -Mstr Min'uend, M 3 -N-Nd Min'uet, M-N-T 3 Mi'nus, AH-Ns Minute', M-N-T Min'ute, Mn-T 3 , Mn-Td 3 , n-Ta-NG. See Month, which word would conflict with Minute if the latter were written M-N-T Min'ute-book, Mn-T 3 -B- K Min'ute -glass, Mn - T 3 - Gls Min'ute-gun, Mn-T 3 -Gn " Tin'ute-nand, Mn - T 3 - End Minute'ly, M-N-T 3 -i Min'ute-man, Mn-T 3 -Mn Minute'ness, M-N-T 3 -Ns Minu'tia, M-N-SH 3 Minu'tiee, M-N-SH 3 Minx, M 3 -NG-Ks Min'y, M'-N Mi'ocene, Ms^N Mir'acle, M- 3 -Kl Mirac'ulous, M-^i-Kls Mirac'ulously, M-fi'-Kl- mL Mirador 7 , M-fli-Dr Mirage', M-JJi-ZH Mire, M-R>, M-Rd, M- RI- NG Miriricent, M-fi 3 -Fs-Nt Mir'iness, M-JZ^Ns Mirk, Mr2-K Mirk'y, Mr"-K Mir'ror, M-R*-fl, M-JZ 3 -72- D, M-fi-fi-NG Mirth, M-fiz-TH Mirth'ful-ly, M-fi2-TH- Fl Mirth'fulness, M-K-TH- Fl-Nh [:Fn] Mirtk'less, M-B2-TH-Z8 Mir'y, M-fii Mir'za, M-Rt-Z Misaccepta'tion, Ms-Ks- P-Tshn Misadvent'ure, Ms-Dv*- Ntr Misadvent'urous, Ms - Dv2-Ntr-8 Misatfect'ed, Ms - F2- K - Td Misafflrm', Ms-F-R-M Misaimed', Ms 2 -Md Misallege', M&-L--J MIS Misalli'ance, Ms-i'-Ns Misallied', MS-J!,I-D Misallot'ment, Ms-Lt 1 - Mnt Mis'anthrope, Mg- Nthr-pa Misan'thropist, Ms - Nthr-Psti Misanthrop'ic, Ms - Nthr-P'-K Misanthrop'ical, Ms Nthr-P'-Kl Misan'thropy, Ms-Nthr- pi Misapplication, M-sPl- Kshu Misapply', M-sPi', M- sPld', M-sPl'-XG Misappre'ciated, Ms-Pi -SW-Td Misapprehend', ISIs-Pr- Hnd. Ms-Pr^-Hn-Dd, Ms- PrS-Hnd-NG Misapprehen'sion, Ms- Pr2-Nshn Misapprehen'sively, Ms-Pi-s-Ns-V-/, Misappropria'tion, Ms- Pr^-Prshn Misarrange', Ms-Kn^-J Misarrange'ment, Ms - Rn 2 -J-Mnt Misascribe', Ms-SJ-Kr-B Misassign', Ms-Su 1 Misattend', Ms-Tnd= Misbecome', Ms-B2-K-M [Ms-B2-K] Misbegot', Ms-B^Gt Misbegot'ten, Ms-B'-G- Tu Misbehave', Ms-B^-v, Ms -B2-vd. MS-B^-V-NG Misbehav'ior, Ms-B2-V- R Misbelief, Ms-Blf 3 Misbeliev'er, Ms-Blv 3 -R Misbestow', Ms-Bs'^-T Mis'born, Ms-B 3 -n Miscal'culate. M'-sKl- Klt. M-sKl-K'l-Td'. M- sKl-Klt-NG [Msi-K-Klt, etc.J Miscalcula'tion, M-sKl- Klshn [Ms2-K-Klshn] Miscall', Ms-K-LJ, Ms-K- Ldi. Ms-K-Li-NG Miscar'riage, Ms-K-K'-J Miscar'ry, Ms-K-fi 1 . Ms- K-fid'. Ms-K-K!-NG Miscast', Msi-Kst. Ms- Ks-Td. Mgi-Kst(-) Miscegena'tion, Ms-J 8 - Nshn Miscellana'rian, Ms-Z*- Nrn Miscella'nea, Ms-i z -N Miscella'neous, Ms-Z- Ns Miscellaneously, Ms MIS Miscellaneous, Ms-Z*- Ns Miscella'neousness, Ms -L2.Ng.Ns Mis'cellany, Ms-Z, 3 -N Mischance', Ms-CHns 1 Misc harge', Ms - CHr 1 - J, Ms-CHri-J-D, Ms CHr- J-NG [Ms -CHi. Ms- CHdi, Ms-CHC)] Mis'chief, Ms-CHf 3 Mis'chief-maker, Ms - CHf3-M-Kr Mis'chief-making, Ms- CHf 3 - M-K-NG Mis'chievous, Ms-CH 3 - Vs Mis'chievously, Ms-CH 3 -Vs-L Mis'chievousness, Ms- CH 3 -Vs-Ns Misch'na, M-SHS-N Mischoose', Ms - CHz 3 , Ms-CHz3-NG Mischose', Ms-CHz* Mischos'en, Ms-CHz-N Miscita'tion, Mss-Tshn s Miscite', Mss-T 1 , Mss- Tdi, Mss-Ti-NG Misclaim', M^-sKl-M Misc omputa't ion, Ms SPS-Tshn Miscompute', Ms!Pt Misconceifr, MslsTs Misconceive', Ms isV Misconcep'tion, Ms isPshn* Miscon'duct, Ms!D>-Kt Misconduct', Ms;D*-Kt, MsiD-K-Td, Ms!D2-Kt NO Misconject'ure, MsiJ- Etr Misconsecra'tion, Ms 168 Misdirec'tion, Ms - Dr* - | Eshn Misdo', Ms-D 2 . See Do. Misdo'er, Ms-D-B Misdo'ing, Ms-D-NG Misdons', Ms-Dn Misdoubt', Ms-Dt 1 Mise (mez), Mz 3 Misemploy', Ms-M-Pl 1 , Ms-M-Pldi, Ms-M-PP-NG Misemploy'ment, Ms - M-PU-Mnt Misen'try, Ms-N-Tr Mi'ser, Mz-R 1 Mis'erable-y, Mz-fi 3 -Bl Mis'erableness, Mz-/z 3 - Bl-Ns Misere're, Mz-7Z 3 -K Mi'serly, Mz-R'-i Mis'ery, Mz-^ 3 Mises'timate, Ms-St^-Mt, Ms-St*-M-Td, Ms-St2- Mt(-) Misexpres'sion, Ms-K- sPrshn* Misfea'sance, Ms-Fz^-Ns Misfit', Ms-Ft 3 Misform', Ms-F-K-M. Ms-Fi-R-Md, Ms-F!-R-M -NG Misfort'une, Ms-F.S- CHn [-Fi-CHn] Misgave', Ms^-Gv Misgive', Ms 3 -Gv, Ms 3 - Gv-NG CMs a -G, Ms 3 -G(')] Misgiven', Ms-G-Vn Misgiv'ing, Ms 3 - Gv - NG [Ms 3 -G(-)] Misgot'ten, Ms-G-Tn 1 Misgov'ern, Ms-Gv-Bn 8 , Ms-Gv-nd 2 . Ms-Gv-fin 2 - NG [Ms2-Gv, MsS-Gvd, Misconstruction, Ms isTr^-Kshn Miscon'strue, MslsTr 1 , Ms : sTrdi, Ms ! sTrl-NG Miscoun'sel, Ms-K-Ns- L 1 , Ms-K-Ns-Ld 1 , Ms-K- Miscount', Ms'-Knt, Ms- Kn-Td 1 , Ms'-Knt-NG Mis'creant, Ms 3 -Kr-Nt Miscue', Ms 3 -K Misdate', Ms-Dt*. Ms-D^- Td. Ms-Dt(-) Misdeed', Ms-Dd Misdeem', MS-DS-M, Ms- D-Md, Ms-D-M-NG Misdemean', Ms-D'-Mn, Ms-D3-Mnd. Ms-D 3 -Mn- NG Misdemean'or, MS-D- M-Nr Misdid', Ms-Dd 3 Misdirect', Ms-Dr 2 -Kt, KO Misgov'ernment, Ms-Gv -fin*-Mnt [Ms2-Gv-Mnt] Misguid'ance, Ms - G - Dngi Misguide', Ms-G-D>, Ms- G-Dd. Ms-G-Di-NG Mishap', Ms-haP Mishap'pen, Ms-hiPn 1 Mishear', Ms-R 3 Misheard', Ms 2 -Hrd Mish'-masn, M-SH-M- SH Mish'na, M-SH 3 -N Misimprove', Ms - M - Prv, Ms-M-Prvd 3 , Ms- M-Prv-NG Misimprove'ment, Ms- M-Prv-Mnt Misinfer', Ms-N-F'-R Misinform', Ms-N-F-R- M, Ms-N-F-R-Md, Ms-N -F>-R M-NG [Ms-N-F 1 , Ms-N-Fd l , Ms-N-FC) 1 Misinforma'tion, Ms-N- K-'-R-Mshn [Ms-N-Fshn2] Misinform'er, Ms-N-F 1 - fi-Mr [Ms-N-Fi-Mr] MIS Misinstruct', MslnsTr*- Kt Misinstruc'tion, Ms ; nsTr^-Kshn Misintel'ligence, Ms-Nt Misinterpret, Ms-Ntr- Prts, Ms-Ntr-Pr^-Td. Ms- Ntr-Prt(-)2 Misjoin', Ms-Jn 1 , Ms- Jud 1 , Ms-Jni-NG Misjoin'der, Ms-Jndr 1 Misjudge', Ms-J^-J, Ms- J 2 -J-D, Ms-J 2 -J-NG Misjudge'ment, Ms-J 4 - j-Mut Mislay', Ms-Z 2 , Ms-X 2 -!), Ms-I, 2 -NG Mis'le, M-Z1 3 , M-Zld 3 , M- Zl^-NG Mislead', Ms-i 3 -D, Ms-Z,s- D-NG Mislead'er, Ms-Ldr 3 Misled', Ms-Z,-D Mis'letoe, Mz-i 3 -T Mislike'.Ms-Z-'-K. Ms-i 1 - K-T. Ms-i^K-NG Mis'ly, M-Z1 3 Mismake', Ms=-M-K Misman'age, Ms-M-N-J 1 , Ms-M-N-Jd', Ms-M-K-Ji- NG Mismanagement, Ms M-N-Ji-Mnt Misman'ager, Ms-M-N- Jri Mismark', Ms-M-i-K , Ms-M-ft'-Kt, Ms-M-fi l -K- NG Mismatch', Ms-M-CH 1 , Ms-M-CHt 1 , JIs-M.CHi- NG Misname', Ms 2 -N-M, Ms 2 N-Md, Ms-N-M-NG Misno'mer, MsS-N-Mr Misobserve', Ms-B*-zKv Misog'amist, Ms'-G-Mst Misog'amy, Ms l -G-M Misog'ynist, Ms'-G-Nat Misog'yny, Ms ; -G-N Misopin'ion, Ms-Pn 3 -N Misord'er, Ms-Ildr 1 Mispell', Ms-pa-L Mispend', Ms-Pud 2 Mispersuade ', Ms - Pr 3 - sWd Mispersua'sion, Ms-Pr- sWzhn Mispick'le, Ms-P 3 -Kl Misplace', M-sPls 2 , M- sPlst 2 , M-sPls 2 -NG Misplace'ment, M-sPl 8 - sMnt Misplead', M sPld 3 , M- sP! 3 -Dd. M-sPld(-) 3 Mispoint', Ms-Put 1 , Ms- Pni-Td, Ms-Pnt'-NG Misprint', Ms-Prnt*. Ms- Pm 3 -Td, Ms-Prnt 3 -NG Mispris'ion, Hs-Przhn'. MIS Misprize', Ms-Prz*, Ms- Przd 1 , Ms-Przi-NG Misprofess', Ms-Pr 2 -Fs Mispronounce', Ms-Prn 1 -Ns, Ms-PrnJ-Nst, Ms- Prni-Ns-NG Mispronuncia'tion, Ms- Prn 2 -N-SHshn Mispropor'tion, Ms-Pr 2 - P-Rshn [-Pshn] Misquota'tion, M-sKw- Tshn 2 Misquote', M 2 -sKwt, M- sKw-Td 2 , M 2 -sKwt-NG Misreeit'al, Ms-Rs 1 -!-: Misrecite'.Ms-RsJ-T, Ms- Misreck'on, Ms-.K 2 -Kn, Ms-.R2-Knd, Ms-^-Kn- NG Misrelate', M-sfllt 2 , M- sK12-Td, M-s/Jlt 2 -NG Misrela'tion, M-s.Rlshn 2 Misremem'ber, Ms-R 2 - M-M-Br, Ms-R2-M-M- Brd, Ms-R2-M-M-Br-NG [Ms-RS-M, Ms-R 2 -Md, Misreport', Ms-.R2-P-.Rt, Ms-R 2 -P-R-Td, MS-.R2-P- JRt-NG Misrepresent', Ms-.R 2 Prz-Nt, Ms-R 2 -Prz-N-Td, Ms-R2-Prz-Nt-NG [Ms- 169 Misspoke', Mss-P 2 -K [Ms -P 2 -KJ Misstate', Mss-Tt Mss- T 2 'Td, Mss-Tt(-) 3 [Ms- W, etc.] Misstate'ment, Mss-Tt 2 - Mnt [Ms-Tts-Mnt] Misstayed', Mss-T 2 -D Misstep', Mss-T^-P [Ms- T 2 -P] Mist, Mst 3 , Ms-TdS, Mst(-) s Mistak'able, Ms-T^-K-Bl [Ms2-K-Blj Mistake', Ms-TS-K, Ms- T 2 -K-NG [Msii-K, NG] Mistak'en, Ms - T2 - Kn [Ms 2 -Kn] Mistak'enly, Ms-T 2 -K-Nl [Ms 2 -K-Nl] Mistak'er, Ms-T 2 -Kr Mistak'ingly, Ms-T 2 -K NG1 [Ms 2 -K-NGl] Mistaught', Ms-Tti Misteach', Ms-T-CH, Ms- T3-CH-NG Mistell', Ms-T-L Mistem'per, Ms-T^M-Pr Mis'ter, Mstr3 [Mr 3 ] Misterm', Ms-Tr 2 -M Mist'ful, Ms-TS-Fl Misthink', Ms-TH 3 -NG-K PC)] Misrepresenta'tion, Ms- fi-Prz-N-Tshn [Ms-^a- Pshn] Misrepresent'er, MS-JZ- Prz-Ntr [Ms-7J2-Ptr] Misrule', Ms-fi3-L Miss, Ms, Msts, Ms3-NG Missaid', Mss-D 2 Mis'sal, Ms-Z,* Mis'seltoe, Mz-i-T Missend', Mss-N-D* Missent', Mss 2 -Nt Misserve', Mss-Sv 2 , Mss- fivds, Mss-fiv(-) 2 Mis'ses, Mss 3 Misshape', Ms - SH* - P. Ms-SH^Pt, MS-SH2-P-NG Misshap'en, Ms-SH^Pn Mis'sile, Ms-Z,3 Miss'ing, Ms^-NG Mis'sion, Mshn Mis'sioriary, Mshn-S3 Mis'sis, Ms-S 3 Mis'sive, Ms- V s Misspeak', Mss - ps - K, Mss-pa-K-NG [Ms-P 3 - K, etc.] Misspell , Mss-P 2 -L, Mss- PS-Ld, Mss-P2-L-NG [Ms -P 2 -L, etc.] Misspell'ing, Mss-P 2 -L- NG [M8-P2-L-NG] Misspend', Mss - Pnd 2 [Ms-Pnd 2 ] 8 Mis'tily, Ms-T3-i Mistime', Ms-Ti-M, Ms- !-Md, Ms-T!-M-NG Mist'iness, Ms-T-N8 Htfist'ion, Ms-CHn* Misti'tle, Ms-Ti-Tl Mis'tle, M-Z1 3 , M-ZF-NG Mis'tle-toe, Mz-Z-T Mistold', Ms-T 2 -Ld, Mistook', Mistrain', Ms-Trn 2 Mistranslate', Ms-Tr^-N- sLt, Ms-Tr^N-si-Td, Ms -Tr2-N-8it-NG [Ms-Tra- aLt, etc.] Mistranslation, Ms-Tr 2 - Ns-Lshn Mistreat', Ms-Trt Mis'tress, Ms-Trs 3 . When used as a title of address it is pronounced Missis, and is then written Ms- 83. See Misses. Mis'tress-piece, Ms-Tr 3 - sPs Mistri'al, Ms-Tri-L Mistrust', Ms-Trst 2 , Ms- Trs 2 -Td, M-Trst 2 -NG Mistrust'ful-ly, Ms-Trs- Fl Mistrust'fullness, Ms- Trs 2 -Fl-Ns Mistune', Ms-Tn8, Ms- Tnd 3 , Ms-Tn-NG Mistu'tor, Ms-Xtr MOA Mist'y, Ms-T, Ms-Tst 3 Misunderstand', Ms- Ndrs - Tndi, Ms - Ndrs- Tndi-NG Misunderstanding, Ms- Ndrs-Tnd^NG Misunderstood', Ms- Ndrs-Td^ [Ms-Ndrs-D 3 ] Misus'age, M-sYz 3 -J Misuse', M-sYz 3 , M-sYzd 3 , M-sYz^-NG Misuse', (.) M-sYs 3 Miswed', Ms-Wd 2 , Ms- W 2 -Dd, Ms-Wd(-) 2 Miswor'shiper, Ms-Wr 2 - SH-Tfr Miswrite', Ms-Bt 1 Miswrought', Ms-Rt 1 Misyoke', M-sY-'-K, M- sY 2 -Kt. M-SY2-K.-NG Mite, Mti Mi'ter, Mtr, M - Trd, Mtri-NG Mith'ras, M-TH 3 -s Mith'ridate, M-TH 3 --Dt Mit'igable, Mt-G-Bl 3 Mit'igant, Mt 3 -Gnt Mit'igate, Mt 3 -Gt, Mt-G- Td 3 , Mt 3 - Gt-NG Mitiga'tion, Mt 2 -Gshn Mit'igative, Mt-G-Tv 3 Mit'igator, Mt 3 -Gtr Mi'tral, M-TrJ-L Mi'tre, See Miter. Mit'riform, Mitt, Mt 3 Mit'ten, M-Tn 3 Mit'tened, M-Tnd 3 Mit'timus, M-T 3 -Ms IVCitts, Mts 3 Mit'y, M-T 1 Mix, M 3 -Ks, M 3 -Kst, W- Ks-NG Mix'able, M-Ks-Bl IVtix'en, M 3 -Ks-N Mix'er, M-K-sR 3 Mixtilin'eal, M-Ks-T*-- Nl MLixtilin'ear, M-Ks-T 8 - Xn-R Mixt'ion, M-Ks-CHn* Mix'ture, M 3 -Kstr Miz'maze, Mz*-Mz Miiz'zen, Mz 3 -N Sliz'zen-mast, Mz s -N- Mst Miz'zle, M-Zl 3 , M-Zld s , M-Z1 3 -NG Mnemonic, N!-Mn-K SInemon'ical-ly, Ni-M- N-K1 Mnemonics, N J -Mn-Ks Slnemos'yne, N>-Ms-N Mne'motechny, N-M-T 3 - K-N Moan, Mn 2 , Mnd 2 , Mn- NG Moan'ful, Mn-F 2 -L Moan'fully, Mn-F- MOA Moat, Mt Mob, M-B>, M-Bdi, M-B NG Mob'ish, M-Bi-SH Mob'-cap, M-Bi-K-P Mo'bile, M-BS-L Mobility, M-B3-Z.-T Mobiliza'tion, M - B* Lzshn Mob'ilize, M-Bi-Zz, M- Bi-Zzd, M-B>-Zz-NG Moboc'racy, M-B'-Kr-S Moc'casin, M'-Ks-N Mo'cha-stone, M^Ks-Tn Mock, Mi-K, Mi-Kt, Mi-K -NO Mock'er, Mi-Kr Mock'ery, Mi-Kr Mock'ing-bird, MI - K. - NG-Brd Mock'ingly, Mi-K-NGl Mock'-orange, M'-K-fi- N-J Mo'co, Ma-K Mo'dal, M-D-L Modal'ity, M-D-Z.-T Mo'dally, M-D^-Z, Mode, M-D Mod'el, M-Dli, M-Dld', M-Dli-NG Mod'eler, M-DH-B Mod'eling, M-DP-NG Mod'erate, Md-Kt>, Md- fii-Td. Md-fiti-NG Mod'erately, Mod'erateness, Ns Modera'tion, Md-TSshn* Modera'to, Md-.R 2 -T Mod'erator, Md-22tr Mod'eratorship, Md - fitri-SH-P Mod'ern, Md-Kni Mod'ernism,Md-7?nzi-M. Both the n-hook and the *-circle should be dis- tinctly shown. Mod'ernist, Md-flnJ-St Moderniza'tion, Md - .Rnzsfcn 8 Mod'ernize, Md-B-Nz, Md-i-Nzd, NG Mod'ernizer, Zr Mod'ernness, Md-/eni-Ns Mod'est, M-Dst (Mdst 1 ) Mod'estly, M-Dst-i [M- Ds-L] Mod'esty, M-Dsi-T Mod'icum, M-Di-K-M Mod'iflable, Md-Fi-Bl Modifica'tion, Md - F a - Eshn Mod'ifler, Md-Fi-R Mod'ify, Md-Fi, Md-F l -NG Modill'ion, M-D-Z,n Mod'ish, M-D2-SH Mod'ishly, 170 Mod'ishness, Ns Mod'ist, M-Dst Modiste', M-Dst" Mod'ulate, Md-Lt, Md- i'-Td, Md-iti-NG Modula'tion, Md-ishn Mod'ulator, Md-Z/tr 1 Mod'ule, M-Di-L Mogul', Mz-Gl Mohair, M^-Hr Moham'medan, M-H-M- Dni Moham'medanism, M - H-M-Dn-Z-M [-D-zM] Moham'medism, Mi-H- Md-zM] Mohain'medanize, M - H-M-Dni-Z Moham'medize, M - H - M-Dzi Mo'hur, M-Hr Moi'dore, M-D-B Moi'ety, M-H Moil, M-L', M-Ld, M-L>- NG Moist, M8t* Moist'en, Msi-N, Msi-Nd, Ms>-N-NG Moist'ness, Ms T - Ns [ Mo bist'ure, Mstr 1 Mo'lar, M-Z 2 -B Mo'lary, M-Z 2 -/Z Molas'ses, M-zzi Mold, M-Z-2-D, M M-Z- 2 -D-NG. See Melting. Mould, See Mold. Mold'able or Mould'a- ble, M-z^-D-tBl Mold'er or Mould'er, M- Z-2-Dr. See Melter. Mold'iness or Mould'- iness, M-Z^-D-Ns Mold'ing or Moulding. M-Z2-D-NG Mold'-warp, M-Zd 2 -Wr- P Mold'y or Mould'y, M- Z-2-D, M-i2.Dr. M-Z-2-Dst Mole, M-L 2 , M-Ld, M-L 2 - NG Mole'-cast, M-Z-Kst Molec'ular, M-Z 2 -K1-B Mol'ecule, M-Z 2 -K1 Mole'-eyed, M-Z 2 -i-D Mole'-hill, M-Z2-H1 Mole'-skin, M-Zs 2 -Kn Molest', M-Zst=, M-Zs 2 - Td, M-Zst2-NG Molesta'tion, M - Zs 2 - Tshn Molest'er, M-Zstr 2 Molest'ful, M-Zs2-T-Fl Mol'lah, M-Zi Mol'lient, M-Z'-Nt Mol'liflable, M-Z-F-B1 Molliflca'tion, M-Z2-F- Kshn Mol'lifler, M-Zi-F-B MON Mollify, M-Zi-F, Fd, M-Z-i-F-NG Mollus'ca, M-Zs^-K Mollus'can, M-Zs 8 -Kn Mollus'cous, M-Zs 2 -Ks Mol'lusk, M-Zsi-K Molt or Moult, M-Lt*, M- Z-Td, M-Zts-NG Molt'en, M-Z-Tn Mo'ly, M-Z2 Molyb'date, M-Z^-B-Dt Molybde'na, N-Z-B-D-N Molyb'denous, M-Z 8 -B- D-Ns Molybde'num, M-Z 3 -B- D-N-M Molyb'dic, M-Z 3 -B-D-K Mome, M 2 -M Mo'ment, M 2 -Mnt Moment'al-ly, M-Mnt-Z Mo'mentarily, M-Mnt-ft* -L Mo'mentariness, M-Mnt -.R2-NS Mo'mentary, M-Mnt-fia Mo'mently, M-Mnt-ZS Moment'ous, M-Mnt-S z Moment'ously, M-Mnt- S2-Z, Moment'ousness, M- Mnt-S 2 -Ns Momen'tum, M^-Mnt-M Mo'mus, M 2 -Ms Mon'achal, MJ-N-Kl Mon'achism, MI - N - K - zM Mon'ad, Mn-D' Monad'ic, Mn- Monad'ical, Mn-D>-Kl Mon'arch, M J -Nr-K Monarch'al, Mi-Nr-Kl Mon'archess, M^Nr-Ks Monarch'ial, M-Nr-K-H Monarchic, Mi-Nr-K-K Monarchical. M'-Nr-K- Kl Mon'archism, M^-Nr-K- zM Mon'archist, M 1 -Nr-Kst Mon'archize, M!-Nr-Kz Mon'archy, M J -Nr-K Monaste'rial, M-Ns-T*- Rl Mon'astery, M-N8-T J -B Monas'tic, M-Ns-Ti-K Monas'tical-ly, M-Ns-TL Kl Monas'ticism, M-Ns-T 1 - szM Mon'day, M-N-D 2 Monde, Mnd 1 Mon'etary, M-N-T-7Z Mon'ey, M 2 -N Mon'eys, M 2 -Nz Mon'ey-broker, M 2 -N- Br-JKr Mon'ey-changer, M*- N-CH-N-Jr [-CH-Jr] Mon'eyed, M-N-D* Mon'eyer, M-N-B* MON Mdn'eyless, M-N-is Mon'ey-order, M^-N-Kd Mon'ey's-worth, M-N zWr-TH [M*-Nz-TH] Mon'ger, M=-NG-Gr [M 2 NGr] Mon'grel, M-NG-Gr-L Moni'tion, M 3 Nshn Monltive, M-N-Tv l Monitor, Mntri Monito'rial, M-N-T*-fil Monitory, M-N-Ti- Mon'itress, M-N-Trs* Monk, M2-NG-K. Monk'ery, M-NG-Kr Monk'ey, M^-NG-K Monk'eyism, M*-NG-K zM Monk'ey-jacket, M^-NG K-J-Kt Monk'ey-rail, M 2 -NG-K Rl Monk'ey-wrench, M* - NG-K-.R-N-CH Monk'hood, M-NG-K Hd Monkish, M-NG-K-SH 2 Monocar'pous, M-N-Kr- Mon'ochord, M^-N-Krd Monochromatic, M*-N Kr-Mt-K Mon'ochrome, M^N-Kr- M Monoc'ular, 1 Monoc'ulous, M-N-K-is 1 Mon'ocule, M^N-Kl Monodac'tylous, M-N- D'-Kt-is Mon'odist, M-N-Dst Mon'ody, M-N-Di Monog'amist, Mn 1 - G - Mst Monog'amy, Mn*-G-M Mon'ogram, M J -N-Gr-M Mon'ographj M'-N-Grf Monographic, Mi-N-Grf -K Monographlcal, M-N- Gr-F^Kl Monog'raphy, M-N-Gr- Mon'olith, M-N-i-TH Mon'ologue, M-N->-G Monoma nia, Mn^M-N Monoma'niac, Mn z -M-N- K Mon'ome, Mn!-M Monom'eter, Mn^Mtr Mono'mial, M-N-M1 Monop'othy, M-N-P-TH Monopet'aloue, M-N-Pt 2 -La Monoph'thong, M-N-F 1 - TH-NG Monophthon'gal, M-N- F'-TH-NGl Monoph'ysite, M-N-Fs 1 - T Monopolist, M-N-P-Zst 171 MOR Monop'olize, M-N-P'-iz, I Moon'ish, Mn-SH M-N-P-Lzd, M-N-Pi-I,z- NG Monopolizer, M-N-PJ- Zz-B Monopoly, M-N-P 1 -^ Monop'teral, M-N-Ptr^L Moonless, Mn-is 3 Moonlight, Mn-Zt 3 Moon'-loved, Mn 3 --Vd Moon'-madness, Mu 3 - M-D-Ns Moon'-raker, Mn 3 -fi-Kr Mon'optote, M-N-pi-Tt Moon'rise, MonospermOus, M-N - !Moon'-sail, M 3 -Ns-L sPr^-Ms Mdon'shee, Mn-SH 3 Monospherlcal, M-Ns- Moon'shine, Mn-SHn* F2-R-K1 Moon'-shiny, Mn :i -SH-N Mon'ostich, M-Ns-Ti-K Moon'v. M 3 -N Monostrophlc, M - N - Moon'-stone, Mns 8 -Tn sTrf'-K Moon'-struck, M'-N-sTr- Monosyllabic, M-N-si 1 - K [Mns 3 -T-K] B-K Moor, M-K 3 , M-Kd 3 , M- Monosyllable, M-N-sL 1 - 3 -NG Bl Moor'age, M-K 3 -J Monotheism, M-N-THzi Moor'-cock, M- 3 -K-K -M Mon'otheiat, M-N-THsti Monotheistic, M N - Moor'-fowl, M-/e 3 F-L Moor'-game, M-K 3 -G-M Moor'-hen, M-R 3 -Hn TH8 3 -T-K Monoth'elite, M-N-TH 1 - Mooring, M-fi 3 -XG Moorings, M-fi 3 -Nz Lt Moorish, M-/i :i -SH Mon'otone, M-N-Tn* Moor '-land, Mr a -Z,nd Monotonous, M-N-T 1 - Moor'-stone, M--Rs 3 -Tn Ns Moor'y, M-^J 3 Monotonously, M-N-T 1 - Moose, Ms 3 Ns-L Monot'onousness, M-N- Moose'-deer, Ms3-D-R Moot, Mt 3 . M-Td 3 . Mtc) 8 Ti-Ns-Ns Moot'able, Mt-Bl 3 MLonot'ony, M-N-T-N Monsieur', Ms-B* Moot'-case, Mt 3 -Es Moot'-court, Mt^-Krt Monsoon', M 3 -Ns-N Moot'er, Mtr 3 VIon'ster, Mi-Nstr Moot'-point, Mt 3 iPnt Mon'strance, M - N - Mop, M-P 1 , M'-Pt, M-Pi- sTrns 1 [Mns-Tns 1 ] NG \Ionstrf>slty, M-N-sTrs 1 - Mop'-board, M-Fi-Brd T [Mns-Ts 1 -!] Mope, M-P=, M-P12, M-pa- llon'strous, M-N-sTrsi NG [Mns-Ts 11 Mon'ishly, M-P 2 -^H1 llon'stroubly, M N-sTr 1 - Moplshness, M-P--SH- BL [Mns-T 1 -s//] Ns ilon'strousness, M - N - Mop'pet, M-Pti sTre^Ns [Mns-Ts^NsJ Mop'sey, M-P'-S tfontanlc, Mnt'-N-K Moraine', M-/in J tton'tanist, Mn-T'-Nst Mor'al, M-fll 1 tfonteth' or Mon'teth, Morale', M-ft^L Mn-T 2 orl-TH Mor'alist, M-Blst 1 Month, M-N-TH*. See Morality, M-B1 1 T Minute. Moraliza'tion, N-Rlzshn* Monthly, M-N-TH-Z Mor'alize, M-filz 1 , M- llon'ument, Mn!-Mnt /i'l/tl 1 , M-J21z^-NG ttonument'al-ly, Mn Mor'alizer, M-^l'-Zr iloo, M 3 Mor'ally, M-X1 1 Morass', M-Bs ood, M-D 8 Morass'y, M-i-8 Moodily, M-D8-Z Mora'vian, M-/Z 2 -Vn tfood'iness, M-D-Ns Mor'bid, M-.R l -Bd MCood'y, M-D 3 Mor'bidly, M-^-Bd-Z- Mool'ah, M-Z 8 Mor'bidness, M-^-Bd- loon, Mn 8 , Mud 3 , Mn E - Ns NG "Mi orb ifi o !VI-^2^-I3f-K doon'beam, Mn-B 8 -M Morbiflcal, M-fi B-F-KI MLoon'-calf, Mn-Kf Morbose', M-Ji^-Bs Moon'-dial, Mn 3 -D-L Morceau', M-fi 2 -8 looned, Mud 3 Morda'cious, M-AIS-D Moon'-iish, Mn'-F-5fl' SHa MOB Mordacity, M-fii-Ds-T Mor'dant, M-fii-Dnt More, Mr 2 Moreen', M-fln* Mor'el, M-fiH More'-land, Mr-Znd Morello, W.-M-L Moreo'ver, Mr-Vr* Moresque', M-fls^E Morganatic, M-fii-G-Nt E Morgue, Mri-G Moribund, M-JZ^Bnd Mor'il, M-fil 1 Mo'rion, M-R*-N Moris'co, M-.Rs 3 -E Mo'risk, M-fis^E Morling, Mr-Z^NG aor'mon, Mr'-Mn orlnonism, Mr-Mn-Z 1 M Mor'monite, Mr-Mn-T 1 Morn, Mrn 1 Morning, Mrn^NG Morning-glory, Mrn 1 - NG-G1-/J Morning-gown, Mrn 1 NG-Gn Morn'ing-star, Mrn 1 NGs-T-R (-NGstr) Moroc'co, M-fl^E Morone', M-fin* Morose', M-fis 2 Morosely, M-.R*-8Z Morose'ness, M-fis 2 -Ns Mor'pheus, M-fii-Fs Mor'phew, M R l -F Mor'phia, M-W-F Mor'phine, M-^-Fn Morphol'ogy, M-^-F-Z- J Mor'rice, M-fls 1 Mor'ris, M-tfs 1 Mor'ris-dance, Dns Mor'ris-dancer, D-sR Mor'row, M-fii Morse, M-Rs 1 Mor'sel, Mrs-Z 1 Mort, M-Rt 1 Mor'tal, Mrt-Zi Mortality, Mrt _ Mor'talize, Mrt-Zz Mor'tally, Mrt-Z 1 Mor'tar, Mrtr Mort'gage, Mr-G-Ji, Mr- G-Jdi, Mr-G-J^NG Mort'gage-deed, Mr- G - Ji-Dd Mortgagee', Mr-G-J8 Mortgageor', Mr-G-Jr> Mort'gager, Mr-G-Jr Mortirerous, M - S 3 - 1 - Frs Mortiflca'tion, M-fit2-F- Eshn Mor'tifier, M-^t^F-R Mor'tify, M-^tt-F, M- 172 MOV Mor'tise, M-JZ'-Ts, M-K 1 Mot'to, M-T 1 Tst. M-^-Ts-NG Mould, Mould er, Mort'main, Mrt J -Mn Mould'y, Moult, See Mort'uary, Mr-CH J -B Mold, etc. Mosaic, Mz-K Mound, Mnd 1 , Mn-Dd 1 , Mosalcal, Mz-K-L a Mnd!-NG Mosk, Mst-K Mount, Mnt 1 , Mn-Td 1 , Moslem, Mz-^-M Mnti-N'G Mosque, M8 J -K Mount'able, Mnt Bi-L Mosqui'to, Ms-K-T 3 Mount'ain, Mnt>-N Moss, Msl, Mst 1 , Ms^NG Mount'ain-ash, Mnt^-N- Moss'-agate, Ms^G-T Moss'-bunker, Ms 1 - B ' SH Mount'ain-blue, MntJ-N NG-Kr -Bl Moss'-clad, MJ-sKld Mount'ain-cork, Mnti- Moss'-grown, Ms^Grn Mossiness, M-Si-Ns N-Kr-E Mount'ain-dew, Mnt'-N Moss'-land, Ms^Znd -D Moss'-pink, Mgi-P-NG-K Mountaineer', Mnt-X-R 3 Moss'-rose, Msi-ffz Mount'ainer, Mnt-N-Ri Moss'-rush, Ms'-fl-SH Mount'ain-green, Mnti- Moss'-trooper, Ms'-Tr- N-Grn Pr Mount'ain-)ea ther, Moss'y, M-S, M-Sri, M Mnti-N-Zdhr Ssti Mount'ainous, Mnt^Ns Most, Mst Mount'ainousness, Mnt 1 Mos'tic, Ms-T'-K Mos'tick, Ms-T^K -Ns-Ns Mount'ain-top, Mnti-X- Mostly, Ms-Z 2 T-P Mot (mo), M Mount'ebank, Mnt-Bi- Mote, Mts NG-K Motet', M-Tt Mount'er, Mntr 1 Moth, M-THi Mounting, Mnti-NG Moth'-eat, M-TH>-T Mourn, Mrn 2 , Mrnd 2 , Moth'-eaten, M-THi-Tn Mrn 2 -NG Moth'er, Mdhi-s Moth'ered. Mdhr-D 2 Moth'erhobd, Mdhr 2 -Hd Mourn'er, Mr 2 -Nr Mourn'ful, Mrn-F 2 -L Mourn'fally, Mrn-F 2 -Z Moth'er-in-law, Mdhr 2 - Mourn'fulness, Mrn-F*- Nl L-Ns [iFs] Moth'er-land, Mdhr 8 - Mourning, Mrn 2 -NG Znd Mourning-dove, Mrn 2 - Moth'erless, Mdhr-Zs 2 NG-Dv Moth'er-liquor, Mdhr 2 - Mouse, (7i.) Ms 1 Z-Kr Mouse, (v.) Mzi, Mzdi Moth'erly, Mdhr-Z 2 Mz^XG Mother-of-pearl', Mdhr 2 Mouse'-hole, Msi-Hl i P*-/l Mous'er, M-Zr 1 Moth'er-queen, ildhr*- Mouse -trap, Msi-Tr-P Kwn Moustache', Ms-T^-SH Moth'er-tongue, Mdhr 2 - (or Mst-SH 1 ) T-NG Mouth, M-TH 1 Moth'er-water, Mdhr 2 - Mouth, M-DH 1 , M-DHd^ Wtr M-DHi-NG Moth'er- wit, Mdhr-Wt Moth'erwort, Mdhr-Wrt 2 Mouth 'er, M-DHr 1 Mouth 'fill, M-TH'-Fl Moth'ery, M-DH 2 -K Mouthless, M-TH'-Zb Moth'y, M-TH 1 , M-TH 1 - Mouth'-piece, M-TH^-PS R, M-THst Mov'able-y, M-V3-B1 Mo'tile, Mt-Z Mov'ables, M-ys-Blz Mo'tion, Mshn, Mshnd 2 , MoVableness, M-V3-B1- Mshn*-NG Ns [IBs] Mo'tionless, Mshn-Ls* Move, M-V3, M-Vd, M- Mo'tive, Mt-V M-V 3 -NG Motiv'ity, Mt-V-T Moveless, M-V 3 -Zs Mot'ley, Mt-Z Move'ment, M - V 3 - Mnt Mo'tor, Mtr [Mnt 3 ] Mo tory Mt-R Mov'er, M-Vr 8 Mottle, Mt-Z 1 , Mt-Zdi, Moving, M-V3-NG Mt-li-NQ Movingly, M-V 3 -NG1 MOW Mow (mow), Ml, M-D 1 Mi-NG Mow (mo), M, M-D, M* NO MowMjurn, M2-B-.Sn Mow'er, M-R Mowing, M*-NG Mown, Mn* Mox'a, M-K-S 1 Mr., Mr Mrs.. Ms-S Much, M-CH* Mu'cid, Ms-B-s Mu'cilage, MS-Z.S-J Mucilag'inous, Hs-H-J- Ns Mucilag'inousness, Ms- Z/i-J-Ns-Ns Mucip'arous, Ms-P 8 -fls Muck, M2-K Mucked, M-Kt Muck'-heap, M^-K-P Muck'-hill, M2-K-H1 Muck'iness, M^-K-NS Muck'le, M2-K1 Muck'-rake, M^-K-B-K Muck'-worm, M^-K-Wr- M Muck'y, M2-K Mu'cous, MS-KS Mu'cousness, M 3 -Ks-Ns Mu'cronate, M-Kr-Nt Mu'cronated, M-Kr-N- Td Mu'culent, M-K-Z-nt 8 Mu'cus, M*-Ks Mud, M-D2, M-Dd2 M-D*- NG Mud'died, M-Dd* Mud'diness, M-D-Ns Mud'dle, M-Dia, M-Dld, Mud'dily, Mud'dys (a.) M-D, M- Dra, M-Dst* Mud'dy, (c.) M-D*, M- Dd2, M-D2-NG Mud'-sUl, M-Ds^-L Mud'-wall, M-D8-W1 Muez'zin, M-Zu- Muff, M F Muffin, M-Fn Muffle, M-F1", M-Flds, M-F12-NG Muffled, M-Fld Muffler, M-Fia-B Mufti, M-F2-T Mug, M-G Mug'gish, M-G-SH2 Mug'gy, M2-G, M"-Gr, M=-Gst Mug'house, M'-G-Hs Mug'-weed, M*-G-wD Mug'wort, M-G-Wrta Mulat'to, M-ii-T Mul'berry, M-i*-B-B Mul'berry-tree, M-L-B- -Tr Mulch, M-L'-CH, CHt, 173 Mulct, M-Z.*-K-T, M-Z.I-K Td, M-Z-2-K-T-NG Mulct'uary, M-Z^K-CH Mule, M-L Mule'-jenny, M-ZS-J-N Mule'-spinner, M-Z,s-P Nr Muleteer", H-Z. 3 -Tr Mule'wort, M-z/MVrt Mulieb'rity, M-Z, 2 -Br-T Mu'lier, M-Z.3-R Mul'ish, M-Z/3-SH Mul'ishly, M.-L*-SH1 Mul'ishness, M - Z, a - SH - Ns Mull, M-L, M-Ld, M-L 2 - NG Mulla, M-Z- 2 Mul'len, M-Ln* Mull'er, M-Z.2-B Mul'let, M-Z.t Mul'ligrubs, Mull'ion, M-Zn* Mullion'ed, M-ZfUd* Mull'ock, M-ia-K Multan'gular, M-Z.ti-NG- Gl-R Multan'gulariy, M - Z.ti - NG-Gl-fli Multartic'ulate, M-t3- /Jt-Klt Multe'ity, M-Z.8-T-T Multicap'sular, M-Z, 1 -!- K-P-sZ-R Multica'vous, M-ZAT- K-Vs Multiden'tate, M-t2- Dn-Tt Multifa'rious, M-itz-F- Aa Multifa'riously, M - LV- Multifa'riousness, M - Z.t 2 -F-Rs-Ns Mul'tifld, M-Z,t*-Fd Multif idous, M-Z,ts-F-Ds Multiflo'rous or Multif- lorous, M-ZA>r3-T-Fl-8 Multifold, M-z.-T-Fid Mul'tiform, M-Z,t-F-R- M Multiformity, M-Z-ti-F- R-M-T Multiform'ous, M-Z-ti-F- R-Ms Multigen'erous, M-Z.2- T-J-Nrs Multiju'gous, M-3-T-J- Gs Multilat'eral, M-Z,t'-Z,tr- L Multilin'eal, M-Z,t8-Z--Nl Multiloc'ular, M-iti-Z,- El-R Multil'oquence, \l-L\f- L-Kwns Multil'oquent, M-z.t-Z,- Kwnt MUL Multil'oquous, Kws Multino'date, Dt Multino'mial, M-/-t 2 -N- Ml Multinom'inal, M-it'-N- M-N1 Multinom'inous, M-Z-f- N-M-Na Multip'arous, M-Lt 3 -Prs Multipartite, M-Lts-Pr- Tt Mul'tiped, M-Xt 2 -P-D Mul'tiple, M-Lf-:-Pl Mul'tiplex, M-/,t2-pi-Ks Mul'tipiiable, M-Lt=-Pl- Bl Multipli'ableness, M- iti-Pl-Bl-Xs [:Bs] Mul'tiplicable, M-Zit*- P1-K-B1 Multiplicand, M-Lt^-Pl- Knd Mul'tiplicate, M-Z,ts-Pl. Kt Multip'licate, M-Z-t^-pl. Kt Multiplica'tion, JI-Z,t 2 - Pl-Kshn Mul'tiplicative, 51-Lt*. Pl-Kt-V Mul'tiplicator, M-Z-ts-Pl. Ktr Multiplic'ity, 3I-Z,t 3 -Pls- T CMlt-Pl8 3 -T) Mul'tiplier, Jl-Zt2-Pl-R Mul'tiply, M-Z,t 2 -Pl, M- Z-ts-Pld, M-Z-tS-Pl-XG Mul'tiplying-glass, M - Z,t2-Pl-NG-Gls Multip'otent, M-its.p. Tnt Multipres'ence, M-Z-t% Prz-Ns Multira'diate, M-it-. Dt Multis'cious, M-i 3 -T- SHs Slultisil'iquous, M-Z-ts 8 - Z/-KWS Multis'onous, M-i 3 -Ts- Ns Multispi'ral, M-Z-ts 1 -?. El Multistri'ate, M-its^Tr, T Multisyl'lable, ii-z,ts. Z.-BI Multitude, M-Lt-Td Multitu'dinary, M-Z,tA Td-Nr Slultitu'dinous, M-Z-t* Td-Hs Slultitu'dinously, M- Multiv'agant, M-i 3 -1V Gnt Multiv'agous, M-ZAT* Gs HUIi Mul'tivalve, M-2-T-Vl- V Multivalv'ular, M-i-T- \l-V-Lr Multiv'ersant, M-ZAT- Vrs-Nt Multiv'ious, M-it'-Vs Multo'ca, M-i*-T-K Multoc'ular, M-iti-El-B Multung'ulate, M-Z,t- NG-Glt Mul'ture, M--CHr Mum, MS-M Mum'ble, M-M-El", M-M- Bld, M-M-B1 2 -NG . Mum'bler, M-M-Bl*-B Mumm, M*-M, M^-Md, M2-M-NG . Mum'mer, M 2 -Mr Mum'mery, M-M-tf 2 Mummifica'tion, M-M- F 2 -Kshn - Jlum'miform, M-M-F*- B-M Mum'mify, M-M-F, M- M-Fd, M-M-FS-NG Mum'my, M-M Mump, M-M-P 2 , M*-Mt, M-M-P-NG Mump'er, M-M-Pr* Mump'ish, M-M-P^SH Mumps, M-M-Ps Munch, M-N-CH2, M-N- CHts, M-N-CH2-NG Munch'er, M-N-CHr> Mun'dane, Mn-Dn 2 Mundificant, M-N-DP- Knt Mundiflca tion, Mn-Df- Kshn Mundif'icative, Mn-Df 3 - Kt-V Mun'dify, Mn-D^-F Mundiv'agant, Mn-Dv'- Gnt Jffundun'gus, M,-D*-NG- Gs Mun'go, M*-NG-G Munic'ipal, M-Ns-ps.L Municipal'ity, M-Ns-pi- L-1 Muniricence, M-N-iFB- Muniricent, M-N-FsS-Nt Munificently, M-N-Fu* Kt-L Mu'niment, Mn-Mnt Muni'tion, M"-Nshn Munjeet', M-N-Jt Muns, Mnz 2 Munso'nian, M2-Ns-Nn Mu'ral, M-fil Mur'der, Mrdr^, Mr-Drd, Mrdr-'-NG - Mur'derer, Mrdr-B Mur'deress, Mr-Drg2 Mur'derous, Mrdr-S s Mur'derously, Mrdr-Sl Mu'riate, M-fis.T Mu'riated, M-K^-Td 174 Muriat'ic, M-Rt>-K Mu'rine, M-Jfn 3 Murk'ily, Mr-K-* Murk'y, Mr2-K, Mr^-Kr, MrS-Kst Mur'mior, Mr^-Mr, Mr z - Mrd, Mr*-Mr-NG Mur'niurer, Mr-Mr- R* Mur'muringly, Mr 2 -Mr- NG1 Mur'murous, Mr-Mr-S 2 Mur'rain, M-JKn 2 Mur'rhine, M-fin* Mur'za, M-fis-Z Mus'cadel, Ms-K-D 2 -L Mus'cadine, Ms-K-Dn 2 Mus'cat, Ms^Kt Mus'catel, Ms-K-T 2 -L Mus'cle, Ms-i 2 Muscova'do, Ms-K-V 2 -!) Mus'covy-Duok, Ms-K- VS-D-K Mus'cular, Ms-K-ir 2 Muscular'ity, Ms-K-Z 1 - Rt Mus'culous, Ms-K-Ls 8 Muse, Mz3, M2d3 Mz3-NG Muse'ful, Mz-F^-L Muse'less, Mz-Xs a Mus'er, M-Zi* Mu'ses, Mzz3 Mu'set, Mz-TS Musette', Ms-T* Muse'um, Mz'-M Mush, M-SH 2 Mush'room, M-SHr*-M Mu'sic, Mz3-K Mu'sical. Mz-K-L3 Mu'sically, Mz-K-i* Mu'sicalness, Mz-K-L 3 - Ns Mu'sic-book, Mz^-K-B-K Musician, MzAn 3 Mu'sic-master, Mz^ - K - Mstr Mu'sic-stool, Mz3-Ks-T-L Mus'ing, Mz-NG Mus'ingly, Mz-NG-L* Musk, Ms2-K Mus'kallonge, Ms-K-Z 2 - N-J Musk'-deer, Ms2-K-Dr Muslcet, Ms2-Kt Musketeer', Ms-K-Tr 3 Musketoon', Ms-K-Tn 3 MusTietry, Ms-K-Tr 2 Mus'ket-shot, Ms* - Kt - SHt Musk'iness, Ms 2 -K-Ns Musk'-melon, Ms 2 -K-M- Ln Musk'-ox, Ms 2 -K-Ks Musk'-rat, Ms 2 -E-J2t Musk'y, Ms5-K Mus'lin, Mz-Z,n 2 Mus'lin-de-laine, ' Ms - in 2 -D-/,n (Mz-nd 2 -in) Muslinet', Mz-i 2 -Nt Mus'quash, M-sKw-SH 2 Mus'quet, Ms-Et* MYO Musqui'to, Ms- Mus'role, aiz-A^ Muss. Ms 3 Mus'sel, Ms-iz Mus'selman, Mus'selmanish, Ms- Mn-SH Must, Mst Mus'tac, Ms-T 2 -K Mustache', Ms - Ti - 8H (Mst-SHi) Mustach'io, Ms-T^^fl Mustachioed, ~M.s-1 l -SS -D Mus'tang, Ms-T2-NQ Mus'tard, Ms-Trd3 Mustee', Ms-T^ Mus'ter, Mstr 2 , Ms-Trd*. Mstr(-) 2 Mus'ter-master, Ms-Tr- Mstr Mus'ter-roll, Ms-Tr 2 -J21 Must'ily, Ms-T2-i Must'iness, Ms-T 2 -Ns Must'y, Ms-T2, Ms-TS-B, Ms-Tst 2 Mutabil'ity, Mt-BP-T (Mt-Blt3) Mu'table, Mt-BP Mu'tableness, Mt-BF-Ns [Mt 3 i Bs] Muta'tion, M-Tshn 2 Mute, Mts Mute'ly, Mt-Z' Mute'ness, M-T 3 -Ns Mu'tilate, Td, Mt-Lta-KG Mutila'tion, Mt-ishn 2 Mu'tilator, Mt-Ztr" Mutineer', M-T 3 -Nr Mu'tinous, M-T 3 -Ns Mu'tinously, M-T 3 -Ns-L Mu'tinousness, M-T*-Ns- Ns Mu'tiny, M-T 3 -N, M-T3. N-D, M-T 3 -N-NG Mut'ter, Mtr=, M-Trd 2 , Mtr 2 -NG Mut'terer, Mtr-fia Mut'ton, M-Tn 2 Mut 'ton-chop, M - Tn - CH-P Mut'ton-flst, M-Tn 2 -Fst Mut'ual-ly, Mt-i 3 Mutuality, Mt-Z-T Mut'ule, M-T 3 -L Muz'zle, M-Z12, M-Zld M-Z1 2 -NG Muz'zle-ring, M-Zl 2 -&- NG Muz'zy, 3I-Z 2 My, M l Mycol'ogy, M-Kl-Ji Mynheer', Mn-huB* My'ope, M-Pi Myolog'ical, M-iLJ-Kl Myol'ogist, M-i^Jst Myol'ogy, M-i'-J My'opy, M-P 1 Myo'sis, Mss* MYB Myr'iad, M-IP-D Myr'iarch, Myri'ca, M-fii-K Myr'icine, M-Rs 8 -N Myr'igram, M-.R 3 -Gr-M Myriagramme', M - R l - Gr-M Myrial'iter, M-fi-Ztr Myr'ialiter, M-B 3 -itr Myriali'tre, M-^s./,tr Myriam'eter, Mri-Mtr Myr'ameter, Mr 3 -Mtr Myriame'tre, Mr*-Mtr Myr'iapod, M-.R3-Pd Myriare', M-tfi-R Myr'iologue, M-.R3-L-G Myriora'ma, M-^orS-R- M Myr'midon, Mr-M-Dn* Myrob'alan, M-JZ'-B-in Myrrh, M-R 2 Myr'rhic, M-K3-K Myr'rhine, M-/Jn Myr'tiform, M-tfts-F-R- M Myr'tle, Mrt-i Myr'tle-berry, Mrt-Z,- B-.R Myself, Ms-i-F. Written in the first position to distinguish it from the abbreviation for Himself. Mys'tagpgue, Ms-T 3 -G-G Myste'rious, Ms-T 3 -Ks Myste'riously, Ms-T8-fl- sL Myste'riousness, Ms-T 3 - fls-Ns Mys'terize, Ms - T 3 - Rz, Ms-T 3 -.Rzd, Ms-T 3 -.Rz- NG Mys'tery, Ms - Tr. See History. Mys'tic, Ms-TS-K Mys'tical-ly, Ms-T8-Kl Mys'ticalness, Ms-T 8 -Kl- Ns Mys'ticism, Ms-TS-szM Mystifica'tion, Ms-Tf- Eshn Mys'tify, Ms-TS-F, Ms-Tf 3 -D, Ms-Tf 3 -NG Myth, M-TH3 Myth'ic, M-TH8-K Myth'ical-ly, M-TH-K1 Mythog'rapher, M-THi- Gr-Fr My thol og'ic, M-THi-i- J- K Mytholog'ical, M-THi-Ji -J-K1 Mythol'ogist, M-THi-Z- Jst Mythol'ogize, M-TH 1 -^- Jz Mythol'ogy, M-THi-i-J [M-THi-Jj Myth'oplasm, M - TH 8 - Pl-zM 175 N. N, the fourteenth letter o: the Alphabet, represents the sound of n as heard in no, new, men, ru, etc. Nn generally has the sound of single n, as in ban- ner, runner, funnel, inn, bunn, etc. See Bb. Ng is the usual represen- tative of the single guttera? nasal sound ng as heard in san^r, rung, long, sung, etc. When occurring before k or g (sounded as Gay), ra gen- erally has the sound of NG. as in bank (bangk), link (llngk), longer (long-ger), finger (flug-ger). In the words hanger, slin^er, ring- er, brin^er and springer ng is sounded as the single sound of the phonographic letter NG. Compare anger with hanger and linger with singer. Nab, N-Bi, N-Bd>, N-Bi- NG Na'bob, N-B-B Nac'arat, N-K-JJti Na'cre, N-Kr Na'creous, N-Kr-S 8 Na'dab, N-D=-B Na'dir, N-Dra Nee'vus, N-Vs Nag, Ni-G, N'-Gd, Ni-G- NG Na'iad, N-D2 Naif, N-F2 Nail, N-L, N-Ld2, N-L= NG Nail'-brush, N-L-Br-SH Nail'er, N-/,r Nail'ery, N-L 2 -7J Nain'sook, N^-Ns-K Nais'sant, Ns^-Nt Naive, N-Vi Na'ivete, N-Vi-T Na'ked, N-Kd Na'kedly, N-Kd-Z* NaTcedness, N 2 -Kd-Ns Na'ker, N 2 -Kr Nam'able, N-M-B1 Nama'tion, N 2 -Mshn Nam'by-pamby, N-M-B tP'-M-B Name,N*-M, N-Md, N*- M-NG N"ame'less. N-M-Zs Name'leasly, N-M-Zs-Z Name'ly, N-M-X,* ffame'-plate, N 2 -M-Plt Pfame'sake, N*-Ms-K Nankeen', Nn?-Kn NAT Nap, N-pi, N-Pti. N-Pi- NG Nape, N-P Naph'tha, N-Pi-TH or N- Naphthal'ic, N- K or N-Fi-TH-i-K Na'pier's-bones, N - P flz-Bnz Na'pier's-rods, N-ps-R R-Dz Nap'kin, N-pi-Kn Napless, N-P-is 1 Na'ples-yellow, N-Pl Y-i Napo'leon, N-P 2 -in Nap'piness, N-pi-Ns Nap'py, N-P 1 Narcis'sus, Nr-Sss 3 Narco'sis, N^-Kss Narcot'ic, Nr-K-Ti-K Narcot'ical, Nr^Kt-Kl Narcot'icness, K-Ns Nar'cotine, Xr-K-Tn 1 Nar'cotism, Nr-K-l^-zM Nar'cotize, Nr-K-Tzi, Nr- K-Tzd', Nr-K-Tzi-NG Nard, Nr-Di Nard'ine, Nr-Dni Nar'gile, Nr-G-Li Narrate', Nr-T 2 , Nr-Td'. Nrt 2 -NG Narra'tion, XrshnS Nar'rative, Nr-Tvi Nar'ratively, Nr-T 1 - VI Narra'tor, Nrtr 2 Nar'ratory, Nr-T>-JZ Nar'rify, N-Z^-F Nar'row, (a.) N-fi 1 , N- 7iri. N-sti Nar'row, (w.) N-.R 1 , N-7J 1 - D, N-fl'-NG Nar'rowly, N-K1 1 Nar'row-minded, N-K 1 !Mn-Dd Nar'rowness, N-.R'-Ns Nar'rows, N-/fzi Nar'row-sighted, N-^Zs 1 - Td Nar'wal, Nr-WU Nar'whal, Nr-WU Na'sal, Nz-L* Nasal'ity, N-zLi-T Na'salize, Nz-Lz, Nz- Lzd 2 Nz-Lz=-NG Na'sally, N-Z1 Nas'cency, Ns-N-8 1 Nas'cent, Ns^Nt Nas'tily, Ns-T 1 -^ Nas'tiness, Ns-Ti-Ns Nastur'tium, Ns - T - R SH-M Nastur'tion, Ns-T^-JSshn Nas'ty, Ns-T 1 , Ns-T'-B, Ns-Tst 1 Na'tal, Nt-L Na'tant, N-Tnt Nata'tion, N-Tshn* Natato'rial, NAT Na'tatory, N-T*-T-B Natch, N-CHi Natch'-bone, N-CH 1 Bn Na'tes, N-Tz* Na'tion, Nshn* Na'tional, Nshn-Z 1 Nationalism, Nshn-Zz 1 - M Nationality, Nshn-Zi-T Nationaliza'tion, Nshn- Lzthn* Nationalize, Nshn-Zz 1 , Nshn-Zzd 1 , Nshn-Lz 1 -NG Nationally, Nshn-Z 1 Na'tionalness, Nshn-Z 1 - Ns Na'tive, Nt-V* Na'tive-born, Nt-V 2 -B- Rn Na'tively, Nt-V*-Z Na'tiveness, Nt-V*- KB Na'tivism, Nt-Vz-M Nativ'ity, Nt-v-T Na'tron, N-Trn* Nat'ty, N-T 1 Nat'ural, Nt-BU Nat'uralism, Nt-/Jli-zM Nat'uralist, Nt-Blst 1 Naturaliza'tion, Nt- Rlzshn? Nat'uralize, Nt-Blz 1 , Nt- Blzds Nt-Blzt-NG Nat'urally, Nt-Bl 1 Nat'uralness, Nt-B^-Ns Nat'ure, Ntr 2 Nat'ured, Ntr-D 2 Nat'urist. N-CHi-Bst Naught, Nt> Naught'ily, N-Ti-Z Naughtiness, N-T l -Ns Naught'y, N-T 1 , N-Ti-B. N-Tsti Naus'copy, Ns-K-P 1 Nau'sea, N-SH 1 Nau'seate, N-SHti, N- SHi-Td, N-SHti-NG Nausea'tion, N-SHshn a Nau'seous, N-SHs 1 Nau'seously, N-8Hs-Z Nau'seousness, N-SHs 1 - Ns Nautch, N-CHi Nau'tical, Nt'-Kl Nau'tilus, N-T!-Z.s Na'val, N-vs-L Nave, N-V* Na'vel, N-ys-L Na'vel-gall, N-V 2 -L-G1 Na'vel-string, N-V 2 -z,s- Tr-NG Na'vew, X-V= Navic'ular, N-V 3 -K1-B Navigability, N-V 3 -G- Bl-T(-BH) Navlgable-y, N-Vi-G-Bl Navigableness, N-V-G- Bl-Xs [:Bs] Navigate, N-Vi-G-T, N- V'-G-Td, N-Vi-G-T-NG Navigation, N-V-Gshn 176 Nav'igator, N-Vi-Gtr Nav'vy, N-V 1 Na'vy, N-V* Nay, N* Nazarene', Nz-.Bii s Naz'arite, Neap, N-P 3 Neapolitan, Near, (a.) Nr, N-Br 3 , Nret 3 Near, (v.) Nr 8 , Nrd 3 , Nr 8 - NG Near'est, Nrsta Nearly, N-B1 3 Near'ness, NrS-Ns Near'-sighted, Nrs 3 -Td Near'-sightedness, Nrs 3 -Td-Ns Neat, Nt 8 , Ntr 8 , N-Tst 3 (Ntst 3 ) Neat'-herd, Nt 3 -Hrd Neat'ly, Nt- 3 Neat'ness, Nt 3 -Ns Neat'ress, N-Trs 8 Neb, N-B 2 Neb'ula, N-B-Z Neb'ular, N-B^-Z-B Nebulosity, N-Bi-s-T Neb'ulous, N-B 2 -Zs Nec'essaries, Nss-^z* Necessa'rian, Nss-Bn 2 Nec'essarily, Nss-Bl 2 Nec'essariness, Nss-B 2 - Ns Nec'essary, Nss-B* Necessita'rian, Nss-T 2 - Rn Neces'sitate, Nss-Tt 2 NB8-T*-Td, Nss-Tt(-) 2 Necessitous, Nss-Ts 2 Neces'sitously, Nss-T 2 - nL Neces'sitousness, Nss- Ts 2 -Ns Neces'sity, Nss-T* Neck, N2-K Neck'-cloth, N^K-Kl-TH Necked, N 2 -Kt Neck'erchief, N-Kr-CHf 2 Necklace, N-K-Zs* Neck'-mold, N'^-K-Mld Neck'-tie, N 2 -K-T Necrologlc, N-Kr-Zi- J-K Necrologlcal, N-Kr-Z'- J-K1 Necrol'ogist, N-Kr-Z 1 - Jst Necrol'ogy, N-Kr-ZJ-J Nec'romancer, N - Kr - Mns-B* Nec'romanay, N-Kr-Mn- 8 2 Necroman'tic , Ni - Kr - Mnt-K Necroman'tical, N-Kr- Vnt-K-L' Necroman'tioally, N - Kr-Mnt-K-Zi Necroph'agous, Ni-Krf- Gs NEQ Necrop'olis, N-Kr-PL * k Necrosed', N"-Krst Necro'sis, N 2 -Krss Nec'tar, N 2 -Ktr Necta'real, N-K-T*-JJ1 Necta'rean, N-K-T*-Bn Necta'reous, N-K-T 2 -Bs Necta'rial, N-K-T 2 -^! NectariTerous, N-K-T 3 - Rf-Rs Nec'tarine, N-K-T 2 -Bn Necta'rium, N-K-T^B-M Nec'tarous, N-Ktr-S a Nec'tary, N-K-T 2 -B Nee (na), N* Need, N-D 3 , N-Dd 3 , N-D 3 - NG(Nd 3 , N-Dd 3 , Nd 3 -NG) , Need'er, N-Dr 3 Need'ful-ly. N-D 3 -F1 Need'fulness, N-D 3 -F1- Ns [iFs] Needlly, N-D 3 -Z Need'iness, N-D 3 -Ns Nee'dle, N-D1 3 Nee'dled, N-Dld 3 Nee'dleful, N-D1 3 -F1 Nee'dle-gun, N-Dl 3 -Gn Needless, N-D 3 -Zs Needlessly, N-D 3 -Zs-Z Needlessness, N-D 3 -Zs- Xs [:Le1 Nee'dle-woman, N-D1 8 - W-Mn Nee'dle-work, N - Dl 3 - Wr-K Needs, N-Dz 3 (Xdz 3 ) Need'y, N-D 3 , N-D 3 -B, N- Dst 3 Ne'er, N-B 2 Nefa'rious, N-FS-TZs Nefa'riously, N-F 2 -R-sZ Nefa'riousness, N-F^Bs -Ns Nega'tion, X 2 -Gshn Neg'ative, N-G-Tv*, N-G- Neg'atively, N-G-T*-V1 Neglect', N-G1-K-T3, N- Gl-K-Td 2 , N-G1-K-T*-NG [N 2 -G. N 2 -G1D, N 2 -G(-)] Neglect'er, N 2 -Gl-Ktr Neglect'ful-ly, N-G1-K- T2-F1 [N-G-F1 2 ] j Negligee', N-G1-ZH 2 Negligence, N-Gl-Jns* Negligent, N-Gl-Jnt 2 Negligently, N-Gl-Jnt 2 - Negotiabil'ity, N-G-SH 3 - Bl-T (-Bit) Nego'tiable, N-G-SH 2 -B1 Nego'tiate, N-G-SHt 2 , N- G-SH 2 -Td. N-G-SHt 2 -NG Nego'tiated, N-G-SH2-Td Negotia'tion, N G - SHshn 2 Nego'tiator, N-G-SHtr* Ne'gress, N 3 -Grs Ne'gro, N 3 -Gr Ne'gro-head, Ns-Gr-Hd / NEG Ne'gus, NS-GS Neif, N-F 3 Neigh, N 2 . N-D 2 N 2 -NG Neigh'bor, N-Br 2 , N- Brd. N-Br 2 -NG Neighborhood, N-Br 2 - Hd Neighboring, N-Br 2 -NG Neigh'borliness, N-Br 2 - i-Ns Neighborly, N-Br 2 -/, Nei'ther, Ndhrori Nem. con., N 2 -M-Kn Nem'oral, N-M-tfl 2 Neog'raphy, N-Gr-Fi Neolog'ic, N-Z/i-J-K Neolo'gian, N-L 2 -Jn Neolog'ical-ly, N-/->-J- Kl Neol'ogism, N-H-J-zM Neol'ogist, N-ii-Jst Neologist'ical, N - L l - J - sT-Kl Neol'ogize, N-i-Jz Neol'ogy, N-l/i-J Ne'ophyte, N-Ft Neoter'ic, N-T 2 -/e-K Neoter'ical, N-T 2 --Kl Neoplast'ic, N-Pls^T-K Ifeopla'tonism, N-P1VT- Nz-M Neora'ma, N-Ki-M JNeozo'ic, N-Z 2 -K Nepen'the, N-P^-N-TH Nepen'thes, N-P^-N-THz Neph'ew, N-F^ N ephrit'ic, N-Fr3-T-K Nephrit'ical, N-Frt3-Kl Nep'otism, N-P-'-T-zM Nep'otist, N-P"-T8t Nep'tune, N-P^-Tn 'Neptu'nian, N-P-Tn-N Nep'tunist, N-pa-T-Nst Ne'reid, N-K^-D Nerva'tion, Nr-Vshn* Nerve, Nr-V 2 , Nr-Vd 2 , Nr- V 2 -NG Nerve'less, Nr-V*-Zs Werv'ine, Nr-Vn Nerv'ous, Nr-Ve 2 Ner'vously, N-Vs 2 -L Nerv'ousness, Nr-Vs 2 -Ns Nes'cienee, N-SHns 2 Nest, Nst 2 Nest'-egg, Ns-T-G [Ns 2 - G] Nest'le, Ns-L 2 , Ns-Ld, Ns-L^-NG Nest'ling, Ns-L-NG Neato'rian, Ns-T*-Rn Net, Nt 2 N-Td, Nt 2 -NG Neth'er, Ndhr Neth'ermost, Ndhr a -Mst Net'ting, Nt-NG Net'tle, Nt-L 2 , Nt-Ld 2 , Nt- LS NG Net'tler, Nt-ir Net'tle-rash, Nt-L--SH Net'-work, Neu'ral, N-RI 8* 177 Neural'gia, N-.RU-J Neural'gfc, N-.R11-J-K Neurol'ogist, N-flP-Jst Neurol'ogy, N-.RU-J Neurop'ter, N-^-Ptr Neurop'tera, N-fii-Pt-fl Neurop'teral, N-JZ'-Pt L Neurot'ic, N-fli-T-K Neurot'omy, N-^'-T-M Neu'ter, Ntr 3 Neu'tral, Nt-.Rl 3 Neu'trality, Nt - RV - T (-flit) Neutralization, Nt Rlzshn* Neutralize, Nt-fllz 3 , Nt Neu'tralizer, Nt-7Zl 3 -Zr Neu'trally, Nt-fll 3 Nev'er, N-V-B [N-v 2 ] Nev'er-failing, N-V 2 -F- L-NG Nevertheless', N-V 2 -DH La [N-yt 2 -is] Ne'ver-tiring, N-V 2 -T-JB NG New, N 3 , with tick joined finally in direction of CH, New'-'born, N 3 -B-fin New'-coined, ]s 73 -Kn New'-comer, N 3 -K-J New'el, N-L 3 New'-fabricated, N S -F- Br-K-Td New'-fancied, N 3 -F-Ns- D New'-fangled, N-F-NG- Gld New'-fashioned, N 3 Fshnd New'-found, N 3 -Fnd New'ing, N 3 -NG New'-invented, N' - N - V-N-Td New'ish, N-SH 3 New'ly, N-i a N"ew'-made, N^-Md N"ew'-model, N 3 -M-D1 NTew'ness, N 3 -Ns PTews, Nz 3 SfewsTsoy, Nz-B 3 Jfews'-dealer, Nz 3 -D-i-K 5Tews'nionger, Nz 3 - M - -.NG-Gr ews'paper, Nz-P 3 -Pr tfews'-room, Nz-B-M Jfew'-style, N8 3 -T-L 5fews'-vender, Nz 3 -Vndr Newt, Nt 3 ?J"ewto'nian, N-Tn^-N S"ew'-year, N 8 -Y New'-year's-day, N 3 -Yz- D New-York'er, N - Yi - R - Kr [N-Yi-Kr] S"ew-Zea'lander, N-Z 8 - Zndr Nex'ible, N-Ks-Bl Next, N 2 -Kst [Nst 2 : Nib, N-B 3 , N-Bd 3 N-B 3 - Nibbed, N-Bd 3 Nib'ble, N-B1 3 , N-Bld3, N-BP-NG Nib'bler, N-B1 3 -B Nice, Ns 1 , Ns-B 1 , Nss-T 1 Nice'ly, Ns-Li Ni'cene, Ns'-N Nice'ness, Ns'-Ns Nic'ety, Ns-T 1 Nich, N-CH3 Nick, N 3 -K, N 3 -Kt, N 3 -K- NG Nick'el, N 3 -K1 Nickelif'erous, X-K1-F 3 - Ks Nick'nack, X 3 -K-X-K Nick'name, XMC-X-M, N 3 -K-N-Md, N 3 -K-N-M- NG Nico'tian, N 2 -Kshn Nic'tate, N-K-Tt 3 Nicta'tion, X-K-Tshn 2 Nic'titate, N-K-T 3 -T Nictita'tion, X - K - T 2 - Tshn Nidamen'tal, N-D=-Mnt- L Nid'iflcate, N-Df3-Kt. X- Df3-K-Td, N-Df^-Kt-XG Nidiflca'tion, X - Df 2 . Kslm Nid'ulate, N-D^-it. x-D -//-Td, N-D 3 -it-XG Pfidula'tion, X-D 2 -ishn I Pfi'dus, N-Ds 1 Niece, Ns 3 ffig'gard. N 3 -Grd Pfig'gardish, N-Grd-SH* N"ig'gardliness, N-Grd- is-Ns !f ig'gardly, N-Grd-* ?fig'ger, N 3 -Gr Nigh, Ni, N-K 1 , N-Sti Vigh'ness, N^Ns '-brawler, Xt'-Br- -cap, Nti-K-P -dew, Nti-D -fall, Nti-F-L -flre, Nt'-F-K -gown, Nti-Gn -hawk, Nti-H-K ingale, Nti-N-Gl ly, Nt-X,i -man, Nt'-Mn mare, Nti-Mr -piece, Nti-Ps -shade, Nti-SHd -soil, Nts 1 -!, -time, Nti-T-M -vision, Nt^Vzhn -walker, Nti-W- -walking, NH-W- Night L-R Night Night Night Night' Night Night' Night' Night' tfight STight' Night Night Night' tfight' Uight' Night' Kr Night' K-NG NIG 178 Night'ward, Nt-Wrd* No, N* Nom'inalist, N^M-Nlst Night'-watch, Nti-W-CH Noa'chian, N*-K-K Nom'inate, N-M-N-T 1 , Night'-watcher, Nti-W- Nobil'itate, N-BS-i-Tt N-M-N-Tdi, N-M-N-Ti- CHr Nobil'ity, N-fis-z-T (Bit) NG Night'-witch, Nti-W-CH No'ble, N-B12, N-B1S-B, Nomina'tion, N2-M- Nigres'cent, N^-Grs-Nt N-Blst 2 Nshn Nigrifica'tion, N-Gr-F*- Kshn No'ble-man, N-Bl^-Mn Nom'inative, N-M-N-Tvi No'ble-mlnded, N-B1 2 - Nom'inator, Ni-M-Ntr Ni'grine, N^Grn Mn-Dd Nominee'. N 8 -M-N Ni'hilism, Ni-Hlz-M No'bleress, N-Bl^-Ns Nomog'raphy, N-M-Gr- Nihil'ity, N-H1-T 8 No'ble- spirited, N-B1*- F 1 Nill, N-L 8 sPr-Td Non'age, N-N-Ji Nilom'eter, N-i-Mtr Noblesse', N-Bls2 Nonagena'rian, N-N-J~ Nilot'ic, N- i-T-K No'bly, N-B1 Nrn Nim'ble, N-M-B13, N-M- No'body, N-B^-D (or N- Nonages'imal, N-N-J 2 - B13-R, N-M-Bl8t 8 Nim'bleness, N-M-B1 8 - No'cake, N S -K-K eM-L Non'agon, Ni-N-Gn Na [IBs] No'cent, Ns^-st Non-appear'ance, Nn - Nim'bly, N-M-B1* Noctambula'tion, N-Kt- P 3 -Rns Nim'bus, N-M-Bs 8 M-Blshn Non-assump'sit, Nn-S 2 - Nin'compoop, NniP 3 -P Noctam'bulist, N-Kt-M- Ms-T Nine, Nn 1 Bl8t Non-attend'ance, N-N- Nine 'fold, Nn-F>-Ld Noctiv'agant, N-Kt-ys-G Tnd 2 -Ns Nine'-holes, N-N- Hlz -Nt Nonce, Nns 1 Nine'pence, Nn-Pns 1 Noc'tograph, N-K-T 1 - Nonchalance', N-N-SH 1 - Nine'-pins, Nn^Pnz Grf Lns Nine'-score, Nnsi-K-B Noc'turn, N-K-Ti-Kn Nonchalant' N-N-SH^-Zn Nine'teen, N-N-Tni (orl9) Noctur'nal, N-K-Tr^-Nl Non-commis'sioned, Nine'teenth, N-N-Tn 1 - Noc'uous, N-K-S 1 Nn:SHnd a . See Com. TH(orl9THl) Nod, N-D 1 , N-Dd 1 , N-Di- Non-commit'tal, NniT* Nine'tieth, N-N-Ti-TH NG -L (or 90TH1) No'dal, N-D12 Non-commu'nion, Nn Nine'ty, N-N-T 1 (or 90) Nin'ny, N"-N No'dated, N-D=-Td Nod'der, N-Dr* :Nu 3 Non-compli'ance, Nn Nin'ny-hammer, N*-N- Nod'dle, N-Dli iPlns 1 H-Mr Nod'dy, N-Di Non-comply'ing, Nn Ninth, N-N-THi (or9THl) Node, N-D 1P1!-NG Ninth'ly, N-N-THi-i (or Nodose', N-Ds 3 Non com'pos, Nu iPs 1 9TH 1 -//) Nodos'ity, N-Ds 1 -! Non com'pos mentis, Nip, N-P 3 , N-Pt 8 , N-PS-NG No'dous, N-Ds 2 Nn!P'-sMn-Ts Nip'per, N-Pr 8 Nod'ular, N-D'-i-B Non-conclud'ing, Nn Nip'pers, N-Prz 8 Nod'ule, N-D J -L iKld 3 -NG Nip'pingly, N-P 3 -NG1 Nog, Ni-G Non-concur', Nn i Kr* Nip'ple, N-P1 8 Nog'gin, N*-Gn Non-concur'rence, Nn Ni'san, Ns>-N Nog'ging, N L G-NG iKrns* Ni'si, N-S 1 Noise, Nz, Nzd, Nz-NG Non-conduct'ing, Nn Ni'si-prius, N-S^Prs Noise'less, Nz-Ls 1 !D 2 -Kt-NG Nit, Nt 8 Nois'ily, N-ZU Non-conduc'tion, Nn Ni'tency, N-Tni-S Nois'iness, N-ZJ-Ns Ni'ter, Ntr> Noi'some, Ns ] -M Non-conduct'or, Nn Nit'id, N-Td 8 Noi'somely, Ns-M-Z 1 iD 2 -Ktr Ni'trate, N-Trti Noi'someness, Ns^M-Ns Non-conform'ist, Nn Ni'ter, Ntri Nois'y, N-Z 1 , N-Zi-B, N- !Fi-R-Mst Ni'tric, N-Tr'-K Zsti Non-form'ity, XniF!-B- Ni'trify, Ntr-F 1 Nol'le prosequi, Nl'- M-T [NniF!-T] Ni'trogen, Ntr-Jni Prs-Kw Non-conta'gious, Nn Ni'trogenize, Ntr-Jn'-Z, Nom'ad, N-M-D 1 !T2-Js Ntr-Jni-Zd. Ntr-Jui-Z-NG Nomad'ic, N-M-Di-K Non-conta'giousness, [Ntr-Jnzl, Ntr-Jnzd, Ntr- Nom'adism, N-M-Di-zM NniT 2 -Js-Ns Jnzi-NG] Nom'adize, N-M-Dz l Non-content', Nn !Tnt Nitrog'enous, Ntr-J!-Ns Nom'bles, N-M-Blz 2 Non-contrib'uting, Nn Nitro-glyc'erine, Ntr-Gl Nom'bril, N-M-BrJ-L iTr a -Bt(') sRn 3 Nome, N2-M Non - contempora ' ne- Nitromuriat'ic, N-Tr l -M- No'menclator, N-M-N- OUS, Nn'.T a -M-Pr-Ns Rt-K Kltr Non-deliv'ery, N-N-D1 3 - Nitrose', N-Trs No'menclature, N 8 -M- Vr [N-N-D1 3 ] Ni'trous, N-Trs N-Kl-CHr Non-deposi'tion, N-N- Ni'try, N-Tri Nom'inal-ly, N'-M-Nl 'D^-Pzshn Nifty, N-T 8 Nom'inalism, N'-M-Nlz- Non'descript, N-N-Ds 1 - If iv'eous, N-V-8 M 1 Er-Pt NON 179 NOT Won-devel'opment, N- Non-profes'sional, N-N North'ernly, Nrdhri-Nl N-D*-Vl-P-Mnt [N-N-Dva -P-Mnt] Pr 2 -Fshn-// Non-profi'ciency, N-N- Northernmost, Nrdhr- N-Mst Ifon-discov'ery, N-N- Pr-Fshn-S North'ing, Nr-DH'-NG D 2 -sKv-i2 Non-profl'cient, N - N - North'man, Nr-TH 1 - Mn None, Nn* Prs-Fshnt North'most, Nr-TH'-Mst Non-elect', Nn-Z-K-T Non'-pros, N-N-Prs, N-N North'-star, Nr-THs 1 -!- Non-elec'tric, Nn-Z2-K -Prsti, N-N-Prsi-NG K Tr-K Non-emphat'ic, Nn-M Non-re'gent, Nn-fis-Jnt Non-rendi'tion, Nn-fi 3 - North'ward, Nr - TH 1 - Wrd or Nr J -Rd Fi-T-K N-Dshn North'wards, Nr - TH 1 - Nonen'tity, N-N-Nt-T* Non-resem'blance, Nn- Wrdz Nones, Nnz 2 Rz 2 -M-Blns North'wardly, Nr-TH'- Non-esential, N-N-S^-N Non-res'idence, Nn-fiz 2 - 8H1 [N-N-8n2j None'such, N-Ns-CH Non-excommu'nica- Dns Non-resist'ance, Nn - #zs 3 -Tns North'-west, Nr-TH'-Wst or Nrl-Wst North-west'er, Nr-TH>- ble, Nn-Ks :N-K-BI* Non-resist'ant, Nn-JKzs 3 - Wstr or N^-Wstr Non-execu'tion, Nn 3 - Tnt North-west'erly, Xr - Ks-Kshn Non-sane', N 2 -Ns-N THi-Ws-Tr-i or Xri-Ws- Non-exist'ence, Nn-Kss- Non'sense, N'-Ns-Ns Tr-i Tns Nonsens'ical-ly, N 2 -Ns- North-west'ern, Nr-TH 1 Non-exist'ent, Nn-Kss- Ns-Kl -Ws-Trn Tnt Nonsens'icalness, N 2 -Ns North'-wind, Nr - TH 1 - ITon-exporta'tion, Nn- -Ns-Kl-Ns Wnd Ks-P^-fi-Tshn Non-sens'itive, N-Ns-Ns- Norwe'gian, Nr-wJn 3 Non-exten'sile, Nn-Ks- Nose, Nz 2 , Nzd 2 , Nz2-NG T 2 -Ns-L Non-seq'uitur, N 2 - Ns - Nose'bleed, Nz-Bld 2 Non-fea'sance, N-N-Fz 3 - Kwtr Nose'gay, Xz2-G Ns Non-slaveTiolding, Nn Nose'less, Nz-Ls 2 Non-fulflll'ment, Nn !s*-V-HldC) Nos'le, N-Zl 1 iFl 3 -F-L-Mnt Non-solu'tion, Nn Nosocom'ical, Ns^K-M- Nonill'ion, N-N-Ln 3 isishn 3 Kl Non-impovta'tion, Nn- Non'suit, N-Ns-Ti, N-Ns- Nosog'raphy, N-sGr-Fi M-Pr2-Tshn Td, N-Ns-Ti-NG Nosolog'ical, N-si'-J-Kl Non-join'der, N-N-Jndr 1 Nonju'rant, N-N-J 3 -Knt Non-jur'ing, N-N-J 3 -JZ- l!fon-us'er, N-N-Y 3 -Zr Pf oo'dle, N-D1 3 Df ook, N 3 -K Nosol'ogist, N-sii-Jst Nosol'ogy, N-s^i-J Nostal'gia, Ns-T^Z-J NG ffool'ogy, N-Z'-J Nostal'gic, Ns-TJ-Z-J-K Non-ju'ror, N-N- 3*-R-R tfoon, Nn* Nos'tril, N-sTri-L Non-Ii'quet, Nn-//i-Kwt Noon'day, N-N-D 3 Nos'trum, N-sTri-M Non-malig'nant, N 3 - N - Noon'ing, Nn 3 -NG Not, Nti, and by the n- Ml-G-Nnt Noon'tide, N-N-Td hook and halving prin- Non-manufac'turing, Noose, (.) Ns 3 ciple combined, as in: Nn-M-N-F'-Ktr-NG [-F- Noose, (v.) Nzs, Nzd, Nz- Are not, .Knt 1 R(")J NG Had not, Dnt 1 Non-mem'ber, Nn-M-M- No'pal, N-P1 Be not, But 3 Br 2 ?for, Nr 1 Do not, Dnt a Non-mem'bership, Nn- Jform, Nr'-M Did not, Dnt 3 M-M-Br 2 -^//-? [Nn 2 -M Jfor'mal, Nr^Ml May not. Mut 2 !8H] !f or'mal-school, Nr'-Ml- Notabil'ity, Nt-Bl 3 -T Non-metal'lic, Nn-Mt- sK-L Not'able-y, Nt-Bl 2 .H-K ^for'man Nr^-Mn Not'ableness, Nt-Bl 2 -N Non-nat'urals, Nn - Nt - ^forns, Nrnz 1 [NtlBs 2 ] !f or'roy, ft-R 1 Nota'rial-ly, N-T 2 -1 Non'ny, N!-N !f orse, Nrsi No'tary, N-T2-B Non-observ'ance, Nn- !f orse'man, Nrsi-Mn No'tary-public, N-T 2 -iJ- B 2 -zK-Vns North, Nr-TH 1 P-B-i-K [-P-B] Nonpareil', Nn-ps-fll \forth-east', Nr-THsti Nota'tion, N-Tshn 2 Non-pay'ment, Nn - P* - If orth-east'er, Nr-THstr' Notch, N-CHi, N-CHt', N- Mnt North-east'erly, Nr - CH>-NG Non-perform'ance, N-N Note, Nt2, N-Td, Nt-NG -Pri-Fr-Mns C-Pr-Fs] North-east'ern, Nr- Note'-book, Nt 2 -B-K Non'plus, N-N-Pls 1 Jf on-ponderos'ity, N-N- Pndr-8-T (-8t) North'er, Nrdhri Nor'therliness, Nrdhr- Not'ed, N-Td2 Not'edly, N-Td-L Not'edness, N-Td*-Ns Non-pon'derous, N - N - ii-Ns Note'less, Nt-z,s Pndri-S North'erly, Nrdbr-ii Note'lessness, Nt-Ls*-Ns Non-produc'tion, N-N- If orth'ern, Nrdhr>-N Not'er, Ntr 2 If orth'erner, Nrdhr^Nr Notes, Nts NOT BTote'-taking, Nt* - T - K NG Note'worthy, Kt - Wr 2 DH Nothing, N-THS-NG Nothingness, N - TH ! - NG-Ns No'tice, N-Ts 2 , N-Tstf, N Ts 2 -NG No'ticeable-y, N-Ts-Bl Notification, Nt - F 2 - Kslm No'tify, Nt-F 2 , Nt-Fd, Noting, Nt 2 -NG No'tion, Nshn 2 No'tional-ly, Nshn-X,* If o'tionist, Nshu 2 -.St Notari'ety, N-T'-/e-T Noto'rious, N-T 2 -.Rs Notoriously, N-T 2 -K-sZ Noto'riousness, K-T-fls- Ns Notwithstanding, Nt - wDHsi - Tnd - NG [Nt - DHs^Tnd] Nought, Nti Noun, Nn 1 Ifour'ish, Nr-SH 2 , Nr- SHta. Nr-SH2-NG Ifour'ishable, Nr-SH- Bl If ourishi'er, Nr-SHr Nourishment, Nr-SH- Mnt Nous, Ns 1 Nova'tion, N-VshnS Nov'el, N-VJ-L Novelette', N-V2-it Nov'elism, N-Vi-Z-z-M Nov'elist, N-V-Lst Nov'elty, N-V>-L-T (-Lt) Novem'ber, N-V^-M-Br [N-V2] Nov'enary, N-Vn'-fl Noven'nial, N-V^-Nl Nover'cal, N-VS-R-Kl Nov'ice, N-Vsi Novi'tiate. N-v-SHt Now, N>, with tick joined finally in the direction of the stem T. Now'adays. N-Dz 1 No'way, N-W- No'ways, N-Wz 2 No'where, N-W-B [N^-fi] No'wise, N-\Vz2 Nox'ious, N-K-SHs' Nox'iously, N-K-SHs'-L Nox'iousness, N-K-SHs 1 - Ns No'yau, N-Y= Noz'zle, N-ZU Nub'bin, N-Bn^ Nubif'erous, N-Bfs-Xs Nu'bile, N-B*-L Nubil'ity, N-B-i-T Nuciferous, Ns-F* Ra Nu'cleate, N-K1-T Nu'clei, N3-K1 180 Nucle'iform, N-K1-F-B M Nu'cleus, N-Kls Nuda'tion, N-Dshn^ Nude, N-D3 Nudge, N-J2, N-Jd2, N-J2 NG Nudi'ty, N-D3-T Nugac'ity, N-Gs-T 1 Nu'gatory, N-G-T*-.K Nug'get, N-Gt Nui'sance, Ns s -Ns Null, Nl Nulliflca'tion, N1-F2- Kshn Nullified, Nl-Fd2 Nul'lifier, N1-F 2 -E Nullify, N1-F2, Nl- N1-F 2 -NG Nullity, N1-T2 Numb, N-M, N-Md, M-NG Num'ber, N-M-Br N-M- Brd. N-M-Br-NG [Br 2 , Brd. Br(-) s ] Num'berer, N-M-Br^-R Num'berless, N-M-Br 2 - La [Br 2 -Zs] Numbers, N-M Brz Numb'ing, N 2 -M-NG Num'bles, N-M-Blz ' Numb'ness, N 2 -M-Ns Nu'merable, N-Mr Bl Nu'meral, N-Mr-L' Nu'merally, N-Mr-Z3 Nu'merary, N-Mr-JZ 8 Nu'merate, N-Mrt, N-Mr -Td. N-MrtC) 3 Numera'tion, N^-Mrshn Nu'merator, N 3 -Mrtr Numer'ic, N-Mr-K Numer'ical-ly, N 2 -Mr- Kl ffu'merous, N 3 -Mrs Cfu'merously, N-Mrs-i 8 Nu'merousness, NS-Mrs- Ns Numismatic, Ni-Ms-Mt- E Numismatlcal, N 1 -Ms- Mt-Kl Numismatics, N 1 - Ms Mt-Ks Numismatol'ogist, N Ms-Mt-I,i-Jst Cfumismatorogy, N-Ms- Mt-i>-J ffum'mary, N-M-72 2 Pfum'mular, N-M-Z, 2 -R Pfum'mulary, N-M-L 2 -/J Num'mulite, N-M-Zt 2 Num'skull, N-Ms-K-L* Nun, Nn 2 Cf un'chion, N 2 -Nshn Cf un'cio, Nn-Sff Nun'cupate Nn-K-Pt 2 Nuncupative, Nn - K - Pt 2 -V Nuncupa'tion, Nn - K - NYS Nun'cupatory, Nn - K Nun'dinal, N-N-D 2 -N1 Nun'dinary, N-N-DS-Nr Nun'nery, Nn-ffi 2 Nun'nishness, N-N-SH2- Ns Nup'tial, N-P2-SH1 Nup'tials, N-P 2 -SHlz Nurse, Nrs 2 , Nrst 2 , Nrs 2 - NG Nurs'er, Nrs-R* Nurs'ery, Nrs-fi 2 Nurs'ery-man, Nrs - R*- Mn Nursing, Nrs 2 -NG Nursling, Nrs-L 2 -NG Nurt'ure, Nrtr 2 , Nr- CHrd- 1 . Nrtr 2 -NG Nut, Nts, N-Td 2 , Nts-NG Nu'tant, N-Tnt 3 Nuta'tion, N-Tshn a Nut'-breaker, Nt 2 -Br-Kr Nut'-brown, Nt-Brn Nut'-cracker, Nt s -Kr-Kr Nut'-gall, Nt 2 -G-L Nut'-hatch, N-T 2 -H-CH Nut'-hook, N-T2-H-K Nut'meg, N-T 2 -M-G Nu'tria, N-Tr 3 Nu'trient, N-Tr 3 -N-T Nu'triment, N-Tr a -Mnt Nutriment'al, N - Tr 2 - Mnt-L [iMut] Nutri'tion, N-Trshn 3 Pfutri'tious, N-Tr 3 -5fls Nutri'tiously, N-Tr 3 -SHs Pfu'tritive, N-Tr 3 -Tv N"u'tritively, N-Tr-T-Vl ffu'tritiveness, N - Tr 8 - Tv-Ns Nut'shell, Nt-SHl 2 Nut'tallite, N-T 2 -it Nut'ting, Nt-NG !fut'-tree, Nt 2 -Tr ffux vomlca, N 2 - Ks - V M-K Nuz'zle, N-Zl 2 , N-ZldS, N- Z1 2 -NG Vyctalo'pia, N-K-T 2 -L-P !f yc'talops, N-K-T 3 --Ps ?f yctal'opy, N-K-T'-^-P Nye, N 1 Nyl'ghau, N-L 3 -G Nymph, N-M-F 3 Nymph'a, N-M-F 3 ^ymph'al, N-M-F1 3 Jfymphe'an, N-M-Fn >fymphlcal, N-M-F'-Kl !f ymphip'arous, N - M - F 3 -Prs Nymphlsh, N-M-FS-Sff Nymph'-like, N-M-F 3 -//- K Nymphly, N-M-F1 3 STymphoma'nia, N-M- Nys'sa, N-S 8 Nystag'mus, Ns-Ti-G-Ms O 181 Obei'sanca, Bs-Ns Obei'sant, Bs-Nt O. Obelis'cal, B 8 -Zs-K-L Ob'elisk, Bi-is-K Obese', Bs Obese'ness, BsB-Ns Obesity, Bs 2 -T O, the fifteenth letter of the Obey', B, Bd, B-NG Alphabet, is used to repre- Obey'er, B^-R sent six distinct vowel- Obfus'cate, B^-Fs-Kt, B 2 - sounds, as heard in note, Fs-K-Td, B 2 -Fs-Kt-NG not, done, form, move, wolf. Obfusca'tion, B 2 - Fs - The sounds are written in Kshn Phonography as follows: Olai, 6B o in note heavy second Obit, 5Bti place dash. Obiter, oBtri o in not light first place Obit'ual, 6Bt3-L dash. Obit'uary, Bts-/Z o in done light second Ob'ject, (n.) B'- J-Kt [B'j place dash. Object', (v.) B 2 -J-Kt, B2- o in or heavy first place J-K-Td, B 2 -J-Kt-NG [B 2 , dash. B 2 ! B(') 2 3 o in move heavy third place dash. Ob'ject-glass, B^J-Kt- Gls [Bl-Gls] o in wolf light third Ob j ec'tion, B 2 - J - Kshn place dash. [Bshn 2 ] Oo, in the same syllable, Objec'tionable, B* - J - generally has the sound Kshn-B-L [BshnS-B-L] represented by the heavy Objective, B 2 -J-Kt-v [B 2 third place dash, as in V] boot, or by the light third Objectively, B-J-Kt-V- place dash, as in foot. In Z [B 2 !V1] door, floor, etc., oo has the Object'iveness, B 2 -J-Kt- sound of o. V-Ns [B 2t Vs] O (interj.), by the vowel- Objectivity, BS-j-Kt-V-T sign for 6 in the second [133 j V-T] position, with direction Ob'jectless, Bi-J-Kt-Zs of J. Object'or, B2-J-Ktr [B 2 - Oaf, F 2 Jtr] Oafish, F*-SH Objur'gate, B-Jr-Gt, B 2 - Oak, K 2 Jr-G-Td. B 2 -Jr-Gt-NG Oak'-apple, K=-P1 Oak'-bark, K 2 -B-B-K Objurga'tion, B^Jr-Gshn Objurgatory, B 2 -Jr-G-T- Oak'en, Kn 2 R Oakling, K-Z 2 -NG Oak'-opening, K 2 -Pn-NG Oblate', B*-Zt Oblate'ness, B-Zt-Ns Oak'um, K 2 -M Obla'tion, B^Zshn Oak'y, K 2 Obligate, Bl>-Gt, BU-G- Oar, R 2 , Rd, R-NG Td, Bli-Gt-NG Oars'man, Rz 2 -Mn Obliga'tion, Bl 2 -Gshn Oar'y, R 2 O'asis, 5Ss 2 Obliga'to, BP-G-T Obligatory, Bl-G-T-22 Oast, St 2 Oblige', Bli-J, BU-Jd, Bl 1 - Oat, T J-NG Oat'-cake, T*-K-K Obligee', B1-J Oat'en, Tn Obli'ger, BP-Jr Oath, TH 2 Obliging, Bli-J-NG Oat'-malt, T 2 -M-Zt Obli'gingly, BP-J-NG1 Oat'-meal, T 2 -M-Z Obligor', BP-Gr Obbliga'to, BP-G-T Oblique 7 , B3-Z-K, B-Z- Ob'duracy, Bdi-jff-S K-T, B*-Z-K-NG Ob'durate, Bd-J2t Oblique'-angled, B - L - Ob'durately, Bd*-#t-Z K-NGld Ob'durateness, Bd^/tt- Obliquely, B'-Z-Kl Ns Oblique'ness, B^-Z-K-Ns Obdura'tion, BdVRshn Obliq'uity, B 3 -Z-Kw-T Olseah, BIa Obliterate, B3-Z-Trt, Ba. Obe'dience, B*-Dns Z-Tr-Td, B-Z-Trt(-) Obe'dient, B-Dnt Obe'diently, B8-Dnt-L Obliteration, B-Z- Trshn OBS Obliv'ion, B'-JO-Vn Obliv'ious, B^-/.-Vs Obliviously, B3-jr,-Vs-L Obliv'iousness. B^-i-Vs- Ns Ob'long, Ob'longish, Ob'longly, B>-i-NGl Ob'longness, B ! -i-NG- Ns Obloquy, Bi-i-Kw Obnoxious, Bi-N-K-SHs Obnoxiously, B'-N-K- SHs-i Obnoxlousness, B J -N- K-SHs-Ns O'boe, 6B Ob'ole, 5Bi-L Ob'olize, 5Bi-iz Ob'olus, SBi-is Obo'vate, B2-vt Obrep'tion, B 2 -.R-Pshn Obrepti'tious, B^-S-P-T- SHs Obscene', Bs 3 -N Obscenely, Bs^-Nl Obscene'ness, Bs 3 -N-Ns Obscenity, Bs 2 -N-T Obscura'tion, Bs 2 -Krshn Obscure', Bs3-Kr, Bs^- Krd, Bs 3 -Kr-NG Obscurely, Bs^-Kr-Z Obscure'ness, Bs 3 -Kr-Ns Obscu'rity, B.s 3 -Kr-T Ob'secrate, Bsi-Krt, Bs 1 - Kr-Td, Bsi-Krt-NG Obsecra'tion, Bs 2 -Krshn Ob'sequies, Bs ] -Kwz Obse'quious, Bs 3 -Kw-S Obse'quiously, Bs 3 -Kw- Sl Obse'quiousness, Bs- Kws-Ns Ob'sequy, Bs'-Kw Observ'able-y, B 2 -z.R-V- Bl Observ'ance, B2-zfl-Vns Observan'da, B 1 - zR - V- N-D Observan'dum, B!-zfi- Vnd-M Observ'ant, B 2 -zB-Vnt Observa'tion, B 2 - zR Vshn [B 2 -zshn] Ob'servator, B'-z/J-Vtr Observ'atory, B 2 -zfi-V-T- R Observe', BS-zflv, B 2 - zJKvd, B 2 -z/Zv(-) Dbserv'er, B--Z.RV-.R Observing, B 2 -zfiv(-) Observlngly, B 2 -z-V- NG1 Dbsess', Ess 2 Dbsessed', Bss'-T Dbses'sion, BssAn 2 Obsidian, Bs^-Dn Obsidlonal, Bs-D-Nl Obsoles'cence, B 2 -sZfl- Ns OBS 182 Obsoles'cent, B s -sZs-Xt Ob'voluted, Bi-V-Z-Td Ob'solete, Bi-sZt. Vocal- Occa'sion, Kzhn 2 , ized to distinguish it from Kzhnd*, Kzhn-NG Abtolute. Occa'sional-ly, Kzhn-Z' Ob'soleteness, Bi-sZt-Ns Occa'sioner, Kzhn-fi a Ob'stacle, Bsi-T-Kl Occa'sive, Kz-V Obstet'ric, Bs*-Tt-fi-K Oc'cident, Ks-Dnt* Obstet'rical, Bs-Tt--Kl Occident'al, Ks-Dnt-L Obstetri'tion, Bs 3 - Tt - Occip'ital, Ks-Pt 3 -L flkha Oc'ciput, Ks-Pti Obstet'rics, Bs*-Tt-R-Ks Oc'clusion, Klzhn' Ob'stinacy, Bgi-T-N-8 Occult', K-Lt* Ob'stinate, Bs^T-N-T Ob'stinately, Bsi-T-N-T- Occulta'tion, Kl-Tshn Occult'ness, K-Zf-Ns Z Oc'cupancy, K-Pni-S Obstipa'tion, Bs*-T-Pshn Oc'cupant, K-Pnt Obstrep'erous, B 2 -sTr- Occupa'tion, K-Pshn* Prs Oc'cupied, K-Pdi Obstrep'erously, B>-sTr- Oc'cupier, K-pi-B Pr-sZ Oc'cupy, K-pi, K-Pdi, K Obstrep'erousness, B- PJ-NG. Vocalized with i sTr-Prs-Ns to distinguish it from Obstric'tion, B 3 - sTr - Copy, etc. Eshn Occur', Kr*, Krd, Kr*-NG Obsruct', B-sTr-Kt, B*- Occur'rence, Krns 8 sTr-K-Td. B-s.Tr-Kt-NG O'cean, SHns Obstruct'ed, B*-sTr-K-Td Ocean'ic, SHi-N-Z Obstruct'er, B-sTr-Ktr O'cellated, S^-Z-Td Obstruc'tion, B - sTr - O'celot, 82-Zt Kshn O'cher or O'chre, Kr Obstruct'ive, B-8Tr-Kt- O'cherous, Kr-8* V O'chery, Kr Ob'struent, BJ-sTr-N-T Ochloc'racy, K-Zi-Kr-8 Obtain', B-Tn, B-Tnd, Ochlocrat'ic, K-Zi-Kr-T- B J -Tn-NG K Obtain'able, B2-Tn-B(-L) Ochlocrat'ical, K-Z'-Krt- Obtain'er, B*-T-Nr Kl Obtain'ment, B^-T-N- O'chrey, Kr* Mnt [B-T-Mnt] O'cra, Kr Obtest', B=-Tst, B^-Ts-Td, Oc'tagon, K-Ti-Gn Obtesta'tion, B*-Ts-Tshn Octag'onal, K-Ti-G-Nl Octahe'dral, K-T-Hd-fil Ob'trude, B 3 -Trd, B 3 -Tr Octahe'dron, K-T 3 -Hd- Dd B 3 -Trd(') Rn Obtrud'er, B8-Tr-Dr Octan'dria, K-Ti-N-Dr Obtru'sion, B 3 -Trzhn Octan'gular, Kt-NG-Gl- Obtru'sive, B^-Trs- V B 1 Obtru'sively, B^Trs-Vl Oc'tant, K-Tnti Obtund', B^-Tnd Oc'tave, Kt-V Obtuse', B 3 -Ts, B*-T-sB, Octa'vo, Kt-V B'-lVs-T Octen'nial, K-T-N1 Obtuse'-angled, B*-Ts- NG-Gld [B^-Ts-NGld] Oc'tile, Kt-Li Octill'ion. K-T*-Zn Obtusely, B 3 -T-sZ Obtuse'ness, B 3 -Ts-Ns Octo'ber, Kt-Br* Octodec'imo, Kt-D*-sM Obtu'sion, B^-Tshn ObumTDfate, B'-s-M-Brt Octogena'rian, Kt - J - Nrn Obumbra'tion, B a - M - Octog'enary, Kt-J J -Nr Brshn Oc'topod, K-Ti-Pd Obverse', B-Vrs Octoroon', K-T-fin Obverse'ly, B^-Vrs-L Oc'tostyle, K-Ti-sT-L Obvert', B*-Vrt, B-Vr- Octosyllab'ic, K-Ti-sZ- Td, B2-Vrt-KG B-K Ob'viate, B^Vt, Bi-V-Td, Octosyllab'ical, K-Ti- Bi-Vt-NG 6Z/-B-K1 Obria'tion, B a -Vshn Octosyl'lable, K-T-sZ- Ob'vious, B'-Vs Ob'viously, Bi-Vs-L Bl Octroi', K-Tri Ob'viousness, Bi-Vs-Ns Oc'tuple, K-T'-Pl Ob'volute, Bi-V-Zt Oc'ular, K-Zr> OF Oc'ularly, K-Zr'-Z Oc'uliform, K-Zi-F-B-M Oc'ulist, K.-Zsti Od, Dior* O'dalisque, D^-Zs-K Odd, D. Dri, Dst Odd'- fellow, Di-Fl Odd'ity, D J -T Oddly, D>-Z Odd'ness, D-Ns Odds, Dzi Ode, D* Ode'on, D^-N Od'ic, DSori-K O'dious, D-S O'diously, D^-Sl O'diousness, Ds^-Ns O'dium, D'-M Odom'eter, D a -Mtr Odontal'gia, Dn'-T-Z-J Odontal'gic, Dni-T-Z-J, K Odontal'gy, Dni-T-Z-J Odont'oid, Dni-Td Odontol'ogy, Dn^T-Z-J Od'or, Dr O'dorant, Dri-N-T Odoriferous, T>rf*-Rs Odorif'erousness, Drf*- /es-Ks O'dorless, Dr-Zs O'dorous, Dr s -8 O'dyle, D*-L Od'yssey, Di-8 O'er, RS JVote. For words com- mencing with CE see the same under E. Of (ov), is indicated as follows: 1. By V 1 , which is used a. When of begins a sen- tence or line; b. Always instead of Eroximity before words eginning with com- or con-, and c. Generally before words that may be written by any hook, modification or attachment of V ; thus, Of all. VU Of all their, Vldhrl Of all the. Vlti Of our, Vr Of an, Vn 1 Of another. Vndhr 1 Of their, Vdhr 1 Of it or the, Vt* Of its, Vts 1 Of his, Vz Of a, V 1 with the a. tick. By the t>-hook; thus: Part of. Pvi Out of, TV* Charge of. CHv Which of. CHv Each of, CHv3 Back of, BI-KT OFF 183 ONO 3. By proximity that is, Oh. Written the same as Om'inousness, Mi-Ns-lfs by omitting the of and (infer;.) Omis'sible, M.s-133-L writing the two words be- Oil, Z,f Omis'sion, MshnS tween which it occurs near Oil'-bag, Z'-B-G Omis'sive, Ms-V 3 each other. Proximity Oil'-cake, Z.I-K-K Omit', Mt, M-Td3, MtC) 3 should not be used when Oil'-car, L l -Kr Omit'ter, Mtr3 one or both of the adjoin- Oil'-cloth, Z l -Kl-TH Om'nibus, M-N-Bs 1 ing words are written with a dot, tick or circle sign. Oil'-color, Zi-K-Zr Oil'-district, ZJ-D-sTr-K Omnifa'rious, M-N-F 2 -Hs Omnif erous, M-N-F 3 -fis In general, it should not Oil'er, z,r> Omnif ic, M-N-F^-K bo employed when it will Oil'iness, L l -~Sa Om'niform, M-N-F'-R-BI occasion the slightest in- distinctness. When in Oil'-man, L l -M.u Oil'-painting, Z-Pnt-NG Omuig'enous, M-N-J 3 -Ns Om'niparty, M-N-pJ-fl-T doubt use the stem V. Oil'-pipe, ZJ-P-P Omnip'arous, M-N-pa-Hs Off, Fi Oil'-sand, Zsi-Nd Omnipersip'ience, M-N- Off -cut, F 1 -K-T Oil'-shop, L!-SH-P Prs 3 -Pns Offal, Fli Oil'-stone, Zs^Tn Omnipersip'ient, N-M- Offence', Fns* Oil'-tank, Z>-T-NG-K Prs 3 -Pnt Offend', Fnd, F*-N-Fd, Oil'-well, Zi-Wl Omnip'otence, H-N-P3- Fnd 2 -NG Oil'-works, Z'-Wr-Ks Tns Offend'er, Fndr 8 Oil'y, Z 1 , Z>-R, Zst 1 Omnip'otency, M-N-P3- Offense', Fns Oint, Nt' Tn-S Offen'sive, F 2 -Ns-V Oint'ed, N-Td> Omnip'otent, M-N-ps- Offensively, F 2 -Ns-V-Z Oint'ment, Nti-Mnt Tnt Offen'siveness, F 2 -Ns-V- O'ker, Kr 2 Omnip'otently, M-N-P*. Ns OTtra or O'kro, Kr 2 Tnt-L Offer, Fr 1 , Frdi, Fri-NG Old, Z 2 -D, Z 2 -Dr, Z 2 -Dst Omnipres'ence, M - N - Of ferable, Fr'-Bl See Late, Later. Prz=-Ns Offerer, Fri-R Old'-age, Z-D- J Omnipres'ent, M-N-Prz 2 - Offering, Fri-NG Old'en, Z 2 -Dn Nt Offertory, Fri-T- Old'ish, Z 2 -D-SH Omnis'cience, M - N - OIF-hand, F-Hnd Old'ness, z 2 -D-Ns SHus 3 Office, Fs 1 Oleag'inous, Z'-J-Ns Omnis'ciency, M-X-SH 3 - Officer, Fs J -B Oleag'inousness, Z J -J N-S Officered, Fs'-Ed Ns-Ns Dmnis'cient, M-N-SHnt 8 Offi'cial, F-sm Olean'der, Zndr 1 Omnis'ciently, M - N - Offl'cially, F-Sfll Oleas'ter, Lstr 1 SHnts-L Officiate, rs-SHt, F*-5fl- O'lefiant, Z 2 -F-Nt 3m'nium, M'-N-M Td, F^-SHt-NG O'lein, Zn 2 Om'nium-gatherum, M 1 Offlc'inal, Fs-N-L Oleom'eter, Z^-Mtr -N-M-Gdhr-M Offi'cious, FS-SHs Olfac'tive, Zi-F-K-Tv Dmniv'orous, M-X-v-JZs Offl'ciously. FS-SHs-Z Offl'ci ousness, F 3 -SHa- Ns Olfac'tory, Z'-F-K-T-jK Ol'iban, Zi-Bn Omphal'ic, M-Fi-Z-K Om'phalocele, M-Fi-Zs- Offing, F!-NG Olib'anum, Z3-B-N-M L Offish, Fi-SH Ol'igarch, Z^-Gr-K On, N 1 Offscouring, Fs'-K-B- Oligarch'al, Zi-Gr-Kl D'nanism, N 2 -Nz-M NG Oligarchic, Z!-Gr-K-K O'nanist, N 2 -Nst OflTscum, Fs^K-M Oligarch'ical, Zi-Gr-K- Once, Wns 2 Offset, (n.) FsJ-T Kl One, Wn 2 Offset' or Offset, (.) Oligarchy, Z>-Gr-K 3ne'-eyed, Wn 2 -D Fs-o?"i-T Fs^oT^-T-NG* O'lio, ZI6 Oneirocrit'ic, N-^-Kr- Off* shoot, Fi-SHt Oliva'ceous, L*-V-SHs T-K Offspring, Fi-sPr-NG Ol'ive, Zi-V Oneirocrit'ical, N-fis- Offus'cate, Fs-Kt Offusca'tion, Fs 2 -Kshn Ol'la-podri'da, Z-P-Dr-D Ol'ogy, Z'-J. As a suffix, Krt-Kl Onei'romancy, X - R 1 - Oft, Ft 1 sometimes J Mn-8 Oft'en, Fn*, F^Nr, Fi- Olym'piad, L-M-P-D One'-horse, W 5 -N - HK Nst Olym'pian, lAM-Pn [Wn 2 -Rs] Oft'enness, Fni-Ns Oft'entimes, Fn^T-Mz Olym'pic, L 3 -M-P-K Om'ber, M-Br )ne'ness, Wn 2 -Ns Jn'erary, Nr-B 1 [Fni-Mz] Oinbrom'eter, M - Br 1 - Jn'erate, Nr-T 1 Oft'times, Ft-T-Mz Mtr Jn'erous, Nr-S 1 Ogee', J3 Dme'pa, M-G One'-sided, Wns s -Dd Og'ham, G*-M Dni'elet, M-Zt^ One'-sidedness, Wna*- O'give, Jv* O'meii, Mn*. Mnd^, Mn- Dd-Ns O'gle, Gl 2 , Gld 2 , G1 2 -NG NG On'-going, N'-G-NG O'gler, Gl-R 2 O'glio, Lid* Dmen'tum, Mn-T^-M 3'mer, Mr* On'ion, N-Yn 2 On'ion-eyed, N-Yn*-D O'gre, Gr 2 Dm'inous, Mi-Ns On'ly, Nl O'gress, Grs* Om'inously, M-Ns-Li On'omancy, N-Mn-S* ONO Dnomas'ticon, N-Ms-Ti- Kn Onomatopoe'ia, N-M-T 3 - P Onomatopoet'ic, N-M- T*-P-T-K On'set, Ns-T* Onslaught, N-sZti On'to, N-T 1 Ontolog'ic, N-TJ-Z-J-K Ontolog'ical, N-T*-Z-J- Kl Ontol'ogy, N-Ti-Z-J O'nus, Ns* On 'ward. N-Wrdi On'wards, N-Wrdz* O'nyx, 6N 2 -Ks O'olite, 6i-T Oolit'ic, 6Z 3 -T-K Ool'ogy, 6L l -J Oo'long, oL-NG Oooze, Z? Zd 3 , Ooz'y, Z 3 Opacity, Ps>-T Opa'cous, P 2 -Ks Opake', P2-K O'pal, 6P1 2 Opalesce', P^-Zs, P 2 -Zst, P 2 -Z,8-NG Opales'cence, P 2 -Zs-Ns Opales'cent, P*-Zs-Nt - O'paline, P 2 -Zn O'palize, P-Zz, I^-Zzd, ps-iz.-Nft Opaque', P 2 -K Opaque'ness, P^-K-Ns Ope, P O'pen, Pn 2 . Pnd 2 , Pn-NG O'pener, P 2 -Nr O'pen-eyed, Pn*-D O'pen-handed, Pn*-Hn- Dd O'pen-hearted, Pn* - H - RTO. O'pening, Pn^-NG O'penly. P 2 -Nl O'pen-mouthed, Pn*-M- DHd O'penn^ss, Pn 2 -Xs Op'era, P>-K Op'era-glass, P>-H-Gls Operam'eter, Pr^Mtr Op'erate, P l -Rt, Operat'ic, P^Kt-K Operat'ical, P>-flt-Kl Opera'tion, P 2 -#shn Op'erative, pi-Kt-V Op'erator, P l -Rtr Oper'culum, Pr=-Kl-M Op'erose, P l -Rs Op'eroseness, Pi-Rs-Ns Oph'icleide, F>-Kld Ophid'ian, F^-Dn Ophiolog'ical, F'-i-J-Kl Ophiol'ogist, F^L-Jst Ophipl'ogy, Fi--J O'phiomancy, F*-Mn-S Ophthal'mia, Fi-TH-Z, M 184 Ophthal'mic, M-K Oph'thalmy, F'-TH-Z-M O'piate, P 2 -T Opine', Pn 1 , Pnd', Pn 1 NG Opin'iative, Pn'-Tv Opin'ion, Pn 3 -N [Pn^] Opin'ionated, Pn 3 -N-Td Opin'ionative, Pn-N-Tv Opin'ionatively, Pn^-N- T-V1 Opin'ionativeness, Pn 8 - N-Tv-Ns [Pn 3 -Nt;Vs] Opin'ioned, Pn 3 -Nd Opin'ionist, Pn 3 -Nst O'pium, P 2 -M Opodel'doc, P-D-Z-D-K Opos'sum, p!-sM Op'pidan, Pi-Dn Op'pilate, P'-Zt Oppila'tion, P-Zshn Op'pilative, pi-Zt-V Oppo'nency, Pu s -N-S Oppo'nent, Pn 2 -Nt Opportune', Pr 3 -Tn Opportunely, Pr^- Opportune'ness, Pr*-Tn- Ns Opportu'nity, Pr*-Tn-T tP 3 ] Oppos'able, Pz 2 -Bl Oppose', Pz 2 , Pzd, Pi. NG Oppos'er, P 2 -Zr Oppos'ing, Pz 2 -XG Op'posite, Pzi-T Op'positely, Pzi-T-Z Op'positeness, Pzi-T-Ns Opposi'tion, Pzshn* Opposi'tionist, Pzsftn-St Oppos'itive, Pz'-Tv Oppress', Prs 2 , Prst, Prs 2 -NG Oppressed', Prst* Oppres'sion, Prshn* Oppress'ive, Prs^V Oppress'ively, Prs*-V-Z Oppress'iveness, Prs a - V-Ns Oppress'or, Pr^-sK Oppro'brious, Pr 2 -Brs OpproTsriously, Pr 2 -Br- *L Oppro'briousness, Pr- Bre-Ns Oppro'brium, Pr 2 -Br-M Oppugn', Pn 3 , Pnd 3 , Pn- NG Oppug'nancy, pa-G-Nn-8 Oppugn'er, P 3 -Nr Op'tative, Pti-Tv Op'tic, pi-T-K ! Op'tical, pi-T-Kl Opti'cian, P 3 -Tshn Op'tics, pi-T-Ks Op'timacy, pi-T-M-8 i Op'timate, P'-T-Mt Op'time, pi-T-M iOp'timism, P'-T-Mz-M ORB Op'timist, P^T-Mst Op'tion, Pshn 1 Op'tional-ly, Pshni-z Op'ulence, P'-ins Op'ulent, pi-int Op'ulently, pi-int-Z O'pus, Ps 2 Or is written r,s follows: 1. When standing alone or commencing phrases by B', thus; Or, Ri Or all, Bl 1 Or an, Kni Or other. Bdhr 1 Or the, Bti Or a, B with a-tick. Or rather, Ri./Jdhr 2. In the middle of phra- ses by /?, when more con- venient than R; thus. Before or after, Bf 2 -S Ftr Day or two. D 2 -K-T Three or four, XHr 3 ft F-B Eight or nine, T 2 -R-Nn Said or doue, sD 2 -K-Dn 3. After several of the single stem words by the -hook; thus, At or, Tri Two or three, TrS-THr On or. Nr 1 In or, Nr 3 Or'acle, Ri-Kl Or'acled, Ri Kid Orac'ular, R'-Kl-B Orac'cularly, R'-Kl-B-Z Drac'ulous, R'-Kls Drac'ulously, Ri-Kl-sZ. Orac'ulousness, R^Kls- Ns Or'aison. Rsi-N O'ral, Ris O'rally, R 2 -i Dr'ange, Rn'-J Drangeade', Rn^-J-D 3r'angeat, Ru'-Jt Dr'ange-man. Rn'-J-Mn Dr'angery, Rn'-J-JZ Orang'-outang, Ri-NG- T-NG Dra'tion, Rshn 2 Dr'ator, Rtr 1 Orato'rial, Rt= K-L Orato'rially, Rt*--i 3rator'ical-ly, Rt^R-Kl 3rato'rio, Rt 2 R Or'atory, RV-R Orb, Ri B Orb'ate, R>-Bt Orbed, R^Bd Orbic'ular, R 3 -B-K1-B Orbic'ularly, R^-B-Kl-B- L Orbic'ulate, R 3 -B-Klt Orbicula'tion, B 2 B Klshn Orb'it, B'-Bt Orb'ital, Orb'itary, B>-Bt-# Orb'y, B'-B Orchard, B^CHrd Orcharding, B-CHrd- NG Orchardist, Bi-CHrd-St Orchesog'raphy, K'--K sGr-F Or'chester, Ei-Kstr Orchestra, E-K-aTr Orchestra-chair, B-K- BTr-CHr Orchestral Orchestra'tion, B 2 - K - sTrshn Or'chestre, B>-Kstr Orches'tric, B-K-sTr-K. Orchid, Bi-Kd Orchida'ceous, BAK-D- SHs Orchid'eous, B 3 -K-Ds Or'chil, Bi-Kl Orchil'la, B 3 -K-Ji Or'chis, B^Ks Ordam', fi-Dn, /e-Dnd, Ordain'able, Ordain'er, Or'deal, Ei Order, Bdr, B^Drd, Bdri -NG Or'derer, Edri-B Ordering, Bdr-NG Or'derless, Bdr^Ls Orderliness, Bdri- Orderly, Edr-Z, Ordinal, fii-D-Nl Or'dinance, Bdi-Nns Or'dinarily, Edi-Nr-L Ordinary, EdJ-Nr Or'dinaryship, Bd-Nr- 8H-P Ordinate, Bd-Nt Or'dinately, Bdi-Nt-L Ordina'tion, Bd 2 -Nshn Or'dinative, Bd l -Nt-V Ord'nance, Bdi-Nns Ordonnance, Bd^Nns Ord'ure, Bi-Dr Ore, B2 O'read, oR*-T> Or'gan, B'-Gn Organ-builder, B-Gn-B Zdr Or'gandie, Bi-Gn-D Or'gandy, BJ-Gn-D Organ'ic, Bi-Gn-K Organ'ical-ly, Bi-G-N-Kl Organism, Bi-Gn-zM Organist, B-Gn-St Or'ganizable, Bi-G-Nz- Bl Organiza'tion, B s - G - Tizshn (B'-Gnzftn) Organize, Ri-G-Nz, B-G- Nzd, E>-G-Nz-NG Organizer, E>-G-N-Zr Or'gan-loft, Bi-Gn-i-Ft 185 Organog'raphy, B>-G-N Organol'ogy, B-G-N1-J Or'ganon^ Ki-Gn-N Organ-pipe, Bi-Gn-P-P Organ-rest, Bi-Gn-fist Organum, B'-Gn-M Organzine, B^G-Nz-N Or'gasm, B>-G-zM Or'geat, fii-ZHt or fii-ZH Orgies, R l -3z Or'gy, fl'-J Or'ichalch, O'riel, B'^-L O'riency, EnS-8 O'rient, Bnt Orient'al. Bnt^-L Orient'alism, Bnt-Lz-M Orient'alist, Bnt 2 -Lst Orient'ate, Bn-Tt, Bnt 2 - Td, Bn a -Tt(') Orienta'tion, Bn 2 -Tehn Orifice, fii-Fb Or'iflamme, fii-Fl-M Or'igan, B l -Gn Orig'anum, B^-Gn-M Origin, R l -3n Orig'inal-ly, 7J3-J-N1 Original'ity, TJi-J-Nl-T Orig'inate, .R^-J-Nt, R 3 - J-N-Td. B 3 -J-Nt-NG Origination, fi2-J-Nshn Originator, R?- J-Ktr O'riol, B 2 -L O'riole, E*-L Ori'on, B'-N Orison, Bzi-N Or'lop, B>--P Ormolu', B3-M-.& Ornament, Ra. 1 - Mnt, NG Ornament'al-ly, Rn*- Mnt- [SMnt] Ornamenta'tion, fin 2 -M- N-Tshn Ornate, Bi-Nt Or'nately, B-Nt-L Ornateness, Bi-Nt-Ns Ornith'ichnite, Bn-TH- K-Nt Ornith'olite, BnS-TH-Zt Ornitholog'ic, Bn - TH - Z-J-K Ornitholog'ical, Bni-TH -L-J-Kl Ornithol'ogist, Bn^TH- i-Jst Ornithol'ogy, Bn-TH-- J Ornithorynch'us, Bn - TH-B-NG-Ks Orograph'ic, B'-Grf-K Orograph'ical, B-Gr-F- El Orog'raphy, B>-Gr-F Orolog'ical, B-I,-J-K1 Orol'ogist, B'-Z-Jst Orol'ogy, E'-Z,-J O'rotund, #-Tnd OSS Orphan, 5'-Fn Orphanage, tf^F-N- J Orphaned, ^'-Fnd Orphanhood, .R'-Fn-Hd Orphanism, /ei-Fn-Z-M Orphe'an or Orphean, 3 ri-Fn Orphic, TJi-F-K Or'piment, IJi-P-Mnt Or'rery, W-R Orris, Esi Ort, Bti Orthodox, TB'-TH-D-Ks Or'thodoxly, jei-TH-3> K-sL Or'thodoxness, ! -TH-D- Ks-Ns Orthodoxy, fli-Tll-D-K- S Orthodrom'ics, R l -1H- Dr-M-Ks Orthodromy, JS'-TH-Dr- M Orthoep'ic, .R2-TH-P-K Orthoep'ical-ly, R--1H- P-K1 Orthoepist, .R'-TH-Pst Orthoepy, ^i-TH P Orthog'onal, fii-TH-G-Nl Orthog'rapher, /e 1 - TH - Gr-Fr Orthograph'ic, /ei-TH- Grf-K Orthograph'ical-ly, fii- TH-Gr-F-Kl Orthog'raphist, A'l-TH- Gr-Fst Orthog'raphy, R 1 - TH - Gr-F Orthop'edist, ^^TH-P- Dst Orthop'edy, tfi-TH-P-D Orthop'terous, It 1 - TH - P-Trs Or'tive, fli-Tv Ortolan, Et!-in O'ryx, B2-Ks Os, Si Os'cillate, S l -Lt, Si-i-Td, Sl-Lt-NG Oscilla'tion, S^-ishn Os'cillatory, S l -Lt-R Os'citancy.Si-Tn-S Os'citant, 8i-Tnt Os'citate, S^Tt Oscita'tion, 8 2 -Tshn Os'culant, S'-K-^nt Os'culate, si-K-it, si-R L-Td, S'-K-Lt-NG Oscula'tion, S^-K-ishn Os'culatory, S'-K-it-fi O'sier, ZHr O'siered, ZHrd a Os'manli, zi-M-Nl Os'mazome, Z'-Mz-M Os'mium, Z'-M-M Os'naburg, Z^N-Br-G Os'pray, S'-Pr Oss, Si Os'selet, OSS Os'seous, Si-3 Os'sicle, S'-Kl Ossif'erous, S-Frs Ossific, 88-F-K Ossifica'tion, 8*-F-Kshn Os'sifrage, S'-Fr- J Os'sify, 8 l -F, S-Fd, S*-F NG Ossiv'orous, S 8 -Vrs Os'suary, SE1-R Ost, Sti Ostensibil'ity, St-Ns-Bl T (-Bit) Osten'sible-y, St*-Ns-Bl Osten'sive, Sts-Ns-V Os'tent, Si-Tnt Ostenta'tion, Sts-N-Tshn Ostenta'tious, St*-Nt-SHs Ostenta'tiously, Sta-Nt SHs-Z, Ostenta'tiousness, St* Nt-SHs-Ns Os'teocope, S^T-K-P Os'teoplasty, Sti-Pls-T Osteog'eny, S'-T -J-N Osteol'oger, S^T-i-Jr Osteol'ogist, Si-T--Jst Osteol'ogy, S'-T-i-J Ost'ler, Sti-i-B Ostra'cean s S^Trshn Os'tracism, S l -Tr-szM Os'tracize, Si-Trsz, 8'- Trsz-D, S^Trsz-NG Os'trieh, 8 l -Tr-CH Os'trogoth, SJ-Tr-G-TH Otacous'tic, T'ori-Ks-T-K Otai'gia, Ti-- J Otal'gic, Ti-i- J-K Otal'gy,Ti--J O'tary, T*-R Oth'er, DHr>. Written in the first position to avoid collision with Their. In many instances Other would conflict with Their V written in the same way. Bat after most adjectives, and nouns and pronouns in the possessive case, rarely or never occurs; therefore Other may be Written in such cases by the same outline as Their- as follows: 1. By lengthening the stem of the proceeding word; Ihus, These other, Zdhr' That other, DHdhri The other, DHdhr* Every other. Vrdhr* One other, Wndhr 2 No other, Ndhr* Many other, M 3 -Ndhr Some other. sMdhr* My other, Mdhri Your other. Ydhr* Their other. DHrdhr' Her other, Rdhr 5 Been other, Budhr* 186 OUT 2. By the rfAr-hook 01 Ouranog'raphy, Ki N . straight stems ; thus, Gr-F Each other, CHdhrS Ourol'ogy, B'-Z-J Such other, sCHdhr 8 Ouros'cope, Es'-K-P Our other, .Rdhr' Ours, /zi 3. By changing the pre- Ourself , W-BL-V ceding ^-circle to a large Ourselves', I&-KL- Vz loop; thus, [flszi] Those other, DHzdhr^ Ou'sel, Zl This other, DHsdhr" Oust, St^Si-Td, Sti-NG John's other, Jnzdhr 1 Oust'er, Str 1 Boy's other, Bzdhr 1 Out, T'. Out at the com- James' other, J 2 -Mzdhr mencement of compound Whose other, Hzdhr^ words should be written His other, zdhr 3 de- in the first position, no tached large loop, matter what may be the leaning to the right, accented vowel of the in third position. word, except in a few There are a few excep- cases where it is neces- ;ions to the above rule; sary to write the words thus, All other should be in other positions for the vocalized with the second sake of distinction. See 3 lace short dash, thus; Outran, Outrun. budhr 1 . And, on the other Out-act', Ti-Kt land, Or other Is safely Out-acted, T'-K-Td written Rdhr 1 without the Out-bal'ance, Ti-Blns vowel sign. Out-bid', T'-Bd The word Their has the Dut-bid'den, T^B-Dn first right to be written Dut-blaze', T^Blz with the dhr outlines, and Dut'bound, Ti-Bad ;enerally after words where Dut-brave', T^Brv "heir might occur, if the Out-braz'en, T'-Brz-N ame form be used for Other, the sign of the short- Out'break, Ti-Br-K Outbreaking, T-Br-K- vowel u should be inserted ; NG thus. Out'-building, T!-Bld(') Of other, Vudhr* Out'burst, T'-Brst Shall other. SHudhr 1 Out' cast, Ti-Kst By other, Biidhri Out'-climb, T^Kl-M But other, Budhr 2 Out'come, T^K-M When other, Wudhr^ Out'crop, T!-Kr-P In other, Nudhr 3 Outcrop', T"-Kr-P, TI.RT. Dth'erguise, DHri-Gz Pt. Ti Kr-P-NG Oth'erness, DHri-Ns Out'cry, T u Kr Oth'ers. Written like Outdare', Ti-D-R Other with the small Outdared', T-D-Bd circle added. Ou.tdid', TiDd3 Oth'erwise, DH^-Wz Outdo', T'-D O'tiose, 8H2-8 Outdo'ing. T>-D-NG Oti'tis, 6Ti-Ts Outdone', Ti-Dn Of tar, Tri Outdoor', Ti-D-R Ot'ter, Tr Outdoors', T'-D-Rz Ot'to, T Out'er, Tr 1 ^t'toman, Ti-Mn Out'ermost, Tr!-Mst Ot'tomans, T J -Mnz Out'fall, T!-F1 Ouch, CHi Out'flt, Tf-T Ought, T' Outflank', Ti-Fl-NG-K Dunce, Ns 1 Outfly', T'-Fl Our, K 1 -. So written to Oufrfrown', T'-Frn distinguish it from the Out'gate, T-Gt abbreviation for Her. Outgen'eral, T>-J-Nr-l Our is also written by the [Ti-Jn] r-hook; thus. Outgen'eraled, TJ-J-Nr* By our, Br 1 Ld [TLJnd] At our, Tr> Outgive', T!-Gv Which our, CHr Outgiv'en, Ti-G-Vn Of our, Vr' Outgo', T>-G, T-G-NO On our. Nr 1 Outgone', T'-Gn In our, Nr 3 Outgrew', T'-Gr Among our, NGr 1 Outgrow', T"-Gr OUT Outgrown', l^-Grn Out'growth, T^-Gr-TH Out'guard, Ti-Grd Out-Her'od, Ti-H-K-D Out'-house, H-Hs Outland'ish, Ti-nd-SH Outlast', Ti-st Out'law, TH-L, Ti-Ld, Ti L NG Out'lawed, Out'lawry, T^ Out'lay, Ti-Zr Out'let,Ti-it Outlie', T'-i Out'lier, T l -L-~R Out'line, Outlive', T1-.L-V Out'look, T!-Z,-K Out'lying, T^i-NG Outmarch', T^M-B-CH Outmeas'ure, "P-M-ZHr Out'most, T!-Mst Outnumber, T-N-M-Br [TJ-Br] Out'-of-door, Tvi-D-B Out'-of-doors, Tvi-D-Bz Out-of-the-way', TvH-W Outpace', T'-Ps Out'parish, T^P-fl-SH Out'part, T!-Prt Out'peer, T*-P-B Out'port, Ti-P-fit Out'post, T!-Pst Outpour'. Ti-P-B Outpour'ing, Ti-P-B- Out'rage, Outra'geous, T 2 -H-Js Outra'geoualy, T*-S- J-s Outra'geousness, Js-Ns Outran', T l -.Rn Outrank', 'H-B-NG-K Outre', Tra Outreach', T^-B-OH Outride', T Out'rider, Out'rigger, Out'right, Ti- Outrun', T a -.Rn, T*-Bn-NG Outsail'. Outsell', Out'set, Ts 1 -! Outshine', Ti- Outside', Tsi-D Dut'sider, T>-sDr Out'skirt, Ti-sK-flt Outsold', Ti-s^-D Out'spoken, T 1 - 6P - Kn [T'-sPn] Outspread', T 1 -sPr-D Outstand', Tsi-Tnd, Ts>- Tnd-NG Outstare', Tsi-T-B Outstood', Tsi-Td Out'street, T^-sTrt Outstretch', T^sTr-CH, T'-sTr-CHt, Ti-sTr-CH- NG 187 Outstride', Ti-sTrld Outswear', Ti-sW-B [T 1 sR] Outstrip', Ti-sTr-P Outtalk', Ti-T-K, Ti-T-Kt T l -T-K-NG Outvalue', l^-Vl Outvie', Ti-V Outvote', T^Vt" Outwalk', T>-W-K Out'wall, Ti-Wl Out'ward, T>-Wrd Out'ward-bound, T 1 - Wrd-Bnd Out'wardly, TJ-Wrd- Out'words, T J -Wrdz Outwatch', T!-wCH Outwear', T^-Wr Outwent', T-Wnt Outweigh', T!-W Outweighed', T 1 -Wd Outwork', T^Wr-K, Wr-Kt, Ti-Wr-K-NG Out'work, T!-Wr-K Outwore', T!-Wr Outworn', T 1 -Wrn Outwrought', Ti-flt Ou'zel, Zl O'va, V* O'val, VI* Ova'ria, V-K Ova'rious, \*-Rs Ova'rium, O'vary, O'vate, Vta O'vated, V*-Td Ova'tion, Vshn* Ov'en, Vn O'ver, Vr 1 . Written in first position BO that it will not conflict with Vr Very. Over at the com' mencement of compound words should be written in the first position, no matter what may be the accented vowel of the word, except in a cases where it is neces- sary to write the words in other positions for the sake of distinction. See Overarch, Overreach, Over- draw, Overdrew, etc. Overabound', Vr-Bnd Overact', Vri-K-T O'veralls, Vri-Lz Overanx'ious, Vri-NG- SHs Overarch', Vr> - R CH. See Overreach. Dverawe', Vr 1 , with sign for Awe written near it. Dverawed', Vr l -aD Overbal'ance, Vr^Blns, Vr'-Blnst. Vri-Blns-NG Overbearing, VrJ-B-fl- NG Overbid', Vri-Bd, Vr- BdC) OVE [ Overbid'den, Vr^B-Dn - O'ver-board, Vr'-Brd Overbore', Vri-B-B Overborne', Vri-B-fln Overbur'den, v^-B-fl. Dn Overcame', Vr-K-M Overcast', Vr^Kst, VrL Kst(-) Overcau'tious, Vr 1 - K - SHs Overcharge', Vr^CHr-J Vri-CHr-J-D, Vi-i-CHr-J- NG [Vri-CH, Vr'-CHd, Vri-CH(-)] Overcloud', Vri-Kld O'vercoat, Vr J -K-T Overcome', Vr 1 - K - II, Vr'-K-M-NG [VrJ-K., Vr 1 - Overcon'fident, VrMFi- Dnt Over-cost'ly, \r l -E.s-T-L Overdid', Vri-Dd Overdo', Vri - D, Vr 1 - D - NG Overdone', Vr'-Dn Overdose', Vi^-Ds Overdraw', Vr^Dr Overdrawn', Vr^Drn Overdrew', Vr^-Dr Overdressed', Vri-Drst Overdrive', Vri-Drv Overdrove', Vr^-Drv Overdue', Vr'-D Overeat', Vi^-T Overeaten', Vr-Tn Overexcite', Vr!-Ks-T Overeye', Vr'-r Overeyed', Vr'-i-D Overfall', Vr^-F-L Overfatigue', Vri-F-T-G Overfed', VrJ-F-D Overfeed', Vr^-F-D Overflow', Vri-Fl, Vr 1 - Fl-D, Vri-Fl-NG Overflowing', Vri-Fl-NG Overflown', VrT-FIn Overfond', Vr ] -Fnd Overfreight', Vr>-Frt Dvergo', Vr'-G Dvergorge', Vri-Gr-J Overgrew', Vr 3 -Gr Dvergrow', Vr l -Gr 3vergrown', Vri-Grn 3vergrowth', Vr'-Gr-TH Dverhang', Vr^H-NG Dverhard'en, Vr^Hr-Dn Dverhaste', Vr^Hst Overhast'iness, Vr^Hs- T-Ns >verhast'y, Vr^Hs-T Overhaul, Vr' HI, Vri - Hid. Vr'-Hl-NG Overhead', Vr^Hd Overhear", Vr^Hr, Vr"- Hr-NG Overheard', Vr'-Hrd Overheat', Vr-Ht Overhung', Vr*-H-NG OVE Overis'aue, vr'-SH Overjoy', Vr J -J Overla'bor, Vr*--Br Overlade', VrJ-i-D, Vr 1 L-Dd, Vr^i-D-NG. These outlines should be vocal ized with a to distinguish them from the more fre- quent outlines Overload etc. Overladen', Vr-i-Dn Overlain', Vri-Z,n Overland', Vr^Z-nd Overlap', Vr>--P, \r*-L- Pt, Vri-Z-P-NG Overlarge', Vr Overlay 5 , \ri-L, Vri--D, Vri-i-NG Overleap', Vr J --P O'verleather, Vr-idhr Overlib'eral, Vr^L-Br-L Overlie', Vr 1 -!., Vri-i-NG Overload', Vr^L-D, Vr 1 -/,- Dd, Vr l -i-D-NG Overlook', Vr 1 -!, K, Vr 1 - Z.-K-T, Vri-i-K-NO Overmas'ter, Vri-Mstr Overmatch', Vr^M-CH, Vr>-M-CHt, Vri-M-CH- NG Overmeas'ure, Vr 1 - M - ZHr Overmod'est, Vri-M-Dst O'vermost, V^-Mst Overmuch', Vr^M-CH O'vernight, Vr-Nt Overpas'sionate, Vr 1 - Pshn-T Overpass', Vr'-Ps Overpa'tient, Vri-Pshnt Overpay', Vr 1 -?, Vr l -Pd, Vri-P-NG Overpeo'ple, Vr^P-Pl Overpersuade', Vr L Pr- sWd, Vr^Pr-sW-Dd, Vr 1 - Pr-sWd-NG O'verplus, V^-Pls Overply', Vri-Pl Overpoise', Vr^Pz Overpow'er, Vr^P-E Overpress', V^-Prs Overprize', Vr J -Pz Overrake', \r l -R-K Overrate', Vr l -Rt Overreach', Vr 3 R-CHt, Vr NG. See Overarch. Overreach'er, Vr 3 -K-CHr Overread'y, Vr 1 -*-^ Overrid', Vr^-fl-D Overrid'den, Vr 3 -K-Dn Override', Vr^JB-D, Vr 1 - fi-D-NG Overripe', V^-K-P Overrip'en, Vr^-fi-Pn Overrode', Vr^-JZ-D Overrule', V^-fil, Vri- R\d, Vr'-Rl-NG Overrul'ing, Vr-fll-NG Overran', Vr J -Bn 188 OXY Overrun', Vr^fin, Vr*-.Rn O'viform, v^r-R-M NG Ovip'arous, V 3 -Prs Oversaw', Vri-S Ovipos'it, V"-Pz-T, Vi-Pz- Oversea', Vri-S Td. Vi-Pz-T-NG Oversee', Vr^-S, Vr8-S-NG Oviposi'tion, V 3 -pz*An Overseen', Vrs^N Overseer', Vrs 3 -B Ovipos'itor, Vi-Pztr O'visac, Vs 2 -K Overset', Vrs z -T, Vrs 2 -T- O'void, VS-D NG Ovoid'al, V!-D1 Oversew', Vr s -S O'volo, V2-Z, Overshade', Vr 2 -SHd Ovol'ogy, v l -L- J Overshad'ow, Vr^SH-D Ovovivip'arous, V'-V- O'vershoe, Vr^-SH V-Prs Overshoot', Vr-SHt, Vr>- O'vule, V2-L 8Ht-NG O'vum, V 2 -M Overshot', Vri-SHt Owe. Written the same O'versight, Vrs 1 -! Overskip', Vrs^K-P as (interj.) Owed, D Oversleep', V^-sZ-P, Vr 1 Owest', 6St sL-Pt. Vri-sZ-P-NG Ow'ing. The sign for O Oversoon', Vrs^N (interj.) with tno-dot Overspent', Vrs^Pnt Owl, L\ Z.I-D, LI-NG Overspread', Vr^sPr-D Owl'er, ir 1 V^-sPr-D-NG Owl'et, L*-T Overstate', Vrs^Tt Owl'-eyed, fcM-D Overstay', Vrs 1 -!, Vrs 1 Owl'ing, L'-NG Td, Vrs>-T-NG Owl'ish, Z.1-8H Overstep', Vrs^T-P, Vrs 1 T-Pt, Vrs^T-P-NG Owl-light', H-Lt Owl'-like, Zi-Z-K Overstock', Vrs^T-K Own, N 1 , Nd 1 , N^NG Overstrain', Vri-sTrn Written in the first posi- Overswell', Vr^sWl tion to distinguish it O'vert, Vrt 2 from N 2 know, N-NG Overtake', Vr 2 -T-K, Vr- knowing. T-K-NG Own'er, Nr 2 Overtask', Vri-T-sK Owner'ship, Nr 2 -SH-P Overtax', Vr^T-Ks Ox', Ksi - Dverthrew', VrS-THr Oxal'ic, K-sZ-!-K Overthrow 7 , Vr 1 - THr, Ox'bow, Ks-B 1 Vrt-THr-NG Ox'en, Ks!-N Dverthrown', Vri-THrn Ox'eye, Ks 1 -! Dverthwart', VrJ-TH-Wrt Ox'-eyed, Ks l -D Overtire', Vri-T-B Ox'-fly, Ks^Fl O'vertly, Vrt-L Ox'idate, Ks-Dt 1 , Ks-D Overtook', Vr^-T-K Td, Ks-Dt(')i Overtop', Vr J -T-P Oxyda'tion, Ks-Dshn 2 Overtrade', Vr^Trd Ox'ide, Ks-D 1 - Overthrow', Vr^THr 3x'idizable, Ks-Dz^Bl O'verture, Vrtr 2 (or Vr z - Ox'idize, Ks - Dzi, Ks - OHr) Dzd 1 . Ks-Dzi-NG Overturn', Vr 1 - T - fin. Ox'idizement, Ks - Di - Vr^T-find. Vri-T-fin-NG zMnt Overtwin'ing, Vr J -Twn- Ox'lrp, K-sZ^-P NG Oxo'nian, Ks^-Nn Overval'ue, Vr-V- Ox'-stall, Kssi-T-L Overween', Vri-Wn Ox'yd, Ks-D 1 Overween'ingly, Vr 1 - Ox'ydate, Ks-Dt 1 Wn-NG-L Oxyda'tion, Ks-Dshn* Overweigh', Vr a -W O'verweight, Vri-wT Overwhelm', Vri-Wl-M Ox'ydize, Ks-Dz* Ox'ygen, Ks-Jn 1 Ox'ygenate, K s - J 1 - Nt, Overwhelm'ing, Vr 1 - Ks-Jt-N-Td, Ks-Ji-Nt-NG Wl-M-NG Oxygena'tion, Ks - J 2 - Overwhelm'ingly, Vr 1 - Nshn Wl-M-NGl Ox'ygenize, Ks - J 1 - Nz, Overwise', Vr J -Wz Ks-Ji-Nzd. Ks-J^Nz-NG Overwork', V^-Wr-K, Oxyg'enous, Ks-J 3 -Ns Vr'-Wr-Kt. Vr^Wr-K-NG Ox'ygon, Ks'-Gn Overwrought', Vri-fit Oric'ular, V 3 -K1-B Oxyhy'drogen, K-sHda Jn 1 OXY Ox'ymel, K-sM-i> Oxymo'rpn, K-sM-.Hn2 Oxymu'riate, K-sM-fit Ox'yopy, Ks-Pi Ox'ysalt, K-Ssi-Zt Ox'ytone, Ks-Tni O'yer, Yr O'yez, Ys Oys'ter, Str* Oys'ter-bed, Stri-Bd Oys'ter-boat, Stri-Bt Oys'ter-catcher, str'-K. CHr Oys'ter-counter, Str 1 - Kntr Oys'ter-dredge, Str'-Dr- J Oys'ter-house, Stri-Hs Oys'ter-patty, Stri-P-T Oys'ter-plant, Str^Plnt Oys'ter-shell, Str-SHl Ozoce'rite, Zs-.Rt Ozona'tion, ZS-Nshn Ozoniflca'tion, Z*-N-F- Kshn O'zonize, Z^-Nz, Z^-Nzd, Z2-NZ-NG Ozonom'eter, Zi-N-Mtr Ozonomet'ric, Z 8 -N-M- Tr-K Ozonom'etry, zi-N-M-Tr Ozo'na, Z*-N O'zone, Zn P. P, the sixteenth letter of the Alphabet, represents usually the sound of p as heard in the words pay, pie, cap, rope, etc. P is the most perfect of all the consonants and it is therefore placed at the head of the phonographic alpha- bet. Pp has the sound of sin- gle^), as in rapped, nipped, etc. See Bb. Ph has the sound of/, as inpAantom,, phonog- raphy, etc. P is silent in the initial combinations pn and pi, as in pneumatics, pneumonia, piarmigan, Ptolemy, etc. Inphth ph is silent, as in phthisic (tizlc), phthongoin- eter (thongflmeter), etc. Pab'ular, pi-B-Z-R Pabula'tion, P^-B-Zshn Pab'ulous, P'-B-Z/s Pab'ulum, pi-B-i-M Pa'ca, pa-K Paca'tion, P 2 -Kshn Pace, Ps, Pst, 189 Pa'cer, P^-sK Pacha', pi-SH Pactia'lic, pi-SHl-K Pach'ydenn, Pi-K-Dr-lVI Pachyderm'ata, P^-K Dr-M T Pachyderm'atous, P-K Dr-M-Ts Pacific, Ps-F-K Paciric-ocean, Ps 8 - F- Kshn Paeifical, Ps^-F-Kl Paciflca'tion, Ps*-F-Kshn Pacificator, Ps-F-Ktr Pacificatory, Pac'ified, Ps-Fd Pac'ifier, Ps'-F-K Pac'ify, Psi-F, Pst-Fd, Ps>-F-NG Pac'ing, Ps*-NG Pack, pi-K, P-Kt, pi-K- NG Pack'age, pi-K-J Pack'-cloth, pi-K-Kl-TH Pack'er, pi-Kr Pack'et, Pi-Kt, pi-K-Td, Pi-Kt-NG Pack'et-boat, P>-Kt-Bt Pack'et-ship, pi-Kt-SH-P Pack'-horse, P^K-Hrs Pack'ing, pi-K-NG Pack'-man, P^K-Mn Pack'-mule, pi-K-M-L Pack'saddle, P'-Ks-D-L Pack'-staff, P^Ks-Tf Pack' -thread, pi-K-THrd Pack'wax, pi-K-wKs Pact, Pi-Kt Pac'tion, P^Kshn Pac'tional, P^Kshn-Z Pacti'tious, ps- Pacto'lian, P2-K-T-in Pacto'lus, P^-K-T-is Pad, P'-D, P!-Dd, P!-D- NG Pad'ding, pi-D-NG Pad'dle, pi-Dl, P^Dld, P'-Dl-NG Pad'dle-board, P 1 - Dl - Brd Pad'dle-staff, pi-Dls-Tf Pad 'die-wheel, pi-Dl-Wl Pad'dock, Pi-D-K Pad'dy, P^D Padisha', P>-D-5/7 Pad'lock, pi-D-L-K, pi-D- Z-K-T. Pi-D-Z-K-NG Paduasoy', pi-D-8 Pee'an, P^-N Pse'on, P 3 -N Pse'ony, P 3 -N Pa'gan, P-Gn Pa'ganism, P*-Gn-Z-M Pa'ganize, P^-G-Nz, P- G-Nzd, P2-G-Nz-NG Page, P-J, ps-Jd, ps-J- NG ?ag'eant, P'-Jnt Pag'eantry, pi-J-N-Tr PAL Pagiaal, pi-j-xi Pagination, P 2 -J-Xshn Pa'ging, p--:.J-NG Pago'da, P2-G-D Pail, P2-L Pail'ful, ps-L-Fl Pail'fuls, pn-L-Flz Pain, Pu2, Piid=, Pu=-XG Pain'ful, Pn^-F-L Pain'fully, Fn"-F-L Pain'fulness, Pu^-F-L-Ns [:FS] Pai'nim, P=-N-M Pain'less,P 2 -Xls Pains, Pnz 2 Pains'taker, Pnz^-T-Kr Pains'taking, PnzS-T-K- NG . Paint, Pnt=. Pn^-Td, Pnt- NG Paint'er, Pntr 2 Paint'ing. Put^-NG Pair, PJ-R, Pi-Ed, pi-- NG Paired'-off, P'-Sd-F Pair'-off, P'-^-F Pal'ace, pi-is Pal'adin, P'-L-Du Palses'tra, P^-is-Tr Palankeen', P'-Lu-Kn Palanquin', P J -in-Kn Pal'atable-y, P'-Lt-Bl Pal'atableness, P'-Z-t-Bl- Ns [:Bs] Pal'atal, P>-Zt-i Pal'ate, pi-it Pala'tial, P^-L-SHl Palat'ic, pi-Z-T-K Palat'inate, pi-Lt-Nt Pal'atine, pJ-Z-Tn Pala'ver, P'-i-Vr, Pi-- Vrd. P'-Z-Vr-NG Pala'verer, pi-/>-Vr-R Pale, P 2 -L, P 2 -Ld, P2-L- NG Palea'ceous, pt-L-SHs Pale'-eyed, V-L-i-D Pale'ly, V^-L-L Pale'ness, f"-L-'Ss Paleog'rapher, P'-i-Gr- Fr Paleograph'ic, P'-i-Grf- K Paleograph'ical, P'-i- Gr-F-Kl Paleog'raphy, P'-i-Gr-F Paleol'ogist, P'-i-Z-Jst Paleol'ogy, P^-L-L-S Paleontol'ogy, pi-L-Nt- L-J Pa'leothere, pa-Z-TH-R Paleothe'rium, pa-i-TH- R-M Pa'leous. pz-i-S Paleozo'ic, P*-L-Z-K Pales'tra, P^-Zs-Tr Pales'trian, P^-Ls-Trn Pales'tric, f- -Ls-Tr-K Pales'trical, pa- Pale'tot, pi-Z,-T PAL Pal'ette, P'-Z,t Pal'frey, P'-L-Fr Palil'ogy,ps-/,-Z,-J Palimpsest, pi-i Ms-8t Palindrome, P'-i-N-Dr- M Pal'ing, P2-L-NG Pal'inode, P1--L-N-D Palisade', P^Ls-D, P*-Ls- Dd. P2-LS-D-NG Pal'ish, P*-i-SH Pal'kee, pi-L-K Pall, P'-L, pi-Ld,P-L-NG Palla'dium, P*-Z-D-M Pall'-bearer, pi-/,-B-Rr Pallet, P'-it Pal'lial, P'-/,- Palliasse', pi-i-S Pal'liate, pi-it, P-Z-Td, P'-/,t-NG Pallia'tion, P-ishn Pal'liative, P l -L-Tr Pal'lid, p!-i-D Pal'lidness, pi-i-D-Ns Pall-mall, ps-L-Ml Pal'lor, pi-L-B Palm, P'-M, P'-Md, PVM- NG Pal'ma Chris'ti, Pli-M- Krs-T Pal'mar, pi--Mr Pal'mary, P l -L-U-R Pal'mate, pi-L-Mt Pal'mated, pi-i-M-Td Palm'er, P-Mr Palm'er-worm, p!-Mr- Wr-M Palmet'to, P1*-M-T Palmiferous, P1 S -M-F- Ra Pal'miped, PH-M-P-D Pal'mister, PU-Mstr Pal'mistry, PU-Ms-Tr Palm'-oil, P-M-Z Palm'-Sunday, P'-Ms- N-D Palm'y, pi-M Palp, pi-i-P Palpability, PF-P-B1-T Pal'pable-y, PP-P-Bl Pal'pableness, Pli-p-Bl- Ns [IBs] Palpa'tion, Pl^-Pshn Pal'pebral, PU-P-Br-L Pal'pebrous, Pl'-P-Brs Pal'pitate, Pli-P-Tt, Pli- P-T-Td. Pli-P-Tt(-) Palpita'tion, PP-P-Tshn Pals'grave, pi-iz-Grv Pals'gravine, P'-iz-Gr- Vn Pal'sical, pi-i-Z-Kl Pal'sied, P'-iz-D Pal'sy, pi-i-Z, pi-iz-D, P'-L-Z-NG Pal'ter, Pi-itr, P'-i-Trd, P'-Ltr-NG Pal'terer, pi-i-Tr-B Pal'trily, P>-L-Tr-L Pal'triness, P-Z,-Tr-Na 190 Pal'try, P'-i-Tr, R, Pi-/,-Trst Palu'dal, P-Z,-D1 Pal'y, P-L Pam, pi-M Pam'pas, P>-M-P8 Pam'per, P'-M-Pr, P-M- Prd. P'-M-Pr-NG Pam'phlet, pi-M-Flt Pamphleteer', P-M-F1- T-R(P-M-Fltr) Pam'pre, P l -M-Pr Pan, Pni Panace'a, P-N-S Pana'da, P-N-B Panade', pa-N-D Pana'do, P2-N-D Pan'cake, Pni-K-K Pan'creas, pi-N-Kre Pancreat'ic, P-N-Kr-T-K Pande'an, Pii3-Dn Pan'dect, Pu'-D-Kt Pandem'ic, Pn^-D-M-K Pandemo'nium, Pn 2 -D- Mn-M Pan'der, Pndri, Pndi-Rd, Pndr'-SG Pan'derer, Pndr'-R Pan'derism, Pndr'-Z-M Pan'door, Pn'-D-R Pan'doran, Pn>-D-Kn Pandore', Pn^-D-R Pane, Pn2 Panegyr'ic, P^-N-Jr-K Panegyrical, P^-N-Jr-Kl Panegyrist, ps-N-Jrst Pan'egyrize, P'-N-Jrz, P'-N-Jrzd. P!-N-Jrz-NG Pan'el, P>-K1, Pi-Nld, pi- Nl-NG Pang, pi-KG Panic, Pni-K Panic-grass, PnJ-K-Grs Panicle, P'-N-Kl Panlcled, P'-N-Kld Panic-struck, Pn>-K-sTr -K Panic'ulate, P 8 -N-Klt Pannade', Pn^-D Pan'nel, P'-Nl Pan'nicle, pi-N-Kl Pan'nier, pi-N-R Pan'oply, P'-N-Pl Panora'ma, P>-Nr-M Panoramic, P'-Nr-M-K Panoramlcal, P'-Nr-M- Kl Pansophlcal, pJ-Ns-F- Kl Pan'sophy, P'-Ns-F Panstereora'ma, Pns>-T- R-R-M Panstenograph'ikon, Pns>-T-N-Grf-Kn Pan'sy, Pn-Z Pant, Pnti, Pni-Td, Pnt- NG Pan'tagraph, Pn'-T-Grf Pantalet', Pn-T-Zt Pantaloon.', Pn-T-in PAP Pan'tarch, Pn'-T-fi-K Pantarch'al, P Pantarchlc, P E Pantarchlcal, Pu 1 -'I-R- K-Kl Pan'tarchism, Pn 1 -T-.B-K -zM Pan'tarchy, Pn>-T-fi-K Pan'ter, Pntr 1 Pan'theism, pi-N-THz-M Pan'theist, pi-X-THst Pantheis'tic, P 3 -N-THs- T-K Pantheist'ical-ly, pa-N- THs-T-Kl Panthe'on or Pan'theon, PSor'-N-THn Pan'ther, pi-N-THr (or Pnthri) Pan'tile, Pni-T-L Pant'ler, Pni-T-L-R Panto'fle, Pn-T-Fl Pan'tograph, Pn'-T-Grf Pantographlc, Pn 1 -!- Grf K Pantograph'ical, Pn 1 -!- Gr-F-Kl Pantog'raphy, PnJ-T-Gr- F Pantol'ogy, Pn^-T-L-3 Pan'tometer, Pni-T-Mtr Pan'tomime, Pni-T-M-M Pantomimic, Pn3-T-M- M-K Pantomimlcal, Pn 8 -T-M -M-K1 Pan'ton. Pn'-Tn Pan 'ton-shoe, Pn-Tn- SH Pan'try, pi-N-Tr Pa'nym, Pn 2 -M Pap, Pi-P Papa', P 1 - Pa Pa'paey, P 2 -P-S Pa'pal, P2-P1 Pa'palize, P 2 -Plz, P. Plzd. ps-Plz-NG Pa'parchy, P 2 -P-fl-K Papav'arous, P l -P\-Rs Papaw', P ! -Pa Pa'per, P 2 -Pr, P 2 -Prd, P- Pr-NG Pa'per-case, P 2 -Pr-Ks Pa'per-currency, P*-Pr- Pa'per-cutter, P 2 -Pr-Ktr Pa'per-faced, P*-Pr-Fst Pa'per-folder, ps-Pr-F- idr Pa'per-hanger, P 3 - Pr- H-NGr Pa'per-hangings, P-Pr- H-NG-NGz Pa'per-holder, P 2 - Pr Hldr Pa'per-maker, P 2 -Pr-M- Kr Pa'per-making, P'-Pr- M-K-NG PAP Pa'per-mill, P'-Pr-M-L Pa'per-money, P 2 -Pr-M- N Pa'per-stainer, P^-Prs- T-Nr Pa'per-weight, P-Pr-Wt Papes'cent, P 2 -Ps-Nt Pa'phian, P 2 -Fn Pap'ier-mache', P^P-M- SH Papiliona'ceous, P=-P-i- N-SHa Papilla, pa-P-i Papillary, P l -P-L-R Papllose, P'-P-/,s Pap'ilote, pi-P-it Papllous, pi-P-Ls Papil'ous, ps-p-Ls Pa'pist, P 2 -Pst Papist'ic, pa-Ps-T-E Papistical, ps-Ps-T-El Pa'pistry, P-P-sTr Papoose', PS-PS Pappoose', pa-Pa Pappose', P 2 -Ps Pap'pous, P-PB Pap'py, P'-P Pap'ula, P'-P-L Pap'ulose, P-P-is Pap'ulous, pi-P-ia Papy'rus, pi-P-fis Par, pi-B Par'-value, P^-B-Vl Par'able, pi-K-Bl Parab'ola, PVR-B-Z Parab'ole, P-fi-B-L Parabol'ic, pi-fl-B-Z-E Parabol'ical-ly, P1-.R-B- i-El Parabol'iform, P'-fl-B- Z--F-B-M Parab'olist, pi-K-B-ist Parab'oloid, pi-fi-B-Z,-D Paracen'tric, P 2 -fis-Ntr- K Paracen'trical, P 2 - Rs Ntr-Kl Parach'ronism, P'-fi-Kr- Nz-M Par'achute, pi-R SHt Par'aclete, P^fi-Klt Parade', ps-fi-D, P 2 -B-Dd, Par'adigm, Par'adise, Paradisi'acal, P>--Ds- El Par'ados, P^fi-Ds Par'adox, P-fl-D-Ks Paradox'ical-ly, P^-R-D- Ks-El Paradox'icalness, pi-fl- D-Ks-Kl-Ns Par'adrome, P>-K-Dr-M Par'afflne, P^fi-Fn Par'age, pi-fi-J Parago'ge, P*-R-Qr- 3 Paragog'ic, pi-K-G-J-K Paragog'ical, P'-fl-G-J- El 191 Par'agon, P^B-Gn Par'agram, P l -K-Gr-M Par'agraph, Ppi-Grf Par'agraphed, Pr l -Grft Paragraphic, Pri-Grf-E Paragraphical, Pr^Gr- F-K1 Paraleip'sis, P*-fll-Pss Parallac'tic, pi-Bl-E-T- E Parallac'tical, P-l-Et- El Par'allax, P'-JJl-Es Parallel, pi-fil- Ld, Pi-M-L-NG Par'allelism, pi-Bl-Lz-M Parallerogram, P a - R\ - L-Gr-M Parallelograra'mic, P 1 - fil-L-Gr-M-E Parallelogram'mical, P>-Kl-L-Gr-M-Kl Parallelopi'ped, pi-fll- L-P-P-D Parallelopip'edon, P^- Rl-L-P-F-Dn Paral'ogism, P^Hl-J-zM Paral'ogy, P'-1-J Paral'ysis, P'-filss Paralyt'ic, P3-lt-K Paralyt' ical, P-Klt-El Paralyza'tion, P 3 -Rlzshn Par'alyze, P l -Rlz, P l - lzd, pi-Blz-NG Par'amount, Pri-Mnt Par'amour, Pri-M-B Par'anymph, P'-fi-N-M- F Par'apet, pi-K-Pt Par'aph, P l -Rt . Parapher'nal, Pr"-Fr-Nl Parapherna'lia, Pr-Fr- N-L Paraphimo'sis, P S -B-F- Mss Par'aphrase, Pr' - Frz, Pr-Frzd, Pri-Frz-NG Par'aphrast, Pri-Frst Paraphrastic, Pr 1 - Frs - T-E Paraphrast'ical-ly, Pri- Frs-T-El Paraple'gia, Pr-Pl-J Par'aplegy, Pri-Pl- J Paraquet', P*-B-Et Paraqui'to, P-fi-E-T Par'asang, P>-fis-NG Par'ascene, pi-fis-N Parasce'nium, M Parasele'ne, Par'asite, pi-fls-T Parasit'ic, P-8-T-E Parasit'ical, P-8-T-El Par'asitism, P'-fis-T-zM Par'asol, pi-Ss-L Parasolette'. P'-fi-sit Parathes'is, P'-fi-THss Par'boil, pi-K-B-L. P-JZ B-Ld, Par'boiled, pi-R-B-Ld Par'buckle, P ( -R-B-E1, P^R-B-Eld, PWe-B-El- NG Par'cel, Prs'-L, Prs'-Ld, Prsi-L-NG Par'cenary, PrsJ-X-R Par'cener, Prsi-X-K Parch, CHt, P' Parch'ment, pr'-CH-Mnt Pard, Pi-Ed Par'don, P'-R-Dn, pi-R- Dud, Pi-R-Dn-NU Par'donable, pi-R-Dn-B (-D Par'donableness, pi-/J- Dn-B-i-Ns [SBs] Par'donably, r'-.R-Dn-B Par'doner, P'-ff-D-Xr Pare, pi-R, pJ-ltd, P-B- NG Paregoric, P'-JS-Gr-K Par'ent, pJ-Aiut Par'entage, p>-R-Nt-J Parent'al-ly, p^-Rnt-L Paren'thesis, P--R-N- THss Parenthetic, P^-K-N- TH-T-E Parenthetlcal-ly, P 2 -S- N-THt-El Parentlcide, P--R-~Sts- D Par'entless, pi-Rnt-Zs Par'er, P'-Rr Par'get, Pri-Jt, Pr'-J-Td, Pr>-Jt-NG Par'geter, Pr'-Jtr Parhelia, Pr-H- Parhelion, . Pa'riah, P!o; Pa'rian, P-. Pari'etal, P Paring, pi-R-NG Parish, P'-fl -SH Parishioner, P 3 -B-SH- Nr Pari'sian, P 3 -Rzlm Parisyllablc, p!-R-sli- B-E Parisyllablcal, P'-R-s^. B El Par'itor, P-Rtr Parity, pi-fi-T Park, P^R-E, p!-R-Et, pi-R-E-NG Park'er, P>-R-Er Parlance, Pr'-/-ns Par'ley, Pr*-L, Pri-i-D, Pri-i-NG Parliament, P^-i-Mnt Parliamenta'rian, Pr'-L- Mnt-Rn Parliamentary, Pr 8 -// Mnt-R Parlor, Pri-i-B Paro'chial, P 2 -R-E1 Parodlcal,. " PAR 192 PAS Par'odist, pi-B-Dst Par'ody, P^B-D, P l -R- Participate, Pr 3 -T-sPt, i Pasha', P*-SH Prs-T-sP-Td, Pr'-T-sPtf-) ;Pasha'lic, P'-SHl Z Dd, Pi-B-D-Nd (Prts 8 -Pt, PrtsS-P-Td, Pasnaw', P 1 -^^ Parol', (law term) P*-B1 Prts 8 -PtC)) Pasigraphlc, Psi-Grf-Z Parole', P*-B1 Participa'tion, Pr - T - Pasigraphlcal, Ps'-Gn Paronoma'sia, P^-B-N- ePsht (Prts-pghn) F-K1 M-Z Participative, Prs-T-sPt- Pasig'raphy, Ps-Gr-F Paronomas'tic, P'-B-N- V (Prt8-Pt-V) Pasque'-flower, P 1 - sZ. Ms-T-Z Participator, PrS-T-sPtr Fl-B Paronomas'tical, p!-B- (Prts-Ptr) Pas'quil, Ps J -Zw-L N-Ms-T-Kl Participial, Prts 3 -P-L Pas'quin, Psi-Kwn Paronom'asy, pi-B-N-M- Particip'ialize, Prts 3 -P- Pasquinade', Ps^-Zwn-D 8 Zz, Prts 3 -P-izd, Prts 3 -P- Pass, Ps 1 , Pst 1 . Ps!-NG Par'onym, pi-B-N-M iz-NG Pass'able-y, Ps^Bl Paron'ymous, pi-Bn-Ms Paron'ymy, P>-Bn-M Particip'ially, Prts-P-Z Participle, Pri - Ts - PI Passade', Ps^-D Pasa'do, Ps 2 ori-D Par'oquet, pi-B-Kt Paro'fid, p!-B-Td (Prtsi-Pl) Par'ticle, Prt^Zl Pas'sage, Psi- J Pas'sant, Ps^Nt Paro'tis, P^-B-Ts Par'ti-colored, P 1 ^-!- Pass'-book, Ps*-B-Z Paroti'tis, Pi-B-T-Ts Z-Zrd (Prti-Z-Zrd) Pass'-check, Ps^CH-Z Par'oxysm, Pr L Z-szM Partic'ular, Prt* - Zl - B Passe', P2-S Paroxys'mal, Prs-Z-szM- Pas'senger, Pst-N-Jr L Particularity, Prt 1 - Zl - Pas'senger-car, Psi-N. Parquet', P*-B-Z or !*-B- Bt Jr-Kr Et Particulariza'tion, Prt^- Passe'-partout', Ps 1 - P - Par'quetry, pi-B-Z-Tr Kl-Rzs/m B-T Parquette', P-B-Zt Partic'ularize, Prts - Zl - Pass'er, P L sB Parr, pi-B Bz, Prts-Zl-Bzd, Prt 3 -E.l- Pass'er-by, pi-sB-B Par'rakeet, P-B-Zt Ez-NG Pas'serine, P^sBn Parracid'al, pi-Bs-D-L Particularly, Prts-Zl-B- Passibillty, Ps 3 -Bl-T Par'ral, pi-Bl L [PrtiZ,] Pas'sible, Ps'-Bl Par'ricide, P'-Bs-D Parting, pi-Bt-NG [P(-) 1 ] Pas'sim, P^sM Par'rot, pi-Bt jr3,r tiSciri) P^-JKtz-N Passing, Ps^NG Par'ry,pi-B, Pi-B-D, pi- Par'tisanship, P a -Btz-N- Passing-bell, Psi-NG-B- BNG SH(-P) L Parse, pi-Bs, Pi-Bst, pi- Par'tite, P--B-Tt Pass'ing-note, Ps 1 -NG- Bs-NG Parti'tion, P 8 -B-Tshn. P 8 - Nt Par'see, P'-B-S B-Tshnd, P 3 -B-Tshn-NG Passing-tone, Ps 1 -NG- Par'seeism, P^B-Sz-M Partitive, P-Bt-Tv Tn Parsimo'nious, Pr^sM- Par'titively, P'-Bt-T-Vl Pas'sion, Pshn 1 Kl Part'let, Prti-it Pas'sional, Pshn 1 -^ Parsimo'niously, Pr - Partly, Prt 1 -!, Pas'sionary, Pshni-B 8M-Ns-L Part'ner, PrU-Nr. See Pas'sionate, Pshn 1 -! Parsimo'niousness, Pr- Part-owner. Pas'sionately, Pshni-T-i sM-Ns-Ns Par'simony, Pr'-sM-N Partnership, Prt^Nr-SH (-P) Pas'sionateness, Pshn 1 - T-Ns Parsing, P'-Bs-NG Parto<>^' -Prt*-Z Pas'sion-flower, Pshn 1 Pars'ley, Pri-sZ Part'-bwner, P^Bt-Nr SFP-B Pars'nip, Prsi-N-P [Pi-Nr]. See Partner. Pas'sionist, Pshn 1 -^ Par'son, pi-Bs-N Par'sonage, P^Bs-N- J Par'tridge, Prti-B-J Par'tridge-berry, Prt^B Pas'sionless, Pshni-is Pas'sion-week, Pshn>- Part, Pi-Bt, pi-B-Td, pi- -J-B-B W-K Bt-NG [Pi, PMC, PC) 1 ] Partridge-wood, Prt 1 - Pas'sive, Ps 1 -V Partake', Prtz-Z, Prt^-K- B-J-Wd Pas'sively, Psi-V-Z NG Partu'rient, Pr 8 - T - Bnt Pas'siveness, Ps 1 -V-Ns Partak'en, Prtf-Zn (Prt 3 -Bnt) Passivity, Ps 3 -V-T Partak'er, Prt-Zr Parturi'tion, Prt 8 -Bshn Pass'-key, P^sZ Part'er, Pi-Btr Par'ty, P'-B-T Pass'less, f l -sLa Parterre', P*-B-T-B Par'ty-colored, PJ-B-T- Pass 'over, Psi-Vr Par'thenon, pi-B-TH-Nn Z-ird (Prti-Z-Zrd) Pass'port, Ps^P-Bt Par'tial, Pr^SHl Par'tialist, Pr^-SHlst Par'tyism, P^B-T-zM Pass' -word, Pi-sWrd Par'ty-jury, P>-B-T-J-B Past, Psti Partiality, Pri-SHl-T Par'ty-man, P>-B-T-Mn Paste, Pst, Ps^-Td. Pst(-? Par'tially, Pr l -SHl Par'ty-spirit, pi-B-T- Paste'board, P a -sBrd Partibillty, Prt-Bl-T sPrt Pas'tel, Ps^T-L Partible, Prt-Bl Par'ty-wall, P^B-T-Wl Past'er, Pstr 2 Particlpable, Pr*-T-sP- Parvenu, pt-B-V-N Jc 9.S IGm, JrS*-T-/iH Bl (PrtsS-P-Bl) Pas (pa). P 1 jrfl,S Lily x^ S*-T*Ij Participant, Pr^-T-sPnt Pascn P^-sZ Pastille', Ps 3 -T-L (Prts 3 -Pntj i Pas'chal, Psi-Zl Pas'time, Ps^T-lI PAS 193 PEB Pas'tor, Pstri Patriarch'ic, P^-Tr-R-K Pawnor', pJ-Nr Pas'toral-ly, Ps^-l-Rl E Pawpaw', pi-Pa Pastora'le, Ps l -T-R-L Patriarch'ats, pi-Tr-JZ Pax, pi-Es Pas'torate, Psi-T-Bt Et Pax'wax, pJ-E-sW-Ks Pas'torlike, pi-sTr-i-E Pa'triarchship, P-Tr-.R Pax'ywaxy, pi-K-S-W-K Pas'torly, pi-sTr-Z, E-SH-P [18H] 3 Pas'torship, PstrMSH Pa'triarchy, ps-Tr-J2-E Pay, P 2 , P2-D. P2-XG Pas'try, P 2 -sTr Patri'cian, ps-Trshn Pay'able, pt-Bi Pas'try-cook, P 2 -sTr-E- Pat'ricide, pi-Trs-D Pay'-day, ps-D E Patrimo'nial-ly, P^-Tr Payee', PG 3 Pas'turage, P^sCHr-J M-N1 Pay'er, P 2 -B Pas'ture, pi-sCHr, pi- Pat'rimony, P'-Tr-M-N Pay'ing, P^-NG eCHrd, P'-sCHr-NG Pa'triot, P-Trt Pay'-naaster, P 2 -Mstr Pas'ty, Ps-or l -T Patriot'ic, pi-Trt-E Pay'ment, ps-Mnt Pat, Pti, Pi-Td. Pt(-) 1 Pa'triotism, P 2 -Trt-zM Pay'nim, P2-N-M Patch, pi-CH, Pi-CHt, Patris'tic, P 3 -Trs-T-E Pay'-offlce, ps-Fs Pi-CH-NG Patris'tical, P 3 -Trs-T-E Pay'roll, P 2 -.Ri Patch'er, pi-CHr Patrol', P^-Tr-L, P-Tr Pea, PS Patch'ery, pi-CH-fl Ld. pa-Tr-L-NG Peace, Ps 3 Patch'work, P^CH-Wr-E Patch'y, pi-CH Pa'tron, P 2 -Trn Pat'ronage, pi-Tr-N-J Peace'able-y, Ps 3 -Bl Peace'ableness, Ps 3 -Bl- Pate, Pt 2 Pat'ronal, Pi-Tr-Nl Ns [IBs] Patefac'tion, Pti-F-Eshn Pat'roness, P'-Tr-Ns Peace'ful-ly, Ps 3 -Fl Patel'la, P^-T-L Pat'ronize, pi-Tr-Nz, pi- Peace'fulness, Ps 3 -Fl-Ns Patel'liform, P 2 -T-,-F- B-M Tr-Nzd. Pi-Tr-Nz-NG Pat'ronizer, P'-Tr-N-Zr [iFs] Peace'maker, ps-sM-Er Pat'en, P'-Tn Pa'tronless, P^-Tr-Nls Peace'-offering, Ps 3 -Fr- Pa'tent or Pat'ent, (a.) Patronym'ic, P 3 -Tr-N-M- NG P 2 Orl-TBt E Peace'-officer, Ps 3 -Fs-B Pat'ent, (u.) Pi-Tnt, P. Patronym'ical, pa-Tr-N- Peach, P 3 -CH, P 3 -CHt Tn-Td, PJ-Tnt-NG M-E1 P 3 -CH-NG Pat'entable, pi-Tnt-B Patroon', P'-Trn Peach'-color, P^-CH-E, (-L) Pat'ten, pi-Tn Lr Pat'ented, pi-Tn-Td Pat'ter, Ptri, Ptrdi, Ptr>- Pea'chick, P 3 -CH-E Patentee', P 8 -Tn-T NG Peach'wood, P^-CH-Wd Pat'ent-offlce, P^Tnt-Fs Pat'tern, Pti-iZn, P^-find, Pea'cock, P^-K-E Pater'nal-ly, P-Tr-Nl Pt!-.Rn-NG Pea'hen, P 3 -Hn Pater'nity, P2-Tr-N-T Pa'ter-noster, pa-Tr-Nstr Pat'ty, pi-T Pat'ty-pan, pi-T-Pn Pea'-jacket, P 3 -J-Kt Peak, PS-E, P 3 -Kt, ps-E. Path, pi-TH Pau'city, Psi-T NG Pathet'ic, P-TH-T-K Pau'gie, P>-G Peak'ed, P 3 -E-D or p-Et Pathet'ical-ly, P*-THt- Paul, pi-L . Cilii iSxlj P'-K-SH El Pau'line, P l -Ln Peal, P3-L, P 3 -Ld, P3-L- Pathet'icalness, P-THt- Paunch, pi-N-CH NG El-Ns Path'less, pi-TH-is Pau'per, P-Pr Pau'perism, P^Pr-zM . 6 till j P^-N Pe'anism, P 3 -Nz-M Pathognomon'ic, pi-TH Pau'perize, P^Prz, pi- ?ea'-nut, P 3 -N-T -G-N-Mn-E Przd, pi-Prz-NG . 6&>P* P^-It Pathog'nomy, Pi-TH-G- Pause, Pz', Pz'-D (see Pearl, P2-.R1 N-M Passed), Pz^-NG ?earl'-ash, P 2 -fll-SH Patholog'ic, pi-TH-i-J- Paus'er, P'-Zr Pearled, P^-Rld E Pav'an, Pvi-N ?earl'-eyed, P 2 -^Jl-f-D Patholog'ical, pi-TH-Z- Pave, Pv2, Pvd J , Pv-NG J earl'-oyster, P'--/Jl-Str J-E1 Pave', P S -V Pearl'-white, P 2 -.Kl-Wt Pathol'ogist, Pi-TH-- Pave'ment, PyS-Mnt 'earl'y, P2-M Jst Pav'er, P-Vr J ear'main, Pr'-Mn Pathol'ogy, P>-TH-L-J Pa'viage, P-V-J Pear'-tree, P'-B-Tr [P>-TH-J] Pav'ier, P-V-B . eas ant, Pz - -Nt Pa'thos, ps-THs Pavil'ion, ps-V-in, P-V- Peas'antry, Pz-N-Tr Path'way, Pi-TH-W LnA. P-V-Z,n-KG Peas'-cod, P 3 -zE-D Pat'ible, Pti-Bl Pav'ing, Pv*-NG 'ease, Pz 3 Pa'tience, Pshns* Pav'ior, P-V-B Pea'-shell, P 3 -SH1 Pa'tient, Pshnta Pav'onine, Pvi-Nn eat, Pt Pa'tiently, Pshnt a -Z Paw, Pi, P'-D, pi-NG 'eat'-moss, Pt^-Ms Pat'in, pi-Tn Pawl, Pi-L Peat'y, P-T Pat'ly, Pti-Z Pawn, Pn, Pnd, Pn^-NG Pe'ba, P-B Pat'ness,pi-T-Ns (Pt'-Ns) Pawn'broker, P>-N-Br- Peb'ble-y,p2-Bl Patois', PU-W Er Peb'bled, P 2 -Bld Pa'triarch, P*-Tr-K-E Pawnee', P'-N Peb'ble-stone, P'-B1 ?atriarch'al, P-Tr-fi-Kl Pawn'er, P-Nr Tn PEC Pecan', P'-En Pecan'na, P^E-N Pec'ary, P 2 -E-.R Peccability, ps-E-Bl- Pec'cable, P 2 -E-B1 Peccadillo, P 3 -E-D-Z Pec'cancy, P 2 -En-S Pec'cant, P 2 -Ent Pec'cary, P 2 K-.R Pecca'vi, P 2 -E-V Pech'blende, P - CH - Bind Peck, pa-E, P 2 -Et, P-E- NG Peck'er, P-Er Pec'ten. P 2 -E-Tn Pec'tinal, P 2 -E-T-N1 Pec'tinate, PS-E-T-N-T Pec'tinated, P*-E-T-N- Td Pec'toral, P 2 -Et-l Pe'cul, P-E1 Pec'ulate, P 2 -Elt, P-E1- Td, P 2 -Klt-NG Pecula'tion, P 2 -Elshn Pec'ulator, P 2 -Eltr Peculiar, ps-El-R [P 3 -E] Peculiarity, P^El-JZ-T [Pi-K] Pecul'liarize, ps-El-Rz, P 3 -El-Rzd. P 3 -El-Rz-NG Peculiarly, P 3 -E1-R-Z Pecuniary, P-Kn-B Ped, pa-D Pedagogic, PJ-D-G-J-E "Pedagogical, pi-D-G-J- Kl ^ed'agogism, P*-D-G-J- zM Ped'agogue, P*-D-G-G Pe'dal, ps-Dl Ped'al, P2-D1 Ped'ant, pa-Dnt Pedant'ic, pi-D-Nnt-K Pedant'ical-ly, pi-D-Nt- El Ped'antize, P*-Dnt-Z Ped'antry, ps-D-N-Tr Ped'dle, P2-D1, ps-Dld. ps-Dl-NG Ped'dler, P^-Dl-R Ped'dlery, P-Dl-fi Ped'dling, P2-D1-NG Ped'estal, ps-Ds-Tl Pedes'trial, P'-D-sTr-L Pedes'trian, P^-D-sTrn Pedes'trianism, P - D - sTrn-Z-M [-sTr-zM] Pedes'trianize, P^-D-sTr- Nz, P2-D sTr-Nzd, ps-D- 8Tr-Nz-NG Ped'icel, P^-Ds-L Ped'igree, P^-D-Gr Ped'iment, P* - D - Mnt (Pd*-Mnt) Ped'lar, P-D1-R Ped'ler, P^-Dl-R Pedobap'tism, P'-D!B- P-T-zM. See Baptism. 194 Pedobap'tist, P 3 DSB' P-Tst. See Baptist. Pedom'eter, pi-D-Mtr Pedun'cle, P^-D-NG-El Pedun'cular, P 2 -D-NG Kl-R Peek, P 3 -E, P 3 -Kt, P 3 -E NG Peel, ps-L, Ps-Ld, P 3 -L NG Peel'er, P 3 -Z-R Peep, P 3 -P, P a -P-T, P8-P NG Peep'er, P 3 -Pr Peer, P 3 -H, pa-Rd, P'-fi NG Peer'age, P"-.R-J Peer'ess, P 3 -s Peer'less, P ; Peerlessly, Peer'lessness, P 3 -R-Zs Ns Pee'vish, ps-V-Sfl" Pee'vishly, P 3 Pee'vishness, Ns Peg, P 2 -G, P-Gd, P2-G- NG elsoe or Pek'oe, psora. E Pela'gian, P 2 -Z-Jn Pela'gianism, P 2 -Z-J-Nz- Pel'ecan, P 2 -Z-En Pel'erine, P--L-RD. Pelf, P 2 -i-F Pelican, P 2 -Z-En Pelisse', P 3 -Zs Pell, P 2 -L E-el'let, P-Z.t Pellicle, P2-Z--E1 Pell-mell', P 2 -Z- Ml Pellu'cid, P 3 -Zs-D Pellucidlty, P 3 -Zs-D-T Pellu'cidness, P 3 -Zs-D- Ns Pelt, P2-Lt, P 2 -Z-Td, pa- Zt-NG Pel'tate, P 2 -Z-Tt Pel'tated, P 2 -Z-T-Td Pelt'-monger, P 2 -Lt-M- NG-Gr Pelt'ry, P 2 -Z-Tr Pel'vic, ps-Z-V-E (Plv-E) Pel'vis, pz-Z-Vs (Piz-Vs) Petn'mican, P 2 -M-En Pan, Pn 2 , Pud, Pn-NG Pe'nal, P 3 -N1 Pen'alty, P 2 -N1-T Pen'ance, Pn 2 -Ns Pena'tes, P 2 -N-Tz Pen'case, Pn 2 -Es Pence, Pns Penchant', P l -N-S&n Pen'cil, P 2 Ns-L, P 2 -Ns- Ld, P 2 -Ns-L-NG Pen'craft, P 2 -N-Erft Pend'ant, Pnd 2 -Nt Pend'enoe, Pnd 2 -Ns Pend'ency, Pnd a -N-3 PEN Pend'ent, Pnd=-xt Penden'te li'te, Pn 2 -Dn- T-Z-T Pend'ing, Pnd 2 -NG Pendulos'ity, Pn>-D-Z8- T Pend'ulous, Pn-D-Zs Pend'ulousness, Pn*-D- s-Ns Pend'ulum, Pn 2 -D-Z-M Penetrability, ps-N-Tr- Bl-T Pen'etrable, P 2 -N-Tr-Bl Penetra'lia, P 2 -N-Tr-Z Pen'etrance, P 2 -N-Trns Pen'etrancy, P^-N-Trn-S Pen'etrate, P 2 -N-Trt, P 2 - N-Tr-Td, P 2 -N-Trt(-) Penetra'tion, P 2 - N - Trshn Pen'etrative, P^-N-Tr- Tv Pen'etrativeness, ps-N- Tr-Tv-Ns Pen'guin, P 2 -N-Gwn Penin'sula, PnS-N-^/n or Pna-Ns-L Pen'insular, Pns R or Pn3-N-sZ,-R Penins'ulate. Pu3 T or Pn3-N-sit Penins'ulated, Pn 3 - N - Sffl-Td or Pn^-N-si-Td Pe'nis, ps-Ns Penitence, P 2 -N-Tns Penltency, P 2 -N-Tn-S Penitent, P 2 -N-Tnt Peniten'tial, P 2 -N-T-N- SH1 [Pn=-Tn] Peniten'tiary, P^-N-T-N- SHr (Pnt 2 -N-5Hr) Penitently, P 2 -N-Tnt-L (Pnt 2 -Nt-L) Pen'knife, Pn 2 -N-F Penlinives, Pn 2 -N-Vz Pen'man, Pn 2 -Mn Pen'manship, Pn 2 - Mo - 8H(-P) Pen'nant, Pn 2 -Nt Pen'nate, P^-N-T Pen'nated, P 2 -N-Td Pen'ner, P 2 -Nr Pen'nies, P 2 -Nz Pen'niform, P 2 -N-F-R-M Pen'niless, P 2 -N-Zs Pen'non, Pn 2 -N Pen'ny, P 2 -N Pen'ny-a-liner, P-N-X- Nr ?en'ny-post, P 2 -N-Pst Pennyroy'al, pi-N-fi-L Pen'nyweight, P 2 -N-Wt ?en'ny-wise, ps-N-Wz Pen'nyworth, P 2 -N-Wr- TH Pen'sile, P 2 -Ns-L Pen'sileness, P^-Ns-L-NB Pen'sion, P 2 -Nshn. P-N- SHnd, P 2 -Nshn-NG[or(-)l Pen'sionary, P 2 -Nshn-B PEN 195 Pen'sioner, P a -Nshn-/Z Peram'bulate, Pr 1 - M - Pen'sive, P^-Ns-V Bit, Pr!-M-Bl-Td, Pri-M- Pen'sively, P 2 -Ns-V-Z Blt(-) Pen'siveness, ps-Ns-V- Perambula'tion, Pr a -M- Ns Blshn Pen'stock, Pns 2 T-K Peram'bulator, Pr'-M- Pent, Pnta Bltr Pentacap'sular, Pnti-K- Per-an'num, pi-B-N-M P-sL-n Perceiv'able-y, Prs 3 -V- Pen'tachord, P* N - T - Bl Krd Perceive', Prs-V, Prs 8 - Pen'tagon, Pnt-Gn Vd, Prs 3 -V-NG Pentag'onal-ly, Pnt^G- Perceiv'er, Prs 3 -V-R Nl Per-cent', P-s-Nt Pentag'onous, Pnt'-G-Ns Percent'um, pa-Bs-N-T- Pen'tagraph, P^-N-T-Grf M Pentahe'dral, Pnt 3 -Hd- Percent'age, P 2 -fis-Nt-J m Perceptibil'ity, Prs8-Pt- Pentahe'dron, Pnt-Hd- Bl-T (-Bit) Bn Percep'tible-y, Prs-Pt- Pentam'eter, Pntf-Mtr Bl Pentan'gular, Pnti-NG- Perception, Prs*-Pshn Gl-R Percep'tive, Prs 2 -Pt-V Pentapet'alous, Pnt-Pt- Perch, pa-K-CH, P 2 -7Z- CHt p2-fi-CH-NG Pent'aptote, Pnt-P-Tt Perchance', Pr^CHns Pen'tarchy, Pn^T-R-K Perch'er, P-B-CHr Pen'taspast, Pn*-T-sPst Perchlo'rate, Pr^-Kl-Xt Pen'tastich, Pn^-Ts-T-K Perchloric, Pr^Kl-R-K Pen'tastyle, Pn*-Ts-T-L Pen'tateuch, Pn*-T-T-K Perch'-pest, P 2 -/J-CH-Pst Percip'ience, Prs^-Pna (Pnt*-T-K) Percip'ient, Prs 8 -Pnt Pentateuch'al, Pn*-T-T- Per'coid, Pr 2 -K-D Kl (Pnt 3 -T-Kl) Per'colate, Pr-K-it, Pr 2 - Pen'tecost, Pns-T-Kst K-Z-Td, PrS-K-Xt-Nd Pentecost'al, Pn^T-Ks- Percola'tion, Pr*-K-Lshn T-L Per'colator, Pr-K-itr Pent'house, Pnf-Hs Percur'sory, Pr 2 -Kr-sK Pen'tile, Pn-'-T-L Percuss', Pr 2 -Ks, Pr-Kst, Pent'roof, Pnt 2 -Rf Pr2-Ks-NG Pe'nult or Penult', P 3 or 2 Percus'sion, Pr^-Kshn Nit Percus'sion-cap, Pr a - Penult'ima, P"-N1-T-M Kshn-K-P Penult'imate, ps-Nl-TN Percus'sion-lock, Pr' - Mt Kshn-i-K PenumTara, P 2 -N-M-Br Percus'sion-match, Pr 2 - Penu'rious, P-N-8 Kshn-M-CH Penu'riously, P 8 -N-Rs-I, Percus'sive, Pr-Ks-V Penu'riousness, P 3 -N- Percu'tient, Pr 3 -Kshnt fis-Ns Per-diem, Pr 2 -D-M Pen'ury, P 2 -Nr Per'difoil, P 2 -K-D-F1 Pe'on, pa-N Perdi'tion, Pr 8 -Dshn Pe'ony, P^-N Perdu' or Per'du, ^3or- Peo'ple, (n.)P s -Pl [PI 3 ] R-D Peo'ple, (v.) P 8 -P1, pa-Pld, Per'due, P 2 -R-D pa-Pl-NG Per'egrinate, Pr-Gr-Nt Pep'per, P^-Pr, P-Prd, Peregrina'tion, Pr 2 -Gr- . pa-Pr-NG Nshn Pep'per-corn, P2-Pr-K- Per'egrinator, Pr 2 -Gr- ; Rn Ktr Pep'per-grass, P-Pr-Grs Per'emptorily, Pr-Mt- : Pep'peridge, P-Pr-J m Pep'permint, P^-Pr-Mnt Per'emptoriness, Pr a - '. Pep'per-sauce, P 2 -Pr-s3 Mt-R-Ns Pep'pery, P 2 -Pr Peremptory, Pr a -Mt-/Z Pep'sin, P^-Ps-N Peren'nial, P"-R-N-L : Pep'tic, P*-P-T-K Peren'nially, P 2 -fin-Z J Per, Pr Peradvenfure, Pr 2 -Dv- Peren'ity. P 2 -fi-N-T J Pererra'tion, Pr^-fishn Ntr Per'feot, Prf-Kt PER Perfect', Prf 2 -Kt, Pr Td, Prfs-Kt-XG Perfect'er, Prf 2 -Ktr Perfectibility, Bl-T (-Bit) Perfectibil'ian, B-in Perfection, Prf 2 -K.shn Perfec'tionism, Prf 2 - Kshuz-M Perfec'tionist, Prf^-Kslin -St Perfective, Prf2-Kt-V Perfect'ivly, Per'fectly, Prf^-Kt-Z, Per'fectness, Prf-'-Ivt-Ns Perfi'cient, Pr^-Fsliut Perfidious, Pr 3 -F-I)s Perfidiously, Pr^-F-D- sL Perfldlousness, Pr 3 -F- Ds-Ks Per'fidy, Pr-F-D Perfo'liate, Pr^-F-Zt Perforate, Prf 2 -Rt, Prf- R-Td, Prfi-Rt-Xa Perfora'tion, Prf2-Rshn Per'forative, Prf 2 -Rt-V Perforator, Prf 2 -Rtr Perforce', Pr^-F-Rs Perform', Pi-i-F-R-11, Pr -F-R-Md, Pri-F-R-M-NG [Pr'-F, Pr'-F-D (see Pro- vide), Pri-F(-)] Perform'able, Pr^F-R- M-Bl [Pr'-F-Bl] Perform'ance, Pri-F-R- Hus [Pr^Fs] Perfonn'er, Pr^F-R-Mr Per'fume, Pr2-F-M Perfume', Pr3-F-M, Pr- F-Md, Pr3-F-M-NG Perfum'er, Pr a -F-Mr Perfum'ery, Pr 3 -F-M-R Perfunc'torily, Prf=-NG- T-R1 Perfunc'tory, Prf2-NG- T-R Perfuse', Pr'-Fz, Pr 3 -Fzd, Pr 3 -Fz-NG Perfu'sion, PrS-Fzhn Perfu'sive, : Perhaps', I Pe'ri, P 3 -R Perianth, : Pericar'diac, pi-/e-Kr-D- K Pericar'dial, pi-R-Er-D- L Pericar'dian, P 1 - R - Kr - Dn Pericar'dic, P^R-Kr-D-K Pericar'dium, P'-R-Kr- D-M Pericarp, P 2 -R-Kr-P Peric'ope, P 3 -R-K-P Pericra'uium, P 2 -R-Kr- N-M erie'ciau, P-R-SHn PER Perige'an, Perigee, P*-R-J Perige'um, P 8 -.R-J-M Perlgraph, P*-R-Grt Perihelion, Pr 8 H-in Perihe'lium, Pr-H-//-M Peril, pz-fil, P 2 -JSld, P 2 - 1-NG Pe'rilous, P 2 -flls Perilously, P*-Rl-eL Perilousness, P*-Rlt Perim'eter, Pr^-Mtr Pe'riod, P 3 -tf-D Periodic, P*-R Periodlcal-ly, El Periodicity, P*-R-Ds-T Perios'teum, P'-^Rs-T-M Peripatetic, P 2 -#-P-Tt-E Peripatetlcism, P--R-P- T-T-szM Peripherie, P 2 -B-F-R-E Peripherlcal, P 2 --F-R- El Periph'ery, P^-Rt-R Per'iphrase, Pr 2 -Frz, Pr 2 Frzd. Pr 2 -Frz-NG Periph'rasis, Prf 3 Periphras'tic, Pr 1 - Frs - T-E Periphras'tical, Pri-Frs- T-E1 Peripneumon'ic, P l -i P-N-Mn-E Peripneu'mony, P*-R- N-M-N Perip'teral, ps-fi-ptr-L Perip'terous, pt-R-Ptt Peris'cian, P 3 -fi-SHn Perlscppe, P 2 -Rs-E-P Peris'cii, P 3 -B-SH Periscoplc, P'-fis-E-P-E Perish, P--R-SH, SHt. P 2 -K-SH-NG Per'ishable-y, Bl Perlshableness, P a -fl- SH-Bl-Ns [;BSJ Perlsperm, P 2 -fl-sPr-M Perispheric, ps-fis-F-B- E Perispherical, P^fis-F- R El Peristal'tic, Pi-fis-T-i-T- E Peristyle, P^.^s-T-L Peritone'um, P^-fit-N-M Peritro'pal, P 2 -fi-Tr-Pl Periwig, P=--W-G, P 2 - . Periwinkle, El Per'jure, Pr s -Jr, Pr 2 -Jrd, Pr2-Jr-XG Per'jurer, Pr=-Jr-R Per'jury, P^-J-fi Perk, P2-fl-E, PJ-B-Et, P- K-E-NQ Per'manence, Pr - Mn - Ml 196 PER Permanency, Pr 2 -Mn- Perquisition, PrS- N-S "Kvfzshn Per'manent, Pr 2 -Mn-Nt Per'ry, P 2 -K Per'inanently, Pr*-Mn- Persecute, P'-Bs-Et, P- Nt-L fis-E-Td, P 2 -s-Et-KG. Permeability, Pr*-M-Bl- See Prosecute, etc. T Persecu'tion, P*-Rs- Per'meable, Pr 2 -M-Bl Eshn. See Prosecution. Per'meate, Pr^-M-T, Pr 2 - Per'secutor, ps-^s-Etr M-Td, Pr 2 -M-T-NG Perseverance, Prs'-V- Permea'tion, Pr 2 -Mshn Rns Permis'cible, PrS-Ms-B- Persevere', Prs 8 - V - R, L PrsS-V-fld. Prs-V-R-NG Permis'sible, PrS-Ms-B- Per'sian, P 2 --SHn L Perseverlngly, Prs-V Permis'sibly, Pr*-Ms-B- R-NG1 L Per'siflage, Prs 2 -Fl-ZH Permis'sion, PrS-Mshn Persim'mon, Pr^-sMn Permis'sive, PrS-Ms-V Permis'sively, Pr^-Ms-V- Persist', Prss^-T, Prss 8 - Td, Prss 3 -T-NG L Persist'ence, Prss 8 -Tns Permistlon, Pr 8 -Ms-CHn Persist'ency, Prss 3 -Tn-S Permit', Pr"-Mt, Pr-M- Persist'ent, Prss 3 -Tnt Td, Pr-MtO) Persistlve, Prss 3 -Tv Per'mit, PrS-Mt Per'son, Prs 2 -N Permit'tance, PrS-M-Tns Per'sonable, Prs a -N-Bl Permit 'ter, Pr3-Mtr Per'sonage, Prs a -N-J Permix'tion, P^-M-Es- Per'sonal-ly, Prs 2 -Nl CHn Personality, Prs>-Nl-T Permuta'tion, Pr a -M- Per'sonate, Prs 2 -Nt, Prs* Tshn -N-Td, Prs 2 -Nt-NG Permute', PrS-Mt Persona'tion, Prs 2 -Nshn Permut'er, Pr^-Mtr Per'sonator, Prs 2 -Ntr Perni'cious, Prs-N-SHs Perui'ciously, PrS-N-SHs Personiflca'tion, Prs a -N- F-Eshn L Personify, Prsi - N - F, Perni'ciousness, PrS-N- Prsi-N-Fd, Prsi-N-F-NG SHs-Ns Personnel', Prs a -N-L Pernocta'tion, Pr a -N-E- Perspec'tive, Prs^P-Kt- Tshn V Perone, ps--N Perspec'tively, Prs 2 - P - Perora'tion, P 2 -72-fishn Kt-V-L Peroxide, Pr : -Es-D Perspec'tograph, Prs 2 - Perpend'er, P--R-Pn&r P-E-T-Grf Perpen'dicle, Pr 2 -Pn-D- Perspica'cious, Prs a -P- El E-SHs Perpendic'ular, PrS-Pn- Perspica'ciously, Prs a - D-E1-R [P^-Pn-D] P-E-SHs-Z Perpendicularity, Pr 1 - Perspica'ciousness, Pn-D-El-flt [Pri-Pn-D] Prs 2 P-E-SHs-Ns Perpendic'ularly, Pr 8 - Perspicacity, Prsi-P-Es- Pn-D-El-R-Z, T Per'petrate, Pr 2 -P-Trt, Perspicuity, Prs-P-E-T Pr2-P-Tr-Td. Pr^P-TrtC) Perspic'uous, Prs 3 -P-E-S Perpetra'tion, Pr 2 - P - Perspic'uously, Prs 3 -P- Trshn E-S1 Per'petrator, Pr*-P-Trtr Perspic'uousness, Prs 8 - Perpet'ual-ly, Pr-P-CHl P-Es-Ns Perpet'uate, Pr 3 -P-CHt, Perspirabillty, Prs 8 -P- Pr 2 -P-CH-Td, Pr 2 -P-CHt- fl-Blt NG Perspir'able, Prs'-P-B-Bl Perpetua'tion, Pr 2 - P - Perspira'tion, Prs 2 - P - CHshn .Rshn Perpetuity, Pr 8 -P-T-T Perspirative, PrsJ-P-Bt- Perplex', Pr 2 -Pl-Es, Pr 2 - V Pl-Est. Pr 2 -Pl-Es-NG Perspir'atory, Prsi-P-fi- Perplex'edly, Pr 2 -Pl-Ks- T-R T>-L Perspire', Prsi-P-R, Prs- Perplexity, Pr 2 Pl-Es-T P-Rd Prs^P-R-NG Per'quisite, Pr 2 -Ewz-T Perstringe', PrS-sTr-N-J PER Persuad'able-y, Pr- sWd-Bl Persuade', Pr 2 -sWd, Pr- sW-Dd. Pr*-sWd-NG Persuad'er, Pr^-sWd Persuasibillty, B-Lt Persua'sible, Pr*-sWs-B (-L) Persua'sibleness, Pr a - sWs-B-Z-Ns [IBs] Persua'sion, Pr 2 -sWzhn Persua'sive, Pr 2 -sWs-V Persua'sively, Pr a -sWs- V-Z. Persua'siveness, Pr* - sWs-"V-Ns [iVs] Persua'sory, Pr^- Pert, P 2 -Rt Pertain', Pr 2 -Tn, Pr 2 -Tnd, Pr 2 -Tn-NG. See Apper- tain. Pertina'cious, P 2 -.Rt-N- SHs Pertina'ciously, P 2 -.Rt- N-SHs-// Pertina'ciousness, P - flt-N-SHs-Ns Pertinacity, P^-Rt-Ns-T Pertinence, P 2 -t-Nns Per'tinency, PS-flt-Nn-8 Per'tinent, P 2 -t-Nnt Pertinently, P 2 -fit-Nnt- Pert'ly, ps-Rt-Z, Pert'ness, P 2 -Kt-Ns Perturb', Prt 2 -K-B Per'turbate, Prta-K-Bt Perturba'tion, Prt 2 - B - Bshn Pertu'sion, Pr^-Tzhn Per'uke, P--K Peru'sal, P 3 -fiz-L Peruse', P 3 -Bz, P 3 -/jzd, 197 Perus'er, Peru'vian, P 3 --Vn Pervade', Pr 2 -Vd, Pr 2 -V- Dd, Pr 2 -Vd-NG Perva'sion, Pr s -Vzhn Perva'sive, Pr 2 -Vs-V Perverse', Prv 2 -Rs Perverse'ly, Prv*-Rs- Perverse'ness, Prv - Rs- Ns Perver'sion, Prvs-Rshn Pervers'ity, Prv 2 --T Pervers'ive, Prv 2 -Rs-V Pervert', Prv 2 -fit, Prv-fi- Td, Prv2-KtNG Per'vert, Prv 2 -t Pervert'er, PrvS-Rtr Pervertible, Prv 2 -7Zt-Bl Pervestiga'tion, Pr*-Vs- T-Gshn Per'vious, Pr z -Vs Per'viousness, Pr 2 -Vs-Ns Pesade', Ps'-D Pesk'y, P 2 -sK Pes'sary, P*-sB Pes'simism, Pes'simist, P 2 -sMst Pest, Pst Pes'ter, Pstr*, P-eTrd, Pstr(-) 2 Pes'terer, Pstr 2 -fi Pest'-house, Pst 2 -Hs Pestiferous, Ps 3 -T-Frs PestiTerously, Ps 3 -T-Frs -Ii Pes'tilence, Ps 2 -T-Z,ns Pes- tilent, Ps 2 -T-/,nt Pestilen'tial, Ps 2 -T-Z-N- SH1 [Ps 2 -T-in] Pestilen'tially, Ps-T-i- K-5H1 [Ps 2 -T-in] Pes'tilently, Ps 2 -T-int-i Pes'tle, Ps 2 -L, Ps2-Ld, Ps 2 -L-NG Pet, Pt 2 , P 2 -Td. Pt(-)!> Pet'al or Pe'tal, Pt 2 or-L Pet'alism, Pt 2 -iz-M Pet'aloid, ft--L-D Pet'alous, Pts-Zs Petar', Pt'-R Petard', Pti-Rd Petardeer', Pt 3 -Rd-R Petec'chial, P*-T-K-L Pete'chial, P 3 -T-K-L Pe'ter Funk, Ptr 3 -F-NG- E Pe'ter-pence, PtrS-Pns Pet'iolar, P-'-T-L-R Pet'iolary, P-T-L-fi Pet'iolate, P 2 -T-l,t Pet'iole, P 2 -T-L Pet'it, P2-T Pet'it-jury, ps-T-Jr Peti'tion, P 3 -Tshn, P 3 - Tshnd, ps-Tshn-NG Peti'tionary, P 3 -Tshn-B Petitionee', P 3 -T-Sf-N Peti'tioner, P 3 -Tshn-R Pet'it-maitre, P 2 -T-Mtr Petre'an, ps-Tr-N Pet'rel, Pts-fll Petres'cence, P a -Trs-Ns Petres'cent, Petrifac'tion, Kshn Petrif ic, Pt*-fl-F-K Petrifac'tive, Tv Petriflca'tion, Pt--F- Kshn Pet'rifled, Pt 2 -fi-Fd Pet'rify, Pt 2 -fi-F, Pt-/e- Fd, Pts-K-F-NG Petro'leum, P-Tr-i-M Pet'ronel, P-Tr-Nl Petrosi'lex, P'-Tr-sX-Ks Petrosilic'ious, P 8 -Tr-sZ, -SHa Pe'trous, ps-Trs Pet'ted, F2-Td Pet'ticoat, P-T-Kt Pet'tifog, Pt-F-G, Pt-F- G-D. Pt2-F-G-NG Pet'tifogger, Pt 2 F-Gr Pet'tifoggery, Pt-F-Gr PHA (Pet'tily,p2-T-i 'Pet'tiness, P^-T- Pet'tish, Pt2-SH Pet'tishly, Pt--Sm Pet'tishness, Pt^-SH-Xs Pet'titoes, Pas-Tz. See Potatoes. Pet'to, pa-T Pet'ty, P 2 -T, ps-T-R, pz- Tst Pet'ulance, Pt 2 -ins Pet'ulancy, Pt--Lu-S Pet'ulant, Pt 2 -Znt Pet'ulantly, Pt2-i,nt-Z, Petu'nia, P 3 -T-N Pew, P 3 Pew'-door, P 3 .r> r Pe'wet, P 3 -Wt Pe'wit, p--wt Pew'ter, Ptr 3 Pew'terer, Ptr^-R Pha'eton, F 2 -Tn Phalan'gal, Fi-L-NG-Gl Phalan'ges, F'-L-X-Jz Phalan'gial, Fi-L-N-J-L Phalanste'rian, Fl 3 -Xs- T-Rn Phalanste'rianism, Fl 3 - Ns-T-Knz-M Phal'anstery, FP-Ns-T- R Pha'lanx, F^-L-XG-Ks Phal'arope, F l -L-R-P Phan'tasm, Fnt'-Z-M Phantasmago'ria, Fut- Z-M-G-K Phantasmagoric, Fnti- Z-M-Gr-K Phantas'magory, Fut 1 - Z-M-Gr Phantas'tic, Fnt'-St-K Phantas'tical, Fnt'-st-Kl Phan'tasy, Fu^-S Phan'tom, Fnti-M Pharaonlc, Fi-fl-N-K Pharisaic, F 2 -s-K Pharisaical, F 2 -fls-K-L Pharisalcalness, F 2 -2Js- K-L-Xs Pharisaism, Fi-K-Sz-M Pharise'an, F 3 -.Rs-N Pharisee, F l -R-S Pharmaceu'tic, F 3 -R-Ms -T-K Pharmaceu'tical, F 3 -R- Ms-T-Kl Pharmaceu'tics, F 3 -R- Ms-T-Ks Pharmaceu'tist, F 3 - R - Ms-Tst Phar'macist, Fi-R-Ms-St Pharmacol'ogist, F 1 - R- M-Kl-Jst Pharmacol'ogy, F 1 - R - M-K1-J Pharmacopoeia, F 3 -R. M-K-P Pharmacop'olist, Fi-B- M-K-P-iet Phar'macy, F^R-M-S PHA Pha'ros, F"-Ra Pharynge'al, F*-B-N-J-L Pharyngi'tis, F^fi-N-J- Ts Pharyngot'omy, F 1 -^- N-Gt-M Phar'ynx, F*-.R-NG-Es Phase, Fz Pha'sis, Fss* Pheas'ant, Fz-Xt Phenakis'toscope, Fn- Es-T-sK-P Phe'nix, Fn*-Es Phenom'ena, Fn J -M-N Phenom'enal-ly, Fni-M- Kl Phenomenon, Fn 1 - M - Kn Pheese, Fz Phees'y, F*-Z Phi'al, F 1 -!, Philan'der, F*-Zndr Philanthropic, Flnthr 1 - P-K Philanthroplcal, Flnthri-P-Kl Philanthropist, Flnthr 1 -Pst Philan'thropy, Flnthr 1 - P Philharmon'ic, FP-Hr- M-N-E Philhellenist, FJ 2 -H-n- 8t Phil'ibeg, F-^-B-G Philip'pic, F3-Z-P-K Philippine', F z -i-Pn Phil'ippize, F*-Z,-Pz Philis'tine, FlsS-Tn Philol'oger, Fli-i-Jr Philolog'ic, Fli-L-J-K Philological, F11-.L-J-K1 Philol'ogist, Fl l -Z,-Jst Philol'ogize, FU-X^-Jz Philol'ogy,Fl'-i-J Phil'omath, Fl^-M-TH Philomath'ic, Fli-M-TH- E Philom'athy, Fl^-M-TH Phil'omel, F 3 -i-Ml Philome'la, F-L-M-i Philope'na, F 3 -L-P-N Philoprogen'itiveness, Fl 2 Pr-J-N-Tv-Ns [Fl- Pr-Jut:Vs] Philos'opher, Fls*-F-B Philosophic, Fls'-F-K Philosoph'ical-ly, Flsi- F-K1 Philos'ophism. Fls'-Pz- M Philos'ophist, Fls 1 -Fst Philos'ophize, Flgi-Fz, Flsi-Fzd.Flsi-Fz-NG Philos'ophy, Fls>-F Philostor'gy, Fls-T-fl-J Philotech'nic, F1-T-K- fr-i Philotrech'nical, F1-T- K-N-K1 Phil'ter, F^-itr, F-Z- Trd, FS-itr-NG Phiz, Fz Phlebot'omist, Fli- Bt- Mst Phlebot'omize, FH-Bt- Mz, FU-Bt-Mzd, Fl^Bt- Mz-NG Phlebot'omy, FP-Bt-M Phlegm, Fis-M Phlegmatic, FP-G-Mt-K Phlegmat'ical-ly, FU-G- Mt-Kl Phleg'mon, Fls-G-Mn Phleg'monous, Fl^-G-M- Ns Phleme, FP-M Phlogis'tic, FP-J-sT-K Phlogis'ton, Fl 3 -J-sTn Phlox, FU-Ks Phce'nix, Fn 3 -Ks Phonascetlcs, F-Ns-T- Es Phona'tion, F 2 -Nshn Phonetic, F 2 -Nt-K Phonetlcal-ly, F2-Nt-Hl Phonetics, F 2 -Nt-Ks Phon'etist, F'-X-Tst Phonic, Fn'-K Phonlcal, Fi-N-Kl Phonics, Fn^Ks Phonocamp'tic, F 1 -^-^:- Mt-K Pho'nogram, F 2 -N-Gr-M Pho'nograph, F-N-Grf Phonog'rapher, F'-N-Gr- Fr [Fni-fi] Phonographic, F 1 - N - Grf-K [Fni-K] Phonographlcal, F^-N- Gr-F-Kl [Fni-K-L] Phonographlcally, F 1 - N-Gr-F-Kl [Fni-K-i] Phonog'raphist, F^N- Gr-Fst Phonog'raphy, F [Fn>] Pho'nolite, F-N-Zt Phonol'oger, Fi-Nl-Jr Phonologic, F'-Nl-J-K Phonologlcal-ly, Fi-Nl- J-K1 Phonol'ogist, F'-Nl-Jst Phonol'ogy, F^Nl-J Pho'notype, F=-N-T-P Phonotyplc, F3-N-T-P-K Phonotyplcal-ly, F 3 -N- T-P-K1 Phonot'ypist, F-Nt-Pst Phonot'ypy, F^Nt-P Pho'sine, Fs 2 -N Phos'phate, Fsi-Ft Phos'phite, Fs>-FIt Phos'phor, Fs'-F-B Phos'phorate, Fs^F-fit. Fs>-F-fl-Td. F8! Phos'phorated, Td Phosphoresce', Fs*-F-.Rs. Fs-F-Rst, PHT Phosphores'cence, Fs- T-RS-XB Phosphores'cent, Fs 2 -F- Bs-Kt | Phosphoric, Fsi-F-R-K Phosphorlcal, Fs ] -F-B- Kl Phos'phorous, FsJ-F-fis Phos'phorus, Fs l -F-Rs Phos'phuret, Fsi-F-St Phos'phuretted, Fsi-F- fi-Td Photogenic, Ft^-j-N-K Photog'eny, Fti-J-N Pho'tograph, Ft - Grf, Ft*-Grft, Ft 2 -Grf-XG Photog'rapher, Ft^Gr- Fr Photographic, Ft 1 -Grf- E Photographlcal, Fti-Gr -F-K1 Photographist, Fti-Gr- Fst Photog'raphy, Fti-Gr-F Photol'ogy, Fi-T-i-J Photom'eter, Fi-T-Mtr Photom'etry, FJ-T-M-Tr Phrase, Frz^, Frzd 2 , Frz- NG Phrase'-book, Frz^-B-E Phrase'less, Frz 2 -Ls Phra'seogram, Fr2-zGr- M [Frz2-G-M] Pha'seograph, Fr 2 -zGrf [Frz^-Gf] Phraseog'rapher, Fr 1 - zGr-Fr [Frzi-G-Fr] Phraseographlc, Fr 1 - zGrf-E [Frzi-Gf-E] Phraseog-'raphy, Fr 1 - zGr-F [Frzi-G-F] Phraseologlc, Fr l -zL-3- E Phraseological, Fi l -zL- J-K1 Phraseorogy, Frzi-L-J [Frzi-J] Phrase'-sign, Frzs 2 -N Phrase'- writing, Frs a - Bt-NG Phrenetic, Fr-Nt-K Phreni'tis, Fri-N-Ts Phrenologlc, Fr^Nl-J-E Phrenologlcal-ly, Fr 1 - Nl-J-Kl Phrenol'ogist, Fr 1 - Nl - Jst Phrenol'ogy, Fri-Xl-J Phrenomagtaetism, Fr -N-M-G-Ntz-M [Fr!-N- M:T-zM] Phren'sy, Fr^-N-Z Phrygian, Fr^-Jn Phthisic, TS-zE Phthisical, Tz 3 -El Phthislcky, T 8 -zK Phthi'sis, THggi Phthongom'eter, TH- NG-G-Mtr PHY 199 PIM Fhylac'ter, Phylac'tery, Fi-Z-K-Tr Phylarch, Fi-i-R-K Physe'ter, F 3 -sTr Physic, Fz 3 -K, Fz 3 -Kt Fz*-K-NG Phys'ical-ly, Fz 3 -Kl. See Fiscal. Physi'cian, Fz*An 3 Physicist, Fz-Sst Physics, Fza-Ks Physiognomic, Fzi - G - N-M-K Physiognomical, Fz> - G-N-M-K1 Physiognom'ics, Fzi-G- N-M-Ks Physiog'nomist, Fzi-G- N-Mst Physiog'nomy, Fzi-G-N- M Physiog'raphy, F!-zGr- F Physiol'oger, F J -zZ-Jr Physiologic, F>-zZ-J-K Physiological-ly, Fi-zZ J-K1 Physiol'ogist, F'-zZ- Jst Physiol'ogy, Fi-zZ-J Physique', Fz-eK Phytiv'orous, F 3 -T-Vrs Phytog'raphy, F^T-Gr- F Phytol'ogist, FJ-T-Z-Jst Phytol'ogy, F^T-Z-J Phytoph'agous, F^Tf- Gs Phytot'omy, F-Tt-M Piac'ular, P^K-Zr Piac'ulous, P'-K-Zs Pi'a Ma'ter, Pi-Mtr Pianis'simo, P 3 -Ns-M Pia'nist, P-Nst Pia'no, P'-N Pia'no-forte, pi-K-F-JZ-1 Pias'ter, Pstri Piaz'za, P l -Z Pib'-corn, P 3 -B-Krn Pi'broch, pa-Br-K Pi'ca.P'-K Picador', pi-K-Dr Picaroon', pa-K-Kn Picayune', pa-K-Yn Pic'calilli, pa-K-Z-Z Pick, P 3 -K, P 3 -Kt, P*-K- NG Pick'aninny, pa-K-N-N Pick'apack, P 3 -K-P-K Pick'ax or Pick'axe, P s - K-Ks Pick'back, P 3 -K-B-K Pick'ed, P 3 -K-D Pick'edness, pa-Kd-Ns Pickeer', P-K-R, P 3 -K- Rd. pa-K-R-NG Pick'er,P 3 -Kr Pick'erel, P 3 -I Pick'et, pa-Kt, ps-Kt-NG Pick'et-guard, P*-Kt-Grd Picking, pa-K-NG Pig'gin, P 3 -Gn Pig'-headed, ps-G-H-Dd Pick'eting, P 3 -Kt-NG Pig'-iron, pa-G-i-Rn Pickle, P 8 -K1, P 3 -Kld Pig'-lead, P^-G-Z-D P8-K1-NG Pigme'an, pa-ti-Mn Pickled, P 3 -Kld Pig'ment, pa-G-Mnt Pickling, ps-Kl-NG Pigment'al, P--G-Mnt-Z Pickling-house, P 3 -K1 Pig'my, pa-G-M NG-Hs Pignora'tion, pa - G - Picklock, P 3 -K-Z-K Nrshn Pick'pocket, P 3 -K-P-Kt Pig'norative, pa-G-Nrt-V Pick'thank, P 3 -K-TH-NG Pig'nut, P^-G-Kt K Pig'-sty, P 3 -Gs-T Pick'tooth, pa-K-T-TH Pig'tail, P 3 -G-T-L Pick'wick, P 3 -K-W-K Pike, pi-K Pic'nic, P--K-N-K Pik'ed, pi-K-D Pict, P 3 -Kt Pike'man, P'-K-Mn Pict'ish, pa-Kt-SH Pike'staff, pi-Ks-Tf Picto'rial-ly, P^-K-T-JSl Pilas'ter, pi-istr Pict'ural, pa-Ktr-L Pilas'tered, P^is-Trd Pict'ure, P 3 -Ktr, P 3 -K- Pil'chard, P a -Z-CHrd CHrd pa-Kir-NG Pile, P!-L, P'-Ld, pi-L- Pict'ured, P 3 -K-CHrd NG Pict'urer, ps-Ktr-R Pil'eate, P 3 -z-T Picturesque', P-Ktr-S-K Picturesquely, P 2 -Ktr- Pil'eated, P--z-Td Pile'-driver, pi-Z-Dr-Vr 8-K1 Pile'-engine, pi-Z-N-Jn Picturesque'ness, P - Pil'er, PJ-Z-R Ktr-S-K-Ns Piles, P'-Lz Pic'ul, P 3 -K1 Pil'fer, pa-Z-Fr, P 3 -Z-Frd, Pid'dle, pa-Dl P 3 -Z-Fr-NG Pid'dler, ps-Dl-R Pil'ferer, P^-Z-Fr-R Pie, Pi Pilgarlic, Pi-Z-Gr-Z-K Pie'bald, P-Bld Pil'grim, Pl^-Gr-M Piece, Ps 3 , Pst, Ps-NG Pil'erimage, PP-Gr-M-J Pieced, Pst 3 Pilif erous, P-Z-Frs Piece'-goods, P 3 -sGdz Pilig'erous, P3-Z-Jrs Piece'less, P 3 -sZs Pill, P 3 -L, pa-Ld, pa-L-NG Piece'meal, pa-sM-L Pillage, pa-Z-J, pa-Z-Jd, Pie'cer, P 3 -sR P 3 -Z-J-NG Piece'work, P*-sWr-K Pillager, pa-Z-Jr Pied, Pi-D Pillar, P 3 -Z-R Pied'ness, P^D-Ns Pillared, pa-z-^d Pier, pa-R Pillau', pi-Z Pierce, P^-Rs, P 3 -Rst, P 3 - Pillion, pa-Zn TZs-KG Pillory, pa-Z-K, P 3 -Z-Bd, Pierced, P 3 -Rst P 3 -Z-/f-NG Pierce'able, P^tfs-B (-L) Pillow, P 3 -Z, pa-Z-D, P- Pier'cer, P 3 -Rs-R Z-NG Piercingly, P 3 -Ks-NG-L Pillow-bier, P-Z-Br Pierc'ingness, P 3 -fis-NG Pillow-block, pa-Z-Bl- -Ns K Pier'-glass, P 3 -R-Gls Pillow-case, ps-Z-Ks Pie'rian, P 3 -Bn Pilose', pa-Zs Pier'-table, P*-.R-T-B1 Pilos'ity, pi-Zs-T Pi'etism, pi-T-zM Pilot, Pi-Zt, pi-Z-Td, P- Pi'etist, Pi-Tst Zt-NG Pi'ety, pi-T Pilotage, Pi-Zt-J Pietistlc, ps-Ts-T-K Pilot-bread, pi-Zt-Brd Pietistlcal, P 3 -Ts-T-Kl Pilot-cloth, P'-Zt-Kl-TH Pig, P 3 -G. pa-Gd, P8-G-KG Pilot-fish, P l -Lt-F-SH Pig'eon, pa.Jn Pilous, P^Zs Pig'geon-box, P 3 -Jn-B- Pimea'ta, P2-M-N-T Ks Pimen'to,P2-M-N-T Pig'eon-hole, ps-J-N-Hl Pimp, P 3 -M-P, P 3 -Mt, PS- Pig'eon-house, P S -J-N- M-P-NG Hs Pim'pernel, P 3 -M-Pr-Nl Pig'eonry, P 3 -J-Nr Pig'-eyed, P 3 -G-i-D Pim'ple, pa-M-Pl Pim'pled, P-M-Pld Pig'gery, P 3 -Gr Pim'ply, pa-M-Pl PIN Pin, Pn, Pnd, Pn-NG Pin'afore, pa-N-F-B Pin'-case, Pn 3 -Ks Pin'cers, P 3 -Ns-Rz Pinch, P'-N-CH, pa-N-CHt P-N-CH-NG Pinch'beck, P-N-CH-B K Pinch'er, pa-N-CHr Pinch'ers, P 3 -N-CHrz Pin'cushion, Pn 3 -Kshn Pindaric, Pn 1 -D-.R-K Pindar'ical, Pn^D-JZ-Kl Pine, Pni, Pndi, Pn-NG Pine'al or Pin'eal, P 3 -N L Pine'-apple, pi-N-Pl Pine'-barren, Pn>-B-n Pine'-martin, Pn^-M-1 Tn Pin'ery, P J -Nr Pin'-feather, Pn 3 -Fdhr Pin'fold, Pn^-F-Ld Pin'-footed, Pn 3 -F-Td Pin'hole, ps-N-Hl Pin'ion, Pn 3 -N, Pn 3 -Nd Pn 3 -N-NG Pink, P 3 -NG-K, pa-NG-Kt Pa-NG-K-NG Pink'ey, P 3 -NG-K Pink'-eye, ps-NG-K-i Pink'root, P 3 -NG-K-Bt Pink'-sterned, P 8 -NG- Ks-T-Snd Pin'maker, Pn 3 -M-Kr Pin'-money, Pn 3 -M-N Pin'nace, P 3 -Ns Pin'nacle, P 3 -N-K1 Pin'nacled, P 3 -N-Kld Pin'nate, P 3 -N-T Pin'ated, P 3 -N-Td Pinnat'ifld, PJ-N-T'-i) Pin'natifld, P 3 -N-Tf-D Pinnat'iped, PVN-T-Pd Pin'natiped, ps-N-T-Pd Pinned, Pnd 3 Pin'ner, P 3 -Nr Pin'ning, Pn a -NG Pint, Pnti Pin'tle, Pnta-L Pin'-worm, P 3 -N-Wr-M Pin'y, pi-N Pioneer', P-Nr, P 3 -Nrd, Pi'ony, pi-N Pi'ous, pi-S Pi'ously, pi-si Pi'ous-minded, pi - s - Mn-Dd Pip, P-P Pipe, P>-P, pi-P-T, pi-p- NG Pipe'-clay, pi-P-Kl Piped, pi-P-T Pipe'-layer, pi-P-Z-R Pipe'-laying, P>-P-Z-NG Pipe'-man, pi-P-Mn Pip'er, Pi-Pr Pip'eridge, P 3 -Pr-J Pip'erin, P-Pr-N 200 Pip 'ing, pi-P-NG Pip'kin, P 3 -P-Kn Pip'pin, P 3 -Pn Piqu'ancy, P 3 -Kn-S Piqu'ant, P 3 -Knt Piqu'antly, P 3 -Knt-Z Pique, P-K, PS-Kt, P 3 -K NG Piquet', Piracy, Pira'gua, F l -R-Qw Pirate, Pi'rated, Pirat'ical-ly, Pirl, ps-fil Pirn, P*-n Pirogue', Pirouette', P*-fi-T, f- Td. P2-.S-T-NG Pis'cary, ps-sK-B Pisca'tion, P^sKshn Piscato'rial, P-sK-T-Bl Pis'catory, P 3 -sK-T-fi Pis'ces, Psz 3 Pis'ciculture, P-S-Kltr Pisciv'orous, Ps 3 -V-fia Pise', P2-Z Pish, P3-SH Pis'mire, P 3 -sM-E Pi'solite, pi-sZt Pisolit'ic, PS-s^-T-K Pis'sasphalt, Pista'chio, Ps--1-SH Pistareen', Ps 3 -T-.Rn Pis'til, Ps 3 -T-L Pis'tillate, Ps 3 -T-Zt Pis'tol, Ps 3 -T-L, Ps3-T-Ld Ps 3 -T-L-NG Pis'tole, Ps 3 -T-L Pis'tolet, Ps 3 -T-Xt Pis'ton, Ps 3 -Tn Pit, Pt 3 , P 3 -Td, Pt(-) 3 Pit'apat, P 3 -T-Pt Pitch, ps-CH, P 3 -CHt, P- CH-NG Pitch'er, P 3 -CHr Pitch'-farthing, P 3 -CH- Fr-DH-NG Pitch'fork, P 3 -CH-Fr-K Pitch'iness, P 3 -CH-Na ?itch'ing, PS-CH-NG i'itch'-pine, P^-CH-Pn D itch'-pipe, P 3 -CH-P-P J itch'-stone, P-CH-sTn 'itch'y, P 3 -CH ;>it'-coal, Pt 3 -Kl "it'eous, P 3 -Ts it'eously, P-T-S1 it'eousness, ps-Ts-Ns it'fall, Pt 3 -F-L 'ith, pa-TH Ith'ily, P 3 -TH-Z 'ith'iness, P 3 -TH-Ns ithaess, pa-TH-Zs ith'y, P 3 -TH, P 3 -TH-R, P 3 -THst it'iable, P-T-B1 it'iableness, P 3 -T-Bl-Ns PLA Pit'ied, P 3 -Td Pit'iful-ly, P 3 -T-F1 Pit'ifulness, P 3 -T-Fl-Ns [SFs] Pit'iless, P 3 -T-Zs Pit'ilessly, ps-T-Zs-Z Pit'ilessness, P-T-Zs-Ns Pit'man, Pit'saw, P 3 -T-S Pit'tacal, P 3 -T-K1 Pit'tance, P 3 -Tns Pit'ted, P8-Td Pitu'itary, P 3 -T-T-J2 Pitu'itous, P 3 -T-Ts Pit'y, P 3 -T, P 3 -Td, ps-T- NG Piv'ot, P 3 -Vt, P 3 -Y-Td, P3-Vt-NG Pix, PS-KS Pix'ing, P 3 -Ks-NG Pix'y, ps-K-8 Pix'y-led, P 3 -K-S-Z-D Pix'y-ring, P^-K-S-fi-NG Placabil'ity, P1 3 -K-B1-T (-Bit) Pla'cable, P1-K-B1 Pla'cableness, Pl^-K-Bl- Ns [i Bs] Placard', P^-Krd, Pli-Kr- Dd, Pl'-Krd-NG Pla'cate, Pl^-Kt, PI-K- Td, P12-Kt-NG Place, Pls s , Plstz. Pls^-NG Place'man, Pl'-i-sMn Placen'ta, Pls2-N-T Pla'cer, Pl-sR Placer', P12-TH-R or Pl=- sR Plac'id, Plsi-D Placid'ity, Pls 3 -D-T Plac'idly, Plsi-D-Z Plac'idness, Pls'-D-Ns Plack'et, Pl'-Kt Plac'oid, Pl'-K-D Pla'gal, P1*-G1 Pla'giarism, Pl^-Jr-zM Pla'giarist, Pl Jrst Pla'giarize, Pl^-Jrz. Pis. Jrzd, P12-Jrz-NG Pla'giary, P1-J-B Plague, Pls-G, Piz-Gd, P12-G-NG Plague'ful, Pl a -G-Fl Plague'less, Pl2-G-Zs Plagu'er, Pl 2 -Gr Plague'mark, Pl^-G-Mr- K Plague'spot, Pl-Gs-Pt Plagu'ily, P12-G-Z Plagu'y, Pl-a Plaice, Plss Plaid, Pli-D Plaid'ed, PH-Dd Plain, (a.) Pln2, Pl-Nr, Pln2-St Plain, (c.) Pin 2 , Plnd Pln 2 -NG Plain'-dealer, PJu*-D-Z- i PLA Plain'-dealing, Pln - D - Z.-NG Plainly, P1 2 -N1 Plain'ness, Pln^-Ns Plain'-speaking, Pins' P-K-NG Plain'-spoken, Plns'-P- Kn [Pliis 2 -Pn] Plaint, Pint* Plaint'ful, Plntz-F-L Plaint' iff, Plnt*-F [P] Plaintive, Plnt 2 -V Plain t'fvely, Plnt^-V-L Plaintlveness, plnt*-V Ns Plait, Pit*. Pis-Td, PltC)2 Plait'er, Pltrs Plan, Pin*, Plnd 1 , Pin'- NG Plana'ria, Plu--R Planch, Plni-CH, P CHt, Plni-CH-NG Planch'er, Pli-N-CHr Planch'et. Pli-N-CHt Planchette', PlnS-SHt Planchlng, Pln-CH-NG Plane, Pin 2 , Plnd 2 , Pln2- NG Plane'-iron, Pln*-Rn Plan'er, Pl 2 -Nr Plan'et, Pli-N-T Planeta'rium, P1-N-T-/Z- M Plan'etary, PU-N-T-/Z Plan'eted, PP-N-Td Plan'et-stricken, P1-N- T-sTr-Kn Plan'et-struck, PP-N-T- sTr-K Planifo'lious, Pl^-N-F-is Planimet'ric, P12-N-M- Tr K Planimet'rical, P1-N-M- Tr-Kl Planim'etry, PF-N-M-Tr Planipet'alous, Pln-Pt- X,s Plan'ish, Pln-SH, Pln'- 8Ht. Pln'-SH-NG Planisphere, PH-Ns-F-R Plank, Pln'-K, Pln-Kt, Plni-K-NG Plan'less, Pl'-Nls Planned, Plnd 1 Plan'ner, Pl'-Nr Pla'no-concave, Pl s - N :Kv Pla'no-conical, Pl^-N-K- N-K1 Pla'no-convex, P1-N!V- Ks Plant, Plnti, Pln-Td, Plnti-NG Plant'ain, Plnti-N Plant'ain-tree, Plnt-N- Tr Planta'tion, Pln^-Tshn Plant'er, Plntr 1 Plant'ership, Plntr-8H- P 9* 201 PLE Plant'icle, Plni-T-El Plead, P1 3 -D, Pis-Dd, P Plantigrade, Plui-T-Grd D-NG Planting, Plnti-NG Plead (pl&d), P1 2 -D Plant'-louse, Plnt^Ls Plead'able, Pl^-D-Bl Plant'ule, Plnt-L Plead'er, PP-Dr Planx'ty, PP-NGs-T Pleading, P1 3 -D-NG Plash, Pli-SH, Pl^SHt, Pleas'ant, Plz2-Nt Pli-SH-NG Pleas'antly, Plz 2 -Nt-L Plash'y, Pl>-Sff Pleas'antness, Plz 2 - Nt- Plasm, Pli-zM Ns Plas'ma, Pl-zM Pleas'antry, Plz 2 -N-Tr Plas'ter, Plst 1 -^, Plst>-fld, Please, Plz 3 , Plzd 3 , Plz- Plsti-B-NG. So written NG to distinguish from the Pleas'er, Pl 3 -Zr words Blast, Blasting. Pleasing, Plz 3 -NG Plas'terer, PlsV-R-R Pleasingly, Plz--NGl Plas'tering, Plsti-fl-NG Pleaslngness, Plz^ - NG- Plas'tic, Plsi-T-K Plasticity, Pls^-Ts-T Ns Pleas'urable, Pl 2 -ZHr-Bl Plas'tron, Pli-sTrn Pleas'urableness, PI 2 - Plat, Plti, PlVTd, Plt(-) 1 ZHr-Bl-Ns [IBs] Plat'an or Plat'ane, Pl 1 - Pleas'ure, Pl 2 -ZHr, Pia. Tn ZHrd. Pl'--ZHr-NG Plate, Plt, Pl*-Td, PltC) 2 Pleas'ure-boat, Pl 2 -ZHr- Plateau', P1-T Bt Pla'ted, Pl-Td Pleas'sure-ground, P12- Plate'ful, Plt 2 -F-L ZHr-Grud Plate'fuls, Plt F-Lz Pleat, Pits Plate'-glass, Plt^-Gls Plebeian, PP-Bn Plat'en, Pl-Tn Plebelanism, Pl 3 -Bn-Z- Plat'form, Plti-F-R-M M [-B-zM] Plat'ina, Pl'-T-N Pled, P12-D Plating, Plt(-) 8 Pledge, P12-J, Pl 2 -Jd, Pl- Platinum, Pli-T-N-M J-NG Platitude, Plt>-Td Pledgee', PI 3 - J Platonic, Pl'-T-N-K Pledgeor', PU-Jr Platonlcal-ly, PP-T-N- Pledg'er, Pl 2 -Jr Kl Pledg'et, Pl=-Jt Pla'tonism, Pl-T-Nz-M Pleiad, P1 3 -D Pla'tonist, Pia-T-Nst Pleiades, Pl 3 -Dz Pla'tonize, Pl*-T-Nz, fV- Plen'arily, Pl 2 -Nr-L T-Nzd, Pl-T-Nz-NG Plen'ariness, Pl 2 -Nr-Ns Platoon', Pl-Tn Plen'ary, Pl 2 -Nr Plat'ted, Pl-Td Plenip'otence, P1 3 -N-P- Plat'ter, Pltr Tns Plau'dit, PU-Dt Plenip'otency, P1 3 -N-P- Plau'ditory, Pli-Dt-fi Tn-S Plausibility, PlzS-Bl-T Plenip'otent, Pl - N - P . Plau'sible-y, Plzi-Bl Plau'sibleness, Plzi-Bl- Tnt Plenipotentiary, Pln2- Ns [IBs] P-T-N SHi cPln 2 -P] k'lau'sive, Plsi-V Ple'nist, Pl s -Nst Play, Pl, P1-D, P1*-NG Plenitude, P12-N-Td Play'-actor, Pl*-Ktr Plen'teous, Pln-Ts Play'-bill, P1*-B1 Plen'teously, Pln^-T-sZi Play'-day, P1*-D Plen'teousness, Pln*-Ta- Played, P1-D Ns Play'er, P1*-R Plentiful, Pln-T-Fl Play'fellow, fV-F-L Plen'tifulness, Pin* - T - Play'ful-ly, P1*-F1 Fl-Ns [:Fsj Play fu 1 -ess, Pl- Fl - Ns Plen'ty, Pln-T fiFs] Ple'onasm, PF-Nz-M Play'-goer, P1*-G-B Pleonas'tic, Pl>-Ns-T-K Play'-house, Pl-Hs Pleonas'tical, Pl-Ns-T- Playing-card, P1*-NG- El Krd Plesiosau'rus, Pl'-Ss-fis Play'mate, Pl*-Mt Play'thing, P1-TH-NG Pleth'ora, PV-1H-R Plethoric, Pl-TH--K Play'wright, Pl'-fit Pleth'oric, Pl*-TH--K Plea, PI' Pleu'ra, Pl-fi PLE 203 POL Pleu'risy, P13-K8 Plume, Pl'-M, Pl*-Md, Pock'et-book, r'-Kt-B-K Pleuritic, P13-Kt-E Pl'-M-NG Poek'et-glass, P'-Kt-Gle Pleuritlcal, PF-fit-El Plumed, Pl-Md Pock'et-hole, P 1 Et-Hl Pleuropneumo'nia, Pl*- Plume'less, Pl'-M-Zs Pock'et-knife, pi-Et-N- ft-N-M-N Plexlform, Pl 2 -Es-F-R Plumig'erous, Pl'-M-Jrt Plu'miped, Pl'-M-P-D F Pock'et-money, pt-Et- M Plum'met, PI 2 Mt M-N Plex'ure, Pl-E-SHr Plum'ming, PI*- M-NG Pock'et-piece, P'-Et-Ps Plex'us, Pl-Es8 Plumose', PI 2 - Ms Pock'hole, pi-E-Hl Pleyt, PlU Plu'mous, Pl-Ms Pock'mark, P'-E-Mr-E Pliability, P1-B1-T Plump, (a.) Pls-M-P, PI* Pock'-marked, pJ-E-Mr- Pli'able-y, PH-B1 M-Pr. Pl*-M-Pet Kt Pli'ableness, PI 1 - Bl - Ns Plump, (t>.)Pl*-M-P, PI* Pock'y, pt-E, Pi-Er pi- ft Bg] Mt. P1*-M-P-NG Est Pli'ancy, Pln-S Plump'er, Pl-M-Pr Po'co-curantism, P*-E- Pli'ant, Pint' Plum '-pie, P1*-M-P K-^Jnt-Z-M Pli'antness, Plnt'-Ns Plump'ly, P1*-M-P1 Poco'SOn, P*-Es-N Pli'ca, Pl'-E Pli'cate. PH-Et Plump'ness, P1 2 -M P-Ns Plum'-porridge, P1 2 -M- Pod, P'-D Podag'ric, P^D-Gr-E Pli'cated, PP-E-Td P R-3 Podag'rical, pi-D-Gr-El Plied, Pl> D T'lum'-pudding, P1*-M- Pod'gy, P!-J Pli'ers, Pl'-Rz P-D-NG Po'em, PS-M Plight, PHi.Pl'-Td, Plt(-) 1 Plump'y, Pls-M-P Po'esy, P*-8 Plight'ed, PU-Td Plum'-tree, Pl*-M-Tr Po'et, P*-T Plight'er, Pltri Plum'y, P1-M i Po'etaster, P*-Tstr Plinth, P1 3 -N-TH Plun'der, Plndr*, Plnd*- Po'etess, P2-T8 Pli'ocene, Pls-N Rd, Plndri-NG Poetic, P2-T-E Plod, P1-D, Pli-Dd, Pli- Plun'derage, Plndr*-J Poetlcal-ly, P 2 -T-E1 D-NG Plun'dered, Plnd 2 -Rd Poetics, P2-T-E8 Plod'der, Pl-Dr Plun'derer, Plndr s -R Po'etize, P 2 -Tz, P*-Tzd, Plot, Plti. Pl-Td, PltC)i Plunge, Pln*-J, Pln 2 -Jd, P2-Tz-NG JPlot'ting, PUC)i Pln*-J-NG Po'etry, P*-Tr .Plot'ter, Pltr Plun'ger, Pl*-N-Jr Poh, ps Plough, Pj>. PH-D, Pli- Plu'perfect, P13-Prf-Kt Poign'ancy, Pn'-N-S NO. See Plow, etc. Plu'ral. P18-H1 Poign'ant, Pn'-Nt Plov'er, Pl*-Vr Plu'ralism, Pl'-fil-zM Poign'antly, Pn'-Nt-L Plow, Pl>, P1>-D, Pli-NG Plu'ralist, Pis-fiist Point, Put 1 , Pni-Td, Pnt- Plowed, Pli-D Plurality, PP-fil-T NG Plowing, PP-NG Plu'ralize, Pl*-fllz, Pis- Point'al, Pnt'-L Plow'able, P1>-B1 Rlzd. P13.lz-NG Point-blank', PnUlBlni- Plow'boy, P1-B Plu'rally, tV-Rl E Plow'er, Pli-R Plow'-man, Pl'-Mn Plus, Pis* Plush, P1*-8H Point'ed, Pn^-Td Point'edly, Pn^Td-X, PloW-land, PU-Lnd Pluto'nian, Pl*-Tn-N Point'er, Pntr 1 Plow'share, Pl-SHr Plutonic, Pl'-T-N-E Point'er-dog, Pntr^D-G Plow'-shoe, P1-8H Plu'tonist, Pls-T-Nst Point'less, Pnt'-Ls Pluck, Pl*-E, Pl*-Et, Pl*- Plu'vial, Pl'-V-L Poise, Pz. Pzi-D, Pz>-NG E-NG Pluck'er, Pl*-Er Pluviom'eter, PU-v-Mtr Plu'vious, Pl*-\s Poised, Pzi-D Poi'son, Pzi-N, Pz^-Xd. Pluck'y, P1*-E, Pl*-Er, Ply, PI 1 , Pli-D, Pli-NG Pzi-N-NG Pl*-Kst Pneumatic, N-M-T>-K Poi'soned, Pz^Nd Plug, P1S-G, Pli-Gd, P1*-O- Pneumatlcal, N-M-T 1 - Poi'soner, Pz'-N-B NG El Poi'sonous, PzJ-Ns Plug'ging, P1*-G-NG Pneumatics, N-M-T'-Es Poi'sonousness, Pz*-Ns- Plum, PP-M Pneumatorogy, N-M-T 1 - Ns. Plu'mage, Pl'-M-J L-J Poke, P2-E, P*-Et, P-K- Plumb, P12-M P12-Md, Pneumatom'eter, N-M- NG PI* M-NG T'-Mtr Pok'er, P 2 -Er Plumb'ing, P1-M-NG Plumbaginous, PP-M-B- Pneumo'nia, N*-M N Pneumonic, N^Mn-K Poke'-weed, P 2 -E-wD Polac'ca, P'-i-E J-Ng Pneumoni'tis, N M-N- Pola'cre, P*--Er Plumba'go, P1*-M-B-G Po'lar, P* L-n Plum'bean, Pl-M-Bn Poach, P*-CH, ps-CHt, Pol'archy, P 1 L-B-E Plum'beous, Pl*-M-Bs P=-CH-NO Polarlscope, P l -Z-fis-K- Plumb'er, Pl*-Mr Poached, P*-CHt P Plumb'ery, P1 2 -M-B Poach'er, P*-CHr Polarity, P^-L-R-T Plumb'ing, PI* M-NG Poach'y, P*-CH Polariza'tion, P* - L - Plumb'-line, Pl 2 -M-n Pock, P>-E RzsAn Plumb'-rule, P12-M-fil Pock'et, pi-Kt, pi-E-Td, Po'larize, P*-Z-Bz. P*-Ir Plum'-cake, P1=-M-E-E Pi-KtNG Bzd, P 2 -i-Bz-NG POL 203 POP Pole, P2-L, P-Ld. P-L Pol'ygraph, pi-Z-Grf Pomp, P'-M-p NG Pole'-axe, P 2 -Z-Ks Polygraph'ic, pi-Z/-Grf K Pomp'et, P!-M-P-T Pomplon, P2-M-Pn Pole'cat,P*-Z,-E-T Polygraph'ical, pi-Z Pomposity, pi-M-Ps-T Pol'einarch, pi-Z-Mr-CH Gr-F-Kl Pomp'ous, pi-M-Ps Polemic, P-i-M-K Polyg'raphy, P-i-Gr-F Pomp'ously, pi-M-P-si. Polemical, P 2 -Z,-M-K1 Polem'ics, ps-i-M-Ks Polyhe'dral, ps-L-Hd-fi Polyhed'rical, p2-z,-Hdr Pomp'ousness, pi-M-Ps- Ns Polem'oscope, pa-Z-Ms Kl Pomp'ous, P'-M-Ps K-P Polyhe'dron, P-i-Hd Pon'cho, pi-N-CH Polen'ta, P--N-T fin Pond, Pnd 1 Pole'-star, P 2 -s-T-R (P Polyhe'drous, P-Z-Hd Pon'der, Pndri, Pndi-Ed Zstr) s Pndri-NG Police', P 3 -s Policed', P 3 -Zst Polym'athy, P3-Z,-M-TH Polymor'plious, P 1 - L Ponderability, Pndr^-B- Z-t Police'man, P 3 -Zs-Mn M-fi-Fs Pon'derable, Pndri-B(-L) Police'-offlcer, ps-Zs-Fs- Polyno'mial, PS-X-N-M1 Pon'derance, Pudr^Ns E Pol'icied, Pi-Zs-D Polyora'ma, P1-//-B-M Pol'yp, Pi-L-P Pon'derer, Pudr'-R Ponderosity, Pndr'-S-T Pol'icy, pi-Z-s Polypet'alous, PS-Z-Pt (-St) Policy-book, pi-Z-S-B- La Pon'derous, Pndr ! -S E Pol'ing, P2-L-NG Polyphon'ic, Pi-Z,-Fn-K Polyph'onisin, P 8 -i-F Pon'derously, Pndr ! -S-Z Pon'derousness, Pndr 1 - Pol'ish, pi-Z-SH, P-Z- Nz-M S-Ns Sfl-T. P'-Z-SH-NG Polyph'onous, P-Z-F- Po'nent, Pn^-Nt Polished, P'-Z-SH-T Ns Pongee', Pn 3 -J Pol'ishable, P-Z-SH-B1- Pol'ypous, pi-Z-Ps Poniard, Pn'-Kd, Pni-^- Pol'isher, P^Z-SHr Pol'ypus, pi-Z-Ps Dd, Pn'-Rd-NG Polite', Pi-Zt Pol'yscope, P'-is-K-P Pon'tac, Pni-T-K Polite'ly, Pi Lt-L Polysperm'ous, P 2 - Ls Pon'tage, Pnt'-J Polite'ness, P^zt-Ns Pr-Ms Pon'tiff, Pnti-F Pol itic, Pi-Z-T-K (Pli-T- Pol'ystyle, Pi-Zs-T-L Pontiflc, Pnts-F-K K) Polysyllabic, pi-is-i- Pontif ical-ly, Pnts-F-Kl Politlcal-ly, Plt-El B-K Pontificate, Pnt^-F-K-T Polit'icaster, Pl*-T-Estr Polysyllab'ioal, pi-Ls-L- Pon'tifice, Pnt'-Fs Politi'cian, Pis-Tshn B-K1 Pontifl'cial, Pnta-F-SHl Pol'itics, PP-T-Ks Pol'ysyllable, Pi-Ls-L- Pontifl'cian, PnV-F-SHn Pol'ity, P!-Z-T Bl Pontoon', Pnts-N Pol'ka, ps-Z-E Polytech'nic, ps-Z-T-K- Pontoon'-bridge, Put'-- Poll, P2-L, pa-Ld, P-L- N-K N-Br-J NG Polythal'amous, P l -L- Po'ny, P-N Pol'lard, pi--fl-D TH-i-Ms Pood, P 3 -D Pol'len, Pi-Zn Pol'ytheism, Pi-i-THz- Poo'dle, P3-D1 Poll'er, P2-L-B M Poo'dle-dog, pa-Dl-D-G Pol'liwig, f l -L-Vf-Q Pol'ytheist, pi-L-THst :ooh, Po Pol'liwog, pi-Z-W-a Polytheistic, P 3 --THs- Pool, P 3 -L Pol'lock, P'-Z,-K T-K Pool'er, pt-L-R Poll'-tax, pz-Z-T-Ks Polytheistlcal, P' - L - Poop, P 3 -P Pollute', ps-it, P-i-Td, THs-T-Kl Poop'-deck, P 3 -P-D-K P-Lt-Na Pom'ace, P s -Ms Poop'ed, P*-P-T Pollut'er, pa-Ztr Poma'ceous, P 2 -M-SHs Poor, P 3 -R, P 3 -Rr, P 3 -Rs* Pollu'tion, pa-Lshn Pomade', P 2 -Md See Pure, etc. Polonaise', P-X,-Nz Pomand'er, Pi-Mndr Poor'-house, P 3 -R-Hs Polt, P*-Lt Poma' Poor'ly, P 3 -R-i. See Pure- Poltroon', P'-i-Trn Pome, P 2 -M ly. Poltroon'ery, ps-Z-Tr-Nr Pomecit'ron, P*-Ms-Trn Poorness, ps-R-Ns Polyaeous'tic, P*or*-L- Pomegran'ate, P J -M-Gr- Poor'-spirited, P 3 -Rs-Pr- Ks-T-K Nt Td Polyan'dry, pi-i-N-Dr 'ome'roy, P'-M-B Poor'-spiritedness, P 3 - Polyan'thus, pi-Z-N-THs Pomeroy'al, pi-M-H-L Rs-Pr-Td-Ns Pol'yarchy, P-i-R-K J ome'- water, P*-M-Wtr Pop, P>-P, PJ-P-T, Pi-P- Polyg'ami? , P 8 --G-Mst J omif erous, P-M-Frs NG - Polyg'amc ^s, P 8 -L-G-Ms Pom'mel, P-ML P-Mld, 3 op'-corn, pi-P-Ern Polyg'amj , P-Z-G-M pa-Ml-NG 3 ope, P-P Pol'ygarchy, P>-Z-Gr-K Pom'meled, P*-Mld i'ope'dom, P-P-D-M Pol'yglot, pi-L-Glt Pommellon, P*-M-Zn Pope-joan', P 2 -P-Ju Pol'ygon. P'-i-Gn Pomologlcal, pi-M-Z,-J- i'op'ery, P-Pr Polyg'onal, P^-L-G-Nl El ?ope's'-eye, P'-Ps-i Polyg'onum, P-/.-Gn-M Pol'ygram, PJ-Z--Gr-M Pomol'ogist, pi-M-L-Jst Pomol'ogy, Pi-M-L-J : Pop'gun, P-P-Gn Popinjay, pi-Pn-J POP Pop'ish, ps-P-SH Poplshly, ps-P-SHl Pop'lar, pi-P-Z-B Pop'lin, p!-P-Zn Poplit'eal, ps-P-Zt-L Poplit'ic, ps-P-Z-T-K Popped, P-P-T Pop'py, pi-p Pop'py-head, P-P-Hd Pop'ulace, pi-P-Zs Pop'ular, Pi-P-Z-B [ P] Popularity, pi-P-Z- [P'-Pl Pop'ularize, pi-P-Z-Bz, Pi-P-Z-Rzd, Pi-P-Z-Bz- NG Pop'ularly, P-P-Z-B-Z [P^P-Z] Pop'ulate, Pi-P-Zt, pi-P- Z-Td, pi-P-Zt-NG Population, P 2 -P-Zshn Pop'ulous, p!-P-Zs Pop'ulously, P>-P-ZB-Z Pop'ulousness, P^P-Zs- Ns Por'celain, Pr^sZn Porch, P*-fi-CH Por'cine, Pi-fls-N Por'cupine, Pr-K-Pn Pore, P 2 -B, P*-Bd, p NG Por'er, P'-Br Por'gee, pi-fi-G Por'gy, pi--G Po'riness, ps- JZ-NB Po'rism, P^-Bz-M Pork, P*--K Pork'-barrel, P ! -S- 204 Portent'ously, P*-B-Tnt- 8-Z Por'ter, pz-Str Por'terage, P 2 -fitr- J Port'eress, P^-Rtr-S Por'ter-house, P 2 -fltr-Hs Port'flre, P-Kt-F-B Portfo'lio, ?*-Rt-F-L Port'-hole, P^-fft-Hl Por'tico, -K) Portion, P*-72shn, P- fishnd, P2-fishnC) Por'tioner, ps-fishn-K I Por'tionless, P 2 -fishn-Zs Port'liness, Pork'er, Pork'ling, Poros'ity, P>-fis-T Po'rous, P*-Rs Po'rousness, P*-Bs-N8 Porphyra'ceous, SHs Porphyrit'ic, Por'phyry, Prf>-7Z Por'ppise, pi-K-Ps Por'ridge, P>-fi-J Por'ringer, P-.R-N-Jr Port, P*-fft Portabirity, (-Bit) Port'able, ps-K Port'ableness, Ns [iBs] Port'age, P*-Kt-j Port'al, pa-Kt-L Portcray'on, P*-Bt-Kr-N Port'cullis, Prt-K-Zs Porte, P2-Kt Port'ed, PS-B-Td Porte'-monnaie, Prt-M- N Portend', P 5 -fi-Tnd, P*- /e-Tn-Dd, P-fi-Tnd-NG Portent', P>-fi-Tnt Portent'oua, P 3 -fi-Tnt-8 Port'ly, P 2 -fft-Z (Prt2-Z) Portman'teau, Prti-M-K T Por'trait, Pr-Trt Por'trature, Pr*-Trtr Portray', Pr-Tr, Pr*-Trd. Pr*-Tr-NG Portray'al, Pr-Tr-L Portray'er, Pr-Tr-B Port'reeve, Prt 2 -fiv Por'tress, Pr 2 -Trs Port'soken, P-JZts-Kn Port'-warden, P 2 - Ri Wrd-N Po'ry, P 2 -/J Pose, Pz, Pz-D, Pz*-NG Po'ser, P 2 -Zr Posi'tion, Pz*An 3 Positive, Pzi-Tv Positively, Pzi-T-Vl Posltiveness, Pz>-Tv-N Positivism, Pz-T-Vz-M Posltivist, Pz'-T-Vst Posol'ogy, P'-sZ-J Posse Comita'tus, P 1 -! Possess', Pss, Pss 2 - T, Pss-NG Posses'sion, Ysshn* Possess'ive, Pss 2 -V Possess'or, ps-ssB Possess'ory, pt-saR Pos'set, Psi-T, Ps!-Td, Ps'-T-NG Possibility, Ps 3 - Bl - T (-Bit) Pos'sible, Psi-Bl [Pgi] See Passable. Pos'sibly, Ps^Bl Post, Pst 2 , Ps*-Td, Pst(-) 1 Post'age, P8*-T-J [Ps 2 -J] Post'age-stamp, [Ps*-J- sM-P] Post'al, Ps 2 -T-L Post'al-card, Ps'-T-Z-Krd Post'-bill, Ps 2 -B-L Post'boy, P8 S -B Post'captain, P^-sK-P-Tn [-sK-Pn] Post'-chaise, ?&*-Sffz Post'-coach, P*-sK-CH Post' -date, Ps-Dt, Ps*-D Td, Ps*-DtC) POT Post-dilu'vial, Ps*-D-i- VI Post-dilu'vian, P~-D-Z, Vn Post'ed, Ps^Td Post'-entry, Ps-N-Tr Post'er, Pstr Poste'rior, Fs^-1-R-R Posterior'ity, Fs^-1-B-R. T Poste'riors, Ps3-T-5-fiz Posterity, Ps 2 -T-fi-T Pos'tern, Ps^-T-fln Post'-existence, P 2 -sKss- Tns Post'flx,Ps2-F-Ks Postfix', PsS-F-Ks, Ps 3 -F- Kst, PS^-F-KB-NG Post'-haste, P^-sHst Post'-house, P 2 -sHs Post'humous, Ps 1 -T-Ms Post'humously, Ps l -T- Ms-Z Pos'til, Ps^T-L Pos'tiler, Psi-T-Z-B Postil'ion, Ps 3 -T-Zn Posting, Psto* Post'man, P 2 -sMn Post'mark, P 2 -sM-B-K, P*-sM-/i-Kt, P 2 -8JI-fl-K- NG Post'master, P^-sMstr Post'master - general, P 2 -sMstr-Jn [P-sMs-Jn] Postmeridian, pa-sii-ye- Dn Post-mor'tem, pi-s5I-.R- T-M Post'-note. Ps 2 -Xt Post-nup'tial, Ps 2 -N-P- SH1 Post-o'bit, Ps 2 -T-Bt Post'-offlce, Ps 2 -Fs Post'-paid, Ps 2 -Pd Postpone', Ps 2 -Pn, Ps s - Pnd, Ps 2 -Pn-NG Postpone'ment, Ps 2 -Pn- Mnt Postpon'er, Ps 2 -P-Nr Postpositive, Ps^Pz-Tv Post'-road, P 2 -sfl-D Post'script, Ps 2 - Kr - Pt Post'-town, Ps 2 -Tn Post'ulant, Ps'-T-Znt Post'ulate, Ps!-T-Zt, Psi- T-Z-Td, Ps^T-Zt-NG Postula'tion, Ps 2 -T-Zshn Post'ulatory, Psi-T-Zt-fi Post'ure, P-sCHr, Pi- sCHrd. Pl-sCHr-NG Post'ure -master, P 1 sCHr-Mstr Po'sy, P-Z Pot, Pt. Pi-Td. Pt(-) 1 Po'table, Pt 2 -Bl Po'tableness, Pt-Bl-lto Pot'ash, PU-SH Potas'sa, pi-T-8 POT Potas'sium, P>-T-sM Pota'tion, P'-Tshn Pota'to, Pt-T Pota'toes, Pt-Tz. See Pettitoes. Pot'-bellied, Pti!B-Z-D Poteen', P-Tn Po'tency, P-Ta-S Po'tent, P-Tnt Po'tentate, P*-Tn-Tt Poten'tial, P-T-N-SH1 Potentiality, pi-T-N- SHl-1 Poten'tial-ly, ps-T-N sm Po'tently, P*-Tnt-L Po'tentness, p^-Tnt-Na Pot'-hanger, Pti-H-NGr Poth'er, P'-DHr (Pdhr 1 ) Pot'-herb, Pt'-B-B Pot'-hook, Pt!-H-K Po'tion, Pshn Pot'-luck, Pti-Z-K Pot'sherd, Pt>-8Hrd Pot'tage, Pt'-j Pot'ted, Pi-Td Pot'ter, Ptr 1 Pot'tery, pi-Tr Pot'tle, Pi-Tl Pot'-valiant, Pti-V-Znt Pouch, pi-CH, pi-CHt, P 1 - CH-NG Pouchong', P1-SH-NG Poudrette', P-Drt Poult, pa-Lt Poult'erer, P*-i-Tr-K Poul'tice, P 2 -//-Ts, P*-L- Tst, PS-i-Ts-NG Poul'try, P*-Z-Tr Poul'try-house, P 2 -Z-Tr- Ba Poul'try-yard, P*-Z,-Tr- Yrd Pounce, Pnsi, Pnst 1 , Pns'- NG Poun'cet-box, Pns^-T-B- Es Pound, Pnd 1 , Pn-Dd. Pndi-NG Pound'ed, Pn-Dd Pound'age, Pnd 1 - J Pound'er, Pndri Pour, pa-B, P-Ed, P*-- NG Pour'er, P-Br Pout, Pt', Pi-Td, Pt'" Pout'er, Ptr 1 Pov'erty, Pvi-B-T Pow'der, pi-Dr, P-Drd, P>-Dr-NG Pow'der-box, P>-Dr-B- Ks Pow'der-flask, P-Dp-Fls -K Pow'der-horn, pi-Dr-H- Rn Pow'der-magazine, P 1 - Dr-M-Gz-N Pow'der-mill, pi-Dr-M- L 205 PRE Pow'der-monkey.'pi-Dr- Pvat'tler, Prt'-i-E M-NG-K Prav'ity, Prvi-T Pow'der-wagon, pi-Dr Prawn, Prni W-Gn Prax'is, Pri-Kss Pow'dery, pi-D-B Pray, P r 2, Pr=-D, Pr 2 -NG Pow'er, pi-K Pray'er, Pr 2 -B Pow'erful-ly, pi-B-Fl Pow'erfulness, P^B-Fl- Prayer, Pri-B Prayer x -book, Pr l -7J-B-K Ns [!Fs] Prayer'ful-ly, P^-B-Fl Pow'erless, P^-E-Zs Prayer'less, Pr'-R-is Pow'er-loom, pi-R-i-M Prayer'lessness, Pr^B- Pow'er-press, pi-B-Prs Zs-Xa [:is] Pow'wow, PJ-W, P^Wd. Pray'ingly, pr s -XGl Pi-W-NG Preach, Pr s -CH, Pr-CHt, Pox, pi-Ks, P!-Kst, Pi-Ks- PrS-CH-NG NG Preach'er, Pr 3 -CHr Pozzola'na, Pt^zZ-N Preach'ing, Pr-CH-NG Practicabirity, Pi-s - Kt Preach'ment, l>r 3 - CH - :K-B1-T [Pra-K-Blt] Mnt Prac'ticable-y, Pr-Kt Pre'-adamite, Pr 3 -D-Mt :K-B1 [Pri-K-Bl] Preadnion'ish, Pr 1 - D - Prac'ticableness, Pr'-Kt Mu-SH, PrLD-Mu-SHt, :K-Bl-Ns [PrJ-K'.Bs] Pr'-D-Mn-SH-NG Prac'tical-ly, Pr^Kt-Kl Preadmoni'tioii, Pr 3 -D- Practicality, PrJ-Kt-Kl- M-Nshn T (-Kit) Pre'amble, PrS-M-Bl Prac'ticalness, Pr 1 - Kt - Preamb'ulate, Pri-M-Blt Kl-Ns Preamb'ulating, Pr'-H- Prac'tice, Pr>-K-Ts, Pr>- Blt(-) K-Tst, Pr-K-Ts-NG Preamb'ulatory, Pr 1 -!!- [Pr, Prsti, Pr(-) 1 ] Blt- Prac'ticer, Pr^K-T-sB Preb'end, Pr^-Bn-D Prac'tices, Pri K - Tss Prebend'al, Pr^-Bn-D-L CPrs 1 ] Preb'endary, Pr*-Bii-D- Practi'tioner, Pr-K-T8hn R -B Pre'cant, PrS-Knt Praemuni're, PrJ-Mn-S Preca'rious, Pr--K-7?s Praeno'men, Pr^-N-Mn Preca'riously, Pi-2-K-.R- Prae'tor, Prtrs si Pragmat'ic, Pri-G-Mt-K Pre'cariousness, Pr a -K- Pragmat'ical-ly, Pri-G- 7is-Ns Mt-Kl Prec'ative, Pr 2 -K-Tr Pragmat'icalness, Pr 1 - Prec'atory, Pr'--K-T-^t G-Mt-Kl-Ns Precau'tion, Pr 1 - Kshn, Prai'rie, Pr*-R Pri-Kshnd, Pr'-Kshn-NG Prai'rie-chicken, Pr-5- Precau'tional, Pr'-Kslm- CH-Kn Z Prai'rie-dog, Pr-/Z-D-G Preoau'tionary, Pr 1 - Prai'rie-hen, Pr2-/J-Hn Kshu-rt Praise, Prz, Przd 8 , Prz- Precau'tious, Pr'-K-SHs NG Precede', Prs^-D, Prs 3 - Prais'er, Pr*-Zr Dd, Prs3-D-NG Praise'worthiness, Pr*- Preced'ence, Prs 3 -Dns zWr-DH-Ns [Prz-DH-Ns] Preoed'ency, Prs 3 -Du-S Praise'worthy, Pr-zWr- Preced'ent, Prs 3 -Dnt DH [Prz-DH] Prec'edent, Prs 2 -Dnt Prance, Prns 1 , Prnst 1 , Prec'edented, Prs=-Dn- Prnsi-NG Td Pranc'er, Pr'-Ns-B Preoed'ently, Prs 3 -Dnt-L Pranc'ing, Prns^NG Preceding, Prs s D-NG Prank, Pri-NG-K, Pr>-NG- Precen'tor, Prs^-Ntr Kt, Pri-NG-K-NG Pre'cept, Prs-Pt Prank'ish, Pr^NG-K-SH Precep'tive, Prs 2 -Pt-V Prase, Prz* Precep'tor, Prs-Ptr Prate, Prt, Pr-Td, PrtC) 1 Precepto'rial, Prs^-Pt-Bl Prat'ing, PrtC)* Precep'tory, Prs^ P-T-fi Prat'er, Prtr* Precep'tress, Prs 2 -P-Trs Prat'ique, Pr'-T-K Preces'sion, Pr&sAn 2 Prat'tle, Prt>-L, PrtJ-Ld, Prti-L-NG Preces'sional, PrsAn J -L Pre'cinot, Prs^-NGt PRE Pre'cious, Pi*-SH& Previously, Pr-SHs-L Pre'ciousness, Pr 2 -SHs- Ns Prec'ipice, Prs^-Ps Precip'itable, Prs 3 -P-T- Bl Precip'itance, Prs*-P- Tns Precip'itancy, Prs 3 - P - Tn-8 Precipitant, Prs 3 -P-Tnt Precip'itantly, Prs^-P- Tnt-L Precip'itate, Prs*-P-Tt. Prs8-P-T-Td. Prs3 P-Tt(-) Precipitately, Prs 3 -P- Tt-i Precipita'tion, Prs 2 - P - Tslin Precipltator, Prs 3 -P-Ttr Precipitous, Prs^-P-Ts Precipitously, Prs 3 -P-T- Precip'itonsness, Pr P-Ts-Ns Precise', Prss 1 Preeise'ly, Prss'-L Precise'ness, Prss'-Ns Precisian, Prszhn 3 Precision, Prszftn* Preci'sive, Prszi-V Preclude', Pr3-Kld, Pr 3 - Kl-Dd, Pr-K.ld-NG Preclu'sion, PrS-Kl Preclu'sive, Preclu'sively, Pr^-Kls- V-L Preco'cious, Pr 2 -K-SHs Preco'ciously, Pr a K - SHs-L Preco'ciousness, Pr*-K- SHs-Ns Precoc'ity, P^-Ks-T Precog'itate, Pr^K-J-Tt Precogni'tion, Pr-K-G- Nshn Precompose', Pr 2 iPz Preconceit', Pr s :sT Preconceive', Pr 3 isV Preconcep'tion, Pr 2 IsPshn Preconcert', Pr*;sKt Precon'cert, Pr 1 isEt Precon'tract, Pr>:Tr-Kt Precontract', Pr^iTr-Kt, PrMTr-K-Td, PrMTr-Kt- VQ Precontri ve', Pr 1 ! Trv, Pri'.Trvd, Pr'tTrv-NO Precur'sive, Pr 2 -Krs-V Precur'sor, Pr 2 -Kr-sB Precur'sory, Pr 2 -Kr-sR Preda'ceous, P^-D-SHs Pre'dal, Pr^-Dl Predato'rial-ly, Pr*-Dt- Bl Pred'atory, Pr-Dt-K Predeces'sor, Predesigii', Pr>-Ds-N Predestina'rian, T-Nrn Predes'tinate, Pr s -Dst Nt, Pr*-Dst-N-Td, Pr* Dst-Nt-NO Predestina'tion, Pr s - Dst-Nshn Predes'tinator, Pr*-Dst- Ntr Predes'tine, Pr^Ds-Tn, Pr2-Ds-Tnd, Pr 3 -Ds-Tn- NG Predeter'minate, Pr*-D- Tr-M-N-T Predetennina'tion, Pr s - D-Tr-M-Nshn Predetermine, Pr 2 - D - Tr-Mn, Pr 2 -D-Tr-Mnd, Pr 2 -D-Tr-Mn-NG Pre'dial, Pr-Dl Predicabil'ty, Bl-T Pred'icable, Predic'ament, Mnt Predicate, Pra-D-Kt, PrU-D-K-Td, p r -D-Kt- NG Predica'tion, Pr-D- Kshn Pred'icatory, Pr-D-K- Tr Predict', K-Td, PrS-D Predic'tion, Predictive, Pr3-D-Kt-V Predict'or, PrS-D-Ktr Predilec'tion, r*-D-L- Kshn Prediscov'eryj Pr 2 -D- sKv-fl Predispo'nant, Pr - D - sPn-Nt Predispose', Pr^D-sPz, Pr 2 -D-sPzd, PrJ-D-sPz- NG Predisposi'tion, P^-D- sPzshn Predominance, Pr J -D- Mn-Ns (Prdi-Mn-Ns) Predominancy, Pr>-D- Mn-N-S (Prd l -Mn-N-8) Predominant, Pr^D-Mn -Nt <Prd!-Mn-Nt) Predominantly, Pri-D- Mn-Nt-L (Prd^Mn-Nt-L) Predominate, Pri-D-M- N-T, Pri-D-M-N-Td, Pri- D-M-N-T-NG (Prdi-M-N- T, etc.) Predomina'tion, Pr ! -D- M-Nshn (Prd 2 -M-Nshn) Pre-elec'tion, Pr*-- Kshn Pre-eminence, Pr s -Mn- Ns Pre-eminent, Pr-Mn-Nt Pre-em'inently, Pr 2 -Mn- Nt-L Pre-emp'tion, Pr*-Mshn PRE Preen, Prn 3 , Prnd 3 , Pnrt NO Pre-engage', Pr 2 -N-G-J, Pr 2 -N-G-Jd, Pr a -N-G-J- NG Pre-engage'ment, Pr 2 - N-G-J-Mnt Pre-establish, PrMSti- Bl-SH [i8t>-B] Pre-estab'listunent, [Pr* ISti-B-Mnt] Pre-exist', PrS-Kss-T Pre-exist'ence, PrS-Kss- Tns Pre-exist'ent, Pr 3 -Kss- Tnt Preface, Pr 2 -Fs, Pr 2 -F8t, PrS-Fs-NG Pref acer, Pr*-Fs-B Prefatory, Pr 2 -F-T-fl Pre'fect, Prf^-Kt Pre'fectship, Prfs-Kt-SH (-P) Prefecture, Prf3-Ktr Prefer', Prf2-K, Prf 2 -Bd, Prf---NG Pref erable-y, PrfS-K-Bl Pref erableness, Prfs-fi- Bl N8 [IBs] Preference, Prf 2 -J?ns Preferen'tial, Prf--S-N- SH1 [-tfn] Prefer'ment, Prf 2 -B-Mnt Preferred', Prf 2 -.Rd Prefer'rer, PrP-K-R Preflgura'tion, Pr 2 - F - Grshn Preflg'urative, Pr 3 - F - Grt-V Prefig'ure, Pr 3 -F-Gr, Pr^- F-Grd, Pr a -F-Gr-KG Preflg'urement, Pr 8 -F- Gr-Mnt Pre'flx, Pr 3 -F-Ks, Pr 3 -F- Kst. Pr 3 -F-Ks-NG Pre'fix-sign, Pr^-F-Kss-N Preful'gency, Pr 2 -Fl-J- N-S Pregla'cial, Pr 2 -Gl-8Hl Preg'nable, Pr^-G-N-Bl Preg'nancy, Pr 2 --Nn-S Preg'nant, Pr 2 -G-Nnt Preg'nantly, Pr 2 -G-Nnt- L Prehen'sible, Pr 2 -H-Ns- Bl Prehen'sile, Pr 2 -H-Ns-L Prehen'sion, Pr ! -H-Nskn Prehen'sory, Pr 2 -H-Ns-B Pre-intima'tion, Pr 2 -N- T-Mshn Prejudge', Pr 2 -J-J, Pr 2 -J- J-D. Pr 2 -J-J-NG Prejudge'ment, Pr-J-J- Mnt Preju'dicate, Pr 3 -Jd-Kt Pr3-Jd-K-Td, Pr3-Jd-Kt NG Prejudica'tion, Pr 2 -^ Eshn PRE Preju'dicative, Pr-Jd Kt-V Prej'udice, Pr*-Jd-8, Pr Jd-St, Pr-Jd-8-N0 Prejudicial, Pr-Jd-SHl Prejudi'cially, PiS>-Jd SHI Pre judi'cialness, Pr* Jd-SHl-Ns Prel'acy,Pr2--8 Prel'ate, Pr-Lt Prel'ateship, Pr'-itiSH Prelat'ic, Pri-L-T-K Prelat'ical-ly, Pri-it-Kl Prel'atism, Pr 2 -i-T-zM Prel'atist, Pr*-L-Tst Prelec'tion, Pr 2 -Z-Kshn Prelec'tor, Pr 2 -i-Ktr Preliba'tion, Pr*-i-Bshn Preliminarily, Pr-//-M Nr-L [PrS-i-N-Z] Preliminary, Pr-M Nr [PrS-Z-M] Pre'lude, Pr i-D Prelude', Pr3-Z,-D, Pr-Z- Dd, Pr^-L-D-NG Prelu'sive, Pr 3 -is-V Prelu'sory, Pr*-La-R Premature', Prs-Mt-JR (Pr-Mtr) Prematurely, Pr*-Mt-H Premature'ness, Pr-Mt- fl-Ns Prematu'rity, Pra-Mt-Z2- T Premed'itate, Pr - Md - Tt, Pr2-Hd-T-Td, Pr=- Md-Tt(-) Premed'itately, Pr* Md- Tt-Z Premedita'tion, Pr 2 -Md- Tshn Pre'mier, Pi-s-M-B Pre'miership, Pr3-M-/z- SH-P Premise', Pr 1 - Mz, Pri - Mzd, Pr>-Mz-NG Premise, Pr-Ms Premises, Pr^-Msz Pre'mium, Pr 3 -M-M Premon.lsh, Pr>-Mn-SH, Pr>-Mn SHt, Pr-Mn-SH- NG Premon'ishment, Pr 1 - Mn-8H-Mnt Premoni'tion, Pr 8 - M - Kehn Premonitory. Pri-M-N- 1-R Premuni're. P^-Mn-K Premuni'tion, Pr 3 - M - Nshn Preno'men, Pr-N-Mn Prenomlnate, Pr>-N-M- y-T Prenomina'tion, Pr-N- M-^shn Preno'tion, Pr=-Nslin Pren'tice, Prn'-Ts 207 Preoc'upancy, Pr^-K-Pn- 8 Preocupa'tion, Pr* - K Pshn Preoc'cupy, Pr 1 - K - P, Pr!-K-Pd, Pr^K-P-NO Preordain', r*-R-Dn Preor'dinance, Pr'-fld- Nns Preordina'tion, Pr'-fid- Nshn Prepaid', Pr*-P-D Prepara'tion, Pr 3 - P - Rshu Prepar'ative, Pri-P-Bt-V Prepar'atively, Pr 1 - P ^Jt-v-Z, Preparatory, Pr'-P-fl-T- B Prepare', PrJ-P-B, Pr J -P- Kd. Pri-P-fi-NG Prepar'edness, Pr 1 - P - fld-Ns Prepar'er, Pr'-P-Kr Prepay', Pr*-P, Pr 2 -P-D, Pr^-P-NG Prepay'ment, Pr 2 -P-Mnt Prepense', Pr 2 -Pns Prepol'lence, Pr'-P-Zns Prepol'lency, Pri-P-in-S Prepol'lent, Pr'-P-Z,nt Prepon'derance, Pr 1 - Pn-D-flns Preponderant, Pr>-Pn- D-nt Preponderate, Pr'-Pn- D-fit, PrJ-Pn-D-^-Td, Pr!-Pn-D-fit-NG Prepondera'tion, Pr a Pn-D-fishu Preposi'tion, Fr 3 -fzshn Preposi'tional, Pr'-Pzghn -L Prepositive, Pr^Pz-Tv Preposltor, Pr>-P-zTr Prepossess', Pr-Pss, Pr s - Pss-T, Pr-P88-NG Prepossessing, Pr 2 -Pss- NG Prepossessingly, Pr 8 - Pss-NG-L Preposses'sion, Pr 3 - Psshn Prepossess'or, Pr 8 -P-ssE Prepos'terous, Pr 1 - P - sTrs Prepos'terously, Pr>-P- sTr-sL Prepos'terousness, Pr 1 - P sTrs-Ns Pre'puce, Pt 3 -Pa Prepu'tial, Pr-P-8Hl Prerequire', Pr-^-Kw-B ?re-req.'uisite, Pr a -R- Kwz-T Preresolve', Pr*-R-zL-V Prerogative, PrJ-B-Gt-V Prerog'atively, Pr 1 - R - Qt-V-L Pre'sage, Prs-J PRE Presage', Prs 3 -J, Prs*-Jdi PrsZ-J-NG Presage'ment, Prs 2 - J - Mnt Presag'er, Pr 2 -sJr Pres'byopy, Prs 2 -B-p Pres'byte, Prs-'-Bt Pres'byter, Prz 2 -Btr Presbyte'rial, Prz 3 -B-T- m (-Bt-A:)) Presbyte'rian, Prz^-Bt- Rn Presbyte'rianism, Prz- Bt-fiu-zM Pres'bytery, Prz--Bt-.R Pre'science, PrS-SHns Pre'scient, Pr-SHut Pre'scious, Pr 3 -SHs Prescribe', Prs 1 - Kr - B, Prs'-Kr-Bd, Prsi-Kr-B- NG [Pr ! -sK-B. etc.) Note In words of the class of Prescribe it is gen- erally allowable to omit the medial r. Prescrib'er, Pr'-sK-Br Pre'script, Pr^-sK-Pt Prescriptlble, Pr 3 -sK-Pt- Bl Prescrip'tion, Pr 3 -sK- Pshn Prescriptive, PrS-sK-Pt- V Pres'enee, Prz 2 -Ns Pres'ence-chamber, Prz2-Ns-CH-M-Br [-CH- Brj Pres'ence-room, Prz 2 - Ns-K-M Presensa'tion, Prs 8 - tUtishn Pres'ent, Prz-Nt Present', Prz-Nt, Prz-N- Td, Prz2-Nt-NG Present'able, Prz 2 -Nt-Bl Presenta'tion, Prz 2 - N - Tshn Present'ative, Prz*-Nt- TV Presentee', Prz=-N-T Present'er, Prz 2 -Ntr Presen'tient, Pre a - N - SHnt Presentiment, Prs^N- T-Mrit Pres'ently, Prz-Nt-L Present'ment, Prz 2 -Nt- Mnt Pres'entness, Prz 2 -Nt-Ns Preserv'able, Pr 2 -zfl-V- Bl Preserva'tion, Pr 2 - zR - Vshn Preservative, Pr - zR vt-v Preserv'atory, Pr 2 -zfi-V- T-fi Preserve', Pri-zRv, Pr zRvd. PrS-zKv(-) Preserver, Pr*-zRv-R PRE 208 Preside', Przi-D, Prz'-Dd, Pret'erite, Prtr*-T Przi-D-NG Preteri'tion, PrS-Trshn Presidency, Prz*-Dn-8 j Pretermis'sion, Pr-Tr- Presldent, Prz*-Dnt I Mshn PRI Pride, Pr^D. Pri-Dd, Pi*. D-NG (Prd>, Pr^Dd, Prd(-)i) Pried, : Presidentship, Prz - Pretermit', PrS-Tr-Mt, Pri'er, Pr-B Dut SH ( P) Pr^-Tr-M-Td, Pr-Tr- Priest, Prst Presid'er, Pri-zDr Mt(-) Priest'craft, Prs-T-Krft Presidlal, Prs 3 -D-L Preternat'ural-ly, Prt 1 [Prs 3 -Krft] Presid'iary, Prs 3 -D-.R R-m-m Priest'ess, Prs*-Ts Presiding, Przi-D-NG PreterperTect, Pr-Tr- Priest'hood, Prs 3 -T-Hd Presig'nify, Pr-sG-N-F, Prf-Kt [Pr^-sHd] PrS-sG-N-Fd, Pr"-sG-N- Preterplu'perfect, Pr - Priest'-like, Prs-T-/,-K F-NG Tr-Pl-Prf-Kt [Pr^-si-K] Press, Prs, Prst 2 , Prs*- Pretext' or Pre'text, Priest'liness, Pr3-8l,-Nfc NG Pr2or-T-Kst Priest'ly, Pr 3 -si Press'-bed, Prs 2 -Bd Preton'io, Pri-T-N-K Priest'-ridden, Pr 3 - sR Press'er, Pr*-sR Pre'tor, Prtr Dn Press'-gang, Pr 2 -sG-NG Preto'rial, Pr-T-fil Prig, PrS-G, PrS-Gd, Pr- Press'ingly, Prs*-NGl Preto'rian, PT--I-RU G-NG Press'-man, Pr 2 -sMn Pret'tily, Pr-T-Z, Prig'gish, Pr s -G-SH Press'-money, Pr-sM-N Pret'tiness, Pr^-T-Ns Prim, Pr-M. PrS-Md, Pr- Press'ure, Pr 2 -8Hr Pret'ty, PrS-T, Pr^-Tr, Pr- M-NG Press'-work, Pr-sWr-K Tst Pri'macy, Pr'-M-S Prestidigita'tion, Prs*- i Prevail', PrS-V-L, Pr^-V- Pri'ma-donna, Pr 3 - M - Td-J-Tshn Ld. Pr*-V-L-NG D-N Prestidigitator, Prs 3 - Prevail'ing, Pr-V-L-NG Pri'ma facie, Pr^M-F- Td-J-Ttr Prev'alence, PrS-V-Zns SH Pres'tige, Prs-T-J Prevalent, Pi*-V-Lut Pri'mage, Pri-M-j Prestigia'tion, Prs*-T- Prevalently, Pr-V-/;nt- Pri'mal, Pr'-M-L Jshn L Pri'marily, Pr^M-fll Prestig'iator, Pre*-T-Jtr Prevar'icate, Prvi-B-Kt, Pri'mariness, Pr>-M-fi- Pres'to, Pre*-T Prvi-fi-K-Td, Prvi-fi-Kt- Ns Presum'able-y, Pr3-zM- NG Pri'mary, Pri-M-TZ Bl Prevarica'tion, Prv-a. Pri'mate. Pr>-Mt Presume', Pr^-zM, Pr- Kshn Pri'mateship, Pr 1 - Mt - zMd. Pr*.zM-NG Prevar'icator, Prv' - R - SHP [iSH] Presum'er, PrS-zM-K Ktr Prima'tial, Pr-M-SHl Presump'tion, Pr* - Preven'ient, Pr^-Vn-Nt Primat'ical, Pri-Mt-Kl zMshn Prevent, Prvs-Nt, Prv^-N- Prime, PrJ-M, PrJ-Md. Presump'tive, Pr^-zMt- Td, PrvS-Nt-NG Pri-M-NG V Prevent'able, Prv 2 -Nt-Bl Prime'ness, P^-M-Ns Presump'tively, Pr*-zMt Prevent'er, Prv-Ntr Prim'er, Pr^-Mr -\-L Prevention, Prv 2 -Nshn Prim'er, Pr 3 -Mr Presumpt'uous, Pr^-zM- Preven'tional, Prv^ - Prime'val, Pr 3 -M-Vl CHs Nshn-Z, Prim'ing, Pr^M-NO Presumpt'uously, Pr s - Preventive, Prv-Nt-V Primi'tial, Pr-M-SHl zM-CH-si Pre'vious, Pr 3 -Vs Primitive, Pr-Mt-V Presumpt'uousness, Pr= Pre'viously, Pr^-Vs-L Primitively, PrS-Mt-V-/; -zM-CHs-Ns Pre'viousness, Pr'-Vs-Ns Primltiveness, Pra-Mt- Presuppos'al, Prs 2 -Pz-L Previs'ion, Pr-Vzhn V-Ns [iVs] Presuppose', Prs 2 - Pz, Prewarn', Pr'-Wrn, Pr 1 - Prim'ly, Pr 3 -M-i Prs Pzd, Prs^-Pz-NG Wrud. Pr'-Wrn-NG Prim'ness, PrS-M-Ns Presupposi'tion, Prs- - Prey, Pr 2 , Pr 2 -D, Pr*-NG Primoge'nial, Pr^-M-J- Pzshn Prey'er, Pr-'-B Nl Presunnise', Pr'-sB-Mz Pri'apism, Pri-P-zM Primogenitor, Pr - M - Pretence', Pr 2 -Tns Price, Prs 1 , Prsti, Prs 1 - Jntr Pretend', Prs-Tnd. Pr 2 - NG Primogeniture, Pr= - M- Tn-Dd. Pr 2 -Tnd-NG Price'-current, Pr>-sK- J-Ntr Pretend'edly, Pr 2 -Tn- Rnt Primogenltureship, Pr* JDd-L Price'less, P^-sLs -M-J-Ntr-SH-P Pretend'er, Pr* Tndr Price'-list, Pr>-sist Primor'dial. Pr'-M-JZd-L Pretense', Pr 2 -Tus Prick, Pr-K, Pri-Kt, Pr- Prim'rose, Pr3-M-fiz Preten'sion, Pr 2 -T-Nshn K-NG Prince, Prns 3 Preten'sive, Pr 2 -T-Ns-V Prick'er, Pr 3 -Kr Prince'dom, Prns 3 -D-M Preten'tious, Pr*-Tn-8Hs Prick'et, Pr^-Kt Prince'-like, PrnsiZ,-K Preterhu'man, Pr^-Tr-H- Prick'ing, Pra-K-NG [PrS-si-K] Mn Prick'le-y, Pr^-Kl Prince'liness, Prns 3 ;^- PreterimperTect, Pr a - Prick'liness, Pr-Kl-Ns Ns [PrS-si-Ns] Tr-M-Prf-Kt Prick'ly-pear, Pr-Kl-P- Prince'ly, Prns 3 ;/. [Pr* Pret'erit, Prtr*-T B (-Pr) BL] FKl 209 PRO Prin'ce's-mctal, PrnszS Prize'-monev. pr>-zM-N Proc'tor, Fri Rtr iMt-/, Pr z'er, Pr*-Zr Proc'torage, Pr'-Ktr-J Prin'cess, Prn s -Ss Pro, Pr* Procto'rial, Pr--K-T-.Rl Prin'cipal, Pr-Ns-P-L Prob'abilism, Pr-B-Bl- Proc'torship, Pri-Ktr-SH [Pr 3 ] zM (P) Principality, Pr'-Ns-P- Prob'abilist, l^ 1 B-Blst Procum'bent, Pr 2 ;Bnt Z.-T Probability, Pr'-B-Bl-T Procur'able, Pr^-Kr-Bl Prin'ciparcr, p^-Ns-P-L (or-Blt) Proc'uracy, PrJ-Kr.S [Pr 3 ] Prob'able-y, Pri-B-Bl Procura'tibn, Pr2-Krshn Princip'ia, PrS-Ns-P Prin'ciple, (n.) PrS-Ns-P- [P 1 B] Pro'bang, Pr-B-NG Proc'urator, Pri-Krtr Procure', Pr 3 -Kr, Pr'-Krd, L [Pr] Pro'bate, PrS-B-T, Pr*-B Pr 3 -Kr-NG Prin'ciple, (.) PrS-Ns-P- Td. Pr 2 -B-T-NG Procure'ment, Pr 3 -Kr- L, Pra-Ns-P-Ld.PrS-Ns-P- Proba'tion, Pr 2 -Bshn Mnt L-NG Proba'tional, Pr--Bshn-i Procur'er, Pr 3 -Kr-.R Prink, Pr-NG-K, PrS-NG- Proba'tioner, Pr 2 -Bshn Procur'ess, Pr 3 -Kr-S Kt. Pr-NG-K-NG B Prodlgal-ly, p r i - D - Gl Print, Prnt 3 , Prn3-Td. Pro'bative, Pr 2 -B-Tv (Prdl-Gl) Prnt 3 -NG Pro'batpry, Pr 2 -B-T-72 Prodigality, Pr^D-Gl-T Print 'er, Prutr 3 Probe, Pr 2 -B, Pr 2 -B-D (Prcl'-ait) Printing, Prnt-NG Pr 2 -B-NG Prodigious, Prd 3 -Js Printing-ink, Prnt 3 -NG Probity, Pr'-B-T Prodigiously, Prd 3 -J-si NG-K Problem, Pri-Bl-M Prodiglousness, Prd 3 - Printing-press, Prnt 3 Problematic, Pr'-Bi-Mt- Js-Ns NG-Prs K Prodigy, Prdi-J Print'-shop, Prnt-SH-P Problematlcal-ly, Pr 1 - Produce', Pr 3 -Ds, PrS-Dst, Pri'or, Pr!-R Bl-Mt-Kl Pr 3 -Ds-NG Pri'orate, Profit Probos'cides, Pr'-Bs-Dz Prod'uce, P^-Ds Pri'oress. Pr^-Rs Probos'cis, PrJ-Bss Produ'cer, Pr 3 -D-sR Priority, Pr'-fl-T Proced'ure, Pr'-sJr Producibillty, Pr 3 -Ds- Pri'orship, Pri-B-SH-P Proceed', Prs 3 -D, Prs 3 -Dd Bl-T CiSH] Prs 3 -D-NG Produ'cibleness, P^-Ds- Pri'ory, Pri-B Pro'ceeds. Prs 2 -Dz Bl-Ns [iBs] Pris'age, Prz'-J Proceed'er, Pr s -sDr Prod'uct, Pri-D-Kt Prism, Pr 3 -zM Proceeding, Prs 2 -D-NG Produc'tile, Pr^-D-Kt-L Prismatic, Pr>-zMt-K Proc'ess, - res 1 Produc'tion, Pr s -D-Kshn Prismatlcal-ly, Pr'-zMt- Proces'sion, Prsshn* Productive, Pr 2 -D-Kt-V Kl Proces'sional, PrsAn 2 -L Produc'tively, Pr^-D-Kt- Pris'moid, Pr 3 -zM-D Proces'sionary, Prs*An 2 - \-L Pris'on, Prz 3 -N, Prz-Nd, R The SAwn-curl being Produc'tiveness, Pr*-D- Prz'-N-NG continued up so that Ree Kt-V-Ns [!Vs] Pris'on-base, PrzS-N-Bs may be joined at an Pro'em. Pr 2 -M Pris'oner, Prz 3 -Nr angle. Proe'mial, PrS-M-L Pris'on-house, Prz 3 - N - Procldence, Prs^Dns Prof., Prf 1 Hs Proclaim', Pr*-Kl-M, Pr*- Profana'tion, Pr* - F . Pris'tine, Prs 3 -Tn Kl-Md, Pr 2 -Kl-M-NG Nshn. See Prevention. Prith'ee, Pr 3 -DH Proclaim'er, Pr 2 -Kl-Mr Profane', Pr 2 -Fn, Pr 8 - Pri'vacy, Prv'-S Proclama'tion, Prs-Kl- Fnd, Pr 2 -Fn-NG Pri'vate, Pri-Vt Mshn Profanely, Pr*-F-Nl Privateer', Prv 8 T B. Proclivity, Pr-Kl-V-T Profane'ness, Pr* Fn-Ns Prv 3 -T-Rd. Prv-T-fi-NG Procon'sul, Pr'lsi Profan'er, Pr 2 -F-Kr Pri'vately, Pri-Vt- Procon'sular, PrMsi-B Profanity, Prf ] -N-T Pri'vateness, Pr-Vt-Ns Procon'sulate, Pr'!si-T Pro'fert, Pr-Frt Priva'tion, Pr*-Vshn Procon'sulship, Pr 2 !sZr- Profess', Pr 2 -Fs, Pr 2 -Fst, Priv'ative, Pr-Vt-V 8H-P Pr 2 -Fs-NG Priv'atively, Pr-Vt-V-Zi Procras'tinate, Pri-Krs- Profess'edly, Pr 2 -Fs-D-L Priv'et, Pr 3 -Vt T-Nt. Pri-Krs-T-N-Td, Profes'sion, Pr^-Fshn Privilege, Pr-Vl-J, Pr- Pri-Krs-T-Nt-NG Profes'sional-ly, Pr- VI -Jd, Pr3-Vl-J-NG Procrastina'tion, -Pr* - Fshn-Z, [Prv*-J, Prv-Jd, Prv 3 -J- Krs-T-Nshn Profess'or, Pr 2 -Fs-R NG] Prcras'tinator, Pr^Krs- Professo'rial, Pr-Fs-Rl Privileged, Pr-Vl-Jd T-Ntr Profess'orship, Pr 2 -Fs- [Prv 3 -Jd] Pro'creant, Pr*-Kr-Nt R:SH Privily, Pr-Vl Pro'create,Pr*-Kr-T, Pr*- Proffer, Pri-Fr, Pr-Frd, Privity. Prv8-T Kr-Td. Pr-Kr-T-NG Pr 1 Fr-NG Priv'y, Pr 8 -V Procrea'tion, Pr*-Krshn Profl'cience, Pr 3 -F-Sffna Prize, Przi, Przd 1 , Prz'- Pro'creative, Pr*-Kr-Tv Profl'ciency. Pr-Fshn-8 NG ?ro'creator, Pr*-Krtr Profl'cient, Pr-Fshnt Prize'-fight, Przi-Ft Procrus'tean, Pr-Krs- Pro'flle, Pr* F-L, Pr*-F- Prize'-flghter, Przi-Ftr Tn Ld, Pr-F-L-NO PRO 210 PRO Pro'filist, Pr-F-st Prolap'sus, P^-i-Psa Prompt, (a.) Pr'-Mt, Pr- Profit, Pri-Ft, Pri-F-Td, Prolate, ?r*-Lt Mtr, Pr'-M-Tst Pri-Ft-NG Prola'tion, Pr*-//shn Prompt, (o.) Pr'-Mt. Pri- Profitable-y, Pr'-Ft-Bl Pro'leg, Pr*-i-G M-Td, Pri-Mt(-) [Prfti-B] Prolegom'ena, Pi l -L-Q Prompt'er, Pri-Mtr Profitableness, Pr l -Ft- M N Promptitude, Pr'-Mt-Td Bl-Ns [PrftiiBs] Prolep'sis, Pr*--Pss Promptly, Pr ! Mt-Z, Prof itless, Pri Ft-is Prolep'tic, Pr*-Z,-Pt-K Prompt'ness, Pri Mt-Ns Profligacy, Pri-Fl-G-S Prolep'tical-ly, Pr-Z,-Pt Promul'gate, Pr Ml-Gt Profligate, Pri-Fl-G-T El Pr- Ml-GjTd, Pi-2-Ml-Gt- Profligately, Pri-Fl-G- Proletaire', Pr*-i-T-K NG 1-L Proletarian, Pr^-L-l-Rn Promulga'tion, Pr 2 -Ml- Prof luent. Pri-Fl-Nt Prol'icide, Pr>-is-D Gshu Pro' forma, Pr'-F-B-M Proliferous, Pr-Z-Frs Pro'mulgator, Pr*-Ml- Profound', Pr'-Fnd Prolific, Pr 3 -i-F-K Gtr Profoundly, Pr 1 Fnd-Z. Prolifical-ly, Pr-Z<-F- Promulge', Pr^-M-Z-J Profoundness, Pr'-Fnd- El Pr M-i-Jd, Pr 2 -M-.-J- Ns Proliflca'tion, Pr s -Z.-F- NG Profun'dity, PrP-Nd-T Eshn Promul'ger, Pr 2 -Ml-Jr Profuse', Pri-Fs Prolif icness, Pr8-li-F-K- Prona'tion, Pr2-Nshn Profuse'ly, Prs-Fs-L Ns Prona'tor, Pr^-Ntr Profuse'ness, Pr*-Fs-Ks Prolix', Pr-Z-Ks Prone, Pra 2 Profu'sion, PrS-Fzhn Prolixity, PrS-L-Ks-T Pronely, Pr 2 -Nl Prog, Pr 1 G Prolixly, Pr3-i-K-sL Prone'ness, Pm 2 -Ns Progenitor, Pr 2 -Jntr Prolix'ness, Pr8-Z,-E8-Ns Prong', Pr'-NG Progen'iture, Pr 2 -J-Ntr Proloc'utor, Pri-/,-Etr Pronged, Pri NG-D Prog'eny, Pr'-J-N Proloc'utorship, fi^-L- Pronominal, Pr^N-Bk Progna'thous, Pr 2 -G-N- Ktr-8H-P Nl THs Prologue, Pr*-L-G Pro'noun, Pr 2 -Xn Progno'sis, Pr 2 -G-Nss Prolong', PrJ-i-NG, Pr 1 - Pronounce', Prn'-Ns, Prognos'tio, Pr>-G-Ns-T- /,-NGd. Pr'-Zr-NG-NG Prui-Nst, Pro 1 Xs-NG E Prolongation, Pr-Ln- Pronounce'able. PrnL Prognosticate, Pr'-G- Gshn Ns-Bl Ns-T-Et, Pr>-a-Ns-T-K- Td, Pr'-G-Ns-T-Et-NG Prolong'er, Pri-i-NGr Prolu'sion, Pr^-Zzhn Pronounced', Prn^Nst Pronoun'cer, Prni-Ns-B Prognostica'tion, Pr-G- Promenade', Pr^or'-M-N- Pronoun'cing, Prn>-Ns- Ns-T-Eshn D, Pr^ori-M-N-Dd, Pr*ori- NG Prognos'ticator, Pr*-G- M-N-D-NG Pronunciamen'to, Pm 2 - Ns-T-Ktr Prome'thean, Pr 3 M - N-8-Mn-T Pro'gram, Pr*-Gr-M THn Pronunciamien'to, Prn 8 - Pro'gramme, Pr*-Gr-M Prominence, Pr 1 - Mn - N-TH-M-N-T Prog'ress, (n.) Pr^Grs Ns Pronuncia'tion, Prn-N- Progress', (v.) Pr*-Grs, Prominency, Pri-Mn-N- SHshn Pr-Grst. Pr-Grs-NG S Pronun'ciative, Prn^N- Progres'sion, Pr^-Grshn Prominent, Pri-Mn-Nt 8Ht-V Progres'sional, Pr* - Prominently, Pr'-Mn- Proof, Prfs Grshn-L Nt-L Proof less, Prf 3 -Zs Progressive, Pr 2 -Grs-V Promis'cuous, Pr 3 -Ms- Proof -press, Prs-F-Prs Progressively, Pra-Grs- Ks Proof-sheet, l'rf-SHt V-L Promis'cuously, Pr 3 -Ms- Prop, Pr'-P, Pr!-P-T, Pri- Progress! veness, Pr* - E-sL P-NG Grs-V-Ns [iVs] Prohibit, Pr-B-T, PrS-B- Promis'cuousness, Pr 3 - Ms Ks-Ns Prop'agable, Pr'-P-G-Bl Propagan'da, Pr J -P-Gn- Td. Pr3-B-T-NG Promise, Pr^Ms, Pr 1 - D Prohiblter, Pr^-Btr Mst, Pr'-Ms-NG Propagan'dism, Pr 1 - P - Prohibi'tion, Pr 3 -Bshn Promisee', Pr^-M-S Gn-D-zM Prohibi'tionist, Pr 3 - Promlser, Pr l -Ms-R Propagandist, Pr 1 - P - Bshu -St Promising, Pr^Ms-NG Gnd-St Prohibitive, Pr 3 -B-Tv Promisingly, Pr 1 - Ms - Prop'agate, Pr'-P-Gt, Pr 1 - Prohibitory, Pr^-B-T-fi NG-L P-G-Td, Pri-P-Gt-NG Project', Pr^-J-Kt Promlsory, Pr'-Ms-B Propaga'tion, Pr 2 -P-Gshn ProVect, Pri-J-Kt Promlsory note, Pr 1 - Prop'agator, Pr^P-Gtr Projectile, Pr J-Kt-L Ms--Nt Propel', Pr 2 -P-L, Pr*-P- Proiec'tion, Pr*-J-Kshn Proiect'or, Pr-J-Ktr Proiect'ure, Pr^-J-K-CHr Prom'ontory, Pr-Mn-T- R Promote', Pr-Mt, Pr a -M- Ld, Pr8-P-L-NG Propeller, Pr 2 -P-i-R Propend'ency, Pr-Pn- Projet', Pr-ZH Td. PrS-Mt(-) Dn S Prolapse', Pr'-L Ps Promot'er, Pr*-Mtr Prepense', Pr 2 -Pns Prolapsed', fr l -L-Pst Prolap'sion, Pr>-i-Pshn Promo'tion, Pr 2 -Msh.n Promo'tive, Pr^Mt-V Propense'ness, Pr 2 -Pn Ni PRO 211 PRO Propen'sion, Pr-P-Nsh Propose', Pr 2 -Pz, Pr s - Prosopopoe'ia, Prs'-P-P- Propen'sity, Pr 2 -P-Ns-T Pzd, Pr-Pz-NG Y Prop'er, Pr!-Pr Propos'er, Pr a -P-Zr Pros'pect, Prsi-P-Kt, Prs 1 Properly, Pr'-Pr-Ji Proposi'tion, Pi^-Pzshn -P-K-Td. Prs'-P-Kt-NG Prop'erness, Pr^Pr-Ns Proposi'tional, Pr^ - Prospec'tion, Prs 2 - P- Property, Pr l -P-R-T Pzshn-it Kshn Prop'erty- man, Pri-P Propound', Pr 1 - Pn - D, Prospect'ive, Prs 2 -p-Et- BT-Mn Pr'-Pn-Dd. Pr l -Pn-D-NG V Proph'ecy, Prfi-S Prophesier, Prfi-S-R Propound'er, Pr^Pn-D- R Prospect'ively, Prs^-p- Kt-V L Proph'esy, Prf'-S, Pri-Fs Proprietary, Pr'-Pr-T-R Prospec'tus, Prs^-P-K-Ts D, Prfi-S-NG Proprietor, Pr>-Prtr Pros'per, Pri-sPr, Pr 1 - Proph'et, Pr'-Ft Proprietorship, Pr 1 - sPrd. Pr'-sPr-NCi Prophetess, Pr'-F-Ts Prtr-SH-P Prosper'ity, Pi-2-sPr-T Prophet'ic, Pr-F-T-E Proprietress, Pri-Pr-Trs Prosperous, Pr'-sPrs Prophet'ical-ly, Pr 2 -Ft Propriety, Pr J -Pr-X Prosperously, Pr 1 sPr- El Props, Pi^-Ps sL Prophet'icalness, Pr* Propugn', Pr8-Pn Pros'perousness, Pr 1 - Ft-El-Ns Propugn'er, Pr 3 -P-Nr sPrs-Ns Proph'et-like, Pt l -Ft-L Propul'sion, Pr 2 -P-Lshn Pros'tate, Prs'-Tt E Propul'sive, Pr 2 -P-is-V Pros'thesis, Prs^THss Prophylac'tic, Pj^-F-L Prop'ylon, Pri P-Lu Pros'titute, Prs'-T-Tt, E-T-E Pro ra'ta, Pr'or 2 fi-T Prsi-T-T-Td, Prs'-T-T-T- Prophylac'tical. Pr*-F Prorate', Pr^-Rt, Pr*-R- NG [Prsi-Tt, PrsJ-T'Td, Z--E-T-K1 Td, Pr 2 -fit-NG PrsJ-TtCJl Prophylax'is, Pri-F-i Proroga'tion, Pr - R Prostitu'tion, Prs3 - T - Ess Gshn Tshn [Prs 3 -Tshn] Propin'quity, Pr-P-NG Prorogue', Pr*-R-Q, Pr 2 - Pros'titutor, Prs'-T-Ttr Ew-T R-Gd, Pr 2 -R-G-NG Pros'trate, Pr'-sTrt, Pri- Propi'tiable, Pr*-P-SH Prorup'tion, Pr 2 -R-Pshn sTr-Td, Pr'-sTrtC) Bl Prosa'ic, Pr 2 -zE Prostra'tion, Pr 2 -sTrshn Propi'tiate, PI&-P-SH-T Prosa'ical, P^-zE-L Pro'style, Prs^-T-L Propitia'tion, Pr* - P - Prosa'ically, Pr*-zK-L Pros'y, Pr 2 -Z, Pr 2 -Zr. Pr- SHshn Pro'saism, Pr 2 -zZ-M Zst Propi'tiator, Pr*-P-SIItr Pro'saist, Pr 2 -zSt Prosyl'logism, PrS-sL-J- Propi'tiatory, PT*-P-SH Prosce'nium, Prs-N-M zM T'R Proscribe', P^-sE-B, Pr 1 - Prot'asis, Pr'-Tss Propi'tious, Pr^-P-Sffa sE-Bd. Pri-sE-B-NG. See Pro'tean, Pr 2 -Tn Propi'tiously, Pr^-P-SHs note under Prescribe. Protect', Prt 2 -Kt, Prt 2 -K- L Proscrib'er, Pr^sE-Br Td, Prt 2 -Kt-NG Propi'tiousness, Pr*-P- Proscrip'tion, Prs - sE Protec'tion, Prt 2 -Eshn SHs-Ns Pshn Protec'tionist, Prt 2 -Kshn Pro'plasm, Pr-Pl-zM Pro'polis, Pr 2 -P-Z,s Proscrip'tive, Pr'-sE-Pt V -St Protective, Prt=-Kt-V Propo'nent, Pr-Pn-Nt Prose, Prz, Prz-D, Prz- Protect'or, Prt 2 Ktr Propor'tion, Pr 2 -P-Rshn, NG Protect'orate, Prt 2 -Ktr-T Pr 2 - P - Rshnd, Pr* - P - Pros'ecutable, Pr'-sEt- Protect'orship, Prt 2 -Etr- Rshn-NG. See Prepara- Bl SH(-P) tion. Pros'ecute, Pr'-sEt, Pri- Protect'ress, Prt 2 E-Trs Propor'tionable-y, Pr- sE-Td, Pri-sEt-NG. See Protege', Pr 2 T-ZH P-Rshn-Bl Persecute. Pro'teine, Pr 2 -Tu Propor'tionableness, Prosecu'tion, Pr'-sEshn. Protest', Pr 2 -Tst, Pr2-Ts- Pr 2 -P-Rshn-Bl-N8 [IBs] See Persecution. Td, Pr 2 -Tst-NG Propor'tional-ly, Pr 2 -P- ?ros'ecutor, Pr^sEtr Pro'test, Pr 2 -Tst Rshn-L Pros'elyte, Pri-sZt, Pr- Protestant, Prts'-Tnt Proportionality, Pr>-P- si-Td, Pr^sLt-NG Protestantism, Prts^- Bshn--T Pros'elytism, Pr>-sZ,-T- Tnt-Z-M [ Tt-zMJ Propor'tionate, Pr* - P - zM Protesta'tion, Pr 2 -Ts- Rshn-T, Pr 2 -P-Rshn-Td. Pros'elytize, Pr l -sL-Tz, Tshn Pr-P-Rshn-T NG [Pr- Pr^-sZi-Tzd Pr^-s^-Tz- Protested, Pr 2 -Ts-Td Pshn-T, Pr 2 -Psha-Td. NG Protester, Pr 2 -Tstr PrS-Pshn-T-NG] Pros'er, Pr*-Zr Prothon'otary, Pri-THn- Propor'tionately, Pr 2 -P- 'ros'ily, Pr 2 Zl t-R Rshn-T-L [Pr 2 Pshn-T] Pros'iness, Pr 2 -Z-Ns Pro'tocol, Pr 2 -T-Kl Propor'tionateness, Pr 8 ?ro-sla'very, Pr*-sZ--Vr Pro'tomartyr, Pr 2 T-Mtr -P-Rshn-T-Ns [Pr 8 -Pshn- 'roso'dial, Pr 2 -D-L Pro'toplast, Pr 2 -T-Plst T-Ns] 'rosod'ical, Prs'-D-El Pro'totype, Prt*-T-P Propor'tionless, Pr-P- J roso'dian, Prs*-Dn Proto'zo, Pr 2 T Z Rshn-I.s 'ros'odist, Prs 1 -Dst Protozo'an, Pr 2 Tz-N Propos'al, Pra-Pz-L Pros'ody, Prs'-D Protozo'ic, Pr-T-sK PRO 212 PUG Protract', Pri-Tr-Kt, Pr>- Provok'ingly, Prv - K Pseu'donym, sDS-N-M Tr-K-Td. Pri-Tr-Kt-NG NGl Pseudon'ymous, sD'-N. Protract'er, Pr^Tr-Ktr Prov'ost, Pr 2 -Vst Ms Protrac'tion, Pr 1 - Tr - Prov'ost-marshal, Pr 2 - Pseu'doscope, sD^-sK-P Kshn V-Mr-SHl Pshaw, SH 1 Protract'ive, Pr-Tr-Kt-V Prov'ostship, Pr^VstiSH Psitta'ceous, sl^-SHa Protraot'or, Pri-Tr-Ktr Prow, Pr 1 Pso'ra, 8.R 2 Protrude', PrS-Trd, Pr 3 - Prow'ess, Pr J -8 Psy'chic, sK^K Tr-Dd, Pr-TrdC) Prowl, Pr-L, Pri-Ld, Pri- Psy'chical, sKi-Kl Protru'sion, Pr 3 -Trzhn L-NG Psychologic, 8K-X>-J-K Protru'sive, Pr3-Trs-V Prowl'er, Pri-Z/-E Psychological, sK-i'-J- Protu'berance, Pr 8 -T Prowling, Pri-L-NG Kl Brns Proximate, Pri-K-sMt Psychol'ogist, sK-/,' Jst Protuberant, Pr 3 T-Brnt Proxlmately, Pri-K-sMt Psychol'ogy, sK-L'-J Protu'berate, PrS-T Brt L Psy'chomancy, gE-Mn- Protu'berated, Pr* T Br Proximity, Pr 3 K-sM-T 8 Td Proximo, Pr^K sM Ptar'migan, Tri-M-Gn Protubera'tion, Pr* T - Proxy, Pr K 8 Pterodac'tyl, Ti-fi-D-Kt- Brshn Prox'yship, Pri-K-S!8H L Proud, Pri-D (Prd'). Pr> Prude, Pr3-D Ptis'an, TzS-N Dr. Pr Dst Pru'dence, Pr 3 Dns Ptolemaic, T^-i-M-K Proudly, Pr^-D-L Prov'able, Pr=-V BI Pru'dent, Pr^-Dnt Pruden'tial, Pr 2 D-N-SH1 Pty'alism, Ti-iz-M Pu'beral, ps-Br-L Prove, Prv 3 . Prvd 3 , Prv- [Pr 2 -Dn] Pu'berty, P-Br T NG Pruden'tially, Pr*-D-N- Pubes'cence, P 2 -Bs-Ns Prov'en, Prv 3 -N SHl LPr 2 -Dn] Pubes'cent, ps-Bs-Nt Prov'ender, Prvi-Ndr Pru'dently, Pr-Dnt-L Public, P 2 -B-L-K [P2-B] Pro'ver, PrS-Vr Prud'ery, PrS-Dr Publican, P 2 -B--Kn Prov'erb, Prvi-/Z-B Proverb'ial, Prv^-fl-B-L Prudish. Pr-D-SH Prudishly, Pr^-D-SHl fP 2 -Bnl Publica'tion, P 2 - B - L - Proverb'ialism, Prv 2 -.R- Prune, Prn*, Prnd 8 , Prn- Kshn [P 2 -Bshn] B-Lz-M NG Publicist, P 2 -B-is-St Proverb'ialist, Prv* - R - Prunel'la, Pr*-N-L (Pr 2 - Publicity, P-B-s-T IB-Lst Nl) Publicly, P 2 -B-/,-Kl [P- Proverb'ialize, Prv-- Prunello, Pr-N-, (Pr 2 B-Klj B-iz Nl) Publish, P-B-L-8H, P 2 - Proverbially, Prv 2 -.R-B- Prun'er, Pr'-N r B-L SH-T, P 2 -B-Z,-SH- L Prunif erous, Pr3-N-F-Hs NG [P 2 -B, P 2 -B1T, P- Provide', Pri-Vd, Pr^V- Prunlng-hook, Prn-NG- BC) Dd, Pr-Vd-NG H-K Publisher, P 2 -B-X-8Hr Provid'ed, Pr>-V-Dd Prun'ing-knife, Prn^-NG [P2-B SHr] Providence, Prvd'-Ns -N-F Publishment, P 2 -B-Z- Provident, Prvd'-Nt Prunlng-shears, Prn- SH-Mnt Providen'tial, Prvd*-N- NG-SH-Ez (or -SHrz) Puce, Ps 3 8H1 Pru'rience, Prt-Rns Pu'ceron, P 3 -sKn Providen'tially, Prvd- Pru'riency, Prs-fln-S Puck'er, P 2 -Kr, P 2 -Krd, N-5//1 Pruriglnous, Pr^-fl-J-Ns P 2 -Kr-NG Providently, Prvdi-Nt-L Pruri'go, Pr 1 -^ G Pud'der, P 2 -Dr Provid'er, Pr!-Vdr Prus'sian, Prshn^or* Pud'ding, PS-D-NG Province, Prvi-Ns Prus'siate, Prs 2 or 3 -T Pud' ding-stone, P 3 -D- Provin'cial, PrvS-N-SHl Prus'sic, Pr 2 or"-sK NGs-Tn Provin'cialism, Prv-N- Prus'sic-acid, Pr 2 or-sKs- Pud'dle, P 2 -D1, P 2 -Dld, SHlz-M D P 2 -D1 NG Provinciality, Prvi-N- Pry, Pri, Pri-D, Pri-NG Pud'dling, P 2 -D1-NG SH IT Psalm, sMi Pud'dly, P 2 Dl Provine', Pr^Vn Psalmist, sMst 1 Pu'dency, pa-Dn-8 Provision, Pr 3 -Vzhn. Pr3 Psalmodlcal, sii-Md-Kl Pudiclty, P 3 -Ds-T -Vzhnd Pr-Vzhn-NG Psal'modist, sLi-M-Dst Pu'erile, P^-Rl Provislonal-ly, Pr 8 - Psal'mody, sL>-M-D Pu'erileness, P 8 -fil-Ns Vzhn-i Psalmo^'rapher, si'-M Puerility, P*-R1-T Provislonary, Pr-Vzlm- Gr-Fr Puer'peral, P 2 R Pr-L R Psalmog'raphy, 8L ! -M- PufiF, PP. Pft2, PfS-NG Provi'so, Pr>-V-Z Gr-F Puff-ball, Pf2-B-L Provi'sor, Pr^-V-Zr Psal'ter, sUr* PufTer, P 2 -Fr Provi'sory, Pr l -Vz-R Psal'tery, sLU-R Puffin, pa-Fn Provoca'tion, Prv 2 -Kshn Pseu'do, sD6 3 PufiTiness, P 2 -F-Ns Provo'cative, Prv^-Kt-V i Pseu'dograph, sD8-Grf PuflTing, Pf 2 -NG Provoke', Prv^-K, Prv^- Pseudog'raphy, sDi-Gr- Puffy, P-F Kt. Prv2-K NG F Pug, ps-G Provok'er, Pr*-V-Kr Pseudol'ogy, eD^-L-3 Pug'-dog, P 2 -G-D-G PUG Pug'-faced, P"-G-Fst Pug'ging, pz-G-NG Pugh, Po" Pu'gil, P'-J-L Pu'gilism, ps-j-iz-M Pu'gilist, pt-J-Lst Pugilistic, PS-J-Ls-T-K Pugna'cious, P 2 -G-N-SH Pugna'ciously, P-G-N 8HB-L Pugnacity, Pi-G-Ns-T Pug'-nose, PS-G-NZ Pufs'ne, P 3 -N Puissance or Puis'- sance, Ps s -Ns Puissant or Puis'sant Ps s -Nt Pulssantly or Puis' santly, Ps 3 -Nnt-L Puke, P S -K, P s -Kt, P*-K- NG Pul'chritude, Pl 2 -Kr-Td Pule, P-L, P 3 -Ld, PS-L NG Pullngly, ps-L-NGl Pull, P 3 -L, ps-Ld, NG PulFback, P'-Z-B-K Pull'er, PS-Z.-R Pullet, P 3 -t Pulley, P 3 - Pul'licat, P 3 --K-T Pullulate, pi-L-Lt Pul'monary, Pl*-M-Nr Pulmonlc, PP-Mn-K Pulp, P 2 --P Pulped, P 2 -i-Pt Pul'pit, P 3 -L-Pt Pul'pit-orator, ps-Z-Pt- Rtr Pulp'ous, P 2 -!,-] Pulp'ousness, P-i-Ps-Ns Pulp'y, P3-L-P Pul'que, P 3 -Z,-1 Pul'sate, P 2 -Z,s-T, P*-s- Td, P 2 -s-T-NG Pul'satile, P 2 -Ls-T-L Pulsa'tion, P*-Lsshn Pul'sative, P^is-Tv Pul'satory, Pulse, P 2 -Ls Pulseless, ] Pulsiflc, P 3 Ls-F-K Pul'sion, P 2 -ishn Pul'verable, P 2 -i-Vr-Bl Pul'verizable, P*-//-Vrz- Bl Pulveriza'tion, P* - L - \rzskn Pul'verize, P*-Z-Vrz, P*- i-Vrzd, P 2 -L-Vrz-NG Pulver'ulence, P*-i-Vr- Lna Pulver'ulent, P-Z-Vr- Lnt Pumice, P 2 -Ms Pumi'ceous, P s -M-8Hs Pum'mace, P 2 -Ms Pum'mel, P 2 -M1. See Pommel, I 213 PUR Pump, P-M-P, P*-Mt P* - Pu'pa, P 3 P M-P-NG Pupe, P 3 P Pump'-brake, P*-M-P Pu'pil, ps PI Br K Pump'-dale, P 2 -M-P-D-I Pump'er, P-M-Pr Pu'pillage, P 3 -Pl-J Pu'pillary, P 3 -Pl-fi Pup'pet, P S -P-T Pump'-gear, P 2 -M-P-Gr Pump'kin, P 2 -M-Kn Pup'pet-show, P 2 -P-T- SH Pun, Pn, Pnd 2 , Pn 2 -NG Pup'py, P2-P Punch, P 2 -N-CH, P 2 -N- Pup'pyism, P 2 -P-zM CHt. P*-N-CH-NG Pur. P2-H. 1'2-Rd. P 2 -ff-NG Punch'-bowl, P-N-CH- Puran'a, P'-fl N B-L Puranlc, P'-/en-K Punch'eon, P 2 -N-CHn Pur'blind, Pr 2 -Blnd Punch'er, P 2 -N-CHr Pur'blindness, Pr 2 -Blnd- Punch'-essence, P 2 - N Ns CH-Sns Pur'chase, Pr z -CHs, Pr 2 Punchinello, P 2 -N-CH CHst. Pr^-CHs-NG Nl Pur'chaser, Pr 2 -CH-sR Punch'y, P 2 -N-CH Pure, P 3 -fl, P 3 -R-R, P 3 - Punc'tate, P"-NG-Tt Kst. See Poor, etc. Punc'tated, P 2 -NG-T-Td Purely, P 3 -/ei. See Poor- Punc'tiform, P 2 -NG-T ly. Fr-M Pure'ness, P 3 -fi-Ns See Punctilio, P 3 -NG-T-i Poorness. Punctilious, P 3 -NG-T Pur'fle, Pr'-Fl La Pur'flew, Pr 2 -Fl Punctiliously, P 3 -NG Purga'tion, Pr 2 -Gshn T-Ls-L Pur'gative, Pr 2 -Gt-V Punctiliousness, P'-NG Purgato'rial, Pr 2 -G-T-fll T-Zs-Ns Purgato'rian, Pr 2 - G - T Punc'to, P-NG-T Rn Punct'ual, P 2 -NG-CH-L Pur'gatory, Pr 2 -G-T-ff Punctuality, P>-NG-CH Purge, P*-R-J, P*-R-ja, L-'S P 2 -K-J-NG Punctually, P 2 -NG-CH Pur'ger, P*-R-Jr L Puriflca'tion, P 2 - R - F - Punct'uate, P 2 -NG-CHt Kshn P'-NG-CH-Td, P 2 - NG Pu'riflcative, P 3 -fl-F-K- CHt-NG Tv Punctua'tion, P*-NG Purificatory, P 3 --F-K- CHshn T-R Punct'uist, P*-NG-CHst Pu'rifler, P 3 -7?-F-R Punct'ure, P 2 -NGtr, P 2 - Pu'rify, P 3 R-F, P 3 -^-Fd, NG-CHrd. P 2 -NGtr-NG P 3 fl-F-NG Pun'dit, Pns-Dt Pu'riform, P 3 -K-F-R-M Pung, P 2 -NG Pu'rim.P 3 -R-M Pun'gency, P-N-Jn-S Purism, P 3 /J-zM Pun'gent, P a -N-Jnt Purist, P 3 Kst Pun'gently, P 2 -N-Jnt-L Pu'ritan, P 3 -R-Tn Pu'nfc, P 3 -N-K Puritanic, P'-TJ-T-N-K Pu'niness, P 3 -N-Ns Puritanlcal-ly, P'-K-T- Punish, Pn 2 -SH, Pn 2 -SHt, N-K1 Pn*-SH-NG Pu'ritanism, P 3 --T-Nz- Punishable, Pn 2 SH-B1 M [-T-zM] J unlsher, Pn*-SH-R Pu'ritanize, P 3 -B-T-Nz, Punishment, Pn 2 - 8H - P8-fi-T-Nzd, P 3 -fl-T-Nz- Mnt NG 'u'nitive, P'-N-Tv Purl, P2-.R1, P 2 -Kld, P*-R1- Pu'nitory, P 3 -N-T- NG Punk, P 2 -NG-K Purlieu, P 2 -fil 'un'ka, P 2 -NG-K Purlin, P 2 -Kln Pun'ner, P-Nr Purline, P 2 -Kln 'un'ning, Pn-NG Purling, P 2 -1-NG Pun'ster, Pnstr* Purloin', Pr'-Z,n, Pr'-Znd, Punt, Pnt* Pri-Ln-NG Pu'ny, P 3 -N, P-N-R, P 3 - 'urloin'er, Pr'-i-Nr Nst Pur'ple, Pr 2 -Pl, P^Pld, Pup, P 2 P, P*-P-T, P P- Pr 2 Pl-NG NG Pur'plish, Pr 2 -Pl-SH PUR Pur'port, Pr*-Prt, Pr*-Pr- Td. P* Prt(-) Purpose, P*-B-Ps, P*-fl- Pst, P* .R-Ps-NG Par'poseless, P s R-P-sLs Pur'posely, P*-R-P-sL Pur'pure, P*-R-Pr "Purr, P-R Purse, ps-Rs, P*-Rst, P* tfsNG Purse'-net, P'-Ks-Nt Purse'-pride, P J -Rs-Prd Purse'-proud, P 2 -Rs-Prd Purs'er, P* Rs-R Purslness, P*-.R-S-Ns Purs'lain, P*-Rs-Zn Purs'lane, P 2 -Rs-Zn Pursu'able, P 3 -R S-B1 Pursu'ance, P'-Rs-Ns Pursu'ant, P'-Rs-Nt Pursue', P 3 JZ 8, P'-s-D P 3 -fl-S-NG Pursu'er, P 3 /J-S-R Pursuit', P 3 -#s-T Pur'suivant, Pr^sW-Vnt Purs'y, P' R-S Pur'tenance, P* tft-Nns Pu'rulence, P 3 -/Jlns Pu'rulency, P 3 -Kln-S Pu'rulent, P 3 -fflnt Purvey', pt-R-\, P-fl-Vd P S -.R-V-NG Purveyance, ps-B-Vns Purvey'or, P2-.R-V-R Pur'view, P 3 -R-V Pus, Ps* Pu'syism, P 3 -Sz-M Pu'seyite, P 3 -S-T Push, P 3 -SH, pS-SHt, P 3 8H-N& Push'er, P 3 -SHr Push'pin, P 3 -8H-Pn Pusillanim'ty, P 3 sLn M-T Pusillan'imous, pi Ms Pusillan'imously, pi - sin-Ms-i Puss, Ps Pus'siness, P*-S-Ns Puss'y, P 3 S Pus'sy, P2-8 Pust'ulate, Ps-T-Zt Pust'ule, Ps-T-L Pust'ulous, Ps-T-s Put, Pf. Ptc) 3 Put (put). Pt* Pu'tative, Pt 3 -Tv Pu'tid, P 3 -Td Putlog, Pt 3 --G Put'-oflf, Pt-F Putred'inous, P*-Tr-D- Ns Putrefac'tion, P> - Trf - Kshn Putrefao'tive, P-Trf-Kt- V Pu'trefy, P 3 -Tr-F, P 3 -Trf- D. P 3 -Trf-NG Putres'cence, P*-Trs-Ns 214 Putres'cent, P a -Trs-Nt Putres'cible, P'-Trs-Bl Pu'trid, P 3 -Trd Putrid'ity, P 3 -Tr-D-T Pu'tridness, P 3 -Trd-Ns Put'ter, Ptr, Ptrd, Ptr- NG Put'tock, ps-T-K Put'ty, P-T, P-Td, P-T- NG Puz'zle, pz-Zl, P*-Zld, PS- Zl-NG Puz'zler, P*-Z1-R Pyse'mia, P 3 -M Pye, P' Py'garg, P'-Gr-G Pygme'an, P 3 -G-Mn Pyg'my, P 3 -G-M Pylor'ic, P'-L R-K Pylo'rus, P*-L-Rs Pyr'amid, P 3 R-Md (Pi 3 - Mdj Pyram'idal, P'-R-Md-Z (Pr 1 Md-i) Pyramid'ic, P 3 -R-Md-K (Pr-Md-K) Pyramid'ical, P 3 -R-Md Kl (Pr-Md-Kl; Pyre, P' R Pyretol'ogy, P'-Kt-Z-J Pyr'iform, P 3 -fi-F-R-M Pyri'tes, P'-K-Tz Pyrit'ic, P 3 -Bt-K Pyrit'ical, P 3 -jRt-Kl Pyr'itous, P 3 -R-1s Pyrolig'neous, P'-fi-Z G-Ns Pyrolig'nic, P 3 -fi-Z-G-N- K Pyrol'ogist, P'-Bl-Jst Pyrol'ogy, P'-tfl-J Pyr'omancy, P 3 -R-Mn-S Pyroman'tic, P'-R-Mnt- K Pyrom'eter, P'-R-Mtr Pyroph orus, pi-JJ-F- Pyr'oscope, P*-fis-K-P Pyrotech'nic, P s -fi-T-K- N-K Pyrotech'nical, P-fi-T- K-N-K1 Pyrotech'nics, P-jB-T- K-N-Ks Pyrotech'nist, P*-R-T- K-Nst Py'rotechny, P 8 -.R-T-K- N Pyr'oxene, P 3 --Ks-N Pyr'rhic, P 3 -R-K Pyr'rhonism, P 3 -R-Nz-M Pyr'rhonist, P 3 -fi-Nst QUA Q. Pythago'rean, P - TH - Gr-N Pythag'orism, P-TH-Gr- zM Pyth'ian, P 3 -THn Pyth'oness, P 3 -TH-Ns Python'ic, P-THn-K Pyx, P 3 -Ks Pyx'is, pa-Kss Q, the seventeenth letter of the Alphabet, like c, is a superfluous letter, as it has no sound of its own, but is sounded invariably like Kay. It is always followed by M, aud the two letters, except in a few words in which the u is silent, have the sound of kw, as heard in queen, quai\, ^wick. etc. The phonograph Kway (Kay with w-hook) is the proper sign for qu. Quab, Kw-B 1 Quack, Kw'-K, Kw-K-T 1 , Kwi-K-NG Quack'ery, Kw'-Kr Quacklsh, Kw-K-SH' Quad, Kw-D 1 (Kwd 1 ) Quadragesima, Kw-Dr*- J-sM Quadragesimal, Kw - Dr2-J-sM-Z Quad'rangle, Kw - Dr 1 - NG-G1 Quadran'gular, Kw-Dr 1 - NG-G1-R uad'rant, Kw-DrnU uadrant'al, Kw-Drnt'-L uad'rat, Kw-Drt 1 Quad'rate, Kw-Drti, Kw- Dr'-Td, Kw-Drt(-) 1 Quadratic, Kw-Drti-K Quadrature, Kw-Drtr* Quadren'nial-ly, Kw- Quadrien'nial, Kw-Dr 1 - N-L Quadrilat'eral, Kw-Dr 1 - Ztr-L Quadrille', Kw-Dr 3 -!, or K-Dr 3 -L 8,aadrilllon, Kw-DrS-Zn Quadrino'mial, Kw-Dr- N-M1 Quadrip'artite, Kw-Dr 3 - Pr-Tt Quad'rireme, Kw-Dr'-R- M Quadrisyllable, Kw-Dr 3 -sZ-Bl iuad'rivalve, Kw-Dr 1 - Vl-V Quadroon', Kw-Drn 3 Quad'rumane, Kw-Dr>- Mn Quadru'manous, Kw- Quad'ruped, Kw-Dr'-Pd Quad'ruple, Kw - Dri - PI, Kw-Dri-Pld, Kw-Dr>-Pl- NG QUA 215 Siuadru'plicate, Kw-Dr* Quarter, Kw-fltr 1 , Kw Pl-Kt, Kw-Dr-Pl-K-Td .Rtrd 1 Kw-^Ztr'-NC Kw-Dr-Pl-Kt-NG [Kwtr'i, Kwtrd 1 , Kwtr'- Quadruplica'tion, Kw NG] Dr 2 -Pl-Kshn luse're, Kw-B. See Query Quarterage, Kw-Rtr l -J [Kwtr-J 1 ] etc. Quarter-day, Kw - .Rtr 1 - &uaff, Kwf 1 , Kwft 1 , Kwf - D [Kwtri-D] NG QuafFer, Kw-Fr> Quarter-deck, Kw-fitr 1 - D-K [Kwtr'-D-K] Quag, Kw>-G Quarter-foil, Kw-Btr 1 - Quag'ga, Kw*-G F-L [Kwtr^F-L] Quag'gy, Kw'-G Quartering, Kw-Btr^NG tuag'mire, Kw'-G- Mr [Kwtr^NG] ua'haug, Kwi-H-G Quarterly, Kw - fitr 1 - L uail, Kw-L 2 , Kw-Ld*, [Kwtr-i 1 ] Kw-L 2 -NG Quarter-master, Kw - Quaint, Kwnt* .Rti^-Mstr [Kwt^-Mstr Quaintly, Kwnt-i* Quaint'ness, Kwnt 2 -Ns Quarter - master - gen - eral, Kw-tftri-Mstr-Ju Quake, Kw 2 -K, Kw-K-T 2 , [Kwtri-Ms-Jn] Kw2-K-NG Quar'tern, Kw-^-Trn Quak'er, Kw^-Kr Quar'ter-round, Kw - Quak'er-gun, Kw 2 -Kr- Rtr l -Rnd. Gn Quarters, Kw - .Rtrz 1 Quak'erish, Kw-Kr-SH* Quak'erism, Kw 2 -Kr-zM Qual'iflable, Kw-Z-i-F-Bl [Kw-Fi-Bl] [Kwtrzi] Quarter-sessions, Kw- fitrs-SHnz 1 rKwtrssftnz 1 ] Quarter-staff, Kw-fitrs 1 - Qualifica'tion, Kw-*-F- Tf [Kwtrs^Tf] Kshn [Kw-F 2 -Kshn] fuartette', Kw-K2-Tt Qualified, Kw-,i-Fd uartile, Kw-jKti-L [Kw-Fd 1 ] uarto, Rvr-Ri-T Qual'iner, Kw-L-F-B [Kw-F'-B] Quartz, Kw-fitz 1 Quartzif erous, Kw-Stz 8 - Qualify, Kw-Li-F, Kw- F Ra L I -FA, KW-Z,-F.NG tKw. Quartzose', Kw-Bt^-sS F 1 , Kw-Fd 1 , Kw-F-NGJ Quartz'ous, Kw-fiti-sS Qualitative, Kw-i'-T-Tv Quartz'y, Kw-Bti-S [Kw-T^Tv] Quash, Kw-SH 1 , Kw-SHt 1 , Quality, Kw-Z-T [Kw- Kw-SHi-NG T^l 3,ua'si, Kw-S^r 1 Qualm, Kw'-M Quass, K\vsi Qualm'ish, Kw-M-SH 1 Qualm'ishly, Kw-M-&Hl' Quassa'tion, KwssAn z ^.uas'sia, Kw-SH 1 Quan'dary, Kwnd-K 1 Quantitative, Kwnt-T 1 - Qua'ter-cousin, Ktr 2 -Kz- N Tv Quaternary, Kw-T^-Nr Quan'titive, Kwnt-Tv 1 Quan'titively, Kwnt-T 1 - Quaternion, Kw-Tr-Nn iua'teron, Kwtr'-N VI 4uat'rain, Kwt-fin 1 Quan'tity, Kwnt-T 1 Qua'ver, Kwv-B 2 , Kwv- Quan'tum, Kwnt^M Rd%, Kwv-J^ 2 -NG Quar'antine, Kw-Bnt-N Quay (ke), K 8 Quarantined, Kw-fint 1 - Stuay'age (ku-), K-J' Nd Jueach'y, Kw-CH Quarrel, Kw-Bl 1 , Kw- Juean, Kwn 8 fild 1 , Kw-KP-NG iuea'siness, Kw-ZS-Ns Quar'reler, Kw-RV-R Juea'sy, Kw-Z Quarrelsome, Kw-Bl 1 - j,ueen, Kwn 8 sM Queen'-consort, Kwn' Quar'relsomely, Kw-Kl 1 - sM-Z, isRt Queen'-dowager, Kwn 8 - Quarrelsomeness, Kw- D-Jr Queen'-mother, Kwn- Quar'ry, Kw-fi 1 , Kw-Kd 1 , Mdhr Queen'-regent, Kwn 8 -B- uar'rying, Kw-^-NG Jnt uart, Kw-fit 1 uar'tan, Kw-B^Tn Queen'-regnant, Kwn- QUI Queen's'-bench. Kw'-Xz -li-N-CII Queen's'-metal. Kwnz- Mt-i Queen'-post, Kwn'-Pst Queen'like, Kwn-L^-iv Queenly, Kw 3 -M Queer, K\v-R3, Kw-KrS, Queer'ish, Queerly, Kw-721* Queerness, KW-/JS-XB Quell, Kw-L 2 , Kw-Ld r , Kw-L 2 -NG Quell'er, K\v-r 2 Quelque'-chose, Kl - K SHz 2 Quench, Kw-N-CH 2 . KW- N-CHts, Kw-N-CH z -XG Quench'able, Kw-N-CH 2 - Bl Quench'er, Kw-N-CHr Quenchless, Kw-N-CH 2 - La Quer'citron, Kw-R J -sTrn Quer'cua, Kw-li^-Ks Querimo'nious, Kw-B- M-Nfl Querimo'niously, Kw- R2-M-Ns-L Querimo'niousness, Kw-R 2 -M-Ns-Ns Que'rist, Kw-flst 3 Querl, Kw-fil 2 queried, Kw-Rld 2 Querpo, Kw-^ "!,uer'ulous. K iuer'ulously, L Quer'ulousness, Kw-R 2 - Ls-Ns Que'ry, Kw-7J 3 , Kw-yed', Kw-.R 3 -NG Juest, Kwst 2 Ques'tion, Kws - CHn 2 , Kws-CHnd2, Kws-CHn 2 - NG [Kw2, Kw2;D.KwC) 2 ] Ques'tionable-y, Kwa - CH 2 -N-B1 [Kw-B12j iues'tioner, Kws-CH 2 -Nr [Kw2;R] Ques'tionist, Kws-CH2. Nst Ques'tionless, Kws-CH- Nls tues'tor, Kwstr' iues'torship, Kwstr 2 : SH iueue, K 3 |,uib, Kw-B ^uib'ble, Kw - Bl s , Kw - Bid 3 , Kw-Bl 3 -NG Quib'bler, Kw-Bl 3 -B Quick, Kw 8 -K, Kw'-Kr, Kw-Kst Quick'en, Kw'-Kn, Kw K-Nd, Kw 3 -Kn-NG Juick'ener, Kw 3 -K-Nr "iuick'-lime, Kw^-K-i-M iuiokly, Kw 8 -Kl QUI 216 Q,uick'-match, Kw 3 -K- 1 Quin'tal, Kw-Nt-L* M-CH Quint'an, Kwnts-N uick'ness, Kw 3 -K-Ns i Quintes'sence, Kwnt - uick'sand', Kw 3 -Ks-Nd 8ns* Quick'-scented, Kw 3 -Ks- Quintessen'tial, Kwnt - N-Td 82-N-SH1 Quick'set, Kw-Ks-T 3 Quintette', Kwn-Tt Quick'-sighted, Kw 3 -Ks- Quintet'to, Kwn-T*-T Td Quint'ile, Kw-Nt-L Quick'-sightedness, Quintill'ion, Kwn-T*-in Kw-Ks-Td-Ns Quin'tuple, Kwn-T3-Pl, Quick'silver, Kw-K-sZ 3 - Kwn-T'-Pld, Kwn-T 3 -Pl- Vr NG uick'step, Kw-Ks-T*-P Quip, Kw-P 3 , Kw-Pt 3 , Kw- uick'- wilted, Kw 3 - K - P 3 -NG wTd Quire, Kw-B> Quid, Kw-D* Quir'ister, Kw-Bstr 1 Quid'dity, Kw-IP-T Quirk, Kw-B*-K Quid'dle, Kw-Dl, Kw- Dld 3 . Kw-Dl 3 -NG Quirked, Kw-B 2 -Kt Quirk'ish, Kw B-K-8H guid'dler, Kw-D13-B Quish, Kw-SH 3 uid'nunc, Kwd-N-NG- Quit, Kwt 3 , Kw-Td 3 , K Kwt 3 -NG Quiesce', Kw-S*, Kw-St, Quitch. Kw-CH 3 Kw-S*-NG Quitch'-grass, Kw-CH 3 - Quies'cence, Kw-Sns* Grs Quies'cency, Kw-Sn*-S Quit'claim, Kwt 3 -Kl-M, Quies'cent, Kw-Snt* Kwt 3 -Kl-Md, Kwt^Kl-M- Qui'et, (o.) Kw-T 1 , Kw- NG Tr 1 , Kw-Tsti Quite, Kwti Qui'et, (V.) Kw-T 1 , Kw- Quit'rent, Kwt-fint 3 Td>, Kw-Ti-NG Quits, Kwts 3 Qui'eter, Kw-Tr 1 uit'tance, Kw-Tns* Qui'etism, Kw-Ti-zM uit'ted, Kw-Td 3 ui'etist, Kw-Tsti uit'ter, Kwtr 3 uietist'ic, Kw-Ts 3 -T-K Qui'ver, Kwv-B 3 , Kwv- ui'etly, Kw-T 1 -/; Rd 3 . Kwv-7J 3 -NG Qui'etness, Kw-T^Ns Quiv'ered, Kwv-Bd* Qui'etude, Kw-Td Qui vive', K-V 3 -V Quie'tus, Kw-Ts 3 Quixot'ic, Kw-Ks-T-K Quill, Kw-L 3 , Kw-Ld 3 , Quix'otism, Kw-Ks-T 3 - Quill'ing, Kw-L 3 -NG Quix'otry, Kw-K-sT 3 -S Quilt, Kw-Lt, Kw-Z 3 -Td, Quiz, Kwz 3 , Kwzd 3 , Kwz 3 - Kw-Zt 3 -NG NG guilt'er, Kw-itr Quiz'zer, Kw-Zr 3 uilt'ing, Kw-/,ts-NG Quiz'zical, Kwz 3 -Kl Quince, Kwns 3 Quiz'zing-glass, Kwz 3 - Quincun'cial, Kwn-K-N- NG-Gls 8H1* Quod'dy, Kw-D 1 Quin'cunx, Kwn 3 -K-NG- Quod'libet, Kw-D-Z-Bt Ks Quoif, Kwfi Quin'ina, Kw-N-N Quoiffure', Kw-F 3 -B Qui'nine, Kw!-Nn uoin, Kwn 1 or Kn 1 Quinine', Kwi-Nn uoit, Kwt 1 Quinquages'ima, Kw-N- uon'dam, Kwnd'-M Kw-J 2 -sM uo'rum, Kw-B^M Quinquan'gular, Kw-N- Kw-NG-Gl-Bi uo'ta, Kw-T* uot'able, Kwt-Bl* Quinquen'nial, Kw=-N- Quota'tion, Kw-Tshn J Kw-M Quote, Kwt*, Kw-Td a , Quinquep'artite, Kw-N- Kwts-NG Kw-Pr*-Tt Quote 'less, Kwt-s* Quin'quevalve, Kw-N- Quot'er, Kwtr* Kw-Vl 3 -V Quoth, Kw-TH Quinquevalv'ular, Kw- Quoth'a, Kw-TH* N-Kw-Vl-V-i-B auot id'ian, Kw-T 3 -Dn Quin'sy, Kwn-Z' uo'tient, Kw - SHnt* Quint, Kwnt (Kwshnt'J auint'ain, Kwnt-N Quo'tum, Kw-T*-M EAC B, the eighteenth letter of the Alphabet, has the sound of initial-r as heard in rap, rob. row, and of final-r as heard in far, care, more, burr. Initial-r differs from final-r chiefly in being made with a complete con- tact of the tongue and the palate, while in sounding the latter there is simply a lifting of the tongue to- wards the palate, without touching it. Students beginning Pho- nography are apt to omit the r from such words as par, far, farm, etc. In all such words the sign for r should be inserted. R is the only letter of the Alphabet for which Pho- nography provides two stems, viz., Bee and Er. Bee is generally used for initial-r and Er for final-r. There are some exceptions to this rule: Before M and H, without initial hooks or circles, Er is used initially, as in roam, rehash etc.; and, occasionally, when a better outline is secured thereby, Bee is used final- ly, as in R\3-R, Biver. Rh, at the beginning of words, has the sound of simple r, as in rhetoric, yme, etc. Rr, after short vowels, generally has the sound of single r, as heard in carry, merry, mirror, etc. Bab'bet, fl-Bt, Kab'bi, fl-B Rab'bin. fii-Bn Babbin'ic, fi3-B-X-K Rabbin'ical, .R 3 -B-N-K1 Rab'binism, .R'-Bn-Z-M Rab'binist, .Ri-Bn-St Rab'bit, fl'-Bt Rabble, -R'-Bl, .RLBl K'-Bl-NG Rabdol'ogy, #i-Bd-.t-J Rab'domancy, .Ri-Bd Mn-8 Rab'id, K'-Bd Rab'idness, TJ'-Bd-Ns Rab'inet, fl'-B N-T Ra'ca, tf=-K Raccoon', R*"Kn Bace, ss, Bsta, RAC Race'-course, B*-sKrs Racu'-ginger, Rs*- J-N-Jr Race'-Eorse, JB--sHrs Racema'tion, Raceme', jR'-sM Racemif'erous, 223-S-M- Frs Rac'emose, fi>-sMs Rac'emous, jRi-sMs Ra'cer, Rachit'ic, Rachi'tis, Ra'ciness, Rack, fii-K, fii-Kt, KQ Rack'er, .Ri-Kr Rack'et, fii-Kt, fii 217 [Ragout', R 3 -Q Rag'-picker, JJi-G-P- Rack'ety, fi>-K-T Racking, fii-K-NG Rack'-rent, fli-K-Knt Rack'-renter, fi'-K-fintr Ra'cy, fis-s, fl 2 -S-B, fi 2 - Sst Bad'dle, fii-m, fii-Dld, Ra'dial, Ra'diance, fi-r>ns Ra'diancy, R- Dn-S Ra'diant, fl'^-Dnt Ra'diantly, 2 -Dnt-L Radia'ta, Ra'diate, Radia'tion, Ra'diator, R*-I>tr Radlcal-ly, fii - D - Kl (d-Kl) Radicalism, TZ'-D-Kl-zM (JZdi-Kl-zM) Rad'icalYiess, JZ-D-Kl-Ns Rad'icant, .Ri-D-Knt Rad'icate, B^D-Kt, D-K-Td, JP-D-Kt-NG Radica'tion, ^. Rad'icel, fii-Ds-L Rad'icle, B-D-K1 Ra'dii, fis-Dli Rad'ish, Jf2i-D-8H Ra'dius, fi^-Ds Ra'dius-vector, V-Ktr Ra'dix, K^-D-Ks Raflf, fif> Raffle, RV-L, RafTler, JSP-i-R Raft, Bft>. '-F-Td, K Raft'er, Rftr 1 Rafta'man, fifts^Mn Rag, fli-G Rag'amuflln, Rage, R*- NG Rag'ged, B^-Gd Rag'gedness, B'-Gd-Ns Rag'ing, J23-J-NG Rag'lan, fli-Gln Rag'man, iJi-G-Mn 10 Rags, R l -Qz Rag'stone, JZ'-Gs-Tn Rag'-wheel, R l -G-Vfl Rag'-work, fi'-G-Wr-K Raid, R" D Rail, Bis, Bids, B12-NG Rail'er, Bis-TJ Railing, Bl a -NG Rail'lery, Bl 2 - Rail'road, R\*-R-I> Rail'way, 1>-W Rai'ment, R2-Mnt Rain, Bua, Bnd 2 . Bn-NG Rain'bow, Rn^-B Rain'deer, Ru^-D-R Rain'-gauge, Rn^-G-J Raininess, B 2 -N-Ns Rain'-water, Bn z -Wtr Rain'y, fi2-N Raise, Bz 2 . fizd^, Bz*-NG Rais'er, R^-Zi Rai'sin, z=-N Raising, Bz 2 -NG Raisonne', Bz 2 -N Rait, fit 2 Rait'ed, B 2 -Td Rajpoot', 3 -J-Pt Rake, 2-K, jR^-Kt, B-K- NG Rak'er, fi-Kr Raking, TP-K-NG Rakish; .R2-K-SH Raklshly, R2-K-5m Raklshness, B 2 -K-SH-Ns Rally, R^-L, i-id, -/<- NG Ram, B-M, K'-Md, E-M- NG Ram'adan, E>-M-Dn Ramlsle, B>-M-B1, B-M- Bld, B'-M-Bl-NG Ram'bler, R-M-B1-B Ramiflca'tion, B a -M-F- Kshn Ramify, B-M-F, Bi-M- Fd, Bi-M-F-NG Ram'mer, BJ-Mr Ram'mish, Ri-M-SH Ramose', B-Ms Ra'mous, i:--M* Ramp, B'-M-P, Bi-Mt, B'-M-P-NG Ramp'age, B'-M-P-J Ramp'ancy, B-M-Pn-S Ramp'ant, B'-M-Pnt Ram'part, B^M-Prt. B 1 - M-Pr-Td, Bi-M-PrtC) Ram'rod, B l -M-fl-D Ram'shakle, Ran, n Rances'cent, B-Nss-Nt Ranch, '-N-CH Ranche'ro, fi*-N-CH- Ranch'o, B'-N-CH Ran'cid, Ri-Ns-D Rancidity, fis-Ns-D-T Ran'oidness, i-Ns-D- Ks RAS Ran'cor, fl>-NG-Kr Ran'corous, ye Ran'corously, w - NG Kr-si Rand, Bnd' Ran'dom, /endJ-M Rane, Rrt- Rane'deer, Bu 2 -D-B Rang, /ji-XG Range, /e 2 -N-J, ^s-N-Jd, 7J2-N-J-NG Ran'ger, fii-N-Jr Rank, (v.) ^'-NG-K, i- NGt, fi-NG-K-NG Rank, (a.) B-NG-K, J2- NG-Kr, ^i-NG-Kst Rank'er, TJ'-NG Kr Rank'le, JJi-NG-Kl, B- NG-Kld, fii-XG-Kl-NG Rankling, /e'-NG-Kl-NG Rank'ly, ye'-NG Kl Rank'ness, fii-NG-K-Ns Ran'sack, /e'-Ns-K, i- Ns-Kt. B-Ns-K-NG Ran'som, /fns'-M, Kns 1 - Md, .Kns'-M-NG Ran'somer, Aus'-M-B Ran'somless, .Rns'-JI-is Rant, Rat 1 , /i-N-T(i, fint'-NG Rant'er, Rntr 1 Rantlpole, Bnt'-p-L Ranun'culus, fi2-N-N-Kls Rap, fli-P, fii-Pt, fl^P-NG Rapa'cious. R*-P-SHa Rapa'ciously, ^ 2 -P-SHs- L Rapa'ciousness, R* - P - SHs-Ns Rapacity, Bi-Ps-T Rape, ^.p,, fiz.p. NG Rapid, K-Pd Rapidity, 3-Pd-T Rapidly, Ri-PA-L Rapldness, JS'-Pd-Ns Ra'pier, B-'-P-B Rap'ins, B'-Pn Rapparee', W-P-R Rappee', B 3 -P Rap'per, R l -Pr Rapport', fl' P-B Rapscallion, jRi- Rapto'rial, R*-P-T-Rl Rapt'ure, B 1 Ptr Rapt'urous, fii-Ptr-8 Rare, R^-R. R l -Rr. R^-Rst Rar'ee-show, Ri-R-SH Rarefac'tion, R l -R-F- Kshn Rar'eflable, fli-K-F-Bl Rar'efy, R l -R-F, 2V-R-F&, Ri-R F-NG Rare'ly, R^-R-L Rare'ness, B'-B-Ns Rare'ripe, R^-R-R-P Rarity, Ri-R-T Ras'cal, -Rsi-K-L Rascality, R^-K-L-T (of -Li) HAS Rascalllon, Bsi-K-in Ras'cally, Rs''-K-L Rase, B/A Bzd, Bz2-NG Rash, fii-SH, B'-SHr, Bi SHst Rash'er, Bi-SHr Rashly, R--SHI Rash'ness, Bi-8H-Ns Rasp, Bsi-P, Bsi-Pt, Bs'- P-NG Rasp'atory, Bs>-P-T-B Rasp'berry, Bzi-B-B Ras'ure, B 2 -ZHr Rat, Bt, Bi-Td. Btl-NG Rat'able-y, Bt=-Bl Ratafi'a, Bt 3 -FCa Ratan',Bi-Tn Ratch, B ] -CH Ratch'et, Bi-CHt Ratch'et-wheel, B*-CHt- W-L Rate, Bt2 B-Td, Bt-NG Rat'er, Btr Rath or Rathe, B^TH Rath'er, Bdhi-i Ratiflca'tion, Bt F - Eshn Ratlfler, Bt'-F-R Ratify, Bti-F, Bti-Fd, Bti-F-NG Rating, Bt-NG Ra'tio, Bi-SH Ratiocinate, Bi-SHs-Nt Ratiocina'tion, B 2 -SHs- Nshn Ra'tion, Bshn Ra'tional, Bshr^-i Rationale, Bshn s o?--Z, Ra'tionalism, Bshn'-Lz- M Ra'tionalist, Bshn'-ist Rationalistic, Bshn 3 -is- T-K Rationalist'ical, Bshn 3 - is-T-Kl Rationality, Bshni-Z,-T Ra'tionally, Bshn>-, Ra'tionalness, KAmi-L- Ns Ratlin, Bti-Ln Ra'toon, B 3 -Tn, B-Tnd, B^-Tn-NG Rats'bane, Bts'-Bn Rattan', B-Tn Ratteen', B 3 -Tn Rattinet', B^-T-N-T (Bt 2 - Kt) Rafting, Bti-NG Rat'tle, Bti-L, Bti-Ld. it'-L-NG Eat'tle-headed, Bti-L-H- Dd Rat'tler, Bt' Lt Rat'tle-snake, Bti-Ls-N- K Rat'tling, Bt'-L-NG Rau'city, Bsi-T Rau'cous, Ki-Ks Ravage, Bi-V-J, Bi-V- Jd. B'-V-J-NG 218 Rav'ager, Bi-V-Jr Rave, Bv, Bvd, Bv(-) Rav'el, Bi-V-L, B-V-Ld. B'-V-L-NG. See Rifle, etc. Ravelin, Bi-V-Zn Rav'eling, B-V-L-NG Ra'ven, B-Vn Rav'en, B>-Vn, B>-Vnd, Bi-Vn-NG Rav'ener, Bt-V-Nr Rav'ening, B^Vn-NG Rav'enous, BJ-V-Ns Rav'enously, B"-V-N8-L Rav'enousness, B'-V-Ns- Hi Ra'vens-duck, B*-V-Nz- D-K Ravin, B'-Vn Ravine', B 3 -Vn Raving, B^-V-NG Ravish, Ri-V-SH, Bi-V- SHt. B'-V-Sff-NG Ravlsher, Bi-V-SHr Ravishment, B'-V-SH- Mnt Raw, Bi. B^-B. Bsti Raw'boned, B!-Bnd Raw'head, B J -htD Raw'hide. B-hiD Rawly, B 1 -// Raw'ness, B'-Ns Ray, B2, B^-D, B2-NG Ra'yah, B^-Y Rayless, B^-Ls Raze, Bz2. Bzds, Bz-NG Razee', B 3 -Z, B 3 -Zd, B 3 -Z- NG Ra'zor, B 2 -Zr Ra'zor-bill, B 2 -Zr-B-L Ra'zor-strop, B s -Zrs-Tr-P Raz'ure, B^-ZHr Re-absorb', B^B-sB-B. B'-B-sB-Bd, B'-B-sB-B- NG Re-absorp'tion, B^B-sB- Pshu Re-access', B'-Kss Reach, B--CH, B-CHt. React', B-Kt, B'-K-Td, B'-Kt-NG , Reac'tion, B'-Kshn Reactionary, B^Kshn-B Reactive, B'-Kt-V Read, BS-D, B 3 -D-NG Read (Kd). B 2 -D Read'able, B 3 -D-B1 Read'er, B 3 -Dr Read'ership, B 3 -Dr-SH-P [:SH] Readily, R*-V-L Readiness, B*-D-Ns Reading, B 3 -D-NG Reading-room, B 3 - D - NG-R-M Re-adjust', B*-Jst, fi-J- sTd, B2-Jst-NG Re-admis'sion, B 8 - D - Mshn EEA Re-admit', B 3 -D-Mt, D-M-Td, B3-D-MtC) Re-admit'tance,: Tns Read'y, B 2 -D, B a -D-R B--Dst Read'y-made, B*-D-Md Re-affirm', B^-F-R-M. B- F R-Md, BS-F-R-M-NG Re-a'gent, B 2 -J-Nt Re'al, Rli Real'gar, B'-Z,-Gr Re'alism, Bl 3 -zM Re'alist, Blst 8 Realis'tic, Bls3-T-K Reality, RV-T Realizable, Blz 3 -B-L Realiza'tion, Rlzthn* Re'alize, Biz 3 , Blzd 3 , Re'ally, Bl 3 Realm, Bl 2 M Reality, BU-T Ream, Ra-M, R 3 -Md, R 3 - M-NG Re-animate, B^N-M-T, Bi N-M-Td, B^N-M-T- NG Re-annex', B 2 -N-Ks. R*- N-Kst, B-'-N-Ks-NG Reap, B 3 -P, B 3 -Pt, B 3 -P- NG Reap'er, B 3 Pr Re-appar'el, ~" Re-appear', P'Rcl. R*-r-i,-*.i u Re-appear'ance, B 3 - P Bus Re-apply', B>-P1 Re-appoint', B'-Pnt, B 1 - Pn-Td, Bi-Pnt-NG Re-appoint'ment, B 1 Pnt-Mnt Re-appor'tion, B 2 - P - Bshn Rear, B 3 B, B 3 -B-D, B 3 -B- Rear'-admiral, B 3 -B-D- M-B1 Rear'-guard, B 3 -B-Grd Rear'-rank, B 3 -B-B-NG- K Rear'-ward, B 3 -B Wrd Re-ascend', B 2 -Sud Re-ascent', B 2 -Sut Rea'son, Bz 3 -N, Bz 3 -Nd, Rea'sonable, Bz 3 -N-Bl Rea'sonableness, Bz 3 - N-Bl-Ks [tBs] Hea'soner, Bz 3 -N R Rea'soning, Bz 3 -N-NG Re-assem'ble, B--8-M- Bl, B 2 -S-M-Bld, B 2 -8-M Bl-NG Re-assert', B^-Srt, B-8r Td, B"--Srt-NG Re-asser'tion, B 2 -Srshij Re-assign', B ] -Sn Re-assume', B 3 -S-M REA Re-assump'tion, JR - S - Mshn Re-assur'ance, R* SH - Rus Be-assure', B-8H-R Be-attach'ment, R l -1- CH-Mnt Beave, By 3 Be-bap'tism, zM [-Bt-zM] Rebate', R*-Bt, RP-'B-Td, Kebate'ment, JZ^-Bt-Mnt Be'bec, .R 3 -B-K Beb'el, tf2-Bl Bebel', fl'-B-L, fi*-B-Ld, JP-B-L-NG Bebell'ion, Rt-'B-Ln Bebell'ious, /^-B-J^s Bebell'iously, Bebell'iousness, Ls-Ns Bebound', J2'-Bnd, Bn-Dd, ,Ri-Bnd-NG Rebuff", #2. B f, R2-Bft, . Bebuf'fet, Bebuild', .Rs-B-Ld, B-id-NG- Bebuilt', B 3 -B-Lt Bebuk'able, Bebuke', Kt, fis-B- Bebuke'ful, Bebuk'er, .R^ Bebuk'ingly, -B- NG1 Eebur'ied, R2-B-H-D Bebur'y, B*-B-J2 Be'bus, S 3 -Bs Bebut', Bebut'ter, .R*-Btr Becal'citrant, fi 1 - Kl - sTrnt Becal'citrate, fii-Kl-sTrt Becaleitra'tion, J2-K1- sTrshn Becall', fli-Kl, fii-Kld, fli-Kl-NG Becant', JKi-Knt, B-Kn- Td, .Ri-Knt-NG Becanta'tion, K* - Kn - Tshn Becant'er, Ki-Kntr Becapac'itate, fii-K-Ps- Tt Becapit'ulate, fl-K-Pt- it, B'-K-Pt-i-Td, J23-K- Pt-Lt-NG Becapitula'tion, Pt-/.shn Beoapit'ulatory, Pt-Lt-R Becap'tion, K^K-Pshn Becap'tor, Bi-K-Ptr Becapt'ure, fi'-K-Ptr, R l - K-P-CHrd. /Z>-K-Ptr-NG Eecast', fli-Kst, .Ri-Ks-Td, 219 Secede', Jjgs.p, .R 8 3 -Dd Receipt', Receiv'able, Bs 8 -V-Bl Receive', fis 8 -V, #s*-Vd, Beceiv'er, Bs 3 -V-R Recel'ebrate, R*-s Re'cency, .Rs^-N-S Recen'sion, r Re'cent, R**-l Be'cently, Rt Be'centness, Recep'tacle, .Rs*-Pt-Kl Beceptac'ular, Rs l -l Kl-R Becep'tible, Bs^-Pt-Bl Recep'tion, ^ a -Pshn Recep'tive, Rs*-Pt-V Receptiv'ity, fis 3 -Pt-V-T Recess', Rss* Reces'sion, Rashn* Recharge', fi'-CHr-J Bechar'ter, .Ri-CHrt-R, -CHrt-Rd, R l -CHit-R- NG Recherche', R 2 -SHr-SH Rechoose', R 3 -CH.z Bec'ipe, Rs*-P Becip'iency, JJs 3 -Pn-S Becip'ient, Bs^-Pnt Recip'rocal-ly, Rs 3 -P-R- El Reciprocal'ity, R&-P-R- Kl-T Recip'rocalness, Rs^-P- R-Kl-Ns Recip'rocate, Ra*-P-R Kt, Rs 8 -P-7i:-K-Td, Bs 3 -P- KKt-NG Reciproca'tion, Bs*-P- R-Kshn Reciproc'ity, R^sPrs-T Recis'ion, Rszhn 3 Recit'al, 5s-T-L Recita'tion, fls 2 -Tshn Recitative', Rs 3 -T-Tv Recite', fisi-T, Bs-Td, Recit'er, K^-sTr Beck, 2 K Reck'less, E-K-Ls Reck'lessly, R*-K-Ls-i Reck'lessness, fi'-E-Ls- Na [iZ-s] Reck'on, K a -Kn, -End, jK--Kn-NG Reck'oner, B 2 -K-Nr Reck'oning, R-Kn-NG Reclaim', /Z 2 -K1-M, fi 8 - Kl-Md. fl-El-M-NG Reclaim'able, #-El-M- Bl Reclama'tion, fi-Kl- Mshn Rec'linate, TP-Kl-Nt Reclina'tion, B^-Kl-Nshn Recline', Kind, R l REG Reclose', jR-Klz .R s -Klz-NG Becluse', 7J 3 -Kls Recluse'ly, flS-Kl-sZ, Be luse'ness, <R 3 -Kls-Ns Beclu'sion, J? 3 -Klzhn Beclu'sive, .R 3 -Kls-V Recoc'tion, i-K-KsUn Recogni'tion, ^s : Nslm Rec'ognizable or Re- cog'nizable, B 2 or 1 tNz- B-L Recog'nizance, R':Nz- Ns Recogniza'tion, P* INzsAn Rec'ognize, /J2;Xz, a SXzd. 7f:Nz-NG Recognizee', .fi^'.N-Z Recognizer', flMNz-R Recoil', ^'-K-L, i-K-Ld, Recoirer, ^-K-L Recoil'ment, RL - K - L - Mnt Becoin', Bi-Kn, fl!-Knd, KJ-Ku-XG Recoin'age, JJi-Kn-J Recollect', B--K1-K-T, 2-Kl-K-Td, ^.Rl-K-T- NG [s. fi 2 tD, .R(-)2] Recollec'tion, 722 -Kl- Kshn [Rshn=] Recollec'tive, fl^-Kl-K- Tv Becombine', JJ'iBn, J2 IBnd. /J'iBu-NG Recommence', S 2 iNs, ,R2!Nst, 2:Ns-NG Recommend', JJ^iNd, B2 IN-Dd. R2;Nd-NG Becommend'able, R* INd-Bl Becommenda'tion, R 3 iN-Dshn Recommend'atory, R* INd-T-R Recommend'er, R 2 ;Ndr Reconimis'sion, 7i 3 i SHn Recommit', R*'.T, R? ITd, K 3 '.T-NG Recommit'ment, fi 3 ;T Mnt Recommit'tal, R> !T-L Recommu'nicate, ' !N-Kt Rec'ompense, R-'Pus, fi:Pnst, 7es:Pns-NG Recompose', R 2 iPz, JfJ* iPz-D, TZ-'lPz-NG Bec'oncilable, /? 2 '.si-Bl Bec'oncilableness, 7J a Isi-Bl-Ns [IBs] Bec'oncile, R-'.sL, R* Bec'oncilement, TP'. Mnt Rec'onciler, JK'isi-B Reconcilia'tion, REC 220 Reconcil'iatory, R 3 !si- Recrudes'cent, R*-Kr- T-R Ds-Nt Rec'ondite or Recon'- Recruit', R'-Krt, R-Kr- dite, R 2 oriJDt Td, R3-Krt-NG Reconduct', R 2 !!)-^, R 2 Recruit'er, RS-Krtr SD-K-Td, RS'.D-Kt-NG Recruit'ment, R 3 - Krt - Recon'naisance, Ri Mnt iNs-Ns Recrystalliza'tion, R 2 - Reconnoi'ter, R>SNtr, RMNtr-D, RitNtr-NG Recrys'tallize, RS-Krs-T- Recon'quer, RMKr, R 1 Lz iKrd, RiiKr-NG Rect'angle, R^Kt-NG-Gl Recon'secrate, RMsKrt, Rectan'gular, Ri-Kt-NG- R> !sKr-Td, R 1 !sKrt-NG Gl-R Reconsid'er, R'lsDr, R 3 Rectan'gularly, Ri-Kt- isDrd, RisDr-NG NG-G1-R-Z, Reconsidera'tion, R* Rec'tifiable, RS-Kt-F-Bl SsDrshn Rectification, R s -Kt-F- Beconstruct', R;sTr-Kt, Kshn R 2 IsTr-K-Td, R 2 isTr-Kt- Rec'tified, R-Kt-Fd NG Rec'tifler, R^-Kt-F-R Reconstruc'tion^'.sTr- Rec'tify, R^-Kt-F, R*-Kt- Kshn Fd, R 2 -Kt-F-NG Reconvene', R'SVn Rectilin'eal, R 3 -Kt-Z--Nl Reconvey, R 2 : V, R* i Vd, Rectilin'ear, R*-Kt-n-R R- 1 V-NG Rec'titude, R 2 -Kt-Td Reconvey'ance, R^iV- Rec'tor, R-Ktr Ns Rec'torate, R 2 -Ktr-T Recopy', RJ-K-P Recto'rial, R*-K-T-R1 Record', R'-Krd, Ri-Kr- Rec'torship, R 2 -Ktr-SH Dd, A -Krd-NG (-P) Rec'ord, R^Krd Rec'tory, R 2 K-T-R Record'er, R'-Kr-Dr Rec'tum, R2-Kt-M Record'ership, R 1 - Kr Recum'bence, R'-iBns DrlSH Recum'bency, R 2 i Bn-S Recount', R 1 -Knt, R'-Kn- Recum'bent, R 2 ! But Td. RJ-Knt-NG Recu'perate, R 3 -K-Prt, Recoup', R 3 -K-P Recoup'ment, R 3 -K-P- Recu'perative, RS-K-Prt- Mnt V Recourse', R 2 -Krs Recu'peratory, R 3 -K-Prt Recov'er, R^Kv-R, R 2 - -R Kv-Rd. R2-Kv-R-NG Recur', RS-Kr, R 2 -Krd, Recov'erable, R 2 -Kv-R- BLKr-HO B\ Recur'rence, R 2 -Krns Recov'ery, R 2 -Kv-R Recur'rency, R 2 Krn-8 Recov'eror, R 2 -Kv-R-R Recur'rent, R 2 -Krnt Rec'reancy, R 2 -Krn-8 Recurv'ate, R 2 -Kr-Vt Rec'reant, R 2 Krnt Recurva'tion, R 2 - Kr - Rec'reate, R2-Kr-T. R- Vshn Kr-Td. R 2 -Kr-T-NG Recurve', R^-Krv Recreate', R 2 -Kr-T Recurv'ity, R 2 -Kr-V-T Recrea'tion, R 2 -Krshn Recurv'ous, R^-Kr-Vs Rec'reative, Rs-Krt-v Recu'sancy, R3-Kz-N-8 Rec'rement, R 2 -Kr-Mnt Recu'sant, R 3 Kz-Nt Recrement'al, R 2 - Kr - Red, R 2 -D. RZ-Dr, R 2 -Dst Mnt-i Redac'tion, R^D-Kslm Recrementi'tious, R 3 - Redan', R'-Dn Kr-Mnt-SHs Red'bird, R 2 -D-Brd Recrim'inate, R 3 -Kr-M- Red'-book, R 2 D-B-K N-T. R 3 -Kr-M-N-Td, R=- Redlbreast, R 2 -D-Brst Kr-JI-N T-NG Red'-coated, R 2 -D-K-Td . Recrimina'tion, R-Kr- Red'-chalk, R2-D-CH-K M-Nshn Recrim'inative, RS-Kr- Red'den, R 2 -Dn, RZ-Dnd. 1 R2-Dn-NG M-N'-Tv Redden'dum, R 2 -Dn-D- Recrim'inator, R 3 -Kr- M M Ntr Red'dish, R 2 -D-SH Recrim'inatory, R 3 - Kr- Red'disnness, Rs-D-SH- J M-N-T-R Na RED Reddi'tion, R 3 -Dshn Red'ditive, R^-D-Tv Redeem', R 3 -D-M. Md. R*-D-M-NG Redeem'able, R 3 -D-M-B1 Redeem'ableness, R a -D- M-Bl-Ns [!Bs] Redeem'er, R 3 - D - Mi (Rd 3 -Mr) Redeliv'er, R 3 -Dl-Vr, R 3 - Dl - Vrd. R 3 - Dl - Vr - > T G [R 3 -D1, R3-Dld, R3-D1C)] Redeliv'ery, R 3 - Dl - Vr [R 3 -D1H Redemise', Ri-D-Ms Redemption, R 2 - D - Mshn Redemp'tioner, R 2 - D - Mshn-R Redemp'tive, RJ-D-Mt-V Redemp'tory, R 2 -D-Mt-R Red'-gum, R-D-G-M Red'-hood, R 2 D-Hd Red'-hot,, R-D-Ht Re'dient, R 3 -D-N-T Redintegrate, R 3 -D-N- T-Grt, R 3 -D-N-T-Gr-Td. RS-D-N-T-Grt-NG Redintegration, R 2 - D - N-T-Grshn Redissei'zin, R 3 -D-sZn Red'-lead, R 2 D-L-D Red'letter, R 2 -D-Z,tr Red'-letter day, R2-D- itr-D Red'ness, R 2 -D-Ns Red'olence, R 2 -D-Zns Red'olency, R^-D-Ln-8 Red'olent, R 2 -D-int Redouble, R 2 -D-B1, R*- D-Bld. R2-D-B1-NG Redoubt', R ] -Dt Redoubt'able, Ri-Dt-Bl Redound', Ri-Dnd, Ri- Dn-Dd. R'-Dnd-NG Red'owa, R2-D Redraw', R l -Dr Redress', R 2 -Drs, R 2 -Drst, R2-Drs-NG Redress'er, R 2 -Dr-sR Redress'ible, R 2 -Drs-Bl Redress'ive, R^-Drs-V Redress'less, R 3 Dr-sLa Redscar', R'-D-sK-R Red'-short, R 2 -D-SHrt Red'streak, R 2 -D sTr-K Red'top, R 2 D-T-P (R=- Dt-P) Reduce', R 3 -Ds, R 3 -Dst, R^-Ds-NG Reduced', R 3 -Dst Reduce'ment, R 3 -D- sMnt Redu'cent, R 3 -Ds-Xt Redu'cer, R 3 D-aR Redu'cible, R^-Ds-Bl Reduc'tion, R^ D-Kshn Reduc'tive, R 2 -D-Kt-V Redun'dance, R 2 -Dnd. Ns RED Redun'dancy, N-S Redun'dant, B^- Redun'dantly, .R2-Dnd Nt-L Redu'plicate, B?-I>-?1- Kt, .R3-D-Pl-K-Td. R?-V- Pl-Kt-NG Beduplica'tion, R*-D-Pl- Kshn Bedu'plicative, fi3-D-Pl- Kt-v Red' wing, JP-D-W- Bed'wood, /2-D-Wd Be-ech'o, .K2-K, .R2-K-D. R2-K-NO Beed, RS-D Reed'-bird, S'-D-Brd Beed'en, fl*-Dn Be-ediflca'tion, R*-Vt- Kshn Be-ed'ify, B-D-F, #*-Df- D, fla-D-F-NG Beed'ing, # 3 -D-NG Beed'y, R*-T> Beef, R flft 3 , JZf(-)3 Beery, fl 3 -F Beek, # 3 -K, B 3 -Kt, jR 3 -K- NG Beek'y, K'-K Beel, RV, fllds. fil-NO Be-elect', R*-L-K-T, R*-L- K-Td, fi2-L-K Kt, P-K-Td, Be-elee'tion, Be-eligibil'ity, fi3-Z-J- Bl-T Be-el'igible, R*-L-J-3l Be-embark', K^M-Br-K, R^M-Br-Kt, KLM-Br-K- N& Be-embody', B'-M-B-D Beem'ing, R-M-NO Be-enact', iZ'-N-Kt, K-Td. fi!-N-Kt- Re-enact'ment, Mnt Be-enforce', K-N-F-Rs, fi-'-N-F-Rst, fiS-N-F-Rs- NG Re-enforce'ment, F-Rs-Mnt Be-engage', Be-enlist', R^.^-Let. R*- N-is-Td, Re-enlist'ment, Mnt Be-en'ter, B2-Ntr, -R-Ntr- D. fi2-Ntr-NG Be-enthrone', JZ - N - THrn, ^- N-THrn-NG Be-en'trance, Be-estab'lish, [fii-8t-B, B'-St-Bt, i.St-B(-)]. See Establish, etc. Ele-estab'lishment, iB 1 - St-B-Mnt] 221 Beeve, Rv*. RV&, . Be-examina'tion, sM-Nshn Be-exam'ine, A'-K-sMnd, NG Be-exchange', N-J Be-export', Refash'ion, W-Fshn, fii- Fshnd. ^i-Fshn-NG Refec'tion, B*-F-Kshn Refec'tive, .R 2 -F-K-Tv Refec'tory, Rt-F-K-T-R Refer', RV-R, RP-RA. Rf- -ff-NG [RP. RfV. -Rf(-) 2 ] Refe'rable, fif--R-Bi Referee', RP-R Reference, Rf*-Rna [Kf] Referen'tial, RW-R-X- SH1 [Kf^-fin] Refer'rible, Bf2--Bl Refine', fi'-Fn, a^Fnd, B'-Fn-NG Refin'edly, Bi-F-Nd-L Refin'edness, fl'-Fnd-Ns Refine'ment, fi^Fn-Mnt Refin'er, .R'-F-Nr Refin'ery, ^Z^Fn-fl Refit', ^.Ft, .Ra-F-Td, R 3 - FtC) Reflt'ment, 3 -Ft-Mnt Reflect', R&-L-K.-T, RF- L-K-Td, fif2-L-K-T-NG. See Refract, etc. Reflec'tion, fif-i-Kshn. See Refraction. Reflect'ive, flf2-L-K-Tv Reflect'or, RP-L-Ktr Re'flex, RP-L-KR Reflexibil'ity, RP-L-Ks- Bl-T Reflex'ible-y, RV-L-Ks- Bl Reflex'ive, flf-L-Ks-V Reflores'cence, fif* - i - .Rs-Na Ref'luence, RP-Z,-Ns Ref'luency, Rf*-Ln-8 Refluent, RP-L-Xt Re'flux, RP-L-Ks Refoment', TP-F-Mnt. R*- F-Mn-Td, R*-F-Mnt-NG Reform', B'-F-R-M. Ri- F-R-Md. S'-F-R-M-NG [fi-F, K'-Fd, -FC)] Reforma'tion, JP-F-R- Mshn [R^-Fshn] Reform'ative, R l F - R - Mt-V Reformatory, B"-F-R- Mt-K Reformed', fl'-F-R-Md [K'-Fd] Reform'er, >-F-/J-Mr [R-F-Mr] Reform'iat, R'-F-R-Mst Refor'tify, KEG Refos'sion, .R'-Fslm Refract', i-Fr-K-T, 2?i- Fr-K-Td, /^-Fr-K-T-NG. See Rejlect. etc. Refrac'tion, fl'-Fr-Kshn. See Rrjlf.rt.inn. Refract'ive, ff'-Fr-K-Tv Refract'orily, .Ri-Fr-K- T R\ Refract'oriness, K l Fr - K-T-K-Na Refract'ory, /Ji-Fr-K-T-K Ref'ragable, /e2-Fr-iv-Bl Refrain', K 2 Fru, 7?2-Fmcl, /i >2 -Fru-NCr Reframe', /?2-Fr-M, ^2. Fr-Md. /jZ-Fr-M-NiT Refrangibil'ity, ;^ 3 -Fr- N-J-B1-T Refran'gible, fli-Fr-N-J- Bl Refresh', R*-Fr-SH. R*- Fr-SHt. Rt-Fr-SH-'SGr Refresh'er, ff 2 -Fr-SHr Refresh'ment, Rt-Fr-SH. Mnt Refrig'erant, K 3 -Fr-Jrnt Refrig'erate, /e-Fr-Jrt, ^3-Fr-Jr-Td, ^ 3 -Fr-Jrt- NG Refrigera'tion, R-- FT - Jrshn Refrig'erative, 7? 3 -Fr-Jr- Tv Refrig'erator, ^ 3 -Fr-Jrtr Refrig'eratory, R 3 - Fr - Jrt-fi Reft, Rft* Refuge, R'-F-J Refugee', R*-F-3 Reful'gence, Rf*-L-Jns Reful'gency, Rf-L-Ju-3 Reful'gent, .Rf 2 -i-Jnt Reful'gently, RP-i-Jnt- L Refund', R-Fnd, R^-F-N- Dd, TJ'-Fnd-NG Refund'er, /J 2 -Fndr Refus'able, y^a-Fz-Bl Refus'al, R 3 -Fz-L Refuse', R 3 -Fz, 3 -Fzd, fi- Fz-NG Refuse, K>-Fs Refus'er, R*-F-Zr Refut'able, R 3 Ft-Bl Refuta'tion, 2 F-Tshn Refut'atory, /J 3 -Ft-T-R Refute', 3 Ft, fi 3 -F-Td, J^-Ft-NG Refut'er, 3 -Ftr Regain', ^-Gn, .R>-Gnd, Re'gal, Regale', JP-G-L, R-G-Ld, R-G-L-NG Regale 'ment, R-G-L- Mnt Rega'lia, R-G-i Regal'ity, Ri-G-L-T Re'gally, R 3 Gl REG Regard', B'-Grd, R l -Gr- Dd. Ri-Grd-NG Kegard'able, Ri-Grd-Bl Regard'ant, B^Gr-Dnt Regard'er, B'-Gr-Dr Regard 'ful-ly, Ri-Grd-Fl Regardless, B'-Grd-is Regard'lessly, B>-Grd- Ls-L Regard'lessness, B^Grd- is-Ns Regards', B'-Grdz Regath'er, Ri-Gdhr Regat'ta, B'-G-T Re'gency, R 3 - Jn-8 Regen'eracy, R*- J-Nr-S Regenerate, B'-J-Nrt. B^-J-Nr-Td. B-J-Nrt-NG Regen'erateness, R* J - Nrt-Ns Regenera'tion, R* - J - Nrshn Regen'erative, RM-Nrt- V Re 'gent, RS-Jnt Re'gent-ship, Ba-Jnt-SH (-P) Reger'minate, R*-Jr-M- N-T Regermina'tion, B s -Jr- M-N*hn Reg'icide, B*-J-sD Regime', B 3 -ZH-M Reg'imen, B 2 -J-Mn Reg'iment, B^J-Mnt. B 4 - J-M-N-Td. B2-J-Mnt-NG Regiment'al, B^-J-Mnt-Z, [IMnt] Regiment'als, B^J-Mnt- Lz [IMntz] Re'gion, fi-Jn Reg'ister, fi-Jstr, fl*-J- sTrd, fi2-Jstr-NG Reg'ister-sliip, JP-Jstr tSH Reg'istrar, S'-J-sTr-E Registra'tion, R*-3 - sTrshn Reg'istry, K*-J-sTr Reg'let, #>-G-Lt Reg'nant, JP-G-Nnt Regorge', Ti^Gr-J, Ri-Gr- Jd, /f' Gr-J-NG Regrant', JSi-Gmt, R l - Grn-Td, >-Grnt-NG Regrate', 7^-Grt, R*-Gr- Td. 7^-Grt-NG Regrat'er, fl-Grtr Re'gress, JR'-Grs Regres'sion, iP-Grshn Regress'ive, fl*-Grs-V Regret', B*Grt, B-Gr- Td. R? Grt-NG Regret'ful-ly, R^-Grt-f Regret'table, R*-Grt-Bl Reg'ular, /Z-G1-R [B^- Regularity, .Ri-Gl-fi-T [R'-G] Reg'ularly, K*-G1-'R-L 222 Reg'ulate, /P-Glt, &-G1- Td. Bf-GH-NG Regulation, JP-Glshn Reg'ulative, 2^-Glt-V Reg'ulator, .W-GHr Reg'ulize, R 2 Glz Reg'ulus, S?-G-Ls Regur'gitate, JP-Gr-J- Tt. -Gr-Jt-Td, ff2-Gr-J- Tt(-) Regurgita'tion, 2J*-Gr-J- Tshn Rehabilitate, Tt, RZ-B Tt(-) Rehabilita'tion, Rt-B-L- Tshn Rehear', R 3 -Rr. J?s-Hr- NG [/e s -R, iP-B-NG] Reheard', tfs-Hrd Rehears'al, B 2 -Hrs- Rehearse', Rt-Hrs, R 2 - Hrst, -Hrs NG Rehears'er, JP-Hrs-R Rei, R 3 Rei'gle, K>-Gl Reign, Bn>, Bnd. Kn*-NG Re-imburse', R"-M-Br8, R2-M-Brst. R2-M-Brs-NG Re-imburse'ment, R- M-Br-sMnt Re-imburs'er, R^-M-Br- B Rein, Bu2, JfJnd*. Rn-NG Rein'deer, Rii'-D-R Re-inforce', B*-N-F-Rs Rein'less, 7?n*-Z,s Re-inlist', .RS-N-ist Reins, Bnz Re-insert', R 2 Ns-Rt Re-inspec'tion, R*-Ns-P- Kshn Re-install', R>-Ns-T-L, B'-Ns-T-Ld, fli-Ns-T-L- NG Re-install'ment, T-Z,-Mnt Re-instate', R^-Ns-Tt, Ns-T-Td. RS-Ns-TtC) Re-instate'ment, Tt-Mnt Re-insur'ance, R 3 - N SHrns Re-insure', R 3 -N-SHr, R' N-8Hrd, R3. N . SHr -NG Re-in'tegrate, /e s -N-T- Grt Re-invest', R 8 -N-Vst, N-Vs-Td, fl-N-Vst(-) Re-invest'ment, JP Vs-T-Mnt [-Vs-Mnt] Re-invig'orate, B 3 - Grt, 3-N-V-Gr-Td, N-V-Grt-NG Reis-eflfen'di, flz*-F-N-D Re-is'sue, D (-SHd), K 3 -SH-NG Reit'erate, B 3 -T-Rt, B-Td, B 3 -T- Reitera'tion, REL Reject', B*-J-Kt, Td, JP-J-Kt-NG Reject'able, .R*-J-Kt-Bl Reject'er, JP-J-Ktr Re^ec'tion, B^-J-Kshn Rejoice', Ri-Js, R l -3et, Rejoic'ingly, B'-Js-NGl Rejoin', B'-Jn, Bi-Jnd, Rejoin'der, B'-Jndr Rejoint', B l -Jn Td, B'-Jnt-NG Rejudge', /P-J-J, Reju'venate, B 3 -Jv-Nt, NG Rejuvenes'cence, Ns-Ns Rejuvenes'cency, Ns-N-S Rejuvenes'cent, Ns-Nt Reju'venize, R-Jv-Nz Rekin'dle, /e^-K-Nd-L, /F-K-Nd-Ld, B 3 -K-Nd-L- NG Relaid', R=-L-D Reland', Ri-LnA, Bi-L-N- Dd, fii-Lnd-NG Relapse', RV-Ps, Bli-Pst, BP-Ps-NG Relaps'er, Kl'-P-sR Relate', R1V, RV-1A, R1H- NG Relat'er, Hltr' Rela'tion, Blshn' Relational, Rlshn=-i Rela'tionship, Rlshn ;SH Rel'ative, Rlt*-V Rel'atively, RW-V-L Rel'ativeness, .Rlt*-V-Ns Relat'or, Bltr Relax', Rl'-Ks, Kli-Kst, Rl'-Ks-NG Relax'able, Rl^-Ks-Bl Relax'ant, .RlJ-Ks-Nt Relaxa'tion, Bl'-KssAw Relax'ative, Rli-Ks-Tv Relay', R?-L, R"~L&, fl 2 - i-NG Releas'able, Bis' -B-L Release', Bis 3 , -Rlsf, Bls- NG Release'ment, Rl'-sMnt Releas'er, Rl 3 -sR Rel'egate, Rl 2 -Gt, fll-G- Td, Bl*-Gt-NG Relega'tion, Kl J -Gshn Relent', Bint*, Relent'less, Blnt 2 -s Relessee', B 3 -i-8 Relessor', B'-Zs-R Relet', B 2 it, B2-Z,t-NG Rel'evance, Bl'-Vns Rel'evancy, Bl^-Vn-S Rel'evant, Bl 2 -Vnt REL 223 Reliability, Kl Bl-T Reme'dlable-y, R-Md- Reli'able. ftli-Bl Bl Reli'ableness, Bl-Bl-Ns [IBs] Reli'ance, Kins 1 Reme'dial, RS-M-Dl Remed'iless, R-Md-is Rem'edy, Ra-M-D. R 2 -M- Bel'ic, KP-K Dd, R-M-D-NG Rel'ict, KP-Kt Remem'ber, R 2 -M-M Br, Relied', KV-V (or Sldi) R a -M-M-Brd, R=-M-M-Br- Relief, Wf 3 NG [R-M, R-Md, R 2 - Reli'er, .R'-L-R M(-)] Reliev'able, 1 3 -V-B1 Remem'berer, R2-M-M- Relieve', Rl\, Blvd 3 , Br-R Alvf) 8 Remem'brance, R2-M- Reljev'er, J2lv3-u Reliev'o, Rl*-V M-Brns [R 2 -Me] Remem'brancer, R*-M- Relig'ion, Kl'-Jn [fil-J] M-Brns-R Relig'ionism, RV-Jn-Z- Rem'igrate or Remi'- M [-J-zM] grate, R*ori - M - Grt, Relig'ionist, .Rl s -Jn-St RSori-M-Gr-Td, RSori- Relig'ious, Rl 3 -Js M-Grt-NG Relig'iously, RV-J-sL Remigra'tion, R* - M - Relig'iousness, Rl 3 - Js - Grshn Ns Remind', R'-Mnd, Ri- Relin'quish, Bl 3 -NG-Kw- Mn-Dd. R-Mnd-NG 8H, JfJl s -NG-Kw-SHt, .Rl 3 - NG-Kw-SH-NG [R1 3 -NG- Remind'er, R'-Mndr Remind'ful, R-Mnd-F-L 8H, Kl 3 -NG-SHt, .R1S-NG- Reminis'cence, R 3 - M - SH-NG] Ns-Ns Relin'quisher, K1 3 -NG- Reminis'cent, B 3 -M-Ns- Kw-SHr [fil-XG-SHr] xt Relin'quishment, fil 3 - Remise', Ri-Mz, Ri-Mzd, NG-Kw-SH-Mnt [fil- Ri-Mz-NG NG-SH-Mnt] Remiss', R 3 -Ms Rel'iquary, fil-Kw-fi Remis'sible, R 3 -Ms-B-L Relique', Rl*-K Remis'sion, R 3 - Mshn Rel'ish, K12-SH, RV-Sm, Remiss'ly, R 3 -Ms-i jRl-8H-NG Remiss'ness, R s -Ms-Ns Rel'ishable, B1 S -SH-B1 Remit', R 3 -Mt, R 3 -M-Td, Reloan', R*-Ln R-Mtc) Reluct', Bl J -Kt Remit'ment, R*-Mt-Mnt Reluc'tance, J?l z -K-Tns Remit'tal, R-Mt-L Reluc'tancy, fil^-K-Tn-S Remit'tance, R 3 -M-Tns Reluc'tant, Klz-K-Tnt Reluc'tantly, JZl-K-Tnt- Remit'tent, R 3 -M-Tnt Remit'ter, R 3 -Mtr L Remit'tor, R 3 -Mtr Reluc'tate, Bl 2 -K-Tt Rem'nant, R-Mn-Kt Relume', R 3 -L-Kl. IP-L- Remod'el, R-M-D1, R'-M- Md. .RP-L-M-NG Dld, R'-M-Dl-NG Rely', flli, H-D (flld ! ). Remold', Rs-M-Zd. R 2 -M- fil'-NG L-DA, R 2 -M-Ld-NG Remade', R-Md Remon'strance, R'-Mns- Remain', R 2 -Mn, B^-Mnd. Tus R2-Mn-NG Remon'strant, R 1 - Mns - Remain'der, R^Mndr Tnt Remains', R 2 -Mnz Remon'strate, R 1 - Mns - Remake', R*-M-K, R*-M- Tt, Ri-Mns-T-Td, B- K-NG Mns-Tt(-) Kemand', RJ-Mnd, R'- Remon'strator, R'-Mns- Mn-Dd. Ri-Mnd-NG Ttr Remark', fi'-Mr-K, fi'- Remor'dency, /Z L Mr-Dn- Mr-Kt, ! -Mr-K-XG [R 1 - 8 M. R'-Mt. R'-MC)] Remorse', R l -Mrs Remarks', .R'-Mr-Ks [R- Remorse'ftil. K-Mr8-F-L Ms] Remorse'fuliy, ^"-Mrs-F- Remark'able-y, B>-Mr- L K-B1 [R>-M-B1] Remorseless, Ri-1/ln-Ls Semark'ableness, R* - Remorse'lessly, /Ji-Mrs- Mr-K-Bl-Ns [R^MlBs] Ls-L Remark'er, Bi-Mr-Kr Remorselessness, R 1 - Remar'ry,R-M- Mrs-Ls-Ns or Ren- /in' - Kntr, Ald'-Kntr- HEN Remote', T^-ilt, RZ-Mtn R 2 -M-Tst (or-Mtst) Remote'ly, R 2 -Mt-7, Remote'ness, K 2 -Mt-Ns Remount', Ri-Mnt, R'- Mn-Td, R.i-Mnt-NG Removabil'ity, K 3 -M-V- Bl-X (or-Blt) Remov'able, R'-M-V.BI Remov'al, li^-ji-Yl Remove', R3-M-Y, RS-M- Vd, R-M-V-NG Remov'er, R3-M-Vr Remu'nerable, R 3 -M-Xr- Bl Remu'nerate, R 3 -~vt-Xrt, R 3 -AI-Xr-Td, l^-M-Xrt- XG Remunera'tion, R 2 - M - Nrshn Remunerative, R 3 - M - Nrt-V Remu'neratory, R 3 - M - Nr-T-JB Re'nal, /J3-X-L Ren'ard, flu^-Rd Renas'cence, # l -Xs-Xs Renas'cency, .R'-Xs-x-S Renas'cent, J?'-Xs-xt Renas'cible, Rencon'tre coun'ter, .Rn'-Kut-Rd, XG Rend, Rntf, .Rnd 2 -XG Ren'der, Rmlr", #ud 2 -Rd, .Rudr2-NG Ren'derable, Kmlr 2 -B-L Ren'derer, .Riidr- R Rendezvous, .R^-Xd-V, d-Vd. .R 2 -Nd-V-NG Rendi'tion, /e 3 -N-Dshn Ren'egade, 2 -X-Gd Renega'do, fi 2 -N-a-D Renerve', /J 2 -lsr-V Renew', 7J 3 -N, 3 -Nd, fl- N-NG. At the end of the outlines of Renew ami Renewed join a tick in direction of CH. See JVew. Renewable, -N-Bl Renew'al, 3 -N-L Renew'edly, ^e 3 -X-D-^ Renew'er, .K'-X-R len'iform, leni'tence, /i'-X-Tns leni'tency, /e>-X-Tn-8 Reni'tent, TZ'-X-Tnt ien'net, R*-m Denounce', s'-Nns, Ri- N-Nst, .Ki-N-Ns-XG Renounce'ment, fi' - N Ns-Mnt lenoun'cer, K'-N-Ns-R Ren'ovate, JfP-N-Vt, fi- N-V-Td, fi-N-VtC) ienova'tion, JP-X-Vshn Ren'ovator, 3-N-Ytr REN Eenown', # l -Nn Renowned', B'-Nd Renown'edly, Ri-XnA-L Renownless, Ri-Nn-/,s Bent, RnV, tfi-N-Td, Bnt* -NG Rent'able, Bent'al, Ren'ter, tfntr 2 , Bnt-Rd, .Rntr'-NG Eent'-rqll, KntVR-L Renuncia'tion, K 2 - Nn - S-Hshn Heo'pen, R^-Pn Reordina'tion, R^-R-D- Nshn Re-organiza'tion, jR 2 -.R- G-Nzsftra (-GnzAn) Reorganize, #>-.R-G-Nz, fl'-fl-G-Nzd, Si-^^j-Nz- NG Rep, R-P Repac'ify, S'-Ps-F Repack', fl'-P-K, B>-P-Kt, fli-P-K-NG Repack'er, fli-P-Kr Repaid', R*-Pd Repair', /Z'-P-E, J2>-P-Kd, Repair'able, R l -P-R-Bl Repair'er, fii-P-Rr .Rep'arable R*-P-R-B1 Repara'tion, SP-P-Rsbn Repar'ative, R l -P-Rt-\ Repartee', J2 3 -P-fl-T, B?- P-R -Td, .R3-P-.R-T-NG .Kepass', B'-Ps, Repast', Repay, fi^-P Repay'able, Repay'ment, Repeal', fls-P- fi'-P-L-NG Repealabil'ity, R*-P-L- Bl-T (-Bit) Repeal'able, 7J 3 -P-Z,-B1 Repeal'ableness, R^-P- i-Bl-Na [IBs] Repeal'er, 7J 3 -P-I,-B Repeat/, -Pt, fi-P-Td, 7ii-Pt(-) Repeat/ edly, R3-P-1&-L Repeat'er, 3 -Ptr Repel', .R2.p. Li Repel'lence, Repel'lency, Repel'lent, R*-P-Lnt Repel'ler, If-P-L-H. Repent', K*-Pnt, JB*-Pn- Td. .RS.pnt-NG Repent'ance, JFS^-Pnt-Ns Repent'ant, K 2 -Pnt-Nt Repent'er, R*-Pntr Repeo'ple, i-P-Pl, R*-P- Pld, .R 3 -P-P1-NG Repercuss', ^-Pr-Ks Repercus'sion, R* Pi Kshu 224 Repercuss'ive, -R*-Pr-Ks- V Reperti'tious, .RVPr-T- SHa Rep'ertory, R*-Prt-R Repetend', B*-P-Tnd Repeti'tion, B 3 -P-Tshn Repeti'tional, R 3 - P - Tshn-R Repeti'tious, RS-P-T-Sffs Repine', R l -Pn, R l -Pn&. Repin'er, JZ'-P-Nr Repin'ingly, Replace', R 2 -Pls, fl s -Plst, Replace'ment, R^-Pl- sMut Replant', B>-Plnt, R^-Pln- Rep'lant'able, K'-Plnt-B (-L) Replanta'tion, ^-Pln- Tshn Replenish, #*-Pln-SH. NG Replenishment, B*-Pln- SH-Hnt Replete', R*-Plt Reple'tion, /S*-Plslin Reple'tive, '-Plt-V Replev'iable, -Pl-V-Bl Replev'in, R*-Pl-Vn Replev'isable, Jf^-Pl-Vs- Bl Replev'y, R*-P1-V, R*-Pl- Vd. s-Pl-V-NG Rep'licant, .R2-Pl-Knt Replica'tion, Repli'er, fi>-Pl-R Reply', fl'-Pl, ^i-Pld, fii- Pl-NG Repol'ish, JfJJ-P-L-SH, fi'- P-L-SH-T, fii-P-i-SH-NG Report', R*P-Rt, Rt-P-R- Td, 2-P-Bt-NG Report'er, R?-P-Rtr Report'ing, Repos'al, /P-Pz-L Repose', R*-Pz, R^-Pz-D, fi--Pz-NG Repos'edness, J^-Pz-D- Ns Repos'it, B'-Pz-T, B-Pz- Td, B'-Pz-T-NG Reposi'tion, R*-Pzshn Repository, Ri-Pz-T-R Repossess', R*-Pss, R" 2 - Pss-T. S-Pss-NG Reposses'sion, R*-Psshn Reprehend', JP-Pr-Hnd. fi-Pr-Hn-Dd, /2-Pr-Hnd -NG Reprehend'er, R- - Pr - Hndr Reprehensibil'ity, R 3 - Pr-Ns-B-L-T REP Reprehen'sible, R* -Pr- Ns-B-L Reprehen'sibleness, R*- Pr-Ns-B-i-Ns [:Bs] Reprehen'sibly, /Z 2 -Pr- Ns-B-I, Reprehen'sion, K'-Pr- Nshn Reprehen'sive, S-Pr-Ns -V Represent', R*- Prz - Nt, NG [/J 2 -P, -R2-PSD, PC)] Representa'tion, N-Tshn t^-Pshn] Represent'ative, R?-Prz- ^ 7 t-Tv [ff*-p;i Represent'er, TP-Prz-Ntr Represent'ment, B^-Prz- M-Mnt Repress', JS^-Prs, JfP-Prst, Repress'er, K*-Pr-sR Repres'sion, ^--Prsbn Repress'ive, ^-- Repress'ively, L Reprieve', .R 3 -Prv, fi 3 - Prvd. 3 -Prv-NG Rep'rimand, ,R 2 -Pr-Mnd, -NG Reprint', B 3 -Prnt, fi'-Prn -Td, 7e 3 -Prnt-NG Re'print, ^ 3 -Prnt Repris'al, '-Prz-L Reprise', ^ J -Prz Reproach', .RZ-Pr-CH, R*- Pr-CHt. jR2-Pr-CH-NG Reproach'able, R*-Pr- CH-Bl Reproach'ableness, R*- Pr-CH-Bl-Ns t:Bs] Reproach'er, R=-Pr-CHr Reproach'ful-ly, tf*-Pr- CH-F1 Rep'robate, ^2-Pr-B-T, NG Rep'robateness, R*-Pr- B-T-Ns Rep'robater, K=-Pr-Btr Reproba'tion, R 1 - Pr - Bsh- Reproduce', K'-Pr-Ds, R 3 -Pr-Dst. R 3 -Pr-Ds-NG Reproduc'tion, R^-Pi-D- Kshn Reproductive, RS-Pr-V- Kt-v Reproduc'tory, R*-Pr-D- K-Tr Reproof, R 3 -Prf Repromul'gate, R* -Pi- rn Gt Reprov'able, R3.prv.B-L Reprov'ableness, B 3 -Prv !Bs Reprov'ably, ^-Prv-B-i REP Reprov'al, R*.p r -Vl Reprove', R 3 - Prv, Prvd, .R'.prv.NG Reprover, # 3 -Pr-Vr Reprovingly, .R 3 - NG-L, Rep'tile, fi-Pt-L Reptil'ian, .R 3 -Pt-n Repub'lic, R--P-B-L-K [.R--P-B] Republican, -R*-P-B-Z. Kn [.R-.P-Bn] Republicanism, L-Ku-Z M [fi-^P-- Repub'licanize, .R 2 -P-B X-K-Nz, 2-P 225 RES Republica'tion, i-Kshn [fi~P- Repub'lish, /? 2 -P-B-/.,-SH, L-SH-NG [B2.p.B, RS P-B1T, R2-P-BC)] Repu'diable, 7^-P-D-Bl Repu'diate, R 3 -P-Dt, R 3 - P-D-Td, JFJ3-p-DtO) Repudia'tion, .R^P-Dshn Repu'diator, R 3 -P-Dtr Repug'nance, R*-P-G- Nns Repug'nancy, R 2 -P-G- Nn-S Repug'nant, R*-P-G-Nnt Repug'nantly, E?-P-Qr- Nnt-L Repulse', J?2-P-Ls, B-p. Lst, fi^-P-Ls-NG Repul'sion, ^2-P-Lshn Repul'sive, R*-P-Ls-V Repul'sively, K=-P-is-V- Zr Repul'siveness, V-Ns Repul'sory, -- Repurchase, K 2 -Pr-CHs, NG Rep'utable-y, .fi?-Pt-Bl Rep' utableness, a 2 - Pt - Bl-Ns [:Bs] Reputa'tion, [K ? -Pshn] Repute', Reput'edly, R'-P-Td-Z Request', R^-Kwst, K*- Kws-Td. R*-KvrstC) Request'er, fi^-Kwstr Re'quiem. B^-Kw-M Requir'able, tf'-Kw-K-Bl Require', H'-Kw-E. R 1 - Kw-fld, .R'-Kw-B-NG Require'ment, fii-Kw-B- Mnt Requir'er, .R'-Kw-Rr Req'uisite, H-Kwz-T Req'uisiteness, JKi-Kwz-- T-Ns Requisi'tion, R*-Kvrzslin Requit'al, JZ'-Kwt-L 10* Requite', R'-Kwt, Ri-Kw- Residue, Rz 2 -r> Td, Ri-Kwt-NG Resid'uum, /ez 3 -D-M Requit'er, Ri-Kwtr Resign', Rz^-~K, /jz^Nd. Rere'ward, R 3 -R-Wrd Rz'-N-NG Resail', R^-eL, R 3 -sL-D, Resigna'tion, .Rz 2 - G - R-^-sZ-NG Nshn Resale', R 2 -s// Resigned', Rzi-Nd Rescind', Rs 3 -Nd, Rs 3 -N- Resign'edly, /fz^N-D-i Dd, Rs 3 -Nd-NG Resign'er, .Rz'-N-R Rescis'sion, Rszhn 3 Resilience, 7i' 3 -zi-Ns Rescis'sory, R 3 -Ss-R Re'script, R 3 -sKr-Pt Resiliency, /e 3 -z/y-N-S Resilient, ,R 3 -z//-Nt Rescrip'tion, R 3 - sKr - Resili'tion, Rt-zLshn Pshn Resin, 7fz 2 -X Res'cuable, Rs 2 -K-Bl Resinif'erous, Rz^-'S-~'- Res'cue, R 2 -K. Rs 2 -Kd, Ks Rs 2 -K-NG Resinous, .Kz 2 -Ns Res'cner, Rs 2 -K-R Resist', Rzs-T, ^Szs 3 -Td, Research', Rs 2 - R - CH, Rzs 3 -T-NG Rs^-R-CHt, Rs 2 -R-CH-NG Resist'ance, 7izs 3 -Tns Reseat', Rs 3 -T, Rs3-Td, Resist'ant, Kzs 3 -Tnt Rs 3 -T-NG Resist'er, ,Rzs 3 -T-R Reseize', R 3 -sZ, Rs-sZd, Resistibillty, zs 3 -T-Bl. R 3 sZ-NG T Reseiz'ure, R 3 -sZHr Resistible, 7Jzs 3 -T-Bl Resell', R--sL, R 2 -st-NG Resistive, RZK S -IV Resem'blance, R 3 - zM - Resistless, Rzs s -T-Ls Bins Resold', R2-&L-D Resem'ble, R* - zM - Bl, Res'oluble, R"~zL-El 7J 2 -zM-Bld, R 2 -zM-Bl-NG Res'olute, R"-zLt Resend', Bs 2 -Nd Res'olutelv. R 2 -zLt-L Resent', jRz 2 -Nt, Rz 2 -X- ! Res'olutene'ss, Rz-zLt-y* Td, .Rz2-Nt-NG Resolu'tion, R 3 -zishn Resent'er, Rz 2 -Ntr Resent'ful, .Rz 2 -Nt-F-L Resolvable, .R'-zi-V-Bl Resolve', R l -zL-\, Ri-zL- Resent'fully, JZz-Nt-F-i Vd, Ri-zA-V-NG Resentlve, Rz2-Nt-V Resolvedness, Ri-zL- Resent'ment, Rz* - Nt - Vd-Ns Mnt Resolvent, R l -zL-Vnt Reserva'tion, Rz- - R - Resolv'er, Ri-zL-\e Vshn Res'onance, .Rz 2 -Xns Reserv'atory, Rz*-R-V- Res'onant, jR/ 2 -Nnt T-R Resorb'ent, R^-R-Bnt Reserve', Rz"-R\, Ri?- Resort', Rz^ Rt, Rz^-R- Rvd, Rz^-Rv(') Td. Rz'-Kt-NG Reserved', RZ--RV&. Reservedly, Rz^-Rvd-L Resort'er, Rz^-Rtr Resound', Rz J -Nd, Rz'- Reserv'edness, RZ*-R- N-Dd, Rzi-Nd-NG Vd-Ns Resound', Rs'-Nd, Rs'-N- Reserv'er, Rz*-R\-R Dd, Rsi-Nd-NG Reservoir', Rz 2 -.R-V-R Resource', Rs 2 -Rs Reset', Rs 2 -T, Rs^T-NG Respect', Rs 2 -p-Kt, Rs- Reset'tle, Rs 2 -T-L, Rs z -T- P-K-Td, Rs 2 P-Kt-NG Ld, /?s 2 -X-L-NG Respectability, Rs 3 - P - Reset'tlement, Rs'-T-- Kt-Bl-T Mnt Respect'able-y, Rs*-P- Reship', R3-SH-P Kt-Bl Reside', Rzi-V, Kz'-Dd, Respect'ableness, Rs*.- Rz'-D-NG P-Kt-Bl Ns [IBs] Residence, Rz 2 -Dns Respect'ed, Rs 2 -P-K-Td Residency, .Rz^-Dn-S Respect'er, R 2 -P-Ktr Resident, Rz-Dnt Respect'ful-ly, Rs=-P-Kt. Res'identer, Rz 2 -Dntr Residen'tial, Rz*-D-N- Fl Respect'fulness, Rs*-P- SH1 Kt-Fi-Ns I:FS] Residen'tiary, Rz*-D-N- Respecting, Rs= - P - Kt- Sffr NG Resid'er, R'-zDr Resid'ual, Rz 3 -D-L Respective, Rs P-Kt-V Respectively, As-P-Kt- Reaid'uary, Rz 3 -D-R V-L RES Eespect'less, Rs 2 -P- It Eespect'lessness, J2s*-P- Kt-is-Na [1Z.S] Bespell', Rs-P-TL, Rs*-P- Ld, tfs*-P-L-N Kespirabili'ty, Bl-T Bespir'able, B Eespir'ableness, Rs l -P- /e-Bl-Ns [IBs] Bespira'tion, #s 2 -P-Rshn Bes'pirator, Rs*-P-Rtr Bespir'atory, Rs l -P-R-T- R Bespire', tfs^P-E, Rs l -P- Bd, RKi-P-R-TSGr Bes'pite, Rs*-Pt, Rs*-P- Td, R^-Pt(-) Besplen'dence, Bs 2 - Plnd-Ns Besplen'dency, Rs* - Phid-N-8 Kesplen'dent, Bs s -Plnd- Nt Resplen'dently, Rs* - Plnd-Nt-L, Bespond', JZsi-Pnd, Bs 1 - Pn-Dd. fis>-Pnd-NG Bespond'ence, .Rs l -Pnd- Ns Bespond'ency, Rs l -Pn&- N-S Eespond'ent, Bs 1 -Pnd- Nt Besponden'tia, Ss*-Pnd- N-SH Bespon'sal, Rs^P-Ns-L Eesponse', fis 1 -Pns Besponsibil'ity, Rs 3 -Pns Bespon'sible, L [s'-Pns] Bespon'sibleness, 5s 1 - Pns-B L-Ns [IBs] Bespon'sibly, .Rs^Pns-B- L [fis'-Pns] Bespon'sive, Bs'-P-Ns-V Bespon'sively, ^s'-P-Ns- V-L Bespon'siveness, Ral-P- Ns-V-Ns [si-Pns:Vs] Bespon'sory, Ks^P-Ns-B Best, R*t*. fi s 2-Td. Rst(-)t Bes'taurant, R^-T-Rnt Bestaurateur', R&ort-T- Rtr Bestem , Rs^-T-M Best'iff, AV-Tf Bes'tifFness, Rtf-lt-'Sa Best'ing, /Jst(-) 8 Best'ing-place, Rs* - T - NG-Pls Bestitu'tion, fls'-T-Tshn Best'ive, Rs=-Tv Best'iveness, 5s a -Tv-Ns Best'lesa, R^-xLa Best'lessly, R*-sLs-L Bestor'able, fis 2 -T-K-Bl Bestora'tion, .Rs 3 -T-.Rshn 226 Bestora'tionist, Rshu-St Bestor'ative, Bs 2 -T-Bt-V Bes'torator, Rs^-T-Rti Bestore', fis 2 -T-B, ^s-T- Bd,Bs*-T fi-NG Bestor'er, fis 2 -T-Br Bestrain', R--s1rn, R>- sTrnd. .RS-sTrn-NG Bestrain'able, B 2 -sTr-N- Bl Bestrain'edly, Bestrain'er, B 2 -sTr-Nr Bestraint', R^-sTrnt Bestrict', ^^-sTr-Kt, sTr-K-Td. fiS-s Bestric'tion, - sTr - Kshn Bestrict'ive, K3-sTr-Kt-V Bestrict'ively, .R 3 - sTr - Kt-V-i Bestringe', 3. S Tr-N-J Bestrin'gency, B 3 -sTr- N-Jn-S Bestrin'gent, B 3 -sTr-N- Jnt Best'y, Bs 2 -T Result', R-7.Li, RV-zL-T(l, if-zZ/t-NG Besult'ance, B 2 -zi-Tns Result'ant, JZ--zi-Tnt Besum'able, B3-zM-Bl Besume', (razuma') R 2 - Z-M Resume 1 , JR3. Z M, 2Z-zMd, Resum'mpn, Resumption, K 2 -zMshn Resumptive, R*-zUt-V Resu'pinate, .RsS-P-N-T Resu'pine, Rtf-Pn Resurrec'tion, Rz* R - Kshn Resurrec'tionist, Rz*-R- Kshn-St Resurvey, R*--R-V, Rs*- fi-Vd, Bs s -R-V-NG Besus'citate, R* - Ba - Tt, Resuscita'tion, R* - Ss - Tshn Resus'citative, R^-Ss-1- Tv Retail', B 2 -T-L, R-T-Ld. 2 -T-L-NG (Bt J -L, etc.) Re'tail, .R3-T-L (Rt 3 -L) Betail'er or Be'tailer, Betain', R--Ti Betain'er, R*-T-Nr Retake', R^-T-H, K 2 -T-K NG Retak'en, # 2 -T-Kn Retal'iate, .Ri-T-Lt, fii-T i-Td. R-T-it-NG Retalia'tion, B s -T-ishn Retal'iative, R 1 T-it-V Retaliatory, R^-T-Lt-R RET Retard', fli-T-Rd, ^ji-T- fi-Dd, Ri-T-fid-NG Betarda'tion, J? 2 -T-B- Dshn Retard'er, Ri-T-R-T>r Retard'ment, fii-T-Bd- Mnt Retch, fl 2 -CH, B 2 -CHt, Eetell', NG Beten'tion, J^-T-Nshn Beten'tive, JP-Tnt-V Beten'tiveness, .R 2 -Tnt- V-Ns [!Vs] Be'tiary, R 3 -SH-R Bet'icence, .Rts^-Ns Bet'icency, Jfts 2 -N-S Bet'icent, ^t.s 2 -Nt Ret'icle, jR 2 -T-Kl Retic'ular, iJs.x-Kl-B Retic'ulate, .RS-T-KH Betic'ulated, 7<! 3 -T-Kl-Td Beticula'tion, R" - T - Klshn Eet'icule, B 2 -T-K1 Bet'ifonn, Rt^-F-'R-^l Eet'ina, 5t 2 -N Bet'inal, 7Jt 2 -N-L Eet'inoid, /St 2 -N-D Eet'inue, M 2 -N (with final tick as in New. ) Eetire', B'-T-R, J?'-T-Rd, fi'-T-fl-NG (Rti-R, Bti- Bd, Bti-fl-NG) Betired'ly, fli - T - Rd - L (Rti-Rd-i) Betired'ness, R^-T-Rd- Eetire'ment, Ri - T - B - Mnt (Bti-B-Mnt) Betir'ing, fii - T - R NG (Bt'-K-NG) Betold', fl-T-Ld Betook', B 3 -T-K XvGtOrt . it*-X-Rt, R*-T-/r- Td. fli-T-TSt-NG (Rt'-Rt, Rt*-.R-Td, Rti-fit-NG) Betort'er, ^'-T-^tr (Rti- fltr) Eetor'tion, R 1 - T - Rshn (Rti-Rshn) Eetoss', fl>-Ts Betouch', R 2 T-CH, J^-T- CHt, 7J2-T-CH-NG Betrace', K 2 -Trs. B 2 -Trst, H 2 -TrsNG Eetract', fltri-Kt. JZtr'-K- Td, Rtri-Kt-NG Betract'able, /etr'-Kt-Bl Betracta'tion, TJtr 2 - K - Tshn Betract'ible, Ktri-Kt-Bl Eetract'ile, .Rtri-Kt-L Betrac'tion, Btri-Kshn Eetract'ive, fitr'-Kt-V Betrax'it, Btr'-Ks-T Betread', fl 2 -Tr-D Betreat', fis-Trt, B-Tr Td, S 3 -Trt{*) RET Retrench', #*-Tr-N-CH- JP-Tr-N-CHt, CH-NG Retrenchment, N-CH-Mnt Retrio'ute, Rtr 3 -Bt Retribu'tion, fitr-Bshn Retrib'utive, Rtr*-Bt-V Retrib'utory, RtrZ-Bt-R Retriev'able-y, R*-Tr-v- Bl Retrievableness, Retrieval, R^Tr- VI Retrieve', R 3 -Trv, R 3 - Trvd. .RS-Trv-NG Retriev'ment, Rt-Trv- Mnt Retriev'er, B 3 -Tr-Vr Retroact', i-Tr-Kt, Ri- Tr-K-Td. JZi-Tr-Kt-NG Retroac'tion, R* - Tr - Kshn Retroactive, Ri-Tr-Kt-V Ret'rocede, R 2 -Trs-D Retroces'sion, R 2 -Trs*i Ret'roflex, fi^.Tr-Fl-Ks Ret'ronexed, JS-Tr-Fl- Kst Ret'rofract, B^-Trf-R-Kt Ret'rofracted, JZ^-Trf-R- K-Td Retrograda'tion, R^Tt- Gr-Dshn Het'rograde, J?-Tr-Grd, ^-Tr-Gr-Dd, .RS-Tr-Grd- NG Retrogres'sion, JZ-Tr- Grshn Retrogressive, RS-IT- Grs-V Ret'rospect, fl* Tr-sP-Kt Retrospec'tion, sP-Kshn Retrospect'ive, R?-Tr- sP-Kt-V Retrospect'ively, sP-Kt-V-i Retro ver'sion, fi - Tr - Vrshn Ret'rovert, R-Tr-Vrt Ret'ting, 7Zt 2 -NG Return', R*-T-Rn, _. _ find, W-T-fin-NG (Rt*- JZn, Rtsfind, ' NG) Return'able, Return'-day, K>-T-Ru-V 227 Reveal'able, B'-V--Bl Reveal'ableness, 2Z-V- L-Bl-Ns [IBs] Reveal'er, -V-Z-R Reveal'ment, ZZ-V-L- Mut Reveil'le, R*-V-L Rev'el, yes-V-L, .RS-V-Ld Revela'tion, R*-V-Lahn Reveler, /Z2-V-Z-R ReVel-rout, R"-\-L Revelry, R*-v-L-R Revend'icate, ZZ-Vnd-Kt Return'er, (RtS-Rn-R) Return'less, (Rt2-fin is) Retuse', fi'-T Reun'ion, fi a Reunite', '-Y-N T. Y-N-Td. fi> Y-N T-NG Reveal', , -- Revendica'tion, Jlf-Vnd- Kshn Revenge', B2-V-N-J, V-N-Jd. flS-V-N-- Revenge'ful-ly, J-F1 Revenge'fulneas, N-J-Fl-Ns [!Fs] Reven'ger, fi2-V-N-Jr Revenue, jR^-V-N Revenue-cutter, N-Ktr Revenue-officer, B N-Fs-R Revenue-stamp, Ns-T-M-P Reverberant, RV'-R Brnt Reverberate, flv*-fl-Brt v - /? - Br - Td, Rv*-R Brt(-) Reverbera'tion, Rv*-R Brshn Reverberatory, RV'-R Brt-fi Revere', R^-V- R&, .R8-V-R-NG Rev'erence, Rv^-Rnst, /Zv Rev'erencer, Rev'erend, Rv* REV Revert'er, Hv^- Revert'ible, Rv-- Revert'ive, ltv*-Kt-V Rev'ery, H\*- Revest', R"- Td, .R2-Vst(-) Revest'ment, Mnt Revet'ment, -- Revi'brate, '-V-Brt Review, 3 - Review'er. fi 3 -V-ij Revile', ff'-v-L, .R'-V-Ld R*-\ When employed as a title, use abreviation R*-V, as R2-V Dri Krz'-B 1 (Rev. Dr. Crosby) Reverent, iZv-/Znt fiv-JZ-N- , Reveren'tial, 8H1 [vs-fin] Reveren'tially, Sffl iRv*-R Reverently, Rever'er, JZ 3 -V-Br Reverie', R*-V-R Rever'sal, Rv^-Ra-Ij Reverse', Rv 3 -Rs, Rat, Bv*-fls-NG Reversely, Rv*-R-eL Revers'er, Bv*- Revers'ible, K Rever'sion, Sv^ Rever'sionary, Rshn-R Reversioner, Kv*-fishn- B Revert', Td, Revil'er, /e'-V-i-R Revindicate, 3 -Vnd-Kt Revis'al, ^i-Vz-L Revise', .fi'-Vz, K--Vzd, fi'-Vz-NG Revis'er, .Ri-V-Zr Revi'sion, 7S 3 -Vzhn Revis'ional, ^3.v zlin .^ Revis'ionary, JS---Vzhn-fi -;Revis'it, /e'-Vz-T, ^3.y z . Revisita'tion, ^2 - Vz - Tslm Revi'sory, fi'-Vz-jFZ Revi'val, TZ^V-VI Reviv'alist, ^z'-V-Vlst Revive', /z'-v-v, Ri-v- Vd. Ri-V-V-NG Reviv'er, .R'-V-Vr Revivifica'tion, R 2 -V-V- F-Kshn Revivify, RS.y-V-F, R3. V-V-Fd. RS-V-V-F-NG Revivis'cence, JZ 3 -V-Vs- Ns Revivis'cency, R 3 -V-Vs- N-S Revivis'cent, J? 3 -V-Vs- Nt Reviv'or, , Revocabil'ity, fi^-v-K- Bl-T Revocable, /z-V-K-Bl Rev'ocableness, 7? 2 -V-K- Bl-Ns [IBs] Revocation. ^-V-Kshn Rev'ocatory, R*-V-K-T-R Revoke', R2-V-K, *-V-K- T, 2 V K NG levoke'ment, JP-V-K- Mnt Revolt', fivi-it, /2v>-i- Td. flvi-/,t-NG levolt'er, Kvi-Ltr ievoluble, v-z,-Bl lev'olute, ffv2-/,t levolu'tion, Rv^-ishn Revolutionary, Rv*- Lshn-R ievolu'tioner, Rv 3 -Lsha -R levolu'tionism, fiv- Zehn-Z-M levolu'tionist, JZv f - ishn-St REV Bevolu'tionize, Zshn-Z, .RvS-ishn-Zd, 228 RIN Revolve', vi-L-V, L-Vd, Kvi--V-NG Eevolv'ency, Bv-i-Vn- 8 Revolver, Rv^-L-Vr Revul'sion, Rv--L$bn Revul'sive, Rv*-Ls-V Reward', fl'-Wrd, >-Wr Dd. J2-Wrd-NG Reward'able, fii- Reward'er, fli-Wrd Reward'less, Ri-Vfrd-Ls Rewrite', R l R-T Rewriting, /S 1 R-T-TSQ Rewrit'ten, R^-R-Tn Rey'nard, # 2 -Nrd Rhabdol'ogy, tfi-Bd-L-J Rhab'domancy, S'-Bd- Mn-S Rhapsod'ic, fii-Ps-D-K Rhapsod'ical, fi'-Ps-D- El Rhap'sodist, /Z'-Ps-Dst Rhap'sody, fl'-Ps-D Rhen'ish, tfn2-SH Rhe'ter, /ttr* Rhet'oric, Rtr^-E. Rhetor'ical-ly, R*-T-R- Kl Rhetori'cian, R*-T-Rshn Rheum, R 3 -M Rheumat'ic, Ri-Mt-K Rheu'matism, R 3 -M-T- zM (R3-Mtz-M) Rheum'y, K^-M Rhi'no, '-X Rhinoce'rial, R 3 -fis-Rl Rhinoc'eros, ^-Ns-fis Rhinoplas'tic, ^'-N-Pls- T-K Hhi'noplasty, Bi-N-Pls- T Rhizo'ma, 7P-Z-M Rho'dium, R*V-M. Rhododen'dron, R* D- D N-Drn Rhodomontade', &-!>- Mnt D Rhomb, R-M-B Rhom'bic, Ri-M-B-K Rhom'boid, Ri-M-B-D Rhomboid'al, Ri-M-B-Dl Rhom'bus, R'-M-Ba Rhu'barb. TJ^-B-fl-B Rumb. R2-M-B Rhumb'-line, R^-M-B-Ln Rhyme, R l - M, Ri - Md, R 1 M-NG Rhym'er, /Z l -Mr Rhym'ist, R'-Mst Rhym'ster, R'-Mstr Rhythm, ^. T H-M or R? DH-M Rhyth'mic, K'-TH-M-K or Ra-DH-M-K Rhyth'mical, B'-TH-M- Ri'al, fiSori-L Rig, jR 3 -G, R 3 -Gd, &-& Rial'to, Ri-L-T NG Rib, fi 3 -B fi s -Bd, fi'-B Rig'adoon, R 3 -G-Dn NG Riga'tion, /P-Gshn Rib'ald, fi 3 -Bld ilig'ger, R3-Gr : Rib'aldry, fi 3 -Bld-fi Rig'ging, .Rs-G-NG Rib'and or Rib'band, R 3 Right, RV, fii-Td, Stl- -End NG Rib'bing, fio-B-NG Right'-angle, fit'-NG-Gl Rib'bon, fi 3 -Bn, fi 3 -Bnd, Righf-angled, fit'-NG- fi 3 -Bii-NG Gld Rib'-grass, fi 8 -B-Grs Right'eous, R l -CHs Rib'roast, fi 3 -B-fist Rice, Rsi Right'eously, R^-CH-sL Right'eousness, fi'-CHs- Rice'-paper, fis'-P-Pr Ns Rich, Rt-CH, fia-CHr, fi- CHst Right'er, Rtr 1 Right'ful, tft'-F-L Rich'es, fi 3 -CHz Right'fully, Rt'-F-i Rich'ly, R 3 -CH-L Right'fulness, flt^F-L- Rich'ness, fiS-CH-Ns Ns [fit 1 i Fs] Rick, Rt-K Righf -hand, Ri-T-Hnd Rick'-cloth, fi 8 -K-Kl-TH Right'-handed, fii - T - Rick'ets, fi 3 -Kts Hn-Dd Rick'ety, fi 3 -K-T Ricochet'. fi 2 -K-SH, R*- Right'ly, fiH-i Right'ness, fit'-Ns K-SHd, /Z2-K-SH-NG or Rig'id, fi^-Jd fi*-K-SHt, etc. Rigid'ity, fi 3 - Jd-T Rid, R 3 -D, Rt-Vd, R 3 -D- Rig'idly, fi 3 -Jd-L NG Rig'idness, fi 3 -Jd-Ns Rid'dance, B 3 -Dns Rig'marole, fi 3 -G-H-fil Rid'den, fi 3 -Dn Rig'or, fi 3 Gr Rid'dle, Rt-Vl, fi 3 -Dld, Rig'orous, fi 3 -Grs Rig'orously, Rt-Gr-sL Rid'dler, B 3 -D1-R Rig'orousness, fi 3 -Grs- Ride, fii-D. K>-D-NG Ns Rideau', ^-D Rile, fi'-L, fii-Ld, fii-Ir- Rid'er, R l -Vr NG Rid'erless, R^-Dr-Ls Rill, fi 3 -L Ridge, R 3 - 3, R 3 -JA, R*-J- Rilled, fi 3 -Ld NG Rim, R3-M, R 3 -Md, R 3 -M- Ridge'-pole, .R 3 -J-P-L NG Ridg'y, R 3 -J Rid'icule, RP-V-m, R 3 -!)- Rime, R>-M Rimose', R 8 -Ms Kld, fi^-D-Kl-NG Rimos'ity, R^Ms-T Rid'iculer, ^-D-Kl-R Ri'mous, Ri-Ms Ridic'ulous, ,R 3 -D-Kls Rim'ple, R 3 -M-P1, R-M- Ridic'ulously, R^-D-Kl- Pld, RS-M-Pl-NG 8L Rim'y, Ri-M Ridic'ulousness, R 3 -D- Rind, find 1 Kls-Ns Jin'dle, fi 3 -Nd-L Rid'ing, B J -D-NG Ring, fi 3 -NG, fiS-NGd, Rf- Rid'ing-coat, fi'-D-NG- NG-NG Kt Ring'-bolt, fi3-NG-B-Lt Rid'ing-habit, R!-D-NG- Ring'dove, fi 3 -NG-Dv Bt Ring'er, fi^-NGr Rid'ing-hood, .Ri-D-NG- Ring'-finger, fi 3 -NG-F- Hd NGr Rid'ing-school, B 1 - D - NGs-Kl iing'ing, K 3 -NG-NG Ringleader, fi 3 -NG-//-Dr Ridot'to, Ri-D-T (or -Ldr) Rife, Rf i iing'let, fi 3 -NG-it Rife'ly, RP-L Ring'-master, fi 3 -NG- Rife'ness, .Ri-F-Ns Mstr Riffraff, Rf 3 -Rf Ring'-streaked, fi 3 -NG- Ri'fle, Rfl-L, RP-Ld, fif- sTr-Kt Z-NG Xing'-tail, fi 3 -NG-T-L Ri'fle-man, Kf-Z-Mn Xing'worm, fi^NG-Wr- Ri'fler, RP-L-R M Rift, Rfts, 3 -F-Td, Rft(-)' Rinse, fins', finst, fins*- Rift'y, fi 3 -F-T NG 229 Bins'er, ns R Rob, RI-B, & Bd. Ri-B- Biot, Ri-T. R'-Td, RJ-T- NG NG Rob'ber, R'-Br Bi'oter B J -Tr Rob'bery, R'-B-R Bi'otous. R>-Ts Bi'otousiy, Rt-T-sL Bobe, R*-B, R 2 -Bd, R*-B- NG Bi'otousness, R'-Ts-Ns Bob'in, R>-Bn Bip, R 3 -P, R 3 -Pt, R3-P-NG Bob'orant, R'-B-Rnt Bipa'rian, fi*-P-Rn Robust', R-Bst Bipe, Ri-P, '-Pr, fii-Pst!Bobust'ness, R-Bs-T-Ns Bipely, R l -P-L Bip'en, R>-Pn, Ri-Pnd, Ri Pn-NG [-Bs-Ns] Boc, Ri-R Boche'-alum, R-K-L-M Bipe'ness, R^P-Ns Bochelle' Powders, K 3 - gip'per, R 3 -Pr SHl-P-Drz ip'ple, R 3 -P1, R3-Pld, R 3 - Boch'et, Ri-CHt Pl-NG Bock, Ri-K, R'-Kt, Ri-K- Bip'rap, R 3 -P-R-P NG Bise, Rzi, Rzi-NG Bock'-alum, R>-K-L-M Bis'en, Rz3-N Bock'away, i-K-W Bis'er, Ri-Zr Bisibil'ity, Rz3-B--T Bock'-crystal, R'-K-Krs- T-L Bis'ible, Rz-B-L Rock'er, Ri-Kr Bis'ing, Rzi-NG Rock'et, R'-Kt Bisk, Rs B -K, Rs 3 -K.t, Rs s - Rock'iness, R'-K-Ns K-NG Rock'ing, R'-K-NG Bisk'er, R 3 -sKr Bock'ing-chair, R 1 - K - Bisk'y, Re 3 -K NG-CHr Bite. Rt 1 Bock'ing-stone, Ri - K - Bitornelle', R-Tr-Nl NGs-Tn Bitornel'lo, R 2 -Tr-N-Z Bookless, R'-K-Ls Bit'ual, RJ-CH-L Bock'-oil, R 1 K-L Bit'ualism, R 3 -CH-z-M Bock'-salt, R'-K -sLt Bit'ualist, R 3 -CH-ist Bock'- work, Ri-K-Wr-K Bit'ually, R 3 -GH.-L Bock'y, R'-K Bi'val, Rv-L. Rvi-id. Bod, Ri-D Rv^-Li- NG Bode, R D Bi'valry? Rv l -L-R Bi'valship, Rvi-L-SH-P Bo'dent, R a -Dnt Roden'tia, R Du-SH Bive, Rvi, Rvd 1 , Rvo 1 Rod'omont, RJ-D-Mnt Biv'el, Rv 3 -L, R\ 3 -Ld, Rodomontade', R 2 - D - Rv^-/>-NG Mnt-D Biv'en, R 3 -Vn Rodomontad'ist, R*-D- Biv'er, Rv 3 -R Mut-Dst Biv'ered, Rv3-Rd Roe, R 2 Biv'er-god, Rv 3 -R-Gd Boe'buck, rf 2 -B K Biv'er-horse, Rv 3 -R-Hrs Roga'tion, R-Gshn Biv'et, R 3 -Vt, R s -V-Td, Rogue, R-G R 3 -Vt-NG Rogu'ery, R-Gr Bivose', RS-Vs Rogu'ish, R-G-8H Biv'ulet, R 3 -V-it Bix'-dollar, RS-Ks-D-i- Rogu'ishly, R-G-5fll Rogu'ishness, R-G-SH- R Ns Biz'zered, R 3 -Zrd Roil, R'-L, R'-Ld, fi>-L- Boach, RS-CH NG Boad, R*-D Boil'y, R l -L Boad'-bed, R-D-Bd Boad'stead, R 2 Ds-Td Roint, Rnt 1 Rois'ter, Rstr 1 Boad'ster, RS-Dstr Rois'terer, R-sTr-R Roam, R2-M, R 2 -Md, R- Role, Rl* M-NG Roll, Rl*. Rid*. R1-NG Roam'er, R-Mr Roll'-caU, R1VK1 Roan, Rn2 Boll'er, R1*-R Boar, K'-i-R, R-R-D, R-R- Bol'lic, R>-i-K, JP-i-K-T, NG R'-,-K-NG iJoafer, R*-Rr Boll'ing-mill, R1*-NG-M1 Boar'ing, R-R-NG Boll'ing-pin, Rl*-NG-Pn jioar'y, R"- R Boll'ing-press, R1-NG- Boast, Rst, Rs-Td, Rst(') 1 Pre iloast'er, R.str- BoU'y-polly, Rl*-P-I. EOF Boma'ic, K J M-K Bomal', Ri Ml Bo'man, E- Mn Bo'man Catholic, R*- Mn-K-TH-L-K [R2-K- TH] Bomance', K 1 Mns, Ri- M-Nst. R'-M Ns-NG Boman'cer, R'-M-Ns-R Bomanesque', R-M-Ns- K Boman'ic, R'-Mn-K Ro'manish, RJ-Mn-SH Ro'rnanism, R'-Mn-Z-M Ro'manist, R2-Mn-St Ro'manize, R J -M-Nz, R 2 - M z -Nzii. R2-M Nz-XG Romansch', R'-Mn-SH Roman'tic, R'-Mnt-K Roman'tically, R'-Mnt- K-Z, Roman'ticism, R'-Mnt- Sz-M Roman'ticness, R'-Mnt- K-Ns Rom'ish, R*-M-SH Rom'ist, R*-Mst Romp, Ri-M-P, R"-JIt, Ri-M P-NG Romp'ish, R'-M-P-SH Romp'ishly, R1-M-P-5H1 Romp'ishness, R'-M-P- SH-Ns Rondeau', R'-N-D Ron'do, Ri-N-D Ron'ion, R-N-Yn Rood, R 3 -D Roof, Kf 3 , Rft 3 . RfC) 1 Roofing, RfC) s Roofless, RP-Ls Roof let, Ri 3 Li Roof-tree, R3-F-Tr Roofy, R 3 -F Rook, R 3 -K, R3-Kt, R'-K- NG Rook'ery* R 3 -Kr Rook'y, R 3 K Boom, R 3 M, R3-Md, R3- M-NG Boom'full, R :t -M-Fl Boom'iness, R J -M-Ns Room'y, R 3 M Roost, Rst 3 , Rs' - Td, Rst(-) 3 Roost'er, Rstr Roost'ing, Rst(-) s Root, Rt 3 . R 3 Td. Rta-NG Root'edly, R 3 -Td-Z, Boot'er, Rtr 3 Boot'let, Rts-Lt Boot'y, R 3 -T Bope, R>-P, R-Pt, R-P- NO Bope'-dancer, R*-P-D- Ns-R [-D-sR] Bope'-ladder, R-P--Dr Rop'ery, R?-P-R Rope'-walk, R 2 -P-W-K Rope'-walker, R^-P-W- Kr ROP 230 RUM Bope'-yarn, R*-P-Yrn Bough'en, R*-Fn, R*- Ru'bican, R 3 -B-Kn Bop'iness, R 2 -P-Ns Fnd, RS-Fn-NG Ru'bicund, R3-B-Knd Bop'ish, R2-P-SH Rough'-hew, Rf-H, RP- Ru'bied, R 3 -Bd Bop'y, R*-P Hd. Rf*-H-NG Rubif ic, R3-Bf-K Boq'uelaure, fi'-K-L-R Roughly, Rf-i Rubifica'tion, R*-Bf- Bo'ral, Rs-Rl Rough'ness, R 2 -F-Ns Kshn Borif erous, R 3 -Rf-Rs Rough'-rider, Rf 2 -R-Dr Ru'biform, RS-B-F-R-M Ror'qual, Ri-R-Kw-L Rough'shod, B--'-F-SHd Ru'bify, R3-B F Bo'ry, R-R Rough'-work, R 2 -F-Wr- Rubi'go, R 1 B-G Rosa'ceous, R*-zSHs K Bu'ble, R 3 Bl Ro'sary, Rz*-R Rough'-wrought, Rf 2 - Ru'bric, R 3 -Br-K Rose, Rz* Rt Ru'brical, R3.Br-Kl Ro'seal, Rz*-L Rouleau', R*-L Ru'bricate, R 3 -Br Kt Ro'seate, Rz 2 -T Roulette', R 2 -it Ru'by, R 3 B Bose'-bug, Rz-B-G Rounce, Rns 1 Ruche, 3 -SH Bose'-colored, Rz' - K - Round, Oa.) Rndi, JRndr 1 , Ruck, R 2 -K, R*-Kt, R-K- Ltd Rnd'-St NG Bose'mary, R-zM-R Round, (c.) Rnd 1 , .Ri-N- Ructa'tion, R*-K-Tshn Bo'set, Rz 2 -T Dd. Rnd'-NG Rudd, R2-D Rosette', Rz*-T Bound'about, Rnd J -Bt Rud'der, R-Dr Rose'-water, R2-zWtr Roun'del, R l -Nd-L Rud'diness, R 2 -D-Ns Bose'-window, R*-zWn- D Roun'delay, Rnd'-Ji Round'head, Rndi-Hd Rud'dle, R2-D1 Rud'dy, R2-D, R 2 -D-R, Bose'-wood, R^-zWd Round'house, Rnd^Hs R2 Dst Bosicru'cian, R 3 -zKrshn Round'ing, Rndi-NG Rude, R 3 -D, R 3 -Di, Rf- Bos'in, Rz'-N, Rzi-Nd, Round'ish, Rnd'-SH Dst Rz'-N-NG Round'let, Rnd^Lt Rude'ly, R*-V-L Bos'iness, Rz 2 -Ns Round'ly, Rndi-// Rude'ness, R 3 -D-Ns Bos'iny, Rz^N Round'ness, Rnd'-Ns Ru'diment, R 3 -D-Mnt Ross, Rs 1 Round'-ridge, Rnd!-R-J Rudiment'al-ly, R-D- Ros'tel, Rsi-T-L Round'-robin, Rnd'-R- Mnt-L [IMnt] Ros'ter, Rstr 1 Bn Rudiment'ary, R 2 - D . Bos'tral,R'-sTr-L Round'-top, Rndi-T-P Mnt-R Bos'trate, R'-sTrt Rouse, Rzi. Rzdi, Rz-NG Rue, R 3 , R 3 -D. RS-NG Bos'trated, Ri-sTrTd Rous'er, R l -Zr Rue'ful, R 3 -F-L Bos'triform, R'-sTr-Fr- Rous'ing, Rz>-NG Rue'fully, R*-F-L M Roust, Rsti Rue'fulness, R'-F-L-Ne Bos'trum, R'-sTr-M Rout, Rt. Ri Td, Rt'-NG [Fs] Bos'y, R 2 -Z, R2-Zr. R*-Zst Route, Rt^ori Ruff. Rf 2 , Rft 2 . Rf(*)* Bot, fit'. R'-Td, Rt'-NG Routine', R 3 -Tn Ruffian, R s -Fn Bo'ta, R* T Rout'ing, Rt'-NG Ruf'fianish, R2-Fn SH Bo'tary, R2-T-R Rove, Rv*. Rvd*, Rv(-) s Ruffianism, R 2 -Fn Z M Bo'tate, R 2 -Tt, R*-T'Td, Rover, Rv 2 -R Ruf flanlike, R 2 -Fn-i-K R*-Tt( - ) Bow, Ri, RS-D, R*-NG Ruffianly, R-F-N1 Bota'tion, R*-Tshn Bow, Ri Ruffle, Rf 2 -Z, Rf*-id, Sedative, R^-T-Tv Bow'dy, Ri-D RfZ-L-NG Bo'tatory, R-T-T-R (-Tt- Row'dyish, ^c-D-SH Ruff ler, Rf 2-L-B R) Row'el, Ri-L, R'-Ld, R 1 - Ru'fous, R3-Fs Bote, Rt L-NG Rug, RS-G Bot'ten, Rt'-N Row'en, R>-N Ru'gate, R*-Gt Bot'tenness, RU-N-Ns Rower, R*-R Rug'ged, R^-Gd Bot'ten-stone, Rt'-Ns-Tn Row'lock, Rt-L-TS. Rug'gedly, R*-Gd-i Bot'ting, Rt'-NG Botund', R* Tnd Roy'al, R'-L Roy'alism, R'-Z-z-M Rug'gedness, R 2 -Gd-Na Ru'gine, R 3 -Jn Botun'da, R 2 -Tn-D Roy'alist, R'-ist Rugose', R 2 Gs Botundifo'lious, R*-Tnd Roy'alize, R l -Lz, Ri-Lzd, Rugos'ity, Ri-Gs-T F-Ls R'-iz-NG Ru'in, R 3 N, R 3 -Nd, R8. Botund'ity, R2-Tnd-T Royally, Ri-Z. N-NG Bouche, RS.SH Royalty, Ri-L-T Ruina'tion, R 2 -Nsbn Roue', RS Roys'terer, R^sTr-R Ru'iner, R f -N-R Rouge, R 3 -ZH, R'-ZHd, Rub, R-B, R 2 -Bd, R*-'B- Ru'inous. R 3 -Ns R^ ZH-NG NG Ru'inously, fi^-Ns-L Bough, (a.) Rf 2 , Rf*-R, Rub'ber, R-Br Ru'inousness. R 3 -Ns-Ns R 8 -Fst Rub'bish, R2-B-SH Rul'able, Rl 3 Bl Bough, (c.) Rf 2 , Rft, Rub'ble, R2-B1 Rule, RI 3 . Rid 3 , Rl'-NG Rf ( ) 2 Rub'ble-stone, R-Bls- Rul'er. R1 3 -R Bough'-cast, R*-F-Kst Tn Hul'ing, RF-NG Bough'-draught, R*-F- Rubefa'cient, R*-B-Fshnt Rum, R 2 M Drft Rubes'cence, R J -Bs-Ns Rum'ble. R 2 -M-B1, R2-M. Eough'-draw, R*-F-Dr Rubes'cent, R-Bs-Nt I Bid. R*-iH-Bl-NG RUM 231 SAD Rum'bler, R=-M-B1-R Rus'tle, JZs 2 -L, fis a -Ld Sa'ble-iron, sBi 2 -Rn Rum'blossom, R 2 -M-B1 fis 2 -L-NG Sa'bre. See Saber. sM Rust'y, Ra*-T, fis 2 -T-R Sabot', sB^ Rum'-bud, R*-M-Bd Ru'men, R-Mn Rut, fit 2 , fi-Td, fit 2 -NG Sabulos'ity, sBi-Ls-T Sab'uious, sBi-is Ru'minant, R'-Mn-Nt Rutaba'ga, fis-T-B-G (fit 2 Sac, sK Ru'minate, R3-M-N-T, R B-G) Saccade', sK-D 2 -M-N-Td, RS-M-N-T-NG Ruth, R-TH Sacchariferous, sK-Rf. Rumina'tion, R 2 -M-Nshn Ruth'ful-ly, fis.TH-Fl Rs Ru'minator, R3-M-Ntr Ruth'less, fi 3 -TH-is Sacchar'ify, sK-R'-F Rum'mage, R 2 -M-J, R* Ruth'lessly, fi-TH-Z,s-Z. Sac'charine, sK-Ru 1 M-Jd, R--M-J-NG Ruth'lessness, R 3 - TH Sac'charoid, sK-Zd'-D Rum'mager, fi 2 -M-Jr //s-Ns [lisj Saccharoid'al, sK-R'-Dl Rum'my, R^-M Rut'ter, fitr 2 Saccharom'eter, sKri - Ru'mor, fi>-Mr, fis.Mrd Rut'ty, R*-T Mtr fi 3 -Mr-XG Ryder, fii-Dr Sacerdo'tal-ly, Ss 2 -R-D. Ru'morer, RS-Mr-R Rye, fii Tl Rump, R-M-P Rye'-grass, fi^Grs Sach'el, sCHU Rum'ple, R2-M-P1. T&-JL- Rynd, find 3 Sa'chem, sCH 2 -M Pld, R2-M-P1-NG Ry'ot, fi 1 -! Sack, sK 1 , sKti. sKi-XG Rum'pus, R 2 -M-Ps Sack'age, sK-J' Run, Rn-, .Rn 2 -NG Sack' but, sK-Bt 1 Run'agate, fin 2 -Gt Run'away, fin 2 -W Run'dle, 2 -Nd-L s. Sack'cloth, sK-Kl-TH 1 Sack'er, sKr' Sack'ful, sK-Fi-L Rund'let, .Rnd 2 -Z,t ^^^ ^ Sack'ing, sRi-NG Rune, Rn 3 Sack'-posset, sK^-Ps-T Ru'ner, R3-Nr 3, the ninteenth letter o: Sac'rament, sKr'-JIut Rung, fi 2 -NG the Alphabet, has the sounc Sacrament'al-ly, sKr Ru'nic, -R 3 -N-K of 8 in *ee, sat, thus; of Z Mut-t 2 [tMut] Run'let, fiu'-i-Zt in rose, muse, and of ZH in Sacramenta'rian, sKr- Run'nel, R*-'$-I J usual, pleasure, etc. Mnt-Rn 2 Run'ner, .RS-Nr Ss has the sound of single Sacrament'ary, sKr-Mnt Run'net, fi 2 -Nt i, as heard in mass, lass, -fi 2 Run'ning, .Rn 2 -NG massive, etc. Sa'cred, sKrd 2 Run'nion, fis.Nn In isle, viscount, and a Sa'credly, sKrd-Z 2 Runt, fint 2 few other words, s is silent. Sa'credness, sKrd*-Ns Rupee', fis.p SH is a digraph that is Sacrif ic, sKrf 3 -K Rup'tion, fi-Pshn usually employed iu the Sacrif'icatory, sKrf^K- Rupt'ure, fi2-Ptr, B-P- common spelling to repre- 1 R CHrd, R--Ptr-NG sent the single sound of the Sac'riflce, sKr-Fz', sKr- Ru'ral, fis-fil )honograph Ish. Fzd 1 , sKr-Fz'-NG Ru'ralist, R*-R\st In English orthography Sac'riflcer, sKr-F'-Zr Ru'ralness, RS-.RI-NS is more frequently used Sacrifi'cial, sKr-F 3 -SHl Ruse, Rzs han z even for the sound Sac'rilege, sKr-Z,!-J Ruse de guerre, Rz 3 -D- of Z. Sacrile'gious, sKr-L ! -Js Gr In Phonography both the Sacrile'giously, sKr-Z, 3 - Rush, fi 2 -SH, fi*-SHt, R*. and z sounds are oftener J-s, 8H-NG written with the circles Sacrile'giousness, sKr- Rush'er, fi 2 -SHr and loops than with their //s-Js-Ns Rush'iness, .R-SH-Ns item signs. 3ac'rilegist, sKr-Z/'-Jst Rush'-light, R"-8S.-M Sab'aoth or Saba'oth, 3ac'ristan, sKrs-Tn' Rush'y, R2-SH 8Bor 2 -TH Bac'risty, sKrs-T' Rusk, RsZ-K 3ab'batarian, sB 2 -T-fin 3ad, sDi, sDr 1 , sDsti Russ, Rs 2 or (orsBt 2 -fin) Sadden, sDn 1 , sDnd 1 , Rus'set, .R 2 -T Sab'bath, sBi-TH sDn'-NG Rus'setting, Rs'-T-NG lab'bath-breaker, sBi- Sad'dle, sDl 1 , sDid 1 , sDl'- Hus'setty, Rs-T TH-Br-Kr NG Rus'sian, J2shn*or 8 Bab'bath-day, sB-TH-D Sad'dle-bags, sDl'-B-Gz Rust, Rst z . fis2-Td. jRst(')S lab' bath-school, sB 1 - Sad'dle-blanket, sDP- Rus'tic, Rs 2 -T-K THs-Kl Bln-Kt Rus'tical-ly, fis 2 -T-Kl Rus'ticalness, .Rs^T-Kl- tabbat'ic, sBti-K iabbat'ical-ly, sBt'-Kl Sad'dle-bow, sDl'-B Bad'dle-oloth, sDl-Kl- Ms iab'batism sBt^-zM TH Rus'ticate, Rs 2 -T-Kt, Rs- ia'ber, sBr 2 , sBrd 1 , sBr- Sad'dle-girth, sDl<-Gr- T-K-Td, JZs 2 -T-Kt-NG NG TH Rustica'tion, jRs 2 -T-Kshn a'bian, sBn Sad'dle-horse, sDl 1 Hrs Rustic'ity, Rs^-Ts-'" a'bianism, sBn*-Z-M 3ad'dler, sDl'-R Rust'ily, Rs 2 -T-L 3a'ble, sBl 2 , sBld 2 , sBl- 3ad'dlery, sDl'-R Rust'iness, fis z -T-Ns NG 1 3ad'dle-tree, sDl'-Tr SAD 233 SAN Sadduce'an, sDs'-N Sal'able-y, si*-Bl Salt'-junk, sit'-J-NG-K Sad'dueee, sD'-S Sala'bleness, si 1 - Bl - Ns Salt'-lick, sit'-i-K Sad'duceeism, sD'-Sz-M [!Bs] Salt'-marsh, sit'-M-B-SH Sad'ducism, sDi-szM Sala'cious, si*-SHs Salt'-mine, sit'-Mn Sad' -iron, sD'-Rn Sala'ciously, si*-8Hs-i Salt'ness, sit'-Ns Sadly, sD'-i Sala'ciousness, si 2 -SHs- Salt'-pan, eit'-Pn Sad'ness, sD^Ns Ns Saltpe'ter, eit 3 -Ptr Safe, sF*. sFr*. sFst 2 Salacity, sis 1 -! Saltpe'trous, sit 3 -P-Trs Safe'-conduct, sF 2 :D-Kt Sal'ad, si'-D Salt'-pit, Bit'-Pt Safe'guard, sF 2 -Grd Salam', Bi'-M Salt'-rheum, sit' '.R-M Safe'keeping, sF*-K-P- Sal'amander, si>-Mndr Salts, sits' NO balaman drine, si'-Mnd Salt'-wort, sit'-Wrt Safely, sF*-i Safe'ness, sF-Ns Sal'aried, sL^-R-D Salu'brious, si 3 -Brs Salu'briously, si 3 -Br-si Saie'ty, sF 2 -T Sal'ary, sL l -R, sii-B-D, Salu'briousness, si 3 - Sale'ty-lamp, sF 2 -T-i-M- 8i'-^2-NG Brs-Xs f Sale, si 2 Salu'brity, si3-Br-T Safe'ty-valve, sFS-T-Vl- Sal'ebrous, si'-Brs Sal'utariness, si'-T-B- V Salera'tus, si z -JZ-Ts Ns Saf 'flower, sFU-R Sales'man, siz*-Mn Sal'utary, si'-T-K Saffron, 8F-fin (sFrn') Sales'-woman, siz 2 -W- Saluta'tion, si 2 -Tshn Sag, sG 1 , sGd 1 , BG L NG Mn Salutato'rian, si 2 -T-T- Sa'ga, sG 2 Sale'work, si*-Wr-K Ru (or-Tt-^n) Saga'cious, sG-SHs Sal'ic, si'-K Salu'tatory, sit 3 -T-K Saga'ciously, sG-SHs 2 -i |Sal'icine, sis'-N Saga'ciousness, sG-SHs 2 - Salient, si^-Nt Salute-, sit^, si 3 -Td, sit^ NG ' Ns Salif erous, si 3 -F-Bs Salut'er, sitr 3 Bagac'ity, sGs-T 1 Sal'ifiable, si'-F-Bl 3al'vable, si'-v Bl Sag'amore, sG'-Mr Salifica'tion, si*-F-Kshn Sal'vableness, ei'-V-Bl- Sage, sJ 2 , sJr, sJst* Sal'ify, si l -F, sZ^-Fd, Ns [:BS] Sagely, sJ 2 -i si'-F-NG Sal'vage, si'-V-j Sage'ness, sJ*-Ns Saline' or Sa'line, sin'or 2 Salva'tion, si 2 -Vshn Sag'ittal, sJ'-Tl Salinom'eter, sin'-Mtr Sal'vatory, BL--V-I-R Sagitta'rius, sJ 2 -T-fis Salin'ous, si'-Ns Salve, sV l , sVd', sY'-NG Sag'ittary, sJ'-T-fi Sali'va, si'-V Sal'ver, si'-Vr Sagittate, sJ>-Tt Sali'val, si'-V-L Sal'vo, sii-V Sa'go, sG 2 Salivary, si'-V-B Sal'vor, si^Vr Sagoin', sGn' Salivate, si'-Vt, si'-V- Samaritan, sM-fi'-Tn Sa'ic, sK Td, siWt-NG Sam'bo, sil-B' Said, sD Saliva'tion, si 2 -Vshn Same, sM 2 Bail, si 2 , si-D (aid*,) Sali'vous, sL'-Vs Same'ness, BM 2 -Xs si*-NG Sallow, si. sL'-R, sist' Sa'miel, 8M-i* Bail'able, si*-Bl Sallowness, Bi'-Ns Samp, sM-P' Bail'-borne, si 2 -B-.Rn Sally, si", si'-D. si'-NG Sam'pan, sM-Pn 1 Bail'-cloth, si^Kl-TH Sally-port, si'-Prt Sam'phire, sJI - F' - R or Sail'er, si 2 -R Salmagu.n'di, si 3 -M-Gn- sM-Fr 1 Sailing, si 2 -NG D Sam'ple, sM-Pi 1 . sM-Pld', Sailing-master, si-NG- Sal'mon, sMni sM-Pl'-NG Mstr Sal'mon-trout, sM'-N- Sam'pler, sM-Pl'-R Bailing-vessel, Bi*-NG- Trt Sam'ple-room, sJI-Pl 1 - Vs-L Salon', sin 1 R-M Sailless, si^is Saloon', sin 3 Sam suoo, sM-5/7' Sail'-loft, si-i-Ft Sal'sify, sis'-F Sanabil'ity, sN-B 3 -i-T Sail'-maker, si 2 -M-Kr Salsu'ginous, sis*-J-Ns San'able, sX-Bl> Sail'or, si 2 -R Sal-so'da, sis'-D San'ableness, sN-Bl'-Ns Sail'-yard, si 2 -Yrd Salt, (o.) sit 1 , BitrV si'- C:BSJ Sain loin, sN-Fn* Tst (sitsf) 3ana'tion, sNshn* Saint, sNt 2 , sN-Td 2 , sNt 2 - Salt, (v.) siti, sii-Td, San'ative, sN-Tvi NG sit>-NG San'ativeness, sN-Tv>-Ns Saint Vitus's dance, Sal'tant, 6i-Tnt 3an'atory, sN-T'-K sNt^V-Ts-Dns (sNts-Vts- Salta'tion, si 2 -Tshn Sanctiflca'tion, sNGt-F 2 - Dns) Sal'tatory. sit'-T-S Kshn Saint'ed, sN-Td* Salt'-cellar, sitsi-i-B Sanc'titted, sNGt-Fd 1 Saintlike, sNt-i-K Salt'er, sitr 1 Sanc'tifler, sNGt F'-R Saintly, sNt-i 2 , sNt-i- Salt'ern, sit'-Bn Sanc'tify, sNGt F', sNGt- R. sNt-ist* Sal'tier, si'-Tr Fd', sNGt-F'-NG Saint ship, sNt-SH-P Sal'tigrade, si'-T-Grd 3anctimo'nious, sNG- Saith, sTH (sit'-Grd) T 2 -M-Ns Sake, sK Salt-ing, sit^NG 3anctimo'niously, sNG Bal, si 1 Saltish, si'-T-SH T-M-Ns-L SAN 233 Sanctimo'niousness, San'skrit, sX-sKrt 8NG-T 2 -M-Ns-Ns Sans-souci', sJV^-S-S Sanc'timony, sNG-T'-M- Sap, sP 1 , sPt 1 , eP'-NG N Sap'ajou, sP'-J Sanc'tion, eNGshn 1 , Sap' -green, sPi-Grn sNGshnd 1 , sNGshn(-)i Sap'-head, sPi-Hd Sanc'titude, sNGt-Td 1 Sap'id, sP'-D Sanc'tity, sNGt-Ti Sapid'ity, sPd-T Sanc'tuary, sNG-CHi-2J Sap'idness, sPi-D-Ns Sanc'tum, sNG-Ti-M Sa'pience, sPus^ Sanc'tum sanctorum, Sa'pient, sPnt 2 sNG-T'-Ms-NGt-R-M Sap'less, sPJ-Z/s Sanc'tus, sNG-Ts 2 Sap'ling, sPi-i-NG Sand, sNd 1 , sN-Dd 1 , sNd 1 - Sapodil'la, sP 3 -D-L NG Sapona'oeous, sPn 2 -SHs San'dal, sNd-H Saponiflca'tion, sPn 2 -F Ban'dal-wood, sNd-L 1 - Kshn Wd Sapon'ified, sPni-Fd San'darach, sN-D'-.R-K. Sapon'ify, sPn-F, sPn 1 - Sand'-bag, sNd'-B-G Sand'-bank, sNdi-B-NG- Fd, sPni-F-NG Sap'onule, sP'-Nl E Sa'por, sPr 2 Sand'-bar, sNdJ-B-R Saporif ic, sP^-K Sand'-box, sNdi-B-Es Saporos'ity, sPrsi-T Sand'ed, sN-Ddi Sap'orous, sPrs 1 Sand'-eel, sNd 1 -^ Sap'per, sPri San'ders, sNdrz 1 Sap'phic, sF'-E Sand'-heat, sNdi-Ht Sap'phire, sF^R Sand'iness, sN-D^Ns Sap'phirine, BF l -Rn Sand'ish, sXd-SHi Sap'piness, sPi-Ns San'diver, sN-D>-Vr Sap'py, sP 1 , sPJ-R, sPsti Sand'-paper, sNd^P-Pr Sap'-rot, sP J -/Jt Sand'-piper, sNdi-P-Pr Sapsa'go, sP 2 -sG Sand'stone, sNds-Tni Sap'-wood, sP^Wd Sand'wich, sNd - wCH 1 , Sar'aband, sK^Bnd BNd-wCHt', sNd-wCHi- Sar'acen, sfisi-N KG Saracen'ic, sSs 2 -N-E Sand'y, sN-Di Saracen'ical, sRs 2 -N-Kl Sane, sN 2 Sar'casm, sR'-K-zM Sane'ness, eNS-Ns Sarcas'tic, sRi-Ks-T-K Sang, sNG 1 Sarcas'tical-ly, sR^Ks-i Sangaree', sNG-G-J2 3 T-K1 Sang-froid, s^-Fri Sarce'net, sRs'-Nt Sanguif'erous, sNG-Gwf- Sarcolog'ic, sR'-K-i-J-K Rs* Sarcolog'ical, sR^K-i-J- 1 Sanguifica'tion, sNG- El Gw-F 2 - Kshn Sarcol'ogy, sRJ-Kl-J San'guifler, sXG-Gw-F 1 - Sarco'ma, sR 2 -K-M R Sarcoph'agous, sR J -Ef- San'guinary, sNG-Gwn- Gs Rl [sNGn-jR 1 ] Sarcoph'agus, sRJ-Ef-Gs San'guine, sNG 1 -Gwn Sarcoph'agy, sRJ-K-F-J [sNGn'j Sarcot'ic, sR^E-T-K San'guinely, sNG^Gw-Nl Sarcula'tion, sR 2 -Elshn [sNGn-L'] Sar'dine, sR l -Dn San'guineness, sNG - Sar'dius, sRi-Da Gwn-Ns [sNGni-Ns] Sardo'nian, sJP-Dn-N Sanguin'eous, sNG^ - Sardon'ic, sfii-D-N-E Gw-Ns Sanguiniv'erous, sNG- Sar'donyx, sfl^D-N-Es Sargas'so, sRi-G-S Gw*N-V3-J2s Sarmentose', sR^M-N-Ts San'hedrim, sN-H-Dr'-M Sarment'ous, sR^Mnt-S San'icle, sN-El Sarsaparil'la, sRs s -P-y<l Sa'nies, sNz Sart, 8Rt> Sa'nious, sN-S* Sarto'rius, BR^-T-Rs San'itary, eN-T'-S Sash, sSH>, sSHti, sSU'- San'ity, sN-T NG Sank, sNG'-E Sas'safras, sSi-Frs Sans'crit, sNi-aKrt Sas'tra, Ss^-Tr Sans-culotte', s^V-E-Lt 1 Sat, sT SAU Sa'tan, sTn^ Satan'ic, s'i'i-N-K Satan'ical-ly, sT'-N-Kl Sa'tanism, sTns-Z-M Satch'el.sCHli Sate, si' 2 , sTdz, sT2-XG Sate (sat), eT' Sate'less, sT--Ls Sat'ellite, sTJ-Lt Satelli'tious, s'l'^-L-SHs Sa'tiable, sSH*-Bl Sa'tiate, sSHt=, ; Satia'tion, sSHshu* Sati'ety, sT'-T Safin, sTu 1 Satinet', sT 2 -N-T Safin-spar, sTi-Ns-P-B Safin-wood, sTn'-Wd Safiny, sT'-N Saf ire, sT ! -R Satir'ic, sT 3 -K-K Satir'ical-ly, sT3-/j-Ki Safirist, sTi-Bst Sat'irize, sTi-Kz, sTi-flzd, sT'-Hz-NG Satisfac'tion, sTs 1 - F - Kshn Satisfac'torily, sTs^F- K-T-^1 [sTi-s7?-i] Satisfac'toriness, .sTsi-F- K-T-R-Ns rsT!-sK-Xs] Satisfac'tory, sTs'-F-E- T-fl [sTi-s/J] Saf isfied, sTsi-Fd Saf isftsr, sTsi-F-R Safisiy, sTsi-F, sTs'-Fd, Sat'isfying, sTs J -F-NG Saf isfyingly, sTs'-F-NGl [ Sa'trap or Sat'rap, sTr 2 or 1 -P Sat'rapal, sTr 1 -?! Sat'rapy, slV-P ! Sat'uarable, sCH'-H-Bl Sat'urant, sCHi-Kut Safurate, sCH'-A't, sCH 1 - R-Td, ECRl-St-NO Satura'tion, sClP-fishn | Sat'urday, sT'--D Sat'urn, sT l -2Ju Saturna'lia, sT 2 -7?n- Saturna'lian, sT" Kn-Ln Satur'nian, sT' Kn-TX Sat'urnine, sT'-Tf-Nn Sat'urnist, sT^fi-Nst Sa'tyr, eT'-R Satyr'ic, sT 3 -H-E Sauce, Ss 1 , Sst>, Ssi-NG Sauce'box, Ss'-B-Es Sauce'pan, Ss"-Pn Sau'cer, Ss'-R Sau'cily, Ss^-L Sau'ciness, sS^Ns Sau'cy, sS 1 , sS>-R, sSsti Sauer'-kraut, sR'-Krt Sault, 8 ! ors Saun'ter, sNtr', sNtr-D\ sNtr>-NG Saun'terer, sNtr-R> SAU 234 SCH Bau'rian, BRni Scald, sK-Ldi, sK-Z'-Dd, Scap'ulary, sK-pi-Z-B Sau'sage, Ss l -J BK-Zdi-NG Scar, sK-R 1 , sK-Rd 1 , BK- Sav'able, sV 2 -Bl Scald'-head, sK-LdJ-Hd Ri-NG Sav'ableness, sV s -Bl-Ns Scald'ic, sK-Zi-D-K Scar'amouch, sK-Ri-M- [IBs] Scald'ing, sK-Zd'-NG CH (sKr-M-CH 1 ) Savage, sVi-J Scale, 8K-L2, sK-Ld*, sK- Scarce, sKrs 1 , sKr-sRi, Savagely, sVW-Z L-NG sKrss-T^ Bav'ageness, sV-J-Na Scale'-beam, sK-Z'-B-M Scarcely, sKr-sZi Savagery, s'V^-J-.R Scale'less, 8K-Z*-Zs Scarce'ness, sKrgJ-Ns Sav'agism, sV'-J-zM Scalene', sK-Zn 8 Scarcity, sKrs-T' Savan'na, B\ T1 -N Scal'er, sK-Zr* Scare, sK-Ri. sK-fid 1 , sK- Savant', sVn 1 Sca'liness, sK-Z-Na Ri-NG Save, s\'2. BVd2 sY-NG Scall, sK-L> Scare'-crow, sK-R'-Kr Save'-all, sV*-L Scall'ion, sK-Zn 1 Scarf, sK-Rf, sK-fift 1 , Sav'er, sYr a Scallop, sK-Zi-P, sK-Zi- sK-fif(-) 1 (sKrfietc.) Sav'in, sVni Pt sK-Z^-P-NG Scarf -pin, sKrf'-Pn Saving, sV2-NG Scalloped, sK-Z.Pt Scarf'skin, sKrfsi-Kn Savingly, sV-NGl Scal'pel.sK-Zi-Pl Scarifica'tion, sK-B-F- Savingness, sV^-NG-Na Scalp'er, 8K-Z>-Pr Kshn Savings, sV*-NGz Scalp'ing-iron, sK-Z 1 -?- Scar'ificator, sK-.R 1 -F- Sav'ings-bank, sV*-NGz- NG-Rn Ktr B-NG-K Scalp'ing-knife, sK-Z 1 - Scarified, sK-7Ji-Fd Bav'ior or Saviour, sV*- P-NG-N-F Scarifier, sK-B'-F-R R Sca'ly, sK-Z* Scarify, sK-fii-F, sK-Ri- Sa'vor, sVr*, sYrd*, eVr 8 - Scam'ble, sK-M-Bl 1 Fd. sK-R'-F-NG NG Scam'bler, sK-M-Bli-R Scarlati'na, sKr-Z-T-N Sa'vorily, sV*-Rl Scam'mony, sK'-M-N Scarlet, sKr-Zti Sa'voriness, sV-B-Ns Scamp, sK-M-P 1 Scarlet-fever, sKr-ZU- Ba'vorly, sVr 2 -Z Scam'per, sK-M-Pri. sK- F-Vr Sa'vory, eV 2 -R M-Prdi. sK-M-Pri-NG Scarp, sK jR'-P, sK-B'-Pt, Savoy', sVi Scan, eKn 1 , sKnd 1 , sKni- sK-K l -P-NG Saw, S 1 , sD 1 , SJ-NG KG Scat, sKti Sawdust, S^Dst Scan'dal, sKnd^Z Scath, sK-THi, eK-THt>, Saw-fish, S'-F-Sfl" Scan'dalize, BRnd - Zz', sK-TH ] -NG Saw-fly, Si-Fl sKnd-Zzd 1 , RKnd-Zz'-NG Scathe, sK-DH 2 , sK-DHd 2 , 'Saw-mill, 8-M-Z Scan'dalous, sKnd^Zs sK-DH 2 -NG Sawn, sN 1 Scan'dalously, sKnd-Zs 1 Scath'ful, sK-TH'-Fl Saw'ney, S'-N Z i Scath'less, sK-THi-Zs Saw-pit, 8i-Pt Scan'dalousness, sKnd- Scaf ter, sKtr 1 , sKtri 1 , Saw-set, Ss 1 -! Zs 1 -Ns sKtr!-NG Saw-teeth, Si-T-TH Scan'dalum Magna' Scat'ter-brain, sK - Tr 1 - Saw'-wrest, S^flst turn, sKnd-Z'-M M:T Z -| Brn SaWyer, 8'-R M Scat'teringly, sK - Tr 1 - Saxifrage, sK-SJ-Fr-J Scan'dent, sKndJ-Nt NG1 Saxifragous, sKs-F 8 -.R- Scan'ned, sKndi Scat'terings, sKt^-NGz Gs Scan'ner, sKt-N r Scaur, pK-Ri Sax'on, sKs'-N Scan'ning, sKn'-NG Scav'enger, sK-Vi-N-Jr Sax'onism, sKs^Nz-M Scan'sion, sK'-Nshn Scene, sN' 3 Say, 8 2 . S 2 -NG Scanso'rial, sK-Ns-jRl* Scen'ery, sN-R 3 Say'ing, S J -NG Scant, (c.) sKnt 1 , sKn- Scenic, sN 2 or3-K Says, 8z Td 1 . sKnt^NG ; Scen'ical, sX 2 -Kl Scab, sK-Bi Scant, (a.) sKnt', sKntr'. Scenograph'ic, sNi-Grf- Scab'bard, sK-Brd 1 sKnt-Sti K Scab'bed, sK-Bd 1 Scant'ily, sKn-Ti-Z Scenograph'ical, sN-Gr- Scab'bedness. sK-Bd^Ns Scant'iness, sKn^-Ns F!-K1 Scab'biness, sK-B'-Na Scant'le, sK-Nt-L 1 Scenog'raphy, sN-Gr-F' Scab'by, sK-Bi Scantled, sK-Nt-Ld' Scent, sXt 2 , sN-Td*, sNt*- Sca'bious, sK-Bs* oc&iXit lin^c, sKnt- /> ^ -.s ' r NG Sca'brous, sK-Brs 2 Scant'ly, sKnt-Zi Scent'ful, sXt-F-L Sca'brousness, sK-Brs z - Scant'riess, sKnt^Ns Scent'less, sNt-Zs" Na Scant'y, sKn-Ti, sKn-T'- Scep'ter, sPtr 2 , sPtrd, Scaffold, sK-F'-Ld. sK- R. sKn-TstJ sPtr 2 -NG F'-Z-Dd. sK-Fi-Zd-NG Scape, sK-P 2 Scep'terless, sP 2 -Tr-Zs Scaffoldage, sK-F!-Ld-J Scape'-goat, sK-P 2 -Gt Scep'tic. See Skeptic. Scaffolding, sK-Fi-Zd- Scape'-grace, sK-P 2 -Grs Scep'tre. See Scepter. KG iScape'less, sK-P 2 -Zs Sche'diasm, sK-D 8 -zM Scaglio'la, sK-Z^-Z Scape'ment, BK-P 2 -ilnt Sched'ule, sK-J*-L Boal'able, sK-ZS-Bl Scaph'oid, sK-F^D Scheik, SH 3 -K Scalade', sK-ZZ-D Scap'ula, BK-pi-Z Sche'matism, sK-M-TS- Scal'awag, sK-ZJ-W-G Scap'ular, BK-P'-Z-R 1 zM (-Mtz-M) SCH Schem'atist, sK-M-Tst 8 Scheme, sK-M, BK-Md sK 3 -M-NG Schem'er, sK*-Mr Schem'ist, Sche'sis, sK Schir'rhua, Schism, Sz3-M Schismat'ic, Sz'-Mt-K Schismat'ical, Sz^Ht-KI Schist, 8Hst s Schistose', SHs-Ts Schis'tous, SHss-Ts Schol'ar, sK-Zr 1 Schol'arlike, sK-ir>-i-K Schol'arly, sK-r- Schol'arship, sK-ir^SH P [!SH] Scholas'tic, sK-Zs'-T-K Scholas'tical-ly, sK-is 1 T-K1 Scholas'ticism, sK-isi T-szM Scho'liast. sK-Zst* Scholiast'ic, sK-is l -T-K Scho'lium, sK-i 2 -M School, sKia, sKld s , sKl- NG School'-book, sKF-B-K School'-boy, sKl^-B School'-dame, sKl-D-M Schooled, sKld 3 . See Skilled. School'-fellow, sK! 3 -F- School'-house, sKl 3 -Hs Schooling, sK.l3.NO School'-man, sKl s -Mn School'-master, sKl 8 - Mstr School'-mate, sK13-Mt School'-mistress, sKl 8 - Ms-Trs School'-teacher, 8K1 8 -T- CHr Schoon'er, sK*-Nr Schorl, SHr'-L Sciag'raphy, 8-Gr-F Sciat'io, S-T-K Sciat'ica, S^T-K Sciat'ical, S-T-K1 Sci'ence, S-Ns Scien'ter, S^-Ntr Scien'tial,S2-N-SHl Sci'entiflc, S s -Nt-F-K Scientif ical-ly, S 8 - Nt - F-K1 Scil'icet, s/,s8-T Scim'iter or Scim'itar, 235 SCR Scin'tillant, sN-T*-Znt Scin'tillate, sN-T-Lt. sN- Scintilla'tion, sN - T* Z/shn Sciog'raphy, S'-Gr-P Sci'olism, S'-Z-z-M Sci'olist, 8-Lst Sciom'achy, S'-M-K Sci'omancy, S^Mn-S Sci'on, 8J-N iSciop'tic, S a -Pt-K Scotch'-hopper, sK-CH'- Sciop'tric, 8 l -P-Tr-K H-Pr Sci're-fa'cias, sR^F-SH Scotch'-man, sK-CH'-Mn Sciroc', sR!-K Scot'-free, sKt'-Fr Sciroc'co, sR u K Scot'ograph, sK-T'-Grf Scir'rhi, sK-R 3 (sKt'-Grf) Scirrhos'ity, sK-.Rs 1 -! Scot'omy, sK-T 1 -^! (sKt 1 - Scir'rhus, 8K-.KS 3 M) Scis'sel, Ss 3 -L Scis'sible, Ss 8 -B-L Scots, sKtsi Scot'ticism, sK-T^szM Scis'sile, Ss 3 -Z Scot'tish, sKt-SH 1 Scis'sion, sZHn* Scound'rel, sKud-fi'-L Scis'sor, Szs.R Scoun'drelism, sKud-A''- Scis'sors, Sz 3 -Rz Zz-M Scis'sure, sZHr 3 Scour, sK-Ri, sK-Sdi sK- . Sclavo'nian, sKl-Vn 2 -N R^NG < Sclavonic, sKl-Vni-K Scour'er, sK-Rr 1 Sclere'ma, sKl-R 3 -M Scourge, eKr-J 2 , sKr-Jd 2 , Sclerot'ic, sKl-Kt^K sKr J 2 -XG Scob'iform, sK-Bi-F-R Scour'ger, sKr-Jr 2 M Scout, sKtl, sK-Tdi, sKt'- Scobs, sK-Bzi NG Scoff, sKfi, BKfti, sKfi- Scow, sK 1 NG Scowl, sK-L', sK-LcU, sK- Scoffer, sK-Fri L ! -NG Scoffingly, sK-Fi-NGl Scrab'ble, sKr-BP, sKr- Scoke,sK 2 -K Bld 1 , sKr-Bl'-NG Scold, eK-Ld 2 , sK-Z 2 -Dd, 3crab'bler, sKr-Bl'-R Scrag, sKr'-G, Scold'er, sK-Z 2 -Dr Scold'ing, sK-Zd^-NG Scrag'ged, sKr^-G-D Scrag'gedness, sKr'-G- Scol'lop, sK-Z 1 -?, sK-Z 1 - D-Xs Pt, eK-Z^P-NG Scrag'gily, sKrJ-G-Z Sconce, sKns 1 Scrag'giness, sKr l -G-Ns Scoop, sK-P 3 , sK-Pt 3 , sK- Scrag'gy, sKr'-G, sKr-G- P 3 -NG R l , sKr'-Gst Scoop'-net, sK-P 3 -N-T Scram'ble, sKr - M - Bl>, Scope, sK-P 8 sKr-M-Bld 1 , sK.r-M-BP- 3cop'tic. sK-Pt'-K NG Scorbu'tic, sK.r-Bt s -K Scram'bler, sKr-M-BP-R Scorbu'tical, sKr-Bts-Kl Scram'bling, sKr-M-Bl 1 - Scorch,'-CH, sK-B 1 - NG CHt, sK-fii-CH-NG. See Scram'blingly, sKr - M - Scratch, etc. Bl'-NGl Scorch'ingly, sKr-CHi- NG1 Scranch, sKr-N-CHt Scranched, sKr-N-CHti Score, sK-R s , sK-fid J , sK- Scrap, sKr-P 1 R-NG Scrap'-book, sKr-P'-B-K Sco'ria, sK-JZ 2 Scrape, sKr-P 2 , sKr-Pt', Scoria'ceous, BK-JP-SHs sKr-P 2 -NG Scorinca'tion, sK R* Scrap'er, sKr-Pr 2 F-Kshn Scrap'ing, sKr-P 2 -NG Sco'rifonn, eK-K-F-R-M Scratch, sKr-CH', gKr- Sco'rify, sK-B 2 -F, sK-R-- CHt 1 , sKr-CH^NG. See Fd, sK-^-F-NG Scorch, etc. Scorn, sK-Rn 1 , sK-^Znd 1 , Scratch'er, sKr-CHr' sK-Rn ] -NG Scratch'es, sKr-CHz 1 Scorn'er, eK-R'-Nr Scorn'ful, sK-Rni-F(-L) Scorn'fully, sK-Rn^F (-Z) Scrawl, eKr-L 1 , sKr-Ld', sKr-U-NG Scrawl'er, sKr-Zr 1 Scrawn'y, sKr^N, sKr- Scor'pion, sK-^-Pn Scor'tatory, sK-Bti-T-B N-R 1 , sKri-Nst Screak, sKr 3 -K, sKr-K-T 3 , Scot, sKt 1 sKr^-K'NCJ Scotch, eK-CHi, sK-CHti, Scream, sKr 8 -!!, 8Kr-Md, sK-CH>-NG sKr 3 - M-T^G Scotch'-collops, sK- CH l -Kl-Ps Jcream'er, sKr'-Mr Screech, sKr-CH 3 , sKr- Scotched'-collops, sK- CHti-Kl-Ps CHt 3 , sKr-CH 8 -NG Bcreech'-owl, sKr-CH-Z. SCR 236 SEA Screed, sKr-D 3 Scull'ion, sE-in 2 Sea'-fight, S 3 -Ft Screen, sKrn 3 sErnd 3 , Scul'pin, sE-i 2 -Pn Sea'-fish, S*-F-SH 6Ern 3 -NG Sculp'tile, gEl-Pt 2 -L Sea'-fowl, S 3 -F-L Screening, sKrn-NG Sculp'tor, sEl-Ptr 2 Sea'-gage, S 3 -G-J Screw, sKr 3 , sErd 3 , sKr 3 - Sculpt'ural, sEl-Ptr 2 -L Sea'-girt, S 3 -Grt KG Sculpt'ure, sEl-P 2 -CHr, Sea'-god, 8 3 -Gd Screw'-driver, sErs-Dr sEl-P^-CHrd, sEl-ps-CHr- Sea'-going, S 3 -G-NG Vr NG Sea'-green. S 3 -Grn Screw-jack, sErS-J-E Scum, sE 2 -M, sE 2 -Md Sea'-hog, S 3 -H-G Screw-pine, sK^-Pn sE^-M-NG Sea'-horse, S^t-Hj-Rs Screw-propeller, sKr 8 Scum'ble, sE-M-Bl 2 , sE Sea'-kale, S 3 -E-L Pr-P-i-R M-Bld* 8E-M-B1 2 -NG Sea'-king, S-E-NG Scrib'ble, sEr-Bl 3 sEr Scum'mer, sE z -Mr Seal, s/, 3 , 8d 3 , s 3 -NG i Bid 3 sKr B1S-NG Scum'mings, sEZ-M-NGz Sea'-legs, S 3 -^-Gz gcrib'bler, sEr-Bl-R Scup'per, sK-Pr 2 Seal'er, s//-R Scribe, sEr-B 1 , sKr-Bd 1 , Scup'per-holes, sE-Pr 2 - Seal'ing, sL 3 -XG sEr-Bi-NG Hlz Seal'ing-wax, sZ, 3 -NG-VT- Scrim'mage, sEr-M-J 3 Scup'per-hose, sE-Pr l - Eo Scrimp, sEr-M-P 3 , sEr 3 - Hz Sea'-lion, S 3 -/,-N Mt, sEr-M-PS-NG Scup'per-nail, sE-Pr 2 -Nl Seam, sM 3 , sMd 3 , 8lI 3 -NG Scrip, sEr-P 3 Scurf, sKrf 2 Sea'-maid, S 3 -Md Script, sEr-Pt 3 Scurf iness, sEr-F 2 -Ns Sea'man, sMn 3 Scrip'tory, eEr-Pt 3 -R Scurfy, sKr-F 2 , sEr-F 2 - Sea'manship, sMn-SH 3 -P Script'ural, sE-Ptr 3 -!, R, sEr-Fst 2 Sea'-mark, S 3 -M-fi-E Script'uralist, sEr-P 3 - Scur'rile, sE-J?l 2 Sea'-mew, S'-M CHr-Lst Scurril'ity, sE-J21 3 -T Seam'less, sM-Ls 3 Scrip'turally, sEr - P* - CHr-i Scurrilous, sE-^ls* Scur'rilously, eK-RV-sL Sea'-monster, S 3 -M-Xsti> Seam'ster, sJIstr 3 Scripf ure, sEr-Ptr 3 Scur'rilousness, sE-^eis 2 Seam'stress, sMs-Trs s or 2 Script'urist, sEr-P 3 - -Ns Seam'y, sM 3 CHrst Scur'vily, sKr-V 2 -i Sea'-navel, S 3 -X-V-L Scrive'ner, sEr-V^-Nr Scur'viness, sEr-V 2 -Ns Seance', 8>-N8 Scrofula, sEr-Fi-A Scrofulous, sEr-F^is Scur'vy, sEr-V 2 sEr-V*-R, sEr-Vst 2 Sea'-nettle, 8 3 -Nt-L Sea'-nymph, S 3 -N-M-F Scroll, sKr-l 2 Scur'vy-grass, sEr - V 2 - Sea'-otter, S^-Tr Scro'tiform, sEr-T 2 -Fr-M Grs Sea'-pie, S 3 -P Scro'tum, sErt 2 -M Scut, sEt 2 Sea'-piece, 8 3 -Ps Scrub, sEr-B 2 , sEr-Bd 2 , Scu'tage, eEt- js Sea'-port, s 3 -Prt sEr-B-NG Scu'tate, sE-Tt 3 Sea'poy, sP 3 Scrub'by, sEr-B 1 Scutch, sK-CH 2 , sE-CHt 2 , Sear, sR 3 , sRd 3 . sR 3 -XG Scru'ple, eEr-Pl* eEr- 8E-CH 2 -NG Search, sR^-CH, sRt-CHt, Pld 3 . fc Kr-P! 3 -NG Scutch'eon, sE-CHn 2 S.R2-CH-NG Scru'pier, sEr-Pl-R Scu'tellated, sEt-L 3 -Td Search'able, pH 2 -CH-Bl Scrupulos'ity, sEr-Pls 1 - Scu'tiform, sE-T-Fr-M Search'er, s^-CHr T Scut'tle, sEt-L 2 , sEt-Ld 2 , Search'-warrant, sR? Scru'pulous, sEr-Pls 3 sEt-L 2 -XG CH-Wrnt Scru'pulously, sEr-Pl 3 - Scym'etar, sMtr 3 Sear'-cloth, sR 3 -Kl-TH sL Scythe, sDH 1 Seared, sRd 3 Scru'pulousness, sEr - Scythed, sDHd* Sear'edness, s/Z 3 -D-Ns Pls 3 -Ns Scythe'man, sDH^-Mn Sea'-risk,S 3 -Ks-E Scrutineer', sEr-T 3 -Nr Scyth'ian, sTHn 3 Sea'-room, S 3 -R-M Scru'tinize, sErt 3 - Nz, Sea, S 3 Sea'-serpent, Ss 3 -H-Pnt BErt 3 -Xzd, sKrt 3 -Nz-NG 3ea'-anem'one, S 3 -N-M-N Sea'-service, Ss 3 -fl-Vs Scru'tinizer, BErt-N-Zr 3 Sea'-bank, S 3 -B-NG-K Sea'-shell, S 3 -SH1 Scru'tinous, sErt 3 -Ns Sea'-beat, S 3 -Bt Sea'-shore, S 3 -SHr Scru'tiny, sErt'-N Sea'-beaten, S 3 -B-Tn Sea'sick, Ss 3 -E Scrutoire', sErt-Wr 1 Sea'-board, S 3 -Brd Sea'sickness, Ss 3 -E-Ks Scud, sE-D 2 . sE-Dd 2 , sE- 3ea'-boat, S 3 -Bt 3ea'-side, Ss 3 -D D 2 XG 3ea'-born, S 3 -B-Kn Sea'son, szX 3 . szX-D 8 , Bcud'dle, sK-Dl 2 3ea'-breach, 8 3 -Br-CH szX 3 -NG Scud'dled, sE-Dld* Sea'-breeze, S 3 -Brz Sea'sonable, szX-Bl 3 Scuffle, sE-F 2 -L, sE-F 2 - Sea'-built, S 3 -Blt Sea'sonableness, szN. Ln* sK-F*"L-NG 3ea'-calf, s 3 -Ef Bl 3 -Xs [szX 3 '.Bs] Scuffler, eK-F 2 -l/-R 3ea'-calves, S^-Evz Sea'soner, szX-R 3 Sculk, sE! 2 -E, sEl-E-T* 3ea'-captain, S 8 -E-Pn Sea'soning, szX 3 -XG BE12-E-NG Sea'-coal, S 3 -E1 3ea'sonless, szN-is 3 Scull, sE-L 2 , sE-Ld 2 , sE- 3ea'-coast, S 3 -Est 3eat, sT 3 . sTd 3 , sT 3 -NG L 2 -XG Sea'-elephant, S 3 -i-Fnt 3ea'-term, S 3 -Tr-M Scull'er, sE-ir Sea'-farer, 8 3 -F-Rr Sea'-unicorn, S 3 -T-N- Scullery, nK-L*-R Bea'-faring, S 3 -Fr-NG Krn SEA Sea' -ward, S 3 -Wrd Sea'-weed, S 3 -Wd Sea'-worthy, S 3 -Wr-DH Sea'-worthiness, S 3 -Wr- DH-Na Seba'ceous, sB 2 -SHs Se'cant, sKnts Secede', Ss 3 -D, Ss 3 -Dd, Ss 3 -D-NG Seced'er, Ss 8 -Dr Secern', Ss 2 -Bn, Ss 2 -Rnd, Ss 2 -Rn-NG Secern'ment, 8s* - Rn - Mnt becesh', Ss 2 -SH Seces'sion, Ssshn? Seces'sionist, Ssshn*-St Seck'le, sKl 2 Seclude', sKld 3 , sKl-Dd, 8Kld 3 -NG Secluse'ness, sKls 3 -Ns Seclu'sion, sKlzhn 3 Seclu'sive, sKls-V 3 Sec'ond, sKnd 2 , sKn-Dd 2 , 237 Sec'ularize, sK-Zrz* Sec'ularly, sK-Li^-L Sec'ularness, sK-ir z -Ns Sec'undine, sKn-Dn 2 Secur'able. sK-K^-Bl Secure', sk-B 3 , sK-fid 3 , SK-B3-NG Secure'ly, sK-B 3 -X Secure'ness, sK-B 3 -Ns Secu'rity, sK-fi 3 -T (sKr- T3) Sedan', sDn 1 Sedate', sDt Sedate'ly, sDts-X, Sedate'ness, sDt 2 -Ns Sed'ative. sD 2 -Tv Sed'entariness, sDn2-T- Sec'ondarily, sKnd-fi'-i Sec'ondariness, sKnd - *-Ns Sec'ondary, sKnd-.JP Sec'onder, sKndr 2 Sec'ond-hand, sKnd 2 - Hnd Sec'ond-handed, sKnd 2 - Hn-Dd Sec'ondly, sKnd-i 2 Sec'ond-rate, sKnd*-Bt Sec'ond-sight, sKnds 2 -T Se'crecy, sKr-S 3 Se'cret, sKrt 8 Sec'retary, Sec'retary-bird, Brd Sec'retary-ship, sKrt - flii-SH-P [-SH] Secrete', sKrt 3 , sKr-Td 3 , sKrt 3 -NG Secre'tion, sKrshn 3 Secreti'tious, sKr-T 3 -iSHs Secret'ive, sKrt-V Secret'iveness, sKrt-V 3 - Ns [sKrt 3 '.Vs] Se'cretness, sKrt 3 -Ns Se'cretory or Secrefo- ry, sKrt-^ 3 Sect, sKt 2 Secta'rian, sKt-n Secta'rianism, sKt-JKnz 2 - M Sec'tarist, Sec'tary, Sec'tile, Sec'tion, Sec'tional-ly, sKshn-* Sec'tionalism, sEshn - Lz 2 -M Sec'tor, sKtr Sec'ular. sK-r 2 Secular'ity, 1 -T Seculariza'tion, sK - Zrzaftn* Sed'entary, sDn 2 -T-B Sede'runt, sD 2 -.Knt Sedge, sJ 2 Sedg'y, sJ Sed'iment, sD 2 -Mnt Sediment'ary. sD 2 -Mnt- B Sedi'tion, sDshn 3 Sedi'tionary, sDshn 3 -^ Sedi'tious, sD*-SHs Sedi'tiously, sD 3 -SHs-L Sedi'tiousness, sT> 3 -SH$- Ns Sed'litz Powders, sD 2 - itz-P-Drz Seduce', sDs 3 , sDst 3 , sDs 3 - NG Seduce'ment, sD 3 -sMnt Sedu'cer, sD 3 -sB Sedu'cible, sDs 3 -Bl Seduc'tion, sD 2 -Kshn Seduc'tive, sD 2 -Kt-V Seduc'tively, sD 2 -Kt-V-L Sedu'lity, sDs-i-T Sed'ulous, sD 2 -is Sed'ulously, sD*-Ls-L Sed'ulousness, sD^-Ls- Ns See, S 3 , 8 3 -NG Seed, sD 3 , sDd 3 . sD 3 -NG Seed'-bud, sD 3 -Bd Seed'-cake, sD 3 -K-K Seed'ed, sDd 3 Seed'ling, sD 3 -L-NG Seed'-plat, sD 3 -Plt Seed'-plot, sD 3 -Plt Seeds'man, sD 3 -zMn Seed' -time, sD 3 - T - M (sDt 3 -M) Seed'-vessel, sD 3 -Vs-L Seed'y, sD 3 , sDS-E, sD 3 -St See'ing, S 3 -NG Seek, sK 3 , sK 3 -KG Seek'er, sKr 3 Seel, B// 3 , 8i 3 -D, s 3 -NG Seem, sM 3 . sMd 3 , sM 3 -NG Seem'er, sMr 3 Seem'ing, sM 3 -NG Seem'ingly, eM 3 -NGl Seem'ingness, sM'-NG- Ns Seem'linesa, sM-i'-Ns SEL Seem'ly, sM-i 3 , sM-ist" Seems, sMz^ Seen, sN 3 Seer, sfis See'saw, S 3 -S. Ss^-D, 8 3 -S- NG Seest, Sst 3 Seethe, sDH?, sDHd', sDH^-NG Seeth'er, Seeth'ing, ^ Seg'ment, sG 2 -Mnt Seg'regate, sGr-G-T 2 sGr-G-Td 2 . sGr-G-T2-NG Segrega'tion, sGr-Gshn deid'litz. sDi-itz Seigneu'rial, sN-TJ^-L Seign'ior, sN-R 3 Seign'orage, sN-^s.j Seign'ory, sN-TJ 3 Seine, sN 3 Seis'in, sZn 3 Seiz'able, Seize, sZ 3 . sZd^, sZ 3 -NG Seiz'er, sZr 3 Seiz'in, sZn 3 Seiz'or, sZ 3 -B Seiz'ure, sZHr 3 Seju'gous, sJ 3 -Gs Se laa.sL" Sel'dom, sLd 2 -M Select', sL 2 -K-T, sZ-2-K- Td. siS-K-T-NG Selec'tion, s 2 -Kstm Select'man, sL 2 -K-T-Mn Select'ness, sL 2 -K-T-Ns Select'or, sL"-Ktr Sel'enite, sL 2 -Nt Selenog'raphy, si 1 - N - Gr-F Self, s/< 2 -F. See Selves. Note.Sflf as a prefix is usually written with the s- circle placed invariably on the line. This prefix may be joined to the i-emainder of the outline if it commen- ces with a down-strok' and it does not need to be writ- ten in its proper pos ition for the sake of legibility. If the remainder of the out- line commences with an> up-stroke a horizontal or a circle or loop, the prefix should not be joined but placed at the left and close to it. Self-con- is written by placing the prefix sign (s- circle) in the first position ; and then the remainder of the outline is written close to it. The s-circle is also used sometimes as a suffix for -self. Self-abase'ment, s'-B- sMnt SEL Belf-abhor'rence, s z -B- oelf-abuse', s 2 '.Bs 3 Self-combat'ting, s 1 :Btc)i Self-command', s^Nd 1 Self-commun'ion, s 1 INn* Self-compla'cency, s' '.Pls 2 -N-8 Self-conceit', s 1 tsT Self-conceifed, sMsTd* Self-concern, sMsRn* Self-condemna'tion, s 1 tD 2 -M-N8hn Self-condemned', s' SD 3 - Md Self-con'fidence, sMF 1 - DHS Belf-con'flict, s 1 IFU-K-T ^elf-con' quest, s' iKwst 1 Self-consid'ering, s 1 IsDr'-NG Self-con'scious, s 1 iSHs 1 Self-consist'ent, s 1 Self-contradic'tion, s 1 ;Trd s -Eshm Self-control', gi :Tr 2 -L Self-convict/ed, s^V 8 - K-Td Self-deceit', s 3 Ds-T Self-deceive', s 2 -Ds-V Self-decep'tion, s 3 - D - sPshn Self-defense', s 2 -Df-Ns Self-deni'al, s 3 -D-N-L Self-depend'ent, s 2 - D - Pnd-Nt Self-destroyer, s 2 -D-sTr -R Self-destruc'tion, s s -D- sTr-Kshn Belf-educa'tion, s - D - Kshn Self-esteem', s 2 -St-M Self-evident, s-Vd-Nt Self-examina'tion, 'K 2 sM-Nshn Self-excus'ing, s 2 SKs 3 - Kz NG Self-exist'ence, s 2 iKss- Tns 3 Self-exist'ent, s 2 i Ess - Self-government, s 2 Self-in'terest, s 2 iNtrs Selfish, s'^-SH Selfishly, s 2 -SH-i Selfishness, s s -SH-Ns Self-knowl'edge, s 2 ;N- J" Self-love', s 2 iL 2 V Self-made', s 2 !Md 2 Self-mo'tion, s 2 : Mshn* Belt-moved', e 2 :M-Vd 3 Self-mui-der, s 2 ! Mrdr 2 Belf-neglect'ing, s 2 : N a - Gc; 238 Self-opin'ion, 8 2 -Pn-N Self-posses'sion, s Pzshn Self-praise', sVPrz* 8elf-preserva'tion, Self-reg'ulated, Gl-Td Self-reli'ance, 8 2 ;Rlns> Self-reproach', s 2 i 2 -Pr- CH Self-right'eous, s 8 ! R 1 CHs Self-sac'riflce, s 2 i sKr- Self-same', s 2 isM Self-sat'isfled, s:sTs'-Fd Self-suffl'cient, e 3 IsFshnt 3 Self- will', s;i 3 Self- willed', s 2 :i*-D Sell, si* Sel'landers, sindrz 2 Sell'er, si 2 -R Sel'vage, s 2 -V- J Sel'vedge, sL 2 -V-J Selves, sL 2 -Vz Note. The suflBx -selves is written with the large circle; thus, DHsz 2 , them- selves. Sem'aphore, sM-Fr a Semaphor'ic, sM-F'-R-K Semaphor'ical, sM-F>-R El Sem'blance, sM-Blns 2 Se'men, sMn 3 Semes'ter, sMstr 3 Semi-an'nual, sM-N-L 1 Semi-an'nually, eM - N - Semi-an'nular, Sem'ibreve, Semi-cno'rus, sM-E-Bs 3 Sem'icircle, sMs-B 2 -El Semicircular, sMs-fi* El R Sem'icolon, sM-K-in 2 Semi-diam'eter, sM-D 1 Mtr Semi-diaph'anous, sM Df'-Ns Semi-flu'id, sM-F! 3 -D Semi-lu'nar, sM-i 3 -Nr Semi-lu'nate, sM-i s -Nt Sem'i-metal, sM-Mt-Z 3 Sem'inal, sM-Nl Semina'rian, sM 2 -Nrn Sem'inarist, sM 3 -Nrst Sem'inary, sM 2 -Nr Sem'inate, sM-N-T 3 Sem'inated, sM-N-Td* Semina'tion, sM 2 Nshn Seminif ic, sM-N-F 3 -E Seminif ical, sM-N-F 3 -El Semi-nude', sM-N-D* Semiol'OKy, sM-Z-'-J Semi-or'dinate, Nt Semip'edal, sM *-Dl SEN Sem'iquaver, s Seml-spher'ic, sMs-F 3 - R-K Semi-spher'ical, sMs-F*- R-K1 Semit'ic, sMt 3 -K Sem'itone, sM-Tn 2 Semiton'ic, sM-T-N-K Sem'i-vocal, sM-V 2 -Kl Sem'i-vowel, sM-V 2 -L Sempiter'nal, Nl Sempiter'nity, N-T Semp'stress, sM-sTrs 2 Sen'ary, sN-/p Sen'ate, sNt 2 Sen'ate-house, sNt 2 -Hs Sen'ator, sNtr 2 Senato'rial-ly, sK-T J -Rl Sen'atorship, sNtr-8H> (-P) Send, sN-D 2 (sNd 2 ), sNd- NG. See Sent. Sen'der, sNdrs Senes'cence, sNs 2 -Ns Senes'cent, sNs 2 -Nt Sen'eschal, sN-SHl Se'nile, sN-L Senil'ity, sN-Z 3 -T Sen'ior, sN-R 3 Seniority, sN-iJ 1 -! Sen'na, sN 2 Sen'night, sN 2 -Nt Senoc'ular, sN-Kl-R 1 Sen'sate, sNs-T 2 Sen'sated, sNs-Td Sensa'tion, sNssftn 2 Sensa'tional, sNssAn-L a Sensa'tionalism, stfsshn- Lz 2 -M Sense, sNs 2 Sense'less, sNs-Ls 2 Sense'lessly, sNs-Ls s -L Senselessness, sNs-Ls 8 - Ns Sensibil'ity, sNs-BS-L-T (or -Lt) Sen'sible, sNs-B 2 (-L) Sen'sibleness, sNs-B2-L- Ns l!Bs] Sen'sibly, sNs-B 2 (-) Sensif ic, sNs-F 3 -K Sen'sitive, sNs-Tv 2 Sen'sitively, sNs-T 2 -Vl Sen'sitiveness, sNs-Tv- Ns Senso'rial, sNs-Kl 2 Senso'rium, sNs-R 2 -M Sen'sory, sNs-U 2 Sen'sual, sN-SHl 2 Sen'sualism, sN-SHlz 2 -M Sen'sualist, sN-SHlst 2 Sensual'ity, sN-5fll'-T Sensualiza'tion, sN- SfllzsAn 2 Sen'sualize, sN-5fllz8, sN-S/Hzd 2 , sN-SHlz'--NG Sen'sually, sN-SH12 Sen'sualness, sN-S7n 2 -N9 SEN 239 SEV Sen'suous, sN-SHs* Beptuag'enary, sPti-J-Nr Ser'pentize, sKs-Pn-Tz Sent, 8Nt. see Send. Septuages'ima, sPt^-J- Serpig'inous, sB 3 -P-J-Na Sen'tence, sNt 2 -Ns, sNt*- sM Serpi'go, sW-P-G Nst, sNt 2 -Ns-NG Septuages'imal, sPt s -J- Ser'rate, KRt* Senten'tial, sNt-N-SHl 8M-Z, Ser'rated, s.R 2 -Td Sententious, sNt-N-SHss Sep'tuagint, sPt^- Jnt Sera'ture, s/:tr Senten'tiously, sNt-N- Sep'tum, sPt*-M Se'rum, sB 3 -M: SHs*-L Sep'tuple, 8Pt-Pl, sPt- Ser'val, s/j-'-V-L Benten'tiousness, sNt-N- Pld, sPts-Pl-NG Servant, KR~Vnt SHs 2 -N8 Sen'tient, sN-SHnt* Sep'ulcher. sPl a -Kr Sepul'chral, sPl^-Kr-L Serve, eRv", s/Zvd sRv(-)2 Sen'timent, sNt 2 -Mnt Sep'ulture, 8P12-CHr Ser'vice, sR--Vs Sentiment'al, sNt-Mnt- Sequa'cious, sKw-SHs' Ser'viceable-y, sfi a -Vs- L* [sNt2!Mnt] Se'quel, sKw-L* < Bl Sentiment/ alism, sNt - Se'quence, BKwns* Ser'viceableness, sfl'- Mnt-Z,z2-M Se'quent, sKwnt 3 Vs-Bl-Ns [iBs] Sentiment'alist, sNt- Seques'ter, BKwstr*, sKw- Ser'vile, eB 2 -V-L Mnt-Zsta sTrd', sKstrC)3 Ser'vilely. s/e J -V-L-L Sentimental'ity, sNt - Seques'terable, sKyr - ; Ser'vileness, s--V-L-Ns Mnt-ii-T [sNtiiMnt] 8Tr2-Bl j Servil'ity, *R3-\-L-T (-Li) Se iitiment'alize, sNt - Seques'trate, sKw-sTrt, Ser'vitor, s.R 2 -Vtr Mnt-/,z3 8Kw - sTr^'Td, sKw - Ser'vitorshap, sfl a -Vtr- Sentimenf ally, sN-Mnt- sTrt(')* SH(-P) /, [sNtatMnt] Sequestra'tion, sKw - Ser'vitude, sR 2 -V-Td Sen'tinel, sNt-N-L BTrshn* Ses'ame, Ss 2 -M Sen'try, sN-Tr Seq'uestrator, Kw - Ses'amum, Ss 2 -M-M Sen'try-box, sN-Tr*-B-Ks BTrtra Sesquip'edal, 6S 2 -Kw-P- Se'pal, sPia Se'quin, gKwn* Dl Separabil'ity, sPr-Bl-T Seragl'io, sfi'-Z. Sesquipedalian, sS a - (or -Bit) Ser'aph, s.Rf Kw-P-D-Z,n Sep'arable, sPr-Bl Seraph'ic, sfii-P-K Ses'sile, Ss*-L Sep'arableness, sPr*-Bl- Seraph'ical, B'-F-K1 Ses'sion, sSHn 2 , and Ns [iBs] Ser'aphim, sfi'-F-M sometimes iu phrases by Sep'arate, sPrf, sPr-Td, Ser'aphine, s*-Fn the s-circle and thun- sPrt(-) 3 . See Spread, etc. Seras'kier, s.Ksi-K-R curl ; thus, Nsshn 3 , In set- Separately, sPrt 1 -/- Sere, sR3 sion. Sep'arateness, sPrt^-Ns Serenade', s^-Kd, sB 2 - Ses'sional, sSH 2 -Nl Separa'tion, sPrshn* N-Dd, s^-Nd-NG Sess'-pool, Ss 2 -P-L Separatism, sPr a -T-zM Serene', sfin* Ses'terce, Ss 2 -T-Bs (8Prt*-zM) Serene'ly, sRn*-L Set, sT a , sT 2 -NG Separatist, 8Pr-Tst Serene'ness, s/in 8 -N8 Seta'ceous, sT 2 --SHs Sep'arator, sPrtr* Seren'ity, e^N-T Setif erous, sTfa-Ss Sep'aratory, sPrt*-jR Serf, aRf* Setig'erous, 8T 3 -Jrs Sepawn', sPn Serfdom, sfi-F-D-M Set'-off, sTf 2 Se'pia, sP s Serge, sfis-J Se'ton, sTn 3 Se'poy, eP* Ser'geancy, sK'ora-Jn-S Setose', eTs 2 Sept, BPt* Ser'geant, s^R'ara-Jnt Se'tous, sTs 3 Bept'angle, sPt-Na-Gl Ser'geantship, sR l or* - Settee', sTC 3 . See Seat. tsPt*-NGl] Septan'gular, sPti-NG- Jnt-SH(-P) Se'rial, 8fi3-L Softer, sTr 2 SeVting, sT 2 -NG Gl-B csPti-NGl-B] Seria'tim, sB ! ori-T-M Sefting-dog, sT 2 - NG - September, sPt-M-Br Seri'ceous, sfl s -SHs D-G [sPt*-M] Se'ries, sRz Sef tie, sTl 2 , sTld 2 , sTl- Septem'partite, sPts-M- Serio-com'ic, sfl'-K-M-K NG Pr-Tt Serio-com'ical, 8.K 1 - K - Set'tlement, sTP-Mnt Sep'tenary, sPt*-Nr Septen'ial-ly, sP^-T-Nl Septen'trion, sP 2 -T-N- M-K1 Se'rious, sKs 3 Se'riously, sR*-sL Set'tler, sT! 2 -B Set'tling, sTP-NG Set'tlings, sT! 2 -NGz Trn Se'riousness, 8Ks*-Ng Sef -to, sT-T Septen'trional, sP-T-N- Ser'jeant. See Sergeant. Seven, sVna Tr-Nl Ser'mon, 8E-Mn Sevenfold, sVn a -F-Ld Sep'tic, sPt2-K Ser'monize, sB 2 -M-Nz, Bev'ennight, sN*-Nt Sep'tical, BPt-Kl sB-M-Nzd, sB-M-Nz- Seventeen, sVnt 2 -N (or Septif'luous, sP'-T-Fls NG 17) Septilat'eral, sPt>-itr-L Ser'monizer, sB-M-N-Zr Seventeenth, sVnt-N- Septill'ion, sPt'-Ln 3eron' or Seroon', sSn 1 TH(orl7TH) Septin'sular, BP*-T-N- Seros'ity, efls'-T Seventh, sV 2 -N-TH (or nL-R Se'rous, s/ts* 7TH) Septuagena'rian, sPt- 3- Nrn Ser'pent, 8fi-Pnt Ser'pentme, s#-Pnt-N Seventhly, 8V-N-TH-Zt ' (or7TH-i) SEV 240 SHE Seventieth, sV 2 -N-T-TH Shade, SH 2 -D (or SHd 2 ),!Sham'er, SH*-Mr (or 70TH) 8H 2 -Dd, SH 2 -D-NG. See Sham'my, SH^M Seventy, sV*-N-T (or 70) Shadow, etc. Shampoo', 8H 3 -M-P, SH- Seven-up, sVn-P Shad'er, SH 2 -Dr M-P-D, SH3-M-P-NG Sever, sVr', sVrd 2 , sVr 2 - Shades, SH 2 -Dz (or Sham'rock, SH^M-B-K NG SHdz) Shank, SHi-NG-K Several, sV 2 -.Rl [sV s ] Sha'dily, SH 2 -D-i Shan'ty, SHi-N-T Severally, sV 2 -fll Shadlness, SH 2 -D-Ns Shape, 8H2-P. SB?-Pt, Be Veralty, sV* - Rl - T Shading, SH 2 -D-NG SH 2 -P-NG (-Bit) Shad'ow, SH 1 -!), Sfl'-Dd, Shapeless, SH 2 -P-Zs Sev'erance, sV 2 -fins 5n-D-NG. See Shade, Shapelessness, 8H*-P- Severe', 6V 3 -B, sV 3 -Br, etc. Zs-Ns [:Zs] s V s - fist Shad'owy, SIP-Vol Shapely, SH 2 -P-Z Severely, sV-Bl Shad'y, SH 2 -D Shap'en, SH 2 -Pn Severe'ness, sV 3 -B-Ns Shaft, SHi-Ft Shard, SHi-Bd Severity, sV'-fi-T Shaft'ed, 8Hi-F-Td Shard'borne, SHi-Bd-B- Sew, S 2 , sea, S 2 -NG Shafting, SHi-Ft-NG Rn Sew'age, S 3 - J Shag, SH'-G, SHi-Gd, SH 1 - Shard'ed, SHi-TJ-Dd Sew'er (su'er), S*-B G-NG Share, SHr', SHrdi, SHri- Sew'er (so'er), S*-B Shag'bark, SH^-G-Br-K NG Sewerage, 8 3 -^-J Shag'gedness, SH'-Gd- Share'-holder, SHr>-H- Sewing, S 2 -NG Ns Zdr [SHr'-Hdr] Sewing-machine, S 2 - Shag'giness, SHi-G-Ks Shar'er, SHri-B NG-M-SHn Shag'gy, SHi-G, SHi-G-B, Shark, SHri-K, 8Hri-Kt, Sewing-society, S 2 - SH^Gst SHr'-K-NG NGss-T Shagreen', SB s -Qrn Shark'er, 5JTri-Kr Sex, sKs 2 Shah, SH 1 Sharp, (a.) SHr!-P, SHr 1 - Sexagena'rian, sKs-J*- Shake, SH 2 -K, SH 2 -K-NG Pr. SHri-Pst Nrn Shak'en, SH 2 -Kn Sharp, (v.) SHri-P, SHr 1 - Sexag'enary or Sex'age- Shak'er, SH^-Kr Pt, SHri-P-NG nary, sKs-JW^Jfr Shakespearian, SH 3 -Ks- Sharp'en, SHr^Pn, SHri- Sexages'ima, sKs-J 2 -sM Sexagesimal, .sKs - J 2 - f-Rn Shak'y, SH 2 -K, SH 2 -K-E, Pnd, SHr'-Pn-NG Sharp'er, SHr^Pr 83I-Z SH 2 -Kst Sharply, SHr'-P-Z Sex'angled, sKs'-NG-Gld Shale, SH 2 -L. See Shell. Sharp'ness, SHr^P-Ns Sexan'gular, sKs - NG - Shall, SHli [SHi] Sharp'-set, SHr^Ps-T Gl-Bi Note. The abbreviation Sharp'-shooter, SHr'-P- Bexan'gularly, sKs-NG- for Shall may be joined SHtr Gl-B'-Z freely in phrases, and in Sharp'-sighted, SHr'-Ps- Sexen'nial, BKs-N-L any part of them. See Td Sex'fid, sKs-Fd 2 Should. Sharp'- witted, SHri-P- Sex'ifid, sKs-Fd Shaloon', SH 3 -Zn wTd Sex'less, sK-sZs a Shallop, SHP-P Shas'ter, SHstri Sex'tain, sRs-Tn* Shallot', SHi-it Shas'tra, SHsi-Tr Sex'tant, sKs-Tnt* Shallow, SHi-L, sm-L- Shat'ter, SHtri, SHi-Trd, Sex'tile, sKs-T^-L B, SHi-Lst SHtr>-XG Sextilllon, sKs-T 3 -Zn Shallowed, SHi-L-V Shat'ters, SHtrzi Sextodes'imo, sKs-l^-D- Shal'lowness, SHi-L-Xs Shat'tery, SH^-T-R sM Shalt, SHlti [SHti] Shave, 8H 2 -V, SHS-Vd, Sex'ton, sKs-Tn 2 Shal'y, SH*-L SH 2 -V-NG Sex'tonship, sKs-Tn 2 -SH Sham, SHi-M, SH^Md, Shaveling, SH 2 -V1-NG (-P) SH'-M-XG Shav'en, SH 2 -Vn Sex'tuple, sKs-T-Pl Sha'man, SHi-Mn Shav'er, SH 2 -Vr Sex'ual, sK-SHl 2 Sha'manism, SHi-Mn-Z- Shaving, SH 2 -V-NG Sex'ualist, sK-SHlst 2 M Shawl, SHli Sexuality, sK-SHV-T Sha'manist, SH'-Mn-St Shawm, SHi-M Sex'ually, sK-SHl* Sham'ble, SH'-M-Bl, SH 1 - She, SH 3 Shab, SHi-B, SH'-Bd, M-Bld. SH^M-Bl-NG Sheaf, SH3-F, SH'-Ft, SHi-B-NG Sham'bles, SHi-M-Blz SH 3 -F-XG Shab'bily, SH'-B-Z Shame, SH 2 -M, SH 2 -Md. ' Sheallng, SH1 3 -XG Shab'biness, SHLB-Ns SH 2 -M-NG Shear, SHr 3 , SHrd 2 SHr- Shab'by, SHi-B i-B-B, Shame'faced, SH 2 -M-Fst NG SH'-Bst Shame'ful-ly, SH 2 -M-F1 Shear'er, SHrS-B Shack, SH'-K Shame'fulness, SH 2 -M- Shearling, SHrS-Z-NG Shackle, 8Hi-Kl, SHi- Fl-Ns [!Fs] Shears, SHrz 3 Kld, SHi-Kl-NG Shackles, SHi-Klz Shameless, SH 2 -M-is Shamelessly, SH 2 -M-Zs- Shear'-steel, SHrs 3 -T-L Sheath. SH 3 -TH Shackly, 8Hi-Kl L Sheathe, H 3 -DH, SB*. Shad, SH'-D Shad'dock, SHi-D-K Shame'lessness, SH 2 -M- Zs-Xs [!Zs] DHd. Sti 3 -DH-yG Sheath'er, SH 3 -DHr SHE Bheath'ing, Sheath'less, Sheave, SH'-V Shed, SH2-D, SH2-D-NG Bhed'der, 8H-Dr Sheen, SHn 3 Sheen'y, SH 3 -N Sheep, SH S -P Sheep'-cot, 8H3-P-Kt Sheep'-fold, SH 3 -P-F-Ld Sheep'-hook, SHS-P-H-K Sheep'ish, 8H 3 -P-SH Sheep'ishly, SIP-P-SHl Sheep'ishness. SH 3 - P - SH-Ns Sheep's'-eye, SH s -Ps-I Sheep'-shearer. SH 3 -P- SHr-E Sheep'-shearing, SH S -P- SHr-NG Sheep'-skin, SH 3 -P-sKn Sheep'-walk, SH 3 -P-W-K Sheer, SHr 3 , SHrd 3 , SHr 8 - NG Sheet, SHt, SH3-Td, SHts- NG Sheet'-anchor, SHt'-NG- Kr Sheet'ing, SHt s -NG Sheets, SHtz* Sheik, 8H 3 -K Shek'el, SH J -K1 Sheki'nah, SH'-K-N Shel'drake, SHP-Dr-K Shelf, SH12-F Shel'fy, SH12-F Shell, SHI-', SHlds, SHI*- KG Shel'lac, SH12-K Shell'-lac, 8Hl--K Snell'-bark, SH12-B-.R-K Shell'-flsh, SHia-F-Sff Shell'ing, SHia-NG Shell'-marl, SH12-M-B1 Shell'- work, 8H12-Wr-K Shell'y, SH*-L Shel'ter, SHltr^, SH1- Trd, 8Hltr 2 -NG Shel'terless, SHltr 2 -i8 Shel'tie, 8H1-T Shelve, SHP-V, SHl-Vd, 8H12-V-NG Shelves, SHl^-Vz Shel'ving, SH1-V-NG Shemit'ic, SH 3 -Mt-K She'ol, SH 3 -L Shep'herd, SH^-Prd Shep'herdess, SH z -Pr-Ds Sher'bet, SHr-Bt Sherd, SHrd Sheriff, SHr 2 -F Sher'iffalty, SHr2-F-X-T Sher'iffdom, SHr^-F-D-M Bher'ififohip, SHr 2 - F - SH-P Bher'iffwick, SHr^-F- W-K Bher'ry, 8H*-7J Shew, 8H Bhew'-bread, SH-Brd 11 241 Shewed, SH=- Shewn, SHn Shib'boleth, 8H 3 -B-I,-TH Shied, SH'-D (SHdi) Shield, SHld 3 , SHl 3 -Dd, SHldS-NG Shield'less, SHld 3 -/;s Shiel'ing, SH1 3 -NG Shift, SH 3 -Ft, SHS-F-Td, SH 3 -Ft-NG Shift'er, SH 3 -Ftr Shift'less, SH 3 -Ft-is Shifflessly, 8H 3 -Ft-is- Shift'lessness, SH 3 -Ft- is-Ns [tZ,s] Shilla'lah or ShiUa'ly, SH2-Z-Z. Shi'loh, SIP-L Shi'ly, SIP-L Shim'mer, ^fl^-Mr Shin, SHn 3 , SHnd 3 , SHn 3 - NG Shin'dy, SH 3 -N-D Shine, SHni, SHndi, SHni-NG Shin'er, SH'-Nr Shin'gle, SH 3 -NG-G1, SH3. NG-Gld, 8H 3 -NG-G1-NG Shin'gler, SH3-NG-G1-R Shin'gles, SHS-NG-Glz Shin'ing, SHni-NG Shin'ingness, SHni-NG- Ns Shin'-plaster, SH 3 - N - Plstr Shin'y, SHi-N, SHi-N-B. Ship, SH 3 -P, SH3.Pt, SH3- P-NG Ship'board, SH3.p-Brd Ship'-boy, SH 3 -P-B Ship'-builder, 8H 3 -P-B1- Dr Ship'-carpenter, SH 3 -P- Kr-Pntr Ship'-chandler, SH3-P- CH-N-D-Z,-B Ship' -master, SH 8 - P - Mstr Ship'mate, SH3-p-Mt Ship'ment, SHs-P-Mnt Ship'-money, 8H 3 -P-M- N Ship'per, 8H 3 -Pr Ship'ping, SH 3 -P-NG Ship'-shape, SHS-P-SH-P Ship'wreck, SH 3 -P-S-K, SH 3 -P-/J-Kt, 8H J -P-K-K- NG Ship'wright, SH 3 -P-fit Shire, SHJorS-K Shire'-town, SHr'orS-Tn Shirk, SHra-K, SHr a -Kt, SHr2-K-NG Shirr, SH^-B Shirred, 8H*-Bd Shirt, SHrts, SHr^-Td, SHrt2-NG Shirt'ing, SHrt-NG Shit'tah, SHS-T SHO Shit'tim, SH 3 -T-M Shive, SEP-V Shiver, SH^-Vr, SI-I-Vrd 8H*-Vr-NG Shivery, SH 3 -V-7J Shoal, SH12, SHUia, SH1 Shoal'iness, SH12-X 8 Shoal'y, SH*-L Shoat, SHta Shock, SH l -K, SHi-Kt, SH 1 K-NG Shock'ing, SH'-K-NG Shock'ingly, SHi-K-NGl Shod, SH!-D Shod'dy, S/f'-D Shoe, SH3. SH ;! -Na Shoe'-black, SH3-B1-K Shoe'-buckle, siP-ls-Kl Shoe'ing-horn, SH 3 ->*G- Hrn Shoe'-maker, SH 3 -M-Kr Sho'er, SH 3 -R Shoe'-string, SHs 3 -Tr- NG Shoe'-tie, SJF-T Shone, SHu 2 ori Shoo, SH3 Shook, SH 3 -K Shoot, SHt, SHt 3 -NG Shoot'er, SHtr Shoot'ing-star, SHta. NGs-T-B (SHt a -NGstr) Shop, SH!-P, SHi-Pt, SHU -P-NG Shop'-board, SH'-P-Brd Shop'-book, SHi-P-B-K Shop'-keeper, SH-P-K- Pr Shop'-lifter, SH>-P-L-Ftr Shop'-lifting, SHi-P-i- Ft-NG Shop'-man, SH'-P-Mn Shop'per, SH>-Pr Shore, SHr2, SHrd^, SHr< NG Shor'ing, SHr-NG Short, SHri-L Shoaling, SHr!-Z,-NG Shorn, SHrni Short, SHrt 1 . SHrtri, SHri-Tst (SHrtsti) Short'-breathed, SHrti- Br-THt Short'-cake, SHrt'-K-K Short' -coming, SHrt'-K- M-NGCor-KC)] Short'-dated, SHrt> - D-Td Short'-drawn, SHrti-Drn Shorf en, SHrt'-N, SHrti- Nd. SHrti-N-NG Shorf ener, SHrti-N-B Short'ening, SHrti - N NG Short'-hand, SHrti-Hnd Short'-handed, SHrti- Hn-Dd Short'-jointed, SHrt'-J N-Td SHO Short/ -lived, SHrfi-X-Vd Bhort'ly, SHrfi-Z Bhort'ness, 8Hrt'-Ns Short'-rib, SHrti-JB-B Shorts, SHrtei Short'-sight, SHrts'-T Short'-sighted, SHrts 1 - Td Short'-sightedness, SHrts'-Td-Ns Short'-waisted, SHrt 1 - Ws-Td Short'-winded, SHrt 1 - Wn-Dd Short'-witted, SHrti - W-Td Shot, SHt, SHi-Td, SHti- NG Shote, 8Ht Shot'-free. 8Ht'-Fr Shot'-prop, SHti-Pr-P Shot'ten, 8H-Tn Bhot'-tower, 8Hti-T-R Shough, SH'-K. Should, SHd [SH3] Note. The abbreviation for Should is used in phra- ses only at the beginning of them, unless the preced- ing word may be placed BO as to allow Should to be written in position, as in Ithould. See Shall. Shoul'der, SHldr", 8H1- Drd. 8Hldr2-NG Bhoul'der-belt, SHldr- B Lt Shoul'der-blade, SKldr^ -Bid Shoul'der-knot, SHldr*- Nt Bhoul'der-strap, SHldrs 5 -Tr-P Shouldst, SHdsta Shout, 8Ht, SHi . Td, SHt'-NG Bhout'er, SHtr* Bhout'ing, SHt'-NG Shove, 8H2-V, SH-Vd, SH2-V-NG Bhov'el, SH-V1, SH2-Vld, 8H*-V1-NG Show, 8H2, SH-D (SHd2), SH-XG Show-bill, SHS-B-L Show-bread, SH-Brd ShoW-case, 8H 2 -Ks Shower, SH>-R, SH'-Rd, Shower-bath, SHi-K-B- TH Bh oWery, SHi-TJ Showily, SH2-Z BhoWiness, SH-Ns Showing, 8HZ-NG Shown, SHn* Bhow'y, 8H6I Shrank, SHr'-KG-K Bhrap'nell-shell, SHr 1 - P.N1-8H1 Shred, SHr^-D, SHr-D- NG Shrew, SHr 5 Shrewd, 8Hr3-D (SHrdS). 8Hrdr, SHrS-Dst (SHrdst 3 ) Shrewd'ly, SHr^-D-i Shrewd'ness, SHr^-D-Ns Shrewish, SHi^-SH Shrew'ishly, SHr^-SH-i Shrewishness, SHr*-8H- Bh Shrew-mouse, SH^-Ms Shriek, SHr-K, SHr^-Kt. Shriek'er, SHr*-Kr Shrievalty, SHr^-Vl-T Shrift, SHrS-Ft Shrike, SHr'-K Shrill, (a.) SHrS-L, SHr- L-R, SHrS-Zst Shrill, (.) SHrS-L. SHr 3 -; jt-d. SHr^-i-NG ShriU'ness, SHrS--Ns Shril'ly, SHr3-i Shrimp, SH^-M-P Shrine, 8Hrn> Shrink, 8HrS-NG-K, SHr- NG-K-NG Shrink'age, SHr3-NG-K- Shrink'er, SHrS-NG-Kr Shrive, 8Hri-V, SHr-Vd. 8Hri-V-NG Shrivel, SHr3-Vl, SHr 5 - Vld, SHrS-Vl-NG Shroud, SHr'-D, SHr 1 - Dd. SHr'-D-NG Shrove'-tide, SHr-V-Td Shrove'-Tuesday, SHr 2 - V-Tz-D Shrub, 8Hr2-B Shrub' bery, SHr*-B-.R Shrub'biness, 8Hr-B-Ns Shrub'by, SHr*-B Shrug, 8Hr2-G, SHr-Gd, SHr2-G-NG Shrunk, SHr^-NG-K Shrunk'en, SHr^-NG-Kn Shuck, SH2-K Shud'der, SH^-Dr, SH*- Drd. SH*-Dr-NG Shuffle, 8H2-F1, SH-Fld, 8H2-F1-NG Shuffler, SH-F1-R Shun, SHn 2 , SHnd2, SHn- NG Shunt, SHnt*, SH-N-Td, 8Hnt-NG Shut, SHtz. SHts-NG Shut'ter, 8Htr Shut'tle, 8H"-T1 Shut'tlecock, SH'-Tl- TT Tf Shut'tlecork, SH - Tl - Kr-K Shy, (a.) 8H SHi-R, SH'-St Shy, (v.) SHi, 8H-D> , 8H-NG SIG Shyly, SB 1 -L Shyness, SH>->* Shys'ter, SHstr 1 Si, S3 Sial'ogogue, 8>-Z-G-G Sib'ilant, sB-int Sibila'tion, sB 2 -Zshn Sib'yl, sB3-L Sib'ylline, sB3-n Sic'cative, sK-Tv Sic'city, eKs-T s Sice, Szi Sick, eK3, sKr 3 . sKst3 Sick'en, sKn s , sKn-NG Sick'ish, sK SH' Sick'ishness, sK-SH 3 -Hs Sick'le, sE13 Sick'leman. sKF-Mn Sick'less, sK-is 3 Sick'liness, Sick'-list, sK3-st Sick'ly, sK-Z3, sK-i'-R Sick'ness, Side, sD'. sldi. sD-NG Side'board, sD'-Brd Side'-cut, sDi-Kt Sid'ed, sDdi Side'ling, sD'-i-NG Side'long, sDi-Z-NG Sid'er, sDr 1 Sid'eral, sDr 3 -L Sidera'tion, sDrshn* Side'real, PDS.RI Siderograph'ic, ' sDr 1 Grf-K Siderograph'ical-ly, sDri-Gr-F-Kl Siderog'raphy, sDr^-Gr F Sid'erscope, sDr^-sK-P Side'-saddle, sD ] -sDl Sides'mau, sDJ-zMn Side'walk, sD>-W-K Side'ways, sD'-Wz Side'wise, sD l -Wz Si'dle, sDl', sDld 1 , sDl L NG Siege, sJ Si'enite, S'-Nt Sien'na, S=-N Sier'ra, sR 2 Sies'ta, sS 2 -T Sieve, sV 3 Sift, sFt-r pF 3 -Td, sFt'-NQ Sift'er, sFtr 3 Sigh, Si, sDi. SJ-NG Sigh'er, S"-R Sight, sTi. sTdV sTi-NG Sight'less. sTi-Zs Sight'liness, sT^Z-Ns Sight'ly, sTi-L Sight'-seeing, sT>-S-XG Sig'il, sJ13 Sigilla'ria, sJ2-Z-fl Sig'illative, sJS-Z-Tr Sig'ma,sG8-M Sig'moid, sG3-Md Sigmoid'al. sG-M-Dl 1 SIG 243 SIT Sign, sN 1 , sNdi, sNi-NG Sil'verly, si s -Vr-Z Singing-master, sNG* Sig'nal, sQS-Nl, sG-Nld, Sil'versmith, sL 8 -Vr-sM NG-Mstr sG 3 -Nl-NG TH Singing-school, sNG 3 - Sig'nalize, sG 8 -Nlz Sil'very, s 3 -Vr NGs-Kl Sig'nally, sG-Nl Simarre', sMi-R Sin'gle, SNG3-G1, sXG'- Sig'nature, sG 8 - Ntr Similar, sM-Z 3 -R [sM 8 ] Gld, sNG 3 -Gl-NG [sNGl 3 , (sGntr 3 ) Similarity, sM-Z. 1 -^-! sNGld 3 . sNG! 3 -NG] Sign'-board, sK-Brd 1 tsMi] Sin'gle-handed, sNG 3 - Sign'er, sNr 1 Similarly, sM-Z- 3 -R-Z Gl-Hn-Dd Sig'net, sG 3 -Nt [sM 3 ii] Sin'gle-hearted, sNG 3 - Significance, sG-N-F 8 - Simile, sM-i 8 Gl-Hr-Td Kns [sGns 3 ] Similitude, sM-Z, 8 -Td Sin'gle-minded, sNG 3 - Significancy, sG-N-F 8 - Simitar, sMtr 8 Gl-Mn-Dd Kn-S [sGn-S 3 ] Sim'mer, sMr 3 , sMrd 3 Sin'gleness, sNG 3 -Gl-Ns Significant, eG-N-F 3 -K- sMr^-NG [sNGl 3 -Nsj Nt [sGnt 3 ] Simo'niac, sM*-N-K Sin'gly, sNG 3 -Gl [sXGl 3 ] Significantly, sG-N-F s - Simoni'acal-ly, sM'-N-Kl Sing'-song, sNG 3 -sNG K-Nt-L [sGnt-Z 3 ] Sim'ony, sM3-N Sin'gular, sNG - Gl - R 3 Significa'tion, sG-N-F- Simoom', BM 3 -M [sNG 3 ] Kshn [sGshnS] Simoon', sMu 3 Singularity, sNG-Gl-K 1 - Significative, sG-N-F 8 - Sim'per, sM-Pr 8 , sM-Prd 3 , T [sNG-Zrti] K-Tv sM-Pr 3 -NG Sin'gularly, sNG-Gl-R 3 -Z Significatively, sG-N- Sim'perer, sM-Pr^R [sNG 3 :Z] F 3 -K-T-V1 Sim'ple, sM-Pl 3 , sM-Pl 3 - Sinister, sNstr 3 Sig'niflcator, sG-N-F*- R, sM.Plst 3 Sinistror'sal, sN-sTr'-R- Ktr Sim'pleness, sM-P! 8 -Ns sZ Sig'nify, sG-N-F 3 , sG-N- Sim'pleton, sM-P! 8 -Tn Sin'istrous, sX-sTrs 3 Fd s , sG-N-F 3 -NG [sG 8 , Simplicity, 8M-Pls 3 -T Sink, 8NG3-K, sNG 3 -K- sGd 3 , sG(') 3 ] Simplinca'tion, sM-Plfs- NG Signlor or Sign'or, sN- Kshu Sink'er, sNG 3 -Kr R 3 Sim'plify, sM-P13-F, sM- Sinless, sN-Zs 3 Signo'ra, sN-K 2 Pl'-Fd, sM-P! 3 -F-NG Sinlessly, sN-Zs 3 -Z Sign'-post, sN^Pst Sim'plist, sM-Plst 3 Sin'lessness, sN-Zs 3 -Ns Silence, sZns 1 , sZi-Nst, Sim'ply, sM-Pl 8 [sN 3 !Zs] sZ'-Ns-NG Sim'ulate, sM-Z/t 3 , sM-z, 8 - Sin'ner, sNi* Si'lent, sinti Td, sM-Z,t3-NG Sin'ologue, sN-Z 3 -G Silent'ness, sZnf-Ns Simula'tion, sM-Lshn* Sin'ople, eN-Pl 3 Sile'sia, sL 3 -SH Simultaneous, sM-zt 3 - Sin'uate, sN-T 3 , sN-Td', Si'lex, sLi-Ks Ns sN-TS-NG Silhouette', sZ*-T Simultaneously, sM - Sinua'tion, sNghn* Silica, sZ'-K Zt s -Ns-L Sinuosity, sNs-Ti Sili'ceous, sL s -SSa Simulta'neousness, sM- Sin'uous, sN-S 3 Silicic, sZs 3 -K Zt2-Ns-Ns Si'nus, sNs 1 Siliclfy, sZs 3 -F Sin, sN 3 , sNd 3 , sNS-NG 3ip, sP 3 , sPt 3 . sP 3 -NG Sili'cium, sZ/ 3 -SH-M Sin'apism, sN-P 8 -zM Si'phon, sFn 1 Sillcle, s/AKl Since, sNs 8 3ip'per, sPr 3 Silicon, sZ 3 -Kn Sincere', sNs-B 3 , sNs-B 3 - 3ir, sR s Sil'iqua, sZ, 3 -Kw R, sNs-jRsta Sire, sR 1 , sRdi, sRi-NG- Sil'ique, st 3 -K Sincerely, sNs-Kl 8 Si'ren, sKn 1 Sillquous, sL 3 -Kws Sincere'ness, sNs-B 3 -Ns Sir'ius, sRs 3 Silk, si 3 -K Sincerity, sNs-^-T 3irloin, sR 2 -Zn Silk'en, sZ, 8 -Kn Sin'ciput, sNs-Pt 8 Siroc'co, sK'-K Silk'iness, sZ 8 -K-N8 3ine, sN 1 3ir'rah, sR 3 Silk'-mercer, si 3 - K - Si'necure, sNJ-Kr 3ir'up, sR 3 -P Mrs-R Si'necurist, sN'-Krst 3ir'upy, sff 3 -P Silk'-worm, sL 3 -K-Wr-M Sin'ew, sN 8 sN-D 8 , sN 3 - 3is'km, Ss 3 -Kn Silk'y, sL 3 -K, eL 8 -K.r, sZ, 3 - NG 3iss, Ss 3 Kst Sin'ewed, sN-D 8 3is'ter. ssTr 3 Sill, si 8 Sin'ewless, sN-Zs 8 Sis'terhood, ssTr 3 -Hd Sillabub, sL 8 -B-B Sin'ewy, sN 3 3is'ter-in-law, ssTrS-Nl Sillily, sZ-s-Z, Sin'ful, SN-F8-L Sis'terly, ssTr 8 -Z Silliness, sZS-Ns Sin'fully, sN-F 8 -Z Sis'trum, ssT^-M Silly, si 3 , 8Z 8 -R, sZst 8 Sin'fulness, sN-FS-L-Ns 3it, sT 3 . sT 8 -NG Silt, sit 3 , 8L 3 -Td, sZt 8 -NG [sN 8 iFs] 3ite, sT 1 Silu'rian, &L*-Rn Sing, 8NG>. sNG*-NG Sit'ten, sTns Sil'va, sL 3 -V Singe, sN-J 8 , sN-Jd 8 , sN- Sifter, sTr Sil'van, si 3 -Vn J 3 -NG Sifting, sT 3 -NG Bil'ver, sZ-Vr, sZ 8 -Vrd, Sing'er, sNGr 8 Sif uate, sCHt 3 sZ 3 -Vr-NG Singing-book, sNG- Sifuated, sCH-Td Sll'vering, sZ 8 -Vr-NG NG-B-K Situa'tion, sCHshn' SIX Six, sKs Six'fold, sKs-FS-Ld Six'pence, sKs-Pns 3 Six'score, sKss-K-B 3 Six'teen, sKs-Tn 3 (or 16) Six'teenth, sKs-Tn 3 -TH (or!6TH) Sixth, sKs-TH3 (or 6TH) Sixth'ly, sKs-TH 3 -Z. (or 6 TH-Z, Six'tieth, sKs-T*-TH (or 60TH) Six'ty, sKs-T 3 (or 60) Siz'able, sZi-Bl Si'zar, sZr 1 Size, sZi, sZdi. sZ-NG Siz'iness, sZi-Ns Siz'ing, sZi-NG Siz'y, sZi Siz'zle, sZls, sZld 3 , sZl- NG Skad'dle, sK-DH Skad'dons. sK-Dns 1 Skain, sKn 2 Skate, sKt, sK-Td 2 , sKt- NG Skat'er, sKtr Skedad'dle, Skedad'dler, sK-Di-Dl-K Skein, sKn^ Skel'eton, sK-*-Tn Skept'ic, sK-Pt-K Skep'tical-ly, 8K-Pt 2 -Kl Skep'ticism, sK-P 2 -T- szM Sketch, sK-CH2, sK-CHt 8K-CH*-NG Sketch'-book, sK-CH*-B- K Sketoh'er, sK-CHr* Sketch'y, sK-CH^ Skew-back, sK^-B-K Skew'er, sK-R 3 , sK- 244 SLE Skid, sK-D 3 , sK-Dd 3 , sK- D3-NG Skiff, sKf 3 . sKft 3 , sKfS-NG Skill, sK-L 3 Skilled, sK-Ld 3 Skil'let, sK-it 3 Skill'ful-ly, sK-LS-Fl Skill'fulness, sE-LS-Fl- Ns f!Fs] Skim, 8K3.M, 8K-Md, 8K3-M-NG Skim'mer, sK 3 -Mr Skim'-milk, sK 3 -M-M- L-K. Skim'ming, sK^-M-NG Skin, sKn 3 , sKnd 3 , sKn 3 - NG Skinch, sK-N-CH Skin'-deep, sKn 3 -D-P Skin'-flint, sKn 3 iFlnt 3 Skin'less, pKn 3 -is Skin'ner, sK^-Nr Skin'ny, sK 3 -N Skip, sK-P 3 , sK-Pt 3 , 8K-P3- NG Bkip'-jack, sK-P-J-K I Skip'per, sK-Pr 3 Skip'ping-rope, eK-P 3 - Slash, 8Z.1-SH, aL l -SH-T, s^i-SH-NG NG-fi-P Slash'er, sI,i-SHr Skir'mish, sKr-M-SH", Slat, s/,t, si'-Td. sLt'-N(J sKr-M-8H2-T, sKr-M- Slate, sit 2 , sLz.Td, sZt- SH2-NG NG Skir'misher, sKr-M-SHr^ Slaf er, sZ,tr Skir'ret, sK-fitz Slat'ing, 8t-NG SkirThas, sK-Bs 8 Slat'tern, sLV-Bn Skirt, sK-flts, sK-2-Td Slat'ternly, siti-Bn- sK-t2-NG Slat'ting, 8/,t!-NG Skit'tish, sKt-SH 3 Skit'tishly, sKt-SZH 3 Slat'y, S/-2-T - Slaughter, sitr 1 , sii Skit'tishness, sKt-SHS-Ns Trd, s/,tri-NG Skit'tles, sKt-Lz 3 Ski'ver, sKv-A; 3 Slaugh'terer, sitri-B Slaugh'ter-houae, sLtr 1 - Skulk, sK12-K, sKl-K-T* Hs 8K1 2 -K-NG Slaugh'terman, s,tri - Skulk'er, sKl-Kr Mn SkuU, sK-LS Slaughterous, sitri-s Skull'-cap, sK-L^-K-P Slave, sZ,2-V, s//2-Vd. si*- Skunk, sK^-NG-K V-NG Skunk'-bird, sK*-NG-K- Slave'-holder, sL* - V - Brd Hldr Skunk'-cabbage, sK* - Slav'er, si 2 -Vr NG-K-K-B-J Slav'er, sZ-'-Vr, si'-Vrd, Skunked, sR2-NGt sii-Vr-NG Sky, sK 1 Slaverer, si'-Vr-B Sky'-color, sKi-K-ir Slavery, sL*-V-R Skyey, sRi Slave'-ship, s/,2.v-SH-P Sky'-high, sKi-H Slave'-trade, s/,*-V-Trd Sky'-lark, sKi-Lr-K Slave'-trader, s 2 -V-Tr- Sky'-larking, sKi-ir-K- Dr NG Slavish, sL*-V-SH Sky'-light, sKi-Lt Slavishly, sL*-V-SHI Sky-rocket, sKi-B-Kt Slav'ishness, sL 2 -V-SB- 3ky'-sail, sKs'-L Sky'ward, sK-Wrd 1 Ns Slavoc'racy, sLi-V-Kr-S Slab, si ] -B Slavo'nian, sZ. 2 -Vn-N Slab'ber, s^-Br, sii-Brd, Slavon'ic, sL l -Vn-K sL^Br-NG Slaw, sH Slab'berer, sLi-Br-E Slay, si2, 8L 2 -NG Slab'by, s^i-B Slayer, sL*-R Slack, (a.) sL^-K, sL^-Kr, Sleave, si 3 -V, 8i s -Vd, s^-Kst s/, s -V-NG Slack, (v.) eL l -K, si^K-T, Slea'zy, sZ 3 -Z sii-K-NG Sled, s/; 2 -D, s 2 -Dd, sZ,*- Slack'ly, sii-Kl D-NG Slack'ness, sZ/-K-Ns Sled'ding, si 2 -D-NG Slack'-water, si^Kwtr Sledge, sZ-2-J Slag, sii-G Sleek, (a.) sZ, 3 -K, sZ.3-Kr, Slake, sZ-2-K, s-K-T, 8Z, 3 -Kst SA2-K-NG Sleek, (.) sZ 3 -K, sZ 3 -K-T. Slam, sLi-M, si l -Md, sZ,'- sZ, 3 -K-NG M-NG Sleek'ly, sZ, 3 -Kl Blan'der, sindr 1 , sLnd 1 - Sleek'ness, s7/ 8 -K-Ns Bd, sLndri-NG Sleep, sZ-s-P. 8Z 3 -P-NG Slan'derer, sLndr'-B Sleep'er, sZ, 3 -Pr Slan'derous, sindi^-S Sleep'ily, sZ 3 -P-i Slan'derously, s^ndrJ-S- Sleep'iness, s/, 3 -P-Ns L Sleep'ing, sZ 3 -P-NG Slang, sii-NG Sleep'less, sZ 3 -P-Z.s Slant, sLuV, sX,-N-Td, Sleeplessness, si 3 -P-Z.a- sint-NG Ns [IZs] Slant'ly, sLnt- Slant'wise, sint^Wz Sleep'-walker, sZ 3 -P-W- Kr Slap, si-P, si-Pt, eL l -P- Sleep'-walking, sL 3 -P- ' NG W-K-NG Slap'dash, si'-P-D-SH Sleep'y, sZ-S-P, sZ-'-P-B, Slap'jack, sZ-J-P-J-K. sZ-S-Pst SLE Sleet, szt* Sleet'y, sZ3-T Sleeve, sZ*-v Sleeved. sZ 3 -Vd Sleeve'less, sZ 3 -V-Zs Sleid, sZ 2 -D, SZ2-M, D-NG Sleigh, sZ2 Sleigh'ing, sZ2-NG Sleight, sZti Slen'der, sZndr 2 , sZndr 8 - R, sZndr 2 8t Slen'derly, sZndr^-Z Slen'derness, sZndr-Ns Slept, sZ2-pt Slew, sZ 3 Sley, sZ2 Slice, sZs 1 . sZst 1 , sZsi-NG Slick, sZ 3 -K Slid, sZ 3 -D Slid'den, si 3 -Dn Slide, sZi-D, sZi-D-NG Slid'er, sZ^Dr Slid'ing-rule, Slid'ing-scale, sZ 1 - D - NGs-K-L Slight, (a.) sit', sZtr, sZ-Tst (sZtsti) Slight, (i>.) sZt, sZi-Td, sZti-NG Slight'er, sZtr* Slight/ ly, sZti-Z Slight'ness, sZ-t^-Ns Sliay, sZi-Z, Slim, 8Z3-M, sL*-Mr, sL- Mst Slime, sZ,i-M Slim'iness, sL'-M-Ns Slim'ness, si^-M-Ns Slim'y, si-M, sZ,i-M-K, sL'-Mst Sli'ness, s/^i-Ns Sling, s 8 -NG, si^-NG- NG Sling'er, s/^-NGr Slink, eLS-NG-K, si'-NG- K-NG Slip, sL*-P, sL 3 -Pt, s^8-P- NG Siip'-knot, sZ,'-P-N-T Slip'per, sL 3 -Pi Slip'perily, sL 3 Pr-L Slip'periness, s/APr-Ns Slip'pery, sL 8 -Pr Slip'shod, Slip'slop, s Slit, sit 3 , s3-Td, sZts-NG Slit'ter, sLtr*> Slit'ting-mill, sit 3 -NG- Ml Sliver, s/AVr, Bloat, sit* Blob'ber, sL'-Br, sii-Brd, 8Z,i-Br-NG Slob'bery, si-Br Sloe, eZ, 2 Slo'gan, sL 2 -Gn Sloop, sL*-? 245 (Slop, sH-P, sZJ-Pt, a&Lp NG Slope, sZ-2-P, sZ2-Pt, s- P-NG Slop'ing, Slop'py, sZi-P, sZi-Pst Slop'-shop, Slosh, sZi-SH Slot, sZti Sloth, sZior2-TH Sloth'ful-ly, sZ-ior-TH- Fl Sloth'fulness, sZ^-TH Fl-Ns [!Fs] Slouch, sZ^-CH. sZ J -CHt, sZl-CH-NG Slough (slou), sZ- 1 Slough (slM), sZS-F, si 8 - Ft, 8Z-2-F-NG Slough'y, sZ2-F or sZl Sloven, sZ2-Vn Slov'enliness, sZ^-V-] Ns Slovenly, sZ2-v-Nl Slow, sZ* sZS-B, sZsta Slowly, 8Z2-Z Slowness, sZ^-Ns Slow-sighted, Slow-worm, sZ 2 -Wr-M Slub, sZ-2-B, sZ2-Bd, sZ B-NG Slub'ber, sZ2-Br, sZ 8 - Brd. sZ,2-Br-NG Sludge, sZ*-J Slue, sZ 3 , sZ3-D, si3-NG Slug, sZ2-G Slug'gard, sZ 8 -Grd Slug'gish, sZ2-G-8H Slug'gishly, sL-Q-SSl Slug'gishness, sZ-*-G-SH- Ns Sluice, sZ-s s , sZ-sts, sZs 3 - NG Slui'cy, sZ-s-S 31um, sZ*-M Slum'ber, sZ2-M-Br, sZ 8 - M-Brd, sZ2-M-Br-NG 31um'berer, sZ-M-Br-E Slum'berous, sZ 2 -M-Brs 31um'bery, sZ^-M-Br Slump, 8Z2-M-P, sZS-Mt, sZZ-M-P-NG Slung, sZ2-NG Slung'-shot, sZ*-NG-SHt Slunk, sZ 2 -NG-K Slur, sZ2.K, sZ2-jRd, sZ2- E-NG Slush, 8Z2-SH, BL-SH-1, 8Z2-SH-NG Slut, sit2 Slut'tery, sZt*-JZ Slut'tish. 8Z2-T-8H Sluf tishly, sL*-1-Sm Slut'tishness, sZ- 8 -T-8H- Ns 31y, sZ 1 , sZ^E, sZsti 31y'-boots, sZ-i-Bts 31y'ly, sZ>-Z Slyness, sZ^-Ns SMO Smack, sMi-K, sMi-Kt. sM"-K-NG Small, sM-Zi, sM-Zi-E, sM-Zsti Small'-arms, sM-Zi-E- Mz Small'-craft, sM-Z^Krft Small'ish, sM-Zi-8H Small'ness, sM-Zi-Xs Small'-pox, sM-Zi-P-Ks Small'-talk, sM-ii-T-K Smalt, sM-Zti Smarag'dine, sM-fti-G- Dn Smart, (t>.) sM-ti, sJI-^2'. Td, sM-J?ti-NG Smart, (a.) sM-St 1 , sBI- fltr', sM-fl'-Tst Smart'ly, sH>I-Bt l -L Smart'-money, s^I-Et 1 - M-N Smart'ness, sM-/?t'-Ns Smash, sM-SH 1 , siI-5/Zt 1 , sM-SHi-NG Smat'ter, sMtr 1 Smat'terer, sMtr-TJ 1 Smat'tering, sMtr'-NG Smear, sM-E B , sM-Ed^, sll-K 3 -NG Smegmat'ic, sM'-G-Mt-K Smell, sM-Z2, sM-Zd 2 , SM-Z2.NG Smell'er, sM-Z2-E Smell'ing, sM-Z=-NG Smelt, sM-Zt=. sM-Z2-Td, sM-Z/t 2 -NG Smelt'er, sM-ltr 2 Smelt'ery, sM-it-'-S Smerk, sM-fi-'-K Smick'er, sM 3 -Kr Smi'lax, sM-Z^Ks Smile, sM-Zi, sM-Zd, sM-Z!-NG Smil'ingly, sM-Z'-NGl Smirch, sll-^ 2 CH Smirk, sM ff=-K, sM-/2*- Kt, sM-2.K.NG 3mit, sMts Smite, sMt',sMt(')i Smit'er, sMtr 1 Smith, sM-TH 3 Smith'ery, sM-TH3-S Smithso'nian, sM-THsS- Nn Smith'y, sM-TH 3 Smitt, sMt 3 Smit'ten, sM-Tn 3 3mock, sMi-K Smock'-frock, sM^K-Fr E Smoke, sM 2 -K, sM2-Kt, 8M2-K-NG 3moke'-jack, sM Smok'er, sM2-Kr Smok'ily, sM K-Z2 Jmok'iness, sM 2 -K-Ns 3mok'ing-car, sM'-K- NG-Kr Smok'y, BM*-Est SMO 246 SOD Smol'der, sM--Dr Sneer'er, sN-Br 3 Snug, (.) sN 2 -G, sN2-Gd, Smol'dering, sM-i*-Dr Sneer'ingly, sN-B-NGl sNs-G-NG NG Sneeze, sNz, eNzd 8 , Snug, (a.) sN 2 -G, sN 2 -Gr, Smooth, (a.) sTtf-DH 3 sNz 3 -NG sN*-Gst sM-DHr3,sM-DHst Sneez'ing, sNz 3 -NG Snug'gle, sN 2 Gl, N*- Smooth, (.) sM-DH 3 Snell, sN-L 2 Gld, sN 2 -Gl-NG sM-DHd 3 , sM-DH'-NG Snip'-snap, sN-Ps a -N-P Snug'ly, sN 2 -Gl Smooth'ly, sM-DH-.fc Snick'er, sN 3 -Kr, sN 3 - Snug'ness, sN 2 -G-Ns Smooth'ness, sM-DH 3 -Ns Krd, sN*-Kr-NG So, S 2 Smote, sMt* Sniff, sN-F 3 , sN-Ft 3 sN- Soak, 8K 2 . sKt 2 , sK 2 -NG Smoth'er, sMdhr 2 F 3 -NG Soak'er, sKr sMdhr-D 2 , sMdhr 2 -NG Sniffle, sN-FS-L Soap, HP 3 . sPt 2 , sP 2 -NG Smoul'der, sM-Z, 2 -Dr Snift, sN-Ft 3 Soap'-boiler, sP 2 -B-L-B Smoul'dry, sM-i s -Dr Snig'ger, sN 3 -Gr, sN 3 - Soap'-bubble, sP 2 -B-Bl Smug, eM 2 -G Grd, sN'-Gr-NG Soap'-stone, sPs^-Tn Smug'gle, sM-Gl, sM 2 Snip, sN-P 3 , sN-Pt 3 , sN- Soap'-suds, sPs 2 -Dz Gld, sMii-Gl-NC P 3 -NG Soap'-wort, sP 2 -Wrt Smug'gler, sM-Gl-B 2 Snipe, sN-P 1 Soap'y, sP 2 Smut, sMt 2 , sM-Td*, sMt 2 Snip'per-snapper, eN- Soar, sB 2 , sBd. sB 2 -NO- NG Prs s -N Pr Sob, sBi, sBdi, sB'-NG Smutch, sM-CH*, sM Snip'-snap, sN-Ps 3 -N-P So'ber, (a.) sBr 2 , sBi-3-B, CHt 2 , sM-CH 2 -NG Snivel, sN-V'-L, sN-V 3 - sBrst 2 Smut'tily, sM-T 2 -L Ld, 8N-V 3 -L-NG So'ber, (v.) sBr 2 , eBrd*, Smut'tiness, sM.T*-Ns Sniv'eler, sN-V 3 --B sBr 2 -NG Smuf ty, sM-T 2 , sM-T 2 -B Snob, sN-Bi So'berly, sBr 2 -/; Snack^ sN'-K Snob'bish, sN-Bi-SH Snob'bishly, sN-Bi-^fll So'ber-minded, sBr- Mn-Dd Snaffle, sN-F l -L, sN-Fi- Snoboc'racy, sN-B'-Kr-S So'ber-mindedness, Ld. sN-F'-L-NG Snooze, sNz, eNzd 3 , sBr 2 -Mn-Dd-Ns Snaffle-bit, sN-F>-i-Bt sNz s -NG So'berness, sBr 2 -Ns Snag, sNi-G, sNi-Gd, sNi- Snore, sN-B 2 , sN-Bd*. sN- Sobri'ety, eBri-T G-NG B 2 -NG Sobriquet', sBr 2 -K Snag'ged, sN>-Gd Snort, sN-BtJ, eN-fi'-Td, Soc, sK 1 Snag'gy, sNi-G sN-Bt^-NG Soc'age, sK-J 1 Snail, sX-L 2 Snot, sNti So'-called, 8 2 -Kld Snail'-like, sN-L 2 -L-K Snot'ter, sNtr Sociabfl'ity, sSH^-Bl-T Snake, 8N 2 K, sN 2 -Kt. Snot'ty, sN-T 1 So'ciablo-y, sSH 2 -Bl sN 2 -K-NG 3nout, sNt 1 So'ciableness, sSH 2 -Bl- Snake'-root, sN 2 -K-Bt Snout/y, sN-Ti Ns [-Bsl Snak'y, sN-K Snow, sN 2 , sN-Di (sNd 2 ), So'cial, sSHl* Snap, sN-pi, sN-Pti, sN- sN 2 -NG So'oaalism, sSHlz^-M P'-XG Snap'-dragon, sN-P 1 -Dr- Snow-ball, sN 2 -B-L, sN 2 - B-Ld, sN 2 -B L-NG So'cialist, sSHlst* Socialist'ic, sSHls 3 -T-K Gn 3now'-bird, sN 2 -Brd Soclal'ity, sSHl-T Snap'per, sN-Pr 1 3now'-blind, sN 2 -Blnd So'cialize, sSHlz*, Snap'pish, sN-P^SH Snap'pishly, sN-P'-SHl Snow'-blindness, sN 2 - Blnd-Ns sSHlzd 2 , sSHlz 2 -NG So'cially, sSHl 2 Snap'pishness, sN-P 1 - Snowed, sN-D* So'cialness, 8SHl 2 -Ns SH-Ns Snow-drift, sN 2 -Drft Soci'ety, ssT 1 Snare, sN-B 1 , sN-Bd', sN- Snow'-drop, sN 2 -Dr-P Bocin'ian, Ss 3 -Nn B'-NG Snow-flake, sN-Fl-K Socin'ianism, 8s'-Nn-S5- Snai^er, sN-Bri Snow-plow, sN 2 -Pl M Snarl, sN-^li, sN-fild', Snow'-shoe, sN 2 -SH Sociol'ogy, sSHH-J sN .RH-NG Snow'-storm, sNs 2 -T-B- Sock, sRi Snarl'er, sN-fiU-B M Sockdol'ager, sK-DJ-jWr Snar'y, sN-R 1 SnoW-white, sN 2 -Wt Sock'et, sKti Snatch, sN-CHi, sN-CHt>, Snow'y, sN 2 So'cle, sKlsor 1 sN-CH'-NG Snub'-nose, sN-B 2 -Nz Soc'man, sKi-Mn Snatch'-block, sN-CH 1 - SnufF, sN-F 2 , sN-Ft 2 , sN- Soerat'ic, BKr-TJ-K Bl-K F 2 NG 3ocrat'ical-ly, sKry-Kl Snatch'er, sN-CHri Snuff-box, sN-F 2 -B-Ka Sod, sDi, sDd 1 , sD l -NO- Snath, sN-THi SnuflP-dipping, sN-F 2 -D- So'da, BD 2 Sneak, sN-K, sN 3 -Kt. P-NG Sodal'ity, sDi-i-T 8N3-K-NG Snuffer, sN-F 2 -B 3o'da-water, sBz-Wtr Bneak'ing, sN 3 -K-NG Snuffers, sN-F 2 -Bz 3od'den, sDn 1 Bneak'ingly, sN 3 -E-NGl Snuffle, sN-F^-L, sN-F=- Sod'dered, sDrd 1 Bneak'ingness, sN 3 -K- Ld. RN-F 2 -L-NG Sod'dy, sD 1 NG-Ns Snuffler,sN-F 2 -i-B 3o'dium, sD 2 -M Bneer, sN-B 3 , sN-Bd, sN- Snuffles, sNF 2 -Lz Sod'omite, sD^Mt B 3 -Na Snuffy, sN-F* 1 Bod'omy, sD'-M SOE Soever, S^Vr [S 2 -VJ So'fa, sF3 So'fi, sF 2 So'nsm, sF 2 -zM Soffit, sFt Soft, sFti, sFtr 1 , sFi-Tst (sFtst 1 ) Soffen, sFn ! , sFnd 1 , sFn'-NG Soften'er, sF'-Nr Soft'hearted, sFti-Hr-Td Soft'ly, sFti-Z, Soft'ness, sFti-Ns Sog'gy, sG 1 , sG-B 1 , sGsti So-ho', S 2 -H Soil, sZ,', sZ,'-D, 8i-NG Soiree', sW 2 -K So'journ, sJrn* sJrnd*, sJrn2-NG So'journer, sJr a -Nr So'journment, sJr s -N Mut [sJr-Mnt] Sol, sZ-i Sol'ace, sLs 1 , sist 1 , sLs 1 - NG Sol'acement, sZ^-Mnt So'lan-goose, sZ/n 2 -Gs So'lar, sL*-R Sold, 6Z.*-D (sZd 2 ) Sol'der, sZ-i-Dr, si-Drd, sL-Dr-NG Sol'dier, s 2 - Jr Sol'dierly, sL 2 -Jr-Xt Sol'diery, s^ 2 -J-fl Sole, si, 2 , si2-D (sid 2 ), sL=-NG Sol'ecism, sZsz!-M Sol'ecist, sZ, l -Sst Solecist'ic, sZ,3.s8-T-K Solecist'ical-ly, sL 3 -Ss- T-K1 Sole'-leat^er, Sole'ly, sZ,2-Z Sol'emn, sIA- Sol'emness, Solem'nity, sIA Solemniza'tion, Sol'emnize, sLi-M-Nz, sL'-M-Nzd, sL'-M-Nz- NG Sol'emnizer, sL'-M-N-Zr Sol'emnly, sLi-M-JO Sole'ness, sL 2 -Ns Sol-fa', - sZ,i-F, s^-F-D, Sol-fa'ing, si'-F-NG Solfata'ra, sii-F-T-K Solfeg'gio, sL 2 -Fd-J Solic'it, sis 3 -!, sLs 3 -Td, Solicita'tion, Bolic'itor, sis 8 -Tr(s//8tr) Solic'itor-general, sZ/s 3 - Tr-Jn Bolic'itous, sis s -Ts Solic'itously, si8 3 -T-sZi Solic'itress, s/,s 3 -Tra Bolic'itude, eis'-Td Bol'id, B^I-D 247 Solidarity, eL Solidification, si'-Df Kshn Solid'ify, BL*-V-F, sL"- Df-D. sL-Df-NG Solid'ity, 8Z, 8 -D-T Sol'idly, sL l -V-L Sol'idness, sZ,i-D-Ns Solidun'gulate, 8Z- a -D- NG-G-it Solidun'gulous, sL"-D- NG-G-Ls Solifld'ian, s, 3 -F-Dn Solifid'ianism, si 3 -F-D- Kz-M [-D zM] Solil'oquize, ei 3 -Z.-Kwz, si'-i-Kwzd, s// 3 -i-Kwz- NG Solil'oquy, s 3 -i-Kw Sol'iped, sZ-J-P-D Solitaire', s 2 -T-R Sol'itarily, s^-T-fil Sol'itariness, sL'-T-S-Ns Sol'itary, sLi-T-ff Sol'itude.sLi-Td Solmiza'tion, sL a -MzsAn So'lo, 8/> 2 Sol'stice, sisi-Ts Solsti'tial, 8s-T-SHl Solubil'ity, si'-Bl-T Sol'uble, si-Bl Sol'ubleness, s/, 1 -Bl-Ns So'lus, s /,s- Solu'tion, sLshn* Sol'utive, sii-Tv Solvability, sZ, 3 -V-Bl-T Sol'vable, sLi-V-Bl Sol'vableness, si l -V-Bl- Ns [iBs] Solve, sL l -V, s/ii-Vd, sZ- 1 - V-NG Solv'ency, 1 -Vn-a Solvend', sZ-'-Vnd Solvent, sLi-Vnt Solver, sZ,i-Vr Somat'ics, sMt'-Ks So'matist, sM-Tst 2 Somatol'ogy, sMt-Z^-J Som'ber or Som'bre, sM-Bri Sombre'ro, sM-Br 2 -/J Som'brous, sM-Brs 1 Some, sM 2 Some'body, sM-B a -D Some'how, sK 2 -H Som'ersault, sMrs-Z/t 3 Som'erset, sMrs-T 2 Some'thing, sM-TH 2 -NG [KM-NG] Some'time, sMt'-M Some'times, sMt a -Mz Some'what, sMt 2 Some'where, sM-Wr 2 [8M-2] Somnambula'tion, 8 M- N-M-Blshn a Somnam'bulic, sM-N-M- Bli-K Somnam'bulism, sM-N- SOP Somnam'bulist, sM-N, M-Blst 1 1 Somniferous, slI-N-F s - Ba Somnif'ic, sM-N-F'-K Somnil'oquence, sM-N- L 3 -Kwns Somnil'oquism, sM-N L 3 -Kw-zM Somnil'oquist, sM-N-L s - Kwst Somnil'oquy, sM-N-L s - Kw Somnip'athy, slI-N-P3. TH Som'nolence, sM-N-Z,ns' Som'nolency, sJI - N - Z-ni-S Som'nolent, sM-N-int 1 Som'nolently, s>I-N- LnV-L Son, sN 2 So'nant, sNnt 2 Sona'ta, sN-T 1 Song, sNG 1 Song'-bird, sNQi-Brd Song'ster, sNGstr 1 Song'stress, sNG-sTrs 1 Soniferous, sN-F'-fls Son'-in-law, sN2-Nl Son'net, sNt 1 Sonneteer', sNt-B 3 Sonorif ic, sN->R 3 -F-K Sono'rous, sN-/Js 2 Sono'rously, sN-7J 2 -sZ- Sono'rousness, sN-Ss*- Ns Son'ship, sN2-SH-P [sN iSH] Soon, B^ 3 , sNr3, sNst 3 Sooshong', sSH 1 NG Soot, sT 3 , sTd 3 . sT 3 -Na Soot'erkin, sTr 3 -Kn Sooth, sTH 3 Soothe, Sooth'er, sDHr 8 Sooth'ingly, sDH 3 -NGl Sooth'say, sTH 3 -S Sooth'sayer, sTH 3 -S-R Sioth'saying, sTH 3 -S- NG Soot'iness, sT 3 -Ns Soot'y, sT 3 , sT 3 -R, sT*-St Sop, sP 1 . sPt 1 , sP!-NG Soph, sF 1 So'phi, sF 2 Soph'ism, sFz'-M Soph'ist, sFst 1 Soph'ister, sFstr 1 Sophis'tic, sFs 3 -T-K Sophis'tical-ly, sFs s -T- Kl Sophis'ticate, sFs 3 -T-Kt, 8Fs 3 -T-K-Td, sFs-T-Kt- NG Sophistica'tion, sFs s -T- Kshn Sophist'icator, sFs'-T- Ktr SOP Boph'istry, sF'-sTr Soph'omore. sF'-Mr Sophomor'ic, Sophomor'ical, sF'-Mr El Soporif'erous, sPrP-Rs Soporif erousness, sPrf 3 .Rf-Rs-Xa Soporific, sPrf*-K Sop'orose, spi-Rs Bop'orous, sPVRs Sopra'no, sPr-i-N Sor'cerer, sRs l -R-R Sor'ceress, sRs-fis Sor'cerous, sKs'-fis Sor'cery, sRsi-/Z Sor'did, sfii-Dd Sordidly, sBi-Dd-i Sor'didness, s#i-Dd-Ns Sor'dine, sfii-Dn Sore, sR*. sR 2 -R. sRst 2 Sor'el, sRi- Sore'ly, sRVt Sore'ness, sR 2 -Ns Sor'ghum, sRi-G-M Sori'tes, sfii- Soror'icide, s Sor'rel, sR'-i Sor'rily, sRi- Sor'riness, KR>-Ns Sorrow, BR 1 , s-R'-D, B.R 1 - NG Sor'rowful, sR'-F-L Sorrowfully, sfii-F-Z, Sor'rowfulness, sfl'-F- L-Ns r:Fs] SorTy, sRJ, sBJ-K. sRst> Sort, 8Rt l , sfii-Td, sRt' NG Sort'able, sRti-Bl Sort'er, sRtr 1 Soirtie, 8Ri-T Sor'tilege, sRti-i-J Sorti'tion, sR 3 -Tshn Sort'ment, sRt-Mnt Bo'-so, S 2 -S Sostenu'to, Ss 8 -T-N-T Sot, sTi Soth'ic, sTHJ-K Sot'tish, sT'-SH Sot'tishly, sT'-Sfll Sot'tishness, sTi-SH-Ns Sou, S Souchong', sSH^-NG Sough, sF 2 Sought, sT 1 Soul, si 2 Soul'less, sL-is Bound, (a.) sNdi, sNdr 1 sN-Dsti (sNd-Sti) Sound, (c.) sNdi, sN-Dd'. sNdi-NG Bound'-board, sNd>-Brd Sound'ing, sNdJ-NG Sound'ing-board, sNd 1 - NG-Brd Bound'ing-post, sNd 1 - NG-Pst Bound'ings, sNd'-NGz Bound'ly, 248 Sound'nesa. sNd'-Ns Soup, sP Soup -house. sPS-Hs Sour, (a.) sR 1 . sR'-E, sRst 1 Sour, (c.) sR 1 . sRd 1 , sR 1 NG Source, sRs* Sour'-crout, sB 1 ^!^; Sour'ish, sR'-SH Souiy-krout, sR'-Krt Sour'ness, sR'-Ns Souse, Ss 1 . Ssti, Ss'-NG South, sTHi South, sDH 1 , sDHd 1 , sDH'-NG South'-Down, sTHi-Dn South-easf , sDHsti South-east'er, sDHstr 1 South-east'erly, sDHstr 1 L South-east'ern, sDHst'- Rn. South'erliness, sDHr 2 -^- Ns South'erly, sDHr 2 -Z South'ern, sDHrn 2 [sDHn*] Southerner, sDHr 2 -Nr [sDH'-Nr] Southernmost, sDHr 2 - N-Mst South'ernwood, sDHrn*- Wd South'ing, sDHi-NG South'most, sTHi-Mst South'ron, sDH'-ftn South'ward, South'wardly, sTH 1 Wrd-// or 8DHrd2- South-west', sTHi-Wst South-west'er, sTH 1 - Wstr South-west'erly, sTHi- Ws-Tr-Z. South-west'ern, sTHi - Wg-Trn South'-wind, sTH'-Wnd Souvenir', sV 3 -Nr Sovereign, sV a -Rn Sovereignly, s\*-Rn-L Sovereignty, s\ T 2-R-N-T Sow, s l Sow, s*, sD 2 , S 2 -NG Sow'ans, Si-Ns Sowce, Ssi Sow'er, S 2 -R Soy.Si Soz'zle, sZl 1 Spa, sP> Space, sPs 2 sPst*. sPs s - NG Spa'cious. sP*-SHs Spa'ciously, sP2-SHs-// Spa'ciousness, sP 2 -Sfls- Ns Spade, sP>-D, sP-Dd, sP- D-NG Spadi'ceous, sP 3 -D-5fla SPA Spadille-, PP D L Spake, sP* K Spalt, sP 1 Lt Span. sPn', sPnd'. sPn 1 - NG Span'drel, sP"-N-Dr-L Span'gle, sP'-NG-Gl, sP'- NG-Gld. 8PJ-NG-G1-NG [sP'-NGI etc.] Span'iard, sPn'-Rd Span'iel, sP^Nl Span'ish, sPn 1 SH Span'ish-fly, sPn Spank, sPi-NG-K, s Kt, sPi-NG-K-NG Spank'er, sP'-NG-Kr Spank'ing, sP'-NG-K-NG Spaa'ner, sPi-Nr Span'worm, sP N-Wr-M Spar, spi-R, sPi-Rd, eP 1 - fi-NG Spar'able, sP 1 R-B1 Spare, (u.) sP'-R, sP>-Rd, Spare, (a.) sPi-R, K? l -RBt Spare'ly, sPi-Rl Spare'ness, sP' Spar'er, sP'-Rr Spare'-rib, sP'-R-tf-B Spar'ing, sP'-fi-NG Sparingly, sP^R-NGl Spar'ingness, sP'-R-NG- Ns Spark, sPi-fl-K, sP'-R-Kt, sP^B-K-NG (sPri-K, sPr'-Kt, sPr>-K-NG) Spark'ful, (sPri-K-Fl) Spark'ish, (sPr-K SH) Spark'le, sPri-Kl, sPr 1 - Kld, sPr'-Kl-NG Spark'ler, sPri-Kl-R Sparkling, sPr'-Kl-NG Spark'lingness, sPr l -Kl- NG-Ns Spark'ing, sP>-^-K-NG (sPr'-K-NG) Spar'ring, sPi-7J-NG Spar'row, sP'-TJ Spar'row-grass, sPi-B- Grs SparTow-hawk, sP'-B :H-K Spar'ry, sP>-R Sparse, sP'-Rs, sP-Rs-E, 8Pi-Rss-T Sparse'ly, Sparse'ness, Spar'sim, Spar'tan, s Spasm, sPJ-zM Spasmodic, sP Spasmod'ical, sPi-zMd- Kl Spas'tic, sPsi-T-K Spat, sPt Spatha'ceous, sP a TH SHs SPA Spathe, sP*-DH Spathed, sPS-D Spath'ic, sPi-TH-K Spath'iform, M Spath'ose, Spath'ous, sPi-THs Spat'ter, ePtr 1 , sPtrd 1 8Ptr!-NG Spat'ter-dashes, sPtri-D SHs Spat'ula, sPti- Spaf ulate, sPt.i-.Lt Spav'in, sPi-Vn Spav'ined, sPi-Vnd Spawl, sP^L Spawled, spi-Ld Spawn, sPni, ePnd 1 , sPn 1 - NG Spawn'er, sP 1 -Nr Spay. sP2, sP J -D, Speak, sPS- [sP 3 , sPC) 3 ] Speak'able, sP - K - Bl [sPa-Bl] Speak'er, sP*-Kr Speak'ership, sP 3 -Kr-SH (-P) Speak'ing, sP* - K - NG [sPC) 3 ] Spear, sP 3 -R, sP 3 -Rd, sP 8 - /J-NG Spear'-foot, sP-fi-Ft Spear'-grass, sP'-R-Qis Spear'ing, sP 3 -fi-NG Spear'man, sP 3 -R-Mn Spear'mint, sP-E-Mnt Spear'-tliistle, sP 3 - R - THs-L Spear'wort, sP 3 -B-Wrt Spe'cial, spa-SHl [sP*] Spe'cialist, sP*-smet Speciali'ty, sPi-Sfll-T Spe'cially, sP*-SHl [sP*l Spe'cialty, sP2-^fll-T Spe'cie, aP 3 -SH Spe'cies, sP 3 -<Sflz Specific, 8Ps s -F-K Specifical-ly, sPs s -F-Kl Specif'icalness, sPs'-F- Kl-Ns 6pecif icate, sPs s -F-K-T Specifica'tion, sPs s - F - Kshn Specificness, sPs8-F-K- Ns Spec'ify, sPs 2 -F, sPs-Fd, 8Ps s -F-NG fclpec'inien, sP*-sMn Spe'cious, sP 3 -,Sfls Spe'ciously, sP 3 -8Hs-Z- Spe'ciousness, sP 3 -5fls- Ns Speck, 8P*-K, eP-Kt, spz- K-NG Speck'le, spa-Kl, sP*-Kld, l.pec'tacle, sP 2 -Kt-Kl Bpec'tacled, sP-Kt-Kld Bpec'tacles, spa 11* 249 Spectac'ular, B Specta'tor, sP-K-Ttr Specta'torship, sP^-K Ttr-SH( P) Specta'tress, BP-Kt-Trs Specta'trix, sP 2 -Kt-Tr-Ks Spec'ter or Spec'tre Spec'trum, Spec'ula, sP 2 -Kl Spec'ular, sP'-Kl-R Speculate, sP'-Klt, sP 2 Kl-Td, 8P s -Klt-NG Specula'tion, sP 2 -KlBhn Spec'ulatist, sP*-Kl-Tst Speculative, sP 2 -Klt-V Spec'ulatively, sPs-Klt \-L Spec'ulator, sP J -Kltr Spec'ulatory, sPa - Kl - T ft Spec'ulum, Sped, sP3-D Speech, sP 3 -CH Speech'ful, sP'-CH-Fl Speech'ify, sP 3 - CH - ] sP 3 -CHf-D, sP 3 -CHf-NG Speech'less, sP 3 -CH-/,s Speech'lessness, sP' CH-Ls-Ns [Sis] Speech'-maker, sP 3 -CH- M-Kr Speech'-making, sP 3 - CH-M-K-NG Speed, sP 3 -D, sP 3 -Dd, sP 8 - D-NG Speed'er, sP 3 -Dr Speed'ful, eP 3 -D-Fl Speed'ily, sP 3 -D- Speed'iness, sP 8 -D-Ns Speed'y, sP 3 -D, sP 8 -Dr, 8P 3 -Dst Speiss, sPs* SpeU, sPS-L, spa-Ld, L-NG Spell'-bound, Spell'er, sP2-L-R SpeU'ing, sP-L-NG 3pell'ing-book, NG-B-K Spell'ing-school, sP-L- NGs-Kl 3pell'-land, sP J -I,-Znd Spelt, sP 2 -Lt Spel'ter, spa Jpence, sPns 2 Spen'cer, sps- Jpend, sPnd sPnd-NG Spend'er, sPudr 2 Spend'thrift, sPn*-D- THr-Ft [8Pd*-THr-Ft] Spent', sPnt 8 Sperm, sPr'-M Spermace'ti, sPr-Ms-T Jperm'ary, sPr s -M-ft Spermat'ic, sPr'-Mt-K Jpermat'ical, sPr'-Mt-Kl Spermat'ocele, ePr 1 - Mts-L SPI Spennatozo'a, T-Z Sperm'-oil, sPr=-M- Spew, sP*, sPs-D. sP 3 -NG Sphac'elate, sFsi-z,t, sFsJ-L-Td. sFs'-it-NG Sphacela'tion, sFs 2 -Lshn Sphene, sFu 3 Sphe'noid, sF=-N-D Sphenoid'al, sFJ-Nd-L Sphere, sF 3 -R, sF 3 -^-D, Spher'ic, sF'-R-K Spher'ical-ly, sF*-R-Kl Spher'icalness, sF 2 -R-Kl> Ns Spheric'ity, sF 3 -7?s-T Sphe'roid, sF 3 -ffi-U Spheroid'al, sFi-7ed-L Spheroid'ic, sF'-/e-D-K Spheroid'ical, si^-TZ-D- Kl Spheroid'ity, sFi-ft-D-T Spher'ule, sF--Kl Sphinc'ter, sF 3 -NGtr Sphinx, sF 3 ->'G-Ks Sphragis'tics, sFr 3 -J-sT- Ks Spice, sPs 1 sPsti, sPs 1 NO Spi'cer, sP'-sR 3t)i'cerv sP^-s/2 Spi'ciness, sPs'-Ns Spick sP 3 -K Spic'ular, gP 3 -Kl-R Spic'ulate, sP 3 -Klt Spic'ule, sP 3 Kl 3pi'cy, BP 1 ^, sP 1 -Sr, sP 1 - Sst Bpi'der, spJ-Dr Spied, sP>-D (sPd 1 ) Spig'nel, RP 3 -G-N1 Spig'ot, eP 3 -Gt Spike, sP'-K, sPi-Kt, sP 1 - K-NG Spiked, sPi-Kt Spike'let,spi-K-it Spike'nard, sP^K-Nrd Spik'y, sP'-K Spile, sPi-L Spill, sP 3 -L, sP3-Ld, cPi L-NG Spilt, sP 3 -Lt Jpin, sPn 3 , sPn 3 -NG Spin'ach or Spin'age, Spi'nal, sP'-Nl Spin'dle, sPnd 3 -L, sPnd 3 - Ld, BPnd 3 -L-NG Spin'dle-legged, sPnd- L-i-G-D Spin'dle-shanked, Spin'dle-shanks, sPnd 3 - L-SH-NG-Ks Jpine, sPn 1 Spi'nel, eP'-Nl Spinelle', sP-Nl Spin'et or SpineV, sP 3 r-N-T SPI Spiniferous, sPn'-F-fis Spin'ner, spa-Nr Spin'neret, sP 8 -Nr-T Spin'ning-jenny, sPn 3 - NG-J-N Spin'ning-wheel, sPn s - NG-W1 Spinose', sP 2 -Ns Spinos'ity, sP^ Spi'nous, sP^Ns Spin'ster, cPnstr 8 Spin'stry, sP 3 -N-sTr Spin'y, sP 1 -N Spir'acle, sP'o Spirse'a, sP 3 -.R Bpi'ral-ly, Bpi'rant, Bpire, sP^R Spir'it, sPrt', sPr-Td, sPrt(-) s Spir'ited, Spiritedly, Spirltedmss, Ns Spir'itism, Spir'itist, sPr<-Tst Bpir'it-land, sPrf-Znd Spr'itless, sPrt 3 -Zs Spiritlessly, sPrt 3 -Zs-Z Bpir'itlessness, sPrt 3 -Zs- Ns [!is] Spirit-level, sPrt L-Vl Spir'itous, sPr-Ts Spir'itousness, Ns Spir'it-rousing, sPrt s -Bz- NG Spiritual, sPrt s -L Spir'itualism, sPrt 3 -Zz-M Spir'itualist, sPrt s -Lst Spiritualist'ic, BPrtf-La- T K Spirituality, sPrt'-Z-T Spiritualiza'tion, sPrt* Lzshn Spiritualize, sPrt'-iz sPrta-Zzd, sPrt^-Zz-NG Spir'itualizer, sPrt 8 -iz-B Spiritually, sPrt 3 -/, Spir'ituous, sPrt^-Ys Spir'ituousness, sPrt'- Ys-Ns Spir'it-world, sPrt^-Hld Spirom'eter, sPr^Mtr Spirt. sP2-Rt Spirt'le, sP=-t-L Spirt'led, sP-t-Ld Bpir'y, sPi-fi Bpis'situde, sPs 3 -Td Spit, sPt". sl J3 -Td, sPt(-)3 Spit'al, sPts-L, Spit'-box, sPt'.Bi-Ks Spite, sPti, sP-Td. sPt(-) 1 Bpite'ful-ly.sPt'-Fl Spite'fulness, sPt'-Fl-Ns [iFsl Bpit'flre, sPt 3 -F-R Spit'ter, sPtr Bpit'tle, sPt 3 -L Spittoon', sP8-Tn 250 Splash, sPl>-SH, sPP-SHt, sPU-SH-NG Splasli'y, 8PU-/SJ2 : Splay, sPls Splay-foot, sPl*-Ft I Splay-footed, 6Pl a -F-Td Splay -mouth, sPl" - M - TH Spleen, sPln 3 Spleen'ish, sPln 3 -SH Spleen'y, sPl 3 -N Splen'dent, sPlnd*-Nt Splen'did, sPlnS-Dd Splen'didly, sPln*-Dd-Z/ Splen'dor, sPlndr^ Splen'etic, 8Pln*-T-K Splent, ePlnt* Splice, sPls 1 , sPlsti, sPls'-NG Splint, sPlnt 3 , sPln 3 -Td, sPlnt'-KG Splin'ter, sPlntr 3 , sPlnt 3 - Rd, 8Plntr-:NG Splin'tery, sPlnt*-B Split, sPlt 3 , sPP-Td, sPltC) 8 Splut'ter, sPltr*, sPl- Trd. sPltr-NG Spoil, sPi-L, sP^Ld, sP 1 - L-NG Spoil'er, sP-Z,-R Spoke, sPS-K, sP2-Kt, sP- K-NG Spoke, (imp. of Speak.) sP2-K [sP 2 ] Spok'en, sP 2 -Kn [sPn^] Spoke'shave, sP 2 -K-SH- V Spokes'man, sP 2 -K-sMn Spo'liate, sP 2 -Zt, sP*-Z- Td. sP-it-NG Spolia'tion, sP 2 -Zshn Spoliator, sP 2 -Z,tr Sponda'ic, sPn^-D-K Sponda'ical. sPn 2 -D-Kl Spon'dee, sPn>-D Spon'dyle, sPn'-D-L Sponge, sPn 2 -J, sPu^-Jd, sPn 2 -J-NG Spon'ger, sP^-N-Jr Spon'giness, sPn 2 - J-Ns cJpon'ging-house, sPn^- J-NG-Hs Bpon'gy, ePn*- J Spon'sal, sP'-Ns-L Spon'sion, pi-Nshn Spon'sor, sP'-Ns-R Spontane'ity, sPut 3 -N-T Sponta'neous, sPnt'-Ns Spontaneously, sPnt 2 - Ns-L Sponta'neousness, sPnt' -Ns-Ns Spontoon', sPn'-Tn Spook, spa-K Spool, sP 8 -L, sP 8 -Ld, sP 3 - L NG Spoom,sP 8 -M Spoon, sPn 3 Spoon'bill, sPn 8 -B-L SPR tSpoon'ful, sPn3-F-L Spoon'-meat, sPn 3 -Mt Sporad'ic, spi-ft-D-K Sporad'ical, sP'-B-D-Kl Spore, BP2-R Sport, sP2-Rt, sP*--T(J Sport'er, sP z -Btr Sport'ful-ly, BP s -Rt-Fl Sport'fulness, sP 2 -Rt-Fl- Ns [SFs] Sport'ive, sP=-fit-V Sport'iveness, sP 2 -flt-V- Ns [IVsj Sport'ively, aW-Rt-V-L Sports'man, sPrt 2 -sMn Sports'manship, ePrt*- sMn-SH(-P) Spor'ule, sP'-B-L Spot, sPti, sPJ-Td, sPt(-) 1 Spot'less, sPV-Ls Spot'lessly, sPti-Zs-i Spot'lessness, sPti - La Ns [!8] Spot'ted, sPi-Td Spot'tedness, sPi-Td-Ns Spot'tiness, spi-T-Ns Spot'ty, sPi-T Spous'al, sPz^L Spouse, sPz 1 Spouse'less, sP'-zis Spout, sPt, sPi-Td, sPt(-) 1 Sprain. sPm2, sPrnd 8 , sPrn 2 -NG Sprang, sPri-NG Sprat, sPrt' Sprawl, sPi-L, sPri-Ld, sPr'-L-NG Spray, sPr 8 Spread, sPr 2 -D, sPr-D- NG. See Separate, etc. Spread'er, sPr^-Dr Spree, sPr^ Sprig, Sprig'gy, Spright, sPrt 1 Spright'less, sPrt 1 -Zs Spright'liness, sPrt>-- Ns Spright'ly, sPrti-i Spring, sPrS-NG, sPr-NG- NG Springe, sPr*-N-J Spring'er, sP^-NGr Spring'-halt, sPr 3 -NG- Hit Spring'-head, Hd Spring'iness, Spring'-tide, Td Sr>ring'time, M Spring'y, sPr^-NG, sPr- NG-R. sPrS-NGst Sprink'le, Kl-NG SPR Bprink'ler, sPr*-NG-Kl~B Sprinkling, 8Pr*-NG-Kl- NG Sprit, sPrt 3 Sprite, sPrt 1 Sprif -sail, sPrts s -L Sprout, sPrt, sPri-Td, BPrtC)i Spruce, (a.) sPrs 3 , sPr 1 - sR, sPr88 3 -T Spruce, (D.) sPrs* sPrst 3 , sPrs3-NG Spruce'-beer, 8Prs s -B-R Spruce'ly, afi^-sL Spruce'ness, sPrs 3 -Ks Sprung, BPr*-NG Spry, BPri, sPr!-R, sPrst 1 Spud, sP 2 -D Spume, 8P 3 -M, sP s -Md, spa-M-NG Spumes'cence, 8P*-Ms- Ns Bpumes'cent, sP 2 -Ms-Nt Spum'ous, sP*-Ms Spum'y, sP-M Spun, sPn 2 Spunge, sPn^-J. See Sponge. Spunk, 8P2-NG-K Spunk'y, sP'-NG-K, sP- NG-Kr, sP^NG-Kst Spun'-yarn, sPn^-Y-Bn [or -Yn] Spur, sP-R, sP*-Rd, sP- fi-NG Spur'-gall, sP 2 -.R-Gl Spurge, sP 2 -R- J Spu'rious, sP 3 -Rs Spu'riously, sP^R-sL Spu'riousness, sP s -Rs-Ns Spurn, sP 2 -^n, sP J -/2nd, sP2-Kn-NG Spurred, sP a -Rd SpurTer, sP 2 -Rr Spur'rier, BP*-R-R Spur'-royal, sP 2 -R-S-L Spurt, sP2-Rt, 8P*-.R-Td, 251 STA Sput'ter, sPtr, sPtrd, sPtr-NG Sput'terer, sPtr^R Spy, ePi, eP^D Spy-boat, 8P ll .Bt Spy'-glass, sP^Gls Spy'ism, BP J -zM Spy'-money, sP 1 -^!^ Squab, sKw-B 1 Squab'bish, sKw-Bi-SH Squab'ble, sKw-BU, sKw- Bld 1 . sKw-Bl'-NG Bquab'bler, sKw-BH-R Squab'by, sKw-B 1 Squad, sKw-Di Squad'ron, sKw-Drn 1 Squal'id, sKw-L 1 -!) Squalid'ity, eKw-i'-D-T Squal'idly, eKw-idi-Z, Squal'idness, sKw-id 1 - Squall, eKw-Li, sKw-Ld', 8Kw-L-KG Squall'er, sKw-ir 1 Squall'y, sKw-L 1 Squa'loid, sKw-Z.-D Squa'lor, sKw-Z,r Squamose', sKw*-Ms Squa'mous, sKw a -Ms Squan'der, sKwndr', sKwnd-Rd', sKwiidrJ-NG Squan'derer, sKwndr-R 1 Squan'deringly, sKwndr -NG-H Square, sKw-R 1 , sKw-Sd', sKw-Ri-NG Square'-built, sKw-R 1 - Blt Square'ly, sKw-R 1 -^ Square'ness, sKw-R 1 -Ns Square'-rigged, sKw-R 1 - R-GrA Square'-root, sKw-R'-fit Squarrose', sKw-R&t Squash, sKw-SHi Squashed, sKw-SHt 1 Squat, eKwt 1 , sKw-Td 1 , sKwti-NG Squat'ter, sKwtr 1 Squaw, sKwl Squeak, sKw s -K, sKw-K- T, 8Kw-K-NG Squeak'er, sKw 3 -Kr Squeal, sKw-L*, sK.w-Lds, Squeal'er, sKw-Zr' Squeam'ish, sKw-M-SH 3 Squeam'ishly, sKw-M- sm* Squeam'ishness, sKw-M- SH-Ns Squeeze, sKwz 8 , sKwzd 3 , sKwz 3 -NG Squeez'er, sKw-Zr 3 Squelch, sKw-i*-CH Squib, sKw-B 3 Squid, 8Kw-D3 Squill, sKw-L 3 Squin'ancy, sKwn-N-S 3 Squint, sKwnt 8 , sKwn- Squint'-eye, s Squint'-eyed, sKw-Nt-i- D Squire, sKw-R 1 , sKw-JJ sKw-RJ-NG Squireen', sKw-Bn s Squirm, sKw-R 2 -M, sK R*-Md,sKw-R-M-KG Squirrel, sKw-l Squirt, sKw-^ Td, sKw-fitz-NG Squirt'er, sKw-TZtr* Stab, stB, 8tBd, st Sta'bat Ma'ter, stBti-Mtr Stab'ber, stBri Stabil'iment, eT'-Bl-Mnt Stability, sTs-Bl-T (or -Bit) Sta'ble, 8T-B1, sT*-Bld, sH-Bl-NG Sta'bleness, Sta'bling, sTS-Bl-N Sta'bly, sT 2 -Bl Stacca'to, stK-T 1 Stack, stKi, stKti, NG Stack'er, stKr 1 Stad'dle, sT'-Dl Sta'dia, str>s Sta'dium, stD 2 -M Stadt'holder, stT'-H-idr Staff, stFi Stag, stG 1 Stage, stJ 2 Stage'-coach, stJ'-K-CH Stage'-driver, stJ^-Dr-Vr Stage'-play, stJ 2 -Pl Stage'-player, stJ--Pl-R Sta'ger, stJr 2 Stag'gard, stGrd' Stag'ger, stGr 1 , stGrd 1 , stGr-NG Stag'geringly, stGr'-XGl Stag'gers, stGrz 1 Sta'gmg, stJ-XG Stag'irite, siJ l -Rt Stag'nancy, stG-Nn-S 1 Stag'nant, stG 1 Nut Stag'nate, stG'-Nt, stG- N-Td>, stGJ-Nt-NG Stagnation, stG^-Nshn Staid, sTd2. See Steady. ' Staid'riess, sTd 2 -Ns. See Steadiness. Stain, sTn 2 , sTnd=, sTn 2 - NG Stain'er, sT^-Nr Stain'less, sT^-Nls Stair, stRi Stair'case, stR^Ks Stair'-rods, stRkR-Dz Stairs, stRz 1 Stair'-way, stR!-W Stake, stK2, stKtz, stK2- NG Stake'-holder, stK 2 -Hldr Stake'less, stK-is 2 Stalac'tic, stii-K-T-K Stalac'tical, st/i^K-T-Kl Stalac'tite, stL'-K-Tt Stalactit'ic, st/is.K-Tt-K Stalactit'ical, stZ,3.K-Tt- Kl Stalag'mite, etZ/'-G-Mt Stalagmit'ic, Btia.G-Mt- E Stalagmit'ical, stz 3 . Q . Mt-Kl Stale, stL 3 Stale'-mate, stZ,~Mt Stale'ness, stz, 2 -Ns Stalk, stKi, stKti, stKi- NG Stalk'er, stKri Stalk'ing-horse, stK 1 , NG-Hrs Stalk'y, Stall, st NG Stall'age, STA Btftll'-fed, sti-F-D Btall'-feed, stii-F-D Stallion, stin 1 Stal'wart, st^-Wrt Sta'men, stMn* Stamina, stM>-N Stam'inal, stM>-Nl Stani'inate, stM-N-T 1 Stamin'eal, stM-N-L Stamin'eous, stM-Ns Stam'mer, stM-Ri, stM- Rd 1 . stM-fii-NG Stam'merer, stM-Rri Stam'mering, stM - R l NG Stam'meringly, stM-.R 1 - NG1 Stamp, stM - pi, stMt', stM-Pi-NG Stamp'-act, BtM-P-Kt Stampede', stM - P - D, stM-P-Dd, stM-PS-D-NG Btamp'er, stM-Pri Stamp'ing, stM-Pi-NG Stanch, sXni-CH, sTn 1 CHt, sXn>-CH-NG Stanch'er, sXi-N-CHr Stan'chion, sXi-Nshn Stanch'less, sTni-CH-s Stanch'ness, sXn l -CH-Ns Stand, sXnd, slnd'-NG Stand'ard, sTnd'-Rd Stand'ard-bearer, sXnd 1 -Rd-B-Rr Stand'er, sTndr 1 Standing, sXnd^NG Standlsh, sXnd^SH Stand'-pqint, sXnd>-Pnt Stand'-still, sTndiist//* Stang, stNGi Stan'hope, sTn'-P Stank, stNG-K Stan'nary, sX-Nr Stan'nic, sX-N-K Stanniferous, sT"-N-F- Rs Stan'nous, sT'-Ns Stan'za, sXni-Z Stanzalc, sTn z -Z-K Sta'ple, sX*-Pl Sta'pler, sT-Pl-R Star. stRi, stRdi. stRi-NG Starboard, stRJ-Brd Starch, stR' CH, stfii- CHt, stfli-CE-NG Btar'-chamber, stR^CH- (M-)Br Starched, stTZi-CHt Starch edness, stff^CHd- Ns Starch'er, stRi-CHr Starch'ly, stRi-CHl Starch'ness, st/s-CH-Ns Starch'y, st^i-CH Stare, stR 1 , stRdi, stR 1 NG Btar'er, stRi-R Star'-finch, st'-F-N-CH Star'-fish, stR'-F-Sff Btar'-gazer, stRi-G-Zr 252 STE Star-gazing, stR'-Gz-NG Statical, stxi-Kl Stark, 8tRi-K, stRi-Kr, Statics, stxi-Ks stR'-Kst Sta'tion, sTshn", sXshnd*, Starless, stR'-Ls sXshn a -NG Starlight, stRi-it Sta'tional, sXshn2-L Star'like, stRi-Z,-K Stationary, sXshnS-jK Starling, stRi-i-NG Sta'tioner, sXshn^-R Starry, stK 1 Sta'tionery, sXshn z -fi Star'-shoot, stRi-Sflt Sta'tion-house, sXshn 8 - Star-spangled, stRs 1 -?- Ha NGld Sta'tism, stX'-zH Start, stRti, stBi-Td, Sta'tist, stTst* stRti-NG Statis'tic, stXsts-K Starfer, stRtr 1 Start'ful, stRtLFl Statis'tical-ly, 6tXs-X-Kl Statistician, stXss-Xshn Start/fulness, stRti-Fl- Statistics, stXsta-Ks NS C:FS] Sta'tive, stXv Starting-point, stRti- Stafuary, 8tCH>-fi NG-Pnt Staf ue, stCH 1 Start' ing-post, stRt'-NG- Statuesque', stCH 2 sK Pst Statuette', stCH 2 -i Starfish, stRt'-SH Staf ure, stCHri Startle, stRt 1 -/,, stRti-I^. Sta'tus, stXs^r* stRti-Z,-NG Sta'tus In Quo, stXs'or*- Starf lingly, stRt'-Z-NGl N-Kw Starf-up, stRt'-P Starva'tion, st^-Vshn Sta'tus Quo, sXs'or'-Kw Sta'tu Quo, stX'orS-Kw Starve, 8lR\ l , st^vdi, Stat'uable, stCHi-Bl stflv(-)i Staf ute, stCHti Starveling, stfivi-Z,-NG otfit xitoryj stCHt^-B State, stx*, stXd*, 8tX- Staunch, sXni-CH NG. In rapid writing Stave, sTv' sXvd* slva. care should be taken to NG avoid confusion between Staves, sTvz the outlines of State. Stay, sX 2 , sXd 2 , sX 2 -NG Stated and Said. Stayer, sX 2 -R Stafed, stXd Stay-lace, sX 2 -Zs Stat'edly, stXd2- Stays, sXz* State'-house, stX a -Hs Stay-sail, sXs* L Stateless, stx*-is Stead, stD Statelier, stI-Z,-R Stead'fast, stDf=-St State'liness, stX*-i-Ns Stead'fastly, sWP-St-L Stately, stl*-/,, stIz-X-R. Stead'fastness, stDf 2 -St- st1--Lst Ns State'ment, stXS-Mnt. Steadily, stD'-L Make the loop perfect in Steadiness, stL 2 -Ns. Set this outline to avoid Its Staidness. being taken for Settle- Steading, stD 2 -NG ment. Stead'y, (a.) stD* (Sea State'-monger, stT^-M- Staid). stD*-R, stD* St NG-Gr Stead'y, (v.) stD 2 , stDd, State'-paper, stX^-P-Pr i State'-prison, stX 2 -Prz-N Steak.'stK* State'-prisoner, stlz-Prz- Steal, sti 8 , st 3 -XG Nr Steal'er, sti 3 -R Stat'er, stXr* Stealth, sti 2 -XH State'-room, stX^-R-M Stealth'ful, sti*-XH-Fl States, stXs* Stealthily, stL^-XH-Z, States-gen'eral, stXs-Jn Stealth'iness, stA 2 -XH. States'man, stX*-sMn Ns States'manlike, stT 2 - Stealth'y, stL 2 -XH, st. sMn-L-K XH-R, st*-THst States'manly, stx*-sM- Steam, stM 3 , stMd 3 , stM*. Nl NG States'manship, stT 2 - Steam'-boat, stM 3 -Bt sMn-SH(-P) Steam'-boiler, stM 3 -B- States'woman, stX s -sW- L-R Mn Steam'-car, stM'-Kr State'-trial, stX-Tr-L Steam'-carriags, stM*' I Static, Btl 1 -^ Kr-J STE Steam'-engine, stM'-N- Jn Steam'er, stM-R> Steam'-gaage, stM 3 -G-J Steam' -gun, stM 3 -Gn Steam'iness, sOP-Ns Steam'-packet, stM 3 -P Kt Steam'-pipe, stM8-P-P Steam'-ship, stM-<Sff-P Steam'-tug, stM* - T - G , (stMt 3 G) Steam'-vessel, stM 3 - Vs-L Steam'- whistle, stM 3 - Ws-Z, Steam'y, stM* Stear'ic, sT^fl-K. Ste'arine, sT*-.Rn Ste'atite, BT 3 -T-T Sted'fast. See Steadfast. Steed, stCD* Steel, BtL's, st/AD, stL 3 - NG- Steel'y, st Steel' -plated, stz, 3 -Pi-Td Steel'yard, stL 3 -Yrd Steep, (a.) stpa, stPr 3 , stPst 3 Steep, (.) stpa, stPt 3 stP3-NG Steep'er, stPr 3 Stee'ple, sT 3 -Pl Stee'ple-cliase, sT 3 -Pl- CHs Steep'ly, sT 3 -Pl Steep'ness, stP 3 -Ns Steep'y, stP 3 Steer, stR 3 , stKd 3 , stR 3 - NG Steer'age, st.R 3 -j Steerer, stR 3 -R Steers'man, Steeve, sTv 3 Steganog'raphy, stG-N Gr-F 1 Stel'lar, st/AR Stel'lary, stL*-R Stel'late, sti*-T Stel'lated, stiXTd Stellif erous, Stel'lifonn, stia-F-R-M Stel'lular, sti-Z,-R Stelog'raphy, stL-Gr-F Stem, 8tM, stMd, stM*- NG Stem'son, stMs a -N Stench sTn^-CH Sten'cil, stNs-La, stNs- Ld. stNs-L2-NG Stenog'rapher, stN-Gr- Fr Stenog'raphy, stN-Gr-F 1 Stenograp'ic, 8tN>-Grf-K 8tenograph'ical-ly, stN- Gr-Fi-Kl Btenog'raphist, stN-Gr- Fsti Btenog'raphy, stN-Gr-F 1 Sten'tor, etNtr 1 253 Stento'rian, stN-T*-.Rn Step, stp2. stPta, stPS-NG Step' -brother, stps - Brdbr Step'-child, stP*-CHld Step' -daughter, stP-Dtr Step' -father, stP'-Fdhr Step' -mother, stP2-Mdhr Steppe, stpi Step'ping-stone, stP - NGs-Tn Step'-sister, etP 2 -ssTr Step'-son, stPs 2 -N Stercora'ceous, stR 2 -K- fi-SHs Stercora'tion, stR2-Krshn Store, stR 2 Stereograph'ic, stfli- -K Stereograph'ical-ly, 6tfl-Gr-F-Kl Stereog'raphy, F Stereom'etry, stRi-M-Tr Ste'reoscope, stfls 2 -K-P Stereoscop'ic, stfis'-K-P- K Stereoscop'ical-ly, stRs 1 -K-P-Kl Stereot'omy, Ste'reotype, st/J8-T-Pt, (Stfit 3 -?, StKt^-Pt, St2Zt 3 - P-NG Ste'reotyper, stflt'-Pr Stereotypog'raphy, stt-P-Gr-F Ster'ile, stRZ-Z Steril'ity, stR 3 --T Sterling, stRS-i-NG Stern, stRn*, stR-Nr, stR2-Nst Stern'al, stR2-Nl Stern'-board, stRn^-B-Rd Stern'-chase, stRns-CHs Stern'-chaser, stRn 2 - CH sR Stern'ly, stR 2 -Nl Stern'most, stKn z -Mst Stern'ness, stRn^-Ns Stern'-post, stRn-Pst Stern'-sheets, stRn 2 - SHts Ster'num, stKn*-M Sternuta'tion, stB - N - Tshn Sternu'tative, st^2 3 -Nt- Tv Sternu'tatory, stK 3 -Nt- T-K Stern'-way, stRnS-W Sterto'rious, 8tR*-T-Rs Ster'torous, stR^-T-Rs Steth'oscope, stTHs 2 K-P Stethoscop'ic, stTHsi-K- P K Steve, sTv 3 Ste'vedore, sTv 3 -D-R Stew, sX 3 , stD 3 , BT-NG STI Steward, stRd' Stewardess, stRd 3 -S Stewardship, stRd'. SJl-P [:SH] SteWish, 8T J -SH SteW-pan, sT^-pn Stib'ial, stB3-L Stib'ium,stB^-M: Stich, stKS Stick, stK 3 , stK3-NG Stick'iness, stK 3 -Ns Stick'-lac, HtR3-i-K Stick'le, sT^-Kl, sT 3 -Kld, sT-Kl-NG Stick'le-back, sT 3 -Kl- B-K Stick'ler, sT3-Kl-R Stick'y, stK 3 , stK 3 -R, Stiff, stF 3 , stF 3 -R, stFst 3 Stiffen, 8tFn 3 , stFad 3 , stFn3-XG Stiffly, stF 3 - Stiff-necked, stF 3 -X-Kt Stiffness, stF 3 -Ns Sti'fle, sTi-Fl, sTi-Fld, 8'i'i-Fl-NG Stig'ma, stG 3 -M Stigmat'ic, stG''-Mt-K Stigmat'ical, stG'-Mt-Kl Stig'matize, stG-M-Tz 3 , stG-M-Tzd 3 , etG-M-Tz 3 - NG Stig'onomancy, stGn- Mn-S 3 Stile, sti Stilet'to, sti s -T, st 2 -Td, 8t/, a -T-NG Still, (u.) sti 3 , stZ, 3 -D, Still, (a.) sti 3 , stZ, 3 -R, stist 3 Stillati'tious, stL 3 -T-5fls Stil'latory, stL 3 -T-R Still'-birth, st 3 -B-.R-TH Still'-born, stL 3 B-n Still'-burn, stz, 3 -B Ru Still'-life, stis-i-F Still'ness, stL 3 -Ns Still'y, eti 3 Stilt, stz,t 3 , stLs.Td, stt 3 - NG Stim'ulant, stM-^nt 3 Stim'ulate, stM-Lt 3 , stM- /. 3 -Td, stM-Lt 3 -NG Stimula'tion, stM-ishn Stim'ulative, stM-/,t*-v Stim'ulator, stM-itr 3 Stim'uli, stM-Z, 3 Stim'ulus, stM-Ls 3 Sting, stNG 3 , stNG 3 -NG- Sting'er, stNG-R 3 Stin'gily, sTn 3 -J- Stin'giness, sTn 3 - J-Ns Stin'go, stNG 3 -G Sting'y, stNG 3 Stin'gy, sTn 3 -J Stink, stNG 3 -K, stNG-K- NG Stink'ard, STI 254 STR Stink'er, stNG 3 -Kr Stomachlcal, stMLK-Kl Straight, sTrt, sTrtr, Btink'-pot, BtNG 3 -K-Pt Stom'achless, stM-K-is* 8Trt 2 -St Stint, sTnt 3 , sTn 3 -Td, Stomp, BtM-P> Straight'en, Trt 2 -N, sTnt'-NG Stone, sTn 2 , eTnd 2 , sTn 2 - 8Trt-Nd, 8Trt a -N-NG Stint'er, sTntr* NG Straight'ener, 8Trt 2 -Nr Stipe, stPi Stone' -blind, sTn 2 i Bind Straight'forward, sTrt*- Sti'pend, sTi-Pnd Stone'-cutter, sTn 2 i Ktr Fr-Wrd Stipendiary, 8T*-Pnd-fl Stone'-dead, 8Tn-Dd Straightforwardness. Stip'itate, stP 3 -Tt ; Ston'er, sT 2 -Nr sTrt^-Fr-Wrd-Ks Stip'ple, sT 3 -Pl, 8T 3 -Pld, Stone'-wall, sTn'SWl Straight'ly, 8Trt-Z sT 3 -Pl-NG Stone'-ware, sTn* i Wr Straight'ness, sTrt^-Xs Stip'ula, stP 3 -// Stone'-work, sTn'SWr-K Straight 7 way, 6Trt*-w Stip'ulate, stps-it, stP 3 - Ston'iness, sT*-r-Ns Straiks, sTr 2 -Ks j L-TA, 6tP 3 -it-NG Ston'y, 8T--N Strain, sTrn 2 , sTrnd* Stipula'tion, stP-ishn Stip'ulator, stps-Ltr Ston'y-hearted, sT a -N- Hr-Td 8Trn 2 -NG Strain'er, sTr 2 -Nr Stip'ule, sT 3 -Pl Stood, stD Strait, sTrt 2 sTrtr*, sTrt*. Stir, 6tR, stRd, stR-NG Stock, stK 3 , stKt 3 , PtK 3 - St Stir'about, stR 2 -Bt NG Strait'en, sTrt 2 -N, sTrt*. Stir'rer, stR 2 -R Stool, sti* Nd, sTrt 2 -N-NG Stir'rup, st.R 2 or 3 -P Stitch, stCH 3 , BtCHt 3 , Stool'-pigeon, 8tL 3 -P-Jn Stoop, BtP 3 , stPt* stP-NG Strait'-jacket, sTrt^-J-Kt Strait'-laced, 8Trt 2 -Z,st stCH 3 -NG Stoop'er, stPr 3 Strait'ly, sTrt 2 -i Stitch'er, 8tCHr Stop, stpi, etPti. stpi-NG Strait'ness, sTrt 2 -Ks Stitch'es, stCHz 3 Stop'-cock, stP^K-K Straits, sTrts" Stith'y, stDH 3 Stop'-gap, etPi-G-P Strait'-waistcoat, sTrt- Stive, sTvi Stop'page, stPJ-J Ws Kt Sti'ver, sT'-Vr Stop'ping-place, stpi - Strake.. sTr 2 ^ Stoak, stK NG-Pls Stramin'eous, sTrS-M-Ns Stoat, stT Stop'per, stPri, stPrdi, Stran? o'nium, sTr 2 -Mn- Stoccade', stK-D 8tPr-NG M Stock, stK 1 , stKt 1 , stK 1 - Stop'ple, sT-Pl Stram'ony, sTr^M-N NG 1 Stop' -watch, stpi-wCH Strand, sTrnd 1 , sTrni-Dd, Stockade', 8tK-D, BtK- Stor'age, st# 2 -J BTmd'-NG Dd 2 , stK-D 2 -NG Sto'rax, st/js-Ks Strange, sTr 2 -N-J, sTr 2 - Stock'-board, etRJ-Brd Store, etR 2 , stRd 2 , stR- N-Jr [sTr-Jr], sTr 2 -^- Stock'-broker, stKJ-Br- NG Jst Kr Store'-house, stR-Hs Strange'ly, sT--N-J-Z, Stock'-dove, stK 1 -Dv Store' -keeper, stR 2 -K-Pr Strange'ness, sTr-N-J- Stock'-exchange, stK 1 - Store'-room, stR 2 -R-M Ns Ks-CH-N-J Stores, stRz Stran'ger, sT^-N-Jr Stock'-flsh, stKi-F-SH Storge, BtR 1 3 [sTr'-Jr] Stock'-holder, stKi-Hldr Sto'ried, stK'-D Stran'gle, sTr'-NG-Gl. Stocking, BtKi-NG Stork, stRi-K sTr l -NG-Gld, sTr l -NG- Stock'ish, stRi-SH Storm, stR'-M, stRJ-Md, Gl-NG [sTr^NGl.etc.] Stock'-jobber, stIH-J-Br Stock'-jobbing, stKW- stR>-M-NG Storm'-beat, stRi-M-Bt Stran'gler, sT^-NG-Gl-B Stran'gles, sTr^NG-Glz B-NG Stormlness, stu 1 -M-Ns Stran'gulated, sTr'-NG- Stock'-list, stK-Lst Storm'-sail, stR'-Ms-// Gl-Td Stock'-market, stK 1 -!!- Storm'y, stRi-M, stRi-M- Strangula'tion, sTr^-NG- fl-Kt R. stRJ-Mst Glshn [-NGlshn] Stock'-still, 8tKs>-T-L Storthing, stRt'-NG Strangu'rious, sTrS-N- Stock'-taking, stK'-T-K- Sto'ry, stK 2 , 8tR*-D, stJZ 2 - Gr-RS NG NG Stran'gury, sTr'-NG-G-il Stock' -work, stK 1 -Wr-K Sto'ry-teller, stS2-T-i-R Strap, sTri-P, sTr^Pt, Stock'y, stKi Stoup, stP 3 sTr>-P-NG Sto'ic, KT*-K Stout, stTi. stTri, stTsti Strappa'do, sTr 2 -P-D Sto'ical-ly, sT 2 -Kl Stout' ly, stTi-i Strap'per, sTr^Pr Sto'icalness, sT-Kl-Ns Stout'ness, stT 1 -Ns Strap'ping, sTi^-P-NG Stoicism, sTZ-szM Stove, sTvn Stra'ta, 8Trori-T Stok'er, stKr* Sto'ver, sT*-Vr Strat'egem, sTrt'-J-M Stole, stz, 3 Stow, sT*, stD 2 , sT-NG Strategetlcs, sTrt^-Jt-Ks Stolen, stLn* Stowage,, sT 2 -J Strate'gic, sTrt 3 -J-K Stol'id, st/,i-D Stra'bism.sTr^-B-zM Strate'gical-ly, sTrt 3 -J- Stolidity, 8tL 3 -D-T Strabis'mus, sT^-B-zMs Kl Btom'ach, stMS-K, stM 2 - Strad'dle, sTr^Dl, sTr 1 - Strat'egist, sTrt^-Jst Kt, stM*-K-NG Dld, sTri-Dl-NG Strat'egy, sTrti-J Stom'acher, ntM 2 -Kr Strag'gle, sTri-Gl, sTr 1 - Stratification, sTr'-Tf- Stom'achfull, stM-K-Fl* Gld, 8Tr>-Gl-KG Kshn Stomachic, stM ' -K - K i S trag'gler, eTr 1 - Gl- R Stratiform, sTrt'-Fr-M STR Btrat/ify, sTr-T-F, Tf-D, sTi-Tf-NG Btratoc'racy, sTrt'-Kr-S Stratog'raphy, sTrti-Gr- F Stra'tum, sTrt 2 or-M Straw, sTri Straw-bail, sTr*-B-L Straw-berry, sTr l -B-.K StraW-color, sTri-K-ir Straw-cutter, sTri-Ktr Strawy, sT* Stray, sirs, sTr^D (sTrd 2 ), sTr 2 -NG Streak, sTr3-K, sTrS-K-NG Streaked (strt-kt or strek'- ed), sTr'-K.t or sTr 3 -K-D Streak'y, sTr 3 -K Stream, sTrs-M, Stream'er, sTrS-M-R . Stream'let, Stream'y, sTr^-M Street, sTrt 3 Street'-walker, sTrt*-W- Kr Strength, sTr^-NG-TH Strengthen, sir* - NG - THn, sTrS-NG-THnd, sT^-NG-THn-NG Strength'ener, sTrS-NG- TH-Nr Strength'less, sTr" - NG - TH-Ls Stren'uous, Stren'uously, Stren'uousness, sTr^-Ns- Ns Strep'erous, sTr s -Prs Stress, sirs" Stretch, sTr 2 -CH, sTr^- CHt, BTr-CH-NG Stretch'er, sTr s -CHr Strew, sTrSorS, sTrd 3 or2, Stri'a, sTr Stri'ee, sTri Stri'ate, sTri-T Stri'ated, sTri-T-D Strick'en, sTrS-Kn Strickle, sTrf-Kl Strict, sTrS-Kt, sT-Ktr, Strict'ly, Strict'ness, Strict 7 ure, s Strid, sTrd 3 Strid'den, sTr'-Dn Stride, sTrdi, sTrd(') 1 Stri'dent, sTrdi-Nt Stri'dor, sTr^Dr Strid'ulous, sTr^-D-Zs Strife, eTrfi Strife'full, sTrfi-F-L Strig'il, sTr5.Jl Strigose', sTr 2 -Gs Stri'gous, sT^-Gs Strike, sTri-K, sTri-K-NG Strik'er, sTri-Kr 255 Strik'ingly, sTr'-K-NGl String, sTr-NG, eTr 8 - NG-NG Stringed, sTr 3 -NGd Strin'gency, sTrS- Strin'gent, sTp*-N-Jnt String'er, sTrS-NGr String'-halt, sir 3 - NG Hit String'iness, sTr - NG - Ns String'y, sTr*-NG Strip, sir 3 -?, sTrS-P-NG Stripe, sTr 1 -?, sTr>-P-NG Striped, sTri-Pt Stripping, sTr 3 -P-Z,-NG Strip'per, sTr^-Pr Strip'pings, sTr 3 -P-NGz Strive, sTrv 1 , Striven, Striv'er, Strob'ile, sTri-Bl Strode, sTrd* Stroke, sTr2-K, sTr^-Kt, sTr--K-NG Strok'er, sTr^-Kr Strokes'man, sTr* - K - sMn Stroll, sTr*-L, sTriLd, 8Tr 2 -L-NG Stroll'er, sTr*--B Strong, eTri-NG, sTr 1 - NGr, sTri-NG-Gst [sTri- NGst] Strong'hold, sTri - NG - Hid Strong'ly, sTri-NGl Stron'tia, sTri-N-SH Stron'tian, Strop, eTri-P, sTr-P-NG Stro'phe, Strove, s Strow, sT Struck, sTr*-K Struct'ural, Struct/ ure, Strug'gle, sTrS-Gl, sTr 8 - Gld, 6Tr3-Gl-NG Strug'gler, sTr-Gl-B Stru'ma, sTrS-M Strumose', sTr^-Ms Stru'mous, sT^-Ms Strum'pet, sTr*-M-Pt Strung, sTr^-NG Strut, sTrta, BTr-Td, sTrtC) 1 Strut'ter, sTrtr Strych'nia, sTr-K-N Strych'nine, sTrS-K-Nn Stub, stB, BtBd, stB2-NG Stub'bed, 8tBd Stub'bedness, stBd-Ns Stub'ble, sT^-Bl Stub'born. stBrn* Stub'bornly, BtBr-Nl Btub'bornness, stBrn 2 - Ns STU | Stub'by, stB2 Stub'-nail, stBJ- Stuc'co, stK*, stK-D, Stuck, stK2 Stuck'-up, stK 2 -P Stud, stDs, stDd 2 , stD- NG Stud'ding, stp2-NG Stud'ding-sail, stD^-NGs- L Stu'dont, stDnta Stud'ied, stDds Stud'-horse, stD= k -H)-Ks Stud'iedly, st\>dfl-L Stud'ier, stD^-R Stu'dio, stD 3 Stu'dious, stD 3 -S Stu'diously, stD^-Sl Stu'diousriess, stDs 3 -Ns Stud'y, stDS, BtDd*, stD^- NO Stu'fa, str 3 Stuff, str*. stFts, stF2-NG StufPer, stF2-R Stuffiness, stF^-Ns Stuffing, stF=-NG StufPing-box, stF^-NG- B-Ks Stuffy, strs Stult&ca'tion, stit 2 -F- Kshn Stul'tify, st/.ts-F, BtLt- Fd, stit 2 -F-NG Stum, etM2 Stum'ble, stM-Blz, stJI- Bld, stM-Bl 2 -NG Stum'bler,stM-Bl2-R Stum'bling-block, stM- B1-NG-B1-K Stum'blingly, stM-Bl- NG1 Stum'bling-stone, stM- Bl-NGB-Tn Stump, stll-P 2 , stMt2, stM-P 2 -NG Stump'-orator, stM-pa- ^etr Stump'-speaker, stM . Ps 2 -P-Kr [stMs*-P-Kr] Stump'-speaking, [stMs z - PC)] Stump'y, stM-P2 Stun, sTn, sTndS. sTna- NG Stung, stNG" Stunk, stNG2-K Stun'ner, sT 2 -Nr Stunt, sTnt 2 , sTn^-Td, sTnt-NG Stupe, stps Stupefac'tion, stPt. Kshn Stupefac'tive, stPfi-Kt-V Stu'pefier, BtP^-F-R Stu'pefy, stP 3 -F, stP'-Fd, stP 3 -F-NG Stupen'dous, stPn*-Ds Stupendously, stPu 2 -I> eL STU Stupen'dousness, stPn* Ds-Ns Stu'pid, stPd* Stupid'ity, stPd'-T Stu'pidly, stPd-.& Stu'pidness, stP 3 -D-Ns Stu'pify. See Stupefy. Stu'prate, sT^-Prt Stu'por, stPr 3 Stupra'tion, sT^-Prshn Stur'dily, stRS-D-i Stur'diness, stfi2-D-Ns Stur'dy, 8tK-D, Stur'geon, st.R 2 -Jn Stut'ter, 6T2- Tr, sT-Trd. Stut'terer, Sty, eTi Styg'ian, stJns Sty'lar, stZ^-B Style, sU,i, sU/>-D (stid), eti'-NO Styl'et, BtZi-T Styl'ish, sti-SH Styl'ist, stisti .Styp'tic, stPS-T-K (stPt- K) Styp'tical, stps-T-Kl (stPts-Kl) .Btiptic'ity, stPS-Ts-T Su'able, S-B1 Sua'sion, sWzhn* Sua'sive, eWs^-V Sua'sory, 8Ws-fi .Suavity, BW'-V-T Sub, BB8 Subac'id, sBs'-D Subac'rid, sfii-Kr-D Sub-ac'tion, sB'-Kshn .Su'bah, sB Sub'-alpine, sB'-L-Pn .Subal'tern, sBi-L-Trn Subalter'nate, N-T Suba'queous, sB*-Kw-8 Subas'tral, sfii-sTr-L Subastrin'gent, eBS-sTr- N-Jnt Subaudi'tion, sB*-Dghn Sub'-base, sB^-Bs Sub-base'ment, eB2-B- BMnt Sub'-bass, sB2-Bs Subchant'er, sBi-CHntr Subcla'vian, eBz-Kl-Vn Subcommit'tee, sB3;T Sub-con'trary, sBatTr 1 - R Subcuta'neous, sB^-K-T- Ns Subdea'con, sB 3 -D-Kn Subdean', sB*-Dn Bubdean'ery, Subdivide', sfii-Dv-D, sB'-Dv-Dd. sBi-Dv-D-NG Bubaivis'iorx, eB 8 - D - Vzhn Bubdom'inant, sBi-D- Mn-Nt (sBdi-Mn-Nt) 256 Subdu'able, sB-D-Bl Subduct', sB*-D-Kt Subduc'tion, gB-D-Kshn Subdue', 8B8-D, sB3-Dd, Subdu'er, sB'-D-B Suber'ic, SB2-.R-K Sub'family, s Sub'genus, sB*-J-Ns Su'bito, sB3-T Subia'cent, sB J -Js-Nt Subita'neous, sBVT-Ns Subject, sB^-J-Kt [sB] Subject 7 , sB2-J-Kt, 8B2-J- K-Td, sB2-J-Kt-NG [sB^, BB:D, sB(-)*] Subjec'tion, BB*-J-Kshn [sBshn*] Subject'ive, sB2-J-Kt-v Subjectively, V L [sB*-Vl] Subject'iveness, sB'-J- Kt-V-Ns [BBatVs] Subjectivity, sB-J-Kt- V-T [8B3-V-T] Sub'ject-matter, sB-J- Kt-Mtr [sB-Mtr] Subjoin', sBi-Jn, sBi-Jnd, sBi-Jn-NG Sub'jugate, sB-J-Gt, sB2- J-G-Td, 8B2-J-Gt-NG Subjuga'tion, sB 2 - J-Gshn Subjunc'tion, sB^ - j - NGshn Subjunc'tive, sB 2 -J-NGt- V Sublapsa'rian, sB-i-P- sRn Subla'tion, sB-shn Sublet', eW-Lt, sB=-Zt- NG Sublim'able, sBli-M-Bl Sublim' able ness, sBl 1 - M-Bl-Ns [iBs] Sub'limate, sBia - Mt, BB12-M-Td, 8B]2-Mt(-) Sublima'tion, BBl 2 -Mshn Sublime', (a.) sBP-M, sBU-Mr, 8Bl>-Mst Sublime', (.) eBli-M, sBli-Md, sBl'-M-NG Sublime'ly, sBli-M-i Sublime'ness, sBl'-M-Ns Sublira'ity, sBl-M-T Sublinea'tion, eB' - L - Nshn Sublin'gual, sB'-i-NG- Gw-L Sublu'nar, sB 3 -L-Nr Sub'lunary, sB^-L-'Kr Submarine', sBS-M-JZn Subme'diant, sBS-M-Dnt Submerge', NG Submergence, sB*-M-.R- Jns Submerse', s Submersed', SUB Submer'sion, sB - M- Aba Submis'sion, sB 3 -Mshn Submis'sive, sB 3 -Ms-V Submis'sively, eBs-Ms- V-Z, Submis'siveness, sB*- Ms-V-Ns [iVs] Submit/, sB3-Mt, 8B3-M- Td, sBs-Mtc) Submul'tiple, sB.M-t- Pl Subnas'cent, sBi-Ns-Nt Subor'dinacy, 8B>-fid^ K-8 Subordinate, eBi-fld-Nt, [sP- KG Subordinately, Nt-L Subordination, Nshn Suborn', sB'-fi Rud, sBi-fin-NG Suborna'tion, Nshn Suborn'er, sBJ-S Subo'val, sB 2 -Vl Subpoena, sBs-P P-N-D, sBS-P N. sPS-N-D, e Subrec'tor, s Subrep'tion, sB-B-Pshn Sub ro'sa, sB*-R-Z Sub'salt, sB2-s/.t Subscrib'able, sB>-sK- B-Bl Subscribe', sB'-sK-B, sB'- sK-Bd. sBLsK-B-NG. See note under Prescribe. Subscriber, sBi-sK-Br Sub'script, sB2-sK-Pt Subscrip'tion, sBS-sK- Psbn Subsec'tion, sB*-sKshn Sub'sequence, sBs 2 - Kwns Sub'sequency, sBs 2 - Kwn-S Sub'sequent, sBs s -Kwnt Sub'sequently, sBs*- Kwnt-Zr Subserve', sB^-s^v, sB- Kvd. sB2-s.RvC) Subservience, 8B 2 -sB- Vns Subserv'iency, sB-s.R- Vn-S Subservient, sB 2 -sK-Vnt Subserviently, eB*-s.K- Vnt-z/ Subside 7 , BBs^-D, sBs 1 - Dd, sB8>-D-NG Bubsid'ence, sBs'-Dns Subsid'ency, sBs'-Dn-S Subsidiary, sBs s -D- Sub'sidize, sBs 2 -Dz, sBs* Dzd. sBs-Dz-KG Sub'sidy, sBs*-D Sub'-sign, sBs*-N SUB 257 Subsist', sBss 3 -T, sBss 3 - Sub'tle, BT1, sTl!i-E Td, sBssS-T-Nd sTlst^ Subsist'ence, sBss 3 -Tns Sub'tleness, sTl*-Ns Subsist'ent, sBss 3 -Tnt Sub'tlety, sTia-T Sub'soil, sB-s/; Sub'tly, s'r*-L Subspe'cies, sBsS-P-Sffz Subton'ic, sB'-T-N-K Sub'stance, sBs 2 -Tns Subtract', sBi-Tr-Kt, sBi- Substan'tial, sBsi-T-N- Tr-K-Td, sB!-Tr-Kt-NG SHl [sBsi-Tn] Subtract'er, sBJ-Tr-Ktr Substantiality, sBs'-T- Subtrac'tion, sBi-Tr- S-SHl-T Kshn Substan'tially, 8Bs>-T-N- Subtrac'tive, sB'-Tr-Kt- SHl [8B8>-Tn] V Substan'tialness, sBs 1 - Sub'trahend, sB 2 - Tr - T-N-S//I-NS End Substan'tials, sBs'-T-N- Sub-treas'ury, sB* - Tr - SHu. ZHr Substantiate, sBs'-Tn- Sub'urb, sB2-jR-B SHt, sBsi-Tn-SH-Td Suburban, sBVR-Bn sBs'-Tn-SHt-NG Subur'bial, sB 2 -fi-B-L Substantia'tion, sBs 2 Sub'urbs, sB2--Bz Tn-SHshn Subvari'ety, sBi-Y--T Substantiv'al, sBsJ-Tnt- Subvene', sB 3 -Vn, sB 3 - V-L Vnd. sB 3 Vn-NG Sub'stantive, sBs'-Tnt-V Sub'stantively, sBs a -Tnt Subven'tion, sB^-V-Nshn Subvei^sion, sBv 2 -Kshn \-L Subver'sive, sBv 2 -Jis-V Sub'stitute, sBs-T-T, Subvert', sBvz-^t, eBv 2 - sBs 2 -T-T'Td, sBs a -T-T- fi-Td, sBv2-t-NG NG [sBs a -Tt, sBs 3 - T-Td, sBs 2 -Tt(-)] Subvert'er, eBv 2 -Rtr Subvert'ible, sBv 2 -/Jt-Bl Substitu'tion, sBs*-T- Subwork'er, sB s -Wr-Kr Tshn [sBs 3 -Tshn] Succeda'neous, sKs-D 2 - Substitu'tional, sBs 3 -T- Ns Tshn-L [sBs 3 -Tshn-L] Succeda'neum, sKs-D 2 - Substra'ta, sBSor^sTr-T N-M Sub'strate, sB-sTrt Succeed', sKs-Ds, sKs- Substra'tum, sBor'- Dd 3 . sKs-D 3 -NG sTrt-M Succeed'er, sK-sDr* Substruc'tion, sB^sTr- Success', sKss 2 Kshn Substructure, sBZ-sTr- Success'ful, sKss-F 2 -L Success'fully, sKss-F 3 -L Ktr Success'fulness, sKss- Substy'lar, sBs'-T-Ti-B F 2 -L-Ns [sKss 2 fFs] Sub'style, sBs a -T-L Succes'sion, sKs*An s Subsul'tive, sB 2 -s^t-V Succes'sional, sKsshn-U Subsul'tory, sB^-sLt-B Succes'sive, sKss-V* Subtan'gent, sB^Tn-Jnt Bucces'sively, sKss-V'-i Subten'ant, sB-Tn-Nt Succes'siveness, sEss - Subtend', sB 2 -Tnd, sB- V 2 -N8 Tn-Dd, sB'-Tnd-NO Success'less, sK-ssLs 2 Subtense', sB^-Tns Succes'sor, sK-ss^ 3 Subter'fluent, sBz-Tr-Fl- Nt Succinct', sKs 3 -NGt Succinct'ly, sKs-NGt-L* Subter'fluous, sB*-Tr- Succincfness, 8Ks 3 -NGt- Fls Ns Sub'terfuge, sBtr-F-J 3uccin'io, sKs'-N-K Subterra'nean, eBs-Tr- 3uc'cinous, sKs 2 -Ns Nn Suc'cor, sKr s , sKrd, sKr 1 - Subterra'neous. sB-Tr- NG Ns Suc'corer, sKr-B 3 Sub'tile, sBt^-L Suc'corless, sK.i-Ls 2 Sub'tilely, sBt-i-Zi Suc'cory, sK-72* Sub'tileness, aBt'-L-Ns 3uc'cotash, sK-T*-SH Subtil'ity, sBt-L-T 3uc'culence, sK-ina* Subtiliza' tion, sBt 2 - Suc'culency, sK-Z,n*-8 Lzshn Juc'culent, sK-Lnt* Sub'tilize, sBt*-z, sBt- Succumb', sK*-M, sK- LzA. sBt'-Zz-NG Md, sK-M-NG Bub'tilty, sBt'-Ji-T Succus'sion, sKshn* SUG Such, sCH2 Suck, sK2, sKtA sR2-NG Suck'er, sKr 2 , sKrd* Suckle, sKl 2 , sKld 2 , sKl, NG Suck'ling, sKl 2 -NG Su'crose, sKrs 3 Suc'tion, sKshn 2 Sucto'rial, sK.-T2-.fll Suda'tion, sDslm* Su'datory, sDt^-K Sud'den, sDn s Sud'denly, sD 2 -Nl Sud'denness, sDu 2 -Ns Sudoriferous, xDrV-Ra Sudorific, sDrf 3 -K Sudorip'arous, sDr* P-Rs Su'dorous, 8D 3 -Rs Suds, sDz 2 Sue, S 3 , sD 3 , S 3 -NG Su'et, S 3 -T Su'ety, S3-T Suffer, sFr 2 , sFrd 2 , sFr- NG Suf ferable-y, sFr 2 -Bl Suf ferableness, sFr 2 -Bl< Ns [!Bs] Sufferance, sFr 2 -Na Sufferer, sFr 2 -R Suffering, sFr 2 -NG Suffice', sFz 1 , sFzd 1 , sFz 1 , NG Sufficiency, sFshn 3 -S Sufficient, sFshnt 3 Sufficiently, sFshnt 3 -Z Suffix, sF 2 -Ks Suffix', sF^-Ks, sF 3 -Kst, Sufflam'inate, N-T Sufflate', sFlt 2 Suffla'tion, sFlshn* Suffocate, sF 2 -K-T, sF*. K-Td, sF 2 -K-T-NG Juffoca'tion, sF 2 -Kshn 3uf focative, sF^-K-Tv Suffos'sion, sFshn 1 Suffragan, sFr 2 -Gn Suffrage, sFr 2 -J Suffu'migate, sF3-M-Gt, sF 3 -M-G-Td, sF 3 -M-Gt- NG Suffumiga'tion, sF*-M- Gshn SuflFuse', sFz 3 , sFzd*, sFzS-NG Suffu'sion, sFzhn 3 Sug^ar, SIT*-Qi, SH*-Grd, Sug'ar-barrel, SH 3 -Qr-B- Kl lug'ar-beet, 5H 3 -Gr-Bt lug'ar-candy, Sfl 3 -Gr- Kn-D ug'ar-cane, S/P-Gr-Kn ug'ar-house, SIP Gr Hs ug'ar-loaf, SP-Gr-L-F SUQ 258 SUP Sug'ar-maple, SH^-Qr Summa'tion, sMshn* Superaddi'tion, sPr* M-P1 Sum'mer, eMr 2 , eMrd' Dshn Sug'ar-plum, SB^-Gi-Pl sMr-NG Superangel'ic, sPr 2 -N-J. M Sum'mer-fallow, sMr* L-K Sug'ar-tree, SH^-Qi-lr Sug'ary, SH*-Gr F-L Sum'mer-house, sMr 2 Superan'uate, sPr'-N-T, sPri-N-Td. sPr'-N-T-NG Suggest', sJst 2 , sJ 8 -sTd Hs Superanua'tion, sPr- sJst 2 -NG Sum'mersault, sMrs-it 2 Nshn Buggest'er, sJstr* Sum'merset, sMrs-T 2 Superb', sPr 2 -B Sugges'tion, sJs* - CHn Sum'mitless, sMt-is 2 . Superb'ly. sPr^-Bl [sJn 2 ] Sum'mon, eMn* sMnd 2 , Supercareo. sPr'-Kr-G Buggest'ive, sJst 2 -V sMn 2 -NG Su'per-charge, sPr'-CHr- [8Jv2] Sum'moner, sM*-Nr J Buicid'al, Ss l -D-L Sum'mons, sMnz 2 Supercil'ious, sP^-eLa Buicid'ally, Sa 1 -'D-L Sump'ter, sMtr 2 Superciliously, sPr 8 - Su'icide, Ss 8 -D Sumpt'uary, sM-CH 2 -K sLs-L Bu'icidism, 8s s -D-zM Bu'i gen'eris, S 3 -J-Nrs Sumpt'uous, sM-CHs 2 Sumpt'uously, sil-CH 2 - Supercil'iousness, sPr 8 - Buit, sT 3 , sTd", sT 3 -NG sL Superdominant, sPri- Buit'able-y, sT 3 -Bl Sumpt'uousness, sM D-Mn-Xt Suit'ableness, sT^-Bl-Ns CHs 2 -Ns Superem'inence, sPr 2 - CBs] Sun, sN 2 , sNd 2 , sN*-NG Mn-Ns Suite. sWt 3un'-beam, sN 2 -B-M Superem'inency, sPr 2 - Suit'ed, sTd* 3un'-beat, sN 2 -Bt Mn-N-8 Suit'or, sir* 3un'-bonnet, sN 2 -B-N-T Superem'inent, sPr'-Mn- Suit'ress, sTrs 8 3un'-bright, sN 2 -Brt Nt Sul'cate, s// 2 -K-T Sun'burn, sN-B 2 -Kn, sN Superem'inently, sPr- Sul'cated, si a -K-Td B 2 -7Znd, sN-B 2 -JZn-NG Mn-Kt-L Sulk'ily, sL*-K-L Sun'-clad, sN 2 Kid Superer'ogate, sPr 2 -JZ- Sulk'iness, sL 2 -K-Ns 3un'-dart, sK 2 -D-fit Gt. sPr'-^-G-Td, sPr*-R- Bulks, s 2 -Ks Sun'day, sN-D 2 Gt-NG Sulk'y, si 2 -K, 8i 2 -Kr Sunday-school, sN-Ds 2 Supereroga'tion, sPr 2 -^- BL 2 -Kst Kl Gshn Sul'len, sin 2 Sun'der, sNdr* sN-Drd 2 Supererog'atory, sPr 1 - Sul'lenly, s 2 -Nl sNdr'-NG R-G-T-R Sul'lenness, Bn 2 -Ns Sun'-dew, sN 2 -D Supereth'ical, sPr 2 -TH- Sul'liage, si 2 -J Sun'-dial, sN 2 -D-L Kl Sul'ly, si 2 , sL 2 -D, s 2 -NG 3un'-dog, sN 2 D-G Superex'cellence, sPr 2 - Bul'phate, s 2 -Ft Sun'down, sN-Dn 2 K-sI/ns Sul'phite, si-Flt Sundries, sN-Drz* Superex'cellent, sPr 2 - Sul'phur, sL 2 Fr Sundry, sMT-Dr 2 K-sint Sul'phurate, sL 2 -F-Bt Sun'fish, sN-F 2 -Sfl' Superfeta'tion, sPr 2 -F- Sulphura'tion, sL* - F - Sunflower, sN ! F1-E Tshn aha Sulphu'reous, sL 3 -F-Rs Sung, sNG 2 Sunk, sNG 2 -K Superficial, sPr3-F-SHl Superfi'cially, sP^-F- Sulphu'reousness, sL 3 - Sunk'en, sNG 2 -Kn sm F-fis-Ns Sunless, sN-Ls 2 Superflcial'ity, sPri-F- Sul'phuret, sL*-F-Ht Sun'light, sN-it sm-T Sul'phureted, sL z -F-R- Sun'-lit, sN 2 -t Superfl'cialness, sPrS-F- Td Sun'ny, sN 2 SHl-fis Sulphu'ric, sZ. 8 -F-K-K Sunrise, sN-Kz Superfi'cies, sPr 3 -F-SHz Sulphu'ric-acid, si-F- Sun'rising, sN-5z 2 -NG Su'perflne, sPr^-Fn E-Ks-D Sunset, sNs-T 2 Superfluity, sPr^-Fl-T Sul'phurous, sL 2 -Frs Sun'setting, sNs-T 2 -NG Superfluous, sPr 2 -Fls Sul'phurous-acid, s- Sun'shine, sN-SHn 2 Superfluously, sPr 2 -Fls- Frss-D Sunshiny, sN-SH 2 -N L Sul'phurousness, &L* - lun'-stroke, sN 2 -sTr-K Super'fluousness, sPr 2 - Frs-Ns Sup, sP J , sPt 2 , sP 2 -NG Fls-Ns Sul'phury, sL--V-B lupawn', sPn 1 Superhu'man, sPr 3 - H Sul'tan, 8i 2 -Tn lu'per, sPr Mn Sulta'na,8i 2 ori-T-N lu'perable, sP^-Bl Superimpose', sPr 2 -M- Sul'taness, sZ, 2 -T-Ns iuperabound', sPr 3 Pz, sPrS-M-Pzd, sPriM- Sul'triness, n/ATr-Ns i Bnd^ Pz-NG Sul'try, sL 2 -Tr, s^s-Tr-K, uperabun'dance, sPr 8 Superincum'bent, sPr 2 - 8L 2 -Trst :Bnd 2 -Ns NiBnt Bum, 8M, slid 2 , sM 2 -NG uperabun'dant, ePr 3 Superinduce', sPrS-N-Ds Su'mao or Su'mach, '.Bnd 2 -Nt BPrS-N-Dst, sPrS-N-Ds- sM'-K uperabun'dantly, sPr^ NG Sum'marily, sM-Kl 2 IBnd'-Nt-L Superinduc'tion, sPr 1 - Sum'mary, sM-fi 2 uperadd', sPr'-D N-D-Kshn SUP Superintend', sPrn*-Tnd, sPrn^Tn-Dd, sPrn s -Tnd- NO Superintendence, sPrn z -Tnd-Ns Superintend'ency, sPrn 2 Tnd-N-S Superintendent, sPrn*- Tnd-Nt Superintend'er, sPrn 2 - Tndr Supe'rior, &P*-R R Supe'rioress, sP 3 -B-B-S Superior'ity, 8P l -R-R-T Superlative, sPr 2 -t-V Superlatively, ePr a -t- \-L Super'lativeness, sPr 2 - Lt-V-Ns [iVs] Superlu'nar, sPr 3 --Nr Superlu'nary, sPrs-Z-Hr Super'nal, sPr-Nl Superna'tant, sPr 2 -N-Tnt Supernat'ural, sPr'SNt- flli Supernat'uralism, sPr 3 '.Nt-.RH-zM Supernat'uralist, sPr 8 tNt-Blst" Supernat'urally, sPr 3 iNt-an Supernat'uralness, sPr 3 tHt-fil-Na Supernumerary, sPr 8 - N-MI--.R Superox'ide, sPr'-Ks-D Superposi'tion, sPr 8 - Pzshn Superroy'al, sPri-S-L Su'persalt, 8Pr 3 -sLt Supersat'urate, sPrs 1 - CH-Rt, sPrs'-CH-fl-Td, Superscribe', sPr'-sK-B, sPr'-sK-Bd, sPri-sK-B- NG. See note under Prescribe. Superscription, sPr 8 - sK-Pshn Supersec'ular, 8Pr*-sK- Lr Supersede', sPrs-D, sPrs 8 -Dd, sPrsS-D-NO- Superse'deas, sPrs 3 -Ds Supersed'ure, sPr'-sJr Supersti'tion, sPn 8 - Tshn Supersti'tious, sPrs-T- SHs Supersti'tiously, sPrs 8 - T-SHs-i Supersti'tiousness, Superstra'ta, sPr s or'- sTr-T Superstra'tum, sPr z or'- sTrt-M Superstruct', sPr'-sTr-Kt Superstruc'tion, sPr s - sTr-Kshn 269 Superstruo'tive, sPr*- sTr-Kt-V Superstruc'ture, sPr z - eTr-Ktr Supersubstan'tial, [sPrs l -Bs-Tn] Supervene', sPrS-Vn, sPr'-Vnd, 8Pr-Vn-N& Superven'ient, sPr^Vn- Nt Superven'tion, sPr a -V- Nshn Supervis'al, sPrl-Vz-L Supervise', sPri-Vz, sPr 1 - Vzd, sPri-Vz-NQ- Supervision, ePr 8 -Vzhn Supervis'or, ePr'-Vz-B Supervi'sory, sPr^Vz-/? Supervive', sPri-V-V Supina'tion, sP'-Nshn Su'pine, sPn 8 Supine', sPn 1 Supine'ly, Supine'ness, sPr^-Ns Sup'per, ePr 2 Sup'perless, sPr 2 -s Sup'ping, sP 2 -NG Supplanf , sPlnt 1 , sPln 1 - Td, sPlnti-NG Supplanta'tion, sPln 2 - Tshn Supplanf er, sPlntr 1 Sup'ple, sPl, 8Pld, sP12- Nd Sup'plement, sPl-Mnt, sPl'-Mn-Td, sPlZ-Mnt-NG Supplement/ al-ly, sPl 2 - Mnt-L [iMnt] Supplementary, sPl 8 - Mnt-H Sup'pleness, sP! 2 -Ns Sup'pletive, sP! 2 -Tv Sup'pletory, sPl'-T-JZ Sup'pliant, sPlnt* Sup'pliantly, sPlnt^-L Sup'plicant, sPl'-Knt Sup'plicat, sP! 2 -Kt Sup'plicate, sPl'-Kt, sPl 2 - K-Td; sP! 2 -Kt-NG Supplica'tion, 8Pl 2 -Kshn Sup'plicatory, sPl'-K- T-R Suppli'er, sPl^B Supplies', sPlz 1 Supply', sPU, sPldt, sPl 1 - NG Support', sP--Rt, BP*-R- Td, sP"-.Rt-NG Support'able, sP'-Bt-Bl Support'ableness, sP- fit-Bl-Ns [iBs] Support'er, sP 2 -Rtr Suppos'able, sPz 2 -Bl Suppos'al, sPz^L Suppose', sPz 2 , sPz 2 -D, Suppos'er, sP 2 -Zr Supposi'tion, sPzAn Supposi'tional, L SUR Suppositi'tious, sPz 3 -T- SHa Suppositi'tiously, sPz 8 - TSHs-L Suppositi'tiousness, Suppos'itive, sPzi-Tv Suppos'itively, sPz 1 -!- VI Suppress', sPrs 2 , sPrst 2 , sPrs--NG Suppres'sion, sPrslm 2 Suppress'ive, Hl J rs--V Suppress'or, KPr-'-sB Sup'purate, sf-Rt, sP 2 - Suppura'tion, sP 2 -Kshn Sup'purative, sP 2 -/?t-V Supralapsa'rian, sPr 2 -- P-sfln Supramun'dane, sPr2- Mn-Dn Supranat'uralism, sPr 3 iNt-Kn-zM Suprem'acy, sPr 2 -M-S Supreme', sPr3-M Supreme'ly, sPr 3 -M-X, Su'ral, s/e 3 L Sur'base, s/J 2 -Bs Surbase'ment, sTJ 2 - B - sMiit Surcease', sK 3 -Ss Surceased', s 3 -Sst Surcharge', sl^-CHr-J, sR'-CHr-J-D, sR'-CHr-J- NG Surchar'ger, sKJ-CHr-Jr Sur'cingle, sRs 2 -NG-Gl Sur'cle, sR2-Kl Sur'coat, sR2-Kt Surd, sRd 2 Sure, SHr 3 , SHr3-R. SHrst 8 Sure'-footed, SHrS-F-Td Sure'ly, SHr 3 -L Sure'ness, SHr 3 -Ns Sure'tiship, SHr 3 -TiSH Sure'ty, SHr 3 -T Suretyship, SHr 3 -TiSH Surf, sRP Surface, sR^-Fs Surf -boat, sK 2 -F-Bt Sur'feit, sfia.Ft.s Sur'feiter, sR 2 -Ftr Surge, 8 2 -J, KR--JA, s J-NG Surge'less, sR^-3-Ls Sur'geon, sK 2 -Jn Sur'geoncy, sfl-'-Jn-S Sur'gery, &R--J-R Sur'gical, sfl 2 - J-K1 Sur'gy, sH 2 J Sur'lily, sRt-L-L Sur'liness, sR 2 -i-Ns Sur'loin, sR 2 -Ln Sur'ly, sR 2 -Z, sB 2 -ist Surmise', sB^-Mz, sB 1 - Mzd, BRi-Mz-NG Surmis'er, sR^Mz-B SUR Surmount', Mn-Td, sRi-Mnt-NG Burmount'able, sB'- Mnt B(-L) Surmount'er, sB'-Mntr Surmul'let, sB 2 -M-/,t Sur'name, sRn 2 -M, Md, sRn*-M-NG Surpass', sW-Pa, sfi'-Pst, sRi-Ps-NG Surpass'able, sR Surpassing, sR^ Sur'plice, sR 2 -Pls Sur'plice-fees, sR*-Pls- Fz Sur'plus, sRZ-Pls Sur'plusage, sRS-Pls- J Surpris'al, 6.R 1 - Prz - L [sPrzi-L] Surprise, sR'-Prz, sR Prz - D, gRi - Prz - NO [BPrzi, sPrzdi, sPrzi-NG] Surpris'er, [sPri-zBj Surpris'ing, [sPrz>-NG] Surpris'ingly, sfii-Prz NG1 [sPrz>-KGl] Surrebut', sR^R-Bt Surrebut'ter, sR*-R-Btr Surrejoin', sR'-.R-Jn Surrejoin'der, sfl 1 - R - Jndr Surren'der, sRndr 8 , . Surrenderee', sRnA 3 -R Surren'deror, sTJndr'-R Surren'dry, Surrep'tion, Surrepti'tious, eR*-?t- SHs Surreptitiously, sfi 3 -Pt- SHs-Z, Surrepti'tiousness, Pt-SHs-Ns Sur'rogate, sB 2 -Gt Surround', s-Rnd 1 , e Dd. sRnd'-NG Surround'ings, NGz Sursol'id, sBsi-JS-D Surtout', sR3-Tt Surveil'lance, sR*-V-Lns Surveil'lant, sR 2 -V-int Survey', B.R2-V, sR-Vd, sK^-V-NG Sur'vey, sR2-V Surveyal, eR* V-L Survey'ing, SR2-V-NG Surveyor, sR^-V-B Survey'orship, sR 2 -V-B :SH Survival, sRi-V-Vl Surviv'ance, sRi-V-Vns Survive', sR l -V- V, sRi-V- Vd. sRi-V-V-NG Survivor, sRi-V-Vr Burviv'orsllip, sB'-V-Vr iSH 260 Susceptibility, T Suscep'tible-y, ssPt*-Bl Suscep'tibleness, ssPt 2 - Bl-Ns [IBs] Suscep'tive, ssPtz-V Susceptiv'ity, ssPt-V-T Suscip'iency, ssPn'-s Suscip'ient, ssPnt 3 Sus'citate, Ss^Tt Suspect', ssPZ-Kt, ssPS-K Td, ssP2-Kt-NG Suspect'able, ssP-Kt-Bl Suspect'edly, ssP 2 -K-Td- Zr Suspect'edness, ssP-K- Td-Ns Suspect'er, ssP*-Ktr Suspect'ful, ssP z -Kt-Fl Suspend', ssPnd 8 , ssPn*- Dd, ssPnd*-NG Suspend'er, ssPndr* Suspend'ers, ssPndrz* Suspense', ssPns 8 Suspensibil'ity. ssPns' B-L-T(-Lt) Suspens'ible, BsPns 2 -B (-L) Suspen'sion, ssP s -Nslin [ssPn 2 ] Suspen'sive, ssPns-V Suspen'sory, [ssP 2 -s.R] Suspicion, Suspi'cious, ssP 3 -SHs Suspi'ciously, ssP s -SHs- L Suspi'ciousness, ssP'- SHs-Ns Suspi'ral, ssP'-Rl Suspira'tion, ssP 2 -Rshn Suspire', ssPi-B Sustain', ssTn*, ssTnd 2 , ssTn 2 -NG Sustain'able, ssTn*-B(-L) Sustain'er, ssT*-Nr Sustain'ment, ssT' - N - Mnt Sus'tenance, ssTn*-Ns Sustenta'tion, ssTn 2 - Tshn Susurra'tion, Ss s -Rshn Sutler, sT 2 --B Sut'ling, sT 2 -i-NG Suttee', sT Suttee'ism, sT'-zM Sut'tle, 8Tl Sut'ural-ly, sCH'-Rl 8uf ure, sCHr Su'zeram, Sz^-Rn Suzerainty, 8z 3 -R-N-T Swab, sW'-B, sWi Bd, sWi-B-NG Swab'ber, sW'-Br Swad'dle, eW-L, sWd'- LA, sWd' ^-NG Swad'dling-band, sWd'- i-NG-Bnd Swad'dling-cloth, sWd 1 SWE Swag, sWi-G, sW'-Gd, sW'-G-NG Swage, 6\V*-J, sW 2 -Jd, sW 2 -J-NG Swage'-block, sWM-Bl- K Swag'ger, W^Gr, sWi- Grd, sW>-Gr-NG Swag'gerer, sW'-Gr-fi Swag'gy, aWJ-G Swain, sWn* Swale, sW 2 -L Swal'low, sW'- sWi-/,-NG Swal'low-tailed, T-Ld Swam, sW^-M Swamp, sWi-M-P Mt. sW'-M-P NG Swam'py, sW^M- Swan, sWn 1 Swan'pan, sWn'-Pn Swawn's'-down, Dn Swan'-skin, sW-Ns-Kn Swap, sWi-P, sWi-Pt, sW-P-NG Sward, sWrdi, sWr^Dd, sWrd'-NG Sward'y, sWr'-D Swarm, sW^-M, sWr 1 - Md. sWr'-M-NG Swart, sWrt> Swarth, sWr>-TH Swarth'ily, sWr'-THl Swarth'iness, sWr>-TH- Ns Swarth'y, s\Vr'-TH Swash, sWi-SH, sWi-5fll, sWJ-SH-NG Swath, sW-TH Swathe, sW-DH, sW- DHd, sW^-DH-NG Sway, sW 2 , sWd 2 , sW 2 -NG Sweal, sW3-i, sW-id, Swear, sWr 1 , sWri-NG [sBi, sB'-NG] Swear'er, sWr^B [sB 1 - B] Sweat, sWt sWs-Td, sWt s -NG Sweat'er, sWtr 2 Sweat'iness, sW-T-N8 Sweat'y, sW 2 -T, sWt*-B, sW 2 -Tst Swede, sWd 3 Swedenbor'gian, sWd 1 - N-Br-Jn Swedenbor'gianism, sWdi-N-Br-J-zM Swedge. See Swage. Swed'ish, eW&-SH Sweep, sW3-p, sWa.p-NG Sweep'er, sW3-Pr Sweep'ingly, sW-P-NGl Sweep'ings, swa.p-NGz Sweep'stakes, sW 3 - Ps- T-Ks Sweep'y, sW 3 -P SWE Sweet, sWt 3 , sWtr 8 , sWt- st Sweef -bread, sWt 3 -Brd Sweet'-brier, sWt 3 -Br-R Sweet'-corn, sWt 8 -E.rn Sweefen, sWt 8 -N, sWt>- Nd, sWts-N-NG Bweet'ener, sWt 3 -Nr Sweet'-fern, sWt s -Frn Bweet'-ftag, sWt 8 -Fl-G Sweet'heart, sWt 3 -Hrt Sweet'ing, sWt 3 -NG Sweet'ish, sWt 3 -SJ2 Sweet'ly, B"Wt 3 -Z Sweef meat, sWt 3 -Mt Bweef ness, sWi'-Ns Sweet'-oil, sWt s -Z Sweet'-potato, sWt s -Pt-T Sweet'-william, sWt 3 - Wl-M SweU, sW-Z, sW-id, 8W*-Z-NG Bwell'ing, sW 2 -Z-NG Swell'-mob, 8W2-Z-M-B Swel'ter, sW-'-Ztr, sW2-Z- Trd, sW2-Ztr-NG Swept, sW-Pt Swerve, flvd, sW.Rv(') Swift, sW 3 -F-T, sW-Ftr, sW-F-Tst [sFt 3 , sFtr 8 , sF 3 -Tst] Swiftly, sW s -F-T-Z [SFt s -Z] Swift'ness, sW 8 -F-T-Ns [sFta-Ns] Swig, 8W3-G, Swig'ger, sW-Gr Swill, sWS-/,, sW 3 -Z,d, Swill'er, sW 3 -Z-R Swim, sW-M, sW 3 -M-NQ Swim'mer, sW 8 -M-B Swim'ming, sW 3 -M-NG Swim'mingly, sW 3 - M - NG1 Swin'dle, sWnd s - ~L, sWnda-Ld, sWnd s -L-NG Swin'dler, sWnd 3 -L-E Swine, sWn 1 Swine'-pox, sWn 1 -P-Ks Swing, sW-NG, sW 8 -NG- NG Swing'-bridge, sW-NG- Br-J Swinge, sWn s -J Swinge'ing, sWn 8 - J-NG Swin'gel, sWn-J-L Swing'er, sW J -NGr Swin'gle, sW 3 -NG-Gl, BW 3 -NG-Gld, sW-NG-Gl. NG [sW 3 -NGl, etc.] Swin'gle-tree, sWs-NGl- Tr Swin'gling-knife, sW 8 - NG1-NG-N-F Swin'gling-tow, sW 8 - NG1-NG-T 261 Swing'-tree, sW-NG-T. Swin'ish, 8Wn-8H Swin'ishly, sWn>-SH-Z Swipe, sWJ-P Swip'le, sW 3 -Pl Swirl, sW2-l Swiss, sWs 3 Switch, sW 8 -CH, sW-CHt, 8W3-CH-NG Switch'-man, sW 3 -CH- Mn Switch'-tender, sW 3 -CH STndr* Swiv'el, sW 3 - VI, sW 3 Vld, sW 3 -Vl-NG Swob, sW^B. See Swab. Swollen or Swoln, sW- Zn Swoon, sWn 3 , s\Vnd 3 , sWn 3 -NG Swoop, sW 3 -P, sW 3 -Pt, sW 3 -P-NG Swop, sW l -P Sword, sKd2 Sword'-belt, sRd z -B-Lt Sword'-blade, sBd^-Bld Sword'-cane, sKd 2 -Kn Sword'ed, s z -Dd Sword'-fish, &Rdfl-^-SH Sword'-knot, sRd 2 -Nt Sword'-player, sRd-Pl- R Swords'man, sRdz3-Mn Swore, sWr [ S RJ] Sworn, sWrn* [sRn z ] Swound, sWnd 1 Swum, sW2-M Swung, 8W2-NG Syb'arite, sB 3 -A;t Sybarit'ic, sB 3 -fit-K Sybarit/ical, sB 3 -Bt-Kl Syc'amine, sK^Mn Syc'amore, sK 8 -Mr Sycee', sS 3 Sycee'-silver, sSs 8 -Z-Vr Syc'ophancy, sK-Fn 8 -8 Syc'ophant, sK-Fnt 8 Sycophant'ic, sK-Fnt'-K Sycophant'ical, sK-Fnti- Kl Syc'ophantize, sK-Fnt 8 - z Syc'ophantry, sK-Fnt 3 -/2 Syenite, S^Nt Syenit'ic, S 3 -Nt-K Syllab'ic, sZ-B-K Syllab'ical-ly, sZi-B-Kl Syllabicate, sZ^B-Kt, sZ-B-K-Td, sZi-B-Kt-NG Sy llabica'tion, sZ* B - Eshn Syllabiflca'tion, sZ-Bf- Kshn Syllab'ify, sZ>-B-F. sZ'- B-Fd, sZi-B-F NG Syllable, sZ 8 -Bl Syl'labub, sZS-B-B Syl'labus, eZ 3 -Bs Syllep'sis, s^s-Pss Syllep'tic, sZ'-Pt-K. SYN Syllep'tical, sZ 3 -Pt-Kl Syl'logism, sL 3 -J-zM Syllogis'tic, sL^-J-sT-K Syllogis'tical-ly, sZ J -J. sT-Kl Syllogize, sL 3 -Jz, sZS- Jzd, sZ3-Jz-NG Sylph, sZ 3 -F Sylph'id, sZ 3 -Fd Syl'va, sZ 8 -V Syl'van, sZ 3 -Vn Sym'bol, sM-Bl 3 Symbol'ic, sM-Bl'-K Symbol'ical-ly, siI-Bl- Kl Symbolics, sM-Bli-Ks Sym'bolism, sM-lil 3 -zM Symboliza'tion, sJI. BlzsAra* Sym'bolize, sM-Elz'. all. Blzd 3 , sM-Blz3.N(T Symbol'ogy, sM-Bl'-J Symmet'rical-ly, siltr 2 Kl Sym'metrize, sM-Trz 3 , sM-Trzd 3 , sM-Trz-NG Sym'metry, sM-Tr 8 Sympathetic, sM-ps, TH-T-K [sM-TH 2 -T-K] Sympathet'ical-ly, sM- P*-THt-Kl [sM-THt= Ki] Sym'pathize, sil-P 3 - THz, sM-pa-THzd, sM- ps-THz-NG [sM-THz 8 sM-THzd 3 . sM-THzS-NG] Sym'pathy, sM-P 3 -T5 [sM-TH 3 ] Sympho'nious, sM-F*. Ns Sym'phony, sM-F 3 -K Sym'physis, sM-Fss 3 Sympiesom'eter, sMtr Sympo'siac, sM-P^-zK Sympo'sium, sM-P*-zM Symp'tom, sMt 3 -M Symptomatic, sMt 1 - Mt-K Symptomatlcal-ly, 8Mt>-Mt-Kl Synser'esis, sN-Rss a Synagoglcal, sN-G-Ji-Kl Syn'agogue, sN 3 -G-G Synale'pha, sN-Z 3 -F Syn'archy, sN*-R-K Synarthro'sis, sN R a - THrss Syn'chronal, sNG 3 -Kr-Nl Synchronlcal, sN'-Kr- N-K1 Syn'chronism, sNG 3 -Kr- Nz-M Syn'chronize, sNG 3 -Kr- Nz, sNG 8 -Kr-Nzd, sNG 8 - Kr-Nz-NG Synchronous, sNG-Kr- Ns Syn'copate, sXG-K-Pt 3 , sNG-K-P a -Td, Pt(-) 8 SYN 262 TAI Bynoopa'tion, sNG-K- Ta'ble-d'hote (ta'bl-dotl Pshn ! T'-Bl-Dt Syn'cope, sNG-K-ps Ta'ble-land, T 2 -Bl-Znd Byn'copize, sNG-K-Pz Syn'cretism, sXG-Kr-T3- . Ta'ble-spoon, T^-Bls-Pn Ta'ble-spoonful, T--Bla. zM Pn-F-L Syn'dic, sN-D3-K Ta'ble-spoonfuls, T*- Byn'dicate, 'sN - D - Kt ,T, the twentieth letter of Bls-Pn-F-Lz (sNd'-Kt) the Alphabet, has the sound Tab'let, T'-Blt Byn'drome, sN-Di-a-M of T in tie, toy. ma<, etc. Ta'ble-talk, T'-Bl-T-K Synec'doche, sN-K-D 2 -K Tt usually has the sound Ta'ble-tipping, T*-B1-T- Synecdoch'ical-ly, sN- of single t, as in matted, P-NG K-D 1 K-K1 peiied, etc. Ta'ble-turning, T^-Bl-T- Syn'od, sN-D Th is a digraph that is Jfta-NG Syn'odal, sN-DS-L employed in the ordinary Ta'bling, T 2 -B1-NG Synod'ic, sN-Di-K orthography to represent Taboo', T3-B, T 3 -Bd, T- Synod'ical-ly, sN-D^Ki the two simple consonant B-NG Byn'onym, sNn 3 -M sounds heard at the begin- Ta'bor, T Br Synonym'ic, sNn 3 -M-K ning of the words thigh Tab'oret, T'-B-tft Synon'ymist, sNn'-Mst and thy. The difference Tab'orine, T'-B-Kn Synon'ymize, sNn^Mz, between these two sounds Tab'ouret, T l -B-^t sNn'-Mzd, sNn^Mz-NG of th is exactly the same Tab'ret, Ti-Brt Synon'ymous, sNnJ-Ms as the difference between Tab'ular, T ] -B-i-R Synon'ymously, sNn- the sounds of/ and v, of * Tab'ulate, Ti-B-/,t, Ti-B- Us-Li and z, etc. In Anglo-saxon i-Td, Ti-B-it-NG Synon'ymy, sNnJ-M each of these sounds had a Tac'amahac, T'-K-M-H- Synop'sis, sN-Pss 1 letter of its own. K Synop'tic, sN-Pt l -K Ti, following an accented Tacarnahac'a, T>-K-M- Synop'tical-ly, sN-Pti- syllable not ending with H-K El an s-sound, generally has Tachom'eter, T^K-Mtr Syno'via, sN-V* the sound of SH, as in sta- Tachygraph'ic, T 1 - K - Byno'vial, sN-V^-L tion, patient, etc. But if Grf-K Syntac'tic, sNt-K-TVK an *-sound precedes the ti. Tachyg'raphy, T 3 - K - Syntactical, sNt'-Kt-Kl the two letters take the Gr-F Syn'tax, sNt^-Ks sound of ch, as in question. Tac'it, Ts'-T Syn'thesis, sN-THss 8 T is silent in the termina- Tac'itly, Ts'-T-i Synthet'ic, sN-TB>T-K tion ten and tie after* and Tac'iturn, T'-sTrn Synthet'ical-ly, sX-THt" /, as in fasten, hasten, Taciturn'ity, T 2 -sTr-N-T -Kl castle, often, soften, etc. II Tack, Ti-K, Ti-Kt, T-K. Syph'ilis, sF'-Ls is also silent in chestnut. NG Syphilif ic, sF^-i-T-K Christmas, mortgage, etc. Tack'le, TJ-K1, T'-Kld, Sy'phon, sFni Tab, T'-B Ti-Kl-NG Sy'ren, sBn' Tab'ard, T>-Brd Tack'lmg, T'-Kl-NG Syr'iac, sK-K Tab'arder, Ti-Brd-R Tact, T^Kt Syr'ian, sRn* Tabasheei", T3.B-SHr Tac'tic, T-K-T-K Syrin'ga, s3.NG-G Tab'by, T>-B, Ti-Bd, Ti- Tac'tical-ly, T>-Kt-Kl Syr'inge, sRns.j. S Rn-Jd, B-NG Tacti'cian, T 3 -K-Tshn sRn^-NG Tabefac'tion, Ti-Bf-Kshn Tac'tics, T'-K-T-Ks Syingot'omy, sfin'-Gt-M Tab'efy, Ti-B-F, H-B-Fd. Tac'tile, T'-Kt-L Syr'tis, sK-'-Ts Ti-B-F-NG Tactil'ity, TS-Kt-L-T Syr'up, sIP-P TaVernacle, Ti-Br-N-Kl, Tac'tion, T'-Kshn Sys'tem, ssT-M [ssT] TI Br-N-Kld, T-Br-N- Tact'less, Ti-Kt-Ls Bystemaf ic, ssTi-Mt-K Kl-NG Tact'ual, Ti-Kt-L Systemat'ical-ly, ssT'- Tabernac'ular, T^Br-N- Tad'pole, T'-D-Pl Mt-Kl Kl-R Tse'dium, T-D-5I (Td-M) Sys'tematist, ssT^-M-Tst Ta'bes, T-Bz. Ta'en, Tn Sys'tematize, ssT^-M-Tz. Tab'id, T>-Bd Taf'ferel, T'-Fr-L ssT 3 -M-Tzd, ssT^-M-Tz- Tab'idly, Ti-Bd- Taffeta, Tfi-T NG r-Mtz-NG) Tab'idness, T'-Bd-Ns Taf fety, Tf i-T Sys'tematizer, ssTS-M-T- Tab'lature, Ti-Bltr TaflPrail, Tf -S-L zB Ta'ble, T 2 -B1, T 2 -Bld, T s - Taffy, Ti-F Systemiza'tion, ssT*- Bl-NG Tag. T'-G, T'-Gd, Tl-G-NG. Mzs/m Tableau', T Z -B1 Tagl'ia, Ti-L Sys'temize, ssT^ - Mz, Tableaux', T*-Bls Tag'-rag, Ti-G-S-G ssT3-Mzd, ssT'-Mz-NG Ta'ble-beer, T 2 -Bl-Br Tail, T 2 -L Sys'temizer, ssT^-Mz-B Ta'ble-book, T-B1-B-K Tail'age, T 2 -L-J Sys'tole, Ss*-T-L Ta'bled, T^-Bld Tail'less, T^-L-Ls Systol'ic, Ss'-T-i-K Ta'ble-cloth, T3-B1-K1- Tai'lor, T=--R, Ta-i-Sd, Bys'tyle, SgS-T-L TH T s -i-R-NG Byz'ygy, SzM Ta'ble-cover, T-Bl-Kv-B Tai'loress, T*-L-Ra TAI Tail'-piece, l^L-fa Tail'-race, 1*-L-Ra Taint, Tnt, Tn*-Td, Tnt*- NG Taint'er, Tntr* Tainf less, Tnt'-Ls Taint'ure, T-N-CHr (or Tntr) Take, T K, Ta-K-NG Tak'en, T^-Kn Take'-off, T^-Kf Tak'er, T-Kr Tak'ing, T^-K-NO Tak'ingness, T-K-NG-Ns Tal'bot, Ti-i-Bt Tal'botype, Talc, T'-L-K Talck'y, Ti- Talcose', Talc'ous, Ti-L-Ks Tale, T 2 -L Tale'-bearer, T 2 -L-B-Rr Tale'-bearing, 1*-L-B-R- NG Tale'ful, T2-L-F1 Tal'ent, T'-Lnt Tal'ented, Ti-Z,-N-Td Ta'les, T2-Lz Tales'man, T 2 -z-Mn Tale'teller, T 2 -Z,-T-i-E Tal'isman, T^Z-z-Mn Talisman'ic, T-iz-M- N-K Talisman'ical, l^-Z/z-M- N-K1 Talk, Ti-K, Ti-Kt, T'-K- NG Talk'ative, T'-K-Tv Talk'ativeness, T-K-Tv- Ns [Ti-KtiVs] Talk'er, T"-Kr Tall, Ti-L. T'-Z,-B, Ti-Z,st Tal'lage, T>-^-J Tal'liage, T l -i-J Tall'ness, Ti-i- Tal'low, T 1 -^, Ti-LA, T>- t-NG Tal'low-chandler, Ti-i- CH-N-D L-E Tal'low-faced, Ti-L-Fst Tal'lowish, Ti-L-SH Tal'lowy, T'-Z/ Tal'ly, Ti-L, T l -i-D (-id), T'-L-NG Tal'lyho, T'-i-H Tallyman, T---Mn Tal'ly-shop, Ti-i-SH-P Tal'ma, T'-L-M Tal'mud, Ti-L-Md Talmud'ic, T-L-Md-K Talmud'ical, T2-i-Md-Kl Tal'mudist, Ti-i-M-Dst Talmudist'ic, T a -i-M- Dst-K Tal'on, Ti-Zn Ta'lus, T2-ia Tam'able, T-M-B1 Tam'ableness, T 2 -M-B1- Ns [IBs] Tam'arack, T'-M-B-K 263 Tam'arind, Ti- Tam'arisk, T>-M-fl8-K Tam'bac, T'-M-B-K Tam'bour, T'-M-Br Tambourine', T'-M-Brn Tame, (a.) T-M, T^-M-B, T*-Mst Tame, (.) T-M, T-Md, T 2 -M-NG Tame'ly, T^-M-i Tame'ness, T^-M-Ns Tam'er, T z M-R Tam'is, Ti-Ms Tam'my. Ti-M Tamp, Ti M-P Tam'per, T> M-Pr. T"-M- Prd, T-M-Pr-NG Tam'pion, T'-M-Pn Tan, Tni, Tnd', Tni-NG Tan'dem, Tni-D-M Tang, T-NG Tan'gency, Tn>-J-N-8 Tan'gent, Tn'-Jnt Tangen'tial, Tn 2 -J-N-SHl Tangen'tially, Tn-J-N- SHl Tangibil'ity, Tn3-J-Blt Tan'gible-y, Tni-J-Bl Tan'gibleness, Tn^J-Bl- Na [:Bs] Tan'gle, H-NG-Gl, T'- NG-Gld, T'-NG-Gl-NG [T>-NG1, etc.] Tan'gram, Ti-N-Gr-M Tank, T-NG-K Tank'ard, T'-NG-Krd Tan'ner, T>-Nr Tan'ery, T'-Nr Tan'nic, Ti-N-K Tan'nin, T>-Nn Tan'sy, T-N-Z Tan'talism, Tn'-T-z-M Tantaliza'tion, Tn-T- Lzshn Tan'talize, Tni-T-Zz Tan'talizer, Tn J -T-Xz.B Tan'tamount, Tni-T-Mnt Tantiv'y or Tan'tivy, Tnt3ori-V Tan'trum, T'-N-Tr-M Tan'-yard, Tni-Yd Tap, Ti-P, T'-Pt, T-P-NG Tape, T2-P Ta'per, T-Pr, T-Prd, T Pr-NG Ta'perness, T^-Pr-Ns Tap'estry, Ti-P-sTr Tape'-worm, T^-P-Wr-M Tap'-house, T>-P-Hs Tapio'ca, T-P-K Ta'pir, T'-Pr Ta'pis, T'-Ps Tapis', T*-P Tap'pet, T>-Pt Tap'-root, T ] -P-fit Tap'ster, T'-Pstr Tar, T'-R. T-Bd, Taranf ula, T l -Rnt-i Tar'dily, T^-R-D-L Tar'diness, TAT Tar'dy, T'-JB-D, Ti-R-Dr, T-K-Dst Tare, T'-R Tar'get, Tri-Gt Targeteer', Tar'gum, Tr'-G-M Tar'iff, T'-f ffar'latan, Tr'-L-Tn Tarn, T' .Rn Tar'nish, T'-TJn SH. T 1 - Kn-SHt, Ti-n-SH-NG Tarpau'lin, T^-R-P-Ln Tar'ragon, T l -R-Gu Tar'ras, T'-Ks Tar'riance, T ! -Rns Tar'ry, T'-R, Ti-R-D, T"- R-NG Tar'ry (tar'ry), T J -R Tar'sus, T l -Rsa Tart, T'-Rt Tar'tan, T'-R Tn Tar'tar, T'-Rtr Tarta'rean, T"-R-T-Rn Tarta'reous, T 2 -R-T-Rs Tartar'ic, T'-R-T-R-K (Trt'-R-K) Tartar'ic-acid, Trti-R- Ks-D Tartariza'tion, T=-R-T- Rzshn (Trt^-R/sftra) Tar'tarize, Ti-R-T-Rz, T'-R-T-Rzd, T'-R-T-Rz- NG(Trti-Rz,etc.) Tar'tarous, T'-R T-Rs Tart'ish, T'-Rt-SH Tar'tarus, Ti-R T-Rs Tart'ly, T'-Rt-L Tart'ness, T'-Rt-Na Tar'trate, T'-R-Trt Tartuffe', T 3 -R-Tf Tar'-water, T'-R-Wtr Task, T'-sK, Ti-sKt, T>- sK-NG Task'er, T'-sKr Task'-master, T 1 - sK - Mstr Tas'sel, Tsi-L, Tsi-Ld, Ts'-L-NG Tas'ses, Tss 1 Tast'able, TsVT-Bl Taste, Tst 2 , Ts 2 -Td. Tsts- NG. These outlines should never be vocalized by the reporter, while the outlines for Test, etc., should always have the vowel e inserted. Taste' ful-ly, Ts"-Fl Taste'fulness, Ts^-Fl-Ns Taste'-less, Ttf-T-La Taste'lessness, Ts a -T-is- Ns [Tst'i^s] Tast'er, Tstr^. See Tester. Tast'ily, Ts2-T- Tast'y, TsS-T, Ts^-T-B, Ts2-Tst Tat'ter, Ttri Tatterdemal'ion, T 1 - Trd-M-n Tat'ting, T-T-NG (Tt(-)1 TAT 9, T1-T1, TI-NG Tat'tler, T'-Tl-B Tattoo', T-T, T 3 -T-D, T'-T-NG Taught, Tt Taunt, Tnti, Tn'-Td, Tnti-NG Taunt'er, Tntr 1 Taunt'ingly, Tnt'-NG-L Tau'rifonn, T^fl-F-B-M Tau'rine, T'-fin Tau'rus, T l -Rs Taut, Tti Tautog', T'-T-G Tautolog'ic, W-L-J-K Tautolog'ical, Tti-,-j-Kl Tautol'ogist, Tt'-L-Jst Tautol'ogize, Tti--Jz, Tti-L-Jzd, Tti-i-Jz-NG Tautology, W-L-J Tautophon'ical, T'-Tf- N-K1 Tautoph'ony, T'-Tf-N Tavern, TV-fin Taverner, Tv'-Rn-R Tavern-keeper, Tv>-JZn- K-Pr Tav'erning, Tvi-fin-NG Taw, T 1 , Ti-D, Ti-NG Tawdrily, T^-Di-L Taw'driness, Ti-Dr-Ns Tawdry, Ti-Dr, T-Dr-B, Ti-Drst Tawer, TJ-B Tawny, T'-N, T'-N-B, T'-Nst Tax, Ti-Ks, Ti-Kst, T-Ks- NG Tax'able-y, T'-Ks-Bl Taxa'tion, T*-E.sshn Tax'er, T^K-sB Taxider'mic, T^K-sDr- M-K Tax'idermist, Ti-K-sDr- Mst Tax'idermy, Ti-K-sDr-M Taxon'omy, Ti-Ks-N-M Tea, T 3 Tea'-board, T 3 -Brd Tea'-caddy, T3-K-D Tea'-cake, T 3 -K-K Tea'-canister, T 3 -Knstr Teach, T 3 CH, T-CH-NG Teach'ab.le, T 3 -CH-B1 Teach'ableness, T 3 -CH- Bl-Ns [IBs] Teach'er, T 3 CHr Tea'-chest, T-CHpt Teach'ing, T 3 -CH-NG Tea'-cup, T 3 -K-P Teague, T 3 -G Teak, T 3 -K Tea' -kettle, T 3 -K-T1 Teal, T-L Team. T 3 -M Team'ing, T^M-NG Team'ster, T 3 -Mstr Tea'-pot, T 3 -Pt Tear, TS-B 264 Tear, Ti-B. Tear'er, H-Br Tear'ful-ly, T-B-F1 Tear'less, T 3 -B-Z,s Tease, Tz 3 , Tzd 3 , Tz*-NG Teasel, Tz-L, Tz-Ld, Tz'-LNG Teas'er, T3-zR Tea'-spoon, T 3 -sPn Teat, Tt Tea'-table, T3-T-B1 Tea'-urn, T 3 -Rn Tech'ily, T 2 -CH-i Tech'iness, T^-CH-Ks Tech'nic, TS-K-N-K Tech'nical-ly, TS-K-N- Kl Technical'ity, T>-K-N- K1T Tech'nicalness, T^-K-N- Kl-Ns Tech'nics, T^K-N-Ks Technolog'ic, J-K Cechnolog'ical, Ti-K-Nl- J-K1 Technol'ogist, T^K-Nl- Jst Technology, T^K-Nl-J Tech'y, T*-CH Tecton'ic, Ti-Kt-N-K Ted, T2-D, T-Dd, T2-D- NG Ted'der, T-Dr Te De'um, T^-D-M 'Td 1 - M) Te'dious, T'-Ds Te'diously, T^-D-si Te'diousness, T 3 -Ds-Ns Te'dium, T-D-M (Td 3 -M) Teem, T 3 -M, T 3 -Md, T 3 - M-NG Teem'er, T J -M-B Teem'ful, T 3 -M-F1 Teem'less, T 3 -M-Zs Teens, Tnz 3 Teeth, T 3 -TH Teeth, T 3 -DH, T-DHd, T 3 -DH-NG Teeto'tal. Tt-Tl Teeto'taler, Tt^-Tl-B Teeto'talism, Tt 2 -Tl-zM Teeto'tum, T S -T-T-M (T 2 ITt-M) Teg'ular, T^-Gl-B Teg'ument, T^-G-Mnt Tegument'ary, T*-G- Mnt-B Tehee', T-H, T 3 -Hd, T 3 - H-NG Teil, T 3 -L Teil'-tree, T'-i-Tr Tel'ary, f s -L-R Tel'egram, Tls-Gr-M Tel'egraph, Tl Gr^ Tl- Grft. Tl'-Grf-NG Tel'egrapher, Tl*-Gr-Fr Telegraph'ic, TU-Grf-K Telegraph'ical-ly, Tl 1 - Gr-F-Kl TEM Teleg'raphist or Tel- egraphist, Tl 2 -Gr-Fst Teleg'raphy, Tl'-Gr-F Teleol'ogy, T'-i-i-j Telephon'ic, Ti-^-Fn-K Tel'escope, Tl s sK P Telescop'ic, Tl'-sK-P-K Telescop'ical-ly, Tli-sK- P-K1 Tel'esm, T=-Lz-M Telesmat'ic, T>-Lz-Mt-K Teies'tich, T^-is-T-K Tel'ic, Tt-L-K. Tell, T2-L, T2-L-NG (Tl*, TK-) 2 ) Tell'er, T--B Tell'-tale, T 2 -L-T-L Tel'lural, T 2 L-Rl Tellu'ric, T 3 L R-K Tellu'rion, T*-L-Rn Tellu'rium, T 3 -i-R-M Tel'otype, T 2 L T-P Temera'rious, T^-M-fi-Ks Temer'ity, T^-^i-R-T Tem'per, T 2 (-M)-Pr. T* (-M)-Prd. T 2 (-M)-Pr-NG Tem'perament, T 2 ( M)- Pr-Mnt Temperament'al-ly, T= (-M) PriMnt Tem'perance, T=(-M)- Prns Tem'perate, T 2 (-M)-Prt Tem'perately, T 2 (-M)- Prt- Tem'perateness, T=(-M)- Prt-Ms Tem'perature, T=(-M)- Prtr Tem'pest, T 2 M-Pst Tem'pest-tossed, T l -M- Ps-Tst Tempest'uous, T-M-Ps- CHs Tempest'uously, T J -M- Ps-CH sL Tempest'uousness, T*- M-Ps CHs-Ns Tem'plar, T 2 -M-P1 B Tem'plate, T 2 M-PH Tem'ple, T 2 M PI Tem'plet, T 2 -M-Plt Tem'poral. TMl-Pr-L Temporal'ities, Ti-M- Pr-i-Tz Temporality, T>-M-Pr- L-T Tem'porally, T 2 -M-Pr- Tem'porals. T^-M-Pr-Lz Tem'porarily, T J -M-Pr- Rl Tem'porariness, T J -M- Pr-K-Ns Tem'porary, T 2 -M-Pr-fi Temporiza'tion, T 2 -M- Przshn Tem'porize, T 2 -M-Prz, T*-M-Przd, T 2 -M-Prz-NG Tem'porizer, T--M-Pr- zR TEM Tempi/able, T*-Mt-Bl Tempt, T-Mt, T-M-Td, T a -MtC) Tempta'tion, T*-M-Tshn Tempt'er, T-Mtr Tempt'ing, T-Mt(-) Tempt'ingly, T^-Mt-NGl Tempt'ingness, T--Mt- NG-Ns Tempt'ress, T 2 -M-Trs Ten, Tn" (10) Ten'able, T 2 -N-B1. See Attainable. Ten'ableness, T 2 -N-B1- Ns [IBs] Tena'cious, T-N-SHs Tena'ciously, T 2 - N - SHs-Z, Tena'ciousness, TS-N- SHs-Ns Tenac'ity, Ti-Ns-T Ten'ancy, Tn^-N-S Ten'ant, Tn 2 -Nt, Tn 2 -N- Td, Tn-Nt-NG Ten'antable, Tn 2 -Nt-Bl Ten'antless, Tn-Nt-Ls Ten'antry, Tn^-N-Tr Tench, T2-N-CH Tend, Tnd 2 , Tn*-Dd, Tnd* NG Tend'ance, Tnd 2 -Ns Tend'ency, Tnd^-N-S Tend'er, (i>.) Tndr s ,Tnd 2 - Rd, Tndr-NG Ten'der,(a.) Tndr 2 , Tndr 2 - R, Tndr-St Ten'der-hearted, Tndr 2 !Hr-Td 2 Ten'derling, Tndr'-L-NG Ten'derloin, Tndr-Ln Ten'derly, Tndr 2 -L Ten'derness, Tndr^-Ns Ten'ders, Tndrz* Ten'dinous, Tn^-D-Ns Ten'don. Tn 2 -Dn Ten'dril, T 2 -N-Dr-L Tend'some, Tn 2 -D-sM Tene'brious, T-N-Brs Ten'ebrous, T-N-Brs Ten'ement, T^-N-Mnt Tenement'al, Tn J i Mnt Ten'ement-house, T-N- Mnt-Hs Ten'et, T N-T Ten'fold, Tn-F-Ld Ten'nis, T*-Ns Ten'on, Tn 2 -N Ten'on-saw, Tn'-N-S Ten'or. T 2 -Nr Ten'-pms, Tn z -Pnz Tense, Tns^ Tense'ly, T 2 -Ns-L Tense'ness, T s -Na-Ns Tensibil'ity, T'-Ns-B-it Ten'sible, T"-Ns-B(-L) Ten'sile, T-Ns-L Ten'sion, T'-Nshn Ten'sity, T'-Ns-T Ten'sive, T'-Ns-T Ten'sor, T-Ns-B 12 265 Tent, Tnt Ten'tacle, Tn-T-Kl Tentac'ular, Tni-T-Kl-R Tenta'tion, Tn'-Tshn Ten'tative, Tnt-Tv Tent'ed, Tn^-Td Ten'ter, Tntr Ten'ter-hook, TntrtH 3 K Tenth, Tn*-TH (10TH) Tenth'ly, Tn 2 -TH-Z (10TH-.L) Tenu'ity, T 8 -N-T Ten'uous, T-N-S Ten'ure, T 2 -K-R Tepefac'tion, Ti-Pf-Kshn Tep'efy, T 2 -P-F, T a -P-Fd, T2-P-F-NG Tep'id, T-Pd Tepid'ity, T^-Pd-T Tep'idness, T-Pd-Ns Te'por, T 3 -Pr Ter'aph, ?*-Rt Ter'aphim, T*--F-M Teratol'ogy, T>-fit-Z-J Terce, T*-Rs Terce'-major, T 2 -Rs-M- Jr Ter'ebinth, T2-K-B-N- TH Terebin'thine, N-THn Terebra'tion, 1*-R- Brshn Terete', 1 3 -Rt Tergem'inous, T 2 --R-J-M- Ns Tergif erous, TS-K-J-Frs Ter'giversate, T 2 -2Z-J- Vrs-T Tergiversa'tion, T*-R-J- Vrsshn Term, Tr-M, Tr 2 -Md. Tr 2 -M-NG Ter'magancy, Tr 2 -M-Gn- S Ter'magant, Tr s -M-Gnt Term'er, Tr-M-R Ter'mes, Tr 2 -Mz Terminable, Tr-M-N- Bl Ter'minal, Tr-M-Nl Ter'minate, Tr 2 -M-N-T. Tr 2 -M-N-Td, Tr'-M-N-T- NG Termina'tion, Tr - M - Nshn Termina'tional, Tr J -M- Nshn-Z, Ter'minative, Tr*-M-N- Tv Term'inator, Tr-M-Ntr Ter'miner, Tr-M-Nr Termini, Tr-M-N Terminol'ogy, Tr'-M-Nl- J Ter'minus, Tr 2 -M-Ns Ter'mite, Tr Mt Term'less, Tr 2 -M-s Term'ly, Tr-M-Ii TES Termonol'ogy, Tr^-M- Nl-J Term'or, Tr 2 -M-R Tern, T 2 -^?n Ter'nary, Tr2-Nr Ter'ra, T*-R Ter'race, T 2 -Bs, T 2 -Bst, TS-.RS-NG Ter'ra-cotta, T2-K-K-T Terracult'ural, T 2 -fi-Klt- Rl Terracult'ure, T 2 -R-Kltr Ter'ra fir'ma, T^ tf-F-R- M Ter'rapin, r^-R-Pn Terra'queous, T--.R-Kw- S Ter'ras, T=-Bs Terrene', T 3 -.Rn Terres'trial, T~ B-sTr-L Terres'trially, T 2 --sTr- L Ter'ret, T 2 -Rt Ter'rible-y, T 2 -K-B1 Ter'ribleness, T 2 - Ns [:Bs] Ter'rier, T^-R-R Terrific, T 3 -R F-K Terrify, T'-tf-F, T^- Territo'rial-ly, T2..K-T- Rl Ter'ritoried, T^-R-T-Rd Territory, T--R-1-R Terror, T 2 -Rr Terrorism, T 2 -Rrz-M Terrorist, T 2 -Rr-St Ter'rorless, T 2 -Rr-ts Terror-struck, T^-Rrs- Tr-K Terse, T2-Rs, T 2 -Rs-E,. T 2 -Rss-T Terse'ly, T 2 -Rs- Terse'ness, T 2 -Rs-Ns Ter'tial, T 2 -R-SH1 Ter'tion, T--Rshn Tertiary, 1 2 -R-SH-R Tertiate, T2-72-SHt Tes'selar, T 2 -si-R Tes'sellate, T 2 -sLt, T* s^-Td. T 2 -sit-NG Tes'sellated, T 2 -sL-Td Tessella'tion, T 2 -sshn Tessera'ic, T 2 -s^-K Test, Tests, Tf;s 2 -Td, Tust 2 -NG. Vocalized to distinguish from Tatte, etc., which see. Test'able, Ts^ T-B1 Testa'cea, Ts^-f-SH Testa'ceans, Ts 2 -Tshns Testa'ceous, Ts^-T-SHa Tes'tacy, Ts 2 -T-S Tes'tament, Ts 2 -T-Mnl [T 2 -sMnt] Tetament'al, Ts 2 -T-Mnt- L [Tst 2 i Mnt] Testament'ary, Ts-T' Mnt- [T>] Tes'tate, Ts 2 -Tt TES Testa'tor, Ts 2 -Ttr Testa'trix, Ts'^-T-Tr-Ks [TsS-Tt-Ks] Tes'ter, Testr2. See Taster Tes'ticle, TsVT-Kl Testifica'tion, Ts*-Tf- Kshn [Ts-F-Kshn] Tes'tifier, Tst-F-B [Ts*- F-K] Tes'tify, Tstz-F, Tst-Fd, Tst2-F-NG [Ts^F, Ts 4 - Fd, T-F-NG] Tes'tily, Ts 2 -T- Testimo'nial, Ts s -M-N-L [TS-sM-N-L] Tes'timony, TsVT-M-N [T*-sM-N] Tes'tiness. Ts-T-Ns Testoon', Ts 3 -Tn Test'-paper, Tst*-P-Pr [T2- s P-Pr] : Testu'dinal, Ts 3 -Td-Nl Testu'dinate, Ts 3 -Td-Nt 'Testu'dinated, Ts 3 -Td- K-Td Testudin'eous, Ts 3 -T-D- Ns Testu'do, T 3 -T-D Test'y, Ts*-T, Ts*-T-E. Ts'-Tst Tetan'ic, Ti-T-N-K 'Tef anus, T*-T-Ns Tetch'iness, T*-CH-Ns Tetch'y, T-CH Tete, Tt* Tete-a-tete', Tt'Tt Teth'er, Tdhr, Tdhrd* Tdhr(-)* Tef rachord, T-Tr-Krd Tet'rad, T2-Trd Tet'ragon, T^-Tr-Gn Tetrag'dnal, Ti-Tr-G-Kl Tetrahe'dral, T3-Tr-Hd- Rl Tetrahe'dron, T*-Tr-Hd- fin Tetram'eter, T'-Tr-Mtr Tetrapet'alous, T^-Tr-Pt- LB Tetraph'yllous, T-Tr- Fls Tet'raptote, T*-Tr-P-Tt Te'trarch, T^-Tr-fi-K Tetrarch'ate, T'-Tr-B-Kt Tetrarch'ical, TJ-Tr-fi- K-K1 Tet'rarchy, T 5 -Tr-H-K Tetras'tich, T-Trs-T-K Tet'rastyle, T^-Trs-T-L Tetrasyllab'ic, Ti-Tr-sL- B-K Tetrasyllab'ical, T'-Tr- sL-B Kl Tet'rasy liable, T-Tr-si- Bl Tet'ter, Ttr*, Ttrd, Ttr(-)* Teuton'ic, Ti-T-N-K Tew, T 3 TS-D (Td3), TS- NQ 266 Tewel, T S -L Text, T-Kst Texf -book, T z -Ks-B-K Texf -hand, T*-K-eHnd Texf ile, T^-Ks-T-L Texto'rial, T-Ks-T-Bl Tex'trine, TVK-sTrn Texf ual, TZ-Ks-CH-L Texfuarist, T-Ks-CH- Sst Texf uary, T-Ks-CH-fi Texf ure, T*-Kstr Tha'ler, T^i-B Thal'lite, TH>-t Than, DHn 1 , and, after Other and comparatives. by then-hook; thus. Other than, DHrn' More than, Mrn 2 Surer than, SHr^Rn Thanatop'sis, THni-T- Pss (THnt'-Pss) Thane, THn Thane'ship, THn-5fl" P Thank, THni-K, THni-Kt. THn' K-NG [TH 1 , THti. TH(-) 1 ] Thank'ful-ly, THni-K-Fl [TH^Fl] Thank'fulness, THni-K- Fl-Ns [THMFs] Thankless, THn^K-is Thank'lessness, THn 1 Thank'-offering, THn 1 - K-Fr-NG [THMFr'-NG] Thanks, THn'-Ks [THs 1 ] Thanksgiv'er, THn 3 -] Gv-R [THsS-Gv-B] Thanks'giving, THn 1 - Ks-Gv-NG [THs'-Gt')] Thanks'giving-day, Thank'-worthy, THni- K-Wr-DH [THi-Wr-DH] That, DHtl [DHi]. The abbreviation for That may be joined in phrases at the commencement only; thus, That will, DHli That are, DHr 1 That there, DHdhr 1 That the, DHtl That is, DHzi That is the, DHzt 1 That is their, DHzdhr 1 In the middle or at the end of phrases, That is written DHt ; thus. At that, Ti-DHt On that, Ni-DHt In that, Ns-DHt See Them. Thatch, THi-CH, TH>- CHt, TH'-CH-NG Thatch'er, TH' CHr Thaumatur'gic, TH 2 -Mt- R-J-K THE Thaumatur'gical, THi Mt-R-J-Rl Thaumatur'gus, TH Z - Mt-^-Gs Thau'matxirgy, THi-Mt- R3 Thaw, TH 1 , TH-D, TH'. NG Thaw'y, THi The, DH 3 . The is written as follows: 1. By a dot in the third position usually made light, but heavy when the word is emphasized. 2. By halving the pre- ceding stem ; thus. By the, Bt But the. Bt At the, TH To the, Tt s Of the, Vt From the. Jit* On the, Nt In the. Nt Yet the, Yt Back of the. Bi-Kvt Become of the, B*-Kvt On the part of the, NtL Pvt For the sake of the, Ft'-sKvt 3. By changing the pre- ceding s- circle to a small loop; thus, Does the. Dzt 2 What is the, Tzt* So is the, Szts \Vher is the, Hzta 4. By a perpendicular tick, joined finally, when the 2d and 3d modes of writing The will not apply; thus, After the. FtrMperpen- dicular tick) Whether the, Wdhr 2 - (horizontal tick) Not the, Jit 1 -(perpen- dicular tick) Note. The tick-sign for The is not used initially, :he dot-sign being prefera- ale in such cases. The'a, TH 3 Thean'dric, THndr'-K Thean'thropism, THnthri-P-zM The'archy, TH^-K-K The'ater or The'atre, THtrS Theafric, THi-Tr-K (THtr'-K) Theat'rical, THi-Tr-KI (THtr'-Kl) Theat'rical s, TH'-Tr-Kta (THtr'-Klz) The'ban, TH 3 -Bn Thee, DH3 Theft, TH-Ft THE The'iform, TH 3 -Fr-M The'ine, TH 3 -N Their, DHr 2 . Either Their or There is also written as follows: 1. By lengthening the gtem of the preceding word; thus, For their, Fdhr 2 If there or their, Fdhr" Of their, Vdhri Have their, Vdhr 1 That there, DHdhr 1 Was there, Zdhr 1 So there, Sdhr 1 Shall there, SHdhr 1 Should there, SHdhr 3 Among their, NGdhr' Yet there, Ydhr" Upon their, Pndhr 1 Been there, Bndhr 3 Done there, Dndhr 2 Began their, Gndhr 1 Join their, Jndhr 1 Run there, flndhr 2 Of all their, Vldhr 1 With all their, DHldhr 3 Among all their, NGldhr 2 Plan their. Plndhr 1 Flown there, Flndhr a 2. By the dftr-hook on Straight stems; thus, By their, Bdhr 1 But there, Bdhr* To their, Tdhr 3 Had there. Ddhr 1 Which there, CHdhr* Can there, Kdhr 1 Could there, Kdhr 3 Go their, Gdhr* Give their, Gdhr 3 3. By changing a pre- ceding s-circle to a large loop; thus, Pass there, Psdhr 1 Base their, Bsdhr 2 What is there, Tzdhr 2 Does there, Dzdhr 2 Which is their, CHzdhr 2 Because there, Kzdhr 1 Goes there, Gzdhr 1 Thus there, DHsdhr 3 Lose their, .tzdhr 3 How is there, Hzdhr 1 Who is there, Hzdhr 3 See Is there, As there, etc., in note under It. The'ism, TH 3 -zM. See Atheism. The'ist, THst 3 Theist'ic, THs 3 -T-K Theist'ical, THs 3 -T-Kl Them, DH^-M The abbreviation for Them may be written in any part of a phrase. See That. Theme, TH 3 -M 267 THI Themselves', DH 2 -Ms- ; Thereof, DHri-V X-Vz [DHsz 2 ] j Thereon', DHrn* Then, DHn | Thereout', DHr'-owT Thence, DHns* I Thereto', DHr^-T Thence'forth, THns s -F- i Thereun'der, DHrndr^ TH (Thereun'to, DHr--N-T F-Wrd Therewith', L>Hr a -DH Theoc'racy, THi-Kr-S Therewithal', DHr'-DH- Theocrat'ic, TH^Kr-T-K L Theocrat'ical-ly, TH'- T'he'riac, TH^-K-K Krt-Kl JL xisri ciGtil, XH^-/i-K.l Theod'olite, TH'-D-it The'rial, TH 3 -^-L Theog'onist, THi-G-Nst Ther'mal, THr^-M-L Theog'ony, TH>-G-N Thermo-elec'tric, THr 2 - Theolo'gian, TH 2 -- Jn M-L-K-Tr-K Theolog'ic, TH'-X-J-K Thermo-electric'ity, J-K1 [THi-J-Kl] Ther'mogen, THr 2 -M-Jn Theol'ogist, THi--Jst Thermom'eter, THr>-M- Theol'ogise, THi-^-Jz Mtr The'ologue, TH 3 -i-G Thermomet'ric, THr 2 - Theol'ogy, TW--L-3 [TH 1 - M-Mtr-K J] Thermomet'rical, THr 2 - Theom'achy, TH^M-K Theop'athy, THi-P-TH M-Mtr-Kl Ther'moscope, THr 2 -Ms- Theoph'any, THi-F-N The'opneusty, TH 3 -P- K-P Thermoscop'ic, THr 1 - Ns-T Ms-K-P-K Theor'bist, THt-R-Bst Thesau'rus, THs 1 -^ Theor'bo, THi-B-B These, DHz [Z 3 .] See The'orem, THr 3 -M This. Theoremat'ic, THr^Mt- The'sis. THss 3 K | Thes'pian, THs 2 -Pn Theoremat'ical, THr 1 - Theur'gic, TH'^-^-j-K Mt-Kl Theur'gical, TH 2 -.R-J-K1 Theorem'ic, THr 2 -M-K J, zl6 1.11*^1 st, TH'^-zi-Jst Theoret'ic, TH^flt-K The'urgy, TH 3 -#-J Theoret'ical-ly, TH 2 -,Rt- Thew, TH3 Kl They, DH 2 The'orist, TH 3 -#st Thick, . TH 3 -K, TH3-Kr, The'orize, 1Q 3 -Rz, TH 3 - TH3-Kst fizd, TH3-.RZ-NG Thick'en, TH 3 -Kn The'orizer, TH 3 -fi-Zr Thick'ening, TH 3 -Kn- The'ory, TH 3 - KG Theosoph'ic, THs^F-K Thick'et, TH 3 -Kt Theosoph'ical, THs^F- Thick'ish, TH^-K-SH Kl Thick'ly, TH3-K1 Theos'ophism, THs^Fz- Thick'ness, TH 3 -K-Ns M Thick'set, THS-Ks-T Theos'ophist, THst-Fst Thick' -skinned, TH 3 - Theos'ophy, THs^F Ks-Knd Therapeu'tic, TH 3 -K-Pt- Thick'-scull, TH 3 -Ks-K- K L Therapeu'tical, TH 3 -B- Thief, TH 3 -F Pt-Kl Thief-catcher, TH-F Therapeu'tics, TH 3 -.R- K-CHr Pt-Ks Thief -taker, TH-F-T-Kr There, DHr 1 . See Their. Thieve, TH 3 -V Thereabout', DHr^Bt Thiev'ery, TH 3 -Vr Thereabouts', DHr^Bts Thievish, TH 3 -V-5fl" Thereafter, DHrt-Ftr Thievishly, TH.*-V-SH1 ThereaV, DHr 1 -! Thiev'ishness, TH 3 -V- Thereby', DHr'-B SAf-Ns Therefor', DHr J -F Thigh, TH 1 There'fore, DHr^Fr Thigh'-bone, TH^Bn Therefrom', DHr^Fr-M Thin, TH 3 -L [DHr'-M] Thim'ble,TH 3 -M-Bl Therein', DHrn 3 Thim'ble-berry, TH 3 -M- Thereinto', DHr^N-T Bl-B-^Z THI 268 THU Thim'ble-rig, TH 3 -M-B1- Thoroughness, TH 2 -.R- 1 Thriftless, THr-Ft-s Ns Thrift'lessness, THr- M-Bl-B-G-NG Thin, (a.) THn 3 , THS-Nr, -Pst Thorough-paced, TH- Ftiis Thrifty, THr 3 -F-T, THr 3 - THn>-St i Thorough wort, TH*-JZ- j _F-Tr, ~THr*-F-T8t Thin, (.) THn 3 , THnd, | Wrt THn 3 -NG Those, DHz 2 THrS-L-KG Thine, DHn 1 Thou, DH' Thrill'ingly, THr 3 -L-XGl Thing, TH8-NG [XG] Though, DH* Thrive, THr^V, XHri- Think, THn 3 -K, THn-K- Thought, THt 1 Vd, THri-V-NG NG [TH S , THf) 3 ] Thought'ful-ly, THti-Fl Thriv'er, THri-Vr Think'er, TH 3 -NG-Kr Thought'fubiess, THti- Throat, THrt 2 [THS-Kr] Fl-Ns [IFs] Throb. THr'-B THrLBd. Think'ing, THn'-K-NG Thoughtless, THt^Zs i THr'-B-NG [TH(-) 3 ] Thoughtlessly, THt 1 - Throe, THr' Think'ingly, THn-K- Ls-L Throne, THrn 2 , THrnd 2 , NG1 [TH3-NG1] Thoughflessness, THt 1 - THrn 2 -NG Thin'ly, TH 3 -N1 is-Ns [iLs] Throne'less, THr*-Nls Thin'ness, THn 3 -Ns Thought'-sick, THts>-K Throng, THr^NG, THri- Thin'-skinned, THns 3 - Thou'sand, THz^-Nd NGd. THri-NG-NG End (1000) I Thros'tle. THrsi-L Third, THrd* (3D) Thou'sand-fold, THz 1 - Throt'tle, THrt^L, THrt'- Thlrd'ly, THrd 2 -Z (3D-Z) Nd-F-Ld Ld. THrt^L NG Thirds, THrdz' Thou'sandth, THz>-Nd- Throt'tle-valve, THrt 1 - Thirst, THrst', THrs*-Td, TH L-V1-V THrst=-NG Thrall, THr 1 -!, Through, THr 3 Thirst'er, THrstr' Thrall'dom, THri-Ld-M Throughly, THr-7, Thirsf ily, THrsS-T-Z, Thrash, THr 1 -^^, THr 1 - Throughout', THr^-T Thirst'iness, THrs^-T-Ns SHt, THr^/SH-NG Through'-paced, THr 3 - Thirst'y, THrs 2 -T, THrs 2 - Thrash'er, THr'-SHr Pst T-R, THrs 2 -Tst Thrash'ing-floor, THr>- Throve, THr=-V Thirteen, THr 2 -Tn (13) 5H-KG-F1-R Throw, THr 2 . THr^-NG Thirteenth, THr-Tn- Thrason'ical-ly, THrs 1 - Thrower, THr'-R TH (13TH) N-K1 i Thrown, THrn 2 Thirtieth, THr*-T-TH Thread, THrd, THr=-Dd, Throwster, THrstr 2 '(30TH) THrd'C) Thrum, THr 2 -M, THr 2 - Thirty, THr 2 -T (30) Thread'bare, THrd 2 -Br Md, THr 2 -M-NG This, DHs 3 . See These. Thread'y, THr^-D Thrush, THr^^ff This'tle-y, THs*-L Threat, THrt 2 Thrust, THrst 2 , THrst*- Thith'er, DHdar 3 Threat'en, THrZ-Tn, NG Thith'erward, DHdhr- THr 2 -Tnd. THr-Tn-NG Thrusf er, THrstr* Wrd- Threat'ener, THrt^-Nr Thud, TH 2 -D Thole, TH=-L Threat'ening, THr 2 -Tn- Thug, TH 2 G Thole'-pin, TH 2 -//-Pn NG Thuggee', TH 3 -G Thomso'nianism, T 2 - Threat'ful, THrt*-Fl Thule, TH*-L Ms-Nn-Z-M Three, THr (3) Thumb, TH2-M, TH*-Md, Thong, THi-NG Three'-cornered, THr 3 - TH 2 -M-> T G Thorac'ic, TH'-Bs-K Kr-Nrd Thumb'kin, TH 2 -M-Kn Tho'ral, TH^-Hl Three'-decker, THrS-D- Thumb'-screw, TH'-Ms- Tho'rax, TH 2 -A-Ks Kr Kr Thorn, THi-JZn Three'fold, THr-F-Ld Thumb'-stall, TH-Ms- Thorn'back, TH>-Kn- B-K Three'pence, THrS-Pns Three'penny, THrs-P-N T-L Thum'mim, TH*-M-M Thorn'-hedge, THi-Sn- Three'-ply, THr^-Pl Thump, TH*-M-P, TH- H-J Three'score, THrs 3 K-R Mt. TH 2 -M P-NG Thorn'less, TB^-Rn-Ls Three'sided, THrs 3 -Dd Thump'er, TH=-M-Pr Thorn'y, TH>-J2-N, TH>- Threnet'ic, THr 2 -N-T-K Thun'der, THndr 2 , .R-N-R, TH^-R-Nst Thren'ody, THr 2 -N-D THnd^-Rd. THndr^-NG Thorough, TH 2 -R Thresh, THr-ST. See Thun'der-bolt, THndr 2 - Thorough-base, TH 2 - Thrash. B-Lt B-Bs Thresh'er, THr 2 -SHr Thun'der-clap, THndr 8 Thor'ough-brace, TH 2 - Thresh'old, THrS-5flld iKl-P 1 B-Brs Threw, THr s Thun'der-cloud, THndr 1 Thorough-bred, TH- Thrice, THrs 1 iKld 1 R-Brd Thrid, THrd 3 , THr-Dd, Thun'derer, THndr 2 -R Thoroughfare, TH 2 -/J- THrdf)* Thun'derous, THndr 2 -S F-R Thrift, THi-s-Ft Thun'der-shower, Thorough-going, TH*- R-G-NG Thrift'ily, THr 3 -F-T-i Thrift'iness, THr 3 -F-T- THndr2-SH-R Thun'der-storm,THndr* Thoroughly, TH-K1 Ns IstRt-M THU Thun'der-strike, THndr^'.sTri-K Thun'der-struck, THndr2isTr*-K Thun'der-tube, THndr* T-B Thun'dery, THnd*-fi Thun'ny, TH-N Thu'rible, TH 3 -B-B1 Thurif eroua, TH 3 -.Rf-.Rs Thuriflca'tion, TH-fi-F Kshn Thurs'day, THrz^D Thus, DHs 2 Thwack, THi-W-K, THi W-Kt, THi-W-K-NG Thwart, Tfl'-Wrt, TH 1 Wr-Td. THJ-Wrtt-) Thwart'er, TH'-Wrtr Thwart'ingly, TH'-Wrt NG1 Thwart'-ships, TH-Wrt SB-Pa Thy, DHi Thyine-wood, TH^N- Wd Thyme, TJ-M Thym'y, T l -M Thyroid, TH'-R-D Thyself, DH-si-F [DHsi] Tia'ra, T*-fi Tib'ia, T'-B Tib'ial, T 3 -B-L Tic, T 3 K Tic-douloureux', TS-K- D-L-R Tick, T-K, T 3 -Kt, T 3 -K- NG Tick'en, T 3 -Kn Tick'et, T 3 -Kt, T 3 -K-Td. T 3 -Kt-NG Tick'ing, T 3 -K-NG Tick'le, T 3 -K1, T 3 -Kld, T3-K1-NG Tick'ler, T 3 -K1-R Tick'lish, T 3 -K1-SH Ticklishly, T 3 -Kl-Sfll Tick'lishness, Ts-Kl-SH- Ns Tick'-tack, T-K-T-K Tid'al, Ti-Dl Tid'al-wave, Ti-Dl-wV Tid'bit, T 3 -D-Bt Tide, Tdi, T-Dd, Td(-)i Tide'-gate, Tdi-Gt Tide -lock, Td--K Tide'less, Tdi-s Tides'-man, Td!-zMn Tide'-waiter, Td'-Wtr Tide'way, Tdi-W Ti'dily, T-D- Ti'diness, T^D-Ns Ti'dings, T-D-NGz Ti'dy, T>-D, Ti-D-R, T 1 - Dst Tie, T 1 , Tdi, Ti-NG Ti'er, T-R Tier, T 3 -R Tierce, T 3 -Rs 269 TIN Tier'cel, T'-Bs-i ceding stem and then add- Tierce'let, T-Bs-t ing M; thus. Tier'cet, T*-Bs-T Had time, Dt'-M Tiers-etat' (teerz-ata), T- Same time, KMt 2 -M Ks-T Day time. Dt5-M Tiff, Tf* 3. The abbreviation, M, Tiffany, TP-N may generally be used in Tiffin, Tf3-N phrases after a stem that Ti'ger, T'-Gr has been shortened to add Ti'ger-cat, Ti-GriKU Ti'ger-lily, T l -Gi-L-L The; thus. At the time, TC-M Tight, Tti, Ttri, Ti-Tst During the time, Drt 8 - (Ttsti) M Tight'en, T-Tn, T-Tn- From the time, Ml 1 -!! D, T-Tn-NG Part of the time, Pvt>- Tighf ly, Tti-L M Tightness, Tti-Ns To the time, Tt ! -M Tights, Ttsi 4. If the full outline is Ti'gress, Ti-Grs employed, not connected Ti'grine, T^Grn with any other outline, it Ti'grish, T-Gr-SH should be vocalized to dis- Tike, T-K tinguish it from T'-M, Til'bury, T*-i-B-B Autumn; which latter word Tile, Ti-L, T-Ld, T-L- is never joined in phrases. NG Time, (v.) T'-M, X 1 Hd, Tile'-drain, T 1 -Zr-Drn Ti-M-NG Til'er, T^-L-R Time'-honored, T'-M- Til'ery, f l -L-R Nrd Til'ing, Ti-L-NG Time'ist, T'-Mst Till, (prep.) T13 Till, (v.) T 3 -L, T 3 -Ld, T 3 - Time'keeper, T'-M-K-Pr Time'-killing, l^-M-K- L NG L-NG Till'able, T 3 -L-B1 Time'less, TJ-M-is Till'age, T-,- J I Time'lessly, T'-M-Xs-I- Till'er, T*-L-R, ? 3 -L-Rd, [ Timeliness, Ti-M-//-Ns T--R-NG Time'ly, T'-M-Zt Tilt, T 3 -Lt, T 3 -i-Td, T 3 - Time'-piece, T^H-Ps t-NG Time'-pleaser, T'-M-Pl- Tilt'er, T 3 -itr Zr Tilth, 13-L-TH Tilt'-hammer, T 3 -Lt-H- Time'-sanctioned, T 1 - Ms-NGshnd Mr Time'-server, T^Ms-Br- Tim'bal, T-M-B1 .R Tim'ber, T-M-Br, T 3 -M- Time'-serving, T l -Ms- Brd, T 3 -M-Br-NG Br(-) Tim'bered, T 3 -M-Brd Time'-table, T'-M-T-Bl Tim'bre, T 3 -M-Br Time'- wasting, T' - M Tim'brel, TS-M-Br-L Ws-NG Tim'breled, T 3 -M-Br-Ld Time'-worn, T l -M-Wrn Time, (n.) T'-M [M 1 ]. Tim'id, T^-Md The following is the rule Timid'ity, T^-Md-T for writing this word: Tim'idly, T 3 'Id-L 1. Generally in phrases Tim'idness, T'-Md-Ns Time is written in full; Tim'ist, T'-Mst thus Timoc'racy, T>-M-Kr-S This time, DHs'-T-M Tim'orous, T 3 -M-s At that time, T-DHt-T- Tim'orously, T^ M R-sL M Tim'orousness, T 3 -M-fis- Any time, N 3 -T-M Ns Night time, Nt-T-M Tim'othy, T 3 -M-TH Another time, Ndhr>-T- Tim'othy-grass, T*-M. M TH-Grs Fot the time. Ft*-T-M Tin, Tn, Tnd 3 , Tn 3 -NG First time, Fs^-T-M Tinc'al, T"-NG-K1 Several times. sV2-T- Tinct, T*-NGt Mz Tincto'rial, T*-NG-T Rl Many times, M-N-'I- Tincfure, T 3 -NGtr. T 3 - Mz NG-CHrd, T 3 -NGtr-NG 2. In a few cases it is Tin'der, Tndr 3 written by halving the pre- Tin'der-box, Tndr 3 -B-Ks TIN 270 TOM Tine, Tr-i Tithe, Ti-DH, T-DHd, To-day, T 2 -D rD in thP Tin'-foil, Tn-F-L Ti-DH-NG fourth position.] Ting, T 3 -NG Tithe'-free, T'-DH-Fr Tod'dle, Ti-Dl, Ti-Dld, Tinge, T-N-J, T^-N Jd Tith'er, T>-DHr T 1 -D1-NG T-N-J-NG Tith'ing, Ti-DH-NG Tod'dler, Ti-Dl-E Tin'ger, T 3 -N-Jr Tith'ing-man, Ti-DH Tod'dy, T J -D Tin'gle, T 3 -NG-G1. T3-NG- NG-Mn To-do', [D in the fourth Old, T3-NG-G1-NG [T- Tithon'ic, T^THn-K position.] NG1 etc.] Tit'illate, Tt 3 -it, Itf-L- Toe, T 2 , T 2 -D (Td 2 ), T-NG Tink, T8-NG-K Tinked', T 8 -NGt Td. Tt 3 -Lt-NG Titilla'tion, Tt-Z,shn Toffy, Ti-F To'ga, T'-G Tink'er, TS-NG-Kr, T- Tit'lark, Tt 3 -Z,-E-K To'gated, T 2 -G-Td NG-Krd, T 3 -NG-Kr-NG Ti'tle, T 1 -!!, T-Tld, T>- To'ga virilis, T 2 -G-V- Tink'le, T 8 -NG-K1, T- Tl-NG .Rls NG-Kld, T 3 -NG-K1-NG Ti'tle-page, T>-T1-P-J To'ged, T 2 -Gd Tin'man, T 3 -N-Mn Tit'mouse, Tt 3 -Ms Togeth'er, T-Gdhr [G2] Tin'-mine, TniMni Tit'ter, Ttr 3 , Ttrd*, "Tog'gery, T-Gr Tin'ner, T 3 -Nr Tti^t 1 ) Tog'gle, Ti-Gl Tin'ny, T 3 -N Titter'er, T 3 -Tr-E Tog'gle-joint, Ti-Gl-Jnt Tin'-plate, Tn*iPlts Tit'tle, T 3 -T1 Toil, T'-L, Ti-Ld, T'-L- Tin'sel, T-Ns-L, T^Ns- Tit'tle-tattle, T 3 -Tlt-Tl NG Ld, T 3 -Ns-L-NG Tit'ular, T 3 -T--B Tint, Tnt 3 , Tn 8 -Td, Tnt 3 - Tit'ularly, 1 3 -T-L-R-L Toil-er, T>-i-E Toilet, T>-Zt NG Tit'ulary, T*-T-L-R Toilless, li-L-Ls Tintinnab'ulary, Tnt 1 - Tme'sis. Mss 3 Toil'some, T-Z/s-M N-B-i-fl Tintinaabula'tion, Tnt 2 - To is written or indicated as follows: Toil'someness, T^-Ls-M- Ns N-B-//shn 1. By T Toise, Tzi Tintinnab'ulous, Tnti- 2. By halving the stem Tokay, T-K N-B-is of the preceding word;iTo'ken, T2-Kn Ti'ny, H-N, T-N-B, T- thus, Told, Tld* Nst Ought to. Tti Tole, T 2 -L Tip, T3-P, T 3 -Pt, T 3 -P-NG Had to, Dt> Tol'erable-y, Tli-fl-Bl Tip'pet, T 3 -Pt Able to, Bit 2 Tol'erableness, Tli-fl- Tip'ple, T3-P1, T-Pld, Began to, Gnt 1 Bl-Ns [iBs] T 3 -P1-NG Endeavor to, N-Dvt Tol'erance, TU-flns Tip'pler, T-P1-E 3. By changing the pre- Tol'erant, TU-flnt Tip'pling, T3-P1-NG ceding s-circlo to a small Tol'erate, TP-fit, TU-fl- Tip'pling-house, TAPI- loop; thus. Td, TP-flt-KG NG Hs Hopes to, Pst Tolera'tion, Tl--Kshn Tip'sily, TS-P-sL Choose to, CHzt 3 Toll, T 2 -L. T^-Ld, T*-L-NG Tip'staff, T3-p s -Tf Goes to, Gzti Toll'able, T 2 -^-Bl Tip'sy, T-P-8 Shows to, SHzta Toll'age, T*-L-J Tip'toe, T 3 -P-T Vows to, Vzti Toll'-bar, T 2 -L-Br Tip'-top, T 3 -P-T-P Likes to, i>-Kst Toll'-booth, T2-L-B-TH Tirade', T 2 -fld Seems to, sMzt 3 Toll'-bridge, T-Z,-Br-J Tire, Ti-E, Ti-Bd, T*-R- 4. By dropping the form Toll'-corn, T2-/,-Krn NG of the succeeding wordi Toll'-dish, T 2 -i-D-SH Tired'ness, T^Rd-Ns one-half the length of a T Toll'er, T 2 -L-E Tire'some, T'-Es-M below the third position of Toll'-gate, T 2 -i-G-T (Tl 2 - Tire'someness, T'-Es-M- the samo form. This is Ot) Kt called the Fourth Position. Toll'-gatherer, T*-L- Tire'-woman, T'-S-W- Toad, T"-D (Td 2 ) Gdhr-R Mn Toad'-eater, T*-D-Tr Toll'-house, Ts-i-Hs Tir'ing-house, T'-S-NG- (Td2-Tr) Toll'man, T2-Z,-Mn Hs Toad'-stone, T^Ds-Tn Tolu', T3-L Tir'ing-room, T'-fi-NG- (Tds 2 -Tn) Tom'ahawk, T^M-H-K^ B-M Toad'-stool, Tds J -T-L T^-^VT-TT TCt T^-"\r H-K Ti'ro, T'-K Toad'y, T 2 -D, T 2> Dd, T 2 - NG Tiro'nian, T 2 -fi-Nn D-NG Toma'to, T 2 ori-M-T Tis'ic, T 3 -zK Toast, Tst, Ts 2 -Td, Tst 2 - Tomb, T3-M, T 3 -Md, T 3 - Tis'sue, T*-SH, T3-SH-D, HQ M-NG T 8 ->Sfl-NG Toast'er, Tstr 2 Tom'bac, T-M-B-K Tis'sue-paper, T*-SH-f- Toast'-master, Tst'-Mstr Tombless, T3-M-Zs Pr Tobac'co, T>-B-K Tom'boy, T> M-B Tit, Tt 3 Tobac'ponist, TJ-B-K- Tomb'-stone, T3-Ms-Tn Titan'ic, T'-T-N-K Nst Tom'cat, Ti-M-Kt Tita'nium, T*-T-N-M Tocol'ogy, Ti-Kl-J Tom'cod, T-M-K-D Tit'bit, Tt 3 -Bt litn'able, Ti-DH-Bl Toc'sin, Ti-Ks-N Tod, T>-D (Tdi) Tome, T 2 -!! rom'fool, Ti-M-F-L TOM Tom'foolery, T'-M-F-- R Tomor'row, T!-M-K Tom'pion, T'-M-Pn Tom'rig, T^M-.R-G Tom'tit, Ti-M-Tt Tom'tom, H-M-I-M Ton, (Fr.) Tni Ton (tan). Tn Tone, Tn*, Tnd, Tn-NG Tone'less, T 2 -Nls Tongs, T^NGz Tongue, T2-NG. T*-NGd, T*-NG-NG Tongue'less, T*-NGls Tongue'-tied, T'-NG-Td Ton'ic, T'-N-K. To-night', Ti-Nt [Kit in the fourth position.] Ton'nage, Tn 2 -J Ton'sil, T^Ns-L Ton'sile, T-Ns-L Tonso'rial, T 2 -N8-K- Ton'sure, TVN-SHr Tontine', Tn s -Tn Too, T s Took, T-K Tool, T 3 -L, T'-Ld NG Tooth'ache, T*-TH-K Tooth'brush, T 3 -TH-Br- 8H Tooth'-drawer, T 3 -TH- Dr-R Tooth'-drawing, T8-TH- Dr-NG Toothed, T 3 -THt Tooth'-edge, T-TH-J Tooth'less, T-TH-is Tooth'-pick, T 3 -TH-P-K Tooth'-picker, T 3 -TH-P- Kr Tooth'-powder, T 3 -TH- P-Dr Tooth'some, T-THs-M Top, T'-P T'-Pt, T!-P-NG To'parch, T-Pr-K To'parchy, T^-Pr-K To'paz, T J -Pz Top'-boots, T'-PiBts* Top'-cloth, Ti-P-Kl-TH Tope, T*-P, T-Pt, T-P- NG To'per, T-Pr Top-gal'lant, T'-P-Glnt Top-gal'lant-sail, Ti-P- Glt-s, (Ti-G-Ns-L) Top-ham'per, Ti-P-H-M- Pr Top'-heavy, Ti-P-H-V To'phet, Tf--T Top'iary, T'-P-S Top'ic, T'-P-K Top'ical-ly, T^P-Kl Top'-knot, Ti-P-N-T Topless, T 1 P-ia Top'mast, T'-P-Mst Top'most, T!-P-Mst Topog'rapher, T>-P-Gr- i 271 Topograph'ic, T'-P-Grf- E Topograph'ioal-ly, T 1 - P-Gr-F-El Topog'raphist, Ti-P-Gr- Fst Topog'raphy, Ti-P-Gr-F Top'ping, T'-P-NG Top'ple, Ti-Pl, T T l -Pl-NG Top'-sail, T-Ps-L Top'-stone, Ti-Ps-Tn Top'sy-turvy, V Toque, T S -K Toque t', T 2 -K Torch, Ti-B-C Torch'-bearer, T1-.R-CH- B-Rr Torch'-light, T^-K-CH- Lt Tore, T-R Toreu'tic, T 3 -Rt-K Tor'ment, Tri-Mnt Torment', Tr 2 -Mnt, Tr 2 - Mn-Td. Tr-Mnt-NG Torment'er, Tr 2 -Mntr Tormenf ingly, Tr 2 -Mnt- NG-L Torment'or, Tr 3 -Mntr Torn, T 3 -fin Torna'do, T-/J-N-D Torpe'do, T a -.K-P-D Tor'pent, T'-fl-Pnt Torpes'cence, T 2 -fl-Ps- Ns Torpes'cent, T-fl-Ps-Nt Tor'pid, T'-^-Pd Torpid'ity, T 3 -ft-Pd-T Tor'pidness, T 1 JZ-Pd-Ns Tor'pify, Ti-fl-P-F Tor'pitude, T'-^-P-Td Tor'por, l^-R-Pr Torporif ic, T 8 -fl-Prf-K Torrefac'tion, T>-fi-F- Eshn Tor'refy, T'-K-F, 1 l -R- Fd, T1-/S-F-NG Tor'rent, T>-Bnt Torricel'lian, T-fl-sin Tor'rid, T>--D Tor'ridness, T^fl-D-Ns Tor'sel, T>-Ks-L Tor'sion, T^^Rshn Tor'so, T!-B-S Tort, T!-Rt Tort'ile, T-Kt-L Tor'tious, T-fi-SHs Tort'ive, T-t-V Tor'toise, T l -R-lB Tor'toise-Bhell, T'-B-T- sSHl Tortuoo'ity, Ti-R-CH-sT Tort'uous, T.B-CH8 TorVuously, T^B-CH-sL Tort'uousness, T l -.R- CHs-Ns Tort'urably, Tri-CHr-Bl ""ort'-^re, Tr-CHr, Tr 1 - CHrd, Tr^CHr-NG TOW Tort'urer, TrJ-CHr-R Tort'uringly, Tr'-CHr- NG1 To'rus, T 2 -Rs Tor'vous, T^/i-Vs To'ry, T 2 -.R To'ryism, T^-K-zH Toss, Ts 1 , Tst', 1V-NG Toss'er, T'-slt Toss'pot, Ti-sPt Tost, Tsti Tot, Tti To'tal, T^-Tl Total'ity, Ti-Tl-T To'tally, T2-T1 Tote, Tt 2 . T2-Td, Ttf) ! Tot'ter, Ttri. Ttrd 1 , Ttr(-) 1 Tot'tle, T'-Tl, T'-Tld, Ti- Tl KG Tot'tlish, T!-T1-SH Tou'can, T'*-~Kn Touch, T2-CH, T2-CHt, TS-CH-NG Touch'able, T 2 -CH-B1 Touch'-hole, T--CH(-H)- L Touch'ily, T*-Cll-L Touch'iness, T 2 -CH-Ns Touch'ing, T 2 -CH-NG Toueh'ingly, T2-CH-N .1 Touch'-me-not, T 2 -CH- M-N-T Touch'-stone, T 2 CH-sTn Touch'-wood, T2-CH-Wd Touch'y, T2-OH Tough, Tf2. T 2 -Fr, Tf2-St Tough'en, TP-N, Tf'-Nd, Tf'-N-NG Tough'ish, Tft-SIl Tough'ly, T2-F1 Tough'ness, Tf 2 -Ns Toupee', T-P Toupet', TS-P Tour, T 3 -R, T 3 -Kd, T 3 -S- NG Tourbill'ion, T 3 -R-~B-Ln Tour'ist, T3-fist Tour'maline, Tr 3 -M-in Tour'nament, T'-Bn- Mnt Tour'ney, T 2 -JE-N Tour'niquet, T 2 -.R-N-Kt Tournure', T 3 -JJn-R Touse, Tzi Tous'er, T'-zR Tou'sle, Tzi-L, Tzi-Ld, Tzi-L-NG Tout-ensem'ble, Tt 3 f^Vs- Jtf-BU Tow, T 2 , T 2 -D (Td 2 ), T- NG Tow'age, T 2 -J To'ward, (prep.} Trd* To"ward.(a.) T-Wrd To'wardliness, T^-Wrd- i-Ns - To'wardly, TP-Wrd-Z To'wardness, T 2 -Wrd-Ns To'wards, Tvdz 2 Tow'-boat, T J -Bt TOW Towel, T'-L Tower, T'-B, T^Ed, T- JZ-NG Towered, T>-Rd Towering, T'-B-NG ToWery, T l -R Tow'-line, T 1 in Tow'-path, T*-P-TH ToW-rope, T-.R-P Town, Tn 1 Town'-clerk, Tn 1 iKl-E 2 - K Town'-crier, TnMKr-B 1 Town'-hall, T'-N-Hl 'TowTL'-house, T^N-Hs Town'-meeting, Tn 1 SMtC) 8 Towns'-fplk, Tnzi-F-K Town'ship, Tn^SH-P Towns'man, T^Nz-Mn [T>-zMn] Towns'-talk, Tnz*-T-K Tow'ser, Ti-Zr Toxicolog'ical, T>-Ks- K1-J-K1 Toxicol'ogy, T^Ks-Kl-J Toy, Ti, Ti-D (Td), Ti-NG Toy'er, T>-E Toy'ful, T'-Fl Toy'ish, T"-SH Toy'ishness, T^SH-Ns Toy'man, T^Mn Toy'-shop, T1-5H-P Trace, Trs 2 , Trst 2 , Trs*- NG Trace'able, Trs*-Bl Trac'er, Tr 2 sK Tra'cery, T^-sJZ Tra'chea, Tr=-Km Tracheot'omy, Tr'-K-T- M Trachi'tis, Tr^K-Ts Tra'chyte, Tr^-Kt Trac'ing, Trs^-NG Track, Tr>-K, Tr'-Kt, Tri- K-NG Track'age, Tri-K-J Trackless, Tri-K-Z,s Tract, Tri-Kt Tractabil'ity, Tr3-Kt-Bl- T Tract'able-y, Tri-Kt-Bl Traofableness, Tri-Kt- Bl-Ns [!Bs] Trata'rian, Tr 2 K-T-Rn Tracta'tion, Tr 2 -K-Tshn Tract'ate, Tr 1 K-Tt Tract'ile, Tr^Kt-L Tractil'ity, Tr3-Kt-i-T Trac'tion, Tr'-Kshn Tracti'tious, Tr 3 -Kt-SHs Tracf ive, Tr'-Kt-Y Tract/ or, Tri-Ktr Tract'ory, Tr'-K-T-H Tract'rix, Tri-K-Tr-Ks Trade, Trd*, Tr^-Dd. Trd(-) Trade'-mark, Trd-M- fi-K Trad'er, Tr*-Dr 272 TRA Trade'-sale, Trds*-L Tram'mel, Tr 1 M-i, Tr- Tradesfolk, Trdz'-F-Ks M-id. Tr-M-i-NG Trades'man, Trd*-zMn Tram'meler, Tr^M-i-B Trades'people, Trd^-zP- Tramon'tane, Tri-Mnt-N Pl Tramp, Tri-M P, Tri-Mt, Trades'-union, Trdz- Tr-M-P-NG Yn-N Tramp'er, Tri-M-Pr Trades'woman, Trd s - Tram'ple, Tr^-M-Pl, Tr 1 - zW-Mn M-Pld. TrJ-M-Pl-NG Trade'-wind, Trd^-Wnd Tram'pler, Tr'-M-Pl-B Tradi'tion, Tr 3 -Dshn Tramnoose'. Tr 3 -M-Ps Tradi'tional, TrS-Dshn-L ! Tram'-road, Tr^M-K-D Tradi'tionally, Tr- Tram'-way, Tr^M-W Dshn-i Trance, Trns 1 Tradi'tionary, Tr 3 - Tran'quil, Tr'-NG-Kw-L Dslm-R Tran'quilize, Tr'-NG- Tradi'tioner, Tr3-Dshn-B Kw-iz, Tr!-NG-Kw-Z,zd, Tradi'tionist, Ti^-Dslin- Tri-NG-Kw-Lz-KG St Tran'quilizer, Tr^NG- Trad'itive, Tr>-D-Tv Kw-z-R Traduce', " Tr'-Ds, Tr 3 - Tranquil'lity, T^-NG- Dst. Tr'-Ds-NG Kw-i-T (-Lt) Tradu'cer, TrS-D-sE Tran'quilly, Tri-NG- Traduc'tion, Tr 2 -D-Kshn Kvr-L Traduc'tive, Tri-D Kt-V Tran'quilness, Tri-NG- Traffic, Trfi-K, TrP-Kt, Kw-L-Ns Trf-K-NG Trans-. In a number of Trafficker, Tr^F-Kr Trag'acanth, Tr'-G-K-N- words commencing with Trans-, for the purpose of TH securing simpler and Trage'dian, Tr'-J-Dn easier outlines, it is al- Trag'edy, Tr-J-D lowable not to indicate Trag'ic, Tr>-J-K the n-sound. as in the Trag'ical-ly, Tr^J-Kl case of Transact and fol- Trag'icalness, Tr l -J-Kl- lowing words. In the Ks case of Transgreis and Tragi-com'edy, Tr'-J-K- its compounds, both the M-D n and the r are omit- Tragi-com'ic, TrW-K- ted. See note also under M-K Prescribe. Tragi-cona'ical, Tr J -J-K- Transact', Tr^Ns-Kt. Tr'- M-K1 Ns-K-Td, Tri-Ns-Kt-NG Trail, Tr-L, Tr-Ld, Tr- [Tr-sKt, Tri-sK-Td, Tr 1 - L-NG sKt-NGl Train, Trn 1 , Trnd 8 , Trn 2 - , TransacVtion, Tr'-sKshn NG Transact'or, TrJ-sKtr Train'able, Tr*-N-Bl Transalpine, Tr^si-Pn Train'-band, Trn*-Bnd Transan'imate, Tr^Ns- Train'-bearer, TrnVB-Kr N-M-T Train'er, Tr'-Kr Transatlantic, Tr'-Ns- Train'ing, Trn 2 -NG T-Lnt-K [Tri-stnt-K] Train'-oil, Trn-L Transcend', Tr 2 -Ng-Nd, Traipse, Tr*-Ps TrZ-Ns-N-Dd, Tr 2 -Ns-Nd- Trait, Trt NG Trai'tor, Trtr 2 Transcend'ence, Tr*- Trai'toress, Trtr-S Ns-Nd-Ns Trai'torous, Trtr 2 -S Transcend'ency, Tr- Trai'torously, Trtr 2 -S- Ns-Nd-N-S Trai'torousness, Trtr 2 - Transcend'ent, Tr*-Ns- 8-Ns Nd Nt Trai'tress, Tr 2 -Trs Transcendent'al, Tr- Traject', Tr 2 -J-Kt, Tr*-J- Ns-Nd-Nt-L K-Td.Tr 2 -J-Kt-NG Transcendent'alism, Trajec'tion, Tr 2 -J-Kshn Tr 2 -Ns-Nd-Nt Lz-M Traiect'ory, Tr 2 -J-K-Tr Transcendent'alist, Tralati'tion, T^-i-Tshn Tr 2 -Ns-Nd-Nt-Lst Tralati'tious, I^-L-I- Transcendent'ally, SHs Tr'-Ns-Nd-Nt-L Tralu'cent, Tr-is-Nt Transcend'ently, Tr* Tram, Tri-M Ns-Nd-Nt-L TRA Transcend'entness, Tr*-Ns-Nd-Nt-Ns Transcribe', Tr^sK-B, Tri-sK-Bd, Tr-sK-B-NG. See note under Trans-. Transcriber, Tri-sK-Br Tran'script, Tr^sK-Pt Transcrip'tion, Tr3-sK- Pshn Transcrip'tively, Ti^-sK -Pt-V- Transcur'sion, Tr"-N- sKrzhn Transelementa'tion, Tr 2 -Ns-L-Mn-Tshn Tran'sept, Tr>-Ns-Pt Transfer 7 , Tr-N8-F-R, TrS-Ns-F-fld, Tr^-Ns-F- R-NG Trans'fer, Tri-Ns-F-R Transferabil'ity, Tr-Ns- F-fl-BlT Transferable, Tr-Ns-F- R-B1 Transferee', Tr s -Ns-F-.R Trans'ference, Tri-Ns- F-flns Transferor, Tr2-Ns-F-Rr Transfer'rible, Tr a -Ns- F-R-B1 Transfiguration, Tr* Ns- F-Grshn Transfig'ure, TrS-Ns-F- Gr, Tr-N8-F-Grd, Tr- Ns-F-Gr-NG Transfix', Tr'-Ns-F-Ks, TrS-Ns-F-Kst, Tr-Ns-F- Ks-NG Transform', Tr'-Ns-F-R- M, Tri-Ns-F-R-Md, Tr'- Ns-F-R-M-NG [Tr-Ns- F, Tri-Ns-Fd, Tr'-Ns- F(-)] Transforma'tion, Tr- Ns-F-R-Mshn [Tr^-Ns- Fshn] Transform'ative, Tr 1 - Ns-F-R Mt-V Transform'ing, Tr'-Ns- F-R-M-NG [Tr>-N8-F(-)] Transfuse', Tr^-Ns-Fz, Tr3-Ns-Fzd, Tr-Ns-Fz- NG Transfus'ible, Tr*-Ns- Fz-Bl Transfu'sion, Tr - Ns - Fzhn Transgress', Tr*-N-sGrs. Tr 2 -N-sGrst. TrS-N-sGrs- KG [Tr2-8Gs, Tr-sGst. Tr-sGs-NG]. See note under Trans-. Transgres'sion, Tr 1 - sGshn Transgress'ive, Tr'-sGs- V Transgress'or, Tr'-sG-sR ! Tranship', Trn 3 -SH-P Tranship'ment, Trn s - SH-P-Mnt I 12* 273 Transient, Tr'-N-SHnt Tran'siently, Tr 1 - N - sam-L Tran'sientness, Tri 8Hnt-Ns Transil'ience, Tr 3 Ns - Lns Transil'iency, Tr^-Ns- Ln-S Transi're, Tr'-Ns-K Tran'sit, Tr'-Ns T Transi'tion, Trnssftns Transi'tional-ly, Trnsshn*-L Tran'sitive, Tri-Ns-Tv Tran'sitively, Tr'-Ns-T- VI Tran'sitorily, Tri-Ns-T- Rl Tran'sitoriness, Tri-Ns- T-B-Ns Tran'sitory, Tr>-Ns-T-K Translat'able, Tr 2 -sLt- Bl Translate', TrS-N-s Tr^-N-sL-Td, Tr-N-sit- NG [Tr2-aZ,t, Tr^-sL-Td, Tr^-sit-NG] Transla'tion, Tr^-sishn Transla'tive, Tr2-st-V Translat'or, Tr-sLtr Translat'ory, 1r*-sLt-R Translit'erate, TrS-Bit Rt Transloca'tion, Tr 2 -si- Eshn Translu'cence, TrS-sis Ns Translu'cency, Ti 3 -sLs- N-S Translu'cent, Tr'-sis-Nt Translu'cently, Tr^-sLs- Nt-L Transmarine', Tr*-8M- Rn Trans'migrant, Tr>-sM- Grnt Trans'migrate, Tr'-sM- Grt, Tri-sM-Gr-Td, Tr- sM-Grt-NG Transmigra'tion, Tr a - sM-Grshn Trans'migrator, Tr J -sM- Grtr Transmis'sible, Tr 3 - sMs-B-L Transmis'sion, Tr s - sMshn Transmis'sive, Tr- sMs-V Transmit/, Tr 3 -sMt, TrS- sM-Td. Tr-8MtC) Transmit'tal, Tr^-sM-Tl Transmit'ter, Tr*-sMtr Transmit'tible, TrS-sMt- Bl Transmut'able-y, Tr 3 - sMt-Bl Transmut'ableness, Tr 3 sMt-Bl-Ns r !Bs] TRA Transmuta'tion, Tr 2 -sM- Tshn Transmute', Tr 3 -sMt, Tri-sM-Td, TrS-slItf) Transmut'er, Tr^-sMtr Tran'som, Tr'-sll Tran'som-window, Tr 1 . sM-Wu-D Transpar'ence, Tr'-sP- Kns Transparency, Tr'-sP- Ru-S Transparent, Tri-sP-.Knl Transparently, Tr^sP- Rni-L Transpar'entness, Tr 1 - sP-nt-Ns Transjic'uous, Tr 3 -sP-Ks Transpierce', Tr^-sP-Ks, TrS-sP-Rst, Tr3-sP-Bs- NG Transpir'able, Tri-sP-S- Bl Transpira'tion, Tr 2 -sP- Rshn Transpire', Tr^sP-R, Tr^HP-Rd, Tr^sP'/e -NG Transplace', Tr--Ns-Pls, Tr 2 -NS-Plst, Tr 2 -Ns-Pls- NG [Trs 2 -Pls, etc.]. See note under Trans-. Transplant', Tri-Ns-Plnt, Tr!-Ns-Plu-Td, Tr"'-Ns- Plnt-NG [Trs'-Plnt, Trs'-Pln-Td, Trsi-Plnt- NG Transplanta'tion, Trs 2 - Pln-Tshn Transplant'er, Trs 1 - Plntr Transplend'ent, Tr J -Ns- Plnd-Nt Transport', Tr 2 -Ns-P-Bt, Tr 2 -Ns-P-B-Td, Tr2-Ns- P-7Jt-NG Trans'port, Tr'-Ns-P-Kt Transport'able, Tr--Ns- P-fit-Bl Transporta'tion, Tr 2 -Ns- P-S-Tshn Transport'edly, Tr 2 -Ns- P-K-Td-i Transport'er, Tr 2 -Ns-P- tr Transport'ing, Tr 2 -Ns- P-Bt-NG Transpos'al, Tr ! -Xs-Pz-L Transpose', Tr l -Ns-Pz, Tr 2 -Ns-Pzd, Tr 2 Ns-Pz- NG [Tr 2 -sPz, Tr 2 -sPzd, TrS-sPz-NG] Transposi'tion, Tr- Pzshn Transposi'tional, Ir 3 - sPzsftn-L Transship', Trns 3 -SH-P Transshipment, Trns 3 - SH P-Mnt Transubstan'tiate, Tr v Ns-Bs-Tn-SHt TRA Transubstantia'tion, Tr 2 - Ns - Bs - Tn - SHshn [Tr^sB] Transuda'tion, Tr-Nns- Dshn Transude', Tr^-Ns-D, Tr 8 - Ns-Dd, Tr^Ns-D-NG Transvec'tion, Tr*-Ns- V-Kshn Transver'sal, Tr'-Ns-V- Es-i Transverse', Tr 2 -Ns-V- Rs Transvers'ly, Tr*-Ns-V- Es-L Trap, Tr-P, Tri-Pt, Tr'- P-NG Trapan', Tr'-Pn, Tr'-Pnd, Tr'-Pn NG Trapan'ner, Tr'-P-Nr Trap'-door, Tri-P-Dr Trapes, Tr 2 -Ps Trapeze', TrS-Pz Trape'ziform, TrS-Pz-F- R-M Trape'zium, T^-P-zM Trap'ezoid, Tr J -Pz-D Trapezoid'al, Tr>-Pz-D- L Trap'per, Tr'-Pr Trap'pings, Tr'-P-NGz Trap'pist, Tr'-Pst Trap'-rocks, Traps, Ti^-Ps Trash, Tr'-SH Trash'y, Tri-^H, Tri-SHr, Iri-SHst Trass, Trs 1 Traumaf ic, Tri-Mt-K Travail, Tr>-Vl, Tr-Vld, 274 Travel, Tri-Vl, Tr>-Vld, Tr'-Vl-NG Traveled, Tr^-Vld Traveler, Tri-Vl-K Trav'ersable, Tr'-Vrs-Bl Traverse, IT I -VTS, Tr 1 - Vrst, Tri-Vrs-NG Traverser, Tri-Vrs-B Travers-sailing, Tri- Vrss-L-NG Trav'ertine, TrJ-Vr-Tn Travesty, Tr'-Vs-T, Tr'- Vs-Td. Tr-Vs-T-NG Travis, Tr'-Vs Trawl, Tr'-L Trawl'er, Tr'-L-B Trawl'-net, Tr u -Nt Tray, Tr Treach'erous, Tr^CHrs Treach'erously, Tr s - CHr-si Treach'erousness, Tr- CHrs-Ns Treach'ery, Trea'cle, Tr^-Kl Tread, Trd*, Trd(-)* Tread'er, Tr 2 -Dr Tread'le, Tr-Dl Tread'-mill, Trea'son, Trz"-N Trea'sonable, Trz^-N-Bl Trea'sonableness, Trz- N-Bl-Ns [IBs] Treas'ure, Tr-ZHr, Tr s - ZHrd. Tr*-ZHr-NG Treas'urer. Tr^-ZHr-R Treas'ureship, Tr'-ZHr- SH-P Treas'ure-trove, Tr- ZHr-Trv Treas'ury, Tr 2 -ZHr Treat, Trt 3 , Tr^-Td, Trt(-) 1 TreaVer, Trtr 3 Trea'tise, Tr 3 -Tz Treat'ment, Trt-Mnt Trea'ty, Tr-T Trea'ty-making, M-K.-NG Treb'le, Tr^-Bl, Tr-Bld, Tr^-Bl-NG Treb'ly, Tr^-Bl Treb'uchet, Tre'bucket, Tr 3 -B-Kt Tree, Tr 3 , Tr-D, Tr-NG Tree'-frog, Tr-Fr-a Tree'nail, Tr-Nl Tree'-toad, Tr ITod Tre'foil, TrS-Fl Treil'lage, Tr-Z,-J Trel'lis, Tr*-is Trel'list, Tr z -Lst Trem'ble, Tr 2 M-B1. Tr*- M-Bld, TrS-M-Bl-NG Trem'bler, Tr^-M-Bl-B Trem'blingly, Tr2-M-Bl- NG1 Tremen'dous, Tr*-Mn- Ds Tremen'dously, Tr*-Mn- T>-sL Tremen'dousness, Tr*- Mn-Ds-Ns Trem'olite, Tr-M-Zt Tre'mor or Trem'or, Tr^orZ-M-R Trem'ulous, Tr-M-Ls Trem'ulously, Tr-M- LB-L Trem'ulousness, Tr-M- s-Ns Trench, Tr^-N-CH, Tr- N-CHt, Tr-N-CH-NG Trench'ant, Tr*-N-CHnt Trench'er, TrS-N-CHr Trench'erman, Tr* - N - CHr-Mn Trench'-plow, Tr*-N-CH- PI Trend, Trnd 2 , Trn*-Dd. Trnd*-NG Tren'dle, Trn 2 -D-L Tren'tal, Trnt-L Trepan', Tr l -Pn, Tr'-Pnd, Tr'-Pn-NG Trepan'ner, TrJ-P-Nr Trephine', Trf!ar-N Trepida'tion, Tr* P - Dan TRI Tres'pass, Tr=-sPs, Tri sPst, Tr2-sPs-NG Trespasser, Tr'-cP-sR Tress, Trs 2 Tres'tle, Trs 2 -L Tres'tle-board, Tr*-si- Brd Tres'tle-tree, Tr s -sL-Tr Tres'tle-work, Tr 2 -sZr Wr-K Tret, Trt 2 Trev'et, Trv-T Trey, Tr 2 Tri'able, Tr l -Bl Tri'ableness, T^-Bl-Ns Tri'ad, Tr>-D Tri'al, Tr^L Tri'angle, Tr 1 - NG - Gl [Tr>-NGl] Tri'angled, Tri-NG-Gld [Tr'-NGld] Trian'gular, Tr'-NG-Gl-R [Tr>-NGlR] Trian'gulate, Tr'-NG-Glt, Tri-NG-Gl-Td. Tri-NG- Glt-NG [T.-'-NGl-T, etc.] Triangula'tipn, Tr=-NG- Glshn [Tr 2 -NGlshn] Tri'archy, Tr'-B-K Tri'bal, Tr'-Bl Triba'sic, Tr2-B-sK Tribe, Tr'-B Trib'let, TrS-Blt Trib'olet, Tr3-B Lt Tribom'eter, Tr^B-Mtr Tri'brach, Tr'-Br-K Tribula'tion, Tr 2 -Blshn Tribu'nal, T^-B-Nl Trib'unary, Tr" B-Nr Trib'unate, Tr^-B-N-T Trib'une, TrS- Trib'uneship, 8H-P Tribuni'tial, T- Trib'utariness, Tr-Bt fl-Ns Trib'utary, Tr 3 -Bt-B Trib'ute, Tr3-Bt Trib'ute-money, M-N Trice, Trs 1 Tricen'nial, Trs 2 -N-L Tricen'tenary, Trs*-K- T-Nr Trichi'na, Tr-K-N Tri'chord, Tr' Krd Trick, Tr3-K, Tr^-Kt, TrS- K-NG Trick'ery, TH-Kr Trick'ish, Tr^-K-SH Trick'ishly, 'irz-K-Sm Trick'ishness, TH-K- SH-Ns Trick'le, Tr* Kl Trick'ster, Tr^-Kstr Trick'sy, Tr-K-S Trick'-track, Tr^-K-Tr-K Trick'F, Tr-K Triclin'Jum, T^-Kta-M Tri'color, Tri-K-Z,r TR1 Trioor'porate, Tri-Kr- Prt Tricus'pid, Tr*-Ks-Pd Tridac'tyl, Tri-D-Kt-L Tridac'tylous, Tri-D-Kt- LB Tri'dent, Tr 1 iDnt Tridenf ate, Tr 2 iDn-Tt Trident'ated, Tr 2 ; Dnt- Td Trident'ine, Tr;Dn-Tn Tried, Trdi Trien'nial-ly, Tr*-N-L. See Eternal-ly. Tri'er, Tr^B Tri'fallow, Tr-F-, Tri- F-L-D, Tri-F-L-NG Tri'fld, Trf i-D Tri'fle, Tri-Fl, Tr^Fld, Tri-Fl-NG Tri'fler, TrJ-Fl-R Tri'fling, Tr-Fl-NG Tri'flingly, Tri-Fl-NGl Tri'flingness, Tr-Fl-NG- Ns Triflo'ral, Tr*-Fl-fll Triflo'rous, Tr 2 -Fl-.Ks Trifoliate, Tr-F-//t Trifo'liated, Tr-F-i-Td Trifo'lium, Tr*-F-rM Tri'form. Tr^Fr-M Trig, TrS-'G Trig'amy, TrS-G-M Trig'ger, Tr^-Gr Trigin'tal, Tr^-Jnt-L Tri'glyph, Tr-Glf Triglyph'ic, Tr 3 -Glf-K Triglyph'ical, Tr-Gl-F- El Tri'gon, Tr^Gn Trig'onal, TrS- Trigonomet'ric, Tr 2 -Gn- Mtr-K Trigonomefrical-ly, Tr'-Gn-Mtr-Kl Trigonom'etry, Tr'-Gn- M-Tr Trig'onous, Tr-G-Ns Tri'graph, Tri-Grf Trihe'dral, T^-Hd-Kl Trihe'dron, Tr-Hd-fin Trij'ugous or Triju'- gous, Trf-J-Gs Trilat'eral, Tr ] -Ltr-L Trilit'eral, T^-itr-L TriU, TrS-L, Tr-Ld, Tr- L-NG Trillion, Tr 3 -Ln Trilo'bate, TrS-i-Bt Tri'lobite, Tr'-i-Bt Triloc'ular, Tr!-Z,-Kl-B Tril'ogy, Tr-L-J Trim, (a.) Tr-M, Tr-M- B, T^-Mst Trim, (v.) Tr-M, Tr-Md, Ti^-M-NG Trimea'ter, Tr*-Mstr Trim'eter, Tr-Mtr Trimet'rical, Tr-Mtr-Kl Trim'ly, Tr-M-I, 275 Trim'mer, Tr-M-B Trim'ming, Ti^-M-NG Trim'ness, Tpt-M-Ns Tri'nal, Tr>-Nl Trine, Trni Trin'gle, Tr-NG-Gl Trinita'rian, Tr a -N-T-JBn Trinita'rianism, Tr*-N- Trin'ity, Tr3-N-T Trink'et, TrS-NG-Kt Trink'etry, Tr-NG-K-Tr Trinoc'tial, Tri-N-K-SHl Tri'olet, Tri-Lt Trino'mial, Tr^-N-Ml Tri'o, Trior Tri'or, Tr-B Trip, Tra-P, Tr-Pt, Tr- P-NG Tripartite, Tr*-Pr-Tt Triparti'tion, Tr 3 - Pr - Tshn Tripe, Tr^-P Trip'edal, Tr^-P-Dl Tripe'man, Tr^P-Mn Triper'sonal, Tr^-Prs-Nl Tripersonal'ity, Tr^Prs- Nl-T Tripet'alous, Tr 2 -Pt-is Trip'-hammer, T^-P-H- Mr Triph'thong, Trfs-TH- NG Triphthon'gal, TrfJ-TH- NG-G1 [-NG1] Trip'le, Tr-Pl, Tr-Pld. Triplet, Tr-Plt Triplicate, Tr-Pl-Kt Triplication, Tr-Pl- Kshn Triplic'ity, Tr'-Pla-T Tri'pod, Tr'-Pd Trip'oli, Tr-P- Tri'pos, Tr l -Ps Trip'per, Tr^-Pr Trip'ping, Tr-P-NG Trip'pingly, Tr-P-NGl Trip'tote, T^-P-Tt Tri'reme, Tri-B-M Trisag'ion, Tr'-sG-N Trisect', Tr^-sKt, Tr*-sK.- Td. Tr 2 -sKt-NG - Trisec'tion, Tr 2 -sKshn Tris'mus, Tr 3 -sMs Trisul'cate, Tr'-sL-K-T Trisyllabic, Tri-si-B-K Trisyllab'ical, Tr^si-B- Kl Trisyllable, Tr<-sL-B\ Trite, Trti Tritely, Trt'-i Trite'ness, Trt>-Ns Tri'theism, Tri-THz-M Tri'theist, Ti-i-THst Tritheist'ic, Tr-THs- T-.. Tritheisfical, Tr-THs- T-K1 Tri'tone, Tr>-Tn TRO Trit'urable, Tr'-CHr-Bl Trit'urate, Tr s -CHrt, Tr 3 . CHr-Td. Tr 3 -CHrt-NG Tritura'tion, Tr 2 CHrshn Tri'umph, Tri -M-F, Tr 1 - M-Ft. Tr'-M-F-XG Triumph'al, Tr--M-Fl Triumph'ant, Tr 2 -M-Fnt Triumph'antly, Tr 2 -M- Fnt-i Tri'umpher, Tr'-M-Fr Trium'vir, Tr^-M-Vr Trium'viral, Tr 2 -M-Vr-L Trium'virate, Tr2-M-Vrt Tri'une, Tr'-Yn Triu'nity, Tr-Y-N-T Triv'et, Trv^.T Triv'ial-ly, Tr 3 -Vl Triviality, Tr'-Vl-T Triv'ialness, Tr^-V Triv'ium, Tr 3 -v-M Tri'-weekly, T^-W-Kl Troat, Trt- Tro'car, Tr 2 -Kr Trochaic, Tr^-K-K Trocha'ical, Tr2-K-Kl Tro'che, Tr'-K Tro'chee, Tr--K Tro'chil, Tr 2 -Kl Trochillcs, Tr'-Kl-Ks Tro'ching, Tr^-K-NG Trochlea, Tr'-K-i Trochleary, Tr ] -K-i-B Trod, Tr!-D(Trdi) Trod'den, Tr'-Dn Troglodyte, Tr^Gl-Dt Troll, Tr 2 -L, Tr 2 -Ld, Tr- L-NG Troll'er, Tr 2 -X-K Trollop, Tr'-i-P Trom'bone, Tri-M-Bn Tromp, Tri-M-P Troop, Tr 3 -P, TrS-Pt, Tr3- P-NG Troop'er, TrS-Pr Trope, Tr 2 -P Tro'phy, Tr=-F Tropic, Tr>-P-K Trop'ical-ly, Tr-P-Kl Troplst, Tr^-Pst Tropologlc, Tri-P-i-J- K Tropologlcal, Tr^P-i-J- Kl Tropol'ogy, Tr'-P-i-J Trot, Trt>. Tr'-Td, Trt(-) 1 Troth, Tr 1 TH Trot'ter, Trtri Trou'badour, Tr 3 B-Dr Trouble, Tr a -Bl, Tr2-Bld, Tr 2 Bl-NG Troubler, Tr 2 -Bl-K Troublesome, Tr 2 -Bl- sM Troublesomely, Tr a -Bl- sM-i Troublesomeness, Tr 2 - Bl-sM-Ns Troublous, Tr 2 -Bls Trough, Trf 1 TRO Trounce, Trns 1 , Trnst>, Trnsi-NG Troun'cing, Trngi-NG Troupe, Tr 8 -P Trouse, Trz' Trous'ers, Tr*-zRz Trousseau', Tr*-S Trout, Trti Trout'ing, TrtC) 1 Trout'-pond, Trtf-Pnd Trout'-stream, Trti-sTr- M Tro'ver, Tr*-Vr Trow, Tr* Trowel, Tr'-L Trow'sers, Tri-zRz Troy, Tri Troy-weight, Ti^-Wt Tru'ancy, Tr-N-S Tru'ant, Trnt* Truce, Trs 3 Truce'-breaker, Tr-sBr- Kr Truck. Tr 2 -K, Tr 2 -Kt, Tr- K NG Truck'age, Tr 2 -K-J Truck'er, Tr 2 -Kr Truck'le, Tr 2 -Kl, Tr*-Kld, Tr 2 -Kl-NG Truck'le-bed, Tr2-Kl-Bd Truck'ling, Tr 2 -Kl-NG Truck'man, Tr 2 -K-Mn Tru'culence, Ir'-Klns Tru'culency, Trs-Kln-S Tru'culent, TrS-EInt Tru'culently, Tr 3 -Klnt-Z Trudge, Tr-J, TrWd, Tr J-NG True, Tr\ TrVR, Trsts True'-bill, Tr 3 B-L True'-blue, Tr-Bl True'-born, TrS-B-fin True'-bred, Tr-Brd True'-hearted, Tr-.R-Td True'-heartedness, Tr- fi-Td-Ns True'love, Tr 3 --V Truelove'-knot, Tr*-L- V-Nt True'ness, Tr*-Ns True'-penny, Tr a -P-N Truffle, Trs-Fl Truffle-worm, Tr*-Fl- Wr-M Trug, Tr^-G Tru'ism, Tr3-zM Trull, Tr 2 -L Trulliza'tion, Ir^-Lzshn Tru'ly, Trt-L Trump, Tr=-M-P, Tr*-Mt, Tr 2 -M-P-NG Trump'ery, T^-M-Pr Trum'pet, Tr 2 -M-Pt. Tr 2 - M-P Td. Tr-M-Pt(-) Trump'eter, Tr-M-Ptr Trunc'al, Tr 2 -NG-Kl Trunc'ate, TrZ-NO-Kt. TrS-NG-K-Td. Tr-NG-Kt- NG Trunc'ated, Tr 2 -NG-K-Td 276 Trun ca'tion, Tr NG - Eshn Trun'cheon, Tr-Nshn Trun'dle, Trnd 2 -L, Trnd 2 - Ld. Trnd2-L-NG Trun'dle-bed, Trnd'-L- Bd Trunk, Tr 2 -NG-K Trunk'-hose, Tr-NG-K- Hz Trun'nel, Tr*-Nl Trun'nion, Trn^N Tru'sion, Trzhn 3 Truss, Trs a , Trst 2 , Trs 8 - NG Trust, Trst*, Trs 2 -Td, Trst 2 -NG Trustee', Trs'-T Trust'er, Trstr* Trust'ful, Trs'-Fl Trust'ily, Trs*-T-L Trust'iness, Trs a -T-Ns Trust'less, Trs 2 -T-is Trust'worthiness, Tr z - sWr-DH-Ns Trust'worthy, Tr*-sWr- DH Trusf y, Trs*-T, TrsS-T-E, Trs-Tst Truth, Tr-TH [Tr 2 Written in second posi- tion to distinguish it from JVtte.] Truth'ful-ly, Tr-TH-Fl [Tr-Fl] Truth'fulness, Tr3-TH- Fl-Ns [Tr:Fs] Truthless, [Tr 2 -is] Truth'lessness, [Tr*Si8] Truth'-speaking, [Tr 2 - sPC)] Truth'-teller, [Tr ! T 2 - i-R] Try, Tri, Trd', Tri-NG Trying, Tri-NG Tryst, Trst Tub, T-B, T 2 -Bd, TS-B- NG Tube, T'-B, T-Bd, T 3 -B- NG Tu'ber, T-Br Tu'bercle, T 3 -Br-Kl Tuber'cular, T 2 -Br-Kl-R Tuber'culate, T 2 -Br-Klt Tuber'culous, T-Br-Kls Tube'rose, T-B-fiz Tuberos'ity, T^Brs-T Tu'berous, T 3 -Bra Tub'ing, T 3 -B-NG Tub'-man, T 2 -B-Mn Tub'-race, T^-B-fis Tu'bular, T-B-i-R Tu'bulate, T-B-Zt Tu'bulated, T-B-i-Td Tu'bule, T-B-L Tubu'liform, T-B-i-F- B M Tu'bulous, T'-B-Ls Tuck, T-K, T*-Kt, T-K- NG TUN Tuck'er, T=-Kr Tuck'et, T 2 -Kt Tues'day, Tz-D Tu'fa, T"-F Tuff, Tf 2 Tuffoon', Tfs-N Tuft, Tft 2 , Tf-Td, Tit* NG Tuft'ed, Tf2-Td Tuff-hunter, Tft 2 -Hntr Tuft'y, Tf2-T Tug, T 2 -G, T 2 -Gd T-G- NG Tug'ger, T 2 -Gr Tug'gingly, T^-G-NGl Tui'tion, Tshn 3 Tui'tionary, Tshn 3 -.R Tu'lip, T 3 -/,-P Tulle, T3-L Tum'ble, T 2 -M-B1, T 2 -M- Bld, T 2 -M-B1-NG Tum'bler, T 2 -M-B1-R Tum'brel, T 2 -M-Br-L Tum'bril, T 2 -M-Br-L Tumefac'tion, T'-M-F- Esbn Tu'mefy, T 3 -M-F, T 3 -M- Fd. T 3 -M F-NG Tu'mid, T 3 Md Tumid'ity, T 3 -Md-T Tu'midness, T 3 -Md-Ns Tu'mor, T 3 -M-R Tu'morous, T 3 -M-fls Tump, T 2 -M-P, T*-Mt, T4 M-P-NG Tu'mular, T 3 -M-i-R Tu'muli, T 3 -M-i Tu'mulose, T 3 -M-Ls Tu'mulous, T 3 -M-is Tu'mult, T 3 -M-Lt Tumult'uarily, T 2 -M-Zt- R L Tumult'uariness, T 2 -M- Lt-R Ns Tumult'uary, T 2 -M-Zt-S Tumult'uous, T-M-i-Ts Tumult'uously, T^M-Zi- T sL Tumulfuousness, T'-M- Tu'mulus, T s -M-Z,s Tun, Tn 2 , Tnd 2 . Tn 2 -NG Tun'able, T 3 -N-B1 Tun'ableness, T 3 -N Bl- Ns [Tn3!Bs] Tune, Tns, Tnd 3 , Tn-NG Tune'ful, Tn 3 -F-L Tune'fully, Tn 3 -F-I, Tune'less, T 3 -Nls Tun'er, T 3 -Nr Tung'sten, T 2 -NGs-Tn Tu'nic, T3-N-E Tu'nicle, T 3 -?r-Kl Tun'ing-fork, TnS-NG- F-R-E Tun'ing-hammer, Tn*- NG-H-Mr Tun'nage, Tn 2 -J Tun'nel, T^-Nl, T'-Nld, T 2 -N1-NG TUN Tun'neling, T-Nl-Nd Tun'ny, X^-N Turban, Tr2-Bn Turbary, TrS-B Tur'bid, Tr*-Bd Turbid'ity, Tur-bidly, Tr^-Bd L Tur'bidness, Tr 2 -Bd-Ks Tur'binate, Tr*-B-Nt Tur'binated, Tr 2 -B-N-Td Turbina'tion, Tr 2 - B - Nshn Tur'bine, Tr*-Bn Tur'bit, Ti-a-Bt Tur'bot, Tr 2 -Bt Tur'bulence, Tr'-Blns Tur'bulent, Tr 2 -Blnt Tur'bulently, Tr 2 -Blnt-Z TuiVeism, T*-Rsz-M Turcoman, T 3 -.R-K-Mn Tureen', T 3 -fin Turf, T 2 -/if, TS-fift, T- Turfiness, T 2 -.R-F-Ns Turfy, T 2 -.R-F, T-.B-F-R, T 2 -.R-Fst Tur'gent, Tr-Jnt Turges'cence, Tr*-Js-Ns Turges'cency, Tr^-Js-N- 8 Turges'cent, Tr 2 - Js-Nt Tur'gid, Tr 2 -Jd Turgid'ity, Tr 3 -Jd-T Tur'gidness, Tr 2 -Jd-Ns Tur'key, T 2 --K Tur'key-buzzard, T 2 -.R- K-B-zRd Turk'ish, T-B-K-SH Turkois', Tr ] or-Kz Turk's-head, T2-JZ-K- sHd Tur'meric, Tr 2 -M--K Tur'moil, Tr 2 -M- Turn, T 2 -/Jn, T 2 -flnd, T- fin-NG. See Train, etc. Turn'coat, T'-ffn-Kt Turn'er, T 2 -Kn-R Turn'ery, T^-Rn-R Turn'ing, T-fin-NG Turn'ing-point, T-Bn NG-Pnt Tur'nip, Tr 2 -N-P Turn'key, 'f*-Rn-X. Turn'-out, T*-fin-T Turn'-over, T*-.Rn-v-R Turn'pike, T a -Kn-P-K, T*-/Zn-P-Kt, T s -fin-P-K- NG Turn'pike-road, T*-Kn- P-X-B-D Turn'sole, T 2 -B-Ns-L Turn'spit, T-Rns-Pt Turn'stile, T 2 -Rns-T-L Turn'-table, T 2 -Bn-T-Bl Tur'pentine, T 2 -/?-Pnt-N Tur'pitude, T"-R P-Td Turquois', Tr'ar^-Kz Tur'rel, T 2 -K1 Tur'ret, T 2 -t Tur'reted.T^-B-Td 277 Turtle, Tr-Tl Tur'tle-dove, Tr*-Tl-Dv Tur'tler, Tr 2 -Tl-R Tus'can, T 2 -sKn Tush, T*-8H Tusk, T*-sK Tusked, T 2 -sKt Tusk'y, T 2 -sK Tus'sle, Ts*-L Tut, Tt Tu'telage, Tt'-i-J Tu'telar, Tt^-i-B Tu'telary, Tt'-L-R Tu'tenag, T3-T-N-G Tu'tor, Ttr 3 , Ttrd', Ttr(-) 8 Tu'torage, Ttr-J Tu'toress, T-Trs Tuto'rial, T*-T-.K1 Tut'ti, T-T Tut'ty, T*-T Twad'dle, Tw>-Dl, Tw>- Dld.Tw^Dl-NG Twad'dler, Twi-Dl-B Twad'dy, 1w l -D Twain, Twna Twang, Twi-NG, Tw 1 - NGd, Twi-NG-NG 'Twas, Twzi Twat'tle, Twi-Tl Tweak, Tw s -K, Tw'-Kt, Tw 3 -K-NG Tweed, Tw 3 -D (Twd) Twee'dle, Tw-Dl Tweeds, Tw s -Dz (Twdz*) Twee'zers, Tw 3 -zRz Twelfth, Tw 2 --F-TH 02TH) TwelftL'-night, Tw-- F-TH-N-T(12TH!Nti) Twelve, Tw 2 -L-v (12) Twelve'month, Tw*-- V-M-N-TH (12 M-N-TH 2 ) Twelve'-pence, Tw 2 -/,- V-Pns(12Pns 2 ) Twelve'-penny, Tw*-- V-P-N (12 P 2 -N) Twelve'score, Tw--Vs- K-R(12sK-R2) Twentieth, Twn*-T-TH (20TH) Twen'ty, Twn-T (20) Twen'ty-fold, Iwn-T- Fld (20 F^-Ld) 'Twere, Tw-R Twi'bil, Twi-BI Twice, Tws 1 Twice'-told, Tws'-Tld Twid'dle, Tw-Dl Twi'fallow, Twi-F-i- Twi-F-id, TwJ-F-i-NG Twig, Tw*-G, Tw'-Gd, Tw-G-NG Twig'gen, Tw 3 -Gn Twig'gy, Tw-G Twi'light, Tw>-Zt Twill, Tw-L, Tw-Ld, Tw3-L-NG Twin, Twn* Twine, Twn 1 , Twnd 1 , TYP Twinge, Twn'-J, Jd, Twn 8 -J-NG Twink'le, Tw 3 -NG-Kl, Tw^-NG-Kld, Tw*-XG-Kl- NO Twink'ling, Tw^-NG-Kl- NG Twin'ling, Tw3-Nl NG Twirl, Tw^-JJl, Tw^-TJld, Twist, Twst 3 , Tws'-Td, Twst 3 -NQ Twist'er, Twstr* Twit, Twt 3 , Tw 3 -Td, Twt(-) 3 Twitch, Tw 3 -CH, Tw 3 - CHt, Tw 3 -CH-NG Twitch'er, Tw 3 -CHr Twitch'-grass, Tw 3 -CH- Grs Twit'ter, Twtrs, Twtrd 3 . TwtrC) a Twit'tingly, Twt^-NGl 'Twixt, Tws-Kst Two, T 3 (2) Two'-celled, Ts 3 -Ld Two'-cleft, T 3 Klft Two'-edged, T 3 -Jd Two-flowered, T^-Fl-fld Two'fold, T a -Fld Two'-handed, T 3 -Hn-Dd Two'-leaved, T 3 -i-Vd Two'-legged, T a --G-D Two'-lobed, T^-i-Bd Two'-masted, T 3 -Ms-Td Two'-parted, T 3 Pr-Td Two'-pence, T 3 or^-Pns Two'-penny, T 3 or 2 -P-N Two'-petaled, T 3 -Pt-Ld Two'-ply, T 3 -P1 Two'-seated. Ts 3 -Td Two'-tipped, T 3 -T-Pt 'Twould, Twd 3 Two'-valved, T 3 -Vl-Vd Tychon'ic, T'-K-N-K Tycoon', T 3 -K.n Tying, T J -NG Tyke, T'-K Tym'bal,T 3 -M-Bl Tym'pan, T 3 M-Pn Tym'panum, T'-M-P-N- M Tym'pany, T 3 -M-P-N Type, Ti-P Type'-founder, T - P - Fndr Type'-foundry, T 1 - P - Fnd-jR Type'-metal, T'-P-Mt-/i Typhoid, Tf ' -D Typhoon', Tfs-N Typhus, Ti-Fs Typ'ic,T 3 -P-K Typ'ical-ly, T 3 -P-K1 Typ'lcalness, T-P-Kl-Ns Typifica'tion, T 2 -Pf- Kshn Typ'ifler, T 3 -P-F-B Typ'ify, T 3 -P-F, T-P-Fd, T'-P-F-NG TYP Typog'rapher, T^P-Gr- Fr Typographic, T J -P-Grf- K Typographlcal-ly, T 1 - P-Gr-F-Kl Typog'raphy, l^-P-Gr- F Tyr'anness, T 3 -B-Ns Tyran'nic, ^-.R-N-K Tyran'nical-ly, Ti-JZ-N- Kl Tyran'nicide, T!-.R-Ns-D Tyr'anize, T 3 -K-Nz, T- fl-Nzd, T 3 -^ -Nz-NG Tyr'annous, T 3 -B-Ns Tyr'anny, T 3 -.R-N Tyrant, Ti-flnt Tyr'ian, T 3 -jRn Ty'ro, 1 l -R Tyrolese', 1*-R-Lz Tzar, Z'-R Tzari'na, Z^-K-N u. TJ, the twenty-first letter of the Alphabet, is used to represent the two simple vowel -sounds heard in cut, but, full, bull, the diph- thong sound heard in tube, cute, cure, and, at the begin - ning of some words, the sounds of the consonant y and o, as heard in wse (yos). usual (yo'zhoal). These sounds are written in Pho- nography as follows; M in cut light second- place dash. M in full light third- place dash. u in tube v-ghaped diph- thong-sign opening to the right. u in wse the stem Y and heavy (but in unaccented syllables, light) third- place dash. Ubi'ety, Yi-B-T Ubiq'uitary, Y 3 -B-Kw-T- R Ubiq/uitous, Y 3 -B-Kw- Ts Ubiq'uity, Y 3 -B-Kw-T Ud'der, Dr 2 Udom'eter,Yd'-Mtr Ugliness, Gl-Ns Ug'ly, Gl 2 , G1-R2, Glst Ukase', YS-KS Ul'cer, s 3 -R Ul'cerate, Ls"-Rt, Ls*-R- Td. Zs s -/ft-NG Ulcera'tion, Ls^-Rstm Ul'cered, 278 Ul'oerous, Ls s -Rs Ul'cerousness, Ls f -Ra- Ns Ule'ma, L-M Ulig'inous, Yl s -J-Ns Ullage, L Z -J Ul'na, IAN Ul'nar, L2-Nr Ult., its Ulte'rior, L*-T-R-R Ulte'riorly, L*-T-R-Rl Ul'timate, Lts-Mt, Lta-M- Td, Lts-MtC) Ul'timately, Lt 2 -Mt-i Ul'tima thule, Lt z -M- TH-L Ultima'tion, Lt^-Mshn Ultima'tum, Lt-Mt-M Ul'timo, Lt-M Ul'tra, i s -Tr Ul'traism, i-Tr-zM Ul'traist, i-Trst Ultramarine', /> 3 -Tr-M- Rn Ultramon'tane, Z-'-Tr- Mnt-N Ultramon'tanism, L 1 - Tr-Mut-Nz-M Ultramun'dane, i'-Tr- Mn-Dn Ul'ulate, Lt-Li Ulula'tion, Z- 2 -ishn Um'bel, M-B12 Um'bellar, M-B-L-R Um'bellate, M-B-Z,t Um'bellated, M-B2--Td Um'belet, M-B^-it Um'belliferous, Rs Um'ber, M-Br a Umbil'ic, M-B1 3 -K Umbil'ical, M-B1-K1 Umbil'icate, M-Bl 3 -Kt Umbil'icus, M-Bls-Ks Um'bles, M-Blz Um'brage, M-Br a - J Umbra'geous, M-Br*-Js Umbra'geously, M-Br a - J-si Umbra'geousness, M- Br 2 -Js-Ns Umbrella, M-Br L Umbrif erous, M-Brf 3 -fis Um'pirage, M-Pr 2 -J Um'pire, M-Pr 2 Um'pireship, M-Pr 2 -/Sf- P [iSH] Un- is a negative prefix that enters into the com- position of a vast number j of words ; but, as in most instances their outlines; are the same as those of the primitive words, with merely an N-stem prefixed, it would be a waste of space to attempt to give them all in this | place. As a rule words only are given that are] UNA in frequent use, and those whose outlines vary from the outlines of the primitive words. In the case of words not found here, their out- lines may be ascertained by looking up the words without the un and then prefixing an N-stem to their outlines. Unabashed', N-B'-SHt Unabat'ed, N-B^-Td Unabat'edly, N-B2-Td- Unabbre'viated, N-Br- Y-Td Una'ble, N-B1 Unabridged', N-Br'-Jd Unac'cented, N-Ks-N- Unaccept'able, N-Ks- Pt 2 -Bl Unaccept'ed, N-Ks-P*- Td Unaccom'modating, N- Unaccom'panied, N-K :P 2 -N-D Unaccom'plished, N-K iPP-SHt Unaccount'able-y, N-K- Nt-Bli Unaccount'ed, N-K-N- Unaccus'tomed, N-Ks- Unachieved', N-CHvd' Unacknowl'edged, N- K-Jdi Unacquaint'ed, N-Kwn- Td 2 Unadjust'ed, K-J'-sTd Unadorned', N-D^^nd Unadulterated, N-D*- it-^-Td Unadvis'able, N-DJ-Vz- Bl Unadvised', N-D^Vzd ti nadvis'edly, N-DJ-Vz- D-L Unadvis'edness, N-D 1 - Vz-D-Ns Unaffect'ed, N-F2-K-Td Unaid'ed, N-Dd 2 Unalarmed', N-ir'-Md Unallowable, N-Z,-B1 Unalloyed', N-L-D Unalterable, K-Ltr'-Bl Unal'tered, N-ii-Trd Unambi'tious, ^J-M-B 3 - SHs Una'miable, N-M-B1 Unanimity, Yn 3 -N-M-T Unanimous, Yn^N-Ms Unanimously, Yn'-N- Unannounced', N'-N- Nst Unan'swerable-y, N-Ns- UNA Unanswered, N-Ns-.Rd Unappronch'able, Pr"-CH-Bl Unappropriated, N-Pr Pr-Td Unapt'. N-Pt* Unaptly, N-l Unarmed', N-Ri-Md Unashamed', N-SHS-Md Unasked', H-S>-Kt Unassailed', N-Sld* Unassist'ed, N-Ss 3 -Td Unassuming, N- NG Unattempt'ed, N-T 2 -M Td Unavailable, N-V*--Bl Unavailing, N-V-L-NG Unavaillngly, N-V-L NG1 Unavoid'able-y, N-V^-D Bl. See Inevitable. Unavoid'ableness, V'-DiBs Unaware', N-Wr* Unawares', N-Wrz 1 Unbaked', N-B3-Kt Unbal'anced, N-Blnst^ Unballasted, Td Unbar', N-Bi-R Unbear'able, N-B1-2Z-B1 Unbecoming, N-B*-K(-) Unbegot', N-Bi-Gt Unbegot'ten, N-Bi-Gt-N Unbeknown', N-B-Nn Unbelief, N-B1P Unbeliever, N-L. -. Unbelieving, N-Blv-NG Unbend', N-Bnd, " Bn2-Dd, N-Bnd-NG Unbending, N-Bnd-NG Unbent', N-Bnt Unbi'as, N-Bsi, N-Bsti, N-Bs'-NG Unbid'den, N-B-Dn Unbind', N-Bndi, Bnd NG Unbleached', N-B1-^^. Unblemished, N-Bl"-M- sm Unblest', N-Blst Unblushing, N-B1-SH- NG Unblushlngly. 8H-NG1 Unbolt', . Unborn', .. Unbo'som, N-B^-zM Unbo'somer, N-B-zM-R Unbound', N-Bndi Unbound'ed, N-Bn'-Dd Unbraid', N-Brd Unbri'dled, N-Br'-Dld Unbro'ken, N-Br 2 -Kn Unbuc'kle, N-B-K1, BS-Kld. N-B8-K1-NG Unbur'den, N-B2-B-Dn, N-BS-S-Dnd, " NG 279 .Rd Unbut'ton, N-B-Tn, N Unconcern', N'.sRn^ N B*-Tnd. N-B*-Tn-NG Unconcerned', N isRnd* Uncalled', Ni-Kld Unconcern''edly, Pr Uncared', Ni-Krd NisKu^-D-L Unceas'ing, N-Ss 8 -NG Unceremo'nious, nsR- Uncondi'tional, NSDslmS-L M-Ns Unceremo'niously, Uncondi'tionally, NiDshii3-i Md nsR 2 -M-Ns-L Unconflned', N tFnd' Uncer'tain, Ns-2Zt*-N Unconnect'ed, NtK- Uncertainty, Ns-^tz-N-T Td2 1 Unchain', N-CHn* Unconnect'edly, N!K- 3-JI Unchange'able-y, Td2-i N-CH2-N-J-B1 [N-CH2-B1] Uncon'querable, NiKr- -M Unchanged', N-CH2-N- BU -Bl Jd [N-CHd*] Unchar'itable-y, Uncon'scionable-y, N:SHi-X-Bl NG N-CHrti-Bl Uncon'scious, KiSHs 1 -'-L Unchar'itableness, Uncon'sciously, N ISHs 1 N-CHrtMBa L i-D Unchaste', N-CHsts Uncon'sciousness, Unchas'tity, N-CHi-sT Nt8Hs l -Ns N Unchris'tian, N - - Unconsol'ing, N is3. CHnS NG Unchurch', N-CHrS-CH Unconstitu'tional, Un'cia, N-SH N i stTshn 3 -L Un'cise, N-SH Unconstitutional'ity, ti Un'cial, N-SH1* NIstTshn'-i-T Ls LTn'ciform, N-S 2 -Fr-M Unconstrained', Uncir'cumcised, nsR2 N!sTrnd2 isZdornsRs 2 -Zd Unconsum'mated, Bl Uncircumcis'ion, nsR NtsM-Td* i(') isZHn Uncontest'ed, NiTs*- Uncir'cumscribed, Td t-N nsR 2 ;sKr-Bd Uncontrol'lable-y, n [Jnciv'il, Ns-VS-L NiTr2-Z-Bl Jnciv'ilized, Ns-V^-Lzd Uncontrovert'ed, ? Jncivilly, Ns-V 3 -Z, NiTrv^-fi-Td NG Jnclasp', N-Kls-pi Unconvened', K tVnd* - N- Un'cle, NG2-K1 Unconvert'ed, Js" : Vr^-Td Jnclean', N Kin Unconvinced', NiV 3 - NG Unclean'liness, N 2 -K1- Nst Nl-Ns Uncooked', N-K-K-T3 sti, Unclean'ly, N^-Kl-Nl Uncork', N'-Kr-K, N-Kr- Unclinch', N-K1-N-CH3 K-Ti. Ni-Kr-K-KG Inclose', N2-Klz Uncorrupt'ed, N-Kr-P- N- Jn'co, NG 2 -K Td Uncock', N>-K-K Uncount'ed, N-Kn-Tdi :nt Uncocked', N-K-K-Ti Uncouple, N-K-Pia M- Uncoil', N-K-L> Uncourt'eous, N-Kr- Uncollect'ed, N-K1-K- CHs z Tds Uncouth', N-K-TH3 m- Uncollect'ible, N-K1-K- Uncouth'ly, N-K-TH3- T2-B1 Uncouth'ness, N-K-TH'- 312- Jncombed', N^-K-Md Ns Jncombined', N SBnd 1 Uncomeat'able, N-K- Uncov'er, N-Kv-fls [Jnc'tion, NGshn' Mt-BU Unctuos'ity, NG-CHJ-sT Jncome'liness, N*-K- Unct'uous, NG-CHs 8 -R Ml-Ns Uncultivated, N-Klt-V- Jncome'ly, N-K-M1 Td d Uncom'fortable-y, N Uncul'ture, N'-Kltr iFrt'-Bl Jncurbed', N-Kr-Bd L Jncommit'ted, N !Td Jndam'aged, N-Di-M-Jd Jncom'mon, N 1 :N Unda'ted, N-D J -Td K- Jncom'monly, Ni;Nl Jndaunt'ed, N-Dn^-Td Jncom'monness, N>:N- Jndec'agon, N D=-K-Gn )n, Ns Jndeceive', N-Ds 3 -V )n- Jncom'promising, Jndeceived', N-Ds'-Vd NiPri-Mz-NG Undecid'ed, K-Ds l -Dd UNO Undecipherable, N-Ds 1 Fr-Bl Undefiled', N-Dfi-Ld Undefined', N-Dfi-Nd Undeni'able-y, N-D^-N Bl Un'der, Ndr 2 Underbid', Ndr-Bd Un'derbrush, Ndr-Br*- 8H Undercharge', Ndr- CHr"-J [-CH 1 ] Un'derclothes, Ndr-Kl- Un'dercoat, Ndr*-Kt Un'dererust, Ndr 2 -Krst Un'der-current, Ndr 2 -K Rut Underdid', Ndr-Dd 3 Underdo', Ndr-D 3 , Ndr- D 3 -NG Underdone', Ndr-Dn* Underdrain', Ndr-Drn* Underfoot', Ndr-Ft 3 Undergo', Ndr 2 -G, Ndr 2 - G-NG Undergrad'uate, Ndr- Gr-Jti Un'derground, Ndr 2 - Grnd Un'dergrowth, Ndr-Gr- TH 2 Un'derhand, Ndr 2 -Hnd Un'derhanded, Ndr- Hn-Dd 2 Underhung', Ndr 2 (-H)- NG Un'derjaw, Ndr-J* Underlain', Ndr-Zn a Underlay, Ndr-Z 2 , Ndr- Z 2 -D, Ndr-Z z -NG Un'der-lease, Ndr^Zs Underlet', Ndr-Zt 2 Underlie', Ndr-Zi, Ndr- Zi-NG Underline', Ndr-Zn' Un'derling, Ndr-Z 2 -NG Un'derlip, Ndr-Z 2 -P Underlying, Ndr-Z-NG Undermine', Ndr'-Mn Undermin'er, Ndri-M-Nr Un'dermost, Ndr 2 -Mst Underneath', Ndr-N- TH3 Underpay', Ndr-P* Underpin', Ndr-Pn 3 Underpinning, Ndr- Un'derplot, Ndr-Plt' Underprop', Ndr-Pri-P Underrate', Ndr-7Jt s Underrun', Ndr-Bn 2 Underscore', Ndrs-K-R 2 . Ndrs-K-d 2 , Ndrs-K-E 2 - NG Undersell', Ndr-sZ 5 . Ndr-sZ 2 -NG Undersher'iff, Ndr-SHr 2 - F Undershot', Ndr-SHt Undersign', Ndrs'-N NdrsLNd, Ndrsi-N-NG Undersized', Ndrs-Zdi Undersold', Ndr-sZ z -D Understand', Ndrs-Tnd' Ndrs-Tndi-NG Understanding, Ndrs Understand'ingly, Ndrs -Tndi-NG-L Understate', Ndrs-Tt* Understated, Ndrs - T s Td Understate'ment, Ndrs- Tt 2 -Mnt Understood', Ndrs-Td 3 [Ndrs-D 3 so written to distinguish, from Inter- ested.} Understrap'per, Ndr- sTri-Pr Undertake', Ndr-T J -K, Ndr-T 2 -K-NG Undertaken, Ndr-T^-Kn Undertaker, Ndr-T 2 -Kr Undertaking, Ndr-T 2 -K- NG Un'der-tenant, Ndr 2 -Tn- Nt Un'der-tone, Ndr 2 -Tn Undertook', Ndr-T 3 -K Un'der-tow, Ndr 2 -T Underval'ue, Ndr-V>-Z Underwent', Ndr-Wnt 2 Un'der-wood, Ndr-Wd Underwork', Ndr-Wr*- K, Ndr-Wr-'-Kt, Ndr-Wr 2 - K-NG Un'der-wprld, Ndr 2 -J21d Underwrite', Ndr l -fit. Ndr'-fit-NG Un'derwriter, Ndr 5 -/2tr Undersign'ing, Ndrs l -N- NG Undeserved', N - D - Undeservedly, N - D 2 - Undeservingly, N-D S - zK-V-NGl Undesigned', N-Dsi-Nd Qndesir'able, N-Di-zK-Bl Undetected, N-Dt^-K-Td Undeter'mined, N-D J - Tr-Mnd Undeveloped, N-D2-V1- Pt [N-Dv2-Pt] Undid', N-Dd' Undigested, N-D 2 -J-sTd Undigest'ible, N-D2-Js- Bl Undig'nifled, N-D3-G-N- Fd Undiluted, N-DS-Z-Td Undimmed', N-D-Md Undine', N-Dn3 Undiscern'ib] e, N - D a zRn-B(-L) Undis'ciplined, Plnd UNE Undiscovered, N - D* ^ sKv-fid Undisputed, N-D3-sP-Td Undissolved', N-D'-zZ- Vd Undisturbed', N-Dstr*. Bd Undivided, N-Dvi-Dd Undo', N-D 3 , N-D3-NG Undock', N-DJ-K. Uudo'er, N-D^-R Undone 7 , N-Dn 2 Undoubf ed, Ivd-Td* Undoubtedly, Nd-Tdi-i Undreamt', N-Dr s -Mt Undress', N-Drs" Un'dress, N-Drs 2 Undue', N-D 3 Un'dulate, N-D 2 -Zt, N- DS-Z-Td, N-D 2 -it-NG Undula'tion, N-D 2 -Zshn Un'dulatory, N-D*-zt-B Undu'ly, N-C 3 -Z Undu'tiful-ly, N-D3-T- Fl Undying, N-Di-NG Unearth', N-.R2-TH, N- R--THt, N--K2-TH-NG (Nr-TH 2 , Nr-THt*, Nr- Tfl 2 NG) Unearth'ly, N-JZ2-TH-Z (Nr-TH2-Z) Unea'sily, N-ZP Unea'siness, N-Z 3 -Ns Unea'sy, N-Z 3 Uned'ucated, N-D=-K-Td UnefTect'ed, N-F 2 -K-Td Unembar'rassed, N-M- Brsti Unemployed', N-M-Pldi Unend'ing, N--Nd-NG Unendorsed', N-N-Drsti Unendur'able, N-N-Dr 3 - Bl Unendur'ing, N-N-Dr- NG Unenlightened, N-N1- Tndi Unen'viable, N-N-V-B1 [Jne'qual, N-Kw-L 3 Jne'qualled, N-Kw-Ld a Jne'qually, N-Kw-Z^ [Jnequiv'ocal-ly, N-Kw- V-K1 Jnerr'ing, N-E 2 -NG Unerr'ingly, N-R2-NG1 Unessential, N-S 2 -N-SH1 [N-Sn 2 ] Jne'ven, N-Vn 3 Jne'venly, N-V 3 -N1 . Jne'venness, N-Vn^-Na Unexag'gerated, N-K- sJrJ-Td Unexam'pled, N-K-sM- Pld Jnexcelled', N-Ks-Ld* Jnexcep'tionable, N- Ks-Pshn J -B(-L) Unexcep'tionably, N Ks-Pslm 2 -B(-Z) UNE Unexpected, N-Ks-P*-K Td Unexpectedly, N-Ks-P 8 - K-Td-/y Unexplained', N-Ks Plnd Unexplored', N-Ks-Pl*- Bd Unfad'ed, N-F*-Dd Unfail'ing, N-F2-L-NG Unfair', N-F'-R Unfairly, N-Fi-R-L Unfair'ness, N-Fi-R-N Unfaith'ful-ly, N-F-TH- Fl Unfaithfulness, N-F- THiFs Unfal'tering, N-F>-Ltr NG Unfalteringly, N-F'-Ltr- NG1 Unfamil'iar, [N-FS-M] Unfas'ten, N-Fs'-N, N- Fsi-Nd, N-Fsi-N-NG Unfath'omable, N-F>- DH-M-Bl Unfath'omed, N-F-DH- Md Unfa' vorable-y , N - F - Vr-Bl Unfeel'ing. N-F'-L-NG Unfeel'ingly, N-FS-L- NG1 Unfeigned', N-Fnd ' Unfeign'edly, N-F2-Nd- L Unfeign'edness, N-F- Nd-Ns Unfelt', N-F 2 -Lt Unfet'ter, N-Ftr*, G-F- Trd. N-Ftr 2 -NG Unflllal, N-F3-L- Unfinished, N-Fn-Sflt Unfit', N-Ft3, N-F^-Td, N-Ft 3 -NG Unflt'ly, N-Ft'-Z Unfit'ness, N-Ft-Ns Unfix', N-F 3 -Ks Unfledged', N-Fl-Jd Unflinching, N-F1-N- CH NG Unfold', N-F*-Ld. N-F- /,-Dd. N F'-'-Ld-NG Unforbid'den, N-F-B- Dn Unforeseen', N-F'-Rs-N [N-Fs s -K] Unforgiven, N-F;G' Unforgiving, N-F*iGo* Unformed', N-F^R-Md [N-Fd>] Unfort'unate, N-Fr-CH- Nt Unfort'unately, N-Fri- CH-Nt-L, Unfort'unateness, N - FrVCH Nt-Na Unfound', N-Fndi Unfound'ed, N-F>-N-Dd 281 Unfre'quent, N - Fr* - Kwnt Unfrequenf ed, N - Fr - Kwn-Td Unfrequently, N-Fr 3 - Kwnt-L Unfriend'ed, N-Fr'-N Dd Unfriendliness, N - Frnd-Z,-Ns Unfriendly, N-FrndZ-X, Unfruit/ful, N-Frt*-Fl Unfruiffulness, N-Frt SFs Unfurl', N-FZ-ffl, N-F- flld, N F 2 -JZ1-NG Unfur'nish, J$-Frn*-SH Unfurnished, N-Frn 2 - sm Ungainliness, N a -G-Nl- Ns Ungainly, N*-G-N1 Ungallant, N-G-Lnt Ungen'erous, N-J*-Nrs Ungen'erously, N-J Z - Nrs-L Ungen'tlemanly, N-Jnt- L-M-N1 [N-Jnt 2 ii] Ungird', N*-Grd, N-Gr- Dd2, N 2 -Grd-NG Ungloved', N*-Glvd Unglue', N3-G1 Ungodliness, N-Gd-i 1 - Ns Ungodly, N-Gd-i Ungov'ernable, N-Gv- fln 2 -B-L [N-Gv-B 2 J Ungrace'ful, N-Grs-FZ-L Ungrace'fully, N-Grs-F 2 - L Ungra'cious, N-Gr-SHs* Ungra'ciously, N - Gr - 8Hs 2 -i Ungrammafical-ly, N 1 - Gr-Mt-Kl Ungrate'ful-ly, N-Grt- Ungrate'fulness, N-Grt- Fiz-Ns [N 2 -GrtSFs] tJnground'ed, N-Grn-Dd 1 Dn'gual, N-Gw-L 3 CTnguard'ed, N-Gr-Dd' Unguard'edly, N-Gr-Dd 1 - L Un'guent, NG 4 -Gwnt Unguic'ular, N-Gw-K- Lr* Unguic'ulate, N-Gw-K- Unguic'ulated, N-Gw-K- L'-Td Un'gulate, N-G-Lt Unhallow, N-H-H Unhandily, N-Hn-Di-Z, Unhan'dled, N-Hnd-Ldi Unhand'some, N^Hnds- M Unhand'somely, N-Hns- M-H Unhand'y, N-Hn-D 1 UNI Unhap'pily, w-pi-i Unhap'piness, N-P'-Ns Unhap'py, N-P' Unharmed', Ni-Hr-Md Unharmo'nious, N-Hr- M-Ns Unhar'ness, N^-Hr-Ns, N'-Hr-Nst, Ni-Hr-Ns-NG Unhealth'fulness, [N- Unhealthily, TH-i] Unhealth'iness, TH-Ns] Unhealth'y, [N-/,2-TH] Unheard', N^-Hrd Unheed'ed, N-H-Dd* Unhesitatingly, N-Hz- Tt'-NGl Unhin'dered, N-Hnd- Rd Unhinge', N-H-N-J' Unhinged', N-H-N-Jds Unhitch', N-H-CH' Unho'liness, N-H-I-'-Ns Unho'ly, N-H-i 2 Unhon'ored, Ni-Nrd Unhook', N 3 -H-K, N 3 -H- Kt. N 3 -H-K-NG Unhoped', N-Pt^ Unhorse', N'-Hrs Unhouse', N'-Hz Unhous'eld, N-Hz-td* Unhung', N 2 -H-NG Unhurt', N^.Hrt Unhurt'ful-ly, N-Hrt-Fl U'nicorn, Y^-N-Km Unification, Y 2 -N-F- Kshn U'niform, Yn 3 -F-R-M [Yn3-F] Uniform'ity, Yni-F-R-M- T [Yni-F-T] U'niformly, Yn*-F-R-M- L [Yn3-F-iJ U'nify, Y3-N-F, Y'-N-Fd, Y3-N-F-NG Unimpeach'able, N-M- ps-CH-Bl Unimped'ed, N-M-P 3 - Dd Unimpor'tant. [N-M- Prt'] Unimproved', N-M- Prvd Unin'fluenced, [N-N- Fst] Uninformed', [N-N-Fd 1 ] Uninhabitable, N-N- Bt'-Bl Uninhabited, N-N-B- Td Unini'tiated, N-N-SH- Td Uninspired', N-Ns-P 1 - Rd Uninstruct'ed, N-N- RTr ! -K-Td Unintelligible, [N-Nt- UNI 282 UNP Unintend'ed, N-Nt-N- Unkindly, N-Knd-Z' Unmask', N'-Ms-K Dd* Unkind'ness, N'-Knd-Ns Unmeaning, N 8 -Mn-NG Uninten'tional-ly, N- Unking'ly, N-K-NG1 Unmen'tionable, N-M- Nt-Nshn-Z* Unknit', N-Nt. N-N-Td 8 , Nshn-B 2 -L Unin'terested, N-Ntrs- N-Nt-NG Unmen'tioned, N-M-N- Td 3 Unknowable, N-N-B1* SHnd Unin'teresting, N 8 - Unknown', N 2 -Nn Unmer'ciful-ly, N-M-.R*- Ntrst(-) Unlace', N-Zs 2 , N-Zst 2 , S-F1 Uninterrupted, N-Ntr- Unmercifulness, N-M- p*-Td Unlade', N-Za^D, N-Za- 2-S-Fl-Ns [IFs] Union, Yn'-N Dd N-Za 2 -D-NG Unmerited, N-M-fi-Td Unionist, Yn s -Nst Unla'dylike, N-Z-D-Z-K Unmind'ful, N-Mnd- Union-jack, Yn 3 -N-J-K Unlamen'ted, N-L 2 -Mn- F'-L Unip'arous, Y 3 -N-Prs Td Unmistak'able, N-Ms- U'niped, Y^-N-Pd Unlash', N-Z^-SH T2-K-B1 [N-Ms-K-Bl 2 ] Uniper'sonal, Y z -N-Prs- Unlatch', N-Zi-CH, N-Z>- Unmodified, N-Md-Ffli Nl CHt, N-Zi-CH-NG (Nl- i Unmoor', N 3 -Mr Unique', Y 3 -N-K CH, Nl-CHt, N1-CH- Unmoved', N-M-Vd> Unira'diated, Y 2 -N-.R- NG) Unmuf'fle, N-M-F1* D-Td Unlaw'ful-ly, N-Z'-Fl Unmuz'zle, N-Mz-Z s Unise'rial, Y 3 -Ns-.R-L Unlawfulness, N-Z'-Fl- Unnat'ural-ly, N-Nt-ffli. U'nison, Y 3 -Ns-N Ns [iFs] See note under lllauda- Unis'onance, Y 8 -Ns-Nns Unlay', N-Z ble. Unis'onant, Y s -Ns-Nnt Unlearn', N-Zrn 2 Unnavlgable, N-N-V-G- Unis'onous, Y 8 -Ns-Ns Unlearned', N-Zrnd Bl U'nit, Y 3 -N-T Unleavened, N-ZS-Vnd Unnec'essarily, N-Nss- Unita'rian, Y 8 -N-T-fin (Nl-Vnd 2 ) 12 ( YntVHn ) Unless', Nls 2 Unnec'essariness, N- Unita'rianism, Y*-N-T- Unlet'tered, N-Z-Trd Nss-fi--Ns flnz-M (Ynt2-.Rnz-M) U'nitary, Y-N-T-fi Unlike', Nl'-K Unlikelihood, Nil-Ki- Unnec'essary, N-Nss-fi* Unneigh'borly, N-N- Unite', Yl-N-T, Yi-N-Td, nd Br 2 -Z Y'-Nt-NG Unlikely, NU-K1 Unnerve', N-Nr-V* Unit'edly, Yi-N-Td-Z Unlike'ness, NP-K-Ns Unno'ticed, N-N-Tst* Unit'er, Y-Ntr Unlim'ber, N-L 8 -M-Br, Unnum'bered, N-N-M- U'nitive, Y 8 -N-Tv N-L s -M-Brd, N-L 8 -M-Br- Brd* [N-Brd 2 ] U'nity, Y 3 -N-T NG Unobserved', N-B-zflvd U'nivalve, Yn s -V-Z-V Unlimited, N-IAM-Td Unobtru'sive, N-B- U'nivalved, Yn s -V-Z-Vd Unload, N-Z-D, N-Z 2 -Dd, Trs 3 -V Univalv'ular, YnW-Z- N-Z'-D-NG Unoc'cupied, N-K-Pd 1 VI R Unlock', N-Zi K, N-Zi- Unoffl'cial, N-F* SHI Univers'al, Yn 2 -V-Hs-Z K-T, N-Zi-K-NG (N1-K, Uno'pened, N-Pnd 2 [Yn 2 -Vs-L] etc.) Unostenta'tious, N-St- Univers'alise, Yn^-V-Rs- Unloose', N-Zs 8 Nt-SHs Zz Unloos'en, N-Zs s -N Unpaclfied, N-Ps'-Fd Dnivers'alism, YnZ-V- Unloveliness, N-Z*-V1- Unpack', N-P'-K Rs-Zz-M [Yn-Vz-M] Ns Unpal'atable, N-PJ-Zt-Bl Cmvers'alist, Yn*-V-Rs- Unlovely, N-Z 2 -V1 Unparalleled, N-P'-fil- Zst [Yn J -Vs-Lst] Unluckily, N-Z 2 -K1 Ld Universality, Yni-V-Rs- Unlucklness, N-Z'-K- Unpardonable, N-P>-.R- Z-T Ns Dn-B(-L) Univers'ally, Yn 2 -V-Rs- Unluck'y, N-Z 2 -K Unparliament'ary, N- Z [Yn2-Vs-L] Unmade', N 2 -Md Pr* Z-Mnt-fl U'nivers, Yn^-V-Rs [Yn 8 - Unmake', N 2 -M-K, N 2 -M- Unperceived', N-Prs s - Vs] K-NG Vd Univer'sity, Yn s -V-Rs-T Unmal'leable, N-M-Zi-Bl Unphilosophlcal-ly, N- [Yn 2 -Vs-T] Unman', N'-Mn, N'-Mnd, Flsi-F-Kl Univ'ocal-ly, Yn s -V-Kl Ni-Mn-NG Unpin', N-Pu s Unjoint, N-Jnti Unmanageable, N-M-N- j Unpi'tied, N-P 8 -Td Unqoinf ed, N-J-N-Td Ji-Bl Unpleas'ant, N-Plz*-Nt Uniudged', N- J 2 -J-D Unman'liness, N^M-Nl- Unpleas'antly, N-Plz- Unjust', N- Jst Ns Nt L Unjustlfiable-y, N-Js 2 - Unmanly, N^-M-Nl Unpleas'antness, N- F-B1 Unman'nerly, N-M- Plz 2 -Nt-Ns Unjus'tified, N-Js 2 -Fd Nr-Li Unpop'ular, N-Pi-P Unjustly, N-J-sZ Unken'nel, N*-K-N1 Unmarked', NJ-Mr-Kt Unmarketable, N-M-B 1 - (-Z-R) Unpopularity, N-P'-P. Unkind', N'-Knd Kt-Bl Z-flt Unkind'liness, N-Knd- Unmar'riageable, N-M- Unprec'edented, N- Z'-Ns 1-J-B1 Prs 2 -Dn-Td UNP 283 UNV Unprec'edentedly, N- TJnsafe', Ns-F Unsports'manlike, Prs^'Dn-Tcl-Jj Unsaid', Ns-D* nsi*rt^-s5Iii-Z/- K. Unprej'udiced, N-Pr*- Unsanc'tified, Ns-KGt- Unspot'ted, Ns P'-Td Jd-St Fdi Unsta'ble, Ns-T-'-Bl Unpremeditated, K - Unsanc'tioned, Ns 1 - Unstates'manlike, Ni- Pr^-Md-T-Td NGshnd Tt2-sMn-L-K Unpretending, N-Pr*- Tnd-NG dnsa'ted, Ns-Td* Unsatisfac'torily, [Ns- Unsteadily, Ns-T2-D-/i Unsteadiness, Ns-xs-D- Unpretendingly, N- fl-sR-L^ Ns Pr*-Tnd-NG-L Unsatisfac'tory, [Ns-T 1 - Unstead'y, Ns-T^ D Unprin'cipled, N-Pr 3 - lA] Unstock', Ns-T'-K Ns-P-Ld [N-Pr^tD] Unsafisfied, Ns-Ts'-Fd Unstop', Ns-T 1 -? Unproduc'tive, N-Pr- Unsatisfying, Ns-Ts"-F- Unstring', nsTr 3 -XG, D-Kt-V NG usTr 3 -N(j-NG Unprofes'sional-ly, N- Unsa'vory, Ns-V-K Unstrung', nsTr 2 -NG Pr*-Fshn- Unsay', N-S, Ns-D2, N- Unsuccess'ful, Ns-Kss- Unprofitable-y, N-Pr 1 - S*NG F- L Ft-Bl [N-Prfti-B] Unscathed', Ns-K-THt' Unsuit'able-y, Ns-T 3 -Bl Unpromising, N-Pr 1 - Unscientific, N-S 3 -Nt- Unsullied, N-si--U Ms-NG F-K Unsung', Ns s -XG Unpros'perous, N-Pr 1 - Unscrew', N3-sKr, N 3 - Unsuspected, Nss-pz- sPrs sKrd. N 3 -sKr-NG K-Td Unproved', N-Prvd 3 Unscrupulous, nsKr- Unsuspi'cious, Xss-P J - Unprovoked', N-Prv-Kt Pls 3 sm Unqualified, N-Kw-L 1 - Unseal', Ns-L 3 Unswear', N-sWi-i, N- Fd [N-Kw-Fd 1 ] Unsearch'able, Ns-fi 2 - sWr'-NG Unquench'able-y, N - CH-B1 Unsv/ore', N-sWr ! Kw-N-CH2-Bl Unsea'sonable-y, Nsz-N- Untan'gle, N-T'-NG-Gl Unques'tionable-y, N- Bl s [-NG1] Kw2-CH-N-Bl [N-Kw- Unseat', Ns-T 3 , Ns-Td 3 , Untaught', X-Tti Bl 2 ] Ks-T 3 -NG Unteach', N-T a -CH Unqui'et, N-Kw-T 1 Unsea' worthy, N-S 3 -Wr- Unthinking, N-THuS-K- Unqui'etness, N-Kw-T 1 - DH NG [N-TH(-) 3 ] Ns Unseemly, nsM-i 3 Unthread', N-THrd= Unra'tional, T3-Rshn l -L Unseen', Ns 3 -N Unthrift', Nthr^-Ft Unrav'el, N-jRi-V-L Unselfish, N-sL^-F-SH Unthriftlly, Xthr-F3-T- Unread'y, N-.R2-D [us-SH] L Unre'al, N-fll 3 Unset'tle, Ns-TS-L, Ns- Unthrifty, Nthr-F3-T Unrea'sonable-y, N-Bz 3 - T 2 -Ld, Ns-T-'-L-NG 1 Unti'dy, N-Ti-D N-B1 Unsex', Ns^-Ks, Ns 2 -Kst, Untie', N-T 1 , N-Td 1 , N-T 1 - Unrea'sonableness, N- Ns'-Ks-NG NG fiza-N-Bl-Ns [iBs] Unsexed', Ns a -Kst Until', Nt-L 3 . Care should Unrec'ognized, Nr*:Nzd Unshackle, N-SHi-Kl be taken to give a decided Unrecommend'ed, Nr Unshapely, N-SH^-Pl slant to the L, as in fast :N-Dd' Unsheathe', N-S/T^-DH, writing this outline is Unreconcil'able, Nri sL l - N SH^-DSd, N-(Sfl 3 -DH- liable to conflict with the Bl NG outline for / think. Unredeemed', Nr-D 3 -Md Unship', N-SHS-P Untimely, N-T'-M-L Unrelenting, N-iJlnt 2 - Unsightly, Ns-Ti-I, Un'to, N-T NG Unsigned', Ns^-Nd Untold', N-TVLd Unreliable, N-BP-B1 Unskill'ful-ly, Ns-K-L 3 - Unto'ward, N-T 2 -Rd Unremit'ting, N-R 3 - Fl Unto'wardly, N-T 2 -Rd- Mt(-) Unskill'fulness, Ns-K- Unto'wardness, N - T- - Unremu'nerative, N-R- L'-Fl-Ns [iFs] Rd-Ns M-Nrt-V Unslacked', nsii-K-T Untrained', N-Trnd 2 Unrepresent'ed, N-B-P Unsociabillty, usSH 3 - Untrav'eled, N-Tr'-Vld !D Bl-T Untroubled, N-Tr J -Bld Unreserved', N-fiz*-Bvd Unso'ciable-y, nsSH-Bl Untrue', N Tr 3 Unrest', ?f-Bst* Unsolicited, nsis 3 -Td Untruly, N-Tr 3 -^ Unrid'dle, N-K 3 -Dl Unsophis'ticated, Ns - Untruth', N-Tra-TH [N- Unright'eous, N-fl'-CHs Fs*-T-K-Td Tr 2 ] Unright'eousness, N-.R 1 - Unsought', Ns-Ti Untwine', Nt-Wn 1 CHs-Ns Unsound', Ns'-Nd Untwist', Nt-Wst 3 , Nt- Unrip', N-B 3 -P Unsoundly, Ns-Nd-Li Ws 3 -Td, Nt-Wst(') 3 Unripe', N-Ri-P (Nr-P>) Unsound-ness, Nsi-Nd- Unu'sual-ly, N-Y 3 -ZH1 Unroll', N-RV, N-JSld*, Ns [N-ZH 3 ] Unsparing, Ns-P-R-NG Unused', N-Yzd Unruffled, T3-RP-L& Unspeak'able-y, Ns-P 3 - Unut'terable-y, N-Tr*-Bl Unruly, H-R^L (K-)B1 Unvail', N-V 2 -L Unsad'dle, Ns-D'-L Unspo'ken, Ns-P*-Kn Unval'ued, N-V-L-D UNV Unvarnished, N-V-fin- SHt Unva'rying, N-V*-K-NG Unveil', N-V*-L, N-Y*-Ld, N-V*-L-NG Unvo'cal, N-V-K1 Unwa'rily, N-W-JZ-i Unwa'riness, N- Unwarped', N-Wi^-Pt Un warrantable, N - Wrnt'-Bf-L) TTnwa'ry, NT : W 2 -.R Unwa'vering, N-W*-Yr- NG Unwea'ried, N-W 3 -.R-D Unweave', N-wV 3 Unwed'ded, N-wDd Unwel'come, N-W1*-K (-M) Unwell', N-wi Unwhole'some, N*-Hls- M Unwhole'someness, N l - Hls-M-Ns Unwield'y, J?-W1 3 -D Unwill'ing. N-IANG Unwill'ingiy, N-IANG1 UnwilTingness, N-L 3 - NG-Ns Unwind', N-Wnd*, N- Wndi-NG Unwise', N-Wz Unwise'ly, N-Wz>-. Unwit'tingly, N-Wt- NG1 Unwom'anly, N-W 8 -M- Nl Unwont'ed, N-WnVTd Unwont'edly, N-Wn-Td- L Unwonf edness, N-'Wn*- Td-Ns Unwor'thily, N-WrS-DH- L Unwor'thiness, N-Wr 1 - DH-Ns Unworthy, N-Wr^-DH Unwound', N-Wnd 1 Unwrap', N^-P (Nr-P 1 ) Unwre athe', N - S - DH (Nr-DH) Unwrit'ten, N - Rt* N (Nrt 3 -N) Unyield'ing, N-Y-id- NG [N-Yd(-)8] Unyoke', N-Y*-K, N-Y- Kt, N-Y2-K-NG Up, P 2 U'pas, YSPs Upbear', pi-B-K, pi-B-fi- NG Upbore', P=-B-B Upbear'ing, P^B-fi-NG Upbraid', P-Brd, P-Br- Dd, P'-Brd(-) Upbraid'er, PS-Br-Dr Upbraid'ingly, P*-Brd- NG1 Upcast', pi-Kst Upheaval, P 3 -H-Y1 284 Upheave', P-H-v Upheld', P*-Hld Up'hill, P-H1 Uphold', p-Hld, P- Hld(-) Uphold'en, ps-Hl-Dn Uphold'er, P-Hldr Uphol'ster, P^-Hlstr Uphol'sterer, P*-Hls- Tr-R Uphol'stery, P 2 -Hls-Tr Up'land, P*-Lnd Uplift', PS-Z,-Ft Uplift'ed, pa-i-F-Td Up'most, Ps-Mst Upon', Pn 1 Up'per, Pr a Up'per-case, Pr^-Ks Up'per-ten, Pr*-Tn Up'per-hand, Pr"-Hnd Up'per-leather, Pr- idhr Up'permost, Pr-Mst Up'pish, P2-SH Upraise', P*-.Rz Uprear', P*-R-R Up'right, P*-fit Up'rightly, P-Kt-X Up'rightness, pa-fit-Ks Uprise', pi-Kz. pa-fiz-NG Uprisen', P 3 -fiz-N Up'roar, P*-R-R Uproar'ious, P*-R-Ra Uproar'iously, ?*-R-R- Uproot', pa-Bt, ps.Rt-NG Uprose', P J -/fz Uprouse', pi-Rz Upset', Ps 2 -T, Ps Up'shot, P-SHt Up'side, Ps-D Up'side-down, Ps*-D-Dn Upspring', P 3 -sPr-NG Upstand', Ps^Tnd Upstarf , Ps!-T-Kt Up'start, Ps ! -T Rt Up'stroke, P 2 -sTr-K. Uptear', pi-T-R I Upturn', ps-T-Bn | Up'ward, P^-Wrd Up'wards, pa-Wrdz Upwind', P-Wnd Ura'nium, Y 2 -Bn-M Uranog'raphy, Yr>-N- Gr-F Uranol'ogy, Yr J -N-L-J (Yr-Nl-J) U'ranus, Y*-K-Ns Ur'ban, R-Bn Urbane', R 2 -Bn Urban'ity, R>-B-N-T Ur'chin, B 2 -CHn Ure'ter, Yrtr Ure'thra, YrS-THr Ure'thral, Yrthr'-L Urge, 2 -J, R"-Jd, R*-J- NG Urgency, #*-J-N-S Urgent, R*-Jni UTR Urgently, B-Jnt-L Urger, R 2 -Jr U'rim, YS-R-M U'rinal, Y*-fi-Nl U'rinary, W-Ru-R (Yrn s - R) U'rinate, Y3.-Nt U'rinative, Y-B-Nt-v U'rinator, Y-JZ-Ntr U'rine, Y^-fin (Yrn 3 ) U'rinose, Y 3 -B-Ns U'rinous, Y--Ns Urn, Rn, Rnd J , Rn^-NG Urn'-shaped, Rn 2 -8H-Pt Uros'copy, Y^is-K-P Ursa, R 2 -S Ursiform, R 2 -8-Fr-M Ursine, Rs ! -N Ur'suline, Rs'-Zn Ur'cus, Res' U'rus, YS-.RS Us, S 2 Us'able, Yz3-Bl Us'age, Yz"-J Us'ance, Yz^-Ns Use, (n.) Ys3 Use, (v. ) Yz. Yzd', Yz3-NG Use'ful-ly, Ys 3 -Fl Use'fulness, Ys 3 -Fl-Ns C'.Fs] Use'less, Ys'-Ls Uselessly, Ys^-Ls-L Use'lessness, Ys 3 -Ls-Xs tiis] Us'er, Y^-Zr Ush'er, SHr*, SHrd', SHr^-NG Us'quebaugh, S 2 -Kw-B Ust'ion, 8 2 -CHn Us'ual-ly, Y 3 -ZH1 [ZH3] Usucap'tion, Yz'-K-Pslm U'sufruct, Yz-Fr-K-T Usufruct'uary, Y2-Fr-K- 1-R U'surer,Y 3 -ZHr-R Usu'rious, Y 3 -ZHrs Usurp', Yz 2 -7Z-P, Yz*-B- Pt, Yz2-K-P-NG Usurpa'tion, Yz 2 -i?-Pslin Usurp'er, Yz 2 -^-Pr Usurp'ingly, Yz 2 -JZ-P- NG1 U'sury, Y 3 -ZHr Uten'sil, Yts-Ns-L U'terine, Y 3 -Trn U'terus, Y 3 -Trs U'tile, Yt3-L Utilita'rian, Yt-L-Trn Utilita'rianism, Yt 2 -L- Tr-zM Util'ity, Yt' Lt Utiliza'tion, Yt : -LzsAn U'tilize, Yt-Lz, Yt^-Lzd. Yt 3 -Lz-NG Ut'most, T 2 -Mst Uto'pia, Y*-T-P Uto'pian, Y*-T-Pn Uto'pianism, Y*-T-Pn- Z-M [-zM] U'tricle, Ytr 3 -Kl UTT Ut'ter, Tr, Trd, TrVNG Ut'terable, Tr 2 -Bl Ut'terance, Trns* Ut'terer, Tr*-R Ut'terly, ?i*-L Ut'termost, Tr*-Mst U'veous, Y 3 -Vs U'vula, Y 3 -V1 Uxorlcide, Uxo'rious, K-sKs 2 Uxo'riously, K- Uxo'riousness, Ns V. V, the twenty-second letter of the Alphabet, has the Bound of v in vie, row, driven, etc. It is the sonant mate of /, and is never silent except in Sevennight (sen'nit). Va'cancy, V*-Kn-S Va'cant, v*-K-Nt Va'cantly, V-K-Nt-L Va'cate, V-K-T, V 2 -K- Td. V-K-T-NG Vaca'tion, V*-Kshn Vac'cinate, Vi-Ks-Nt, Y>- Ks-N-Td, Vi-Ks-Nt-NG Vaccina'tion, V 2 -KB- Nshn Vac'cinator, V^Ks-Ntr Vac'cine, V^Ks-N Vac'cinist, Vi-Ks-Nst Vac'illancy, Vs 1 -Ln-S Vac'illant, Vsi-Lnt Vac'illate, V'-sZ-t, V l -s- Td. Vi-st-NG Vacilla'tion, Vs-Lshn Vac'uist, V>-Kst Vacu'ity, V'-K-T Vac'uous, Vi-K-8 Vac'uum, V'-K-M Va'de-me'cum, V*-D-M- K-M Vag'abond, V'-G-Bnd Vag'abondage, Vi - G - Bnd-J Vag'abondism, V 1 - G Bnd-Z-M Vag'abondry, V'-G-Bmd- R Va'gary, V-G-B Vagi'na, Vi-J-N Vag'inal, Vi-J-Nl Vag'inant, V 1 - Jn-Nt Va'grancy, V*-Grn-S Va'grant, V*-Grnt Va'grantly, V*-Qrnt-L Vague, V-a, VMlr, V- Gst Vague'ly, V*-G1 Vague'ness, V^-G-Ns Vail, V=-L 285 Vain, Vn, V-Nr, V-Nst Vainglorious, V-N-G1- Ra Vainglo'riously, V*-N- Gl-R-sL Vainglo'ry, V-N- Vainly, V*-N1 Vain'ness, Vn*-Ns Val'ance, Vl"-Ns, VP-Nst, Vl'-Ns-NG Vale, V 2 -L Valedic'tion, Vl'-D-Kshn Valedicto'rian, V1 2 -D- K-T-JKn Valedic'tory, VP-D-K-Tr Valenciennes', v*-L-TSa- Nz Val'entine, V-nt-N Vale'rian, \*-L-Rn Val'et, \ l -Lt or v. Valetudinarian, Vl 2 -Td- Nrn Valetu'dinary, Vl-Td- Nr Val'iant, V-int Val'iantly, V^-Lnt-L Val'iantness, V'-^nt-Ns Val'id, Vi-id Valid'ity, \a-L-V-T (Vld^- T) Val'idly, V^-LA-L Val'idness, Vi-id-Ns Val'inch, VH-N-CH Valise', V 8 -Zs Valla'tion, V'-Lshn Val'ley, Vi-Z- Val'lum, V>-L-M Val'or, V'-i-B Val'orous, \i-L-Ra Val'orously, \ l -L-R-sL Val'uable, Vl'-Bl Val'uableness, Vli-Bl- Jfs [IBs] Valua'tion, Vlshn* Val'uator, Vltr Val'ue, VI', Vldi, VU-NG Val'ueless, Vl-Zs Val'uer, VU-R Valv'ate, Vl^-Vt Valve, Vl'-V Valved, Vii-Vd Valve'let, vii-V-it Valv'ula, V1>-V-Z- Valv'ular, VIJ-V-Z.-R Valv'ule, V1-V-L Vamp, V>-M-P, Vi-Mt, Vi-M-P-NG Vamp er, Vi-M-Pr Vam'pire, VJ-M-Pr Vam'pirism, V-M-Pr-zM Van, Vni Van'-courier, "Vn^-K-R-R Van-dal. Vi-Nd-L Vandal'ic, V'-N-D-L-K Van'dalism, M Vandyke', Vi-N-D-K Vane, Vn Van'-guard, Vi-N-Grd Vanil'la, VAS Van'ish, Vn'-5//, Vn' SHt, \n l -SH-^Gr Vau'ity, V'-N-T Van'quish, V'-NG-Kw- 8H, V^NG-Kw-SHt, Vi- NG-Kw-SH-NG Van'quishable, V'-NG- Kw-SH-Bl Vanquisher, V-XG-Kw- SHr Van'quishment, V'-NG- Kw-SH-Mnt Van'tage, V^Nt-J Van'tage-ground, V L ! Nt-J-Grnd Vap'id, V'-Pd Vap'idly, V'-Pd-L Vap'idness, Vi-Pd-Ns Vapid'ity, v 3 -Pd-T Va'por, V2-Pr, V 2 -Prd, V s - Pr-NG Vaporabil'ity, V 3 -Pr- Bl-T Vap'orable, V-Pr-Bl Vap'orate, V'-Prt Vapora'tion, V 2 -Prshn Va'por-bath, V 2 -Pr-B- TH Va'porer, v 2 -Pr-R Vaporif ic, V3-Prf-K Va'poringly, V*-Pr-NGl Va'porish, V s -Pr-SH Vaporiza'tion, V^- Przshn Vap'orize, V 1 -Prz, V 1 - Przd, V'-Prz-NG Va'porous, V 2 -Prs Va'pory, V 2 -Pr Variability, V-K-B1-T Va'riable-y, V^-fi-Bl Va'riableness, Y 2 -7J-B1- Ns [iBs] Va'rianee, V*-Rns Va'riant, V 2 -7J-Nt Va'riate, V 2 -B-T Varia'tion, V 2 -Hshn Var'icocele, V 1 -^ Ks-L Var'icose, V^-R-Ks Var'icous, V'--Ks Va'riegate, V 2 -R-Gt, V s - B-G-Td, y-B-Gt-NG Variega'tion, V 2 -^-Gshn Vari'ety, V^TJ-T Va'rioloid, V^or^-R-L-T) Vari'olous, V^-R-Ls Varip'rum, V 2 -.R-R-M Va'rious, V-Rs Va'riously, V 2 -K-sL Var'let, V'-R-z,t Var'letry, V'-R-i-Tr Var'nish, Vi-.Rn-8H, Y 1 - n-SHt, V>-Hn-8H-NG Var'nisher, V-Rn-SH-R Va'ry, \*-R, \*-R-V, V*- fi-NG Vas'cular, Ys^K-tr Vascular'ity, Vs'-K-ir-T Vase, Vs* Vas'sal, VB^L Vas'salage, Vs^L-J VAS Vast, Vet 1 , Vstri. Vsi-Tst Vasta'tion, Vs 2 -Tshn Vast'ly, \V-T-/, Vast'ness, VsJ-T-Ns Vast'y, Vs'-T Vat, Vt Vaf ican, V>-T-Kn Vat'icide, Vi-Ts-D Vatic'inal, VS-Ts-Kl Vatic'inate, V 3 -Ts-Nt Vaticina'tion, V* - Ts Nshn Vatic'inator, V^-Ts-Ntr Vaude'ville, Vd^-V-L Vault, Vi-Lt, V-Z,-Td Vault'ed, Vault'er, V>-Z,tr Vaunt, Vnti, V>-N-Td. Vnti-NG Vaunt'er, Vntr 1 Vaunt'ingly, Vnti-NG-L Veal, V 3 -L Vec'tor, V 2 -Ktr Ve'da, V2or-D Vedette', V 2 -Dt Veer, V3-R, vs-Bd, \ 3 -E NO Vegetable, V- Jt-Bl Veg'etal, v-Jt-L Vegeta'rian, V 2 - Jt-Rn Vegeta'rianism, V 2 -Jt- .Rnz-M Veg'etate, v*-j-Tt, v^-Jt- Td, V*-J-Tt(-) Vegeta'tion, vs-j-Tshn Veg'etative, v^-Jt-Tv Veg'etativeness, V 2 -Jt- TvNs Veg'etive, V-J-Tv Ve'hemence, V 3 -Mns Ve'hemency, V 3 -Mn-S Ve'hement, V-Mnt Ve'hemently, V3-Mnt-i Ve'hicle, V^-Kl Vehic'ular, ya H-K1-B Vehic'ulary, V 3 -H-K1-R Veil, VS-L, V2-Ld, V*-L- NG Vein, Vn* Vein'al, V*-N1 Veined, Vnd Vein'ing, Vn^-NG Vein'less, V*-Nls Vein'y, V-N Veliferous, V 3 -Z-Frs Velle'ity, V 3 -Z-T Vel'licate, V^-L-K-T, v- L-K-Td, y*-Z,-K-T-NG Vellica'tion, VS-i-Kshn Vel'lum, VI*- M Vel'lum-post, vl^-M-Pst Velocim'eter, V 3 -Ls-lMtr Veloc'ipede, Vi-is-Pd (Vls>-Pd) Veloc'ity, Vi-is-T (Vls- T) Vel'vet, VP-Vt Velveteen', Vl*-V-Tn Vel'veting, Tl-Vt-KG 286 Vel'vety, vi^-V-T Ve'nal-ly, V 3 -N1 Venal'ity, Vi-Nl-T Ven'ary, Vn^-K Vena'tion, V*-Nshn Vend, Vnd Vendee', V-N-D Vend'er, Vndr" Vendibil'ity, Vnd 3 -B-i T (-Z-t) Vend'ible, Vnd-B-L Vend'ibleness, Vnd 2 -B- L-Ns [iBs] Vend'ibly, Vnd s -B-L Vendi'tion, V 3 -N-Dshn Vend'or, Vndr 2 Vendue', V^-N-D Vendue'-master, V 3 -N- D-Mstr Veneer*, Vn 3 -R, Vn 3 -Rd, Vn 3 -fi-NG Veneer'ing, Vn 3 -B->*G Venefi'cial, V 3 -X-F-SH1 Venena'tion, Vn^-Nshn Ven'erable, V-Nr-Bl Ven'erableness, V*-Nr Bl-Ns [IBs] Ven'erate, V a -Nrt, V2-Nr- Td, V*-Nrt-NG Venera'tion, V z -Nrshn Ven'erator, V 2 -Nrtr Vene'real, Vn 3 -B-L Vene'reous, Vn 3 -.Rs Ven'ery, Vn*-JZ Venesection, v*-Ns- Kshn Vene'tian, V^-Nshn Venge'ance, V 2 -N-Jns Venge'ful-ly, V*-N-J-F1 Ve'nial-ly, V 3 -N1 Venial'ity, V'-Nl-T Ve'nialness, V-Nl-Ns Veni're, Vn'-B Veni're Fa'cias, Vni-fi Ven'ison, V 2 -Nz-N Ven'om, Vn 2 -M Ven'omous, Vn ! -Ms Ven'omously, Vn^-Ms-Z Ven'onaousness, Vn*- Ms-Ns Ve'nous, V 3 -Ns Vent, Vnt 2 , V 2 -N-Td, Vnt-NG Vent'ail, V-Nt-L Vent'er, Vntr 2 Vent'-hole, v-Nt-Hl Ven'tiduct, V 2 -Nt D-Kt Ven'tilate, VvV-Lt, Vnt'- i-Td. Vnt*-Z,t-NG Ventila'tion, Vnt'-ishn Ven'tilator, Vnt 2 -Z,tr Ventose', V^-N-Ts Ventos'ity, V'-N-Ts-T Ven'tral, Vnt 2 -B-L Ven'tricle, y 2 -Ntr-Kl Ventril'oquism, Vntr 3 - L-Kw-zM Ventril'oquist, Vntr*-- Kwst VER Ventril'oquize, Vntr' L-Kwz, Viitp'-Z.-Kwzd, Vntr3-L-Kwz-NG Ventril'oquous, Vntr 3 - Z,-Kwg Ventril'oquy, Vntr 3 -i- Kw Ven'ture, Vntr 2 , Vnt--Rd, Vutr 2 -NG Vent'urer, Vntr 2 -R Vent'uresome, Vntrs ! -M Vent'uresomely, Vutrs 2 - M-i Vent'uresomeness, Vntrs 2 -M-Ns Venf urous, Vntr z -S Vent'urously, Vntr*-S- Vent'urousness, Vntr*- S-Ns Ven'ue, V 2 -N With final tick like New, which see. Ve'nus, V s - Ns Vera'cious, \--R-SSs Vera'ciously, V 2 -.K-SHs- L Verac'ity, V'-JZs-T Veran'da, V-fi-N-D Vera'tria, V-^-Tr Veratri'na, Vi-K-Tr-N Vera'trine, V 2 -^ Trn Vera'trum, V 2 -/J-Tr-M Verb, Vr-B Ver'bal, Vr 2 -Bl Ver'balism, Vr 2 Bl-zM Ver'balist, Vr^-Blst Ver'balize, Vr^-Biz, Vr 2 - Blzd, VrZ-Blz-XG Ver'bally, Vr 2 -Bl Verba'tim, VrSo>-i- Verbe'na, Vr^-B-N Verbera'tion, Vr-Brshn Ver'biage, Vr--B J Verbose', Vr 2 -Bs Verbose'ly, Vr^.B-si Verbose'ness, Vr s -Bs-Ns Verbos'ity, Vr'-Bs-T Ver'dancy, Vr=-Dn-8 Ver'dant, Vi-2-Dnt Verd-antique', Vrd'-N- T-K Ver'dantly, Vr--Dnt-L Ver'derer or Ver'deror, Vr 2 -Dr-R Ver'dict, Vr 2 -D-Kt ITer'digris, Vr 2 -D-Grs 7 er'diter, Vr 2 -Dtr ferd'ure, Vr 2 -Jr (Vrdr 2 ) 7erd'urous, Vr 2 -Jrs Verge, Vr 2 -J, Vr-Jd, Vr- J-NG 7"er'ger, Vr^-Jr Verifiable, Vr*-F-Bl Verifica'tion, Vr 2 - F- Kshn Ver'ifier, VrZ-F-R Ver'ify, Vr-F, Vr 2 -Fd, Vr 2 -F-NG Ver'ily, Vr-i Verisim'ilar, V-fi-siI-i- R VER Verisimilitude, V sM-L-Td Veritable-y, Vrt 2 -Bl Ver'ity, \*-R T Ver'juice, Vr 2 -Js Ver'mes, Vr 2 -Mz Vermicel'li, Vr 2 -M-CH- or Vr-Ms-Z, Vermic'eous, Vr 3 -M SHs Vermic'ular, Vr^-M-Kl-B Vermic'ulate, Vr 3 -!! Kit. Vr 3 -M-Kl-Td, Vr M-Klt-NG Vermicula'tion, Vr-M Klshn Ver'micule, Vr 2 -M-Kl Vermic'ulose, Vr 3 -M-Kls Vermic'ulous, Vr 3 -M- Kls Ver'miform, Vr 2 -M-F- B-M Ver'mifuge, Vr 2 -M-F- J Vermil'lion, Vr 3 -M-n Ver'min, Vr a -Mn Ver'minate, Vr 2 -M-N-T Vermina'tion, Vr 2 -M- Nshn Ver'minous, Vr 2 -M-Ns Vermip'arous, Vr 3 -M- Prs Vermiv'orous, Vr*-M- Vernac'ular, Vr>-N-Kl-B Vernacularism, Vr'-N- Kl-Bz-M Vernac'ularly, Vr'-N-Kl- Vernal, Vr 2 -Nl Verna'tion, Vr 2 -Nshn Ver'nier, Vr 2 -N-B Veron'ica, v>-fi Ver'rucous, V 2 - Versatile, Vrs 2 -T-L Ver'satileness, Vrs-T- Z.-NS Versatility, Vrs s -T-i-T Verse, Vrs 2 Versed, Vrst 2 Vers'er, Vrs 2 -B Ver'sicle, Vrs 2 -K-L Ver'sicolor, Vrs-K-ir Versicolored, Vre 2 -K- Lrd Versic'ular, Vrs 3 -K-Lr Versiflca'tion, Vrs-F- Ksbn Versifier, Vrs*-F-B Ver'sify, Vrs-F, Vrs*- Fd, Vrs'-i-F-NG Version, Vrshn* Verst, Vrst Versus, Vrss* Versute, Vre*-T Vert, Vrt Vertebra, \ rt*-Br Vertebral, Vrt-Br-L Vertebra'ta, Vrt 2 -Br-T Vertebrate, Vrt a -Brt Vertebrated, Vrt 2 -Br- Td 287 Vertex, Vr=-T-Ks Ver'tical-ly,*Vrt-Kl Vert'icalness, Vrt 2 -Kl Ns Vertic'illate, Vr 3 -T-sit Vertic'illated, Vr s -T sZ,-Td Vertic'ity, Vr-Ts-T Vertig'inous, VrtM-Ns Vertiginously, Vrt 3 -J Ns-L Vertig'inousness, Vrt s J-Ns-Ns Vertigo, Vr 2 -T-G Ver'vain, Vr^-Vn Ver'y, Vr 2 Ves'icant, Vs 2 -Knt Ves'icate, Vs 2 -Kt, Vs-K Td, Vs 2 -Kt-NG Vesica'tion, Vs 2 -Kshn Ves'icatory, Vs*-K-T-5 Ves'icle, Vs 2 -Kl Vesic'ular, Vs 3 -K-Zr Vesic'ulate, Vs s -K-x,t Vesic'ulous, VsS-K-is Ves'per, V 2 -sPr Ves'pers. V s sPrz Ves'pertine, V 2 -sPr-Tn Ves'sel, Vs-L Vest, Vst 2 , Vs 2 -Td, Ves'tal, Vs 2 -T-L Ves'ted, Vs 2 -Td Ves'tiary, Vs 2 -T-fl Vestib'ular, Vs 3 -T-Bl-B Ves'tibule, Vs a -T-Bl Ves'tage, Vs T-J Vest'ing, Vs 2 -T-NG Ves'titure, Vs 2 -Ttr Vest'ment, Vs 2 -T-Mnt Ves'try, V 2 -sTr Ves'try-man, V-sTr-Mn Vest'ure, Vstr Vesu'vian, Vs 8 -Vn Vetch, V 2 -CH Vetch'ling, V 2 -CH-i-NG Vetch'y, V 2 -CH Vet'eran, V-Trn Veterina'rian, V a -Tr- Nrn Vet'erinary, V-Tr-Nr Ve'to, V S -T, V 3 -Td, V'-T- NG Vetturi'no, V 3 -T-B-N Vex, V 2 -Ks, V-Kst, V s - Ks-NG Vexa'tion, V 2 -Kssftn Vexa'tious, V 2 -Ks-SHs Vexa'tiously, V*-Kn-SHs- L Vexa'tiousness, V*-Ks- SHs-Ns Vex'er, V-K-sB Vex'ingly, V-Ks-NG-L Vi'a, V Viabil'ity, V 3 -B1-T Vi'able, V>-B1 Vi'aduct, V'-D-Kt Vi'al, Vi-L, V>-Ld, Vi-L- NG VIC 1 Viam'eter, V'-Mtr Vi'and, V'-Nd Vi'ands, V'-Ndz Viat'ic, Vi T-K Viat'ical, V'-T-Kl Viat'icum, V-T-K-M Vi'brate, V'-Brt, V I -B^ Td. V'-Brt(-) Vi'bratile, V'-Brt-L Vibra'tion, V 2 -Brshn Vi'brative, \ r i-Brt-V Vi'bratory, V'-Brt-B Vic'ar, V 3 -Kr Vic'arage, V 3 -Kr-J Vic'ar-general, V3-Kr-Jn Vica'rial, V2-K-51 Vica'riate, v 2 -K-7et Vica'rious, V 2 K Ra Vica'riously, V 2 K-R-nL Vie'arship, V 3 -Kr-SH-P Vice, Vs 1 . Vst', Vs l -NG Vi'ce, V'-S Vice-ad'miral, Vsi-D-M- Rl Vice-ad'miralty, Vs'-D- M-fll-T Vice-chan'cellor, Vs 1 - CH-sL-B Vice-con'sul, Vs'-K-Ns-L Vicege'rency, Vs 3 -J-Ru- 8 Vicege'rent, Vs 3 -J-Rnt Vice-leg'ate, V 2 -sZ,-G-T Vioe-pres'idency, V 3 - sPrz-Dn-S [Vs'^-Pz-Dn- 8] Vice-pres'ident, V 2 -sPrz -But [Vs2-Pz-L)nt] Vice-re'gal, Vs 3 -fi-Gl Vice'roy, Vs 1 -^ Viceroy'alty, Vs'-K-i-T Vice'royship, Vs'-S-SH- P Vi'ce ver'sa, Vsi-V-fl-S Vic'iate, V 3 -SHt Vic'inage, Vs :i -N-J Vic'inal, Vs 3 -N-L Vio'ine, Vs 3 N Vicin'ity, Vs 3 N-T Vi'cious, \-sm Vi'ciously, va.SHs-i Vi'ciousness, v^-.S'Hs-Ns Vicis'situde, Vss 3 -Td Vic'tim, V 3 -K-T M Vic'timize, V 3 -K-T-Mz, V-K-T-Mzd, VS-K-T-Mz- NG Vic'tor, V 3 -Ktr Vic'toress, V 3 -K-Trs Victorine', V 3 K-T-Bn Victo'rious, v*-K-T-/Zs Vioto'riously, V^-K-T- Ra-L Victo'riousness, V 2 -K-T- Ks-Ns Vic'tory, V 3 -K-T-K Vict'ual, Vt 3 -L, Vt-Ld, Vt 3 -L-NG Vict'ualer, Vt L-K Vict'uals, Vt-Lz VID Vi'de, VJ-D Videl'icet, V*-D-Zs-T Vid'ual, ys-D-L Vie, V, Vd, VVNG View, V, Vd 3 , V-NG Viewer, V 3 -R Viewless, v*-is Viges'imal, V*-J-sM-/, Vig'il, V*-J1 Vig'ilance, VS-J-ins Vig'ilant, V 3 -J-Lnt Vig'ilantly, v-J-Lnt-L Vignette', V*-N-T Vig'or, V 3 -Gr Vig'orous, V 3 -Grs Vigorously, V 3 -Gr-sL Vig'orousness, V 3 -Gre- Ks Vi'king, Vi-K-NG Vile, V-L, V'-L-R, Vi- Lst Vile'ly, Vi-L-L Vile'ness, vi- Vilifica'tion, Kshn (Vl 2 -F-Kshn) Vil'ifier, V 3 -L-F-R (VI*- F-R) "Vil'ify, V'-Z-F, V*-Z,-Fd, V-L-F-NG (V13-F, etc.) Vil'la, V3-i Vil'lage, V--J (V1*-J) Vil'lager, V 3 --Jr(Vl*-Jr) Vil'lain, V 3 -n Vil'lainous, v-i-N8 Vil'lainously, VS-Z-Ns-L Vil'lainousness, V^-L- Ns-Ns Vil'lainy, V3-L-N Vil'lanage, V^-i-N-J Vil'lanous, VS-L-Ns Vil'lany, va-i-N Villat'ic, VJ-Z-T-K Vil'li, VS-L Vil'liform, V8-i-F-R-M Villose', V*-Zs Vil'lous, V'-Zs Vim'inal, V'-M-Nl Vimin'eous, V 8 -M-Ns Vina'ceous, v^-N-SHs Vinaigrette', V-N-Grt Vincibil'ity, Vin'cible, VS Vin'cibleness, v 3 -Ns-B- Z.-NS C;BS] Vinc'ulum, V-NG-K1-M Vinde'mial, V^-N-D-M-Z Vin'dicable, Vnd3-K-Bl Vin'dicate, Vnd8-Kt, Vnda-K-Td, Vnd 3 -Kt-NG Vindica'tion, Vnd'-Kshn Vin'dicative, Vnd 3 -Kt-Y Vin'dicator, Vnd 3 -Ktr Vin'dicatory, Vnd^K- T R Vindic'tive, Vnd 3 -Kt-V Vindic'tively, Vnd 3 -Kt- V-L Vindic'tiveness, Vnd- Kt-V-Na [iVs] 288 Vine, Vn Vine'-dreSser, VniDr*- 8R Vine'-fretter, Vn> iFrtr* Vin'egar, V-N-Gr Vin'ery, \n l -R Vine'yard, V 3 -N-Y-Rd [V 3 -N-Yd] Vi'nous, Vi-Ns Vint'age, V 3 -Nt-J Vint'ager, V*-Nt-Jr Vint'ner, Vnts-N-R Vin'try, V-N-Tr Vin'y, V'-N Vi'ol, Vi-L Vi'ola, Vi-Z Vi'olable, V-i-Bl Viola'ceous, V*-Z,-SHs Vi'olate, V'-it, V^-i-Td, Vi-itNG Viola'tion, V a -Z.shn Vi'olative, vi-it-v Vi'olator, Vi-Ltr Vi'olence, V^Lns Vi'olent, Vi-nt Violently, Vi-int-i Vi'olet, V'-it Violin', V Z,n Violin'ist, V--Nst Vi'olist, V'-Lst Violoncel'list, V-/,-Ns- Lst Violoncel'lo, V*-L-N- CH-L or V2-i-Ns-L Violo'ne, V*-L-X Vi'per, V!-Pr Vi'perine, V'-Prn Vi'perous, V^Prs Vira'go, V*-R-G Vir'elay, V 8 -R-i Vires'cent, V*-.Ks-Nt Vir'gate, \ T 2-fi-Gt Virgil'ian, V^-J-in Vir'gin, Vr ! -Jn Virginal, Vr*-J-Nl Virgin'ian, VrMn-N Virgin'ity, VH-J-N-T Vir'go, V2-K-G Virides'cence, V'-K-Ds- Ns Virides'cent, V-B-Ds-Nt Virid'ity, v*-n-T>-'r Vir'idness, v-fi-D-Ns Vi'rile, Vi-fll Viril'ity, V 3 -B1-T Virtu', Vr 3 T Virt'ual, Vr CH-L Virtual'ity, Vri-CH-i-T Virt'ually, Vr CH-i Virt'ue, Vr s -CH Virtuo'so, Vi-s-T-S Virt'uous, Vr*-CHs Virt'uously, VrS-CH-s/i Virt'uousness, Vr s -CHs- Ns Vir'ulence, V 3 -R-ins Vir-ulency, V 3 -R-n-S Virulent, V-R-Z,nt Vir'ulently, V3.R-,nt-X, Vi'rus, V-fis VIT Vis, Vs 3 Vi'sa, V 3 -Z Vis'age, Vz'-J Vis'aged, VzMd Vis-a-vis', Vz 3 -v Vis'cera, Vs 3 -fl Vis'ceral, Vs 3 -fil Vis'cerate, Vs a -flt, Vs'-ft Td, Vs 3 -Kt-NG Vis'cid, Vs 3 -D Visci'dity, Vs'-D-T Viscos'ity, Vgi-Ks-T Vis'count, Vi-K-Nt Vis'countess, V'-K-Nt-S Vis'county, vi-K-S-T Vis'cous, Vs 3 -Ks Vis'cousness, Vs'-Ks-Hs Vis'cus, Vs 3 -Ks Vise, Vs 1 Vise', V2-Z, Vz*-D, V-Z- NG Vish-nu, V*-5H-N Visibility, Vz-Bl-T Vis'ible-y. Vz 3 -Bl Vis'ibleness, Vz 3 -Bl-Ns Vis'igoth, Vz 3 -G-TH Vis iner'tia, Vs 3 -Nr-SH Vis'ion, Vzhn 3 , Vzhnd 3 , Vzhn 3 -NG Vis'ionary, Vzhn'-K Vis'ionless, Vzhn 2 -X,s Vis'it, VzJ-T, Vz*-Td, Vz- T NG Vis'itable, Vz 3 -T-Bl Vis'itant, Vz 3 -Tnt Visita'tion, Vz a -TBhn Visitato'rial, Vz-T-T-fil Visite', Vz 3 -T Vis'itor, V 3 -zTr (Vztr 8 ) Visito'rial, Vz-T-fll Visne (veen or vee'ne), Vn 3 or V'-N Vis'or or Vi'sor, V 3 ori- Zr Vis'ored, v 3 -Zrd Vis'ta, Vs 3 -T Vis'ual, V 3 -ZH1 Vis'ualize, V 3 -ZHlz Vi'tal, vti-L Vital'ity, Yt^-i-T Vitaliza'tion. Vt z -iz*An Vi'talize, vt-x,z, Vt- LzA. VU-iz NG Vi'tally, \V-L Vi'tals, Vl>-Lz Vit'ellary, \t 3 -L-R Vi'tiate, V 3 -SHt. V 3 -8H- Td. V 3 SHt-NG Vitia'tion, V*-SHshn Vitios'ity, V'-SHs-T Vit'reous, V^-Trs Vit'reousness, V'-Trs- Ns Vitres'cence, V*-Tr8-Ns Vitres'cent, V*-Trs-Nt Vitrifac'tion, Vtr>-F- Kshn Vitrifact'ure, Vtr'-F-Ktr Vit'rifiable, Vtr-F-Bl VIT Vitriflca'tion, Kshn Vit'rifled, Vtr-Fd Vit'riform, VtrS-F-B-M Vif rify, Vtr8-F. Vtr*-Fd VtrS-F-NG Vit'riol, VtrS-L Vit'riolate, Vtr3-Zt, Vtr L-TA. Vtr-it-NG Vitriolic, Vtr'-Z-K Vit'riolize, Vtr^-Zz Vif tate, V-Tt Vit'uline, Vt-Ln Vitu'perate, Vt 3 -Prt, Vt- Pr-'J'd, Vt-PrtO) Vitupera'tion, Vt'-Prehn Vitu'perative, Vt s -Prt-V Vitu'perator, Vt s -Prtr Viva'ce (vGva'cha), V'-V- CH Viva'cious, V-V-SHs Viva'ciously, V 1 SHs L Viva'ciousness, V*-V- SHs-'Ss Vivac'ity, vi-Vs-T Vivandiere', V-Vnd-B Viva'rium, V-V-B-M Vi'vary, V-V-.R Vi'va vo'ce, Vi-V-V-8 Vive (vev), V s - V Vivid, vs-vd Viv'idly, V 3 -Vd-i Viv'idness, V 3 -Vd-Ns Vivif ic, vs-v-F-K Vivif ical, V 3 -V-F-K1 Vivif icate, V 3 -V-F-K-T Vivifica'tion, V'-V-F- Eshn Vivificative, V 3 -V-F-K- Tv Vivify, VS-V-F, V'-V-Fd, 289 VYI Vivip'arous, V-V-Prs Vivisec'tion, v*-Vs Kshn Vix'en, V-Ks-N Vix'enly, ya-Ks-N-L Viz., Vz Viz'ard, V3-Zrd Viz'ier, V3-ZHr Vo'cable, V 2 -K-B1 Vocab'ulary, V1-K-B1-.R Vocab'ulist, Vi-K-Blst Vo'cal. vs-Kl Vocal'ic, Vo'calist, Vocal'ity, V>-K1-T Vocaliza'tion, V z -KlzsAn Vo'calize, V^-Klz. V- Klzd. va-Klz-NQ Vo'cally, V2-K1 Voca'tion, v-Kshn Voc'ative, V-K-Tv Vociferate, Vs^-F-Rt, _ Vocifera'tion, Vs*-F- Rshn Vociferous, Vs'-F-fis 13 Vociferously, Vs'-F-- Vo'mer, vz-Mr Vo'merine, V^-Mrn Vocifex'ousness, Vs 3 -F- Vou ica, VJ-M-K. fis-Ns Vomit, V^Mt, V^M-Td Voc'ule, V-K-L Vi-Mt(-) Vogue, V ! -G Vomi'tion, V 3 -Mshn Voice, Vs 1 , Vst, VsJ-NG Vomitive, V'-Mt-V Voiced, Vsti Vomi'to, V 3 -M-T Voice'less, Vs'-Ls Vomitory, \'i-Mt-K Void, Vd>, Vi-Dd, Vd'- Vora'cious, V J -^-SHs NG. See^lcord. etc. Vora'ciously, V 2 -^. Void'able, Vd-Bl. See SHs-t Unavoidable. Vora'ciousness, WK. Void'ance, V 1 -Dns SH.s-Ns Void'er, V J -Dr Voracity, \ T1 -^s-T Void'ness, Vd J -Ns Vorag'inous, V-fi-J-Xs Voir-dire, V>-Wr-Dr Vor'tex, Vr-T Ks Vo'lant, V*-int Vortical, Vrt!-Kl Vol'atile, \i-Lt-L Voiyticel, Vrts"-L Vol'atileness, V l -Lt-L- Vo'taress, V--1-Ka Ns Vo'tarist, V'-'T-Kat Volatility, v-it-L-T Vo'tary, V"-T-B Vol'atilizable, \ l -Lt-Lz- Vote, Vt2. V=-Td, Vt-XG B-L Vof er, Vtr Volatiliza'tion, V-it- Vo'tive, Vt'-V Lzshn Vo'tively, Vt-V-Z Vol'atilize, Vi-Zt-Zz, Vouch, V^CH, V l -CHt, Vi it-tzd, V>-Lt-Z,z-NG yi-CH-NG Volcan'ic, VP-K-N-K Vouchee', V S -OH Vol'canist, Vl-K-Nst Vouch'er, V>-CHr Vol'canize, Vl'-K-Nz Volca'no, V1-K-N Vouch'or, Vi-CHr Vouchsafe', v s -CHs-F, Vole, V-L V 2 -CHs-Ft, V-CHs-F-NG Volee', \"~L Vow, V, Vdi, Vi-NG Voli'tion, V-shn Vow'el, Vi-L Vol'itive, Vi-Z,t-V Vow'eled, V'-Ld Vol'ley, V l -L, \ l -L&, V 1 - Vow'er, V 1 B L-NQ Voyage, Vi-J, V'-Jd, Vi- Volt, V-Lt J-NG Volta'ic, V1-T K Voyager, V^-Jr Vol'taism, Vli-T-zM Voyageur*. V 2 -Y-ZHr Vol'ti, V1>-T Voy'ol, Vi-L Voltigeur', W-T-ZKr Vox, V'-Ks Volubility, VS-L-Bl-T Vugg, V 3 -G Vol'uble-y, VJ-Z-Bl Vulca'nian, Vl 2 -Kn-N Vol'ubleness, V^i-Bl- Vulcanic, V1>-K N-K Ns [SBs] Vul'canist, VP-K-Nst Vol'ume, vn-M Volumetric, Vl-Mtr-K Vul'canite, VI" K-Nt Vulcaniza'tion, V1-K- Volu'minous, Vl 3 -M-Ns ffzshn Volu'minously, V1 3 -M- Vul'canize, VI* - K - Nz, Ns L V12-K-Nzd. VF-K-Nz-NG Volu'minousness, VI 3 - Vul'gar, Vl-'-Gr M-Ns-Ns Vul'garism, Vl 3 -Gr-7.M Vol'untarily, V^Znt- Vulgarity, VU-Gr-T R-L Vul'garize, Vl^-Grz, Vl- Vol'untariness, V>-Znt- Grzd, V12-Grz-NG Vul'garly, Vl^-Gr-// Vol'untary. V>-Znt-H Volunteer', v Znt-B Vul'gate, V12-G-T Vulnerability, Vl-Nr- (V'-Zntr), V3-int-Bd. V Bl-T int-fi-NG (VS-Zntr-NG) Vulnerable, VP-Nr-Bl Volupfuary, Vl P-CH-fi Vul'nerableness, Vl Volupf uous, Vl-P-CHs Voluptuously, V1-P- Nr-Bl-Ns [IBs] Vul'nerary, VP-Nr-K CH-sZ, Vul'pine, VP-Pn Volupt'uousness, VP-P- Vult'ure, VI* CHr CHs-NB Vult'urine, V!-CHrn Volute', V-it Vult'urous, Vls-CHra Volu'tion, V-Lshn Vying, V'-NG WAB W, the twenty-third let- 290 Wa'fer, W-Fr, W*-Frd W2-Fr-NG "Waffle, W>-F1 Waft, wFti, wFi-Td, wFt' NG Waft'age, wFti-J Waft'er, wFtr> Wag, W!-Gd, W- ter of the Alphabet, has! G-NG both a consonant and a Wage, wJ s , wJd 2 , wj- Vowel sound. At the begin- ' KG Ling of words and syllables Wa'ger, W 2 -Jr, W*-Jrd. it has the consonant-sound ! W 2 -Jr-NG of w as heard in teade. : Wa'gerer, W s -Jr-R wood, tweed, bewail, etc. ; Wa'ges, wJz 2 and at the end of syllables Wag'gery, W'-Gr it has the vowel-sound of Wag'gish, Wi-G-SH oo as heard in now, new, ; Wag'gishly, Vfi-G-SHl etc. By seme phoneticians j Wag'gishness, WM3- at the present time, and in| 8H-Ns the earlier works on Pho- Wag'gle, W'-Gl, Wi-Gld, nography, to is treated as W'-Gl-XG always having the vowel- j Wag'on, WJ-Gn, W 1 -Gnd, Bound of oo; but by care-i W!-Gn-NG fully and slowly pronounc- ! Wag'onage, Wi-Gn-J ing the word w-oo, the dif- j Wag'oner, Wi-G-Nr ference between the conso- ] Wag'tail, W'-G-T-L ' nant w and the vowel oo j Waif, wF 2 will be apparent. Wail, Wl 2 , Wld 2 , W1*-NG W is silent before r at Wail'ingly, W1 2 -NG1 the beginning of words and Wain, Wn s syllables and in the words! Wain'-rope, Wn 2 !/? 2 -? answer, sword, two, gun- Wain'scot, W*-Ns-Kt, W-Ns-K-Td, NG W-Ns-Kt wale, boatswain, etc. The difficulty of joining a number of the stems to a Wain'scoting, W^-Ns-Kt preceding Way makes it de- 1 NG sirable, in the case of a few Waist, Wst s words, to employ an addi- 1 Waist'band, Ws*-Bnd tional sign for w. The one \ Waist'cloth, W*-sKl-TH adopted is a small semi- Waist'coat, Ws 2 -Kt circle, which may be turned Wait, Wt 2 , W 2 -Td, Wt- in any direction in order to j NG secure easy joinings. Be- 1 Wait'er, Wtr* tore T, D, TH, DH, 8H Wait'ing-maid, Wt 2 -NG- and ZH it is best made I M-D with the opening to the ; Wait'ing- woman, Wt- right, and before K, with! NG-W-Mn the opening to the left. 1 Wait'ing-room, Wt-NG- This sign is also generally R-M used before D for wd, the Wait'ress, W-Trs half-length W being used i Waits, Wts* principally for wt. See Wash, Wish, Wake, Wed, Wet, etc. Wab'ble, W-B1 Wack'e, wi-K Wack'y, W-K Wad, wD 1 , wDd 1 , wD 1 - NG Wadd, wDi Wad'ding, wD-NG Wad'clle, W-D1, W>-Dld, W'-Dl-NG Wad'dler, W-D1-R Wade, wD 2 , wDd 2 , wD- NG Wad'er, W s -Dr Wad'-hook, wDi-H-K Wad'y,wD* Waive, wV 2 , wVd 2 , wV- NG Waiver, W-Vr Wake, wK, wKt, wK2- NG. See Awake, etc. Wake'ful, wK-Fia W^ake'fullness, wK-Fl- Ns [iFs] Wak'en, wKn^, wKnd* wKn 2 -NG. See Awaken, __ etc. Wak'ener, wK 2 -Nr Wak'er, W 2 -Kr Walden'ses, W-Z,-Dnsz Wale, Wl Walk, Wi-K, K-NG Walk'er, Wi- W- WAR Walk'ing-staff, wi-K- NGs-Tf Wall, WU, Wldi, Wli-NG Walla'chian, W2-Z-Ku Wal'let, W'-it Wall'-eye.WlMI Wall'-eyed, WIMi-D Wall'flower, WU-F1-R Wall'-fruit, Wl'-Frt Wal'lop, W-L-P. W^-Zr Pt, Wi i-P-NG Wal'low, Wi-, Wi-Ld, WI-//-NG Wal'lower, "SV1-Z.-R Wal'nut, Wl'-Nt Wal'rus, WU-^s Waltz, Wltsi Wltst, Wltsi-NG Waltz'er, Wits' R Wam'ble, W'-M-Bl W^am'pum, W'-JI-P-M Wan, Wni Wand, Wndi Wan'der, Wndr', Wnd>- Rd, Wndr'-NG Wan'derer, Wndr'-R W r an'deringly, Wndr'- NG-L Wand'y, Wn'-D Wane, Wn 2 , Wnd 2 , Wn*- NG Wan'ly, Wi-Nl Wan'ness, Wn J -Ns Wan'nish, Wu'-SH Want, Wnt 1 , Wn'-Td, Wnti-NG Want'age, Wnt'-J Want'ing, Wnt'-NG Want'less, Wnti-Ls Wan'ton, Wnt'-N, Wnt- Nd. Wnti-N-NG Wan'tonly, Wnt'-N-L Wan'tonness, Wnt'-N- Ns Wap'entake, \v>.p n -T-K War, Wr 1 , Wrdi, Wr>-NG "War'ble, Wr'-Bl, Wr 1 - Bld. Wr'-Bl-NG War'bler, Wri Bl-B War'-cry, Wr 1 Kr War'-dance, Wr'iDns Ward, Wrdi, Wr'-Dd, Wrd ] -NG Ward'en, Wrd' N Ward'enry, Wrdi-Nr Ward'enship, Wrd'-N- SH-P Ward'er, Wrdr 1 Ward'robe, Wrd>-^Z-B Ward'room, Wrd'-R-M Ward'ship, Wrd'-SH-P Ward'-staff, Wrdgi-Tf Ware, Wr> Ware'house, (Tz.jWr'-Hi Ware'house, (w.) Wr'-Hz, Wr'-Hzd, Wr'-Hz-NG Ware'houseman, Wr L Hs-Mn Wares, Wrz 1 War'fare, Wr-Fr WAR 291 WAX War'-horse, Wr-Hrs Waah'-house, wSH ! -Hs Wa'ter-gruel, Wtr'-Gr- Wa'rily, W-R-L Wash'ing, wSH-NG L Wa'riness, W*-.R-Ns Wash'-leather, wSH 1 - Wa'teriness, Wtr^Ns Warlike, Wr'-/,-K LAhr Wa'tering-place, Wtr 1 - War'lock, Wr^L-K Wash' -pot, wSHi-Pt KG-Pls Warm, (a.) Wri-M, Wr 1 - Washingto'nian, wSH^- Wa'terish, Vftr^-SH M-R, Wri-Mst NGt-Nn Wa'terishness, Wtr'-Sff Warm, (.) Wri-M, Wr>- Washingto'niani sin, Ns Md, Wri-M-NG ,wSH-NGt-N-Nz-M Wa'terless, Wtr'-is Warmblooded, Wr 1 - Wash'tub, wSH'-T-B Wa'ter-level, Wtr'-X-V- M-Bl-Dd Wash'y, W-SH L Warm'er, Wr'-M-R Wasp, Ws'-P Wa'ter-lily. Wtr-i-Z Warm'-hearted, Wr J -M- Wasp'ish, Ws'-P-SH Wa'ter-line, Wtr 1 - in Hr-Td Wasp'ishly, Ws^P-Sfll Wa'ter-logged, Wtr'-L- iA7"arm'ing-pan, Wr>-M- Wasp'ishness, Ws l -P- G-D NG-Pn SH-Ns Wa'ter-man, Wti-i-Mn Warm'ly, Wr^M-Z Wasp'like, Ws-P-Z-K Wa'ter-mark, Wtri-M-B- Warm'ness, Wr^M-Ns Was'sail, Ws'-i K Warmth, Wr'-M-TH Was'sailer, Ws^i-B Wa'ter-melon, Wtr J -M- Warn, Wrn 1 , Wrnd 1 , Wast, Wsti Ln Wrni-NG Waste, Wst, Ws ! -Td. Wa'ter-mill, wtr'-M-i Warn'er, Wr^Nr Wst(-)* [Ws2-NG] Wa'terousel, Wtr'-Zl Warn'ing, Wrn^NG Waste'-book, Ws'-B-K Wa'ter-pot, Wti-i-Pt Warp, Wr'-P, Wri-Pt, Waste'ful, Ws-F-L Wa'ter-power, wtr^P-R Wr'-P-NG Waste'fully, Ws-F-i Wa'ter-privilege, wtr 1 - War'-paint, Wr'-Pnt Waste'fulness, Wss-F-L- Prv-,1 War'-path, Wr^P-TH Ns [iFs] Wa'ter-proof, Wtr'-Prf Warp'er, Wr'-Pr Waste'-gate, Ws s -Gt Wa'ter-prooflng, Wtr 1 Warp' ing, Wr 1 P-NG Waste'-pipe, Ws 2 -P-P Prf-NG War'-proof, Wr^Prf Wast'er, Wstr 2 Wa'ter-ram, Wtr'-R-M War'rant, Wrnt 1 , Wrn 1 - Watch, wCHi, wCHt', Wa'ter-rot, Wtr' - Rt, Td, Wrntf-NG wCH>-NG Wtri-K 'I'd. Wtr'-/^-NG Warrantable, Wrnt>-B- Watch'- case, wCH'-Ks Wa'ter-shed, Wtri-67/-D L Watch'-dog, wCH"-D-G Wa'ter-soak, Wtrs'-K War'rantableness, Wrnti-B-L-Ns [IBs] Watch'er, W>-CHr Watch'ful-ly, wCHi-Fl Wa'ter-spout, Wtrs'-Pt Wa'ter-tight, vrtr' iTt 1 War'rantably, Wrntf-B- Watchfulness, wCHi- Wa'ter-wheel, Wtr'-Wl L Fl-Ns f.'Fs] Wa'ter-work, Wtr'-Wr- Warrantee', WrnVT Watch'-house, wCH'-Hs K War'ranter, Wrntr 1 "Watch'-light, wCHi-t Wa'ter-works, Wtr'-Wr- War'rantor, Wrntr Watch'-maker, wCHi-M- Ks Warranty, Wrn 1 -! Kr Wa'tery, W'-Tr Warren, W'-TJn Watch'man, wCH 1 -Mn Wat'tle, Wt'-i, Wti-d, War'rener, Wi-Rn-R Watch'-tower, wCH>-T- Wt'-L-NG War'rior, W-fi-K R Waul, W l -L Wart, Wrti Watch'-word, wCH 1 - Wave, wV, wVd 2 , wV- Wart'y, Wi-R-T Wrd NG War'-whoop, VT^-hoP Wa'ter, Wtr', Wt'-Rd, Wave'less, wV*-is Wa'ry, W-, VP-R-R, Wtri-NG Wave'let, wV*-it W2-/Jt Wa'ter-bailiff, Wtr-B- Wave'-offering, wV 2 -Fr- Was, Wzi [Z']. Was Is L-F NG also occasionally written Wa'ter-bearer, Wtr'-B- Wa'ver, W-Vr, W=-Vrd, with the to-hook and Rr W J -Vr-NG final z-circle on the pre- Wa'ter-cart, Wtr-Krt Wa'verer, w^-Vr-R ceding stem ; thus. Wa'ter-cement, Wtrs 1 - Wa'veringly, W-Vr- What was, Twz Mnt NG1 It was, Twz* Wa'ter-closet, Wtr'-Klz- Wa'veringness, W^-Vr- Which was, CHwz T NG-Ns Where was, Rwz* Wa'ter-color, Wtr'-K-ir Wave'-worn, wV-Wn Wash, wSH 1 , wSHt 1 , Wa'ter-course, Wtr>-Krs Wax, Wi-Ks. W'-Kst, Wi- wSHi-NG Wa'ter-cress, Wtr-Krs Ks-NG Wash'-ball, wSH-B-L Wa'ter-cure, Wtr'-Kr Wax'-candle, Wi-Ks-K- wSH'-B-Wa'ter-dog, Wtr:Di-G Nd-L Wash'-board, Rd Wash'-bowl, wSH^B-L IWa'terer, WtV-R Wash'er, W'-SHr i Wa'ter-fall, Wtr>-Fl Wash'er-man, W^SHr- Wa'ter-fowl, Wtri-F-L Mn tVash'er-womau, SHr-W-Mn Wa'ter-drop, Wt^-Dr-P Waxed'-end, W^Kst !Nd 2 orW'-Ks-Tnd Wax'en, W'-Ks-N Wax'iness, W'-Ks-Ns ^v7a'ter-gauge, Wtri-G-J Wax'-light W- Wa'ter-gil I Gld-NG ug dl ng, Wtr' - Wax'-myrtle, WAX Wax'-palm, Wi-Ks-P-M Wax'-wing, Wi-K-s\t NG Wax'-work, WJ-E sWrK Wax'y, W!-K-S Way, W 2 Way-bill, W-B-L (-B1) Wayfarer, W 3 -Fr-R Wayfaring, W 3 -Fr-NG Waylay, Vf*-L, W-id 292 WEL Waylayer, Wayless, W*-/,s Way-mark, W 3 M-fi-K Way-side, Ws D Way'-station, Ws 3 -Tshn Wayward, W*-Wrd Way'wardly, W*-Wrd-Z, Waywardness, W* Wrd-Ns Way'wode, W=-Wd Wayworn, W Wrn We, W3, aud by the w hook on the precedini stem; thus. But we, Bw* Ought we. Tw 1 What we, Tw* Had we. Dw 1 Do we, Dw 3 Did we, Dw' Which we, CHw* Can we, Kw 1 Could we, Kw' Are we. Rvr 1 Were we, R'v- Where we, .Rw 1 Weak, W*-K, W'-Kr, Weak'en, W'-Kn, W Knd. W3-Kn-N"G Weak'ener, W3-K-Nr W^eak'-eyed, W'-K-i-D Weak'-fish, W3-K-F-<S'fl' Weak'-handed, W 3 - K Hn-Dd Weak'-headed, W'-K-H Weak'-hearted, W3-K Hr Td Weakling, W3-K1-NG Weakly, W-K1, W'-Kl R, W3-Klst Weak'ness, W-K-Ns Weak'-side, W3-Ks-D Weak'-sighted, W'-Ks Td Weak'-spirited, W'-K sPr-Td Weal, W13 Weald'en,Wld'-N Wealth, W1 3 -TH [Wl] Wealth'ily, W1 3 -TH1 Wealth'iness, W1*-TH- ^ Wealth'y, W12-TH Wean, Vfu 3 , Wnd, Wn=>- NG Wean'ling, W'-Nl-NG Wea'pon, W*-Pn - Wea'poned, W*-Pnd Wedge'wood-ware, wJ*-Wd-Wr Wea'ponless, W*-P-Nls Wed'lock, wD'-i-K - Wear, Wr. Wr'-NG Wednes'day, W-Nz-D Wear (wer), Wr 5 Wee, WJ Wear'able, Wri-Bl Weed, wD', wDd, wD- Wear'er, Wr^-R NG Wea'riless, Vf*-R-LB Weed'er, W^-Dr Wea'rily, W-R-L Weed'y, wDs, wD-E, Wea'riness, W 3 -/Z-Ns wDstJ . Wea'risome, Ws-JZ-sM Week, W3-K Wea'risomely, W 3 -fl-sM- W^eek'-day, W3-K-D L Weekly. W 3 -K1 Wea'risomeness, W3-- Weel, W13 sM-Ns Ween, Wn 3 Wea'ry, (a.) W-, W'-fi- Weep, WS-P. WS-p-NG R, Vf*-Rst Weep'er, W3-Pr Wea'ry, (r.) W^-^, W'-fi- Weep'ing-willow, W- D, NG P NG-W-L - Wea'sand, Wz'-Nd Wee'vil, W3-V1 Wea'sel, Vfz 3 -L Weft, wFt= Weath'er, Wdhr*, W- Weigh, W, wD 2 . Ws-NG DHrd. Wdhr^-NG Weigh'able, W-B1 Weath'er-beaten, Wdhr 2 ; B-Tn Weath'er-board, Wdhr z - Weigh'er, W 3 -R Weigh'ing-machlne, W2-NG-M-SHn Brd Weight, Wt 3 W-Td, Weath'er-bound, Wdhrs Wt--NG -End Weight'ily, wT>-L Weath'er-cock, Wdhr*- Weight'iness, wT 3 -Ns K-K Weightless, Wt2-Ls Weath'erd, W*-DHrd Weight'y, wT s , wT*-E, Weath'er-gage, Wdhr 2 - wTst 2 G-J "Weir, Wr^ Weath'er-glass, Wdhr a - Weird, Wrds Gls Wel'come, W1 3 -K(-M), Weath'er-molding, W]2-K-Md, W1 3 -K(-) Wdhr2-M-id-XG Wel'comely, W1-K-M1 Weath'ermost, Wdhr 8 Wel'comeness, W1-K- Mst M-Ns Weath'er-proof, Wdhr" Wel'comer, W! 3 -K-Mr Prf Weld, Wld, Wl-Dd, Weath'er-wise, Wdhrs- Wld(-)* Wz Weld'er, Wldr Weave, wV, wV-NG Wel'fare, Wl Fr Weaver, W-Vr Wel'kin, Wl^-Kn Wea'zen, Wz'-N Well, (r.) Wl 3 , Wld 3 , Wl*. Web, W2 B, W-Bd, W NG B NG Well, Wl IL*-1 Webbed, W-Bd Well'aday, W-i-D Web'bing, W2-B-NG Well'-adjusted, i*-J- Web'by, W-B sTd Web'-foot, W*-B-Ft Well'-being, i-B-NG Web'-footed, W^-B-F- Well'-beloved, L-Blvd Td Weir-born, L--B-Rn Wed, wD, wDd 2 , wD*-XG Well'-bred, L^.Brd Wed'ded, wDd Well'-deflned, L*-Vf Nd Wed'ding, wD NG . Well'-doing, i 3 -D-NG Wed'ding-clothes, wD' Well'-dressed, L?-T>rst -NG-Kl-DHz Well'-educated, L*-V-K- Wed'ding-day, wD- NG-D Td Well'-favored, i*-F-Vr<J Wed'ding-feast, wD z Well'-hole, i 3 -Hl NG-Fst Well'-informed, 3 -N- Wedge, wJ 3 , wJd*, wJ s - Fd NG Well'-known, i=-Nn Wedg'er, W-Jr Well'-mannered, Z*-M- Wedge'-shaped, wJ- SH Pt Nrd Well'-meaning, . 8 -Mn- Wedge'wood, wJ s -Wd NG WEL 293 Well'-meant, L*-Mnt stem or by writing a dot Well'-nigh, i*-N between the W and the Well'-read, L*-R-T> following vowel. Well'-regulated, L*-R- Whack, W-K, W-Kt, W- Gl-Td K-NG Well'-spoken, Z,s 2 -P-Kn Whale, \V-i Well'-spring, Ls* Pr-NG Wale'bone, \V-Z-Bn Well'-sweep, s 2 -W-P Whale'-flshery, W*-- "Well'-wisher, /,2-W-SHr F-SHr Welsh, W2-L-8H Whale'man, W-Zr-Mn Welsh'man, W^-i-SH- Whal'er, W-i-L-B Mn Whal'ins. Wa-i-NG Welsh'-rabbit, W 2 -i-SH- Whap, W> P B-Bt j Whap'per, W'-Pr Welt, W2-it, W 2 -L-Td, 'Wharf, W'-#f W 2 -Z,t-NG Wharfage, Wi-R-F- J Wel'ter, w-Ltr, W 2 -/,- Wharfinger, Wi--F-N- Trd, W-tr-NG Jr Wen, Wn 2 Wharves, W-Rvz Wench, Wn 2 -CH, Wn- What, hWti [T*] CHt, Wn 2 -CH-NG Whatever, hWt 2 -Vr [T- Wench'er, W-N-CHr Vr] Wend, Wnds, Wn z -Dd, What'-not, hWti-Nt Wnd 2 -NG Whatsoever, hWts 2 -V Wen'nish, Wn*-SH [Ts^-V] Wen'ny, W'-N Wheal, W 3 -L Went, Wnt 2 Wheat, Wt Wept, W*-Pt Wheat'-ear, Wt 3 -K Were, Wr 2 [tf 2 ]. The Wheat'en, Wt'-N abbreviation for Were Wheat'-fly, Wt* Fl may be written in any Whee'dle, W 3 -D1, W 3 - part of a phrase, while Dld, W3-D1-NG R for Are is only used Wheel, W 3 -L, W 3 -id, when standing alone or W3-L-NG (Wl 3 , Wld 3 , commencing a phrase. W13-NG) Worst, Wrst 2 Wheel'barrow, W*-^- Wert, Wrt* B K We'sand,Wz 3 -Nd Wheel'-carriage, Vf*-L- Wes'leyan, Ws-in Kr-J Wes'leyanism, Ws*-n- Wheel'er, w^-L-n Z-M( Z,nz-M) Wheel'-house, Wl 3 -Hs West, Wst 2 Wheel'ing, W^-i-NG West'ering, Ws 2 -Tr-NG (W1 3 -NG) West'erly, Ws 2 -Tr-Z, Wheel'-work, Wl s -Wr-K West'ern, Ws 2 -Trn Wheel'wright, Wis-^t West'ing, Ws 2 -T-NG Wheel'y, Vf*-L West'ward, Ws*-Wrd West'wardly, WsMVrd- WTieeze, Wz^, Wzd 3 , Wz'- NG L Whelk, W1S-K Wet, (a.) \Vt2, Wtr 2 , Wtst 2 Whelm, W1 2 -M, Wl-Md, or wTst Wl^-M-NG Wet, (i>.) Wt 2 , "W 2 -Td, Wt- Whelp, W12-P, Wl-Pt, NG W12-P-NG Weth'er, Wdhr* When, Wn [W] Wet'ness, Wt 2 -Ns Whence, Wns 8 Wet'-nurse, Wt 2 -Nrs Whenceever, Wns 2 -V Wet'tish, vfV-SH Whencesoev'er, Wns"- We'zand, Wz-Nd 8v Wh-. The h in this corn- Whenever, [Wv^] bination, as a general' Whensoever, [Ws*-V] rule, need not be indicat- i Where, Wr 1 [fli] ed. When, however, the h Whereabout', fii-Bt must be written in order ! Whereabouts', i-Bts to distinguish the wordj Whereas', Rz l from one in which there Whereat', fi'-T is no h, (as is the case with Whereby', R'-B the names White and Where'fore, R'-F(-K) Wight), it may be done Wherein', J2--N either by prefixing a per- Whereinto', R 3 -N-T pendicular tick to the W Whereof, fl'-V WHI Whereon', R'-N Where'so, R l -S Wheresoever, Ra--V Where'through, WrL THr Whereto', R3-T Whereunto', /e 2 -N-T Whereupon', R'-Pu Wherever, Ji 2 -v Wherewith', #>-DH Wherewithal', Ri-DH-L Wher'ry, W-K Whet, Wtz, W 2 -TJ, \vt- NG Wheth'er, Wdhr 2 Whet'stone, Wts-Tn Whet'ter, Wtr 2 Whew, W 3 Whey, W 2 Whey'ey, Wai 2 Whey'ish, W*-SH Which, wCH^ [CH Written in the second position to distinguish it fromCH 3 , Each.} Whichever, CHv 2 Whichsoever, CHs*-V Whiff, wF3, wFt, wF 3 -XG Whiffle, W 3 -F1 Whiffler, w^-Fl-R Whiffletree, w 3 -Fl-Tr Whig, W3-G Whig'gery, W^-Gr Whig'gish, W 3 -G-SH Whig'gism, W 3 -G-zM While, Wli, Wld', WH- NG Whiles, Wlzi Whi'lom, WI'-M Whilst, Wlsti Whim, W3-M Whim'per, W 3 -M-Pr, W 3 -M-Prd. W 3 -M-Pr-NG Whim'perer, W*-M- Pr-E Whim'sey, W 3 -M-Z Whim'sical-ly, W 3 -M- zKl Whimsical'ity, W'-M- zKl-T Whim'sicalness, ws-M- zKl-Ns Whim'whain, W^-M- W-M Whin, hWn 3 Whin'chat, hWn3-CHt Whine, Wu>, Wnd 1 , Wn>-NG Whin'er, W>-Nr Whin'ny, W 3 -N, W-N-D, W 3 -N-NG Whin'ock, WS-N-K Whin'-stone, Wns s Tn Whip, WS-P, W a -Pt. W 3 - P-NG Whip'-cord, W 3 -P-Krd Whip'-graft, W 3 -P Grft, W-P-Gr-F-Td, W-P- Grtt-NG Whip'-hand, W'-P-Hnd WHI Whip'-lash, W 3 -P-i-SH Whip'-maker, W 3 -P-M- Kr Whip'per, W-Pr Whip'per-in, W-Pr-N Whip'per-snapper, W- Prs-N-Pr Whip'ping-post, W-P- NG-Pst Whip'pletree, WS-Pl-Tr Whip'-poor-will, W s - Pr-Wl "Whip'saw, W3-P-S Whip'-snake, W^-Ps-N-K Whip'-staff, W3-Ps-Tf Whip'ster, wa-Pstr Whip'-stick, W3-Ps-T-K Whip'-stitch, W 3 -Ps-T- CH "Whip'-stock, W 3 -Ps-T-K Whipt, W 3 -Pt Whir, hW-R, hW*-Rd, hW 2 R-X& "Whirl, W2-S1, ws-fild, W-fll-NG Whirl'-bat, W-fll-Bt Whirl'-bone, W2-.Rl-Bn Whirl'er, Vf*-Rl-R Whirl'igig, W^-Rl-G-G Whirl'ing-table, W-.R1- NG-T-B1 Whirl'pool, WS-Bl-P-L Whirl'wind, W - fil - Wnd "Whisk, Ws s -K, Ws-Kt, Ws3-K-NG Whisk'er, Ws 3 -K-R Whisk'ered, Ws3.K-.Rd "Whisk'ey, Ws 3 -K Whis'per, Ws 3 -Pr, Ws 3 - Prd. Ws 3 -Pr-NG 'Whis'perer, Ws 3 -Pr-R Whis'peringly, Ws 3 -Pr- NG1 "Whist, Wst 3 Whis'tle, Ws 3 -^, Ws-id, \Vs 3 -Z NG "Whis'tler, Wsa-L-R "Whit, Wt 3 White, (a.) Wti, Wtri, Wtst 1 or wTsti. See Wide, etc. White, (D.) Wti, Wi-Td, Wti-NG White'-bait, Wt-Bt White'-bear, Wt>-B-R "White'-cap, Wt'-K-P White'-flsh, VfV-F-SH White'-lead, Wti-i-D White'-limed, Md White'-lined, White'-livered, Wti-L- Vrd White'-meat, Wt-Mt Whit'en, Wti-N, Wti-Nd, Wti-N-NG Whit'ener, Wt'-Nr White'ness, "VW-Ns ' Whites, Wtsi 294 WIL White'-smith, Wts'-M- "Whosesoever, Hz-Sv^ TH Who'so, H-S 3 White'-swelling, Wts 1 - Whosoev'er, Hs-V 2 W-//-NG Whur, W* R White'wash, Wti-wSH, Whurt, W2-Rt WtLwSHt, Wtl-wSH-NG "Why, w White'washer, Wt-W- Wick, W 3 -K SHr Wick'ed, W 3 -Kd White'-weed, Wt-wD White'-wine, Wt-Wn Wick'edly, W*-Kd-Z, Wick'edness, W 3 -Kd-Ns White'wood, Wti-Wd Wick'er, W*-Kr Whith'er, Wdhr 3 Wick'er-work, W 3 -Kr- Whithersoever, Wr K Wdhrs-V Wick'et, W3-Kt Whith'erward, Wdhr 3 - Wick'ing, W^-K-NG Wrd Wide, wD 1 , W'-Dr, wDet 1 . Whit'ing, Wt'-NG See White, etc. Whit'ish, VfV-SH Wide-awake, wD'-W-K Whit'ishness, VTV-SB- Wide'ly, \v-Di-Z, Ns Wide'-mouthed, wD 1 - Whit'leather, Wt 3 -idhr M-DHd Whit'low, Wt 3 -Z Wid'en, wDn 1 wDnd 1 , Whit'sun, Wts 3 -N wDn'-NG Whit'sunday, Wtsa-N-D Wide'ness, wD'-Ns Whifsuntide, Wte 3 -N- Wide'-spread, wD'-ePrd Td Wide'-spreading, wD'- Whit'tle, Wt 3 -, Wts-id, 8Prd(-) Wt 3 -Z,-NG Wid'geon, wJn s Whit'y-brown, wTJ-Brn Wid'ow, wD 3 , wDd 3 , wD 3 - Whiz, Wz3, Wzd 3 , Wz 3 - KG NG Wid'ower, wD 3 -R Who, H3 Wid'o^wrhood, wD 3 -Hd Whoa, W Wid'owly, wD 3 -L Whoever, Hv* Width, wD 3 -TH "Whole, Hl Wield, Wld 3 , W 3 -Z-Dd, Whole'ness, Hl a -Ns Wld 8 -NG Wholesale, Hls-i Wield'er, Wldr 3 Whole'some, Hls-M, Wield'less, \Vld 3 -Zs Hls 2 -M-R. Hls^-Mst Wield'y, W 3 /.-D Whole'somely, Hls-M- Wier'y, Vfi-R * Wife, \vFi Whole'someness, Hls 2 - \Vife'hood, wFi-Hd M-Ns Wife'less, wF'-is Whol'ly, H2-i Wife'ly, wFi-i Whom, H 3 -M [H 3 ] Wig, W-G Whomsoever, Hs-V 2 Wig'gle, W3-G1, W 3 -Gld, Whoop, hoP 3 , hoPt 3 , W 3 -Gl-IsG hoPS-NG Wight, Wt 1 Whoop'ing-cough, P 3 - "Wig' -maker, W 3 -G-M -Kr NG-Kf Wig'wam, WS-Gw-M Whop, W>-P, W-Pt, W 1 - Wild, Wld', Wldr>, W>- P-NG Z-Dst Whop'per, W-Pr Wild'-boar, Wldi-B-R "Whore, Hr Wild'-cat, Wldi-Kt Whore'dom, Hr-D 2 -M Wil'der, Wldr 3 , Wl 3 -Crd, (Hrd2-M) Wldr 3 -XG Whore'master, Hr^-Mstr Wil'derness, "Wldr s -Ns Whore'monger, Hr*-M- Wild'-flre, Wldi-F-R NGr Wild'fowl, \Vld-F-L Whore'son, Hrs-N Wild'-goose, Wld'-Gs Whor'ish, Hr-SH* Whor'ishly, Hr-SHl 3 Wild'-goose chase, Wld 1 Gs-CHs Whor'ishness, Hr-SH 2 - Ns Wild'grave. Wld'-Grv Wild'ing, Wldi-NG Whorl, ws-fil Wild'ly, Wldi-/, Whorled', W2-.Rld Wild'ness, Wld!-Ns Whort, W [ -Rt Wile, Wli Whort'le-berry, Vfrtf-L- B R Wil'ful-ly, Wl'-Fl Wil'fulness, W1'-F1-N Whose, Hz* [SFs] WIL Wiliness, Wi-Z,-Ns Wilk, W1-K Will, W13 Wld 3 , W13-NG [A 3 , Ld 3 , 3-NG.] Wil in also written by the 2-hook; thus, What will. Tl It will, Tl" Which will, CHI* Where will, fill They will. DH1 These will, Zl* All will, /,! When will, Wl* We will. Wl 3 You will, Yl 3 How will. HI 1 He will, HI* Who will. HI* Will'ful-ly, W1 3 -F1 [Z- Fl] Will'fulness, W1 3 -F1- Will'ingj W1 3 -NG IL- NG] Willing-hearted, [ 3 - NG-Hr-Td] Willingly, W1*-NG1 [L 3 - NG1] Willingness, W1 3 -NG- Ns [t'-NG-Ns] Will'-o'-the-wisp, W 3 - L-DH-Ws-P Willow, WS-L Willowing, W 3 i-NG Willowish, W 3 -i-SH Willow- wort, W 3 -L- Wrt Wil'lowy, W 3 - Willy, Vi*-L Wilt, Wa-it, WS-i-Td, Wil'y, Wi-i, W'--J&-fi, W 1 - Zst Wim'ble, W 3 -M-B1, w 3 - M-Bld, W 3 -M-B1-NG Wim'ple, W'-M-Pl, W 3 - M-Pld. WS-M-Pl-NG Win, Wn 3 . Wn 3 -NG Wince, WHS', W 3 -Nst, WS-Ns-NG Win'cer, W 3 -Ns-R Winch, Wn 3 -CH Wind (wind), Wnd 3 , Wn 3 - Dd, Wnd 3 -NG Wind (wind), Wnd 1 , Wnd'-NG Wind'age, Wnd 3 - J Wind'bore, Wnd 3 -B-R Wind'-bound, Wnd 3 - Bnd Wind'-broken, Wnd !Br*-Kn Wind'-chest, Wnd 3 -CHst Wind'-egg, Wnd 3 -G Wind'er, Wndri Wind'fall, Wnd*-F-L Wind'-flower, Wnd 8 295 Wind'-gage, Wnd-G-J Wind'-gall, Wnd 3 -G-I. W r ind'-gun, Wud :i -Gn Wind'-hover, Wnd-H Vr Wind'iness, Wn 3 -D-Ns Winding, Wnd J -HG Winding-sheet, Wnd' NG-SHt Windlass, Wnd s -Ls Windless, Wnd-Ls Wind'mill, Wud 3 :M-Z, Win'dow, Wn 3 -D Win'dow-blind, Wn 3 - D-Blnd Win'dow-curtain, Wn 3 - D-Kr-Tn Win'dow-frame, Wn 3 - D-Fr-M Win'dow-glass, Wn 3 -D- Gls Win'dow-sash, Wn-D- sSH Win'dow-seat, Wn 3 -D- sT Win'dow-shutter, Wn 3 - V-SHtr Win'dow-sill, Wn3.i) S .I, Wind'pipe, Wnd 3 -P-P Wind'row (wlu'ro), W 3 - Nr Wind'sor-soap, W 3 -Ndz- fis-P Wind'ward, Wnd s -Wd Wind'y, Wn 3 -D, Wn 3 -D- R. Wn^ Dst Wine, Wni Wine'-bibber, Wn'-B- Br Wine'-cellar, WniisL*- R Wine'-cooler, Wn 1 K-Lr iVine'-glass, WnMGls 1 Wine'-measure, Wn'iM- Wine'-merchant, Wn 1 !Mr-CHut* Wine'-press, Wn' iPrsS Wine'-room, WnJ-R-M Wing, W 3 -NG, W 3 -NGd, W 3 -NG-NG Wing'-and-wing, W 3 - NGn-W-NG Winged, W^-NGd Wingless, W-NGls Winglet, W 3 -NG1-T Wing'-shell, W-NG-SHl Wing'y. W 3 -NG Wink, W 3 -NG-K, W-NGt, W3-NG-K-NG Wink'er, W 3 -NG-Kr Win'ner, W 3 -Nr Win'ning, Wn 3 -NG Win'ningly, Wn 3 -NG-L Win'now, W 3 -N, W 3 -N-D, W'-N-NG Win'nower, W 3 -N-R Win'some, W 3 -Ns-M, W 3 - Ns-M-R, W-Ns-Mst [Ws 3 - M, etc.] WIT Win'ter, Wntr 3 , Wnt'-Rd, Wntr*-NG Win'ter-apple, Wntr 3 -P- L Win'ter-fallow, WntrS- F-L "Win'ter-green, Wntr* : Grn 3 Win'tering, WntrS-NG Win'ter-kill, Wutr*-K-L Wutr3-K-Ld, Wutr^-K-L- NG Win'ter-quarters, WntrS ! Kwtrs 1 Win'ter-wheat, Wntr 3 - Wt "Win-tery, W3-N-Tr Win'y. w l -N Wipe, W'-P, W-Pt, w. P-NG Wip'er, Wi-Pr Wire, Wr 1 , Wrd', Wr>- NG Wire'-bridge, Wi-i-Br-J Wire'-draw, Wi-i-Dr w r i.Di-NG Wire'-drawer, Wri-Dr-R Wire'-drawn, Wr"-Dru Wire'-drew, Wr'-Dr Wire'-edge, Wr'-J Wire'-gauze, Wr'-Gz Wire'-pu2ier, Wri-P-Z,- K Wire'-worm, Wr'-Wr-M Wir'iness, W'-B-Ns Wir'y, V/t-s Wis, Wss Wis'dom, Wz-S-D-H Wis'dora-tooth, Wz-D- M-T-TH Wise, Wz>, Wzi-R. Wz>- St Wise'acre, Wzi-E-R Wise'ling, Wzi-/,-K& Wisely, Wz>-L Wish, wSH3, wSHts, wSH g -NG Wish'-bone, wSH 3 -Bn Wish'er, W^-SHr Wish'es, wSHz3 Wish'ful-ly, wSH3-Fl Wish'fulness, wSH*-Fl- Ns t!Fs] Wish'y-washy, W-SH- Vf-SH Wisp, Ws'-P Wist, Wsta Wist'ful, Ws 3 -F-L Wist'fully, Ws 3 -F- Wit, Wts Witch, wCHS, wCHt wCH s -NG Witch'craft, wCH-Krft Witch'-elm, wCH^-L-H Witch'ery, W 3 -CHr Witch'-hazel, wCH& Hz-L Witch'ing, wCHS-NO With, wDHS [DH] Withal', DH^L WIT 296 Withdraw, DH-Dr, WolTs'-bane, Vf*-L-Y* DH'-Dr-NG Bn Withdrawal, DHi-Dr-L Wolverine', Wl*-Vrn Withdraw'er, DH>-Dr-B Wom'an, W-Mn. In Withdraw'ing-room, un vocalized Phonogra- DH'-Dr-NG-R-M piiy Woman may be writ- Withdraw'ment, DH 1 - ten in the first position Dr-Mnt to distinguish it from the "Withdrawn', DBH-Drn plural, Women. "Withdrew, DH 3 -Dr Wom'an-hater, W 3 -Mn- Withe, wTH, wTHta, Htr wTHS-NG Wom'anhood, W s -Mn- With'er, Wdhr 3 , W- Ed DHrd, YfdhrS-NG Wom'anish, W 3 -Mn-SH With'erdness, W 3 -Drd- Wom'anishness, W 3 - Ns Mn-SH-Ns "With'ers, Wdhrz 3 Wom'ankind, W-3In- "With'er-strap, Wdhrs 3 - Knd Tr-P Wom'anlike, W 3 -Mn--K With'er-wrung, Wdhr- Wom'anliness, W 3 - M - R NG Nl-Ns "Withheld', DH 2 -Hld "Wom'anly, W 3 -M-N1 Withhold', DHs-Hld, Wom'an's-rights, W- DHHldC) Mz-tfts Withhold'en, DH*-H1- "Womb, W-M Dn Wom'bat, W>-M-Bt Withhold'er, DH-Hldr Wom'en, W 3 -Mn. See "Within', DHn* J Woman.' Without', wDHU [wDH] Won, Wn Withstand', DHsi-Tnd, Won'der, Wndr*, Wnd- DHs^Tnd-NG Rd, Wndr-NG Withstand'er, DHs 1 - Tndr With'y, wTH 3 Won'derer, Wndr^-R Won'derful, Wndr-F-L Won'derfully, Wndr-F- Withstood', DHs 3 -Td L Wit'less, Wts-is Won'derfulness, Wndr a - Wit'lessly, \Vt*-Ls-L F-L-Ns [iFs] Wit'lessness, Wt 3 -s-Ns Won'derment, Wndr* Wit'ling, Wt 3 --NG Mnt Wit'ness, Wt 3 -Ns, Wt 3 - Won'der-working, Nst. Wf-Ns-NG Wudr2iWr-K-NG Wit'nesser, Wt'-Ns-E Won'drous, Wndr^-S Wit'ted, wTd 3 Won'drously, Wndr 2 -S- Wit'ticism, wT'-szM L Wit'tily, wT*-Z, Won'drousness, Wndr*- Wit'tiness, wT 3 -^ SNs Wit'tingly, Wt 3 -NGl Won't, Wnt Wit'tol, Vitf-L Wont, Wnts, Wn^-Td, Wit'ty, wT 3 , wT3-R, Wnt*-NG wTst 3 Wont'ed, Wn*-Td Wive, wV 1 , wVd>, wV- Wont'edness, Wn-Td- NG Ns Wi'ver, W-Vr Woo, W 3 , wDS, W 3 -NG Wi'vern, Wi-Vrn Wood, wD 3 , wDd 3 , wD 3 - Wives, wVzi NG. In compounds Wiz'ard, Wz 3 -Rd Wood is sometimes writ- Wiz'ardry, Wz-Rd-fl ten Wd. Wiz'en, Wz-N Wood'-ant, Wd'-Nt Woad, wDs Wood'-ashes, wD 3 -5flz Woe, W Wood'bind, wD3-Bnd ' Woe'-begone, W2 B-Gn "Wood'bine, wD s -Bn Woe'ful-ly, W*-F1 Wood'chuck, wD^-CH K "Woe'fulness, W=-FI-Ns Wood'cock, wD*-K-K C1W Wood'-craft, wD 3 -Krft "Wold, W-Ld Wood'-cut, wD'-Kt W r olf, W3-Z.-P Wood'-cutter, wD 8 -Ktr Wolf-dog, W3-L-F-D-G Wood'-drink, wD 3 -Dr- Wolfish, W-L-F-SH NG-K Wolf ishly, vr*-L-F-SHl Wol'fram, WU-Fr-M "Wood'ed, wDd* Wood'en, wDn' WOR Wood-engraver, wD* U-Gr-Vr Wood'-engraving, wD* N-Grv-NG Wbod'-fretter, wD* Frtr Wood'-house, wD 3 -Hs Wood'iness, wD 3 -Ns Wood'land, wD 3 -ind Wood'-lark, wD'-i-R-K Wood'less, wD 3 -Ls Wood'-louse, -wD 3 -Ls Wood'man, wD-Mn Wood'-monger, wD 3 -M- NGr Wood'-note, wD*-N-T Wood'-nymph, wI^-N- M-F Wood'pecker, wDS-P-Ki Wood'-pigeon, wD 3 -?- Jn Wood'-reeve, wD 3 -Kv Wood'-screw, wDs 3 -Kr Woods'man, wD 3 -zMn Wood' -ward, wD 3 Wrd Wood'-work, wD 3 -Wr-K Wood'y, wD 3 Woo'er, W-B Woof, wF 3 Woof y, wF* Woo'ing, W 3 -N3 WocXingly, W-NG1 "Wool, Wl 3 Wool'-comber, W1 3 -K- Mr Woold, Wld, W-L-Dd, Wld 3 -NG Wool'en, W*-in Wool'en-draper, W- Ln-Dr-Pr Wool'fell, Wis-Fl Wool'-gathering, Wl- Gdhr-NG Wool'-grower, Wl-Gr-B Wool'liness, W 3 -Z,-Ns Wool'ly, W 3 -i Wool'-pack, W1-P-K Wool'-sack, Wls 3 -K Wool'-sorter, Wls 3 Rtr Wool'-stapler, Wls 3 -T- Pl-R Wootz, Wts* Word, Wrd2, W-fi-Dd, Wrda-NG Word'-book, Wrd-B-K Word'-catcher, Wrd*- K-CHr Word'ed, W-fi-Dd Word'iness, W 2 -fi E-Ns Word'ing, Wrd=-NG Word' less, Wrd 2 -Z,s Word'y, W^-fi-D, Wrd*- R, W-ff Dst Wore, Wr Work, Wr 2 -K, WrS-Kt, Work'able, Wr s K-B1 Work'-bag, Wr 2 -K-B-G Work'-box, Wr 2 -K-B-Kg Work'-day, Wr^-K-D WOR 297 WYV Work'er, Wr-Kr Work'-fellow. Wr*-K-F- Worthless, Wr*-TH-s rTH s -Ls] |Wres'tler, fl 2 si B Wretch, K--! CH L Worth'lessness, Wr - Wretch'ed, /e^-CHd Work'-folk, WrS-K-F-K TH ,8-Ns [TH*:/,s] Wretch'edly, 2 CHd-L "Work' -folks, Wra-K-F-Ks Wor'thy, Wr*-DH, Wr- Wretch'edness, #* Work'-house, Wr*-K-Hs DHr. Wr* DHst CHd-Ns Work'ing-day, Wr a -K- Wot, Wt Wrig'gle, fl'-Gl. J?3 Gld, NG-D Would, Wd [W]. TTouZd /^-Gl-NG Work'man, Wr-K-Mn is also indicated by halv- Wrig'gler, s-Gl B Work'man-like, Wr*-K- ing the preceding stem; Wright, fit 1 Mn-L-K thus, Wring, 22 3 -NG, fi 3 NG- Work'manly, Wr-K-M- It would, Td 3 NG Nl They would, DHd 8 Wring'-bolt, fi-NG- Work'manship, Wr*-K- She would, SHds B Lt Mn-SH(-P) We would. Wd* Wring'er, 3 -NGr Work'-people. Wr-K- You would, Yd* Wrink'le, s NG-Kl, fi3- (P )P1 He would. Hd NG-Kld, S3.NG-K1-NG Work'-shop, Wr a -K-SH- Wouldst, Wdsts Wrink'ly, fi-NG-Kl P Wound, Wnd^or 1 , Wn 3 or- Wrist, fists Work'-table, Wr-K-T- Dd, Wud'or'-NG Wrist'band, fis3-Bnd Bl Wound, (imp. of Wind). Wrist'let, fi3 sit Work'-woman, Wr 2 -K- Wndi Writ, fits W-Mn Wound'er, Wndr 1 Write, fiti. fiti-N "World, W2 fiid [Bid*] Wound'less, Wnd 3 ori-Ls Writ'er, fitr 1 . See Worldliness, Vf*-Rid-L- Wove, wV J Reader. Ns [fild'--i-Ns] Woven, wVn* Writ'ership, fitr-SH P Worldling, W= fild L- Wrack, fi-K Writhe, fi'-DH, fii-DHd, NG [fild*- NG] Wraith, -TH R'-DH-NG World'ly, W-RIA-L Wran'gle, B'-NG-Gl. B- Writ'ing, flt'-NG rfild-L] NG-Gld, K'-NG-Gl-NG Writ'ing-book, fit'-NG. World ly-minded, [/Zld* rR l -NGl, etc.] B-K -L-Mn-Dd] Wran'gler, fi^NG-Gl-B Writ'ing-desk, fiti-NG- World'ly- mindedness, __TB-NG1-B1 n-sK __LRld-L-Mn-Dd-Ns] Wrap, Ri P, B-Pt, fi 1 -?- Writ'ing-master, fit 1 - World'-wide, fild-wD NG NG-Mstr Worm, Wr-M, Wr^-Md, Wrap'page, fii-P-J Writ'ing-paper, fit^NG- Wr*-M-NG Wrap'per, fii Pr Worm'-eaten, Wr*-M-Tn Wrap'ping, fii-P-NG P-Pr Writ'inp;s, fit'-NGz Worm'-fence, Wr-M- Wrap'ping-paper, fl'-P- Writ'ing-school, fiti- Fns NG-P-Pr NGs-Kl Worm'-hole, Wr-M-Hl Wrap'rascal, fi'-P-Bs-K- Writ'ing-table, Kti-NG- Worm'-like, Wr*-M-/i-K L T-B1 Worm'-seed, Wr-Ms-D Wrasse, Rs l Writ'ten, fits-N Worm'-wood, Wr-M- Wrath, fi'-TH Wrong, fii-NG, fi'-NGd, wD Wrath'ful-ly, fii-TH-Fl fi'-NG-NG Worm'y, Wr*-M, Wr*-M- Wrath'fulness, >-TH- Wrong'-doer, fi'-NG- B. Wr*-Mst Fl-Ns [iFs] D B Worn, Wrn* Worn'-out, Wrn-T Wrath'ily, Rt-TH-L Wrath'less, B'-TH-is Wrong'er, fii-NGr Wrong'ful, fii-NG-F-L Wor'rier, W*-JB- Wrath'y, >-TH Wrong'fully, fi'-NG- Wor'ry, W-R, W*-/2-D, Wreak, &-K, R*-Kt, R*- F-L WJ-/Z-NG K-NG Wrong'fulness, fi'-NG- WorTyingly, W-B-NG1 Wreath, B'-TH F-L-Ns [IFs] Worse, Wrs 1 * Wreathe, R-DH, - Wrong'headed, fi'-NG- Wors'en, Wrs-N DHd, /P-DH-NG H Dd Wors'er, Wrs 2 B Wreath'y, K-DH Wrongly, fl'-NGl Woiyship, WrS-5ff-P, Wr Wreck, R*-K, R-Kt, fi- Wrong'ness, fi l -NG-Ns Sfl"-Pt. Wr2-5-P-NG K-NG Wrote, fit" Wor'shiper, W2-5ff-Pr Wor'shipful-ly, Vir*-SH- Wreck'age, -K-J Wreck'er, fl-Kr Wroth, fii-TH Wrought, fiH P-F1 Wreck' master, B'-K- Wrung, fi'-NG Wor'shipfulness, Wr- Mstr Wry, fi 1 SH-P-Fl-Ns [!Fs] Wren, fln' Wry-face, fi'-Fs Worst, Wrsta, Wrs-Td, Wrench, RS-N-CH, K-N- "Wry'-neck, fi'-N-K WrstO* CHt, B*-N-CH-NG Wry'ness, fii-Ns Worst'ed, Ws-Td Wrest, flst, J2s*-Td. Wych'-elm, wCH 8 -L-M Wort, Wrt 8t(') 3 Wye, W> Worth, Wr2 TH [TH] Wrest'er, Rstr Wyes, Wz 1 Wor'thily, Wr DH-L Wres'tle, 8 3 -L, B*-8l,-D, Wynn, Wn 8 Wor'thiness, \Vr2-DH-Ns fi^si NO Wy'vern, W^Vra 13* XAN Y's, Wiz 1 Yacht, Yti X. Yacht'-club, Yt'-Kl-B Yacht'ing, Yt(-) 1 Ya'ger, Yi-Gr Yahoo', Y-H X, the twenty-fourth letter of the Alphabet, has no Yam, Y'-M Yan'kee.Y'-NG-K Yan'kee-doodle, Yi-NG- Bound of its own. At the K-DD1 end of words it has the Yap, Y>-P Bound of ks. as in box, wax. Yard, Yrdi etc.; in the middle of i Yard -arm, Yrd'-B-M words, the sound generally 'Yard' -land, Yi-d'-Znd of ks, but occasionally of Yard'-stick, Yrds'-T-K gz; and at the beginning of Yard' -wand, Yrdi-Wnd words, the sound of z. Yarn, Yrn 1 Xan'thic, Zn'-TH-K Yar'row, Y 1 R Xan'thine, Zni-THn Yat'aghan, Y-T-Gn Xan'thite, Zni-THt Yaulp, Yl P Xan'thogen, Zn'-TH- Jn Yaup, Yi-P Xan'thophyll, Zni-TH- Yaw, Y, Yd', Y'-NG F-L Yawl, Yl 1 Xan'thorthite, Znthr 1 - Yawn, Yn>, Ynd, Yn-NG THt Yawn'ingly, Yn'-NG-L Xe'bec. Z3-B-K Yaws, Yz< Xen'otime, Z2-N-T-M Yclad', tKl-Di Xera'sia, z--fi-ZH Ycleped', IKl-Ft* Xerocollyr'ium, Z 3 -/2- Ye,Y 3 Kl-K-M Yea, Yor s Xero'des, Z^-fl-Dz Yean, Yn, Ynd 3 , Yn8-NG Xeromy'rum, Z'-fi- Yeanling, Y'-Nl-NG Mr-M Year, Yr [Y 3 ] Xeroph'agy, Z* fl-F-J Xeroph'thalmy, Z^R-F- Yeaiy-book, Yrs-B-K [Y 3 - BK] TH-L-M Yearling, Yr--NG Xero'tes, Z 2 -fi-Tz Yearly, Yr 3 -// [Y 3 -7/] Xiph'ias, Z 3 -Fs Yearn, Yrn 2 , Yrnd, Yrn- Xiph'oid, Z3-F-D NG Xylite, zi-Lt Xylobal'samuin, Z*-L- Yearn'ful, Yrn'-F-L Yearningly, Yrn-NG-L Bl-sM-M Yeast, Yst Xylograph, Z'-Z-Grf Yeast'y, Ys 3 -T Xylog'rapher, Z'-Z.-Gr- Yelk, Y1*-K Fr Xylograph'ic, Zi-i Yell, Yl*. Yld, Y1*-NG Yellow, Y 2 -!,, Y-X,-B, Grf K Xylograph'ical, Z*-L- Yellow-bird, Y*-/,-Brd Gr-F-Kl Yellow-blossomed, Y 2 - Xylog'raphy, Zi--Gr-F /,-Bl-sMd Xyloph'agan, Zi-/,-F-Gn Yellow-boy, Y^-i-B Xyloph'agous, Zi-Z,-F- Yellow-earth, Y-L-B- Gs TH Xys'ter, Zstr* Yellow-fever, Y^-L-F-Vr Yellow-golds, Y* - L Gldz Y. Yellow-haired, Y*-Z,- Hrd Yellow-hammer, Y a -- H-Mr (Yl 2 -H-Mr) Yellowish, Y 2 -Z,-SH Y, the twenty-fifth letter Yellowishness, Y - L of the Alphabet, at the be- 8H Ns ginning of words, and at Yellowness, Y 2 -L-Ns the commencement of syl- Yellows, Y2-z lables in the middle of Yellow-throat, Y - L - words, has the consonant THrt Bound of y as heard in yet, Yelp, Y1-P, Yl-Pt, Y1-P- you. beyond. NG Y.Wi" Yelp'er, Yl-Pr YOU . Yeo'man, Y-Mn Yeo'manlike, Y-Mn-Z> E Yeo'manly, Y 2 -M-Nl Yeo'manry, Y 3 -Mn-.R Yerk, Yr-K, Yr-Et, Yr* K-NG Yes, Ys* Yes, sir, [Yss] Yest, Yst* Yes'ter, Ystr* Yes'terday, Ystr*-D Yes'ter-eve, Ystr-V Yes'ter-evening, Ystr*. Vn-NG Yes'ter-morn, Ystr s -M- Yes'ter-morning, M-fln-NG Yes'tern, Yst-fin Yes'ter-night, Ystr-Nt Yes'ter-noon, Ystr^-Nn Yest'y, Ys 2 -T Yet, Yt [Y] Yew, Y Yew'en, Y-N Yex, Y2-Ks Yez'idee, Yz-D Yfere', IF 2 -E Yield, Yld, Yis-Dd, Yld(-)S Yield'er, Yldr 3 Yield'ing, Yld(-) Yield'ingly, Yld-NGl Yield'ingness, Yld*-NG- Ns Yo'jan, Y 2 -Jn Yoke, Y2-K, Y*-Kt, Y-K- NG Yoke'-elm, Y 2 -K-L-M Yoke'-fellow, Y2-K-F-X, Yoke'mate, YZ-K Mt Yolk, Y12-K or Y*-K Yon, Yni Yon'der, Yndr 1 Yonk'er, Y*-NG-Kr Yore, Yr* You, Y 3 . Either You or Your is also written with the j/-hook on the pre- ceding .stern; thus, By >ou r. By 1 Had you-r, Dyi Do you- r, Dy 2 Did you-r, Dy s Can you-r. Ky 1 Could you-r, Ky* Young, Y2-NG, Y--NG-Gr Y2-NG-Gst [Y, Yr, Yst] Young'ish, Y*-NG-SH Young'ling, Y-NG1-NG Young'ster, Y-NGstr Younk'er, Y-NG-Kr Your, Yr 3 [Y 3 . See Fou.] Yours, Yrz 3 [Yz] Yourself , Yss-L-F [Ys] Yourselves', Ys-L-V [Ysz 3 ] Youth, Y-TH [TH] YOU 299 Youth'ful-ly, Y-TH-FI Zend, Znd* [TH-F1] Zendaves'ta, Znd*-Vs-T Youth/fulness, Y*-TH- Ze'nith, Z*-N-TH Fl-Ns [TH*iFs] Ze'olite, Z'-it Yowl, Yl Zeph'yr, Z J -Fr Yowled, Yldi Zeph'yrus, Z-Frs Yt'tria, ITr 3 Zer'da, Z*-R-D Yt'trium, ITr 3 -!! Ze'ro, Z*-R Yuc'ca, YS-K. Zest, Zsts, ZsS-Td, Zst(-) 3 Yug, Y 2 -G Ze'ta, Z 3 -T Yu'lan, ys-in Zetet'ic, z s -Tt-K Yule, Yl Zetet'ics, Z^-Tt-Ks lYule'-block, Yl'-Bl-K Zeug'lodon, Z^-Gl-Dn Yule'-clog, Y13-K1-G Zeug'ma, Z^-G-M Yule'-log, Y1 3 -Z,-G Zeugmat'ic, Z'-G-Mt-K Yux, Y-Ks Zho, zs Zib'et, Z 3 -Bt Zie'ga, Z 8 -G z. Zig'zag, Z 3 -Gz-G, Z^-Gz- Gd, Z^-Gz-G-NG Zig'zaggery, Z 3 -Gz-G-B Zil'lah, Z 3 -L Zim'ent-water, Z^-Mnt- Z, the twenty-sixth and Wtr last letter of the Alphabet, Zinc, Z'-NG-K generally has the sound of Zinc'-amyle, Z 3 -NG-K- z in zest, ziuc, zone, etc. In Ml a few words it takes the Zinc'-blende, Z'-NG-K- sound of ZH, as in seizure. Blnd Its mate, s, in the common Zinc'-bloom, Z 3 -NG-K- orthography, is more fre- Bl-M quently used to represent Zinc'-ethyl, Z 8 -NG-K- the z-sound than the letter TH-L z itself. Zinciferous, Z 3 -Ns-F-fis ZH is generally used in Zinc'ite, z a -NG-Kt works on pronunciation to Zineog'rapher, ZJ-NG-K- indicate the sound of the Gr-Fr phonograph Zheo. Zincograph'ic, Z>-NG-K- Zac'cno, Z>-K Grf-K Zaf fer, Z-Fr Zincograph'ical-ly, Z 1 - Zain, Zn NG-K-Gr-F-Kl Zam'bo, Z l -M-B Zincog'raphy, Z^NG-K- Za'mite, Z 2 -Mt Gr-F Za'ny, Z 2 -N Zinc'ous, Z s -NG-Ks Za'nyism, ZVNz-M Zinc'-white, Z 3 -NG-K- Zap'ote, Z'-Pt Zar'nich, Zr-N-K wT Zink. See Zinc. Zax, Zi-Ks Zinkiferous, Z 3 -NG-Kf- Za/yat, Z* Yt Rs Zea, Zea Zink'y, Z 3 -KG-K Zeal, Zis Zin'ziberaceous, Z'-Nz- Zeal'ot, Z2-M B-K-SHs Zeal'otry, Z*-Lt-R Zi'on,Z'-N Zeal'ous, Z*-La Zir'con, Zr 2 -Kn Zeal'ously, Z*-La-L Zirco'nia, Zr 2 -K-N Zeal'ousness, Z-Ls-Ns Zirco'nium, Zr'-Kn-M Ze'bra, Z 3 -Br Zith'ern, Z 3 -THrn Ze'bra-wood, Z-Br-Wd Ziz'el, Z3-Z1 Ze'bu, Z 3 -B Zoan'tha, Z^N-TH Ze'bub, za-B-B Zoan'thropy, Z J -Nthr-P Ze'chin, Z 8 -Kn Zoc'co, Z'-K Zech'stein, Z=-Ks-Tn Zo'cle or Zoc'le, Z*ori-Kl Zed, Zds Zo'diac, ZS-D-K Zed'oary, Tfl-D-R Zodi'acal, Z'-U-Kl Ze'ine, Z-N Zo'har, Z-B Ze'kin, za-Kn Zoil'ean, Z 3 -Ln Zemindar', Z J -Mndr Zo'ilism, Z-Lz-M Zem'indary, Z*-Mn-D-B Zois'ite. Zs l -T Zem'-zem, Z*-Mz-M Zoll'verein, ZU-Vrn Zena'na, Z-N-N Zo'nnr, Z^-Nr ZYT Zone, Zn Zoned, Zud 2 Zone'less, Z 2 -Nls Zon'ular, Z--N-ir Zon'ule, Z--N-L Zoo-chem'ical, Z 2 -K-M-' Kl Zooch'emy, Z^-K-M Zoogen'ic,z 2 -J-N-K. Zoog'ony, Zi-G-N Zoog'rapher, Z'-Gr-Fr Zoograph'ic, Z'-Grf-K Zoograph'ical, z^-Gv F-K1 Zoog'raphist, Zi-Gr-Fst kioog'raphy, Z'-Gr-F Zo'oid, Z-'-D Zool'atry, Z'-Z/-Tr Zo'olite, z--Lt Zoolog'ical, Z'-i-J-Kl Zool'ogist, Z'-i-Jst Zool'ogy, fr-L-3 Zoon'ic, Z'-N-K Zo'onite, Z 2 -Nt Zoon'omy, Z'-N-M Zooph'agan, Z L -F-Gn Zooph'agous, Z'-F-Gs Zoophor'ic, Z^Fr-K Zo'ophyte, Z 2 -Ft Zoophyt'ic, Z 3 -F-T-K Zoophyt'ical, z^-Ft-Kl Zoophytol'ogy, Z [ -F-T L-i Zo'osperm, Zs 2 -Pr-M Zo'ospore, Z^--P-R Zootom'ical, Z'-T-M-Kl Zoof omist, Z!-T-Mst Zoot'omy. Zi-T-M Zoo'zoo, Z 3 -Z Zor'il, Zi-Bl Zos'ter, Zstr 1 Zos'tera, Zs'-T-K Zouave', Z J -V Zoueh, Z'-CH Zounds, Zndz 1 Zuche, Z 3 -CH Zuf folo, Z3-F- Zu'mate, Z 3 -Mt Zu'mic, Z^-M-K Zumolog'ical, Z'-M-Z- J-K1 Zumol'ogist, Z'-M-L-Jst Zumol'ogy, ZJ-M-i-J Zumom'eter, zi-M-Mtr Zumosim'eter, Z 3 -Ms- Mtr Zygo'ma, Z 2 -G-M Zygomat'ic, Zi-G-Mt-K Zy'mate, Z'-Mt Zy'mic, zi-M-K Zymolog'ical, Z l -tS.-L- J-K1 Zymol'ogist, z 1 -M-L-Jst Zymol'ogy, Zi-M-Z,-J Zy'mome, Z^M-M Zymom'eter, z>-M-Mtr Zymosim'eter, Z 3 -Ms- Mtr Zymot'ic, Zi-Mt-K Zy'thum, Z'-TH-M PROPER NAMES. AAR ALT Ade'lia, D'-Z Al'bemarle, Z^B-M-Bl A. Adeli'na, Ei-L-N Ad'eline, D'-Zn Al'bert, Zi-Brt Alber'ta, Z^-Br-T A'diel, D-I, Al'bertson, Z^Brts-X Aa'ron, Rn 1 Adiron'dack, D'-JZ-Nd-K Aa-rons, Rnz 1 Ad'ler, Di-L-R Albo'ni' Z 2 -U-N A bad'don, B>-Dn Adolph', D'-Z-F Al'brecht, Zi-Br-Kt Ab'aris, B'-jRs Adol'phus, D^i-Fs Alcan'tara, L'-Kn-T-a Ab'batt, aBat 1 Adoni'ram, Di-N-R-M Al'den, Z'-Dn Ab'beville, B J -V-L Ado'nis, D^-Ns Al'derman, Ldr'-Mn Ab'bofc, aBt 1 A'drian, Drn Al'derneyj Zi-Dr-N Ab'botsford, Bi-Ts-Frd A'driance, Drns^ Al'drich, L l Dr-CH Ab'diel, B^-D-L Adriano'ple, Dr^-N-Pl Al'dridge, Z^Dr-J Abeel', B*-L Adriat'ic, Drt^K Alep'po, Z 2 -P A'bel, Bl .^Ege'aii, J 3 -N Alessan'dria, Ls-N-Dr Ab'elard, W-L-R& ^Jge'ria, J^-R Aleu'tian, Zshn* Aberdeen', B 3 -/i-Dn -^Egyp'tus, JS-P-TS Alexan'der, L'-Ks-Ndr Ab'ernethy, B>-.R-N-TH .ffine'as, N-S 3 Alexan'dria, I^-Ks-N-Dr Ab'ercrombie-y, B l -Kr- JB'olus, is 3 Alex'is, L2-Kss M-B ^Iscula'pius, S a -K-Z,-Ps Alfie'ra, L*-F-R Abi'ah, Bla 1 ^Et'na, T--X Al'ford, Z^Frd Ab'igail, B^Gl Afghanistan', F ] -G-Ns- Al'fred, Z^Frd Abi'jah, B^J Tn Alge'ria, L*-3-R Abi'athar, B^THr Agamem'non, G'-M-M- Al'gernon, Z'-Jr-Nn Ab'ner, Bi-Nr Nu Algiers', Z 3 -Jrz Aboukir', B-Kr Ag'assiz, G-S 1 Algo'a, L J -O A'braham, Br 2 -H-M or Ag'atha, G-TH 1 Alican'te, L 1 -Kn-T Br 2 -haM Ag'incourt, Ji-N-Krt Al'ice, Zs 1 A'brahams, Br^-H-Mz Ag'nes, G'-Nz Allad'din, Z'-Dn A'bram, Br 2 -M Ag'new, G l -N All'cock, Li-K-K Ab'salom, B'-sZ-M Agrip'pa, Gr-P Allegheny, Lt-G-N Abyssin'ia, Bs 3 -N A'hern, aH-fln' Al'len.Zn 1 Acapul'co, K-P18-K Ah'rens, aRns 1 Al'lien, L>-N Acha'tes, K-Tz a Ai'ken, aKn Al'lison, Lsi-N Achil'les, K-Zz Ains'worth, N-zWr^-TH Al'mack, L K M-K Ack'er, Kr* Ait'ken, T-Kn Almaden', L 2 -M-Dn Ack'erly, Kr-L 1 Aix-la-Chapelle', Ka-L*- Almi'ra.L^M-fi Ack'erman, Kri-Mn SH-P1 Alon'zo, Zn^Z Ack'ley, K-Z Ajac'cio, Yt^CH Al'pheus, Z 1 -Fs Acqui'a, Kwia 1 A'jax, J s -Ks Alphon'so, Zt-Fn-Z Actse'on, K-Tn Ajaz'zo, Yt'-S Alsace', Z'-8s Ac'ton, K-Tn 1 A'kenside, K-Ns-D Al'sop, Zs J -P A.'da, D* Alaba'ma, i'-B-M Al'ston, Zsi-Tn Adair', D*-R Alad'din, L^-Dn Altai', Z'-T Ad'am, D'-M Al'an, Zn 1 Altamaha', Z'-T-M-H Ad'ams, D^Mz Al'ba, Z^B Alt'hause, Lt'-Ha Ad'amson, D^Ms-N Alba'nia, Z*-B-N Alt'man, Lti-Mn Ad'dison, Ds^N AJ'bans, St., sNt-Zi-Bns Al'ton, Z l Tn Ad'elaide, D l -L-D Al'bany, Z'-B-N Al'tona, ii-T-N ALV Al'vah, i'-V Al'van, Z-MTn Al'vord, Z.i-Vrd Amade'us, M-Ds 8 Ama'lia, M'-Z. Aman'da, M N-Di Am asa, M-S 1 Am'azon, Mz^-N Amazo'nia, Mz'-N Am'bler, M-Bl'-R Am'boy, M-Bi Am'brose, M-Brz 1 Ame'lia, M-L America, M-BS-K Cent. A., sNt-Bl s -Mr-K North A.,Nr-THi-Mr-K South A-.sTH^Mr-K Amen'go, M-B 8 -G Am'erman, Mr'-Mn Ames, Mz> Am'herst, M-Bst> Am'idon, M-Dn 1 Am'iens, Mi-Nz Am'mi, M 1 Am'mon, Mn 1 Amoor', M-R* A'mory, M-B* A'mos, Ms* Amoskeag', Ms*-K-G Amphi'on, M-F'-N Amphitri'te, M-F-Tr-T Amsterdam', Ms-Trdi-M A'my, M Anasta'sius, Ns-T'-ZHs Anchi'ses, N'-Kss Anco'na, N^-K-N Andalu'sia, N-D-L-SB An'dera, N-Di-M An'derson, Ndrs'-N An'des, N-Dzi An'dover, N-Di-Vr An'dre, N-Dri An'drew, N-Dr 1 An'dre ws, N-Drz' Androm'ache, N-Dr'-M- E Androm'eda, N-Dr^M-D Androscog'gin, N-Dri- BK-Gn Angel'ica, N-J s -i-K Angeli'na, N-J1-Z.-N An'gell, N J*-L An'gelo, N-J'-ii An'gers, N-Jrz An'gevine, N- Jvi-N An'glesey, NG-G1-8 1 Ango'la, N-G-i> Ango'ra, N-G-/2* Angostu'ra, N-Gs-T'-B Angouleme', N-G-i'-M Anjou', N- J or N-ZH* Ann, N An'na, N 1 Annap'olis, N-P'-is Anne, N' Annette', N-T An'son, Ns'-N An'thon, N-THni An'thony, K-TH-N Anticos'ti, N-T>-Ks-T 302 Antie'tam, N-Tt'-M Anti'gua, N-T-G Antilles', N-T-L An'tioch, N-Ti-K Antoinette', Nt^-Nt Antonel'li, Nt-N-i* Anto'nio, K-T 2 -N An'tony, N-T'-N Ant'werp, Nt-Wr'-P Apa'che, pi-CH Ap'ennines, Pn'-Ns Aphrodi'te, Fri-D-T A'pis, Ps Apol'lo, pi- Apol'los, P'-Zs Appol'lyon, P'-in Appalach'ee, P>-i-CH Appala'chian, f^-L-CSLn Appalachico'la, P*-Z CH- K-L Ap'pelby, P'-i-B Ap'pleton, pi-i Tn Appomat'tox, P-Mt-Ks Arabel'la, E^-B-Z, Ara'bia, K*-B Arach'ne, lU-K-N Ar'ago, R!-G Ar'agon, Ri-Gn Araguay, R'-Gw A'ram, B*-M Ar'arat, R l -Rt Ai^buckle, Ri-B-Kl Arbuthnot, Ri-B-TH-N- T Ar'oher, R'-CHr ! Archibald, fl'-CH-Bld 'Arctur'us, R'-K-T-Bs I Arcula'rius, RS-K-L-fls Arequi'pa, R-K-P Arethu'sa, /e^-TH-S Ariad'ne, JZ'-D-N A'rial, R*-L Ari'on, R-N Arizo'na, Rz-N Argentine, W- J-N-Tn lAr'gonauts, R'-G-Nts (Ar'gus, R>-Gs Argyle', R'-G-L Arkan'sas, R'-Knss Arme'nia, R3-M-N Armin'ius, R 3 -M-Ns Ar'mitage, Ri-Mt-J Ar'mour, R'-M-R Arm'strong, R'-Ms-Tr- NG Arnaud', R 2 -N Ar'nold, R'-Nld Ar'noux, Ri-N Arn'stadt, R'-Ns-Tt Aroos'took, Rs'-T-K Ar'rowsmith, Rs l -M-TH Ar'temas, Rt"-Ms Ar'thur, R-THr (Rthr 1 ) Arun'del, Rn-D-L A'sa, S 2 As'aph, Z>-F Ashan'tee. SH'-N-T Ash'bel, SH'-Bl Ash'burnham, SH J -B- Kn-M AZZ Ash'burton, SH'-B-B-Tn Ash'by, SHi-B Ash'er, SHr' Ash'land, SH'-T-nd Ash'ley, SH'-Z, Ashtabu'la, Ash'ur, SHr 1 A'sia, SH* Asmode'us, S z -M-Ds Aspa'sia, S^-P-ZH As'pinwall, S 1 P-N-W1 Assumption, 8 s -Msha Assyr'ia, B$-R As'ten, S'-Tn As'tor, Stri Asto'ria, S 2 -T-R Astracan', S'-Tr-Kn Astrse'a, S 3 -Tr Astu'rias, 8 3 -T-Bs Atcheen', CHn 3 Atch'ison, CHs'-N Ath'ens, THnz Ath'ol, THi-L At'kins, T'-Knz At'kinson, Ti-K-Ns-N Atlan'ta, T^L-N-T Atlan'tic, T'-Z-nt-K Atlan'tic Ocean, T'-int- Kshn Atlan'tis, T'-Z-nt-S At'las 1 l -Ls At'ter'bury, Tr'-B-B At'water, T'-Wtr At'wood, T>-Wd Aube, 6B 2 Auber', B J -R Aubingne', B 2 -N-Y Au'burn, B'-Bn Au'dubon, D!-Bn Au'erbach, R'-B K Au'geas, J'-S Augs'burg, Gz-B'-B-G Augus'ta, Gs T 2 Augus'tine, Gs-Tn 2 Au'gustine, St., s>Jt-Gs- Augus'tus, Gs-Ts* Auro'ra, R S -B Ausa'ble, S 2 -B1 Aus'terlitz, Str'-Z,tz Aus'tin, S'-Tn Australa'sia, 8tr 2 -Z.-SH Austra'lia, S J -Tr-Z, Aus'tria, S 1 Tr Auvergne', V 2 -Bn Auxerre', K-sR 2 Auxonne', Ks'-N A'va, aV A'verill, V 2 -B1 Aver'no, V'-B-N A'very, V-B A'von, Vn 8 Ayers, Rz 1 Ayles'bury, Zz 2 -B-fi Ayr, R> Ayr'shire, R'-SHr Azari'ah, Z'-K Az'of, Z>-F Azores', Z*-Rz Az'zo, T J -Z BAA B. 303 Ba'al, B-L Bab'bitt, B'-B-T Bab'cock, B-B-K-K Ba'bel-mandeb, B*-B1 Mnd-B Bab'ylon, Bi-B-Z,n Bac'chus, Bi-Ks Bach, B'-K Bache, B CH Bach'man. B'-K-Mn Ba'con, B 2 -Kn Badeau', B 2 -D Ba'den, B'-Dn Baer. B 2 R Bagdad', B'-G-Dd Bag'ley, BI Gl Bag'stock, Bi-Gs-T-K Baha'mas, B 2 -H-Ms Bahi'a, Bea 3 Bai'ley, B 2 - Bain'bridge, B-N-Br-J Baird, B-Rd Bairout'. See Beyroot. Ba'ker, B 2 -Kr Balaam, B 2 -L-M Ba'lak, B 2 -Z.-K Bal'bec, B-i-B-K Balbo'a, B*-Z,-B Balch, Bi-X,-8H Bald'win, Bi-Ld-Wn Balear'ic, B'-Z,-R-K Bal'four, B-Z--Fr Balize', B'-z Ball, B'-L Bal'lard, B-L-fld Bal'antine, B'-L-N-Tn Ballou', B3- Ball'ston, Bi-Ls-Tn Bal'les-shan'non, B'-i- 8H-Nn Balmor'al, Bl'-M-Sl Bal'tic, Bi i-T-K Bal'timore, B-Lt-Mr (Blti-Mr) Bal'zac, Bi-iz-K Bam'berger, B'-M-Br-Gr Ban'croft, B>-NG-Krft Band'man, Bn'-D-Mn (Bndi-Mn) Bangkok', Bi-NG-K-K Ban'gor, B 1 -NO-Gr Bangs, B!-NGz Bank'er, B'-NG-Kr Banks, Bi-NG-Ks Bannockburn', B*-N-K- B Rn Ban'quo, B^NG-Kw Bantam', Bn^T-M Barba'does, B* S-B-Dz Bar'bara, W-R-B-R Barbaros'sa, B l -R-E-R-S Bar'bary, Bi-fi-B-fi Bar'ber, B'-B-Br (Bri-Br) Bar'bour, B'-fl-Br (Br 1 - Br) Barcelo'na, Br-sZ-N Barclay, Bardell',B-R-D-L Bard'well, B>-fid-Wl Bar'dolph, Bi-R-D-i-F Barege', B 2 -# ZH Bar'ing, BJ-.R-NG Bark'er, B 1 R-Kr Bark'ley, B'-R-Kl Bar'low, B'-R-L Bar'nabas, B'-R-N-Bs Bar'nard, B'-Bn-Rd Barnegat', B'-fi-N-Gt Barnes, B^Rns Bar'nett, B'-R-Nt Bar'niwell, Bi-R-N-Wl Bar'ney, B'-B-N Barn'um, B 1 fln-M Bar'rett, B'-fit Bar'rington, Bi-fi-NG-Ti Bar'ry, Bi-R Bar'stow, B'-Rs-T Bar'tels, B^fi-T-Lz Barth, B'-jR-TH Bar'tholf, Br-THl-F Barthol'omew, Br^THl M Bar'tine, B'-R-Tn Bart'lett, B-Rt-it (Brti Lt) Bar'ton, B J -S-Tn Bar'tram, Bri-Tr-M Ba'sel,B'-Zl Basque, Bi-sK Bas'set, Bsi-T Bas'tian, B'-sCHn Bata'via, Bt 2 -V 3atch'elar, B-CH-/,-R 3ate'man, Bt*-Mn 3ates, Bts* Bat'on B/ouge, Bi-Tn i R ZH Bat'terson, B^-Trs-N 3au'er, B'-R Buunie, B*-M 3aumgart'ner, Bi-M-Grt- Nr Sava'ria, TP-V-R Jax'ter, B>-Kstr Bay'ard, B ! ori-fld Jay'lis, B-is Jayonne', B^Yn Bay'ou, Bi Jeach, B8-CH Jea'dle, B-D1 3eale, B 3 -L Beam'ish, B 8 -M-8H Jeards'ly, B ! -Rdz-Z Je'atrice, B-Trs Jeat'tie, B-T Jeau'fort, B 8 or*-Frt Jeauharnais', B'-R-N Beaumarchais', B*-M-fi- SH Jeau'mont, B*-Mnt Beau'regard, B.R-Grd Jea'ver, B 8 -vt Jeck, B* K Jeck'er, B s -Kr Beck'ett, B*-Kt Beck'with, B-K-wTH BER ! Bede, B 3 D Bedell', B--D L Bed'ford, Brts Frd Bed'ouin. Bd^-Wn ^ee'be, B3-B Beech'er, B3 CHr iBeek'man, B^-K-Mn IBeel'zebub, B2- Z -B-B |Beers, B 3 Rz Bee'thoven, Bt 2 -Tn Beg'ly.B^ Gl Be'han, B-Hn Behn, Bn Beh'rens, B=-Rnz Behr'ing's, B 3 R-NGz Bel'cher, B 2 --CHr Bel'den, B^-i-Dn Bel'fast, BS--Fst Belfast', (I.) B 1 i-Fst Bel'gium, B 2 -i-.j-M Belin'da, B'--N-D Bel'knap, B^-i-N-P Bell, BS L Bel'lamy, R--L-M Bellefont'aine, B^i-Fnt- N Belle-Isle', T&-L-L Beller'ophon, 'B--L-R-Fn Bel'lew, B 2 -, Belli'ni, B 3 -L-X Belloochistan', B'-i-CH- sTn Bel'lows, B 2 -Ls Bel'mont, B 2 -/, JInt Bel'sham, B 2 -/^-SH M Belshaz'zar, B l -L SHz B Belvidere', B^-i-V-Dr Ben'edick, B 2 -N-D-K Ben'edict. B 2 N-D-Kt Bengal', B'-N-Gl Ben'jamin, Bu-J-Mn Ben-Lo'mond, Bn 2 !i- Mnd Benn, Bn^ Ben'nett, B Z -N-T Ben-Ne'vis, Bn 2 -N-Vs Ben'son, B^-Ns-N Ben'tham, B^-N-TH-M Bent'ley, Bn'-T-/; Ben'ton, Bn-Tn Beranger', B2-R-N-ZH Berdan', B 1 -^ Dn Berg'en, B 2 R-Qu or B- fl-Jn Bergh, B R G Berg'man, B 2 -/Z-G-Mn Beri'ah, B-R Berk'eley, B=-R-K1 Berk'shire, B 2 -fi-K-S~ Ber'lin, Br 2 -n Berlin', Br 8 -in Bermu'das, Br 3 -M-Ds Bernadotte', B>-R-N-Dt Bern'ard, B 2 -Rn Rd Berne, B' Rn Bern'hard, B 2 -Rn-Rd Bern'heim, B s -^Jn-M Bern'heimer, B'-Rn- M-R Bern'stein, B 2 -fi Ns-Tn BER 304 Berrian, B---.B-N Blu'menthal, B1-M-N- Ber'ry, W-R TH-L Bertram, Br*-Tr-M Blunt, Bint* Ber'wic, (E.) B*-fl-K, (U. Board'man, B*-Rd-Mn S.)Br2-W-K Bo'az, B* Z Berwickshire, B'-fi-K- Bobadil'la, B3-B-D- SHr Boccac'cio, B'-Kt-CH Bess, Bs* Bodine'. B"'-Dn Best, u.-t 2 Boese', B 3 -Z Beth'el, BS-TH1 Bogard'us, B'-Gr-Ds Bethes'da, B-THz-D Bo'gart, B-Grt Beth'lehem, B-TH1-M Bogata', BJ-G-T Bethune', B^-THn Bohe'mia, B 3 -H-M Betts, Bts 2 Bohn, Bn Beu'lah, B 3 - Bokha'ra,B-K-K Beverly, B 2 -Vr-Z Bol'bec, B>--B-K Bey'root, B 2 ori-flt Bol'eyn, B 8 -in Bian'ca, B'-NG-K Bol'ingbroke, B-Z,-NG- Bid'dle, B 3 -D1 Br K Bid'well, Bd 3 -Wl Boli'var, B*-L-Vr Big'elow, B5-G-Z, Boli'via, B-L-V Big'ler, B^-Gl-B Bolo'gna, B 2 -i-N Big'ley, B 3 -G1 Bol'ton, B-i-Tn Bllba'o, Bi-L-B Bom'ba, B>-M-B Bil'dad, B8-i-Dd Bombay', B*-M-B Bil'lings, B 3 -L-NGz Bo'na De'a, B 2 -N-Dea Bing'ham, B 3 -NG-M Bo'naparte, B*-N-Prt Bing'hamton, B-NG-M- Bo'na Vista, B*-N-Vs-T Tn Bonheur, B'-N-R Binsse, Bns 3 Boni'ta, B'-N-T Birch, B 2 -J?-CH Bon'iface, B'-N-Fs Bird, B 2 -Rd Bon'nell, B-N1 Bird'sall, B 2 -Rds-i Bon'ner, B : -Nr Birds'eye, Br s -D-Z Bon'ney, B>-N Birmingham, Br*-M- Bon'ynge, Bni-NG NG-M Book'staver, B^-Ks-T-Vr Bis'cay, B'-sK Boole, B 3 -L Bish'op, BS-SH-P Boone'ville, Bn-V-L Bis'pham, Bs'-F-M Booth, B 3 -TH Bis'sel, Bs 3 -L Bordeaux', B 2 R-D Bix'by, B 3 -Ks-B Bor'gia, B'-K-J Black, Bl'-K Borneo, B'-B-N Black'stone, Bl>-Ks-Tn Boscaw'en, B'-sK-N Black'well, Bl'-K-Wl Bos'nia, Bs'-N Black'wood, Bl>-K-wD Bos'phorus, Bs'-F-fis Blair, B1>-R BossueV, B 2 sW Blais'dell, Blz-D-L Bos'ton, Bs'-Tn Blake, Bl K Bost'wick, Bsi T-W-K Blake'ley, Bl'-Kl Bos'well, BJ-zWl Blake'man, Bl 2 -K-Mn Bos'worth, B l -zWr TH Blanc (Mt), Bli-NG-Kor Both'nia, B>-TH-N Bin 1 Both'well, B'-TH-Wl Blanche, Bln-CH Bots'ford, Bts'-F-fld Blanch'ard, Bl'-N-CHrd Boucher, B2-8H Blank'man, Bli-NG-K- Boucicault', B' sK Mn Bough'ton or Bou'ton, Blatch'ford, BH-CH-Frd Bi-Tn Blau'velt, BU-v-Lt Boulogne', ~B--Ln Bleeck'er, Bis-Kr Bourbon, B 3 or-#-Bn Blen'heim, Bln 2 -M Bourdeau', B l -fi D Bligh, Bl Bourg, B 3 -R Bliss, Bis 3 Bout/well, Bti-Wl Blodg'et, Bl'-Jt Bouvier', (Am. boo-veer 7 ) Blood'good, Bld-Gd B 3 -V-B, (Fr. boo-ve-'a) Bloom'er, Bis-Mr B 2 -V Bloom'fleld, Bl 3 -M-Fld Bow'ditch, B'-D-CH Bloom'ingdale, B1 3 -M- Bow'doin, B l -Dn NG-D-L Bow'en, B*-N Blot, Bl Bowers, Bi-Rz Blu'cher, Bl 3 -CHr Bowie, B BRI Bowling Green, B*-J> NG-Grn Bowles, B-Lz Bowman, B*-Mn Bowne, Bn Bow'ron, B'-fln Boyce, Bsi Boyd, Bi-D Boyle, B>-L Boyl'ston, B 1 -s-Tn Boyn'ton, Bn 1 -!^ Boz, Bz Bozzar'is, B'-z7?s Bra'bant, Br>-B-N-T Brace, Brs* Brad'bury, Brd'-Br Brad'ford, Brd'-Frd Brad'ish, Brdi-SH Brad'ley, Brdi-L Brad'shaw, Brdi-5fl' Brad'street, Brd l -sTrt Bra'dy, Br*-D Brag'don, Br'-G-Dn Brah'mapootra, Br J -M- P-Tr Brain'ard, Br*-Nrd Bra'mah, Br^M Bram'hall, Br^M-Hl Bran'denburg, Brn'-D-N- Br G Bran'don, Brn>-Dn Brandt, Brnt 1 Bran'dywine, Brni-D- Wn Brat'tleborough, Br'-Tl- B-JI Brazil', Brz-L Bra'zos, Brzs 1 Breck, Br-K Breck'enridge, Br l -Kn- fi-J Brem'en, Bror'-Mn Bren'nan, Br-Nn Bres'lau, Br*-sL Bretagne', Br>-Tn Bre'ton, Br-Tn Brett, Brt* Bretz'field, Brts-F-Ld Brevoort', B^-Vrt Brew'er, B^-R Brews ter, Brstr 3 Bria'reus, Br s -Ks Brice, Brs 1 Bridge'man, Br'-J-Mn Bridge'port, BH-J-Prt Bridg'et, Br^-Jt Bridge'water, BrS-J-Wtr Bridg'ham, Br'-J-M Brien, B r i-N BrigRS, Br^Gz Brig'ham, Br3-G-M Bright, Brti Brigh'ton, Br'-Tn Brinck'erhoff, Br s -NG- Krf Brin'disi, Brn^-D-S Brink, Br3-NG-K Brink'ly, Br 3 -NG-Kl Brins'made, Br*-Nz-Md Brissot', Br 2 -8 BRI Bris tol, Brs'-T-L Brit'ain, Br-Tn Brit/tany, Br-T-N Brit'ton, Br-Tn Broad'bent, Br'-D -Bnt Broad'way, Brd'-W Brob'dingnag, Br^B-D NG-N-G Brock, Br'-K Brock'port, Br-K-Prt Brock'way, Br l -K-W Brod'erick, BrJ-Dr-K Brod'head, Brd'-Hd Broeck, Br 2 -K Brogl'ie, Br 2 -/, Brom'berg, Bri-M-Br-G Brom'ley, Br'-M-i Brom'wich, Br a -M-J Bron'son, Br'-Ns-N Bron'te, Br'-N-T Brooke, Br 3 -K Brook'line, Br'-K-in Brook'lyn, Br-Kln Brooks, Br 3 -Ks Bro'phy, Br*-F Broth'erson, Br'-DHrs-N Brough, Brfs Brough'am, Br 3 -M Brough'ton, Bri-Tn Brow'er, Bri-R Brown, Brn> Brown'ell, Br 1 -!*! Brown'ing, Brn^NG Browns'ville, Brnz'-V-L Bruce, Brs 3 Bru'ges, Br s - Jz or Br 8 -ZH Brum'mell, Br*-Ml Brun'dage, Brnd 2 -J Brunei', Br*-Nl Brunn, Brn 2 o?- 3 Brun'ner, Br'-Nr Bru'no, Br^-N Bruns, Brnz> Bruns'wick, Br*-Nz-W-K Brush, Br'-SH Brus'sels, Brs^-Lz Bry'an, Br'-N Bry'ant, Br-N-T Buchan'an, B'-Kn-N Bucha'ria, B 2 -K-B Buch'ner, B l -K-Nr Buck, B2-K Buck'ham, B-K-M Buckingham, B^-K-NG- M Buckinghamshire, B ! - K-NG-M-SHr Buck'ley, B l -Kl Budd, B2-D Bud'long, Bd 2 --NG Bu'el, BS L Buenaventu'ra, Bw^-N- Vnt R Bue'na Vista, Bw*-N-Vs- T Bue'nos Ay'res, B*-Ns- Rz or Bw^-Ns-JZz Buffalo, B*-F-Z Buf fon, B-Fn Bulga'ria, Bls-G-B 305 Bulk'ley, B*-/i-Kl Bull, BS L Bul'lard, B-i-JZd Bul'lock, Bs./i-K Bul'lus, B'-Ls Bul'wer, B'-L-Wr Bunce, Bns* Bun'combe, B^-NG-K-M Bun'dy, Bn^-D Bunk'erHill, B-NG-Kr HI Buns'by, B*-Nz-B Bun'sen, B*-Ns-N Bur'bank, B*-fi-B-NG-K Bur'chard, Br 2 -CHrd Bur'den, B^-fi-Dn Burdett', B-B-Dt Burg, B2-72-G. As a ter- mination Burg is writ- ten either B-K-G or Br- G, according to which joins best to the preced- ing stem. Bur'gess, B*--Js Burgoyne', B'-fi-Gn Bur'gundy, Burke, B-tf-K Burk'hardt, B -K-Hrt Bur'leigh, Br-i Bur'ling, Br*-i-NG Bur'lingame, Br-L-NG- G-M Bur'lington, Tn Bur'nett, Bur'ney, B -N Burn'ham, B=-fin-M Burns, B" Rnz Burn'side, B^-K-Ns-D Burn'ton, Bs-fi-N-Tn Burr, B2 B Bur'rill, B^-Kl Bur'roughs, 3*-Rz Burt, Bs-Rt Bur'tis, B'-K-Ts Bur'ton, B^-TZ-Tn Bu'ry, B2 R Bus'by, Bz=-B Bush, B3-SH Bush'nell, B-8H-N1 Busi'ris, B^sKs Bus'kirk, Bs 2 -Kr-K Bus'sing, Bs=-NG Bus'teed, Bs*-Td But'ler, Bt* i-R Buf terfleld, Btr-F-Ld But'terick, B Tr-K But'termilk Falls, B=- Tr M-i-K-F-Lz But'terworth, Bt*-fl-Wr- TH But'ton. B*-Tn Butts, Bts* Bux'ton, B'-Ks-Tn By'ington, Bi-NG-Tn Byrne, B'-Kn Byrnes, B 2 .Rnz Byron, B^Bn Bysshe, B:< SH Byzan'tium, Bzi-N-SH-M CAR C. Cabool', K-BS-L Cab'ot, K-Bti Ca'diz, K-Dz- Cad'mus, K-DJ-Ms Cad'wallader, K-D'-W- Ca'dy, K DZ Cee'sar, sZ 3 -K Cafira'ria, K-Fr 2 -fi Cahaw'ba, K-H-Bi Cahill, K2-H1 or K-L Cahoone', K^-Hn Cahoes', K 3 -Hz Cain, Kn 2 jCai'ro, K-R'or* Cala'bria, K-Z/2-Br [Calais', E.-L2 Calcut'ta, Kl-K-T 2 Cald'well, Kld-Wli Caledo'nia, Kl-D 2 -N Ca'leb, K-/.--B Calhoun', KP-Hn Califor'nia, Kl-F^R-N Calk'ins, K'-Kiis Calla'o, K-i> Calli'ope, K-i'-P Cal'vary, Kl-Vi-R Cal'verley, Kl-Vr'-Z Cal'vert,Kl-Vrti Cal'vin, Kl-Vn 1 Calyp'so. K Z, 3 -P-S Caman'che, K-M-N-CH^ Cambo'dia, K-M B-D Cam'bria, K-M-Br 1 Cam'bridge, K-M-Br a -J Cam'den, K-M-Dn 1 Cam'eron, K-1I Ru 1 Camil'la, K-M-L J Camp, K-M-pi Camp'bell, K'-Ml Campea'chy, K-M-P3-CH Ca'naan, K 2 -Nn Can'ada, K-N-D 1 Canajohar'ie, K-N-J'-H- R Canandai'gua, Kn-N-D*- Gw Cana'ries, K-N-JZz* Canasto'ta, K-Ns-T-T Can'dia, Kn-Di Can'fleld, Kn-F'-Ld Can'non, K'-Nn Cano'va, K-N-V 2 Can'terbury, Kntr-B'-R Can'ton, Kn-Tni Cant'well, Knt-W^-L Canute', K'-Nt Ca'pron, K-Prn 2 Carac'as, K K'-Ks Car'berry, Kr BVR Car'denas, Kr-DJ-Ns Car'diflF, Kr-Df Cardo'zo, Kr-D ! Z Ca'rey, K R* Car'hart, Kr 1 -Hrt Caribbean, K-R l -Bn CAR Carl, Kr-H Carle'ton, Kr-ii-Tn Car'lin, Kr-Lni Carlisle', Kr-Li-i Carlyle', Kr-L^-L Car'mel, Kr'-Ml Car'michael, Kr'-M-Kl Car'nochan, Kr l -N-Kn Caroli'na, Kr-Z-i-N Caroline, Kr-Zni Carpathian, Kr-PVTHn Car'penter, Kr-Pntri Carr, Kri Car'roll, K-KU Car'rollton, K-KU-Tn Car'son, K-ffs'-N Cartage'na, Kr-T'-j-N Carter, Krtr> .Car'thage, Kr-TH-J Case, Ks* Ca'sey, K-S Cashmere', K-SH S -M-E Cas'pian, Ks-Pni Cass, Ksi Cas'serly, K-sK 1 -^ Cas'sidy, Ks-D Cas'sius, K SHs 1 Cass'ville, Ks-V-L Cas'tle, Ks-H Castlereagh', K-8/A.R Cas'tleton, K-s/, l -Tn Cas'tor, Kstri Cas'well, K-zWl* Catalo'nia, K-T*- Cat'aline, K-T'-Xn Ca'to, K-T* Cataw'ba, K-Ti-B Cat'egat, K-T-Gt Cath'cart, K-THi-Krt Cath'arine, K-TH-.Rn Cat'lin, Kt-Lni Cattarau'gus, K-Tr^Gs Cau'casus, Ri-Kss Cauld'well, Cav'an, K-Vn Cav'anagh, K-Vi-N Cave, Kv* Cavendish, K-Vnd-5fl' Cavour', K-V-B Cayenne', K2-N Cayu'ga, K-Y'-G Cazeno'via, Kz-N-V Ce'cil, Ss3-L Cecil'ia, sS 3 -/, Ce'crops, sKr-Ps 3 Ce'dron, sDrnS Cen'ci, CH'-N-CH Cen'is, sNs 2 or sN Ce'phas, sFs* Cerberus, sR'-'B-Rs Ce'res, Rflz' Cervan'tes, sfii-V-N-Tz Ceylon', sfcn 1 Chad'wick, CHd-W-K Chalde'a, Kl-D^ Chaleur', 8H3--K Chal'mers, CHl l -M-Kz or CHi-MKz Cham'berlin, CH*-M-Br- Ln 306 Cham'bers, CH-M-Brz Champagne', 8H*-M-Pn Cham'pion, CHi-M-Pn Champlain', SH'-M-Pln Chandler, CHi-N-D-Z-B Chan'ning, CHui-NG Chantil'ly, SH 3 -N-T-.& Cha'pin, CH 2 -Pn Chap'man, CH'-P-Mn Chap'paqua, CH'-P-Kw Chapultepec', CH*-P1-T P-K Charib'dis, K-fi 3 -B-Ds Charlemagne', SHr 1 ' Mn Charles, CHr-Zz Charles'ton, CHr'-Lz-Tn Charles'town, CHr'-Zz Tn Vocalized with ow. Charlick, CHr>-Z-K Char'lier, SHri-Z Charlotte, SHr'-it Sha'ron, K-fln^r 1 Dhartres, SHrtri Shase, CHs* Dhat'fleld, CHt'-Fld Dhat'ham, CHti-M Dhattahoo'che, CHt'-H- CH Dhattanoo'ga, CHt'-N-G Jhat'terton, CHi-Tr-Tn 3hau'cer, CH'-sB Jbaun'cey, CH'-N-S Dhautau'que, CHi-T-Kw 2hazy', SH3-Z Dheese'brough, CHz*-Br Jhee'ver, CH 3 -Vr Jhelms ford, CH 3 -Mz-F- Jhemung', SH-M-NG ^henan'go, SH'-N-NG-G ^her'burg, SHr^-B-B Jherokee', CH*-R-K Jhes'apeake, CH^-sP-K Cheshire, CH^-SHr 3hes'ter, CHstr* ^hes'terfield, CHstr*-F- Ld 3hevalier, SH'-V-Z-B 3heyeune', SH^-N 3hica'go, SHi-K-G Jhich'ester, CH 3 -CHstr 3hickahom'iny, CH'-K- H-M-N Jhickamau'ga, CH'-M-G yhicopee', CH 3 -K-P Jhick'asaws, OH 3 -K-Sz Jhick'ering, CH 3 -Kr-NG Jhihua'hua, CH'-W-W Jhild, CH'-Ld )hilds,CH'-Ldz Jhil'i, CH8-Z 3hillicoth'e, CH1-K-TH Jhil'ton, CH3-Z-Tn Jhimbora'zo, CH'-M- Br-Z Jhi'na, CH'-N Jhinchil'la, CHn'-CH-i Jhip'man, CH-P-Mn Chip'pewa, CH 3 -P-W COG Chif tenden, CH 3 -Tn-Dn Chittenan'go, CH'-Ti> NG-G Choate, CHts Choc'taw, CHi-K-T Cho'pin, CH^-Pn Christ, Krst'or' Chris'tian, Krs-CHn 3 Chris'tie, Krs-T* Christi'na, Krs-T 3 -H Christine', Krs-Tn Chris'topher, Krs-T 3 -Fr Church, CHr^-CH Church'ill, CHr=-CHl Cic'ero, eS 3 -R Cincinna'ti, sMs-N-T Circas'sia, sRi K-SH "lis'co, Ss 3 -K ilaf'lin, Kl-F'-Ln lair, Kl-Bi Dlan'cy, Kln-S 1 31app, K1-P> Cla'ra, Kl- ~31ar'ence, Kl-fins 1 Jlar'endon, Kl-^Z^K-Dn llaris'sa, K\-R*-S Hark, Kl-B'-K Hark'son, Kl-Bi-Ks-N Haude, K1-D ilau'dius, Kl-Ds 1 lau'sen, Kls l -N Jlav'erack, Klv-R'-K "Uax'ton, Kl-Ks-Tni !lay, Kl !lay'burn, Kl-Brn* Jlay'ton, Kl-Tn Jlay'ville, Kl-V-L Slea'ry, K\-R 3 Jle'land, Kl-inds llem'ens, Kl 2 -Mnz llem'ent, K12-Mnt llem'entine, Kl-.\In-Tn Hem'ents, Kl--Mnts Sleopa'tra, Ki-P 2 or-Tr llermont', Kl-R2-Mnt Heve'land, Kl-V3-Znd Hif ford, Kl-Frd3 'lift, Klft 3 Ilif ton, Kl-F 3 -Tn !line, Kln> llin'ton, Klnt'-N ili'o, Kli6 lotilde', Kl-T3-Ld lyde, K1-D> ! oates, Kts 2 obb, K-Bi Cob'bett, K-Bt' "/ob'lentz, K-Blnts 1 lo'burn, K-Brn lo'burg, K-Br a -G Soch'ran, K-K-flni lod'dington, K-D^NG- Tn lo'dy, K-D oe, K Coeur de Lion, Er'-D. L-K loffln, K-Fni ognac', K^N-K Cogs'well, K-G-zWl COH Cohas'set, K-Hs-H Co'hen, K-Hn Conn, Kn* Cohoes', K 8 -Hz Coke, K*-K Col'burn, Kl-Brn* Col'by, K1-B Cold Spring, Kld-sPr- NG Cole, K-L* (K12) Cole'gate, K-L-Gt Cole'man, Kl-Mn Colen'so, K-Zn-S Cole'ridge, Kl-.RM Coles, K-Lz(Klz 2 ) Col'fax, Kl-F-Ks Col'lar, K-Zr Collier, K-z>-R Col'lingwood, Kl-NG- Col'lins, K-Znzi Cologne', K-Zn* Colora'do, K1-.RI-D Col'ton, Kl-Tu Colum'bia, Kl-M-Ba Colum'bus, Kl-M-Bs Col'well,K!-Wl Caman'che, K-M-N-CHi Combe, K"-M Combs, K 2 -Mz Com'fort, K-M-Frt* Co'mo, K 2 -M Comp'ton, K-M-Tn 1 Com'stock, K-Ms-T*-K Co'mus, K 2 -Ms Co'nant, K^-Nnt Con'cord, SKrd 1 Concor'dia, !Kr-D Con'de, Kn-D Con'der, Kndr 1 Con'dit, Kn-Dt> Cone, Kns Confu'cius, iF 3 -5ffs Cong'don, K-NG-Dn 1 Con'go, KI-NG-G Con'greve, SGrv' Conklin, K'-NG-Kln Conkling, K-NG-K1-NG Con'ley, Kn-i Con'naught, K'-Nt Connect'icut, K 2 -Nt-Kt Con'nell-y, K*-N1 Con'nor, Kn-E 1 Con'over, K-N-V'-B Con'rad, Kn-B'-D Con'stable, !sT-Bl Constanti'na, isTn s -T-N Con'stantine, !sTn-Tn Constantino'ple, IsTnt*- N-P1 Con'way, Kn-Wi Cooke, K-K Coo'ley, K-i Coo'lidge, K-Z 8 - J Coon, Kn 3 Coo'ney, K 8 -N Coo'per, K-Pr 8 Coop'erstown, K-Prz-Tn Copeland, K-P-Znd Copenha'gen, K-Pn-Gn 307 Coper'nicus, K-Pr*-N-Ks Co'ra, K-K* Cor'coran, Kr-K-TJn 1 Corday', Kr-D Cordelia, Kr-D 8 -Z Cordilleras, Kr-D 8 -Z-fis Cor'dora, Kr-D-V Core'a, K-fi 3 Corfu', Kr-F 8 Corinne', K-Bn 8 Cor'inth, Kr-N-TH' Cork. Kri-K Cor'hes,Kr-izi Corliss, Kr-Zs 1 Corneille', Kr-N-L* Cornelia, Rr-N-Z 8 Cornelius, Kr-N-Zs 8 Cornell', Kr 2 -Nl Corn'ing, K-Kn^NG Corn'wall,Kn>-W-L Cornwal'lis, Krn-W'-Zs Corrien'tes, K-fi 2 -N-Tz Cor'rigan, K-^-Gn Cor'ry, K-R* Cor'sica, Krs^K Cor'tez, Kr-Tz Cortland, Krt-Znd* Cor'win, K-Ri-Wn Cor'son, K-s'-N Co'ry, K-.R3 Cos'grove, ^-sGrv Cos'ta Bi'ca, Ks-T l -R-K Costel'lo, Ks-T a -Z Cotopax'i, K-T-P-K-S Coughlin, K-F!-Zn Court'enay, Kr-T 2 -N Court'ney, Krt 2 -N Cousin', KZ'-AT Coventry, K-Vnt*-JK Cow'en, K>-N Cowes, Kzi Cow'per, K-Pr^r* Cox, K'-Ks Coyle, K-Li Coz'zens, Kz'-Nz Crab'tree, Kr-Bi-Tr Cra'cow, Kr-K Craft, Krf Cra'gin, Kr'-Gn Craig, Kr*-G Crai'gie, Kr 2 -G Cram, Kr ! -M Cran'dall, Krn-Di-L Crane, Km 2 Cran'mer, Kr'-N-Mr Cra'ry, Kr-K* Craske, Krs'-K Crawford, Kr-Frd Crea'mer, KrS-Mr Creigh'ton, Kr-Tn Cremo'na, Kr-M-N Cren'shaw, Krn-SH* Crete, Krt 3 Crime'a, Kr-M Crit'tenden, Kr-Tn 8 -Dn Croa'tia, Kr-SH Crock' ett, Kr-K-T 1 iCroe'suB, Krss* Croly, Kr-Z Crom'well, Kr-M-Wl DAL Cro'nin, Kr 2 -Nn Cron'stadt, Kr-Ns-Tt' Crooke, Kr 3 -K Cros'by, Krz-B 1 Cross, Krs 1 Cross'ley, Kr-si 1 Cro'ton, Kr-Tn* Crouch, Kr-CH' Crown. Point, Krn'-Pnt Cru'den, Kr 3 -Dn Cruik'shank, Kr-K-SH 8 - NG-K Cu'ba, K-B3 Cub'berly, K-Br'-i Cud'lipp, K-D 2 -i-p Cul'bert, Kl-Brt 2 Cul'len, K-in2 Cullo'den, K-/, J -Dn Cul'lom, K-IAM Cul'pepper, Kl-P 2 -Pr Oul'ver, Kl-Vr' Cumberland, K-M-Br*- LuA Cum'mings, K 2 -M-NGz Cunard', Kn-Kd 1 Cun'ningham, Kn 2 -NG- M Curaco'a, K-TJ^-s Cur'ran, K-ftna Cur'rie, K-.K 2 Cur'rier,K-.R 2 -.R Cur'tin, Kr-Tn 2 Cur'tis, Kr-Ts' Cush'ing, K-SH3-NG Cush'man, K-SH 3 -Mn Cuth'bert, K-THS-Brt Cuth'ell, K-TH2-L Cut'ler, K1-L2-B Cut'ting, Kt 2 -NG Cut'tle, K-T12 Cuvier',K-V 2 Cuyaho'ga, K 2 -H-G Cuy'ler, 1 Cyclops, sKl-Psi Cypress, sPrs 1 Cy'rus, efts 1 Cythe'ra, sTH'-H D. Dacos'ta, Di-Ks-T Dag'gett, D'-Gt Daguerre', D 2 -G-K Danl'green, Di-Z,-Grn Daho'mey, D 2 -H-M Dai'ley, D"--L Dako'ta, D 2 K-T Dale, D'-L Dalma'tia, T>\--1S.-SH Dal'rymple, D^i-B-M-PI Dal'ton, D'-i-Tn Daly, D-I, Da'mon, D s -Mn Dan, Dn 1 Da'na, D-N Dan'forth, D'-N-F-K-TH Dan'iel.D'-Nl Dan'iels, D'-Nlz Dal'ton, DAN Dan'te, Di-N-T Dant'zic, D^N-T-zK Dan'ube, D^N-B Dan'ville, Dn'-V-L Daph'ne, Dfi-N Dar'by, D-.R-B Dar'cy, Di-fi-s Dardanelles'. V*-R D Nlz Da'rien, D2-fi-N Dari'us, D l -Ra Darling, Dri-Z,-NG Dar'lington, Dr l --NG Tn Darm'etadt, Dri-Ms-Tt Dart'mouth, Drti-M-TH Dar'win, DLfi-Wn Daubigne', D 2 -B-N-Y Dav'enport, Dv^N-P-fit Da'vid, Dv 2 -D Da'vidson, Dv 2 -Ds-N Da'vies, D*-Vz Da' vis, D-Vs Da'vison, D'-Vs-N Da'vy, D-V Dawes, Dzi Daw'son, Ds'-N Dayton, D 2 -Tn Dean, Dn Deb'ora, D 2 -Br Decamp', D'-K-M-P Deca'tur, D 2 -Ktr Deck'er, D 2 -Kr Ded'ham, Dd 2 -M Deer'ing, D 3 Deery', D 3 -R De Foe', D 2 -F Defor'est, VP-Rst Degraw', D'-Gr Degroot', D 3 -Grt Del'afield, D-L-V Ld Del'amater, T> 2 -L-Mtr Delan'cey, Di-Ln-S Dela'ney, D'-i-N Delatour', D-i-Tr Del'avan, D 2 -//-Vn Del'aware, D 2 -i-W Del'hi, D2-li De'lia, D s -. Delmar', D' 1,-Mr Delmon'ico, Dli-M-N-K Del'phi, Dt-L-F Dem'arest, D 2 -M-Kst Demilt', D^-M-it Demos'thenes. D'-Ms- TH Nz Demp'sey, D2-M-S Demp'ster, D ! -Mstr Den'ham, D=-N-M Deni'o, D'-N Den'ison, D 2 -Ns-N Den'mark, D-N-Mr-K Den'ning, Dn 2 -NG Den'nis, D-Ns Dens'more, D*-Nz-M-E [D2-ZM-B] Dent, Dnt Den'ton, Dn 2 -Tn Depew, D 3 -P Depeys'ter, D'-Pstr 308 Der'by, Dor>-fi-B Der'ham, Dr 2 -M De Ruy'ter, D"-7Ztr ; Descartes', ~ " i Des'eret, D . ; Des Moines', iDeSo'to, Ds*-T . Det'mold, Dt-M-Z,d Detroit', Di-Trt DeVereaux, Dv*-R Devine', Dvi-N Devlin, D-'-vin Devoe', D 2 -V Devonshire, Dv 2 -N-SHr Dew'ey, DuP Dewitt', D 3 -Wt Dewolf, D 3 -W- Dew'snap, Ds 3 -N-P Dex'ter, D 2 -Kstr D6v D^ Dia'na, D'-N Dick, D 3 -K Dick'ens, D'-Knz Dick'erson, D-Krs-N Dick'inson, D-K-Ns-N Dick'son, D^-Ks-N Di'do, D>-D Die'derich, D'-Dr-K Diehl, D 3 -L Dieppe', D-P Dietz, Dtz 3 Dilks, D^-L-Ka Dil'lon, D 3 -Ln Dim'mick, D 3 -M-K Di'nah, D>-N Dink'elspiel, D 3 -NG-Kls- PL Dinwid'die, D 3 -N-wD Diog'enes, D'-J-Nz Dis'brow, D 3 -zBr Disrae'li, D^-sR-L Dis'trict of Columbia, D 3 -8Tr-Kt-Kl(-M-B) Dit'mars, Dt 3 -M-Rz Dix, D 3 -Ks Dix'on, D 3 -Ks-N jDnei'per, N-Pr' Dneis'ter, Nstr s Doane, Dn Dobbs, D'-Bz Dob'son, Di-Bs-N Dodd, D K D Dod'dridge, Dd''-JZ-J Dodge, D'-J Dod' worth, Ddi-Wr-TH Do'herty, D 2 -B-T Do'lan, D 2 -in Dom'inick, D'-M-N-K Domin'go, D 3 -M-NG-G Don'aldson, D"-Nlds-N Donizet'ti, D 2 -Nz-T Don'nelly, D J -N1 Don'ohue, D^N-H Don'ovan, D^N-Vn Doo'little, D 3 -Lt-L Do'ra, D 2 -B Dorcas, Dr'-Ks Dor'chester, Dr^CHstr Dore'mus, Dr 3 -Ms Dor'king, DrJ-K-NG DYE Dor'lon, Dr'-in Dor'othy, Di-R TH Dorr, D!-R Dor'sey, Di-B- Dor'sheimer, Dos'cher, D l -SHr Dospas'sos, D'-sPss Do'ty, D 2 -T Dou'ai, D 3 Doub'leday, D-B1-D Dou'glas, D 2 -Gls Do'ver, D 2 -Vr Dow, D 1 Dowd. D 1 D Dow'ling, D'-i-NG Down'ing, Dn'-NG Doyle, D-L Drake, Dr 2 -K Dra'per, Dr 2 -Pr Dray'ton, Dr 2 -Tn Dres'den, Drz-Dn Drew, Dr 3 Drex'el, Dr 2 -Ks-L Drey'fous, Dri-Fs Driggs, Dr3-Gz Dris'coll, Drs 3 -Kl Drum'mond, Dr^Mnd Dru'ry, Dr 3 -/J Dry'den, Dr'-Dn Duane', D Z -N Dub'lin, D-Bln Dubois', D'-Bs Dubuque', D 3 -B-K Duchesne', T>--SHn Dud'ley, D Z -D-Z, Du'er, D 3 -B Duflf, Df 2 Duffleld, D 2 -Fld Duf fy, D=-F Dumas', D'-M Dumont', D'-Mnt Dun'bar, D 2 -N-Br Dun'can, D 2 -N-Kn Dundee', D 3 -N-D Dun'glison, D^-NG-Gls-N Dun'ham, D 2 -N-M Dun'kirk, D 2 -N-Kr-K Dun'lap, D2-N1-P Dunn, Dn 2 Dun'ning, Dn^-NG Duns'ton, D 2 Ns-Tn Dupont', Di-Pnt Dupuis', D 3 -Pw Dupuy', D 3 -Pw Duquesne',D 2 -Kn Durand', D 1 Rnd Durant', Di-flnt Du'rer, D 3 -Rr Jum'fries, D 2 -M-Frz Jur'ham, Dr 2 -M Juryea', Dr 3 -Y Ju'senberry, Dz-N-B-S )us'seldorf, D 2 -sZ/-Drf Dutch'er, D 2 -CHr Duy'ckinck, Di-K-NG-K )wight, Dwt 1 )wy'er, Dw'-B Jy'er, Di-K Dy'ett, Di-T BAG 309 FIT E. lEm'ily, M- Em'ma, M 2 Em'met, M-T* F. Em'mittsburg, Mts-Br 2 - Ea'gan, Gn' G Fa'ber, F 2 -Br Earle, Rl* Emo'tt, M-T* Fa'bius, F 2 -Bs East'burn, St 3 -B-fin Em'pire City, M-Prs 2 -T Fackler, F'-K-r East'man, St 3 -Mn Ems, Mz 2 Fac'toryville, F'-K-Tr Ea'ston, S 3 -Tn En'dor, Ndr* VI Ea'ton, Tn 3 En'dicott, N-D*-Kt Fa'gan, F 2 -Gn Eau Glair, 6 Z -K1-R The En'field, N-F 2 -Ld Fahr'enheit. F'-Kn Ht 6 inclined in direction of En'gel, NG-G1 Fairbanks, Fr^B-NG-Ks the stem J. England, NG 3 -Glnd Fair'child, F'-R-CHld Eb'en, Bn* En'glewood, NG-Gl-wD* Fairfax, Fr^F-Ks Ebene'zer, B 3 -Nz-R E'noch, Ns-K Fair'fleld, Fr'-F-Ld Ech'o, K 2 En'sign, Ns*-N Pair'mount, F'-R-Mat Ecuador', Kw-Dr Eph'esus, Fss 2 Falkland, F'-K-Z,nd Ed'dy, D E'phraim, Fi-8-M Fall River, Fi-~L-Rv-R Ed'dystone, Ds 2 -Tn E'den, Dn 3 Epinay', P 2 -N Ep'som, P 2 -sM Fal'mouth, FH-M-TH Fan'cher, F'-N CHr Ed'gar, l> 2 -Gr Eras'mus, Rz'-Ms Pan'euil, F^N-L or F 2 -N1 Edg'erton, Jr 2 -Tn Edinburgh, D l -N-B-K Eras'tus, Rs^Ts Er'ebus, R 2 -Bs Pan'ny, F^N Par'aday, F>-K-D E'dith, D 3 -TH E'ri, Ri 3 Par'go, F'-R-G Ed'monds, D J -Mndz Er'icsson, RS-Ks-N Farley, F l -H-L Ed'mund, D 2 -Mnd E'rie, R Farm'ington, F'-R-M- Ed'ward, P 2 -Wrd E'rin, Rn s NG-Tn Ed'wards, I> 2 -Wrdz Er'nest, R 2 -Nst Farn'ham, F^Kn-M Ed'win, I> 2 Wn Ernst, R 2 -Nst Parn'haw, K'-Kn-H Effle, F 2 Ers'kine, Rs a -Kn Parns'worth, F^^nz-W- Ef'fingham, F*-NG-M E'gan, Gn 3 E'sau, 8 3 Eso'pus, S'-Ps Par'quhar, FrJ-Kw-R Eg'bert, G-Brt* Espinasse', P>-Ns Par'rell, Fi-ffl Eg'erton, Jr 2 -Tn Es'quimaux, S J -K-M Paust, Fsti Egg Harbor, G 2 -Hr-Br Egleston, Gls-Tn* Es'sex, S 2 -Ks Es'ther, 8tr Pa'vre, F'-Vr Fay, F 2 E'gypt, J8-Pt El'ba, Z, 2 -B Estienne', T 2 -N E'than, THn 3 Fayette', F 2 -T Fay'etteville, F 2 -T-V1 El'be, 7- 2 -B Eth'elbert, THl 2 -Brt Fee'jee, F 3 -J El Dora'do, Z^or'-Dr-D El'dridge, L-Dr-J Eth'elred, THl 2 --D Eth'elwolf, THl 2 -W-i-F Felix, F^-L-Ks Fellows, F 2 -z El'gin, Z, 2 -Jn or L 2 -Gn Ell, Z,3 Ethio'pia, TH*-P Et'na, TS-N Fel'ton, FP-Tn Fen'elon, F 2 -Nln Eli'as, i>-S Et'ta, T 2 Fen'ton, F2-N-Tn(Fnt 2 -N| Elie'zer, L 3 -Zr Eufaula, Y^-F-Z, Fer'dinand, F 2 -^?d Nnd Eli'hu, L'-H Eugene', Y 3 -Jn Per'guson, F 2 -R-Gs-N Eli'jah, /,i-J Euge'nia, Y*-J-N Fernan'dez, F!--N-N- Eli'sha, L*-SB Eli'za, Z,-Z Eliz'abeth, Lz s -B-TH Eu'nice, Y 3 -Ns Euphra'tes, Y-Fr 3 -Tz Eure'ka, Y 3 -fi-K Dz Pernan'do, Fi 7J-N-N-D Per'ris, F--Rs Ella, L* ' Euro'pa, Y-/J-P Fes'senden, Fs 2 -N-Dn El' leaner, Z,*-Xr Ellen, Zn 2 Eu'rope. Y3-K-P Euse'bius, Ys^* Bs Pes'tus, Fs'-'-Ts Fezzan', F'-Zn Ellicott, L 2 -Kt Eus'tace, Ys 3 -Ts Field, F^-Ld Ellingwood, XANG-wD Elliott, Z, 2 -T Eu'taw, Y 3 -T Eux'ine, Y 8 -Ks-N Fielding, F 3 -L-D-NG Fields, F 3 -Ldz Ellis, is 2 E'va, V 3 Figue'ras, F 2 -G-Ks El'lison, Ls-N Evan'geline, V-N-J-n Fi'ji, F 3 -J Ells'worth, Z.z 2 -Wr-TH Evans, Vns* Pill'more, Fl 3 -Mr El'mendorf, L*-M-N-Drf Elmi'ra, H-M-^2 Ev'arts, V 2 -fits (Vrts*) Eve, V* Fin'gal, F 3 NG-G1 Finisterre', F'--Ns-T-B El'nathan, L*-N-THn Everett, V-fit Finland, Fn 3 -Z,nd El'phistone, L*-Fs-Tn Ev'ergreen, Vr*-Grn Finley, F 3 -N1 El Pa'so, L!-P-8 Ew'ell, Y 3 -L Finn, Fn 3 Ely, L* Ew'ing, Y 3 -NG Fin'negan, F 3 -N-Gn Elys'ium, L* ZH-M Emman'ual, M-N-L 1 Ex'eter, K-sTr 2 Ex'odus, Ks-Ds* Fish, F"-Sfl Fish'er, F 3 SH-- Em'bree, M-Br* Eyre, R l Fish'kill, FS-SH-E L Em'eline, M-in 2 Eze'kiel, Z-K-L Fisk, Fs-K Em'erson, M-/Js>-N Ez'ra, Zr* Fitch, F'-CH FIT 310 Fitch'burg, FS-CH-Br-G Fremonf , Fri-Mnt Fith'ian, F^-THn French, F^-N-CH Fitz, Fts 3 Frey, Fr> Fitzgerald, Fts2-J-.Rld Fried'lander, Fr-D- Fitapat'rick, Fta 1 -P-Tr-K indr Fitzsim'mons, Fts 3 Fried'man, Fr'-B-Mn IsMnz* Frob'isher, Fr'-B-SHr Flack, F1-K Frois'sart, Frs'-t Flagg, F1>-G Frost, Frsti Flah'erty, FU-B-T Froth'ingham, Fr>-TH- Flan'agan, Fl'-N-Gn NG-M Flan'ders, Flndrzi Froude, F^-D Flat'bush, Flt'-B-SH Fry, Fr> Flem'ing, FP-M-NG Ful'ler, F3--E Fletch'er, Fl*-CHr Ful'lerton, F*-L-R-Tn Fleu'ry, FV-R Ful'ton, Fl'-Tn Flint, Flnta Funk, F-NG-K Flo'ra, Fl^-B Furlong, F*-E-L-NG Florence, Fl'-JKns Furman, F*-E-Mn Florida, FH-fl-D Fur'niss, F*--Ns Flo'tow, F1=-T Fu'seli, F 3 -si Floyd, Fli-D Flushing, Fl-5ff-NG Flynn, Flna G. Fo'garty, F*-Gr-T Fo'ley, F*-L Ga'briel, G-Br'-L Fol'ger, F2--Jr Gaffney, G-Fi-N Fol'som, F^-is-M Gage, G-J* Fon'da, F"-N-D Games, Gnz 2 Fond du Lac, F'-Nd-D-Z- E Gaines'boro', Gnz-B 2 -.R Galapa'gos, Q-U-P-Gs Fon'taine, Fi-N-Tn (Fnti. Gal'braith, Gl-Br'-TH N) Gale, G-L* Fontenoy', Fnt-N Ga'len, G-n* Foote, Ft^ Gale'na, G- 3 -N Forbes, F'-fi-Bz Gali'cia, G-L*-SH Ford, F2-5-D Gal'ilee, G-L l -L Ford'ham, F^-H-D-M Galile'o, G-L*-L Fordyce', F'-fi-Ds Gall, G-L 1 For man, F^E-Mn Gallagher, G-i'-Gr Formo'sa, F^-K-M-S Gallaudet', G-L*-Vt Forney, F>--N Gallipolis', G-. 3 -P-Ls Forrest, Fi-flst Galu'sha, G L*-SH Forrester, Fi-flstr Galva'ni, Gi-Vi-N Forster, Fi Estr Gal'veston, Gl-Vs-Tn Foa'ter, Fstri Gal'vin, G-i>-Vn Fouche', F*-Sff Gal'way, G-^-W Fou'rier, F*-R-R Gam'bia, G-M-Bi Fowler, Fi--E Gan'ges, G N-Jz* Fox, F'-Ks Gan'non, G'-Nn France, Frns 1 Gans'evoort, G-Nz-Vi-t Fran'ces, Fr'-Nsez Gan'ymede, G-N-M-D 1 Fran'cis, Fri-Nsa Gard'ner, Grd'-Nr Franco'nia, Frn'-K-N Garibal'di, G- l -B-Z-D Frank, Fri-NG-K Garret, G-Bti Frank'fort, FrJ-NG-K- Gar'retson, G-Kts'-N Frt Garrison, G-ffs^N Franklin, Fr l -NG-Kln Gar'son, G .Rs'-N Franz, Frnzi Gar'vey, G-Ri-V Fra'ser, Fr*-Zr Garvin, G-fii-Vn Fred'erick, Fr'-Dr-K Gas'cony, Gs>-K-N Fred'ericks, Fr-Dr-Ks Gates, Gts* Fred'ericksburg, Fr*- Gath, G-TH 1 Dr Ks-B-K-G Gaul, G-L 1 Fredo'nia, Fr 5 -D-N Gautier, G-T Free'land, Fr 3 -ind Gavaz'zi, G-Vt'-Z Free'man, Fr'-Mn Gay, G Frei'berg, Fr'-Br-G Gay'nor, G-Kr Fre'linghuysen, Fr-L- Gha'za, G-Z NG-Hz-N Geary, G-K* GOL iGeb'hard, G-Brd Oed'ney, G-D-N Geer'y, G-.R 3 Gehen'na, G* H-N Genet', J=-N-T Genesee', J 3 -N-S Genese'o, J 3 -N-S Gen'esis, J 2 -Nss Gene'va, J8-N-V Gen'oa, J*-N Geof froy, J2-Fr Geoghe'gan, G 2 -Gn George, JrW George'town, Jr^J-Tn Georgia, Jr^J Georgia'na, Jr'-J-N Gerald, J^-flld Ger'aldine, J-Kl-Dn Gerard', Jr'-K-D Ger'mantown, Jr*-Mn- Tn Germany, Jr-M-N Gerry, G-JR* Gertrude, Gr-Trd s Gess'ler, G-sZ-B Gethsem'ene, G-TB> sM-N Get'ty, G-T Get'tysburgh, G-T'-zB- RG Geysers, G-Zrzi Ghent, Grit* Gib'bon, G-Bn* Gibbs, GS-BZ Gibraltar, J-Br-tr Gib'son, G-Bs 3 -N Gid'dings, G-D3-NGz Gid'eon, G-Du* Gif'ford, G-Frd* Gignoux', ZHn 3 -Y Gil'bert, G- 3 -Brt Gil'christ, G-Lfl-Krst Gil'dersleeve, G-Z/dr'-sJ* V Gil'ead, G-L*-V Giles, Ji-Lz Gilles'pie, G-is-P Gill'more,G-3-Mr Gil'man, G-L 3 Mn Gil'martin, Gl-Mr-Tn Gil'roy, G-L*-R Gil'son, G-Ls 8 -N Glad'stone, Glds-Tn 1 Glas'gow, Gls 1 -^ Glass'ey, G1-S Glea'son, Gls'-N Glen'coe, Gln 2 -K Glenn, Gln Glen'wood, Gln-Wd* Glouces'ter, Glstr 1 Glo'ver, Gl-Vr Glynn, Gin 8 God'dard, G-Drd God'frey, G-D-Fr God'kin, G-Di-Kn Godo'ne, G-D-N God'win, G-D"-Wn Goelet', G-Lt* Golcon'da, G-^-Kn-D Gold'ing, G1-D*-N(J GOL 311 HEB Gold'smith, Gld-sM-TH Guin'ea, G-N Har'ding, H-^-D-NG Goli'ah, G-Z* Gui'on, Gi-N Har'dinge, H-W-D-NG Gomor'rah, G-M-jRi Gunn, Gn* Hare, Hr Good Hope, Gd 3 -P Gun'ning, Gn*-UG Har'grave, Hr'-Grv Good'man, Gd 3 -Mn Gun'ther, Gnthr 2 Hark'ness, Hr'-K-Ns Good'rich, Gd-K a -CH Gur'ney, G-fi-N Har'land, Hr-Znd Good'ridge, Gd-.K 3 -J Gusta'vus, Gs-T 2 -Vs Har'lem, Hr-Z'-M Good'win, G-D 3 -Wn Guth'rie, G*-TH-fl Har'lock, Hr-Z'-K Good'year, Gd-Y 3 (-B) Guy, G> Har'mony, Hr'-M-N Gor'don, Gr-Dn 1 Gwy'er, Gw-Bi Harold, H'-Bld Gor'donsville, Gr-D>-Nz Gwynne, Gwn 3 Har'per, Hr-Pr 1 V-L Har'per's Ferry, Hr- Gor'ham, G-fl'-M Prz'-F-B Go'shen, G-SHn . Har'pies, H-Ri-Pz Goths, G-THs 1 Har'rington, H-BJ-NG^ Gotts'chalk, Gts-CH'-K Haarlem, Hr-Z-'-M Tn Gough, Gfi Hack'ensack, Hi-K-Ns-K Har'ris, H-^s 1 Gould, G-Lds (Gld) Hack'ett, H-Kt Har'rison, H-/es!-N Gouverneur 7 , Gv-.Rn 3 -B Hack'ettstown, H-Kts- Harte, Hrt Grace, Grs 2 Tn Hart'ford, Hrt Frdi Graff, Grf > Had'den, H-Dn 1 Hart'land, Hrt-Zndi Gra'ham, Gr*-M Grana'da, Gr-N-Di Ha'des, H-Dz 2 Hadley, Hd-/,i Hart' ley, Hrt-Z 1 Eart'suff, d-/ets>-F Gran'by, Grn-Bi Ha'gan, H 2 -Gn Eartz, Hrts 1 Grant, Grnt Ea'ger, H"-Gr Ear'vard, Hr-Vrdi Gran'ville, Grn-Vi-L Sa'gerstown, H-Grs-Tn 2 Ear'vey, H-JJ'-Y Groefenberg, Gr-Fi-N- Eag'gerty, H-Gr-Ti Har'wich, Hr-wCH 1 or Br-G Eague, H-'-G Hr-Ji Grat'tan, Gr-Tni Eah'nemann, Hn'-Mn Ear'wood, Hr-wDi Graves, Grvs 2 Eaight, Ht 2 Eas'brook, Hz-Br'-K Gravesend', Gr-Vz*-Nd Eaines, Hnz 2 Sas'kell, Hs K-L' Gray, Gr 2 Eak'luyt, H-K-Zt 1 Eas'kins, HsJ-Knz Great Britain, Grt 2 -Br- Eal'deman, H-Zi-D-Mn Has'tings, Hs-T^-NGz Tn [Grts-Brt] Sale, Hia Hatch, H-CHi Greece, Grs 3 Ea'ley, H-i a Hat'fleld, Ht-F'-Ld Gree'ley, Gr-Z Half Moon, M-F'-Mn lath'away, H-THi-W Greene, Grn* Hal'ifax, H-ZJ-F-Ks lat'teras, H Trsi Green'bush, Grn-B 3 -SH Hall, HI 1 lavan'a, H-V ] -N Greenland, Gria-Znd* lal'lam, HP-M lav'elock, H-V'-Z-K Green'leaf, Grn-Z 3 -F 3Eal'leck, H-Zi-K lav'emeyer, H-V'-Mr Green'point, Grn-Pnt* lal'lett, H'-Zt la'vens, H-Vnz 2 Green'port, Grn-pi-JJt Green'wich, Gr-N-J 3 or lal'ley, H-Z 1 Hal'lock, H-Zi-K lav'erhill, H-Vr^-L lav'erstraw, H-Vr'-sTr Gr-N-CH 3 lal'pin, H-Z-Pn lav'iland, H-Vlnd Green'wood, Grn-Wd lal'sey, H-Z'-8 Havre de Grace, H- Greer, Gr-R 3 lal'stead, Hls-Td 1 Vrd'-Grs Greg'ory, Gr 2 -Gr lam, H-M lawa'ii, H-TV 1 Grena'da, Gr-N-D'or* la'man, H 2 -Mn lawes, Hz* Grid'ley, Gr 3 -D- lam'bleton, H-M-Bl'-Tn Hawk' Eye, Hi-K-l Griffin, Gr-Fn 3 lam'burg, H-M-Br>-G lawkes'bury, H-Ks-B-BI Griffith, Gr-F 3 -TH Ham'ilton, H-M-Zi-Tn law'kins, B^-Knz Grinnell', Gr^-Nl Iamlet,H-M-zt lawks, H!-Ks Grisel'da, Gr s 2 -D lam'lin, H-M-Zn 1 lawley, H-Zi Gris'wold, Gr-zWld 3 lam'mersley, H-Mrz-Z 1 law'thorn, H-TH'-Kn Groes'beck, Grz-B 2 -K lam'mersmith, H-Mrs- Hay, H Gross, Grs 2 M-TH lay'dn, H-Dn Grosve'nor, Gr-V 2 -^ lam'mond, H'-Mnd layes, Hz 2 Grote, Grt lamp'den, H-M-Dn lay'nau, H-N Grow, Grs lamp'shire, H-M-SHr 1 layne, Hn 2 Grun'dy, Grn-D* lamp'ton, H-M-Tni lay'ti, H-T2 Guadaloupe', G-D 3 -L-P lan'cock, Hn'-K-K lay'wood, H-wD* Guadalupe', Gw-D J -i-P Hand, Hndi laz'ard, Hz-fi' D Guadalquivir, G-D'-Z- lan'del, Hn-D'-L Ha'zelton, Hz-Z 2 -Tn Kwv-fi Han'dy, Dn-D 1 Haz'litt, Hz-Zt' Gautemala, G-T^M-Z or Han'nah, H>-N lead'ley, Hd-Z Gw-Ti-M -L Han'nibal, H N-B1 Jeal'ey, H-z* Guayaquil', Gw 3 -Kl Han'over, H-N-V>-B leath, H-TH* Guern'sey, G-Sn s -Z Han'son, Hi-Ns-N le'be, bGB Guia'na, G l -$l Har'court, Hr l -Krt leb'rides, H-Br-Da Guild'ford, G--Frd Har'die, H-JJI-D Je'bron, H-Brn* EEC Heo'ate, H-K-T* Heck'er, H 2 -Kr Hec'la, Hs-Kl Hec'tor, H^-Ktr Hec'uba, H-K-B' Hee'nan, Hn-N He'gel, HS-Gl Heg'eman, H^G-Mn Hei'delberg, Hd-^-Br-G Hei'ne, H>-N Heint'zelman, Hn-T'-s Mn Hei'ser, H-Zri Heis'ter, Hstr Hel'en, H-Ln* Hele'na, H-i^-N Hel'ena, H-Z,-N Heller, H-*-R Hel'lespont, H-Ls^-Pnt Helm, HP-M Helm'holtz, Hls-M-Hlta Hel'per, Hl-Pr Hem'ans, H s -Mnz Hemp'stead, H-Ms-Td Hen'derson, Hndrs s -N Hen'dricks, Hndr 2 -Ks Hen'drickson, Hndr*- Ks-N Hen'ke, H2-NG-K Henlo'pen, H-Nl-Pn' Hen'nen, Hn*-N Hen'nessey, H-N-S* Henrietta, H-Nr-T Henri'ques, H 8 -Nr-Kz Hen'ry, H-Nr Hen'shaw, Hn'-SH Hep'worth, h5P 2 -Wr-TH Her'bert, Hr-Brt Hercula'neum, Hr-K- Ln'-M Her'cules, Hr-K-iz* Her'kimer, Hr-K-Mr Her'man, Hr 2 -Mn Her'mitage, Hr-Mt-J Hern'don, Hrn-Dn z He'ro, H 3 Her'od, H R"- D Hero'dias, H-R*-Ds Herod'otus, H-/2d'-Ta Her'on, H-fin Her'rick, H-K 5 -K Herring, H-^-NG Her'schell, Hr-SHl Her'sey, H-K^.s He'siod, Hs D J Hesper'ides, Hs-P^R-Dz Hes'perus, Hs-P 2 -^s Hesse Cas'sel, Hs-Ks-L Hesse Darm'stadt, Hs- Hes'ter, Hstr* Hewitt, H T Hey'ne,H>-N Hezeki'ah, Hz'-K Hiawa'tha, H-W'-TH Hib'bard, H-Brd Hibei"nia, H- Hicks, H 3 -Ka High'bury, H-Br 1 312 High'gate, H'-Gt Highlands, H-indz' Hil'dreth, Hill, HI* Hil'liard, Hl'-JZ-D Hills, Hlz* Hills'borough, Hlz-B-B Hills'dale, Hlz-D-L Hil'ton, H-i 3 -Tn Him'maleh, H-M-i 3 Hinck'ley, H^-NG-Kl Hincks, H 3 -NG-Ks Hindoo', Hn-D Hindoostan', Hn-Ds>-Tn Hins'dale, H-Nz-D-L Hi'ram, Hr-M Hispanio'la, Hs-P-Nl Hitch'cock, H-CH3-K-K Hitt, Hf Hoag'land, H-G-ind Hoar, Hr Ho'bart, H-Brt> Hobbs, hBzi Ho'boken, H-B'-Kn (h6B2-Kn) Hodg'es, H-Jzi Hoe, H* Ho'ey, H a Hoffman, H-Fi-Mn Ho'gan, H 2 -Gn Ho'garth, H-Gr-TH Hohenlin'den, H-N- LDd-N Hol'bach, H-i^-B-K Hol'bein, H-Z^-Bn Hol'brook, Hl-Br-K Hol'den, H-i 2 -Dn Hol'inshed, H-inzi-Hd Holland, H-Lndi Hollander, H-Zndri Bolloway, H-'-W Eol'man, H^-Mn Holmes, H*-Mz Eol'stein, Hls-Tn 1 Holt, Hlt Hol'yhead, H-ii-Hd Hol'yoke, Hl-Y*-K So'mer, H*-Mr Sondu'ras, B- Eon'iton, H-N-Tn EConolu'lu, H-N-i-t Sono'ra, Hn-fi Hood, Hd* Hook'er, H s -Kr Soop'er, H-Pr EIoo'sac,Hs 3 -K ECoo'sick, Hz 3 -K Sop'kins, h5P'-Kna Sop'per, H-Pr lop'pin, bCPn 1 3or ace, H Kh' Hora'tio, H- 2 SH lorl'beck, Hr-i^B-K ior'ner, Hr 1 Nr lor'ton, H-fii-Tn lose'a, H-Z* los'mer, Hz-M-E' Hotch'kiss, H-CHi-Ks Hot Springs, Hts'-Pr- XGz iMM Hot'teru.its, H-Tn-Tts Hough'ton, H-Tn>or Hovms'low, H Nz-Li Housaton'ic, Hs-T'-N-K Hous'ton, Hs-Tn'or 3 How'ard, H-fi'-D Howe, Hi How'ell, H-Z,i Howes, Hz 1 How'itt, H-T' Howland, H-Lndi Hox'ie, H-K-S 1 Hoyt, Hti Hub'bard, H-Brd Hub'bell, H-Bis Hu'ber, H-Br 3 Hu'bert, H Brts Hud'son, Hds*-N Hugh, H Hughes, Hz3 Hu'go, H 3 G Hu'guenot, H 3 -G-Nt Hull, Hl Hum'boldt, H-M-Blt Hume, H 3 -M Hum'mel, H^-Ml Hum'phrey, H-M-Fr* Hum'phreys, H-M-Frz* Hun'gary, H^-NG-Gr Hunt, Hnta Hun'ter, Hntr' Hunter's Point, Hntrz*. Pnt Hunfingdon, Hnt-NG- Dn 2 Hunt'ington, Hnt-XG- Tn Hunt'ley, Hn-T*-L Hurd, Hrd Hurl'but, Hr-i-Bt Hurley, Hr-i* Hu'ron, H-Sn 3 Hus'sey, H-S> Hus'ted, Hs-Td 3 Hutch'ings, H-CH-NGs Hutch'inson, H-CH*-K8- N Hut'ton, H-Tn= Huxley, H-K-sL Hyaoyn'thus, Hs-N-THs* Hyatt, H-T Hyde, Hd Hyde Park, Hd-Pr'-K Sy'dra, H-Dr 1 ffy'er, H-Ri Eyge'ia, H-J S Synes, Hnzi I. [auch, T S -K [celand, I-SJ-ind [ch'abod, K-Bd 3 I'da, I-Di ['daho, i-D>-H Igna'tius, G-N-SHs Illinois', Li-N or llyria, L*-R. Imman'uel, IND 313 KEH In'dia, N-D Jaf fray, J-Fr John'athan, J'-N-THn Indian'a, N-D-N (Nd'-N Jamai'ca, J2-JI-K Jones, Jnz* Indianap'olis, N-D^N-P La (Nd-N-PJ-Z,s) James, J*-Mz James'town, J*-Mz-Tn Jop'pa, J'-P Jor'dan, Ji-B-Dn In'dies,N-Dz Ja'mieson, J-Ms-N Jo'seph, Jz2-F Indostan', N-Ds^Tn Jane, .' n 2 Jose'phus, Js 3 -Fs In'dus, N-Ds* Janes, Jnz 2 Josi'ah, J'-s I'nez, l-Nz 1 In'galls, NG-Glz* Janes'ville, J-Nz-V-L Janet', J2-Nt Jos'selyn, j'-sin Jo'tham, J2-TH-M In'gelow, N-J 3 - Jane'way, J2-N-W Joux, ZH3 In'gersoll, NG-Grs-L* Jan'sen, Jnsi-N Joyce, Js 1 In'graham, NG-Gr-M Ja'nus, JS-Ns Juan Fernan'dez, J'-N- Inkerman', NG-Kr-Mn Japan', J'-Pn F-fl-N-N-Dz In'man, N 8 -Mn In'ness, Ns 8 Ja'pheth, Jf-TH Jaquemel', ZH-K-M1 Juan, St., sNt-ja-N or sN-Wn' Inverness', N-V-fi-Ns Jardine', J 3 -R-Du Jua'res, J'-Bz or hW-TJ- In'wood, N-wD 3 Ja'red, J 2 -B-D TH lo'na, i-N a Jar'ves, J-.R-Vs Ju'bal, J3 Bi Io'nia,I-Nia* Jar'vis, J l -R-Va Ju'dah, J3-D I'owa, i-W 1 Ja'son, Js a -N Jude'a, J"-D Ips'wich, P 8 -sW-CH Jas'per, Js'-Pr Judd, J 2 -D I'ra, i-R 1 Ja'va, J-V Ju'das, J 8 -Ds Ire'dell, i-RJ-Dl Ire'land, r-R'-/,nd Jay, J Jayne.Jn 1 Judge, J2-J Ju'dith,J3-D-TH Irene', i-Rn s Jean Paul, Jn P>-L or Jud'son, J2-Ds-N (Jds ! -N) I'ris, i-Rs> rrish,!-B'-SH Jed'do, Y*-D Jug'gernaut, J J -Gr-Nt Ju'lia, J 8 -!, Irkootsk', RS-Kts-K Jededi'ah, Jdi-D Ju'lian, J 3 -in Iroquois', Ri-Kw Jefferson, J*-Frs-N Julian'a, J J -i-N Irrawad'dy, Ri-wD Jeffreys, Z-Frz Ju'liet, J3-L-T Ir'vine.^-Vn Je'hu, J 3 -H Ju'lius, 3 3 -Ls Ir'ving, B-V-NG Feho'vah, J a -H-V Jung'frau, Y 3 -NG-Fr Ir'vington, fi*-V-NG-Tn Femi'ma, JJ-M-M Juniat'a, Ji-N-T Ir'win, R2-Wn Fen'a, J-N or Y S -N Fu'no, J 3 -N I'saac, i-Z'-K I'saacs.l-Z'-Ks Fenckes, J 2 -NG-Ks renk'ins, J*-NG-Knz Fu'piter, J 3 -Ptr Fu'nius, J 3 -Ns Is'abel, Z3-B-L Jenks, J2-NG-K8 Fu'ra, J 3 -R Isabel'la, Z 2 -B- Ten'nings, Jn J -NGz Fus'tin, J2-sTn Isa'iah, I-Z Teremi'ah, Jr'-M Tus'tus, J2 sTs Iscar'iot, S'-K-fit Tericho, J 2 -/Z-K Jut'land, J2-x-tnd I'ser,Zr 8 r erol'amon, J^-Ji-Mn Ish'erwood, SHr'-Wd Ish'mael, SH 3 -M-Z, I'siSji-Ss 1 Terome', Jr*-M r er'sey, Jr-Z r eru'salem, Jr 3 -sL-M K, Isle of Wight, i-i!Wti r eru'sha, J*-7?-SH Cahn, Kni Is'lington, Zl 8 -NG-Tn 'es'se, J*-S Cai'ser, K-zR 1 Is'rael, Z'-fi-L "es'so, J S -S or Y'-S Calamazoo', Kt >t-Z' It'aly, 1 3 -L "es'sup, J*-s r Kalb, K-Z,i B Ith'aca, TH*-K "e'sus, Jzs* Kalb'fleisch, Kl-Bi-Fi Itur'bide, Trs-B-D "ew'ell, J 3 -!- SH lu'ka, iY-K "ew'ett, J 3 -T Camtchat'ka, K-M^. Ivan', Vn* b'ab, J-B CHt'-K Ives, i-Vz 1 bach'imsen, -Ti-K-Ms-N Canaw'ha, K-N-W I'vison, j-Vs^N ban, Jn* Cane, Kn 2 Ixi'on, Ks'-N ban'na, J'-N Can'sas, Knss 1 Job,JB Cant, Knti b'el, J*-L Carl, Kr-L 1 . ohan'nes, J 1 -H-Na Car'ney, K-B'-N bhn, Jni Kath'arine, K-TH'-JZn Ja'bez, J-Bz bhns, Jnz 1 Lat'tegat, K-T>-Gt Jack, Ji-K bhn'son, Jns 1 -N. See Caufman, K-F>-Mn Jack'son, J^-Ks-N Jackson. [av'anagh, K-V'-N Ja'cob, J'-K-B bhns'ton, J^Ns-Tn [eane, Kn 8 Jaco'bi, J2-K-B ohns'town, J'-Nz-Tn [ear'ney, K-R*-N Ja'cobs, J z -K-Bz ohns'ville, J>-Nz-V-h Keat'ing, Kt-NG Ja'cobson, J^-K-Bs-N bin'ville, Jn'-V-L leefe, Kf Jaco'bus, J*-K-Bs b'liet, J2-i-T lee'gan, K'-Gn Jacquard', J'-K-R oline', J 3 ori-n [eel'er, K-ir* Jacques, J2-Ks b'nah, J-N leene, Kn' Jaf'2a JI-F o'uas- Ja-Ns le'hoa. 3 -H u KEI Keighf ly, Keith, K-TH* Kel'ler, K-Zr Kel'logg, Kel'ly, K-Z Kel'sey, K-Z-S Kel'so, K-Z-S Kem'ble, K M-B1* Kemp, K-M-pa Kemp'er, K-M-Pr' Ken'dall, K-Nd-L" Kennebec', K-N-B*-K Kennebunk', K-N-B*. NG-K Keu'nedy, K-N-D" Ken'neth, K-N-TH 2 Keno'sha, K.-N-SH* Ken'sett, K-Ns-T* Ken'sington, K-Ns-NG- Tn Kent, Knt Kentuck'y, Knt^-K Ken'yon, K-N-Yn Ke'okuk, K-K-K Kep'ler, K-pz-L-R :Kerr, K-R" Ker'rigan, K-iP-Gn Ketch'um, K-CH*-M Ket'eltas, Kt-Z 2 -Ts Ketu'rah, K-T-B Keyes, Kz 3 Key'port, K-Prt* Khi'va, K-Va Khorassan', K-Bs>-N Kiang-Ku', K-NG-K Kickapoo', K-K-P* Kidd, K-D* Kiddermin'ster, K-Dr- M-Nstr Kief, K-F* Kiel, K-L" Kier'nan, K-B 3 -Nn Kil'bourn, K-is.Brn Kilken'ney, Kl^-K-N Killarney, K-iri-N Kilmore', Kl=-Mr Kilpat'rick, Kl-pJ Kim'ball, K-M-B Kin'derhook, Kn King, K3-NG Kings'bury, K-NGz-B'-R Kings'land, K-NGz-Lnd^ Kings'ley, K-NGz-L Kins'ton, K-NGz-Tn" Kir'by, K-R2-B (Kr-B^) Kirk, Kr=-K Kirk'ham, Kr-K-M Kirk'land, Kr-K-ind s Kirkpat'rick, Kr-K-pi- Tr K Kirk'wood, Kr-K-wD J Kirt'land, Krt-ind* Kish, K-8H3 Kissam', K'-sM Kitch'en, K-CHn Kit'tredge, K-Tr-J Klam'roth, K1-M-B-TH Klein, Klni Kna'be, N-B Knapp, N-Pi 314 Knickerbocker, N-Kr B-Kr Knight, Nti Knowles, N-Lz Knowl'ton, Nl-Tn* Knox, Ni-Ks Knox'ville, N-Ks-V'-L Koch, K-CH Ko'rah, K-B KoflPman, K-F-Mn Koscius'ko, K-sS 2 -K Kossuth', K-8Ht* Kuhn, Kn L. La'ban, Z,*-Bn Labat', Z,i-B Lablache', i-Bl-8H Laboulay', L*-B-L Labrador', >-Br-Dr Lac'ey, Z^-8 Lackawan'na, /i'-Kw-N Lacroix', L^-Kr La Crosse', Z.i-Krs Ladd, >-D La Fayette', I^-F-T La Fontaine', L-F-N-Tn La Orange', i-Gr-N-J La'go di Co'mo, Z'-G-D- K-M La'go Maggio're, L*-G- Md-Jr La Quay'ra, z/i-Gw-R Lagu'na, Z. 3 -G-N Laight, Lt Laird, L*-R-T> Lake George, Z,-K-Jr-J La'lor, L*-L-R LamarSZ'-Mr Lamarque', X'-Mr-K Lamartine', i'-Mr-Tn Lamb, Z'-M Lam'bert, -M-Brt Lamount', i'-Mnt Lamouroux', X, J -M-JF2 Lan'ahan, in'-Hn Lan'cashire, Zn l -K-8Hr Lan'caster, Zn'-Kstr Lan'celot, Z-J-Ns-Zt Lan'der, indri Lan'ders, ndrs> Land'graff, ind'-Grf Lan'don, L l -N-Dn (Z/nd 1 - N) Lane, Zn> Lang, Z-J-NG Lang'don, //>-NG-Dn Lan'ier, Z/n'-R Lan'man, Zn l -Mn Lan'sing, Z'-Ns-NG Laoc'oon, Z'-K-N Laodice'a, Z 3 -D 8 Lap'ham, Z'-P-M Laplace', Z'-Pls Lapland, Z>-P-Znd La Pla'ta, Z-P1-T La Pueb'la, z-Pw-Bl Lar-kin, LEV Lar'ned, Zr ! -Nd Larocque', Z-fi-K Lar'rabee, Z^fi-B Lar'remore, Z>-S-Mr La Salle', Zs'-Z La'tham, Z^-TH-M La'throp, zthr-P Lat'imer, Zt>-Mr Lato'na, Z-T-N Lau'derdale, Zdri-D-L Laugh'lin, z-F-Zn Lau'ra, zi-fi Lau'rens, Zi-Rnz Lausanne', ZB I -N Lava'ter, Zi-Vtr Lavln'ia, Z-V-N Law, zi Law'ler, Z'-Z-R Law'rence, L l -Bna Law'son, ZsJ-N Law'ton, L l -Tn Lay'ard, Z-/Z-D Laz'arus, Lz l -Ba Leach, Z-CH Leah, Z* Lean'der, Zndr 1 Lear, Z 3 -R Lea'ry, Z 3 -R ' Leav'enworth, Z*-V-K Wr-TH Lea'vitt, Z 3 -Vt Leb'anon, Z*-B-Nn Leck'ey, Z*-K Le Clerc, Z*-K1-R Le'da, Z 3 -D Lee, Z* Leeds, z 3 -Dz Lefferts, Z-Frts Legendre', Z J -Jndr Leg'gat, Z'-G-T Leg'gett, Z2-G-T Leghorn', Z'-G-Hrn Legrange', Z'-Gr-N-J Le'high, Z^-H Leh'mann, z*-Mn Leices'ter, Zstr* Leigh, Z 3 Leip'sic, Z'-P-sK Le'land, Z*-Znd Le'mon, Z 3 -Mn Lem'priere, Z^-M-Pr-B Lem'uel, Z2-M-L Len'nox, zz-N-Ks Lent, Znt* Le'on, Z-N Leon'ard, Zn*-Rd Leon'idas, //^N-Ds Leono'ra, Z 2 -N-/Z Le'opold, Z 3 -p-Ld Leroy', L l -R Leslie, Zs s -Z Les'ter, Zstr* Leti'tia, L 3 -T-SH Leut'se, z'-T-S Le'vant, Z'-Vnt Le'ver, Z 8 -Vr Lev'erette, Z-Vr-T Lev'eridge, Z*-Vr-J Le'vi, Z-V Levi'athan, LEV 815 Levine', z 8 -vn Long Branch, Z^-NG-Br- Leviticus, Z 8 -V-T-Ks N-CH Le'vy, Z 3 -v Lewell'yn, Z*-W-Zn Long'fellow, Zi-NG-F-Z Long'street, Z-NG-sTrt Lewes, Z-8 Long'worth, Z>-NG-Wr- Lewis, Z*-S TH Lewlston, ZsVTn Loo'mis, Z-M8 Lexington, Z*-Ks-NG Loo Choo, Z-CH Tn Lo'pez, Z^-Pz Ley'den, L l -Dn Lord, Zrd 1 Lib'by, Z 8 -B Loren'zo, Z*-Rn-Z Libe'ria, Z*-B-fi Loret'to, Z-fi-T Lich'fleld, Z'-CH-Fld Lorlllard, V-Rl-R-D Lid'dell, Z 8 -D1 Lor'imer, Z-.R-Mr Lie'ber, Z 3 -Br Lo'ring, Z-fl-NG Lie'big, Z 3 -B-G Lillenthal, Z-Z-N-TH-L Lot, Zt> Lothaire', Z*-TH-R Lil'lie, Z-Z Lo'thian, Z*-THn Li'ma, (Peru) Z*-M, (U. Loth'rop, Zthr J -P S.)Zi-M Lo'tos, Z-Ts Lim'burg, Z 8 -M-Br-G Lott, Zt> Lim'erick, Z 8 -Mr-K Lou'don, Z>-Dn Lin'coln, Z-NG-Kn (Zn- Lough, Z 2 -F Kn) Lind, Znd 8 Loughlin, Zi-F-Zn Louis, Z s or zs-8 Lin'den, Z 3 -N-Dn Louis'a, Z 8 -Z Lind'say, Lnd*-Z Louise', Zz* Lindsley, Z 8 -Ndz-L Louisia'na, Z'-Z-N Ling'ard, Z-NG-Grd Louisville, Z 8 -V-L Linn, Zn" Louverture', Z-V-R-Tr Lin'ton, z s -N-Tn (Znt s -Nj Louns'berry, Z>-Nz-B-fi Li'nus, Z'-Ns Loutrel', Ztr-L Lip'pincott, Z-P-N-Kt Lip'sius, Z 8 -P-sS Love'ioy, Z-V- J Lov'ell, Z'-V-L Lis'bon, Zz 8 -Bn Lovett, Z-Vt Lisle, Z!-Z Low, Z* Litch'fleld, Z 8 -CH-Fld Lowe, Z* Lithua'nia, Z*-TH-N Lowell, Z-L Littell', Zt*-Z Low'enstein, Z 2 -Ns-Tn Lit'tle, zta-Z Low'enthal, Z-N-TH-L Lit'tle Falls, Zt'-Z-F-Lz Lowndes, Zndz> Lit'tlejohn, Zt'-Z-Jn Lit'tle Hock, L&-L-R-E. Low'rey, L l -R Loyola, Z"-Y-Z Littre', L"-Tr Lu'bin, Z 3 -Bn Liv'ermore, Z*-Vr-Mr Lu'cas, Z 8 -Ks Liverpool, Z 8 -Vr-P-L Qjuc'ca, Z 8 -K Livingston, Z 8 -V-NGs- Luce'na, Zs 3 -N Tn Lucerne', Zs-Rn Livo'nia, Z-V-N CiU'cia, Z 8 -?H Llan'elly, Z-N1 Lu'cian, Zshn 8 Llewellen, L^Vf-Ln [jucin'da, Zs 8 -N-D Lloyd, Z'-D Lu'cius, Z 3 -SH8 Locke, Z>-K [juck'now, Z*-K-N Lock'hart, Li-K-Hrt Liu'crece, Z'-Krs Lock'port, Z'-K-Prt [jucre'tia, Z 8 -Kr-SH Lock'wood, Zi-K-wD Lo'di, Z*-D Lu'cy, Z-8 Lu'cifer, Z 8 -S-Fr Loew, Z Ludlam, Z*-D-Z-M Lo'gan, z*-Gn Ludlow, Z*-D-Z Log'gia, Zi-J Lud'wig, Z-D-W-G Loire, Z'-R Lola Mon'tes, Z-Z-M- Luke, Z 3 -K Lun'dy, Z J -N-D N-Tz Lunt, Znt* Lom'bardy, Z'-M-Br-D Lu'ther, Zthr 8 Lo'mond, Z*-Mnd Lux'emburg, Z*-K-sM- Lon'don, Z'-N-Dn (Znd*- Br-G N) [juzerne', Zz*-Rn Lon'donderry, Z-N-Dn- jycom'ing, Z*-K-M-NG T)'R (Znd^-N-D-jR) liycur'gus, Z'-Kr-Gs Long, Z-NG Lydla, Z*-D MOM Ly'dig, Z'-D-G Ly'ell, Zi-L Ly'mau, Zi-Mn Lynch, Z 3 -N-CH Lynch'burgh, Z^-N-CH- Br-G Lynn, Zn 8 Ly'on, Z J -N Ly'ons, Z J -Nz M. McAd'am, M-K-Di-M McAllister, M-K-Lstr McBride', M-K-Brdi McCaffrey, M-K-Fr 1 McCa'hill, M^-K-Hl or M-K-L2 McCall', Mi-Kl McCar'thy, M-Kr-THi McClellan, M-K.l-Zn2 McClen'ahan, M 2 -Kln- Hn McClin'tock, M 3 -Klnt-K McClos'key. M^Kls-K. McCloud', M-Kl-Di McClure', M-K1-R3 McComb', MS-K-M McCon'nell, M-K-N1 McCook', M3-K-K McCord', M-Krd McCor'mick, M'-Kr- M-K McCosh', M-K-SHi McCoy, M-K McCrea', M^-Kr McCue', M K McCullough, M-K-Z2 McDer'mott, M-K-Drs- Mt McDon'ald, M-K-D'-Nld McDon'ough, M-K-Di-N McDowell, M-K D'-L McEw'en, M 3 -K-N McFarland, M-K-F'-R Znd McGee', M 8 -G McGill', M-G-L McGlynn', M 8 -Gln MEcGrath', M-Gr-TH McGreg'or, M'-Gr-Gr McGuire', M-Gw-Ri McHen'ry, M-K-H-Nr VEcIlvaine', M-Kl-Vn 2 Mc'Intosh, M-Knt SH 1 Mc'Intyre, M-Knt-Ri McKay, M J -K McKean', M 8 -Kn McKee'ver, M-K-Vr* McKen'zie, M-Kn-Z* McKe'on, M 3 -K-N McKinley, M 3 -K-N1 McKit'trick, M-K-Tr-K McLaugh'lin, M-K1-F>- Zn or M-K1 K-Zn 1 McLel'lan, M-Kl-Zn* McLeod', M-Kl-Di VIcMa'hon, M2-K-M-Hn McMas'ter, Mi-K-Mstr MCM MeMnl'len, M-K-M-Zn* McPher'son, M-K-F*-Rs N McQuade', M-Kw-D Mcvick'ar, M-K-V'-Kr Ma'bel, M-B12 Ma'bie, M-B2 Macas'sar, M-K-sRi Macau'lay, M-K-Zi Macbeth', M-K-B2-TH Mac'cabees, M-K-Bz MacDou'gall, M-K-D-G Machiavel'li, M-K-V2-Z Macfar'lane, M-K-F-R- Zn Machi'as, M-K-Si Mach'iavel, M-K-Vi-L Mack, Mi-K Mackay', M-K Mack'ey, M'-K Maek'inaw, Mi-K-N Macklin', Mi-Kin Maclay', M2-K1 Maclean', M*-Kln Maclise', M-Kls Macomb', M K-M-B' Ma'con, M 2 -Kn Macrea'dy, M-Kr-D s Ma'cy, M-S* Madagascar, M-D J -G- sKr Mad'dea, M-Dn' Madei ra, yt-D*or*-R Mad ison, M-Ds^N Madras', M-Drsi Madrid', M-Drd* Madu'ra, M-D3-B Magdale'ne, M-G-D 3 -Z-N Magee', M 3 -G Magel'lan, M-J-Zn Maggio're, Md-Jr 2 Magru'der, M-Gr-Dr Maguire', M-Gw-R' Mahom'et, M-H-Mt Maho'ney, M-H-N Maho'pac, M-P-K Maillard', M-Z^-Rd or M-Yri Maine, Mn* Maistre, Mtr* Mait'land, Mt-Znd Major'ca, M-Jr'-K Malabar', M-Z'-Br Malac'ca, M-Zi-K Mal'achi, M-Z-K Mal'aga, M-Zi-G Malay, M-z* Mala'ya, M-Z 2 -T Mal'colm, Ml'-K-M Mal'den, M-Z'-Dn Mal'ebranche, M-Z-Br- N-CH Mal'ibran, M-Zi-Brn Mal'lory, M-Z'-JZ Malloy, M-Z> Malmes'bury, M-Mz- Bl R Malo'ney, M-Z-N Mal'ta, M-Zi T Malt'by, 316 Malte Brun', M-Zt*-Brn Mal'thus, M-Zi-THs Mal'vern, Ml-Vru l Mam'mon, M'-Mn Manas'sas, Mi-Nss Man'chester, M-N CHstr> Manhattan, Mn-H-Tni Manil'la, M 3 -N1 Man'ley, Mi-Nl Man'lius, M-N-Zs 1 Mann, Mni Man'ning, Mn'-KG Mans'fleld, M-Nz-Fi-Ld Mantchoo'ria, M-N- Man'ton, Mn-Tni Maracay'bo, M-^or^-K-B Mar'athon, M-JZ"-THn Mar'ble, Mr-Bli Marblehead', Mr-Bn-Hd Marcel'lus, Mrs-Zs Mar'cus, M-fli-Ks Mar'cy, M-.R1-S Mar'garet, M-fi'-Grt Mari a, M-R 1 Marie', M-fi 3 Mariet'ta, M-K*-T Mar'ion, M-W-N Mark, Mr'-K Marks, Mr'-Ks Marl'borough, Mr-Z'-Br Marque'sas, Mr 2 -Kss Mar'ryat, M-/Z'-T Mars, M-Rz (Mrz') Marsa'la, Mrs-Z 1 Marseilles', Mrs-/ Marsh, M-.R l -SH Mar'shall, Mr-SHU Marsh'field, M-Bi-SH- F-Ld Martel', M-Kt 2 -L Mar'tha, M-fi>-TH Mar'tin, M-fi l -Tn Mar'tineau, M-fit'-N Martinique', M-.Rt 3 -N-K Mar'vin, M-iJi-Vn Mary, M-fi 2 Ma'ryland, M-.R=-Znd (M-/?lnd) llassachu'setts, i\ls- CH 3 -sTs [Ms-CH'l Mas'sasoit, M-Ss'-T Masse'na, Ms-N Itas'sey, M-8 1 Itatamo'ras, Mt-M-JZs 2 Hatan'zas, M-Tn'-Zs tfatil'da,Mt-Z 3 -D Math'er, Mdhr 1 ktatth'ew, M-TH tfatth'ews, M-THzi Hat'tison, M-Ts'-N Mauch-Chunk', M-K- CH2-NG-K if aud, M-D 1 ffaumee', M 3 -M tfaun'der, Mndr 1 Maurice', M-JZs 3 MIO Mauri'tius, M-fl 3 -8Hs Mau'ry, M-Bi Mav'erick, M-Vri-K Max, M'-Ks Maximil'ian, M-K-sM. Max' well, M-K-sWl 1 May'hew, M2-H May'nard, M 2 -Nrd Mayo, M 2 ori Mazep'pa, Mz-P* Mazzi'ni, Mtz 3 -N or Mz 3 - N Meade, M-D 3 Meagh'er, M-R* Meck'lenburg, M-Kln- B*-JtO Med'ici, M-D'-CH Med'ford, M-D2-Frd Medi'na, M-Di-N Mediterranean, Md- Trn-N Medu'sa, M-D 3 8 Meek'er, M 3 -Kr Meeks, M 3 -Ks Mehit'able. M-Ht-Bl 3 Meigs, M 2 -Gz Melanch'thon, M-Z'-NG- (K-)THn Mel'bourne, M-Z 2 -Brn Mel'len, M-Zn= Melis'sa, M-Z 3 -S Melrose', Ml-fiz 2 Mel'ville, M-Z^-Vl Mel'vin, M-Z 2 -Vn Mem'minger, M-M-N-Jr* Mem'non, M'-M-Nn Mem'phis, M-M-Fs* Memphrema'gog, M-M- Fr'-M-G-G Men'delssohn, M-N-D- Zs-N Men'ken, M'-NG-Kn Men'tor, Mntr* Mentz, Mntz' Mer'cer, Mrs-R* Mer'cury, Mr s -Kr Mer'cy, M-7J 2 8 Meredith, M-K 2 -D-TH Mer'riam, Mr 2 -M Mer'rill, M-/J1 2 Mer'rimack, Mr 2 -M-K Mer'rimon, Mr z -Mn Mer'sey, "M.-R--Z Mes'mer, Mz-M-R J Mesopota'mia, Ms-Pt 2 -M Messi'ah, M-S 1 Messi'na, M-S'-N Metamo'ra, Mt-M-fi Met'calf, Mt 2 -Kf Methu'selah, M-TH-sZ Met'teruich, Mtr*-N-K Metz, Mts* Meuse, Ms* Mex'ico, M J -Ks-K Meyer, M-R> Mey'erbeer, M-B^B-B Meyers, M-Rz> Mia'mi, M-M Mi'chael, M'-Kl MIC Michelet', M-SH-i Mioh'igan, M-SH*-Gn Mid'dleton, M-Dl'-Tn Milan', M-Zni Mil'bank, M-L'-B-NG-K Mil'burn, M-// 8 -Brn Mil'ford, M-/,-Frd Millais', M.-L* Mil'lard, M-L*-J2d Mil'ler, M--B Mills, M-Lz Mills'paugh, M-z 8 -P Mil'man, Ml-Mn Mi'lo, M-i Mil'ton, M-8-Tn Milwau'kee, M-Z,i-W-K Min'cio, M-N-CH 8 Mi'ner, M-Nr Miner'va, M-Nr-V* Minneso'ta, M-Ns-T* Minor'ca, Mi-Nr-K Min'turn, M-N-Ts- Mirabeau', M-7Z-B Miramachi', Mr-M- Miran'da, M-^-N-D Mississippi, Mss-P 8 Missou'ri, Ms-fi 8 Mitch'ell, M-CH1 Mit'tendorf, M-Tn 8 -D-Bf Mobile', M-B'-L Mo'cha, MS-K Mod'ena, M-D J -N Mof fatt, M-Fti Moham'med, M'-H-Md Mo'hawk, M^-H-K Mohe'gan, M'-H-Gn Mol'lenliauer, M-in 1 - HB Moliere', M-Z*-K Mo'loch, M-Z,-K Mo'mus, M2-Ms Monad'nock, M-N-D 1 - N-K Mon'aghan, Mn'-Gn MoncreiflP, M 8 -N-Krf Monell', M*-N1 Mongo'lia, Mn-G-i s Mon'heimer, Mn!-H-Mr Mon'mouth, Mn-M-TH 1 Monongahe'la, Mn-N-G- H-L* Monroe', Mn-JZ* Mon'son, M^-Ns-N Mon'tague, M-N-T'-G Montaigne', M-N-Tn* Monta'na, M-N-Ti-N Montcalm', Mnt'-K-M Monterey', Mn-T*-B Montesquieu', Mn-T*or 8 - sK Montevid'eo, Mnt-V 8 D Montezu'ma, Mnt-Z'-M Montgom'ery, Mnt'-G- Mr Montholon', M-N-T'-n Monticel'lo, M-N-Ts-sZ, Montmoren'cy, Mnt-M- Sn*-8 Montpe'lier, Mnt-P-i-B Montreal', Mnt-i-L 317 Mood'y, M-D* Moore, M-B Moran', M-fini Morange', M-fii-N Mora'via, M-.R2-V More, M-B Mor'gan, M-R'-Gn Moril'lo, U-R*-L Mo'ro, M-^s Moroc'co, M-R'-K Mor'pheus, M-^i- Mor'phy, Mor'ril, Mor'ris, Morrisa'nia, M-.Rs 2 -N Mor'rissey, -'- Morse, M-R Mor'timer, Mor'ton, M-K'-Tn Mos'by, Mz-B Mos'cow, Ms ] -K Mose'ley, Mz-L 8 Moselle', Mz-i* Mo'ses, Mzs a Mosqui'to, Ms-K-T 3 Moss, Ms 1 Mot'ley, Mt-Z,i Mott, Mt 1 Mott Haven, Mt"-H-Vn Moul'ton, M-i*-Tn Moul'trie, M-Tr 3 or M- 8 Tr Mount, Mnt 1 Mow'att, M-T Moyamen'sing, M a -M- Ns-NG Mozambique', E Mozart', M-Zrt 1 Muh'lenberg, M-L'-N- Br-G Muir, M-B3 Mul'berry, Mulhol'land, Ml-H-ind 1 Mulla'ney, M-L^-N Mul'len, M-Ln* Mul'ler, M-Z2-B Mul'ligan, M-L*-Gn Mum'ford, M-M-Frd Munchau'sen, M-N-CHz'- H MEu'nich, M^-N-K Mun'ger, M^-NG-Gr Munroe', Mn-fia Mun'sell, M-Ns-L Mun'son, M-Ns-N Mun'ster, M'-Nstr Murat', M-fi' or M-Ht MEur'doch, M-S=-D-K Muril'lo, M-R3-L Mur'phy, Murray, Mus'cat, Ms2-Kt Muscatine', Ms-K-Tn* Wus'covy, Ms-K-V* MEus'grave, Ms*-Grv Muskin'gum, Ms'-K-NG G-M Wus'sey, M-Z Myers, M-Bzi NEV N. Nader Shah', y-Dr l -SH Na'aman, N'^-Mn Na'gel, N--G1 Nahanf, N'-Hnt Nan'cy, N-N-Si Nankin', Nn 3 -Kn Nantes, Nnts 1 Nantuck'et, N-N-T-K;t Nao'mi, N--M Na'pier, N-P^-R Na'ples, N-Piz2 Napo'leon, N-P 2 -/,u Narcis'sus, Nr-Sss 3 Narragan'sett, Nr-G-N- Ti Nas'by, Nz'-B Nash, X-SH' Nash'ua, N SH 1 Nash'ville, N-SHi-Vl Nas'sau, N-S 1 Nast. Nst 1 Natal', N-T ] -L Natch'ez, N-CHzi Natchitoch'es. N-CHi-T- CHz Na'than, N THns Nathan'iel. X-TH'-Nl Nat'ural Bridge, Nt-JiJI 1 - BrJ Na'tick, N-T 2 -K Nau'gatuck, N-G-T^K Nauvoo', N-vs Navarre', N-V^-B Nay'lor, ff-Lr" Naz'areth, Nz-J2'-TH Neal, N-L* Nean'der, Nndr' Nebras'ka, N-Br^sK Nebuchadnez'zar, N-B2- Kd-Nz K Necrop'olis, N-Kr-P'-Zs Need'ham, N-D 3 -M Neer'gaard, Nr^-Grd Negropont', N-Gr-Pnt 1 Nehemi'ah, N'-H-M Neill, N-L3 Pfeil'son, N-Ls 3 -N Wel'son, Nls 2 -N fsTem'esis, N 2 -Mss ffemours', N 3 -Mr ffeperan', N-P l -Kn tfep'tune, N-P^-TU Ne'ro, N- 3 !fes'bit, Ns-Bt2 tfes'mith, Ns-M-TH ^es'tor, Nstr Netherlands, Ndhr- LndzS ffeufchatel', N-SH-T-L STeuse, Ns* Neu'stadt, Ns-Tt J ort Ne'va, N-V* Neva'da, N-V>-D Nev'ersink, K-V(r)s-NG- K Ne'via, N-Ng* NEW New Amsterdam, N-M sTrdi-M Newark, N-R-E NewBed'ford, N-Bd* Frd New'bern, N-B 3 -.Rn Newberry, N-B S -.R New Brigh'ton, N-Br 1 Tn New Brit/am, * New'burgh, N-Br-G Newburyport, N- Prt Newcastle, N-Es-L New'comb, NS-E-M New Eng'land, N-NG Glnd Newfoundland, N-Fnd- ind New Grana'da, N-Gr-N- D> New Guin'ea, N 3 -G-N New Hamp'shire, N-M- SHr 1 New Hart'ford, N-Hrt- Frd 1 New Ha'ven, N(-H)-Vn* New Jer'sey, N -Jr-Z New Lon'don, N-Z,*-N- Dn (Jind-N) New'man, N 3 -Mn Newmarket, N-M-.B 3 -E New Or'leans, N-.Slnz Newport, N ps-st Newton, N-Tn 3 New'town, N-Tn 3 NewU'trecht, N-Y-Tr- Et New York', N-Y' R-K PN-Y 1 ] New York Mills, N-Y 1 - M-Lz New Zealand, N- Mey, N* Niag'ara, Nib'lo, N-B1 3 Nicara'gua, N'-Er-Gw Nice, Ns Nich'olas, N'-Els Nich'ols, N 3 -Elz Nicode'mus, N-K-D*-Ms Nie'buhr, N-Br 3 Nie'men, N 3 -Mn Ni'ger, N-Jri or N-Gr Nile, N-L Niles, N-Lzi Nimes, N 3 -M Nim'rod, N-M-2Z'-D Nin'eveh, N-N-V Ni'obe, N-Bi Nip'issing, N-Ps'-NG Nix'on, N 3 -Es-N No'ah, N* No'el, N-L* Noo'nan, N 8 -Nn Norfolk, Nr-F'-K Nor'man, Nr>-Mn Nor'manby, Nr-Mn-B 1 Nor'mandy, Nr-Mn-D 1 NorTis, 818 North, Nr-TH> North Ad'ams, Nr-TH 1 D-Mz North'cote, Nr-THi-K-T North' Creek, Nr-TH- Kr-K North'field, Nr-THi-F- Ld North Hamp'ton, Kr TH-M-Tn North'port, Nr-TH-Prt North'rup, Nrthr-Pi Northum'berland, Nr- TH-M-Br-ind North'ville, Nr-TH-Vl North Woods, Nr-TH wDz Nor'ton, Nr-Tn 1 Nor'wich, (Eng.) Nr-J, (U. S.JNr-CH'orNr-wCH 1 Nor'wood, Nr-wDi Notre Dame, Ntr-Di-M Nott, Nti Not'ting, Nti-NG Not'tingham, Nt-NG-M Nova Sco'tia, N-Vs-K SH Nova Zem'bla, N-V'-Z M-B1 Novgorod', N-Vi-Gr-D Noyes, Nz l Nu'bia, N-B 3 Nu'gent, N-Jnt 8 Nu'ma, N-M Nun'da, N-N-D* Nunns, Nnz Nu'remberg, N-R'-M-Br G Nyack, N-K Nye, Ni O. Oakes, Es* Oak'field, E-F2-Ld Oak'grove, K 2 -Grv Oakland, E-ind* Oakley, E-L* Oak' Station, Es s - Tshn Obadi'ah, Bi-D O'berlin, Br^Ln O'Bri'en, 6Br-N Note. In writing names beginning with O\ the sign for the word Oh, when it will make a good junction, may be joined initially to the first stem of the word ; in all other cases write the O' with the 6 dash as in ordinary vocalization. In ;he following outlines, when the 6 is joined* it is connected by a hyphen. See O'Conor. Ocea'na, SH'-N Ocean'ica, SH'-N-E Ocean'us, SH>-Ns Ocmul'gee, E-M-Z-J ORP O'Con'nell, o-E'-Nl O'Con'ner, 6-En-Ri O'Con'or, 6-En-Ri Octa'via, E-T^-V Odell', D2-L Odes'sa, D 2 -8 O'Don'ald, 6Di-Nld O'Don'nell, oDi-Nl O'Don'ovan, oD'-N-Vn O'Dowd', 6D'-D Od'yssey, Di-8 Offenbach, F^N-B-E O'Flah'erty, 6Fli-fl-T Og'den, G-Dn* Og'densburgh, G-D'-Na B-.R-G Ogee'chee, G-CB^ O'gilby, 61- B* O'gilvie, Gl-V 2 O'glethorp, Gl-THS-fl-P O'Gor'man, 6Gr'-Mn O'Gra'dy, Gr-D 0'Haiya. 6-H-fli Ohio,6-Hi Oil City, Lsi-T O'Kane', 6-En O'Keefe, 6-Efs Ol'cott, Li-Et Olean'der, oLndr' O'Leai^y, o-L-R Ol'ive, L l -V Ol'iver, Z,'-Vr Ol'ivet, Z-i-Vt Oliv'ia, L 3 -\ Olivier', L*-V Olm'stead, Ms-Td Olym'pia, L 3 -M-P Olym'pus, L 3 -M-Ps Ol'yphant, i-Fnt O maha, M-H O'Mal'ley, 6-M-Z.i O'mer, St., sNt-Mr On'derdonk, Ndr-D-NG. E O'Neal, 5N-L Dnei'da, N D 1 Dnonda'ga, N-N-D'-G Dnta'rio, N-T 2 -B Op'dyke, pi-D-E Dpelou'sas, p3-z,ss Ophelia, F 3 - 3'phir, 6Fr 2 Dpor'to, P 2 -K-T Op'penheimer, Pn'-H- Mr Dr'ange, Rn'-J 3r'angeville, Rn^J-Vl Or'egon, R J -Gn O'Reilly, d-R^-L O'rient, R s N-T Orino'ko, R 2 -N-E Ori'on, Ri-N \ Oris'kany, Rs 3 -E-N Ork'neys, RJ-E-Nz Orland'do, R-L-N-D Or'leans, R'-i-Nz Orms'by, Ri-Mz B Orono'co, R 2 -N-E O'Rourke', 6-K^-R-S. Or^pheus, .Ri-Fs ORR 319 PHO Ons RI Palmet'to, P1*-M-T Peel, P'-L Orsi'ni, Rs s -N Palmyra, PH-M-.R Pekin', P3-Kn OiVton, R l -Tn Pa'lo Al'to, P l -L-L-1 Pel'ham, P 2 -L-M Osage',8 2 -J Pam'lico, P'-M-L-K Pelissiei", P^-L-8 Osawat'omie, S-Wt-M Pam'pas, Pi-M-Ps Os'born, Z^B-fin Pan, Pni Pelton, p2-L-Tn Oscan'yan, S'-K-N-Yn Panama', P'-N-M Bem'bsr, P 2 -M-Br Os'car, S^Kr Osceola, S 2 -i Pando'ra, Pn*-T)-R Pan'theon, pi-N-THn Pem'berton, P 2 -M-Br-Tn Pem'broke, P 2 -M-Br-K Os'good, Zi-Gd Pap'ua, P>-P Penang', Pn'-NG O'Shaugh'nessy, 6SH 1 - Para', P l -R Pen'dergast, Pndr=-Gst N-8 Par'adise, P'-JZ-Ds Pen'dleton, Pn2-D-L-Tn Osi'ris, &-Rs Paraguay, Pr 2 or 1 -Gw Penel'ope, PZ-NI-P Os'sian, SHni Parana', P l -R-y Pen'fleld, Pn^-F-Ld Os'sipee, S 1 -? Pardee', P 3 -R-D Penn, Pu 2 Ostend', S 2 -Tnd Par'is, P>-fis or P*-R Pen'niman, P 2 -N-Mn Ostran'der, S'-Trndr Parke, P'-fl-K Pennsylvania, P 2 -s-V-| Os'wald, Zi-Wld Par'ker, pi-JB-Kr N Oswe'go, 8 J -W-G Park'hurst, pi R - Krst Penn Yan, P 2 -N-Yn Otahei'te, T 3 -H-T (Pri-Krst) Penob'scot, pi-N-Bs-Kt O'tis, Ts2 Park'man, P'-JfZ-K-Mn Pensacola, p2-Ns-K-Zi Otis'co, T 3 -sK Park Kow, pi-fi-K IR* Peo'ria, P2-.K O'Toole, 6T S -L Parks, pi-fi-Ks Pep'in, P 2 -Pn Otran'to, Tri-N-T Parley, Pr^-L Pep'per, P 2 p r Otse'go, T s -sG Ot'tawa, Ti-W Ot'tendorfer, T-N-Dr-Fr Parm'elee, Pr^M-i Parnas'sus, P l -fi-Nss Par'nel, pi-fl-N-L Pep'ys, p2-p s Per'cival, pi-Rs-V-Ii Per'cy, P*-R s Oude, D' Parr, P'-B Per'icles, P 2 -/j-Klz Ouse'ley, Z 3 - Par'rish, P-2Z-8H Per'kins, P 2 K-Kuz O'verton, Vr ! -Tn Par'ry, P>-H Per'ley, Pr^-L O'vid, V2-D Par'sons, pi-Bs-Nz Pernambu'co, P 3 -^-N-M- Ovid, Vi-D Par'thenon, P^fl-TH-Nn B K Owas'co, Ws-K Par'ton, pi-fi-Tn Per'ry, P 2 R Owas'so, WJ-8 Part'ridge, Prti-fl-J Per'sia, P 2 -ff-SH Owe'go, tv* 3 -G Pascagou'la, ps-sK-G-i Persign'y, P 3 -^s-N-Y O'wen, 6eN 4 Pas'cal, Ps'-Kl Perth Amboy, P'-fi-TH- O'wens, 6eNz* Passa'ic, P*-sK M-B Oys'ter Bay, Str-B Passamaquod'dy, P J - Peru', P 3 -R Ox'bow, Ks-B sM-Kw-D Pestaloz'zi, Psi-T-i-T-S Ox'ford, Ks-F-Bd Pass Christian, PsJ-Krs- Pesth, Psts Ozark', Zri-K CHn Pe'ter, Ptr 3 Patago'nia, P*-T-G-N Pe'ters, Ptrz 3 P. Pat'mos, Pti-Ms Patchogue', pt-CH-G Pe'tersburg, P 3 -Tr-zBr-G Pe'terson, P 3 -Trs-N Pa'ton, pi-Tn Pe'to, P 3 -T Pacific, Ps'-F-K Pat'rick, P-Tr-K jre trarcii, P j.r-xfc-JK Pack'ard, pi-Kid Pat'terson, P'-Trs-N Pet'tengill, P 2 -T-N-Gl Pack'er, pi-Kr Pat'ti, pi-T Pet'tigrew, P 2 -T-Gr Pack'ingham, Pi-K-NG- Pat'tison, pi-Ts-N Peyton, pa-Tn M Paul, pi-L Pfaff, F'-F Padang', pi-D-NG Paul'ding, Pi-i-D-NG Pfei'ffer, (Eng.) F'-Fr Pad'dock, Pi-D-K Pauli'na, pi-i-N Pfeif fer, (Ger.) P-F-Fr Pad'ua, P'-D Pauline', P 8 -I.n Phalon, F*-Ln Padu'cah, P 3 -D-K Pavi'a, P*-V Pha'raoh, F*-R Pagani'ni, P-G-N-N Pawtuck'et, P-T-Kt Phe'lan, F 3 -in , Pa'get, P 2 Jt Pawtux'et, P*-T-Ks-T Phe}ps, F 2 -i-Ps (Fl 2 -Ps) Paige, P Z -J Pax'ton, P'-Ka-Tn Phi Delta, F'-D-L-T Paine, Pn z Payne, Pn Phid'ius, F3-Ds Pais'ley, P*-zL Pay'son, Ps a -N Philadel'phia, Fl 2 -D-- Pak'enham, P'-Kn-M Pea'body, P'-BD F Pal'atine, P-Z,-Tn Pea'cock, P 3 -K-K Philan'der, F^Zndr Palermo, P 2 -i-R-M Peale, P-L Phil'ip, F 3 -^-P (F1 3 -P) Palestine, pi-La-Tn Pearoo, P-Rs Philippine, F ! -i-Pn Pa'ley, P*-L Pear'sall, P*-fls-L Philis'tine, Fls 3 -Tn Pal'frey, pi-i-Fr Pear'son, ps-fls-N Phillips, F*-L-Pa (Fl'-Pfl) Pal'las, P'-Ls Pease, Pz 3 Philo, F'-i Pall Mall', P'-L-Ml Peck'ham, P S -K-M Phin'eas, F 3 -Ns Palm'er, Pi-Mr Pecon'ic. P'-Kn-K Phoe'be, F 3 -B Palm'erston, pi-M-fis- Pedee', P*-D Phoe'bus, F-Bs Tn I Pe'dro, P-Dr Phoe'nix, F-N-Ka PHR Phryg'ia, Fr*-J Picard'.P 1 Kr Pic'ardy, P 3 -Kr-D Piceadil'ly, ps-K-D-L Piccolom'ini, P>-K1-M-N Pick'ens, P 3 Knz Piok'ering, ps-Kr-NG Pick'ett, pa-Kt Pick'wick, P 3 -Kw-K Pictou', pn-K-T Pied'mont, ps-D-Mnt Pierce, P^oH-Rs Pier'mont, ps-R-Mnt Pierre'pont, pa-R-Pnt Pier'son, P 3 -.Rs-N Pike, pi-K Pi'late, pi-t Pil'low, pa- Pi'lot Knob, pi-Lt-N-B Pinch'beck, P 3 -N-CH- B-K Pinck'ney, P^-NG-K-N Pin'dar, Pndr 3 Pine, Pn' Pink'erton, ps-NG-Kr-Tn Pi'per, P>-Pr Pi'sa, P 3 -Z Piscat'aqua, P'-sKt-Kw Pis'gah, pa-zG Pit'cairn, Pt'-K-fin Pit'man, Pt-Mn Pitt, Pt Pitts'burg, Pt*-sBr-G Pitts'field, Pts^-F-Ld Pitts'ford, P Pittsylva'nia, N. See Pennsylvania. Pi-us, pi-8 Pizar'ro, f l -zR Plain'field, Pln-F-Ld Plantag'enet, Plnt'-J-Nt Pla'ta, PK-T Pla'to, P1*-T Platt, Plti Platts'burgh, Plti-sBr-G Play'fair, Pl2-Fr Pleas'anton, Plz^-N-Tn Pleas'ant Valley, Plz- Nt V-L Pleyel, Pi'-L Plimp'ton, PF-M-Tn Plin'y, Pia-N Plow'den, Pl'-Dn Plumb, Pia-M Plumb'-gut. Pls-M-Gt Plun'ket, Pi^-NG-Kt Plu'tarch, Pis-T-fi-K Plu'to, Pia-T Plymouth, PP-M-TH Plymp'ton, Pl-M-Tn Pocahon'tas, pi-K-Hnt-S Poe, P Poin'dexter, Pni D Kstr Point of Rocks, Pnti- Ks Poitiers' or Poictiers', P 3 -T Bz Poitou' or Poictou', P3- T or Pw*-T 320 Poland, P J -/,nd Polhe'mus, Pia-H Polk, P" -K Pol'lard, P-i-JKd Pol'lock. ft-L-K. Pol'lux, Pol'ly, pi- Polycarp, Polyne'sia, P-Z-N-SH Polyphe'mus, P 3 -.F-Ms Pomera'nia, P-M-fi-N Pom'eroy, P'-M-fl Pom'fret, P'-M-Frt Pomo'na, P 2 -M-N Pompadour', ps-M-P-Dr Pompe'ii, P-M-P Pom'pey, pi-M-P Pond, Pud' Pontchartrain', P s N- CHr -Trn Pon'tiac, Pni-T-K Pon'tius Pilate, Pn-SHs- P-/-t Poole, P-L Poor, P 3 -K Pope, P--P Popocatapetl', P a -P-Kt- Pt-L Por'son, p!-Ks-N Port' age, ps-tft-J Port Chester, P 2 -fit-CHstr Por'ter, ps-tftr Port'land, Prts-Lnd Por'to Principe, P--R-1- Pr-Ns-P Por'to Rico, P2-.R-T-.R-K Port Richmond, Prt*-JS- CH-Mnd Port Royal, Prt'-fi-L Ports'mouth, Prt a -sM- TH Port'ugal, pa Po'sen. Pz-N Post, Psts Post'ly, Pss-T-i Pot'iphar, P'-T-Fr Poto'mac, Pt-M-K Poto'si, p*.T-8 Pots'dam, Ptsi-D-M Pottawat'omies, Pt'-wt- Mz Pot'ter, Ptr* Poughkeep'sie, ps.R-P-S Poult'ney, P'-Lt-N Pow'ell, pi-L Power, P>-R Pow'ers, Pi-Rz Powhattan', P-H-Tn Prague, Pr'-G Prai'riedu Chien, Pr=- R-V-SHn Pratt, Prti Pray, Pr Prend'ergast, Prndr^-Gst Pren'tice, Pr*-N-Ts Pres'cott, Pr-sKt Pres'ton, Prs'-Tn Pri'am, Pr l -M Price, Prsi Priest, Prst QUO Priest'ley, Prs 3 -T-Zi Prime, Pr-M Prince, Prns 3 Prince'ton, P^-Ns-Tn Pri'or, Pri-R Priscil'la, Pr'-si Pritch'ard, Pri-CHrd Procrus'tes, Pr'^-Krs-Tz Proc'tor, Pri-Ktr Prome'theus, Pr 3 -M-THs Pros'ser, Pr'-sB Provence', Prv'-Ns Prov'idence, Prv'-Dns (Prvd^Ns) Providence Town, Prv'-Ns-Tii Prus'sia, Pr-or*-SH Psyche, sKi Ptol'emy, T>-X-M Pueb'la, P\v2-Bl Puf'fendorf, Pfa-N-Drf Puget', P 2 -ZH Pu'gin, ps-Jn Pugh, P Pulas'ki, pi-Zs-K Pull'man, P 3 -i-Mn Punjaub', Pni-J-B Pun'tas Are'nas, Pn-T- sR Ns Pur'cell, P2.J2S-L Pur'dy, P2-/J-D Pur'dy's Station, P-fl- Dzs-Tshn Pu'rim, ps-R-M Pu'sey, P"-S Pushmataha', P^SH-Mt- H Put'nam, P-T-N-M Pygma'lion, P^-G-M-in Pyr'enees, P^-B-Nz Pyr'mont, P^-R-Mnt Pythag'oras, P'-TH-Grs Q. Quack'enbos, Kw-Kn- Bi Quack'enbush, Kw-Kn- B' SH Quarles, Kw-JRlzi Quar'tus, Kw-/e'-Ts Quatre Bras', K-Tr'-Br Quebec', Kw-B-K Queens, Kwnz 3 Queens'town, Kw-Nz- Tn3 Quig'ley, Kw^-Gl Quim'by, Kw-M-B 3 Q,uin, Kwn 3 Quin'cy, Kwn-S Quinebaug', Kw-N-Bi-G Quinn, Kwn 3 Quintard', Kwn-TJ-Rd Quintil'ian, Kwn-T 3 -Ln Quiri'nus, Kw-JJi-Ns Quirk, Kw-R2-K Quit'man, Kwt 3 -Mn Qui'to, K-T ! Quogue, Kw*-G RAB 321 RUG Rhode Island, R*-D-Lnd Bod'man, fiJ-D-Mn Bhodes, fi*-Dz Bod'ney, fi'-D-N . Bhone, fin 2 Boe', R- Bicar'do, fii-Kr-D Boeb'ling, fi2-Bl-NG Rabelais', fi-Bl Bice, fis 1 Roe'der, fi-Dr Ba'cey, fi*-s Rich, fi 3 -CH Rog'er, fi'-Jr Ba'chel, fi^-CH-L Bich'ard, fi 3 -CHrd Rog'ers, fi'-j rz Rachel', Jf-SHl Bich'ards, fis-CHrdz Boget', fi2-ZH Bacine', fis 3 -N Bich'ardson, fi 3 -CHrds- Ro'land, fi-'-ind Bad'cliffe, fi'-D-Klf N Rolf, fin-F Bad'way, fii-D-W Bichelieu', R 3 or*-SH-L Rol'la, fi 1 -/, Bag'lan, fi'-Gln Bich'field, fi 3 -CH-Fld Rol'lin, fi'-in Bagu'sa, R 3 -G-8 Bich'ie, fi 3 -CH Rol'lins, fi'-inz Bah'way, fi'-W Bich'ings, fi 3 -CH-NGz Roil'ing Prairie, Rl^ Ba'leigh, fi'-Z, Bich'mond, fi 3 -CH-Mnd NG Pr-fi Balph, fi^-F or Rt* Bich'ter, fi 3 -Ktr Romagn'a, Ri-M-NIa Bam'sey, R'-M-Z Bidge'way, fi-J-W Romaine', R*-Mn Bams'gate, Ri-Mz-Gt Bidge'wood, fi 3 -J-Wd Rome, RS-M Ban'dall, fi'-Nd-L Bid'ley, R 3 -D-L Ro'meo, R2-M Ban'dolph, find^i-F Bien'zi, fi*-N-Z Ro'mer, fi^-Mr Bangoon', fin 3 - On Bi'ga, fi 3 -G Rom'illy, R'-M-i Bank'e, fi'-NG-K. Bigaud', R-G Rom'ulus, Rt-M-Ls Raii'som, fins^M Biggs, R 3 -Gz Bon'dout, fi'-N-Dt Bapal'lo, fi 1 -?-!, Baph'ael, fi'-F-L Bik'er, fi'-Kr Bi'ley, fii- Rook'er, fi 3 -Kr Roome, li^-M Bapidan', fi'-P Dn Bing'gold, fi s -NG-Gld Roon'ey, fi 3 -N Bappahan'nock, R'-P- Bio de la Pla'ta, fi 3 -D-L- Roose'velt, fiz-V-Lt Hn-K Pl-T Root, fit 3 Bar'itan, fi 1 R-Tn Bio del Norte, fi> D-L- Roquefort', fii-K-F-R Bas'selas, fi'-sis Nrt or fi 3 -D-L-Nr-T Ro'sa, fi' Z Bath'bone, fii-TH-Bn Bio Grande, fi 1 Grnd or Rosa'lia, fi z -zZ, Ba'venswood, fi*-V-Nz- R 3 -Gru D Bos'alie, fi^-zL wD Bio Janei'ro, fi ! -J-Nr or Bos'alind, fi 1 z!,nd Baw'lins, fi'-Zuz fia ZH-Nr Bos'coe, fis'-K* Bip'ley, R*-P-L Rose, Rtfl Bay'mond, R 2 -Mnd Bis'ley, R*-zL Bose'cranz, fi z -zErnz Bay'nor, fin*-R Bitch, fi 3 CH Bose'dale, fiz'^-D L Bead, R 3 -D Bitch'ie, fi-CH Bos'enberg, fiz--N-Br-G Bead'ing, fi*-D-NG Beam, R-M Bit'ter, fitr 3 Biv'erdale, Rv 3 -fi-D-L Ros'enstein, fiz 2 -Ns-Tn Roset'ta, fi^ ! -T Bebec'ca, fi*-B-K Biv'ers, fiv 3 -fiz Ros'lyn, fi j -s/,n Bed'dy, fi* D Bives, fivz^ Ross, fis 1 Bed'field, fi*-D-Fld Biv'ington, fi 3 -V-NG-Tn Rossi'ni, fis 3 -N Bed'path, fi*-D-P-TH Boach, fi'-i-CH Ros'siter, fi>-sTr Beed, fi 3 -D Boanoke', fi^-N-K Roths' child, fisi-CH-IxJ Beg'ulus, R*-G-LB Bob'bins, fi'-Bnz orfit--SHld Beil'ly, fi 1 -!, Bob'ert, fi^Brt Roth'well, fi^TH-Wl Beims, R 3 -Mz or Rnz 1 Bob'erts, fi'-Brts Rot'terdam, fitr'-D-M Beme'dios, R-M-Ds Bob'ertson, fii-BrtB-N Round Hill, find'-H-L Bem'ington, R*-M-NG- Bob'espierre, fi^Bs-P-R Rou'en, fi 3 -N or R l -N Tn Bob'in Hood, fit-Bn-D Rourke, fi 3 -fi-K Bem'sen, R'-Ms-N Bob'inson, fii-B-Ks-N Rouse, fis 1 Be'mus, R-Ms Bob Boy, fi^B-fi Rousseau', fi'-S Benan', R'-Nn Boche'fort, fi*-CH-Frt Rout'ledge, Ri*-L-3 Be'no, R 3 -N Bochefort', fi>-8H-Fr Roux, fi 3 Ben'frew, fiS-N-Fr Bochelle', fi^-SHl Bow'an, fi*-N Bens'selaer, fi*-N-s-R Boch'ester, fi'-CHstr Bowan', fi^N [fi* si-R] Bock'away, R>-K-W Rowe, fi* Ben'wick, Rn-W-K Bock'ford, fii-K-Frd Row'el, R'-L Beu'ben, R* Bn Rock'ingham, fi'-K-NG- Rowland, fi*-nd Beu'ter, fitr 1 M Rowley, R l -L Bevere', fi 3 -V-R Bock Island, fi'-K-IZnd Rox'bury, fi'-Ke-B-R Bey'nolds, fi*-N-Ldz Bock'land, fi'-K-ind Boyce, fis 1 Bhadaman'thus, R l -D- Rock'wood, R!-K wD Ru'bens, fi'-Bnz M-N-THs Rock'well, R^K-Wl Ru'bicon, fi 3 -B-Kn Rheims, R'-Mz or Rnz 1 Rock'y Mountains, fi 1 - Bubi'ni, fi 3 B N Bhett, fits K-Mnt-Nz Ru'dolph, fi s -D-L-F Bhine, Rn 1 Bod'dy, R-D Ru'fus, fi 3 -Fs Bhine'beck, Rn"-B-K Bod'erick, R'-Dr-K Ru'pert, fi'-Prt Rhiue'lander, 2tu l -Lu&r Bod'ger, R l -Jr Bug'by, fia-G-B 14* RUG 322 Bug'gles, A-3-Giz San Anto'nio, sN-N-T*-N Bun'kle, .K 2 -NG-K1 San Augustine', sN-Gs- Bun'nymede, 2 -N-M-D Tn Bun'yon, ,R 2 -N-Yn San Bias, sN-Bls> Bush, Rt-SB. San'born, sN-B^JJn Bush'ton, ^-SH-Tn San'chez, sN-CH^TH Bus'sell, Rt-sL San'ders, gNdrzi Bus' si a, &2-SH San'derson, sNdrs'-N Bust, fist 2 Sand'ford, sNd-Fi-B-D But'gers, Rt*-Qrz San Die'go, 8N-D--G Buth, 3.xH Sands, sN-Dz 1 (sNdz 1 ) Buth'erford, B-DH-R- Sandus'ky, sN-D 2 -sK Frd (Rdhr*-Frd) Sand'wicn, sNd-wCH 1 or But'land, Rt*-Lnd sNd-wJ 1 But'ledge, RV-L-J San'dy Hook, sX-D-H- By'an, Ri-X K Byder, J2'-Dr San Fernan'do, sN-F 1 - Bye, fli B-N-N-D Bye'gate, B'-Gt San'ford, eN-Fi-B-D By'erson, Ri-Rs-N San Francis'co, sN-Fr- Byn'ders, A'udrz 1 Nss-K [8Nss 3 -E] San'gamon, sNGi-G-Mn S. San Jacin'to, sN-Js'-N-T San Joaquin', sN-W^-Kn San Juan', sN-Wn 1 Babi'na, sB'-N San Lu'is, eN-Z 3 -S Sab'ine, sBn 1 San Pe'dro, sN-P'-Dr Sac'chi, sK 1 San Salvador', sK-sL 1 - Sack'ett, sKt 1 V-Dr Ba'co, sK 1 San'ta Anna, sN-T 1 -^ Sacy', sS 3 San'ta Barbara, sN-T 1 - Sad'ler, sDi-Z-R Br-Br Sage, sJ San'ta Claus, sN-T"-Klz Sag'inaw, sG'-N San'ta Cruz, sN-T'-Krz Saha'ra, S'-H-fi San'ta Fe.sN-T'-F St. Charles, sNt-CHri-Zz San'ta Maria, sN-T a -M-fi St. Clair, 8Nt-Kl-K' San'ta Bosa, sN-Ti-B-Z St. George, sNt-Jr>-J San tee', sN-T 3 St. James, sNt-J 2 -Mz Santia'go de Cuba, sN- St. John, sNt-Jn 1 l -0r &* K-B 3 8t. Jo'seph, sNt-Jz 2 -F Sapphi'ra, sF^-R St. Lawrence, sNt-Z 1 - Saragos'sa, efi'-G-S Rns Sa'rah, sA* St. Louis, sNt-Z* or sNt- Saranac', sK'-N-K z,-s Sarato'ga, sfi 2 -T-G St. Paul, sNt-P'-L Sardin'ia, e^-D-N St. Pe'ters, sNt-Ptrz' Sarles, sR'-Zz St. Thom'as, sNt-Ti-Ms Saro'ny, sfi 2 -N St. Vin'cent, 8Nt-V 3 -N8- Sartiges', sBt^-ZH Nt Sar'toris, sR l -1-Rs Bal'adin, sL^-Dn Sa'tan, sTn 2 Salaman'ca, sii-M-NG-K Sat'terlee, BTr'-Z Sa'lem, s/, a -M Sat'urn, B'n-fin Saler'no, BL*-R-~8 Sau'er, sR 1 Sali'na, sL'-N Sau'gatuck, sG-Ti-K Salis'bury, sLz l -B-R Saul, sZ 1 Sal'tnon, si'-Mn Sault (so), S 2 Bal'ter, eZtri Sault de Sainte Marie, Salt Lake City, sLV-L- 8 s sNt 2 M-R S Ks-T Baun'ders, eNdrz 1 Salt Biver, sLt l -Rv-R Saun'derson, sNdrs'-N Salvador', s/, l -V-Dr Sauquoit', sKw-T 1 Sam,sMi Saute me', sT*-fin Samana', sM'-N Sauvages', sV>-2H Sama'ria, eM-fi 2 Sav'age, sV'-J Sam'mis, sMs 1 Savan'nah, eV'-N Sam'son or Samp'son, Sav'oy, sVi BMe>-N Sawyer, S'-Yr Bam'uel, sM-Z' Saxe, 8K&i Sam'uels, sH-Zz* Sax'ony, sKs'-N SEC Saz'ton, sKs-Tn' Say 'brook, S^-Br-K Say'ers, sRz 1 Scandina'via, sKnd-N-V* Scan' Ion, sKn-Z,n> Scan'nell, sK'-Nl Scarborough, sKr-B'-fl Scars'dale, sKrz-D'-L Schaghficoke, sK-Ti- K-K Schef fer, SH^-Fr Scheldt, sK-Lta or SHld Schelestadt', SHIsJ-Tt Schell, SHI 2 Schel'ling, SH12-NQ Schem, SH^-M Schenck, sK^-NG-K Schenec'tady, sKn-K- TS-D Scher'merhorn, sKr-Mr- Schiedam', Schil'ler, SHl^-R Schir'mer, SHr^-M-R Schles'wig, SHls^-W-G Schlos'ser, SHls^R Schmidt, SH^-Mt Schnei'der, SHi-Kdr Scho'field, sK-F*-Ld Schohar'ie, 6K-H-.K 1 Schoo'ley's Mountain, 8K-iz3-Mnt-N Schoon'maker, sKn 3 -M- Kr Schott, SHti Schra'der, SHrdr* Schrei'ber, SHri-Br Schro'der, SHrdr* Schroon, sKrn'i Schu'bert, 5H 3 -Brt Schultz, SHlts s Schuy'ler, sK-ir 1 Schuyl'kill, eK-L*-Kl Schwarz, SHi-W-Rts Scil'ly, 8/- Scinde, sN-D* (sNd) Scip'io, sP3 Scit'uate, sCH 3 -T Sclavo'nia, sKl V^-N Scores'by, sK-z-B Scotland, 8Kt-nd Scott, sKt 1 Sco'vill, sK-V*-L Scrib'ner, sKr-B 3 -Nr Scrym'ser, sKr-Ms-R* Scud'der, sK-Dr^ Scul'ly, BS.-L* Scyl'la, si 3 Sea'bury, sB'-B Sea'grist, sGrst 3 Sea'man, sMn 3 3ear'ing, sR 3 -NG Sears, sRz 3 Sea'ver, sVr* Seba'go, sB'-G Sebast'ian, Saint, sNts- Bs!-CHn Sebastopol. See Sevat- topol. Se'cor, sKr s BED Beda'lia, BT>*-L Shi', Bedg'wick, sJ*-W-K Shine, SHn 1 Bee'ley, sZ, 3 Ship'man, SH 8 -P-Mn Be'guin, sGwn 8 Shir'ley, SHr*-Z, Seine, sN" Shook, SH^-K Sel'den, sZ.*-Dn Shra'dy, SHr-D Sel'igman, sZ, a -G-Mn Shreve'port, SHrS-V-Prt Seli'na, eZ^-N Sel'kirk, si*-Kr-K Shrews'bury, 8Hrz-B-fi Shum'way, SH 2 -M-W Selt'zer, sZ-ts^-E Siam', S'-M Sem'inoles, sM a -Nlz Sibe'ria, sB 3 -K Sen'eca, sN^-K Sib'ley, sB 3 -Z/ Senegal', sN-G-I/i Sic'ily, Ss 3 -Z, Benegam'bia, sN-G-M-Bi Sick'les, sKlz 8 Ber'geant, s/ii-Jnt Serve'tus, s/* 3 -V-T8 Sid'dons, sDnz 3 Sid'mouth, sD 8 -M-TH Ber'via, eZ^-V Sid'ney, sD 3 -N Beth, sTH Si'don, sDn 1 Sevasto'pol, sVs-T-Pi Sier'ra, sR* Bevas'topol, sVs'-T-Pl Sier'ra Goiyda, sZ^-Gr-D Severn, &\"-Ku Sier'ra Leo'ne, sZJ 2 -Z,-N Seville', sV 8 -L Sier'ra Neva'da, sZi^-N- Bewail, S 3 -L V-D Sew'ard, S 3 -Ed (sEd 8 ) Si'gel, sGl 3 Sex'ton, sKs-Tn 2 Sig'ismund, sJ^-sMnd Seymour, sM-E 3 Sig'ourney, sGr^-N Bfor'za, sF^JZt-S Siias, sZ/s 1 Shack'elford, SH'-Kl-Frd Sile'nus, sL'-Ns Bha'drach, 8H*-Dr-E. Sile'sia, sL*-SH Sha'ler, SH 2 -Fr Sil'leck, sZ, 3 -K Shaffer, SH'-Fr Sil'liman, sZ. 8 -Mn Shakes'peare, SH 2 -Ks- Silo'am, sZ, 2 -M P-E Silva'nus, sZ, 2 -V-Ns Bhand'ley, SIP-N-D-Z, Shanghai', SH-NG-H Silves'ter, si*-Vstr Sil'ver Creek, BZ, 8 -Vr- Shanks, sm-NG-Ks Kr-K Bhan'non, SH J -Nn Sim'eon, sMn 8 Shark'ey SHr'-K Sim'mons, sMnz 3 Shark Hiver, SHr'-K- Simms, sMz 3 Rv-R Si'mon, sMn 1 Shar'on. SH'-Bn Si'monson, sM 1 -Ns-N Sharp, SHr'-P Si'monton, sMn-Tn l Bhars'wood, SHrzJ-Wd Simp'kins, sM s -Knz Shat'tuck, SH'-T-K Sim'plon, sM-Pln 3 Bhaw, 8Hi Simp'son, sMs 8 -N Shawan'gunk (Shong'- Sims, sMz 3 gum), 8H>-NG-G-M Si'nai, sN> Shay, 8H 2 Sin'clair, sN-Kl-E 8 Shea, SH Singapore', sNG-G-Pr* Shear'man, SHr 2 -Mn Sing'er, sNGr 3 She'ba, 8H 3 -B Sioux, 8 Sheboy'gan, SHJ-B-Gn Sis'co, 8s 8 -K Shed'den, 8H 2 -Dn Skaats, sKts' Sheffield, SH*-Fld Skag'ger Back, sK'-Gr- Shel'burne, 8Hl 2 -B-Kn R-K. Shel'by, SH1*-B Skaneat'eles, sK-N-T'-is Shel'don, SHl 2 -Dn Sketch'ley, sK-CH*-Z, Shel'ley, SH*-L Skid'dy, sK-D 8 Bhel'ter Island, SHltr- Skid'more, sK-DS-M-E Z,nd Skin'uer, sK. 8 -Nr Bhenando'ah, 8H*-N-N- Blade, sZ.*-D D Sla'ter, sitr 2 Shep'ard, SH-P-Ed Slavo'nia, sZ- s -V-N Bhep'ley, SH 2 -P-/y 81ftR / "wiclc sj^S""\V~K Sher'idan, 8H*-fi-Dn Slidell', si-D-L Sher'man, 8Hr a -Mn Sloan, sZ,n a Sher'ry SH 2 -fl Slo'cum, sZ, 2 -K-M Sher'win, 8Hr-Wn Slos'son, sXs^N Sher'wood, 8Hr-Wd Slote, BZ.t* Shields, 8Uldz< Smal'ley, sli-i 1 SPE Smart, sM-/fti Smed'berg, sMd-Br*-G Smil'lie, sM-i Smith, sM-TH 3 Smith'fleld, sM-TH'- Ld Smith'son, sM-THs 3 -N Smull, BM-Z.2 Smy'lie, sM-Li Smyr'na, sM-fi*-N Smyth, sM-TH'crs Smythe, sM-TH' Sned'ecor, sN-D 2 Kr Snell, sN-L 2 Snel'ling, sN-L 2 -NG Snif'fin, sN-Fns Snod'grass, sN-D'-Grs Snow'den, sN-Dn 2 Sny'der, sNdr 1 Soc'rates, sKr-Tz 3 Sod'am, sDi-M Sol, si 1 Solan'der, s/.ndr 1 Solferi'no, si 3 -F--N Sol'omon, sL'-Mn Sol'omons, si'-Mnz So'lon, sin 2 Som'ers, sMrz 2 Som'erville, sM- 2 -V-L Som'ersett, sM-s--T Som'mers, sM-Ez> (sMrz 2 ) Sonne'born, sN-B*-jRn Sono'ra, sN-fi 2 Son'tag, sN-Ti-G So'per. ePr 2 Sophi'a, sFi Soph'ocles, BF'-Klz Sophro'nia, sFr'-N So'ria, sR- Sorren'to, s7J 2 -N-T Soth'eby, sDH^-B Soule, sZ- 3 Soule', si 3 Southamp'ton, sDH'-M- Tn South'ard, sDHrd 2 South'erland, sDHr 2 -Znd South'ern, sDHru 2 South'ey, sDH 1 South'field, sTH'-F-Ld South'mayd, sDH'-Md South'old, sTHi-Ld South'port, sTH'-Prt South'wark, (London) 8DH2-.R-K, (Philadel.> sTHi-Wr-K South' Wick, sTHi W-K South'worth, sTH'-Wr- TH Sow'erby, S l -R-E Spa, sPi Spaf'ford, eP-Frd Spain, sPn Spal'ding, B P>-Z,-D-NG Sparks, sP'-B -Ks Spar'ta, BP 1 -^-! Spar'tacus, sP^Kt-Ks Spauld'irig, sP'-Z-D-NG Spear or Speir, BP 3 -B SPE Spell'man, sP*-Z.-Mn Bpence, Bfus* Bpen'cer, eP*-Ns-K Sper'ry, 8P*-/i Sphinx, 6F 3 -NG-Es (sFn Es) Spi'cer, sP'-sR Sping'ler, sP*-NG-Gl-B Spinola, sP 2 -Nl Spino'za, sPn*-Z Spitzberg'en, sPt 3 -zBr- Gn Spof ford, sP'-Frd Spoon'er, sP s -Nr Spotts, sPtsi Spottsylva'nia, sPt*-si- V N Bprague, sPr*-G Spratt, sPrt Spriggs, Spring, s Spring'er, sPr*-NGr Spring'fleld, sPr-NG-F Ld Sproul, sPr 1 -!, Spruce, sPrs 3 Spurz'heim, sP 3 -Rtz-H-M Spuy'ten Duyvel, sP 1 - Tn-D-Vl Squam, sKwi-M Squier, sKw-Ri Squires, sEw-Rzi Staats, stTsi Stack, BtEi Stack'pole, stK-P>-L 8tael,6tL Stafford, BT'-Frd Stamboul', stM-Bl* Stam'ford, stM-Frd 1 Stand'ish, sTud-SH Stan'field, sTni-F-Ld Stan'ford, sTn'-F-fid Stan'hope, sT'-N-P Stan'ley, sTi-Nl Stans'bury, sT-Nz-B-B Stan'ton, sTnti-N Stan'wix, sTn'-W-Ks Sta'ples, T*-Plz Sta'pleton, sT-Pl-Tn Stark, stR'-K Stark'ey, stRi-K Stark' weather, stR'-K- Wdhr (stR>-Kwdhr) Starr, stRi State Line, stT^-in Staten Island, stTn'-Lnd Staun'ton, sTnt>-N Stearns, stRuz* Steb'bins, stBnz* Sted'man, stD-Mn Steele, etL 3 Steers, stRz' Stein, sTni Stein'berg, sTn'-B-JZ-G Stein'way, sTn'-W Stel'la, BtL2 Sten'tor, sTntr* Ste'phen, stVn 1 Ste'phens, stYnz' Steph'enson, stV-Na-N 324 TAL Sterling, stR 2 -i-NG Suffolk, sF=-E Stern or Sterne, BtRn* Sug'ar Loaf, SW-Gr-L Stet'son, BtT8*-N Sug'den, sG-Du 2 Steu'ben, stBn Sullivan, si-Vn Steuben', BtBn* Sully, sL* Stevens, stVnz* . Buma'tra, sM-Tr 1 Stevenson, stva-Ns-N Sum'merneld, sM-fi*-F- Stew'art, BT'-Rt (stRt 3 ) Ld Stick'ney, stE-N Sum'mers, sM-Rz* Stiles, st/.z 1 Bum'ner, 8M 2 -Nr Still'man,sti 3 -Mn Sum'ter, sMtr 2 Still Water, 6t 3 -Wtr Sun'bury, sN-B s - Still'well, stL 3 -Vfl Sun'derland, sNdr-ind* Btimp'son, BtMs*-N Sun'ny Side, sXs 2 -D Sti'ner, sT'-Nr Supe'rior, sP 3 - R Stin'son, sT^Ns-N Surinam', sfin 1 -!! Stirling, stR2--NG Sur'ry, sfi 2 Stitt, BtT* Su'san, sZn 3 Sto'bo. 6tB Susan'nah, sZ>-N Stock'bridge, stE-Br>-J Susquehan'nah, sS'-Ew- Stock'holm, stE'-Hl-M H-l Stock'ton, stK-Tn Sus'sex, Ss 2 -Es Stock'weU, stE-Wli Sutherland, sDHr s -ind Stod'dard, sT'-Drd Sut'ton, s'i'n- Stok'er, 6tEr Suwa'nee, sW-N Stokes, stEs* Suydam', sD'-M Stone, sTn* Swa'bia, sW^-B Ston'ington, sTn*-NG-Tn Swack'hamer, BW^E-H- Sto'rer, stR 2 -R Mx Storm, stR'-M Swain, sWn* Storms, stRi-Mz Swamp'scott, sW 1 -Ms-Et Storrs, stRzi Swan, sWn 1 Sto'ry, stR* Swart' wout, sW^fit-wT Stough'ton, stTn'or* Ewayne, sWn* Stout, stTi Swe'den, sWd s -N Stout'enburg, stTni-B-fi- Swe'denborg, sWd'-N- G Br-G Stowe, sl Swee'ney, sW 3 -N Stow'ell, sT 2 -L Sweet, sWt 3 Stra'bo, sTr*-B Sweet'ser, sWts'-R Straf'ford, sTi^-Frd Swift, swFt 3 Btra'han, sTr^N Swin'ton, sWn 3 -Tn Strang, sTr'-NG Switzerland, BWtz-B- Stras'bourg, sTr'-zB-fi-G /.nd or sTH-zB R Byd'enham, sD 3 -N-M Stras'burg, sTr'-sB-R-G Byd'ney, sD a -N Strat'ford, sTrt'-Frd Bykes, sEs 1 Strat'ton, s'i'r^Tn Byl'ran, s^ 3 -Vn Strauss, sTrs 1 Sylva'nus, sL 2 -V-Ns Street, sTrt SylTest'er, s// 2 -Vstr Street'er, sTrtr 3 Sy'pher, sFr 1 Strickland, sTr 3 -Elnd Syr'acuse, sR 3 -Es String'er, sTr'-NGr Syria, sR 3 Strong, sTr>-NG Stryk'er, sTr'-Er Stu'art, sX'-Rt (stRt 3 ) T. Stu'ber, stBr Stud'ley, stD 2 -L Ta'ber, T*-Br ' Stud'well, 6tD 2 -Wl Ta'berg, T 2 -Br-G Stur'ges, stK*- Jz Tab'itha, Ti-B-TH Sturgis, stB 2 -J8 Ta'ble Rock, T^-Bl-S-K Stur'tevant, sT'-Kt-Vnt Tacitus, Ts'-Ts Stutt'gart, stT s orS-Grt Stuy'vesant, stVs l -Nt Tag-gart, T-Grt Taglio'ni, T S -L-N Styles, st/xz 1 Ta'gus, T 2 -Gs Styx, stEs 3 Tahi'te, T*-H-T Sua'bia, sW 2 -B Tain'tor, Tntr" Sue, 8^ Tait, Tt* Su'ez or Suez', 8or*-Z Tal'bot, T'-L-Bt Sui'lern, sF*-fin Tal'cott, T^-L-S.-T TAL Tal'fourd, T>-Z--Frd Tal'iat'erro (tol'eTer), T 1 L-Vr Tallahas'see, Tl'-H-S Tallapoo'sa, T-Z,-P-8 Tal'leyrand, T l -L-Rn& Tall'madge, Tli-M- J Tam'many, T'-M-N Tam'many Hall, T J -M-N HI Tampi'co, T-M-P-E Ta'ney, T-N Tangiere', T 8 N-Jp Tan'ner, T'-Nr Tappahan'nock, T 1 -!* Hii-K Tap'pan, Ti-Pn Tap'scott, T^P-sKt Tar'rytown, T'-fi-Tn Tar'shish, T^/S-SH-SH Tar'sus, 1 l -Rsa JL &r tflrxiSj \L *- _/-.!./[ s Tas'so, T 1 S Ta'tham, T 2 -TH-M Taun'ton, Tn>-Tn Tav'istock, TJ-Vs-T-K Taylor, T 2 -i-B Taze'well, T 2 -zW-X, Tecum'seh, T 2 -K-M-8 Tehuantepec', Xwn 2 -T-P- E Telem'achus, Tl-M-Es Tem'ple, T"-M-P1 Tem'pleton, T*-M-Pl-Tn Ten'broeck, T*-N-Br-K Teneriffe', T-Nr-F Teneyck', T^N-K Tennessee', T 3 -N-S Ten'ney, T 2 -N Ten'nyson, T 2 -Ns-N Terpsich'ore, Tr-P-sE-/J Ter'ra del Fuego, T 2 -B- D-i-F-G Terre haute', Tr 2 -Ht Ter'rill, T*-Rl Ter'ry, T 2 -K Terwil'liger, TrS-W-Z-Gr Tex'as, T'^-Kss Thack'eray, THi-Kr Thad'deus, TH>-Ds Thal'berg, T-Z,-Br-G Thames, T 2 -Mz Thatch'er, THi-CHr Thay'er, TH-B Thebes, TH 3 -Bz The'obald, TH-Bld or T^-Bld Theodo'ra, TH-D-B The'odore, TH-Dr Theoph'ilus, THi-Fls There'sa, T'-R-B Thessaloni'ca, THi-s- N-K Thibaut', T-B Thib'et, T 3 -Bt Thierry', 1*-R Thiers', T 2 -B This'be, THz-B Thorn, T ! -M Thom'as, T>-M 325 TUN Thomp'son, Ti-Ms-N Tope'ka, T 3 -P-K - Thor'burn, THri-Brn To'phet, Tf 2 -T Thoreau', TH'-fi Top'ping, T^P-NG Thorn'dyke, THrni-D-K Toron'to, TJ-^-N-T Thome, 1H l -Ru Torqua'to, Tr'-Kw-T Thorn'ton, TH'-fint-N Tor'rey, 1^-R Thorpe, THi--p Tortu'ga, TS-^-T-G Thor'waldsen, THr^- Tot'ten, T!-Tn Wlds-N Tou'cey, T^S Thouvenel', Tv-N-L Toulon', T*-Ln Thrace, THrs Toulouse', T 3 -is Throck'morton, THr^K. Tourain', T'^-fin M-fi-Tn Tours, T a -K Thurber, THr-Br Toussaint' L'Ouver* Thurlow, THr2-Z ture', Tsi-jv /,3-Vrtr Thur'man, THr-Mn Tower, X'-K Thurs'ton, THrs^-Tn Towle, T"-L Tib'bals, T 3 -Blz Town, Tn' Ti'ber, T-Br Town'drow, T J -N-Dr Tib'et, T8-Bt Town'ley, T'-Nl Tice, Ts> Towns'end, T'-Nz-Nd Tick'nor, T-K-Nr Towns'hend, T!-Nz-Nd Ticondero'ga, T*-Kndr- Tra'cy, Tr 2 - S G Trafalgar' or Trafal'gar, Tidioute', T^-D-T Tri-Fl-Gr Tie'man, T 3 -Mn Train, Trn 2 Tiffany, Tf'-N Train'or, Tr 2 -Nr Tighe, T 1 Trail, Tr!-L Ti'gris, T^Grs Transylva'nia, Tr 2 sL-V- Til'den, T 3 -i-Dn N Til'ford, T-Z-Frd Trapha'gen, Tr 2 -p-H-Gn Til'ley,T-Z Trask, Tr^sK Till'inghast, T*-Z-NGst Traut'man, Trt'-Mn Til'lotson, T*-^ts-N Trav'ers, Tr>-Vrs Til'lou, T*-L Trav'is, Tr'-Vs Til'ton, T3-i-Tn Tray'nor, Tr 2 -Nr Timbuc'too, T a -M-B-K-T Tread'well, Trd=-Wl Tim'othy, T3-M-TH Tremaine', Tr 2 -Mii Timp'son, T^-Ms-N Tremont' or Trem'ont^ Tin'dall, Tn-D-L Trior 2 -Mnt Tintoref to, Tn-T--T Trench, Tr 2 -N-CH Tio'ga, T^G Trent, Trnt^ Tippecanoe', T-P-K-N Tren'ton, Tr 2 -N-Tn Tippera'ry, T 2 -Pr-B Treves, Trvz 3 Tis'dale, Tz'-Di Trez'zo, Trt 2 -Z Tissot', T 2 -S Triest', Tr 2 -St Tit'comb, Tt-K-M Trim'ble, Tr^-M-Bl Ti'tian, Tshn* Trinidad', Tr>-N-Dd Ti'tus, Ti-Ts Trin'ity, Tr^-N-T Ti'tusville, T-Ts-Vl Trip'ler, Tr 3 -Pl-R Tiv'oli, T 3 -V1 Tri'poli, Tr3-P-Z Tobi'as, TJ-Bs Tri'ton, Tri-Tn To'bin, T*-Bn Trol'lope, Tr'-Z-P Tobolsk', T-B-Zs-K Trot'ter, Trtr 1 Tocque'ville, T'-K-V-L Todd, Ti-D Trow, Tr Trow'bridge, Tr*-Br-J Tole'do, T 3 -i-D Troy, Tr Tom, T-M Tombig'bee, T*-M-B-G-B Tom'linson, T>-M-X.-Ns- Trues'dell, Trz^-DI Trull, Tr 2 -L Trum'bull, Tr 2 -M-Bl N Tru'ro, TrV-R Tomp'kins, T^M-Knz Tomp'son, T'-Ms-N Try'on, Tr'-N Tu'bal-cain, T-Bl-Kn Tonawan'da, T J -N-Wn-D Tuckahoe', T 2 -K-H Ton'quin, T'-N-Kwn Took'er, T-Kr Tuck'er, T 2 -Kr Tuck'erman, T'-Kr-Mn Too'ly, T-Z, Tu'dor, T-Dr Toombs, T J -Mz Tufts, Tfs* Toorkistan', Tri-Ka-Tn Tul'ly, 1*-L Toor'komans, Tr^K-Mnz Tu'nis, T 8 -Ns TUO Tuo'mey, T 8 -M Tup'per, T 2 -Pr Turcoma'nia, Tr-K-M-I Turin', T*-Rn Tur'key, T 2 --K Turkistan', Tr^-Ks-Tn Turn'bull, T^-ien-B-L Tur'ner, T-fin-K Tur'pin, T-fi-Pn Tuscaloo'sa, TS-sK-i-8 Tus'cany, T 2 -sK-N Tuscaro'ra, T*-8K-.R-.R Tut'hill, T 2 -T1 Tuf tie, T*-T1 Tweed, Tw"-D (Twd 3 ) Tweed'y, Tw 3 -D Twiggs, Tw 3 -Gz Tyler, H-i-B Tyn'dall, T-N-D-L Tyng, T 3 -NG Tyre, T'-R Ty'ro, T>-B Tyrol, T3-.R1 Tyrone', T 2 -.Rn Tyr'rell, T 2 -K1 Ty'son, Ts-N 326 VUL u. Ull'man, L 2 -Mn Ulm, L 2 -M Ul'ster, I,str 2 Ulys'ses, Y 3 -isz Umba'gog, M-B 2 -G-G Unadil'la, Y^-N-D-Z Un'derhill, Ndr 2 -Hl Un'derwood, Ndr-Wd* Undine', N-Dn* U'pernavik, Pr-N-V-K Up'ham, P a -M TJp'john, P 2 -Jn Up'son, Ps^-N Up'ton, P 2 -Tn U'ral, R8-L TJra'nus, Y 2 -.R-Ns TJr'ban, R 2 -Bn Uri'ah, Y'-S TJrq'uhart, R 2 -K-Bt Ur'sula, Rs 2 -i Uruguay', Ri-Gw U'tah, Y 3 -T U'tica, Yt 3 -K Ut'ley, T 2 -L U'trecht, Y-Tr-K V. Vail, va-L Valas'quez, Vls 1 -K-TH Valen'cia, V-in-SH Valenciennes', \*-L- Ns-X Val'entine, V>-Znt-N Vallan'digam, VH-N-D- G-M (Vlndi-G-M) Valparaiso, Vl-Pr-Z Van Al'len, Vi-Nln Van Als'tine, Vi-Nls-Tn van ^.m'Durg, vn'-M Br-G van vvycK', vn'-w-a Van Zandf , Vni-Zn* Van Ars'dale, V-Nrz Va'rian, \*-Rn D-L Var'ick, V-fi-K Van Brunt', V*-N-Brnt Varn'um, V^fln-H Van Bu'ren, Vn'-B-^n Vas'sar, Vsi-R Van Bus'kirk, Vn 2 -Bs Vattel', Vt'-L Kr-K Vaughan, Vn 1 Van Camp, VnJ-K-M-P Vaux, Vi-Ks Vance, Vns 1 Van Cort'landt, Vni : Vec'chi, V-K Ved'der, Vdr Krt-Znt Veed'er, Vdr* Van Cott', Vni-Kt Ve'ga, V 3 -G Vancou'ver, Vn 3 -K-Vr Velpeau', V1 Z -P Vanda'lia, V*-NJD-Z Venan'go, Vni-NG-G Van'denhoff, Vndi-N-F Vendome', Ynd-M Van'derberg, Vndr-B Vene'tia, \n*-SH R-Gr Venezuela, V 3 -Nz-W- Van'derbilt, Vnd>-fi-B Ven'ice, v^-Ns Lt So written to dis Ve'nus, V 3 -Ns tinguish it from Vander- Ve'ra Cruz, V 2 -B-Krz poel, which see. Vergennes', Vr s -Jnz van'derburgh, Vndr'-B- Verme'jo, Vr 2 -M-H R-Gr Van'derhoff, Vndi-fl-F Vermil'ye, Vr 3 -Ml-T Vermont', Vr'-Mnt Van'derpoel, Vndr'-P-L Vern'am, V'-Bn-M Van'dervoort, Vndr^V Ver'non, Vr 2 -Nn Rt Vero'na, V 2 -^-N Van'der "Weyde, Vnd 1 - Verplank', Vr'-Pln-B. R-VfD Versailles', Vrs*-Lz Van'deveer, VndJ-V-R Ve'sey, V 3 -Z Van'dewater, Vnd'-Wtr Vespuc'ci, Vs*-Pt-CH Van Die'men's, V^N-D- Ves'ta, Vs 2 -T Mnz Vesu'vius, Vs 3 -Vs Van Dorn, V'-N-D-n Vevay, va-V Vandu'sen, V-N-Dz-N Vib'bard, V^-Brd Vandyck', V>-N-D-K Vicks'burg, V*-K-sBr-G Vane, Vn 2 Vic'tor, Vanhoe'sen, Vn^-Hz-N Victo'ria, V2-K-T-JZ Vanhorn', Vn>-H-fin Vie'le, V 3 -Z Vanhout'en, Vn'-H-Tn Vien'na, V 2 -N Vankirk', V 2 -N-Kr-K Vi'go, V-G Van Name', Vn-N-M Villafran'ca, V^Z-Ft Van Ness', Vn 2 -Ns NG-K Van Nest', Vn 2 -Nst Vincennes', V*-Ns-Nz Van Nort, Vni-N-Rt Vin'cent, V 3 -Ns-Nt Van Nos'trand, Vni-N- Vin'ci, V 3 -N-CH sTrnd Vine'land, Vn'-ind Van Note', Vn 2 -Kt Vin'ton, V 3 -N-Tn Van Or'den, Vn'-iZ-Dn Virgin'ia, Vr'-J-N Van Pelt', Vn 2 -P-Lt Virgin'ius, Vr 3 -J-N Van Bens'selaer, Vn 2 -fi- Vir'tue, Vr 2 -CH si-R. See Rensselaer. Vito'ria, V-T-B Van Bi'per, Vn^fi-Pr Vivian, V 3 -Vn Van Sant'voort, V^Ns- Vo'gel, V 2 -G1 Nt-V-Bt 7o'gelsang, V a -Gls-NG 7"an Schaiok', Vns'-K-K Vogt, Vt 2 7"an Sic'len, Vns 3 -K-in Vol'ga, Vi-i-G Van Tas'sel, Vi-N-Ts-L Vol'ney, VH-N Van Tine', V'-N-Tn Voltaire', V1-T-R Van Valk'enburgh, Voor'hees, V 3 -^z Vn>-V-Kn-B-fi-G Vose, Vs 2 Van Vech'ten, Vn 2 -V-K- Vosges, V 2 -ZH Tn Vought, Vt 2 Van Vleck', Vn 2 -V-Z,-K Vre'denburgh, Vr-Dik Van Vlief. Vn'-V-Zt Van Voor'nis, Vn 3 -V-5s B-7Z-G Vree'land, Vi-Znd Van Vorst', Vn-V-Rst Vries, Vrz* Van Wink'le, Vn*-W- Vul'can, Vl 2 -Kn NG-K1 1 7ultee', Vl'-T WAB W. Wa'bash, Wi-B-SH Wach'ter, W^Ktr Waddell', W-D1 Wade, wD 3 Wads'worth, Wdzi-Wr- TH Wag'ner, WMJ-Xr Wag'ram, W>-Gr-M Wag'staff, Wi-Gs-Tf Wain'wright, W-Nr-T Waite, Wt Wake'fleld, W-K-F-Ld Wake'man, W 2 -K-Mn Wal'bridge, WH-Br-J Wal'cott, Wl'-Kt Warden, Vf l -L-Da Walden'ses, W z -Z,-Dnsz Wal'do, W-Z.-D Wal'drou, Wli-Drn Wales, W-Lz Walk'er, Wi-Kr Wall, Wl Wallace, W-La Wal'lach, W-Z-K Walla'chia, wa-Z-K Wal'lack, W-i-K Wal'la Wal'la, Wi-Z W-L Waller, Wi-Z-B Walling, Wi-Z-NG Wal'lingford, Wi-Z-NG- F-jRd Wal'lis, Wi-Zs Wal'pole, WU-P-L Walsh, W^Z-SH W^al'singham, Wl M Wal'ter, W>-Ztr Wal'ton, W-Z-Tn Wal'worth, 1 War'burton, W^ard, Wrd 1 War'dell, Wr-Dl Ware, Wr 1 Wa'ring, W-fi-NG War'ner, Wr^Nr W"ar'nock, War'ren, M War'rington, W'-B-NG- Tn War'saw, War'wick, W'-fi-K or Wash'burn, wS Washington, wSH^NG Tn Wa'terbury, Wtr'-B-B Wa'terford, Wtri-Frd Wa'terhouse, Wtr^Hs Waterloo', Wtr^-Z, Wa'terman, Wtr J -Mn Wa'ters, Wtrz 1 Wa'terson, Wtrs^N Wa'tertown, Wt^fi-Tn Wa'terville, Wtr>-Vl Watervliet', Wtr-Vl-T 327 Wat'kins, Wt'-Knz Wa'trous, W-Trs Wat'son, Wts!-N Watts, Wtsi Waugh, W Wauke'gan, W s -K-Gn Wa'verly, W^-Vr-Z Way, W=i Way'land, W-nd Wayne, Wn Wea'ver, W-Vr Webb, WS-B Web'ber, W-Br We'ber, W*-Br Web'ster, W'-Bstr Weed, wD 3 Wee'hawken, W 3 -H-Kn Weeks, W-Ks Wei'mar, V>-Mr Wein'berg Wn-B-.R-G Weir, W3-K Weiss, Ws 1 Weisse, Ws 1 Welch, wa-L-CH Wel'don, W*-Z--Dn Wel'ler, W* X-K Welles, Wlz Wel'lington, W^-i-NG- Tn Wells, Wlz* Welsh, W*-Z-SH Wen'dell, WnS (Wnd a -L) Wendt, Wnt' Went'worth, Wuf-W-.R- IH Wer'ner, Wr-Nr Wes'cott, Ws'-Kt Wes'ley, Vis*-L Wes'son, Ws s -N West, Wst West'cott, Ws-Kt Wes'tervelt, Ws-Tr-Vlt West'fleld, Ws-F-Ld West Indies, Ws*-N-Dz West'minster, Ws^-M- Nstr West'moreland, Ws-M .Rind Wes'ton, Ws-Tn Westphalia, Ws>-F-Z West Point, Ws-Pnt West'port, Ws s -P-fit Weth'erbee, Wdhr"-B Weth'ersfleld, Wdhrz- F-Ld Wet'more, Wt-M-B Wey'mouth, W-M-TH Whar'ton, hWJ-fl-Tn Wheat'land, Wt*-ind Wheat'ley, Vft*-L Wheat'on, Wt-N Wheel'er, W 8 -i-B Wheel'ing, W1*-NG Wheel'ock, W-i-K Wheel'wright, Wl-fit Whe'lan, W*-Ln Whew'ell (hu'el), H-L Whip'ple, W-P1 Whit'aker, Wt-Kr WIN White, hWts White'fleld, Wts-Fld White'head, Wti-Hd White'house, Wti-Hs Whites'boro, Wtsi-B-S White'stone, Wts'-Tn Whiffle Id, Wts-Fld Whit'ing, Wt!-NG Whit'ley, Wts-Z, W^hit'lock, Wts-i-K W^hit'more, Wt 3 -M-R Whit'ney, Wt^-N Whit'taker, Wts-Kr Whit'tier,hWt3-R Whit'tredge, Wts-B-J Wick'liff, W3-Klf Wicks, W-KS Wig'lall, Ws G-F-L Wig'gins, W^-Gnz Wight, Wti Wight'man, Wt'-Mn Wil'ber, Wil'bour, Wil'bur, W-Z-Br Wil'cox, Wl 3 -K-Ks Wilde, Wild, Wld Wild'er, WU-Dr (Wldr 1 ) Wi'ley. W 1 -!, Wil'helm, W3-i-Hl-M Wilkes, W13-Ks Wilkes'barre, Wl'-Ks-B- R Wil'kie, W13-K Wil'kins, WF-Knz Wil'kinson, Wl^- Wil'lard, WF-fl-D Wil'lets, w 3 -its Wil'lett, Vf3-Lt William, W1 3 -M Wil liamsbridge, Wl- Mz-Br-J Wil'liamsburg, WH-Mz- Br-G Williamson, Wl'-Ms-N Wil'liamsport, Wl-Mz- Prt Wil'liamstown, \Vl'-Mz- Tn Williman'tic, Wl>-Mn-T- K "Willis, W^-Zs Williston. \V3-Ls-Tn W^ill'marth, WF-M-S- TH Willoughby, W3-i-B Wil'merding, Wl 3 -M-JZd- NG Wil'mington, W1-M- NG-Tn Wil'mot, Wl 3 -Mt Wil'na(Rus.), Vs-i-N Wil'sey, ws-i-8 Wil'son, Wls 3 -N Wi'nans, Wn'-Ns Wi'nant, WnJ-Nt Wi'nants, Wn'-Nts Winch'ell, Wn' CH-L Win'chester, Wn 3 -CHstr Winck'elmann, W'-NG- Kl-Mn Wind'ham, Wn-D-M WIN Wind'sor, W'-Ndz-B Win'fleld, Wn^F-Ld Wing, W'-NG Win'gate, Wn*-Gt Winneba'go, W* _ . Win'nipeg, W 3 -N-P-G Winnipiseog'ee P-sK Wino'na, W-N-N Winoos'ki, W 3 -Ns-K Win'ser, W 3 -Nz-R Win'ship, Wn 3 -8H-P Wins'low, W3-Nz-L Win'sor, W-Nz-R "Wins'ton, W 3 -Ns-Tn Win'ter, Wntr 3 Win'ter bottom, Wntr 3 - Bt-M Win'ters, Wntrz 3 Win'terton, WntrS-Tn Win'throp, Wnthr^-P Wirt, W2-Rt (Wrts) Wiscas'set, Wgi-Ks-T Wiscon'sin, Ws^K-Ns-N Wise, Wz> With'erell, Wdhr 3 -L With'ers, Wdhrz Wohlt'mann, Wlt-Mn Wol'cott, Wi 3 -Kt "Wolf, Wolfe, Wolff, Wol'sey. ws-.z Wood, wDa Wood'bine, wD 8 -Bn Wood'bridge, wI^-Br-J Wood'bury, wD^-B-* Wood'ford, wD^-Frd Wood'hull, wD 3 (-H)-X, Wood'lawn, wB 3 -ii> Wood'man, wD 3 -Mn Wood'ruff, wD 3 -f Woods, wDz 3 Wood'side, wDs*-D Wood'stock, wDs 3 -T-K Wood'ward, wD 3 -Wrd Wood'worth, wD 3 -Wr- TH Wool, W13 Wool'ley, V? 3 -L Wool'sey, W 3 -Z,-S Wool'wich, W 3 -Z-CH or ZITY Wool'worth, \V 8 --Wr- TH Tard'ley, Yrd^-i Yates, Yts* \7oon'socket, W-Ns-Kt Yazoo', Y-Z Woos'ter, Wstr 3 Yed'do, Y-D Worces'ter, Wstr 8 Yel'verton, Yl*-Vr-Tn "Wor'den, W*--Dn Yeo'mans, Y a -Mnz Words'worth, Wrdz-W- Yer'ba Bue'na, Yr ! -B RTH. BwN Worms, Wr s -Mz Wor'thington, Wr s -DH- Yes'so, Y2-S Yonge, Y*-NG NG-Tn Yon'kers, Y*-NG-Krz W^oth'erspoon, Wdhrs*- York, Yr'-K Pn You'att, Y 3 -T Wrax'all, fi-Ks-L You'mans, Y 3 -Mnz Wray, R* Young, YS-NG Wren, JKu* Young'blood, Y-NG-BldJ Wright, fit 1 Youn'ger, Y* NG-Gr Wuftemberg, Wrt-M- Youngs, YS-NGz Br G Ypsilan'ti, P"-si-N-T Wyandotte', W-N-Dt Yucatan', Y-K-Tn Wy'ant, W'-N Wy'att, wT> Wych'erley, VT*-GHr-L Z. Wyck'off, W-Kf Wyc'liffe, W*-Klf Zabris'kie, Z-Br-sK Wy'lie, W 1 -/; Zacche'us, Zi-Ks Wy'man, Wi-Mn Zachari'ah, Z'-K-/J Wynd'ham, Wn-D-M Zach'ary, z l -K-R Wyn'koop, Wni-K-P Zahn, Zn Wyo'ming, W^-M-NG Zambeze', Z s -M-Bz or Z* Wythe, wTH M-B-Z Zanes'ville, Z^-Nz-v-L X. Zanguebar', Z-NG-G-Br Zan'te, Zi-N-T Zan'zibar, Z'-N-Z-Br Xa'gua, H-Gw Zea'land, Z nd Xala'pa, H-/-1-P Zeb'edee, Z'-B-D Xantip'pe, Z 3 -Nt-P Ze'glio, Z8-G1 Xav'ier, Z-Vr Ze'no, Z S -N Xe'nia, Z 3 -N Zeno'bia, Z-N-B Xen'ophon, Z-N-Fn Zeus, Zs" Xime'nes, H'-M-Nz Zeph'yrus, Z*-Frs Xylan'der, Z'-indr Ze'thus, Z-THs Zim'merman, Z 3 -M. , Y. Mn Zim'ri, Z 3 -M-fl Zi'on Z'-N Tale, Yl* Zol'likoffer, Z-L-K-Fr Yan'cey, Ti-N-S Zoroas'ter, Z l -Ratr Yang-tse-Kiang', Y>- Zun'del, Zn s -D-L NG-T-sK-NG Zu'rich, YS-.R-K Yard, Yrd Zuy'der Zee, Zdr>-Z APPENDIX OF REVISED OUTLINES. ADM Absterge', Bst^-R-J Acces'sion, KssAn 2 A. Abster'gent, Bat*-B- Jnt Aoces'sional, KssAn- & A. The word a is written Absterse', Bst^-Rs Abster'sion, Bst'^.Rshn Acoost'ing, Kstng 1 Accusa'tion, Kzshn s as follows : Abster'sive, Bst'^-Rs-V Accus'er, K-zR 3 1. By a light dot just Abstraot', Bstri-Kt, Acet'ylene, !S--T-in above the line (in second Bstri-K-Td, Bstri-Kt- Acknowl'edge, [K-J 1 , position). NG K-Jd 1 , K-JCji] 2. By the breve Poid, Ab'stract, Bstr^Kt Acknowl'edgraent, [K- which is always struck Abstract'edly, Bstr^K- Ji-Mnt] downward when begin- Td-L Aclin'ic, Kln 3 -K ning a phrase, and usu- Abstract'er, Bstr^Ktr Acquir'er, Kw-JR 1 -^ ally, though not always, when joined after another Ab'stractly, Bstr^Kt-i Abstract'edness, Bstr 1 - Acquit'tal, Kwt-L 3 Acquit'tance, Kwt 3 -Ns word, as in the phrases : K-Td-Ns Actin'ic, Kt 3 -N-K A great deal, Poid- Abstrao'tion, Bstr 1 - Actin'iform, Kt-N-F 3 - Grt*-Dl Kshn R-M or Kt-N-F 3 -M A little, Poid-Lt 3 -L Abstracti'tious, Bstr 3 - Ac'tinisrn, Kt-N-Z^M A man, Poid-Mn 1 K-T-Sffs Actinom'eter, Kt^N- Where a, fl^-Poid Abstractive, Bstri-Kt- Mtr On a, N^Poid V Acute'ness, K-T 3 -Ns At a, TL-Up-Poid (S. Ab'stractness, Bstr 1 - Ad'amant, aD L Mnt C., par. 163) Kt-Ns Adjoin', Dmn or SJn 1 And a, Poid-Up-Poid Abstruse', Est^Rs Adjudge', D^-J-J or SJ 2 - (Rem. under 163) Abstrusely, Eat s -B-sL J A., as an initial of Abstruse'ness, Bst^JSs- Adjusting, Jst^NG or proper names, is written Ns Jstng 2 with a heavy dot just Abus'er, B^-zR Admin'ister, D 8 -M- above the line (in second position). Abut'ment, Bt^Mnt Abut'tal, Bt^L Nstr, DS-M-Nst-Bd, D 8 -M-Nstrng Abdom'inal, Bd^M-Nl Abut'ter, Btr 2 Admin'istrable, D 3 -M- Above'stairs, B^-Vstrz Aca'dian, K-Dn 2 Nst-B-Bl Ab'sence, Bsns 1 Accent'ual, Ks-Nt- Admin'istrate, D 3 -M- Ab'solute, B 3 -sLt. See Noid-L 2 Nst-Et Obsolete. Accent'uate, Ks-Nt- Administra'tion D^M- Absolutely, B 8 -sit-i Noid-T 2 , Ks-Nt-Noid- Nst-ZZshn [D^Ms- Absoluteness, B*t- Td 2 , Ks-Nt-Noid-T 2 - Rahn] Ns NG Administrative, D-M- Abstain'er, Bs^T-Nr Accent'uation, Ks^Nt- Nst-Et-V [DS-Ms-Et- Absten'tion, B^t-Nshn ushn V] ADM 330 ANN Administrator, D2-M- Agnos'tioism, G-Ns-T 1 - At an, Tn 1 Nst-jRtr [D 2 -Ms-.Rtr] szM If an, Fn 3 Administra'torship, D 2 - Agricult'ural, Gr-Klt- On an, Nn 1 M-Nst-Etr-SH [D^-Ms- ^l 2 4. By the final n-curl, tr-SH] Ailed, I^-D as in the phrases : Administra'trix, D -2 -M- Aimlessly, HL-L&-L It is an, Tzn 3 Nst-^tr-Ks [D^M-Ns- Airlsh, Ri-SH That is an, DHzn 1 Ks] Alba'nian, I^-Bn-N Anse'mic, N 3 -M-K Admir'er, D^l-R-E Al'cohousm. LA-K-H1- Ansesthe'sia, Ns-TH 3 - Admonish, Di-Mn-SH, zM Z Di-Mn-SHt, Di-Mn- Aldermanlc, Ldr^Mn- Anas'trophe, Nst-JJ^F SH-NG K An'cestor, Nss-T^R Admon'isher, D L Mn- Al'dine, It-Da. Ances'tral, Nss-T 2 -^! SH-R Aleak', IAK An'cestry, Nss-T^-J? Adul'terer, D*-Lt-E-E Alert', Lrt 2 Anchylo'sis, NG-K-Zs 2 Adul'tery, D*-Lt-E or Alertly, Lrt^-L And. The word and Dltf-E Alert/ness. irt'^Ns is written as follows : Advan'tage, [J 8 ] Ale'wife, i^-Thoid-F 1. By a light dot in Advanta'geous, [J 3 ^] Ale'wives, Z^Thoid-Vz the first position. Advanta'geously, [J 8 -S- Algerine', L 3 -3-En 2. By the breve Poid, L] Aliment'al. i/iiMnt as in the phrases : Advanta'geousness, Aliun'de, L^N-D And a, PoidMJp- [J 3 -S-Ns] Alley-way, i^-Thoid Poid Advent'uress, Dv^Ntr- All-hallow, iA-H-Z/ And I think, Poid- S Al'pen, ZA-Pn Roid-TH 3 Advent'urously, Dv 2 - Al'penstock, ZA-Pns-T- And the, Poid 1 - Ntrs-L K Choid Ad'verb, Dv^-E-B Alread'y, [Z.r 1 ]. And then, Poid- Adverblal-ly, Dv^E-Bl In first position to DHn 2 Advert'ence, D^-Vrt-Ns avoid conflict with Well 3. By the n-hook, as in Advert'ency, D^Vrt-N- of the second. the following phrases : S Alternative, Z^Trnt-V By and by, Bn^-B Advert'ent, D^Vrt-Nt Alternatively, Z-^Trnt- Off and on, Fn^N Advertise', Dv l -E-Tz, Dv^E-Tzd, Dv^B-Tz- V-L Alter'nativeness, L 2 - Up and down, Pn 2 - NG [Dzi, Dzdi, Dz(') 1 ] Trnt-V-Ns [SVsl You and I, Yn 8 - Adver'tisement or Ad- Aluminium, L 3 -M-N-M Choid vertise'ment, Dv 2 or l - Alu'minum, L 3 -Mn-M 4. Occasionally by the -T-zMnt[D 2 ori-zMnt] Alve'olar, L*-V-L-R final n-curl, as in the fol- Advertis'er Dv^-E-T- Am'azon, Mzn 1 lowing phrases : zR [Di-zRl Ambas'sador, M-Bsd^R Fuss and feathers, JEne id, N-D 8 Ambas'sadress, M- Fsn^Fthrs Ae'rial, R 3 -L Bsdi-.Rs Less and less, Zsn 2 - Affec'tionate, F^Kshn- Ambi'tious, M-B 8 -vSHs Ls T Ameliorate, aMl-J?t 3 , Anew', aNS-Choid Affec'tionately, F 2 - aMKRS-Td, aMl-Et 8 - Angelica, N-J^L-K Kshn-T-L (A. P., par. NG An'gelus, N-J^is 864) Amelioration, aMl- Ango'ra, N-G-J? 2 Affirm', Fr^M, Fr^Md, Jishn 2 Anhela'tion, N-Toid- Fr^-M-NG Ameliorative, aMl-Et 3 - Zhn 2 Afflrm'able, Fr^M-Bl V Anhy'drous, N-Toid- Affirm'ance, Fr^-Mns Amper'age, M-Pr 2 ^ Drsi Afflrm'ant, Fr^-Mnt Ampere', M-Pr 2 An'iline, N-Ln 1 Affirma'tion, Fr'^Mshn An. The word an is writ- Annexa'tionist, N 2 - Afflrm'ative, Fr 2 -Mt-V ten as follows: KssAn-St Affirmatively, Fr -2 -Mt- 1. By a light dot in Anniver'sary, [Vrs 2 -J2] V-L the first position. Announce', Nns 1 Affirm'er, Fr^Mr 2. By the breve Poid Announce'ment, Nns 1 - Afghan, F^Gn (rarely). Mnt Afloat', Fl^T 3. By the n-hook, as An'nual, N-Noid-L 1 Agnos'tic, G-Ns-T^K in the phrases : An'nually, N-ZA ANO 331 AVA Anomalistic, N-M-ist 8 - Appor'tion, Pi-Bshn, If they are, Fdhr 8 K P^-Bshnd, P^Bshn-ng That they are. Anoth'er, Ndhr 1 . Writ- Appor'tioner, P^-Bshn- DHdhri ten in first position to R Unless they are, distinguish it from No Appor'tionment, P 1 - Nlsdhr 2 other. Another is also Bshn-Mnt Aright, B!-T or Rit 1 written by the n-hook Ap'posite, aPz^T Aris'en, Rzn 3 and lengthening prin- ciple combined, as in Apposi'tion, aPzs^n 1 Appriz'er, Pr^-zR Arresting, Rstng 2 Arriving, Bv 1 -ng the following phrases : At another, Tndhr 1 In another, Nndhr 8 Approba'tion, Pr^Bshn Approx'imate, aPri-K- sMt, aPri-K-sM-Td, Ar'senal, Rsn^i Ar'senic, Rsn^K Ar'son, Rsn 1 On another, Nndhr 1 aPri-K-sMtC) Artifi'cial-ly, [Rt 3 -F- Still another, Approxima'tion, aPr 2 - 8H\ st-Lndhr 3 K-sMshu Artifi'cialness, [Bt 3 -F- Antagonistic, [Nt a -Gs- Apt, Pt 1 fiBT-Ns] K] Aqua'rian, Kw-En 2 Artisan, Rtzn 1 Ante'rior, N-T^B-B or Ar'bitrary, Ri-Bt-R-R Asep'tic, S'-^Pt-K Nt-jRr 1 Ar'bitrate, R^Bt-Bt, A'sian, SHn 2 Anthologlcal, N-TH 1 - Ri-Bt-B-Td Ri-Bt- A'siatic, SH 1 -T-K i-J-Kl [N-THi-J-Kl] Rt-NG Asphyxiate, S 3 -F-Ks-T, Anthol'ogy, N-TH^IrJ Arbitra'tion, R^Bt- S 3 -F-Ks-Td, S 3 -F-Ks- [N-THi-J] Rshn T-NG An'thrax, Nthr^Ks Arbitrator, Ri-Bt-Etr Asphyxia'tion, S^-F- Anticonta'gious, Nt- Ar'bitratrix, Ri-Bt-Etr- KssAn Knt-Js 2 Ks Assas'sin, Ssn 1 Antima'son, N-T^Msn Ar'bitress, R^Bt-Es Assem'ble-y, [S'^-M] Antima'sonry, N-T 2 - Arca'dian, R 2 -K-Dn Assem'bling, [S^A^')] Msn-B Archseol'ogy, [R^K-J] Assigns', Snz 1 Antipapistlo, Nt-P 3 - Archbish'op, [R3-CH-B] Assisting, Sstng 3 Pst-K Archltect'ural, [R'^K- Assuage', S^Soid-J, S 2 - Antipestilen'tial, Nt- T] Soid-Jd, S^oid-J-NG Ps^T-Ln-SHl Are. The word are is Assuage'ment, S'^-Soid- Antiphlogis'tic, N-T 8 - written as follows : J-Mnt Fl-Jst-K 1. Standing alone or Assyrian, S 3 -JRn Antiph'ony, N-TfS-N commencing phrases, by Astir', St^-R Antiphras'tic, N-T 1 - B 1 ; thus, Atax'ia, Ti-K^S Frst-K Are, B 1 A'theism, TH^zM. See Antis'trophe, N-Tst 8 -^- Are they, B^-DR Theism. F Are all, Bl l A'theist, THst 2 . See Antitoxin, Nt-T^Ksn Are we, JJw 1 Theist. A'nybody, N 3 -Bd Are you, By 1 Atheistic, THst 8 -K. A'nyhow, N^H or N 8 - Are there, JRthr 1 See Theistic. ow Are the, BMDhoid Atheistical, THst 8 -K- A'nyone, N 8 -Wn 2. In the middle or at L A'nything, N 3 -NG the end of phrases (when Atheist'icaUy, THst 3 - A'nyway, N 3 -W mode 3 or 4 cannot be K-L A'ny where, N 8 -B employed), by R ; thus, At'omizer, T J -Mz-R A'nywise, N 3 -Wz There are many, Atten'uant, T^N-Noid- Apos'trophe, Pst L .R- DHrLR-M-N Nt F What are, Soid^R Atten'uate, T^N-Noid- Apostroph'ic, Pst^B-F- See Were. T, T^N-Noid-Td, T 2 - K 3. By the r-hook ; N-Noid-T-NG Apos'trophize, Patf-B- thus. Attenua'tton, T^N- Fz, PstL.R-Fzd, Pst 1 - Which are, CHr 2 ushn (S. C., par. 408). They are, DHr 2 Attesting. aTstng 2 Appendici'tis, Pnd 1 -^- We are, Wr 8 Au'ric, Ri-K Ts You are, Yr 8 Automobile', T^M-Bl Ap'petizer. p!-T-zR 4. With preceding they, Availability, V 8 -L-Blt Applicability, P18-K- by lengthening principle, Avail'ableness, V^L- Blt or large loop ; thus, Bl-Ns [tBs] AVA 332 BRO Avail'able-ly V^L-Bl Av'enue, V^N-Ghoid Bat'tle-array, Bti-L-R Bat'tle-ax, Bt^L-Ks Bla'zon, Blzn 2 , Biz 2 Nd, Blz^-N-NG Aver'ring, V 2 -R-NG Bat'tle-door, Bt^i-Dr Blis'ter, Blstr 3 , Blst 3 - Avert', V^Rt, V^-R-Td, Bat'tlement, Bt^Lr- Rd, Blstrng 3 V*-Rt-NG Mnt Blus'ter, Blstr 2 , Blst 2 - Avoca'tion, V^Kshn Bat'tler, Et^-L-R " d, Blstrne 2 Avoid', Vi-D, Vi-Dd, Becom'ingly, l^-K.'L Blus'lrous, Blst^Es Vi-D-NG. See Void. Bediz'en, B 3 -Dzn Boast'mg, Bstng 2 Avoid'able, V^D-Bl Bee'-hive, B 3 -Up-Toid- Boat'swain, Bsn 2 Avoid'less, V^-D-La V Bodlei'an, Bdi-L-N Away', W\ and some- Been, Bn 3 ; also with the Bois'terous, Bst L l?s times in phrases by En-curl turned on the Bois'terously, Bst 1 -^- Thoid or Sold. inside of the Vee and sL Awe. Written with a Ther hooks (S. C., par. Bois'terousness, Bst u heavy dash in first posi- 336) ; thus, Es-Ns tion, inclined like B Hay have been, Bol'sterer, B'^istr-R (Boid 1 ). Mvn 2 Bol'stering, B'^-Lstrng Awea'ry, W^-jR They have been, Bombast'ic, Bi-M-Bst- Aw'ing, Boid(') 1 DHvn* K Awe 'struck, Boid 1 -sTr- Had there been, Bombast'ically, B L M- K Ddhrn 1 Bst-K-L Aw'ful-ly, Boidi-Fl Beheld', B^Hld Bo'na fide, Bn^F-D Az'teo, Z^T-K Behold', B^Hld Bond'holder, Bnd 1 - Believed', Blvd 3 Toid-idr Belong'ings, BK ) 1 Bo'reas, B'^-Bs . Bemoiat'en, B^Msn Both'ersome, Bdhr^-S- Benefl'cial-ly, ' [Bn 3 -F- M Bacte'ria, B^-K-T-E 8H] Bot'tle, Bti-L, Bt^Ld, Bacteriologist, B*-K- Benig'nant, [B-N-G] Bt^L-NG T-fiWst Benig'nantly, [B 3 -N-Q: Bot'tle-green, Bt^L- Bacteriol'ogy, B^K-T- L] Grn m-j Ben'ison, B^-Nzn Bot'tle-holder, Btf-L- Ballasting, B^Lstng Bereav'er, B 3 -.Rv-R Hldr Ballis'tic, B 3 -Lst-K Bespok'en [Bs'^-Pn] Boun'teously, Bn L T- Bank'-acoount, fii-XG- Bestead' BW-D si K-K-Nt [Bi-NG-K- Bestrew', Bst 3 -,R, Bst 3 - Boun'tiful-ly, Bn^T-Fl Nt] Rd, Bst 3 -B-NG Boun'tifulness, Bni-T: Bank'note, [B^NG-Nt] Bestrid', Bst 3 -jR-D Fs Bank'rupt. [Bi-NGr-Pt, Bestrid'den, Bst 3 -E-Dn Boun'ty, Bn^T fi!-NGr-P-Td, B 1 - Bestride', Bstf-R-D, Boun'tyhood, Bn L T- NGi-PtO] Bsti-B-D-NG Hd Bankruptcy, [B^NGr- Bestrode', Bst--E-D Bour'bon, B 3 -U-Bn S] Bestrown', Bst' 2 -^?n Bra'zen, Brzn 2 Barbar'ic, Br a -Br-K Biba'cious, B^B-SHs Brazil'ian, Br^-zin Barbar.'ity, Br^Br-T Bi'form, fii-F-R-M [B 1 - Brazil'-nut, BrS-zL-Nt Base, Bs 2 , B^-sR, Bss 2 - F-M] Breast'ing, Brstng 2 T Ba'sin, Bsn 2 Bi'formed, [B^F-Md] Bif orm'ity, [Bi-F-M-T] Brev'ity, Brv^T Bric'-a-brac, Br^-K-Br- Bas'tard, Bst^Rd Bill'-head, B 3 -L-Hd K Bas'tardize, Bst^B-Dz, Bimet'alism, B^-Mt-Lz- Brick'-yard, BrS-K-Yd Bsti-R-Dzd, Bst 1 -!?- M Brief, Brf 3 , Brf 3 -R, Dz-NG Bi'son, Bsn 1 Br^-Fst Bas'tardy, Bst^ft-D Bit, Bt 3 , B 3 -Td, BtC) 3 Bright, Brt 1 , Brtr 1 , Br 1 - Ba.tina'do, B^-st-N-D Blame'worthiness, Bl 2 - Tst Bast'ing, Bstng' 2 M-Thoid-DH-Ns Brit'tle, Brt 3 -L Bath'er, Bdhr 2 Blame'worthy, Bl^M- Brit'tleness, Brt 3 -L-Ns Bats'ter, Btsti-R Thoid-DH Bronchi'tis, Brni-K-Ts Bat'tel, Bt J -L Blast'ing, Blstng 1 Brood, Br 3 -D, BrS-Dd, Bat'teler, BfrKL-R Blath'erskite, Bl 1 - Br 3 -D-NG Bat'tle, Bt!-L, BtJ-Ld, DHrs-Kt Broth'er, [Br 2 ] Bt!-L-NG Blaz'er, Bl^zR Broth'erhood, [Br^Hd] BRO 333 COM Broth'erly. [Br 2 !!,] Carafe', K-Ef 1 Cheer'iness, CH s -E-Ns Brought, Brt 1 Carbol'ic, Kr-B^L-K Chef, SH 2 -F Brown'est, BrnJ-St Carbol'ic-acid, Ki-B^jChinese', CH ;; -Nz Brows'er, Br^R L-Ks-D Chis'el, CHz-L Brusque, Br^-sK Carboniferous, Kr- Chlo'ral, K\-H\ 2 Bubon'ic, fii-Bn-K Bn 3 -F-Rs Chol'era, K-L l -R Buck'wheat, B^-K- Carv'er, Krv-R 1 Choos'er, CH y -zR Thoid-T Car'-wheel, Kr-Wl 1 Chop'py, CIl^-P Buffer, Bf^-R Case'narden, Ks-Toid- Chos'en, CHzn^ Buffet, B^-Ft or W-Y jR^Dn Ohris'teii, Krsir 3 Bun'gle, B^-NGl Cas'tile, Kst-I/ 1 Christiaa'icy, Krs- Bur'lap, Kr*-L-P Oastil'ian, Kst-in 3 CHnt 1 [Ki-iJ Burned, B2-Rnd Cast'ing, Kstng 1 Christol'ogy, Krst-LM Burnt, B^Rnt Cast'-iron, Ks-TL^n Cinch, sN-CH ;J Burst'ing, B^Rstng Cas'trate, Kst-^t 1 , Kst- Oircas'sian, sRi-Kshn But'ternut, fit'-kB-Nt -K^Td, Kst-Rti-NG Circumja'cent, [sA'--Js- But'tery, Bt' 2 -B Castra'tion, Kst-Jfishn 2 Nt] Buz'zard, B'^-zRd Cas'trel, Kst-R^-L Circumlocu'tion, [sR 3 - Buzz'er, B*-zR Castren'sian, Kst-R 2 - L-Kshn] By'-way, B^Thoid Nshn Circumscribe', [sRs 1 -K- Cat'aclysm, Kt J -Kl-zM B, sRsi-K-Bd, sRsi-K- Catas'trophe, K-Tsi 1 -^- B-NG] . F Circumstan'tial-ly, Cath'ode, K-THi-D [sTni] Cabalist'ic, K-Blst^K Cat'tle, Kt-L 1 Cit'izen, sTzn 3 [sTn 3 ! Cabalist'ical, K-Blst 3 - Cat'tie-guard, Kt-L 1 - Cit'y-hall. sT'-Koid-L K-L Grd Clear'ly, K1-R--L Ca'ble-car, K-Bl 2 -Kr Cat'tle-show, Kt-Li-.Si Clin'ic. Kln ;i -K Ca'blegram, K-Bl^Gr- Causa'tion, KzsAn 1 . See Clois'ter, Klstr 1 , Klst- M Accusation. Rd 1 , Klstrn^ 1 Cada'ver, K-D^Vr Caus'er, K-zR 1 Clois'tral. Klst-fli-L Cse'cum, sK 3 -M Caus'tic, K!-st-K Clos'er, Kl-zR- Cahoot', K^Ht Celes'tial-ly, [sis 2 -CH] Clus'ter. Klstr-, Klst- Caledo'nian, Kl-Dn^N Cel'Jist, CH^-Lst Hd-, Klstrnjr 2 Call '-skin, Kfs^Kn Cel'lo, CH^-L Coali'tion, K-Lshn- Cal'ligraph, Kl^Grf Cel'luloid, sL*-L-D Coal'-scuttle, Kl--sKt- Cam'bistry, K-M-Bst 1 - Cer'ebro-spinal, sR-- L R Brs-P-Nl Coal'-yard, Kl--Yd Camp'bellite, K-M-B1 1 - Cessa'tion, SssAn 2 Coast'ing, Kstng 2 T Ces'tui QUO trust, ssT 2 - Coast'-line, Kst--Ln Campes'trian, K-M- K-Trst ''oast'wise, Kst-Wz 2 Pstf-Rn Ces'tui que use, ssT'^-K- Co'caine, K--K-N Cam'phorated, K-M- Ys Cod'flsh, K-Dfi-.Sfl" Fi-i-Td Ces'tui que vie, ssT^K- Co-exten'sion, K J -K-st- Ca'naanite, Kn-N-T 2 V Nshn Candes'cence, Knd- Ces'tus, Ss 2 -Ts Co-exten'sive, K-K-st- Sns 2 Chair'man, CHri-Mn Ns-V^ Can'dlestick, K-Nd- Changed, CH^N-Jd Cohe'siveness, K 3 -Hs Lsti-K Chap'py, CH!-P Vs Can'nabis, K-N-Bs 1 Charged, CRi-B-Jd Coin'age, Kn-J 1 Canon'icals, Kn^N-Klz Cha'ron, K-Rri 2 Coin'er, Kn-R 1 Cantatri'ce, Kn-T 3 -Ti~ Chartreuse' SH'^B-Trz Collect', [Kl^-K] CH Chas'ten, CHsn 2 Collected, Kl-K-Td 2 Can'vasser, Kn-Vs 1 -^ Chas'tity, CHsti-T Collect'ing, Kl-KC) Cap'per K-Pr 1 Chat'elaine, SHi-T-Ln Collu'sion, K-/,zhn 3 Capsize', K-Psz 1 , K- Chat'tel, CHti-L Coloniza'tionist, Kl- Pszi-D, K-Pszi-NG Cheer, CH 3 -R, CH 3 -Rd, Nza*n-St a Cap'tain, [K-Pt 1 ] CH 3 -/?-NG Colum'bian, Kl-M-Bn 2 Cap'tainship, [K-Pt 1 : Cheer'er, CU^R-R Commina'tion, ;Nshn 2 SH] Cheer'f ul-ly, CHrS-Fl Commin'atory, ; N-T 3 - Cap'tious, K-Pi-SHs Cheer'ily, CW-E-L R COM 334 CON Com 'minute, ! N-T 1 , Con'duit, Kn-Dt 1 Conten'tious, Knt-N- JN-Td 1 , tlW-NG Con'dyle, Kn-Di-L SHs 2 Comminu'tion, ' Nshn 8 Confess'er, : Fs^-JB Conten'tiously, Knt-N- Commit', i T, i Td 3 , Confess'or, Fe?-R 8BJ-L T 3 -NG Commit'ment, ! T 3 -Mnt Conform', [! F^-M, ! F 1 - Md, s FI-M-NG] Conten'tiousness, Knt- N-SHs^-Ns Commit'tal, ' TS-L Conformabil'ity, [5 F 1 - Con'tents or Conte nts', Commit'tee, : T 8 M-B1-T1 Knt 1 or 2-Nts Commod'ity, i D^T Conf orm'able-y, [' F 1 - Con'test, i Tst 1 or Knt- Com'modore, ' D J -R M-B1] Sti Communis'tic. ! Ns-T 3 - Conf orm'ableness, [iF L Contigu'ity, Knt-G-T 3 K M : Bs] Contig'uous, Knt 3 -Gs Com'mutator, ' Ttr 1 Conforma'tion, [i F 1 - Contig'uously, Knt-G- Com'pany, ' P2-N ; in Mshn] si 3 phrases sometimes Conf orm'ity, [' TV-T] Contig'uousness, Knt 3 - with K; thus. Con'ic, Kn!-K Gs-Ns Insurance Company, Con'ical-ly, Kn L Kl Con'tinence, Knt^Nns N s a-K Con'icalness, Kn L Kl- Con'tinency, Knt-N-N- Railroad Company, Ns S 1 Bl^R-D-K Con'ics, Kni-Ks Con'tinent, Knt L Nnt Mining Company. Con'ic-section, Kn L K- Continent'al, Knt-Nnt- Mni-NG-K sKshn i 2 Compar'er, '. P*-R-R Consen'sus, sNss 2 Con'tinently, Knt^Nnt- Compar'ison, ' P*-jRsn Con'sequence, [sKns 1 ] L Compen'sable, ! Pns^-B- Con'sequent, UP-NtJ Contin'gency, [Tn 3 -J] L Consequen'tial-ly, Contin'uance, ' T a -N- Com'pensate, Pns^T, [sKni] Noid-Ns 5 Pnsi-Td, i PnsLT-NG Consequen'tialness, Contin'uate, i T 3 -N- Compen'sative, ' Pns 2 - [sKn-SH12-Ns] Noid-T, S T 8 -N-Noid- Tv Con'sequently, [sK-Nt- Td, : Ta-N-Noid-T- Compen'satory, ' Pns 2 - L 1 ] NG T-R Conserv'atism, ' sJS 2 - Continua'tion, '. T 3 -N- Complement'al, PI 2 Vtz-M ushn. S. C., par. 408. 5 Mat Conserv'atory, ' sUvt 2 - Contin'uative, '. T 3 -N- Compliment'al, 5 PI 2 R Noid-Tv t Mnt Conserv'er, ' sRv^-R Contin'ue, '. T 3 -N-Noid. Compos'er, ' F^-zR Conserving, i aR-v-ne 2 i TS-N-Noid-D, iT 3 -N- Comprehen'sible, ' Pr 2 - Consid'erate, ' sD^-Rt Noid-NG Ns-B or ' sDr^-T Continuity, Knt-N-T 3 Concen'trativeness, Consign', Kn-Sn 1 , Contin'uous, '. T 3 -N- '. sN-Trt 2 :Vs Kn-Sndi, Kn-Sn^NG Noid-S Concer'to, f sB^T Consignee', Kn-S 3 -N Contort', Knt-Rt 1 , Knt- Conces'sion, KnssAn 2 Consign'er, Kn-^-Nr J?i-Td, Knt-Bt^NG Conces'sionist, Kns- Consign 'ment, Kn-S 1 - Contor'tion, Knt-Bshn 1 shn^-St Hat Contor'tive, Knt-^t : -V Concierge', S 3J?2-ZH Consign'or, Kn-S^Nr Contour', Knt-R 3 Concis'ion, KnszAn 8 Con'stat, Knst-T 1 Contract'ual, ' Tr^Kt- Concus'aion, Kn^Kshn Consterna'tion, Knstr 2 - Noid-L Concus'sive, Kn-Ks-V 2 Nshn Con'troversy, [Tryi-S] Condign', Kn-Dn 1 Constit'uency, stCH 8 - Contuse', Knt-Z 8 , Knt- Condignly, Kn-Di-Nl N-S Zd 3 , Knt-Z 3 -NG Condign'nesa, Kn-Dn 1 - Constituent, 5 stCHnt 8 Contu'sion, Knt-ZHn 3 Ns Con'stituter, ! stTtr 1 Convalesce', ' V'^-Ls, Con'diment, Kn-D 1 - Conta'gion, Knt-Jn 2 i V^Lst, ! V2-Ls-NG Mnt Conta'gious, Knt-Js 2 Con'vent, Kn-Vnt 1 Condona'tion, Kn-D 2 - Conta'giously, Knt-J 2 - Conversa'tional, Nshn sL i VTSshn*-L Condone', Kn-Dn 2 , Kn- Conta'giousness, Knt- Conversa'tionalist, Dnd 2 , Kn-Dn 2 -NG Js^Ns i Vrsshn^Lst ' Condu'civeneas, ' Da 8 ' Con'tent, Knt^-Nt Conversa'tionist, Vs Conten'tion, Knt^Nshn 5 Vnshn't-St CON 335 DES Convulse', f Vis 2 , Cris'pin, Krs-Pn 8 Delight'fulness, Dlt 1 ' i Vlst 2 , f Vls^NG Cross'-over, Krs-Vr 1 Fl-Ns [Dlt 1 i Fs] Convul'sion, ! Vlshn 2 Cro'ton, Kr-Tn 2 Delinquency, [Dl 3 - Convul'sive, ! VlsMT Convul'sively, ! Vls^V- Crust'ing Krstng 2 Crys'tal, Krst-L 8 Kwn-S] Delinquent, [Dl 3 - Xi Crys'talline, Krst-Ln 8 Kwnt] Cool, (a.) K-L 8 orKl 8 , Crystalliza'tion, Krst- Deliv'erance, Dlv 3 -Ens K-Lr 8 , K-Lst 3 Z/zsAn 2 [Dins 3 ] Cool'-headed, Kl-H- Crys'tallize, Krst-I/z 3 , Deliv'erer, D\\*-R-R Dd 3 Cool'ly, Kl-L 8 Krst-izd 8 , Krst-I/z 3 - NG Deliv'ery, Dlv a -/e [Dli] Demagnetiza'tion, D 2 - Cool'ness, Kl^Xs Crystallog'raphy, Krst- M i TzsAn Co-respond'ent, K-Us 1 - ii-Gr-F Demonetiza'tion, D 2 - Pud-Nt Cu'ban, K-Bn 8 Mn-TzsAn Cor'ner, Krn-R 1 , Krn- Cu'bature, K-Btr 3 or K- Demon'etize, Di-Mn-Tz Rd 1 , Krn-Ri-NG B-CHr Den'izen, D--Nzn Corral', K-RV, K-flld 1 , Cub'by-hole, K-B^Hl Denun'ciate, Dn^X- K-flli-NG CuHs, K-Lz 2 SHt, Dn^-X-SH-Td, Cor'ridor, K-R^Dr Cult'ure, Kltr 2 or Kl- Dn^N-SHt-XG Cory'za, K-Ri-Z CHr 2 , Kl-CHrd 2 , Kl- Denuncia'tion, Dn' 2 -X- Cost'ing, Kstng 1 CHr^NG SHshn Cost'ly, Kstf-L Cus'pidor, Ks-P^Dr Denunciator. Dn'^-N* Cotempora'neously, K- Cut'-out, Kt^T SHtr Ti-M-Pr-Ns-L Cut'-throat, Kt 2 THrt 2 Denun'ciatory, Dn^X* Co-ten'ant K-Tn^Nt Cyclom'eter,sKl 1 -Mtr SH-T-E Co-trustee', K-Trs 8 -T Cot'ton, K-Tn 1 , K-Tnd 1 , Cyolon'ic, sKlni-K Deplor'er, D^-Pl-R-R Deplor'ingly, D 2 -P1-.R- K-Tni-NG XG1 Cot'tony, K-TLN Depolariza'tion, D^P- Coulomb', K-Z/i-M L-Rzshn Counterbal'ance, Kntr- Damna'tion, D^M- Depolarize, D^-P-ZrJBz Bns 1 Nshn. See Condemna- Derail', D^-Rl Coun'terpart, Kntr-P 1 tion. Derail'ment, D >2 -B1- Coun'tryman, Knt-R 2 Dam'son, D L Mzn Mnt !Mn Dash'-pot, W-SH-Pt Deris'ion, D 3 -J?zhn or Coun'trymen, Knt-E 2 - Das'tard, Dst^Rd Drzhn 3 Mn Das'tardize, Dst L B-Dz, Deriv'able, IP-JS-V-B1 Coup de grace', K-D 1 - Dsti-.R-Dzd, Dat^-R- or Drv!-B-L Grs Dz-NG Deriv'ing, D L J2v-ng or Coup d'etat, K-D^T Das'tardly, Dst^Rd-L Drvi-XG Cou'sin, Kzn 2 Dead'-wood, Dd^Thoid- Descrip'tive, sKr-Pt 3 - Cov'entry, K-Vnt 2 -^ D V Cov'er, Kv-R 2 , Kv-Rd 2 , Deal'ing, DS-L-NG Desicca'tion, D'^Kashn KV-R2-NG [Kv in de- Dear'er, D&-R-R Destroy', Dst 1 -/?, Dst 1 - rivatives] Decales'cenoe, D^Klsns Rd, Dsti-E-XG Cov'ered, Kv-Rd 2 Declar'ing, D L K1-R- Destroy'er, Dst 1 -.R-.R Cov'ering, Kv-R^NG NG Destructibil'ity, Dstr 8 - Cov'erlet, Kv-R^it Deer'-hound, DS-R- Kt-Blt Coy'ote, K-T 1 Hnd Destruc'tible, Dstr^Kt- Coz'en, Kzn 2 Deferen'tial, DP-Rn- Bl Coz'enage, Kzn-J 2 SH1 [Df^En] Destruc'tion, Dstr 2 - Crank'y, Kr^NG-K Defl'cient, Df 8 -Sflht Kshn Craps, Kr-Ps 1 Defl'oiently, Df 8 -Sflht- Destruc'tionist, Dstr 2 - Cre'mate, KrS-Mt, Kr- L Kshn-St M-Td 3 , KrS-MtC) Deficit, Dft-St Destruc'tive, Dstr^Kt- Cre'matory, Kr-Mt-JS 8 Delaine, D2-Z<n V Crep'itus Kr-P^-Ts Delicates'sen, Dl^K- Destruc'tively, Dstr 2 - Crep'on, Kr-Pn 2 Tsn Kt-V-L Crest'ing, Krstng 2 Crestless, Krat-is 2 Deli'cious, DS-L-SHs Deli'ciouaness. U'-L- Destruc'tiveness, Dstr2-Kt-V-Ns [Dstr 2 - Crim'son, Kr*-Mzn SHs-Ns Kt 5 Vs] DET 336 DUL Detest'. D2-Tst, D^Ts- Td,D2-Tst-NGorDtst 2 , Diacontin'ue, Ds 8 T- N-Noid Distract'ive, Dstr^Kt- V Dts2-Td, Dtstnjr 2 Discontin'uer, Ds 8 T- Distress', Dst^Es, Dst 2 - Detest 'able-y, Di-Ts-Bl N-Noid-E Est, Dsfi-Es-NG or Dtst 2 -B Discontinu'ity, D 8 - Distressful, Dst^Es-F- Detesta'tion, D^Ts- sKnt-N-T L Tshn Discov'er, D^Kv-R, Distrib'utable, Dstr 8 - Devel'op, [Dv^-P, Dv 2 - D^Kv-Rd, D^-sKv-R- Bt-Bl Pt, Dv*PO)] NG [D^Kv, D^-sKvd, Distrib'ute, DstrS-Bt, Development, [Dv 2 -?- D'^-sKvC)] DstrS-B-Td, Dstr 8 - Mntl Disenfran'chisement, Bt(-) Devisable, DvJ-Z-Bl Dsi-N-Fr-N-CH-zMnt Distributer, DstrS-Btr Devise', Dyi-Z, Dvi-Zd, Disgust 'ing, D^-sGstng Distribu'tion, Dstr 8 - Dvi-Z-NG Dishon'estly, Ds^Nst-i Bshn Devis'er, Dv^Z-R Dispen'sative, D^-sPns- Distrib'utive, DstrMJt- Devis'or, Dv^Z-K Tv V Didst, [Dst 3 ] Dispen'satively, D 2 - Distrib'utively, Dstr 8 - Dielec'tric, [D^L-K- sPns-T-Vl Bt-V-L K] Dis'pensator, DS-sPns- Dis'trict, DstrS-Kt, Differen'tial, Df^En- T-R DstrS-K-Td, Dstr 3 -Kt- SH1 [Df*-En] Dispen'satory, D^sPns- NG Dif form, [DfS-F-M] T-R Dis'trict Attorney, Diffract', Df^R-Kt, Dispropor'tioned, D 2 - UstrS-Kt-Tr-N Dfi-R-K-Td, DfLR- sPr-P-Bshnd Distrust', Dst^Est Kt-NG Dispropor'tionate, D 2 - Distrust'ful, Dst^-Es-F- Diffrac'tion, DfL-R- sPr-Pshn-T L Kshn Disremem'ber, [D' 2 -sR- Disturb', Dst^E-B, Digest', D^-Jst, D2-Js- M] Dst2-E-Bd, Dst^-E-B- Td, D^st-NG or D 2 - Dissatisfac'tion, [Dss 1 - NG Jstng TssAnl Disturb'ance, Dst 2 -^- Dig'nified, [D-G-Fd] Dissect*, D 2 -ssKt, D 2 - Bns Dig'nify, [D 3 -G-F] ssK-Td, D2-ssKt-NG Disturb'er, Dst^E-Br Dig'nity, [Da-G] Dissec'tion, D'^-ssKshn Di'ver, Di-Vr Dilapidate, Dli-P-Dt, Dissect'or, D^-ssKtr Divert', Dv^Rt, Dv 2 - Dli-Pd-Td, DILp-DtO Dissim'ilar, [D^-ssM] E-Td, Dv2-Et-NG Dilapida'tion, Dl 1 -?- Dissimilarity, [Di-ssM] Divest'ing, D^Vstng Dshn Dissipa'tion, D2-sPashn. Divorcee' Dv 3 -E-S Dilap'idator, DU-P-Dtr See Deception Dob'bin, D^Bn Dim'mer, D3-M-R Distill', Ds 3 -T-L, Ds 3 -T- Doc'tor, [Dr 1 ]. See Con- Dioc'esan, D 1 -Ssn Ld, DS3-T-.L-NG or ductor Diphtherit'ic, Df^TH- Dsts-i, Dst3-id, Dst 3 - Do'ing, D2-NG Et-K L-NG Dole'fulness, D^L ' Fs Dipsoma'nia, D^P-sM- Distill'able, Ds 8 -T-I^-Bl Dol'ly, Di-i N or Dst^Z^Bl Dol'orous, D^-L-Ra Disadvantage, Ds 8 ^ DistiUa'tion, Ds^T- Domina'tion, U^Mn- Disas'ter, D^Str Lshn or Dst^-Lshn SHn Disastrous, Di-sSt-Es DistUl'er, I)s 3 -T-i-R or Doubt'ingly, Dt^NGl Disas'trously, Di-sSt-jR- Dst 3 -L-R Down'-stroke, Dns L T- sL Distill'ery, T)s s -T-L-R K Disas'trousness, D!-sSt- or V8t 8 -L-R Down'-town, Dn^Tn Es-Ns Distinguishing. Doxol'ogy, D L Ks-J Disbar', D^B-R [Dst(-) 3 ] Doz'en, Dzn 2 Disbud*, D2-sBd Distort', Dsti-Rt, Dst 1 - Draw'gear, Dr L G-R Discern'ingly, D^Rn- E-Td, Dsti-Et-NG Dri'ver, Dr^Vr NG-L Distor'tion, Dst^Eshn Drug'store, Dr^^-Gst-R Discharged', Ds^CH- Distort'ive, Dsti-Et-V Dry'goods-store, Dr 1 - E-Jd Distract', Dstr^Kt, Gdz-str (S. C., par. Discontin'uance, Ds 8 Dstri-K-Td, Dstri-Kt- 310) ! T-N-Noid-Ns NG Du'ces tecum, Dss 8 -T- Discontinua'tion, Ds 3 Distract'er, Dstri-Ktr K-M T-N-ushn jDistrac'tion, Dstr^Kshn DuU'nesa, D^L-Ns DUS 337 EXO Duat'ing, Dstng 2 Embez'zlement, M-Bz 2 - Eudiom'etry, Noid-D 1 - Dy'namite, Di-N-M-T L-Mnt M-Tr Dy'namo, D^N-M Embez'zler, M-B^-zi-R Eu'logist, Moid-i 3 -Jst Dyne, Dn 1 Smbez'zling, M-Bz 2 -L- Eulogist'ic, Moid-i 3 - NG Jst-K Embla'zon, M-Blzn 2 Eulogis'tical, Moid-i 3 - . Employe', M-P1 2 -Y Jst-K-L E., as an initial of pro- Employee', M-PF-Y Empoi'son, M-Pzn 1 Eulo'gium Moid-L J- M per names, is written with a heavy dot just below the line (in third Em'ulate, M-Moid-it 2 , M-Moid-i^-TD, M- Moid-it^NG Eu'logize, Moid-Z. 3 -Jz, Moid-i-Jzd, Moid-L ;j - Jz-NG position). Bmula'tion, M-Moid- Eu'logy, Moid-L 3 -J Ear'ly, W-L, R^i-R, ishn 2 Eu'nuch, Noid-NS-K R^-Lst Em'ulative, M-Moid- Eupep'sy, Xoid-P^P-S Ear'nestly, RS-Nst-Z, Ltt-V Eupep'tic, Noid-P-P- East'ern, St^En Em'ulator, M-Moid- T-K Eb'onite, B^N-T itr 2 Eu'phemism, Noid-F 3 - Eccentric'ity, Ks-Ntra- Endorse', Nd-Rs 1 , Nd- Mz-M f3 Rsti, Nd-Rsi-NG Euphemis'tic, Noid-F 3 - Ecze'ma, K 8 -zM Endorse'ment, Nd-Rs 1 - Ms-T-K Elas'tic, LstVK Mnt Euphemis'tical, Noid- Elasticity, J J st 3 -S-T Endors'er, Nd-Rs^R F 3 -Ms-T-Kl Electioneer', L 3 -Kshn- En'glishman, NG1-SH 3 - Eu'phemize, Noid-F 3 - R Mn Mz, Noid-F 3 -Mzd, Elec'tric, [L-K-K] En'tered, Ntr-D 2 Noid-F 3 -Mz-NG Elec'trical-ly, lAK-Kl Enti'tle, N-Tt^L, N- Euphon'ic, Noid-Fn L K Electric'ity, L 3 -Ks-T Tt!-Ld, N-Tti-L-NG Eupho'nious, Noid-F 2 - Elec'trify, LAK-F En'tropy, N-Tr 2 -? Ns Elec'tro-, [L 2 -Kt] Entwist'ing, nTwstng 3 Eu'phony, Noid-F 3 -N Elec'tro-magnetic, L 2 - Envel'op, nVl'^P, nVl 2 - Europe'an, Moid-.R 3 -Pn Kt-M 1 T-K Pt, nVli-P-NG Eu'rus, Moid-JZs 8 Electrome'ter, L L Kt- Envel'opment, nVl 2 -?- Euthana'sia, Noid-TH 2 - Mtr Mnt (S. C.,_par. 332) N-Z Elec'tro-motive, lAKt- Epis'copal, ]P 8 -sK] Euthan'asy, Noid-TH 1 - Mt-V Equal'ity, [Kw-Lt 3 ] N-S Electro-mo'tor, lAKt- E'qualizer, Kw-Lz 3 -R Eutych'ian, Noid-T 3 -Kn Mtr Bques'trian, Kwst-Bn 2 Evac'uant, \ T1 -K-Noid- Elec'troscope, L^Kts- Eques'trianism, Kwst- Nt K-P ^n 2 -zM Evacua'tion, V 2 -K- Electrostat'ic, L L Kts- Equiv'ocate, Kwv 3 -Kt, iishn Tt-K Kwv8-K-Td, Kwv s -Kt- Evangel'i cal, fV^N-J] Elec'trotype, lAKt-T- NG Event'ual-ly, Vnt' 2 -L P Equivoca'tion, Kwv 2 - Eventuality, Vntf-L-T Elec'trotyper, lAKt-T- Kshn JEverlast'ing, Vr L Lstng Pr Equiv'ocator, Kwv 8 - Everything, Vr'^NG Elec'trotypy, [lAKt-T- Ktr Evince', Vns 3 P] Erg, R 2 -G Ew'er, Noid-R Eleemos'ynary, L 1 - Er'udlte, E^Noid-Dt Excel', Ks-L 2 , Ks-Ld 2 , Mzn-R Erudi'tion, U 8 -Noid- Ks-L'^NG Elixa'tion, lAKssAn Dshn Exchanged', Ks-CH 2 - Elocu'tionist, L 3 -Kshn- Estop'pel, Sti-P-L N-Jd St Est'uary, St 2 -Moid-E Excise' (n.), Ksz 1 Embar'rass, M-Brs 1 , M- Eude'monism, Noid-D 3 - Excise' (v.\ K-sZ 1 , K- Brst 1 , M-BrsLNQ or Mn-Z-M sZd 1 , K-sZi-NG M-Bi-Es, M-BLEst, Eudiom'eter, Noid-D 1 - Exec'utorship, Ks 2 - M-Bi-Bs-NG Mtr Ktr-SH Embellishing, M-B2-J> SH-NG Eudiomet'ric, Noid-D 2 - Mtr-K Exec'utrix, [K8 2 -K-Ksl Exon'erate, Ks-N-Bt 1 , Embez'zle, M-Bz^-L.M- Eudiomet'rical, Noid- Ks-N-B!-Td, Ks-N- Bz2-Ld, M-Bz2-L-NG D 2 -Mtr-Kl St^NG EXO 338 FOR Exoneration, Ks-X- Ex'tract, K^tr-Kt Fearlessness, F 3 -^. I# J?shn 2 Extract'able, K-str-Kt- Feast'ing, Fstng 3 Exon'erative, Ks-X- Bl 1 Fes'ter, Fstr- 2 , Fst^Rd, Rt^-V Extract'ible, K-str-Kt- Fstrng 2 Expe'riencing, sPrns(') 8 Bl 1 Ficti'tiously, F 3 -K-T- Explana'tion, Ks-Pln 2 - Extrac'tion, K^str- SHs-i SHn Kshn Fila'ceous, F^-i-SHs Exten'sion, K^-st-Xshn Extractive, K-str-Kt- Finan'cial-ly, [Fn^X] Exten'sioniat, K^t- V 1 First, [Fst 2 or at 2 ] Xshn-St Extract'or, Ki-str-Ktr Firstly, [Fst 2 -^] Exten'sive, K-st-Xs-V 2 Ex'tradite, Kst--R :i -Dt, First'-rate. [Fst-Et] Exten'sively, K-st-Xs- Kst-B^-D'Td, Kst-jR 2 - Fisc'al, Fs 3 -K-L. See V^-i DtC) Physical. Exten'siveness, K^-at- Extradi'tion, Kst-JS 8 - Fiz'zle, FzS-L, Fz 3 -Ld, Xs-V-Xs Dshn Fz 3 -L-XG Exten'sor, K-st-Xs-R 2 Extra'dos, Kst-E^Ds Flash'y, Fl^Sfl" Exten'uate, K-st-X- Extrado'tal, Kst-iJ^Dt- Flax'en, Fli-Ksn Xoid-T 2 L Flot'son, Fltsn 1 Extenua'tion, K^t-X- Extra'neous, Kst-E^Xs Fluct'uant, Fia.K-CH- ushn Extra'neously, Kst-R 2 - Xt Exten'uator, K^t-Xtr Exten'uatory, K-st-X- Xs-L Extrav'asate, Kat-R 1 - Fluct'uate. Fl^-K-CHt, F12-K-CH-Td, Fl^-K- T2-R Vs-T CHt(') Extinct', K 8 -st-XGt Extravasa'tion, Kst-B 2 - Fluctua'tion, Fl'^-K- Extinc'tion, K^t- VssAn CHshn XGshn Ex'tricable, K-str-K-Bl 2 Flunk, Fl-XG-K, Fl 2 - Extin'guish, K-st-XG- Ex'tricate, K 2 -str-Kt XG-Kt, Fl^-XG-K-XG SH 3 Extrica'tion, K^tr- or Fln 2 -K, Fln^Kt, Extin'guishable, K-st- Kshn Fln2-K-XG XG-SH 3 -B1 Extrin'sic, K 3 -str-Xs-K Flunk'y, Fl-XG-K or Extin'guisher, K-st- Extrin'sical-ly, K^tr- Fln^-K XG-SHr 3 Xs-Kl Flunk'yism, F12-XG-K- Extinguishment, K-st- Exude', Ks-Xoid-D 3 zM or Fln^K-zM XG-SH 3 -Mnt Eye'brow, Roid-Br 1 Flus'ter, Fistr 2 , Flst 2 - Ex'tirpate or Extir'- Eye'glass, Roid-Gls 1 Rd, Flstrng 2 pate, Kst-R^Pt, Kst- Eyelash, Choid-IA-SH Foist'ing, Fstng 1 .R^P-Td, Kst-RS-PtC) Eyelet, Choid-it 1 Folding, F^LdC) Extirpation, Kst-R 2 - Eye'lid, Choid-i^D Folia'ceous, F~L-SHs Pshn Eyes, i-Z 1 Fon'dle, Fnd L L, Fnd 1 - Ex'tirpator or Extir'- Eye'sight, i-Sit 1 Ld, Fndi-i-XG pator, Kst-B^-Ptr Foolish, F3-Z-SH Extol', Kst-L 1 Foot, Ft 3 . Vocalized to Extol'ler, Kst-Li-R . distinguish it from Extor'sive, Kst-Rs^V feet. Extor'aively, Kst-Bs 1 - Facti'tiously, FS-K-T- Foot'-step, Ft 3 -st-P V-L SHs-L Foot'way, Ft 3 -Thoid Extort', Kst-Rt 1 , Kst- Fairly, F^R-Z, Forebode', F'^Bd, etc. Ri-Td, Kst-Rti-XG Falla'ciousness, F 2 -!,- Fore'casting, F^-R- Extort'er, Kst-Rtr 1 SHs-Xs Kstng Extor'tion, Kst-Bshn 1 Falsifier, F^Ls-F-R Fore'going. F 2 G-XG Extor'tionary, Kst- Fan'tasy, Fn^T-S Forehanded, F^R-Hn- Rshn^-R Far, F^-R ; in phrases Dd Extor'tionate, Kst- sometimes with Fr ; Foreknew', F ' X- Rshn^T thus, Choid 3 Extor'tioner, Kst- So far, S2-Fr Foreknow', F ' X 2 Rshni-R How far. Toid^Fr Foreknowl'edge, F ' X- Extor'tious, Kst-Ji 1 - Farewell', Fr'-^wJ, Ji SHs Fare 'well. Fri-wL Foreknown', F Xn 2 Extract', Ki-str-Kt, K- Fash'ionist, Fshni-St Foreordain'. F ' R^-Dn str-K-Td 1 , Ki-sti-Kt-Fast'en, Fsn^ Foreordina'tion, NG jFast'ing, Fstng^ F ' Rd^-Xshii FOR 339 HAG Foreseen', FS-Rs-N Frus'trate, FrstS-Et, Gov'erness, Gv-Rn^-S Poreshad'ow, F ' SH 1 - Frst^JS-Td, Frst^JJt- Grad'ual, Grd-Noid-L 1 D NG Grad'uaUy, Grd-Moid- Foreshort' en, Fri-SHrt- Frustra'tion, Frst 2 - ii N, Fri-SHrt-Nd, Fr*- Rahn Grad'uate, Grd-Noid-T 1 SHrt-N-NG Fruo'tratdve, Frst^Et- Gradua'tion, Grd-Noid- Foreshow' Fr^SH, V SHn' 2 Fr2-SH-NG FuU, (a.) Fl FS-IrR, Grand'son, Grndsn 1 Foreshown', Fr^Hn F3-ist Gratu'itous, Gr-T 3 -Ts Fore'sight, Fr^T FuU'ness, Fl^Ns Gratu'itously, Gi-T^-T- For'esting, F^jRstng Fully, Fli 8 sL Forestall', Frs^T-L Fun'gi, F^-N-J Gratu'ity, Gr-T 3 -T Foretell', Fr^Tl Funk, F^-NG-K, F 2 - Grat'ulate, Grt-it 1 , Foretold', Fr^-Tld Fore'woman, F Soid- NGt, F^-NG-K-NG or Fn^K, Fn^Kt, Fn2-K- Grt-LLTd, Grt-it 1 - NG or Grt-Moid-it 1 , Mn 8 NG etc. Forgave', F 5 Gv 2 Gratula'tion, Grt-ishn 2 Forget'ful, F 2 ' Gt-F-L Forget'fulness, FiQt 2 ' G. or Grt-Moid-ishn' 2 Gra'ver, Grv-li- Fs Green'-corn,Grn^K-I?n Forgiv'able, F i Gv-B 8 Oar'net, G-Ei-Nt Green'-stick, Griis 3 -T-K Forgive', F Gv 8 Form, Fi-M, F*-Md, F 1 - Qar'rison, G-JSsn 1 Oastri'tis, Gst-E^Ts Grisly, Gr-zL 3 Gri'son, Grsn 1 M Gastronom'ic. Gst--K L Ground'-hog, Grnd 1 - Forma'tion, F^-Mshn N-M-K Toid-G Forms, F L Mz Qastron'omy, Gst-Un 1 - GruflTly, Grf-i 2 Forsake', Fs^K, Fs^K- M Gun'-cotton, Gn--K-Tn NG Gate'-way, Gf^-Thoid Gut'tle, Gt-L 2 Forsak'en, Fs^Kn Qear, G-R 3 Gut'tler, Gt-i-R For'tunate, Frt^Nt Oear ; ing, G-R 8 -NG Guyed, Gi-D 1 For'tunately, Frt L Nt-L Qehen'na, G^Up-Toid- Guz'zle, Gz-L 2 , Gz-Ld 2 , For'tunateness, Frt 1 - N Gz-IANG Nt-Ns Qenera'tion, [Jshn 2 ] Guz'zler, G-zi-R For'tune, Frt L N Qeog'rapher, Ji-Grf-R For'tune-teUer, Frt L N- Qeol'ogy, Ji-i-J or Jl 1 - T-IrE J . For'tune-telling, Frt 1 - N-T-L-NG G-ermane', Jr^Man G-hast'liness, Gst-ii-Ns Hab'erdasher, Toid- For'ward, Fr^Wrd, Fri-Wr'Dd, Fr^Wrd- Qhast'ly, Gst-IA, Gst- ZA-R, Gst-Lst 1 Brdi-SHr Hab'erdashery, Toid- NG Qhost'liness, Gst-I^-Ns Brdi-SHr For'warder, Fri-Wrdr Qhosfly, Gst-L 2 Haberdine' or Hab'- For'wardness, Fr L Qird, Grd 2 , Gr-Dd 2 , erdine, Toid-Br 3 or Wrd-Ns Grd^-NG i-Dn For'wards, Fr a -Wrdz Gird'er, Gr-Dr 2 Haber'geon, Toid-Br 2 - Fos'ter, Fstr 1 , Fsti-Ed, Girdle, Gr-Dl 2 , Gr-Dld 2 , Jn (S.C., par. 220) Fstrng 1 Gr-Dl^-NG Habiliment, Toid-Bl 8 - Found, Fnd 8 . Written Girth, G-iJ^TH Mnt in third position to dis- tinguish it from Find Fract'ure, Fri-Ktr, Fi-i- Giv'er, Gy-R 8 Gla'cier, Gl^Hr Glad'iator, Gl-Dtr 1 Hack, Toid-K 1 , Toid- Kti, Toid-Ki-NG Hack'berry, Toid-K-B 1 - K-CHrd, Frl-Ktr-NG Glan'dular, Gln-DkL-R R Franklin, Frn^K-Ln Glaz'er, Gl-zR 2 Hackle, Koid-KU, Free'mason, Fr^-Msn Glis'ten, Glsn 8 Koid-Kldi, Koid-Kli- Free'masonry, Fr^-Msn- Glis'tering, Glstrng 8 NG R Glo'ry, [Gl 2 , used in ser- Hackly, Koid-Kl 1 Free'-will, Fr^wL mon reporting] Hack'matack, Toid-K 1 - Friz'zle, FrzS-L, Frz 8 - Glo'zer, Gl-zR 2 Mt-K Ld, Frz8-L-NG Good-wiU', Gd^-Wl Haok'ney, Toid-K^N, Frost'ing, Frstng 1 Froz'en, Frzn 2 GorRo'nian, Gr^Gn-N Qos'samer, G-sM-Ji 1 Toid-Ki-Nd, Toid-Ki- N-NG HAG Hack'ney-coach, Toid- K^N-K-CH Had'dock, Koid-D^-K Ha'des, Koid-Dz 2 Hadj'i, Koid-J 1 Haft, Koid-Ft 1 Hag, Toid-G 1 340 HAT Ham'mer-cloth, Koid- Har'ass, Toid-JRs 1 , Toid- Mr-Kl-TH 1 ! JRst 1 , Toid-J? s i-NG Ham'mere^Koid-Mr-R 1 Har'asser, Toid-JJ^sR Ham'mer-hard. Koid-!Har'binger, Toid-.R 1 -B- Mri-Hrd | N-Jr Ham'mer-harden,Koid- Hard'ihood, Toid-B^D Mri-Hr-Dn, Koid-MrM Hd -Q.U.& gai'u, ixuiu-vrru- Hag'gardly, Koid-Grd- Dn-NG UMKU J -JF i AUlU.-J.i^-JL/~i Hard'iness, Toid-Ii 1 -!! Sam'mer-head, Koid- Ns Hag'gis, Toid-Gs 1 Mri-Hd Hardy, Toid-JSi-D, Hag'gish, Toid-G-SH 1 Ham'mock, Toid-Mi-K Toid-iJi-D-R, Toid-^ 1 - Hag'gle, Koid-Gl 1 , Hamose', Toid-Ms 2 Dst Koid-Gld 1 , Koid-Gl 1 - Ha'mous, Toid-Ms 2 Har'icot, Toid-^-K NG Ham'per, Toid-M-Pr 1 , Har'ier, Toid-i? 1 -^ Hag'gler, Koid-Gl-R 1 Toid-M-Prd 1 , Toid-M- Har'ness, Toid-B^Ns, Hagiog'rapha, Koid-J 1 - Pri-NG Toid-JJi-Nst, Toid-E 1 - Gr-F Ham'shackle, Toid-M- Ns-NG Hagiog'raphal, Koid-J 1 - SHi-Kl, Toid-M-SH 1 - Har'nesser, Toid-U^Ns- Gr-F-L Kld, Toid-M-SHi-Kl- R Hagiog'rapher, Koid- NG Harp, Toid-J?i-P, Toid- Ji-Grf-R Ham'ster, Toid-Mstr 1 jRi-Pt, Toid-i?!-P-NG Hagiog'raphy, Koid-J 1 - Gr-F Ham'string Toid-M- sTr!-NG, Toid-M-sTr 1 - Harp'ing-iron, Toid-Ji 1 - P-NG-i-Rn Hagiol'ogy, Koid-Ji-L-J NGd, Toid-M-sTr 1 - Harp'ings, Toid-R^-P- Hag'ship, Toid-G-SH 1 - NG-NG NGz P Ham'strung, Toid-M- Harp'ist, Toid-JJi-Pst Hague'but, Toid-G-Bt 1 sTri-NG Harponeer', Toid-E 3 -P- Haik, Toid-K 2 Han'aper, Up-Toid-N- Nr Haired, Toid-^^D Pr 1 Harpoon', Toid-B 3 -Pn, Hair'iness, Toid-E^Ns Hand'kerchief, Up- Toid-E 3 -Pnd, Toid-JK 3 - Hair'y, Toid-E 1 Toid-NG-Kr-CHfi Pn-NG Hake, Toid-K 2 [NG-Kr-CHfi] Harpoon'er, Toid-E 3 -P- Hal'cyon, Toid-Ls^N Hang, Up-Toid-NG 1 , Nr Hale, HI 2 , Hid 2 , Hl^NG Up-Toid-NGdi, Up- Harp'sichord, Toid-B 1 - or Toid-i 2 , Toid-Ld 2 , Toid-NG^NG P-sKrd Toid-1/J-NG Hang'-bird, Up-Toid- Harpy, Toid-1? 1 -? Half, Koid-Fi [pi] NG-Brd 1 Har'ridan, Toid-IJ^Dn Half-way, [F^Thoid] Hal'ibut, Toid-ii-Bt Hang'dog, Up-Toid-NG- Har'rier, Toid-R^-R Har'row, Toid-E 1 , Toid- Hal'imas, Toid-i^Ms Hang'er, Koid-NGr 1 R l -D, Toid-^-NG Hall, HI 1 or Toid-IA Hang'er-on, Koid-NGr 1 - Har'rower, Toid-i? 1 -.?? Halloo', H-i 3 N Har'ry, Toid-J? 1 , Toid- Hallucination, Toid- Hang'ing, Up-Toid- R 1 -!), Toid-J^^NG Ls^-^shn NG^NG Harus'pice/Toid-i?s 2 -Ps HaU'way, HIi-Thoid or Hang'ing-buttress, Up- Toid-NG!-NG-B-Trs Har'vest, Toid-i? 1 -Vst, Toid-jRi-Vs-Td, Toid- Ham, Toid-Mi Hang'man, Up-Toid- -Ri-Vstng Ham'adryad, Toid-M- NG-LMn Har'vester, Toid-.R 1 - Di-i-D Hang'-nail, Up-Toid- Vstr Hamame'lis, Toid-M- J^QLf^.L Har'vesfc-home, Toid- M-is 3 Hank, Up-Toid-NGi-K fi^Vst-M Ham'ated, Toid-M-Td 1 Hank'er, Up-Toid-NG 1 - Har'vest-moon, Toid- Hames, Toid-Mz 2 Kr, Up-Toid-NGi-Krd, JJJ-Vst-Mn Hamit'ic, Toid-Mt 3 -K Up-Toid-NGi-Kr-NG Has'ten, Hsn 2 Ham'let, Toid-M-it 1 Hap'ly, Toid-Pl 1 Hast'ing, Hstng 2 Ham'mer. Koid-Mr 1 , Harangue', Toid-E 1 - Hatch, Koid-CH 1 , Koid- Koid-Mrd 1 , Koid-Mr 1 - NG, Toid-.RVNGd, CHti, Koid-CHLNG NG Toid-lJi-NG-NG Hatch'el, Toid-CHl 1 , Ham'mer-beam, Koid- Harang'uer, Toid-R 1 - Toid-CHldi, Toid- Mr-Bi-M NGr CHli-NG HAT 341 HEB Hatch'eler, Toid-CHl 1 - Hawk'er, Koid-Kr 1 Hear'say, Toid-JS 3 -S R Hawk'-eyed, Toid-K-i- [-R 3 -S] Hatch'er, Toid-CHr 1 D 1 Heart, Toid-Rt 1 Hatch'es, Koid-CHz 1 Haw'thorne, Koid-TH 1 - Heart'-ache^oid-Rti-K Hatch'et, Koid-CHt 1 Rn Heart'-broken, Toid- Hatoh'ment, Koid-CH L Haz'ard, Toid-Zrd 1 , Rti-Br-Kn Mnt Toid-Zri-Dd, Toid- Heart'burn, Toid-Rt 1 - Hatch'way, Koid-CH 1 - Zrdi-NG B-Rn W Haz'ardous, Toid-Zrd 1 - Heart'en, Toid-A'i-Tn Hath, [TH 1 ] Ha'tred, H-Trd 2 or Toid- S Haz'ardously, Toid- Hearth Toid-I^-TH Hearth ; -stone, Toid-tf 1 - Trd 2 Zrd x -S-L THs-Tn Haugh'tily, Koid-T 1 -!, Ha'zel-ly, Hz-L 2 Heart'Uy, Toid-Ji^-T-L Haugh'tiness, Koid-T 1 - Ha'zel-nut, Hz-L 2 -Nt Heart'iness, Toid-A' 1 - Ns He, standing alone, is T-Ns Haugh'ty, Koid-T 1 , written with breve Heart'y, Toid-^-T, Koid-Ti-R, Koid-Tst 1 Toid 2 . In phrases he is Toid-^^T-R, Toid- Haul, HI 1 , Hid 1 , HP-NO written with Toid or JJi-Tst or Toid-L 1 Toid-Ld 1 , Toid-Li-NG Koid, and sometimes with the stem H. S.C., Heath Koid-TH 3 Heath ; -cock, Koid-TH 3 - Haul'age, Toid-Li-J pars. 141, Rem. under K-K Haul'er, Hl-R 1 or Toid- 143, 162, 169. Exam- Hea'then, Koid-DHn 3 Li-R ples : Hea'thendom, Koid- Haulm, Toid-M 1 He could, Toid-K 3 DHn 3 -D-M Haunch, Up-Toid-N- He may, Toid-M 2 Hea'thenish, Koid- CH 1 He did, Koid-D 3 DHn 3 -SH Have, standing alone, is If he, F 3 -Toid Hea'thenishness, Koid- written with the breve Did he ever, D 3 - DHn 3 -SH-Ns Joid 1 (or if preferred Koid-V Hea'thenism, Koid- with the stem V 1 ). In He was, H^Z DHn 3 -Z-M phrases Have may be He had, Hd 2 Hea'thenize, Koid- written with Joid or Head'ed, Koid-Dd 2 DHn 3 -Z, Koid-DHu 3 - Roid or the v-hook. In Head'iness, Koid-D'^-Ns Zd, Koid-DHn--Z-NG practice the breve Joid Head'way, Hd^Thoid Heath'-game, Koid- in phrases may be made light (Choid). S. C., Head'y. Koid-D 2 Heal, HI 3 , Hid 8 H1 3 -NG TH 3 -G-M Heath'-grass, Koid- pars. 139, 162, 168, 197, 198 ; at page 171 the out- or Toid-L 3 , Toid-Ld 3 , Toid-LS-NG TH 3 -Grs Heath'-hen, Koid-TH 3 - lines of must have, must Heal'able, Toid-LS-Bl Hn have been, must have Heal'er, Toid-L 3 -R Heath'y. Koid-TH 3 been there are excep- tional. Examples : Heal'ing, H1 3 -NG or Toid-L 3 -NG Heave, Koid-V 3 , Koid- Vd 3 Koid-V 3 -NG Have been, Joid^Bn Health-y, Toid-L^TH Heav'en, Koid-Vn- [Vn 2 ] What have you, [L^TH] Heav'enliness, Koid- Soid^Roid-Noid Where have you, R' 2 - Health'ful-ly, Toid-L 2 - TH-F1 [L^TH-Fl] V^Nl-Ns [V-Nl-Ns] Heav'enly, Koid-V^-Nl Choid-Moid Health'fulness, Toid- [V^Nl] To have, Tv 3 L^TH-Fl-Ns [L2-TH: Heav'enly-minded, Which have, CHv 2 Fs] Koid-V^-Nl-Mn-l)d They have, DHv 2 Health'ily, Toid-JATH- [V^Nl-Mn-Dd] Should have, SHv 8 L [L^TH-L] Heav'en ward, Koid- Hav'elock, Koid-Vi-L-K Health'iness, Toid-L 2 - Vn^Wd Ha'ven, Koid-Vn 2 TH-Ns [L 2 -TH-Ns] Heave'-oflfering, Koid- Haven't, Vnt 1 Heap'er, Toid-Pr 8 V 8 -Fr-NG Hav'ersack, Toid-Vrs 1 - Hear, Ilr 8 , HrS-NG or Heav'er, Toid-Vr 3 K Toid-R 8 Toid-R 8 -NG Hebra'ic, Toid-Br-K Hav'ing, Joid(') 1 or V 1 - NG. [R 8 , R 8 -NG] Hear'er, To\d-R s -R [R 8 - Hebra'ically, Toid-Br 2 - Kl Hav'oc, Koid-Vi-K R] He'braism, Toid-Br 8 - Hawk, Toid-K 1 , Toid- Hear'ing, H^-NG or zM Kt 1 , Toid-Ki-NG Toid-lJS-NG [R8-NG] He'braiat, Toid-Brst 8 HEB 342 HER Hebraistic. Toid-Brs 8 - T-K Hel'icoid, Toid-L 2 -K- D Hem, Toid-M 2 , Toid- Md 2 , Toid-M 2 -NG He'braize, Toid-Brz 3 , Helicoi'dal, Toid-L^K- Hem'atite, Toid-M-Tt 2 Toid-Brzd 3 , Toid-Brz 3 - Dl Hemi-, Toid-M NG Hel'icon, Toid-L^Kn Hemiple'gia, Toid-M- He'brew, Toid-Br 3 Heliocen'tric, Toid-Z/s 2 - P1 3 -J He'brewess, Toid-Br 3 - Ntr-K Hemlplegy, Toid-M- S HeHog'raphy, Toid-i 1 - PY^-f Hec'atomb, Toid-K-T 2 - Gr-F Hemip'ter, Toid-M-Ptr 3 M Heliol'atry, Toid-J^-i- Hemip'teran, Toid-M- Heck, Toid-K 2 Tr P3-Trn Heckle, Koid-Kl 2 Heliom'eter, Toid-i 1 - Hemip'teral, Toid-M- Hectare' Toid-K-TLR Mtr Pa-Tr-L Hec'tic, Toid-K-TS-K He'lioscope, Toid-is 3 - Hemip'terous, Toid-M- Hec'tical, Toid-Kt^-Kl K-P Ps-Trs Hec'togramjToid-K-T 2 - He'liostat, Toid-Ls 3 -Tt Hemisphere, Toid-Ms- Gr-M He'liotrope, Toid-i 8 - F2-R Hectol'iter, Toid-K-T 1 - Tr-P Hemispheric, Toid-Ms- J/tr Helispher'ic, Toid-is 2 - F2-R-K Hectom'eter, Toid-K- F-R-K Hemispherical, Toid- Ti-Mtr or Toid-Kt 1 - He'lix, Toid-L 3 -Ks Ms-F 2 -R-Kl Mtr Hell, HI 2 or Toid-L 2 Hemistich, Toid-Ms- Hec'tor, Toid-Ktr 2 , Toid-Ktrd 2 , Toid-Ktr 2 - NG Hellebore, Toid-i'^Br Helle'nian Toid-i 8 -Nn Hellen'ic, Toid-in^K T2-K Hemis'tichal, Toid-Ms- T 3 -K1 Hectostere', Toid-K- Hellenism, Toid-in^Z- Hemltone, Toid-M-Tn 2 Ts 3 -T-R M Hemlock, Toid-M-L 2 - Hed'dle, Toid-Dl 2 Hellenist, Toid-in^t K Hed'eral, Koid-D 2 -^! Hellenize, Toid-Ln^-Z Hemop'tysis, Toid-M- Hedge, Koid-J 2 , Koid- Hell'-fire, Toid-J^-F-R Pi-Tss Jd 2 , Koid-J 2 -NG or H12-F-R Hem'orrhage, Toid-M- Hedge'hog, Koid-J^H- Hell'-hound, Toid-L 2 - R*-J G Hnd or Hl^Hnd Hemorrhoid'al, Toid- Hedge'-priest, Koid-J 2 - HeU'ish, Toid-i^H M-^i-Dl Prst Hell'ishly, Toid-L^H- Hem'orrhoids, Toid-M- Hedg'er, Toid-Jr 2 L E^Dz Hedge'-row, Koid-J 2 -R Hell'ishnesa, Toid-i 2 - Hemp. Toid-M-P 2 Hedge'-school, Koid-J 2 - SH-Ns Hempen, Toid-M-Pn 2 sKl Hedge'sparrow, Koid- Help, Toid-i 2 -P, Toid- L^Pt, Toid-L^P-NG Hemp'-seed, Toid-M- P 2 -sD J2-8P-R [L 2 -?, i^Pt, JAPnl Hem'stitch, Toid-Mst- Heed'ed, Koid-Dd 3 Heel. HF, Hid 3 , HP-NG Help'er, Toid-L^Pr [i 2 - Pr] CH 2 , Toid-Mst-CHt 2 , Toid-Mst-CH^NG or Toid-L 3 , Toid-id 3 , Help'ful, Toid-i^P-Fl Hench'man, Up-Toid- Toid-i 3 -NG [I^-P-Fl] N-CH 2 -Mn Heel'-piece, Toid-i 3 -Ps Heel'-tap, Toid-LS-T-P Heft, Koid-Ft 2 , Koid-F 2 - Help'fulness, Toid-L 2 - P-Fl-Ns[i 2 -PiFsl Helpless, Toid-I, 2 -P-is Her. Toid-R 2 [R 2 ] Her ; ald, Koid-Eld 2 , Koid-El 2 -Dd, Koid- Td, Koid-Ft^NG [L 2 -P-Ls] .Rld^NG Hegem'ony. Koid-J^M- Helplessly, Toid-L 2 -?- Heral'dic, Koid-Eli-D- N Ls-L [L^-P-Ls-L] K Hegi'ra, Koid-Ji-E Heifer. Toid-Fr 2 Helplessness Toid-i 2 - P-is-Ns [&-P ' is] Her'aldry, Koid-El 2 -Dr Her'aldship, Koid- Heighten, Koid-Tn 1 , Koid-Tnd 1 , Koid-Tn 1 - Help'mate, Toid-L 2 -P- Mt [i^P-Mt] Eld^SH-P Herd'ed, Toid-E^Dd NG Help'meet, Toid-i 2 -P- Here, Toid-R 8 [R 3 ] Hei'nous, Up-Toid-Ns 2 Hei'nously , Up-Toid- Mt [ia-P-Met] Helve, Toid-L^V, Toid- Hereaft'er, Toid-E 3 - Ftr [Eftr*] Ns-L 2 i^Vd, Toid-L^V-NG Hereat', Toid-^i-T Held, Hid 8 . See Hold. Helvetic, Toid-L^V-T- Heredltable, Toid-E 2 - Heli'acal-ly, Toid-Li-Kl K Dt-Bl HER 343 HIV Hereditament, Toid- Hexahe'dron, Toid-K- Hierographlcal, Toid- B 8 -Dt-Mnt sH-Drn 8 Bi-Gr-F-Kl Hereditarily, Toid-B 2 - Hexam'eter, Toid-K 1 - Hierol'ogy, Koid-BF-J Dt-Bl or Hrd-Tr*-L sMtr Hi'eromancy, Toid-B 1 - Hereditary, Toid-B 2 - Hexamet'rio, Toid-K 2 - Mn-S Dt-B or Hrd-Tr 2 sMtr-K Hier'ophant, Toid-B' 2 - Herein', Rn 3 Hexamet'rical, Toid- Fnt Herein'to, RiAT K^Mtr-Kl Hig'gle. Koid-Gl 3 , Koid- Hereof, Toid-Bv 8 Hexan'gular, Toid-Ks- Gld 3 , Koid-GF-XG Hereon ; , R 8 -N NG-G1-R 1 Hig'gledy-pig'gledy, Her'esiarch, Toid-B 2 - Hexan'dria, Toid-Ks-N- Koid-Gld-P 3 -Gl-D sR-K Dr 1 Hig'gler, Koid-Gl-R 8 Her'esy, Toid-B 2 -^ Hex'apla, Toid-Ks-Pl 2 Highland, Koid-Choid- Her'etic, Toid-B^T-K Hex'aplar, Toid-Ks-Pl 2 - Z/nd 1 Heretlcal-ly, Toid-Bt 2 - R Highlander, " Koid- Kl Hiber'nal, Toid-Br2-Nl Choid-indr 1 Hereto', Toid-B 8 -T [B 8 - Hi'bernate, Toid-Br 1 - High'way, HJ-Thoid T] N-T, Toid-Bri-N-Td. Hila'nous, Toid-L 2 -Bs Heretofore' Rt 3 -Fr Hereunto', R 3 -N-T Toid-Bri-N-T-NG Hiberna'tion, Toid- Hilarity, Toid-ii-B-T Hil'ary, Toid-i 3 -B Herlot, Toid-B^T Br^Nshn Hill, HI 3 , Hid 3 , H1 3 -NG, Heritable, Toid-Bt^Bl Hiber'nian, Toid-Brn 2 - or Toid-L 3 , Toid-Ld 3 , Heritage, Toid-Bt 2 ^! N Toid-i 3 -XG Heritor, Toid-Btr 2 Her'nia, Toid-B^N Hiber'nianism, Toid- Brn 2 -N-zM HiU'iness, Toid-JANs HiU'ock, Toid-i 3 -K Her'nial, Toid-R^N-L Hiber'nicism, Toid- Hill'-side, Toid-is 3 -D He'ro, Toid-B 3 Brn 2 -Sz-M Hill'-top, Toid-X 3 -T-P Hero'dian, Toid-B 2 -Dn Hibis'cus, hiB 8 -sKs Hill'y, Toid-i 3 Heroic, Toid-B^K Hic'cough, Toid-K-P 3 , Hilt, Toid-it 3 Hero'ical-ly,Toid-B2-Kl Toid-K-Pt 3 , Toid-K- Hilt'ed, Toid-i 8 -Td Heroi-comlc, Toid-B 2 - P 3 -NG Him, standing alone, is K-M-K Hick'ory, Koid-Kr 8 written with breve Heroi-com'ical, Toid- Hick'up, Toid-K-P 8 Doid 2 . In phrases him B^K-M-Kl Hid'age, Koid-Di-J is written with Doid or Her'oine, Toid-B^N Hidal'go, Koid-Di-L-G Koid, and sometimes Her'oism.Toid-B^Z-M Hld'den, Koid-Dn 8 with the stem H. Her'on,Toid-Bn 2 Hid'denly, Koid-D 8 -Nl S. C., pars. 142, Rem. Her'onry, Toid-Bn^B Hid'eous, Koid-Ds 8 under 143, 169. Ex- He'ro-worship, Toid- Hid'eously, Koid-D^L amples : B 8 -Wr-S.H-P Hid'eousness, Koid- For him, F^Doid Her'pes, Toid-B 2 -Pz Ds^Ns To him, T-Koid Herpetlo, Toid-B^Pt- Hi'erarch, Toid-B 1 - B-K Saw him there, S 1 - K Hi'erarchal. Toid-B 1 - Hdhr Herpetol'ogist, Toid- B-K1 Himself, Koid-sL*-F or B^-Pt-ir-Jst Hierarchical, Toid-B 1 - Hs 2 Herpetol'ogy, Toid-B 1 - Pt-i-J B-K-K1 Hi'erarohy, Toid-B^B- Hinge, Up-Toid-N-J 3 , Up-Toid-N-Jd 3 , Up- Her'ring, Toid-B^NG K Toid-N-J 8 -NG Hers, Toid-Rz 2 [Rz 2 ] Herse, Toid-Rs* Hieratic, Toid-Bi-T-K Hi'eroglyph, Toid-B 1 - Hin'ny, Up-Toid-N 8 Hirsute', Toid-Bs 3 -T Herself, Toid-Bs^i-F Glf Hirsute'ness, Toid-Bs 8 - [Rs*-Z-F] Hieroglyphic, Toid-B 8 - T-Ns Hetch'el, Toid-CHl 2 Glf-K Histo'rian, [St^Bn] Hex'achord, Toid-K 2 - Hieroglyph'ioal-ly, Historic, [Sti-B-KJ sKrd Toid-B 8 -Gl-F-Kl Historlcal-ly, [St^B- Hex'ade, Toid-Ks-D 2 Hierog'lyphist, Toid- Kl] Hex'agon, Toid-Ks^Gn Bi-Gl-Fst His'tory, [St 8 -Bl Hexag'onal, Toid-Ks 1 - Hi'erogram, Toid-B 1 - Hitch, Koid-CH 8 , Koid- G-N1 Gr-M CHt 8 , Koid-CH 3 -NG Hexahe'dral, Toid-K- Hierograph'io, Toid- Hire, Koid-V 1 , Koid- sHdr-L 3 Bi-Grf-K Vd 1 , Koid-V L NG HIV 344 HOR Hives, Koid-Vz 1 Hol'ster, Toid-istr 2 or Homoge'neous, Toid- Hoard'ed, Toid-R2-Dd Hlstr 2 M-J3-Ns Hoarlness, Toid-JS'^Ns Holy, H-Z, 2 , H-L^R, Homoge'neousness, Hoarse, Toid-Rs 2 , Toid- H-Zt 2 or Toid-i 2 , Toid-M-J3-Ns-Ns Rs2-R, Toid-Rs2-St Hoarse'ly, Toid-Rs 2 -^ Toid-L^R, Toid-it 2 Hom'age, Toid-M^Ji Homoiou'sian, Toid-M- ZI-N Hoarse'ness, Toid-Rs 2 - Home. Toid-M 2 _[M 2 ] Homol'ogoua, Toid-M- Ns Home J -born. Toid-M 2 - LM38 Hoar'y, Toid-JR 2 B-Bn Hom'ony, Toid-M L N Hoax, Toid-Ks 2 Toid- Home'-bred, Toid-M 2 - Hom'onym. Toid-Mn 1 - Kst 2 , Toid-Ks^-NG Brd M Hoax'er, Toid-K-sR 2 Home'less, Toid-M-J,s 2 Homon'ymous, Toid- Hob'ble, Toid-Bl 1 , Homeliness. Toid-M- Mni-Ms Toid-Bld 1 , Toid-Bl 1 - IMh Homon'ymy, Toid-Mn 1 - NG Homely, Toid-M-L 2 , II Hob'bledehoy, Toid- Toid-M-Z^R, Toid-M- Homoou'sian. Toid-M- Bli-D-H ist 2 Z^N Hob'bler, Toid-Bl^R Home'-made, Toid-M 2 - Homoph'onous, Toid- Hob'blingly, Toid-Bl 1 - Md M-Fi-Ns NG1 Homeopathic, Toid-M- Homoph'ony, Toid-M- Hob'bly, Toid-Bl 1 Pi-TH-K FI-N Hob'by-horse, hoB^Rs Homeop'athlst, Toid- Hon'estly, Nst-Z, 1 (S. C., par. 123; Hock, Toid-K 1 M-P^THst Homeop'athy, Toid-M- Hon'ey, H2-N, H-N-D 2 , H^N-NG or Up-Toid- Hock'ey, Toid-K 1 Hock'le, Koid-Kl 1 pi-TH Ho'mer, Koid-Mr 2 N 2 , Up-Toid-N-D 2 , Up- Toid-N^NG Ho'cus, Toid-Ks 2 Homeric, Toid-M-J2 2 - Hong. Up-Toid-NGi Ho'cus-pocus. Toid-Ks- K Hood ; ed, Koid-Dd 3 P^Ks Home'sick, Toid-Ms^K Hoo'doo, Koid-D 8 , Hodge'-podge, Koid-J L Home'sickness, Toid- Koid-D^-D, Koid-D3- P-J Ms 2 -K-Ns NG Hog, Toid-G 1 Toid-Gd 1 , Home'spun. Toid-Ms- Hoof Koid-F 8 Toid-G^NG Pn 2 Hoof'-bound, Koid-F 8 - Hog'-frame, Toid-G 1 - Home'-staU, Toid-ils 2 - Bnd Fr-M T-L Hook, Toid-K 8 , Toid- Hog'gish, Toid-G-SH 1 Home'stead, Toid-Ms- Kt 8 , Toid-KS-NG Hog'-herd, Toid-G^Hrd Td 2 Hook'ah, Toid-K 8 Hog'-pen, Toid-G L Pn Home'ward, Toid-M- Hook'edness, Toid-Kd 8 - Hogs'head, Toid-Gz-D 1 Wrd 2 Ns Hog'-skin, Toid-Gs^Kn Homicidal, Toid-Ms- Hook'-nosed, Toid-K 8 - Hogs'-lard, Toid-G^zZ^ Di-L Nzd Ed Homicide, Toid-Ms-D 1 Hoop'er, Toid-Pr 8 Hog'sty, Toid-Gs-T 1 Homiletlc, Toid-M-Z, 2 - Hoo'sier, Toid-ZHr 8 Hoi'den, Koid-Dn 1 T-K Hoofed, Koid-Td 3 Hoi'denish, Koid-Dn 1 - Homiletlcal, Toid-M- Hoove, Koid-V 8 SH L&-K1 Hov'en, Koid-Vn 2 Hoist'ing, Hstng 1 Homiletlcs, Toid-M-Z, 2 - Hop'per, Toid-Pr 1 Hoi'ty-toity, Koid-T L T-Ks Hop'ple, Toid-Pl 1 , Toid- T-T Homllist, Toid-M-Lst 1 Pld 1 , Toid-Pli-NG Hole, HI 2 or Toid-i 2 Hom'ily, Toid-M-Z, 1 Hop'ples, Toid-Pk 1 Hol'iday. H-Z^-D or Hom'iny, Toid-M^-N Ho'ral, Koid-^1 2 Toid-IA-D Hom'mock, Toid-Mi-K Ho'rary, Tmd-Rt-R Ho'liness, H-L'^-Ns or Hom'mony, Toid-M^N Hori'zon, Toid-fJzn 1 Toid-L^Ns Homocen'tric, Toid- Horizon'tal-ly, Toid- Hol'low, H-i 1 or Toid-Z, 1 Ms^Ntr-K Ezi-Nt-Z, Holm, Toid-M 2 Homoeop'athy. See Horn, Toid-Rn 1 , Toid- Hol'ocaust, Toid-I-i-Kst Homeopathy. End\ Toid-Rn^-NG Holograph, Toid-L 1 - Homoge'neal, Toid-M- Horn'beam, Toid-Rn 1 - Grf J3-N-L B-M Holograph'ic, Toid-I, 1 - Homogeneity, Toid-M- Horn'biU, Toid-.Eni-B- Grf-K J8-N-T L HOR 845 HUM Horn'blende, Toid-B 1 - Hor'ticulture, Toid- Huck'sterage, Toid- N-Blnd Bt^Kltr Kst-B^-J Horn'book, Toid-Bn 1 - Horticul'turist, Toid- Hud'dle,Toid-Dl 2 , Toid- B-K Bf^-Kltr-St Dkl- 2 . Toid-Dl--NG Horn'bug, Toid-Bni-B- Hor'tulan, Toid-Bt L in Hud'dler, Toid-l)l--R G Hor'tus sio'cus, Toid- Huff, Koid-F-, Koid-Ft 2 Horned, Toid-jRnd 1 B 1 -T-ssKs Koid-F--NG Hor'net, Toid-Bi-Nt Ho'sier, Toid-ZHr 2 HuflTish, Koid-F--,S/^ Horn'less, Toid-Bn 1 -!* Ho'siery, Toid-ZHr 2 Huff'ishness, Koid-F 2 - Horn'-mad, Toid-Bn 1 - Hos'pital, Hs-Pti-L or 5//-Ns Md Horn'-owl, Toid-Bn 1 -!, Toid-s-Pti-L Hospital'ity, Hs-Pti-i- HuflTy, Koid-F 2 Hug, Toid-G-, Toid-Gd 2 Horn'pipe, Toid-Bn 1 -?- T or Toid-s-Pti-i-T Toid-G' 2 -NG P Hotch'pot, Koid-CH 1 - Huge, Koid-J, Toid-Jr 3 , Horn'-stone, Toid-Bns 1 - Pt Koid-Jst 3 Tn Hotch'potch, Koid- Huge'ly, Toid-Jl 3 Horn'work, Toid-Bn 1 - CH^-CH Huge-ness, Koid-J 3 -Xs Wr-K Hot'tentot, Koid-Tni-Tt Hug'ger-mugger, Koid- Horn'y, Toid-Bi-N, Hot'test, Koid-Tst 1 or Gi-M-Gr Toid-Bi-N-R, Toid- Htsti Hu'guenot, Toid-G 3 -Xt, B^Nst Hough, Toid-K 1 , Toid- Hu'guenotism, Toid- Horog'raphy, Toid-B 1 - Kt 1 , Toid-K^NG G 3 -Xtz-M Gr-F Hou'ri, Toid-B 1 Hum, Toid-M 2 , Toid- Hor'ologe, Koid-Bim Hove, Koid-V 2 Md 2 , Toid-M 2 -XG Horolog'ical, Koid-Bl 1 - J-K1 Hov'el, Toid-Vl 1 , Toid- Vld 1 , Toid-VP-NG Hu'man, Toid-M n 3 Humane', Toid-iln 2 Horol'ogist, Koid-Bl 1 - Ho'ven, Koid-Vn 2 Humane'ly, Toid-M 2 -Xl Jst Horol'ogy, Koid-Bim Hov'er, Toid-Vr 2 , Toid- Vrd 2 , Toid-Vr 2 -NG Humane'ness, Toid- Mn^-Ns Hor'oscope, Toid-Bs 1 - How, standing alone, is Hu'manist, Toid-Mn 3 -8t K-P written with breve Humanita'rian, Toid- Horos'copy, Toid-Bs 1 - Toid. In phrases how Mn-T^-Bn K-P is written with Toid Humanita'rianism, Hor'rent, Toid-Bnt 1 (either up or down) or Toid-Mn-T 2 -Bnz-M Hor'rible, Toid-Ri-Bl Koid, and sometimes; Human 'ity, Toid-Mn-T 1 Hor'ribleness Toid-B 1 - with the stem H. Humaniza'tion, Toid- Bl-Ns S. C., pars. 143 and M^-Xzs/m Por'ribly, Toid-Bi-Bl Rem., 153, 162. Ex- Hu'manize, Toid-Mn- Hor'rid, Toid-BLD amples : Z 3 , Toid-Mn-Zd 3 , Toid- Hor'ridly, Toid-B*-D- How can, Toid-K Mn-Z 3 -NG L How are you, Toid 1 - Hu'mankind, Toid- Hor'ridness, Toid-B 1 -!)- R-Moid or Toid 1 - Mn 3 -Knd Ns Moid Hu'manly, Toid-M 3 -Nl Horrific, Toid-B 3 -F-K How long, Up- Hum'ble, (a.) Toid-M- Hor'rify, Toid-Bi-F, Toid-Bi-Fd, Toid-B 1 - Toidi-NG How often-Koid-Fn 1 Bl 2 , Toid-M-Bl 2 - R, Toid-M-Blst 2 F-NG How was, H -Z Hum'ble, (v.) Toid-M- Hor'ror, Toid-B^B Howev'er, Hv 1 BP, Toid-M-Bld 2 , Horse, Toid-Rs 1 [Rs 1 ] Howl, HI 1 , Hid 1 , Hl 1 - Toid-M-Bl^-NG Horse'back, [Rsi-B-K] NG or Toid-L 1 , Toid- Hum'blebee, Toid-M- In all derivatives and Ld 1 , Toid-ii-NG Bl'-^B compounds commencing Hub'ble-bubble, Toid- Hum'bleness, Toid-M- with horse the abbrevia- B12-B-B1 Bl^Ns tion Rs 1 is used. Huck, Toid-K 2 Hum'bler, Toid-M-Bl 2 - Hor'tation, Toid-B 2 - Huck'aback, Toid-K- R Tshn B*-K Hum'bles, Toid-M-Blz 2 Hor'tative, Toid-B^-Tv Huck'le-berry, Koid- Hum'bly, Toid-M-Bl 2 or Hor'tatory, Toid-Bt^T- Kl-B^B M-B1 2 B Horticultural, Toid- Huck'ster. Toid-Kstr 2 , Toid-K-sTrd 2 , Toid- Kstrng 2 Hum'bug, Toid-M-B 2 - G, Toid-M-B^Gd. Toid-M-B^G-NG HUM 346 HYP Humtraggery, Toid-M- B^Gr Hun'ger, Up-Toid-NG^lHyge'ian, Koid-J 3 -N Gr, Up-Toid-NGMJrdjHyge'ist, Koid-Jst 3 Hum'drum, Toid-M- Up-Toid-NG 2 -Gr-NG Hy'giene, Koid-Jn 1 Dr^M or Koid-NGr 2 , Koid- Hygieu'ic, Koid-J^-N-K Hu'meral, Toid-M-Bl 3 NGrd 2 , Koid-NGra-NGiHygrol'ogy, Koid-Gi> Hu'merus, Toid-M-Es 3 Hum'hum, Toid-M^-H- Hun'grily. Up-Toid- NG-Gr-i 2 Li-J Hygrom'eter, Koid-Gr 1 - M Hu'mid, Toid-Md 3 Hun'gry. Up-Toid-NG 2 - Gr or Koid-NGr 2 Mtr Hygromet'ric, Koid- Hu'midness, Toid-M- D3-Ns Hunk. Up-Toid-NG^K HunkW, Up-Toid-NG 2 - Gr^Mt^K Hygromet'rical, Koid- Humid'ity, Toid-Md-T 3 Kr Gr'-^-Mtr-Kl Humil'iate, Toid-M-it 3 , Hunks, Up-Toid-NG 2 - Hygrom'etry, Koid-Gr- Toid-M-LS-Td, Toid- Ks M-Tr 1 M-Lt 3 -NG Hur'dy-gurdy, Toid-E 2 - Hy'groscope, Koid-Grs- Humilia'tion, Toid-M- D-Gr-D K-P 1 ishn 2 Hurl. Koid-El 2 , Koid- Hy'lotheism, Toid-W Humil'ity, Toid-M-LS-T K\d*, Koid-El^NG THz-M Hum'mer, Koid-Mr 2 Hurl'-bone, Koid-.Rl 2 - Hylozo'ism, Toid-I/^Zz- Hum'ming-bird, Toid- Bn M M-NG-Brd 2 Hurl'er, Koid-Bl*-B Hy'men, Toid-Mn 1 Hum'mock, Toid-M^K Hurl'ing. Koid-El^-NG Hymene'al, Toid-M-N- Hu'mor, Koid-Mr 3 , Hur'ly, Koid-RV L 3 Koid-Mrd 3 , Koid-Mr 3 - Hurly-burly, Koid-BV- Hymene'an, Toid-Mn 8 - NG B-El N Hu'moral, Koid-Mr-L 3 Hurra' or Hurrah', Hymenop'teral, Toid- Hu'moralism, Koid-Mr- Toid-R 1 Mn-Ptr^L Z, Z 8-M Hur'ricane, Toid-B^Kn Hymenop'terous, Toid- Hu'morism, Koid-Mrz 3 - Hur'riedly. Toid-fi^D- Mn-Ptri-S M L Hymn, Toid-M 3 , Toid- Hu'morist, Koid-Mrst 3 Hur'rier, Toid-R 2 -^ Md 3 , Toid-M 3 -NG or Toid-M-Est 3 Hur'ry, Toid-i? 2 , Toid- Hym'nal, Toid-MS-Nl Hu'morous, Koid-M.-^ 8 Rt-D, Toid-E^NG Hym'nic, Toid-M 3 -N-K or Toid-M- Es 8 Hur'ry-skurry, Toid- Hymnog'raphy, Toid- Hu'morously, Koid- R^-K-R Sl-N-Gr-F 1 Mrs-i or Toid-M- Es 3 - Hur'tle, Hrt-L 2 , Hrt- Hymnol'ogy, Toid-M- L Ld'\ Hrt-I^-NG Nl-Ji Hu'morousness, Koid- Hur'tleberry, Hrt-I/ 2 - Hy'per, Toid-Pr 1 Mrs 3 -Ns or Toid-M- B-R All words commencing Bs 3 -Ns Hus'band, Hz-Bnd 2 , Hz- with hyper- take this Hu'mors, Koid-Mrz 8 Bn^Dd, Hz-Bnd^-NG form. Hu'rnorsome, Koid- or Toid-z-Bnd 2 , etc. Hy'phen, Koid-Fn 1 Mrs 3 -M Hus'bandman, Hz- Hyp'notize, hiP 3 -N-Tz, Hump, Toid-M-P 2 Bnd'^-Mn or Toid-z- hiP 3 -N-Tzd, hlP 8 -N- Hump'back, Toid-M-P 2 - Bnd^Mn Tz-NG B-K Hus'bandry, Hz-Bnd 2 - Note. When A is Hum'strum. Toid-Ms- R or Toid-z-Bnd 2 -^ written with a light dot Tr 2 -M Hush, H-SH 2 H-SHt- placed near the succeed- Hu'mus, Toid-Ms 8 Hunch, Up-Toid-N- CH 2 Up-Toid-N-CHt 2 , Up-Toid-N-CH^NG or H-SU^-T, H-SH 2 - NG or Koid-SH 2 , etc. Hutch, Koid-CH 2 Hy'brid, Toid-Brd 1 ing vowel in such words as hap, heap, hypnotize, hope, hub, unhappy, New Haven, etc. (S. C., par. Hunch'back, Up-Toid- Hy'bridous, Toid-Br 1 - 12,3), the proper steno- N-CH^B-K Ds graph for the combina- Hunch 'backed, Up- Hy'dra, H-Dr 1 or Toid- tion of the aspirate and Toid-N-CH^B-Kt Dri the vowel is h and the Hung, Up-Toid-NG 2 Hydran'gea, Toid-Dr 1 - vowel letter ; thus, hS, Hunga'rian, Up-Toid- N-J he, hi, ho, hu, ha, etc. NG-G-Bn 2 Hydraulics, Toid-Dr 1 - Hy'po-, i-P or hiP, ac- Hung'-beef, Up-Toid- L-Ks cording: to which sound NG-Bf 2 Hye'na, Up-Toid-N 8 of t is heard in the HYP 347 IXD word. (S. C. pars. 83 and 123.) Impend', M-Pnd 2 , M Pn^Dd, M-Pnd^-NG nsZd 1 , nsZ!-NG (S. C., par. 329) Hypoder'mic, i-p2-Dr- Imponderabil'ity. M Incoherence, N-K- M-K Pndri-B-Lt Toid-^Rns^ Hy'son, Hsn 1 Impon'derable, M Incoher'ency, N-K- Pndri-B Toid-Jfin 3 -S Impon'derableness, M Incoher'ent, N-K-Toid- Pndr 1 i Bs Bnt 3 I, the pronoun, standing Impon'derous, M Incoher'ently, N-K- alone, is written witb Pndri-S Toid-A'nt ;i -i breve Roid 1 . In phrases it is written with either Impor'tunate, M-Pr 1 - CH-Nt Incomprehen'sible-y N i Pr^-Ns-B Roid or Choid, accord- ing to which makes the Importune' M-PrS-Tn M-PrS-Tnd, M-PrS-Tn- Incontest'able-y, X ; best junction. But be- NG Incon'tinence, N 1 -Knt- fore can and could Roid Importu'ner, M-Pr^T- Nns and not Choid is used. Nr Incon'tinency, N-Knt- S. C., '137, 162, 167. Importu'nity, M-Pr 3 - Nn-S 1 Examples : Tn-T Incon'tinent, N 1 -Knt- I do, Roid-D 2 Impound', M-Pnd 1 Nnt I did not, Roid-Dnt 3 I think, Roid-TH 3 Imprac'tical, M-Pr 1 - Kl Incontinently, N-Knt- I am, Choid-M 1 I was, Choid-Z 1 Impris'on, M-Przn 3 Improbabil'Jty, [M-Pr 3 - Incorrect', [N^-Kr-K] Incorrect'ly, [>-Kr-K- I can, Roid-K 1 B] i 2 ] I could not, Roid- Improv'able, M-Prv^B Incorrect'ness, [N'^Kr- Knt 3 Improv'idenoe, M- K-Ns] I., as an initial of proper Prvdi-Ns Incrust'ing, N 2 -Krstng names, is written with the full diphthong sign Improv'ident, M-Prvd 1 - Nt [n'cubator, N-K-Bti- 8 Incul'cating, N-K1-K- in the first position. Improvis'er, M-Pri-Vz- T^-NG Ichthyol'ogy K-TEW E Lndefat'igable-y, Nd- Idol'atry, i-D^Z-Tr or Im'putee, M-Pls 3 Fi-T-G-Bl or N-Dft 1 - DlLTr Impul'sion, M-Plshn 2 G-B1 Dl'-starred, ist^Rd Impul'sive, M-Pls'^V Lndescrib'able, Nds-K- nius'trate, Lst'VBt, Lsf-^-Td, Lat*-Et- Impul'sively, M-Pls^V- L [ndestructibil'ity, N- NG Impu'nity, M-Pn 3 -T DstrS-Kt-Blt lUustra'tion, Lst2-Eshn Inadvert'enoe, N-D 2 - [ndestruc'tible, N- lUus'trative Lst^-Rt-V Vrt-Ns Dstr^Kt-Bl Illustratively, Lst^jRt- Inadvert'enoy, N-D 2 - Indigest'ible, Nd-Jst^-B V-L Vrt-N-S [ndig'nant, Nd 3 -G-Nnt nius'trator, Lst^-Rtr Inadvert'ent, N-D^-Vrt- Indig'nantly, Nd-G- nius'trious, Lst^-Rs Nt Nnt-i 8 Illus'triously, Lat^B- Inadvert'ently, N-D 2 - Indigna'tion, Nd^G- X Vrt-Nt-L Nshn Illus'triousness, Lst 2 - Inal'ienable-y, [N-in 2 - Indig'nity, Nd-G-N-T 3 Bs-Ns B] [N-D 3 -G] lU-will', L 3 -W1 Inartifl'oial-ly, [NrtrF 3 - Indiscrim'inate, [Nds 3 - Immate'rial-ly, M-Mtr- SH] K-M] L 3 Inauspi'oioua, Ns-P 3 - Indiscrim'inately, Imme'diateness, [M 3 - Md:Ns] SHa Incer'titude, Ns-Bt^Td [Nds 3 -K-M-L] Indistinct', N-DstS-NGt Immer'sion, M-M- ncest'uouB, Nss-CHs 2 or Nd 3 -st-NGt .Rshn 2 Incest'uously, Nss-CH 2 - iidistino'tion, N-Dst 8 - Impas'sionate, M- si NGshn or Nd 8 -st- Pshni-aT incesfuousnesa, Nss- NGshn (S. C., par. Impa'tienoe. M-Pshns 2 CHs'i-Ns 305) Impa'tient, M-Pshnt 2 Inchas'tity, N-CHsti-T Indistinctly, N-Dst 3 - Impa'tiently, M-Pshnt 2 - Incise', Ns-Z 1 , Ns-Zd 1 , NGt-L or Nd-sfc-NGt- L Ns-Zi-NG or nsZ 1 , L* IND 348 IXS Indistinct'ness, N-Dst 3 -; Inflict', nF! 3 -K-T, and N 3 -Toid-Md, N3-Toid- NGt-Ns orNdS-st-NGt-i in all derivatives the M-NG Ns r same. Inlaid', N-i^D Indistin'guishable, Nd- Inflores'cence, nFT 2 - In'ner, iNr 3 . Vocalized st-NG-SH 3 -Bl Ksns to disting^iish it from Individual'ity, Nd-Vd 1 - In'fluence, nFlns 3 [N- near. L-T or Nd-Vd^Lt Fs 3 ] Innerve', iN-Nr-V 2 . Vo- Indoc'trinate, [N-D 1 - Influen'tial, [nFln 2 ] calized to distinguish Tr-N-T] Influen'za, nFl^N-Z it from Unnerve. Indoctrination, [N-D 2 - In'flux, nF! 3 -Ks In'nocence, Nsns 3 Tr-Nshn] Inform', N-Fi-M, N-F 1 - Innova'tion, N-N-Vshn 2 Indors'able, Nd-Rs^B- Md, N-Fi-M-NG Innuen'do, N-Xoid-N- L !lnfor'mal-ly, N-Fi-Ml D 2 Indorse', Nd-Rs 1 , Nd- Inf ormal'ity, N-F J -M1-T Rst 1 , Nd-Rsi-NG Inform'ant, N-F^Mnt Inor'dinate, N-Rd^Nt or Nrdi-Nt Indorsee', N-I^-B-S Informa'tion, N-F 2 - Inquisi'tional, N- Indorse'ment, Nd-Rs 1 - Mshn KwzsAn--L 3 Mnt Inf re'quent, [N 3 5 Frntl Inquisi'tionary, N- Indora'er, Nd-Rs^R Inhab'itiveness, N-Bt^ : KwzsAn-R 3 Indors'or, Nd-Rs^R Vs Insatiabil'ity, nsSH 3 - Industrial, N-Dst^-R-L Inhala'tion, N-Toid- Bl-T Indus'trious, N-Dst 2 -.R8 ishn 2 Insa'tiable, nsSH^Bl Indus'triously, N-Dst 2 - Inhale, N-Toid-i 2 Insa'tiableness, nsSH 2 : R-sL Inhal'er, N-Toid-i^R Bs In'dustry, N-Dst 3 -JJ Inhere', N-Toid-R 8 , N- Insa'tiate, nsSH^T Indwell', nDw^L (S. C., Toid-Rd 3 , N-Toid-E 3 - Inscribe', [nsKr 1 , par. 332) NG nsKrd 1 , nsKr(-)3 Ineffectively, N-F^K- Inher'ence, N-Toid- Inscrip'tion, [nsKrshn 3 ] T-V1 Rns 3 Insen'sible-y, Ns-Ns-B' 2 Inequality, N-Kw-Lt 3 Inher'ency, N-Toid- Insignificance, [Ns 3 - Inexpe'rience, [nsPrns 8 ] En s -S Gns] Inexpe'rienced, Inher'ent, N-Toid-Rnt 3 Insignificancy, [Ns- [nsPrnst 3 ] Inher'ently, N-Toid- Gn-S 3 ] Inex'trioable, N-K-str- ^nt 3 -L Insignificant, fNs 3 -Gnt] K-B1 2 Inher'it, N-Toid--Rt 2 , N- Insincere', Xs-Ns-.E 3 Infat'uate, N-Ft L Noid- Toid-RZ-Td, N-Toid- Insin'uate, Ns-N-Noid- T, etc. Bt*-NG T 3 , Ns-N-Noid-Td 3 , Infatua'tion, N-Ft 2 - Inher'itable-y, N-Toid- Ns-N-Noid-TS-NG iishn .Rt^Bl Insinua'tion, Ns 2 - Infer', [N-F 2 , N-F^-Rd, Inheritance, N-Toid- Nushn N-F*C)1 Bt-Ni In'solate, nsLt 3 , nsL 3 - Infer'able, [N-F2-B1] Inher'itor, N-Toid-Rtr 2 Td, nsLt 3 -^^ Infest'ing, N-Fstng 2 Inheritress, N-Toid-E^- Insola'tion, nsishn 2 Inflame, nFl^M Trs In'solence, nsLns 3 Inflam'er, nFl^Mr Inher'itrix, N-Toid- In'solent, nsLnt 3 Inflammabil'ity, nFl 3 - Btr 2 -Ks In'solently, nsLnt 3 -!/ M-Blt Inhos'pitable-y, N- Insom'nia, nsMi-N Inflam'mable, nFl^M- Toid-s-Pt!-Bl Insom'nious, nsM^Ns Bl Inhos'pitableness, N- Install', Nst-i 1 , Nst- Inflam'mableness, Toid-s-PtiiBs id 1 , Nst-LLNG [nFU-MrBs] Inhospital'ity, N- Installa'tion, Nst-ishn 2 Inflamma'tion, nFl 2 - Toid-s-PtLI^T Install'ment, Nst-L 1 - Mshn Inhu'man. N^Toid-Mn Mnt Inflam'matory, nFl 1 - Inhuman'ity, N-Toid- In'step, N-st-P 3 Mt-J? Mn-T 1 Instill', Nst-i 3 , Nst-id 3 , Inflate', nFlt 2 , nFl^Td, Inhu'manly. N^Toid- Nst-iS-NG nFlt^-XG M-N1 Instilla'tion, Nst-ishn 2 Infla'tion, nFlshn 2 Inhu'mate, N 3 -Toid-Mt In'stillator, Nst-Ltr 8 Inflect', nFl'^-K-T, and Inhuma'tion, N^Toid- InstiU'er, Nst-L^R in all derivatives the Mshn Instill'ment, Nst-Z/ 3 - same. Inhume', NS-Toid-M, Mnt INS 349 LAS Instinct', N 3 -st-NGt In'valid, nV! 3 -D Isl'e^Choid-Xt 1 In'stinct, N 3 -st-NGt Invalidate, nVP-Dt, Is'sue, SH-Ew 3 , SHd- Instinctive, N-st-NGt- V 8 nVU-D Td, nVl^DtC) Invalidation, nVl 2 - Ew 3 SH 3 -NG Itself 7 , T^-sL-F [Ts 2 ] Instinctively, N-st- Dshn NGt-V 8 -i Invalidity, nVld 3 -T T In'stitute, N-st-Tt 3 , N- Invalldness, nVP-D-Ns o st-T 3 'Td, N-st-TtC) 3 Inval'uable-y, nVl 1 - Jan'senism, Jnsi^-Z-M Institu'tion, N-st-Tshn 3 Noid-B Jan'senist, Jnsu-^-St Institu'tional, N-st- Tshn 3 -L Inves'tigate, N-Vst2-Gt, N-Vst^-G-Td, N-Vst 2 - Jeho'vah, J^Koid-V Jeho'vist, J^-Koid-Vst Institu'tionary. N-st- Gt-NG [N-Vs'MJt, etc.] Jehovistlc, J a -Koid- Tshn 3 -!? Investiga'tion, N-Vst 2 - Vst-K In'stitutive, N-st-T 3 -Tv In'stitutor, N-st-Ttr 8 Gshn [N-Vs^Gshn] Inves'tigator, N-vst 2 - Jesting, Jst--NG or Jstng 2 Instrument'al-ly, nsTr 8 Gtr [N-Vs^Gtr] Jet'son, Jtsn 2 :Mnt Invest'ing, N-Vstng 2 Joc'ularly, Ji-KI-R-L Instrumentality, nsTr 1 Invest'ment, N-vst 2 - Jollifica'tion, J-L-F- :Mnt Mnt Kslm Instrumenta'tion , Invol'untarily, nVlnt 1 - Ju'dicature, Jd 3 -Ktr nsTr^-Mnt-SHn R-L Junior, [Jr 3 ] In'sular, nsZ, 3 -R Invol'untariness, Jurisdic'tion, Jrsd 3 - Insularity, nsZA-R-T nVlnt 1 -i?-Ns Kslm In'sulary, nsi 3 --R Invol'untary, nVlnt 1 -^ Jurisdic'tional, Jrsd 3 - In'sulate, nsit 3 , nsi 8 - Involve', nVP-V, nVl 1 - Kshn-X, Td, nsit 3 -NG Vd, nVP-V-NG Jurisdic'tive, Jrsd 3 -Kt- Insula'tion, nsLshn 2 Involv'edness, nVl 1 - V In'sulator, nsitr 3 Vd-Ns Just'ly, J'^-sT-i or Jst 2 - In'sult, nsLt 3 Involve'ment, nVU-V- L Insult', nsit 2 , nsi-Td, Mnt nsLt 2 -NG Invulnerability, nVl 3 - Insult'er, nsitr 2 Nr-B-Lt Insultingly, nsit^NGl Invul'nerable, nV! 2 -Nr- Kai'ser, K-zR 1 In'tegral, N-T 3 -Gr-L or Bl Keen'-witted, Kn 3 -Soid- Nt-Gr-L 3 Invul'ner ablene ss, Td Integ'rity, Nt-Gr-T 2 nVl^Nr-Bl-Ns Keep'ership, K-Pi^-SH- Integ'ument, Nt^G- Inwall', N-wL 1 , N-wi 1 - PfK-Pr 3 : SH] Mnt D, N-wii-NG (S. C., Ket'tle, Kt-L 2 Intel'ligibleness, [Nt- par. 125) Ket'tle-drum, Kt-L 2 - J 2 :Bs] Ironical, i-Ri-N-Kl Dr-M Interchange', Ntr-CH 2 , I'rony, i-IJi-N Ket'tle-pin, Kt-L^-Pn Ntr-CH-NJd 2 , Ntr- Irrecov'erable-y, [Rr 2 - Ki'lo. K-L 3 CHC) 2 Kv-Bl Kin'dergarten, Kndr- Intercos'tal, Ntr-Kst-Z, 1 Irreliglon, [R 3 -Ir-J] G-7? 3 -Tn Interesting, Ntrstng 3 Irresponsibility, [iirs 3 - Kin'dred, Knd-.R 3 -D Inte'rior, N-T 8 - J R- J R or Pns] Kins'woman, Knz 8 - Nt-flr 3 Irretriev'able-y, Ri 3 - Soid-Mn Inter'ment, Nt-R 2 -Mnt Trv-B Kit'ten, K-Tn 8 Interne', N-T^Rn Irrup'tion, J?r 2 -Pshn Knowingly, N^NG-L Interrog'atory, [Ntr 1 - G] Irrup'tive, Rr^Pt-V Is, z 3 . Is may also be in- T, In'terstate, Ntr-st-T 8 cluded in breve-sez, i. Interur'ban, Ntr-R 2 -Bn Intol'erable-y, N-T 1 -!/- R-B1 or Nt-iri-Bl breve-est, and breve- ster, as in the phrases is as, as is, this is, is Laconic. L^-Kn-K Lair, L l -li Lam'entable, i^-Mnt- Intrusting, N-Trst^NG the, is there, where is B or N-Trstpg 2 there, etc. S. C., pars. Land'holder, Lnd 1 - In-ien'do, N-Noid-N-D 2 12, 307, 308, 309, 310. Toid-Ldr Inutillty, N-Noid-T 3 -L- Isl'and, Choid-Lnd 1 Lan'guish, Z/^XG-SH T Isl'ander, Choid-indr 1 Lasting, ist^NG 01 Invalid, nVl^D Isle, Choid-i 1 .Lstng 1 LEA 350 MER Leave, i-eV. Vocal-'Mahog'any, M^Up- Mas'tering, Mstrng 1 ized, when necessary, to Toid-G-N Mas'terpiece, Mstr-Ps 1 distinguish it from h ve. Mahom'edan, M-M-Dn 1 Mas'ter-stroke, Ms-Tr 1 - Leer, X a -R Mai'hem, M^Koid-M sTr-K or Mstrs 1 -!-^ Lee'way, IA-Thoid Mail, (n.) Ml 2 Mast'mg, Mstng 1 Lens'es, 1^-Nzz MaU ; ing, Ml^XG Mas 'tod on, Mst-Dn 1 Less'en, Lsn 2 Mail'able, M1-B1 2 Mate'rial, Mtr-L 3 Les'son, isn 2 Mail'-coaoh, M1 2 -K-CH Materialis'tio, Mtr- Lew'isson, iS-Ssn Majes'tic, M-Jst^-K Lst*-K Lericog'rapher, L^-Ks- Majes'tically, M-Jst 2 -K- Materialis'tical, Mtr- K-Grf-R L ist^-K-L Li'cense, isns 1 Majes'ticalnesB. M-Jst 2 - Mat'terize, Mtr-Z 1 Ligament'al i^-G-Mnt- K-JL-Ns Mat'ter-of-fact, Mtr 1 - L i i 3 -G ! Mnt] Malapropos', Ml-Pr 2 -? Roid-Ft LinVbo, L 8 -M-B Malconf orma'tion, Ml Maturely, Mt-Bl 8 Limp, IAM-P, lAMt, F^Mshn mr n i^ A / n w% A "\fi T?~ ft Mau'ser. Mz-R 1 iurn-/v.Am \ra V^A \tr lAM-P-XG Limp'ingly, XG1 Linoleum, Lin'otype, List'en, isn 3 Listing, ist 3 -XG istng* Listlessness. ist 3 Lit'eraty, L&-R-R Lit'erate, Lt 3 -Rt Lltera'ti, Lt*-it-T Litera'tim, it^-R-T-M Lit'eratore, Lt^Ktr Litera'tus, it'^R-Ts Liz'ard, iz 3 -Rd Loaned, iond 2 . Vocal- Malfea'sance, Ml-Fzns 8 |May'hem, M^-Koid-M L8-M-P- Malf orma'tion, Ml-F 2 -; Mea'sled, Mz-IAD Mshn (Mea'sles, Mz-z 8 Mali'cious, M-LS-SHs [Mea'sly, Mz-i 8 Mali'ciousness, M-i 3 -, Mechan'ical-ly, or is '-M r SHs-Xs Malig'nancy, Ml-G-Xn- Malig'nant, Ml 3 -G-Xnt Malig'nantly, M1 3 -G- Xnt-i Malig'nity, Ml-G-X-T 3 Malison, M-isn 1 Malprac'tice, Ml-Pri-K- Ts [Ml-Pri] Maltreat', Ml-Trt 8 , Ml- Kl Mechanlcalness, M 1 - Kn-Kl-Xs Mechani'cian, M-Kn- SHn 3 Mech'anism, M^Kn-zM Medicine, Mdsn 2 Mediterranean, Md- Trn'^-X Meg'aphone, M-G-Fn 2 Melancholia, Ml-X-K- Tr 3 ' Td, Ml-TrtC) 8 & ized to distinguish it Maltreat'ment, Ml-Trt 3 - Meliorate, Ml-JRt 3 from Lent. Locomo'tive, [i 2 : TV] Mnt Malt'ster, M-itst^R Melt, M-Lt 2 Memoir' M-M-R 1 Locomo'tor atazla, i 2 - Man'drake, M-X-Dr a -K Meningi'tis, Mn-X-J 1 - orMndri-K i Ts Manganese', Mn 3 -G-Xz Men'strual, M-Xst-R^L Man'hole, Mn-Koid-L 1 Men'struant, M-Xst-.R 2 - Manlcure, M u X-Kr \ Xt Manifesting, M-X- Men'struate, M-' K-Mtr Loos'en, Lsn 3 Lore, L*-R Los'er, Ltf-R Loy'al, U-L Luck'ier, L^K- Luck'ily, L2-K-L Lull, L*-L Lump, L2-M-P, [AM-P-NG Lump'y, L'^-M-P Lure, L S -R Lus'cious, LZ-SH Lus'ciousness, L2-SHs- Xs Lust'ing, Lstng 2 Lynx, L 3 -NG-Ks Ln 3 -Ks Lyr'ic, i 3 -R-K Fstng Manifestly, M-X-Fst 1 -!, T, M-Xst-^Td, M- Xst-B^T-XG Man'slaughter, Mn Menstrua'tion, M-Xst- Manufac'tory, [3I-X-F 1 - Men'struous, M-Xst- .KJ i E^ Manufact'ure, [M-X-F 1 ] Men'struum, M-Xst-E 2 - Man'y-cornered, M^X- M Krn-Rd Mariner, M-Rn 1 -! i Marital, M-Rt J -L or : Marred, M-Rd 1 ;Mas'cot, Ms J -Kt Ma'son, Msn 2 Masonic, Msn L K Ma'aonry, Msn-R 2 Massage', Ms-ZH 1 Maglstracy^I-Jsti-R-SMas'ier-builder, Mstr 1 - Mer'cy, Mr-S 2 or Magistrate, M-Jst^Et I B-idr S M. Men'tnl, Mn-T 2 -L [Mnt 2 ] Mentality, Mn-Ti-L-T Men'tally, Mn-T 2 -^ [Mnf- 2 ] Men'tioned, M-X- SHnd 2 Men'tioning, M^Xshn- Mer'cenary. Mrsn-B 2 MES 351 NUZ Mes'merizer, 2 - Misstep' Mst-P 2 zR Misyoke ; , Ms^Moid-K, Mes'senger, Msn-Jr 2 Ms^-Moid-Kt, Ms 2 - [Ms-Jr 2 ] Moid-K-NG Na'iad, N-Noid-D 2 Metal'liform, Mt-Z-LF- Miz'zen, Mzn 8 Narrate', N-A >;! -T, N-i2 2 - M Miz'zeii-mast, Mzn 3 -Mst Td, N-.R*-T-NG Metaphor'io, Mt-Fri-K Metaphor'ical, Mt-Fr 1 - Miz'zle. Mz-i8, Mz-id, Mz-L^-NG Nar'rower, N-I^-R Wa'sally, N-zi 2 Kl Mnemos'yne, N^Ms-N Nastur'tium, Nst-Ji-- Meteorolog'io, Mtr-i 1 - Moc'casin Mi-Ksn SH-M J-K Mod'esty, M-Ds^T or Nec'essarily, Nss-7i' 2 -i Meteorological, Mtr- Mds-Ti Need'less, Ncl-7>s 3 Li-J-Kl Mo'liawk, M2-Up-Toid- Neg'ligence, [N--Glns] Meteorol'ogist, Mtr-L 1 - K Negligent, [N^Glnt] Jst Moist'en, Msn 1 Negligently, [N--Glnt ' Meteorol'ogy, Mtr-im Moist'ure, Ms-CHr* L] Mi'crobe, M-Kr-B 1 Mold, M-Ld^ or Mid 2 Neph'ew, N-F^-Noid Mi'cron. MVKrn Mi'crophone, M-Kr-Fn 1 Mold'er or Mould'er, Mldr 2 or Ml-Dr 2 Nest'ing, Nstng' 2 Neurasthe'nia, N-/is 3 - Mid'way, Md^Thoid Mold'ing or Mould'ing, TH-N Migra'tion, MMirshn M-Ld('j 2 orMldC) 2 Nic'otine, N-K-Tn 3 (S. C., page 193) Monument'al-ly, Mn 1 : Night'-hawk, Nti-Toid- Mi'gratory, 1 Mnt K MUe, M-L 1 or Ml 1 Moor'ings, M-.R 8 -NGz Night'-shade, Nt^SH- Milk'y-way, M-IA-K- Mort'gage, [Mi-Gl D Thoid Mort'gage-deed, [Mi-G- Night'-watch, Nt 1 - Mill, (n.) Ml 3 Dd] Thoid-CH Mill, (v.) M-L 8 , M-Ld 8 , M-IANG Mortgagee', [M-G-J 8 ] Mort'uary , 1 Night'-Avitch Nt 1 - Thoid-CH Mil'liner, M-I^-Nr or MF-Nr Mother-of-pearl', Mdhr^-Roid-P-jRl Nitroglyc'erine, Ntr- Gl-siin 3 Mil'linery, M-in 8 -B or Mo'tionless, Mshn 2 -Ls No, N 2 . See any. MF-Nr Mo'torman, Mtr^Mn Nomenclature, N^-M- Mill'wright, K-L^Rt or Mug'wump, M-Gw-M- N-Kltr Mi-Be" P 2 No, sir, [Ns 2 ] Mineral'ogy, M-Nr-J 1 Mul'tiple, M-Lt 2 -?! or Non-conform'ity, Nn ' Min'ister, M 3 -Nstr, M- Mlt-Pl 2 FLR-M-T [NniFi-T] Nst-.Rd 3 , M 8 -Nstrng Mul'tiplicand, M-it 2 - Non-conta'gious Nn- Min'istral, M-Nst-^ 3 -L Pl-KndorMlt-Pl^Knd Knt-Js 2 Min'istrant, M-Nst- MultipUca'tion, M-it 2 - Non-conta'giousness, Ent 8 Pl-Kshn or Mlt-Pl 2 - Nn-Knt-Js -2 -\s Ministra'tion, M-Nst- Kshn Non-man ufac'turing, flshn 2 Mul'tiply, M-it 2 -?!, M- [Nn-M-N-F(') 1 ! Min'istry, M-Nst-E 8 it^Pld, M-Lt^Pl-NG Non'sense, N^-Nsna Min'strel, M-Nstr-i 8 or Mlt-Pl 2 , etc. North'-star, Nr-THst 1 - Min'strelsy, M-Nstr-L 8 - S Mur'deress, Mr-Dr 2 ^ Mur'derously, Mrdr-sL 2 R Nor'west'er, Nr-Wstr 2 Misbelief, M-sBlf 8 Mus'cular, Ms-K-L 2 -R Nos'le, Nz-L 1 Mischarge' Ms-CH 1 -^- Mus'tering, Mstrng 2 Nos'tril, Nst-i? 1 ^ J, Ms-CPP-EJd, Ms- Mu'toscope, M-TS-sK-P Nos'trum, N-sTr^M or CHi-E-J-NG Muz'zle,Mz-I, 2 , Mz-id 2 , Nst-Ri-M Misdemean'or, [Ms-D 3 ] Mz-L^-NG Note'-worthy, Nt 2 - Misform', Ms-Fi-M, etc. Muz'zle-ring, Mz-J^jR- Thoid-DH Misfort'une, Ms-F 1 -!?- NG Notwithstanding, CHn or Ms-Fti-N Myo'pia, M-P 2 [Nts-Tndi-NG] Misinform', Ms-N-F^M, Myself, Ms-Li-F [Ms 1 ] Noz'zle, Nz-L 1 , Nz-Ld 1 , Ms-N-FLMd, MS-N-FI- Mys'tery, Ms-T 3 - Nz-Li-NG M-NG Mys'tify, Ms-T 8 -F, Ms- Nui'sanoe, Nsns 8 Misinf orma'tion, Ms-N- F^Mshn Tf 8 -D, M8-Tf 8 -^(G or Mst-F 8 , Mst-Fd 8 , Mst- Nut'-hook, Nt^Toid-K Nuz'zle, Nz-L 2 , Nz-Ld 2 , Misspent', Ms-Pnt 2 F-NG Nz-IANG O 352 OTH Oc'cupy, K-Noid-Pi, K- Or, Ri Noid-Pdi, K-Noid-Pi- Or all, Rli NG Or an, Rn 1 O., as an initial of proper names, is written with Of, Roid 2 . S. C., p. 42. In phrases of may be Or other, Rdhr 1 Or rather, R^Edhr Joid on the line. written with either 2. In the middle of Oaths, DHz 2 Roid or Choid. accord- phrases by R, when Obei'sance, Bsns 8 ing to which makes the more convenient than R ; Obit'uary, Bt 3 -Moid-E best junction. In the thus: Ob'ject, (n.) [Ji-Ktj Ob'ject-glass, [JP-Kt- phrases of it, of its, of other, of their, the stem Day or two, D^tf-T Three or four, THr 3 - Gls] V 1 may be used for of R-F-R Objec'tionable, [Bshn 2 - instead of the breve. Eight or nine, TVR- B] S. C., pare. 138, 162, Nn Ob'jectless, Ji-Kt-Is 167, 197, 198, 428, and Said or done, sD^-R- Oblit'erate, E 8 -Lt-Rt, p. 172. Dn B 3 -Lt-E-Td, B 3 -t- Of the, standing 3. After several of the Et-XG alone, is written with single stem words by Oblitera'tion, B -2 -Lt- the breves Roid 12 - the r-hook jthus : Eshn Choid ; but in phrases At or, Tr 1 Observ'atory, B^ziivt- it is written with either Two or three, Tr- R Roid-Choid or Choid- THr Observe', B'^Ev, B 2 - Roid according to con- On or, Nr 1 zjRvd, B 2 -z.Rv-ng Observ'er, B 2 -zRv-R venience ; and in a few phrases Vet is used, as In or, Nr 3 Or'chestra, Ri-Kst-E Observ'ing, B^-Rv-ng in most of the time, one Or'chestral, RLKst-E- (S. C. par. 328) of the, seasonofthe year. L Observ'ingly, B^jRv- S. C., pars. 167, 429. Orchestra'tion, R^Kst- ng-L Officer, FskR Rshn Ob'solete, B!-sZ,t. See Absolute. Ohm. M 2 Ohm'meter, M2-Mtr Or'ganize, Ri-Gn-Z, R 1 - Gn-Zd, Ri-Gn-Z-NG Ob'stinacy, B^t-N-S Oil'-y, [Poid-i 1 ] Or'ganizer, Ri-Gn-Z-R Ob'stinate, Bi-st-Nt Old, Boid-Ld2, Boid- or Ri-Gn-zR Ob'stinately, fii-st-Nfr-L idr 2 , Boid-L^Dst or Orient'al, Rnt'^-L or Ru 2 - Obstipa'tion, B^-st- Boid-Ldst 2 T-L Pshn Old'-age, Boid-id 2 !J Or'ison, Rzn 1 Obstrep'erous, Bst^-R- Old'en, Boid-i^-Dn Ornithol'ogy, Rn^TH- Prs Obstrep'erously, Bst 2 - Old'ish, Boid-L^D-SH Old'ness, Boid-Ld' 2 -Ns L-J [Rni-TH-J] Orthope'dic, 3 -TH-P- R-Pr-sL Oleomar'garine, L : -M- I>K Obstrep'erousness, E-Grn Os'suary, SH^Moid-E Bst 2 -E-Prs-Ns One'-horse, Wn >2 -Toid- Osteol'ogy, [St 1 J] Obstric'tion, Bstr 3 - Rs [Wn^Rsl Osteop'athy, Sti-P-TH Kshn Oneself, Wn 2 ' s 2 Os'trich, S^Tr-CH or Obstruct', Bstr^Kt, One's self, Wnz 2 s 2 Sti-E-CH Bstr^K-Td, Bstr^Kt- Ontol'ogy, Nt 1 ' J Other, DHr 1 . Written NG O'pen-hearted, Pn 2 - in the first position to Obstructed, Bstr^K- Toid-E-Td avoid conflict with Td Ophthal'moscope, F 1 - their, which is written Obstruct'er, Bstr^Ktr TH-i-Ms-K-P in the second position. Obstruction, Bstr 2 - Opposi'tion, PzsAn 1 . In phrases other may Kshn See Position. be written with the Obstruct'ive, Bstr^Kt- Op'tic, Pi-T-K or Pt l -K Ther-hook or by the V Op'tics, PLT-Ks or Pt 1 - Lengthening Principle. Ob'struent, Bst 3 -B-Nt Ks S. C., pars. 20<t, 231, Oc'cupancy, K-Xoid- Op'timist, PLT-Mst or 271 and Rem. 276. Ex- Pni-S PtLMst amples : Oc'cupant, K-Noid-Pnt 1 Or is written as follows : In other, Ndhr 3 Occupa'tion, K-Noid- 1. When standing alone No other, Vdhr 2 Pshn 2 or commencing phrases Of other, Vudhr 1 Oc'cupier, K-Noid-P^Rjby R 1 ; thus: ~ " Some other, sMdhr 2 OTH 353 POS The other, DHdhr 8 Every other, Vndhr 2 Paraphrastic, Pr L Frst- K Permis'sible-y, Pi-3-Ms- B Each other, CHdhr 8 Par'esis, pi-^ss Per'son, Prsn- Such other, sCHdhr 2 Oth'ers, DHrz* Parliament, [Pr 1 -!,] Parliament'ary, [Pr 2 -!/] Per'sonage, Pi-sn^-J Per'sonate, P~Ji's-Nt Our, Ri. So written to Par'son, Pi-Rsn Pervade' Prv-D. Prv 2 - distinguish it from the Particular'ity, Prt 1 - Dd, Prv-'-D-NG abbreviation R for her. Kl-^t Pes'ter, Pstr-, Pst^Ed, In phrases our is writ- Particulariza'tion, Prt 2 - Pstrng 2 ten with both R and Kl-Rzshn Pes'tilence, Pst-Lns the r-hook. Examples : Partic'ularize, Prt 8 -Kl- Pes'tilent, Pst^Lnt Of our, Choid-E 1 Rz Pestilen'tial-ly. Pst--in- To our, R*orT*-R By our, Br 1 On our, Nr 1 Particularly, [Prt s -L] Particulars, [Prtz 3 ] Par'tisan, P^-Rtzu or SH1 [PsfiLn] Phlogis'tic. FF-Jst-K Phone. Fn- Ourself , jRsi or Ri ! s 2 Prtzni Physiol'ogy, Fz : -J Out'fltter, Tfi-Tr Par'tisanship, Prtzn 1 : Pig'eon-hole, P-Jn-L Outflank', T^Fl-NG-K SH Pilas'tered, Pi-ist-Rd or TLFln-K Parturi'tion, Prt^-Moid- Pis'til, Pst y -L Outlast'ing, TH-Lstng Rshn Pis'tol, Pst 3 -i, Pst 3 -Ld, Outwalk', TJ-Soid-K Pas'senger, Pi-sJr Pst-L-NG Outwear', T : -Wr or T L Pas'tern, Pst^JSn Pis'tole, Pst 3 -L Soid-R Pas'til, Psti-i Pit'eous, P^-T-S Ova'rian, V'^-Rn Pastille', Pst 8 -^ Plan'et. Plni-T O'ver, Vr 1 . Written in Past'ing, Pstng 2 Planeta'rium, Pln' 2 -T- first position so that it Pas'torlike, Pstri-L-K je-M will not conflict with Pas'torly, Pstr^i Plan'etary, Plni-T-^ Vr 2 , Very. Pas'try, Pst*-R Plas'tered, Plst.LJfd Overcharged', VrM^H- Pas'try-oook, Pst 2 -.R-K- Plas'tic, Plsti-K R-Jd K Plas'tron, Plst^-Rn Overshade', Vri-SH-D Pa'ter-noster, Pt*-R- Plat'form, [I'lti-F] Overshad'ow, Vr^&ff- Nstr Plen'ary, Pln 2 -^ D Path'way, Pi-TH-Thoid Plen'itude, Pln-Td Oversold', Vr^sL-D Pav'er, Pv^-R Plen'teous, Plnt' J -.S Overval'ue, Vr^Vl- Pav'ier, Pv2-R Plen'teously, Plnt'^-S-i Noid Pecuniary, [Pa-Kn] Plen'teousness. Plnt^-S- Overweigh', VWThoid Ped'agogy, P^-D-G-J Ns Owes, Joidz 2 Pedes'trial, P2-Dst-E- Pock'et-handkerchief. Owl, L 1 or ow-L 1 L Pi-Kt-NGr-CHf Own'er, Nr 1 Pedes'trian, P^-DsirRn Poi'son, Pzn 1 Owner'ship, Nr^H-P Pedes'trianism, P^-Dst- Polem'ic, P1--M-K Ox'en, Ksn 1 En-zM Polem'ical, Pli-M-Kl Ox'-stall, KstLL Pedes'trianize, P^-Dst- Polem'ics, Pl--M-Ks P" Rn-Z, P2-Dst-ffn-Zd, Polem'oscope, Pl'--Ms- P2-Dst-En-Z-NG K-P . Pen'sion, P^Nshn, Pn 2 - Polyclin'ic, PF-Klti-K Pales'tra, P2-ist-B SHnd, pa-Nshn-ng Polyg'amy, P18-(J-M Pales'trian, P^-ist-En Pen'siveness, Pns 2 : Vs Pop'ularize, PLp-i-J?z, Pantaloons', Pn 3 -T-Lnz Pentecost'al, Pni-T- pi-P-i-^zd, Pi-P-X- Fan'theism, Pn^TH-Z- Kst-i jRz-NG M Pen'ury, P2-N-Noid-E Portent'ous, P2-E-Tn- Pan'theist, Pn^THst Pe'onage, P3-N-J Ts Pantheistic, Pn-THst- Per'colate, Pr2-Klt, Pr 2 - Portent'ously, P^-^-Tn- K Kl-Td, Pr2-Klt-NG T-sL Pantheist'ical, Pn 8 - Percola'tion, Pr^Klshn Por'ter, P^Rtr. See THst-K-L Percolator, Pr^-Kltr Operator. Pan'theon Pni-THn Pericardi'tis, Pi-B-Kr- Por'ter-house, P^-Rtr- Papist'ic, p3-Pst-K D-Ts Hs Pa'pistry, P^-Pat-R Perine'al, PS-R-N-L Por'tion, (n.) P^Rshn. Paraphernalia, Pr^Fr- Peritoni'tifl, P^R-T-N- See Operation. Nl Ts Po'ser, p2-zR POS 354 QUA Post'age, Pi-st-J Preaerva'tion, [Pr 2 - Prospect'or, Prs^P-Kti Post'ing, Pstng 2 z-Rshn] Pros'titute, Pri-st-Tt, Post'al, Pst^-L Preserv'atory, Pr 2 - Pri-st-T'Td, Pri-st- Poat'al-card, Pst^-L- zRvt-R TtC) Krd Post' captain, Pst^K-Pt Preserv'er, Pr^Bv-R Preserv'ing, Pi^-zfiv- Prostitu'tion, PrS-st- Tshn [Prs3-tshn] PoBt'-coach, Pst2-K-CH Posterity, Pst^-B-T Presiden'tial, Prz2_D n . Pros'trate, Prsti-JSt, Prsti-E-Td, Prsti-Bt- Post'-haste, Pst 2 -Hst SH NG Post'-house, Pst*-Hs Prevail', Pr^-Vl, Pr 2 - Prostra'tion, Prst 2 - Post'humous, Pst^Ms Vld, Pr2-Vl-NG Eshn Posfhumously, Pst 1 - Prev'alence Pr^-Vlns Protest', Pi^-Tst, Pr 2 - Ms-L Prev'alent, Pr^Vlnt Ts-Td, Pr 2 -Tst-NG or Pos'til, PstkL Priesfhood, PrstS-Hd Prtst 2 , Prts 2 -Td, Post'ing, Pstng 2 Priest'-like, Prst 3 -^-K Prtstiig 2 Post'-road, Pst^-R-D Priestliness, Prst a -L-Ns Prot'estantism, Prts 1 - Poten'tial, [P^Tn-SH] Priest'ly, Prst 3 -i Tt-zM Pour'er, P*-R-R Priest'-ridden, PrstS-jR- Protesta'tion, Pr^Ts- Pow'der-wagon, Pi-Dr- Dn Tshn or Prtst^Sffn Soid-Gn Prin'cipal-le, Pr 8 Prothon'otary, Pr 1 - Prac'tioal-ly, [Pri-Kl] Prin'cipally, Pri 8 THn-T-E or Pri- Practioal'ity, [Pri-Kl-T] Principal'ity, Prns 1 -?- THnt-B Practicalness, [Pr^Kl- Lt Pro'toplasm Prt^Pl-zM Ns] Pris'on, Przn 8 Pro'toplast. Prt^Plst Prais'er, Pr^zR Probability, [PrS-B] Provide', Prv^D, Prv 1 - Praise'worthiness, Prob'able-y, [Pri-B] Dd, Prvi-D-NG Prz*-Thoid-DH-Ns Procea'sional, PrssAn 2 - Provi'so, Prv^-Z Praise'worthy, Prz' 2 - L Provi'sory, Prv L Z-J? Thoid-DH Proces'sionary , PrssAn 2 - Prov'ost, Pri-VstorPr 2 - Preces'sional, PressAn 2 - E V L Procras'tinate, Pr^-Kr- Pruden'tial-ly, Pr^-Dn- Predict', Prd 3 -Kt, Prd 8 - st-Nt SH K-Td, Prd8-Kt-NG Procrastina'tion, Pr 2 - Publicity, nP 8 -Bs-T] Predic'tion, Prd s -Kshn Kr-st-Nshn Publicly, [P 2 -B ! L] Pre-em'inent, Pr^Mn- Prod, P r i-D Puer'peral, P*-R-P-Rl Nt Prod'uct, Prd^Kt or Pu'gil, P3-J1 Premise', Pr^Miz Preoc'cupancy, Pr L K- Pri-D-Kt Produo'tion, Prd^Kshn Pu'gilism P3-Jl-zM Pu'gilist, PMlst Noid-Pn-S or Pr2-Dshn Pugilist'ic, P3-Jlst-K Preoccupa'tion, Pr^K- Profess'or, Pr2-Fs-J2 or Pu'issance or Puis'- Noid-Pshn Prfs 2 -^ sance, Psns 3 Preoc'cupy, Pri-K- Profit. Ppi-Ft or Prft 1 Pulsatilla, P a -Ls-T-L Noid-P, Pr!-K-Noid- Prophet'ic, Pr^F-T-K Pulsa'tion, P 2 -LssAn Pd, PrLR-Noid-P-NG or Prf t2-K Pun'gency, Pn^J-N-S Preponderance, Pr L Propi'tious, Pr-P-SHs Pun'gent, Pn^Jnt Pndr-Ns Propor'tion, Pr^Pshn, Pun'gently, Pn^Jnt-L Preponderant, Pr 1 - P^-P-^shnd, Pr 2 - Puritan'ical-ly, P!-.Rt- Pndr-Nt Pshn-NG N-K1 Preponderate. Pr 1 - Pndr-T, Pri-Pndr-Td, Propor'tionable-y, Pr 2 - Pshn-B Pu'rity, P3-E-T Pust'ule, Pst 2 -L Pri-Pndr-T-NG Propor'tional-ly, Pr 2 - Putres'cence, P^Trsns Prepondera'tion, Pr 2 - Pshn-L Puz'zle, P Z 2-L, Pz2-Ld, Pndr-SHn Propor'tionate, Pr 2 - Pz 2 -L-NG Preposi'tional, Pr 8 - Pshn-T Puz'zler, P2-ZL-R Pzstin-L Propos'er, Pr^P-zR Prepos'terous, Pri-Pst- Proposi'tional, Pr 8 - Bs Pzshn-L Q. Prerogative, [IV-B- Propound'er, Pr^Pndr Quad'rangle, Kw-Dr 1 - G] Proscrip'tion, Pri-sK- NG1 Prescribe', Pr8-sK-B Pshn. See Prescrip- Quadrilat'eral, Kwd- Pres'ence, Przns 2 tion. Rlt^Rl QUA 355 RET Quality. Queen's'-bend^Kwnz 8 - B-N-CH Ques'tioned. CHnd 2 Qui'ver, Kwv-R 8 Ra'bies, E^Bz Bace'-horse, Es^-Toid- Rs Quadrille', Kwd-El 8 I Reeling, Ev^ng 1 Re-investing Quadrillion, Kwd-Eln 8 Refer', Ef*-R, EfZ-Rd, ' Vstng QuaflTer, Kwf-Ri Efi-R-NG [Ef 2 , Efd 2 , Re-invest'ment Qualiaug, Kwi-Toid-G Ef^ng] | Vst-Mnt Qualitative, Kvi-IA-T- Reform' E L F-M or E 1 - Reli'ant, TV F, K^-F-ild, E^-F-M- Relieving, NG Renewed', Reforma'tion, Bf^-R- Choid Mshn [E'^F-Mshn or Rent'al. Ent^-L E^-Fshn] Reorganize, R*-_ Kwa- Reformative, [E L F- Representative. Mt-V] I or E'^P-V] Reform'atory, [E^F- Reprov'ingiy, Mt-E] i NG-L Reformed', [ELF-Md] Repug'nance, [E-P-Gi Refract', BP-R-Kt, Ef 1 - Repug'nancy. E' 2 -?- R-K-Td, Ef^E-Kt- Gn-b NG. See Reflect, etc. Repug'nant. E 2 -P-G Refrac'tion, Ef : -R- Repug'nantly, E-P-G ; Kshn. See Reflection.] L Refrac'tive,Ef 1 -R-Kt-V Repul'sive. E^P-ls-V Refract'orily, Ef^R- Kt-El 1 Requesting, E 2 - Refract'oriness, Ef!-R- Kwstng K-T-E-Ns Resem'blance, R^-zM- Eshn 8 - Refract'ory, Efi-R-K- Bins T-E Resem'ble, R^-zM-Bl, Kationalist'ical, Eshn 8 - Refrain', Ef^-Eu, Ef- R^-z^l-Bld. R^zM-Bl- End, EP-En-NG I NG Bat'tling, Et^L-NG Refresh', Ef^-R-SH. Reserv'atory. Ez : -Evt- Rav'ing, Ev^ng Ef^-R-SH-T, Rf^-R- RawTiide. E L Koid-D SH-NG Reserv'er. Ra'zor, E^zR Refresh'er, Ef^-R-SHr Reserving, Ez-Ev-ng Re-arrange', E^E-N-J Refresh'ment, Ef^-R- Reeiden'tiaL, [Ez-Dn- Rea'son, Ezn 3 SH-Mnt I J>H1 Rais'er, E-^zR Rai'sin, Ezn 2 Rapa'cious, E^P-SHs Raider, E L Er Rare'ness, Rationalistic, Lst-K Rea'sonableness, .Rzn 8 Bs Rea'soner, Rea'soning, Recast'ing, Recis'ion, Rszkn s Reck'less, J?2-Kls Recklessly, R*-K\-sL Recklessness, R't-Kls- Ns Reck'oner, R2-Kn-R Rec'ognize, R 2 Niz Hecov'er, i?2-Kv-R. NG [E'-'-Kv, ES-Kvd. Recov'erable, R-B1 [E2-Kv-| Becov'ery, E^-I Beery stalliza'tion, Krst-Lxshn Recrys'tallize, Li Redeem'er, E 8 -D-M-R Reefing, EfS-ng Refrig'erant, Jrnt - Residentiary, Refrig'erate, EfS-R-Jrt, Res'in, Ezn 2 Efa-R-Jr-Td, Ef^R- Respon'sive. Es^Pns-V Jrt-NG Respon'sively, Es^Pns- Refrigera'tion, Ef^-R- V-L Jrshn Restate'. E^-st-T, E'-^-st- Refrig'erative, Rf*-R- Td, E^-st-T-NG Jrt-V Rest'ing. Estng 2 Refrigerator, EfS-R- Restitu'tion, ES-st-Tshn Jrtr ^Restrict', Ea-str-Kt, Refrig'eratory, EfS-R- E 3 -str-K-Td, E 3 -str- Jrt-E i Kt-NG Regenera'tion, [E 2 - Restrin'gent, E 3 -str-N- Jshn] Jnt Registered, E -2 -Jst-Rd Resum'able. R 8 -zM-Bl Reg'istrar, E^-Jstr-R Resume', R 3 -zM, R 8 - BM*tra'tion, E^st-! zMd, R s -zM-NG jjshn Hesump'tion, RS-zMahn Registry. E^-Jst-E Resump'tive, Ri-zMjt-y Reg'ularly, Re-instaU', E^Nst-Ld, Re-install'ment. Mst-L-Mnt Resurrection, [Ez 2 Eshn] -L- Resurrec'tionist, [Ez 2 - I Eshn-St] i-RetorV. Rti-Rt, Rt^E- Td, Rt^Et-NG RET 356 SEL Hetorfer, Rt^JStr Rose'ola, R*-Z-L Self-corn or self-con. Retortion, Rt^-Rshn Ros'in, ijzn 1 When the second part of Het'rospect, E^Tr-aP- Rough'ing, Ri^ng the word commences Kt or 7?trs*-P-Kt Rous'er, R^-zE with com or con, usually Return', Rt 2 -tfn, Rt 2 - Roys'terer, Rs^-T-R-R represented bv a dot, it Rnd, Rt^jRn-NG Rubes'cence, .R^-Bsns is not necessary in prac- Beturn'able, Rt^JJn-B- Rud'dy, R^-uD tice to write the dot. L Hudiment'al-ly, U 2 - Self at the end of words Return'-day, Rt^En-D DiMnt is written sometimes Return'er, Rt^En-R RuflTmg, Rf^-ns with the full outline, sL- Returnless, Et*-Rn-La Hum'mager, R^-M-Jr F, sometimes with the Rev'enue, B^V-N- Run'ner, Rri*-E s-circle joined, and occa- Choid Run'round, Rn'^-Rod. sionally with the s-circle Revere', RvZ-R, Rv 3 - Rust'ing, .Rstng 2 detached and placed on Rd, BvS-R-NG the line close to the pre- Reveren'tial-ly, JJv 2 - JRn-SHl [tfv^Kn-SH] . ceding part of the out- line. Rever'sal, Rv^-Es-L Sacrament' al-ly, sKr 1 : The note under Self on Reverse 7 , Bv^Rs, .Bv 2 - Mnt page 237 is obsolete. Rst, tfv^Rs-NG Sales'-woman, sLz 2 - Self-abase'ment, s- ' B 2 - Reversely, Rv*-Rs-L Soid-Mn sMnt Revers'er, Bv^Rs-R Sail cine, sZisn 1 Self -abhorrence, s 2 -B 1 - Reversible, .Rv^Rs- Sanita'rium, sN-T 2 -^- H-Rns B(-L) M Self-combat'ting, s 2 Revert', JBv2-Rt Satisfec'tion, [sTssAn 1 ] BtO 1 Revert'er, Rv'^Rtr Savings-bank, [sVz^-B] Self-command', s 2 ' Nd 1 Revest'ment, R'*-Vat- Savior or Saviour, Self-communion, s 2 Mnt [sV] Nn 3 Revis'er, JJi-Vz-fi Sax'on, sKsn 1 Self-compla'cency, s 2 ' Revisionist, JS 3 -Vzhn- Scalp, sK-ZA-P PWLN-S 8t Scarce, sK-Rs 1 , sK-Rs 1 - Self-conceit', s 2 sT 3 Revolu'tionary, [Lshn 3 - R, sK-Rsi-St Self-conceit'ed, s 2 : sTd 3 B] Scarcely, sK-Es^-L Self -concern 1 , s 2 ' sRn 2 Revul'sion, .R^V-Lshn Scarce'ness, sK-Rgi-Ns Self-condemna'tion, s' 2 ' Rhe'ostat, Rs 3 -Tt Scholas'tic, sK-Lst^K D 2 -M-Nshn Rheostatlc, .Rs^Tt-K Scholas'tical, sK-Lst 1 - Self-condemned', s 2 ' Rin'derpest, JJndrS-Pst K-L D2-Md Ris'en, J?zn 3 Scholiastlc, sK-Lsti-K Self-con'fidence. s 2 ' F } Ris'er, fii-zR Sci'entist, fei-N-Tst Dns Rit'ual-ly, Bt 3 -Noid-L Sea'-hog, S 3 -Toid-G Self-con'flict, s 2 Fl 1 - Rit'ualism, Jit^Noid- Sea'-horse, S- 3 -Rs K-T Lz-M Sea'-port, S 3 -P-Et Self-con'quest, s 2 5 Riv'er, Rv^-E Sea'-weed, S 3 -Soid-D Kwst 1 Riv'ered, Bv 3 -Rd Sea'-worthiness, [S 8 - Self-consid'ering, s 2 ' Riv'er-god, J?v 3 -R-Gd Thoid-DH-Ns] sDr-NG Hiv'er-horse, J?v 3 -R-Rs Sea'-worthy, [S 3 -Thoid- Self-con'scious, s 2 SHs 1 Roasting, Ustng 2 DH] Self-consist'ent, s 2 ' Rock' away, R^K- Seces'sion, Ss^SHn ssTnt 3 Thoid Seces'sionist, Ss'^H- Self-contradic'tion, s 2 ? Rock'-crystal, B^-K-i Nst Trd 3 -Kshn Krst-i Seis'in or Seizin, Szn 3 Self -control', s 2 Tr 2 -L Rocking-horse, R^-K- Self, sL*-F. See Selves. Self-convict'ed, s 2 V s - NG-Rs Note. Self at the be- K-Td Rock'-oil, JJi-K-oi-L ginning of words is usu- Self-deceit', s 2 : Ds 3 -T Roent'gen, ^nt'^-Gn ally written with the s- Self-deceive', s 2 ' Ds 2 - Hois' terer, Rs^-T-R-R circle invariably placed V Rollic, .Rli-K, JRl^Kt, on the line, the rest of Self-decep'tion, s 2 iD a ^P-K-NG the outline being de- sPshn Roofer, RP-E tached and placed close Self-defense' s 2 ! Dft Roofing, Rfi-ng after it and in its own Ns Roosting, fetng 3 proper position. 8elf<leni'al, s 2 ! D^N-L SEL 357 STA Self -dependent, s 2 ' D 2 - Senes'cence, sNsns 2 Skulk, sK-L 2 -K, sK-I^- Pnd-Nt Self-destroy'er, s 2 - Dst L Sensa'tional, sNssAn 2 -^ Sensa'tionalism , sNssAn 2 - K-T, 8 K-L 2 -K-NG Skulk'er, sK-L 2 -Kr R-R z-M Sky'-scraper. sK^sKr- Self-destruo'tion, s 2 ' Sen'tinel, sN-T^Nl Pr Dsti^-Kshn Septicse'mia, sP 3 -T-sM Slack'en, sL l -Kn Self-educa'tion, s 2 *!) 2 - or sPta-sM Slaok'ened, sI/ 1 -K-Nd Kshn Seques'ter, sKwstr 2 , Slashed, al^-SH-T Self-esteem', s 2 '- St^M Self-ev'ident, s 2 ; Vd'^-Nt sKwst-jRd 2 , sKwstrng 2 Seques'terable, sKwst- Smooth'er, sM-Dhr 3 or sMdhr 3 Self -exaniina'tion, s 2 R*-B1 Soci'ety, Ss^T K 2 -zM-Nshn Seques'trate, sKwst- So'fa, soF. See Stove. Self-excus'ing, s^Ks 8 - ^t 2 , sKwst-E^-Td, (S. C., page 198) Kz-NG sKwst-JRt^-NG Sol'ecist, sis 1 -St Self-exist' ence, s 2 Kas- Sequestra'tion, sKwst- Solecist'ic, sLs 3 -St-K Tns 8 Rahtf Solecist'ical-ly, sLs^t- Self-exist'ent, s 2 Kss- Seq'uestrator, sKwst- Kl Tnt 8 Bti* Song'stress, sNGst-Ea 1 Self-gov'ernment, s 2 Gv--Rn2-Mnt [s^Gv 2 - Serv'ing, aRv^-ng Sesquip'edal, sS 8 -Kw- Soph'istry, sFst^-R Soporiferousness, Mnt] P-D1 sPrf 3 -J?s-Ns Self -in'terest. s 2 i Ntrst 8 Selfish, a*-SH. or s 2 '. SH 2 Ses'sion, sSHn 2 , and sometimes in phrases Southeast', sTHst 3 Southeaster, sTHstr 8 Selfishly, s 2 '. SH2-L by the s-circle and Southeast'erly. sTHstr 8 - Selfishness, s 2 tSH 2 -Ns tsAun-hook ; thus, L Self-knowl'edge, s 2 N- Nss^n 3 , In session. Southea8t'ern,sTHstrn 8 Ji Sev'eralty, sV^-Rl-T South we st'ern, sTH 2 - Self-love', s 2 5 L^V Severely, sV 8 -R-.L Wstrn Self -made', s 2 5 Md 2 Sever'er, aV*-R-R Spar'er, aP l -R-R Self-mo'tion, s 2 ! Mshn 2 Sex'tile, sKst-i 2 Spar' tan, sP 1 -.Z?-Tn Self -moved', s 2 '. M-Vd 8 Sextill'ion, sKst-in 8 Spe'cialty, 8 P 2 -SH1-T Self-mur'der, s 2 5 Mrdr 2 Shad'y, 8H*-D Specific a' tion, [sPs 2 - Belf-neglect'ing, s 2 N 2 - Shalt, SHlt 1 Fshn] GC) Shareholder, SHr 1 - Spec'tral, sP^Kt-Bl Self-opin'ion, s 2 !Pn s -N Toid-Ldr Spec'troscope, sP'^-K- Self-opin'ioned, s 2 Pn 8 - Shep'herd, SH*-Prd Tr-sK-P Nd Shep'herdess, SH^Pr- Speed, S P 3 -D or sPd 8 Self-posses'sion, s 2 ' Ds Spirituaust'ic, sPrt 8 - PzsAn 2 Shilling, SHF-NG Z,st-K Self-praise', s 2 ' Prz 2 Ship'per, SH 8 -Pr Spirt, aPt-Rt Self-preserva'tion, s 2 i Pr^E-Vshn [-J&shn] Shirt'-waist, SHrt^Wst Shoal, SH2-L, SHl^D, Spon'sor, sP^Ns-JJ or sPns^R Self-reg'ulated, s^-R 2 - 8H14-NG Sport, aP't-Rt. Gl-Td Short'est, SHrti-St or Spurt, sP2-.Rt Self-reli'ance, s 2 ! Bins 1 Shrtst 1 Spu'tum, sP 8 -T-M Self -reproach', s 2 5 .R 2 - Short'-witted, SHrt 1 - Staid, sT^D. See Pr-CH Soid-Td Steady. Self-right'eous, s^-R 1 - Shouldst,SHdst 8 [SHst 8 ] Staid'ness, sT^D-Ns. CHs Shred'ded, SHr^Dd See Steadiness. Self-sao'rifloe, s 2 sKr- Side'walk, sD!-Soid-K Stair'way, stR 1 -Soid Fz 1 Sid'ing, sDi-NG Stan'chion, sTn^SHn Self-same', s 2 5 sM 2 Sig'nify, [sG 8 , sG-Fd 8 , Stand'-stiU-sTudst^L Self -satisfied, s 2 !sTs 1 - BOW Stat'ed, st-Td 2 Fd Sin'ew, sN 8 -Noid, sN- Stat'edly, st-Td 2 -^ Self-suffl'cient, s 2 Noid-D 8 , sN 8 -Noid-NG States'man, stT^sMn sFshnt 8 Sin'ewy, sN 8 -Noid- States'men, stT^Mn Self-wiU', s 2 '. wL* Choid Statis'tical, stTstS-K- Self-willed', s 2 i wL*-D Sin'gle, (a.) [sNG 8 ] L Send, sNd 3 , sNd 8 -NG. Sin'Rular, [sNG-Lr 8 ] Statis'ticaUy, BtTst 8 -K- See Sent. Sin'jcularly, [sNG-ir 8 - L Sen'der, sNdr 8 L] Sta'tu Quo, stCH^Kw STE 358 THE Stenographer, stN-Grf- Rt, sP^-Moid-B-Td, SyUogis'tic, sL^Jst-K R 1 sPS-Moid-^t-NG Syllogis'tical, sI/ 3 -Jst- Stenofypy, stN-T 1 -? Sur'name, sB^N-M K-L Sten'tor, sTntr 2 Sur'plioe, sR'^Pls Stento'rian, sTa^T-fin Sur'plice-fees, sR^PIs- Step'son, stPsn' 2 Fz . Stock'-exehange, stK 1 - Surplus, sR^Pls Tap'estry, T^-Pst-E Ks-CH (-N-J) Sur'plusage, sR -2 -Pls-J Tast'ing, Tst'^-NG or Stock'-still, stKstkL Surpris'ing, [sPrz(') 1 ] Tstng 2 Stom'acher, stM-CHr 2 Sur'rogate, sE^-Gt. See Taftle, Tt^L, Tt 1 - Straight'en, sTr^Tn, Circuit. Ld, Tti-L-NG sTr^-Tn-D, sTr^-Tn- SusceptibU'ity, ssPt 3 - Tat'tler, Tti-L-R NG Blt Tea'-kettle, T 3 -Kt-L Straw'y, sTr 1 Stut'ter, stTr2, stTrd 2 Suspend', Ss^Pnd. Ss 2 - Pn-Dd, Ss >2 -Pnd-NG Telau'tograph, Tli-T- Grf or sT^-Trd, stTr^NG Suspend' er, Ss^Pndr Teleg'rapher, Tl^Grf- Stuf terer, stTr^R Suspend 'ers, Ss^Pndrs R Sub'-class, sB 2 i Kls 1 Suspense', Ss^-Pns Tel'ephone, Tlf2-N Sub'-contract, sB 2 Tr 1 - Suspensibil'ity. SsS-Pns- Telephon'ic.Tlfi-N-K Kt B~Lt Ten'dered, Tndr^D Substitute, sB2-st-Tt, Suspens'ible, Ss^Pns-B Ten'ter-hook, Tntr 2 - sB^t-T ' Td, sB2-st- Suspen'sion, Ss 2 -Pn- Toid-K Tt(') SHn Territo'rial-ly, T^R-T- Substitu'tion, sB 3 -st- Suspen'sive, Ss^Pns-V Rl or Trf*-RI Tshn Suspen'sory, Ss^P-sB Ter'ritory, T^R-T-R or Substitu'tional, sB^t- Suspi'cious, ssP 3 -SHs Trt*-R Tshn-L Substruc'tion, sBstr 2 - Swage, s-Thoid-J 2 . s- Thoid-Jd 2 , s-Thoid-J 2 - Ter'ror, T*-R-R Terrorism, T 2 -R-R-zM. Kshn NG Terrorist, T 2 -R-Rst Substruct'ure, sBstr 2 - Swage'-block, s-Thoid- Ter'ror-struck, T*-R-R- Ktr Ji-Bl-K sTr-K Subterra'nean sB 2 - Swash, s-Thoid-SH 1 Testament'al, Ts^T- Trn-N Swath, s-Thoid-TH 1 Mnt-L[Tst 2 !Mnt] Sub'way, sB^Thoid Swathe, s-Thoid-DH 2 Tes'tifying, Ts 2 -F-NG Succes'sional, sKssAn 2 - LA Swear'ing, (sRC) 1 ] Sweat'ed, s-Thoid-Td 2 Testimonial, Ts'^-T-M- N-L or T^-sM-N-L Succes'sor, sK-ssR 2 Sweat'iness, s-Thoid- Test'ing, Tst^NG or Suggest'ing, sJst^NG T 2 -N Tstng 2 or sJstng 2 Sweat'y, s-Thoid-T 2 , Text'ile, T^Kst-i Superannuated, sPr 1 - s-Thoid-T^R, s-Thoid- Tex'trine, T^-Kst-En N-Noid-Td Tst 2 Than, DHn 1 ; and after Superfl'cial-ly, sP^-F- Swede, s-Thoid-D 3 other, rather, and sev- SH Swedenbor'gianism, eral comparatives, by Superintend'ent, s-Thoid-Dni-B-B-J-zM the n-book or n-curl ; [sPi-nt 2 ] Swedge, s-Thoid-J 2 thus : Supersti tion, sPrat 8 - Swed'ish, s-Thoid-D 8 - Other than, DHrn 1 SHn SH More than, Mrn 2 Supersti'tious. sPrst 8 - Sweet'en, s-Thoid-Tn 8 , Longer than, NGrn 1 SH* s-Thoid-Tnd 8 , s-Thoid- Better than, Btrn 2 Supersti'tiously, sPrst 3 - Tn 8 -NG Rather than, Edhrn 1 SHs-L Swerv'ing, sW^Rv-ng Greater than, Grtrn 2 Supersti'tiousness, Swift, s-Thoid-Ft 8 , s- Less than, isn 2 sPrst^-.Sffs-Ns Tlioid-Ftr 3 , s-Thoid- Faster than, Fstrn 1 Supervis'or; sPr 1 -Vz-B or aPrvz 1 -^? FS-Tst [sFt 3 , etc.] Swiftly, s-Thoid-Ft 8 -// Thank, [TH 1 ], THni-Kt, THni-k-NG Supposi'tional, sPzsAn 3 - [sFt 8 -i] Thank'ful-ly, [THn 1 - L Swift'ness, s-Thoid-Ft 8 - Kf] Suppos'itory, sPrf-T-R Ns rsFt 8 -Nsl Thank'-worthy, [TH 1 - Suppres'sion, 8uPr8hn 2 .'8witoh, s-Thoid-CH 8 Thoid-DH] See Separation. SwJtch'-board, s-Thoid- The, standing alone, is Sup'purate, sP^Moid- CH 8 -Brd written with a light dot THE 359 TWA just below the line (in Therefrom', DHr^Fr- Tonsilli'tis, Ti-sL-Ts the third position). At M Too, T 3 , and by the the end or in the mid- Thereinto', DHrn 8 -T Fourth Position. dle of phrases, but never Thereof, DHrv^ Torch'-bearer, T 1 -^- at the beginning, the Thermo-elec'trio, CH.-E-K-B may be written with [THr^-M-L-K-K] To'tal, Tt--L either Thoid or Roid. Therm o-electric'ity, Total'ity, T l -T-L-T The may also be indi- [THr^-M-L-Ks-T] To'tally, Tt^-i or T^-T- cated by the Halving Things, [NGz 3 ] L Principle. S. C., pars. Think'er, TH 3 -NG-Kr To'to, T^-T 136, 164, 270. Exam- or TH 3 -NGr Tot'tering, Ttr J -ng ples : Thinks, [THs 3 ] Tot'tle, Tt!-L, Tt!-Ld, But the, B^-Choid Thirst'ing, THrst^NG Tt!-L-NG All the, ii-Roid or or THrstng 2 Tot'tlish, Tfi-L-.S'H Ltf Thought'fulness, THt 1 - Tow'eling, T^L-NG For the, F2-Choid or Fl-Ns. See Thankful- Town '-talk, Ti^-T-K Ft 2 ness. TramVay, Tri-M-Thoid Where the, B^Choid It is the, Tz-Choid Thoughtlessness, THti-is-Ns. See Transform', Ti^-Ns-F- M Where is the, .Rz 2 - Thanklessness. Transformation, Tr 2 - Choid Thread, THr^-D or Ns-F-Mshn When the, Thoid 2 - THrd 2 Transform'ing, Tr^Xs- Choid Thrush, TH r 2-SH F-M-NG To the, Tt 8 Thrust'ing, THrst^NG Transi'tional-ly, Their, DHr 2 . Written or THrstng 2 TrnssAw 3 -L in the second position Tide'way, Td^Thoid Trau'matism, Tr L Mtz- to avoid conflict with Tis'sue, T 3 -Stf-Noid, M other, which is written T 3 -Stf-Noid-D, T 3 - Trav'erse, Trvi-Rs, in the first position. In Sff-Noid-NG TrvLRst, Trvi-Rs- phrases either their or Tis'sues.T 3 -Sflz NG there may be written Ti'tle, Tti-L, Tt!-Ld, Trea'son, Trzn 8 with the Ther-hook, Tti-L-NG Tri'cycle, Trs J -Kl the Lengthening Prin- Tit'tle, Tt 3 -L Trinita'rian, Trn^T- ciple, or by changing Tit'tle-tattle, Tt3-L-Tt- Sn breve-s to breve-ster. L Trit'urable, Trt 3 -Moid- S. C., pars. 209, 231, Tit'ular, Tt 8 -Moid-i-R tf-Bl 271, 310. Examples : To, T 3 . To may also Trit'urate, Trt 3 -Moid- At their, Tdhr 1 be indicated by the Rt Were there, Bdhr 8 Fourth Position, by the Tritura'tion, Trt-Moid- By their, Bdhr 1 Halving Principle, and jRshn Had there, Ddhr 1 in a few phrases by Trin'ity, Trn 3 -T On their, Ndhr 1 changing breve-s to Trolley, Tr^i Was there, Zdhr 1 breve-est. S. C., pars. Trol'ley-car, Tr J -i-Kr Known their, Nndhr 2 176, 177, Rem. under Trust'ing, Trst'-'-NG or Been there, Bndhr 8 256, 270, 309. Ex- Trstng- Run their, .Rndhr 2 Cause their, Kzdhr 1 amples : To be, B 4 Truths, TrS-THs [Trs 2 ] Tuberculo'sis, T'^-Br- Because there is, To take, T4-K Klss Kzdhrz* To learn, Lrn 4 Tur'ban, T^-J^-Bn The'ism, TH 3 -Z-M. See Able to, Bit 2 Tur'bary.T^-.K-B-R Atheism. So to speak, St^P Tur'bid, T^-^-Bd The'ist, THest 8 Is to, st 8 Turbid 'ity, T 3 -J'-Bd-T There, DHr 2 . See That is to say, DHst 1 - Tur'bidness, T^-R-Bd- Their. s Ns Thereabout', DHr^-Bt Toast'ing, Tstng 2 Tur'binate, T'i-P-Bn-T Thereabouts', DHr 2 - Tobog'gan, T L B-Gn Turbina'tion, T^-^-B- Bts Toc'sin, T^Ksn Nshn Thereafter, DHAFtr Tom'ahawk, T^M-Up- Tur'bine, T^R-Ea Thereby', DHr 2 -B Toid-K Tur'bit, T*-R-Bt Therefor', DHr^F To-night', T 8 -Nt or T 8 - Tur'bot, T^-.R-Bt Therefore, DHr2-F N-T Twat'tle, Twt^L u 360 UTI U'nioorn, Noid-N 8 -Krn Untwist', nTwst 8 , Uniflca'tion, Noid-N-F 2 - nTws 3 -Td, nTwst^NG Kshn or nTwstng 3 U., as an initial of proper U'nify, Noid-N-F 3 Unwell', N-W.L 2 names, is written with Uninformed', N-N-F 1 - Unwill'ing, N-iANG either Noid or Moid in Md Unwill'ingly, N-I/^NGl third position. Uniper'sonal, Noid-N- Unwill'ingness, N-ii 3 - Ubi'ety, Noid-B^T Prsn^-L NG-Ns Ubiq'uitary, Noid-B 8 - Unique', Noid-N-K Unwor'thily, N-Thoid- Kw-T-R U'ni-'On, Noid-Nsn 8 DH^-Z, Ubiq'uitous, Noid-B 3 - Unis'onanoe, Noid-Ns 8 - Unwor'thlness, N- Kw-Ts Na Thoid-DH^-Ns Ubiq'uity, Noid-B 3 -Kw- Unis'onant, Noid-Ns 3 - Unwor'thy, N-Thoid- T Nnt DH 2 (. C., par. 3(^5) Ukase', Noid-Ks 2 U'nit, Noid-Nt 8 Unyield'ing, N-Noid- Ul'cer, Ls^-R Unita'rian, Noid-N-T 2 - LdC) 8 Ul'cerate, Ls^-Rt, Ls 2 - Rn Unyoke', N^Noid-K, #-Td, Ls*-.Rt-NG Unita'rianism. Noid-N- N2-Noid-Kt, N2-Noid- Ulcera'tion. Ls^-fishn T--Rn-zM K-NG Ul'cered, Ls^R-D U'nitary, Noid-N-T 8 -.R U'pas, Noid-Ps 3 Ul'cerous, Ls^-Ra Unite', Noid-Nt 1 , Noid- Upheld', pa-Hid Ul'cerousness, Ls^-Rs- N-Tdi, Noid-NtLNG Uphol'ster, P^-Lstr Ns iUnit'edly, Noid-N-Td 1 - Uphol'sterer, P^. Unassailable, nSl^Bl L Up'-stairs, Pstrz 2 Unassailed', nSl^-D (S. ! Unit'er, Noid-Ntr 1 Up'start, C., par. 332) U'nitive, Noid-N-Tv 8 Unattainable, N-Tn^B U'nity, Noid-N-T 3 Unauthorized, Nthr- Unloos'en, N-Lsn 3 Zd 1 'Unmanufactured, Unchas'tity, N-CHstH M-N-Fi-CHrd , Uree'mic, Noid-K 3 -M-K Uranog'raphy, Moid- N- Uranol'ogy, Moid-B 1 - iUnnec'essarily, N-Nss- U'ranus, Moid-R 3 -Ns Undelivered, N-D 8 -L- R'*-L Ure'ter, Moid-Btr 8 Vrd or N-Dlv-Rd Unnum'bered, N-N-M- Ure'thra, Moid-R 3 -TH- Undergone', NdrMrn Brd^ R Undiscovered, [N-D 2 - Unoc'cupied, N-K- Ure'thral, Moid-R 3 -TH- sKvd] Noid-Pdi Rl or Moid-ifthr 3 -!, Unfledged', nFT^Jd Unprincipled, [N-Prs 8 - U'rim, Noid-R 3 -M Unfleshly, nF! 2 -Sffl Pld] U'rinal, Moid-R : ^N-L Unflinch'ing, nF! 3 -N- Unpub'lished, [N-P^-B] U'rinary, Moid-Rn 3 -R CH-NG Unregen'erate, Nr-J 2 - U'rinate, Moid-R^Nt Unformed', [N-F^Md] Nrt U'rinative, Moid-.R 3 -Nt- Unfort'unate, N-Frt 1 - Unremu'nerative, Nr- V Nt M-Nrt-V U'rinator, Moid-JR 8 -Ntr Unf ort'unately, N-Frt 1 - Unright'eousness, N- U'rine, Moid-Rn 3 Nt-L .Ri-CHs-Ns or Nr-^'rinose, M(,i(l-R 3 -Ns Unhar'ness, N-Toid-R 1 - CHs^Ns U'rinous, Moid-R 3 -Ns Ns. N-Toid-Ri-Nst, N- Unsea'worthy, N-S 8 - Uros'copy, Moid-Us^-K- Toid-Ri-Ns-NG Thoid-DH P Unheed'ed, N-Koid-Dd 8 Unshak'en, N-SH 2 -Kn Ur'us, Moid-Rs 3 Unhinge', N-Koid-N-J 3 Unspo'ken, [N-sPn 2 ! U&'ance, Yzns 3 Unhinged', N-Koid-N- Unstead'y, N^t-D 2 ' U'surer, [ZH 3 -R-R1 Jd 8 Unstud'ied, N-st-Dd 2 Usu'rious, [ZH 8 -RsJ Unhitch', N-Koid-CH 3 Unsuit'ableness, N- U'sury, [ZH 3 -R] Unho'liness, N-Toid-Z, 2 - sT 3 '. Bs Uten'sil, Noid-T' 2 -Ns-L Ns Unthink'ingly, [N- U'terine, Noid-T^Bn Unholy. N-Toid-Z, 2 TH 3 ! L\ U'terus, Noid-T 3 -^ Unhook', N T3 -Toid-K, Unthought', N-THt 1 U'tile, Noid-T 3 -L N 3 -Toid-Kt, N 3 -Toid- Untruth'ful-ly, [N-Tr 2 - Utilita'rian, Noid-T^Lt- K-NG Fl] Rn Unhorse', N-Rs 1 Untruth'fulness, [N- Utilita'rianism, Noid- Unhung', N 2 -Koid-NG Tr^Fs] T^it-lin-zM V. Vao'cine, V^-Ksn Vaga'ry, V 2 -G-E Val'iant, Vl^Ynt Val'iantly, VU-Ynt-L Val'iantness, Ns Val'uable, VP-Noid-B Val'uableness, VI 1 - Noid ! Bs Valua'tion, Vl^ushn Val'ue, Vli-Noid, VI 1 - Noid-D, Vli-Noid-NG Val'ueless t VlL-Moid- Val'uer, Vl^-Noid-R Val'ues, Vl^Noidz Van'dal, Vnd>L Van'dalism, Vandyke', Vas'eline, Vastly, Vegeta'rian, V^t-En Ven'ison, V^Nzn Ven'ue, V 2 -N-Noid Ves'tige, V 2 -st-J Vest'ing, Vstng 2 Vest'ment, Vst^-Mnt Ves'try, Vst^E Ves'try-man, Vst^E- Mn Vim, V 8 -M Vis'ionist, Vis'or, Vz-E Vi'tals, Vt^Lz Vi'tasoope, Vix'en, V 8 -Ksn Vold'ed, Vd^D Volcan'ic, Vli-Kn-K Volt'age, V^Lt-J Voltam'eter, Mtr Volt'meter, V^Lt-Mtr Voluntarily, VlntLE- Vol'untariness, Vlnt 1 - E-Ns Voluntary, Volunteer', -, Vlnts-Rd, Vlnt 3 -E-NG Vuloan'io, Vl^Kn-K UTI 361 Utal'ity, Noid-T8-JD-T Utilization, Noid-T 2 - Lzshn U'tilize, Noid-TS-iz, Noid-TS-i^d, Noid-T 8 - iz-NG Uto'pia, Noid-T 2 -? Uto'pian, Noid-T^Pn Uto'pianism, Noid-T 2 - Wag'gish Pn-Z-M U'veous, Noid-Vs 8 U'vula, No: W. Wag, Soid-G 1 , Soid-Gd 1 , Soid-Gi-NG , Soid-G-SH 1 Wag'gishly, Soid-i SHI 1 Wag'gishness, Soid-G- SHi-Ns Wag'on, Soid-Gn 1 , Soid- Gnd 1 , Soid-Gni-NG "Wag'onage, Soid-Gn-J 1 Wag'oner, Soid-G^Nr Wag'tail, Soid-G-T 1 -!, WaU, w-L 2 Vl^Ynt- Wait'ed Thoid-Td 2 Walden'ses, wJ^-Dnsz Wale, wi 2 Walk, Soid-K 1 , Soid- Kt 1 , Soid-Ki-NG Walk'ing-staff, Soid- KLNGs-Tf WaU, wIA, vrIA\ wi 1 - NG Wall'-eye, WaU'-eyed, Wall'flower, wi^Fl-R Wall'-fruit, " 'nut, Wal'rus, Waltz, wits 1 , witst 1 , G-We Waltz'er, War'-horse, Wa'rily, Soid-R^-L Wa'riness, Soid'-B Warrantable, Wrnt^B War'ren, Soid-jRn 1 War'rener, Soid-Eni-R War'rior, Soid-E^E Wart'y, Soid-E^T Wa'ry, Soid-E 2 , Soid- E2-E,Soid-Est 2 Was, [Z 1 ]. In a few phrases was is written Weak'ne_ss, with the initial z-hook Weal and final z-circle on the preceding stem ; thus : It was, Twz 8 Which was, CHwz 2 Where was, Ewz 2 Wash'er-woman, W 1 - SHr-Soid-Mn Faste'f ul, Wst^F-L Waste'fully, Wst^F-L Waste'f illness, Wst 2 : Fs Wea'ry, Wast'ing, Wstng 2 WEA Wa'ter-level, VI Wa'tered, W x -Trd Watt, Wt 1 Watt'-meter, Wt 1 -Mtr Waul, wZ/ 1 Wax, Soid-Ks 1 , Soid- Kst 1 , Soid-Ks!-NG Wax'en, Soid-Ksni 7e. When standing alone, the word we is always written with W 3 . Commencing phrases it is sometimes written with W 8 , but more frequently with the breve Thoid or Soid. In the middle or at the end of phrases we is generally written with Thoid or Soid ; but in a few phrases the Way-hook is used. The phrase_ we trill is written with Weel 3 . See S.C., para. 162, 170, 432, 436, and 440. Ex- amples : We are, Wr 3 We will, wi 3 We believe, W 3 -B1 We had, Wd 3 or Thoid-Di We have, Wv 8 We may, W 3 -M We can, W 3 -K We could, Soid-K 8 We shall, Thoid-SH 1 Ought we, Tw 1 Can we, Kw 1 or K 1 - Thoid Weak, Soid-K 3 , W-Kr 8 , Soid-Kst 3 Weak'en, Soid-Kn 8 , Soid-Knd 8 , Soid-Kn 8 - NG Weak'-flsh, Soid-K 8 -F- SH t, Soid-K 3 -Ns .. , vfl? Weald'en, wi s -Dn Wealth, wIATH Wealth'ily, wj Wealth'iness, Ns Wealth'y, .. _ Weap'on, Soid-Pn 2 Weap'oned, Soid-Pnd 2 Wea'rily, Soid-E 3 -L Wea'ry, Soid-E 8 Wea'zen, Wzn 8 WEB 362 WOR Web, Soid-B 2 , Soid-Bd 2 , "Whereabouts, B^-Eta Wild'fowl, widi-F-L Soid-B^NG Whereas', .Kz 2 Wile, wi 1 Wednes'day, Soid-Nz- Whereat', Soid-iJ L T Wil'ful-ly, wi 3 -Fl D 2 Wherein', Soid-E 8 -N Wil'f ulness, wi 3 ' Fa Week, Soid-K 8 Whereinto', Soid-E^N- Wi'lily, vrL l -L Week'-day, Soid-K 8 -D T Wiliness, wi^-Ns Weel, wi 3 Whereof, Soid-Ev 1 Wilk, wi8-K Weep, Soid-P 3 , Soid-P 8 - Whereon', Soid-Bi-N Will, wi 3 , wid 8 , wi 8 - NG Whereto', Soid-E 3 -T NG [i 3 ]. Wilt is also Weight'ed, Thoid-Td 2 Wherev'er, [By 2 ] written with the l- Wel'come, wi^K-M, "Wherewith', \B*-DH\ hook ; thus : wJAK-Md, wi^K-M- Wherewithal, J^DH- It will, Tl 3 NG [wi^K, wi2-KO] L Which will. CHI 2 Weld, wid 2 or wi^D, WTiet'ted, Koid-Thoid- They will, Dm 2 wi'^-Dd, wid^NG Td 2 I will, Reloid 1 Wel'f are, wi*-F-R "Whiff, Koid-Thoid-F 3 or See S. (7., pars. 403, 229 Well, wi 2 (S. C., par. Thoid-F 8 , etc. Will'ful-ly, wi 3 -Fl 125) Whirl, Wr^i, Wr^id, Will'fulness, wi 3 Fs Well, (v.) wi 2 , wid 2 Wr^i-NG Will'ing, [iS-XG] or wi2-D, wi^NG Whirl'igig, Wr^i-G-G Will'ingly, [i 3 -NGl] Well'-beloved, wi 2 - Whirlpool, Wr^-i-Pl WUl'ingness, [i 3 -NG- Blvd Whirl'wind, Wr^i- Ns] Well'-bred, wi^Brd Wnd WiU^-o'-the-wisp, wi 8 - WeU'-hole, wi^Hl "Who, Joid 3 Roid-Choid-Ws-P Well'-known, wi^Nn Whoev'er, Joid 3 -v Wilt, wit 8 , wi 3 -Td, Welsh, wi^H Whole, HI 2 or Toid-i 2 wit 8 -NG Welt, wit 2 , wi^Td, WhoHy, HP-iorToid- Wing, Soid-NG 3 , Soid- wit^NG i 2 NGd 3 , Soid-XGS-NG Wel'ter, witr 2 "Whom, Joid 3 or Joid 3 - Wing'-and-wing, Soid- Wept, Soid-Pt 2 M NGn 3 -W-XG Were, [B 8 ] (S. C., par. Whomsoev'er, Joid 3 -Sv Wink Soid-XG8-K 179) or Joid 3 -Ms-V Wink'er, Soid-NG 3 -Kr West'ern, Wstrn 2 Whose, Joidz 8 Wipe, Soid-Pi West'ing, Wstng 2 Wet'ted, Thoid-Td 2 Whosesoev'er, Joid 3 - sSv or Joid 3 -sS-Vr Wis'er, Wz^R Wis'est, Wzst 1 Whale, Wl 2 (S. C., par. "Who'so, Joid 3 -S Wish'y-washy, Thoid- 418) Whosoev'er, Joid 3 -Sv SH 3 -Soid-SH Whal'er, Wl^R Wick, Soid-K 3 With, [Thoid 3 ] (See S. Whal'ing, Wl^NG Wick'ed, Soid-K-D 8 C., pars. 145, 162, 365, What, [Soldi] (S. C., Wick'edly, Soid-K-D 3 - 437, 438) pars. 145, 162,174, 432, Jj Withheld', DH 3 -Hld 434) Wick'edness, Soid-K- Without', Thoid-DHti Whatev'er, [Soid-V 2 ] D 3 -Ns [Thoidi] (See S. C., What'-not [Sold-Nt*] Wick'et, Soid-Kt 8 pars. 145,162,438) Whatsoever, [Soid-S 2 - Wick'ing, Soid-K 8 -NG Wiz'en, Wzn 3 Vr or Soid-Sv 2 ] Width, [Thoid-TH 3 ] Wold, wi^D Wheal, Wl 3 Wheat'en, Koid-Thoid- Wield, wid 3 , wi 8 -Dd, wid 3 -NG Wolf. wi 3 -F Wolfish, wi 8 -F-SBT Tn 3 Wield'er, widr 8 Wolf ishly, wi 3 -F-Sfll Wheel, Wl 3 , Wid 8 , Wl 8 - Wield'less, wid s -is Wol'fram, wi 8 -Fr-M NG (S. C.,par. 418) Wield'y, wi^D Wolverine', wi 3 -V-J?n Wheel'er, W1 3 -R Wig, Soid-G 3 Wom'an, Soid-Mn 8 . See Wheel'ing, Wl^NG Wig'-maker, Soid-G 3 -M- Women. When, [Thoid 2 ] (S. C., Kr Wool, wi 3 pars. 145, 162, 432, 433) AATild, widi, widrl, Wool'en, win 3 Whencesoev'er, Wns 2 - wil-Dst Wool'-sack, wis 8 -K S-Vr or Wns'^-Sv Wild'-boar, wid L Br Word'ed, Soid-E^Dd Whenev'er, [Thoid^V] Wil'der, widr 3 , wi 3 - W^ord'iness, Soid-J2 2 -D- "W nensoev'er, Soid 2 -^ Drd, widrS-NG Ns Vr or Soid^iSv Wil'derness, widr^Ns Word'y, Soid-B^D Where, [U 2 ] Wild'-flre, wid L F-R Wor'rier, Soid-JJ 2 -^ WOR Wor'ry, Soid-K 2 , Soid- B 2 -D, Soid-JR*-NG Wor'ryingly, Soid-.R 2 - NG1 Wors'en, Wrsn 2 Worst'ing, Wrstng 2 Wor'thily, Thoid-DH 2 - L Wor'thiness, Thoid- DH^Ns Wor'thy, Thoid-DH 2 , Thoid-DH 2 -R, Thoid- DHst 2 Would, [Soid 8 ] (See S. C., pars. 145, 162, 174, 435) X-r.ays, Yam, Moid-M 1 (See S. C.. par. 118) Yan'kee, Noid-NG^K Yap, Noid-P 1 Yard'-stick, Yrdsi-T-K or YrdstWK Yar'row, Moid-B 1 363 Yaup, Noid-P 1 Yel'low,Moid-Z, 2 Moid- R, Moid-Lst 2 Yellow-bird, Moid-L 2 - Brd Yel'low-f ever, Moid-L 2 - F-Vr Yel'lowish, Moid-I^-SH Yelp, Moid-i^P Yelp'er, Moid-L^Pr Yes, sir, Yss 2 or Ys?-R Yes'tern, Ystrn 2 Yew'en, Noid-N 8 (See S. C., par. 122) Yex, Noid-Ks 2 Yield'ed, Moid-i 8 -Dd or Yl ' Dd Yoke, Noid-K 2 Yolk, Noid-K 2 or Yl 2 - K Yore, Noid-R 2 You. When standing alone the word you i written with the breve Moid or Noid in third position (S. C., par. 155). In phrases either Moid or Noid is used, according to which makes the YUX junction. In a few phrases the stem Yay is used. The Yay-hook is also sometimes em- ployed for you. See S. C., pars. 145, 102, 173, 174, 441. Examples: You can, Noid-K 1 You will, Moid-8 You may, Moid-M 2 You should, Noid- SH* All you, Li-Moid After you, Fti^-Noid You are, Yr 3 You have, Yv s You had, YcF You there, Ydhr 8 Did you ever, Dy 8 -V Do you remember, Dy2-M Can you tell, Kyi-Tl is Youth'f ully, Noid-TH 3 - Fl the Youth'fulneas, Noid- TH 3 i Fs j.uc'ca, Noid-K 2 Yug, Noid-G 2 Yu'lan, Moid-in 8 best Yux, Noid-Ks 2 ihrases Yuc'ca, PROPER NAMES. ABE A. Ab'ercrombie-y, Kr-M-B Ad'amson, D 1 -Msn Ad'dison, Dsn 1 Adiron'dack, D L .Rnd- K Ains'worth, N-zWr 2 - TH (Nz-Thoid-TH) Al'bertson, ii-Brtsn Al'Iiaon, Lsn 1 Am'azon, Mzn 1 Amsterdam', Mstr-D 1 - M An'derson, Ndrsn 1 An'son. Nsn 1 Ap'pleby, PH-B Ar'kansas, Ri-Kn-S Atch'ison, CHsn 1 At'kinson, Ti-Knsn Br 1 - Cal'vert, B. Bar'niwell, Thoid-L Bat'terson, Btrsn 1 Ben'son, Bnsn 2 Bid'well, Bd 3 -Thoid-L Black'well, B1 L K- Thoid-L Blu'cher, Bl 8 -Kr Bost'wiok, Bst^W-K Both'well, B^TH- Thoid-L Bout'well, Bt^Thoid-L Brat'tleborough, Brt 1 - Bris'tol, Brst 8 -L Broad'way, Brd^Thoid Brock'way, Br^K- Thoid Bron'son, Brnsn 1 Broth'erson, Brdhrsn 2 Bruns'wick, Brns^oid- K Bun'sen, Bnsn 2 Bur'gondy, C. , Klv-Rt 1 Carl, K-.K11 Car'son, K-.Rsn 1 Cayu'ga, K 3 -Noid-G Chad'wick, CHdi-Soid- K Charles'ton, CHri-Lztn Charles'town, CHr l -Lz- Tn Chattahoo'ohe, CHt 8 - Koid-CH Chickahom'iny, K-Toid-M-N Chittenan'go, CHt^N- NG-G Clark'son, Kl-Ri-Ksn Clau'sen, Klsn 1 Cogs'well, KJ-Gz-Thoid- L Corn'wall, Krn-W 1 -^ Cor'son, K-^sn 1 Cousin', Kzn 2 Coz'zens, Kznz 2 Craw'ford, Krf-Rd 1 Cul'ver, Klv-R 2 ^ut'tle, Kt-L 2 HAG B. Ed'win, Dwn 2 El Dora'do, L 2 -D-R-D Ellison, Lsn 2 Em'erson, Mrsn 2 England, NGF-Nd Er'icsson, Li^-Ksn Eufau'la, Noid-F^-L Eugene', Noid-Jn 3 Euge'nia, Noid-J 3 -N Eu'nice, Noid-Ns 8 Eure'ka, Moid-^-K CH 1 - Euro'pa, Moid-Z^-P Eu'rope, Moid-.K 3 -P Euse'bius, Noid-S 3 -Ba Eu'taw, Noid-T 3 Eux'ine, Noid-Ksn 3 Ew'ell, Moid-i a Ew'ing, Noid-NG 3 D. Dan'forth -- Dant'zic, I)nt 1 -Z-K Da'vidson, Dv^Dsn Daw'son, Dsn 1 Del'aware, D' 2 -i-Wr Den'ison, D^-Nsn Descartes', Di-Krt Diok'erson, I^-Krsn Dickinson, DS-Knsn Dick'son, D 3 -Ksn Dis'trict of Columbia, Dstr8-Kt-Kl-(M-B) Dixon, D-Ksn Dob'son, D J -Bsn Don'aldson, Di-Nldsn Dun'glison, D^NGlan Dii'rer, F. Fall Hiver, Fi-L-Rv-R Fer'guson, F^R-Gsn Frank, Frni-K Frank'fort, Frni-Kf- Rt Frank'lin, Frn^K-in Fra'ser, Frz >2 -E Fre'linghuysen, Fr 8 -!/- NG-Hzn G. Oar'retson, G- [Jar'rison, G-^s Qar'son, G-Esn 1 Qib'son, G-Bsn 8 Qil'son, G-Lsn 8 Qlea'son, Glsn 8 Glo'ver, Glv-R 2 H. Haok'ensack, Knsi-K Hack'ett, Toid-Kt 1 Toid- HAG 366 JAC Hack'ettstown, Toid- Harte, Toid-Rt 1 Hins'dale, Hnz-D^-L Kts-Tn 1 Har'vey.Toid-El-V Hitch'cock, Koid-CH 8 - Had'den, Koid-Dn 1 Hatch, Koid-CH 1 K-K Ha'des, Koid-Dz 2 Hath'away, Koid-TH 1 - Eoagland, Toid-G- Had'ley, Koid-DkL W Lnd 2 Ha'gan, Toid-Gn 2 Hat'teras, Koid-T^Us Ho'bart, Toid-Brt 2 Ha'ger, Koid-Gr 2 Havan'a, Koid-V^-N Hodg'es, Koid-Jz 1 Ha'gerstown, Koid- Hav'elock, Koid-V 1 -^- Hoff'man, Koid-Fi-Mn Grz-Tn 2 K Ho'gan, Toid-Gn 2 Hag'gerty, Koid-Gr-T 1 Hav'emeyer, Koid-V 1 - Hol'bach, Toid-ii-B-K Hague, Toid-G 2 Mr Hol'bein, Toid-J^-Bn Hak'luyt, Toid-K-it 1 Ha'vens, Koid-Vnz 2 Holmes, Toid-Mz 2 Hal'deman, Toid-I^-D- Mn Hav'erstraw, Toid- Vrsti-^ Hol'yoke HJi-Moid-K Ho'mer, Koid-Mr 2 Hale, Toid-i 2 or HI 2 Hav'Uand, Koid-Vi-ind Hondu'ras, Hn-D3-fis Ha'ley, Toid-i 2 Hawk' Eye, Toid-K 1 -! Hon'iton, Up-Toid-N- Half'-Moon, Koid-F 1 - Hawkes'bviry, Toid-Ks- Tni Mn E^-B Honolulu, Up-Toid-N- Hali'f ax, Toid-Li-F-Ks Haw'kins, Toid-Knz 1 LP-L Hall. Toid-L 1 or HI* Hawks, Toid-Ks 1 Hook'er, Koid-Kr 3 Halleck, Toid-ZA-K Hay'dn, Koid-Dn 2 Hor'ace, Toid-Rs 1 Hal'lett, Toid-Lt 1 Hay'ti, Koid-T 2 Hora'tio, Toid-E^H Halley, Toid-i 1 Heath, Koid-TH 8 Hor'ton, Toid-^i-Tn Hallock, Toid-Li-K He'bron, Toid-BrnS Hotch'kiss, Koid-CH 1 - Hal'pin, Toid-i^Pn Hec'ate, Toid-K-T 3 Ks Hal'sey, Toid-Li-S Heck'er, Koid-Kr 2 Hot'tentots, Koid-Tn 1 - Ham, Toid-M 1 Hec'la, Toid-K-i 2 Tts Ha'man, Toid-Mn 2 Hec'tor, Toid-Ktr 2 Hough'ton, Koid-Tn 1 Ham'bleton, Toid-M- Hec'uba, Toid-K-B 2 How'ard, Toid-^ a -D BU-Tn Heg'eman, Toid-G^Mn Hoxie, Toid-K-S 1 Ham'burg, Toid-M-Br 1 - Hei'ser, Hz-Ri Hud'son, Hdsn 2 G Hel'en, Toid-Ln 2 Hu'go, Toid-G 3 Ham'ilton, Toid-M-i 1 - Hele'na, Toid-i 8 -N Hu'guenot, Toid-G 8 -Nt Tn Hel'ler, Toid-i^R Hum'boldt,Toid-M-Blt 2 Hamlet, Toid-M-it 1 Hellespont, Toid-Ja 2 - Hume, Toid-M 3 Ham'lin, Toid-M-Ln* Pnt Hum'phrey, Toid-M- Ham'mersley, Koid- Hel'per, Toid-i^Pr Fr 2 Mrz-L 1 Hem'ans, Toid-Mnz 2 Hum'phreys, Toid-M- Ham'mersmith, Koid- Hemp'stead, Toid-Ms- Frz 2 Mrs-M-THi Td 2 Hun'gary, Up-Toid- Ham'mond, Toid-Mnd 1 Hen'derson, Hndrsn 2 NG^-Gr Hamp'den, Toid-M-Dn 1 Hen'drickson, Hndr 2 - Hu'ron, Toid-Bn 8 Hamp'shire, Toid-M- Ksn Hutchlngs, Koid-CH 2 - SHri Hen'ry, Koid-Nr 2 NGz Hamp'ton, Toid-M-Tn 1 He'ro, Toid'B 3 Hutch'inson, Koid- Han'nibal, Up-Toid-N- Her'od, Toid-B 2 -D CHnsn 2 Bl 1 Hero'dias, Toid-E^Ds Hut'ton, Koid-Tn 2 Han'over, Up-Toid-N- Herod'otus, Toid-^d 1 - Huxley, Toid-K-sL 2 VLR Ts Hy'dra, Toid-Dr 1 Han'son, Hnsn 1 Her'on, Toid-Bn 2 Har'die, Toid-JJi-D Her'rick, Toid-E^K Har'ding, Toid-JSL-D- Her'ring, Toid-E^NG NG Her'sey, Toid-.R 2 -S I'ra, i-E 1 Har'dinge, Toid-fiLD- Hib'bard, Toid-Brd 8 Irene', i-Un 8 NG Hiber'nia, i-B'^U-N C'ris, i-JSs 1 Har'old, Koid-Bldi Hicks, Toid-Ks 3 I'vison, i- Van 1 Har'pies, Toid-jRi-Pz Hig'gins, Toid-Gnz 8 Har'rington, Toid-U 1 - Highlands, Koid- NG-Tn Choid-Lndz 1 Har'ris, Toid-J?si HU'ton, Toid-L 3 -Tn Jack'son, J!-Ksn Har'rison, Toid-iisn 1 Him'maleh, Toid-M-i 8 Ja'cobson, J^K-Bsn JAM 367 WAT Ja'mieson. J'^-Msn Pat'tison, Pi-Tsn Jan'sen, Jnsn 1 Pay'son, Psn 2 Ja'son, Jsn 2 Pear'son, P^-Rsn Jed'do, Xoid-D 2 Pe'terson, Ptrsn 8 Ulys'ses, Moid-isz 8 Jes'so J 2 -^ or Noid-S 2 Pier'son, P 8 -IJsn Unadil'la, Xoid-X-D 3 -!, Joach'imsen, J L K- Por'son, Pi-Bsn Up'son, Psn' 2 Msn Po'sen, Pzn 2 Ura'nus, Moid-^-Xs John'son, Jnsn 1 Uri'ah, Moid-tf 1 Johns'ton, Jnstn 1 Jud'son, J'^-Dsn (Jdsn 2 ) R. U'tah, Xoid-T 3 U'tica, Xoid-T 3 -K Rem'sen, R2-Msn K. Rich'ardson, E 8 - CHrdsn V. Kaufman, Kf L Mn Riv'ers, Bv 3 -Rz Vandu'sen, V3-X-Dzn Kel'ler, K-J^-R Rob'ertson, E 1J Brtsn Vandyck', Vnd 1 -K Kin'derhook, Kndr 8 - Rob'inson, JJi-Bnsn Vanhoe'sen, Vn 3 -Hzn Toid-K Rock'away, Ri-K-Thoid Van Nos'trand, Vn 2 - KofTman, Kfi-Mn Ry'erson, R^-Rsn Xst-Bnd Vir'gil, Vr' 2 -Jl . .' Law'son, Lsn 1 Sam'son, sMsn 1 Lip'pincott, i 3 -Pn-Kt San'derson, sXdrsn 1 Wa'bash, Soid-Bi-SH Liverpool, L 3 -Vr-Pl Santa Fe', sXt-F 2 Wach'ter, Soid-Ktr 1 Lud'wig, I^-D-Soid-G Saun'derson, sXdrsn 1 Wag'ner, ttoid-G 1 -Xr Schuy'ler, sK-L^R Wag'staff, Soid-Gs-Tf 1 Sedg'wiek, sJ'^-Soid-K Wake'fleld, Soid-K-F 2 - Shark' River, SHri-K- Ld MePher'aon, M^K-F- tfv-R Wake 'man, Soid-K--Mn Rsn Si'monson, sMnsn 1 Wal'bridge, \vi J -Br-J Mad'ison, M-Dsn 1 Simp'son, sMsn 3 Wal'cott, wi^-K-T Ma'son, Msn 2 Slos'son, sZ/sn 1 Wal'den, wI/i-Dn Mat'tison, M-Tsn 1 Smith'son, sM-THsn 3 Walden'ses. wi^Dnsz Men'delssohn, Mn-D 2 - Spen'cer, sPns^-R Wal'do, wi 1 -!) isn Spurz'heim, sP 2 -i?ts- Wal'dron, wL^Drn Mo'hawk, M^Up-Toid- Toid-M Wales, wiz 2 K Btan'hope, sTn 1 -? WaU, wL 1 Mon'tague, MntMJ Steph'enson, stVnsn 8 Wal'ling, wi L XG Munchau'aen, M-X- Stet'son, stTsn 2 Wal'lingford, wi^XG- CHzn 1 Stev'enson, stVnsn 8 F-Iid Stimp'son, stMsn 8 Wal'pole, wL 1 -?! N. Stin'son, sTnsn 3 Stud'weU, stD^Thoid-L Walsh. wIA-SH Wal'singham, wLs 1 - TTeil'son, X-Lsn 8 Swe'den, s-Thoid-Dn 8 XG-M Nel'son, Xlsn 2 Swe'denborg, s-Thoid- Wal'ter, witr 1 New Am'sterdam, N- Dv*-B-R-G Wal'ton, \vL l -Tn Mstr-Di-M Wal'worth, wL L Wr- Nix'on, X^Ksn TH . War'burton, \N r^Br- o. Tahi'ti, T 8 -Koid-T Ten'nyson, T^-Xsn Tn Wa'ring, Soid-J?--XG Oswe'go, Sa-Soid-G Thomp'aon, T^Msn War'nock, Soid-J2!-X- Ot'tendorfer, Tn^D- Bf-R Thor'waldsen, THr 1 - Wldsn J7" W^ar'ren, Soid-J?n J Til'lotson, T 8 -J,tsn War'rington, Soid-B 1 - P. Pan'theon, Pn^THn Paraguay', Pi-B-Gw Par'sons, P^Rsnz Pat'terson, Ptrsn 1 Timp'son, T 8 -Msn Tom'linson. T^M-Lnsn Tomp'son^^Msn Tread'well, Trd^Thoid- L Ty'son, Tsn 1 XG-Tn War'saw, Soid-li^S War'wick^oid-jR^K or Wri-Soid-K Wa'terson, Wtrsn 1 Wat'son, Wtan 1 WEB Webb, Soid-B 2 Web'ster, Soid-Bstr 2 Weeks, Soid-Ks 3 Welch, wi*-CH Wel'don, Wel'ler, W L 2 -R Welles, wZ,z 2 Wel'lington, Tn Wells, wLz 2 Welsh, wi2-SH Wes'son, Wsn 2 Whar'ton, Wheat'on, Koid-Thoid- Tn 3 "Wicks, Soid-Ks 3 Wig'fall, Soid-G-F 3 -L Wig'gins, Soid-Gnz 3 Wil'ber, or Wil'bour, wL 3 -Br Wilde, wii-D Wild'er, widr 1 \Vil'helm, wL 3 -Hl-M Wilkes. wL 3 -Ks Wilkes'barre. B-R 368 wi^NG- Winck'elmann, Wittae, Willdns, Wil'kinson, Wl 3 -Knsn \VU'lard, wL 3 -jR-D WU'liamson, Wl 8 Msn Wil'son, wisn 8 Soid- NG 3 -Kl-Mn Wind'sor, Wndz 3 -R Wing, Soid-NG 3 Winneba'go, Soid-N- B2-G Win'nipeg, Soid-N-P 8 - G Win'ser, or Win'sor, Wnz3-R Wins'ton, Wns 8 -Tn Wirt, Soid-Rt 2 W^iscon'sin, Ws L Knsn Wol'cott, Wolf, wi 3 -F Wol'sey, Wool, .,W 3 -L Wool'sey, ZOL W^ool'wich, wi 8 -CH or Wool'worth, vrL 8 -Wi- TH Woon'socket, Soid-Ns 8 - Kt Wor'den, Soid-R 2 -Dn Words'worth, Wrdz 2 - wi^Ks- Wool'ley Yan'cey, Noid-N-S^ Yang-tse-Kiang', Noid- NG-Ti-sK-NG Yazoo', Noid-Z 3 Yed'do, Noid-D 2 Yes'so, Noid-S 2 You'att, Noid-T 3 Yucatan', Noid-K-Tnl z. Zim'mennan, Mn Zol'likoffer, Z^L-Kf-R UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-25m-9,'47(A5618)444 UNIVERSITY ot CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY Munson- M927d Munson's 1916 sstem of * """I'lllllllllllll phonography. A 000 583 862