3734 UC-NRLF SB 1M 757 AUG 17 W5 Professional Latin in Modern English A Study in Educational Readjustment BY CLARENCE LEONARD STAPLES A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Pennsylvania, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. LANCASTER, PA. INTELLIGENCER PRINTING Co. 1914 Professional Latin in Modern English A Study in Educational Readjustment BY CLARENCE LEONARD STAPLES A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Pennsylvania, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. LANCASTER, PA. INTELLIGENCER PRINTING Co. 1914 BIBLIOGRAPHY. VOCABULARY OF HIGH SCHOOL LATIN LODGE. N. Y. REGENTS' EXAMINATION PAPERS. First year, No. 204. Caesar, No. 204. Cicero, No. 204. Vergil, No. 201. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. STATISTICS FROM A NEW YORK CITY HIGH SCHOOL, HARPER'S LATIN DICTIONARY. 310421 OUTLINE. PROFESSIONAL LATIN IN MODERN ENGLISH. I. REASONS FOR STUDYING SCIENTIFIC LATIN. a. Aim to collect the 2000 most important words. b. The Lodge list as a precedent. c. Applied Latin. d. In one high school 60% study Latin only one year. e. Only one-sixth of high school Latin is scientific. f. Conditions warrant a one year course in applied Latin. II. THE CHARACTER OF SCIENTIFIC LATIN. a. Vocabulary collection. b. The professional dictionary. c. Practical Latin. d. The English dictionary as source. e. General character of selected words. f. One concession to English. g. Four kinds of Latin. h. Relative composition of list. i. Value of a one year course in scientific Latin. III. The Applied Latin List, containing the 2000 most practical, profes- sional, scientific Latin words in the English Dictionary. PREFACE This thesis, offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania, presents the results of nearly a year's research on one phase of educational method. In accordance with the scientific tendency of modern education, particularly the eclec- tic trend of present day educational adjustment, this disserta- tion attempts to collect, classify, and publish the two thousand most practical scientific Latin words incorporated in English speech. The connotation of the term "applied science" has of late become well known and commonly understood. In similar manner both the aim and the educational theory of this paper may be summed up in the words "applied Latin." Essentially two facts have furnished the motive for this in- vestigation. First, Prof. Lodge, of Columbia, published in 1907 a list of two thousand words, the Vocabulary of High School Latin, which was at once received with great favor and today is the recognized standard of Latin vocabulary for high schools. This compilation represents the vocabulary of Caesar, Cicero, and Vergil. At the present time, therefore, with particular profit may a list of two thousand scientific Latin words be col- lected for relative comparison. Secondly, the reasonable and insistent demand that the var- ious subjects of instruction be modified to the needs of non- collegiate students should be brought to the serious consider- ation of Latin teachers thruout the country. Today the pub- lic high school is aptly called the people's college in which the greater number of boys and girls complete the period of their formal education. Thus not only an opportunity is offered the teachers of Latin but the educational conditions of the age demand a practical modification. Two distinct courses would then appear in the curriculum: one of four years for the college student, and one of a single year or of two years for the non- collegiate- student. In the preliminary investigation to confirm the need of this educational method two questions naturally present them- selves : (i) Is the percentage of students sufficiently large to war- rant the adaptation of an additional course for those who find 7 8 Preface one or two years' study enough to satisfy their practical needs? (2) Does not the present Latin course contain sufficient scientific nomenclature for all practical purposes? In reply to the first question may be cited statistics from one of the large New York City High Schools for boys situated in the business section where vocational Latin could be expected to find its greatest field of usefulness. The total enrollment is 2500. A graph enumerating the Latin classes of the present year is given below. 210 ISO JiO 78 2O 8 Term I Preface 9 In this particular school 566, or nearly a fourth of the entire enrollment, elected Latin in the following distribution: begin- ners, .636, Caesar .279, Cicero .070 and Vergil .014. If the present year is taken as typical, 130, or .619% of every entering Latin class, terminate their study of the subject after one year; and 190 or .904% drop the subject after two years. The second question involving the proportion of words im- portant in science and Latin-English derivational structure occurring in the present Latin course may be answered from two points of view. An analysis of the Regents' Examination papers of the state of New York shows that only .155% of the vocabulary repre- sents practical Latin, while .845% of the words are linguistic or literary. FOUR REGENTS' EXAMINATION PAPERS. First year, total vocabulary 52, applied Latin 9, .173% Caesar total vocabulary 120, applied Latin 20, .166% Cicero total vocabulary 126, applied Latin 18, .142% Vergil total vocabulary 232, applied Latin 33, .142% This low percentage of professional Latin words in the papers is proved to be a fair index of the present Latin course by the following graph, showing the quantitative and qualitative pro- portions in the Lodge list: PROS i \ GEOG 2 RHET 2 PHYSIOL 3 Mus ART ZOOL PHYS ECCL Box Bus 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 PHYSCH .............. 7 PHIL ................ 7 .ARCH ................ 7 MATH ............... 8 MED ................ 13 ED .................. 14 CHEM ................. 15 ASTRON .............. 15 ANAT ................ 25 LAW ................. 40 GRAM ................ 49 / 246 vs. 2000 10 Preface Thus only .123% of the Lodge list represents words of use in modern professional Latin, while .877% is concerned with the language fabric of a foreign tongue. These statistics and graphs show that the study of profess- ional Latin should have a place in school curricula. Not only the large proportion of pupils to be benefited which in one of the large American high schools has been shown to be two-thirds of all the students electing Latin but also the low percentage of professional Latin in the present Latin course only about a sixth part of high school Latin vocabulary being scientific warrant the establishment, if the practical needs of this large body of students is to be met, of a parallel course of one year in applied Latin. The first requisite in the preparation of a new educational method in scientific Latin is the collection of vocabulary. The most prolific source immediately suggested to the mind is the professional dictionary, e. g., of law, medicine, pharmacy, bot- any, and anatomy. But a consideration of the vocations which nine-tenths of the students of applied Latin will adopt, namely, the various business callings, prevents the adoption of the pro- fessional dictionary as the chief source. The works would, however, afford valuable supplementary material. The relation of Latin to that large class of high school stu- dents soon to enter business pursuits finds its most useful appli- cation as an aid to a thoro knowledge of their own English language and to the sciences and professions only in a secondary but nevertheless in a very useful degree, to wit, in so far as the nomenclature of these sciences have passed from their lim- ited technical sphere into the common ground of English speech and general knowledge. The English dictionary, it is contended, is the proper source of vocabulary for general educational purposes. That body of words common to both English and Latin naturally forms the point of contact between the ancient and the modern. Not Latin for the sake of discipline and culture, but Latin in so far as it throws light on English speech and science is the goal. The major work of this thesis has been spent in that large and common ground where English words closely resemble their Latin ancestors, often with only slight changes of form, some- Preface 11 times with no change at all. The dictionary used was Web- ster's large, unabridged edition. The tedious labor of reading thru the 1681 pages produced a collection of 3300 words. These figures do not at all represent the proportion of Latin words in English speech. Very early in the collection it was found neces- sary to make a distinction between words purely conceptual and those standing for real objects or important principles. The former class of merely ideational vocabulary was necessarily omitted in conformity with the purpose of this thesis to pro- duce scientific, not literary, Latin. One concession in the interest of general English derivational knowledge as regards the understanding of the component parts of compound words was made to the extent of 150. These con- tain the most important prepositions as ab, de, ex, etc., with grammatical, rhetorical, and metrical terms not purely profes- sional in character, yet throwing a valuable light on the deriva- tion of Latin- English for the one year student. Four kinds of Latin are included in this list according to the classification of the dictionary : L = Latin ; LL = low Latin ; NL = new Latin; OL = old Latin. No distinction has been made be- tween these various classes. In other words, no attempt at all has been made to have the list represent Ciceronian vocab- ulary or that of the classical period. Words, however, except a few of great importance in themselves, which appeared in the Roman letters, while still retaining the typical form of the Greek were not included. As illustration may be mentioned the following; phlegma, micron, daphne, coma. The relative composition of the two thousand word list fin- ally elected to represent the most important, practical, scienti- fic Latin words in English speech may be seen from the graph appended. The number of words in each science is tabulated at the left and the graph lines show the relative proportions. 12 Preface O\ O M . H g w Preface 13 It may be objected that these words are all technical, but in reply it may be said that by usage they have passed into such common knowledge as to be found in the dictionary. They are worthy of study, therefore, from the point of view of content, teaching useful information, as well as from the aspect of a lan- guage study which is the foundation of English grammar. The following list of the two thousand most important profess- ional Latin words n modern English is now submitted to your consideration and discussion as to whether a selection of the most fitting of these words supplemented from the professional dictionaries presents the best basis for the preparation of a one- year course in applied Latin. Such a parallel course would tend to produce greater intensity of interest in the students preparing for further academic life because of their community of purpose. And that larger mass of students for whom the high school is the last institution of formal training would profit (1) by a Latin course better suited to their practical needs, (2) by a year's preparation for the study of the modern inflected languages of French and German, (3) by valuable training in the foundation of English grammar and derivation, and finally (4) by a direct knowledge of scientific Latin most intimately related to practical life. Whether or not this educational method of adaptation finds approval, the principle that every important subject of high school must serve the interest of the many as well as the few is to-day generally accepted. And the belief is entertained that there is nothing inherent in either the ideals or the material of Latin study to prevent its adaptation to the most utilitarian needs of the present century. The problem of adjustment is a hard one to solve and deserves the attention of all Latin teachers thruout the country. It is hoped that this collection from the English dictionary may be of some slight service in the readjustment. THE VOCABULARY OF PRACTICAL LATIN. BEING THE MOST IMPORTANT SCIENTIFIC WORDS TO THE NUMBER OF 2000 FROM THE ENGLISH DICTIONARY ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY AND CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO PROFESSIONS. NOTE The most useful of these words from the point of view of the compilation of a beginners' book in Practical Latin have been marked with an asterisk (*). *i A, Ab, Abs. Gram. *38 Ad Hominem Phil. 2 Abacus Arch. 39 Adiantum Bot. 3 Abdomen Anat. *4O Ad Infinitum Gram. 4 Abductio Law *4i Ad Interim Gram. 5 Aberratio Opt. *42 Ad Libitum Gram. 6 Abies Bot. 43 Adolescentia Ed. 7 Ablatio Psych. 44 Administratio Law 8 Abomasum Anat. 45 Adulteratio Law 9 Abortio Med. 46 Adulterium Law 10 Abscessus Med. 47 Adultus Law II Abscondere Law *48 Ad Valorem Bus. 12 Absente Reo Law 49 Adventus Chur. *I3 Absinthium Bot. 50 Aequatio Chem. 14 Absque Hoc Law 51 Aequator Geog. 15 Abstractus Pharm. 52 Aequinoctium Astron. 1 6 Ab Urbe Condita Gram. *53 Aer Chem. *I7 Acacia Bot. 54 Aether Chem. 1 8 Acalephae Zool. *55 Afferens Physiol. 19 Acanthocephala Zool. *56 Affidavit Law 20 Acanthus Arch. 57 Affirmatio Law 21 Acarina Zool. 58 Agaricum Bot. *22 Acceleratio Phys. 59 Alabaster Min. 23 Accessarius Law *6o Albumen Bot. *24 Accipitres Zool. 6 1 Albumin Chem. 25 Accretio Law 62 Albuminuria Med. *26 Acetabulum Anat. 63 Alburnum Bot. 27 Acetum Chem. 64 Alcyonaria Zool. 28 Acidus Chem. *65 Alga Bot. 29 Acinus Anat. 66 Algebra Math. *3O Aconitum Bot. *67 Alias Law 31 Acrania Zool. *68 Alibi Law 32 Acrita Zool. 69 Alimentarius Canalis Anat. 33 Acroterium Arch. 70 Alimentum Physiol. 34 Actinia Zool. *7i Alimonium Law 35 Actuarius Bot. 72 Allegatio Law 36 Acutus Math. 73 Allegoria Rhet. *37 Ad Gram. 74 Alleluia Chur. 14 The Vocabulary of Practical Latin 15 75 Allium Bot. 123 Annelida Zool. *76 Alma Mater Ed. *I24 Anno Domini Gram. 77 Almandina Min. 125 Anodynus Med. 78 Althaea Bot. 126 Anomalia Astron. *79 Alumen Chem. 127 Anoplura Zool. 80 Alumina Chem. 128 Anseres Zool. 8 1 Aluminium Chem. 129 Antarcticus Geog. *82 Alumnus Ed. *I3O Ante Gram. *83 Alter Phil. 131 Antecedens Gram. *84 Altitude Math. *I32 Antemeridianus Astron. 85 Alyssum Bot. 133 Antenna Zool. *86 Amanuensis Bus. 134 Antepenultima Gram. 87 Ambo Gram. 135 Anthera Bot. 88 Amen Chur. 136 Anthobranchia Zool. 89 A Mensa et Thoro Law 137 Anthozoa Zool. 90 Amentia Med. 138 Anthrenus Zool. 91 Amethystus Min. 139 Antibrachium Anat. 92 Amiantus Min. 140 Antidotum Med. *93 Ammonia Chem. *I4I Antimonium Chem. 94 Ammonium Chem. 142 Antithesis Rhet. 95 Amnesia Med. 143 Antitragus Anat. 96 Amoeba Zool. 144 Anus Anat. 97 Amomum Bot. *I45 Aorta Anat. *98 Amphibia Zool. 146 Aortitis Med. 99 Amphioxus Zool. 147 Aphakia Opt. loo Amphiprostylus Arch. 148 Aphaniptera Zool. 101 Amphitheatrum Arch. 149 Aphasia Med. 102 Amphora Art. 150 Aphthae Med. 103 Amplitude Astron. 151 Apiarium Zool. 104 Ampulla Art 152 Apis Zool. 105 Amputare Med. 153 Apneumona Zool. *io6 Amygdalum Bot. 154 Apocalypsis Chur. 107 Amylum Chem. 155 Apocrypha Chur. 108 Anaemia IVIed. 156 Apoplexia Med. 109 Anaesthesia Med. 157 A Posteriori Phil. no Anapaestus Verse 158 Apostrophus Gram. in Anaphora Rhet. 159 Apparitio Astron. 112 Anconeus Anat. *i6o Appendicitis Med. 113 Androecium Bot. 161 Appendicularia Zool. 114 Androgynus Bot. *i62 Appendix Anat. 115 Andromeda Astron. 163 Appositio Gram. 116 Angelica Bot. 164 A Priori Phil. 117 Angelus Chur. 165 Aprocta Zool. 118 Angina Med. *i66 Aqua Chem. 119 Angina Pectoris Med. 167 Aqua Ammoniac Chem. 120 Anglus Gram. 1 68 Aquaeductus Arch. 121 Angulus Math. 169 Aquaeductus Sylvius Anat. 122 Anisum Bot. 170 Aquarium Zool. 16 Professional Latin in Modern English 171 Aqua Regia Chem. 219 Attractio Capillaris Phys. 172 Aquarius Astron. 220 Attentio Psych. 173 Aqua Tofana Chem. 221 Auditor Bus. ',174 Aqua Vitae Chem. 222 Audita Querela Law '*I75 Aquila Zool. 223 Auditorius Canalis Anat. 176 Aquosus Humor Anat. 224 Aura Med. 177 Ara Astron. 225 Aurelia Zool. 178 Arachnidium Zool. 226 Auricula Anat. 179 Araneina Zool. 227 Auriga Astron. *i8o Arbor Bot. *228 Aurora Australis Astron. 181 Arboretum Bot. *229 Aurora Borealis Astron. 182 Arbor Vitae Anat. *23O Aurum Chem. *i83 Arbutus Bot. 231 Auscultatio Med. 184 Archetypum Zool. 232 Autumnus Astron. 185 Arcticus Geog. 233 Auxiliarius Gram. 1 86 Arcturus Astron. *234 Ave Maria Chur. 187 Arcuatio Bot. 235 Avena Bot. 1 88 Arena Arch. *236 Aves Zool. *i89 Aries Astron. 237 Aviarium Zool. *I90 Argentum Chem. 238 Avifauna Zool. 191 Argonauta Zool. 239 Avulsio Law 192 Armatura Phys. 240 Axilla Anat. *I93 Arsenicum Chem. *24i Baccalaureus Artium *I94 Arteria Anat. Scientiae Ed. 195 Asbestus Min. 242 Baccalaureus Sermo Ed. 196 Ascococcus Biol. *243 Bacillus Biol. 197 Asinus Zool. 244 Bacillus Anthrax Med. 198 Asparagus Bot. *245 Bacterium Biol. 199 Aspergillum Chur. 246 Balaena Zool. 200 Asphyxia Med. 247 Balanoglossus Zool. 20 1 Assignamentum Law 248 Balbuties Med. 202 Assimilatio Physiol. 249 Balsamum Bot. 203 Associatio Psych. 250 Baptista Chur. 204 Assumpsit Law 251 Barbarismus Rhet. 205 Astacus Zool. 252 Barium Chem. 206 Aster Bot. 253 Basilica Arch. 207 Asteridea Zool. 254 Basiliscus Zool. 208 Asteriscus Gram. 255 Basis Arch. 209 Atavus Psych. 256 Batrachia Zool. 210 Ataxia Med. *257 Beatitudo Chur. 211 Athetosis Med. *258 Benedictio Chur. 212 Atlantes Arch. 259 Beryllus Min. 213 Atlantides Astron. 260 Biblia Chur. 214 Atlas Geog. 261 Biceps Anat. 215 Atomus Chem. *262 Bigamus Law 216 Atrium Arch. 263 Bilis Physiol. 217 Atrophia Med. 264 Bilis Calculus Med. J2i8 Attractio Phys. 265 Bilis Fuscus Physiol. The Vocabulary of Practical Latin 17 266 Bills Prasinus Physiol. 267 Bilis Ruber Physiol. 268 Bilis Veridis Physiol. 269 Bis Gram. 270 Bison Zool. 271 Bitumen Chem. 272 Bituminosus Chem. 273 Blasphemia Law 274 Blastula Biol. 275 Bombyx Zool. *276 Bona Fide Law 277 Bonasus Zool. *278 Bonus Law 279 Bootes Astron. 280 Boraginaceae Bot. 281 Borax Chem. 282 Brachium Anat. 283 Brassica Bot. 284 Breviarium Chur. 285 Britannia Chem. 286 Bronchia Anat. *287 Bronchitis Med. 288 Bronchopneumonia Med. 289 Bronchus Anat. 290 Brontotherium Paleon. 291 Brontozoum Paleon. 292 Buccinator Anat. 293 Bucranium Arch. 294 Bulbus Bot. 295 Bulla Chur. 296 Burglaria Law 297 Busta Art 298 Byzantius Arch. *299 Cactus Bot. *3OO Cadaver Med. 301 Cadmia Chem. 302 Cadmium Chem. 303 Caduceus Art 304 Caecum Anat. 305 Caesium Chem. 306 Caesura Verse 307 Calamarium Zool. 308 Calamus Bot. 309 Calcaneum Anat. 310 Calcium Chem. 311 Calculus Math. 312 Calla Bot. 313 Callus Med. 314 Calyx 315 Camarasaurus 316 Cambium 317 Camera 318 Camera Lucida 319 Camomilla 320 Cancer 321 Candelabrum 322 Canicula 323 Caninus *324 Canis Major 325 Canis Minor 326 Cannabis Indica 327 Canopus 328 Canthus 329 Capella *330 Capias *33i Capias ad Responden- dum *332 Capias ad Satisfacien dum 333 Capitellum 334 Capo 335 Capricornus *336 Capsicum 337 Capsula 338 Carabus 339 Carbo 340 Carbunculus 341 Cardamomum *342 Cardia 343 Cardialgia 344 Carditis *345 Caret *346 Caries 347 Carinatae *348 Carnivora 349 Carpellum 350 Carpa 351 Carpus 352 Cartilago 353 Caruncula 354 Caryatides 355 Cassia 356 Cassiopeia 357 Cassius 358 Castanea 359 Castor Bot. Zool. Bot. Phys. Phys. Bot. Med. Art Astron. Anat. Astron. Astron. Bot. Astron. Anat. Astron. Law Law Law Arch. Zool. Astron. Bot. Med. Zool. Chem. Med. Bot. Anat. Med. Med. Gram. Med. Zool. Zool. Bot. Zool. Anat. Anat. Anat. Arch. Bot. Atstron. Art. Bot. Astron. 18 Professional Latin in Modern English 360 Casuarina Bot. 361 Catalepsis Med. 362 Cataracta Opt. 363 Catarrhus Med. 364 Catechismus Chur. 365 Categoria Phil. 366 Catheter Med. 367 Catholicus Chur. 368 Cauterium Med. 369 Causticus Chem. *37O Caveat Law 371 Cedrus Bot. 372 Cella Biol. 373 Cementum Anat. 374 Census Bus. 375 Centaurus Astron. *376 Centipeda Zool. 377 Cepheus Astron. 378 Ceratum Med. 379 Ceratodus Zool. 380 Ceratosaurus Zool. *38i Cerebellum Anat. 382 Cerebritis Med. *383 Cerebrum Anat. 384 Cereus Bot. 385 Cerium Chem. 386 Cerumen Physiol. 387 Cestoidea Zool. 388 Cetacea Zool. 389 Chamaeleon Zool. 390 Chiasmus Rhet. 391 Chimaera Zool. 392 Chiragra Med. 393 Chlorosis Med. 394 Cholaemia Med. *395 Cholera Med. 396 Cholera Bacillus Med. *397 Cholera Infantum Med. *398 Cholera Morbus Med. 399 Chorda Mus. 400 Chorea Med. 401 Chromaticus Mus. 402 Chromium Chem. 403 Chyluria Med. 404 Chylus Physiol. 405 Chymus Physiol. 406 Chrysalis Zool. 407 Chrysanthemum Bot. 408 Cicada 409 Cicatrix 410 Cimex 411 Cinnamomum 412 Circulatio *4I3 Circum 414 Circumcisio 415 Cirrhosis 416 Cirrus 417 Citrus 418 Clavicula 419 Climax 420 Clitoris 421 Cloaca *422 Co-com-con-cor- 423 Coactus Volui 424 Coccinella 425 Cochlea 426 Coccyx 427 Codicillus 428 Coercio 429 Cognovit 430 Cohabitatio 431 Colicus 432 Collecta 433 Collusio 434 Colonitis 435 Colum 436 Columbinus 437 Columna 438 Cometa 439 Comoedia 440 Commissura 441 Communio 442 Commutatio 443 Compassus 444 Complicatio 445 Compluvium *446 Compos Mentis 447 Compositae 448 Compositus 449 Conarium 450 Concha 451 Concussio 452 Confiscatio 453 Congestio 454 Conium 455 Conjunctio Zool. Med. Zool. Bot. Physiol. Gram. Med. Med. Astron. Bot. Anat. Rhet. Anat. Anat. Gram. Law Zool. Anat. Anat. Law Law Law Law Med. Chur. Law Med. Anat. Bot. Arch. Astron. Rhet. Anat. Chur. Law Astron. Med. Arch. Law Bot. Arch. Anat. Anat. Med. Law Med. Bot. Astron. The Vocabulary of Practical Latin 19 456 Conjunctiva Anat. 504 Cygnus Astron. 457 Conniventia Law 505 Cyma Recta Arch. 458 Conscientia Psych. 506 Cyma Reversa Arch. 459 Conservatio Phys. 507 Cynosura Astron. *46o Constellatio Astron. *5o8 Cypressus Bot. 461 Constipatio Med. 509 Cysticercus Zool. 462 Consumptio Med. 510 Cytula Biol. 463 Contemptus Law 511 Dactylus Verse. *464 Contra Gram. 512 Damnum Law 465 Contractus Law 513 Darlingtonia Bot. 466 Contumacia Law *5i4 Data Gram. 467 Conventus Chur. 515 Datura Bot. 468 Convalescentia Med. *5i6 De Gram. 469 Convulsio Med. 517 Debentur Bus. 470 Coralium Zool. *5i8 Debitum Bus. 471 Coriandrum Bot. 519 Decalogus Chur. 472 Corinthiacus Arch. 520 Decidua Anat. *473 Cornea Anat. *52i Decimalis Math. 474 Cornix Arch. 522 Declaratio Law *475 Cornucopia Art. 523 Declinatio Astron. 476 Corolla Bot. 524 Dedimus Law 477 Corporatio Law *525 De Facto Law 478 Corpus (Callosum) Anat. 526 Deficit Bus. *479 Corpusculum Anat. *527 Dejure Law 480 Corpus Luteum Anat. *528 Delirium Med. 481 Corpus Striatum Anat. *529 Delirium Tremens Med. 482 Cranium Anat. 530 Delphinus Zool. 483 Crataegus Bot. 531 Delusio Psych. *484 Credo Chur. 532 Dementia Med. 485 Crisis Med. *533 Demi Gram. 486 Crocus Bot. *534 Dens Anat. 487 Crucibulum Chem. 535 Densitas Phys. 488 Cruor Physiol. 536 Dentitio Med. 489 Crus Anat. 537 Depositio Law 490 Crustacea Zool. 538 Dermatitis Med. 491 Cryophorus Chem. 539 Destillatio Chem. 492 Cryptogamia Bot. *54O Detur Ed. 493 Crystallum Chem. *54i Deus Chur. 494 Cubus Math. 542 Devastavit Law 495 Culex Zool. 543 De Ventre Inspiciendo Law 496 Cumulus Astron. *544 Di-dis Gram. 497 Culpa. Law 545 Diabetes Med. 498 Cupula Arch. 546 Diabetes Insipidus Med. *499 Cuprum Chem. 547 Diabetes Mellitus Med. 500 Curculio Zool. 548 Diaeresis Gram. 501 Cuspis Anat. 549 Diagnosis Med. 502 Cuticula Anat. 550 Diagonalis Math. 503 Cyanosis Med. 551 Dianthus Bot. 20 Professional Latin in Modern English 552 Diapedesis Med. 553 Diaphragma Anat. 554 Diarrhoea Med. 555 Diatonicus Mus. 556 Dibranchiata Zool. 557 Dictum Law 558 Dies Non Law 559 Digestio Physiol. 560 Digestivus Apparatus Physiol. 561 Digitalis Bot. 562 Digressio Rhet. 563 Diminutivus Gram. 564 Dinosauria Zool. 565 Dinotherium Zool. 566 Diphtheria Med. 567 Diphthongus Gram. 568 Diplopia Opt. 569 Dipsomania Med. 570 Disciplina Ed. 571 Discipulus Chur. 572 Discobolus Art 573 Discordia Phys. 574 Discriminatio Law 575 Discus Art 576 Dispensatio Chur. 577 Disputatio Ed. 578 Dissertatio Ed. 579 Dissociatio Chem. 580 Dividendum Bus. *58i Doctor Philosophiae Ed. 582 Dolus Law 583 Domicilium Law 584 Doricus Arch. *585 Dormitorium Ed. 586 Dorsalis Anat. 587 Dorsum Anat. 588 Doxologia Chur. 589 Draco Astron. 590 Drupa Bot. 591 Duodenum Anat. *592 Duces Tecum Law 593 Ductus Anat. *594 Dura Mater Anat. 595 Dysenteria Med. 596 Dyspepsia Med. 597 Ecballium Bot. *598 Ecclesia Chur. 599 Echinococcus Zool. 600 Echinus Zool. 60 1 Eclipsis Astron. 602 Ecloga Rhet. 603 Efferens Physiol. 604 Efflorescere Chem. *6o5 Ego Phil. 606 Elasmosaurus Falcon. 607 Electrum Phys. 608 Elegia Rhet. 609 Elementum Chem. 610 Elephantiasis Med. 611 Elevatio Astron. 612 Elisio Verse 613 Elongatio Astron. 614 Emeritus Ed. 615 Emeticus Med. 616 Empiricus Phil. 617 Encarpus Arch. 618 Energia Phys. 619 Endocardium Anat. 620 Endometritis Med. 621 Endometrium Anat. 622 Endomysium Anat. 623 Endoneurium Anat. 624 Endosteum Anat. 625 Endothelium Anat. 626 Entomophaga Zool. 627 Entozoa Zool. 628 Eosaurus Paleon. 629 Ephemera Zool. 630 Ephippium Anat. 631 Epicardium Anat. 632 Epicranium Anat. 633 Epicus Verse 634 Epigastrium Anat. 635 Epilepsia Med. 636 Epineurium Anat. 637 Epithelium Anat. *638 E Pluribus Unum Gram. 639 Epocha Geol. 640 Erbium Chem. 641 Erica Bot. 642 Eridanus Astron. 643 Esophagus Anat. *644 Et Cetera Gram. 645 Ethicus Phil. 646 Etymologia Gram. 647 Eucalyptus Bot. The Vocabulary of Practical Latin 21 648 Eugenia 649 Eumolpus 650 Eunuchus ^651 Euphonia 652 Evangelista 653 Evictio 654 Evidentia 655 Evolutio *6s6 Ex-ef-e 657 Exaggeratio 658 Exceptio 659 Executor 660 Executrix 66 1 Exedra *662 Exempli Gratia (e. *663 Exeunt *664 Exit *665 Ex Officio 666 Expansio 667 Exponens *668 Exportatum *66g Ex Post Facto 670 Exspiratio *67i Ex Tempore 672 Extractus 673 Extrema Unctio 674 Exuviae 675 Facialis Angulus 676 Fac Simile 677 Faculae 678 Facultas 679 Faeces 680 Falco 68 1 Fallacia 682 Falsi Crimen 683 Falx 684 Fanaticus 685 Farina 686 Fascia 687 Fatum 688 Fauces 689 Fauna 690 Faunus 691 Favus *692 Felis *693 Femur 694 Fermentum 695 Ferrugo Bot. *696 Ferrum Chem. Zool. 697 Fetus Anat. Med. *698 Fiat Law Rhet. 699 Fibula Anat. Chur. *7OO Ficus Bot. Law 701 Fieri Facias Law Law 702 Filaria Zool. Biol. 703 Filtrare Chem. Gram. *7O4 Finis Gram. Art 705 Finitus Phil. Law 706 Fissio Biol. Law 707 Fissura Anat. Law 708 Fistula Med. Arch. 709 Flora Bot. g.) Gram. 710 Flos Ferri Chem. Gram. 711 Fluidus Physiol. Gram. 712 Fluor Albus Med. Law 713 Fluorina Chem. Phys. 714 Fluxus Chem. Math. *7I5 Focus Opt. Bus. 716 Foramen Anat. Law 717 Formica Chem. Physiol. 718 Formula Chem. Gram. 719 Fornicatio Law Pharm. 720 Fornix Anat. Chur. *72i Forte Mus. Zool. 722 Fossa Anat. Anat. 723 Fossilia Paleon. Bus. 724 Fovea Anat. Astron *725 Fractura Med. Ed. *726 Fraternitas Ed. Physiol. 727 Fraus Law Zool. 728 Fraxinus Bot. Phil. 729 Frictio Phys. Law 730 Frustrum Math. Anat. 731 Fuchsia Bot. Chur. 732 Fulcrum Phys. Bus. 733 Functio Physiol. Anat. 734 Fungus Bot. Phil. 745 Funis Anat. Anat. 736 Galbanum Bot. Zool. 737 Gallinae Zool. Art 738 Gallium Chem. Med. 739 Gangraena Med. Zool. 740 Gastrocnemius Anat. Anat. 741 Gastroenteritis Med. Chem. 742 Gastroduodenitis Med. Bot. 743 Gelsemium Bot. 22 Professional Latin in Modern English 744 Gemini Astron. 745 Genitalia Anat. 746 Gentiana Bot. *747 Genu Anat. 748 Geometria Math. 749 Georgium Sidus Astron. 750 Geraneum Bot. 751 Germanium Chem. 752 Germen Biol. 753 Germinatio Bot. 754 Gladiolus Bot. 755 Glans Anat. 756 Globigerina Zool. 757 Gloriosa Bot. 758 Glossarium Gram. 759 Gloxinia Bot. 760 Glucinum Chem. 761 Glucosuria Med. 762 Glus Chem. 763 Glutaeus Anat. 764 Gluten Chem. 765 Glycyrrhiza Bot. 766 Gonococcus Med. 767 Gomphiasis Med. 768 Gomphosis Anat. 769 Gonorrhoea Med. 770 Gossypium Bot. 771 Gothicus Arch. 772 Graduatio Ed. *773 Gratis Gram. 774 Gregorianus Astron. 775 Grindelia Bot. 776 Guaiacum Bot. 777 Guardianus Law 778 Gutta Arch. 779 Gymnasium Ed. 780 Gymnocladus Bot. 781 Gymnotus Zool. 782 Gypsum Chem. *783 Habeas Corpus; Law 784 Habendum Law *785 Habitat Zool. 786 Hadrosaurus Paleon. 787 Haemorrhagia Med. 788 Haeresis Chur. 789 Hallucinatio Psych. 790 Hamamelis Bot. 791 Hectocotylus Zool. 792 Heliotropium Bot. 793 Helix Phys. 794 Helleborus Bot. 795 Halones Biol. 796 Hematosis Physiol. 797 Hematuria Med. 798 Hemiopsia Opt. 799 Hemiplegia Med. 800 Hepatica Bot. 80 1 Herba Bot. *802 Herbarium Bot. *803 Herbivora Zool. 804 Hercules Astron. 805 Hereditas Psych. 806 Hermaphroditus Biol. 807 Hernia Med. 808 Herpes Med. 809 Heroicus Art *8io Hexagonum Math. *8n Hexameter Verse 812 Hiatus Verse 813 Hibiscus Bot. 814 Hilum Anat. 815 Hippocampus Major Minor Anat. 816 Hippocratica Facies Med. 817 Hippopotamus Zool. 818 Homarus Zool. *8i9 Homicidium Law 820 Humerus Anat. 821 Humor Med. 822 Humus Chem. 823 Hyacinthus Bot. 824 Hyades Astron.. 825 Hybrida Biol. 826 Hydra Zool. 827 Hydraemia Med. 828 Hydrangea Bot. 829 Hydrargyrum Chem. 830 Hydraulicus Phys. 831 Hydrocephalus Med. *832 Hydrogenium Chem. 833 Hydromel Chem. 834 Hydronephrosis Med. 835 Hydrophobia Med. 836 Hydrus Astron. 837 Hyperinosis Med. 838 Hypinosis Med. The Vocabulary of Practical Latin 23 *839 Hypnosis Psych. 840 Hypochondria Med. 841 Hypotenusa Math. 842 Hypothecatio Law 843 Hypothesis Nebularis Astron. 844 Hysteria Med. 845 Iambus Verse 846 lanthina Bot. 847 Icterus Med. 848 Ictus Verse *849 Id Est (i. e.) Gram. 850 Idyllium Rhet. 851 Ignis Fatuus Chem. 852 Ileum Anat. 853 Ileus Med. 854 Ilex Bot. 855 Ilium Anat. 856 Illicium Bot. 857 Illusio Psych. 858 Imago Zool. 859 Impactio Med. 860 Impatiens Bot. 86 1 Impetigo Med. *862 Impetus Phys. *863 Importare Bus. 864 Impluvium Arch. *865 In-il-im-ir Gram. 866 In Antis Arch. 867 In Camera Law 868 Incandescens Phys. 869 Incensum Chur. 870 Incestum Law 871 Incidens Angulus Phys. 872 Incisor Anat. 873 Incontinentia Med. 874 Incrustatio Art 875 Incubatio Med. 876 Incus Anat. *877 Indelebilis Chem. 878 Indemnitas Law 879 Indentura Law 880 Index ' Anat. 88 1 Indicativus Gram. 882 Indigestio Med. 883 Indium Chem. 884 Indorsare Bus. 885 Inductio Phys. 886 Inertia Phys. 887 Infamia Law 888 Infantia Law *889 Infanticidium Law 890 Infidelis Chur. *89I Innnitas Phil. *892 Infinitus Phil. 893 Inflammatio Med. 894 Informatio Law 895 Infra Gram. 896 Infundibulum Anat. 897 Infusoria Zool. 898 Inguen Anat. 899 Inhabitans Law 900 Inhibitio Psych. 901 Injectio Med. 902 Injunctio Med. 903 Injuria Law 904 Inoculatio Med. 905 In Primis Gram. 906 Inquesta Law *9O7 Insanitas Law 908 Insecta Zool. 909 Insectivora Zool. *9io Insomnia Med. 911 Inspiratio Physiol. 912 Instinctus Psych. 913 Instrumentum Law 914 Insulatus Phys. *9i5 Inter Gram. 916 Interest Bus. *9I7 Interim Gram. 918 Intermedium Anat. 919 Interpretatio Art 920 Intervallum Mus. 921 Interventio Law 922 Intestabilis Law 923 Intestatus Law 924 Intestinum Anat. 925 Intoxicantia Med. *926 Intra, Intro- Gram. 927 Introspicere Psych. 928 Intuitus Psych. 929 Inunctio Med. 930 Inventorium Law 931 Invocatio Chur. 932 Involucrum Bot. 933 lonicus Arch." 4 934 Iridium Chem. 24 Professional Latin in Modern English *935 I"s Anat. *936 Iritis Med. 937 Ironia Rhet. 938 Irrigatio Bus. 939 Ischium Anat. 940 Isthmus Geog. 941 Jejunum Anat. *942 Jesus Chur. 943 Juglans Bot. 944 Jugulum Anat. *945 Junior Ed. 946 Juniperus Bot. *947 Jupiter Astron. 948 Jurat Law 949 Jurisdictio Law 950 Jurisprudentia Law 951 Kalium Chem. 952 Labium Anat. 953 Labyrinthici Zool. 954 Labyrinthus Anat. *955 Lac Chem. 956 Lacerta Astron. 957 Lactucarium Bus. 958 Lacunar Arch. 959 Lanthanum Chem. 960 Lanugo Anat. 961 Lapidarius Bus. 962 Larva Zool. 963 Laryngitis Md. 964 Laryngismus Med. 965 Larynx Anat. *966 Latitude Geog. 967 Laurus Bot. 968 Laudanum Pharm. 969 Laxativum Med. 970 Legatio Law 971 Legumen Bot. *972 Leo Astron. 973 Lepra Med. 974 Leptocardia Zool. 975 Leucocythemia Med. 976 Leucorrhoea Med. 977 Levari Facias Law 978 Libra Astron. 979 Libellus Law 980 Libratio Astron. 981 Lichen Bot. 982 Lienculus Anat. Anat. 983 Ligamentum Anat. Med. 984 Ligatura Med. Rhet. 985 Lignum Vitae Bot. Bus. 986 Limulus Zool. Anat. 987 Linimentum Med. Geog. 988 Linguatulina Zool. Anat. 989 Lintellus Arch. Chur. 990 Liquidare Law Bot. 991 Liquor Pharm. Anat. 992 Litania Chur. Ed. 993 Lithaemia Med. Bot. 994 Lithargyrus Chem. Astron. 995 Lithia Chem. Law 996 Lithiasis Med. Law 997 Lithium Chem. Law 998 Lithotomia Med. Chem. 999 Liturgia Chur. Anat. 1000 Lixivium Chem, Zool. 1001 Lobelia Bot. Anat. 1 002 Lochia Med. Chem. 1003 Locusta Zool. Astron. 1004 Logica Phil. Bus. 1005 Longicornia Zool. Arch. *ioo6 Longitudo Geog. Chem. 1007 Lotus Bot. Anat. 1008 Lucifer Astron. Bus. 1009 Lues Venerea Med. Zool. 1010 Lumbago Med. Md. ion Lunaris Mensis Astron. Med. 1012 Lupinum Bot. Anat. 1013 Lupus Astron. Geog. *ioi4 Lux Phys. Bot. 1015 Lycopodium Bot. Pharm. 1016 Lympha Physiol Med. 1017 Lynx Zool. Law 1018 Lyra Astron. Bot. 1019 Madia Bot. Astron. 1010 Magi Chur. Med. * 1 02 1 M agister Artiu m , Zool. Scientiae Ed. Med. 1 02 2 Magna Charta Law Med. 1023 Magnesia Chem. Law 1024 Magnesium Chem. Astron. 1025 Magnolia Bot. Law *I026 Major Mus. Astron. 1027 Malacobdella Zool. Bot. 1028 Mala In Se Law Anat. 1029 Mala Prohibita Law The Vocabulary of Practical Latin 1030 Malleus Anat. 1078 Meningitis Med. 1031 Malitia Law 1079 Meniscus Opt. 1032 Malleolus Anat. 1080 Menostasis Med 1033 Mallophaga Zool. 1 08 1 Menses Med. 1034 Malva Bot. 1082 Mentha Bot. 1035 Mamma Anat. 1083 Mephitis Zool. 1036 Mammalia Zool. 1084 Mercurius Chem. 1037 Mandamus Law *io85 Meridianus Astron. 1038 Mandibulum Anat. 1086 Mesoarium Anat. 1039 Mania Med. 1087 Mesocaecum Anat. 1040 Manganium Chem. 1088 Mesorchium Anat. 1041 Manna Bot. 1089 Mesohippus Paleon. *I042 Manualis Ed. 1090 Mesometrium Anat. *IO43 Manus Anat. 1091 Mesovarium Anat. *IO44 Manuscriptum (MS.) Gram. 1092 Metacarpus Anat. 1045 Maranta Bot. 1093 Metallum Chem. 1046 Marasmus Senilis Med. 1094 Metabolisis Physiol. 1047 Margo Bus. 1095 Metamorphosis Biol. 1048 Marjoraca Bot. 1096 Metaphora Rhet. 1049 Marmoratum Opus Arch. 1097 Metatarsus Anat. 1050 Mars Astron. 1098 Metempsychosis Phil. 1051 Marsdenia Bot. 1099 Metonymia Rhet. 1052 Marsupiala Zool. noo Mica Min. 1053 Marsupium Anat. noi Micrococcus Biol. 1054 Masca Arch. *H02 Mille Gram. 1055 Masticatio Physiol. *HO3 Millenium Chur. 1056 Mastitis Med. *HO4 Minimum Gram. 1057 Masturbari Med. 1105 Minium Chem. 1058 Materica Medica Med. *no6 Minor Law 1059 Matrix Anat. 1107 Minuta Arch. 1060 Maturatio Med. 1108 Mira Astron. 1 06 1 Maxilla Anat. 1109 Miraculum Chur. *io62 Maximum Gram. 1 1 10 Mitra Chur. 1063 Meatus Anat. I II I Mittimus Law 1064 Mediastinum Anat. 1 1 12 Mixtura Pharm. *io65 Medulla Anat. 1113 Modulatio Mus. *io66 Medulla oblongata Anat. 1114 Modulus Arch. 1067 Medusa Zool. 1115 Modus Gram. 1068 Megalosaurus Paleon. 1116 Molar is Anat. 1069 Megatherium Paleon. 1117 Mollusca Zool. 1070 Melaena Med. 1118 Molybdenum Chem.. 1071 M elanaemia Med. 1119 Momentum Phys. 1072 Melancholia Med. 1 1 20 Monitor Zool. 1073 Melodia Mus. 1 12 1 Monoplegia Med. 1074 Membrana Anat. 1 122 Monopolium Law *IO75 Memorandum Law 1123 Mortarium Arch. 1076 Memoria Psych. 1124 Mortificatio Med. 1077 Meninges Anat. 1125 Morula Biol. 26 Professional Latin in Modern English 1126 Morus Bot. *H74 Nihil Dicit Law 1127 Motio Law *H75 Nisi Law 1128 Motivum Law 1176 Nisi Prius Law 1129 Mucilago Chem. 1177 Noctiluca Zool. 1130 Mucus Physiol. 1178 Non Liquet Law *H3i Multi- Gram. 1179 Nolle Prosequi Law 1132 Mulus Zool. 1 1 80 Nolo Contendere Law 1133 Munimentum Law *n8i Non 1134 Muraena Zool. 1182 Non Assumpsit Law 1135 Mus Zool. *n83 Non Compos Mentis Law 1136 Musa Bot. 1184 Non Est Factum Law 1137 Muscae Volitantes Opt. 1185 Non Est Inventus Law 1138 Musculus Anat. 1 1 86 Non Prosequitur Law 1139 Mutus Ed. 1187 Normalis Schola Ed. 1140 Myocardium Anat. 1 1 88 Nostalgia Med. 1141 Myocarditis Med. *n8 9 NotaBene (N. B.) Gram. 1142 Myrica Bot. 1190 Notarius Law 1143 Myrrha Bot. 1191 Nucleolus Biol. 1144 Myrtus Bot. 1192 Nucleus Biol. 1145 Mythologia Phil. 1193 Nudum Pactum Law 1146 Naevus Med. 1194 Nudibranchiata Zool. 1147 Naphtha Chem. 1195 Nux Vomica Med. 1148 Narcissus Bot. 1196 Nystagmus Opt. 1149 Nardus Bot. *H97 Ob Gram. 1150 Nares Anat. 1198 Obeliocus Arch. 1151 Narratio Rhet. 1199 Obiter Dictum Law 1152 Nasturtium Bot. 1200 Obligatio Law 1153 Natatorium Bus. 1 20 1 Obstetrix Med. *H54 Natrium Chem. 1202 Obtusus Math. 1155 Naturalis Mus. 1203 Occidens Geog. 1156 Nausea Med. 1204 Occiput Anat. 1157 Nautilus Zool. 1205 Occultatio Astron. 1158 Nebula Chem. 1206 Octavus Mus. 1159 Necrosis Med. *I207 OctO Gram. 1 1 60 Nectar Bot. 1208 Octopus Zool. *n6i Ne Exeat Law 1209 Oliva Bot. 1162 Negligentia Law 1210 Omasum Anat. 1163 Nematoidea Zool. 12 1 1 Omentum Anat. 1164 Nephritis Med. 12 1 2 Ommatidium Zool. 1165 Neptunus Astron. *I2I3 Omnis Gram. *n66 Nervus Physiol. 1214 Onomatopoea Rhet. 1167 Neuralgia Med. 1215 Onychia Med. 1168 Neurasthenia Med. 1216 Onyx Min. 1169 Neuritis Med. 1217 Opalus Min. 1170 Neuroglia Med. 1218 Opera Mus. 1171 Neurosis Med. 1219 Operatic Med. 1172 Nicotiana Bot. 1220 Opium Bot. *U73 Nihil Debet Law 1 22 1 Ophthalmia Opt. The Vocabulary of Practical Latin 27 1222 Opobalsamum Med. 1270 Parallelus Math. 1223 Oppositio Astron. 1271 Paranoia Med. *I224 Optimus Phil. 1272 Parasitus Zool. 1225 Optio Bus. 1273 Parenthesis Gram. *I226 OpUS Mus. 1274 Parodia Rhet. 1227 Orbita Astron. 1275 Paradoxum Rhet. 1228 Orchestra Mus. 1276 Paraphernalia Law 1229 Orchis Bot. 1277 Parovarium Anat. 1230 Ordinatio Chur. 1278 Parricidium Law 1231 Ordo Arch. 1279 Passeres Zool. 1232 Organum Anat. 1280 Passiflora Bot. 1233 Oriens Geog. 1281 Passivus Gram. 1234 Orion Astron. 1282 Pastillus Med. 1235 Orthodoxus Chur. 1283 Patella Anat. 1236 Oryza Bot. *I284 Patrimonium Law *I237 Os Anat. "1285 Pater Noster Chur. 1238 Osmium Chem. 1286 Pedunculus Anat. 1239 Osteomalacia Med. 1287 Pegasus Astron. 1240 Ostrea Zool. 1288 Pelicanus Zool. 1241 Otorrhoea Med. 1289 Pelvis Anat. *I242 Ovum Anat. 1290 Pendulum Phys. 1243 Ovaritis Med. 1291 Penis Anat. 1244 Ovarium Anat. 1292 Pensio Bus. 1245 Oxalis Bot. 1293 Pentameter Verse 1246 Paedagogus Ed. 1294 Penultima Gram. 1247 Paeonia Bot. 1295 Penumbra Astron. 1248 Palatum Anat. 1296 Peptonuria Med. 1249 Palinurus Astron. *I297 Per Gram. 1250 Palpitatio Med. *I298 Per Annum Gram. 1251 Palladium Chem. *I299 Per Capita Gram. 1252 Palma Bot. *I3OO Per Centum Gram. 1253 Palpus Zool. 1301 Perceptio Psych. 1254 Panacea Med. 1302 Percolatio Chem. 1255 Pancreas Anat. *I303 Per Diem Gram. 1256 Pandecta Law 1304 Perdix Zool. 1257 Panthera Zool.' 1305 Pericarditis Med. *I258 Papaver Bot. 1306 Pericardium Anat. 1259 Papilio Zool. 1307 Perichondritis Med. 1260 Papula Med. 1308 Perichondrium Anat. 1261 Papyrus Bot. 1309 Perigeum Astron. *I262 Par Bus. 1310 Perimysium Anat. 1263 Parabola. Chur. 1311 Perineum Anat. 1264 Paragraphus Rhet. 1312 Periodus Geol. 1265 Paralysis Med. 1313 Periostitis Med. 1266 Paramylum Chem. 1314 Peripheria Math. 1267 Pardus Zool. 1315 Peristalsis Physiol. 1268 Paregoricus Pharm. 1316 Peristylum Arch. 1269 Paresis Med. 1317 Peritoneum Anat. 28 Professional Latin in Modern English 1318 Peritonitis Med. 1366 Pinus Bot. 1319 Perjurium Law 1367 Pinxit Art 1320 Peroratio Rhet. *I368 Pisces Astron. 1321 Perpendicularis Math. 1369 Pistacia Bot. 1322 Perpetuitas Bus. 1370 Pistillum Bot. 1323 Perquisitum Law 1371 Pituita Anat. 1324 Perturbatio Astron. 1372 Placenta Anat. 1325 Pertussis Med. 1373 Placentalia Zool. 1326 PerSe Phil. 1374 Plagiarius Rhet. 1327 Perseus Astron. 1375 Planeta Astron. 1328 Perspirare Physiol. 1376 Planta Bot. ^1329 Pes Anat. 1377 Planula Biol. *I330 Pessimus Phil. 1378 Platinum Chem. 1331 Pestis Med. 1379 Plaudite Gram. 1332 Petalum Bot. 1380 Plectrum Mus. 1333 Petechiae Med. 1381 Pleiades Astron. 1334 Petiolus Bot. 1382 Pleonasmus Rhet. 1335 Petroleum Chem. 1383 Plesiosaurus Paleon. 1336 Petunia Bot. 1384 Plethora Med. 1337 Phalanges Anat. 1385 Pleura Anat. 1338 Phallus Anat. 1386 Pleurisis Med. 1339 Pharmacopoeia Pharm. 1387 Pleuropneumonia Med. 1340 Pharyngitis Med. 1388 Plinthus Arch. 1341 Pharynx Anat. 1389 Plumbago Bot. 1342 Phaseolus Bot. *I39O Plumbum Chem. 1343 Phasianus Zool. 1391 Pluralitas Law 1344 Phasis Astron. 1392 Pluries Law 1345 Philanthropia Phil. 1393 Pneumaticus Bus. 1346 Philologia Rhet. *I394 Pneumonia Med. 1347 Philomela Zool. 1395 Podagra Med. 1348 Philosophus Phil. 1396 Pollen Bot. 1349 Phlox Bot. 1397 Pollutio Med. 1350 Phoca Zool. 1398 Pollux Astron. 1351 Phocodontia Zool. 1399 Polybranchia Zool. 1352 Phosphaturia Med. *I4OO Polygamia Law 1353 Phosphonium Chem. 1401 Polypus Zool. *I354 Phosphorus Chem. 1402 Pomum Bot. 1355 Phrenitis Med. 1403 Pons Asinorum Math. 1356 Phthiriasis Med. 1404 Pons Varolii Anat. 1357 Phylloxera Zool. 1405 Populus Bot. 1358 Physalia Zool. 1406 Porpita Zool. 1359 Physiologia Physiol. 1407 Porticus Arch. 1360 Pia Mater Anat. *!4o8 Posse Comitatus Law 1361 Picea Bot. 1409 Possessio Law 1362 Picus Zool. *i4io Post Gram. 1363 Pigmentum Physiol. 1411 Post Cava Anat. 1364 Pilastrum Arch. 1412 Postea Law 1365 Pinnaculum Arch. 1413 Posterus Gram. The Vocabulary of Practical Latin 29 *I4I4 Post Factum Law 1461 Protectio Law 1415 Posthumus Gram. 1462 Protestans Chur. 1416 Postliminium Law *I463 Pro Tempore Law *I4I7 Post Mortem 1464 Protozoa Zool. Examinatio Med. 1465 Proviso Law 1418 Post Scapula Anat. 1466 Provocatio Law 1419 Post Scriptum Gram. 1467 Prunum Bot. 1420 Potassium Chem. 1468 Prurigo Med. *I42I Prae Gram. 1469 Psalmus Chur. 1422 Praeambulum Law 1470 Psalterium Chur. 1423 Prae Cava Anat. 1471 Psychicus Psych. 1424 Praecedens Law 1472 Psychosis Psych. 1425 Praecipe Law 1473 Psylla Zool. 1426 Praecipitatum Chem. 1474 Pterylosis Zool. 1427 Praecordia Anat. 1475 Pubertas Physiol. 1428 Praedestinatio Phil. 1476 Pubes Anat. 1429 Praejudicium Law 1477 Pubis Anat. 1430 Praemium Bus. 1478 Pudenda Anat. 1431 Praepositio Gram. 1479 Pulex Zool. 1432 Praepotentia Biol. 1480 Pullus Zool. 1433 Praescriptio Med. 1481 Pulmonarius Med. 1434 Praesentatio Med. 1482 Pulpa Anat. 1435 Praeter Gram. 1483 Pulsus Physiol. 1436 Praevaricatio Law 1484 Pulvinar Anat. 1437 Premaxilla Anat. 1485 Pumex Min. 1438 Prescapula Anat. 1486 Punctum Caecum Anat. *I439 Prima Facie Law 1487 Pupa Zool. 1440 Primula Bot. 1488 Pupilla Anat. 1441 Privativa Gram. 1489 Pupipara Zool. *I442 Pro Gram. 1490 Pupivora Zool. 1443 Probatus Law 1491 Purgativus Med. *I444 Pro Bono Publico Gram. 1492 Purpura Med. 1445 Proboscis Anat. 1493 Putrefactio Biol. 1446 Pro Confesso Law 1494 Pus Med. *I447 Pro Et Contra Gram. 1495 Pustula Med. 1448 Professor Ed. 1496 Pylorus Anat. 1449 Prognosis Med. 1497 Pyuria Med. 1450 Promethea Zool. 1498 Pyrites Min. 1451 Promissum Law 1499 Pyrus Bot. 1452 Pronucleus Biol. 1500 Quadrans Astron. 1453 Propheta Chur. 1501 Quadrivium Ed. 1454 Prophylaxis Med. *I5O2 Quadrupes Zool. *I455 Pro Rata Gram. 1503 Quantum Meruit Law 1456 Proscenium Arch. 1504 Quantum (Valebat) Law 1457 Prosecutio Law 1505 Qualitativus Analysis Chem. 1458 Prosodia Verse 1506 Quantitativus Analy- 1459 Prostatitis Med. sis Chem. 1460 Prostylus Arch. * I 57 Quasi Law 30 Professional Latin in Modern English 1508 Quassia 1509 Quercus 1510 Quia Timet *I5H Quod Erat Demon- strandum "1512 Quorum *I5I3 Quota *I5I4 Rabies 1515 Racemus 1516 Rachialgia 1517 Rachitis 1518 Radius 1519 Ranunculus 1520 Ratio *I52I Re-Red 1522 Receptaculum 1523 Rectitis 1524 Rectum 1525 Reddendum 1526 Redemptio 1527 Referendum 1528 Redhibitio 1529 Redintegratio 1530 Reductio 1531 Reflexus 1532 Reformatio 1533 Refutatio 1534 Regeneratio 1535 Regens 1536 Regimen 1537 Relativus 1538 Relictio 1539 Religio 1540 Remedium 1541 Renalis 1542 Renalis Calculus 1543 Repraesentatio 1544 Replevina 1545 Replicatio 1546 Reptilia 1547 Repulsio 1548 Reputatio 1549 Requiem 1550 Requisitio 1551 Reservatio 1552 Residuum 1553 Resina 1554 Resistentia Bot. *I555 Respondens Law Bot. 1556 Respondentia Law Law 1557 Respiratio Physiol. 1558 Restitutio Med. Math. 1559 Resultans Phys. Law 1560 Resurrectio Chur. Gram. 1561 Retardatio Ed. Med. 1562 Retentio Law Bot. *I563 Retina Anat. Med. 1564 Retinitis Med. Med. 1565 Retortum Chem. Math. *I566 Retro Gram. Bot. 1567 Revelatio Chur. Math. 1568 Reversio Law Gram. 1569 Revolutio Astron. Bot. 1570 Rhapsodia Verse Med. 1571 Rhetorica Rhet. Anat. 1572 Rheubarbarum Bot. Law 1573 Rheumatismus Med. Law 1574 Rhinitis Med. Law 1575 Rhombus Math. Law 1576 Rhodium Bot. Psych. 1577 Rhonchus Med. Chem. 1578 Rhus Bot. Psych. 1579 Rhythmus Verse Chur. *is8o Ricinus Bot. Rhet. 1581 Rigor Mortis Med. Physiol. 1582 Riparius Law Ed. 1583 Rodentia Zool. Med. ="1584 Rosa Bot. Gram. 1585 Rosaceae Bot. Law 1586 Rosarium Chur. Chur. 1587 Rosella Zool. Med. 1588 Roseola Med. Anat. 1589 Rubella Med. Med. 1590 Rubigo Bot. Law 1591 Rubiaceae Bot. Law 1592 Rumen Anat. Law 1593 Ruminantia Zool. Zool. 1594 Ruminatio Physiol. Phys. 1595 Rupia Med. Law 1596 Rupicola Zool. Chur. 1597 Ruptura Med. Law 1598 Rytina Zool. Law *I599 Saccharum Chem. Chem. 1600 Sacramentum Chur. Chem. 1 60 1 Sacrum Anat. Phys. 1602 Sagitta Astron. The Vocabulary of Practical Latin 31 1603 Sagittarius Astron. 1650 Scrotum Anat. 1604 Sagus Bot. 1651 Sculptor Art *i6o5 Sal Chem. 1652 Seborrhoea Med. 1606 Salamandra Zool. 1653 Secretio Physiol. 1607 Saleratus Chem. 1654 Sectio Math. 1608 Saliva Physiol. 1655 Sedilia Arch. 1609 Salmo Zool. 1656 Seductio Law 1 6 10 Salpetrae Chem. 1657 Segmentum Math. 1611 Salutatorius Ed. 1658 Selectio Naturalis Zool. *i6i2 Salve Gram. 1659 Selenium Chem. 1613 Sal via Bot. 1660 Semen Physiol. 1614 Sapindus Bot. 1 66 1 Semestris Ed. 1615 Sapphirus Min. *i662 Semi- Gram. 1616 Sarcina Biol. 1663 Seminarium Ed. 1617 Sarcophagus Art 1664 Sempervivum Bot. 1618 Sarda Min. *i665 Senior Ed. 1619 Sardonyx Min. 1666 Sensatio Psych. 1620 Sarracenia Bot. 1667 Sepalum Bot. 1621 Sartorius Anat. 1668 Sepia Zool. 1622 Satelles Astron. 1669 Sepsis Med. 1623 Saturatio Chem. 1670 Septuaginta Chur. 1624 Saturnus Astron. 1671 Sequela Med. 1625 Saxicava Zool. 1672 Sequestratio Law 1626 Saxifraga Bot. 1673 Sequoia Bot. 1627 Scabies Med. 1674 Serpens Zool. 1628 Scala Anat. 1675 Serpentarius Astron. 1629 Scalenus Math. 1676 Serpigo Med. 1630 Scalpellum Med. 1677 Serum Physiol. 1631 Scamillus Arch. 1678 Sesamum Bot. 1632 Scandalum Law 1679 Seta Zool. 1633 Scandalum Magna- *i68o Sex Gram. tum Law 1 68 1 Sextans Astron. 1634 Scansio Verse *i682 Sic Gram. 1635 Scapula Anat. 1683 Siderosis Med. 1636 Scarabaeus Zool. 1684 Sigillaria Paleon. 1637 Scarificare Med. 1685 Silex Chem. 1638 Scarlatina Med. 1686 Silica Chem. 1639 Scholasticus Ed. 1687 Simia Zool. *i640 Sciatica Med. *i688 Simile Rhet. 1641 Scire Facias Law 1689 Similiter Gram. 1642 Scirrhus Med. *i69O Sine Gram. 1643 Sclerosis ' Med. *i69i Sine Qua Non Gram. 1644 Sclerotitis Med. 1692 Singultus Med. 1645 Scolex Zool. 1693 Sipho Phys. 1646 Scoria Chem. 1694 Siphonata Zool. 1647 Scorpio Zool. 1695 Siren Zool. 1648 Scotia Arch. 1696 Sirius Astron. 1649 Scrofula Med. 1697 Smilax Bot. 32 Professional Latin in Modern English *i698 Sodium Chem. *i699 Sol Astron. 1700 Solanum Bot. 1701 Solaris Astron. 1702 Solidago Bot. 1703 Solstitium Astron. 1704 Solutio Chem. 1705 Sopor Med. 1706 Spanaemia Med. 1707 Spatula Med. 1708 Spectrum Opt. 1709 Speculum Med. 1710 Sphaera Astron. 1711 Sphincter Anat. 1712 Spica Med. 1713 Spina Anat. 1714 Spiritus Pharm. 1715 Splen Anat. 1716 Splenitis Med. 1717 Spondeus Rhet. 1718 Spongiae Zool. 1719 Squilla Zool. "1720 Stabat Mater Mus. 1721 Stadium Arch. 1722 Stamen Bot. 1723 Stannum Chem. 1724 Stapes Anat. *I725 Statu Quo Gram. 1726 Statutum Law 1727 Sternum Anat. 1728 Stet Gram. 1729 Stibium Chem. 1730 Stimulus Psych. 1731 Stomachus Anat. 1732 Storax Chem. 1733 Strabismus Opt. 1734 Stranguria Med. 1735 Stratum Geol. 1736 Streptobacteria Biol. 1737 Streptococcus Biol. 1738 Strepsiptera Zool. 1739 Strictura Med. 1740 Stridulus Laryngitis Med. 1741 Strobila Zool. 1742 Strombus Zool. 1743 Strontia Chem. 1744 Strontium Chem. "1745 Sub Gram. 1746 Subimago Zool. *I747 Subito Mus. 1748 Sublimatio Chem.. 1749 Subornare Law *I750 Sub Poena Law 1751 Sub Poena Ad Tes- tificandum Law 1752 Sub Poena Duces Tecum Law *I753 Sub Rosa Gram. 1754 Subsidium Law J 755 Subtractio Law 1756 Succus Entericus Physiol. 1757 Suffragium Law 1758 Suggestio Psych. 1759 Sui Generis Gram. 1760 Sulphas Chem. *i76i Sulphur Chem. *IJ62 Summum Bonum Phil. 1763 Sumptuarius Law *I764 Super, Supra Gram. 1765 Supercilium Anat. 1766 Superficies Law 1767 Superlativus Gram. 1768 Superscriptio (recipe) (R.) Med. 1769 Supersedeas Law 1770 Suppositorium Med. 1771 Suppuratio Med. 1772 Sutura Med. 1 773 Sycomorus Bot. 1774 Syllaba Gram. 1775 Syllabus Ed. 1776 Syllogismus Phil. 1777 Symbolum Chem. 1778 Symphonia Mus. 1779 Synagoga Chur. 1780 Syncopare Mus. 1781 Syndicatus Law 1782 Synechia Opt. 1783 Synonymum Gram. 1784 Syphilis Med. 1785 Syrphus Zool. 1786 Syzygia Astron... 1787 Tabanus Zool. 1788 Tabes Med. 1789 Tabes Dorsalis Med. 1790 Tabula Rasa Phil. The Vocabulary of Practical Latin *i79i Tacet Mus. 1839 Tingis Zool. 1792 Taenia Zool. 1840 Titanium Chem. 1793 Talcus Chem. 1841 Titulus Law 1796 Tales Law 1842 Tonsillae Anat. 1795 Talipes Med. 1843 Tonsilitis Med. 1796 Talus Anat. 1844 Torpedo Zool. *I797 Tangens Math. 1845 Torsio Phys. 1798 Tarantula Zool. 1846 Tortum Law 1799 Tardigrada Zool. 1847 Torus Anat. 1800 Tarsius Zool. 1848 Toxicomania Med. 1 80 1 Tarsus Anat. 1849 Trachea Anat. 1802 Tartarum Chem. 1850 Tracheata Zool. *i8o3 Taurus Astron. 1851 Tracheitis Med. 1804 Taxatio Law 1852 Tracheobranchia Zool. *i8os Te Deum Chur. 1853 Tragacanthum Art 1806 Temperamentum Psych. 1854 Tragoedia Rhet. 1807 Temperatura Phys. 1855 Tragus Anat. 1808 Tenacitas Phys. 1856 Trans Gram. 1809 Tenaculum Med. *i857 Transfusio Med. 1810 Tenesmus Med. 1858 Transmissio Law 1811 Tenor Mus. 1859 Transcriptio Mus. 1812 Tentorium Anat. 1860 Trapezium Math. 1813 Tensio Phys. 1 86 1 Trematoidea Zool. 1814 Teredo Zool. 1862 Tremex Zool. 1815 Tergum Anat. 1863 Trepanum Med. 1816 Termen Ed. *i864 Tres Gram. 1817 Terminus Bus. *i865 Triangulum Math. 181 8 Terra Alba Chem. 1866 Trichiasis Opt. 1819 Tetanus Med. 1867 Trichina Zool. 1820 Tertiarius Geol. 1868 Trichinosis Med. 1821 Testamentum Law 1869 Trigamia Law 1822 Testator Law 1870 Triplyphus Arch. 1823 Testatrix Law *i87i Trinitas Chur. 1824 Testiculus Anat. 1872 Triticum Bot. 1825 Testudo Zool. 1873 Trivium Ed. 1826 Thalamus Anat. 1874 Trochaeus Verse 1827 Thallium Chem. 1875 Trochlea Anat. 1828 Theologia Chur. 1876 Troilus Zool. 1829 Theoria Phil. 1877 Tropicus Astron 1830 Thesis Ed. 1878 Truncatus Math. 1831 Thorax Anat. 1879 Tuber Bot. 1832 Thrombus Med. *i88o Tuberculosis Med. 1833 Thymum Bot. *i88i Tuberculum Med. 1834 Thymus Anat. 1882 Tuitio Ed. 1835 Tibia Anat. 1883 Tumor Med. 1836 Tigris Zool. 1884 Turbo Phys. *i837 Tinctura Pharm. 1885 Turdus Zool. 1838 Tinea Med. 1886 Turnix Zool. 34 Professional Latin in Modern English 1887 Turnus Zool. 1935 Varicella Med. 1888 Turpethum Chem. 1936 Varicosus Med. 1889 Tutor Ed. 1937 Variorum Gram. *i890 Tympanum Anat. 1938 Vaticanus Chur. 1891 Typhomania Med. 1939 Vas Deferens Anat. 1892 Typhus Med. 1940 Vegetatio Med. 1893 Ulceratio Med. 1941 Vena Cava Anat. 1894 Ulmus Bot. 1942 Vena Portae Anat. 1895 Ulna Anat. 1943 Venire Facias Law 1896 Ultima Gram. 1944 Ventilatio Phys. "1897 Ultimatum Law 1945 Ventriculus Anat. *i898 Ultra Gram. *I946 Venus Astron. 1899 Ultra Vires Law *I947 Verbatim Gram. 1900 Ulula Zool. 1948 Verbena Bot. 1901 Umbella Bot. 1949 Verdictum Law 1902 Umbilicus Anat. 1950 Veretillum Zool. 1903 Umbra Astron. 1951 Vermes Zool. "1904 Unitarius Chur. 1952 Vermilinguia Zool. 1905 Universitas Ed. +I 953 Vertebra Anat. 1906 Unguentum Pharm. 1954 Vertebrata Zool. 1907 Urachus Anat. J 955 Vertebrata Dentata Anat. 1908 Uraemia Med. 1956 Vertex Math. 1909 Urania Zool. 1957 Vertigo Med. 1910 Uranium Chem. 1958 Vespa Zool. 1911 Uranus Astron. 1959 Vesper Chur. 1912 Urea Chem. 1960 Vespertiliones Zool. 1913 Ureter Anat. 1961 Vestibulum Arch. 1914 Ureteritis Med. 1962 Veterinarius Med. 1915 Urethra Anat. "1963 Veto Law 1916 Urethritis Med. 1964 Verumontanum Anat. 1917 Urina Physiol. "1965 Via Gram. *i9i8 Ursa Major Astron. 1966 Via Lactea Astron. 1919 Ursus Zool. 1967 Vibratio Phys. 1920 Urus Zool. 1968 Vibrissa Anat. 1921 Usura Law *I969 Vice Gram. 1922 Uterus Anat. 1970 Victoria Regia Bot. 1923 Uti Possidetis Law *i97i Vide Gram. 1924 Uvula Anat. *I972 Videlicet (viz.) Gram. 1925 Vaccinia Med. 1973 Vi Et Armis Law 1926 Vaccinium Bot. 1974 Villa Arch. *I927 Vacuum Phys. J 975 Vinculum Math. 1928 Vagina Anat. *I976 Vinum Chem. 1929 Vaginitis Med. 1977 Viola Bot. *I930 Vale Gram. 1978 Vipera Zool. *I93I Valedicere Ed. 1979 Viperoidea Zool. 1932 Vanadium Chem. 1980 Vireo Zool. 1933 Vanilla Bot. 1981 Virgo Astron. 1934 Vapor Chem. *I982 Virus Med. The Vocabulary of Practical Latin 35 1983 Viscus Anat. 1984 Visitatio Law 1985 Vitreus Humor Anat. 1986 Voluntarius Psych. 1987'Vorticella Zool. 1988 Volvox Globator Bot. 1989 Volvulus Med. "1990 Vox Humana Mus. 1991 Vulgata Chur. 1992 Vulpes Zo6l. 1993 Vultur Zo6l. 1994 Vulva Anat. 1995 Vulvitis Med. 1996 Zea Bot. 1997 Zizania Bot. 1998 Zodiacus Astron. 1999 Zona Pellucida Biol. 2000 Zona Radiata BioL UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made befoid expiration of loan period. 50m-8,'26 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY