UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MEDICAL CENTER LIBRARY SAN FRANCISCO FROM THBJLreWTRY OF THE LATE PAN S. CODELLAS, M.D. rr^r s*~ - GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS Bonbon HENRY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE AMEN CORNER, E.G. MACMILLAN & CO., 66 FIFTH AVENUE Fro. I. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. FIG. FIG. 5. FIG. 6. FRONTISPIECE. ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. i. AN ARCHAIC GEM, PROBABLY PARTHIAN (Paris Coll., 1264,2 ; cf. Imhoof-Blumer und Keller, PI. xxi, 14). FIG. 2. TETRADRACHM OF ERETRIA (B. M. Cat., Central Or., PI. xxiii, i). Both these subjects represent a bird on a bull's (or cow's) back, in my opinion the pleiad in relation to the sign Taurus (vide infra, p. 31). In Fig. 2 the bull is turning round, to symbolize the tropic ; in Fig. r it is in the conventional kneeling attitude of the constellation Taurus, as Aratus describes it (Ph. 517) Tavpov 5f ateeXfcov oaarj irepityaiveTai oK\a, or in Cicero's translation ' Atque genu flexo Taurus connititur ingens.' Compare also, among other kindred types, the coins of Paphos, showing a bull with the winged solar disc on or over his back {Rev. Num., 1883, p. 355; Head, H. Numorum, p. 624, &c.). FIGS. 3, 4. A COIN OF AGRIGENTUM, WITH EAGLE AND CRAB (Head, H. Niimorum, p. 105). Aquila, which is closely associated with Capricorn (cf. Manil. i. 624), sets as Cancer rises : it may figure, therefore, as a solstitial sign. FIG. 5. COIN OF HlMERA, BEFORE B.C. 842, WITH THE COCK (Head, H. Numorum, p. 125 ; cf. infra, p. 26). FIG. 6. ATHENIAN TETRADRACHM, WITH OWL, OLIVE-TWIG, AND CRESCENT MOON (Head, p. 312; cf. infra, p. 46). FIG. 7 (on title]. DECADRACHM OF AGRIGENTUM. Cf. Aesch. Agam. 1 10-120 (vide infra, p. 8). The reverse of the coin shows Cancer associated with the solar Quadriga. A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS BY D'ARCY WENTWORTH THOMPSON PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS M DCCC XCV PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS KY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY PRINTED IN GREAT BR1TA Collection THI riATPI X0ONOZ APTEIAZ APOTHPI KAPflON HN MOTE EZHEIPE -J 3 OAAYZIA ATTA 0EPIZAZ AnOAIAHMI 91807 RES ARDUA, VETUSTIS NOVITATEM DARE, NOVIS AUCTORI- TATEM, OBSOLETIS NITOREM, OBSCURIS LUCEM, FASTIDITIS GRATIAM, DUBIIS FIDEM. PLINY. TTOAAOCJN TG KA\ AAA03N TOIOyTOON 6QTI HAH0OC A N role HAAAioTc, onep ef TIC BoyAHGem QYNAfAreTN, eic AN MHKOC 6KTei'N6l TON AOfON. - NEMES., De Nat. PREFACE THIS book contains materials for research in greater measure than it presents the results of it ; and, accordingly, it is not my purpose to preface it with an extended summary of the many wide generalizations to which the assemblage of fact and legend here recorded may seem to lead. This book indeed includes only a small part of the notes I have gathered together since I began years ago, as an under- graduate, ignorant of the difficulties of the task, to prepare the way for a new edition of the Natural History of the Philosopher. Three points, however, in my treatment of the present subject deserve brief explanation here. Instead of succeeding in the attempt to identify a greater number of species than other naturalist-commentators, dealing chiefly with the Aristotelian birds, have done, I have on the contrary ventured to identify a great many less. This limita- tion on my part is chiefly due to the circumstance that I have not ventured to use for purposes of identification a large class of statements on which others have more or less confidently relied. A single instance may serve to indicate the state- ments to which I allude. In the Historia Animalium (especially in the Ninth Book, great part of which seems to me to differ in character and probably in authorship from all but a few isolated passages of the rest of the work), in the works of such later writers as Pliny, Aelian and Phile, and scattered here and there in earlier literary allusions, we find many instances recorded of supposed hostility or friendship between different animals. When we are told, Xll PREFACE for example, that avOos is hostile to anavOk and to the Horse, that TTITTW is hostile to iroutA.1?, to Kopi>5coi>, to \Xapevs and to epooSto's, that one Hawk is hostile to the Raven and another to the Dove, and one Eagle to the Goose or to the Swan, we try at first to use these statements as best we can in unravelling the probable identification of the respective species. But when we find, for instance, among the rest that the Owl is hostile to the Crow, and when we recognize in that statement the ancient Eastern fable of the War of the Owls and Crows, we are tempted to reject the whole mass of such statements and to refuse them entry into the domain of Zoological Science. While former commentators have, with greater or less caution, rejected many fables, they have often rashly accepted many others. And I fear for my part that I in turn, while rejecting a much greater number, have perhaps also erred in ascribing a fabulous or mystical meaning to too few. For many such statements, and for others equally unin- telligible in the terms of Natural History, I offer a novel and, at first sight, a somewhat startling explanation : to wit, that very many of them deserve not a zoological but an astronomical interpretation. In the spring of 1894 I read to the Royal Society of Edinburgh a paper (which I have not yet printed) on * Bird and Beast in Ancient Symbolism'. In that essay I sought to demonstrate the astronomic symbolism of certain ancient monuments, especially of the great bas-relief of Cybele in the Hermitage Museum 1 ; secondly, of the beast and bird- emblems of classical coinage 2 ; and lastly, of certain fables or myths of the philosophers and poets. 1 This monument, a figure of which is accessible in Miss J. E. Harrison's Mythology of Ancient Athens, represents, according to my view, the ancient tropics of Leo and Aquarius, with Taurus and Leo in symbolic combat in the frieze below. 2 The identical theory, in so far as it applies to numismatic emblems, was pro- mulgated a few months afterwards by M. Jean Svoronos in a learned and scholarly paper, to be found in the Bulletin de Correspondence Hellenique for 1894; but the theory was not so novel as M. Svoronos and I supposed it to be. In con- nexion with coins or gems, it is explicitly and admirably stated by Gorius, De PREFACE Xlll Many illustrations of this theory of mine will be found in the pages of this Glossary 1 . Suffice it to say here, in briefest illustration, that the Eagle which attacks the Swan and is in turn defeated by it, is, according to my view, the constellation Aquila, which rises in the East immediately after Cygnus, but, setting in the West, goes down a little while before that more northern constellation ; that Haliaetus and Ciris are the Sun and Moon in opposition, which rise and set alternately, like the opposite constellations of Scorpio and Orion with which the poet compares them. Among many other opinions and testimonies to the same effect, let us listen to the words of a Father of the Church : ' The ancients believed that the legends about Osiris and Isis, and all other mythological fables [of a kindred sort], have reference either to the Stars, their configuration, their risings and their settings, or to the wax and wane of the Moon, or to the cycle of the Sun, or to the diurnal and nocti-diurnal hemispheres V The proof and the acceptance of such a theory as this are linked with considerations far-reaching in their interest. The theory has its bearing on our new knowledge of the orientation of temple-walls; it helps to explain what Quintilian meant when he said that acquaintance with Astronomy was essential to an understanding of the Poets ; the wide-spread astronomic knowledge which it presupposes may account for the singular interest in and admiration of the didactic poem of Aratus, the poem translated by Germanicus and Cicero and quoted by St. Paul ; and the whole hypothesis points to a broad distinction between two great orders of Myth. Myths are spontaneous or literary, natural or artificial. Some come to us from the Childhood of Religion and the Childhood of the World ; dream-pictures as it were from the half-opening eyes of awakening intelligence, archaic traces of the thoughts and ways of primitive and simple men ; these Gemmis Astriferis, 1750 ; and a kindred but exaggerated development, in regard to legend, of the same hypothesis forms the method of Dupuis. 1 Cf. pp. 8, 28, 31, 63, 107, 121, 132, 192, &c. 3 Euseb, Pr. Ev. iii. c. 4. XIV PREFACE are the folk-lore tales and customs that are presented to us by the school of Mannhardt. But others, and these for the most part are astronomic myths, belonging to a relatively later age, were artificially invented of the wise, to adorn, preserve, or conceal their store of learning ; they had their birth in cultured homes of deep religion, of treasured science, of exalted poetry. Both orders of Myth come to us with the glamour of antiquity, and each has for us a diverse but perennial interest : d v iraiSow ire pi tyxpovuv KOI fffJUKpwv KOI ol fj.ev voepdv fx ovffl T *l v dXrjQaav, of 8e x a A 7rT '7 < ovSw vibrjXov krteuarvftbnyr : Procl. in Plat. Tim. Cf. also Porph. V. Pythag. (41) 42, Iambi. V. Pythag. 23, and other commentators on the Pythagorean Symbols. 2 Apoll. Rh. iii. 930. 3 * Auf die Argonauten hatte ich immer ein Zutrauen .... Es liegen herrliche Motive darin, und gewiss liessen sich noch manche daraus entwickeln ' : Goethe to Schiller, Letter 496. 4 An English scholar very recently propounded the view that the Hind with the Golden Horns was a reindeer ! 217770-0; 6/idSos xpvatov Kepas" ov Se aAeWcu Tr]\ifeov 'Hpa.K\f)a e\d(f)0io tpovTJa' Mr) Tpopcprjs t\d(f>ov fJUfJLvrjaKfo. Nonn. Dionys. xxv. 223. PREFACE XV of Diomedian and Memnonian Birds, of Pleiad-Doves and Singing Swans. All these come to us from the Land beyond the Rainbow : they are dwellers in Fairyland. Akin to this enterprise of tracing allusions to the ancient science of the Stars in art and legend, in neglected phrases and statements, of the Greeks, is the effort I have made to ascribe to non- Aryan languages names used by Hellenic writers for many legendary as well as for many real Birds. The Master told his pupils that the gods whom men wor- shipped under other names were, in the childhood of religion, the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars of Heaven, to which many barbarians still bowed down 1 ; and he told them also that one who should seek to explain by Greek all the words of Greek should surely go astray, for that many words in daily use were borrowed from barbaric speech 2 . The astronomic science that the ancients loved and under- stood, as do the wise men of China and Arabia to this day, was not the gift of Greece alone, but was the accumulated gain of ages of antecedent civilization by the River of Egypt and the Four Rivers of Chaldaea ; and Eastern imagination veiled in mysterious allegory the ancient treasures of Eastern lore. If the quest after non- Aryan words and the attempt to trace the esoteric meaning of fables to a science which had its origin on alien soil are to be justified, we must cease to believe in a gulf between the Greeks and their Eastern contemporaries and predecessors. That gulf, if gulf there was, was crossed again and again. It was crossed by the migrations of races, by the tramp of armies, by the sails of commerce ; by the progress of religions, by the influence of art, by the humble footsteps of philosophers, seeking wisdom like Dervish-pilgrims of the Eastern or Wandelnde Studenten of the Western world. 1 Plat. Cratyl., p. 397. 2 Ibid., p. 409 : Ei ns &TOI ravra KO.TCL rrjv 'E\\rjviffriv (poavty us choreas KCITCH, dAAa prf /car' fKfivijv, e ?js TO ovopa. Tvyx^ vfl v > otcrOa on diropoi av. El/torus ye. The doctrine of ' Loan-words ' thus adumbrated in the Cratylus, is now, within certain limits, a commonplace of philology; but we do not know where the quest for such Loan-words may end. XVI PREFACE As the White Doves came from Babylon or the Meleagrian Birds from the farther Nile, so over the sea and the islands came Eastern legends and Eastern names. And our Aryan studies must not blind us to the presence in an Aryan tongue of these immigrants from Semitic and Egyptian speech, or from the nameless and forgotten language that was spoken by the gods. D. W. T. A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS "APAY. 6 KVKVOS, VTTO SKV^COV, Hesych. 'AfO'P' deros, KvTrptot, Hesych. - Bochart (Hieroz. II. c. xi, coll. 79, 80) shows good reason for supposing that deros here should read yepavos, and that dyop is merely Heb. "\1jy, a crane (Jerem. viii. 7 ; Is. xxxviii. 14). Cf. Lewysohn, Zool. d. Talmuds, p. 169. 'ArPAKO'MAI' opvts TIS vno ILa^L\wv, Hesych. 'APPEY'Z. An unknown bird. It is like a Blackbird, black, musical, and a mimic, Ael. viii. 24. The description is somewhat sug- gestive of the Indian Mynah, but it is in the main mystical. Vide 'AAflNHl'l, s. dSuimjis (cf. Creuzer, Symb. ii. 478). ^ xeXi8a>i/, Hesych. Cf. drjo'ovis, S. V. drjSwK. 'AEAAO'I, an unknown bird, Hesych. 'AEPOKO'PAH, vide s. v. Kopa. 'AE'POvlJ, vide s. v. fxepoxj/. 'AETO'I. Ep. and Ion. aleros alrjros in Find. P.iv, Arat. 522, 591, &c. ; drjros, Arat. 315 ; alperos, for al ferns, Hesych. Dim. aenSeuy, Ael. vii. 47, Aesop, Fab. I. deros is said to be 'the flyer,' 'the Bird] from root af or vt, of Sk. m-s, Lat. avi-s, and of Gk. ar^i : the same root perhaps in ol-wv-os (Curt.) and al-yvTr-ios ; cf. the Greek use of olavos ; also the Lat. use of ales for Eagle, and opveov in M. Gk. for Vulture. Never- theless, the absence of Eagle-names similar to aeros in other Indo- ^ B 1 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS AET02 (continued}. European languages is so striking, that I suspect for it a non-Aryan root. An Eagle, the generic word; see also dKuXcifc, dXideros, arrap, dpyioirous, api<|>os, dorepias, eupufjit'Swv, i^i^os, I8e, KUKi/ias, Xayw^oyos, {JieXai/dieTOS, fjiop^yos, i>T]TTo<|>6i>o9, irXdyyos, iruyapyos, Xpuaderos, c.: v. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b, ix. 32, 6i8b, 619 a ; on the species of Eagles cf. Cuvier ad Plin. x. 3, ed. Grandsaigne, whose iden- tifications, however, like those of Sundevall (Thierarten des Aristoteles, Stockholm, 1863, also in Swedish, K. Akad. Wetensk. Stockholm, 1862), are in my opinion to be received with caution. Besides the Osprey, Pandion Haliaetus, and the Short-toed Eagle, Ctrcaettts gallicus, the following true Eagles are regular inhabitants of Greece, A. Chrysaetus, A. heliaca, A. naema, A. Bonelli, A. pennata, and Haliaetus albicilla. Though occasional passages may be descriptive of the habits of one rather than another of these species, there is no evidence of any of these having been recognized as distinct : such names as dXuieros, fieXav- deros and \aya(j)6vos have a mystical or symbolic rather than a de- scriptive or specific meaning. On the confusion of the Eagles with the Vultures, vide infra. Eagles are common in Greece, though (Xen. Venat v. 24) absent from many of the islands, for want of hills. On the Eagle in classical art and mythology cf. O. Keller, Thiere d. cl. Alterthums, pp. 236-276, 430-452. Epithets. Horn. ay/cvXo^ei'X^f (cf. Ar. Eq. 197 Pvpaaieros ayKuXo^eiX?;? S. -XJjXjjs), aWcov, fieidy, KapriaTos KOI O>KLCTTOS Trererji/aii/, p.e\as (cf. Aesch. Ag. 115, Plut. Amat. iv. 9), o^vraros depKfadai, reXeioraro? (II. viii. 247), v^ineTTjs s. tynreTrjeis (cf. Soph. Oenom. fr. 423, Horap. ii. 56, c.), Ail (piXraros (II. xxiv. 310). Hes. Th. 523 ravinrrfpos (cf. Find. P. v. 112, II. xxiv. 317, Orphic. Lith. 124). Find. P. i. 6, v. 48, Isthm. vi dpxbs ola>vS)v, Ol. xiii. 21 /3ao-iXeu? oia>v>v (cf. Aesch. Ag. 1 15 ; Ar. Eq. 1087 ; Ael. ix. 2 ; Nic. Ther. 448 ; Callim. Hymn. Jov. 68 ; Ovid, Met. iv. 362 ; the Eagle was an Egyptian symbol for the king, according to Horap. ii. 56, and was worshipped as a royal bird by the Thebans, Diod. Sic. i- 87, 9) ; a royal emblem also at Babylon, Philostr. Imagg. 386 K. Aesch. Pr. V. 1024 Aios TTTTJVOS KIXOV, da(f>oivbs aieros I Soph. fr. 766 a-Kf?7rro/3a/io)j/ cu'eros, KVO>V Aids (cf. Ar. Av. 515, Find. P. i. 6). Aesch. Suppl. 212, Soph. Aj. 1040, Eur. Ion 159, &C. : Z^z/6? opvis, Zrjvbs aieroy, Zrjvbs Kijpv^. Antip. Sid. xcii in Gk. Anth. (Jac.) ii. 33 *Opvi, Atos Kpovidao diaKrope. Arat. Phen. 522 Zrjvbs piyas ayyeXos. Schol. Find. I. v. 53 SioTrojLiTro? alfTos. See also Porphyr. De Abstin. iii. 5 opvifas rots dvdpwTTOis ftcri Krjpvues aXXoi aXXwi/ df&v, Albs fiev aerdy, K. T. X. Nonn. Dionys. xxiv. I2O aieroy ^-yt/idj/eue di rjepos avrirvrros Zevs. Ar. Av. 1248 (Aesch. fr. Niob.) irvptyopoicriv aierois. Bianor in Gk. Anth. ii. 143 ^epo- divrjs aleroS) oiavav povvos enovpavios. Cf. Eurip. fr. 866 avrns p,ev drjp AETOI 3 AETOI (continued}. TrepdcrifJLOs. (Cf. Arist. H. A. 32, 619 b v-^ov 8e irererai, OTTCO? eVi TOTTOV Kadopa' dionep 6elov ol avBpwnoi (pacriv flvai JJLOVOV ra>v opVQ)v.) Opp. Venat. i. 281 aleros aWcpioicnv firiBixttv yvdXotaiv. Quint. Sm. iii. 354 olu>v5>v Trpocpepea-Taros. Opp. Hal. ii. 539 o yap Kovcpouri /ier' ola>volv, TrnjvoKpdroop. Eurip. fr. 1049 (Cram. An. Gr. Oxon. ii. 452) aero?, 6 Xwcrroff OVTOS KOI V jjieifav re rrjs (pfjvrj?, TO>V 8' dfrav KOI jJ/zidXios', ^pa>/za {-avdds, (paiWrai 5e oXiyaKis coo-Trep 117 Ka\ovp.evrj Kvpivdis I cf. Plut. Amat. iv. 9 ; vide S. V. fAopi/6s. This is usually taken, as is also the xpuo-afros or do-repi'as of Ael. H. A. ii. 39, to mean the Golden Eagle, Aq. Chrysaetus (L.) ; the former birds are however said by both authors to be very rare, whereas the Golden Eagle is the commonest eagle in Greece (Heldreich). Aristotle's statement as to its size is modified by Pliny (H. N. x. 3, media magnitudine). The passage is obscure and mythical, as shown by the allusions to Kvpivdis and (pyvr) : Pliny's phrase solumque in- corruptae originis is a literal but perhaps incorrect translation of yvrjo-ios. Many of the general references to aeros apply more or less closely to Aq. Chrysaetus^ e. g. Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 619, its nesting habits ; vi. 6, 563 ri/a-ei rpla aei Trepi rpiaKovra ijpepas I ix. 32, 619 b TOVS dao"viro8as OIIK vdi>s Xap-/3ayei, aXX' els TO nfftiov edcras 7rpoeX$eii>, this last statement being, however, very obscure : Ael. ii. 39, &c., &c. On the other hand accounts of the capture of snakes and stories of the combat with the Dragon (Arist. H. A. ix. i, 609 Tpocpyv yap Troiemu TOVS ofais 6 dtTos : Ael. xvii. 37 ; II. xii. 200 ; Aesch. Choeph. 245 ; Soph. Antig. 1 10-126 ; Nonn. Dion. xl. 476 ; Nic. Theriac. 448 ; Acs. Fab. 120 ; cf. Virg. Aen. xi. 751 ; Hor. Carm. iv. 4 ; Ovid, Met. iv. 712 ; Flav. Vopisc. De Aurel. iv), are based on the habits of Circaetus gallicus, the Short- toed Eagle, which feeds on reptiles, and partly also of the Lammer- geier. In Imhoof-Blumer and Keller's Thierbilder we have coins of Chalcis in Euboea showing an Eagle with the snake in its beak, and also (pi. v. 9) a similar coin of Cyrene in which the bird's head is evidently a Lammergeier's. The Vultures were frequently confused under the name oVros, e. g. Aesch. Ag. 1 38 o-Tvyel Se delnvov aler&v : as also in the story of Pro- metheus, e.g. Hes. Th. 523; Aesch. Pr. V. 1022; Pr. Sol. ap. Cic. Q. Tusc. ii. 10 ; Apoll. Rh. ii. 1254, 1263, iii. 851 ; Lucian, Prom. 20 (i. 203) ; D. Deor. i. i (i. 205), &c., &c. ; and as in the story of the death of Aeschylus, Ael. vii. 16, Plin. x. 3, Valer. Max. ix. 12. 2, Didym. Chalc. ed. Ritter, 1845, pp. 84 &c., Hesych. Onomast. c. 16, where the derds was evidently a Lammergeier, on whose propensity to feed on tortoises v. Tristram, Fauna of Palestine, p. 94, see also Ibis, 1859, p. 177 ; cf. Acs. B 2 4 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS AET01 (continued]. Fab. 419; Babr. 115. (On the mythical character of the Aeschylus legend cf. Teuffel, Rh. Mus. ix. 148, 1854; Piccolomini, Sulla morte favolosa di Eschilo, Pisa, 1883 ; Keller, op. c. pp. 257, 444.) The description in Arist. H. A. ix. 32 e(p' v^r\\wv KaOiCei dia TO /SpaSeW aipfaOai OTTO TJJS yr/s' v\^ov 8e Tre'rerm, OTTCOS eVi 7rXet(rroj/ TOTTOV Kadopq, /c.T.X., suggests rather the habit of the Griffon Vulture (v. Trfp/ci/oWf pos), which is also the ' Eagle ' alluded to in like terms in Job xxxix. 28 ; cf. also Ael. ii. 26, Horap. i. n, ii. 56. The Griffon Vulture is the royal bird of the East, the standard of the Assyrian and Persian armies (Xen. Cyr. vii. i. 4, of. Is. xlvi. ii, Habakkuk i. 8 ; whence probably the Roman Eagle), and the Eagle-headed God Nisroch (2 Kings xix. 37) of the Assyrians (cf. Tristram, Fauna of Palestine, p. 95 ; see also Hammer, Hist. Osman. i. p. 50, Creuzer's Symbolik, iii. pp. 649, 756, &c.). The crested Eagles of Assyrian sculpture (cf. Pocock's Descr. of the East, II. pi. xvi ; Wood's Baalbec, pi. xxxiv), are merely a further development of the solar emblem, and it is unnecessary to suppose (as does Hogg, Ann. and Mag. N. H. (3) xiii. 1864, P- 5 2 ) that they are copied from an actual crested species. The Persians, reverencing the Eagle, admired the aquiline nose and cultivated it : Olympiod. in Plat. Alcib. i. c. 16, p. 153 ol SOKOVVTCS apioroi TO. TOVTOV popta els ,/caXXos 8ta7rXarTOU(7i ypVTrfjv Kal Tr]v piva v8eiKvvp.evoi. TO f)yefJ.oviKov eivat Kal j3ao-t\iKov TOV nalfta' OVTOD yap Kal 6 aeTos ypvTros eo~Tiv a>s /ScunXiKo? : cf. Hyde, Rel. vet. Pers. p. 374. A fine description of the Eagle's flight in Apuleius, Florid, i. Myth and legend. The story of Prometheus, vide supra. The story of Ganymede. Strato in Gk. Anth. iii. p. 82 ; Anon. ibid. IV. p. Il8 aleTos 6 Zvs rjXdev eV avrideov ravvfJiT)8r)V, KVKVOS eVi J~av6r]V nr]Tpa TTJS 'E\evrjs : Theocr. xv. 124; Lucian, D. Deor. iv. I (i. 208), Hor. Car. iv. 4. The statue of Leochares, Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 19, 29. On coins of Chalcis, Dardanos, Ilia, &c. The story referred to the constellation Aquila, Hygin. P. Astr. ii. 16, Germanic. Phen. 317, Manil. Astron. v. 486, ,&c. The story of Leda : the Swan pursued by an Eagle ; Eurip. Hel. 17-22. The Eagle in combat with the Swan, freq., e.g. II. xv. 692, Arist. ap. Ael. V. H. i. 14, Phile xv. 10, Statius Theb. iii. 524, viii. 675, ix. 858, &c. On coins of Mallos in Cilicia, and Camarina (Eckhel, Doctr. Numm. i. i. 201, Imhoof-Blumer and Keller, pi. vi. 16, 17, &c.). The Eagle with Dolphin on coins of Sinope, and other towns, especially on the Black Sea and Hellespont, is taken by Keller as symbolic of the fish-trade (op. c. p. 262) : the Dolphin here has also been referred to the Eastern emblem of Eros (cf. Weber, Hist, of Ind. Liter. 1882, p. 257), but is more probably simply the constellation AETOI 5 AETO2 (continued}. adjacent to Aquila (cf. Manil. Astron. i. 353). See for other views, Welcker, Der Delphin und der Hymnus des Arion, Rhein. Mus. i. pp. 392-400, 1833. The myth of Nisus and Scylla or Ciris, Virgil (?) Ciris, Hygin. Fab. 198, Ovid, Met. viii. 146, &c. (a Semitic solar myth, O. Keller, I.e. p. 259) ; see also E. Siecke, De Niso et Scylla in aves mutatis, Berlin, 1884, vide s. v. dXideros. The transmigration of Agamemnon, Plato, Rep. x. p. 620 ; of King Periphas of Attica, Anton. Lib. Met. vi ; Ov. Met. vii. 399(cf.Th. Panofka, Zeus und Aegina, Berlin 1836) ; of King Merops of Cos, Anton. Lib. Met. xv. Cf. the ceremony at the consecration of a dead Emperor : dfTos dtpitTui o~vv ra> nvp\ dve\vo~6[j.(vos es TOV aldepa, os (pepeiv dno yf/s es ovpavbv Tr)v TOV j3ao~i\e(i)$ \l/-v)(f]v TTicrreuerai VTTO 'Pco/xai'co^, Herodian, iv. 2. II ; cf. Dio Cass. Ivi. 42, Ixxiv. 5. The Eagle as a portent (a. reXeio'raTos) in connexion with the founding of the Ptolemaic dynasty, Suid. s. v. Adyos : of the Phrygian dynasty by Gordius, Arrian, Anab. ii. 3, Ael. xiii. I ; of the Persian by Achaemenes, Ael. xii. 21 ; with the birth of Alexander, Justinus xii. 16. 5. The Eagle a portent of death : aero? entKadeo-dels rf/ Kf(pa\fj TOV Idovros Qdvarov aura) /uai/reuercu, Artemid. Oneirocrit. i. p. 112 (ed. Hercher). On the Eagle in augury cf. II. viii. 247, xii. 200, Od. ii. 146, xx. 242, Aesch. Ag. 115, Ar. Vesp. 15, &c. : doubtless also referred to, though unnamed, in such passages as Orph. Lith. 45, Aesch. Sept. c. T. 24, Pr. V. 486 : still more frequent in Latin, e.g. Liv. i. 24 ; Cic. De Divin. i. 47, ii. 48 ; Sueton. Octav. 94, 96, 97 ; Valer. Max. i. 4. 6, Plut. Brutus xxxvii, &c. See Hopf, Thierorakel, pp. 87 et seq.; Spanheim in Callim. Hymn. Jov. 69. On Eagles in the Mithraic mysteries, Porphyr. De Abst. iv. 16. How the Etruscans understood the language of eagles, ibid. iii. 4. An Eagle's nest with seven eggs (!), as a portent, Plut. Marius, xxxvi. An Eagle's nestling in symbolism and dream-prophecy, Horap. ii. 2 (cf. Leemans in loc.}. The mythical genealogy of the Eagle : Arist. De Mirab. 835 a, i. (60) CK TOV frvyovs 8e TWI/ aro>j> Qdrepov T&V eyyovdav oXlOUTOS yiverai 7rapaAAa, IW av avvya yevrjTai. K fie aXimcrwy (f)r)vr) ytVerai, CK de TOVTM nepKVol K. yvTres, K. T. A. ; cf. 0eoKpocos, dXideros, ^^T), &c. How (prjvr) rears its young, Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 619, Antig. Hist. Mirab. 4 (52), cf. Plin. x. 3. How the Eagle feeds and defends its young, and is affectionate towards them, Ael. ii. 40, Opp. Yen. 115, Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 619 (cf. Deut. xxxii. ii), but nevertheless casts them out, 8ia (frOovov, a, TO li/ \iovov eViXeyerai KOI rpe^ei, ra Se aXXa dvo K\a' TOVTO Se Trota, 5ta TO KOT' TOV \povov TOVS oj/v^a? dno(3d\\iv, Kal eWeC$ei> /x) 8vvao-6ai TO. rpia How, when brooding, it goes without food, OTTOS M ap-nd^ TOVS TO>V 6rjpia)v o~Kvp,vovs (cf. Horap. i. 1 1). 01 re ovv oyv%es avTOv 8iao~Tpe(povTai oXrya? Tj/j-epas, Kai. TO. Trrepa XevKm'veTai, &O~TC Kal rols TCKVOLS TOTC yivovrai ou TTtii/Ta 6e Ta T>V der&v yevrj o/zoia Trepi ra reKva, aXX' 6 irvyapyos ot S p,f\avfs fvrcKvoi TTCpl Trjv Tpo^v tlviv, Arist. H. A. vi. 6, 563. The sharp sight of the Eagle, opviduv o^uooTreWaTo?, and how its gall mingled with honey is an ointment for the eyes, Ael. i. 42 ; Plin. xxix. 38, &C. Cf. II. xvii. 674, Alciphr. iii. 59 yopybv TO /SXe/u/ua ; Prov. dfT&o'fs (3\f- TreiV) Lucian Icarom. 14 (ii. 769), Hor. Sat. i. 3. 26, &c. How the Eagle's offspring look straight at the sun, and the bastards, being by this test discovered, are cast out, Ael. ii. 26, cf. Arist. H. A. ix. 34, 620, Antig. Mirab. 46 (52), Lucan ix. 902, Lucian, Pise. 46 (i. 613), Sil. Ital. x. 107, Petron. Sat. 120, Claudian III. Cons. Hon. Praef, 12, Plin. x. (3)4, Dion. De Avib. i. 3, Apul. Florid, i. 2, Basil. Hexaem. viii. 6. 177, Eust. Hexaem. viii. 6. 952, S. August. Mor. Manich. xvi. 50, Julian. Imp. Epp. 16 (386 C), 40 (418 d), Eunod. Ep. i. 18, id. Carm. ii. 150, Phile i. 14. Cf. Chaucer, P. of Fowles, 331 'the royal egle . . . that with his sharpe look perceth the sun.' On the Egyptian origin of this fable, see Keller, op. c. p. 268, and cf. Horap. i. 6, II. The Solar Myth is also oriental, and in the Rig-veda the sun is frequently compared to a Vulture or Eagle hovering in the air. The Eagle is exempt from thirst, Ael. H. A. ii. 26 ovdenoTc deTot OVTC Trrjyrjs Setrai OVTC y\i^(Tat KOvio~Tpas, aXXa Kal dtyovs dfjLfivwv eo~Ti '. cf. Arist. H. A. viii. 18, 601 b ; but perishes of hunger (also an Egyptian fable, Keller op. C. 267), yrjpdo-Kovo-i 8e Tols dfTols TO pvyxos avgdvfTai TO avo) yap,^fovp,fvov del p.d\\ov } Kal T\OS Xi/iW aT:o6vr)(rKOVo~LV. cmXfyeTai 8e TLS Kal nvflos, cos TOVTO 7rdo~)(fL 8ioTi avGpajirbs TTOT' &>v r)diKr]o~e evov, Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 619. Cf. Antig. 46 (52), Horap. ii. 96 (where the Eagle is said to be for that reason an Egyptian symbol for an old and starving man), Epiphan. ad Physiol. c. 6, Plin. x. 14. It is however long-lived, paKpoftLos 8' eo-TtV drj\ov 8e TOVTO e/c TOU iro\vv xpovov T ^ v veoTTiav TTJV avTrjv diapeveiv, Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 619 b. It feeds on grass, Ael. ix. 10 (pottos oo-nfp Kal Aibs KK\r)rai), is poisoned by o-vp.(pvTov, Ael. vi. 46, Phil. De An. Pr. 668, and in sickness eats tortoises as a remedy, Dion. De Av. i. 3. Its hours of feeding : &pa de TOV epydfca-Qat aeTcS Kai TrereoAu an-' dpio~Tov p-^XP 1 8ei\r]s' TO yap HwQev KadrjTai p-fXP 1 ^ypds ir\r)dvovo~T)s, Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 619. AETOZ 7 AETOI (continued]. Its feathers are incorruptible, Ael. ix. 2, Plut. Q. Conv. i. 10, Plin. x. (3) 4 ; its right wing buried in the ground is an insurance against hail, Geopon. i. 14, 2. How it walks with its toes turned in, to keep its claws sharp, Plut. De Curios. 12. Is hostile to fpeoSio?, o-i'm;, rpoxi'Xo?, Arist. H. A. ix. i, 609 b, aiyvmos, ib. 610 a ; v@pis, ib. 12, 615 b; Kopoavrj, Ael. xv. 22 ; TUTTM, Nicand. ap. Anton. Lib. 14 ; eyxeXv?, Aristoph. Hist. Anim. Epit. ii. 239 ; noXvirovs, Ael. vii. II, as well as to Spaxcoi/, Arist. ix. I, 609 (cf. Ael. ii. 26, Plut. Od. et Inv. iv. p. 650), and KVKVOS, ib. 12, 615 b, by which last it is con- quered, Ael. xvii. 24 ; to veftpos and aXcon-^, Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 619 b), cf. Plut. Sol. Anim. xxxi. 7 ; hostile also to xh v (Od. xv. 161), Sop/cay, Anyeos (Orphic. Lith. 147), ravpo?, Phile. Cf. Plin. x. (74) 95. It places the herb KaAXiYpixo" in its nest for a charm, Geopon. xv. 1,19. The Eagle a symbol of the Nile, Diod. Sic. i. 19. 2. Cf. Eustath. in Dionys. v. 239 eKXrflrj [% A'iyvTrros] Kal 'Aer/a : cf. Bryant's Anc. Mythol. i. pp. 19, 378. A symbol of the year, Artemid. Oneirocr. ii. 20, as the Vulture is also said to be by Horap. i. n ; of elevation, Horap. i. 6; of the sun on the equator, Clem. Alex. Strom, v. 567. For the explana- tion of these hieroglyphs, into which the emblem of the Vulture enters as a phonetic element, see Lauth, Sitzungsber. Bay. Ak. 1876, p. 81. A king who lives remote from and disdainful of his people is pre- figured as an Eagle : OVTOS yap ev rols epi'ip-ois TOTTOIS e'^ei rrjv veoaa-idv, Kal v^rjXoTfpos iravr&v rS)V 7TTeivS)V tTTTarai, Horap. ii. 56. The white Eagle of Pythagoras, Iambi. V. Pyth. xxviii. 142, Ael. V. H. iv. 17, was probably a symbol for the town of Croton, on whose 'coins an eagle is displayed (cf. Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins, i. c. 20, also Creuzer, Symb. ii. 602, footnote). How Pythagoras lured an Eagle at Olympia, Iambi. V. Pyth. xiii. 62, Porph. V. Pyth. 25, Plut. Numa viii. The constellation Aquila, Eurip. Rh. 530 /LieVa d' ateroy ovpavov nrorarai (cf. Petavii Var. Diss., lib. v. c. 14) ; Arat. Phen. 313, Hygin. iii. 15, &c. The constellation Aquila is frequently referred to in Latin ; e. g. Ov. F. v. 732 grata lovi fulvae rostra videbis avis ; [viii. Kal. Jun. Rostra aquilae oriuntur chronice.] Ib. vi. 194 si quaeritis astra, Tune oritur magni praepes adunca lovis ; [Kal. Jun. Aquila oritur chronice.] Cf. Columella xi. 2 ; Germanic. Phaen. 692 redit armiger uncis Unguibus, ante omnes gratus tibi, luppiter, Ales ; cf. ib. 610, &c. On the mythology of the Eagle in connexion with the constellation Aquila, see also Eratosth. c. 29, Hygin. P. Astr. ii. 16, for, int. /., the stories of the metamorphosis of Ethemea, of the Eagle that brought Venus' slipper to Mercury (cf. Strabo xvii. 808, Ael. V. H. xiii. 33), the eagle that portended victory to Jove in his combat with the Titans, &c. The complicated mythology of the Eagle baffles analysis. It is 8 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS AETOI (continued']. sometimes evidently a solar emblem, as is Zrjvbs opvis in Aesch. Suppl. 212. Its name xpuo-a'eros- is in like manner probably a translation of the ' golden hawk ' of Egyptian Horus. In its combat with the Hare, the Swan, the Bull, the Dragon, and so forth, these latter are probably symbolic of their stellar name-sakes, and in such cases, the hostile Eagle is, in the main, a stellar and not a solar emblem. The following are the principal facts in connexion with the constellation Aquila which seem to bear on the mythology of the Eagle. It rose nearly together with the Dolphin, and shortly after, and as it were in pursuit of, the Swan and the Serpent of Ophiuchus : it set as the Lion rose, whose leading star Regulus was also called ^ao-tAiWos-, the Hare and the Dog- star rising simultaneously ; it set together with Aquarius, known also as Ganymede the cup-bearer, and it was close beside and rose together with the Arrow of Sagittarius. It is not far distant from the constel- lation Lyra, which last constellation is also known as the Vulture ; it and the Eagle are known respectively to later writers (and to the Arabs) as Aquila or Vultur cadens and volans or yty Kadrj^evos and nero^e vos, nesr-el-waki and nesr-el-ta'ir, whence our modern names Vega and Altair applied to their two principal stars. (See for Arabic and other references, Ideler, Sternnamen, pp. 67, 106, &c.; also Grotius' Aratus, Notae ad Imagg. pp. 54, 60, &c., &c.) Aquila rose together with the latter stars of the Scorpion, but Lyra or the Vulture, rising a little earlier, seems to have been the true paranatellon of that sign : accordingly it is probably not the true Eagle but the Vulture or Aquila cadens, which, substituted for the unlucky Scorpion, figures with the other three cardinal signs of Leo, Taurus, and Aquarius, in the familiar imagery of Ezek. i. 10, x. 14, and Rev. iv. 7. A solar myth is discussed s. v. dXideros. The combat with the Hare is interesting from its representation on a famous decadrachm of Agrigentum, as well as for the equally mystical description in Aesch. Ag. 115 jSoa-Kd/zcj/oi \aylvav. (The symbolism con- nected with the Hare seems to me to be peculiarly complicated and difficult, and all tentative hypotheses are more than commonly liable to be overthrown.) The Eagle with the Serpent or Dragon occurs not only in classical coinage (Chalcis, Agrigentum, Gortyna, Siphnos, &c.), but also on Persian and Egyptian sculptures. The Eagle with the lightning (deros Trvpcpopos) or thunderbolt (minis trumfulmtnis, cf. Plin. x. 3, Serv. in Aen. i. 398, Sil. Ital. xii. 58 adsuetis fulmina ferre Un- guibus) occurs on coins of Elis, Catana, Megalopolis, &c. Philo's phrase (i. 628) (pcyyo? yvfja-iov and 0. voQov for sunlight and moonlight is perhaps suggestive or corroborative of a solar symbolism in aero? yvrja-ios. afTirrjs, the eagle-stone. Ael. i. 35. Diosc. v. 161. Dion. De Avib. i. 3 ot p.ev avrbv arro TO>V KauKatricoi/ opaii/, ot 8e OTTO rrjs TOV wKeavov o%dr)s $ao-l K0fu'r#a<. : Lucan vi. 676 quaeque sonant feta tepefacta sub alite saxa ; Plin. x. 3, xxx. (14) 44, xxxvi. (21) 39, xxxvii. (u) 72, Horap. ii. 49, AETOI 9 AETO1 (continued}. Phile 736, Geopon. xv. i, 30, Solinus, c. 37, Philostr. V. Apollon. ii. 14, Stobaeus 98, Priscian in Perieges. p. 393. Cf. Physiol. Syrus, where the stone is called WTOVLKOV, a corruption of CVTOKIOV or VKVTOKIOV : cf. Eustath. Hexaem. p. 27, Epiphan. De Duodecim Gemmis, &c., ed. Romae, 1743, p. 30, Marbod. Lapidarium, 339-391 (King's Ant. Gems, p. 404). See also, for mediaeval and other references, Boch. Hieroz. ii. 312-316, and N. and Q. (8) v. 518, 1894. The Eagle with its stone, an Egyptian symbol of security, Horap. ii. 49. Proverb and Fable. Fable of Fox and Eagle, Archiloch. fr. 86-88 (no), Aes. Fab. 5 ; Ar. Av. 652. Hence according to Rutherford (Babrius p. xlvii), the proverb ahrbs ev TTOTCIVOIS, Pind. N. iii. 77 (138); alerbs ev vetyeXaiai, Ar. Eq. 1013, Av. 978, 987, fr. 28, and Schol. ; applied by the oracle to the Great King (cf. Ezek. xvii. 3), Schol. in Ar. Eq. 1010 ; cf. Zenob., Suid. eVt TO>V SucraXcorooi/, Trapoaov derbs ev vev ov% dXiV- KCTOI : for other explanations, see Steph. Thes. derbv i7TTav rifia)povju,ei>a>j/ TOVS p.tiovas irpoKardp^avTas KCIK.OV. \eyerai yap ra a>a roO deroO d(pavifiv 6 KavOapos, Suid.: cf. Ar. Pax, 133, and Schol., Lys. 695, Aes. Fab. 7, Keller, op. c. p. 269. The oracle of Action, Herod, v. 92. Fable of Eagle shot with its own feathers, Aesch. Myrm. fr. 123, cf. Schol. in Ar. Av. 808, Aes. Fab. 4. The Eagle and the Archer, Bianor, Gk. Anthol. ii. p. 143. derbs Kal /SatriXiVKoy, Plut. Mor. ii. 806 E. The Fighting-cock and the Eagle, Babr. v ; the Eagle and Lion in partnership, Babr. xcix ; the Eagle mindful of benefits, Aes. 6, 92, 120, Ael. xvii. 37, whence the proverb aUnov x<*P iv eicrivfiv, Apost. Cent. i. 78 ; cf. Tzetz. Chil. iv. 302. The tame Eagle of Pyrrhus, Ael. ii. 40 ; the Eagle that saved Tilgamus of Babylon, Ael. xii. 21 ; that saved Aristomenes, Paus. iv. 18. 5 : cf. Antip. Sidon. xcii in Gk. Anthol. ii. 33 : see also Ael. vi. 29, Plin. x. (5) 6: cf. Marx, Gr. Marchen, 1889, pp. 29-50. On Hawking with trained Eagles in India, Ctesias, fr. n (ed. Miiller), Ael. iv. 26 ; in Thrace, Ael. ii. 42 ; cf. also Leo Africanus and Tzetzes Chiliad, iv. 134. On Eagles trained for Falconry, see (e.g.) Scully, Contr. to the Ornith. of E. Turkestan, Stray Feathers, vi. p. 123, 1876; also Yule's Marco Polo, Schlegel's Fauconnerie, &c. Representations of Eagles. On Babylonian processional sceptres, Herod, i. 195. On the sceptre of the Persian kings, Xen. Cyrop. vii. 10 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS AET02 (continued'}. I. 4 (cf. Keller, op. c. pp. 240, 435). On the sceptre of Zeus at Olympia, Paus. v. II. i (copied on a late coin of Elis) ; and at Megalopolis, id. viii. 31. 4 (cf. Find. P. i. 6 evSei ava O-KUTTTO) AIOS aleros, Soph. fr. 766 o-Kr)7TTot3d[jLa>v ahros, Schol. in Ar. Av. 510); on pillars before the altar of Zeus Lycaeus, in Arcadia, id. viii. 38. 5 ; on the Omphalos at Delphi (cf. Soph. O. T. 480), Pind. P. iv. I xpuo-ecov Atos alrjT&v ndptdpos (simi- larly on coins of Cyzicus). Cf. Plut. de Orac. i. 409 derovs rtvas, r) KVKVOVS, nv6o\oyova vodov, (ro(pov opviv, Nonn. xiii. 214). For references to coins, v. supra, passim. The gable of a temple was called deros, Ar. Av. mo, or ae'ra^a, Suid. Cf. Eur. fr. Hypsip. tdov irpbs alQep e^a/LuXA^o-ai Kopais, ypair- TOVS fv atToli/ rvnovs : Pind. Ol. xiii. 21 ris yap . . . rj 6t, &c. The Nightingale, Motacilla luscinia, L., Daulias luscinia, auctt. Mod. Gk. drj86vi, applied to various Warblers. Od. xix. 518 Uavdapeov Kovprj ^Xcop^ls drjduv. [German commentators, translating ^Xwpjyi'y green, have made many needless conjectures as to some other bird being here alluded to ; cf. Groshans, p. 5 ; Buchholz, pp. 123-125. On the word xXwpiji'y see also G. E. Marindin and W. W. Fowler, Class. Rev. 1890, pp. 50, 231, and in particular Steph. AETOI AHAflN II AHAflN (continued}. Thes. (ed. 1821), coll. 1284-5. The general significance is perhaps 'the nightingale, that clepeth forth the fresshe leves newe,' Chaucer, P. of Fowles 351, ^Xwpalff VTTO /3a<7(raiy, Soph. Oed. Col. 673.] Other Epithets. 'Ar0i'y, aloXooeipos (Nonn. xlvii. 33), moXocpooi/os (Opp. Hal. i. 728), fiapvdaKpvs (Phil. Thess. Ixvi), 8aKpv6eo-o-a (Eur. Hel. mo), *Hpos ayyeXos, ^jj.fp6(pa)vos s. ip,fp6(p(i)vos (Sappho, p. 39, ap. Suid.), KipKr)\aTos (Aesch. Suppl. 62), \iyeia (Aesch. Ag. 1146; Soph. Oed. Col. 671), \tyv(pdoyyos (Ar. Av. 1380), \iyv(pa>vos (Theocr. xii. 7), p,f\iyr)pvs (C. I. G. 6261; Gk. Anthol. iv. pp. 231, 273; cf. Theocr. Ep. iv. 12), 6gv(pa>vos (Soph. Trach. 963 Babr. xii. 3, 19), gov66s (Aesch. Ag. 1142, Ar. Av. 676, Theocr. Ep. iv. n ; cf. Eur. Hel. mi), TroiKi\68eipos (Hes. Op. et D. 201), Tro\vKa)Ti\os (Simonid. fr. 73, in Etym. M.), irvKvomepos (Soph. Oed. Col. l8), 7rav68vpros S. rravdvpros (Soph. El. 1077), TCKVO- Xereipa (ib. 107), ^Kopavxnv (Simon. 73). [Note similarity of epithets s. v. xeXiSwi/.] Among innumerable poetic references, cf. Ibyc. fr. 7 rap-os avnvos K\VTOS opOpos eyeiprjartv drjdovas. Simon, fr. 73 8evT dr)86i>es TroXuKwrtXot, X\a)pavxfves elapivai. Callim. L. P. 94 juar^p f*V yoepatv olrov drj8ovi8a)V aye ftapv K\aiov(ra. Aesch. Ag. IIl6 "irvv, "irvv ffTevovcra, drj8(av. Soph. El. 147 <* *!TVV aiev "irvv oXo 8ia ov6av yfvvow e\\io[jieva 6pr t vois e/Ltois ^vvepyos. Ar. Av. 212 "irvv eXeXifrufvr) (cf. Hor. Car. iv. 2. 5 Ityn flebiliter gemens, Catull. Ixv. 14 Daulias absumpti fata gemens Ityli). Soph. Aj. 628 otVrpa? yoov opviOos a^SoCr, cf. Aesch. fr. 412. Eur. Hec. 337 dr)86vos o-ro/xa. Ar. Ran. 684 pvgci S' e7riK\avTov drjdoviov vop.ov. Mosch. iii. 37 ovdc roaov ITOK aeurev cvl v veorrov 7rpo8i8d(rKov(ra (cf. Ael. iii. ^O } Plut. De Sol. Anim. 973, Dion. De Avib. i. 20 dnoKTeivfi 8e TOVS dTTr)s TO 6gv [true of the Hoopoe; dr)8a)v is an interpolation here, Aub. and Wimm., cf. Plin. x. 43 (29), but compare the version in Apollod. iii. 14]. H. A. ix. 49 B, 632 b 17 S' drjdwv qdei p.ev (ruff^cos rjp.epas KOL VVKTUS deKanevre, orav TO opos fj8r) i' p,ra. 8e TavTa aftei per, (Tvi/f^ws S' ov, Kal TO xp5)p.a p.Ta(3d\\ei Kal ev ye 'iraXta TO ovoua fTfpov KaXemu nepl rrjv &pav ravTyv. (paiverai S* ov rroXvv \povov' <^>a>XeZ yap (cf. Ael. xii. 28 ; Plin. N. H. x. 29, Clem. Alex. Paedag. x) : the above excerpt is very obscure and mystical; with the verb dao-vvTjTai cf. Etym. M. s.v. AaiAfr, also Aesch. fr. 27 (tbi tit.}, and Paus. x. 4, 7. Hesiod, ap. Ael. V. H. xii. 2O rrjv dr)86va fj.6vr)v opvldav dpoipelv VTTVOV Kal did Tf\ovs dypvrrvelv. Ael. H. A. i. 43 drjdwv opviQav Xi-yupomm;, Xeyouo-i Se Kai ra Kpea avTrjs es dypvnviav \vaiTe\elv : cf. ib. xii. 2O, Phile xviii. Ael. iii. 40 Kadeipypcvr) ev oiKio-Kco Sdrjs aTre^erai, ml d/JLVverai TOV opvidodfjpav vnep rijs dov^eias ry Trfj' ovnep ovv ol avdpwiroi Trerrfipafj-evoi, rag fjdr) Trpe&PvTepas p-fdidcri, V aKov6vTo>v pr} SiafnapTavr), noiKiXa re dvapeXireiv Kal raKepws eXi'rreii' TO /ueXoy. Its mode of capture, Dion. De Avib. iii. 13. On captive Nightingales, see also Nemesian, Eel. ii, De Luscinia. A white or albino specimen, Plin. 1. c. The locus classicus for the Nightingale's song is Plin. x. (29) 43, cf. Ar. Av. 209 ; see also Dion. De Avib. i. 20, Phile xviii, &c. Pausan. ix. 30. 6 XeyouoH de ol QpaKes, oo~ai T&V drjbovtov e%ovo~i veoo~ffias Trl TCO Tci0o) ToO 'Op^eoff, TavTas fjdiov Kal p.e'i6t> n qdeiv. Cf. Antig. Hist. Mirab. 5, Myrsili Methymn. fr. 8 (vol. iv. p. 459, Miiller). The Nightingale which sang over the infant Stesichorus, as a presage of poetry, Plin. x. 43 (29). The transmigration of Thamyras (? Thammuz), Plato, Rep. x. 620. On talking Nightingales, Plin. N. H. x. 59 (42). The lay of the loom, KcpKida 8' evrroirjTov, drjSova rav eV cpMois, Antip. Sid. xxii, Gk. Anthol. ii. n, cf. id. xxvi ; cf. Ar. Ran. 1316. The Cricket is called rfjv Nu/^e'coi/ Trapodlnv dr)86va, Gk. Anthol. iv. 206. Ulysses, for his melancholy tale, is Movo-cof aqo>i/, Eur. Palamed. viii ; a poet is Movo-da>v drjdovts, Anthol. Pal. vii. 414 (cf. Movo-dv opvix*s, Theocr. vii. 47) ; a bad poet is drjdovoiv fjrriaXos (enough to give a Night- ingale the shivers), Phryn. Com. Inc. i. The Sirens are called aprrvioyovvoi a^Sdves, Lye. 653. Proverb and Fable. ouS' oo~ov dr]86ves vTrvvovaiv, Suid. VTTVOS dr)86- veios, Nicoch. Inc. 3 (ii. 846, Mem.), cf. Nonn. Dionys. v. 411 dpird^avres drjboviov (s. otdonov) irrepov VTTVOV. rol O-K>TTS a;Soo-i yapv- craij/ro, Theocr. i. 136, cf. Gk. Anthol. (Jac.) iv. p. 218, also Theocr. v. 136 TTOT' dr)6va Kiao-as pio~8evl Luc. Pise. 37 BO.TTOV av yv-^r drjdovas Fable of the Hawk and tne Nightingale, Hes. Op. et D. 203, cf. Aes. Fab. 9, Plut. Mor. 1586. The Nightingale and the Swallow, AHAflN 13 AHAflN (continued}. ov #eXo> TTJV \vm)V raw TraXatav pov (rvfjXpop&v jj.p.v^crdai, Acs. Fab. IO, cf. Babr. xii. Vox et praeterea nihil, Plut. Apophth. Lacon. 123 A ri\as TIS drjoova V TroirjTwv ev dr)86vos p.vr)fj,rj 17 opvts encDvopao-Tai. (Cf. Hesych. AavXt'a Kopa>vr) ; also Etym. M. p. 250, 8 AavXi'av Kopavyv, dvT\ TOV drjdova, 'Aptarot^a'j/T;? Sia TOV pvdov' eviot In the above passage from Thucydides the commentators take cu ywalKfs to refer to Procne and Philomela ; it seems to me to mean simply that in that spot the women-folk practised the rites of Adonis. It is noteworthy that Dodwell found an archaic village-festival, or feast of tabernacles, taking place at Daulis, when he visited the locality at the season of the vernal equinox (cf. Ezek. viii, &c.). The passage in Theocr. xv. 121 ofoi drjSoviories degonevwv eVi Se'i/Speoi/, K.T.X., with its context, is important in this connexion. As I have attempted to bring uv, Itys or Itylus, and possibly even Thamyras into relation with 14 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS AHAflN (continued}. Adonis, Atys, and Thammuz respectively, so I am tempted to see a connexion between a fourth Adonis-name, Duzi or Dazu, and the traditional etymology (dacrvs) of Daulis. Again, is it certain that drdls arjftav, a late and rare epithet in Greek (Nonn. Dionys. xlvii. 32, cf. ibid. xliv. 265), means really the Attic nightingale ; or may we not here also have an Atys-name ? Lastly, a reference to a Moloch- sacrifice is indicated in Hesychius under the heading A.if3vs re a.T)8o>v' at yap ev VLapxydovi (rfjs Aifivrjs de ftcri) yvvaiKes [at] ra i'Sta reKva Kara TI vofjLifjiov y o-(payiaov Kp6va> [et maestis late loca questibus implent !] : cf. Soph, in Andromeda, fr. 132, ap. Hesych. s. v. Koupioi/. Philomela and Procne are frequently confused, cf. Serv. ad Eel. vi. 78. In all Greek authors, Philomel is the name of the Swallow, and Procne of the Nightingale (Ar. Av. 665). The Latins generally reverse this ; but Varro De L. L. and Virg. Eel. vi adhere to the Greek version of the story (W. H. Thompson, ad Plat. Gorg. fr. 6, p. 180). drjSuv and d\Kva>v are also apt to be confused, e. g. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b, where MSS. have drjSovvv for d\Kvova>v, and Suid. s.v. 'H/xepti/a a>a, where dr)8a, between d\KvAAOI. 15 AfriQOS (also aiyiyflos). An unknown and mythical bird, identified by the older commentators (e. g. Belon) with the Linnet. Arist. H. A. ix. i, 609, 610 oVo> iroXc'/uor (cf. Antig. Hist. Mirab. 58 (63) ; Ael. H. A. v. 48 ; Dion. De Avib. i. 12 ; Phile 696 ; Plin. x. 95). TroXefuoi 5e KOI avQos Kal aKav&is KOI cuyidos. Ib. ix. 15, 6l6b eu/SiWo? KOI TroXvTfKvns, TOV 7roSa ^coXoff. [Many MSS. have alyioBos : for ^coXd? some texts read o>xP s > or ^Xcopoy, the latter Albertus Magnus, but cf. aiyiOos dpcpiyvrjeis, Callim. fr. ap. Antig. 1. c. ; Plin. x. (8) 9.] Xe'yercu 8' on alyidov KCU avdov alp-a ov (rv/z/ztywrai aXX^Xois : idem, Pliny X. (74) 95 (who calls it avis minima), Ael. H. A. x. 32, and Phile 432, the same statement of aKavQis and alyidaXos, and Antig. H. M. 106 (114) the same of atyidos and aKavdts. Dion. De Avib. iii. 14 Qrjparai KXo>/3o5, V eo TraXat drjpadels eWpoy eirl TO (3oav KaTaxXeifrat. Antig. H. M. 45 (5*)j how atyidos sucks the goats (v. alyoOfaas) and is xo>Xo'?. [Aegithus solo nomine huic nostrae aetati cognitus, P. Hardouin, Annott. ad Plin. x. 8.] Vide s. vv. A Macedonian name for the Eagle. Etymol. M. AITOOH'AAI. The Goatsucker or Nightjar, Caprimulgus euro- paeus, L. The name is probably corrupt, and the mythical attribute of the bird due to a case of ' Volksetymologie.' M. Gk. name -yido/3ucrrpa is a corrupt translation of alyo6fj\as (Heldr. p. 37). Also called /Sufaorpa, wKTpi8a (i. e. the Bat, v. d. Miihle), WK- Tondrrjs, and TT\UVOS (Erh.). (Cf. Germ. Ziegenmelker, Kuhmelker, Fr. tette-ckevre, &c.) Arist. H. A. ix. 30, 6l8b opvis 6pew6s, p-ncpw ptifav Korrixpou, KoKKvyos e'Xarrcoj;* wo dvo [cf. Lindermayer, p. 38, Kriiper, p. 183, &c.] rj rpia" TO Se rjffos P\aiuK6s [verb, dub., cf. Aub. and Wimm. in Arist. 1. c.]. &jX4 8e ras alyas. OVK O^UCOTTOS TTJS tyftcpof. Ael. H. A. iii. 39 roX^pdraroy q>a)i> .... tmriforcu rais atgi Kara TO Kaprepov, KOL rols ovQcunv avrS>v 7rpoo"7r6To/Mej/oj elra Kp.vd TO -yaXa .... Tvs oi'K e^ TOV o-7r\ijva' TrjV xo\f)V e^ei Trpoff TO i^TraTt Kai Trpoy TTJ KotXta. Ib. ii. 17, 509 TOV o-Top-a^ov e^ei evpvTepov TO KUTCO. Gesner (p. 62) mentions Capriceps as an unknown bird. Neither Sundevall nor Aubert and Wimmer pronounce an opinion on it : the l6 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS A I rOK E4>AAOI (continued]. former thinks it possibly identical with alyodrjKas. According to Scaliger p. 2$I ) alyoKe(j)a\os = aiya>\ios. In both passages cited above alyoicecpaXos is mentioned along with yXau, and the name suggests a Horned Owl (sic Scaliger, Lidd. and Sc., &c.). For other suggestions, see Newton, Diet, of Birds, p. 365, s. v. Godwit. Al'nmiO'Z. A Vulture. Etymology very doubtful. The analogy of Lammergeier suggests a compound of ai or oiV (Curt.) and yv^, but the word is probably much more primitive and ancient. I suspect that most of the remarkably numerous bird-names beginning with al- (many of which are peculiarly difficult to identify, a circumstance suggesting their generic rather than specific character), contain an element akin to avi-s^ Sk. vi-s (v. deros), and in this case that yfy is the shortened or derived form. The dialectic form afy/TTor//- is interesting in this connexion. Horn, frequent, with ep. dyw^. Not merely a car- rion-eater (as in Hes. Sc. 405-412), but attacks live birds (II. xvii. 460, Od. XX. 322, cf. Soph. Aj. 169 .... pcyav alyvmov VTroSeurai/re?). Arist. H. A. ix. I, 609 b /ua^erou dera>' TroXe/uos auraXam. A portent of aiyvirioi in chase of ipq/cey in the Persian war, Herod, iii. 76 ; cf. Baehr's note. Is feared by rpwyXiVijs-, Phile 692. Sometimes distinguished from yty, Ael. ii. 46 V peOopico yvTTwv flat KCU aerwf, elvat KCU cippevas, KOI rrjv xpoav TrffyvKfvcu p.f\avas (cf. Phil. De An. pr. 127) : Nic. Ther. 406 alyviriol yinres re. Pallad. Alex, xx, in Gk. Anthol. iii. p. 119 KOI TOV peit TITVOV Kara yrjs 8vo yvrres fdovaiv, rjnas Se U>VTO.S Tf&orapes alyvmoi. Cf. Lob. Path. j. p. 87. The metamorphosis of Aegypius and Neophron into alyvnioi xpoav de KCU p,eye6os ov% O/JLOLOI, dXXa eXarrcoj/ opvis alyvrrLos eyevero N6O0p&)j/, Boios ap. Anton. Lib. Met. v ; the smaller species here alluded to is the White or Egyptian Vulture, the Neophron percnopterus of modern authors : vide s. vv. yuxj/, irepKi/oVrepos. The AAOZ AIOYIA 1 7 AirflAIOI (continued'). [here Camus, reading m'ro>Xios, and following Belon and Buffon, trans- lates Milmts niger, the Black Kite]. Arist. H. A. ix. 17, 6l6b VVKTIVO^LOS eVrt, KOL fjpepas oXiyaKis (paiverat. otKel Trerpas KOI (nrrj\vyyas' eon yap dida\\os [Gaza tr. vtctus gemini, Guil. divaricately v. Aub. and Wimm. ii. p. 248], r^v 8e didvoiav /SiomKoy KOL cv/jiTjxavos. Ib. vi. 6, 562 eViore de Kal Terrapas ft-dyei VCOTTOVS [Plin. x. 79 (60)]. The metamorphosis of Aegolius, Boios ap. Anton. Lib. Met. 19. If 8i6a\\os means particoloured, mya>Atos is clearly the White or Barn Owl, Strix flammea, L., as Littre' (ad Plin.) takes it to be ; it however does not catch birds, and is said to be scarce in Greece (v. d. Miihle, Lindermayer). Gesner transl. by ulula, and identifies it with the Tawny Owl. Sundevall librates between the Tawny and the Barn Owl ; A. and W. incline to the former. See cuyoKe^aXos, eiroXios. Ar0YIA. A poetic word, of uncertain or indefinite meaning. Probably a large Gull, e. g. Larus marinus, the Black-backed Gull (Sundevall), or L. argentatus, the Herring Gull (Kriiper), the former being rare in Greece. Netolicka's hypothesis of the Merganser, and that of Groshans that it was a Diver or Grebe, do not tally with Aristotle : Schneider's identification with the Skua, Lestris parasiticus, fails, inasmuch as the latter does not dive (vide Buchholz, op. c. pp. 112, 113) nor does it breed in the Mediterranean. The Herring Gull is abundant during the winter and breeds about the middle of April : the Common Tern (Sterna anglica) lays about the same time (Kriiper) but in the lagoons and not on the cliffs. Od. v. 337, 353. Arist. H. A. v. 9, 542 b 17 5' aWvia KO\ 01 \dpoi TLKTOVO-I jj.ev fV Tals rrepi daXarrav Trerpais, TO /xeV 7r\rjdos dvo r) rpia' aXX' 6 /xeV Xapoy TOU 6epovs y 17 8' aWvia dp\op.evov rot) capos [cf. Mergus, Plin. x. 32 (48)] evOvs fK rpoirav. ovdcTfpov 8e (pa)\vi. Also i. i, 487 ] viii. 3, 593 b. Arrian, Peripl., ed. Didot, 1855, i. p. 398, names it with Xapoi and Kopwi/at ai $aXa(nricu, and Hesych. renders diOviai by eivdXiai Kopwvai. Frequent in the Gk. Anthol. ; e. g. Glauc. vi, vol. iii. p. 58 cSXero yap criiv 1/771, ra ' oore'a nov rror' eKfivov f TrvQerai, aldviais yvaxTra p.ovais eveneiv, cf. Marc. Arg. xxxi, ibid. ii. p. 250 ; Callim. xci ; Leon. Tar. xci, Gk. Anthol. i. p. 178 TQV aldvirfs 7rXei'oi/a vij^d^evov : Anon. ibid. iv. p. 143 arjpayyos aXiKrvnov os rode vaieis evori/Sey atdviais i^^u/3oXoi(7i terras, Phile, De Anim. Pr. 680, is hostile to neXapyos and Kp'. Is said to be deaf and dumb, Aristoph. Hist. Anim. Epit. i. 141. The metamorphosis of Hyperippa, daughter of Munychus, Nicander ap. Anton. Lib. Met. 14. Arat. Phen. 918, a sign of rain ; TroXXaKi? 8' dypidSa vf)cr7n7 and 7rr)ve\o\^ as One of the opvidfs o-reyai/oVoSes ftapvTfpoi (omitted in several MSS.). According to Belon the Plover (Vanellus cristatus) was so called in Greece in his time: the interpretation cannot hold. Sundevall 9 conjectures ai' to be one of the smaller Geese (? Anser leucopsis\ and to be derived from the goat-like cry. Perhaps as alyoKc(pa\os suggests the Horned Owl, so nt here suggests the Horned Grebe, Podiceps auritus, Lath., a common bird in Greece in winter. AI'PIGAKO'X. Vide S. vv. auraicos, epiOaicos. AriAKOI. A very doubtful word. KaXelrat Se KCU TO a>oi/ 6 alpiQaKos aio*aKoy, Etym. M. Cf. Serv. in Aen. iv. 254, v. 128. Al'XA'AfiN (alaap&v, Hesych.). A sort of Hawk, traditionally identified with -the Merlin, Falco aesalon, L. (Gesner, &c.). Arist. H. A. ix. 36, 62O T>V Se icpaKuv devrepos [rfj Kparia]. Ib. ix. I, 609 b alyvTricS iroXepios' aXo>7rKi rroXe/ito? Kal KopciKi. Ael. H. A. ii. 51 p.d\Tai 5' 6 K.6pa KOI opvidi tcr^upaJ TO) KaX. atcraXcoi't, /cat orav ^eatr/jrai aXa>7TfKt p.a^6p.vov } Tifj-wpflrai. Cf. Antig. H. M. 59 (64)* Plin. N. H. x. (74) 95 Aesalon vocatur parva avis, ova corvi frangens, cuius pulli infestantur a vulpibus. Invicem haec catulos eius ipsam- que vellit : quod ubi viderunt corvi, contra auxiliantur velut adversus communem hostem. (Some editors read aesalona for epileum> Plin. N. H. x. 9.) 'AKAAANOl'l' eiSo? opveov /nt/cpoO, Suid. Vide S.W. dKa^Ois, dKar'OyXXis. Ar. Pax 1078 17 KcoScof a.Ka\av6is (Schol. XctXoi> -yap TO wov) e7Tfi.yop.evT} rv(p\a TLKTei (cf. Paroemiogr. ed. Gaisf., p. 69). Associated with Artemis, Ar. Av. 871. One of the nine Emathidae, daughters of Pieros, was metamorphosed into the bird aKaXavdis, Nicander ap. Anton. Lib. Met. ix. 'AKANGI'X. A small bird, usually identified with the Linnet, Fringilla cannabina, L., or the Goldfinch, F. carduelis, L., on the ground of the more than doubtful derivation from aitavOa. The description AI0YIA AKMfcN 19 AKAN0II (continued}. is in the main mythical : cf. a^Oos. Mod. Gk. a-KaBi, the Siskin, is perhaps akin (Bike'las). Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b opvis aKavBotpdyos' enl aKavBav vep-erat. Ib. ix. I ova> Kal avBco Kal alyida iroXepios [cf. Antig. Hist. Mirab. 106 (114), Plin. x. 74 (95)], ix. 17 KUKO^LOS Kal KaKoxpoof, (puvrjv /ueWoi \iyvpav e^ovo-a. Agath. xxv. 5 in Gk. Anthol. iv. p. 13 \iyvpov /So/i/SeCo-ii/ aKavdidfs. Theocr. 7. 141 : the Scholia in Theocr. make av (Ar. Nub. 663, Fr. 237, &c.). Cf. Hesych. aXenrpvoves' KOIV&S oi naXaiol Kai ras 6r)\eias opveis OVTMS eitd\ovv I Phrynich. CCVli aXeKTOpls evpiffKeTdi ev rpaycadia irov KOI Koo^eoSi'a, Aeye de aXeKrpvwv KOI eVi 6r)\eos KOI eVt appcvos as oi iraXaioi : Ar. Nub. 662 rf]v re 0r)\fiav KaXfls a\K- rpvova Kara rairo Kai TOV appeva. Dim. d\cKTopi8evs, a chicken, Ael. vii. 47 ; also dXeKropivKos, a cockerel, Babr. v. I, xcvii. 9, cxxiv. 12. Connected with O. P. halak, the sun, cf. dXicuwy. For false etymology a, \eKTpov, see below. The Common or Domestic Fowl, Gallus gallinaceus, L. Often mentioned simply as opvis, a ^fowl' [especially a hen, Athen. ix. 373 dXXa [Mfv K.a.1 opvtdas K.OL opviQta vvv \iovov rj avvrjdfia KaXel ras 6r)\eias], cf. opvis evoiKios, Aesch. Eum. 866 ; opvis KaGoiicis, Nic. Ther. 558 ; Id. Alex. 60, 535 ; KaroiKiSios, Geopon. i. 3. 8 ; &pvidcs oi Herondas vi. 101 ; opvis o-vvfj/ dXeKrcop. Pind. OI. xii. 2O fVSo/xa^s ar* Epicharm. Com. Syr. (ap. Athen. I.e.) fr. 96 (Ahr. Dial. Dor.) wea K d\KTopid(i>v TTfTerjv&v. Batrachom. 191 eeos e/3o^o-ei/ dXeVrajp. For many fragments, see Athen. 1. c. Description. Arist. H. A. v. 13, 544, De Part. ii. 657 b, De Gen. iii. 749 b> described as yevos' fjfjiepov, striytioif, KOVHTTIKOV, jSapu, ov TTT^TIKOV, OVK ^oTTTfpoV) d(ppo5i(riac7Tt/coi', &C. H. A. ii. I7> 5^8 b, 509 ^po- ?rp6 rrjs KoiXias' drroV Trrepfov eTraveo'TTjKOTa, 6 S' dXeKrpvcov fMovos idiov' ovre yap (rap| ecrriv ovre Troppto o~apKos rr^v (j)vo-iv. Ib. ix. 49, 50 KaXXmov, nXrJKrpa (Hesych. has also TrXaxr^p and KoTries, the spurs). KtiXXaia, distinguished from X6v : in Ael. xv. I, a fish- hook dressed with two feathers vnb rots xaXXeois suggests the ' hackles.' With ep. V ev TGJ X/UGw TpoTriK&v (cf. H. A. v. 13, 544, De Gen. iii. i, 749 b, P^ n - x - 74)- TIKTOVO-I de Kal oiKoyevels eviai dls TTJS rj/jLfpas' fj8rj 8e rives Xiaf TroXvTOKTjo-acrai dircQavov 8ia ra^ecor. H. A. vi. 2, 560 b at i/forrt'Ses npStTov TIKTOVQ-IV evdvs dpxop,vov TOV fapof) Kal TrXeuo TIKTOVO~IV r) al Trpo~(3i>Tepai' tXarro) 8e TW fjifyedei TO. K T>I> vea>Tpa>v. Ib. awio-Tarni de TO Tr/s dXfKTOpidns wbv /JLfTa rfjv oxeiav KOL reXeioCTai fv deft r)p.pais. Ib. 560 a eV oKTuKaideKO. fjfiepais ev TO) Oepei K\TTovo~iv ) (v 8e T&7 xeifjitovi VIOT' ev TreWe KOI f'lKncriv. Plut. Q. Conv. vii. 2 (Mor. 853. 15) d\KTopida)v t OTUV reKoxri, e/iia, Kvv6o~ovpa, ovpia, rj fcffrvpia, H. A. vi. 2, 559? ^ e Gen. iii. I, 75 1 j Plin. x. 60 (80) ; Columella, vi. 27 ; cf. Erasmus ad Prov. vmpffua TIKTCI. wa 8i8vp.a, H. A. vi. 3, 562. On crosses between fowl and partridge, De Gen. ii. 7, 749 b. How Pea-hen's eggs are put under a sitting hen, H. A. vi. 9, 564 b. How the hen takes the chicks under her wing, H. A. ix. 8, 613 b ; cf. Alpheus Mityl. xii, in Gk. Anthol. ii. p. 118 ^ei- fj-epiois vKpadevo-i iriiKvvofJitva Tidas opvis, TCKVOIS evvalas dpcpexfc TTTepvyas I Eurip. H. Fur. 71 ov? vnb Trrepoif a> vfoo-ffovs opvis a>s v(f)(ip.evr} : see also Plutarch, De Philost. (Mor. 599. 4) ; Opp. Cyneg. iii. 119. How a cock sometimes, after the hen's death, rears the brood, and ceases to crow, H. A. ix. 49, 631 b, Plin. x. (55) 76. H. A. ix. 8, 614 ev Tols iepols, OTTOV avev drjXei&v dvaKfivTai [as to this day on Mount Athos], TOV dvaTide- \ievov jrdvTfs fv\6ya>s oxevovviv. Cf. Plut. Brut. Anim. Nat. vii (Mor. 1 2 12. 30) dXfKTpvvv 6' d\fKTpvovos eTTiftaivav, GqXeias fifj napovo-qs, KUTU- On eggs in medicine, Diosc. ii. 44, Galen. De Fac. Simp. Med., Plin. xxix. (3) n, &c. The longer eggs produce male birds, and are the better to eat, Hor. Sat. ii. 4. 12, Plin. x. 74 (52). On artificial incubation in Egypt, Arist. H. A. vi. 2, 559b, Diod. Sic. i. 74. Geopon. xiv. 8. i. On capons, Arist. H. A. ix. 49, 631 b ; cf. Plin. x. (21) 24, &c. Varro, R. R. iii. 9, &c. On the whole management of fowls, Geopon. xiv. 7-17. TLoTfpov f] opvis npoTfpov jy TO cobv fyevfTo, Plut. Q. Conv. iii (Mor. 770. 13). The Crowing Cock. Among innumerable poetic and other references, cf. Theogn., Simonid., Batrachom., supra. Cratin. ap. Athen. 3740 &o-jrp 6 Ilfpo-iKbs [cf. Ar. Av. 277, 485, 708, c.: v. also Suidas] &puv 22 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS AAEKTPYQN (continued"). iraa-av Kava-^v 6\6(pa>vos, 'AXexrwp. eipjjrcu S' ovrcoy eVeiS^ Kai ex TOV XtKrpov ^/nas dteyeipet. Theocr. xxiv. 63 opviQfs rpirov apn TOV e opdpov aeidov. Soph. El. 1 8 as f]jjuv fjdr) Xa/i7rp6i> j/X/ou ore\as ewa (pdeypaT opvi6a>v (ratprj : fr. QOO KOKKoftoas opvis : cf. ep. opdpofioas, Alexarch. ap. Athen. 98 E. Diph. iv. 421 (Mein.) opdpioKoKKvt- \lect. dub.~\ a\KTpv>v. Probably alluded to also Soph. Anten. 2, fr. 141 (Ath. ix. 373 D) opvtda Kal KrjpvKa KOI didieovov. Plat. Symp. 223 C a\cKTpv6va)v abuvTwv, at Cock-crow. Cf. Alciphr. i. 39. 20, Aristaenet. i. 24 fts d\KTpv6vo)v wfia? : Ar. Nub. 4, Juv. ix. 107, &c. Plut. ap. Eust. Od. p. 1479, 47 (re de KOKKvfav opdpi d\eKTQ>p 7rpo/caXeiTai. Antip. Thess. V, in Gk. Anthol. ii. p. 96 TraXai 5' rjaos 'AXe/crcop, Kjypuo-frcoz/ (pdoveprjv 'Upiyevfiav ayei. opvidcov eppois (pdovepooraroS) K. r. X. : cf. Ar. Vesp. 8l5 5 Anyt. xi, in Gk. Anthol. i. p. 132, Virg. Aen. viii. 456, &c. Arist. De Acoust. 800 b TOVS rpaxfaovs e^oi/rey paKpovs jSiat'co? (pdeyyovrai. Ael. N. A. IV. 29 6 dXeKrpuojj' rrjs cre'h.fjvrjs ai/io-^ovo-Ty s (vBovcriq. (pacrt KOI (TKiprd. 17X105 5e avlax^v OVK av TTOTC avrbv dia\ddoi, eJStJfWTaros Se eaurou tori Cf. Arist. H. A. iv. 9, 536. Lucian, Gallus, &c. With ep. i?, Babr. cxxiv. II. , to crow, Cratin. ii. 186, Diph. iv. 407 (Mein.), Theocr. vii. 48, 124, &c. KaKKafciv, to cackle, Hesych., &c. Why the Cock crows : by an affinity for the sun, or rejoicing in heat and light, Heliodor. i. 18. See also Schol. Ar. Av. 830, Cic. De Div. ii. 26. According to Theophrastus (Ael. iii. 38) in moist localities Cocks don't crow. Paus. v. 25. 9, on the shield of Idomeneus, as a descendant of Helios, 17X101; de lepov (paatv elvai TOV opvida Kal dyy\\eii> dvievai peXXovros TOV fj\iov. See also Schol. Diog. L. viii. 34, Plaut. M. Gl. iii. i. 96, Mart. xiv. 223, Isidor. De N. R. c. 3, &c., &c. How to prevent Cocks crowing, by means of a collar of sarmentum wood, Plin. xxiv. 25. On hearing a Cock crow, or an ass bray, it is a matter of common prudence to spit, Joh. Chrysost. in comm. ep. S. P. ad Ephes. iv. 12 (vol. xi. p. 93, Montef.) : this reference to the ass is used to explain ovov opviv in Ar. Av. 721, by Haupt, Inaug. Diss., Berlin, 1864. On Fighting Cocks, Aesch. Eum. 866 ; Plato, Legg. vii. 789 ; Theocr. xxii. 72 ; cf. Opp. Cyneg. ii. 189; cf. Schol. in Ar. Eq. 494, Ach. 165 orav is [i.d](r)v o"U/i/3uXXo>o"ii> TOVS d\KTpv6vas } (TKopoda 8i86a(riv avTols I Lucian, Anarch. 37 (2. 918), &c. (See also Xen. Symp. iv. 9, and cf. (pvo-iyyoopu, from (pvo-iyf;, garlic. The annual cock-fight at Athens, instituted by Themistocles, Ael. V. H. ii. 28 aXetcrpvovas dywvifccrdai 8r}fjLO dedrpq) pia J^e'p? TOV erovs : cf. J. E. Harrison, Myth, of Anc. Athens, p. 278; also at Pergamus, Plin. x. 21 (25). The cock- fight was depicted on the High-priest's chair in the Dionysiac theatre (Boetticher, Harrison, c.) ; represented also in the Festival Calendar AAEKTPYHN 23 AAEKTPYflN (continued}. of Panagia Gorgopiko at Athens, as taking place in the month Poseideon, about the end of December (Boetticher, Philologus, xxii. p. 397, 1865). As an attribute of January, on a Calendar of the time of Constantius ; Graevii Thes. Ant. Rom. viii. 96, Creuzer, Symb. iii. 616. Ael. N. A. iv. 29 /*X?7 &* d\KTpvu>v Kal TTJ irpbs ii\\ov rjTTtjOels dyom'a OVK av aaeie' TO yap rot (ppovrjua avra KarecrraXTat, KOI KaraSverai ye VTTO TTJS aldovs. KpciTrjcras 8e yuvpos eort, *ai {i^ai^ei/ft, KOI Kv8povfj.ev(6 HOIKC. Cf. Proverb, Galli victi silent, canunt victores, Cic. De Divin. ii. 26 ; cf. Ar. Av. 70 and Schol. $ p.rj dyevvearepot KOI aroX/norepoi (paivoivro rS>v dXeKTpvovatv fJir)e -rrpomrayopcvoiev vnb rpav/zarcov ^ Ka/iareov fj TOV aXXou 8vi/, aXeKToop wore 6r)\eias ireXas. Cf. Ar. Av. 835 "Apew? veoTTos. See also Lucian, Gallus, &c. Placed as a symbol of battle on the head of Athene's statue in the Acropolis at Elis, Pausan. vi. 26. 23. Varieties and Breeds. Adrian Fowls, Arist. H. A. vi. I, 558 b pucpal TO fjieyedos, rocTOWl S' dv cKaaTrjv f]p.epav' elffl Se ^aXfyrat, KOI Kreivovo~i TOVS veoTTovs TroXXaKiy' xpa>fiara 5e TravroSaTra X OV(rLV - ^f. De Gen. iii. 6, Chrysipp. ap. Athen. vii. 285 E, Plin. x. 75 (53), Hecat. fr. 58, ap. Steph. Byz. Illyrian Fowls, that lay twice or thrice a day, Arist. De Mirab. 128, 842 b; cf. H. A. vi. I, 558 b. At Tanagra, Paus. ix. 22. 4, were two breeds, oi re /ua^i/zoi, KOI ol Koo-orv(poi Ka\ovp.evoi. Cf. Babr. Fab. 5 aXe/cropiWa)^ ty pd\rj Tavnypaioiv, ols (paviv flvai dvfutv &anrep dvdpa>7rois. See also Lucian, Gallus, on the metempsychosis of Pythagoras, dm Sa/itov Tayaypaloy. Cf. KO\oi4>pu|. 24 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS AAEKTPYQN (continued}. The Egyptian breed of Moi/oo-ipot, e o>i/ of /za^t^iot dXfKrpvovcs yfvvw and on their exemplary patience as sitters, Geopon. xiv. 7. 30. A silent breed at Nibas, near Thessalonica, Ael. xv. 20. On the breeds of fowls, galli tanagrici, medici^ chalcidici, &c., see also Varro, De R. R. iii. 9. 3 ; Colum. viii. 27 and 31 ; Plin. x. (21) 24, (56) 77- ^ Chrysipp. ap. Athen. ix. 373 A KaOdrrep rives ras \CVKCLS opvidas T>V p.\aiva>v fjdiovs tlvai fj.d\\ov. The fatted fowls of the Delians, and Roman laws and practices regarding the same; Plin. x. 50, cf. Columella viii. 2, Varro iii. 9, Cic. Academ. iv. The large fowls of Ctesias, fr. 57. 3, Ael. xvi. 2, were Impeyan Pheasants ; cf. Cuvier in Grandsaigne's Pliny, vii. p. 409, and Yule's Marco Polo, i. p. 242. Myth and Legend. Pythag. ap. Iambi. Adhort. xxi. 17 d\KTpvova ptv, pr) 6ve 8e' privy yap KCU 17X10) KaQiepvrai. Cf. Iambi. V. Pyth. xxviii. 147, 150, &c. A white Cock sacred to the Moon, Pythag. ap. Diog. L. viii. 8. 19, Iambi. V. Pyth. xviii. 84 : to the Sun, Suid. s. v. UvBayopa T a o-vp@o\a. A white or yellow Cock sacrificed to Anubis, Plut. de Is. Ix. The Cock sacred to Athene, Paus. vi. 26. To Hermes, Lucian, Callus (cf. Montfaucon, i. pi. Ixviii, Ixxi, Graev. Thes. A. R. V. 718 A, c.) ; cf. Plut. Conv. Disp. iii. 6. p. 666 6 de opBpos npbs rf)v epydvrjv } Adr]vdv Kai rov dyopalov t Eppr l v enaviOTrjari. To Latona, Ael. iv. 29. Sacrificed to Mars, Plut. Inst. Lacon. (Mor. 238 F.). Sacred to Demeter, and therefore not eaten at Eleusis, nor by the initiates of Mithra ; Porphyr. De Abst. iv. 16. Sacrificed to Nephthys and Osiris on the 1 3th of Boedromion, and to Hercules and Thios on the 29th of Munychion, C. I. G. 523, Marm. Oxon. ii. 21, pp. 15, 17. Dedicated to Aesculapius, Plat. Phaed. 118. See also Artemid. v. 9 rjv^aro ns TO> 'AovXlprff , ei dia TOV erovs uvo d\(K- rpvova : also Porphyr. Vit. Pythag. 36, Herondas, Ascl. iv. 12. On the fowl in medicine, Nic. Ther. 557, Cels. v. 27, Diosc. Ther. 19 and 27, Galen and Pliny passim. Sacrificed to the Household gods, Juv. xiii. 233 Laribus cristam promittere galli ; cf. ibid. xii. 96. The Cuthic deity Nergal (2 Kings, xvii. 30) is said to have been represented as a Cock : for which reason Rabbinical writers, according to Gesenius, connect the name with TUTtH, tharnegol, a Cock, which word old-fashioned etymologists found hid in Tanagra. An image dedicated to the Twin Brethren, Callim. xxiv, in Gk. Anthol. i. p. 218 ; cf. Pausan. vi. 26. How fowls were kept in the temples of Hercules and Hebe, ei> rfj AAEKTPYHN 25 AAEKTPYQN (continued}. EvpeoTT/;, Mnaseas ap. Ael. xvii. 46 at /uei/ ovv dXcKropiftes ev rTai Vfui, ol 8e ev 'HpaK\eovs ol T0)vde yaperai I cf. Plut. ii. 696 K, Paus. ii. 148. Ael. N. A. ii. 30, how a new-purchased cock, if carried thrice round the table, does not seek thereafter to escape. Ib. iii. 31, how the lion fears the cock, and how the latter frightens the basilisk to death : for which reason travellers in Libya take a cock along with them. Cf. ibid. vi. 22 e^iora 8e TO> p,ev Xeoj/ri nvp KOI aXe/crpucoi/ : Aes. Fab. 323 ; Plut. De Inv. iv (Mor. 650, 5), Sol. Anim. xxxii (Mor. 1201, 23). Hence also the use of a Cock to destroy the Lion-weed, 17 \eov- rfios Tr6a=opopdyxri, Geopon. ii. 42. 3. A confusion is possibly indicated here with the Galli, priests of Cybele ; according to Varro, De R. R. c. 20 (Nonius, s. v. mansuetum), when the Galli saw a lion, tympanis ...fecerunt mansuetum: for other important references see Mayor's note to Juv. viii. 176. Note further that a mystical name for the Sun was Aeo>i>, and that those who participated in the rites of Mithra were called Lions ; Porphyr. De Abst. iv. 16. Niclas, the learned editor of the Geoponica (ed. 1781), and certain other historians quoted by him, finding that a lion in Bavaria evinced no terror at the sight of a Cock, but killed and ate the bird, still remained faithful to the old tradition, asserting that that lion's spirit must have been broken by captivity : scimus quam vim habeat consuetude ; cum diu in galli vicinia detentus esset, quid mirum, si eum ferre didicerit, &c. ! Paus. ii. 34. 2 ; at Methana (Troezene) a Cock with white wings was torn in two by two men as a charm to protect the vines from the wind Aty, cf. J. G. Frazer, Folk-lore, i. 163, 1890. See on Sacrifices of the Cock, Sir J. G. Dalyell's Darker Superstitions of Scotland, 1835 ; Sir S. Baker, Nile Sources, pp. 327, 335, c., &c. On d\eKTpvofj.avTfia } see Lucian's Callus, De Dea Syr. xlviii, Cic. De Div. ii, Plin. x. (21) 24; cf. Mem. Acad. Inscr. vii. 23, xii. 49; Hopf, Thierorakel, pp. 161-163. How some cannot abide a cock or a hen, Plut. fr. viii. 10 (12. 23). The Cock as a weather-prophet, Ael. vii. 7, Plut. Mor. 129 A, Theophr. De Sign. i. 17, Arat. Progn. 960 (228), Geopon. i. 3, 8. How the flesh of a fowl absorbs molten gold, Plin. xxix. 25. Is hostile to drrayds, Ael. vi. 45. Proverb and Fable. d\KTpvovos KoiXiav exftv, Ar. Vesp. 794 (i.e. the stomach of an ostrich, to swallow pebbles), cf. Suid. O.\fKT(t>p TTlWt KflU OVK OUpft, Suid. q.V. \fj6ovo-i yap TOI Kai/e'/LKoi/ 8ieoSot 6rjKfiav opviv, TT\T)V orav TOKOS Soph. fr. 424. 26 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS AAEKTPYflN (continued}. KOIVOS ' A.6r)vais K\ivas nrfpov, Phrynichus ap. Plut. Amator. xviii (Mor. 762 F); whence Ar. Vesp. 1490 rfrfjcra-ei $pvvixos &s ns 0\KT(i>p. With metaphorical epithet SiavXoSpofio?, 8ia yap TTJS av\ijs rpe\ei, Artemid. iv. 24 ; cf. Ar. Av. 291. Fable of the Eagle which carried off the Cock crowing over his victory, Aesop, Fab. 21. The Weasel and the argumentative Cock, ib. 14. The Cock and Thieves, ib. 195. The Cock and Dog, as wayfarers, ib. 225. The two Cocks and the Partridge, ib. 22. See also Babrius and Aesop passim. Fable of the Weasel and the Hen ; us &rj KCIT evvoiav avTrjs vo?, clnev, civ crv aTroor/js 1 , Plut. De Frat.Am. xix. How the plumage of the Cock outshines the raiment of Croesus in all his glory, (pvcriKO) yap avQei KeKoo-prjrai KCU /xupi'w KGtXXioi/i, Solon ap. Diog. L. i. 2. 4. Representations. The oldest Coins with the Cock are those of Himera and Dardanus (Imhoof-Bl. and K. pi. v. 38-42) and of Carystus (B. M. C., Central Greece, p. 100, pi. xviii), all of the early fifth century. They recall the Indian Gallus Sonneratii (cf. J. P. Six, in Imhoof-Bl. p. 35), or rather the Gallus ferrugineus or bankiva of Northern India. Cf. also Blyth's note (Ibis, 1867, p. 157) on fowls sculptured on the Lycian marbles (c. 600 B. C.). See also Conze, Ann. de I'lnst, 1870, p. 280, on a Cock represented on an ancient relief of Dionysus and Semele (?), B.C. 580-540. In regard to Himera, it is noteworthy that Pindar's twelfth Olympian Ode, in which the Cock is mentioned, was addressed to Ergoteles, an inhabitant of Himera (cf. Buckton, N. and Q. (4) iii. 131). The Cock with the Lion is early and frequent on coins of Asia Minor: with Athena on coins of Leucas, Corinth, Dardanus; also on coins of Ithaca, Zacynthus, Argos, &c. On a statue of Athene, Paus. vi. 26 (v. supra); on a statue of Apollo, to indicate sunrise, Plut. De Pyth. Orac. xii. 574 (Mor. 488. 30). On the shield of Idomeneus, Paus. v. 25 (v. supra). See also s. vv. |3pY)Tpu, KOTTOS, , 7r rj\iov (BXeTreiv, Km TOV p.f] (Bov\6p.evov KOTTTCI KOI V derail' BaTfpov TOSV eyyovwv aXidfTos yiverai TrapaXXa^, &c., cf. Dion. De Av. ii. i. Men- tioned also Ar. Av. 891, Eur. fr. 637 6px^fo-i HTap(TLov opviv dei'poo^. Cf. Sil. Ital. Punic, iv. 105. A good omen to fishermen, Dion. De Avib. ii. i. On the fabled metamorphosis of Nisus or Pandareus see Ovid, Met. viii. 146, xii. 560 ; Boios ap. Anton. Lib. c. xi ; Hygin. Fab. 98 ; Virg.(?) Ciris 536, and Keller, op.c. p. 259. Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 619 is apparently descriptive of the Osprey, Pandion Haliaetus, with which bird dXtdero? is commonly identified by mediaeval and modern commentators ; but the description of the chase after sea-birds (ix. 620) applies rather to Aquila naevia, or Hal. albidlla (Sundevall). A Sea-eagle is very frequently alluded to under the generic name deros, e. g- Pind. N. v. 21 irtpav TTOVTOLO TraXXoi/T* euerot' : Soph. Oen. fr. 423, ap. Ar. Av. 1337 yevoipav tueroy v^nreTaS) as av noTcidfiijv vTrep drpvyerov yXavKas eV ol8p,a \ifJLvas I Theocr. xiii. 24. An Eagle with a fish is frequent on coins, e. g. Acragas (Imhoof-Bl. and K. pi. iv. 31), Sinope (ibid. v. n, 12), and many other towns especially in the Black Sea and Hellespont (Keller, op.c. p. 262). In all the above references, as in most passages relating to the Eagle, a mystical and symbolic meaning outweighs the zoological. The poem of Ciris is of great importance for the understanding of the myth. It is noteworthy how many birds, or names associated with birds, occur, with more or less obscure significance, in this poem ; to wit, Procne, the Daulian maids, Pandion, theAnserLedae, Haliaetus or Nisus, and lastly Ciris. I accept the theory that we have here to do with an elaborate Sun and Moon myth. The golden or purple lock in Nisus' hair (cui splendidus ostro Inter honoratos medio de vertice canos Crinis inhaerebat, Ov. Met. viii. 8, cf. Ciris 122, Apollod. ii. 4. 5), recalls, on the one hand, the Samson-legend (as we are expressly told by Tzetzes in Lye. 648), and on the other, the crest of the solar tVo^ or focus, both of which birds appear in the version of the legend given by Boios. The name Nisus is akin to nesher^ m'sr, an eagle (vide 28 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS AAIAETOI (continued}. s. v. aeros), and Nisus or 'AXiciero? plunges, like the setting Sun, into the sea. Ciris, Ketpi? (with which I believe KeipuXos- or )v and tfXeKTpov, also to 'Hpa/cX^s and to many other proper names, e. g. Alc-inous. The Halcyon, a symbolic or mystical bird, early identified with the Kingfisher, Alcedo ispida, L. The Kingfisher is called, in Mod. AAIAETOI AAKYflN 29 AAKYQN (continued]. Gk., -^apo(f)dyos, also (Heldr.) o-apde\o(pdyos, /MTTtpftTriXt rrjs QaXdao-rj?, and (in Acarnania) /3ao-tXo7roCXi. First mentioned in Simon. fr.i2 (ap. Arist. H. A. v. 8, 542 b, Poet. Lyr. Gr., Bergk p. 874, vide infra) ; Aleman 26 (12), ap. Antig. Mirab. 27 ; and Ibycus fr. 8 (13) d\Kv6vfs Tawo-iTTTepoi. Description. Arist. H. A. ix. 14, 6l6 17 8' d\Kvs 8e TOIOVTOV TO ff&fJia TTCLV Kat at TTTepvyfs KOI ra ?repi TOV Tpd^rj\ov t ov \ 8e /cat XeTrrof. viii. 3, 593 b TO T>V d\Kvova)i> 8e yevos ndpvSpov ecrriv' 8' CIVTUV oi/ra dvo eldrj. KO\ f] p.ev (pOeyyerai, K.adidvovo-a eVi TO>V f) 8' a(poivos' eorrt 8' avr^ p-dfav' TO 8c vwrov d/jLCpoTepai KVO.VOVV [Cf. Plin. x. 47. Two species occur in Greece, A. (Ceryle) rudis, L., the Spotted Kingfisher (Mod. Gk. aWpoj> tyapocpdyor, v. d. Miihle), principally near the coast, and A. ispida, the Common King- fisher. Sundevall points out that A. rudis has not TO VWTOV KVOVOVV, and suggests A. smyrnensis, which does not now occur in Greece (Kriiper) but in Asia Minor. Neither of these birds can sing, any more than the common Kingfisher, and the attempt is hopeless to identify the second Aristotelian species with either. The whole matter is confused and mystical.] On the ' song' of the Halcyon, cf. Tymnes ii (Gk. Anthol. i. p. 256) o> napop-otov aXxvoariv TOV o~ov (pdoyyov lo~(H(rdp.evov '. Pindar fr. 62 (34) a P Schol. Apoll. Rhod. i. IO86 (q. v.) ev\6ya>s 8e oa-ffav tirre TTJV a\Kvovos (fxovfjv : cf. Dion. De Avib. ii. 7 TQ>V d\Kv6va>v 8' ov< av ftrrot Tty els (ptavrjv opvfov fjdtov. Its plaintive and melancholy note ; Eur. I. in T. 1089 opvts, a Trapa TTCTpivas, TTOVTOV 8etpd8aff, d\Kvv. Epigr. in Marm. Oxon. iii. p. in (Ixxi) 8e f] dvcTTrjvos oftvpfTai old TIS O.KTO.IS 'AXxvovt's, yoepoils 8aKpvo~i fj.vp6p.eva. See also Lucian in Alcyone, Philostr. Imagg. 362 K, Plut. Utr. Anim., Ov. Met. xi, Trist. v. i. 60, Her. xviii. 81, &c., &c.; cf. also Eumath. De Hysm. et H. L. x. p. 448 TTJV yXa>TTai> d\Kv6ves TTO\V- ircvOeo~T*pai) drjftoves QprjvrjTiKatTfpai, avTrjs NiojS^s 1 fj.i/j.ovfjifva.1 TO TroXuSa/tpti, Trpoy 6pr)vov eplfovvai. According to the Scholia in Ar. Aves, Horn. II. ix, Theocr. Id. vii eOpfjvei T>V aiwv avTrjs ev TT) 0a\do~o-T] KXap-evoiV. How the females carry the old males on their backs, Ael. vii. 17 ; cf. Plut. Utr. Anim., Antig. Hist. Mirab. 27. Cf. also Aleman (ap. Antig. 1. c.) /SaXe 817, (3d\ KqpvXos f'irjv, os T' eVt KV/JLCITOS avdos a/u,' akKvoveao-i TTOT/Jrai I imitated in Ar. Av. 251 o>j> T' eirl TTOVTIOV otS/xa ^aXao-o-^y (pv\a /xeT* d\KVOVO~O i l TTOTCLTai. 30 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS AAKYHN (continued}. Beloved of the Sea-nymphs, Theocr. vii. 59, cf. Virg. Georg. i. 399. Associated with Pallas, Antip. Sidon. xxvi, Gk. Anth. ii. p. 12 ti/ IlaXXdSos d\Kv6va (the shuttle, from its swift flash of colour) : with Hera, Pindar fr. 1. c. ' With ep. govOos, Mnasalc. viii (Gk. Anthol. i. p. 124), [vide s. v. iTrn-a- Xe/crpvcoj/]. The Nest. Arist. H. A. v. 8, 542 b riWei nepl Tporras TCLS x l l i P lvas ' 816 Kai KaXovvTai orav ei>8ieii/ai -yeVooj/rat at rpoTrat, d\KvovL8es qpepai e7rra [lev Trpo rpoTraij', eWa fie fierd rpon-d?, KaBdnep KOI St/ican'St;? evoiiffW, "a>y onoTav xei/nepioi/ Kara fj.rjva TrivvaKr) Zeus Jj^ara reo-(rapaKaieKa, Xa0di/e/zdt> re' fjnv &pav Ka\eovatv enixjdovioi, lepav iraidorpofpov noiKiXas d\Kvovos" yivovrai 5' evSieii/at, oral/ crvuftfj various yiveo~dai ras rpoTrdf, rijs H\eid8os /Sopeiou yfvoijievrjs. Xeyerai 5' eV eTrra /i^ fjnepais Troie'ia'Oai rrjv veorTidv, ev 6e rats XoiTrals cVra f)p,epais TLKTCIV ra i/eorna KOI enrpefaiv. nepi p-ev ovv TOVS evTctvda TOTTOVS OVK del ? Trdpo? nW^rai voTeprjs eov d\Kvovo$. The descrip- tion in Plutarch ends as follows : e/zoi Se TroXXaxts ISovri Kai Oiyovri, Traptorarat \eyeiv Kai qfteiv ' A^Xa) b~r) Trore rotoi/ 'ATroXXcovo? napd yaw.' On the d\Kuota8es or dXKuo^eioi ^jxepat, f when birds of calm sit brooding on the charmed wave,' see also Theocr. vii. 57 K&\Kv6ves orope- o~evVTi TO. KVfiaTa TO.V Te 6d\ao~o~av } TOV re VOTOV TOV r* evpov. Apollonid. xiii (Gk. Anthol. ii. p. I2l) et Kai ev aXwovvv K\av(rop.eda, d\KVova>v, als TTOVTOS del (TTripl^aTO KU/XO, vrjvep.ov. Ar. Av. I594> Schol. in Ar. Ran. 1344, Ael. i. 36, Philoch. 180, Plut. Sol. Anim, p. 983, Quaest. Grace, pp. 1809, 1810, Apoll. Rhod. i. 1086, Plin. x. (32) 47, xviii. (26) 62, xxxii. (8) 27, Aul. Cell. iii. 10, Sil. Ital. xiv. 275, Plaut. Poen. 145, Casina, prol. 26, Diosc. iv. 136, Alciphr. 5. i, Lucian Hale. 2, Ovid Met. xi. 745, Colurn. xi. 2, Dion. De Avib. ii. 7, Carm. De Philom. 383. On the number of the Halcyon days, see, in addition to the above, Suidas, according to whom Simonides made them eleven (v. supra), Dema- AAKYflN 31 AAKYflN (continued}. goras seven, and Philochorus nine. See also references in Bochart, Hieroz. ii. 86 1. On the myth of Alcyone and Ceyx, cf. II. ix. 563 (where the bird is not mentioned, but cf. Heyne, in loc.}, Lucian, Halcyon. 2, where Alcyone and Ceyx descend from the Morning Star, Ovid, Met. xi. 410, Apollod. I. vii. 4, Serv. ad Virg. Georg. i. 399, Lutat. ad Stat. Theb. ix. 361, Tzetz. ad Lye. p. 69, &c. The myth of the Halcyon days is unexplained. The above state- ments have no zoological significance : the Kingfisher neither breeds at four months old, nor lays five eggs (but rather six or seven), nor nests in the winter season, nor on the sea. I conjecture that the story originally referred to some astronomical phenomenon, probably in connexion with the Pleiades, of which constellation Alcyone is the principal star. In what appears to have been the most vigorous period of ancient astronomy (not later than 2000 B.C., but continuing long afterwards to influence legend and nomenclature), the sun rose at the vernal equinox in conjunction with the Pleiad, in the sign Taurus : the Pleiad is in many languages associated with bird-names (cf. Engl. * hen- and-chickens,' see also s. v. jj^po\[), and I am inclined to take the bird on the bull's back in coins of Eretria, Dicaea, and Thurii for the asso- ciated constellation of the Pleiad. (Note, as a coincidence, the relation of Alcyoneus to the heavenly Bull in Pind. I. v. 47 ; ubi Schol. fiovfiorav e TQV j3ovK.6Xov (1707, Trap' ov rag 'HXi'ou (3ovs aTr^Xatre . . .) The particular bird thus associated with Taurus may vary ; on some of the above- mentioned coins, where it is certainly not a Kingfisher, it is taken by Canon Tristram (Ibis, 1893, p. 215) to be a Tern ; to me it seems rather to be the Swallow, figuring as the bird of spring; (on the cognate symbolism of the Dove, see s. v. ireXeia). The Halcyon is said by Canon Tristram (1. c.) to have been the sacred bird of Eretria ; I cannot find a direct statement of the fact. Suidas definitely asserts that the Pleiades were called 'AXxvoi/es. At the winter solstice, in the same ancient epoch, the Pleiad culminated at night-fall in mid-heaven, a phenomenon possibly referred to in the line vi>g /iaxpi) KOI xv), the Harrier (cf. KtpKos}, Fr. oiseau St. Martin, and the Kingfisher, Fr. martin-pecheur. It is precisely the same birds, with the addition of the solar Hoopoe and Woodpecker, and with the substitution of aXidfro? (q. v.) for upis, KTjpuXos, KTJU. Note. On the mystical element in the stories of d\Kvot>v and di/dap cf. Lucian, Hale. OVK av e^oi/nei/ tlirfiv ftefiaias OUT' 'AXfcvovcoj/ Trepi, OUT' 'Ar)86v(av' K\fos 8e fj.vOa)v, olov TrapeSocrav Trnrepes 1 , TOIOI/TO KOI naKrl a> opvi dprjvav /LieXcoSe, TrapaScoaco TO>V 0os and (? aK-av6-is), the former (TKa>\r]K.o(pdyos, ei>/3i'oro?, xpoav KaX noXefjiios '. the latter aKavQo(pdyos, KctKo/3io?, KaKo^poos, oj/o> TroXe/xtos, &C. : aKavdis and a"yi(v)0os are perhaps two corruptions of the same word. Though the bird cannot be identified, and though it is more than doubtful whether it was ever known to the Greeks, yet Sundevall's identification of avQos as the Yellow Wagtail, Motacilla flava, L., deserves to be recorded. This hypothetical identification is based on the brilliant colour (which according to v. d. Miihle is more brilliant in Greece even than in N. Europe) and on the localities frequented. The Yellow Wagtail frequently consorts with the cattle at pasture, feeding on flies ; it may indeed have become associated with the above fable, the origin of which, however, is doubtless more deep-seated and obscure. 'ANOnAfA. A bird associated with Athene, possibly the Wight- Heron. Od. i. 320 Otrcfty yXavKfoiris 'A^i/r;, opi/ty 8' o>? dvoTram fiieVraro. For various explanations and Scholia, see Steph. Thes. (ed. 1821), Lidd. and Sc., c. According to Rumpf, De aedibus Homericis, ii. p. 32, Giessen, 1857, Netolicka, Naturh. aus Horn. p. n, Buchholz, Horn. D 34 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS ANOHAIA (continued}. Realien, p. 126, the Swallow, from its passing in and out through the smoke-hole, napa TO 8iarpi@civ fv rats oirals (Herodian). Cf. Hesych. dvoTrala' upveov ovop.a Kcil ci8of, 77 ava TTJV oirr)v rrjs dvpas, r/ ava rrjv 6vpi8(i, T) a0'I' eWo^ TO opveov, Hesych. (Probably a Macedonian word, Schmidt in Hesych. ; or more likely Egyptian, vide infra, s. v. AHOYI. A bird of the swallow kind. Probably including the Swift, Cypselus apus, L., and Hirundo rupestris, Scop., the Cliff Martin; Mod. Gk. Trerpo^eXiSow. Also for KityeAoy, the Sand Martin. Arist. H. A. i. I, 487 b opvis KOKOITOVS (cf. Plin. xi. 47), (paiverai 6 pev anovs iraaav &pai>, f] 5e Speiravls orav vcrfi rov Qepovs. Ib. ix. 30, 6l8 ot ' anodes, ovs Ka\ovo-i rives Kv\l/e\ovs o/noiot rals x ^ 0(TiV eZortV ov yap paStov diayvuvai Trpos TTJV ^eXiSoya, TT\T)V rcS TTJV OI. A Persian word for an Eagle, Hesych. (Pers. barges). Cf. dpyioirous. "APflAIOI. An unknown or fabulous bird ; vide s. v. Spirt]. "APP1H. (Perhaps from rt. of dp7r-do>, L. rap-io.} An unknown or fabulous bird. II. xix. 350 apTTfl el/ana ravvTrrepvyi, Xiyv(pa>i/a) (Eustath. , Xdpa> Tro\p.ovv). Arist. H. A. ix. I, 609-610 en ol ano rrjs daXdrTrjs ^"col/res TroXe/iioi dXX^Xoi?, olov fipevdos Kal Xdpoy Kai aprn] . . . . 7ri(piy Kal apiri) Kal IKTWOS (pi'Xoi. ix. 1 8, 617 TroXe/uio? 8e r/y apirrj f] (f>S>v{;, Kal yap tKtivrj 6fjLoio(3ioTos. Ael. H. A. ii. 47 r] Se opeios aprrrj T&V opvlQ&v npcxr- irfcrovcra rovs o(p6a\povs dfpapirdfci. Cf. Dion. De Avib. i. 4. Plin. x ' 95 (74) Dissident harpe et triorches accipiter. Harpe et milvus contra triorchem communibus inimicitiis. The wife and son of Cleinis are metamorphosed into the birds apTrrj and aprraa-os : Boios ap. Anton. Lib. Met. 20. According to Hesych., ap-nrj is Cretan for IKTLVOS. Places ivy, KiWo?, in its nest for a charm, Ael. i. 35, Phile 729, Geopon. xv. i. The word is poetical. Dionysius (1. c.) refers to the Lammergeier. Some mediaeval commentators (e. g. Gesner) take Harpe and Milvus (IKTWOS) to be identical in Arist. and Plin. 11. cc., as does also Tzetzes, Chiliad, v. 413 IKTWOS opj/is ris evnv, 6Wep KaXovpev apTrrjv, apTrdfav ra D 2 36 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS APF1H (continued}. veoTTta TO. TWV aXfKTopidav, and Sundevall makes Harpe the Black Kite, Milvus ater, or M. parasiticus. Aubert and Wimmer suspect apirr) to be a large Gull (Larus}. For other hypotheses, vide Buchholz p. 137. 'AIBHNOl'- opvtBfs, Hesych. Possibly akin to O-TTWOS. "All AON- epoSioV, Hesych. Heb. HTDH, chasidah, the Stork. Cf. Boch. Hieroz. ii. 321-326. 'AIKA'AA4>OZ. An unknown bird, mentioned Arist. H. A. ii. 12 as possessing colic coeca (d-nofpvdftas). Usually translated Owl, from the story of the Metamorphosis of Ascalaphus, Ovid, Met. v. 539 Foedaque Jit volucris, venturi nuncia Indus, Ignavus bilbo, diruin mortalibus omen. Cf. Apollodor. ii. p. 107 'AaKoXixpov ovv ArjfjL-fjTTjp ftroftpro' &TOV '. Serv. ad Aen. iv. 462. The mys- tical aspect of the story is briefly indicated by Creuzer, Symbolik, iv. 378. [Quaenam sit avis, neque ex Aristotele neque ex Plinio aut ex Aeliano deprehendere potuimus. Sed Ovidius inter fabulas ostendit esse bubonis speciem : Scaliger in Arist.] 'AIKAAH'nAI. (daK^XoTras, Arist. MS. O). Probably identical with <7KoAo7ra, q. v. The Woodcock, Scolopax rusticola. Arist. H. A. ix. 26, 6l7b iv Tols KIJTTOIS dXi'o-Kerru Ip/ceo-iy, TO p-ey^dos fi&ov dXfKTopis, TO pvy%os p,ciKpoV) TO xpa)p.a opoiov arrayfji/r rpe^fi Se Ta\v. The Woodcock according to v. d. Miihle and Lindermayer is very abundant in Greece in November. Aubert and Wimmer rather identify dnas with the Curlew, 'AXTEPI'AI. I. An Eagle = x/jvo-aero?, Ael. ii. 39. In Arist. H. A. ix. 36, 620, mentioned as yeW ifpaKw, and usually identified with the Goshawk. Cf. Scaliger in Arist. p. 249 : aorrptav vertit Theodosius stellarem . . . d(TTpiav igitur puto nostrum asturem : ut enim punctis quibusdam tanquam stellis totus pictus in pectore. This identification, though adopted by Sundevall, is inacceptable. aartpLas is said to be the largest of the eagles, and to feed on fawns, cranes, and in Crete, bulls ; like xpixraeros it seems to be used not of the actual bird but as a symbol, probably astronomical. II. A bird of the Heron kind, supposed, for a similar and equally unsatisfactory reason, to be the Bittern, Ardea stellaris, L. It is only mentioned in connexion with an Egyptian myth, probably relating to the Stork ; and the name itself is in all probability foreign and corrupt (cf. APHH ATTAfAI 37 A2TEPIAI (continued}. Arist. H. A. ix. 1, 609 b, 18,617 T&V po)8iS)v yevos, emKaXovutvos OKI/OS-, /uufloXoyemn yrWcr&n en dovXwv. Ael. H. A. v. 36 ovofjui ecrnv opviOos d&Tfptas, Kal Tida(TVTai ye eV TTJ Ai-yurrra), Ka\ dvQpamov (ptovrjs eVatei. ei de TIS avrbv oveiftifov 8ov\ov fMTCMj 6 Se opyi^erai' Kal fit IS OK.VOV KaXecrttev avToV, 6 de flpevQverai Kal dyavaKTfl, a>$ KOI es TO dyevves CTKcoTTTOfjifVos KOI es dpyiav eldwopevos. Vide S. V. epTras TO xp d\KTpv<'>vi exdurra, aXexTpvcov S' av ira\iv drraya. Socr. ap. Athen. ix. 387 f., how the drrayds in Egypt said in times of famine Tpis Tots KaKnvpyois KGKO, (vide Casaub. in Athen. ii. p. 420, ed. 1600) ; cf. Ael V. H. xv. 27. Alex. Mynd. in Athen. 1. c. fjuKpy /zeV peifav earl nepdiKos, o\os 38 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS ATTAPAI (continued}. fie Ka.T(iypa(f)os rot Trepl TO VMTOV, Kepap-eovs rrjv %poav viroTrvppifav p.a\\ov. 6rjpfvfTai fie VTTO Kvvrjywv fiia TO fidpos Kai TTJV TWV TrrepStv /Spa^ur^Ta. (Cf. Dion. De Avib. iii. IO.) e'ori fie KOVKTTIKOS, 7ro\vreK.v6s re icai OTrepjuoXd'yoy. Schol. in Ar. Av. 250 6 drrayas 6 e^coi> TUV \ip.)va TOV Mapadwvos. TO. yap \ip,voaftr) KCU eXeia ^copia KaTa/3oV/ceTai 6 drrayay. It is friendly with the stag, Opp. Cyneg. ii. 404. Proverbs. array as vovp,r]viq> [crwep^frai], Trapot/zia eVi ra>v Suid. s. v. drrayas, Hesych. s. v. vov^vios, Schol. Ar. Av. 762. Cf. Timon ap. Diog. L. ix. 16. 6, Paroem. Gr. i. p. 307, ii. pp. 16, 212 (Scaliger in Prov. metricis). Ar. Vesp. 257 TOV TnjXoi/ wa-nep drrayas rvp@a, vSwp ou Trt'i/ei TO KatfoXov, dXX' atfia, 14 regulus omnium bipedum nequissimus ; cf. Plin. H. N. viii. 37. See also Carm. de philomela v. 42 Regulus atque merops et rubro pectore progne Consimili modulo zinzinulare sciunt. Vide s. vv. {Sao-iXio-jcos, irpeajBus, po|3iXXos, rptKKOs, Tpox^Xos, TpwyXo8uTT]s, rupavvos and especially opxiXos. BAIIArZKOI. A name for the Wren = pao-iXcu's. Artemid. p. 234 H TO. Se p-ovaiKct KOI rjdv^wva (ptXoXdyovy Kal p.ov(TiKOv$ /cat ev(py ^eXtSobv Kal drjd&v KOI /Sno-tXtV/coy KOI ra o/uota. Cf. po|3iXXos. Fab. dcrbs Koi /SaaiXur/cos, Plut. Mor. ii. 806 E. BAIKA'Z. Ar. Av. 885. Vide s.v. pooxds. BA'ZKIAAOr Kio-cra, Hesych. (A /Saaica), fortasse, ut loquax, Lob. Prol. p. 120.) BATl'l. An unknown bird. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b opvts o-KaaK({s. A small Wild Duck; probably including the Teal (Anas creccd] and Garganey (A. querquedula], both common in Greece ; and in Athenaeus also a larger species. , Ar. Av. 885. as, Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b mentioned among the heavier water-birds, OJJLOIOS /nev V^TTTJ, TO Se peyeQos eXdrTw. Alex. Mynd. ap. Athen. ix. 52, 395 d 6 /uei/ apprjv Kardypcxpos, e^ouo-i Se 01 appfves (Tip-d re /ml eXarrofa rfj (ru/ifierpia ra pvyx a - *V TI * Ka ^ "XXo yevos p.fv VTJTTTJS, eXarroj/ 8e x^aXooTreKOff. 4>a<7Kas, Alex. Mynd. ibid, ai Se Xeyopevat (paI> Ko\oiS)V 6 p,iKpos } 6 See PAYZAAI'THI- opveov, napa 'ii/SoT?, Hesych. PE'PANOZ, f) (6 ap. Theophr. Sign, i ; mLAoK<)7ror, Cratin. 2. 20. A smaller species in the Balearic Islands, called Vtpio, Plin. x. 49 (69). Gregarious habits: dyeXatoi/, H. A. i. i, 488, iv. 12, 597 b; irXirtJc6i/ Ka\ v(f> fjytfjiovi, i. i, 488. Pugnacity : fights with the eagle, II. xv. 692, Q. Smyrn. xiii. 104, Ael. iii. 13; and with its own kind, H. A. ix. 12, 615 b. Its flight is lofty, ovpuvodi TT/JO, II. iii. 3; cf. Hes. Op. 446 euf av yepuvov vr)v eiraKovcrr]s,' t Y\^odtv CK vecptwv eviaixria KeK\r]yvirjs (with which cf. Pind. Nem. vii ei TL irepnv dcpdels dveKpnyov) ; Aes. Fab. 397 (ifTTpw eyyvs tWa/uat, Arist. H. A. ix. io, 614 b, Avian. Fab. xv Ast ego deformi sublimis in aera penna, Proxima sideribus numinibusque feror ; Ael. iii. 14, Plin. x. 23, Isidor. Origin, xii. 7 ; see also Horap. ii. 98, where a watcher of the stars is said to be symbolized in Egypt as a crane, v\l/rj\a)S yap iravv in-rurai, Iva Oeda-rjTai ra ve(f)rj, fj.rj apa X l P l *&]> Iva eV r)(n>xLq diapery : flies against the wind, Arist. H. A. viii. 13, 597. Lays two eggs, ib. ix. 12, 615 b ; ov o-vyKadeio-rjs T^S 0/jXei'as e TO appev, ib. v. 2, 539 b. Migrations. Arist. H. A. viii. 12, 597 eKToni&vo-iv e< TWV Ti-fStW fls ra e\rj TCI <'iv<0 T?JS Aiyvtrrov (cf. Herod, ii. 22). A fuller account, how they alight before foul weather, how they have in front a leader, at TOVS enio-vpiTTovras v rots eV^arots 1 : how when sleeping they stand first on one leg and then on the other : how while they rest the leader keeps watch, Arist. H.A. ix. io, 614 b: cf. frag. 241, 1522 a, Antig. H. Mirab. 46; and how their discipline taught men the rules of government, Ael. iii. 14. Cf. in particular Eur. Hel. 1478 At/3ue$- ol gvviabu(r' es rfjv A.i[Bur)v The fight with the Pigmies. H. iii. 6 avdpavi nvyp-aioio-i (povov Kal (pf'povcrat, and Schol.; cf. Arist. H. A. viii. 12, 597 (loc. dub.) ov yap fCTTi TOVTO juO^of, aXX' eon Kara. rrjv dXrjdeiav yevos p,iKpov p.fv, &(nrep Xeyerat, Kul avroi KOI ol iTTTroi, TfjiayXodurai ' etai TOV ftlov. Cf. also Strab. Geogr. i. 2. 28, p. 35, xv. i. 57, p. 71 1 ; Ctesias, Photii Biblioth. p. 68 ; Opp. Hal. i. 620; Philostr. Imagg. ii. p. 375, Heroic. I.e., Babrius xxvi ; Apoll. Vit. iii. 50, p. 136, &c. Frequent in Latin ; Plin. H. N. iv. 18, vii. 2, x. 2 3 (3); Ovid, Met. vi. 90; F. vi. 176 nee quae Pygmaeo sanguine gaudet avem ; cf. Julian. Anticensor. Epigr. 3 m/^an rjdo^vtj yepnvos : Juv. vi. 506, xiii. 168, &c., &c. A myth of the cranes and pigmies in Boios ap. Athen. 393 C rjv TIS rrapa rols nvypaiois yvvi] dido-rjfjLos, oi'Ofj-a Tfpat/n, K.T.\. : cf. Ael. xv. 29 ; Boios ap. Anton. Lib. 16 ; Eustath. in Iliad. 1444. 14; Ovid. Met. I.e. The legend of the Pigmies appears in India in the story of the hostility between the Garuda bird and the people called kirata^ i. e. dwarfs, the 2/upfmu of Ael. xvi. 22 ; cf. Megasthenes ap. Plin. vii. 2. It is quite possible that this fable has an actual foundation in the pursuit of the ostrich by a dwarfish race. (Compare also Addison's poem nvyp.aioyepavop.axia ; Tyson's Essay concerning the Pygmies, &c. The Cranes of Ibycus : the avengers of crime. Schol. Ar. Thesmoph. 1 68 : Suid. S. V. "iftvKos' crvXXr/Cpdcls 8e vno Xflvruv eV prjp,ias e'cprj, Kav ras ytpdvovs, as e'rv^ej/ uTrfpiVrao-^at, CJtdlKOUf yevevdai, Kal avrbs pev dvypefy p.Ta de raura TCOJ/ Kgvr&W (Is ev rfj TroXei 6fa5io>r^y, vide Guys, Voy. litte'r., lettre xiii ; represented in Leroy, Ruines des plus beaux monuments de la Grece (2nd ed.), p. 22, pi. x (Ricard, Vies de Plut. i. p. 137, 1829). The dictionaries usually say that the dance mimics the flight of the cranes, which is incorrect : the dancing of Cranes may be seen in the opening of the year in any zoological garden. A comic simile, dvvjrodrjTos opdpov irepnra.Te'iv yepavos, Aristopho 3- 361 (Mem.). Fables. yepavoi KOI yfwpyos, Aesop, 93 (Babr. 26). y. KOI x*) V *) 4 21 - y. KOL a\a>7rq, 34 (Plut. Mor. 614 F). y. KOI \VKOS, 2?6 b. y. KOI raws, 397 (Babr. 65). See also ayop, o-eprr]?. n'NII (s. yvis). A Tuscan word for a Crane = yepavos, Hesych. TAAY'KION. A kind of Duck. Perhaps the Golden-eye, Anas clangtila, L., Clangula glaucion, Bonap., which winters in considerable numbers in all the waters of Greece TEPANOI FAAYE 45 TAAYKION (continued}. (Lindermayer, p. 163); at least some species of duck with pale yellow eyes like those of yXavg. Athen. ix. 395 C TO e Xeyo/ni/oi> yXau/aoi/ dia Tr)V TO>V o/u/Ltarcov %pnav /xt/cpa> e'XaTToV earn vr/TTrjs. PAAY'E (s. y\au) (yXavo-crco, yXav/cos = gleaming [cf. a/cel)^, a/ceTTTo/iat : v. Edl. p. 37]). The Little Owl, Athene noctua, auctt. Mod. Gk. KovKov@ata. Description. vvKrcpofiios, Arist. H. A. i. I, 488, cf. Ar. Lys. 760 ; VVKTC- pivos, yafji^wvv^ Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b ; OVK ov /SXeVet rrjs J^/iepa?. ov KOTO iraa'av rrjv VVKTO. 6r]pevfi ) aXX' aKptairfpov KOI rrept opBpov. Orjpevei 8e pi)? /cat o-avpas /cat o-(povdv\as KOI roiavr' a'XXa a>apta, ix. 34, 619 b (cf. Ar. Av. 589). IJLVOVO-I 01 yXaufcco8eiy /cat rco ava) /3Xe^)dp&), ii. 12, 504. /uiKpoj/ e^ei rov (nr\i)va, ii. 15, 506. o-To/xa^oi' e^et evpvrepov TO KUTO)' a7ro0yada? e^et, ii. 17, 509. oXt'-ya? ypepas Topxovij.evos dXiV/ceTai, Arist. H. A. viii. 12, 597 b, fr. 276, 1527 b. 46 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS PAAYE (continued}. The War of the Owls and Crows : noXepia y\avg, Kopwvrj, o Arist. H. A. IX. I, 609 vvKT&p enifiov\evei rols wots rrjs Kopcoi/jyy, K. T. X. Ael. iii. 9, Antig. Mirab. 57 (62), Plut. Od. et Inv. iv (Mor. 537 C). The story is oriental, and is one of the chief tales in the Mahabharata. Cf. Indian Antiq. March, 1882, p. 87; also, 'The Night of Slaughter,' by Sir Ed. Arnold. The account in Julian. Imp. Orat. iv. 149 suggests that the story is simply a parable of the Sun and Moon ; vide infra. See also S. V. KOpcoyr). Cf. Prov. ii\\o yXavt-, aXXo Kopatvi] (pdeyyercn.' crrl Twv a\\r]\ois prj o-up.oiWa>i>, Suid. Milks the ewes like a goatsucker : uses a bat's heart to keep away . ants from its nestlings, Dion. De Avib. i. 15. Sacred to Demeter, Porph. De Abst. iii. 5. No Owls in Crete. Ael. v. 2, xvii. 10, Arist. De Mirab. 124 (130), 83 (84), Plin. x. 29 (41). Fables of the very wise Owl, Acs. 105, 106, from Dio Chrysost. xii, Ixxii. A fabled metamorphosis, Nicand. ap. Anton. Lib. 10 ; s. v. |3ua : see also Boios ap. Ant. Lib. 15. The allusion to the Owl in Ar. Av. 358 is unexplained: it contains some obscure reference to the sacred \vrpn and probably to the feast of the gvrpoi. yXau can scarcely be said to be a generic term, except in the sense that the Little Owl, as the commonest species, is taken as typical of the rest. It is still extremely common about Athens (cf. Ar. Av. 301 y\avK els 'A^ray, cf. Antiph. 3, 96 (Meineke), Lucian, Nigr. I, Diog. L., Vit. Plat., Cic. ad Quint, ii. 16, &c. ; Propert. ii. 20, 5 nocturna volucris funesta querela, Attica), as indeed it is, in one or other of its local forms, all round the Levant. It is the bird of Athene (cf. Ar. Av. 516, Eq. 1092, c., &c.), doubtless in her primitive character of the Goddess of Night ; the epithet yXavKooTns- is quite obscure, but I fancy we have it used in a very ancient sense when applied to the moon, e. g. Eur. fr. (ap. Schol. Ap. Rhod. i. 1280) y\avi(>nis re o-rpe 47 rAQTTl'l. An undetermined bird. Arist. H. A. viii. 12, 597 b. Departs with the quails : y\5>rrav e|cryo- tievrjv e^ei pexpi 7roppo>. Cf. Plin. X. 23 (33). Supposed by Sundevall (op. c. p. 129) to be identical with iVy, the Wryneck, on account of the protrusible tongue ; as also by Niphus, in Arist., v. Camus, ii. 383 ; the Wryneck however winters in Greece (Lindermayer p. 41). Belon identified it with the Flamingo, Gesner, followed by Linnaeus, from a confusion with Ger. or Sw. Glutt, with the Greenshank, in connexion with which latter bird the name survives in modern zoology. Vide s. v. c\ais. PNA'AAOI. An unknown bird. Arist. H. A. ix. l6, 6l6b (pwvrjv c^ei dyaQrjv, KOI TO .^pco/ia /caXo?, Kai (3iop,t]xavos, KOI TO ddos evrrpeTrqff. 8oKel 8' flvai gevixos opvis' 6\iyaKis yap (paiveTai ev rots pf] oiKfiois TOTTOIS. Gesner suggests the Bohemian Waxwing, Ampelis garrulus, L., which however has not T^V (pcwrjv ayaOr^v, nor is there any evidence of the Waxwing reaching Greece. Probably the foreign name of a foreign bird. TOINE'EI' nopals, Hesych. Perhaps for [f]o/as, q. v. ro'AMII* ^dp, TO opveov, Hesych. ro'PTYE- ZpTvg, Hesych. Quasi fo'pru. rPA'nil* eifiof opveov, Hesych. Perhaps akin to ^pawn-is: cf. J. G. Schneider in Arist. H. A. viii. 5. 4, p. 590. rPAY'KAAOI- opvis Tempos, Hesych. Cf. icauicaXi'as. PPY'riAl* at v0V yvn&V ol 8f yvnai, Hesych. rPYHArETOI. A fabulous bird. Ar. Ran. 929. TY'rHI. A fabulous bird : supposed to be connected with Lith. gufa, guzutys, a Stork. Dion. De Avib. ii. 16 yvyijs opvis eVrtV, avaftoav net Kai qftfiv TOI/TO doKciiv, os TOVS opveis ev VVKT\ Karecrdiei TOVS dfj.(pi^iovs. Tf]v fKfivov y\a)o~a'av e'i TIS f/TTore/MOt ^"^^ Ka ' TTI]V. TY'vl/. A Vulture. See also deros, aiyuirios, i/epros, irepKKoirrepos, $r\vi\. Mod. Gk. opveov, dyiovwa (Byzantios). Frequent in Homer, usually with the idea of feeding on carrion, II. iv. 237, xi. 162, xvi. 836, xxii. 42 ; Od. xxii. 30, &c. Cf. Eur. Tr. 595 crv rots o~TpaToire8ois TrapeTro/xei/a? : &C. How the Vultures divine beforehand the place of battle, npo fjpfpwv eWa eV avrof irapayivofjieiHu, Horap. i. ii ; cf. Ael. ii. 46 ; Umbricius ap. Plin. x. (6) 7 ; Plaut. True. ii. 3. 16, Martial, Ep. 62, 6. Arist. 1. C. TO 8' eoVt xaXe-jrbv p.ei> t&f li> } tWTrrm 8' O/JLCOS. TIKTOVO-I Se dvo i^i/Y]. These are Egyptian myths. Vultur fulvus was sacred to Maut, the Goddess of Maternity, cf. Deut. xxxii. II, 12 | cf. Horap. i. II p.rjrepa de ypdv ov% vndpxei. Hence also the obstetrical value of a Vulture's feather, Plin. xxv. (14) 44. The Common Egyptian Vulture or Pharaoh's Hen, Neophron percnopterus, was sacred to Isis, cf. Ael. X. 22 AtyuTTTioi 8e"Hpas peV iepbv opvtv clvai TreiriaTevKCKTi rbv yvira^ Korr/Liovo-i Se rr]v TTJS "ividos K(>a\r)v yvirbs TTTepols. In Horapollo, yv\js is always feminine. The Vulture being sacred in Egypt, was an unclean bird among the Jews ; cf. eiro\|/. On the (piXoo-Topyia of the Vultures, cf. Od. xvi. 216, Aesch. Ag. 49, Plut. Q. Rom., Mor. 286 A, B, Opp. Hal. i. 723; cf. aiyumos. The Vulture is stated to feed its young with its own flesh or blood, a myth afterwards transferred to the Pelican; Horap. i. n, cf. Georg. Pisidas, 1064 (cit. Leemans) rbv fjujpbv fKTf^ovrfS, ^p-aTco/zevoiy FaXaicTor 6\Kols ^toTTupoCo-i Ta /3pe'(pr/. On the connexion between the Vulture and the Pelican, see s.v. |3aiTJ9. The stories of the Vulture's tenderness and affection coincide with the resemblance between the Hebrew words DH1 compassion, and DiVI a vulture (Boch. Hieroz. ii. 803, &c.). How a Vulture's feather, if burnt, drives serpents from their holes, Ael. i. 45, Piin. xxix. (4) 24. How the pomegranate is fatal to vultures, Ael. vi. 46. How* the odour of myrrh is fatal to Vultures, Ar. De 49 (continued}. Mirab. (147) 845 a, 35, Ael. iii. 7, iv. 18, Geopon. xiii. 16, xiv. 26, Theophr. De C. PI. vi. 4, Clem. Alex. Paedag. ii. 8 ; and why, Dion. De Avib. i. 5. Doves do not fear the Vulture, Ael. v. 50 ; the hawk is hostile to it, Ael. ii. 42. Most of the above mythical attributes of the Vulture are summed up by Phile, c. iii De Vulture. The stories of Prometheus and Tityus, Od. xi. 577 ; Aen. vi. 595 ; Lucret. iii. 997; Ov. Met. iv. 456; Val. Fl. Argon, vii. 357, &c. See also s.v. deros. How the Persians exposed their dead to the Vultures, Herod, i. 140. Cf. Ael. X. 22 BapKcuoL (s. BaKKatot, 'lo-iravias eQvos, Steph.) rovs Iv 7TO\(fj.(a TOV j3iov KaTCKTrptyavTas yvtyl 7rpo/3aXXov(rii', lepov TO v, Hesych. : cf. tKrt'r. The word is more than doubtful as a bird-name, and is applied to a Libyan animal by Herod, iv. 192. APAKONTl'l. An unknown or fabulous bird, into which one of the nine Emathidae, daughters of Pierus, was metamorphosed; Nicand. ap. Anton. Lib. Met. c. 9. APYOKOAAHTHI 51 APEnANl'Z, from Spenavov, i.e. * sickle-wing.' Also dpairavis, Hesych. Arist. H. A. i. i, 487 b. A bird similar to arrovs and xeXi8o>i/, evVrepos, oparai KOI dXurKerm oral/ vo-y TOV Bepovs' oXa>? de KOI cnrdviov Probably the larger Alpine Swift, Cypselus melba, L., and also perhaps the Common Swift, C. apus, both conspicuously ' sickle- winged/ On the other hand, Aub. and Wimm. p. in, also Bochart ii. 62, as well as Gaza and Scaliger, say the Sand- Martin : v. Kv^eXos. Cf. Plin. x. (33) 49, xi. 47 (107), xxx. (4) 12. The brief account indicates that the bird is comparatively scarce, and that its period .of residence in the country is short ; both circumstances telling in favour of a Swift as against the Sand-Martin. Spe-iraki's is translated Keyxpis by Hesychius. APH*[r]EZ' o-Tpovdoi, Mane'doves, Hesych. Also Myrjpfs and diprjyes. Cf. Seiprjs, Spuc^ai, q. v. APIKH'AI* opvea void, Hesych. Also 8pi, arpovQos, ap. Cyrill., Lob. Parall. p. 102. Cf. SpfJYes, &c. APYOKOAA'IITHI. Also fyuj/KoXaTm??, fyvKohdnTr)* (Ar. Av. 480, 979), fywKoXm//- (Hesych.), SpvoKonos (Arist. De Part. iii. i, 662 b). Cf. Sk. darvaghata (Keller). A Woodpecker. Mod. Gk. &* Xt8 P a (v. d. Mtthle). See also 8puo\|/, nrnr], Ke\e<5s, ireXeKaK, TTITTW. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593, vide s. v. mirw. Ib. ix. 9, 614, a full and accurate description : KOTTTCI 8e ras 8pvs 6 dpvoKoXdnTrjs r&v ovoX7}Kcoy KOI V devdpav, fv ciXXois T TUV oev&pcw Kal ev eXaigis . . . Kal Ti6acro~v6p,vos 8e TIS fjdrj dfj.vyo'aXov els pwyprjV vXov evBeis, orras fvappoo-dev viropeivftcv avrov rf)V irXrjyrjV, ev rrj TptTfl nXrjyf) dieKo^f Kal Karrjo-die TO paXaKov. Cf. Arist. De Mirab. 13, 831 b: the hard bill of the woodpecker, Arist. De Part. iii. i, 662 b. Four well-defined species occur in Greece, (a) the Great Black Woodpecker, Picus Marttus, which evidently answers to the last and largest variety mentioned above ; (b) the Green Woodpecker, P. viridis y E 2 52 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS APYOKOAAFITHI (continued}. with its close ally, P. canus ; (<:, d) the Greater and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, P. major and minor. The Green Woodpecker is described under the name KeXeo's-, and accordingly Sundevall and others make the remaining two of the three Aristotelian varieties to be the Greater and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers respectively. But as P. viridis, whether it had another name or not, would certainly be still classed as dpvoKoXiiirTrjs, it is better to take it as the middle- sized sort, uniting the Greater and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers as the last and least variety. The Woodpecker is not in Greek, as it is in Latin (e. g. Ov. Met. xiv. 321, F. iii. 37, 54, Virg. Aen. vii. 191, Plin. x. 18 (20), Plut. Q. Rom. xxi. 268 F, Romulus iv; Aug. Civ. Dei, xiii. 15), a bird of great mythological importance, though the Dryopes were probably, like the descendants of Picus, a Woodpecker-tribe. It figures in the oriental Samir-legend (vide s. v. eiroij/) in Ael. i. 45 as making its nest in a tree, and, by virtue of a certain herb, removing a stone with which one shall have blocked up the entrance ; cf. Plin. x. (18) 20, xxv. 5 ; Plut. p. 269 ; Dion. De Avib. i. 14 ; and is accordingly spoken of as a rival power to eVo^ in Ar. Av. 480. Cf. Alb. Magnus, De Mirab. 1601, p. 225. See also Baring-Gould, Myths of the Middle Ages, p. 397. The Woodpecker and the Hoopoe come into relation also in the version of the Tereus- myth given by Boios ap. Anton. Lib. Met. II, where the brother of Ae'don is transformed into the bird CTTO^, and her husband into APY'CW. A Woodpecker = fyvo/coXaTrrjjs, Ar. Av. 304. AY'riTHI. A diving bird, identical with aWvia (q. v.), ewot Etym. M. Callim. 167, ap. Etym. M. 8vnrai r e a\bs tpx&fuvot ; with which cf. Arat. 9^4? S. V. epojSios. Lye. 73 OTeva> (re, Trarpa, KOI Tl'I. An unknown water-bird. Dion. De Avib. ii. II i\a$ls 6' opveov eon TO. Trrepa iravTa tiri rots VWTOIS eXai/ fX ov ^ OiKO ' ra dpii, Kal rpecperai Kara TOVS xepcrai'ouy 'ivyyas, Trjv yXa>o~o~av p.rjKia'Trjv ovo~av a)0~7Tp 6pp,iav els TO vdwp tin TTO\V Ka$teio~a, K. r. X. The hair-like feathers on the back suggest, if anything, a Heron or Egret. A gem in the British Museum represents a Heron or Stork, with the antlers of a Stag ; v. Torr, Rhodes, pi. I, Imhoof-Bl. and K., pi. xxvi. 59. 'EAE'A. MSS. have also e'Xata, (qy. = eXfta Sundev.), IXeia Callim. s. eXecls Ar. Av. 302, s. eX^as, Hesych. Cf. e'Xaios. A small bird, probably the Heed- Warbler, Salicaria arundinacea^ Selby, and allied species. Arist. H. A. ix. l6, 6l6 b opvis cvffioTOS, KaOifci Oepovs /xeV ev 7rpoa-r]Vfj.M Kal cr/aa, ^eip.(ji)vos 8' fv U7/\t6), Kal eVicrKeTrei eVt T>V bovaKcov Trepi ra eXrj' e(TTi 8e TO p.ev peyedos jSpa^vy, (fxavrjv 8' e'^fi dyadrjv. In Ar. AV. JO2 eXeay may or may not be the same bird. Callim. ap. Schol. Ar. Av. 302 eXeta fj.LKp6v t (f)a>vfj dyadov. The Reed-Warbler is a permanent resident in Greece, and is very common in all marshy places (Kriiper, &c.). 'EAEIO'r efSof iepaKos, Hesych. Sch. conjectures IXeio? fialustris in Arist. H. A. ix. 36, i, and for the common reading Xeloi writes 'in 8' eXeioi of Kal (j>pvvo\6yoi. Cf. A . and W. ii. p. 264. Vide s. v. emXelos. 'EAEO'I. A kind of Owl. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b; mentioned with, and said to resemble, alyo>\ios and CTKCO^ : peifav d\CKTpvovos, flypevti TO.S KLTTUS. ix. I, 609 b *pe erXew TroXe/ntos (alternative readings, KoXfw, -yoXew). The size accords with that of the Tawny Owl, Syrnium Aluco, L., which is common in Greece and is not definitely ascribed to any other classical name. Scaliger so identifies it, taking eXcds from the owl's cry, cf. e'XeXfO, &c., also Lat. ulula. Sundevall reads e'Xeo'y s. e\ios = palustris, supporting this view by the mention of Crex in the context, and identifies the bird with Strix brachyotus, L., the Short-eared or Marsh Owl. But both etymological suggestions are more than doubtful, and neither Tawny nor Short-eared Owl Qrjpcvet TCIS KLTTas. Artemidor. iii. 65, Zonar. c. 684. 'EAQ'PIOI. A water-bird, similar to Kp<-' (verb. dub.}. Clearch. ap. Athen. viii. 332 E (Casaubon), where later editors read os : numbered among TOVS opvtOas TOVS irapevdiao-Tas Ka\ovp.evovs. 54 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS 'ENOY'IKOI' 6 d\r)Ko\i6s, H. St. Thesaur. App. p. 942 E. Note. We have above (IXcuos, eXe'a eXeos, cmXcus, emXcios) a succession of bird-names all very similar, whose meaning and deri- vation are alike obscure. The Hoopoe, Upupa epops, L. Hesych. has also 6770770?, opveov '. errojTra, aXeKTpvova aypiov '. and also a7ra but is very probably based on an Egyptian solar name, ""ATroTrir, 'HXtov dSe\(p6$, Plut. De Is. xxxvi ; with which cfSEncxpos Herod, ii. 153, &c., &c.; also "ETTI^I, Plut. Is. et Os. lii. p. 372 B : the form dncKpas preserved in Hesychius is identical with the name used by the Syriac Physiologist. For fanciful derivation see Aesch. fr. 305 en-or//- eVoTn-T?? T&V avrov K.a7ra$ fTTOTras yXavxas. Description. Arist. H. A. i. 488 b opvis opeior, cf. ix. n. 615 a (vide Boch. Hier. ii. p. 343 for similar interpretation of Heb. or Arab, dukiphat, duk kepha, gallus montanus). H. A. ix. 15, 616 b OVK e^a T^S y\v KaO* eavra veoTTfVovTwv, a\\' el&dvofjievos els ra o-reAe^jj ev Tols KOI\OIS avraiv -rue-ret, eV (TV[Ji,7rii>r)s (also in Ael. H. A. iii. 26) arises (i) from the Hoopoe's habit of seeking its insect food among dung (avis obscoeno pastu, Plin. H. N. x. 29 ; cf. Fr. coq puant, Germ. Kothhahn, V avrov K(iKe Ka7ro8r]\(0 irpb rou Kaipov rS>v a/x7reXa>i/ TroXXa Kpa&7, evotviav o-rjpaivfi. The same of the Cuckoo, Plin. H. N. xviii. 249, Hor. Sat. i. 7, 30. With ep. mo-toy, Anton. Lib. xi. Phil. De An. Pr. 667 a) is rendered Lapwing, as being the crested bird with which the translators were most familiar (cf. Newton, Diet, of Birds, p. 505). In the Birds of Aristophanes we have many veiled allusions to the mythology of the Hoopoe. The confusion with KOKKV (vide s. v. Kouicou(J>a) is indicated throughout ; the fables of Tereus and Procne are frequently referred to, e. g. y yap aj/#po>7ror, v. 98 rr]v e/^i/ dydova, vv. 203, 367, c. : the Hoopoe's first cry, avoiye rfjv vXijv, v. 93, is a reference to the Samir-legend ; the kindred fable of Kopvdos appears in vv. 472-476 ; the mysterious root in v. 654 is the magical dblavrov : the mention of rjXtaa-rrjs, v. 109, is a pun on fjXios : the allied solar symbolism of SpvoKoXdirr^s is suggested in v. 480 ; and the nauseous reputation of the nest is probably hinted at in the Hoopoe's pressing invitation to Peisthetairus, v. 641, that he should enter in. 'EPI'GAKOI, s. epi0aKos (Arist., Ael.), epi0eu's (Arat, Theophr.), epi'OuXos (Schol. ad Ar. Vesp.). The Robin, Erithacus rubecula, L. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b opvis o-KQ>\r)Ko(pdyos. ix. 496, 632 b /*fra- ftdXXovo-iv of epiOaKoi Koi ol KaXovp-evoi (poivinovpoi e dXXr]X(DV' eVri 8' 6 /xei/ cpiQaKos xeifjLfpivov, ol 8e (poiviKovpoi Oepivoi, 8ia(pepou(Ti 5' ovdev as etVeiv dXX' 77 rfj XP$ f^ovov : Geopon. XV. I. 22. A weather-prophet, Arat. Phen. 1025, Theophr. fr. vi. 3, 2 fjifya o-fjp-a KOI op^iXoy KOL epiBtvs, dvvav es KoiXas o^eas. Arist. fr. 241, I522b epiOaKos es TO. av'Xia KOI TO. oiKovpeva Trapivv dfjXos ean ^ei/iSvos 1 firiSrjuiav d'Trobidpdo'Kcov, Cf. Ael. vii. 7- A mimetic bird, fjupovvrai KOL p.pvr]VTai %>v av aKovo-cooriv, Porphyr. De Abst. iii. 4 (epidaicos here is either an interpolation, or is used of some other bird). Proverb, Schol. in Ar. Vesp. 922 (927) /u'o Xo^/ii; dvo cpidaKovs ov rptyft. earl 8e opveov VTTO /zeV nvav KaXovpevov epiSevs, viro &e eVepcoi/ epidvXos, vno TO>V nXeiovav epidaKos I cf. Photius. Also eptdcvs' 6 epiQaKos, TO opveov, Hesych. epiBaKos' opveov p,ovrjpfs Kal povoTponov, Suid. Sundevall derives cpi&ucof from epvffpos, QCLKOS (cf. Eng. redstart, Germ. Rothsteiss), and identifies the bird in Arist. with the Redstart, Lusciola phoenicurus, L., in winter plumage : vide s. v. (jxuyiicoupos. The derivation is far-fetched, and the identification is discountenanced by the fact that the Redstart does not, at least in Attica, remain through the winter (Kriiper p. 245), during which season the Robin is as common there as with us. See also cuaaicos, "EPMAKON' opveov, Hesych. Probably by error for fpi A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS opvis TTOLOS, Hesych. Probably for en-ox//-, or else 'EPYGPO'nOYZ. In Ar. Av. 303, usually translated Redshank, which bird, Totanus cah'dn's, L., is common in Greece in winter. Used as an epithet of WXeia, Arist. H. A. v. 13, 544 b. 'EPQrA'l* pa>8i6s, Hesych. A very doubtful word. 'EPflAIO'l (polo's-, Hippon. 59, ap. Etym. M. Also c'&oXtor, Hesych.) A Heron, L. ardea ; etym. dub. Various species are mentioned : 6 Tre'XXor, the common Heron, Ardea cinerea, L. ; 6 XeuKor, the Egret, A. alba and A. gazetta ; 6 da-rtpias Ka\., A. (Botaurus) stellaris, L., the Bittern; Arist. H. A. ix. i, 609 b ; cf. Dion. De Avib. ii. 8 corn/ avrutv yevrj p.vpia' 01 /nev yap (Spa^els T' etat Kal XeuKoi, aXXoi 6e TToiKt'Xot Kai p.ei^ovS } p.aoL S* eWpot, Kai rots' fj,ev OVK 8i&> Karrjv- Xio-drjv. In II. x. 275 there is an alternative reading ire\\ov 'Adqrau? (Zopyrus, De Mileto Cond. iv (Schol. Venet.), cf. Groshans, Prodr. Faun, pp. 15, 16, Buchholz p. 119; for a discussion of important Scholia on this passage, and for notes on e'padufc in general, see J. G. Schneider, in Arist. vol. iv. pp. 45-47; vide s. v. ireXXos). See also s. v. d^oirata. The Heron as a symbol of Athene on coins of Ambracia and Corinth (Imh.-Bl. and K. p. 38, pi. vi). Said also to be sacred to Aphrodite, Etym. M. A bird of good omen, Ael. x. 37, Plut. Mor. 405 D, especially the White Heron, Plin. xi. 37. A weather-prophet, Arat. Phaen. 913, 972, Athen. viii. 332 E (where Casaub. reads eXwpio?), Ael.vii-7, Theophr. De Sign. i. 18, ii. 28, Virg. Georg. i. 363, Lucan, v. 553, Cic. Div. i. 8, Callim. s. v. SUTTTTJS ; hence beloved of men, Dion. De Avib. ii. 8. EPOvl/ HEPOIIOI 59 EPHAIOI (continued}. Hostile to TrtTra), ra yap a>a Karfcrdifi KOI roiis VCOTTOVS TOV f'pcoSiov, Arist. H. A. ix. i, 609, cf. Nicand. ap. Ant. Lib. Met. 14 ; aerw iro\fp.ios, apndfci yap avrov, Kal aXooTreja, (pflelpei yap avTov rrjs VVKTOS, Kal Kopvdcp, TO yap av TTJV KfCpaXrjv, Acs. Fab. 276, Babr. 94. A fragment : epcoSto? yap Matav^pirjv Tpiopxov tvpvv fvQlovT afpeiXtTo, Simonid. ap. Athen. vii. 299 C. Deprived by Neptune of the power of swimming, and why, Dion. De Avib. ii. 8. The Island of Diomedea, Ael. H. A. i. i KaXctrai TIS AiopjSeia 1/770-09, Kat epwdtovs e^ei TroXXouy, and how these epcofiioi, once the comrades of Diomede, give welcome to Greek visitors ; also Lycus ap. Antig. Mirab. 172 (188), Anton. Lib. Met. 37, Phile, De Anim. Pr. 152. Cf. Ovid, Metam. xiv. 498, Aen. xi. 271 et Serv. in loc., Plin. x. 44 (61). Cf. also S. Augustin, De Civ. Dei, xviii. 16, Lachmund, De Ave Diomedea diss., Amstelod. (1672) 1686. There is evident but obscure connexion between the story of the birds of Diomede, and the meta- morphosis above alluded to : where the son of Autonous and Hippo- dameia is killed by his father's horses, and his father and his servant are turned into epa>8ioi. A story similar to that of the birds of Diomede is wide-spread, and usually told of the Stork, cf. Alex. Mynd. ap. Ael. iii. 23 ; for Modern Greek references, see Marx, Gr. Marchen, 1876, PP. 52, 55- See also curiSo^, dorepias, eXwpios, XeuicepwSio's, OKI/OS, ireXXos. EY'PYME'AQN' aero'?, Hesych. (verb. dub.\ for aero's, Kuster CJ. Atq ZA'PIKEI' (iri6cToi> TreAafpjywi', Hesych. (verb. dub.). 'HAY'TEPAI- a! rpvyoW, Hesych. (verb. dub.}. 'HE'POnoi* A bird doubtless identical with aepo^ ; vide s. v. /uep According to Boios ap. Ant. Lib. Met. 18, the boy Botres was 60 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS HEPOnOI (continued}. transformed into the bird ^eporro?, 6y ert v\iv riKrei fiev vno y^f, alel 8e 'HTKANO'I' 6 dXfKrpvuv, Hesych. Cf. KIKKOS: forte Kuwait, Schmidt. 'HMIO'NION- o/ms Trow?, Hesych. 'HPIIA'AnirE' opveov rt eidos, Hesych. Also epKraXniyt;, Callim. Schol. ad Ar. Av. 884. EO'KPONOZ. A fabulous bird. Dion. De Av. ii. 15 els T>V d/i eapi irrepaTovs o$ Trao-a, (TiceXfa de (popeei yepdvov, TrpocrooTroy de es TO. /uaXiora eiriypVTrov, peyaQos o&ov Kpe. TWJ/ pev drj rS)V p,axopev(ov irpos TOVS o(piS, fjde Iderj. TCOJ/ 8' eV TTOO-I juaXXov Tolan dvdpanoio-C (dial yap drj io~i at i/3i) \fsi\r) TTJV K(pa\r]V, KOI Tr]v detpfjv Traaav' \evKrj Trrfpoicrt, 7rXj)i/ Ke(pa\rjs Kal TOV av^evos Kal 62 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS IB II (continued}. T>V TTTepvyw KOI TOV Trvyaiov aicpov' raCra e ra elirov Trdvra, /ne'Xatra e'ort 8eivS>s' ovceAea 8e KOI Trpoa-wnov, ffj,(pepr)S rrj freprj. Cf. Arist. H. A. ix. 27, 617 b fv /iei> ovv TTJ a\\rj hlyvTrrq) at \evnai tio-iv, nXrjv ev TlrjXovaiw ov yivovrai' ai 8e[ /ueAaii/at ev rfj a\\rj AlyvrrTq* OVK elo-iv, ev Ur)\ov(TL Biyrjs^ uKivrjTov evpfoeis, Horap. ii. 81, Pier. Valer. xvii. 22. The Ibis was also hostile to the scorpion, Ael. x. 29, including ' winged scorpions,' Phile, De Ibi : and is associated [obscurely] with the Scorpion on the small zodiac of Dendera, Savigny, op. cit. p. 131, Denon, Voy. pi. 130; cf. Kircher, Oedip. ii. pp. 207, 213. The Ibis also destroyed locusts and caterpillars, Diod. Sic.; it fed on fish, avoiding strong currents, Physiol. Syr. c. xviii, Procop. Comm. in Levit. p. 344, Vincent. Burg. Specul. i. p. 1212; and on the refuse of the markets of Alexandria, Strabo, 1. c. Its flesh was poisonous and fatal, Vine. B. i. 1212, ii. 1489 ejus ova si quis comeditur, moritur ; cf. Albert. M. xxiii. 24, Gesner, BIZ 63 IB II (continued']. cap. De Ibi. How the basilisk springs from an egg, the product of poison eaten by the Ibis : ex aliquo quod ilia peperit, ut putredinoso, magnum aliquid malum enascitur basiliscus, &c., Theoph. Simoc. 1. c. ; cf. Pier. Valer. p. 175. It was foul-feeding and insatiable of poison, Ael. x. 29, Phile xvi ; cf. Gesner v. 547 apud Graecos lexicorum conditores ibin 6a Ky\vV TrAai/oojueVcoi/ aWpcoi/ TTfTrio-reuerai, cf. Plin. x. 48. Hence an emblem of Egypt, Pier. Valer. xvii. 18, Kircher, Oedip. iv. p. 324, and as such on coins and medals of Hadrian and Q. Marius. See also Phile xvi Kal rrjs o~e\T)vr]S ov rraprjXOe TOVS 8pop,ovs p.iovfjivi]S . . . KOI 7r\r)povfievr)S. Plut. De IS. p. 38l Tl 8e f) TQ)V lJL(\aVV TTfpi TCt \CVKO. TTOlKlXta Kttl pit-is cpfpaivei (reXrjvrjv dufpiKvprov, also Symp. 4, 5. Cf. Pignor. Mens. Isiac. Expl. p. 76; Wilkinson, Anc. Egyptians, (2) ii. pp. 217-224; Renouf, Hibbert Lectures 1879, pp. 116, 237. It is figured together with the new moon on the southern Temple of Jupiter Ammon at Karnak (Descr. de I'^gypte, Thebes, ii. 261, pi. 52 ; Creuzer, ii. p. 208, c.). On the connexion between Thoth and the Moon, discussed in explana- tion of the Ibis" relation to the latter, see Leemans in Horap. p. 247. It represented the moon (as a hawk symbolized the solar Osiris) at Egyptian banquets of the gods, Clem. Alex. Stromat. v. 7. Its mode of generation was probably related to lunar superstitions : Ael. x. 29 fjiiyvvvrai de rois 0To'/xacri /cat TratdoTroioui/rat rbv rporrov TOVTOV : cf. Anax- agoras ap. Arist. De Gen. iii. 6, 756 B, Schol. in PL Phaedr., Solin. xxxv, &c. Its ashes prevent abortion, Plin. xxx. (15) 49. The Ibis was sacred also to Thoth or Hermes : cf. Socr. ap. PI. Phaedr. p. 274 ; Ael. x. 29; Plut. Symp. ix. 3 ; Diod. Sic. i. 8 ; Horap. i. capp. 10, 36 ; Pier. Valer. xvii. 19 ; Kircher, Obel. Pamph. iv. 325, Oedip. i. 15, ii. 213, &c. Thoth was the patron or emblem of Sirius, which star on the small zodiac of Dendera is represented close to a double- 64 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS IBII (continued"). headed snake with ibis-heads; cf. Savigny, op. cit. p. 159, Kircher, Oedip. iii. p. 96, c. : on the same zodiac an ibis-headed man rides on Capricornus, under which sign Sirius rose anti-heliacally (Dupuis, Orig. de tous les cultes, v. i) ; in this connexion, cf. Timoch. 3. 590 nS>s av o- yevvrjrajp, /ue^o-ccos re 7100-77? : Hermes, pursued by Typhon, changed himself into an Ibis, Hygin. Astr. P. ii. c. 28, Ant. Lib. Met. c. 28, Ovid, Met. v. 331. Many of the bird's peculiarities, real or fabulous, are mystically associated with the same god: e.g. its dainty walk (Ael. ii. 38) with the inventor of the dance ; its numerical constants (e. g. its intestine 96 cubits long, and its pace of one cubit, Ael. x. 29) with the inventor of arithmetic ; the equilateral triangle or A that its beak and legs made (Plut. Is. et Osir. 381 ; or its legs alone, Pier. Valer. xvii. 18, xlvii) with the inventor of letters (cf. also Kircher, Obel. Pamphil. pp. 125-131), its knowledge of physic with the founder of the medical art. On the Ibis as the inventor of clysters, cf. Cic. N. D. ii. 50, 126, Plut. De Sol. Anim. p. 974 C TTJS i'/3eo>s TOV {iTTOKAvoTzoi/ a.\fj,rj KadaipofjLevrjs AlyvTTTLOi crvvidelv KOI p.ip.rja'ao'dai Xeyovaiv I id. De Is. et Osir. p. 381, Ael. ii. 35, x. 29, Phile xvi, Plin. viii. (27)41, x. 30, Galen, De Ven. Sect, i, &c. ; the same story of the Stork, Don Quixote, ii. p. 63 (edit. Lond. 1749) : cf. N. and Q. (4) ix. p. 216: see also Bacon, De Augm. v. 2. The opposed black and white of the Ibis' plumage, as sometimes of Mercury's raiment, suggested various sym- bolic parallels, the opposition of male and female, of light and darkness, of order and disorder, of speech and silence, of truth and falsehood : cf. Ael. x. 29, Schol. in PI. Phaedr., Plut. De Is. 381 D, Clem. Alex. Str. v. 7. The Ibis is a symbol of the heart (Trtpi ou \6yos eVrt nXelaros nap* Alyvnriois (^epofj-evos, Horap. i. 36), an organ under the protection of Hermes ; and the bird has a heart-shaped outline (Ael. x. 29 orepvo) as indeed its mummies have still ; a weight as it issues from the egg equal to the heart of a new-born child (Plut. Symp. 670), or a heart of its own of exceptional size (Gaudent. Merula, Memorab. iii. c. 50) ; in this connexion we may compare the Eg. bahu with ba or V <*)a)v 77 ijSis apxrjv Trape^ecrdai rols Alyvirriois SoKet, opvfis lepaKos vnc pirrafj-evai '. Eur. Andr. 1141 ol 8' OTTOOS 7reXeui8e? lepa< I8ovo~ai npbs (pvyrjv eVamo-av. Varieties. Arist. H. A. ix. 36, 620 TODJ/ 8' iepaKuv /cpartOTO? p.ev 6 rpiop^rjs, 8evTpo$ 8' 6 at(ra\o)i/, rpi'ros 6 Kipnos' 6 8' dcrrepias Kal 6 (patraro- (povos KOI 6 nrepvLS dXXotoi* ol 8e TrXarvrepot lepaKes worptop^ai /caXovj/rai, aXXoi 8e rrepKoi KOI cnri&cu, ol 8e Xelot Kai oi v 8Ka, 8ta0epou(ri 8' dXXjjXcoi', K. T. X. Cf. ib. viii. 3, 592 b. That there were ten species of hawks is asserted by Callimachus, Etym. M. Vide Callim. fr. p. 468, ibique Bentleii ; cf. Schol. ad Ap. Rhod. i. 1049. For lists of the species, cf. Ar. Av. 1178, Ael. xii. 4, Dion. De Avib. i. 6, Plin. x. 8, 9, 10. The Egyptian hawks were smaller, Arist. H. A. xii. 4. The various hawks migrate during winter (cf. Job xxxix. 26) except rpiop^;?, Arist. H. A. viii. 3, or epileus, Plin. x. (8) 9. Anatomical particulars. \o\r)v apa Trpos TW rjirari KOI rots fvrepois X<>vo-i, depfj-Tjv rr]V KoiXiav, p,iKpbv rbv o-TrXr/i/a, Arist. H. A. ii. 15, 506 a, l6, 5o6b; De Part. iii. 7, 670 a. Breeding habits. Arist. H. A. vi. 6, 563, incubates twenty days ; ix. 1 1, 615 eV aTTOTOfioi? vforrevfi. De Gen. ii. 7> 746 b SOKOVO-IV ol diacpepovres TO) i'8ft fuyvwrticu Trpos dXX^Xovy (an error naturally arising from the sexual difference in size and plumage in many species). H. A. vi. 7, 564 ylvovrai ol j/eorroi r)8i>Kpeco o~(p68pa Kal Trioves. Ael. H. N. ii. 43 8iva>s (pi\6drj\vs, cf. Horap. i. 8. Antig. Mirab. 99 (107) rpia /nei/ nVrftv, avavop.fvav 8e TU>V VCOTT&V K\eyfiv rbv eva } K. r. X. See also supra S. V. deros, and cf. Horap. ii. 99. On Hawking. Arist. H. A. ix. 36, 620 eV QpaKrj rfj Ka\ovfj.vr) TTOTC KeSpetTroXct ev ro> e\ei 0r)p*vawnp ol (ivdpwrroi, ra 6pvi0ia KOivrj pera TK>V IfpaKwv. Cf. De Mirab. vi. 118, 841 b, Ctesias in Phot. Excerpt, and ap. Ael. iv. 26, Ael. ii. 42, Antig. Hist. Mirab. [Amphipolis], 28 (34), Plin. H. N. x. 8 (10), &c. The account in Dion. De Avib. i. 6, iii. 5, and F 66 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS IEPAE (continued}. probably also in Martial, Ep. xiv. 216, refers to bird-catching with a captive hawk, as with the owl. See also for much curious informa- tion, 'lcpaKoi ; cf. also Plut. Is. et Os. Ii. p. 371. Ael. xii. 4 6 p.eV TrepdiKodrjpas Kal wKvnrepos ' A.n6\\a)v6s eVri QfpaiTtoV (poo*/, (pyvijv fie Kal apTrrjv 'Adrjva 7rpoaW/zovo~tj>, 'Ep/zoC fie TOV V OepaTTfias re Kal Tinas' dto?rep Kal TOVS tepoypap-fiaret? (popelv (poiviKovv pap/Lta Kat Trrepov lepaKos (irl TTJS KffpaXrjs, Diod. Sic. i. 87, 8. The Egyptian Sun-god Phra with a hawk's head, tepa/cop.op,\ and HM , Horus and Hat- H or, the latter being the OIKOS "Qpov of Plutarch. According to Chaeremon, fr. 8 Vv)(r)-rj\ios-0f6s = iepat-. On the sanctity of hawks in Egypt, and the solar symbolism associated with them there, see also (besides the references quoted above), Porph. De Abst. iii. 4 ; the Sun called tVpa, ibid. iv. 16, Plut. De Is. et Osir. c. 51, Eus. P. E. iii. 10, Clem. Alex. Strom, v. 7. For other words and phrases in which the hieroglyph of the Hawk had part, see Horap. i. 6 Qebv ^ov\6p.evoi cnyftgwu, 77 v^os, rj 17 vnepoxfjv, rj ai/ui, 77 VIKTJV, iepaKa a>ypa(povpov(riv evravQa, oi 8e Troppcorepco 6Vre? OVK KToniov(Tiv aXXa Kpinrrovo-iv eavTOvs' fjdr) yap (oupevai TroXXai %\tdovs flalv ev dyytLOis e\/^iXo)fii/ai 7ra/i7rai/, Kai iKTii/oie/c rotovrav eWero/xei/oi x<0piW, orav (paivavrai TO rrpa>Tov. The common Kite is merely a bird of passage in Greece, a very few remaining to winter there (Kriiper) ; the Black Kite is a rare visitor to the mainland of Greece. Both species are common, and breed, in Macedonia (Kriiper, Elwes, &c.). The statement 'ixrivo? (pmVrai appears in various Calendars, e. g. Geminus, I sag. in Arat. Phaen. c. xvi, who dates its advent, according to Eudoxus thirteen days, to Euctemon eight, and to Callippus one day, before the vernal equinox. According to Grotius, Arat. Phaen. notae ad imagg. p. 55, Milvus, in Latin, refers to the constellation Cygnus ; cf. Ov. F. iii. 793 Stella Lycaoniam vergit declivis ad Arcton Milvus. Haec ilia nocte [xvi. Kal. April.] videnda venit ; see also Plin. xviii. 6 ; but according to Ideler, Sternnamen, p. 77, the dates given do not tally with this hypothesis, the heliacal rising of Cygnus being three months earlier ; and he prefers to assume that the statements in the older Calendars referred to the bird of passage, and were mistakenly IKTINOZ IAIAI 69 IKTINOZ (continued}. attributed to a constellation by Ovid and Pliny. I am for myself inclined to think that Ovid did allude to the constellation, but that he did not mean (nor say) that on the date in question it rose with the sun ; as a matter of fact it then rose at midnight, and was on the meridian when it disappeared at sunrise. 'IKT'IVOS is also the name of one of the mystical XUKOI or ZK proves (q. v.) in Opp. Cyneg. iii. 331. Myth and Legend. Hostile to Kopag, Arist. H. A. ix. I, 609, Ael. iv. 5, Phile, De An. 688, Cic. De Nat. Deor. ii. 49 ; friendly to 7n' r xpfpfTifciv, axnrfp ol yevvaioi TWV eira TOV p.ev eViXatfd/uei/oi/, ro 8e p.rj dwrjOevra eXetj> fjcap&f, ap.V aXXcov opviOw eii/ai TJ?J> (pavrjv : cf. ac0os. Fable of \dpos Koi IKTWOS, Aes. 239. Proverb, irpoK.vXivSe'ia-dai iKriVots, Ar. Av. 5OI j cf. Suid. eapos yap dp%op,evov LKTIVOS (paivercu. ol rrevrjres ovv dira\\ayevTes x ft P-^vos TrpoeKvXivdovvTo /cat Trpoo-CKvvovv avrovs. See also apirif], jSaTuppTjydXir), SIKTUS, eXayos. 'IAIA'1. Also IXXds, Athen. ii. 65 a, Eust. 947, 8. In some MSS. of Athen. also rv\ds. Perhaps akin to i'x^ a > i. e. Kt^Xa. A kind of Thrush : for references, see KIX\T). Gesner, Belon, and others identify l\ids as the Redwing, Turdus iliacus, L., on account of its small size (Arist. H. A. ix. 20, 617). Sundevall points out that the expression TJTTOV Trot/aX?? (1. c.) is inapplicable. In Athen. ii. 65 a (c. 68) these words are omitted from a corresponding passage; and the account of the nesting habits of ict^Xi; (H. A. vi. i) 70 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS IAIAI (continued}. are transferred to iXXay. Both the Redwing and the Fieldfare are now winter-migrants in Greece, and not very common (Kriiper, Linder- mayer, &c.). The word was probably an old or dialectic form, meaning simply thrush, to which it was sought to apply a specific meaning in Aristotle. * 'IMANTO'nOYI. A wading-bird; the name is now allotted to the Stilt. Dion. De Avib. ii. 9 a * ^' ipavTcnroo'es XeTrroI? p.ev o~ Karatdev yevvv %ovT(s ireTrrjyviav, JJLOVOV KIVOVO~I TTJV avadev. Cf. Plin. x. 47 (64). 'INAIKO'I "OPNII. The Phoenix (q. v.), Aristid. ii. p. 107 ; cf. Creuzer, Symbolik, ii. p. 167. "IN YE' opvcov TI, w xpcoi/rai ot (papp.aKides, Hesych. Vide S. V. tuyl. 'lEOBO'POI, or igo(pdyos, Athen. 65 a (*os = viscum, mistletoe, cf. Ital. vi'scada, the Missel- thrush). The Missel-thrush, Turdus vtscivorus, L. Mod. Gr. Kipiaplva (v. d. Miihle), Sej/Sporo-t'xXa on Parnassus, Kvpa Elprjvr) in Eurytania, powoTo-ix^a in Laconia (Heldreich). The only one of the true thrushes resident in Greece throughout the year (Kriiper). Arist. H. A. ix. 20, 617. Vide s. v. KixXtj. 'innAAEKTPYfi'N* TOV p.fyav a\KTpvova } rj TOV ypa(pop.evov tv 7Tpi(rTpa>fj.a(ri. ypafyovrai 8e olov ypvnes. evioi yvrra, Hesych. Cf. Ar. Ran. 932 (959), Pax 1177, Av. 800 TOV govdbv t cf. Aesch. Myrm. fr. 130, &c., &c. Note. The epithet {-ovOos is applied to various creatures, e.g. aj d\Kvai8io>, crcio-oiruyis. Arist. H. A. ii. 12, 504 a (a full and accurate description) oXi'yoi <=' res 8uo p.V [SaKrvXovs] epTrpoo-Qev 8to 8' oiriadev, olov 17 KaXovpevr) 'ivyg [cf. De Part. iv. 12, 695]. aurr; d' e'ari /LUKpco pev jueicoj/ (nrifrs, TO 8' eiSos notKiXov, idiq d' ex el T< * T iftpi- [TOVJ SaKruXouy /cat] TJ^V yX corral/ ofioiav rols e^et yap eVt fj.fjKOS eKTaariv KOI eirl rerrapa? SaKryXous, KOI TrdKiv fty eavnjv* en fie Trepiarpe^ei roi' rpa^^Xor ety Tovnicra) TOV \OITTOV r)p(p.ovvTos, KadaTTfp oi ofais. ovv%as ' e^ft /zeyaXous /xew ofJLoiovs ne(pVKOTas rols T>V KoXoiaii/' rjy Se (poavf] Tpiei (cf. Plin. xi. (47) 107). Ael. H. A. ix. 13 wyyar, epcoTLKas av0pa>7roi (paaiv elvai rives: cf. ibid. XV. 19. Mentioned among mimetic birds, Ael. H. A. vi. 19 vrroKpiveTai TOV tikayiov rj tvyt- av\6v. Superstition, interwoven with a phallic symbolism (cf. Dion. De Avib. i. 23), used the iuy as a charm to bring back a strayed lover. Find. P. iv. 214 (in connexion with Jason and Medea) TTOTVIO. 8' o|vrarou/ jSeXecov TroiKiKav Ivyya TtTpaKvap-ov Ov\vp.Tr6Qev ev aXurcp fevj-aiaa KVK\(O [icuvdd* opviv KvTrpoyei/eia (pepev 7rpS>Tov avQpamoia'i. Theocr. Id. ii"luy \Ke TO TTJVOV ep.6v TTOTi SwfjLd TOV avdpa. Gk. Anth. (Jac. iv. 140, Anth. Pal. V. 205) "luy^ f) NIKOVS 77 KCU biairovTtov \Keiv \ avdpa Kal CK OaXdfjiav naidas Trio-TafJ.evrj. Cf. Soph. Oenom. iii. I IVyya OrjprjTrjpiav epcoro?. The bird was bound upon a wheel and spun round, cf. Theocr. ii. 30; Schol. Pindar, 1. c. ap. Suid. ed. Gaisford \anpdvovo~ai yap UVTO dO~fJ.VOVO~lV K TpO^OV TIVOS, OV 7TplppOfJ.^OVO~lV O^ia TTa8oVO~ai. oi de TTotKtX&io-a, diavyeos e dp.(6vv -yXaxro-as ; cf. Creuzer, Symb. ii. 221. See also Pseudo-Zoroaster, fr. 54, ed. Cory. IYPE KAAANAPOI 73 IYFH (continued}. Bury (J. of Hellen. St. vii. pp. 157-160) supposes, chiefly from Theocritus Id. ii, and Pindar Nem. iv, that the 'ivy was originally a moon-charm or invocation to the Moon-Goddess J Io>, a theory supported by Mart. ix. 30, where rhombus is in like manner a moon-charm, as also by such parallel passages as Virg. Eel. viii. 69, and Tibull. i. 8. 21. The ury was undoubtedly thus used in lunar rites, but the bird does not cry 'lo>, 'Ia>, and the suggested derivation of its name and sanctity from such a cry cannot hold. It is interesting, however, to find that lo and ivyg do come into relation with one another, the witch who by her spells had made Zeus enamoured of lo, being transformed by Juno into the bird 'ivyg, Niceph. in Schol. ad Synesium, p. 360, Creuzer, Symb. iii. 249 ; see also Schol. Find. 1. c. It is thus quite possible that 'lo> and ?vyg are after all cognate, though the bird's cry had nothing to do with their etymology. ivyg and 'l(Bis come into relation with one another, as both connected with moon- worship ; and the dialectic form of the latter, tpvg (Hesych., ? i'fi^) suggests perhaps an ancient confusion between the two names. "IXAA. A form of K^Xa, Hesych. Cf. Lob. Path. p. 107. Also icr/cXa, I'xaXq, Hesych. : cf. Mod. Gk. i-or^Xa. 'iXNEY'MftN. An unknown or fabulous small bird ; mentioned by Nicander ap. Anton. Lib. c. 14. 'IftNA"!' ncpicrTfpd, Hesych, Vide s. v. oivds. 'IQNI'X. An unknown bird; mentioned among the opvidas Trora/uiW a/ta KOI Xi/ui/aiW, Aristoph. Hist. Anim. Epit. i. 24 (Supplem. Aristot. i. i. p. 5, Berolini, 1885). KAKKA'BH,,?. icaKicapis. *iJ/3a, Hesych. (Cf. Sk. kukkubha.) A name for the Partridge. Athen. ix. 390 a Kakovvrai 8* of TrepSiKes vn ei/tW KaKKaftai, a>s KOI UTT* 'AXAC/xai/of* err?? rciSe KOI peXos 'AXfc/zap | evpf, yey\a>(rOI' d(TKaXaV d\KTpvova>v, ovs KaXXcova? of 'Arri/col \eyowrivy Moeris. Cf. xeiXurcs. KAAOTY'nOI' 6 SpuoKoXan-rj;?, Hesych. Cf. gvXoKonos. KA'PYAOI, KAPY'AAAOI, Hesych. Vide s. v. K<5pu8os. KA'PYPOI' ot vcotrtroi, Hesych. KAIANAH'PION- IKTWOS, Hesych. A very doubtful word ; an emended reading is KCLO-W' 6rjpiov (Schmidt). KA'iniOI "OPNIZ. A remarkable bird, of three varieties, of which one croaks like a frog, one bleats like a goat, and the third barks like a dog. Full description in Ael. xvii. 33, 38. It is not identified by Gesner. KATAPPA'KTHI, s. KarapdKTTis (Arist., Codd. Med. Vatic., &c.). An unknown bird ; the references to which are so discordant as to suggest that the meaning was early lost, if indeed the name was ever applied to an actual species. It is the ' Cormorant,' j?9, of the LXX. Mentioned in Ar. Av. 886. In Soph. frr. 344, 641, applied to the Eagle and to the Harpies (cf. Hesych.), as KaTappaKrrjp is to /a'pKos, Lye. KAAANAPOI KATPEYI 75 KATAPPAKTHI (continued}. 169. In Aristotle, said to be a sea-bird, but not web-footed: mentioned as opvis Trorapoy, Aristoph. H. A. Epit. i. 24, and tfaXuo-o-io?, ib. i. 23. Arist. H. A. ii. 17, 509 TOV o-rdpi^oi; CX L (vpvv KOI TrXarvv o\ov. Ib. ix. 12, 615 opvis o~xiCo7rovs' fj p.(v Trepi $uXaTrc>, orav &e KUC% O.VTOV (is TO XP OVOV OVK eXdrTova f) oo~ov nXedpov die\doi TIS' eo~Ti 8' eXarrov From this account and from its mention in ii. 17, between TO. o-xi&TToda (con's) and ra (TTeyavoiroda (Xdpos), Aubert and Wimmer identify KarappaKTrjs with Podiceps auritus, the Eared Grebe, Mod. Gk. KapauaTaiKiov (Erh. p. 48) ; Sundevall, on the other hand, with the Little Cormorant, Phalacrocorax or Graculus pygmaeits (vide icoXoios, J3). Neither of these birds, however, suggests by its habits the name KaTappaKTTjs : and neither is white in colour, so that they at least conflict with the following excerpt from Dion. De Avib. ii. 2 cos ot T>V Xdpuv e'Xdcr- crovfs, la"xyp os &* Kct ^ T *l v XP oav Xev/cdy, Kat rails ras (pdo~cras dvaipovcriv iepai npoaro/jioios . . . (is TOV TVOVTOV ola TTITTT^V otWrai . . . Tols (TKOTreXois Kat TO'IS alyia\ols ((pi(dvei. Further, a fabulous account of the breeding-habits. According to the same author (iii. 22) aaviviv (iKovas eVi-ypa^aj/res i^ycov TOVS KaTappaKTas' criV 6pp,fj yap cos eVi Tiva KUTdTTTavTes l\6vv TOIS (raviai KOI diafpOdpovTm. These accounts are usually applied to the Gannet or Solan Goose, Sula bassana (cf. Oedmann, Act. Acad. Stockh., vii. 1786, Schneid. in Arist. vol. ii. p. 88) ; but the size is incompatible with such an identification, and the bird is not a native of Greece. The account in Plin. x. (44) 51 is wholly fabulous, and includes the story of the Birds of Diomede, ot KaTctpdo-vovaiv els ras TO>V ftapfidpcov K((pa\ds, Arist. De Mirab. 79, 836 a ; cf. Ael. i. i, and vide s. v. epwSio's. Gesner, who is followed in modern ornithological nomenclature and by the lexicographers, identified /carappaKrrjs with the Skua, Lestris catarrhactes, L., a bird which does not occur in the Mediterranean. KATPEY'l. An unknown or mystical bird. Cleitarch. fr. 18, ap. Ael. xvii. 23 /ueyetfor Trpos TOV racov* ra 8e aKpa rS)V nTp(ov (OIKS cT/uapciyScp Kal 6pS>v p,(V a'XXcos, OVK oldas olovs 6vos' OTTO /3Xe(papcoi> de oi a'lyXr] | Tre/LtTrerat, op- Bpivfjai ftoXais dvrippOTros TJOVS. | TroXXdici S' f)vefJi6(VTos vnep 8(vSpoio \iyaivav, | trvvdpovos copiWos dveir\(K. ydrova fjLoKirrjv | (poiviKeais TTTepv- yco-o-i K(Ka(rp.(vos' rj Ta^a (patrjS) | fteX7rop.ej/ov KaTprjos eco'iov vpvov dtfovuv, | opdpiov alo\68eipov drjftova KS>p.ov v(paiveiv. The description of the plumage in Aelian has suggested to some commentators the Manal or Impeyan Pheasant, Lophopus impeyanus (cf. Val. Ball, Ind. Antiq., xiv. 305, 1885), which bird is very possibly 7< A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KATPEYZ (continued). meant by the partridge larger than a vulture, Strabo, xv. i, 73, and by the a\(KTpv6i>es /xeyiorai of Ael. xvi. 2 : but the identification of Karpevs with that bird is precluded by the comparison of its voice with the Nightingale's, a statement which suggests comparison with Sk. kdtdra, melodious. The various accounts are all fabulous or mystical, and the bird is always coupled with the equally mystical wpiW. The dypeus of Ael. viii. 24, though described as TO yevos Koa-a-vfyw (ppyrup KOI (rvyyevrjs, is probably akin. KAY'AE (=Kd/ r a^) ) s. K Dutch kauuw, Eng. chough, is tempting, but unwarranted : cf. Fick, ii. 63. A diving sea-bird. \dpos, Hesych. Antim. fr. 2 (57), ap. Schol. in Apoll. Rhod. i. 1008 T)VT( ns SvTTTrjaiv es aXpvpov v80e Kavr)V : Euphor. 87 ; Leon. Tar. 74 ; Anth. P. vii. 652. Vide s. vv. KT)U, KTJ. KAYKAAl'AI, s. KaimaXos, s. KauKidXrjs. opvis TTOIOS, Hesych. KE'APOI- oprvl, Hesych. A very doubtful word. KEBAH'flYPII. In Ar. Av. 303 usually translated Redpoll (from K^ = Kv yaa\^a)vvxa)V. COTTTOI (J.6V OVV KOL TTT(lpa fjdrj, TlKTCl fie KCtl 7T\LO). Ib. vi. 2, 559 0)01 epvdpd V v\(ov TO. TroXXa, (powfjv re fjLeyaXrjv e^et* yiverai fie Trepi neXoTroi'v^a-oi/. The preceding reference is as accurate as the following is unmeaning or mystical : Ib. ix. I, 609, 610 (pi'Xoi Xaefioy Kal K\f6s' 6 fiev yap KeXeos Trapa TTOTapbv oi/cei Kal Xo^fta?' TroXefUoi KeXeos Kai Xi/3uo'?. Suid. opj/eoi/ Ta^vTaTov. The identification of KeXeo's with 78 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KEAEOI (continued}. the Green Woodpecker is said to have been first given by Gesner, cf. Schn. in Arist., vol. iii. p. 592. The bird KfXeds- figures, together with Xai'ds and others, in a very mystical story of Boios, ap. Anton. Lib. c. xix. Celeus is also the name of a mystical king of Attica, in connexion with the story of Ceres and Triptolemus ; this circumstance may be correlated with other Woodpecker-myths in Greek and Latin referred to s. v. SpuoKoXdirrris : cf. Mythogr. Vatic, i. 7. 8, iii. 7. 2 ; Schol. ad Greg. Nazianz. p. 48, ed. Gaisf., &c. On other relations between Celeus and the Ceres-myth, cf. Horn. Hymn. Cer. 475 ; Ar. Ach. 48 ; Pausan. i. 14, 38, 39, ii. 14; Anton. Lib. c. xix; vide also Creuzer's Symbolik (ed. 1836) i. 152, iv. 368, 384. KE'I~I4>OI. MSS. have also *ep,(pos, KiV^oy, yetyos. An unknown water- bird ; usually, but without warrant, identified (after Schneider in Arist., and Promt. Lips. 1786, p. 501) with the Stormy Petrel, Thalassidroma pelagica, L. According to Hesych., identical with icrjf. The accounts are fabulous, and the name is very probably foreign. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b, a sea-bird, mentioned with \dpos and aWvia. Ib. ix. 35, 620 dXlcrKovTai rw a* Kcnnovvi yap avrov, 5to 7rpo(riv ol Tiaides TO>V dAtecof. Cf. also Suidas, s. v. According to the Schol. in Ar. Pax 1067 emu TTO\VV eV rols Trrepois, 6\iyov 8c cv TOIS Dion. De Avib. ii. IO C'K TTJS KovtporrjTos ol aXiel? ovop-dfrvviv' TO yap vdoi>p aKpov Tols TToalv eVtrpe^ei Kat o~r}p,aivfi Tols d\iev(Tiv flTlTV^iav. Feeds on small fish killed by tunnies and dolphins ; sleeps seldom ; afraid of thunder. Arat. Prognost. 916 nai TTOTC v ei\rjo'a (pepovTai : cf. Schol. ; see also Theophr. Fr. vi. 28 ; Symmach. (Schol. Ar. Pax 1067) p. 217. See also Hesych. : eldos 6pvov KovfpoTarov Trepl Trjv 6d\ao~aav fitarpi/Sovros 1 , o ev%fpS)S VTTO dvefj-ov [MTayeTai' ev6ev Xeyerni 6iis Kal Kovcpos avdpwTros Kerrfpos (i. e. a booby] ; cf. Ar. Pax 1067 Keir(poi Tprjpuves: Id. Plut. 912 S) Kerrcpe (Schol. KaXemu de KOIVWS \dpos, B. gull). Hence K7T(p(odeis, Prov. vii. 22 (ed. LXX) j cf. Cic. Att. 13. 40. KEPAr*!' KopavT), Hesych. Cf. Lye. 1317. avTOK\rjTov Kfpatda applied to Medea. KE'PBEPOI. Mentioned as a bird-name in Anton. Lib., Met. c. xix; cf. s. v. Xae&o's. KEAEOZ KH= 79 KE'PGIOI. Perhaps the Tree Creeper, Certhia famih'aris, L. Vide S. v. KwiroXoyos. Arist. H. A. ix. 17, 616 b opvidiov p.iKpov' TO p,ei> rjOos Opavvsj KOI otm nepl devdpn, Kal eon tipiirotydyos, TTJV 8e dtdvoiav ev/Sioroy, Kal ri}v (pavfjv e^ti \ap.7rpdv. The passage contains several birds difficult to identify. The descrip- tion of KepQios suggests the Tree Creeper, with which it is usually identified (Belon, Sundevall, &c.), but wnroXoyos is certainly the Creeper, and the above description is not enough to reveal an indubitable synonym. KE'PKAE- tVpa|, Hesych. KEPKA'r *cpe r6 Zpveov, Hesych. KEPKIGAAI'Z, s. KpKi0a\Xis f epw&icfc, Hesych. KEPKI'Z- cidos opvfov, Hesych. KEPKl'flN. (For a discussion of possible Sk. roots, see Temple, infra cit). An Indian talking bird. Ael. xvi. 3 ; is the size of a starling, particoloured, docile, and learns to speak ; it is impatient of captivity, and gets its name eVeiSj) Kal avros Siacret'ercu rbv oppov, a>s TTOIOVVTCLI ol K/ycXoi. .In spite of these two discrepant statements, it is possible that Aelian refers to the Common Mynah, Acridotheres tristis, the Talking Mynah, Gracula religiosa, or allied species, Hind, sarak or shdrak ; Temple, Ind. Antiq. 1882, p. 291 ; Val. Ball, ib. 1885, p. 305; cf. Lassen, Ind. Alterth. iii. p. 321 (1858). KE'PKNOI- tipag, f, a\fKrpvo>v, Hesych. KEPKOPQ'NOI. An Indian bird, probably identical with Ael. xv. 14. KE'PKOI' aXeKrpua)!/, Hesych. KEPXNH'I. Vide s.v. KH'AAI. Cf. Hind. Hargela. An Indian bird; the Adjutant, Lep- toptilus argala, L. See Val. Ball, Ind. Antiq. xiv. p. 305, 1885. Ael. xvi. 4 To p-fjfdos TpiTrXdaiov cort'Sos 1 , KOI TO o~Top.a yevvctiov dtivwS) Kal p.aKpa rci crKeXr;. (frcpet de TOV Trprjyopeava Kal fKelvov p.cyto~Tov, Trpocrc/u- 0ep)) KcopvKGj), d' cv8ovTrr)0- TTCO-OVO-' as dvahir) KTJ^. Cf. Schol. opvfov 80 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KH= (contimied}. 6aXdo-aiov napaTrXrjaiov ^fXi8dj/i' evioi e Xdpov avrov Xeyovcriv, ol 8e aWviav. Cf. Hesych. KTJ' 6 \dpos /caret 'Anrtcoi/a. Xeyerai 8e Kal Kavrjf-, rives upis. Mosch. iii. 41 ovSe roa-ov yXavKols cvl KVfj.a(ri KrjpvXos qSev. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b Trtpl rrjv QaXarrav KO\ aXwow Kal KrjpvXos. Ael. v. 48 a\Kvova Kal KrjpvXov nodovvras dXXfjXotv TrdXai 'icrp.fv. Ib. vii. 17 KrjpvXos 6(jLa>vvp.oi Kal auft^toi, Kal y^pa yf Trapeipevovs avrovs emfle/Jifvai al nfpidyov&iv 7rl TG>v KaXov p.fva>v p.(o~o7TTepvyiov(Tiao~TiK6s, rives 8e d\Kvova I also Tzetzes ad Lye. 387 ; Schol. Ar. Av., Schol. Theocr. vii. 57 ; Eustath. ad Horn. II. i. 558. In Clearch. ap. Athen. x. 332 E, numbered among TOiy opvidas rovs 7rapev8iao~ras KaXovp-evovs, with rpo^iXoy and 6 rfj KpeKi npoo-ep.(pfpf)s epcoSioy. Mentioned also by Archilochus, fr. 121 ap. Ael. xii. 9 Kiyi>, and identical with KrjpvXos. In Dion. De Avib. ii. 7, applied rather to the female O.\KVUV' el TOV appeva Te\evTr)V dypoiKcov TTapoipiai (cf. Menand.Thais4,ap. Suid. and Phot. (4.132, Meineke)Ki'yKXot> Trrw^oTtpos). Kivel df TO. ovpaui TTTepd. Cf. Aristoph. in Antiar. (2. 955) ap. Ael. 1. c. oo-v S' eg aKpav, 8iaKiyK\io~ov TJVTC KiyK\ov. Autocr. in Tympan. (2. 891) ap. Ael. 1. C. oia rraiovo-i -napOtvoi . . . oia KtyK\os aXXcrat. Cf. also Theogn. 1257 KiyK\os rro\vn\dyKTos : also verb /ayKX/o>, Theogn. 303, npoo-Kiy- K\iop,ai, Theocr. v. 117 ; also KiyXo/3arai/ pvOpov Aristoph. fr. 6 (2. 997) ap. Ael. 1. c. Vide Hesych. /ay/cXo?, opveov TTVKVMS TTJV ovpav KIVOVV' acp* ov Kal TO KiyK\Leiv, o ean Siao-ei'ecr&u* TLVCS de o-[e]i(ro7ruyiSa. Sundevall takes KiyK\os to be a Sandpiper, Tringa sp., chiefly, as it seems, because vxoiviXos is doubtless a name for the Wagtail, Motacilla. But I prefer to believe that KiyK\os is also a Wagtail, firstly because the movement is much more characteristic and noticeable in that bird than in the Sandpiper, secondly because of the statement as to its size, and G 82 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KITKAOI (continued}. thirdly because of its asserted tameness in captivity. The statement in Aelian, about the nest (also ap. Phile, 492), may perhaps be explained by the fact that, according to Kriiper, the Wagtails in Greece all leave the plains in summer to breed, resorting to the hills, or in the case of M. melanocephala to the salt-marshes and lagoons. At the same time it is evident that allusions to Kiy/cXoy, &c., are much influ- enced by notions and superstitions connected with the bird iuy. KirKPA'MAI- Spveov, Hesych. Cf. Ku'xpajJios. Kl'KIPPOI, s. KIKKOS, and KIKKTJ. Cock and Hen, Hesych. Cf. Mod. Gk. KOKKopas, KIKKA'BH. Also Kucu|3os, KiKujStjl's, KIKUJAOS, KITUJJUS, Hesych. KIKUJJLIS. Call. fr. 318. Perhaps connected also with KvpivSis, s. An Owl. Lat. cicuma (Festus). Schol. ad Ar. Av. 262 ; sub voce KiKKaftav. Tas yXavKas ourw \eyovcriv' oBtv KOI KiKKafBas extras Xeyovoui/, 01 5e Ki/cu/it'Sa?, oas "/capr' dyadfj KIKU/ZIJ," KOI "OfjLrjpos Se u ^aXfaSa KiK\r)orK.ov. Vide s.v. KOKKopdpT]. KIKYMHTZ" yXav^, Hesych. Also ib. KiTUjJtii'a' yXaC/ca ; qy. KiKUfxiSa. Cf. KIKKCI|3TJ. KIAI'AI' vpop,ai.) KINY'TIAOr xapaSpid?, Hesych. A very doubtful word. Kl'PlI* \i>xvos, opveov, r) * AaKuves, Hesych. Also Kippis' etSos lepaKos. o/zoiW 8e Xe-yerai Trapa Kvrrpiois Kippis 6 "Adavis, napa AaKaxri Se, 6 \vxos, Et. M. Cf. Kvpis, 6 "AScom, Hesych. These refer- ences are important in connexion with the solar symbolism underlying the stones of Ciris, KrjpvXos, &c. ; cf. the version of the Ciris-myth, s. v. V Ofj-onTepav (^)d/3w, Pr. V. 857 Ki'pccoi TreXeiaii' ov naKpav XeXei/z/zeVoi (note in this passage the association with Egyptian *Ena7r/a 7roXejutos, cf. Ael. v. 48, Phile, 704, Wotton, De Diff. Anim. vii, 143, &c. In Plin. x. 8 circos occurs as an alternative reading for aegithus\ cf. circus as the name of a gem, similis accipitri, Piin. xxxvii. 10. Mentioned as hostile to the Dove also in Ael. iii. 46, v. 50 at 8 Trepi- (TTfpal Trpos aercov fj.(v K\ayyr)V Kal yvir&v flappov&i, KipKcoz/ de KOI dXtaera)^ OVKCTI : to rpvy&v and to Kopa)vrj, ib. vi. 45 ; to KIPKTJ, ib. iv. 5> 5^ 5 anc ^ to mice, Batrach. 49. How it places chicory (niKpis) in its nest as a charm, Ael. i. 35, Phile, 722, or wild lettuce, aypia dpidaKivrj, Geopon. G 2 84 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KIPKOI (continued}. xv. i. 19, with which it salves its eyes, Anatol. p. 297 (cf. iepa) ; and is killed by pomegranate-seed (poias o-idrjv Konelo-av) , Ael. vi. 46, Phile,637- Used by fowlers, Opp. Cyn. i. 64 CLVTOIS eVi dpvpa o-iW/iTropo? ea-nero Kip/cor. The bird is not identifiable as a separate species, and is so recog- nized by Scaliger and others. Neither the brief note as to its size in a corrupt passage of the ninth book of the History of Animals, nor the mystical references to its alleged hostilities and attributes in Aristotle, Aelian, and Phile, are sufficient to prove that the name indicated at any time a certain particular species. The word is poetical, and is chiefly used in relation to TreXeta, or with reference to Apollo. The attempts on the part of commentators to assign KipKos to a particular species are all based on the epithet Xerrapyos. Thus Sundevall suggests the Hen Harrier or Ringtail, Circus cyaneus, of which the male is blueish-grey : while Belon and others of the older naturalists, followed by Camus, assigned the name to the Moor Buzzard or Marsh Harrier, C. aeruginosus, which is only white beneath the tail. But the meaning of \tirapyos is in reality unknown ; it will not bear using, nor is it likely to have been used, as a specific or diagnostic epithet. Cf. s.v. Truyapyog. The chief allusions to KtpKos are obviously mystical, though the underlying symbolism, involving also the symbolic meanings of the Hoopoe, the Dove, the Crow, the Fox, the Pomegranate, &c., is not decipherable. In this connexion, the passage in Opp. Cyn. iii. 293-339 is important and suggestive, but I refrain from putting forward a tenta- tive hypothesis as to its meaning ; we have here enumerated five kinds of XUKOI, of which the first is ro^eur^p or ovd6s, the next three are Kipicog, xpiVeo?, IKTIVO?, and the last Orjpevei eiri 7rra>Keoro-ti/ opoucof, i.e. is Xayaxpovos (the last two are called axixoccg, q. v.) ; of these five names the last four are all also names or epithets of hawks. Kl'PYAOI, Hesych., for iceipuXog, KTjpuXos. Kl'ZIA, s. Ki-n-a, also Keto-o-a (Hesych.). The Jay, Garrulus glan- darms, L. Mod. Gk. KiWa (Heldr.); cf. Ital. Gazza, in its many dialectic forms. Perhaps one of the many bird-names connected with rt. kak, to cry, quasi ktk-ja (v. Edl., p. 52); cf. Sk. kikt, a Jackdaw, with which Von Edlinger connects O. H. G. heh-aro, Germ. Haher, the Nutcracker. See also s.v. Ar. Av. 302, 1297; with ed. ^vpaicovo-ios. Arist.H. A. viii. 3, 592 b persecuted by eXeor and alya>\io$. (Cf. De Gen. iv. 6, 774 b ; Plin. x. 79 [60].) Arist. H. A. ix. 13, 615 b, 6l6 (jxovas /iera/3aXXei ir\fiv K rpi\S)V Kal epiow : makes a Store of acorns, orav 8' vrro\t7ra)(nv at fiaXavoi, dnoKpimTovora ra^teverat. Ib. ix. 2O, 617 a, is the size of to/3opo?, the Missel-Thrush. Its garrulity: Alexid. Thras. i (3, 420 Mein.) XaXi, Poll. v. 90. How it is caught with a springe and bait of olive, Dion. De Avib. iii. 1 8. Mentioned also in frr. Antiph. 3. 145, Anaxand. 3. 185, Mnesim. 3. 570 (Meineke). According to Nicand. ap. Anton. Lib. c. 9, one of the Emathides, daughters of Pierus, was metamorphosed into the bird /a'o-0-a ; cf. Ovid, Met. v. 294, 663 ; Mart. Ep. xiv. 76 ; Pers. Prol. ; Plin. x. 33. Sundevall supposes the Magpie (which is very much rarer in Greece than the Jay) to have been meant, but the description tallies much better with the Jay, which still retains the name. The Magpie is now called KctpctKaga (Heldr.). In Italian, gazza, che'ca, cecca, pica, &c., apply both to the Magpie and to the Jay, as very possibly Kicraa also did in Greek. Pliny (x. 29) gives an accurate account of the Magpie, describing it as a variety of pica of recent advent to the neighbourhood of Rome. KI'IIIPII, Suid., Kiaipias, Hesych. An unknown bird. KI'XAH. Dor. Kixfa (Ar. Nub. 339, Epicharm. in Athen. ii. 64 f (68)). A Thrush : the generic term including IXids s. IXXds, t|op6pos, rpixas, q. v. The root appears in Russ. kwickzol, a thrush, with which ouzel is perhaps cognate. Mod. Gk. r^Xa. Cf. also "x^a, 'ioxXa. Mentioned in Od. xxii. 468 Kt^Xai rawo-inrfpoi. Homer is said to have received a present of xt^Xat for reciting a certain poem, hence called 'Efl-tJuxXidre: Menaech. ap. Athen. ii. 65 b. Description. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b, ix. 22, 6l7b, is as large as Trvyapyos, and a little larger than fj-aXaKOKpavevs. Ib. ix. 49 B. 632 b /^6Ta/3dXXei 8e Kat rj KI'^XTJ ro xpaijua* TOV pev yap ^Lp.wvos ^apa, rov Se Oepovs TroiKiXa TO. nepl TOV av^eVa to-^ei' TYJV /xei/roi (pwrjv ovftev /Ltera- /3aXX. Cf. Ael. xii. 28. This would suggest a confusion of species : the more variegated birds being Fieldfares and Redwings ; the latter are said to occur in large flocks in Spring (v. d. Miihle), though all alike have departed by Summer. Its song alluded to, Ar. Ach. 1116 noTfpov aKpides rjSi6v ecrnv, r) Kt'^Xai ; Ar. Pax 531, &C. Nesting. Builds in a spray of myrtle, 6a\\ov (jivppivrjs, or places one in the nest for a charm, Ael. i. 35, Phile, De An. 723, Geopon. xv. I, 19, Anatol. p. 298 : cf. Fab. Aes. 194. A different account, Arist. H. A. vi. I, 559 a * 8e Kt'^Xai veomav p.ev noLovvrai, ucrirep al ^eXi8dj/ey IK. rryXov 86 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KIXAH (continued}. TT\ rols v^qXoTs T>V dfvdpav, (p^ijs Se TTOLOVO-LV a\\rj\ais Kai WOT* dvai 8ia TTJV os.) The Missel-Thrush is, now at least, the only species, except the Blackbird, which remains to breed in Greece or Asia Minor. Migration. Arist. H. A. viii. 1 6, 600 $coXe?, f. e. hibernates. Cf. Plin. x. 24 (35) Abeunt et merulae turdique. Sed plumam non amittunt nee occultantur ; visi saepe ibi quo hibernum pabulum petunt : itaque in Germania hyeme maxime turdi cernuntur. Varieties. Arist. H. A. ix. 2O, 617 KIX^W $ etSq rptcT f] p.ev tgofiopos [lov. KIXAH KOKKYE 87 KNIflOAOTOI. (MSS. have also Kvi8o\os, KviooXoyos, The Tree Creeper, Certhiafamiliaris, L. Vide s. v. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 TO p-eyedos piKpbs oo~ov aKavdvXXis, rfjv 8e %poav tne Tawny Owl, Sp. chucha ; vide O. Keller, Lat. Etym. 1893, p. n i. Bikelas cites, from Wagner's Carm. Gr. Med. Aevi, the form KouKou^as. Coray would read for KOKKopdprj, KOKKojSorj, and for KiKKaftrj (q. V.), KtKaj3oY]. KOKKOBO'AI "OPNII. 6 aXefcrpuwi/, vapa 2oV cXaTTOvow opvidcov fvriKTfi KdTa (paj35>v veoTTials . . . TIKTCI 8' oXtyaKi? fiev 8uo, ra 5e 7T\(l(TTa ev. cvTiKrei 8e KOI TTJ TIJS VTroXatSos i/eoTrta" f] 8' fKircTrci Kal eKrpeCpei. Id. H. A. ix. 29, 6l8a TIKTCI /uaXtora p.i> fv rals T>V (paftuv Kal ev VTroXaiSoff Kal Kopvdov X a / xat '> ^ SevSpov 8' ev rfj TTJS xXwpi'Sos xaXov- fJievrjs VCOTTLU. TIKTCI ev MOV. orav av^dvrjrai 6 TOV KOKKvyos veorros, K/3aXXei ra avrrjs [rj Tpe(pov(ra] Kal anroXXui/rai OVTWS. ol 8e Xeyov&iv a)S Kal drroKTeivacra 17 rpefpovcra 8i'8a)(ri KaTafpayelv' Sta yap TO KaXov elvai TOV TOV KOKKvyos veoTTOv d7roSoKifJ.d(iv TO. avTrjs. Id. De Mirab. 3. 830 b TOVS KOKKvyas TOUV ev Ty 'EXi/c^ (?), ev rats veoTTiais T>V V Tpvyovov 88 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KOKKYE (continued}. fVTLKreiv. See also Arist. De Gen. iii. I, 750, Ael. iii. 30, Theophr. Caus. PI. ii. 18, 9, Dion. De Avib. i. 13, Plin. x. (9) 26, Phile, De An. Pr. xxiv. A species that builds its own nest : Arist. H. A. vi. 7, 564 veorrevei yevns TI aiiT&v Troppco Km fv aTroro/iois Trerpcus. [Ib. vi. I, 559> KOKKV probably for Korrvcpos]. The Cuckoo is said by Kriiper (p. 184) to lay in Greece chiefly in the nest of Sylvia orphea, and also of the species of Saxicola. Coccystes glandarius, the Great Spotted Cuckoo, which also occurs in Greece, (Mod. Gk. Kpavos), lays in the nests of the Jackdaw, Magpie and Crow. The repeated statement that KOKKV^ lays in the nest of 7roXaiV, wihch are based on its being some bird in whose nest the Common Cuckoo habitually lays its egg ; see also S. v. irdmros. Migration. Arist. H. A. vi. 7, 563 b (paiWrai eV 6\iyov \povov TOV OepovS) TOV Se ^fi/zcai/a dterai. Ib. IX. 49 B, 633 /xera/3dXXei TO XP&>M a Kal rfj fytovfj [ov] o-a(pr]vi(i, orav pe\\rj d(pavifcrdai' d(pai/ifrai 8' VTTO Kvva, (pavepbs de yiverat OTTO TOV eapos ap^a^-evos l*-*XP L Kvvos fViToX^s 1 . Cf. Ael. iii. 30 oparai 6 KOKKV^ rjpos vnap^of^fvov els avaToXas Seipi'ou : Dion. De Avib. i. 13 irp&TOS TU>V Xonr&v TTTrjv&v fjfjuv TO cap dyycXXcoi/. Metamorphosis with the Hawk, Arist. H. A. vi. 7, 563 b, ix. 49 B, 633. Cf. Plut. Arat. xxx (i. 1041 C) KOI Kadd-rrep rep Koiwvyl (fyrjviv AUTOOTTOJ TOVS XfTTTOVS OpVlOdS, OTl yOlV dVTOV, LnLV tKflVOVg O)? eCTTdl e teVa| (Acs. Fab. 198, ed. Halm). Cf. also Tzetz. ad Lye. 395. See also supra, s. vv. TTOI|/, Kipicos. Other Myths and Legends. How Jupiter, in the shape of a Cuckoo, sought Hera on Mount Thornax ; and how for this reason the cuckoo figures on Hera's sceptre, Pausan. ii. 17, 4: cf. Schol. ad Theocr. xv. 64 ; hence the mountain was called 6'poy KoKKvyiov, Pausan. ii. 36, i ; cf. Creuzer, Symb. iii. 248; cf. also the Teutonic Gauchsberg, Grimm,. D. Myth. p. 646, &c. From its propinquity to Sparta, and from the circumstance of the Cuckoo having come in a cloud, Creuzer (1. c.) conjectures an allusion to the same story in Ar. Av. 814; cf. also the weather prophecy in Hesiod, 1. c. How the Cuckoo was king over Egypt and Phoenicia, Ar. Av. 504. In these latter statements we have evidence of a confusion with the KOKKYE- KOAOI02 89 KOKKYE (continued}. Hoopoe, vide s. vv. eiro\|f, KouKoua ; for the relations between the Cuckoo and the Hoopoe, Der Kuckuk und sein Kiister, v. Grimm, 1. c. On the mythology of the Cuckoo, see also (int. al.} Von Mannhardt, Zeitsch. f. d. Myth. iii. pp. 209-298 ; Hardy, Pop. Hist, of the Cuckoo, Folk-lore Record, pt. ii ; Hopf, Orakelthiere, p. 152. How the Atnphisbaena, alone among serpents, appears before the Cuckoo is heard, i.e. in early spring, Plin. xxx. (10) 25; a magic remedy for fleas, Plin. I.e.; a Cuckoo in a hare-skin, a remedy for sleeplessness, Plin. xxx. (15) 48; the Cuckoo as food, Plin. x. 9 ; cf. Arist. H. A. vi. 7, 564 (spurious passage). KO'AAPII. Vide s. v. KOAAYPl'fiN, s. Ko/ttAA/eoi', Hesych. An undetermined bird. Arist. H. A. ix. 23, 6l/b ra aura eV$/ ra> Korru^w . . . dXiVKerai Se Kara ^eijuwi/a /ndXtara. Is of a size with KOTTVvs, Belon's unsupported hypothesis of the Shrike (Observ. ii. 98) is handed down in the modern scientific name of Lanius collurio. Buffon, quoted by Camus, ii. p. 238, says (Hist. Des Ois. ii. p. 70) that in Mod. Gk. the Shrike is called xoXXuptW ; there is no recent evidence of this. Gloger suggests with more probability, Turdus j L., the Fieldfare, KOAOIO'I, a. The Jackdaw. Corvus monedula, L. Root very doubtful. Mod. Gk. KoXotoy, KaXoiciKovda. Hesych. KoXoidV [opi>eoi/] 6 oti ra^a oparat tv 'AAeai>pei'a '. also, KoXoiot' (TKooTres'j p-i/epai nopwvai. II. xvi. 583 ; xvii. 755 fyapwv vefiv : hence the verb KoAoiaa), Poll. v. 89. Frequent in Aristophanes ; Av. passim, Ach. 875, Vesp. 129, Eq. 1020, &c. Arist. H. A. ix. 24, 617 b 6i5j/ rpia* KopaKias, XUKOS, j3a>fj,oXox S 5 q. v. Ib. ii. 17? 5^9 T ^ Trpo? Trjv KoiXiav relvov f\(i evpv KOL TrXaru. Its claws are weaker than those of 8pvoKo\dnrr]s ) ib. ix. 9, 614 (here Schneider, followed by Sundevall, would read for KoXoieov, Ko\iS>v s. KeXeoiv). De Gen. iii. 6, 756 b f) Tols pvy^ari els a\\rj\a Koivavia d>j\ov eVi ratv ndao'evo- How the Jackdaw, a victim to sociality, is caught with a dish of oil, into which, looking at his own reflection, he falls ; Ael. iv. 30, Athen. ix. 393 b, Dion. De Avib. iii. 19. Caught also with springes baited with an olive, Dion. ib. iii. 18. A weather-prophet, of KoXotot e* T&V vr\repa>, Kpvfj.ov /cat verov drjXovai, Arist. ap. Ael. vii. 7 j cf. Theophr. De Sign. vi. I ; Arat. 1023, 1026 ; Ovid, Amor. ii. 6, 34 pluviae graculus auctor aquae ; Lucret. v. 1082. In augury, frequent. Ar. Av. 50 x K^vfv : cf. W. H. Thompson's note on Plat. Phaed. 249 D. How the Jackdaws, destroying the grasshoppers' eggs, are cherished by the Thessalians, Illyrians, and Lemnians, Ael. iii. 12, Plin. xi. 29. How the Veneti bribe the Jackdaws to spare their crops, and how the Daws respect the compact, Ael. xvii. 16, Antig. Hist. Mir. 173 (189), Arist. De Mirab. ii. 9, 841 b. On the construction of scare-crows, cf. Geopon. xiv. 25. Story of a Jackdaw enamoured of a certain youth, Ael. i. 6, xii. 37. The Jackdaw in medicine, Plin. xxix. (6) 36, xxx. (n) 30, &c. Uses laurel as a remedy, Plin. viii. 27. Fables. The Daws and the Husbandman, Babr. xxxiii. The Daw in borrowed plumes, ib. Ixxii : also KO\OIOS KOI y\avg, in Fab. Aes. ed. Halm, 200 ; Phaedr. i. 3 ; cf. Luc. Apol. 4 KoXotos aXXorpiois vrrepot? cryaXWai : Hor. Ep. 1.3. 19, 2o moveat cornicula risum, Furtivis nudata coloribus. See also Aes. Fab. 201, 202, 398. Proverb. KO\OIOS irapa KO\OIOV idvei, Arist. Rhet. i. II, 1371 b ; cf. Nic. Eth. viii. 2, 1155, &c. KaK&v navdpiore Ko\oiS>v, Lucian, Fugit. 30 (3, 382). Of chatterers, TroXXot yap /utWi o-$e KaraKpa>^ovPYE' Tavaypalos aXe/crp^toi/, Hesych. KOAOKTPYfli'N. In Hesych., supposed to be based on an ancient error in MS. Ravenn. of Ar. Ran. 935, for Kd\cKTpv6va. KOAYMBI'I, s. KoXvrfos (Ar. Ach.), KoXu/ujSas (Athen. 395 e, Anton. Lib.). A water-bird ; especially a Grebe. KOAOIOZ KOPAE 91 KOAYMBII (continued}. Ar. Av. 304, Ach. 875, brought to market from Boeotia. Mentioned among the water-birds in Arist. H. A. i. I, 487, viii. 3, 593 b; Alex. Mynd. in Athen. ix. 395 d 77 p.iKpa KoXv/u,/3is 7rai/ra>i> Aa^um} TO>V evvSpcov, pVTrapofjieXaiva rfjv XP oiav KOI TO pvyxos ov e^ei, {TKeVroi/ re (lect. dub.) ra o/up.ara, ra Se TroXXckKaraSuerai. Dion. De Avib. ii. 12 roi? KoXvpfiois eo~T\v del TO vrj\0~6ai , KOI ovS' ay VTTVOV X l *P lv % Tpofprjs eVi r>)i> yrjv eX$oiep, K.r.A. : ib. iii. 24, capture of KoXvpfiis at night, with net and lantern. The above passage from Alex. Mynd., so far as it is intelligible, is a good description of the Little Grebe or Dabchick, Podiceps minor, L., which is a common resident in Greece (Mod. Gk. /SourqKrdpa). In Arist. De Part. iv. 12 we find a minute account of the Grebe's foot, but without a name. According to Nicand. ap. Anton. Lib. c. ix, one of the Emathides, daughters of Pierus, was metamorphosed into the bird Ko\vp,pas. KO'MBA* Kopavrj, noXvpprjvioi, Hesych. KONTl'AOI- ddos opve'ov, ^ 6pri;, Hesych. It is possible that the word may be connected with KoVros, and that it may relate to the game of opTvyoKOTTta, or quail-tapping. KOPAKI'AI. Also KopaKiKos (synonymous according to Hesych.). A Chough. Pyrrhocorax alpinus, the Alpine Chough, and Fregilus graculus, the Cornish Chough ; both found in Greece, the latter more rarely. Mod. Gk. KaXiaKovda in Attica, Kopuvo-n-ovXt in Laconia (Heldr.). Arist. H. A. ix. 24, 617 b. A sort of KO\OLOS' oa-ov Kopo>j>?7, pvy%os. Hesych. 6 p.e\as KoAoio'y, KOI Kopaicivos 6/ KO'PAE, a. The Raven. Corvus corax, L. Cf. Sk. kar-dvas, L. cor-vus t Sw. krd-ka, O. N. hro-kr, A. S. hro-c, Eng. crow, rook, O. N. hra-fn, Eng. raven : the same root in Kpo>, crepare, raucus, O. H. G. hruofan, Ger. rufen, Eng. croak. Mod. Gk. Kopag, KopaKas, Kop- Kopag (Erh.). Dim. Kopaicii'os, Ar. Eq. 1053 ; KopaicurKOs, Gloss. Not in Homer. Poet., frequent, with the idea of ravenous, carrion- feeding, e.g. Aesch. Suppl. 751, Ag. 1473 ; Gk. Anthol. (Jac.) iv. 179 ayKei/jiai p.ya delnvov ap.Tpo{3iois Kopa.Kecro~t. Hence Prov. els KopaKas, Ar. Vesp. 51, 852, Nub. 123, 133, 789, Pax 500, 1221, Thesmoph. 1226, &c., Arist. fr. 454, 1552 b, Plut. ix. 415, Lucian, Alex. 46 (2, 552) ; frequent also in the comic fragments. See also the long note of Photius ; cf. also Antisthenes ap. D. L. vi. 1,4 Kpelrroj/ e'Xeye Tas : cf. Pallad. 32, Gk. Anthol. iii. 121 p KOI X povov 92 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KOPAH (continued}. ftceplfct, J XOITTOV T avTo Kopa /Sco/ioXd^oy re KoXa. With epithet Eur. Andr. 862. Anatomical particulars. Arist. De Part. iv. I, 626 b TO pvyxos e^ei lo~xvpbv KOL 07cX7pdV, TOV oTOfia^ou TO ?rp6ff TTJV Koi\iav Tiivov cvpv KOI nXarv, Xo\rjv irpbs TOIS evrepois. Breeding. Arist. De Gen. iii. 6, 756 b f) p.ev o^eia oXiycm? oparai, f) Se TOIS pvyxevi Kpbs aXXi;Xa Koii/am'a TroXXafci?, eiori yap Ttvey 01 Xeyovo-i Kara TO o-TO/ia p.iyvvI> fupeladai ras (rTayovas, ib. vi. 19. ov n(Ta(3d\\ct TOVS TOTTOVS ov Arist. H. A. ix. 23, 6i7b. How the Ravens pick out sheeps' eyes, Ar. Av. 582. Myth and Legend. How there are never more than two Ravens Trepi Tfjv Ka^ov/jLevrjv KOTTTOI/ in Egypt, Ael. vii. 1 8 ; at Krannon in Thessaly, Arist. De Mirab. 126, 842 b, Plin. x. (12) 15 ; in Pedasia in Caria, Arist. De Mirab. 137, 844 b. In this last instance they inhabit the temple, and one has a white throat. Perhaps the nopals here were priests or priestesses, cf. ir^Xeia. See also Arist. H. A. ix. 31. On the KopaKes or *opd/aa, as a grade in the Mithraic hierarchy, cf. Porphyr. De Abst. iv. 16, Hieronym. ad Laet. 7, Diodor. i. 62, Inscr. Griiter. p. 1087. 4, &c. ; cf. Montfaucon, ii. p. 377, Creuzer's Symbolik i. p. 253, Miinter ad Jul. Firmic. v. p. 20, &c. Creuzer (i. p. 431) correlates the Indian myth of Brahma appearing in one of his incarnations as a Raven, and compares in turn this latter story (ii. p. 655) with that in Herod, iv. 15. The Raven of Odin is, perhaps, also cognate. The Raven as a messenger of Apollo. Hesiod, fr. 125 (142) ap. Schol. Pind. P. 48 (28) TO> /ieV ap' a'yyeXoy ^X$e Ko'pa itprjs OTTO SaiTOS | IlvdS) es fjyadfrjv KCU p ecppao-fv epy didrjXa | $oi/3a> aKepo-Kop.r) : cf. Ael. i. 47 'ATrdXXtoi/off Bepdrrav, with which cf. famulum in Cat. Ixvi. 57, and Ellis's note ; see also Bianor iv in Gk. Anthol. ii. 142 oi'/3ou XaTpts: Ael. i. 47, 48, vii. 18, Porph. De Abst. iii. 5, Stat. Silv. ii. 4 Phoebeius ales, &c. Hence with the laurel-emblem, on coins of Delphi. Hence also Stat. Theb. iii. 506 comes obscurus tripodum ; Petron. Sat. c. 122 delphicus ales. KOPAE 93 KOPAE (continued}. The legend of Coronis (Paus. ii. 26, 6), mother of Aesculapius : the raven sent for water by Apollo, and punished for dallying by the way ; hence the raven, alone of birds, does not bring water to its young : Dion. De Avib. i. 9, Phil. De An. Pr. vi : cf. Callim. fr. nuper edit., Gompertz, Mitth. a. d. Rainersammlung, 1893, Kenyon, Class. Rev. 1893, p. 430. See further, Ael. i. 47; also Ovid, F. ii. 249, where Corvus in the same story appears as a constellation ; according to Hyginus, Poet. Astron. c. xl, the raven waited to devour some ripening figs, and the punishment of everlasting thirst is correlated with the juxtaposition of the constellations Corvus and Crater, which latter the Hydra guards (Ovid, F. ii. 243 Continuata loco tria sidera Corvus et Anguis, Et medius Crater inter utrumque iacet). Hence Prov. *o/:;a vdpevfi, Hesych., Suid. In the version of the same story in Ovid, Met. ii, the raven was originally white (v. 536) Nam fuit haec quondam niveis argentea pennis Ales, ut aequaret totas sine labe columbas ; a world- wide legend : cf. Hygin. Fab. 202, Cower, Conf. Amant. iii, &c. On the name Coronis in connexion with Moon-symbolism, cf. Pott in Lazarus and Steintheil's Zeitschr., xiv. p. 18, 1883. It is skilled in augury, Ael. i. 48 ; cf. Aes. Fab. 212, Plin. x. (12), 15, Cic. Divin. i. 39, Ovid, Met. ii. 534, Plaut. Aulul. iv. 3, i, Id. Asin. ii. i, 12, Hor. Car. iii. 17, Stat. Theb. iii. 506, Petron. Sat. 122, Valer. Max. i. c. 4, Festus, 197, c. How ravens conducted Alexander to the Temple of Jupiter Ammon, and subsequently gave warning of his death, Plut. V. Alex. c. 27. How the ravens flocked to Delphi, and despoiled the gifts of the Athenians, before the Sicilian disaster, Pausan. x. 15, 5. How ravens guided the Boeotians to the site of a new city, Photius, s. v. es Kopaicas. How all the ravens departed from Athens and the Peloponnese on the defeat of Medius at Pharsalus, Arist. ix. 31, 618 b : cf. Plin. x. 15 ; see Schneider in loc., and ad Xen. Hellen. ii. 3, 4, further Diodor. xiv. 82, and Strab. xi. p. 591. Some similar incident seems to be alluded to in Ar. Eq. 1052 dXX' lepaKa fJLOV (nrepfjui) Ael. vi. 46. Is hostile to iKrlios, alaraXav, ovos, Arist. H. A. ix. I, 609 b, Ael. v. 48, Phile, 388, 705, and to Phile, 690. A raven and an ass together on a coin of Mindaon, Imh. Bl., and Kell., p. 32, pi. 24 (the constellation Corvus set shortly after Cancer, with which latter the Ass is associated). The hare detests the voice of the raven, Ael. xiii. 1 1 (and the constellation Lepus sets soon 94 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KOPAE (continued}. after the rising of Corvus, as does also Taurus). The raven is friendly to the fox, Arist. H. A. ix. I, 609 b. The raven's eggs dye the hair and the teeth black, Ael. i. 48, Phile, De An. vi, Plin. xxix. (6) 34. The raven in medicine, Plin. xxix. (4) 13, &c. After killing a chameleon, the raven uses a leaf of laurel as an antidote to the reptile's venom, Plin. viii. (27) 41. For an account of the various Raven-myths discussed in connexion with the astronomic symbolism of the constellation Corvus, see Hygin. Poet. Astron. xl, Fab. ccii, German, c. xl, Eratosthen. c. xli, Theon. p. 151, Vitruv. ix. 7, Ovid. 1. c., Dupuis, Orig. de tous les cultes, vi. p. 457,&c. A "Weather-prophet. A prophet of storm : Arat. 963-969 89 TTOTC Kal yeveal KOpaKav Kal p vas Kal edv (pdeipifrrai eV e'Xaiay' KOI edv re evStas fdv re vdaros ovros /zi/i^rai r,^ (pavfj olov ffTaXaypovs v8a>p o-rjfjialvti (vide Aratus, 1. c.), cf. ib. c. 3 ; Arist. ap. Ael. vii. 7 ra^ecoff KOI eVirpox 009 Ts \ rrXciorepot, dye\r)8bv eTrrjV KO'LTOIO (pavfjs e/n7rXeioi : cf. Theophr. op. cit. vi. 4, 13, Q. Smyrn. xii. 513, Geopon. i. 2, 6; i. 3, 8, Plin. xviii. 87, Virg. G. i. 382, 410. In the Georgics, the allusion is evidently to rooks, as is perhaps also the case, though more doubtfully, in Aratus ; cf. W. W. Fowler, ' A Year with the Birds ' (3rd ed.), p. 234. Varieties. White ravens, Arist. H. A. iii. 12, 519 : cf. De Color. 6, 799 b ; Cod. Rhod. Lect. Antiq. xvii. i i ; though \evKos Kopag = cygnus niger, an unheard-of thing, Anth. Pal. xi. 417 (Jac. iv. 130) TI 7retpaeiff \*VKOV Idelv KopaKa ; see also Photius, s. v. cs Athen. 359 E; Lucian, Epigr. 9 (3, 689) Qarrov crjv \CVKOVS Trrrjvds re ^eXcoj/as | (vpelv rj doKtpbv pyropa KamradoKrjv ; cf. Schol. in Ar. Nub. 133 ; Juv. Sat. vii. 202. Cf. fable of *opa KCU KVKVOS, Acs. 206. According to Boios and Simmias, ap. Anton. Lib. c. xx, Lycias, son of Cleinis, was metamorphosed into a white Raven. The ravens in Egypt are smaller than in Greece, Arist. H. A. viii. 28, 606. a fabulous variety, Lucian, Ver. Hist. i. 16. Kopa KOPAE KOPYAAAOZ 95 KOPAE (continued}. in Athen. 353 a, and *opa wKrepivos in Lucian Asin. 12 (ii. 581), for yuKTiKopaS, q.v. On talking Ravens, Porph. De Abst. iii. 4, Plin. x. (43) 60, &c. Fables. Fable of the pitcher and the stones, Bianor iv, in Gk. Anthol. ii. 142 ; Ael. ii. 48, vii. 7. Fox and Crow, Babr. 77, Aes. (ed. Halm), 204 : cf. Hor. Sat. ii. 5, 56. The Sick Raven, Babr. 78, Aes. 208 TLS T(ov 6eS>v, TCKVOV, /z6y ov% V Sevdpav Koi veoTTfvei evTavQa p.6vos TtoV TOIOVTWV. The Cormorant appears in various Italian dialects as cormoran^ coruo marin, corvastro, &c., the Little Cormorant (vide s. v. KoXoiog) as corvo marin piccolo, and in Venetia, corveto marin, i. e. Sea-Jackdaw (Giglioli). The corvus aquaticus of Plin. xi. (37) 47, mentioned as bald (quibus apud Graecos nomen est inde), and therefore presumably identical with the phalacrocorax, ib. x. (48) 68, must have been a different bird. KO'PAOI. An unknown bird, Hesych. According to Schn., for icopvcpos, whence fxeXayicopu^os. KO'PGIAOI- opvts ov rives fiaviXio-Kov, Hesych. Cf. rp6)(iXos. KO'PKOPA' opvis, Hepymot, Hesych. KOPY'AAAOI. K<5pu8o, s. KopuSos, Plato, Euthyd., Ar. Av. 302, 472, &c., Anaxandrides ap. Athen. iv. 131, Arist. H. A. &c., Theocr. vii. 141, Plut. De Is., &c., Galen, &c. ; icopuSaXX^, Epich. 25 Ahr. ; KopuSaXXts, Simon. 68 ; KopuSaXis, Phile, De An. Pr. 683 ; KopuSaXXos, s. KopuSdXos, Theocr. x. 50, Babr. 88, Eubul. fr. ap. Phryn., Arist. H. A. ix. 15; icopuSwy, Arist. H. A. ix. i, 609, cf. Schol. ad Ar. Av. 303 ; ic6pu6os, Hesych. (a doubtful word, defined as tls T>V rpo^tXa)!/ : cf. KopuOwy), &c. : cf. Lob. Phryn. 338 ; Rutherford, New Phryn. p. 426. On the gender, cf. Schol. ad Ar. Av. 472 6rj\vKS)s eip^Ke Triv KopfSoV, 6 5e (Euthyd. 291 D) TOVS 96 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KOPYAAAOI (continued). A Lark (from Kopus). Mod. Gk. KopvSaXoy, Xei: vi. i, 559 run-ci eV 777 777, like the quail and the partridge : ix, 8, 614 a eVi SeVSpou ov KaOi&i d\X' eVt r^s- y^s : ix. 29, 6i8a the cuckoo lays in its nest, which is placed on the ground, cf. Ael. iii. 30. Is caught with bird-lime, Dion. De Avib. iii. 2, or by help of the owl, ib. iii. 17. The crest referred to proverbially, Simon, fr. 68. (Plut. ii. 91 E, 809 A, V. Timol. xxxvii, 253 E) irdo-aiaiv Kopv8a\\io-iv XP*1 \6(pov eyy'ivecrdai. Arist. mentions neither the singing nor the soaring of the lark ; but Theocr. vii. 141 has aeiSoi/ KopuSoi KOI oKavOidtt, and x. 50 eyeipopevq) Kopv8a\\a>, surgente corydalo. The lark's song was apparently not appreciated : cf. Alciphr. Epist. 48 ov eyo> r/?? d ex ovfra ) ^ ^* fTepa dy\aia Kal ov (nropas aHnrep eKeivr], TO p.evTOi jjLOiov TJ7 repa e^outra, ro 5e p.fyedos ZXarrov' Kal \6v KOI KOpV&OS KOI Xl/SuOff KOL K\OS. ix. I, 609 b 6 TTe'XXo? TToXf/iei KOpvdti), TO, yap o>a avrov /cXfTrret. Ib. 609 TroXe/uia TrotfiXi'Sey Kat KopvSwves Kal TTiVpa Kal x^>P f vs. Hostile also to a/cai/#vXXi's, Phile, 683, Ael. iv. 5. Uses the "grass aypvarris as an amulet or protection, Ael. i. 35, as does the Hoopoe, Phile, 724; whence the proverb eV Kopv8ov Koirr] o-KoXif) KeKpvnraL ayp&o-Tis, Geopon. xv. i, 19. Uses, in like manner, oak-leaves, Phile, 725. Is killed by mustard-seed, vdnvos (77rep/u,i> fvpio~KovTa$ &>a Kal Korrrovras, Plut. ii. 380 F. The story of the Lark and his Father, Aesop ap. Ar. Av. 471 irdvTwv TTpWTrjv opviOa yevecrdai, TTporepav rrjs yr/s, Acaxreira voo~q) TOV avrtjs d7rodi>f)i>. The Crow, Corvus cor one, L., including also the Hooded Crow, C. comix, L. Mod. Gk. Kop&va (Erh.), Kovpovva (v. d. M.). Sometimes the Rook, which only appears in Greece during the winter, and appears to have received no special name : vide s.v. onrepjULoXoyos. On the confusion in Latin between comix, corvus, &c., v. Wedgwood, Tr. Philol. Soc., 1854, p. 107; also W. W. Fowler, ' A Year with the Birds/ c. vii. Dim. Kopw^iSeus, Cratin. ILv\. IO. First in Hes. Op. 747 M T0t e(peop.evr) Kpu>rj \ctKepvfa Kopavrj : cf. Ar. Av. 609 ; Apoll. Rhod. iii. 928 ; Arat. 950. Described as frequenting cities, Arist. H. A. ix. 23, 617 b, not a migrant, ib. (cf. Fab. Aes. 415). No bigger in Egypt than in Greece, ib. viii. 28, 606 ; alimentary canal as in the Raven, ib. ii. 17, 504 ; frequent the sea- shore, to feed on jettisoned carcases, being omnivorous, ib. viii. 3, 593 b ; Archil. 44, ap. Athen. 594 O-VKYJ Trerpair) 7ro\\as jBoaKovo-a Kopwvas (? rooks). Breeding habits. Arist. De Gen. iv. 6, 774b TLKrovatv a'reXr/ /cat rv(p\d. H. A. VI. 8, 564 eVspa^bt'O'i de ai 6rj\eiai povai, Kai 8iaT(\ov(riv en avru)v ovcrai dia Travros' rpffpovcri 8' auras ol appeves Kop,iovTes rr]v rpocprjv avrais /cat airi^ovrfs : ib. 6, 563 b eVrt rtra xpovov eTTt/zeXelrat* /cat yap ijdrj Trero- On their monogamous habits, mutual afifec- H 9 8 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KOPHNH (continued}. tion and constancy, whence their invocation at weddings, vide Ael. iii. 9 (infra ctt.}. Myth and Legend. Its proverbial longevity. Hes. in Plut. De Orac. Def. ii. p. 415 C Ivvfa rot iwei yeveas XuKepua K.opv ?7/3a>i>ra>j/ : cf. Ar. Av. 609, Arat. 1023 cvvedveipa Kopcwr) : Opp. Cyn. iii. 117 aicrd- evra re (pv\a TToKvfaoi (? 7roXuKpa>oi) re Kop&vai. Cf. also Ar. Av. 967 TToXtat Kopwvai : Babr. Fab. 46, 9 Kopavrjv devrcpav oVaTrX^o-a?, lived two crows' lives ; Automed. ix (Gk. Anthol. ii. 193) /3i'oi/ Kyp.ov TroKvfpojva Kopuvrj : ib. IO22 /cat evvedvcipa Kopavr) \ vvxrtpov de[()ov@v fvdvs lav Kpdrj rpi'?, evdiav orq/zati/ei, KOI ecrnfpas ^ft/ucows Souo-a : cf. Ael. 1. c., Virg. G. i. 410, Geopon. i. 2, 6, &c. A bad summer is portended when the fig-leaves are shaped like a crow's foot, Plut. ii. 410 E. The Crow in augury, seldom mentioned in Greek, save in Ar. Aves ; see also Ael. iii. 9, where a solitary crow is mentioned as an evil omen ; according to Porph. De Abst. iii. 4, the Arabs understood the language of crows. A crow on the left-hand is unlucky, Virg. Eel. ix. 15, Cic. De Div. i. 39, Plaut. Asin. ii. i, 12, &c. ; cf. Hopf, Orakelthiere, p. 115. According to Bent, Cyclades, 1885, p. 394, the inhabitants of Anti- KOPflNH 99 KOPQNH (continued}. paros are called Kovpovvai by their neighbours in Paros, the reason assigned being that if the former see a crow on the south side of a tree, they are in terror. How a crow never enters the Acropolis at Athens, Arist. fr. 324, I532b, Ael. v. 8, Apollon. viii, Plin. x. (12) 14. (This statement is believed by some modern travellers, cf. Dr. Chandler, Trav. in Greece, c. xi. p. 54 ; and may have a foundation in fact, due simply to the height of the hill.) How a crow in Egypt used to cany messages for King Marres, and was honoured with a sepulchre, Ael. vi. 7. How a crow dies if it falls in with the leavings of a wolf's dinner (!), Ael. vi. 46, Phile, 671. How a brazen crow was found in the foundation of Coronea, Paus. iv. 34, 5. How the crows showed the grave of Hesiod, Paus. ix. 38, 3. How the young crow leaves the egg feet first, Dion. De Avib. i. 10. The heart eaten, to secure prophetic powers, Porph. De Abst. ii. 48 (cf. It was invoked at weddings, Ael. iii. 9 OKOUO) Se TOVS naXai Kal Iv rots ydfjLOis p.Ta TO vp.eva.iov rrjV Koputvrjv KO\~IV, o-vvdrjp,a opovoias TOVTO rots avviovo'LV eirl TraidoTToiiq didovTff. Cf. Horap. i. 9 ydp.ov de dr]\ovvres ) dvo Kopwvas "Apea KOI Trjv^AcppodiTrjvypd^ovTes, dvo Kopwvas faypacpovaiv, <$ avdpa KOI yvvalKa, errel roOro TO q>ov dvo v cippev Kal 6rj\v yvvao~dai Set. eVeiSai/ 6e ycvvrjo"?], onfp o~7raviti)S yiVerai, dvo r) dvo 6rj\VKa^ ra dpcreviKa ras 6rj\fias yafjLTjo-avra ov /Jiiayerai eVepa Kopwvrj, ov8e jj-rjv f) QrjXeia erepa KOpwvrj , aXXa p-ova ra airo^vyevTa 6iareXet. dib Kal fj.ia Kopavy o~vvav- Tai ol ai>6pa)7TOi, &)? x r iP ^ OVTl o~vvr)VTr)KOTcs fpa>' rf]S de TOiavrrjs avrcov 6/j.ovoias X^P LV P^XP 1 vvv ' 1 "EXX^ycy ev rdls ydpois' eKKOpi, Kopij Kopwvrj' \eyovo-iv dyvoovvres. Cf. the Delphic oracle ap. Pausan. ix. 37, 4 en//-' rj\6es yeverjv dt^rj^fvoS) oXX' en KOI vvv \ ii/ioi/ iap.{3oTroiov p.vr]p,ovevovTa nvu>v dvdpvv a>s dyeipovTMV rfj Kopavy (cf. Hesych. S. V. ropawtOTOu), Kal Xeyovmv raCra' 'Eo-^\ot Kopco^ ^eipa Trpoo-dore Kpiflav, Trj naidl roD 'ATroXXcovoy, wv, K.r.X. Ilgen, Poet. Gr. Mendicorum Spec., in Opusc. H 2 100 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KOPflNH (continued}. Var. Phil., i. p. 169 ; Fauriel, Chants de la Gr. Mod., i. p. cix. See also s.v. x 6 ^ 1 ^"- Frequent in Fable, e.g. Kopowrj KOI nopat- (the Crow that could not prophesy), Fab. ACS. 2O2 ; Kopcovr/ *A0r)vq duovo-a, ib. 213. xeXia>i> KOI KopavTj, ib. 416. Proverb Kop^vrj o-KopTriov [fjpnacre']. Anth. Pal. xii. 92, Hesych., Suid., cf. Ael. vii. 7, Zenob. iv. 60, p. 101. KOPft'NH C H AAYAI'AI. The Nightingale ; vide s. v. dYjSui'. KOPfl'NH e H OAAA'IIIOI. An undetermined sea-bird. Od. V. 66 Tavvy\(i)O'o~oi re Kopwvai \ eivaXiai, rfjaiv re $aXacrvai al da\d(rcriai TO 7r\r)Qo$ ov pradfttyrot* ovrot of opvides Oepanevova-iv roO *A^iXXea)y roi/ veoov. fc 6vr) eV' atyiaXoi) r^i/ Ke(pa\f)v 8iaj3px ovo ' a } *l 7TO" a vr lXP* vr )i K( *i- WKTOS o-fpo&porepov Kpa>ovara, opftpovs 7rpoiJ.r)vvi : Theophr. Sign. vi. I, l6 Kopcovrj eVt TreVpa? Kopvarao- fjv Kipa KaTaxXv^fi. vdap (rrjfjLaivet' Kal *coXu/i/3a)(ra TroXXa/ciy These passages, with which compare Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b, and Ael. xv. 22, denote a different bird altogether from fcopeov?/, evidently a swimming and diving bird, and not merely one frequenting the sea- shore as the Carrion Crow and Hooded Crow do. It is neither a Xapo? nor an aWuia (Arrian, 1. c.) though identified with them by the Scholiast in Od. v. 66, with whom cf. Hesych. Kop&vaC aXiai aWvuu, KoXv/t/3i'Sfy. It may be another name for the Cormorant (vide s. v. Kopa, |3) : but it is not safely identifiable. It is apparently such passages which are imitated in Virg. G. i. 388 Turn cornix plena pluviam vocat improba voce, Et sola in sicca secum spatiatur arena; cf. Claud. De Bell. Gild. 492 Heu nimium segnes, cauta qui mente notatis, Si revolant mergi, graditur si littore cornix. Cf. however the weather-prophecies s. v. KoXoios. It is at least pretty clear that in such passages the Latin poets were thinking more of what they had read than of what they had seen. KO'IKIKOI, KOTtKas, KOTTOS, KOTTuXos. The Common Fowl. Hesych. KOCTKIKOL' ol KaToiKiftioi opvdes. KOTIKCIS' dXeVnwp. KOTTOS' opvis. KorruXoi* KaroLKidiai opvds. KOPHNH KOIIY4>OI IO1 KOZKIKOI (continued}. These obscure words do not occur elsewhere. KOTTOS is said to be connected with KOTTIS, for a crest or top-knot, cf. Hesych. s. v. -irpoKorra : /cat 01 d\KTpvoves KOTTOI 8ia TOV CTTI rfj Ke(pa\f) \6(pov (cf. supra, S. V. K). For KOOVClKOy, KOTTUAOS 1 , cf. K.OO~(T(.\OS) KOO~O~V(pOS, KOTTVffOS I KOTiKdS, on the other hand, suggests a corruption of KUTOIKUS. Cf. Lob. Proll. 327 ; Schmidt ad Hesych. 3758, 3790. KO'IIY^OI, a. Also KO\|/IKOS, Ar. Av. 306, 806, 1081 ; Nicostr. ap. Athen. ii. 650, &c. ; KO\|/UKOS, Suid. The Blackbird, Turdus merula, L. Mod. Gk. KoVo-v TO. X ^- r } 7rpo" f tKores', KOL TCOV tTepav fj,a\\ov rrpbs ras V S' opvewv TToXXa /^era/3aXXoua'i Kara ray &pa$ KOI TO Kal rfjv (frwvfiv, olov 6 KOTTV(pos avT\ fj,e\avos avdos' Kal rr]V (puvr]V 5 aXAotai/' V p.ev yap TOO $epei aSft, TOV de ^fi^covoff Trarayei KOL Qopvpvdes. Cf. Arist. fr. 273, I527b; Ael. xii. 28. Eustath. Hexaem. p. 30 e wStKoO KpaKTiKos : cf. also Clem. Alex. Paedag. x, Plin. x. 28 Merula ex nigra rufescit, canit aestate, hyeme balbutit, circa solstitium mutat. Song referred to also, Ael. vi. 19 ; Theocr. Ep. iv. 10 clapivol de \iyv(p86yyoi(riv aoio~als \ Koao~vV opve^v dndvTWV, TOV 8' vaTfpov TOKOV fls re'Xoy eKrpe0 : cf. Dion. De Avib. i. 27. Arist. H. A. ix. 13, 616, builds a nest lined with hair and wool like xXwpi's-. White Blackbirds on Cyllene. Arist. H. A. ix. 19, 617, De Mirab. 15, 831 b, Pausan. viii. 17, 3, Sostrat. ap. Ael. v. 27, Plin. x. 30, Steph. Byz. s. v. KuXAr^, c. ; according to Lindermayer (p. 30) white or albino blackbirds are still remarkably common on Cyllene, but in Aristotle the fact is mixed with fable. Mode of capture. Dion. De Avib. iii. 13. Frequently mentioned, together with Ki'^X?/, in the Anthology; Rhian. vi (Gk. Anth. Jac. i. 231) IG> Aei(WKO? VTTO xXcopfl TrXarai/iVrw | Koo~o-v p.ev dvao~TevdxG)v eneKoxvev iepos opvis '. Archias xxiii (ib. ii. 85) fiiVo-ats | e/LlTTCCTe (T\!V Kl^Xjy KOO~O~VOZ (continued}. Tjdvpoas. Mentioned as a destructive bird, Anon. 416 (ib. iv. 206) fjviSe KCU Kix^r)v Kat K6OZ, |3. A breed of fowls at Tanagra. Pausan. ix. 22, 4 TOVTOW TWV Koo~(rv(f)(dv fieyeOns p.ev Kara TOVS Avfiovs eo~Tiv opvidaS) XP oa $* f[Ji(f>prjS Kopaxi, KaXXaia de KOL 6 \6vr]v /uaXiora. Xevxa 8e (rrjp.e'ia ov /neyaXa eVi re aKpto rw pdpfai Kal enl anpas exouai rrjs ovpas : cf. ib. viii. 17, 3. KOTTO'Z. opvis [i. e. aXfKrpvwi/] Hesych. Hence KOTToftoXew, TO trapa- TWO. opvtv, ib. ; cf. Kopa>vo[Bo\e1v, Anth. Pal. vii. 546; also , '4v6a al opvifas Koip.S)VTai, Hesych. Among the Mod. Gk. names for a Fowl are KoVra and KorraTrovXt. KOYKOY'4>A, s. KouKouc|)as, J. KOUKOU^OS. The Egyptian name for the Hoopoe. Vide s. v. tiro\|f. Cf. Lib. MS. Anon. De Avibus (cit. Ducange in Gloss. Med. et Inf. Gr., s. v. KOU'KOU<|>OS, Leemans ad Horap. p. 280) en-o^ opveov tv dfpi TTfTOfjievov' OVTOS KaXclrai KOVKOV(pOS, KOI TTOVTTOS. Horapollo, i. 55 AiyuTmoi ev^apia-riav ypdfpovrfs KovKov(pav coypav d\6yo>v (po>i' 7T(iav VTTO ro)V yoveo>v eKTpiicpfj, yijpdo'a- uiv avTois TrjV avrfjv arraTroS/ScDcri X^P lv ( c ^ Ael. X. 1 6) : odev KOL eVi TO>V 6eiocv aKf]TTTpo)v KovKovOZ KYANOI 103 KPA'MBnTON' IKTIVOS TO >ov, Hesych, KPAYfO'Z. A Woodpecker. SpvoKoXdnrov ctSos, Hesych. : who has also Kpavyov TTOIOS opvis. Von Edlinger cites Lith. kraki\ cf. KPE'=, also Kepicds (Hesych.). A very doubtful bird, usually identified, by Sundevall and others, with the Corn-crake or Land-rail, Rallus crex, L., Crex pratensis, auctt. = opruyop^Tpa = Kuxpap>s. The name is lost in Mod. Gk. Herod, ii. 76, compared in size with the Ibis. Ar. Av. 1138 TOVTOVS S' CTVKIOV al KpfKfs tols pvyx^iv. Schol. in Ar. (Suid.) opveov dvaoitavia-TOv rols ya/jLOvcriv, 6v rrdvv TO pvyxos Kal Trpiova&es f\ ov: c f- Hesych. opveov , 6 rot? yaftovo-iv olawffcrot' racro-fTai de KOL errt rpo^ov [cf. iuy]. As a bird of evil ornen to the newly married, cf. Euphor. 4 (quoted by Tzetzes) bv S' fjflo-e ydpov KO.KOV e^^o/uevos Kpe|, and Lycophr. 513, where Helen is Svadprrayos Kpeg. A messenger of Athene, Porph. De Abst. iii. 5. Arist. H. A. ix. I, 609 b Kpe TroAejuios eXecS KOL KOTTU$< KOL ^Xcopi'coi/t . . . Kal yap avrovs fiXdirrei K.a\ rot reKva avT&v. In Ael. iv. 5 (loc dub?) Kpeg is hostile to aWvia'. also Phile, De An. Pr. 68 1, with epithet j3pa$v7rTpos. Arist. H. A. ix. 17, 6l6b 17 Se xpe| TO p.V rjdos /ua^tjuo?, rqv 5e duivoiav evprjxavos Trpbs TOV ftiov, aXXco? 8e KaKOTror/uoy opvis. Arist. De Part. iv. 12, 695, mentioned among the long-legged birds with a short hind-toe. Kpe' has been identified, on account of its pugnacity; with the Ruff, Machetes pugnax, L.; but the Ruffs fight with one another (cf. jae^i/wj/), and, moreover, all the accounts of mutual hostilities between birds are unreliable, and in the main mythological. From the size, and the rudimentary hind-toe, the Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus rttfipes, Bechst. was suggested first by Belon : its use by Herodotus as a standard of comparison with the Ibis is somewhat in favour of this bird, which is common in Egypt. The identification with the Corn-crake rests mainly on the assumption that the name is onomatopoeic. The facts that the Scholiasts knew little or nothing about the bird, and that the name is lost in Mod. Gk., suggest that the word was perhaps an exotic, and that its meaning was early lost. KPirH'- 77 yXaOl, Hesych. KPl'EZ' f) xeAi8a>i/, Hesych. Doubtless corrupt : Meineke suggests ? or K/Ycr */. KY'ANOI. Probably the Wall-Creeper, Tichodroma muraria, L. Arist. H. A. ix. 21, 617 /mXicrra ev Nto-ypw [eV 2Kupa>, Ael.] eVrt, TTOieTrai ' eVi TCOI> irfTpwv Tas 5iarpi/3ay* TO Se fAtyedos KOTTV(J)OV eXarra-i', 104 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KYANOI (continued}. cnrlflp Se /jLfifav /ziKpo)* p,(yd\o7rovs e, Kal rrpos ras Trerpas Trpoaa KVCIVOVS oXos" ro 5e pvy%os X i ^TTTOV Kal fj.aKpov } s ra TroXXfi. The description in Aristotle accords very perfectly with the Wall- Creeper (with which bird Gloger, Sundevall, and Heldreich identify it) as regards habitat, size, feet, and bill, as does Aelian's account of its solitary nature : but the bird is not KVWOVS b\os, nor is Aelian's account of its habitat satisfactory. Aubert and Wimmer on the other hand, following Belon, Gesner, and other older commentators, identify KVCIVOS with the Blue Thrush (Mod. Gk. vrfrpoKoVo-ucpor, cf. infra, s. v. Xcuos)) which agrees with the description in colour, but in little else, and is a very common bird, whereas KVUVOS is mentioned as scarce and local. KYKNI'AI. An Eagle, white like a swan, at Sipylus near Lake Tantalus, Pausan. viii. 17, 3. That Pausanias is here in error is rendered the more probable by the existence in Med. Gk. of the words rvweas, rfrKveas, Mod. Gk. rcriKvtas, meaning a White Heron or Egret. The White Eagle of Pythagoras (Iambi. Vit. Pythag. 132, Ael. V. H. iv. 17) is supposed to be an allegory for the town of Croton, on whose coins an eagle is represented ; cf. O. Keller, op. cit., pp. 238, 431. KY'KNOI. (Hesych. has also Ku'8 s .) Sk. fak-uni, a bird; Bopp, ii. p. 379, cf. Fick in Herzenberger's Beitr. z. I. Gr. Spr., vii. p. 94, 1883 : cf. the Gk. use of opvis for the constellation Cygnus (Arat. 275, 599, 628, &c.). A Swan. Mod. Gk. KVKVOS, viaXfia (Heldr.), and in the Cyclades KOV\OS (Erh.). The Mute Swan, Cygnus olor, Gm., breeds in Greece; the Hooper or Whistling Swan, C. mustcus, Bechst., is probably only a winter migrant; cf. Heldr., op. cit., p. 56. Epithets. dfpanroTrjs, Hes. Sc. H. 316 ; operas (= ^x e ' T '? y )j Eur. El. 151 ; 8o\ixavx*]v, Eur. (?) I. A. 794; SowXi^dSeipoff, II. ii. 460, xv. 692; , Christod. Ecphr. 384, Xtyvdpoos, id. 414, in Gk. Anth. ; -, Opp. Cyneg. ii. 547; /ieXwSos 1 , Eur. I. T. 1104; TTOTO- , Id. Rh. 618; TroXio'^pco?, Id. Bacch. 1364: cf. Ar. Vesp. 1064; , Pallad. 40, in Gk. Anth. iii. 123; x tovl ^XP ms ) Eur. Hel. 216. A frequent emblem of whiteness : cf. Eur. Rh. 618 o-n'X/3oucn ' wore KUKVOV irrepov. [Note the frequent allusions in Euripides ; KYANOI KYKNOI 105 KYKNOI (continued}. rare in Aeschylus ; not in Sophocles, save for Tm'Xoz/ KVKVCIOV in the dubious fr. 708, ap. Clem. Alex. Strom. 716.] Description. Arist. H. A. i. I, 488, viii. 12, 597 b opvis aye\aios : ib. viii. 3, 593 b, enumerated among ra /Sapurepa TO>V o-reyavoTro'Scoj/ : ib. ix. 12, 615 ftioTfvovo-i irepl \ipvas KOI eX?7, cvjSi'oroi Se KCU fvrjOtis Kal VTKVOI Kal evyrjpoi, Kal TOV aerof, eav apf-rjTai, dp.vvop.fvoi viKwaiv^ avTol 8' OVK apxovai paxys. nSiKol Se, Kal irepl ras reXeura? /zaXtora a8ovv aTTo6vrjO~KOVTas eviovs I cf. Ael. V. H. i. 14 Xeyet 'Apia-roreX^? TOV KVKVOV Ka\\inat$a elvat Kal TroXyrratSa, /c.r.X. : cf. also Athen. ix. 393 d ; Eustath. ad Horn. II. p. 193 ; Dion. De Avib. ii. 19. Arist. H. A. ii. 17, 509 e'x a7ro(f)vddas oXiyas KaTcadfv Kara TTJV TOV eVre'pou Te\evTrjv. Occur abun- dantly 'Ao-icp ev Xeipwvi, Kavo~Tplov dp(j)l pee^pa, II. ii. 461 : cf. Virg. G. i. 383, Aen. vii. 699; on the river Hebrus, Ar. Av. 768; on Lake Aornos, in the spot called Pyriphlegethon, near Cumae, Arist. De Mirab. 102, 839. Its flight described, Plin. x. (23) 32. The swan as food, Athen. ix. 393, Plut. De Esu Cam. 2, &c. Myth and Legend. On the combat with the Eagle, vide s. v. deros, and compare also the story of Leda ; cf. also Ael. v. 34, xvii. 24 ; Dion. De Avib. ii. 19. Is hostile also to 8paKa>v, Ael. v. 48, Phile 691. Is aXX^Xocpayo? pdXicrTa T&V opveav, Arist. H. A. ix. I, 6lO (cf. aXX^Xcxpo- vos, Pice., A. and W., dXX^Xocpi'Xo?, Sund.), cf. Plin. x. (23) 32 mutua carne vescuntur inter se. Is killed by KWVSIOV, Ael. iii. 7 ; places the herb Xvyaia in its nest as a charm, Boios ap. Athen. ix. 393 E. How the Indians do not favour the swan, from its want of filial affection, Ael. xiv. 13 ; yet the swan bewails its dead parent in Eur. El. 151, cf. Bacch. 1364 opvis ona>5 Kr)(j)rjva [a/Kp6/3aXXei] TroXio^pcos KVKVOS. Associated with the op(f)a\os Sit Delphi, Plut. De Orac. i. 409 ; vide s. v. deros. A good omen to sailors, Virg. Aen. i. 393, Aemil. Macer in Ornithogr. Anthol. Vet. Lat. Epigr. et Poem. i. 116 (cf. Serv. in Aen. 1. c.) Cygnus in auspiciis semper laetissimus ales, Hunc optant nautae, quia se non mergit in undas : see also Stat. Theb. iii. 524 ; cf. the Swan as a figure-head, Nicostr. iii. 282, &c. : cf. also the mythological (and astronomical) association of the Swan with Castor and Pollux (Hopf, Orakelthiere, p. 177) : see also Drummond in Class. Journal, xvi. p. 94. The Swan-maidens, Kopat Tpels KVKvopopcfroi, Aesch. Pr. V. 797. According to Nicand. and Areus ap. Anton. Lib. c. xii, a certain Cycnus, and his mother Thuria, were metamorphosed into swans at Lake Conopa, Kal no\\ol tv TJJ &pa TOV dpOTov fvraiiOa (paivovTai KVKVOI. On the Swan as the bird of Apollo, cf. Hymn. Horn, xxi, Caljim. Hymn. Apoll. 5, id. Hymn. Del. 249, Ar. Av. 772, 870, Ael. xi. I, Nonn. Dionys. xxxviii. 2O2 KVKVOV aywv rrrepofVTa, Kal ov ra^w "LTTTTOV 'A7r6XXcoj>,&C., 106 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KYKNOI (continued}. &c.; represented on coins of Clazomenae. With the Greek association of the Swan with Apollo, cf. the Hindoo connexion of the same bird with Brahma. Associated with Venus, in Latin only, Hor. C. iv. I, 9, Sil. Ital. Punic, vii. 441, Stat. Silv. iii. 4, 22 ; cf. the Cilix of Aphrodite and the Swan in the British Museum : vide Kalkmann, Jahrb. d. k. d. Inst., 1886, i. 41, Collignon, Gk. Mythol. p. 132, fig. 56 ; see also Guignat, pi. C. 393, Creuzer, pi. liii. 2. The Swan's Song. Hesiod, Sc. H. 314 *Ap. 'ClKcavbs Tf\T]dovri cotKcos | . . . ol 8e Kp : cf. Virg. Aen. viii. 655. Hymn. Hom. xxi $>ol/3e, TTorcifjibv Trapa divrjcvTo, | Tlrjvfiov : cf. Meleager no in Gk. Anth. i. 31 d\Kv6vs Trepl Kvpa, xeXi8oi/ey dufpl peXadpa, \ KVKVOS eV o-^dai| dbs Movaas Oepcnrevfi '. Ar. Av. 769 TOidde KVKVOI \ avfj-jjuyrj @or)v 6/Mou | nTfpols KpeKovrfS 'LaK^ov 'ArroXXco, o^&a e(pf6[j.evoi ?rap' r/ E/3pop Trorajuoi/i Callim. Hymn. Del. 249 KVKVOI 8e deov fj.\7rovrS dot8oi | Mrjoviov IIuKTcoXov fKvK\axravTO \LnovTfs \ vrept A^Xoj', eVjjeKraj/ de Xo^ci^ | Moi/(rdv, Kal lepovs Ka\ovfj.v 'ATroXXo) vos. q8ovo~i 8' ou^t Oprjv&o'fs, &o~7rep ol d\Kv6ves, aXX' f]8v n KCU p-eXi^poj/, Kal olov av\ols rj KiOdpais xpa>fj.evoi I Anon. 468 in Gk. Anth. iv. 2l8 fl KVKVG) dvvarai Kopvdos 7rapan\r]o~iov qdeiv I Antip. Sidon. 47j ib. ii. 19 Xwirepos KVKVWV 6 /juKpbs 6poos ^e KO\OI>V \ Kpoaypos ev elapivols KidvafJLfvos v(f)fXais I Theocr. Id. V. 136 ov 6^.iTOV . . . enorras KVKVOIO~IV epio-Sfiv : cf. Ar. Ran. 207, Lucret. iii. 16, iv. 182, Virg. Eel. viii. 36, 55, Mart. i. 54, Plut. Ei. ii. 387 povcriKy re fj8eTai, Kal KVKVUV (pava'ts. Especially of the dying Swan, Aesch. Ag. (1419), 1444 KVKVOV 8iKr)v,\ rbv vcrrarov /LieX^acra 6avdo~i[JLov yoov \ Kelrai (pi\r)TO>p roOS' I cf. Plato, Phaedo 85 B, Rep. 620 A ; cf. Porphyr. De Abst. iii. p. 286 ov naifav 6po8ov\ovs avrov \eyev rovs KVKVOVS [6 SoaKpar???]. Ael. ii. 32, v. 34 7reiria-TVK yap OTI p,r]8evbs dXyeivov fj.r]8e \nrapov /nereo-n $ai/aTO>, with which passage cf. Chrysipp. ap. Athen. xiv. 616 B (piXcxmoTrrq?, /neXXcov OTTO TOV drjpiov o~(pdTTfO~6ai flrrelv e(pr] 8e\iv a>o~7Tfp TO KVKveiov qo~as dnodavflvl Plut. Mor. l6l C et-qaai de Kal TOV jSiov T\VT>V Kal p.r) yevecrdai Kara TOVTO TWV KVKVMV dyevveo~Tpos I Phile, De An. Pr. X. 233 avdparre (pi\6\l/vxe, TOV KVKVOV /3Xe7ro)j/, | Trpbs TTJV Te\fVTT]V, (I (ppovels, pr) o~Tvyvdo~r)s I cf. Cic. De Orat. iii. i, I ; see also Ael. x. 36, xi. i ; Fab. Aes. 215, 216, 416 b; Apoll. Rhod. iv. 1301; Polyb. xxx. 4, 7, xxxi. 20, i; Opp. Cyneg. ii. 547 OVK a P a T l p-ovvoio~iv ev 6pvi6eo-o~iv eao~i I KvKvot yoov voraroy deidovTes : Dio Chrysost. Orat. Cor. p. 102 KYKNOI 107 KYKNOI (continued}. (Reiske) ; cf. Hor. C. ii. 20, Ovid, Her. vii. i, Met. xiv. 430, Mart. xiii. 77, Stat. Silv. ii. 4, 10, &c., &c. The singing swan a portent of death, Artemid. Oneirocr. ii. 20. Modern allusions are innumerable ; cf. Chaucer, P. of Fowles, 342, Tennyson, * The Dying Swan,' &c. ; see also for numerous references, Douce's Illustr. of Shakspeare, i. 262, Lenz, Zool. d. Gr. u. R., pp. 384-400, &c. The Swan's song was discredited by some, e.g. Alex. Mynd. ap. Athen. ix. 393 d ; Lucian, De Electro seu Cycnis ; Cic. Tusc. Quaest. i ; Philostr. V. Apollon. iii. c. 23 ; Plin. x. (23) 32 ; cf. Greg. Nazianz. Ep. i. TOT' qfrovrai KvKvoij oTav KoAcnoi (TitoTTTjO'ojo'tv. Cf. Scaliger, Ferrariae multos cygnos vidimus, sed cantores sane malos, neque melius ansere canere ; cf. also Aldrov. Ornith. iii. 19, 5 ; Wormius in Mus. Worm. iii. c. 19 ; Mauduit ap. Plin. ed. Panckoucke, vii. 385 ; Voss. De Idol. ii. p. 1212; Pierius, De Cycnis, p. 254 ; Brown's Vulg. Errours, iii. p. 27 ; the curious conjectures of Bryant, Anc. Mythol. ii. 353-384; Pallas, Zoogr. ross.-asiat, ii. p. 212, and recent writers. Modern naturalists accept the story of the singing swans, asserting that though the Common Swan cannot sing, yet the Whooper or Whistling Swan does so. It is certain that the Whooper sings, for many ornithologists state the fact, but I do not think it can sing very well ; at the very best, dant sonitum rauci per stagna loquacia cygni. This concrete explanation is quite inadequate ; it is beyond a doubt that the Swan's Song (like the Halcyon's) veiled, and still hides, some mystical allusion. Applied as an epithet to a poet, especially an old poet ; Eur. H. F. 691 Traiavas 6' eVri (rot? p.e\ddpois \ KVKVOS cos yepoov doiBbs \ 7roAicii> en | KeAa6Yyo-co, Id. Bacch. 1361 ; Posidipp. x/. in Gk. Anth. ii. 48 o) Zrjvoov 6 (ro(pbs KVKVOS : Christod. Ecph. 384, ib. iii. 175 ^/^s ' 'EXi/cowo? toraro KUKI>OS, Hivdapos t/zepo^wi/os 1 : Anacreon is the 'Swan of Teos,' Antip. i. 26, cf. Hor. C. iv. 2, 25. Cf. Horap. ii. 39 yepovra ^OVCTLKOV /SofAdjuevoi (Trj/jLijvcii KVKVOV ^ XafjLJBdveardai noXXaKis a)VT(is VTTO rS)V vop,c>)V. TiKTei pv ovv 8vo coa, veoTTevei de Kal OVTOS ev Tierpais Kai vr)V aKovcraxnV) ol Qrjpevovres "ivaviv on ov Karo^vovo-iv [ot oprvye?] : which expression Sundevall translates ' delay not their coming,' and A. and W. ' remain no longer.' Cf. Plin. x. (23) 33. KY'^EAOI, s. Kuv|/eXXos. A bird of the Swallow kind ; perhaps the Sand-Martin, Hirundo riparta, L. Hesych. KityeXor opvis Arist. H. A. ix. 30, 680, mentioned as synonymous with cnrous, q v., ais ^eXiSdo'tt'' ov yap padiov diayv5>vai TTpos rr)V ^eXiSova, rrX)i/ ri>. Accordingly the evidence leans to identifying Ki>\lff\os with the Sand-Martin, H. riparia^ L. ; this identification is followed by Sundevall, while A. and W., on the contrary, identify the bird with the House-Martin. There was doubtless a confusion of species. If the passage in Pliny suggests one more than another, it would seem to be the Swift ; yet in the Aristotelian reference the HO A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS KYvpEAOI (continued}. hypothesis of the Sand-Martin, advocated by Sundevall, has strong claims. Kfi'KAAOZ* KwKoXov' cldos aXeKrpvovos, Hesych. Cf. S. V. XotcaXos. KQNflnOGH'PAI- opvis 6 navanas fypcvuv, Hesych. KQTIAA'I. The Swallow. A Boeotian word. Anacr. 99 ; Strattis, &oiv. 3; cf. Simonid. 243. AAfOGH'PAI' Hesych., aerou flSos. = XayaxjxJ^os = jieXaj/deros (q. V.). An epithet of the Eagle. Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 6i8b. The Eagle in combat with the hare is frequent on gems, and on coins of Agrigentum, Messana, Elis, &c. : cf. Imhoof-Blum. and Keller, passim ; Keller, Th. d. cl. Alterth., p. 449. The wide occurrence of this subject (cf. Layard, Nineveh, ii. pi. 62) indicates a lost mythological significance, in which one is tempted to recognize a Solar or Stellar symbol ; vide s. vv. deros, Kopa. AAfQAl'AZ. A synonym of cSros, Alex. Mynd. ap. Athen. ix. 390. AATOI'NHI- opvis TTOIOS, Hesych. AAm'nOYI. A Ptarmigan. Plin. x. (48) 68 praecipuo sapore lagopus : leporino villo nomen ei hoc dedere, cetero candidae, columbarum magnitudine, &c. The lagois, s. logois of Hor. Sat. ii. 2, 22, is possibly akin. In Mart. vii. 87, an old reading was Si meus aurita gaudet lagopode Flaccus, altered by Scaliger to glaucopide. AAffl'l. A bird-name, mentioned with the Swallow, in Artemid. Oneirocr. iv. 56. The name suggests a reference to daavKovs xeXiSoVeioy, Diph. s. Calliad. ap. Athen. ix. 401 a. According to Boios ap. Anton. Lib. c. xx a certain Oreius was metamor- phosed into the bird Xayobs, opvis eV ovdevl . AAEAO'I (MSS. also XatSos, Xt/3vo's). A bird, in all probability identical with Xcuos, q. v. Arist. H. A. ix. I, 6lO Xae&k KOI Ke\ebs (pi\oi. 6 8e \afobs rrerpas KOI oprj [oiK6t], *cai ^tXo^capet ov av OIKT/. We may connect the reputed friendship of KeXeo? and \ae86s with the association of /ceXeds and Xcuos together, in the obscure story of the metamorphosis of those impious persons who entered the forbidden cave in Crete where Jupiter was born ; Boios ap. Anton. Lib. c. xix. AAI"O'I. Probably the Blue Thrush, Petrocichla cyanus, L. The Stone-thrush, P. saxatilis, L., is less common in Greece, and KYO'EAOI AAPOI III AAIOZ (continued}. is chiefly found in the northern and more mountainous parts. Both receive the Mod. Gk. name 7rerpoKoVo-us fiacriXcvo'iv virfiKovcrC KCIL yrjpdaKovai 8' avrols Kvdvea yiverai Trrfpa. Here the first group are probably the Terns, the last the Black-backed Gulls. A bye- word for greediness, Ar. Eq. 959, Nub. 591, Av. 567. Devour dolphins stranded on the beach, Ael. xv. 23. Open shell-fish by drop- ping them from a height, Ael. Hi. 20. Myth and Legend. Hostile to fipevQos, apTrrj, and 8io's, Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b, Ael. iv. 5, Phile 682; friendly to KO\OIOS, Ael. v. 48. Killed by pomegranate-seed, Ael. vi. 46, Phile 657. Associated with Hercules, Ar. Av. 567. The Gulls are souls of disembodied fishermen, hence their gentle and peaceable disposition, Dion. I.e. A gull's feather was tied to a fishing-line as a kind of float, Ael. xv. 10. Fable. Xdpos Kal 8ioy). The Spoonbill, Platalea leucorodius, L. Mod. Gk. KovXtdpi (=Fr. cueiller). Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b ro pfyeQ f >s epa&iov eXdrratv, KOI e^ei TO The description of the bill easily identifies the bird in this passage (Belon, Sundevall, &c.), but the name would probably be likewise applied to the other White Herons or Egrets. AIBYO'I. (MSS. have Xefr'os, K&IOS, ic^Sios, cf. Schn. in Arist. iv. p. 7). An unknown bird: possibly to be compared with AtjSuxos opvis, Ar. Av. 65. Arist. H. A. ix. I, 609 K\COS KOI \iftvbs TroXcfuot : cf. s. v. XcteBog. AO'KAAOZ. An unknown bird. Arist. H. A. ii. 17, 509, mentioned with ao-KaXacpos as a bird having colic coeca. Omitted in Cod. Venetus and others. Gesner supposes the word to be Italian (?=aluco, an Owl), and to have come in as a marginal rendering of do-Ka\a[Jia o~Tro8oei8r]S 0X09. evTTovs de KOI KaKOTrrepos. dXiovcerai 8e p.d\i(TTa yXavKi [? aucupium per noctuamj. Identified by Sundevall with the Lesser Grey Shrike, Lanius minor, L., in Mod. Gk. Kf(pn\ds and deTo^d^os (Heldr.). Lindermayer (op. c. p. 114) states that this bird is extremely common in Greece, and sings all day long ' auf der aussersten Spitze eines Baumes oder Strauches sitzend.' This identification is more plausible than the many others that have been suggested, such as the Jay, the Bullfinch, and even the Snipe AAPOI MEAAMFlYrOI 113 MAAAKOKPANEYI (continued}. (Belon, Schneider, Brisson, &c.). It must, however, be remembered that the bird is mentioned once only, and in a portion of the Historia Animalium that is full of difficulties and incongruities : the epithets associated with it are numerous, but mean little or nothing ; x ov ^P OTV7ros does not occur elsewhere ; dXio-Kerai yXavKi is a phrase of doubtful meaning and questionable construction. The Aristotelian description seems at first sight copious and adequate, but in the words of Camus, 'autant qu'il semblerait devoir etre facile de reconnoitre le Crane-mol, autant est-il certain que jusqu'ici il ne 1'a pas eteV The bird irdpSaXos, q. v., is next mentioned, and is in like manner impossible to identify. MAPA'IIAI- opt>i6es, Hesych. MATTY'HI' f) piv vr) MaicedoviKr), opm, Hesych. Cf. paTTitrj, Artemid. ap. Athen. xiv. 663 D, &c. MEOYOPl'AEI' eiSos piKpav opviOuv, Hesych. MEAArKO'PY4>OZ. Probably the Marsh Tit, Parus palustris, L.; in which identification Sundevall and Aub. and Wimm. agree. But there was a confusion between this bird and the Blackcap Warbler, Motacilla atricapilla, L., Sylvia atricapilla, auctt. The verb p.e\ayKopv(pifa, to warble like the p.e\ayKopv(pos, Hero Spir. p. 220, suggests the latter of these two. See also s.v. KOI dr)$6vi napa TOVS a\\ovs opvidas TO *Xiv TTJS y\a>TTYjs TO o|u [vide s. v. eirovj/]. ix. 49 B, 632 b /^-raj els aXXfoovs at avKa\L&fs KOI ol p.e\ayKopv(poi' yiverai 5' fj pev (TVKaXls irep\ r>]v OTTcopav, 6 de p.e\ayKopv(pos evdews jj.fTa TO (pQtvorrwpov (cf. Geopon. XV. I, 22 evOvs p.Ta TO TpvyrjTOv). diafpepovat 8e KCU OVTOI ovQev d\\r]\<0v n\r)V TTJ XPfy Ka * 1 T W Ku/3oXos-, cv0r)p,a>v,- &C. On fjieXas as an epithet of the Eagle, see s. vv. deixSs, |J.opi/og : cf. O. Keller, op. c., p. 237. Both /AeXaixxeTog and Xayw^oi/os are applied to the constellation Aquila in the Comm. Alfrag. p. 106 ; and I am inclined to think that the ' Black Eagle ' had originally a mystical and astronomical meaning. Cf. s. v. jxeXdpruyos. MEAA'NAEIPOI- opvddpiov KOIOV, Hesych. Perhaps connected with Setp TJS (q. v.), rather than with dcipr). MEAEArPl'l. Also (AeXeaypos, 17 KaroiKiSios opvis, Hesych. ; fxeXaypis, Salmas. ad Plin. p. 612. A foreign word, connected with Sem. Melek ; as in Melkart, Meleager, Melicertes, &c. (cf. Keller, Volksetym. p. 236, Lat. Etym. p. 180). The Guinea-Fowl, Numida sp. First mentioned by Soph. Meleag. fr. ap. Plin. xxxvii. (2) n, the birds weeping tears of amber for the death of the hero. Mentioned in connexion with amber also by Mnaseas ap. Plin. 1. c. A full description in Clytus Miles, ap. Athen. xiv. 655c-f aa-ropyov irpbs TO. eKyova TO opveov* TO p.ev p.eyedos opvidos yevvaiov^ Tr]v 8e Kf(pa\f]V fUKpav rrpos TO troi/^a Kal TavTrjv \l/i\fjv, eV avrrjs 8e \6(f)ov crapKivov, o-K\r]p6v } aTpoyyvXov, e^e^oi/ra TTJS KefpaXrjs a>o-7Tfp TrcrrraXov, TO XP^P"^ ^XoeiS^. TO 8e aai/Jia affav TVOLK'L\OV^ peXavos OVTOS TOV ^pa)/naroff oXou, Trrt'Xoi? \fVKols Kal nvKvols dii\T)iJL[j.ei>ov' TrapanXfjaiai 6' elalv al dfjXeiai TOIS appecriv, K. r. X. MEAAMnYrOI MEAEAPPII 1 15 MEAEAFPII (continued}. Arist. H. A. vi. 2, 559 Kareon-y/zeVa ra am T&V /LteXeaypt^cov : cf. Aristoph. H. A. Epit. i. 28 wa dcrrepeoTa. See also the description given by Columella, viii. 8, 2 Africana est quam plerique Numidicam dicunt, meleagridi similis, nisi quod rutilam galeam (paleam, emend. Newton) et cristam capite gerit, quae utraque sunt in meleagride coerulea. This passage from Columella is very interesting as showing that the Greek pc\taypig and the Roman Gallina africana or numidica were different from one another, the latter having a red wattle, the former a blue. This would look as though the /ueXea- ypis had sprung from what is now called Numida ptilorhyncha, an Abyssinian species, and had been brought to Athens by way of Egypt ; while the Afra avis originated in the Numida meleagris of W. Africa. See Newton, Diet, of Birds, p. 399, footnote. The fj.\eaypides mentioned, however, by Scylax, Periplus, were seen beyond the Pillars of Hercules, in N. W. Africa, as were those men- tioned by Mnaseas ; and these were doubtless, therefore, of the red- wattled species. Strabo and Diodorus report the birds as inhabiting an island in the Red Sea ; Sophocles (1. c.), speaks of them poetically as Indian. Mentioned as sacred birds, Clyt. Miles. I.e. Trepi 8e TO Ifpov TTJS Hapdevov ev Aepo> ciV 7TTepS)v earl ra pev vnoKUTco &>^poj/, TO. fie eWra) wvirep Trjs d\Ki>6vos Kvdveov, TO. fi' eV aKpti>v TO)V TTTepvyiw epvOpd (cf. Plin. x. (33) 51). TIKTCI 8e Trepl 1^ rj eTTTa VTTO Ti]v oTTcopav [it breeds in Greece about the middle of April, Lindermayer], ev Tols Kpypvols Tols paXaKols' eto-fiyerai S' et KOI reVrapa? MEMNQN NEBP04>ONOI 117 MEPO* (continued). TT^etr. Ib. vi. I, 559 v & i Botwroi KaXovviv depoTra, ets ras- orras ev rfj yfj KaT(i8v6fj.fvos Vforrevei povos. On the filial piety of pepo^, 8iKatoraros- KOI 6U(re/3e0Taros' opvidav cmav- Tmy eVt TOVTOLS (rvvavovvrai TOVS dirb (pao-i8os, drra-yas AiyvTrriay, Mrjdov Taava : ibid. iii. 4 opveis 'ij/SiKOvy, Kai Taavas MrjdiKovs eKTpefovo-i. MONO'IIPOI. A breed of fowls in Egypt. opvfis ev 'AXe^avSpeia Trj Trpbs AtyvnTov fieri, f a>v ol /na^t/zoi d\eKTpv6v( s ytvvwvTcti, Geopon. xiv. 7, 30. MO'P4>NOI. An Eagle or Vulture. In Plin., the Lammergeier. Supposed to be connected with the idea of dark or black; cf. opQvT), Russ. mrachnoe, Eng. murky, (popcpvos = O-KOTCIVOS, Suid., but = gav66s, Hesych.). II. xxiv. 315 avTLKct ' aleTov ^/ce, reXetdraroj/ TrfTerjv&v, | fji6p(f)vov 8rjpr)Tr)p t , ov KOI ncpKvbv Kokcowiv (cf. II. xx. 252 ; Porphyr. Schol. ; also Heyne's note, in loc.). Hes. Scut. 134 p,op\eyvao KaXwrrojUfi/oi nTfpvyfao-1. Lycophr. 838 TOV xP V(TO ' jraT P ov (J-op(pvov. According to Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 618 b, identical with TrXayyos and vr)TTo<5s)- Plin. x. 3 Phemonoe Apollinis dicta filia dentes ei esse prodidit, mutae alias, carentique lingua : eandem aquilarum nigerrimam, prominentiore cauda. Ingenium est ei testudines raptas frangere e sublimi iaciendo, &c. Cf. Suid., who definitely applies the name to a Vulture ; p.6pV deTwv ov KVvr)yeTovo~iv } dXXa veKpols o-wpao-i Tp(f)ovrat. Vide S. v. MY'TTHE' opvis voids, Hesych. NE'BPA-E. veftpaKfs' ol appeves vcoTTol TO>V dXenTpvovav, Hesych. NEBPO^O'NOI. Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 618 b = iruyapY ?) q v. Il8 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS NE'PTOI. A Vulture. Ar. Av. 303, mentioned together with yity and ifpag. Hesych. ve 'pros' lepag' ol de eloos opveov (i.e. a species of vulture). This word, hitherto unexplained, I conjecture to be the Egyptian ^ j^ nert, Copt. ItOTpI, a Vulture : cf. Chaeremon, fr. 9, and Lauth, in Horap. i. 3, Sitzungsber. Bayer. Akad., 1876, p. 73. NrTTTA, Boeot. maora (Ar. Ach. 875). A Duck. Cf. Lat. anat-is, Lith. anh's, A. S. ened, Ger. Ente. Dim. v^-ndpiov (a term of endearment), Ar. PI. ion, Menand. Inc. 422 (4, 316); Nicostr. Antyll. 3 (3, 280). See also poaicds, yXauiaoi>, Description. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b included among ra ra>v o~TcyavoTr68a)v' irepl norafjiovs KOI \$ eariv ; ibid. ii. 17, 509 e^i cvpitv KOI TrXarvv o\ov, aTrotpvdo'as ex cl - Alex. Mynd. ap. Athen. ix. 52. 395 c 6 appqv ptLfav KCU TromXoorepos 1 . An allusion to the particoloured plumage of the Common Drake, or else of some wild Duck, in Ar. Av. 1148. Ael. V. 33 e' o>SiVa>i> eVrt vrjKriKT), KOI fiadelv ov Setrat, K. r. X. Use as Pood. Herod, ii. 77 AiyuTmoi ras vfjo~o-as wp-ovs o-iTfovrcu, irpoTapixevo-avres. Frequent in the Comic Poets. Its wholesomeness, Plut. V. Cat. Maj. xxiii (i. 359 D). On the Roman j/qo-o-orpo^em, see Varro, De R. R. iii. n, Colum. viii. 15. Mode of capture, Dion. De Avib. iii. 23. Brought as tribute to Indian kings, Ael. xiii. 25. Myth and Legend. Sacred to Poseidon, Ar. Av. 566. According to Nicand. ap. Anton. Lib. c. ix, one of the Emathides, daughters of Pierus, was metamorphosed into the bird vfjo-o-a. Its defence against the eagle, cf. Phile, De An. Pr. xiv. Use the herb sideritis as a remedy, Plin. viii. 27. A "Weather-prophet. Ael. vii. 7 Trrepvyi^ovaai nvev/jLa drj\ovo-iv Io~xvp6v : cf. Arist. fr. 241, 1522 b; Theophr. De Sign. fr. vi. 18, 28; Arat. 918, 970. NHTTOKTO'NOI, s. i/t]TTo<|>6i>os. A kind of Eagle, the Anataria of Plin. x. 3. Supposed, by Sundevall, to be the Spotted Eagle, Aquila naevia ; vide s. v. dXideros. Compare, however, the notes on Xayw^oyos, irXayyos, &C. KipKos VYJTTOKTOVOS, Phile, De An. Pr. xiv. 6. vrjrrocpovos, Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 618 b = poppas and TrXdyyos, q. v. Cf. Ael. v. 33. NOYMH'NIOI. An unknown bird, opveov opoiov arraya* 6 KOI rpo'^iXoy, Hesych. Proverb. vi>J?X0oz/ array as re KOI j>ov/i?jyioy, Suid., &C. (for other NEPTOI NYKTIKOPAE 1 1 9 NOYMHNIOI (continued]. references vide s. v. drTayas). In all probability, vovufjvtos was some bird associated with moon-worship ; we have an obscure indication of a kindred symbolism in the case of array as, in the statement that that bird is hostile to the Cock (Ael. vi. 45). That drrayds had some mystical signification seems plain, though the precise allusion is obscure : the frequent reference to the bird as TTOIK/XO?, and the state- ment of its friendship with the Stag, may in time furnish a clue to the mystery. For my part, I imagine I discern a stellar attribute in the one bird, and a lunar in the other. Tradition, of doubtful antiquity, associates the name Numenius with the Curlew, and it may well have this or some similar bird with a decurved or crescentic bill. NYKTAl'ETOr opvis fepos'Hpaj, 6 *at epa>8ios, Hesych. Cf. J/UKTiKOpaf. NYKTIKO'PAE, s. i>uicToic6pa, Hesych. Probably the Horned or Long- eared Owl, Strix o/us, L. ; but perhaps also applied to the Night-Heron. Arist. H. A. viii. 12, 597 b evioi TOV wrbv vvKriKopaita Ka\oixnv (loc. dub.). Ib. viii. 3, 592 b eri rtv WKrepiv&v evioi yap\ra)vvxes elcriv, olov vvKTiKopat;, y\avg, jBpvas. Ib. ix. 34, 689 b y\ de Ka\ WKTiKopaKfs, KOI ra \onra ocra rrjS fjp-epas dSvvarel /SXeTTfiy, TI)S VVKTOS p.ev drjpevovra rr]V rpotforjv avrois 7ropi'ers 6 Bavaros afpvco enpxTai. With this passage, cf. the legendary hostility of the Owl and the Crows, s. vv. yXau|, Kopwi^] : there is, however, a very similar story Anth. Pal. XI. l86 WKTiKopat; qei 0avarrj(p6pov, dXX' ortiv qvrj | 6vr](TK.fL Kavros 6 vvKriKopag. Cf. the carmen ferale of the Owl, Virg. Aen. iv. 462 : vide also s. v. j3uas. Cf. also Spenser's ' hoarse night- raven, trompe of doleful drere,' c. A fabled metamorphosis, Boios ap. Anton. Lib. c. xv ; cf. j(apa8pi<5s. There is an old confusion between this bird and the Night- Heron, Ardea nycticorax^ L. Gesner (ed. cit., p. 357), discussing the discrepant opinions regarding wKriKopag, figures the Night-Heron, and adds, ' Wir haben hierbey die Figur des Vogels gesetzt, welcher zu Strasburg ein Nachtram anderswo ein Nachtrabe geheissen wird, welcher doch 120 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS NYKTIKOPAS (continued}. meines Bedenckens weder ein Caprimulgus noch Nycticorax ist.' And the confusion thus introduced seems to have been aided by Gaza having translated wKTiKopag by cicuma (Gr. KIKUJUS, q.v.), afterwards misspelt cicunia, ciconia (vide Belon, ii. c. 36, Camus, ii. p. 250). Nevertheless, although the above-cited passages all appear to apply to an Owl, yet Ardea purpurea, nycticorax, and other Herons are said to be now called wKTiKopag (Erh., Heldr.) ; further, it has been shown above that the attributes of epo>8ios are in part nocturnal. Lastly, it must be noted that there are evidences of Egyptian influence in the stories both of e'pwSior and vvKTiKopag ; vide s. v. dyoiraia. Ol'NA'NOH. An unknown bird. Arist. H. A. ix. 49 B, 633 (loc. dub.} a(^avl^rai Se KCU TJV KaXoDa-t rives olvdvdrjv av'io~\ovTO$ TOV o~(ipiov } dvopcvov 8e (paivcrai' (frevyei yap ore p.ev TO. "^vxn, ore de rrjv aXeai/. Cf. Plin. x. (29) 45 ; perhaps identical with parra, ib. xviii. 69, or mtiparra, ib. x. (33) 50. Vide infra, s. v. oiras. Belon (Nat. des Oiseaux, vii. 12) first applied the name to the Wheatear, which (Saxicola oenanthe, L.) still retains it. OI'NA'Z. A kind of Pigeon : probably the wild Hock-Pigeon, Columba tim'a, L. Also oli/ias, Poll. vi. 22 olvtas 8e ical olvds, 77 aypi'a 7rept(TTfpa. Arist. H. A. V. 13, 544 ^ opvis TrepicrrepoeiS)]?, fitKpco jj.ei(cv rrjs TrepioTepaff. Ib. viii. 3, 593 Aon-tai/ de fyaftos. Ib. vi. i, 558 b 8irom, i.e. lays two eggs ; cf. De Gen. iv. 77, iii. 9, Plin. x. 79 (58). Arist. H. A. viii. 3. 593 roG Kol (fxiivcrai prXiora Kal aXtWercu* rj 8' SXaxris avrijs yiverat a KajTTovcrrjs TO vScop' atyiKvovvrai 8 els TOVS TOTTOVS TOVTOVS e Arist. ap. Athen. ix. 394 a /uei'o>i/ eVrt TJJS TrfpiorTfpa?, olvanov. (paiverat (frdivonapfo (JLOVCO. Athen. ib. 394 e Xeyfrai fi* on f) olvas fav (payovva TO TTJS lias cr7rep/za eVt TIVOS aQodevfrrj devdpov, Idiav llav (pveo-dai : cf. Plin. xvi. (44) 93, s. v. palumbes. Ael. iv. 58 TTJV otVaSa opveov floevai XPV ovcrav, ov p,f]V &s Tives o/i7reXoy. \eyei 8e 'Apto-roreX^y /net^oj/ jj,fv avTO elvai (fraTTtjs, Trepiarepaff ye ^v TJTTOV. Mentioned also, Lyc. 358. oiyaSoO^pas, in Sparta, a dove-catcher, Ael. 1. c. The passage in Aelian, and the discrepancy between the accounts of the bird's size, indicate that olvds was a little-known word. The later Greeks and early commentators derived it from olvos, with reference to the colour of the bird (Athen. I.e., Eustath. ad Odyss. p. 475, ed. Basil.) or to its appearance in the vintage-season (TOV (pdivorrdapov) ; hence Gaza translates it Vinago ; and most moderns have identified it with the Stock-dove, C. oenas, L., whose breast is purple-red. But the word is more probably identical with the Hebrew T\^ , Jonah, as has been suggested by Casaubon in Athen. p. 617, and Bochart, Hieroz. ii. NYKTIKOPAE OKNOZ. 121 OINAI (continued^. 2. Cf. *li/ ras 'HpaKXciouy oTJ^Xay ev \tp.vais ewpaKevai opviOds Tivas *cat p.eiovs f3o>v. 'OPO'iniZOI. The Blue-throat, Cyanecula suecica, L. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b IO oprvyas' v TO, VTTO r&5 yeveico peXava. Pratin. ib. dSvfpcovov TOV oprvya, 7T\r)v el pf) TI napa Tols ^Xiaaiois rj TO!? Aa/toxri (f)a>vr]VTs, as ol nepdiKes. Anatomy. Arist. H. A. ii. 15, 506 b Trpo? Tols e'vrepois TTJV ^o'X^i/ e^. ib. 17, 509 e^ei Kcti TrpoXoftov Kal npb TTJS yaorpo? TOV aro/Lta^oi/ evpvv Kal TT\aTvv e\ovra' 8iep(ei S' 6 TrpoXojSos TOU Trpo TIJS y(rrpos (rro/xa^ov av^vov oas Kara peyeOos. Alex. Mynd. 1. C. dvaTp,r)6els 8e 7rpoXoj3oz/ ov% oparat fieyav e^eov, Kap8iav S' e^ft /zeyaXr;j/, /ecu TOVTTJV rpt'Xo/Sov, K.T.\. Nest and Breeding- habits. A full description, together with 7re'pSi, Arist. H. A. ix. 8, 613 b, 614: cf. ib. vi. i, 559. Cf. Xen. Memor. ii. i, 4. Migrations. Arist. H. A. viii. 12, 597. Migrate in September, TOV Borjo'pop.iavos. iriorfpoi TOV (frOivonwpov p.d\\ov rj TOV eapos. ol &' oprvyes 124 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS OPTYE (continued}. orav ffiTrecraxnv, eav p.ev evdia /} jBopeiov 17, o~vv$vdovrai re KOI ei>T)p.povo'iv eav 8e voros, ^aXcTrw? e^ovtri Sia TO pfj elvai wrrfrtKol' vypbs yap Kal ftapvs 6 avfp.os' dib Kal ol 6r)pfvovTes OVK 7Ti)(ipovo~iv evdias' Tots voriois ' ou Treroi/rai Sta TO fidpos' TTO\V yap TO croi/ia, dib Kal fio&VTes TTCTOVTOL' TTOVOVO~I yap. orav [lev ovv eKeldev TrapafidXXaxriV) OVK f^ovcriv fjyeuovas. orav 6' evrevdev airaipaa-iV) fj re yXwrris o-vvanaipeL Kal f] opruyo^ryTpa, K.T.X. Cf. Dion. De Avib. i. 30; Plin. x. 33 (23) ; Varro, De Re Rust. iii. 5,7. The connexion between the quails' flight and the wind is well known : cf. Numb. xi. 31 ; Joseph. Ant. iii. I, 5. Modes of capture. With a mirror, Clearch. Sol. ap. Athen. ix. 393 of oprvyes TTfpi rbv rrjs o^eias Kaipbv, eav KaroTrrpov c evavrias TIS avr&v Kal Trpb TOVTOV J3p6%ov dfj } Tpe\ovres TTpbs rbv eufpaivo^fvov ev TK> KctTOTTTpcp e/i7riVTouo-ii/ fls rbv (^po^ov. With a sort of scare-crow, Dion. De Avib. iii. 9. With nets simply, on the coast of Egypt, Diodor. i. 60. A quail- catcher, opTuyo07?pas-, Plat. Euthyd. 290 D. Cf. Arist. H. A. ix. 8, 614 ovTO) &e o~V bprvya>v. Juv. Sat. 12. 97. In Egypt, according to Herod, ii. 77 TOVS opTvyas otua ariTeovrai, rrpo- Tcipixcvo-avTes : cf. Diodor. 1. c. : vide s. v. y^lwiov. On potted Quails in the Morea, cf. G. St. Hilaire ap. Bory de St. Vincent, More'e, Oiseaux, p. 35. Domesticated and pet Quails: Ar. Pax 789 opru-yas oiKoyevfis: cf. Ar. Fr. 36; Arist. Probl. x. 12, i ; Plut. V. Alcib. i. 195 E, Mor. ii. 799 D ; Varro, iii. 5, 2 ; M. Anton, i. 6. A lover's gift, Ar. Av. 707, Plat. Lys. 211 E: cf. Plaut. Capt. v. 4, 5; vide Jacobs ad Anthol. x. p. 13. Hence iXop, Plat. Lys. 212 D ; iXopTuyorpo, Artemid. iii. 5, c. Quail-fights. Lucian, Anach. 37 (2, 918); Plat. Lys. 211 E; Plut. i. 930 E, cock and quail-fights between Antony and Caesar (cf. Ant. and Cl. ii. 4 ' and his quails ever Beat mine, inhoop'd at odds ') ; ibid. ii. 207 B how in Egypt a procurator of Augustus killed and ate a victorious quail, and how retribution fell on him ; Ovid, Amor. ii. 6, 27, &c. This sport, still common among the Chinese, Malays, &c., was practised in Italy in Aldrovandi's time (Ornith. ii. p. 74 : cf. Voss., De Idol. c. 86, p. 596). For a Chinese picture of a quail-fight, showing the 'hoop' or TrjXia (cf. supra, p. 22, s. v. dXeKxpuwf), see Douce's Illustr. of Shakspeare, p. 367 ; cf. also Bell's Travels in China, i. p. 404 (8vo ed.). See also Becker's Charicles. The birds are said to have been stimulated to fight with bells, cf. Schol. in Ar. Lys. 485 (dKcoouvio-Tov) ; see also Aristarch. ap. Harpocrat. s. v. SieKwoomo-e. Quail-striking, opTuyoKOTria, Jul. Pollux, ix. 107. The player was s-, Plat. Com. IlepiaXy. 4, ap. Athen. xi. 506 D or (TTV(poK6jros. OPTY=. 125 OPTYE (continued). Ar. Av. 1299 and Schol. Cf. Plut. ii. 34 D. See also Meursius, De Ludis Graecorum, in Gronov. Thes. Ant. Gr. vii. p. 979. Immunity from poison. Arist. De Plant. 5, 820 b {joa-Kvapos KOI eXXe/3opos- dvOpairois ptv Si]\r)TT)pioi, Tpn(pf) 6e Tols oprvt. Cf. Plin. x. 33 (23), Geopon. xiv. 24, Galen. De Ther. ad Pison. i. 4, De Alim. Fac. ii. 6, De Temper, iii. 4, Basil. Hexaem. v. p. 59 (ed. Paris), Eustath. Hexaem. p. 9, Ambros. Hexaem. iii. 9, &c., Lucret. iv. 641. For similar oriental reff., see Bochart, ii. 97, 98. Legend of Delos. Phanodem. ap. Athen. ix. 392 d as Kareldev 'Epvo-i'^- &u>v ArjXoj/ TTJV vrjcrov rfjv VTTO T>V dp^aiaiv KaXovfjievTjv 'OpTvytav Trap* 6 ras dyeXas T>V <(*>v TOVTCHV (pepopevas CK TOV ne\dyovs idveiv (Is Trjv vrjaov 8ta TO vopp.ov fivat ... Cf. Serv. ad Aen. iii. 73. On the metamorphosis of Artemis, Leto, and Asteria into Quails, see Apollod. i. 4, i, Schol. Apoll. Rhod. i. 308, Hygin. Fab. 53, Tatian, Adv. Grace, c. xvi, &c. In yet another version it is Zeus himself who appears as a Quail : Argum. Pyth. Pindari, ed. Bockh, ii. p. 297. Legend of Hercules. Eudox. ap. Athen. ix. 392 d ot $oii>i? Sr) o-v ri iroidv Swdfifvos oprvyiov OPXIAOZ, s. opxiXos. Probably the Wren; cf. rpox^os. Hesych. opviQapiov ra>v cvavrjT&V Xeyerai be VTTO TIVWV (raATrtyJVjrqs : cf. Phot. 351. 12. Ar. Av. 569 /3aatXfu? eVr' op^i'Xos opvis : cf. trochilus, Plin. viii. 37, x. 95. Mentioned also Ar. Vesp. 1513. Arist. H. A. ix. I, 609 y\ai>g /cat op^iXos TroX/^ta, ra yap wa rrjs y\avKOS. A sign of rain, Arat. 1025 op^iXo? fj KOI epiOevs bvvuv es xpa>/icm 6e pV7rapoKpafj,6s eVri, TO 8e pvyxos p-aKpov re KOI orei/6z> e^ct. 'O*rOYPOI' opvis TTOIOS V At&OTua, Hesych. nA'nnoi. An unknown bird (verb, dub^ ', opveov eiSor, Hesych. Mentioned Ael. iii. 30, in a somewhat doubtful passage, as a bird in whose nest the Cuckoo lays her egg. Sometimes supposed to be punned on in Ar. Av. 765 $vcrara> ndmrovs Trap' yp-w, where however TraTTTroi are more probably young downy feathers (vide Kock, &c.). Coray cites, vaguely, Mod. Gk. TrdTrma, a duck. riAPAO'l- deTo'y, t-vro MaKefioW, Hesych. HA'PAAAOI, s. irapSaXis, Hesych. An undetermined bird. Arist. H. A. ix. 23, 617 b opveov eariv cryeXatoj; a)s eirl TO TroXv, Kai OVK Hem Kara eva I8elv' TO 8e %pa>fji.a (TTro&oeifijys oXof, p.eyedos 5e TrapaTrX^o-ioy eKfivois [? fjLO\aKOKpavevs, ^Xcop/coj/, rpuya)!'], CVTTOVS 8e Kai ov KaKOTrrepo?, (puvr) de TroXX?) Kai ov /SapeTa' TO de p.eyf6os [rov KoXXupiWoy] TUVTOV. A very doubtful passage, cf. Billerbeck, De loc. nonnull. Arist. H. A. difficilior., Hildesh. 1806. Sundevall, following Turner, Gesner, &c., identifies ndpdaXos with the Golden Plover, Charadrius pluvialis, L., which is frequent in flocks in Greece, and has a constant cry, and is about as large as rpvy&v : in the name he sees a suggestion of the dappled plumage, in spite of o-rroSoetS^? o\os. Billerbeck, following Aldrovandi, &c., identifies it with the Starling, for similar and equally good reasons. Vide supra, s. v. jAaXcucoKpaKeu's. HEAAPro'l. (Said to be derived from TreXoy, dpyo't: lit. black-and- white ; vide Suid. s. v. rreXapyidcls, ed. Bernhardy; Zonarus, p. 1528 ; Pott. Etym. Forsch. i. p. 131 ; cf. vfjes TreXapyo'xpojres-, Lycophr. 24; opeiTTfXapyos, q. v.). Dim. TrcXapyiSeus, Ar. Av. 1356, Plut. ii. 992 B. Cf. also y^Y 1 ! 5 * The Stork, Ciconia alba, L. Mod. Gk. XeXeiu, XeXe/ca?, sometimes said to be a Turkish word ; but Byzantios ingeniously compares XeXe'fa = TreXapydf with Ae'Xeyes = IIeXao-yo t ' : cf. also XdXttYCS. Mentioned in Ar. Av. 1 139, with a pun on ro HehapyiKov ; cf. ibid. 869. Description. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 Trept ray \ifivas KOL TOVS noTanovs fiiorevei. Its clattering noise, Philostr. Ep. ad Epictet. TOVS rreXap- yovs eTreiSav rrapiovTas fjp-as Kporakrti/ : cf. Ovid, Met. vi. 97 crepitante ciconia rostro. Migrations Arist. H. A. viii. 16, 600, Xft. Cf. Plin. x. 23 (31) Cico- niae quonam e loco veniant aut quo se referant, incompertum adhuc est. Nemo videt agmen discedentium, cum discessurum appareat, nee 128 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS nEAAPfOI (continued}. venire sed venisse cernimus : utrumque nocturnis fit temporibus. Cf. Dionys. De Avib. i. 31. (Its departure is scarcely noticed ; Lindermayer, op. cit., p. 154). Ael. iii. 23 rrjs &pas fie rrjs Kpvpwdovs di\6oi;crr]s ) orav VTroo~Tpe\ls()o~iv $ TO. i'5ia, Tr)v eavrS>i> fKarrros KaXiav dvayv(opiovo~iv ) a>s TT}V olKiav av0pa)Troi. The precise regularity of their coming (cf. s. v. Yepayos) : Lucullus to Pompey, ap. Plut. i. 5i8D eira, e

e\aTTOva TO>V yepdvav vovv ex eiv Ka ' v 7reXapya>j>, wore rats wpais P.TJ\\etv ras Statra? ; Cf. 6 ne\apyos aXrjrijs, Call. Fr. 475. According to Strabo, 221, 397, connected with IleXao-yoi, a nomad race; cf. Dion. Hal. i. 28. Filial Piety. Ar. Av. 1355 eirfjv 6 irarrjp 6 TreXapyoy irdvTas noirjo-r] TOVS TreXapyiS^s rpe^tov | 8el rovs VCOTTOVS TOV Trarepa nd\iv Tpefaiv. Cf. Plut. Alcib. i. 135 D, Arist. H. A. ix. 13, 615 b, Ael. iii. 23 Tpe(j)iv fJiev TOVS Trarepas TreXopyol yfytjpaKOTas KOI e6\ov | nc\apy6s elfju (xn XP1 P- TTTrjvwv TTcXap-yos evo-e^earaTO? (/WCDJ' | TOV TtdrjvS) narcpa Kal Cf. Soph. El. 1058. See also verb amTreXapyfo/, Suidas, Zenob. i. 94, &c., and UfXapyiKot vopjot, Hesych., Suid., &c. The Stork as a primeval law-maker is alluded to in Ar. Av. 1353, perhaps also ibid. 1213. Hence the Stork was honoured by the Egyptians, as an emblem of piety : Ael. X. l6, Horap. ii. 55 ypa(povo~tv. fv TOLS o~Kr)7TTpnis afcortpa) p,ev irf\apybv ruTrovfrt, Karcorepa) de Trora/itoi/ tmrov. (Cf. Schol. in Ar. Av. I.e.) Cf. Phile, (vi.) 158 : Plin. x. (23) 33 ; Juv. Sat. i. 116 ; Porph. De Abst. iii. n ; Publius ap. Petron. Sat. 55 ciconia etiam grata, peregrina, hospita, Pietaticultrix, gracilipes, crotalistria. How the Storks teach their children to fly, Plut. ii. 992 B KOI TOIS n-eXap- yiSevcrij/ 6 pas eVi TO>V Teyav cos ol re'Xeioi napovTes dvaTreipatfjievois vCprjyotvTai TT)V TTTTjO-iV. Destroys serpents, and hence honoured by the Thessalians. Arist. Mirab. 23, 832 Trepi QfTra\iav p.vr]p.ovvovo~iv oO~L TOVS TreXapyouy, *cal KTeiveiv ov VOJJLOS' Kal edv TIS KTturg^ tvo%os roty avTols yiveTai olanrfp Kal 6 di>8po(puvos '. see also Plut. De Isid. c. 74> Symp. viii. 7, Plin. x. (23) 33, Solin. De Thessal. Cf. Juv. Sat. xiv. 74 serpente ciconia pullos, Nutrit et inventa per devia rura lacerta ; Virg. G. ii. 320. The Stork as food, Hor. Sat. ii. 2, 50, and Scholia; cf. Corn. Nepos, ap. Plin. x. (23) 30, Mart. Ep. xiii. FlEAAPrOI riEAEIA 129 HEAAPrOI (continued}. Myth and Legend. Hostile to aWvia, Ael. iv. 5, Phile, 680; to vvKTpis, Ael. vi. 45. Uses opiyavov as a remedy, Arist. H. A. ix. 6, 612, Ael. v. 46, Plin. viii. 27. How the bats (wKTepides) render the Stork's eggs unfruitful, and how the Stork defeats them with a leaf of irXdravos, Ael. i. 37, Geopon. xiiL 13, xv. i, 18; according to Anatol. p. 298, a tortoise-bone is equally efficacious. A Stork's stomach is a specific for the murrain of sheep and goats, Geopon. xviii. 1 1 ; cf. Plin. xxix. 33. A young Stork, a prophylactic against ophthalmia, Plin. xxix. 38. A messenger of Athene (cf. epo8ios), Porph. De Abst. iii. 5. Story of Alcinoe, an unfaithful wife: Ael. viii. 20 TOI-TO crwiSuv 6 ire\apybs 6 OLKCT^S oi>x virepfivev, aXXa eTip^prjae TO> decnroTTj' Trpo&nrjdSiv yovv fTrrjpoMTf TTJS dvdpwirov Trjv 6S//ii/ i cf. Apostol. xiv. 15, p. 609. Story of Heraclei's, to whom the Stork, healed of a broken leg, brought next year a magic pebble : ibid. viii. 22 rrjv &' ovv \L6ov evdov TTOU flra VVKTWP dtvnvio-Qdcra 6 pa avyrjv nva KO\ a'iyXrjv afyiclvav, KOI 6 owcoy coy eaKoiucrdeiffrjs dados : cf. Dion. De Avib. i. 31. The stone was probably the stone \VXVLS or XV^I/I'TTJ?, cf. Plin. xxxvii. (17) 103, and Philostrat. V. Apoll. Tyan. ii. 14 TreXap-yoi KaXias OVK av irrjt-aivro, pr] nporfpov avrals evappoa-avres TOV XV^VI'T^V \idov : cf. also Lucian, De Dea Syr. 32 ; Orph. Lith. 268. Metempsychosis : Alex. Mynd. ap. Ael. iii. 23 orav es yrjpas a^iKco^rai, irapeXdovras avrovs es ras ' SlKeavindas vr](rovs dfj.cifBeiv TCI c'idi) es dvdpairov Hop(pfjv, Kai eva-efteias ye T^S es TOVS yeivapevovs adXov TOITO icr^ciy, aXXtos re, e'L TI eyu> voo), K.a\ V7ro0e'cr$ai T>V 6tu>v (3ov\op.evwv TOVTO yovv T>V dvdpw- TTCOV rwv eKeWi TO yevos evo~ej3es Kal ocriov^ ewel ov% olov re T]V ev rfj aX\r) yfj vfi f)\io> TOIOVTOV diafiiovv : cf. the story of the birds of Diomede (s. v. epcoStos), and see for accounts of similar superstitions in recent times, Schwenk, Slav. Mythol. p. 129 ; cf. also August Marx, Griech. Marchen, PP- 5-55) Stuttgart, 1889. riE'AEIA, s. ireXetdls. Also ireXTjids, Opp. Cyn. i. 351. A Pigeon or Dove. The Epic word : used for nepio-Tfpd also by the Dorians (Sophron. ap. Athen. ix. 394 D), and by the lonians (Hipp. 638. 8, 667. 3 : cf. Lat. pal-umba. Commonly said to be connected with TreXo'y, iro\i6s, &C. ; cf. Hesych. neXeiai' fieXaivai VtplOTfpal, and Eustath. Hom. p. 1262 Tre'Xem 8e ov% dn\S)s Trepi- (TTfpd, eldos de TI Treptarepas, cos 17 \eis enibr)\ol' ireXbv yap TO /xeXavi^oi/j ^ ov ml 6 7rf\apy6s. Nevertheless, the derivation appears to me somewhat dubious; for all the wild pigeons, the Turtle-dove excepted, are very much of a colour, and I do not think the Greeks would have spoken of black pigeons until they had got K 130 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS F1EAEIA (continued}. white ones ; cf. also Herod, ii. 55 p.e '\aivai Tn-XeiaSey. IleXeia seems lost as a current word in Mod. Gk. : it does not occur in Aristophanes, save in the Homeric parody in Ar. Av. 575. In Horn, frequent ; the only Homeric word for pigeon, save for the occurrence of (pdao-a in the compound (pao-o-o(poj>o?, II. xv. 238. Usually with epithet rpr\pw q.v., a word of equally doubtful etymology, the received derivation from rpe ftcreTrroro frerpty?, | cf. Q. Smyrn. xii. 12 tp^ creue neXciav' eTreiyop.^^ &' apa Keivrj, | 7TTpt]s KaTfdvo-aTo i cf. also Virg. Aen. v. 213. In Aristotle distinguished from TrcpioTepdi : H. A. v. 13, 544 b er eon rrepL(TTpa KCU TTfXfids' e'Xdrrcoi/ /ney ovv 17 TreXeia?, Tidaacrov 8e yiWrai fiaXXoi/ 17 TTfpio-repa. 77 8e TTfXetas KOI /j.e\av Kal piKpov Koi cpvQpoirovv Kal rpaxvnovvj 816 Kal ov6e\s rpefai. [The contrary stated, Athen. ix. 394 C.] Ib. viii. 12, 597 b anaipovo-i 8e KCU at (peirrat KOI al TreXfiaSey, KOI ov X fl ^"~ ^ouo-t, ni 8e Trfpio-repat Kara^svova-iv. According to Sundevall, TreXem is here in Aristotle the Stock-dove, C. oenas, otms being the Rock-pigeon, C. livid, 4>&|r or i> ov p-nKpav XeXei/zpei/oi | Covert ; Eurip. Andr. 1140 01 d' OTTOIS UpaK idov&ai Trpbs (pvyrjv eVamcrai/ : Ovid, Met. i. 507 sic aquilam penna fugiunt trepidante columbae ; cf. ibid. v. 605, Trist. i. i, 75 ; Virg. Eel. ix. ii ; Lucret. iii. 751 ; Phaedr. Fab. i. 31, 3, &c. Thus Medea comes to Jason, as a Dove seeking shelter from the Hawk, Val. Flacc. Argon, viii. 32. The Dove in the clutches of the Eagle or Hawk, as an omen, Od. xx. 243, xv. 525, Sil. Ital. Pun. iv. 104 ; cf. Virg. Aen. xi. 721. Hera and Athena, coming to the aid of the Argives, compared to Doves I II. V. 778 ai fie /Scm;*', rpjypeocri TreXeiao-ti/ Wpaff o/zoteu. For various interpretations of this simile, see the Scholia, also Ameis and other commentators ; but the allusion is probably neither to swiftness nor to dainty tread, but to the ancient and widespread prefigurement of the deity as a dove (cf. int. al., F. L. W. Schwartze, Urspr. d. Mythologie, p. 218); in the Homeric Delian Hymn, v. 114, Iris and Eileithyia /3av 5e TTOO-I rprjpuai 7reXeuz<7ii/ Wp.aff o/noiat, with which cf. Ar. Av. 575 *Ipiv de y "Ofj.r]pos efpaaK iK\rjv flvai rp^paw TreXei'fl, and Schol. The story of the Dove bound by Achilles to the mast as a mark for the archers, II. xxiii. 850 et seq. : it was shot by Meriones, v\^i d vTral v(pto)v cide Tpfjpcova TreXeiai', | rr\v p" oyc divevovaav inrb irrepwyos K 2 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS HEAEIA (contimted}. /3a\e Ufa-err)* : the same story transferred to Aeneas and Eurytion, Virg. Aen. v. 485-544. On the pigeons that brought ambrosia to the infant Zeus, see Od. xii. 60 ; Moero Byz. ap. Athen. xi. 4906 ; Ptolem. Hephaest. ap. Phot. i. p. 474. The Dove that flew between the clashing rocks in the passage of the Hellespont : Apoll. Rh. ii. 328, ii. 557, &c., and Schol. ouoi/cw Si) irpocrde TreXeiuSi Treip^aaarde \ vqbs ciTronpo ftedevres e(pifp,v' . . . afcpa 8' K.o\lfav | ovpala Trrepa raiye TreXeiuSos* f) & diropovcrtv \ d(TKr)6r)s '. see also Apollod. i. 9, 22, Hygin. Fab. xix, Propert. ii. 26, 39 cum rudis Argus Dux erat ignoto missa columba mari, &c. ; cf. the account of the l Tre'rpai or Cyanean rocks, Od. xii. 62 rfj pev r oi/Se TTOTTJTO. i, ot5e Tre'Xeicu | rpqpeoi'e?, rat T* d^poairjv Au Trarpi 17 BvfavTia KaXws fdet-aro TOV vovv TO>V 'Oprfpov Troi^paTcov, eV rfj Mvt)fj,oo-vi/Tj eTTiypafpopevr] (pda-Kovs 8' avras rp^pcocri TreXetacrtf coTra(re Ti/zj^y, | at 8r) rot Bepcos KOI x^paTos ayye\oi tlcriv : also many references, ap. Athen. 1. c., from Pindar, Simonides, Simmias, Lamprocles, &c., where the TrXeiaSf? are called TreXeiaSes- : e. g. Lampr. (p. 554 Bergk) atre noravais 6p.a>j/up>oi nfXddariv altiepi Ktlvde. The Pleiads are also supposed to be alluded to in Alcman, fr. 23 (Bergk) TO! irfXeiddes yap dp.iv \ 'Opdia (papos fapoi- raiW (pav AtyuTrnecoj/ avaTrro/xeVar, rrjv [lev avrecnv es Aifiurjv, rrjv 8e napa axpeas dnLKfaOai' ifcofjLfvrjv 8e piv eVt (frriyov, avddas opvuri (}>0cyyfo-6at . . . peKmvav 8e \tyovres flvai rf]V TreXetaSa o-rjuaivovcri on AlyvTTTlrj T) yvvrj rjv. Cf. Pausan. vii. 21, x. 12. On Alexander and the doves at Ammon, cf. Curtius, iv. c. 7, Strabo, xvii. See also J. Arneth. Ueber das Taubenorakel von Dodona, Wien, 1841 ; Perthes, Die Peleiaden von Dodona, Progr. d. Progymn. zu Mors, 1869; H. D. Miiller, Philol. Anz. ii. p. 95, 1870; Lorenz, op. cit., p. 35; Creuzer, Symb. iii. pp. 183, 217. According to Thrasybulus and Acestodorus, ap. Schol. II. xvi. 233, a dove had founded the oracle in the time of Deucalion. On the pigeons of Dodona, see also Soph. Tr. 171 V crrepvatv, fls ov a.7rao~av TTJV ecos (fj,(3d\\ovo~iv ) ovt TU>V KTGVWV ovre T>V o~K\r)pS)if i, K. lit. 'to vomit.' But the Pelican feeds on fish, not (?) on shell-fish : and moreover P. crispus is common in Greece and is not limited to the north. Hence various writers have doubted the common interpretation, e. g. Gesner, Brandt (Descr. Animal. Rusti- corum, 1836, p. 53), Van der Hoeven (Handb. d. Zool., ii. p. 396) and especially Aubert and Wimmer (op. cit., i. p. 104), who suppose a species of Heron to be meant. But the passage in Dionysius (s. v. ireXeKiKos) is only applicable to the Pelican, and the latter is distin- guished from cpudios in Ael. v. 35, Phile, c. ix, &c. ; the Heron and the Pelican seem however to be confounded by Plutarch, 1. c. Cicero (De Nat. D. ii. (49) 124) repeats the story under the name Platalea, and Plin. (x. (40) 56) under that of Plafea, names which rather suggest the Spoonbill, to which the account may have been transferred, the Pelican not occurring in Italy (Gallia hos septentrionali proxima Oceano reddit, Plin. x. 47). The Pelican and its ' piety,' Ael. iii. 23. Cf. Horap. i. 54 7re\fV TreTeijvcov, TOVTO ov Troie? aXXa yap Kal avopvas yrjv, exei KaTariderai TO. yfvvo)fj,va' orrep cTTiyvovTes avdpconoi, ra> TOTTW /3oo? d(p68evfjia ^rjpov rrfpiTi- 6eao~iv } cp Kal Tvvp V7roftd\\ovo~i' deaad^icvos de 6 TreXeKaz/ TOV Kavrj/oj/, rot? Idiois Trrepols fiovXofjifvos a7roo"]3ecrai ro TrCp, K T&V evavriwv KOTO, rrjv Kivr]o~iv e^arrret alro. v7, KCU KO\a(piovo'a ev V T^6vr]K.oT(Av veo(T(r(ov, Kal ovTcos (/ooTToioCi/roi : cf. also Ps.-Hieron. ad Praes. de Cer. Pasch. v. p. 149 (ed. 1693), Isid. Orig. xii. c. 7, Glycas, Annal. i. p. 44, S. August, in Ps. cii, &c., &c. A confusion with certain Woodpecker-myths (cf. TTcXeicas) may be one of the various sources of these corrupt but popular stories. HEAEKA"!, s. ireXeKdt^ A Woodpecker. Mod. Gk. TreXe/uW, Sei/fy>o- (payos, TaiK\iddpa. Vide S. W. SpuoKoXdiTTTj?, KcXeos, orreXcKTOS. Mentioned Ar. Av. 882, 1155 et seq. Cf. s. v. 7reXez/ ov o^eucov, Kal TiKret 0auXs. TroXeuel de rot? /SXaTrrouati/, derw dp7ra -yap avroV Kal aXcoTTeia (pdeipei yap avrbv TTJS VVKTOS *cai Kopvda ra yap wa avrov K\e7TTCi. Ibid. ix. l8, 6l6b ev/z^ayos de Kal deirrvocpopos Kal erraypos, flEAEKAN riEPAIS 137 HEAAOI (continued}. f'pyaerai de TTJV rj/jLtpav. rrjv p.vroi xpoav c^ei vds, H. A. ix. 8, 614 ; cf. Plut. ii. 727 D. /xera/3aXXei ro xP^M a ) De Color. 6. 798 ; albino variety, De Gen. v. 785 b. oo-cppr)o-iv 8oKei exftv f7ridr)\ov, H. A. vi. 2, 560 b, cf. De. Gen. iii. I, 751. Kox^ias eo-dtel, H. A. ix. 37, 621, Athen. ix. 3900 (01 ev 2Kui0a>), and how the snails (ot KaX. dpeiovts) to elude them leave their shells behind, Ael. x. 5. 6 f)yfp.wv T>V dypiuv, ol x*JP l > Athen. 1. c., Arist. H. A. ix. 8, 614. Nest and Breeding Habits. Lays ten to sixteen eggs (Arist. H. A. ix. 8, 6i3b, cf. Ael. x. 15) which are white (H. A. vi. 2, 559) ; vTrrjvefua (Ib. 560). Nest : H. A. ix. 8, 613 b ov iroiovvTai veoTTiav. aXX' orav 7roir}o~a>VTat (V TO> Xei'a) Kovio'Tpav, eTrrjXvyacrdfJievoi aKavddv Tiva KOI v\rjv TTJS Trepl TOVS lepaKas ev(Ka Kal TOVS aerovs aXecopas, IvravSa T'LKTOVO~I, Kal eTra)dovo~iv I cf. Ael. iii. 16, x. 15 ; Plin. x. (33) 51 ; Ovid, Met. viii. 258. Arist. H. A. vi. 8, 564 dvo rroiovvTai r>v (p)v o~rjKovs } KUI e0' v npos d\\fj\ovs Kal 6 fjTTrjdfls o^ewerai virb TOV Athen. 1. C., Plin. 1. C. oxfvovo-i 8e Kal ol Tidao-ol TOVS dypiovs' de TOVTO Kara Tiva &pav TOV erovy, Alex. Mynd. ap. Athen. 1. C. TOVS VCOTTOVS oxevovo'i, H. A. vi. 8, 5^4- av KCITO. ai/ep.ov crT&ffiv al Brfkfiai T&v dppevwVj eyi>77, Ael. iv. 5, and to exfvos 6 7rorfioyaYo)i>, Phile, 678. Friendly to e\a(pos (hence a stag's head used as a decoy), Dion. De Avib. i. 1 1 ; to (/mrrct, Ael. v. 48. Use KaXa/j-os as a remedy, Ael. i. 35, Phile, 723, Geopon. xv. I ; also opiyavov, Ael. v. 46, or a leaf of laurel, Plin. viii. 27, or the herb variously known as perdicium, helxine, sideritis or parthenium, Plin. xxi. (16) 62 ; xxii. (17) 19. Proverbial expressions. nepdiKos (TKt\os, nepdiKos vlos, &C. vide supra. Archil. 95, ap. Athen. ix. 388 f. 7rrco8. 4 (2. 599) ap. Athen. ix. 395 c, xiv. 654 b, &c. (vide Meineke). A Pigeon. See also S. VV. elms, ireXeia, irupaXXts, rpuywv, dfia oyKcoSer, De Gen. iii. I, 749 b ; /ca/mo^a-ya Kal Tro^ayei, H. A. viii. 3, 593- i> K dvaKimTti Trivovcra, H. A. ix. 7, 613. Blinks with both eyelids, De Part. An. ii. 12, 657, Plin. xi. (37) 57. KOI Koviovrat Kal Xovvrai, Arist. H. A. ix. 49 B, 633 b ; does not migrate, Ib. viii. 3, 593, 597 b. Lives to eight years old (when blinded as a decoy) Ib. ix. 7, 613, Plin. x. (35) $2- Is the prey of hawks, (pao~l ras ir(pio~Tpas yivwcrKeiv CKOOTOV TO>V yevuv [T>V fcpairai/], Arist. H. A. ix. 36, 620, Ael. v. 50, &c., &c. Its COO, J. Poll. V. 13 f'lirois av Tre/narepay ynyyvfeiv. How pigeons purge themselves with the herb helxine, Plin. viii. (27) 41, cf. Diosc. iv. 39, 86 ; feed greedily on irepio-Tepewv or TrepioWpioi/ (verbena), Plin. xxv (10) 78, Diosc. iv. 60, Nic. Ther. 860 and Schol. ; and on the white seeds of Helioscopium, Plin. xxvi. (8) 42. Captured by nets (cTricrndcrTpois) or more easily by springes (/Spo^ois-), Dion. De Avib. iii. 12. Anatomical particulars. Arist. H. A. ii. 15, 506 /LHK/JOI/ e^et TOV JJya, <(7Tf \av6dveiv oXi'you rrjv aio-^fyaw Ib. 506 b rr]v ^oXr/i/ e^ei rols evrepois, cf. Plin. xi. 37 (74). Said to lack gall, Horap. i. 57; see also Clem. Alex., Paedag. i. 15, Isidor. Orig. xii. 7, 61, and many mediaeval naturalists and poets, e. g. Walther v. d. Vogelw. xix. 13 ros ane dorn, ein tube sunder gallen ; cf. Hamlet, ii. 2. Galen, De Atra Bile 9, states correctly that the Pigeon possesses gall and merely lacks rr\v errl ro) ^Trari KVCTTIV. Arist. H. A. ii. 17, 508 b np6\o[Bov %i npo TTJS KoiXias : cf. Plin. xi. 37 (79). tiepfjLrjv rrjv KoiXtW, De Gen. iii. 7, 670. Her wings are covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold: Arist. De Color. 3, 793 (6, 79, 96) ol ra>v TrfpurrfpSiv Tpax/yXoi putroeiSft? TOV (paras avaK\a)[j.fvov. Philo, De Temulent. TOV TTJS 7T(pi(TT(pas cv f)\iaKais avyals ov KaT(vor)(Tas pvpias ^pw/tiarcoj/ cxXXarroj/ra Ideas; rj ov^l (froiviKovv Kal Kvavovv Trvponov re Kal dvdpaKoeiSes, en 8e a>xpbv Kal epvdpbv Kal aXAa Traj/roSnTra 'icr^ci ^pcoyLtara. See also Ael. Promot, 480 a, cit. Rhein. Mus. xxviii. p. 277, 1873. Cf. Lucret. ii. 801 Pluma columbarum quo pacto in sole videtur, Quae sita cervices circum collumque coronat ; et seq. See also Cic. Acad. Pr. ii. 25 in columba plures videri colores, nee esse plus uno ; Nero ap. Senec. Q. HEPIITEPA 141 riEPIITEPA (continued^. Nat., i. 5, 6 colla Cytheriacae splendent agitata columbae ; Plin. x. (36) 52 nosse credas suos colores varietatemque dispositam ; id. xxxvii. 5 (18) ; Auson. Epist. iii. 15. The young birds are plainer and darker in colour, Arist. De Gen. v. 6, 785 b. Nesting and Breeding Habits. Arist. H. A. vi. 2, 560 b KVVOIKTIV aXXTyXas*, orav /ueXXfl dvaftaive.iv o appyv, rj OVK av o^euo-eiej/ o -ye 7rpeo-/3irrepos TO 7rpa>Toz>* vo~Tepov fJievTOi dvafiaivei Kal uf] Kvcras' ol de veaiTepoi del TOVTO TToifjo-avTes oxfvovcrLV, Kal ert at 6r]\eiat aXXqXat? avaftaivovaiv, OTUV appyv pf) Trapfj, Kvo-ao-ai vo-rrep ol appeves' KOI ovQev irpo'iffjievai els aXX^Xas TiKTOvmv (pa TrXfico 77 ra yovco yivdjj.eva' e lav ov -ytWrai VCOTTOS ovdeis, aXX* vn^ycfua iravra TO. roiavrd flcriv. Cf. De Gen. iii. 6, 75^ b, Athen. ix. 394 d, Ael. V. H. i. 15, Dion. De Avib. i. 25, Plin. x. 58 (79); Ovid, Am. ii. 6, 56 oscula dat cupido blanda columba mari. Their prolific increase : TLKTCI dnoveoTTevovo-a ndXiv ev rpiaKovQ' fjf H. A. vi. 4, S^o* TIKTOWI d' ai 7repio"T6pai nacrav &>pav KOI cav TOTTOV fx a)(riv oXeeivov Kol TO. eTTiTrjdeia' fl Se pf], TOV Bepovs povov. ra 5' fKyova TOV eapos jSe'Xrtcrra KCI\ TOV (pQivoTrmpov. TO. de TOV Bepovs Kal tv Tals Gepurj/jiepiais ^eipta-ra, H. A. V. 13, 544 b. TroXXa pev ov 7ro\\aKis Se, De Gen. iii. I, 749 b. Srro/ce? rt'/cret Se/cd/cts roi) H. A. vi. I, 558 b. fjftr] de Tives KOL ^ydncauff, at 6' ev Afywrro) KCU ibid. vi. 4, 562 b ; Athen. ix. 394 c. wa Xevxa* vTr^i/e/xta, H. A. vi. 2, 559, 561, &C. o>s eVi TO TroXv appev Kal OrjXv, Kal TOVTMV Q)S eVt TO TroXu npOTepov TO appev TtKTei (Athen. ix. 394, &c. : cf. Flourens, C. R., Ixxiii. p. 740, 1864)' Kal TfKovcra piav r^pepav SiaXeiVei, ?ra nd\iv TIKTCI OaTepov' eTraxi^ei 8e Kal 6 cipprjv ev T5 fjiepei TIJS fjfjiepas, Trjv de VVKTU f) 6r)\fia (cf. Ael. iii. 45, Athen. ix. 394 b). e/KTrerreTai TC Kal 6/s Trjv Tpocpyv. See also Ael. iii. 45, Athen. ix. 394 f, Plin. x (34) 52 ; hence the variant in Athen. 394 C, Ael. V. H. i. 15 o apprjv e/zTrruet avTotr, "va p.r) (BaarKavd(ii)o~i. For other particulars regarding nesting, incubation, care of the young, c., see Arist. H. A. vi. i, 558, 2, 560, 8, 564, ix. 7, 612 : De Gen. iii. 6, 756 b, iv. 6, 774 ; Athen. ix. 394 ; Geoponic. xiv. i, 2, xvi. i, 3 ; Plin. x (53) 75, (58) 79, (60) 80 ; Varro, De R. R. iii. 7, 9, &c.; Colum. R. R. viii. 8, 5 j Eustath. p. 1712, c., &c. Conjugal Affection and Chastity. Arist. H. A. ix. 7, 6l2b OVTC yap 0vydvdcds, (pd-^r, (pdo-a-a, rpuycov. Callim. Trepi opveav, ap. Athen. ix. 394 d, Ael. V. H. i. 15 (pda-aa, TrvpaXXiV, Trepio-rtpa, rpvyw : for all which names, see under their proper headings. irepiorepd is usually the generic word : 7rfpio-repo)i> p.ev ftvai ev yevos eid7 Se rrevre, Arist. fr. 271, 1527, &c. When used specifically, it refers to the Domestic Pigeon, Columba livia, var. domestica : Arist. H. A. i. I, 488 b TO. /zei/ aypoiKa &i> p,tv at eddftes iroXXaKis nvas Ka\ ^evas eVayoi/Tat. In its generic use it appears, e.g., in the statement that in cities TreptoT-fpai' are tame, in country districts very wild, Ael. iii. 15 rrfpiarfpal de ev rats TroXfcrt roils avdpomois avvayeXd^ovrai, Kai flai Trpaorarat /cat (IXovvrai Trapa rot? irbcriv, c. The passage in Ar. Lys. 754 appears to refer to the extreme familiarity of the city-pigeons. White pigeons : first seen in Greece near Athos, during the Persian War, Charon ap. Athen. ix. 394 d, Ael. V. H. i. 15; though white FIEPIZTEPA 143 FIEPIITEPA (continued'}. pigeons were not honoured in Persia, being deemed hostile to the Sun, Herod, i. 138 ; the white doves had probably been the property of Phoenician, Cilician, or Cypriote sailors (Hehn). On white pigeons, cf. also Alexid. 3, 481, ap. Athen. I.e. Aevjcos 'A^poStV^r et/ul yap nepi- o-repos : see also Varro, De R. R. iii. 7, Ovid, F. i. 452, Ep. xv. 37, Met. ii. 537, xiii. 674, xv. 715, Martial, &c. The white pigeons were apparently the sacred race of Babylon, which after- wards spread to Syria and to Europe : cf. Hehn, Culturpfl. p. 279, Engl. ed. p. 258 ; they are still numerous in Damascus (cf. Thomson, Land and Book, p. 271). Galen distinguishes between the KaroiKidioi and the aypiai, ftoo-Kadfs, or vopades, De Comp. Medic, ii. 10 (xiii. p. 514, ed. Kiihn), cf. De Simpl. Med. Temp. x. 25 (xii. p. 302) ; for the latter, dove-cotes were built in the fields near Pergamus. Varro, De R. R. iii. 7 gives a similar account : agrestes maxime sequuntur turres, in quas ex agro evolant, suapte sponte, et remeant. Alterum genus illud columbarum est clementius, quod cibo domestico contentum intra limina ianuae solet pasci. Hoc genus maxime est colore albo. There is also a mixed breed, genus miscellum, reared in the Trepto-reporpocpejoi/ : cf. Ovid, Heroid. xv. 37 et variis albae iunguntur saepe columbae. See also on the care of domesticated and half-domesticated pigeons, Colum. De R. R. viii. 8, Pallad. i. 24, Geopon. xx. Homing or Carrier-Pigeons. Pherecr. fr., ap. Athen. ix. 395 b cwro- 7Tfji\l/ov dyyeXKovra rov irepia-Tepov. Anacreont. fr. 149, Bergk, iii. p. 305 (ed. 4) 'Ai/aKpecov p? cTrcp^ev \ Trpos TratSa, Trpos "Bd6v\\ov | ey&> AvaKpeovn \ diaKOvS) rocravTa' \ Ka\ vvv, opas } CKCLVOV A message sent from Pisa to Aegina, by Taurosthenes, a victor in the Olympian games, to his father, Ael. V. H. ix. 2. Cf. Varro, De R. R. iii. 7, 7 columbas redire solere ad locum licet anim- advertere, quod multi in theatre e sinu missas faciunt. Pigeons sent into the Consuls' camp by Dec. Brutus at the siege of Mutina, Plin. x. (53) 37 J cf' Frontin. Strategem. iii. 13, 8. See also Mart. Epigr. viii. 32, &c., &c. On Decoy Pigeons, see (int. al.) Ar. Av. 1082 ras Trepio-rcpas 0' 6p.oia)s iAAa/3a)i> el'p^as 1 %X l ) I KaTravayKii^et TraXeveiv 8edfp,va$ fv $IK.TVG) (cf. Schol. TOVTO y\o)o-(TT]p.aTiKS)s naXeveiv e\eyov) ; they were blinded for the purpose, Arist. H. A. ix. 7, 613. Cf. Hesych. \eyovrai yap rraXeurpiai avrai at f^aTraraxrai Kal V7rdyov(rai npos caura fjyovv eve8pvov(rai. A Dove-cote, irfpiarfpcuv, Plat. Theaet. 197 C, D, 198 B, 200 B, Galen, Aesop, c. ; also Trepto-TepoTpocpeW, Varro. On the dove-cotes in Herod's garden at Jerusalem, Trvpyoi rreXeiddw yp-tpav, Joseph. De Bell. Jud. v. 4, 4. Great dove-cotes are still conspicuous objects in many parts of the East ; they are very numerous and large, for instance, in Tenos, the modern site of the Panhellenic shrine and festival (cf. Bent, 144 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS HEPIITEPA (continued}. Cyclades, 1885, P- 253). On the construction of dove-cotes, their internal niches (0-77*01, KvOplvot, Geop. xiv. 6), and perches (o-avides), on the duties of the Treptorfporpocpoy, ndaa-aroTpocpos (Opp. Cyn. i. 354) or pastor columbarius, on charms to keep the birds from straying, &c., &c., see Varro, Columella, Palladius, and Geoponica, loc. citt. For references to dove-cotes, see also Ovid, Met. iv. 48 albis in turribus ; id. Tr. i. 4. 7 aspicis, ut veniant ad Candida tecta columbae, Accipiat nullas sordida turris aves ; Mart. xiii. 31 quaeque gerit similes Candida turris aves. According to Varro, a pair of full-grown pigeons was worth from 200-1000 sesterces ; and L. Axius had purchased a pair of a dealer for 500 denarii. The Sacred Doves of Venus or Astarte. Pigeons were sacred in the eyes of the Syrians, like the fishes of the river Chalos, Xen. Exp. Cyr. i. 4, 9 ; they were kept in great numbers at Ascalon, Ctes. ap. Diodor. ii. 4, Philo ap. Euseb. Prep. Evang. viii. 14, 64 (cf. the Dove on coins of Ascalon, Eckhel, Doctr. Numm. iii. p. 445) ; and at Hierapolis, Lucian, De Syr. Dea, c. 14, where the statue of Atargatis had a gold dove on her head, Lucian, ibid. c. 33. On Venus' doves, see also Virg. Aen. vi. 190, Ovid, Met. xiv. 597, Fulgent. Mythol. ii, &c., c. On the doves in Palestine, cf. Tibull. i. 7, 17 Quid referam, ut volitet crebras intacta per urbes Alba Palaestino sancta columba Syro? cf. Hygin. Fab. 197, Lucian, De Syr. p. 912, Joseph: loc. cit., Clem. Alex. Trpos *EXhr)i> ii, Philo ap. Euseb. P. E. viii. c. 14, p. 398, &c. See also the account given above of the introduction of white pigeons into Greece, and compare the sanctity of the bird in modern times at Mecca, Constantinople, Venice, Moscow, &c. On the cult of Doves in Syria, cf. Broeckhuis, ad Tibull. 1. c. The cult of the goddess, carried from Ascalon to Cyprus (Herod, i. 105, Pausan. i. 14, 7), brought thither the sacred doves ; cf. Antiphon. ap. Athen. xiv. 635 B 77 Kvnpos d' e'xei neXeias dias brj T>] 6ei/ia, Diogen. ap. Gaisford, Paroem. i. Pref. p. 5. On the Dove in connexion with Aphrodite, see also Apollod. ap. Schol. Apollon. iii. 593. How Doves hatched the egg from which Venus sprang, Hygin. Fab. 197; Theon, ad Arat. 131. The Dove is not associated with Aphrodite in early Greek, unless, as is not likely, the obscure fragment of Sappho (Bergk 16 (8), Schol. Find. Pyth. i. 10) indicate ^such an allusion. In later authors, the references are very frequent : cf. Alex. Com. ap. Athen. ix. 395 B \CVKOS 'Acppodirrjs Trepia-rfpos i Apoll. Rhod. iii. 548 ; Plut. De Is. 71 (Mor. i. 463)? &c., &c. Cf. also Virg. Aen. vi. 192 turn maximus heros Maternas agnoscit aves ; Sil. Ital. iii. 683 Cytherei'us ales ; cf. Nero ap. Senec. 1. c. On Venus' car with its team of Doves, cf. Ovid, Met. xiv. 597 ; Apuleius, Met. vi. 6, 393 ; Claudian, Epithalam. 104. Venus and her Dove are associated with the month of April on the cylindrical Zodiac of the Louvre, &c. : and the sign Taurus was the domus Veneris. This fact also has a direct reference to Pleiad- symbolism. The Dove on the mystical monument of the 'Black Demeter' at Phigaleia, Paus. viii. 42, 3. As an instance of the Syrian Dove adopted into Christian worship, cf. Hefele, Concil. ii. 771 : how the clergy of Antioch, A.D. 518, com- plained that Servius had removed the gold and silver doves that hung over the altars and font [note the apparent confusion of ideas in Ko\vfjL(3r]dpa], on the ground that the symbolism was unfitting. On the TrcpKTTtjpiov, or receptacle in the form of a dove for the Blessed Sacrament, cf. Chardon, Hist, des Sacram. ii. 242. On the sacred symbolism of the dove, cf. also Euseb. H. E. vi. 29. Various Legends. How Zeus pursued the virgin Phthia in Aegium in the form of a Dove, Athen. ix. 395 a. How Doves led the Chalcidians to Cumae, Philostr. Icon. ii. 8. L 146 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS F1EPIITEPA (continued'}. How a Pigeon caused a war between Chaonians and Illyrians, Ael. xi. 27. The Dove of Deucalion ; Plut. Mor. ii. 968 F Trepto-repai/ e< rijs \dpvaKos d(pip,VT)v } S^Xco/ia yfvevos pev euro) TTaXiv evdvofjLtvrjv, evftias 8e aTTOTrrao-ai/ : cf. Lucian, Syr. Dea, c. 12, Apollod. i. 7, 2 (vide s.v. ueXcia). The Pigeon in Medicine. For references to the therapeutic value of Pigeons' dung, flesh, blood, feathers, and other parts in cases of poisoning, burns, ulcers, jaundice, and most other ailments, see Galen, De Simpl. Med. Temp, x, also Plin. iii. (6) 12, xxii. (25) 58, xxix. (6) 39, and xxx, passim. Fables. Trepiorf pa KOI KO\OIOS, Fab. Aes. (ed. Halm) 201 b. Trepurrfpa KOL KOpWVT], ibid. 358. 7TpL(TTpa KCU pvpfj.r)g, ibid. 296. TTfpHTTepa dl- ^oia-fl, ibid. 357. See also, in addition to articles cited s.v. irAeia, T. Watters, Chinese Notions about Pigeons and Doves, N. China Br., R. As. Soc., iv. pp. 225-242, 1867. In this paper various resemblances are shown to exist between classical superstitions and Chinese popular notions, an important subject concerning which too little information is accessible. Among other points, the writer states that in Chinese legend the Dove is often confused with the Cuckoo, that the former as well as the latter bird is said to metamorphose into the Hawk, and that the Dove is said to lay in the Magpie's nest : these facts may have some bearing on the obscure Aristotelian statements referred to above (s.v. KOKKU) concerning the nesting of the Cuckoo in the nest of d\|/. flEPIITEPA" MHAl'NH. An Indian Green Fruit-pigeon, Treron sp. Daemach. ap. Athen. 394 e; Ael. V. H. i. 15. Also Treptorfpal a>xpa', Ael. xv. 14, brought as presents to the Indian king; acnrep Xeyouo-t /-i^re rjfiepova-dai /xJjre irore npavveo-Qai. Cf. S.v. ireXeids \\wp6irTi.\o<$. nEPKNO'flTEPOI = opciireXapyos = uircuVros. A kind of Vulture. Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 6l8b XevKrj Kpa\f), fifytdei be peyHTTOS, Trrepa de /Spa^urara, KOI ovponvyiov Trpn/ui/Kcy, -yuTTi opoios. ope'ineXapyos KaXelrai KOI inraifTos, oiKel 8' aXo-rj, ra pev KCIKO. rai/ra e^o>v rols aXXois-, r>v 6' dyaQ&v ov8ev' aXurKerai yap KCU diaxeTai vno KopaKuv Kal TUV aXXcoi/. Qapiis yap KOI KaKoftios Ka\ TO. TeQve>Ta (pepwv, TreLvfj ' aet Kal /3oa Kal pivvpifri : cf. Plin. x. (i) 3. Of the three names, not one occurs elsewhere, save vTra/eroy, Boios ap. Anton. Lib. c. 20 (loc. corr.). The description is insufficient, but agrees fairly, except as regards size, with the Egyptian Vulture ; in which case the black and white plumage may explain TrepKj/o'Trrepor, and, together perhaps with the stork-like nest, opfiWXapyos-. Sundevall identifies TrepwoTrrepos with the Lammergeier, Gypaetus barbatuS) L., with which the epithet Xeu*oKe'6i/os, irXdyyos, q.v. (7repKi/0 = /xeAa?, Suid.). II. xxiv. 316 ateroi/ . . . /uop(pi/oi/ drjprjrrip' ov KOI TrepKvov Ka\eovf)vr] yiVercu, e/c Se TOVTWV nepKvol Ka\ yviTfs. Cf. Plin. x. (i) 3 ; Lye. 260. In regard to the obscure words jjiopi/os, irepKyos, irepKos, it is hard to be content with the Scholiastic explanations which treat them as mere colour-epithets : such an interpretation may or may not be true, and various facts suggest that there is more to be learned regarding them. For instance, ennrepwos (Xen. Cyn. v. 22) is said to be likewise a mere colour-epithet (J. Poll. v. 67), but the relations between nepwus, fjiopfpvos, p,\ava6Tos and Xayox^ofos make it at least somewhat striking that ennrepwos, in the only passage where it occurs, should be applied to the Hare. nE'PKOI. A kind of Hawk. Arist. H. A. ix. 36, 620 aXXoi & nrepKoi KCH O-TTIUH : fortasse nee Aristoteli ipsi cognita sunt, Scalig. p. 249. If nepKos and o-Tri^'ay are identical, the former, if it mean dark-coloured, agrees as an epithet with the traditional identification of the latter with the Sparrow-hawk. FIE'PNHI, v. 11. nre'pt'ig, Trrepkis, Trre'pnrjs. A kind of Hawk. Arist. H. A. ix. 36, 620 6 S' dorepia? KCU 6 TOV irrjvfXorra TO opveov, TOV yap rpa^rjKov enirrav (powiKovv, f) Se \eyvrj Trape\Kei. Mentioned also, Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b (with x^aXeoTr?^, &ig f & c .) ; cf. Ar. Av. 298, 1302, and Schol. 6 nrjveXo^lf vrjTTrj jueV carti/ 5fj.oiov } Trepicrrf- pas 8e p-fyedos' p,ep.vr)Tai fie avrov 2T^O"i\opos Kal*I(BvKOS. From the superficial resemblance of the name L 2 148 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS riHNEACW (continued*}. Hesych., and from its occurrence in some MSS. for the latter in Plin. x. (22) 29, it seems probable that both names are identical, and possible that both are corruptions of a foreign (Egyptian ?) word. The association of m and nrjveXo^ in an obscure and faulty Aristotelian passage, may be a mere confusion arising out of the story of Hermes visiting Penelope in the form of a goat (cf. Creuzer, Symb. iii. p. 502) ; in which case di'| should disappear from the list of bird-names. FlhTPIE' nepdig, Kp/jrey, Hesych. nfKOZ. A Woodpecker. Lat. /zV&tf ; said to be an Oscan word. Strabo, V. 2 nlKov yap TTJV opviv TOVTOV oyo/id^bucn, Kai Vop.iov(n.v "Apecop lepov. See also Dion. Halic. i. 14. Cf. Ovid, F. iii. 37, &c. Cf. also Grimm's D. Myth. p. 388, Creuzer's Symb. iii. 676, iv. 368. nfnoi s. miriros. A young chicken, Athen. ix. 368 f. (Casaub. for ITTTTOVs). ninQ' (MSS. have also mira, TTITTOS, irtirpa. Some editors read unrw, cf. unnr]). The Greater and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, Picus major and minor, L. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 uXXa 8' eVri o-Kvnrocpdya, a rovs crKviiras QqpfvovTa fj jLtaXtoro, olov TTiTTo) TJ re /xei^tBi/ KOI f) eXaTTav' K.aXovo'i de rives dp.(p6Tpa ravra dpvoKoXaTTTas' o/nota S' d\Xrj\ois Kai (poovfjv e^ovtriJ/ opoiav, 7r\r)V /iet'^a) TO (jLfi^ov. vepfTat 8' a/Lt t ^Xcopeu?' TO -yap a>a Kareo-diovo-iv d\\r)\a)v, and to e'pwStos (cf. Hesych.) : ra yap Ja KartffBiei Kai TOVS VCOTTOVS TOV fpa>8iov. Nicand. ap. Anton. Lib. C. 14 17 Se /i^rr/p abriav cyevero wnroXoyos TTtTrco* Trpoy TaiTr]V derco TToXfynos eVn KOI epwSiep* Karayvvai yap avr&v ra a>a, KOTTTouo-a r^v dpvv 8'ta rouy Kvliras (cf. CTITTYJ, q. v.). Lycoph. Cass. 476 dvrl TTITTOVS tritopiriov Xatpw o-?rao-ay. Tzetz. in Lye. (edit. Steph. p. 83) TTITTCO opvcov (iY, iri^i): m4>Xt^, Suid. An unknown bird = KopuSaXos = 7riYPII 149 niYr= (continued}. Oxon. ii. p. 245 ; Lob. Proll. p. 96. I cannot help thinking that the word is akin to <|>wu, and its allies. nAA'lTOI (v. 1. irXdyxos, ir\(lt/os, Niphus icXdyyos, q. v. supra) = J'TJTTO- i>, nnro) (niTrpn), and ^Xwpeus. Schol. ad Theocr. vii. 171 (cit. Schn. in Arist. vol. ii. p. 5) aKavdls de opveov eori TTOIKI\OV nal \iyvpov, KaAemu Se Kal 7roiKi\ls dia TTJV ^poi'aj/. FloiKiXos op^is was also an expression for the Peacock. Cf. Athen. ix. 397 C 'Ai/TKpcojri Se Tv' Kal ev avrcp roi Xdya) ovdepia p.Vfia TOV ovo^iaros yivfrai, opveis de TTOLKL- \ovs TroXXaKiy ev avrcS ovo/jid^fi. nONTIKO'Z "OPNII. The Pheasant. Hesych. (paa-iavoi' opveis TTOIOI, 01 de TOVS TIo^TiKovs (pacriv. nOP4>YPri. An unknown bird = Xa6nrop(|)upts. Mentioned Ar. Av. 304. Ibyc. fr. 4, ap. Athen. ix. 388 raz/uTrrepo? cos oKa Kopcpvpis. Ibyc. fr. 8, 1. C. alo\68eipoi \adinop(pvpides. According to Callimachus, ap. Athen. 1. c., 7ropYPl'aN. The Purple Gallinule, Porphyrio hyadnthus, Temrn. Mentioned Ar. Av. 707, 88 1, 1249. Arist. fr. 272, ap. Athen. ix. 388 C, d (TX^avo-iroda OVTOV dvai, e^etv re XP^ a <^aveov, V \afj.ftavop.eva)V fls TOV TroSa ra/zieuerat p,iKpa$ TCIS 8e TrtWi (H. A. viii. 6, 595 ; Plin. x. (46) 63 morsu bibit). TrevTaSdKTvXos re (?) &v TOV p,f(rov e^ei p.iyi(TTov. Dion. De Avib. i. 29, a similar description, epvdpbv avroJ TO pa/u,YpiftN nvrAproz 151 F1PEIBY2 (continued}. Cf. Plin. viii. 25 ; Munk. ad Anton. Lib. p. 100 ; Lob. Path. p. 132. nTE'PNII. Vide s.v. riTEPYrOTY'PANNOI- opvis noios fv 'Ivdiicfj 'AX^ai/fyxa doBels, Hesych. riTE'PflN' flcjos opveov, Hesych. Meineke, Com. Fr. iv. p. 647 (ap. Hesych.) dXX' j) rpiopxos ?} Trrepwr 77 arpovdias. Cf. Etym. M. 226, 37, Theognost. 36. 19. HTYT5. Arist. H. A. ix. 12, 615 b = u|3pis, q. v. For imryyi, MSS. have irtoyi, iTTOyyi, irrvyyiyi, for which Schn. reads ircovyyi; vide infra s. v. <|>wu|. Cf. Schn. in Arist. vol. ii. 97, 117 ; Anton. Lib. 5 ; Etym. M. 699, 10 ; Lob. Phryn. 72. RYTAProi, a. A sort of Eagle or Falcon; 8os aeroC, Hesych.; vide infra. Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 6l8 b yevos dcrwv' Kara TCI TreSt'a KOI TCI 0X0-77 KOI TTfpt Tas TroXets 1 yiverat' eviot 8e KaXoixri vefipocpovov avrov' Trtrfrai de KCU fls TCI opr) KOI els TTJV v\r]v 810. TO Qdpaos. Cf. Plin. x. (1)3 secundi generis Pygargus, in oppidis mansitat et in campis, albicante cauda. Arist. H. A. Vi. 6, 563 b X a ^ e 7TO y Ktpi r TfKVa. Cf. Schol. Lye. 91. Also Etym. M. 695, 50 nvyapyos' flSos aerou* 2o(poK\r]s (fr. 932 a) cVi roi) SciXoi), d-rro TTJS \CVK^S nvyrjs, cocrTrfp evavTius [j,fXaiJi7rvyr]s drro TTJS icr^vpds. Note Circus cyaneus, L. ( > =Falco pygargus, L.), the Hen-harrier or Ring-tail, is now called rrvyapyos in the Cyclades (Erhard, op. cit. p. 47). To it much of the description given is applicable, but certainly not the epithet vfftpo(p6i>os. Sundevall imagines the Golden Eagle to be meant, Gloger and others the White-tailed Eagle or Erne, Haliaetus albidlla (L.), to which latter the description in Aesch. Ag. 1156 e|orrti/ dpyias, seems to apply : but these are surely excluded by the evidence as to size (cf. Pliny, 1. c.), frequency, and affection for cities and plains. I incline to identify the bird with the Short-toed Eagle, Circaetus gallicus, which in French, as perhaps also here, seems to share its popular name (Jean-le-Blanc) with C. cyaneits. But the name was originally mystical (cf. s.v. jJieXdjjnruYos), however it may in later times have been specifically applied to a particular bird. HYTAProi, |3. An undetermined bird. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b. A water-bird, mentioned with o-^om'Xo? and KiyK\os, about the size of a thrush ; TO ovpalov KMI : frequents rivers and streams. The size agrees with Sundevall's suggestion of a Sandpiper. Aubert A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS (continued}. and Wimmer take the three birds to be different species of Wagtail (Motacilla). The name more strongly suggests to me the Dipper, Cinclus aquattcus, L., (Mod. Gk. vepoKoo-o-vcpos, Heldr.): but all three birds are quite doubtful. FIYPAAAI'Z, s. iruppaXis (Hesych.). An unknown bird: probably a kind of Pigeon. Arist. H. A. ix. I, 609, hostile to rpuyoov, TOTTOS yap rrjs vop.r)s KCU ftios 6 aiiTos. Cf. Ael. iv. 48. Callim. (fr. 100, c. 4) ap. Athen. ix. 394 d KaXXi'/xa^o? a>s 8iaOl f opvfis rives, Hesych. (Verb, dub.) 'PINO'KEPfll- TTOLOS opvis ev AlQioTTta, Hesych. Probably the Hornbill. 'PO'BIAAOI- /Sao-tXtWos opvis, Hesych. (Possibly for pYyiXXor, L. regulus.). Vide s. v. jSaaiXeu's, &c. 'PYNAA'KH. Supposed to be akin to Pers. jJ^ (Rund) nomen avis, quae frequenter in oryzetis invenitur (J. Albertus in Hesych., &c.). An Indian bird, of the size of a pigeon, Ctes. Pers. 61 ; also Hesych. In Plut. Vit. Artax. 19, p. 1020, purrdicrjs. C PQAIO'I = epw8i<5s 3 q.v. Hippon. p. 63 ; also Hesych. H. Also aaXirryKTiis, s. aaXTriaT^s. A synonym of opxiXos (q-v.), Hesych. Cf. Dind. Thes. vii. c. 45 B. nvrAproi IEAEYKII 3 53 ZAPl'N' opi/eov etSos, opoiov ^dpo>, Hesych. Also crapKWJ>, Hesych. In both cases it has been suggested to read o-apioy, quasi lEIPH'N' 6pvi6dpi6v TTOIOP, Hesych. Possibly, like the ' Sirens,' con- nected with the Heb. sir, to sing. Cf. Hesych. s. v. aeipTiyes' 01 p,ev ea> yvvaiKas EAOI- ro T>V rpox&w ftSos, Hesych. Perhaps for o-o-oXd(pos (J. Albertus in Hesych.), or o-fio-o[*:e](j6aXoy, s. o-eta-oKe/SXos, Meineke, Philol. xii. 621. ZEAEYKl'l, s. creXeuia'as. The Bose-coloured Pastor, Pas for roseus, Temm. Dion. De Avib. i. 22 rroXv^opcoraroj/ opveov fj areXcvKis, KOI /uera TrXeia-rr/s fvxns d(^iKvovfj.(vov Toiy dypotKoiy, tjv TOVS Kapnovs oKpidov fdyrai ir\rj6os. OTL ras p.ev (payoixrat) rds de Kal dirb (JLQVTJS TIJS crKias aTratpoutrat, eKKpivovaiv as av KaTafpiiyuxn pqdiws avriKa, Kal Tropdovpevois dvbpds aTratri rols VTTO Xvp-rjs aKpiduv eVo^Xovfiej/oty a-e\evKid8as rrapadidovs (opvea 8e ravra cvdiaiTQ>p.eva rols nepl TO iepbv TOTTOIS) o-vKet-fnepTrc Tols airovo-t, at 8e Tat? dicpiVi o~vp.7TfpnrTdfj,vai Kal Tols ard/uao't TUVTOS fie^o'^ierai 7rapa^pj}/ua re anfipov ev dxapiaia) Sie'cptfeipoi/, Kal TTJS K TOVTO>V /3Xa/3?;? TOVS TTi^XXarroj/, raCra p.ev rfj TrjviKavTa TO>V disdparrwv vdaip.ovia i, rov Ka6* f] yevovs diroo~fi(Tap.evov fleiav fi/fpyecriav. Cf. Photius, Cod. ccxxiii. p. 68 1 (teste Bernhardy, ed. Suid.). Plin. x. (27) 39 Seleucides aves vocantur quarum adventum ab love precibus impetrant Casii mentis incolae, fruges eorum locustis vastan- tibus. Nee unde veniant, quove abeant, compertum, nunquam con- spectis nisi cum praesidio indigetur. Cf. Ael. xvii. 19 ; Galen, De Loc. Affect, vi. 3 ; Hesych., &c. The bird, under the name Samarmog or Samarmar is in like manner reverenced to this day by the Arabs ; cf. Niebuhr, Beschreib. v. Arabiens, p. 174. In Mod. Gk. it is called dyioTroOXi on its Spring migration, when it destroys the grasshoppers, and 8ia/3oXo7rovXi in Autumn, when it devours the grapes (Heldr.). 154 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS ZEMl'PAMIZ' 7rfpio-Tpa opeios, 'EXXijwori, Hesych. Cf. Diodor. ii. 6. Vide S. V. irepiorepd. ZE'PKOZ- dXe/crpvobi/, KOI aXcKTopioes acXices, Hesych. Baethgen, De vi et signif. Galli, Diss. Inaug., Getting. 1887, p. 10, collates feXicos, a word inscribed together with the image of a Cock on a Cretan vase (Roulez, Choix de vases de Leide, p. 40, nr. 13), and this in turn with rA^ai/or, s. Ff\x avos > Zf ^ s f/ 3 " Kpj/o-iV, Hesych., inscribed also on a coin of Phaestus (Bull. Inst. Arch., 1841, p. 174); further he suggests a kindred reference to the opvis TlfpmKos, in the corrupt Hesychian gloss, SeX^pot* Uepa-ai. A coin of Phaestus figured in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins (Crete, p. 63, pi. xv. 10), bears the same inscription and shows the god seated holding a Cock on his knee. ZE'PTHZ' yepavos, UoXXvpprjviot, Hesych, ZlAAENAPl'Z* notos opvis napa KaXXi^tci^o), Hesych. Schn. in Arist. H. A. viii. 3 (vol. ii. p. 596) suspects this bird to be identical with the corrupt KaXi'Spis, s. o-KavSpts, s. oxaXt&pis, of Arist., and suggests aicaXuSpts as an emendation for both. Cf. also aiaXis. ZIAAI'X. A bird so-called from its cry. Didymus ap. Athen. ix. 392 f. Also Hesych. Zl'NTHI. Vide s.v. - 7re'p&, Uepyaioi, Hesych. ZITAPrz. An unknown bird, o-i'rrq' ^ v\>v o?/uu \tyoptwi o-irapis-, Suid.: cf. Zonar. 1645, Lob. Proll. p. 30. ZITTA'KH, Philostorg. H. E. Hi. ii. aiTTaK7n-a> (Athen. and Aelian). The o- may be a late prefix, from the false analogy with o-KwnTeiv. According to Alex. Myndius, ap. Athen. ix. 391 b, Homer wrote A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS (continued}. K&rras for o-KSmas, and Aristotle likewise : so also Speusippus ; cf. Ael. xv. 28, and Cobet's note [falso dixit hoc Alexander, Casaubon in Athen. ii. 358]. Doederlein, Horn. Gloss. 2359, finds the stem in Kvfirjvais (yXau^i), Hesych., L. cucubare, &c. ; in which case KiKKapTj (q. v.), and Mod. Gk. KovKovpata, would seem to be cog- nate. Hesych. has also O-KOKCS. The name resembles the cry of the bird, and is in part at least onomatopoeic : cf. It. jacopo. In Switzerland it is called Todtenvogel, and cries Tod, Tod, Tod, Hopf. Orakelthiere, p. 102. The Little Horned Owl or Scops Owl, Ephialtes scops, L. Mod. Gk. KXaxrcros, ^LU>VI (Erh.). Od. V. 66 (TKatTTes T "prjKes Tf TavvyKaHTvol re Kopwvai | etfdXicu. Theocr. Id. i. 134 KTJ opeW roi or/coWrey cfyfido-i yapvo-aivro. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b e'Xdrrooi/ yXavicos. Two varieties; H. A. ix. 28, 617 b (TKOiirfs fi' ol fj.ev del ncKrav &pav ei(ri, /ecu KaXovvTai deioTCaJTres', Kal OVK eirdiovrcu fiia TO ajSpooroi eimi* erepoi fie ylvovrai eV/ore row 0$ij/o7ra)- pov, (paivovrai d' e'cp* fj^epnv p.iciv f) dvo TO TrXetcrroi', Koi lo~lv cScofiijuot Kal (TV dficrKcoTroov KaXov/ieVcov OVTOI aXXw fjiev a>s flirclv oiiSfvi, TW 8e nd^et' Kal OVTOI p.ev io~iv acpoai/oi, fKelvoi 8e (pdeyyovrat. rrepl 8e yevfa-fcas avrStv TJTIS O~TIV, ovOev a>7rrai, TT\TJV OTI Tols frcpvpiois (paivovTai. Cf. Callimachus ap. Athen. ix. 391 b ; Ael. XV. 28 dia(f)povo-i de TO>V dfio-Kanrw rc5 Trd^fi, K^r was quite unknown to Pliny, x. (49) 70 ; as apparently also to Hesych., who has o-K&Tres' eldos opvew, oi fie KO\OIOVS. According to Metrodorus ap. Athen. 1. c. dvTopxovp.tvovs dXia-Kea-dat TOVS TTfvp,a as the name of a dance, Ael. xv. 28, Athen. ix. 391 a, xiv. 629 f, where there is a confusion between O-KCOX//- and O-KOTTOS, VTTOO-KOTTOS : cf. yXau. See also O. Jahn, Vasenbilder, p. 24 ; Rochett, J. des savans, 1837, pp. 514-517. ; iniZA 157 IMA'PAIKON' orpov&W, Hesych. Cf. airapdo-ioi/. ZMH'PIN0or opvis Trows-, Hesych. IOY~I4>A, s. oma(|>a. Indian birds which indicated to the mariner proximity to land, Cosmas, Indopl. ii. p. 182. Schneider, Lex. ZnAPA'llON- opveov epfapes vrpovOa. evtot ovcty, Hesych. Cf. \|/dp, , &C. HIE'AEKTOI- KfXcKdv, Hesych. znE'PrOYAOr op^ddpiov ayptov, Hesych. Vide s. v. orpouOos. inE'PPYI- 7Tpe'o-/3u9, Hesych. This is apparently a bird-name allied to a-nepyovXos ; the gloss Trpecrpvs may be itself corrupt. Cf. Ahr. Dial. ii. p. in, &c. See also s.v. -n-pecrpus, cnropyiXos. IHEPMOAOTOI (also airepfiofofjios, Hesych.). Although commentators now take this word adjectivally (as it is in Athen. ix. 387 b) or generically, I have no doubt that it applies specifically to the Book, Corvus frugilegus, L., in Ar. Av. 232 crTTfp/xoXoycoi/ Te yevrj | TOXV TreTopeva, paXdaKrjv teWa yfjpvv : also ibid. 579 ; and accordingly also in Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b. Cf. Hesych. cnrepnoXoyos' KoXotcoSe? ; see also Suid. : cf. also Late Lat. frugilega. It is so interpreted by older writers, e. g. Caius, De Rarior. Anim. Hist. Libellus, p. 100. In Mod. Gk. the Rook is said to be called xa/3apow. See also s.v. oXairoi. im'rror o-n-iW, Hesych. im'ZA, im'ZH. (MSS. have also irl^ai\ Dim. am^V, Hesych. applied to all small birds; cf. eiri^a* opvea, Kinrpioi, Hesych. Perhaps from rt. ping, to paint, connected with Germ, fink, finch, &c. Cf. Eng. bunt-ing. The Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, L. Mod. Gk. crnlvos, and, on Parnassus, T&W (Heldr.). Soph. fr. 382 KOTO) Kpe/jLavrai O-TTI'' OTTO)? ev epKfo-t. Timo ap. Diog. Laert. iv. 42 fjvrf yXau/ca Trept crTT/^ai. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b opvis (TKd)\r]Ko(pdyos '. ib. ix. 7> 6l3b didyovcri TOV p.ev 0povs ev rols aXeeivols, TOV 8e xeijjL&vos ev rot? -^vxpols. Compared in size with ?uy, KiWor, (nriiTr)$, opoo-rrigos, &c., ib. ii. 12, 504, viii. 3, 592 b, ix. 21, 617. a-nifr' opviddpiov, Tra>v TO p.e\\ov rrporyvw- KCVCU, icraat yovv KOL x fL ! JL ^ )Va /teXXoira, KCU ^ioi/a (ffOfuvrjv TrpojUT/^eoTara f(pv\davTO. Koi TOV KaraXrjfpdfjvai Seel, airodidpdo-Kovcriv es ra d\i/ 6' rjdicrTov crTpovdovs opav t|ai ircTTfO'rjfJifVovs Kal KaTaninTOVTas (!). inOPn'AOX. In Ar. Av. 300, SiropyiXos probably means a Sparrow, and the usual reference to Sporgilos, a barber, if justified at all, makes the joke a double-barrelled one. The word is the same as atrepyovXos or cnrepyvs, and as Mod. Gk. O-TTOU/)- yiYjjr, a Sparrow, irvpyinis, a word applied to a Sparrow by Galen, &c., is rendered in the dictionaries turrilis, as if from Trvpyos: it is obviously cr-TrvpyiTrjs; in like manner irtpyov\os, Hesych. = cr-7repyov\os ' } and I have suggested above, somewhat less confidently, that irpeo-fivs as a bird-name should perhaps read aneppvs=Kri/3oaz>, rav o~rpt'yy' cnrb Xaou | opviv dv&vvfjLov wKVTropovs 7rl vfjas eXavve, Anon. fr. Bergk. 26, ap. Festus, p. 314. Cf. Plin. xi. (39) 95 quae sit avium constare non arbitror ; Isidor. xii. 7, &c. XTPOYOOKA'MHAOI, s. orpou0 yap cineo-naTO 0euyov(ra, rots pev Troal Spo/za), rais de apao-a, &v Kal av^pcoTreoj/. Ar. Ach. (1106) IIl8 /caXoV ye KOI XCVKOV TO TTJS arpovdov irrcpov. Arist. De Part. iv. I4j 697 ra P* v yup opvidos fx l i Ta ^^ Cv ov TerpaTroSos. a>s fj.fv yap OVK &v rerpcirrou? Trrepa e'^ei, a>s 5' OVK &v opvis ovre Trererai ^creajpi^d/iei/os 1 , Kal ra rrrepa ou xPW l P- a npos TTTTJO-W aXXa rpi^cofi^. crt Se a>? /ueV rfrpaTrovs cbi/ jSXe^api'Sa? e^et ra? avaBev (ibid. ii. 14, 658) Kal \JaXdy eo~Ti ra Trepl r/}v K.e ra KdraOev cTirfpcora/, cai SITTOVS pev eVrtv a>s opi/is, di%a\os de (ibid. iv. 12,695) ws rerparrovy ; ov yap daKrvXovs I6"0 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS ITPOY0OKAMHAOI (continued}. ie^ei dXXtt ^jjXa?. TOVTOV 6' CUTIOV on TO ptyedos OVK opviOos e^ei aXXa rerpa- TroSos : cf. Plin. x. I, x. (22) 29, xi. (37) 47, &c. Arist. H. A. ix. 15, 616 b, lays more eggs than any other bird (the fact being that several lay in one nest), cf. De Gen. iii. i, 749 b, and Ael. iv. 37. On the number of eggs (vnep TO. o-ySoryKoiTct !), on the construction of the nest, and on its maternal affection, v. Ael. xiv. 7, Phile, 1. c. Heraclides ap. Athen. iv. 145 d o-rpovOol ol 'Apu/3toi, at the banquets of the Persian King ; and of the ' Indian ' King (o-rp. 01 ^po-moi), Ael. xiv. 13 ; also of Heliogabalus, Ael. Lampridius, De Heliog. 28. On the capture of the Ostrich see also Diod. Sic. ii. 50, Ael. xiv. 7, Opp. De Ven. iii. 487. The interesting account in Strabo, xvi. 4, n, doubtless refers to the Ostrich. How the Ostrich swallows stones, which are a medicine for the eyes, and how its fat and sinews are a useful tonic, Ael. xiv. 7, Phile, I.e. The price of Ostrich-fat, Plin. xxix. 30. Pausan. ix. 31, I rfjv 8e 'Apo-ivorjv (a statue in Helicon) o-rpovOos (pcpei XO^KTJ rS)V dnTrjvaV Trrepa p,ev ye KCU avrai Kara ravra rais aXXais (pvova-iv, lino 8e ftdpovs KOI Sia peyedos ov% old re fariv dvfx fiv 0"a>pides o/crco, i. e. eight yoke of ostriches (drawing chariots?) in a procession of Ptolemy Philadelphus at Alexandria. Cf. Plautus, Pers. ii. 2, 17 Vola curriculo. Isthuc marinus passer per circum solet. Ostriches harnessed to the coach of the Emperor Firmus, Flav. Vopisc. Firm. c. 6. Ostrich plumes mentioned, ibid. iv. 4, 5, ix. 12, 5. How the eggs are eaten by the Garamantes (in the Libyan Desert), Lucian, Dipsad. 235, but are of inferior quality, Galen, De Ovis, xxii. How the Ostrich hides its head in the sand, Oppian, Halieut. iv. 630 rola 8e Kai Atfivrjs Trrepocv /3oroj/ dyKV\6deipov \ vrjTTia Te^a^et, K.r.X. Cf. Plin. x. I. The name (rrpov6oKdp.T)\os is modern, cf. Galen, De Alim. iii. 20 TO de Tojf o~Tpov6oKaiJ.T)\(dv [ovofjLa Kai rots TTflXaiots 1 ] drjdes. 6vofj.dovcri yap avras peydXas (rrpovdovs : cf. ibid. De Prob. Succ. Alim. vi. ITPOYGO'I, 6 and 17. Also arpous, Hesych. Dimin. Kee? (rrpovdol Trepi yds p,e\aivas \ TTVKVU divevvres Trrep' CLTT a>pai/oo aldep\os did /zeVo-o). On the connexion between this image and the lascivious pro- pensities of the sparrow, cf. Athen. 1. c. The story of Aristodicus and the sparrows' nests in the temple, Herod, i. 159. Not mentioned in Attic Tragedy, save for Aesch. Ag. 145 Kara/xo/*(pa re (pda/j-ara (TTpovQ&v, on which line see the textual commentators. Frequent in Aristophanes: Vesp. 207, Lys. 723, Ach. 1106, c. Description. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b opvis o-KuXrjKotydyos. Ib. ii. J 5> 55 b npos rols evrepois TTJV ^oX^i/ e\fi. Ibid. 17, 509 OVK c^ei ovre rbv ofj.evov rwv Trporepcaj/' ras de 9q\tias fia/cpo/Stcorepa? eii/ai r&v arpovdiuv' ravras yap dXiffKecrdai ev rots veots, ex flv Ta n pi Ta X 64 '^ o~K\r]pd. Arist. fr. 273. 1527 (ap. Athen. 392 a) //era/3aXAet. On albino varieties, cf. H. A. iii. 12, 519 ; De Gen. v. 6, 785 b. Alex. Mynd. ap. Athen. ix. 391 b Suo yevrj flvai rwv arrpovdcov, rb pev rjjj.epov, rb 8' aypiov' rds 8e dr)\eias avr&v dvdevea-repas rd r* aXXa elvai, Kai rb pvyxos Keparocides p.d\\ov rf]v XP^ av ) r ^ Trpoa-conov ovre A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS ITPOY00I (continued}. Reproduction. Arist. H. A. v. 2, 539 b oeW o-uyyiWm : De Gen. iv. 6, 774 b TiKTovaiv areXJ; *ai rtKpXa' TroXvroKoCo-ty, cf. fr. 273, I5 2 7 (&p. Athen. 391 b) riKrei /ue'xpi OKTO>. Athen. ix. 391 e o^evrtfcoi cla-iv. Hence used as an aphrodisiac, Terpsicles, ap. Athen. 1. c. The erotic symbolism of the sparrow is alluded to by Festus, s.v. strutheum. Whatever Lesbia's 'sparrow' may have been, I am pretty sure in my own mind, pace Professor Robinson Ellis, that it was not Passer domesticus, the most intractable and least amiable of cage-birds (experto credej cf. also Bechstein's ' Cage-birds ' ; on the point at issue, see De Quincey, Selections, viii. p. 82). As to o-rpou&'oj/, or passer, used (non-specifically) of a cage-bird, cf. Job xl. 24 9rai'0 Se fv nireo ra p.yav (rrjfJLaivei : cf. ibid. C. 2. ITYM4>AAl'AEI, s. ZTujj^YjXi'Ses opa0es. Fabulous and mystical birds. They were met with by the Argonauts at the Island of Dia ; they shot forth their feathers like arrows, and were put to flight by the beating of spears on shields, ex more Curetum, Apoll. Rhod. ii. 1054 and Schol, Q. Smyrn. vi. 227, Hygin. Fab. xx, Claud. Idyll, ii. They were shot by Hercules in his fifth labour, in insula Martz's, Hygin. Fab. xxx, or at Lake Stymphalus, Paus. viii. 22, 4; or terrified by him with a brazen drum, Strab. viii. 371, 389: cf. Pisand. ap. Paus. I.e., &c. They inhabited Arabia, an.d had migrated thence; they were as large as cranes, and resembled the Ibis, but had stronger beaks ; they pierced through iron and brass but were held by reed- mats, eagres (pXdiVai, as small birds by bird-lime, Paus. 1. c. Repre- sented, three in number, on the metopes of the temple of Zeus at Olympia (now in the Louvre) Paus. v. 10, 9 ; cf. Expdd. de la Moree, i. pi. 77, &c., &c. Also, together with female figures having birds' legs, on the temple of Artemis Stymphalia at Lake Stymphalus, Paus. 1. c. Also on medals, cf. Med. du Card. Alban, ii. p. 70, &c. ; on an amphora in the Brit. Mus., J. de Witte, Gaz. Archeolog. 1876, pi. iii ; on coins, as crested water-birds (6.0.431-370), B. M. Cat. Coins, Peloponnese, p. 199. According to Dupuis (Orig. de tous les cultes, ii. p. 260, 8vo, Tan iii), the Stymphalian birds are the constellations of Aquila, Cygnus and Vultur or Lyra, which rise together with, that is to say are paranatellons of, the sign Sagittarius (cf. Hygin., Columella, &c.). Starting from the Lion (with which the labours of Hercules began) the sign of the Archer is the fifth in order : it was moreover the domicile of Diana, to whom belonged the temple at Stymphalus. A similar explanation possibly underlies the story of the Birds of Diomede. ITPOY00I IXOIN IAOI 1 63 ITY'E. A bird-name, mentioned, in connexion with a fabled meta- morphosis, by Boios ap. Anton. Lib. c. xxi. Vide s.v. (p' u>v p-ev e'Xatoi/ KaXeTrat, vnb 8e nv&v Trvppias' avKaXls 8', orav aKjj.d^rj ra crvKa. Athen. ibid. 8vo 5' etVat yfvr] avroi), (rvKaXida KCU fjL\ayKopv Trvppos fie TO pd/JLCpos. ov% fjfitpovTai de Kara TOV a\\ov, ovde yivfTai Tidaaos, aXX' ayptos es TO ae! diap.evd. ecrTi Se ou /xeya?, fipadrjvai T Tjoiav TOV erepov, KCU rr]v o-dpKa TTCOS SoKet Trv/fi/orepo?. Cf. Phile, De Anim. 330. The species cannot be certainly identified from this account. IXOINTAOI. (Also o-xoivixXos, o-^ow/IXoff, &C. Hesych. ar^oiviKos.) (From a'xo'ivos, iuncus.) Probably a Wagtail, Motacilla sp. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b : mentioned with KiyxXos and rrvyapyos M 2 164 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS ZXOINIAOI (continued}. as a small bird, smaller than a thrush, which moves its tail and frequents rivers and ponds. The identification hangs by that of Kiy<\os and nvyapyos, q. v. Of the three bird-names, not one is to be identified with any certainty ; I am somewhat inclined to interpret nvyapyos, the largest of the three, as a Sandpiper, and to suppose the other two to be both Wagtails ; at any rate, o-xom'Xoy, i n its derivation, rather suggests a Wagtail than a Sand- piper. The same bird appears elsewhere under such names as ?, i.e. rafeos-. The word is referred, with Hebr. tukk-iyim, Arab, tdwus, Pers. tdus, to Tamil togai, Sk. fikkf(v. Edl., &c.). Cf. LzLpavo, A. S. pawa, Ger.p/au, &c. On the change of Semitic / into / see Hehn, Wanderings of Plants, &c., pp. 208, 266. The Peacock. Mod. Gk. iray&vi (Heldr.), i. e. rrafcoi/i; also o natov and TO Trawi/ij/, novXoXdyo? ap. Wagner's Carm. Gr. Med. Aevi. History and Mythology. Menodot. ap. Athen. xiv. 655 a ol raol lepoi etcrt TYJS "Hpas. Kal p,fj rrore Trpcoricrrot KOI eyfvovro KOI erpd^ijtrav ev 2a/x,w, KCU evrevOev ds TOVS e^co TOTTOVS SieSo^(raj/. Cf. Antiphanes, ibid., 17 8' ev 2a/io> ^Hpa TO ^pucroCv, (^acrtV, opviOuiv ytvos [f^fi], j TOVS KaXAt^tdp- ovs KOI Trepi/SXeVrov? raw?. The Peacock on coins of Samos, Athen. 1. c., cf. Eckhel, Doctr. Numm. ii. p. 568 ; Imhoof-Blumer and Keller, pi. v. 49. Samos was, according to this evidence, the original home of the Peacock in Greece. The bird was sacred to Hera (as also at IXOINIAOI TAHI 165 (continued}. Tiryns, Paus. ii. 17, 6) as Queen of Heaven (cf. Eur. Hel. 1096) from its starry tail (Hehn) : cf. Ovid, Met. xv. 385 lunonis volucrem, quae cauda sidera portat ; ibid. i. 723; Juv. vii. 32; Stat. Silv. ii. 4, 26; Claudian, Eutrop. ii. 330. Cf. also Job. Lydus, De Menss. p. 66 KOI TaS>va Tr}v opvida TO~IS ifpois TTJS "Upas ol (pvatKol didoaanv, olovel TOV do-TfpoiTrbv depa, fjroi ovpavov. Cf. also Lucian, De Domo, xi. p. 908 ; Hemsterh. ad Nigr. i. p. 247. The Peacock is associated with Hera on coins also of Cos, Halicarnassus, c. On a Roman zodiac (Millin, Galer. Mythol. pi. xxix. fig. 86) a Peacock comes after Capricorn, coinciding with the Athenian month Gamelion, the month (Hesych.) of Hera; cf. Boetticher, Philologus xxii. p. 399, 1865, Pyl> Der Zwolf- gotterkreis im Louvre, Greifswald, 1857, &c. [The association of Hera with the month Gamelion (Jan.-Feb.) is due to the fact that this was the month of the sign Aquarius ; and the connexion in turn between Hera and Aquarius is connected with the fact that the Full Moon stood in that sign when the Sun was in Leo, in the month of Zeus, at the season of the Olympic festival.] The story of Argus, Mosch. Id. ii. 58, Ovid, Met. i. 720, Dion. De Avib. i. 28 (ppovpbs OVTOS [6 raoos-] TJV rrjs 'loCy, rjv'iKa "Hpa KO.T avrrjs e^aXcTraii'ei/* 'Ep/uJJy 8' dveiXev avrof, Kal reXeur^o-ai/roy, dvf)Ktv opviv f) yfj T>V 6i> ex VTa Ta 0-rjfj.ela T>V npoo-Oev. Hence a Scholiast in Ar. Av. 102 suggests (sed hyeme gallica frigidior est haec coniectura, Bochart) Tao>? 6 Trjpevs' Trapa TO rrjpflv TTJV 'lot. On Peacocks in Athens, in the time of the Persian Wars, Antiphon ap. Athen. ix. 397 C TOVTOVS rpefaiv Afj/jiov TOV IlvpiXdfJurovs KOI TroXXovy TrapaylvfcrQai Kara iroOov rrjs TO>V opvidcov deas ecc re AaKedai^ovos Kal QcTToXias Kai j> Kal raG>v dvrd^ia. Its former rarity and subsequent abundance, Antiph. ap. Athen. ix. 397 a T&V ra5)V [j.v ws a7ra| TIS fvyos rjyaytv povov | (nrdviov ov TO XPW* 1 irXeiovs 8' fio~l vvv T>V oprvywv (at Rome), cf. Eubul. 3. 259 ; for other citations, see Athen. xiv. 654 -655 a; eriftcoyTo 8e TOV appeva. Kal TOV 6rj\w dpaxn&v pvpiav, Antiph. ap. Ael. v. 21 ; cf. also Plut. i. 160 d, Plin. x. (20) 22, Varro, R. R. iii. 6, Macrob. Sat. iii. 13, &c. On the probably independent introduction of Peacocks into Rome, cf. Hehn, op. c. The Peacock is an Indian bird, Aelian passim, Lucian, Navig., &c. ; and was bred for the 'Indian' King, Ael. xiii. 18 eV rots 1 66 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS TAfll (continued}. TptyovTai raa>? fjp.epoi. It was likewise kept in Babylon, Diod. Sic. ii ; and the passage in Ar. Ach. 63 may imply that the Persian ambassador was bringing a present of peacocks to the City. How Alexander protected the Indian Peacocks on account of their beauty, under pain of a heavy penalty, Ael. v. 21. An Indian Peacock presented to the Egyptian King, Ael. xi. 33. The Indian Peacocks larger than elsewhere, ibid. xvi. 2. The Peacock throne at Babylon (as to this day, according to report, at Teheran), Philostr. 386 k. The Peacock, like the Cock, was also called the Persian Bird. A Schol. on Ar. Av. 707 has ra TroXureXi) navra, of? povos fiao-iXevs e^p^ro, e/caXetro Hepo~iKa' Kal vvv OVK tSi'cos TIS opvis Hepo~iKos. Tives de TOV aXcKTpvova, ol de TOV raa>. Cf. Suidas, M.rjdiKos opvis, 6 raws. Tacos v7rr)\Tj, 6 MrjftiKos Kal xpuaoTTTepos 1 Ka ' d\aoviKos opvis : cf. Philostr. loc. cit. Vide s. v. MYJ&IKOS opyis. The Peacock as food, Ael. iii. 42 ; first so used by Hortensius, ibid, v. 21, Plin. x. (20) 23; cf. Hor. Sat. ii. 2. 28, Juv. Sat. ii. 143, vii. 32, Varro, De R. R. iii. 6, Columella, viii. n, and innumerable other Lat. references. Description. Arist. H. A. vi. 9, 564 6 de racb? r] p.ev nepl irevre V oevdpwv Kal ap^fTat avdis dnoXafJifBdveiv Tr]V 7TTfpcoo~iv ap-a TTJ TOVT&V j3Xa(rr^o~r]S fTrnrfTOfievov o~WTpi- fteiv: cf. Arist. fr. 274. 1527^ ap. Athen. ix. 397 b. Its plumage and its ' pride,' Mosch. Id. ii. 59 opvis dya\\6p.vos TTTepvyaiv noXvavde'i XP ol fi ( c ^ Ael. 1. C. COIKCV dvdr)p(p Xei/icoft) | rapcra S' avcnr\a>o~aS) axrei Te TIS ajKuaXos vrjvs, \ ^piMrctov raXapoio Trepi'ovcfTre ^et'Xta rdpcroi?. Ael. V. 21 6 rau>? oidev opvidav wpaioraros &v, Kal evdd ol TO Ka\\os KadrjTai KOI TOVTO ote, feat eV aurw Kop,a, Kal o~ojBepos eo~Ti } Kal flappel Tols TTTfpols, o)O~Trepovv avTco Kal Koo-p-ov TTapaTidrjai, Kal Trpos TOVS ft-a>6ev \eip.a>v evavQc- o-Tepos' TT(pvTVTai yap avr<0 Kal xpva-os ev Tols mfpols, KVK\W 8e TO aXovpyes TOV xpvvbv TrepiOefi TOV 'Lvov KVK\OV. Arist. H. A. i. I, 488 b opvis (pdovepbs Kal (pi\oKa\os. Lucian. Dom. II (3. 196) eViorpe^ei yovv eavTOV, Kal nepidyei Kal e^no/jLTrfvei TO) KtiXXet. Dion. De Avib. i. 28 TO s TO oiKelov Tedavfj.aKf, Kal el KO\OV TIS OVTOV ovoudo-fiev, evOvs TO>V O. avdr) p.ep.iyfj.fva ^puaw, &o~7rep TIVCI Xet/xcova, deiKwaiv dvao-TT]o-as, TAfll TETAPOZ 167 TAiiZ Trepidyav etp KVK\OV avra SiaTfTaypfvois 6'/u,/ia* ra 817 Kara rrjs ovpas \d/j,7Tovo-i,v &o-rrp aVrepes 1 avrcp, K.r.X. Chrysipp. ap. Plut. ii. 1044 C 6 raws evK.a TI)S &pas yeyove, dia TO KaXXo? avrrjS. Cf. Opp. Cyneg. iii. 344 otrcroi/ cv rjfpioiori raws- KaXbs ouoi/oij/, os TOVS evSovTas eyeipei. Various legends. Uses as a charm \ivov pifav, which it carries under its wing, Ael. xi. 18. How the peacock swallows its excrement, lest we should use it in medicine, Plin. xxix. 38. A peacock enamoured of a maid, Clearch. ap. Athen. xiii. 6o5 c. Fable. The Crane and the Peacock, Babr. Ixv, cxlii (ed. Rutherford) " (TV &' o)s a\KT (paivr)" Cf. Suid., S. V. yepavos. TEAE'AZ. A bird-name (?). Ar. Av. 168 and Schol. TE'TAPOI. A Pheasant. A Median word, whence Pers. tedyrw, adopted into Old Scl. tetravi, tetria, &c. ; also Lith. teterva, teterwas, teltera, whence Finn. tetri\ adopted further into Sw. tjader, Dan. fuir t and possibly incorporated (Hehn) into Eng. turkey. Cf. Hind, tittiri, a Partridge or Francolin; Lat. tetrao, Gk. Te'rpaf, Terpdwi/. Cf. Pott, Etym. Forsch. i. p. Ixxx. Ptolem. Euerg. ap. Athen. xiv. 654 C ra re TMV (pao-iav&v ovs rerapovs (al. TfTpa&vas) 6vo[j.dovcriv. \ovs] ov p.6vov fK Mrjftfias juereTre/zrrfro, dXXa KOI vofMadas opviQas V7roj3d\a>v CTroirjo-f n^fjdos, wore Kal v fldoi, where word and gloss are alike corrupt ; cj. rerapot* v eloos. Taurao-os and reyyupos, Hesych., are probably also akin. See also s. vv. Te'rpa, 1 68 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS TETPA'AHN* opveov ri, 'AX*ato?, Hesych. Cf. ibid. TerpdSucru'* dr,o6va. See Schmidt in /oc., and Bergk, P. Lyr. Gr. iii. p. 192, fr. 154 (116). TETPAfON' opviddptov TI, Adicavcs, Hesych. Cf. TerpaSwi/. TE'TPAE. A doubtful word, applied to the Guinea-fov^L. Ar. Av. 885, Eust. 1205, 27. A discussion concerning the identity of this bird in Athen. ix. (c. 58). 398, C-f. Alex. Mynd. ibid. rcVpal TO p-cyedos "ia-os o-Trep^oXoyw, TO xpco/xa KpafjLOi>s, pvirapais o~Tiyp.als Kai peydXais ypap.iJ.als iroiKiXos, Kapirocpdyos, oTav woTOKT) de, TfTpdei Trj (pcovfj. [The disputants here seem to suppose that Alexander Myndius referred to some very little bird, TWOS Epicharm., ibid, rerpayas o"irepp.aTo\6yovs re Kay\aas ?. . . . epwfitoi . . . rerpayes re [xott] vi 7rapan\r]o-ios' KOI OTTO T>V &TODV eK.a.Tepa>&fV el% Kpepdp,fva axnrfp of aXe*- TpvovfS TO. KaXXnia' jSapeta 8' r)v f) (pcovrj. tiavpao-avTuv ovv f]p.5)V TO evavdes TOV opvidos p.T ov TroXv Kai co~Kvao~p,vos Traprjve^df]) Kai TO. /cpea rjv TraparrX^o'ia [TOI? TTJS /Lte-ydX^s] CTTpovOov^ rjv KOI avTrjv TroXXttKtS' According to Larensius (ap. Athen. 1. c.), he had seen the bird and heard the name in Mysia and Paeonia : he probably alluded to some one of the Grouse family ; cf. tetraon in Plin. x. (22) 29. The bird brought into the banquet was evidently a Guinea fowl, the descrip- tion given of the colour, wattles, &c. being characteristic. The account in Alex. Mynd. is not capable of identification : it also may possibly refer to the Guinea-fowl, which is not mentioned under the name p.e\eaypis by this author. Sundevall supposes that Alex. Mynd. alluded to some small bird, perhaps the Whinchat, Pratincola rubetra^ L., and that the same was identical with rerpi^ and oupd, J. G. Schneider (Anmerk. z. d. Eel. Phys. p. 45) conjectures the Little Bustard, Otis tetrax^ L., on whose cry at breeding-time, cf. Buffon, iv. p. 55. The name occurs also in Nemesian, i. 128, Anthol. Lat. 883 (ed. Riese), in a passage, however, which adds nothing definite to our knowledge : Tetracem Romae quern nunc vocitare taracem Coeperunt, avium est multo stultissima ; namque Cum pedicas necti sibi contem- plaverit adstans, Immemor ipse sui tamen in dispendia currit . . . Hie prope Pentinum radicibus Apennini Nidificat, patulis quae se sol obiicit agris, Persimilis cineri dorsum, maculosaque terga Inficiunt pullae cacabantis imagine notae. TE'TPAI. A bird-name, Schol. in Ar. Av. 168. Probably = TETPAAflN TPHPflN 169 TETPA'HN, for rerapos, Ptol. Euerg. ap. Athen. xiv. 654 c : Hesych., OpVIS TTOIOS. In Sueton. Calig. xxii tetraones numidicae were probably Guinea- fowl. In Plin. x. (22) 29 tetrao is the Black Grouse, Tetrao tetrix : decet tetraonas suus nitor, absolutaque nigritia, in superciliis cocci rubor. The larger variety mentioned next is the Capercaillie, T. uro- gallus : altertfm eorum genus vulturum magnitudinem excedit, quorum et colorem reddit ; nee ulla ales, excepto Struthiocamelo, maius corpore implens pondus, &c. TE'TPIE. An unidentified bird. Arist. H. A. vi. I, 559 a 17 5e re'rpi ^v KO.\OVO-IV 'Atfqmtoi ovpaya, oi>V TT\ rrjs yrjs veoTTfvei OVT eVl rols SevSpeaiv, aXX' enl rols ^a/zai^Xoi? (pvrols. A few lines before it is mentioned with the lark as nesting on the ground. ' Only these two conflicting references occur. Belon took reVpi for the Black Grouse, Camus and Buffon for the Capercaillie, neither of which occur in Attica. Sundevall identifies it with the Whinchat, vide s. v. TTpa. TITI'I. A small bird, Phot. (Cf. rmo>.) TO'PrOI. A Vulture. Hesych. ropyos' ei'So? yviros ctfyuaroppdcpov. eon Se Kal 6 yv\ls Trapa SiKeXicoTat?. Cf. ibid. Topyiov' opos lv SifceXia, OTTOV VOTTvov | dp.^po(rir]v (popfowai cm* a>Keavolo podcov. Lyc. 87 (vide S. v. ropyos) ; ibid. 423 or' els voBov rpfjpwvos rjvvdadrj Opp. Cyn. i. 73 Tprjpwas e\ov dovaKrjes I ibid. i. 352 eirre yap es a 6oal Tprjpwvf? i'oo. The Wren, Troglodytes europaeus, L. Mod. Gk. KoXu/^/Spi, Tpwo- Kapvda (Erhard, Bikelas). Arist. H. A. ix. II, 615 \6xpas Kal Tpa>y\a$ OIKC'I' dvvaXaros de Kai 8pa7TTT]S Kai. TO rjBos aadevf)?, cvfitoTos 5c KOI TCX VIKOS ' KaXerrcu fie Kai irpeo-ftvs Kai j3aV 7Tprrfpoa8ooi> eXa^i'trr?} : cf. Athen. ix. 394 A. Compared in size with xeXed?, H. A. viii. 3, 593, and with xXcopeus, ib. ix. 22, 617. Arist. fr. 271, 1527, ap. Athen. I.e., TO xp&j/ia TfntVerai TOV Bepovs, xew&vos dfaivifaai' (pcoXet yap. Cf. ibid. 12, 597 k dyeXd^ovrai S* tu re (pdrrai Kal at rpuyovef, orav Tf TrapayivcovTcii Kal ndXiv orav &pa 77 rrpbs rrjv dvaKOfjLiftrjv. See also ibid. l6, 599 v' Kal fj y rpvya>v 6p,oXoyov- fjifvos /uaXttrra irdvT&v. ovdels yap as eiTreiv Xeyerat rpvyova I8e~iv ovScifj.ov XfifjL&vos. apteral Se TTJS (poikeias a~(p68pa rrieipa ovaa, Kal TTTfpoppvel p,ev ev rfj (^coXet'a, vra^eia (JLCVTOI SiarcXet ovo-t Kal OKT<*> err] (Plin. 1. c.), at TfTV(p\(i)iJLvai virb To>v TTaXevrpias rpefpovTW avrds : on their capture by decoys, see also Dion. De Avib. iii. 4, 16. The voice of the Turtle. Theocr. Id. xv. 88 & dvcrravoi, dvdvvTa /tam'X- Xovo-ai | Tpvyovfs : cf. Virg. Eel. i. 59. On the verb rpvfav, vide supra ; cf. also Pollux, V. 14 eiTTOis S' av rpvyovas Tpvfiv, Trepio-Tepas yoyyvfciv : Suid. dcrfjp-dis (pdeyyerai Kal yoyyvcrTiKws : rpvyofciv, A. B. 1452. Hence, of a talker, rpvyovos \a\icrrcpos, Menand. TlXoK. 13, ap. Ael. xii. 10, in which passage a ' double entendre ' is expatiated on by Aelian, Suidas, TPOXIAOZ TPYrQN 173 TPYfflN (continued]. &c. ; see also Demetr. Sic., ap. Ael. 1. c., Arist. H. A. ix. 49 B, 633 b, &c. ; cf. also rpuXieii>, of a quail, Poll. 5. 89. Reproduction, Nesting, &c. Arist. H. A. vi. I, 558 b SiroKet (i. e. lays two eggs). Ibid. 4, 562 b TIKTOVO-I rpvy&v KCU (pdrra ev rw eapi, ou TrXeo- vi'iKis f) 8is. TiKret Se ra Seurepa, OTUP TO. Trporcpov yevvrjdevra dia(p6apf)' TroXXai yap 8ias l ibid. S. V. Trovrjpd' Trovrjpa Kara Tpvyova tyd\\fis' eirl ra>v Kal firnrovus o>z/ro>j/, Kal yap fj rpvyvv eirfiddv Trciva Tore ct. Cf. also Hesych. 174 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS j TPnrM'THI. A small bird, probably identical with TpwyXo8uTT]s. Phile De An. Pr. 691 aerov fie TOV \iiyo.v | alyviribs fie'fioiKe* TOV fie, TpcoyXiTTjs. Hdn. Epim. 136, 181 ; Eust. 228, 35. TPiirAOAY'THI. The Wren, Troglodytes europaeus, L. Philagr. Med. ap. Act. xi. n (cit. Schn. in Arist. vol. iv. p. 85) o-rpou- 6iov eo~T\ crfJLiKpoTaTov o~x f ^v airavTO)v TWV opveav TrX^i/ TOV jBcKTikiaKov Ka\ovfj,fvov' napfoiKe fie TOO /3a(rtX ICTK&) Kara TroXXa, (ivev T>V Xpvo~i6vT(i>v cv /uercoTro) Trrepav' vp.yedeo~Tepov 8' eVrl /UKpa) 6 rpajyXofiirny? TOV /SaaiXiV- KOV KOI /LieXa^rcpos 1 , KOI rrjv ovpav eyrjyepnevrjv fX fi " et 'j Xev/c?, Lat. regulus, Fr. roitelet, Germ. Zaunkonig, &c. Arist. H. A. viii. 3> 59^ b TO [JLeyedos /xtxrpcS /uei'icov aKpidos, eari de (poivt- KOVV \6vTas t'Tro r>v vo/jLeav. TLKTCI p.ev ovv dvo wa, veoTTevei de Kai OVTOS ev TicTpais KOI anijXaiois. Hesych. vftpis' opvfov TPnrAITHI 4>ABOTYnOZ 1 75 'YnAl'ETOI (male -yuTrmero?); also uvj/iaieros, (Boios ap. Anton. Lib.). An obscure name for an Eagle or Vulture. Arist. H. A. ix. 32, 6l8b TrepKvoTrrepos* opcnrcXopyo* KaXetrai Ka\ vTraieros. Boios ap. Anton. Lib. C. 2O KOI eyevero KXetvis //,eV v\^iaifTos' OVTOS ecrri devrepos opvidav p.ra TOV aierdr, 8iayv)vai S' ov ^aXeTToV 6 p.ev yap eVri vf(3po(f)6vo$ epf/ii>df, p.eyas re Kal a\Kip,os, 6 6* aero? /neXuvrepos Kai eKfivov. On this perplexing passage, see Schneider in Arist. I.e. 'YnOAEAIft'I. A Libyan bird-name, Ar. Av. 65. The word is commonly taken as a Comic derivative of (cf. Soph. Aj. 169). The five bird-names beginning with the syllable VTT- are all obscure, and what little is said about them is replete with signs of foreign influence. I am pretty certain that in none of these cases does VTTO- mean sub, and for my own part I suspect it to be a corruption of a foreign, and probably Egyptian, word or prefix. c Yno0YMl'X. An unknown bird. Ar. Av. 302. . (MSS. have also un-oX&ns, uiroXXis, uiroXiV uiroXri'ts, Hesych.) An indeterminate small bird. Perhaps the Wheatear, Saxicola sp. The Cuckoo lays her eggs in its nest, which is on the ground, Arist. H. A. viii. 7, 564, ix. 29, 618, Antig. H. Mir. 100 (109), Theophr. De Caus. PI. ii. 17, 9. Also in some editions for eViXatV, H. A. vi. 3, 592 b. Sundevall suggests the Wheatear, which makes its nest under a stone, from a supposed connection with Xaa? ; and the conjecture is supported to some extent by the circumstance that the Cuckoo is known some- times to use the Wheatear's nest in Greece (Kriiper, p. 184); but the derivation is very doubtful. The Orphean Warbler is the bird in whose nest the Cuckoo in Greece usually lays its egg, and further the state- ments in Aristotle as to the birds in whose nest the Cuckoo lays are very untrustworthy. 'YnOTPIO'PXHZ. A kind of Hawk. Arist. H. A. ix. 36, 620 ot 8e TrXarurepot [Schn. and others read 7T\aTVTTTfpoi] IfpaKCS VTTOTplOpXdl KaXoiVTCll. There is nothing by which to identify the name, which indeed seems to be to some extent generic. The name subbuteo is traditionally applied to the Hobby, which if TrXariWfpos means broad-winged, is, as Sundevall remarks, excluded by the epithet. ABOTY'nOI, s. {frnpoKToyos, Hesych. A kind of Hawk. Cf. ao-ao- 6^os, q. v. Arist. H. A. viii. 3? 59^ b o re (paftorvTros KOI 6 (micas' 8* OVTOI TO p.yeOos no\v d\\f)\(0v. 176 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS AAAKPOKO'PAE. A bird, commonly identified, on the strength of its name (cf. a\apts)j with the Coot; according to others, the Cormorant. See also s. v. Kopa, |3. Plin. x. (48) 68 lam et in Gallia Hispaniaque capitur [attagen], et per Alpes etiam, ubi et phalacrocoraces, aves Balearium insularum peculiares. Cf. ib. xi. 47 quaedam animalium naturaliter calvent, sicut . . . corvi aquatici, quibus apud Graecos nomen est inde. 4>AAAPI'I, s. a\T]pi's. (MSS. have also (papaXis.) ((pdXos, the ' beak ' of a helmet ; $dXapo?, a white spot or ' blaze ' ; cf. Germ. Bksshuhn, from Bletz = blaze, Buttm. Lexil. s. v. $dXos : the Engl. bald-coot is analogous.) The Coot (?), Fulica atra, L. Mod. Gk. 593 h opvis oreyai/oTrouy, /3apurepos* Trept noTafj.ovs KOI XL/JLVUS e'ortV. (Mentioned with KVKVOS, J^TTO, KoXup/3i's.) Id. fr. 273, 1527 b aXXarreo-0ai a>s TTOV. Cleom. ap. Athen. ix. 393 C AIIANO'l, s. $ TrorajuoO TOP \6yov ypd(pL KOI Tavra' " TrXrjdos 5' opvi&av TO>V KaXovpevav (pacriavnv 4>AAAKPOKOPA= 4>AZIA 177 A2IANOI (continued}. (poira rpoipi)s X<*P IV Trpo? Tas eK/3oXaff TWV (TTOfjaTcnv " I cf. Lucian, De Merc. Cond. 17, Navig. 23. Callix. Rhod. ap. Athen. 1. c. (describing the procession of Ptolemy Philad. at Alexandria) efra efpepovro *v dyyeiois (paatavoi K.r.X. Cf. Ptolem. ap. Athen. xiv. 654 c (cf. ix. 387 e) TO. re T&v (f)ao~iavu>v ) ovs rerdpovs [j. rerpaooi'as] ovop.a^ovo'iv^ [ovs] ou p.6vov fK MrjSfias /xereTre/iTrero, aXXa Koi vop,d8as opvidas V7ro/3aXo)i/ eVonjcre 7rXfj$oy, ooorre KOL o-iTfladaC TO yap /3/>a>/za no\VT\es drro(paivov(riv. avrrj f) rov Xa/LtTrporarou /SacriXea)? (pcov^, os oiide fyaaiaviKov opvidos Trore yfixrao'dai y dppevcov, aXXa TroXXcp fjieifav. Ulp. ap. Athen. 1. C. eip r;)j/ ayopai' Tropeutfei? a)vf] (pao-iaviKov, ov o-vyKaredo/jiai o~ot. Arist. H. A. ix. 49 B, 633 opvis ov TTT^TIKOS aXX' eniyeios, KOVHTTIKOS (cf. Arist. fr., and Theophr. fr. ap. Athen. ix. 387 b). H. A. V. 31, 557 e> " P-n KOVIWVTOI, 8ia(p6eipovTai VTTO ran/ (pOeipvv. Ib. vi. 2, 559 Karecrrry/Lie'i/a ra wa rcoi/ /leXeaypiSooi/ Kat (pao-iav&v (this error is repeated by Buffon, Hist. Ois. iv. 78). On Pheasants reared by the Indian kings, Ael. xiii. 18. On the breeding and rearing of Pheasants, see Pallad. R. R. i. 29, Colum. viii. 8, 10. For Latin references to the Pheasant as a dainty, cf. Juv. xi. 139 Scythicae volucres ; Mart. xiii. 45, 72, c. ; Stat. Silv. i. 6, 77, ii. 4, 27 ; Manil. Astron. v. 376 ; Suet. Cal. 22 ; Lampr. Alex. Sev. 37 lovis epulo et Saturnalibus et huiusmodi festis diebus phasianus ; Capitol. Pert. 12 phasianum nunquam private convivio comedit aut alicui misit ; Amm. xvi. 5, 3 phasianum et vulvam et sumen exigi vetuit (lulianus) et inferri, munificis militis vili et fortuito cibo contentus ; Ambr. Hexaem. vi. 5 exquisitum illud et accuratum opipare convivium, in quo phasiani aut turturis species apponitur. 4>AIKA'I. Alex. Mynd. ap. Athen. ix. 395 D. Vide s. v. /Sao-icds. 4>A'IIA, Att. arra. A Ringdove or Woodpigeon, Columba palumbus, L. Mod. Gk. (pdo-a : L. palumbus s. palumbes. Identical with <|>d\|/, q. v. Some- times applied also to the Domestic Pigeon, v. infra. Dim. CITTIOI>, Ar. PI. ion, Ephipp. 3, 334 (Mem.). An artificial masc. form 4>drros in Luc. Soloec. 7. Used as an illustration of the interchange of AIIA (continued}. Description. Arist. H. A. v. 13, 544 b peyio-rov [TO>V f) XP^ a S* O-TTOO'IOV. Alex. Mynd. ap. Schol. Theocr. Id. v. 96 rj fj.ev (paoxra VTTOKvdveov fX L T *i v Ke(paXr]v Kal paXXoV ye ep.7rop(j)vpov, rS>v 8e ov TO ev avrois /ze'Xav aTpoyyvXov f\i. Arist. H. A. ix. 7> 613 ftiayvoovai 8' ov pa&toi/ TYJV 6r)Xeiav Kal TOV appeva, aXX' r) rot? fVTos. a>(Ti &' at (parrai iroXvv XP OVOV ' KOI yap eiKoaiv err) KOI Kal TpiaKovTa tt>p.p.evai elo~iv, eviai 8e Kal TfTTapaKovra TTJ. de yivofjitvav avra)V ol ow^e? av^avovraC aXX' a.TroTp,vovTS (hence (parrot here are tame pigeons). aXXo S' ovSet/ j3Xa7rron-ai eVtS^- Xa>ff yrjpao-Kovaai i with this somewhat incredible statement as to length of life, cf. ib. vi. 4, 563, Athen. ix. 394 b, Plin. x (32) 52. Arist. H. A. ii. 17, 508 b 7rpoAo/3oi> npb TTJS KoiXias e^ouo-t. Ib. viii. 12, 597 b curaipovat) K.CLI ov ^i^a^ovai [the contrary stated, viii. 3j 593]' yeXabj/rcu, OTO.V re TrapayivavTai Kal TraXij/ orav &pa rj Trpos rrjv avaKop.ibr]v. Ibid. 1 6, 600 TWV 8e (pa(r, eviai ' ov (pooXoixriv, aTre S' ap.a rotr ^fXtSdo'tj'. Ib. ix. 49 B, 633 rou /zeV x fi ^ vos i> nXfjv fj8rj TTorf fi>8ias eK ^ei/icovos velv : cf. Alex. Mynd. ap. Athen. 394 e. Arist. H. A. viii. 18, 601 of avx/uot o-u/i^epova-i Kal irpbs Trjv fiXXrjv vyteiav Kal irpbs rovs TOKOVS, Kal oi>x fj i, ar(p68pa /xeyaXov? lo-^ovo-tv (TOVS opxfis) . . . eooV eVioi o'lovrai v X 1 P'^ >VOS PX CLS avra ' JX- 7> 613 f/( ei ^^ T I/ a PP^va f) rpvy&v rbv avrbv Kal AZZA >AIIA (continuecf). as coming from Boeotia, Ar. Pax 1104. In Anth. Pal. ix. 71 the oak is otK/a (pdTTuv. Its capture is difficult, but is effected by means of nets and by the aid of blinded decoy-birds, Dion. De Avib. iii. 12. A lover's gift, Theocr. v. 133. The Dim. ^dmcy, used as a term of endearment, Ar. PI. IOII vrjTTapiov av KOI (pdmov v7reKopiero : in Philip. Obel. fr. ap. Athen. viii. 359 b, a little pigeon, a skinny one. Proverb. Plut. ii. 1077 C (pdrra (pdrTij, as like as two peas. Cf. also cty, irepiorepd, &c. 4>AII04>0'NOI, s. aaj3oTuiros. A species of Hawk. II. XV. 238 LprjKi COIKWS | co/tei (paa|3oTuTros, ao-ao<|x>vos. Apparently distinguished from (pdo-o-a in Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 a, 15, where however, in the catalogue of pigeon-names, some MSS. (Aa, Ca) omit <. As var. IL (p\dpes, and v occur in Arist. passim; cpap&v is specially cited in Aesch. Philoct. (fr. 232) ap. Athen. ix. 394 a. First in Aesch. fr. Prot. (2) 194, ap. Athen. 394 a (riTovp,evr)v bvarrjvov d6\iav 0a/3a, /xecraKra TrXeupa npos TTTVOIS 7TTr\yfJ.fvr)V. Description. Arist. H. A. ix. 7, 613 owe dvaKinrrovo-i rrivova-ai (vide S. v. (jxiaaa, Athen. ix. 394 c) VCOTTCVOVO-I ev rots avrots TUTTOIS dei. Arist. H. A. vi. 8, 564 ^ p-cv 6r]\eia dno SeiXrjs dp^afj.fvrj rrjv re vv\ff o\r)v e7T6)a^t Kai ea>s aKpari'oyiaros &pas } 6 6' "tpprjv TO \OITTOV TOV ^poj/ov. Ibid. 7; 5^3 ^j N 2 l8o A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS 4>A^ (continued). ix. 29, 618. The Cuckoo lays her eggs in its nest (cf. s. v. <|><{aH'NH. According to Doederlein, connected with (prjvos (= Xaju,7rpo'y), a>i/eu/. I incline to think the word is an exotic, and probably Egyptian, connected with (pow, Eg. bennu. A kind of Vulture. Od. iii. 371 *Adr}vrj | (ptjvrj fldop,evrj. Od. xvi. 2l6 K\alov 8e Xtyecoff, dSivooTepov 77 r' olavoi, \ (pf]vai rj alyvniol yap^mwx^ s. Ar. Av. 304. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b aeroC peifav, TO xp/ia o-irodoftftes. Ib. ix. 32, 619 dfTos 6 yvf)rjvr)V 8e Kat apTTT]v 'A.@rjvq rrpoave/JLovo'iv. According to Boios ap. Anton. Lib. c. vi, Zeus -metamorphoses the wife of Periphas into the bird 0ryi>/7, Kal 81801 rrpos aVao-ai/ npa^iv av^pcoTroi? ata-iav enKpaiveadai : cf. Ovid, Met. vii. 399. Also ^tJ'i'S, Diosc. ii. 58 (pivis TO opveov, o 'Pttftatari Ka\ovo-iv oo-o-i(ppayov: cf. Plin. x. 3. Identified by Aldrovandi, Gaza, and by most moderns, with the Aquila barbata of Pliny, N. H. x. 3, that is to say with our Lammer- geier, Gypaetus barbatits, L., which is accurately described by Dion. De Avib. i. 4 under the name fipimj. The Lammergeier is also identical with Lat. ossifraga (Plin. 1. c.), a name accurately descriptive of its habits, and Lat. sanqualis (Festus, 316,317). The brief description in Arist. H. A. viii, inclines Sundevall, Aubert, and Wimmer, to identify Avl/ 4>OINIKOnTEPOI 4>AErY'AI- 6 derts, Suid. fab gav66s, t&s, Hesych. Cf. Hes. Sc. H. 134 (vide infra). kos in Hes. Sc. H. 134, where it seems to mean the ' lightning bird/ from I>' o>i/ opaff vfj,f1s del, | d\Xa \ifj,valos. TIE. /3a/3at, KaXos ye KOI (froiviKiovs. 'ED. CIKOTMS' KOI yap oVo/z' nvrfi> y' eo-ri (froiviKonTepos. This is the only reference to the bird in classical Greek, and the identification here is at best doubtful. The succeeding reference to the Cock might lead one to suspect that under the name Phoenicopterus some bird less unlike the Cock than the Flamingo is, was here alluded to : such a bird, for example, as Porphyrio hyacinthinus, the Purple Water-hen (vide s. v. Trop^upiwy). The question, however, is not capable of settlement. The Flamingo occurs in Greece only as a rare straggler, though abundant on the opposite coast of Asia Minor (Von der Miihle, p. 118 ; Lindermayer, p. 155, c.). Cf. Gesner, H. Anim. lib. iii Mirum est huius tarn pul- chrae et eximiae avis nomen ab Aristoteli taceri, cum Aristophanes, qui vixit eadem aetate, meminerit ; sed Graecis etiam raram esse hanc avem puto. Flamingos were seen, however, by Bory de St. Vincent, in the marshes of Osman Aga near Navarino. Heliodorus, Aethiop. vi. 3 describes the bird as NeiXyov (powiKOTrrepov : and the Scholiast ad Juv. xi. 139 states in like manner, abundans est in Africa : it, apparently, is also mentioned as a dainty, by Philostr. Vit. Apoll. Tyan. viii. p. 387 (ed. Paris, 1605) as opvts (powiKeos. In Crat. Nem. fr.4, ap. Athen. ix. 373 d opvis (poiviKO'irrepos, is probably the Cock. It has been stated above, s. v. yXwrris, that Belon (Hist, des Oyseaux, viii. 8) identified that bird with the Flamingo ; so also did Aldrovandi (Ornithol. iii. 20, 4), with as little reason. To the opinion there ascribed to Linnaeus, the following words of Gesner should have been sub- joined : ego vero iis quas Gallinulas aquaticas nostri vocant avibus Glottidem adnumero, quae omnes fissipedes sunt ; cf. also Scaliger (in loc. Aristot.) Glottis autem quae sit nondum mihi constat ; ridiculum quod quidam de Phoenicoptero ausus est pronuntiare. In Latin, references to the Flamingo are frequent and free from doubt. Cf. Juv. xi. 139 et Scythiae volucres et phoenicopterus ingens ; Martial, Ep. iii. 58, 14 nomenque debet quae rubentibus pennis ; ib. xiii. 71 dat mihi penna rubens nomen ; Suet. Cal. 22, c., c. ' That the Tongue of this Volatile was much commended, and in 182 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS >OINIKOnTEPOI (continued}. great Esteem, for its excellent Taste and most delicious Relish, will appear from the following Quotations' (Douglass, op. infra cit.) : Plin. x. (48) 68 Phoenicopteri linguam praecipui saporis esse, Apicius docuit ; Martial, xiii. 71 sed lingua gulosis Nostra sapit : quid si garrula lingua foret ? cf. also Sueton. Vitell. xiii. The brain was also a tid-bit, and Heliogabalus (Lamprid. 20, p. 108) exhibuit Palatinis dapes extis et cerebellis Phoenicopterorum refertas. Receipts for the cookery of Flamingos are given (without mention of the tongue) by Apic. (?) De Re Coquin. vi. 7. I am inclined to believe that such costly indulgences of the palate were often determined by obscure superstitious motives (as are many Chinese luxuries) rather than by real or imaginary refinements of taste. Nevertheless the Flamingo's tongue is said to be still appreciated: cf. Von der Miihle, Ornithol. Griechenlands, p. 118 Ein franzosischer Schiffscapitain brachte mir einige von Smyrna, wo sic sehr haufig sind, und von den Jagern den Englandern zum Verkaufe angeboten werden, welche die dicke fleischige Zunge als teckerbissen verzehren. Cf. (int. al.) the interesting paper by Dr. J. Douglass in Phil. Trans, v. p. 63, 1721. OINl'KOYPOI. The Redstart, Luscinia phoenicurus, L., and L. tithys (Scop.). Mod. Gk. KOKKivoKaXos, yiawaKos, KaXavrtfjs (Bike'las). Arist. H. A. ix. 49 B, 632 b ; Plin. x. (29) 44 ; vide s. v. epiOaicos. Cf. also Geop. xv. i, 22. E s. otVi|. The Phoenix, an astronomical symbol of the Egyptians. Eg. bennu. First in Hes. Fr. 50, 4. Herod, ii. 73 eon e xai aXXos opvis tpd?, rw OVVO/JLO. (poling' eyaj p,ev /UP OVK eidoi/, ei p.Yj oo~ov ypa(pfj' /ait yap drj KOI orrrdvios enKpoira o~s 'HXiovTroXtrai Xeyovo~i) 7rfVTaKoo~ia>v. (potrav Se Tore (petal, eVecif ot airoOdvy 6 iraTrjp. fort Se, (I rfj ypa(pfj ira.p6p.oios, T0o~6o~8f KCU TOiocrSe' ra p.fv avrov xpvo~oKOfj.a T>V Trrep&v, ra de epvdpd' es ra /xaXiara aierw Trepirj- yrjo~iv o/ioidraros, p.evov cs TO ipbv TOV 'HXi'ou Ko/j.ieiv TOV Trarepa ev o~p.vpvr] ejU7rXa(T(roj/ra, ai Qcmrew fv TOV 'HXt'ou r< fpw. K0p,iciv de OVTO>' npayrov, TTJS ap.vpvr)s woi/ rrXao-o-etv oo-ov re Swaros eVri (pepeiv' /iera 5e irfipaOINIKOnTEPOI 4>OINIE 183 4>OINI= (continued}. An Indian version, Dion. De Avib. i. 32 OK^KOCI 6V, as -rrapa rots 'li/Soi? opvis fir) yovecov a.Tep KOI p,it-ea>s %s ovre TO$~QIS ovre \i6ois ovre Ka\d[jLOLS T) TTiiyctis Tav dvSp&v TI KOT' avTutv Troielv neipafjievwv. *O Se Qdvaros avra> TTJV dpx^jv iroiel rrjs v o^ardnv e'Xao-o-ovfievas 1 , e'<' vtyrjhrjs TTtrpas Kapfprj trvXXe^a? nvpdv nva rrjs reXeuT^f, rj Ka\iav (rWTiQijfft rrjs , f)v eV /Lteaa) Ka6r)fj,evov TOV (poiriKos r] TO>V rjXiciKcov UKTIVOOV KarcKpXeyei OVTO) de dicKpOapfvros avrov vfos CK rrjs Tea-?7, Luc. Hermot. 53 C 1 ? 793) 5 c f- Jb xxix. 18, where for sand read Phoenix. Cf. also Nonnus Dion. xl. 394 /mi ^uXa Krj&evra (pepwv rdpo'co | ^iXter/;s o~o(pos opvis eV ei>68fjL(o o~eo /3co/zca | (polvi, Teppa avrocnropov apxfa I TiKrerat, IO-OTVTTOIO XP OVOV Trd\w ayperos CLKWV \vo~as & ev rrvpl yr/pas, afulfkmu eK nvpbs fjfirjv. See also the Phoenix of Claudian; Auson. Id. xi; Ovid, Met. xv. 402; Senec. Ep. xlii ; Pompon. Mela, iii. 9 ; Lactant. (?) Carm. Phoenice ; Lucian, iii. 27, 276, 350 ; Solin. Polyhistor. c. 36 ; Clem. Rom. Ep. i ad Corinth, c. 24, p. 120, &c. Late apparitions of the Phoenix, Plin. x. 2 ; Tacit, vi. 28 ; Dio C. Ivii ; Suidas ; Tzetz. Chiliad, v. 6. A new Phoenix-period is said to have commenced A. D. 139, in the reign of Antoninus Pius; and a recru- descence of astronomical symbolism associated therewith is manifested on the coins of that Emperor. Various remedies were to be obtained from its nest, Plin. xxix. 9 (Irridere est vitae remedia post millesimum annum reditura monstrare). For further references, oriental and classical, see Bochart, Hieroz. ii. coll. 8 1 8, 849. On the Phoenix as an astronomical symbol of a cyclic period, see (int. al.) Marsham, Canon. Chron. p. 9, 387 ; Creuzer's Symb. i. p. 438, ii. p. 163 ; Lewis, Astr. of Anc., p. 283 ; Kenrick's Egypt of Herod., 184 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS 4>OINI= (continued}. p. 100 ; Larcher's Herod, ii. p. 320 ; Encycl. Metrop., Art. Herodotus (8vo ed.), p. 249; Drummond in Class. Journal, xiv. 319; Ideler, Enchir. Chron. Math. i. p. 186. See the Bhagavad Gita, viii, for an account of the similar cyclical 'day and night of Brahma.' For a corresponding Chinese tradition, see Martini, Histor. Sinica, cit Coray ad Heliod. p. 201 ; Creuzer, Symb. ii. 164 ; on the Persian account, cf. Dalberg, 'Simorg, der Persische Phonix,' in Von Hammer's Fundgruben des Orients, i. p. 199. See also Henrichsen, De Phoenicis fabula apud Graecos, Romanos, et populos orientales, Hafniae, 1825, 1827. In Aristid. ii. p. 107 (Jebb) the Phoenix is called 'li/St/coc 6'pi/is. For representations of the Phoenix, see Jomard's Descr. de l'g. Antiq. i. c. 5. The Phoenix has been taken by Cuvier, Lenz, and others, for the Golden Pheasant, a coarse materialising of a mythic symbol (Hehn). On the study and interpretation of such sacred enigmas of the ancients, see Grote's Hist. i. c. 16. The subject deserves to be studied under many heads ; for example, the varying terms assigned to the Phoenix-period, and the various astronomical cycles thereby indicated ; the relation of the Phoenix to the Palm-tree (Eg. bennu = $oivi TO opveov, benne i TO devdpov, Lauth, Sitzungsber. Bayer. Akad., 1876, p. 94) in connexion with the whole symbolic imagery of the latter ; the relation of the Phoenix to the Heron (Lauth, I.e.; cf. supra s.v. |3aiTJ6), involving also the depicting of the Soul as the Phoenix and the question of the term assigned to the Soul's wanderings. The whole subject is of great complexity, and lies beyond the scope of this book. 4>PYn'AOI. An unknown bird, obscurely referred to in Ar. Av., with a play on the word 'Phrygian'; 763 cppvyiXos opvis tv6a$ eo-rai, TOV 3>i\r)fJiovos yevovs '. and 873 2a/3a'&> is an exact parallel to o-TpovQa peydXrj p.r)Tpl 6ewv. Supposed also to be connected with 'Ltii.fringilla. PYNOAO'roi, s. pui/oX6xos (pvvrj, a toad). A kind of Hawk, probably a species of Harrier, Circus sp. Arist. H. A. ix. 36, 620 ot 8e Xetoi KCU ol (ppvvoXoyoi' OVTOI eL>/3ia>raroi KCU x&i/iaXoTrrJjrai. Vide S. v. eXeios. Of the various hawks that feed on reptiles, the epithet ' low-flying ' seems best applicable to the Harriers. , Hesych. 4>OINIE XAPAAPIOI 185 u, 6S>vg, Aid. and Camus $ou, Schn. 7ro>i>. 7ro>uy in Anton. Lib. c. 5; Et. M.) A bird of the Heron kind ; supposed to be a name for the Bittern, but equally applicable to the Common Heron. Arist. H. A. ix. 18, 617 of pev ovv epeoSiot TOVTOV j3iovt>y, Kal avrfj rpocpyv edtoKfV 6 Zevs fj.rjo'ev CK yijs (pvouevov, dXXa ((rOieiv ofpda'^p.ovs LX^VOS rj opvidos f) o(pfo>S) on e/xeXXef AlyvTrnov TOV TratSos d(pe\ecrOai ras o^eis. Etym. M. Haivyyes, at aWvtai, al K\r]delcrai /3oCyyes, irapa TTJV ftorjv Ka\ Ivyrjv. XAAKIAIKO'Z' cldos aXfurpvovos, Hesych. Vide S.V. aXeKTpucji', p. 24. XAAKI'I. Vide supra, s. v. KU'JU XAPAAPIO'I. A bird conjectured to be the Thick-knee or Norfolk Plover, Charadrius oedz'cnemus, L., Oedicnemus crepitans, auctt. ; so identified by Gesner, followed by Sundevall, Aubert and Wimmer, &c.. Mod. Gk. rovp\i8a (Erh.). Applied by the LXX. to Heb. ns3N. The derivation from ^apaSpa is more than doubtful. Ar. Av. 265 es rr]V \6xfj,r)v | f/J.j3as eVw^e, ^apaSptov fJ.ifJLOVfj.fvos I ib. 1 14! ot ^apaSptot KCU raXXa Trora/xt' opvea. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b, mentioned with Xapos, KCTT^O?, aWvia. Ib. ix. 11,615 Tas S' oUrjo-eis of fj.ev 7rep\ ras ^apaSpay Kai ^?;pa/xovff noiovvrai Kal nerpas, olov 6 Ka\ovfj.evos ^apaSptds* eWi S' 6 ^apaSptoy Kat TTJV xP oav Kal TTJV (pavrjv (pav\0f } (paiverai Se i/^Krcap, r}fj.epas 5' a7roSiSpao~/s Xdyor, of iKTepiavTes paov a7raXXaTTOi>rai* odev Kal a7roKpviTTov(nv avrovs of irnrpdo'KOVTes, Iva fjirf TTpotxa ax^eXcoirat of KapvovTes. "Kal fj.^v KaXvnTfi, fj.S>v ^apaSptov Ttepvas ;" OVTWS Kal Trapoijui'a evrevdev, XapaSptoi/ /it/iou/zej/oy, eVl TG>J> 1 86 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS XAPAAPI02 (continued}. OVTWS Ev(f)povios. fTTfl yap rovs iKTfpiwvras &>0eXet 6 xapaftpibs 6(p6eis, Kal rovrov ol TTfpv&vTfs KpinrrovcriV) Iva JUT) Trpo TOU wvrjcraa'daL TIS ladfj Trepte'pyws. etrri Se fldos opveov /ueTa/3ctXXdp,ei/oi/ els ra irpOKeipeva, K.r.X. Cf. ucrepos. In these mythical stories, with which compare Physiol. Syr. xv (volucris tota alba, nee ulla in ea nigredo est : reperitur in regum palatiis), Epiphan. in Physiol. xxiii, Eust. Hex. p. 32, Bochart, ii. p. 340, we have to do with eastern tales of the Stork, Heb. chasad (Lev. xi. 19, Deut. xiv. 1 8) arising from a confusion of names. In Babr. Ixxxii (Ixxxviii, W. G. R.) Cod. Ath. has x a P a &P l s f r daXXos : the word is here perhaps a corrupt connexion of It. calandra, which occurs in Dion. De Avib. iii. 15. Cf. W. H. Thompson's note on Plat. Gorg. I.e. XEIAfTNEX* TCOV d\(KTpv6v<*v nves, Hesych. Cf. s. v. icdXXwy. XEAIAH'N. Etymology very doubtful. Cf. Lat. hirundo, Sp. golon- drina, &c. Supposed by some to be from Sk. rt. har, ' to catch or seize,' cf. Lat. hir-udo, a view somewhat akin to one much older, Isid. Orig. xii. 7 hirundo dicta est, quod cibos non sumat residens, sed in acre rapiat escas et edat. A Swallow. The Chimney Swallow, Hirundo rustica, and the House Martin, H. urbica. Mod. Gk. xeXtdovi. See also s. vv. airous, SpeTrayis, KuvJ/eXos, KwnXds. Dim. x^&oi'i&eu's, Eust. 753. 56 : x c ^ l &4" lo| 'i Galen, xiv. 386 : XeXi&oyis, Anth. Pal. vi. 160, vii. 210, &c. A Swallow-chick is called poo-xos xoy, Achae. ap. Ael. vii. 47, or opraXixos (q. v.), Opp. Hal. v. 579. In Homer, Od. xxi. 411 f] S' wro Ka\bv aeto-e, xeXi&w elKe\r) avdqv (of the bow of Ulysses), xxii. 240 \^Adr)vrj] c^er' araia(ra, ^eXiSort eiKeXrj avrrjv : cf. Plut. Is. and Osir. xvi, ii. 357 C, where Isis turns by night into a Swallow. Epithets and Phrases. moXo'Setpo?, Nonn. Dion. xii. 76. 'Ar0t Kopa, fj.e\i6 'perrre , XaXo? XaXoi* dp7raacra | r/TTtya (and Other epithets), Even, xiii, Gk. Anth. i. 98. dva-yap.cs, Lucian, Traged. 49. eXiSot, Anacr. fr. 57 ap. Hephaest. vii. 39. 4, p. 22. \ deivbv eVt/Spe/xerai j QpyKia ^6Xi8toi/, Ar. Ran. 679-68 1. XaXo?, Arrian, Nonnus, Babr. govdrj, Babr. Fab. cxviii (cf. Rutherford's note, and vide supra, s. v. iTnraXeKTpuwi/). 6p6poy6i], Hes. Op. et D. ii. 186. optfpoXaXo?, Philip, xviii, Gk. Anth. ii. 200. navdiovis, Hes. I.e. ; Sappho, p. 88 (Bergk) ; freq. in Anthol. nedoiKos, Aesch. fr. 45 ap. Hesych. XAPAAPIOI XEAIASN 187 XEAIAflN (continued). , irondXos, Ar. Av. 1411 (cf. Alcaeus, fr. 84, ap. Schol.). os, Anth. ^oi/SdX^Trror, Lye. 1460. Description. Arist. H. A. vi. 5, 563, viii. 3, 592 b opvis Koviv. TL 5e v TfKvoav (Kiroveirai afj.(poTpa' SI^ 8i8acr/z/ o-apK.ovpoio ^eXi8a>j', | (pQeyyopevrj, XaXoy opvLS, VTTWpocpirjs p,e\os r)Xv f i I PX 7 ?fy l< P VTepoevTi nepLaKaipovcra KaXirjv: cf. ibid, xlvii. 30. Opp. Hal. i. 729 ^e KCU ciapivfjcri ^eXiSdo-ty cyyvs eKVpfre p,vpop.evais ea Tewa, rare (r(pio~t \rjto~o~avTo | e^ evvrjs rj (pS>Tfs dnr)Vs rje dpaKovres : cf. ibid. v. 579. See also the Fable of the Nightingale and the Swallow, Babr. xii (ed. Rutherford). Migration. Arist. H. A. viii. 16, 600 (pwXovo-i de TroXXol KCU T>V opvi- Qwv, Kal ov% &s Ttves otorrotj els dXfeivovs TOTTOVS direpxovra.1 TrdvTfS' aXX* 01 p,v iT\T)a'iov ovTfs ToiovTow TOTTWV, fv ols del 8ia/zej>ovcn, KOI IKT^VOI Kal ^cXiSdj/e? a7ro^copoO(rti/ evTavda, ol fie Troppcorepw ovres TO>V TOIOVTGDV OVK KTOTriov(Tiv dX\a Kpv7TTOV ev dyyet'ois e^tXcD/iei/ai Tra/iTrai/. Cf. Plin. x. (24) 34 in vicina abeunt apricos secutae montium recessus, inventaeque iam sunt ibi nudae atque deplumes ; Claudian, Eutrop. i. 118 Vel qualis gelidis pluma labente pruinis Arboris immoritur trunco brumalis hirundo. In reference to the migration, see also Aesch. fr. 48 nedoiKos (i. e. Arch, xxvi, Gk. Anth. ii. 86 alav o\r)v VTJVOVS re The Swallow as the bird of returning Spring : Hes. Op. et D. 568 (ii. 1 86) TOV 8e' opdpoyoT] Hav$iov\s wpro ^eXiScov | es (pdos avdp&Trois, eapos veov iarajj-evoio. Simon. 74 (l2l) ap. Schol. Ar. Av. 1410 ayyeXe K\vra eapos ddvodpov, \ Kvavea ^eXifiot. Stesich. fr. 45 (Bergk) ap. Eust. II. IO. I oTav rjpos oopa K.e\a8fj ^fXificoi/. Ar. Pax 800 v/zi/eiv, orav rjpivd p.ev (puvfj XaSry. Id. Eq. 4^9 o"/ce\^ao"^e rraldes' ov% 6pa$' | eopa Id. Av. 714, &c. Ael. i. 52. Babr. 131. Cf. Ovid, Fasti, ii. 853 Fallimur an veris praenuntia venit hirundo : Hor. Ep. i. 7, 13, &c. Cf. also a well-known vase (first figured in Mon. Inst. Corr. Archeol. ii. pi. xxiv) with the inscription 'iSou x^tSd)f. NJ? TOV 'HpaxXea. Avr^r. "Eap fjdr). How the Swallows come with the wind xeXiSoiuas or Favonius,Theophr. H. P. vii. 15, i, Plin. ii. 47. Artemid. p. 1 53 orav Se ro cap TrapajSaX?; Trpurr} irpoveiaiv' ws av e'irroi diroSeiKviiovcra TWV epyw eKaora, Kai orav ye (paivrjTai oi/SeTrore e(rjrepas aSet, dXX' eoidev T]\IOV dvl(r)(OVTOs ovs av 5>VTas KaraXa/i/Sapoi {jTrofMifivfj- o-Kovo-a T>V epyoav : cf. Nonn. Dionys. iii. 13 /ecu Xiyup^, /tiepoTreo-o-i crvvea- rios, etapi Krjpvt;, \ opOpiov virvov cipepve XaXos rpu^oucra ^eXiScov | dvrKpavrjS I Apul, Florid, ii. 13 cantum hirundinibus matutinum ; &c., &c. Hence invoked at the Spring festival of the Thesmophoria : Ar. Thesm. I o> Zev, ^eXiScbi/ apa nore (pavf/aerat : cf. Ar. fr. 499 rrvdov x c Xt5cbj/ TTY]VLK arra (paiverai (Eratosth. ap. Schol. Plat. p. 371 ; vide also Suid. S. V. ttTTa). How the Swallow is visible in Egypt all the year, Herod, ii. 22, Pausan. x. 4, 9 ; but never stays to nest in Daulis, the country of Tereus, Pausan. 1. c. Neither does it visit Thebes, quoniam urbs ilia saepius capta sit ; nor Bizya, in Thrace, propter scelera Terei, Plin. iv. (n) 18, x. (24) 34 ; it goes, however, to rap Karca e^as, Babr. Fab. cxxxi. On Swallows used as messengers, Plin. x. (24) 34. Proverb. p,[a ^eXiScbi/ cap ov Troicl, Arist. Eth. Nic. i. 6. 1098 (from Cratin., according to Cramer, An. Par. i. 182) ; cf. Ar. Av. 1417. The Rhodian Swallow Song, x e ^ l &o i/ta J JLa > sung in the month Boe- dromion (?), Athen. viii. 360 c ^X0', rjXde x*XiS&>i/, | K a\as a>pas ayova-a,\ KaXovs eviavrovs, \ eVi yaorepa \evKii, \ eVt va>ra peXaiva \ . . . avoiy avoiye \ TCLV Bvpav ^eXiSdi/i* | ov yap yepovre's \ eVftej/, dXXa TratSt'a : emended by Ilgen, Opusc. Phil. i. p. 165, Bergk, P. Lyr. iii. p. 671. Cf. Eustath. 1914, 45- XEAIAflN 189 XEAIAflN (continued}. In Sappho, fr. (52) 88 rl /*e Uav8inv\s wpdva xeXt8o>i>, we have perhaps a fragment of a ' Swallow-song.' This difficult line is variously read and interpreted : Hesychius gives i>- opocpfj, but the gloss is, in my opinion, fragmentary and meaningless : Bergk, after Is. Vossius, reads S>"pawa ; I venture to suggest &pa vea, as in Ar. Eq. 419, which latter line is itself probably a fragment of a Swallow-song. Another fragment of a Swallow-song perhaps exists in Horn. Carm. Min. XV. 1 1 vevfj-ai rot, i/eu/zcu eViavtnoy, wore ^eXiScov | earrjK ev irpodvpois ^/t\T) Tj-dSay. In the Rhodian Swallow-song already referred to, two very curious features are the alternate balance or ' parallelism ' of successive lines and the apparent influence of accent on rhythm : the text has been much emended by commentators, in order to obtain a more accurate scansion than the song ever, perhaps, possessed. It is easy to suggest yet other emendations : for instance in 11. 17, 18 av drj (pepys rt, \ pey av rt drj tpepoio seems better than the common reading p.eya 8rj rt. At the very best some of the lines (in their present state) seem to have little rhythm and not much sense. A modern ^fXefidi/ia-p-a, Fauriel, Chants de la Grece mod., i. p. xxviii ^fXiSoj/a e'p^erai | aV TTJV a&Trprjv 6d\avq\ Trjpeos ov QffjiiToov d^apeva Xe^ecav. | TITTTC jrava/iepioj yndeis dva 5ai/>ia X\td6v : Anth. Pal. ix. 57 Uavdiovl xa/z/xope Kovpa, \ p-vpo^fva : Mosch. iii. 39 ovde TOCTOV dprjvrjcrfv dv wpea paKpd ^eXiScoi/. Nonn. Dion, passim, &c., &c. The Itylus-myth has been already discussed s. vv. drjEwc and eiro\|r. In the association together of the Swallow and the Nightingale, a curious feature is the similarity of the poetical epithets applied to both. The epithet Ilavdiovis, and the inclusion of Pandion in the myth, whatever they may exactly mean, seem to me to have something to do with the festival of the Jlai/fita, which took place at Athens /xero ra Aiovvaia (Photius) ; that is to say, at or near the Vernal Equinox, and not far from the time when the xeXi6cmo>ia is still sung. The statement of Photius that Ilavdia is a name for the Moon, is also of great interest, 190 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS XEAIAflN (continued}. especially in connexion with the Swallow's relation towards the un- doubtedly solar e7ro\^. Deprived of Sleep. Hesiod ap. Ael. V. H. xii. 20 ryv Se OVK cs TO Trai/reXes dypvirvelv KOI TavrrjV) aTroftefiXrjKevai 8e TOV VTTVOV TO fjfjiio~v' Tip.o)piav 8e apa ravrrjv KTLVOVO~I 8ia TO Trddos TO ev QpaKT] KararoX- p.rj6ev TO es TO delnvov eKeli/o TO adeo-fj-ov. Cf. Himerius, Orat. iii. 3, p. 432 d? S' OTTOT' opraXt'^oio-i ^fXt vtpQev i>7re 6p6(poio ru^eoj/ o(pis ay^i TreXatra-^ | Kai rot/y p,e P.TJTTJP de Trp&Tov p.ev aTvop.(vrj SeSoi^rai | Xoiyta rerptyuta fpovov yoov' aXX ore TralSa? | aOpfjar) (pdipevovs, f) 5* OVKTI a>ra (pwvrjv j3ap/3apov KKTT)~ pevrj. Ar. Av. 1 68 1 fii) ^a/3pa^et (s. /3a/3aei, /3an'^a, jSav^tt, rtrv^tfn, &c.) y axrirfp ai ^tXi5oi'$-. Hence 6 xe\i8a)v = 6 fidpftapos, cf. Ion. ap. Schol. Ar. Av. 1680; Ar. Ran. 680. Similarly, Eur. Alcmen. fr. 91 XeXf8oi>coj/ novaela, explained by Hesych. o>r /3dp/3apa KOI davvfra -noiovv- TUP TMV rpayiKad/: cf. Ar. Ran. 93 xeXiSoi/a>i> fiouaeia, XwfirjTal Tf\ vr l f ' See also Suidas. Cf. Nicostr. 3. 288 (Mein.) el TO avvex&s KO.L noX\a KOL XaXeii/ | rjv TOV (ppovetv 7rapdo~r)uov, ai \e\i86vs \ eXfyovr' av fjfj.a>v The Pythagorean injunction ^AiSom cv olida ^ fie'^co-^oi, Pythag. ap. Iambi. Adhort., xxi, may be thus understood of foreigners : Arist. fr. 192, 1512 b, Hesych. roureWi XdXous dv6pa>7rovs o/jLvpocpiovs fj-f) Other explanations in Plut. Symp. viii. 7 x ^ l ^^ v T f] ^>^" ft , TraptiSeiy^ca TOV dj3f/3ai'ou Kai d%apio~TOV '. Diog. Lacrt. Viii. I7j XEAIAflN 191 XEAIAilN [continued-]. p. 578, Clem. Alex. Strom, v. p. 238, c. Vide Class. Rev. 1891, pp. i, 230. On Swallows commonly building within the house, consult Darnel, Tour through Greece, p. 40, 1819, and recent travellers: on their entering ancient temples, cf. Clem. Alex. Protrept. iv. 52. How the Swallows restrain the overflow of the Nile : Thrasyllus in Aegyptiac. ap. Plut. De Fluv. Nil. ii. 1159 yei>i>>vTTes KoXovfufvoi' TOVTOVs, Kara rfjv dcrefteiav TOU Nei'Xou, o-vXXeyovaai ^eXiSoj/es', KaracTKevd^ovo'i TO 7rpoo~a.yopev6fj.evoi> ^\tdovtov rei^ofj onep eVe^ei TOU vSaros TOV poio/', Kal OUK e'a KaTaK\vo~p.M pav. Cf. Plin. x. (33) 49. Cf. also Ogilby's Fables of Aesop, 1651, p. 54, tit. N. and Q. (7) v. p. 346. There is perhaps an allusion to this legend in the story of the building of the Tf"ixs in Ar. Aves, in which account we may note the references not only to the Swallow but to Egypt and Egyptian birds. This con- jecture is partly based on Rutherford's demonstration (supra cit.) that there is no distinct reference to mud-^/-building on the part of the Swallow in v. 1151. White Swallows. Arist. H. A. iii. 12, 519 orav ^vxn yiyvrjTat /LtSXXoj/, \evKos yiveTui. Cf. De Color, vi. 798, Theophr. De Sign. vi. 2, Alex. Mynd. ap. Ael. x. 34. A White Swallow in Samos (connected with the story of recovered sight), Arist. ap. Ael. xvii. 20, Antig. Mirab. 120 (132). Is hostile to bees, Ael. i. 58 (cf. ibid. v. II, Phile, 650) 01 6e [/ueXm-oup- yoi] rfjv ^eXiSora aldol rijs p.ov(TiKr)S (cf. Ael. vi. 19) OVK cEarOKrctyoiun, KCIITOI paStW av avrrjv TOVTO dpdcravres' aTro^pn &e avrols Ka>\viv rfjv ^eAiSoi/a Tr\r)v KaXiuv vnonrjgai. Cf. also Virg. G. iv. 15 ; Chaucer, P. of Fowles, 353, 'the swalow, mordrer of the bees small,' &c. Cap- tures Ttrrtye?, Ael. viii. 6, Plut. ii. 976 C, Phile, 713 ; cf. Even, xiii, supra tit., p. l86. Hostile to (ri\(pai : Ael. i. 37 al o-iXfpai TO. oi'a d8iKou ftpeffxav, Kal eKeivais TO fVTfvdev a/3ara eVni/ : cf. Phile, 738, Geopon. xv. I. Is fond of ivy (a Dionysiac plant) Eurip. Alcm. fr. 91 TTO\VS 8' di/etp7re KKTO-OS, tvvr)s K\dSos, \ ^eXiSoi/a)!/ p.ovo~elov. In Augury. Ael. x. 342 Ti/iarat Se 17 ^eXiSobj/ Qtois fjLV)(iois Kal 'A(ppoSi'r?7. Swallows nesting in the general's tent were (very naturally) an evil omen, as in the cases of Alexander, son of Pyrrhus and Antiochus, Ael. 1. c. : but by returning to the citadel foretold the safe home-coming of Dionysius (1. c.). See also Ar. Lys. 770 dXX' OTTOTOV TTT^COO-I ^eXiSoj/e? ei? ei/a x&pov | TOVS eTronas (f)evyovo~cii ) a7rd(r^aji'rai re (paXrjTcov \ TravXa KCLK)V eorai, ra S' VTTf'prepa vepTepa tfqcrei | Zet/s v\^i/3pe/zeVj;9 | . . . fjv de dtao-Ta>o-iv KOI dvaiTTOiVTai TTTfpvyeo-criv \ e' tepoO vaolo ^eXiSot/es', OVKCTI 86get \ opveov ovd* OTIOVV KaTairvyuvfo-repov clvai : the above passage is entirely mystical 192 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS XEAIAflN (continued}. and obscure. How Swallows that had built in Cleopatra's galley were expelled by others before Actium, Plut. Anton. Ix, i. 944 a ; cf. Ant. and Cl., ' Swallows in Cleopatra's sails Have built their nests.' The Swallow that fluttered round Alexander's head as an omen of treachery, Arr. Anab. i. 25 rfjv yap ^eXiSoi/a nois Koi \d~\ov /iaXXoy rj aXXrjv opvi&a. See Class. Rev. 1891, p. 231. A Sign of Rain. Arat. Phen. 944 17 \L^vr]v nepi drjda ^eXiSoi/es' aiWoi/- rai | yaarepi TVTTTOVO-CII avras flXevpf^ov iJScop : cf. Theoph. Sign. vi. I, Virg. G. i. 377- Fables. The Swallow and the Nightingale, vide s. v. drjSwi/. The Swallow and Eagle, Plut. ii. 223 F. The Wise Swallow and the Hen, Acs. 342 (ed. Halm). The Crow and the Swallow, TO pev TTav ciX f ?) OTTOV TfjiTjdfia-rjs roo-avra XaXety, Acs. 416, 416 b. The Swallow and other Birds, Acs. 417, 417 b. The Swallow building in the Law-court, ot/zoi rj7 ev?7, on evda ItAvttt diKaiovvrai, \iovt] fyutye rjdiKrjiJiai, Aes. 4^j 418 b : cf. Babr. 118. The Swallow out of due season, Babr. 131. XEAQNOA'roi. A kind of Eagle or Vulture, Hesych. The name suggests the Lammergeier. In Sparta the name xf\a>vidprjs is said to be now applied to Aquila imperialis, but surely not to the exclusion of the Lammergeier. The Lammergeier does indeed eat tortoises, as has been mentioned above ; and it may accordingly be held that the name x\&vo(f)dyos is manifestly so simple a descriptive term as to throw doubt on my astronomical interpretation of the Eagle that slew the Serpent or the Swan. But it is curious to note that the constellation of the Tortoise is placed in very much the same relation to that of the Eagle as is that of the Swan : moreover the Tortoise forms part of the constellation Lyra, another name for which is the Vulture, and to the latter 'bird' the Eagle is said also to be hostile. It is only natural that those astronomical ' hostilities ' should be the most commented on, which are somewhat akin to zoological fact or possibility. XE'NNION, s. xmW. A kind of Quail, eaten pickled by the Egyptians. Athen. ix. 393 c piKpov S' eo-ni/ oprvyiov : cf. Cleomen. and Hipparch. ibi cttt., &c. Pall. Alex, xxi, Gk. Anth. iii. 119 fj^ls 6' eay. Dim. \-qvdpiov, Hdn. Epim. 150 ; x^l^ 6 "?, Ael. vii. 47, Eust. 753. 56 ; \t\viov, Menipp. ap. Athen. 664 e; x^" ?, Eubul. 3. 211. In Horn, frequent ; usually with the epithet apyos : cf. x a P 07rov X ava ) Antip. Sid. Ixxxviii, Gk. Anth. ii. 31. The Geese in the Odyssey are tame birds, Od. xv. 161, 174, xix. 536, in the Iliad always wild, II. ii. 460, xv. 690. Remains of the bird are not known from ancient Troy or Mycenae (Schliemann and Virchow, teste Keller, Th. d. cl. Alt., p. 288). Description. Arist. H. A. ii. I, 499 t^ouo-i n 8ia pecrov T>V o-^ifr/Liarcoz/ . Ael. xi. 37 opvis o-reyavoTrovs KOL 7rAarua>ia>. Arist. H. A. ii. 17, 509 evpiis KOI TrXarus, drrcxpuaSes' oXiyai Karoo$ez> Kara rrjv TOV evrepov rjv, aldoiov (pavep&Tepoj/ orav TJ o^eia Trpo&cpaTOS TJ. Ib. vi. 2, 560 b rat KaraKoXvp^oixnv : ibid. 8, 564 ai 6r)\iai eVoaa^bua-i povai, KOI dia- 8ia TTdvrbs efpfftpcvovorai, oravnep Spfanrrcu TOVTO iroiflv I ibid. 6, 563 Trept rpiaKoj/^' f]fj.epas: cf. Varro, De R. R. iii. 10, Colum. viii. 7, I. Their splay feet alluded to, Ar. Av. 1145. The goose's cackle is expressed by xyvifav, Diphil. 4. 413, na'mra&iv, J. Pollux, Lat. gingrire, Festus ; its splashing movements in the water by TtXaTvyifav, Eubul. 3. 260. Eggs. Eriph. ap. Athen. ii. 58 b earivj &>s y JJLO\ 8oKel' OVTOS 8e (prjai ravra rr]V Arfiav reKelv. (Cf. Sappho, fr. 566, ap. Athen. 1. c., Clem. Alex. Homil. v. 14.) Simon, fr. n B (I.e.) diov re XTJI/OS weoi/ Maiavdpiov. Were not eaten by the Indians, Ael. xiv. 13. The Fable of the Golden Egg, Aesop, ed. Halm 343 b ; cf. Keller, Gesch. d. Gr. Fab. p. 346 et seq. Migrations. Ael. V. 54 01 de x*l vfs 8iafJ.ei^ovT(s TOV Tavpov TO opos dedoLKaai TOVS derouy, KCU yf ai/Twv \iOov eVSaKovres 1 , tva p.r) KXafacriv, &(T7Tfp OVV p.jBa\6vT($ CrfplCTl (TTO/JLLOV, dldTTeTOVTCll (rKOTTWVTfS, Kal TOVS afToits TO. TroXXa ravrj] SiaXavQdvovai. Cf. Dion. De Avib. ii. 1 8 ; Pint. De Soil. Anim. p. 967 B ; Phile, De An. Pr. xv. Sacred to Osiris and Isis, Pausan. x. 32, 16 ; cf. Juv. vi. 540; see also Philip. Thess. 10 (Gk. Anthol. ii. 197) TroXiov x^ v ^ v &vyos ewdpo- o 194 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS XHN (continued}. /3iW : whose priests used it as food, Herod, ii. 37 ; as did the Pharaohs, Diod. Sic. i. 70, and the sacred cats, ibid. i. 84. The Geese of the Capitol, sacred to Juno, Diod. Sic. xiv. 116 ; Ael. xii. 32 ; cf. Liv. v. 47, Cicero pro Roscio, 20, Virg. Aen. viii. 655, Plin. x. 26, xxix. 14, Ovid, Fasti, i. 453. Cf. ref. to the bird's watchfulness, Arist. H. A. i. i, 488 b ftpveov alaxvvrrjKov KOI " va is avaTpefpopevoi. Brought as gifts to the Indian king, Ael. xiii. 25. Fatted Geese, Epigen. ap. Athen. ix. 384 Sxrirep x^va a-irevrbv erpf. ibid. JJLTJ trv xnvus rjirap 77 tyvxrjv fX fls '- P a ^- Alex, xxi, Gk. Anth. iii. 119 x^vbs dXtora Xi-rrrj: cf. Juv. v. 114, Colum. xiv. 8, &c. A favourite food of the younger Cyrus, Xen. Anab. i. 9, 26. Given by the Egyptians to Agesilaus, Athen. 1. c. Brought from Boeotia to the Athenian market, Ar. Ach. 878, Pax 1004 ; kept like- wise in Macedonia and in Thessaly, Plat. Gorg. 471 C, Polit. 264 C. Cf. Plut. ii. 2 loc, Plin. x. (22) 27, &c. They were kept, but not eaten, by the Celtic inhabitants of Britain, Caes. Bell. Gall. v. 12 ; very much as at the present day. On goose-livers x^i/em fjirara, cf. (int. al.} Athen. ix. 384, Plut. ii. 965 a Geopon. xiv. 22, Plin. x. 52, Hor. Sat. ii. 8, 88, Juv. v. 114, Mart, xiii. 58, and many Comic fragments. A goose-herd, X^O^OO-KOS, Cratin. ap. Athen, 1. c., Diod. i. 74 ; a goose-farm or goose-pen, XHN XHNAAnnHE 195 XHN (continued}. Varro, R. R. iii. 10, I, ^i/ojSoo-Kioi/, Geopon. xiv. 12, i, xTji/orpo^etoj', Colum. viii. i, 3 ; cf. ^"ojScon'a, plat. Polit. 264 C. On goose-fat, or goose-flesh, in medicine, Plin. xxix. 38, Nicand. Alex. 228, Celsus, ii. 18, c. ; the blood, in medicine, ibid. xxix. 33, cf. Diosc. Alexiph. c. 30, Galen, Comp. Medic, xi. i. On the use and value of the feathers and down, Plin. x. 53 ; cf. Hesych, pvovs' TO XfTTTorarov Trrfpov, Kvpi&s Se rS)V xyvav. Eubul. UpoKp. i. 5 (3. 247 M), yaXa x'fwfc, ' pigeons' milk,' of an un- known luxury. Destructive to the crops, Babr. 13, Aesop, 76. A weather prophet, Arat. 1021 KOI x*i vs KXayyqSoj/ faety6p**eu Ppapolo \ Xtipwvos p.eya a-rjua. Cf. Theophr. Sign. vi. 3 ; Geopon. i. 3, 9 ; Avien. Aratea, 432 ; Suid. Capture by decoys, Dion. De Avib. iii. 23 : see also Nemes. Cyn. 314. Killed by laurel, ddcpvr) and pododdcpvr), Ael. v. 29, Phile, De An. xv. Use the herb sideritis as a remedy, Plin. viii. 27. The Oath of Socrates, vrj TOV xn va > probably for vfj TOV Zijva. ; cf. Ar. Av. 521 ; an oath prescribed by Rhadamanthus (Suid.). Cf. Philostr. vi, De Vita Apoll. c. 9; Cratin. 2. 155 (Mein.) ols r\v peyia-Tos opKos\ airavTi Xoycp KVOW, eVeira xn v - Associated with Aquarius, in a representation of the month of February (doubtless with reference to Juno, cf. s. v. raws), Graev. Thes. Ant. Rom. viii. 97 ; cf. Creuzer, Symb. iii. p. 626. See for a further account of the Goose in classical art and mythology, O. Keller, Thiere d. Cl. Alterth., pp. 286-303. XH'N* 6 fjiixpos, dyeXaios. A wild species, unidentifiable, mentioned in Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b > I2 > 597 b. XHNAAfl'nHE, s. x*)'<&<4, J. x r l l '^M'> Hesych. Dim. x'n^aXwireKiScus, Ael. vii. 47. The Egyptian Goose, Chenalopex aegyptiaca, Steph. This and TTTjveXox//- are both probably renderings of an Egyptian word, cor- rupted by false etymology. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 593 b, mentioned among the heavier web-footed birds, after 6 fjiiKpbs x*l v aye\alos. Ael. V. 30 e^et fjicv yap TO eldos TO TOV s > rravovpyiav 5e diKaioTdTa dvTiKpivoiTO av TTJ aXcoTreKt. KOI tVri /ueV paxvTfpos, dvo'peioTepos fie, KCU ^copetf 6/ud(re dcivos. dfjivveTcu yoiv KOL dcTov Kal a'iXovpov KCU TO, XOITTO, oo~a CIVTOV dvTinaXd fcrnv. Reverenced in Egypt for parental affection, Ael. x. 16, xi. 38 (piXoTewov de apa V VOTTa)V eavTov Kv\ii } Kal frdi&MTUi fXnioa as Qrjpaaovn avTov r reooy. As an hieroglyphic symbol, meaning o 2 196 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS XHNAAiinH= (continued'}. ' son,' Horap. i. 53 ; cf. Bailey in Class. Journ. xvi. p. 320, and especially Lauth, Sitzungsber. Bayer. Akad., 1876, p. 105, who cites from the Rosetta stone *fe^ su-ra = vibs'H\iov. Sacred to the Nile, Herod. ii. 72. With cognomen Beoyevfjs, AT. Av. 1295. Its eggs second only to the peacock's, Athen. ii. 586. vmivepia rucra, Arist. H.A. vi. 2, 5590. Mentioned also Plin. x. (22) 29. XHNE'Pftl. A small kind of Goose, Plin.x. (22) 29 et quibus lautiores epulas non novit Britannia, chenerotes, fere ansere minores. XHNOIKO'noi. Name of an Eagle, Phile, De An. Pr. (15) 376. Cf. XAfXPEY'Z. An unknown bird, the statements regarding which are all fabulous. Hesych. opviddptov ^Xcopov. Arist. H. A. ix. I, 609 noXeuioi TWV 6pvi6a>v iroiKiXides Kal Kopvdaves Kal ninpa KOI xXwpeuy, Tpvywv Kal ^Xwpeus' dno- KTfivei yap TTJV Tpvyova 6 xXcopeur. Hostile to rpvyav, also in Ael. V. 48 ; to Tpvy&v and Ko'pa, Phile, De An. Pr. 690 ; to corvus^ Plin. x. (74) 95 noctu invicem ova exquirentes. Supposed by Gesner and Sundevall to be identical with xXttpfor, and by Gaza with x^ w pk, q- v - XAflPl'Z. The "Greenfinch, Fringilla chloris, L. Mod. Gk. , (pivpi (Erh. p. 44, Von derMuhle, p. 47), in Attica o-myydpios (Heldr.). Cf. It. verdone, &c. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b opvis arKO)\r}Ko(pdyos. Ib. ix. 13, 615 b ra Ka'ra> e^et w^pa* TJ\IKOV eVri Kopvdos' TI'KT wa re'rrapa 77 TTfvre' veorrLav Troieirai fx. TOV (rvp-cfivTOV e\Kov(ra 7rp6ppiov t (rrpco/xara 8' VTro/SaXXei Tpt'^a? KOI epia. The cuckoo lays in its nest, which is placed in a tree, ibid. 29, 618. Ael. IV. 47 XXcopty 6Vo/za opvidos, fJTrep ovv OVK av aXXa^o^ev TTOtj^craiTO TtjV KctXiav % eK TOV Xeyo/zej/ou arvfjLfpvTOv' e&ri 8e pi'C a T o (Tvp.(pVTOv evpedrjvai Tf Kal opvgai ^aXfTTJy. p.vr]V de uTrojSaXXerai rpi'^a? KOI epia. KOI 6 /ueV 6r)\vs opvis OVTCO KK\r)Tai, 6 de apprjv y ^Xwpicaj/a KaXovffiv avroV, Kal eVri TOV (3iov fJLTj^avtKos, paQe'iv Tf trav o TI ovv ayaQos, Kai rX^/ncoj/ inroij.e'ivai Tr)v ev rw pavOdveiv /Sacravoj/, orav dXw. Kal 8ta juev TOV x^i-^vos a(perov Kal eXevdepov OVK av i'Sot TIS avTov, rjpival 8e orav VTrap^coi/rai TpoTrai TOV cravs, av enKpaivoiTO. 'ApKTovpos re eVeTeiXci/, 6 Se dva^oapel es TO. oiKeta, Kal ftevpo eVraXij. According to Nicand. ap. Anton. Lib. c. ix, one of the Emathides, daughters of Pierus, was metamorphosed into the bird ^Xcopty. On the plant O-VHpiW, which migrates in winter, while the Greenfinch does not. XAftPl'flN, s. xXwpeloy, Suid. Cf. Lat. galbula (galbus = gelb = yellow): oriolus qu. aureolus; It. rigogolo, from auri-galbulus (Diez, p. 152). The Golden Oriole, Oriolus galbula, L. Mod. Gk. vvKofydyos (Von der M.), Kirpwo-rrovXi (Cyclades, Erh.), o-o^Xmos (Kriiper). Arist. H. A. ix. I, 609 b Kpe TroXe'/uios TW xXcopiWi, bv evioi p,vdo\oyov p.ev dya6bs Kai , KdKOTreTTjs 5e, KOL xP av ^X L [*ox6ijpdv. Ibid. 22, 617 6 de 0X09* OVTOS rov ^et/xco^a ov% 6parot,*7repi 8e ras rpoTras ras dfpivas (fravepbs /uaXtara yiVerat, aTraXXarrerat Se orav 'ApKroCpoy ririTeXX^j TO Se peyedos eVnv ocrov rpvya>v. Cf. Ael. iv. 47, supra S. V. X^ w P l 's : Plin. X. (29) 45- The Oriole arrives in Greece in April, and appears in great numbers among the figs in August (Von der Miihle, &c.). Of the above accounts in Aristotle, the first is clearly mythical, and contains a suggestion of the Phoenix myth : the second is equally obscure, though Aubert and Wimmer see in /Sio/M^ai/o? an allusion to the Oriole's surpassing skill in nest-building ; while the third, though undoubtedly referring to the Golden Oriole, is far from accurate : cf. Buffon, M. des Ois. v. 351 ' Je me contenterai de dire ici que, selon toute apparence, Aristote n'a connu le loriot que par ou'i-dire.' XPYIA'ETOI. The ' Golden Eagle,' a mystical name, already dis- cussed S. V. dT<$9. A fabulous account in Ael. ii. 39 ^pvo-deros* aXXot de dare/Hay TOV avrbv KaXovaiv. oparat e ov 7ro\\aKis* Xeyet de 'AptororeX^? avrbv Qrjpdv Kal veftpovs Kal Xa-ycos Kal yepdvovs Kal xr)vas e^ av\rjs. /Lte-yioros de deraif elvai TreTriVreuTai, Kal \cyowri ye KOI els TOVS Kpfjras Kal TOLS ravpois eViri- BeffOai avrbv Kara TO KaprepoV, K.r.X. XPYIOMH"TPII. v. 11. pva-ofjtrjTpis, xP V(T0 ^ T P r l s ' Transl. Aurivittis, Gaza. The Goldfinch, Fringilla carduetis, L. Arist. H. A. viii. 3, 592 b, mentioned with aicavtiif, dpawls. ravra yap irdvTa en\ T>V a.K.av6S)V ve/uerai, cna\r)Ka d' ovdev ov' ilft^VJfay ovde'v' ev rail 8e Kadevdet KOI ve^erai ravra. It is remarkable that we have so little definite record of the Goldfinch, which in Greece is now, according to Lindermayer, next to the Sparrow the commonest of birds. XY'PPABOI* opvis TIS TTOLOS, Hesych. 198 A GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS *l/A'P, s. \|/dp : also vj/dpos, s. \|/apos. Ion. ^r\p. \|mpix<>s, Hesych. A Starling, Sturnus vulgaris, L. Mod. Gk. tyapovi, fiavponov^i. The Etymology is confused and doubtful. Von Edlinger (op. c. p. 103) finds in Gk. ^ap, O. H. G. sprd, Lith. spakas, a connexion with the root of ncpK-vos, Lat. spar-gere, i. e. variegated, speckled. But there also seems to be a connexion of Gk. ^dp or Kei', oar' e(p6{Br)(T KO\OIOVS re, ^jypa? re. xvii. 755 & >a " re ^apo!)j> vefpos, rje KO\oiS>v. Arist. H. A. ix. 26, 617 b 6 Se tydpos eVn TroiKiXos' ptyedos S' eVrii/ qXtW KdTTu^os. Ib. viii. 16, 600 coXei. Antipat. Sid. cv ap. Suid. 6 Trpif eyo) KOI \/^^pa KCU apiraKreipav epvicav \ (nreppaTos v^in-en; Bi(TTOi>iav yepavov. Anth. Pal. ix. 373 tyapas, dpovpairjs apirayas evrropirjs. Diosc. ii ^apas opvCu rptyovres. Is killed by o-KopoSoi/, Ael. vi. 46, Phile, De An. Pr. 660. Used as food, Antiph. ap. Athen. ii. 65 e. On talking starlings, Plut. ii. 972 F, Plin. x. 59 (43), Aul. Gell. xiii. 20. Stat. Silv. ii. 4, 18 auditasque memor penitus demittere voces, Sturnus, &c. ^H'AHKEZ- TWV dXcKTpvovav ol voSaycwai, Hesych. Possibly akin to creXKes, vide s. v. o-epKos (Schmidt, ad Hesych.). WTTA'KH. Also 4/tTraKOS (Paus., Ael., &c.), o-irraKOS (Arr.), (Philost.), pirraKos (Ctes.). A Parrot Arrian, Ind. i. 15, 8 o-irrctKovs de Neapxos n*v o>s drj TI dapa a on yivovTai ev rfj 'ivd&v yfi, KOI oKolos opvis ccrriv 6 O-ITTUKOS, K.CU OKODS 0a)i/;}/ lei dv8pu>7rivr)V. eye!) 6e on avros re rro\\ovs O7ra>7rca Kal a\\ovs 67rt(rra- fjievovs fjdea rov opvida, ovdev a>s vnep dronov drjdev a7rr] Arist. H. A. viii. 12, 597 b (spurious passage, A. and W.) oXws &e TO. yafji^l/oovvxa, navra /3pa^urpa^f/Xa KCU TrAaruyXcorra Kal /ui/xTyriKa' KOL yap TO 'ivftiKov opveov f) 'vJarraK^, TO Xeyo/xevoi/ ai/^pcoTroyXcarroi/, TOIOIITQV eon* Kal a/coXao-Torfpov 6e yiWrai orav iriy olvov. (Cf. Plin. x. (42) 58.) Pausan. ii. 28, (on animals of restricted geographical range), Trapa 6' 'Ii/Saii/ /idi/a>j/ aXXa Te Ko/xi^erai, Kai opviQes ol ^iTTa/cot. Diod. Sic. ii at Se TTJS Svpi'a? raxariat -^nTTUKOvs Kal Tropfyvpiavas Kal peXeaypidas [e/crpe- 7rivT]v e^et Kal ArON' piKpov opviddpiov, Hesych. 'aKY'HTEPOI. An epithet of a Hawk, used specifically in Ael. xii. 4. Cf. II. xiii. 62, &c. 'ftPl'ftN, s. wptwK. An unknown and mystical bird. Clit. ap. Ael. xvii. 22 : an Indian bird, like a Heron, red-legged, blue-eyed, musical, amative. Nonn. Dion. xxvi. 201 &>piW, y\vKvs opvis, ofjLouos e/j.(ppovi. KvKVcp. Cf. Strab. xv. 718. This bird, always associated with the equally mysterious Karpevs, is evidently a poetic and allegorical creation, but what it signifies is unknown. Also ouris, Galen, Hesych. The Bustard, Otis tarda, L. ; including also the Houbara, O. Honiara. Mod. Gk. dypi6ya\\os, Erh. ; or/Sa, Von der Miihle. Lat. tar da, whence Bustard, i.e. avis Tar da, Plin. x. (22) 29 Proximae eis (tetraonibus) sunt quae Hispania aves tardas appellat, Graecia otidas. Description. Arist. H. A. ii. 17, 509 TOV oro/Liaxoi> e'^ei evpvv KOI TtXarvv o\ov' a7ro(pvddas e^ei. Ib. V. 2, 539 (rvyKadeio-r)? rrjs QrjXeias enl rr]v yrjv eVtjSaiWi TO appev. Ib. vi. 6, 563 eTrwa^et Trepi TpiaKovC? rjpepas (like Other large birds, e. g. goose and eagle). Arist. Fr. 275, 1527 b, ap. Athen. ix. 390 c eVri p,v TWV KTO7Ti.6vTa>v Kal cr^iSaj/OTrdSooj/ KOI Tpi8aKTv\a>v } fjityeSos d\CKTpv6vos jueyaXov, XP^^ a oprvyos, K(pa\r) 7rpop.r)KT)s, pvyxos o|u, rpdx^os \fTTTos, 6a ravra els TTJV 'AXedV8peiai> drro rrjs TrapaKfip.evr)s Aifivr)?, TTJS Qypas avrwv Toiavrrjs yivo- fievrjs. Alex. Mynd. ap. Athen. 1. C. Trpoarayopeveo-dai avrov \aya>diav. Synes. Ep. iv. p. 165 ^'5/ 5e TLS Ka\ o>ri8a e8a)K6j/, opveov CKTOTTMS f]dv. Friendship for the horse. Ael. ii. 28 TTJV con'Sa TO ov opvidav tlvai ^iXiTTTroraroj/ axoua) . . . ITTTTOV Se orav deda-rjrai, ^Sio-ra Trpoo-Tre'rerdi. Alex. Mynd. 1. C. (par/6Vy, alert T0r]\v del Xao-itoraroj/ ovas : and besides the cheek-tufts of the Common Bustard might suggest ears as well as the crest of the Houbara. It is however the Houbara, as the common African species, which is alluded to in Plutarch ap. Athen. I.e. *QTOI, s. WTOS. A Horned Owl, especially the Short-eared Owl, Strix brachyotus or Asio acdpitrinus. Arist. H. A. viii. 12, 587 b, mentioned along with opriryo/^rpa and Ki>xpap,os as a migratory bird, in connexion with the migration of the quails. Further (loc. dub., A. and W.) 6 ' eoros O/JLOIOS TOW y\avgl Kal nepl rd ojra nrepvyia e%a)v' evtoi S' avrov WKriKOpaKa KaXovcriv (cf. Hesych.). O"ri de Ko/SaXo? Kal /u/z^r^s 1 , Kal dvTop%ovfjLfvos dXiV/ferai, Trepif\66vTos Qarepov TO>V QrjpevT&v, Kaddirep r] y\av. Cf. Arist. ap. Athen. ix. 390 f 6 cards' eVrt pev Trapopoios rfj y\avKi } OVK eort de wurepivos . . . peyedos TTfpiCTTfpas, K.r.X. In Athen. ix. 390 d, a ridiculous story of its capture by mimicry : oi 8e (rrdvTfs avr>v KaravriKpv viraXeifpovrat (pappaKco TOVS o^^aX/iovy, Trapao-fcevacravre? aXXa (pdppaKa KoXXjjriKa 6(pda\p,S)V Kal /3Xe^)apa)V, aVfp ou Trdppo) eavT&v eV \KavicrKaLS (Spatial? ridfaatv' ol ovv aroi Qeupovpevoi TOVS inraXeifpofJievovs TO OVTO Kal atrol TTOIOVO-IV, K T&V \Kavid 1$, for avtKpayr] read avaKpayy 63, 2I t for TreTritrreuerat read TremarevTai. For the detection of most of the above errors, and for infinite kindness in reading the final proofs of the whole book, I am indebted to my friend Mr. W. Wyse. I must record my debt also, for the like scholarly services, to Mr. P. Molyneux of the Clarendon Press. Lastly, I must pay a debt which should have been acknowledged more prominently than here, to Mrs. W. R. H. Valentine, of Dundee, for three beautiful wood-cuts, the work of her hands. Ojcforfc PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY Clarenbon press, rfovb. 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