SCHOOLS AND MASTERS OF PAINTING WITH AN APPENDIX ON THE PRINCIPAL GALLERIES OF EUROPE BY A. G. RADCLIFFE Illustrated FIFTH EDITION, REVISED NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1900 COPYRIGHT, 1876, 1881, 1887, 1896, 1899, BY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGAN PAINTING. PAGE Painting less enduring than Sculpture. Invented by Egyptians. Tombs and Temples. Painting in Egypt. Painting in Assyria. Painting in Greece. Polygnotus, Zeuxis, Apelles, and other Grecian Painters. Mosaic Pavements. Greek Relic in Cortona. " Aldobrandini Marriage." Painting in Etruria. Painting in Rome. Mural Remains of Pompeii and Rome. Greco- Egyptian Panel Portraits. Decline of Pagan Painting . . . . I CHAPTER II. RISE OF CHRISTIAN ART. Revival of Art in Catacombs. Early Symbols. Primitive Christian Paintings. Portraits of Christ in the Catacombs. Profile of Christ. Letter of Lentulus. Abgarus Portrait of Christ. The " Archi- rotopeton." Handkerchief of St. Veronica. Portraits of Virgin Mary. Madonnas of St. Luke. Types of St. Peter and St. Paul. Accession of Constantine. Basilicas and Mosaics. Mosaics of Rome and Ravenna II CHAPTER III. BYZANTINE AND MINIATURE PAINTING. Empire of Constantine. Greek Ecclesiastical Art. Early " Crucifix- ions." Byzantine Stiffness and Splendor. Byzantine Mosaics. Panel and Altar Pictures. Emblems of Father, Son, and Spirit. Sacred Art-Manufactories. Miniature Painting in Fourth and Fifth Centuries. MSS. of the Vatican. French Illuminations. German Miniatures. Anglo-Saxon MSS. Miniatures of San Marco 31 2029048 i v CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. EARLY ITALIAN PAINTING. PVGi Roman Mosaics of Ninth Century. Early Roman Frescoes. Roman Mosaics of Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Andrea Tafi. Revival of Art under Cimabue. His Predecessors. Guido of Sienna. Giunta Pisano Margaritone of Arezzo. Life and Works of Cimabue. St. Fiancis, and his Church at Assisi. Duccio of Sienna. Life and Works of Giotto. Pupils of Giotto. Simone Memmi. Andrea Orcagna. Campo Santo of Pisa. Bernardo Orcagno. Spinello Aretino and his " Lucifer." Life and Death of Fra Angelico a 9 CHAPTER V. TRADITIONS OF PAINTING. Religious Nature of Mediaeval Art. Fresco and Tempera Painting. Ancient Altar-Pieces. Significance of Colors. Old - Testament Tradition. Angels and Archangels. Sibyls. St. John Baptist. Legends of the Virgin Mary from her Conception to her Corona- tion. Life and Legends of Christ. His Nativity, Adoration, Pre- sentation, and Flight into Egypt ; Transfiguration, Last Supper, and Incidents of Passion, Crucifixion, and Burial. Legend of Descent into Limbus. Resurrection and Ascension. Last Judg- ment. Attributes of the Apostles. Legends of the Magdalene, of the Early Fathers, of St. Christopher, St. Sebastian, and St. Lawrence ; of St. Catharine, St. Margaret, St. Agnes, and St. Ce- cilia. Books of Reference 58 CHAPTER VI. ITALIAN PAINTING IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. The Renaissance. Culture and Changes. Florentine Influences. Ghiberti and his Gates of Bronze. Paolo Uccello. Masolino. Masaccio and the Brancacci Chapel. The Artist-Monk, Filippo Lippi. Benozzo Gozzoli. Cosimo Roselli. Antonello da Mes- sina, the First Italian Oil-Painter. Andrea Castagno. Andrea Mantegna and the Paduan School. Verocchio, Master of Da Vinci. Signorelli. Ghirlandajo. Botticelli. Filippino Lippi. The School of Bologna, and Francia. Decline of Siennese Art and Rise of Umbrian. Gentile da Fabriano. Alunno. Perusjino. CONTENTS. Pintunichio and the Father of Raphael. Savonarola at Florence. His Artist-Adherents. Fra Bartolomeo. His Friend Alberti- nelli. Rafiaeilino del Garbo. Lorenzi di Credi . . . .93 CHAPTER VII. LEONARDO DA VINCI AND MICHAEL ANGELO. Genius of Leonardo. Scarcity of his Works. His Youth and Educa- tion. His Medusa Shield. Veisatility of his Talents. His Re- moval to Milan. His Equestrian Statue. Art Labors and Writ- ings. " The Last Supper." His Return to Florence. Journey to Rome. Friendship with Francis I. Death at Amboise. His Pictures and Pupils. Bernardino Luini. Michael Angeio. His Birth and Vocation. Patronage of the Medici. Genius as a Sculptor. The Colossal " David." Rivalry with Leonardo. Visit to Rome. Mausoleum of Pope Julius. Quarrels with the Pope. Sistine Chapel. Medici Sacristy. Florentine Vicissitudes. " Last Judgment." Vittoria Colonna. Old Age and Death. Daniele da Volterra . . .*>.._ ., 124 CHAPTER VIII. RAPHAEL AND CORREGGIO. Childhood of Raphael. Studies with Perugino. Early Works. " Marriage of the Virgin." Sojourn at Florence. Florentine Madonnas. Invitation to Rome. Frescoes of the Vatican. Stanze and Loggie. Cartoons and Tapestries. Farnesina Fres- coes. Portraits and Easel-Pictures. " The Fornarina." Roman Madonnas and Holy Families. Altar - Pieces. "The Transfig- uration." Fame and Fortune. Illness and Death. Birth of Cor- reggio. His Youthful Genius and Secluded Life. Frescoes at Parma. Classical Pictures. " II Giorno " and " Santa Notte." " The Reading Magdalene." Remaining Works. Character ofCorreggio ... 1ST CHAPTER IX. PAINTING IN VENICE. Rise of Painting in Venice. The Vivarini. The Bellini Family. Gentile and Gian Bellini. Giorgione, the Master of Color. Birth of Titian. First Employment with Giorgione. Mythological and vi CONTENTS. MM Religious Paintings. Meeting with Charles V. Celebrated Tor- traits. Venetian Life. Summons to Rome. Enumeration of his Works. Last Years at Venice. Death, of the Plague. Palma Vecchio and his Daughter Violante. Pordcnone. Sebastian del Piombo. Bon-fazio. Moretto. Moroni. Paris Bordone. Tin- toretto. Paul Veronese and his Feasts. The Bassano Family. Canal e and Canaletto I&7 CHAPTER X. . LATER ITALIAN PAINTING. Andrea del Sarto. Francia Bigio. Pontormo. Bronzino. The Al- lori Family. Vasari, the Artist-Author. II Sodoma. Giulio Ro- mano and other Pupils of Raphael. Garofalo. The Brothers Dossi. Parmagianino. Baroccio, Zuccaro, and the Later Romans. The Eclectics of Bologna. The Carracci. Domenichino. Guido Reni. Albani. Guercino. Lanfranco. The Naturalist! or Tenebrosi. Caravaggio. Salvator Rosa. Luca Giordano. Artists of Seventeenth Century. Sassoferrato. Carlo Dolce. Carlo Maratta. Romanelli. Battoni. Close of Painting in Italy. 3IQ CHAPTER XI. EARLY GERMAN AND FLEMISH PAINTING. Art in the North. German MSS. Requirements of Gothic Archi- tecture. School of Bohemia. School of Cologne. Meister Wil- helm and Meister Stephan. School of Flanders. The Brothers Van Eyck. Invention of Oil-Painting. Adoration of the LamN. Margaret van Eyck. Ancient Flemish Painters. Roger van der Weyden. Memling. The Shrine of St. Ursula. Mabuse. Bernard van Orley and Michael Coxie. Quintin Matsys . .24} CHAPTER XII. GERMAN PAINTING IN THE FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH CENTURIES. Martin SchSn. The School of Nuremberg. Wohlgemuth. Albrecht Dttrer. His Wife and Works. Wanderings in Italy. Influence on his Style. Paintings and Woodcuts. " The Knight, the Devil, and Death."" Melancolia." Later Pictures. Death at Nurem- berg. Followers and Pupils. Artists of Ulm and Augsburg. CONTENTS. The Holbein Family. Hans Holbein the Younger. His Eng- lish and German Portraits. The " Meyer Madonna." The " Dance of Death." Lucas Cranach, the Painter of the Reforma- tion . . 268 CHAPTER XIII. LATER FLEMISH AND GERMAN PAINTING. Sustermann. Frans Floris. The Pourbus Family. Birth of Land- scape-Painting in the Netherlands. Matthew and Paul Bril. The Breughel Family and Genre Painting. Peter Paul Rubens. His Fertility and Success. Snyders, the Animal - Painter. Jordaens. Vandyck. Portraits by Vandyck. Teniers. His " Temptation of St. Anthony " and other Pictures. Van der Meu- len. Philippe de Champagne. Dennar. Dietrich. Raphael Mengs. His Pupil Angelica Kaufmann. Future Revival of Ger- man Art 288 CHAPTER XIV. PAINTING IN HOLLAND. Founding of Dutch School. Cornelis Engelbrechtsen. Lucas of Ley- den. Dutch Landscape-Painting. Pictures of Cuyp. Mierevelt's Portraits. Frank Hals and his Apprentice Brauwer. Gerard of the Night. Rembrandt van Rhyn. Peculiarities of Light and Shade." The Night - Watch." Poetic Sacred Scenes. Pupils of Rembrandt. Gerard Dow. Terburg. Van der Heist. Pa- tier 1 Genre Painters. Van Ostade. Steen. Miens. Schal- ken. Netscher. Van der Werff. Ruysdael's Landscapes. Berg- hem. Wouverman. Paul Potter and his Animals. Van de Velde's and Backhuysen's Marine Views. Painters of Interiors and Exteriors. Jan Weenix. Hondekoeter. Kalfs Kitchen- Scenes. Flowei: and Fruit Pieces. De Heem, Van Huysum, and Rachel Ruysch jrc CHAPTER XV. PAINTING IN SPAIN. Peculiarities of Spanish Art. Religious Element. Spanish MSS. National Schools of Painting. Age of Charles V. Luis de Var- viii CONTENTS. nm gas. Juan Joanes. The Di\ine Morales. Coellos Portrait.; El Mudo. Cespedes, the Poet. Roelas. Zuroaran. I-acheco, the Inquisitor. Alonzo Cano. School of Valencia. The Ribal- tas and Ribera. Velasquez. His Appointment as Court-Painter. "Las Meninas." His Death at Madrid. Muriilo and his Works. Valde's Leal. Decline of Art in Spain. Foreign Paint- ers. Luca Giordano and Raphael Mengs. Francisco Goya, Dispersion of Spanish Pictures . . . . . . . 33