mmmmt^m fyn 111 ifornia inal ty .-qv:' --1C-; 'HtN til l-J.-J ^^ '/l^^AAjjU ^ l&ssicd^l Dictionary Contadnin^ brief zwnd 2v,ccur&.te accounts of the proper names men- tioned in classical literature Edited with Introduction by Edwzwrd S. Elliy-. A. M, Author of " Plutarch's Lives," etc. 9^ Philadelphia. The Penn Publbhin^ C^ompany 1902 Copyright 1895 by the Woolfall Company Copyright 1900 by the Penn Tuulishing Compani INTRODUCTION. The word classic or classical is defined as pure, refined ; conformed to the best and most perfect standard; also pertaining to the ancient Greek and Latin authors, or rendered famous b}' association with ancient writers, as " classic ground." The ancient Romans were divided into six classes. Those of the highest class were called classici, and from this the term came to signify the highest and purest class of writers in any language, though at first ap- plied only to the most esteemed Greek and Latin authors. Whether an ancient writer should be ranked as a classic is not determined (as it would seem ought to be the case) by what he wrote, but by the period in which he wrote. The classical age of Greek literature begins with 2231852 4 INTRODUCTION. Homer, the earliest Greek writer whose works are extant, and extends probably to the time of the Roman emperor Antonine, although signs of decadence began to appear about 300 B.C. The Latin classical period is not so ex- tended, its earliest writer being Plautus, and it came to an end about 200 a.d. There are some, however, who include Claudian, born near 365 a.d., among the classics. Humanism is that theory of education which aims to give a symmetrical develop- ment to the intellectual and moral powers b}^ means of the study of the classical literature and arts, or more largely the study of the classics, or the culture of belles-lettres in general. The history of Humanism divides itself into four distinct periods. I. The formative period, extending from the fifth century before to the fifth century after Christ. H. The period of the Middle Ages. HI. The Renaissance or revival of learning, extending from the beginning of the fourteenth to the end of the eighteenth INTRODUCTION. 5 century. IV. The period of philological science, embracing a portion of the eigh- teenth and the nineteenth centuries. I. The Formative Period. — The systematic use of literary studies in education appears to have begun among the ancients about the fifth century B.C. The ridiculed sophists and rhetoricians gave a new direction to education by their attempt to make it more practical, thus greatly helping all the arts connected with literature, — as grammar, rhetoric, logic, lexicography, etc. Studies were expanded after the founding of Alex- andria. The scholarly investigation and ex- planation of the literary monuments of the past began and were pressed by the profes- sors and librarians of Alexandria. Toward the close of the second century B.C., the Romans began to investigate Greek education, and during the following century the Roman methods were remodeled along the Greek lines. The third and fourth cen- turies A.D. may be considered the golden age of professors. By the close of the fourth cen- tury a regular system had been formulated, 6 INTRODUCTION. which was accepted everywhere by gentile and Christian, and handed down from gener- ation to generation. II. The Mediceval Period. — In the fifth cen- tury A.D., the successive barbarian invasions of the ancient world began, and the old order of things was overturned. The Germans destroyed the gentile world, with its philoso- phers and teachers. Only Christianity and education survived. Education was in the hands of Christians, but it suffered prodigious losses. Schools and libraries were destroyed ; scholars decreased, and the civilized world steadily shrank. The rich and cultivated provinces of Africa fell into the hands of the Moslems who overran Spain. The whole Eastern empire was cut off from the West. In the fifth and sixth centuries only a few vestiges of civilization remained in Gaul. At the close of the sixth and the beginning of the seventh century, the remote province of Ireland was the only point where studies and scholarship had a foothold, and from that point went out the first impulses for a revival of the decaying study of literature. INTRODUCTION. 7 England was the first to respond to the im- pulse, and her people helped the Irish to carry it to the Continent. A revival of encyclo- paedic learning took place in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and led to an investiga- tion and study of what may be called the great sources of knowledge. III. The Renaissance. — France held the in- tellectual leadership of Europe during the Middle Ages. In the fourteenth century, it passed to Italy, and was accompanied by so remarkable an intellectual revolution that it is called a " new birth" — renaissance. This revival was marked by an extraordinary enthusiasm for the classics. The first man of the Renaissance, and at the same time the first modern humanist, was Petrarch, born in the year 1304, whose pioneer work in clearing the ground of the " new way" approached the marvellous. The appointment of Manuel Chrysoloras, a Byzantine scholar, as professor of Greek in Florence, in 1396, brought about as a result a true revival of Greek studies. From him and from his pupils descended the increasing 8 INTRODUCTION. generations of Greek scholars, who during the fifteenth century made known to western Europe the great originals and models of all classical literary art. Every portion of Ital- ian culture was profoundly modified. The great discovery of printing about this time gave a permanence to the Renaissance. The first printed Latin book to be sent abroad was Cicero's De Officiis, published in 1465. The first Greek authors to be printed were Theocritus and ^sop, which appeared to- gether about 1480. Humanism gradually triumphed in France, and thence conquered Spain early in the fifteenth century. It made slower progress among the German nations. Although Germany was brought into frequent political contact with Italy during the whole period of Italian humanism, she hardly felt its in- fluence until the middle of the fifteenth cen- tury, but to-day Germany is the chief seat of classical learning. IV. PJiilological Science Period. — This peri- od may be considered as embracing the pres- ent and an indefinite portion of the future. INTRODUCTION. 9 The spread of philological science and classi- cal learning in general, it may be claimed, is universal among all nations making any pre- tence to civilization, E. S. E. MAY, i8(^^ A CLASSICAL DICTIONARY. Aby'dos. A city of Asia opposite Sestos in Eu- rope. Its fame rests upon the loves of Hero and Leander, and here also Xerxes built his bridge of boats across the Hellespont. Hero was a maiden of wondrous beauty, who was dedicated by her parents to Venus' service. As soon as she was old enough, she spent all her time in the temple, ministering to the goddess, or in a lonely tower by the sea, where she lived alone with her aged nurse. Leander, deeply smitten with the charms of Hero, was in the habit of swimming across the Hellespont, she displaying a signal for him. One stormy night, while attempting the feat, he was drowned. Hero saw the body the next morning tossing up and down in the waves at the foot of the tower. In her grief she threw herself into the sea and per- ished by his side. Lord Byron, in " The Bride 12 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY of Abydos, " thus alludes to the touching in- cident : •' The winds are high on Helle's wave, As on that night of stormy water, When Love, who sent, forgot to save The young, the beautiful, the brave, The lonely hope of Sestos' daughter." Aby dos. A town of Egypt, where stood the famous temple of Osiris. Acade'mi'a. A place surrounded with trees near Athens, belonging to Academus, from whom the name is derived. Here Plato opened his school of philosophy, and from this every place sacred to learning has ever since been called Academia. Acha'tes. -.^neas and Achates were friends. The devotion of Achates was so unselfish and exemplary that Fidus Achates became a proverb. Achelo us. The son of Oceanus and Terra, or Tethys, god of the river of the same name in Epirus. As one of the numerous suitors of Dejanira, he entered the lists against Her- cules, and being inferior, changed himself into a serpent, and afterwards into an ox. Hercules broke off one of his horns and de- feated him, after which, according to some, he was changed into a river. Acheron. To separate that portion of Hades re- served for the punishment of the wicked, Pluto surrounded it with Phlegethon, a river of fire, while the Acheron, a deep and black CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 13 stream, had to be passed by all souls before they reached Pluto's throne and heard his de- cree. The word Acheron is also used to sig- nify Hades or hell itself. Achilles, the son of Peleus and Thetis, was the bravest of all the Greeks in the Trojan war. During his infancy. Thetis plunged him in the Styx, thus making every part of his body invulnerable except the heel by which she held him. To prevent him from going to the Trojan war, Thetis sent him privately to the court of Lycomedes, where he was disguised in a .female dress. As Troy could not be taken without his aid, Ulysses went to the court of Lycomedes in the habit of a mer- chant, and exposed jewels and arms for sale. Achilles, choosing the arms, discovered his sex, and went to the war. Vulcan made him a strong suit of armor, which was proof against all weapons. He was deprived by Agamemnon of his favorite Briseis, and for this affront he would not appear on the field till the death of Patroclus impelled him to vengeance. He slew Hector, who had killed Patroclus, and tying his corpse to his war-car, dragged it three times round Troy. He is said to have been killed by Paris, who inflicted a mortal wound in his vulnerable heel with an arrow. Actae'on. A famous huntsman, son of Aristseus and Autonoe, daughter of Cadmus. He saw Diana and her attendants bathing, for which 14 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY he was changed into a stag and devoured by his own dogs. Ac'tium. A town and promontory of Epirus, famous for the naval victory which Augustus obtained over Antony and Cleopatra, b.c. 31. A'des or Hades, The god of hell among the Greeks ; the same as the Pluto of the Latins. The word is often used for hell itself by the ancient poets and in modern writings. Adher'bal. Son of Micipsa, and grandson of Masinissa, was besieged at Cirta, and put to death by Jugurtha, after vainly imploring the aid of Rome, b.c. 112. Adme'tus. Son of Pheres and Clymene, king of Pherse in Thessaly. Apollo, when banished from heaven, is said to have tended his flocks for nine years. Ado'nis, son of Cinyras and Myrrha was the fa- vorite of Venus. He was fond of hunting, and was often cautioned not to hunt wild beasts. This advice he slighted, and at last was mortally wounded by a wild boar. Venus changed him into the flower anemone. Pros- erpine is said to have restored him to life, on condition that he should spend six months of the year with her, and the rest of the year with Venus. This implies the alternate re- turn of summer and winter. Shakspeare, in his poem "Venus and Adonis," thus alludes to the changing of Adonis into a flower : — ** By this the boy that by her side lay kill'd Was melted like a vapor from her sight, CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 15 And in his blood, that on the ground lay spill'd, A purple flower sprung up, chequer'd with white, Resembling well his pale cheeks, and the blood Which in round drops upon their whiteness stood," Adras'tus, son of Talaus and Lysimache, was king of Argos. Polynices, being banished from Thebes by his brother Eteocles, fled to Argos, where he married Argia, daughter of Adrastus. The king assisted his son-in-law, and marched against Thebes with an army. He was defeated with great slaughter, and fled to Athens, where Theseus gave him as- sistance, and was victorious. Adrastus died from grief, occasioned by the death of his son ^gialeus. Adria'nus. A famous emperor of Rome. He is represented as an active, learned, warlike, and austere general. He went to Britain, where he built a wall between the modern towns of Carlisle and Newcastle-on-Tyne, to protect the Britons from the incursions of the Caledonians. .^di'les. Roman magistrates, who had the charge of all buildings, baths, and aqueducts, and examined weights and measures. The office of an -^dile was honorable, and the primary step to a more distinguished position in the State. .^'geus. Kingof Athens, son of Pandion. Being desirous of having children, he went to con- sult the oracle, and on his return stopped at the court of Pittheus, king of Troezene, who t6 classical dictionary gave him his daughter ^thra in marriage. He directed her, if she had a son, to send him to Athens as soon as he could lift a stone under which he had concealed his sword, ^thra became mother of Theseus, whom she sent to Athens with his father's sword, ^geus being at that time living with Medea, the di- vorced wife of Jason. When Theseus came to Athens. Medea attempted to poison him, but he escaped ; and upon showing JEgeus the sword, discovered himself to be his son. When Theseus returned from Crete, after the death of the Minotaur, he omitted to hoist up white sails as a signal of success, and at sight of black sails, ^geus. concluding that hjs son was dead, threw himself into the sea, which, as some suppose, has since been called the ^gean Sea. ^geus died b.c. 1235. .^'gis. The shield of Jupiter. He gave it to Pallas, who placed Medusa's head on it, which turned into stones all those who gazed at it. /Egy'ptuSj son of Belus, and brother to Danaus, gave his fifty sons in marriage to the fifty daughters of his brother. Danaus. who had established himself at Argos and was jealous of his brother, obliged all his daughters to murder their husbands on the first night of their nuptials. This was done, Hypermnestra alone sparing her husband Lynceus. ^gy- ptus himself was killed by his niece Polyxena. ^lia'nus Claudius. A Roman sophist of Prse- neste in the reign of Adrian. He taught CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 17 rhetoric at Rome. He wrote treatises on animals in seventeen books, and on various other subjects in fourteen books, ^lian died at the age of sixt5^ a.d. 140. iEne'as. A Trojan prince, son of Anchises and Venus. He married Creusa, the daughter of Priam, and they had a son named Ascanius. During the Trojan war ^neas behaved with great valor in defence of Troy. When the city was in flames he is said to have carried away his father Anchises on his shoulders, leading his son Ascanius by the hand, his wife following them. Subsequently he built a fleet of twenty ships, with which he set sail in quest of a settlement. He was driven on the coasts of Africa, and was kindly received by Dido, Queen of Carthage, who became enamored with him ; but he left Carthage by the order of the gods. He has been praised for his piety and his submission to the will of the gods; the term "Pius" is generally ap- pended to his name. .^ne'is. The ^neid, a grand poem by Virgil, the great merit of which is well known. The author has imitated the style of Homer, and is by some thought to equal him. ./E'olus, the ruler of storms and winds, was the son of Hippotas. He reigned over ^olia. He was the inventor of sails, and a great as- tronomer, from which the poets have called him the god of wind. .£s'chines. An Athenian orator who lived about 2 l8 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 342 B.C., and distinguished himself by his rivalship with Demosthenes. iEs'chylus, a soldier and poet of Athens, son of Euphorion. He was in the Athenian army at the battles of Marathon, Salamis. and Plataea ; but his most solid fame rests on his writings. He wrote ninety tragedies, forty of which were rewarded with a public prize. He was killed by the fall of a tortoise, dropped from the beak of an eagle on his head, k.c. 456. iEscula'pius, son of Apollo and Coronis, or as some say of Apollo and Larissa, daughter of Phlegias, was the god of medicine. He mar- ried Epione, and they had two sons, famous for their skill in medicine. Machaon and Po- dalirus ; of their four daughters, Hygeia, god- dess of health, is the most celebrated. iE'son, son of Cretheus, was l)orn at the same birth as Pelias. He succeeded his father in the kingdom of lolchos, but was soon exiled by his brother. He married Alcimeda, by whom he had Jason, whose education he en- trusted to Chiron. ^Vhen Jason reached man- hood he demanded his father's kingdom from his uncle, who gave him evasive answers, and persuaded him to go in quest of the Golden Fleece. On his return Jason found his father very infirm, and at his request Medea drew the blood from ^son's veins and refilled them with the juice of certain herbs, which restored the old man to the vigor of youth, TEsopus. A Phrygian philosopher who, origin- CLASSICAL DICTIONARY tg ally a slave, procured his liberty by his ge- nius. He dedicated his fables to his patron Croesus. The fables which we have now under his name doubtless are a collection of fables and apologues of wits before and after the age of ^sop, conjointly with his own. Agamemnon, king of Mycensc and Argos, was brother to Menelaus, and son of Plisthenes, the son of Atreus. He married Clytemnestra, and Menelaus Helen, both daughters of Tyn- darus, king of Sparta. When Helen eloped with Paris, Agamemnon was elected com- mander-in-chief of the Grecian forces invad- ing Troy. Agesila'us. Of the family of the Proclidse, son of Archidamus, king of Sparta, whom he suc- ceeded. He made war against Artaxerxes, king of Persia, with success, but in the midst of his conquests he was called home to oppose the Athenians and Boeotians. He passed over in thirty days that tract of country which had taken up a whole year of Xerxes' expedi- tion. He defeated his enemies at Coronea, but sickness interfered with his conquests, and the Spartans were beaten in every en- gagement till he again appeared at their head. He died 362 years b.c. Agrip pa, M. Vipsanius. A celebrated Roman who obtained a victory over S. Pompey, and favored the cause of Augustus at the battles of Actium and Philippi, where he behaved with great valor. In his expeditions in Gaul 20 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY and Germany he obtained several victories, but refused the honor of a triumph, and turned his attention to the embellishment of Rome and the raising of magnificent build- ings, among them the Pantheon. Augustus gave him his daughter Julia in marriage. He died universally lamented, at Rome, aged fifty-one, B.C. 12. Agrip'pa. A son of Aristobulus, grandson of the great Herod. He was popular with the Jews, and it is said that while they were flattering him with the appellation of god he was struck with death, a.d. 43. His son of the same name was with Titus at the siege of Jerusa- lem, and died a.d. 94. It was before him that St. Paul pleaded. There were a number of others of the same name, but of less celeb- rity. A jax, son of Telamon and Periboea, or Eriboea, was one of the bravest of the Greeks in the Trojan war. After the death of Achilles, Ajax and Ulysses both claimed the arms of the dead hero, which were given to Ulysses, Some say that he was killed in battle by Paris, but others record that he was murdered by Ulysses. Alari'cus. A famous king of the Goths who plun- dered Rome in the reign of Honorius. He was greatly respected for his valor, and dur- ing his reign he kept the Roman empire in continual alarm. He died after a reign of twelve years, a.d. 410. He was buried in the CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 21 bed of a river which had been turned from its course for the reception of his corpse, in order that it might be said that no one should tread on the earth where he reposed. The circum- stance is thus alluded to by one of our own poets : — " But ye the mountain stream shall turn, And lay its secret channel bare, And hollow, for your sovereign's urn, A resting-place for ever there; " Then bid its everlasting springs Flow back upon the king of kings; And never be the secret said Until the deep give up its dead." Albion, son of Neptune and Amphitrite, came into Britain, where he established a kingdom, and introduced astrology and the art of build- ing ships. Great Britain is called "Albion" after him. Alcae'us. A celebrated lyric poet of Mitylene in Lesbos, about 600 years before the Christian era. He fled from a battle, and the armor in which he left the field was hung up in the temple of Minerva as a monument of his dis- grace. He was enamoured of Sappho. Of his works only a few fragments remain. Alces'te or Alcestis, daughter of Pelias, married Admetus. She, with her sisters, put her father to death that he might be restored to youth and vigour by Medea, who had prom- ised to ettect this by her enchantments. She, 92 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY however, refused to fulfil her promise, on which the sisters fled to Admetus, who mar- ried Alceste. Alcibi'ades. An Athenian general, famous for his enterprise, versatile genius, and natural foibles. He was a disciple of Socrates, whose lessons and example checked for a while his vicious propensities. In the Peloponnesian war he encouraged the Athenians to under- take an expedition against Syracuse. He died in his forty-sixth year. B.C. 404. Alcme'na. Daughter of Electrion, king of Argos. Her father promised her and his crown to Amphitryon if he would revenge the death of his sons who had been killed by the Tele- boans. In the absence of Amphitryon, Jupi- ter assumed his form and visited Alcmena, who, believing the god to be her lover, re- ceived him with joy. Amphitryon on his re- turn ascertained from the prophet Tiresias the deception which had been practiced. After the death of Amphitryon, Alcmena mar- ried Rhadamanthus. Hercules was the son of Jupiter and Alcmena. Alcy'one or Halcy'one, daughter of ^olus, mar- ried Ceyx, who was drowned as he was going to consult the oracle. The gods apprised Alcyone in a dream of her husband's fate, and when she found his body washed ashore she threw herself into the sea. and she and her husband were changed into birds. Alec to. One of the Furies. She is represented CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 23 with her head covered with serpents, and breathing vengeance, war, and pestilence. Alexander, surnamed the Great, was son of Philip and Olympias. He was born b.c. 355, on the night on which the famous temple of Diana at Ephesus was burnt. This event, according to the magicians, was a prognostic of his future greatness, as well as the taming of Bucephalus, a horse which none of the king's attendants could manage. Philip, it is recorded, said, with tears in his eyes, that his son must seek another kingdom, as that of Macedonia would not be large enough for him. He built a town, which he called Alex- andria, on the Nile. His conquests were ex- tended to India, where he fought with Porus. a powerful king of the country, and after he had invaded Scythia. he retired to Babylon laden with spoils. His entry into the city was predicted by the magicians as to prove fatal to him. He died at Babylon in his thirty-second year, after a reign of twelve years and eight months of continual success, B.C. 323. There were a number of others of the same name, but of less celebrity. Althae'a, daughter of Thestius and Eurythemis, married CEneus, king of Calydon, by whom she had many children, among them being Meleager. When he was born the Parca; put a log of wood on the fire, saying, as long as it was preserved the life of the child would be prolonged. The mother took the wood froiij 24 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY the flames and preserved it, but when Melea- ger killed his two uncles, Althaea, to revenge them, threw the log in the fire, and when it was burnt Meleager expired. Althaea then killed herself. Amaryl'lis. The name of a countrywoman in Virgil's Eclogues. Some commentators have supposed that the poet spoke of Rome under this fictitious name. Amaz'ones or Amazonides. A nation of famous women who lived near the river Thermodon in Cappadocia. All their lives were employed in wars and manly exercises. They founded an extensive empire in Asia Minor along the shores of the Euxine. Ambra'cia. A city of Epirus, the residence of King Pyrrhus. Augustus, after the battle of Actium, called it Nicopolis. Lord Byron thus alludes to it in the second canto of "Childe Harold:"— " Ambracia's gulf behold, where once was lost A world for woman, lovely, harmless thing ! In yonder rippling bay, their naval host Did many a Roman chief and Asian king To doubtful conflict, certain slaughter bring." Amphiara'us, son of Oicleus and Hypermnestra, was at the chase of the Calydonian boar, and accompanied the Argonauts in their expedi- tion. He was famous for his knowledge of futurity. Amphic tyon, son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 25 reigned at Athens after Cranaus. Some say the deluge happened in his age. Amphic'tyon, the son of Helenus, who first es- tablished the celebrated Council of the Am- phictyons, composed of the wisest and most virtuous men of some cities of Greece. Amphi'on, son of Jupiter and Antiope. He cul- tivated poetry, and made such progress in music that he is said to have been the inven- tor of it, and to have built the walls of Thebes by the sound of his lyre. Amphitrite. A daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, who married Neptune. She is sometimes called Salatia. She was mother of Triton, a sea deity. Amphitryon. A Theban prince, son of Alcaeus and Hipponome. His sister Anaxo married Electryon, king of Mycenae, whose sons were killed in battle by the Teleboans. Electryon gave his daughter Alcmena to Amphitryon for avenging the death of his sons. Anachar'sis, a Scythian philosopher 592 years b. c. , who, on account of his wisdom, temperance, and knowledge, has been called one of the seven wise men. He has rendered himself famous among the Ancients by his writings, his poems on war, the laws of the Scythians, etc. Anac'reon. A famous lyric poet of Teos, in Ionia, favored by Polycrates and Hippar- chus, son of Philostratus He was of intem- perate habits and fond of pleasure. Some of a6 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY his odes are extant, and the elegance of his poetry has been the admiration of ever}' age and country. He lived to the age of eighty- five, and after a life of pleasure was choked with a grape-stone. He flourished b.c. 532. The Odes have been translated into English by Moore, Cowley, and others. Anadyom'ene. A famous painting by Apelles of Venus rising from the sea. Anaxag oras. A Clazomenian philosopher, who disregarded wealth and honors to indulge his fondness for meditation and philosophy. He applied himself to astronomy, and ob- tained a knowledge of eclipses. He used to say he preferred a grain of wisdom to heaps of gold. He ^yas accused of impiety and condemned to die, but he ridiculed the sen- tence, which he said had already been pro- nounced on him by nature. He died at the age of seventy-two. li.c. 42S. Anaxar'ete. A girl of Salamis, who so arro- gantly rejected the addresses of Iphis. a youth of ignoble birth, that he hanged himself at her door. .She saw the spectacle without emotion, and was changed into stone. Mr. Wiffen makes allusion to the circumstance in his translation of Garcilasso de la Vega: •' Klse tremble at the fate forlorn Of Anaxarete, who spurn'd The weeping Iphis from her gate; Who, scoffing long, relenting late, Was to a statue turn'd." CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 27 Anchi'ses. A son of Capys and Themis. He was so beautiful that Venus came down from heaven on Mount Ida to enjoy his company, ^neas was the son of Anchises and Venus, and was entrusted to the care of Chiron the Centaur. When Troy was taken, Anchises had become so infirm that ^neas had to carry him through the flames upon his shoulders, and thus saved his life. Andromache. Daughter of Eetion, king of Thebes. She married Hector, son of Priam, and was the mother of Astyanax. Her part- ing with Hector, who was going to battle, is described in the Iliad, and has been deemed one of the most beautiful passages in that great work. Pope's translation of the Iliad (book 6) describes with great pathos and beauty the parting of Hector from his wife and child. The passage is too long for quo- tation, but this quatrain from it shows the style : — " Thus having spoke, th' illustrious chief of Troy Stretch'd his fond arms to clasp the lovely boy; The babe clung crying to his nurse's breast, Scared at the dazzling helm and nodding crest."' Andromeda. A daughter of Cepheus, king of Ethiopia, and Cassiope. She was promised in marriage to Phineus when Neptune drowned the kingdom and sent a sea monster to ravage the country, because Cassiope had boasted . . that she was fairer than Juno and the Nerei- des. The oracle of Jupiter Ammon was con- a8 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY suited, but nothing could stop the resentment of Neptune except the exposure of Andromeda to the sea monster. She was accordingly tied to a rock, but at the moment that the monster was about to devour her, Perseus, returning • from the conquest of the Gorgons, saw her, and was captivated with her beauty. He changed the monster into a rock by showing Medusa's head, and released Andromeda and married her. Anthropophagi. A people of Scythia who fed on human flesh. They lived near the country of the Messagetie. Shakspeare makes Othello, in his speech to the Senate, allude to the Anthropophagi thus :— " The cannibals that each other eat, The Anthropophagi, and men whose heads Do grow beneath their shoulders." Antigone. A daughter of CEdipus, king of Thebes. She buried, by night, her brother Polynices, against the orders of Creon, who ordered her to be buried alive. She, how- ever, killed herself on hearing of the sentence. The death of Antigone is the subject of one of the finest tragedies of Sophocles. Antig'onus. One of Alexander's generals, who, on the division of the provinces after the king's death, received Pamphylia, Lycia, and Phrygia. Eventually his power became so great that Ptolemy, Seleucus, Cassander, and Lysimachus combined to destroy him. He CLASSICAL DICTIONARY -29 gained many victories over them, but at last was killed in battle at the age of eighty, b.c. 301. There were others of the same name, but much less conspicuous. Antin'ous. A youth of Bithynia of whom the emperor Adrian was so extremely fond that, at his death, he erected a temple to him, and wished it to be believed that he had been changed into a constellation. Anti'ochus, surnamed Soter, was son of Seleucus and king of Syria. He made a treaty of alli- ance with Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt. He wedded his stepmother Stratonice. He was succeeded by his son Antiochus II. , who put an end to the war which had begun with Ptolemy, and married his daughter Ber- enice, but being already married to Laodice, she, in revenge, poisoned him. Antiochus, the third of that name, surnamed the Great, was king of Syria, and reigned thirty-six years. He was defeated by Ptolemy Philo- pater at Raphia. He conquered the greater part of Greece, and Hannibal incited him to enter on a crusade against Rome, He was killed 187 years before the Christian era. An- tiochus Epiphanes, the fourth of the name, was king of Syria after his brother Seleucus. He behaved with cruelty to the Jews. He reigned eleven years, and died unregretted. There were many others of the same name of less note. Anti'ope, daughter of Nycteus, king of Thebes, 3^ CLASSICAL DICTIONARY and" Polyxo, was beloved by Jupiter.' "Am* phion and Tethus were her offspring. Antip'ater, son of lolaus, was a soldier under King Philip, and raised to the rank of a general under Alexander the Great. When Alexander went to invade Asia, he left Antip- ater supreme governor of Macedonia. He has been suspected of giving poison to Alex- ander to advance himself in power. Antoninus, surnamed Pius, was adopted by the Emperor Adrian, whom he succeeded. He was remarkable for all the virtues forming a perfect statesman, philosopher, and king. He treated his subjects with affability and hu- manity, and listened with patience to every complaint brought before him. He died in his seventy-fifth year, after a reign of twenty- three years, A. D. i6o. Anto'nius, Marcus. Mark Antony, the triumvir, distinguished himself by his ambitious views. When Julius Cassar was killed in the senate house, Antony delivered an oration over his body, the eloquence of which is recorded in Shakspeare's tragedy of Julius Caesar. An- tony had married Fulvia, whom he repudi- ated to marry Octavia, the sister of Augustus. He fought by the side of Augustus at the bat- tle of Philippi, against the murderers of Julius Caesar. Subsequently he became enamored with Cleopatra, the renowned queen of Egypt, and repudiated Octavia to marry her. He was utterly defeated at the battle of Actiura, CLASSICAL DICTIONARY ^J f : • and stabbed himself. He died m -the fifty - sixth year of his age, r.. < . 30. Shakspeare, in his noble tragedy— Antony and Cleopatra, —makes Antony appeal to his attendant, Eros, to slay him, who refuses, when Antony falls on his own sword. The reader is re- ferred to the fourth act of the play, where Antony, defeated and heart-broken, addresses his attendant : " Unarm, Eros; the long day's task is done, And we must sleep." Anto nius, Ju lius,son of the famous triumvir An- tony, by Fulvia, was consul with Paulus Fabius Maximus. He was surnamed Afri- canus, and put to death by order of Augustus, but some say he killed himself. Anto'nius, M. Gni pho. A poet of Gaul who taught rhetoric at Rome. Cicero and other illustrious men frequented his school. There were a number of others of the same name, but of less repute. Apelles. A celebrated painter of Cos, or, as others say, of Ephesus ; son of Pithius. He lived in the age of Alexander the Great, who forbade any one but Apelles to paint his por- trait. He was so absorbed in his profession that he never allowed a day to pass without employing himself at his art ; hence the proverb of Nulla dies sine lined. His most perfect picture was Venus Anadyomene, which was not quite finished when he died. 33 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY He painted a picture in which a horse was a prominent feature, and so correctly was it delineated that a horse passing by it neighed, supposing it to be alive. He was ordered by Alexander to paint a portrait of one of his favorites — Campaspe. Apelles became enamored with her and married her. He only put his name to three of his pictures — a sleeping Venus, Venus Anadyomene, and an Alexander. The proverb, Ne siitor ultra crepidaifi, has been used in reference to him by some writers. Aphrodite. The Grecian name for Venus, from the Greek word a<^poQ, froth, because Venus is said to have been born from the froth of the ocean. Apic'ius. A famous gourmand in Rome. There were three of this name, all noted for their voracious appetites. A'pis. One of the ancient kings of Peloponnesus, son of Phoroneus and Laodice. Some say that Apollo was his father, and that he was king of Argos. whilst others called him king of Sicyon, and fix the time of his reign above 200 years earlier. Varro and others have sup- posed that Apis went to Egypt with a colon}'- of Greeks, and that he civilized the inhabitants and polished their manners, for which they made him a god after death, and paid divine honors to him under the name of Serapis. Apis. A god of the Egyptians, worshiped under the form of an ox. Some say that Isis CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 33 and Osiris are the deities worshiped under this name, because they taught the Egyptians agriculture. Apollo. Son of Jupiter and Latona; called also Phcebus. He was the god of the fine arts and the reputed originator of music, poetry, and eloquence. He had received from Jupiter the power of knowing futurity, and his oracles were in repute everywhere. As soon as he was born he destroyed with his arrows the serpent Python, which Juno had sent to per- secute Latona ; hence he was called Pythius. He was not the inventor of the lyre, as some have supposed, but it was given to him by Mercury, who received in return the famous , Caduceus. He received the surnames of Phoebus, Delius. Cynthius, Paean, Delphicus, etc. He is in sculpture generally represented as a handsome young man with a bow in his hand, from which an arrow has just been dis- charged. Appianus. An historian of Alexandria, who flourished ad. 123, His Universal History, which consisted of twenty-four books, was a history of all the nations conquered by the Romans, Ap'pius Clau'dius. A decemvir who obtained his power by force and oppression. He grossly insulted Virginia, whom her father killed to save her from the power of the tyrant. Arcadia. A district of Peloponnesus, which has been much extolled by the poets. It was 3 34 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY famous for its mountains. The inhabitants were for the most part shepherds, who lived upon acorns. They were skillful warriors and able musicians. Pan lived chiefly among them. Archilochus. A poet of Paros, who wr-ote ele- gies, satires, odes, and epigrams. He lived B.C. 68 5. Archimedes. A famous geometrician of Syra- cuse who invented a machine of glass that represented the motion of the heavenly bodies. When Marcellus, the Roman consul, besieged Syracuse, Archimedes constructed machines which suddenly raised into the air the ships of the enemy, which then fell into the sea and were sunk. He also set fire to the ships with burning-glasses. When the enemy were in possession of the town, a soldier, not know- ing who he was, killed him. B.C. 212. Arethu'sa, a nymph of Elis, daughter of Oceanus, and one of Diana's attendants. As she re- turned one day from hunting she bathed in the Alpheus stream. The god of the river was enamored of her, and pursued her over the mountains, till Arethusa, ready to sink from fatigue, implored Diana to change her into a fountain, which the goddess did. Ar'go. The name of the famous ship which car- ried Jason and his companions to Colchis, when they went to recover the Golden Fleece. Argonau'tae. The Argonauts, those ancient he- roes who went with Jason in the Argo to CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 35 Colchis to recover the Golden Fleece, about seventy-nine years before the capture of Troy, The number of the Argonauts is not exactly known. Ar'gus. A son of Arestor, whence he is some- times called Arestorides. He had a hundred eyes, of which only two were asleep at one time. Juno set him to watch lo. whom Jupiter had changed into a heifer, but Mer- cury, by order of Jupiter, slew him. by lulling all his eyes to sleep with the notes of the lyre. Juno put the eyes of Argus in the tail of the peacock, a bird sacred to her. Ariad ne, daughter of Minos, second king of Crete, and Pasiphse. fell in love with Theseus, who was shut up in the labyrinth to be de- voured by the Minotaur. She gave Theseus a clue of thread by which he extricated him- self from the windings of the labyrinth. After he had conquered the Minotaur he married her, but after a time forsook her. On this, according to some authorities, she hanged herself. According to other waiters, after being abandoned by Theseus. Bacchus loved her, and gave her a crown of seven stars, which were made a constellation. Ari'on. A famous lyric poet and musician, son of Cyclos of Methymna in Lesbos. He went into Italy with Periander. tyrant of Corinth, where he gained much wealth by his profes- sion. Afterward he wished to revisit the place of his nativity, and he embarked in a 36 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY ship, the sailors of which resolved to kill him for the riches he had with him. Arion en- treated them to listen to his music, and as soon as he had finished playing he threw him- self into the sea. A number of dolphins had been attracted by the sweetness of his music, and it is said that one of them carried him safely on its back to T^narus. whence he went to the court of Periander, who ordered all the sailors to be crucified. Aristae'us. Son of Apollo and Cyrene, famous for his fondness for hunting. He married Autonoe, the daughter of Cadmus, Actaeon being their son. He was after death wor- shiped as a demigod. Aristar chus. A celebrated grammarian of Samos, disciple of Aristophanes. He lived the greatest part of his life at Alexandria. .He wrote about 800 commentaries on different authors. He died in his seventy-second year, B.C. 157- Aristi'des. A celebrated Athenian, son of Lysi- machus, in the age of Themistocles, whose great temperance and virtue procured for him the name of the "Just." He was rival to Themistocles, by whose influence he was ban- ished for ten years, i?.c. 484. He was at the battle of Salamis, and was appointed to be chief commander with Pausanias against Mardonius, whom they defeated at Plataia. Aristip'pus, the elder, a philosopher of Cyrene, a disciple of Socrates, and founder of the Cy- renaic sect. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 37 Aristogi'ton and Harmo'dius. Two celebrated friends of Athens, who, by their joint efforts, delivered their country from the tyranny of the Pisistratidse, B.C. 510. Aristophanes. A celebrated comic poet of Athens, son of Philip of Rhodes. He wrote fifty-four comedies, of which eleven have come down to us. He lived b.c. 434. and lashed the vices of the age with a masterly hand. Aristof eles. A famous philosopher, son of Ni- comachus. born at Stagira. He went to Athens to hear Plato's lectures, where he soon signalized himself by his genius. He has been called by Plato the philosopher of truth, and Cicero complimented him for his eloquence, fecundity of thought, and univer- sal knowledge. He died in his sixty-third year. b.c. 322. As he expired he is said to have exclaimed : Causa caiisarian miserere mei, which sentence has since become famous, and is by some attributed to Cicero. The term Stagirite has been applied to Aristotle from the name of his birthplace. Pope, in his "Essay on Criticism," thus alludes to him under this name : — '* And rules as strict his labor'd work confine, As if the Stagirite o'erlooked each line." Artaxerx'es the First succeeded to the kingdom of Persia after Xerxes. He made war against the Bactrians, and reconquered Egypt, which 38 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY had revolted. He was remarkable for his equity and moderation. Artaxerx'es the Second. King of Persia, sur- named Mnemon. His brother Cyrus endeav- ored to make himself king in his place, and marched against his brother at the head of 100,000 Barbarians and 13,000 Greeks. He was opposed by Artaxerxes with a large army, and a bloody battle was fought at Cunaxa, in which Cyrus was killed and his forces routed. Artemis. The Greek name of Diana. Her festi- vals, called Artemesia, were celebrated in several parts of Greece, particularly at Delphi. Asca'nius, son of ^neas and Creusa, was saved from the flames of Troy by his father, whom he accompanied in his voyage to Italy. He was afterward called lulus. Aspa'sia. Daughter of Axiochus, born at Meli- tus. She came to Athens, where she taught eloquence. Socrates was one of her scholars. She so captivated Pericles by her accomplish- ments that he made her his wife. The con- duct of Pericles and Aspasia greatly corrupted the morals of the Athenians, and caused much dissipation in the State. Aspa'sia. A daughter of Hermotimus of Phocaea, famous for her personal beauty. She was priestess of the sun, and became mistress to Cyrus. Astar'te. A powerful divinity of Syria, the same as the Venus of the Greeks. She had a CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 39 famous temple at Hierapolis in Syria, which was attended by 300 priests, Astrae'a. A daughter ©f Astrseus, king of Arca- dia, or, according to others, daughter of Titan and Aurora. Some make her daughter of Jupiter and Themis. She was called Jus-tice, of which virtue she was the goddess. Asty'anax. A son of Hector and Andromache. He was very j^oung when the Greeks besieged Troy, and when the city was taken his mother saved him in her arms from the flames. Ac- cording to Euripides he was killed by Men- elaus. Atalan'ta. Daughter of Schoeneus, king of Scyros. According to some she was the daughter of Jasus, or Jasius, and Clymene, but others say that Menalion was her father. She determined to live in c-elibacy, but her beauty gained her many admirers, and to free herself from their importunities she proposed to run a race with them. As she was almost in- vincible in running, her suitors, who entered the lists against her, were defeated, till Hip- pomenes, the son of Macareus, proposed him- self as an admirer. Venus gave him three golden apples from the garden of the Hesper- ides, and with these cDucealed about him he entered the lists to race against Atalanta. As the race proceeded he dropped the apples, which she stopped to pick up, thus ena ng Hippomenes to arrive first at the goal, and obtain her in marriage. 40 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY A'te. Daughter of Jupiter, and goddess of all evil. She raised such discord amongst the gods that Jupiter banished her from heaven, and sent her to dwell on earth, where she incited mankind to evil thoughts and actions. Athana'sius. A bishop of Alexandria, celebrated for his determined opposition to Arius and his doctrines. He died a.d. 373, after filling the archiepiscopal chair for forty-seven years. The famous creed which is named after him is no longer supposed to have been written by him, and its authorship remains in doubt. Atlas. One of the Titans, son of lapetus and Clymene. He married Pleione, daughter of Oceanus (or of Hesperis according to some writers). He had seven daughters, who were called the Atlantides. A'treus. A son of Pelops and Hippodamia, was king of Mycenae. His brother Chrysippus was of disgraceful birth, and Hippodamia wished to get rid of him, and urged Atreus and another of her sons, Thyestes, to murder him, which, on their refusal, she did herself. Atreus retired to the court of Eurystheus, king of Argos, and succeeded to his throne. At ticus, T. Pomponius. A celebrated Roman knight, to whom Cicero wrote a number of letters, containing the general history of the age. He retired to Athens, where he endeared himself to the citizens, who erected statues to him in commemoration of his virtues. He died at the age of seventy-seven, B.C. 32. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 4I At'tila. A celebrated king of the Huns, who in- vaded the Roman empire in the reign of Va- lentinian, with an army of half a million of men. He laid waste the provinces, and marched on Rome, but retreated on being paid a large sum of money. He called him- self the "Scourge of God," and died a.d, 453, of an effusion of blood, on the night of his marriage. Augustus, Octavia'nus Caesar, emperor of Rome, was son of Octavius, a senator, and Accia, sister to Julius Csesar. He was asso- ciated in the triumvirate with Antony and Lepidus, and defeated the armies of Brutus and Cassius at Philippi. Octavia, the sister of Augustus, married Antony after the death of his wife Fulvia. Octavia, however, was slighted for the charms of Cleopatra, which incensed Augustus, who took up arms to avenge the wrongs of his sister, and at the great battle of Actium (b.c. 31), the forces of Antony and Cleopatra suffered a disastrous defeat. Aurelia'nus, emperor of Rome, was austere and cruel in the execution of the laws and in his treatment of his soldiers. He was famous for his military character, and his expedition against Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, gained him great honors. It is said that in his vari- ous battles he killed 800 men with his own hand. He was assassinated near Byzantium, A.D. 275. 42 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Aurel'lius, M. Antoninus, surnamed "the philos- opher," possessed all the virtues which should adorn the character of a prince. He raised to the imperial dignity his brother L. Verus, whose dissipation and voluptuousness were as conspicuous as the moderation of the philos- opher. During their reign the Quadi, Par- thians, and Marcomanni were defeated. Verus died of apoplexy, and Antoninus sur- vived him eight years, dying in his sixty -first year, after a reign of nineteen years and ten days. Auro'ra. A goddess, daughter of Hyperion and Thia or Thea. She is generally represented by the poets as sitting in a chariot and open- ing with her fingers the gates of the east, pouring dew on the earth, and making the flowers grow. The Greeks call her Eos. Bacchus was son of Jupiter and Semele, the daughter of Cadmus. He was the god of wine, and is generally represented crowned with vine leaves. He is said to have married Ariadne after she had been forsaken by The- seus. Belisa'rius. A celebrated general who, in the reign of Justinian, emperor of Constantinople, renewed the victories which had rendered the first Romans so distinguished. He died, after a life of glory, suffering from royal ingratitude, 565 years before the Christian era. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 43 Beller'ophon, son of Glaucus, king of Ephyre, and Eurymede, was at first called Hipponous. He was sent by lobates, king of Lycia, to conquer the monster Chimsera. Minerva as- sisted him in the expedition, and by the aid of the winged horse Pegasus he conquered the monster and returned victorious. After sending him on other dangerous adventures, lobates gave him his daughter in marriage and made him successor to his throne. Bello'na, goddess of war, was daughter of Phorcys and Ceto ; called by the Greeks Enyo, and is often confounded with Minerva. She pre- pared the chariot of Mars when he was going to war, and appeared in battles armed with a whip to animate the combatants, and holding a torch. Be'lus, one of the most ancient kings of Babylon, about 1800 years before the age of Semiramis, was made a god after death, and was wor- shiped by the Assyrians and Babylonians. He was supposed to be the son of the Osiris of the Egyptians. The temple of Belus was the most ancient and magnificent in the world, and was said to have been originally the tower of Babel. Berenice. A daughter of Philadelphus, who married Antiochus, king of Syria, after he had divorced his former wife Laodice. Bereni'ce. The mother of Agrippa, whose name occurs in the history of the Jews as daughter- in-law of Herod the Great. A number of 44 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY others of minor celebrity were known by the same name, Bi'on. A philosopher of Scythia who rendered himself famous for his knowledge of poetry, music, and philosophy. Another of the same name was a Greek poet of Smyrna who wrote pastorals. He was a friend of Moschus, who says that he died by poison about 300 years B.C. Boadice'a. A famous British queen who rebelled against the Romans and was defeated, on which she poisoned herself. Her cruel treat- ment by the Romans is the subject of an ode by Cowper. Bo'reas. The name of the north wind blowing from the Hyperborean mountains. According to the poets, he was son of Astrseus and Aurora. He was passionately fond of Hya- cinthus. Bren'nus, A general of the Galli Senones, who entered Italy, defeated the Romans, and marched into the city. The Romans fled into the Capitol, and left the city in possession of the enemy. The Gauls climbed the Tarpeian rock in the night, and would have taken the Capitol had not the Romans been awakened by the cackling of some geese, on which they roused themselves and repelled the enemy. Bri'a'reus. A famous giant, son of Ccelus and Terra. He had a hundred hands and fifty heads, and was called by men by the name of ^geon. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 45 Brutus, L. Junius. Son of M. Junius and Tar- quinia. When Lucretia killed herself, b c. 509, in consequence of the brutality of Tar- quin, Brutus snatched the dagger from the wound and swore upon the reeking blade im- mortal hatred to the royal family, and made the people swear they would submit no longer to the kingly authority. His sons conspired to restore the Tarquins, and were tried and condemned before their father, who himself attended their execution. Mr. John Howard Payne, the American dramatist, has written a tragedy, of which Brutus is the hero. Bru'tus, Mar cus Ju nius, father of Caesar's mur- derer, followed the part)' of Marius, and was conquered by Pompey, by whose orders he was put to death. Bru'tus, Mar cus Ju nius, the destroyer of Caesar, conspired, with many of the most illustrious. citizens of Rome, against Caesar, and stabbed him in Pompey 's Basilica. The tumult fol- lowing the murder was great, but the con- spirators fled to the Capitol, and by proclaim- ing freedom and liberty to the populace, for the time established tranquillity. Antony, however, soon obtained the popular ear, and the murderers were obliged to leave Rome, Brutus retired into Greece, where he gained many friends. He was soon pursued by An- tony, who was accompanied by the young Octavius. The famous battle of Philippi fol- lowed, in which Brutus and his friend Cassius. 46 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY who commanded the left wing of the army, were totally defeated. Brutus fell on his own sword, B.C. 42, and was honored with a mag- nificent funeral by Antony. Plutarch relates that Caesar's ghost appeared to Brutus in his tent before the battle of Philippi warning him of his approaching fall. Shakspeare, in his tragedy of Julius Caesar, makes Antony speak of Brutus as " the noblest Roman of them all, " adding, in reference to his character: — " His life was gentle; and the elements So mix'd in him that Nature might stand up, And say to all the world, 'This was a man.' " Bucephalus. A horse of Alexander's, so fre- quently named by writers that the term has become proverbial. Alexander was the only person that could mount him, and he always knelt down for his master to bestride him. Ca'cus, a famous robber, son of Vulcan and Medusa, represented as a three-headed mon- ster vomiting flames. He resided in Italy, and the avenues of his cave were covered with human bones. When Hercules returned from the conquest of Geryon, Cacus stole some of his cows, which Hercules discovering, he strangled Cacus. Cadmus; son of Agenor, king of Phoenicia, and Telephassa, or Agriope, was ordered by his father to go in quest of his sister Europa, whom Jupiter had carried away. His search proving fruitless, he consulted the oracle of CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 47 Apollo, and was told to build a city where he saw a heifer stop in the grass, and call the country around Bceotia. He found the heifer, as indicated by the oracle. Requiring water, he sent his companions to fetch some from a neighboring grove. The water was guarded by a dragon, who devoured those who were sent for it, and Cadmus, tired of waiting, went himself to the place. He attacked the dragon and killed it, sowing its teeth in the ground, on which a number of armed men rose out of the earth. Cadmus threw a stone among them, and they at once began fight- ing, and all were killed except five, who as- sisted him in building the city. Cadmus in- troduced the use of letters in Greece— the alphabet, as introduced by him, consisting of sixteen letters. Cadu'ceus. A rod entwined at one end with two serpents. It was the attribute of Mercury, and was given to him by Apollo in exchange for the lyre. Cae'sar. A surname given to the Julian family in Rome. This name, after it had been dig- nified in the person of Julius Caesar and his successors, was given to the apparent heir of the empire in the age of the Roman emperors. The first twelve emperors were distinguished by the name of Caesar. They reigned in this order — Julius Caesar, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitel- lius, Vespasian. Titus, and Domitian. Sue- 48 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY tonius has written an exhaustive history of the Caesars. C. Julius Csesar, the first em- peror of Rome, was son of L. Caesar and Au- relia, the daughter of Cotta. He was de- scended, according to some accounts, from lulus, the son of ^neas. His eloquence pro- cured him friends at Rome, and the generous manner in which he lived equally served to promote his interest. He was appointed for five years over the Gauls. Here he enlarged the boundaries of the Roman empire by con- quest, and invaded Britain, which till then was unknown to the Romans. The corrupt state of the Roman senate, and the ambition of Caesar and Pompe}', caused a civil war. Neither of these celebrated Romans would endure a superior, and the smallest matters were grounds enough for unsheathing the sword. By the influence of Pompey a decree was passed to strip Caesar of his power. An- tony, as tribune, opposed this, and went to Caesar's camp with the news. On this Caesar crossed the Rubicon, which was the boundary of his province. The passage of the Rubicon was a declaration of war, and Caesar entered Italy with his army. Upon this Pompey left Rome and retired to Dyrrachium, and Caesar shortly afterwards entered Rome. He then went to Spain, where he conquered the parti- sans of Pompey, and on his return to Rome was declared dictator, and soon afterward consul. The two hostile generals met in the CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 49 plains of Pharsalia, and a great battle ensued, B.C. 48. Pompey was defeated and fled to Egypt, where he was slain. At length Caesar's glory came to an end. Enemies had sprung up around him, and a conspiracy, consisting of many influential Romans, was formed against him. Conspicuous among the con- spirators was Brutus, his most intimate friend, who, with others, assassinated him in the senate house in the ides of March, b.c. 44, in the fifty-sixth year of his age. He wrote his Commentaries on the Gallic wars when the battles were fought. This work is admired for its elegance and purity of style. It was after his conquest over Pharnaces, king of Pontus, that he made use of the words, which have since become proverbial, vent, vidz, vici, illustrative of the activity of his operations. Shakspeare's tragedy of Julius Caesar, in the third act of which he is assassinated, uttering as his last words, "£"/ iu Brute f Then fall Caesar" — is devoted to the conspiracy and its results, ending with defeat and death of Brutus and Cassius at Philippi. Caligula, a Roman emperor, was son of Ger- manicus by Agrippina. He was proud, wan- ton, and cruel. He was pleased when disas- ters befel his subjects, and often expressed a wish that the Romans had but one head that he might have the pleasure of striking it off. He had a favorite horse made consul and adorned it with the most valuable trappings 4 50 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY and ornaments. The tyrant was murdered. A.D. 41, in his twenty-ninth year, after a reign of three years and ten months. Calli'ope. One of the Muses, daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne, who presided over eloquence and heroic poetry. Cal'ydon. A city of ^tolia. where (Eneus, the father of Meleager, reigned. During the reign of CEneus Diana sent a wild boar to ravage the country on account of the neglect which had been shown of her divinity by the king. All the princes of the age assembled to hunt the Calydonian boar. Meleager killed the animal, and gave the head to Atalanta, of whom he was enamored. Calypso. One of the Oceanides, or one of the daughters of Atlas according to some writers. When Ulysses was shipwrecked on her coasts she received him with hospitality, and offered him immortality if he would remain with her as a husband, which he refused to do, and after seven years' delay he was permitted to depart from the island where Calypso reigned. Camby'ses, king of Persia, was the son of Cyrus the Great. He conquered Egypt, and was so disgusted at the superstition of the Egyptians that he killed their god Apis and plundered their temples. Camil'lus, L. Fu rius. A celebrated Roman, called a second Romulus from the services he rendered his country. He was banished for distributing the spoils he had obtained at CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 51 Veii. During his exile Rome was besieged by the Gauls under Brennus. The besieged Romans then elected him dictator, and he went to the relief of his country, which he de- livered after it had been some time occupied by the enemy. He died B.C. 365. Campus Mar tius. A large plain without the walls of Rome, where the Roman youth were instructed in athletic exercises and learnt to throw the discus, hurl the javelin, etc. Can'nae. A village of Apuleia, where Hannibal defeated the Roman consuls ^mylius and Varro. ];.c. 216. Capitoli num. A celebrated temple and citadel at Rome on the Tarpeian rock. Caracalla, son of the emperor Septimius Severus, was notorious for his cruelties. He killed his brother Geta in his mother's arms, and at- tempted to destroy the writings of Aristotle. After a life made odious by his vices he was assassinated, a.d. 217, in the forty -third year of his age. Carac tacus. A king of the Britons, who was con- quered by the Romans and taken prisoner to Rome. Carthago. Carthage, a celebrated city of Africa, the rival of Rome, and for a long period the capital of the country, and mistress of Spain, Sicily, and Sardinia. The time of its founda- tion is unknown, but it seems to be agreed that it was built by Dido about 86g years be- fore the Christian era, or, according to some 52 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY writers, 72 or 73 years before the foundation of Rome. It had reached its highest glory in the days of Hamilcar and Hannibal. Cassan'der, son of Antipater, made himself mas- ter of Macedonia after his father's death, where he reigned for eighteen years. Cassan dra, daughter of Priam and Hecuba, was passionately loved by Apollo, who promised to grant her whatever she might require, and she obtained from him the power of seeing into futurity. Some say she received the gift of prophecy, with her brother Helenus, by being placed when young one night in the temple of Apollo, where serpents were found wreathed round their bodies and licking their ears, which gave them a knowledge of futur- ity. She was allotted to Agamemnon in the division of the spoils of Troy, and was slain by Clytemnestra, Agamemnon's wife. Cas'sius, C. A celebrated Roman who became famous by being first quaestor to Crassus in his expedition against Parthia. He married Junia, the sister of Brutus, and joined Brutus in the conspiracy formed to assassinate Csesar, after which he returned to Philippi with Brutus, and commanded one wing of the army in the famous battle fought there. On the defeat of his forces he ordered one of his freedmen to kill him, and he perished by the sword which had inflicted a wound on Cajsar. He was called by Brutus "the last of all the Romans." CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 53 Castalius Fons, or Casta lia. A fountain of Parnassus sacred to the Muses. Castor and Pollux were twin brothers, sons of Jupiter and Leda. Mercury carried them to Pallena, where they were educated. As soon as they arrived at manhood they embarked with Jason in quest of the Golden Fleece. In this expedition they evinced great courage. Pollux defeated and slew Amycus in the com- bat of the Cestus, and was afterward consid- ered to be the god and patron of boxing and wrestling. Castor distinguished himself in the management of horses. Catili na, L. Ser gius, a celebrated Roman, de scended from a noble family. When he had squandered his fortune he secretly meditated the ruin of his country, and conspired with many Romans as dissolute as himself to extir- pate the senate, plunder the treasures, and set Rome on fire. This plot, known as the Catiline conspiracy, was unsuccessful. The history of it is written by Sallust. Catiline was killed in battle u.c. 63. Ca'to, Marcus, was great-grandson of the censor Cato. The early virtues that appeared in his childhood seemed to promise that he would become a great man. He was austere in his morals and a strict follower of the tenets of the Stoics. His fondness for candor was so great that his veracity became proverbial. In the Catilinian conspiracy he supported Cicero. and was the chief cause of the capital punish- 54 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY ment which was inflicted on some of the con- spirators. He stabbed himself after reading Plato's treatise on the immortality of the soul, B.C. 46, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. Addison has familiarized us with a por- tion of the history of the great Roman in his noble tragedy of "Cato," in which occurs — in the fifth act — the well-known soliloquy on the immortality of the soul. Pope wrote the pro- logue to the play, which he commences with the familiar couplet : — " To wake the soul by tender strokes of art, To raise the genius, and to mend the heart." Catullus, C, or Q. Vale rius. A poet of Verona whose compositions are the offspring of a luxuriant imagination. He was acquainted with the most distinguished people of his age. He directed his satire against Csesar, whose only revenge was to invite him to a sumptu- ous banquet. Cel'sus, a physician in the age of Tiberius, who wrote eight books on medicine, besides trea- tises on agriculture, rhetoric, and military affairs. Centau'ri. A people of Thessaly, half men and half horses. They were the offspring of Cen- taurus and Stilbia. Centumviri. The members of a court of justice at Rome. Though originally 105 in number, they were known as Centumvirs, and this name they retained when they were increased to 180. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 55 Cer'berus. A dog of Pluto. According to Hesiod he had fifty heads, but according toother my- thologists he had three only. He was placed at the entrance to the infernal regions to pre- vent the living from entering, and the inhab- itants of the place from escaping. Ce'res, the goddess of corn and harvests, was daughter of Saturn and Vesta. She was the mother of Proserpine, who was carried away by Pluto while she was gathering flowers. Chaerone'a, a city of Boeotia celebrated for a great battle fought there in which the Athenians were defeated by the Boeotians, b.c. 447, and for the victory which Philip of Macedonia ob- tained there over the confederate armies of the Thebans and Athenians, b.c. 338. It was the birthplace of Plutarch. Milton in one of his sonnets alludes to the place : — " That dishonest victory, At Chaeronea fatal to liberty, Killed with report that old man eloquent." Isocrates is the "old man eloquent" thus al- luded to. Cha'ron. A god of the infernal regions, son of Nox and Erebus, who conducted the souls of the dead in a boat over the rivers Styx and Acheron. Cheops. A king of Egypt, after Rhampsinitus, famous for building pyramids. Chimse'ra. A celebrated monster which continu- ally vomited flames. It was destroyed by Bellerophon. 56 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Chi'ron. A centaur, half a man and half a horse, son of Philyra and Saturn. He was famous for his knowledge of music, medicine, and shooting, and taught mankind the use of plants and medicinal herbs. Chrysos'tom. A bishop of Constantinople who died A.D. 407. He was a great disciplinarian, and by severely lashing the vices of his age he made many enemies. Cic'ero, M. T., born at Arpinum, was son of a Roman knight and lineally descended from the ancient kings of the Sabines. In youth he displayed many abilities, and was taught philosophy by Philo, and law by Mutius Scse- vola. He applied himself with great dili- gence to the study of oratory and was distin- guished above all the speakers of his time in the Roman Forum. He signalized himself in opposing Catiline, whom he publicly accused of treason against the State, and whom he drove from the city. After a number of vicis- situdes of fortune he was assassinated, B.C. 43, at the age of sixty-three. Cincinna'tus, L. Q. A celebrated Roman, who was informed as he plowed in the fields that the senate had chosen him to be dictator. On this he left the plow and repaired to the field of battle, where his countrymen were opposed by the Volsci and Alqui. He conquered the enemy, and entered Rome in triumph. Cir'ce. A daughter of Sol and Perseis, celebrated for her knowledge of magic and venomous CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 57 herbs. She was carried by her father to an island called ^aea. Ulysses on his return from the Trojan war visited her coasts, and his companions were changed, by her potions, into swine. Ulysses, who was fortified against enchantments by an herb which he had received from Mercury, demanded of Circe the restoration of his companions to their former shape : she complied with his wishes, and eventually permitted him to de- part from her island. Claudia'nus. A celebrated poet, in the age of Honorius, who is considered by some writers to equal Virgil in the majestic character of his style. Claudius, T. Drusus Nero, son of Drusus, be- came emperor of Rome after the death of Caligula. He went to Britain, and obtained a triumph for victories achieved by his gen- erals. He suffered himself to be governed by favorites whose avarice plundered the State and distracted the provinces. He was poi- soned by Agrippina. who wished to raise her son Nero to the throne. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, daughter of Ptolemy Auletes, was celebrated for her beauty. An- tony became enamored of her and married her, ignoring his vows to Octavia, the sister of Augustus. He gave her the greatest part of the eastern provinces of the Roman empire. This caused a rupture between Augustus and Antony, and these two famous men met at 58 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Actium, when Cleopatra, by flying with sixty ships, ruined the battle for Antony, and he was defeated. Cleopatra destroyed herself by applying an asp to her breast. Cli'o. The first of the Muses, daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne. She presided over history. Cloaci na. A goddess of Rome who presided over the Cloacae, which were large recepta- cles for the filth of the whole city. Clo'tho, the youngest of the three Parcae, who were daughters of Jupiter and Themis, was supposed to preside over the moment of birth. She held the distaff in her hand and spun the thread of life. Clytemnes tra. A daughter of Tyndarus, king of Sparta, and Leda. married Agamemnon, king of Argos, in whose absence in the Tro- jan war she misconducted herself with his cousin ^gysthus. On the return of Aga- memnon, Clytemnestra murdered him, as well as Cassandra whom he had brought with him. After this Clytemnestra ascended the throne of Argos. In the mean time her son Orestes, after an absence of seven years, returned, re- solved to avenge the death of his father Aga- memnon. On an occasion when ^gysthus and Clytemnestra repaired to the Temple of Apollo, Orestes, with his friend Pylades, killed them. Clyt'ia or Clyt ie. A daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, beloved by Apollo. She was changed into a sunflower. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 59 Codes, P. Horatius. A celebrated Roman who alone opposed the whole army of Porsenna at the head of a bridge while his companions were cutting off the communication with the other shore. When the bridge was destroyed, Codes, though wounded by the darts of the enemy, leapt into the Tiber and swam across it, armed as he was. For his heroism a brazen statue was raised to him in the Temple of Vulcan. Lord Macaulaj', who has written a noble poem on this heroic deed of Horatius Codes, says, "There are several versions of the story, and these versions differ from each other in points of no small importance." Ac- cording to his version Horatius had two com- panions who stood by his side defending the bridge ; these were Spurius Lartius and Her- minius. The final quatrain of the poem rec- ords how — " With weeping and with laughter Still is the story told, How well Horatius kept the bridge, In the brave days of old." Co'drus. The last king of Athens, son of Melan- thus. When the Heraclida? made war against Athens, the oracle said that the victory would be granted to that nation whose king was killed in battle. The Heraclidse on hearing this gave orders to spare the life of Codrus, but the patriotic king disguised himself, and engaging with one of the enemy, was killed. The Athenians obtained the victory, and 6o CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Codrus was regarded as the savior of his country, Coe'lus or Ura'nus. An ancient deity supposed to be the father of Saturn, Oceanus, and Hyperion. Colchis or Corchos. A country of Asia famous for the expedition of the Argonauts, and as being the birthplace of Medea. Collati nus, L. Tarquin'ius. A nephew of Tar- quin the Proud. He married Lucretia. He, with Brutus, drove the Tarquins from Rome. Colossus. A celebrated brazen image at Rhodes, which was considered to be one of the seven wonders of the world. Com'modus, L. Aure'lius Antoni nus, son of M. Antoninus, succeeded his father in the Roman empire. He was naturally cruel and fond of indulging his licentious propensities. I^esir- ous of being likened to Hercules, he adorned his shoulders with a lion's skin, and carried a knotted club in his hand. He fought with the gladiators, and boasted of his skill in kill- ing wild beasts in the amphitheater. He was strangled by a wrestler in the thirty-first year of his age, a.i;. iq2. Co'mus. The god of revelry, feasting, and noc- turnal amusements. He is represented as a drunken young man with a torch in his hand. Concordia. The goddess of peace and concord at Rome, to whom Camillus raised a temple in the Capitol. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 6l Confucius. A Chinese philosopher, as much honored among his countrymen as if he had been a monarch. He died about 499 years B.C. Co'non. A famous general of Athens, son of Timotheus. He was made governor of all the islands of the Athenians, and was defeated in a naval battle by Lysander. He defeated the Spartans near Cnidos, when Pisander, the enemy's admiral, was killed. He died in prison B.C. 393. Constan tia. A grand-daughter of the great Constantine, who married the Emperor Gra- tian. Constanti nus, surnamed the Great from the greatness of his exploits, was son of Constan- tius. It is said that as he was going to fight against Maxentius, one of his rivals, he saw a cross in the sky with the inscription, In hoc vi7ice. From this he became a convert to Christianity, ever after adopting a cross for his standard. He founded a city where old Byzantium formerly stood, and called it Con- stantinopolis. There he kept his court, and made it the rival of Rome in population and magnificence. He died a.d. 337, after a reign of thirty-one years of the greatest glory. Constan tius Chlo rus, son of Eutropius, and father of the great Constantine. He obtained victories in Britain and Germany. He be- came the colleague of Galerius on the abdica- tion of Diocletian, and died a.d. 306, bearing 62 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY the reputation of being brave, humane, and benevolent. Consul. A magistrate at Rome with regal au- thority for the space of a year. There were two consuls, who were annually chosen in the Campus Martins. The first two were L. Jun. Brutus and L. Tarquinius Collatinus. Corin'na. A celebrated woman of Thebes, whose father was Archelodorus. It is said that she obtained a poetical prize five times against the competitorship of Pindar. Coriola'nus. The surname of C. Martins, from his victory over Corioli. After a number of military exploits, and many services to his country, he was refused the consulship. He was banished, and went to the Volsci, where he met with a gracious reception from Tullus Aufidius, whom he advised to make war against Rome, marching with the Volsci as general. His approach alarmed the Romans, who sent his mother and bis wife to meet him and appease his resentment against his coun- trymen, which with difficulty they succeeded in doing. Shakspeare has made his history the sul)ject of the tragedy of "Coriolanus," which concludes with the assassination of the hero by Tullus Aufidius and his attendants. Come lia. A daughter of Scipio Africanus, famous for her learning and virtues, and as being the mother of the Gracchi, Tiberius and Caius Gracchus. Her husband was T. Sem- pronius Gracchus. CLASSICAL DiCTtONARY 6^ Cras sus, M. Licin ius. A celebrated Roman, who by educating slaves and selling them, be- came very wealthy. He was made consul with Pompey, and was afterward censor, and formed one of the first triumvirate, his associ- ates in it being Pompey and Caesar. In the hope of enlarging his possessions he left Rome, crossed the Euphrates, and hastened to make himself master of Parthia. He was met by Surena the Parthian general, and in the battle which ensued 20,000 of the Romans were killed and 10,000 made prisoners. Cras- sus surrendered, and was put to death b.c. 53. Creon, king of Corinth, was son of Sisyphus. He promised his daughter Glauce to Jason, who had repudiated Medea. To revenge her- self on her rival, Medea sent her a present of a dress covered with poison. Glauce put it on, and was seized with sudden pain. Her body took fire, and she expired in the greatest agony. The house in which she was was also consumed, and Creon and his family shared Glance's fate. Cre'on. King of Thebes, whose territories were ravaged by the Sphinx. Creon offered his crown to any one who would explain the enigmas proposed by the Sphinx. CEdipus solved the riddles, and ascended the throne of Thebes. CrcE sus, the fifth and last of the Mermnadse, who reigned in Lydia, was the son of Alyattes, and was considered the richest man in the 64 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY world. His court was an asylum for learn- ing, and ^sop, the famous fable writer, with other learned men, lived under his patronage. "As rich as Croesus," has become a proverb. Cupi do, god of love, son of Jupiter and Venus, is represented as a winged infant, naked, armed with a bow and arrows. On gems and ornaments he is represented generally as amusing himself with some childish diver- sion. Cupid, like the rest of the gods, as- sumed different shapes, and we find him in the ^neid putting on, at the request of his mother, the form of Ascanius, and going to Dido's court, where he inspired the queen with love. Cur'tius, M. A Roman who devoted himself to the service of his country, about 360 j'-ears B.C., by leaping, on horseback and fully armed, into a huge gap in the earth at the command of the oracle. Cyb ele. A goddess, daughter of Coelus and Terra, and wife of Saturn. She is supposed to be the same as Ceres. Rhea, Ops, Vesta, etc. According to Diodorus, she was the daughter of a Lydian prince. On her birth she was exposed on a mountain, where she was tended and fed by wild beasts, receiving the name of Cybele from the mountain where her life had been preserved. Cyclopes. A race of men of gigantic stature, supposed to be the sons of Ctielus and Terra. They had only one eye, which was in the cen- CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 65 tre of the forehead. According to Hesiod they were three in number, and named Arges, Brontes, and Steropes. Cyrus. A king of Persia, son of Cambyses, and Mandane, daughter of Astyages, king of Media. Xenophon has written the life of Cyrus, and delineates him as a brave and vir- tuous prince, and often puts in his mouth many of the sayings of Socrates. Cy'rus the younger was the son of Darius Nothus and the brother of Artaxerxes, the latter suc- ceeding to the throne at the death of Nothus. Cyrus was appointed to the command of Lydia and the sea-coasts, where he fomented rebellion and levied troops under various pre- tenses. At length he took the field with an army of 100,000 Barbarians and 13,000 Greeks under the command of Clearchus. Artaxerxes met him with 900,000 men near Cunaxa. The engagement ended fatally for Cyrus, who was killed, 401 years b.c. Daedalus, an Athenian, was the most ingenious artist of his age ; he was the inventor of the wedge and many other mechanical instru- ments. He made a famous labyrinth for Minos, king of Crete, but incurred the dis- pleasure of Minos, who ordered him to be confined in the labyrinth. Here he made himself wings with feathers and wax, and fitted them to his body, adopting the same course with his son Icarus who was the com- 5 66 CLASSICAI- DICTIONARY panion of his confinement. They mounted into the air, but the heat of the sun melted the wax on the wings of Icarus, and he fell into the ocean, which after him has been called the Icarian Sea. The father alighted safely at Cumae, where he built a temple to Apollo. Dan'ae, daughter of Acrisius, king of Argos, and Eurydice. Jupiter was enamored with her, and they had a son, with whom Danae was exposed in a boat on the sea by her father. The winds carried them to the island of Seri- phus, where she was saved by some fisher- men, and carried to Polydectes, king of the place, whose brother, named Dictys, educated the child, who was called Perseus, and kindly treated the mother. Dana'ides. The fifty daughters of Danaus, king of Argos, who married the fifty sons of their uncle ^gyptus. Danaus had been told by the oracle that he would be killed by a son-in- law, and he made his daughters promise to slay their husbands immediately after mar- riage. All of them fulfilled their father's wishes except one, Ilypermnestra, who spared her husband Lynceus. Daph'ne. A daughter of the River Peneus, or of the Ladon, and the goddess Terra, of whom Apollo became enamored. Daphne fled to avoid the addresses of this god, and was changed into a laurel. Dar'danus. A son of Jupiter, who killed his brother Jasius to obtain the kingdom of CLASSICAT, DICTIONARY 67 Etruria. He built the city of Dardania, and was reckoned to have been the founder of Troy. Dari us. A noble satrap of Persia, son of Hys- taspes, who usurped the crown of Persia after the death of Cambyses. Darius was twenty- nine years old when he ascended the throne, and he soon distinguished himself by his mil- itary prowess. He besieged Babylon, which he took after a siege of twenty months. He died B.C. 4S5. Dari us, the second king of Persia of that name, ascended the throne of Persia soon after the murder of Xerxes. He carried on many wars with success, aided by his generals and his son Cyrus the younger. He died b.c. 404, after a reign of nineteen years. Dari us. The third king of Persia of that name. He soon had to take the field against Alexan- der, who invaded Persia. Darius met him with an enormous army, which, however, was more remarkable for the luxuries indulged in by its leaders than for military courage. A battle was fought near the Granicus, in which the Persians were easily defeated, and an- other conflict followed near Issus, equally fatal to the Persians. Darius escaped and assembled another powerful army. The last and decisive battle was fought at Arbela, Al- exander being again victorious. When the fight was over Darius was found in his chariot covered with wounds and expiring, b.c. 331. 68 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Dejani'ra. A daughter of CEneus, king of ^tolia. Her beauty procured her many admirers, and her father promised to give her in marriage to him who should excel in a competition of strength. Hercules obtained the prize, and married Dejanira. Del phi. A town of Phocis at the southwest side of Mount Parnassus. It was famous for a temple of Apollo, and for an oracle celebrated in every age and country. Demetrius. A son of Antigonus and Stratonice, surnamed Poliorcetes, destroyt:?' of to7i'?is. At the age of twenty-two he was sent by his father against Ptolemy, who had invaded Syria. He was defeated at Gaza, but soon afterward obtained a victory. The greater part of his life was passed in warfare, his for- tunes undergoing many changes. He was- distinguished for his fondness of dissipation when in dissolute society, and for military skill and valor in the battle-field. He died B.C. 2S6. Demetrius. Surnamed Safer, king of Syria. His father gave him as a hostage to the Romans. After the death of his father, Se- leucus Philopator, Antiochus Epiphanes usurped the throne of Syria, and was suc- ceeded by his son Antiochus Eupator. De- metrius procured his liberty, and established himself on the throne, causing Eupator to be put to death. Demetrius. Son of Soter, whom he succeeded CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 69 after he had driven from the throne a usurper, Alexander Bala. Demetrius gave himself up to luxury, and suffered his kingdom to be governed by his favorites, thus becoming odious to his subjects. He was at last killed by the governor of Tyre, where he had fled for protection. Demetrius Phale'reus. A disciple of Theophras- tus, who gained such influence over the Athe- nians by his eloquence and the purity of his manners, that he was elected decennial archon, B.C. 317. He embellished the city, and ren- dered himself popular by his munificence, but his enemies plotted against him, and he fled to the court of Ptolemy Lagus, where he was received with kindness. He put an end to his life by permitting an asp to bite him, b.c. 284. There were several others of the name of De- metrius of minor note. Democ'ritus. A celebrated philosopher of Abdera, one of the disciples of Leucippus. He trav- eled over the greatest part of Europe, Asia, and Africa in quest of knowledge, and re- turned home in the greatest poverty. He in- dulged in continual laughter at the follies of mankind for distracting themselves with care and anxiety in the short term of their lives. He told Darius, who was inconsolable for the loss of his wife, that he would raise her from the dead if he could find three persons who had gone through life without adversity, whose names he might engrave on the queen's 70 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY monument. He taught his disciples that the soul died with the body. He died in his 109th year, b. c. 361. He has been termed "the laughing philosopher." Dr. Johnson refers to this phase in his character in "The Vanity of Human Wishes :" — " Once more, Democritus, arise on earth, With cheerful wisdom and instructive mirth. See motley life in modern trappings drest. And feed with varied fools th' eternal jest." Demosthenes, a celebrated Athenian, was son of a rich blacksmith, and Cleobule. He became pupil of Plato, and applied himself to study the orations of Isocrates. At the age of sev- enteen he gave early proof of his eloquence and abilities in displaying them against his guardians, from whom he obtained restitution of the greater part of his estate. To correct the stammering of voice under which he labored he spoke with pebbles in his mouth. In the battle of Cheronaea he evinced coward- ice, and saved his life by flight. He ended his life by taking poison, which he always carried in a quill, in the sixtieth year of his age, B.C. 322. Deuca lion. A son of Prometheus, who married Pyrrha, the daughter of Epimetheus. He reigned over part of Thessaly, and in his age the earth was covered by a deluge of water, sent by Jupiter as a punishment for the im- piety of mankind. Deucalion constructed a ship, and by this means saved himself and CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 7 I Pyrrha. The ship, after being tossed on the waves for nine days, rested on Mount Parnas- sus. The deluge of Deucalion is supposed to have occurred b.c. 1503. Diana. The goddess of hunting. According to Cicero there were three of the name — viz. , a daughter of Jupiter and Proserpine, a daugh- ter of Jupiter and Latona, and a daughter of Upis and Glauce. The second is the most celebrated, and all mention of Diana by ancient writers refers to her. To shun the society of men she devoted herself to hunting, and was always accompanied by a number of young women, who, like herself, abjured marriage. She is represented with a quiver, and attended by dogs. The most famous of her temples was that at Ephesus, which was one of the wonders of the world. Dictator. A magistrate at Rome, invested with regal authority. Di do. A daughter of Belus. king of Tyre, who married Sichasus or Sicharbus, her uncle, who was priest of Hercules. Pygmalion killed Sichaeus to obtain his immense riches, and Dido, disconsolate at the loss of her husband, set sail with a number of Tyrians in quest of a place in which to form a settlement. A storm drove her fleet on the African coast, and she bought of the inhabitants as much land as could be inclosed by a bull's hide cut into thongs. On this land she built a citadel called Byrsa, which was the nucleus of a great 72 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY city (Carthage) . Her subjects wished her to marry again, but she refused, and erected a funeral pile, on which she ascended and stabbed herself to death. Diocletia nus, Cai us Valer ius Jo vius. A cele- brated Roman emperor, born of an obscure family in Dalmatia. He was first a common soldier, and by merit gradually rose to the position of a general, and at length he was invested with imperial power. He has been celebrated for his military virtues, and though he was naturally unpolished by educa- tion, yet he was the friend and patron of learn- ing and genius. His cruelty, however, against the followers of Christianity has been severely reprobated. After reigning twenty- one years in great prosperity, he abdicated, A.D. 304, and died nine years afterward, aged sixty-eight. Diodo'rus, Sic ulus. Celebrated as the author of a history of Egypt, Persia, Syria, Media, Greece, Rome, and Carthage. It was divided into forty books, of which only fifteen are ex- tant, with a few fragments. Diogenes. A celebrated cynic philosopher of Sinope, banished from his country for coining false money. From Sinope he retired to Athens, where he became the disciple of An- tisthenes. who was at the head of the Cynics. He dressed himself in the garment which dis- tinguished the Cynics, and walked about the streets with a tub on his head, which served CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 73 him as a house. His singularity, joined to his great contempt for riches, gained him reputation, and Alexander the Great visited the philosopher and asked him if there was anything in which he could oblige him. "Get out of my sunshine," was the reply of the Cynic. Such independence pleased the mon- arch, who, turning to his courtiers, said, "Were I not Alexander, I would wish to be Diogenes. " He was once sold as a slave, and his magnanimity so pleased his master, that he made him the preceptor of his children and the guardian of his estates. He died, b.c. 324, in the ninety-sixth year of his age. The life of Diogenes does not bear strict examina- tion : while boasting of his poverty, he was so arrogant that it has been observed that his virtues arose from pride and vanity, not from wisdom or sound philosophy. Dio'genes Laer tins. An Epicurean philosopher, born in Cilicia. He wrote the lives of the phil- osophers in ten books. This work contains an accurate account of the ancient philoso- phers, and is replete with anecdotes respecting them. It is compiled, however, without any plan, method, or precision, though neatness and conciseness are observable in it. Diome'des, a son of Tydeus and Deiphyle, was king of ^tolia. and one of the bravest of the Grecian chiefs in the Trojan war. He often engaged Hector and ^neas, and obtained much military glory. 74 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Diome des. A king of Thrace, son of Mars and Cyrene. who fed his horses with human flesh. Hercules destroyed Diomedes, and gave him to his own horses to be devoured. Di on. A Syracusan, son of Hipparina, famous for his pow-er and abilities. He was related toDionysiusthe First, who constantly advised with him, and at whose court he obtained great popularity. He was assassinated 354 years before the Christian era by one of his familiar friends. His death was greatly la- mented by the Syracusans, who raised a mon- ument to his memory. When Dionysius the Second ascended the throne he banished Dion, who collected some forces, and in three days made himself master of Syracuse. Di on Cas'sius. A native of Nicsea in Bithynia. who was raised to some of the greatest offices of state in the Roman empire. He is celebrated as the writer of a history of Rome which occupied him twelve years in composing. Dionysius the Elder Avas son of Hermocrates. He signalized himself in the w^ars which the Syracusans carried on against Carthage, and made himself absolute at Syracuse. His tyranny rendered him odious to his subjects. He made a subterraneous cave in a rock in the form of a human ear, which was called "the Ear of Dionysius." The sounds of this cave were all directed to one common tympanum, which had a communication with an adjoining room, where Dionysius spent part of his time CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 75 in listening to what was said by those whom he had imprisoned. He died in the sixty- third year of his age, B.C. 368, after a reign of thirty-eight years. Dionys'ius the Younger was son of Dionysius the First and Doris. He succeeded his father, and as soon as he ascended the throne he in- vited Plato to his court and studied under him for some time. Plato advised him to lay aside the supreme power, in which he was supported by Dion. This highly incensed Dionysius, who banished Dion, who collected forces in Greece, and in three days rendered himself master of Syracuse, and expelled the tyrant, B.C. 357. He, however, recovered Syracuse ten years afterward, but was soon compelled to retire again by the Corinthians under Timoleon. Dionys'ius, of Halicarnassus. A historian who left his country and came to reside in Rome that he might study all the authors who had written Roman history. He was occupied dur- ing twenty-four years on his work on Roman antiquities, which consisted of twenty books. Dir'ce. A woman whom Lycus, king of Thebes, married after he had divorced Antiope. Am- phion and Zethus, sons of Antiope, for cruel- ties she practiced on Antiope, tied Dirce to the tail of a wild bull, by which she was dragged over rocks and precipices till the gods pitied her and changed her into a fountain. Discor dia. A malevolent deity, daughter of Nox, 76 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY and sister to Nemesis, the Parcae, and Death. She was driven from heaven by Jupiter be- cause she sowed dissensions among the gods. At the nuptials of Peleus and Thetis she threw an apple among the gods, inscribed with the words, Detur pulchriori, which was the pri- mary cause of the ruin of Troy, and of infinite misfortunes to the Greeks, Dolabel'la, P. Corn. A Roman who married the daughter of Cicero. During the civil wars he warmly espoused the cause of Julius Caesar, whom he accompanied at the famous battles of Pharsalia and Munda. Domitia'nus, Ti tus Flavins, son of Vespasian and Flavia Domitilla, made himself emperor of Rome on the death of his brother Titus, whom, according to some accounts, he de- stroyed by poison. The beginning of his reign promised hopefully, but Domitian be- came cruel, an(J gave way to vicious indul- gences. In the latter part of his reign he be- came suspicious and remorseful. He was assassinated a.d. 96, in his forty-fifth year. Dra'co. A celebrated lawgiver of Athens, who made a code of laws, b.c. 623, which, on ac- count of their severity, were said to be written in letters of blood. Hence the term "Dra- conic, " applied to any punishment of excep- tional severity. Dni'sus. A son of Tiberius and Vipsania, who became famous for his courage displayed in Illyricum and Pannonia. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 77 Dru'sus, M. Liv'ius. A celebrated Roman, who renewed the puoposals bearing on the Agra- rian laws, which had proved fatal to the Gracchi. Dru'sus, Nero Claudius. A son of Tiberius Nero and Livia. He distinguished himself in the wars in Germany and Gaul, and was honored with a triumph. There were other Romans of the same name, but of smaller distinction. Dry'ades. Nymphs that presided over the woods. Oblations of milk, oil, and honey were offered to them. Sometimes the votaries of the Dryads sacrificed a goat to them. Duum'viri. Two patricians at Rome, first ap- pointed by Tarquin to keep the Sibylline books, which were supposed to contain the fate of the Roman empire. Echo. A daughter of the Air and Tellus, who was one of Juno's attendants. She was de- prived of speech by Juno, but was allowed to reply to questions put to her. Ege'ria. A nymph of Aricia in Italy, where Diana was particularly worshiped. Egeria was courted by Numa. and, according to Ovid, became his wife. Ovid says that she was disconsolate at the death of Numa, and that she wept so violently that Diana changed her into a fountain. Lord Byron, in the fourth canto of "Childe Harold," has a beau- tiful invocation to the nymph, while describ- ing the fountain of Egeria : — 78 CXASSICAL J)r:tionary "Here did'st thou sit in this enchanted cover, Egeria ! thy all heavenly bosotr^ beating For the far footsteps of thy mortal lover; The purple midnight veil d that mystic meeting With her most starr}' canopy, and seating Thyself by thine adorer, what befel ? This cave was surely shap'd out for the greeting Of an enamor'd goddess, and the cell Haunted by holy love— the earliest oracle!" Elec'tra. A daughter of Agamemnon, king of Argos. She incited her brother Orestes to revenge his father's death by assassinating his mother Clytemnestra. Her adventures and misfortunes form the subject of one of the finest of the tragedies of Sophocles. Eleusin'ia. A great festival observed by the Lacedaemonians, Cretans, and others, every fourth year, and by the people of Athens every fifth year, at Eleusis in Attica, where it was introduced by Eumolpus, b.c, 1356. It was the most celebrated of all the religious ceremonies of Greece. The term " Mysteries" is often applied to it. The expression "Eleu- sinian mysteries," as applied to anything that is inexplicable, has become proverbial. Elys'ium. The Elysian Fields, a place in the in- fernal regions, where, according to the an- cients, the souls of the virtuous existed after death. Emped'ocles. A philosopher, poet, and historian of Agrigentum in Sicily, who lived 444 b.c. He was a Pythagorean, and warmly espoused the belief in the transmigration of souls. CLASSICAT, DICTIONARY 79 Endym ion. A shepherd, son of ^thlius and Calyce. He is said to have required of Jupi- ter that he might be ahva5'S young. Diana saw him as he slept on Mount Latmos, and was so struck with his beauty that she came down from heaven every night to visit him. En'nius. An ancient poet, born in Calabria. He obtained the privileges of a Roman citizen on account of his learning and genius. Eos. The name of Aurora among the Greeks. Epaminon das. A famous Theban descended from the ancient kings of Boeotia. At the head of the Theban armies he defeated the Spartans at the celebrated battle of Leuctra about 370 B.C. He was killed in battle in the forty-eighth year of his age. Eph'esus. A city of Ionia, famous for a temple of Diana, which was considered to be one of the seven wonders of the world. Epicte'tus. A Stoic philosopher of Hieropolis. originally the slave of Epaphroditus. the freedman of Nero. He supported the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. Epicurus. A celebrated philosopher, born in Attica of obscure parents. He distinguished himself at school by the brilliancy of his ge- nius. He taught that the happiness of man- kind consisted in pleasure, which arises from mental enjoyment, and the sweets of virtue. His death occurred 270 b.c. . his age being seventy-two years. Er'ato. One of the Muses. She presided over 8o Cr.ASSICAf, DICTIONARY lyric poetry, and is represented as crowned with roses and myrtle, and holding a lyre in her hand. Er'ebus. A deity of the infernal regions, son of Chaos and Darkness. The poets often use the word to signify the infernal regions. Ete'ocles. A king of Thebes, son of Qj^dipns and Jocasta. After his father's death it was agreed between him and his brother Polynices that they should reign a year each alternately, Eteocles first ascended the throne, but at the end of the year he refused to resign the crown Thus treated, Polynices implored assistance* from Adrastus, king of Argos, whose daugh ■ ter he married, and who placed an army a'; his disposal. Eteocles marshaled his forces, and several skirmishes took place between th?) hostile hosts, when it was agreed on that the, brothers should decide the contest by single; combat. They fought with inveterate fury, and both were killed. Eucli'des. A famous mathematician of Alexan- dria, who lived r.c. 300. He wrote fifteen books on the elements of mathematics. Eu- clid was so much respected that King Ptolemy became one of his pupils. Eu'menes. A Greek officer in the army of Alex- ander. He was the most worthy of all Alex- ander's generals to succeed him after his death. He conquered Paphlagonia and Cap- padocia, of which he obtained the government, till the power of Antigonus obliged him to J CLASSICAT- DICTIONARY 8l retire. Eventually, after many vicissitudes of fortune, he was put to death in prison by order of Antigonus. Eumen'ides. A name given to the Furies. They sprang from the drops of blood which flowed from a wound which Coelus received from Saturn. According to some writers they were daughters of the Earth, and sprung from the blood of Saturn. Others make them to be daughters of Acheron and Night, or Pluto and Proserpine. According to the gen- erally received opinion they were three in number — Tisiphone. Megara, and Alecto, to which some add Nemesis. Euphor'bus. A famous Trojan. He wounded Patroclus, whom Hector killed. He died by the hand of Menelaus. Euphrates. A large river in Asia which flowed through the middle of the city of Babylon. Eurip ides. A celebrated tragic poet born at Sal- amis. He studied eloquence under Prodicus, ethics under Socrates, and philosophy under Anaxagoras. He often retired to a solitary cave, where he wrote his tragedies. It is said that he met his death by being attacked and torn in pieces by dogs, 407 years before the Christian era, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. He is accredited with the authorship of seventy- five tragedies, of which only nine- teen are extant. One of his plays, "Ion." has become familiarized in name to general read- ers by the exquisite play thus called written 6 82 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY by the late Judge Talfourd, and first acted at Covent Garden theatre, London, May 26, 1836. Euro pa. A daughter of Agenor, king of Phoeni- cia, and Telaphassa. Her beauty attracted Jupiter, and to become possessed of her he assumed the shape of a handsome bull, and mingled with the herds of Agenor while Eu- ropa was gathering flowers in the meadows. She caressed the animal, and mounted on his back. The god crossed the sea with her, and arrived in Crete, where he assumed his proper form, and declared his love. She became mother of Minos, Sarpedon, and Rhadaman- thus. Euryd'ice. The wife of the poet Orpheus. As she fled from Aristaeus, who was enamored with her, she was bit by a serpent, and died of the wound. Orpheus was disconsolate at her loss, and descended to the infernal regions in search of her, and by the melody of his lyre he obtained from Pluto the restoration of Eurydice, provided he did not look behind him till he reached the earth ; but his eager- ness to see his wife caused him to violate the conditions, and he looked behind him, thus losing Eurydice for ever. Euryd ice. Wife of Amyntas, king of Macedonia. Alexander. Perdiccas, and Philip were their sons, and they had a daughter named Eury- one. She conspired against Amyntas. but was prevented from killing him by Euryone. Eurys thenes. A son of Aristodemus. who lived CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 83 in perpetual dissension with his twin brother Procles while they both sat on the Spartan throne. The descendants of Eurysthenes were called Eurysthenidtc, and those of Pro- cles Proclidse. Eurys'theus. A king of Argos and Mycenae, son of Sthenelus and Nicippe. Juno hastened his birth by two months that he might come into the world before Hercules, the son of Alc- mena, as the younger of the two was doomed by Jupiter to be subservient to the other. This natural right was cruelly exercised by Eurystheus, who was jealous of the fame of Hercules, and who, to destroy him, imposed upon him the most dangerous enterprises, known as the Twelve Labors of Hercules, all of which were successfully accomplished. Euse'bius. A bishop of Caesarea, in favor with the Emperor Constantine. He was mixed up in the theological disputes of Arius and Atha- nasius, and distinguished himself by writing an ecclesiastical history and other works. Euterpe. One of the Muses, daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne. She presided over music. Eutro'pius. A Latin historian in the age of Julian. He wrote an epitome of the history of Rome from the age of Romulus to the reign of the emperor Valens. Fa'bii. A noble and powerful family at Rome. They fought with the Veientes. and all of them were slain. One of the family, of ten- 84 CLASSICAT, DICTIONARY der age, remained in Rome, and from him descended the family which afterwards became so distinguished. Fa'bius, Max imus Rullia nus, was the first of the Fabii who obtained the name of "Maximus." He was master of the horse, and his victory over the Samnites in that capacity nearly cost him his life. He was five times consul, twice dictator, and once censor. Fa'bius, Q. Max imus. A celebrated Roman who was raised to the highest offices of state. In his first consulship he obtained a victory over Liguria, and the battle of Thrasymenus caused his election to the dictatorship. In this office he opposed Hannibal, harassing him more by counter-marches and ambuscades than by fighting in the open field. He died at the age of one hundred, after being consul five times. Others of the family were of minor distinc- tion, though their names occur in Roman history. Fabric ius, Cai'us. A distinguished Roman who ill his first consulship obtained several victor- ies over the Samnites and Lucanians. He had the most consummate knowledge of mili- tary matters, and was distinguished for the simplicity of his manners. Faler'nus. A fertile mountain and plain of Cam- pania, famous for its wine. Falernian wine was held in great esteem by the Romans, and it is often alluded to by the poets. Fau'ni. Rural deities represented as having the CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 85 legs, feet, and ears of goats, and the rest of the body human. Flac cus. A consul who marched against Sj'lla and was assassinated. Flamin ius, T, Q. A famous Roman who was trained in the art of war against Hannibal. He was sent in command of the Roman troops against Philip of Macedonia, and met with great success. Flora. The goddess of flowers and gardens among the Romans. She was the same as the Chloris of the Greeks. Fortu na. A powerful deity among the ancients, daughter of Oceanus according to Homer, or one of the Parcae according to Pindar. She was the goddess of Fortune, and bestowed riches or poverty on mankind. Ful'via. An ambitious woman, wife of the tribune Clodius, afterward of Curio, and lastly of An- tony. Antony divorced her for Cleopatra. She attempted to avenge her wrongs by per- suading Augustus to take up arms against Antony. Galatae'a. A sea nymph, daughter of Nereus and Doris. She was loved by Polyphemus, the Cyclops, whom she treated with disdain, while she was in love with Acis, a shepherd of Sicily. Gal'ba, Ser'vius Sulpi cius. A Roman who rose to the greatest offices of the state, and exer- cised his powers with equity till he was seated 86 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY on the throne, when his virtues disappeared. He was assassinated in the seventy-third year of his age. Gallie nus, Pub. Licin ius, A son of the emperor Valerian. He reigned conjointly with his father for seven years, and then became sole emperor, a.d. 260. In his youth he showed military ability in an expedition against the Germans and Sarmatse, but when possessed of the purple he gave himself up to pleasure and vice. He was assassinated in his fiftieth year. A.D. 268. Gal'lus, Corne lius. A Roman knight famous for his poetical as well as his military talents. He was greatly attached to his slave Lycoris (or Cytheris). whose beauty he extolled in his poetry. Ganyme'des. A beautiful youth of Phrygia. He was taken to heaven by Jupiter while tending flocks on Mount Ida, and he became the cup- bearer of the gods in place of Hebe. Gel'lius Au'lus. A Roman grammarian in the age of M. Antoninus. He wrote a work called "Noctes Atticse." which he composed at Athens. German'icus Cae sar, A son of Drusus and An- tonia, the niece of Augustus. He was raised to the most important position in the state, and was employed in war in Germany, where his successes obtained him a triumph. He was secretly poisoned, a.d. 19, in the thirty- fourth year of his age. He has been com- CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Sj mended not only for his military talents but for his learning and humanity. Ge'ryon. A monster, represented by the poets as having three bodies and three heads. It was killed by Hercules. Gigan tes. The sons of Coelus and Terra, who, according to Hesiod, sprang from the blood of a wound inflicted on Coelus by his son Saturn. They are represented as huge giants, with strength in accordance with their size. Glau'cus. A son of Hippolochus, the son of Bel- lerophon. He aided Priam in the Trojan war, and was noted for his folly in exchang- ing his golden armor with Diomedes for an iron one. Glau cus. A fisherman of Boeotia. He observed that the fishes which he caught and laid on the grass became invigorated and leaped into the sea. He tasted the grass, and suddenly felt a desire to live in the sea. He was made a sea deity by Oceanus and Tethys. Glaucus. A son of Minos the Second and Pasiphaj, who was smothered in a cask of honey. The soothsayer Polyidus, on being commanded by Minos to find his son, discovered him, and by rubbing his body with a certain herb restored him to life. Gordianus, M. Anto'nius Africa nus. Son of Metius Marcellus. He applied himself to poetry, and composed a poem in thirty books. He was sent as proconsul to Africa, and sub- sequently, when he had attained his eighti- 88 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY eth year, he was proclaimed emperor. He strangled himself at Carthage a.d. 236, and was deeply lamented by the army and the people. Gordia'nus, M. Anto nius Africa nus, son of Gor- dianus, was made prefect of Rome, and af- terward consul by Alexander Severus. He was elected emperor in conjunction with his father. He was killed in a battle fought with Maximinus in Mauritania. Gordia'nus, M. Anto'nius Pius, was grandson of the first Gordian. He was proclaimed em- peror in the sixteenth year of his age. He married the daughter of Misetheus, who was distinguished by his virtues, and to whom Gordian entrusted many of the chief offices of the state. Gordian conquered Sapor, king of Persia, and took many cities from him. He was assassinated a.d. 244. Gor'dius. A Phrygian who, from the position of a peasant, was raised to the throne consequent on a prediction of the oracle. The knot which tied the yoke to the draught-tree of his chariot was made so cunningly that the ends of the cord could not be seen, and a report arose that the empire of Asia was promised by the oracle to him Avho should untie the Gordian knot. Alexander cut the knot with his sword. Gor'gones (the Gorgons). Three sisters, daugh- ters of Phorcys and Ceto, whose names were Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. They pos- sessed the power of turning into stone those CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 89 on whom they looked. Perseus attacked them and cut off Medusa's head, which he gave to Minerva, who placed it on her aegis, which turned into stone those who fixed their eyes on it. Grac chus, T. Sempronius, was twice consul and once censor. He married Cornelia, of the family of the Scipios, a woman of piety and learning. Their children , Tiberius and Caius, rendered themselves famous for their obstinate attachment to the interests of the populace, which at last proved fatal to them. The Gracchi stand out conspicuously in Roman annals. The history of Caius Gracchus has been dramatized by James Sheridan Knowles. It was one of his earliest efforts in dramatic literature, and has long been obsolete as an acting play. Gymnasium. A place among the Greeks where all the public exercises were performed, and where not only dancers and wrestlers exhib- ited, but where poets and philosophers re- peated their compositions. Ha des, see Ades. Halicarnas'sus. A maritime city in Asia Minor, where a mausoleum, one of the seven wonders of the world, was erected. It is celebrated as being the birthplace of Herodotus, Dionysius, and Heraclitus. Hamadry'ades. Nymphs who lived in the country and presided over trees. 90 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Hamil car. A famous Carthaginian, father of Hannibal. He was engaged in Sicily during the first Punic war. He used to say of his three sons that he kept three lions to devour the Roman power. Hannibal. A celebrated Carthaginian general, son of Hamilcar. While a child he took a solemn oath never to be at peace with Rome. His passage of the Alps with a great army was achieved by softening the rocks with fire and vinegar, so that even his armed elephants descended the mountains without difficulty. He defeated the Romans in the great battle of Cannae, but was subsequently conquered by Scipio at Zama. He died by poison taken from a ring in which he kept it concealed. This occurred in his seventieth year, about 1 82 years b.c. Harmo'dius. A friend of Aristogiton who as- sisted in delivering his country from the tyr- anny of the PisistratidcE. Harpy'lae. The Harpies, winged monsters who had the face of a woman, the body of a vul- ture, and feet and fingers armed with claws. They were three in number — Aello, Ocypete, and Celeno. They were daughters of Nep- tune and Terra. Has drubal. A son of Hamilcar and brother of Hannibal. He crossed the Alps and entered Italy, where he was defeated by the consuls, M. Livius Salinator and Claudius Nero. He was killed in the battle h.c. 207, and his head CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 91 was sent to Hannibal. One of the finest pas- sages in Professor Nichol's tragedy of Han- nibal is the invocation over Hasdrubal's head at the close of the play. Hebe. A daughter of Jupiter and Juno. She was made cupbearer to the gods, but was dismissed from the office by Jupiter, because she fell down in a clumsy posture as she was pouring out nectar at a festival, and Gany- medes succeeded her as cupbearer. Hec ate. A daughter of Perses and Asteria. She was called Luna in heaven, Diana on earth, and Hecate or Proserpine in hell. Hec tor, son of King Priam and Hecuba, was the most valiant of all the Trojan chiefs who fought against the Greeks. He married An- dromache, the daughter of Eetion, Astyanax being their son. Hector was made chief of the Trojan forces when Troy was besieged by the Greeks, and it is said that thirty-one of the most valiant Greek chiefs were killed by him, but when he met Achilles he fled. Achilles pursued him, and Hector was killed, and his body dragged in triumph at the char- iot wheels of the conqueror. Hec'uba, daughter of Dymas, a Phrygian prince, or, according to some, of Cisseus, a Thracian king, was the second wnfe of Priam, king of Troy. When her son Paris was born, she ex- posed him on Mount Ida, hoping he would perish, as the soothsayers had predicted that he would be the ruin of his country. In the 92 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Trojan war she saw most of her children per- ish. After enduring many misfortunes, she threw herself into the sea, and was drowned. Hel'ena. One of the most beautiful women in the age in which she lived. Her beauty was so universally admired, even in her infancy, that Theseus, with his friend Pirithous, car- ried her away when she was ten years of age and concealed her with his mother, but she was recovered by Castor and Pollux, and re- stored to her native country. She married Menelaus, son of Atreus, but when Paris vis- ited Menelaus he persuaded her to fly with him to Troy, b.c. iigS. On this, Menelaus sent ambassadors to the court of Priam to de- mand her restitution, but in vain, and the result was the Trojan war. When Troy was taken she returned to Menelaus, and after his death she retired to Rhodes, where she was strangled by order of Polyxo, who reigned there. Her beauty and misfortunes have been a theme for the poets in all ages : one of them thus speaks of her : — " Possess'd of all those glowing cliarms, That fir'd the Trojan boy, And kindled love with war's alarms Around the walls of Troy." Hel icon. A mountain of B(£otia on the borders of Phocis. II was sacred to the Muses, who had a temple there. The fountain Hippo- crene flowed from this mountain. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 93 Heliogab alus, M. Aure lius Antoni us. A Roman emperor who had been priest to a divinity in Phoenicia. Under his sway Rome became the scene of cruelty and vice. He raised his horse to the honors of consulship, and in- dulged in a number of absurdities which ren- dered him odious to his subjects. His head was cut off by his soldiers a.d. 222. Hel'le. A daughter of Athamas and Nephele. She fled from her father's house to avoid the oppression of her mother-in-law Ino. Accord- ing to some accounts, she was carried through the air on a golden ram, when, becoming giddy, she fell into the sea, which received from her the name Hellespont. Hellespon'tus. A narrow strait between Europe and Asia, which received its name from Helle, who is said to have been drowned in it. It is celebrated as being the scene of the love and death of Leander. Heracli'tus. A celebrated Greek philosopher of Ephesus, who lived about 500 years before the Christian era. He received the appellation of the Obscure Philosopher and the Mourner, from his custom of weeping at the follies and frailties of human life. Herculaneum. A town of Campania swallowed up by an earthquake, produced by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius, a.d. 79. ■ Hercules. A celebrated hero who, after death, was ranked among the gods. According to the ancients there were many persons of th© 94 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY same name, but the son of Jupiter and Alc- •\nena, generally called the Theban, is the most celebrated. The birth of Hercules was attended with many miraculous events. Be- fore he was eight months old Juno sent two snakes to devour him, which he seized, and crushed them to death. He achieved a series of enterprises known as the "Twelve Labors of Hercules." These comprised the slaugh- ter of the Nemaean lion, the destruction of the Lernsean hydra, the catching of a stag having golden horns and remarkable for his swift- ness, the seizing alive a wild boar which com- mitted great ravages, the cleansing of the stables of Augias, the killing of the carnivo- rous birds near Lake Stymphalis, the taking captive a prodigious wild bull, the obtaining the mares of Diomedes which fed on human flesh, the getting possession of the girdle of the queen of the Amazons, the destruction of the monster Geryon, the obtaining the apples from the garden of the Hesperides, and the bringing to the earth the three-headed dog Cerberus. Besides these labors he aided the gods in their wars with the giants, and per- formed numerous difficult feats. He was con- ducted by Mercury to Omphale, queen of Lydia, whom he married, and whom he per- mitted to dress in his armor while he was sit- ting to spin with her female servants. He delivered Dejanira from the Centaur Nessiis, whom he killed. The Centaur, as he expired, CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 95 • gaveDejanira a mystic tunic, which, m a jealous paroxysm, she gave to Hercules to put on, which he had no sooner done than he was seized with a desperate distemper which was incurable. He erected a burning pile on Mount ^Eta. on which he cast himself. Jupi- ter surrounded the burning pile with smoke, amidst which Hercules, after his mortal parts were consumed, was carried to heaven in a chariot drawn by four horses. Hermes. A name of Mercury among the Greeks. Herminius. A valiant Roman who defended the bridge with Codes against the army of Por- senna. Lord Macaulay, in his noble poem "Horatius, " alludes to him as one of the •'dauntless three" who defended the bridge against the host of Porsenna — " And out spake strong Herminius, Of Titian blood was he, 'I will abide on thy left side, And keep the bridge with thee.' " Hermi'one. A daughter of Mars and Venus who married Cadmus. She was changed into a serpent, and placed in the El5^sian Fields. Hermi one. A daughter of Menelaus and Helen. She was privately promised in marriage to Orestes, the son of Agamemnon, but her father, ignorant of the engagement, gave her hand to Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles, whose services he had experienced in the Trojan war. Hermip'pus. A freedman, disciple of Philo, in g6 CLASStCAI. DICTIONARY the reign of Adrian, by whom he was greatly esteemed. He wrote five books on dreams. Hermoc rates. A general of Syracuse, who was sent against the Athenians. His lenity toward the Athenian prisoners was regarded with suspicion. He was banished from Sicily, and was murdered on his attempt to return to his country. Hermodo'rus. A philosopher of Ephesus who is said to have assisted, as interpreter, the Ro- man decemvirs in the composition of the ten tables of laws which had been collected in Greece. Hero. A beautiful girl of Sestos greatly be- loved by Leander, a youth of Abydos, The lovers were greatly attached to each other, and often in the night Leander swam across the Hellespont to Hero in Sestos, till on one tempestuous night he was drowned, and Hero in despair threw herself into the sea and per- ished. Hero'des, surnamed the Great, followed the for- tunes of Brutus and Cassius, and afterward those of Antony. He was made king of Judaea by the aid of Antony, and after the battle of Actium he was continued in power by submis- sion to and flattery of Augustus. He rendered himself odious by his cruelty, and as he knew his death would be a cause for rejoicing, he ordered a number of the most illustrious of his subjects to be confined and murdered di- rectly he expired, that there might appear to CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 97 be grief and shedding of tears for his ovrn death. Herod died in the seventieth year of his age, after a reign of 40 years. Herodotus. A celebrated historian of Plalicar- nassus. He ranks among historians as Homer does among the poets and Demosthenes among the orators. His great work is a his- tory of the wars of the Persians against the Greeks, from the age of Cyrus to the battle of Mycale in the reign of Xerxes ; besides which it gives an account of many celebrated nations. A life of Homer is attributed to his pen, though by some the authorship is doubted. Hesi'odus. A celebrated poet, born at Ascia in Boeotia. He lived in the age of Homer, and obtained a poetical prize in competition with him, according to Varro and Plutarch. Quin- tilian, Philostratus, and others maintain that Hesiod lived before the age of Homer. He- siod. without possessing the sublimity of Ho- mer, is admired for the elegance of his diction. Hesi'one. A daughter of Laodemon, king of Troy. It was her fate to be exposed to a sea- monster, to whom the Trojans presented yearly a young girl to appease the resentment of Apollo and Neptune, whom Laodemon had offended. Hercules undertook to rescue her, and attacking the monster just as he was about to devour her, killed him with his club. Hesperides. Three Nymphs, daughters of Hespe- rus. Apollodorus mentions four, ^gle, Ery- thia, Vesta, and Arethusa. They were ap- 7 98 CLASSICAL DICTIONARV pointed to guard the golden apples which Juno gave to Jupiter on the day of their marriage. The place where the Hesperides lived was a celebrated garden, abounding with delicious fruit, and was guarded by a dragon which never slept. It was one of the labors of Her- cules to procure some of the golden apples, which he succeeded in doing after slaying the dragon. Hieron'ymus. A tyrant of Sicily, who succeeded to the throne when he was fifteen years old. He rendered himself odious by his cruelty and oppression. Hieron'ymus. A Christian writer, commonly called St. Jerome. He was distinguished for his zeal against heretics. He wrote com- mentaries on the prophets, St. Matthew's Gospel, etc. He died a.d. 420 in his eightieth year. Hippar'chus. A son of Pisistratus, who succeeded his father, as tyrant of Athens, with his brother Hippias. He patronized some of the learned men of his age. and distinguished himself for his love of literature. Hippocrates. A celebrated physician of Cos. He delivered Athens from a dreadful pesti- lence in the beginning of the Peloponnesian war, for which he was rewarded with a golden crown. He died in his ninety-ninth year. B.C. 361. Hippocre'ne. A fountain of Boeotia, near Mount Helicon, sacred to the Muses. It rose from CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 99 the ground when struck by the ieet of the horse Pegasus. Hippodami'a. A daughter of CEnomaus, king of Pisa, who married Pelops, son of Tantalus. Her father would marry her only to some one who should conquer him in a chariot race. Her beauty was great, and many were compe- titors for her hand, though the conditions in- volved death in case of defeat in the race. After thirteen suitors had been defeated, Pelops entered the lists, and by bribing the charioteer of CEnomaus, obtained the victory and married Hippodamia. Hippolyte. A queen of the Amazons, given in marriage to Theseus by Hercules. Hippoly- tus was their son. Hippolytus. Son of Theseus and Hippolyte. His stepmother Phaedra fell in love with him. He fled to the sea-shore, where, his horses taking fright and rushing among the rocks, his chariot was broken in pieces, and he was killed. According to some accounts he was restored to life by Diana. Hippo'nax. A Greek poet born at Ephesus, 540 years before the Christian era. He cultivated satirical poetry, which was marked by its beauty and vigor. Home'rus. A celebrated Greek poet, the most ancient of all the profane writers. The age in which he lived is not known, though some suppose it to be about 168 years after the Trojan war. Uncertainty prevails, also, as loo CLASSICAL DICTIONARY to the place of his nativity, seven cities claim- ing to be thus honored. These are Smyrna, Chios, Colophon, Salamis, Rhodos, Argos, and Athena?. In his two famous poems, the Iliad and Odyssey, he has displayed the most consummate knowledge of human nature, and rendered himself immortal by the sublimity and elegance of his poetry. In the Iliad he gives a narrative of the siege of Troy, and the Odyssey deals with the wanderings of Ulysses after the fall of the city. Byron, in "The Bride of Abydos, " calls him " The blind old man of Scio's rocky isle," thus assuming Chios to be his birthplace, Scio being the modern name of the place. Dry- den, in his well-known lines commencing " Three poets in three distant ages born," ranks him with Virgil and Milton, giving Homer the palm of "loftiness of thought." One of the old poets thus alludes to his verse : — " Read Homer once, and you can read no more, For all books else appear so mean and poor; Verse will seem prose; but still persist to read, And Homer will be all the books you need." Hono'rius. An emperor of the Western Empire of Rome, who succeeded his father, Theodo- sius the Great. He conquered his enemies by the ability of his generals, and suffered his people to be governed by ministers who took advantage of his indolence and indiffer- ence. He died a.d. 423. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY lOI Hora tii. Three brave Romans, born at the same time, who fought against the three Curiatii about 667 years before Christ. At the begin- ning of the fight two of the Koratii were killed, and the surviving one pretended to fly, thus separating his antagonists as they pur- sued him, and then, attacking them singly, he slew them all. Hora'tius, Q. Flac'cus. A celebrated poet born at Venusia. His rising talents obtained the attention of Virgil and Varius, who recom- mended him to the care of Maecenas and Au- gustus, the celebrated patrons of literature. Under this fostering patronage Horace gave himself up to indolence and pleasure. He was warm in his friendships, and if he at any time gave offense, he was ready to make any concession to effect a reconciliation. In his satires and epistle he displays much wit and satirical humor. He died in his fifty-seventh ^-ear, b.c. 8. Horatius. See Cocles. Horten'sius, Q. A celebrated orator who began to distinguish himself in the Roman Forum when he was nineteen years old. Cicero speaks eulogistically of his oratorical powers, and of his retentive memory. Quintilian alludes to his orations in terms of high com- mendation. Hyacin'thus. A son of Amyclas and Diomede, greatly beloved by Apollo and Zephyrus. He was accidentally killed by Apollo, who I02 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY changed his blood into a flower which bore his name. Hy'bla. A mountain in Sicily, famous for the odoriferous herbs which grew on it. It was noted for its honey. Hydra. A celebrated monster which infested the neighborhood of Lake Lernain Peloponnesus. It was one of the labors of Hercules to destroy the monster, which he effected with the aid of lolas. Hyge'ia. The goddess of health, daughter of ^sculapius. She was held in great venera- tion among the ancients. Hymenae us or Hy men, the god of m.arriage among the Greeks, was the son of Bacchus and Venus, or, according to some, of Apollo and one of the Muses. Hymet'tus. A mountain of Attica, about two miles from Athens, famous for its bees and honey. Hyperi on. A son of Coelus and Terra, wdio mar- ried Thea. Aurora was their daughter. Hy- perion is often used by the poets to signify the sun ; as, for instance, by Shakspeare in "Titus Andronicus" (act v. sc. 2) — "Even from Hyperion's rising in the east. Until his very downfall in the sea." Also in "Troilus and Cressida" and other of Shakspeare's plays, the same license is used. Hypermnes'tra. Une of the Danaides, who were the fifty daughters of Danaus. She was CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I03 ordered by her father to murder her husband Lynceus on the night of their marriage, which she refused to do. Danaus wished to punish her for her disobedience, but afterward for- gave her, and left his kingdom at his death to Lynceus. Hypsipyle. A queen of Lemnos, daughter of Thoas. During her reign, Venus, whose altars had been slighted, punished the Lem- nian women by causing their husbands' af- fections to be estranged from them. This enraged the women, and they put to death their male relations, except in the case of Hypsipyle, who spared her father Thoas, Ic'arus. A son of Daedalus, who, with his father, took a winged flight from Crete to escape the anger of Minos. His flight was too high, and thus the sun melted the wax which cemented his wings, and he fell into the sea and was drowned. Idom eneus succeeded his father Deucalion on the throne of Crete, and accompanied the Greeks to the Trojan war, during which he rendered himself famous for his valor. On his voyage home, being caught in a great tempest, he vowed to Neptune that if he es- caped he would make an offering to the god of the first living creature he saw on his ar- rival at the Cretan shore. He escaped the storm, and the first to meet him on his land- ing was his son. He performed his vow, and I04 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY became so odious to his subjects that he had to leave his dominions. Igna tius. A bishop of Antioch torn to pieces by- lions in the amphitheater at Rome a.d, 107. His works consisted of letters to the Ephe- sians, Romans, etc. He zealously supported the doctrine of the divinity of Christ. rius, fourth king of Troy, was son of Tros by Callirrhoe. He married Eurydice, the daugh- ter of Adrastus. He embellished the city of Ilium, called also Troy from his father Tros. I'no. A daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, who nursed Bacchus." She married Athamas, king of Thebes, after he had divorced Nephele. I'o, a daughter of Inachus, was a priestess of Juno at Argos. Jupiter changed her into a beautiful heifer, and eventually restored her to her own form. She was greatly persecuted by Juno. She married Telegonus, king of Egypt, or Osiris according to others, and treated her subjects with such kindness that after death she received divine honors, and was worshiped under the name of Isis. Tolas or lola'us. A son of Iphiclus, king of Thessaly, who assisted Hercules in conquer- ing the Hydra; he burnt with a hot iron the place where the monster's heads had been cut off to prevent their re-growth. Iph iclus. A son of Amphitryon and Alcmena. twin brother of Hercules. As the children were cradled together, Juno, jealous of Her- cules, sent two large serpents to destroy him. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I05 At the sight of the snakes Iphiclus showed great alarm, but Hercules seized them, one in each hand, and squeezed them to death. Iphicrates. A celebrated general of Athens, who, though son of a shoemaker, rose to the high- est offices in the state. He made war against the Thracians, and assisted the Persian king against Egypt. Iphigeni'a. A daughter of Agamemnon and Cly- temnestra. When the Greeks, going to the Trojan war, were detained at Aulis by con- trary winds, they were informed by a sooth- sayer that to appease the gods they must sac- rifice Iphigenia to Diana. As the fatal knife was about to be plunged into her, Iphigenia suddenly disappeared, and a goat of great beauty was found in the place where she had stood ready for the sacrifice. Iph'itus. A son of Eurytus, king of CEchalia. When his father had promised his daughter lole to any one who could excel him or his sons in drawing the bow, Hercules accepted the challenge and was victorious. Eurytus, however, refused to fulfil the compact by giv- ing his daughter to the conqueror. After- ward some oxen were stolen from Eurytus, and Iphitus was sent in quest of them. In his search he met Hercules, who aided him in seeking the lost animals, but on recollecting the faithlessness of Eurytus he killed Iphitus. Irens'us. A native of Greece, disciple of Poly- carp, and bishop of Lyons. He wrote on dif= Io6 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY fe rent subjects, and suffered martyrdom a.d. 202. Iris. One of the Oceanides, messenger of the gods, and more particularly of Juno. Her office was to cut the thread which seemed to detain the soul of those who were expiring. She is the same as the rainbow. I'sis. A celebrated deity of the Egyptians, daughter of Saturn and Rhea, according to Diodorus of Sicily. Some suppose her to be the same as lo, who was changed into a cow, and restored to her human form in Egypt, where she taught agriculture, and governed the people with mildness and equity, for which she received divine honors after her death. Isoc'rates. A celebrated orator, son of a musical instrument maker at Athens. He opened a school of eloquence at Athens, where he was distinguished for the number, character, and fame of his pupils. He was intimate with Philip of Macedon, but the aspiring ambition of Philip displeased Isocrates, and the defeat of the Athenians at Chseronea had such an effect on him that he did not long survive it. He died, after being four days without taking any aliment, in his ninety-ninth year, about 338 years before Christ. He was honored after death by the erection of a brazen statue to his memory by Timotheus, one of his pupils, and Aphareus, his adopted son. Mil- ton, in one of his sonnets, speaks of him as CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 107 "that old man eloquent" when alluding to his death as being caused by the news of the bat- tle of Chaeronea. rtys. A son of Tereus, king of Thrace, and Procne, daughter of Pandion, king of Athens. He was killea oy nis mother when he was six years old, and served up to his father to be eaten by him. He was changed into a pheas- ant, his mother into a swallow, and his father into an owl. Ixion. A king of Thessaly, son of Phlegias, or, according to Hyginus, of Leontes, or, accord- ing to Diodorus, of Antion and Perimela. Jupiter carried him to heaven and placed him at the table of the gods, where he became enamored wnth Juno, which so incensed Jupiter that he banished him from heaven, and ordered Mercury to tie him to a wheel in hell which continually whirled round, keeping Ixion in perpetual torture. Janus. An ancient king who reigned in Italy. He was a native of Thessaly, and, according to some writers, a son of Apollo. He built a town which he called Janiculum. Some au- thors make him to have been son of Coelus and Hecate. He is represented with two faces, because he was acquainted with the past and future. His temple was always open in time of war, and was shut when peace existed. Jap'etus. A son of Coelus or Titan and Terra. who married Asia, or, according to some I08 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY writers, Clymene. The Greeks looked on him as the father of all mankind. Jason. A celebrated hero, son of .^son and Alcimedes. His education was entrusted to the Centaur Chiron. The greatest feat re- corded of him is his voyage in the Argo to Colchis to obtain the Golden Fleece, which, aided by Juno, he succeeded in doing. Medea, daughter of ^etes, king of Colchis, fell in love with Jason. She was a powerful magician, and on Jason having vowed eternal fidelity to her, she gave him charms to protect him from danger. After securing the Fleece, Jason set sail from the country with his wife Medea. After some years he became enamored with Glauce, daughter of Creon, king of Corinth, whom he married, having divorced Medea. This cruel act was revenged by Medea, who destroyed her children in the presence of their father. Jason is said to have been killed by a beam which fell on his head as he was re- posing by the side of the ship which had borne him to Colchis. Jocas'ta. A daughter of Menoeceus, who married Laius, king of Thebes, CEdipus being their son. She afterward married CEdipus with- out knowing who he was, and on the discov- ery she hanged herself. By some mytholo- gists she is called Epicasta. Jose'phus, Fla'vius. A celebrated Jew, born in Jerusalem, who signalized himself in a siege conducted by Vespasian and Titus in a small CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I09 town in Judaea. He was present at the siege of Jerusalem by Titus, and received all the sacred books which it contained from the con- queror's hands. He wrote a history of the wars of the Jews in Syriac, and afterwards translated it into Greek. He also wrote a work, which he divided into twenty books, on Jewish antiquities. He died a.d. 93, in his fifty -sixth year. Jovia nus, Fla vius Clau dius. A native of Pan- nonia elected emperor of Rome by the soldiers after the death of Julian. He refused the purple at first, but on being assured that his subjects were favorably disposed toward Christianity he accepted the crown. He died about seven months after assuming the su- preme power, being found in bed suffocated by the vapors of charcoal which had been lighted in his room, a.d. 364. Ju'ba. A king of Numidia and Mauritania who favored the cause of Pompey against Julius Ciesar. He defeated Curio, whom Csesar had sent to Africa, and after the battle of Phar- salia he joined his forces to those of Scipio. He was conquered in a battle at Thapsus, and killed himself. His kingdom became a Roman province, of which Sallust was the first governor. Ju'ba, the second of that name, was led captive to Rome to give lustre to the triumph of Caesar. He wrote a history of Rome which was often commended and quoted by the ancients. no CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Jugur tha. A distinguished Numldian who went with a body of troops to the assistance of Scipio who was besieging Numantia. Jugur- tha endeared himself to the Roman general by his bravery and activity. His uncle Mi- cipsa appointed him successor to the throne, with his two sons Adherbal and Hiempsal, the latter of whom was slain by Jugurtha, and the former had to fly to Rome for safety. Csecilius Metellus was sent against Jugurtha, who was betrayed, and delivered into the hands of the Romans. He died in prison, B.C. io6. Ju'lia. A daughter of Julius Caesar and Cornelia, famous for her virtues and personal charms. She was obliged by her father to divorce her- self from her first husband to marry Pompey the Great, with the object of cementing the friendship between him and her father. Ju'lia. Daughter of Augustus, remarkable for her beauty, genius, and vices. Her father gave her in marriage to Marcellus, after whose death she united herself to Agrippa, and again becoming a widow she married Tiberius. Her conduct now became so un- seemly that she was banished to a small island on the coast of Campania, where she was starved to death. Ju'lia. A daughter of Germanicus and Agrippina, born at Lesbos, a.d. 17. She married M. Vinucius, a senator, when she was sixteen years old. She was banished on suspicion of CLASSICAL DICTIONARY III conspiracy by her brother Caligula. She was notorious for her licentious conduct, and was put to death when she was about twenty-four years of age. Ju'lia. A celebrated woman born in Phoenicia. She applied herself to the study of philosophy, and was conspicuous for her mental as well as her personal charms. She came to Rome, where she married Septimius Severus, who was afterward invested with the purple. She was also called Domna. Julia'nus. A son of Julius Constantius, the brother of Constantine the Great, born in Constantinople. The massacre which at- tended the elevation of the sons of Constan- tine to the throne nearly proved fatal to Julian and his brother Gallus. The two brothers were privately educated and taught the doc- trine of the Christian religion — which after- ward Julian disavowed, and in consequence of this the term "Apostate" is generally af- fixed to his name. He died, a.d. 363, in his thirty-second year. His last moments were spent in a conversation with a philosopher about the immortality of the soul. Julian's character has been admired by some writers, but generally he is censured for his apostasy. Ju'no. A celebrated deity among the ancients, daughter of Saturn and Ops. Jupiter married her. and the nuptials were celebrated with the greatest solemnity in the presence of all the gods. By her marriage with Jupiter, Juno 112 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY became the queen of all the gods, and mis- tress of heaven and earth. She presided over marriage, and patronized those of her sex who were distinguished for virtuous conduct. Paris gave her great offense by giving the golden apple, as an award to beaut}', to Venus instead of herself. Ju'piter. The chief of all the gods of the an- cients. According to Varro there were three hundred persons of that name. To him of Crete, who passed for the son of Saturn and Ops, the actions of the rest have been attrib- uted. Jupiter was educated in a cave on Mount Ida, in Crete, and fed with the milk of the goat Amaltha^a. While he was very young he made war on the Titans, whom he conquered. The beginning of his reign in the supernal regions was interrupted by the re- bellion of the giants who were sons of the Earth, and who were desirous of revenging the death of the Titans, but by the aid of Hercules Jupiter overpowered them. Jupiter married Metis, Themis, Ceres, Euronyme, Mnemosyne, Latona, and Juno. His worship was universal : he was the Amnion of the Africans, the Belus of Babylon, and the Osiris of Egypt. Juvena'lis, D. Junius. A poet born at Aquinum in Italy. lie came to Rome at an early age. where he applied himself to the writing of satires, some of which are extant. He died in the reign of Trajan a.d. 128. His writings CLASSICAL DICTIONARY TI3 . . are distinguished by a lively style, but abound with ill humor. Labe'rius, J. Dec'imus. A Roman knight famous for his skill in writing pantomimes. Csesar made him appear on the stage in one of his plays, which he resented by throwing out aspersions on Csesar during the performance, and b) warning the audience against tyranny. Lach esis. One of the Parcae, or Fates. She presided over futurity, and was represented as spinning the thread of life, or according to some as holding the spindle. Laertes. A king of Ithaca who married Anticlea, daughter of Autolycus. Ulysses was their son, and succeeded him on the throne, Laertes retiring to the country, and devoting his time to gardening, in which employment he was found by Ulysses on his return from the Tro- jan war, after twenty years' absence. La'gus. A Macedonian of mean extraction, who married Arsinoe, daughter of Meleager. On the birth of a child it was exposed in the woods by Lagus, but an eagle preserved its life by feeding and sheltering it with her wings. The infant was afterward known as King Ptolemy the First of Egypt. Lais. A woman of immoral character, daughter of Timandra and Alcibiades. Diogenes, the Cynic, was one of her admirers, and gained her heart. She went to Thessaly, where the wo- men, jealous of her charms, assassinated her, 8 114 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Laoc oon. A priest of Apollo who in the Trojan war was opposed to the admission of the wooden horse to the city. For this, as a punishment, two enormous serpents were sent to attack him, which they did while, accom- panied by his two sons, he was offering a sac- rifice to Neptune. The serpents coiled round him and his sons, and crushed them to death. Lord Byron ("Childe Harold," canto iv.) thus alludes to the Laocoon group in marble in the Vatican : " Or, turning to the Vatican, go see Laocoon's torture, dignifying pain — A father's love and mortal's agony With an immortal's patience blending. Vain The struggle; vain, against the coiling strain And gripe, and deepening of the dragon's grasp, The old man's clench; the long, envenom'd chain Rivets the living links— the enormous asp Enforces pang on pang, and stifles gasp on gasp." Laom'edon. Son of Ilus, and king of Troy. He married Strynio, called by some Placia or Leucippe. Podarces, afterward known as Priam, was their son. Laomedon built the walls of Troy, in which he was assisted by Apollo and Neptune. Lap ithus. A son of Apollo and Stilbe. He married Orsinome, Phorbas and Periphas being their children, to whose numerous de- scendants was given the name Lapithae, a number of whom attended the nuptials of Pirithous with Hippodamia, the daughter of Adrastus, king of Argos. The Centaurs also CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I15 attended the festivity, and quarreled with the Lapithse, which resulted in blows and slaugh- ter. Many of the Centaurs were slain, and they were at last obliged to retire. Lares. Gods of inferior power at Rome, who presided over houses and families. They were two in number, sons of Mercury and Lara. Lati'nus. A son of Faunus and Marica. king of the Aborigines in Italy, who from him were called Latini. Lato'na. A daughter of Coeus, the Titan, and Phoebe. She was admired for her beauty by Jupiter. Juno made Latona the object of her vengeance, and sent the serpent Python to persecute her. Lean'der. A youth of Abydos. He was passion- ately in love with Hero, a young girl of Sestos. He was in the habit of swimming across the Hellespont to visit her, in doing which, on a tempestuous night, he was drowned. Lord Byron performed the same feat in 1810, an exploit which he has cele- brated in verse in his occasional pieces. He expresses surprise that, as the truth of Lean- der's story had been questioned, no one had hitherto tested its practicability. Le'da. A daughter of king Thespius and Eury- themis, who married Tyndarus. king of Sparta. She is famous for her intrigue with Jupiter. She was the mother of Pollux, Helena, Castor, and Clytemnestra. She is ri6 CLASfilCAT, DICTIONARY said to have received the name- of Nemesis after death. Lem'ures. The manes of the dead. The an- cients supposed that after death the departed souls wandered over the world and disturbed the peace of its inhabitants. Leon'idas. A celebrated king of Lacedsemon who went to oppose Xerxes, king of Persia, who had invaded Greece with a vast army. A great battle was fought at Thermopylae, the entire army of Leonidas consisting of 300 men who refused to abandon him. For a time this small army resisted the vast legions of Xerxes, till at length a traitor conducted a detachment of Persians by a secret path to the rear of Leonidas, when his soldiers were cut to pieces, one only of the 300 escaping. The late Rev. George Croly, author of "Salathiel," wrote a poem, called "The Death of Leonidas," which, after describing in vivid language the determined valor of the Greeks, thus con- cludes : " Thus fought the Greek of old; Thus will he fight again: Shall not the self-same mould Bring forth the self-same men?" Lepi'dus, M. ^Emilius. A celebrated Roman, one of the triumvirs with Augustus and An- tony. He was of an illustrious family, and, like many of his contemporaries, remarkable for ambition. He was unable to maintain his position as triumvir; and, resigning power, he sank into obscurity. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY II7 Le'the. One of the rivers of hell, whose waters were imbibed by the souls of the dead which had been for a certain period confined in Tar- tarus. Those who drank of this river forgot whatever they had previously known. In this sense the word is constantly used by the poets. Thus Shakspeare (Henry IV. part ii. act V. scene 2) says : " May this be washed in Lethe and for.e:otten." Leucip'pus. A celebrated philosopher of Abdera, about 428 years before Christ. He was a dis- ciple of Zeno. His life was written by Diog- enes. There were several others of the same name. Leuc tra. A village in Boeotia, famous for the victory which Epaminondas, the Theban gen- eral, obtained over the superior force of Cle- ombrotus, king of Sparta, b.c. 371. Licinius, C. A tribune of the people celebrated for his intrigues and ability. He was a ple- beian, and was the first of that class that was raised to the office of master of the horse to the dictator. There were a number of other Romans of the same name. Liv'ius, Ti'tus. A native of Padua, a celebrated historian. He passed the chief part of his time at Naples and Rome, but more particu- larly at the court of Augustus, who liberally patronized him. The name of Livy is ren- dered immortal by his history of the Roman empire. The merit of this history is admitted by all, and the high rank which Livy holds Il8 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY among historians is undisputed. Lord Byron speaks of it in his "Childe Harold" as "Livy s picture page. " Liv ius, Androni cus. A dramatic poet Avho flour- ished at Rome about 240 years before the Christian era. Longi nus, Dionys ius Cas sius. A celebrated Greek philosopher of Athens. He was pre- ceptor of the Greek language, and afterward minister, to Zenobia, the famous queen of Palmyra. Luca nus, M. Annae us. A native of Corduba in Spain. At an early age he went to Rome, where his rising talents recommended him to the emperor Nero. He unwisely entered into a poetical contest with Nero, in which he ob- tained an easy victory, which greatly offended the emperor. After this Lucan was exposed to much annoyance from Nero, and was in- duced to join in a conspiracy against him, on which he was condemned to death, the mode of which he had the liberty of choosing. He decided to have his veins opened in a warm bath, and died quoting some lines from his "Pharsalia. " Of all his works none but the " Pharsalia" remains. Lucia nus. A celebrated writer of Samosata. His works are numerous, consisting chiefly of dialogues written with much force. He died A.i). 180, being, as some say, torn in pieces by dogs for his impiety. Lu cifer. The name of the planet Venus, or CLASSICAL DICTIONARY II9 morning star. It is called Lucifer when ap- pearing in the morning before the sun, but when it appears after its setting it is called Hesperus. Lucil ius, C. A Roman knight, who is regarded as the first satirical writer among the Romans. Of thirty satires which he wrote only a few verses remain. He died at Naples B.C. 103. Lucilius Luci'nus. A famous Roman who fled with Brutus from the battle of Philippi. He was taken prisoner, but the conquerors spared his life. Luci na. A daughter of Jupiter and Juno. She was the goddess who presided over the birth of children. Lucre tia. A celebrated Roman lady, daughter of Lucretius and wife of Tarquinius Colla- tinus. A number of young noble Romans at Ardea, among whom were Collatinus and the sons of Tarquin the Proud, were discussing the virtues of their wives at home, and it was agreed to go to Rome to ascertain how their wives employed themselves in their husbands' absence in the camp. While the wives of the others were indulging in feasting and dissipa- tion, Lucretia was found in her house em- ploying herself with her servants in domestic duties. She was brutally treated by Sextus Tarquin, a relative of Collatinus, and stabbed herself. This was the signal for a rebellion, the result being the expulsion of the Tarquins from Rome I20 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Lucretius, Ca'rus T. A celebrated Roman poet and philosopher. The tenets of Epicurus were embraced by him, and were explained and elucidated in a poem which he wrote, De rerum fiaturd. This poem is distin- guished by genius and elegance, but the doc- trines it inculcates have an atheistical tend- ency. Lucretius is said to have destroyed himself b.c. 54. Lucul'lus, Lucius Licin ius. A Roman noted for his fondness of luxury and for his military abilities. He was born about 115 years be fore the Christian era, and distinguished him self by his proficiency in eloquence and phil osophy. He was soon advanced to the con sulship, and entrusted with the managemen of the Mithridatic war, in which he displayec his military talents. Lycur'gus. A celebrated lawgiver of Sparta, son of King Eunomus and brother to Polydectes. He succeeded his brother on the Spartan throne. In the laws which he enacted he maintained a just equilibrium between the throne and the people ; he banished luxury and encouraged the useful arts, and adopted a number of measures having for their object the well-being of the people. Lycurgus has been compared with Solon, the celebrated legislator of Athens. Lyn'ceus, son of Aphareus, was one of the hunt- ers of the Calydonian boar, and one of the Argonauts. He was so sharp-sighted that he CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 121 could see through the earth and distinguish objects at a great distance from him. There was another person of the same name who married Hypermnestra, daughter of Danaus. Lysan'der. A celebrated general of Sparta in the last years of the Peloponnesian war. He drew Ephesus from the interest of Athens, and gained the friendship of Cyrus the younger. He gave battle to the Athenian fleet, and destroyed it all except three ships. In this battle, which was fought 405 years be- fore the Christian era, the Athenians lost a great number of men, and in consequence of it forfeited their influence over neighboring states. Lysander was killed in battle 394 years k.c. Lysim achus. A son of Agathocles, who was one of the generals of Alexander. After the death of that monarch Lysimachus made him- self master of Thrace, where he built a town which he called Lysimachia. Lysip'pus. A famous statuary of vSicyon. He applied himself to painting, but he was born to excel in sculpture. He lived about 325 years before the Christian era, in the age of Alexander the Great. Macro'bius. A Latin writer who died a.d. 415. He has rendered himself famous for a com- position called Saturmilia, a miscellaneous collection of antiquarian and critical literature. Msander. A celebrated river of Asia Minor 122 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY flowing into the ..^gean Sea. It is famous among the poets for its windings, and from it the application of the word "meandering" to a winding stream has become proverbial. Maece nas, or Mecae nas, C. Clinius, a celebrated Roman knight, has rendered himself im- mortal by his liberal patronage of learned men. To the interference of Maecenas, Virgil was indebted for the restitution of his lands. Maecenas, according to the received opinion, wrote a history of animals and a journal of the life of Augustus. Virgil dedicated his Georgics to him, as did Horace his Odes. Ma nes. A name applied by the ancients to the soul when departed from the body. Man lius, Marcus. A celebrated Iloman who, at an early age, distinguished himself for valor. When Rome was taken by the Gauls, he, with a body of his countrymen, fled to the Capitol, which he defended when it was surprised in the night by the enemy. This gained him the surname of Capitoliniis, and the geese which had awakened him to action by their clamor were afterward held sacred among the Romans. Mara thon. A village of Attica, celebrated for the victory which the Athenians and Platseans, under the command of Miltiades, gained over the Persian army, 490 h.c. Lord Byron ("Don Juan," canto ill. verse 86) alludes to Marathon, and the famous battle fought there ;— CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I23 " The mountains look on Marathon, And Marathon looks on the sea; And, musing there an hour alone, I dream'd that Greece might still be free; For, standing on the Persians' grave, I could not deem myself a slave." Marcel lus, Mar cus Clau dius. A famous Roman general. He was the first Roman who ob- tained some advantage over Hannibal. He conquered Syracuse, with the spoils from which he adorned Rome. He was killed in battle in his fifth consulship. Marcel'lus. A Roman who distinguished himself in the civil wars of Caesar and Pompey by his firm attachment to the latter. He was ban- ished by Caesar, but was afterwards recalled at the request of the Senate. Pope ("Essay on Man," epistle iv.) has a couplet referring to him : — " And more true joy Marcellus exil'd feels, Than Caesar with a senate at his heels." There were some other Romans of the same name, of minor repute. Mardo'nius. A general in the army of Xerxes who was defeated in the battle of Plataea, where he was slain, B.C. 479. Ma rius, C. A celebrated Roman who signalized himself under Scipio at the siege of Xumantia. He was appointed to finish the war against Jugurtha, who was defeated and betrayed into the hands of the Romans. After this new honors awaited Marius. He was elected T24 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY consul, and was sent against the Teutones. The war was prolonged, and Marius was a third and fourth time invested with the con- sulship. At length two engagements were fought, and the Teutones were defeated, a vast number of them being left dead on the battle-fields. After many vicissitudes Marius died, B.C. 86, directly after he had been hon- ored with the consulship for the seventh time. There were a number of others of the same name, but of minor note. Mars, the god of war, was the son of Jupiter and Juno, or of Juno alone, according to Ovid. The loves of Mars and Venus are greatly cele- brated. On one occasion, while in each other's conipany, Vulcan spread a net round them, from which they could not escape with- out assistance. They were thus exposed to the ridicule of the gods till Neptune induced Vulcan to set them at liberty. During the Trojan war Mars interested himself on the side of the Trojans, and 'defended the favor- ites of Venus with great determination. Mar'syas. A celebrated piper of Cclajne in Phrygia. He challenged Apollo to a trial of skill in music, which challenge was accepted, the Muses being appointed umpires. The palm of victory was awarded to Apollo, who tied his antagonist to a tree and flayed him. Martia'lis, Marcus Valerius. A native of Spain who came to Rome when he was about twenty years old, where he became n<;ticeable by his CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 125 poetical genius. Martial wrote fourteen books of epigrams and died in the seventy-fifth year of his age. Masinis'sa. A king of a small part of Africa, who at first assisted the Carthaginians in their wars against Rome, but who subsequently be- came an ally of the Romans. After his de- feat of Syphax he married Sophonisba, the wife of Syphax, which gave offense to the Roman general, Scipio, on which Masinissa induced Sophonisba to end her life by poison. In the battle of Zama, Masinissa greatly con- tributed to the defeat of Hannibal. He died in his ninety-seventh year, 149 years before the Christian era. Mauso lus. A kingof Caria. His wife Artemisia was very disconsolate at his death, and erected one of the grandest monuments of antiquity to perpetuate his memory. This famous building, which was deemed to be one of the seven wonders of the world, was called "Mausoleum," which name has been since ap- plied to other grand sepulchral monuments. Maximi'nus, Ca'ius Ju'lius Ve'rus, was the son of a peasant of Thrace. He entered the Roman armies, where he gradually rose till he was proclaimed emperor a.d. 235. He ruled with great cruelty, and was eventually killed by his own soldiers. He was of immense size and strength, and was able to break the hard- est stones between his fingers. Medea. A celebrated magician, daughter of 126 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY -(Eetes, king of Colchis, and niece of Cuxe. When Jason came to Colchis in quest of the Golden Fleece. Medea fell in love with him, and they exchanged oaths of fidelity, and when he had overcome all the difficulties which he had to encounter, Medea embarked with him for Greece. She lived in Corinth with her husband Jason for ten years, with much conjugal happiness, when he became enamored with Glance, daughter of Creon, king of Corinth. To avenge herself on Jason she caused the destruction of Glauce, and killed her two children in his presence. Medusa. One of the three Gorgons. daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. She was the only one of the Gorgons subject to mortality. She was celebrated for her personal charms and the beauty of her hair, which Minerva changed into serpents. According to Apollodorus and others, the Gorgons were born with snakes on their heads instead of hair, and with yellow wings and brazen hands. Perseus rendered himself famous by his conquest of Medusa. He cut off her head and placed it on the aegis of Minerva. The head had the power of changing those who looked at it into stone. Medusa, as we are informed by Lord Lytton, was an expression applied to Mary Queen of Scots in her own day, and in his brilliant poem, "The Last Days of Queen Elizabeth," he speaks of the unfortunate queen as " Thou soft Medusa of the fated line." CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I 27 Melea ger. A celebrated hero of antiquity who signalized himself in the Argonautic expedi- tion, and especially by killing the Calydonian boar, a famous event in mythological history. Melpomene. One of the Muses, daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne. She presided over tragedy. She is generally represented as a young woman wearing a buskin and holding a dagger in her hand. Mem non. A king of Ethiopia, son of Tithonus and Aurora. He came with ten thousand men to assist Priam in the Trojan war, where he behaved with great courage, and killed Anti- lochus, Nestor's son, on which Nestor chal- lenged Memnon to fight, but he refused on account of the great age of the challenger ; but he fought Achilles, who killed him. A statue was erected in his honor which had the property of uttering a melodious sound every day at sunrise. Tennyson, in his "Palace of Art," alludes to this statue thus : — " As morn from Memnon drew Rivers of melodies." Menander. A celebrated comic poet of Athens, educated under Theophrastus. He was uni- versally esteemed by the Greeks. He wrote io3 comedies, of which only a few fragments remain. Menela'us. A king of Sparta, brother to Agamemnon. He married Helen, the most beautiful woman of her time. Paris, having arrived in Sparta in the absence of Menelaus, I2S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY persuaded her to elope with him. which was the cause of the Trojan war. In the tenth year of the war Helen, it is said, obtained the forgiveness of Menelaus, with whom she re- turned to Sparta, where, shortly after his re- turn, he died. Mene nius Agrip'pa. A celebrated Roman who appeased the Roman populace in the infancy of the consular government by repeating to them the well-known fable of the belly and limbs. He lived B.C. 495. Menip'pus. A Cynic philosopher of Phoenicia. He was originally a slave, and, obtaining his liberty, became notorious as a usurer. He wrote thirteen books of satires. Mentor. A faithful friend of Ulysses, and guide and instructor of his son, Telemachus. The term Mentor has become proverbial as applied to any one who is an educator of youth. Mercu'rius. A celebrated god of antiquity, called Hermes by the (ireeks. He was the mes- senger of the gods, and conducted the souls of the dead into the infernal regions. He pre- sided over orators, merchants, and was also the god of thieves. The invention of the lyre is ascribed to him. This he gave to Apollo, and received in exchange theCaduceus. which the god of poetry used to drive the flocks of King Admetus. Mer ope. One of the Atlantides. She married Sisyphus, son of ^olus, and was changed into a constellation. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I 29 Me'rops. A king of the island of Cos, who mar- ried Clymene, one of the Oceanides. He was changed into an eagle, and placed among the constellations. Messali'na, Valeria, was notorious for her vices. She married the emperor Claudius, who, wearied with her misconduct, cited her to ap- pear before him and reply to the accusations which were brought against her, on which she attempted to destroy herself, but failing to do so, was slain by one of the tribunes who had been sent to summon her. Metelli. The surname of the family of the Ccccilii at Rome, the most noted of whom are —a general who defeated the Achaeans, took Thebes, and invaded Macedonia; Quintus Csecilius. rendered famous by his successes against Jugurtha. the king of Numidia; Q. Csecilius Celer, who distinguished himself against Catiline. He died fifty-seven years before Christ, greatly lamented by Cicero, who was one of his warmest friends ; L. Cae- cilius, a tribune in the civil wars of Ccesarand Pompey, who favored the cause of Pompey ; Q. Csecilius, a warlike general who conquered Crete and Macedonia; Metellus Cimber, one of the conspirators against Caesar. He gave the signal to attack and murder the dictator. Micip'sa. A king of Numidia, son of Masinissa. who, at his death, b.c. 119, left his kingdom between his sons, Adherbal and Hiempsal, and his nephew Jugurtha. 9 I30 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Mi'das. A king of Phrygias, son of Gordius oi Gorgias. According to some traditions, in the early part of his life he found a treasure, to which he owed his greatness and opulence. He showed hospitality to Silenus, in return for which Bacchus permitted him to choose whatever recompense he pleased. He de- manded of the god that whatever he touched might be turned into gold. His wish was granted, but when the very food which he at- tempted to eat became gold in his mouth he prayed Bacchus to revoke the favor, and he was ordered to wash himself in the river Pactolus, the sands oi which were turned into gold by the touch of Midas. Afterward, in consequence of maintaining that Pan was superior to Apollo in singing and playing the flute, he had his ears changed into those of an ass by the god. Mi'lo. A celebrated athlete of Crotona in Italy. He is said to have carried on his shoulders a bullock for a considerable distance, and to have killed it with a blow from his fist, and eaten it in one day. In his old age he at- tempted to pull up a tree by the roots, which, when half-cleft, re-united, and his hands re- maining imprisoned in the tree, he was eaten by wild beasts, about 500 years before the Christian era. Milti'ades, son of Simon, was sent by the Atheni- ans to take possession of the Chersonesus. On his arrival he seized some of the principal CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 131 inhabitants of the country, made himself ab- solute in Chersonese, and married the daughter of Olorus, king of the Thracians. He was present at the celebrated battle of Marathon, where the command was ceded to him, owing to his superior abilities. He obtained the victory, but an olive crown, which he de- manded from his fellow-citizens as a reward for his valor, was refused. Afterwards he was intrusted with a fleet of seventy ships, with which to punish some islands which had revolted to the Persians. At first he was suc- cessful, but afterward fortune frowned on him. He was accused of treason and con- demned to death, but his sentence was, owing to his great services, commuted. He died in prison of some wounds he had received which became incurable. In " Childe Harold" (canto ii.) Lord Byron alludes to Marathon as " The battle-field where Persia's victim horde First bow'd beneath the brunt of Hellas' sword." Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, war, and all the liberal arts, sprang, full-grown and armed, from the head of Jupiter, and was immediately admitted to the assembly of the gods, and be- came one of the most faithful counselors of her father. Her power in heaven was great : she could hurl the thunders of Jupiter, prolong the life of men, and bestow the gift of proph- ecy. She was known among the ancients by many names. She was called Athena. 1^2 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Pallas, Parthenos, Tritonia (because she was worshipped near the lakeTritonis) and Hippia (because she first taught mankind how to manage the horse) , Sais (because she was worshipped at Sais) , and some other ames. She is usually represented with a helmet on her head with a large plume on it, in one hand holding a spear, and in the other a shield with the head of Medusa on it. Temples were erected for her worship in different places. one of the most renowned of which was the Parthenon at Athens. From this building a large collection of ancient sculpture was brought to the British Museum by Lord Elgin more than seventy years ago. which is known as the "Elgin Marbles." Lord Byron wrote a scathing satire in reference to the removal of these marbles, familiar to his readers undei the title of "The Curse of Minerva." He de- scribes the goddess as appearing, grief- stricken, to appeal against what his lordship deemed a desecration : — " Yes, t'was Minerva's self; but ah, how changed Since o'er the Dardan field in arms she ranged ! Not such as erst, by her divine command, Her form appeared frorn Phidias' plastic hand; Gon2 were the terrors of her awful brow, Her idle segis bore no Gorgon now." Minos. A king of Crete, son of Jupiter and Europa. who gave laws to his subjects B.C. 1406, which remained in full force in the age of Plato. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 133 Mi'nos the Second was a son of Lycastes, the son of Minos the first, and king of Crete. He married Pasiphse, the daughter of Sol and Perseis. Minotau rus. A celebrated monster, half a man and half a bull, for which a number of young Athenian men and maidens were yearly ex- acted to be devoured. The Minotaur was confined in a famous labyrinth, where at length it was slain by Theseus, who was guided out of the labyrinth by a clue of thread given to him by Ariadne, daughter of King Minos. Mithrida'tes First, king of Pontus. He was tributary to the crown of Persia : his attempts to make himself independent of that fealty proved fruitless, being defeated in a battle which he had provoked, and having to sue for peace. Mithrida'tes, surnamed "Eupator" and "The Great," succeeded to the throne of Pontus when eleven years of age. The beginning of his reign was marked by ambition and cruelty. At an early age he mured himself to hard- ships by devoting himself to manly exercises, ■ and sleeping in the open air on the bare earth. He was constantly engaged in warfare against the Romans, and his contests with them are known as the Mithridatic wars. His hatred of the Romans was so great that, to destroy their power, he ordered all of them that were in his dominions to be massacred ; and in one 134 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY night 150,000 according to Plutarch, or 80,000 according to another authority, were slaugh- tered. This cruel act called for revenge, and great armies were sent against him. After varied fortunes Mithridateshad to succumb to Pompey, and, worn- out with misfortune, at- tempted to poison himself, but unsuccessfully, as the numerous antidotes to poison which in early life he had taken strengthened his con- stitution to resist the effect. He then ordered one of his soldiers to give him the fatal blow with a sword, which was done. He died about sixty-three years before the Christian era, in his seventy second year. He is said to have been the most formidable opponent the Romans ever had, and Cicero estimates him as the greatest monarch that ever sat upon a throne. It is recorded of him that he con- quered twenty-four nations, whose different languages he knew and spoke fluently. There were a number of persons of the same name, but of inferior note. Mnemosyne. A daughter of Coelus and Terra, mother of the nine Muses. Jupiter assumed the form of a shepherd in order to enjoy her company. Mo'mus, the god of mirth amongst the ancients, according to Hesiod, was the son of Nox. He amused himself by satirizing the gods by turning into ridicule whatever they did. Morpheus. A minister of the god Somnus, who imitated very naturally the gestures, words, CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I35 and manners of mankind. He is sometimes called the god of sleep. He is generally rep- resented as a sleeping child, of great corpu- lence, with wings. Mos'chus. A Greek bucolic poet in the age of Ptolemy Philadelphus. His eclogues are characterized by sweetness and elegance, and are said to be equal in merit to the productions of Theocritus. Mure na. A celebrated Roman, who invaded the dominions of Mithridates, at first with success but afterward he met with defeat. He was honored with a triumph on his return to Rome. Mu'sa. The Muses, certain goddessis who pre- sided over poetry, music, dancing, and all the liberal arts. They were daughters of Jupiter and Mnemosyne, and were nine in number, Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene. Terpsi- chore, Erato, Polyhymnia, Calliope, and Urania. Mycenae. A town of Argolis said to have been built by Perseus. It received its name from Mycene, a nymph of Laconia. It was taken and destroyed by the Argives. Naiades. Inferior deities who presided over rivers, springs, wells, and fountains. The Naiads generally inhabited the country, and resorted to the woods and meadows near the stream over which they presided. They are represented as young and beautiful girls lean- ing on an urn, from which flows a stream of 136 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY water, ^gle was the fairest of them, accord- ing to Virgil. The word Naiad has become Anglicized, and is in frequent use, especially by the poets. Thus Scott says ("Lady of the Lake," canto i. verse 17), " In listening mood she seemed to stand The guardian Naiad of the strand." Narcis sus. A beautiful youth, son of Cephisus and the nymph Liriope, was born at Thespis in Boeotia. He saw his image reflected in a fountain and became in love with it, thinking it to be the nymph of the place. His fruitless attempts to reach this beautiful object so pro- voked him, that he killed himself. His blood was changed into a flower which still bears his name. Nemae'a. A town of Argolis, with a wood where Hercules in the sixteenth year of his age killed the celebrated Nemscan lion. It was the first of the labors of Hercules to destroy the mon- ster, and when he found that his arrows and clubs were useless against an animal whose skin was impenetrable, he seized it in his arms and strangled it. Nemesis. One of the infernal deities, daughter of Nox. She was the goddess of vengeance. She is made one of the Parctc by some mythol- ogists, and is represented with a helm and a wheel. The term is sometimes used to signify vengeance itself. Neoptol emus. A king of Epirus, son of Achilles CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 137 and Deidamia, called also Pyrrhus. He greatly signalized himself during the siege of Troy, and he was the first who entered the wooden horse. He was inferior to none of the Grecian warriors in valor. Ulysses and Nes- tor alone were his superiors in eloquence and wisdom. Ne'pos, Cornelius. A celebrated historian in the reign of Augustus, and, like the rest of his literary contemporaries, he enjoyed the patronage and obtained the favor of the em- peror. He was the intimate friend of Cicero and Atticus, and recommended himself to notice by delicacy of sentiment and a lively disposition. Of all his valuable works the only one extant is his Lives of illustrious Greek and Roman generals. Neptu'nus. One of the gods, son of Saturn and Ops, and brother to Jupiter and Pluto. He was devoured by his father as soon as he was born, and restored to life again by a potion given to Saturn, by Metis, the first wife of Jupiter. Neptune shared with his brothers the empire of Saturn, and received as his por- tion the kingdom of the sea. He did not think this equivalent to the empire of heaven and earth which Jupiter had claimed, therefore he conspired to dethrone him . The conspiracy was discovered, and Jupiter condemned Nep- tune to build the walls of Troy. He married Amphitrite, who thus broke a vow she had made of perpetual celibacy. The lerm Nep- 138 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY tune is often used to signify the sea itself, thus Shakspeare ("Tempest," act v. scene i) says, " Ye that on the sands with printless foot Do chase the ebbing Neptune." Nereides. Nymphs of the sea, daughters of Nereus and Doris. According to most of the mytliologists, they were fifty in number. They are represented as young and handsome girls, sitting on dolphins and armed with tridents. Nero, Claudius Domit ius Caesar. A celebrated Roman emperor, son of Caius Domitius Ahenobarbus and Agrippina, the daughter of Germanicus. His name is the synonym for cruelty and vice. In the night it was his wont to sally out from his palace to visit the mean- est taverns and the different scenes of de- pravity that were to be found. He appeared on the stage, sometimes representing the meanest characters. He resolved to imitate the burning of Troy, and caused Rome to be set on fire in different places, the flames being unextinguished for nine days, and he enjoyed the terrible scene. During the conflagration he placed himself on the top of a tower and sang, accompanying himself on a lyre, of the destruction of Troy. Many conspiracies were formed against him, the most dangerous of which he was saved from by the confession of a slave. He killed himself a.d. 68, in the thirty second year of his age, after a reign of CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I39 thirteen years and eight months. "Wretch that he was, it is said that he had some few to mourn for him, and Suetonius records that some unseen hand had placed flowers on his tomb. This incident is alluded to by Lord Byron in these exquisite lines at the end of the third canto of "Don Juan" : " When Nero perished by the justest doom, Which ever the destroyer yet destroyed, Amidst the roar of liberated Rome, Of nations freed, and the world overjoy'd, Some hands unseen strew'd flowers upon his tomb; Perhaps the weakness of a heart not void Of feeling for some kindness done when power Had left the wretch an uncorrupted hour.'' Ner'va, M. Cocce ius. A Roman emperor after the death of Domitian, a.d. 96. He rendered himself popular by his mildness and gen- erosity. In his civil character he set an ex- ample of good manners and sobriety. He made an oath that no senator should suffer death during his reign, which he carried out by pardoning two members of the senate who had conspired against his life. He died in his seventy-second year a.d. gS, and was suc- ceeded by his son Trajan. Nessus. A celebrated Centaur killed by Hercules for insulting Dejanira. Nes tor. A son of Xeleus and Chloris, nephew to Pelias, and grandson to Neptune. He was present at the bloody battle between the Lapithse and the Centaurs, which took place at the nuptials of Pirithous. As king of Pylos 14© CLASSICAL DICTIONARY he led his soldiers to the Trojan war, where he distinguished himself among the Grecian chieftains by eloquence, wisdom, and pru- dence. Homer makes his character as the most perfect of all his heroes. After the Trojan war Nestor retired to Greece, where he lived during his declining 3'ears in peace and tranquillity. The manner and time of his death are unknown. Ni'nus. A son of Belus. He built Nineveh and founded the Assyrian monarchy, of w^hich he was the first sovereign, b.c. 2059. ^^ married Semiramis, whose husband had destroyed himself through fear of Ninus. He reigned fifty-two years. Ni'obe. A daughter of Tantalus, king of Lydia, and Euryanassa, or Dione. She married Amphion, and, according to Hesiod, they had ten sons and ten daughters. All the sons of Niobe expired by the darts of Apollo, and all the daughters, except Chloris, were de- stroyed by Diana. Niobe, overwhelmed with grief, was changed into a stone. Nito'cris. A celebrated queen of Babylon, who built a bridge across the Euphrates in the middle of that city, and dug a number of re- servoirs for the superfluous water of the river. Nom'ades. A name given to people who had no fixed habitation, and who continually changed their place of residence in quest of fresh pastures for the cattle they tended. There were Nomades in Scythia, India, Arabia, etc. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I4I The word is in constant use as Anglicized— Nomad — meaning any one who leads a wan- dering and unsettled life. Nox. One of the most ancient deities among the heathens, daughter of Chaos. She gave birth to the Day and the Light, and was mother of the Parcse, Hesperides, Dreams, Death, etc. Nu'ma Pompil'ius. A celebrated philosopher of Cures. He married Tatia, daughter of Tatius, king of the Sabines. and at her death he re- tired into the country to devote himself to literary pursuits. At the death of Romulus the Romans fixed on him to be their new king. Numa at first refused the offer of the crown, but at length was prevailed on to accept it. He endeavored to inculcate into the minds of his subjects a reverence for the deity, and he did all he could to heal their dissensions. He encouraged the report of his visits to the nymph Egeria. and made use of her name to give sanction to the laws which he had made. He dedicated a temple to Janus, which, dur- ing his whole reign, remained closed as a mark of peace and tranquillity at Rome. Numa died after a reign of forty-three years (B.C. 672), during which he had given en- couragement to the useful arts, and had culti- vated peace. Nym'phae. Certain female deities among the ancients. They were generally divided into two classes — nymphs of the land and nymphs of the sea. Of the former some presided over 142 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY woods, and were called Dryades and Hama- dryades. Of the sea nymphs some were called Oceanides, Nereides, Naiades, etc. Ocean ides and Oceanit'ides. Sea nymphs, daughters of Oceanus, from whom they re- ceived their name. According to Apollodorus they were 3,000 in number, while Hesiod speaks of them as consisting of forty-one. Oce'anus. A powerful deity of the sea, son of Coelus and Terra. He married Tethys, the Oceanides being their children. Octa'via. A Roman lady, sister to the emperor Augustus, celebrated for her beauty and virtues. She married Claudius Marcellus, and, after his death, Antony, who for some time was attentive to her, but eventually de- serted her for Cleopatra. Octavia nus, or Octa vius Caesar. A famous Roman, who, after the battle of Actium, had bestowed on him by the senate the surname Augustus, as expressing his dignity and greatness. Odena'tus. A celebrated prince of Palmyra. At an early period of his life he inured himself to bear fatigue by hunting wild beasts. He was a faithful ally of the Romans, and gave great offense to Sapor, king of Persia, in con- sequence. In the warfare which ensued he obtained advantage over the troops of Sapor, and took his wife prisoner, besides gaining great booty. He died by the hand of one of CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 143 his relations whom he had offended. Zenobia succeeded him on the throne. CE'dipus. A son of Laius, king of Thebes, and Jocasta. Laius was informed by the oracle, as soon as he married Jocasta, that he would perish by the hands of his son. On his birth CEdipus was given to a domestic, with orders to expose him to death on the mountains, where he was found by one of the shepherds of Polybus, king of Corinth. Periboea, the wife of Polybus, educated him as her own child, tending him with great care. In after life he met Laius in a narrow lane in a chariot, and being haughtily ordered to make way for Laius, a combat ensued in which Laius was slain. After this CEdipus was attracted to Thebes by the fame of the Sphinx, who de- voured all those who attempted to explain without success the enigmas which she pro- pounded. The enigma proposed by the Sphinx to CEdipus was : — What animal in the morning walks upon four feet, at noon upon two, and in the evening upon three? CEdipus solved the riddle by replying that the animal was man, who in childhood crawls on his hands and feet, on attaining manhood walks on two feet erect, and in the evening of life supports his tottering steps with a staff. The monster, on hearing the correct solution of the riddle, dashed her head against a rock and perished. CE'neus. A king of Calydon, son of Parthaon or 144 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Portheus and Euryte. He married Althaea, their children being Clymenus, Meleager, Gorge, and Dejanira. In a general sacrifice he made to the gods he slighted Diana, who, in revenge, sent a wild boar to waste his country. The animal was killed by Meleager in the celebrated Calydonian boar hunt. After this misfortunes overtook CEneus, and he exiled himself from Calydon, and died on his way to Argolis. GEnom'aus. King of Pisa, in Elis, and father of Hippodamia. He was told by the oracle that he would perish by his son-in-law. Being skilful in driving a chariot, he announced that he would give his daughter in marriage only to some one who could defeat him in a race, death being the result to those who were de- feated. After a number of aspirants had con- tended and failed, Pelops, son of Tantalus, entered the lists, and by bribing the charioteer of CEnomaus. who provided a chariot with a broken axle-tree, Pelops won the race, and married Hippodamia, becoming king of Persia. CEnomaus was killed in the race. Olym'pia. Celebrated games which received their name either from Olympia. where they were observed, or from Jupiter Olympius, to whom they were dedicated. Olym'pus. A mountain in Macedonia and Thes- saly. The ancients supposed that it touched the heavens, and thus they have made it the residence of the gods, and the place where CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I45 Jupiter held his court. On the top of the mountain, according to the poets, eternal spring reigned. Om'phale. A queen of Lydia, daughter of Jar- danus. She married Tmolus, who at his death left her mistress of his kingdom. She had heard of the exploits of Hercules, and wished to see him. After he had slain Eurytus, Hercules was ordered to be sold as a slave, and was purchased by Omphale, who gave him his liberty. He became in love with Omphale, who reciprocated his passion. He is represented by the poets as being so infatuated with her that he sat spinning by her side surrounded by her women, while she garbed herself with his lion's skin, arming herself with his club. Oppianus. A Greek poet of Cilicia. He wrote some poems celebrated for their sublimity and elegance. Caracalla gave him a piece of gold for every verse in one of his poems. Oppian died of the plague in the thirtieth year of his age. Ops. A daughter of Coelus and Terra, the same as the Rhea of the Greeks, who married Saturn, and became mother of Jupiter. She was known among the ancients by the dif- ferent names of Cybele, Bona Dea. Magna Mater, Thya. Tellus, and Proserpina. Ores'tes. A son of Agamemnon and Clytem- nestra. His father was slain by Clytemnestra and ^gisthus, but young Orestes was saved 10 146 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY from his mother's dagger by his sister Electra, called by Homer Laodicea. and was conveyed to the house of Strophius, king of Phocis, who had married a sister of Agamemnon. He was indulgently treated by Strophius, who educated him with his son Pylades. The two young princes formed the most inviolable friendship. When Orestes had arrived at years of manhood he avenged his father's death by killing his mother Clytemnestra. Or'igen. A Greek writer, celebrated for his learning and the sublimity of his genius. He suffered martyrdom in his sixty-ninth year. His works are numerous, consisting of com- mentaries on the Scriptures and various treatises. Orpheus. A son of Q£ger and the Muse Calliope. Some suppose him to be the son of Apollo. He received a lyre from Apollo, or, according to some, from Mercury, on which he played in such a masterly manner that the melodious sounds caused rivers to cease to flow, and savage beasts to forget their wildness. He married Eurydice, who died from the bite of a serpent. Orpheus felt her death acutely, and to recover her he visited the infernal re- gions. Pluto, the king of the infernal re- gions, was enraptured with the strains of music from the lyre of Orpheus, and, accord- ing to the poets, the wheel of Ixion stopped, the stone of Sisyphus stood still, Tantalus forgot his burning thirst, and even the Furies CLASSICAL DICTIONARY T47 relented, so fascinating were the .sounds ex- tracted from the lyre. Phito was moved by the sorrow of Orpheus, and consented to re- store Eurydice to him, provided he forbore to look behind him till he had reached the ex- tremity of his domain. Orpheus agreed to this, but forgot his promise, and turned round to look at Eurydice, who instantly vanished from his sight. After this he separated him- self from the society of mankind, and the Thracian women, whom he had offended by his coldness, attacked him while they cele- brated the orgies of Bacchus, and after they had torn his body to pieces they threw his head into the Hebrus. Mr. Wiffen, in a translation from the Spanish of Garcilaso de la Vega, thus beautifully alludes to the strains of Orpheus : " Had I the sweet resounding: lyre, Whose voice could in a moment chain The howling wind's ungovern'd ire. And movement of the raging main. On savage hill the leopard rein. The lion's fiery soul entrance. And lead along with golden tones. The fascinated trees and stones. In voluntary dance.'' Osi'ris. A great deity of the Egyptians, husband of Isis. The ancients differ in opinion con- cerning this celebrated god. but they all agree that as ruler of Egypt he took care to civilize his subjects, to improve their morals, to give them good and salutary laws, and to teach them agriculture. 148 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Ovid'ius, P. Na'so. A celebrated Roman poet born at Sulmo. He was sent at an early age to Rome, and afterward went to Athens in the sixteenth year of his age, where his prog- ress in the study of eloquence was great. His natural inclination, however, w^as toward poetry, and to this he devoted his chief atten- tion. His lively genius and fertile imagina- tion soon gained him admirers ; the learned became his friends ; Virgil, Propertius, Horace, and Tibullus honored him with their correspondence, and Augustus patronized him with unbounded liberality. These favors, however, were transitory, and he was ban- ished to a place on the Euxine Sea by order of the emperor. The true cause of his ban- ishment is not known. His friends ardently entreated the emperor to permit him to return, but in vain, and he died in the seventh or eighth year of his banishment, in the fifty- ninth year of his age, A.D.17. A great por- tion of his works remains. These consist of the "Metamorphoses," "Fasti," "Epistolse," etc. "While his works are occasionally disfig- ured by indelicacy, they are distinguished by great sweetness and elegance. Pacto'lus. A celebrated river of Lydia. It was in this river that Midas washed himself when he turned into gold whatever he touched. Pae'an. A surname of Apollo derived from the word pcEan, a hymn which was sung in his honor for killing the serpent Python. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I49 Palae'mon or Pale'mon. A sea deity, son of Athamas and Ino. His original name was Melicerta. He assumed the name of Palaemon after being changed into a sea deity by Nep- tune. Palame des. A Grecian chief, son of Nauplius. king of Euboea, and Clymene. He was sent by the Greek princes, who were going to the Trojan war, to bring Ulysses to the camp, who, to withdraw himself from the expedi- tion, had pretended to be insane. Palamedes soon penetrated the deception, and Ulysses was obliged to join in the war. but an invet- erate enmity arose between the two, and by an unworthy artifice Ulysses procured the death of Palamedes. Palamedes is accredited with the invention of dice, backgammon, and other games. Palatinus, Mens. A celebrated hill, the largest of the seven hills on which Rome was built. Palinu'rus. A skillful pilot of the ship of ^neas. He fell into the sea while asleep, and was ex- posed to the waves for three days, and on reaching the shore was murdered by the in- habitants of the place where he landed. Palladium. A celebrated statue of Pallas. It represented the goddess as holding a spear in her right hand, and in her left a distaff and spindle. It fell down from heaven near the tent of Ilus as he was building the citadel of Ilium, while, according to others, it fell in Phrygia ; another account says Dardanus re- 150 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY ceived it as a present from his mother Electra ; other accounts are given of its origin. It is generally agreed, however, that on the pres- ervation of the statue the fate of Troy de- pended. This was known to the Greeks dur- ing the Trojan war, and they contrived to obtain possession of it. But some authors say that the true Palladium was not carried away by the Greeks, but only a statue which had been placed near it, and which bore some resemblance to it. Pallas. A name of Minerva. She is said to have received the name because she killed a noted giant bearing that name. Palmy ra. The capital of Palmyrene, a country on the eastern boundaries of Syria, now called Tadmor. It is famous as being the seat of government of the celebrated Queen Zenobia. Pan. The god of shepherds, huntsmen, and the inhabitants of the country. He was in ap- pearance a monster; he liad two small horns on his head, and his legs, thighs, tail, and feet were like those of the goat. Pan'darus. A son of Lycaon, who aided the Trojans in their war with the Greeks. He broke the truce which had been agreed on by the contending armies, and wounded Mene- laus and Diomedes. He was at last killed by Diomedes. Pandi on. A king of Athens, father of Procne and Philomela. During his reign there was such ail abundance of corn, wine, and oil in his CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 151 realm that it was supposed that Bacchus and Minerva had personally visited the country. Pandora. A celebrated woman ; the first mortal female that ever lived, according to Hesiod. She was made of clay by Vulcan, and having received life, all the gods made presents to her. Venus gave her beauty and the art of pleasing ; the Graces gave her the power of captivating ; Apollo taught her how to sing, and Mercury instructed her in eloquence. Jupiter gave her a beautiful box, which she was ordered to present to the man who mar- ried her. This was Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus, who opened the box, from which issued a multitude of evils, which became dis- persed all over the world, and which from that fatal moment have never ceased to affect the human race. Hope alone remained at the bottom of the box. Pansa, C. Vib'tus. A Roman consul, who, with Hirtius, pursued the assassins of Caesar, and was killed in a battle near Mutina. Pantheon. A celebrated temple at Rome, built by Agrippa in the reign of Augustus, and dedicated to all the gods. Par'cae. The Fates, powerful goddesses who presided over the birth and life of mankind. They were three in number, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, daughters of Nox and Erebus, according to Hesiod, or, according to what he says in another place, of Jupiter and Themis. Paris. The son of Priam, king of Troy, and 152 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY Hecuba ; he was also called Alexander. He was destined before his birth to cause the ruin of his country, and before he was born his mother dreamt that he would be a torch which would set fire to her palace. The soothsayers predicted that he would be the cause of the destruction of Troy. In consequence of these foretold calamities Priam ordered a slave to destroy the child immediately after birth, but instead of acting thus the slave exposed the child on Mount Ida, where some shepherds found him and took care of him. Paris gave early proofs of courage, and his graceful con- tenance recommended him to CEnone, a nymph of Ida, whom he married. At the marriage of Peleus and Thetis the goddess of discord, who had not been invited, showed her displeasure by throwing into the assembly of the gods, who were at the nuptials, a golden apple, on which were the words : — Let it be given to the fairest. The apple was claimed by Juno, Venus, and Minerva. Paris, who had been appointed to award it to the most beautiful of the three goddesses, gave it to Venus. Subsequently I^aris visited Sparta, where he persuaded Helen, wife of Menelaus, the most beautiful woman of the age, to elope with him. This caused the Trojan war. Dif- ferent accounts are given of the death of Paris. By some he if? said to have been killed by one of the arrows of Philoctetes which had once belonged to Hercules. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY T53 Parme'nio. A celebrated general in the armies of Alexander the Great, by whom he was re- garded with the greatest affection. The firm friendship which existed between the two generals was broken in a sudden fit of anger by Alexander, who ordered his friend to be put to death, b.c. 330. Parnassus. A mountain of Phocis sacred to the Muses, and to Apollo and Bacchus. It was named thus after a son of Neptune who bore that designation. Lord Byron alludes to it in "Childe Harold," canto i. : " Oh, thou Parnassus ! whom I now survey, Not in the frenzy of a dreamer's eye, Not in the fabled landscape of a lay. But soaring snow-clad through thy native sky, In the wild pomp of mountain majesty !"' Parrha'sius. A famous painter of Ephesus in the age of Zeuxis, about fifteen years before Christ. He contended on one occasion with Zeuxis for the palm in painting, and Zeuxis acknowledged that he was excelled by Par- rhasius. Parthenon. A temple of Athens sacred to Mi- nerva. It was destroyed by the Persians, and was rebuilt by Pericles. Pasiph'ae. A daughter of the vSun and of Per- seis, who married Minos, king of Crete. She became the mother of the Minotaur which was killed by Theseus. Patroclus. One of the Grecian chiefs during the Trojan war. He contracted an intimate 154 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY friendship with Achilles, and when the Greeks went to the Trojan war Patroclus accompanied them. He was the constant companion of Achilles, living in the same tent, and when his friend refused to appear in the field of battle, because of being offended with Aga- memnon. Patroclus imitated his example. Nestor, however, prevailed on him again to take the field, and Achilles lent him his ar- mor. Hector encountered him, and after a desperate fight slew him. The Greeks ob- tained his dead body, which was brought into the Grecian camp, where Achilles received it with great lamentation, and again taking the field, killed Hector, thus avenging the death of his friend. Pau lus iEmil'ius. A Roman celebrated for his military achievements, surnamed "Macedo- nicus" from his conquest of ]Macedonia. In earl}' life he distinguished himself by his ap- plication and for his love for military disci- pline. In his first consulship he reduced the Ligurians to subjection, and subsequently obtained a great victory over the Macedo- nians, making himself master of the country. In the office of censor, which he filled, he be- haved with great moderation, and at his death, about i68 years before the Christian era, the Romans mourned deeply for him. Pausa'nias. A Spartan general who greatly sig- nalized himself at the battle of Plataea against the Persians. He afterward, at the head of CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 155 the Spartan armies, extended his conquests in Asia, but the haughtiness of his behavior made him many enemies. He offered, on certain conditions, to betray Greece to the Persians, but his perfidy was discovered, on which he fled for safety to a temple of Mi- nerva, where he was starved to death, b.c. 471- Peg asus. A winged horse sprung from the blood of Medusa. According to Ovid he fixed his abode on Mount Helicon, where, by striking the earth with his foot, he raised a fountain which has been called Hippocrene. Pe lens. A king of Thessaly, son of ^acus and Endeis, the daughter of Chiron. He married Thetis, one of the Nereids. Pe lias. Son of Neptune and Tyro. On his birth he was exposed in the woods, but his life was preserved by some shepherds. Subsequently Tyro was married to Cretheus, king of lolchos. They had three children, of whom ^son was the eldest. Pelias visited his mother after the death of Cretheus, and usurped the author- ity which properly belonged to the children of the deceased monarch. Jason, the son of ^son, who had been educated by Chiron, on attaining manhood demanded the kingdom, the government of which Pelias had usurped. Jason was persuaded by Pelias to waive his claim for the present, and start on the Argo- nautic expedition. On his return, accompan- ied by the sorceress Medea, she undertook to 156 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY restore Pelias to youth, explaining that it was necessary first to cut his body to pieces and place the limbs in a caldron of boiling water. This was done, when Medea refused to fulfil her promise, which she had solemnly made to the daughters of Pelias, who were four in number, and who had received the patronymic of the " Peliades. " Pe lion, sometimes called Pelios. A celebrated mountain of Thessaly, the top of which is covered with pine-trees. Pelop Idas. A celebrated general of Thebes, son of Hippoclus. It was owing to his valor and prudence, combined with the ability of Epam- inondas, that the famous victory of Leuctra was won. Pe'lops. A celebrated prince, son of Tantalus, king of Phrygia. He was killed by his father, and served up as a feast to the gods, who had visited Phrygia. He was restored to life, and married Hippodamia, having won her through defeating her father in a chariot race. Penates. Certain inferior deities among the Ro- mans, who presided over the domestic affairs of families. Penelope. A celebrated princess of Greece, daughter of Icarius, and wife of Ulysses, king of Ithaca. She became the mother of Telemachus, and was obliged to part, with great reluctance, from her husband when the Greeks obliged him to go to the Trojan war. The strife between the hostile forces continued CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I57 . for ten years, and when Ulysses did not re- turn home at the conclusion of the war her fears and anxieties became overwhehning. She was beset by a number of suitors, who told her that her husband would never return. She received their advances with coldness, but as she was devoid of power, and, as it were, almost a prisoner in their hands, she tempo- rized with them. After twenty years' absence Ulysses returned, and at once delivered her from the persecutions of her suitors. Penel- ope is described by Homer as a model of female propriety, whilst some more modern writers dispute the correctness of this view. The accounts given by different authors re- specting her, in fact, differ materially. By some she is said to have been the mother of Pan. Penthesile'a. A queen of the Amazons, daughter of Mars. She came to assist Priam in the last years of the Trojan war, and was slain by Achilles. Per 'gamus. The citadel of the city of Troy The word is often used to signify Troy. From it Xerxes reviewed his troops as he marched to invade Greece. Per'icles. An Athenian of noble family, son of Xanthippus and Agariste. His naturally great mental powers were greatly improved by attending the lectures of Zeno and other philosophers. He became a commander, a statesman, and an orator, and gained the es- 158 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY teem of the people by his address and liber- ality. In his ministerial capacity, Pericles did not enrich himself. The prosperity and happiness of Athens was his primary ob- ject. He made war against the Lacedae- monians, and restored the temple of Delphi to the care of the Phocians, who had been improperly deprived of that honorable trust. The Peloponnesian war was fomented by his ambitious views. He at length lost his popu- larity, but only temporarily, and he was re- stored to all the honors of which he had been deprived. A pestilence which prevailed proved fatal to him in his seventieth year, about 429 years before Christ. Perseus. A son of Jupiter and Danae, the daughter of Acrisius. It had been predicted by the oracle that Acrisius was to perish by his daughter's offspring, so Perseus, soon after his birth, was, with his mother Danae, thrown into the sea. Both were saved, and reached the island of Seriphos, where they were treated kindly by Polydectes, the king, who, however, soon became jealous of the genius of Perseus. Perseus had promised Polydectes to bring him the head of the Gor- gon Medusa. To enable him to obtain this Pluto lent him a helmet which made the wearer invisible, Minerva gave him her buck- ler, and Mercury furnished him with wings. Thus equipped he found the Gorgons, and cut off Medusa's head, with which he fled through CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 159 the air, and from the blood which dropped from It sprang the horse Pegasus. During his flight Perseus discovered Andromeda chained to a rock to be devoured by a sea monster, which he destroyed, and married Andromeda. He now returned to vSeriphos, where he turned into stone Polydectes by showing him Medusa's head. By an accident, in throwing a quoit he killed Acrisius, thus fulfilling the prediction of the oracle. Perseus or Per ses. A son of Philip, king of Macedonia. He distinguished himself by his enmity to the Romans, and when he had made sufficient preparations he declared war against them. He, however, wanted courage and resolution, and though he at first obtained some advantages over the Roman armies, his timidity proved destructive to his cause. He was defeated at Pydna, and soon after was taken prisoner, and died in prison at Rome. Per sius, Au lus Flac cus. A Latin poet of Vola- terrae. He was of a good family, and soon became intimate with the most illustrious Romans of his day. The early part of his life was spent in his native town, but at the age of sixteen he was removed to Rome, where he studied philosophy. He died in his thirtieth year, a.d. 62. The satires of Persius were read with pleasure and avidity by his con- temporaries. Per'tinax, Pub'lius Hel'vius. A Roman emperor after the death of Comraodus. He was de- l6o CLASSICAL DICTIONARY scended from an obscure family, and for some time was employed in drying wood and mak- ing charcoal. He entered on a military life, and by his valor rose to offices of the highest trust, and was made consul. At the death of Commodus he was selected to succeed to the throne. His patriotism gained him the affec- tion of the worthiest of his subjects, but there were some who plotted against him. He was killed by his soldiers a.d. 193. Petro'nius Arbiter. A favorite of Emperor Nero, and one of the ministers and associates of his pleasures and vices. He was made proconsul of Bithynia, and afterward was honored with the consulship. Eventually he became out of favor with Nero, and resolved to destroy himself, which he did by having his veins opened, a.u. 66. Petronius distinguished himself by his writings as well as by his voluptuousness. He is the author of many elegant compositions, which are, however, often characterized by impropriety of lan- guage. Phaedra. A daughter of Minos and Pasiphae, who married Theseus. She became the mother of Acamas and Demophoon. She brought an unjust accusation against Hippolytus (a son of The-seus before she married him) , who was killed by the horses in his chariot taking fright, causing him to be thrown under the wheels and crushed to death. On hearing this Phajdra acknowledged the falseness of CLASSICAL DICTIONARY l6l the charge she had brought against Hippo- lytus, and hanged herself in despair. Phae'drus. A Thracian who became one of the freedmen of the emperor Augustus. He translated the fables of ^sop into Iambic verse. Pha'ethon. A son of the Sun, or of Phoebus and Clymene. According to Hesiod and Pausa- nias he was son of Cephalus and Aurora, or of Tithonus and Aurora according to Apollo- dorus. He is, however, generally acknowl- edged to be son of Phoebus and Clymene. Phoebus allowed him to drive the chariot of the sun for one day. Phaethon, on receiving the reins, at once showed his incapacity ; the horses became unmanageable, and heaven and earth were threatened with a conflagra- tion, when Jupiter struck Phaethon with a thunderbolt, and hurled him into the river Po, where he perished. Phalaris. A tyrant of Agrigentum, who treated his subjects with great cruelty. Perillus made him a brazen bull, inside of which he proposed to place culprits, and by applying fire burn them to death. The first to be thus burnt in this manner was Perillus himself. The cruel- ties practised by Phalaris were revenged by a revolt of his people, who put him to death by burning him in the bull. Pha'on. A boatman of Mitylene, in Lesbos. He received a box of ointment from Venus, who had presented herself to him in the form of an IX 1 62 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY old woman. When he had rubbed himself with the unguent he became beautiful, and Sappho, the celebrated poetess, became en- amored with him. For a short time he de- voted himself to her, but soon treated her with coldness, upon which she threw herself into the sea and was drowned. Pharnaba'zus. A satrap of Persia who assisted the Lacedaemonians against the Athenians, and gained their esteem by his devotion to their cause. Pha'ros. A small island in the bay of Alexan- dria, on which was built a tower which was considered one of the seven wonders of the world. It was erected in the reigns of Ptolem}' Soter and Ptolemy Philadelphus, the architect being Sostratus, the son of Dexiphanes, Pharsa'lia. A town of Thessaly, famous for the great battle fought there between Julius Caesar and Pompey, in which the former obtained the victory. Phid ias. A celebrated sculptor of Athens, who died B.C. 432. He executed a statue of Mi- nerva, which was placed in the Pantheon. Philip'pi. A town of Macedonia, celebrated for two battles fought there, 15. c. 42, between Augustus and Antony and the republican forces of Brutus and Cassius, in which the former were victorious. Philip'pus, king of Macedonia, was son of Amyn- tas, king ni Macedonia. He learnt the art of war from Epaminondas. He married Olym* CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 163 pias. the daughter of Neoptolemus, king of the Molossi, and became father of Alexan- der the Great. Among the most important evisnts of his reign was the battle of Chyero- nea, which he won from the Greeks. The character of Philip is that of a sagacious, pru- dent, but artful and intriguing, monarch. He was assassinated by Pausanias at the celebra- tion of the nuptials of his daughter, in the forty-seventh year of his age and the twenty- fourth of his reign, about 336 years before the Christian era. Philip'pus. The last king of Macedonia of that name was son of Demetrius. He aspired to become the friend of Hannibal. His intrigues were discovered by the Romans, who in- vaded his territories, and extorted peace from him on terms which were humiliating. He died in the forty-second year of his reign, 179 years before the Christian era. Phi'lo. A Jewish writer of Alexandria, a.d. 40. His works related to the creation of the world, sacred history, and the laws and customs of the Jewish nation. Philocte'tes was one of the Argonauts. He re- ceived from Hercules the arrows which had been dipped in the gall of the Hydra. The Greeks, in the tenth year of the Trojan war, were informed by the oracle that Troy could not be taken without these arrows. Philocte- tes repaired to the Grecian camp, where he destroyed a number of the Trojans, among 164 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY whom was Paris, with the arrows. The ad- ventures of Philoctetes are the subject of one of the best tragedies of Sophocles. Philome'la. A daughter of Pandion, king of Athens. Her sister Procne had married Tereus, king of Thrace, and being separated from Philomela spent her time in great mel- ancholy. She persuaded her husband to go to Athens and bring her sister to Thrace. Tereus, on the journey, treated Philomela with great cruelty, and cut off her tongue, con- fining her in a lonely castle, and reporting to Procne that she was dead. Philomela, how- ever, found means to inform Procne that she was living. In revenge for the cruelty of Tereus, Procne murdered his son and served him up as food at a banquet. On hearing this Tereus drew his sword to slay the sisters, when he was changed into a hoopoe. Philomela into a nightingale, and Procne into a swallow. In poetry we frequently find the nightingale alluded to as Philomela, as in this quatrain, which occurs in a contribution to the "Eto- nian :— " Hark ! upon the passing gale Philomela''s plaintive wail ! Feelings how serene and tender Does the lovely music render." Philopoe'men. A celebrated general of the Achae- ans, born at Megalopolis. At an early age he distinguished himself in the field of battle, at the same time appearing fond of agricul- CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 1 65 ture and a country life. He adopted Epami- nondas as his model, and was not unsuccess- ful in imitating the prudence and other good qualities of the famous Theban. When Me- galopolis was attacked by the Spartans, Phil- opoemen, then in his thirtieth year, gave the most decisive proofs of his valor. Raised to the rank of commander, he showed his ability to discharge that important trust by killing with his own hand Mechanidas, the tyrant of Sparta, and defeating his army. Sparta hav- ing become, after its conquest, tributary to the Achseans, Philopoemen enjoyed the tri- umph of having subdued one of the most powerful states of Greece. He was at length made prisoner by the Messenians, and was treated by their general, Dinocrates. with great severity. He was poisoned in his seven tieth year, about 1S3 years before the Chris- tian era. Philos'tratus. A famous Sophist born at Lemnos, or, according to some, at Athens. He came to Rome, where he was patronized by Julia, the wife of the Emperor Severus. She en- trusted him with some papers referring to Apollonius, whose life he wrote. This bio- graphy is, written with elegance, but contains many exaggerated descriptions and improb- able stories. Phi'neus. A son of Agenor, king of Phoenicia, or, according to some, a son of Xeptune, who became king of Thrace. He married Cleopa- 1 66 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY tra (called by some Cleobula) , the daughter of Boreas, their children being Plexippus and Pandion. After the death of Cleopatra, he married Idaea, the daughter of Dardanus, who, jealous of Cleopatra's children, accused them of an attempt on their father's life, and they were condemned by Phineus to have their eyes put out. This cruelty was punished by the gods, Phineus being made blind, and the Harpies were sent by Jupiter to keep him in continual alarm. He recovered his sight by means of the Argonauts, whom he received with great hospitality. Phleg ethon. A river in the infernal regions, be- tween the banks of which flames of fire flowed instead of water. Phle'gon. One of the Emperor Adrian's f reed- men. He wrote a historical account of Sicily, an account of the principal places in Rome, and treatises on different subjects. His style was inelegant, and he evinced a want of judg- ment in his writings. Pho cion. An Athenian celebrated for his public and private virtue. He was distinguished for his zeal for the general good, and for his mili- tary abilities. The fickleness of the Atheni- ans, however, caused them to lose sight of his virtues, and, being accused of treason, he was condemned to drink poison, which he took with the greatest heroism. His death occurred about 3t8 years before the Christian era. PhcE nix, son of Amyntor, king of Argos, and CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 167 Cleobule or Hippodamia, was preceptor to Achilles. He accompanied his pupil to the Trojan war, and Achilles was ever grateful for the precepts he had received from him. After the fall of Troy he died in Thrace, and, according to Strabo, was buried near Tra- chinia, where his name was given to a river. Phry'ne. A beautiful woman who lived at Athens about 328 years before the Christian era. She was beloved by Praxiteles, who painted her portrait. It is said that Apelles painted his Venus Anadyomene after he had seen Phryne on the sea-shore with dishevelled hair. There was another woman of the same name, who was accused of impiety. When her judges were about to condemn her she unveiled her bosom, and her beauty so captivated them that they acquitted her. Phryx us. A son of Athamas, king of Thebes, and Nephele. On the plea of insanity, Nephele was repudiated by Athamas, who then married Ino, who persecuted Phryxus with inveterate hatred, because he was to succeed to the throne in preference to one of her own children. Be- ing apprised that Ino had designs on his life, he started with his sister Helle to go to yEetes, king of Colchis. According to the poets they mounted on a ram, whose fleece was gold, which soared into the air, directing its course to Colchis. Helle became giddy, and falling into the sea (afterward called the Helles- pont), was drowned. Phryxus arrived at the 1 68 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY court of ^etes, whose daughter Chalciope he married. Some time afterward he was killed by his father-in-law. The murder of Phryxus gave rise to the famous Argonautic expedition under Jason, the object being to recover the Golden Fleece, wliich Jason succeeded in ob- taining. Phyl'lis. A daughter of Sithon, or, according to other writers, of Lycurgus, king of Thrace. She received Demophoon, who landed on her coasts on his return from the Trojan war, and fell in love with him, and he reciprocated her affection; but afterward proving faithless, Phyllis hanged herself, and, according to an old tradition, was changed into an almond tree. Pious. King of Latium. son of Saturn, who mar- ried Venilia. As he was hunting he was met by Circe, who became enamored with him. She changed him into a woodpecker. Pier'ides. A name given to the Muses, because they were born in Pieria, or, as some say, be- cause they were supposed to be the daughters of Pierus, a king of Macedonia, who settled in B(X3otia. Pin'darus. A celebrated lyric poet of Thebes. When he was young it is said that a swarm of bees settled on his lips and left on them some honey, which was regarded as a prognostic of his future greatness. After his death great respect was shown to his memory, and a statue was erected in liis honor in one of the CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 169 most public places in Thebes. Pindar is said to have died at the age of eighty-six, b.c. 435. Of his works, the odes only are extant : they are admired for sublimity of sentiment and grandeur of expression. Piraeus, A celebrated harbor at Athens about three miles from the city. It was joined to the town by two walls, one built by Pericles, and the other by Themistocles. Pirith'ous. Son of Ixion and Dia, the daughter of Deioneus. He was king of the Lapithae, and wished to become acquainted with The- seus, king of Athens, of whose fame and ex- ploits he had heard. They became cordial friends. Pirithous married Hippodamia, and invited the Centaurs to attend his nuptials, where, having become intoxicated, they be- haved with great rudeness, on which they were attacked and overcome by Theseus, Pirithous, Hercules, and the rest of the Lapithae. Many of the Centaurs were slain, and the rest saved their lives by flight. Pisan der. A commander in the Spartan fleet during the Peloponnesian war. He was great- ly opposed to democracy at Athens. He was killed in a naval battle near Cnidus, b.c. 394. Pisis'tratus. A celebrated Athenian who distin- guished himself by valor in the field and by eloquence at home. He obtained a bodyguard of fifty men to defend his person, and having thus got a number of armed men on whom he could rely, he seized the citadel of Athens, 170 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY and soon made himself absolute. After this a conspiracy was formed against him, and he was banished from the city. He soon, how- ever, re-established himself in power, and married the daughter of Megacles, one of his greatest enemies, whom he afterward repu- diated. On this his popularity waned, and he fled from Athens, but after an absence of eleven years he returned, and was received by the people with acclamation. He died about 527 years before the Christian era. Pi'so. A celebrated family at Rome, eleven of whom had obtained the consulship, and some of whom had had been honored with triumphs for their victories. Of this family the most famous were — Lucius Calpurnius, who was tribune of the people about 149 years before Christ, and afterward consul. He gained honor as an orator, a statesman, and a his- torian. Caius, another of the family, distin- guished himself during his consulship by his firmness in resisting the tumults raised by the tribunes and the clamors of the people. Cneus, who was consul under Augustus, rendered himself odious by his cruelty. He was ac- cused of poisoning Germanicus, and, being shunned by his friends, destroyed himself. Lucius, a governor of Spain, who was assas- sinated by a peasant. Lucius, a governor of Rome for twenty years, during which time he discharged his duties with moderation and justice. Caius, who was at the head of a con CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 171 spiracy against Nero. He committed suicide by venesection. Pit'tacus, a native of Mitylene in Lesbos, was one of the seven wise men of Greece. He died in the eighty-second year of his age. about 570 years before Christ, the latter part of his life being spent in retirement. Many of his maxims were inscribed on the walls of Apollo's temple at Delphi, to show how high an opinion his countrymen entertained of his abilities as a moralist and philosopher. Plancus, L. Muna tius. A Roman conspicuous for his follies and extravagance. He had been consul, and had presided over a pro- vince, but he forgot his dignity, and became one of the most servile flatterers of Antony and Cleopatra. Platae a. A town of Boeotia, near Mount Citheron, celebrated as the scene of a battle between Mardonius, the general of Xerxes, king of Persia, and Pausanias, who commanded the Athenians. The Persians were defeated with great slaughter. Plato. A celebrated philosopher of Athens. He was educated carefully, his mind being culti- vated by the stud}' of poetry and geometry, while his body was invigorated by the prac- tice of gymnastics. He began his literary career by writing poetry and tragedies. At the age of twenty he was introduced to Socra- tes, with whom he was for some time a pupil. After traveling in various countries, he re- 72 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY tired to the neighborhood of Athens, where his lectures were attended by a crowd of learned, noble, and illustrious pupils. He died on his birthday in the eighty-first year of his age, about 348 years before the Christian era. His writings were so celebrated, and his opinions so highly regarded, that he was called the Divine. Plau'tus, M. Ac'cius. A dramatic poet born in Umbria. He wrote twenty-five comedies, of which only nineteen are extant. He died about 184 years before the Christian era. Plei'ades. A name given to seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. They were placed after death in the heavens, and formed a constella- tion. Plin'ius, C. Sccun dus, called the Elder, was born at Verona, of a noble family. He distin- guished himself in the field, and was ap- pi inted governor of Spain. When at Mise- num in command of the Roman fleet, Pliny observed the appearance of a cloud of dust and ashes, which was the commencement of the famous eruption of Mount Vesuvius which overwhelmed Herculaneum and Pompeii. He sailed for the scene of the eruption, where he was suffocated by the vapors emitted. This occurred in tlie seventy-ninth year of the Christian era. Plin ius, C. Caecilius Secun dus, surnamed the Younger Pliny, was son of L. Caecilius by the sister of Pliny the Elder. At the age of nine- CLASSIC AT, DICTIONARY I 73 teen he distinguished himself at the bar. When Trajan was invested with the purple, Pliny was created consul. He died in the fifty-second year of his age, a.d. 113. Pliny had much to do with the persecutions of the Christians in the early promulgation of the Christian religion. The Rev. James Copland, M.A., in an admirable little work entitled "Reasons why we Believe the Bible," gives a very interesting letter from Pliny to the em- peror Trajan, asking instructions how to deal with the Christians when they were cited to appear before him. Plutar'chus, the celebrated biographer, was born at Chseronea, his father being distinguished for his learning and virtues. After traveling in quest of knowledge, he retired to Rome, where he opened a school. Subsequently he removed to Chseronea, were he died at an ad- vanced age about the 140th year of the Chris- tian era. His most esteemed work is the "Lives of Illustrious Men." Plu'to, son of Saturn and 0*ps, inherited his father's kingdom with his brothers, Jupiter and Neptune. He received as his portion the kingdom of the infernal regions, of death, and funerals. He seized Proserpine as she was gathering flowers, and carrying her away on his chariot, she became his wife and queen of the infernal regions. Plu'tus, the god of riches, was the son of Jason, or Jasius, and Ceres. 174 CLASSICAL DlCTIONARi' Pol'lio, C. Asin ius. A Roman consul in the reign of Augustus, who distinguished him- self equally by his eloquence and exploits in war. He wrote a history and some tragedies, and died in his eightieth year, a.d. 4. Pollux. A son of Jupiter and Leda, brother to Castor. Polyb ius. A native of Megalopolis. He distin- guished himself by his valor against the Romans in Macedonia. He wrote a univer- sal history in Greek, and died about 124 years B.C. Polydec'tes. A son of Magnes, king of Se'riphos. He received with kindness Danae and her son Perseus, who had been exposed on the sea. Polydectes was turned into stone by being shown Medusa's head by Perseus. Polyhymnia. One of the Muses, daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne. She presided over singing and rhetoric. Polyni'ces. A sou of CEdipus, king of Thebes, and Jocasta. He inherited his father's throne with his brother Eteocles, and it was agreed that they should reign a year alternately. Eteocles first ascended the throne, but re- fused to resign the crown. Polynices upon this fled to Argos, where he married Argia, the daughter of Adrastus, the king of the country, and levied an army with which he marched on Thebes. The battle was decided by a combat between the brothers, who killed each other. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I 75 Polyphe mus. A celebrated Cyclops, son of Neptune and Thoosa, the daughter of Phorcys. He is represented as a monster with one eye in the middle of his forehead. Ulysses was his captive, but escaped by putting a fire- brand in the monster':: eye. Pomona. A nymph at Rome, who was supposed to preside over gardens and to be the goddess of fruit trees. Pompeii or Pompei um. A town of Campania, It was partly destroyed by an earthquake A.D. 63, and sixteen years afterward it was overwhelmed by ashes and lava from an eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Herculaneum, in its vicinity, shared the same fate. Pompe ius, Cnei us, surnamed ISlagnus from his exploits, was son of Pompeius Strabo and Lucilia. In the contentions which existed between INIarius and Sjdla Pompey linked himself with the latter. Subsequently he united his interest with that of Caesar and Crassus, thus forming the first triumvirate. A breach soon occurred, and at the great bat- tle of Pharsalia. where the forces of Caesar and Pompey met, the latter was totally de- feated, and fled to Eg3'pt. where he was as- sassinated in the fifty-eighth year of his age, B.C. 48. He left two sons, Cneius and Sextus, who at their father's death were masters of a powerful army with which they opposed Caesar, but were defeated at the battle of Munda, where Cneius was slain. Sextus es- 176 CLASSICAL DICTIOXARV caped, and was put to death by Antony about thirty-five years before the Christian era. Por'cia. A daughter of Cato of Utica, who mar- ried Bibulus, and after his death Brutus. She was distinguished for her prudence and courage. After her husband's death she killed herself by swallowing burning coals. She is said to have given herself a severe wound to show that she could bear pain. Shakespeare alludes to this (Julius Caesar, act ii. , scene i) , where he makes her exclaim, to show her heroism, " I have made strong- proof of my constancy. Giving myself a voluntary wound Here, in the thigh." Porphyr'ius. A Platonic philosopher of Tyre. He studied eloquence at Athens under Lon- ginus, and afterward retired to Rome. His most celebrated work was in reference to the Christian religion. Porphyry died a.d. 304, aged seventy-one years. Porsen na or Per sena. A king of Etruria, who declared war against the Romans because they refused to restore Tarquin to the throne. He was prevented from entering the gates of Rome by the valor of P. Horatius Codes, who at the head of a bridge kept back Por- senna's army, while the bridge was being cut down by the Romans to prevent the entry of their enemies into the city. Eventually Por- senna abandoned the cause of Tarquin. Lord Macaulay, in his fine poem " Horatius," repre- CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I 77 sents two other heroes, "Spurins Lartius" and "Herminius," as keeping the bridge on either hand of Horatius Codes. Praxit'elec. A famous sculptor of Greece, who lived about 324 years before the Christian era. The most famous of his works was a Cupid, which he gave to Phryne. He exe- cuted a statue of Phryne, and also one of Venus. Pri'amus. The last king of Troy, was son of Laomedon, by Strymo, called. Placia by some writers. He married Arisba, whom he di- vorced in order to marry Hecuba, by whom he had a number of children, the most cele- brated of whom were Hector, Paris, Dei- phobus, Helenus, Laodice, and Cassandra. After he had reigned some tim.e, Priam was anxious to recover his sister Hesione, who had been carried into Greece by Hercules, and to achieve this, he manned a fleet, the com- mand of which he gave to his son Paris, who, instead of obeying the paternal instructions, carried away Helen, the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. This caused the Trojan war, which lasted for ten years. At the end of the war Priam was slain by Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles. Pro'bus, M. Aure lius. A native of Pannonia. His father was a gardener, who became a military tribune. His son obtained the same office on the twenty-second year of his age, and distinguished himself so much by hispro- 12 178 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY bity and valor that he was invested with the imperial purple. He encouraged the arts, and by his victories added to the glory of his country. He was slain by his soldiers in the fiftieth year of his age, B.C. 282. Proco'pius, born of a noble family in Cilicia, was related to the emperor Julian. He signalized himself under Julian, and afterward retired to the Thracian Chersonesus, whence he made his appearance at Constantinople, and pro- claimed himself master of the Eastern Em- pire. He was defeated in Phrygia, and be- headed A. D. 366. There was a famous Greek historian of the same name, who wrote the history of the reign of Justinian, and who was secretary to Belisarius. Prometheus. Ason of lapctusand Clymene. one of the Oceanides. He ridiculed the gods and deceived Jupiter himself, who, to punish him and the rest of mankind, took fire away from the earth ; but Prometheus climbed the heav- ens by the assistance of Minerva, and stole fire from the chariot of the sun, which he brought down to the earth. This provoked Jupiter, and he ordered Prometheus to be chained to a rock, where a vulture was to feed on his liver, which was never exhausted. He was delivered from his torture by Hercules, who killed the vulture. Proper'tius, Sex tus Aure lius. A Latin poet born in Umbria. He came to Rome, where his genius greatly reconmiended him to the CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I 79 great and powerful. His works, consist of four books of elegies which are marked by much al)ility. He died about nineteen years B.C. Proser pina, a daughter of Ceres and Jupiter, called by the Greeks Persephone. As she was gathering flowers Pluto carried her off to the infernal regions, where he married her. Ceres, having learnt that her daughter had been carried away by Pluto, demanded of Jupiter that Pluto should be punished. As queen of hell, Proserpine presided over the death of mankind. She was known by the names of Hecate, Juno Inferna, Libitina, and several others. Protag oras. A Greek philosopher of Abdera in Thrace. He wrote a book in which he denied the existence of a Supreme Being, which book was publicly burnt at Athens, and its author was banished from the city. Pro'tesila'us. A king of part of Thessaly who married Laodamia, and shortly afterward went to the Trojan war. He was the first of the Greeks who entered the Trojan domain, and on that account, in accordance with the prediction of the oracle, was killed by his countrymen. Pro'teus. A sea deity, son of Oceanus and Tethys, or, according to some writers, of Neptune and Phenice. He had received the gift of prophecy from Neptune, but when consulted he often refused to give answers, l8o CLASSICAL DICTIONARY and puzzled those who consulted him by as- suming different shapes. Psy'che. A nymph who married Cupid. Venus put her to death because of this, but Jupiter, at the request of Cupid, granted immortality to her. Ptolemae'us First, called Ptolemy, surnamed Lagus. A king of Egypt, son of Arsinoe and Lagus. He was educated in the court of the king of Macedonia, and when Alexander in- vaded Asia Ptolemy attended him. After Alexander's death Ptolemy obtained the gov- ernment of Egypt, where he gained the esteem of the people by acts of kindness. He made himself master of Phoenicia and Syria, and rendered assistance to the people of Rhodes against their enemies, for which he received the name of Soter. He laid the foundation of a library, which became the most celebrated in the world. He died in his eighty-fourth year, about 284 years b.c. He was succeeded by his son Ptolemy Philadelphus, who showed himself to be a w^orthy successor of his father. His palace was an asylum for learned men, and he greatly increased the library his father had founded. Ptolemy Third succeeded his father Philadelphus on the Egyptian throne. He conquered Syria and Cilicia, and returned home laden with spoils. He was, like his predecessors, a patron of learning and the arts. Ptolemy Fourth, called Philopater, succeeded to the throne, his reign being CLASSICAL DICTIONARY 151 marked by acts of cruelty and oppression. He died in his thirty-seventh year, after a reign of seventeen years, 204 b.c. Numerous members of this celebrated family in succes- sion occupied the throne, not, however, ap- proaching to the greatness of the founders of the family. Ptolemae us. A celebrated geographer and astron- omer in the reign of Adrian and Antoninus. He was a native of Alexandria, or, as some say, of Pelusium. In his system of the world, designated the Ptolemaic system, he places the earth in the centre of the universe, which " was generally received as correct till it was confuted by Copernicus. Public'ola. A surname, signifying a friend of the common people, acquired by Publius Valerius. He assisted Brutus to expel the Tarquins, and won the victory in the battle in which Brutus and the sons of Tarquin had fallen. He was four times Consul, but died in poverty, and was buried at the public expense amidst gen- eral mourning. Pyr'rhus. A famous king of Epirus, son of ^acides and Phthia. He wrote several books on encampments and the ways of training an army. He fought against the Romans with much valor, and they passed encomiums on his great military skill. He was killed in an attack on Argos, by a tile thrown on his head from a housetop. Pyr rhus. See Neoptolemus. l82 cr,ASSICAL DICTIONARY Pythag oras. A celebrated philosopher born at Samos. He first made himself known in Greece at the Olympic games, where, when he was eighteen years old, he obtained the prize for wrestling. He also distinguished himself by his discoveries in geometry, as- tronomy, and mathematics. He was the first who supported the doctrine of metempsycho- sis, or transmigration of the soul into different bodies. He believed that the universe was created from a shapeless mass of passive mat- ter by the hands of a powerful Being, who was the mover and soul of the world, and of whose substance the souls of mankind were a portion. The time and place of death of this great phil- osopher are unknown, but some suppose that he died at Metapontum about 497 years b.v. Py then. A celebrated serpent sprung from the mud and stagnated waters which remained on the surface of the earth after the deluge of Deucalion. Apollo killed the monster. Quintilia'nus, Marcus Fa'bius, a celebrated rhetorician, born in Spain. He opened a school of rhetoric at Rome, and was the first who obtained a salary from the State as a public teacher. He died a.d. 95. Quin'tus Cur tius Ru'fus. A Latin historian sup- posed to have lived in the reign of Ve.spasian. He wrote a history of the reign of Alexander the Great. This woik is admired for the elegance of us diction. CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I 83 Regil'lus. A small lake in Latium, famous as being the scene of a great Roman victory, which forms the subject of a fine poem by Lord Macaulay, called "The Battle of the Lake Regillus," included in his "Lays of An- cient Rome." Reg ulus, M. Attil ius. A consul during the first Punic war. He reduced Brundusium, and in his second consulship he captured a great por- tion of the Carthaginian fleet. After further successes he was taken prisoner by the Cartha- ginians, who put him to death with refined tortures. Rhadaman thus. A son of Jupiter and Europa, He reigned in the Cyclades, where his rule was characterized by marked justice and im- partiality. Romulus. According t>) tradition the founder of Rome. He was a son of Mars and Ilia, and was twin brother of Remus. The twins were thrown into the Tiber, but were saved and suckled by a she- wolf till they were found by Faustulus, a shepherd, who brought them up. Disputes arising between the brothers in refer- ence to the building of the city, Romulus caused Remus to he slain. Ros'cius. A celebrated Roman actor. He died about 60 years h.c. Ru bicon. A small river in Italy. By crossing it, and thus transgressing the boundaries of his province, Cspsar declared wai' against the senate and P