UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF MRS.MATTIE H.MERRILL GKAY DAYS AND GOLD B r THE SAME A UTHOR. SHAKESPEARE'S ENGLAND. In one vol. 32mo. Is. WANDERERS. In one vol. 32mo. Is. Edi>-burgh : David Douglas. GRAY DAYS AND GOLD WILLIAM WINTER AUTHOR OF "Shakespeare's England' "wanderers," etc. NEW YORK M A C M I L L A N c\; CO. 1891 Copyright 1890 By WILLIAM WINTER WT3g ^ TO AUGUSTIN DALY, I REMEMBERIXG A FRIENDSHIP \ ^ OF MANY TEAKS, K > I DEDICATE THIS BOOK. ^ " Est animus tibi Benimque prudens, et secundis --• Temporibus duhiisque rectus." 213673 ' ' Whatever withdraws us from the power of our senses, "whatever makes the past, the distant, or the ficiiire predomiiutte over the present, ad- z'ances us in the dignity of fhijikitig beings. . . . A II travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries he may learti to improrcx his own, and if fortune carries him to ivorse he may learn to enjoy it." — Dr. Johnson. " There is given. Unto the things of earth which Time hath bent, A spirit's feeling ; and where he hath leant His hand, but broke his scythe, there is a power And magic in the ruined battlement, Forzuhich the palace of the present hour Mzist yield its pom.p, and wait till ages are its dower." Eyron. PREFACE. This book, ivhich is intended as a com- panion to " Shakespeare's England," relates to the gray days of an American wanderer in the British Islands, and to the gold oj thought and fancy that can he found there. In "Shakespeare's England" an attempt was made to depict, in an unconventional manner, those lovely scenes which are for ever intertwined with the name and the memory of Shakespeare, and also to reflect the spirit of that English scenery in general ivhich, to an imaginative mind, must always he venerable with historic antiquity and tenderly hal- lowed with poetic and romantic association. The present booh continues the same treat- ment of kindred themes, — referring not only to the land of Shakespeare hut to the land of Burns, and Scott. After so much had been done, and superbly done, by Washington Irving and by other authors, to celebrate the beauties of our ancestral home, it was perhaps an act of presumption on the part of the pre- sent loriter to touch those subjects. He can only plead, in extenuation of his boldness, an irresistible impulse of reverence and affection for them. His presentment of them can give no offence, and perhaps it may be found suffi- ciently sympathetic and diversified to awaken and sustain at least a momentary interest in the minds of those readers who love to muse and dream over the relics of a storied past. If by happy fortune it should do more than that, — if it shoidd help to impress his country- men, so many of whom annually travel in Britain, with the superlative importance of adorning the physical aspect and of refining the material civilisation of America by a re- production within its borders of tvhatever is valuable in the long experience and wliatever is noble and beautiful in the domestic and reli- gious spirit of the British Islands, — his labour loill not have been in vain. The supreme need of this age in America is a ■practical conviction that progress does not consist in material prosperity hut in spiritual advance- ment. Utility has long been exclusively ivor- shipped. The welfare of the future lies in the loorship of beauty. To that worship these pages are devoted, with all that it implies of sympathy with the higher instincts and faith in the divine destiny of the human race. Most of the sketches here assembled ivere originally printed in the ' ' New York Tribune," with which journal their author has been continuously associated as a con- tributor since 1865, They have been revised for publication in this form. Most of the paper on Sir Walter Scott first appeared in "Harper's Weekly," /or lohich periodical also the author has icritten many things. The paper on the Wordsworth country tvas con- tributed to the "New York Mirror." Seve- ral poems, of recent date, are added, which may find favour with readers who have ap- proved their author^s companion volume of " Wanderers." The alluring field of Scottish antiquity and romance, ivhich lie has dared X PREFACE. hut Slightly to toiicli, may perhaps he exj)lored hereafter, for treasures of contemplation that earlier seekers have left ungathered. The author would state that several months after the publication of his hook called " Shake- speare's England " he was told that there is in existence a work, published many years ago, hearing a similar title, though relating to a different theme — the state of England in Shakespeare's time. He had never heard of it and has never seen it. The fact is re- corded that an important recent book called "Shakespeare's True Life," written by James Walter, incorporates into its text, without credit, several passages of original descrip- tion and reflection taken from the present ivriter's sketches of the Shakespeare country, and also quotes, as his ivork, an elaborate narrative of a nocturnal visit to Anne Hatha- way' s cottage, which he never wrote and never claimed to have written. This statement is made as a safeguard against future injustice. W. W. Fort Hill, Xew Brighton, Staten Island, New York, December 19, 1890. CONTENTS. I. CLASSIC SHRINES, II. HAUNTED GLENS AND HOUSES, . III. OLD YORK, .... IV. THE HAUNT.5 OK MOORE, . V, BEAUTIFUL BATH, . Vr. THE LAKES AND FELLS OF WORDS WORTH VIL SHAKESPEARE RELICS AT WORCESTER VHI. BYRON AND HUCKNALL-TORKARD IX. HISTORIC NOOKS AND CORNERS, X. Shakespeare's town, , XL IT AND DOWN THE AVON, Xir. RAMBLES IN ARDEN, XII t. THE STRATFORD FOUNTAIN, XIV. BOSWORTH FIELD, . XV. THE HOME OF DR. JOHNSON XVI. FROM LONDON TO EDINBURGH, PACK 13 25 38 53 70 78 i>6 107 131 140 1G5 173 ISl 193 207 2'2-2 xii COXTEXTS. XVII. IXTO THE HIGHLAXDS, . XVIII. HIGHLAXD BEAUTIES, XIX. THE HEART OF SCOTLAXD, XX. SIR WAiTER SCOTT, XXI. ELEGIAC MEMORIALS, xxn. SCOTTISH PICTURES, XXIII. IMPERIAL RUINS, .... XXIV. THE LAND OF M.VRMIOX, AT VESPER TIME— THE SHIP THAT SAILED, ASHES, THE PASSING BELL AT STRATFORD, heaven's HOUR, THE STATUE, .... IN MEMORY OF WILKIE COLLINS, RAYMOND, D. D. L., SYMBOLS, honour's PEARL, THE BROKEN HARP, . NOW, UNWRITTEN POEMS, . GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. CLASSIC SHRINES. IOXDON, JuxE 29, 1888. — The poet J Emerson's injunction, " Set not thy foot on graves," is wise and right; and l)eing in merry England in the month of June it certainly is your own fault if you do not fulfil the rest of the philosophical commandment and " Hear what wine and roses say.'' Yet the history of England is largely written in her ancient churches and crumbling ruins, and the pilgrim to historic and literary shrines in this country will find it difficult to avoid setting his foot on graves. It is possible here, as elsewhere, to live entirely in the present ; but to certain temperaments and in certain moods the temptation is irresistible to live mostly in the past. I write these words in a house 14 GRAY DAYS AN'D GOLD. that once was occupied by Nell Gwyn, and as I glance into the garden I see a venerable acacia that was planted by her own fair hands, in the far-off time of the Merry Monarch. Within a few days I have stood in the dungeon of Guy Fawkes, in the Tower, and sat at luncheon in a manor- house of Warwickshire, wherein were once convened the conspirators of the Gun- powder Plot. The newspapers of this morning announce that a monument will be dedicated on July 19 to commemorate the defeat of the Spanish Armada, three hundred years ago. Surely it is not un- natural that some of us should live in the past, and often should find ourselves musing over its legacies. One of the most sacred spots in England is the churchyard of Stoke-Pogis. I re- visited that place on June 13, and once again rambled and meditated in that hal- lowed place. Not many mouths ago it seemed likely that Stoke Park would pass into the possession of a sporting ring, and be turned into a racecourse and kennel. A track had already been laid there. Fate was kind, however, and averted the final disaster. Only a few changes are to be noted in that part of the Park which to CLASSIC SHRINES 15 the reverent pilgrim must always be the dearest. The churchj-ard has been length- ened a little in front, and a solid, shapely wall of flint, pierced by an oak porch, richly carved, has replaced the plain fence, with its simple turnstile, that formerly enclosed this rural cemetery. The additional land was given by the new proprietor of Stoke Park, who wished that his own burial-vault might be made in it ; and this has been built beneath a large tree not far from the entrance. The avenue from the gate to the church has been widened, and is now fringed with thin lines of twisted stone, and where once stood only two or three rose-trees there are now sixty-two — set in lines on either side of the path. But the older part of the graveyard remains unchanged. The yew- trees cast their dense shade as of old. The quaint porch of the sacred building has not suffered under the hand of restoration. The ancient wooden memorials of the dead con- tinue to moulder above their ashes. And still the abundant ivy gleams and trembles in the sunshine and in the summer wind that plays so sweetly over the spired tower and dusky walls of this lovely temple — "All green and wildly fresh without. But worn and gray beneath." 1 6 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. It would still be a lovely church, even if it were not associated with the great name of the author of the immortal Elegj^. I stood for a long time beside the tomb of that noble and tender poet, and looked with deep emotion on the surrounding scene of pensive, dream-like beauty — the great elms, so dense of foliage, so stately and graceful ; the fields of deep, waving grass, golden with buttercups and white with daisies ; the many unmarked mounds ; the many mouldering tombstones ; the rooks sailing and cawing around the tree-tops ; and over all the blue sky flecked with floating fleece. Within the church nothing has been changed. The memorial window to Gray, for which contributions have been taken during seve- ral years, has not yet been placed. As I cast a farewell look at Gray's tomb, on turning to leave the churchyard, it rejoiced my heart to see that two American ladies, who had then just come in, were placing fresh flowers over the poet's dust. He has been buried more than a hundred years — but his memory is as bright and green as the ivy on the tower within whose shadow he sleeps, and as fragrant as the roses that bloom at its base. Many Americans visit Stoke- Pogis churchyard, and surely no CLASSIC SHRINES. l^ visitor to the old world, who knows how to value what is best in its treasures, will omit this act of reverence. The journey is an easy one to make. A brief run by railway from Paddington takes you to Slough, which is near to Windsor, and thence it is a charming drive, or a still more charming walk, mostly through green, embowered lanes, to the "ivy-mantled tower," the "yew-trees' shade," and the simple tomb of Gray. What a gap there would be in the poetry of our language if the " Elegy in a Country Churchyard " were absent from it ! By that sublime and tender reverie upon the most important of all sub- jects that can engage the attention of the human mind Thomas Gray became one of the chief benefactors of his race. Those lines have been murmured by the lips of sorrowing affection beside many a shrine of buried love and hope, in many a church- yard all round the world. The sick have remembered them with comfort. The great soldier, going into battle, has said them for his solace and cheer. The dying statesman, closing his weary eyes upon this empty world, has spoken them with his last falter- ing accents, and fallen asleep with their heavenly music in his heart. Well may we 1 8 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. pause and ponder at the grave of this divine poet ! Every noble mind is made nobler, every good heart is made better, for the ex- perience of such a pilgrimage. In such places as these pride is rebuked, vanity is dispelled, and the revolt of the passionate human heart is humbled into meekness and submission. There is a place kindred with Stoke-Pogis churchyard, a place destined to become, after a few years, as famous and as dear to the heart of the reverent pilgrim in the footsteps of genius and pure renown. On Sunday afternoon (June 17) I sat for a long time beside the grave of Matthew Arnold. It is in a little churchyard at Laleham in Surrey, where he was bom. The day was chill, sombre, and, except for an occasional low twitter of birds and the melancholy cawing of distant rooks, soundless and sadly calm. So dark a sky might mean November rather than June ; but it fitted well with the scene and with the pensive thoughts and feelings of the hour. Lale- ham is a village on the south bank of the Thames, about thirty miles from London, and nearly midway between Staines and Chertsey. It consists of a few devious lanes and a cluster of houses, shaded with large CLASSIC SHRINES. 1 9 trees, and everywhere made beautiful with flowers, and it is one of those fortunate and happy places to which access cannot be ob- tained by railway. There is a great house in the centre of it, secluded in a walled garden, fronting the square immediately opposite to the village church. The rest of the houses are mostly cottages made of red brick and roofed with red tiles. Ivy flourishes, and many of the cottages are overrun with climbing roses. Roman relics are found in the neighbourhood — a camp near the ford, and other indications of the military activity of Caesar. The church, All Saints', is of great antiquity. It has been in part restored, but its venerable as- pect is not impaired. The large low tower is of brick, and this and the church walls are thickly covered Mith glistening ivy. A double-peaked roof of red tiles, sunken here and there, contributes to the picturesque beauty of this building, and its charm is further heightened by the contiguity of large trees, in which the old church seems to nestle. Within there are low, massive pillars, and plain, symmetrical arches — the remains of Norman architecture. Great rafters of dark oak augment in this quaint structure the air of solidity and of an age 20 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. at once venerable and romantic, while a bold, spirited, beautiful painting of Christ and Peter upon the sea imparts to it an ad- ditional sentiment of sanctity and solemn pomp. This remarkable work is by Harlow, and it is placed back of the altar, where once there would have been, in the Gothic daj'S, a stained window. The explorer does not often come upon such a gem of a church even in England — so rich in remains of the old Catholic zeal and devotion ; remains now mostly converted to the use of Protes- tant worship. The churchyard of All Saints' is worthy of the church — a little enclosure, irregular in shape, surface, shrubbery, and tomb- stones, bordered on two sides by the village square, and on one by a farmyard, and shaded by many trees, some of them yews, and some of great size. Almost every house that is visible near by is bowered with trees and adorned with flowers. No person was anywhere to be seen, and it was only after inquiry at various dwellings that the sex- ton's abode could be discovered and access to the church obtained. The poet's grave is not within the church, but in a secluded spot at the side of it, a little removed from the highway, and screened from immediate view CLASSIC SHRINES. 21 by an ancient dusky yew-tree. I readily found it, perceiving a large wreath of roses and a bunch of white flowers that were lying upon it, — recent offerings of tender remem- brance and sorrowing love, but already beginning to wither. A small square of turf, bordered with white marble, covers the tomb of the poet and of three of his chil- dren.^ At the head are three crosses of white marble, alike in shape and equal in size, except that the first is set upon a pedestal a little lower than those of the others. On the first cross is written : " Basil Frances Arnold, youngest child of Matthew and Frances Lucy Arnold. Born August 19, 1866. Died January 4, 1868. Sufi'er little children to come unto me," On the second : "Thomas Arnold, eldest child of Matthew and Frances Lucy Arnold. Born July 6, 1852. Died November 23, 1868. Awake, thou. Lute and Harp ! I will awake right early." On the third : " Trevener William 1 Since these words were written a plain headstone of white marble has been placed on this spot, bearing the following inscription :— " Matthew Arnold, eldest son of the late Thomas Arnold, D.D., Head Master of Rugby School. Born December 24, 1822. Died April 15, 1888. 'There is sprung up a light for the righteous, and joyful gladness for such as are tnie-hearted.'" 22 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. Arnold, second child of Matthew and Frances Lucy Arnold. Born October 15, 1853. Died February 16, 1872. In the morning it is green and groweth up." Near by are other tombstones bearing the name of Arnold — the dates inscribed on them referring to about the beginning of this century. These mark the resting-place of some of the poet's kindred. His father, the famous Dr. Arnold of Rugby, rests in Rugby Chapel — that noble father, that true friend and servant of humanity, of whom the son %vTote those memorable words of imperishable nobility and meaning, "Thou, my father, wouldst not be saved alone." j>Iatthew Arnold himself is buried in the same grave with his eldest son, and side by side with his little children. He who was himself as a little child in his innocence, goodness, and truth, where else and how else could he so fitly rest? "Awake, thou, Lute and Harp ! I will awake right early." Every man will think his own thoughts in such a place as this ; will reflect upon his own afflictions, and from knowledge of the manner and spirit in which kindred griefs have been borne by the great heart of intel- lect and genius will seek to gather strength and patience to endure them well. Matthew CLASSIC SHRINES. 23 Arnold taught many lessons of immense value to those who are able to think. He did not believe that happiness is the destiny of the human race on earth, or that there is a visible ground for assuming that happi- ness in this mortal condition is one of the inherent rights of humanity. He did not think that this world is made an abode of delight by the mere jocular affirmation that everything in it is well and lovely. He knew better than that. But his message, delivered in poetic strains that will endure as long as our language exists, is the mes- sage, not of gloom and despair, but of spiri- tual purity and sweet and gentle patience. The man who heeds Matthew Arnold's teaching will put no trust in creeds and superstitions, will place no reliance upon the cobweb structures of theology, will take no guidance from the animal and unthinking multitude; but he will "keep the whiteness of his soul " ; he will be simple, unselfish, and sweet ; he will live for the spirit and not the flesh ; and in that spirit, pure, tender, fearless, strong to bear and patient to sufiFer, he will find composure to meet the inevitable disasters of life and the awful mystery of death. Such was the burden of my thought, sitting there, in the gloaming, 24 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. beside the lifeless dust of him whose hand had once, with kindly greeting, been clasped in mine. And such will be the thought of many and many a pilgrim who shall stand in that sacred place, on many a summer evening of the long future — " While the stars come out and the night wind Brings, up the stream, Murmurs and scents of the infinite sea." 11. HAUNTED GLF.NS AND HOUSES. WARWICK, July 6, 1888. -One night about fifty years ago a brutal murder was done at a lonely place on the highroad between Hampton Lucy and Stratford-upon- Avon. The next morning the murdered man was found lying by the roadside, his mangled head resting in a small hole. The assassins, tvo in number, were shortly afterward discovered, and they were hanged at War- wick. From that day to this the hole where- in the dead man's head reposed remains un- changed. No matter how often it may be filled, whether by the wash of hea\y rains or by stones and leaves that wayfarers may happen to cast into it as they pass, it is soon found to be again empty. No one takes care of it. No one knows whether or by whom it is guarded. Fill it at night- fall and you will find it empty in the mom- intf. That is the local belief and affirma- 25 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. tion. This spot is about two miles north of Stratford, and not distant from the gates of Charlcote Park. I looked at this hole one bright day in June and saw that it was empty. Nature, it is thought by the poets, abhors complicity with the concealment of crime, and brands with her curse the places that are linked with the shedding of blood. Hence that strong line in Tom Hood's poem of *' Eugene Aram " — " And a mighty wind had swept the leaves, and still the corse was bare." There are many haunted spots in War- wickshire. The benighted peasant never lingers on Ganerslie Heath — for there, at midnight, dismal bells have been heard to toll from Blacklow Hill, the place wdiere Sir Piers Gaveston, the corrupt, handsome, foreign favourite of King Edward the Second, was beheaded, by order of the grim barons whom he had insulted and opposed. The Earl of Warwick led them, whom Gaveston had called the Black Dog of Arden. This was long ago. Everybody knows the his- toric incident, but no one can so completely realise it as when standing on the place. The scene of the execution is marked by a simple cross, bearing this inscription : "In the hollow of this rock was beheaded, on HAFNTED GLEXS AND HOUSES. 27 the first day of July 1312, by Barons law- less as himself, Piers Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall. In life and death a memorable instance of misrule." No doubt the birds were singing and the green branches of the trees were waving in the summer wind on that fatal day, just as they are at this moment. Gaveston was a man of great personal beauty and some talent, and only twenty -nine years old. It was a melan- choly sacrifice, and horrible in the circum- stances that attended it. No wonder that doleful thoughts and blood-curdling sounds should come to such as walk on Ganerslie Heath in the lonely hours of the night. Another haunted place is Clopton — haunted certainly with memories if not with ghosts. In the reign of Henry vii. this Avas the manor of Sir Hugh Clopton, Lord Mayor of London, he who built the bridge over the Avon — across which, many a time, ^Yilliam Shakespeare must have ridden on his way to Oxford and the capi- tal. The dust of Sir Hugh Clopton rests in Stratford Church, and his aaansion has passed through many hands. In our time it is the residence of Sir Arthur Hodgson, by whom it was purchased in 187L It was my privilege to see Clopton under the guid- 28 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD, ance of its lord, and a charming and impres- sive old house it is — full of quaint objects and fraught with singular associations. They show you there, among many fine paintings, the portrait of a wild -eyed lady with thin figure, delicate features, long light hair, and sensitive countenance, who in the far- off Tudor time drowned herself in a dismal black well, back of the mansion — one of the many victims, doubtless, of unhappy love. And they show you the portrait of still an- other Clopton girl, of ancient times, who is thought to have been accidentally buried alive — because when it chanced that the family tomb was opened, a few days after her interment, the corpse was found to be turned over in its coffin and to present in- dications that the wretched victim of pre- mature burial had, in her agonised frenzy, gnawed her own flesh. It is the blood-stained corridor of Clop- ton, however, that most impresses imagina- tion. This is at the top of the house, and access to it is gained by a winding stair of oak boards, uncarpeted, solid, simple, and consonant with the times and manners that it represents. Many years ago, it is said, a man was murdered in a little bedroom near the top of this staircase, and his body HAUNTED GLEXS AND HOUSES. 29 was dragged along the corridor to be secreted. A thin dark stain, seemingly a streak of blood, runs from the door of that bedroom in the direction of the stairhead, and this is so deeply imprinted in the wood that it cannot be eradicated. Opening from this corridor, opposite to the murder-room, is an odd apartment, which in the remote days of a Catholic occupant was used as an oratory.^ In the early part of the reign of Henry vi. John Carpenter obtained from the Bishop of Worcester permission to establish this chapel. In 1885 the walls of this chamber were committed to the tender mercies of a paper-hanger, who presently discovered on them several inscriptions in black letter, and who fortunately mentioned his discoveries before they were obliter- ated. Richard Savage, the antiquary, was called to examine them, and by him they were restored. The effect of these little patches of letters — isles of significance in a barren sea of wall-paper — is that of ex- treme singularity. Most of them are sen- tences from the Bible. All of them are devout. One imparts the solemn injunc- 1 An entry in the Diocesan Register of Worcester states that in 1374 John Clopton of Stretforde cb- trained letters dimissory to the order of priest. 30 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. tion : " Whether you rise yearlye or goe to bed late, Remember Christ Jesus who died for your sake." [This may be found in John Weever's Funeral Monuments : 1631.] Clopton has a long and various history. One of the most significant facts in its record is the fact that for about ten months, in the year 1605, it was occupied hy Ambrose Rokewood, of Coldham Hall, Suffolk, a breeder of race-horses, whom Robert Catesby brought into the ghastly Gunpowder Plot, in the reign of James I. Hither came Sir Everard Digby, and Tom and Robert Winter, and the spe- cious Jesuit, Father Garnet, chief hatcher of the conspiracy'', with his vile train of sentimental fanatics, on that pilgrimage of sanctification with which he formally pre- pared for an act of such hideous treachery and wholesale murder as only a religious zealot could ever have conceived. That may have been a time when the little ora- tory of Clopton was in Catholic use. Not many years since it was a bedroom ; but one of Sir Arthur Hodgson's guests, who undertook to sleep in it, was afterward heard to declare that he wished not ever again to experience the hospitality of that chamber, because the sounds that he had HAUNTED GLENS AND HOUSES. 3 1 lieard all around the place throughout that night were of a most infernal description- A house containing many rooms and stair- cases, a house full of long corridors and winding ways, a house so large that you may readily get lost in it — such is Clopton ; and it stands in its own large park, removed from other buildings and bowered in trees. To sit in the great hall of that mansion on a winter midnight, when the snow-laden wind is howling around it, and then to think of the bleak, sinister oratory, and the stealthy, gliding shapes upstairs, invisible to mortal eye, but felt, with a shuddering sense of some unseen presence watching in the dark, — this would be to have quite a sufficient experience of a haunted house. Sir Arthur Hodgson talked of the legends of Clopton with that merry twinkle of the eye which suits well with kindly incredu- lity. All the same I thought of Milton's lines — "Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth Unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep. " Warwickshire swarmed with conspirators while the Gunpowder Plot was in progress. The Lion Inn at Dunchurch was the chief tryst of the captains who were to lead their 32 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. forces and capture the Princess Elizabeth and seize the throne and the country after the expected explosion — which never came. And when the game was up and Fawkes in captivity, it was through Warwickshire that the ' ' racing and chasing " was fleetest and wildest, till the desperate scramble for life and safety went down in blood at Hewel Grange. Various houses associated with that plot are still extant in this neighbour- hood, and when the scene shifts to London and to Garnet's Tyburn gallows, it is easily possible for the patient antiquarian to tread in almost every footprint of that great con- spiracy. Since Irish ruffians began to toss dyna- mite about in public buildings it has been deemed essential to take especial precaution against the danger of explosion in such places as the Houses of Parliament, West- minster Abbey, and the Tower of London. Much more damage than the newspapers recorded was done by the explosions that occurred some time ago in the Tower and the Palace. At present you cannot enter even into Palace Yard unless connected with the public business or authorised by an order ; and if you visit the Tower with- out a special permit you will be restricted HAUNTED GLENS AND HOUSES. 33 to a few sights and places. I was fortu- nately the bearer of the card of the Lord Chamberlain, on a recent prowl through the Tower, and therefore was favoured by the beefeaters who pervade that structure. Those damp and gloomy dungeons were displayed wherein so many Jews perished miserably in the reign of Edward i. ; and "Little Ease" was shown — the cell in which for several months Guy Fawkes was incarcerated, during Cecil's wily investiga- tion of the Gunpowder Plot. A part of the rear wall has been removed, affording access to the adjacent dungeon ; but originally the cell did not give room for a man to lie down in it, and scarce gave room for him to stand upright. The massive door, of ribbed and iron-bound oak, still solid though worn, would make an impressive picture. A poor, stealthy cat was crawling about in those subterranean dens of darkness and horror, and was left locked in there when we emerged. In St. Peter's, on the green — that little cemetery so eloquently described bj' Macaulay — they came some time ago upon the coffins of Lovat, Kilmarnock, and Balmerino, the Scotch Lords who perished upon the block for their complicity with the rising for Charles Edward Stuart, the c 34 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. Pretender, in 1745-47. The coffins were much decayed. The plates were removed, and these may now be viewed in a glass case on the church wall, just over against the spot where those unfortunate gentlemen were buried,^ One is of lead, and is in the form of a large open scroll. The other two are oval in shape, large, and made of pewter. Much royal and noble dust is heaped together beneath the stones of the chancel — Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, Lady Jane Grey, Margaret Duchess of Salisbury, the Duke of Monmouth, the Earl of Northumberland, Essex, Overbury, Thomas Cromwell, and many more. The body of the infamous and execrable Jeffreys was once buried there, but it has been removed. St. Mary's Church at Warwick has been restored since 1885, and now it is made a show-place. You see the Beauchamp Chapel, in which are entombed Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, the founder of the church ; Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, in whose Latin epitaph it is stated that "his sorrowful wife, Lsetitia, 1 The remains of Lord. Lovat were removed shortly after his death and buried at his home near Inverness ; and it is said that the head was sewed to the body. HAUNTED GLENS AND HOUSES 35 daughter of Fi'ancis Knolles, through a sense of conjugal love and fidelity, hath put up this monument to the best and dearest of husbands " ; Ambrose Dudley, elder brother to Elizabeth's favourite, and known as the Good Earl (he relinquished his title and possessions to Robert) ; and that Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, who lives in fame as " the friend of Sir Philip Sidney." There are other notable sleepers in this chapel, but these perhaps are the most famous and considerable. One odd epitaph records of William Viner, steward to Lord Brooke, that "he was a man entirely of ancient manners, and to whom you will scarcely find an equal, particularly in point of libera- lity. . . , He Mas added to the number of the heavenly inhabitants maturely for himself, but prematurely for his friends, in his 70th year, on the 28th of April, a.d. 1639." Another, placed for himself by Thomas Hewett during his own lifetime, modestly describes him as " a most miser- able sinner." Sin is always miserable when it knows itself. Still another, and this in good verse, by Gervas Clifton, gives a tender tribute to Lsetitia ("the excellent and pious Lady Lettice"), Countess of Leicester, who died on Christmas morning 1634 : — 36 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. " She that in her younger years Matched with two great English peers ; She that did supply the wars With thunder, and the Court with stars ; She that in her youth had been Darling to the maiden Queene, Till she was content to quit Her favor for her favorite. . . . While she lived she lived thus, Till that God, displeased with us, Suffered her at last to fall, Not from Him, but from us all." A noble bust of that fine thinker and exquisite poet Walter Savage Landor has been placed on the west wall of St. Mary's Church. He was a native of Warwick, and is fitly commemorated in that place. The bust is of alabaster, and is set in an alabaster arch with carved environment, and with the family arms displayed above. The head of Landor shows great intellectual power, rugged yet gentle. Coming suddenly upon the bust, in this church, one is forcibly and pleasantly reminded of the attribute of sweet and gentle reverence in the English char- acter which so invariably expresses itself, all over this land, in honourable memorials to the honourable dead. No rambler in Warwick omits to explore Leicester's Hos- HACNTED GLENS AND HOUSES. 37 pital, or to see as much as he can of the Castle. This glorious old place has long been kept closed for fear of the dynamite fiend ; but now it is once more accessible. I walked again beneath the stately cedars and along the bloom-bordered avenues where once Joseph Addison used to wander and meditate, and traversed again those opulent state apartments wherein so many royal, noble, and beautiful faces look forth from the radiant canvas of Holbein and Vandyke. There is a wonderful picture, in one of those rooms, of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Straf- ford, when a young man — a face prophetic of stormy life and baleful struggles and a hard and miserable fate. You may see the helmet that was worn by Oliver Cromwell, and also a striking death-mask of his face. The finest portraits of King Charles i. that exist in this kingdom are shown at Warwick Castle, 213673 III. OLD YORK. YORK, August 12, 188S.— All summer long the sorrowful skies have been weeping over England, and my first pro- spect of this ancient city was a prospect through drizzle and mist. Yet even so it was impressive. York is one of the quaintest cities in the kingdom. Many of the streets are narrow and crooked. Most of the build- ings are of low stature, built of brick, and roofed with red tiles. Here and there you find a house of Queen Elizabeth's time, pic- turesque with overhanging timber-crossed fronts and peaked gables. One such house, in Stonegate, is conspicuously marked with its date, 1574. Another, in College Street, enclosing a quadrangular court, and lovely with old timber and carved gateway, was built by the Neville family in 1460. Iliere is a wide area in the centre of the town called Parliament Street, where the Market is 38 OLD YORK. 39 opened by torchlight on certain evenings of every week. It was market-time last even- ing, and, wandering through the motley and merry crowd that filled the square, about nine o'clock, I bought at a flower-stall the white rose of York and the red rose of Lancaster — twining them together as an emblem of the settled peace which here broods so sweetly over the venerable relics of a wild and stormy past. Four sections of the old wall of York are still extant, and the observer is amused to perceive the ingenuity with which these grey and mouldering remnants of the feudal age are blended into the structures of the democratic present. From Bootham to ]Monk Gate (so named in honour of General Monk at the Restoration), a distance of about half a mile, the wall is absorbed by the adjacent buildings. But you may walk upon it from Monk Gate to Jewbury, about a quarter of a mile, and afterward, crossing the Foss. you may find it again on the south-east of the city, and walk upon it from Red Tower to old Fishergate, descending near York Castle. There are houses both within the walls and without. The walk is about eight feet wide, protected on one hand by a fretted battlement, and on the other by an 40 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. occasional bit of iron fence. The base of the wall, for a considerable part of its ex- tent, is fringed with market gardens or with grassy banks. In one of its towers there is a gate-house, still occupied as a dwelling ; and a comfortable dwelling no doubt it is. In another, of which nothing now remains but the walls, four large trees are rooted ; and as they are already tall enough to wave their leafy tops above the battlement, they must have been growing there for twenty years. At one point the Great Northern Railway enters through an arch in the an- cient wall, and as you look down from the battlements your gaze rests upon long lines of rail and a spacious station — together with its adjacent hotel ; objects which consort but strangely with what your fancy knows of York, a city of donjons and barbicans, the moat, the drawbridge, the portcullis, the citadel, the man-at-arms and the knight in armour, with the banners of William the Norman flowing over all. The river Ouse — Cowper's "Ouse, slow winding through its level plain" — divides the city of York, which lies mostly upon its east bank, and in order to reach the longest and most attractive portion of the wall that is now available to the pedestrian you must OLD YORK. 41 cross the Ouse either at Skeldergate or Lendal, paying a halfpenny as toll, both when you go and when you return. The walk here is three-quarters of a mile long, and from an angle of this wall, just above the railway arch, may be obtained the best view of the mighty cathedral — one of the most stupendous and sublime works that ever were erected by the inspired brain and loving labour of man. While I walked there last night, and mused upon the story of the Wars of the Roses, and strove to con- jure up the pageants and the horrors that must have been presented all about this region in that remote and turbulent past, the glorious bells of the Minster were chiming from its towers, while the fresh evening breeze, sweet with the fragrance of wet flowers and foliage, seemed to flood this ancient, venerable city with the golden music of a celestial benedic- tion. The pilgrim to York stands in the centre of the largest shire in England, and is sur- rounded with castles and monasteries, now mostly in ruins, but teeming with those associations of history and literature which are the glory of this delightful land. From the summit of the great central tower of 42 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. the Minster, which is reached by two hun- dred and thirty-seven steps, I gazed out over the vale of York and beheld one of the loveliest spectacles that ever blessed the eyes of man. The wind was fierce, the sun brilliant, and the vanquished storm-clouds were streaming away before the northern blast. Far beneath lay the red-roofed city, its devious lanes and its many gray churches — crumbling relics of ancient ecclesiastical power — distinctly visible. Through the plain, and far away toward the south and east, ran the silver thread of the Ouse, while all around, as far as the eye could reach, stretched forth a smiling landscape of emerald meadow and cultivated field ; here a patch of woodland, and there a silver gleam of wave ; here a manor-house nestled amid stately trees, and there an ivy-covered fragment of ruined masonry ; and every- where the green lines of the flowering hedge. The prospect is finer here than even it is from the summit of Strasburg Cathedral ; and indeed, when all is said that can be said about natural scenery and architectural sublimities, it seems amazing that any lover of the beautiful should deem it necessary to quit the infinite variety of the British islands. Earth cannot show you anything more softly fair than the OLD YORK. 43 lakes and mountains of Cumberland and Westmoreland. No city can excel Edin- burgh in stately solidity of character, or tranquil grandeur, or in magnificence of position. The most exquisitely beautiful of churches is Roslin Chapel. And though you search the wide world through, you will never find such cathedrals — so fraught with majesty, sublimity, the loveliness of human art, and the ecstatic sense of a divine element in human destiny ! — as those of York, Canterbury, and Lincoln. While thus I lingered in wondering meditation upon the crag-like summit of York Minster, the muffled thunder of its vast, sonorous organ rose, rolling and throbbing, from the mysterious depth below, and seemed to shake the great tower as with a mighty blast of jubilation and worship. At such moments, if ever, when the tones of human adoration are floating up to heaven, a man is lifted out of himself and made to forget his puny mortal existence and all the petty nothings that weary his spirit, darken his vision, and weigh him down to the level of the sordid, trivial world. Well did they know this, those old monks who built the abbeys of Britain, laying their foundations not alone deeply in the earth, but deeply in the human soul ! 44 or. AY DAYS AND GOLD. All the ground that you survey from the top of York Minster is classic ground — at least to those persons whose imagina- tions are kindled by associations with the stately and storied past. In the city that lies at your feet stood once the great Con- stantino, to be proclaimed Emperor and to be invested with the imperial purple of Rome. In the original York Minster — for the present is the fourth church that has been erected upon this site — was buried that valiant soldier "Old Siward," whom "gracious England" lent to the Scottish cause, under Malcolm and Macduff, when vtime at length was ripe for the ruin of Glamis and Cawdor, Close by is the field of .Stamford Bridge, where Harold defeated the Danes with terrible slaughter, only nine days before he himself was defeated and slain at Hastings. Southward, following the line of the Ouse, you look down upon the ruins of Clifford's Tower, built by William the Conqueror in 1068, and de- stroyed by the explosion of its powder magazine in 1684. Not far away is the battlefield of Towton, where the great War- wick slew his horse that he might fight on foot and possess no advantage over the common soldiers of his force. Henry vi. OLD YORK. 45 and Margaret were waiting in York for news of the event of that fatal battle — which, in its efifect, made them exiles, and bore to an assured supremacy the rightful standard of the White Rose. In this church Edward iv. was crowned, and Richard iii. was proclaimed king and had his second coronation. Southward you may see the open space called The Pavement, connect- ing with Parliament Street, and the red brick church of St. Crux. In the Pavement the Earl of Northumberland was beheaded for treason against Queen Elizabeth in 1572, and in St. Crux (one of Wren's churches) his remains lie buried beneath a dark blue slab, still shown to visitors. A few miles away, but easily within reach of your vision, is the field of Marston Moor, where the impetuous Prince Rupert imperilled and wellnigh lost the cause of Charles i. in 1644; and as you look toward that fatal spot you can almost hear, in the chamber of your fancy, the paeans of thanksgiving for the victory that were uttered in the church beneath. Cromwell, then a subordinate officer in the Parliamentary army, was one of the worshippers. Charles also has knelt at this altar. Indeed, of the fifteen kings, from William of Xormandy to Henry 40 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. of Windsor, whose sculptured efiSgies appear upon the chancel screen in York Minster, there is scarcely one who has not -worshipped in this cathedral. York ^linster has often been described, but no description can convey an adequate impression of its grandeur. Canterbury is the lovelier cathedi-al of the two, and Canter- bury possesses the inestimable advantage of a 'spacious close. It must be said also, for the city of Canterbury, that the presence and influence of a great church are more distinctly and delightfully felt in that place than they are in York. There is a more spiritual tone at Canterbury, a tone of superior delicacy and refinement, a certain aristocratic coldness and repose. In York you perceive the coarse spirit of a demo- cratic era. The walls, which ought to be cherished with scrupulous care, are found in many places to be defiled. At intervals along the walks upon the banks of the Ouse you behold placards requesting the co-opera- tion of the public in protecting from harm the swans that navigate the river. Even in the Cathedral itself there is displayed a printed notice that the Dean and Chapter are amazed at disturbances which occur in the nave whilst divine service is proceeding OLD YORK. 47 in the choir. These things imply a rough element in the population, and in such a place as York such an element is exception- ally offensive and deplorable. It was said by the late Lord Beaconsfield that progress in the nineteenth century is found to consist chiefly in a return to ancient ideas. There may be places to which the characteristic spirit of the present day con- tributes an element of beauty ; but if so I have not seen them. Wherever there is Ijeauty there is the living force of tradition to account for it. The most that a con- servative force in society can accomplish, for the preservation of an instinct in favour of whatever is beautiful and impressive, is to l)rotect what remains liom the past. Modern Edinburgh, for example, has contributed no building that is comparable with its glorious old castle, or with IJoslin, or with what we know to have been Melrose and Dry burgh ; but its castle and its chapels are protected and preserved. York, in the present day, erects a commodious railway-station and a sumptuous hotel, and spans its ample river with two splendid bridges ; but its modern architecture is puerile beside that of its ancient Minster ; and so its best work, after all, is the preservation of its Cathedral. 48 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. One finds it difficult to understand how anybody, however lowly born or poorly en- dowed or meanly nurtured, can live within the presence of this heavenly building, and not be purified and exalted by the con- templation of so much majesty, and by its constantly irradiative force of religious sen- timent and power. But the spirit which in the past created objects of beauty and adorned common life with visible manifes- tations of the celestial aspiration in human nature had constantly to struggle against insensibility or violence ; and just so the few who have inherited that spirit in the present day are compelled steadily to com- bat the hard materialism and gross animal proclivities of the new age. What a comfort their souls must find in such an edifice as York Minster ! What a solace and what an inspiration ! There it stands, dark and lonely to-night, but sym- bolising, as no other object upon earth can ever do, except one of its own great kindred, God's promise of immortal life to man and man's unquenchable faith in the promise of God. Dark and lonely now, but during many hours of its daily and nightly life sentient, eloquent, vital, participating in all the thought and conduct and experience OLD YORK. 49 of those who dwell around it. The beaviti- fiil peal of its bells that I heard last night was for Canon Baillie, one of the oldest and most beloved and venerated of its clergy. This morning, sitting in its choir, I heard the tender, thoughtful eulogy so simply and sweetly spoken by the aged Dean, and once again learned the essential lesson that an old age of grace, patience, and benignity means a pure heart, an unselfish spirit, and a good life passed in the service of others. This afternoon I had a place among the worshippers that thronged the nave to hear the special anthem chanted for the deceased Canon ; and, as the organ pealed forth its mellow thunder, and the rich tones of the choristers swelled and rose and broke in golden waves of melody upon the groined arches and vaulted roof, my soul seemed borne away to a peace and rest that are not of this world. To-night the rising moon, as she gleams through drifting clouds, will pour her silver rays upon that great east window — at once the largest and the most beautiful in existence — and all the Bible stories told there in such exquisite hues and forms will glow with heavenly lustre on the dark vista of chancel and nave. And when the morning comes the first D 50 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. beams of the rising sun will stream through the great casement and illumine the figures of saints and archbishops, and gild the old tattered battle-flags in the chancel aisle, and touch with blessing the marble effigies of the dead ; and we who walk there, re- freshed and comforted, shall feel that the vast Cathedral is indeed the gateway to heaven. York Minster is the loftiest of all the English cathedrals, and the second in length — Winchester being thirty feet longer. The present structure is 600 years old, and 200 years were occupied in the building of it. They show you, in the crypt, some fine remains of the Norman church that pre- ceded it upon the same site, together with traces of the still older Saxon church that preceded the Norman. The first one was of wood, and was totally destroyed. The Saxon remains are a fragment of stone stair- case and a piece of wall built in the ancient "herring-bone" fashion. The Norman re- mains are four clustered columns, embel- lished in the dog-tooth style. There is not much of commemorative statuary at York Minster, and what there is of it was placed chiefly in the chancel. Archbishop Scrope, who figures in Shakespeare's historical play OLD YORK. 51 of Henry IV., was buried in tiie Lady Chapel. Lawrence Sterne's grandfather, who was chaplain to Laud, is repre.'sented there, in his ecclesiastic dress, reclining npon a couch and supporting his mitred head upon his hand — a squat figure uncom- fortably posed, but sculptured with delicate skill. Many historic names occur in the inscriptions — Weutworth, Finch, Fenwick, Carlisle, and Heneage, — and in the north aisle of the chancel is the tomb of William of Hatfield^ second son of Edward iii,, who died in 134.3-44, in the eighth year of his age. An alabaster statue of the royal boy reclines upon his tomb. In the Cathe- dral library, which contains 8000 volumes and is kept at the Deanery, is the Princess Elizabeth's prayer-book, containing her auto- graph. In one of the chapels is the original throne-chair of Edward iii. In St. Leonard's Place still stands the York Theatre, erected by Tate Wilkinson in 1765. In York Castle Eugene Aram \\'as imprisoned and suflFered. Knaresborough, the scene of his crime, is but a few mile distant. The poet Porteous, the sculptor Flaxman, and the fanatic Guy Fawkes, were natives of York, and have often walked its streets. Standing on Skeldergate Bridge 52 • GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. few readers of English fiction could fail to recall that exquisite description of the place in the novel of No Name. In his artistic use of weather, atmosphere, and colour, Wilkie Collins is always remarkable equally for his fidelity to nature and fact, and for the felicity and beauty of his language. His portrayal of York seems more than ever a gem of literary art, when you have seen the veritable spot of poor Magdalen's meeting with Captain Wragge. The name of Wragge is on one of the signboards in the city. The river, on which I did not omit to take a boat, was picturesque, with its many quaint barges, bearing masts and sails, and embel- lished with touches of green and crimson and blue. There is no end to the associa- tions and suggestions of the storied city. But you are weary of them by this time. Let me respect the admonition of the mid- night bell, and seek repose beneath the hospitable wing of the old Black Swan in Coney Street, whence I send this humble memorial of ancient York. IV. THE HAUNTS OF MOORE. DEVIZES, Wiltshire, August 20, 1888. — The scarlet discs of the poppies and the red and white blooms of the clover, together with wild-flowers of many hues, bespangle now this emerald sod of England, while the air is rich with fragrance of lime- trees and of new-mown hay. The busy and sagacious rooks, fat and bold, wing their way in great clusters, bent on forage and mischief. There is almost a frosty chill in the autumnal air, and the brimming rivers, dark and deep and smoothly flowing through this opulent, cultivated, and park-like region of Wiltshire, look cold and bright. In many fields the hay is cut and stacked. In others the men, and often the women, armed with rakes, are tossing it to dry in the reluctant, intermittent, bleak sunshine of this rigorous August. Overhead the sky is now as blue as the deep sea, and now grim and ominous with great drifting masses of 54 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. slate-coloured cloud. There are moments of beautiful sunshine by day, and in some hours of the night the moon shines forth in all her pensive and melancholy glory. It is a time of exquisite loveliness, and it has seemed a fitting time for a visit to the last English home and the last resting-place of the poet of loveliness and love, the great Irish poet, Thomas Moore. When Moore first went up to London, a young poet seeking to launch his earliest writings upon the stream of contemporary literature, he crossed from Dublin to Bristol and then travelled to the capital by way of Bath and De^^zes ; and, as he crossed seve- ral times, he must soon have gained famili- arity with this part of the country. He did not, however, settle in Wiltshire until some years afterward. His first lodging in London was a front room, up two pair of stairs, at No. 44 George Street, Portman vSquare. He subsequently lived at No. 46 Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square, and at No. 27 Bury Street, St. James's. This was in 1805. In 1810 he resided for a time at No. 22 Molesworth Street, Dublin, but he soop returned to England. One of his homes, shortly after his marriage with Elizabeth Dyke ("Bessie," the sister of the great THE HAUNTS OF MOORE. 55 actress Mary Duff) was in Brompton, In the spring of 1812 he settled at Kegworth, but a year later he is found at May field ('ottage, near Ashbourne, Derbyshire. "I am now as you wished," he wrote to Mr. Power, the music-publisher, July 1, 1813, "within twenty-four hours' drive of town." In 1817 he occupied a cottage near the foot of Muswell Hill, at Homsey, Middlesex, but after he lost his daughter Barbara, who died there, the place became distressful to him, and he left it. In the latter part of September that year, the time of their affliction, Moore and his Bessie were the guests of Lady Donegal at No. 56 Davies Street, Berkeley Square, London. Then they removed to vSloperton Cottage, at Bromham, near Devizes (November 19, 1817), and their permanent residence was established in that place. Lord Lansdowne, one of the poet's earliest and best friends, was the owner of this estate, and doubtless he was the impulse of Moore's resort to it. The present Lord Lansdowne still owns Bowood Park, about four miles away. Devizes impresses you with the singular sense of being a place in which something is always about to happen ; but nothing ever does happen in it, or ever will. Quieter it 56 GRAY DAYS AXD GOLD. could not be unless it were dead. The principal street in it runs nearly north-west and south-east. There is a "Northgate" at one end of it and a " Southgate " at the other. Most of the streets are narrow and crooked. The houses are low, and built of brick. Few buildings are pretentious. A canal intersects the place, but in such a sub- terranean and furtive manner as scarcely to attract even casual notice. Public-houses are sufficiently numerous, and they appear to be sufficiently prosperous. Even while I write, the voice of song, issuing somewhat discordantly from one of them in this imme- diate neighbourhood, declares, with beery emphasis, that " Britons never, never, never will be slaves." Close by stands a castle — a new one, built, however, upon the basis and plan of an ancient structure that was long included in the dowry settled upon successive Queens of England. In the centre of the town is a large square, which only needs a fringe of well-grown trees to make it exceedingly pleasant — for its commodious expanse is seldom invaded by a vehicle or a human being. Pilgrims in quest of peace could not do better than to tarry here. Nobody is in a hurry about anything, and manners are primitive and frank. At break- THE HAUNTS OF MOORE. 57 fast yesterday, in the coffee-room of the Bear, one sedate and ruminant personage, a farmer on his travels and arrayed in his Sunday clothes, calmly removed his coat and draped his chest in a prodigious hand- kerchief — an amusing spectacle of bovine simplicity. The city bell which ofl&cially strikes the hours in Devizes is subdued and thoughtful, and although furnished with chimes it al- ways speaks under its breath. The church - bell, however, rings long and heartily, and with a melodious clangour — as though the local sinners were more than commonly hard of hearing. In the great public square there are two works of art — one a fountain, the other a market cross. The latter, a good specimen of the perpendicular Gothic, has thirteen spires, rising above an arched canopy for a statue. One face of it is in- scribed as follows : "This Market Cross was erected by Henry Viscount Sidmouth, as a memorial of his grateful attachment to the Borough of Devizes, of which he has been Recorder thirty years, and of which he was six times unanimously chosen a representa- tive in Parliament. Anno Domini 1814." Upon the other face appears a record vastly more significant — being indicative, as to the 58 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. city fathers, equally of credulity and a frugal mind, and being in itself freighted with tragic import unmatched since the Bible narrative of Ananias and Sapphira. It reads thus : — " The Mayor and Corporation of Devizes avail themselves of the stability of this building to transmit to future times the record of an awful event which occurred in this market-place in the year 1753, hoping that such a record may serve as a salutary warning against the danger of impiously invoking the Divine vengeance, or of calling on the holy name of God to conceal the devices of falsehood and fraud. " On Thursday, the 25th January 1753, Ruth Pierce, of Potterne, in this county, agreed, with three other women, to buy a sack of wheat in the market, each paying her due proportion toward the same. " One of these women, in collecting the several quotas of money, discovered a deficiency, and demanded of Ruth Pierce the sum which was wanted to make good the amount. ■'' Ruth Pierce protested that she had paid her share, and said, ' She wished she might drop down dead if she had not.' ** She rashly repeated this awful wish, when, to the consternation of the surrounding multi- tude, she instantly fell down and expired, having the monev concealed in her hand." THE HAUNTS OF MOORE. 59 Aa interesting church in Devizes is that of St. John, tlie Norman tower of which is a relic of the days of King Henry 11., a vast, grim structure with a circular turret on one corner of it. Eastward of this church is a long and lovely avenue of trees, and around it lies a large burial-place, remark- able for the excellence of the sod and for the number visible of those heavy, gray, oblong masses of tombstone which appear to have obtained great public favour about the time of Cromwell. In the centre of the church- yard stands a monolith, inscribed with these words : " Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. — This monument, as a solemn monitor to Young People to remem- ber their Creator in the days of their youth, was erected by subscription. — In memory of the sudden and awful end of Robert Merrit and his wife, Eliz. Tiley, her sister ; Martha Carter, and Josiah Denham, who were drowned, in the flower of their youth, in a pond, near this town, called Drews, on Sun- day evening, the 30th of June 1751, and are together underneath entombed." In one corner of the churchyard I came upon a cross, bearing a simple legend far more solemn, sensible, touching, and ad- monitory : "In Memoriam — Robert Samuel 60 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. Thomley. Died August 5, 1871. Aged 48 years. For fourteen years surgeon to the poor of Devizes. ' There shall be no more pain. ' " And over still another sleeper was written, upon a flat stone, low in the ground — "Loving, beloved, in all relations true. Exposed to follies, but subdued by few : Eeader, reflect, and copy if you can The simple virtues of this honest man." As I was gazing at one of the old churches, surrounded with many ponderous tomb- stones and looking gray and cheerless in the gloaming, last night, an old man approached me and civilly began a conversation about the antiquity of the church and the eloquence of its rector. When I told him that I had walked to Bromham to attend the service there, and to see the cottage and grave of ]\Ioore, he presently furnished to me that little touch of personal testimony which is always so interesting and significant in such circumstances. " I remember Tom Moore," he said ; "I saw him when he was alive. I worked for him once in his house, and I did some work once on his tomb. He was a little man. He spoke to us very pleasantly. I don't think he was a preacher. He never preached that I heard tell of. He was a THE HAUNTS OF MOORE. 6 1 poet, I believe. He was very much liked here. No, I never heard a word against him. I am seventy -nine years old the 13th of December, and that '11 soon be here. I've had three wives in my time, and my third is still living. It 's a fine old church, and there 's figures in it of Bishops, and Kings, and Queens." Most observers have remarked the odd way, garrulous, and sometimes unconsciously humorous, in which senile persons prattle their incongruous and sporadic recollections. But — "How pregnant sometimes his replies are ! " Another resident of Devizes, with whom I conversed, likewise remembered the poet, and spoke of him with affectionate regard. "My sister, when she was a child," he said, "was often at Moore's house, and he was fond of her. Yes, his name is widely remembered and honoured here. But I think that many of the poor people hereabout, the farmers, admired him chiefly because they thought that he wrote Moore's Almanac. They often used to say to him : ' Mister Moore, please tell us what the weather 's going to be.' " From Devizes to the village of Bromham, a distance of about four miles, the walk is delightful. Much of the path is between 62 GRAY DAYS AXD GOLD. green hedges, and is embowered by elms. The exit from the town is by Northgate and along the Chippenham road — which, like all the roads in this neighbourhood, is smooth, hard, and white. A little way out of Devizes, going north-west, this road makes a deep cut in the chalk-stone, and so winds down hill into the level plain. At intervals you come upon sweetly pretty specimens of the old English thatch-roof cottage. Hay- fields, pastures, and market -gardens extend on every hand. Eastward, far off, are visible the hills of \Yestbury, upon which, here and there, the copses are lovely, and upon one of which, cut in the rock, is the figure of a colossal white horse — said to have been put there by the Saxons to commemorate the victories of King Alfred. Soon the road winds over a hill, and you pass through the little red village of Rowde, with its gray church-tower. The walk may be shortened by a cut across the fields, and this, indeed, is found the sweetest part of the journey — for now the path lies through gardens, and through the centre or along the margin of the wheat, which waves in the strong wind and sparkles in the bright sunshine, and is everywhere sweetly and tenderly touched with the scarlet of the poppy and THE HAUNTS OF MOORE. 63 with h^^es of other wild-flowers — making you think of Shakespeare's " Rank fumiter and furrow weeds, With hemlock, harlock, nettles, cuckoo-flowers, Darnel, and all the idle weeds that grow In our sustaining corn." There is one field through which I passed, just as the spire of Bromham Church came into view, in which a surface more than three hundred yards square was blazing with wild-flowers, w^hite and gold and crim- son and purple and blue, upon a growth of vivid green, so that to look upon it was almost to be dazzled, w^hile the air that floated over it was scented as if with honey- suckles. You may see the delicate spire and the low gray tower of Moore's church some time before you come to it, and in some respects the prospect is not unlike that of Shakespeare's church at Stratford. A sweeter spot for a poet's sepulchre it would be hard to find. No spot could be more harmonious than this one is with the gentle, romantic spirit of Moore's poetry, and with the purity, refinement, and serenity of his life, Bromham village consists of a few red brick buildings, scattered along a few irregular little lanes, on a ridge over- 64 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. looking a valley. Amid these humble homes stands the gray church, like a shepherd keeping his flock. A part of it is very old, and all of it, richly weather-stained and delicately browned with fading moss, is beautiful. Upon the tower and along the south side the fantastic gargoyles are much decayed. The building is a cross. The large chancel-window faces eastward, and the large window at the end of the nave looks toward the west — the latter being a memorial to Moore. At the south-east corner of the building is the Lady Chapel, in which are suspended various fragments of old armour, and in the centre of which, recumbent on a great dark tomb, is a grim-visaged knight, clad from top to toe in his mail, beautifully sculptured in marble that looks like yellow ivory. Other tombs are adjacent, \\4th in- scriptions that implicate the names of Sir Edward Bayntun, 1679, and Lady Anne Wilmot, elder daughter and co-heiress of John, Earl of Rochester, who successively was the wife of Henry Bayntun and Francis Greville, and who died in 1703. The win- dow at the end of the nave is a simple but striking composition, in stained glass, richer and nobler than is commonly seen in a coun- try church. It consists of twenty-one lights, THE HAUNTS OF MOORE. 65 of which five are lancet shafts, side by side, these being surmounted with smaller lancets, forming a cluster at the top of the arch. In the centre is the figure of Jesus, and around Him are the Apostles. The colouring is soft, true, and beautiful. Across the base of the window appear the words, in the glass: "This window is placed in this church by the combined subscriptions of two hundred persons who honour the memory of the poet of all circles and the idol of his own, Thomas Moore." It was beneath this window, in a little pew in the comer of the church, that the present writer joined in the service, and meditated, throughout a long sermon, on the lovely life and char- acter, and the gentle, noble, and abiding influence, of the poet whose hallowed grave and beloved memory make this place a per- petual shrine. Moore was buried in the churchyard. An iron fence encloses his tomb, which is at the base of the church tower, in an angle formed by the tower and the chancel, on the north side of the building. Not more than twenty tombs are visible on this side of the church, and these appear upon a level lawn as green and sparkling as an emerald and as soft as velvet. On three sides the churchyard is E 66 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. enclosed by a low wall, and on the fourth by a dense hedge of glistening holly. Great trees are all around the church, but not too near. A massive yew stands darkly at one corner. Chestnuts and elms blend their branches in fraternal embrace. Close by the poet's grave a vast beech uprears its dome of fruited boughs and rustling foliage. The sky was blue, except for a few strag- gling masses of fleecy and slate-coloured cloud. Not a human creature was any- where to be seen while I stood in this sacred spot, and no sound disturbed the Sabbath stillness, save the faint whisper of the wind in the lofty tree-tops and the low twitter of birds in their hidden nests. I thought of his long life, unblemished by personal guilt or public error ; of his sweet devotion to parents and wife and children ; of his pure patriotism, which scorned equally the blatant fustian of the dema- gogue and the frenzy of the revolutionist ; of his unsurpassed fidelity in friendship ; of his simplicity and purity in a corrupt time and amid many temptations ; of his meek- ness in aflaiction ; of the devout spirit that made him murmur on his deathbed, "Bessie, trust in God"; of the many beautiful songs that he added to our litera- ture, — every one of which is the perfectly THE HAUNTS OF MOORE. 67 melodious and absolutely final expression of one or another of the elemental feel- ings of human nature ; and of the obli- gation of endless gratitude that the world owes to his fine and high and beneficent genius. And thus it seemed good to be in this place, and to lay with reverent hands the white roses of honour and affection upon his tomb. Ou the long, low, fiat stone that covers the poet's dust are inscribed the following words : " Anastatia Mary Moore. Born March 16, 1813. Died March 8, 1829. Also her brother; John Russell Moore, who died November 23, 1842, aged 19 years. Also their father, Thomas Moore, tenderly beloved by all who knew the goodness of his heart. The Poet and Patriot of his Country, Ireland. Born May 28, 1779. Sank to rest February 25, 1852. Aged 72. God is Love. Also his wife, Bessie Moore, who died 4th September 1865. And to the memory of their dear son, Thomas Lans- downe Parr Moore. Born 24th October 1818. Died in Africa, January 1846." Moore's little daughter, Bai'bara, is buried at Hornsey, near London, in the same churchyard where rest the bones of the poet Samuel Rogers. On the stone that marks that spot is written, " Anne Jane Barbara 68 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. Moore. Born January the 4th, 1812. Died September the 18th, 1817." North-west from Bromham Chiirch, and about one mile away, stands Sloperton Cot- tage, the last home of the poet, and the house in -which he died. A deep valley intervenes between the church and the cot- tage, but, as each is built upon a ridge, j^ou may readily see the one from the other. There is a road across the valley, but the more pleasant walk is along a pathway through the meadows and over several stiles, ending almost in front of the storied house. It is an ideal home for a poet. The building is made of brick, but it is so com- pletely enwrapped in ivy that scarcely a particle of its surface can be seen. It is a low building, with three gables on its main front and with a wing ; it stands in the middle of a garden enclosed by walls and by hedges of ivy ; and it is embowered by great trees, yet not so closely embowered as to be shorn of the prospect from its windows. Flowers and flowering vines were blooming around it. The hard, white road, flowing past its gateway, looked like a thread of silver between the green hedgerows which here for many miles are rooted in high, grassy banks, and at intervals are diversi- iied with large trees. Sloperton Cottage i? THE HAUNTS OF MOORE. 69 almost alone, but there are a few ueigh- l)our.s, and there is a little rustic village about half a mile westward. Westward was the poet's favourite prospect. He loved the sunset, and from a certain terrace in his garden he rarely failed to watch the pageant of the dying day. Here, for thirty-five years, was his peaceful and happy home. Here he meditated many of those gems of lyrical poetry which will live in the hearts of men as long as anything lives that ever was written by mortal hand. And here he " sank to rest," worn out at last by in- cessant labour and by many sorrows — the bitter fruit of domestic bereavement and disappointment. The sun was sinking as I turned away from this hallowed haunt of genius and virtue, and, through green pas- tures and flower-spangled fields of waving grain, set forth upon my homeward walk. Soon there was a lovely peal of chimes from Bromham Church tower, answered far off by the bells of Rowde, and, while I descended into the darkening valley, Moore's tender words came singing through my thought : — " And so 'twill be when I am gone — That tuneful peal will still ring on, While other bards shall walk these dells And sing your praise, sweet evening bells ! " V. BEAUTIFUL BATH. FROM Devizes the traveller naturally turns toward Bath, which is only a few miles distant. A beautiful city, marred somewhat by the feverish, disturbing spirit of the present day, this old place — in which the Saxon King Edgar was crowned, A.D. 973 — nevertheless retains many inter- esting characteristics of its former glory. More than a century has passed since the wigged, powdered, and jewelled days of Beau Nash. The Avon (for there is another Avon here, distinct from that of Warwick- shire and that of Yorkshire) is spanned by bridges that Smollett never dreamed of and Sheridan never saw. The town has crept upward, along both the valley slopes, nearer and nearer to the hill-tops that used to look down upon it. Along the margins of the river many gray, stone structures are mouldering in neglect and decay ; but a BEAUTIFUL BATH. 7 1 traiiicar rattles through the principal street ; the boot-black and the newsvendor are active and vociferous ; the causeways are crowded with a bustling throng, and carts and carriages dash and scramble over the pavement, while, where of old the horn used to sound a gay flourish and the coach to come spinning in from London, now is heard the shriek and clangour of the steam- engine dashing down the vale with morn- ing papers and with passengers, three hours from town. This, indeed, is not " the season " (August 21, 1888), and of late it has rained with zealous persistence, so that Bath is not in her splendour. Much how- ever can be seen, and the essential fact that she is no longer the Gainsborough belle that she used to be is distinctly evident. You must yield your mind to fancy if you would conjure up, while walking in these modem streets, the gay and quaint things described in Humjjhry Clinker or indi- cated in The Rivals. The Bath chairs, sometimes pulled by donkeys, and some- times trundled by men, are among the most representative relics now to be seen. Next to the Theatre-Royal (where it was my privilege to enjoy and admire Mr. Toole's richly humorous peiformance of 72 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. The Don) stands a building, just at the foot of Gascoigne Place, before which the traveller pauses with interest, because upon its front he may read the legend, neatly engraved on a white marble slab, that "In this house lived the celebrated Beau Nash, and here he died, February 1761." It is an odd structure, consisting of two stories and an attic, the front being of the monotonous stucco that came in with the Regent. Earlier no doubt the building was timbered. There are eleven windows in the front, four of them being painted on the wall. The house is used now by an auctioneer. In the his- toric Pump Room — dating back to 1797 — raised aloft in an alcove at the east end, still stands the effigy of the Beau, even as it stood in the days when he set the fashions, regulated the customs, and gave the laws, a-id was the King of Bath ; but the busts of Newton and Pope that formerly stood on either side of this statue stand there no more — save in the fancy of those who recall the epigi'am which was suggested by this singular group : — " This statue placed these busts between Gives satire all its strength ; Wisdom and Wit are little seen, But Folly at full length." BEAUTIFUL BATH. 73 Folly, though, is a word that carries a different meaning to different ears. Douglas Jerrold made a play on the subject of Beau Nash — an ingenious, effective, brilliantly written play, in which he is depicted as anything but foolish. Much always depends on the point of view. Quin Mas buried in Bath Abbey, and Bath is the scene of 2Vie Rivals. It would be pleasant to fancy the trim figure of the truculent Sir Lucius 0' Trigger strutting along the Parade ; or bluff and choleric Sir Anthony Absolute gazing with imperious condescension upon the galaxy of the Pump Room; Acres in his absurd finery; Lydia \\\\h her sentimental novels ; and Mrs. Mcdaprop, rigid with decorum, in her Bath chair. The Abbey, begun in 1405 and com- pleted in 1606, has a noble west front and a magnificent door of carved oak, and certainly it is a superb church ; but the eyes that have rested upon such cathedrals as those of Edinburgh and Glasgow, such a heavenly jewel as Roslin, and such an astounding and overwhelming edifice as York Minster, can dwell calmly on Bath Abbey. A surprising feature in it is its mural record of the dead that are entombed beneath or around it. Sir Lucius might well declare that " There 74 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. is snug lying in the Abbey." Almost every foot of the walls is covered with monu- mental slabs, and like Captain Cuttle, after the wedding of Mr. Domhey and Edith Granger, I " pervaded the church and read the epitaphs," solicitous to discover that of the renowned actor James Quin. His tablet was formerly to be found in the chancel, but now it is obscurely placed in a porch, on the northern corner of the building, on what may be termed the outer wall of the sanctuary. It presents the face of the famous comedian carved in white marble and set against a black slab. Beneath is the date of his death, "Ob. mdcclxvi. Aetat Lxxiii.," and his epitaph, written by David Garrick. At the base are dra- matic emblems — the mask and the dagger. As a portrait this medallion of Quin bears internal evidence of scrupulous fidelity to nature, and certainly it is a fine work of art. The head is dressed as it was in life, with the full wig of the period. The features are delicately cut, and are indicative of austere beauty of countenance — impressive if not attractive. The mouth is especially hand- some — the upper lip being a perfect Cupid's bow. The face is serious, expressive, and fraught with intellect and power. This was nEAUTIFrL BATn. 75 the last great declaimer of the old school of acting, discomfited and almost obliter- ated by Garrick ; and here are the words that Garrick wrote upon his tomb : — "That tongu-? vhich set the table on a roar And charmed the public ear is heard no more ; Closed are those eyes, the harbingers of wit, Which spoke, before the tongue, what Shake- speare writ ; [forth, Cold is that hand which, living, was stretched At friendship's call, to succour modest worth. Herp lies JAMES QUIN. Deign, reader, to be taught Whate'er thy strength of body, force of thought, In nature's happiest mould however cast, To this complexion thou must come at last." A printed reminder of mortality is super- fluous in Bath, for you almost continually behold afflicted and deformed persons who have come hero to "take the waters." For rheumatic sufferers this place is a paradise — as, indeed, it is for all wealthy persons who love luxury. Walter Savage Landor said that the only two cities of Europe in which he could live were Bath and Florence ; but that was long ago. When you have walked in Milsom Street and Lansdowne Crescent, sailed upon the Avon, observed 76 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. the Abbe J', without and withm — for its dusky, weather-stained walls are extremely picturesque — attended the theatre, climbed the hills for the view of the city and the Avon valley, and taken the baths, you will have had a satisfying experience of Bath. The greatest luxury in the place is a swim- ming tank of mineral water, about forty feet long, by twenty broad, and five feet deep — a tepid pool of most refreshing potency. And the chief curiosity is the ruin of a Roman bath which was discovered and laid bare in 1885. This is built in the form of a rectangular basin of stone, with steps around it, and it was environed with stone chambers that were used as dressing- rooms. The basin is nearly perfect. The work of restoration of this ancient bath is in progress, but the relic will be preserved only as an emblem of the past. Haynes Bayly, the song-writer, was born in Bath, and there he melodiously recorded that "She wore a wreath of roses," and there he dreamed of dwelling "in marble halls." But Bath is not nearly as rich in literary associations as its neighbour citj' of Bristol. Chatterton, Southey, Hannah More, Mary Robinson — the actress, the lovely and unfortunate " Perdita," — all BEAUTIFUL BATH. 77 these were born in Bristol. Richard Savage, the poet, died there (1743), and so did John Hippesley, the comedian, manager, and farce-writer (1748). St. Mary Redclyfte Church, built in 1292, is still standing there, of which Chatterton's father was the sexton, and in the tower of which "the marvellous boy " discovered, according to his ingenious plan of literary imposture, the original Canynge and Rowley manuscripts. That famous preacher, the Rev. Robert Hall (1764-1831), had a church in Bristol. Sou- they and Coleridge married sisters, of the name of Fricker, who resided there, and the house once occupied by Coleridge is still ex- tant in the contiguous village of Clevedon — one of the loveliest places on the English coast. Jane and Anna Maria Porter both lived in Bristol, and Maria died at Mont- pelier near by. These notes indicate but a tithe of what may be seen and studied and enjoyed in and about Bristol, the city to which poor Chatterton left his curse ; the region hallowed by the dust of Arthur Hallam — the inspiration of Tennyson's " In Memoriam," the loftiest poem that has been created in the English language since the pen that wrote ' ' Childe Harold " fell from the divine hand of Byron. VI. THE LAKES AND FELLS OF WORDSWORTH. A GOOD way by which to enter the Lake District of England is to travel to Penrith, and thence to drive along the shore of UUswater, or sail upon its crystal bosom, to the blooming solitude of Patter- dale. Penrith lies at the eastern slope of the mountains of Westmoreland, and you may there see the ruins of Penrith Castle, once the property and the abode of Richard, Duke of Gloucester, before he became King of England. Penrith Castle was one of the estates that wei-e forfeited by the great Earl of Warwick, and King Edward rv". gave it to his brother Richard in 1471. Not much remains of this ancient structure, and the remnant is now occupied by a florist. I saw it, as I saw almost everything else in Great Britain during the summer of 1888, under a tempest of rain ; for it rained there, with a continuity almost ruinous, from the time of the lilac and apple-blossom till when the LAKES AND FELLS OF WORDSWORTH. ']-■:) clematis began to show the splendour of its purple shield, and the acacia to drop its milky blossoms on the autumnal grass. But travellers must not heed the weather. If there are dark days there are also bright ones— and one bright day in such a paradise as the English Lakes atones for the dreari- ness of a month of rain. Beside, even the darkest days may be brightened by gentle companionship. Henr}^ Irving and Ernest Bendall, two of the most intellectual and genial men in England, were my associates ill this expedition. We came from London into Westmoreland on a mild, sweet day in July, and we rambled for several days in that enchanted region. It was a delicious expe- rience ; and I often close my eyes and dream of it — as I am dreaming now. In the drive between Penrith and Patter- dale you see many things that are worthy of regard. Among these are the parish church of Penrith, a building made of red stone, remarkable for a massive square tower of great age and formidable aspect. In the adjacent churchyard are " The Giant's Grave " and " The Giant's Thumb,'" relics of a distant past that strongly and strangely affect the imaginatieu. The grave is said to be that of Owen Ci^esarius, a 8o GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. gigantic indi\ndual who reigned over Cum- berland in remote Saxon times. The Thumb is a rough stone, about seven feet high, pre- senting a clumsy cross, and doubtless com- memorative of another mighty warrior. Sir Walter Scott, who traversed Penrith on his journeys between Edinburgh and London, seldom omitted to pause for a view of these singular memorials — and Scott, like Wordsworth, has left upon this region the abiding impress of his splendid genius. ' ' Ulfo's Lake " is Scott's name for Ulls- water, and hereabout is laid the scene of his poem of "The Bridal of Triermain." In Scott's day the traveller went by coach or on horseback, but now, "On lonely Threl- keld's solemn waste," at the foot of craggy Blencathara, you pause at a railway sta- tion with " Threlkeld ' in large letters on the official signboard. Another strange thing that is passed on the road between Penrith and Patterdale is " Arthur's Round Table " — a circle of lawn slightly raised above the surrounding level, and certainly remarkable, whatever may be its historic or antiquarian merit, for the fine texture of its sod and the lovely green of its grass. Scholars think it was used for tournaments in the days of chivalry, but no one rightly LAKES AND FELLS OF WORDSWORTH. SI knows anything about it, save that it is old. Not far from this bit of mysterious antiquity the road winds through a quaint village called Tirril, where, in the Quaker burial-ground, is the grave of an unfor- tunate young man, Charles Gough, who lost his life by falling from the Striding Edge of Helvellyn in I8O0, and whose memory is hallowed by Wordsworth and Scott, in poems that almost every school- boy has read, and could never forget — asso- ciated as they are with the story of the faithful dog for three months in that lone- some wilderness vigilant beside the dead body of his master, " A lofty precipice in front, A silent tarn below." Patterdale possesses this advantage over certain other towns and hamlets of the lake region— that it is not much frequented by tourists. The coach does indeed roll through it at intervals, laden with those miscel- laneous, desultory visitors whose pleasure it is to rush wildly over the land. And these objects serve to remind you that now, even as in Wordsworth's time, and in a double sense, ' ' the world is too much with us." But an old-fashioned inn (Kidd's F 82 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. Hotel) still exists at the head of Ullswater, to which fashion has not resorted, and where kindness presides over the traveller's com- fort. Close by also is a sweet nook called Glenridding, where, if you are a lover of solitude and peace, you may find an ideal abode. One house wherein lodging may be had was literally embowered in roses on that summer evening when first I strolled by the fragrant hay-fields on the Patterdale shore of Ullswater. The rose flourishes in wonderful luxuriance and profusion through- out Westmoreland and Cumberland. As you drive along the lonely roads your way will sometimes be, for many miles, between hedges that are bespangled -s^dth wild roses and with the silver globes of the laurel blossom, while all around you the lonely mountains, bare of foliage save for matted grass and a dense growth of low ferns, tower to meet the clouds. It is a wild place, and yet there is a per- vading spii'it of refinement over it all — as if Nature had here wrought her wonder.-^ in the mood of the finest art. And at the same time it is a place of infinite variety. The whole territory occupied by the lakes and mountains of this famous district is not more than fifty miles square ; yet within LAKES AND TELLS OF WORDSWORTH. 83 this limit, comparatively narrow, are com- prised all possible beauties of land and water that the most passionate devotee of natural loveliness could desire. My first night in Patterdale was one of such tempest as sometimes rages in America about the time of the fall equinox. The wind shook the building. It was long after midnight when I went to rest, and the storm seemed to increase in fury as the night wore on. ToiTents of rain were dashed against the windows. Great trees near by creaked and groaned beneath the strength of the gale. The cold was so severe that blankets were welcome. It was my first night in Wordsworth's country, and I thought of Wordsworth's lines : — " There was a roaring in the wind all night ; The rain came hea-vily and fell in floods." The next morning was sweet with sun- shine and gay with birds and flowers, and all semblance of storm and trouble seemed banished for ever. "But now the sun is shining calm and bright, And birds are singing in the distant woods." Wordsworth's poetry expresses the inmost soul of these lovely lakes and mighty hills, and no writer can hope to tread, save re- 84 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. motely and M'ith reverent humility, in the footsteps of that magician. You understand Wordsworth better, however, and you love him more dearly, for having rambled over his own consecrated ground. There was not a day when I did not, in some shape or another, meet with his presence. When- ever I was alone his influence came upon me as something unspeakablj' majestic and solemn. Once, on a Sunday afternoon, I climbed to the topmost height of Place Fell (which is 2154 feet above the sea-level, while Scawfell Pike is 3210, and Helvellyn is 3118), and there, in the short space of two hours, I was thrice cut off by rain- storms from all view of the world beneath. Xot a tree could I find on that mountain- top, nor any place of shelter from the blast and the rain — except when crouching beside the mound of rock at its summit, which in that country they call a "man." Not a li\dng creature was visible, save now and then a lonely sheep, who stared at me for a moment and then scurried away. But when skies cleared and the cloudy squadrons of the storm went careering over Helvellyn, I looked down into no less than fifteen valleys beautifully coloured by the foliage and the patches of cultivated land, each vale being LAKES AND FELLS OF WOKDSWORTU. 55 sparsely fringed with little gray stone dwellings that seemed no more than card- houses, in those appalling depths. You think of Wordsworth in such a place as that — if you know his poetry. You cannot choose but think of him. "Who comes not hither ue'er shall know How beautiful the world below." Yet somehow it happened that whenever friends joined in these rambles the great poet was sure to dawn upon us in a comic way. When we were resting on the bridge at the foot of "Brothers Water," which is a little lake, scarcely more than a mountain tarn, lying between Ullswaterand the Kirk- stone Pass, some one recalled that Words- worth had once rested there and written a poem about it. We were not all as devout admirers of the bard as I am, and certainly it is not everj' one of that great author's compositions that a lover of his genius would wish to hear quoted under such circumstances. The "Brothers Water'' poem is the one that begins ' ' The cock is crowing, the stream is flowing," and I do not think that its insipidity is much relieved by its famous picture of the grazing cattle, "forty feeding like one." Henry Irving, 85 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. not much given to enthusiasm about Words- worth, heard those lines with undisguised merriment, and made a capital travesty of them on the spot. It is significant to remember, with reference to the inequality of "Wordsworth, that on the day before he ■•.vrote "The cock is crowing," and at a place but a short distance from the Brothers Water bridge, he had written that peerless lyric about the daffodils — "I wandered lonely as a cloud." Gowbarrow Park is the scene of that poem — a place of ferns and hawthorns, notable for containing Lyulph's Tower, a romantic, ivy-clad lodge owned by the Duke of Norfolk — and Aira Force, a waterfall much finer than Lodore. Upon the lake shore in Gowbarrow Park you may still see the daffodils as Wordsworth saw them, a golden host, " glittering and danc- ing in the breeze." No one but a true poet could have made that perfect lyric, with its delicious close : — " For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude : And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils." The third and fourth lines were written by LAKES AND FELLS OF WORDSWORTH. 87 the poet's wife — and they shew that she A\as not a poet's wife in vain. It must have been in his "vacant mood" that he rested and wrote on the bridge at Brothers Water. ' ' I saw Wordsworth often when I was a child," Frank Marshall^ said (who had joined us at Penrith) ; " he used to come to my father's house, Patterdale Hall, and once I was sent to the garden by Mrs. Wordsworth to call him to supper. He was musing there, I suppose. He had a long horse-like face. I don't think I liked him. I said, 'Your wife wants j'ou.' He looked down at me, and he answered, ' My boy, you should say Mrs. Wordsworth, and not " your wife." ' I looked up at him, and I replied, ' She is your wife, isn't she ? ' Whereupon he said no more. I don't think he liked me either." We were going up Kirkstone Pass when Marshall told this story — which seemed to bring the pensive and homely poet plainly before us. An hour later at the top of the pass, while wait- ing in the old inn called ' ' The Travellers' Rest," which incorrectly proclaims itself the 1 F. A. Marshall, editor of the Henry Irving edition of Shakespeare, and author of A Study of Hamlet, the comedy of False Shame, and many other works, died in London, December 1889, much lamented. 88 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. highest inhabited house in England — it is 1481 feet above the sea-level — I spoke with an ancient, weather-beaten hostler, not wholly unfamiliar with the medicinal virtue of ardent spirits, and asked for his opinion of the great Lake Poet. They all know him in that region. "Well,"' he said, " people are always talking about Words- worth, but I don't see much in it. I 've read it, but I don't care for it. It 's dry stuff— it don't chime." Truly there are all sorts of views, just as there are all sorts of people. Mementos of Wordsworth are frequenth'' encountered by the traveller among these lakes and fells. One of these, situated at the foot of Place Fell, is a rustic cottage that the poet once selected for his residence, and partly purchased. It somewhat re- sembles the Shakespeare cottage at Strat- ford — the living-room being floored with stone slabs, irregular in size and shape and mostly broken by hard use. In a corner of the kitchen stands a fine carved oak cup- board, dark with age, inscribed with the date of the Merry Monarch, 1660. What were the sights of those sweet days that linger still, and will alwaj's linger, in my remembrance ? A ramble in the old LAKES AND FELLS OF WORDSWORTH. 89 park of Patterdale Hall, which is full of American trees ; a golden morning in Dove- dale, with Henry Irving, much like Jaques, reclined upon a shaded rock, half-way up the mountain, musmg and moralising in his sweet, kind way, beside the brawling stream ; the first prospect of Windermere, from above Ambleside — a vision of heaven upon earth ; the drive by Rydal Water, which has all the loveliness of celestial pic- tures seen in dreams ; the glimpse of stately Rydal Hall and of the sequestered Rydal Moimt, where Wordsworth so long lived, and where he died ; the Wishing Gate, where one of us, I know, wished in his heart that he could be young again and be wiser than to waste his youth in self-willed folly ; the restful hours of observation and thought at delicious Grasmere, where we stood in silence at Wordsworth's grave and heard the murmur of Rotha singing at his feet; the lovely drive past Matterdale, across the moorlands, with only clouds and rooks for our chance companions, and mountains for sentinels along our way ; the ramble through Keswick, all golden and glowang in the afternoon sun, till we stood by Crosthwaite Church and read the words of commemoration that grace the tomb of Robert Southey ; the 90 GRAY DAYS A>-I) GOLD. divine circuit of Derwent — surely the love- liest sheet of -water in England ; the descent into the vale of Keswick, with sunset on the rippUng crystal of the lake and the perfume of countless wild roses on the evening wind. These things, and the midnight talk about these things — Irving, so tranquil, so gentle. so full of keen and sweet appreciation of them — Bendall, so bright and thoughtful — -larshall, so quaint and jolly, and so full of knowledge equally of nature and of books ! — can never be forgotten. In one heart they are cherished for ever. Wordsworth is buried in Grasmere church- yard, close by the wall, on the bank of the little river Rotha. "Sing him thy best," said Matthew Arnold, in his lovely dirge for the great poet — " Sing him thy best ! for few or none Hears thy voice right, now he is gone." In the same grave with Wordsworth sleeps his devoted wife. Beside them rest the poet's no less devoted sister Dorothy (who died at Rydal Mount in 1855, aged 83), and his favourite daughter, Dora, together with her husband, Edward Quillinan, of whom Arnold wrote so tenderly : — " Alive, we would have changed his lot, We would not change it now." LAKES AND FELLS OF WORDSWORTH. 9I On the low gravestone that marks the sepulchre of Wordsworth are written these words: "William \Yordsworth, 1850. Marj- Woi'dsworth, 1859." In the neighbouring church a marble tablet on the wall presents this inscription : — "To the memory of Willicara Words-worth. A true poet and philosopher, who by the special gift and calling of Almighty God, whether he discoursed on man or nature, failed not to lift ap the heart to holy things, tired not of main- taining the cause of the poor and simple, and so in perilous times was raised up to be a chief minister, not only of noblest poetry, but of high and sacred truth. The memorial is raised here by his friends and neighbours, in testimony of respect, affection, and gratitude. Anno MDCCCLI." A few steps from this memorable grovp will bring you to the marble cross that marks the resting-place of Hartley Cole- ridge, son of the great author of "The An- cient Mariner," himself a poet of exquisite genius ; and close by is a touching memorial to the gifted man who inspired Matthew Arnold's poems of "The Scholar-Gipsy" and "Thyrsis." This is a slab laid upon his mother's grave, at the foot of her own tombstone, inscribed with these words : — 92 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. "In memory ot Artliur Hugli Clough, some time Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, the beloved son of James Butler and Anne Clough. This remembrance in his own country is placed on his mother's grave by those to whom life was made happy by his presence and his love. He is bxu'ied in the Swiss cemetery at Florence, where he died, November 13, 1861, aged 42. ' So, dearest, now thy brows are cold I see thee what thou art, and know Thy likeness to the wise below, Thy kindred with the great of old.' Southey rests in Crosthwaite churchyard, about half a mile north of Keswick, where he died. They show you Greta Hall, a fine mansion on a little hill enclosed in tall trees, which for forty years, ending in 1843, was the poet's home. In the church is a marble figure of Southey, recumbent on a large stone pedestal, which does no justice to his great personal beauty. His grave is in the ground, a little way from the church, marked by a low flat tomb, on the end of which ap- pears an inscription commemorative of an old servant who had lived fifty years in his family and is buried with him. There was a pretty scene at this grave. When I came near it Irving was already there, and was speaking to a little girl who had guided him LAKES AND FELLS OF WORDSWORTH. 93 to the spot. " If any one were to give you a shilling, my dear," he said, "what would you do with it?" The child was con- fused, and she murmured softly, "I don't know, sir." "Well," he continued, "if any one were to give you two shillings, what would you do with it ? " She said she would save it. " But Mhat if it were three shil- lings ? " he went on, and every time he spoke he dropped a silver coin into her hand, till he must have given her more than a dozen of them. " Four — five — six — seven —what would you do with the money?" "I would give it to my mother, sir," she answered at last, her little face all smiles, gazing up at the stately, sombre stranger, whose noble countenance never looked more radiant than it did then, with gentle kindness and pleasure. It is a trifle to speak of, but it was touching in its simpli- city; and that amused group around the grave of Southey, in the blaze of the golden sun of a July afternoon, with Skiddaw loom- ing vast and majestic over all, will linger with me as long as anything lovely and ot good report is treasured in my memory. Long after we had left the place I chanced to speak of its peculiar interest. " The most interesting thing I saw there," said 94 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. Irving, "was that sweet child." I do not think the great actor was ever much im- pressed with the beauties of the Lake Poets. Another picture glimmers across my dream — a picture of peace and happiness which may close this rambling remini- scence of gentle days. We had driven up the pass between Glen coin and Gowbarrow, and had reached Matterdale, on our way toward Troutbeck station — not the beauti- ful Windermere Troutbeck, but the less famous one. The road is lonelj^ but at Matterdale one sees a few houses, and there our gaze was attracted by a small gray church nestled in a hollow of the hillside. It stands sequestered in its little place of graves, with bright greensward around it and a few trees. A faint sound of organ music floated from this sacred building and seemed to deepen the hush of the summer wind and shed a holier calm upon the lovely solitude. We dismounted and softly en- tered the church. A youth and a maiden, apparently lovers, were sitting at the organ — the young fellow playing and the girl listening, and looking with tender trust and innocent atfection into his face. He recog- nised our presence with a kindly nod, but LAKES AND FELLS OF WORDSWORTH. 95 went ou with his authem. I do not think she saw us at all. The place was full of soft, warm light streaming through the stained glass of Gothic windows and fragrant with perfume floating from the hay-fields and the dew-drenched roses of many a neighbouring hedge. Not a word was spoken, and after a few moments we departed as silently as we had come. Those lovers will never know what eyes looked upon them that day, what hearts were comforted with the sight of their happiness, or how a careworn man, three thousand miles away, fanning upon his hearthstone the dying embers of hope, now thinks of them with tender sympathy, and murmurs a blessing on the gracious scene which their presence so much endeared. VII. SHAKESPEARE RELICS AT WORCESTER. WORCESTER, July 23, 1889.— The present wanderer came lately to "the Faithful City," and these words are written in a midnight hour at the Uni- corn Hotel. This place is redolent of the wars of the Stuai'ts, and the moment you enter it your mind is filled with the pre- sence of Charles the ^Martj^r, Charles the Merry, Prince Rupert, and Oliver Cromwell. From the top of Red Hill and the margin of Perry Wood — now sleeping in the starlight or momentarily vocal with the rustle of leaves and the note of half -awakened birds — Cromwell looked down over the ancient walled city which he had beleaguered. Upon the summit of the great tower of Worcester cathedral Charles and Rupert held their last council of war. Here was fought and lost (1651) the battle that made the merry monarch a hunted fugitive and an exile. With a stranger's interest I have rambled on SHAKESPEARF "RELICS AT WORCESTER. 97 those heights ; traversed the battlefield ; walked in every part of the cathedral ; attended divine service there ; revelled in the antiquities of Edgar Tower ; roamed through most of the city streets ; traced all that can be traced of the old wall — there is little remaining of it now, and no part that can be walked upon ; explored the Royal Porcelain ^Yorks, for which Wor- cester is rightly famous ; viewed several of its old churches and its one theatre (in Angel Street) ; entered its Guildhall, where they preserve a fine piece of artillery and nine suits of black armour that were left by Charles ii. when he fled from Wor- cester ; paced the dusty and empty Trinity Hall, now abandoned and condemned to demolition, where once Queen Elizabeth was feasted; and visited the old " Com- mandery " — a rare piece of antiquity, re- piaining from the tenth century — wherein the Duke of Hamilton died of his wounds, after Cromwell's "crowning mercy," and beneath the floor of which he was laid in a temporary grave. The Commandery is now owned and occupied by a printer of direc- tories and guide-books (the genial and hospitable Mr. Littlebury), and here, as everywhere else in storied Worcester, the G 98 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. arts of peace prevail over all the scenes and all the traces of " Old, unhappy, far-off things And battles long ago." In the Edgar Tower at Worcester they keep the original of the marriage-bond that was given as a preliminary to the marriage of William Shakespeare and Anne Hatha- way, by Fulk Sandells and John Richard- son, of Shottery. It is a long, narrow strip of parchment, and it has been glazed and framed. Two seals of light-coloured wax were originally attached to it, de- pendent by strings, but these were removed — apparently for the convenience of the mechanic who put this relic into its present frame. The handwriting is crabbed and obscure. There are but few persons who can read the handwriting in old documents of this kind, and thousands of such docu- ments exist in the church-archives, and elsewhere in England, that have never been examined. The name of Hathaway in this marriage-bond resembles the name of Whateley. The contract vouches that there was no impediment, through con- sancruinity or otherwise, to the marriage of William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway. SHAKESPEARE RELICS AT WORCESTER. 99 It was executed on November 28, 15S2, and it is supposed that the marriage took place immediately — since the first child of it, Susanna Shakespeare, was baptized in the Church of the Holy Trinity at Stratford on May 26, 1583. No registration of the marriage has been found, but that is no proof that it does not exist. The law in those days prescribed that the marriage- bond should designate three parishes within the residential diocese, in any one of which the marriage might be made ; but the custom in those days permitted the con- tracting parties, when they had complied with this legal requirement, to be married in whatever parish, within the diocese, they might prefer. Three parishes were named in the Shakespeare marriage-bond. The registers of two of them have been searched^ and searched in vain. The register of the third — that of Luddington, which is close by Shottery — was destroyed long ago, in a fire that burnt down Luddington Church ; and conjecture therefore assumes that Shake- speare was married at Luddington. It may be so, but there is no certainty about it, and until every old church register in the ancient diocese of Worcester has been examined, the quest of the registration of lOO GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. his marriage ought not to be abandoned. Pdchard Savage, the learned and diligent librarian of the Shakespeare Birthplace, has long been occupied with this inquiry, and has transcribed several of the old church registers in the vicinity of Stratford. The Rev. Mr. Wadley, another local antiquary of great learning and incessant industry, has also taken part in this labour. The long-de- sired entry of the marriage of William and Anne remains undiscovered, but one grati- fying and valuable result of these investiga- tions is the disclosure that many of the names used in Shakespeare's works are the names of persons who were residents ot Warwickshire in his time. It has pleased various crazy sensation-mongers to ascribe the authorship of Shakespeare's writings to Francis Bacon. This could only be done by ignoring positive evidence — the evidence, namely, of Ben •Jonson, who knew Shakespeare personally, and who has left a written description ot the manner in which Shakespeare composed his plays. EflProntery was to be expected from the advocates of the preposterous Bacon theory ; but when they have ignored the positive evidence, and the internal evidence, and the circumstantial evidence, and every other sort of evidence, they have SHAKESPEARE RELICS AT WORCESTER. 101 still a serious obstacle to surmount — an obstacle which the researches of such patient scholars as Mr. Savage and Mr. Wadley are strengthening day by day. The man who wrote Shakespeare's plays knew Warwickshire as it could only be known to a native of it ; and there is no proof that Bacon knew it or ever was in it. With reference to the Shakespeare Mar- riage-Bond, and with reference to all the records that are kept in the Edgar Tower at Worcester, it should perhaps be said that they are not preserved with the scrupulous care to which such treasures are entitled. The Tower — a gray and venerable relic, an ancient gate of the monastery, dating back to the time of King John — afifords an appropriate receptacle for these documents ; but it would not withstand fire, and it does not contain either a fire-proof chamber or a safe. The Shakespeare Marriage-Bond — which assuredly ought to be in the Shake- speare Birthplace, at Stratford — was taken from the floor of a closet, where it had been lying, together with a number of dusty books, and I was kindly permitted to hold it in my hands and to examine it. The frame provided for this priceless relic is such as you may see on an ordinary school I02 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. slate. From another dusty closet an atten- dant extricated a Manuscript Diary kept by Bishop Lloyd, of Worcester, and by his manservant, for several years, about the beginning of the reign of Queen Anne ; and in this are many quaint and humorous entries, valuable to the student of history and manners. In still another closet, having the appearance of a rubbish-bin, I saw heaps upon heaps of old parchment and paper writings — a mass of antique registry that it would need the labour of several years to examine, decipher, and classify. Worcester is especially rich in old records, and it is not impossible that the missing clew to Shakespeare's marriage may yet be found on this spot — where nobody has expected to find it. Worcester is rich also in a superb library, which, by the kindness of Mr. Hooper, the custodian, I was allowed to explore, high xtp beneath the roof of the lovely cathedral. This collection of books, numbering at least five thousand, consists mostly of folios, many of which were printed in France. They keep it in a long, low, oak-timbered room, the triforium of the south aisle of the nave. The approach is by a circular stone stair- case. In an anteroom to the library I saw SHAKESPEARE RELICS AT WORCESTER. IO3 a part of the ancient north door of this church, about half of it — a fragment dating back to the time of Bishop Wakefield, 1386 — to which is still affixed a piece of the skin of a human being. The tradition is that a Dane committed sacrilege by stealing the sanctus bell from the high altar, and was thereupon flayed alive for his crime, and the skin of him was fastened to the cathe- dral door. In the library are magnificent editions of Aristotle and other classics ; the works of the Fathers of the Church ; a beautiful illuminated manuscript of Wick- lifi'e's New Testament — written on vellum in 1381 ; and several books, in splendid preservation, from the press of Caxton and that of Wynken de Worde. The world moves — but printing is not better done now than it was then. This library, which is for the use of the clergy of the Diocese of Worcester, was founded by Bishop Car- penter in 1461, and originally was stored in the chapel of the charnel-house. Reverting to the subject of old documents, a useful word may perhaps be said here about the registers in Trinity Church at Stratford — documents which, in a spirit of disparagement, have sometimes been desig- nated as " copies." This sort of pertness in I04 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. the discussion of Shakespearean subjects is not unnatural in days when fanatical zealots are allowed freely to besmirch the memory of Shakespeare, in their wildly foolish advocacy of what they call the Bacon theory of the authorship of Shake- speare's works. The facts about the Strat- ford Registers, as here set down, are stated, by one who has many times held them in his hands and explored their quaint pages. Those records are contained in twenty-two volumes. They begin with the first year of Queen Elizabeth, 1558, and they end, as to the old parchment form, in 1812. From 1558 to 1600 the entries were made in a paper book, of the quarto form, still occa- sionally to be found in ancient parish churches of England. In 1600 an order-in- council was made commanding that those entries should be copied into parchment vol- umes, for their better preservation. This was done. The parchment volumes, which have been freely shown to me by my good friend William Butcher, the parish clerk of Strat- ford, date back to 1600. The handwriting of the copied portion, covering the period from 1558 to 1600, is careful and uniform. Each page is certified, as to its accuracy, by the vicar and the churchwardens. After SHAKESPEARE RELICS AT WORCESTER. IO5 1600 the handwritings vary. In the register of Marriage a new handwriting appears on September 17 that year, and in the registers of Baptism and Burial it appears on Sep- tember 20. The sequence of marriages is complete until 1756 ; that of baptisms and burials until 1812; when in each case a book of printed forms comes into use, and the expeditious march of the new age begins. The entry of Shakespeare's baptism, April 26, 1564, from which it is inferred that he was born on April 23, is extant as a certified copy from the earlier paper book. The entry of Shakespeare's burial is the original entry made in the original register. Some time ago an American %vriter chose to declare that Shakespeare's widow — seven years his senior at the start, and therefore fifty-nine years old when he died — subse- quently contracted another marriage. Mrs. Shakespeare survived her husband seven years, dying at the age of sixty-six. The entry in the Stratford register of burial contains, against the date of 1623, August 28, the names of "Mrs. Shakespeare" and " Anna uxor Richard James." These two names, written one above the other, are connected by a bracket on the left side ; and this is supposed to be evidence that I06 GEAY DAYS AND GOLD. Shakespeare's Avidow married again. The use of the bracket could not possibly mis- lead anybody possessing the faculty of clear vision. When two or more persons were baptized, or buried, on the same day, the parish clerk, in making the requisite entrj' in the register, connected their names with a bracket. Three instances of this practice occur upon a single page of the register, in the same handwriting, close to the page that records the burial, on the same day, of Mrs. Shakespeare, widow, and Anna the wife of Richard James. But folly needs only a slender hook on which to hang itself. VIII. BYEON AND HUCKNALL-TORKARD. ON a night in 1785, when Mrs. »Sicldons was acting at Edinburgh, the play being " The Fatal Marriage " and the char- acter Isabella, a young lady of Aberdeen- shire, Miss Catherine Gordon, of Gight, was among the audience. There is a point in that tragedy at which Isabella recognises her first husband, whom she had supposed to be dead, and in whose absence she had been married to another, and her conster- nation, grief, and rapture are sudden and excessive. Mrs. Siddons, at that point, always made a great effect. The words are, " my Biron, my Biron ! " On this night, at the moment when the wonderful actress sent forth her wailing and heart- piercing cry, as she uttered those words, Miss Gordon gave a frantic scream, fell into violent hysterics, and was borne out of the theatre, repeating, "O my Biron, my Biron ! " At the time of this incident she 107 I08 GPwAY DAYS AND GOLD. had not met the man by whom she was afterward wedded — the Hon. John Byron, whose wife she became about a year later. Their first-born and only child was George Gordon, afterward Lord Byron, the poet ; and among the many aspects of his life which impress the thoughtful reader of that strange and melancholy story none is more striking than the dramatic aspect of it — so strangely prefigured in this event. Censure of Byron, whether as a man or as a writer, may be considered to have spent its force. It is a hundred years since he was born (January 22, 1888), and almost as many since he died. Everybody who wished to say a word against him has had ample opportunity for saying it, and there is evidence that this opportunity has not been neglected. The record was long ago made up. Everybody knows that Byron's con- duct was sometimes deformed with frenzy and stained with vice. Everybody knows that Byron's writings are occasionally marred with profanity and licentiousness, and that they contain a quantity of crude verse. If he had never been married, or if, being married, his domestic life had not ended in disaster and scandal, his personal reputation would stand higher than it does BYRON AND HUCKNALL-TORKARD. IO9 at present, in the esteem of virtuous society. If about one-third of what he wrote had never been published, his reputation as a man of letters would stand higher than it now does in the esteem of the sternest judges of literary art. After an exhaustive discussion of the subject in every aspect of it, after every variety of hostile assault, and after praise sounded in every key of en- thusiasm and in every language of the world, these triiths remain. It is a pity that Byron was not a virtuous man and a good husband. It is a pity that he was not invariably a scrupulous literary artist, that he wrote so much, and that almost every- thing he wrote was published. But, when all this has been said, it remains a solid and immovable truth that Byron was a great poet, and that he continues to be a great power in the literature and life of the world. Nobody who pretends to read any- thing omits to read "Childe Harold." To touch this complex and delicate sub- ject in only a superficial manner it may not be amiss to say that the world is under obligation to Byron, if for nothing else, for the spectacle of a romantic, impressive, and instructive life. His agency in that spectacle no doubt was involuntary, but no GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. all the same he presented it. He was a great poet ; a man of genius ; his faculty of expression was colossal, and his conduct was absolutely genuine. No man in litera- ture ever lived who lived himself more fully. His assumptions of disguise only made him more obvious and transparent. He kept nothing back. His heart was laid absolutely bare. We know even more about him than we know about Dr. Johnson — and still his personality endures the test of our knowledge and remains unique, romantic, fascinating, prolific of moral ad- monition, and infinitely pathetic. Byron in poetrj-, like Edmund Kean in acting, is a figure that completely fills the imagination, profoundly stirs the heart, and never ceases to impress and charm, even while it afflicts, the sensitive mind. This consideration alone, viewed apart from the obligation that the world owes to the better part of his writings, is vastly significant of the great personal force that is inherent in the name and memory of Byron. It has been considered necessary to ac- count for the sadness and gloom of Byron's poetry by representing him to have been a criminal afflicted with remorse for his many and hideous crimes. His widow, apparently BYROX AXD HUCKNALL-TORKARD. Hi a monomaniac, after long brooding over the remembrance of a calamitous married life — brief but unhappy, and terminated in separa- tion — whispered against him, and against his half-sister, a vile charge ; and this, to the disgrace of American literature, was subsequently brought forward by a distin- guished female writer of America, much noted for her works of fiction and especially memorable for this one. The explanation of the mental distress exhibited in the poet's writings was thought to be effectually pro- vided in that disclosure. But, as this re- volting and inhuman story — desecrating graves, insulting a wonderful genius, and casting infamy upon the name of an affec- tionate, faithful, virtuous woman — fell to pieces the moment it was examined, the student of Byron's grief-stricken nature re- mained no wiser than before this figment of a diseased imagination had been divulged. Surely, however, it ought not to be con- sidered mysterious that Byron's poetry is often sad. The best poetry of the best poets is touched with sadness. " Hamlet ' has never been mistaken for a merry pro- duction. "Macbeth ' and "King Lear' do not commonly produce laughter. Shelley and Keats sing as near to heaven's gate as 112 GRAY DAYS AXD GOLD. anybody, and both of them are essentially sad. Scott -was as brave, hopeful, and cheery as any poet that ever lived, and Scott's poetry is at its best in his dirges. The " Elegy " and " The Ancient Mariner" cer- tainly are great poems, but neither of them is festive. Byron often wrote sadly because he was a man of a melancholy temperament, and because he deeply felt the pathos of mortal life, the awful mystery M'ith which it is surrounded, the pain -with which it is usually attended, the tragedy with which it commonly is accompanied, the frail tenure with which its loves and hopes are held, and the inexorable death with which it is continually environed and at last extin- guished. And Byron was an unhappy man for the reason that, possessing every ele- mental natural quality in excess, his ex- quisite goodness was constantly outraged and tortured by his inordinate evil. The tempest, the clangour, and the agony of his writings are denotements of the struggle between good and evil that was perpetually afflicting his soul. Had he been the wicked man depicted by his detractors, he would have lived a life of comfortable depravity and never would have written at all. Monsters do not suffer. BYRON AND HUCKNALL-TORKAKD. II3 The true appreciation of Byron i,s not that of youth but that of manhood. Youth is captured by his pictorial and sentimental attributes. Youth beholds him as a nautical Adonis, standing lonely upon a barren cliff, and gazing at a stormy sunset over the JEgesiXi Sea. Everybody knows that fami- liar picture — with the wide, open collar, the gi-eat eyes, the wild hair, and the ample neckcloth flowing in the breeze. It is pretty, but it is not like the real man. If ever at any time he was that sentimental image, he speedily outgrew that condition, just as those observers of him who truly understand Byron have long outgrown their juvenile sympathy with that frail and puny ideal of a great poet. Manhood perceives a different individual, and is captured by a different attraction. It is only when the first extravagant and effusive enthusiasm has run its course, and perhaps ended in revulsion, that we come to know Byron for what he is really worth, and to feel the tremendous power of his genius. Senti- mental folly has commemorated him in the margin of Hyde Park as in the fancy of many a callow youth and green girl, with the statue of a pretty sailor-lad waiting for a spark from heaven, while a big Newfound H 114 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. land dog dozes at his feet. It is a caricature. Byron was a man, and terribly in earnest ; and it is only by earnest persons that his mind and works are understood. At this distance of time the scandals of a corrupt age, equally with the frailties of its most brilliant and most illustrious poetical genius, may well be left to rest in the oblivion of the grave. The generation that is living at the close of the nineteenth century will re- member of Byron only that he was the un- compromising friend of liberty ; that he did much to emancipate the human mind from every form of bigotry and tyranny ; that he augmented, as no man had done since Dryden, the power and flexibility of the noble English tongue ; and that he enriched literature with passages of poetry which, for sublimity, beauty, tenderness, and elo- quence, have seldom been equalled and have never been excelled. It was near the close of a fragrant, golden summer day (August 8, 1884) when, having driven out from Nottingham, I alighted in the market-place of the little town of Huck- nall-Torkard, on a pilgrimage to the grave of Byron. The town is modern, common- place, almost squalid in appearance — a little straggling collection of low brick dwellings-. BYRON AND HUCKXALL-TORKARD. II5 mostly occupied by colliers. On that day it appeared at its worst ; for the widest part of its main street was filled with stalls, benches, wagons, and canvas-covered struc- tures for the display of vegetables and other commodities, which were thus offered for sale ; and it was thronged with rough, noisy, and dirty persons, intent on barter and traffic, and not indisposed to boisterous pranks and mirth, as they pushed and jostled each other among the crowded booths. This main street ends at the wall of the graveyard in which stands the little gray church where Byron was buried. There is an iron gate in the centre of the wall, and in order to reach this it was necessary to thread the mazes of the mar- ket-place, and to push aside the canvas flaps of a peddler's stall which had been placed close against it. Next to the church- yard wall is a little cottage,^ with its bit of garden, devoted in this instance to potatoes ; and here, while waiting for the sexton, I fell into talk with an aged man, who said 1 Siuce this paper was written the buildings that flanked the church wall have been removed, the street in front of it has been widened into a square, and the church has been '• restored" and considerablv altered. Il6 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. that he remembered, as an eye-witness, the funeral of Byron. "The oldest man he seemed that ever wore gray hairs." He stated that he was eighty-two, and that his name was William Callandyne. Pointing to the church, he indicated the place of the Byron vault, "I was the last man,*' he said, "that went down into it before he was buried there. I was a young fellow then, and curious to see what was going on. The place was full of skulls and bones, I wish j'-ou could see my son ; he 's a clever lad, only he ought to have more of the suaviter in modo." Thus with the gari'ulity of wandering age he prattled on ; but his mind was clear and his memory tenacious and positive. There is a good prospect from the region of Huck- nall-Torkard Church, and pointing into the distance, when his mind had been brought back to the subject of Byron, my venerable acquaintance now described, with minute specification of road and lane — seeming to assume that the names and the turnings ■were familiar to his aiiditor — the route of the funeral train from Nottingham to the church. " There were eleven car- riages," he said. "They didn't go to the Abbey " (meaning Kewstead), " but came BYRON AND HUCKNALL-TORKARD. II7 directly here. There were many people to look at them. I remember all about it, and I 'm an old man — eighty-two. You 're an Italian, I should say," he added. By this time the sexton had come and unlocked the gate, and parting from Mr. Callandyne we presently made our way into the Church of St. James, locking the church j'ard gate behind us to exclude rough and possibly mischievous followers. A strange and sad contrast, I thought, between this coarse and turbulent place, by a malign destiny ordained for the grave of Byron, and that peaceful, lovely, majestic church and pre- cinct at Stratford-upon-Avon which en- shrine the dust of Shakespeare ! The sexton of the Church of St. James and the parish clerk of Hucknall-Torkard is, or was, Mr. John Brown, and a man of sympathetic intelligence, kind heart, and interesting character I found him to be — large, dark, stalwart, but gentle alike in manner and feeling, and considerate of his visitors. The pilgrim to the literary shrines of England does not always find the neigh- bouring inhabitants either sympathetic with his reverence or conscious of especial sanctity or interest appertaining to the relics which they possess ; but honest and manly John Il8 GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. Brown of Hucknall-Torkard understood both the hallowing charm of the place and the sentiment, not to say the profound emotion, of the traveller who now beheld for the first time the tomb of Byron. This church has been restored and altered since Byron was buried in it in 1824, yet in the main it retains its fundamental structure and its ancient peculiarities. The tower, a fine specimen of Norman architecture, strongly built, dark and grim, gives indica- tion of great age. It is of a kind often met with in ancient English towns : you may see its own brothers at York, Shrewsbury, Can- terbury, Woi-cester, Warwick, and in many places sprinkled over the northern heights of London : but amid its mean surroundings in this little colliery settlement it looms with a peculiar frowning majesty, a certain bleak loneliness, both unique and impressive. The church is of the customary crucial form — a low stone structure, peak-roofed outside, but arched within, the roof being supported by four great pillars on either side of the centre aisle, and the ceiling being fashioned of heavy timbers forming almost a true arch above the nave. There are four large win- dows on each side of the church, and two on each side of the chancel, which is beneath a BYRON AND HUCKNALL-TORKARD. II9 roof somewhat lower than that of the main building. Under the pavement of the chan- cel, and back of the altar rail — at which it was my privilege to kneel while gazing upon this sacred spot — is the grave of Byron. ^ Nothing is written on the stone that covers his sepulchre except the simple name of BYRON, with the dates of his birth and death, in brass letters, surrounded by a wreath of leaves in brass, the gift of the King of Greece ; and never did a name seem more stately or a. place more hallowed. The dust of the poet reposes between that of his mother on his right hand, and that of his Ada — "sole daughter of my house and heart " — on his left. The mother died on August 1, 1811 ; the daughter, who had by marriage become the Countess of Lovelace, in 1852. "I buried her with my own hands," said the sexton, John Brown, when, after a little time, he rejoined me at the altar rail. " I told them exactly where he was laid when they wanted to put that brass on the stone ; I remem- bered it well, for I lowered the coffin of 1 Revisiting this place on September 10, 1890, 1 found that the chancel has been lengtliened, that the altar and the mural tablets have been moved backward from the Byron vault, and that the gravestone is now outside of the rail. I20 GKAY DAYS A>"D GOLD. the Countess of Lovelace into this vault, and laid her by her fathers side." And, when presently we went into a little vestry, he produced the Register of Burials and displayed the record of that interment in the following words : " 18o2, Died at G9 Cumberland Place, London. Buried December 3. Aged thirty -six. — Curtis Jackson." The Byrons were a short-lived race. The poet himself had just turned thirty-six ; his mother was only forty-aix when she passed away. This name of Cur- tis Jackson in the register was that of the rector or curate then incumbent but now departed. The register is a long narrow book made of parchment, and full of various crabbed handwritings — a record similar to those which are so carefully treasured at the Church of the Holy Trinity at Stratford ; but it is more dilapidated. Another relic shown by John Brown was a bit of embroidery, presenting the arms of the Byron family. It had been used at B\Ton'a funeral, and thereafter was long kept in the church, though latterly with but little care. When the Rev. Curtis Jackson came there he beheld this frail memorial with pious disapprobation. " He told me," said the sexton, " to take it home BYRON AND nUCKNALL-TORKARD. 121 and burn it. 1 did take it home, but I