P5VCH. i mn» r»vi LIUl\Ml\» WILL HIGHER OF GOD AND Free Will of Life Made By the Authors of "Thought for Help" WILLIAM C. COMSTOCK Amanuensis WITH A FOREWORD BY REV. JOSEPH A. MILBURN Pastor Plymouth Congregational Church, Chicago RICHARD G. BADGER BOSTON Copyright, 1914, by William C. Comstock All rights reserved rr ,,„ BSYCH. LIBRARY The Gorham Press, Boston, U. S. A. CONTENTS PAGE Foreword v The Writer's Preface xi Introduction xiii I Work of Man 1 Firm Will of Man 1 2 Will for Life Worthy 21 3 Worth of Life 28 II Philosophy 1 Wisdom of Men 41 2 Will that Made the Universe Rules It 41 3 Will of God Rules Life 46 4 Will Free of Life Personal .... 49 5 Will Free P'ulfills the Purpose of Will Higher 85 6 Life Personal 91 7 Purpose of Free Personal Life ... 92 III Purpose of Will Higher 99 IV The Powers of Life 109 V Words for Help 113 VI Final Word 129 FOREWORD No thought is more engaging in its loveliness and nobler in its reactions upon life and conduct than the thought of "Immortality," and the great- est service that one man can do another is, by word or deed, to give this sweet expectancy of the larger life the fibre and the consistency of a certitude. The critical and exacting spirit of our times can no longer be satisfied with a purely subjective religion. Our age goes to nature for its science, and the day is not far away when its prayers and its creeds and its worship will be founded on the vital realities of life. The reflective mind has taken a distaste to the barren syllogisms of theology. It asks for a God who is rooted in reality, and an immortality that has its sanction and demonstration in human ex- perience. Until recent years, the arguments supporting the thesis of a future life have been altogether meta- physical. If one asked for a demonstration of this high and noble faith in the endless persistency of the ego, the enquiring mind has had to content itself with logical proofs deduced from abstract and vi Foreword remote generalities — such as the indestructibility of matter, the persistency of force, the rationality of the universe, and the universality of the belief. Each of these arguments has a certain evidential value, and all of them taken together have a proba- tive force amounting to a moral certainty; but "moral certainty" after all is a vague certainty, and in this great matter the mind has the right to ask for evidence that is as cold and cogent as the evidences that go to establish the undulatory the- ory of light and the Copernican system of astron- omy. If the world that is ever growing more critical and judicial shall continue to cherish the belief in the immortality of man as a real force of life, its faith must be founded, not on the subtleties of logic, but on the more solid ground of the hard, indisputable facts of the psychic world that is en- gaging, by the pressure of its extraordinary data, the attention and the adhesion of many of the fore- most men of letters, of art and of science. How- ever supercilious our skepticism may be, unless our minds are hermetically sealed by the blind bigotry of prejudice, we are coerced by the benign tyranny of facts to admit that beyond this normal world in which we all meet on a democratic equality of faculties there is a supernormal world — the world of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, autom- atism, inspirational writing, and other strange Foreword vii and extraordinary forces — a supernormal world in which a few elect spirits are qualified to live and labour, hy virtue of certain affinities of the psychic organism with which they are peculiarly endowed. Our leading men of science — Oliver Lodge, Crooks, Alfred Russell Wallace, William James, and many others — tell us that we can no longer ig- nore this supernormal world, and that it calls for investigation and discovery just as insistently as the world of matter calls for investigation and dis- covery. It is one of the educative functions of this book to bring the supernormal world with more vivid impact upon the consciousness of all those who are seeking light, and who are courting truth with open minds. The spiritual message that this book brings to us in its reverent pages is the largest wisdom that man can attain upon this earth. Its high and divine motive is the enthronement of the will of God in the processes of history and in the realization of the destiny of the individual, and its central theme is the subordination of the will of man, perfect in its freedom, to the architectonic purpose and the in- vincible plan of the Eternal. The noble lesson of this brave and helpful book is the final apotheosis of the human will, through the gradual illuminations of experience, sweet and viii Foreword bitter, and through many and repeated reincarna- tions, in which man has ample time and scope to escape from the confusions and incoherences of blind impulse, and to adjust, in happy, progressive submission, his own will, without compulsion or coercion, to the unswerving decree of the Infinite. The philosophy of life contains within itself no more enlarging, no more consolatory counsel than lies buried in the white and tranquil deeps of the sovereign will of God — the master theme of this noble volume, which is as rich in the treasures of wisdom as it is compact in expression. And yet to my mind, noble as is the ministry of the wisdom that comes to us through this treatise, its first im- portance is not the deliverance of philosophy it makes to the devout spirit, but rather the deliver- ance of the proof it affords to the enquiring and exacting intellect searching for light on the great- est of all problems, — the problem of man's con- scious, personal survival of the catastrophe of death. The writer of this book — a man whose life is dominated by the most austere ideals of truth and honour — a man of sagacity and culture, whose life, in its chosen sphere of operation, has been an un- broken success — tells us that the teachings and revelations which find expression through him are in no sense the product of his own reflection; that Foreword ix his function as an author has exhausted itself in the duties of an amanuensis; and that he has been the passive, though conscious, vehicle of celestial intel- ligences. The author of this volume is dowered with the rare gift of clairaudience. He has written what he has written, in form, in style and in sub- stance, word by word, under the conscious impacts of discarnate intelligences — not the less real be- cause they are mystical and inscrutable. Of course, there are many people, enslaved in propen- sions dominantly mundane and material, who will waft aside as impossible and incredible the author's faith in the supersensual origin of this treatise. But it will come to those who have a hunger for the Infinite, a passion for the Eternal, as a courageous and persuasive witness to a belief that is growing with man's growth in vision and in spirituality — the belief that the personality of man is rooted in the eternities, and that there is a solidarity of spirit- ual life and light and love that comprehends all worlds, all planes of conscious life — angelic and human — within its cosmic grasp, with the master- ful ease with which gravity comprehends all planets and all suns. The day is not far distant when man shall stand upon the peaks of the cumulative wonders of his spiritual experiences and affirm, without reserve or hesitation, "I know my soul to be immortal." x Foreword And it is the blessed privilege of this treatise meas- urably to aid in lifting this great faith in the eter- nity of man's being out of the twilight world of speculation into the world of high light, the world of demonstration and of certitude. Joseph Anthony Milburn. THE WRITER'S PREFACE AGAIN it has been my privilege to be the writer for those in the wider life beyond earth who would help men to win that wider life. The intent of this volume is to help men's faith in the wise and benevolent pur- pose of God, which follows the life that He made while it is man and forever; to help their under- standing of the function of man's work in the pur- pose of Him who made man's life immortal self; and to make clear that the higher purpose of God must be, and is fulfilled by the free will and pur- pose of man himself. The thought gives a new meaning to work, and brings to him who will think a new sense of the re- sponsibility of selfhood. It is helpful thought for the philosopher, and for the "man in the street"; thought which each man may take to his work, to his reading, and to his thinking, and find it help for them all. As was the volume "Thought for Help," so is this volume; not my word, not one little word xii The Writer s Preface mine, but a word for help from those in the wider life who know that it is truth. William C. Comstock. Chicago, September, 1914. INTRODUCTION Dr. Coulter. WILL Higher, the will of Omnipo- tent God, wills in man's life, wills in life's work forever. Man, life purposed wider, fuller, more glori- ous life, finds his wisdom by God's purpose. That wisdom life takes to freed life. Willed the man's life for teaching, willed man's work also for teach- ing, the life immortal wills for its own future by God's purpose. Yet man is ruled, and life is ruled by Omnipotent Will. None may escape His will; none may forbid His purpose. Man, wilier on earth for life immortal, has the power willed from God. The life which for earth is man finds, as God wills, the worth that frees that life from earth. Man who wills, find help from these words. God grant that the book may help many. I WORK OF MAN FIRM WILL OF MAN Dr. Coulter. WILL Higher, whose purpose life made by Him fulfills, was when life made was not. His will rules the life which he made. His will rules the Universe. Man who has from Him life has by His will the work of earth. Man who works life's earth work has for his use in that work the will of life itself. That will, free while man uses it, wins for man the worth which life must find in man. Will firm life wins by man's work. Man, who works using life's free will, learns by the teaching of life's work of man the lesson God purposes. Work then man has that life find firm free will, firm for work, firm for worth. God wills for life freedom won by will of man. Will Higher, Will who made man, wills for him work. That work teach man his Maker wills; that by work the will be made firm his Maker wills; that by work his juurpose be made firm God wills. The 2 Will Higher of God life purposed man's work is taught by the work of earth till it learns that which its Maker purposes, will and purpose firm; and that which God pur- poses life shall find, firm will, firm purpose, it finds through the way He provides, the work of earth. Work then man has by God's will that through its teaching life win the firm will and purpose which free that life from earth. Think, man who wills weakly. Man must work life's earth work ; man must find the firm will which life takes to freedom. Work of man teaches life which wills its wider work by the firm will which man must find. Man wins for life through his work of earth the firm will which helps life freed. Life wins firm will when man has won it. For life man works, for life he wills. "When life has by the work of man won the firm will which by God's purpose it must, He wills for it wider work in wider life. Work helps man, the life willed freedom, and with the firm will which man finds by his work life wills for its wider work. When life has worked man's work well, when it has finished that work, God frees it from man. Man then, whose work he does well or ill as he chooses, must find firm will or liis life is not freed. Think, man of earth, think well. Work of man is purposed to teach the life for which Higher Will purposes wider work beyond Firm Will of Man 3 earth. Work of life man has, work which life must finish before it wins worthiness for its wider work. Work purposed man has. For that work man wills as he chooses. But till he wins firm will life works on earth. Remember this, who work weakly. Man must find firm will that life find wider life. Will of life's Maker, Will that made man life for worlds, is the Will of Omnipotence. Will of the Master of All wills that life find worth first in man. When life has found in man the worth which, by the purpose of God, frees from earth, man's body dies. Life lives on, freed from man's work, freed from the infirm will that hinders worth in man, and worthy the wider work which God wills for life freed. The work of life in man on earth is purposed to teach firm will. Found by life of man then must be the firm will needed when life in free- dom works its higher work. The finished work of man makes life worthy higher work. Will firm won by life in man's work helps wider life's work. Will firm won for life worthy in man wins life's worth in life wider. Man then must finish well life's work of earth, for until that work is finished life is held to earth. Man, then, has for his life to find the firm will that life finds help for work and worth forever. Will with which man uses the life of earth, will which finally wins the freedom that Will Higher 4 Will Higher of God purposes, is the power of life personal. That life which wills is man while the work of man is to be finished. That work purposed to teach must teach that which Will Higher purposes before the life wins higher life. Will that must then, man has; will that wins purposed worth because it must. Life's must is to win worth of free will. Free will man knows he uses. His life personal uses will in the work of life for which wider work is purposed. Then free will he uses finally well because his man's work is by Higher Will purposed to be teaching for the will. Man wills his worth using free will, yet that free will finally fulfills God's purpose be- cause it is by the work of man taught. Wise use of free will finishes man's work; wise use of free will man, the life, finds finally because life is working on earth the work which by the purpose of Omnipo- tent Will teaches that life wisdom. Will free finally becomes wise free will because man is life for which free will taught is purposed. The work of life man has for his work. The life must by man's work find firm will. Man wins that firm will himself. The weak man who works weakly wins but further work of man. That life which works well in man wins firm will for the life beyond man's world. That which Will Higher purposes life of man must fulfill. The firm free will which man finds life finds. When life has Firm Will of Man 5 found that firm will it wins wider life. Remember, you who work weakly, the man himself wins that will which frees life immortal. Man works his work using the power which life will forever use; man wills that work well finished; then life has won wider work. Man wills that life be worthy; life has found that which brings wider, fuller life. Think, man who works. Life works as you do. Think well. The will which man uses is life's free will. Life wins its worth forever using firm will. But while life is man it perhaps wills weakly. Then the life waits for wider life. Then will firm life must find in man or wait for freedom? Yes, but the pur- pose of life's Maker life finally fulfills, and, willing firmly its worth, it finds the wider life. Wise pur- pose of the Wilier of Life makes life free in will, and when life wills w r ell it finds free will the help Will Higher purposes it shall be finally. When life wins firm will in man it has found that will which Will Higher purposes that life in man must find. But that will life wins for itself. Work purposed teaches will; mistakes will teach. Man wills his purposed worth himself. Will firmly used by man wins for his life the worth which life must find by God's purpose. With powers of life man works his man's work, using free will in that work for purpose that will 6 Will Higher of God free be made will firm. The will which life uses forever is the will which life uses for man's work. Then will is by the life of man taught, for Will Higher purposes that life find by the teaching of work the firm will that helps life while it is. What from this follows? This — will firm man finds by wise use of free will made his for purpose that life personal find firm will on earth. Well life works finally in man, well life wills finally in man, for by that Will who wills for life forever man is willed wider life won by his free will. Would life willed worth find worth of free will? Life must find worth, and the will of life is free. Then man finds by life's free will the worth which brings wider life. Will Higher wills for life the work of man. That work teaches finally the free will of life. His work man has that, while he finishes it, he shall win the firm will that life takes to higher life. The life which wills is man while it needs man's work and life for teaching. Work teaches firm will. That will by which life wider wins its worth forever is man's will taught by the work and life of man. When life has found the firm will which life must find before Will Higher frees it from earth, life has won wider work and higher life. The pur- posed worth of life man finds willing for work and worth of man. Firm Will of Man 7 Work purposed to be life's work of earth man has. The life which works well in man, willing firmly to finish that work, wins by that work done and finished well the firm will by which life wider finishes its wider work. Help for life the work of man is purposed to be. Life wins firm will when man has won it. Then man finds for life which must work wider work the firm will by which life finishes its wider work. The work which man has is willed for him by his Maker. He who willed worlds to be man's work- ing place made man the worker who finally learns through his work. The life works in man, the life immortal. That work which teaches man, then, teaches life itself. What would man be without his work? The dreamer who finds no worth. Life of man works by God's purpose, for man is made for work. His man's work teaches firm will, and by firm will his life wins the wider life which is pur- posed for life immortal. Man wills for his work himself, yet that work is purposed for him by the Wilier of his life. Man who works the work of life immortal, the work that is purposed to teach life, wins through that work the firm will by which the life wins freedom from man. But that life which works in man on earth is life for which its Wilier purposes wider life and wider work. Then the life which works in man, which finds firm will 8 Will Higher of God through man's work, fulfills by firm will the purpose of its Maker that it find on earth worth for wider life. Man wins that worth using the life's free will, and the free will given to man, being thus well used, fulfills the purpose of Him who made man life of personal self. Will Higher purposes for life to which He wills that worth of life which per- mits wider life, and the free will which He gives to man, life immortal, fulfills His purpose. Man who works the life's work of earth is by that work taught firm will. Man himself finds by the work which is purposed for teaching the firm will which life on earth must. But life is many men. The life which finally wins the purposed firm will may be weak for many incarnations. Yet life for which firm will is purposed must finally find firm will. The life of man which wins wider life by God's purpose lives the man's life willing by free will; yet finally it learns wise free will, and that wise free will, firmly used, fulfills God's purpose that life find worth for wider life. What will has man? The free will which life t a Ices to wider life. Then by that will life in man finds the worth for wider life. What worth frees life? Worth found by man. Then man finds the worth that wins for life immortal its wider life of freedom from earth. Yes, will free wins wider Firm Will of Man 9 life, will free that man uses now must forward life toward the worth that God purposes, or life fulfills not His will. Then life wins not its freedom from earth. What must life find for its earth worth then ? This : — worth of will firm, worth of purpose firm, worth of work well finished. Worth that man finds his life finds, and that life find wider life man wills himself. For man what thought for help! He who reads must think. We who, with the man who writes the words we tell, would help men, would help their thought of work. The work which man has we know is the earth work of the life which wins wider life when its earth work is finished. Men think of work as for earth help only. We know it helps life im- mortal. The man wills for that work using the free power of life immortal. Man wills for his work using the free will which God wills to he help for life forever. Man is that life which wins life wider. Life personal man is made, and for his work he uses the free will of personal self. Then man wins by his free will work better of life freed. Work purposed to be teaching man has ; that work teaches life firm will; firm free will wins the life wider which by God's purpose the life personal must. Work, then, which man thinks helps but earth life, is help for life forever. 10 Will Higher of God Bishop Wilberforce. The work which man has, work which is purposed for teaching, is the first work of life immortal. The work purposed to teach man, then, teaches life immortal. That work which is by Higher Will purposed for teaching will teach the life which wills to finish well man's work. Work for life is willed that life find help through its teaching. Man's work is first work of life immortal. Will which life uses in man is the will which life will forever use. Will which life finds help in the wider life must be found by that life in man. Then man must work well the life's work, for through that work he finds the will which helps life wider. Work purposed to teach life man has. That work teaches finally by God's purpose. But life in man may will that work ill finished. Then while man works using life's will he wills that life find wider life, or that life remain man. Purposed work teaches finally, for that which Will Higher wills life finally fulfills. But the man who incarnates life this time may will well or ill, for life of man is free in will. What work has life when man wills weakly? Further man's work. Life which wills to finish well the man's work wins the firm will which helps in wider work. When will is weakly used life wins but further work of man. Then for the work of daily life man must will firmly. Self finds Firm Will of Man 11 in man the will which helps life wider by man's own choice. Work willed for man life finishes in man; but that work God wills for life of man as teaching for wider work. Free in will man is, yet Will Higher purposes for life wider work than that of man. For wider work man wills then when he wills his man's work well finished. Life wins life wider then on earth. Will firm must win the wider life. Man wins the wider life that by Higher Will life must, working the man's work well, using for that work man's free will, making firm for worth the free will which by the purpose of Will Higher man has as life immortal. Work of man teaches free will, for work that life has on earth is by the Will Higher purposed for teaching. Man wins wider work taught by life's work of earth. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills that life work man's work. When the life is by that work taught firm use of free will, life has learned that which work is purposed to teach. Purposed work of man teaches life for which worth is willed. Taught by the willed work of man, life of personal self w r ins by free will its worth for wider life. Firm will work teaches, and that which life must of its free w T ill find life finds by help of the free will taught firmness in the work of man. Work which man is willed, purposed for teaching 12 Will Higher of God of life immortal, is willed to be the earth work of life immortal. That work which by the purpose of Will Higher life works in man will teach life, then, of necessity. But free the will of life is, and that free will of necessity wills for that work which must teach. What will does life use in man? The free will of personal self. Then by free will man works the work which is purposed to teach. Why may life which is purposed work for teaching will for that work well or weakly? Personal self life is; will free of personal self it has. Life personal is by that work which Will Higher purposes taught wise use of free will ; and the free will taught as the Will Higher purposes it shall be taught, brings to life the worth which life is purposed to find. Work then teaches wise use of free will. Thus man, who works life's work and uses life's free will, finally works well, finally uses free will worthily, and the purpose for which work is willed that work fulfills. Will that man has is life's free will. That will life uses in you, the man. Why use it ill, you who would find wider life ? You work that life find will firm. Why use will weakly in work? Man must find firm will that life find freedom. Think well, man who works to-day. Will firm man finds through work well finished; will firm life thus finds. Man wills for his work that it be well or ill finished as he chooses; but work must teach firm will by Firm Will of Man 13 God's purpose. Will firm won, life finds freedom. Why work weakly then, O man? Man finds through the teaching of work his firm will; his life has won firm will then, and that will finishes well life's work of earth through which life is prepared for the wider work of life freed. Will firm helps life forever. By man's life the free per- sonal self must win the firm will that helps life while it is. Will firm life first finds in man. That will God purposes that life shall find in man. Who may forbid His purpose? Yet He makes life's will wholly free. His purpose then must be carried out by the free will which He gives. For life man wills. His will is by life's work taught until he wills well. Man wills well finally? Yes, man, for that man who is life taught by life's work of earth knows that life wins worth only by firm free will. Man then, who is life working that work which Will Higher gives to him, wins for life that firm will which life must. The will which man uses firmly wins the worth that life by the purpose of Will Higher wins on earth. Finally will free life personal uses well, for thus life's Maker wills. But man finds the firm will himself that life must find before Will Higher frees it from earth. Then why will weakly, man of earth? Would life win freedom through w< 14 Will Higher of God will? Man thinks his work helps but life of earth. We know that through the work of man life finds the firm will it takes to wider life. Will Higher wills that life in man find worth for higher life. The will which man uses to win the purposed worth is life's free will. Man wins his w r orth by free choice. When life makes right choice, when it has learned the lesson which Will Higher wills it must, that firm will it must use in winning its worth, self wins fuller life. Work teaches free will. Man finds the worth which life must using the free will taught firmness by the work he knows. His life then has found the firm will which by the purpose of Higher Will it must find on earth. Taught by man's work life for which firm will is purposed finds that firm will. Each life finds it finally. Work then teaches that which life finds help while it is. Man who works, find help from this word. Will Higher wills for life while life is; but life's will He makes free. When life wins by its worth found in man the wider life of freedom from earth, better life begins for self. The firm will found in man wins for life freed its worth. The will man uses is life's free will. Then wider life wins wider worth to immortality by the firm will man finds himself. Think well, man who uses life's free will. Will for work life finds by work finished well, for Firm Will of Man 15 finished work wins firm free will. Man finds firm will through the teaching of work; his life wills that which he wills; then when man wills to finish that work which his life has for teaching, he finds for life the firm will that life takes to freedom from earth. Wise life hecomes through the teaching of work. Help work becomes when the man finishes it well. Then man who wills firmly for his work finds the firm will by which life frees itself from earth. Heed the word, man who works earth work. That work which man has is the work for earth of life immortal. The work of life immortal, whether it is work on earth or the work of wider life, is by the life's Maker purposed to teach the life. Willed to be man for earth life, willed then the work which life of man has, the life for which Higher Will purposes will by that work be taught, for thus life's Maker wills. While life works the work of man it learns firm will, firm purpose. Those willed powers life uses in man and forever. Then they are by the man's work taught. While that follows, it must be said that work will not al- ways teach because life of man is made life of free will, which free will it may use well or ill. Then when the life works well, using well the will and purpose by which work is finished well, the life wins readiness for wider life and wider work. But if life wills to work ill, using purpose and will weakly, 16 Will Higher of God that life remains a worker of man's work. Then that which God purposes to be well used is ill used, and life which is willed finally to find the wider life of freedom wins but another life of man. Why then let life work weakly, man to whom your Maker gives will and purpose? Think well. What is life that wills? The life willed from the creation of the Universe man is. Is life willed worth beyond man's worth? We know it is willed that worth. How does life win that worth? By firm will for worth used in man. Is life willed worth forced? Man has free will. How will man find the worth which is willed? By free will his own. Then man wills using free choice the worth which was from the creation willed for life im- mortal. Man wins, then, the firm will that life takes to life higher. That worth which life in man finds by firm will life takes to life higher. Help men to will for this life, we pray Thee, our Father. Miltiades. Man works by the purpose of his Maker. His will helps in his work by that purpose. His purpose won through man's life will be purpose of life freed. Man wills as life purposed worth won through the teaching of work, and life worthy he finds by the help of firm will won by work well finished. Won Firm Will of Man 17 by man must be the firm will, the firm purpose which life takes when freed to wider life and work. Then think, who work man's work. You live working for wider life. Will firm that you find through work finished will help life in its wider life. Will Higher, will of life's Maker, wills that life win wider work through work of man. Will Higher wills that man's work be life's work for earth. By His purpose that work teaches free will. Thus life wins wider work by free will taught by man's work. Work purposed for teaching man is willed. Man's life is purposed worth won by firm will free. That firm free will man finds through work well finished. Then work purposed teaches firm will by which life finds the worth which Will Higher pur- poses. We who would teach men wisdom tell that work willed for man's life will teach if man will have the teaching. Why work weakly, man who works life's work? Work purposed to teach life man has; will pur- posed to win freedom man has; man is life which finds worth purposed using will free. Life must find free will its help. Man finds his worth him- self. That worth, purposed though it be by Will Higher, must by man himself be found. We tell that which will help men who will think. When man wills life wills. Then firm will life 18 Will Higher of God finds as man. By will firm life finds freedom from man, yet finds that firm will in man. Work teaches life which must, by the purpose of Will Higher, find firm will. That firm will life finds help while it is. Man wins for life immortal the firm will which helps that life forever. Will firm life finds through the man's life of earth. Man is that life which finds firm will. Would his work teach him that will? Yes, for work of life on earth Will Higher purposes to teach firm will free. The firm will free won through work well finished of man helps to win for life its worth. Would life forced find worth? No. Will for worth is free will used well. Man knows that will free is not forced. But Will Higher purposes for life that it find will for worth in man. Man finds firm will through work well finished ; worth is won by free will well and firmly used. Think, man of free will. Will for worth life finds in man, for thus God purposes. But why may that will which is by God's purpose finally to be well and firmly used, be weak? For the life of man He wills personal self ; with free will He endows life of self; and for that life which He wills to be free personal self He purposes free- dom and wider life than that of man. Wider life is won through the life worthy of man. Will free makes life worthy finally, though life, being per- Firm Will of Man 19 sonal self, may choose weakness for this life of man. Yet worth life in man must find finally, for thus Will Higher wills. Then weak will God permits, but purposes that finally weak will be made firm will by life in man. Work is purposed to teach will free. That will made firm through work wins the worth of life. Man finds through will for work well finished the firm will which wins for life its worth forever. Man who works to-day, find firm will you may. Think. Will free man has, and by will free he wins free- dom for his life. Will free must be made will firm then by man, for that will wins the freedom man's Maker purposes that life shall find. Man wills of his own choice whether he works firmly or weakly. Why will weakly, O man? The life must be freed, for thus Will Higher purposes. You win by your work, if you choose, the will firm by which life finds freedom. The life that works man's work wins worth for wider work. The life that wills man's life worthy wins help for wider worth. When life has found the worth purposed, it has won wider life. Man wins that worth himself. Will that man uses firmly, will that helps life in man, will that life takes to wider life, man finds bjr the teaching which God wills that man have, the teaching of work. Will Higher, the Will who rules life forever, 20 Will Higher of God makes life for earth man. His will follows life while it is. Man works because He wills. Life finds freedom because He wills. All that is fulfills His will. Purpose of Will Higher that follows life to eternity makes that life worthy His presence finally. The life which man knows prepares for the wider life. Will Higher wills that life find first worth by life of earth. That first worth wins for life freedom from earth. Wider life, freed from man, wills its worth by the firm will found by man. Think, man of weak will, think well. The will of Him who purposes for life while it is makes that life free in will. But His purpose that life, though free in will, fulfills. By that free power the life made personal self wins the wider life which its Maker purposes. Man who works his man's work is life for which life wider, work better is purposed. Man must win that wider life using his free power. Will that makes life worthy life finds by the teaching of man's work and life. Why then waste time, you who work for life? Why weaken in will to live worthily? You yourself must win the freedom which your Maker purposes for life personal. The firm will which frees life man must find. That firm will man finds by God's purpose, but he finds it himself. Why wait then, man who has free will? The man who works man's work willing for that Firm Will of Man 21 work firmly, wins for life itself firm will. Will firmly used in the work of man wins firm will for life which has further work to finish in life wider. Work is purposed to be help to life. Then when will is firmly used by the man who works, his life finds help. Will for worth of life, firm will that helps life, man finds, for by his worth life wins its fuller life. That which the higher will of life's Maker purposes for life, freedom from earth, is won by the firm will found by life in man. That firm will by which life wins the freedom which Will Higher purposes is found by life in man. That firm will man finds through work finished well. Then life for which God purposes firm will finds it by the teaching of work. WILL FOR LIFE WORTHY Dr. Coulter. Man with life immortal is endowed. By the pur- pose of Higher Will life must find worth. Man wins that worth by his own will. Then man who wills by will free fulfills finally the purpose of his Maker. For life worthy man finally wills, for thus God purposes. 22 Will Higher of God Man, the life whose will is free, has that will from his Maker. Will firm life finds while it is man; thus life's Maker wills. Man wills his worth using the will which life will forever use. Man wins the worth which frees life through wise use of his free will. Man finds the firm will for worth by which life immortal wins its worth forever. Man wills his worth as life purposed life wider and worth higher than that of man. Will free he uses, for life must find worth for itself. The wise purpose of Will Higher wills that man be self per- sonal. Then life of self by His will finds by free will its worth. Made life of man, willed wider, fuller life than that of earth, self immortal finds by the life in man the firm will for worth which God purposes shall make life worthy to immortality. Wide life will be when freed from man, wide its thought, wide its purpose. Man but begins life's work and, by the way God purposes, the work and life of man, life immortal wins its will for worth. Will which helps man helps life, for man is the life who wills. M an wills as life for which life wider is purposed, using the free will which life will use while it is. Man finds the worth which life in man must, using life's free will. Will free which man has is willed power. When by willed power life finds purposed worth, Will Higher wills for that life freedom, wider work, and fuller life. Will Will For Life Worihij 23 free man has, the life's free will. When by life's free will man finds the worth which God purposes that life personal shall find on earth, He who wills for life while it is frees life personal from man's life and work. Will free man uses as he chooses; yet when taught by the willed life in man, life immortal chooses worth. Will free man knows he has; then will free he knows he must use in work, and for worth. By the will which man has, life's free will, life personal, the life which is purposed wider life, finds the worth which brings wider life. Help the work of man is by Will Higher purposed to be. Man works that work which Will Higher wills shall finally teach life, and by the willed teaching which life has in man life purposed worth finds will to win that worth. With life immortal the Will Higher wills that man work on earth. His will for life immortal is that finally the life find wider life. When the worth purposed by life's Maker is by man found, He translates that life to wider life. When man wins freedom he wins freedom for life immortal. Well has man worked, well has life willed when freedom is found. Man lives earth life preparing that life immortal find wider life. Won by man who wills his own life worthy is life freed. Will for life worthy life finds in man. That will made firm wins life's worth forever. Man finds 24 Will Higher of God first worth of life. That first worth begins the worthy life immortal. While life wills it uses free will. Man uses free will to find the worth that frees life from earth, but that worth is purposed by life's Maker. Then man, who wills worth or unworth- iness with free will, man who lives life worthy if he chooses, wins by life worthy the higher life of free- dom. Life worthy man will find when for life worthy he purposes firmly. That worth which man wins through use of firm purpose is won by personal life. Will of personal life wins for life which is by God purposed worth, that purposed worth. Man is life of free purpose; his life wins the worth he wins; his life wins that worth by his free choice; but that purpose which man has is willed to be the power o£ his life immortal. When man uses firmly the purpose which is willed to help life forever he finds worth which frees life from man. Will for life worthy then helps life of man. That worth which life wins in man helps the freed life. When life has found freedom life wills still with the free power it used in man. And life purposed worth finds the purposed worth while it is, using the free power of life personal. Wise life becomes through the teaching Will Higher purposes. Man, the life of earth, wins wisdom through that teaching which permits life the wider, fuller life, yet man finds the Will For Life Worthy 25 worth for fuller life by his own choice. Purposed life worthy, helped by the Will who made life per- sonal self, that life wins worth to eternity using life's wise free will. God purposes, and life fulfills His purpose. We who have won this wider life, who would win lives of men to the will for worth which helps to bring this life, have found the will for life wider which God purposes that life shall find. We live willing for wider and wider life. The worth of life which man finds using his free will brings for life the will for life worthy that wins for life freed its wider and wider life. Will for life worthy life finds in man by God's purpose. That will life freed holds while it is. What thought for help there! Man who wills firmly that his life be worthy wills that life find worth for the presence of its Maker. The will for worth that life finds first in man brings finally the worth that permits life to be with God. Wilberforce. Man was willed his life of earth. Through that life and the work which Will Higher gives, man the life of personal self finds the firm will for worth which God purposes that life shall find before He frees it from earth. Well then must man work, well must he will, that life find quickly the firm will which makes life worthy. 26 Will Higher of God Man must find firm will for worth of life before life finds freedom. Why then use will weakly, O man? You find, if you will, the worth that frees immortal life. Then will for worthy life to-day, man who has life to free. Think well. Man who is life wills for that life its worth for earth. Man who is life finally finds for that life the will for worth that Will Higher purposes. Will firm wins for life its worth. That firm will each man must find? No, life is free in will. God pur- poses will firm, yet makes life personal self. When life wins will firm of its own free choice it has found the will that frees. For that will work, man of earth. Man wills his worth of free will, but the Will Higher purposes that life find worth using that free will. Life wins for itself that which of God's pur- pose it must, working the man's work, using for teaching the man's life. Self immortal finds finally the worth that by God's purpose brings wider, fuller life. Will which life finds through the life of man wins for life immortal its worth to eternity. The will for life worthy must be won by man. Why then may will which is purposed to be made firm be weakly used by life in man? Will for life personal is free. When that free will is by man made firm for work and for life worthy, life per- sonal wins wider work and wider life. Will For Life Worthy 27 Will for life worthy found by man life takes to wider life. Will that man makes firm life takes to life wider. Then, man who wills, you make life worthy freedom. Think. The will for life worthy which man finds by his firm use of free will life takes to wider, fuller life. Wise the man who wills that his daily life be worthy. Thus he wins the firm will for worth. The life worthy finds wider life, but the life weak and un- worthy remains the worker of man's work. Heed the word, man of weak will. The life who finds worth through firm will in man wins the wider life. That firm purpose which life learns through free will well used life takes to its fuller life. Man finds the firm purpose through which life wins fuller life. His firm purpose wins the life worthy. That firm purpose helps life while it works the higher work of life freed. Think, man of earth, think wisely. Miltiades. Will for life worthy man wins finally, for he is life that wins freedom by life worthy. His will, free for worth or unworthiness, man has from his Maker. Then weak use of free will life's Maker permits. For that which He purposes that life shall find in man He permits life to will well or weakly, for life made man is personal self. Then 28 Will Higher of God weakness He purposes? Will free may by His purpose be weak? Why that thought? He made life personal self; then the power which He gives to man he uses well or weakly by his own choice. Will free man finds is firm will free when his life has learned through the teaching Will Higher wills. Free will used well teaches; for free will used un- worthily life finds penalty. Man who works life's earth work, man who wins life's worth that frees from earth, is life for which the Will Higher purposes forever. Then man must find the worth which frees, and, being life personal whose will is free, man must find that worth of his own free will. Man then, who must win for life the worth which frees, finds that worth himself. Why then weaken in will for life worthy, man of earth ? 3 WORTH OF LIFE Dr. Coulter. Will Higher, who made life that wills, made life self. Man, the life willed selfhood, is life which is purposed wider life in freedom from worlds. Man, being self, wills that which he chooses. Will free man has, being personal life. Then will free must fulfill the purpose for which Worth of Life 29 God gives it. Will for worth is will free well used. Man wills for life the worth which Purpose Higher wills, using his will free. Man the life wins free- dom through wise use of free will. Worth pur- posed, worth that life wins hy free will, life takes to personal wider life. Will free life uses while it is. Man who has his life from God wins worth for the wider life purposed by God using the free will which God makes his power. Man wins the wider life himself willing his man's life well and worthily lived. Man uses the will which life uses while it is. Personal life of self wins that which Will Higher purposes using personal will. Free while life is the will is ; but the purpose of Will Higher life ful- fills. Will free purposed to be help man has. The purpose for which life is made personal will free fulfills. Man, free in will, wills for life immortal the worth which life purposed wider life must find on earth. Will free then wins freedom; will free wins wider life. Worth of life man finds using his will free. Man is purposed the worth that frees life from man. That worth found by man is the worth of life immortal. The freedom which life wins is by man won. The man wills as life to which is purposed worth, and that worth is won of free will. Man who works learns the wise use of free will. That wise use wins for the life of self the worth for wider 30 Will Higher of God life. Man finds that worth; he must, for he is the life which is purposed wider life. Man who is life which by the purpose of its Maker wills of free will lives man's life that is purposed for teaching firm will. That life win worth of free will the Higher Will purposes; that life win by man's free will the worth for wider life He who willed life purposes. The worth He purposes must by free will be won. Man is the life for which Higher Will purposes freedom won by itself. Then will free becomes firm will free because He purposes that by will free life shall win its worth. Man wills that which he wishes, but his wish becomes that life find worth finally, and the purpose of Higher Will is by the free will of life fulfilled. The value to man's life of the help from work well finished man knows, but he thinks that work finished helps but the man's life. While life lasts work finished is help. Man works the work pur- posed to teach life firm will and purpose. Worth of life is won by wise and firm use of the will and purpose which man uses in his daily work. Man who works the work of earth, willing firmly that the work be finished well, learns what work means. Then his life has learned that lesson. Worth of life is found through the firm will which life learns through man's work finished well. Then the value Worth of Life 31 of work is plain. Purposed by life's Maker to work, self wills for that work of free will. Then the life of man, which is personal self, wins by the firm will which it learns through man's work the worth by which life personal wins wider life. The purpose of Him who wills for life the work of man is by that work fulfilled. That work teaches life the firm will and purpose by which life wins its worth for wider life. The life worthy of man wins for the life im- mortal wider, fuller, worthier life. That will which He who wills life into being gives to that life fulfills the higher purpose of life's Maker. Free that will He wills to be, but purposes that life win by that will the life worthy of man which prepares for the purposed wider life. Then, free though will of life be, that power finally fulfills His pur- pose who wills for life immortal. Wise life be- comes through the teaching which Higher Purpose wills for it in man. That wisdom well used frees the life from man. Well life wills finally on earth, for the life willed freedom by its Maker finds that freedom surely. Life finds its first worth in man. Why then let will for worth be weak? Each life must find the worth that frees. Will free each life must use in finding that worth. Man who wills for life, think. 32 Will Higher of God Man who is life immortal works on earth the work willed for teaching of life immortal. That worth which He who willed life to be purposes is won by the firm will that life learns through work. The work which man has is purposed to help life immortal. Life finds firm will when man finds it. That which work of man is purposed to teach it does finally teach. The work willed for man teaches life, and the will firm won by man life has won. Then why let will weaken in the work of life, man of earth ? Think well ! The life that wins first worth in man wins that worth by God's purpose. His purpose that life find worth the life fulfills by its use of firm free will. That worth which life finds in man frees life from earth. What worth must life find to win freedom? Worth which life knows it wills itself. That worth brings freedom. Then that life which thus finds freedom has won the firm will for life worthy that life uses for its wider worth. God's purpose follows life while it is. His purpose frees life from man; His purpose frees life from weak will; by His purpose life finds wider and wider worth of its free will; His purpose is that life finally win of free will the worth that fits life for His pres- ence. Then the free will which is man's frees life from earth. That free will makes life finally worthy the very presence of its Maker. Worth of Life 33 Wilberforce. Will Higher wills that finally life in man win worth for wider life. The life in man He made im- mortal self. With will free He endows life of self. We, freed lives, were men. That we know by memory of the life of man. We were freed when God willed. We tell for men the words which we hope they will heed. Life wins freedom by God's purpose, but life wins freedom by His way, free will of self personal. Think well, you who would win freedom and wider life. Life wills for itself the worth which by the pur- pose of Will Higher it must find. When for it- self life has found its worth, God wills it wider life. For worth will free man must use, being life per- sonal, and the free will which God wills to life per- sonal, must fulfill His purpose for that life. Worth life must find in man. Free to will worth or weak- ness, life personal finds will free is help finally. Then by will its own life finds the worth that frees. Think well, you who will to-day for life immortal. Man works the work that by the purpose of God teaches life. His will for work he makes firm by well-done and well-finished work. When man works well, finishing his work, he wins for life im- mortal the firm will by which that life wins its free- dom. Will for life worthy life finds first in man. That 34 Will Higher of God which Higher Will purposes that life shall find on earth, man finds. The worth which frees life from man man must find, then, for man is the life for which worth for freedom is purposed. When man of free will finds that worth, life personal wins the wider, fuller life. Think, man who wills to-day. Will Higher was when life which He made was not. For life which He made He wills forever. Man who works by His purpose, who lives the life of work because He wills, is life for which wider work is purposed. The wide powers which He makes personal powers man is given. By wise use of all those powers life wins the worth for the wider life which God purposes for life personal. Man who wills by free will, whose purpose is free, whose mind he uses as he wishes, must become by the wise use of all those powers ready for wider life, or he waits for freedom. By the wise use that life must learn the life purposed wider life finds the worth for wider life. Think, who would win that wider life. Your own powers must win it. Think well. Man wills his life worthy himself, but Will Higher purposes for life that it find worth in man. Then will which He who made life personal self gives to man must win that worth of life which God purposes. Man who is life for which worth is purposed, man who wills his worth himself, works the work which Worth of Life 35 by God's purpose teaches free will. Then his worth is won by free will taught. We who have won the worth which brings wider life would help men to wise thought. May the word help many, we pray God. When man wills that his life be worthy his life personal thus wills. Man by his free purpose be- comes life worthy. We who were men remember the many lives of man, and the memory helps us. When the man wills his life worthy life personal wins wider life. What from this would be the thought? Why wait, O man, to will your life worthy? The life of self you are. By the will of life personal, your own will, life personal finds free- dom. Think well. Miltiades. Man works the earth work purposed to be teach- ing for life. Life of self wills for that work, and wills it well or ill finished as it chooses. Yet life's Maker purposes that the earth work be well finished. Though life is free, Will Higher purposes for it. Will for life worthy life finds using the free will which it uses for work. Man wins firm will using free will in work. God wills for life that it win firm will in man. Will firm frees life from work of man. Will firm man finds through the purposed teaching of work. That firm will frees life from 36 Will Higher of God earth. Worth life must find in man; thus Will Higher wills. The will of life made personal self is free, but for personal life Will Higher purposes worth. Man willing his own life worthy makes life im- mortal worthy. Will Higher wills that life find firm free will in man. Man finds that firm will finally. That firm will life finds for itself. Man, being life willed worth, and being life personal free in will, finds the purposed worth by the personal free will. The purpose of Him who wills for life that life fulfills by will its own. Will Higher wills for life while it is man, though He wills that it be personal self free in will. Will free man has by the purpose of his Maker. His will free he must use firmly then, for thus, and thus only, will he win freedom for his life immortal. Well then must the man will, for life wins freedom when will for worth is firm. The life of man has man's work to finish before it wins freedom. Will free man uses to finish that work, and when his will he uses well life finishes that work well. But man works weakly many times. Then the will which life finds is weak, and life wins not freedom. Will firm man finds himself. By will firm life finds the worth for wider life. Think, man of weak will. The life which for earth is man wills there for Worth of Life 37 wider life. That worth which frees man finds. His life wills as he wills. His worth is life's worth. His life personal wins the worth for wider life of his free choice. Think, man of earth. The life which works well its man's work, finish- ing it well, wins firm will and purpose by which life wins in wider life its worth. Will firm, purpose firm, life finds first through the teaching of man's work on earth. When life has won that firm will, that firm purpose which God purposes for life of man, He translates life to the wider life. Will that life find worth man finds through free will wisely used. Firm purpose life finds, then, through man's free choice. Firm purpose frees life. Worth which man finds through wise use of firm will and purpose frees life personal from man. Think, you to whom God wills worth which you must win yourself. Think well. Man wins himself that worth of life that frees life from man. That will which he uses, being his for wise use, he finally uses wisely. His firm purpose helps the firm will that wins freedom. Then life for which its Maker wills worth finds it using free will and purpose firmly. Think, man to whom your Maker gives those powers ; think well. We, the lives for whom firm free will brought this life, would help those who will heed the word we tell. Each life finally finds this higher life ; but for 38 Will Higher of God that which brings this life the life which is man must will by its free will. Each life finds this life, but will free must win it. Man feels faith that his life will be wider beyond life of earth. Freed life knows it is wider. Man wills for his higher life by free purpose his own. Freed life wins its wider life using the firm purpose found in the fife of man. Life which has found in man firm will holds that firm will while life is. II PHILOSOPHY WISDOM OF MEN Dr. Coulter. WILL Higher, man's Maker, pur- poses that by willed thought life be led to wise thinking. First willed thought wise for man is that of higher power than himself. From first willed thought man finds his further wisdom. From man's first wise thought must come the philosophy that is help. From no other thought may men find the wisdom which Will Higher purposes that life in man shall find. WILL THAT MADE THE UNIVERSE RULES IT Dr. Coulter. Will Higher must be the foundation thought for man's philosophy. That will, the will of Him who made the Universe, was when the Universe was not. His will rules the Universe which He 41 42 Will Higher of God made. Man wills by His will. Life wins wider life than that of worlds by His will. Willed life man is, made world-dweller while life prepares for that wider life. Will who made the Universe rules it while by His will it is. Men must for philosophy hold fast this truth. Will Higher, the will of Him who made the Uni- verse, was when life of man was not. He wills for life that it be man on earth. He wills that man work the work willed for life immortal while it is man. His will rules life immortal while it is man and forever. Man wills by His will. Man purposes by His will. Man is made life that wins wider, fuller, more glorious life. Wider work comes to life that has worked well the man's work; wider life to the life which has lived well the man's life. While life is it works, while life is it wills and purposes, while life is God wills for it. Will Higher, man's Maker, life's wilier, was be- fore life was made. Upon that foundation thought — life was by Higher Will made, must be builded man's wisdom. The worth of philosophy depends on the worth of its foundation thought. Wise thinking must be founded upon the thought of God, man's Maker, Wilier of his Universe, Will Supreme of Omnipo- tence, who purposes for that which He made while it is. Will Higher who made life man, Will Will that Made the Universe Rules It 43 Higher who purposes for man, Will Higher whose purpose all life fulfills, must he thought for wise philosophy. With that for foundation philosophy will not go far astray. The Will who made the whole that is beside Him- self, the will of Omnipotent God, wills for that which He made. His will governs the Universe; His will made life of man; His will governs that life. Wise purpose of the Omnipotent Ruler of Life wills for that life while it is. Why let that thought be forgotten. Whose purpose would rule other than that of the Will who gave life? Man wishes philosophy to help. The wise purpose of the Wilier of All must be one foundation thought. Will Higher was when the Universe was not, when life of man was not. All that is beside Him- self He created. His will omnipotent formed worlds. All His Universe obeys His will. God, Master of all, Will Supreme, wills for that which He made forever. By His will life is. His will rules life. That which He wills life fulfills. None may forbid His will. What man was, is, will be, He wills. Purpose unwavering, He purposes while man works, while man lives, for the life which he willed to be man. All thought which philosophy must have. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills for man. That follows from the truth, for man a needed thought, 44 Will Higher of God that man is by Will Higher made. Will Higher whose purpose life fulfills, follows of necessity that thought. Man, life willed, wills by the purpose of Will Higher, for his will that Will Higher makes his power. Wilberforce. Will Higher, will of Infinite God, made His Uni- verse. Will Higher is man's Maker. Will Higher wills for life while it is man and forever. That thought men must hold fast. Philosophy wanders from that thought, holding that life is self-existent, or wills itself into being. The philosophy which leaves out will of the Maker of All misleads. Will who made the whole that is beside Him- self wills for that which He made. Man He made, for He is Creator of Life. Man fulfills by His way His will. Man wills because Will Higher gives him will. Man purposes because his pur- pose Will Higher makes man's power. Philosophy must have for foundation this thought. Will Higher, the will who made the Universe, made life of man. His will that -which He made fulfills as He wills. Man, the life purposed wider life, wins wider life by the way which Will Higher purposes. Through will free man man, the life, wins that which God purposes. Then will free He who made life purposes shall win for life that which Will that Made the Universe Rules It 45 frees life from man. Philosophy using this thought, which we know is true, would be full of help. Will Higher, whose purpose life fulfills, is Life Infinite. His w T ill made life finite for worlds. Will Higher purposes for life made by Him. Finite life fulfills the will of Life Infinite as the Will Higher purposes. Man who is life finite ful- fills the purpose for which he is worker on earth. Man, the life purposed wider life, finds wider life by the means Will Higher provides. By will free life finite fulfills the purpose of Life Infinite. The life which is man is willed personal worth to be found by its own purpose, and that life is willed the purpose by which it wins worth. God wills that life free itself then. His purpose life must obey. The purpose willed for man as life fulfills God's purpose. Will Higher, life's Maker, purposes that life be man on worlds. His will governs life of man on all worlds that have man. Worlds suited to life of man were made by God. Life willed to be man in- habits those which God wills as man's working place. Man wills for life immortal where life is man. Worlds which have man, the life immortal, will hold that life while it prepares by God's pur- pose for life in the wide Universe. Will Higher rules His vast Universe while He wills it to be. 46 Will Higher of God Man, willed creature of Omnipotent God, wills for life which He made for wider, fuller life than that of man on worlds. Higher will of life's Maker wills for all life which He made. Purpose of life's Maker purposes for the life made. While life wills He purposes for it free will. Life which for worlds is man uses for its worth will free given by life's Maker. Wise purpose of life's Maker must be made foundation thought of man's philos- ophy. WILL OF GOD RULES LIFE Dr. Coulter. Will Higher, who made all that is beside Him- self, was when the Universe was not. His will made life. His purpose rules life made by Him. The life which for worlds is man He wills to be life immortal. Man who has from Will Higher his life has from Will Higher his will. Man wills then with willed will, the power purposed by Will Higher to be help. Man wins worth by his own free will, but that worth is willed for him by Will Higher. With the powers of self He endows life of man. By the Will Higher man is made dweller on earth; by that Will man works. The life which Will of God Rules Life 47 on earth works man's work is life immortal, life willed wider work and fuller life when the earth life is finished. Man then must fulfill the Will who made him life of self immortal. Then man must find worth, for Will Higher wills that he find worth. Yes, but this man who wills now wills by free will, the power of personal self. But the life is willed to find worth. What follows that thought ? This: Man of his own free will finds that which Will Higher wills. Man is life willed immortality; then man wills as life immortal for his worth. Will Higher, then, wills for life of man that which life in man finally wills for itself, using the free will made man's power for that purpose. Will Higher wills for the life made by Him. His will, being the will of Him who rules the Uni- verse, the life made by Him finally fulfills. For that life He wills man's work; for that life He wills teaching by man's work; for that life He wills worth won by firm will; for that life He wills free will; for that life He wills freedom. Bound then by His will is the life which He made, though to that life He gives will free. Man wills of his own free will that which He wills who made him free. His will life fulfills by the power He wills; His will life fulfills as He wills. The free will of life man uses by God's will; the free will of life made fulfills the purpose of Will Higher. 48 Will Higher of God Man is the willed life which must fulfill the pur- pose of its Maker. His life is purposed wider life than that which is man. Wider will life be when freed, wider its work. Man wills for the man's worth. Life of earth man has, life finite. The Wilier of Life is the wilier for all that is the Uni- verse. Life is ruled by Him. Man, life of per- sonal will, has will from the Wilier of his life. Man's will fulfills the purpose of its giver, for life which wills of free will finds wider life. While life is man, while it is, the Will who made it rules it. His will extends to the whole that He made the Universe. That will all that He made fulfills. Wilberforce. Man wins his worth by the purpose of Life's Wilier. Man finds free will his help finally by the purpose of Him who gave it. The free will made life's power wins the worth which, by the will of God, makes life worthy wider life. Why then need man will for worth ? His worth he is purposed by Will Higher. Was man made not free? Would he win forced worth, being free life of personal self? Will free man is willed, and by free will he is pur- posed to find his worth. Will free of personal life finds for man the worth which God wills life must find on earth. Man willed wills by willed will. His life, willed Will of God Rules Life 49 wider life than it attains in man, wills for the wider life purposed by its Maker, using the willed will. Man is made free personal self. Then, willing as free personal self, he must fulfill the Will who made him. Man then, though free in will, is life that must find worth, for it is worth that frees from work and life of earth. Purpose of Him who wills for life man fulfills using free will made his power that life free itself from weakness. Man who wills for life wills finally that life find firm free will, using which life fulfills God's purpose. WILL FREE OF LIFE PERSONAL Dr. Coulter. The Will Higher, whose purpose that which He made fulfills, is infinite life, infinite being. Man is life finite whose being is by Life Infinite willed. Self man is, willed to be personal life. Then by the will of personal life man fulfills the purpose of Life Infinite. Will Higher wills for that life which He made finite, wills for that life while His will permits it to be life. The purpose of Him who made life, whose will is the will of Omnipotence, the life finite must fulfill. But by the will which He wills to life 50 Will Higher of God finite His purpose must be fulfilled. His will made life personal self whose will is of necessity free. Then the purpose of Omnipotent Will for the life which He made life personal must be by the will of personal life fulfilled. Worth of life He pur- poses that self personal shall find. Worth of life personal self finds through wise use of its own free will. The purpose of Life Infinite is finally ful- filled by the life which He made finite. Will free, which man uses as life to which life's Maker purposes worth, is the will of life immortal. Then by the life's will man wills his worth. Man, the life of self, wills on earth purposing there as he chooses. Willed his life worthy by God's purpose, man wills for that life using his free will. For life purposed worth then, man wills of free will, and by that free will fulfills God's purpose that life win worth. Of its own choice life wills that which of God's purpose life must. Will free is made man's power by the purpose of God who made him personal self. Life using free will fulfills the pur- pose of its Maker not only while it is man, but for- ever. Life of self, willed worth finally, must win that purposed worth of its own free will. The life on earth purposes for wider life. Willed to be man on earth by Will Higher, made the self by Will Higher, purposed worth by Will Higher, life of man finds the purposed worth using the will free Will Free of Life Personal 51 of life immortal which is purposed to be help while life is. Man, the being who has will, wills that which he pleases, for his will is free. But man, being made by Will Higher, must fulfill the will of his Maker. God made him free, but his life must, for the will of God is will Omnipotent. Then man must of his free will fulfill God's purpose. What is the must? That man fulfill his Maker's will; that life fulfill through man His purpose ; that life personal, life of self, fulfill the wise Purpose who made it life per- sonal. Then life wills for itself that which fulfills the purpose of Will Higher. Will Higher, the will of Him who wills for all life made, wills that while life is man it become worthy the wider life He purposes. Man, life pur- posed wider life, finds worth for that wider life using his own free will. Yet God purposes for life, and His purpose life must fulfill. Then will free must, for God thus wills. Would that mean that will is not free? No, will of life personal is not bound, but free necessarily. Man, using free will, wins for life purposed wider life the worth which permits wider life. Man wills for life purposed to find worth. His will, free always, is the power of life immortal. While man wills life wins the worth which frees life from earth. The wise purpose of life's Maker 52 Will Higher of God places that life in man while it finishes the work pur- posed to teach free will. Man purposed worth must by free will win that worth, for he is life per- sonal. God wills that life, free to will worth or un- worthiness, be taught by the work of man until it learns the wise use of free will. God purposes, and life willed must fulfill His purpose. The life in man fulfills that purpose finally, taught by man's work, taught by man's life until, though wholly free, it learns that which God wills it shall. This man must then? No, his will free he uses as he wishes. But life in man must finally, for thus wills life's Maker, God. Then what man wins the purposed worth? All men have will wholly free. The man last incarnating life which must find worth wins it, for life has learned the wise use of free will. Man, as life willed worth, finds it finally, for wise purpose of man's Maker thus wills; and life made by God fulfills His purpose through wise use of its own free will. What then is man? Life that must free itself from earth by its own will. Then man is bound? No, will free is not bound nor forced, yet Will Higher purposes for the life which He made man, and His purpose that life must fulfill. The will which God wills to be free He makes the means by which life fulfills His purpose. Self wills with free will, and life of man, though willed worth, must Will Free of Life Personal 53 find it of free will. Made life man is; willed will lie uses. Then that willed will must fulfill the pur- pose of Him who made man life immortal. When life wills that which its Maker wills it must, the life of self He translates to wider life. Will for that worth which He who makes will free wills that life shall find, man wins through his man's work and life. Will free he uses in that work, and that worth which life's Maker purposes life shall find on earth is won by man's free will. We teach here that life of man, willing freely, fulfills the will of man's Maker. For that which the will of Omnipotence wills man wills using his own free will. Then pur- posed worth is found by man through his free choice. Will free must then, for the Higher Will life must obey. Must life find forced worth then? Would life, willed free will, find forced worth? Will for worth life is taught. When that which life must find is by free will found, life fulfills the purpose of Higher Will. Life is bound by Will Higher. Its must is found free choice finally. Each life of self, free in will necessarily since it is life of self, wills finally that which life's Maker wills. That which man wills life wills ; and while will free is used in winning that worth which life must, life chooses finally to will well, chooses the worth which Higher Will purposes that life shall find. Man, then, whose will is free, is life that must, 54 Will Higher of God and will free willed to life by purpose of Will Higher fulfills that purpose. Why then may man will unworthily? Why may life to which God wills worth will un worthiness? Free personal self wills that which it chooses, worth or unworthiness. But the purpose of Him who gives free will is by that free will finally fulfilled. Then free will which man uses for both worth and unworthiness becomes finally free will used for worth, because Will Higher thus purposes. Man who wills as he chooses finally chooses to will worth because life of man, by the will of the Maker of life, is taught in man. Through the teaching of man's work, through the teaching of man's life of earth, life personal learns wise use of free will. Then taught life finally wills the worth which Will Higher purposes, and the purpose of Will Higher the life of personal self fulfills by its wise use of free will. Self is man many times. In the many lives of man life personal, man's self, learns wisdom in use of free will. Then, willing freely as God wills that life personal shall will, self of man, life pur- posed worth, finds worth of its own free choice. There find reconciliation of man's personal free will with the purpose of Will Higher, God. Man works the work which God purposes for life on earth. Man wills for that work with the will which God makes the power of life immortal. Will Free of Life Personal 55 When man wills then, life wills, for by the will given to man as life purposed immortality is the work of man willed. Why may will which God purposes must be well used be weakly used? Personal self wills of necessity by free will. But that free will must then. While that follows logically, the will free wins the worth which life must after the life is taught wise use of free will through man's life and work. Self wills in man using free will; must wills for life; and the free will, after life is taught, fulfills that must. This man must? No, life must, for Will Higher thus purposes. But while life wills it is taught wisdom. Wise use of free will brings the worth which life must find. Wisdom in use of free will life learns through the work purposed for teaching. Wise use of free will life learns through the mistakes which life makes. Wise use of free will God purposes. The teaching which He wills that life shall have in man makes life wise. Then man, who is life personal, who wills as he chooses, may but will for that life of self. When the life of self is taught, man who then incarnates that life of self wills worth. Freedom of will, but purpose of Will Higher, philosophy must teach. The will which frees life is the free will of life per- sonal well and worthily used. Man is free personal self. That free power man has by the purpose of life's Maker. Then the free will of life personal is 56 Will Higher of God used to fulfill the purpose of Him who wills for life its will free. That will which He purposes must be well and worthily used, (for He purposes that life personal find wider life), is by life's free choice thus used. The will free of life personal fulfills the pur- pose for life personal of its Maker, God. Will Higher, the will of Him who willed the Uni- verse into being, made the life which is man for earth. Will Higher made that life personal life. The life of self man has, and by the will of self man becomes worthy wider, fuller life. When the will of personal life weakens in the work of man, when the personal life weakens in wish for worthiness, then man wills that life, be reincarnated, for man himself finds the worth for wider life of self. Using free choice, man wills his life worthy or un- worthy. His free will he has by God's purpose. That free will must win, for thus Will Higher pur- poses, the freedom which by Will Higher is willed. Man then for himself wills freedom or further work and life of man. Man, the free personal life, is life for which the Will Higher purposes. What worth must the life win by free will? The worth for higher life. When by will its own life finds worth, the life is. by the purpose of Will Higher, worthy higher life. Man wills for life immortal, which is purposed wider, fuller life beyond earth, the worth through Will Free of Life Personal 57 which life finds that higher life. Man who wills for man's life, willed to be the earth life of personal self, wins by the personal will of self the wider life of self. When life wins freedom, what is life? Man's life continued; with powers of life which man used wider, and life wider in worth. Will, purpose, mind, the powers which the life will use forever, man uses in the work of life on earth. Then will used for life which man has, the life of daily work on earth, will be the power of life in its freedom from man. What would life be not willing, not pur- posing, not thinking when freed ? Nothing. Will, mind, purpose make life worthy the wider life of self. We who work now the wider work which Will Higher makes teaching for life wider, tell for men what men need for help in the work of man's life. The life of personal self man is. That life finds wider life. That life takes with it to wider life the powers which it uses in man. The philosophy which makes man part of the whole of life is not well founded. Man is life per- sonal; willed to be while life is the life personal; willed man's life as life wider to become; and the will of life personal fulfills the purpose of Will Higher. This thought philosophy must have. Will free man uses to win the worth which by the Will Higher life must find on earth. Life of man 58 Will Higher of God is life personal. When through life and work of man self learns that which frees life from weakness, life personal finds wider life. The thought that life wider is lost in the whole of life must be wrong, for we, the lives now freed, know that we are the same selves which we were on earth. When life wins wider life it is wider personal life that it wins. Life once personal remains personal while it is. Will free which man has then, wins for life per- sonal its wider life personal. That thought philos- ophy must firmly hold. Life wider is the life per- sonal which was man. What would life be which loses in wider life its personality? Vague concept, which life freed knows is not fact. Will for man's life worthy, purpose that life win freedom, would be wasted if life freed loses its will and purpose, lost itself in a vague whole of life. The thought of philosophy must be founded on truth. Life per- sonal remains life personal while it is. Will which man has, being the will given to life which God made personal life, wins the worth which God purposes that life shall find on earth. Man wills that which he chooses, that which the per- sonal life chooses, for which personal life God pur- poses. Man wills finally that which wins for per- sonal life the worth which God purposes, for the purpose of Will Higher the life made by Him must fulfill; yet man wills as he chooses. What follows? Will Free of Life Personal 59 This — man, being the personal life for which God purposes, having the free will which God purposes shall win worth for wider life, uses that will finally as God purposes. But would that mean that man of to-day wills always that which God purposes? No; this man is free; this man wills always as he chooses. But life is many men. This man wills as he chooses, and the many men who are the one life personal will each as he chooses. Then what from this? The life finally must will as God purposes; the life, being personal self, is free; then that life which wins freedom has learned that which God pur- poses life shall learn, wise use of its free will. That life wills as it chooses changes not the purpose of God who rules life while it is. Man wills, using his free will; life wins freedom from man, using free will; each life learns finally the wise use of its free will; and thus each life willed to be personal life fulfills the purpose of its Maker, God. Man, who is willed his life by the Maker of the Universe* has the life purposed to be wider than that of man. When man finishes the earth work by which the Higher Will teaches life, when life has learned its lesson for earth willed, Will Higher translates that life to wider, fuller life. When life finds free will the help Will Higher purposes it shall be finally, then life finds wider life. Wider worth life wins in freedom from man, worth which 60 Will Higher of God fits life personal for the presence of God Himself. Well must life will then while it lives on earth, well must it purpose, for by its free will, and its own pur- pose it wins the worth for wider life. Well life wills in man finally, for by man's worth life wins wider life. Man whose work is willed that life win for its help firm will, firm purpose, wills that which he wishes, but his worth of life is purposed by the Will Higher. Then his free will must win the purposed worth. His life is willed free will, his life is willed freedom, his life is willed to win the worth for freedom by wise use of his free will. Then the purpose of Will Higher for the life which is man is by its will free fulfilled. The freedom which Higher Will pur- poses that life shall find must by free will of man be found. The must of life man fulfills by use of his free will. Man wills as Higher Will purposes finally, for his life is taught wisdom by the purposed teaching of man's life and work. Hear, man of earth, hear and heed this word. The Will Higher of the Maker of that which is beside Himself was before His Universe was made. His life is the life infinite; His will is the Will Omnipotent which rules that which He made. The finite life made by Him obeys His will ; all that He made obeys Him. The life which He made is pur- posed higher life than that of man, and will free Will Free of Life Personal 61 which He who made life makes its power wins that worth which by Higher Purpose life made must. The Higher Will all that He made fulfills. None may forbid His will. The life of man He wills to be life personal. He wills to that life the free will of life personal. That which He wills that life personal shall find, wider life than that of man, that life finds using its free will. Willed life which finds wider life wins the purposed worth for life wider through its own free will. Will free of life per- sonal fulfills the purpose of the Higher Will for that life. Personal life wins personal worth, and the will free, which power God purposes shall be finally used for worth, is finally thus used. Man, the life personal, finds the worth which God pur- poses for life on earth using his own free will. Thus the purpose of life Omnipotent is by free will of life finite fulfilled. The Higher Will of man's Maker, the Higher Will of Omnipotent God, follows life made to eter- nity. Man, being life immortal, wills for that life. By the purpose of Him who made man life im- mortal the life works man's work, thinks man's thought, lives man's little life. But that life is pur- posed wider and fuller life beyond the littleness of man. Work is purposed to teach that life while it is; the work of man to teach the life while it is man, the work of wider life to teach the wider life. 62 Will Higher of God And that the life is personal self reveals its pos- sibilities. Man made physical is life for earth; wholly physical is man's body. But the life of per- sonal self which is purposed higher, fuller life be- yond man, is life which develops its possibilities partly in man. God wills that each life personal have the powers of life personal. Free in will that life personal is made. When by the purposed teaching of man's life that personal life is taught wise use of its immortal powers life immortal finds personal higher life. Will free wins that higher life which God purposes for life personal. The life which is man, being willed higher life, being willed the powers fitted by Him who makes them life's powers for the immortal use of life, finds the higher life purposed. Man wills his wider life himself, though God purposes his worth. Finally the made life which for earth is man wills that which brings the higher life which God purposes. The life which is by its Maker pur- posed wider personal life wins by its personal wise use of will free the worth which brings wider life. Personal life man is made, personal life immortal. We who work for help to men's thought would have men believe that we tell that which we know is true. Man is the life for which Will Higher pur- poses, though he is life of free will. Then the life which is man for its earth life wins by the purpose of Will Free of Life Personal 63 its Maker the wider life of freedom. We have won that life; we tell that which life wider knows. That which the higher purpose of God wills for life life fulfills. The life finds by His purpose the wider life of self. The winning of that life depends on man's will free. When man wills that which the will of God purposes that life in man shall will, He gives to that life freedom, wider life, fuller life. When life has for itself won its wider life His will still follows it. Life freed fulfills His purpose to eternity. Man who wills worth or unworthiness as he wishes, whose free will is power willed to him, wins w T ider life using that free will, yet life made is by the Higher Will ruled. What must has man to fulfill? What must has life to fulfill ? That man win worth which frees life from man is man's must. But life willed man is, and the free will which he uses is willed power. Man must of free will find the worth that frees life from man. Then life which man is, life of self whose will is free, must win of free will the worth which Higher Will purposes it shall win in man. The power which man has, being willed power, willed by Him who made man life, must then win for man the worth which brings higher life of self. That life wills of free will changes not the purpose of life's Maker. That purpose, which is that each life find higher life freed from man, is by 64 Will Higher of God man's free will fulfilled. Man wills his own worth, but that worth is won by the purpose of God who made him life of free will. Will Higher, whose purpose life which He made fulfills, was when life which is man was not. His will rules the life that He made, though He gives it will free. Man who has for his power the power of life immortal, will free, wins by that will free the worth that wins for life immortal its wider life. From man freed, life lives fuller life. Wider its vision, wider its thought, wider its worth. Will for life worthy life finds first in man, for the life on earth begins the life immortal. Well then must man will, well must he purpose, for by his will and purpose the life immortal finds its wider life. The Will Higher, whose purpose that which He made fulfills, was when the Universe was not. His will created the Universe ; His will governs all that He made. His will is the will of Omnipotence. That which He wills the Universe obeys. Man is by His will. Life is by His will. God who made the Universe wills for it while He wills it to be. Man who works the work purposed for life of will free, man who wills for that work as he wishes, is willed life to which Higher Will wills wider life than that of man. By will his own man wills for the earth work of immortal life, which work, pur- posed for life willed immortality, man must finish. Will Free of Life Personal 65 Life worthy man finds finally, for thus Will Higher wills. By the work of man life finds worth because that work well finished teaches firm free will. The worth which by firm will life finds frees that life from man, and by the will for worth won by life in man life wider finds its wider worth. All that which He who willed life to be personal self pur- poses that life finally fulfills. Man who is life for which wider life is purposed finds free will the help which God wills it must be finally. Then man wins the wider life, though he wins it of his free will, be- cause for his life the Will Higher purposes wider life. Man wins the freedom willed by the way which Will Higher purposes, the free will of per- sonal self. The will of Him who wills for all follows life while it is. Man wills for wider life because life is made for wider life. Will free wins the worth for wider life because God thus wills. Man the life personal wins wider personal life because the will of God made life for wider personal life. Man who wills his personal worth frees from man the life per- sonal by God's will. All that He made fulfills His will. Free will that man has wins the freedom which by God's purpose life of self must find. Will Higher of God, the Maker of all, willed life into being, willed that life be man for earth, willed that by 66 Will Higher of God man's life the personal life of self win the wider life which He purposes. Will Higher wills for the life which He made while that life is man and forever. His purpose follows that life which He made per- sonal life, to which He wills the powers of personal life, while it works man's work, while it is. Then man works because He wills, wills because He gives him that power, purposes because God wills to him purpose. All that He made fulfills His purpose. Man the life personal is life for which He purposes. The free will of life personal fulfills the higher pur- pose of Him who wills for life while it is. We who live the wider life of freedom from man, who know that life freed was man by remembrance of man's life, tell that life with free will works in this higher life. Will free wins the worth of higher life as it wins the worth of man's life. We think knowing that the thinking is by the life which re- members its man's life. We purpose knowing that the purpose is of the same life that was man. We purpose, thinking for wider life, as the life pur- posed when it was man. Thus life of personal self, knowing its powers to be the same powers it had in man, wills for the higher life in freedom from man. What tells us this? Life itself knows itself. Yes, life of self knows it wills, thinks, purposes, remem- bers for itself always. But that life, while it is personal, lives the life which Higher Will purposes ; Will Free of Life Personal 67 in man the life of man, in higher life the higher life of freedom from man. That life is life of self makes plain that it purposes freely that which per- sonal life wishes. But that changes not the higher purpose which follows life while it is. Man, being life personal, purposes, wills, uses life as he wishes ; then life thus wills and purposes. But the purpose of the Wilier of Life must be by the life made ful- filled. Then life which wills and purposes freely wills finally that which the Higher Purpose wills, and life personal free in will, free in purpose, finally by the free powers of personal self fulfills the pur- pose of Him who made it. The purpose of Will Higher that life find worth for higher, fuller life beyond man must be by the free will of life fulfilled. Man who purposes for himself, whose power will is made free, wins by his wise use of that willed power his worth. Will free then man has because for him Will Higher purposes worth won by himself. That free power, which is for man his help when firmly used, wins then the purposed worth of life. Will free that must finally life has. That power which life uses for worth or unworthiness as it wishes finally wins the freedom which Will Higher purposes that life of man shall find. The purpose of that Higher Will who wills to life finite free will must by that free power be fulfilled. Finally life free in purpose, free in will, 68 Will Higher of God wills that which the will of life's Maker purposes, the worth for higher, fuller life. Man's free power, the will made his by his Maker, wins the higher life which that Maker purposes for life immortal. Will Higher, will of God who is the Maker of All, wills for all which He made. His will is the Will Supreme. His will is the Will Omnipotent. His will reaches to the whole of His vast Universe. Man was made for worlds; life was made for the Universe. Man works on worlds ; life works finally in the vast Universe. Man wills of free will on all worlds ; will given he uses ; his free w T ill is the gift of the Wilier of his life. Personal self always, by his free will of personal self man wins his worth for freedom from worlds. Ruled by Will Supreme, life fulfills the purpose of that will. Man, creature of Omnipotent Will, is made life that is purposed worth which far exceeds man's thought. Life freed wins worth by free will while it is. Man wills as life purposed worth for God's presence finally. May free will win that worth? We know it must. Think, who would found wise philosophy. We who tell this know. The life of personal will, having that free power from its Maker, finds by wise use of that power its worth. But free will may be wisely or foolishly used. When that power is wisely used life wins freedom; when weakly or wickedly used life wins Will Free of Life Personal 69 further life of man. What will then will this man who now lives choose, the wise or the wicked will? Choose for yourself, man who has free will. Bishop Wilberforce. Will Higher, whose purpose life willed hy Him must fulfill, is the will of Him Who made the Uni- verse. His will rules that Universe. His will rules life which hy His purpose works in man. What for life wills He? That life he man; that life win wider work and fuller life when it has finished the earth work and life. What further wills he? That life be free personal self; that the powers willed to life be free ; that will free win for life pur- posed wider life the worth for wider life. Wise purpose of Will Higher made life self personal. By His will that life uses personal will. Of neces- sity will of personal self is free. That life may will that which life's Wilier does not purpose is then plain. Will Higher then purposes that life of per- sonal self fulfill His will through use of free will. Man of will free wins for life purposed wider life the worth that brings wider life. Man's free will fulfills for life the purpose of life's Wilier. Man of free will wins for life the worth which Will Higher purposes that life immortal shall find on earth; and forever that free life, purposed forever wider and wider worth, finds its worth by free will. 70 Will Higher of God Free will of personal life, will that man uses as life purposed wider life, fulfills the wise purpose of Him who made life man. Will free, willed power of life personal made man for life of earth, is the way through which Will Higher wills that life ful- fill His purpose. Thought for philosophy must upon truth be founded. This we know is true. Will Higher wills for life of man ; Will Higher wills for life while it is. Man has, by the purpose of Will Higher, the wide powers which life needs while it works and lives. Man wills that he win freedom for his life by the will purposed to help life forever. Man by free will wins for life freedom which God purposes. Man works as life the man's work. God wills for man that his work and his life of earth finally teach life the firm will, the firm pur- pose that by His purpose make life worthy its higher life and work. Will free man has from Will Higher. Will free, by the purpose of God who wills for life forever, makes man's life worthy the freedom purposed, and by will free of personal man life willed freedom finds its worth. These thoughts philosophy must have to be true help. Will free of life wins man's worth, for thus He purposes who made life for earth man. While life wills it uses the will it uses in man. The free power of life made personal self is man's power. Will Free of Life Personal 71 While life wills it uses personal free will. God wills that life made personal self find by the wise use of its own free will the worth which makes life per- sonal worthy wider life. Willed power, free will, fulfills the purpose of life's Maker; willed power, free will, wins for life purposed wider, fuller life the worth which wins further worth. Man finds first worth for life immortal. Through wise use of personal free will life finds further worth to im- mortality. Will Higher, whose purpose life made must ful- fill, wills that while life is man the wise use of will free make it worthy wider life. Then man wills that which his Maker purposes using the will he has, must thus will, for God purposes he shall. But will of life personal is necessarily free. Then free will must, and life fulfills God's purpose itself; that follows of course. Man wins worth by free will. His will is given by God for that purpose. It is made free that life personal find personal worth. Man, being life willed worth, being life personal, must by personal free will find worth. Will Higher, man's Maker, Will Higher who rules life forever, wills for life man's life that man find for life the firm will and purpose which life must thus find to win freedom. Why then may life in man will weakly, permitted thus to will? For God's purpose will of life personal, will that man 72 Will Higher of God uses for life personal, is free. Will Higher pur- poses for life freedom won by its own will free, and will free must win worth finally, for that which Will Higher purposes life made must obey. Why then has man not will bound? His life made personal self wills by free will always its worth. The must which life fulfills is that life win freedom of personal will. Man wills his worth as life personal, and his will free wins finally the worth God purposes that life shall find on earth. Man wills that which frees life immortal using his free power, will of personal self. We tell truth. You who read must think. Will Higher wills that life for worlds be man. Will Higher wills that while life is man it prepare for the fuller life which He wills for life immortal. When He frees life it has won the worth He pur- poses that life on earth must win. Will Higher wills for life wider work. Won by life in man must be the wise free will by which life works we ] l in wider life. The will which man has belongs to life personal. That life of personal self works man's work, wills man's life worthy. For wider life of self that life of man is made. Then the worth which man finds by his will is personal worth which life personal takes to wider life. When life wins freedom the personal life has won freedom. The wider life is wider life of self; and while life is it remains life of Will Free of Life Personal 73 self. Philosophy which would merge the personal life in the whole of life is wrong. Man finds personal worth for life which remains life personal while it is. Will Higher, man's Maker, is Life Infinite. His will is the will omnipotent, the Will Supreme. His will reaches all, rules all that is. Then life made by Him must fulfill His will. But He makes life personal life whose will He makes free. Then life personal must of free will fulfill His will. But life free in will wills that which it chooses, of course. Then how reconcile the free will of life with the Higher Will of God? Will Higher wills for life work. The first work it has is man's work. That first work God pur- poses as teaching for the life which must. By work taught life learns wise use of free will. Will of life personal is free necessarily. Then the life wills for itself the worth that brings freedom. Will Higher purposes for that life to which He gives free will that it be taught wise use of free will, and, taught by the work Will Higher gives life on earth, man as life finds free will the help that Will Higher purposes it shall be. Free personal life man is made. Using the free will of life personal, which will is taught as the Will Higher wills it shall be, man the life free in will, wins by that free will the 74 Will Higher of God worth which by the purpose of God life must. Thus free will of man is reconciled with the purpose for life of Omnipotent God. The higher purpose of Him who wills for that which He made must be foundation thought in phi- losophy. That purpose, the purpose of the life's Maker, purposes for life while it is. Man is the life which by that higher purpose wins wider life; man is the life which by the higher purpose wins freedom from earth. All that Purpose Higher wills that which He made fulfills. Man who wills his own worth is by the purpose of God life which must find higher life; and, free though life is in man, free though it be while it is, that life fulfills by the will free made its power for purpose of Omnipotent God that higher purpose. What life is man knows not. Only He who made it fully understands life. But life is willed by Him to find higher life, and is willed to be personal self whose will is free. Then that life of self, free though it be, fulfills the pur- pose of Him who made it using the will free which He makes that life's power. Man free in will, life free in will, fulfill by that free will the Purpose who made life personal self. Will Higher, man's Maker, the will of the Maker of all that is beside Himself, purposes for all that He made. Will free of life personal He wills that man have, yet for the life which is man He pur- Will Free of Life Personal 75 poses. The will which He makes free has His will for its must, then. That which Will Higher pur- poses all that He made fulfills. The must for life personal is that by its free will it fulfill the Purpose who gives free will. Man frees himself from work of man, then, using free will made his that life per- sonal win wider life of its free choice. Man is that life which wins freedom. Man wins that freedom which Will Higher wills for life personal by his own wise use of free will. When life personal finds its will free the help which Will Higher purposes it shall be finally, the life personal wins the freedom which by Will Higher is for life immortal pur- posed. The wise thought which philosophy needs is here: — Purpose of the Wilier of the whole which men name the Universe. Wise thought for philos- ophy needs as foundation AVill Higher who pur- poses for life. The will of life finite, free though it be, wins that which Life Infinite purposes that life made shall win, wider life beyond earth. Man whose will he uses for worth or weakness, man who uses the life of earth well or ill as he wishes, is life for which Purpose Higher wills. God wills for that life to which He wills free will. Man, the willed life, finally fulfills His purpose. Then free will made life's power fulfills the purpose of God. With free 76 Will Higher of God will man works. That work which is by God's pur- pose teaching for free will finally teaches wise use of free will. The purpose of Him who made man personal life is by the personal free will fulfilled. Will Higher wills for life which He made while it is, yet He wills that the will of life be free. When life which wills of free will wins that which free will must, He who made life translates that life to wider, fuller life. The will free which He makes the power of life personal fulfills His purpose for life personal. Man who is willed life, whose per- sonal power will is wholly free, fulfills by that free will God's purpose that life find worth for wider life. The will which man uses, being the free will of personal life, wins by the free choice of personal self the freedom which Will Higher wills that per- sonal self shall find. Will Higher, Will who made the whole that is be- side Himself, Will who purposes for that which He made, Life Infinite, Wilier of life finite, wills for that which He made forever. That which He wills all fulfills. None may dispute His will. Omnipo- tent Creator, Omniscient Life, Will Supreme, He rules that which He created while it is. His will governs all. His will reaches the farthest world of the vast Universe. The thought of philosophy must hold fast this thought. Man who has from the Will Higher his life wills that which He pur- Will Free of Life Personal 77 poses ; man who wills freely wills for that which He purposes. His will reaches all that He made. The higher will of God Omnipotent wills for life which He made ; but the life to which He gives free will fulfills His will using its own free power. Re- member this, man of earth. Man whose worth frees life from man wins that worth himself. That Will whose purpose life ful- fills, the will of Him who made life, the man who incarnates life finally fulfills, for he is that life for which Will Higher purposes. Free to choose worth or unworthiness, free in will, free in purpose, man is yet the life for which worth is purposed by Higher Will. Then his free will finds for that life the worth which that life must. When man's free will has won the worth which by God's purpose life must find on earth, His pur- pose follows that life to wider life. Man himself wills the worth that brings wider life. Will free he uses for that worth. Then his free power, made his by the Wilier of Life, fulfills the purpose for which man is made life personal. Will Higher purposes; life made fulfills His purpose. All that Will Higher made fulfills His purpose. What man was, is, will be, He purposes. Man by his willed power, free will, fulfills the purpose for his life of Higher Will. 78 Will Higher of God Miltiades. Will Higher wills that life be man ; He wills that man use free will; He wills that life find worth by will wholly free. Worth won must by free will be won. God's will rules life. By His purpose life wins wider life ; by His purpose life finds worth for wider life; won is that worth by life's free will. The life purposed freedom finds it as the Will Higher wills. Man's will free accords with the wise purpose of Will Higher who made him life personal. Will free of life personal wins for life personal to immortality its worth. Will Higher, will who made the Universe, whose purpose that which He made must fulfill, must for man's philosophy be foundation thought. Man, the willed life who wills, wills by purpose of Will Higher. Why then may life of man will that which Will Higher purposes not? Will Higher made man life personal whose will is free Why may life of man, which by purpose of Will Higher finally must be worthy, be weak in man? Will Higher made life's will free. Why may life that wins finally by the purpose of Will Higher freedom from man, find of will free unworthiness that holds it to man? Will Higher made life's will free. Why may will free win both worth and weakness? By the purpose of Will Higher life learns what helps, using will free. Man wills that which he Will Free of Life Personal 79 wishes; but, thus willing, being life that must find worth, man finally finds it. Will Higher purposes; that which He made fulfills by His way His pur- pose. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life while it is. Man is life for earth willed. Work of man life has for its earth work. That will which life uses in man's work it uses for wider life's work. God wills for life while life works, though for life He wills free will. Purpose who made life free personal self wills for the personal self while that self wins by free will the worth He purposes self shall find. Will free which must life has. By the free will of personal self man wins finally the worth which life must find by the purpose of Higher Will. Then must wills for life of man. Yes, the life free in will is bound by the purpose of Higher Will. Its must is that by will its own it find the worth which by the Purpose who made man life personal wins wider life. For life worthy man must will then to fulfill the purpose of God. Will free man uses to finish the work purposed for life on earth. Will free man uses to find for life immortal freedom. Won by the will free of man must be the life wider of personal self. Will Higher wills for life made freedom from man and higher life. But by the power which Will Higher wills to man, the free will of life personal, 80 Will Higher of God life willed worth finds that worth. Purposed higher life than that of man, willed free will, life personal finds that higher life through wise use of willed free will. Man must, for he is life personal, will of free will. But Will Higher purposes for life personal. That which Higher Will purposes life made fulfills by wise use of personal free will. Man wills that which life must finally, taught by the life purposed to teach wise use of free will. Man wins wider life of personal self through his wise use of life's free will, and the purpose of Higher Will is fulfilled through the power that Higher Will gives to life personal. Willed power, free will, fulfills the purpose of man's Maker. What from this must be the following thought? Will free must, though it be free, fulfill God's pur- pose for life immortal. The life which man has, life of free will, fulfills the purpose of Him who made him free in will. That which the Higher Will purposes life free in will fulfills then. But man wills that which he chooses. Would that mean that he wills always as his Maker purposes? No, free life wills always for itself. Yet it is by Higher Purpose bound. Will free man uses in the work of his life, and free will he uses to find his worth. But life is taught by God finally the wise use of free will that He purposes. Man who wills using his own free will finally wills Will Free of Life Personal 81 as God purposes. Life is many men. What man wills as God purposes? The man who last incar- nates immortal life ; his free will is help. Man who lives the earth life is immortal life purposed higher life. His free will wins for life immortal, for he is that immortal life, the worth that by the purpose of God life must win in man. God's purpose for life free in will that free will fulfills. Finally life in man wills worth, finally life wins through wise use of its own free will the higher life which God Omnipotent purposes. The Higher Purpose who wills for that which He made is the purpose of Omnipotent God. His pur- pose for the life made that life fulfills. Made life which is purposed free will, made life which is pur- posed wider life than that of man, wins that which brings wider life by its own free will. But for that made life the Higher Purpose wills that it be life personal to which He wills worth won by its own free will. Will free wins that purposed wider life ; will free wins the worth of life whether it be man or wider, fuller life; will free fulfills. to eternity the Purpose who made life personal self. The will free of man must win the worth which by God's purpose frees life from earth. Man wills that which God wills finally, then. His wise use of free will man learns through the work made by God teaching for life. Willed freedom, life finds it by 82 Will Higher of God the free will God makes life's power. That life win freedom by its free choice Will Higher purposes, and life made, though for the time it may will weakly, finally fulfills His will. Free will, not bound, wins that which life's Maker wills. Man, though man, is more than man. His free will, though his, is life's power. And there, in worth pur- posed for immortal life; in teaching by the earth work and life of man, that teaches finally because God thus wills ; and in reincarnation until life pur- posed wise use of free will learns that wise use; is reconciliation of the free personal will of man and the purpose of Will Higher. Man finds finally the the worth God purposes that life willed freedom from earth shall find on earth. B} r free will man wins that worth. By free will man fulfills God's purpose. Will Higher, whose purpose that which He made must fulfill, wills for life while it is. Life willed worth finds worth; life willed worth by tree will won finds worth through free will ; man by the free will God makes his power fulfills God's purpose for him; willed work, life wins freedom by will taught through the willed work; willed freedom, life finds that freedom as Will Higher purposes. Will Higher wills and life fulfills by His way His pur- pose. Will Higher was infinite life when His Uni- Will Free of Life Personal 83 verse was not. He made the life which is man. His will follows that life while it is. Wide life will be in freedom from earth, but the man finds the worth for that wider life. Free in will, man finds his worth himself. The freedom which life finds is by the Maker of that life willed. The wider life which for life personal God wills brings to life wider worth. His way life follows while it is. Personal life man was made; personal life finds wider life; personal life wins personal worth for wider life while it is. Worth of life man finds by the purpose of life's Maker, but it is free personal life that wills in man. The purpose of Will Higher follows life while it works man's work, teaching that life wise use of its free will. The purpose of Will Higher follows that life while it works the wider work of life freed. While life is the purpose of Will Higher follows it. Man wins purposed worth for purposed wider life, using free will made his by Him who wills for life forever. Will free man uses in the work which He who made life man makes the work of that life for earth. Man who wills of free will works work purposed, then. When that will is well used, life wins worth for wider work of freed life. When that will is ill used life wins further work of man. Then free will which life may use well or ill becomes the will which helps if well used, or the will which harms if ill used. 84 Will Higher of God But Will Higher purposes that free will be well used finally. Then wise use of free will God pur- poses, and unwise use is the free choice of the life which He made personal self. But will of personal life must finally be wisely used, for thus Will Higher purposes. Finally the life which is free in will learns wise use of free will, and will free becomes the help which it is purposed to be. Then the personal life which wills that which it chooses, worth or unworthiness, finally wills worth, and will free fulfills the purpose of God. The worth which Higher Will purposes that life shall win on earth man must win himself. Though his free purpose makes his life worthy, he is life for which God purposes. Man free in will, free in pur- pose, finally wins by his free will and purpose the freedom which Higher Will purposes for his life immortal. The free power of life personal wins for that life its worth. In man that power wins worth for life higher ; when life is freed that power wins its worth ; while life is that free power wins its worth. Help that power is by life's Maker purposed to be. Help it is, though free by God's purpose, while life is. Will Higher, whose purpose life willed being by Him fulfills, is the Will Supreme. The life which He willed into being must obey His will. The life Will Free of Life Personal 85 willed man is. His will, made his power by the Will Higher, is free. What follows this truth? The life willed, being willed free will, by free will fulfills the purpose of Higher Will. The will which man uses for his worth is will made his by the Will Higher. That free will fulfills the purpose of Him who wills man to be personal life. WILL FREE FULFILLS THE PURPOSE OF WILL HIGHER Dr. Coulter. Will Higher makes life's will free, but purposes for life while it is. Life wills then forced to worth ? No, life's will is free, and will free finally well used fulfills the purpose for which it is made life's power. The will free is will of life personal, and is neces- sarily free if life is personal self. The will bound would be will of life not free personal self. Man wills as he wishes, permitted thus to will, and life fulfills the purpose of Will Higher by the will that Will Higher gives for the purpose that life will worth itself. Man wills as life bound by Will Higher, and life purposed worth finds it willing for it of its own free will. Will free must win the worth life's Maker purposes, the worth which frees 86 Will Higher of God life personal from earth. Will is taught by the work God wills to be teaching, and will free wisely used frees life that is purposed freedom. Then man, being personal self, wills for himself the worth which life by the purpose of Will Higher must find. Will free, made life's power by God's purpose, ful- fills that purpose. Will Higher rules the Universe. Then Will Higher rules life which is part of the Universe. Man who wills wills because Will Higher made him with will. Man wills with the will made his as life. Will free is made man's power by the Will who wills for all. Man wills that which Will Higher purposes using the will made his by Will Higher. Man wills that which Will Higher purposes that life must will, using the free will of life made per- sonal. For the worth purposed man wills, using the free will given for wise purpose of life's Maker. That which man wills life wills. For wise pur- pose will is free. Life willed personal worth man is. But life made, though it be free in will, ful- fills finally the will of God. Will is free, but Will Higher purposes for the life which has will free. Man wills by willed free will. By that power He wins his worth. Purpose of Will Higher must be fulfilled by the will free. By will free life in man, life while it is, fulfills the purpose of the Wilier of life and will. The Purpose of Will Higher 87 All thought which must he for philosophy foun- dation thought. Life is made, will is willed power, self uses willed power, free will, hy the Will who made life free personal self; will free, then, fulfills the purpose of Him who made it life's power. That which fulfills the purpose of Will Higher is free will. Will Higher rules life that He made while it is. Life wins worth hy the will of Will Higher. Life wins freedom from earth hy the Will who made life worthy wider, fuller life than that of man. Will Higher wills, all that which He made fulfills His will. Man who wills with willed power, free will, wills finally that which the Wilier of his life and will purposes. His will, being the power of life made personal, is necessarily free. Yet by that will His Maker wills that he, as life, find the worth that Maker wills life shall find, worth which frees that life from earth. Man wills as he chooses; yet life is bound by the purpose of its Maker. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills while life is man for that life. Will with which man wills, made free for his worth or unworthiness, he uses finally for worth, taught by the way Will Higher wills that life be taught on earth. Will free for man, for life immortal free, ful- fills the purpose of Him who wills it to be free. Willed will, though free, fulfills the purpose of 88 Will Higher of God Will Higher. Will free of life personal, will of life immortal made personal, wins for that life its worth for the higher, fuller life purposed by Will Higher. When self wills as He wills who made it life, when self finds the worth He purposes for life which He made, the life finds that higher, fuller life. Won by man's free will must be the worth that brings freedom from earth and higher, fuller life. Will Higher, whose purpose life must fulfill, made life free in will, but life was made for higher life than that of man. Then by will free life must reach the worth for higher life. The must which He wills who made life free in will is that by free will life fulfill His purpose. The worth purposed for life free in will must by free will be attained. Man wills that life be worthy, using free will given. Then will free given to man fulfills the purpose for which it is given. Will free made man's power wins for life purposed higher life the worth which brings that higher life. Will free fulfills the pur- pose of Will Higher. Will Higher was before His Universe was made. He, life infinite, wills for all that He made. Man, the life finite, fulfills by will free His purpose for life on earth. Will Higher, man's Maker, life's Wilier, must found the philosophy of men. The Purpose of Will Higher 89 Wilberforce. The will free which life's Maker wills must win for life its worth, He makes the power of life per- sonal. Man, being self, wills that which he chooses. Worth found by man must by his free will be found, for God made him personal self. Then by will free of life personal, will willed to be free, life immortal finds its first worth. Man is life immortal. Will free wins for that life the worth which by the purpose of life's Maker life immortal must find. The will free willed to life personal fulfills the will of life's Maker. Will Higher, man's Maker, life's wilier, purposes for life while it is. Man has from Him the will free which he uses. Made life free in will, he is made life nevertheless. Willed free will, his will is given will nevertheless. Then by the will free given man, the life willed, must fulfill' the purpose of Will Higher. Man who lives the earth life will- ing both worth and unworthiness wills both of free will. Yet life willed higher life by its Maker must find that higher life. Will free life personal uses, willed that will by Him who made life personal self. That life will finally well He who gives free will purposes ; yet worth forced life personal would not find. Man who lives weakly, using free will unworthily, makes life weak, unworthy the pur- posed higher life. But finally life learns as Will 90 Will Higher of God Higher purposes the wise use of free will, and life of man, the self which lives earth life by the wise purpose of God, wins through free will its free- dom. Wise purpose of man's Maker makes life free personal self. His purpose life fulfills by wise use of free will. The will of Him who makes life free personal self that life must by free will fulfill. Bound by Will Higher is life, though will be free. Man using his own free will fulfills God's purpose for his life. Will who wills for life made wills that life's will be free will. Willed free will life uses then that, being life of personal self, it will for itself the worth which He purposes. INI an wills that life win freedom by the will free willed to personal life. Willed freedom, willed free will, life must by free will find the worth for freedom. Will Higher wills that will free be the means through which life, free to choose, makes itself worthy the freedom He purposes. Worth willed life must win of free will. Thus man's personal free will fulfills God's will. Will Higher, whose purpose that which He made fulfills, is the Will who made the Universe. His purpose life made by him fulfills through the means He gives. Will Higher wills, and life must fulfill His purpose. The wise purpose of man's Maker must for philosophy be thought. Life Personal 91 6. LIFE PERSONAL Dr. Coulter. The thought which makes life the part, while but a part as man, of Infinity, will not satisfy. Life is ego while it is man, ego while it is freed life, ego to eternity. Not from eternity life, but to eternity life personal; made life, willed the powers which help life forever; made life with mind, will, pur- pose that the life of self will keep forever; willed those powers as personal self; willed those powers as life personal forever. Then memory becomes personal power, and life beyond earth knows itself to be the same self that it was in man. Would that mean absorption in the Infinite? Would life made finite be infinite in wider life? Would that which is once finite become wider than finite? We who know ourselves here would tell this — life will forever know itself. When man wills he knows that he is self. Life wills for itself while it is. Man who wills is life that wills, then, and what life becomes in the beyond life finds when freed from worlds. Power of Infinity made life; will of Infinity made life. Man is finite; his life will forever be finite; once finite forever finite of 92 Will Higher of God necessity. Man learns wisdom as self; life wider finds wider wisdom as self. Growing while the man holds it, life personal wins life wider beyond worlds; then still wider life it wins to immortality. Willed those powers of personal life which life uses forever, life wins through their wise use the worth which its Maker purposes life shall find, worth for His presence while life lasts. PURPOSE OF FREE PERSONAL LIFE Dr. Coulter. Purpose of Him who willed life into being fol- lows life while it is. Self man is, purposed wider, fuller life. Life's free purpose wins the worth for that fuller life. Firm will that life wins through life of man it takes to the wider work of life freed from man. Worth which life wins by the help of firm will life takes to the fuller life. Life which is worthy in man holds that worth in fuller life. The firm purpose won by man frees life for which freedom is purposed by God. Will that man has, being willed power, finds for the life willed personal being the personal worth. Life wills as it wishes, made personal self whose will is necessarily free. Man wills for worth or Purpose of Free Personal Life 93 wickedness. That which man wills life wills then. Will for life worthy life finds using personal free purpose. That which man purposes life purposes then, and life free in purpose fulfills the purpose of Him who made life free because to that life is willed worth purposed by itself. Will that life uses well, purposing worth, is the will that frees life from man. That which man finds of his free will is purposed by his Maker then, but that which the Maker of life purposes that life shall find is worth. Worth frees life for which freedom is pur- posed; weakness, wickedness, unworthiness are but perverted misuse of free purpose. Man then, whose free purpose frees life, fulfills the purpose of his Maker. Weak life fulfills not that purpose ; weak life purposes that which Will Higher per- mits to the man willed to be free personal self; but finally that free life which is by God purposed freedom finds the worth for freedom using the purpose which God makes free. We, the lives freed, who work to help the thought of men, tell that life for worlds purposed is life for which higher life is purposed. Man then wills as life purposed worth for that higher life. Man wins for life the purposed higher life, willing his life of man worthy. The higher life that finds higher worth uses the purpose made by life of man firm. When that firm purpose man has found, life 94 Will Higher of God wins the higher life. The purpose which man has was willed to be his help while the life wills for life wider. That power willed for life of man is power of life immortal. We, the lives who have won the life freed from earth, will for life far wider. Self that has life immortal has the powers that help life immortal. Mind, will, purpose, memory, those powers that Will Higher makes life's powers, man uses for his life of earth. The purpose of life then helps man, for that power is by God given to life that it be help. Self wins the wider life purposing well for man's life; when life purposes weakly or wickedly self finds further life of man. That power, free as will is free, makes man worthy wider life of freedom ; but when man purposes but for earth, his life works still on earth. Think, man of weak pur- pose. Will for life worthy man finds through purpose firm to win the wider life. Will firm that life learns through work becomes firm for life worthy if man purposes for the higher life. Then his pur- pose helps his will; then his firm will becomes the help God purposes it shall be. When man finds the firm purpose for the life higher, when his choice is that life find worth, that purpose firm wins the freedom which by God's purpose life must. Heed the word, man of weak purpose. Purpose of Free Personal Life 95 Will Higher wills for the life of man that will free win the freedom which He purposes that life shall find. That life who purposes using free choice is life that wills finally as its Maker pur- poses. When man wills life wills. The purpose which man makes firm life takes to higher life, but that firm purpose Will Higher purposes that life shall find in man. Free to will that which it chooses, life made nevertheless wills finally that which Higher Will purposes. That purpose which frees life from man man himself finds finally. Is the man who lives now forced to purpose as life's Maker purposes ? No. Self personal life is made. The free purpose of personal self finally is taught wisdom by the life of man, and that which life's Maker purposes for life of self the free purpose of the self fulfills. Well life purposes that wins free- dom. Life personal, made free, fulfills the higher purpose for that life using the purpose made its free power. Will which man has is the power of life personal. That which man wills then life wills, for man is the personal life. But man lives the world life as life that wins finally wider life by wise use of the per- sonal power, free will. Will free of life personal frees life then. That power which life uses in man frees the life from man. Well must life will then to win freedom, for worth brings freedom. Man is 96 Will Higher of God life purposed worth, but that worth life finds through free will its own. Purpose man has, the purpose which helps free will. That power willed for life personal to be help helps life when firmly and wisely used to win the worth that frees. Then, man who wills and purposes to-day, why wait to find firm purpose? Wilberforce. The purpose free of life personal wins for that life its worth, for thus the will of life's Maker pur- poses. For life which purposes as it chooses God purposes then. What worth wins freedom? Worth purposed firmly. For that purpose work now, man of earth. The will of Him who purposes for life forever wills that life for earth be man. His purpose wills that life be personal life whose purpose necessarily is free. Life wills, purposes, works that which it chooses, being personal life; yet man who wills is life for which God purposes worth. Using the purpose God gives man lives the world life which life immortal is willed. That life immortal, though free, is purposed wider, fuller life. While man purposes then, his Maker purposes for his life; while life purposes as it chooses, life which is pur- posed worth must find worth. Thus the purpose willed to man, which purpose God makes free, must Purpose of Free Personal Life 97 fulfill God's purpose for the life which He made personal self. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills that life per- sonal win the wider life that was from the creation purposed. What worth wins for life that wider, fuller life? The worth which man finds. That life which wins freedom is man for earth life. That worth which life finds by God's purpose is by its own purpose found. That purpose is free. Man wins his purposed wider life by purpose his own. Think well, man who purposes to-day for life. Miltiades. Man who purposes that life find worth finds that worth for his life immortal. Why then purpose weakly for life worthy, O man? Your free power, life's purpose, wins for your life of self the freedom which life must find. Think well, then, man of free purpose. The purpose which life finds in man frees life from man. What purpose frees life? Purpose for worthy life, purpose for work well finished, pur- pose that life's powers be worthy the wider life's work. When man finds this purpose life wins free- dom. Ill PURPOSE OF WILL HIGHER PURPOSE OF WELL HIGHER Dr. Coulter. THE purpose of Omnipotent Will, the purpose of Him who made life man, fol- lows that life while it is man. For that life He wills the life of earth, the work of earth. Man works the work which He who made him life purposes then. Will Higher made the life of man immortal life. He wills for that life work; for the life of man earth work, for the life wider after life of earth the work of wider life. The purpose of Him who wills for life of man fol- lows life while it is. Life immortal works its first work in man on earth. That work is by will of life's Maker the preparation for the wider work of life beyond earth. When that work of man is fin- ished He who wills for life judges that life. When life wins through work well finished the worth that work well finished brings, when that life wins firm will, firm purpose, when that life finds will free the help which Higher Will purposes it shall be, He translates life to wider, fuller life, and wider work. When that life wins by free will the worth which He who purposes for life wills that man must find, 101 102 Will Higher of God He wills for that life wider life in freedom from man. When the Universe was not the life who. Omnip- otent, willed it to be was Life Infinite. He willed into being life finite. That Will Omnipotent wills for the whole that He made. His purpose follows the life finite which He made while He wills it to be. Man is that life for which Omnipotent Will pur- poses. For that life He purposes wider, fuller life; for that life He purposes worth; for that life His purpose is that it find worth for itself ; for that life He purposes that it find worth by free will. That life He made life immortal, and for that life immortal He purposes forever. Man wills for life wider by the purpose of Him who made him life immortal. Man wills his worth of will free by His purpose. All that He made fulfills His purpose. Purpose of life's Maker wills that life be man till it win of its free will the life wider. Man is per- sonal self, willed free will, given the purpose which, well used, wins worth. Then that life which for earth is man wins the life wider by purpose of Him who made it personal life. But the will which per- sonal life uses must be well used if man the life win wider life. Purpose of the Wilier of life and will follows life while it is. Man, life immortal willed wider life, purposed to find will given the help Purpose of Will Higher 103 which brings worth, wins the life wider using the will of life personal. That which life must find it finds by free will. The purpose of Him who wills for life forever follows life while it is man, follows life while it is. He wills for life worth far exceed- ing man's worth, and by free will that life wins its worth in man and while it is. The purpose of God that which He made fulfills. The purpose of Him who wills for all makes man immortal life. Man, the worker on earth, is life that wins freedom from earth. Man who wills for life of man is life that wins wider life than that of man. Will free the Wilier of Life makes man's power, and by will free man finds the worth which brings to immortal life its wider life. Man wills worth or unworthiness by free will. Man then finds will free help or harm as he chooses. But man wills for life worthy finally because the life which is then man has learned wise use of free will. The pur- posed worth life finds willing by free will, yet life is willed worth. But what man fulfills God's pur- pose? The man who last incarnates life immortal. That life for which worth for wider life is purposed wins the wider life finally, taught by the purposed work and life of man. The purpose of life's Wilier man finally fulfills, for life in man finally finds free will the help it is purposed to be. Wise free will, 104. Will Higher of God taught wisdom by the life of man, fulfills the pur- pose of life's Maker for life on earth. Man wills his worth of life himself, but his worth is by Higher Will purposed. Man wins wider life by wise use of will free, but the wise use is by Will Higher pur- posed. Will free fulfills for life the purpose of life's Maker. The Higher Purpose for the life willed makes that life personal self whose purpose is free. But that purpose, though man uses it freely, fulfills the higher purpose. The free purpose of life personal wins the worth which life must find. The purpose willed to life fulfills the higher purpose for life. Man wills his worth through his own purpose, but that purpose is by Will Higher given him. Man wills that worth through which life wins wider life. Willed power of life fulfills higher purpose for life. Will Higher, will of the Wilier of Life, pur- poses for that life while it is. Man willed his life by the Higher Will is purposed wider life than that of worlds. Worlds fitted for life of man God willed to be working place for the life which He made immortal. The life, willed to be man is life purposed higher life than that of worlds. The life which Will Higher places in man is life far wider to become than man's life can be. Help the life of worlds is by Will Higher purposed to be for the immortal life. Purpose of Will Higher 105 Wilberforce. The purpose of Him who wills for all governs life which He made. Man" who works then has by His purpose that work. Will Higher He is, Will whose purpose life made by Him fulfills. The work which He wills to be man's work prepares life for its work of life wider. Life willed man's work is willed wider work after the man's work is fin- ished. Will Higher of Omnipotent God rules life while it is. Man works because He wills for him work. That work prepares life for the wider life of work which God purposes for life immortal. When man wins the worth of life which He who made him purposes that life on earth shall find, He translates that life to wider life. The wider life wins fuller worth by His purpose. Self of man finds that wider life. Man is made life of personal self whose will is free. Then that free will must fulfill the purpose of man's Maker. Willed pur- pose firm, willed life worthy, that life of personal self wins both firm purpose and worth of life by wise use of free will. The purpose of Him who made man life personal, who made him free in will, is by that free will of personal life fulfilled. Purpose of Him who wills for the life which He made follows that life while it is. Man is the life to which He wills worth for wider life; will that man has is free; but for that life while it wills the 106 Will Higher of God purpose of Him who made it free in will must by that free will be fulfilled. Man is personal life whose will, necessarily free, must finally be used for worth; and that which He wills who purposes for life while it is man that personal life fulfills by wise use of its own free will. Man who wills as personal life finds by personal free will the life worthy which is by purpose of God willed. Purpose for life im- mortal of Him who made it personal self is by the will of personal self fulfilled. The life which wills is life willed worth; the life which works is life for which work is purposed to be teaching. Man is life for which wider work and wider life is purposed. Then man wins that life wider, purposed to win it, and his work which Will Higher gives for teaching will finally teach. Then why may life work ill? Why may life find work little help? The life of personal self wills as it chooses; for worth or unworthiness it uses free will; but the purpose of God is that life find free will a help finally. Then free will with which life works may be worthily or unworthily used, but finally must be worthily used, for the purpose of Life's Wilier that which He made must fulfill. Wisdom life finally learns; that which God pur- poses life finally wills of its free will; and the pur- pose for which life is man on earth life fulfills using the power which God makes free. Will for life Purpose of Will Higher 107 worthy life finally finds. Thus the purpose of man accords finally with the purpose for life im- mortal of Will Higher. Miltiades. Man wins his worth himself, for he is made life of personal self; but his worth is purposed. That purposed worth life must find, yet the life is free in will. What follows this truth? This — Man who is life personal, who is life for which worth is by God purposed, must find the life worthy using free will. The purpose of Him who makes life free in will must be by free will fulfilled. Then free will, though free, must, and life which wills for itself its worth finds it by God's purpose. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life while it is. Man who wills by free will fulfills finally the purpose of Him who made him life personal. What thought there for help ! By God's purpose life wins wider life. By His purpose will for life worthy is finally found. Man who uses life's free will finally wins by that free will the worth which brings freedom and fuller life. For life that wills using free will God purposes, and the free will ful- fills His purpose. The higher purpose of Him who wills for all fol- lows that which He made while He wills it to be. Man, the life willed by Him, wills by free will be- 108 Will Higher of God cause He wills him to be personal self. Man who works life's earth work finishes that work finally be- cause God wills for his life wider work and fuller life. All that which God made fulfills His pur- pose. IV THE POWERS OF LIFE THE POWERS OF LIFE Dr. Coulter. WILL, mind, purpose, memory, the powers with which man lives his earth life, will be the powers of the same life while it is. Man is per- sonal self, and his powers are his own, yet they be- long to his life immortal while that life is. Man works using those powers, and by their wise use he wins wider work of man. But life has yet wider work to do than that of man. Man who wills, pur- poses, thinks, remembers, is using the powers which his life immortal will forever use. But the man is life immortal which wins its first worth on earth. Those powers must be made help while the life is man, for the Will Higher wills that by their wise use life wins the wider life. Man wills that which Will Higher purposes finally, for life learns in man wisdom. But the life now man may not use those powers wisely. Then that life wins but further work of man. Well has life willed, well has it pur- posed, well has it used mind when it wins the free- dom which God purposes for life immortal. Man wins the worth of life by which life is made ready 111 112 Will Higher of God for life wider using well those powers ; life in wider life wins its wider worth using the powers that won it freedom. The powers of life immortal man has; man must wisely use those mighty powers if he would win freedom. Wilberforce. The powers with which man works, those mighty powers whose worth man but partly finds, are the powers of his life immortal. With those powers life works while it is. Man uses those powers for the work by which life is taught wisdom. They win for life immortal the wider life of freedom. Man first uses them, knowing that they help him, but unknowing that they belong to his life itself. When man wisely uses them his life wins freedom from work of man. Then think, man who uses mind, will, purpose. The life which would win freedom must wisely use them all. V WORDS FOR HELP WORDS FOR HELP Dr. Coulter. WE who make this book would help men to wise thought for life itself. Work which man does he does that life immortal free itself from weak will. His purpose who made life wills that man's work be teaching for life itself. What purpose may man find by the teaching which God wills for life? Purpose that makes life worthy freedom from man. Will which man uses life has for its use after it leaves man. God gives that will to man that it be help to him in his man's life, and wider life finds help when man uses his will with purpose that life work well and be worthy. His power man has by God's purpose. Life purposed wider life man is, and his wise use of that power of life man learns through the teaching his Maker purposes. Man wills then on earth that life immortal find worth for freedom and higher, fuller, more glorious life. Man, world-dweller, is life purposed life wider and work higher than it finds on earth. His work 115 116 Will Higher of God purposed for teaching helps life to firm will needed for its wider work. Man lives the earth life think- ing his work but helps for that life ; Will Higher made that work help for life forever, for by that work life finds the firm will purposed to be help for life forever. Man wills as life his work then, pur- posed by it to win firm will. Yet work teaches man little, perhaps. How then will life find freedom? It cannot find freedom until the firm will needed for wider life is won. God wills that life be man. He wills that life find in man firm will. All lives finally find freedom. But until life finds firm will it must work man's work and be man. Think, you who will your work weakly done: you will each day for life. Man who lives the life of earth wills for his man's work and life using the powers he has as life pur- posed immortality. His will, his purpose, his mind he has as the powers which help life that must work both man's work and wider work. As life that must find freedom by the wise use of those powers he lives the earth life. Will firm he must find, for by will firm life frees itself from earth. Purpose firm he must find, for life willed freedom purposes for itself the worth that frees. Mind he must use well, for life will need its help when freed. The powers which man uses he uses for life purposed freedom. Then mind, will, purpose he must finally Words for Help 117 use well, for the life of self must be freed. God wills for man those mighty powers which help life forever. Will Higher purposes for life to which He gives those powers freedom won by wise use of them all. Will Higher purposes for life willed man's work and wider work that by man's work it prepare for the wider work beyond earth. Through wise use of man's powers he wins freedom for life itself. Pur- posed worth in man, life finds that worth through man's use of mind, will and purpose. Those powers man uses as life willed work wider to come, and the purpose which frees life life finds in man by the way God wills, man's work done well and man's life lived well. Will free man has, and by that free will he works his man's work and makes his life worthy. God purposes that man find, through the way He purposes, the firm will, the firm purpose, the well used mind that life needs when freed. Man wills for life purposed freedom. By will given man wills, and the purpose which makes life worthy, God's firm unwavering purpose, man ful- fills by wise use of free will. That man wills as life purposed wider life is thought which helps the man who works man's work. Believing that to be truth the man will use his free will well, and free will becomes the help that Will Higher purposes. 118 Will Higher of God Life wills as man wills, well or ill. Man who has free will, remember that. Work for life, will for life, purpose for life. Wider life comes after the man's life finished when man has learned the lesson which Will Higher purposes life shall learn, that will to be help must be firm in work and firm for worth. Life wills as you will, O man. Think. Will Higher, man's Maker, purposes while life is man for that life. That word men need, for they forget God too often. Man works the earth work thinking he works for his man's life only; man wills that his man's work be well done thinking he wills for himself as man only. He works immortal life's work; he wills as immortal life. As man wills life wills, and the thought that man works and wills for earth only harms him. We tell that life immortal works man's work, and we know that we tell truth. Man who wills man's work well finished wins the firm will that life needs when freed. Man who purposes while he works that his life be worthy wins that worth for life immortal. Man who uses mind well makes that mind ready for life's wider thought. We help those who will heed our words. Man who works now, think. Will Higher, life's Wilier, man's Creator, wills that while life is man it pre- pare for the wider life He purposes for life im- mortal. We who know Him, we who have won that wider life, would tell to men His word, His Words for Help 119 truth. Man who wills, think why He wills you free will; think why He made you life personal; why you have those mighty powers, mind, will, and pur- pose; why life uses them in you; why you will for the wider life now ; why will is free ; why man must find free will firm. The willed life you are; the life's powers He who made you man wills you the man to use; the will free of life personal He wills you. You then, win the worth that He purposes life shall find willing by your free will. You make life purposed wider life ready for wider life. Will that thought be help? We pray it may. Will Higher, the will of the Maker of Life, wills for life made while it is. The will which life uses is willed power ; the purpose which life uses is willed power. Man, the life of earth, uses for his work and for his worth the will free willed to him as life. Will free of life purposed worth wins that purposed worth. Will of man, willed will, wins purposed worth of man who is life willed worth for wider, fuller, better life. Will free wins for life the worth it wins to eternity. God's purpose that life find worth for His presence life fulfills by the free will which God gives. Man who wills, your will it is which must win that worth. Think well. With life personal man's Maker wills that he work on earth. Life personal wills of will free. Work of man, purposed to teach life personal the 120 Will Higher of God wise use of free will, helps that life while it is. Life personal wills for wider life using free will, and for worth life wills while it is of free will. The will free fulfills the purpose of Him who makes it free. Man, the life personal, wins that which life must, worth for freedom, by wise use of his will free. Man, purposed life wider, finds worth that brings life wider using will free. Will for life worthy is will free wisely used. Man who wills to- day, find this thought your help. Man wills, choosing as he wishes, but the pur- pose of Higher Will follows life that is for earth man while that life wills on earth and forever. Man, though free in will, is life which fulfills the purpose of Higher Will. Will free which man uses is by Higher Will given, and the purpose of the Will who makes life personal self is by the willed free will fulfilled. Worth won by life in man that life takes to wider work and fuller life. Will Higher purposes for life while it works man's work that through that work it find firm will. That which Higher Will purposes the life fulfills by firm will won in man. Will Higher made man life, wills for that life free will, wills that free will fulfill His purpose. Man wills his worth himself, but man is life which must find worth for wider life than that of man. Will free wins man's worth of life, but will free Words for Help 121 must win that worth, for life is made personal self. Will firm wins freedom, but life must find will firm in man. God's purpose life must fulfill of free will, and life which wills of free will wins life wider, by the purpose of its Maker, through wise use of free will which life finds through the teaching which God wills for man. The higher purpose of Him who wills for life made by Him is by that life fulfilled through the means He provides. The man of free will wins higher life using that free will. The life made im- mortal life, personal self while it is, fulfills by the powers of personal life the purpose of its Maker. Man wins purposed worth for higher life purposed by the will made his by Higher Purpose. Life wins to eternity its worth through the personal free will that man uses for its first worth. The higher purpose of life's Maker the life which for worlds is man, the life freed, fulfills through the means that He provides. We, with the man who writes the words we tell, have worked with purpose to help those who will think. We tell that man wins the worth that by God's purpose brings wider, fuller, more glorious life; that life must win that worth by free will, for that which by God's purpose life must find on earth it must find using its own free will. Man wills as life for which God wills wider life; man 122 Will Higher of God wills that which life's Maker purposes using his will free ; man wills by will his own, the free will of life personal, his worth, but that will God wills shall win for life its worth while life is. While man wills that which he chooses, man's Maker purposes for his life immortal. The worth by which man wins freedom he must will himself. What thought for men here! We help those who will heed our words. Wilberforce. Wise purpose of Will Higher made life man; wise purpose of life's Maker made life free in will, free in purpose ; wise purpose of life's Wilier places life on earth, there to find the firm will which He wills that life find in man. Will Higher, man's Maker, wills that man win finally the worth that permits freedom. Finally life in a man wills well ; finally man wills for worth using free will. God purposes that life win in man that which freed life finds help, firm will, firm pur- pose. Man who wills must learn the lesson which Will Higher purposes that life shall finally learn in man. Man himself finds for life the firm will and purpose which freed life uses. Each man may find them now. Will that must be firm finally you have, purpose that must be firm. Why not make them firm now, O man? Each life wins its own firm will and purpose. Words for Help 123 Will firm that helps life man finds when he has learned the lesson God purposes. Weak life has its lesson yet to learn. Weak life wins not free- dom. Remember this, man of weak will. Will firm life finds in man. Will firm found by man life will hold firm to eternity. Think, who will now on earth. You may find for life immortal the firm will it will hold while it is. Will Higher was before He made the Universe. Man is part of the Universe created. The Will who made all beside Himself wills for all which He made. None may forbid His will. Then why was man made free ? For purpose of God life was made free personal self. Will Higher wills for life made free. His will is the will of the Master of Life. Life made by Him fulfills His will as He purposes. What must has life to fulfill then? That by will which God made free it free itself from weakness. For wise purpose of fife's Maker man was made life personal. What follows weak, unworthy will? Punishment of weakness further, punishment of freedom postponed. Will for worth God purposes, and by free will life must win worth. When man chooses unworthy life he himself holds life to earth. What would you will then, you who are free ; worth that brings freedom, or unworthiness that makes you man for further life on earth ? You choose, for Will who made you life 124, Will Higher of God wills that life win freedom by its own free will. Man who wills for life, think. Will firm man finds for life; purpose firm man finds for life. For will firm man needs His help who knows man's weakness. Help He will give that man who wishes His help. Man wills well helped by Him. Prayer followed by honest work brings the help life needs. Will firm helps life; will weak holds life to man. Work then man's work praying for firm will, yet honestly working, too. That wins God's help. Then life finds the firm will which brings freedom. Think, who live man's life now. Will Higher wills for man. Each man wins by his free will the worth he wishes, but for the life which is man Will Higher purposes. Not for life made to forbid His will. Finally life in man wins the worth which He purposes it shall. Though life wills of free will, life must obey finally God's will. Weak life remains held to earth while it fulfills not God's will. Think, man of free will; think well. Will that man has, being life's will, man uses in life's work of earth. That work finished, life works the wider work of freed life. Man is the life which must find worth. By free will man finds the purposed worth which frees life from earth. In man life works willing for wider life, and wider life is won by the will which Will Higher makes power Words for Help 125 of free personal life. Will free of life personal wins the worth that life must find. Will Higher thus wills, and life fulfills His will. Miltiades. Man, who is life wider to he, wills as man for that wider life. His free will God made the means by which life must win freedom. God's purpose man finally fulfills using the free will well, and finally life wins, as God purposes, that worth through which it becomes ready for wider life. The man who wills to-day is life willed wider life. The will man uses to-day must free that life from earth. Think, you to whom God wills the means by which life must win freedom. Think well. Will Higher, life's Maker, wills for life purpose as help to free will. The firm purpose which life must win on earth, man finds. Life purposed free- dom and wider life must purpose firmly. Free to will worth or unworthiness, made life immortal, life personal, man must find firm purpose while using free will. Will weak wins but weak purpose ; weak purpose frees not immortal life. Man who wills for life immortal, think. Will Higher wills for life of man that work be its portion while in man and when freed from man. Will Higher wills that life work man's work and be man while it lives on earth. Man wills that life win 126 Will Higher of God freedom; man finds the firm will which helps life when freed; man uses that firm will while winning for his life the worth that permits freedom; man finds the purpose firm that helps freed life. Think, you who are men. You find for life freed the firm will, the firm purpose which that life needs. Why wait for firm will then, why wait for purpose firm? You must find them before God permits freedom. Remember this, O men. Will Higher wills that life be man while it wins firm will. Will firm man finds then by God's pur- pose. Man who works, remember that firm will, firm for both work and worth of life, wins freedom. Will firm that life uses in the life wider it finds in man. Will for worth man finds through prayer to his Maker. God wills for the life He made His help when the life prays honestly. Man who wills weakly, think. Why let life weakly work; why let life weakly purpose? Pray honestly; work after prayer firmly; will after prayer firmly; then your prayer is honest. Why let life waver, O man? Ask with honest purpose your Maker's help. Will Higher, Will who governs life immortal for- ever, wills that man work life's work of earth. Man works life's work using for that work life's free will. The man who works now may will weakly; the life finally wins the firm will which Words for Help 127 AVill Higher purposes. Will Higher frees life when will free of man has won the worth He pur- poses life shall find on earth. Will Higher, who wills for the life made by Him, wills that life be man; wills that life win freedom and wider life; wills for that life wider worth than man may attain. When that which Higher Will purposes the life willed free will fulfills by that free will, His purpose translates that life to freedom, wider work, fuller, better life. Won by man is worth for fuller life ; won by man is wider life than man knows. The life freed wills its worth using free will made firm by man. Will free man knows he has. Then by that free power man wins wider, fuller, happier life. VI FINAL WORD FINAL WORD Dr. Coulter. WE who have by work of man finished found the wider work of life freed, we who have won the worth of life by which life finds freedom, would by our word help men to find this life. The life freed wins wider life to eternity. We thank our Maker for the life and work of man that taught us to win this life. We pray thee, O God, to bless this our work for help. 131 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED tfttlflJiOM.PSYCUOlOaV This book is due on^me Wit a|t£ttamped below, or on the date to whiAwM*wed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 7 DAY USE DURING ■ SESSIONS , __.. __ ,„,<-, General Library L P^ 2 i7„ T 1 *},^ University of California (C4796sl0)476 Berkeley U.C BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD3Db75MDb