'tyflUAINfHVN I V <% ^/m\iN(V3\\v J\ I i P* <5 MElFju. 1 - (1-3VLV 4WM ^ u fOftj — n 8 V V ~" ri Lfr> <: . I'Rsy/. v/ja3 i -- . >i - •£. <$UIBRAI §1 ll~ WIL Vabhi: ■f]^ $cX~. ' s ROSTER <-JT COXl^EDERATE SOLDIERS LPT THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES iruriiSrisiiicD by Lincoln County, North Carolina 13G1-18(J5 '. ™ v ™ (*-" Published by order of W. J. HoKe Camp, Confed. Veterans. < < * v" ^w ^» Jourmal Print, lOOS. Lixcolnton, w. c. » • • • ■ « # ■ • To W. J. Hoke Camp, Confederate Veterans: By resolution of your annual meeting, 18th July, 1902, the undersigned were appointed a committee to prepare a Roster of all the soldiers furnished the Confederacy by Lincoln county. On account of the lapse of time, lost and imperfect rolls, and the long list of names, your committee 'found this no small undertaking, but spared no effort to complete the record, and preserve the name of every Lincoln County soldier who wore the gray in defense of the Lost Cause. Our first effort was the publication of the names on the State Roster, through the columns of The Lincoln Journal, to acquaint the public with the material in hand, and invite additions and corrections. For this courtesy your committee expresses its obligation to The Journal publishers. The duty imposed has been a labor of love, cheerfully performed, our only regret its imperfections, and that names we could not discover, and not reported to us, may be omitted from this Honor Roll. The completed roster was turned over by your committee to the Southern Stars Chapter, Daughters of the Confeder- acy for publication and distribution. This Chapter has done much for the comfort and pleasure of the survivors, and for the preservation of the history of the heroic strug- gle of '61 to '65, and to it your committee, the veterans of Lincoln County, and posterity are under lasting obligations for the appearance of the Roster in its present form. A. Nixon, I. R. Self, T. M. Foster, • S. V. Goodson. H. A. Gilleland. ► Committee. ROSTER LINCOLN COUNTY SOLDIERS IN CIVIL WAR. ABBREVIATIONS. c. ...captured, d died. cm. .. commissioned, dg. . . discharged. co county, dt detailed. Com. Company, k killed. e enlisted, m missing. p promoted. pr prisoner. r. resigned. tr transferred. w. wounded. Company K. Bethel Regiment. OFFICERS. Win. J. Hoke, Captain, cm. April 25th, '61; o. Colonel 38th Regiment cm. January 17th, '62; w. at Ellyson's Mill June 26th, and Gettysburg July 3rd, '63; retired for disabil- ity June 18th, '64 and dt. inspector General of N. C. Reserves. Wallace M. Reinhardt, 1st Lieut., cm. April 25th, '61. Robert F. Hoke, 2d Lieutenant, cm. April 25th, '6r; p. Major, Bethel Regiment, cm. September 1st. '61; p. Lieu- tenant-Colonel, 33d Regiment, cm. January 17th, '62; w. at Fredericksburg, December 13th, '62; p. Brigadier-Gen- eral, cm. June 17th, '63; brigade composed of 6th, 21st, 54th, 57th Regiments in Early's Division; w. at Chancel - lorsville, May 3rd, '63; p. Major-General, cm. April 20th, '64; division composed of Brigades of Kirkland, N. C, Clingman, X. C Hagood, S. C, Colquitt. Ga., Army of Northern Virginia, '64; Army of the Cape Fear, '65, and Army of Joseph E. Johnston in March, '63. E. E. Sumner, 2nd Lieutenant cm, April 25th, '61; 1st Lieut. Co. D, 1st Regiment, r. August, '62, for disability. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. W. R. Edwards, 1st Sergeant, e. April 25th, '61; p. c 4912 ! 302570 Captain and A. Q. M., 38th Regiment, cm. June 7th, '62. A. S. Haynes, 2nd Sergeant, e April 25th, '61; p. Cap- tain, Co. I, nth Regiment. E. W. Stubbs, 3d Sergeant, e. April 25th, '61. Lemuel J. Hoyle, 4th Sergeant, e April 25th, '61; cm. 2d Lieutenant, Co. I, nth Reg., cm. February 12th, '62. John F. Speck, 5th Sergeant, e. April 25th, '61; Captain Co G, 57th Regiment, cm. July 4th, '62. Thomas J. Cansler, 1st Corporal, e. April 25th, '6i; 1st Sergeant, Co. G, 57th Regiment. David A. Coon, 2d Corporal, e. April 25th, '61; 1st Lieutenant, Co. I, nth Regiment, cm. February 12th, '62. L. A. Dellinger, 3d Corporal, e. April 25th, '61; 2d Lieutenant, Co. H, 52nd Regiment, cm. March 25th, '62; p. 1st Lieutenant, cm. August 19th, '62; p Captain, cm. July 1st, '63. \V. A. Summerow, 4th corporal, e. April 25th, '61; 1st Lieutenant, Co. H, 52nd Regiment, cm. March 25th, '62. PRIVATES. * Abernethy, William, e. June 18th, '61; e Abernethy, James M. e. April 28th, '61 geon, cm. February 26th, "62. Adams, William C, e. April 25th, '61. Arents, George A., e. April 25th, '61. Alexander, J. L-, e. April 25th, '61. Brown, R. T., e. April 25th, '61. Bland, M. A., e. April 25th, '61. Bromhead, J. J., e. A >ril 5th, '6r. Ballard, James, e. April 25th, '61. BaUard, Thomas J., e. April 25th, '61. Boyd, Perry L., e. x^pril 25th, '61; Co. May 28th, '62. Berryhill, J. S., e. April 25th, '61. Cauble, Ephraim H., e. June 18th, '61 Conly, James C, e. April 25th, '61. Cody, Jesse, e. April 25th, '61. Co. I, nth. assistant sur- I. 9th Regiment, Cody, James, e. April 25th, "6i. Cauble, Peter Vardry, el April 25th, '61; Co. B, 23d Regiment, March 15th, '62. Dellinger, Peter, e. April 25th, '61. Dellinger, Jacob, e. April 25th, '61. Bellinger, J. Calvin, e. June 18th, '61; Corporal and Sergeant, Co. H, 52d Regiment. Dellinger, S. W.. e. April i8th, '61. Elmer, Charles E., e. April 25th, '61; 2d Sergeant Co. G, 57th Regiment, e. July 4th, '62; p. 2nd Lieutenant, June 2d. '63; pr. July 2nd, '63. Eamey, Lafayette, e. April 25th, '61. Erson, Eric, e. April 25th, '61; Captain Co. H, 52nd Regiment, cm. March 25th, '62; p. Major. July 1st, '63; p. Lieutenant-Colonel, cm. August 30th, '64; w in. '64. Gordon, Lewis, e. June 18th, '61. Grigg, Benjamin F., e. April 25th, '61; 1st Sergeant, Co. F, 56th Regiment, May 10th, 62; p. Captain Co. F., August 5th, '62. Galvin Maurice, e. April 25th, '61. Gatens, John, e. April 25th, 61; e. May 8th, '62, Co. G, 52nd Regiment; p. 1st Lieutenant November 1st, '63. Goodson, Henry M., e. April 25th, '61; e. Co. C, 9th Regiment, May 27th, '62. Garrison, Ephriam, e. April 25th, '61. Hoke, George M., e. April 2,sth, '6i; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 21st Regiment; r. Hargrove, R. W., e. April 25th, '6r. Henry, M. H., e. April 25th, '6i. Houser, A. J., e. April 25th, '61; e. March 7th, '62, Co. D, 1st Regiment; p. Sergeant; p. 2nd Lieutenant. Houser, A. Monroe, e. April 25th, '61. Houser, J. \V., e. April 25th, '61. Haynes, John F., e. April 25th, '6i; e. Co. I, nth Reg- iment, April 24th, '62. Hoke, J. E., e. April 25th, '61. P34912 4 Holbrook, Allen, e. April 25th, '6i; e. Co. C, 9th Regi- ment May 13th, '62. Hope, Thomas L-, e. April 25th '61; e. Co. B, 23rd Regiment, March 15th, '62. Haynes. John C, e. April 25th, '61. Hovis, Laban L., e. June 18th, '61; 3rd Corporal, Co. I, nth Regiment. Helderman, Rufus M., e. June 18th, '61; e. Co. H. '52. Johnson, Charles, e. June 18th, '61. Jetton, William H., e. April 25th, '61; e. 4th Sergeant Co. I, nth Regiment. Jackson, C. L-, e. April 25th, '61. Killian, J. B., e. April 25th, '61. Lander, Samuel, e. April 25th, '61. Lyons, John, e. April 25th, '61. Leonhardt, Cameron L-, e. April 25th, '61; e. Co. I, 1 1 Regiment. Lines, C. L., e. April 25th, '61. Lawrence C, e. June 18th, '61. Motz, George M.,e. June 18th, '61. Mosteller, Jacob, e. June 18th, '61. Martin, William, e. April 25th, '61. Millsaps, J. F., e. April 25th, '61. Moore, A. J., e. April 25th, '61. Morton, Henry W., e. April 25th, '61. Potter, J. W., e. April 25th, '61. Perdue, L. J-, e. April 25th, '61. Roney, John A., e. April 25th, '61. Reinhardt, Janice W.. e April 25th, '61. Reinhardt, John P., e. April 25th '61; Co., C, 9th Regi- ment, May 3d. '62. Ramseur, Walter G., e April 25th, '61; Sergeant, Co., I, 1 ith Regiment. Rimseur, Oliver A., e. April 25th, '61; cm. 2nd Lieu- tenant, Co., I, nth Regiment, February 12th, '62; w. and pr. at Gettysburg. 5 Ramsour, TheodoreJ., e. April 25th, '6i; e. Co., I, nth Regiment, March 2*..t, '62; \v. Ragland, W. P.., e. April 25th, '61. Rush, W. S., e. April 25th, '6i. Rogers, Woodson M., e. April 25th, '61; e. Co., F. 9th Regiment. Ramsour, Alfred A., e. June [8th, '61. Rudisill, Jonas Gf, e. April 25th, '61. Ramsour, Henry 1',., e. June [8th, '61. Ramsey. William W., e. June istli, '61; Sergeant Co., G, 57th Regiment. Ramsey. John, e. April 25th, '61; e. Co., I, 38th Regi- ment, \v. Stubbs, Franklin, e. June [8th, '6r. Smith, Wilson, e. June 18th, '61. Shuford, G. W., e. April 25th, >l6i.r Stamey, John A., e. April 25th, '6i. Smith, Marc. H., e. April 25th, '61; e. Co., F, 9th Regi- ment. Stowe, Allen K., e. April 25th, '61. Sullivan, James O., e. April 25th, '61. Smith, Winslow A., e. April 25th, '61. Sherrill, William A., e. April 25th, '61. Sumner, J. A., e. April 25th, '61. Stroup, Robert, e April 25th, Or. Sherrill, X. M., e. April 25th, '61. White, William, e. April 25th, '61. Wells, James I)., e. April 25th, '61; 2nd Lieutenant, Co., G, 52nd Regiment, cm. March 1st, '62; p. 1st Lieutenant, cm. August 28th, '62; p. Captain, cm. in 64; pr. Wingate, Angus, e. April 25th, '61; e. Co., A, nth Regiment, February 1st, '62; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettys- burg. Wingate, Murchison, e. April 25th, '6i; e. Co., A. nth Regiment February 1st, '62. Wacaster, Adolphus, e. April 25th, '61. Williams. W. A., e. April 25th, '61. Warlick, R. M., e. April 25th, '61. Wells, Daniel, e. June iSth, '61. Wells, Oliver, e. June 18th, '61; 4th Corporal, Co., I, nth Regiment. Company D. First Regiment. Sumner, Edward E., 2nd Lieutenant, Co. K, Bethel Reg- iment, em. April 25tn, '61; 1st Lieutenant Co. D, 1st Regi- ment, r. August, '62, for disability. Houser, A. Joseph us, e. March 7th, '62; p. Sergeant; p. 2nd Lieutenant October 5th, '63; p. 1st Lieutenant; c. May 12th, '64. Anthony, J. A., e. May 2nd, '62; c. May 12th. '64. Baker, Vardra, e. June 18th. '61; wounded at Sharpes- burg and Chancellorsville; c. May 12th, '64. Barnett, Josiah, e. July 25th, '61. Boyles, Marcus W., e. July 12th, '61. Brown, B. F., e. January 20th, '62; c. May 12th. 64. Brown, Christopher I., e. July 6th, '61; c. May 12th, '64. Brymer, W T illiam M., e. July 6th, '61. Carpenter, Elijah, e. June nth, '61; k. September 17th, '62. at Sharpesburg. Carpenter, M., e. March 6th, '62; pr. at Gettysburg and May 1 2th, '64. Hafner, M., e. March 14th, '62; dg. Hilderbrand, Marcus, e. March 22nd, '62; d. in August '62, at Richmond. Hines, Henry L., e. March 15th, '62; w. at Mine Run; c. May 1 2th, '64. Hoke, Frank, e. March nth, 62. Hope, Joseph A., e. June nth '61; d. July '62, at Rich- mond. Houser, Charles F. J., e. August 4th, '61; p. Sergeant, 7 C. May ; 2th, '64. Hull, Miles O., e. March 5th, '<-•; c. May 12th, '64. Hull, Henry, e. August 5th, '6i; c. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Hull, Elias M., e. July 1st, '61; p. 2nd Sergeant; c. May 1 2th. '64. Hull, James H. e. August 5th, '61. Jonas, Andrew, e. March 17th, '62; c. May 12th, '64. Jonas, Daniel, e. Marcl 24th '<>2; c. May 12th, '64. Keever, William, e. line 3rd, '6i; pr. in Pennsylvania. Kenipe, Joseph, e. August 5th, '61. Kcnipe, Lemuel, e. August 5th, '61; w. at Mine Run. King, Sidney, e. July 25th, '61. Ledford, Rufus F., e. August 2nd, '6i; c. May 12th, '64. Mullens, Thomas F., e. August 2nd, '61; k. at Sharper- burg, September 17th, '62. Pendleton, John, e. March 15th, '62. Reeves, William, e. June 30th, '63. Shytle, AndrewS., e. May 14th, '62; e. May 12th, '64. Stamey, John, e. March 6th, '62; w. June 15th, '63, at Winchester. Stamev, Joseph A., e. July 8th, '61; w. at Sharpesburg and c. May 12th, '64. Stowe, A., e. May 29th, '62; k. June 26th, '62, at Elly- son's Mill. Summitt, Daniel F., e. September, '61; w. at Mine Run. Thomas, Moses W., e. July 13th, '6i; w. at Winchester; c. May 1 2th, '64. Watson, William F., e. February i>t, (>j; d. Williams, (ieorge W., e. August 12th, '61. Williams, John, e. August I2th, '<>i; Corjxjral; c. May 12th, '64. Wise, William F., e. May 22nd, '62; w. at EUyson's Mill and disabled; c. May 12th, '64. Wood, Caleb, e. March 14th, '62; c. Mav 12th, '64. 8 Voder, Sidney, e. July 4th, '61; dt. Second Regiment. William P. Bynum, Lieutenant Colonel, em. May 8th, '6i; p. Colonel, em. September 17th, '62; r. March 1st, '63. Fourth Regiment. Robert B. Anderson, Chaplain 4th Regiment August, r. 30th, '64. Sixth Regiment— Company G. Adams, Robert B., e. March 15th, '63; dt. Seventh Regiment — Company K. Howard, John H., e. May 1st, '63. Ninth Regiment — Company A. Kistler, D. E. , e. May 20th, '61. Ninth Regiment— Company C. Captain James F. Johnston, e. December 20th, '63; p. 1st Lieutenant; p. Captain June ist, '64; W. at Chambertain's Run, March ist, '65 Entered service as 3rd Sergeant, Co., K, 23rd Regiment, June 22nd, '6r. Ballard, F. A., e. June 10th, '61. Ballard. J. L., e. June 10th, '61. Boyd, Perry L., e. May 28th, '62; served in Co., K, Bethel Regiment. Connor, T. A., e. August 2nd, '61; d. January 27th, '62. Goodson, Henry M., e. May 27th, '62; served in Co., K, Bethel Regiment. H'olbrooks, Allen, e. May 13th, '62; served in Co., K, K, Bethel Regiment. Reinhardt, John F., e. May 3rd, '62; dt.; served in Co. K, Bethel Regiment. Ninth Ragim-iit— Company F. Cline, Francis M., e. December 3rd. '61. Djllinger, Henry S.. e. [11112 5th, '61; dg. May ist '62. Rogers. Woodson, M., e. March 21st, '62; k. Bethel Reg. Smith, Marc. H., e. March 2 ist, '62. 9 Ninth Regiment— Company K. Dellinger, A. Cathey, e. October 31st, '64. Tenth Regiment— Artillery- Company A. Stephen I) Rainseur, Captain, em. April 16th, 61; p. Major 10th Regiment, cm. May 1 6th, 61 ; p. Colonel 49th Regiment, cm. April 12th, '62; \v. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill; p. Brigadier-General, em. November 1st, '62; brigade composed of the 2nd, 4th, 14th, and 30th N. C. Regiments. D. H. Hill's Division, Army of Northern Virginia; p. Major General, cm. June ist, '64; division composed of the brig- ades ot Johnston, N. C, Godwin, N. C. and Pegram, Ya., in Early's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia; born May 31st 1837; mortally wounded at the battle of Cedar Creek on the 19th and died on the 20th of October, '64. Charles C. Wrenshall, 6th Sergeant; e, May 8th, '61; w. at Williamsburg May 6th, '62; p. 2nd Lieutenant July 16^, '62; w. at Sharpsburg September 17th, '62; p. Captain October ist. '62, in C S. Nitre and Mining Corps. George L. Phit'er, Bugler, e. May 8th, '61; tr. to 49th Regiment, April 26tn, '62, and p. Captain Co., K. Goodson, Sidney V., e. June 4th, '61. Ramsey, W. F., e. July 24th, '61. Scronce, Jacob W., e. June 3rd, '61. Starnes, Columbus C, e. June 3rd, '61. Tenth Regiment— Company C. ( Brem's Artillery.) Thomas L. Seagle, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. Julv 24th, '61; dt. D. M. C. Yount, 2nd Corporal, e. March 15th '62. Abernethy. James, e. June 15th, '61. Abernethy, Clement N., e. March 12th, '62. Boyles, Joseph. Brendie, Joseph H. Canipe, John, e. March 20th, '62. Ca nipe, Henry, e. August 13th, 62. Farley, Augustus, e. August 8th, '62. Goodman, John, e. August 18th, '6-^. IO Gales, Jacob. Heavner, John J., e. August 20th, '63. Hullet, Moses. Henkle, John L-, e. June 15th, '61. Harwell, Richard, e. December 8th, '64. Johnston, David, e. August 13th, '61. McCaslin, William B., e. August 8tu, '61. Motz, Mayfield, e. September 17th, '63. Nantz, William, e. March 15th, '62. Seagle, George W., e. March 1st, '63. Yount, Samuel, e. March 21st, '62. Yount, Daniel L., e. November 10th, "63. Yount, J. Tenth Regiment — Company D. Captain Woodberry Wheeler, era. Adjutant 16th Regi- ment, June 17th. '61; p. Captain Co. D, 10th Battalion; pr. at Newbern March '62. Tenth Regiment— Company I. Deal, Alfred B., e. April 4th, '6i. Kids, John A. Roads, John A., e. November 12th, '63. Eleventh Regiment— Company E. Munday, O. M., e. August 12th, '62. Eleventh Regiment— Company H. Abernethy, Ezekiel, e. March 14th, '62. Keener, Peter, e. September 17th, '62. Summerow, George, e. September 17th '64, w. near Petersburg and c. Eleventh Regiment— Company I. A. Sidney Haynes, Captain, cm. February 12th, '62; w. and pr. July 3rd, ',63, at Gettysburg; 2nd Sergeant, Co. K, Bethel Regiment. David A. Coon, 1st Lieutenant, cm. February 12th, '62. w. and pr. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg: 2nd Corporal Co. K, Bethel Regiment. 1 1 Oliver A. Ramsaur, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. February 12th, '62; w. and pr. at Gettysburg; served in Co. K, Bethel Lemuel J. Hoyle, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. February 12th, '62; \v. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg; 4th Sergeant, Co. K., Bethel Regiment. NON-COMMISSIONED I iFFICERS. Robert M. Bell, ist Sergeant, e. March 17th, '62; w. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Walter G. Ramsaur, 2nd Sergeatlt, e. March 21st, '62; p. ist Sergeant; served in Co. K, Bethel Regiment. Andrew R. Haynes, 3rd Sergeant, e. March 21st, '62; k. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. William H. Jetton, 4th v Sergeant, e. March 21st, '62; k. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg; served in Co. K, Bethel Regiment. I). Calvin Finger, 5th vSergeant, e. March 2>st, '62. Major Sidney M. Finger, ist Corporal, e. March 2i>t, '62; after Battle of Gettysburg July. '63, p. Captain, and A. Q. M.; p. Major in Quartermasters Department in '64. J. Frank Harrelson, 2nd Corporal, e. March 15th, '62. Laban L. Hovis, 3rd Corporal, e. March [4th; '62; \v. and pr. July 3rd, '63, at Gettvsburg: 3rd Corporal, Co. K, Bethel Regiment. Oliver Wells, 4th Corporal, e. March wth, '62; w. and pr. October 14th, '63, at Bristoe Station. PRIVATES. Abernathv, Judas B., e. October 19th, '63; dg. Abernathy, William A., e. March 12th, '62; w. and pr- July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Abernathy, James B.,e. March 22ml; '62; \v. July i^t. '63, at Gettysburg. Allran, John R., e. March 13th, ''>2; d. July 2nd, '62, at Wilmington. Allran, Jacob, e. March 1 3th. '62; w. July ist, '03, at Gettysburg. 12 Avery, Absalom, e. Mav 8th, '62; w. July ist, '63, at Gettysburg Ballard, Thomas J., e. March 15th, '62; d. December 26th, '62, at Goldsboro; sened in Co. K, Bethel Regiment. /Blackburn, A. Lafayette, c. March nth, '62; w. and pr. in '63; d. of w. at Richmond in '64. Bolick, Sidney B., e. March 19th, '62; w and pr. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Bisauer, Jacob H., e. March n, '62; p. 2nd Sergeant; w. and pr. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Boyles, W. Stanley, e. March 28th, '62. Boyles, Alexander, e. March 2Sth, '62; d. December 30th, '62. Boyles, Franklin, e. April 2nd, '62; d. January 10th '63. Boyles, John, e. May 8th, '62; d. of \v. August 10th, '63, at Gettysburg. Bayles, Joseph, e. ; pr. July 14th, '63, at Falling Waters. Carpenter, Michael, e. March 15, '62. Carpenter, Franklin, e. March 21st, '62; w. and pr. at Gettysburg. Carpenter, Albert, e. March 21st, '62; d. July 17th, '62. Clark, James M., e. March 21st 6r; pr. July 5th, '63, at Green Castle. Carpenter", David, e. Mrrch 26th, '62; c. Cathey, Robert A., e. March 21st, '62; p. Corporal; k. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Cornwell, Sidney, e. March 13th, '62; w. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Coon, Aclolphus S., e. March 14th, '62; pr. July 5th, '63, at Green Castle, Pa. Cline, William A., e. September 8th, '62; pr. July 5th, '63, at Green Castle, Pa. Cox, Henry J., e. March 15th. '62. Cody, James, e. March 9th, '62. 13 Cody, John, e. February 8th, '64. Cox, Henry \\, <•. March 15th, '62. Cody, Absalom (".., e. March 23rd, '63; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Carpenter, Henry, e. March 26th, '63; w. and pr. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Carpenter, David, e. March 26th, '63. Campbell, A. Lorenzo, e. May 13th, '63. Clan ton, William L., e. October 17th, '63. Clarke, James M., e. March 26th, '62. Dellinger, John F., e. March 9th, '62; k. December 16th, '62, at White Hall. Dellinger, P. Frank, e. March 9th. '62; k. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Dellinger, Philip, e. March nth, '62; w. and pr. at Gettysburg. Dellinger, F. Washington, e. March 15th, '62; pr. July 1 st, '63, at Gettysburg. Davis, Samuel, e. March 23rd, '63; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Evans, John R., e. February 13th, '64. Finger, Robert P., e. March ntn, '62; k. at Gettysburg. Gault, Albeit R, l-\ , e. August 15th, 64. Gault, James, e. March 15th, '62; k. December 16th, '62, at White Hall. Glenn, R. Jasper, e. March 13th, '62. Gilbert, Franklin, e. March 15th, '62; d. October 23rd, '62, at Wilmington. Glenn, David M., e. March 13th, '62; \v. at Gettysburg July 1 st, '63. Gilbert, Marcus, e. March 3rd, '63; d. September 17th, '63, at Gordonsville. Haynes, R. Workman, e. March gth, '62. Hay nes, Daniel A., e. March 15th, '62. Haynes, John F., e. April 24th, '62; pr. July 5th, '63, at Green Castle. Hoover, Daniel R., e. May 8th, '62; w. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg; pr. July 5th, '63, at Green Castle. Haynes, Daniel H., e. April 24th, '62; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Hovis, B. Monroe, e. April 25th, '62; k. at Gettysburg. Heavner, George Henry, e. May 8th, '62. Heavner, John, e. March 13th, '62; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Heavner, Jacob, e. March 13th, '62; w. at Gettysburg. Heavner, Michael, e. March 15II1, '62; d. August 12th, '62, at Wilmington. Heavner, Hosea, e. March 15th, '62; w. at Gettysburg. Heavner, Julius A., e. March 9th, '62. Heavner, Adolphus J., e. March 15th, '62; k. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Heavner, Daniel M., e. March 15th, '62; d. August 21st, '62. Harvey, Nelson, e. March 15th, 62; dg. January 6th, '62, for disability. Hill, William G., e. October 28th, '64. Hoover, David M., e. March 15th, '62; k. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Hallman, Michael, e. March 17th, '62; dg. June 6th, '62, for disability. Hallman, Andrew, e. March 17th, '62. Hallman, Abel, e. March 17th, '62. Hudspeth, John T., e. March 15th, '62. Huss, Jacob, e. March 9th, '62. Huss. John, e. March 9th, '62; w. at Gettysburg; pr. July 14th, '63, at Falling Waters. Hubbard, Matthew, e. March 15th, 62; dg. April 30th, 63, for disability. Hubbard, Charles, e. March 15th, (2. Hubbard, David, e. March 15th, 62; w. July 1st, 63, at 13 ( »ettysburg. Houscr, David, e. March 15th, 62; w. at White Hall and k. July ist, '63, at Gettysburg. Houser, Henry, e. March 17th, 62; \v. and pr. July ist, 63, at Gettysburg. Hubbard, Daniel, e March 26th, '63. Johnson, Harvey ML, e. August i.sth, '64. Johnston, Eli, e. March 15th, '62. Johnston, Robert, e. March 3rd, '63; k. July 2lSt, '63, at Winchester. Johnston, L,ee, e. January 2nd, '63; \y. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Jetton, B. Taylor, e. January 10th, '62; pr. July 14th, '63, at Falling Waters. Keever, G. Pinkney, e. March 15th, '62; d. July 7th, '63, of w. received at Gettysburg. Kiser, John A., e. March 15th, '62. Kiser, A. Hiram, e. March 21st, '62; \v. July ist, '63, at Gettysburg. Kiser, Jacob, e. March 15th, '62. Kmcaid, C. G., e. July '63. Leonhardt, Cameron i.., e, March 9th, 62; d. July 13th, 63, of w. received ..1 Gettysburg; served in C<>. K, Bethel Regiment. Leonhardt, Joseph M., e. March 12th, '62; w. July i>t, '63, at Gettysburg. Leonhardt, Jacob M., e. March 23rd, '03; k. July 3rd; '63, at Gettysburg. Mooney, McCameron, e. March 15th, '62. Martin, William K., e. April 25th, '''2. McCoy, William H., e. May 8th, '62. Miller, Jacob A., e. May 8th, '62; p. 3rd Sergeant; w. at Cold Harbor. Motz, George, e. May 13th, '62; p. i-t Sergeant; p. Orderlv vSergeant 11th Regiment; served in Co. K. Bethel i6 Regiment. Motz, Charles, e. March 3rd, '62. Mullen, Alfred E. . e. November 3rd, '62. Oaks, John, e. March 25th, '62; w. and pr. at Gettysburg. Page, Samuel, e. March 15th, '62; dg. October 23rd, '62. Parker, Asa, e. March 15th, '62. Pool, Albert J., e. March 12th, '62; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Quickel, Levi H., e. August 20th, '63; c. Ramsaur, Theodore J., e. March 21st, '62; served in Co. K, Bethel Regiment; w. Ramsour, John F., e. March 21st, '62. Ramsour, John M., e. August 20th, '63. Ramsey, R. Nelson, e. March 12th, '62; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Reep, Thomas, e. March 15th, '62; d. December, '64. Ritcnie, Joseph C, e. March 12th, '62; w. July. 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Rhodes. Jacob H., e. May 8th, '62; p. 3rd Sergeant; dt. Reinhardt, Charles, e. September 23rd, '63. Roseman, Robert M., e. April 1st '64; w.; tr. and served on staff Gen. R. F. Hoke. Strutt, Pinkney S., e. March 15th, '62; d. of w. August 1 8th, '63, at Gettysburg. Seagle, Andrew, e. March 1st '62; c. Sherrill, William A., e. March 17th, '62. vSeagle, Cain, e. August 19th, '62; d. Shrum, J. Franklin, e. March 17th, 62; d. December 15th, '62, at Petersburg. Seagle, Alfred A., e. March 15th, '62; k. July isl, '63^ at Gettysburg. Sullivan, C. Colesworth, e. March 9th, '62. Seagle, Monroe, e. May 8th, '62. Summerrow, Peter J., e. Mav 8th, '62. Shuford, Sidney, e. May 8th, '62. '7 Shuford, Noah, e. March 23rd, '63; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Sigman, Elijah, e. March 26th, '63; w. and pr. July rst, '63, at Gettysburg. Sigman, Noah, e. March 26th, 63. Smith, John, e. March 26th, '63. Smith, David J., e March 20th, 62; d. July 20th, '63, at Chambersburg. Tutherow, George W., e. March 9th, '62; disabled and dg. December 22nd, '62. Wilson, Harrison S., e. September 20th, '^4. Wacaster, A brain, e. March 19th, '62. Wacaster, Adolphus, e. March 15th, '62; w. and c. July 1 st, '63, at Gettysburg. Wise, Zenas, e. March 15th, '62. Wood, John H., e. March 17th, 62; d. September 2nd, '62, at Wilmington. Wood, Perry, e. March 17th, '62; \v and pr. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Warlick, John, C, e. May 8th, '62; w. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Weaver, Phillip, e. December 20th, '62. Wyant, David, e. March 23rd, '63; w. and c. at Gettys- burg. Yoder, David, e. March 2nd, '63. Twelfth Regiment — Company A. Captain Joseph F. Johnston, e. Co. I, iSth Alabama, April 21st, '61; p. Orderly Sergeant October, '61; p. 2nd Lieutenant; w. at Chicimauga and tr. as aid-de-camp staff General R. D. Johnston; pr. Captain Co. A, 12th Regiment N. C. T.; w. at Spottsylvania C. II., New Market, and Petersburg. Twelfth Regiment — Company E. Cabiness, J. M., e. August 31st, '64. Crytz, W. C, e. April 22nd, 61; tr. and c. i8 Twelfth Regiment — Company G. Kiuley, William, e. February 26th, '63; w. Sixteenth Regiment — Company C. Abernethy, D., e. November 10th, '62. Barnett, J. M., e. November 10th, '62; d. October 30th, '63. Barnett, D., e. November 10th, '62. Barnett, W., e. November 10th, '62. Barnett, A., e. November iotb, '62; w. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville. Daily, B. G., e. November 10th, '62. Dellinger, J. R., e. November iotb, '61. Hager, D., e. November iotb, '62; k. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Keck, D., e. November 10th, '62. Sixteenth Regiment — Company D. Canipe, Daniel, e. October 1st, '62. Kanipe, Miles, e. October 1st, '62. Parker, Daniel, e. in September, '62. Turner, S. jt\, e. in September, '62;. d. February 20th, '63- Sixteenth Regiment — Company F. McClure, J. M., e. July 15th, '62. Stroup, William, e. July 15th, '62. Stroup, Jesse, e. July 15th, '62. Sixteenth Regiment— Company K. Ballard, W., e. September 25th, '62. Bradshaw, Joseph, e. September 25th, 62; d. October 25th, '62, at Lynchburg, -Va. Kines, Jacob, e: September 25th, '62. Dafford, A. D., e. September 25th, '62; w. May 23rd, '63, at Chancellorsville. Nixon, Bartlett, e. September 25th, '62. Sixteenth Regiment — Company M. Anthony, George, e. May 1st, '61; w. at Seven Pines 19 May 3 1 st , '62; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Anthony, Miller, e. May [st, '61; w. at Mecnanicsville. Seventeenth Regiment Company L. Keever, J. \\'., e. April [8th, '63. Twentieth Regiment Company A. Monday, James Albert, e. April 20th, '6i. Twenty-First Regiment Company K. Mooney, Peter, e. May 26th, '63; pr. at Gettysburg. Twenty-Second Regiment— Company K. Seagle, Clement, e. March 23rd, '63. Twenty-Third Regiment. Col. John F. Hoke, Brigadier-General and Adjutant- General of the militia; through him the volunteer regiments were organized; cm. Colonel May i'th, '61; tr. as Colonel of 23rd Regiment June toth, '61; later resigned and in elected Colonel of 73rd Regiment (First Senior Reserves) and in October '(,4 as Senior Colonel placed in command of brigade consisting of 73rd, 74th and 76th Regiments. Twent>-Third Regiment— Company A. Heavner, Peter, e. September 6th, '62; \\\ May 3rd '63, at Chancellorsville. Killian, J. A., e. September 6th, '62; w. at Chancellors- ville. Twenty-Third Regiment C'omoany B. George W. Seagle, Captain, cm. May 23rd, '6i. Sidney A. Shuford, cm. 2nd Lieutenant Maj 23rd, '61; ]>. Captain; k. at Battled Seven Pines, May 31 -t, ' Captai.n G. \V. Hunter, cui. 2nd Lieutenant Co. K. 23rd Regiment June 2:\x\. '02: tr. and p. Captain Co. 1!. 23rd Regiment; d. July [6th, '63, at Charlotte, \. C. of u. rece ved at Chancellorsville. T. J. Seagle, s Lieutenant, cm. May 23rd, '61. M. H. Shuford, 3rd Corporal, e. May 23rd, '61; p. 2nd Lieutenant; cm. May roth, '62; p. i-t Lieutenant. 20 cm. May 23rd, '61. Lee Johnston, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. May 23rd, '61. Wm. R. Sloan, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. May 23rd, '61. W. A. Thompson, e. May 23rd, '61; p. 2nd Lieutenant; cm. May 10th, '62. M. M. Hines, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. November 20th, '61; pr. September 19th, '64. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Augustus P. James, 1st Sergeant, e. May 23rd, '61; dg. William McCaslin, 2nd Sergeant, e. May 23rd, '61; d. April 23rd, '62, at Richmond. Abel J. Seagle, 3rd Sergeant, e. May 23rd, '61; p. Ser- geant; w. at Sharpsburg. John Anderson Roberts, 4th Sergeant, e. May 23rd, '61; dg. August '62. Levi H. Finger, 1st Corporal, e. May 23rd, '61; w. at Seven Pines and Gettysburg. Daniel Finger, 2nd Corporal, e. May 23rd, '61; d. Nov- ember, '61, at Richmond. Martin Ramsour, 4th Corporal, e. May 23rd, '61; p. Sergeant; k. July ist, '63, at Gettysburg. PRIVATES. Beal, Giles, e. October 17th, '64. Bisaner, William H., e. March 15th, '62; pr. May 3rd, at Chancellorsville; w. at Spottsylvania C. H. Blaylock, Alex., e. October 17th, '64. Cauble, Peter Vardry, e. March 15th, '62; served in Co. K, Bethel Regiment. Cauble, Harrison, e. March 15th, '62. Cross, F. G., e. March 15th, '62. Campbell, G. P., e. March 15th, '62; d. July 20th, '62. Carpenter, Alfred S., e. May 23rd, '61; p. Sergeant; w. at Seven Pines; w. and pr. at Gettysburg. Carpenter, William D.,e. May 23rd, '63; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Carpenter, Joseph, e. May 23rd, '61; w. at Seven Pines. 2 I * Coon, Henry, e. May 23rd, '6r; k. September t4th, at South Mountain. Cordell, Henry, e. May 23rd, '6i; d. July 20th, '62. Campbell-, Harman, e. May 23rd, '6i; w. and pr. at Get- tysburg; <1. July 7th, '63. Carter, Robert M., e. May 23rd, '6i. Edwards, Jasper, e. May 23rd, '61; d. September, '6i, at Charlottesville. Edwards, Marion, e. M iv 23rd '61, Finger William, e. Maj 23rd, '61; p. Sergeant. Fisher, David, e. May 23rd, '61; dg, September, '62. Finger, Levi, e. May 23rd, '61. Hobbs, James, e. March i.sth, '62. Hoke, David A., e. March 15th, '62; p. Corporal; w. at Seven Pines; in. July rst, '63, at Gettysburg. Helms, Hiram, e. March [5th, '62; w. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor. Helms, EH, e. March 15th. '62; d. July 15th, "62, of w. received at Cold I larboi". Haynes, Marcus, e. March 15th, '62; k. May 31st '62, at .Seven Pines. Heavner, Nicholas, e. March 15th, '62; dg. June 25th, '62, for disability. Heavner, Frederick, e. March 15th, '62. Harrill, William Henry, e. March 15th, '62; d. August 10th, '62, in Virginia. Hope, Thomas P., e. March 15th, '62; served in Co. K, Bethel Regiment. Hoke, Eli, e. August nth, '62; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville. Hoke, Marcus, e. January 1-t, '63; p. Corporal; k. July 1st, "63, at Gettysburg. Houser, Levi, e. March 5th, '63; k. July 1st, 'f>;,, at Gettysburg. Holbrook, Joshua, e. August nth, '62; p. Corporal; \v. at Seven Pines. 22 Harrill, Abraham G., e. October 17th, '64. Hovis, Rufus, e. May 23rd, '61. Hoke, W. Michal, e. May 23rd, '61. Holbrooks, John, e. May 23rd, '61; dg. February, '62, for disability. Heedick, Andrew, e. May 23rd. '61; w. at Chancellors- ville, May 3rd, '63; lost right arm. Hallman, George B., e. May 23rd, '61; d. May 12th, '63, of w. received at Chancellorsville. Helms, John, e. May 23rd, '61; dg. October, '62, for w. received at Seven Pines. Helms, Jacob, e. May 23rd, 61; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines. Haynes, Robert, e. May 23rd, '61. Hull, John, e. May 23rd, '61; w. and pr. July, '63, at Gettysburg. Hull, Commodore P., e. May 22nd, '62; c\g. June '62. for disability. Hull, Major, e. May 23rd, '61. Hobbs, Caleb, e. May 23rd, '61; pr. at South Mountain; w. at Chancellorsville. Hartzoe, Daniel M., e. May 23rd, '61. Hoyle, Andrew, e. May 23rd, '61. Hadspeth, We3ley, e. September 1st, '61; p. Corpoia 1 ; w. at Sharpsburg; k. May, '63, at Chancellorsville. Kistler, W. H., e. May 23rd, '61; dg. December, '62, for w. received at Seven Pines. Kistler, Noah, e. May 23rd, '6i; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Kirksey, Albert, e. May 23rd, '61; dg. December, '62, for w. received a Seven Pines. K.ener, Franklin, c. May 23rd, '61; w. and pr. at Sharps- burg and Gettysburg. Lambeth, A. M., e. May 23rd, '61. Leonard, Ci.leb. e. May 23rd, '61. Lutz, Daniel A , e March i.stli, '62; \v. at Sharpesburg; pr. at Gettysburg. LeFevre, William, e. March 15th, '62; w. at Seven Pines and dg. Loftin, Langford, e. November ist, '64. Mosteller, William 1'., e. March 15th, '62; d. August 19th, '62, in Virginia. Morrison, Nelson, c. March 15th, '62; k. September 14th, '62, at South Mountain. Martson, Daniel, e. May 25th, *6i. Moore, A. D., e. May 23rd, '61; w. at .Seven Pines. Mace, John, e. May 23rd, '61; w. at Malvern Hill. Neal, Peler, e. March 15th, '62; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines. Oaks, John, e. May 23rd, '61; dg. August, '62. Pelt, Marcus, e. May 23rd, '61; d. December, '61, at Richmond. Pelt, Jacob, e. May 23rd, '61; w. May 31st. '62, at Seven Pines. Parker, David, e. May 23rd, '61; pr. July 19th, '63. Quickel, Jacob, e. May 23rd, '61; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines. Rhodes, David I*., e. May 23rd, '61; w. May 31st, '( at Seven Pines. Ramsour, Milton, e. May 23rd, '6i; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines; p. Corporal; w. October 19th, '(14, at CcVar Creek. Ramsour, John, e September 1st, '61; dg. August, '62. Ramsour, MiddlekoffS., e. May 23rd, '6i; d. April 29th, '62, at Yorktown. Reep, Peter, e. May 23rd, '61; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville. Robinson, Joseph R., e May 23rd, '01; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville. Ramsour, Pink W., e. May -3rd, '64; c. at Cedar Creek, October 19th, '64. 24 Rash, Noah, e. September 25th, '63. Ramsour, Eli D., e. May 15th, '64; w. 23rd September, '64, at Winchester. Ramsour, Pinkney, e. March 15th, '62; w. at Seven Pines and Chaneellorsville. Ramsour, Raymond, e. May 15th, '64; k. September igth, 64, at Winchester. ,Rudisill, Martin, e. March 15th, '62; k. July 1st, '63, at Gettysburg. Rash, Melvin, e. March 15th, '62; w. September 17th, '62; tr. Seagle, Charles, e. March 15th, '62; d. February roth, '63, at Castle Thunder. Seagle, Polk U., e. March 15th, '62; p. Corporal. vSeagle, Marcus, e. March 15th, '62; dg. January 15th, '63. Scronce, Abram, e. March 15th, '62. Sherrill, Leander, e. March 15^, '62; dg. January 15th, '63, for disability. Sherrill, Nelson M., e. March 15th, '62. Seagle, Marion, e. January 10th, '63; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chaneellorsville. Scronce, Ephriam, e. March 5th, '63; w. May 3rd, '63. at Chaneellorsville. Smith, Thomas, c. March 5th, '63; pr. July 1st, '63. at Gettysburg. Seagle, M. V., e. May 23rd, '61; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chaneellorsville. vSeagle, John, e. May 23rd, '61; k. July ist, '63, at Gettysburg. Seagle, George, e. May 23rd, '61; k. July ist, '63, at Gettysburg. Seagle, Noah W., e. May 23rd, '61; d. July 12th, '62, in prison. Seagle, Philip, e. May 23rd, '61; w. and pr. at Gettysburg. Shuford, James A., e. May 23rd, '61; dg. September 25 ist, '62. Shitle, Lawson, e. May 23rd, '6i; d. October 10th, '62, in Virginia. -'Shitle, John A.., e. May 23rd, '61; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville. Stuart, Franklin P., e. May 23rd, '61; w. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville. Sims, Harrison, e. May 23rd, '61; pr. July ist, '63, at Gettysburg. Sain, Elam, e. May 23rd, '6i; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines. Smith, Andrew, e. May 23rd, 'Cm; \v. June 27th, '62, at Cold Harbor. Turbyfield, Marcus, e. May 23rd, '61; p. Sergeant, pr. at Gettysburg. Whetstine, David, e. May 23rd, '61. Wilson, Jacob K., e. May 23rd, '61; w. May 31st, '62, at Slv.u Pines. White, Amos, e May 23rd, '61; w. at Mechanicsville: k. July ist, '63, at Gettysburg. Warlick, Henrv, e. May 23rd, '61; k. May 31st, '(>2, at Seven Pines. Wilson, PaPayette, e. August, nth, '62; d. January 10th, '63, in Virginia. Whitworth, W. R., e. March 15th, '62: w. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville. White, James G., c. March 15th, '62; pr. at Gettysburg. Williams, Marcus, e. March [5th, ''-2. Yount, Ambrose, e. Max- 23rd, '61; d. October, '6i, at Richmond. Yount, EH, e. May 23rd, '61; dg. in '61, for disability. Twent} -Third Regiment— Company D. Beal, Giles, e. September 6th, '62. Hart, Brittian, e. September 6th, '61. Hart, M., e. September 6th, '6i. Keener, Daniel, e. September 6th, ''-2. 26 Keener, Marcus, e. September 6th, '62. Keener, Martin, e. September 6th, '62. Keener, Simon, e. September 6th, '62. Kirby, Charles, e. September 6th, '62; m. Shrum, Daniel, e. September 6th, '62; dt. Twenty-Third Regiment — Company K. OFFICERS. Captain Alex. H. Houston, Captain Beattie's Ford Rifle- men, afterwards Co. K, 23rd Regiment; Adjutant 15th Regiment, em. October 1st, '62; w. July 1st '62, .at Malvern Hill. Colonel W. P. Bynum, 1st Lieutenant, Beattie's Ford Rifles, spring, '61; p. Lieutenant-Colonel, 2nd Regiment, cm. May 16th, '61; p. Colonel 2nd Regiment, cm. 17th September, '62; cm. Solicitor 29th December, '62, and r. as Colonel. B-iigadier General Robert D. Johnston entered service as 2nd Lieutenant. Beattie's Ford Rifles; this Company mus- tered in service as Co. K, 23rd Regiment of which he was cm. Captain June 22nd, '61; p. Lieutenant-Colonel, 23rd Regiment, cm. May 10th, '62; p. Brigadier-General, cm. September 1st, '63, brigade consisting of 5th, 12th, 20th and 23rd N. C. Infantry Regiments, and 2nd N. C. Battal- lion, Army of Northern Virginia; w. at Seven Pines, Gettysburg and on the Catawba river. Captain William H. Johnston, e. in Beattie's Ford Rifles, this Company mustered in service as Company K, 23rd Regiment, of which he was cm. 1st Lieutenant, June 22nd, '61; p. Captain May 10th, '62; w. at Seven Pines; pr. at Gettysburg July 1st, '63. John Franklin Goodson 2nd Lieutenant, cm. June 22nd, '61; tr. C. S. Navy. G. \V. Hunter, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. June 22nd, '62; p. Captain Co. B, 23rd Regiment. John A. Caldwell, e. June 22nd, '61; p. 2nd Lientenant, cm. September 6th. '62. William M. Monday, 2nd Lientenant, cm. in September, '62; p. from ranks; w. at Malvern Hill; k. July 1st '63, at Gettysburg. Henry W. Fullenwider, 2nd Lieutenant, cm in May '63; ]). from ranks; k. NON-COMMISSIONED < iFFICERS. C. L. Gattis, 1st Sergeant, e. June 22nd, '61; i; d. December 3rd, '61, at Culpepper C. II Daniel Reinhardt, 4th Corporal, e. June 22nd, '61: p. 2nd Lieutenant, cm. May loth, '<>2; p. tst Lieutenant, cm. September, '62, k. at Sbarpsburg, September 17th, '62. PRIVATES. Asberry, Thos. H., e. June 2211.!. '61; k. June 27th. '62, at Cold Harbor. Allen, Henry H., e. August 20th, M : d. <>i' w. at Gettysburg. Allen, Josiah, e. August 20th, '"1: d. at Fort Delaware. Allen, W. H., e. August 20th, '6i; d. March 13th. '63, in Virginia. Ballard, Franklin Monroe, e. June 22nd. '61. 28 Ballard, Marcus G. e. June 22nd, '61; w. and d. Benton Thomas H.. e. June 22nd, '61; w. at South Mountain. Brotherton, William H., e. August 20th, '62. Burch, James W., e. June 22nd, '61; w. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill; d. August ist, '64. Baker, Jehu, e. August 20th, '62; e. July 8th, '63. Barnhill, Samuel e. August 20th, '62; d. December 23rd, '62, in Virginia. Bennick, H. D., e. August 20th, '62; d. October 26th, '62, in Virginia..' Conner, Henry \Y., e. June 22nd, '61; w. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines; dg. Carpenter, L,awson, e. August 20th, '62; d. December ist, '62, in Virginia. Dellinger, George S., e. June 22nd, '61; k. July ist, 63, at Gettysburg. - Dongherty, Henry, e. August 2 ist, '62; Engle, David, e. August 21st, '62; w. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville; dt. Gilbert, Robert, e. August 20th, '62; w. July ist, '63, at Gettysburg. Goodson, Albert A., e. June 22nd, '61; k. near Winchester. Guthrie, Columbus, e. August 20th, '62; w. at Chan- cellorsville. Gattis, C. L., e. June 22nd, '61. Hager, Green A., e. June 22nd, '61; pr. July ist '63. Hager, Robert T., e. June 22nd, '61. Hager, Sidney, e. June 22nd, '61; \v. at Seven Pines and Gettysburg. Hager, Monroe L., e. August 20th, '62; d. October 27th, '62, in Virginia. Hager Harvey — Hager, Brown, e. August 20th, '62; k. July ist, '63, at Gsttysburg. Hager, C. W., e. November 10th, '63; d. April 20, '64. Harris, K. T, e. August 20th, '''2; w. at Chancellorsville. Howard, Jackson A., e. August 20th, '62; w. at Chan cellorsville. Howard. W. G., e. August 20th, '< Hoyle, Alfred B., e. June 22nd, '6i; k. May jist, 62, al Seven Pint Hunter, II. Stauhope, e. Juue 22nd, '61; w. at Sewn Pines. Hoover, Alexander, e. August 20th, '62; w. at Chancel- lorsville, and d. At gust [St, '''4. Hoover, Edney, e. August 20th, '62. 'I »over, Wesley, e. August 2 12; d. at Richmond Killian, Jacob I ; ., e. June 22nd, '6i; w. twice and k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville. Killian, John A., e. June 22nd, '61; pr. and d. at Point Lookout. King, James <"... e. June 22nd, '61; dg. in October, '62. King, William Osborne, e. August 20th, '62; dg April 19th, '63, in Virginia. Little, Alfred B.. e. June 22nd, d. April 5th, Richmond. Little, Hugh, e. June 22nd, '61; w. twice; k. July i>t, '63, at ( Gettysburg. Little, James, e. June 22nd, '6i; w. at Malvern Hill; k. May 3rd, '63, at Chancellorsville. Little, Robert P., e. August 30th, Little, John P., e. August 30th, vv. at Chancel- lorsville; dt. Lockman, Ehihu P., e. June 22nd, '6i ; w. at Gettysbui Lockman, Levi A., e. June 22nd, Lockman, William I... e. June- 22ud, '61; w. en Pines. Long, Jacob P., e. June 22nd, '61. Long. John A., e. August 20th, '62. Lynch, Isaac, e. June 22nd, ' 1; k. M Pine- 3Q Ljngerfelt, Daniel, e. August 20th, '62; d. November 23rd, '62, at Starsburg. McCaul, Joseph, e. June 22nd, '61; d. April 10th, '62, at Richmond. Munday, Josiah F., e. June 22nd. '61; w. at Chancel- lorsville; dg. December 21st, '64. Munday, Marcus, e. June 22nd, '61; w. at Seven Pines; k. at Winchester. Moore, James E. C, e. June 22nd, '61; k. May 31st, '62, at Seven Pines. Nance, Joseph C, e. June 22nd, '61. Nance, Marcus, e. June 22nd, '61; d. of w. received at Seven Pities. Nance, John F., e. August 20th, '62. Nixon, James, e. August 20th, '62. Proctor, Thomas H., e. June 22nd, '61; w. at Gettysburg, July 1st, '63. Proctor, Richard G., e. August 20th, '62; dt. Regan, John A., e. June 22nd, '61; d. at Richmond. Randleman, Pink L., e. June 22nd, '61 ; w. at Gettysburg. Robinson, Samuel, e. June 22nd, '61. Robertson, R., e. June 22nd, '61. Rankin, John N., e. August 20th. '62; d. October 25th, '62, at Winchester. *"Reep. Obed, e. August 20th '62; d. March 1st '64. Reep, Jonas, e. August 20th, '62. Rudisill, Philip, e. August 20th, '62; d. in Virginia. Shelton, Albert, e. June 22nd, '61; k. at South Mountain, September 17th, '62. Shelton, Thomas, e June 22nd, '61; m. in action July 1st, •63- Smith, Ephriam, e. August 20th, '62; w. at Chancel- lorsville. Thompson, John A., e. June 22nd, '61; k. at Chancel- lorsville, May 3rd, '63. Thompson, John T , e. August 20th, '62; k. July 1st, 3* '93. at Gettysburg. Willis, Josiah, e. August 20th, '62. Womack, Elisha, e. August 2<>th, '<> 2; w. at Chancel- lorsville. Workman, Jacob, e. August 20th, '62; k. Yount, I)., e. August 20th, '62. Twtny-Fourth Regiment — Company D. Mauney, Lawson A., e. December 3th, "62. Twenty-Fifth Regiment— Company F. Blackburn, William P., e. June- 4th, '64. Twenty-Seventh Regiment— Company F. Regan, H. C, e. May 30th, '64. Twenty-Eighth Regiment— Company B. Murray, J. O., e. March 19th, '63; \\\ at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Twenty-Eighth Regiment -Company C. Colonel Samuel I). Lowe, cm. 1st Lieutenant, Co. C, 28th Regiment, August 13th, '6i ; p. Captain September 21st, '61; p. Major May 12th, '62; p. Lieutenant-Colonel, June nth, '62; p. Colonel, November 1st, '62; \v. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Captain Milton A. Lowe, 3rd Sergeant, Co. C. 28th Reg- iment, e. August 13th, '6i; p. 2nd Lieutenant, cm. August 14th, '62; p. Sergeant-Major 28th Regiment; p. ist Lieu- tenant, Co. H, 28th, cm. November 12th, '62; p. Captain November 14th, '62. James Kencaid, 5th Sergeant, e. August 26th, '6i; p. 2nd Lieutenant '62; d. December 7th, S. Coleman Austin, 2ml Lieutenant; cm. November 1st, '62; k. July ist, '63, at Gettysburg. M. M. Thornburg. 2nd Lieutenant, cm. January 17th, '63; w. June 22nd, '62, at Gaines' Mill. John W. Williams, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. September 14th, •63; p. from Sergeant . Abernethy, J. Henry, e. September 5th, '6i. Asbury Sidney, M., e. August [2th, '63. 32 Childers, Frankiin, e. August 26th, '61; d. March 4th, '62, at Wilmington. Council, Sidney, e" August 13th, '61; \v. Edwards, Adolphus, e. August 26th, '61; w. (loins, Philip^ P., e. August 13th, '61; w. at Chancel- lorsville. Hager, Simon, e. September 5th, '61; d. July 8th, '62, at Winchester. Kencaid, David, e. August 26th, '6r; w. at Ox Hill and Gettysburg; p. Orderly Sergeant. Martin, James W., e. vSeptember 5tn, '61; vv. at Man- assas; d. vSeptember 27th, '62. Martin, Robert, e. September 6th, '61; d. July 15th, '62. at Governor's Island. Pryor, Samuel, e. August 26th, '6i; w. at Gettysburg. Pryor, David, e. August r6th, '6i; m. at Gettysburg. Pryor, Sidney, e. August 26th, '61; dg. June 15th, '62. for disability Twenty-Eighth Regiment — Company H. Milton A. Lowe, Captain, cm. November 14th, '62. Armstrong, Joseph, e. October 2nd, '62. Abernethy, Jobthey, e. October 2nd, '62; d. June 8th, '62, in Virginia. In.^le, Levi, e. October 2nd, '62; d. June 10th, '63. Lowe, Sidney H., e. August 10th, '62. Lowe, Marcus T. H., e. March 9th, "63; p. O M. S. Matthews, Lewis H., e. August 2nd, '62. Matheny, John, e. August 22nd, '61; d. July 9th, '62. Twenty-Eighth Regiment — Company I. Thompson, A. R., e. August 14th, '63. Thirtj-Second Regiment — Company E. John A. Robinson, 2nd Lieutenant; cm. August 14th, '61. Hoover, John T., e. September 5th, 'Ci; p. Corporal; retired. Ramsey, R. M., e. April ist, '64. Sherrill, G. Mc, e. September 2nd, 01. Thirty-Third Regiment -Comoany A. Louther. Samuel, e. May ist, '61: tr. to 1st Regiment. Ramsaur, A. A., e. May 6th, '62; m. at Gettysburg. Sbuford, \V. H., e. May 6th, 62; p. Sergeant; w. June 22nd. '64. Tiddy, John F., e. May 1st. '62; w. May 12th, '64, at Spotts\ lvania Court House; detailed. Tucker, Levi. e. May 16th, '62; k. May 6th. '62. at the Wilderness. Thirty-Third Regiment— Company I. Ronney, John A., e. December 7th, 6r. Thirty-Fourth Regiment— Company E. OFFICERS. John K. Hill, Captain, cm. August 31st, '6i; r. July 1 8th, '62. Hiram W. Abernathy, 1st Lieutenant, cm. August 31 >t, *6i; p. Lieutenant Colonel and r. July, '62; tr. as Captain to Co., A. 34th Regiment, cm. July 1st, '63; r. in '64; Cay tain and Sub-Enrolling officer in conscript service. S. B. Bradley, 1st Lieutenant: cm. in '64. Charles J. Hammarskold, 2nd Lieutenant; cm. August 31st, »6i: w. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill; p. Major 34th Regiment, April 2nd. '62; p. Lieutenant-Colonel, cm. April 17th, '62; r. July, '62. David Rhodes, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. August 31st, '61 ; w. June 27th. '62, at Gaines Mill. Henry D. Eaton, e. August 31st. '61; p. 2nd Lieuten- ant; cm. April '62; k. at Ox Hill September 3rd, '62. Emmanuel Houser. e. August 31st, "6,, p. 2nd Lieuten- ant; cm. May 26th, "62; p. from ranks: k. April .sth, '65. at Burgess Mill. Thomas W. Abernethy, 2nd Corporal, e. August 31st. I '61; p. 2nd Lieutenant; cm. October '62: d. November 6th, '62. . -- .-- &*»* NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. A. R. Nesbit, 1st Sergeant, e. August 31st, '61; p. Cap- tail. A. C..S. • '■:::«! *"-**■' - Franklin A. Heafner, 2nd Sergeant, e. August 31st, '61; d. April, '62. *■ *»>* A - : John T. Stamey, 3rd Sergeant, e. August 31st, '61; p 1st Sergeant; k. September 17, '62, "a "t Sliarpesburg. George CdiVblfev v 4th^Ser'g'ea ; tTt!' L e. August ".^ist, '61; w. at ■ Ox -Hill September fst; l, 62j*pr! af ; Gettysburg. Daniel Wise, 5th Sergeant, e. August 3rst, '61; k. June .: 27th, ;;'h 2s "at Rrchmafkb ■ ;■€*:$ - : '" 11:J '" Marcus L, Heafner, 1st Corporal, e. August 31st, '61. J. H., Eaker,. 3rd Corporal, e.'August 31st, '61 • k. June 27th, '62, at Richmond. Vincent Avery,, Musician, e. August 31st, '6r; w. near Richmond; d'. 'Decern bef "4'trr, '62. PfiJVATES. '•-'• :■■ - 1 ' ' * . ;..:■■ ".■' Armstrong, W. Jackson, e'. August "3 t'st, '61. Bess," Noah G.' e.' March 1st, '63; w. at Gettsyburg. Baxter, Henry j'e. August ^ist,'6r; dg. December Sth, '62. •- ' : "'"', Baxter, Thomas H., e. August 31'st, '6r; exchanged for S. S. Hoyle, October 6th, '62. Blackburn, William S., e. August 31st, '61; p. Sergeant. Bess, John Frank," e. August 31st, '61; w. near Rich- ' mond; pr. Be.=s, William B., e. August 31st, '61; w. at Gettyburg. : ' i ',< >ggs, 'Noah" C. , e.' August 3 1 st, '6 1 . Conner, George J., e. August 31st, '61; \v. near Rich- mond.' Crites, William C, e. August 31st, '61; p. Corporal; tr. to Company K. 12th Regiment. • : '._ "» Childers, William B., e August 31st, '61; dg. April 17th, '62, for disabiliu . Childers, Wiley J., e. August 31st, '6i; p. Corporal; d. August 5th, '02. Childers, Wile} C. e. August w\U<'6t\ p. Corporal. Carpenter, Noah, e. August 11st,. J/5i«; \v. May ird, ''•; at Chancellorsville. Cody, Turner, e. August 31st, '61; dg. Cavin, J. X., e. August 31st, '61. Cody, Henderson, i e. August 315^ '<>i;.,d. of w. re near Richmond, June 28th, '62. "^Cooper, James, e. August 31-st, :.'6i; dg. July 15th. '62, for disability. Capps, James, e. August 21st. '64. -i Capps, Aaron, e. August 21st, '<>4. Eaker, Jesse, e.' August 31st, ''-1; w. May jrd, '^\. at Chancellorsville. Eaker, Abraham, e. August 31st, '61. Eaker, Daniel, e. August 31st, 61; dg. tor disability. Eaker,;! Joseph, e. August 31st, '6r. ., Edmund, Pinkney, e. Augn t 3istj-'6i; w. at Richmond. Finger, M. T. , e. August 31st, '61; p l' I; d. May 3rcf, [63 from w.. at Fredericksburg. Fulbnght, G. E.,e. AugusJ^jst, 'm;.w. at Ox Hill. Grice, W. J., e. August 31st, '<•! : d- December 29th, '- Gilbert, Daniel R. e. August 31st, '6i. Hoover, Timothy A., e. August 31st,. *$r; d. August 4th, '02. Hoover, M. M., e. August ;,i-t, '61; d. April 4th, Hartzo, Cephas, e. August 31st, '61; k. June 17th. '• at Gaines' Mill. Hartzo, Abel C, e. August 31st, '6i; pr. M at Chancellorsville. ' .. » Huss. Joseph II., e. August 31st, '61; p f3j it and k. July 3rd '63, atY.jUv-.!>u: , Helms, Alexander, e. August ,;ist. '61; w. near Ri 36 mond and dg. September 8th, '62. Holly, Marcus A., e. August 31st, '91; p. Corporal and Sergeant. Hovis, Malachi, e. August 31st. '6i; p. Corporal. Hoyle Jonas C, e. August 31st, '61. Hedgepeth, George, e. August 31st, '61; dg. December 8th, '62. Hull, Marcus M., e. August 31st, '61; w. at Chan- cellorsville. Huss, Pinckney M., e. March 1st '63. Holly, Cephas, e. March 1st, '63. Heavner, M. L. , e. March 5th, '62. Heavuer, Peter, e. March 5th. '62. Jonas, John, e. August 31st, '61; dg. December 8th. '62. Keever. George P., e. August 31st. '61; d. May 19th, '62, at Goldsboro. Keever, James, e. August 31st, '61. Keever, Alexander, e. December, '64. Kistler, Henry, e. August 31st, '61; d. July 29th. '63. Keep, Jesse, e. August 31st '6i; \v. at Chancellorsville. Ki/.er, John, e. March 1st, '63; \v. at Chancellorsville May 3rd, '03, and at Wilderness May 5th, '64. Leather man, Jonas, e. August 31st, '61; d. December 13th, '62. Lamaster, John, e. August 31st '6i; \v. near Richmond and Gettysburg. Lingerfelt, David, e. August 31st, '61: d. January 15th, '62. Long, Robert, e. August 31st, '61; near Richmond and dg. for disability. Mauney, Emanuel, e. August 31st, '6i. Mason, L., e. August 21st, '64. Mooney, M. L., e. August 31st, *6i; d. September iSth, '62, for w. received at Shepherdstown. Martin, Charles S., e. August 31st, '6i; u . at Chancel- lorsville and pr. Moore. Joad, e. August ;i-t, '6i; k. June 26th. near Richmond. Perkins. Elisha, e. August ,;i*t, '6i: d. August 25, 62. Perkins, Daniel e. August 31st, '6i; k. June 2gth, '62, near Richmond. Pendleton, Lemuel, e. August 31st, '61; k. December 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg. Proctor, James A., e. August 31st, '61; dg. July 15th, '62, for disability. Porter, J. M., e. August 31st, '62; dg. November 13th, '61 . for disability. Peterson. John, e. August 21st, '64. Queen, Berry, e. August 31st, "6i; k. at Wilderness May 5th, '64. Queen, Joshua, e. August 31st, '61 ; \\ . near Richmond, d. Queen, Washington, e. August 31st, '61; d. December 4th. "6 1. Richards. Alexander, e. August 31st, '6i; dg. February 6th, '62, for disability; re-enlisted, pr. in '64. Reinhardt, Daniel, e. August 31st, '6i; w. at Chancel lorsville. Rabb, William, e. April 6th, '(.4. Robinson, G. \\\, e, August 31st, '6i; w. at 2nd Man sas and Fredericksburg, and k. at Petersl in vSenter, Jonas, e. December 3rd, '63. Sain, Jacob, Sr., e. August 51st, '61; d August '>th, Sain, Daniel, e. August 31st, '6t. .Sain, Jacob, Jr., e. August 31st, '61; \v. at Burgess Mill; pr. at Falling Waters and Petersburg Shull, Phillip A., e. August 31st, '6i; p. Sergeanl \v. at 2nd Manassas, August 27th, '62. "~Shull, C. D., e. August ;i-t, '6i; w. near R nd and pr. 302570 3S Shull, Pierson, e. August 31st, '6:; dg- October 26th. '6i , for disability. Taylor, I). Monroe, e. August 31st, '61; p. Sergeant. Taylor, Robert A., e. August 31st, '61; k July 12th, '63. Taylor. T. G., e. August 31st, '61; d. December 10th, '62. Tnllent, Samuel, e. August 31st, '61; d. January ii, 63. Withers, M. L., e. August 31st, '61; pr. Whetstein, David, e. August 31st, '61; dg. May 13th, '62, for disability. Williams. Robert, e. August 31st, '6i; dg. May 13th, '62, for disability. Wiiliamr. H. S., e. August 31st, '6r; p. Sergeant and d. August 25th, '62. Voder, John !•'., e. August 31st, '61; p. Sergeant and w. near Richmond. Thirty-Fourth Regiment — Company G. Asbury, John R., e. March 13th, '63; w. at Chancellors- ville. Brotherton, John, e March 13th, '63; \v. at Gettysburg. Brotherton, William, e. March 13th, '63. Car] enter, Joseph, e. March 13th, '63; k. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Greenhill, Lawson, e. March 13th, '63; d. May 5th, '63, of \v. received at Chancellorsville. Hovis, Mo.es, e. March 13th, '63; vv. at Chancellorsville Jarrett, .Samuel, e. March 13th, '63. Proctor, James A., e. March 13th, '63; m. at Falling Waters. Thirty-Fourth Regiment — Company H. Brown, William B., e. October 1st, '61. Thirty-Fouth Regiment— Comoany I. Fisher, William, e. March 12th, '63. Thirt>-Fifr.h Regiment— Company B. Causler, John P., 1st Lieutenant, cm. April 21st, '62. Thirty-Seventh Regiment Company I. Ballard, William H., e. August i--,tii. '62; 'I. Mai 2Mb, '63. Gates, M. W., e. August i-,th. "62. Thirty-Eighth Regiment. Captain Benjamin H. Sumner, Captain and A. C S. cm. February i.sth, '62. Thirtv-Eighth Regiment Company F. Hoke, F. E. e. March 16th, '62. Fort\ Second Regiment -- Company K. Byi.um, William S., 4th Sergeant, e. S :pt imber 2 5. Forty-Third Regimenr. Eugene W. Thcnipson, Chaplin, en Forty-Sixth Regiment — Company K. Booney, James M., e. Marcli 9th, '( Childers, John C , e. Marcli [3th, '62; d. J imiary 31 '63, at Richmond. Hoover. Wm. Sidney, e. March 13th, For y Ninth Regiment ■- Company K. OFFICERS. ,N .t.r Z. Baxter, Captain, cm. Much 15th, George L. Phifer, Captain, cm. J ni> 24th, '63; p. from I st Lieutenant. James T. Arams, Captain, cm. in '64; p from 1st I Lu tenant. Rufus M Warlick, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. March 15th, W. Beam, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. May 20th, p. from 1st Sergeant. Thos. W. Lindsay, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. November 15th, '63. Lawson Mauney, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. in om ranks. NOM-CI IMMISSN (NED I (FFICERS. George W. Learn, 1st Sergeant, e March 15th, 2nd Lieutenant. 4° Abner M. Grigg, 2nd Sergeant, e. March 15th. "62. ("Maxwell Wilson, 3rd Sergeant, e. March 15th, '62; dg. May 1st, '63. George W. Hafner, 4U1 Sergeant, e. March 15th, '62. John A. Lowe, 5th Seigeant, e. March 15th,, '62; p. Quartermaster Sergeant November 15th, '63. William H Shell, 2nd Corporal, e. March 15th, '62; p. Sergeant. David C. Beam, 3rd Corporal, e. March 15th. '62; p. Sergeant Xoih H. Mannev, 4th Corporal, e. March 13th, '62; pr. March, '65, in front Petersburg. PRIVATES. Alexander, John T.. e. March 15th '62; p. Corpora 1 ; w. Alexander, David M., e. March 13th, '62. Anthony, Dawson. Anthony, Gideon, e. March 13th, '62: c. in '64. Anthony, Vardry, v. February nth, '63; k. near Petersburg. Authony, Emerson, e. April rst, '64: d. July 30th, '64. Baxter. Thomas, e. September 1st, '62; dg May 1st, '63. Bess, Thomas, e March 15th, '62. Blackbnn., Frank, k. at Drury's Bluff. Brackett, George BumgariKT. Andrew. Blackburn. Ht' ; '-1, k. at Dairy's Bluff. Blackburn, D. C. e. March. 15th, '62; prisoner. Beam, I). C. e. March 13th. '62; w. Connor, J. P., e. April 1st, '64. Dellinger, Adam, e. March 15th, '62. Dellinger, Philip F., e. March 13th, '62. Davis, D. D., e. March 15th, 62. Elmore, Ephriam, e. March 15th, '62. Fisher, Lawson, e. March 15th, '62; d November 12, '62. I' Grigg, A. M., e. March 15th, '62. Grigg, William. Grigg, Eli Harsin, John, v. February nth, '63. Hafner, Lawson, e. March 15th. '62. Hartman, Nathan C , e. March 15th, '62; <1. March 8th. '63. Helms, William, e. March 15th. '62. Ilium, n. Samuel, e. February 11th, > ; Houser, Daniel, e. March [5th, '62; p. Corporal. Houser, Joseph, e. March 15th. '62. Houser, F. A., e. February 11th, Houser, Thomas L-, e. February nth, '( Houser, Lawson, e. February nth, '63, Hoyle, Peter, e. Much 15th. '62; k. September 17th, '62, at Sharpsbui Hoyle, B. W., e. February nth, '( Hoyle, Samuel, e. March 15th. ''■,,: tr. to 34th Regiment. Jetton, C. P., e. March 15th., '62. Kanipe, Henry, e. May isth, '6 Lackey, David, e. March 15th, '62; dg. March [2th. ' Led ford, Jefferson, e. March 1 5th . Ledford, J. E., e. M irch 15th. '62 Ledford, John \V., e. M irch 15th, Lenhardt, Jacob X., e. March i 51'n. '<>2: kr Juh 1 Lenhardt, J Wesly. Lenhardt, C, e. February nth, '63. Leonard, Frank, e, February nth, '63; \v. in ''-4. Lindsay, T. W., e. 1 ry nth '<>;,: p. Lieut. November i 5th, '03. Litton, Isaac, e. September rst, '1 3; k. July 30th, '-4. Mauney, Lawson; p. Lieutenant. Massagee, Abner, e. February 11th. '63; k. at Bermi Hundred. McDonald, Stephen, e. February nth, Michal, John M., e. February iith, '63. Overcash, Caleb, e, April 1st, '64. Page. Phifer, Ed. X., e. July 1st, '63; p. Lieuteftsnt Novem- ber 1 st, '62; d. of \v. June iSth, '64. Rabb, William, e Maich 15th, '62; dg. November 4, '62. Shull, Pierson, e. March 151b, '62; eg. January 12, '63. Shull, .Moses H. Snul 1 , Chailes W., e. March 15th, '62; prisoner. Spratt, Joseph L., e. Maich 15th, '62. Taylor, A. J., e. February nth, '63. Tovery, George \\\, e. March 15th, '62; k. near Petersburg. Towery, Joseph, e. M.-.rch 16th, '62; d. June 15th, '63. Trammel, Thomas, e. Maich 15th, '62. Trammel, James, e. May rst, '63. Trammel, Samuel, e. March 15th, '62; k. July 1 st, '62, at Malvern Hill. W'ehunt, Caleb, e. March 15th, '62; k. Angir.t roth, '64. Wilson, Alexander, e. March ] 5 r 1 1 , '62; k. July 1st, '62, at Malvern Hill. Wilson, N. B., e. May rst, '62; d. of c'isease. Whitstine, Geo.ge W., e. March 15th, '62; dg. October 5th, '62. Wright. Henry, e. March 15th, '62; d. June 15th, '62. Fifcy-Second Regiment — Company G. OFFICERS. Captain Joseph B. Shelton, cm. March 1st, '62; r. August 2, pr. in '64 44 Barker, Nathan, pr. in '64. Bryant, Phillip, d. Caldwell, James Franklin, e. March 23rd, '62; p. Ser- geant; w. at Gettysburg. Cashion, James H., e. March 23rd '62; transferred. Cashion, Franklin, e. October 8th, '63; tiansferred. Cherry, David, e October 8th, '63; pr. in '65. Dellinger, Leroy M., e. March 23rd, '62; p. Sergeant July 51I1, '63; w. at Cold Harbor. Dellinger, Lorenzo, I)., e. September 22nd, '62. Edwards, William E., c. March 23rd, '62; k. at Cold Harbor, June, '64. Edwards, J. O., e. March 23-d, '62; d. in '63. Edwards, Lewis, e. August 10th, '63; d. in '63. Goods m, Joel, e. March 23rd, '62; d. Goodson, John \V., e. March 20th, '62; w. at Bnstoe Station October 14th, '63. Goodson, Reuben, e. March 20th, '62; d. in '64. Goodsoa, John F., e. March 20th, '62. Gant, Harrison, e. March 20th, '62; pr. in '64. Gant, Jefferson, e. March 12th, '63; d. Hager, James R., e. March iSth. '62; d. Hager, James Henry, e. March 19th, '62. Hager Philip, e. Maich 17th, '62; d. ''Hager, James R., e. March 17th, '62; dg. May 10th, '62. Hager, C. W., e. March 17th, '62; dg. May 10th, '62. Hager, Robert D., e. March 17th, '62; d. Hager, Monroe, e. September 22nd, '62. Hager, John, e. March 9th, '63; d. Hager, Thomas Franklin, e. March 9th, '63; d. Hager, A. M., e.. March 17th, '62. Howard, Allen, e. March 19th, '62; d. at Dairy's Bluff, August 8th, '62. Howard, Joseph, e. March 19th, '62; k. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. 45 Howard, William, e. February 22nd, '63; w. July 3rd, '63, at Getty.sbui g . Hinkle, Cyius, e. March 25th, '< May 15th, "62. Hunt. Sin on, e. Maich 23rd, '62; d. September 25 '62. Hunt, McDonald, e June 30th, '62; k. at Petersburg. Hinshaw, Thomas; pr. in '64. Hinshaw, Jacob, pr. in 04. Houston W. G. P. e. March 21st, 62; 'd. Kids, Sidney, e. September 22nd, '62. King, Alexander, e. May 20th '63; d. Luckey, John. March r 5 1 1 1 , '62; u . in '64. Luikey, Aichihi Id. v Much 9th, '62. Luckey, Dsvid, e. Maich 23rd, '62; pr. in '64; d. at Elmyra, N. V. Monday, J. ine.s 1 1 , e. March ist, '62. Little. Samuel C, e. April 26th, '62; k. at Spottsyvania C H. Monday. J. Fnemon e March 23rd. '62; p. Sergeant; w. at ('<>Ul>loro December 17th, '< 2, and pr. in '(14. M01 day, J K . e. M;.i< li 23rd. '62 Monday. W. F.. e. March 22nd, '62; |>r. July jrd, '63, .-.ml (1, at I ? ort ! Maware. Mooie, Js nus A., e. Match 23rd, '62; d. Mclnioj-l., \\ illi; in, 1 . Octol er 81 h, '6;. Norwood, J. T., e. March 25th, 'or: w. at Gettysburg, N« n* cod, Thomas Spain, e. March 171I1, '62; pr. in r>4; (1. at Point Lookout. Nix. C il; pr. in '64; d. at Point Lookout. Wilkerson, J. S., e. March 22nd '1 Woraac, Starling, e. October 8th, '($; w. Young, Solomon, e. September 02nd, Fifty-Second Regiment — Company H. OFFICER Eric Erson, Captain, cm. March 25th, '62; p. M July 1st, '63; w. at Gettysburg; p. Lieutenant-Colonel, cm. August 30th, '64; \v. in '64. Captain Lawson A. Dellinger, 3rd Corporal, Co. K., Bethel Regiment, e. April 25th, '61; 2nd Lieutenant, I 11, 52nd Regiment, cm. M.i.ch 25th. p. tst !. riant cm. August 19th, '62; p. Captain, cm. July isi, '63; w. July 1st, '63, at Gettysbui William A. Summerrow, Est Lieutenant, cm. March 25th, '62; d. at Petersburg. Peter S. Be'al, ist Lieutenant, cm. July 5th, '63; p. from 2nd Lieutenant. Wm. R. Aleuts. 2nd Lieutenant, cm. March 25th, k. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg, of wound received at Gettysbui Peter S. Leal, 2J.d Lieutenant, cm. October I st '62; p. from Serge int. Samuel H. Raudleman, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. Febru 1 st, '64. NON-CI ! MISSU IN ' ' ■ • ■■ : RS. James A. Patterson. 1 I - it, e. M rch 25th. Peter S. Beal, 2nd £ ant, e. March 25I ud Lieutenant, < Ictober ist, Ephriam Garrison, 3rd S ch 25H d October 28th, '62, 4 8 John C. McCf.ll. 4U1 Sergeant, e. Mrrcr 25th. '62: k. Samuel H. Randleman, 5th Fergemt. e. March 25th, '62: p. 2nd Lieutenant February i-t, '64. Lafayette Loftin, i.«-t Corporal, e. March 25th, '62: p. Sergeant: pr. in '64. John C. Gocdjcn, 2nd Corporal, e. March 25th, "62; k. at Petersburg. John C. Dellinger, 3rd Corporal, e. March 25th. '62: p. Sergeant in '64. Richard McCorkle; 4th Corporal, e. March 25th. '62: \v. PRIVATES. Armstrong. Monroe, e. March 25th, '62: d. April 19, '62. Abernethy. William, e. March 25th. '63; k. Anderson. David T., e. Julv 9th, '62. Ballard, Lawson, e. March 25th. '6?. Bynum. John A- . e. March 25th. '62. Bvnum, James, e. March 25th, '62. Bvnnm. William L.. e. March 25th, '62. Bynum, Albeit A., e. Julv 6th, '62. Bvnnm, Franklin, e. July 6th, '62; w. at Getty-burg. Brotherton, Hiram. Black. Davidson. Clippard, Khun, e. April 29th. '62: d. July 3rd. '62, at Goldsboro. Clippard, John A.,e. March 25th, '62; d. May lotli. '62. Caldwell. Julius A . e. March 25th, '62; d. April 29* '62. Caldwell.. Marcus, e. March 25th. '62. Chesser, Ephriam. e. March 25th. '62. Carpenter, Wil iam, e March 25th, '62; d. July 18th, '63. of \v. Cody. Perry, tr. Com. H. September, '64. Cloninger, Eli, e. October 2nd, '62; c. in '64. Cloninger, Eli, e. October 2nd, '62. Dellinger, Isaac, e. July 6th, '62; c. in '64. Dellinger, John F., e. March 25th, '62: d. May 3rd. 62. 4Q Dellinger, Michael, e. March 25th, 62. Dellinger, Albert e March 25th, '62. Delliuger, Monroe, e. July 6th, '62; pr. in '64. Dellinger, Isaac, e. July 6th, '62; pr. in '64. Dellinger, Noah, e. March 25th, '62; pr. in '64. Harney, Lafayette, e. March 25th, '62. Harney. E.. e. April 19th, '62. Harney, Admiral, e. April 19th, 'f>2. Fisher, James, e. March 25th, '(^2. Forney, Sidney J-, e. March 25th. '62, p. Corporal, in '64- Fisher, David, e. June 30th, '63; w. at Reams Station. Garrison, Henry; dg. May 28th, '62. Goodson, Abner, e. July 9th, '62; w. at Gettysburg. Goodson, George W., e. July 9th, '62; p. Sergeant, in '64. Goodson, Rufus, e. July 9th, '(•>?. Goodson, Jeremiah, e. March 25th, '62; d. December 1st. '62, at Company Shops, X. C. Garrison, Sidney, e. March 25th, '>2: d. at Goldsboro, March [6th, '63. Gibson, George, e. March 25th, '62. Haynes, John C, e. March 25th, '62. Hovi , Moses, e. March 25th, '62; w. at Gettysburg; pr. in '64. Hovis. Wesley, e. March 25th, '62; w. July 3rd, '63, a Gettysburg. Hope, William, e. March 25th, '62. Hope, Christus, e. March 25th, '62: \v. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Hope, John, e. March 25th, '62; d. May 16th, '63, at Raleigh. Hawkins, William P., e. March 25th, Helms, Austin, e. March 25th, '62. Heldcrman, John F., e. April 25th, '62. 5° Helderman Rufus M., e April 28th, '62; p. 4th Corporal, November 4th, '62; in. Gettysburg. Helderman, George Franklin, e. October nth, '62; pr- ill '64. Helderman, Abel, e. October 28th, '62; d. Honeycut, John H., e. July 9th, '62; k. October 14th, '63, at Bristow Station. Keener, David, e. March 25th, '62; w. at Bristow Station. Keever, David A. e. July 9th, '62; dt; w. at Wilderness. Keener, Cephas, e. March 10th, '63; k. near Goldsboro. Lany. John S., e. July 6th, '62; d. at Raleigh. Lowe, Franklin, e. March 25th, '62; d. at Raleigh. Loftin, Langdon, e. March 25th, "62; dg. May 28th, '62. Lawing, John M., e. March 25th, '62; \v. July 3rd, '63, at Gettysburg. Lawing, William, e. October 24th, '62; dt. Lee, William; dg. May 28th, '63. Lynch, E. Milton, e. July 6th, '62. Meunt, J. C, e March 25th, '62; p. Sergeant; pr. in '64. Moore, Andrew F. , e. March 25th, "62; p. Corporal. McCaul, James, e. October iCth, '62. Patterson, Calvin. Parker, John, e. March 25th, '62; w. Parker, Hosea, e. July 9th, '62. Perkins, Frank, e. October 24th, '62. Painter, John, e. October 17th. '62. Painter Pinkney, e. October 17th, '62. Queen, James, e. March 25th, '62; w. Robinson, Henry, e. March 25th, '62; d. September 17th, '62, at Petersburg. Reel, Rufus, e. March 25th, '62; d. May 2nd, '62; at Raleigh. Robeson, Wesley, e. January 3rd, '64. Robesoi., P., e. March 13th, '64. Rutledge, William (',., e. April 25th, Saunders, James, e. March 25th, '62; pr. at Gettysbu and d. July mtli, '63, of w. received at Gettysburg. Saunders, Thomas J., e. March 25th, '62; w. July 3rd, '63, at < iettysburg. Senter, Caleb O., e. May 25th, '62. Sumrnerrow, Henry M., e. April 29th, '62; w. July ;>rd. '63, at Gettysburg; p. Corporal in '64. Sumrnerrow, David 1".. e. February roth, '63; k. Spargoj James, e. March 25th, '62. Stuart, Thomas W.,e. March 25th, '62; d. of \v. received at Gettysburg. Stroup, Robert M. e. March 25th, '62. Stroup, Wesley C. e. March 25th, '62. Stroup, Robert 15., e. July 6th, '62. Stroup, David C, e. July 6th, Stroup, Andrew J., e. July 6tb, '62; w. at Franklin, Ya Stroup, Lafayette, e. July 6th, '< Stroup, H., e. May 8th, ' 13; c. in '64. Shronce, Sidney J., e. March 25th, '62. Sifford, Miles L., e. July 6th, '62; dt. in "64. Shrum, Henry, e. Octobei 26th, '><\. Stowe, John M., e. May 15th, '64. Summey, David A., e. March 25th, '62. Suromey, James, <.-., March 25th, '62. Thompson, Sidney, e. March 25th, 62. Thompson, Michal. Turner, David, e. July 6th, '.62. Earner, R. A., e. March 1st, '64; c. in '< White, William 11. Weathers, Oliver W., e. March 25th, '62. Weathers, John A., e April 27th, '62; w. at Gettysburg Williams, Isaac, e. March 25th, '62. Fifty-Fifth Regiment Company C. Lackey. T. (>., e. February t2th, '63. 52 Warlick, Francis T., e February 13th. '63; p. Corporal; w. at Wilderness, May 5th, '64. Fifty-Fifth Regiment— Company F. Brindle, Wesley, e. May 10th, '62; pr. in '64. Bivens, Peter M., e. April 22nd. '62. Gales, Jacob, e. May 10th, '62; dg. May, '62, for disability. Hull, Benjamin, e. February, '64. Williams, William T., e. May 10th, "62; k. at Wilder- ness, May 5th, '64. Williams, Wesley A., e. May 31st, '62; p. Sergeant May '63; w. at Petersburg, August, '64. Filty-Stventh Regiment— Company E. Campbell, E., e. July 1st, '62; vv. at Fredericksburg, December 13th, '62. Crouse, L. R, e July 4th, '62. Frazier, C. J., e. November 1st, '63. Hass, William G., e. July 4th, '62; d. at Savannah, Ga., November, '63. Halman, E., e. July 4th, '62. Leatherman, Lawson M., e. February 1st, '63. McCaslin, A. C, e. Julv 4th, '62; pr. November 7U1, '63. McCaslin, Henry F. ( e. July 4th, '62; pr. November 7th. '63. Null, John., e. July 4th, '62. Raby, William, e. July 4th, '62; pr. November 7th, '63. Fifty-Seventh Regiment— Company F. Captain Joseph G. Morrison, e. September 1st, '61; cm. 1 st Lieutenant and A. D. C, on General Jackson's Statf July 23rd, '62, and served until his death; cm. 1st Lieu- tenant and adjutant 57th Regiment August 1st, '63; p. Csptain Co. F., 57th Regiment, 13th February. '64; w. May 16th, '64, at Drury's Bluff, and August 20th, '64. at Petersburg. 53 Fiity-Scventh Regiment - ComDany G. O' John F. Speck, Captain, cm. July 4th, '62; w. Deceral 13th, ' '.'. at Fredericksburg, and r. August 9th, '63; was 5th Sergeant Co. K, Bethel Regiment. Phillip W. ■ iter, Captain 2nd Lieutenant, Co. O, 57th Regiment, cm. June 2nd, '63; p. Captain, era. August 17th, '63. John IT. Boyd, rst Lieutenant, cm. July 4th, '62: k. M ' tst, '63. at Chancellorsville. EH Crowed, 2nd Lieutenant, cm. July 4th, '62; r. Feb- ruary. '63. C. E. 2nd Lieutenant, cm. June 1st '63; p. 2nd it; e. July 4th, "62; pr. July 2nd, '63, ->■: in C. K, Bethel Regiment. John M. Rendleman, 5th Sergeant Co. G, 57 Regiment, e. July 4th, '62; p. 2nd Lieutenant, cm June 2nd. '63; w . at Gettysburg; pr. v iber 7th., '63. 5IONED OFFICERS. Thomas J. Cansler, rst Sergeant, e. July 4th '1*2; d. Febru try 12th, '63, at Richmond. Franklin Stubbs, 3rd Sergeant, e. July 4th, '62; dt. served in Co. K, Bethel Regiment. William W. Ramsey, 4th S Judy ith. Orderly Sergeant; w. S W. Dellin er, rst Corporal, e. July 4th, 6 Henry Huss, 2nd Corporal, e. July 4th '62: p. S int. John Hauser, 3rd Corporal, e. July 4th, '■ G. E. Smith, 4th Corporal, July 4th, '62; p. int. William Boozer. Y July 4th PRIVATE Aderholdt, W. M ireus, e. July 4th. '62; p. Sergeant. Abernethy, Roberl A , e. July 4th, '62. Anthony, David, e. July 4th, '02.; d. January 6th, near Fredericksburg. 54 Armstrong, Allen S., e. July ith, '62. Avery, George, e. July 4th, '62. Avery, Philip, c. July 4th, '62. Baker, J. Anderson, e. July 4th, '62; pr. July 20th, '64. Ream, J. F., e. July 4th, '62; w. Chaneellorsville. Broun, John J., e. July 4th, '62; d. February 17th, '63, at Lynchburg. Clay, J. Frank, e. July 4th, '62; w. at Fredericksburg. Clay, M. Caleb, e. July 5th, '62; pr. November 7th '63. Cornwell, John J., e. July 4th, '62; p. 1st Corporal. Carpenter, Joshua P., e. July 4th, '62; p. Sergeant. Klmore, Lewis, e. July 4th, '62; pr. November 7th, '63. Farmer, Caleb A., e. July 4th, '62; d. June isi, '63, at Richmond, Va. Farmer, John A., e. July 4th, '62; d. January 14th, '63, near Front Royal, Virginia. Farmer, Absalom, e. July 4th, '62; d. Furr, C. F., e July 4th, '62; d. of w. received at Chaneellorsville. Furr, S. J., e. July 4th, '62. Gilbert, Alfred, e. July 4th, '62; k. al Petersburg. Gheeu, Flenry, e. July 4th, '62; k. lecember 13th '62, at Fredericksburg. Hause, Andrew, e. July 4th, '62. Hause, Cephas A., e. July 4th, '62; d. March 17th, '63, of w. received at Fredericksburg. Hause, John R., e. July 4th, '62; d. July 14th, '63, at Danville, Va. Hause, Adam A., e. July 4th, '62; k. May 4th, '63, at Chaneellorsville. Heavner, George W., e. July 4th, '62. Heavner, H. Pinkney, e. July 4th, '62. Haynes, W. H., e. July 4th, '62. Helms, Pinkney A., e. July 4th, '62. Hobbs, W. H., e. July 4th, '62; dg. November 25, '62. 5! Houser, Jon [uly 4th, '62; pr. July iwth, '.4. Hallinan, Joseph I>., e. July 4th, '62. Ilann, Henry, e. July 4U1, '62; pr. November ;th, '63. Hafner, II. P., e. July 4th, '62; pr. November 7H1, '63. Jackv.n, C. L., e. July 4th, '62; d. Johnson, Henry, e. July 4th, '62; d. April 24th, '63, at Lynchburg. Keever, Henry, e. July 4th, '62. Leonard, William, e. July 4th, '62; d. Lewken, J. R., e. July 4th, '62; d. February '63, at Lynchburg. Lingerfelt, Daniel, e. July 4th, '62. Mullen, J. II., e. July 4th, '62. Morris, Joseph W., e. April 12th, '64; pr. September 2 2nd, '64. Pendleton, William, e. July 4th, '62. P opst, William, e. July 4th, '62; W. at Fredericksburg. Prorst, Marcus, e. July 4th. '62. Propst, J. C , e. July 4th, '62; k. December 13th, '62, at Fredericksburg. Prorst, J. M., e. July 4th, '62; \v. at Chancellorsville. Prop-t, Jacob, e. July 4th, '62. Propst, J. G. H., e. July 4th, '62; pr. July 6th, '64. Ramsey, A. J , e. July 4th, '62; u\ at Fredericksburg. Rhyne, Jonas e. July 4th, '62; d. December 25th, '62, at Fredericksbuig. Rhyne, Geor<. e, e July 4th, '62; d. January 12th, '63, at Richmond. Rudisill, I)., e. July 4th, '62; d. at Richmond. Rudisill, Henry A., e. July 4th, '62; d. March 3rd, '< 3, at Lynchburg. Rudisill. J. P.. e. July 4th, '62. Rudisill, M. C, e. July 4th, '62; k. December 13th, '( at Fredericksbuig 5^ Robinson, Marcus L., e. July 4th, '62: k. at Petersburg, rch 25th, '63. Sain, Levi, e. July 4th, '62. Pain, Joseph, e. July 4th, '62; d. November 27th, '63, at Richmond, Va. Sain, Andrew, e July 4th, '62; w. at Fredericksburg. Sain, John, e. July 4th, '62; d. Sain, Daniel, e. July 4th, '62. Sain, Noah, e. July 4th, '62; d. December 13th, '62, of w. received at Fredericksburg. Self.. R. H., c. July 4th, '62; d. November iSth, '62, at Richmond, Va. Steward, D. L,., e. July 4th, '62; p. Corporal and w. at Chancellorsville. Sullivan, Ezekiel M., e. July 4th, '62; d July 13th, '63, at Jordan's Springs. Summey, L. D., e. July 4th, '62; d. October, '63, at Richmond, Va. Stroup, Philip, e. July 4th, '62; d. November 13th, '62, at Richmond, Va. Stroup, I. R., e. July 4th, '62. Shuford, Abel, e. July 4th, '62. Shull Joseph D. e July 4th, '62; d May, '63, at Rich- mond, Va. **tVise, Absalom, e. July 4th, '62; pr. November 7th, '63. Wise, Franklin, e. July 4th, '62; w. May 7th, '63. Wise, Andrew N., e. July 4th, '62; w. November 7. '63. Wise, Franklin A., e. July 4th, '62; pr. November 7th, '63. Wise, Ambrose, e. July 4th, '62; p. Corporal; w. ; pr. July 7th, '63. Sixty-Third Regiment — Company K. W. F. Robinson, 4th Corporal, e August 8th, '62. Edwards, W. S., e. August 12th, '61. Edwards, J. T.. e. August 15th, '62. 5 Hager, George, e. August i8th, '62. 1 1 iger, J. H. II iger, R. M.. e. August 20th, '62. Hampton W. S., e. August 13th. '62. Munday, W. M, e. August 8th, '62. Vxon, Alfred, e. August 26th, '62. Sherrill, Nelson, e. August 26th, '62. Wbtnack, William Henry, e. August [6th, '62; pr. June 1st, '64; (1. in prison, Rlmyra. Seventy-First Regiment — Company C. JUNIOR RESERVES. Charles R. Ramsaur, Sergeaut-Major. William H. Hill, 1st Lieutenant. Caleb F. Bisaner, 2nd Lieutenant. William Lowe, 3rd Lieutenant. William M. Thompson, 3rd Sergeant. PRIVATES. Armstrong, Pink. Arrowood. Barnes. Baker, Daniel. Benton, William. burch. Richard. Caldwell. Ed. Caldwell. Elihu. Cody. Vard. Davis, John F. Delhngei, Crooks. Gates, John L. Harr-.ll, Wallace. Hartsoe, Paul. Hauss, Joseph. Hauss, D.ivkI. Hauss, William T II us., Eli C. Hoover, Pink. Harrill, Thomas. Hager, Monroe S. IV Helderman. Robert. Helderman, Thomas. Hinson, Sidney D. Hovis, Michal R. Jenks, George. Jonas. Philo. kirksey, Pink. Kistler. David S. Mistier. John C. king, Ham. Keneaid, I). Pink. Kelly, C. Ruker. Killiau, Henry P. Keener, William- Luckey, Macon. Lynch, Joseph. Lulz, M. M. Murray, James. Nautz. Pendleton, Puekett. Pendleton, Washington. Reep, Phillip A. Robinson, John. Robinson, Lee. Rothrick, Archibald. Robinson. Newton. 58 Seagle, Michal. Seagle. Benjamin. Sain, George. Sullivan, Irvin J. Sherrill, Julius P. Shelton, Julius. Stillweli, John. Thompson, Jacob. Wise, Daniel F. Wilson, George. Wingate, Anderson M. Wacaster. Yoder Adolphus. Note. — The foregoing nair.es have 1 een furnished by survivors. The Junior Reserves were called out by Act ot Congress of 17th February, 1864. and included those b tween the ages ot seventeen and eighteen years. They were organized at Camp Holmes, 31st May, 1864. Tins company, J. Q. Holland, Captain, formed a part ot the Second Battalion, Junior Reserves. A part 01 the fall was spent at Weldon. In October they were sent to Tarboro, then to Plymouth. December 8th, they were of the forces sent to Belfitld, Va., to meet the advance of Warren's Corps. Here they were under 6re the first time, and fol- lowed the enemy several miles on hi i retreat. In January the Regiment was sent to Coleraine on the Chowan, ther.ee to Goldshoro and Kinston. March the 8th, it participated in the engagement at South West Creek. At Smithfield it was united with the western army under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. On March the 19th the Reserves were in the fight of Bentouville. They were on the left of Hoke's Division, and received high praise from Gen. Hoke and o hers. They ceased to be soldiers with the surrender of General fohnvton 26th of April, 1863. ■- Si vent; -Second Regiment - Company E. ufus, A., e. October rst, '64; c at Fort Fisher, ra ' ■ 25th, '64; ] r. at Poinl ■ tut- Seventy-Third Regiment. SENIOR RESERVES. John F. Hill, Captaii.; James F. Seagle, i&t Lieutenant; p. Captain; Henry Rhodes, 2nd Lieutenant; Wallace H. Alexander, Lieutenant-Colonel. Asbury, Daniel. Adams, James Bolinger, John D. M. Barrett, James. Bynum, Vincent. Beam, I). Frank. B lyles, I >avid. Bollinger, David. Bli ck, J< thn Carpenter, Solomon. enter, John Car] ente . Phil p. Clanton, David F. Canipe, Adam, Cody, Turner i ia\ s, John A. Dellinger, Daniel. Edwards, John 1 1. Fite, Rol ert. Goodson, Mil' i '(-..'-mii \ lex. > . 'ii, Mil fTokc, 1.; \\ is. How ard, E. M 1 Haynes, L. D. Hull, G. Wash. Houser. Isaac. Jenks, O. B. Kelly, W. F. Kids. J. M. Kirksey, A. B. Keener, Lewis. "Lowe, Rufus. Lehmans, Francis. M uuey, < Jeorge W. Mm/. Caleb. M [nto, '61. CONFEDERATK STATE'S NAVY. Dellinger, George. Johnston, Bartlett Shipp. Dellinger, Charles. McFalls, Leander. Goodson. John Franklin. Munday, Rnfus Milton. Brycnt, John, Co. G, 52nd Regiment; d. Richmond. Williams, R. H., Co. G, 58th Regiment. *& SUMMARY. Major Generals : Brigadier Generals 1 Colonels 4 Lieutenant Colonels ? Majors 2 Chaplains 2 Assistant .burgeon 1 Captains 28 First Lieutenants ,,, Second Lieutenants 53 Non-Comniissiontd Officers and Privates 1 Total 1 • Counted Twice 45 Net Total 1 \\ 1 62 Farewell, General Robert F. HoKe to His Command. "Soldiers or my Division: "On the eve of a long, perhaps final separation, I desire to address to you the last s id words of parting. 'The fortunes of war have turned the scales against us. The proud banners which you have waved so gloriously on main- a field are to be furled at last; but they are not dis- graced. My comrades, your indomitable courage, your heroic fortitude, your patience under suffering have sur- rounded these with a halo which future years cannot dim. History will bear witness to your valor and succeeding gen erations will point with admiration to your grand struggle for constitutional freedom. Soldiers, your past is full of glory. Treasure it in vour hearts. Remember each gory battlefield, each day of victory, each bleeding comrade. Think then of your iuture. "Freedom's battle once begun, Bequeathed from bleeding sire to son, Though baffled oft, is ever won." "Vou have yielded to overwhelming forces, not to supe- rior valor; you are paroled prisoners, not slaves; the love of liberty which led you in the contest still burns as brightly in your hearts as ever, cherish it, nourish it, associate it with the history of the past. Transmit to your children, teach them the rights or freemen and teach them to main- tain them: teach them that the proudest day in all your proud career was that on which you enlisted as a Southern tier, entering that holy brotherhood whose ties are now sealed in the blood of your compatriots; who have fal and whose history is covered with the brilliant records of the past four years. Soldiers amid the imperishable laurels that surmount 63 your brows, no brighter li you than your late con- nection with the Army of Northern Virginia. The stai that -hone with splendor o^ I its oft i d field of vic- tory, over tli' two deadly struggles of Manassas Plains, Richmond Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg has sent its rays and been reflected wherever true coin dmired and wherever freedom has a friend. The star has set in blood, but yet in glory. That army is now of the] Its banners trail, but not with ignominity; no stain blots its e k on, no blood ran tinge your f:nx- as you proudly announce that yon have a part in the past history of the Army of Northern Virginia. " My comrades, we have born ime hard- ships, we havi ed the same dangers, we have rejoi over the same victory; your trials and youi patience have excited sympathy and admiration and I ha\ home willing witness to your bravery. It is will-, a heart full of grateful •■ your service and ready obed that I t ' leave of y< "May the futui >'i be as happy as your past career has been brilhant ai cloud ever dim the of your fame. The ] oms before me in its lllumina grandeur. Its memories ai • rt of the past one ot you ; but it is all now over. The - d nk v<.i! ■>. defeat is between us and a life tii row i- our only hei "Von your home the lu wishes our I xeneral for youi ieritj'. "My command, tarewe " K. b. 1 1 "Major-Genei "Headquarters Hoke's Division, near Greensboro N C i Ma\ , iSi s." 6 4 Southern Stars Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy. LINCOLNTON, 1ST. O., 1905. Officers : President — Mrs.R. S Reinhardt. First Vice President — Mrs. J. W. Saine. Second Vice President — Mrs. D. H. Shields. Secretary and Treasurer — Mrs. W. A. Hoke. Historian — Mrs. Stephen Herndon. Musical Director — Miss Kate Hoke. Members. Mrs. R. S. Reinhardt, Mrs. T. W. Uoyd, Mrs. W. A. Hoke, Miss Hettie Reinhardt, Mrs. Hugh Jenkins, Mrs. W. S. Bynum, Mrs. Blair Jenkins, Mrs. A. Nixon, Mrs. W. A. Graham, Miss Ida Ramsaur, Mrs. R. E. Costner, Miss Bessie Cauble, Mrs C. C. Wrenshall, Mrs. J. A. Dosier, Mrs. William E. Shipp, Mrs. J. W. Saine, Mis. A. C. McBee, Mrs. D H. Shields, Mrs. Agnes Lawing, Mrs. Frank Cauble, Mrs. T. F. Costner, Mrs. Stephen Henidon, Miss Julia Richardson, Miss Bettie Holly, Miss Florence Finch, Mrs. J. B. Heim, Miss Virginia Hoke, Miss Emma Saine, Miss Kate Curtis, Mrs. J. L. Lineberger, Miss I,ila Richardson, Mrs. L. B. Wetmore, Mrs. B. C. Cobb, Miss Eucy Tiddy, Mrs. W. A. Biggs, Miss Kate Hoke, Mrs. H. E. Reid, Miss Mary Lander, Miss Isabel Tobey. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES TP- '1MIVERSITY LIBRARY " 'flow Wtf-UN'IVERS//, F[fj- ^1 3 L OS-ANCELFjo. CX3 \\\ \ :lOS-ANCEL£j> aWEUNI In* fj> ^0FCAUF(%, ^ h / RS/A jftv 1 L 006 373 526 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL UBW AA 000 699 616 9 Or