■ •/»> '<•( I vm. -;<"■■;■ HHHi ■ E»S •:} /. nffil ■ waft ^>'v ■ ■ W 4 «f ■ >H I MOH ' tfW'. KI ^Ni tftf W * " !* unKT MIA -'INE 83 CORNELL STUDIES IN ENGLISH EDITED BY JOSEPH QUINCY ADAMS LANE COOPER CLARK SUTHERLAND NORTHUP A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY BY CLARK SUTHERLAND NORTHUP NEW IIAVIA': VAI.K UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON'.- HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS MDCCCCXVH Copyright, 1917 By Yale University Press First published, March, 1917 THOMAE HERBERTO WARREN COLLEGII B. MARIAE MAGDALENAE OXON. PRAESIDENTE EQUITI CLARISSIMO CUIUS STUDIA IN GRAIUM POETAM IMPENSA LITTERARUM SCIENTIAE TANTOPERE I'ROKUERUNT PREFACE The aim of this bibliography is to present a complete record of the editions of Thomas Gray's works, together with a list of all the reviews, critical notices, and studies relating to him that have thus far appeared. I have made it as full as possible in order to indicate the extent of Gray's popularity and influence. Notwithstanding great diligence and pains, I have doubtless come far short of what I aim to do; for it is not to be expected that a bibliography compiled by any one person shall be complete. I can only hope that nothing of great importance has escaped me. In the case of critical notices, one exception to the statement above must be made. I have not attempted to include all his- tories of English literature, the number of which is so great that the mention of even a considerable part would swell the list to an utterly unwieldy size, but have included only the most important of them. I have marked the more important criticisms with an asterisk. In designating libraries, the following abbreviations are employed: ai.k, the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. B, the Bodleian Library, Oxford. bkr, die Konigliche Bibliothek zu Berlin. bm, the British Museum. BN, la Bibliothcque Nationale, Paris. bnf, la Biblioteca Nationale, Florence. bnr, la Biblioteca Nationale, Rome. bpi-, the Boston Public Library. BRBj la Bibliotheque Uovale de Belgique, Brussels. cu, the Cornell University Library, Ithaca, N. Y. ear, the Camhridge University Library. colu, the Columbia University Library, New York. dkii, die Koniglieh Offcntlichc Bibliothek zu Dresden. ii h, the library of the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, Ilaigh Hall, Wigan, Kngland. HU, the Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass. viii PREFACE jhMj the John Rylands Library, Manchester, England. i.e. tlir Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. i.e. the Liverpool Public Library. xyp, the New York Public Library. PC, Pembroke College Library, Cambridge, England. tc, Trinity College Library, Cambridge, England. up, the Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia, Pa. \v, the Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn. zsb, die Ziiricher Stadt-Bibliothek, Zurich, Switzerland. I desire to record my gratitude for valuable help to my colleagues, Professors Joseph Q. Adams, Lane Cooper, and Benton S. Monroe; to Mr. George F. Barwick, of the British Museum; to Mr. Alfred Rogers, of the Cambridge University Library; to Mr. Ralph L. George, of the University of Lyons; to Mr. William C. Lane, of the Harvard University Library; to Mr. Andrew Keogh and Professor Robert L. Sanderson, of Yale University ; and to the courteous officials of all the libraries in which it has been my pleasure to work, especially those of the New York Public Library, the British Museum, the Bodleian, the Cambridge University Library, and the Bibliotheque Nationale. C. S. N. Columbia University, New York, June 19, 1915. CONTENTS [The abbreviation employed is added in parenthesis.] PAGE Preface ......... vii Section I. Bibliographies and Bibliographical Articles 1 2. Complete Works, and Selections from both the Prose and the Poetry ... 2 3. Poetical Works 10 4. Selections from the Poetical Works . . 31 5. Selections from the Prose Works . . 51 6. Translations of Select Works . . .51 7. Individual Works and Translations . . 55 Ad C. Favonium Aristium (Arist) . . 55 Ad C. Fav r onium Zephyrinum (Zeph) . . 55 Agrippina ...... 56 Alcaic Fragment ..... 57 Alcaic Ode (AlO) 57 The Alliance of Education and Government (Ed) 61 Amatory Lines . . . . .61 Architectura Gothica, see Essay on Norman Architecture. Barbaras aedes aditure mecum, see Ad C. I'av. Aristium. The Bard (Hard) Cambri ....... The Candidate (Cand) .... Caradoc ...... Carmen ad C. Favonium Zephyrinum, see Ad C. I'av. Zephyrinum. A Catalogue of Antiquities, etc. . The Characters of the Christ Cross Row A Chronological List of Painters Collectanea and Conjectures Comic Fines ..... 62 68 68 68 69 (i!) 70 70 70 CONTENTS Conan ....... 70 Couplet about Birds . . . .71 Criticisms of Architecture and Painting Dur- ing a Tour in Italy . . . .71 Dante, Canto 33, dell' Inferno ... 71 De Principiis Cogitandi (Cog) ... 71 The Death of Hoel 72 The Descent of Odin (Odin) ... 73 Diary ....... 74 Elegiacs ...... 74 An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (El) 74 The Enquiry, see Amatory Lines. Epitaph on a Child . . . . .156 Epitaph on His Mother . . . .156 Epitaph on Mrs. Jane Clarke (EpCl) . .156 Epitaph on Mrs. Mason, see Stanza. Epitaph on Sir William Williams (EpWms) 157 Essay on Lydgate, see Some Remarks on the Poems of John Lydgate. Essay on Norman Architecture . . .157 Essay on the Philosophy of Lord Bolingbroke 157 A Farewell to Florence . . . .158 The Fatal Sisters (FS) . . . .158 Fragment of a Latin Poem on the Gaurus . 159 Fragments . . . . . .159 From the Anthologia Graeca, see Translations from the Anthologia Graeca. Generic Characters of the Orders of Insects 160 Geographical Notes . . . . .160 Gothi 160 History ....... 160 Histrio et Saltatio . . . . .160 Hymeneal on the Marriage of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales . . . .160 Hymn to Adversity (Adv) . . .161 Hymn to Ignorance (Ign) . . .162 Imitated from Propertius, Lib. Ill, Eleg. 5, v. 1, 2 162 Imitation of Buondelmonte, see Song by Buondelmonte. Imitation of Martial . . . .162 CONTENTS XI Impromptu, Suggested by a View, in 1766, of the Seat and Ruins of a Deceased Nobleman, at Kingsgate, Kent (Impr) Impromptus .... In D: 29am Maii In 5tam Novembris . Inedited Sonnet .... Inscription for a Wood Adjoining a Park Jemmy Twitcher, or The Cambridge Court ship, see The Candidate. Journal in France, 1739 . Journal in the Lakes A Journey in Hades Lacedaemon .... Latin Poems .... Letters ..... The Liberty of Genius Life of Sir Thomas Wyatt, the Elder Literae ..... A Long Story (LSt) Luna Habitabilis .Marginalia .... Mater rosarum, see Ad C. Fav. Zephyrinum. Miscellanea Classica . . . . Noon-tide: an Ode, see Ode on the Spring (cf. Gosse, Gray, pp. 56 ff.). Notes of Travel .... Notes on Aristophanes Notes on Plato .... Observations on English Metre . Observations on the Pscudo-Rhythmus Observations on the Use of Rhyme Ode Attributed to Gray Ode for Music, sec Ode Performed in the Senate I louse, etc. Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (Eton) Ode on Adversity, see Hymn to Adversity (<■{. Gosse, Gray, p. n.'j). Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes (Cat ) 163 163 164 164 164 164 165 165 166 167 167 167 175 175 175 175 176 176 177 177 177 177 178 178 178 178 179 is 'J .77/ CONTENTS Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitude (Vic) .... Ode on the Spring (Spr) . Ode Performed in the Senate-House at Cam bridge, July 1, 1769 (Music) Paraphrase of Psalm 84 . Parody on an Epitaph Petrarca, Part I, Sonetto 170 Play Exercise at Eton Poetical Rondeau The Progress of Poesy (PP) Propertius, Lib. III. 5. v. Eleg. 19 Propertius, Lib. II. Eleg. 1 Remarks on the Letters Prefixed to Mason's Elfrida ..... Samuel Daniel .... Sapphic Ode, see Ad C. Fav. Aristium Sapphics ..... A Satire upon Heads, or Never a Barrel the Better Herring Shakespeare Verses .... Sketch of His Own Character (Sketch) Some Remarks on the Poems of John Lyd gate .... Song ..... Song by Buondelmonte Sonnet on the Death of Mr. Richard West (Sonnet) Sophonisba to Masinissa . Stanza ..... Stanzas to Mr. Richard Bentley Statius, Thebaidos vi. 646-688 . Statius, Thebaidos vi. 704-724 . Statius, Thebaidos ix. 319-327 . Tasso, Gerus. Lib. Cant. XIV. St. 32 Thoughts and Verse Fragments . Tophet Translations from the Anthologia Graeca The Triumphs of Owen (Owen) The Vegtam's Kivitha, see The Descent of Odin. 184 185 187 189 189 189 189 189 189 192 192 193 193 193 193 194 194 194 195 195 196 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 200 200 200 201 CONTENTS xiii What's the Reason Old Fobus Has Cut Down Yon Tree? .... 201 Will .... 202 Xenophon, Apologia Socratis 202 Section 8. General Criticism 202 9. Note on the Manuscripts . 250 Appendix. Undated Editions 253 Addenda ..... 255 Index ...... . 257 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1. BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ARTICLES 1859. Samuel Austin Allibone. In his A critical diction- ary of English literature and British and American authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the middle of the nineteenth century, Philadelphia, 1859-91, i. 725-9. [1 1864. William Thomas Lowndes. In his Bibliographer's manual of English literature, new edition, revised by Henry G. Bohn, London, 1864, ii. 931-2. [2 1888. The British Museum. In its Catalogue of printed books, Gowic-Great Ayton, London, Clowes, 1888, cols. 379-91, and Supplement, Goodhart-Gyiirky, 1902, cols. 149-51. [3 1889. Edmund William Gosse. The bibliography of Gray. In The Academy, March 23, 1889, xxxv. 204-5. [4 Comment by Sidney Crompton in same, March 30, p. 223. 1891. John Bradshaw. In his Aldine edition of Gray's Poems, London, Bell, 1891, pp. 305-19. [5 1894. William Lyon Phelps. In his edition of Selections from Gray, Boston, Ginn, 1894, pp. xxxv-xxxix. [6 1902. The British Museum Catalogue of printed books, Supplement, 1902. See no. 3. [7 1905. William Prideaux Courtney. In his Register of national bibliographv, London, Constable, 1905-12, i. 229, iii. 125. [8 1906. William Francis Prideaux. Gray's Poems, 1768. In Notes and Queries, April 28, 1906, 10th series v. 821-3, May 26, p. 406. [9 Comment by John I'ickford in Bame, May 36, p. 406. 1909. Rose M[ayard] Barton. In her edition of the Flegy, Boston, Heath, 1909, pp. 74-5. [10 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1910. Clark Sutherland Northup. On some editions of Gray's Poems. In Engliache Studien xliii. 119-58. Leipzig, 1910. [11 1911. Clark Sutherland Northup. In his edition of Gray's Essays and criticisms, Boston, Heath, 1911, pp. lii-liii. The Belles-Lettres Series, section iv. [12 1912. In The poems and letters of Thomas Gray, London, Dent, 1912, p. xiv. Everyman's Library, no. 628. [12a 1913. Duncan Crookes Tovey. In The Cambridge history of English literature, Cambridge, The University Press, 1913, 8vo, x. 504-6. [12b 2. COMPLETE WORKS, AND SELECTIONS FROM BOTH THE PROSE AND THE POETRY 1775. The | poems | of | M r - Gray. | To which are prefixed | Memoirs | of his | life and writings | by | W. Mason, M. A. j York: | Printed by A. Ward; and sold by J. Dodsley, Pail- Mall, | London; and J. Todd, Stonegate, York. | MDCCLXXV. [13 4to, pp. [iv], 416, 111, [2], consisting of p. [i], half-title, p. [ii], blank, p. [iii], title, p. [iv], blank, signatures A-Fff, a-o in 4s, and one page of errata. Frontispiece portrait and one plate. Underneath the portrait are the words, "W. Mason & B. Wilson Vivi memores delinea- vere. Engrav'd by James Basire." ale, b, bm (677. e. 17), bpl, hu, yv Reviewed in The Gentleman's Magazine, June, 1775, xlv. 285-90; in The Monthly Review, May, 1775, lii. 377-87, July, 1775, liii. 1-11, August, pp. 97-104. Comment in same, p. 191. See also under no. 16. The poems of M r Gray. To which are prefixed Memoirs | of his | life and writings | by | W. Mason, M. A. The second edition. | London: | Printed by H. Hughs; | anc sold bv J. Dodsley, Pall-mall; | and J. Todd, Stonegate, York. | MDCCLXXV. [14 4to, 2 vols., pp. [ii], 416; 109, [1]. Frontispiece portrait. See under no. 16. jrm, bn (Yk. 546), nyp, yu The poems of Mr. Gray. To which are prefixed Memoirs | of his | life and writings | by | W. Mason, M. A. Dublin | Printed for D. Chamberlaine, J. Potts, [and others]. 1775. [15 12mo, 2 vols., pp. [xxiv], 239; [ii], 250. Frontispiece. The memoirs come first. The poems and notes fill ii. 161-250. The Journal in the Lakes is printed as a letter, dated Oct. 18, 1769, in ii. 109-35. With COMPLETE WORKS AND SELECTIONS 3 the Elegy is printed Robert Langrishe's Latin translation on alternate pages. 1776. Same. 1776. [15a 12mo, 2 vols., pp. [xxiv], 280; [ii], 297, [i]. yd In the Contents is the following: "Elegy, written in a country church- yard, with a most beautiful Latin translation, p. 248." In the Notes, ii. 294, we read: "To this edition only is added a most elegant Latin translation of the Elegy, by an Irish Gentleman at Eton College; which, by the Learned, is deem'd a most ingenious and capital performance." But in reality the Latin translation does not appear at all in this edi- tion; since there is no gap in the pagination it could not have appeared at the place indicated. For this note I am indebted to Mr. Andrew Keogh, the obliging Librarian of Yale University. 1778. The | poems | of | M r Gray. | To which are added Memoirs | of his life and writings, | by | W. Mason, M. A. In four volumes. Vol. I. | York: | Printed by A. Ward; anc sold by J. Dods- | ley, Pail-Mall ; T. Cadell, in the Strand, London; and J. Todd, York. | MDCCLXXVIII. [16 Sm. 8vo, pp. [ii], 168, [1]; xv, [1], 161; [ii], 166; xiv, 239. Frontis- piece portrait etched by W. Doughty from an original drawing. The poems fill volume i. b, bm (12272. bb. 16), bx (Yk. 2662-5), kyp, hu, yu Concerning Mason's editions of 1775 and 1778 see Thomas F. Dibdin, The library companion, London, 1824, ii. 160. 1807. The works of Thomas Gray; containing his poems, and correspondence with several eminent literary characters. To which are added, Memoirs of his life and writings, by W. Mason, M. A. The third edition, carefully corrected. In two volumes. London. Printed for Vernor, Hood, & Sharpe [and others]. 1807. [17 8vo, 2 voLs., pp. xi, [1], 316; xiii, [1], 324. Frontispiece portrait. bm (12268. d. 3) 1814. The | works | of Thomas Gray | with | memoirs of his life and writings | by William Mason | to which are sub- joined | extracts | philological poetical and critical | from the author's original manuscripts selected and arranged by Thomas James Mathiaa | 20*IAN EN MYXOI2I niEPIAQN. | Pindar. P. 6. | In two volumes | Vol. I. | London. | Printed by William Bulmcr and Co. | Shakspeare Press | for John Porter in Pall-Mall Bookseller to J Ibr Royal Highness the Princess Char- lotte | 1814 | [18 4to, 2 vols., pp. [vi], 581; [4], vii, [1], 634. Frontispieces, por- trait, it, ear, .iiim, ai.k, ni>!., HU Contents, i. Poems. Notes, imit.it ions, and vari.it ions. Memoirs of the life and writings of Thomas Gray, by William Mason. Memoir of the Kev. Norton Nieholls. tetters to Horace Wnlpole. ii. Metriim. Poetical, miscellaneous, classical. Geographical, relating to some parts 4 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY of India and of Persia. Some account of the Dialogues and of the Epistles of Plato. A specimen of some illustrations of the Systems naturae of Linnaeus. Postscript. Published at 7 guineas. Rev. in The Monthly Rev. lxxviii. 381-397, December, I S 1 > ; in The Classical Journal, 1815, xi. 183-6. See also Dib- din's Library companion, London, 1824, ii. 332, n. 1816. The | works | of | Thomas Gray; | Vol. I. | Con taining | the poems, | with critical notes ; | a life of the author ; and an | essay on his poetry; by the Rev John Mitford. London: | Printed for J. Mawman, 39, Ludgate-street, | by S Hamilton, Weybridge, Surrey. | 1816. [19 4to, 2 vols., pp. [2], clxxvi, [8], 242, [1] ; xviii, [2], 586. Volume ii. contains the Letters, with important additions and corrections from his own MSS. Frontispiece portrait engraved by J. Hopwood. jrm, cau, bm (78. h. 15, 16), b, ale, hu, yu 1820. The | poems and letters | of | Thomas Gray. | With memoirs of his life and writings, | by | William Mason, M. A. | London: | Printed by J. F. Dove, St. John's Square; | for R. Priestley, High Holborn; and W. Clarke, | New Bond Street. | MDCCCXX. [20-21 8vo, pp. [4], x, [5]-527. Frontispiece. Published at 10/6. iih, nyp Reprints Mason with the addition of Gray's letters to Walpole, from the quarto edition of Walpole's works. 1821. The works of Thomas Gray; containing his poems, and correspondence with several eminent literary characters. To which are added, Memoirs of his life and writings, by W. Mason, M. A. London. Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars, for F. C. and J. Rivington [and others]. 1821. [22 Sm. 12mo, pp. xx, 545. Frontispiece, ilium, t.-p. with vignette. bkb, zsb (cc. 2426) Gray's | Letters and poems, | with a | life of the author. New- York: | Published by R. & W. A. Bartow, and by W. A. Bartow & Co. Richmond, (Vir.) | Gray & Bunce, Ptrs. | 1821. [23 Sm. 12mo, pp. 212. Frontispiece portrait and engr. t.-p. with vignette illus. hu, bm (10920. a. 5) The frontispiece is apparently a reproduction of the bust of Gray in Westminster Abbey. 1825. The | works | of | Thomas Gray, | containing his | poems and correspondence, | with | memoirs | of his | life and writings. | A new edition, | containing some additions, not before printed, with | notes by the various editors. | In two volumes. Vol. I. | London: | Printed for Harding, Triphook, and Lepard, Finsbury Square. | MDCCCXXV. [24 COMPLETE WORKS AND SELECTIONS 5 8vo, 2 vols., pp. [2], cxiv, 228; [4], xiii, [3], 365. Frontispiece por- trait engraved by H. N. Crellin. lc, ale, b (Ev. 25.515) A second printing of this edition, which I have not seen, is dated 1826. The | works | of | Thomas Gray. | In two volumes. | Vol. 1. | [Emblem.] | Oxford. | Talboys and Wheeler. | M.DCCC.XXV. [25 8vo, 2 vols., pp. [2], cxiv, 228; [2], xiii, [1], 365. Frontispiece portrait engraved by H. N. Crellin. Substantially the same as the London edition. b (25.515) 1826. The works of Thomas Gray. 1826. See no. 24. [26 1827. The | works | of | Thomas Gray, Esq.; | collated | from the various editions. With memoirs of his life and writings, | by William Mason, M. A. | [Device.] London: | Printed and published by J. F. Dove, | St. John's Square. | 1827. [27 8vo, pp. x, 446. Portrait. Includes Garrick's lines (p. 433), Ode on the death of Mr. Gray (pp. 434-5), verses by the Earl of Carlisle (pp. 435-7), verses from Mason's Garden (pp. 438-9), Fragment of an ode (pp. 440-2), Stanzas on the death of Mr. G. (pp. 442-3), The tears of genius (pp. 443-6), and Mason's epitaph (p. 446). hu The letter to Mason, March 28, 1767 (Tovey, no. 296), and the Elegy in The selector, ed. J. G. Fliigel, Leipsic, G. Reimer, 1827, 8vo, i. 174, ii. 106-9. cu [28 life of the author. | New- John Gray & Co. Print. | Gray's | letters & poems, | with a York: | Published by W. A. Bartow. 1827. [29 16mo, pp. 212. Frontispiece portrait. Has also an engr. t.-p.: Poems | by | Thomas Gray | with vignette and an inscription. Life, pp. 3-23. Letters, pp. 25-144. English poems, pp. 145-204. Index, pp. 205-12. BPL 1831. See the Grigg edition, no. 112, which includes both letters and poems. [29a 1835. The | works of Thomas Gray | Volume I | [Pub- lisher's emblem.] | London | William Pickering | 1836 | [30 1835-43. Sm. 8vo, 5 vols., published at 25/-. Portrait [H. W. Smith 8c, underneath which is, Even in our ashes live &c T. Gray, and at the dot turn the date, Jan. 1, 18371. Edited by the Rev. John Mitford. Dedicated to Samuel Rogers. In the iot and coin copies volume i. is dated L840; volume ii.. Is;}.-,. In the mi copy marked 991. a. 10-12, the date of volume i. is lH:{ii, although the advertisement is dated April, 1837; volumes ii., iii., are dated Is:',.",; volume iv., 18:?(>; and volume v., IM '.. ai.k, ii. ii.M (991. a. 10-1J), iir, role, svi\ er, iin (two copies) Contents. i. Memoir, by .1. Mitford. Poems. Posthumous poems and fragments. Extracts. Poemata. Extracts, ii. Essay on the poetry of Gray. letters. iii. Letters, continued. iv. Letters, continued. Criticisms of architecture and painting during a tour in Italy. Addi- 6 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY tional notes, v. Letter by T. J. Mathias, occasioned by the death of Norton Nicholls. Reminiscences of Gray by Nicholls. Correspondence of Gray and Nicholls. Correspondence of Brown and Nicholls relative to Gray. Letters from Nicholls to Barrett. Notes. Prose works by Gray. Also reissued in 1857-8. See nos. 35-36. Volume i. also appeared as no. 38 of the Aldine Poets. Volume v. was also issued separately; see no. 31. 1843. The | correspondence of Thomas Gray | and the Rev. Norton Nicholls with other pieces hitherto unpublished Edited by the Rev. John Mitford [Emblem.] London William Pickering | 1843 | hu, bpl, yu [31 Sm. 8vo, pp. ix, [3], 332. Twelve copies were printed on tinted paper for Dawson Turner of Yarmouth. This volume was also issued as volume v. of the Pickering edition of Gray's Works; see no. 30. 1847. The letters and poems of Thomas Gray. In The | poetical works | of | Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, | and Col- lins. | Complete in one volume. | Philadelphia. | Grigg & Elliot. | 1847. [32 8vo, pp. var. Frontispiece. Gray fills pp. x, 47. Double columns. Apparently a reissue of no. 112, q.v. 1853. The works of Thomas Gray Volume I [Pub- lisher's emblem.] | London | William Pickering | 1853 | NYP [33 Sm. 8vo, 5 vols. Volumes ii. and iii. are dated 1835, volume iv., 1836, and volume v., 1843, as is the case in no. 30. In every respect except the date on the title-page of volume i., no. 33 seems to be identical with no. 30. 1857. Same as no. 32. Reprinted by J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1857. cu [34 The poetical works of | Thomas Gray | [Publisher's device.] London | Bell and Daldy Fleet Street | 1857 | [35 8vo, pp. x (including portrait), cxii, 223. Edited by John Mitford. Half-title: The Aldine Edition | of the British | Poets | The poetical works of Thomas Gray | 1858. Same. Continuation, also edited by Mitford: The works of Thomas Gray | Vol. II [III, IV] | London | 1858 hu [36 1863. Poems and | letters by | Thomas Gray [Em- blem.] | London ] Printed at the Chiswick Press | 1863 | [37 4to, pp. xvi, 415. Portrait and three illustrations, all photographs. Reprinted in 1867, 1874, and 1879. nyp Includes Walpole's sketch (pp. xiii-xvi). 1867. Same. 1867. See no. 37. [37a COMPLETE WORKS AND SELECTIONS 7 1874. Same. 1874. See no. 37. [37b 1879. Same. 1879. See no. 37. [?7c Gray's Poems edited with Johnson's Life, and selections from Gray's Letters, by Francis Storr, M. A. London. Rivingtons. [38 [1879.] 8vo, pp. vi, [2], 96. English School-Classics. Reprints John- son's Life, pp. 1-15. New edition, [1882], same pagination. New [third] edition, [1886], same pagination. b, bm (12205. aaa. 40. 10-12) First edition rev. in The Academy, April 24, 1880, xvii. 302; by F. B. Butler in same, July 31, 1880, xviii. 83; answer by Storr, Aug. 7, p. 101; reply by Butler, Aug. 14, pp. 119-20. 1881. Letter to West, July 16, 1740, and to Wharton, Apr. 26, 1744 (Tovey, nos. 42, 60), Journal in the Lakes (one para- graph on Grasmere, "Passed by the little chapel of Wiborn" . . . ), Eton, Spr, PP, Adv, El in Robert Cochrane, The treasury of English literature, Edinburgh, William P. Nimmo & Co., 1881, large 8vo, pp. 282-88. nyp [39 Sonnet to West, Letters to West, July 16, 1740, to Wharton, Apr. 26, 1744, to Nicholls, July 24, 1759 (Tovey, nos. 42, 60, 189) in H. Morley, Shorter works in English prose, London, Cassell, [1881], 8vo, pp. 285-8. Library of English Prose. nyp [39a 1882. Gray's Poems, etc. [1882.] See no. 38. [40 1884. The works | of | Thomas Gray | in prose and verse | edited by Edmund Gosse | Clark Lecturer on English Litera ture at the | University of Cambridge | In four vols. — Vol. I. Poems, Journals, and Essays | London | Macmillan and Co. 1884 | bm, cu, hu [41 8vo, 4 vols. Portraits and facsimile. The Eversley Series. New York. A. C. Armstrong & Co. Rev. by W. J. Rolfe in The Literary World, Mir. 7, 1885, xvi. 75-6 (several errors noted); by H. C. Beecbing in The Academy, Jan. 24, 1885, xxvii. 53; in The Saturday Review, Jan. 24, 1885, lix. 121-22, quoted in The Critic, June 20, 1885, n. s. iii. 298-9; [bv Thomas R. Lounslmry | in The Nation, March 5, 1885, xl. 904-6; In The Allien" um, Jan. 10, 1885, pp. 44-5; in The Atlantic Monthly, April, 1895, lv. 566-68; in The Spectator, May 9, 1885, lviii. 618-13; in The Critic, Feb. 14, 1885, n. s. iii. 74-5; by B. Teza in Nuova Antnh,f the Letters, 1900, L 381 I. Contents, i. Poems, Journals, and I'.ssays. ii., iii. Letters, iv. Notes on A rlstophane ■ and Plato. An American edition by Gosse having been announced by Frederick A. Stokes & Co. of New York, Mr. Gosse complained In The Athenmtm, 8 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Oct. 5, 1895, p. 453; answer by Frederick A. Stokes & Co. through their treasurer, George F. Foster, Nov. 2, p. 609, stating that the plates Were bought by them from the Worthington Co. in 1893; rejoinder by Gosse, Nov. 9, p. 645. This reprint appeared in 1895. lc, yu In a New York auction catalogue a few years ago, I noted an offer of Gosse's edition, Providence, n. d., small 8vo, 4 vols. This may have been a printer's error. Revised ed., 1902-6. Concerning this, see C. S. Northup in Englische Sturfiai xlvi. 115-6. Noticed in The Bibliographer (New York), Oct., 1902, i. 398. 1886. Gray's Poems, etc. [1886.] See no. 38. [42 1887. Thomas Gray: Choix de poesies. Texte anglais, publie avec une introduction comprenant des extraits de la corre- spondance de Gray, des notes grammaticales et explicatives, par Emile Legouis. Paris. Hachette & Cie. 1887. [43 18mo, pp. 138. Cart. Published at 1 fr. 50 c. Not in the bm. bk (Yk. 213) 1888. Letters, poems, and selected prose writings of Thomas Gray; edited, with a biographical memoir, by J. N. Larned. Buffalo, N. Y. The Courier Co. 1888. [44 12mo, 2 vols., pp. vii, [1], 351; iii, [1], 408. Portrait. 1890. Gray and his friends letters and relics in great part hitherto unpublished. Edited by Duncan C. Tovey, M. A. | Trinity College. | Cambridge: | At the University Press. | 1890 | All rights reserved | [45 8vo, pp. xvi, 312. Contents. Introductory essay, i. Unpublished letters, chiefly of foreign travel, ii. Correspondence and remains of Richard West. iii. Gray to John Chute, iv. Gray to Percy and Brockett. v. Miss Speed to Gray. vi. Gray's Notes of travel, vii. Thoughts and verse fragments, viii. Collectanea and conjectures, ix. Latin poems. bm (10921. e. 14), nyp Rev. in The Saturday Rev., Aug. 16, 1890, lxx. 201-2; in The Spec- tator, Oct. 4, 1890, lxv. 448-9; by E. Dowden in The Academy, Oct. 11, 1890, xxxviii. 309; [by Geo. E. Woodberry] in The Nation, Oct. 9, 1890, li. 293-4; in The Athenceum, Aug. 16, 1890, pp. 218-9. Cf. Mrs. Helen Toynbee in N. $ Q., Nov. 5, 1898, 9th ser. ii. 365-6, and D. C. Tovey in same, Dec. 3, pp. 452-3. 1894. Selections | from the poetry and prose of Thomas Gray | edited | with an introduction and notes | by William Lyon Phelps | A.M. (Harvard), Ph.D. (Yale) Instructor in English Literature at Yale College | Boston, U. S. A. | Ginn & Company, Publishers | 1894 | [46 Sm. 8vo, pp. [2], 1, [2], 179. Portrait. The Athenaeum Press Series. Rev. by W. J. Rolfe in The Critic, June 2, 1894, xxiv. 373; in The Har- vard Graduates' Mag., Sept., 1894, iii. 143-4. Contents. Introduction. Poems. Selections from the Letters. Jour- nal in the Lakes. Notes. COMPLETE WORKS AND SELECTIONS 9 1898. Spr, Eton, El, PP (extracts), Journal in the Lakes (extracts) in Andrew J. George, From Chaucer to Arnold: types of literary art in prose and verse, New York, Macmillan, 1898, 8vo, pp. 292-304. [46a 1902. The works of Thomas Gray in prose and verse. 1902- 6. See no. 41. [47 Selections in William and Robert Chambers, Cyclopaedia of English literature, new [4th] edition by David Patrick, LL.D., London, W. & R. Chambers, Ltd., 1902, large 8vo, ii. 359-67. [48 Letters (selections), Eton, Music (selections), PP (selections), Bard, El, Ed. 1912. The poems | of Thomas | Gray | with a selection | of letters | & essays | [Emblem.] | London: Published | by J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd | and in New York | by E. P. Dutton & Co | [49 1912. 16mo, pp. xxiii, [1], 390. Everyman's Library, no. 628. Introduction by John Drinkwater. Includes the English poems, most of the Latin poems, 150 letters, and the Metrum. Rev. in The Athenceum, Sept. 21, 1912, p. 305. In praise of Cambridge. An anthology in prose and verse, selected and edited by [Sir] Sydney [Philip Perigal] Water- low. London. Constable & Co. 1912. 8vo. See pp. 3-5, 33- 36. [50 Ign, p. 3. Letter to West, Dec, 1736 (Tovey, no. 4), pp. 3-4. Letter to Dr. Clarke, Aug. 12, 1760 (Tovey, no. 208), p. 4. Cand, pp. 4-5. Music, pp. 33-5. Letter to Warton, March 25, 1756 (Tovey, no. 129), and to N. Nicholls, June 24, 1769 (Tovey, no. 347), p. 36. See also pp. 35-6. 1915. The correspondence of Gray, Walpole, West and Ash- ton (1731-1771). Edited by Paget Toynbee. 1915. See no. 1248. [50a A journey in Hades, i. 13-15. E lib. 6to Thebaidos, pp. 71-4. Frag- ments, pp. 0S-4. Sapphic ode, pp. 184-6. Sapphics, p. 261. Zcph, pp. :*oj-:i. Fragment on the Gaurus, pp. 334-6. Son^ by Buondelmonti, p. 343 and ii. 6-7. Farewell to Florence, ii. 6. Inscription for a wood, p. H. Sophonlsba to Masinissa, pp. 45-7. Spr, pp. 57-8. Cat, pp. 66-7. Cog iv, pp. 74-5. Characters of (lie Christ-Cross Row, pp. 81-4. Adv, pp. Ill-n. (and, pp. 896-7. Translation of Thelmid ix. 319-27, pp. 299- 800. 1916. Eton, El, PP, Bard, FS, Sketch, Letters (Tovey, nos. 24, 26, 27, !»'-'. 156) in Franklyn Bliss Snyder ••hhI Robert Grant Martin, A book of English literature, New York, Macmillan, [916, 8vo, pp. 842-52. [50b 10 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 3. POETICAL WORKS 1756. Poems | by | Mr. T. Gray. | Containing, | I. Ode on the Spring. | II. Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, | Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes. | III. Ode on the distant Prospect of Eton | College. | IV. A Long Story. | V. Hymn addressed to Adversity. | VI. Elegy written in a Country Church- yard. | Dublin: j Printed for George and Alexander Ewing, at the Angel and Bible in Dame-street. | 1756. [51 8vo, pp. 31. Reprints the six poems in Bentley's Designs of 1753 (see no. 178). Described by W. F. Prideaux in N. # Q., May 26, 1906, 10th ser. v. 406. The only copy known to be in existence is in the pos- session of Mr. Edmund Gosse. 1768. Poems by Mr. Gray. [Emblem.] London: Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-mall. | MDCCLXVIII. [52 Sm. 8vo, pp. [ii], 119, [2]. Some copies have also a half-title, which makes four preliminary pages. See also under no. 53. Published in July, 1768; according to Gosse, Gray, p. 178, before Oct. 2, 250 copies were sold. The price was 2/6. jrm, cau, bm (239. e. 5), b\ (Yk. 2658-9), yu Rev. by M. in The Scots Mag., July, 1768, xxx. 361 ; in The London Mag., March, 1768, xxxvii. 157 (six lines) ; in The Critical Rev., May, 1768, xxv. 366-71 (reprints The Fatal Sisters, pp. 368-9); in The Monthly Rev., May, 1768, xxxviii. 408. Poems | by | Mr. Gray. | A new edition. | [Emblem.] | Lon- don: | Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-mall. | MDCCLXVIII. [53 Sm. 8vo, pp. [ii], 119, [2]. In smaller type than the previous edi- tion; there was apparently no other change, b, bm (11607. bbb. 23), hu Concerning this edition see F. W. D. in N. £ Q., Sept. 18, 1886, 7th ser. ii. 228, and Albert Hartshorne's reply in same, Oct. 2, p. 276. Both of Dodsley's editions are described by W. F. Prideaux in N. $• Q., Apr. 28, 1906, 10th ser. v. 321-22. Poems by M r Gray. [Vignette on copper.] Dublin: Printed by William Sleator | in Castle-Street. | 1768. [54 12mo, pp. 187. Frontispiece. The Leaping Bard emblem on t.-p., wdct., tail-pieces. bm (11632. de. 11), yu Contents. Spr, Cat, Eton, LSt, Adv, PP, Bard, FSis, Odin, Owen. Carmen elegiacum, in coemeterio rustico compositum, by R. Lloyd, pp. 115-25. Elegia scripta in coemeterio rustico, latine reddita [by C. Anstey], pp. 126-50, with the English on opposite pages. Ode on Ranelagh, addressed to the ladies, pp. 153-62. An evening contem- plation in a college, pp. 163-73. The bard, a burlesque ode written by R. Lloyd and G. Colman, pp. 175-87. Described by W. F. Prideaux in N. $ Q., Apr. 28, 1906, 10th ser. v. 322. POETICAL WORKS 11 Poems | by | Mr. T. Gray. | This collection contains all the author's | poetical works, among which are three | never before published in Ireland. | Cork: | Printed by William Flvn, | for | S. Swiney, J. Bardin, T. White, & W. Flyn. | M.DCC.LXVIII. [55 Sm. 8vo, pp. 79. An evening contemplation in a college, pp. 73-9. In the Elegy the redbreast stanza is printed as stanza 30, just before the Epitaph. ctr The volume has this dedication: To J Mrs. Elizabeth Gray, | as a chief promoter of it, | this edition, | of | Gray's Poems, | designed to exhibit a specimen of | the art of printing, | in this city, | is with all due respect | inscribed by | the editors. The edition is described by W. F. Prideaux in N. $ Q., May 26, 1906, 10th ser. v. 406. Poems | by | Mr. Gray. | Glasgow: | Printed by Robert and Andrew Foulis, | Printers to the University, | M.DCC.LXVIII. | *[sic] [56 4to, pp. [iv], 63, [1]. Page [i], title-page; p. [ii], blank; p. [iii], Advertisement; p. [iv], blank; pp. 1-63, text and notes; p. 64, Contents. Signatures, 2 leaves, A-H in fours. The text was furnished by James Beattie. Described by C. S. Northup in Englische Studien xliii. 149-55. JRM, BM (83. k. 9), B, YTT 1770. Poems by | Mr. Gray. | A new edition. | [Mono- gram.] London, Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall Mall. MDCCLXX. [57 8vo, pp. [ii], 120, [1]. b, bm (11633. b. 29), hu, nyp, zsb 1771. Poems by | Thomas Gray. [Vignette of sunrise, C. Grignion sc] Dublin: | Printed by Thomas Ewing, Capel- Street. | M.DCC.LXXI. [58 4to, pp. [iv], 69. Includes the English poems only. Apparently from the Glasgow edition of 1768 (see no. 56), which the printer in his dedication speaks of having received. Printed to remove "the reproaches which Ireland has long laboured under for bad printing." ii r, ii (2804. d. 17) 1773. Poems by Mr. Gray. Edinburgh. Printed for J. Hal- four and W. Creech. 177.'{. [59 Sin. 8vo, pp. [ii], 59. The British Ports, volume xlii. bm (11604. a. 42) Poems | by | Mr. Gray. | Glasgow: | Printed by Robert and Andrew Fouiis, | Printer's to the University, M.DCC.LXXIIL [60 24mo, pp. [iv|, 56. The t«\t is the same as Seattle's, !7<>s (see no. V.i, with the ni '!<■, at the foot of the page. The Ode for music is added km (838. a. 27 (2)) 12 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1774. Poems | by | Mr. Gray. | To which is prefixed, | An Account of his Life. | [Emblem, an urn with fruit and flowers.] London: | Sold by A. Millar in the Strand. [61 [1774?] Sin. 8vo, pp. xv, [1], 155. P. [i], title; p. [11], blank; pp. iii- xv. The life of Mr. Gray; p. [xvi], Contents; pp. 1-155, text. Register, A-K in eights, L, four leaves, M, two leaves. The verso of M2 is blank. Includes only the English poems. The bm copy (11612. aaa. 26) has the autograph of Robert Burns, 1775, on the title-page. 1775. Poems by M r - Gray. [Vignette on copper.] Dublin: | Printed by William Sleator, at N° 51, | In Castle- street. | 1775. [62 12mo, pp. 185, [6], (180-211), [4], (192-211), [1]. Pp. [1, 2], wanting; p. [3], title-page; p. [4], blank; p. [5], Contents [of pp. 1- 176]; p. [6], blank; p. [7], Advertisement; p. [8], blank; pp. [9J-151, text of poems as in the first Dublin edition, 1768; p. [152], blank; pp. [153]-166, Elegia scritta in cimiterio di campagna, translated by Abbate Crocchi of Sienna; pp. [167] -176, Ode performed at the installation of His Grace Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Grafton; pp. [177] -183, Ode on the pleasure arising from vicissitude; pp. [184J-185, Ode on the death of Hoel; p. [186], Sonnet on the death of Mr. Richard West; p. [187], Epitaph on Mrs. Clarke; p. [188], Epitaph on Sir William Williams; pp. [177*]-211*,i Ode on Ranelagh, An evening contemplation in a college, and The bard, a burlesque ode, as in the first Dublin edition, pp. 153-187, except that whereas in that edition the sheets were signed H, I, here they are signed I, K; p. [189], Elegia inglese | del signor | Tommaso Gray, | sopra un cimitero | di campagna | trasportata | in versi latini, | e | volgari. | [Vignette.] | In Eblana CIOIOCCLXXVI. | Presso G. Sleator. | [L] ; pp. 190-211, the Elegy in English, in Latin, by Giovanni Costa, and in Italian, by Giuseppe Gennari; p. [212], Index, which consists of the Contents of p. [5], plus the titles of poems on pp. [177]-211, and ignores pp. [177*]-211.* Frontispiece and tail-pieces. Register: 4 leaves; B-H in twelves; I, six leaves; [I], twelve leaves; [K], six leaves; [L], twelve leaves. The above may be explained by saying that there were prepared two sets of pages 177-211: (a) the parodies which had appeared in the Dublin edition of 1768 on pp. 153-187; (b) five short poems by Gray, and the Elegy in English, Italian, and Latin; then both sets were bound up together, with (a) inserted between pages 188 and 189 of (b). Described by C. S. Northup in Englische Studien xliii. 155-6. bm (11633. aa. 22) 1776. Poems | by | Mr. Gray. | A new edition. | [Vignette.] | London: | Printed for J. Murray, No. 32. Fleet Street, | and C. Elliott, Edinburgh. | MDCCLXXVI. [63 8vo, pp. [ii], 146. P. [i], half-title; p. [ii], blank; p. [1], title; p. [2], blank; p. [3], The Contents; p. [4], blank; pp. [5]-xviii, A short i The stars are here used for convenience ; they do not occur in the book itself. POETICAL WORKS 13 account of the life and writings of Mr. Gray; pp. [19] -146, text. Frontispiece and one plate. The contents are the same as in the Millar edition of [1774?]; see no. 61. An irregular ode is now called Ode for nrisic. hh, bm (11633. e. 49) 1777. Poems by Mr. Gray. Glasgow: Printed by Andrew Foulis, | M.DCC.LXXVII. [64 24mo, pp. [iv], 56. The contents are the same as in the Beattie edition of 1768 (see no. 56), with the notes at the foot of the page. The Ode for music is added. bm (11630. a. 5 (2)) 1778. Poems by Mr. Gray. A new edition. [Vi- riette.] | London: | Printed for J. Murray, No. 32, Fleet Street. MDCCLXXVIII. [65 12mo, pp. [vi], 158. 3 plates. P. [i], half-title; pp. [ii], [iv], [vi], blank; p. [Hi], title, as given above; p. [v], dedication, to Sir Thomas Mills; pp. [i]-vii, Advertisement to this edition; p. [viii], blank; p. [ix], Contents; p. [x], blank; pp. [xi]-xxiv, A short account of the life and writings of Mr. Gray; pp. [xxv]-xxxii, The last will and testament of Mr. Thomas Gray; pp. jxxxiii]-xxxix, The tears of genius. An ode. To the memory of Mr. Gray. (By J. T .); p. [xl], blank; pp. [41]-158, text. nyp 1779. Poems by Mr. Gray. Dublin. 1779. [66 Cr. 8vo. I have not seen this. Poems j by | Mr. Gray. | With a | biographical and critical | account of the author. London: Sold by R. Tomlins, J. Chandler, D. Watson, and H. Middleton. MDCCLXXIX. [67 8vo. Frontispiece. Contents. P. [i], title-page as given above; pp. [ii], [xviii], blank; pp. iii-xv, The life of Mr. Gray; p. xvi, An epitaph on Mr. (iray in Westminster Abbey, 1778; p. [xvii], Contents; pp. [19]- 165, text. 1780. The | poetical works | of | Mr. Gray. | A new edition. | London: I Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. [68 [1780?] 8vo, pp. viii, 46. The frontispiece is a wretched woodcut of a churchyard bm (11633. df. 13) Includes twelve English poems. 1782. The | poetical works \ of | Thomas Gray. | With the life of the author. I [Quotation from the Ode to Adversity, 11. 41-48; Gray of himself.] F.dinburg: | At the Apollo Press, by the Martins. Anno 1782. [69 24mo, pp. xxxiv, 94. I'. [i], title-page J p. [ii], blank; p. [Hi], Second title-page; p. [iv], blank; pp. [v]-xxiv, life; pp. xxv-xxviii. Will; pp. xxix-xxxiv. The tears of genius, l.y ,1. T[nite|; pp. 1-94, text. Register, A-G in sixes; II, five lejives. Hell's edition of The Poets of Great H A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Britain Complete from Chaucer to Churchill, no. 100. Bound with the works of C. Pitt, and Richard and Gilbert West. Portrait and engr. t.-p. [a scene illustrating the lines, On Thracia's hills the Lord of War Has curb'd the fury of his car]. bm (1066. c. 8), bn (Yk. 417), hu 1782. The poetical works of Thomas Gray, with the life of the author. London. J. Bell. 1782. [69a x? lino. Bound with The poetical works of Richard West. The Poets of Great Britain. See no. 74. bn (Yk. 417 and 526) 1786. Poems. | By | Mr. Gray. | A new edition. | [Publisher's emblem.] | London: | Printed for J. Murray, (No. 32.) Fleet- | Street. | MDCCLXXXVL [70 Sm. 8vo, pp. [iv], 178. P. [i], engraved half-title: Poems; by Mr Gray. | [Engraving.] | London: Printed for J. Murray, N° 32, Fleet Street; p. [ii], blank; p. [iii], title-page as above; p. [iv], blank; pp. [i]-vii, Advertisement; p. [viii], blank; p. [ix], Contents; p. [x], blank; pp. [xi]-xxiv, A short account of the life and writings of Mr. Gray; pp. [xxv]-xxxii, The last will and testament of Mr. Thomas Gray; pp. [xxxiii]-xxxix, The tears of genius. An ode. To the memory of Mr. Gray. (By J. T .) ; pp. [xl], [xli], blank; pp. [42]-157, text of the poems; p. [158], blank; pp. 159-178, Notes. Register, half-title, A, six leaves, B-L in eights, M, four leaves. 6 plates. bm (11643. b. 36), b The | poems | of | Mr. Gray. | With | notes | by | Gilbert Wakefield, B. A. | late Fellow of Jesus-College, Cambridge. | Ingenium cui sit, cui mens divinior, atque os Magna sonaturum, des nominis hujus honorem. Horat. Creative Genius; and the glow divine, That warms and melts th' enthusiastic soul; A pomp and prodigality of phrase: These form the poet, and these shine in thee ! | [Monogram, G. K.] | London: Printed for G. Kearsley, at Johnson's Head, No. 46. Fleet-street. 1786. Entered at Stationers-Hall. [71 8vo, pp. xxvi, [2], 207. Life, pp. v-xxii. Will, pp. xxiii-xxvi. English poems. b, bm (993. k. 10), ale, hu, Ytr, cu Rev. in The Gentleman's Mag., July, 1786, lvi. 591-93; by C. T. in same, Jan., 1788, lviii. 22-5; in The Monthly Rev., June, 1787, lxxvi. 505- 13. For a note on this edition, see Varro in N. $ Q., Feb. 22, 1851, 1st ser. iii. 138. 1787. The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray. | Glasgow Printed by Andrew Foulis, Printer to the University. M.DCC.LXXXVII. [72 Folio, pp. [6], xxiii, 116, 20. P. [1], half-title; p. [2], blank; p. [3], title-page as above; p. [4], blank; p. [5], Dedication to Sir Roger POETICAL WORKS 15 Newdigate, Bt.; p. [6], blank; pp. i-xxiii, Life [chiefly from Mason]; p. [1], Contents; p. [2], blank; pp. 3-116, text; pp. 1-20, Notes. bm (643. m. 8 (1)), ale, Ytr, up Follows the text of Beattie (see no. 56) exactly, adding Music, Hoel, Sonnet, EpCl, EpWms, LSt, Vic, Essay I [Ed], Agrippina, Stanzas to Mr. Bentley, Ode [Sapphic ode], Fragmentum Alcaicum, Ode [Zeph], [Alcaic] Ode, Epistola [Sophonisba to Masinissa], Cog; Gray's notes; notes from Mason. Also bound up with the poems of James Hammond, Lord Lyttleton, and William Collins. Also bound up with Collins alone. Poems by Mr. Gray. A new edition. London: Printed for Osborne and Griffin, and | J. Mozley, Gainsbrough M.DCC.LXXXVIL [73 12mo, pp. 108. Contains Spr, Cat, Eton, Adv, PP, Bard, FSis, Odin, Owen, El, Music; no notes. bm (11632. a. 21), bnb 1788. The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray. | With the life of the author. | [Quotations, 7 lines from the Ode to Adver- sity, and Gray of himself.] | London: | Printed under the direc- tion of J. Bell, | British Library, Strand, | Bookseller to His Royal Highness | the Prince of Wales. | 1788. [74 32mo, pp. 95, [1]. Frontispiece portrait, and (p. [1]) engr. t.-p. headed, Bell's Edition. I The Poets of Great Britain | complete from | Chaucer [to] Churchill. With vignette, illustrating the lines, On Thracia's Hills the Lord of War Has curb'd the fury of his Car. P. [i], title-page as above; pp. [ii], [iv], blank; p. [iii], a second title- page; pp. [v]-xxiv, Life; pp. xxv-xxviii, Will; pp. xxix-xxxiv, The tears of jrenius, an ode, to the memory of Mr. Gray. (By J. T .) The English poems only. 1790. Poems. | By | Mr. Gray. | A new edition. | London: | Printed for J. Murray, (No. 32.) Fleet- | Street. | MDCC- LXXXX. [75-76 8vo, pp. [ii], 178. P. [i], title-page as above; p. [ii], blank; pp. 1 1 1— vii, Advertisement; p. [viii], blank; p. [ix], Contents; p. [x], blank; pp. xi-xxiv, A short account of the life and writings of Mr. Gray; pp. xxv-xxxii, The last will and testament of Mr. Thomas Gray; pp. xxxiii- xxxix, The tears of genius; p. [xl], blank; pp. 41-157, text; p. [158], blank; pp. 159-178, Notes. Plates. bm (11631. bbb. 17) 1791. Pope, Thompson [sic] and Gray. Pocsie inglesi colla traduzione in varie lingue. S. n. A. 1791. [77 I have not seen this. bnf 1793. Poems | by | Mr. Gray. | Parma | Printed by Bodoni | MDCCXCIII. [78 4to, pp. [6], xxvi, [2], 107. ii. MK. i.n (Vk. 109-10), nyi>, i.c Bound into it are ToreW's Italian translation of tin- Elegy, with the English, pp. [9], xix; Cesarotti'fl Italian translation, pp. [S], 10, [1 |; and Costa's latin translation, pp. [2], 7, [l]. 16 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Noticed by .lames Henry Dixon in The American Bibliopolist, June, 1875, vii. 185, and in N. $ Q., Apr. 3, 1875, 5th ser. iii. 265. Comment on Bodoni by H. K., Frank Rede Fowke, and Frederick Rule in same, May 15, 1875, p. 399. 200 ordinary copies and 100 large paper copies were printed. 1794. A I complete edition | of the | poets | of Great Brit- ain. | Volume the tenth. | Containing | Young, Gray, B. West, Lyttleton, Moore, Boyce, Thompson, Cawthorne, Churchill, Falconer, Lloyd, Cunningham, Green, Cooper, | Goldsmith, P. Whitehead, Brown, Grainger, Smollet & Armstrong. [Vi- gnette illustrating the Ode to Spring.] London: Printed for Iohn & Arthur Arch. 23. Gracechurch Street. | And for Bell & Bradfute & I. Mundell & Co. Edinburgh. [79 1794. 8vo. Edited by Robert Anderson. The title-page for Gray (p. 183) reads as follows: The | poetical works | of Thomas Gray. | Containing | odes, | epi- taphs, | Elegy in a country church-yard, | A long story, | &c. &c. &c. | To which is prefixed | the life of the author. | [Warton's Sonnet to Gray.] | Edinburgh. | Printed by Mundell & Son, Royal Bank Close. | Anno 1794. The whole of Gray occupies pp. 183-229. The life occupies pp. 185- 213; the works, pp. 215-229. cau, bm (11607. ff. 1), bpl, bn (Yk. 258), nyp, yu The life, based on Mason's work, incorporates the Latin and the posthumous English poems, Johnson's criticism, Temple's eulogy, etc. 1797. The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray | consisting of | odes, miscellanies, | &c. &c. | London, | Printed by Ph. Le Boussonnier & Co. | . . . And sold by | The Author No. 38 Long-Acre [and others]. | 1797. [80 12mo, pp. [viii], 159. Has also a second title-page opposite in French. Followed by Liste des souscripteurs pour cette ouvrage, 5 pp. A French prose translation by D. B. (said to stand for Du Bois) is printed on alternate pages with the English. bm (991. g. 27 (2)) Rev. in The Monthly Rev., Aug., 1797, n. s. xxiii. 461; in The British Critic, Jan., 1798, xi. 74-5 (reprints the Epitaph of the Elegy in French). 1798. Poesies | de | Gray, | traduites en francais, | le texte vis-a-vis la traduction, | avec des notes et des eclaircissemens | egalement en f rancais et en anglais ; | ouvrage propre a faciliter l'intelligence de | la langue anglaise, particulierement dans la haute poesie. Multum ille et verae gloriae, quamvis uno libro, meruit, j Quintil. | A Paris, | Chez Lemierre, editeur et libraire. | rue Jacob, N° 12, vis-a-vis la rue des Deux-Anges. | An VI. [81 1798. 8vo, pp. xii, 173, [2]. bm (1162. i. 19), bn (Yk. 244 and 2667), hu POETICAL WORKS 17 The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray. | With | the life of the author. | [Last 6 11. of Taite's Tears of genius.] [Em- blem.] Glasgow: Printed by R. Chapman, for Richard Scott, Bookseller, and sold by all the booksellers in Great Britain. | 1798. [82 24mo, pp. 83, [1]. Frontispiece and portrait. The life occupies pp. 3-23; The tears of genius, pp. 24-8; the English poems, pp. 29-83. bm (11609. aaa. 29), bpl, nyp, hu 1799. Poems by Thomas Gray, LL. B. containing odes, epitaphs, Elegy, &c. &c. Ludlow. George Nicholson. 1799. [83 16mo, pp. xxxi, [1], 32. On the title-page is a stipple portrait drawn by J. Chapman from the painting by Wilson. b (280. o. 709) Contains the English poems only. The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray, LL. B. | late Profes- sor of Modern Languages and History in the University of Cam- bridge: | with some account of his life and writings. The whole | carefully revised; and illustrated by notes, | original and selected. To which are annexed, Poems written by, ad- dressed to, or in memory of, | Mr. Gray; | several of which were never before collected. | [Quotation, PP iii. 3. 1-4.1 | London: | Printed for J. Scatcherd, no. 12, Ave-Maria Lane. | 1799. [84 16mo, pp. lv, [1], 186. 3 plates, one of which is a portrait. The preface is signed J. Edited by Stephen Jones. nyp There was also apparently an 8vo edition with 6 plates. The annexed poems include (1) Garrick's verses (see no. 1533), pp. 163-4; (2) West's Ode to May (see no. 1530), pp. 165-6; (3) Ode on the death of Mr. Gray (see no. 1602), pp. 167-70; (4) Fragment of an ode on the death of Mr. Gray (see no. 1600), pp. 171-5; (5) Stanzas on the death of Mr. Gray, by A Lady (see no. 1604), pp. 176-7; (6) Taite's Tears of genius (see no. 1582), pp. 178-85; (7) Mason's epitaph on Gray in Westminster Abbey (see no. 1565), p. 186. The editor says that only the second and the sixth <>f these were ever before collected. Tin- printer was ('. Whittingham. 750 copies were printed at a cost of £28 'id. See II. I!. Homer in The Library, Apr. 1, 1901, 2d ser. ii. 153; also same, 1896, viii. 563. Hev. in The European Mag., Nov., 17!><), rcxvi. 396; in The Gentle- man's Mag., Oct., 1799, lxix. 2. 877-8. 1800. The poetical works | of Thomas Gray, LL. B. | late Professor of Modern Languages and History in the I'ni- versilv of Cambridge: with some account of j his life and writ- ings, j The whole carefully revised; and illustrated by notes. | To which are annexed, | Poems | addressed to, and in memory of, | Mr. Gray; | several of which were never before collected. | Second edition, j considerably enlarged and improved. I. on- 18 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY don: | Printed by C. Whittingham, | Dean Street, Fetter Lane; | for T. N. Longman and O. Rees; F. and C. Rivington; [and others, 4 11. altogether.] | 1800. [85 Sin. 8vo, pp. lvi, 223. Preface signed S. J. [i.e., Stephen Jones]. hii, bm (11609. aaa. 30), nvp Life, pp. xvii-xlix. Will, pp. 1-lvi. English poems, pp. 1-188. Miscel- lany, pp. 189-223. To this second edition Jones added a literal translation of the original of Odin; a prose translation of the original of Owen; an imitation from the Gododin (= Caradoc, no. 463a, and Conan, no. 470b); the Hymeneal (see no. 1179); the Sapphic ode to West (= Arist) ; Zeph; and several other minor posthumous poems. To the miscellany about Gray he added the Earl of Carlisle's Ode on the death of Mr. Gray (see no. 1549) and Mason's Lines to the memory of Gray from his English garden, book iii, 1779 (see no. 1566). 1500 ordinary and 250 large paper copies were printed at a cost of £61 13s. 6d. See H. R. Plomer in The Library, Apr. 1, 1901, 2d ser. ii. 153. Rev. in The Gentleman's Mag., Feb., 1801, lxxi. 157. The poems | of | Gray. | A new edition. | Adorned with plates. London: | Printed by T. Bensley, | Bolt Court, Fleet Street, for F. J. Du Roveray, Great St. Helens ; | and sold by J. Wright, Piccadilly; [ and T. Hurst, Paternoster-Row. | 1800. [86 8vo, pp. xxx, 162. 6 plates. The bm copy is extra-illustrated by William Upcott with portraits, views, and other engravings; seventy pages of additional poems in MS.; and 150 pages of imitations and additional notes in MS. bx (Yk. 243 and 2661 and Velins 2374), lp, bm (C. 43. d. 27) Rev. in The Gentleman's Mag., Feb., 1801, lxxi. 157-8; in The Monthly Rev., Jan., 1801, n. s. xxxiv. 95; in The British Critic, Sept., 1800, xvi. 318. Reissued in 1801. lp, lc The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray. | With the life of the author. | [Adv 41-48 and Sketch.] | London: | Printed and published by | G. Cawthorn, British Library, Strand. | 1800. [87 24mo, pp. 101, [1]. Frontispiece portrait. Engr. t.-p. (same as in no. 69); also a second title-page which reads as follows: The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray. | Containing his | odes, miscellanies, | &c. &c. &c. | [14 11. from Taite's Tears of genius.] | London: | Printed and published by | G. Cawthorn, British Library, Strand. | 1800. Bell's Edition xlviii. Reproduces no. 69 with some additions. nyp, tv 1801. The poems of Gray. A new edition. Adorned with plates. London. Printed by W. Bulmer & Co. 1801. [88 8vo, pp. xxix, 162. Frontispiece and 5 plates. Some account of the life and writings of Gray, pp. vii-xxv. bm (11633. c. 25) POETICAL WORKS 19 The poems of Gray. 1801. See no. 86. [89 1804. The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray, LL. B. | late Professor of Modern Languages | and History in the Uni- versity | of Cambridge. | Philadelphia: [ Printed for Benjamin Johnson, Jacob | Johnson, and Robert Johnson. 1804. [90 12mo, pp. 207. Frontispiece. nyp, bpl, hu Pp. 173-204 include Poems addressed to, and in memory of, Mr. Gray. 1805. The poetical works of Thomas Gray. Collated with the best editions: by Thomas Park, Esq. F. S. A. London. Printed at the Stanhope Press by Charles Whittingham for John Sharpe. 1805. [91 32mo, pp. iv, 99. Plate (illustrating The bard i. 2. 11. 5, 6). In The Works of the British Poets Collated with the Best Editions by T. Park xxx. bm (1066. c. 42), lc, yu The poetical works of Thomas Gray, containing his odes, miscellanies, . . . etc. With an account of the life and writ- ings of the author. London, Printed by C. Cooke for W. Sut- taby, Stationers Court, & C. Corrall, 38, Charing Cross. 1805. [92 32mo, pp. [iv], 68. Frontispiece (illustrating stanza 26 of the Elepy). In The selector, containing the poetical works of Gray, Gold- smith, Falconer, and Somerville, London, W. Suttabv and Crosby & Co. and C. Corrall, 1806. . bm (11612. a. 20), catr (8700. d. 29), nyp Life, pp. i-xxii. Will, pp. xxii-xxiv. Includes 17 English poems only, pp. 25-68. The nyp copy has the following title page: The | poetical works | of Thomas Gray. I Containing his j odes I miscellanies, | &c. &c. &c. (14 11. from Taite's Tears of genius.] I London: | Printed and embel lished | under the direction of J C. Cooke. Cf. no. 87. At the end are the words, C. Whittingham, printer. 1807. The [ poetical works | of Thomas Gray. | With | the life of the author, | by Samuel Johnson, L. L. D. | [Quotation, ten lines. | In one volume. ] London: | Printed for Cadell and Davis; [etc., eleven lines.] | 1807. [93 16mo, pp. 114. Portrait. Half title: The poets of Great Britain | [Vignette.] | Gray. I [Quotation, two lines.) mi 1808. The poetical works of Thomas Gray. With the life of the author, by Samuel .Jolmson, LL. I). London: Printed for Charles Taylor, 108, Hatton Garden. 1808. [94 Bvo, pp. 27, [i|. Frontispiece portrait. bh (11604. ff. l), nyp The poetical works | of Thomas Gray. ( Collated with the lies! editions: by Thomas Park. Esq. F. S. A. | London: | Printed at the Stanhope Press, [ by Charles Whittingham, | 108. well Street; for .1. Sharpe; and sold by W. Sultaby. 20 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Stationers' Court, Ludgate Street. | 1808. | In The British poets: with the most approved translations of the Greek and Roman poets, with dissertations, notes, &c. The text collated with the best editions, by Thomas Park, Esq. F. S. A. London. Printed for J. Sharpe. 1810-24. Vol. xlv. [95 32mo, pp. 99. Frontispiece (Bard i. 2. 5, 6). Garrick's verses, pp. 5-6. West's Ode, pp. 6-7. Mason's Epitaph, p. 7. English poems, pp. 9-79. Latin poems, pp. 80-99. lp, bn (Yk. 645), colu This is a reprint of the Park edition of 1805 (see no. 91). The general title-page of the colu copy reads: The | works | of the | British poets, collated with the hest editions: | by | Thomas Park, F.S.A. | Vol. XXX. Containing the | poems of Collins and Gray, | and | Falconer and Day. London: | Printed for J. Sharpe, opposite Albany, | Piccadilly; ant sold by | W. Suttaby, Stationers' Court, Ludgate Street. | 1808. The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray. | With an | account of the life and writings | of | the author. | London: | Printed by W. Wilson, St. John's Square, | for J. Walker; | [and others, 7* lines]. | 1808. [96 Narrow 24mo, pp. 64. Frontispiece, illustrating El 98-100. Life, pp. 5-20, differing but slightlv from the one in no. 82. English poems, pp. 21-64 (Spr, Cat, Eton, Adv, PP, Bard, FS, Odin, Owen, Hoel, Music, LSt, El, EpCl, Statius, Sketch). bpl, nyp, colu Select British poets, containing the entire works of Milton, Young, Thomson, Gray, and Pope's translations of the Iliad and Odyssey; with portraits and lives. 1808-10. 8vo. [97 1810. The | works | of the | English poets, | from Chaucer to Cowper; | including the | series edited, | with I prefaces, bio- graphical and critical, | by Dr. Samuel Johnson: and | the most approved translations. | The | additional lives ] by Alexander Chalmers, F. S. A. | In twenty-one volumes. | Vol. X. | Hughes, Sheffield, | Prior, | Congreve, | Blackmore, | Fenton, | Gay. London: | Printed for J. Johnson; [and others, 9 11.]. | 1810. [98 8vo, pp. xi, [1], 598. Gray, pp. 135-58. Life by Johnson, pp. 137- 43. English poems, pp. 145-58 (Spr, Cat, Eton, Adv, El, PP, Bard, FS, Odin, Owen, EpCl, Impr, Music, LSt). B, BM (2041. f), CU, COlu, NYP, HU, YU The poetical works of Thomas Gray, containing his odes, miscellanies, &c. &c. &c. London. Printed for T. Mills by C. Whittingham. [99 [1810?] 24mo, pp. [2], xxiv, 68. Frontispiece, vignette in title-page. bm (11641. de. 6) The Life fills pp. i-xxii; the Will, pp. xxii-xxiv. 1812. The poetical works of Thomas Gray. [100 1812. colu (824o79. l), missing June 24, 1907. POETICAL WORKS M 1814. The poems of Thomas Gray. With critical notes, a life of the author, and an essay on his poetry, by the Rev. John Mitford. London. Printed for White, Cochrane, and Co. 1814. [101 8vo, pp. viii, clxxxiv, 271. Frontispiece [not in the dm copy, but mentioned p. vi, inserted by permission of Henry Downing Whittington of Downing College, Cambridge], portrait by Heath and Holl, after Eckhardt, and another portrait by Hopwood after Corbould. bm (1347. h. 20), hh, cau, hu Life, pp. i-cx; Essay on Gray's poetry, pp. cxi-clxxxiv. On this edition see Dibdin's Library companion, London, 1824, ii. 332, note. Mitford's copy with MS. corrections for the edition of 1816 is in the Harvard University Library. 1815. The poetical works of Thomas Gray. In The Works of the British Poets Collated with the Best Editions by T. Park xxxii. 1815. [102 So. Kens. Mus. (Forster) A reprint of the Park edition of 1805 (see no. 91). 1816. Selections in Richard Lovell Edgeworth and Maria Edgeworth, Readings on poetry, Boston, Wells & Lilly, 1816. [102a There was also a London edition. Rev. by Richard Henry Dana in The North American Rev., May, 1818, vii. 69-86; reprinted in his Poems and prose writings, New York, Baker & Scribner, 1850, 8vo, pp. [132]- 155. The | poetical works [ of | Thomas Gray. | With an | account of the life and writings | of | the author. | London: | Printed for Suttaby, Evance, and Fox, | Stationers' Court; | and Bald- win, Cradock, and Joy, | Paternoster Row. | 1816. [103 24mo, pp. 72. Frontispiece (illustrating Odin, 11. 59 f.). bpl 1821. Same as the above. 1821. In The | selector. | Con- taining the poetical | works of | Gray, | Goldsmith, | Falconer & | Somerville. [Vignette.] London. Published by Suttaby, Evance & Fox, Stationers' Court, and Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, Paternoster Row. | 1815. [101 Engr. t.-p. and frontispiece (illustrating Odin 59, 60). bm (11602. aa. 24), bnp Memoir, pp. v-xxvi; Will, pp. xxvi-xxviii; English poems, pp. 29-72. This is apparently a reprint of tin- Suttaby edition of 1805 (see no. 92). The | poems | of | Thomas Gray, embellished with engrav- Ingl from the designs of Kieh' 1 WYstall R. A. | [Vignette, with Bard iii. 3. 17, 18.] London; | Printed for John Sharpe, Piccadilly. | 1821. [ 105 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY A second title-page reads: The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray. | London: Printed for John Sharpe, I Piccadilly; I by C. Whittingham, Chiswick. | M DCCC XXI. lfimo, pp. xxviii, [6], 134. Engr. t.-p. and 6 plates. lp, nyp Published in 12mo at 8/- and in 16mo at 5/6. 1822. The British Poets. | Including | translations. | In one hundred volumes. | LV. | Gray. Iago. | Chiswick: | Printed by C. Whittingham, College House; for J. Carpenter [and others, 5 lines]. | 1822. [106 The second title-page reads: The I poems | of | Gray, and Jago. | Chiswick: | From the press of C. Whittingham, | College House. Sm. 8vo. Gray fills pp. 116. The nyp copy has a plate. bm (11603. aa. 2), nyp, tc, colu Life, by Johnson, pp. 7-20; Garrick to Mr. Gray, upon his Odes, pp. 21-22; West's Ode to Mr. Gray, on the backwardness of spring, in the year 1742, pp. 22-23; Mason's epitaph on Gray in Westminster Abbey, p. 24. In The British Poets, including translations, vol. lv. Gray. In The works of the British poets, with lives of the authors, edited by Robert Walsh, Jr., Philadelphia, J. Laval, 1822, xxix. 1-111. [107 12mo. Frontispiece (illustrating Bard 19, 20). bm (11602. a. 15) 1824. The poetical works of Thomas Gray. With a bio- graphical sketch of the author. London: Published by Jones & Co. 1824. [108 32mo, pp. xvi, 48. Portrait and engr. t.-p. with vignette. bn (Yk. 4067) Has only the English poems. 1825. The poetical works of Thomas Gray. With a bio- graphical sketch of the author. London. Published by Jones & Co. 1825. [109 8vo, pp. vi, [2], 12. Select British Poets, Cabinet Edition i. bn (Yk. 852), BKB 1826. The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray. | London: | Printed for John Sharpe, | and other proprietors ; | by C. and C. Whittingham, Chiswick. ] M DCCC XXVI. [110 32mo, pp. xxx, [2], 134. Engr. t.-p. with vignette and 5 plates by Richard Westall. bm (11609. aa. 25), nyp Critical observations, pp. vii-xxvii. Garrick to Mr. Gray, upon his Odes, pp. xxix-xxx. Mason's epitaph, p. xxx. English poems, pp. 1-104. Latin poems, pp. 105-34. 1828. The poetical works of Thomas Gray. With an ac- count of the life and writings of the author. Niirnberg. Campe. 1828. [Ill 12mo. Published at 6 guilders. POETICAL WORKS 23 1831. The poetical works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, | and Collins. | Complete in one volume. | Stereotyped by J. Crissy and G. Goodman. Philadelphia: John Grigg, No. 9. North Fourth Street. | 1831. [112 8vo. Each author separately paged. The title-page for Gray reads: The | letters and poems | of J Thomas Gray | Gray has pp. x, 47. Life, pp. v-x. Letters, pp. 1-32. Poems (English only), pp. 33-47. The volume has a frontispiece group of portraits. bpl 1832. Same. 1832. bpl, nyp [113 1836. Same. 1836. bpl, nyp [114 1843. The | poetical works of | Thomas Gray. Phila- delphia: | Published by John Locken, | No. 311 Market Street. | 1843. [115 32mo, pp. iv, 133. Frontispiece (illus. of El 3, 4). English and Latin poems. bpl 1844. The | poetical works | of | Collins, | Gray, and Beat- tie. | With a memoir of each. | New York: | Published by Turner & Hayden. | No. 10 John Street. | 1844. [116 Sm. 8vo, pp. 308, [1], (iv-vi). Frontispiece. Gray fills pp. 61-134. Plate. Life, by Johnson, pp. 63-74. English poems, pp. 75-117. Verses bv Garrick (see no. 1533), p. 118. West's To May (see no. 1530), p. 119. O'n the death of Mr. Gray (see no. 1602), pp. 120-21. Carlisle on the death of Gray (see no. 1549), pp. 122-4. Verses from Mason's English garden (see no. 1566), pp. 124-6. Stanzas on the death of Mr. Gray by A Lady (see no. 1604), pp. 129-30. Taite's Tears of genius (see no. 1582), pp. 130-34. Mason's epitaph (see no. 1565), p. 134. hu, bpl 1845. Gray's poetical works, English and Latin, illustrated; and edited with introductory stanzas by the Rev. John Moul- trie, M. A. Eton. E.P.Williams. 1845. [116a 8vo, pp. vi, [2], 142. Frontispiece and 10 plates. b, cauL (6. 84. 39) Stanzas by Moultrie, pp. 1-13. English poems, pp. 15-102. Latin poems, pp. 103-42. Includes the parts of the Greek Anthology which Gray translated into Latin. Drawings by Charles W. Radelyffe; steel engravings by E. Radelyffe; woodcuts by Sly. The bm copy has been missing since May 26, 1879. The edition is now very rare. Rev. in The Gentleman's Mag., Sept., 1845, n. s. xxiv. 219-35; in The Allunirum, Aug. 2, 1845, p. 765. 1847. Sec no. 32. [ 116b firay's poetical works, I English and Latin, | illustrated; with Introductory stanzas I by | the Rev. John Moultrie, M. A. and | an original life of (iray, (written expressly for this edi- tion. ) by the Rev. John MM ford, M. A. | editor of the Aldinc edition of the British poets, &c. eve. | Second edition. | Eton. | .", A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY E. P. Williams, printer and publisher; and at 5 Bridge Street, Blackfriars, London. | MDCCCXLVII. [117 Svo, pp. vi, [2], lxvi, [3], 142. Frontispiece portrait and engr. t.-p. with vignette. 10 plates. bm (1347. h. 21), nyp, hu Same. 3d edition. 1851. cu, ale Same. 4th edition. 1853. In this, pp. lxvii-c, first appears the lecture on Gray by the Earl of Carlisle. yu Same. 5th edition. 1854. b Same. New edition. London. Griffin. 1862. 12mo. 5/-. 1848. The poetical works of Thomas Gray. With a bio- graphical sketch of the author. London. William S. Orr & Co. [118 [1848?] 64mo, pp. xv, [1], 48. Life, pp. iii-xv. Diamond Classics. bm (11633. a. 23. 1) 1851. Cabinet edition of the British poets. In four volumes. | Vol. I. Milton. Cowper. | Goldsmith. | Thomson. | Falconer. | Akenside. | Collins. | Gray. | Somerville. | London: | Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden. | 1851. [119 8vo, pp. var. Frontispiece portraits of Gray, Milton, Akenside, Thomson, and Goldsmith. Gray, pp. vi, [2], 12. 17 English poems only. Also has engr. t.-p. with vignette. Brilliant (4-point) type. bm (2504. o. 1), BPL The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray. | With illustrations by C. W. Radclyffe. | Edited, with a memoir, | By Henry Reed, | Professor of English Literature in the University | of Pennsyl- vania. | Philadelphia: | Henry Carey Baird, | Successor to E. L. Carey. | 1851. [120 8vo, pp. [ii], 334. Engr. t.-p. with vignette and 6 plates. Later published by J. B. Lippincott & Co. nyp, bpl, lc The bm copy (11611. c) has been lost. Gray's Poetical works. 1851. See no. 117. [121 The | poetical works of | Thomas Gray | [Emblem.] | Lon- don | William Pickering | 1851 | [122 Sm. 8vo, pp. xvi, cxxiv, 223. Portrait. The Aldine Edition of the British Poets. nyp, hu 1853. Same. 1853. bm (1066. e. 17), hu, colu [123 Concerning Appendix E of this edition, see Edmund Yates in N. QNANTA 2YNETOI2I— | Pindar, Oljmp. II. [Vignette.] Printed at Strawbcrry- 'Hill, | For R. and J. Dodslev in Pall-Mail. | MDCCLVII. [180 Fob, pp. 21, consisting of p. [1], half-title, p. [2] blank, p. [3], title- {tage as above, p. [4] blank, pp. .1-21, text. Sipn. A-B in twos and one ear. The Ural book printed at Strawberry I fill. According to Gosse, Gray, p. I '.'<■ -'000 copies were printed. ai.k, ii, jkm, i.p, BM (840. 1. 5. (6) and 11632. g. 61. (4)), lis (Yk. I""), NVi' (two copies), ii . nr, vr i{ev. by Oliver Goldsmith In The Monthly Rev., Sept., 1757, xvii. I ;■> LS, rej,r. in his Works, I'.olm edition, 1885, iv. J96 !» ; in The OHttodl Rev., Aug., 1757, iv. 167-70. <»n Walpole's copy see The Athenawn, Apr. 12, 1908, pp. 168 '». Eteissued -it Cambridge in 1789. ■ "! A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY A collection of poems in six volumes. By several hands. London. Dodsley. 1758. [181 Sin. 8vo. Eton, Spr, Cat, ii. 266-74; El, Adv, iv. 1-8; PP, Bard, vi. 321-32. 2 plates. 1762. An [ elegy written in a country church yard. With an | hymn | to | adversity. | By | Mr. Gray. | London: Printed for J. James in New-Bond-Street, 1762. ' [182 8vo, pp. 8. In The Parnassium; or, Beauties of English poetry. A new edition. London. W. Lane. [1762.] Each author separately paged. bm (11633. aa. 14) Same. Also appeared in A collection of modern poems. . . . By several hands. London. J. James. 1762. Each author separately paged. b (280. o. 553) [183 1763. A collection of poems in six volumes. By several hands. London. Dodsley. 1763. [184 Apparently identical with the edition of 1758, q. v. (no. 181). 1765. Designs | by | Mr. R. Bentley, | for six | Poems | by | Mr. T. Gray. | [Vignette.] | London: | Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pail-Mall. | MDCCLXV. [185 Fol., p. [vi], 55. Frontispiece and plates. Register, A-Z, aa, bb in twos. This consists of the Six poems printed on one side of the paper, as in 1753, and the Odes of 1757, printed on both sides, continuously paged. bm (82. 1. 7) Reissued in 1766. ho Reissued in 1775. bm (1870. b. 18), nyp Reissued in 1789. A collection of poems in six volumes. By several hands. London. Dodsley. 1765. [186 Sm. 8vo. Eton, Spr, Cat, ii. 320-30; El, Adv, iv. 5-14; PP, Bard, vi. 384-97. 2 plates. 1766. Designs by Mr. R. Bentley, etc. 1766. See no. 185. [187 1768. FS, Odin, Owen were printed in The Annual Register, 1768, ii. 211-16. [188 1769. Odes by Mr. Gray. 1769. See no. 180. [189 1770. Music, FS, Odin, Owen in G. Pearch, A collection of poems by several hands iii. 93-107. 1770. [190 1775. Designs by Mr. Bentley, etc. 1775. See no. 185. [191 A collection of poems, etc. 1775. See no. 177. [192 In The Universal Mag., Apr., 1775, lvi. 171-3, is printed the SELECTIONS FROM POETICAL WORKS 33 Essay on Bolingbroke; also (p. 171) Detached sentiments (prose); (pp. 207-8) the Sonnet to West; (p. 208) EpWms. [192a 1776. Several selections were printed in The Monthly Rev., July, Aug., 1776, liii. 1-11, 97-104. [192b 1777. Hoel, Sonnet, EpWms in J. Murray, A letter to W. Mason, A. M. precentor of York, concerning his edition of Mr. Gray's poems, London, 1777, pp. 60-2. cv, bm (T. 1164 (11)) [193 1779. The | works | of the | English poets. | With | pref- aces, | biographical and critical, | by Samuel Johnson. | Volume the fifty-sixth. | London: | Printed by J. Rivington; | . . . MDCCLXXIX. [194 Sm. 8vo. Gray, lvi. 323-71. Spr, Cat, Eton, Adv, El, PP, Bard, FS, Odin, Owen. bn (Yk. 588), cu, bpl Rev. in The Gentleman's Mag., Dec, 1779, xlix. 598-601. Reprinted in 1790. b, lc 1781. Impr, EpCl in J. Nichols, A select collection of poems, London, 1781, vii. 350-51. [195 1782. A collection of poems, etc. 1782. See no. 177. [196 1784. Impr, Cand in The new foundling hospital for wit, new edition, London, 1784, iv. 105-7. Music, pp. 144-52; on alternate pp. with a parody; An epitaph in a country church- yard in Kent, vi. 277. [197 Reissued in 1786. Arist, Zeph, AlO in Poesie liriche di Gray, Firenze, 1784, pp. 101-10. See no. 352. [198 1786. The new foundling hospital for wit. 1786. See no. 197. [199 1789. Designs by Mr. R. Bentlev, etc. 1789. See no. 185. [200 1790. The poetical works of Thomas Gray. In The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by Samuel Johnson. London. Printed by R. Blyth. 1790. [201 Srn. 8vo. Gray, lxiv. 183-247. See no. 194. bm (238. d. 25), bn (Yk. 3092) 1792. Poems | selected and printed | by a small | party of English, ; who made this amusement a substitute | for society, | Which the disturbed state of the country j prevented their enjo\ ing. At Strasburg, \ in the month of February | 1792. [202 It... pp. [II], 91, [1]. Kl, pp. 18 -23; Adv, pp. 53-6| Eton, pp. 57-60. b, bm (1346. in. 24) 84 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY El, Adv. Pl\ in Johann Joachim Eschenburg, Beispielsamm- lung but Theorie and Literatur der schoenen Wissenschaften, Berlin n. Stettin, Nicolai, 1788-95, iv. 45 ff., 192 ff., 278 ff., viii. 1. 136 ff. [202a 1793. The Poetics of Marcus Hieronymus Vida, Bishop of Alba ; with translations from the Latin of Dr. Lowth, Mr. Gray, and others. By John Hampson, A. M. Sunderland. Printed by T. Reed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, and J. Johnson, St Paul's Church-Yard, London. 1793. [203 8vo, pp. [vi], xxiv, 256. Arist, AlO, pp. 146-55, with an English translation. bm (78. d. 1), b (29934. e. 2) Eton, Bard, FS, El in An English anthology, London, 1793- 4, 8vo, ii. 70-93. tc [204 1795. Select poems from the works of Thomas Gray. Manchester. G. Nicholson & Co. 1795. [205 12mo, pp. [ii], 2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 5, [1], 4. The Literary Miscellany, no. 121. Spr, Cat, Eton, Adv, PP, Bard, EpCl, El, each separately paged. bm (11633. a. 22) 1796. Same, reissued. The literary miscellany : or, An assemblage | of | classical beauties, | in | prose and verse. [Quotation from Memories of the year 2500, 11 11.] [Em- blem.] | Printed by G. Nicholson and Co. | Palace-street, Man- chester. Sold by T. Knott, No. 47, Lombard-street; and Champante & Whitrow, Jewry-street, London. | 1796. [206 32mo, pp. var. Label on the back, Prose and Verse. The first author included is Gray: Poems | by J Thomas Gray; | containing I odes, | epitaphs, J Elegy, | Sonnet. | To which is prefixed | a sketch of the author's life. | [Warton's Sonnet.] [Emblem.] | Manchester, | Printed at the office of G. Nichol- son, No. 9, Spring-gardens. Sold by T. Knott, No. 47, Lombard- street; | and Champante & Whitrow, Jewry-street, London. | Anno 1796. 32mo, pp. [ii], 17, [1], 4. Spr, Cat, Eton, Adv, PP, Bard, Sonnet, EpCl, Sketch, El. nyp Selections in Elegant extracts: | or, | Useful and entertain- ing | pieces of poetry, | selected for the improvement | of young persons: | . . . | [Vignette illustrating: Theirs is the Sunshine of the Breast. — Gray.] London: Printed for T. Longman [and others, 6 lines.] 1796. [207 8vo. El, Spr, Cat, Eton, Adv, PP, Bard, FS, Odin, Owen, Music, pp. 22-3, 473-80. Ed. by Vicesimus Knox. cc 1799. Ode de Gray sobre o progreco da poezia. Hymno de Gray a Adversidade. Ode de Gray vendo ao longe o colegio de Eton. Hamburg. [208 SELECTIONS FROM POETICAL WORKS 35 [1799.] 4to, unpaged. Register, separate for each poem. PP, A-B in fours; Adv, A4; Eton, A4-B2. Advertencia dated Hamburg, 30 May, 1799. Bound with Dryden, Ode de Dryden para o dia de santa Cecilia. Traduzida em Portugues. bm (1466. k. 16. (1)) El (stanzas 22, 30-32) and Adv in The English reader, by Lindley Murray, London, 1799. [208a There were many editions. In the New York edition of 1825 (George Peacock), 12mo, pp. 177, 179-80, 232-4. cu Stanza 22 of the Elegy is cited as an illustration of "sound imitating reluctance." 1800. Spr, El in Sequel to The English reader, by Lindley Murray, London, 1800. [208b There were many editions. In the Boston edition of 1825 (T. Bedling- ton), 12mo, pp. 132-3, 213-16; sketch of Gray's life, p. 270. The Elegy has no stanza divisions. 1801. FS, Odin in Matthew Gregory Lewis, Tales of won- der, London, W. Buhner & Co., 1801, large 8vo, ii. 347-57. [209 Arist, Zeph, AlO, Cog iv in L. G. Kosengarten, Rhapsodieen, 1801, iii. 37-114. See no. 349. [210 1807. Vic, Adv in R. Southey, Specimens of the later Eng- lish poets, London, 1807, ii. 428-33. tc [211 1808. Odes from the Norse and Welch [sic] tongues by Thomas Gray. In The Port Folio, June 25, 1808, n. s. v. 406. [212 Spr, Cat, Eton, Adv, El, PP, Bard in The cabinet of poetry, containing the best entire pieces to be found in the works of the British poets, London, Richard Phillips, 1808, sm. 8vo, v. 3-21. [213 Edited by Samuel Jackson Pratt. Portrait of Gray engraved by Caroline Watson. Life, pp. 1-2. bji (11604. f. 19) 1819. Specimens of the British poets ; with biographical and critical notices, and an essay on English poetry. By Thomas Campbell. In seven volumes. Volume vi. Churchill, 17(54, to Johnson, 1781. London. John Murray, Albcmarle-Street. 1819. [214 8vo. Bard, Ed, Vic, Agrlppina, pp. 187-210. cu 1824. Eton, El in David Davis, Telyn (lewi ; set' gwaith prydyddawl, Llnndain, Longman, Hurst, Etees, Orme, Brown, & Green, 1824, pp. <> 12, 28-88, 101-70, 178-9. With a Welsh translation. bm ( I 1505. bb. 29) [215 I. ton, Adv, El, PP, Hard in William Ha/.lilt, ed., Select British poets, London, Hall, 1824, 8vo, pp. 477-82. cu [216 86 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1825. Same. In same, 2d edition, Select poets of Great Britain, to which are prefixed critical notices of each author, London, 1825, 8vo, pp. 449-53. tc [217 1828. Selections in Specimens of the lyrical, descriptive, and narrative poets of Great Britain, London, 1828. [218 Rev. in The London Mag., July, 1828, 3d ser. i. 615-17, with praise. 1830. Spring, Eton, Adv in Le cabinet de lecture, Paris, 1830. [219 1836. El, Eton, Bard in Johann Wilhelm Heinrich Nolte und Christian Ludwig Ideler, Handbuch der englischen Sprache und Literatur, Poetischer Theil, Berlin, Nauck, 1836, pp. 244 ff., 409 ff. [219a 1837. Eton, PP, Owen (extract) in S. C. Hall, ed., The book of gems, London, Saunders & Otley, 1837, 8vo, pp. 154-61. [220 1850. Eton, El, PP, Odin in L. Herrig, British classical authors, Braunschweig, 1850, 8vo. [221 In the 90th edition, 1909, ed. by Max Forster, pp. 260-9. AlO, Ign, Eton in Sir Edward S. Creasy, Memoirs of emi- nent Etonians, London, 1850, 8vo, pp. 301-2, 305, 307-8. [222 In the edition of 1876, pp. 335, 338-9, 340-43. 1852. Elegy, Cat in Beauties of English poets, Venice, 1852, 12mo, pp. 149-85. bm (889. g. 10), hu [223 See no. 736. New edition, 1886, under the title, Lord Byron's Armenian exercises and poetry; see no. 736a. 1853. Elegy written in a country church yard, and other poems. By Thomas Gray. New York. Robert Carter & Bros. 1853. [224 8vo, pp. 116. Engraved plates by R. S. Gilbert after paintings by Constable, Stothard, Cattermole, Landseer, and others. Noticed in The Biblical Repository, Jan., 1853, xxix. 142. yd 1856. El, Spr, Eton, Vic, Adv, PP, Bard in Joseph Payne, Studies in English poetry, new edition, London, A. Hall, 1856, 12mo. [225 This was the 4th edition. The lst-3d I have not seen. 5th edition, Strahan, 1869; 6th edition, Loekwood, 1872; 8th edition, Crosby Lock- wood & Son, 1881 ; 9th edition, 1888, pp. 60-66, 70-72, 123-7, 204-6, 422-34. Of these editions no further entry is here made. 1857. The Elegy in The household book of poetry collected and edited by Charles A. Dana, New York, Appleton, 1857. [226 SELECTIONS FROM POETICAL WORKS 37 In the 11th edition, 1869, large 8vo, with Eton, pp. 148-9, 731-33. NYP 1860. Spr, El in Celebria quaedam Anglorum poemata latine reddita: auctore Ricardo Ward, Londini, I860, 4to, pp. 16-21, 79-97. bm (11602. h. 8) [227 1861. The golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language. Edited by Francis Turner Pal- grave. Cambridge. Macmillan & Co. 1861. [228 Sm. 8vo, pp. [xii], 332. Vic, pp. 107-8; Cat, pp. 110-11; Bard, pp. 113- 16; PP, pp. 130-33; Spr, pp. 136-38; EL pp. 142-6; Eton, pp. 155-57; Adv, pp. 158-9. Many times reprinted. 1868. Sonnet, PP, and El in A household book of English poetry with notes by Richard Chenevix Trench, London, Mac- millan, 1868, 8vo, pp. 180, 194-7, 212-16. [229 Eton, Adv, El in J. C. M. Bellew, Poets' corner, London, Routledge, 1868, 8vo, pp. 77-86. [230 1869. The household book of poetry, etc. 1869. See no. 226. [231 1870. Gray's odes: with notes, and a scheme of grammatical analysis. By William Stewart Ross. Edinburgh. Thomas Laurie. [232 [1870.] 8vo, pp. 64. bm (11632. a. 23) Eton, Adv, Bard, El, Spr, Vic in S. O. Beeton, Beeton's great book of poetry from Caedmon and King Alfred's Boethius to Browning and Tennyson, London, Ward, Lock, and Tyler, [1870], 8vo, nos. 907-12. Unpaged. nyp [233 Amatory Lines, Tophet, Sketch, Cand (4 lines) with com- ments in Henry Philip Dodd, The epigrammatists, London, Bell & Daldy, 1870, 8vo, pp. 407-10. colu [234 El, Spr in A library of poetry and song being choice selec- tions from the best poets with an introduction by William Cullen Bryant, New York, J. B. Ford & Company, 1871 [cop. 1870], 8vo, pp. 219-20, 308. [234a (j ray's odes. London. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. [235 [1870.] Sm. 8vo, pp. 39. Spr, Cat, Eton, Adv, PP, Bard, FS, Odin, Hoel, Owen, Music mi (11643. I>l>. 35. (lo)) 1871. El, Cat, PP, in Francis II. Underwood, A handbook of English literature, Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1871, 8vo. pp. I7fl 84. [285a II. Eton, PP in Thomas Bndd Shaw and William Smith, Choice specimens of Knglish literature, adapted to the use of 38 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY American students by Benjamin M. Martin, New York, Sheldon & Co., [1871], 8vo, pp. 288-95. [235b 1872. El, Adv, Eton, Bard, Odin, PP in A thousand and one gems of English poetry selected and arranged by Charles Mackay, LL. D., London, Routledge, 1872, 8vo, pp. 165-73. nyp [236 El, PP, Bard in Longer English poems, with notes, philo- logical and explanatory, and an introduction on the teaching of English, ed. by J[ohn] W[esley] Hales, London, Macmillan, 1872, 8vo, pp. 79-90, 325-40. [237 Gray's odes and Elegy with life and notes. London and Edin- burgh. W. & R. Chambers. 1872. [238 16mo, pp. 56. Chambers' English Classics for Use in Schools. bm (12209. aaa. 34) Adv, PP, Vic, El in Anthologia anglicana, a new selection from the English poets from Spenser to Shelley, with short literary notices, by Howard Williams, London, Longmans, 1873 [1872], 8vo, pp. 270-82. [239 Gray's odes and Elegy, with annotations, grammatical and elucidatory, and an introduction. By J. G. Davis. London. Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. 1872. [240 Sm. 8vo, pp. viii, 89. The School and College English Classics. bm (12268. aaa. 10) Three hundred lines of poetry from the works of Thomas Gray. With notes containing a full exposition of meanings and allusions. Adapted to the requirements of Standards IV., V., or VI., New Code. By a practical teacher. Edinburgh. Thomas Laurie. [241 [1872.] 8vo, pp. 23. El, Bard, Spr (stanzas 2-4). bm (11643. bb. 35. (11)) 1874. Gray's Elegy in a country churchyard and An ode on the pleasure arising from vicissitude. With notes for teachers and scholars. London. T. J. Allman. [242 [1874.] 16mo, pp. 30. Allman's English Classics for Elementary Schools, no. 1. bm (12205. cc. 8 (9)) Rev. in The Athenamm, Nov. 7, 1874, p. 607. Eton, El, Bard in Parnassus, ed. by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Boston, James R. Osgood & Co., 1875 [Dec., 1874], 8vo, pp. 148-9, 169-71, 215-17. [243 1875. Gray. Elegy written in a country churchyard, and Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College, with notes explana- SELECTIONS FROM POETICAL WORKS 39 tory and etymological. By Theophilus D. Hall, M. A. Man- chester. J. Gait & Co. London. Whittaker & Co. [214 [1875.] 8vo, pp. 24. b, bm (11633. aaa. 22) Reissued in 1879. 8d. Gray: Elegy written in a country churchyard and Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1875. [245 Sm. 8vo, pp. 8. Text only. b, bm (11601. e. 1. (12)), bpl El, Eton in John G. Whittier, ed., Songs of three centuries, Boston, James R. Osgood & Co., 1876 [cop. 1875], 8vo, pp. 60-63. nyp [246 1876. The Elegy and Bard. By Thomas Gray. With biog- raphy and notes. Adapted to the standards of New Code. Lon- don. W. Stewart & Co. [247 [1876.] Sm. 8vo, pp. 16. Introduction signed W. S. R. [= W. Stewart Ross]. Stewart's School Classics. bm (12203. ccc. 27/4) Sir Edward S. Creasy. Memoirs of eminent Etonians. 1876. See no. 222. [248 Gray's Elegy and Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College. Edited, with notes and paraphrase, by Francis Main, M. A. In- tended for the use of pupils preparing for the Oxford local examinations in 1876. Oxford and London. James Parker & Co. 1876. [249 Sm. 8vo, pp. 40. bm (11601. e. 1. (16)), b (280. g. 17 (6)) Select poems | of | Thomas Gray. | Edited, with notes, | by | William J. Rolfe, A. M., | formerly Head Master of the High School, Cambridge, Mass. With engravings. [Publisher's emblem.] New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square. | 1876. [250 Sm. Hvo, pp. 113, [2]. Portrait, facsimile, and woodcuts. Life, by Robert Carruthers, pp. 9-15. Stoke- I'ogis, by William Ilowitt, pp. l<>- 20. I'd, Spr, Cat, Eton, PP, Hani, Adv, pp. C'3-70. Notes, pp. 71-143. iim ( I Hill. hi). . 5), nil . \vi', nu, lc Revised editions, Ihsi;, 1904. Elegy written in a country churchyard, and oilier poems, by Thomas Cray. Ni w York. Roberi Carter & Bros. [251 Date unknown. In print in IST'i. Hvo. Illus. 1877. Elegy written in a country churchyard, and other poems. By Thomas Gray. Illustrated. Boston. Jas. Et. Osgood & Co. IS77. [252 16mo, pp. 88. Vrt Pockel Series of standard and Popular Authors. EL I.St, Eton, Adv, it. Bard bm (11644, e. ih) 40 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Bard, Zeph in Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der englischen Literatur . . . von J. Bohm, Ingolstadt, 1877. See no. 351. [253 1878. Spr, Eton, Adv, PP, Bard, Music, Vic, Cat, FS, El in James T. Fields and Edwin P. Whipple, eds., The family library of British poetry from Chaucer to the present time (1350-1878), Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., [1878], 1. 8vo, pp. 389-97. Por- trait. [254 1879. Gray. Elegy written in a country churchyard, etc. 1879. See no. 214. [255 Gray's Elegy and select odes: "Eton College," "The bard," and "The progress of poesy." With biographical sketch, notes explanatory and critical, and examination questions, by J. S. Laurie. London. Central School Depot. [256 [1879.] 8vo, pp. 40. Laurie's Class-Books of English Literature. 1/-. bm (12200. aa. 30/1) 1880. El, Bard in Literary studies from the great British authors by Horace Hills Morgan, St. Louis, G. I. Jones & Co., 1880, 8vo, pp. xi, 186-94. [256a 1881. Adv, El in H. Morley, Shorter English poems, London, Cassell, [1881], 8vo, pp. 378-81. [256b Portrait, with notes. Library of English Literature. nyp Spr, PP, Bard in Edmund W. Gosse, English odes, London, Paul, 1881, 16mo, pp. 100-115. [257 Rev. in The London Guardian, Nov. 9, 1881, p. 1608. Elegy in a country churchyard, and other poems. By Thomas Gray. Illustrated. Boston. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1881. [258 32mo, pp. 88. Modern Classics, no. 17. El, LSt, Eton, Adv, PP, Bard. 1882. El, Spr, Vic (3 st), Eton in The Cambridge book of poetry and song, selected from English and American authors by Charlotte Fiske Bates, New York, Crowell, [1882], 8vo, pp. 240-45. [258a 1883. El, Bard, Adv in English verse, Chaucer to Burns, edited by W. J. Linton and R. H. Stoddard, New York, Scribner, 1883, 8vo, pp. 263-72. nyp [259 1884. Spr, Eton, Adv, PP, Bard, El, Sonnet, Sketch, Impr in T. H. Ward, The English poets, London, Macmillan, 1884, 8vo, iii. 302-36. [260 SELECTIONS FROM POETICAL WORKS U Eton and El in A household book of English poetry selected and arranged with notes by Richard Chenevix Trench, Arch- bishop of Dublin, London, Macmillan, 1884, sm. 8vo, pp. 201-4, 218-22. [261 Differs from the edition of 1868, q. v. (no. 229). hyp 1885. Clarendon Press Series. Gray. Selected poems, edited by Edmund Gosse. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1885. [262 8vo, pp. viii, 132. Clarendon Press Series. Published at 3/- and 1/6. bm (12205. o. 24) Rev. in The Cambridge Rev., May 27, 1885, vi. 350-52; in The Athenceum, May 9, 1885, p. 596. Sonnet, Eton, El, Adv, PP, Bard, To Bentley in An English anthology from Chaucer to Tennyson selected and edited by John Bradshaw, London, Longmans, 1885, 8vo. [262a In the edition of 1894, pp. 289, 300-3, 313-18, 320-31, 343. Gray's Elegy in a country churchyard and Bard. Annotated by William Davidson and Joseph Crosby Alcock. Newcastle- upon-Tyne. R. J. Porteus & Co., Ltd. [263 [1885.] 8vo, pp. 32. Davidson & Alcock's English Classics. 2d. b (2799. f. 33) 1886. Select poems of Thomas Gray. 1886. See no. 250. [264 El, Adv, Bard in F. W. Farrar, With the poets, London,, Suttaby & Co., 1886, 8vo, pp. 127-38. [265 1887. Elegie | dans un cimetiere de campagne | Le barde | poemes par Thomas Gray Edition classique | precede d'une notice litteraire et biographique | accompagnee de notes gram* maticales et philologiques | et suivie d'une traduction de l'Elegie f par M. A. Elwall Professeur de Langue Anglaise au Lycee Henri IV | et a l'Ecole des Mines | [Emblem.] | Paris | Imprim- erie et Librairie classiques Maison Jules Delalain et Fils Dclalain I'reres, Successeurs | 56, Rue des Ecoles | [266 [1887.] 12mo, pp. xi, [1], 21. bm (11602. e. 44), bv Elegy written in a country churchyard. Ode on Eton College. The bard. By Thomas Gray. With explanatory notes. London. Blackie & Son. [267 [1887.] 8vo, pp. 39. Blackie'fl School Classics. bm (12200. c. 15/11) hi, Sj>r, ('.-it, Eton, Hard in Parodies of the works of English ami American authors, collected and annotated by Walter Hamil- ton, London, Reeves and Turner, 1887-8, v. 1-Jj, LS. I!) :.(). r>I-2, B I 3 The Riverside Literature Series | Elegy | written in a country church- yard and other poems by Thomas Gray | John Gilpin and other poems by William Cowper With bio- graphical sketches, introduc- tions and notes [Publisher's emblem.] | Boston New York Chicago | Houghton Mifflin Com- pany ] The Riverside Press Cambridge | [277 [1895.] Sm. 8vo, pp. 96. Frontispiece portrait (as in the Aldine Edition). Riverside Literature Series, no. 74. Gray, pp. 5-49. Bard, El, Eton, Adv, Cat, PP. 1896. Cusack's edition of the Elegy written in a country churchyard, and the Ode on the spring by Thomas Gray. With copious notes, sketch of the poet's life, historical introduction, articles on metre, figures of speech, &c, and glossary of all the more important words in the text. London. City of London Book Depot. 1896. [278 8vo, pp. 54. 1/- net. Edited by J. Cusack. nyp Same. Second edition. 1901. 8vo, pp. [vi], 56. bm (11633. de. 40) Gray's Elegy written in a country churchyard, The bard, and Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College. With notes explana- tory, analytical, and grammatical, embracing figures of speech and metre by the Rev. Henry Evans, D. D. Dublin. Blackie & Son, Ltd." 1896. [279 8vo, pp. 48. English Classics for Intermediate Schools and Colleges. bm (12274. df), b Chief poems of Thomas Grav, with life and notes. Leeds. A. Pedley & Sons. [280 [1896.] 8vo, pp. 20. Pedley's Northern Series. Published at Id. Spr, Eton, El, Hard. bm (12210. e. 4), b (2799. e. 74) Selected poems of Gray, Goldsmith, and Collins. London. Review of Reviews Office | 281 [1896.] Hvn, pp. 58. The Masterpiece Library, no. xl; The Penny Poets, no. 6. Gray, pp. 2-22. El, Eton, Hard, FS, Odin, Spr, Adv, Ign, I' I', Music, Sketch, Cat. tc 1897. F.I, Spr, Kton, Hard in Charles Dudley Warner, Li- brary of tin- world's best literature, ancient and modern. New fork, ft. S. Peale & J. A. Hill, 1897, 8ro, \i. 6626 86. [282 1898. Thomas Gray: Ode on tin spring, and The hard. Willi notes explanatory of tin- meanings and allusions. London. Mac- inillan. 1 898. [283 lJmo, pp. :>,(). (id. Macmillan's Series for Pupil Tc.iclicrs. U A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Gray's English poems, original, and translated from the Norse and Welsh, edited with introduction and notes by D. C. Tovey, M. A. Cambridge. University Press. 1898. [284 Sm. 8vo, pp. xvi, 290. Pitt Press Series. Lines numbered. 4/-. bm (2322. c. 56), bn (Yk. 530) Rev. in The Academy, Sept. 10, 1898, liv. 243; by Br. Schnabel in EnqUsche Studien xxvii. 285; by C. S. in Revue Critique, n. s. xlvi. 332-3; in The Athenceum, June 25, 1898, p. 820. Ode on the spring | and 1 The bard | by Thomas Gray. Edited | with introduction and notes | by | D. C. Tovey, M. A., Clark Lecturer at Trinity College, Cambridge. | Cambridge: At the University Press, f 1898 | [All rights reserved.] [285 Sm. 8vo, pp. 52. The Cambridge Series for Schools and Training Colleges. From Tovey's larger edition in the Pitt Press Series (see no. 284.). bm (O. 12201. e. 4/11), bn (Yk. 561) The bard and the Ode on the spring. Cusack's edition. With copious notes, sketch of the poet's life, appendices on figures of speech, prefixes, affixes, and imitative words, together with a complete glossary. London. City of London Book Depot. 1898. [286 12mo, pp. 80. 1/- net. Eclectic English Classics | Selections | from the poems of | Thomas Gray | edited by A. M. Van Dyke, M. A. | Department of English, Cincinnati High School New York Cincinnati Chicago | American Book Company | 1898 | [287 8vo, pp. 80. Portrait. Eton, PP, Bard, El, Cat, FS, Spr, Adv, Vic, Odin, Ed, Stanzas to Bentley, Sonnet, Sketch. Reprinted in 1910. See no. 326. 1899. El, Spring, Eton, Bard in Harry Thurston Peck, ed., Masterpieces of the world's literature, ancient and modern, New York, American Literary Society, [1899], 8vo, x. 5282-95. [287a Gray's | Odes and Elegy | with | life and notes | [Publisher's monogram.] | W. & R. Chambers, Limited | London and Edin- burgh J 1899 | [288 16mo, pp. 64. Includes thirteen English poems. 4d. An elegy in a country churchyard and Ode on a distant pros- pect of Eton College by Thomas Gray. Illustrated by J. T. Friedenson. London. John Lane. 1900 [1899]. [289 16mo, pp. 47, [1]. Frontispiece and 9 drawings. Flowers of Parnas- sus, no. 1. b (2799. f. 170), bm (11646. a. 70) Same. 1901. nyp SELECTIONS FROM POETICAL WORKS 45 Pope, Gray, Goldsmith. Selected poems. . . . Edited by George A[nsel] Watrous. Boston. Allyn & Bacon. [290 [1899.] 16mo, pp. v, [1], 131. The Academy Series of English Classics. 1900. El, Eton, Spr in The international library of famous literature, edited by Richard Garnett in association with Leon Vallee, Alois Brandl, Donald G. Mitchell, London, The Stand- ard, [1900], 8vo, ix. 3941-5, xiii. 6015-17, xvii. 8089-90. 3 plates. [291 Cat, Eton, LSt, PP, El in Edward Arber, The Goldsmith anthology, 1745-1774 A. D., London, H. Frowde, 1900, 8vo, pp. 80-104. [292 Gray's poems. Part I. Elegy written in a country church- yard. The bard. Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College. The progress of poesy. With introductions and notes by Thomas Page. London. Moffatt & Paige. 1900. [293 Sm. 8vo, pp. 39. 4d. Moffat's School Classics. bm (12201. d. 23/2) El, Bard (selection), PP (selection), Cat in The Oxford book of English verse 1250-1900 chosen & edited by A. T. Quiller- Couch, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1900, 8vo, pp. 516-28. [293a 1901. An elegy in a country churchyard, etc. 1901. See no. 289. [294 Ode on the spring and Elegy in a country churchyard by Thomas Gray. Edited with introduction and notes by D. C. Tovey, M. A. Cambridge. University Press. 1901. [295 8vo, pp. 67. 8d. Cambridge Series for Schools and Training Col- leges. From Tovey's larger edition in the Pitt Press Series (see no. 284). bm (O. 12201. e. 4/23) Cusack's edition of the Elegy, etc. 1901. See no. 278. [296 1902. Cat, El in Golden numbers, a book of verse for youth, chosen and classified by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archi- bald Smith, New York, McClure, Phillips & Co., 1902, 8vo, pp. 353-5, 612-17. nyp [297 1903. IS, Owen in War songs of Britain, selected by Harold E. Butler, London, Constable, 1908, 8vo, pp. 80-84. [297a Blegy written in a country church yard; Ode on the spring; and Ode on a distant i prospect of Eton | College By Thomas dray London | Anthony Trchcrnc & Co., Ltd. 1903 | [298 Minit, py>. 71. Frontispiece. Od. and 1/-. WalfitCOat-Pocket Series, do. Ir. Published In Philadelphia by the Henry Altemus Company. Second edition, 1905. 46 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1904. English poems by Thomas Gray. Edited by J. C. Baker, M. B. Guildford. The Astolat Press. 1904. [299 Sq. 16mo, pp. viii, [2], 100, [1], Includes Gray's notes. Carefully edited. 1/6, net. bm (11647. dg. 5) Select poems of Thomas Gray. 1904. See no. 250. [300 Gray. Burns, Cowper, etc. Select poems. Edited by H. B. Cotterill. London. Macmillan. 1904. [301 Cr. 8vo. 1/-. Selections in Bliss Carman, ed., The world's best poetry, Philadelphia, John D. Morris & Co., 1904. [302 8vo. Eton, i. 244-7; El, iii. 270-5, illus.; Vic, v. 18-19; Spr, v. 79-80; Bard, viii. 34-9. colu Gray's English poems original and translated from | the Norse and Welsh | edited by | D. C. Tovey, M. A. | formerly Clark Lecturer at Trinity College, Cambridge | Cambridge: At the University Press | 1904 | [303 Sm. 8vo, pp. xvi, 291. Pitt Press Series. A reprint of the edition of 1898 (see no. 284). Elegy in a country churchyard and other poems. With illus- trations. Glasgow. David Bryce & Son. 1904. [304 64mo, pp. 383, [1]. Size of page, 1 15/16 x 1 3/8 in. Published in New York by Frederick A. Stokes Co. bm (C. o. e. 4) Eton, Adv, El in F. St. John Corbett, A history of British poetry from the earliest times to the beginning of the twentieth century, London, Gay & Bird, 1904, 8vo, pp. 270-77. [305 1905. Elegy, etc. 1905. See no. 298. colu [306 Gray: Elegy written in a country churchyard and other poems edited by N. L. Frazer, B. A. London. Horace Marshall & Son. 1905. [307 Sm. 8vo, pp. 30, [2]. El, Eton, Bard, Spr, Adv. bm (12274. de.) Bard, Eton, El in The treasure book of verse, being a reissue of poetry for home and school chosen and arranged by Anna C. Brackett and Ida M. Eliot, New York, Putnam, 1905, 8vo, pp. 185-9, 288-90, 292-6. nyp [308 Gray's Elegy and other poems. London. Bryce. 1905. [309 64mo. Illus. 1/- net. 1906. Gray's Elegy and odes. Oxford. Clarendon Press. [310 [1906.] 8vo, pp. 32. Select English Classics. 4d. El, Vic, Cat, Bard, PP, Spr, Eton, Adv, FS, Odin. b SELECTIOXS FROM POETICAL WORKS 4-7 1907. Eton, Cat, El, PP, Vic, Sketch in Margaret Lynn, A collection of eighteenth century verse, New York, Macmillan, 1907, 8vo, pp. 244-63, 453-7. [311 PP, El in A. J. Wyatt and S. E. Goggin, An anthology of English verse with introduction and glossary, London, W. B. Clive, 1907, 8vo, pp. 135-42. [312 Spr, Eton, El, PP, Bard, Odin in English poetry (1170-1892) selected by John Matthews Manly, Boston, Ginn, [1907], large 8vo, pp. 265-72. [312a El, PP in J. C. Stobart, The Johnson epoch, London, E. Arnold, 1907, 8vo, pp. 32-40. cu [313 1908. El, Bard in English poems edited by Edward Chaun- cey Baldwin and Harry G. Paul, New York, American Book Company, 1908, 8vo, pp. 120-29, 372-5. [313a Selections in Walter Cochrane Bronson, editor, English poems, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1908, 8vo, iii. 231-55, 475-86, 525-6. [314 Spr, Eton, Adv, Sonnet, Cat, El, PP, Bard, Vic, FS, Odin, Sketch. CU, NYP 1909. Elegy written in a country church-yard and other poems by Thomas Gray ; together with The diverting history of John Gilpin and other poems by William Cowper. Edited with an introduction and notes by J[osiah] H[amilton] Castleman. New York. Macmillan. 1909. [315 L6mo, pp. xxiii, 268. Portrait. Macmillan's Pocket American and English Classics. Selections in The pageant of English poetry, edited by R. M. Leonard, London, H. l'rowde, 1909, 8vo, pp. 197-205. * [316 Spr, Kl, Cat Complete, selections from Adv, PP, Vic, Eton. HYP Mt Trill's English Texts | An elegy in a | country churchyard | and other poems | by | Thomas Gray | edited with an introduction and notes | by Cornelia Be.ire, Instructor in English, | Wadlcigh High School, New York City [Publisher's emblem.] New- York Charles E. Merrill Co. | 44-60 East Twenty-third Street | (317 [1909.1 I'ini'i, pp. ."<"). Frontispiece portrait. Merrill's English Texts. Kl. Vic, Eton, Bard. (iray | Poems published in 1768 | London | Henry Frowdc | 1909 | [318 Hvn, pp. fx], in*, [51, 23. 9/8 net Oxford Library of Prose and Poetry. Reprints the edition of ITiiS (see no. , r >2) ; the Ode for music. 4S A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 2d edition, 1769 (see no. 1402); the title-page of Six poems, 1753 (see no. 178) ; and A long story, from Six poems, 1753, pp. 14-23. bm (11611. df. 25), cu Announced in The Athenaum, Nov. 6, 1909, p. 558. Spr, PP, Eton, Bard, Adv, Vic, El, Cat in William Stanley Braithwaite, editor, The book of Georgian verse, London, Grant Richards, 1909, 8vo, pp. 3 f., 115-28, 119-53, 163-8, 200 f., 1267. [319 El, PP, Bard in The English Parnassus, an anthology of longer poems with introduction and notes by W. Macneile Dixon and H. J. C. Grierson, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1909, 8vo, pp. 238-47, 726-7. bm [320 Elegy written in a country | church-yard I together with a selection from | the odes and sonnets By f Thomas Gray | [Emblem.] | New York and London | G. P. Putnam's Sons | The Knickerbocker Press | [321 N. d. [1909?] 24mo, pp. [iv], 84. Frontispiece portrait. El, Spr, Eton, Adv, PP, Bard, Music, FS, Odin, Owen, Hoel, Vic. nyp 1910. El, Eton, PP (extract) in Jeanette L. Gilder, ed., Masterpieces of the world's best literature, New York, Current Literature Pub. Co., 1910, 16mo, iv. 210-18. [322 Longmans' English Classics | Thomas Gray's | Elegy | written in a country churchyard | and other poems | Oliver Goldsmith's The deserted village | The traveller | and other poems | Edited with notes and an introduction by | James F. Hosic, Ph. M. Head of the Department of English in the Chicago Norma College | New York | Longmans, Green & Co. | London, Bombay, and Calcutta | 1910 | [323 Sm. 8vo, pp. xvi, 80. Longmans' English Classics. El, Eton, Cat, PP, Bard. Gray's Elegy and other poems. London. Siegle, Hill & Co. 1910. ( [324 Sm. 24mo, pp. 64. Langham Booklets. El, Eton, Adv, Cat, Spr, Bard, PP, FS. Selections in Charles William Eliot, editor, The Harvard classics, New York, P. F. Collier & Son, 1910, 8vo, xl. (English poetry i.) 455-75. [325 El, Eton, Adv, Spr, PP, Bard, Vic, Cat. Facsimile of the Elegy from the British Museum MS. Eclectic English Classics Gray's Elegy in a country churchyard | and other selections | edited by | A. M. Van Dyke, M. A. formerly Department of English, Cincinnati High SELECTIONS FROM POETICAL WORKS 1>9 Schools New York Cincinnati Chicago American Book Company | [326 1910. Sm. 8vo, pp. 80. Frontispiece portrait. Half-title, Gray's | Elegy in a country churchyard | (with other selections) | and | Gold- smith's I The deserted village | Goldsmith's poem, 32 pp., is bound with Gray. El, Eton, PP, Bard, Cat, FS, Spr, Adv, Vic, Odin, Ed, Stanzas to Bentley, Sonnet, Sketch. See no. 287. Adv, Bard in Oswald Crawfurd, Lyrical verse from Elizabeth to Victoria, London, Chapman & Hall, [1910], 16mo, ii. 32-8. [326a El, PP in Twelve centuries of English poetry and prose se- lected and edited by Alphonso Gerald Newcomer and Alice E. Andrews, Chicago, Scott, Foresman and Company, [1910], 8vo, pp. 347-351. [326b 1911. Poems by Thomas Gray. Ed. by A. J. F. Collins. London. W. B. Clive. 1911. [327 8vo, pp. 136. University Tutorial Series. Selections in Century readings for a course in English litera- ture edited and annotated by J. W. Cunliffe, J. F. A. Pyre, and Karl Young, New York, The Century Co., 1911, large 8vo, pp. 396-404. [328 Sonnet, Eton, Adv, El, PP, Bard, FS. Gray and his poetry. By S. E. Wimbolt. London. Harrap. 1911. [329 l'imo. The Poetry and Life Series. Published in New York by the Dodge Publishing Company. Rev. in The Atherueum, July 8, 1911, p. 41; by Frank Gschwind in Anglia Beiblatt, June, 1913, xxiv. 177. 1912. Instructor Literature Series Elegy written in a country churchyard | and other poems by | Thomas Gray | Also selected poems of William Cowper [Emblem.] Published jointly l>v | F. A. Owen Co., Dansville, N. Y. | Hall & McCreary, Chicago, 111. [330 [ 191.'. | hv.», pp. 32. El, Bard, Eton, Cat, pp. 3-18. No. 127. El, Spr, Eton, Cat, PP, in Burton Egbert Stevenson, editor, Tlw home !><><>k of verse, American and English, 1580 1912, New York, Holt, 1912, 8vo, pp. 1301-2, 17. r ,l-2, 2489-91, 2911-14, 3301 3. [331 Cat, Spr, El, Bard in Percy Adams Hutchison, British poems from "Canterbury tales" to "Recessional," New York, Serilmer, 1912, 8vo, pp. 24fi 56. I 332 50 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Eton, El in Oscar Thiergen and Albert Hamann, English anthology, containing specimens of English poetry and prose, with lives of the authors, from the fourteenth century to the present day, Leipzig, Teubner, 1912, 8vo, pp. 122-6. [332a El, stanzas 4-19, and Bard in A book of heroic verse chosen by Arthur Burrell, M. A., London, J. M. Dent & Sons, 1912, sm. 8vo, pp. 5-7, 13-7. [332b Everyman's Library, no. 574. Reprinted in 1916. 1913. El, Eton, Bard, Adv, PP in Charles Swain Thomas, Selected lyrics from Dryden, Collins, Gray, Cowper, and Burns, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1913, 12mo, pp. vi, 89. Riverside Literature Series 219. [333 The Golden Treasury list of selections. See no. 228. Gray's | Elegy and odes | Oxford | At the Clarendon Press | [334 N. d. [1913.] 16mo, pp. 32. Oxford Plain Texts. El, Vic, Cat, Bard, PP, Spr, Eton, Adv, FS, Odin. 1914. Bard, El in Waitman Barbe, Great poems interpreted with biographical notes of the authors represented, New York, Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, 1914, 8vo, pp. 49-76, 361. [334a Adv (3 stanzas), PP (3 stanzas), Spr, Vic (1 stanza), El, Cat, Eton (5 stanzas) in The pageant of English poetry, Lon- don, Oxford Univ. Press, 1914, 8vo, pp. 197-205. [335 A reprint of no. 316. Gray . . . English poems edited by R[obert] F[letcher] Charles . . . Cambridge. University Press. 1914. [335a Sm. 8vo, pp. xxvii, 108. tc, bn (Yk. 1176) 1915. Gray | Poems published in | 1768 | edited by | Arthur F. Bell | Oxford | At the Clarendon Press | 1915 | [335b 8vo, pp. lv, [7], 119, [5}, 23, [1], 38. The text is that of no. 318, q.v. The introduction (fifty-five pages) and the notes (thirty-eight pages) have been added by the editor. Cat, Eton, El, Adv, Sonnet, Vic in Lucius Hudson Holt, The leading English poets from Chaucer to Browning, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1915, 8vo, pp. xix, 244-8, 858-61. [335c Eton, Sonnet, El, Bard in Henry S. Pancoast, English poetry from Beowulf to Stevenson, New York, Holt, 1915, 8vo, pp. 427-31. [335d Sketch, Tophet in Oxford Garlands, Epigrams, selected by R. M. Leonard, London, Oxford University Press, 1915, 16mo, pp. 17, 50. [335e SELECTIONS FROM PROSE WORKS 51 El, Cat in The Greyfriar book of English verse selected and arranged for the use of junior forms by Guy Kendall with an introduction by Frank Fletcher, London, Longmans, 1915, sm. 8vo, pp. 131-6. [335f 5. SELECTIONS FROM THE PROSE WORKS 1895. Selections from the journals and letters, with an intro- duction by John W. Hales, in Sir Henry Craik, English prose, London, Macmillan, 1895, 8vo, iv. 221-31. [335g 1911. Essays | and criticisms | by | Thomas Gray | Edited with introduction and notes | by | Clark Sutherland Northup, Ph. D. | Assistant Professor of the English Language and Literature in Cornell University | Boston, U. S. A., and London D. C. Heath & Co., Publishers | [336 [1911.] 16mo, pp. liii, [1], 378. The Belles-Lettres Series, Section v. Contents. Introduction. Essays. Selections from the Letters. Notes. Rev. in The Times Lit. Supplement, Aug. 24, 1911, x. 308; in The Spectator, Apr. 13, 1912, cviii. 586-87. Summaries of these by C. S. Northup in Englische Studien xlvi. 127-8. Also rev. by J. W. H. Atkins in The Modern Lang. Rev., Jan., 1914, ix. 113-15. 1914. Extracts from the letters to Mason, Dec. 19, 1756 [Dec. 1 or 2, 1758], and Nov. 9, 1758, and to West, Apr., 1742 (Tovey, nos. 52, 136, 178) and from the Essay on Lydgate in It. P. Cowl, The theory of poetry in England, London, Mac- millan, 1914, 8vo, pp. 165, 180, 197-8. [337 0. TRANSLATIONS OF SFLECT WORKS English .- 1775. The Latin odes of Mr. Gray, in English verse, witli An 'k|i nn the death of a favourite spaniel. London. Printed lor .1. Ridley, in St. James's Street. MDCCLXXV. [888 LtOj pp. II. At the end signed I'. H. G. [Edward Burnaby Greene; ef. II. Walpole, Letters, edited by Mrs. Tuynlice, ix. 893]. A translation, in octosyllabic quatrains, aabb, <>f Ad ('. Favonlum Aristinm, Alcaic fragment, \H < '. I .ivonium Zephy rimnn, VlcaiC <>de. 1/-. ii. mm ( I mi i. eee. 15), coin Rev. in Tk* Monthly l'|>. 15-16, 17. [878 1825. In a review of Hoare in The Gentleman's Mag., Dec., 1820, xcv. 'J. 588. [379 58 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1883. Reprinted by J. B. from Pickering, 1836 (see no. 30), in N. $ Q., June 9, 1883, 6th ser. vii. 445. [380 1903. Reprinted by E. V. Lucas from Gosse, 1884 (see no. 41), in his Works of Charles and Mary Lamb, London, Methuen, 1903, i. 544. [381 In E. V. Lucas, editor, An idler's scrap-book, London, Meth- uen, 1903, i. 544 f. [382 Translations English 1775. Edward Burnaby Greene, in The Latin odes of Mr. Gray, in English verse, London, 1775, pp. 7-8. See no. 338. [383 Begins, Hail the name, thou lov'st to grace. Anonymous. An imitation of Mr. Grey's Ode, etc. By a Gentleman of Sunderland. In The Gentleman's Mag., Oct., 1775, xlv. 491. [384 Begins, Hear, awful genius of the solemn grove. 6 stanzas, in the metre of the Elegy. Reprinted hy Stephen Jones, 1799 (see no. 84) ; also in The Port Folio, Sept. 12, 1807, n. s. iv. 162. 1776. W. Northam. In The Universal Mag., Jan., 1776, lviii. 40-1. [385 Begins, Thou Genius of this place severe! 28 verses, in octosyllabic couplets. Also in Poems chiefly by gentlemen of Devonshire and Cornwall, Bath, 1792, i. 69-70. See no. 340. 1777. Anonymous. In Imitations and translations from the Latin of Mr. Gray's lyric odes, London, 1777, pp. 17-19. See no. 339. [386 Begins, Great Genius, hear a wand'rer's prayer. Rev. in The Monthly Rev., Apr., 1777, lvi. 314. 1785. John Pinkerton. In his Letters of literature, by Robert Heron, London, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, 1785, 8vo, pp. 298-300. [386a Begins, Oh, thou, the stern religion of this severe place. 5 stanzas, irregular lines, blank verse. 1786. Edmund Cartwright. Ode from the Latin of Mr. Grav. In his Poems, London, 1786, pp. 64-5. bm (991. k. 13. (2)) [387 Same. In his Poems, 1803, p. 91. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 59 1791. William Seward. In The European Mag., April, 1791, xix. 285. [388 Begins, Oh, Genius of this hallow'd place. 38 lines. Reprinted in The Universal Mag., June, 1791, lxxxviii. 402-3, in The poetical works of T. Gray, editor S. Jones, London, 1799, pp. 114- 15 (see no. 84), and in The Port Folio, Sept. 19, 1807, n. s. iv. 178. 1793. John Hampson, in The Poetics of M. H. Vida, etc., Sunderland, 1793, pp. 153-5. See no. 203. [389 1794. James Hay Beattie. Ode. In his Essays and frag- ments in prose and verse, Edinburgh, 1794, pp. 122-3. [390 W. F. Translation of Mr. Gray's Ode, written at the Grand Chartreux. In The Gentleman's Mag., May, 1794, lxiv. 457-8. [391 Begins, O Thou, whose Deity pervades. 5 stanzas, aabccb. 1800. Anonymous. Translation of Gray's Latin ode, at the Grande Chartreuse. In The Gentleman's Mag., Oct., 1800, lxx. 2. 981. [392 Begins, Thou Guardian of the aweful place. 5 stanzas, abab. 1807. .Mr. Howe. In The Port Folio, Aug. 29, 1807, n. s. iv. 143. [392a Begins, Hail, genius of these shades severe. 5 stanzas. The trans- lator was an American poet. 1810. Anna Seward. Paraphrase of Gray's Alcaick ode, written in the album of the Grand Chartreuse, on his way back to England, after having visited the Italian cities with Mr. Walpolc In her Works, ed. Walter Scott, Edinburgh, John Hallantyne & Co., 1810, iii. 44-6. I 393 Begins, Hail, guardian of this deep severe retreat, fi quatrains, rhyming abab. "This attempt Is boldly paraphrastic. It appeared to the translator that Gray must mean more than he has, at least, perspicuously expressed, when he says In this latin ode mat "the sublime scenery round the Chartreuse inspires him with more religious reverence than the statues of Phidias, adorned with gold.'' Strange, Indeed, if it did not; since, though such objects may excite admiral ion of human skill, they have DO obviOUS tendency to Inspire devotion. Surely that was laying tOO little for thOSe awful monuments of their Creator's power, which Inevitably lift the serious and feeling heart to Its God The above English version ventures tO make the pod say what he mu I have meant; thai he there more powerfully feels the presence of the Deity, than amid the pomp of the Romish altars, adorned with pictures, and statues, unlng with Incense, and biasing with gold. The translator also takes the liberty to add another, and more pious idea to that, with which Gray's latin ode somewhat abruptly concludi 60 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1815. Philip Freneau. Translation of Gray's Ode, written at the grand Chartreuse. In his Works, New-York, 1815, i. 95-6. bm (11686. a. 43) [394 Also in his A collection of poems on American affairs, and a variety of other subjects, New York, David Longworth, 1815, 32mo, i. 95-6. Not reprinted by Pattee; cf. his edition iii. 405. Begins, Thou genius of this sacred place. 6 stanzas, rhyming aabb. 1825. Sir Charles Abraham Elton (?). Extracts from this trans, in Excerptions from an idler's scrap-book in The London Mag., March, 1825, n. s. i. 366-7. [395 Reprinted in The Works of Charles Lamb, ed. E. V. Lucas, London, Methuen, 1903, i. 381-2, 544-5, vii. 979. The trans, was attributed by Mr. Dobell to Sir Charles A. Elton, and Mr. Lucas thinks this plausible. Begins, Dread somewhat! hallowing to thyself this spot. 5 stanzas. 1840. Claude Scott, in his Oriental musings, and other poems, 1840 (?). [396 Begins, Presiding Spirit! that here. This work is not listed in either the English or the American Catalogue, and is not in the bm. Quoted from Scott in The Gentleman's Mag., Jan., 1841, n. s. xv. 71. Before 1843. Rowland Eyles Egerton-Warburton. Printed by J. B. in N. $ Q., June 9, 1883, 6th ser. vii. 445. [397 Composed before 1843. Begins, Oh, thou ! the Spirit 'mid these scenes abiding. 5 stanzas, in the metre of the Elegy. Reprinted by D. C. Tovey in his edition of The Letters of Gray, London, 1900, i. 89, n. 2. German 1776. Carl Wilhelm Muller. 1776. See no. 348. [397a 1801. Ludwig Gotthard Kosengarten, in his Rhapsodieen, 1801, iii. 50-51. See no. 349. [398 Begins, Der ernsten Landschaft ernste Religion. Criticism 1850. C. B. Gray's Ode. In N. $ Q., April 13, 1850, 1st ser. i. 382, June 8, ii. 31. [399 Replies by W. (1.) in same, April 27, pp. 416-7; by G. B., Jan. 4, 1851, iii. 4. 1869. Francis Trench. Gray and Juvenal. In N. § Q., Oct. 30, 1869, 4th ser. iv. 359. [400 1893. D. C. T[ovey]. In N. % Q., April 1, 1893, 8th ser. iii. 247. [401 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 61 THE ALLIANCE OF EDUCATION AND GOVERNMENT Editions 1775. First published in Mason's ed., 1775, Life, pp. 191- 200. See no. 13. [401a 1822. Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, in The Anti-Critic, March, 1822, Geneva, W. Fick, 1822, pp. 110-13. [402 Translations French 1798. A. J. Lemierre d'Argy, in Poesies de Gray, traduites en francais, Paris, An VI [1798], pp. 109-31. Prose. See nos. 81, 343. [403 Begins, De meme qu'une plante malade deeele une terre avare. German 1776. Carl Wilhelm Muller. 1776. See no. 348. [403a Latin 1787. R. Smith translated vv. 38-107 in Musae etonenses, 1787, ii. 152-5. [404 AMATORY LINES Editions 1797. First published in Warton's ed. of Pope's Works, Lon- don, 1797, ii. 285, n. [404a Maria Poole, afterwards Dickons. Delia will tell me. In her Six canzonets and a lullaby for the voice, London, [1797?], fol. No. 3. bm (Mns. G. 358/8) [405 1799. C. L. T. Etonensis, with comments, in The Gentle- man's Mag., Aug., 1799, lxix. 2. 642. [406 1802. William Dance. "Sure Delia can tell me"; a ballad. London. 1K02. [407 I "I bm (Mus. G. 361. 89) 1823. .). S. WYlv, in The Mirror, Aug. 30, 1823, ii. 229 80. London. | |os 1882. In Gotse, Gray, 1882, p. 1 W. [ t08a ti: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY THE BARD Editions 1757. First published in 1757. See no. 180. [408b 1775. The bard. | A Pindaric poem, | by Mr. Gray. | Trans- lated into Latin verse. | To which is prefixed | a dedication | to | the genius | of antient Britain. | Chester: | Printed by Poole, Barker, and Co. in Foregate-street. | M.DCC.LXXV. | [Price one shilling.] [409 4to, pp. [ii], 25, consisting of p. [i], t.-p. as above, p. [ii], blank, pp. 1-3, Dedication, pp. 4-25, English and Latin texts. Reg., 1 leaf, B-D in fours, 1 leaf. By Rev. R. Williams, rector of Machynlleth. b (E. Pamph. 1724. (15)), bm (79. g. 16) Rev. in The Monthly Rev., Feb., 1776, liv. 165. 1794. In Roach's Beauties of the poets of Great Britain, London, J. Roach, 1794, iii. no. x, pp. 54-60. bm (11601. e. 21) [410 1800. John Wall Callcott. Weave the crimson web of war, a glee for 3 voices. The words from Gray. London. [411 [1800?] Fol. bm (Mus. G. 809. (40)) The MS. of this is in the British Museum (Add. 27,637). Dates from 1786. 1810. William Horsley. Cold is Cadwallo's tongue. A glee. (The poetry from Gray's Bard.) London. [412 [1810?] Obi. fol. bm (Mus. E. 600. s/7) 1837. The bard by Gray. With illustrations from drawings by the Honourable Mrs. John Talbot. London. John Van Voorst. 1837. [413 8vo, pp. [26]. 12 plates; vignette in t.-p. Ed. by John Martin. b, bm (11631. bbbb. 18), bn, nyp 1856. The bard. A selection from Gray's Ode set to music for a baritone voice and chorus, by Edwin George Monk. Lon- don. Novello. [414 [1856.] Fol., pp. [viii], 82, [1]. Accompaniment for the piano. The B. M. dates this 1857. bpl (M. 280. 27), bm (Mus. H. 1109) A selection from Gray's Bard. An exercise for the degree of doctor in music, composed by Edwin George Monk, Mus. Bac. . . . To be performed in the Sheldonian Theatre ... on Wednesday, March the 5th, 1856. [415 4to, pp. 4. Words only. b (Oxon. C. 72. (100)) 1891. In Andrew Lang, The blue poetry book, London, Longmans, 1891, 8vo, pp. 244-7. [415a INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 63 1892. In Lyra heroica, a book of verse for boys selected and arranged by William Ernest Henley, London, Nutt, 1892, 8vo, pp. 80-85, 346. nyp [416 1894. The bard. An ode by Thomas Gray. London. John Heywood. [417 [1894.] 8vo, pp. 4. Id. John Heywood's Recitation Card, Standards VI and VII, no. 20. b (2805. d. 24) The bard. Leeds. A. Pedley & Sons. [418 [1894.] 8vo, pp. 4. Pedley's Northern Poetry Cards, Upper Standards. b (2805. d. 24) 1914. In Lyra historica, poems of British history A. D. 61- 1910, sel. by M. E. Windsor and J. Turral, Oxford, The Claren- don Press, 1914, 8vo, pt. i., pp. 42-47. [419 Translations French 1797. D. B., in The poetical works of Thomas Gray, Lon- don, 1797, pp. 63-87. Prose. See nos. 80, 342. [420 Reprinted by Lemierre, 1798. See nos. 81, 343. Begins, Que la mine fonde sur ta tete, Roi sans piti6 ! 1837. L.-C. Hoyau, in his Poesies de Gray, traduites en vers francais, Paris, 1837. See no. 347. [421 Begins, Mille maux fondent sur ta tete. 1841. D. Bonnefin. Le barde. Ode prophetique. In ficrin poetique de litterature anglaise. Traduction en vers francais, avec notes historiques, de poemes, episodes et fragments choisis de Lord Byron, Thomas Moore, Gray, Graham, etc. Par D. Bonnefin. Paris. Hachette. 1841. [422 8vo, pp. ix, [1], 473, [1]. Gray, pp. 383-406. Begins, Que la de- struction s'attache a ton passage! bn (Yk. 3193) German 1776. Caul WlLHELM Mi i.m:h, in Ilcrrn Gray's Gediclitr, Leipzig, 1776. Prose. See no. 348. [423 1801. LtJDWIG GoTTHABD KoBENOABTEN, in his Rhapsodieen, 1801, iii. 90 i<)7, and his Poesieen, 1808, i. 86-97. See no. 849. [424 \l .1 in his Dlchtungen, •"». Ausg., (Jrcifswald, 1HJ4, ix. 203-15. dkii Begins, Verdirb, rerruchter Filrst 1877. Joseph Bohm, In Bin Beitrsg Z»r Kenntniss dcr engl. I.ih-rafur, I Qgolfli ull , IS77, pp. 5-10. Sec no. 851. [425 Begins, "Finch, rerruchter Pttrst, anf dichH 64 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Greek 1795. Anonymous. Vv. 18-22 were trans, in The British Critic, March, 1795, v. 244. [426 Reprinted by Richard Payne Knight in his Analytical inquiry into the principles of taste, London, T. Payne and J. White, 1805, 8vo, p. 250. Vv. 15-22 were trans, by Richard Payne Knight in The British Critic, March, 1795, v. 252. [427 On this see T. Grimes in The Gentleman's Mag., May, 1830, c. 1. 389-91. Italian 1784. M. Lastri, in his Poesie liriche di Gray, Firenze, 1784. See no. 352. [428 Begins, Te schiacci la ruina, o Re spietato. 1792. Angelo Dalmistro, in II bardo e I progressi della poesia, Venezia, 1792. See no. 353. [429 1808. Giovanni Berchet. 1808. I have not seen the origi- nal edition. [430 Begins, Lo sterminio, ti colga, o re crudele ! Reprinted in Giovanni Berchet, Opere a cura di Egidio Bellorini, Bari, Gius. Laterza & Figli, 1911, 8vo, i. 297-312. nyp Rev. by Ugo Foscolo in Giornale d'Incorraggiamento, Milan, 1808. This was reprinted in his Opere, ediz. Le Monnier, Firenze, 1850, 16mo, i. 519-25. 1813. Davide Bertolotti, in Poemi inglesi di Tommaso Gray recati in verso italiano, Milano, 1813. See no. 355. [431 Begins, Fiamma dal Ciel sulle tue trecce piova. Also in Poemi di T. Gray tradotti da varii, Venezia, Antonelli, 1847. 1861. II bardo. Versione di Faustino Bonaventura. Tre- viso. 1861. [432 8vo. Latin 1775. Giovanni Costa, in Poema Alexandri Pope de homine, etc., Patavii, 1775, pp. 69-77. See no. 357. [433 Ode Pindarica, pro Cambriae vatibus, latino carmine reddita. Cantabrigiae, MDCCLXXV. Prostat venalis apud Richardum Matthews, Bibliopolam. [434 Fol., pp. 15. Reg. A-D in twos. Signed E. B. G. [Edward Burnaby Greene]. bm (T. 950. (3)) Rev. in The Monthly Rev., Apr., 1775, lii. 354-5. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 65 R. Williams, in The bard, Chester, 1775, pp. 5-25. See no. 409. [435 Begins, Tecum, tuisque exitium, Rex insolens. Welsh 1822. Palestine, a poem, by Heber; and The bard, an ode, by Gray; translated into Welsh by W. Owen Pughe. London. E. Williams. 1822. [436 12mo, pp. viii, 75. The bard fills pp. 41-75. bm (872. i. 41. (2)) Parodies and Imitations English 1760. Robert Lloyd and George Colman. The bard, a burlesque ode. In Geo. Colman and R. Lloyd, Two odes, London, 1760. [437 Begins, Daughter of Chaos and old Night. Reprinted in Poems by Mr. Gray, Dublin, 1768, pp. 175-87 (see no. 54) ; in Lloyd's Works in Chalmers's Works of the English poets, London, 1810, xv. 93-4. 1764. Evan Evans. A paraphrase of the 137th Psalm. Alluding to the captivity and treatment of the Welsh bards by King Edward I. In his Some specimens of the poetry of the antient Welsh bards, London, 1764. [437a Kiprinted by Edward D. Snyder in Modern Philology, April, 1914, xi. 566-71. 1779. The Bostonian prophet. An heroi-comico-serious- parodical-Pindaric | ode, | in imitation of The bard. | With notes critical, satirical, and explanatory by the editor. Ridendo dicere verum quid vetat? London: | Printed for C. Etherington, No. 25, St. Paul's Churchyard. M, DCC, LXXIX. [438 itu, pp. 1 1. bm (164. n. 52) Begins, Kilin comes, thou luckless Land! 1781. Thomas Penrose. The harp. In his Poems, London, 1781. [488a ((. The European Mag., March, ithj, p. 202, and B. D. Snyder, Modern Philology, April, 1914, xi. 578. 1786. Samuel Rogers's <)pa. [ii], 1", consisting of p. [1], half-title, p. [S], blank, pp. 1-17, English and Greek texts. Reg. A-C in fours. b, bm ((ill. 1. 21. (2)) Elegeia Thorns Gray graece reddita. Curavit B. E. Sparkr, A. M. Londini: | excudebat J. Nichols. | [Names of dealers.] MDCCXCIV. [548 Sq. 4to, pp. 33, consisting of p. [1], half-title, p. [2], blank, p. [3], title-page as above, p. [4], blank, p. [5], dedication, pp. 6-23, English and Greek texts. Reg. A-C in fours. b, bm (641. 1. 21. (4)), nyp Elegia Grayiana | graece, | interprete | Stephano Weston, S. T. B. | Hempston Parvae rector. R. S. S. | Londini: | E typo- grapheo J. Nichols. | Veneunt apud W. Clarke. | MDCCXCIV. [549 Fob, pp. 28, consisting of p. [1], title-page as above, p. [2], blank, p. [3], dedication, p. [4], blank, pp. [5]-viii, Proaemium, pp. 9-27, English and Greek texts, p. 28, Nota. Reg. A-G in twos. bm (641. 1. 21. (3)) In Roach's Beauties of the poets of Great Britain, London, J. Roach, 1794, i. 1. 53-60. bm (11601. e. 19) [550 1795. Elegia Grayiana | graece, | accedit etiam | epitaphium in ecclesia episcopali | bristoliensi | et graece redditum, | inter- prete | Edvardo Tew, A. M. | Coll. Etonens. Socio, j Londini: E tvpographeo J. Nichols; Veneunt apud R. Faulder MDCCXCV. [551 4to, pp. 31, [1], consisting of p. [1], half-title, p. [2], blank, p. [3], title-page as above, p. [4], blank, pp. v-viii, Lectori [bu]s, pp. [9]-31, English and Greek texts, p. [32], blank, p. [33], errata. Reg. A-D in fours. b, bm (641. 1. 21. (5)) 1796. Poems, | moral, | elegant and pathetic: | . . . | and | original sonnets, | by Helen Maria Williams. | London: | Printed for E. Newberry, [and others, 3 lines]. | 1796. [552 Sm. 8vo. Plate. El, pp. 141-51. hu 1797. A collection of poems, on religious and moral subjects. Extracted from the most celebrated authors. Elizabeth-town. Printed by Shepard Kollock for Cornelius Davis. 1797. [553 12mo, pp. [iv], 124. El, pp. 85-9. bm (11603. c. 6) 1800. The grave; to which is added Gray's Elegy, with notes. . . . London. 1800. [554 8vo. 1801. Poems, moral, elegant and pathetic. London. Printed for E. Newberry. 1801. [555 16mo, pp. [iv], 220. El, pp. 141-51. 1 illus. (for stanza 26). bn INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 81 1802. Fables by John Gay and by Edward Moore to which is added Gray's Elegy written in a country church-yard. Paris. Printed for Ant. Aug. Renouard. X-1802. [556 8vo, pp. [ii], 102, [1]. El, pp. 95-102. bs (Yk. 3180) Same, pp. 209, [8], 102, [1]. bm (12305. aa. 41) [557 Elegy written in a country churchyard. Paris. A. A. Re- nouard." 1802. [558 \2mo. Cited from Querard iii. 457. Probably from the same plates as nos. 556 and 557. In Antoine M. H. Boulard, Traductions interlineaires des six langues allemande, suedoise, danoise, anglaise, portuguaise et hebraique, Paris, Fuchs, 1802, 8vo, pp. 268-76, with a French prose translation. [559 1803. In Robert Bloomfield, The farmer's boy, Wilmington, Del., 1803, 16mo, pp. 233-37. lc [560 1804. The grave, a poem, by Robert Blair. To which are added An elegy in a country church-yard, by Gray. Death, a poem by Bishop Porteus. Evening reflections written in West- minster Abbey. And A soliloquy in a country church-yard by the Rev. Mr. Moore, of Cornwall. Plymouth-Dock. J. Haydon. 1804. [561 8vo, pp. 51. El, pp. 28-33. b (2805. e. 178) The grave. . . . With Gray's celebrated Elegy. . . . New- castle. K. Anderson. 1 SO 1. [562 UiiiM, pp. 36. Vignette in title-page. El, pp. 31-6. bm (11644. c. 54) 1805. La cimetiere de campagne, elegie anglaise, de Gray, traduction nouvelle, en vers francais [par Marie Joseph de Chenicr]. Paris. Dabin. An XIII.— 1805. [568 Bvo, pp. v, [I J, 15. English and French texts on opposite pages. See no. 7.Vi. Querard, La Prance litt., 1839, iii. )."»*, cites also an edition of An XI (1803). Reprinted in various collections of the translator, and in L828 it tin- end of an edition of Foung's Nighl thoughts, Paris, H. Langlois, ISmo, -' vols. Elearv in a country church vanl. liv Thomas Grav. With explanatory headlines, and a sketch of the life of the author, by the Etev. .'. Evans, A. M. London. Printed l>v Dcwick & Clarke for R. Dutton. 1805. [664 Kimo, pp. 15. Frontispiece. nth Reprinted In 1806. lc, bm ( 1 1609. aaa. 13) \No formed pari of The poetic garland, t* 1 ^. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Jonathan Battishill. Here rests his head. An elegiac glee. London. [565 [1805?] FoL bm (Mus. G. 808. f. 9) 1806. Gray's Elegy | in a | country church yard; | with a translation in French verse; | by L. D. | To which are added, the following imitations: | Nocturnal contempla- | tions in Bar ham | Downs Camp, | Evening contempla- | tions in a college, The nunnery, | and | Nightly thoughts in | the Temple. | With anecdotes of the life of Gray, | and | some remarks in French; by the editor. Chatham. Printed by C. & W. Townson, Kentish Courier Office. | 1806. [566 Sm. 8vo, pp. [ii], xii, 65. bm (11601. dd. 10. (4)), b (2799. e. 134), nyp There was also a different title-page having the following: Nocturnal contemplations I in Barham Downs Camp, | Evening contemplations | in a college, | Ihe nunnery, | and | Nightly thoughts in the | Temple. In all other respects this title-page was like the above. Mentioned in N. <£• Q., 1st ser. i. 101, 10th ser. ii. 175. In Albert Joseph Ulpien Hennet, Poetique anglaise, Paris, Valade, 1806, iii. 368-78. [567 Elegy in a country churchyard. By Thomas Gray. 1806. See no. 564. [568 1807. In Robert Blair, The grave, etc., Boston, H. Sprague, 1807. 24mo, pp. 40. • nyp [569 Elegant poems: containing, Pope's Essay on man, Blair's Grave, — Gray's Elegy, Goldsmith's Traveller, and Goldsmith's Deserted village. Gainsborough. Henry Mozley. 1807. [570 12mo, pp. 119. Frontispiece illustrating El stanza 26. El, pp. 83-7. Reissued in 1812. bm (11644. ee. 15) Reissued in 1814. b (2805. f. 206) 12mo, pp. 120. El, pp. 85-9. Reissued in 1826. bm (11601. aa. 9) 1808. The grave, a poem. By Robert Blair. To which is added Gray's Elegy in a country church yard. With notes moral, and explanatory. Alnwick. Catnach & Davison. 1808. [571 12mo, pp. 72. El, pp. 47-57, 70-2. b (G. Pamph. 2769) In Robert Blair, The grave, etc., Boston, 1808, pp. 51-6. bpl [572 The poetic garland: sacred to virtue and humanity. 1808. See no. 564. [573 1812. In FJegie de Thomas Gray . . . traduite en vers fran- ' cais par F. Fayolle, Paris, 1812, pp. 2-18. See no. 761. [574 Elegant poems, etc., 1812. A reissue of no. 571, q. v. [575 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 83 1814. Same. 1814. See no. 571. [576 1815. The grave, a poem, by Robert Blair. To which are added, Gray's Elegy written in a country church-yard; and Parnell's Hermit. With biographical notices of the authors, from Dr. Anderson's edition of the British Poets. Edinburgh. William Blair. 1815. [577 4to, pp. [ii], 107. Gray, pp. 5-8, 69-84. b (2804. d. 9) The grave; by Robert Blair: to which is added Gray's Elegy in a country church yard. A new edition, with notes, moral critical and explanatory [sic]. Bungay. Printed by P. Mitchell. 1815. [578 8vo, pp. [ii], iv, 39, [1]. El, pp. ii-iv, 33-40. bm (11649. cc. 27. (2)) 1816. In Beilby Porteus, Bp. of London, and others, Solem- nity . . . London, 1816, 16mo. nyp [579 Elegy, written in a country church-yar [sic]. In Le champ du repos, ou Le cimetiere Mont-Louis, dit DuPere Delachaise, Paris, par MM. Roger Pere & Fils, 1816, ii. 401-7. bm (10661. d. 18) [580 Followed by Charrin's French and Torelli's Italian translation. 1817. L'Elegia di Tommaso Gray sopra un cimitero di cam- pagna tradotta dall' inglese in piu lingue con varie cose finora inedite. In Verona. Dalla Tipografia Mainardi. 1817. [581 8vo, pp. 175. English, pp. 28-44. Followed by the Italian transla- tions of Torelli, Cav. Domenico Trant, Cesarotti, Gennari, Lastri, But- tura, Baraldi, and Castellazzi; the French translations of Kerivalant and Grenus; the German translations of Miiller and Kosenparten; the Latin translations of Costa, Anstey, Barbieri, and Venturi; the Hebrew translation of Venturi; and the Greek translation of Cipriani. Edited by Alessandro Torri. bm (11632. cc. 4), bkb Rev. in Die Allgem. Lit.-Zeitung, Halle, 1819, no. 272. Second edition,' lnt:{. See no. 598. 1818. In Thomas Brand, The British Minerva, Hamburgh, 1818, 8 vo, pp. 72-8. [582 With the Elegy written in Drury-Lanc Theatre on opposite pages. 1822. Gray's Elegy; translated into Latin Ovidian verse. By the author of 'Lacon.' Second edition. London. Longman & Co. 1822. [588 Hvo, pp. 13. English, pp. II.'. Has an extra stanza no. 27, Him have «c seen the green wood side along, ete., and the redbreast stanza, no. 31, just before tin- Epitaph. The translator was C. C. Colton. BM (11652. cc. 11. (11)), YC The first edition, which I have not seen, was issued in the same year. yu 84 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY In M. de Sapinaud, Le cimetiere et le Printemps de Gray, Paris, Boucher, 1822. See no. 314. [581 1823. Gray's Elegy translated into Latin verse, including the author's rejected stanzas, together with Dr. Edwards's additional lines. By D[aniel] B[amfield] Hickie. London. A. J. Valpy. 1823. [585 8vo, 12 leaves. Signed D. Bamfield Hiekie, Beacondale, n r Norwich, 10 Dec. 1822. Dedicated to Sheffield Grace of the Inner Temple. 1826. Elegant poems; containing Pope's Essay on man, Blair's Grave, Gray's Elegy, Goldsmith's Traveller, Goldsmith's Deserted village. Derby. Henry Mozley. 1826. [586 Sin. 12mo, pp. 120. Frontispiece, illus. El st. 20 and vignette in title- page illustrating a country churchyard. El, pp. 85-7. bm (11601. aa. 9) 1827. Blair's Grave. | Gray's Elegy. | Porteus On death. | Dodd's Prison thoughts. | [Emblem.] | London: | Printed and published by J. F. Dove, | St. John's Square. | 1827. [587 24mo, pp. [vi], 188. Has also an engr. t.-p. with vignette, frontis- piece. Gray, pp. 25-30; vignette illus. in title-page. nyp In Hippolyte M[arvint], Les bucoliques et l'eglogue elegiaque de Gray, Paris, 1827, 18vo, pp. 194-212. See no. 345. [588 1830. George Hargreaves. Full many a gem. Glee for four voices. . . . The poetry from Gray's Elegy. London. [589 [1830?] Fol. bm (Mus. I. 531. /14) 1834. In Moses Severance, The American manual; or, New England reader, Geneva, N. Y., 1834, 16mo, pp. 220-23. cv [590 Elegy | written in | a country church-yard. | [Vignette of Stoke Pogis Church.] London: | John Van Voorst, 3, Paternoster Row. | MDCCCXXXIV. [591 Sm. 8vo, pp. viii, 32 leaves, interleaved. 32 wdcts. from paintings by G. Barret, Copley Fielding, J. Constable, G. Cattermole, T. Stothard, P. Dewint, W. Boxall, S. A. Hart, Thomas Landseer, Frank Howard, W. Westall, A. W. Callcott, J. H. Nixon, A. Cooper, W. Mulready, J. W. Wright, Chas. Landseer, J. J. Chalon, H. Howard, R. Westall, Thales Fielding, C. R. Stanley, W. Collins. Printed on one side of the paper. Edited by John Martin. nyp Rev. in The Athenaeum, Nov. 22, 1834, p. 859; in The Gentleman's Mag., Dec, 1834, n. s. ii. 627. Concerning the publisher see The Athenaum, July 30, 1898, p. 159. 1836. Same. 1836. cu [592 1838. Gray's Elegy in a country churchyard translated into Latin elegiac verse, by the Rev. William Hildyard. London. John W. Parker. 1838. [593 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 85 8vo, pp. 29. English, pp. 6-28; Latin, pp. 7-29. b (280. g. 14 (5)), alk 1839. Elegy written in | a country church-yard. With versions in the | Greek, Latin, German, Italian, and French J languages. [ [Vignette of Stoke Pogis Church.] | London: | John Van Voorst, 1, Paternoster Row. | MDCCCXXXIX. [594 8vo, pp. ix, 64 leaves. Vignette in title-page and 32 engravings (as in no. 591). The versions of the Elegy are printed on only one side of the paper. Includes Cooke's Greek, Hildyard's Latin, Gotter's Ger- man, Chenier's French, and Torelli's Italian version. Edited by John Martin. b, lp, bm (1162. i. 20), nyp, hu, td Noticed in The Athenaum, July 13, 1839, p. 522. 1840. In Souvenirs de college d' Hippolyte Marvint, Paris, 1840, pp. 201-16. See no. 767a. [595 1841. In Arundines Cami, Cambridge, 1841, pp. 144-55. See no. 839. [596 In 1841 E. C. Lucas published a series of 18 etchings to illus- trate the Elegy. [597 Obi. 4to. 1843. Elegia | di Tommaso Gray | sopra | un cimitero di campagna | tradotta dall' inglese | in piu lingue | con aggiunta di varie cose finora inedite | per cura del dottore | Alessandro Torri Veronese Edizione II accresciuta Livorno | Tipo- grafia Migliaresi | 1843 | [598 8vo, pp. 204. English, pp. 32-48. A new edition of no. 581, q.v. Includes the Italian translations of Torelli, Trant, Cesarotti, Gennari, Lastri, Buttura, Baraldi, Castellazzi, Elisabetta Sesler Bon6, Cav. Michele I.eoni, Cav. Lorenzo Mancini, and Cavazzocca; the Latin trans- lations of Costa, Anstey, Barbieri, Bene, and Venturi; the Hebrew translation <»f Venturi in" Italian characters; the French translations of I.emierre (this is a mistake; see no. 750), Kerivalant, Crcnus, Charrin, Chenier, and Chateaubriand; and the German translations of Midler, Cotter, Rupprecht, and Koscngartcn. dm (1465. k. 23), iikh. mi 1845. Elegy written in a country church-yard. By Thomas Gray. [Vignette of Stoke Pogis Church.] | With thirty- three illustrations, engraved on wood, | by R. S. Gilbert. | Phila- delphia: John W. Moore, L88 Chestnut St. | MDCCCXLV. [599 Kvo, pp. [8], vi, 38. erre In Bubstance, apparently, the same as Martin's edition of 1834 (sec no. 591), but with a different engraver. Same. G. S. Appleton [and others]. 1850. I'-'ino. nvp, yu 1846. Gray's Blegy j London. Longman and C°. 18M>. | New York. Wiley and Putnam. [600 S6 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 8vo, pp. [36]. Illuminated by Owen Jones. 31/6. B, BM (C. 30. 1. 6), BPL, NYP Stanzas 1-3 and the rejected one beginning Hark how the sacred calm . . . were printed in Anthologia oxoniensis decerp- sit Guliclmus Linwood, London, 1846, p. 89. See no. 841. [601 1847. Elegy | written | in a | country churchyard, | by T. Gray. | Illustrated | by the | Etching Club. | London: | Published for the Etching Club, by J. Cundall, 12, Old Bond Street. | MDCCCXLVII. [602 Fol., pp. [3]. Portrait and 18 plates by T. Creswick, C. Stonhouse, R. Redgrave, H. J. Townsend, C. W. Cope, Frederick Tayler, John Bell, John C. Horsley. The name on the title-page is a facsimile of Gray's autograph. Printed on one side of the paper. Published at 42/-. Proofs, £3 13/6. b, bm (Tab. 648. a.), nyp, ale Rev. in The Athenwum, Oct. 30, 1847, p. 1131. Same. There was also a 4to ed. issued by the Etching Club, containing 21 leaves and 17 plates. nyp [603 In The book of poetry, London, James Burns, n. d., 16mo, pp. 52-7. bm (1162. c. 18) [604 In same, 2d ed., enlarged, 1847, 16mo, pp. 103-8. bm (1467. a. 8) [605 1850. Elegy written in a country church-yard, etc. 1850. See no. 599. [606 1851. Poems for young people. Edinburgh. Wm. & Robt. Chambers. 1851. [607 16mo, pp. vii, [1], 173. Edited by Wiltiam Chambers. El, pp. 36-41. 1852. Elegy written in a country church yard. Boston. 1852. [608 Sm. 4to. Portrait of Daniel Webster, of whose favorite poem this is a memorial edition. Reissued in 1856. In Beauties of English poets, Venice, 1852, pp. 149 ff. See no. 736. [608a 1853. An elegy in a country churchyard. By Thomas Gray. London. Joseph Cundall. 1853. [609 8vo, pp. 23, [1]. Vignette in title-page and 22 plates by R. S. Gil- bert. Printed on one side, interleaved. Rev. in The Athenaeum, Dec. 17, 1853, p. 1508; in The Art Journal, March, 1854, n. s. vi. 72 (four plates reproduced). Same. Second edition. 1854. brb An elegy. . . . London. Low. 1853. [610 Cr. 8vo. Illus. 7/6. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 87 In Harper's Mag., June, 1853, vii. 1-6. [611 With a woodcut for every stanza; a facsimile of the MS. of stanzas 1 and 32 and of Gray's autograph; and a woodcut of Stoke Pogis Church. 1854. An elegy | written in | a country churchyard. ] By Thomas Gray. | [Vignette of Stoke Pogis Church.] | New York. D. Appleton and Co. | MDCCCLIV. [612 8vo, 24 leaves. Printed on one side only, with a vignette on each printed page, interleaved. Illustrations drawn by Birket Foster (13), A Lady (7), George Thomas (3). hu, nyp Reissued without date. Elegy written in a country church-yard. Small paper edition. London. John Van Voorst. 1854. [613 Sm. 8vo, pp. [36]. Engr. t.-p. with vignette and 32 illus. by various painters. Edited by John Martin. See no. 591. b, bh (11G2. c. 39) An elegy in a country churchyard. 1854. See no. 609. [614 1855. A | gem book | of | British poetry: | with | biographical sketches. By Samuel G. Goodrich. Elegantly illustrated. Philadelphia: | Published by E. H. Butler & Co. | 1855. [615 4to. El, pp. 123-31. Portrait. hu In Sanders' Young ladies' reader, New York, Ivison, Phinney & Co., [1855], 8vo, pp. 267-71. [615a An elegy written in a country churchyard. By Thomas Gray. Illustrated with engravings by Birket Foster and others. Lon- don. Published for Joseph Cundall, by Sampson, Low, and Son, 47, Ludgate Hill. 1855. [616 8vo. 28 illus. by Foster, engraved by Edmund Evans. The bm copy (1347. h.) has been lost. Same. 1857. Same. 1858. Same. 1860. Same. 1861. 1856. Elegy written in a country church yard. 1856. See no. 608. [617 1857. An elegy written in a country churchyard. 1857. See no. 616. [618 1858. In Charles \ Dana, The household book of poetry, New York. I). Appleton & ('«>.. 1858, 8vo, pp. 710-12. nyp [<;ii> An elegy written in a country churchyard, 1858. See no. 616. [620 1860. Same. 1860. See no. 616. [621 \,s A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Grav's Elegv, in cali graphic costume, by Oliver B. Goldsmith. [622 [New York. 18(i0.] 8vo, 13 leaves. Engraved throughout. lc 1861. An elegy written in a country churchyard. 1861. See no. 616. [623 Elegv, written in a country churchyard. New York. 1861. [623a 8vo, pp. 25, [1]. Illus. colu 1862. In Choice poems and lyrics, London, Whittaker & Co., 1862, pp. 77-82. bm [624 No division into stanzas. A facsimile of the original autograph manuscript of Gray's Elegy. Photographed by Messrs. Cundall, Downes & Co. Lon- don. Sampson Low, Son, & Co. 1862. [625 4to, pp. [4]. 4 plates. This was the MS. bequeathed to Mason. bm (1855. a. 6), nyp, yu 1863. An elegy . . . London. Sampson Low, Son, & Mars- ton. 1863. [626 4to, pp. 15. Facsimile and 16 plates. nyp Elegy written in a country church-yard. New York. 1863. [627 4to. Yignettes. Printed on one side of the paper. 1864. In Some old favourites, London, Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1864. [628 16mo, pp. var. Gray, pp. 11. bm (11601. a. 14) 1866. Gray's Elegy. The borders designed and illuminated by [Maria] Lady Willoughby. London. Printed and published by Day & Son, Ltd. [629 [1866.] 4to, pp. 12. Illuminated borders with 2 vignettes on each pape. Printed on one side of the paper. b, bm (1871. e. 22) Elegy written in a country churchyard. By Thomas Gray. In phonography : corresponding style. Interlinear translation. London. F. Pitman. [630 [1866.] 12mo, pp. 16. bm (12991. bb. 19. (4)) 1867. In The cottage library, Fourth, Favorite English poems, New York, F. J. Huntington & Co., 1867, sm. 8vo, pp. 25-30. nyp [630a 1869. An elegy written in a country churchyard by Thomas Gray. London. Sampson Low, Son, & Marston. 1869. [631 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 89 4to, pp. 15, [1]. Frontispiece, portrait in title-page, and 16 colored plates from drawings by R. Barnes, R. P. Leitch, E. M. Wimperis, and others. Facsimile of the Elegy from the Mason MS. B, BM (11651. k. 16), ALE, HU Also published in 8vo. The English Catalogue gives the date of this as 1868. 1871. Gray's Elegy, | translated into Greek elegiacs. | By | the Hon. George Denman, Q. C, M. P., M. A. | formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. | Cambridge: | Deighton, Bell, and Co. | "Bell and Daldy, London. | 1871. [632 8vo, pp. 21. b, bm (11408. c. 82), nv Rev. in The Athenceum, Oct. 21, 1871, pp. 526-27. 1873. Elegy written in a country church yard. Philadel- phia: Bradley "& Co. Cincinnati: H. Howe. 1873. [633 8vo, pp. 10. Same. Also in John W. Barber, comp., The Bible looking glass, Philadelphia, [1873], pt. B. lc, yu [634 Goldsmith's Traveller and Deserted village. Gray's Elegy written in a country churchyard. London. John Marshall & Co. 1873. [635 16mo, pp. 31. El, pp. 27-31. 2d. bm (11642. a. 63. (7)) Printed by H. A. J. Munro with his Latin translation, Cam- bridge, Pitt Press, [1873]. See no. 846. [636 1874. In The Franklin sixth reader and speaker, ed. by George S. Hillard and Homer B. Sprague, New York, Taintor Bros., Merrill, & Co., 1874, 8vo, pp. 413-18. 1 illustration. [637 Elegy, etc. [1874.] See no. 685. [637a Elegy, written in a country church yard. | By Thomas Gray. Elegie, | geschrieben auf einem Dorfkirchhofe. | Von Thomas Gray. | Uebersetzt von Niclas Miiller. | Verlag von Nic. Miiller, 1-8 lie, kin.ui Street, New York. | 1874. [638 8vo, pp. [15]. English and German on alternate pages. BM., NVi', hit, colu 1875. An elegy written in a country churchyard by Thomas Gray. London. Sampson Low, Marston, Low & Searle. [639 [1875.1 Sin. Bvo, pp. 86. Vignette in title-page and 22 engravings hy liirket Poster, V,. V. B., and Georjre Thomas. 'I lie Choice Series. Published al 3 <;. bm (11603. ccc. 10) Same. New edition. 1SS!». 1 /-. Published in New York by Putnam. Gray's Elegy i ( written in a country churchyard) | translated into French | by | J. Roberts, M. A., Fellow of Magdalene Col- 90 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY lege, Cambridge. | London: | Harrison and Sons: 59, Pall Mall. | 1S7"). [640 Bvo, pp. 19, [1]. English and French on opposite pages. Stanzas l-:5 and 80-3fl are printed in red ink. b, bm (11643. bbb. 14. (15)) 1876. Gray's Elegy rendered into Latin elegiacs, an attempt to shew that the mythology and poetry of Rome contains, and may have supplied, many of its images; to which is added Collins' Ode to Evening rendered into Latin alcaics. Oxford and Lon- don: James Parker & Co. 1876. [641 Sm. 8vo, pp. 27. Errata pasted on p. 3. b, bm (11602. e. 4. (9)) Annotated poems of English authors. Edited by Edward Thomas Stevens and David Morris. Elegy in a country church- yard by Thomas Gray. London. Longmans. 1876. [642 16mo, pp. 24. Vignette. 6d. and 4d. Published in Philadelphia by Lippincott. Several corrections in The Athenceum, May 20, 1876, p. 699; acknowl- edged, Sept. 16, p. 361. Same. 1878. bpl Elegy. . . . New York. Appleton. [643 Date unknown. In print, 1876. 12mo. Illus. 1878. Annotated poems, etc. 1878. See no. 642. [644 1879. In The high school readers, Book V, London, Thomas Murby, 1879, pp. 73-80. With notes. [645 In McGuffey's Sixth eclectic reader, Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., revised edition, 1879, pp. 108-13. 1 illustration. cu [646 In The book of English elegies. Edited by W. F. March Phil- lipps. London. Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington. 1879. [647 Sm. 8vo, pp. xii, 316. Gray, pp. 212-16, only 23 stanzas. b, bm (11603. cc. 9) Rev. unfavorably in The Academy, Feb. 22, 1879, xv. 162. An elegy written in a country churchyard. New York. Robert Carter & Bros. 1880 [1879]. " [648 Obi. 32mo. Illus. 1881. In The poetical reader, suitable for the fourth standard of elementary schools, selected and arranged, with explanatory notes and concise lives of the authors, by James Booth. London. Longmans, Green & Co. 1881. [649 8vo, pp. 224. Longmans' Modern Series. El, pp. 117-22. 1 illus. b (2805. f. 4) INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 91 Rev. in The Academy, Nov. 26, 1881, xx. 399; see also W. Webster, same, Dec. 17, p. 458. In Golden poems, compiled by Francis F. Browne, Chicago, McClurg, 1881, 8vo. [649a In the ed. of 1906, pp. 322-25. Elegy written in a country churchyard. With biographical sketch, notes, etc. New York. Clark & Maynard. 1881. [650 16mo. Paper, 12 cents. English Classic Series. 1882. In Asabel C. Kendrick, ed., Our poetical favorites, Boston, James R. Osgood & Co., 1882, new and revised ed., 8vo, pp. 317-21. nyp [651 In Sheldon & Company's Modern school fifth reader, New York, 1882, 8vo, pp. 252-56. cu [652 1883. In Samuel Mecutchen, The fifth reader, Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & Co., 1883, 8vo, pp. 316-21. [653 Alfred Cellier. Gray's Elegy. Cantata composed expressly for the Leeds festival, 1883, arranged from the full score [for piano accompaniment] by Berthold Tours. London. Chappell & Co. [654 [1883.] Large 8vo, pp. [ii], 120. Piano and vocal scores. bm (Mus. E. 1516), bpl (M. 275. 37. no. 2) Elegy written in a country churchyard. By Thomas Gray. Illustrated by Harry Fenn. London. Elliot Stock. [655 [1883.] 8vo, pp. [32]. Frontispiece and 29 plates. With portfolio containing a pamphlet of 8 pp. on the MS. and a facsimile of the Mason- Pemlirokc College MS. 250 copies printed, besides 50 large paper copies. b, bm (11651. f. 22) Published in Boston by Roberts Bros. Rev. in The Independent, Dec. 6, 1883, xxxv. 1546; in The Literary World, Dec. 1, 1H83, xiv. 412. An elegy | written in | a country churchyard. | By Thomas Gray. | The artists' edition. | Philadelphia; J. B. Lippincott & Co. | London; John Slark, Busby Place, Camden Road. | 1884. [656 |l--'..| 4to, pp. 47. Frontispiece and SI plates by American artists. Printed on one side of the paper. Published in doth at $3. iim (11651. i. 53) Rev. in The Independent, Dee. IS, 1888, xxxv. 1577} in The Academy, Oct 97, 1888, xxiv. f78-9{ in Walford's Antiquarian Mag., Feb., 1884, v. 86. Same. London. Ward, Lock, Bowden & Co. 1893 [1892]. BVO, pp. 91. Illns. as above. n. iim (11643. h. 32) Gray's Elegy. | With [ sketch of author, notes and questions. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY by | S. J. Horton, D. D., | Principal of the Episcopal Academy of Connecticut. | New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, printers. | 1883. [656a 8vo, pp. 34. Portrait. tu In Giuseppe Scoppetta, Saggi di doppia traduzione Tuna corretta 1'altra letterale. Lanciano. R. Carabba. 1883. [657 8vo, pp. 125. Elegia, English and Italian, pp. 98-125. bnr In The Antiquarian Mag., Dec, 1883, iv. 285-8. [658 Edited by Joseph Maskell. Contains the six rejected stanzas inserted in their proper places. Without stanza divisions. bh, cu An elegy. . . . Boston. Estes & Lauriat. 1883. [659 8vo. Illus. by B. Foster and others. 1884. In Translations into Greek and Latin verse, privately printed, 1884. See no. 846. [660 In A. S. Barnes & Co., New national reader, New York, 1884, 8vo, pp. 435-40. cu [661 Gray's Elegy | printed from the M. S. [sic] bequeathed by the poet | to | Mason | edited by | Sir William Fraser Baronet M.A. F.S.A. M.P. | Francis Harvey | 4, St. James's Street London | [662 [1884.] 4to, pp. [13]. Cover side inscribed: Gray's Elegy cura Sir William Fraser. 100 copies printed. b, bm (11632. h. 21), yd Elegy written in a country churchyard. London. 1884. [663 Vignettes on wood by Landell, Byfield Gray, Williams, Jackson, Thompson, etc., after Barret, Fielding, Constable, Cattermole, Stoth- ard, et al. Slip of errata. 1885. In William T. Harris, Andrew J. Rickoff, Mark Bailey, The fourth reader, New York, Appleton, 1885, 8vo, pp. 230-36. cu [664 Elegy written in a country church-yard, by Thomas Gray. Westminster. Walker & Thurgood. 1885. [665 16mo, pp. 8. 50 copies reprinted from the edition of 1768 on What- man's handmade paper. George E. Quinton. Musa Elegeia, being a setting to music of Gray's Elegy. London. [666 [1885.] 8vo. Cantata. P. F. score. bm (Mus. F. 1273. b. (7)) 1886. In E. Fison and M. Ziegler, Select extracts from British and American authors in prose and verse for the use of schools, Halle, Gesenius, 1886, large 8vo. [667 In the 3d edition, pp. 114-15. Gray's Elegy in a country churchyard illustrated by Norman INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 93 Prescott Davies with 16 facsimile reproductions from his original drawings in the possession of H. R. H. the Princess of Wales. With an introduction by Professor John W. Hales, of King's College, London. London. Field & Tuer. [668 [1886.] 4to, pp. [2], v, [3], 15, [1]. Frontispiece and 15 plates. Printed on one side of the paper. bm (11642. h. 32) 1887. In M. A. Woods, A second poetry book, London, Mac- millan, 1887, sm. 8vo, pp. 321-6. [669 Elegv written in a country churchyard by Thomas Gray. Lon- don. Castell Bros. [670 [1887.] 4to, pp. [32]. Frontispiece, engr. t.-p., and plates. b, bm (11642. cc. 35) Elegy. . . . New York. E. & J. B. Young & Co. 1887. [671 Sq. 12mo. Illus. Elegy. . . . Boston. Lee & Shepard. 1888 [1887]. [672 32mo. Golden Miniature Series. Illus. by B. Foster. Three poems [The closing scene, by T. B. Read, the Elegy, and Goldsmith's Hermit]. Philadelphia. Lippincott. 1887. [673 8vo. Illus. 1888. An elegy written in a country churchyard. By Thomas Gray. With illustrations by Alfred Woodruff. London. John Walker & Co. [671 [1888.] 16mo, pp. [31]. Vignette in half-title and plates. Minia- ture Golden Floral Series. 1/6. b, bm (11630. aaa. 15) 1889. An elegy written in a country churchyard, etc. 1889. See no. 639. [675 1890. Thomas Gray. Elegie du cimetiere de village par G. de La Quesnerie. Ouvrage con forme au Programme du 10 aoiit 1886. Paris. La Maison Quantin, A. Picard & Kaan. [676 [1890.] 8vo, pp. IS. Portrait. 1 fr. Bibliotht-que de renseiL r nrincnt secondaire special. bm (11641. df. 23), bn Elegy . . . New edition. London. Low. 1890. [677 I'., i Bvo. 1/-. In Sabrina? corolla, 1th ed., London, 1890, pp. 196-203. See no. 850. [678 1891. Gray's Kh-gy and its author, Gray's Elegy written in a comitrv churchyard with an introduction and illustrations from original photographs by Dr. .1. I.. Williams. Troy, X. Y. Nims & Knight. 1891. [679 Ito, pp. Hi, 1 1 1, ii. Frontispiece and 30 plates. Same. New edition. Boston. Joseph Knight. 1898. 94 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Same. London. James Bowden. 1898. dm (11646. i. 5) 1892. An elegy written in a country churchyard. 1892. See no. 656. [680 Elegy written in a country church-yard, by Thomas Gray ; with etched illustration by William Goodrich Beal. Boston. S. E. Cassino. 1892. [681 Sm. 8vo, pp. [32]. Illus. lc Ecloga Graiana. Latine reddidit Robertus B. Kennard, M.A., j e Coll. di. Joh. Bapt. Oxon. ; Rector de Marnhull, Dorset. | [Quotation from Horace, A. P. 133-5.] | Oxonii: | apud Jacobum Parker et Socios. [ MDCCCXCII. [682 8vo, pp. 17, [1]. b (2799. e. 74), bm (11602. ff. 19. (8)), colu English, pp. 4-16; Latin, pp. 5-17. 1893. Gray's Elegy, etc. 1893. See no. 679. [683 1894. Gray's Elegy and Goldsmith's Traveller and Deserted village. With explanatory notes, etc. by F. Gorse, M.A. Lon- don. Relfe Bros. [684 [1894.] 8vo, pp. 68, iv. Gray, pp. 5-19, 66-8. bm (11650. b. 62) 1895. In The speaker's garland and literary bouquet, Phila., P. Garrett & Co., 1895 (cop. 1874), ii. 8. 82-6. [685 1896. Gray, Elegy written in a country church-yard. With notes explanatory of meanings and allusions. London. Mac- millan. 1896. [686 8vo, pp. 23. Macmillan's Series for Pupil Teachers. bm (11601. c. 33. (5)) 1897. An elegy written in a country churchyard. By Thomas Gray. Reprinted in facsimile from the original manuscript in the possession of Pembroke College. 1347 [Arms of Pembroke College] 1897. July 7, 1897. [687 [Cambridge.] Fol., pp. 4 [2 and 3 being blank]. b, bm (11641. 1. 7) 1898. Elegy written in a country churchyard by Thomas Gray. Illustrated by R. W. A. Rouse. London. Aldine House. 1898. [688 Sm. 4to, pp. 49. Frontispiece and 11 plates. The Illustrated Eng- lish Poems edited by Ernest Rhys. bm (11646. ff.) Same. New York. Dutton. 1899. $1.50. Same. 1900. In Lights to literature, Book V, Chicago, Rand, McNally & Co., 1898, 8vo, pp. 103-8. colu [689 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 95 In Facsimiles of seven important autograph letters . . . Lon- don, British Museum, [1898]. [690 In Musa clauda, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1898, pp. 2-13. See no. 854. [691 Gray's Elegy, etc. 1898. See no. 679. [692 1899. Elegy, etc., 1899. See no. 688. [693 1900. Same. 1900. See no. 688. [694 In J. C. Bailey, English elegies, London, etc., John Lane, 1900, 8vo, pp. 141-45. The Bodley Head Anthologies. [695 Gray's Elegy, with a translation into Latin elegiac verse, by the late Sir Alexander J[ames] E[dmund] Cockburn. Boston. F. Dortman & Co. 1900. [696 Sq. 8VO, pp. 19. NYP, BPL, LC, HD See N. £ Q., Dec. 11, 1880, 6th ser. ii. 466. In George Riddle, A modern reader and speaker, Chicago, Herbert S. Stone & Co., 1900, 8vo, pp. 581-85. [697 Elegy . . . London. John Lane. 1900. [698 16mo. Illus. by J. T. Friedenson. 1/6 net. The Parnassus Series. Gray's Elegy written in a country churchyard. London. Essex House Press. 1900. [699 Sm. 8vo, pp. 13, [3]. Frontispiece (tomb of the poet at Stoke Pogis Church) colored by George Thomson. Initials on each stanza colored by hand. 125 copies printed on vellum. bm (C. 42. c. 20) Evans's edition of Gray's Elegy written in a country church- yard. With complete paraphrase, copious notes, analysis and parsing of all difficulties, life of the poet, &c, by Ernest H. Moreton, A.C.P., and Arthur Howes, A.C.P. Redditch. Thos. Evans. 1900. [700 8vo, pp. 48. bm (11633. df. 28) 1901. Gray's Elegy written in a country churchyard, with notes, paraphrase, &c. By T. W. Berry, F.C.S., and T. P. Mar- shall. \rk. Tin- [nternational Library Co., [1915]. Also a copy of Grav's signature from the same MS., fol. 40. [ 73. r >c Elegy, etc. Memorabilia, no. 0. London. Lee Warner. 1915. [785d Printed with Rircardi Press type, luit without illus. 100 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY . . . The deserted village, by Oliver Goldsmith; Elegy written in a country churchyard, by Thomas Gray; edited with biographical sketches, portraits, and notes, by Helen Woodrow Bones. Chicago. Beckley-Cardy Company. [735e [1915.] Sm. 8vo, pp. 32. Portraits. Progressive School Classics. 5 cents. Translations Armenian 1852. Anonymous. In Beauties | of English poets | [Two lines in Armenian.] [Emblem.] Venice | In the Island of S. Lazzaro | 1852 | [736 16mo, pp. xv, [1], 233. Besides Lord Byron's Armenian translations, the volume contains poems and letters hy Byron and others including the Elegy and Ode on the death of a favourite cat, pp. 149-185, English and Armenian on opposite pages. hu This edition was not known to Mr. Coleridge; cf. his Bibliography of Byron in Byron's Works, Poetry vii. 149. Begins, Hnchye bghintsn aztarar knatsyelo awour. Pp. [149]-177. English on opposite pages. 1886. Lord Byron's Armenian exercises and poetry. Venice | In the Island of S. Lazzaro. | 1886 | [736a 8vo, pp. 171, [1]. The title-page is dated 1886; the wrapper, 1870. Bohemian Joseph Jungmann. See N. $ Q., April 29, 1911, 11th ser. iii. 338. [737 Dutch 1880. J. van Krieken. Th. Gray, Het graf. Elegie. Uit het Engelsch door J. van Krieken. Rotterdam. 1880. [738 8vo. Noted by A. E. H. Swaen in N. «£• Q., Feb. 25, 1911, 11th ser. iii. 145. French 1765. Madame Susanne Curchod de Nasse Necker, married 1764, d. 1794. Elegie ecrite sur un cimetiere de cam- pagne, traduite de l'Anglois de M. Gray. In La Gazette litter- aire, 1765. [739 Reprinted in l'Abbe Francois Arnaud et J. B. A. Suard, Varidtes litte>aires, ou Recueil de pieces tant originales que traduites, concernant la philosophic, la literature et les arts, Paris, Lacombe, 1769, 12mo, iv. 486-94. bn (Z. 28,915) Another edition, 1770; a third, 1804. Also in Antoine M. H. Boulard, Traductions interlin^aires, Paris, 1802, pp. 234-41 (see no. 559). INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 101 Prose. Begins, J'entends le son de la cloche funebre qui annonce la fin du jour. 1770. A translation by the Marquis de Villevielle was mentioned by Gray in his letter to Nicholls dated May 22, 1770. I have been unable to find it. [7 10 Louis Pierre Couret de Villeneuve. In Le Mercure de France, Nov., 1770. According to a writer in The Literary World, New York, 1849, v. 405, a trans, was made by Couret de Villeneuve. I have been unable to see it. [741 Mr. Ralph L. George kindly communicates to me the first line: Deja l'ashe du jour terminant sa car Here. 1788. Pere Guedon de Berchere. English t.-p. An elegy written in a country church-yard, by Gray. With a French and a Latin translation in verse. [742 French t.-p. Elegie composee dans une cimetiere de campagne, traduite en francois, vers pour vers, de l'Anglois de Gray, par Mr. P. G. D. B. Parisien. Maitre de Langue Francoise a Croy- don, Surrey. On y a joint une traduction de la meme piece en vers latins, par un membre de l'Universite de Cambridge. Croy- don. Imprime aux depends du traducteur francois. 1788. 8vo, pp. [ii], 21. Latin by G. Wakefield, pp. 4-21. French, pp. 5-21. Also published in Paris (Que>ard iii. 457). b Begins, Le son du couvre-feu dit le depart du jour. Rev. in The Monthly Rev., October, 1788, lxxix. 367-368. Merlin de Douai. Imitation de l'Elegie de Gray. In L'annee litteraire, 1788, vi. 198. [743 F. N. Imitation de l'Elegie de Gray, sur un cimetiere de cam- pagne. 1788. [744 Reprinted in Le Mayasin Encyclopidique, 1795, v. 538 ff. 1796. J. F. N. Dusaulchoy. Le cimetiere de campagne: meditation imiti'e de Gray, poete anglais. In Les soirees lit- teraires, 17!)*;, iii. 1L'(! ff. [745 1797. Pierre Jean George Cabanis. In Melanges de lit- erature allemande, etc., 1797. 8vO. [746 Francois db Chateaubriand. Les tombeaux champe'tres. In Le Journal de J'rltirr, Londres, 1 1 dec. 1797. [747 Begins, Dans les airs fremissants j'entends 1<- long iiiunmirc. Hexameters, rhyming Bometunea in couplets, sometimes almb, sometimes abba, variably. Also in Armalet romemtiquet, 1939, In his CEuvrea completes, Paris, Pourral Frtres, L938, xxiv. v.i fT., In bis (Euvres, 1941, x. 333 IT., and In Torri, 1943, DO. 191 94. See Hermann Kordlng, Chateaubriand als Versdlchter, Berlin, Bhering, 1913, pp. 153-4 tOQ A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY D. B. (said to be M. Du Bois, cure d'Angers). In The poetical works of Thomas Gray, London, 1797. See nos. 80, 342. [748 Begins, La cloche du couvre-feu tinte le clas du jour qui expire. Prose, except the Epitaph, which is in verse, 13 11. Reprinted by Lemierre, 1798 (see no. 81). Lemierre d'Argy sub- stituted prose for the verse of D. B. in the Epitaph. Nicholas le Deist de Kerivalant [pseud. Le C[itoyen] Kivalant] of Nantes. Le cimetiere de campagne. In Almanack des Muses, Paris, Louis, An V (1797), pp. 147-52. [749 Begins, De la cloche du soir j'entends les sons funebres. Also in Le Journal de Peltier, Londres, 11 dec. 1797. Same. Reprinted in a revised form in Millin, Le Magazin Encyclopedique, Paris, 1804. [749a Here begins, Le jour baisse; du soir j'entends les sons funebres. Also reprinted in Le Mercure de France, 12 janv. 1805, and by Torri, 1817, pp. 109-14, and 1843, pp. 163-6. [Madame de Luynes, nee Montmorency.] A ma belle- mere. — Traduction en vers de l'elegie de Gray sur un cimetiere de village. Paris. Dampierre. 1797. [749b 12mo, pp. 8. bn (Res. Yk. 4344) 1798. Auguste Jacques Lemierre d'Argy (1798) was not, as is sometimes stated, a translator of the Elegy, but merely re- vised and republished the translation by D. B., substituting a prose translation of the Epitaph for D. B.'s verse; see nos. 81, 343, 748. [750 Torri, 1843, pp. 157-61, reprints a translation "par M. Le Mierre, in quadernari a rime variamente alternate," which he says (p. 203) appeared at "Parigi, 1788 (nella sua versione di tutte le Opere di Gray)." It begins, Lather se decolore, et ses feux ont pali. But Torri is in error. In Lemierre's volume the translation begins, La cloche du couvre-feu tinte le clas du jour qui expire (cf. no. 748) and is in prose. I cannot now determine whose version Torri reprints; from the date I suspect it may have been either that of Merlin de Douai (see no. 743) or that of F. N. (see no. 744) ; I have not seen either one of these. If the date is wrong, it may have been any one of nos. 740, 745, 753, 760a, 763, or some one which I have not recorded at all. 1802. L'Abbe Antoine de Cournand, 1747-1814, Professor of French Literature at the College de France. FJegie faite dans un cimetiere de campagne. In La Decade Philosophique, Lit- teraire et Politique, An X, no. 30, iv. 182-5. 1802. [751 Also published separately, n. p., n. d., 8vo, pp. 4. bn (Ye. 41,027) Begins, La cloche du soir sonne et plaint la mort du jour. 130 lines, in iambic hexameter rhymed couplets. Citizen Haiiy, reviser. In Antoine M. H. Boulard, Traduc- INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 103 tions interlineaires des six langues allemande, suedoise, danoise, anglaise, portugaise et hebraique, Paris, 1802, pp. 268-76. [752 Begins, Le couvre-feu tinte la cloche du partant jour. Prose. Ad[rien, Comte de] S[arrasin]. In his Quatre printemps de Kleist, suivis du Premier navigateur, du Tableau du deluge (de Gessner), et d'une filegie de Gray, sur un cimetiere de cam- pagne ; poemes imites en vers frangais par Ad. S . . . , Paris, Ch. Pougens, 1802, 8vo. [753 Cited from Querard. 1804. M. Gaston. In the Petite encyclopedic poetique, Paris, 1804, p. 161. [754- Begins, Le jour fuit, et j'entends l'airain meiancolique. 1805. [Marie Joseph Blaise de Chenier.] Le cimetiere | de campagne, | elegie anglaise, | de Gray, | traduction nouvelle, | en vers francais. | [Emblem.] | A Paris, | chez Dabin, Palais du Tribunat. | An XIII.— 1805. [755 8vo, pp. v, [1], 1.5. bm (839. d. 28. (3)), bv (Yk. 5294), bpl Begins, Le jour fuit; de l'airain les lugubres accents. Hexameter couplets, the Epitaph rhyming abab. Rev. by G[inguen6] in La Dtcade Philosophique, An 13, Hie tri- mestre, 10 Floreal [April 30, 1805], xlv. 225-32; includes some extracts. The magazine here bears the title, La Revue Philosophique, Littiraire et Politique. bn (Z. 23,232), bpl See also Vaughan, The Romantic revolt, London, 1907, p. 369. Also in his Poesies diverses, etc., Paris, 1818, pp. 195 ff. John Martin, in his edition of the Elegy, London, 1839, p. ix, errone- ously ascribes this translation to Le Tourneur. The confusion is ex- plained by the following title-page: Lea nuits d'Young, traduction de Le Tourneur, suivies de l'Elegie de Gray, sur un cimetiere de campagne, traduitc par le meme, et en vers par M.-J. Chenier. Nouvelle Edition, ornee de deux vignettes. Paris. H. Langloia Fils et Le Bailly. L826. L8mo. -' vols. Prose, ii. 288-94; verse, ii. 295-99. bm (Yk. 5900-1) The pro e begins, J'entends le son de la cloche lugubre qui annonce la fin du jour. Cf. no. r.w. Sain-. I'aris. (Ik/. H. Langlois Fils et Le Bailly, Kditeurs, Rue Dauphine 13. 1828. l8mo. -' vis. Prose, ii. 398-304 j irerse, ii. 305 9. b» (Yk. 5904 S ) Sam.-. Paris. Froment. 1829. l8mo. I rols. Prose, ii. 360-65] vers,-, ii. 166-70. bd (Yk. ■'<-'<"• 7) Same. I'aris. chea Lebigre Freres, Rue de la Eiarpe 26. 1831. l8mo. -' v..ls. Prose, ii. 118 IT; verse, ii. lie us- (Yk. 5908 ") 10k A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Same. A Paris chez Philippe, Rue Dauphine 20. 1834. lSmo. 2 vols. Avec figures. Pris 4 fr. Prose, ii. 254-9; verse, ii. 260-tH. bk (Yk. 5210-11) Same. Paris. Lebigre Freres. 1836. lSmo. 2 vols. Title-page as in Froment, 1829. Prose, ii. 186-90; verse, ii. 191-4. bn (Yk. 5213) In John Martin's edition of the Elegy, London, 1839, pp. (1-63) (see no. 594). Also in Torri's second edition, Livorno, 1843, pp. 175-79 (see no. 598). Also in his Podsies, pr£ced6s d'une notice et accompagnees de notes par M. Ch. Labitte. Paris. Charpentier. 1844. 12mo. Pris 3 fr. 50 c. Le Tourneur translated the Elegy into prose; see above under Chenier, no. 755. [756 1806. L. D. Gray's Elegy in a country church yard; with a translation in French verse. Chatham. 1806. [757 See no. 566. The translation occupies pp. 3-19. Begins, Le rappel a marque le jour en son declin. Reprinted in Hamilton, v. 45-6. Albert Joseph Ulpien Hennet. In his Poetique anglaise, Paris, Valade, 1806, 8vo, ii. 368-79. See also i. 90, 246-7, 270, ii. 97, 414-21. [758 Begins, Le jour tombe, la cloche annonce qu'il expire. Quoted by Barbier, Bibliotheque d'un homme de gout i. 425, and from him by Mit- ford, Correspondence of Gray and Mason, 2d edition, pp. 482-3. 1807. Jacques Louis Grenus. In Fables diverses tant ori- ginates qu' imitees etc., et quelques autres poesies, par Jacques Louis Grenus, edition ornee de huit gravures, Paris, 1807, 18mo, ii. 323-30. [759 Begins, L'ombre crolt, le jour baisse, il fuit, et du repos. Reprinted by Torri, 1817, pp. 115-20 (see no. 581), and 1843, pp. 167-70 (see no. 598). 1808. P. J. Charrin, Lyon. Le cimetiere de village, imita- tion en vers de l'elegie de Gray par P. J. Charrin; suivi de Poesies diverses. Paris. Delaunay. 1808. [760 8vo. Querard iii. 457. 2 francs. Begins, De la cloche du soir j'entends les sons funebres; . . . Elegy, written in a country church-yar [sic]. In Le champ du repos, ou Le cimetiere Mont-Louis, dit DuPere Delachaise, par MM. Roger Pere & Fils, Paris, 1816, 8vo, ii. 401-7. With Charrin's translation, pp. 408-14, and Torelli's Italian trans- lation, pp. 415-21. bm (10661. d. 18) Also in Torri, 1843, pp. 171-74 (see no. 598). INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 105 1811. [Jean-Baptiste-] Hugues Nelson Cottreau. Le bal du bois de Brevannes, poeme, suivi de l'Epitre a mon berceau, et d'une traduction du Cimetiere de village, de Thomas Gray, par Hugues Nelson Cottreau. Paris. Crette. 1811. [760a 24to, pp. 87. bn (Ye. 19,166) 1812. Francois Joseph Marie Fayolle. Elegie de Thomas Gray, | sur un cimetiere de campagne; | traduite en vers francais, | par F. Fayolle. | Paris, | De l'imprimerie de J. B. Sajou, | Rue de la Harpe, n° 11. | 1812. [761 8vo, pp. 14. Extrait du Magasin Encyclopcdique, aout, 1812. bn (Ye. 21,994), bkb Begins, Le jour fuit: de l'airain j'entends les sons funebres. 32 stanzas. Followed by Remarques sur Tel^gie de Gray. Elegie | de Thomas Gray, | sur | un cimetiere de campagne, | traduite en vers francais | par F. Fayolle, | et suivie d'une tra- duction en vers italiens | par G. Torelli. [761a Paris. P. Didot l'Aine. 1812. 8vo, pp. 32. 100 copies were printed for private distribution. bn 1813. M. P. Guillory. filegie sur un cimetiere de campagne. Imitation de Gray. In Le Moniteur Universel, Dec. 31, 1813, p. 1462. cu [762 Begins, De\ja l'airain funebre annonce le repos. J. B. Acgustin Soulie [pseud. Chevalier de C] in Alma- nack des Muses 1813, p. 241. [763 Also in Les Annates de la IAttirature et des Arts, 1821, vi. 83, and in Choix de poe\sies de divers auteurs anglais, 1827. F. D.-V. Le cimetiere | de campagne, | imitation libre en vers francais | de l'Elegie anglaise | de Gray. | Par M r F. D.-V. | [Quotation from St. Pierre, Etudes de la nature.] | A Paris, | De L'imprimerie d' A. Egron, | Rue de Noyers, N° 49. | 1818. [764 8vo, pp. B. bn (Yk. 5295) Begins, La Cloche 'In BOir sonnc \ussi tot la bergcre. SO Copies were printed for private circulation. 1822. M. DI Sapinaud. In his I-e cimetiere et le Printemps, Paris. 1822. See no. 844. [765 Begins, Du jour ;i son d.-clin sonne la dernierc beurc. 1828. HlPPOLYTE Mmivint. In his Les Inicolifpns et l'rglogur el^giaqoe de Gray, Paris. Duverger, 1828, I8mo, pp. i!i.-, 218. See no. 845. [766 Begins, Le curfew foil entendre un accenl lamentable. 106 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1837. L.-C. Hoyau. In his Poesies de Gray, Paris, 1837. See no. 347. [767 Begins, L'airain du jour niourant sonne la derniere heure. 1840. Marvint was reprinted in a revised form in Souvenirs de college d'Hippolyte Marvint, Paris, Schneider et Langrand, 18-10, 12mo, pp. 202-17. [767a Here begins, Le couvre-feu murmure et la journee expire. bm (11474. b. 39), bn (Ye. 27,425) 1875. J. Roberts. London, 1875. See no. 640. [768 Begins, Le jour niourant s'en va, le couvre-feu gemit. Rev. by G. Monod in The Academy, June 24, 1876, ix. 600-1. 1887. A. Elwall. In his edition of the Elegy and The bard, Paris, 1887, pp. 8-12. [769 Begins, La cloche du couvre-feu tinte le glas du jour qui s'enfuit. Prose. Follows Lemierre d'Argy rather closely (see nos. 81, 343). 1897. Thomas Gray. Le cimetiere de village, filegie. Tra- duction de M. D. B. Paris. Boyveau & Chevillet. 1897. [770 Sm. 8vo, pp. 9. A reprint, with slight changes, of the text of 1797 (see nos. 80, 748). bm (11603. bbb. 38. (2)) 1912. Robert Louis Sanderson. Gray's | "Elegy written in a country | churchyard." | Put into French verse by f R. L. S. | Yale University, New Haven, Conn. | May, 1912 | [771 8vo, pp. [14]. Begins, L'airain tinte le glas du jour qui se termine. German Before 1771. Anonymous. In a review of the anonymously edited Beitrage zur deutschen Lektiire fur Leser und Leserinnen, Leipzig, bei Buscheln, [1773], in the Frankfurter Gelehrten Anzeigen (reprinted in the Jubilaums-Ausgabe of the Samtliche Werke xxxvi. 40-41), Goethe writes as follows: "Den Herrn Verleger und iibrige Freunde des Herrn Verfassers ersuchen wir, bloss die Obersetzung der Kirchhofselegie mit denen beiden pro- saischen Ubersetzungen, die man schon davon hatte, zu ver- gleichen. Und wozu eine neue prosaische, da wir die vortreffliche poetische von Gotter haben?" Uebel also refers to Adolf Laun, Die Dorf kirchhofselegie und ihr Dichter, Oldenburg, 1886, p. 8. From these references it appears that two prose translations had been made before Gotter's poetical translation appeared, and that a third was included in the work reviewed by Goethe. Neither Uebel nor I, however, have been able to locate these two translations preceding Gotter's. [771a, b INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 107 1771. Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter. Elegie auf einem Dorfkirchhofe. In Musenalmanach auf das Jahr 1771, Got- tingen, 1771, sm. 8vo, pp. 125-35. [772 Begins, Die Abendglocke ruft den miiden Tag zu Grabe. Hexameter rhymed couplets. Das Grab aus dem Englischen des Robert Blair nebst Grays Elegie auf einem Dorfkirchhof. Regensburg in der Montag und Weissischen Buchhandlung. 1793. Munich hb Sm. 8vo, pp. 108. Translation of Gray, pp. 89-108. Also in Gotter's Gedichte, Gotha, bei Carl Wilhelm Ettinger, 1787, i. 88 ff., 132-45; in his Werken, Wien u. Prag, 1803, i. 102 ff. ; in his Gedichte, Wien, 1816, 16mo, pp. 104-12; in Deutsches Lesebuch, Bremen, 1837, 8vo; in John Martin's edition of the Elegv, London, 1839, pp. (1-63) (see no. 594); in Torri, 1843, pp. 189-92 (see no. 598); and in Carl Redlich's reprint of the Musenalmanach for 1771, Stuttgart, Goschen, 1895 (Deutsche Litteraturdenkmale des 18. u. 19. Jhs. 52/3), pp. 60-4. 1773. Anonymous. Prose. In Beitrage zur dcutschen Lek- tiire fur Leser und Leserinnen, Leipzig, [1773]. See no. 771a, b. [772a 1776. Carl Wilhelm Muller. In his Herrn Gray's Gedichte, Leipzig, 1776. See no. 348. [773 Begins, Die Abendglocke verkiindigt das Ende des abscheidenden Tages. Prose. Also in Torri, 1817, pp. 121-25 (see no. 581), and 1843, pp. 185-8 (see no. 598). 1794. Georg Friedrich Niemeyer. In A collection out of some of the most approved English poets, viz. Pope, Milton, Dryden, Waller, Prior, Congreve, Gay, Young, Thomson, Gray, Akenside, Addison, Shakcspcre, Hannover, Ritscher, 1794, 8vo. [774 Rev. in Die neue aUgemeine deutsche Bibliothek xix. 1. 188 ff. 1795. Die Fi'-rstin vx Xkiwikd. Gray's Klegie auf einem Dorfkirchhofe gescliriebcn. In Die deutsche Monatsschrift, Aug., 1795, ii. .'U)t-8. dkb [775 Begins, l)<-n Tag begriilit der Schal] d( •: Abendglocke. 1796. Johanm Gottfried Seume. Klegie, gescliriebcn auf einem Dorfkirchhofe. In bis Obolen, Leipzig, 1796, Bdch. i. [776 Begins, l)i< - Abendglocke tonl den Tag but Huh. \i io in his Gesammt, Schriften, Wiesbaden, is. 1 ."., iv. jiiiv., and In his Sammtllche Werke, Leipzig, 1896, i. 8-li, Gedichte, i. Ausg., preface dated 1814, and v. 16-98, Obolen, preface dated 1786. ('(. Platens Tnnrhurhcr, IHWi, i. 796. I <>s A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1797. Konrad Friedrich von Schmidt-Phiseldeck. In his Briefe asthetisches Inhalts, Erste Sammlung, Altona, J. F. Hammerich, 1797, 8vo, pp. 429 ff. [777 1798. Ludwig Gotthard [also Theoboul] Kosengarten. In his Gediehte, 1798. [778 Begins, Zu Grabe sinkt der abgeschiedne Tag. Metre of the original. Also in his Rhapsodieen, 1801, iii. 79-84; in his Poesieen, Neueste Ausg., Berlin, 1803, i. 131-7; in his Poesie originale e tradotte, Vienna, 1816, i. 123 ff.; in Torri, 1817, pp. 127-32 (see no. 581); in his Dich- tungen, 5. Ausg., Greifswald, 1824, ix. 216-24 (dkb) ; in Torri, 2d edition, 1843, pp. 197-200 (see no. 598). Rev. by J. G. Herder in Erfurter Nachrichten, Sept. 22, 1800; reprinted in his Werke xx. 352. 1805. Baptista von Tscharner in Chur. Neuer Versuch einer Uebersetzung der Elegie in einem Dorfkirchhofe geschrie- ben, von Gray. In Isis: eine Monatschrift von deutschen und schweizerischen Gelehrten, Zurich, May, 1805, pp. 469-74. [779 Begins, Die Abendglocke hallt dem Tag zur Ruh\ The following note precedes: "Der Zweck dieser neuen Uebersetzung war: In dem gleichen Sylbenmaasse des Originals, mit moglichster Rundung und Eleganz des Vortrags zwar die moglichste Treue zu vereinen, doeh aber, wo es die Noth geboth, lieber die erstere als die letztere, ungleich wesentlichere Forderung aufzuopfern. Der Kenner wird erstaunen, mit welehem Gliieke unser Uebersetzer sowohl seinem Urbilde, als den mancherlei deutschen Nachbildungen, auch der beruhmtesten derselben, nachgerungen habe. Der Redakteur." 1812. Johann Baptist Rupprecht. In his Dichtungen der Britten in metrischen Ubersetzungen, Poetical translations from the English, Part i, Vienna, 1812, pp. 62-8. [780 Begins, Die Abendglocke ruft den Tag zur Ruh'. Metre of the original. Also in Torri, 1843, pp. 193-6 (see no. 598). 1823. Anonymous. Elegie, auf einem Landkirchhofe geschrieben nach Gray. In The Kaleidoscope, Liverpool, May 20, 1823, n. s. iii. 372-3; cf. p. 31. [781 Begins, Des Dorfes Glocke schallt den Moor entlang. 1835. Anonymous. Dorfkirchhofelegie. Full many a gem, etc. 2 stanzas with trans. In Phbnix, no. 204, Literatur-Blatt no. 34, Aug. 29, 1835, p. 815, col. a. zsb [781a 1856. Adolf Laun. In his Die Dorfkirchhofselegie und ihr Dichter, Oldenberg, B. Stalling, 1856, Programm, pp. [l]-7. [782 Begins, Die Abendglocke ruft den Tag zu Grabe. 32 stanzas. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 109 1865. Julius Altmann. In Archiv xxxvii. 157-60. [782a Begins, Die Glocke tont des Tages Grabgesang. 32 stanzas. 1867. Prof. Dr. [Wilhelm] Corte. Elegie, geschrieben auf einem Landkirchhofe. In Archiv xli. 217-20. [782b Begins, Die Abendglocke tont: der Tag erblich ! 33 stanzas. 1874. Niclas Muller. 1874. See no. 638. [783 Begins, Die Abendglocke lullt den Tag in Ruh. 1883. Otto Emaxs. Grays auf einem Dorfkirchhof ge- schriebene Elegie iibersetzt. In Archiv lxix. 120-2. [783a Begins, Die Abendglocke klagt den Tag zu Ruh. Greek 1785. William Cooke. Aristotelis de poetica liber, textu Gulstoniano ; cum praelectione, versione, et notis editoris, Gulielmi Cooke, A. M. Accedit Elegia Grayiana graece. Cantabrigiae. Typis Academicis excudebat J. Archdeacon. 1785. [784 8vo, pp. [6], xl, [21, 176. The Elegy is found on pp. 169-76. bm (519. d. 29) Begins, N0£ jrAei, oi)5' dp' aypus irvpa Kalerai, oi)5' ava Kwp.as. Also in Mathias's edition, 1814, i. 505-11 (see no. 18); and in J. Martin's edition, 1839, pp. (1-63) (see no. 594). Rev. in The Monthly Rev., July, 1787, lxxvii. 9; by T. De Quincey in Blackwood's Magazine, Jan., 184-5, lvii. 128, reprinted by De Quincey in his Collected Works, xii., 1859, with some changes; in Masson's edition, Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1890, v. 202-3. 1793. J. Norbury. Elegeia Thomae Gray, graece reddita. Etonae. Excudit T. Pote ; Veneunt etiam Londini apud T. Payne, Mews Gate; J. Fletcher, Oxon. et J. et J. Merrill, Cantab. 1793. [785 4to, pp. [iv], 9. b, bm (79. c. 15) Elegia | Thomae Gray, | graece reddita. | Editio altera emen- d.ita. J [Emblem.] | Etonae: Excudit T. Pote; | Veneunt etiam Londini apud T. Payne, Mews Gate; | J. Fletcher, Oxon. et J. et .1. M. -mil, Cantab. MDCCXCIII. 8vo, pp. [iv], '■>. Dedication to John Brown of Clifton l>v .F. Norbiiry. iim (641. 1. 21. (1)) Begins, \\77A\0 kujOuiv fiapi'% rj/\tov KonabvvTa. Rev. in Th* British Critic, June, 179S, i. 1. 79-H; in The Monthly Rev.. Sept.. 1793, n. s. xii. 101 J. 1794. Charles Cootk. 1791. See no. 547. [786 Begins, KwOdJv'ofjra, fpdovs rtK/xup a.iribvro'i, lirrixu- Rrv. in Th* British Oritie, Feb., Mar.. 1795, v. Hi.' 1'. ".J II; in The Monthly R*V., April, 1?')'., n. s. xix. 396-8. 110 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Bowyer Edward Sparke. 1791. See no. 548. [787 Begins, Ku>5a>i' ^iotos olxop-tvoio ftapvicTviros iix*?- Rev. in The British Critic, Feb., Mar., 1795, v. 132-42, 234-44; in The Monthly Rev., April, 1796, n. s. xix. 396-8. Stephen Weston. 1794. See no. 549. [788 Begins, "H/xaros olxofitvoio /3o£ x a ^ K ^ P a P v VXfy- Rev. in The British Critic, Feb., Mar., 1795, v. 132-42, 234-44; in The Monthly Rev., April, 1796, n. s. xix. 396-8. 1795. John Plumptre. Ecloga sacra Alexandri Pope, vulgo Messia dicta, graece reddita. Accedit etiam graece Inscriptio sepulchralis ex celeberrima elegia Thomae Gray. Curante Johanne Plumptre, A. M. Canonico wigorniense, et Collegii regalis, Cantabrigiae, olim socio. 1795. b, bm (78. h. 11) [789 Ecloga sacra | Alexandri Pope, | vulgo Messia | dicta, | graece reddita. | Accedit etiam graece | Inscriptio sepulchralis | ex | celeberrima elegia | Thoinae Gray. | Editio altera, emendata. | Curante | Johanne Plumptre, A. M. | Canonico vigorniensi, | et Collegii regalis, Cantabrigiae, olim socio. | 1796. The Epitaph only. English, p. 2; Greek, p. 3. bm (641. 1. 21. (6)) Rev. in The Gentleman's Mag., April, 1796, lxvi. 317; in The British Critic, Oct., 1795, vi. 353-60 (reprints the translation, p. 360); in The Monthly Rev., April, 1796, n. s. xix. 396-98. Edward Tew. 1795. See no. 551. [790 Begins, TtJX' i7X e ' Ktiduv viov ij/xaros 6.vop.tvoi.o. Rev. in The British Critic, June, 1795, v. 625-35; in The Monthly Rev., April, 1796, n. s. xix. 396-98. 1817. Abbot Giosafatte Cipriani. In Torri, 1817, pp. 167- 72 (see no. 581). Not reprinted in the second edition, 1843 (see no. 598). [791 Begins, T^y p.tv a.TrotxopL4vr)v ^x oJ v ^ v VP^pav flirev. 1860. Richard Ward. 1860. See no. 227. [792 Begins, "ZfHcae irvp" 1 a Kiodwv, irrl 5' A/jlclti p.6p(rifx.ov &x el - 1871. George Denman. Gray's Elegy, translated into Greek elegiacs. 1871. See no. 632. [793 Begins, Hp.ap a.Troixt>p.evov Karodvperai atXiva. Kwduv. Hebrew 1817. Abbot Giuseppe Venturi. In Torri, 1817, pp. 153-65 (see no. 581), in Hebrew characters, and 1843, pp. 145-55 (see no. 598), in Italian characters. [794 Begins, Rafe aj6m lanhar6v: en Kol Sofar. In quadernari, rhyming alternately. Cf. The Literary World, New York, Nov. 10, 1849, v. 405. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 111 Hungarian 1827. Rossi Janos. Elegia egy falusi temetore Gray tamas Utan. Vitez de Rossi Janos ferencz urnak, | tisztelt baratjanak ajanlja | deaky zsigmond. | Romaban [Rome]. | De Romanis Fulop es Miklosnal. | 1827. [795 8vo, pp. 7. Begins, Hirdeti a' lemeno napot a' szomor esti harangsz6. Italian 1772. Melchiorre Cesarotti. Elegia inglese del signor Tommaso Gray sopra un cimitero da campagna transportata in verso italiano dall' A. M. C. Padova. Giuseppe Comino. 1772. [796 8vo, pp. 27. English and Italian. Italian, pp. 7-27. b, bm (79. c. 13), BNF Begins, Parte languido il giorno: odine il segno. See also no. 544. Also published with Torelli's Italian and Costa's Latin translation by Bodoni, Parma, 1793 (see no. 546); in Seelta di poesie di sentimento, 1808-9, i. 65-77 (colu) ; by Molini e Landi, Flor- ence, 1810; in Bertolotti's Poemi inglesi di T. Gray recati in verso italiano da varj autori, Milano, Silvestri, 1813 (see no. 355); by Torri, 1817, pp. 68-76 (see no. 581), and 1843, pp. 67-74 (see no. 598); in Carmi funebri di Ugo Foseolo e di Tommaso Gray eon alcuni cenni critici di Giuseppe Peechio (Volterra), 1835, 12mo, pp. 21-28; in Poemi di Tommaso Gray tradotti da varii, Venezia, Antonelli, 1847 (see no. 356). Cf. Teza, p. 363; Vaughan, The Romantic revolt, p. 439. Also published by Palese, Venice, 1791. 1772. Abbate Giuseppe Gennari. 1772. See no. 822. [797 Begins, Xunzio del di che parte intorno suona. Elegia inglese | del signor | Tommaso Gray, | sopra un cimi- tero | di campagna | transporta [sic] | in versi latini, | e volgari. | [Vignette.] In Eblana CIDI3CCLXXVI. Presso G. Sleator. With Costa's Latin translation (sec no. 69). Also in Torri, 1H17, pp. 77-83 (see no. 581), and 1813, pp. 75-80 (see no. 5!)H). 1775. Abbate Crocchi. Elegia scritta in cimiterio di cam- pagna. In Sleator's ed., Dublin, 177.",, pp. ir>.T66. [798 Begins, II bronco respertin con flebil rombo. Metre of the original. P. 166, another translation of the Epitaph in a different metre. 1776. Gn sKi'i'i: TaitKi.i.i. Blegia | di Tommaso Gray poeta inglese | per <-ss<> scritta in un cimitero campestre | tra- dotta j in versi Italian] | | Emblem, head <>f a woman, body of a slender lion, tail, three teats, wings, by the feet a skull.) Kx //..' A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Gem. ant. Thes. Med. Ant. Barat. sculp. In Verona. MDCCLXXVI. [799 8vo, pp. 91. Printed at Verona, 1776, by Gli Eredi di Agostino Carattoni. Italian, pp. 9-21. bm (T. 2262. (1)), bn, bnf, colu Begins, Segna la squilla il di, che gia vien manco. The British Museum has a copy of what is apparently a London reprint (1776?) of the Verona edition (1162. 1. 47). 8vo, pp. 19. Eng- lish and Italian. Italian, pp. 7-19. Print begins on p. [6]. Also in Consiglio ad un giovane poeta del Sig. [Martin] Sherlock, n. p., n. d. [1779?], 8vo, pp. 123-35. The whole has pp. [vi], 136. Eng- lish, pp. 124-34. Italian, pp. 123-35. bk See N. $ Q., July 30, 1904, 10th ser. ii. 92. Fourth edition, London, 1780, pp. 111-21. Cf. N. $ Q., 11th ser. iii. 145. Elegia | di | Tommaso Gray | poeta inglese | per esso scritta | in un cimitero campestre pata da | Agostino Isola Universita di Cambridge. tradotta | in versi italiani | e ristam- mastero [sic] di lingua italiana nell' [Emblem.] | Sold by the Editor, and J. Deighton, Bookseller, in Cambridge. | MDCCLXXXII. 8vo, pp. 19. English, pp. 6-18; Italian, pp. 7-19. b (Godw. Pamph. 2138 (6)), nyp, colu, yu Carattoni's edition was reprinted at Verona in 1786. 8vo, pp. 21. BNF Torelli's translation was also reprinted by Bodoni, 1793 (see no. 546); in Dalmistro's Versioni dall' inglese (see no. 354) by Palese, Venice, 1794 (see no. 354); by Gardiner, London, 1798; by A. A. Renouard, Paris, 1801, 12mo; with Fayolle's French translation, Paris, 1812, q. v. (761a); in Bertolotti's volume by Silvestri, Milan, 1813 (see no. 355); by Lebeque, Paris, 1816; by Roger, Paris, 1816 (see no. 580); in Torri, 1817, pp. 29-45 (see no. 581), and 1843, pp. 33-49 (see no. 598); in Davide Bertolotti, Amore e i sepolcri, Milano, Societa Tipogr. de' Classici Italiani, 1823, ii. 10 ff. ; in Giuseppe Torelli, Opere varie in verso e in prosa, Pisa, Capurro & Co., 1833-4, i. 43-51 (the Univ. of Pennsyl- vania has a copy, 858 T 6 35 vol. 1 ) ; in J. Martin's edition, 1839, pp. (1-63) (see no. 594); in Poemi di T. Gray tradotti da varii, Venezia, Antonelli, 1847 (see no. 356). See Robert Richie, letter to John Strange, in Torri, 1817, pp. 47-8 (see no. 581), and 1843, pp. 51-2 (see no. 598) ; also Varianti della prima versione del Torelli colle osservazioni critiche del Richie, e colle ri- sposte del traduttore in Torri, 1817, pp. 49-67, and 1843, pp. 53-66; also Teza, p. 363 (see no. 816). 1782. J. Giannini. Elegy written in a country church-yard By Gray: and translated into Italian verse by J. Giannini, L. L. D. [sic). Second edition. London. Printed for, and sold by, the Translator. 1782. [800 4to, pp. [iii], 19. Frontispiece. Italian, pp. 2-18. B, bm (78. g. 11), ALE Begins, Piange la squilla '1 giorno, che si muore. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 113 A new edition apparently came out in 1786. 4to. Frontispiece by Bartolozzi. Rev. in The Monthly Rev., March, 1786, lxxiv. 233. 1784. Marco Lastri. Florence. Moiike. 1784. See no. 352. [801 Begins, Piange la squilla il giorno moribondo. Also in Torri, 1817, pp. 85-9 (see no. 581), and 1843, pp. 81-4 (see no. 598). 1801. Antonio Buttura. First published, according to Torri, in La Domenica. [802 Elegia di Gray. In L'arte poetica di Boileau Despreaux re- cata in versi italiani da Antonio Buttura, Veronese, Parigi, P. Didot, 1806, 8vo, pp. 130-36. bm (1065. h. 28) Also, according to Torri, in La Decade Philosophique, 30 Messidore, An IX (1801). Also republished by Fain in 1811, and by Torri, 1817, pp. 91-5 (see no. 581), and 1843, pp. 85-8 (see no. 598). Begins, Gia la squilla ferale il giorno piagne. 1810. Paolo-Giuseppe Baraldi. Modena. Societa Tipo- grafica. 1810. [803 Begins, Io sento il suono della campana dolente, che annunzia la fine del giorno. Ninetv-seven lines in prose; the rest in versi sciolti. Also republished at Modena, Vincenzi e C°, 1825; and in Torri, 1817, pp. 97-102 (see no. 581), and 1843, pp. 89-92 (see no. 598). 1815. Elisabetta Sesler Bono. In La morale inglese, Venice, Alvisopoli, 1815, pp. 65 ff. [804 Begins, Suona il sacro bronzo. £ questo il segno del dl spirante. Prose. Also in Torri, 1843, pp. 97-100 (see no. 598). Mk m.i.E Leoni. Turin. Pomba. 1815. [805 Begins, Segna la squilla il giorno che si more. Versi sciolti. \ I o published by MainarcB, Verona, 1817. Also in Torri, 1843, pp. 101-5 (see no. 598). 1817. Mil in i. Angelo Castellazzi. In Torri, 1817, pp. 103-7 (see no. 581), and 1843, pp. 93-6 (sec no. 598). [ S06 Begins, Segna la Bquilla il renlr men del .L r i<>nn>. DOMKNICO TkANT. In Torri. 1817, pp. 28-45 (s«f no. 581), and isi.'i, pp. 82-49 (see no. 598). [807 Begins, II rintocco della campana Begna il partente giorno. Prose 1821. Domknico Giikcohi. In Scelta di poesie di piu celebri autori inglesi, recati in versi Italian!, Roma, 1821, sin. 8vo, i. | SOS 1825. Lorenzo M\\< ini. Blegia scritta In an cimitero cam- pestre d'lnghilteira da Tommaso dray trasportata in [taliano nel 1U A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY metre dell' originate. In II saggio sopra l'uomo d' Alessandro Pope, La lettura d'Eloisa ad Abelardo del medesimo autore, 1' Elegia sopra un cimitero campestre di Tommaso Gray. Tra- duzioni di Lorenzo Mancini Fiorentino. Firenze. Tip. di Luigi Ciardetti. 1825. [809 8vo, pp. 137-47. The whole has pp. xxv, 147. Bibl. Rice. Flor. Begins, Cadde il sole: fumar le sparse ville. 36 stanzas. Also in Torri, 1843, pp. 107-12 (see no. 598). 1835. Francesco Cavazzocca. Verona. Bisesti. 1835. [810 Begins, Lo squillo annunzia il venir men del giorno. Also reprinted in Torri, 1843, pp. 113-17 (see no. 598). 1863. Ernesto Monaci. II cimitero di campagna. Elegia di Gray versione dall' inglese. [By Ernesto Monaci; dedicated to Richard O'Conner.] [N. p.] Tipografia Chiassi. [811 Dated April 15, 1863. 8vo, pp. 7. Begins, Gia della squilla il flebile rintocco. 1868. Gregorio Camisani. II cimitero campestre, tradotto da Greg. Camisani. Milano. Guiglielmini. 1868. [812 8vo, pp. 8. Sold at L. .50. 1869. Giacomo Zanella. Elegia de Tommaso Gray scritta in un cimitero campestre. (Saggio di traduzione.) In Nuova Antologia, Firenze, Giugno, 1869, xi. 414-17. colu [813 Also reprinted separately, 8vo, pp. 4. bnf Begins, Piange la squilla il di che si fa scuro. Also in his Varie versione poetiche, Firenze, Successori Le Monnier, 1887, 32mo, pp. 145-50. The whole has pp. ix, [1], 340. Cf. Wiel, pp. 30 f. 1874. Angelica Palli. 1874. This is mentioned by Teza in Nuova Antologia, 3d ser. xxiii. 363. I have not seen it. [814 1883. Giuseppe Scoppetta. 1883. See no. 657. [815 1889. E. Teza. In Nuova Antologia, Sept. 16, 1889, 3d ser. xxiii. (whole no. cvii.) 363-68. [816 Begins, Mesta compiange il dichinar del giorno. Blank verse; Epi- taph in running lines. 1901. Giovanni Loria. Sopra un cimitero campestre ; elegia, nuova versione italiana in versi di Giovanni Loria. Udine. Del Bialaco. 1901. 8vo, pp. 16. bnf [817 1906. Taddeo Wiel. 1906. See no. 727. [818 1910. Nicola Righi. L'elegia scritta in un cimitero cam- pestre, voltata in prosa da Nic. Righi. Firenze. Campolmi e Sevieri. 1910. [818a 8vo, pp. 13. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 115 Japanese 1882. Anonymous. In Shintaishi-Sho (Poems in new style), Tokio (?), 1882. [819 Latin 1762. Christopher Anstey and William Hayward Roberts. Elegia scripta in coemeterio rustico latine reddita. Cantabrigiae. Typis Academicis excudebat J. Bentham. 1762. [820 4to, pp. [ii], 15. English, pp. 2-14; Italian, pp. 3-15. cau, b (1696 (11)), hu, yd Begins, Audin' ut occiduae signum Campana Diei. Hexameter. The edition of 1778 has many alterations. Later editions begin, Ingeminat signum occiduae campana diei. There is a copy in Stowe MS. 865, fol. 86-94, in the British Museum. Rev. in The Monthly Rev., May, 1762, xxvi. 386-7. The Epitaph is quoted. Also reprinted in Poems by Mr. Gray, Dublin, 1768, pp. 126-50 (see no. 54), same, Dublin, 1775 (see no. 62) ; Editio nova prioribus emenda- tior, Londini, J. Dodsley, 1778, 4to, pp. [iv], 15 (in this the introduc- tory lines are signed C. A. et W. H. R.); by Palese, Venice, 1794; in C. Anstey, Works, London, 1808, pp. 374-82 (bm, 78. h. 14) ; in Cen- sura literaria, London, 1809, x. 319-24, from the first edition; in Mathias's edition of Grav, 1814, i. 397* [497]-404 [504] (see no. 18) ; in Torri, 1817, pp. 139-45 (see no. 581), and 1843, pp. 123-28 (see no. 598). Concerning this translation see Henry Francis Cary, Lives of Eng- lish poets from Johnson to Kirke White, London, Henry G. Bolui, 1846, 8vo, p. 189; reprinted from The London Marj., Jan., 1822, v. 27. Robert Lloyd. In his Poems, London, 1762, pp. 239-57. [821 Begins, Audistin! quarn lenta sonans campana per agros. Also (Carmen elegiacum, in coemeterio rustico compositum) in Poems by Mr. Gray, Dublin, 176H, pp. 115-25 (see no. 54); in Lloyd's Works, London, T. Evans, 1774, ii. 189-205; in the Dublin edition of 1775, pp. 115-25 (see no. 62); in Anderson's British Poets, 1794, x. 687-8; in Chalmers, Works of the British Poets, London, 1810, xv. 139- 41. 1772. Abbate Giovanni Costa. Elegia inglese del signor Tommaso Gray Bopra un cimitero di campagna transportata in versi latini, e volgari. In Padova. Giuseppe Comino. 1772. [822 8vo, pp. 29. Latin, pp. 9-29; Italian (Gcnnari), pp. 8 19. i.m (79. d. 10), colu Begins, /Ea trlste bigeminal cedent is signs, diei. Also reprinted, I'atavii, 1775 (see no. 357), with another version. The second version (pp. 123-7) begins, Languid! fugain diei nuntiat missus cavo. 116 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY The first version was also reprinted in Sleator's edition, Dublin, 1775 (see no. 68); bv Palese, Venice, 1791 (see no. 544); by Bodoni, Parma, 1793 (see no. 545); by Torri, 1817, pp. 133-37 (see no. 581), and 1843, pp. 119-22 (see no. 598). Antonio Evangelj. Thomae Gray elegia in rusticum sepul- chreturn, ex anglico in latinum conversa. Padova. 1772. [823 1775. Robert Langrishe, Eton College. In Gray's Works, ed. Mason, Dublin, 1775, ii. 205-13. [824 Begins, Vespertina notat finem campana diei. See nos. 15, 15a. 1776. [Gilbert Wakefield.] An elegy written in a country church-yard. Elegia in caemeterio rustico scripta, numeris ele- giacis latine reddita. Auctore * * * Coll: Cant: Alumno. Lon- don. Printed for J. Nicholson in Cambridge. 1776. [825 8vo, pp. 25. Latin, pp. 3-25. Anonymous. See N. §• Q., 11th ser. iii. 145, iv. 91. bm (11633. d. 2), yu Begins, Vesper adest, lugubre sonat campanula; tardis. Also in his Poemata latine partim scripta, partim reddita ... a Gilberto AVakefield A. B. et Coll. Jesu apud Cantab, socio, Cambridge, J. Archdeacon, 1776, 4to, pp. 60-75, tc (H. 1. 48 (18)). This is reviewed in The Monthly Rev., April, 1777, lvi. 314. Cf. C. W. Brodribb in N. $ Q., Aug. 12, 1911, 11th ser. iv. 135. Portions of the translation are inserted in his notes on the Elegy, 1786, pp. 168-88 (see no. 71). Also in De Berchere's edition, 1788, pp. 4-21 (see no. 742). Criticized by T. E. Kebbel in Macmillan's.Mag., Jan., March, 1875, xxxi. 253-8, 472; by H. A. J. Munro in same^?eb., April, pp. 340-6, 533-4. 1786. J. Wright. Elegia scripta in sepulchreto rustico latine reddita cui subjiciuntur alia poemata a J. Wright. Londini. Veneunt apud T. Lewis, in vico dicto, Russell St., et B. White, Fleet St. 1786. [826 4to, pp. 55. Latin, pp. 1-19. Sold at 2/-. b (Godw. Pamph. 1727 (8)) Begins, Triste dat occidui signum campana diei. Rev. in The Monthly Rev., March, 1786, lxxiv. 231-33. 1789. William Woty. In his Poetical amusements, Notting- ham, 1789, 8vo, pp. 101-13. bm (11645. g. 42) [826a Begins, Decessum graviter pulsat Campana diei. 1793. G. AOrOI EIHTA4>IOI. In The Gentleman's Mag., Jan.-April, 1793, lxiii. 69, 166, 261-2, 360. [827 Begins, Vesper adest — finem resonat campana diei. 1794. John Dupre. In Musae berkhamstedienses : or Poetical prolusions by some young gentlemen of Berkhamsted School. Berkhamsted. W. McDowall. 1794. [828 8vo, pp. viii, 146, [1]. Elegy, English and Latin, pp. 93-111. Latin, pp. 96-110. ■ b, bm (11408. e. 6) Special title-page: A translation of Gray's Elegy, into Latin verse, INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 117 by J. D. and spoken by John Warde, of Berkhamsted School, Public Day, Wednesday, Octo' 2d, 1793. Birkhamsted. W. McDowall. 1793. Begins, Funera vergentis resonat campana diel. See N. $ Q., July 29, 1911, 11th ser. iv. 90. 1802. Nelson Kerr. In his Poeniatia, auctore Nelson Kerr, LL. B., Coll. Johan. Bapt. Oxon., London, 1802, 8vo, pp. 19 ff. [829 Begins, .Edibus e sacris lapsae sonat hora diei. Elegiacs. Cf. N # Q., July 29, 1911, 11th ser. iv. 91, whence this is cited. 1808 (?). Percy Bysshe Shelley. A translation of the Epitaph, made in 1808 or 1809, was published in Medwin's Life of Shelley, 1847, i. 48, and reprinted in Forrnan's ed. of Shelley's Works iv. 315-16. [830 A comparison with Wakefield's version was made by Edward Bensly in N. $ Q-, July 29, 1911, 11th ser. iv. 91; correction in same, p. 135. 1810. C. A. Wheelwright. Elegia in caemeterio rustico scripta. In his Poems original and translated including versions of the Medea and Octavia of Seneca, London, printed by A. J. Valpy, 1810, 8vo, pp. 244-51. b [831 Begins, Ultima nocturnas sonuit campana per auras. Elegiacs; Epitaph in alcaics. Second edition, 1811. See N. |- Q., 10th ser. i. 487, 11th ser. iii. 64, iv. 91. 1817. Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, Verona. In Torri, 1817, pp. 147-52 (see no. 581), and 1843, 129-34 (see no. 598). [832 Begins, Editus aere cavo lumen cessare diurnum. Hexameter. Benedetto del Bene, Verona. Thomae Gray carmen de sepulcreto rustico latine redditum a Benedicto Benio Veronesi. Veronae. Ex Typographia Mainardiana. 1817. [833 8vo, pp. B. bm (T. 2265. 7), bnf Hae. Prose after the Vulgate. In tlie 1st edition tin- l.pitaph was given in Del Bene's translation; in tin- -'f George Buchanan). Edinburgh. Douglas & Foulis. 1877. [849 120 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Umo. pp. 7. bm (11642. a. 63. (9)) Begins, .Kris ah a>de diem nunc clangor claniat ademptam. Omits the Epitaph. 29 stanzas. Benjamin Hall Kennedy. In his Between whiles, or Way- side amusements of a working life, London, Bell, 1877, 8vo, pp. 86-93, and in Sabrinae corolla, 4th ed., London, Bell, 1890, pp. 196-203. [850 1879. J. Pycroft. Brighton. 1879. 8vo. [851 1884. Henry J. Dodwell. Gray's Elegy, in Latin and English. Translated by Henry J. Dodwell M. A., Oxon. Broad- moor Criminal Lunatic Asylum, June 12th, 1882. London. M. Walbrook. 1884. [852 8vo, pp. 7. English, pp. 2-6; Latin, pp. 3-7. b (2804. e. 6) Begins, Edidit interitum vox aerea rite diurnum. Elegiacs. See N. $ Q., 11th ser. iv. 90. 1892. Robert B. Kennard. 1892. See no. 682. [853 Begins, Vesperis aera sonant pereuntis damna diei. 1898. Sidney George Owen. In Musa clauda, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1898, 8vo, pp. 2-13. [854 1901. Canon J. W. Sheringham. Graiana Elegia. J. W. Sheringham M. A., Archdeacon and Canon of Gloucester. Price one shilling. For Tewkesbury Abbey restoration. [855 Gloucester. Printed by H. Osborne. 1901. 8vo, pp. 7. b (2799. e. 134 (14)) Begins, Murmure jam lento pecudes perprata vagantur. Preceding the translation is this: Doctiores praevenere, humilis sequor. Described in N. <£• Q., July 29, 1911, 11th ser. iv. 91. 1903. William A. Clarke. Elegia Graiana in coemeterio rurali scripta latine reddidit Willelmus A. Clarke. Oxonii. B. H. Blackwell. 1903. [856 8vo. b (2799. e. 177) Rev. in N. <£• Q., Jan. 16, 1904, 10th ser. i. 58-9. Undated. Anonymous. Elegia a Thoma Grayio in coemeterio rustico conscripta. [857 X. p., n. d. 8vo, pp. 7. tc (III. 10. 161 (7)) Begins, Nunciat interitum periturae nola diei. Portuguese 1792. Antonio de Aracejo. Privately printed at Lisbon about 1792. bm (1466. k. 16 (1)) [858 Reprinted by Antoine Marie Henri Boulard in his Traductions interlin£aires des 6 langues allemande, suedoise, danoise, anglaise, portu- INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 121 gaise et hebraique, Paris, Fuchs, Messidor, An X [1802], 8vo, pp. 234-41 (the whole has pp. viii, 276). bn (Z. 61687) Begins, Do lume o sino ao dia moribundo. English opposite. Reprinted by M. San6 in his Grammaire portugaise. Four lines are quoted by J. R. in The Gentleman's Mag., Nov., 1839, n. s. xii. 470. Cf. N. £ Q., Oct. 12, 1850, 1st ser. ii. 306. 1837. Henrique Ernesto de Almeida Coutinho. O cemi- terio da aldea, canto elegiaco de Thomas Gray, traduzido em verso Portuguez por H. E. A. C. Segunda edicao. Porto. Typographia Commercial Portuense. 1837. [859 *8vo, pp. 11. bm (11452. cc. 11) Russian 1802. Vasily Andreevitch Zhukovsky. Selskoe klad- bishche, Greeva Elegiya perevedennaya sv Angliyskago. In Viestnik Evropy (The Courier of Europe), Dec., 1802, no. 24, chasti vi, pp. 319-25. [860 Begins, Uzhe blyednyeyet den, skryvayas za goroyu. Dedicated to A. I. Turgeniev. Reprinted in 1849. In Zhukovsky's Works (Polnoe sobranie soehi- neniy), ed. A. S. Arkhangelsky, St. Petersburg, Marks, 1902, the trans- lation occurs among the poems for 1801. See i. 13-5. It is in most of the reading books recommended by the Russian Minister of Education, and is to be found in most Russian anthologies. This statement is made by H. G. Ward in N. $ Q., Feb. 25, 1911, 11th ser. iii. 145. 1839. In 1839, while on a visit to Windsor, Z. made a second translation, illustrated by a sketch of St. Paul's Churchyard which he made with his own hand. Cf. N. $ Q., May 5, 1906, 10th ser. v. 357. [861 Begins, Vecherni kolokol pechalno zuvyvayet. Reprinted by Arkh- angelsk along with no. 860. Arkhangelsk? regards this as a rerj early version, which he prints for the first time. It must be borne in mind, however, that Zhiikovsky was only nineteen when no. 860 was published. Spanish About 1823. Jose Antonio Miiiaij.a. Traduccion. De una l.legia, escrita por (iriv in <1 crmenterio de una yglcsia de aldea. By J. A. M. [868 Printed on one side of a quarto Bheei of paper, without place or date, one page The an copy (Vg. W99) la addressed \ Mfonalgneur L'Eveque Gregoire, and the red ol the name [iralla] is written out in the same ink. Begins, I. a esquibi toca et moribundo dia. /..'.' A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Traduction de la Elegia | escrita por Gray en el cementerio de una iglesia de aldea. | Por Don Jose Ant. Miralla, | En Fila- delfia, afio de 1823. | [Quotation of three lines from Dante.] [862a [Boston. 1854.] nu Apparently a newspaper article separately printed. 27 in. long by 2J4 in. wide," verso blank, dated "Roxbury, Oct. 21st, 1854." Prefixed is a brief notice of Miralla, a Havana merchant who visited America in L833-83. Reprinted from a "periodical" published "in Spain, of which a gentleman in Boston has a copy." An elegy in a country churchyard. Translated into Spanish by Jose Antonio Miralla, with an introduction by Charles F. Bradford. [862b 1854. 16mo. Newspaper cuttings. bpl Gray's Elegy. | Translated into Spanish by Don Jose Antonio Miralla. | Privately printed. [862c The above occurs on the front cover. On the back: Oubery & Co., Printers, 587 Mission St. [San Francisco]. [1904?] 8vo, pp. 15 and cover. English and Spanish texts on oppo- site pages. The Spanish is headed: Traduccion de la Elegia | escrita por Gray en el cementerio de una iglesia de aldea. | Por Don Jose Ant. Miralla | En Filadelfia ano de 1823. hd, bpl 1839. Anonymous (?). Referred to by J. R. in The Gentle- man's Mag., Nov., 1839, n. s. xii. 470. [863 1860. [H. L. de Vedia.] Elegia escrita en un cementerio campestre tr. en verso castellano. [864 N. p., n. d. [preface dated I860]. 24 mo, pp. 16. up (Br 972. 6 (MS 43)) Welsh 1798. D. Davies. Myfyrdod ar Einioes ac Angeu a ysgrifenwyd mewn | Mynwent yn y Wlad, | ym mrig yr Hwyr. | Wedi ei droi o Saesonaeg T. Grey. Caerfyrddin. I. Evans. 1798. [865 12mo, pp. 8. No title-page. bm (872. k. 14. (5)) Begins, Daccw ddolef y ddyhudd-gloch. Also in D. Davis, Telyn dewi, Llundain, 1824, pp. 23-33. See no. 215. [865a 1831. Thomas Lloyd Jones. In his Beauties of Welsh poetry, Denbigh, 1831, pp. 178-83. [866 Cf. N. , j.p. fii], 17. iim (11680. (1. s. (i) Uegin , 'Hie shrill bell rings the knell of "Curtain rise." 39 st.in/.is. Ut; A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Has Gray's Elegy at the foot of the page. Also in the repository, 1777, ii. 83-9, and 3d edition, 1790, ii. 57-63; in Hamilton, v. 6-7. The opera, hy Dr. Thomas Augustine Arne, a physician, was acted at Covent Garden six nights in December, 1764. For a memoir and por- trait of Dr. Arne, see The Universal Mag., Apr., 1784, lxxiv. 169-72. An elegy written in Covent-Garden. London: Printed for J. Ridley, in St. James's St. [887 [1765?] 4to, pp. 11. Vignette on title-page (a malefactor being taken in a cart to execution). bm (11630. e. 13. (18)) Begins, St. Paul's proclaims the solemn midnight hour. 32 stanzas. In his advertisement the author remarks that he "thinks any Apology to Mr. Gray for the Use he has made of his incomparable Poem alto- gether needless: A Work, from its Originality, Sentiment, and poetical Elegance, as superior to all Praise as he fears the following is obnoxious to Censure." Also in The repository, 1777, ii. 59-64, in same, 2d edition, 1783, and in same, 3d edition, 1790, ii. 33-8; in The Morning Herald, 1798, volume ii. ; in The Spirit of the Public Journals, 1798, ii. 140-43; in The Poetical Register, 1804, London, F. & C. Rivington, 1806, iv. 470-74; 2 stanzas quoted in N. <§• Q., May 3, 1862, 3d ser. i. 356, another in same, Sept. 6, 1862, 3d ser. ii. 199, see also same, Aug. 11, 1883, July 12-Sept. 20, 1884, 6th ser. viii. 107, x. 37, 112-3, 239; in Hamilton, v. 7-9. [Edward Jerningham.] An | elegy | written among the | ruins of an abbey. | By the author of The nunnery. | [Publisher's monogram.] | London: | Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall. | MDCCLXV. | [Price six pence.] [888 4to, pp. 14. b, bm (11602. h. 16. (1)) Begins, Where sighs the Zephyr to yon lonely tree. 34 stanzas. Also in The Universal Mag., Mar., 1765, xxxvi. 151 (17 stanzas); in his Poems on various subjects, London, J. Robson, 1767, 1st col- lected edition, 8vo, pp. 67-75 (bm, 11602. f. 23) ; in G. Pearch, A collection of poems by several hands, London, G. Pearch, 1770, 8vo, ii. 117-22. Not in his Poems and plays, 9th edition, London, 1806. 1766. O. Jaques. The funeral. An elegy. In The London Chronicle, April 12-15, 1766, p. 356. [889 Begins, The Muse, by melancholy evening led. 38 stanzas. 1768. Elegies on different occasions. London. Printed for C. Bathurst. 1768. [890 4to, pp. [ii], 32. b (G. Pamph. 1730 (5)) I. Written in the year 1761. Begins, O Happiness! thou wish of every mind. 16 stanzas. Pp. 1-5. II. Written in the year 1762. Be- gins, Now the brown woods their leafy load resign. 13 stanzas. Pp. 6-9. III. Written in the year 1763. Begins, The dewy morn her saffron mantle spreads. 14 stanzas. Pp. 10-13. IV. Written at College, Oxon., 1763. Begins, The solemn hand of sable-suited night. 15 stanzas. Pp. 14-17 (see no. 877). V. Written September 1, 1763. Begins, When the still night withdrew her sable shroud. 8 stanzas. Pp. 18-20. VI. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 127 Written June, 1764. Begins, Thee, sad Melpomene, I once again. 11 stanzas. Pp. 21-3. VII. Written in February, 1766. Begins, Now has bright Sol fulfilled his circling course. 11 stanzas. Pp. 24-26. VIII. Addressed to a pine-tree. Written May, 1766. Begins, The ruffian North has spent his savage power. 8 stanzas. Pp. 27-9. IX. Written Aug. 24, 1767. Begins, O Rising Sun! on this auspicious day. 8 stanzas. Pp. 30-32. 1769. An elegy written in St. Bride's Church- Yard, on Tues- day the third of January, 1769, etc. London. Fry. 1769. [891 Fol. Price, 6d. On the election of Mr. Wilkes as an alderman. Noticed in The Gentleman's Mag., March, 1769, xxxix. 157, where it is pronounced "a very indifferent imitation." Marcus. Epitaph. In The London Chronicle, July 27-29, 1769, xxvi. 103. [892 Begins, Here rests his head upon the lap of earth One nor to for- tune nor to fame unknown. 3 stanzas. A savage attack on Gray for writing the Installation ode. Also in The repository, 1777; in Ackermann, History of the Univer- sity of Cambridge, London, 1815, i. 75; in Hamilton, v. 7; and in A. S. Martin, On parody, New York, Holt, 1896, 8vo, pp. 72-73. 1770. [Hugh Downman.] An elegy wrote under a gallows. With a preface concerning the nature of elegy. London. Printed for the author. [893 [1770?] 4to, pp. 15. bm (1465. e. 10 (3)) Begins, Dun-vested Twilight now along the sky. Two stanzas quoted by Hamilton, v. 43. Hamilton gives the place and date Edinburgh, 1768. The Dictionary of National Biography (art. by J. Westry-Gibson) gives them as London, 1775. Elegy by a young gentleman of Oxford. In The Universal Mag., June, 1770, xlvi. 321. [893a Begins, The parting sun reflects its ev'ning ray. 12 stanzas. 1772. Hackfall: an elegy. In The new foundling hospital for wit, London, J. Almon, 1772, v. 108-10. [894 Begins, To Hackfall's calm retreat, where nature reigns. 17 stanzas. Apparently not in the earlier editions. 1773. Charles Jenner. Town eclogues. 2d ed. London. T. Cadell. 1773. [895 4to, pp. [iv], 40. n Kclogucs < and 6, pp. 30-4 and 35-40, contain reminiscences and Imitations of the Elegy. 1775. An elegy written at a Carthusian monastery in the Austrian Netherlands. London. Printed for M. Folingsby. 1775. [896 4to, pp. 14. Price, 1/-. t$8 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Begins, The pensive Train of Contemplation sweet. 44 stanzas. Rev. (with some extracts) in The Gentleman's Mag., December, 177.-), xlv. 580-1. An elegy written on a poor, honest man, who lived and died an honour to his species in the most enviable obscurity. In The Gentleman's Mag., July, 1775, xlv. 339-40. [897 Begins, Ix)w in a fruitful vale, where Naiads guide. 17 stanzas. 1776. [John Duncombe.] In 1776 "An Oxonian" pirated An evening contemplation in a college (see no. 868) as follows: A parody on Gray's Elegy. By an Oxonian. London. Printed for the author, and sold by J. Wheble, 22, Fleet St. 1776. [898 4to, pp. 13. bm (163. m. 20) It now began, The bell now tolls the hour of closing gates, and there were a score or so of other verbal alterations. It sold for 1/-. Rev. and exposed in The Monthly Rev., April, 1776, liv. 340. Cf. N. $ Q., Aug. 17, 1861, 2d ser. xii. 128. 1777. An elegy, written in Westminster Hall during the Long Vacation. In The repository, 1777, ii. 77-82. [899 Also in same, 2d edition, 1783, and in same, 3d edition, 1790, ii. 51- 6; in Hamilton, v. 9-10. Begins, The courts are shut — departed every judge. 34 stanzas. Thomas Warton. Ode written at Vale-Royal Abby [sic] in Cheshire. In his Poems, a new edition, with additions, London, T. Becket, 1777, 12mo, pp. 30-34. [899a Begins, As Evening slowly spreads his mantle hoar. 23 stanzas. Shows strongly the influence of Gray. Miss Clarissa Rinaker, The Sewanee Rev., April, 1915, xxiii. 153, n. 21, thinks there was no prior edition. 1778. Richard Cumberland. Evening. An elegy. To the memory of the late Marquis of Granby. In his Miscellaneous poems, London, 1778, pp. 17-21. bm (11643. k. 25) [900 Begins, Now sinks the day-star to his wat'ry bed. 20 stanzas. Morning. An elegy. To the memory of the late Marquis of Tavistock. In his Miscellaneous poems, London, 1778, pp. 11-16. [901 Begins, The last and brightest of the starry train. 20 stanzas. John Duncombe. Ad elegy written in Canterbury Cathedral. Canterbury. Printed by Simmons & Kirkby for J. Dodsley, in Pall-mall, London. 1778. [902 4to, pp. [vi], 18. Engr. t.-p. Price, 1/-. bm Begins, Within these long-drawn isles, where Cynthia's light. 41 stanzas. Merely a loose imitation. Rev. unfavorably in The London Rev., 1778, App., vii. 504. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 129 1782. Thomas Edwards. Additional stanzas for the Elegy. In The Gentleman's Mag., March, 1782, lii. 120. [903 Supplied by A. B. Begins, Some lovely fair, whose unaffected charms. 2 stanzas. Also in The Gentleman's Mag., Feb., 1793, lxiii. 166, n.; in The Port Folio, Oct., 1815, 3d ser. vi. 396-7; in N. f Q., Jan. 20, 1877, 5th ser. vii. 46; and in The Athenaum, Jan. 28, 1888, p. 115. See also no. 1074. Thomas Penrose. The curate: a fragment. In The Gentle- man's Mag., Feb., 1782, lii. 86-7. [904 Begins, O'er the pale embers of the dying fire. 15 stanzas. Loosely imitative. Also in Pratt's Cabinet of poetry, London, 1808, v. 477-9. Y. Elegy on Mr. Maurice Evans. In The European Mag., Jan., 1782, i. 66-7. [905 1783. John Brundish, d. 1786. An elegy on a family-tomb, translated into Italian verse, by a friend of the author. Cam- bridge. Printed by J. Archdeacon. 1783. [906 8vo, pp. 15. bm (11632. e. 27) Begins, Thou dome of death ! by lonely musings led. 21 stanzas. The English also appeared in The European Mag., Jan., 1786, ix. 49-50. 1784. An elegy written in St. Stephen's. In The history of the Westminster election, London, J. Debrett, 1784. [907 Begins, Gazettes now toll the melancholy knell. 16 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 10. William Lipscomb. Elegy on the death of George Lord Lyt- telton. In his Poems, Oxford, 1784, 4to, pp. 16-9. B(Godw. Pamph. 1696 (19)) [908 Begins, If virtue bids us kindred worth deplore. 16 stanzas. Lord Mayor's Day. A mock elegy. In The new foundling hospital for wit, new ed., 1784, v. 224-6. Not in earlier editions. [909 IW-gins, The sun creeps slowly o'er the eastern hills. 13 stanzas. Five stanzas quoted in Hamilton, v. 43-4. 1785. Elegiac verses to the memory of a married lady. [910 N. p. \. (1. Conjectured, about 1785. n (Poetry WD. 1271 (1)) W. P. Elegv written at Florence. Geneva. 1785. [911 4to, pp. 8. km (11631. g. 33 (4)) Begins, In thai blest Isle by Heaven's high favor born. "On the burying place called Campo Santo made lately about three miles from Florence on tin- road to Bologna." William Taylor, 1750-1848. A parody made at Cambridge (c. 1788?) is in 15. M. MS. Add. 87,688, fol. 77. [912 Some of bis parodies are printed in Tbe Taylor family, pp. (>21 ff. ISO A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1786. Henry Headley. A parody on Gray's Elegy, written in a country church-yard, the author leaving college. In his Poems and other pieces, London, J. Robson, 1786, pp. 26-31. [913 Begins, The sullen Tom proclaims the parting day. 31 stanzas. The college was Trinity College, Oxford. Also in his Poetical works, edited hy T. Park, London, 1808, pp. 24-9. There has 32 stanzas, "the last five written hy a friend." 1787. S. N. An elegy, written in Kensington Garden, Aug., 1787. In The Gentleman's Mag., Dec, 1787, lvii. 1107-8. [914 Begins, Here, far from noise and care, secure I lie. 14 stanzas. Loosely imitative. 1788. N. Elegy, written in a Grub-Street garret. In The Trifter, no. 5, June 28, 1788, i. 65-8. bm [915 Begins, Now sinks the sun within the azure main. 25 stanzas. The Trifler was written at Westminster School by Mr. Aston, later Lord Aston, Mr. Upton, Mr. Slade, and Mr. Taunton, afterward Justice Taunton. This information is conveyed in a MS. note in the bm copy. Rev. by Wintoniensis in The Gentleman's Mag., Aug., 1788, Iviii. 704-5. Also in The Literary Mag. and British Rev.. Sept., 1789, iii. 217-8; in Hamilton, v. 10-11. 1789. William Lisle Bowles. Elegy, written at the Hot- wells, Bristol, July, 1789. Inscribed to the Rev. W. Howley, Fellow of Winchester College. London, Cadell & Davies. [916 Begins, The morning wakes in shadowy mantle grey. 25 stanzas. Also in his Poetical works, Paris, Galignani, 1829, pp. 110-11, and Edinburgh, Nichol, 1855, i. 32-5. Two stanzas are quoted by Hamilton, v. 44. an | elegy. | Written in a country Parodized from Gray; and | accompanied with a correct copy of the sublime | original. | For the entertainment of those, who laugh at | all parties. | [Quota- tion from Horace with imitation in English.] [Monogram.] Printed at Boston, by Isaiah Thomas and Company. MDCCLXXXIX. • [917 8vo, pp. 15. Begins, Clear sounding bells announce th' eventful day. 32 stanzas. Original, pp. 4-14; parody, pp. 5-15. hu, bpl 1790. An elegy. | In imitation of Gray. | Written in | the King's Bench Prison, | by a minor. | Printed for the Author; and sold by R. Lea, Greek St. | MDCCXC. [918 4to, pp. 20. The | political passing bell : meeting house, April, 1789. IN DIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 131 Begins, The surly crier rings his nightly knell. 30 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 17-8. 1791. Hortensius. Elegy written in a lingering illness. In The European Mag., Oct., 1791, xx. 305-6. [919 J. B. Meditations, written in a church-yard. In The Gentle- man's Mag., July, 1791, lxi. 661-2. [920 Begins, When night with moistening dews bespreads the ground. 26 stanzas. W. Hamilton Reid. Elegy on the waste near the Charter- House. In The European Mag., Oct., 1791, xx. 306-7. [921 1794. G. W. Evening reflections written in Westminster Abbey. In Roach's Beauties of the poets of Great Britain, Lon- don, 1791, i. 1. 1-6. [922 Also in The grave, etc., 1803, pp. 34-36. See no. 561. 1795. Corporal Trim. Nocturnal contemplations in Bar- ham-Down Camp, 1795. In The Gentleman's Mag., June, 1801, lxxi. 549-50. [923 Begins, The moon slow-setting sends a parting ray. 32 stanzas. Also in The Port Folio, Oct. 31, 1801, i. 352; in L. D.'s edition of the Elegy, 1806, pp. 21-31 (where it is signed H.) (see no. 566); and in Hamilton, v. 20-1. 1796. Michael Bruce. Elegy: to Spring. In his Poems on several occasions, a new edition, Edinburgh, John Paterson, 1796, sm. 8vo, pp. xvi-xviii, 116-23. b (2799. e. 195) [924 Begins, 'Tis past: the iron North has spent his rage. 23 stanzas. The original edition was published by Logan. Also (Elegy, written in spring) in The Pratt cabinet of poetry, London, 1K0H, v. 429-31; and in Choice poems and lyrics, London, Whittaker & Co., 1862, pp. 186-88. P. Coirtier. Elegy, written in Westminster-Abbey. In The Universal Mag., Feb., 1796, xcviii. 136-7. [924a Begins, Secluded from the giddy scenes of mirth. 12 stanzas. Edward Hamley. Reflections in Netley Abbey. In his Poems of various kinds, London, Cadell, Jr., & Davies, 1796. [925 Begins, Alone, unseen, at this mild sohcr hour. Rev. in The Monthly Rev., Aug., 1796, n. 8. xx. 471-2, where thirteen stanzas arc quoted. A Gentleman. A paraphrase on Gray's Elegy, written on the Unfortunate catastrophe of the late Mr. Henry Weston, who was executed for forgery, July 1776. By a Gentleman. London. Tiffin. 1706. [926 4to. Price, I/—. Rev. in The Monthly Rev., Aug., 1796, xx. 470. / 7 ./ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1797. Elegy on the tomb of some sailors ship-wrecked on the coast of Cornwall. In The Universal Mag., Apr., 1797, c. 287-8. [926a Begins, Here lie in peace, life's changeful voyage o'er. 8 stanzas. 1798. S. An elegy, written in St. Stephen's Chapel. In The European Mag., March, 1798, xxxiii. 189-91. [927 Begins, The Abbey bell now tolls the hour of One. 29 stanzas. 1799. An elegy in a London churchyard. In The Morning Post, July 18, 1799, vol. iii. (Hamilton gives the date Nov. 28.) [928 Begins, Great Tom now sounds the close of busy day. Also in The Spirit of the Public Journals, 1799, iii. 103-6; in The Port Fofio, Dec. 5, 1801, i. 392; 2 stanzas quoted in N. # Q., May 3, 1862, 3d ser. i. 356; 17 stanzas in Hamilton, v. 18-9. Theoderit. Elegy on a quid of tobacco. In The Annual An- thology, Bristol, Riggs & Co., 1799, i. 19-21. [929 Begins, It lay before me on the close-grazed grass. 10 stanzas. Re- printed in The smoker's garland, Liverpool, Cope's Tobacco Plant Office, 1889, sm. 8vo, ii. 86-8. Cope's Smoke Room Booklets, no. 6. 1800. C. An elegy, written in a London church-yard. In The Annual Anthology for 1800, Bristol, 1800, pp. 247-53. [930 Begins, St. Paul's now sounds the close of busy day. 32 stanzas. Apparently a mere revision of An elegy in a London churchyard, The Morning Post, July 18, 1799. See no. 928, and cf. W. C. Beetenson in N. § Q., Jan. 5, 1901, 9th ser. vii. 8. See also no. 964. Also in The Universal Mag., Sept., 1800, cvii. 229-30. 1802. Elegy, written in Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey. In The Spirit of the Public Journals, 1802, vi. 131-32. [931 Begins, Now sinks the hum, confus'd of busy care. 15 stanzas. Two stanzas quoted in N. §• Q., July 5, 1862, 3d ser. ii. 17; and one in Hamilton, v. 44. 1803. David Carey. Elegy, written at a Xmas feast in the country. In his The pleasures of nature; or, The charms of rural life, with other poems, London, Vernor & Hood, 1803, pp. 101-9. [932 Begins, The clock proclaims the welcome dinner hour. 32 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 13-14. Omicron. Imitation of Gray. Epitaph on "The Pic-Nic," written in a newsman's shop. In The Morning Post, 1803. [933 Begins, Here lie, enwrapt within a dirty sheet. 3 stanzas. Also in The Spirit of the Public Journals, 1803, vii. 142; in Hamilton, v. 39. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 133 1806. Epitaph on a noted highwayman. In The Spirit of the Public Journals, 1806, vol. x. [934 Begins, Here, high suspended on a gibbet, hangs. 2 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 39. J. T. R. Nightly thoughts in the Temple. In Elegy, etc., 1806, pp. 55-65 (see no. 566). [935 Begins, St. Dunstan's bells proclaim departing day. 32 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 19-20. A Sailor. An imitation of Gray's Elegy. Written by a sailor. London. Printed by George Cooke, 1806. [936 Begins, The setting sun now gilds the mountain tops. One stanza quoted in Hamilton, v. 317. 1807. Parody. In The Port Folio, Oct. 24, 1807, n. s. iv. 271-2. [937 Begins, The State-House clock proclaims the midnight hour. 32 stanzas. 1808. Robert Lovell. The decayed farm-house. In his Poetical works, ed. Park, London, 1808, pp. 31-4. [938 Begins, 'Mid mighty ruins mouldering to decay. 26 stanzas. Sir John Henry Moore. Elegy written in a college library. In his The new paradise of dainty devices, London, Almon, 1777 (pub. anon.). [939 Begins, The chapel bell, with hollow mournful sound. 31 stanzas. Also in his Poetical trifles, Bath, 1778, 12mo; in his Poetical works, edited by Thos. Park, London, 1808, pp. 7-11; in Elegant extracts from the British poets, 1824; and in Hamilton, v. 22-3. 1809. H. P. Houghton. An evening's contemplation | in a French prison ; | being a humble imitation of Gray's Elegy in a country | church yard. | By H. P. Houghton, | now an English prisoner al Arras in France. | London. J. Burditt. 1809. [940 8vo, pp, 8. BM (11602. ee. 1. (10)) Bi in , The Sun's bright orb, retiring, dimly glares. 32 stanzas. For the title, cf. no. 868. Pour st.inzas ((noted in Hamilton, v. 13. 1810. Elegy in Newgate. In The Satirist, Aug. 1, 1810. vii. 109-64. [941 Begins, The curfew toils the hour of locking up. 39 stanzas. Six stanzas quoted l>y I lainilton, v. :il7. "The whole of it is bitterly per 'tnal and offensive. 1811. Am nii>. Alas! Poor fallen Sir Francis! Elegy written in Westminster Hall. hi The Morning Post, London, May 20, 1811. [942 134. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Begins, The Judges toll the knell of Burdett's fame Reprinted in The Spirit of the Public Journals, 1811, xv. 225, and hy Hamilton, v. 24-5. Five stanzas were quoted in A T . $■ Q., July 5, 1862, 3d ser. ii. 17, and five hy C. Fortescue Yonge in same, Jan. 21, 1893, 8th ser. iii. 41-5. On the proceedings consequent on the imprisonment of Sir Francis Burdett and the legal decisions against him. Epitaph on a late administration. In The Morning Chronicle, Jan. 18, 1811. [943 Begins, Here rest their Heads in Power's and Honour's grave. 3 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 18. John Taylor, 1757-1832. Elegy. A parody. In his Poems on several occasions, London, Murray, 8vo (the whole has pp. 246); also Edinb., 1811, 12mo, 2 vols. [944 Begins, The ruin spread by war is wisely o'er. 32 stanzas. Also in The Satirist, May 1, 1812, x. 373-9. The first stanza quoted in Hamilton, v. 317. 1812. Elegy, written in Bartlemy Fair, at five o'clock in the morning. In The Morning Chronicle, Sept. 14, 1812, vol. xvi. [945 Begins, The clock-bell tolls the hour of early day. 13 stanzas. Also in The Spirit of the Public Journals, 1812, xvi. 21-2. Two stanzas quoted in N. fy Q., May 3, 1862, 3d ser. i. 356. Also in Hamilton, v. 11-2. J. B. Fisher. The pettifogger. Written in Westminster Hall, during the Long Vacation of 1812, and addressed to a little attorney! In Town-Talk, 1819 or earlier. [946 Begins, The courts are shut, departed every Judge. 24 stanzas. Plagiarized from An elegy written in Westminster Hall during the Long Vacation (see no. 899), with only slight variations. Also in Plaintive tales, by a. comedian, Chelsea, London, W. Tilley, 1819; and in Hamilton, v. 25-6. J. Elegy. Written in Drury-Lane Theatre. Te sequor, o Grayiae gentis decus. In The Poetical Register, 1808-9, vii. 361-65. London. F. & C. Rivington. 1812. [947 Begins, The prompter rings the lofty curtain down. 31 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 12-3. A political parody. In The British Press, Sept. 14, 1812. [948 Begins, The curfew tolls the knell of parting day. 32 stanzas. Also in The Spirit of the Public Journals, 1812, xvi. 307-10; in The Mirror, 1825, p. 131; two stanzas quoted in N. <£• Q., May 3, 1862, 3d ser. i. 356; 6 stanzas in Hamilton, v. 39-40. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 135 1814. Colin Maclaurin. Parody on Gray's celebrated Elegy in a country church-yard. Edinburgh. 181-1. [949 Privately printed. 12mo. Begins, The bell now tolls, soon after dawn of day. 31 stanzas. Also in The Court of Session garland, Edinburgh, Thomas G. Steven- son, 1839 (150 copies printed), pp. 95-100. This was republished about 1888 by Hamilton, Adams & Co., London. 17 stanzas in Hamilton, v. 320. [Horace Twiss.] Elegiac stanzas, on returning at day-break through an alley in London, from a ball at Lady 's: being a paraphrase of "An elegy written in a country churchyard," by Thomas Gray, Esq. In Posthumous parodies and other pieces, compiled by several of our most celebrated poets, London, John Miller, 25, Bow St., 1814, 8vo, pp. 49-58 (the whole has pp. xi, [1], 102, [1]). [950 Begins, The watchman drawls the hour of dawning day. 32 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 14-5. Sir William Young. See no. 985, which belongs to the early part of the century. [950a 1816. Elegy in St. Stephen's Chapel, May 30, 1816. In The new Tory guide, London, J. Ridgway, 1819, pp. 80-87. [951 Begins, The candles tell the close of parting day. 31 stanzas. Twenty-four stanzas reprinted by Hamilton, v. 40-1. 1817. Edward Daniell. Elegy written the second day after imprisonment. In The gaol: a collection of poems, and detached pieces, written in confinement, London, n. d. [dedication July, 1817], 8vo, pp. 17-18. The whole has pp. 31. b (8° bsp. 173) [952 Begins, Here, 'midst the confines of a gloomy gaol. 7 stanzas. The grave of the convict. An elegy. London. John Hatch- ard. 1817. [953 8vo, pp. 16. b (8o bsp. 173) Begins, Morn, sweetly blushing, leaves her dewy bed. 37 stanzas. Rev. In The Literary (fazette, Oct. 25, 1817, ii. 261-2 (reprints seven stanzas ) . ii a, TV 1818. Thomas I'imnd. Elegy on a pair of breeches, thrown upon a dunghill by a miser. In The British Minerva, Hamburgh, 1 8 1 s , p. 80. [954 Begins, Here rest my breeches <>n the lap <»f earth. 5 stanzas. \i n in Hamilton, v. jj. The title lure reads, Elegy <>>i s pair of brerelies. Thrown upon a dust -heap by a miser. Elegy, supposed to be written on a field of battle. London. John & Arthur Arch. 1818. [ 955 136 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 8vo, pp. iv, 36. iiM (T. 875. (2)) Begins, The wrathful storm hath swept along the dale. Two stanzas quoted by Hamilton, v. 44. Inspired by Gray: loosely imitative. Elegy to the memory of Thomas Gainsborough. In The Suf- folk garland, Ipswich, 1818, pp. 289-95. b (2805. e. 35) [956 Verses written after the funeral of Billy Twigger, of Had- leigh. In The Suffolk garland, Ipswich, 1818, pp. 300-2. b (2805. e. 35) [957 1820. Peter Daniel. An elegy, written in St. Pancras Churchyard, by Peter Daniel, formerly of the English College of Douay. London. 1820. [957a 8vo. 1821. [William Thomas Thomas, pseud. W. T. Mon- crieff.] Prison thoughts. Elegy written in the King's Bench: in imitation of Gray. Lines written on the back of a "horse." And all the world's at law. By a collegian. London. John Lowndes. 1821. [958 12mo, pp. 29, [1]. Elegy, pp. 5-21. bm (11641. b. 15) Begins, The turnkey rings the bell for shutting out. 32 stanzas. Also in George Smeeton, Doings in London, or Day and night scenes in the metropolis, London, G. Smeeton, 1828, pp. 300-4; in Hamilton, v. 16-7. 1823. Elegy on the death of Bow-Fair, 1823. In The Lon- don Mag., April, 1823, vii. 491-2. bm, cu [959 Begins, The Bow-bell tolls the knell of Bow-fair fun. 11 stanzas. A combination, bv the editor, of two elegies. 34 stanzas omitted. Reprinted in The Mirror, May 10, 1823, i. 442-3. Also in Hamilton, v. 23. W. R ***** *. The Long Vacation. In The Mirror, Apr. 19, 1823, i. 392. [960 Begins, My lord now quits his venerable seat. 7 stanzas. Also (3 stanzas) in The Mirror, May 28, 1831, xvii. 367; in Hamilton, v. 23-4. Apparently a reprint of no. 869. Supplement to Gray's Elegy in a church yard. Quoted from an American newspaper, dated Rhode Island, in Stephen Collett, A. M. [= Thomas Byerley], Relics of literature, London, Thomas Boys, 1823, pp. 19-21. [961 Begins, No airy dreams their simple fancies fired. 9 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 42-3. 1824. D. S. Lucubrations in an apothecary's shop. In imi- tation of Gray's Elegy. In The Mirror, Dec. 25, 1824, iv. 459-60. [962 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AXD TRANSLATIONS 137 Begins, The twilight curtains round the busy day. 32 stanzas. One stanza quoted in Hamilton, v. 24. 1825. Edward. Elegy. Dedicated to * * *. A parody on Gray. In The Mirror, Feb. 26, 1825, v. 131-2. bm [963 Begins, The pealing clock proclaims the close of day. 31 stanzas. One stanza quoted by Hamilton, v. 24, and 10 on p. 41. An elegy written in a London churchyard. According to a statement quoted in Hamilton, v. 48, a poem with this title appeared in The literary sketch book, London, 1825. [964 May be a reprint of no. 930. 1826. The last of the lotteries. In The Literary Gazette, June 10, 1826, p. 361. [965 Begins, The Chancellor has passed the stern decree. 14 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 15-16. Public lotteries were abolished by act of Parliament in 1826. 1828. Legs in Tattersall's yard. In The Spirit of the Age, 1828. [966 Begins, The dustman tolls the coming of the morn. 20 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 46-7. 1831. Togatus. An elegy, written in the Long Vacation. In The Gownsman, Cambridge, Jan. 14, 1831, ii. 82-3. [967 Begins, The vacant seats proclaim the "parting day." 5 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 26. 1832. Thomas Dibdin. Woes of change, | or | The lachry- matory lament | of | Laudator Temporis (et Rerum) Act i. | By Thomas Dibdin, Esq. In The Comic Magazine, London, 1832, i. 194-201. [968 Begins, Improvement tolls the knell of what, of yore. 15 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 26-7. William Dobson, in N. $ Q., July 19, 1862, 3d ser. ii. 55, quotes from memory a parody of the Epitaph published at the time of the Reform Bill agitation. I have not found the original. [969 Begins, Here rests liis head upon ;i lap of earth, A youth to fortune (not to fame) well known. The gambler. "Seven's (lie main!" In Pierce Egan's Book of sports, no. xv, London, 1832, pp. 230-2. [970 Begins, The lamps refract the gleam of parting day. 32 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. .27-8. 1833. Geoffrey Otmcrack. Parody on Gray's Klcgy. In Gimcrackiana, or Fugitive pieces on Manchester men and 1S8 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY manners ten years ago, by Geoffrey Gimcrack, Manchester, Wil- mot Henry Jones, 1833, pp. 26-84. [971 Begins, The curfew tolls the knell of parting day. 30 stanzas. Seventeen stanzas reprinted (Dry goods: an elegy. A Manchester parody) by Hamilton, v. 28. 1834. Parody on Gray's Elegy in a country churchyard. [971a Begins, St. Bride's has knelled the parting hour of night. A clipping of this is preserved in the Yale University Library, in Gray's Poems, 1865. 1843. Hotspur. Elegy in a London theatre. Not by Gray. In Bentley's Miscellany, 1843, xiii. 554-5. [972 Begins, The curtain falls — the signal all is o'er. 21 stanzas. Also, with alterations and omissions, in The Bentley ballads. The first two stanzas quoted in N. $ Q., May IT, 1862, 3d ser. i. 398. Also in Hamilton, v. 29. 1844. Meditations on Mr. Barry's new Houses of Parlia- ment. Written on board the Lily steam-boat. In Punch, 1844, vii. 150. [973 Begins, The wharf-bell tolls the knell of starting steam. 6 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 28-9. 1846. Horace Smith. Evening; an elegy. By a poetical carman. In his Poetical works, London, 1846, 8vo, ii. 85-6. [973a Begins, Apollo now, Sol's carman, drives his steed. 5 stanzas. 1847. Night thoughts. (After Gray.) In The Man in the Moon, 1847, ii. 10. 212. [974 Begins, St. Martin tolls the hour of long past day. 5 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 30. 1848. M. W. H. Elegy, written in a city churchyard. In Hood's Mag., June, 1848, ix. 555-8. B [975 Begins, Away from care — apart from earthly toil. 31 stanzas. Two stanzas quoted in Hamilton, v. 44. 1849. An elegy, written in a London churchyard. By a tradesman in the vicinity. In Punch, Sept. 15, 1849, xvii. 111. [976 Begins, The sexton tolls the knell till parting day. 19 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 30. Cf. N. $ Q., March 15, 1862, 3d ser. i. 220. 1851. William H. Murray. In The farewell and occasional addresses delivered by W. H. Murray, Esq., in the Theatres Royal and Adelphi, Edinburgh ; with a biographical sketch, Edin- burgh, James G. Bertram & Co., 1851, 12mo, pp. 69-70 (the whole has pp. [iv], 160). [977 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 139 Begins, If I might venture, friends, to parody. 6 stanzas, one being introductory. Spoken at the Adelphi, June 25, 1836. Reprinted by John Pavin Phillips in N. § 1 1 Cliaillu's collec- tions.) In Punch, July 6, 1861, xli. 7. [981 Begins, Westminster (lock proclaims tin- close of day. 39 stanzas. 1862. Sir William Young. The camp. A parody on Gray's Elegy in a country churchyard. I'd. by William .lames Smith. In N. , ii. S47j P. .1. I'. ( i.lllt illon. July 29, 1854, x. 94; Oxoniauii, Jan. 31, 1k:,7, 2d ser. iii. sh. 1850. Bolton Cornbv. In N. $ Q., Oct. 12, 1850, 1st ser. ii. 306. [1053 148 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY The Hermit of Holyport. Gray's Elegy and Dodsley poems. In N. $ Q. t Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Dec. 7, 1850, 1st ser. ii. 261-5, 343, 462. [1054 Replies: A Hermit at Hampstead, Oct. 5, pp. 300-1; W. S., p. 301; B. Corney, Oct. 12, p. 306. 1851. Henry H. Breen. In N. $ Q., Jan. 18, 1851, 1st ser. iii. 35, June 7, pp. 445-6. [1055 On plagiarisms. Comment by Echo, Feb. 22, p. 138; by Varro, March 15, p. 206. 1853. A Hermit at Hampstead. [On 1. 3.] In N. ty Q., Sept. 10, 1853, 1st ser. viii. 241-2. [1056 1854. The Athenaeum. [On the Fraser-Eton MS.] July 29, 1854, p. 941. Cf. p. 996. [1057 1856. [Konrad Wilhelm] Adolf Laun. Die Dorfkirch- hofselegie und ihr Dichter. Oldenburg. 1856. [1058 8vo, pp. 18. Rev. in Archiv xxi. 327-8. colo 1857. Cantuariensis. Scene of Gray's 'Elegy.' In The Atheruxum, Sept. 26, Oct. 3, 1857, pp. 1215, 1246. [1059 Correction by T. B. R. in same, Oct. 10, p. 1273. Replies by Sem- pronius, Oct. 24, p. 1332; by Cecil Brent, Oct. 31, p. 1364; by Londinien- sis, Nov. 21, p. 1460; by R. B. W., Nov. 28, p. 1493. The Gentleman's Magazine. Gray's Elegy and Thanington Churchyard. Dec, 1857, n. s. iii. 661-2. [1060 1861. Delta. Parodies. In N. $ Q., Aug. 17, 1861, 2d ser. xii. 128, March 8, 1862, 3d ser. i. 197. [1061 Replies: H. E., Feb. 8, 1862, 3d ser. i. 112-3; J. F. S. and C. Harber- ton, March 15, p. 220; John Pavin Phillips, March 29, p. 255; W. H. Husk, April 26, p. 339; X. A. X., May 3, pp. 355-6; H. Palmer, May 17, p. 398; W. Jas. Smith, May 31, pp. 432-3; X. A. X., July 5, ii. 17; Wm. Dobson, July 19, p. 55; M., Sept. 6, p. 199. 1862. K. Stanzas in the early editions. In The Philobiblion, June, 1862, i. 164. [1062 1868. St. James's Magazine. Gray: Stoke Pogeis, and "the Elegy." Jan., 1868, xxi. 214-29. bm [1063 Interesting but not especially valuable. 1869. Robert Chambers. Gray and his Elegy. In his The book of days, London, W. & R. Chambers, [1869], 8vo, ii. 145-7. [1063a Illus. (Gray's window in Peterhouse). 1872. Pelagius. [On 1. 119.] In N. $ Q., April 27, 1872, 4th ser. ix. 339, Oct. 5, x. 282. [1064 IX DIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 11*9 Replies: E. Yardley, May 11, p. 396, Nov. 2, x. 360-1; Wm, Bates, Nov. 30, p. 440. Prosaicus. [On 1. 92.] In N. y H. 1'. I)., Feb. 10, p. 111. Notes and Queries. [On 1. 35.] March 8, 1877, 5th ser. vii. 166. [1075 Replies! ('. ROSS, April 7, p. 274; J. W. W., June 2, p. 439; W. II. Swan, July 21, viii. 58; C. Ross, Aug. 4, pp. 90-1. 150 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY William James Rolfe. The first publication. In N. cy Q., Feb. 24, 1877, 5th ser. vii. 142-3. [1076 Replies: Edw. Solly, March 31, p. 252; Enilorac, June 2, p. 439; J. Leicester Warren, June 16, pp. 469-70, Sept. 15, viii. 212. George Augustus Sala. [Gray and Dante.] In The Illus- trated London News, July 28, 1877, lxxi. 90. [1077 1879. Francis George Heath. Burnham Beeches. With 8 illustrations and a map. London. Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington. 1879. [1078 Sm. 8vo, pp. xiv, [2], 101. bm (10358. cc. 4) Includes Stoke Pogis Church and Park. Rev. by W. Webster in The Academy, Sept. 13, 1879, xvi. 186-7. 1880. Thomas Bayne. The second line of Gray's Elegy. In The Academy, July 17, 1880, xviii. 45. [1079 Replies by F. B. Butler in same, July 31, p. 83; F. Storr, Aug. 7, p. 101; F. B. Butler, Aug. 14, pp. 119-20; F. Storr, Oct. 16, pp. 227-8; F. B. Butler, Oct. 23, p. 294. William Payne. [On 1. 60.] In N. $ Q., Sept. 18, 1880, 6th ser. ii. 222-3. [1080 Replies: Ralph N. James and F. A. Tole, Oct. 30, p. 356; Tiny Tim, pp. 356-7; H. Payne, Nov. 27, p. 438; E. Walford, Dec. 11, p. 474; Edw. H. Marshall, Jan. 8, 1881, iii. 35; Wm. Piatt and G. E., same; H. Payne, Jan. 22, p. 76; J. M., Lad, F. D., same; Wm. H. Peet, April 2, p. 277; A. Hartshorne, June 4, pp. 449-51; Este and Francis St. John Thack- eray, July 2, iv. 16; N. P., Sept. 8, 1883, viii. 188. 1881. Edgbastonia. [On 1. 3.] Nov., 1881, i. 124, Dec., p. 141 (the latter signed E. W. T.). [1081 1882. James Freeman Clarke. The evolution of a great poem. In The Independent. [1082 Reprinted in his Nineteenth century questions, Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., [1897], pp. 60-7. It is there said to have appeared origi- nally in 1882. This would seem to be an error; I have vainly searched through the file of The Independent for 1881-83. M. From Stoke Pogis to Cambridge. In The Nation, Sept. 7, 1882, xxxv. 198. [1083 1883. Joseph Maskell. [Editions.] In N. , Feb. 25, 1893, 8th ser. iii. 1 16. [1095 1894. Thomas Auld. In .V. in EngUtcht Studien xlvi. 120. Jo', A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Edward Payson Morton. The stanza of In memoriam. In Modern Language Notes, Dec, 1906, xxi. 229-31. [1121 William James Rolfe. [On Gray's Elegy.] In The New England Mag., July, 1906, n. s. xxxiv." 639-40. [1122 W. S. Gray's Elegy in Russian. In N. April 21, 1906, 10th ser. v. 306. [1123 Reply by Francis P. Marchant in same, May 5, p. 357. Senga. Gray's 'Elegy': its translations. In N. Sf Q., June 2, 1906, 10th ser. v. 428. [1124 Replies: John Oxberry, June 16, p. 477; W. P. Courtney, June 30, p. 511. Henry C. Shelley. The story of Gray's "Elegy." In The Bookman, Nov., 1906, xxiv. 230-43. 12 illustrations. [1125 1908. Albert Stanburrough Cook. "Awaits the inevitable hour." In The Nation, Nov. 19, 1908, lxxxvii. 491-2, and The Evening Post, Nov. 21, 1908. [1126 Ernst Richard Otto Daniel. In his William Shenstone's "Schoolmistress" und das Aufkommen des Kleinepos in der ne. Litteratur, Weimar, 1908, 8vo, p. 79 (the whole has pp. vi, 93, [1]). [1127 A Berlin diss. Simon Newcomb. [On 1. 35.] In The Nation, Nov. 5, 1908, lxxxvii. 437. [1128 William James Rolfe. Some curious misprints. In The Na- tion, Oct. 22, 1908, lxxxvii. 382-3. ]1129 1909. B. L. R. C. Gray's Elegy and ploughing customs. In N. $ Q., Oct. 16, 1909, 10th ser. xii. 309-10. [1130 On 11. 3, 4. Replies by H. P. L. in same, Nov. 13, p. 389; bv E. E. Street, pp. 389-90; by T. M. W., M. A. Oxon., J. S., Thos. Ratcliffe, and C. C. B., p. 390; by Thos. Bayne, pp. 390-1; by W. C. B., p. 391. H. P. Johnson. In Modern Language Notes, Dec, 1909, xxiv. 259-60. [1131 Parallelism of stanzas 1, 6, 7, 16, 19 and Virgil's Georgics ii. 458-524. R. A. Rice. A later Baconian. In The Nation, June 24, 1909, lxxxviii. 626. [1132 Merely a humorous skit "proving" that Francis Bacon wrote the Elegy. Beckles Willson. In his The life and letters of James Wolfe, New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1909, 8vo, pp. 486-7. [1133 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 155 Defends the authenticity of the Wolfe anecdote. The book is rev. in The Nation, Dec. 5, 1910, xci. 580-1. 1910. Edward Salmon. On Wolfe and the Elegy. Cf. The Bookman, Feb., 1910, xxx. 549. [1134 1911. Edward Bensly. Gray's Elegy: translations and parodies. In N. . f>, Latin, p. 7. Portuguese 1799. Anonymous. 1799. Sec no. 208. [1188 Begins, Pilha de Jove, dira 1'otest.ide. 168 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Parodies 1806. Mr. Seward. Ode to the German drama. In The Port Folio, Feb. 15, 1806, n. s. i. 92. [1189 Begins, Daughter of night, chaotic Queen ! 6 stanzas. Reprinted by Edward Ziegler Davis in his Translations of German poetry in American magazines, 1905, pp. 159-60. Criticism 1795. Occasioned by reading Mr. Gray's Hymn to Adversity. In The Universal Mag., Aug., 1795, xcvii. 127. [1189a Ten stanzas in the metre of the Elegy. HYMN TO IGNORANCE Editions 1775. First published by Mason, 1775, Life, pp. 175-7. See no. 13. [1190 1776. In The Monthly Rev., July, 1776, liii. 6. [1191 Translations German 1776. C. W. Muller. 1776. See no. 348. [1191a IMITATED FROM PROPERTIUS Lib. III. Eleg. 5, v. 1, 2 Editions 1884. First published by Gosse, 1884, i. 151. See no. 41. [1192 IMITATION OF MARTIAL Editions 1801. In Edmund C. Mason, Anecdote of Gray. In The Gentleman's Mag., July, 1801, lxxi. 591. [1193 Not in Gosse's edition, 1884, and apparently never reprinted. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 163 Translations Greek 1801. Gilbert West. Reprinted by Edmund C. Mason, ib. [1194 Begins, t/\/9ct /caXrj 7r6\\ot5- /j.oi fxaKpri, apyvri, 6p6r). IMPROMPTU, SUGGESTED BY A VIEW, IN 1766, OF THE SEAT AND RUINS OF A DECEASED NOBLE- MAN, AT KINGSGATE, KENT Editions 1769. Inscription for a villa of a decayed statesman on the seacoast. In The new foundling hospital for wit, London, 1769, hi. 34-5. [1195 1777. Stanzas 1-3. Verses by the late Mr. Gray, on seeing Lord H-ll — d's seat at Kingsgate. In The Gentleman's Mag., 1777, Supplement, xlvii. 624. [1196 1778. Stanzas 4-6. Verses by Mr. Gray on seeing Lord H.'s seat at East Kent. In same, Feb., 1778, xlviii. 88. [1197 1882. In Gosse, Gray, 1882, p. 173. [1197a 1906. Also in The Classical Rev., Dec, 1906, xx. 475. [1198 Translations Latin 1906. R. C. Seaton. In The Classical Rev., Dec., 1906, xx. 475. [1199 Criticism 1782. Adurfi. Corrections of Gray's Impromptu. In The Gentleman's Mag., Jan., 1782, lii. 39. [1200 Crito. [Another correction.] In same, Feb., p. 75. [1201 [MPEOMPTUS Editions 1884. First published by Goase, 1881, i. 140-1. See no. 41. [ 1202 164 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY IN D: 29 AM MAI I Editions 1884. First published by Gosse, 1884, i. 166. See no. 41. [1203 IN 5 TAM NOVEMBRIS Editions 1884. First published by Gosse, 1884, i. 167. See no. 41. [1204 INEDITED SONNET 1817. Inedited sonnet, by Gray. In The Literary Gazette, and Journal of the Belles Lettres, Feb. 8, 1817, i. 43. [1204a The editor begins, Spite of conviction I insert this item here merely for convenience without committing myself as to the ascription, hu, yu Criticism 1817. General Fitzpatrick. Answer to the sonnet of Gray in our last number. By the late General Fitzpatrick. In The Literary Gazette, Feb. 15, 1817, i. 59. [1204b Begins, Thyrsis will return no more. 2 stanzas. hu, yu INSCRIPTION FOR A WOOD ADJOINING A PARK Editions 1775. Included in Gray's letter to West, May 27, 1742. First pub. by Mason, 1775, Life, p. 152. See no. 13. [1205 1804. In George Huddesford, editor, The Wiccamical chaplet, London, Leigh, Sotheby & Son, 1804, pp. 52-3, with two English translations. cu[l206 1814. In Mathias's ed., 1814, i. 269-70. See no. 18. [1207 1900. In the Letters, ed. Tovey, 1900, i. 104. See no. 1226. [1208 1911. In Essays and criticisms, ed. Northup, 1911, p. 140, with an English translation, p. 332. See no. 336. [1209 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 165 Translations English 1804. In George Huddesford, editor, The Wiccamical chaplet, 1804, p. 53. See no. 1206. [1210 Rash Hunter, hence — nor pass this hallow'd mound, To Dian's haunt a sacrilegious wrong: Hence ! — know here only chaunts her sacred Hound In eccho [sic] to the wood-nymph's mountain song. In same, p. 53. [1210a Stop, Hunter ! nor this hallow'd wood profane — Where only Dian leads her sacred hounds, And the sweet shouting of the Oread Train, In eccho to her full-tongued pack resounds. 1911. Clark S. Northup. 1911. See nos. 336, 1209. [1211 German 1776. C. W. Muller. 1776. See no. 348. [1211a JOURNAL IN FRANCE, 1739 Editions 1884. First published by Gosse, 1881, i. 235-46. See no. 41. [1212 JOURNAL IN THE LAKES Editions 1775. Sent in litters to Dr. Wharton, Oct. 18, 1769, April 18, 1770. In Mason's ed., 1775, Life, pp. 350-80. See no. 13. [1218 1803. Sketch of a tour from Lancaster, round the principal lakes in Lancashire, Cumberland, and Westmorland. To which [* added, Mr. Gray's Journal. Carlisle. F. Jollie. 1803. [121 1 I .'mo, pp. 48. Map. Gray's letter of Oct. 18, 1769, pp. 11-48. bm (19314. aa; 40. (S)) 1814. [n Mathias's ed., 1814, i. 447-72. See no. 18. [1215 1888. Journal from Keswick to Kendal. In Knglish prose from Maundeville to Thackeray; chosen and edited l»y Arthur Oalton, London, 1888, pp. 227-9. [1216 The ( •• 1 1 1 n • I • 1 1 Scries, no. :{0. 166 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Translations German 1776. C. W. Muller. 1776. See no. 348. [1216a Criticism 1781. C . Remarks on the various descriptions of the Northern lakes, with an account of the Houk at Caldbeck, in Cumberland. In The Universal Mag., July, 1781, lxix. 45-7. [1216b 1787. James Clarke. A survey of the lakes of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire. Printed at Penrith. Sold by Robson, London. 1787. [1217 Fol., pp. 235. Boards. Price, £2 5s. Rev. in The Monthly Rev., Dec, 1789, lxxxi. 494-501; on Gray, see pp. 498-9. 1881. George Milner. In his The literature and scenery of the English Lake District. In Papers of the Manchester Lit. Club, March, 1881, vii. 244-50. [1218 Read March 28, 1881. 1894. Hardwicke Drummond Rawnsley. In his Literary associations of the English lakes, London, Macmillan, 1894, 8vo, 2 vols., passim. [1219 Rev. by T. Hutchinson in The Academy, July 28, 1894, xlvi. 59-60. 1900. B. A. Redfern. Thomas Gray and the discovery of the Lake Country [abstract]. In Papers of the Manchester Lit. Club xxvi. 448. ' [1220 Read Jan. 8, 1900. 1907. William Sharp. In his Literary geography, London, The Pall Mall Press, 1907, 4to (the whole has pp. xvi, 248). [1221 A JOURNEY IN HADES Editions 1915. First published by Toynbee in his Correspondence of Gray, Walpole, West, and Ashton, 1915, i. 13-15. See nos. 50a," 1248. [1221a INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 167 LACED^MON Editions 1814. First published by Mathias, 1814, ii, 123-5. See no. 18. [1222 LATIN POEMS Editions 1890. A group of seven poems under this title was first pub- lished by Tovey in 1890, in his Gray and his friends, pp. 293- 301. See no. 45. [1223 Contents. 1. From the Greek. Begins, Fertur Aristophanis fatorum arcana rogatum. 14 lines. 2. [Imitated from the Greek] of Bassus. Begins, Non ego, cum malus urit amor, Iovis induor arma. 4 lines. 3. Begins, Oh ubi colles, ubi Faesularum. 8 lines. 4. Begins, Gratia magna tuae fraudi quod Pectore, Nice. 56 lines. 5. Begins, Oh! nimium felix! cura et discordibus armis. 15 lines. 6. A free translation of Gilbert Cowper's ode, Away, let nought to Love displeasing. Begins, Yah, tenero quodcunque potest obsistere amori. 32 lines. 7. Early alcaics of Gray. Begins, O Tecta, Mentis dulcis amor meae. 44 lines. A paraphrase of Psalm 84. LETTERS Editions 1775. Many were first published in Mason's edition, 1775, Life. See no. 13. [1223a 1819. The | British prose writers. | Vol. XII. | Gray's Letters. | London: | Published by John Sharpe, | Piccadilly. | 1819-21. [1224 JIim'i, 2 vols. Printed by T. Davison. Engr. t.-p., which has a picture ^f b ini i of Gray, "engraved from an . . . al [original?] bust by G. Murray," with the date 1819. ii mi, NY]-, ii o 1820. Letters | of Thomas Gray. | Two volumes in one. | Boston: | Wells and Lilly, Court Street. | 1820. [1225 Sq. I'ini". pp. [i\], 244, 3S5. Select Edition of the British Prose Writers volume iv. IIU 1900. Tin- Letters | of Thomas Gray | including the corre- spondence of Gray and Mason I edited by | Duncan ('. Tovey | editor of "Gray and his friends," etc. | Vol. I [Publisher's emblem.] | London | George Bel] and Sons | 1900 | [1226 168 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Svo, :* vols. Bohn'a Standard Library. Volume ii., 1904. Volume iii., 1918. Reviews: Volume i. in N. $ Q., Dec. 29, 1900, 9th ser. vi. 520; The Academy, Jan. 96, 1901, lx. 79-80; volume ii. by A. Birrell in The Spec- tator. Oct 39, 1904, xciii. 638-9; same in Littell's Living Age ccxlv. 818; N. <£ Q., Nov. 5, 1904, 10th ser. ii. 379; volume iii. in The Athenaum, Oct. 12, 1912, p. 412, Oct. 26, p. 470; vols, i.-iii. in The Saturday Rev., Nov. 16, 1912, cxiv. 620. Selections 1775. The letters to Wharton, Aug. 8, 1749, to Clarke, Aug. 12, 1760, and to Mason, March 28, 1767 (Tovey, nos. 86, 208, 296), were printed in The Gentleman's Mag., June, 1775, xlv. 289-90. [1227 1798. Letters from the Hon. Horace Walpole to Thomas Gray, from the year 1753 to the year 1768: with some letters in answer from Mr. Gray. In The works of Horatio Walpole, London, 1798, 4to, v. 351-80. Letters from Thomas Gray to the Hon. Horace Walpole. In same, pp. 381-404. [1227a Portrait of Gray after Eckhardt. 1799. Letters written from various parts of the Continent, between the years 1785 and 1794: containing a variety of anec- dotes relating to the present state of literature in Germany, and to celebrated German literati. With an appendix in which are included three letters of Gray's, never before published in this country. Translated from the German of Frederick Matthisson, by Anne Plumptre. London. Printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees. 1799. [1228 8vo, pp. xvi, 544. Gray, pp. 533-7 (= Tovey, nos. 359, 364, 365). These letters were printed at Zurich, 1795, 8vo, 2 vols. The Matthisson letters were addressed to Vonkopken of Magdeburg. hu, bm (1049. h. 3) Miss Plumptre's volume was reviewed in The European Mag., July, 1799, xxxvi. 41; in The British Critic, Sept., 1799, xiv. 247-50. The letters to Bonstetten were reprinted in The European Mag., June, 1799, xxxv. 378-80, and (1230) in The British Critic, Sept., 1799, xiv. 248-50. [1229-30 1805. The letters to Count Algarotti, Sept. 9, 1763, and to Howe, London, Nov., 1763 (Tovey, nos. 254, 257), were com- municated by J. O. to The Gentleman's Mag., Jan., 1805, lxxv. 9-10, 11-2. [1231 1825. The letters to Bonstetten were printed in Matthisson's Schriften, Ausgabe letzter Hand, Zurich, 1825, i. 257 ff. [1231a Cf. Briefe von Bonstetten und Matthisson, Zurich, 1827, p. 267. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 169 1839. The letters to Walpole, Sept., 1737, to Wharton, Aug. 13, 1746, and to Nicholls, Nov. 19, 1764 (Tovey, nos. 8, 66, 264), were printed in Robert Aris Willmott, Letters of eminent persons ; selected and arranged by Robert A. Willmott, London, John W. Parker, 1839, 8vo, pp. 24-5, 179-88 (the whole has pp.440). [1232 Rev. in The Church of England Quarterly Rev., Oct., 1839, vi. 440-6. 1843. The correspondence of Thomas Gray and the Rev. Norton Nicholls with other pieces hitherto unpublished. Edited by the Rev. John Mitford. 1843. See no. 31. [1233 1846. Extracts from the letters to Walpole on Eloise and Emile (Tovey, nos. 215, 253, 266) were quoted in The Gentle- man's Mag., June, 1846, n. s. xxv. 579-80. [1234 1847. The letters on Mason's Caractacus were quoted in The Gentleman's Mag., Nov., 1847, n. s. xxviii. 452-3. [1235 1853. The correspondence | of | Thomas Gray and William Mason, | to which are added | some letters addressed by Gray | to the Rev. James Brown, D. D. | Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge. | With notes and illustrations | by the Rev. John Mitford, | Vicar of Benhall. | London: | Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. | 1853. [1236 8vo, pp. xxxviii, [2], 488. colu, nu, b, ale, bkb Rev. in The Athenwum, Oct. 29, 1853, pp. 1287-9; in The Gentleman's Mag., Dec, 1853, n. s. xl. 588-94; by William Caldwell Roscoe in The Prospective Rev., Aug., 1854, x. 369-406 (in which, pp. 377-80, the three letters to Bonstetten are reprinted). Part of this was reprinted in his Poems and essays, London, Chapman & Hall, 1860, 8vo, ii. 169- 80. 1854. W. C. Roscoe, in The Prospective Rev., Aug., 1854, x. 377-80. See no. 1236. [1237 1855. The correspondence | of | Thomas Gray and William Mason, with letters | to the Rev. .lames Brown, D. D. | Master of Pembroke College. Edited | by the Rev. John Mitford. I Second edition, with additional illustrations. London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, j Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty. L855. [1238 Hvo, pp. xwviii, 546. nvi>, colu The additional matter in no. 1288 W&B also issued separately, pp. iii, 1)86 •"»!<». tor binding with the first edition. Title, Addi- tional notes to the Correspondence of Gray and Mason, ii [1239 170 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1867. Selections. In Charles Knight, Half-hours with the best letter-writers and autobiographers, London, Routledge, 1867, 8vo, pp. 63-86. [1240 Includes extracts from Tovey, nos. 4, 7, 8, 19, 42, 48, 63, 92, 158, 167, 171, 264, 283, 347. Selections. In Joseph Payne, Studies in English prose, Lon- don, Crosby Lockwood & Co., 1867, 8vo. [1240a To N. Nicholls, Nov. 19, 1764, and to Wharton (Journal), Oct. 8, 1769 (in part) (Tovey, nos. 264, 354). In the 2d edition, 1881, pp. 334-7. 1880. The letters to his mother, April 15, 1740, and to Whar- ton, Oct. 18, 1769 (the part describing Grasmere-Water ; Tovey, nos. 35, 351) were reprinted in Relfe Bros.' Model Reading- Books, no. vi., London, [1880], pp. 430-2. cu [1241 1887. Three letters to John Chute (Tovey, nos. 49, 121, 244) were first printed in Chaloner William Chute, History of the Vyne in Hampshire, London, Simpkin, 1887, 4to. [1242 Reprinted in D. C. Tovey, Gray and his friends, pp. 173-85. 1899. Letters | of I Thomas Gray | Selected | with a bio- graphical notice by Henry Milnor Rideout | [Publisher's emblem.] | Boston | Small, Maynard & Company | 1899. [1243 Sm. 8vo, pp. xxx, [2], 222. Portrait. xyp 1909. Extracts from the letters to Wharton Sept. 18, 1754, to Mason, March 18, 1767, to Walpole, Feb. 25, 1768, to Bon- stetten, April 12, 1770 (= Tovey, nos. 114, 296, 324, 359) in The best of the world's classics, restricted to prose, ed. Henry Cabot Lodge, New York, Funk & Wagnalls Co., [1909], 16mo, iv. 141-8. [1244 1911. Selections. In Raymond M. Alden, Readings in Eng- lish prose of the eighteenth century, Boston, The Houghton Mifflin Co., 1911, 8vo, pp. 324-30. [1245 Tovey, nos. 55, 92, 101, 114, 156, 171, 198, 202 (part), 324. Selections. In Annie Barnett and Lucy Dale, An anthology of Modern English verse (1741 to 1892), New York, Longmans, 1911, 8vo, pp. 46-51. [1246 Tovey, nos. 4, 73 (extract), 156 (extract), 171, 173. 1912. The letters to Walpole, Feb. 11, 1751, and to Mason, July 23, 1759 (Tovey, nos. 92, 188), in Hedley V. Taylor, Letters of the great writers from the time of Spenser to the time of Wordsworth, London, Blackie, 1912, sm. 8vo, pp. 164-7, 339-40. [1246a INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 171 1914. The letters to West, May 20, 1740, May 27, 1742, to Walpole, Sept., 1737, March 1, 1747, Feb. 11, 1751, to Mason, Dec. 19, 1757, to Wharton, Aug. 26, 1766 (= Tovey, nos. 7, 38, 55, 74, 92, 156, 284) in Selected English letters (xv.-xix. cen- turies) arranged by M. Duckitt & H. Wragg, London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1914, 16mo, pp. 158-69. [1247 1915. The | correspondence | of | Gray, Walpole, West | and Ashton | (1734-1771) | including more than one hundred letters now first published | chronologically arranged and edited with introduction, notes, and index by Paget Toynbee, M.A. D.Litt. | In two volumes | with portraits and facsimiles | Vol. I. 1734-1740 | Oxford | At the Clarendon Press | 1915 | [1248 8vo, 2 vols. Frontispiece portrait, 6 portraits, and 6 facsimiles. Announced in The Athenceum, March 14, 1914, p. 383. Some extracts in The Periodical, Dec, 1915, v. 231-5. Includes 248 letters, of which 111 (88 by Gray) are printed for the first time; the latter come from the collection of the late Sir Francis E. Waller, Bart., of Woodcote, Warwick, England. There are also some hitherto unpublished poems and translations by Gray and West. Selections from some letters are printed in Catalogue of valu- able books, manuscripts and autograph letters comprising . . . relics & unpublished letters of Thomas Gray the poet, the prop- erty of Mrs. Turpin. Which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge ... on Wednesday, the 7th of July, 1915, and following day, [London, 1915], 8vo, pp. 39-41. [1249 These excerpts were reprinted in The New York Times, June 27, 1915, p. 7. [1250 Fourteen letters in Familiar letters English and American, chosen and edited with introduction and notes by Edwin Green- law. Chicago, Scott, Foresman & Co., 1915, sm. 8vo, pp. 19, 25-6, 74-96, 29'J I. [1250a Tovey, 00S. 19, -M, 45, 173, 205, 206, 208, 230, 235, 236, 256, 268, 279, 296. The I-ake English Classics. Single I.kttkrs 1775. The letter to West. July 16, 1740 (Tovey, no. 42). In The Universal Mag., July, 1775. lvii. 25-6. [1250b 1784. To James Bentham, c. 1765 (in Tovey, iii. 841 I i. In The Gentleman's Mag., April, 1784, liv. 248-5. [1251 17 J A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1803. To William Robinson, Oct. 10, 1763 (Tovey, no. 256). In The Gentleman's Mag., Dec, 1803, Ixxiii. 1107. [1252 1805. To Beattie, July 2, 1770 (Tovey, no. 369). Most of it quoted in Censura literaria, London, 1805, i. 57-8. [1253 1806. To Beattie, March 8, 1771 (Tovey, no. 379). In Sir William Forbes, Life of James Beattie, Edinburgh, Constable, 1806, 4to, i. 197-202, 1807, 8vo, pp. 136-9. [1254 Also in Beauties selected from the writings of James Beattie, LL. D., London, 1809, 8vo, pp. 3-26, printed as notes to passages in The minstrel i. [1255 The book is reviewed in The Gentleman's Mag., Nov., 1809, lxxix. 1052; in The British Critic, Sept., 1809, xxxiv. 314. 1808. To Christopher Anstey, 1762 (not in Tovey). In An- stey's Works, London, 1808, introduction, pp. xv-xvi. [1256 1818. To Count Algarotti, Sept. 9, 1763 (Tovey, no. 254). In Blackwood's Mag., Oct., 1818, iv. 38-40. [1257 1823. To Walpole, Feb. 25, 1768 (Tovey, no. 324; in part). In Charles Alfred Stothard, Fragments of an essay on the painted chamber; memoirs by Mrs. Stothard, London, Longman, 1823, 8vo, pp. 325-6, 524 (the whole has pp. vii, 497, port.). [1258 1840. The letter to West, April 16, 1740 (finishing Wal- pole's, Tovey, no. 36) in J. Wright's ed. of Walpole's Letters, 1840, i. 40-1 ; (1260) in Cunningham's ed., 1857, i. 40-1 ; (1261) in Mrs. Toynbee's ed., 1903, i. 58-9. [1259-61 1891. To James Brown, Oct. 22, 1761 (Tovey, no. 232). Printed by E. Gosse in The Athenceum, Feb. 21, 1891, p. 251. [1262 1899. To R. Dodsley, c. 1768. Partly printed by A. Glover in The Athenceum, March 18, 1899, p. 338. Not in Tovey. [1263 1904. To Beattie, Oct. 2, 1765 (Tovey, no. 278). In Margaret Forbes, Beattie and his friends, Westminster, Con- stable, 1904, 8vo, pp. 27-8. [1264 1909. The letter to Walpole, Sept., 1737 (Tovey, no. 8), in W. J. & C. W. Dawson, The great English letter-writers, New York, Revell, [1909], i. 98 f. [1264a In the London edition, Hodder & Stoughton, 1909, 8vo, i. 104-5. nyp 1915. To N. Nicholls, June 24, 1769 (Tovey, no. 347). In The Christian Science Monitor, July 24, 1915, vii. 203. 19. [1265 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 173 Translations German 1776. Carl Wilhelm Muller. 1776. See no. 348. [1265a 1868. Heinrich Doring. Extracts from many were trans- lated by Doring in Ersch and Gruber, Allgemeine Encyclopadie der Wissenschaften und Kunste, Leipzig, 1868, 1. Section, 88. Teil, pp. 392-416. [1266 Italian 1898. Gioacchino Mahuffi. Lettere dall' Italia. Saggio di traduzione per cura di Gioacchino Maruffi. Palermo. Tip. Fratelli Vena. 1898. [1267 16mo, pp. 56. Price, L. 2. bnf Rev. in Oior. storico della lett. ital. xxxii. 252. Criticism 1807. James Beattie. His opinion of Gray's letters, 1798, is quoted in Censura literaria, London, 1807, iii. 133. [1268 1821. Noemon. On Gray's opinion of Collins [Tovey, no. 72], with a sonnet from Costanzo. In The London Mag., July, 1821, iv. 13-6. [1269 1843. The Gentleman's Magazine. Sept., 1843, n. s. xx. 227-8. [1270 1847. William Alfred Jones. Gray and Cowper. In his Literary studies, New York, Edward Walker, 1847, 8vo, ii. 58-61. colu [1271 1875. All the Vkar Rocnd. In Letters and letter-writers. Dec. 4, 1875, n. s. xxxv. 228-9. [1272 1877. The Atiikn*um. March 17, 1877, pp. 352-3. [1273 1888. GEORGE I)\wson. In his Letter-writing and famous Letter writers. In Shakespeare and other lectures, London, 1888, K\... ,,,,. 244-5. CU [1274 1891. Jons Canm Bailey. Gray and bis letters. In Mur rag's Mag., April, 1891, ix. m-87. [1275 Reprinted in LitttU's Living Agt cboodx 36? fl\, mid in Bailey's studies i M some f;n is letters, London, Thos. Burleigh, 1809, Byo, pp. 34 66 (the whole has pp. \ii, [3], :tos). bo Bailey Is reviewed in Th* Aead&my, April 8, L899, Ivi, U)6. Edmund W. Gome. Relics of Gray. In The Athena-um, Feh. 21, I Hit I. pp. 200 51. [1276 t74 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1895. Andrew Lang. St. Germain the deathless. In The Athenceum, Feb. 9, 1895, p. 181. [1277 On Tovey, no. SOS. 1899. Arnold Glover. A Gray MS. In The Athenceum, March 18, 1899, p. 338. [1278 1903. William Francis Prideaux. Fawkener and Crewe. In N. ].. Hill { the whole has pp. xviii, 231, [1]). Illus. B [1332 Translations French 1797. D. B. 1797. 1798. S con petto roseo. 186 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1813. Davide Bertolotti. La prima vera. Ode imitazione. In Bertolotti, 1813. See no. 355. [1389 Begins, Ai rcdivivi onori. Also in Antonelli, 18+7. See no. 356. Latin 1795. R. Anstey. In Musse etonenses, ed. by Etoniensis [Win. Herbert], London, 1795, ii. 60-2. bm (1213. m. 32) [1390 Second edition, Etonae, 1817. cu Begins, Jam Nymphis Venus alma gratiisque. 1841. W[illiam] G[ilson] H[umphry]. In Arundines Cami, 1841, pp. 188-91. Cambridge. Univ. Press. [1391 In same, 6th edition, 1875, pp. 278-81. 1860. Richard Ward. 1860. See no. 227. [1392 Begins, En ! Horae roseo sinu. Parodies 1804. John Owen. Ode on the Spring. By a man of fashion. In The fashionable world displayed, 2d ed., London, J. Hatchard, 1804, pp. 82-4. [1393 Begins, Lo ! where the party-giving dames. 5 stanzas. Also in Hamilton, v. 48-9. S . Parody on Gray's Ode to Spring, written during the late election, July 31, 1804. In The Gentleman's Mag., Aug., 1804, lxxiv. 761-2. [1394 Begins, Lo where the boist'rous, shirtless crowd. 5 stanzas. About 1805. Catherine Maria Fanshawe. Ode. In Wal- ter Jerrold and R. M. Leonard, A century of parody and imita- tion, London, Milford, 1913, 8vo, pp. 87-9, 402. [1394a Begins, Lo ! where the gaily vestur'd throng. Sent to Miss Berry, about 1804-6. 1819. [Ode on the closing of the House of Commons, by George, Prince Regent, 1816.] Gray's Ode to Spring. In The new Tory guide, London, J. Ridgway, 1819, pp. 149-51. [1395 Begins, Lo! where the scarlet-bosom'd band. 10 stanzas. 8 stanzas quoted by Hamilton, v. 49. Criticism 1808. The Port Folio. Sept. 24, Nov. 26, Dec. 24, 1808, n. s. vi. 203-6, 340-2, 406-8. [1396 1835. Enort. In The Mirror, May 30, 1835, xxv. 355. [1397 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 187 1899. Ernest Edwin Denney and Philip Lyddon-Roberts. The bard and Ode on the Spring parsed and analyzed. 1899. See no. 458. [1398 1901. Gray's The bard and Ode on the SjDring: a com- plete paraphrase. [1901.] See no. 459. [1399 1903. Gray's Ode on the Spring. Parsed and analyzed by E. E. Denney and P. Lyddon-Roberts. 3d ed. London. Normal Correspondence College Press. [1400 [1903.] 8vo, pp. 15. Normal Tutorial Series. See no. 458. bm (12201. d. 31/78) 1915. Lafcadio Hearn. In his Interpretations of literature selected and edited with an introduction by John Erskine, New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1915, 8vo, ii. 269-71. [1400a Quotes stanzas 3-5. ODE PERFORMED IN THE SENATE-HOUSE AT CAMBRIDGE, JULY 1, 1769 Editions 1769. Ode | performed in the | Senate-House at Cambridge, | July 1, 1769, J at the installation of His Grace J Augustus- Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Grafton, | Chancellor of the Uni- versity. | Set to music by | Dr. Randal, | Professor of Music. | Cambridge, | Printed by J. Archdeacon Printer to the Univer- sity. | M.DCC.LXIX. [1401 4to, pp. 8. HU, BM (C. 59. f. 1), TC, YU Same. 2d cd. 1769. Sm. 4to, pp. 8. bm (840. 1. 4. (4)) [1402 In The Gentleman's Mag., July, 1769. xxxix. 359. [1403 In The London Chronicle, July 1-4, 1769, xxvi. 15-16. | 1404 In The Universal Mag., 1769, xliv. Suppl., p. 373. [ 1404a In The Universal Museum, July, 1769, pp. 854-5. [1404b 1771. In The new foundling hospital for wit, London, J. Ahnon, 1771, iv. 8-16. | 1405 1781. In S. Johnson, Prefaces, London, 1781, x. Gray, pp. 49-56. [1406 1850. I'.irt v, Quartette-, in Sabrinae corolla, Londini, 1850, pp. 7 1 5. [ 1407 \i o in Benj, n. Kennedy, Between whiles, London, ihtt, pp. 46-T. 188 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1888. Twelve lines were reprinted in Hamilton, v. 63. 1888. [1408 1909. In Henry Frowde's facsimile reprint of the Poems of 1768, London, 1909. [1409 Translations French 1797. D. B. 1797, 1798. See nos. 80, 81, 342, 343. [1410 Begins, Retirez-vous d'ici, cette enceinte est sacree! 1837. L.-C. Hoyau. 1837. See no. 347. [1411 German 1776. Carl Wiliielm Muller. 1776. See no. 348. [1412 Latin 1850. Benjamin Hall Kennedy. Part v, Quartetto. In Sabrinae corolla in hortulis regiae scholae salopiensi, Londini, G. Bell, 1850, pp. 74-5. [1413 Also in Kennedy's Between whiles, London, Bell, 1877, pp. 46-7. Parodies 1769. Ode to Liberty, intended to be performed in the Matted Gallery Society, on Monday evening the 2d of October, 1769. Written by Dr. Yhoull, and set to musick by Dr. Doglish. In The London Chronicle, Sept. 14-16, 1769, xxvi. 276. [1414 Begins, Hence, avaunt, 'tis sacred ground. 6 stanzas. Also in The new foundling hospital for wit, London, 1771, iv. 18-22; in same, 1784, iv. 154-8; in Hamilton, v. 63-4. CEdipus. Parody on the Ode for music. In The St. James's Chronicle, 1769. [1415 Begins, Hence! avaunt! 'tis venal ground. 11 stanzas. Also in The new foundling hospital for wit, 1771, iv. 9-17; in same, 1784, iv. 145-53; twelve lines in Hamilton, v. 63. Criticism 1769. Joseph Cockfield. In Nichols, Illustrations of the literary history of the eighteenth century, London, 1828, v. 797, in a letter written July 27, 1769. [1416 1832. Fanny Burney d'Arblay. In her Memoirs of Dr. Burney, London, Moxon, 1832, i. 210-12. [1417 On Dr. Burnev's disappointment at not writing the music for the Ode. INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 189 PARAPHRASE OF PSALM 84 Editions 1849. In The Gentleman's Mag., Oct., 1849, n. s. xxxii. 343. [1418 Five stanzas, twenty lines, are here printed. Not in Gosse. See no. 41. 1890. In D. C. Tovey, Gray and his friends, Cambridge, 1890, pp. 300-1. [1418a PARODY ON AN EPITAPH Editions 1884. First published by Gosse, 1884, i. 140. See no. 41. [1419 PETRARCA, PART I, SONETTO 170 Editions 1814. First published by Mathias, 1814, ii. 93. See no. 18. [1420 PLAY EXERCISE AT ETON Editions 1884. First published by Gosse, 1884, i. 163-5. See no. 41. [1421 POETICAL RONDEAU (ATTRIBUTED TO GRAY) Editions 1783. In [John Young], A criticism on the Elegy, London, 1783, pp. 57-61. [1422 1784. In The Gentleman's Mag., May, 1784, liv. 859. [1423 THE PROGRESS OF POESY Editions 1757. First published in \7r,7. See no. 1H0. [1424 1785. Oil BOv'reigB of tin- willing soul, . . . from Gray's ode on The pro^nss of pursy. In William Tindal, Six vocal pieces 190 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY for two, throe and four voices . . . the words . . . from Shake- speare, Gray, and Guarini, op. l me , no. 6. London. [1425 [ITS..? | bm (Mus. H. 70/1) 1794. In Roach's Beauties of the poets of Great Britain, London, J. Roach, 1794, ii. 7. 51-5. bm (11601. e. 20) [1426 1830. Awake! ^olian lyre. [Glee.] London. [1427 [1830?] Fol. Music by John Danby. bm (Mus. I. 531. 11) Also in The Musical Times, etc., no. 78, 1844, 8vo. [1428 In The cyclopedia of music, select glees, etc., no. 14, London, [1858], fol. bm (Mus. H. 2342. c.) [1429 Also pub. at Leeds, [1875], fol. bm (Mus. H. 1778. j. 11) In Boosey & Co.'s National edition of . . . glees, etc., no. 52, [1884], 4to. bm (Mus. G. 346) [1430 In The choral handbook, no. 104, [1885, etc.], 8vo. bm (Mus. E. 832)" [1431 In Novello's Tonic sol-fa series, Novello & Co., [1886], no. 488[a], 4to. bm (Mus. B. 885) [1432 In Wood's Collection of glees, etc., no. 90, [1896, etc.], 8vo. bm (Mus. E. 1689) [1433 Also pub. by J. Curwen & Sons, London, [1902], 8vo, The Apollo Club, no. 218. bm (Mus. F. 667) 1841. 1.3 in Arundines Cami, 1841, pp. 82-3. [1434 1859. 1.1-3 in Sabrinae corolla, 2d ed., London, 1859, pp. 128-31. [1435 Also (1436) in 3d edition, 1867, pp. 130-33; (1437) in 4th edition, 1890, pp. 192-5. Not in the 1st edition. 186- ? The lyre. A cantata for four solo voices, chorus and orchestra. The words from Gray's ode "The progress of poesy." The music by S[amuel] Percival. Pianoforte score. Op. 7. London. Ewer & Co. [1438 [186-?] Fol., pp. [i], 105. bpl (M. 391. 53 no. 1) 1912. In George O'Neill, S. J., M. A., editor, Five centuries of English poetry from Chaucer to De Vere, London, Longmans, 1912, 8vo, pp. 76-80, 281-6. [1438a Translations French 1797. D. B. 1797,1798. See nos. 80, 81, 342, 343. [1439 Begins, Re>eille-toi, lyre fiolienne, reveille-toi. 1837. L.-C. Hoyau. 1837. See no. 347. [1440 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 191 German 1776. Carl Wilhelm Muller. 1776. See no. 348. [1441 1801. Ludwig Gotthard Kosengarten. In his Rhapso- dieen, 1801, pp. 85-94. See no. 349. [1442 Begins, Erwach', Aeolische Leyer, erwach'! Italian 1784. M. Lastri. 1784. See no. 352. [1443 Begins, Destati, Eolia Lira, omai ti desta. 1792. Angelo Dalmisto. II bardo e I progressi della poesia (odi due), recate in versi italiani da Angelo Dalmistro. Vene- zia. Tip. Valirasense. 1792. [1444 4to, pp. 39. BNF 1813. Rainiero Calzabigi. I progressi della poesia. Ode Pindarica. In Bertolotti, 1813. See no. 355. [1445 Begins, Svegliati, Eolia cetra. Also in Antonelli, 1847. See no. 356. Latin 1775. Giovanni Costa. 1775. See no. 357. [1446 1841. John William Donaldson. 1.3. In Arundines Cami, 1841, pp. 82-3. Signed J. W. D. [1417 1859. Edward Hartop Cradock. 1.1-3. In Sabrinae corolla, 2d edition, London, Bell, 1859, pp. 128-31. [1448 Also in 3d edition, 1867, pp. 130-33; in 4th edition, 1890, pp. 192-5. Not in the first edition. 1870. Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb. 1.1, 2. 24 lines. In Serturn cartlmsianum, ed. William Haig Brown, Cambridge, Deighton, Bell & Co., 1870, pp. 278-9. [1449 \l n in his Translations into Greek and Latin verse, Cainhridge, Deighton, Bell & Co., 1873, pp. B8-91{ in same, 1907, pp. 88-91. 1915. Lord ( ( iizo.v of Kedlcston. II. 3. In War poems and other translations by Lord Curzon of Kedlcston, London, John Lane, 1915, 8vo, pp. |iki]-187. [1449a Begins, Silvae t itnicntis per juga Delphica. English opposite. Portuguese 1799. Anon. 1799. See no. 208. [1450 Begins, Ressurge Bolls lirs 98 198 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Criticism 1881. Richard Henry Stoddard. In The sonnet in English poetry. In Scribner's Monthly, Oct., 1881, xxii. 916. [1494 1911. J. M. Gray's Death of Richard West: complain. In N. $ Q., Sept. 16, 1911, 11th ser. iv. 229. [1495 Reply: C. C. B., Sept. 30, p. 276. SOPHONISBA TO MASINISSA Editions 1775. First published by Mason, 1775, Life, pp. 153-5. See no. 13. [1496 Translations German 1776. Carl Wilhelm Muller. 1776. See no. 348. [1496a STANZA Editions 1767. The quatrain added at the end of Mason's epitaph on his wife, and included in the inscription on her monument in Bristol Cathedral, 1767. [1497 1784. Published in The new foundling hospital for wit, new ed., London, 1784, vi. 45. [1498 1794. In The Gentleman's Mag., Jan., 1794, lxiv. 64. [1499 1882. In Gosse, Gray, 1882, p. 176. [1499a STANZAS TO MR. RICHARD BENTLEY Editions 1775. First published by Mason, 1775, Life, pp. 227-8. [1500 Translations German 1776. Carl Wilhelm Muller. 1776. See no. 348. [1500a INDIVIDUAL WORKS AND TRANSLATIONS 199 Criticism 1803. W. G. In The European Mag., July, 1803, xliv. 21. [1501 STATIUS, THEBAIDOS vi. 646-88 Editions 1853. First published by Mitford, 1853, in his Gray-Mason correspondence, pp. 2-4. See no. 1236. [1502 STATIUS, THEBAIDOS vi. 704-24 Editions 1775. First published by Mason, 1775, Life, pp. 9-10. See no. 13. [1503 Translations German 1776. Carl Wilhelm Muller. 1776. See no. 348. [1504 STATIUS, THEBAIDOS ix. 319-27 Editions 1915. First published in Paget Toynbee, The correspondence of Gray, Walpole, West, and Ashton, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1915, 8vo, ii. [299]-300. [1504a With a facsimile of the original. TASSO, GERUS. LIB. CANT. XIV. ST. 82 Editions 1814. First printed by Matliias, 1814, ii. 90-2. Sec no. 18. [1505 200 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY THOUGHTS AND VERSE FRAGMENTS Editions 1890. First published by Tovey, 1890, in Gray and his friends, pp. 267-72. See no. 45. [1506 TOPHET Editions 1785. First published in The Gentleman's Mag., Oct., 1785, lv. 2. 759. [1507 Contributed by Bion. 1798. In The Spirit of the Public Journals, 1798, ii. 210. [1508 1814. In J. B. Nichols, Literary anecdotes of the 18th cen- tury, London, 1814, viii. 261-4. [1509 1816. In Sir E. Brydges, Restituta, London, 1816, iv. 246-8. [1510 1873. In N. <$• Q., April 5, 1873, 4th ser. xi. 286. [1511 1882. In Gosse, Gray, 1882, pp. 165-6. [1512 Criticism 1873. O. Rev. Mr. Stoph. In N. $ Q., March 15, 1873, 4th ser. xi. 216. [1513 Reply: G. W. N., April 5, p. 286. 1909. Israel Solomons. Henry Etough. In N. fy Q., Nov. 27, 1909, 10th ser. xii. 430. [1514 See also The Gentleman's Mag., lvi. 1. 25, 281-2. 1910. William McMurray. Henry Etough. In N. fy Q., Jan. 22, 1910, 11th ser. i. 76, Sept. 23, 1911, iv. 249. [1515 Replies: W. C. B., March 5, 1910, i. 193; Charles Hall Crouch, Oct. 7, 1911, iv. 298. TRANSLATIONS FROM THE ANTHOLOGIA GR^ICA Editions 1814. Eleven of these were published by Mathias, 1814, ii. 94-7. [1516 1815. In The Classical Journal, 1815, xi. 173-6. [1517 INDIVIDUAL WORKS AW D TRANSLATIONS 201 1891. From the Pembroke Commonplace books and in Gray's order, complete, in Bradshaw's ed., 1891, pp. 168-72. [1518 THE TRIUMPHS OF OWEN Editions 1768. First published in 1768. See no. 52. [1519 1808. In The Port Folio, Aug. 20, 1808, n. s. vi. 121-2. [1519a With Evans's prose version. Translations French 1797. D. B. 1797, 1798. See nos. 80, 81, 342, 343. [1520 Begins, Les louanges d'Ov/en demandent que je les chante. 1837. L.-C. Hoyau. 1837. See no. 347. [1521 Begins, Chantons Owen, le prompt, le fort. Parodies 1861. Charles William Shirley Brooks. The triumphs of Owen. By the Muse of the Museum. (Slightly altered from Gray.) In Punch, Nov. 16, 1861, xli. 200. [1522 Begins, Owen's praise demands my song. 12 stanzas. Also in his Wit and humour (poems from Punch), London, Brad- hury, Agnew & Co., 1875, 8vo, pp. 165-7; and in Hamilton, v. 62-3. WHAT'S THE REASON OLD FOBUS HAS CUT DOWN YON TREE? Editions 1844. One line is quoted in The Gentleman's Mag., Aug., 1844, D. B. xxii. 164. [1522a 1863. J. Booth. Epigram. In N. <$• Q., Oct. 3, 1863, 3d ser. iv. '268. [1523 I li.ivc been unable to And the complete text of this squib. Both the reviewer in TJu QetUltman't Mag. and J. Booth Beem in have been in error as to who I'ohtis was. By Pobufl Gray always meant the Duke of Newcastle. See the Letters, ed. Tovey, i. 888, ii. T, 14, it, 86, iii. 813. On the Other band Dr. Robert Smith, Master of Trinity, and author of the Treatise on optics, v. a, lometimes called old Focus. 1 m A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY WILL Editions 1778. First printed, so far as I can determine, in Gray's Poems, London, Murray, 1778, pp. [xxv]-xxxii (see no. 65). [1523a 1782. In Gray's Poetical works, Edinburg, The Apollo Press, 1782, pp. xxv-xxviii (see no. 69). [1523b 1786. In Poems, London, Murray, 1786, pp. [xxv]-xxxii (see no. 70). [1523c In Wakefield's edition, 1786, pp. xxiii-xxvi (see no. 71). [1523d 1788. In the Poetical works, London, 1788, pp. xxv-xxviii (see no. 74). [I523e See also nos. 30, 75-6, 85, 92, 99, 104. XENOPHON, APOLOGIA SOCRATIS Editions 1814. First published by Mathias, 1814, ii. 121-2. See no. 18. [1524 8. GENERAL CRITICISM 1735. Horace Walpole. In The correspondence of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, and the Rev. William Mason, now first published from the original MSS., ed., with notes by the Rev. J. Mitford, London, Richard Bentley, 1851, 8vo, 2 vols. [1525 New edition by Peter Cunningham, London, Bentley, 1857-59, 8vo, 9 vols., and by Mrs. Helen Toynbee, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1903- 05, 16 vols. The references to Gray begin in 1735. 1737. Richard West. Ad amicos. 1737. In Pratt's Cabinet of poetry, London, 1808, v. 24-7. [1526 Also in Anderson's British poets, 1794, x. 237-8; in Thomas Park, Supplement to the British poets, London, 1809, 32mo, iv. 67-9 (kyp) ; and in Tovey, Gray and his friends, 1890, pp. 95-8 (see no. 45) ; in Toynbee, Correspondence of Gray, Walpole, West and Ashton i. 139-42 (see no. 1248). GENERAL CRITICISM %0S 1738. Elegia. 1738. Begins, Quod mihi tarn gratae misisti dona Camenae. In the Apollo Press ed., 1782, pp. 6-7. [1527 Also in Anderson's British poets, 1794, x. 238; in Park's Supplement to the British poets, 1809, iv. 70-1 ; and in Tovey, Gray and his friends, pp. 118-9 (see no. 45); in Toynbee, Correspondence of Gray, Walpole, West and Ashton i. 199-200 (see no. 1218). An English translation appeared in The Universal Mag., July, 1775, lvii. 40. 1739. Addressed to his lyre on the prospect of Mr. Gray's return from his travels. 1739. Begins, O mea? jucunda comes quietis. In the Apollo Press ed. of West, Edinburg, 1782, p. 11. [1528 Also in Anderson's British poets, 1794, x. 239; in Park's Supplement to the British poets, 1809, iv. 74; in Tovey, Gray and his friends, p. 133 (see no. 45); in Toynbee, Correspondence of Gray, Walpole, West and Ashton i. 250 (see no. 1248). 1740. Elegia. (Addressed to Mr. Gray.) 1740. Begins, Ergo desidiae videor tibi crimine dignus. In The poeti- cal works of Richard West, Edinburg, Apollo Press by the Martins, 1782, 16mo, pp. 7-9. [1529 Also in Anderson's British poets, 1794, x. 238-9; in Park's Supple- ment to the British poets, 1809, iv. 71-2; and in Tovey, Gray and his friends, pp. 140-1 (see no. 45). 1742. Ode to May. Begins, Dear Gray, that still within my heart. 1742. In The Gentleman's Mag., June, 1775, xlv. 291.' [1530 As here published it was entitled, Ode to Mr. Gray, on the back- wardness of the spring, and began, Dear Gray, that always in my heart. Also in the Apollo Press edition of West, 1782, pp. 9-10; in Ander- son's British poets, 1794, x. 238-9; in Gray's Poems, Ludlow, Nicholson, 1799, pp. 31-2 (see no. 83); in S. Jones's edition of Gray, London, 1799, pp. 165-6 (see no. 84) ; in same, 2d edition, 1800, pp. 193-4 (see no. 85); in Pratt's Cabinet of poetry, London, 1808, v. 24-7; in Park's Supplement to the British poets, 1809, iv. 73-4; in Poems, 1822, pp. 22-3 (see DO. 106); in Poetical works, 1844, p. 119 (see no. 116); in Tovey, Gray and Ms friends, pp. 165-6 (see no. 45); in Toynbee, Corre- spondence of Gray, Walpole, west and Ashton ii. 38-9 (see no. 1248). 1756. William Mason. Ode III. On Melancholy. To a friend. In his Odes, Cambridge, J. Bcntliatn, 175(5, 8vo, pp. 14-8. [1531 .John SHARP. Letter to Mr. Denne, March 12, 175G. In J. B. Nichols, Illustrations of the lit. hist, of th<- 18th cent., 1831, vi. 805-6. [1532 Bean on the rope ladder story. 204. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1757. David Garrick. To Mr. Gray, on his Odes. [1533 1757. 4to, pp. 2. bm (G. 984. (16)) Begins, Repine not, Gray, that our weak dazzled Eyes. 6 stanzas. According to Dibdin, Bibliomania, p. 716, only six copies were printed and prefixed to six copies of Gray's Odes, 4to, 1757, Strawberry Hill. Cf. G. L. S. in 2V. £ Q., May 26, 1855, 1st ser. xi. 409; Martin, Catalogue of privately printed books. Also in The Literary Mag., 1757, p. 466; in The London Chronicle, Oct. 1, 1757, ii. 320; in [W. Tindal], Remarks on Dr. Johnson's Life and critical observations on the works of Gray, London, 1782, pp. 83-4 (see no. 1575) ; in S. Jones's edition, London, 1799, pp. 163-4 (see no. 84); in same, 2d edition, 1800, pp. 191-2 (see no. 85); in the Poetical works, 1822, pp. 21-2 (see no. 106) ; in same, 1844, p. 118 (see no. 116) ; in Toynbee ii. 174-5 (see no. 1248). Cf. C. H. T. in 2V. <£• Q., March 30, 1861, 2d ser. xi. 251. Oliver Goldsmith. [Review of Gray's Odes.] In The Monthly Rev., Sept., 1757, xvii. 239-43. [1534 Reprinted in Goldsmith's Works, edited by Peter Cunningham, Lon- don, John Murray, 1854, 8vo, iv. 315-19 (see also iii. 270, 436, iv. 143, 203) ; and in J. L. Haney, Early reviews of English poets, Phila., The Egerton Press, 1904, pp. 1-4, 197-8. See also no. 1720. Joseph Warton. In his Essay on the genius and writings of Pope, London, Dodsley, 1757-82, 8vo, 2 vols. [1534a A third edition of vol. i. appeared in 1772. In this see pp. 31, 141. See also ii. 24-5, 40-2, 289, 479, 481. 1760. George Colman and Robert Lloyd. Two [ odes. [ OfiNANTA 2YNETOI2IN • E2 | AE TO IIAN, EPMHNEfiN | XATIZEI. Pindar, Olymp. II. | [Vignette.] | London, | Printed for H. Payne, at Dryden's Head in Paternoster Row. MDCCLX | [1535 4to. Price, 1/-. bm (840. 1. 5. (7)) To obscurity, by George Colman, Sr. To oblivion, by Lloyd. Intended for Gray and Mason respectively. Also in Robert Lloyd, Poems, London, printed for the author by Dryden Leach, 1762, pp. 101-15; in Fawkes and Woty, The poetical calendar, 2d edition, London, 1763, vi. 46-54; 17 lines in Hamilton, v. 63. Rev. in The Monthly Rev., July, 1760, xxiii. 57-63. The authors wrote letters explaining their odes in Lloyd's Evening Post sometime before June 7 (?), 1760. 1762. Count Francesco Algarotti. Two letters to Howe on Gray's poetry (Dec. 26, 1762, April 24, 1763) were reprinted by M. Lastri in his Poesie liriche di Gray, Firenze, 1784, pp. 87-98. [1536 Christopher Anstey. Ad poetam. In his (and Roberts's) GENERAL CRITICISM 205 Elegia scripta in coemeterio rustico latine reddita, Cantabrigiae, 1762, p. 1. [1537 Twenty-one lines. Also in Mathias's edition, 1814, i. 397-8; and in Torri, 1843, p. 123. 1766. Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu. In her Letter to Mrs. William Robinson from Denton, Dec. 4, 1766. In Censura literaria, London, 1807, iii. 136-42. [1538 On Gray, pp. 141-2. 1767. James Boswell. In Letters of James Boswell to the Rev. W. J. Temple with an introduction by Thomas Seccombe, London, Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd., 1908, 8vo. See the index. [1539 The references to Gray extend from 1767 to 1788. 1768. James Beattie. In The letters of James Beattie, LL. D. chronologically arranged from Sir William Forbes's col- lection, London, John Sharpe, 1820, i. 47-9, 76-7, 81, 97, 104-5, 162-3, etc. The British Prose Writers xxv. bm (12271. de. 1), nyp [1540 The references to Gray begin in 1768. The Monthly Review. Review of Gray's Poems, 1768. "All that we find new in this collection is, The Fatal Sisters, an ode, the Descent of Odin, an ode, and the Triumphs of Owen, a fragment. These turn chiefly on the dark diableries of the Gothic times ; and if to be mysterious and to be sublime be the same, thing, these deep-w r rought performances must undoubtedly be deemed so. For our part, we shall for ever regret the depar- ture of Mr. Gray's muse from that elegantly-moral simplicity she assumed in the Country Church-yard." May, 1768, xxxviii. 408. [1541 Norton Nkholls. Correspondence with Gray. In The cor- respondence of Thomas Gray and the Rev. Norton Nicholls, ed. J. Mitford. London, Pickering, 1848, pp. 55-153. See no. 81. [1542 Begins in 1788. 1771. James Brown. [Correspondence relative to Gray.] In The correspondence of Thomas Gray and the Rev. Norton Nichollfl, ed. .1. Mil ford. London. Pickering, 1843, pp. 155-63. See no. 31. [ 1648 Also in Mltford's edition of the Gray-Mason correspondence! l8/>3, j. j.. 457-64. See no. ir.w. 206 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Tiik Gentleman's Magazine. In its obituary list. Aug., 1771, xli. 378. "July 30, 1771. The Rev. Dr. Tho. Grey, author of the Elegy in a Country Church yard, &c." In same, p. 375, on his burial. [1544 Horace Walpole. Memoir of Gray. In The correspondence of Gray and Mason, ed. Mitford, 1853, 8vo, pp. xxxi-xxxiv. [1545 See J. G. Fairfax, Horace Walpole's views on literature, in Eight- eenth century literature, an Oxford miscellany, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1899, 8vo, pp. 115, 123. 1772. An irregular ode, occasioned by the death of Mr. Gray. London. Printed for Benjamin White. 1772. [1546 4to, pp. 14. bm (11630. e. 18. (G)) Begins, Fair are the gardens of th' Aonian mount. Rev. in The Monthly Rev., Jan., 1772, xlvi. 168; (unfavorably) in The London Mag., Jan., 1772, xli. 31. Letters on the English nation. Referred to by Walpole in his Letters, Jan. 28, 1772, ed. Mrs. Toynbee viii. 141. [1547 *William Johnson Temple. A sketch of the character of the celebrated Mr. Gray. In The London Mag., March, 1772, xli. 140. colu [1548 Reprinted by Mason in his London and in his York edition, 1775, i. 402-4 (see nos. 13, 14) ; in his Dublin edition, 1775, ii. 156-9 (see no. 15), and in his York edition, 1778, iv. 234-9 (see no. 16) ; by J. Murray in his A letter to W. Mason, 1777, 57-60 (see no. 1561) ; by Mitford, edition of 1816, i. lii-lv (see no. 19), with criticisms; in The Unique, 1824, ii. no. 9 (not in the earlier edition). 1773. Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of Carlisle. Ode on the death of Mr. Gray. In his Poems, London, J. Ridley, 1773, 4to, pp. 3-8. bm (11630. e. 18. (1), (5)) [1549 3d edition, 1773. b, bm (11630. e. 18. (17)) Begins, What spirit's that which mounts on high. Also in The Universal Mag., June, 1773, lxxii. 336-7, with memoir and portrait of the author. Also in The new foundling hospital for wit, new edition, London, 1784, i. 13-17. Not in the former edition. Also in J. Bell's Classical arrangement of fugitive poetry, London, 1792, xv. 130-133; in Gray's Poetical works, edited S. Jones, 2d edition, 1800, pp. 199-203 (see no. 85; not in Jones's first edition, 1799); in The tragedies and poems of Frederick Earl of Carlisle, London, Buhner, 1801, 8vo, pp. 251-7; in Gray's Poetical works, 1844, pp. 122-4 (see no. 116). Noticed by Walpole in his Letters, edited by Mrs. Toynbee, viii. 170. William Hayward Roberts. In his A poetical epistle, to Christopher Anstey, Esquire; on the English poets, chiefly those, GENERAL CRITICISM 207 who have written in blank verse, London, printed for J. Wilkie [and others], 1773, 4to, pp. 13-4 (the whole has pp. 18). cauL [1550 1775. Count Francesco Algarotti. Letter to William Taylor Howe, on the Pindaric odes. In Mason's ed., York, 1775, ii. 82-6. See no. 14. [1551 William Cole. In his MS. collections lix., about 1775. In Nichols's Literary anecdotes of the 18th century, London, 1812, ii. 632-3. [1552 E[dward] B[urnaby] G[reene]. Manibus sacrum Thomae Gray. Prefixed to his translation of The bard, 1775, pp. v-vi. 17 lines. [1553 Samuel Johnson. In his Letters collected and edited by George Birkbeck Hill, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1892, 8vo, 2 vols. [1554 The references to Gray begin in 1775. William Kenrick. In The London Rev., June, 1775, i. 406- 14. [1555 Cf. Walpole, Letters, ed. Toynbee, ix. 227. The London Chronicle. Some account of the life and writings of the late Mr. Gray. Aug. 12-15, 15-17, 1775, xxxviii. 153-4, 164. [1556 From Mason. The London Magazine. Remarks on the life and writings of the celebrated poet Mr. Gray. May, 1775, xliv. 215-9. Portrait. [1557 William Mason. Memoir. 1775. See no. 13. [1558 See also Ebor in The Gentleman's Mag., April, 1817, lxxxvii. 295-6. Q., editor. [Letter in Latin on some of Gray's posthumous pieces.] In The Gentleman's Mag., Oct., 1775, xlv. 481. [1559 1776. Charles Seymour. [Eulogy on the late Mr. Gray.] In The Gentleman's Mag., May, 1776, xlvi. 230. [1560 In Latin; 48 lines, Irregular. Begins, Nee si quid olim lusit Anacreon. 1777. William Cowper wrote to Joseph Hill, April 20, 1777: "I have been nailing Gray's works, and think him the only poet since Shakespeare entitled to the character of sublime. Perhaps you will remember that I once had a different opinion of him. I was prejudiced. He did not belong to OUT Thursday society, and was an Kton man, which lowered him prodigiously in our esteem. I once thought Swift's letters the best that could 208 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY be written ; but I like Gray's better. His humour, or bis wit, or whatever it is to be called, is never ill-natured or offensive, and yet I think equally poignant with the Dean's." On May 25 he wrote: "When I wrote last, I was in the middle of the book. His later Epistles, I think, are worth little, as such, but might be turned to excellent account by a young student of taste and judgment." In The correspondence of William Cowper, arr. by Thomas Wright, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1904, 8vo, i. 143-4. [1560a [John Murray.] A letter to W. Mason, A. M. Precentor of York, | concerning | his edition of | Mr. Gray's Poems. | And | the practices of booksellers. | By a bookseller. | Sed quae reverentia legurn? | Quis metus, aut pudor est unquam properantis avari? — Juvenal. London, Printed for J. Murray, (No. 32) | Fleet-Street. | MDCCLXXVII. [1561 16mo, pp. 64. bm (T. 1164. (11)), cu Rev. in The Gentleman's Mag., July, 1777, xlvii. 332. Thomas Warton. Sonnet VI. To Mr. Gray. In his Poems, new ed., London, T. Becket, 1777, 8vo, p. 80. [1562 Reprinted in [W. Tindal], Remarks on Dr. Johnson's Life, and critical observations on the works of Gray, 1782, pp. 83-4 (see no. 1575) ; in Anderson's British poets, 1794, x. 183; in [V. Knox,] Elegant extracts, 1796, Poetry, p. 865. 1778. Richard Cumberland. Elegy. To the memory of Gray. In his Miscellaneous poems, London, F. Newbery, 1778, 8vo, pp. 26-8 (the whole has pp. 183, [1]). [1563 The Gentleman's Magazine, Aug., 1778, xlviii. 387, men- tions the placing of the monument in Westminster Abbey. [ 1 563a Vicesimus Knox. In his Essays moral and literary, London, Charles Dilly, 1778-79, 8vo, i. 94-8, ii. 280. [1564 Rev. in The Monthly Rev., Feb., 1778, lviii. 136-42. William Mason. Epitaph on Gray's monument in West- minster Abbey. In The Gentleman's Mag., Sept., 1778, xlviii. 431. [1565 No more the Grecian Muse unrivall'd reigns, To Britain let the nations homage pay! She boasts a Homer's fire in Milton's strains, A Pindar's rapture in the lyre of Gray. Also in Gray's Poems, Ludlow, 1799, p. 32 (see no. 83), and in Jones's edition, London, 1799, p. 186 (see no. 84); in same, 2d edition, 1800, p. 223 (see no. 85); in Poetical works, 1844, p. 134 (see no. 116). GENERAL CRITICISM %09 1779. In his The English garden, London, printed by H. Goldnev for J. Dodsley, 1779, 8vo, iii. 1-63. [1566 Also reprinted in Jones's 2d edition, 1800, pp. 204-7 (see no. 85). Not in Jones's first edition, 1799. Also in Gray's Poetical works, 1844, pp. 124-6 (see no. 116). 1780. John Mainwaring. In his Sermons on several occa- sions, London, 1780. [1567 Cf. Walpole, Letters, ed. Mrs. Toynbee, xi. 342, note 1. 1781. Cantab. In The Gentleman's Mag., July, 1781, li. 319-20. [1568 The Gentleman's Magazine. Verbal criticisms on Mr. Gray's poems. Dec, 1781, li. 568-70. [1569 Edward Gibbon. In his The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, London, W. Strahan & T. Cadell, 1781, 4to, iii. 248-9, note 126. [1570 Reprinted in The Gentleman's Mag., Nov., 1781, li. 520-1. "Instead of compiling tables of chronology and natural history, why did not Mr. Gray apply the powers of his genius to finish the philosophic poem, of which he has left such an exquisite specimen?" In Bury's edition of Gibbon, London, 1897, iii. 332, n. 131. *Samuel Johnson. In his Prefaces, biographical and critical, to the works of the English poets, London, printed by J. Nichols, 1781, 16mo, x. Pp. 56. [1571 Rev. in The Gentleman's Mag., June, 1781, li. 276 (see also Kastrill in same, Nov., p. 516); in The Monthly Rev., Feb., 1782, lxvi. 121-7. See also the preface to Wright's Latin translation, 1786; H. Headley, Fugitive pieces, I/Ondon, 1785, p. 36; W. and D. in The Gentleman's Mag., .dine. 17!)*, lxviii. 481; Varro in N. §■ Q., Feb. 22, 1851, 1st ser. iii. 138; A cursory examination of Dr. Johnson's strictures on the lyric pe rf or m ances <>f Gray, London, printed for S. Crowder, 1781, 8vo, pp. [ii], 22, BH (T. 1564. (1)), B. Sic also Sir Walter Raleigh, Six lectures on Johnson, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1910, BvO, pp. 30, 139-40. See also DOS. 1031, 1039, 1573-1577, 1585, 1615, 1670, 1714, 1953. A I o in Slorr's edition of the Poems and letters, [1879], pp. 1-15; and in Geo. Blrkbeck Hill's edition of Johnson's Lives, Oxford, The Clar- endon Pre , L905, Bvo, iii. 491-45 (see also the index). Thomas ,(\mis Mviiiias. Runic odes. Imitated from the \orse tongue. Fn tin manner of Mr. Gray. London. Printed for T. Payne, T. Becket [and others]. 1781. [1572 4to, pp. [11], I BH ( 161. in. 5) Int roductory lonnel to Gray. New ed., London, 'I'. P.eeke't, HUM, BVO, pp. 1". ii.m (til. e. 22) \l 10 ill L. Apul'iu , Tin- garland of flowers, etc., \V\v York, 1806, 12mo. ii m (11649. C. 10) The Universal Magazine. Memoirs of Hie life of Mr. dray. 210 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY with ;i reproduction of the monument of that celebrated poet. Sept., Oct., 1781, lxix. 137-10, 200-1. [1572a 1782. H. [On Johnson's strictures on Gray's poems.] In The (untie man's Mag., Jan., 1782, Hi. 19-21. [1573 Philo-Lyristes. [On Johnson's Lives.] In The Gentleman's Mag., Jan., 1782, Hi. 22. [1574 [ \V. Tindal.] Remarks on Dr. Johnson's Life, and critical observations on the works of Gray. London. Printed for the author and sold by J. Fielding and J. Walter. 1782. [1575 Bvo, pp. 84. bm (T. 1564. (2)) Written independently of A cursory examination, etc., which takes up onlv The progress of poesy and The bard. Defends Gray. Rev. in The Monthly Rev., Feb., 1783, lxviii. 186. 1783. The Gentleman's Magazine. Verses addressed to Mr. Mason, written before the appearance of Mr. Potter's learned and ingenious refutation of Dr. Johnson's criticisms in his Life of Mr. Gray. Oct., 1783, liii. 871. [1576 Robert Potter. An | inquiry | into some passages in | Dr. Johnson's Lives of the poets: | particularly | his observations on | lvric poetry, | and | the Odes of Gray. | By R. Potter. | London: | Printed for J. Dodsley, Pall-mall. | M.DCC.LXXXIII. [1577 4to, pp. [ii], 50. Portrait. bm (116. i. 28), hu Comment by Walpole in his letter to Mason, June 9, 1783, Mrs. Toynbee, no. 2415. 1785. Giovanni Andres. In his Dell' origine, de' progressi e dello stato attuale d' ogni letteratura, Venezia, 1785-87, 8vo, iv. 128 f., vi. 194, 210. [1578 John Pinkerton. In his Letters of literature by Robert Heron, London, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, 1785, 8vo, pp. 42, 63-6, 103, 130 f., 185, 298-300, 365 f. (the last on Gray's opinion of Hume). [1578a William Hayley. In his An essay on epic poetry, Epistle iii. In his Works iii., Poems and plays, London, T. Cadell, 1785, 8vo, pp. 51-2. [1579 Anna Seward. In Letters of Anna Seward: written between the years 1784 and 1807, Edinburgh, Constable, 1811, 8vo, i. 54, 62 f., 194, 202, 240, 272, 384, ii. 40, 42, 58, 86, 144 f., 148, 187 f., 224, 248, 259, 277, 290, 297, 307, 322, 339, 364, 376, 378, iii. 86, 121, 128, 141, 169, 185, 214, 325, 357, iv. 23, 39, 159, 364, 382, v. 15, 48, 188 f., 192, 202, 222, 346, 372, vi. 71, 127, 165 f., 336,375. [1580 The index is very defective. The references to Gray begin in 1785. GENERAL CRITICISM 211 1786. Henry Headley [pseud. C. T. O.]. Instances of poetical imitations in Milton &c. In The Gentleman's Mag., Feb., 1786, lvi. 131-6. [1581 Miscellaneous observations on Milton and other writers. In same, June, 1786, lvi. 486-8. [1581a Also in his Fugitive pieces, London, C. Dilly, 1785, 8vo, pp. 39-43 (the whole has pp. hi, [1], 76, [1]). bm (77.i.7) J. Taite. The tears of genius: an ode. By Mr. Taite. In Gray's Poems, 1786, pp. xxxiii-xxxix. See no. 70. [1582 Also in The poetical works of T. Gray, ed. S. Jones, London, 1799, pp. 178-85 (see no. 84) ; and in same, 2d edition, 1800, pp. 215-22 (see no. 85). Also in his Poetical works, 1844, pp. 130-34 (see no. 116). 1788. Vicesimus Knox. In his Winter evenings: or, Lucu- brations on life and letters, London, Chas. Dilly, 1788, 8vo, i. 131. [1583 Merlin de Douai. Vers a Gray. In L'Annee Litteraire, 1788, vi. about p. 200. [1584 Reprinted in Le Journal Eneyelopfalique, Nov. 1, 1788. 1789. Robert Potter. The art of criticism; as exemplified in Dr. Johnson's Lives of the most eminent English poets. London. Printed for T. Hookham. 1789. [1585 8vo, pp. [iij, 250. On Gray, pp. 181-8. bm (T. 1564. (4)) 1790. Adam Smith. In his Treatise on the theory of the moral sentiments, London, A. Strahan, 1790, 6th ed., i. 311. [1586 Not in the earlier editions. Helen Maria Williams. Characters of English poets. In The Universal Mag., Nov., 1790, lxxxvii. 257. [1586a On Shakespeare, Milton, Thomson, Pope, Gray. Verse. 1791. James Boswell. In his Life of Samuel Johnson, 1. 1.. I)., London. 17!»l. It... 2 vols.; ed. G. B. Hill, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1887 (see the index). [1587 In I'll.- I'.riiish Plutarch [ ed. by T. Mortimer], 3d ed., London, [791, vii. I7|>. 7-!). [ 1588 Imitations <>f The bard and The progress of poesj V ( )n Gray. In Poems, chiefly by gentlemen <>f Devonshire and Cornwall, Bath, R. Crnttwell, 17!)'-'. 8vo, i. 1 I i 5. | 1589 Begins, Mis thy Bofl tear with Gray's enchanting line. . r > stanzas, metre <>f H><- Elegy. Probably by Vf. Nbrtham. .7 J A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1793. Thomas Beddoes. In his Observations on the nature of demonstrative evidence, London, J. Johnson, 1793, 8vo, pp. 123-4 (the whole has pp. xii, 172). [1590 William Belsham. "But the most truly poetical genius of this reign [that of George II] was unquestionably Gray, had his powers been fully expanded by the sunshine of popular and courtly encouragement. The Bard and Church-yard Elegy are master-pieces of sublime enthusiasm, and plaintive elegance." In his Memoirs of the kings of Great Britain, of the house of Brunswick-Lunenburg, London, 1793, 8vo, 2 vols. [1590a Quoted in The Universal Mag., Apr., 1794, xciv. 248. 1794. Robert Anderson. In his ed. of The Works of the British Poets, London, 1791, 8vo, x. 185-213. See no. 79. [1591 The Biographical Magazine. London, Harrison & Co., 1794, 8vo. Gray, no. 62. Portrait. b [1592 A farewell ode on a distant prospect of Cambridge by the author of The Brunoniad. Cambridge. W. H. Lunn. 1794. [1593 4to, pp. 15. bm (11630. f. 8) Not a parody, but alludes to Gray. [Thomas James Mathias.] In his The pursuits of literature, or What you will: a satirical poem in dialogue, part the first, London, printed for J. Owen, 1794, 4to, p. 12 (the whole has pp. 40). bm (11602. gg. 26), b (Godw. Pamph. 1491 (13)) [1594 First published anonymously. On the Greek translations of the Elegy. In same, 3d edition, London, T. Becket, 1797, part iii., 11. 1-66. In the 8th edition, 1798, p. 174. Quoted thence in N. $ Q., Dec. 29, 1849, 1st ser. i. 138-9. In the 11th edition, 1801, pp. 50-1, 177-92, 334, 338, n. Henry Crabb Robinson. In his Diary, reminiscences, and correspondence, selected and ed. by Thomas Sadler, London, Macmillan, 1869, 8vo, i. 21, 114, 303, ii. 165. [1595 The references to Gray begin in 1794, 1796. Richard Payne Knight. In his The progress of civil society, a didactic poem, in six books, London, printed by W. Bulmer & Co. for G. Nicol, 1796, 4to, pp. xxiii, [1], 155. [1596 See iii. 395-402; also p. Ill, n. 1, p. 120, n. Severely censured by Walpole in his Letters, ed. Mrs. Toynbee, xv. 397-9; concerning this see C. S. Northup, A critique by Horace Walpole, in The Modern Lan- guage Rev., July, 1911, vi. 387-9. GENERAL CRITICISM 213 1797. The Universal Magazine. Sept., 1797, ci. 145-8. On the Gray-AYalpole quarrel. L Joseph Warton. In his edition of Pope's Works, London, 1797, 8vo, 9 vols. [1596b A passage from this is quoted in The Universal Mag., July, 1797, ci. 36. 1798. Jacob Bryant. Letter, Dec. 24, 1798. In Mitford's Life, in Moultrie's ed., 1845, pp. lx-lxvi. See no. 116a. [1597 Also in Gray's Poetical works, ed. Moultrie, 2d edition, 1847. See no. 117. Nathan Drake. In his On lyric poetry. In his Literary his- tory or Sketches critical and narrative, Sudbury, 1798, 8vo, pp. 377-404 (the whole has pp. [6], viii, [2], 529). dm [1598 2d edition, 1800; 3d edition, 1804; 4th edition, 1820. W. & D. [On the Eton Ode and the Elegy.] In The Gentle- man's Mag., June, 1798, lxviii. 481. [1599 Horace Walpole. The works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford. London: Printed for G. G. & J. Robinson, Paternoster Row and J. Edwards, Pall Mall. 1798. [1599a Itu, 5 vols. Walpole's letters (see vols, ii., iv., v.) refer frequently to Gray. They were subsequently issued as follows: His letters to George Mon- tague, 1736-70, London, 1818, 4to; his letters to William Cole and others, 1745-82, London, 1818, 4to; his letters to the Earl of Hertford and Rev. Henry Zoueh, London, 1825, 4to; his private correspondence, "now first collected," London, 1820, 8vo (an expurgated edition of this in 1837, 8vo); his letters to Sir Horace Mann, ed. Lord Dover, London, 1833, Svo; his collected letters, edited by J. Wrifrht, London, Richard Rent ley, 18-10, 8vo, 6 volumes; his letters to Sir Horace Mann, 1760-85, London, Rentley, 1843, 8vo, 4 volumes; his letters to the Countess of Ossoty, ed. Kt. Hon. R. Vernon Smith, London, Rentley, 1848, 8vo, 2 vol- ume-,; his correspondence with Mason, edited by Mitford, London, Rent- Icy, lh.j|, his collected letters, ed. P. Cunningham, London, 1857, 8vo, 9 volumes (9th edition, ls!H); 30 letters to Thomas Walpole and Thomas \\\, Jr., London, Longmans, 1902; his collected letters, ed. Mrs. Toyn- bee, London, 1908-05, Bvo, Hi volumes. For fuller titles see Mrs. Toyn- lici-'s bibliographical note, i. xxxi-xxxiii. 1799. Fragment of an ode on the death of Mr. Gray. In The poetical works of Thomas Gray, ed. by S. Jones, London, 1799, pp. 17 1 6. Sw. no. 84. [1600 Begins, I air arc the gardens of the Aonian mount. Not before printed in a collected edition. In same, ?d edition, 1800, pp. - ,||K L9. See no. 85. I IIIKIHIK II M ATTIIISSON. 1799. See MO. 1228. [ I()01 These letters contain some anecdotes of Gray. :i' f A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Ode on the death of Mr. Gray. In The poetical works of Thomas Gray, ed. S. Jones, London, 1799, pp. 167-70. See no. 84. [1602 Begins, Enough of fabling, and th' unhallowed haunts. 6 stanzas. Not before printed in a collected edition. In same, ->d edition, 1800, pp. 195-8 (see no. 85). Also in Poetical works, 1844, pp. 120-1 (see no. 116). [John Pinkerton, ed.] In his Walpoliana, London, R. Phillips, [1799], 12mo. bm (1087. a. 6) [1603 Second edition, London, [1800?], 8vo. There was also an edition by B. Smith, Dublin, 1800, 12mo, pp. xlii, 230. Stanzas on the death of Mr. Gray, by A Lady. In The poeti- cal works of T. Gray, ed. S. Jones, London, 1799, pp. 176-7. See no. 84. [1604 Begins, Where sleeps the Bard who graced Museus' hearse. 7 stanzas, metre of the Elegy. Not before printed in a collected edition. In same, 2d edition, 1800, pp. 213-4 (see no. 85). Also in Gray's Poetical works, 1844, pp. 129-30 (see no. 116). 1800. Samuel Berdmore. Observations on Mr. Gray's two Pindaric odes. In The European Mag., May, 1800, xxxvii. 345-8, Nov., xxxviii. 329-32. Signed O. P. C. [1605 Reprinted in his Specimens of literary resemblance, in the works of Pope, Gray, and other celebrated writers; with critical observations: in a series of letters, London, printed for G. Wilkie, 1801, 8vo, pp. 13-46 (the whole has pp. [ii], 127). bpl, bm (72. d. 15) Rev. in The Monthly Rev., May, 1802, n. s. xxxviii. 23-9. Comment in same, July, p. 336. De Albetera. Critical observations on the poetry of Mr. Gray. In The Universal Mag., Aug., Sept., 1800, cvii. 123-5, 198-201. [1605a Reply by S. P., Oct., pp. 293-4. Samuel Parr. In his A Spital sermon, preached at Christ Church, upon Easter Tuesday, April 15, 1800; to which are added notes, London, J. Mawman, 1800, 4to, pp. 115-8 (the whole has pp. [iv], 161, [l]). [1606 On Gray's low opinion of Cambridge; a defense of Cambridge. Quoted by Mitford in his edition, i. xvi, notes 1 and 2. See no. 19. 1801. Ludwig Gotthard Kosengarten. Etwas iiber Gray's Leben und Charakter. In his Rhapsodieen, 1801, pp. 37-76. [1607 1802. A. Z. A. [On the whereabouts- of Gray's MSS.] In The Gentleman's Mag., June, 1802, lxxii. 519. [1608 GENERAL CRITICISM 215 1803. John Aikin and others. In General biography, Lon- don, Johnson 1803, iv. 501-4. Whole work, 1799-1815, 10 vols. [1609 Rev. in The British Critic, June, 1804, xxiii. 632-45, where an extract from the life of Gray is quoted. Samuel Miller. In his A brief retrospect of the eighteenth century, part first, New York, T. & J. Swords, 1803, 8vo, ii. 205, 207-8. [1610 Anna Seward. Written in a very minute edition of Gray's Poems. In The Poetical Register, 1803, hi. 86. [1611 Four lines, pentameter, aabb. Also in her Poetical works, ed. Scott, Edinburgh, 1810, 8vo, ii. 134. 1804. Fragment. On the death of Gray. In George Hud- desford, editor, The Wiccamical chaplet, London, Leigh, Sotheby & Son, 1804, 8vo, p. 191 (the whole has pp. xv, [1], 223). [1612 Well was he skill'd in old Poetic Lore — Not such alone as Greece or Latium sung — He dar'd thro' Gothic Darkness to explore; And strike the Lyre that Runic Bards had strung. Heard ye that sound ! — Alas ! who has not heard ! The magic Voice still vibrates in my ear, What time great Odin's sable Form appear'd, And Hela's Confines trembled at his spear. W. M. Further strictures on Gray, the poet. In The Uni- versal Mar/., Dec, 1804, n. s. ii. 505-V. [1613 Philodice. Defence of Gray, the poet. In The Universal Mar/., Oct., 1804, n. s. ii. 302-6. [1614 A reply to Johnson. WlLLIAM. In The Universal Mag., Dec, 1804, n. s. ii. 505-7. [1615 1805. Noiito.v Nicholls. Reminiscences of Gray. Dated Nov. 18, 1805. In The correspondence of Thomas Gray and the lb v. Norton Nicliolls. ed. J. Mitford, London, 1843, pp. 29-53. See do. 81. I 1616 \l .. in Tov.v's edition of the Letters, 1904, ii. 875-99. See no. li?2<>. 1806. 'I'm: I'.rnoiM \ \ MAGAZINE. On Gray's imitations. In The Reasoner. Oct., Dee.. 1806, I. 292 5, 151-8. [1617 Replies: v. /,., Nov., pp. :ui -•; w. N\, Jan, 1807, li. :L?-i ; Vindicator, lei... 1807, pp. 106-8. Sir William Forbes. In bis An account <>f the life and writ- ings of James Beattie, 1. 1.. I).. Bdinb., Constable, 1806, 4to. i. 7i) 2, I 18 6, 197 208, 200 f., 218, 216 f. [1618 216 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1807. Edward A. Bray. Memorabilia from Mr. Bray's notes, Jan. 27, 1807. Printed by Mitford in bis Pickering ed. of Gray's Works. 1836, i. exi-cxiii. [1618a The Port Folio. On the Latin poetry of Gray. Sept. 12, 1S07, n. s. iv. 161-3. [1619 Percival Stockdale. In his Lectures on the truly eminent English poets, London, Longman, 1807, 1. 8vo, ii. 538-611. [1620 Cf. The Edinb. Rev., April, 1808, xii. 82. Rev. by John Foster in The Eclectic Rev., March, 1808; same in his Critical essays, 1860, i. 144-57. 1808. Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. Genius incompatible with a narrow taste. In Censura literaria, London, 1808, vii. 315-8. [1621 Traits in the character of Gray the bard. In Censura literaria, 1808, vii. 395-9. [1622 In 2d edition, 1815, viii. 216-21. Nicolas LeMoyne Desessarts and Antoine-Alexandre Barbier. In Nouvelle bibliotheque d'un homme de gout, Paris, Duminil-Lesueur, 1808-10, 8vo, i. 425-6; the whole has 5 vols. [1623 First edition by Desessarts, 1798, 8vo, 3 volumes, Suppl., 1799. Thomas James Mathias. All' erudito e nell' amena lettera- tura versatissimo Norton Nicholls. Canzone. In his Aggiunta ai Componimenti lirici de' piu illustri poeti d' Italia, London, Becket, 1808. [1621 Reprinted separately in 1810, and in his edition of Gray, 1814, i. 529-35 (see no. 18) ; also in Mitford's edition of The correspondence of Gray and Nicholls, 1843, pp. 22-8 (see no. 31). 1809. Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. On the beneficence of Providence in bestowing a sensibility to the charms of Nature; and on the permanent power of delighting jjossessed by poetry, which describes them. The Ruminator, no. 55. In Censura literaria, 1 809, ix. 409- 12. [1625 The European Magazine. Anecdote of the late Duchess of Northumberland. Oct., 1809, lvi. 248. [1626 Thomas James Mathias. A copy of a letter occasioned by the death of the Rev. Norton Nicholls, LL. B., Rector of Lound and Bradwell in the county of Suffolk. Written privately to a friend. [1627 1809. Privately printed. Pp. 30. Reprinted in his Poesie liriche e prose toscane, London, 1810. GENERAL CRITICISM 217 Also in The Gentleman's Mag., Oct., 1810, lxxx. 346-51, without the Canzone (see also Philalethes in same, pp. 601-2), and in Mathias's edition of Grav, 1814, i. 515-35 (see no. 18). Reprinted also in Nichols, Illustrations o'f the literary history of the 18th century, London, 1828, v. 65-83, with the Canzone; and by Mitford in his edition of The corre- spondence of Gray and Nicholls, *1843, pp. 1-28 (see no. 31). The Italian Canzone was written in August, 1807. 1810. Friedrich Boutkrwkk. In his Geschichte der Poesie und Beredsamkeit seit dem Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts, Gottin- gen, J. F. Rower, 1810, 8vo, viii. 32-3 (the whole is in 12 vols., 1801-19). [1627a Thomas Green. In his Extracts from the diary of a lover of literature, Ipswich, John Raw, 1810, 4to, p. 60. [1627b Entry for Sept. 13, 1801. The volume has pp. vii, [1], 241, [6], bm Also "in The Gentleman's Mag., Feb., 1834, n. s. i. 140-1. William Wordsworth. In his Prose works, ed. by Alex. B. Grosart, London, Moxon, 1876 [1875], 8vo, ii. 11, 67-8, 85-6, 327. 844 f., iii. 507. [1628 The essay Upon epitaphs dates from about 1810. 1812. The Gentleman's Magazine. [Miscellaneous notes; letter signed * * *.] Jan., 1812, lxxxii. 1. 37-8. [1629 John Bowyer Nichols. In his Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century, London, printed for the author, 1812-5, 8vo, 9 vols. See the index s.v. Elegia, Gray, T. [1630 1813. M. H. [The fate of Gray's library.] In The Gentle- man's Mag., March, 1818, lxxxiii. 1. 197. [1631 [John I'knn.] In his An historical and descriptive account of Stoke Park in Buckinghamshire, London, W. Buhner & Co., 1818, 8vo, pp. [iv], 74. 8 plates. bm [1632 1814. Ai.i \ wm.K Chalmers. In The general biographical dictionary, n> w id.. London, .1. Nichols & Son, and others, 1811, xvi. 815 28. [1688 I J. [Portraits.] In The Gentleman's Mag., May, 1814, iv. i. t'_'7 8. I 1684 •THOMAI JAMBA MatHIAB. Postscript. In his cd. of Gray's Works. [814, ii. 58] <;•-'!'. [1635 Reprinted is follows: Observations on the writings and on the character <*( Mr. Gray. London Printed f<>r T. Cadell & W. Davies. 1815. Hvo, pp. [iv], 180. Nv.'. 101 (11835, f. !1), coin Includes the memoir <>( Nicholls, the Canzone, and a list of the con- tend "f the edition of 1814. .'IS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY A passage was quoted in The Gentleman's Mag., Aug., 1816, n. s. xxvi. 139, n. There was a new edition in 1833, privately printed, dated: Italy | is:;;; | L6mo, pp. [ii], 106. [Thomas Dunham Whitaker.] The life and works of Gray. In The Quarterly Rev., July. 1811. xi. 304-18. [1636 A review of Mathias and Mason. *John Mitford. Essay on the poetry of Gray. In his ed. of Gray's Works, 1811. See no. 101. [1637 In his edition of 1816 i. xci-elxxvi. See no. 19. In his edition of 1835 ii. i-cxvii. See no. 30. — Life. In his ed., 1814. See no. 101. [1638 In his edition of 1816 i. i-xc, with four appendices. See no. 19. Does not include Bryant's letter. In his edition of 1840 i. i-cxxiv. See no. 30. Also reprinted in Moultrie's edition, 2d edition, 1847, pp. i-lxvi. See no. 117. Includes Bryant's letter, pp. lx-lxvi, which, so far as I can determine, was not in the 1st edition. Sonnet. In his ed., 1814, p. iii. See no. 101. [1639 In his edition of 1816, i. clxxvii. See no. 19. 1815. Richard Ackermann. In his A history of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, London, 1815, 4to, i. 24, 75-9. [1640 Edward Jones. [On Gray's portrait.] In Nichols's Literary anecdotes of the 18th century, London, 1815, ix. 717 f. [1641 Thomas James Mathias. To the memory of Gray. In The Gentleman's Mag., April, 1815, lxxxv. 1. 350. [1642 On Mathias see W. P. Courtney in The Diet, of Nat. Biog., 1894, xxxvii. 47-9. 1816. Francis, Lord Jeffrey. In his rev. of Swift's Works ed. Scott. In The Edinburgh Rev., Sept., 1816, xxvii. 7. [1643 Also in his Contributions to The Edinburgh Review, London, Long- man, 1844, 8vo, i. 65-66; cf. p. 132. William Wordsworth. In Letters of the Wordsworth family, ed. by William Knight, Boston, Ginn, 1907, 8vo, ii. 80, 154, 176, 314, iii. 317. [1644 The references to Gray begin in 1816. Francis Wrangham. In his The British Plutarch, London, 1816, 8vo, vi. 185-205. [1645 Apparently not in the New York edition, 1816, 8 volumes. colu Cf. no. 1587a. 1817. M. Walckenaer. In Biographie universelle, Paris, 1817, xviii. 361-4. [1646 In the nouvelle Edition, 1857, xvii. 404-6. GENERAL CRITICISM 219 1818. William Hazlitt. In his Lectures on the English poets, delivered at the Surrey Institution, London, Taylor & Hessev, 1818, 8vo, pp. 234-6 (the whole has pp. [viii], 331). bm [1647 Rev. in The North American Rev., March, 1819, viii. 307-9. John Preston Neale. In his Views of the seats of noblemen and gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, Lon- don, 1818, i. no. 20. [1648 An engraving of Stoke Park, with 2 pages of text. 1819. Thomas Moore. In his Memoirs, journal, and corre- spondence, ed. John Russell, London, Longman, 1853-6, 8vo, iii. 82, iv. 79, v. 139. [1649 The references to Gray hegin in 1819. The Qi-arterly Review. In Narrative and romantic poems of the Italians. April, 1819, xxi. 502-3. [1650 In View of Grecian philosophy. — The clouds, etc. April, 1819, xxi. 287, n., 296, n. [1651 1821. [William Lisle Bowles.] A letter to the Right Hon. Lord Byron, protesting against the immolation of Gray, Cowper, and Campbell at the shrine of Pope. London. Printed for G. Cowie&Co. 1821. [1651a 8vo, pp. 34. Signed Fabius. bm, hd Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, Bart. In The Anti-Critic for August. 1821, and March, 1822, Geneva, W. Fick, 1822, 8vo, pp. 40-4, 103-15 (the whole has pp. xii, 256, xii). [1652 George Gordon Noel, Lord Byron. In his Letter to [John Murray] on the Rev. \V. I.. Bowles's stricture on the life and writings of Pope, London. Murray, 1821, 8vo. [1653 Written from Ravenna, Feb. 7, 1821. Hev. in The North American Rev., Oct, 1821, xiii. 150-78. Second edition, revised, London, 1821. In his Works, ed. by E. II. Coleridge and R. E. Prothero, London, Murray. 1898-1901 (see the index). [1654 William Hazlitt. In bis Table talk; or, Original essays, London, John Warren, Henrj Colburn & Co., 1821, 1822, 8vo, i. 166, 225, ii. 68 1. [1655 NoEMON. On Gray's opinion of Collins. In The London Mag., July, 1821, iv. 18 6. I 1656 1822. 'I'm London Magazine. <)n the 1 i f« - and writings of William Mason. July. 1822, vi. 10-20. [1657 [n Scraps of criticism. Dec., 1822, vi. 568. [1658 On 11. II I J Bj PP iii. -'■ 11. 7, 8. J.:o j BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Henry Mackenzie. In his An account of the life and writ- ings of John Home, Esq., Edinburgh, 1822, 8vo, p. 17. [1659 Quoted in Gray, ed. Pickering, 1836, iv. 307. See no. 30. 1823. The Classical Journal. Parallel passages. London, 1823, xxviii. 210-11. [1660 On the Elegy and the Hymn to Adversity. Charles Lamb. In his Amicus redivivus. In The London Mag., Dec, 1823, viii. 613-5. [1661 Also in Essays of Elia, 2d ser.; in Lucas's edition ii. 209-13, 432-6. See also under Dobell, B., no. 1915. George Smeeton (?). In The Unique, London, Smeeton, 1823, 8vo, i. no. 32. [1662 Portrait and 2 pp. of description. Pp. not numbered. Cf. The Gentleman's Mag., Nov., 1824, xciv. 2. 482. In the edition of [1824], ii. no. 77. 6 pp. of text. b 1824. Effigies poeticae: or The portraits of the British poets illustrated by notes biographical, critical, and poetical. London. James Carpenter & Son. 1824. [1663 8vo, pp. [4], ii, 112. On Gray, pp. 88-9, no. 112. Johann Friedrich Ludwig Wachler. In his Handbuch der Geschichte der Literatur, Frankfurt a. M., Barth, 1824, 8vo. [1663a In the 3d ed., Leipzig, 1833, iii. 293. T. Z. Stanzas to the memory of Gray. In The Mirror, Jan. 10, 1824, iii. 21. [1664 5 stanzas, metre of the Elegy. 1825. The New York Literary Gazette. Collins and Gray. Sept. 10, 1825, i. 3-4. cu [1664a 1826. Walter Savage Landor. In his Johnson and Horn Tooke. In Imaginary conversations, 2d ed., 1826. [1665 Not in the 1st edition. In C. G. Crump's edition, London, 1891, 8vo, iii. 380-4. Richard Polwhele. In his Traditions and recollections. London, 1826, 8vo, 2 vols. [1666 Reprinted in The Liverpool Repository of Literature, Philosophy, and Commerce, 1826, cols. 123-4. 1827. Alciphron. In Speculations on literary pleasures. In The Gentleman's Mag., July, Aug., 1827, xcvii. 2. 33, 116-7. [1667 GENERAL CRITICISM 221 1828. Joseph Cradock. In his Literary and miscellaneous memoirs, London, J. B. Nichols & Son, 1828, 8vo, i. 82, 107-8, 182-4, 189, iv. 223-6, 231-2. [1668 Rev. in The London Mag., April, 1826, n. s. iv. 560-2. Parts on Gray quoted in same, p. 571. John Bowyer Nichols. In his Illustrations of the literary history of the eighteenth century, London, J. B. Nichols, Son, & Bentley, 1828-31, 8vo, v. 66-8, 784, 797, vi. 739, 805. [1669 1829. Henry Neele. In his Literary remains, London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1829, 8vo, pp. 211-3. [1670 Disparages Gray and defends Johnson. Also in his Lectures on English poetry, from the reign of Edward the Third to the time of Burns and Cowper, 3d edition, London, John Thomas, 1839, 8vo, pp. 215-17 (the whole has pp. xv, [i], 229). bm 1830. James Dunbar. In his Essays on the history of man- kind in rude and cultivated ages, London, W. Strahan, etc., 1830, 8vo, p. 117 (the whole has pp. [xii], 436). [1671 J * * *. Stoke Park.— Mr. Penn. In The Mirror, May 8, 1830, xv. 324-5. [1672 The Mirror. Gray's monument at Stoke. April 17, 1830, xv. 257-8. [1673 1831. Charles Victor de Bonstetten. In his Souvenirs de Ch. Victor de Bonstetten ecrites en 1831, Paris, J. Cherbuliez, 1832, 12mo, pp. 116-9 (the whole has pp. [iv], 124). [1674 Arthur Henry Hali.am. 1831. In his Remains in verse and prose, London, John Murray. 1863, 8vo, p. 139, note. [1675 Quoted by Mitford, Corr. of Gray and Mason, 2d edition, p. 488. Tin: Mirror. Illustrations of Gray. Nov. 19, 1831, xviii. 858 I. [1676 1833. [8AAC DlSRAELI. Poetical imitations and similarities. In his Curiosities of literature, Boston. Lilly. Wait. Colman, & Huld.n. 1888, Bm. 8vO, iii. 9-31. [1676a In the edition <>f Wm. Veazie, Boston, 1858, n. 260-79. .lo-i en IIasi.iuood (1769-1833) intended to publish an ed. of Gray. See J. I'. M. In N. A Q., April 18, 1850, 1st ser. i. 886. [1677 1834. Sir Swnii. I'.i.i R.TON BrTDGEB. Thomas Gray, the poet. In Iii 1 - Imaginative biography, London, Saunders & Otley, [88 I. 8vo, i. 78 122. I 1678 Isaac Disraeli. Of suppressors and dilapidators of MSS. In :.'.' A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY his Curiosities of literature, 9th ed., London, Moxon, 1834, sm. Svo. iv. 288-90; see also pp. 288-90, 293. [1679 Not in the 1st or the 7th edition. In the edition of Win, Veazie, Boston, 1858, iii. 210-1. In The Georgian era: memoirs of the most eminent persons, who have flourished in Great Britain, from the accession of George I to the demise of George IV, London, Vizetelly, Bran- ston & Co., 1834, 8vo, iii. 331-3. [1680 In Nuts to crack: or Quips, quirks, anecdote, and facete [sic], of Oxford and Cambridge scholars, London, Bailey & Co., 1834, pp. 227-8; see also pp. 41-2. [1681 On a contrast between Gray and Warburton. 1835. Sir James Mackintosh. In Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Sir James Mackintosh, ed. by his son Robert James Mackintosh, London, Edw. Moxon, 1835, 8vo, ii. 172-3. 2 vols. [1682 1836. *Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. Thomas Gray and his poetry. In Walford's Antiq. Mag., March, 1884, v. 123-8. [1683 Dated Geneva, April, 1836. Francois Auguste, Vicomte de Chateaubriand. In his Essai sur la litterature anglaise, Paris, 1836, 8vo, 2 vols. [1684 In the London edition, 1836, Edward Churton, pp. 308-11. In his Sketches of English literature, London, Henry Colburn, 1836, 8vo, ii. 257-60. William Cole. Extracts from his MSS. were printed by Mit- ford in his Pickering ed. of Gray, 1836, i. xcix-civ. [1684a Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In his Literary remains, 1836. [1685 Reprinted in his Works, New York, Harper, 1853, 8vo, iv. 394-8, vi. 493. 1837. A Constant Reader. [Where Gray was born.] In The Gentleman's Mag., Feb., 1837, n. s. vii. 114. [1686 George Godfrey Cunningham. In his Lives of eminent and illustrious Englishmen, from Alfred the Great to the latest times, Glasgow, Fullarton, 1837, 8vo, vi. 99-100. [1687 *Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer, Baron Lytton. Gray's works. In The London and Westminster Rev., July, 1837, v. and xxvii. 1-16. [1688 Also in his Quarterly essays, London, Routledge, 1868, 8vo, pp. 119- 36, and in his Miscellaneous prose works, London, 1868, i. 135-58. GENERAL CRITICISM 223 F. M. In his Stemmata atheniensia, London, John W. Parker, 1837, 4to, p. 7. [1689 Thomas Moule. In his The English counties delineated, Lon- don, Geo. Virtue, 1837, 4to, i. 168. 2 vols. [1690 On Stoke Pogis. Robert Aris Eldridge Willmott. Goldsmith and Gray. In The Church of England Quart. Rev., April, 1837, i. 360-89. [1691 1838. The British and Foreign Review. April, 1838, vi. 397-420. [1692 A review of Mitford's edition. Londiniana. Great fire in Cornhill, and Bishopsgate St. — Birthplace of Gray, the poet. Reprinted in The Mirror, Jan. 27, 1838, xxxi. 53-4. [1693 The Penny Cyclopedia, London, Chas. Knight & Co., 1838, xi. 400-1. [1694 1839. The Cambridge Portfolio i. no. 4. 4to. 1839. [1695 Rev. in The Gentleman's Mag., Sept., 1839, n. s. xii. 219-34; see esp. pp. 236-8. 1840. James Hildyard. Critique on Gray. In The Cam- bridge Portfolio, ed. John James Smith, London, John W. Parker, 1840, 8vo, pp. 142-7. [1696 Horace Walpole. Wal pole's Letters, [ed. J. Wright], Lon- don, Et. Bentley, 1840, ii. opp. p. 462, includes an engraving of Eckhardt'a portrait. | i6!M>a IioiiERT Aris Eldridge Willmott. A dream of the poets. Spenser, Milton, Cowley, Jonson, Crashaw and Gray. In John James Smith, The Cambridge Portfolio, London, John \V. Parker, 1840, 8vo, i. 47-58. [ 1697 1841. THOMAS CARLYLE. In bis On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history, London, .las. Fraser, 1841, 8vo, p. 55. | 1698 The I'knny Magazine. Railway rambles. Stoke. Oct. 28, 1841, n. s. x. iil' i. | 1699 Pictures of tin- church and the Gray monument. 1842. *Fraser's Magazine. Characters of celebrated authors, aneiriit and modern, i. Gray. May. 1842, sxv. 541 52. | 1700 Henry David Thoreau. "Gray sedulously cultivated poetry, hul the plant would not thrive. I lis life set ins to have needed -'.'; A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY sonic more sincere and ruder experience." Journal, ed. of 1906, Bos., Houghton, i. 457. Written after Oct. 21, 1842. [1701-2 1844. In A brief history of the manor and parish of Stoke- Pogis, Bucks, London, William Edward Painter, [1844?], 12mo, pp. 70, 90-1, 127-8 (the whole has pp. 2, [ii], 140). BM (796. a. 32) [1703 J. R. [Gray on Voltaire.] In his Gibbon's personal defects, etc. In The Gentleman's Mag., Feb., 1844, n. s. xxi. 160. [1704 1845. The Athenaeum. [Sale of books and MSS.] Dec. 6, 1845, pp. 1174-5. [1705 W. G. C. Ille sub umbrosae qui stratus frondibus ulmi. In Moultrie's ed. of Gray, 1845, pp. 105-6. See no. 116a. [1706 Twenty-eight verses prefixed to De prineipiis cogitandi. Catalogue of a valuable collection of miscellaneous books . . . by Thomas Gray, the poet. London. 1845. 12mo. [1707 Chambers's Edinburgh Journal. The grave of Gray the poet. June 28, 1845, n. s. iii. 78. 410-12. [1708 John Moultrie. In Musae etonenses. [1709 Also in his ed. of Gray, 1845. See no. 116a. Reproduced in Arthur Campbell Ainger, Eton in prose and verse, London, Hodder & Stoughton, [1910], 4to, pp. 165-74. Stanzas. In his ed. of Gray, Eton, 1845. [1710 Begins, Seed-time and harvest, summer's genial heat. 32 Spenserian stanzas. In the 2d edition, 1847, pp. 1-13. Stanzas x-xviii quoted in The Gentleman's Mag., Sept., 1845, n. s. xxiv. 233-5. Twelve stanzas quoted by Creasv, Eminent Etonians, 1850, pp. 309- 12; in the 2d edition, 1876, pp. 344^46. 1846. Henry Carey. In his Lives of English poets from Johnson to Kirke White, designed as a continuation of Johnson's Lives, London, Henry G. Bohn, 1846, 8vo, pp. 91, 159, 179, 183 f., 189, 192, 198 f., 202, 205 f., 208, 221 f., 291 f. (the whole has pp. [viii], 419). [1711 The Gentleman's Magazine. In a rev. of Dickens's Pictures from Italy. July, 1846, n. s. xxvi. 5. [1712 Sale of the library of Gray the poet. Jan., 1846, n. s. xxv. 29-33. [1713 Quotes some marginalia. Walter Savage Landor. In his Southey and Landor. In Imaginary conversations, Works, 1846, ii. [1714 In C. G. Crump's edition, London, 1891, 8vo, iv. 278-79. GENERAL CRITICISM 225 Wiley & Putnam's Literary News-Letter, and Monthly Register of New Books. [On the sale of Gray's books and MSS.] Jan., 1846, v. no. 50. New York. [1715 A clipping of this is inserted in the nyp copy of the Van Voorst edi- tion of 1839. See no. 594. 1847. William Howitt. Gray, at Stoke Pogis. In his Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets, London, R. Bentley, 1817, 8vo, i. 273-85. [1716 Second edition, 1847; 3d edition, 1857. Also partly reprinted in Poems of Thomas Gray, ed. W. J. Rolfe, New York, Harper, 1876 (see no. 250), 8vo, pp. 16-20, and in Miss Pound's edition of the Elegy, 1907 (see no. 797a), pp. 61-4. Edward Jesse. In his Favourite haunts and rural studies: including visits to spots of interest in the vicinity of Windsor and Eton, London, Murray, 1847. [1717 Rev. in Tait's Edinburgh Mog., Oct., 1847, n. s. xiv. 709-11. John Hexneage Jesse. In his Literary and historical memorials of London, London, Richard Bentley, 1847, i. 116, 422. [1718 Rev. in The Gentleman's Mag., Jan., 1848, n. s. xxix. 3-23; see esp. pp. 9-10, 16. Condemned in The Atheruvum, Aug. 21, 1847, pp. 878-80. GEORGE Lipscome. In his The history and antiquities of the COIinty of Buckingham, London, 1847, ii. 103, iv. 555-7, 568. [1719 On Stoke Pogis, Bee iv. 544-70. 1848. John Forster. In his Life and adventures of Oliver Goldsmith, London, Bradbury & Evans, 1848, 8vo. pp. 94-9 (the whole has pp. xvii, [8], 70 \-j. | 1720 Knu mid .Ikssk. Characteristics of the poet Gray. In Bent- ley's Miicellany, London. 1848, sxiii. 133-5. | 1721 liiTui RlTCHIE. In his Windsor Castle, and its environs; including Eton College, 2d ed., with additions by Ldward Jesse, London, Bonn, I s i s . ,s V o. pp. 296 300. [1722 1849. Pitch Cunningham. In his A handbook for London, pit and present, London, Murray, 1849, Svo, 2 vols. See no. IS' [ [728 \\\ Mum In i mm. (Mrs. S. ('.) HALL. The tomb of Th. .mas Gray. In The Art Journal. Feb. 1. 1849, \i. 50 •'«. [ 1724 \] .. in her Pilgrimages •>> English shrines, London, Arthur Hull, Virtue .\ ' ", i . pp 98 104 (Hi-- whole has pp. \ii, 894). colt \i o in '//,/ National Mag., Oct, 1855, vii. 296 308. Note and Illustrations bj I , w. Palrholt. ::t; A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1850. Sir Kdwahd Shepherd Creasy. In his Memoirs of eminent Etonians, London, Richard Bentley, 1850, 8vo, pp. 299- 305 (the whole has pp. xv, [1], 504). [1725 Rev. in Bentley's Miscellany, 1850, xxviii. 92-3. In the new edition, 1876, pp. 332-61. Rev. in The Academy, May 6, 1876, ix. 429-30. Attributes Temple's eulogy to Mason. Henry Theodore Tuckerman. In his Thoughts on the poets, Lon., Geo. Slater, 1850, New York, 1851, 8vo, pp. 29-43. colu [1726 Interesting and agreeable, but not strikingly original. Same. German. Charakterbilder englischer Dichter, aus dem Englischen von E. M idler, Marburg, 1857, 8vo. 1851. The American Whig Review. July, 1851, xiv. 30-4. [1727 Henry H. Breen. Gray's plagiarisms. In N. fy Q., June 7, 1851, 1st ser. iii. 445-6. [1728 Cf. Effigies in same, iv. 285. John Gorton. In his A general biographical dictionary, a new ed., London, Henry G. Bohn, 1851, unpaged. [1729 The Quarterly Review. Correspondence of Walpole and Mason. June, 1851, lxxxix. 140-2. [1730 Rt. Gray and Cowley. In N. $ Q., Sept. 20, 1851-Aug. 7, 1852, 1st ser. iv. 204-5, 252-4, 465-8, vi. 119-22. [1731 Reply: K. S, Oct. 4, 1851, iv. 262. Eliot Warburton. In his Memoirs of Horace Walpole and his contemporaries, Lon., Henry Colburn, 1851, 8vo, i. 64-9, 208, 212, 215, 217-22, 270-94, ii. 126-78. colu [1732 Robert Aris Eldridge Willmott. In his Pleasures, objects, and advantages of literature ; a discourse, Lon., Thos. Bosworth, 1851, sm. 8vo, pp. 9, 19, 23, 41, 56, 61, 70, 72, 81, 107, 139, 197 (the whole has pp. xv, [ 1 ] , 30 1 ) . [1733 [C. Wright.] Catalogue of a most interesting collection of MSS. and books, of the poet Gray; the whole in beautiful condi- tion. Also of various editions of his works; a posthumous bust; a painting, "View of Gray's tomb and churchyard," by Baron; five original drawings by Westall, R. A. ; &c. &c. Which will be sold by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & John Wilkinson at their house, 3, Wellington St., Strand, on Thursday, August 28th, 1851. London. Printed by W. Nicol. [1734 1861. 8vo, pp. [ii], 31. b (Mus. Bibl. Ill 522 (31)), nyp Introduction of 4 pp. signed C. W. There was a special edition of GENERAL CRITICISM 227 14 copies in which the purchasers' names and the prices were entered in ink. This apparently hore a different title-page: A catalogue, briefly descriptive, of various books, and original MSS., of the poet Gray. 1851. X. p. 8vo, pp. [ii], 27. bm (884. h. 16), hu A copy of the former was offered by Tregaskis, London, in 1909, for £3 13s. 6d. The 170 lots realized £1038 7/-. 1853. *Whit\vell Elwin. Life and works of Gray. In The Quarterly Rev., Dec, 1853, xciv. 1-48. [1735 Also in Littell's Living Age, March 25, 1854, xl. (2d ser. iv.) 579-603; in The Eclectic Mac/. April, 1854, xxxi. 433-59 (with some passages omitted); in his Some XVIII. century men of letters, London, 1902, 8vo, ii. 447-513. Portrait. William Caldwell Roscoe. 1853. See no. 1236. [1736 Hugh James Rose. In his A new general biographical dic- tionary, Lon., B. Fellowes [and others], 1853, viii. 94-6. [1737 1854. The Athen^lm. [On MSS.] July 29, Aug. 12, 1854, pp. 941-2, 996. [1738 Blackwood's Magazine. Gray's letters [and Elegy]. Feb., 185 1, lxxv. 242-54. [1739 Comment in The Southern Literary Messenger xx. 345. The Christian Remembrancer. Gray's letters. April, 1854, xxvii. 118-56. [1740 The Gentleman's Magazine. The MSS. of the poet Gray [sale]. Sept., 1854, n. s. xlii. 272. [1741 Henry Hallam. In his Introduction to the literature of Europe, London, Murray, 1854, pp. 20, 31, 363. [1742 Hi miv T. Riley. Gray and Stephen Duck. In N. $ Q., Aug. 26, 185 k, lsl Ber. x. 160. " [1743 1855. U'm.tih Baoehot. In his works, ed. by Forrest M<>r gan, Hartford. Conn., The Travellers' Insurance Co., 1891, i. i the index ). [1744 TIk- references to Gray begin In 1856. ( I L. S. In -V. A Q., May 26, is.-,.-,, 1st Ber. xi. 409. [1745 Mainly <>n < larrick'a line , 1856. Bdward Monroe. In bis Parochial lectures on Eng- lish poetry, London, 1856, pp. 828-8. I 17 ic Samuel Rogers. In Recollections <>f the tabletalk of Samuel Rogers, [ed. A. Dyce], Lon., Edw. Mozon, 1856, 8yo, pp. viii, .'(.-,.-,. ii m | 17 17 in the edition of tppleton, New York, 1858, pp. 34 8, 91, 160, Ml. Rev. in Tin E else tic Mag., March, 1856, n. I. xi. 186-95. Comment A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY on this hv Frederick John Vipan in The Gentleman's Mag., April, 1856, n. s. xh. 884-5. 1857. L[eo] J[oubert]. In Nouvelle biographie geuerale, Paris, Firmin Uidot Freres, 1857, xxi. 756-9. [1748 1858. Walter Savage Landor. Goldsmith and Gray. In his Dry sticks fagoted by Walter Savage Landor, London, 1858. [1749 Also in his Works, London, Chapman & Hall, 1876, 8vo, viii. 290. Twelve lines, pentameter couplets. C. H. Monicke. In his The book of British poets, Leipzig, 1858, 8vo, pp. 389 ff. [1749a John Timbs. Gray at Eton and Cambridge. In his SchooL days of eminent men, Lon., Kent & Co., 1858, 8vo, pp. viii, 216- 9 (the whole has pp. 310). [1750 In the edition of Follett, Foster & Co., Columbus, 1860, pp. 215-7. cu 1859. J. G. N. Gray's copy of Strype's Stowe. In N. % Q., Nov. 19, 1859, 2d ser. viii. 416. [1751 1861. J. A. H. Thomas Gray, and the literature of the eighteenth century. In Temple Bar, Oct., 1861, iii. 402-20. [1752 Has been attributed to H. A. J. Munro. 1863. *George William Frederick Howard, 7th Earl of Carlisle. Lecture on the writings of Gray. In Gray's Poetical works, Eton, 1863, pp. 99-140. See no. 138. [1753 * Joseph D. Howard. In The North American Rev., April, 1863, xcvi. 312-61. [1754 The Leisure Hour. Gray and the "Elegy." Nov. 7, 1863, xii. 709-11. , [1755 Col. plate of Stoke Pogis Church. 1864. J. A. G. Thomas Gray on the British Museum. In N. Sf Q., Aug. 6, 1864, 3d ser. vi. 107. [1756 N. R. Etching of Gray, the poet. In N. § Q., Sept. 24, 1864, 3d ser. vi. 249. [1757 Replies: Z. Z., Oct. 15, p. 317; C. Forrest, Oct. 29, p. 358. 1865. William Francis Collier. In his A history of Eng- lish literature, London, T. Nelson & Sons, 1865, 8vo, pp. 321-4. [1758 William Lucas Collins. In his Etoniana, ancient and modern, being notes of history and traditions of Eton College, Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1865,"8vo, p. 79. [1759 Also in Blackwood's Mag., March, 1865, xcvii. 356. GENERAL CRITICISM 229 William Everett. In his On the Cam, lectures on the Uni- versity of Cambridge in England, Cambridge, Mass., 1865, 8vo, pp. 285-6. [1760 Lowell Lectures, 1864. Also pub. in London, 1866. Cyrus Redding. Retrospective criticism. — Gray. In Col- burn's New Monthly Mag., Dec. 1, 1865, exxxv. 432-42. [1761 1866. Ralph De Peverel. Footprints of Thomas Gray. In Once a Week, June 16, 1866, xiv. (n. s. i.) 650-3. Wdct. [1762 The Nation. [On Gray's MSS. and books.] April 19, 1866, ii. 497. [1763 1868. Heinrich During. In J. S. Ersch and J. G. Gruber, Allgemeine Encyclopadie der Wissenschaften und Kiinste, Leip- zig, 1868, 1. Section, 88. Teil, pp. 392-416. [1764 In The Percy anecdotes, London, Percy, Sholto & Reuben, new ed., 1868, sm. 8vo, vi. 2. 47-8 (Gray's mother), xi. 1. 126 (the rope-ladder). [1765 1869. Edward Bickersteith. In his The poets of Buck- inghamshire — William Cowper. In Records of Buckinghamshire iv. 3-16. b [1766 An address delivered at the annual meeting of the Archaeological Society, July 15, 1869. See p. 5. Katharine [Abbott] Sanborn. In her Home pictures of English poets, New York, Appleton, 1869, 8vo, p. 178-91. Illus. [1767 1870. Tin: Nation. [On the sale of Gray's music by Scribner, Welford & Co.] July 7, 1870, xi. 10. [176*8 1871. Jonathan Bouchier, Gray and Boswell. In N. \ Q., Nov. 25, 1871, 4th ser. viii. M8. [1769 W. Clare Russell. In his The hook of authors, new ed., Lon., Warn-, [1871], 8vo, pp. :i<;, 117, 280, 232, 238-40, 273, •_'!<'>. 818. B (270. g. 333) [1770 Reprinted i^t<;. 1872. Pierre Larousse, In his Grand dictionnaire uni- verse] (In XIX- siecle, Paris, 1872, \iii. 1477. I 1771 1873. Frederick Arnold. In his Oxford and Cambridge: their colli u ri s, memories, and associations, London, The Religious Tract Society, | 1878], Bvo, pp. 160, 175, 245 f., 277 (the whole has pp. \iii. 400). [ 1772 1874. .ii (.no \ii,' pi - Brooke. In his Theology of the English poits, London. Henry S. Kin^ & Co., 1874, 8vo, pp. 86 id. [177.'J .' V A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY J. D. In his English lyrical poetry. In The Cornhill Mag., June, 1874. xxix. 710-2. [1774 Richard Henry Stoddard. In his Studies of some British authors: ancestry. In Scribner's Monthly, Aug., 1874, viii. 455-7. [1775 Temple Bar. The cycle of English song. vi. Old age. Jan., 1874, xl. 176-80. [1776 Of little value. Christopher Wordsworth. In his Social life at the English universities in the 18th century, Cambridge, Deighton, Bell & Co., 1874, 8vo. See the index. [1777 1875. John Bartlett. 1875. See no. 1842. [1777a David Blair. Tennyson and Gray. In The Melbourne Argus, Aug. 3, 1875. [1778 Reply by Marcus Clarke in same, Aug. 5. Both reprinted in N. § Q., Jan. 8, 1876, 5th ser. v. 29-30. Alfred Dantes. In Dictionnaire biographique et biblio- graphique, Paris, 1875, 8vo, pp. 417, 1178. [1779 The Eton portrait gallery, consisting of short memoirs of the more eminent Eton men; by a Barrister of the Inner Temple. Eton College. Williams & Son. London. Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 1876 [1875]. [1780 8vo, pp. xiv, [2], 581. bm Rev. by J. Bass Mullinger in The Academy, Feb. 12, 1876, ix. 137. On Gray, pp. 527-30. John Henneage Jesse. In his Memoirs of celebrated Eton- ians, London, Richard Bentley & Son, 1875, 8vo, i. 352-77 et passim. cu, colu [1781 Rev. by J. Bass Mullinger in The Academy, Feb. 12, 1876, ix. 137. Sir Henry Churchill Maxwell Lyte. In his A history of Eton College, 1440-1875, London, Macmillan, 1875, 8vo, pp. 298-302, 428 (the whole has pp. xx, [2], 527). bm [1782 Rev. by J. Bass Mullinger in The Academy, Feb. 12, 1876, ix. 137-8. In the 2d edition, 1889, pp. 282-5, 368, 428. In the 3d edition, 1899, pp. 303-6, 408, 480. Rev. in The Academy, Sept. 16, 1899, lvii. 274-5. 1876. Robert Carruthers. The life of Thomas Gray. In Select poems of Thomas Gray, ed. W. J. Rolfe, New York, 1876, pp. 9-15. See no. 250. [1783 *The Quarterly Review. Wordsworth and Gray. Jan., 1876, cxli. 104-36. [1784 For many brief references and casual criticisms not entered here, see the index, volumes xx., xl., Ix., lxxx., c, etc. GENERAL CRITICISM 231 Leslie Stephen*. In his History of English thought in the 18th century, Lon., Smith, Elder & Co., 1876, 8vo, 2 vols. [1785 Second edition, 1881 [1880]. Third edition, 1902, section xii. 34, 41, U5, 126, 133. James Thorxe. In his Handbook to the environs of London, Lon., Murray, 1876, 8vo, pp. 66-8 (Burnham Beeches), 207-12 (Eton), 573-6 (Stoke Pogis), 708-34, (Windsor). The whole has pp. vi, 794, [1]. bm [1786 1878. W. Davenport Adams. In his Dictionary of English literature. London, Cassell, Petter & Galpin, n. d. (1878?), pp. 9, 257, 355. [1787 William Michael Rossetti. In his Lives of famous poets, Lon., E. Moxon, Son, & Co., 1878, 8vo, pp. 147-58 (the whole has pp. xii, [2], 406). See also the index. [1788 1879. Charles D. Deshler. The sonnets of Gray. In his Afternoons with the poets. New York, Harper, 1879, 8vo, pp. 171-6 (the whole has pp. 320). [1789 "Leslie Stephen. Gray and his school. In The Cornh'dl Mar,., July, 1879, xl. 70-!»l" [1790 Also In The Eclectic Mag., Oct., 1879, xciii. (n. s. xxx.) 385-400; in LitteU's Living Age, Ulg. -'. 1H79, cxlii. 259-72; and in his Hours in ;i Horary, 3d edition (not in the 1st edition), London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1809, Bvo, iii. 101-38. 1880. F. B. B. Richard West, the friend of Gray; Mrs. Cray's tomb. In N. 4- Q., July 10, 1880, 6th ser. ii. 27. [1791 R[obert] Ca[rri tin hs]. In The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th - ,|.. Edinburgh, Black, 1880, xi. 77-8. [ 1792 • ■ also viii. 4£9| xxiv. 331. THOMAS SerOI \nt PeRBY. Gray, Collins, and Beattie. In The Atlantic Monthly, Dec, ikho. "xlvi. 810-7. [1793 1881. Jehiel Keex.br Hoyt. 1881. See no. 1802a. [1798a \ (.i ...in llrrr. A haunt of Cray for sale. In .V. \ Q., March 26, 1881, 8th B( r. iii. 246. [ 1794 On Stoke Park. John Campbell Shairp. In his English poetry in the 18th century. In The Princeton Rev., July, 1881, o. s. riv. (r>7th r :in 50. | 1795 \V. w i bsti n. ri» ici H' "I Gray's 'Elegy.' In The Academy, l». .-. it. i ssi. ix, \->h. \ I7!»<; \ 1 ]>. fi')-7<). Hiis was rev. by ('■. A. Siincox in The Academy, Dec. 1. I—-, xxxiv. 345-6; in The Athetuium. March 2, 1889, pp. 273-6. Also in Guide to the study of English literature, etc., London, Macmillan, 1896, l6mo, Miniature Scries; and in George R. Carpenter, Model English prose, New York, Macmillan, 190.5, 8vo, pp. 256-70. 'I'm: Aiiiimi \i. | Proposal of a. monument at Pembroke College. J Feb. '_\ 1884, p. 158. [1809 W. T. Lynn. Birthplace of Gray. In V. $ Q., Aug. 30, 1884, 8th ser. x. 168. [1810 Solly, Sept. jr. pp. 856-7. 1 i.u. Solly. In The Bibliographer, Feb., 1884, v. 57-61. [1811 'I'm Tims. [On the bust.] Feb. 15, 1884, p. 5, coL :». May 87, 1885, p. 7. col. i. [ 1812 1885. Swui i \i-iin A.LLIBONE. In his (in.at authors of all agi . Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1885, Bvo, pp. no. 253, 317, 874. [1812a • V C. M>. iniisie iii the possession of Gray. In .V. ,\ ()., 7. hs.i. nil. ser. \ii. .'{lis. | 1818 ..'; A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY The Cambridge Review. Unveiling of the Gray memorial [May 26, 1885]. May 27, 1885, vi. 347-9. [1814 Reprinted in The Critic, July 4, 1885, vii. 8-10. Henry Austin Dobson. The Gray memorial. In The Art Journal, Sept., 1885, n. s. xxxvii. 265-6. [1815 James Russell Lowell. Address delivered on the occasion of the unveiling of the bust of the poet Gray, in the hall of Pem- broke College, Cambridge, May 26, 1885. In his American ideas for English readers, Boston, J. G. Cupples Co., [1892], 16mo, pp. xv, 94. [1816 A part also in The Critic, June 13, 1885, n. s. iii. 285, cf. p. 263. Maude Gillette Phillips. In her A popular manual of Eng- lish literature, New York, Harper, 1885, 8vo, 2 vols. See the index. [1817 Condemned in The Atlantic Monthly, May, 1885, lv. 707-10. William Francis Prideaux. Gray and the Antrobus family. In N. ■">. 1889. I nMi m> William Gosse. In Ms A history of eight- eentfa century literature (1860 1780), London, Macmillan, 1.S89, 8\o, |>|i. 285 ii et passim . [ 1858 \V. Ill [A portrait, etc.] In The Athenaeum, April 1 i. 1894, p. 188. | 1859 William Minto. In liis The literature of the Georgian era, ecL, with a biographical Introduction, by William Knight, Bdin burgh, Blackwood, 1894, 8vo, pp. 16, 82 i. [64, 889 (the whole has pp. [ii], 815). [I860 G ORG SCHAKF. A inuly discovered portrait. In The Athenaum, Feb. 84, 1894, pp. 851 8. [186] Sec 'i o W, n. Long In lame, iprll ii. j». 188. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY E. Yardley. [On imitations.] In N. $ Q., May 5, 1894, 8th ser. v. 314. [1862 1895. Charles D. Bell. In his Some of our English poets, London, Stock, 1895, 8vo, pp. 1-38 (the whole has pp. [iv], 280). bm [1863 Rev. by Geo. Newcomen in The Academy, April 6, 1895, xlvii. 294-5. Arthur Christopher Benson. Thomas Gray [poem]. Eton. R. Ingalton Drake. 1895. [1864 4to, pp. [vi], 10. Privately printed. William John Courthope. In his History of English poetry, London, 1895-1905, 8vo, i. viii-xii, xiv, 326, v. 385-99. [1865 John Wesley Hales. In Sir Henry Craik, English prose, London, Macmillan, 1895, 8vo, iv. 221-31. [1866 With selections from the journals and letters. Donald Grant Mitchell. In his English lands, letters, and kings, London, Sampson Low, New York, Scribner, 1895, 8vo, iii. 79-82. [1867 The Quarterly Review. In The art of translating. Oct., 1895, clxxxii. 334-5. [1868 Joseph Texte. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the cosmopolitan spirit in literature: a study of the literary relations between France and England during the eighteenth century, translated by J. W. Matthews. London. Duckworth. 1899. [1868a 8vo. See the index. Original edition published in 1895. 1896. The Academy. Academy portraits, v. Thomas Gray. Dec. 12, 1896, 1. 532. [1869 Reproduces Eckhardt's portrait. Henry Austin Dobson. The Officina Arbuteana. In his Eighteenth century vignettes, 3d ser., 1896, pp. 205-21. Port, opp. p. 204. [1870 Rev. in The Academy, Nov. 21, 1896, 1. 416. Jehiel Keeler Hoyt. In his The cyclopedia of practical quotations, New York, Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1896, large 8vo. See the index. [1870a A new edition of no. 1802a. Myra Reynolds. In her The treatment of nature in English poetry between Pope and Wordsworth, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1896, 8vo, pp. x, 290. [1871 A Chicago Ph. D. thesis. Revised edition, 1909, 8vo, pp. xxi, [1], 388. See the index. GENERAL CRITICISM 239 George Saintsbury. In H. D. Traill, ed., Social England, Lon., Cassell, 1896, 8vo, v. 263-4. [1872 In Stoke Poges, a concise account of the church and manor, and also of the poet, Thomas Gray, n. p., 1896, sm. 8vo, pp. 21-32 (the whole has pp. [iii], 32). Illus. [1873 William Robertson Turnbull. In his The heritage of Burns, Haddington, 1896, 8vo, pp. xiv, 418. [1874 1897. Paul Hamelius. In his Die Kritik in der englischen Literatur des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts [Liege these], Leipzig, Fernau, 1897, 8vo. [1875 Georg Herzfeld. Bemerkungen iiber die nordischen Stoffe in der englischen Poesie des vorigen Jahrhunderts. In his William Taylor von Norwich, Halle, Niemeyer, 1897, 8vo, pp. 60-9. [1876 Studien zur englischen Philologie ii. George Parsons Lathrop. In Charles Dudley Warner, Li- brary of the world's best literature, ancient and modern, New York, R. S. Peale & J. A. Hill, [1897], xi. 6623-5. Port. [1877 In J. Meyer, Konversations-Lexikon, Leipzig, 1897, 8vo, vii. 895. [1878 Francis Turner Palgrave. In his Landscape in poetry from Homer to Tennyson, with many illustrative examples, London, Macmillan, 1897, 8vo, p. 173 (the whole has pp. xi, [1], 302). [1879 The Shakespearean. Poets on Shakespeare. Mackenzie Bell and Thomas (.ray. No. 28, Aug. 15, 1897. [ 1880 Robert Farquharson Sharp. In his A dictionary of English authors biographical and bibliographical, London, Redway, 1897, 8vo, p. 118. [1881 Hallam, 2d Baron Tennyson. In his Alfred, Lord Tenny- son, a memoir, Lon., Macmillan. 1897, 8vo, ii. 288. [1882 1898. In I'. A. Bbocehaus, Konversations-Lexikon, 14th ed., Leipzig, 1898, viii. 221-2. [1883 William Pbidbauj Coubtney. In liis art. on Richard Stone- hewer. In Diet. Nat. Biog., 1898, liv. H6-7. [1884 EDMUND William (Josse. In his A short history of modern English literature, New York, Appleton, 1898, 8vo, pp. vi, [2], 1 16 (see the index). [1885 *IIi:nkv EDWABD Kiikhmikl. A port's music. In his Music and manners i" the classical period, Westminster, Constable, 2d ed., 1898, 8vo, pp. 1-54. [1886 240 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Alice Edwards Pratt. In her The use of color in the verse of the English romantic poets, Chicago, The University of Chi- cago press, 1898, 8vo, pp. 33-4, 107, 114. [1887 A doctoral dissertation. Addison Peale Russell. In his Library notes, Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1898, 8vo, pp. 126, 145 f., 238 f., 258. [1888 George Saintsburv. In his A short history of English litera- ture, Lon., Macniillan, 1898, 8vo, pp. 575-7. [1889 Henry Charles Shelley. The birthplace of Gray's Elegy. In The New England Mag., Aug., 1898, n. s. xviii. (xxiv.) 665- 73. Illus. [1890 Also in The Canadian Monthly, Feb., 1899, xii. 305 ff., and in his Literary bv-paths in old England, London, Richards, 1909, 8vo, pp. 103-28. Wasey Sterry. In his Annals of the King's College of Our Lady of Eton beside Windsor, Lon., Methuen, 1898, 8vo, pp. 150,* 160-3 (the whole has pp. xi, [1], 362). bm [1891 Rev. in The Academy, Oct. 15, 1898, lv. 67-8. 1899. Ada Bartrick Baker. To the poet Thomas Gray [sonnet]. In Chambers's Journal, July 22, 1899, 6th ser. ii. 560. [1892 Henry Augustin Beers. In his A history of English roman- ticism in the eighteenth century, London, Kegan Paul, New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1899. [1893 8vo, pp. vii, 455. William Prideaux Courtney. In his art. on Richard West. In The Dictionary of National Biography, 1899, lx. 339-40. [1894 Henry Austin Dobson. In his art. on Horace Walpole. In The Diet, of Nat. Biog., 1899, lix. 170-6. [1895 Arnold Glover. A Gray MS. In The Athenceum, March 18, 1899, p. 338. [1896 M. R. Hoste. Thomas Gray: a character study. In Litera- ture, Sept. 16, 1899, v. 277-8. [1897 William Francis Prideaux. Gray and Walpole. In N. fy Q., Dec. 30, 1899, 9th ser. iv. 531-2. [1898 Replies: O., W. C. B., T. Lonsdale, Jan. 20, 1900, v. 51. Abraham Stansfield. Gray the poet from a French point of view. [Abstract.] In Papers of the Manchester Literary Club xxv. 450. 1899. [1899 Read March 1, 1899. GEXERAL CRITICISM %U John L. Stoddard. In his Lectures, Bos v Balch Bros. Co., 1899, 8vo, ix. 37-9. Illus. [1900 Berthold Wiese and Erasmo Percopo. In their Geschichte der italianischen Litteratur von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegen- wart, Leipzig, Bibl. Institut, 1899, 8vo (see the index). Samm- lung illustrierter Litteraturgeschichten. [1901 1900. George Lyman Kittredge. Gray's ladder of ropes. In The Nation, Sept. 27, 1900, lxxi. 251. [1902 Thomas Seccombe. In his The age of Johnson, Lon., Bell, 1900, 8vo, pp. 31-4, 248-53. [1903 Robert Farquharson Sharp. In his Architects of English literature, Lon., Sonnenschein, 1900, 8vo, pp. 92-104 (the whole has pp. [viii], 326). Facsim. [1904 *Duncan Crookes Tovey. In his ed. of the Letters i. v-xxx, 1900. See no. 1226. [1905 Valuable criticism. Stephen Westlie. Stoke Pogis: to Gray. In The Windmill, Lon., Jan., 1900, ii. 132. [1906 Six quatrains, metre of the Elegy. 1901. Chambers's Encyclopaedia. Edinburgh. 1859-68. In the ed. of 1901, London, v. 368-9, art. revised by E. Gosse. [1907 Peter Hampson Ditchfield. In his Memorials, of old Buck- inghamshire, London, Bemrose & Sons, Ltd., 1901, 8vo, pp. 119- 20 (the whole has pp. [x], 191, [l]). Illus. [1908 The New Popular Encyclopedia, ed. Charles Annandale, London, and Glasgow, The Gresham Publishing Co., 1901, vi. 316-7. [1909 *Thom.\s Herbert Warren. Gray and Dante. In The Monthly Rev., June, 1901, iii. 8. 147-64. [1910 Also in Ins Essays <>f poets and poetry, London, Murray, 1909, 8vo, pj). JIT I J 1902. F. G. Moore. Thomas Gray: university poet, in The Shrine, Nov., 1902, L 188 91. I 1911 ChARLEI WELLS Mori. ton. In his The library of literary criticism of English and American authors, Buffalo, Moulton Pub. Co., 1901 05, 8vo, iii. r>r,:i 7.'{ | 1902). See also the index. | 1912 William Wale. In his Whal greal men have said of great men, a dictionary of quotations, Lon., Sonnenschein, 1902, 8vo, p, 169 | the wrhole has im>. viii. 182). I 1918 .",.' A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 1903. Th. Bachelet. In Ch. Dezobry and Th. Bachelet, Dictionnaire general de biographie et d'histoire, etc., 12th ed., Paris, Delagrave, 1903, p. 1290. [1914 First edition, 1857. Bertram Dobell. In his Sidelights on Charles Lamb, Lon- don, Dobell, 1903, 8vo, pp. 102-5. [1915 *Frank Edgar Farley. In his Scandinavian influences in the English romantic movement. Boston. Ginn & Co. 1903. [1916 8vo, pp. viii, 250. Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature ix. See the index. Edmund Gosse. In Richard Garnett and Edmund Gosse, A history of English literature, from the earliest times to the present, London, Macmillan, 1903, iii. 285-91. 1917 The New International Encyclopaedia, New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1903-4, ix. 160. [1918 *Charles Eliot Norton. The poet Gray j as a naturalist | with selections from his notes on | the Systema naturae of Lin- naeus and | facsimiles of some of his drawings | by Charles Eliot Norton | [Publisher's emblem.] | Charles E. Goodspeed | Boston: MDCCCCIII | [1919 8vo, pp. 66, [1]. The Merrymount Press. bm, cole, nyp Only 500 copies were printed on hand-made paper, at $5, net. Noticed in The Evening Post, Jan. 7, 1904. Reviewed by F. G[reenslet] in The Atlantic Monthly, March, 1904, xciii. 420-1. Thomas Stewart Omond. In his English metrists, Tunbridge Wells, R. Pelton, 1903, 8vo, pp. 72-3. [1920 J. Rivers. In his How great minds jump. In The Library, July, 1903, n. s. iv. 243-50. [1921 Helen Toynbee. Includes a picture of the bust attributed to John Bacon, R. A., in her ed. of Walpole's Letters, Oxford, 1903, i. opp. 132. [1922 1904. F. St. John Corbett. In his A history of British poetry from the earliest times to the beginning of the twentieth century, London, Gay & Bird, 1904, 8vo, pp. 31, 270-7, 620. [1923 Margaret Forbes. In her Beattie and his friends, West- minster, A. Constable & Co., 1904, 8vo, pp. vii, [1], 332 (see the index). [1924 Levi Oscar Kuhns. In his Dante and the English poets from Chaucer to Tennyson, New York, Holt, 1904, 8vo, pp. 107-12, 117, 158 (the whole has pp. vi, [2], 277). 1925 GENERAL CRITICISM US Harry Christopher Minchin. In his A little gallery of English poets, London, Methuen, 1904, 16mo, pp. 45-50 (the whole has pp. xii, 120). [1926 Reproduces Eckhardt's portrait. *Thomas Marc Parrott. "The frugal note of Gray." In his Studies of a booklover, New York, James Pott & Co., 1904, 8vo, pp. 173-206. [1927 George [Edward Bateman] Saintsbury. In his A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe, from the earliest texts to the present day, Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1904, 8vo, iii. 54-63. [1928 *Duncan Crookes Tovey. In his ed. of the Letters, 1904, ii. v-xxxv. See no. 1226. [1929 Valuable criticism. Theodore Watts-Dunton. In his The renascence of wonder in English poetry. In Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English litera- ture, new ed., London, Chambers, 1904, iii. 5, 10. [1929a Reprinted in his Poetry and the renascence of wonder, New York, Dutton, 1916, 8vo, pp. 256-8, cf. p. 259. 1905. A. The poet of the Elegy. In The Academy, June 10, 1905, lxviii. 614-5. [1930 J. J. Campbell. Stoke and Gray. In The Gentleman's Mag., Nov., 1905, n. s. lxxv. 516-7. [1931 William John Courthope. 1905. See no. 1865. [1931a Sir .Moin'tstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff. In his Notes from a diary; 1896 to 1901, New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1905, 8vo, i. 47, 120, 192. [1932 Rev. in The Nation, June 22, 1905, lxxx. 508-9. Sir Archibald Gkikie. In his Landscape in history and other essays, London, Macmillan, 1905, 8vo, pp. 120-1. [I9.'i.'t I. Giiierne Sievkking. An 18th century poet and his environ- ment. In The Berks, Bucks § Oxon Arch. Journal, April, 1905, n. s. xi. 23-7. b [1934 1906. BMILY J. Climenson. In her Elizabeth Montagu, the Queen of the Blue-Stockings, lnr correspondence from 1720 to 1761, London, Murray, 1906, 8vo, i. 119, 253, 285, ii. 23 f.. 87, 118. [19.-J5 Howard Hensmah. Graf's Tillage. In The Home Countiet Magazine, July, 1906. [1986 .';; A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY C. Thurnau. In his Die Geister in der engl. Lit. des 18. Jahrhunderts, Berlin, Mayer & Midler, 1906, 8vo. See the index. [1937 Palaestra lv. Elford Eveleigh Treffry. In his Stokes' encyclopedia of familiar quotations containing 5000 selections from 600 authors, New York, Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1906. See the index. [1937a T. A. W. Thomas Gray in Peterhouse. In The Athenaeum, Jan. 20, 27, 1906, i. 76, 107-8. [1938 Second part reprinted by William McMurray in N. $- Q., June 18, 1910, 11th ser. i. 485. 1907. *John Bailey. Collins and Gray. In The Times Literary Supplement, Dec. 5, 1907, vi. 308. 369-70. [1939 Reprinted in his Poets and poetry, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1911, 8vo, pp. 80-8. Summary by C. S. Northup in Englische Studien xlvi. 121. W. Gurney Benham. In Cassell's Book of quotations, prov- erbs and household words, London, Cassell, [1907], pp. 151-3. [1910 John Churton Collins. In Andrew Lang, Poets' country, London, Jack, 1907, 8vo, pp. 177, 185-90. 5 plates. [1941 Rev. in The Athenceum, June 29, 1907, p. 787. Edward Dowden. The text of Gray's poems. In The Modern Language Rev., Jan., 1907, ii. 165. [1942 On the difference between the London and Glasgow editions of 1768. E. W. Edmunds and Frank Spooner. In their The story of English literature, London, 1907, 8vo, ii. 239-47. [1943 The Harmsworth Encyclopaedia. London. The Amalga- mated Press, Ltd. [1907.] v. 319. [1944 W. Robertson Nicoll and Thomas Seccombe. In their His- tory of English literature, London, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1907, 8vo> ii. 737-44. [1945 Thomas Stewart Omond. In his English metrists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, being a sketch of English prosodical criticism during the last two hundred years, London, Henry Frowde, 1907, 8vo, pp. vi, [2], 274. See the index. [1946 J. J. Richardson. Thomas Gray. In Papers of the Man- chester Literary Club, 1907, xxxiii. 406-15. [1947 Edward Stanley Roscoe. In his Penn's country, and other GENERAL CRITICISM U5 Buckinghamshire sketches, London, Elliot Stock, 1907, 8vo. 13 illus. b [1948 Rev. in Berks, Bucks $ Oxon Arch. Journal, July, 1907, n. s. xiii. 64; in The Athenaum, June 29, 190T, p. 787. William Stebbing. In his The poets: Geoffrey Chaucer to Alfred Tennyson (1340-1892): impressions, Lon., Frowde, 1907, i. 265-72. [1949 J. C. Stobart. In his The Johnson epoch, Lon., E. Arnold, 1907, 8vo, pp. 21-3, 32-40 (the whole has pp. vi, [2], 152). [1950 Thomas George Tucker. In his The foreign debt of English literature, Lon., Bell, 1907, 8vo, pp. vi, [2], 270. Folding tables. See the index. [1951 Charles Edwyn Vaughan. In his The Romantic revolt, Edinb., Blackwood, 1907, 8vo, pp. ix, 507. See the index. [1952 1908. John Churton Collins. Dr. Johnson's Lives of the poets. In The Quarterly Rev., Jan., 1908, ccviii. 72-97. [1953 Albert Staxburrougii Cook. A concordance | to | the Eng- lish poems | of | Thomas Gray | edited by | Albert S. Cook President of the Concordance Society | [Publisher's emblem.] Boston and New York | Houghton Mifflin Company | The River- side Press Cambridge | 1908 | [1954 4to, pp. x. [2], 160. Rev. in The Atherurum, Feb. 27, 1909, p. 254; by G. C. Maeaulay in The Modern Language Review, July, 1910, v. S75; in The Nation, March 4, 1909, lxxxviii. 228, same in The Evening Pout, March 18, 1909; by C. S. NOrthup in Modern Language Notes, June, 1909, xxiv. 187-8. Wii.i.iam Prideauz Courtney. In his The secrets of our national literature: chapters in the history of the anonymous and pseudonymous writings of our countrymen, London, A. Constable -7. 248 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY Andrew Lang. In his History of English literature from "Beowulf" to Swinburne, London, Longmans, 1912, 8vo, pp. 428-80. < [1982 H. Littledale. Gray and old plays. In The Athenceum, Dec. 7, 1912. p. 691. [1983 William Francis Prideaux. Gray and the Antrobus family. In N. cV Q., Dec. 11, 1912, 11th ser. vi. 461-2. [1984 Replies: H. P. Stokes, Jan. 11, 1913, vii. 35-6; R. Vaughan Gower in same, p. 36. See also the Letters, ed. Tovey, iii. 351. Edward Bliss Reed. In his English lyrical poetry from its origins to the present time, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1912, 8vo, pp. xii, 616. See the index. [1985 Rev. in The Nation, Sept. 19, 1912, xev. 261; in The Athenceum, July 27, 1912, p. 83. Edward Stanley Roscoe. In his The English scene in the 18th century, New York, Putnam, 1912, 8vo, pp. 155, 167-8. [1986 Margaret M. Verney. In her Bucks biographies, a school book, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1912, 8vo, pp. 163-78. [1986a 1913. Robert Shelton Bate. In his The teaching of Eng- lish literature in secondary schools, London, Bell, 1913, 8vo, pp. 136-8, 141. [1987 Joseph Berg Esenwein and Mary Eleanor Roberts. In their The art of versification, Springfield, Mass., The Home Cor- respondence School, [1913], 8vo, pp. xii, 311 (see the index). [1988 William Paton Ker. [On FS and Odin.] In The Cam- bridge history of English literature, Cambridge, The University Press, 1913, 8vo, x. 254. [1988a George Morey Miller. In his The historical point of view in English literary criticism from 1570-1770, Heidelberg, Win- ter, 1913, 8vo, pp. 139-41. [1989 Anglistische Forschungen xxxv. Ernest Rhys. In his Lyric poetry, Lon., Dent, 1913, 8vo, pp. 84 f., 236, 259-63. [1990 The Channels of English Literature. Felix Emanuel Schelling. In his The English lyric, Bos- ton, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1913, 8vo, pp. 132, 134-40, 227, 265, 268, 271. [1991 Rev. in The Athenceum, May 31, 1913, p. 591. GENERAL CRITICISM 21^9 *Duncan Crookes Tovey. In The Cambridge history of English literature, Cambridge, 1913, 8vo, x. 130-55. [1991a A valuable summary of present-day opinion. 1914. Edward Stanley Roscoe. Penn's country: being literary and historical studies of the country of Penn, Milton, Gray, Burke, and the Disraelis. Revised edition. London. Longmans. 1911. [1992 16mo, pp. x, 21-2. Map, 6 pi., 6 port. Rev. in The Nation, June 11, 1914, xcviii. 701. *Edward D. Snyder. Thomas Gray's interest in Celtic. In Modem Philology, April, 1911, xi. 559*79. [1992a An important paper. Paget Toynbee. Gray and Pembroke Hall: a mistake of a biographer. In The Times, London, July 27, 1914, p. 10. [1992b Explodes the myth that Gray was for a time at Pembroke College before going to Peterhouse. *Otto Uebel. Grays Einfluss auf die deutsche Lyrik im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlang- ung der Doktorwiirde einer hohen philosophischen Fakultat der Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat zu Heidelberg vorgelegt von Otto Uebel aus Kehl (Baden). Heidelberg. Carl Winters Univer- sitatsbuchhandlung. 1914. [1992c 8vo, pp. 43, [3]. 1915. John Walter Good. In his Studies in the Milton tradition, Urbana, [11., 1915. [I992d Bvo, pp. 310. University of Illinois Studies in Language and Litera- ture, Aug.-Nov., 1915, i. S-4. Sec the index. In The new international encyclopedia, New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1915, 2d cd., x. 27(5-7. [1993 1916. Sigurd Bernjiaro IIistvkdt. In his Ballad criticism in Scandinavia and Greal Britain during the eighteenth century, New York. The American Scandinavian Foundation, 1916, tfvo, pp. ix. [8], 885. See the index. [1993a Scandinavian Monographs ii. J. 15. McGovern. Gray: a book <>f squibs. In X. A (}., Oct. 7. 1916, 12th ser. ii. 28fi 6. | i<><):il> ( i \ n f ss \ Kinakkh. In licr Thomas Warton, a biographical and critical study. Urbana, III.. 1916. | i!)!>:tc Hvo, j)p. Ml. University <>( Illinois Studies in Language and Litera- ture, Feb., L918, ii. I. See the index. 250 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY 9. NOTE ON THE MANUSCRIPTS I subjoin such notes as I have been able to gather respecting the whereabouts of MSS. of Gray's works. These notes make no pretence to completeness. The Library of Pembroke College, Cambridge, possesses Gray's Commonplace books (cf. Bradshaw's introduction, 1891), including a MS. of the Elegy (cf. Gosse's ed. i. 225-32 and Bradshaw's note on the Elegy). For facsimiles, see nos. 18, 625,655. [1994 Another MS. of the Elegy is in the Library of Eton College. This was the Fraser MS. ; see no. 662 and Bradshaw's note on the Elegy. Eton also has the original MS. of the Eton Ode; cf. The Illus. Lon. News, June 20, 1908, exxxii. 896. [1995 A third MS. of the Elegy is in Egerton 2400 in the British Museum. This formerly belonged to Thomas Wharton. See no. 1997. For a facsimile see no. 735b. [1996 The British Museum also contains the following MSS. of inter- est to students of Gray: [1997 Add. 5821, fol. 53, Impromptu, suggested by the ruins at Kingsgate. Add. 5833, fol. 11-4, 20-2, 24, Memoranda. Add. 5842, fol. 119, Will. Add. 15,000, fol. 209, Two odes, printed. 4to. Add. 19,918, Letter to the Rev. J. Brown, 1764. Add. 24,503, fol. 95, and 24,614, fol. 8, Notes by John Hunter, 19th cent. Add. 26,889, fol. 23, 25, 40, 46, 50, 52, 54, 81, Correspondence with W. T. Howe. Add. 27,637, The bard set to music, by J. W. Callcott, 1786. Add. 32,329, fol. 1, 2, Letters to T. Percy and Prof. L. Brocket, n. d. Fol. 3, Anecdote of Gray, c. 1750. Fragment. Add. 32,561-2, Poems and extracts from Gray's MSS. The valuable collection made by Mitford.* The former includes, fol. 126-56, copies of Gray's letters to Asheton, 1740, 1742. Cf. Tovey, Gray and his friends, pp. vii-xi. Described in the Cata- logue of Add. MSS., 1882-7, pp. 153-4. These MSS. were written between 1845 and 1856. Add. 36,270, fol. 77-84, Elegy, c. 1749. * The entire series of Mitford's commonplace books and recollec- tions, 1845-56, fills 17 volumes, which are numbered Add. 32,559-75. NOTE ON THE MANUSCRIPTS 251 Add. 36,359, fol. 59, Drawing of Gray's monument at Stoke Pogis, 1828. Fol. 60b, Epitaph on his mother's tomb at Stoke, copied in 1828. Add. 36,817, Notes on classical Greek literature, 1747. Fol., pp. iii, 19. Given in 1806 by Richard Stonhewer to Mathias. At the Mathias sale, 1837, bought by Samuel Rogers; descended to his grandniece, Emily Sharpe; given by her between 1900 and 1905 to the British Museum. Add. 36,818, Transcript of La Cueva's Relazione di Venetia, 18th cent. In Gray's autograph. The MS. has the same history as 36,817, q. v. Add. 37,683, fol. 77, A parody on the Elegy, made at Cam- bridge by William Taylor. See no. 912. Egerton 2400, fol. 1-217, Letters to Wharton, March 12, 1740-May 24, 1771 (including El, fol. 45); fol. 218-227, Letters from James Brown to Wharton, July 24-Aug. 17, 1771; fol. 228-235, copies by Wharton of some of Gray's poems and rhymes, etc.; fol. 236-271, Letters from Mason to Wharton relating to Gray, Oct. 28, 1765-July 15, 1773; fol. 272, Letter from Mitford to Mrs. Wharton about his forthcoming ed. of Gray and reflecting on Mason's ed., Feb. 28, 1816. Stowe 865, fol. 86, Latin version of the Elegy by W. H. Roberts, 18th century. Gray's nine MS. volumes of music are in the possession of Henry E. Krehbiel, Esq., 152 West 105th Street, New York. See no. 1886. [1998 A MS. owned in 1899 by the Misses Sharpe, grandnieces of Samuel Rogers, was described in The A (hcnirum, March 18, I -!. p. :{.Ts. This is n. m, apparently, B. M. Add. 36.817; see no. L997. [1999 The Late Mr. John Morris, of IS, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, London, poueued a valuable collection of Graiana, which is described by (.osse in his ed. Iv. .'t:t!» M. [2000 Mr. John Murrav also has some MSS. relating to dray, in- cluding his Journal in the Lakes; cf. To\< v's ed. of the Letters iii. 282, n. I. [2001 "An early correspondence of (iray's which is said to throw lighl upon his difference with Walpole" was owned in 1012 by the Messrs. Qnaritchj of London. [2002 For the letters recently discovered by Mr. Toynbee, see no. i -j I | 2008 .'..' A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY For the letters lately sold by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, see no. 12*9. [2001 For some MSS. at Buffalo, N. Y., see Mrs. H. L. Elmendorf, Descriptive catalogue of the Gluck collection of MSS. and auto- graphs in the Buffalo Public Library, Buffalo, N. Y., 1899, 8vo, pp. 17-8. [2001a APPENDIX UNDATED EDITIONS Works. With a memoir by W. Mason. Lon. Priestley. 8vo. 15/-. [2005 From the London Catalogue, 1814-34. Cf. no. 20. The | poetical j works | of | Mr. Gray. | A new edition. | Lon- don: | Sold at H. Fenwicks Wholesale Book Warehouse, Snow Hill. [2005a [IT — ?] 8vo, pp. viii, 46. Frontispiece. Life, pp. v-viii. English poems only. hu Poems. Lon. Bogue. 1/6. [2006 From the London Catalogue, 1831-55. Poems by Thomas Gray, L. L. B. | [sic], with the author's life. [Oval port, after Wilson.] Printed and sold by G. Nicholson, Poughnill near Ludlow. Sold also in London by H. D. Symonds, Paternoster-Row [and others]. [2007 About 1800-02. 12mo. Oval portrait after Wilson. Cited from The Athenceum, April 14, 1894, p. 483; cf. p. 252. The Life extends to p. xxix, and ends thus: "Resides 'The Long Story,' the pieces omitted in this Selection, arc, The Fatal Sisters', and 'The Descent of Oden' [He], from tin- Norse tongue; the first is too trifling, and the litter abound with too much of gross fable and superstition, to be admitted into a design of retaining pieces of unquestionable excel- lence only." 'I'll- poetical works of Thomas Gray. With a memoir. New York. T. K. Knox & Co. [2008 [18—.] Kimo, pp. cxix, [1|, 146. Not in l.eypoldt, 1880. nyp Poetical works ill English and Latin, and life. I litis, with steel plates and vrdcts. Sm. 8vo. [2009 The poetical works of Thomas Gray, William Collins, and John Pomfret. Lon. Cooke. [2010 12mo. Willi engravings. See no. u<>. Tin poetical works of Thomas Cray. Sampson Low. Son & ( '". [2010a [London. 1*7 -'t\ Kimo, pp. \ii, l.'l. s pl.-drs. I Must rat ion I drawn by Hirkt t 1 ter. $54 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY The | poetical works | of | Thomas Gray. | with a memoir. | [Emblem.] New York: | James Miller, 779 Broadway. [2011 Sm. 8vo, pp. cxix, [1], 146. Life, by Mitford. Apparently a pirated reprint of the Aldine Edition. The back of my copy is lettered, British Poets | Gray | Aldine Edition | Cf. no. 2008. In The poetical works of Goldsmith and Gray, part ii. [2011a N. p., n. d. [189-?] The British Poets xxii. bpl, up Maynard's English Classic Series. — No. 19. | An elegy | in | a country churchyard | and | odes | on the | pleasure arising from vicissitude, A distant prospect | of Eton College, and The bard. By | Thomas Gray. | With prefatory and explanatory notes. New York | Charles E. Merrill Co. | [2012 16mo, pp. 42. Portrait. See no. 317. Elegy in a country churchyard, etc. New York. Putnam. 16mo. [2013 Ariel Booklets. The grave. A poem. By Robert Blair. To which is added Gray's Elegy written in a country church-yard. [Lon.] J. Barker. [2014 [17—?] 16mo, pp. 36. nyp Elegy, etc. Lon. Slark. [2015 Sm. 4to. 1883 or 1884. 10/6. Large 4to. 63/-. Elegy, etc. In Favorite poems selected from English and American authors, New York, John W. Lovell Co., pp. 30-5. nyp [2016 Elegy in a country churchyard. Illustrated by H. Copping, etc. Lon. R. Tuck & Sons, Ltd. [2017 [190-?] 12mo, 12 leaves. The progress of poesy. [2018 N. p., n. d. 4to, pp. 6. yu ADDENDA 12c. The Norwich Public Library. The Gray bicentenary, 26th December, 1916: list of the works of Thomas Gray and the books relating to him in the Norwich [England] Public Library. In The Norwich Public Library Readers' Guide, Sept., 1916, pp. 82-4. 288a. Eton, El, Bard in Henry S. Pancoast, Standard Eng- lish poems, Spenser to Tennyson, New York, Holt, 1899, sm. 8vo, pp. 214-27, 650-57. 427. Quoted and criticized by Henry Hallam in The Edinburgh Rev., Jan., 1806, vii. 316-17. 727a. Rev. in The Nation, Sept. 7, 1916, ciii. 239. 737. Jungmann lived 1773-1847. This translation was perhaps made about 1805. Presumably also in Jungmanna sebrane drobne splsy versem i prosou, Prag, 1869-73, 8vo, 2 vols. 961a. John's Elegy in a country town, on the address of the carrier of The Illinois Gazette, on the first day of January, 1824. In The Port Folio, April, 1824, n. s. xvii. 347-8. Begins, The north wind, sighing, mourns the parting year. 17 stanzas. 1006. First appeared in Mapinn's Some account of the life and writings of Ensign [Morgan] Odoherty, in Blackwood's Mag., Apr., 1818, iii. 52-3. Reprinted in The Edinburgh Mag., whence it was re- printed in The Port Folio, Dec, 1819, 4th ser. viii. 462-5. 1248. Toynbee's work is reviewed by C. S. Northup in The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Jan., 1917, xvi. 150-53; in The Spectator, Apr. 22, L916, cxvi. 528-9; in The Athenaum, March, 1916, pp. 124-5; in The Saturday Rev., May 20, 1916, cxxi. 494. 1884a. Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve. Le college d'Eton imite de Gray. In liis Vie, poesies et pensees de Joseph Delorme, Parte, 1820. Begins, I.nintaines tours, fines aiguilles. Reprinted In his Poesies, Paris, Michel Levy Freres, 1868, ii. 27:5-7. Pour stanzas are quoted In bis Portraits :, 100. 256 ADDENDA 1701a. Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve. In his Portraits litteraires, Paris, Gamier Freres, 1884, ii. 3, 225-6. Pirst published in 1844. 1731a. Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve. In his Causeries du lundi, Paris, 1851-62. Sec the index volume by C. Pierrot, 1885. 1966a. Charles Edward Vaughan. The Romantic move- ment in European literature. In The Cambridge modern history, New York, Macmillan, 1909, 8vo, vi. 822-37, 968-70. A valuable general survey. 1993b. Reply to MeGovern by John T. Page in N. # Q., Nov. 11, 1916, 12th ser. ii. 399. Additional note by MeGovern in same, Dec. 30, p. 526. 1993d. W. Morriston Davies. The Gray bi-centenary. In The Times Lit. Suppl., Dec. 28, 1916, p. 637*. 1993e. Louis R. Letts. Eighteenth century fires in Corn- hill. In N. % Q., Dec. 9, 1916, 12th ser. ii. 461-4. 1993f. The Times Literary Supplement. Gray. Dec. 21, 1916, pp. 617-8. 1993g. Henry Charles Beeching, Dean of Norwich. The bicentenary of Gray. In The Cornhill Mag., Jan., 1917, n. s. xlii. 98-106. INDEX INDEX [The numbers refer to items. The name of a publisher is included only when the book in question is devoted entirely to Gray. The name of a periodical is included, in general, only when the name of the author of the article in question is not known. In Section 4 the individual poems are indexed only when mentioned in the title of the collection; to have made a complete list for this section would have swollen the index to inordinate size.] A. 1930 A., A. Z. 1608 A., C. A. 456 Academy, The 38, 170, 270, 284, 647, 649, 656, 1107, 1226, 1275, 1467c, 1725, 1807, 1869, 1870, 1891, 1930 Academy Series of English Clas- sics, The 290 Ackermann, R. 1640 Ad C. Favonium Aristium 50a, 72, 358a-363 ; anonymous transla- tions, English 361 Ad C. Fav. Zephyrinum 50a, 72, 363a-368; anonymous transla- tions, English 365 Adams, J. Q. 1048 Adams, W. D. 1787 Addison, J. 472, 1970 Adurfi 463, 1300 Agrippina 72, 368a-370 Ahuli 1374 Aikin, J. L609 Allesbury, Countess <>f 1470a Ainger, A. C. 1332, 1709 Akeu tide, M. llfl Alas! Poor Fallen Sir Fronds I See Alfred Alcaic Fragment 72, 370a-3~:ia; anonymous translations, English 873 Alcaic Ode 72, 373b-401; anony- mous translations, English 384, 392 Alciphron 1667 Alcock, J. C. 263 Alden, R. M. 1245, 1959 Aldine Edition of the British Poets 30, 35, 122, 123, 134, 141, 148, 170, 2011 Aldine House 688 Alfred, Alas! Poor Fallen Sir Francis! 942 Algarotti, F., Count 352, 1231, 1257, 1536, 1551, 1980a All the Year Round 1272 Allen, G. 454 .tllr/emeine Literatur-Zeitung, Die 581 Alliance of Education and Gov- ernment, The 48, 73, 401a-404 Allibone, S. A I, 1812a, 1841a Altaian, T. J. 842 Allman's English Classics 242 AUnanach des Muses 1024 Utemus, H., Co. 298 Altmann, J. 788a Imatorj Lines 104a M)8 American Book Company 287, 326 dmtrteon Whig I'eview, The 1727 Anderson, E. il. 1478 260 INDEX Anderson, R. 79, 577, 821, 870, 1482, 1591 Andres, G. 1578 Andrews, Alice E. 326b Annandale, C. 1909 Annotated Poems of English Authors 642, 644 Annual Register, The 188 Anstee, E. B., Wimbledon 1014 Anstey, C. 54, 511, 524, 581, 820, 1028, 1029, 1256, 1537 Anstey, J. 1041, 1256 Anstey, R. 1390 Anthologia Anglicana 239 Anthologia Graeca 1516-1518 Antiquarian Magazine, The. See Walford's Antiquarian Maga- zine Antonelli, G. 356, 796, 799, 1338a, 1366, 1389, 1445 Antrobus Family 1818, 1984 Apis Matina. See Pattinson, H. Apollo Press, The 69 Appleton, D., & Co. 612, 643 Appleton, G. S. 599 Araujo, A. de 358, 858 Arber, E. 292 Arblay, Mrs. Fanny Burney d' 1417 Archaeus 1052 Archdeacon, J. 1401 Architectura Gothica. See Essay on Norman Architecture Archiv fiir das Studium der neueren Sprachen 1977 Ariel Booklets 2013 Aristophanes 41, 1310, 1311 Armstrong, A. C, & Co. 41 Armstrong, J. 79 Armstrong, T. P. 1105 Arne, T. A. 886 Arnold, F. 1772 Arnold, M. 1808 Arrowsmith, Mr. 535 Art Journal, The 609 Arundines Cami 596, 839, 1187, 1379, 1391, 1434, 1447 Ashbee, C. R. 455 Ashton, T. 50a, 1248, 1997 Astolat Press, The 299 Athenaeum,, The 41, 45, 49, 116a, 131, 180, 242, 262, 270, 284, 318, 329, 591, 594, 602, 609, 632, 642, 903, 1046, 1057, 1069, 1091, 1108, 1226, 1248, 1273, 1279, 1326, 1462, 1705, 1718, 1738, 1799, 1808, 1809, 1824, 1829, 1941, 1948, 1954, 1985, 1991, 1999, 2007 Athenaeum Press Series, The 46 Atkins, J. W. H. 336 Atlantic Monthly, The 41, 1817 Auld, T. 1096, 1099 Author, The 1008 Awdry, Frances 1003 B. 447a, 1450a, 1588 B., A. 903 B., C. 399 B., C. C. 457, 1092, 1094, 1100, 1130, 1287b, 1495 B., D. 80, 81, 342, 343, 420, 478, 483, 748, 750, 770, 1022, 1150, 1168, 1182, 1296, 1333, 1359, 1385, 1410, 1439, 1488d, 1520 B., E. F. 1090 B., E. V. 639, 675 B., F. B. 1791, 1798. Possibly F. B. Butler, q.v. B., G. 399, 1071 B., G. F. R. 178, 1088, 1803 B., H. I. 1963 B., J. 380, 397, 920, 1090 B., J., of Long Acre 1045 B., P. 465 B., S. 1287b B., W. 1092 B., W. C. See Boulter, W. C, and Notes and Queries, 11th ser. v. 140 Bachelet, T. 1914 Bacon, J. 1922 INDEX 261 Bagehot, W. 1744 Bailey, J. 1939 Bailey, J. C. 695, 1275 Bailey, M. 664 Baird, H. C. 120 Baker, Ada B. 1892 Baker, J. C. 299 Balder 488a Baldwin, C. S. 1960 Baldwin, E. C. 313a Baldwin, Cradock & Joy 103, 104 Balfour, J. 59 Ballads 1993a Banter 988 Baraldi, P. G. 581, 598, 803 Barbaras aedes aditure mecurn. See Ad C. Fav. Aristium Barbe, W. 334a Barber, J. W. 634 Barbier, A.-A. 1623 Barbieri, G. F. 581, 598, 832 Bard, The 48, 54, 73, 105, 180, 238, 240, 247, 256, 263, 266, 267, 273, 279, 283, 285, 286, 293, 353, 408b-459, 1575, 1588, 1605, 1997, 2012; anonymous translations, Greek 426 Bard, The, a Burlesque Ode. See Lloyd, It., and Colman, G. Bardin, J. 55 Barker, J. 2014 Barnes, A. S., & Co. 661 Barnes, R. Ii:',l Barnett, Annie 1216 Barret, George 591, 592, 591, 613, 86 '. Barrett, Thomas SO Barrister of the Inner Temple, A 1780 Bane & Hopkins 732, 734 Bartlett, .(. 1777a, 184 I Bartolozsl BOO Barton, H<>se M. 10, 798 Bartow, R. & \V. \. 13 Bartow, \v. A. 33, >9 Baslre, .1. \S Bastard, Mr. 1339 Bate, R. S. 1987 Bates, Charlotte F. 258a Bates, W. 1064 Battishill, J. 565 Bayley, A. R. 1287b Bayne, T. 1079, 1105, 1130, 1139, 1140, 1823 Beal, W. G. 681 Beare, Cornelia 317 Beattie, J. 32, 56, 60, 72, 112-114, 116, 142, 161, 162, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1264, 1268, 1540, 1618, 1793, 1924 Beattie, J. H. 390, 487, 1483, 1492 Beauties of English Poets 223, 608a, 736, 1358 Beddoes, T. 1590 Beeching, H. C. 41, 272a Beers, H. A. 1893 Beeton, S. O. 233 Beitriige zur deutschen Lekture fiir Leser und Leserinnen 771a, 771b, 772a Bell, A. F. 335b Bell, C. D. 1863 Bell, G., and Sons 1226 Bell, J., artist 602 Bell, J., printer 69a, 74, 870, 873a Bell, M. 1880 Bell and Daldy 35, 141, 148, 632 Belles-Lettres Series, The 336 Bellew, .1. C. M. 230 Bellorini, E. 430 Bell's Poets of Great Britain 69, 7 1 , 87 Belsham, W. L590a Bene, B. del 598, 833, 834 Benham, W. G. 1940 Bennlon, Home, Smallman & Co. 1380 Bensley, T. 86, h<» Bensly, E. 830, H13, 1135, L136, 1 139, i J87a, i J87b, 1967 Benson, \. ('. !*:«•>. is<;i Bentham, .1. 890, i '.i 888 INDEX Bentley, R. 51, 170, 178, 185, 1500- 1501 Bentley, R., publisher 1236, 1238, 1239 Bentley Ballads, The 972 Bentley's Miscellany 1725 Berehere, P. G. de 537, 742, 825 Berchet, G. 430 Berdniore, S. 1605 Berks, Bucks $- Oxon Archaeologi- cal Journal 1948, 1973 Berry, T. W. 701, 1380 Berry's, T. W., Pupil Teacher and Scholarship Student Series of English Classics 701, 1380 Bertolotti, D. 355, 431, 486, 796, 799, 1169, 1186, 1338, 1364, 1389, 1445 Bialaco, Del 817 Biblical Repository, The 224 Bibliographer, The 41 Bibliophile Society, The 729 Bibliotheque de l'enseignement secondaire special 676 Bickers 139, 145, 153 Bickersteith, E. 1766 Bicknell, W. H. W. 729 Billington, T. 541 Bingham, C. W. 1068 Biographical Magazine, The 1592 Biographie universelle 1646 Bion 1507 Birrell, A. 1226, 1280, 1825 Birthplace, Gray's 1687, 1693, 1810, 1846 Bisesti 810 Bishop, Sir H. R. 1167, 1471b Black, A. & C. 734a Blackie & Son 267, 273, 279, 1384 Blackie's English Classics 273, 279, 1384 Blackie's School Classics 267 Blackmore, Sir R. 98 Blackwood's Magazine 1257, 1347, 1739, 1759 Blair, D. 1778 Blair, R. 142; The Grave 508, 509, 515, 517, 529, 532-534, 540, 540a, 543, 554, 561, 562, 569, 570, 571, 572, 577, 578, 587, 772, 2014 Blatter fiir literarische UnterhaU tung 1051 Bloomfield, R. 157; The Farmer's Boy 560 Blyth, H. T. 1068 Blyth, R. 76 Boaden, J. 438c Bodoni 78, 545, 796, 799, 822 Bogue 2006 Bohm, J. 253, 351, 368, 425 Bohn, H. G. 2, 119 Bohn's Standard Library 1226 Bolus, E. 724, 725 Bonaventura, F. 432 Bones, Helen W. 735e Bonnefin, D. 422 Bon6, Elisabetta S. 598, 803 Bonstetten, C. V. de 1228, 1229, 1231a, 1237, 1244, 1674 Book of Knowledge, The 728d Book-Lore 1048 Booth, J. 1523 Booth, J., The Poetical Reader 649 Bostonian Prophet, The 438 Boswell, J. 1047, 1539, 1587, 1769 Boucher, A. 344 Bouchier, J. 456, 1769 Boulard, A. M. H. 559, 739, 858 Boulter, W. C. 1116, 1130, 1136, 1515, 1898 Bouterwek, F. 1627a Bowden, J. 679 Bowles, W. L. 1651a, 1653; Elegy, Written at the Hotwells, Bristol 916 Boxall, W. 591, 592, 594, 613 Boyce, W. 79 Boyd, H., The Witch of Lapland 488 Boyveau & Chevillet 770 Brackett, Anna C. 308 INDEX <263 Bradford, C. F. 862b Bradley & Co. 633 Bradshaw, J. 5, 170, 172, 262a, 270, 456, 847, 1518, 1994, 1995 Brain, E. 1090 Braithwaite, W. S. 319 Brand, T. 582; Elegy on a Pair of Breeches 954 Brandl, A. 291 Breen, H. H. 1055, 1728 Brent, C. 1059 British and Foreign Review, The 1692 British Critic, The 80, 86, 426, 785- 790, 1037, 1228, 1230, 1255, 1484, 1609 British India Classics 146 British Museum, The 3, 7, 411, 414, 1756; Add. MS. 37,683 912, 1997; other Add. MSS. 1997; Egerton MS. 2400 735c, 1996, 1997; Stowe MS. 865 820, 1997 British Plutarch, The 1587a, 1645 British Pocket Classics 157 British Poets, The 59, 95, 106, 125, 140, 149a, 2011a British Poets Series 176 British Press, The 948 British Prose Writers, The 1224 Broadway Booklets, The 718, 722 Brockett, L. 45, 1997 Brockhaus, P. A. 1883 Brodril.li, C. W. 825, 846, 1136 Branson, W. c. : 1 1 Brooke, 8. \. 1773, 1802 Brooks, ('. W. s. 1523 Brooks, Sarah W. L8S7 Brown, James ■'.<>, 1336, 1238, i 12'..', I Mi. 1997 Brown, John 785 Brown, John, pod 78 Browning, R. ~2~ Bruce, M., Blegy i to Spring 924 Brandish, J., An Blegy on a Fam- ily-Tomb 906 Brunonlad, The 1599 Bryant, J. 1597, 1638 Bryant, W. C. 234a, 1050 Bryce, D., & Son 304, 309 Brydges, Sir S. E. 402, 1510, 1652, 1678, 1683; Censura literaria 1253, 1621, 1622, 1625 Buckley, W. E. 123 Buffalo Courier Co., The 44 Buffalo Public Library, The 2004a Buhner, W., and Co. is, 88 Bulwer, E. G. E. L. See Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer, Baron Buondelmonte, Abbate 50a, 1474- 1478 Burdett, Sir F. 942 Burges, G. 1313 Burke, E. 1992 Burney, C. 1417 Burnham Beeches 1078 Burns, J. 604 Burns, R. 61, 333, 1874, 1965 Burrell, A. 332b Burt, Mary E. 715 Bust, Bacon's 1922 Bust in Pembroke College 1807, 1809, 1812, 1814-1816, 1819, 1820, 1822 Bute, The Earl of 1367 Butler, F. B. 38, 1079. See also B., F. B. Butler, II. E. 297a Buttrrworth, J. \V. 1829, 1831 Buttura, A. 581, 598, 802 Bycilcv, T. 961 Byron, G. G. Noel, Lord 727, 'r.ui, 736a, 1651a, L65S, 1654 C. i J16b ('., Am Blegy, Written in n Lon- don Church- Yard 930 c. Chevalier :< c. \. c. 1140 <\, I'.. I.. K. 1130 c, C. \. 1813 C <;. 1038 C, G. G. 474 86 j INDEX C, O. P. See Berdmore, S. C, S. 1040 C., T. 1036 C, W. 1352 C, W. G. 1706 Cabanis, P. J. G. 746 Cabinet dc lecture, Le 219 Cal)inet Edition of the British Poets 119 Cabinet of Poetry, The 213 Cadell, T. 16 Cadell, T., & W. Davies 1635 Cadell and Davis 93 Cadogan Booklets 731 Caldwell, H. M., Co. 703 Callcott, A. W. 591, 592, 594, 613 Callcott, J. W. 411, 1471b, 1997 Calverley, C. S. 1348a Calzabigi, R. 355, 1445 Cambri 459a-461 Cambridge 50, 1083, 1592, 1606, 1640, 1750, 1760, 1772, 1777, 1825, 1838, 1840, 1911, 1968. See also The Candidate, Hymn to Igno- rance, Pembroke College, Peter- house Cambridge Portfolio, The 1695- 1697 Cambridge Prize Poems 525a, 868 Cambridge Review, The 262, 1814, 1835 Cambridge Series for Schools and Training Colleges, The 285, 295 Cambridge University Press, The 45, 284, 285, 295, 303, 846 Camelot Series 1216 Camisani, G. 812 Camp, The. See Young, Sir W. Campbell, J. J. 1931 Campbell, T. 149, 214, 1651a Campe, Nurnberg 111 Campolmi e Sevieri 818a Canadian Monthly, The 1890 Candidate, The 50a, 462, 463 Candidus 1039 Candy, G. 146 Cantab. 1568 Cantab., A, Ode on the Amputa- tion of a Cat's Tail 1369 Cantuariensis 1059 Caradoc 463a-463c Carattoni, Gli Eredi di A. 799 Carey, D., Elegy, Written at a Xmas Feast in the Country 932 Carey, H. 1711 Carlisle, F. Howard, 5th Earl of 27, 116, 1549 Carlisle, G. W. F. Howard, 7th Earl of 117, 121, 124, 128, 137, 138, 1753 Carlyle, T. 1698 Carman, B. 302 Carmen ad C. Favonium Zephyri- num. See Ad C. Fav. Zephyri- num Carpenter, G. R. 1808 Carruthers, R. 250, 264, 300, 1783, 1792 Carter, R., & Bros. 224, 251, 648 Cartwright, E. 387, 1029 Cary, H. F. 1311 Cassell, Petter & Galpin 158 Cassell's Library Edition of the British Poets 158 Cassino, S. E. 681, 711 Castell Bros. 670 Castellazzi, M. A. 581, 598, 806 Castleman, J. H. 315 Catalogue of Antiquities, A, etc. 464-467 Cattermole, G. 224, 591, 592, 594, 613, 663 Cavazzocca, F. 810 Cawthorn, G. 87 Cawthorne, J. 79 Cellier, A. 654 Celtic literature 1992a Central School Depot 256 Century, The 1021b Cesarotti, M. 78, 355, 518, 544, 545, 581, 598, 796 Chalmers, A. 98, 821, 1633 INDEX 265 Chalon, J. J. 591, 592, 594, 613 Chamberlaine, D. 15 Chambers, R. 1063a Chambers, W. 607 Chambers, W. & R. 238, 288, 607 Chambers's Cyclopa?dia of Eng- lish Literature 1929a Chambers's Edinburgh Journal 1097, 1708 Chambers's Encyclopaedia 1907 Chambers's English Classics 238 Champante & Whitrow 206 Chandler, J. 67 Chandos Classics 162 Channels of English Literature, The 1990 Chapman, J. 83 Chapman, R. 82 Chappie Publishing Co. 723 Characters of the Christ-Cross Row, The 50a, 467a Charles, R. F. 335a Charrin, P. J. 580, 598, 760 Chateaubriand, F. A., Vicomte de 598, 747, 1684 Chaucer, G. 1980 Chelmsford, Lord, Circuit Elegy 999 Chewier, M. J. de 563, 594, 598, 155 Children's Encyclopaedia, The 728d Chiswick Press, The S7-S7c Chlswick Series, The 716 Choice Poems and Lyrics 924 ( Choice Scries, The 639, 678 Christian Remembrancer, The 1710 Chronological List of Painters, A V - Church Monthly, The 1098 Church of England Quarterly i'< view, 1 1" i Churchill, C. 79 Chute, C. w. i 14 ' Chute, J. 15, 1849 Cipriani, (i. 581, 791 Circuit Elegy. See Chelmsford, Lord City of London Book Depot 278, 286, 296 Clarendon Press, The 245, 262, 269, 310, 334 Clarendon Press Series 262, 269 Clark, J. W. 1838 Clark, R. 1100 Clark & Maynard 650 Clarke, C. C. 158 Clarke, J. 1217 Clarke, J. F. 1082 Clarke, John, M. D., of Epsom 1227 Clarke, Mrs. Jane 62, 72, 1147- 1151 Clarke, M. 1071, 1778 Clarke, Mrs. Mary A. 441 Clarke, W., author 441 Clarke, W., bookseller 549 Clarke, W., printer 20-21 Clarke, W. A. 856 Classical Journal, The 18, 836, 1291, 1517, 1660 Classical Review, The 1198 Clay, C. J. 846 Clemons, H. 1306a, 1980a Cliff ordiensis 1453 ( 'limcnson, I'.inilv J. 1935 Clive, W. B. 327 Cochrane, R. 39 Cockburn, Sir A. J. B. 696, 845 Cockfleld, .1. 1416 Cole, Ada M. L090 ole, W. 1552, 1599a, 1684a olerldge, S. T. L685 olleetanea .arid Conjectures 469, 470 illegian, A. See Thomas, W. T. "lift I, S. See Hyerley, T. oilier, P. I'., flt Son 172 oilier, \V. P. I75H ollins, A. J. I'. 397 ollins, .1. C. 1941, 1953 ollins, W. 591, 599, 594, 613 :t;t; INDEX Collins, W. L. 1759 Collins, William 32, 95, 112-114, 116, 130, 131, 142, 157, 161-164, 174, 175, 176a, 333, 1119, 1269, 1656, 1793, 1939, 2010 Colman, G. See under Lloyd, R. Colton, C. C. 583, 835 Comic Lines 470a Comino, G. 796, 822 Conan 470b, 470c Congreve, W. 98 Constable, J. 224, 591, 592, 594, 613, 663 Constant Reader, A 1686 Cook, A. S. 1126, 1954 Cooke, C. 92 Cooke, N. 129 Cooke, W. 594, 784 Cooper, A. 591, 592, 594, 613 Cooper, J. 547 Cooper, J. G. 79 Cooper, M. 492-496, 501-503, 505- 507, 1326 Coote, C. 547, 786 Cope, C. W. 602 Cope's Tobacco Plant 992 Copping, H. 2017 Copywell, J. See Woty, W. Corbett, F..S. J. 305, 1923 Corbould, E. 101, 131, 164 Corney, B. 1031, 1053, 1054 Corporal Trim, Nocturnal Con- templations in Barham Down Camp 566, 923 Corrall, C. 92 Corte, W. 782b Costa, G. 62, 78, 357, 433, 519, 544, 545, 581, 796, 797, 822, 834, 1446 Cottage Library, The 630a Cotterill, H. B. 301, 1356 Cottreau, J.-B.-H. N. 760a Couplet about Birds 470d Couret de Villeneuve, L. P. 741 Cournand, A. de 751 Court of Session Garland, The 949 Courthope, W. J. 1865, 1931a Courtier, P. 924a Courtney, W. P. 8, 1124, 1642, 1884, 1894, 1955 Coutinho, H. E. A. de 859 Covent Garden Journal, The 440 Cowl, R. P. 337 Cowley, A. 1697, 1731 Cowper, W. 315, 330, 333, 1271, 1282, 1560a, 1651a Cradock, E. H. 1448 Cradock, J. 1668 Craik, Sir H. 335g, 1866 Crashaw, R. 1697 Crawfurd, O. 326a Creasy, Sir E. S. 222, 248, 1158, 1710, 1725 Creech, W. 59 Crellin, H. N. 24-26 Cremorne: an Elegy 997 Creswick, T. 602, 603 Creuze de Lesser, M. 1023 Crewe, John 1278a Critic, The 41, 170, 270, 1799, 1814, 1816, 1821 Critical Review, The 52, 180, 1032 Criticisms of Architecture and Painting During a Tour in Italy 30, 471, 472 Crito 1201 Crocchi, Abbate 62, 798 Crompton, S. 4 Cross, T. U. 702 Crouch, C. H. 1515 Crowder, C. 525 Crowell, T. Y., & Co. 716, 733 Cumberland, R. 900, 901, 1563 CundaU, J. 602, 609, 614, 616, 618, 620, 621, 623 Cundall, Downes & Co. 625 Cunliffe, J. W. 328 Cunningham, G. G. 1687 Cunningham, J. 79; An Elegy on a Pile of Ruins 872 Cunningham, P. 1260, 1471c, 1477, 1599a, 1723, 1846 INDEX 267 Curate. The. See Penrose, T. Curzon of Kedleston, Lord 1449a Cusack, J. 278, 286, 296 D. 1034 D., C. 1071 D., F. 1080 D., F. W. 53 D., H. P. 1074 D., J. 1774 D., L. 566, 757 D., M. 1248a Dab in 563, 755 Daily Globe, The 1113 Dale, Lucy 1246 Dalmistro, A. 353, 354, 429, 1444 Dalrymple, H. 873 Dalton, J. G. 1004 Dampierre 749b Dana, C. A. 226, 231, 619 Dana, R. H. 102a Danby, J. 1427 Dance, W. 407 Daniel, E. R. O. 1127 Daniel, P. 957a Daniel, S. 1462, 1463 Daniell, E., Elegy Written the Second Day after Imprisonment 952 Dante Alighieri 1077, 1910, 1925 Dante, Canto 33, dell' Inferno 473 Dantes, A. 1779 Darling, J. M. 456 Davidson, W. 263 Davidson & Alcock's English Clas- sics 263 Davies, I). 865 Davie i, N. I'. 668 Davis, D. 915, 865a, 867, 1341 Davis, V.. '/.. II*'' Davis, J. G. 240 Davison, T. 22, 1224 Dawson, G. 1274 Dawson, W. .J. mid C. W. L964S Day, Thomas 95 Day & Son 629 De Albertera 1605a De principiis cogitandi 50a, 72, 473a-476 Death of Hoel, The 62, 72, 476a- 480 D4cade Philosophique, La 802 Decayed Farm-House, The. See Lovell, R. Deck, R. 842 Deighton, J. 799 Deighton, Bell & Co. 632 Delalain Freres 266 Delta 1061 Denham, Sir J. 1327 Denman, G. 632, 793 Denne, Wm, 1532 Denney, E. E. 458, 459, 1109, 1110, 1398-1400 Dent, J. M., & Co. 12a, 724, 725 Dent, J. M., & Sons 49 Dentu et Gosselin 347 De Peverel, R. 1762 De Quincey, T. 784 Derby, J. C. 130 Descent of Odin, The 54, 73, 480a- 488, 2007 Descent of Timothy, The 487 Desessarts, N. L. 1623 Deshler, C. D. 1486, 1789 Dewick & Clarke 564, 569 Dewint, P. 591, 592, 594, 613 Dial, The 1107, l!)7li Diamond Classics 118 Diary 489-191 Dibdin, T., Woes of Change 968 Dil.din, T. F. I'i, 1H, 101, 1533 Dlcdonarlo endclopedlco blspano- amerlcano L847 Dickens, C. 1719 Dickinson, II. S. 849 Dickons, .Maria (Poole) Id") Dictionary of National Biography, The Bs.\ mi, is;,:?, lHHi, 1894, 1ST, Dictionnairc biographi<|iic <-t hilili- ographlque 1779 j f ;s INDEX Didot, P., l'Aine 761a Diogenes 979, 980 Disraeli, B., Earl of Beaconsfield 1999 Disraeli, I. 1676a, 1679, 1992 Ditchficld, P. H. 1908 Dix, W. G. 1050 Dixon, J. 1073 Dixon, J. H. 78 Dixon, W. M. 320, 1854 Dobell, B. 395, 1915 Dobson, H. A. 1815, 1848, 1870, 1895, 1980b Dobson, W. 969, 1061 Dodd, H. P. 234 Dodd, Mead & Co. 169 Dodge Publishing Co. 329 Dodsley, Environs of London 1304 Dodsley, J. 13, 14, 16, 52, 53, 57, 339, 516 Dodsley, R. 177, 178, 181, 184-186, 192, 196, 492-496, 501-503, 505- 507, 512, 1263, 1326; A Collec- tion of Poems by Several Hands 177, 179, 181, 184, 186, 190, 192, 196, 872, 888, 1054, 1354, 1378 Dodsley, R. and J. 179, 180, 882, 883 Dodwell, H. J. 852 Doglish, Dr. [pseud.] 1414 Donaldson, J. W. 1447 Doring, H. 1161, 1266, 1764 Dortman, F., & Co. 696, 838a Doughty, A. G. 1112 Doughty, W. 16 Douglas & Foulis 849 Dovaston, J. F. M. 1306 Dove, J. F. 20, 21, 27 Dover, Lord 1599a Doveton, F. B., Gladstone in Mid- lothian 447 Dowden, E. 45, 1799, 1942 Downman, H., An Elegy Wrote under a Gallows 893 Drake, X. 1598 Drake, R. I. 1864 Drinkwater, J. 49 Dry Goods: an Elegy. See Gim- crack, G. Dryden, J. 208, 333, 1823 Duck, S. 1743 Duckitt, M. 1247 Duff, Sir M. E. G. 1932 Dunbar, J. 1671 Duncombe, J., An Elegy Written in Canterbury Cathedral 902; An Evening Contemplation in a College 54, 55, 62, 525, 566, 868, 898 Dupre\ J. 546, 828 Du Roveray, F. J. 86, 89 Dusaulchoy, J. F. N. 745 Dutton, E. P., & Co. 49, 688, 709, 718 Dutton, R. 564, 569 E., G. 1080 E., H. 1061 E., S. N. 837 Ebor 1558 Echo 1055 Echoes from the Clubs 987 Eckhardt, J. G. 101, 1696a, 1869, 1926 Eclectic English Classics 287, 326 Eclectic Magazine, The 1735, 1747, 1790 Edgbastonia 1081 Edgeworth, Maria 102a Edgeworth, R. L. 102a Edinburgh Review, The 1621, 1643 Edmunds, E. W. 1943 Educational Review, The 1978 Edward, Elegy 963 Edwards, T. 585, 903, 1074 Effigies 1728 Effigies poeticae 1663 Egan, P. 970 Egron, A. 764 Elder, P., & Co. 719 Elegant Extracts 207, 939 INDEX 269 Elegiac Stanzas, on Returning at Daybreak from a Ball at Lady 's. See Twiss, H. Elegiac Verses to the Memory of a Married Lady 910 Elegiacs 491a Elegies on Different Occasions 890 Elegy 874 Elegy, a Parody. See Taylor, J. Elegy by a Young Gentleman of Oxford 893a Elegy, Dedicated to * * * *. See Edward Elegy for the Crystal Palace 977a Elegy in a London Churchyard, An 928, 930 Elegy in a London Theatre. See Hotspur Elegy in Imitation of Gray, An, "Written in the King's Bench Prison 918 Elegy in Newgate 941 Elegy in St. Stephen's Chapel 951 Elegy on a Betting-Office 979 Elegy on a Family-Tomb, An. See Brandish, J. Elegy on a Favourite Washer- woman. See Tisdall, C. E. Elegy on a Lapdog 1370 Blegy on a Pair of Breeches. See Brand, T. Elegy on a Pile of Ruins, An. See Cunningham, J. Elepy on a Quid of Tobacco. See Theoderit Elegy on Cremation, An 993 Blegy on Gray 1689 Blegy on Mr. .Maurice Evanv See V." Elegy on the Death of Bow-Fair Blegy on the Death of (icnrt'i- Lord I.yttelton. See LJpgCOmb, \V. Blegy on the Death of The Ouar- dian Outv.it led, \ n -,i :, 866 Elegy on the Departed Season, An. See Figaro Elegy on the Tomb of Some Sailors 926a Elegy on the Waste near the Charter-House. See Reid, W. H. Elegy, Supposed to be Written on a Field of Battle 955 Elegy: to Spring. See Bruce, M. Elegy to the Memory of Thomas Gainsborough 956 Elegy Travestied, The 1015 Elegy, An, Written Among the Ruins of a Nobleman's Seat in Cornwall. See Moore, E. Elegy Written Among the Ruins of an Abbey, An. See Jern- ingham, E. Elegy, An, Written Among the Tombs in Westminster Abbey 873a Elegy Written at a Carthusian Monastery in the Austrian Netherlands, An 896 Elegy, Written at a Xmas Feast in the Country. See Carey, D. Elegy Written at Florence. See P., W. Elegy, An, Written at the Ap- proach of Spring. See S., J. Elegy, Written at the Hotwells, Bristol. See Bowles, W. L. Elegy Written During the "Gen- eral." See K. Blegy Written in a Bali-Room. See Maginn, W. Blegy (Written in a Cambridge Cuu rt at the End of Term). See w., K. E. T. Blegy, Written in a City Churoh- yard. See H., M. W. Blegy Written in a College Li- brary. See Moore, Sir J. II. Blegy Written in a Country Churchyard, An 28, n. is, 51, 73, 79, l.'ii, 11.', 17s. is.', j j |, L>:iH, 270 INDEX MO, M8, M4, 245, 247, 249, 251, 252, 255, 256, 258, 263, 266, 267, 271, 273, 274, 277-279, 288, 289, 293, 394-396, 298, 304, 306, 307, 309, 310, 315, 317, 321, 323, 324, 326, 334, 344, 345, 1599, 1658, 1660, 1739, 1755, 1796, 1821, 1826, 1906, 1930, 1994-1997, 2012-2017; editions 492-735 ; translations 736-867, 1037, 1052, 1070, 1116, 1123, 1124, 1135, 1136, 1594; anonymous translations, Arme- nian* 736, German 771a, 771b, 772a, 781, 782, Japanese 819, Latin 848, 857, Spanish 863; parodies and imitations 868- 1026, 1061, 1086, 1087, 1135, 1136; criticism 1026a-1143; Ma- son-Pembroke MS. 142, 625, 655, 687, 1994; Fraser-Eton MS. 662, 1057, 1069, 1108, 1995; Wharton MS. 1996; other MSS. 1997 Elegy Written in a Country Meet- ing House, An. See Political Passing Bell, The Elegy Written in a Country Rink. See Mackenzie, A. W. Elegy Written in a Garden 881 Elegy, Written in a Grub-Street Garret. See N. Elegy Written in a Lingering Ill- ness. See Hortensius Elegy, An, Written in a London Church- Yard. See C; also 964 Elegy, An, Written in a London Churchyard 976 Elegy Written in a London Church-Yard 980 Elegy Written in a Quakers' Burial Ground, An. See Wag- staffe, J. Elegy Written in a Railway Sta- tion 981 Elegy Written in a Town Church Yard 1005 Elegy, Written in Bartlemy Fair 945 Elegy Written in Canterbury Cathedral, An. See Duncombe, J. Elegy Written in Covent-Garden, An 887 Elegy, Written in Drury-Lane Theatre. See J. Elegy Written in Kensington Gar- den, An. See N., S. Elegy, Written in Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey 931 Elegy, Written in Rotten Row 995 Elegy Written in St. Bride's Church- Yard, An 891 Elegy Written in St. Stephen's, An 907 Elegy Written in St. Stephen's Chapel, An. See S. Elegy, Written in Spring. See Bruce, M. Elegy, Written in the House of Commons 987 Elegy, An, Written in the King's Bench Prison. See Thomas, W. T. Elegy, An, Written in the Long Vacation. See Togatus Elegy, Written in the University Church Yard. See K., O. Elegy, An, Written in Town. See Figaro Elegy Written in Westminster Abbey. See Courtier, P. Elegy Written in Westminster Hall. See Alfred Elegy, An, Written in Westmin- ster Hall During the Long Vacation 899, 946 Elegy Written Near a Suburban Station House 982 Elegy Written on a Poor Honest Man, An 897 INDEX 271 Elegy, Written over an Old Pipe- Box. See L., H. Elegy, "Written the Second Day after Imprisonment. See Dan- iell, E. Elegy Wrote Under a Gallows, An. See Downman, H. Eliot, C. W. 325 Eliot, Ida M. 308 Elliott, C. 63 Ellis, G. 1021a Ellis, R. 846 Elmendorf, Mrs. H. L. 2004a Elton, Sir C. A. 395 Elwall, A. 266, 769 Elwin, W. 1735 Elzevir Series 733 Emans, O. 783a Emerson, R. W. 243 Encyclopaedia Britannica, The 1792, 1975 English Classic Series 650 Enilorac 1076 Enort 1397 Enquiry, The. See Amatory Lines Epitaph on a Certain Poet. See Marcus Epitaph on a Child 1144 Epitaph on a Late Administra- tion 943 Kpitaph on a Noted Highwayman 934 Epitaph on His Mother 1146-1 146a, 1997 Epitaph on Mrs. Jane Clarke 62, 72, 1147-11.51 Epitaph on Mrs. Mason. Sec Stance Epitaph Oil Sir William Williams 89, 72, 1159 1 155a Kpitaph on "The Pio-Nic." See Omicron Ersch & Grnher 1161, 1966, i.'ii Erskine, J. It 00a Erskinc, T., The Barber 189 r chenburg, J. .1. 109a Esenwein, J. B. 1988 Espinay Saint-Luc, Marquis d' 347 Essay on Lydgate. See Some Re- marks on the Poems of John Lydgate Essay on Norman Architecture 1156, 1156a, 1962 Essay on the Philosophy of Lord Bolingbroke 1157-1161 Essex House Press 699 Essex Series 732 Este 545, 1070, 1080, 1088, 1090, 1093 Estes, D., & Co. 176 Estes & Lauriat 659 Etching Club, The 602, 603 Etherington, C. 438 Eton College 474, 1057, 1069, 1108, 1421, 1717, 1722, 1725, 1750, 1759, 1780-1782, 1891, 1956, 1979, 1995. See also Ode on a Distant Pros- pect of Eton College Eton in Prose and Verse 1332 Eton Portrait Gallery, The. See Barrister of the Inner Temple, A Etonensis 1471 Etonensis. See Vaughan, J. S. Etoniensis. See Herbert, W. Etough, H. 1507-1515 European Magazine, The 84, 376, 906, 927, 1228, 1229, 1370, 1470, 1617, 1696 Bvangelj, A. 823 Evans, Edmund 616, 618, 620, 621, 69S Brans, Evan 437a, 1519a Evans, II. 279 Evans, I. 866 Evans, J. 664, 669 Evans, M. 905 Evans, T. 700, n*:< i ■. ening. Sit Cumberland, El. Evening Contemplation in a Col- li •/>■. \ n. Sir Duncombe, J. INDEX Evening Elegy, An. See Portal, A. EVi niiuj Post, The 1919, 1954, 1976 Evening Reflections Written in Westminster Abbey. See W., G. Evening's Contemplation in a French Prison, An. See Hough- ton, H. P. Everett, W. 1760 Eversley Series, The 41, 47 Everyman's Library 12a, 49, 1488b Ewer & Co. 1438 Ewing, G. & A. 51 Ewing, T. 58 Eyre, J. 709 F. 340, 360 F., L. B. 1140 F., W. 391 Fabius 1651a Facetiae Cantabrigienses 443 Fain 802 Fairfax, J. G. 1545 Fairholt, F. W. 1724 Falconer, W. 79, 95, 104 Falkland 440 Fanshawe, Catherine M. 1394a Farewell Ode on a Distant Pros- pect of Cambridge, A 1593 Farewell to Florence, A 50a, 1162, 1163 Farley, F. E. 1916 Farrar, F. W. 265 Fasciculus Carminum 474 Fatal Sisters, The 52, 54, 73, 1164- 1170a, 2007 Faulder, R. 551 Favourite English Poems 630a Fawkener, Lady Harriet 1278a Fawkes and Woty, The Poetical Calendar 868, 870, 872, 874, 877- 880, 884, 1147, 1342 Fayolle, F. J. M. 574, 761, 761a, 799, 1023, 1025, 1334 Fenn, H. 655 Fenton, E. 98 Field & Tuer 668 fielding 663 Fielding, C. 591, 592, 594, 613 Fielding, T. 591, 592, 594, 613 Fields, Mrs. Annie 1855 Fields, J. T. 149a, 254 Figaro, The 994 Figaro, An Elegy, Written in Town 988 Fisher, J. B., The Pettifogger 946 Fison, E. 667 Fitzgerald, G. B. 456 Fitzpatrick, Gen. 1204b Fletcher, F. 335f Fletcher, J. 785 Flowers of Parnassus 289, 294 Fliigel, J. G. 28, 868 Flyn, W. 55 Foliorum silvula 272 Fontanes, L. de 1024 Forbes, Margaret 1264, 1924 Forbes, Sir W. 1254, 1618 Ford, C. L. 1105 Forrest, C. 1757 Forster, J. 1720 Forster, M. 221, 729a Foscolo, U. 430, 1797 Foster, B. 131, 135, 144, 164, 612, 616, 618, 620, 621, 623, 639, 659, 672, 675, 2010a Foster, G. F. 41 Foster, J. 1620 Foulis, A. 64, 72 Foulis, R. and A. 56, 60 Foundlings, The 875 Four Elegies. See Scott, J., of Am well Fowke, F. R. 78 Fragment of a Latin Poem on the Gaurus 50a, 1171-1 173a Fragment of an Ode on the Death of Mr. Gray 27, 1600 Fragments 1173b Fraser, Sir W. 662, 1057, 1069, 1088, 1090, 1108 Fraser's Magazine 1700 INDEX 273 Frazer, N. L. 307 Free Lance, The 989 Freelove, W. 1090 French, J. 126 Freneau, P. 394 Fresnoy, C. A. du 468 Friedenson, J. T. 289, 294, 698 From the Anthologia Graeca. See Translations from the Antholo- gia Graeca Frowde, H. 318, 1409 Full Many a Man Who Now Doth Cheat the Printer 1009 Fun 986 Funeral, The. See Jaques, C. Funny Folks 995, 997 Furnivall, F. J. 1469 G. 827 G., J. A. 1756 G., W. 1501 Gait, J., & Co. 244 Galton, A. 1216 Garnhler, The 970 Gantillon, J. F. 1052, 1116 Gardiner 799 Garnett, R. 291 Garrick, D. 27, 95, 106, 110, 116, 1533, 17 1", Cast. hi, M. 754 Gaudry, Mr. 535 Gaurus, The. See Fragment of a Latin Poem on the Gaums Gay, J. 98 Gay ley, C. M. 7 JO Ceikie. Sir \. i Generic Characters of the Orders of Inserts 1 1 T V Gennori, ('.. 69, 581, 598, 797, 822 Gentleman, A, \ Paraphrase <>n Gray 1 I 7 Chide, O. 1st!) Glover, A. 1263, 1278, 1896 Goggin, S. E. 319 Golden Miniature Series 117-' Golden Treasury, The 198, 883 Goldsmith, 0. 79, 104, ISO, i:U, 149, 159, 17.",, 176a, isn, 823, 386, Ml, 570, 673, 797a, 798, '< J8a, 7S5e, 1534, 1691, 1790, 1749, 1969, 'n|| B Goldsmith, O. B. fl ! I Goldsmith Vnthology, The 199 Co,, u,,e. Sir C. L. 1st:* ■:': ; INDEX Gompertz, M. 708, 1381 Good, J. W. 1992d Goodrich, S. G. 615 Goodspeed, C. E. 1919 Gorse, F. 684 Gorton, J. 1729 Gosse, E. W. 4, 41, 47, 51, 52, 180, 257, 262, 269, 408a, 460, 462, 463b, 470a, 470e, 491, 500a, 1102, 1144, 1192, 1193, 1197a, 1202- 1204, 1262, 1276, 1288, 1314, 1317, 1320, 1323, 1354c, 1418, 1419, 1421, 1465, 1466, 1467b, 1479, 1487a, 1512, 1799, 1835, 1844, 1885, 1907, 1917, 2000 Goethe, J. W. von 771a, 771b Gothi 1176 Gotter, F. W. 594, 598, 772, 1183a Gowans, A. L. 727b Gower, R. V. 1984 Gownsman, The 967 Grace, S. 585 Gradus ad Cantabrigiam 439, 1345 Graf, A. 1977 Grafton, A. H. Fitzroy, Duke of 1401 Grainger, J. 79 Grande Chartreuse, La. See under Alcaic Ode Grande Encyclopedic, La 1839 Granta, The 1016-1019, 1351 Grave of the Convict, The 953 Gray, B. 663 Gray, Mrs. Dorothy 1241, 1765, 1791 Gray, Mrs. Elizabeth 55 Gray, J. M. 1856 Grayan, A 1052 Gray-Headed Wet Bob, A, Ode on a Close Prospect of Eton College 1349 Gray's Elegy [a parody] 984 Gray's Elegy (in an Irish Prison) 1001 Green, M. 79, 131, 164 Green, T. 1627b Greene, E. B. 338, 359, 364, 372, 383, 434, 1553; Ode on the Death of a Favourite Spaniel 1368 Greene, R. G. 1048 Greenlaw, E. 1250a Greenslet, F. 1919 Gregori, D. 808 Gregory, W. F. 728b Gr&ius, J. L. 581, 598, 759 Grierson, H. J. C. 320 Griffin, C, & Son 117, 142, 143, 151 Griffin, Bohn & Son 138 Griffinhoofe, C. G. 1968 Griffith, J. 535 Grigg, J. 29a, 112-114 Grigg & Elliot 32, 116b Grignion, C. 58 Grimes, T. 427 Groombridge 136, 147 Gschwind, F. 329 Guiglielmini 812 Guillory, M. P. 762 H. 566, 923, 1573 H., E. C. 1052 H., F. C. 1066 H., J. A. 1752 H., M. 1631 H., M. W., Elegy, Written in a City Churchyard 975 H., W. B. 1136 Hachette & Cie. 43 Hackfall: an Elegy 894 Hadow, G. E. 727c Hadow, W. H. 727c Haiiy, Citizen 752 Hakewell, History of Windsor 1298 Hale, E. E., Jr. 1852 Hales, J. W. 237, 335g, 668, 1866 Hall, H. S. 1120 H Hall, S. C. 220 Hall, Mrs. S. C. 1724 Hall, T. D. 244, 255 Hall & McCreary 330 INDEX 275 Hallam, A. H. 1675 Hallam, H. 174:2 Hamann, A. 332a Hamelius, P. 1875 Hamilton, G. 849 Hamilton, S. 19 Hamilton, W., Parodies 268, 439, 440, 445-447, 487, 757, 868, 875, 886, 887, 892, 893, 899, 907, 909, 915, 918, 923, 928, 931-936, 939- 950, 951, 954, 955, 958-968, 970, 971, 972, 973, 974-976, 979-982, 986, 989, 991-995, 997-1015, 1086, 1342, 1346-1348, 1349, 1367, 1369, 1372, 1373, 1393, 1395, 1408, 1414, 1415, 1535 Hamilton, W. G. 1344 Hamley, E., Reflections in Netley Abbey 925 Hampson, J. 203, 341, 362, 389 Handy Edition 728b Harberton, C. 1061 Harberton, Viscount 1103 Harding, Triphook, and Lepard 24, 26 Hargreaves, G. 589 Harmsworth Encyclopaedia, The 1944 Harper & Brothers 250, 264, 300 Harper's Magazine 611 Harrap, G. G, & Co. 329 Harris, W. T. 664 Harrison and Sons 640 Hart, S. \. 591, 598, 594, 613 Hartshorne, A. 58, 1080 Harvard Classics, The 325 Harvard < .' rail mites' Magazine, The 46, 1020 Harvey, F. 669 I le lewood, J. 1677 Hayes, Sir G, A Temple Elegy 990, ''''I Hayes, W. 991 Hayesiana 991 Hayley, W. L578 Haslltt, W. -'16, 817, 1647, 1655 Headley, H. 1571, 1581, 1581a; A Parody on Gray's Elegy, Writ- ten in a Country Church-Yard, the Author Leaving College 913 Hearn, L. 1400a Heath, Charles 101 Heath, D. C, & Co. 336, 728 Heath, F. G. 1078 Heath's English Classics 728 Heber, R., Palestine 436 Heine, H. 1849 Henley, W. E. 416 Hennet, A. J. U. 567, 758 Hensman, H. 1936 Hensolt, G. 351 Herbert, W. 1339, 1390 Herder, J. G. 778 Hermit at Hampstead, A 1054, 1056 Hermit of Holyport, The 1054 Heron, R. See Pinkerton, J. Herrig, L. 221, 729a Hertford, Earl of 1599a Herzfeld, G. 1876 Heywood, J. 417 Hey wood's, J., Recitation Card 417 Hickie, D. B. 585, 836 Hildyard, J. 1696 Hildyard, W. 593, 594, 838, 838a Hill, G. B. 1832 Ilillard, G. S. 637 History 1177 Histrio ct saltatio 1178 Hoare, Sir R. C. 378 Holden, II. A. 272 I loll, Francis I'M Holt, i.. n. SS5c If, mil's Magazine 1048a Home, .1. 1659 Hopwood, .1. 19, L01 Hon ley, J. C. 602 Horsley, w. 419 Hortensius, Elegy Written in a Lingering Illness !>l!> I lorlon, S. .1. 656s 270 INDEX Hosic, J. F. 333 Hoste, M. R. 189T Hotspur, Elegy in a London Theatre 97 .' Houghton, H. P., An Evening's Contemplation in a French Prison 940 Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 258, 277, 1951 Houghton, Osgood & Co. 159 Howard, F. 591, 592, 594, 613 Howard, F. See Carlisle, F. Howard, 5th Earl of Howard, G. W. F. See Carlisle, G. W. F. Howard, 7th Earl of Howard, H. 591, 592, 594, 613 Howard, J. D. 1754 Howe, Mr. 392a Howe, H. 633 Howe, W. T. 352, 1231, 1551, 1997 Howes, A. 700, 1383 Howitt, W. 250, 264, 300, 1716 Hoyau, L.-C. 346, 347, 421, 479, 767, 1151, 1183, 1335, 1360, 1386, 1411, 1440, 1490, 1521 Hoyt, J. K. 1793a, 1802a, 1870a Hubbard Bros. 152 Huddesford, G. 1206, 1210, 1612 Hughes, J. 98 Hughs, H. 14 Hume, D. 1578a, 1832 Humphry, Prof. 1840 Humphry, W. G. 1391 Hunt, J. H. L. 1485 Hunt, T. W. 1103a Hunter, J. 1997 Hurst, T. 86, 89 Hurst & Blackett 710 Husk, W. H. 1061 Hustved, S. B. 1993a Hutchinson, T. 1219 Hutchison, P. A. 332 Hutt, A. G. 1794 Hymeneal on the Marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales 1179, 1180 Hymn to Adversity, 50a, 51, 54, 73, 178, 182, 208, 358, 1181- 1189a, 1660; anonymous trans- lations, Portuguese 1188 Hymn to Ignorance 1190-1191a Ideler, C. L. 219a If Gray Had Had to Write His Elegy, etc. 1021b Ikin, A. E. 704, 712, 1382 Illustrated English Poems, The 688, 693, 694 Illustrated London News, The 1331, 1995 Imitated from Propertius, Lib. III. Eleg. 5, v. 1, 2 1192 Imitation of Buondelmonte. See Song by Buondelmonte Imitation of Gray. See Omicron Imitation of Gray's Elegy, An 983 Imitation of Gray's Elegy, An. See Sailor, A Imitation of Martial 1193, 1194 Impression Classics 719 Impromptu, Suggested by a View, in 1766, of the Seat and Ruins of a Deceased Nobleman, at Kingsgate, Kent 1195-1201, 1997 Impromptus 1202 In D: 29 am Maii 1203 In 5 tam Novembris 1204 Independent, The 655, 656, 1082 Inedited Sonnet 1204a, 1204b Inscription for a Wood Adjoining a Park 50a, 1205-1211a Instructor Literature Series 330 Ipswich 1066 Irregular Ode, An, Occasioned by the Death of Mr. Gray 1546 Irving, H. 994 Isocrates 1305 Isola, A. 527, 799 J*** 1672 J., Elegy, Written in Drury-Lane Theatre 582, 947 INDEX 277 J., B. N. 1049 J., E. 1634 J., Y. B. N. 1031 Jack, A. A. 1981 Jackson, engraver 663 Jacobs, G. W., & Co. 731 James, J. 182 James, R. N. 1080 Jameson, Anna 1857 Jaques, O., The Funeral 889 Jebb, Sir R. C. 1449 Jeffrey, F., Lord 1643 Jemmy Twitcher, or The Cam- bridge Courtship. See Candi- date, The Jenner, C, Town Eclogues 895 Jerningham, E., An Elegy Writ- ten Among the Ruins of an Abbey 888; The Magdalens 876; The Nunnery 566, 873b, 882, 1010 Jerrold, Mrs. Clare 488a Jerrold, W. 1021a, 1350, 1394a Jervey, H. 1281 Jesse, E. 1717, 1721, 1722 Jesse, G. R. 1065 Jesse, J. H. 1304, 1718, 1781 Johnson, B. 90 Johnson, II. H. 1287 Johnson, H. P. 1131 Johnson, J. 90, 98 Johnson, L. 1848 Johnson, R. 90 Johnson, S. 88, 40, 42, 79, 93, 94, 98, 106, 118, 139, 158, 17."», 176a, L94, joi, 1031, L039, 1047, 1293, 1 106, 1554, 1571, 1578-1577, I.">h~, I'll I, 1665, 1670, 17 11, L958 Join.-, i. 1214 Jones, K. L641 Jones, i.. ii. tii Jones, <>. 600 Jone , S. -i, 85, Jones, T. I.. ^><< Jones, w. \. 1971 Jones & Co. 108, L09 Jonson, B. 1697 Joubert, L. 1748 Journal Encyclope'dique, Le 1584 Journal in France 1212 Journal in the Lakes 15, 39, 46, 46a, 1213-1221, 1802, 2001 Journey in Hades, A 50a, 1221a Juillard, L. 1802b Jungmann, J. 737 Justitia 1032 Juvenal 1561 K. 1062 K., Elegy Written During the "General" 1018 K., C. 1099 K., H. 78 K., L. L. 1287, 1287b K., O., Elegy, Written in the Uni- versity Church Yard 1016 Kaleidoscope, The 781 Kastrill 1571 Kearsley, G. 71, 465-467 Keate, G., The Ruins of Netley Abbey 883 Keats, J. 727 Kebbel, T. E. 825, 846 Kelly, H. 1030 Kendall, G. 335f Kendrick, A. C. 651 Kennard, R. B. 682, 853 Kennedy, B. H. 678, 850, 1407, I 113 Kenrick, W. 1555 Ker, w. I-. 1988a Kerivalant, N. lc D. de 581, 598, 7 1!) Kerr, N. 899 Kerr, S. I*. [961 Klngsley, Maude E. 1187, 1138, II ll Kit I refine, C. I,. 1858, 1902 Knight, C. 1940 Knight, J. 679 Knight, H. I'. 196, I •!, 450, L696 h'niijhl'x Quarterly Maya ine I '.Hi j;.s' INDEX Knott, T. 206 Knowles, F. L. 1355 Knox, T. R., & Co. 2008 Knox, V. 207, 868, 1564, 1583 Kording, H. 747 Kosengarten, L. G. 210, 349, 350, 363, 367, 398, 424, 476, 480, 485, 581, 598, 778, 1442, 1607 Krehbiel, H. E. 1848, 1886, 1998 Krieken, J. van 738 Kuhns, L. O. 1925 L., G. 1372 L., H., Elegy, Written over an Old Pipe-Box 992 L., H. P. 1130 Lacedaemon 1222 La Cueva, Itelazione di Venetia 1997 Lad 1080 Lady, A 612 Lady, A, Stanzas on the Death of Mr. Gray 27, 116, 1604 Lake English Classics, The 730, 1250a Lamb, C. 452, 453, 1043, 1044, 1661, 1915 Lament of the Eminent One 994 Lampoon, The 1020 Landell 663 Landor, W. S. 1665, 1714, 1749 Landseer 224 Landseer, C. 591, 592, 594, 613 Landseer, T. 591, 592, 594, 613 Lane, J. 289, 294, 698 Lane, W. 182 Lang, A. 415a, 1277, 1941, 1982 Langham Booklets 324 Langrishe, R. 15, 824 Lansdowne Poets 161 La Quesnerie, G. de 676 Larned, J. N. 44 Larousse, P. 1771 Last of the Lotteries, The 965 Lastri, M. 198, 352, 428, 581, 598, 801, 1185, 1337, 1363, 1388, 1443 Lathrop, G. P. 1877 Latin Poems 1223 Laudator Temporis (et Rerum). See Dibdin, T. Laun, K. W. A. 782, 1058, 1467a, 1490a Laurie, T. 232, 241 Laurie's Class-Books of English Literature 256 Laval, J. 107 Lawson, M., The Union 443 Leach, A. F. 1956 Lebeque 799 Le Boussonnier, Ph., & Co. 80 Lee, A. C. 1287b Lee, Elizabeth 273 Lee, S. A. 1485 Lee & Shepard 672 Legouis, £. 43 Legs in Tattersall's Yard 966 Leisure Hour, The 1755 Leitch, R. P. 631 Lemierre d'Argy, A. J. 81, 343, 403, 420, 478, 483, 598, 748, 750, 769, 1146, 1489 Leonard, R. M. 316, 335e, 735b, 1021a, 1350, 1394a Leoni, M. 598, 805 Le Tourneur 755, 756 Letters l-50b, 335g, 336, 337, 1213- 1221, 1224-1287C, 1458-1461, 1739, 1740, 1997 Letters on the English Nation 1547 Lettsom, Dr. 1344 Lewis, J. D. 867 Lewis, M. G. 209 Lewis, T. 826 Liberty of Genius, The 1288 Library, The 84 Library, Gray's 1302-1306a, 1631, 1705, 1707, 1713, 1715, 1734, 1751, 1763, 1848, 1855, 1919, 1980a Library of English Prose 39a Liddell, H. T. See Ravensworth, H. T. Liddell, Earl of INDEX 279 Life of Sir Thomas "Wyatt, the Elder 1289 Lights to Literature, 689 Lille, J. de 1022 Lincolnshire Farmer, A 1092 Linna?us 18, 1302, 1306, 1919 Linton, W. J. 259 Linwood, W. 601 Lippincott, J. B., & Co. 34, 120, 157, 642, 656 Lipscomb, W., Elegy on the Death of George Lord Lyttelton 908 Lipscome, G. 1719 Literae 1290, 1291 Literary Gazette, The 965, 1204a, 1204b Literary Magazine and British Review, The 915, 1533 Literary Miscellany, The 205 Literary Sketch Book, The 964 Literary World, The 170, 655, 741, 794, 1051, 1799, 1821 Littell's Living Age 1226, 1275, 1280, 1735, 1790, 1830 Little, Brown & Co. 125, 127, 134, MM Littledale, H. 1285, 1983 Liverpool Repository of Litera- ture, Philosophy, and Com- merce, The 1666 Lloyd, Mary 1114 Lloyd, R. 79, 510, 520, 821 Lloyd, R., and G. Colman, The Bard, a Burlesque Ode 54, 62, i ;7; Two Odea 1 53 1 LockeP) .L 1 16 Locker, I '. 1071, 1354b Lock wood, I ..i lira I'.. 1 ISH<- Lodge, H. c. i j 1 1 n ' I ' 1 \byot iirtTd(piot 8 '■ Londiniana 169 I Londlnlen I • 1059 London L69S, 1 7 1 h, i7.>:i. 1786, L846, 1851. See also British Museum, The London Chronicle, The 1404, 1414, 1556 London Guardian, The 257 London Magazine, The 52, 218, 498, 1165, 1546, 1557, 1656-1658, 1668 London Review, The 902 London World, The 445, 446 Long, W. H. 1859, 1861 Long Story, A 51, 54, 72, 79, 178, 318, 1292-1298, 2007 Long Vacation, The. See R,******, \\\, and Woty, W. Longinus 547 Longman, T. N. 85 Longman & Co. 583, 600 Longmans' English Classics 323 Longmans, Green & Co. 146, 642 Lonsdale, T. 1898 Lord Mayor's Day 909 Loria, G. 817 Lounsbury, T. R. 41, 873, 1850 Love Elegy 877 Lovell, R., The Decayed Farm- House 938 Low, S., Marston, Low & Searle 639, 675, 677 Low, S., Son & Co. 135, 610, 616, 625, 2010a Low, S., Son, & Marston 626, 631 Lowell, J. R. 1816, 1824 Lowndes, W. T. 2 Lowth, R. 203 Lubbock's, Sir J., Hundred Best Books 17 1 Lucas, E. C. 597 Lucas, B. V. 381, 382, 395, 452, 153 Lucretius 174, 1067 Lucubrations In an Apothecary's Shop. See s., D. I. una babitabilis 1 199, 1300 Lunatic Parody, \ 988 I .UVIM'S, Mine. t\c 749b I yddon-Roberts, P. 158, 159, 1109, 1110, 1398 I UK) Lydgate, J. 1 168, 1 169 280 INDEX I vim. Margaret 311 Lynn, W. T. 1S10 I, via Britannica 726 Lyra historica 4-1 i) lyric Stanzas. See Song I ytc. Sir H. C. M. 1328, 1330, 1782 Lyttelton, Lord 1187 Lyttelton, George, Lord 79, 908 Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer, Baron 1688 M. 1052, 1083 M., F. 1689 M., J. 1031, 1052, 1080, 1495 M., J. F. 1052, 1677 M., W. 1613 Mabie, H. W. 172 Macaulay, G. C. 1954 Macaulay, J. H. 839 Macdonald, A. N. 729 McElwaine, P. A. 1139 McGovern, J. B. 1993b Magrath, J. R. 1135 Macgrath, T. 1068 McGuffey's Sixth Eclectic Reader 646 Mackail, J. W. 1454, 1455 Mackay, C. 236 Mackenzie, A. W., Elegy Written in a Country Rink 998 Mackenzie, H. 1170a, 1659 Mackintosh, Sir J. 1682 McLaughlin, E. T. 1824 Maclaurin, C, Parody on Gray's Celebrated Elegy 949 Macmillan & Co. 41, 47, 270, 275, 283, 301, 686, 1799, 1808 Macmillan's English Classics 270 Macmillan's Pocket American and English Classics 315 Macmillan's Series for Pupil Teachers 275, 283, 686 M< Murray, W. 1515, 1938 Magazine of Magazines, The 497 Magdalens, The. See Jerningham, E. Maginn, W., Elegy Written in a Bail-Room 1006 Main, F. 349 Mainwaring, J. 1567 Mallet, Mr. 535 Malte-Brun 377 Man in the Moon, The 974 Mancini, L. 598, 809 Manly, J. M. 312a Mann, D. M. 1487 Mann, Sir H. 1599a Mansergh, J. 1092 Manuscripts 1306, 1608, 1679, 1705, 1715, 1734, 1738, 1741, 1763, 1768, 1813, 1886, 1896, 1994-2004a Marchant, F. P. 1123, 1136 Marcus 892 Marginalia 464-467, 1301-1307, 1751, 1919 Marshall, E. H. 41, 1080 Marshall, H., & Son 307 Marshall, T. P. 701 Marson, G. 1092, 1094 Martial 1193, 1194 Martin, A. S. 892 Martin, B. M. 235b Martin, J. 413, 591, 592, 594, 599, 613, 755, 772, 784, 799, 838, 1533 Martin, R. G. 50b Martins 69 Maruffi, G. 1267 Marvint, H. 345, 595, 766, 767a Maskell, J. 658, 1084, 1085 Mason, E. C. 1193, 1194 Mason, W. 13, 18, 20-22, 27, 67, 72, 79, 95, 106, 110, 116, 193, 339, 348, 358a, 363a, 368a, 370a, 373b, 401a, 463a, 468, 470b, 473a, 476a, 491a, 625, 662, 824, 1035, 1145, 1152, 1162, 1171, 1190, 1205, 1213, 1223a, 1227, 1244, 1247, 1375, 1464, 1467, 1474, 1496, 1497-1500. 1503, 1525, 1531, 1543, 1545, 1548, 1556, 1558, 1561, 1565, 1566, 1576, 1577, 1599a, 1636, 1657, 1679, 1725, 1730, 1853, 1980b, 1997. INDEX 281 2005; Caractacus 1235; Letters to Gray 1236, 1238, 1239, 1458- 1461 Masterpiece Library, The 281 Masters, E. L. 1021b Mater rosarum. See Ad C. Fav. Zephyrinum Mathias, T. J. 18, 30, 459a, 784, 820, 1156, 1157, 1174-1178, 1207, 1215, 1222, 1290, 1302, 1308, 1310, 1312, 1316, 1319, 1322, 1420, 1456, 1457, 14G8, 1491, 1493, 1505, 1516, 1524, 1572, 1594, 1624, 1627, 1635, 1636, 1642, 1997 Matthews, J. W. 1868a Matthews, R. 434 Matthisson, F. 1228, 1231a, 1601 Mawman, J. 19 Maynard's English Classic Series 2012 Mecutchen, S. 653 .Meditations on Mr. Barry's New Houses of Parliament 973 Meditations, Written in a Church- Yard 920 Medwin, T. 843 Mee, A. 728d Merlin de Douai 743, 1584 Merrill, C. E., Co. 317, 2012 Merrill, J. & J. 785 Merrill's English Texts 317 Metre 1121, LS16-1318, 1833, 1920, 1946, 1957, 1959, 1979, 1988 Meyer, J. IS Middleton, II. 67 Millar, A. 61 Miller, (I. M. L989 Miller, .(. L55, 8011 Miller, S. 1610 Mills, T. 99 Mill . Sir I 65 Mllner, G. I 118 Milton, ,F. 39, 112-114, 119, ii 19, 1586a, 1697, 1855, 1992, I992d Mincbln, II. C. 1926 Miniature Golden Floral Series 674 Miniature Series 733, 1808 Minto, W. 1860 Miralla, J. A. 862-862c Mirror, The 948, 959, 960, 962, 963, 1046a, 1672, 1673, 1676 Miscellanea classica 1308 Mitchell, D. G. 291, 1867 Mitford, J. 19, 30, 31, 35, 36, 101, 117, 125, 127, 134, 138, 140, 149a, 156, 167, 467a, 470c, 758, 1047, 1233, 1236, 1238, 1239, 1458, 1459, 1466a, 1502, 1599a, 1606, 1627, 1637-1639, 1676, 1684a, 1692, 1997 Modern Classics 258 Moffatt & Paige 293 Moffatt's School Classics 293 Monaci, E. 811 Moncrieff, W. T. See Thomas, \V. T. Monicke, C. H. 1749a Monk, E. G. 414, 415 Monod, G. 768 Monroe, E. 1746 Montagu, Mrs. Elizabeth 1538, 1935 Montague, G. 1599a Monthly Review, The 13, 18, 52, 71, 80, 86, 178, 192b, 338, 339, 369, 374, 386, 409, 434, 467, 532, T42, 784-790, 800, 820, 825, 826, 87:5a, 898, 925, 926, 1027, 1031, 1033, 1154, 1191, I .'1 7, lis I, L4Q1, L5S5, 1541, 1546, 1564, 1571, 1575, 1605 .1/ 1 a i ii. i hi ne lull Moor, .lames 103] Moore, \ Soliloquy in a Country ChurCfa yard Mil Moon-, E. 79; An Elegy, Written Among the Ruins of a Noble- man's Seal in ( 'ornuall H70 Moore, I'. V. I9H!) M .ore, i . C. 191! INDEX Moore, Sir J. H., Elegy Written in a College Library 939 Moore, J. W. 599 M..ore, T. 1649 More, P. E. 1286 Moreton, E. H. 700, 1383 Morgan, H. H. 256a Morley, H. 39a, 256b Morley of Blackburn, J. Morley, Viscount 1978 Morning. See Cumberland, R. Morning Chronicle, The 943, 945, 1372, 1373 Morning Elegy, A. See Portal, A. Morning Post, The 928 Morris, D. 642, 644 Morris, E. E. 1111 Morris, J. 2000 Mortimer, T. 1587a Morton, E. P. 1121 Moiicke, F. 352 Moule, T. 1690 Moulton, C. W. 1912 Moultrie, J. 116a, 117, 121, 124, 128, 137, 138, 1638, 1709, 1710 Mount, C. B. 1140 Mover, R. 1282 Mozley, J. 73 Miiller, C. W. 348, 362a, 366a, 369a, 373a, 397a, 403a, 423, 463c, 470c, 475a, 479a, 484, 581, 598, 773, 1146a, 1155a, 1163, 1173a, 1184, 1191a, 1211a, 1216a, 1265a, 1336, 1361, 1376a, 1387, 1412, 1441, 1464a, 1467e, 1496a, 1500a, 1504 Miiller, E. 1726 Miiller, N. 638, 783 Mullinger, J. B. 1780-1782 Mulready, W. 591, 592, 594, 613 Mundell & Son 79 Munden, K. L. 999, 1086-1088, 1803 Munro, H. A. J. 636, 660, 825, 846, 1752 Murby, T. 645 Murdered Maid, The 837 Muretus 1967 Murphy 840 Murray, G. 1224 Murray, J. 1099 Murray, J., publisher 63, 65, 70, 75, 193, 1561, 1653 Murray, J., publisher (b. 1851) 2001 Murray, L. 208a, 208b Murray, W. H. 977 Musa clauda 691 Musae Berkhamstedienses 546, 828 Musae Etonenses 1299, 1339, 1377, 1390 Muses' Library, The 175, 176a Music, Gray's 1768, 1813, 1886, 1998 N. 1589 N., Elegy, Written in a Grub- Street Garret 915 N., F. 744 N., G. 1031 N, G. W. 1513 N., J. G. 1751 N., S., An Elegy Written in Ken- sington Garden 914 N., T. 1045 N., W. 1617 Nation, The (London) 1974 Nation, The (New York) 170, 1133, 1763, 1768, 1799, 1801, 1804, 1805, 1824, 1834, 1954, 1981, 1985, 1992 National Magazine, The 1724 Neale, J. P. 1648 Necker, Mme. Susanne C. de N. 739 Neele, H. 1670 Nelson, T., & Sons 133, 149 Neue allgemeine deutsche Biblio- thek, Die 774 Neuwied, Die Fiirstin zu 775 Nevill, R. 1979 New Foundling Hospital for Wit, The 197, 199, 894, 909, 1148, INDEX 283 1148a, 1195, 1405, 1414, 1415, 1498 New Haven Gazette and Connecti- cut Magazine, The 481 New International Encyclopaedia, The 1918, 1993 New Popular Encyclopedia, The 1909 New Tory Guide, The 951, 1395 New York Literary Gazette, The 1664a New York Times, The 1250 Newall's Buildings 989 Newcomb, S. 1128 Newcomen, G. 1863 Newcomer, A. G. 326b Newdigate, Sir R. 72 Newnes, G. 174 Xiehol, J. 132 Xicholls, G. F. 734a Nicholls, N. 18, 30, 31, 39a, 740, 1232, 1233, 1240a, 1542, 1616, 1627, 1635 Nichols, J. 548, 549, 551 Nichols, J. B. 1301, 1416, 1509, 1627, 1630, 1669 Nicholson, G. 83, 2007 Nicholson, G., & Co. 205 Nicholson, J. 524, 525, 825 Nicol, W. 1784 Nicoll, H. J. 1488, 1804 Nicoll, Sir W. R. 1945 Niemeyer, G. F. 774 Night Thoughts 974 Nightly Thoughts In the Temple. See R„ .1. T. Nimmo, W. P., & Co. 39 Sims & Knight 879 Nl bet, •!., & Co. i \i iter, I.. 709 Nixon, J. II. 591, $99, 594, 61 I Nocturnal Contemplations In Bar- baED Down Camp. Sec COT poral Trim Noemon 1969, 1656 Nolte, J. W. H. 919a Noon-tide: an Ode. See Ode on the Spring Norbury, J. 785 Normal Correspondence College Press 458, 459, 704, 712, 1109, 1110, 1382, 1400 Normal Tutorial Series 458, 704, 712, 1109, 1382, 1400 Norse, Old 1858, 1916 North, C. See Wilson, J. North American Review, The 1647, 1653, 1754 Northam, W. 340, 360, 366, 385, 1589 Northup, C. S. 11, 12, 41, 56, 62, 336, 342, 343, 461, 472, 1120, 1136, 1156a, 1209, 1211, 1315, 1318, 1321, 1324, 1461, 1463, 1596, 1939, 1954, 1962, 1963, 1970, 1981 Norton, C. E. 1306, 1919 Notes and Queries 135, 175, 494, 545, 566, 696, 737, 799, 825, 828, 829, 831, 836, 837, 838a, 839, 841, 842, 846-848, 852, 855, 858, 861, 866, 887, 898, 903, 928, 931, 942, 945, 948, 972, 976, 981, 982, 991, 1071, 1075, 1226, 1511, 1594, 1778, 1806, 1841 Notes of Travel 1309 Notes on Aristophanes 41, 1310, 1311, 1997 Notes on Plato 41, 1312-1315, 1997 Nouvelle biographie generale 1748 NOvcllo 414 Nunnery, The 1010 Nunnery, The. See Jerningham, E. Nuta to Crack 189, 1681 o. 1518, 1898 <>., c. T. See Headley, H. o., J. L081, 1931 O, J. M. 1807 Oakley, J. I!. T. 1065 Observations on English Metre 1816- 1318 w ; IXDEX Observations on the Pseudo- Rhythmus 1319-1391 Observations on the Use of Rhyme L399-1394 Occasional Correspondent, An 1036 Occasioned by Reading Mr. Gray's Hymn to Adversity 1189a O'Conner, R. 811 Ode. See Ode on the Spring Ode [by "NValpole] Attributed to Gray 1325 Ode de Gray sobre o progreco da poezia, etc. 208 Ode for Music. See Ode Per- formed in the Senate-House, etc. Ode on a Close Prospect of Eton College. See Gray-Headed Wet Bob, A Ode on a College Feast Day 444, 1345 Ode on a Distant Prospect of Dul- wich College 1346 Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College 48, 51, 54, 73, 177, 178, 208, 244, 245, 249, 255, 256, 267, 273, 279, 289, 293, 294, 298, 306, 358, 1326-1353, 1599, 1796, 1979, 1995, 2012; anonymous translations, Italian 1338; Por- tuguese 1340 Ode on a Retrospect of Eton Col- lege. See Stephen, J. K. Ode on Adversity. See Hymn to Adversity Ode on Ranelagh. See P., H. Ode on the Amputation of a Cat's Tail. See Cantab., A Ode on the Closing of the House of Commons 1395 Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, 50a, 51, 54, 73, 177, 178, 274, 736, 1354-1374; anonymous translations, Armenian 1358; Italian 1364 Ode on the Death of a Favourite Spaniel. See Greene, E. B. Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat. See Prince, J. H. Ode on the Death of a Favourite, Who was Nearly Drowned in the River Thames 1373 Ode on the Death of Mr. Gray 27, 116, 1602 Ode on the Distant Prospect of a Good Dinner 1347 Ode on the Earl of Bute 1367 Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitude 62, 72, 242, 1375- 1377, 2012 Ode on a Prospect of the Aboli- tion of Eton Montem 1348 Ode on the Spring 50a, 51, 54, 73, 177, 178, 278, 283, 285, 286, 295, 296, 298, 306, 344, 458, 459, 1378-1400a Ode Performed in the Senate House, etc. 48, 60, 62, 63, 64, 72, 73, 318, 1401-1417 Ode to an Eagle, Confined in a College Court 1343 Ode to Liberty. See Yhoull, Dr. Ode Written at Vale-Royal Ab- bey. See Warton, T. Odin. See Descent of Odin, The O'Donoghue, F. 1971 O'Donoghue, F. M. 1041a OZdipus, Parody on the Ode for Music 1415 Omicron 1300; Imitation of Gray 933 Omond, T. S. 1920, 1946 On a Near Prospect of Newnham College (Becoming an Univer- sity Hostel) 1351 O'Neill, G. 1438a Orford, H. Walpole, Earl of. See Walpole, II . Orr, W. S., & Co. 118 Osborne and Griffin 73 Osgood, J. R., & Co. 156, 252 INDEX .2sr> Osric, King 1962 Oubery & Co. 862c Our Original Lunatic 986 Ossory, Countess of 1599a Outline Studies in Literature 1138, 1141 Owen, F. A., Co. 330 Owen, J. 1393 Owen, S. G. 691, 854 Oxberry, J. 1124 Oxford and Cambridge Nuts to Crack. See Nuts to Crack Oxford Book of English Verse, The 293a Oxford Garlands 335e, 735b Oxford Library of Prose and Poetry 318 Oxford Plain Texts 334 Oxford Sausage, The 808, 1343 Oxford Treasury of English Liter- ature, The 727c Oxonian, An 898 Oxoniensis 1052 P., H., Ode on Ranelagh 54, 62, 1349 P., N. 1080 P., R. O. 1451 P., W., Elegy Written at Flor- ence 911 Page, T. 298 Pageant of English Poetry, The 316, 386 Painter, W. E. 1703 Palese 796, 799, 820, 822 Palgrave, I'. T. 898, 1879 I'.illi, \ngdicu Hll Palmer, H. L061 Palmer, .John ". 16 Palmer, W. i I i Palmer I '.... The 1138 Pancoa it, ii S. SS6d Panting, s.. Pour Elegies 878 Paraphra te of P ialm bend* 1 1 1^. MIHa Paraphrase on Gray's Elegy, A. See Gentleman, A. Park, T. 91, 95, 102, 939 Parker, J., & Co. 249, 641, 682 Parker, J. W. 593 Parlor Treasury 152 Parmelee, G. W. 1112 Parnaso straniero 356 Parnassium, The 182 Parnassus 243 Parnassus Series, The 698 Parnell, T. 131, 132, 158, 163, 164 Parnell-egy Written in a West- minster Palace-Yard 1011 Parodies on the Poets 986 Parody 937 Parody on an Epitaph 1419 Parody on Gray's Bard 441 Parody on Gray's Celebrated Elegy. See Maclaurin, C. Parody on Gray's Elegy, A. See Duncombe, J. Parody on Gray's Elegy. See Gimcrack, G. Parody on Gray's Elegy in a Country Churchyard 971a Parody on Gray's Elegy . . . , A, the Author Leaving College. See Headley, H. Parody on Gray's Ode on a Cat Drowned in a Tub of Gold Pishes. See Suetonius Parody on Gray's Ode to Spring. See S— Parody on the Ode for Music. See CEdipus Parr, S 1606 Parrott, T. M. 1927 Pari <>f an Heroic Epistle See Sophonlsba ad nlasinlssam Parton, J. 989, 1854a Pa Bage from lord Grey's Elegy 1000 Patrick, I). 18 Pattee, P. L :{«»i Patterson, \v. II. 178 -JStJ INDEX Pattinson, H., Mr. Gladstone in Midlothian 445 Paul, H. G. 313a Payne, H. 1080 Payne, J. 295, 1240a Payne, T. 785 Payne, W. 1080, 1088 Pearch, G., A Collection of Poems by Several Hands. See Dods- ley, R. Pecchio, G. 796 Peck, H. T. 287a Pedley, A., & Sons 274, 280, 418 Pedley's Northern Poetry Cards 274, 418 Pedley's Northern Series 280 Peet, W. H. 1080 Pelagius 1064 Pembroke College, Cambridge 1807, 1809, 1812, 1814-1816, 1819, 1820, 1822, 1992b, 1994 Penn, J. 1294, 1297, 1298, 1632 Penn, W. 1992 Penny Cyclopaedia, The 1694 Penny Magazine, The 1699 Penny Poets, The 281 Penrose, T., The Curate 904 Pensive in a Boneyard. See Dal- ton, J. G. Percival, S. 1438 Percopo, E. 1901 Percy, T. 45, 1997 Percy Anecdotes, The 1765 Perry, T. S. 1793, 1805 Pertwee, E. 717, 726 Peterhouse, Cambridge 1063a, 1902, 1938 Petrarca, Part I, Sonetto 170 1420 Pettifogger, The. See Fisher, J. B. Phelps, W. L. 6, 46, 1852 Phidias 393 Philalethes 1627 Phillipps, W. F. M. 647 Phillips, J. P. 977, 1061 Phillips, Maude G. 1817 Phillips, Sampson & Co. 130 Philobiblion, The 1062 Philodice 1614 Pliilo-Lyristes 1574 Philopoesis 1038 PhiJnix 781a Picard, A., & Kaan 676 Pickering, J. E. L. 1139 Pickering, W. 30, 31, 33, 122, 123 Pickford, J. 9, 868, 1100, 1116 Pierpoint, R. 1116 Pillai, M. S. P. 1142a Pindar 18, 180, 1535 Pinkerton, J. 386a, 1578a, 1603 Pitman, F. 630 Pitt Press Series 284, 303 Plaintive Tales 946 Platens Tagebiicher 776 Plato 18, 41, 1312-1315 Piatt, W. 1080, 1798 Play Exercise at Eton 1421 Plomer, H. R. 84, 85 Plumptre, Anne 1228 Plumptre, J. 789 Pocket Classics 174 Poems, Chiefly by Gentlemen of Devonshire and Cornwall 340, 360, 385 Poetic Garland, The 564, 573 Poetic Voices of the 18th Century 142 Poetical Calendar, The. See Fawkes and Woty Poetical Register, The 887, 947 Poetical Rondeau 1422, 1423 Poetry and Life Series, The 329 Poets of Great Britain, The 69a, 93 Political Parody, A 948 Political Passing Bell, The 539, 917 Polwhele, R. 1666 Pomba 805 Pomfret, J. 2010 Poole, Maria. See Dickons, Maria (Poole) Poole, Barker & Co. 409 INDEX 287 Pope, A. 77, 171, 570, 1586a, 1596a, 1823; Essay on Man 357; Wind- sor Forest 1327 Port Folio, The 212, 371, 384, 388, 451, 477, 482, 903, 923, 928, 937, 1040a, 1166, 1172, 1173, 1180, 1353, 1396, 1519a, 1619 Portal, A. 879, 880 Porter, J. 18 Porteus, B. 579, 587 Porteus, R. J., & Co. 263 Portraits of Gray 1634, 1641, 1663, 1696a, 1757, 1829, 1856, 1859, 1861, 1869, 1922, 1926, 1971 Pote, T. 785 Potter, R. 1576, 1577, 1585 Potts, J. 15 Pound, Louise 727a, 728a, 1716 Pratt, Alice E. 1887 Pratt, S. J., The Cabinet of Poetry 213, 872, 904, 924 Prideaux, W. F. 9, 41, 51, 53, 54, 55, 178, 1278a, 1287b, 1818, 1898, 1984 Priestley, R. 20, 21, 2005 Prince, J. H., Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat 1371 Prior, M. 98 Prison Thoughts. See Thomas, W. T. Progress of Poesy, The 48, 54, 73, 180, 208, 238, 240, 256, 293, 347, 353, 358, 1424-1455, 1575, 1605, 1658, 3018) anonymous transla- . tions, Portuguese 1 150 Progressive School Classics 735e Properttaf 1199 Properties, Lib. III. 5. v. Eleg. i'» 1456 1 I. ili. II. Bleg. 1 1457 Pro aim, [06fi Prosody. See Metre, Rhyme Pugbe, W. 0. 186 Puneh VI I, 976, 97H, . BA Reflections in N*etley Abbey. See Hamley, B. ,:n\ INDEX Reid, W. H., Elegy on the Waste near the Charter-House 921 Rcilly, J. J. 18^ t Reimer, G. 28 Relfe Bros., Model Reading Books 1241 Remarks on the letters Prefixed to Mason's Elfrida 1458-1461 Remarque Edition 703 Renouard, A. A. 558, 799 Repository, The 526, 542, 868, 886, 887, 892, 899 Reynolds, Myra 1871, 1963a Rhyme 1319-1324, 1964 Rhys, E. 688, 693, 694, 1488b, 1990 Rice, It. A. 1132 Richardson, C. F. 1964 Richardson, J. J. 1947 Richie, R. 799 Rickards, F. T. 1116 Rickoff, A. J. 664 Riddle, G. 697 Rideout, H. M. 1243 Ridley, J. 338 Righi, N. 818a Riley, H. T. 1743 Rinaker, Clarissa 899a, 1143, 1993c Ritchie, L. 1722 Ritson, J. 1044 Ritter, O. 370, 1965 Rivers, J. 1921 Riverside Edition 159 Riverside Literature Series 277, 333 Rivington, F. & C. 547 Rivington, F. C. and J. 22, 38, 40, 42 Rivington, J. 194 Rivington, J. & F. 525 Roach, J. 410, 550, 868, 1426 Roberts, A. E. 1384 Roberts, J. 640, 768 Roberts, Mary E. 1988 Roberts, W. H. 820, 1550, 1997 Roberts Bros. 655 Robertson, W. 132 Robinson, H. C. 1595 Robinson, W. 1252 Robinson, Mrs. W. 1538 Roger Pere & Fils 580, 799 Rogers, S. 30, 438b, 1478, 1747, 1997, 1999 Rogers, W. H. 135, 144 Rolfe, W. J. 41, 46, 250, 264, 300, 1071, 1076, 1116a, 1122, 1129, 1716 Rooper, E. P. 702 Roscoe, E. S. 1845, 1948, 1986, 1992 Roscoe, W. C. 1236, 1237, 1736 Rose, H. J. 1737 Ross, C. 1075 Ross, W. S. 232, 247 Rossetti, W. M. 1788 Rossi, J. 795 Rouse, R. W. A. 688, 693, 694 Routledge, G., & Co. 131, 142, 154, 163 Routledge, G., & Sons 164, 168, 171, 175, 176a, 718, 722 Routledge's Pocket Library 168 Routledge's Red Line Poets 164 Royal Standard Series, The 708, 1381 Rt. 1731 Ruined Halls 978 Ruins of Netley Abbey, The. See Keate, G. Rule, F. 78, 1066, 1068, 1072 Rupprecht, J. B. 598, 780, 1362 Russell, A. P. 1888 Russell, Constance 1287 Russell, W. C. 1770 S., An Elegy, Written in St. Stephen's Chapel 927 S — , Parody on Gray's Ode to Spring 1394 S., C. 284 S., D., Lucubrations in an Apothe- cary's Shop 962 S., F. W. 1287b S., G. L. 1533, 1745 INDEX 289 S., J. 1031, 1130 S., J., An Elegy, Written at the Approach of Spring 884 S., J. F. 1061 S., K. 1731 S., T. G. 1031 S., W. 1054, 1123 S., W. B. 1090 Sabrinae corolla 140T, 1413, 1435, 1448 Sailor, A, An Imitation of Gray's Elegy 93G St. Croix, H. C. de 1052 St. James's Chronicle, The 1415 St. James's Gazette, The 1845 St. James's Magazine, 1063 St. Leu, Garden of 1025 St. Pierre 764 Saintsbury, G. E. B. 1872, 1889, 1928, 1957, 1972 Sajou, J. B. 761 Sala, G. A. 1077 Salmon, E. 1134 Samuel Daniel 1462, 1463 Sanborn, Katharine A. 1767 Sanders, Charles W. 615a Sanderson, R. L. 771 Sandys, J. E. 1958 Sane, M. 858 Sangorski, Mr. 721 Sapinuud, M. de 344, 765 Sapphic Ode. See Ad C. Fav. Aristium Sapphics 50a, 1464, 1464a Sargent, B. 130 Sarras'm, A., Comte de 753 Satire upon Heads, A 1465 Snlirist, The 941, 911 Saturday Review, The 41, 1071a, 1799, Ih|9 Saunders, V. 1826 Bayers, P. 419 Sayle, ('. 1851 Scales, The LOIS Scatcherd, J. 84 Sella rf, O. lH(il Schelling, F. E. 1991 Scheltema, J. F. 1287b Schipper, J. 1833 Schmidt-Phiseldeck, K. F. von 777 Schnabel, B. 284 School and College English Clas- sics, The 240 Schroder, G. 351 Scoppetta, G. 657, 815 Scots Magazine, The 52, 499 Scott, C. 396 Scott, J., of Amwell 871, 1033, 1044 Scott, R. 82 Scribner's Monthly 993 Scribner's, C, Sons 174 Scudder, H. E. 1799 Scudder, Vida D. 730 Seaton, R. C. 1199 Seccombe, T. 1903, 1945 Select British Poets 109 Select Edition of the British Prose Writers 1225 Select English Classics 310 Selector, The 28 Selector, The (London) 92, 104 Selwyn, G. 1961 Sempronius 1059 Senga, 1124 Sertum Carthusianum 1449, 1472, 1473 Sesame Booklets 733 Seume, J. G. 776 Sever and Francis 144 Severance, M. 590 Seward, Mr. 1189 Seward, Anna 393, 475, 1580, 1611 Seward, S. S., .(r. 798c Seward, W. 388 Sewell, H. 847 Seymour, C. 1560 Shalrp, .1. <'. 1796 Shakespeare, W. 1466-14661), i. r ,60a, |.1H(ia, IHSO Shakespeare Verses 1466-1466b Slmkrupearean, The l^su 990 INDEX Shakspeare Press 18 Sharp, J. 153,' Sharp, R. F. 1881, 1904 Sharp, W. 1221 Sharpe, Emily 1997, 1999 Sharpe, J. 91, 95, 105, 110, 1224 Shaw, T. B. 235b Sheffield, J., Duke of Buckingham- shire 98 Sheldon & Co. 652 Shelley, H. C. 1125, 1890 Shelley, P. B. 727, 830, 843 Shelley, S. 536 Sheringham, J. W. 855 Sherlock, M. 799 Shintaishi-Sho 819 Shorter, C. K. 1973 Sieveking, I. G. 1934 Sillard, P. A. 1104 Silver, Burdett & Co. 705 Silvestri, G. 355, 799 Simcox, G. A. 1808 Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 240 Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. 701, 702 Sketch of His Own Character 1467-1467d Skirven, J. 535 S. K. King's Requiem, The 1007 Slark, J. 656, 2015 Sleator, W. 54, 62, 797, 798, 822 Slight View of the Village and School of R— , A 1344 Sly 116a Small, Maynard & Co. 1243 Smeeton, G. 1662; Doings in Lon- don 869, 958 Smith, A. 1586 Smith, G. 841 Smith, H. 973a Smith, H. W. 30, 125 Smith, Nora A. 297 Smith, R. 404 Smith, R. V. 1599a Smith, W. 235b Smith, W. J. 985, 1061 Smollett, T. 79, 132, 158 Snyder, E. D. 437a, 438a, 438c, 1992a Snyder, F. B. 50b Soane, J. 1346 Society Tipografica, La 803 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 235 Soliloquy in a Country Church- yard, A. See Moore Solly, E. 455, 1071, 1076, 1089, 1798, 1803, 1810, 1811 Solomons, I. 1514 Some Remarks on the Poems of Lydgate 1468, 1469 Somerville, W. 104 Song 1470-1473 Song by Buondelmonte 50a, 1474- 1478 Sonnet, Inedited 1204a, 1204b Sonnet on the Death of Mr. Rich- ard West 62, 72, 1479-1495 Sophonisba ad Masinissam 50a, 72, 1496, 1496a Sothehy, H. W. 1170 Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge 1249, 2004 Sotheby, S. L., & John Wilkinson 1734 Soulte, J. B. A. 763 Southdown, C. See Northup, C. S. Southern Literary Messenger, The 1739 Southey, R. 211 Sparke, B. E. 548, 787 Speaker's Garland and Literary Bouquet, The 685 Specimens of the Lyrical, Descrip- tive, and Narrative Poets of Great Britain 218 Spectator, The 41, 170, 270, 336, 1090a, 1799, 1820, 1821 Speed, Henrietta Jane. See Viry, Countess de Spenser, E. 1697 Spirit of the Age, The 966 INDEX 291 Spirit of the Public Journals, The 440, 887, 928, 931, 933, 934, 942, 945, 948, 1372, 1373, 1508 Spooner, F. 1943 Sprague, H. B. 637 Spurgeon, Caroline F. E. 1980 Standard English Classics 727a Standard Literature Series 706 Stanley, C. R. 591, 592, 594, 613 Stansfield, A. 1899 Stanza 1497-1499a Stanzas on the Death of Mr. Gray. See Lady, A Stanzas to Mr. Richard Bentley 72, 1500-1501 Statius, Thebaidos vi. 646-688 1502; Thebaidos vi. 704-724 1503, 1504; Thebaidos ix. 319-27 50a, 1504a Stebbing, W. 1949 Stemmata Atheniensia 1689 Stephen, J. K., Ode on a Retro- spect of Eton College 1350 Stephen, L. 1785, 1790, 1841, 1853 Sterry, W. 1891 Stevens, E. T. 642, 644 Stevenson, B. E. 331 Stewart, W., & Co. 247 Stewart's School Classics 247 Stobart, J. C. 313, 1950 Stock, E. 655 Stockdale, P. 1620 Stoddard, J. L. 1900 Stoddard, It. H. 259, 1494, 1775 Stokr Poglfl 1045, 1063, 1083, 1097, 1098, 1101, 1113, 1638, L648, 1672, 167:}, 1690, 1699, 1703, 1708, 1716, 1717, 1719, 1724, 1755, 1762, 1786, 1794, 1806, L834, L845, 1*73, 1890, 1900, 1906, 1908, 1931, L984, i!>36, 1941, 1948, 1966, L97S, 1997 Stokes, F. A., & Co. 41, Stokes, H. P. 1984 Stonhewer, R. 1997 Stonhouse, C. 6 Storr, P. 88, 10, IS, P'T'' Stothard, Mrs. 1258 Stothard, C. A. 1258 Stothard, T. 224, 591, 592, 594, 613, 663 Stowe, J. 1751 Strachan, L. R. M. 1136 Strachey, Sir E. 1100 Strange, J. 799 Strangeways, W. N. 490 Strawberry Hill 180, 545, 1870 Street, E. E. 1130 Students' Classics 734 Students' Series of English Clas- sics, The 728b Suetonius, Parody on Gray's Ode on a Cat Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes 1372 Suffolk Garland, The 956, 957 Supplement to Gray's Elegy 961 Suttaby, W. 92, 95 Suttaby, Evance & Fox 103, 104 Swaen, A. E. H. 738, 1136 Swan, W. H. 1075 Swift, J. 1560a Swiney, S. 55 Syle, L. D. 274a Sym, R. 1347 Symonds, H. D. 2007 T., C. 71 T., C. H. 1533 T., C. L, Etonensis 406 T., E. W. 1081 T., W. J. 1031 Taite, J. 27, 65, 69, 70, 74, 75, 87, 116, 1582 Tail's Edinburgh Magazi/M 1717 Talbot, Hon. Mrs. .1. 413 Talboya and Wheeler 95 TaUent-Bateman, C. T. 1827 Tasso, Genu. Lib. Cant. \iv. St. 39 1606 Tauchnlta, B. 136a Tayler, P. 602 Taylor, C 94, 636 Taylor, II. V. 1946a 292 INDEX Taylor, J., Elegy 944 Taylor, W. 912, 1997 Taylor, W., of Norwich 1876 Tears of Genius, The. See Taite, J. Temple, W. J. 79, 1548, 1725 Temple Bar 1776 Temple Elegy, A. See Hayes, Sir G. Temple English Literature Clas- sics, The 725 Temple English Literature Series, The 724 Tennyson, A., Baron 1121, 1778 Tennyson, H., Baron 1882 Terry, F. C. B. 457, 1099, 1100 Teutsche Merkur, Der 348 Tew, E. 551, 790, 1067 Texte, J. 1868a Teza, E. 41, 796, 799, 814, 816, 1799, 1836 Thackeray, F. St. J. 1080 Thanington Church 1060 Theoderit, Elegy on a Quid of Tobacco 929 Thiergen, O. 332a Thirlmere 490 Thomas, C. S. 333 Thomas, E. 1974 Thomas, G. 612, 639, 675 Thomas, T. J. 867 Thomas, W. T., Prison Thoughts 958 Thompson, engraver 663 Thomson, G. 699 Thomson, J., poet 77, 79, 119, 133, 142, 357, 1586a Thoreau, H. D. 1701 Thorne, J. 1786 Thoughts and Verse Fragments 1506 Thousand and One Gems of Eng- lish Poetry, A 236 Thurnau, C. 1937 Thyrsis. See Song Tickler, T. See Sym, R. Timbs, J. 1750 Times, The (London) 336, 1812, 1822 Tindal, W. 531, 1425, 1575 Tiny Tim 1080 Tipografia Chiassi 811 Tipografia Valirasense 353, 1444 Tisdall, C. E., Elegy on a Favour- ite Washerwoman 1002 To Eliza 1589 Todd, J. 13, 14, 16 Togatus, An Elegy, Written in the Long Vacation 967 Tole, F. A. 1080 Tomlins, R. 67 Tooke, Horn 1665 Tophet 1506-1515 Torch Press, The 735 Torelli, G. 78, 355, 523, 527, 545, 580, 581, 594, 598, 760, 761a, 796, 799 Torri, A. 581, 598, 755, 759, 760, 772, 773, 778, 780, 791, 794, 796, 797, 799, 801-807, 809, 810, 820, 822, 832-834, 840 Tours, B. 654 Tovey, D. C. 12b, 41, 45, 284, 285, 295, 303, 397, 401, 469, 470, 1095, 1099, 1160, 1208, 1223, 1226, 1242, 1284, 1309, 1418a, 1460, 1466b, 1506, 1616, 1905, 1929, 1975, 1991a Town Eclogues. See Jenner, C. Townsend, G. H. 1329 Townsend, H. J. 602 Townson, C. & W. 566 Town-Talk 946 Toynbee, Mrs. Helen 45, 470, 1261, 1283, 1472a, 1478, 1599a, 1922 Toynbee, P. 50a, 1173b, 1221a, 1248, 1287, 1287a, 1287b, 1504a, 1526-1528, 1530, 1533, 1992b, 2003 Traill, H. D. 1872 Translations from the Anthologia Graeca 116a, 1516-1518 INDEX 293 Trant, D. 581, 598, 807 Treherne, A., & Co. 298, 306 Trench, F. 400 Trench, R. C. 229, 261 Tribute Written in a Country- Newspaper 1021 Triumphs of Owen, The 54, 73, 1519-1522 True Briton, The 500 Truth 1007 Tscharner, Baptista von 779 Tuck, R., & Sons 2017 Tucker, T. G. 1951 Tuckerman, H. T. 1726 Turgeniev, A. I. 860 Turnbull, W. R. 1874 Turner, C. 442 Turner, D. 31 Turner & Hayden 116 Turral, J. 419 Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor 656a Twiss, H., Elegiac Stanzas 950 Typographia Commercial Portu- ense 859 Typographia Mainardiana 833 ICbel, O. 735a, 771a, 771b, 1025a, 1992c Umpire, The 1015 Underwood, F. H. 235a Union, The 504 Unique, The 1548, 1662 Cinque Series 711 Universal Library, The 129 Universal Magazine, The 192a, 359, 364, 376a, 385, 388, 872, 873a, 881, 886, 888, 893a, 926a, 930, 1039a, 1152a, 1156b, 1189a, 1216b, 1250b, 1368, 1404a, 1479a, 1527, 1549, 1572a, 1596a, 1615- Kil7 f'nivcrxtil Mii.iriiin. I'lic ItOlli University Publishing Co. 706 University Tutorial Series 327 Upcott, W. *<; Upton Church, Buckinghamshire 1049 V., F. D. 764 Valentine Vagaries 1019 Vallee, L. 291 Valpy, A. J. 585 Van Dyke, A. M. 287, 326 Van Voorst, J. 413, 591, 592, 594, 613 Varro 71, 1055, 1571 Vaughan, C. E. 438b, 755, 796, 1952 Vaughan, J. S., Mr. Gladstone in Midlothian 446 Vedia, H. L. de 864 Vegtam's Kivitha, The. See De- scent of Odin, The Venturi, G. 581, 598, 794, 834 Verney, Margaret M. 1986a Vernor, Hood, & Sharpe 17 Verses to the Memory of an En- gaging Youth. See Wilson, A. Verses Written after the Funeral of Billy Twigger 957 Vest-Pocket Series of Standard and Popular Authors 252 Vida, M. H. 203 Villeneuve. See Couret de Ville- neuve, L. P. Villevielle, Marquis de 740 Vincenzi e Co. 803 Vindicator 1617 Vipan, F. J. 1453, 1747 Virgil 1131 Viry, Countess de 45, 1857, 1974 Voltaire 1704 Vox 1031 W. 1052 W. (1.) 399 W. and D. 1571, I5fl0 W., G., Evening Reflections Writ- ten in Westminster Abbey 561, 909 w, ,r. w. kii:.-., wee, 1068, 1075 W., K. E. T, Elegy (Written in a Cambridge Court at the End of Term) 1017 W., R. B. 1059 J!) ', INDEX W., S. 1052 W., T. A. 1938 W., T. M., M. A. Oxon. 1130 Wachler, J. F. L. 1663a Wagstaffe, J., An Elegy Written in a Quakers' Burial Ground 885 Waistcoat-Pocket Series 298, 306 Wakefield, G. 71, 522, 742, 825, 830, 843 Walbrook, M. 852 Walckenaer, M. 1646 Wale, W. 1913 Walford, E. 1080 Walford's Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer 656 Walker, A. S. 1021 Walker, J. 96 Walker, J., & Co. 674 Walker, W. 1105 Walker & Thurgood 665 Waller, E. 1095, 1100 Walpole, H. 18, 20, 21, 37-37c, 50a, 338, 1031, 1227a, 1232, 1234, 1244, 1247, 1258, 1259, 1264a, 1282, 1325, 1470a, 1471a, 1471c, 1472a, 1474-1478, 1525, 1545, 1549, 1555, 1567, 1577, 1596, 1596a, 1599a, 1696a, 1730, 1732, 1895, 1898, 2002. See also Strawberry Hill Walpole, T. 1599a Walpole, T., Jr. 1599a Walpoliana 1603 Walsh, R., Jr. 107 Walsh, W. S. 1958a Walton, R. 991 Warburton, Bp. 1681 Warburton, E. 1732 Warburton, R. E. E. 397 Ward, A. 13, 16 Ward, A. W. 1799 Ward, Anna L. 1802a Ward, C. A. 1088 Ward, H. G. 860, 1136 Ward, R. 227, 792, 1392 Ward, T. H. 260, 1808 Ward, T. M. 175, 176a Ward, Lock, Bowden & Co. 656, 680 Warde, J. 828 Warne, F., & Co. 161, 162 Warner, C. D. 282, 1877 Warner, Sir G. F. 735c Warner, L. 735d Warren, J. L. 1073, 1076 Warren, Sir T. H. 1287c, 1467d, 1910 Warton, J. 1534a, 1596b Warton, T. 79, 131, 404a, 504, 1562, 1993c; Ode Written at Vale-Royal Abbey 899a Waterlow, Sir S. 50 Watrous, G. A. 290 Watson, Caroline 213 Watson, D. 67 Watson, F. 269 Watts-Dunton, T. 1929a Way, L. 1377 Webber, Elizabeth 1141 Webster, D. 126, 608 Webster, W. 649, 1078, 1796 Weidmanns Erben und Reich 348 Wells & Lilly 1225 Welsh, A. H. 1801 Wely, J. S. 408 Were Thomas Gray in College. See Lampoon, The West, B. 79 West, G. 1194 West, R. 39, 39a, 45, 50a, 62, 69a, 72, 95, 106, 116, 358a-368, 1247, 1250b, 1259, 1479-1495, 1526- 1530, 1791, 1894. See also De principiis cogitandi West, R. L. 1041a Westall, R. 105, 110, 591, 592, 594, 613 Westall, W. 591, 592, 594, 613 Westlie, S. 1906 Westminster Abbey bust 23; monument 1565, 1572a INDEX >ur> Westminster Review, The 170, 1972 Weston, S. 549, 788 Westry-Gibson, J. 893 Wharton, T. 39, 39a, 1213, 1227, 1232, 1240a, 1241, 1244, 1247, 1996, 1997 What's the Reason Old Fobus has Cut Down Yon Tree? 1523 Wheatley, H. B. 1846 Wheelwright, C. A. 831 Whipple, E. P. 254 Whistle Shrieks the Knell of Parting Day, The 1003 Whitaker, T. D. 1636 White, B., bookseller, 826, 1546 White, C. A. 1099 White, J; W. 1066, 1106. See also W., J. W. White, Kirke 142 White, T. 55 White & Stokes 165 White, Cochrane & Co. 101 Whiteford, R. N. 713 Whitehead, P. 79 Whittaker & Co. 244, 255 Whittier, J. G. 246 Whlttingham, C. 84, 85, 91, 99, 106 Whlttingham, C. and C. 110 Whittington, H. D. 101 Wi.-l, T. 727, 818 Wiese, B. 1901 Wiggin, Kate D. 297 Wiley and Putnam 600 Wiley $ Putnam's Lilrmry News- Lett >r 1715 W'ilkic ('.. 530, 1031 Will, Gray's 65, 69, To, 74, 75, 87, v., 1523a-1523e, 1997 William i'>i', Williams, engraver '><;:'» Williams, K. I'. ll «n, 117, 121, I :i, i 18, 137 Williams, H. 339 Williams, Helen M. 559, 1580a Williams, J. I.. HVJ, «H3. K»J Williams, R. 409, 435 Williams, Sir W. 62, 72, 1152- 1155a Willmott, R. A. E. 131, 164, 1232, 1691, 1697, 1733 Willoughby, Maria, Lady 629 Willson, B. 1133, 1142 Wilson, A., Verses to the Memory of an Engaging Youth 996 Wilson, B. 13, 83, 2007 Wilson, J. 1347, 1353a Wilson, R. 707 Wilson, W. 96 Wimbledon — an Elegy. See An- stee, E. B. Wimbolt, S. E. 329 Wimperis, E. M. 135, 631 Windsor, M. E. 419 Windsor Castle 1717, 1722 Winter, W. 1806, 1834 Wintoniensis 915 Witch of Lapland, The. See Boyd, H. Woes of Change. See Dibdin, T. Wolfe, J. 126, 1111, 1112, 1115, 1133, 1134, 1142 Wolfe, T. F. 1101 Wolsey, Cardinal 1301 Wood, W. 1115, 1117, 1118 Woodberry, G. E. 45, 1976 Woodruff, A. 674 Woods, M. A. 669 Woodstock Park 873 W Lward, W. II. 1357 Wordsworth, ('. 1777 Wordsworth, W. 1149a, 1698, 1644, 1784, 1803 Works of the British Poets, The 91, 109 Work, of the British Poets, The (Philadelphia) 101 Worthlngton Co., The n Wotion, Mabel B. L9 18 Woty, W. 538a, 836a, *<;'» Wragg, H. ii, Wrangham, r\ 1645 :3!)6 INDEX Wright, C. 1734 Wright, G. 639 Wright, J., bookseller 86, 89 Wright, J., editor 1259, 1471a, 1476, 1599a, 1696a Wright, J., translator 826, 1571 Wright, J. W. 591, 592, 594, 613 Wright, T. 1560a Written in the Temple Garden. See Hayes, Sir G. Wvatt, A. J. 312 Wyatt, Sir T., the Elder 1289 X., X. A. 1061 Xenophon, Apologia Socratis 1524; Cyropaedia 1305 Y., Elegy on Mr. Maurice Evans 905 Yardley, E. 457, 1064, 1096, 1100, 1116, 1119, 1862 Yates, E. 123 Yhoull, Dr. [pseud.], Ode to Liberty 1414 Yonge, C. F. 942 Yonge, Charlotte M. 1003 Yorkshireman's Comic Annual, The 1005 Young, C. C. 720 Young, E. 32, 79, 112-114, 563 Young, E. & J. B., & Co. 671 Young, J. 530, 1031, 1042, 1422 Young, K. 328 Young, Sir W., The Camp 950a, 985 Z. 1107 Z., T. 1664 Z., Y. 1617 Z., Z. 1757 Zamboni, A. 355, 1365 Zanella, G. 813, 1797 Zhukovsky, V. A. 860, 861 Ziegler, M. 667 Zouch, H. 1599a mil ill in H llll II II Hill 111 lllll 111 11970 00798 0136 DATE DUE unv 1 10^ n MAY 1 w Iiii>ln n RFC OJl l 3 1 m U OAYLORD PRINTED IN U.S.A. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 629 998 6 ■■".i".;.: : . ■■■■■•■■'' I :!; P# WV '■■i$\ • • :';■!,'■:.;, mm llltll