.334 ;U5U5 U.S. Library of Congress Select List of Books with References to Periodicals Relating to Iron and Steel in Coinnerce THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES n LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF BOOKS WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS RELATING TO IRON AND STEEL IN COMMERCE COMPILED INDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETOX PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN Chief Bibliographer » » I • > -# • * « * I * > o » WASHINGTON GOV?:KNMKN'r I'lUNTINO OFP^ICE liH)7 1 12H:U L. C. card, 7-35003 « • « • .• : •.. / : : • • •- • -• .* • A • • • • . • - • • • « • • • • • • • • « « • • • • • • PREFATORY XOTE This list has been prepared in response lo requests received from time to time. It has hitherto been distributed in typewritten form, but to meet demands it is now reduced to print. It is in no sense exhaustive, even of the resources of the Library, but is intended to serve as a ready-to-hand guide to accessible material. Current statistical piihlications, etc. — The " Statistical abstract of the United Kingdom " gives tabulated statistics of the imports and exports of iron and steel, giving quantities and declared values, also the quantities and value of i)ig iron purchased in the United King- dom. The "Accounts relating to trade and navigation of the United Kingdom,'' published annually, give the quantities and value of specific manufactures of iron and steel, with statement of the exports to the different countries. The "Accounts relating to the trade and commerce of certain foreign countries and British possessions '" show quantities and value of iron and steel exports and imj)orts of the principal countries of the world. These are all publications of the British Ijoard of trade, and are issued as Parliamentary documents. Annual publications dealing exclusively with statistics of iron and steel: American iron and steel association; British iron tradi' association. See also Periodicals noted below. The statistics of production and manufactures and exports of iron and steel for Germany are given in tal)ular form in the " Statistisches Jahrbuch fiir das Deutsche Keichs." This work also contains (]uota- tions of prices of pig iron. More detailcfl statistics of cxiiorts and imports are given in the '" \'ierteljahrsh('l"t(' zur Statistik des Deut- schen Reichs " and in " Statistik des Deutschen Keidis: Auswiirtiger Handel; Der Verkehr mit den ciMZchieu Liindern " (annual), ])ub- lished by the Imperial statistical ollice. Prires. — Current prices may Ix- round among others in tlic *' Iron Age,"" Iron Trade Circular/'* Iron and (^oal Trades Review." " The Statist," "The Economist" (London). The imj)ort and export prices of iron and steel |)rodn<-ts are given in the "Statistical Abstract foi- the T'nited Kingiices in the I'nited King()."), gives "ascertained" prices of iron and steel products for some items covering the years IH.M to IHOj; for 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Others, shorter periods in most cases going back to 1870. Another Board of trade report containing material rehiting to prices is " Tables showing for each of the years 1900-1005 the estimated value of im- ports into the United Kingdom, and exports from the United King- dom of articles of British and Irish production at the prices pre- vailing in 1900." German Steel Kartell^ etc. — The " Commercial Intelligence," Lon- don, has printed at frequent intervals lettei-s giving a survey of operations in iron and steel in Germany. Proceedings of the Iron and Steel Kartell in Germany are reported monthly in Conrad's '•' Jahrbiicher fiir Xationalokonomie und Statistik," under " Kartell- wesen." An extended investigation of this Iron and Steel Kartell was made under the direction of the German Interior Department and published in two volumes, entitled " Kontradiktorische Ver- handlungen iiber deutsche Kartelle." Periodicals. — The following periodicals, dealing principally wdth iron and steel, are received currently by the Library : American Iron and Steel Association. Publications, Philadelphia ; American Manufacturer and Iron World, Pittsburg; Bradstreet's, New York; Cassier's Magazine. New York; Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, London ; The Foundry, a trade journal, Cleveland; Industries and Iron, a journal for the engineer- ing, electrical, chemical, and metal trades, London ; Industrial AVorld, devoted to the metal, electrical, mining, and allied industries, Pitts- burg; Iron Age, a review of hardware, iron, machinery, and metal trades, Xew York; Iron and Coal Trades Keview, London; Iron and Machinery World, Chicago; Iron and Steel Institute Journal, London ; Iron and Steel Trades Journal and Collier}^ Engineer, London: Iron Molders' Journal, Cincinnati; Iron Trade Review, Cleveland; Iron Trades Circular, Birmingham, England (ordered) ; The Ironmonger, London; Mines and Minerals, a mining and metal- lurgical journal, Scranton, Pa., and Denver ; Pacific Coast Wood and Iron, San Francisco; Page's Weekly, London; Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute, Proceedings, Brierley-Hill, England; Stahl und Eisen, Diisseldorf ; The Statist, London ; Verein deutscher Eisen- und Stahl- Industrieller, Berlin. Bihliography. — Great Britain. Subject list of works on the min- eral industries and allied sciences, in the librar}- of the Patent office. London, 1903. A. P. C. Griffin Chief Bihliographer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. 6'., March 12, 1907 LIST OF REFERENCES ON IRON AND STEEL, PRINCI- PALLY AS REGARDS COMMERCE American engineering competition; being a series of articles resulting from an investigation made l)v "* The Times," London. New York and London: Harper d' hi'os., 1001. rili, 130 pp. 8°. American iron and steel association. Statistics of the Ameri- can and foreign iron trades for 1904. Annual statistical report. Philadelphia: The Amencan iron and steel association^ 1005. 8°. The Library also has the reports for the following years : 1868, 1871, 1874-1877, 1879-1897. 1899-1904. Baker, William Elliott Smith. The restoration of the ten per cent, reduction in the tariff. An argument, prepared bj' re- quest for the Connnittee of finance of the United States Senate, the Committee of vrays and means of the United States House of representatives. [Philadelphia. 1871] 10, {1) pp. 8°. Caption title Beck, Ludwig. Die Geschichte des Eisens in technischer and kul- turgeschichtlicher Beziehung. Braunschweig : F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1884-1903. 'i rols. Illustrations. Diagrams. 8°. Bell, Sir Lowthian. The iion trade of the United Kingdom com- pared with that of the other chief iron-making nations. London: British iron trade assoriation, ISSd. riii, 168 pp. 8°. Blake, William IMiipps. Keport n and steel. Washington: Government printing o-ffir,\ 1S7(>. {2), io', 311 pp. IViistrations. Plates. Fiddcd phtnx. Diagrams. 8°. {U. S. Commission to the Vienna exhibition, 1873. Reports. 1875-70, rol. .J, A'.) Bridge, James Howard. The history of the Cnrnegie steel com- pany; an inside review of its hunilile origin and impres- sive growth. New York: The Aldinr hook roinpamj, 1003. (2), .rr, 309 pp. Frontispiece. lUustnitions. Plates. Portraits. 8°. 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS British iron trade association. American iiulustriiil conditions and competition; reports of the commissioners appointed bj^ the British iron trade association, to enquire into the iron, steel, and allied industries of the United States. Ed. by J. Stephen Jeans. London : The British iron trade association, 1902. xxvi, 590 pp. Illustrations. Folded plates. Folded maps. If°. Annual statistical report of the Secretary to the members of the British iron trade association on the home and foreign iron and steel industries. 1879-81, 1800, lOOG. London : E. d' F. N. Spou, [etc.], 1880-1906. 5 vols, 8°. Brough, Bennett H. ed. Xotes on the jarogress of the home and for- eign iron and steel industries. {In Iron and steel institute. Journal, vol. 05, pp. 461-731. London, 1904. 8°.) Contents. — Iron ores ; Refractory materials ; Fuel ; Pro- duction of pig iron ; Production of malleable iron ; Forge and mill machinery ; Production of steel ; Further treat- ment of iron and steel : Physical properties ; Chemical properties ; Chemical analysis ; Statistics ; United King- dom ; Australasia ; Austria-Hungary ; Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Holland, India, .Japan, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, South America. Spain, Sweden, United States. Comparative statistics ; Bibliogra- phy, (Jan.- June, 1904). Campbell, Harry H. The manufacture and properties of iron and steel. 4th ed. New York and London: Llill puh. eo., 1907. xxvi, 639 pp. Illustrations. Maps. 8°. Carnegie, Andrew. The empire of business. Xew York: Douhleday. Faye c& co., 1902. ix, 34-5 pp. Frontispiece {poi^trait) 8°. Contains the following chapters : " Steel manufacture in the United States ;" " Iron and steel at home and abroad." Casson, Herbert X. Romance of steel : the story of a thousand millionaires and a graphic history of the l)illion-dollar steel trust. Xeio York: Barnes, 1907. 8°. Announced, Apr'd, 1907. Chapman, S3'dney Jolni. AVork and wages, in continuation of Lord Brassey's ' Work and wages ' and ' Foreign work and English wages.' Pt. I. P'oreign competition; with an introduction by Lord Brassey. lEOX AND STEEL IX COMMERCE : BOOKS 7 London^ New Yoi'h and Bombay: Longmans^ Green^ and co., 1904. XXXV, 301 pp. 8°. The iron and steel industries, pp. 55-98. [Crocker. Alvah.] Rejoinder to the reply of a committee appointed by the iron trade in Phihulelphia, "to enforce upon Con- gress the necessity and propriety' of continuing the (Uity upon railway iron." with the letters of Major-General Scott and others, to the Hon. George Evans ... by the author of the first letter. Washington, ISJfJf. 32 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Farquhar, Arthur B. A steel trust episode. 7 pp. ( /h New Enjrland free tradt' leafriic. Tariff-trust articles, 1!)0U-1!)01. Boston. 1!M31. 8°.) Fawcett, "Waldon. Center of the world of steel. ( In La Follette. Robert >L cd. The niakinfj of America, vol. C>, pp. ](>,">-lTaiiil dcs luiicrn angestellten Krlicbiiiigcu iiber das iMliiiidischc Kartelhve- sen in I'rotokollcu iind slcnographischcn Hcrichtcii. |.'{. und 4. lid. I Kist'ii inid Slalil. Berlin: Franz Siemen roth, 190 4-1! Hh',. 2 rols. S'\ CoNTi;.NTS." Vol. 1. r.i-riclit .'ilu'i' d;is KMrtcJIwcseii in der iii- liindisclicn lOiscniMdnstric ; \'«Tliandlini;.'<'ii iilx-r die Ulii-i- iiisc li Wcstfiillsclicii Itolielscnsyndikntc iiiii .".<>. .\u\ ciislici- und I. \ >^•^/A•lll\^i•y i;»<».', iiii !{i'i<|isla;:sneltiinilc. \ iTli.-ind luuKcM iilicr den IInlli/0-309 ; German and American iron and steel in the British market, 1900-190?,. pp. 343-357; List of certain principal articles ex- ported from foreign countries, the output or sale of which is, to a greater or less extent, luulerstood to be controlled by trusts, kartells, syndicates, &c. (includes iron and steel, cast or wrought), p. 35S ; Table showing the numl)er of per- sons in England and Wales occupied in iron and steel manu- facture, pp. 362, 364, 369; Output of textiles and iron in the United Kingdom, p. 360 ; Chart showing the estimated an- nual consumi)tion in the Fnited Kingdom of jiig iron, raw cotton & raw wool, the quantity of i)ig iron itro(lucc(l. and the growth of population during a series of years, p. .".OS; The present condition of the manufactured iron and steel trade in the North East of England. i)p. 370-373; Statement giving in a summary form certain leading statistics bearing on the indusii-ial condition of the rnitcil Kingdom, ainl of the following important conniicrcial countries, viz. : Russia, United States of America. Austria-Hungary. France. Italy. Germany, and Belgium (including pig iron and production of steel), pp. 374-375; Statement siiowiiig tlic (|iiaiitity uf coal and of pig iron produtcd. and the i|uantity of pig iron consumed, in the United Kingdom 1 s.". ! 1 1 1( il'. pp. 439—112. Vol. 2. The course of emplo.vment in recent years in tlie coal, iron and steel trades, j)]). 85-80; Statistical tabii»s. A. Percentage unemployed in tr.-ide unions. 1. Engineering, shipbuilding, and metal trades. ]>. ST; ("h.-irt. Series I. to follow p. 9K ; laiiployment in co.il. iron, and steel ti'ades. jip. 94—90; Abstract (tf the pro<-eedings of the (lennan connnis- sion on kartells: Blienisb-Westphaiian iilg imn syndicate, pp. 411-41.'?: Ilalr-linished steel syndic.-ite. ]t\K 11". lie. ; The rolled uii'e and wire nail i\>. ns-l2(t; Tables appended to the evidence taken on the rolled wire and win; nail kiirtells. pp. 421—12S; Inm t'.ninders -Weekly rates of wages, p. ri79 : I'roduction and lonsumption of pl^j iron. p. .".Sd. .'si: I'nKhKtinii so. Great Britain. liourd <>f tnuh. Imn and steel, 190.'). Copy ''of iMeiiif)raii(liiiii and statistical lal»l(''> slictwiiio- die prddiic- tioii and coiisiiinpt ion i»f iioii uw mikI \nl ; Section VII. Dumping, f 62-75; Section VIII. The remedy. H 76-85; Section XII. Memoranda: (a) Recent tlcvclopments in the United States iron and steel industry, •; ;»4-128; (b) summary of evidence before the United States Industrial commission on the iron and steel industries, 1[ 124-i:U ; (c) the organisation and working of (Jernian Kartells, 11 132-152; Sec-tion XIll. Foreign and colonial import duties, H 153-154; Section XIV. Statistical tables: (a) Exports of iron and steel, manufactured and i)artly manu- factured, showing principal countries of declared destina- tion. *[ 155-177; (b) imports of iron and steel, manu- factured and partly manulacturen X\I. Keplies to forms of in(iuiry: (a) Ini])orts competing with Britisii products, *i 202-214; (b) sources of supidy, ', 215 2-i;{; (c) foreign conspetltion at home, ^ 244-3(»7 ; (d) foreign competition in n(>utral and protected markets, H .308-,3.5!); (e) .suggested reduction of lorelgn larlfTs, Ij .■{(•(►-.'{(;7 ; (f) loss of employment, T .■'.rkS-;'.S7 ; (g) diiTerenllal railway .•iiid shii»plng rati's, IJ ;iH8-4(M ; (b) advantjig«'s of Indus- trial coml)inatlons. 1i in.'*— }i;2 ; (1) reme'dlal measures, If 42.''r— 1.37 ; (j) effect and incidence of Import tlutle.s, ^ 438-470; (k) cohmial preferential tarilTs. H 471-185. Gutmann, Julius. ( Imt den anierikanischcii Slaliltnisl. Mit iici iicUsiclit i«riiii<; des (leiil-clicii Staldwi'iksN eihaiide.s. Essen: a. P. Ii- '^°' "A sketch of the history of tlie iron industry is followed hy an elaborate account of its pn-scnt state, cost ()r production, the Steel Corporation, an- velopment, (h) advances and n'lle von 1818 bis zur (jegenwart. Leipzig: Duncl'er & Ilumhlot., 1882. xxiv., 313., (1) pp. Tables. 8°. {Staats- iind social wissenschaftliche Forsch- ungen, hrsg. von Gustav SchmoUer, 3. Bd. 4- Eft.) Simmersbach, Oskar. Die Eisenindustrie. Leipzig: Teuhner, 1006. a-, 322 pp. Illustrations. 8°. {Teuhnei'\i Tlandhi/ch fUr Handel mid Gcverhe.) Not at present in the Library of Congress; has lieen ordered. Stillich, Oskar. Eisen- und Stahl-Tn t«i ls'.»l. Also a shoi't histoi-y of early coal mining' in the I'nited States. '2d ed., thoroughly rev. and greatly enlarged. Philadelphia : The American iron and ntccl amociation^ 1892. xix, {1),S54 pp. 8\ Introih. h,j the author, iSiS. IJ.', pp. 8' t'O 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Swank, James Moore. The iron and steel industries of the United States. A series of statistical statements showing the pro- duction and prices or iron and steel for a long series of years. PhUadelj)hia: The American h^on and steel association, 1891. 23 pp. 8°. Iron and steel, iron ore, and coal statistics for the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, and Belgium. Eevised to the end of 1001. Philadelphia: The American iron and steel association, 1902. 32 pp. 16°. Todd, Albert M. Army fortifications bill— Shall the Government manufacture our munitions of war? — History of a na- tional disgrace— The " Tales of the pirates " and ^' The forty thieves " revived — The opulent and greedy Carnegie Steel Company destroys the effectiveness of the American navy. Speech in the House of Eepresentatives, Saturday, February 5, 1898. (In Congressional Record, 55th Congress, 26. session, vol. 31, part 8, Appendix, pp. 169-172.) United States. Congress. House. Committee on merchant ma- rine and -fisheries. Hearing, April 11, 1906. Statement of E. H. Gary, chairman of the Board of directors of the United States steel corporation. \J,V ashington : Government printinq office. 1906.] 19 pp. 8°. The quotations of prices of steel here giv^n are discussed in the Commercial intelligence, vol. 10. Oct. ?>, 1000, under the title : " The Stahlwerksverband controverts steel trust's statements ; " and also in the Iron age, vol. 78, Sept. 20, 1906. 54th Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. l]^o3. Prices of armor for vessels of the navy. Report from the Com- mittee on naval affairs. February 11, 1897. xxxv, 464 pp. 8°. 58th Congress, 3d session. House document no. 351. Letter from the Secretary of the navy transmitting a letter from the Chief of ordnance in relation to contracts for armor plate. February 18, 1905. 30 pp. 8°. Armor factory hoard. Report of the Armor factory board with accompanying documents. Deceml)er 7, 1897. Re- ferred to the Committee on naval affairs and ordered to be i:)rinted. TROX AND STEEL IX COMMERCE: BOOKS 17 Washington: Government i)innting office^ 1897. 23, (2). 95, (6) pp. Plates. 8°. {oofh Congress, 2d session. House document no. 95) United States. Industrial commission. Reports of the Industrial commission. Washington: Government printing ofjice, 1900-1902. W vols. Map^. Facsimiles. Tables. Diagrams. S°. Contents. — Vol. 1. Iron and stoel combinations. Ditrost of evi- dence, pp. 100-20"); Testimony, pj). !»4:'.-l(i:'.'.) ; Vol. 7. Iron, steel, and machinery trades. Digest of evidence, pp. ir>2-ItjO; For testimony. st>e Index of testimony. Vol. 7. pp. 10;>.")-10:?t! ; Vol. 13. The Iron and steel combination. Digest of evidence, pp. xcv-cxii ; Foreign and domestic prices of American prod- ucts : Machinery and indnl prodm-ts. p]i. 72i>-74;i ; Costs and prices of iron and steel pnxUuts. ]ip. 7(11-772; Secnrities of indnstrial corporations: The iron and steel gronp. pp. !)1S- 922; Vol. 17. Collective bargaining, conciliation, and arbi- trati()n : Iron, stct'l and tin iiidnstrics. pj). .S;V.)-:?47 ; (ircat Brit.-iiii iron and steel, engineering, and shii»bnildiiig trades, pp. 4!>.")-.">(>l ; Vol. 1!>. Iron and steel statistics. \\\). 214-2l»:, 24G-247 ; I'rogress of the iron and sttn-l industry, pii. 505- 510; Iron and steel exports. 5CG-508. Navy department. Report of the Secretaiv of the Navy, on the actual cost of armor i)late and tlie price for tlu' same Avhicli shoidd he eqiiitahly paid as directed liy tlie act of June 10, 189G. Washington : Government printing o^ce, 1897. 2 parts. Folded plate. 8°. {54t/i Congress, 2d session. Tloiisr doc. no. 151 . ]>t. /-2.) United States steel corporation. I"ii"(li anmial report foi- the fiscal year emh'd I)eceiiil»er 'M, I'.XHi. [Neio York, 1907. \ 52 pp. .^^. Verg-leichende .\ii~t'nlir-iati>t ik liir ilie lOiseniinhistrie. {Ill stall! und Kisen. 2<;. .Iiihrg.iiig, May 1.". I'.hh;. pp. (;22-4;2.'"..) Contains statlsll<-al tallies covering llio ye.irs 1;»(Mi I'.hmI ,,1' the iron exiKirts from (Jerniany, llngl.'uid, Uclgium, Amerlci. iind for Fran<-e. i;i(i:! liMC. "Wilgus, Horace La Fayette. .\ -tiidy of the I'liiied States steel coi-|)oratioii in its iinhistiial ami K-^'al a-peets. CliidK/n: I'idhiglniii <(• (<>., /!/()/. .rlii, 222 pp. 8°. IRON AND STEEL: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1900. The American steel and wire company. American monthly review of reviews^ vol. 21 {June.^ 1900) . 652. 1901. The steel combination. Outlook, vol. 67 {Feb. 16, 1901) : 373. 1901. An $800,000,000 steel " trust." Am,erican monthly review of reviews^ vol. 23 {March. 1901^ : 278. 1901. Le grand trust de Facier aux Etats-Unis. Pierre Leroy- Beaulieu. L''Economiste frangais, 29. annee, vol. 1 {March 9, 1901) : 301-303. 1901. The billion dollar steel trust. Albert Shaw. American m^onthly review of reviews, vol. 23 {April, 1901) : 387-391. 1901. Billion dollar trust. Ghautauquan, vol. 33 {April, 1901) : 3, J^. 1901. II "trust*' deir acciaio negli Stati Uniti. Giorgio Bour- garel. U Italia coloniale, anno 2 {April, 1901) : 4-^-47. 1901. The great steel combine and the tariiT. Protectionist, vol. 12 {April, 1901) : 596-598. 1901. Lal>or and the steel combine. PiihVir opinion, vol. 30 {April 25, 1901) : 519-520. 1901. Labor and the steel trust. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 23 {May, 1901) : 526-528. 1901. The steel trust in the Great Lakes. W. F. McClure. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 23 {May, 1901) : 560-566. 18 IRON AND STEEL : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 19 1901. The steel trust and its makers. Charles S. Gleed. Cosmopolitan^ vol. 31 {May, 1901) : 25. 1901. The billion-dollar corporation. Oeorge Gunton. Ginitorrs magazine, vol. 20 {May, 1901) : 421-424. 1901. An analysis of the steel trust. Richard T. FA\. Cosrnopolitan, vol. 31 {Aug., 1901) : 42S-4S1. 1901. Genesis of the United States steel corporation. Edward Sherwood Meade. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 15 {Aug., 1901) : 517- 550. 1901. AMiat the United States steel corporation really is, and how it works. Kay Stannard Baker. McClure''s magazine, vol. 18 {Nov., 1901) : 3-13. 1902. Capitalization of llie United States steel corporation. Ed- ward Sherwood Meade. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 10 {Feb., 1902) : 214- 232. 1902. Possibilities of a steel panic. Scientific American, vol. 86 {Feb. 15, 1902) : 102. 1902. Professor Meade on the steel company. Nation, vol. 74 {Mar. 13, 1002) : 204-205. 1902. The steel trust in a nutshell. Outlook, vol. 71 {May 24, 1902) : 194. 1902. lousiness ... of the United States steel corporation. Cassier^y magazine, vol. 22 (Juin\ 1902) : /7!). 1902. The report ofllic -Ird tiiistasan objectdesson foi- .Vnirricun voters. Arena, vol. 28 {July. 1902) : 90-9',. 1902. Steel corpoi alioir.s caniiugs. Independent, vol. 54 (July I a. /9(/2) : /(JS2. 1902. U. S. steel's ijU.OOO.OOO wage in.reasc. Protectionist, vol. 14 (Aug., I9(i2) : 2(ff!. 1902. L(^ trust de Tacicr. .1. Im mim (.ni.-. Quesf/onx diplomafif/urs cc., UlO^) : 7(18- 7. 781. 1905. Der Stahlwerksverlnnnl. I^iiic \\ irtschaftliche Stiidic iiiif Gruiid t'iir(.ii(M- \\':ilini('liiiiiiiiir«'ii. .1. InoHiiihiiii. Die Nation, vol. 22 {Jan., 1905): 280-282; {Feb. .{. 1905): 294-298; {Fch. 11. 1005): 312-314; (F,l>. is, I9n5) : 325-327; {Fch. 25. 1!i()5) : 3.',.!-3i,5. 1905. I'll ti-ii^l iiit('niaH(»ii:il do rails d'acicr. I*. Siiiceii.v. Reforme economiqiK . 1',. mnicc {Juhj 9. 19(f5) : 958. 1906. Die S(aliliiidus(ri(' der Vercinigteii Staaten von AincrilvM in ilireii liciit ijieii Produklions- mid Absalzxciliiilliiisscii. Georg (iothein. Die Nation, rol. 23 {J. m. 1900) : 291,-290. Review nf n< rmiiiiii I.fv.vs liMok willi IIm- sjimh- tide. 22 IJBRARY OF CONGRESS 1906. United States steel corporation. The Statist, vol 57 ( Feb. 24, 1906) : 346-348. 1906. Our German letter: government rejDort on the Kartels: the German steel trust's activities. Commercial intelligence, vol. 15 {April 25, 1906) : 11. 1906. The romance of steel and iron in America, the story of a thousand millionaires. Herbert N. Casson. Munsey''s magazine, vol. 35 {Apr., 1906) : 3-22 ; {May, 1906) : 148-167; {June, 1906): 312-332; {July, 1906): 438- 460; {Aug., 1906): 574-594; {Sept., 1906): 718-736; vol.36 {Oct., 1906): 72-94; {Nov. 1906): 222-230; {Dec, 1906): 307-315; {Jan., 1907): 477-488; {Feb., 1907): 631-646; {Mar., 1907): 755-767); vol. 37 {Apr., 1907): 77-81. 1906. Domestic and export prices of steel. The steel trust's evi- dence. Commercial intelligence, vol. 15 {May 2, 1906) : 15. 1906. The U. S. steel trust's policy. Commercial intelligence, vol. 15 {May 9, 1906) : 5-6. 1906. The German steel syndicate. Francis Walker. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 20 {May, 1906) : 353-398. 1906. Les deux Krupp et leur ceuvre. L. Katzenstein. Revue economique internationale, 3. annee, vol. 2 {May 15-20, 1906) : 322-346. 1906. The improving iron trade. The Statist, vol. 57 {May 26, 1906) : 997-998. 1906. Industrial combinations abroad: the German steel syndicate. C ommercial & financial chronicle, vol. 82 {June 9, 1906) : 1297-1299. 1906. Sheffield steel. John Mastin. Magazine of commerce, vol. 8 {June, 1906) : 4^0-427. 1906. Iron ore supplies and the steel trade. The Statist, vol. 57 {June 23, 1906) : 1189-1190. 1906. The United States steel corporation. John P. Ryan. Van Norden's magazine, vol. 1 {July, 1906) : 33-38; {Aug., 1906) : 37-42. IROX AXD steel: .VETICLES IX PERIODICALS 23 1906. The resumption of dividends by the steel corporation. Commercial d- ftnaneial chronicle, vol. 83 {Aug. 4, 1906): 241-2Jt2. 1906. United States steel corporation. The Statist, vol. 58 {Aug. 4, 1906) : 197-190. 1906. Our (ierman letter: the steel crust's annual report: the labour nuirket : proposed customs union between Hol- land and Belgium. Commercial intelligence.^ vol. 16 {Sept. '>. 1900) : 12. 1906. The (ierman steel syndicate. Iron age, vol. 78 {Sept. 20, 1900) : 738-739. 1906. The Stahhverks-Verband on Judpfo Gary's testimony before the Committee on Merchant marine autl tislieries. Aug. 'I'l. 190G. Iron age, vol. 78 {Sept. 20, 1900) : 7U. 1906. The growth of " steel.*' John P. Ryan. Van Norden^s magazine, vol. 1 {Sept.. 1900): 11-17. 1906. The Stahlwerksverband controverts steel trust's statements. Commercial intelligence, vol. 10 {Oct. 3, 1900) : !■'*. Disputes Jud^e Gary's testimony given before tlu> (*(iiuinitti^ on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, reganliii;.' prices of steel. 1906. The International stei'l synditatc: will it lucaU up? Commercial intelligence, vol. 10 {Oct. 17. 19(10) : 11. 1906. The British iron and steel trade. lu-ouoniii- review, vol. 10 {0) : J^JfO-i-jS. 1906. Our Auicriian ikiIcIxm)!; : Tlic a( liic\eincnls (»f liie >teel (rust. Commercial intelligence, vol. 10 (Xnr. l ',, 19(>t!): /'>. 1907. A review of (icrmany's posilidii in the iiDU and ^Icel indn'^ tries. Co7uineril<, 9 Home office 10 Tnriff rariiiirul . . . WalkjT, I'rauciH Walker, .Inlin MriHlK-n Walsh, (ieorg"' I'llhellMTt. . W.dding, II WflliMan. Waller Wilgus, Horace Iji Kuyotli- 25 Page. 13 IS 13,21 13 18 13 21 18 14 14 14 21 22 19, 21 14 20 14 14 14 i:> 21 •"-) *•" 20, 21 20 15 15 18 15 21 15 15. Hi Id Ki Ki 17 17 20 20 23 20 17.20 o 1 i ;^<^;)4 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-40jn-7,'56(C790s4) 444 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA lOUO U.S. Library of -€txrrgr es s . Divt- Si on or VTb llor ■graphy - SeT-ect list uf books^ -witiT; If i Z 633a