^^jr^^il^^^liijj ^o-& /6y m n^ 115 176 177 I ^Z 1<^S no /93 /^5' XoZ 2o h 107 ZiO 13 X a.3t Mo i/ 1 II 2. ii3 5.;5' 111 110 111 111 xia, 1^^ 11 5 117 "^^^^-SSS 2-3| 5^4 ^^l^X7o iti XdX l^S Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/checklistofunite01unitrich CHECKLIST OF UNITED STATES PUBLIC DOCUMENTS 1789-1909 CONGRESSIONAL: TO CLOSE OF SIXTIETH CONGRESS DEPARTMENTAL: TO END OF CALENDAR YEAR 1909 THIRD EDITION REVISED AND ENLARGED VOLUME 1 LISTS OF CONGRESSIONAL AND DEPARTMENTAL PUBLICATIONS COMPILED UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19U (2-23 A V tas'TtT •ANCRorr UBRARV PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION Information concerning tlie 1st and 2d editions of this Checklist is given in the introduction on page^ee; The period covered by the present 3d edition is, for Congressional documents, from the 1st Congress to the end of the 60th Congress, and for departmental publications, from the organization of the United States Government to tlie end of the calendar year 1909. A few pubUcations which were not issued until 1910 or 1911 have been included, but these are all annual reports or serial pubhcations cover- ing the year 1909, entries for wliicli were required in order to com- plete the record of Government pubhcations from 1789 to 1909, inclusive. Attention is also called to the fact that information is given in footnotes concerning the classification and titles of all new series begun between Dec. 31, 1909, and the date of going to press; also concerning recent changes which affect series entered in the body of the Checklist. The compilation of this work has been in charge of Miss Mary A. Hartwell. An index will be issued as volume 2 of the Checklist. Advance sheets of this 3d edition of the Checkhst should be dis- carded, as they are now entirely superseded. August Donath, Superintendent of Documents. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, March S, 1911. (Ill) ABBREVIATIONS Appendix app. Congress Cong. Cutter table CT Department Dept. Document doc. Executive ex. Folio fo House H. House concurrent resolution H.C.R. House document H. doc. House executive document H. ex. doc. House joint resolution H. J. R. House miscellaneous document H. misc. doc. House report H. rp. House resolution (simple) H. R. Inch, inches in. Latitude lat. Leaf, leaves 1. Longitude long. Mile, miles m. Miscellaneous misc. Nautical naut. No date n. d. No place n. p. No title-page n. t. p. Number, numbers no., nos. Octavo 8° Page, pages p. Part, parts pt., pte. Public Documents library. . . .". P. D. L. Quarto 4» Report rp. Revised statutes R. S. Section, sections sec. Senate S. Senate concuirent resolution S. C. R. Senate document S. doc. Senate executive document S . ex. doc. Senate joint resolution S. J. R. Senate miscellaneous docmnent S. misc. doc. Senate report S Senate resolution (simple) Serial number assigned to bound volumes of Congressional documents serial no. Session sess. Sixteenmo 16o Special spec, sp. .?: Statutes at large Stat. Thirtytwo-mo 32o Treasury Treas. Twelvemo 12o Twentyfour-mo 24° Versus vs., v. Volume, volupies v. Also the common abbreviations for the names of the States and of the months. H. or S. followed by a number stands for House bill or Senate bill, respectively. EXPLANATIONS When place and printer are not given, "Washington, Government Printing OflBlce," is to be understood. When size is not given, octavo is to be understood. Size of maps is measured from outer edge of border, excluding margin. Serial and Congressional document numbers are added to entries for the corre- sponding bureau edition thus "[2309-269]." Asterisk (*) indicates that the publication is not in the Public Documents Library, (IV) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 'flgi'S Preface to 3d edition m Abbreviations i Explanations i IntToduction vii-xxi Definition of " public document " vn Catalogues and indexes issued by the Documents Office vii-viii Early general indexes to Congressional documents and reports viii-ix Indexes to McKee's compilation of committee reports ix- v Poore's catalogue x Ames's Comprehensive indexes x Hickcox's monthly catalogue x-xi 1st edition of the Checklist xi 2d edition of the Checklist xi Tables and index xn 3d edition of the Checklist xii-xx i Departmental publications xiii-xv Department symbol, first term in classification number xiii-xiv Bureau, office, or division symbol, second term in classification number xiv Series symbol, third term in classification number xiv Book number, fourth term in classification number xv Examples of complete classification numbers xv Maps, Charts, and Specifications xv Congre^ional notation following entries for bureau editions xv Annual teports curtailed by Executive order xvi Advance sheets of 3d edition of the Checklist xvi Early Congress papers xvi Congressional series xvi-xxr Serial numbers xvii Table showing :\5rh€tre in previous publications serial numbers may be fbund xvjr Changes in certain serial numbers xviii Serial numbers not possible for first 14 Congresses xviii-xix Repeating the " document number " Xir Arrangement of the documents xix-xx Numbering of series xx Sessional indexes to the Congressional set x:. Title-pages and " back titles " xxi Annual reports and serial publications for depository libraries xx i Congressional tables 1-169 Appendixes 171-188 1. Table showing number of documents and reports 1 73-174 2. List of title-pages and imprints of documents and reports 175-184 3. Reference table showing duration of sessions of Congress, etc 185-188 (V) VI , Pages Departmental publications 189-1679 Agriculture Department ! . 191-299 American Republics Bureau 299-312 Commerce and Labor Department 312-375 Civil Service Commission 376-387 District of Columbia 387^06 Fish Commission 406-409 Freedman's Savings and Trust Company. 409-410 Geographic Board 410-411 ■ Government Printing Office 412-425 General Supply Committee 425 Interior Department 426-557 Interstate Commerce Commission 558-587 Justice Department 587-602 Judiciary 602-616 Labor Department 616-618 Library of Congress 619-647 Navy Department 647-832 National Academy of Sciences 832-834 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers 835-839 Post-Office Department 839-874 President of United States 874-891 Postal Savings System 891 State Department 891-978 Smithsonian Institution 979_998 Treasury Department 998-1201 , War Department 1201-1462 Proceedings of Congress 1463-1475 Miscellaneous publications of Congress 1475-1667 Papers of Revolutionary period and first 14 Congresses 1667-1679 List of the departments, bureaus, divisions, offices, commissions, commit- tees, etc,, of the United States Government represented by classes in this Checklist 1681-1707 INTRODUCTION The 3d edition of the Checklist of United States public documents, herewith pre- sented, records the first systematic effort to include within the limits of one publication an approximately complete checklist of all public documents issued by the United States Government during the first century and a quarter of its history. It claims to be only a checklist, not a catalogue; but it aims to be as complete and accurate a checklist as human energy and enthusiasm could evolve for publication within the narrow confines of a single reference work, which must be in a form both usable and concise. To meet such conditions has been a task the difficulties of which can be appreciated to their fullest extent by very few aside from the compilers themselves. DEFINITION OF "PUBLIC DOCUMENT" At the very outset it seems desirable to trace the legislative definitions of the term "public document" and then to define its use in this Checklist, since in collecting a library or making catalogues or lists of public documents, the ever recurring question is, "Which are and which are not public documents?" Since 1861, the date of the establishment of the Government Printing Office, the decision is an easy one, for, with but few exce >tions, as when the publishing office has prevailed upon the Public Printer to omit tue official imprint, or in cases of works published but not printed by the Government, all the issues are imprinted "Washing- ton, Government Printing Office." For the period prior to 1861, it is more difficult to determine just what publications should be included in the library and lists. The term "public document" was first legally defined in sec. 13 of chapter 63, Laws of 29th Congress, 2d session, approved Mar. 3, 1847, as follows: "Such publications or books as have been or may be published, procured, or purchased by order of either House of Congress, or a joint resolution of the two Houses, shall be considered as public documents." By act approved June 23, 1874, Laws of 43d Congress, 1st session, sec. 13 of chapter 456, this definition is abridged to the following: "The term 'public document' is hereby defined to be all publications printed by order of Congress or either House thereof." This definition was made in relation to postage and is certainly most inadequate. The practice of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents, officially adopted, as authorized by law, in compiling its catalogues of the public documents of the United States, and further legalized by many years of unqualified acceptance by all branches of the Federal Government, has been thus formulated: "Any publication printed at Government expense or published by authority of Congress or any Government publishing office, or of which an edition has been bought by Congress or any Government office for division among Members of Congress or distribution to Government officials or the public, shall be considered a public document." Thus it will be seen that a very liberal view has been taken, and although it has been ruled to debar any and all publications which, however closely allied to the opera- tions of the Government, were not found to have been printed or purchased by it, some exceptions have been made where, there was doubt as to the publisher. CATALOGUES AND INDEXES ISSUED BY THE DOCUMENTS OFFICE Since the establishment of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents there has been a steadily increasing interest in all matters which pertain to the public document question. The office was established under the printing act of Jan. 12, 1895, sec. 62 of which provided for the publication of the Document catalogue. This is a (vu) vrn complete catalogue in dictionary form, containing entries for all publications of the Government, both Congressional and departmental, and covering a period of two years. Document catalogues have been issued by Congresses, beginning with the 53d, one book for \each Congress, with the exception of the 54th, which was issued in two books, one for eaph session. The Docjument index was provided for by the same section of the above-mentioned act. It is an index to Congressional documents only, and in a single volume supplants six indexe^; for prior to the 54th Congress the six series of the Congressional set — Senate executive documents, Senate miscellaneous documents. Senate reports, House executive documents, House miscellaneous documents, and House reports — were each 8f?parately indexed and the index for each of these series was repeated in all volumes of that series. The Document indexes began with the 54th Congress, 1st session, and are issued after the close of each regular session. This makes 2 indexes for each Con- gress. In the case of the 55th Congress, however, 3 were issued, the index to the documents and reports of the special session (the 1st) being separately issued, whereas for other special sessions called since that time the indexes thereto have been incor- porated in the index for the regular session. Section 69 of the same act made provision for the Monthly catalogue, which has been issued for each month from Jan. 1895, 12 numbers for each year. The Monthly cata- logue, like the Document catalogue, includes both Congressional and departmental publications, with the exception of the period from July, 1907, to June, 1908, cover- ing the 1st session of the 60th Congress, during which time all Congressional publica- tions and such departmental publications as were not obtainable were omitted from the Monthly. The Document catalogue is the permanent record. It replaces the Monthly cata- logues for the period covered, the Monthlies being ephemeral in character. The Document catalogue also covers the same ground, though in a different way, as do the 2 Document indexes for the same Congress. Beginning with Mar. 4, 1893, therefore, our Document catalogues. Document indexes, •jiid Monthly catalogues have been the keys which unlocked the treasures to be found ill pu]:)lic documents issued during recent years; but what keys were there to unlock Uii- treasures of more than a century, that is, from 1789 to 1893? There were Poore's Descriptive catalogue, Ames's Comprehensive index, and a few other working tools, all of which dealt mostly with Congressional documents and said comparatively little about the multitudinous publications of the Executive Departments and independent Government establishments which from their very beginnings have poured forth a steady stream of books and pamphlets. Unfortunately, only comparatively few Gov- ernment publishing offices have attempted to preserve for posterity a complete file of their own publications. It is therefore no wonder that general lists or indexes have been so few and so unsatisfactory. The most important bibliographical aids for general research work among public documents are briefly mentioned in the following pages. EARLY GENERAL INDEXES TO COiYGRESS'/ONAL DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS /'or the very early period there is an interesting old volume conaposed of 4 sepa- ^u; 'y printed indexes, each with its own title-page, the whole prec'eded by a leaf containing the half-title "Index to documents and reports. House of R^,^presentatives, 1789-1839, ' ' and a table of contents. Each of the 4 indexes had appeared*', in the sheep- bound set ''^ ' Congressional documents, either as a part or as the whole of se^nal num- bers 104, 85 , 2092, and 350. The first of these indexes covers from the 1st to the 14th Congres-i, 1789-1817, for Executive documents, and from the 1st to the 15th Con- gress 1789-1819, for reports of committees. The second covers from the 15th to the 17th • '(W'ln^ss, 1817-23, and indexes both Executive documents and reports. The TX third is from the 18th to the 2l8t Congress, 1823-31. The fourth is from the 22d to tho 25th Congress, 1831-39. These indexes have colorod margins, the first being yel- low, blue, and white; tho second, red; the third, green; and the fourth, white. These colors give to the volume a unique and fantastic appearance. One wishes it had been more usable. It is stated plainly on the half-title-page that "tho indiro?? in this volume were made at different periods, and upon different plans. " Soon after the publication of the last of these 4 indexes the set was harshly criti- cized, and apparently with justice, by Thomas F. Gordon, the lawyer and historian, who characterized the indexes as "grievously deficient in indicating the nature and contents of the documents" to which they referred. He mentions also their "great complexity. " Between the lines one reads Gordon's argument for his own pet scheme, which wa:s to prepare and publish three sets- of indexes — "one to the executive docu- ments and reports of committees of both Houses; one to tho Journals of the House; and another to tho Journals of the Senate." This proposition, which had been agi- tated from the latter part of tho 25th Congress, received the approval of the Joint Committee on the Library; but there is no evidence of further action on the subject and Gordon's plan never had a trial. For expositions of his plan, the searcher is referred to the following documents: 27th Congress, 3d session, House document 41, serial no. 420; 28th Congress, 2d session. House document 46, serial no. 464; 29th Congress, Ist session. Senate document 184, serial no. 473. The last-mentioned docu- ment is merely a repetition of the document of the previous session, but it contains in addition the report of approval by the Joint Committee on the Library. Although Gordon's plans were never adopted, many of his suggestions were incorporated in later indexes. The next general indexes to Congressional documents and reports actually published were two volumes prepared under the direction of Edward McPherson, clerk of the House of Representatives. One was printed in 1870 and was entitled "Consolidated index of executive documents of the House of Representatives, 26th-40th Con- gress." The other, printed in 1869, covered the same period for reports of committees, and had a similar title-page. These appeared as unnumbered documents included in the Congressional set as serial numbers 1386 and 1387. It will be noted that these indexes began where the multicolored indexes above described left off. On June 12, 1874, Dr. Ainsworth Rand Spofford, then Librarian of Congress, pre- sented to the Senate a "Memorandum concerning a complete index to the documents and debates of Congreoa." This was printed as 43d Congress, 1st session. Senate mis- cellaneous document 125, serial no. 1584. Dr. Spofford's plans were very compre- hensive. He contemplated a "topical index," which should index in one alphabet not only the Congressional documents, 1789-1873, but also the Proceedings of Con- gress — the Annals of Congress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe — (X.); American state papers (zero numbers); Wait's state papers (Z3.2:); Statutes at large (S7.9:); Journals of Continental Congress (Z2.5:-Z2.7:); Force's American archives (Zl.l:); Sparks's Diplomatic correspondence of American Revolution (Z2.2:); Madi- son's Report of debates in Federal Convention, known as Madison papers (Z2.1: El 5 2-«, El 5 3-5, El 5*-'^); and Elliot's Debates in State constitutional conventions (Z2.1:); aggregating about 1600 volumes in all. No such index as Dr. Spofford planned ever materialized. His efforts, like Gordon's in earlier times, were quite fruitless. INDEXES TO McKEE'S COMPILATION OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Thomas Hudson McKee's compilation is familiar to many people who have had occasion to consult Congressional committee reports from the 14th to the 49th Congress, 1815-87. The compilation was provided for by Congress, as noted in the body of this Checklist under the classification number Y4.Ac2:M19, where will be found further historical and bibliographical information concerning this useful collection of 515 volumes. The set was furnished with 94 indexes, 36 to Senate reports and 58 to House reports, making a distinct index for each standing committee and a combined index in each House for the select and special committees for which individual volumes had not been issued. Each index was bound with the volume or volumes which it indexed. POORE'S CATALOGUE Ben: Perley Poore's "Descriptive catalogue of Government publications of United States, Sept. 5, 1774-Mar. 4, 1881," published in 1885, has proved a boon to all users of public documents. The Senate, on Mar. 24, 1881, passed a resolution calling on the heads of each of the Executive Departments ''to report to the Senate * ■5«- * com- plete lists of any and all books, reports, documents, and pamphlets issued, printed, or published by their respective departments, and by each and every bureau and officer thereof, from Mar. 4, 1789, to Mar. 4, 1881." In reply to this resolution, lists were submitted by the Interior, Justice, Navy, and War Departments. These lists were all sadly deficient and the titles often so abbreviated as to conceal the identity of the book. The Treasury Department replied to the effect that "The records of this Department fail to give the information called for, as it is within a short time only that steps have been taken to preserve in consecutiv . order the various reports, documents, pamphlets, circulars, &c., issued therefrom." The Post-OfRce and State Departments, so far as known, made no reply at all. These lists formed the basis for Poore's catalogue, the publication of which was provided for by act of July 27, 1882. The book is arranged chronologically, and has a very full index, without which the "Descriptive catalogue" would be useless. It was a huge undertaking and for the period covered it has been of immense service, in spite of the fact that it is unwieldy, incomplete, difficult to consult, and sometimes inaccurate. A very large proportion of its entries are for Congressional documents only. It is deplorably weak in departmental publications, so much so that the title of the work is a misnomer. AMES'S COMPREHENSIVE INDEXES In 1894, under a concurrent resolution of Mar. 3, 1893, there was printed a volume which had been prepared by Dr. John G. Ames, then in charge of the Document Division of the Interior Department. This volume was entitled "Comprehensive index of publications of United States Government, 1889-93." It covered a period of 4 years, but there was left a gap of 8 years, not covered by any general index. In order to fill in this gap between Poore's catalogue and the Document catalogues issued by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, which began with Mar. 4, 1893, Congress by joint resolution approved Mar. 3, 1897, authorized Dr. Ames to prei)are another edition of his Comprehensive index, to include all that the first edition included and to begin with 1881, where Poore's catalogue left off. This new edition of Ames's index, which was issued in 1905, comprised 2 volumes of about 1600 pages in all, with title, "Comprehensive index to publications of United States Government, 1881-93." Experience has taught that this 2-volumed edition of the "Comprehensive index" is not so "comprehensive" as it ought by rights to be. It does not by any means include all the public documents which were issued during the twelve years from 1881 to 1893, the period of the 47th to the 52d Congresses, inclusive. Like its prede- cessor, Poore's catalogue, it lacks entries for a very large number of departmental publications. HICKCOX'S MONTHLY CATALOGUE It is fitting that mention be made here of another catalogue, in 10 volumes, which though a private venture and not published under the auspices of the Government, was nevertheless the precursor of the Monthly catalogue of the Office of the Superin- tendent of Documents and was discontinued when that publication began. The set referred to bears the title "United States Government publications, a monthly catalogue," and its editor was John H. Hickcox of Washington, D. C. Vol- ume 1 was issued for 1885 and yearly volumes followed up to and including v. 10, for 1894. It was ivssued irregularly in monthly numbers. The first few volumes were published by the editor himself, and although he afterwards sold all rights to W. H. Lowdermilk & Co., Washington, D. C, Mr. Hickcox continued to edit the catalogue. - The publisher's announcement stated that "the importance of this catalogue as a systematic and accurate record of the vast, varied, and important number of books and documents issued annually by Congress and the Departments must be apparent to every person who has occasion to consult such publications." It purports to contain "a catalogue of all the latest publications of the United States Government," The facts are, however, that many publications issued during the decade from 1885 to 1894 escaped the notice of Mr. Hickcox; still, it frequently happens that Hick- cox's catalogue contains entries for publications not listed elsewhere. This catalogue may be relied on for general excellence. 1st edition of the checklist In 1892 the Interior Department published a valuable work prepared by John G. Ames, under the title "List of Congressional documents, 15th-51st Congress, and of Government publications containing debates and proceedings of Congress, lst-51st Congress, with miscellaneous lists of public documents, historical and bibliographical notes." Eighty-three of its 120 pages contain a list of Congressional documents, arranged by Congress, session, series, and volume, while the remaining pages list the proceedings of Congress and the more important annual reports and a few mis- cellaneous departmental publications. Dr. Ames performed a lasting service by giving to the public this first edition of the Checklist. The supply was soon exhausted and the continued demand from librarians made a new edition a necessity. 2d EDITION OF THE CHECKLIST Soon after the Office of the Superintendent of Documents was established under the general printing act of Jan. 12, 1895, Dr. Ames generously turned over to the newly created oflice the printer's copy which he had prepared for a 2d edition of the Checklist. For this new edition Dr. Ames had devised a numerical scheme of "serial numbers" for Congressional documents, beginning with the 15th Congress. Dr. Ames's copy, after considerable revision and with many additions, was issued as the "Checklist of public documents, containing debates and proceedings of Con- gress, lst-53d Congress, with miscellaneous lists of documents, and historical and bibliographical notes, 2d edition revised and enlarged, issued by F. A. Crandall, Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, 1895." This edition had 222 pages. Besides many additional lists, there were included also a prefatory note on the first 14 Congresses, compiled by John H. Hickcox, and 3 appendixes compiled by Miss Adelaide II. Hasse, app. 1 containing a list of Explorations and surveys, app. 2, Government catalogues, app. 3, Index. This 2d edition, though hastily prepared, proved to be a very popular and use- ful reference work. There were 3000 copies printed, but these were not sufficient to meet the demand. No reprint was made for the reason that a very much more complete Checklist was contemplated. This work, completed to the end of the calendar year 1909, is now in your hands; but before a description of the 3d edition is entered upon, it is essential to make mention of an intermediary volume issued by the Superintendent of Documents. XII TABLES AND INDEX This volume, with its awkward title, "Tables of and annotated index to the Con- gressional series of United States public documents," but popularly referred to by its short back title "Tables and index," was issued in 1902. The Congressional tables at the beginning, arranged by serial numbers from the 15th to the 52d Con- gress, both inclusive, contain a revision of similar matter from the 2d edition of the Checklist. To these are added an index of 640 pages containing author and subject entries for the documents and reports of the Congresses covered (except those of a private or unimportant character), also sevefkl appendixes of historical interest. The work ended with the 52d Congress, because the Document catalogues began with the 53d. In the Tables and index a place was assigned for the folio edition of the American state papers, arranged by zero serial numbers at the head of the Congressional documents. 3d edition of the CHECKLIST Ever since the 2d edition of the Checklist of public documents was issued in 1895, an effort has been made to gather material for a revised and enlarged edition on a much more comprehensive plan, a plan which contemplated, first, the bringing down to date of the Congressional tables, and, second, the inclusion of a classified arrangement of those publications which have emanated directly from the Executive Departments and independent Government publishing offices, indicating in the briefest possible way which were and which were not in the Congressional set. For such a compilation the Public Documents Library offers rare facilities, because it contains the most complete file of United States public documents. Other large libraries may have as many, perhaps even more. United States documents of a par- ticular class or on a particular subject, but nowhere else than in this library will be found in one spot so nearly complete a collection of the output of all Government publishing offices, past and present. It should be borne in mind that this Checklist is based on the classification used in this office; that it is virtually a shelf list of the Public Documents Library; and that, with the comparatively few exceptions indicated by an asterisk (*), entries represent only those publications which are in our library. The Checklist therefore can not claim to list absolutely all of the publications of the Government; but in the case of many of the issuing offices our collection is thought to be complete, and the statement is undeniably true that this is by far the most extensive list of United States Congressional and departmental publications ever issued. It is in the province of this Checklist to give only such information as is deemed essential for the purposes of a checklist, and it omits much information which would of course be given in a full catalogue. One of the most noticeable of such omissions is that, whereas full titles and dates of issue are given in entries for publications which do not belong to a numbered or dated series, for serial publications, such as Bulletins, Circulars, etc., the Checklist gives only their numbers and tells how many editions of each were printed, omitting their titles and dates of publication. In all cases this Checklist omits the collation, i. e., number of pages, illustrations, plates, maps, etc., unless such information is required in order to identify the document listed. The 3d edition of the Checklist replaces the 2d edition and also that part of the "Tables and index" which gives the numerical lists of the American state papers and the Congressional tables. It does not, however, supplant the index to the "Tables and index." In this 3d edition the American state papers appear first of all, arranged by zero numbers from 01 to 038. These are followed by the series of Congressional docu- ments and reports, 15th-60th Congress, arranged by serial numbers from 1 to 5561. Then come the departmental publications an-anged by Government authors. I TTTT Although under this scheme the Congressional series precedes the departmental publications, it seems desirable in this introduction to treat of the depart inonfal publications first, because they form an overwhelmingly large proportion of (he contents of the book. DEPARTMENTAL PUBUCATI0N8 The classification of departmental publications is naturally the first matter to be taken into consideration. When (ho Office of the Superintendent of Documents was organized, no scheme in existence was found adequate for the classification of a large library composed exclusively of United States Government publications. A special scheme suited to our needs was later evolved, as explained in the preface to "Department list 1, List of publications of Agriculture Department, 1862-1902," which was issued by the Superintendent of Documents in 1904. This classification, used with such success for the publications of the Department of Agriculture, has been applied to the publications of all Executive Departments and independent publishing oflSces, as shown in the present Checklist. The following explanation of the classification will, it is hoped, make the principles so clear that any library which desires to adopt this special scheme may experience no difficulties in ita application. The classification of departmental publications is by Government authors: first, by Departments or independent publishing offices; second, by bureaus, offices, or divi- sions of such Departments or independent publishing offices; third, by series; fourth, by book numbers. Department symbol, first term in classification number The first letter of the distinctive word in the name of each of the nine Executive Departments is used to designate the Department. A = Agriculture Department. C = Commerce and Labor Department. I = Interior Department. J = Justice Department. N = Navy Department. P = Post-Office Department. S = State Department. T = Treasury Department. W= War Department, Two letters are used for independent publishing offices. AR = American Republics Bureau. [Since Aug. 1910, called Pan American Union.] CS = Civil Service Commission. DC = District of Columbia. FC = Fish Commission. [Now under the Commerce and Labor Department.] FS = Freedman's Savings and Trust Company. GB = Geographic Board. GP = Government Printing Office. GS = General Supply Committee. [Now under Secretary of Treasury.] IC = Interstate Commerce Commission. Ju = Judiciary (United States courts, etc.). La = Labor Department. [Now under the Commerce and Labor Department.] LC = Library of Congress. NA = National Academy *»f Sciences. NII= National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Pr = President of United States. PS = Postal Savings System. [Established June 25, 1910.] SI = Smithsonian Institution. XIV other Department symbols are : X = Proceedings of Congress. Y = Miscellaneous publications of Congress. Z = Papers of Revolutionary period and first 14 Congresses. This list gives all the Department symbols as yet required for the use of the Public Documents Library of this Office. The arrangement on the shelves should be strictly alphabetical by symbol, not by the word for which the symbol stands; that is, Com- merce and Labor Department publications precede Civil Service Commission publi- cations, because C precedes CS. When bureaus, ofl&ces, divisions, etc., are transferred from one Executive Depart- ment to another, or when independent publishing offices become subordinate to an Executive Department, the old classification is retained for earlier issues and a new one assigned to publications issued after the transfer, double cross references being used. Bureau, office, or division symbol, second term in classification number The figure 1 following the Department symbol represents always the Secretary of the Executive Department or the chief executive officer of the independent publish- ing office. Beginning with figure 2, the numbers are applied in numerical order to the various publishing bureaus, offices, and divisions, these having been arranged alphabetically when the classification was first applied. New offices are added at the end of the list of the Department and assigned the next number. This provides for a distinctive symbol for each without limit, though the alphabetical arrangement of new bureaus can not be kept up. A point is placed after the bureau symbol to separate the Department and bureau notation from the rest of the classification number. Examples: Al. = Agriculture Department, Secretary. A2. = Agriculture Department, Accounts and Disbursements Division. A3. = Agriculture Department, Agrostology Division. GP1.= Government Printing Office, Public Printer, GP2.= Government Printing Office, Library. GP3.= Government Printing Office, Documents Office. Series symbol, third term in classification number Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4, when written after the point as the third term in the clas- sification number, are used exclusively for the following series of publications emanating from the various publishing offices: .l=Annual reports. .2=General publications. .3=Bulletins. .4= Circulars. These four numbers are always assigned for these particular series, even though the bureau may not have issued any publications belonging there. "General pub- lications" are publications of a miscellaneous character, which are not numbered or volumed in any series. Beginning with figure 5 after the point, the various series are arranged alphabet- ically as far as possible, and are assigned numbers. New series are added at the end of the list. They take the next unused number. A colon is placed after the series symbol to separate it from the individual book lumber. XV Book number, fourth term in clasaificatvon number The book number follows the colon. In the case of annual or periodical publications, the date is used as the bo(ik number, as :906. For a volumed series, the volume number is used, as :8. For a numbered seriee, the number is used, as :8. General publications and similar classes are arranged in alphabetical order under the most significant words of their titles, or under their subjects, the book numbers being assigned from the 2-figm'e Cutter Author table, as :B39, in which case B39 stands for Beet sugar, the distinctive word of tlie title. In the Checklist, individual book numbers are given for everything arranged by book numbers taken from the Cutter Author table, except for separates, which are not entered at all, and for which the arrangement is only indicated, as :(CT). Indi- vidual book numbers are not given in certain series arranged by dates or by numbers, but in every such case the arrangement is indicated, as :(date8), or :(v. nos.), or :(no8.). The superior letter (a) always designates "separates," that is, excerpts from the publication bearing the same notation without the («). These separates are arranged in classes by themselves, immediately following the series from which they are taken. The superior figures ('-^) are used to differentiate between two publications which may of necessity be assigned the same symbol in the alphabetical classification, and also to distinguish between the various editions of the same serial or numbered publication. Examples of complete classification nymbers The following examples of complete call numbers illustrate the principles outlined in the foregoing paragraphs on classification: Wl.l:909 2 = War Department, Secretary, Annual reports, 1909, v. 2. LC2.2:P84 = Library of Congress, Bibliography Division, General publication - entitled List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to postal savings banks. A19.3:56 2 = Agriculture Department, Plant Industry Bureau, Bulletin 56, 2d edition. A29.6:37 '" = Agriculture Department, Weather Bureau, Monthly weather review, v. 37, no. 10. These examples are sufficient to show how expansive this system is, yet how concise in its application. Maps, Charts, and Specifications Attention is called to the fact that in case of certain issuing offices which are large publishers of Government charts, maps, and specifications, no attempt is made in this Checklist to enter such publications. In all instances, however, where this hap- pens, the classification of the series is clearly indicated, showing how the class would be booknumbered. This refers to such large classes as Geological Survey Topographic sheets (1 19.12:), Post route maps (P11.5:), Hydrographic Office Charts (N6.18:), Northern and Northwestern Lakes Survey Charts (W33.6:-W33.8:), Quartermaster's Department Specifications (W39.ll:), etc. COXGRESSIONAX NOTATION FOLLOWING ENTRIES FOR BUREAU EDITIONS ^^^len a document appears both in a bureau edition and as a Congressional docu- ment, the bureau edition is entered in the Checklist and the serial number and Con- gressional document number are both added thus "[2309-269]," the first being the serial number and the second the document number in the Congressional set. 82452*— 11 II XVI ANNUAL REPORTS CURTAILED BY EXECUTIVE ORDER The Executive order of Jan. 20, 1906, issued by President Roosevelt, has had a far-reaching effect upon the issuance of Government publications, but only the sali- ent features of the order can be referred to in this introduction. The order directed that the head of each Executive Department should appoint an advisory committee on printing and publication, and defined the duties of such committees; it also set forth rules governing the preparation of annual reports of the Departments. Certain large classes of matter were excluded from the annual reports; e. g., scientific treat- ises, articles by persons not connected with the reporting office, biographical and eulogistic matter relating to office personnel, texts of laws and court decisiouvs (except in cases of great importance), etc. The matter so debarred from publication in the series of annual reports has since appeared in other publications issued by the Department or its subordinate bureaus and offices, or perhaps has escaped i>rinting altogether. Annual reports are now supposed to be confined to absolute essentials. The order directed also that "Reports of officers who do not report directly to the head of an Executive Department shall not be printed in the annual report of a Department, but where necessary shall be summarized in the reports of the officials to whom such officers do report." The effect of this section is most clearly noted by reference to those annual reports of the Navy Department and its subordinate bureaus which have been issued since the President's order became operative. ADVANCE SHEETS OF 3d EDITION OF THE CHECKLIST A portion of this Checklist has appeared previously in the form of "Advance sheets " issued for the purpose of ascertaining necessary corrections and additions. They were discontinued for reasons which were fully explained in the Monthly catalogue for Dec. 1909, p. 227, 228, at the time of their discontinuance. EARLY CONGRESS PAPERS The classification (Z.) is reserved for the Papers of the Revolutionary Period and the first 14 Congresses. Under Zl, and Z2. are listed Government reprints of docu- ments and journals of the Colonial and Revolutionary period, including among other publications the important series of American archives (Zl.l:), Elliot's debates on adoption of Federal Constitution (Z2.1:), Diplomatic correspondence of American Revolution (Z2.2:-Z2.4:), Journals of Continental Congress (Z2.5:-Z2.7:), etc. Z3. includes the various miscellaneous publications, compilations, reprints, etc., of journals and documents of the first 14 Congresses, 1789-1817, with the exception of the 38 volume folio edition of American state papers, classed with zero numbers at the head of the regular series of Congressional documents {see p. 3, 4). The original prints of the journals, documents, and reports of the first 14 Congresses have a special class (Z4.1:), arranged chronologically by the dates of ordering printed. The cards for these original prints are a priceless possession of this office; the biblio- graphical material was collected by a careful examination of the originals themselves in about a dozen large libraries especially rich in early Congress papers, and as it is so voluminous, it has been decided to publish it later in separate form. This decision relates only to the original prints of the first 14 Congresses, classed under Z4.1: Under Z1.-Z3. in the body of this Checklist will be found entries for other Early Congress papers. CONGRESSIONAL SERIES The Congressional series needs no introduction to Checklist readers. Its vagaries and idiosyncrasies are well-known and to say the least, interesting. One can not fail to be impressed with the increase in the amount of Congressional matter by a XVII casual comparison between the 24 volumes o/ the 15th Congress and the correaponding 348 volumes for tho GOth; and by the fact also tiiat the 60th Congress alone pub- lished more than all the first 21 ('ongresses combined. A hasty perusal of the titles given in the "Notes" columns of the Congressional tables (p. 5-169) will prove, even to the most prejudiced mind, that the much abused "sheep set" (as it used to be called, a name which has become a misnomer, because now the "sheep set" is bound in buckram) contains along with the prosaic and unread- able matter thousands of interesting documents of permanent historical and scientific value; e. g., annual reports of Executive Departments and their subordinate bureaus, reports of explorations and surveys into the vast unexplored parts of our great country, up-to-date information about the latest invention or discovery, statistical matter of all sorts, etc. Serial numbers This heterogeneous mass of Congressional publications has been correlated by the scheme of serial numbers devised by Dr. Ames as described above on p. xi in speak- ing of the 2d edition of the Checklist, which was the first publication in which the num- bers appeared. Later they were reproduced with a few necessary changes in the "Tables and index," and now this 3d edition of the Checklist brings the serial numbers down to the close of the GOth Congress. For the serial numbers of later Congresses reference should be made to the Document indexes of this office. For the convenience of those who may wish to refer to the list of serial numbers as found in publications of this office other than the present 3d edition of the Checklist, the following table is presented. Table showing where in preiHous publications serial numbers may be found Serial nos. Con- gress Session Congres- sional docu- ments, tables and index Check- list of public docu- ments, 2d edition, 1895 Dociunent catalogue Document index Schedule of volumes 1-31421 15-52 c 15-53 54 54 55 55 55 50 50 57 57 58 58 59 /59 »W 00 AU An 1 2 1 2 3 I 1 2 land 2 3 1 2 1 2 p. 16-109 6 1-3346 p. i9^i64 d3340a-3400 p. 125-127 P- 83-85 I). 1 ■ ■ I- i>._^-^.v,.... p. 304-307 p. 307-310 p. 343-347 p. 347-350 Jin preparation Not given Noteiven P- <^^-->'- p. 639-540 /p. 329-330 \p. 181-187 d 34t^a-3557 d 3557a-3588 35.S9-3723 3724-3841 3842-4027 4028-4217 4218-4407 4408-4555 4550-4752 ....... 4753-4901 •i' 4902-e.')057 iop. 10 p. 14 p. « 5058-5215. 521tr-.')377 537X-55C1 1 a No. 3142* is assigned to a volume of Senate miscellaneous documents of the 53d Congress, special ses- sion. Senate. b On page 104 of Checklist of public documents, 2d edition, 1895, insert 3343, House miscellaneous docu- ments, V. 17; insert 3344, House miscellaneous documents, v. 18; for 3343 as printed, read 3345; for 3344 as printed, read 'S:W>. c Serial numbers for the 53d Congress are also found in Advance sheets of 3d edition of Checklist of United States public documents, Congressional tables, .")3d Congress, 9 pages. ■" follows serial number, it is used for the Senate journals, to which no separate numbers d When are assigned. < No. 505s is assigned to the Senate 1 Nos. 5058, 5059, and oO*X) were origin: and the Senate and House journals, .v the Document catalogue covered boi I therefore, no House documert 944, 5" /Serial numbers for the 59th ('on. umes. oyth Congress, 2d session, p. 11. <1 no. .5059 to the Hou.se journal, 59th Congress, 2d session. 1 to the Document catalogue, 59th Congress, 1st session, , 2d session, resi)ectively. The change was made becausd ' !'l appeared as a document of the 2d session. There was, , 1st session. -ion, are found in Numerical tables and schedule of vol- i in the publications listed above. xvin Changes in certain serial numbers The serial numbers in this 3d edition of the Checklist are with a few exceptiouB the same as those used in the 2d edition. The exceptions are indicated in the following table: Publication Volume No. in second edition No. in third edition Eighth Census Do Do Do House reports Do Paris Exposition Do Do Do Do Do House reports Do Ninth Census Do Do Do., Compendium Senate journal Senate executive documents Do Do Senate miscellaneous documents. Do House reports Senate miscellaneous documents. House miscellaneous documents. Do House reports Do 1204 1205 1206 1207 1202 1203 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1351 1352 1479 1480 1481 1482 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 3142 3343 3344 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 ,1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 3142' 31422 3343 3344 3345 3346 Serial numbers not possible for first 14 Congresses Unfortunately it was not possible to apply the serial numbers to the first 14 Con- gresses, and the .scheme therefore begins with the loth Congress. The reasons for this will be made clear by an examination of the following excerpts from Congres- sional procedure. On Dec. 8, 1813, it was resolved in the House of Representatives — That henceforward all messages and communications from the President of the United States, all let- t:'i3 fiom Lhc several departments of the Government, all motions and resolutions offered for the consid- eration of the House, all reports of committees of the House, and all other papers which in the usual course of proceeding or by special order of the House, shall be printed in octavo fold and separately from the Journals, shall have their pages numbered in one continuous series of niunbers, commencing and termi- nating with each session. On Dec. 14, 1813, it was ordered — That the documents which were the subject of the order of the House of the 8th instant, instead of havmg their pages numbered in one continuous series of numbers from the commencement 1o the termi- nation of each session, shall be themselves numbered in a regular series in the order of time in which they shall be directed to be printed: The number of each document to Ix; distinctly mariced on the top of the title-page and every subsequent page, in addition to the number of each page of such document. Although this action was taken at the 2d session of the 13th Congress, and was imme- diately applied by the House to some of its documents, and while it is true that the Senate adopted a similar scheme at the 2d session of the 14th Congress for some of its publications, still, it is also true that in both Houses the orders as to size and num- bering were not strictly adhered to until the commencement c.l the 1st session of the 15th Congress, for up to that time in both Houses appear a series of folio docu- ments to which no numbers were affixed, and which could not, therefore, be embraced 33 35tli CONORE88» SPECIAIi SESSION SENATE M;n. I 14, 1867 p ^ 1 BeHw Docnment no. Notes .... «c 5;orlal no. 873, p. 373. lollan's rp. on Art of war.ln Europe^ 1866 and 1856. ou. serial no. 890. 5«e serial no. 891. ( • 1...... Contains also proceedings special .session Senate, 35tti Cong., June 15, 16, 1858, p. 721. »918 1 . . .,-v. ...-.„ 1 is Treasury (Finances) 1857; 8 Is Kansas aflbirs. 1919 2 do 11. Message, State, and Interior, 1867. ^ •9-20 3 do lU War,^1857. .9-21 4 do 11. Navy and Post-Office, 1857. .92*2 A do 11 Maps. ^ Kansas afbirs; War Dept. expenses; Treasurer's accts. .9-23 6 do 17-19 »te4 '7 ■'<- 20-29,31-35... Except^, In serial no. 932. 20 is Indian n-.K„rw^rr.,.r.,c 1857. •9So 8 30, pt. 1 30,pt. 2 Patent OflSce, 1857: Arts and manufacture... .... Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, with Illustrations. «9!26 9 do .- »92; 10 .... do 30,p1.;i Same: Artsandmanufactures, v. 3, illustration,'^ r-r^* i92S 11 do 30, pt. 4.. Same: Agriculture. 7 plates precede title-page <»'29 12 36-57 Except 63, In serial no. 933. 42 is Lak^^^ '-- Yards and Docks Bureau contracts. no 13 ^,v_7 ^ SeiBure by Chiileans of Brig Macedoniai- ..- i Contains also S. ex. doc. 1, special session 3. June 15, 16, 1868. 981 .4].... do Unnumbered. > f Commerce and navigation, 1857. <932 15 .... do 33. Coast Survey, 1S57. *9»d Ifi ; ... do 53. Commercial relations, 1857. tU84 1 . .^ "is", docs.. 1-9 Except 44, not printed.' 7-94 are reporio .. w... -' Claims. 45 is Robert I^ ison's Florida claim. «935 2 ""■ 95-130, 136-139, 142-145 are reports of Court of Claiii.... 105 is Letitia Humphrey's claim; 142 is Armstrong case. 1939 3 146, 186, 190-193, 212-219, 24^)-''^' •■■" r.,..,.,i. ..r /-..,, r, . f Claims. i987 4 251-263 and 266 are reports oi , v..... ^. t ...,. >.- . . Smithsonian Institution, 1857. 998S ... , . ;,ji .^. . .„.. Two report"? rm f.n i\n io p.r .m.u, ■ a-i r.«?urer'8 accounts, and Docks ^ .t>4H 5|.... do. 949 6 .... do.. . 82452°~11 — 34 S5tp. CONGREI^S , 1st SESSION— Continued h DQ 1 1 Series \ D6cument no. Notes 960 >951 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 H. ex. docs do do do do do do do 22-31 32 Indian accts.; Lake harbors; Nicaraguan affairs; etc. Patent OfBce, 1857: Arts and manufactures v 1. *952 32 Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2. »053 32 Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 3. #954 32 Same: Agriculture. • 955 956 .457 33-70... ,....-S 71-88 ^ 8&-96 97-118 f38, 39, 45 are Indian wars in Washington and Oregon; 50 is Revenue laws; 64 is Execution of Col. Crabb and others by Mexicans. • 71 is Utah expedition; 85 is Cotton in Europe; 88 is Gen. John E. Wool in Dept. of the Pacific. 96 is Mail contracts. *958 .... do do do 98 is Explorations of Amoor River, Asia; 107 is Banks, »959 *960 119-140... 1...- Unnumbered . 1-67 68 69-137 ' 1-200.. Except 126, indexed as Geological survey of Oregon and Washington Territories; this was probably John E.j^ans' report, which was not printed. 124 is Beale's Wagon road from Ft. Defiance to the Colorado: 129 is Postal accts. Commerce and navigation, 1857. 4 is Ohio election; 12 is House exi)enses. Maryland election, Whyte vs. Harris. 135 is Smithsonian Institution, 1857. *961 »962 M)63 H. misc. docs.. do do "964 H. reports do M)6o 201-351 352-411 412-457 > 458-539,541-551. 540 ffl-126 «966 .. .do 377 is Kansas constitution, with reports, testimony, etc. f 457 is Land claims in New Mexico. i967 do. »968 do 549 is Wilkins' Point (Long Island) investigation. Case of Judge John C. Watrons. (969 4)70 do Ct. Claims rps. do... do >^971 v975 127-151 152-175 Robert Harrison's Florida claim; etc. Soth CONGRES^S, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE June 16, 16, 1858 S. journal . S. ex. docs See serial no, 917, p. 721. See serial no, 930. 35tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1858— Mar. 3, 1869 • **llf i 1 S. journal. Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 36th Cong., Mar, 4-lQ, 1859, p. 483. 1 i ■- " ex. docs l,Pt.l Message, State cor^spondeuce, and Interior, 1858. l,pt.2 War, 1858 [v. 1). \ l,pt.3........ Same, v. 2. Title-page reads " v 2, pt. 2." l,pt.4-.. Navy and Post-OfB^ce, 1858. . l,pt.5 Maps. ^ 2 Treasury (Finances* 1858, Contains also S. ex. doc. 1, special session Sen^tCi 36th Cong., erroneously headed «36th Cong." \ 85tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued ^ •995 ^ *99« ^ 4997 ^\ «998 ^. •999 ^ »10IH) ! 1001 i 2 •1004 j 3 •100» 4 • 1004 5 1005 j . I 1007 S •1006 9 tl009 I 10 aoio 1 10 .1011 I 10 .1018 I 10 .ioi» I n .1014 12" ^983 9 do ^ .»M 10 .... do ,986 11 ^. .980 12 .to ^-■987 13 .... do ^ *988 t 14 do ..«.-989 1 15 ... .do 0^ •990 j 16 .... do ^ »991 1 17 - — .....do ^:...992 1^ 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 Sorien S. ex. docs. .do, DiK-'iinicnt no. •S-%. 7-21.23-28. Notes :- pt.2... 2^-45.48... rf. misc. docs .. S. reports . . H. journal. . H. ex. docs. .....do....^ do.... do... S. ex. doo. 2, special semion Senate, 36th Cong., urro- nepusly* headed "36th Cong.," precedes uo. 3. 6 i.s Progress in Coast Surrey and \\ »'iphta and measures. Except 14, in serial no. 990. 15 is Indian expenses; 18 Is ' t foreign countries. to China, correspondfMK" I v. 1]. Samo [v. 2]. Except 87) in serial no. 991, 46, in serial uo. 992. 36 aod 40 are rps. on Wagon roads in the West. Patent O.'flce, 1858: Arts and manufactures, v. 1. Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2. : Arts and manufactures, v. 3, illustrations. : Agriculture. Commerce and navigatiori, 1858. - Coast Survey, 1S58. 37 4}^ Commercial relations, 1S5K. Explorations atid surveys for Pacific Railroad, supple- ment to V. 1: Steven's route from St. Paul to Puget Sound, narrative and scientific reports. See, for v. 1, serial no. 758. Contains also S. misc. docs. 1 and 2, special session Sen- ate, 3ttth Cong., Mar. 1859. 1-3, 5-9, 19-23, 30, 32-40, are Court of Claims rps. 49 is Smithsonian Institu- tion, 1868. 331-8; >• ■17 47 47 Unnumbered 14 . 1-55. ...do.... ...do .:.do. ...do ..do...,--- ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... 4-13 14-22 23-32.34-49 10 lo .1018 1 •1017 I 2 .1018 i 1 i ,1019 U. miiC- docs. ..;..do H. reports 1,3 Estijuates for 1860; Treasury (Finances) 1858. 2 [Message, Foreign affairs, and Inferior, 1858. War, 1858. Title-page reads "v. 2." Same, continued. Title-page reads ' •^ Navy, including Naval code, and Post-Oilice, 1868. Title-page reads ' • v. 3. " Maps. 7 is Treasurer's accts., 1858; 13 is Indian expenses. 20 is Receipts and expenditures, 1S58. 30 and 43 are Carmick and Ramsey, mail contract ca . . j Coast Survey, 1858. ... I 67 and 68 relate to Consular fees. So -^ Commercial relations, 1858. 86-104, 106-108. [ 108 is Pacific wagon roads. - 105 Patent Office, 1858: Arts and manufactures, v. 1. 105 Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2. 105 Same: Arts and manufactvires, v. 3. 105 Same: Agriculture. 109 Mail contracts. 110-114........ 112 is Condition of banks; 114isCr«un'sMemo»rof Wa&h- and Oregon. . nnumberL I - e and navigation, 1868. 1-42,44-61 j 57 is Smithsonian Institution, 18.')^ 43 — .1 Claims ofcitizens of Kansas. VrSSA. Kxcept 184, in serial no. 1019, and 18» and 189, in sen-.l po. 1020. • M aval oontiacts and expenditures. 36 35tJi CONGRESS, 3d SESSION--€3iitmued 1 1 Series Dociinient no. Notes 3 .... H. reports .... [188 Accts. of Wm. CuJlom, clerk of House, investigation. Accts. of A. G. Seaman, Supt. Public Printing, investi- gation. ♦1020 |l89 • 1021 176-198 36tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—10, 18M S. journal See serial no. 973, p. 483. .... .... S. ex. docs do S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1 2 1,2 See serial no. 979. This doc. is erroneously headed "35th Cong." See serial no. 980. This doc. is erroneously headed " 35th Cong." See serial no. 993t These docs, are headed " S,peci&l ses- sion, Mar. 1859." None presented. 36tli CONGRESS, ist SESSION Dec. 6, 1869— June 26, 1860 il022 *1 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 .... .S. journal Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 36th Cong., June 26-28, 1860, p. 776. Message, Foreign affairs, and Interior, 1859. War, 1859. War, continued; Navy; Post-Oflice, 1859. Maps. 3 is Treasury (Fhiandes) 1859, with title-page reading erroneously "June 30, 1860." Patent OfTice, 18.59: Agriculture. Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 1. .1023 • 1024 •1025 »1026 »1027 S. ex, docs do... .....do... do do ^ 2 2 2 1,3-10,13-15... 11. *1028 .do •1029 .....do........ do.! do do .' do uo do .....do 12..... ilOSO 12. . . Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, illustrations. 20 and 22 relate to Capitol extension. Correspondence of commiiSsioners to China. 38 is Compulsory enlistment in army of Prussis; 4'2 is Mountain Meadows massacre. Commerce and navigation, 1859. /Sickness and mortality in U. S. Armv, 18oo ' ..1031 M032 16-29,31-37.... 30 <10S3 kl084 *1035 38-61,53-58.... Unnumbered . 52 • '1036 59 *■ Delafleld's Art of war in Europe, 1854-56. Military Cominission to Europe (Mordec^i), Contains also S. misc. doc. 1, special session Senate, tl087 .... do S. misc. docs.. S. reports .....do H. journal 80. .. 1038 1-62 41039 1-204. . June 26-28, 1860. 29 is Capitol dome and porticos. <1040 -1041 205-284. ..../ Except 285, not printed. 205 is Pubhc printing inves- tigation; 278 is John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry. |.1042 il048 •104^ H. ex. docs.... do.. do. 1-3,5,6,8,9.... 4 -^ 7.. Estimates of appropriations for 1861; etc. ^Commercial relations, 1859. Treasury receipts and disbursements, 1859. 37 86tli CONGRESS, 1st SBSSION—Continued 12 Series H. ex. docs... 10-13 Document no. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... .do.... .do. ....do.... ....do.... ....do H. misc. docs. ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. ....do H. reports.. ....do ....do ....do ....do Ct. Claims rps ..-.do ....do ....do ....do 14-22 23-40,42,43. 41 44-52 53,54,67-70. 65 55 56. 56. 7lv85. 86-89,91-102. Unnumbered 1,2,4-7 3 9-11. 12-42. 43-89. 90-100-. 1-200. . . 201-321. 322-510. 511-^567. 648 199-208. 209-225. 226 227-240. 241-256. Notes Indian exi)en8es; Indian war claims; Interior Dept. ex- penses; Interior Dept. employes. {.> :■ <^ I O New Mexico, land claims; Treasury accts., 1859; etc. 24 Is Treasury expenses; 25 and 35 are War Dept. ex- Coast Survey, 1859. 44 is Post-Office accts.; 49 is Condition of banks. 6.5 is Affairs in Oregon. Meteorological observations, 1854-69, v. 1: Weattier. Same, v. 2: Plant and animal phenomena, and storms, 1859. Explorations and surveys for Pacific Railroad, v. 12,^ F »S\. book 1: Narrative and geographical memoir, with 1/ «i illustrations. ^. ' Same, v. 12, book 2: Botany and zoology, with plates. — The material here arranged in 2 v. appears in 1 v. in serial no. 992. 71 is Navy yards; 76 is Hebrew affairs; 81 is Texas frontier. Mail contracts; etc. Colorado River of the West (Ives), with geology, —botany, etCT* 6.L. F 1 ti*?; . NJ^TK' Commerce and navigation, 1859. 4 is Maryland election, Harrison vs. Davis. Kentucky election, memorial of James S. Chrisman. Missouri election, Frank P. Blair vs. J. R. Barrett. Pensions for soldiers of 1812; Jefferson territory; Ken- tucky election. 12, 4 pts., is Nebraska election; 25 is Expenses of House of Representatives. 55 is Maryland election; 86 is Expenses Paraguay expe- dition. Smithsonian Institution, 1859; etc. 249 is Public printing; 321 is Land claims, New Mexico. 394 is Report on Pres. Buchanan's protest. Except 648, in serial no. 1071. Covode investigation. 205 is Case of Henry M. Shreve for snag-boat patent. Case of Richard W. Meade. 36tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE % June 26—28, 1860 S. journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs.. S, reports See serial no. 1022, p. 776. None presented. See serial no. 1038. None presented. 38 36tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 3, 1860— Mar. 2, 1861 QQ Series Document no. Notes ^ *1077 J \-«1079 ., 1 ,1080 ,.. J081 ,^082 ^ '1083 « 7 -1084 «1085 (1086 j^-^ H088 7 • 1089 *1090 «1091 1092 1093 •1094 1095 .1096 4097 »1098 4099 ■1100 •1101 1102 •1103 •1104 1105 4106 .1107 3 . 1108 1 .1109 2 ,1110 3 S. journal. S. ex. docs, .-..do ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... 1 1 1 1 2-5,8,10-13. .do .do..... .do 3 1 I 2 ....do S. misc. docs.. S. reports H. journal H. ex. docs. ....do...... ....do.!.... .do. .do. .do. ....do H. misc. docs H. reports. ....do ....do ....do Ct. Claims rps. ....do.. Unnumbered 6 1-21 285-311... 1 2 3-6,8, 7 10-12. 13,15-41. 14 42-48.... 49-72 7a-82 Unnumbered 1-44 .do. 1-77 78-103, 105-107. 104 104 256-258. 25^269. 270-276. Contains also proceedings of special session Senate, 37th Cong., Mar. 4-28, 1861, p. 399. Message and Interior, 1860. War, 1860. Navy and Post-Office, 1860. Maps. 10 is Aves (or Bird) Island correspondence, 1855-59. Contains also S. ex. docs. 1 (Lincoln's Inaugural ad- dress) and 2, special session Senate, 37th Cong., Mar. 4-28, 1861. Patent Office, 1860: v. 1, Arts and manufactures. Same: v. 2, illustrations. -See, for Agriculture, serial no. 1099. Interoceanic ship canal near Darien (Michler). Same, maps. Commerce and navigation, 1860. Commercial relations, 1860. 3 is Mihtary Academy, West Point; 21 is Smithsonian Institution, 1860. Contains also S. misc. docs. 1-4, special session Senate, 37th Cong., Mar. 4-28, 1861. 288 is Journal of Committee of 13 on Slavery. First volume here listed bearing imprint "Washington, Government Printing Office." Estimates of appropriations for 1802. Treasury (Finances) 1860. 5 is Mississippi River improvement. African slave trade. Treasurer's accts.; Deficiency estimates; Receipts and expenses, 1860. Coast Survey, 1860. 44 is Mihtary road Ft. Walla-Walla to Ft. Benton (Mul- lan). 48 is Patent Office rp. 1860 [v. 3]: Agriculture; see for v. 1 and 2, serial nos. 1083 and 1084. Except 74, notprinted. 73 is Mail contracts; 77 is Banks. Commerce and navigation, 1860. 'i'ff-' .' 'J '/ 6 is New York election; 12, 15, IS, 19, 21-28, etd'., relate to Secession. 2 is Watrous case; 31, 58, and 59 relate to Secession. 78 is Abstraction of Indian bonds; 79, 88, 90, 91, etc., relate to Secession. Kansas claims, pt. 1. Same,pt. 2. Theodore Adams; Samuel Norris; R. R. Ward. Gilbert Cameron case; etc. 37th CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—28, 1861 y a i A nCTW^ L. ^. joiinmi. . . S.ex. d»ts. . S. misc. do<- Y"" S. reports. . Not^«? ,>ff stMim IK). 11)77, p. 389. See serial no. 1082. See serial no. 1089. None presented. 37tii rONGHESS, 1st SESSION July 4— Aug. 6, 1861 S.jourual. . . S. ex. doc-s. ■Is. misc. doi * Lincoln's Messa^, War, and Navy; Treasury; > ' . Wai measures, etc. lil.i .... S. reports. H. jouKoal ■ Frederic P. Stanton succeeds J. H. Lane of Kansas. jH. ex. docs.... iH. reports H. misc. docs.. 1-20 9 is State and Territorial expe;ises,'l7S9-1860L EfSciency of volunteer forces; etc. « 4, 9, Daily vs. Morton; 5, 10, Butler vs. LehmarT; 6, 12, Kline vs. Verree election cases. 23 is Acts and resolu- «1114 1-4 *l 1 1 .'• 1-24 r tions passed during 1st sassion, the only time Session laws have b*en published as a numbered Congressional docmnent. 87tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 2, 1861— July 17, 1862 1 '.'.'.'} 2 .^. 3 1 3 2I 4 ^. journal, fi. ex. docs ..^...du ."...".d.( .\m 1 6 .... f i. 411JM) S. misc. docs. 8. reports.. . H. joarhal. Q.^x. doct. ...do do ^ 4 1181 5 I 1 Message, Foreign relations, and Interior, 1861. ^ War, 1861. '''2 Navy and Post-Office, I861. ^ Maps. At. 2 is Treasury (Finances) 1861; 8, 14, ^&, 22, 30 are Trent affair; 31'is Irfiiian disbursements, 1861. 39 is Patent rp. on Agriculture, 1861; 56 is Capture of New Orleans. 6C is Pittsburg Landing; 72 is Ordnance and ordnaneo stores. Includes many State memorials. lOS is Act incorporat- ing Union Pacific R. R. Co. 1 belongs to 1st se,ssion. 37 is Surrender of nav Estimates ol appropriations, 1862 and 1863; ei 28, 34, Treasury accts.; 29, Brigham Young's aii ui. » 3S-44, 4i)-52 36 is Receipts and expenditures, 1861 . -^ 45 , ! Commercial relal ions, 1861. 53-69, 71-79. ... 63 is Patent Oflic* rp., 1861 , with List of patentees; 63 is War Dept. expenses; 67 Is Purchase of anr ' • '-'-^ mont. "n'ent Office, 1861: Arts and manufjactiires, '1, »n in .p. and list orpatentees which also appears in serial no. 1131. 1-108. 2-o9.. 40 37tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes 12 H. ex. docs.. H. -do -do -do .do....... .do. -do." -do misc. docs . Ct. reports .do , -do .do , CfeUmsrps. .do 53 70 80-99. '100-104 105-124 125-151 137 -. Unnumbered 1-91 I,and2,pt. 1 2,pt.2 3-85 86-148 277-290 291-293 Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, illustrations. See for rp. on Agriculture, serial no. 1122. Coast Survey, 1861. 92, Military and naval defences, consists of reprints. Mexican affairs, 1861-2; etc. 116 is Preliminary rp. on 8th census; 1860. Except 187, in serial no. 1139. Mail contracts. Commerce and navigation, 1861. 77 is Smithsonian rp., 1861, with scientific app. 91 is Appropriations, new oflBces, etc., 1862, but title-page incorrectly reads " 1861." 2 is Investigation of Government war contracts. Same, continued. 16 is Loyalty of Govt, clerks; 43 is National armory. Permanent fortifications and sea-coast defences; etc. Latham claim, Buffalo and Oswego custom-houses; eU'. 37tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 1, 1862— Mar. 3, 1863 « 1 ] \^ S. journal . Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 38th Cong.. Mar. 4-14, 1863, p. 446. Treasury (Finances) 1862; 39 is Indian expenses; 43 is Military road from Ft. Walla- Walla to Ft. Eienton. 11 is Senate exi)enses; 37 is Message of Gov. of Utali* Contains also S. njiisc. docs. 1 aiid [2], special session Senate, 3Sth Cong., Mar. 4-14,186[i; although no. 2 Is correctly headed" spec, sess., S. anise, doc," it is^erro- neonsly numbered 42 and indexed with S. misc. docs, of the 37th Cong. 3d sess. 75 and 84 relate ,to Gen, Banks' expedition. Conduct of the war, pt. 1: Army of Potomac. Same, pt. 2: Bull Run; Balls Bluff. Same, pt. 3: Weetem Department, or Missouri, etc. »1149 1 2 3 4 S. ex. docs S. misc. docs... S. reports do do. do H. journal 1-50 . - . ! 150 1-41 ... 7i)-107 . ! ,V2 1J)8 .1153 108 .1154 108 4155 .1166 *1157 ill&8 1 2 3 4 4a 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 H. ex. docs.... do do IfPt.lI Mpt.2] l.(pt.3] l(pt.4] 2-21 Message and Foreign relations, 1802. Interior, 1862. Navy, 1862. War and Post-Offlce, 1862. ' * Registered seamen; Estimates for 1863 and 1864; etc. ^ Maps. „ ! 2.^ is \fftTrinftTi (dTair.*!* Vt ii Ql See serial no. t loO. 1 I au.l r21 i Nonepresen 38tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 7,.1863-^idy 4, 1864 • »1175 1 .1176 .... S. ex. docs 1-5G 20 Is War expenses, 1861 and 1862; 55 is Commerce, h; tory, and statistics, 1789-1863. «.. •1177 S. misc. docs.. S. reports ..... 1-136 «• 1178 1-105 41 is French spoliations: 03 is Fort Pillow massacre; 99 ^ •1179 H.journ;; Xrtvalsupplie:;. - .1180 -1181 1 2 H. ex. docs. . . . do 1.. I . Message and Foreign relations, v. 1, 1863. Same, v. 2. .1182 3 do i... Interior, 1863. - -1183 4 (L) 1 Navy, 1863. >.iA-ii»'"84 5 War, Post-Offic-e, and Agriculture, 1 863; etc. Agricultu omits appendixes which are In serial no. 1196. -^ .1185 Sa do 1.. . Maps. *1186 fi . do 2,-^ Estimates for 1864 and 1866; Treasury (Finances) 18 with prices, 1821-63, and Internal revenue rp. Except 6, not printed. 4, 7, 8, 26 are Treasury a" is McCiellan's campaigns, 1861-62. .1182 ' 4-10.12-2!',... . 1188 8 9 10 11 12 do do do 27-40,42-59.... 41 Coast Survey, 1863. Except 88» 87, and 51, not printed. 36 is Treasure! aects. Commercial relations, 1863. Patent Office, 1863: Arts and manutiactun . •1191 GO .1192 m. . .^ame: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, illustrations. •1198 13 .... do..^ Gl-v;; 69 is Armored ve.s.sel.s in attack on Charleston. . ^.IIW 14 do 74 .p.. Prize cases in New York. ^ill96 15 do 7,7-00,92-- 104... E.xcept 101, not printed. 84 is Receipts and expend- itures, isti3; 102 is Wilkes' conft-martlal. . .1196 ^•1197 16 17 do Uimumbered - Agriculture, 1863. Commerce iMid navigation, 18' ^*1198 1 2 ♦ '■ " II. misc. docs. do 1-15. . 12-15 are Contested election casi ,. •1199 16-27 16. 17, 20, 26, 27 are Contested election.s. .^.1200 3 do 28-82,84,85.,.. 36, 43, 49 are Contested elecUons; 81 is National Aoader of Sciences, 1st rp. 42 38tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION-^^ontinued p i i Series 1 Doi^iment no. Notes •1201 1202 1203 H. misc. docs.. [H. misc. docs.] do 83 Unnumbered . do Smithsonian Institution, 1863. 8th census of United States, 1860, Population. Same, Agriculture. Same, Manufactures. Same, Mortality and miscellaneous. Ill is New York custom-hou.se investigation. 1 40 is Treasury Dept. mvestigation. 1204 1205 •1206 2 .... do do H. reports do do do 1-11] ,1207 Ii:i-144 38tli CONGRESS, ^d SESSION Dec. 6, 1864— Mar. 3, 1866 .1208 S. journal Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 39th Cong., Mar. 4-11, 1865, p. 343. »1209 S. ex. docs 1-35 1 1 is Mexican affairs ,1861-64. Also S. misc. docs. 1-3, special session Senate, 39th .1210 S. misc. docs.. 1-48 • Cong., Mar. 4-11,1865. .1211 1 S. reports 10 - 73 is Receipts and expenses, 1864, -1280 14 do .^>85 All are War rps. 83„the 1864 rp., belated, incomplete. .1231 [15 .....do Unnumbered . Corrmieroe and navigation, 1864. ' .1232 1 H. misc. docs . ., do.. J-58.. E.xcept 55, in serial no. 1233, andt7, in serial no. 1234. •1283 2 STTiithsonian Institution, 1864. »1234 ^ ■^ do rj Contested elections, 1834-65, by Baitlett." 24 is Trade with rebellious States; 25 is New York cus- ,1285 1 . H. reports 1-30 tom-house. 43 39tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4:— 11. 1865 t 1 Series Dociunent no. Notes S. journal See serial no. 1208, p. None presented. See serial no. 1210. 5«c serial no. 1211. 343. .... S. ex. docs S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1-3 1 39tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 4, 1866^July 28, 1866 1286 S. journal ' 2287 1 2 .... S. ex. docs i do . .' 1-26 2 is Condition of the South, Dec. 1865; 11 , Court-martials; >1238 27-()5 26 is Provisional State governors. 27, 30, 55 relate to Freedmen; 55, 56, to Mexico. Maps •1239 S. misc. docs.. S. reports do 1 do 1-125 for 62, Interoceanic canals, are bound after 63. .1240 1 [2] [3] 1-140 .1241 .1242 Unnumbered . do Conduct of the war, supplement, v. 1: Sherman and Thonms. Supplemental to serial nos. 1212-1214. Same, supplement, v. 2: Pope, Sheridan, etc. - • 1248 H journal .1244 ,1245 424« ,1247 1248 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 113 14 15 16 17 1 1 2 3 4 H. ex. docs.... do do do .do 1 1 1 1 1 1 [1] Message and Foreign relations, 18^5, pt. 1. Same,pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Same, app.: Assassination of President Lincoln (Trib- utes of the nations). Interior, 1865. ^ •124^ 121)0 1 2 1 do do do do do War, 1865, v.l.« Same, V. 2. 1251 1252 .1253 1 1 1 1,2-4 Same, app., pt. 1: Military railroads (McCallum), and Provost-marshal-general; final rp., 1863-66, pt. 1. Same,, app., pt. 2: Provost-marshal-general, final rp., 1863-66, pt. 2. . Navy, 1865. 1?54^ .do .. .. Post-Office, 1865; Estimates for 1866 and 1867; Treasury 1255 do ..do.. . 5-49 (Finances) 1865; Comptroller of Currency, 1865. Treasurer's accts., 1864; 34 is Revenue svstem. '1256 50-72 Except 52, in serial nos. 1257-1259, and 56, in serial no. .1257 .1258 1 2 3 do do do do 52 52 . . .. 1260. 70 is Freedmen's Bureau. Patent Office, 1865, V. 1. Same, v. 2. '1259 52 Same, v. 3, illustrations. 1260 56 Commercial relations, 1865. •1261 1 2 do do do do %3 'Mexican affairs, pt. 1. 'Same,pt. 2. Except 75,'in serial no. 1264, and 102, in serial no. 1265. Coast Survey, 1865. •1262 73 '. .1263 74-133 •1261 75 . .1265 do do do 102 Smithsonian Institution, 1865. '1266 136 Agriculture, 1865. 155 is Government railroad propertv. .1267 134, 135, 137-156 Unnumbered . 1-7 •1268 .1269 .... do........ H. misc. docs.. Commerce and navigation, 1865. 7, 2 pts., is New York election. Dodge vs. Brooks. 44 39tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 3§ -4 1 Series Document no. Notes • ♦1270 2 3 1 2 3 H. misc. docs., do 8-55 8-11 are Contested elections. ^^•1271 56-130 92 and 117 are Contested elections; 130 is Appropriations, new offices, etc., 1866. Except 30, in serial no. 1273, and 101, in serial no. 1274; also 31 and 94, not printed. 93isIloscoeConklingand Provost-Marshal-Gen. Fry investigation. Report of Joint Committee on Reconstruction. ^ •1272 ■ H. reports do do 1-117 2. .1273 30 " .1274 101 Memphis riots and massacres. 39tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 3, 1866— Mar. 2, 1867 ^1275 ^ 1276 ^ 1277 ^1278 ^ 1279 -.1280 -^ .1281 .. 1282 \l283 .1284 .1285 ,1286 *1287 1289 1290 1291 1292 .1294 .1295 1296 •1297 *1298 %1299 •1300 1301 •1302 »130.S . 1304 1305 .1306 S. journal S. ex. docs... ....do S. misc. docs. S. reports H. journal H.ex. docs... ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. 1-6 7-38.... 1-54.... 141-178. 1... 1,2. 3-8. 9-24. . . 2.5-49.. 50-54. . 55,56.. 57-70. . 71-116. .do.... .do.... .do.... ....do ....do ....do do ....do H. misc. docs . H. reports .....do 76.. 81.. 87.. 107. 109 109 Unnumbered 1-83 1-15 16.. 17-33 34 2 is a special Revenue rp.; 6 is Freedmen's affairs. 20 is Sand Creek massacre. 53 is Arkansas loyal troops. 156 is Condition of Indian tribes. Message and Foreign relations, 1866, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Interior, 1866. - War, 1866. Navy and Post>Office, 1866. 3 is Comptroller of Currency, 1866; 4 is Treasury (Fi- nances) 1866. -*'^- '' '• 12 is Receipts and expenses, 1865; 17 is Mexican affairs. 29 is Mineral resources west of Rockies (Browne), 1866. Case of Geo. St. Leger Grenfel in Chicago conspiracy; etc. Internal Revenue Comr., 1806; Rivers and harbors. 68 is New Orleans riots. Except 76, in serial no. 1294; 81, in serial no. 1295; 87, in serial no. 1296; 107, in serial no. 1297, and 109, in serial nos. 1298-1300. 72 is Norfolk riot. -Mexican affairs, 1865-66. Commercial relations, 1866. Coast Survey, 1806. Agriculture, 1866. Patent Office, 1866, v. 1. Same,v. 2. Same, v. 3, illustrations. Commerce and navigation, 1866. 83 is Smithsonian Institution, 1866. Except 9, not printed. 15 is Revenue frauds. New Orleans riots, July and Aug. 1860. 24 is Internal revenue frauds; 30 is N. Y. custom-house. Affairs of southern railroads. 45 40tli CONGBE88, 1st 8B8»ION Mar. 4—80, July 8— -«0, and Nov. 21— Dec. 2, 1867 l§ •5 > 1 Series Doctimorit no. Notefl y •1807 S.Jounui!,.. . Contains also proceedings special BesBlon Sena l-20,l8<)7,p. 193. 4 is Freni'h and Prussian retniitments; 13, Indiaia wais; 14, Keconstruction; 20, Mexican affairs, 1866-^7. Con- tains also nos. 1-9, special session Senate, Apr. l-'20, 1867. 44, National Af-ademy of Sciences, ISfiti, was issued in unbound form, though omitl«d from 8heef)-bound set. ^ 1S06 ^^ 1809 iocs S. reports S. misc. docs H. Joomal 1-L'r --1 1-43.. I .- »1810 Contains also S. misc. docs. 1-6, special session Senate, Apr. 1-20, 1867. • 1811 H. ex. docs H. misc. docs.. do H. rex)orts 1-: 1-37,3^00 38,2pts 1-7 33 is Mexican loan siflair. ^ »1.'J12 •1814 1 2 .... 37, 39, 47, 48 are Contested elections. Contested Ohio election, Pelano vs. Morgan. 7 is Impeachment of Pres. Johnson, with testimony. • loth eONORBSS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Apr. 1—20, 1867 , 8. journal S. ex. docs ; 1- S. misc. docs i 8. reports... Sec serial no. 1307, p. 193. See serial no. 130S. See serial no. 1309. None presented. 40tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 2, 1867-Jnly 27, 1868; Sept. 21, Oct. 16, and Nov. 10, 1868 , ,, 1 1 ' :> 1 2 .i;:-i4 2 1 .1825 2 2 •1326 3 1 <1323 4 ....' 1182,'^ Con tarns as an app. proceedings of Senate prelimiiiary to trial of articles of impeachment of President Andrew Johnson (p. 793). 1 4 is Intemat. Money Conference, Paris; 29 is Occupation of San Juan Is.; 38, Alto Velo Is. cltfims. Except 84, not prinfed. 77, Rayiiolds* Exploration of ■ the Yellowstone, is erroneously headed "1st s<*.' 42 is Irial of Fenian pri-soners. Educational inter<'si;-, of District of Columbia, not printed; issued wirii additional matter a.s H. ex. doc I 31 '), 41st Confj. 2d sess. , serial no. 1427. 86 is Smithsonian Institution, 1867. • 173 Is Projectiles for rifled cannon. Message and Foreign relations, 1867, pt. 1. I Same, pt. 2. War,1867,pt. 1.- S8me,pt. 2: Engineers. Interior, 1807. Navy and Post-OflBce, i , /o.asury (Finances) 1867; Estimates for 1»69. 46 40tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued Series H.ex.docs- .-..do. ....do. .-..do. ....do. ....do. ...-do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ...do. -...do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. [H. ex. docs.]... do H. misc. docs.. do >. [H. misc. docs.]. do .do. .do. .do. do H. reports...* do Document no. 4,5 &-22,24-ST.... 23 58-95 96 96 96 96 97,98,100-156. 157-159,161-18Q. 160 181-252. 202 2^3-295. 275 29r.-311. 312-343. Uii]iuniJ)ered ....do 1-84 85-168 Unnumbered .do. 47-84. Notes Compt. of Currency, 1867; Internal Revenue Comr., 1867. 16 is Pardons of confederates by President. Trial of Henry Wirz. 71 is Indian expenses, 1867. Patent Office, 1867, v. 1. Same, v. 2. ^ Same, v. 3, illustrations. Same, v. 4, illustrations. 101 is Railroad lands; 126 is Paris Universal ICxpositiou (Hewitt). Ordnance report. 157, 3 pts. , is Trial of Americans for Fenianism ; 177, 2 ] » t s . , is Russian America, purchase, descrii>tion, etc. Coimnercial relations, 1867. Except 202, in serial no. 1342, and 206, Fort Riley mili- tary reservation, indexed but never printed. Mineral resources west of Rockies (Browne), 1867. Except 276, in serial no. 1344. 265 is Sales of gold. Coast Survey, 1867. 299 is Education , rp., 1867-68, without accompanying docs. 315 is Receipts and exj^nses, 1866; 337 is list of Vessels bought, sold, and chartered by U. S., 18(:il-68; 342 is Reconstruction. Agriculture, 1867. Commerce and navigation, 1867. 12-14, 28, 35 are Contested elections; 23 is Loans aud cur- rency aots, 179(>-18<)7. 154 is New Mexico election. Paris exposition, 1867, v. 1: Fine and useful weights, bibliograpjtiy. Same, v. 2: Iron, st§;«w York . v t . Same, V. 2. Treatment of prisoners of war by rebels. , i;i88 -.1884 U386 (H.ex. docs.].. do H misc docs Unnimibered . ....,do........ 1-57 . ... ^886, ^887 >!««? .1889 .1890 . 1891 1 4 .... {H. misc. docs.] do H^repgrts do Unnumbered . do........ 1-30,32-44..... 4 J . . 1 • 41st CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Mar. 4— Apr. 10, 1869 1392 .1398 .1894 1395 •1896 '1897 1 2 3 4 5 6 S.Jou- S. ex. docs do .... tS. reports Is. misc. docs.. H. journal.. . . II. ex. docs Hvinisadocs.. H. reports 1-10,12 1! 11 Contains also proceedings of special session Senate, A}.: . 12-22, 1S69, p. 167. 12 IsXontracts with Norman "Wiard for ordnance. Alabama claims^ v. 1: Rebel belligerency, neutrality. Same, v. 2: Enforcement of neutrality, rebel cruisers. Same, v. 3: Rebel cruisers, claims negotiations. « Same, v. 4: General, parliamentary and judicial apps. Same, v. 5: Parliamentary and judicial appendix. ' 1898 11 1-8 .1899 1-25 1- 1-12 •1400 , 1401 is Purdy's Report on internal r^v«fiue in California. 3 is Myers vs. Moftet election; 19 is Utah Indian w ar expenses; 27 is Van Wyck vs. Greene election. All are election reports, except 1 and 8. H02 ■1408 list CONGRESS, SPECIAIi SESSION SENATE Apr. 12—22, 1869 S. journal Ste serial no. 1392, p. 167. 48 41st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1869— July 16, 1870 •1419 8 .1420 9 .14?! j 9 ■ ,1422 9 " 1428 9 ..•1424 10 .1425 ! 11 I - 14-26 I 12 Ir27 [n Serips S. journal..... S. ex. docs..., .....do ....do S. misc. docs. .^ S. reports H. journal.. H. ex. docs. ....do ....do ....do...... .do .do .do .do Document no. 1-39.. 40-9(). 91-116. 1-164.. 9-2f;,T .GO. ..do. -.do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. .do. ....rinted^ Contains two docs. no. 116. 44, 46, 53, j8, I i3, 144 are election cases. Contested elecvions, 1865-71 (Bartlett). Louisi ^.na cvn tested elections. 28 ' ., Nav'gation Interests; 31 is Gold panic. 06 is Ppraguayan investigation. 121 1? Charges against O. O. Howard. 49 41st CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 6. 1870— Mar. 8. 1871 Series S. journal S. ex. docs... do S. niisc.,docs. S. reports H. journal.... H. ex. docs... do.. do do ....do ....do ....do , ....do do do do do do do do do ....do H. misc. docs.. ....do H. reports.. Document no. 1-53.... 3G 1-90. . . . 266-380. 1, pt. 1. 1, pt. 2. 1, pt. 2. 1, pt. 3. 1, pt. 4. 1, pt. 4. 2,3 4-18.... 19-60 61-88,90-94. 95-110. . 112 111-153. Unnumbered 1-65 66-107 1-53 Notes Except 86, in serial no. 1441, ^"H " ^^ U ^| ( * Treaties and conventions, July 4, 177G-May, 1871. Congressional Printer's rp., 1870; etc. 380 is Cost of coliecting revenue. Message and Foreign relations, 1870. War, 1870, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Engineers. Navy and Post-Office, 1870. Interior, 1870, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. Treasury (Finances) 1870; Comptroller of Currency, 1870. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1870; Estimates for 1872; etc. 18 is Commercial relations, 1869. 59 is Treasurer's accounts, 1868. 93 is Commercial relations, 1870. Patent Office, 1870, v. 1. Same, v. 2, not issued in Congressional set. Same, v. 3, not issued in Congressional set. 96 is Commerce and navigation, 1870. Coast Survey, 1870. Except 112, in serial no. 1459. 153 is Smithsonian Insti- tution, 1869. Agriculture, 1870. 103 is Beard v. Corker; 104 is Stamped envelopes. 39 is Indian affairs; 48 is Ventilation of Capitol. 42d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Mar. 4— Apr. 20, 1871 >1465 S. journal Contains also proceedings of special session Senate, May 10-27, 1871, p. 159. 9 is Report on Santo Domingo Island. Contains also S. ex. docs. 1 and 2, special session Senate, May 10-27, 1871. Contains also S. misc. docs. 1-3, special session Senate, May 10-27, 1871. Committee rp. on outrages in Southern States, with North Carolina testimony; etc. Contains also S. rps. 4 and 5, special session Senate, May 10-27, 1871. il466 .... .... S. ex. docs S. misc. docs... S. reports H. journal 1-12 • 1467 1-53 •1468 1-3 1469 <1470 1 2 H. ex. docs do 1-10 1 is Information for immigrants; 10 is Mining west of Rockies (RajTiiond), 1870. 19 is Hayden's Geological survey of Nebraska; 20 is Smithsonian Institution, 1870. 2, 3, 35, and 36 are Contested elections. •1471 11-20 .1472 H. misc. docs. '[H. misc. docs.] 1-43. . . . 1473 .... .... Unniunbered . 9th census of United States, 1870, v. 1: Population and social statistics. 82452°— 11- 50 42d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued > 1 Series Document no. Notes 1474 [H. misc. docs.] do Unnumbered. do do 1 Same, v. 2: Vital statistics. 1475 Same, v. 3: Industry and wealth. • 1476 do H. report Same, Compendiiun. See serial no. 1528. 42d CONGRESS, SPECIAL. SESSION SENATE May 10—27, 1871 S. journal See serial no. 1465, p. 159. .... S.ex. docs S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1,2 See serial no. 1466. 1-3 See serial no. 1467. 4,5. See serial no. 1468. 42d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 4, 1871— June 10, 1872 ♦1477 S. journal ,1478 1 .... S. ex. docs 1-5,7-35 31 is Case of U. S. in Geneva arbitration. *1479 ? ..do 36-87 39 is International Penitentiary Congress. 1480 s do 6 Tehuantepec Ship Canal (Shufeldt). Fish Commission rp., 1871-72, is Gl, though it bears no .1481 1 S. misc. docs.. 1-61 number except as signatures. -1482 2 1 do 62-167 149 is Smithsonian Institution, 1871. *1483 S. reports 6-232 Except 41, in serial nos. 1484-1496; 183, in serial no. 1497, and 227, in serial nos. 1498-1500. '1484 2 1 do 41,pt.l Affairs in insurrectionary States: rp. & minority views. .1485 2 2 do 41,pt.2 Same: North Carolina. .1486 2 3 do 41,pt.3 Same: South Carolina, v. 1. -1487 2 4 do 41, pt. 4 Same: South Carolina, v. 2. .1488 2 5 do 41, pt. 5 Same: South Carolina, v. 3. -1489 2 6 do 41, pt.6 Same: Georgia, v. 1. •1490 2 7 do 41,pt. 7 Same: Georgia, v. 2. .1491 2 8 do 41, pt. 8 Same: Alabama, v. 1. .1492 2 9 do 41,pt.9 Same: Alabama, v. 2. «1493 2 10 do 41,pt. 10 Same: Alabama, v. 3. «1494 2 11 do 41,pt. 11 Same: Mississippi, v. 1. .1495 2 12 do 41,pt. 12 Sam'^: Mississippi, v. 2. .1496 2 13 do 41,pt. 13 Same: Florida, and miscellaneous. •1497 3 4 1 do do 183 Sales of ordnance stores. ■1498 227 New York custom-house investigation, v. 1. •1499 4 4 2 3 do do 227 Same, v. 2. •1500 227 «1501 a Message and rps. of War, Navy, Post-Office, Interior, and Agriculture, without accompanying docs., 1871. •1502 [1] H. ex. docs U,pt.l Foreign relations, 1871. ^1508 2 1 do l,pt.2 War, 1871, v. 1. • 1504 2 2 do l,pt.2 Same, v. 2: Engineers. «1605 3 1 do l,pt.5...^... Interior rp., 1871, v. 1. ,1506 3 2 ....do i,pt.y< .. Same, v. 2: Education. ^ u 42d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notos •loiyl 9 i 10 H. ex. docs. do do do do do do do do .do. do. do. do. do. do do do H. misc. docs. H. reports. ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... [2 l,pt. 3. l,pt. 4. 3,4 5-20. . . . 21-84... 85-10(3. . 107-109. 110-212. 121 213^277. 278-281. 283,290. [294,322 282 282 282 284-323,325,326 324.. [327]. 220.- 1-33. 34-110.... 111-200.-,. 201-230... 1-21,23-71. 22, pt. 1.. 22,pt.2.. 22,pt.3.. 22,pt.4.. 22,pt.5.. 22,pt.6.. 22,pt.7.. 22,pt.8.. 22,pt.9.. 22,pt. 10. 22,pt. 11. 22, pt. 12. 22, pf. T?. ?2-S:; . 84-y'j Treasury (Finances) 1871. Navy, 1871. Post-Office, 1871. Compt. of Currency, 1871; Internal Revenue Comr,, 1871. Estimates for 1873; 15 is Treasurer's accts., 1869. 29 is Receipts and expenses, 1867; 36 is same for 1868, 37 for 1869. 86 is Patent rp. and lists, 1871; KXj is Treasurer's accts., 1870. 108 is Commerce and navigation, 1871; 109 is Customs- tariff legislation. Except 121, in serial no. 1514. 211 is Mining west of Rockies (Raymond), 1871. Coast Survey, 1871. Except 220, in serial no. 1523. Survey of Chippewa River, Wis., etc. Condition of Treasurer's office; Navigation and customs laws. Treaty of Wasliington, correspondence; Mail contracts. Geneva arbitration, British case and evidence, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Except 290, 294, 322, all in serial no. 1516. 317 is Exami- nation of consulates; 325 and 326 are Hayden's Geo- logical survey of Wyoming and Montana. Geneva arbitration, British counter case. Agriculture, 1871. Commercial relations, 1871. 15 and 22 are contested elections; 32 -is Cod and whale fisheries, by Thos. Jefferson, 1791, and Lorenzo Sabine, 1852. 34, 37, 47, 48, 66, 75 are contested elections. 163 and 182 are contested Texas elections. 201 is Charges against Navy Dept.; 211 is Political trou- bles in Louisiana. Contains also H. rp. 1, 42d Cong. 1st sess. 46 is Ordnance stores. Affairs in insurrectionary States: rp. & minority views. Same: North Carolina. Same: Soutli Carolina, v. 1. Same: South Carolina, v. 2. Same: South Carolina, v. 3. Same: Georgia, v. 1. Same: Georgia, v. 2^ Same: Alabama., v. 1. Same: Alabaina, v. 2. Same: Alabama, v. 3. Same;. 'Mississippi, v. 1. Sa^ne: Mississippi, v. 2. "Same: Florida, and miscellaneous. A Hairs in liistrict of Columbia; etc. 94 is Sutro tunnel; 96 is Frauds against Indian soldiers. 52 42d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 2, 1872— Mar. 3, 1873 Series Document no. Notes S. journal. S. ex. docs... S. misc. docs. ....do.... S. reports. :...do.... ....do.... H. journal.. H. ex. docs. ...-do ..do... ..do... .-do... ..do--. .do- .do. -do. -do. . :..do: do. do. do do do H. misc. docs. do .do. ..do- ,.do. 1-52 1-73,75-103. 74 233-456. 457 458-523. l,pt. 1. l,pt. 1. 1, pt. 1 . l,pt. 1. 1, pt. 1. l,pt. 1. 1, pt. 2-- 1, pt. 2.. l,pt. 5.. l,pt.5.- l,pt. 3.. l,pt. 4.. 1, pt. 6-- l,pt. 7.. 2 3,4,6-19. 5,190. 20-91 92-150 151-159,161-210 J60 211-239,241,242 240 1-25 26-99 100-108,llf>-112, 109. 113. Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 43d Cong., Mar. 4-26, 1873, p. 597. 9 is Yellow fever quarantine of southern coasts. Congressional Printer's rp., 1872; etc. Contains also S. misc. docs, 1-11, special session Senate , Mar. 4-26, 1873. Fish Commission report, 1872-73. 451 is Senator Caldwell's election, Kansas, 1871. Louisiana investigation. 512 is Charges against Senator Clayton; 519 is Credit Mobilier; 523 is Senator Pomeroy investigation. Con- tains also S. rp. 1, special session Senate, Mar. 4-26, 1873. Message and Foreigh relations, 1872 [pt. 1]. Same, pt. 2, Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, V. 1: Geneva arbitration, Case of U. S., British case, U. S. counter case, etc. Same, pt. 2, v. 2: Counter case of Gt. Britain, etc. Same, pt. 2, v. 3: U. S. and British arguments, etc. Same, pt. 2, v. 4: Rp. of U. S. agent, protocols, award, etc. Same, pt. 2, v. 5: Berlin arbitration (Northwest boun- dary). War, 1872, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Engineers. Interior, 1872, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. Navy, 1872. Post-OfTice, 1872. Board of Public Works, District of Columbia. Philadelphia Centennial Commission rp., 1872. Treasury (Finances) 1872. Compt. of Currency, 1872; Internal Revenue Comr., 1872; etc. Estimates for 1874; Index of patents issued, 1872; also H. misc. doc. 44, Receipts and expenses, 1872. 20 is Treasurer's accts,, 1871; 91 is Louisiana affairs. 100 is Receipts and expenses, 1870. Except 190, in serial no. 1564. 185 is Penitentiary Con- gress and National Prison Assoc, rp.; 210 is Mining west of Rockies (Raymond), 1872. Commercial relations, 1872. 242 is Commerce and navigation, 1872. Coast Survey, 1872. 25 is Statutes in force in District of Columbia (1872). Except 44, in serial no. 1504. 99 is Report of Centennial '2*lxposition Commission, 1873; title-page, table of con- tends, and preface precede first page of the report, which bears .'^he doc. number. 107 is Sniithsonian IiistUution, 1872; 112 is Hayden's Geologica.' survey of Mont., Idaho, Wyo., and Utah. Index to pri\''ate claims, 32d-41st Cong. Darien Ship C.'uial (Selfridge). 53 42d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued l§ i 1 Series Document no. Notes rl67< 1 2 3 .... H. reports do do 1-97 Except 77, 78, 81, 82, and 96, all in serial no. 1577. 74 rl577 .1678 77,78,81,82,96. 98 is Army-staff organization; 85 is Army regulations. All relate to Credit Mobiller investigation. Indian frauds. 4:3d CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—26, 1873 S. journal.,... S. ex. docs I S. misc. docs..' 1-11 S. reports 1... See serial no. 1544, p. 597. None presented. See serial no. 1546. See serial no. 1550. 43d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 1, 18 73— June 23, 1874 •1579 S. journal 1580 1 2 3 4 2 1 .... S.ex. docs do . . 1-42. 23 is Condition of steerage-passengers; 30 is Centennial Commissioners' rp., with Vienna Exhibition. 52 is Claim on Brazil for brig Caroline; 53 is Civil Service Comn., Apr. 15, 1874; 54 is European light-houses. Nicaragua ship canal (Hatfield). Index to patents issued, 1873. Congressional Printer's rp., 1873; etc. 129, Fish Commission report, 1873-74, was consolidated with S. misc. doc. 108, 43d Cong. 2d sess., serial no. 1631, and not printed in this volume. Smithsonian Institution, 1873. 1581 43-56 1582 .... do do S. misc. docs.. do S. reports do 57 »1583 58 a584 1-128 129 1585 130 .1586 1-280 242 is Postal telegraph. 474 is Charges against Congressional I*rinter. 1687 2 |281-306, 308- 452,454-478. 1588 • 1589 .1590 .1591 .159-2 .1593 3 3 4 4 4 2 3 do do do do do 307, pt. 1 307, pt.2 453,pt.l 453, pt.2 453,pt.3 Transjwrtation routes to seaboard, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Affairs in District of Columbia, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. .1594 .1595 .1596 J 597 .1598 .1599 '1600 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 H. ex. docs.... do do do do .....do do l,pt.l l.Pt.l l,pt. I l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l.Pt.2 |l,pt.3 ll,Pt.4 l,Pt.5 l,pt.5 |l,Pt.6 2 Message and Foreign relations, 1873, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Papers on expatriation, naturalization, etc. Same, v. 3: Washington arbitration, American-British Claims Commission report. War, 1873, v. 1. , . . Same, V. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Navy, 1873. rl601 .1602 4603 1 2 do do do Post-Office, 1873. Interior, 1873, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. Board of Public Works, District of Columbia, 1873. Treasury (Finances) 1873. 54 43d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes H. ex. docs do do 3,4 5,36,124,187- 6-35,37-57... 58-122 123-132,134-141 133 142-210. 143 183 211-219. 220-255. 256-290. H.misc. docs. do .do. 1-52 53-125 126-173, 175-264 .do. 174 26.5-299,301. [300] H. reports. do .do. 1-262... 263-434. 435-611. 612-770. 771-843. Compt. of Currency, 1873; Internal Jlevenue Comr., 1873. Estimates for 1875; Revenue suits and fines. 6 is Justice (Attorney-General) 1873; 30 is steamer Vir- ginius; 57 is Receipts and expenses, 1871. 122 is Modoc War. Except 124, in serial no. 1605. 132 is Sanborn contracts; 141 is Mining west of Rockies (Raymond), 1873. Coast Survey, 1873. Except 143, in serial no. 1611; 183, in serial no. 1612, and 187, in serial no. 1605. Commercial relations, 1873. Commerce and navigation, 1873. Customs duties and internal taxes refunded, 1873; etc. 255 is Hurtt court-martial. f^U fA^t. 285 is Reconnaissance of northwestern Wyommg (Jones).' Erroneously assigned to Agriculture report, 1873, which was never issued as a Congressional document. 20 is Sloan vs. Rawls, Georgia election case. 53 and 125 are Arkansas election cases. 250 is Postal railway-car service; 264 is Moieties to in- formers in revenue frauds. Contested Arkansas election, Gunter vs. Wilshire. Preliminary rp. on Colorado River of the West; etc. Exploration of Colorado River of the West (Powell), 1869-72. Schedule of volumes on doc. title-page, serial nos. 1617-1621, says "indexed as in v. 5," but it only appears as a separate quarto without doc. no. 259 is Forest preservation. 384 is Reduction of military establishment. Sanborn contracts, testimony of 322 pages, is inserted between 559 [pt. 1] and 559, pt. 2, on same subject; 485 is Washington National Monument. Except 613, not printed. 626 is Western Arkansas. 778 is Indian affairs inquiry; 785 is Safe-burglary in at- torney's office. 43d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 7. 1874— Mar. 3, 1876 .1628 S. journal Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 44th Cong., Mar. 5-24, 1875, p. 453. 19 is Transportation routes; 25 is Affairs in Arkansas: 28 is National cemeteries. Contains also S. ex. docs. .1629 S. ex. docs 1-32.. 1 and 2, 44th Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 5-24, 1875. «1630 ^ S. misc. docs.. 1-107,109-122.. Contains also S. misc. docs. 1-6, 44th Cong, special ses- sion Senate, Mar. 5-24, 1875. 1631 2 .... do S. reports 108 Fish Commission report, 1873-74 and 1874-75. 1632 479-693 Except 540 and 691, not printed; the latter is indexed as report on S. 1102, to promote efficiency of Light- House Service. .1638 H. journal 55 43d CONGRESS, 2d SE88ION~€ontinued Is #1684 .1635 .1«»6 ^#1687 '16:» .I6»9 flMO • IMl .1642 .1643 .1644 .Iftlo «1646 .1647 .1648 ^«1M9 .1650 '^.1661 .1652 .1653 .1654 ^.1655 -1656 .1657 .1658 -"• .1669 .1660 .1661 .1662 Series H. ex. (iocs. do ....do ....do •do. .do. ....do H. misc. docs. .-dp H. reports. ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. l.pt.l l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.3 1, pt. 4 7 l,pt.5 l,Pt.5 l,pt.6 3,4 5,6,150 8-44 45-78. 79-99 100 101-156,158-170 157 171 172-180 Notes Unniimbered 1-36 37-93,95 94,96-100 1-100 101-133,135-149 134 150-260,203-205 261 262 266-345 Message and Foreign relations, 1874. War, 1874, V. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Navy, 1874. Post-Office, 1874. Justice (Attorney-General) 1874. Interior, 1874, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1st rp., 1874. Treasury (Finances) 1874. Compt. of Currency, 1874; Internal Revenue Comr., 1874. Estimates for 1876; Indian expenses, 1S74; Patents, 1874. 10 is Treasurer's accts., 1873; 15 is Post-0 ffice accts. Modoc War claims, etc.; 74-78 are River improvements. 95 is Cholera epidemic of 1873, and history of cholera. Coast Survey, 1874. Except 150, in serial no. 1643. Commercial relations, 1874. Commerce and navigation, 1874. 177 is Mining west of Rockies (Raymond), 1874; 179 is Receipts and expenses, 1872. Agriculture report, 1874. 21 is Louisiana election, Lawrence vs. Sypher. 56 is Smithsonian Institution, 1874; 92 is Index of bills relating to banks, currency, tariff, etc., lst-42d Congs. 96 is Improvements in District of Columbia, 1871-74. 2 is Poland's rp. on Affairs in Arkansas. Condition of the South (Louisiana affairs); etc. Allen claims, mode of adjusting. 150 is Printing of U. S. notes; 265 is VIcksburg troubles. Condition of the South. Affairs in Alabama. 268 is Pacific mall steamship subsidy. 44tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL. SESSION SENATE Mar. 6—24, 1876 S. Journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1,2. 1-6. See serial no. 1628, p. 453. See serial no. 1629. Document headings read only "spe- cial session." See serial no. 1030. Document headings read only "spe- cial session." None submitted. 44tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 6, 1876— Aug. 16, 1876 1668 1664 1665* 1666 1 .... 2 .... S. journal ' S. ex. docs I 1-94 S. mlso. docs. . j 1-106, 108-131 do I 107 94 is Davidson's Irrigation In India, Europe, etc 115 is SmittLsonian Institution, 1875. Fish Commission report, 1875-76. 56 44tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Gontinued ■ga Series Document no. Notes ^ •1667 ^•1668 ^ .1669 .1670 '1671 .1672 '' .1673 ^,l-^-.1674 ^".1675 .1676 11677 a678 , 1679 «1680 .1681 •1682, 1684 .1687 >1688 1690 1691 •1692 •1693 1694 1697 1700 .1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 .1708 •1709 S. reports... do do do H. journal.,. H. ex. docs.. do do do do do do do do ..do ..do ..do 1-328 329-526,528-534. 527.. , 527 l,pt.l.... l,pt.l.... l,pt.2.... l,pt.2.... l,pt.2.... l,pt.2.... l,pt.2.... ri,pt.3.... ll,pt.4.... l,pt. 5.... l,pt. 5.... fl, pts. 6-9. 17-13 2 .do. 3,4 5, 6, 107. 14-21.... .do. 22-80, 82, 83. do ..do do ..do 81 84-123, 12&-158. 124 159-195 ....do ....do [H. ex. docs.]. ....do ....do ....do H, misc. docs. ....do 166.. J91.. ri96]. [196].. [196].. [196].. 1-49.. 50-82. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do..... ....do ....do H. reports.. ....do 61,65 83-103 104-169, 171-174 170, pts. 1-3.... 170,pt.5 170,ptS.4,6-«.. 175-186 187-194 1-342 343-440 331 is Geo. E. Spencer election inquiry. Mississippi elections in 1875, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Message and Foreign relations, v, 1, 1875. Same, v. 2. War, 1875, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal OfBce. Navy, 1875. Post-Office, 1875. Interior, 1875, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. Pts. 7 and 8 are Commissioners of D. C, 1875. Post-Office accts., 1875; etc. Treasury (Finances) 1875. Compt. of Currency, 1875; Internal Revenue Comr. , 1875 Estimates for 1877; Indian expenses, 1875; Patents, 1875. 14 is Justice (Attorney- General) 1875; 21 is Labor in Europe and America. 83, Seal-fisheries in Alaska, includes Elliott's report, bound after p. 201. Coast Survey, 1875. Except 107, in serial no, 1685. Commerce and navigation, 1875. Except 166, in serial no. 1692, and 191, in serial no. 1693. 159 is Mining west of Rockies (Raymond), 18'?5. Commercial relations, 1875. Mail contracts. Vienna International Exhibition, 1873, v. 1: Introduc- tion, executive commission, agriculture. Same, v. 2: Science, education. Same, v. 3: Engineering. Same, v. 4: Architecture, metallurgy, general index. 47-49 are Contested election cases. Except 61 and 65, both in serial no. 1700. 54, 55, 57, 58, 64, and 82 are Contested elections. Contested elections from Illinois and Virginia. 103, 3 pts., is Investigation of Board of Audit, D. C. 147 is Nat. Home for D. V. Soldiers, 1875; 167 is Indian. affairs, investigation; 174 is Hallet Kilbourn case. Report on naval affairs, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. 186 is Whisky fraud mvestigation. Post-Offlce Dept. expenditures, testimony; etc. Except 353 and 394, not printed; no. 389, pt. 2 only appears. 354 is Army reorganization and transfer of Indian Bureau; 440 is Pacific railroads. 57 44tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued p 1 1 Series Document no. Notes •1710 •#1711 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H. reports — do do 441-578, 58(Mi22 679 496 is Govt. Printing Office investigation; 602 is Freed- man's Savings and Trust Co. investigation. The Emma mine. ,•1712 623-784 785-793 794-n814 799,800........ 816-842 623 Is Investigation of Alaska affairs; 761, of New Yorlc •1718 do P. 0. building; 784, of Navy Dept. 787 is Venezuelan Mixed Commission; 793 is Govt. Hos- .1714 •1716 .1716 do do do pital for Insane, investigation. Except 799 and 800, in serial no. 1715. 814 Is Post-Offlce Dept. Investigation. War Dept. management; Justice Dept. exx)enses. 816 Is Conduct of Federal ofTicers In Louisiana. 44tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 4, 1876— Mar. 3, 1877 .'1717 S. journal Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 46th Cong., Mar. 5-17, 1877, p. 433. 2 is Investigation of electoral vote In Louisiana. Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims. *1718 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 6 6 6 6 .... S.ex.docs do 1-20 f21. .1719 22-30,32-36.... 39-46 27 Is European ships of war (King). 46 Is Digest of opinions of Attys.-Gen., rev. ed. (Cad- walader). Contains also S. ex. doc. 1, 45th Cong. special session Senate, Mar. 5-17, 1877. Mexican claims, list; State Dept. expenses, 1789-1876. Coast Survey, 1876. 20 is Railway mail transjwrtatlon. Electoral vote of Louisiana in 1876. '1720 31,38 »1721 .... do S.misc. docs... do 37 .1722 «1723 1-13,15-^3 14 • 1724 1 2 3 do do do do do do [S. misc. does.] . ... .do 44.46 Electoral vote In South; Smithsonian Institution, 1876. #1725 45 Mississippi elections, 1875 and 1876. 1726 47 Fish Commission report, not printed here; issued in 45th Cong. 2d sess., serial no. 1787. South Carolina elections, 1875 and 1876, v. 1. #1727 48 .1728 48 Same, v. 2. ,1729 48 Same, v. 3. 1780 Unnumbered . do f 535-700, 702.... 1704-706 611 Charters and constitutions, 2d ed. (Poore), pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Except 611, in serial no. 1733; 689, in serial no. 1734. 704 is Alabama elections, 1874-76. Florida election in 1876. 1731 «1782 .1788 1 2 3 4 4 4 1 2 3 S. reports do do do do do do do H. journal .1784 689 Chinese immigration investigation. Louisiana elections, 1876, v. 1. t .1786 701 «1736 701 Same, v. 2. 1787 701 Same, v. 3. -1738 .1789 .1740 5 5 2 703[pt.ll 703, pt.2 U. S. Monetary Commission, 1876, report, v. L Same, v. 2. •1741 .1742 ,1748 *174^ .1746 . *1746 .1747 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 H. ex. docs — do do do do do do Upt.l l,pt.2 l,Pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2......... l,pt.2 l,pt.2 Message and Foreign relations, 1876. War, 1876, V. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. 58 44tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes H. ex. docs do do..... do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do H.misc.docs. .-do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do rejMjrts. . .do 1, pts. 3 and 4 1, pt. 5 l,pt.5 1, pts. 6-8... 7-20 2 3,4 5,6,36 |21-35, 37-39.. 141,42,44 40, pt. 1 40, pt. 2 43 45 46 [pt. 1] . . . . 46, pt. 2 fl-12, 14-33. . . 136-45 13 31, pts. 1-3.. 34, pts. 1,2.. 34, pts. 3,4.. 34, pts. 5,6.. 35, pts. 1-3.. 1-156 , 157-219 Post-Office, 1876; Navy, 1876. Interior, 1876, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1876; etc. 7, 9, 11, 13 are Department expenses; 20 is Justice (At- torney-General) 1876. Treasury (Finances) 1876. Compt. of Currency, 1876; Internal Revenue Comr., 1876. Estimates for 1878; Indian expenses, 1876; Patents, 1876. 30 is Use of Army in Southern States in 1876. 44 is Agency of Steinberger in Samoan Islands. } Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, not issued in this form, see serial nos. 2119-2120. Mail contracts, 1876. Commercial relations, 1876. Commerce and navigation, 1876 [pt. 1]. Same, pt. 2: 1st report on internal commerce. Except 31, in serial no. 1764. 42 is Testimony before Electoral vote committee. Counting electoral votes, 1787-1876. South Carolina election, 1876. Louisiana election, 1876, pts. 1 and 2. Same, pts. 3 and 4. Same, pts. 5 and 6. Florida elections, 1876. 156, 2 pts., is Louisiana election. 175, 2 pts., is South Carolina election; 185 is Monetary Commission, 1876, same report as found on first 208 p. in serial no. 1738; 218 is Election in northern cities. 45tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 6—17, 1877 S. journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs... S. reports See serial no. 1717, p. See serial no. 1719. See serial no. 1785. None presented. 45tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Oct. 15— Dec. 3, 1877 S. journal..., S. ex. docs.. do , S. misc. docs. S. reports H. journal H. ex. docs... H.misc.docs. 1, 2, 5-9. 3,4 1-15 1-25 1-21 1-5,9,12-20. See serial no. 1780. See serial no. 1782. See serial no. 1785. See serial no. 1789. Except 5,. in serial no. 1805. 13 is Mexican border troubles. Except 16, in serial no. 1778. 2, 4, 5, 9 are Elections. 59 46tli CONGRESS, Ist SESSION— Continued p t Series Document no. Notes • 1775 2 3 4 5 H. misc. docs . do do do H. reports..... 6,7 Ck>ntested elections. Dean vs. Field and Richardson vs. .1776 •1777 8,11 10 Rainey. Same, Haralson vs. Slielley and Tillman vs. Smalls. Same, Finley vs. Bisbee, jr. Same, Niitting vs. Reilly. See serial no, 1822. • 1778 16 1-4 4:5tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 3, 1877— June 20, 1878 *1779 S. journal . . «1780 1 S.ex. docs 1-35 Except 12, in serial no. 1783. 24 is Franco-German war and the Commune, 1870-71. Contains also S. ex. docs. • 1781 ? do 3G-100 1, 2, 5-9, 45th Cong. 1st sess. Except 69, in serial no. 1784, and 84, in serial no. 1782. D. C. expenditures, 1790-1876. Contains also 45th Cong. 1st sess., S. ex. docs. 3 (Navy Dept. expenditures, 1789- 1876) and 4 (Anny and navy pensions, 1789-1876). Coast Survey, 1877. Bridging Mississippi River. 35 is Smithsonian Inst., 1877. Contains also S. misc. .1782 3 4 5 do do do S. misc. docs... 84 >1788 12 •1784 60. . rl785 1-35 •1786 •1787 2 3 4 1 2 .... do....T... do . .do 36-48,51-89.... 49. doc. 1, 45th Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 5-17, 1877; also S. misc. docs. 1-15, 45th Cong. 1st sess. 85 is McGarrahan claim, Panoche Grande, Cal. Fish Commission report, 1877. Arguments to amend patent laws. Contains also S. reports 1-25, 45th Cong. 1st sess. Pt. 2 of rp. 25 is incorrectly headed "2d session." 209 is Freedmen's Hospital investigation. • 1788 50.. . • 1789 S. reports -r do 26-209 .1790 210-512 *1791 3 do 513-546 540 is Investigation of G rover election, Oregon. ,1792 H. journal .1798 .1796 .1796 .1797 1 2 3 4 5 .... H. ex. docs.... do l,Pt.l l,pt.2 l.pt.2 l,pt.2 l,Pt.2 Message and Foreign relations, 1877. War, 1877, V. 1. ' do do do Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. .1798 .1799 .1800 6 7 8 do .....do do l,pt.2 1, pts. Sand 4. 1, pt. 5 Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Navy, 1877; Post-Offlce, 1877. Interior, 1877, v. 1. .1801 9 10 11 12 13 do 1, pt. 5 fl, pts. 6-8 [7-33 Same, v. 2: Education. Commissioners of D. C, 1877; Washington Mommient. •1802 do do do do Justice (Attorney-General) 1877; etc. Treasury (Finances) 1877. Compt. of Currency, 1877; Internal Revenue Comr., 1877. Estimates for 1879; Indian exi)enses, 1877; Patents, 1877; Arid region ( Powell). Contains also 45th Cong. 1st sess., H. ex. doc. 5 (Deficiency estimates). Except 85 and 39, in serial no. 1807. 49 and 52 relate to Mississippi River improvement. Receipts and expenses, 1873 and 1874. The 1876 report is in serial no. 2028, .1808 2 •1804 3,4 . .. . ,1805 5,6,61, 73 «1806 .1807 14 16 .... do .do J34-50, 52-«), 1 62-72. 35.39 60 45tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued |a i 1 Series Document no. Notes .1808 • 1809 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 H. ex. docs . . . . ...do 51 74-88,91-101... 89 Mail contracts, 1877. 98, Tests of metals, 1875-78, includes Report of U. S. board, and Report of committees, each with full title- page. A 2d ed, of doc. 98 was issued later without doc. no. as V. 1 of the report (Y3. Ir6: R29i-2), v. 2 of which appeared both with and without doc. no. See, for Congressional ed. of v. 2, serial no. 1921. Halifax Commission (Fisheries) 1877, v. 1. rlSlO do do do do do , H. misc. docs. . .do ,.1811 89 Same, v. 2. ,1812 89. Same, v. 3. *1818 90 Commerce and navigation, 1877. Commercial relations, 1877. »1814 102.. #1815 .1816 1-30,32-35 31,2pts 36-50 11 and 30 are Venezuelan Mixed Commission testimo- nies. Investigation of State Dept. expenses. Charges against John W. Polk, doorkeeper of House; etc. 51 is Frost vs. Metcalfe; 56 is Reorganization of Army. Contested elections in House, 1871-76. ,1817 do >1818 do 51,53-56 52. • 1819 do do .1820 57-62,64-66.... 63 Resumption of specie payments; Texas border troubles; etc. Navy Dept. investigation. fl821 do H. reports do • 1822 1-245 Contains also H. rps. 1-4, 45th Cong. 1st sess. »1823 246-588 589-701 702-833 834-1018 a824 ::::.do:::.:.:: 701 is Relations with Mexico, 1825-77, with Texas fron- «1825 do tier troubles appended after p. 460. 787 is Investigation of Navy Dept. expenses. Except 899, not printed, and 1018, in serial no. 1866. 951 is McGarrahan claim, Panoche Grande, Cal. •1826 .... do 45tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 2, 1878— Mar. 3, 1879 ■1827 S. journal .1828 1 S. ex. docs 1-12, 14-48 Except 27, in serial no. 1830. 25 is Sheep-husbandry. il829 9, do 13,75 Coast Survey, 1878; Panama and Napipi ship canal route. Contains also S. misc. doc. 16, D. C. estimates. and Contributions to science of hydraulic engineering, by Edw. Fontaine, 1879, unnumbered. *1830 3 4 do do 27. Hall's 2d Arctic expedition. .1831 49-57,59^74.... 59 is Alaska resources, etc.; 74 is Centennial rp. »1832 5 do 58 International Monetary Conference at Paris, 1878. 1 Series Document no. Notes •1877 .1878 .1879 #1880 2 3 4 5 H. misc. docs.. ...do 14,pts.[l],2.... 14,pt.3 14,pt.4 23 Pennsylvania election, Curtin vs. Yocum, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. New York election, Duffy vs. Mason. See serial no. 1934. .... do... do H. reports 1-36 • 4:6tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 1, 1879— June 16, 1880 S. journal.. S. ex. docs. do do ..do. ...do ...do...... ...do ...do S. misc. docs. ...do...... ...do S. reports... .do .do..... ....do H. journal.. H. ex. docs. ...do.. ...do.- ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. 1-16, 18-50. 17 51-99 100-180 181-207,210-216. 208. 209 [pt. 1] . 209, pt. 2. 209, pt. 3 209, pt. 4.... 1-53 54-58,60-104. 59 10-340 277 303,2 pts 341-387,389-487 388 488-571. 572-670. 671-725. 693, pts. 2, 3. 1, pt. 1.... 1, pt. 2.... l,pt.2.... 1, pt. 2.... 1, pt. 2... l,pt. 2..., 1, pt. 2... 1, pts. 3 and 4. 29 and 31 are Ute Indian affairs. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1879. 51 is Foreign systems of naval education; 74 is Claims against U. S. 112 is Interoceanic canal. 181 is Patents for public lands; 188 is Harbor of refuge. Pacific Coast. Report on State of technical education, not printed here; it is found as 47th Cong. 2d sess., S. ex. doc. 25, serial no. 2075. Art and industry, pt. 1: Drawing in public schools. Same, pt. 2: Industrial and manual training. Incor- rectly stamped on back as v. 8, instead of v. 7, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3: Industrial training in private institutions. Same,pt.4: Industrial training in technical schools, etc. 12 is Civil code of law for District of Columbia. Smithsonian Institution, 1879; etc. Fish Commission report, 1879. Except 125, not printed; 277 and SOS, in serial no. 1894. Contains also S. rps. 1-9, 46th Cong. 1st sess. Election of Senator John J. Ingalls. Civil service and retrenchment in Rhode Island. 440 is Investigation of Freedman's Savings and Trust Co. Louisiana election, Spofford vs. Kellogg. 497 is Alleged election frauds; 539 is Treasury investiga- tion. 572 is Alleged election frauds; 670 is Removal of Ponca Indians. Except 724, not printed. 693 is Negro exodus from Southern to Northern States, pt. 1; see, for pts. 2 and 3, serial no. 1900. 708 is Removal of Northern Chey- enne Indians. Negro exodus, pts. 2 and 3. Message and Foreign relations, 1879. War, 1879, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Navy, 1879; Post- Office, 1879. 63 (teth CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 1^- 7^ ^ Series Document no. Notes > t • 1010 9 H. ex. docs.... l,Pt.5 Interior, 1879, v. 1. '1911 10 11 do l,pt.5 l,pt.5 Same, v. 2. •1912 .... do Same, v. 3: Education. , 'ms 12 do |1, pts. 6-8...... 18,11,12,14-22.. Comrs. of D. C, 1879; CivU service in Gt. Brit, and U. 8. •Justice (Attomey-General) 1879; etc. *19U 18 do 2 Treasury (Finances) 1879. .1915 14 do 3,4 Compt. of Currency, 1879; Internal Revenue Comr., 1879. •1916 IR do 5,6,33. . Estimates for 1881; Indian expenses, 1879; Patents, 1879. <1917 16 do 7 Commerce and navigation, 1879. «1918 17 ■ do 9 Resumption of specie payments, 1879. National Board of Health report, 1879. Treasurer's accounts, 1879. #1919 IR do 10 .1920 19 do 13,2pts "•1921 20 do 23 Tests of metals, v. 2, 1878-79. See, for v. 1, serial no. 1809, and note thereunder. •1922 ?1 .do 24-45 Except 33, in serial no. 1916. 37 is Forestry (Hough), V. 2; v. 3 is in serial no. 2046; v. 1 and 4 are not in Congressional set. ^•1928 22 do 46,48-51 Public Lands Comn., 1879; 51 is Statistic&l abstract. 1879. .1924 23 ?4 do ...do 47 Mail contracts. Except 66, indexed as Survey of Chattahoochee River, not printed. 62 is Enforcement of revenues. *192d 52-89 #1926 25 do 90,pt.l Commercial relations, 1879, v. 1. Same, v. 2. \ ^. •19*27 26 do 90,pt.2 •1928 1 H. misc. docs. . 1-18 5 is Depression in business, and Chinese iitimigration. 23 is Ohio elections; 26 is Ocean National Bank, New York. ''«1929 2 do 19-30 fl«M> •1981 3 do 31, 3 pts 32-39,41-47.... Postal star service inquiry. 38 is Ute Indian outbreak; 39 is District of Columbia 4 do investigation; 41 is Voelter's paper pulp patent. •1982 5 do 40,pt.l 40, pt. 2 Contested election, Mackey vs. O'Connor, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2. •1988 6 do .•1984 1 H. reports 1-197 14 is Metric system. Contains also H, rps. 1-36, 46tb Cong. 1st sess. «1935 2 do 198-572 Except pt. 1 of 428, missing in P. D. L. copy. •1986 3 do 573-981 Except 758 and 759, not printed. Except 1736, not printed; 1776, in serial no. 1939. 1790, '^«1987 4 5 . .do 982-1520. 1521-1793 »1938 do ' indexed as Anonymous letter investigation in con- tested-election case of Donnelly vs. Washburn, not printed here, see 46th Cong. 3d sess., H. rp. 395, in serial no. 1983. •1939 6 do 1776 General index of- journals, Ist-lOth Congresses. 4:6tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 6, 1880— Mar. 3, 1881 S, journal Contains also proceedings special s^lon Senate, 47th \ Cong., Mar. 4-May 20, 1881, p. 403. S. ex, does 1-11,13-30 9 is Trichinae and trichinosis; 27 is Agriculture, 1880 j (preliminary). do I 12 1 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1880. 64 46tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued —^ t)6cument no. Series Notes ♦1943 ^ «1944 _ ♦ 1Mb 2 »1»46 2 V.1947 i 3 ,1948 I 1 ^ •1949 11950 1 •1951 .1952 il954 , a955 ^^1956 .. *1957 «1958 „vl959 , 'I960 „. a96i »1962 .1963 .1964 .1965 *1966 ^^967 •1968 I 18 ♦1969 •1970 il971 «1972 •1973 ^1974 •rl975 '1976 «1977 ,1978 *1979 • 1980 .1981 tl982 (1984 S. ex. docs S. misc. docs.. do do do S. reports 31-63. 1-13, 15-28, 30- 50. ....do H. journal.. H. ex. docs. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do H.misc. docs. H. reports — ....do 14[pt.l]. 14, pt. 2. 29 726-935.. 916. l,pt. 1 1, pt. 2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 1, pts.3 and 4 1, pt.5 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 5 1. pt. (1 2 3,4.-.. 5,6,67- 7, 2 pts. 9-11,14-41,43- 46, 48-66. 12,13 42, pt. 1 42, pt. 2 42, pt. 3 42, pt. 4 42, pt.5 47, pts. 1,4... 47, pts. 2,3... 55 .'... 68-80,82-97,99 1-19- . . . 1-343... 344-400- Many relate to river improvements; 62 is Criminals sent to U. S. Contains also 47th Cong, special session Sen- ate, Mar. 4-May 20, 1881, S. ex. docs. 1-5. 3 is Capitu- lations of Ottoman Empire, 1 is Senate expenses, 1880; 31 is Smithsonian Institution, 1880. Contains also 47th Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4-May 20, 1881, S. misc. docs. 1-23. List of private claims, Senate, 14th-46th Congs., v. 1. Same, v. 2. Fish Commission report, 1880. Except 916, in serial no. 1949. Contains also 47th Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4-May 20, 1881, S. rp. 1. Election frauds in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. Message and Foreign relations, 1880. War, 1880, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Navy, 1880; Post-Office, 1880. Interior, 1880, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3: Education. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1880. Treasury (Finances) 1880. Compt. of Currency, 1880; Internal Revenue Comr., 1880. Estimates for 1882; Indian expenses, 1880; Patents, 1880. Contains also 46th Cong. 3d sess., H. misc. doc. 5. Commerce and navigation, 1880 [2 pts.]. National Board of Health, 1880, 1 Except 55, in serial no. 1977. Justice (Attorney-General) J 1880; etc. Many relate to river surveys. Treasurer's accts., 1880; 6th Auditor's accts. Paris Universal Exposition, 1878, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Fine arts, education, carving, fabrics. Same, v. 3: Iron and steel, ceramics, glass, forestry, etc. Same, v. 4: Chemistry, mining, engines, machines, etc. Same, v. 5: Agriculture, live stock, horticulture, pisci- culture. Laws relating to survey and disposition of public land. Same. Mail contracts. 68 is Fines for mail contracts, 1880; 84 is Statistical ab- stract, 1880; 99 is Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1880, Decisions of 1st Comptroller, v, 1, 1880, 2d edition. Commercial relations, 1880 and 1881. Except 5, in serial no. 1965, 387 is Pensions, bounty, and back pay; 395 is Anony- mous letter to W, M. Springer, in Donnelly va, Wash- burn election case, facsimiles and testimony. See 47th Cong. 1st sess. 47tJhL CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4— May 20, 1881 p 1 1 Series Document no. Notes S. Joiimai See serial no. 1940, p. 403. .... .... S. ex. docs S. misc. docs,. S. reports ■w.:::::::'::: See serial no. 1943. r":::::::i See serial no. 1944. See serial no. 1948. 47tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Oct. 10—29, 1881 1965 S. journal S. ex. docs... S. misc. docs. S. reports See 47th Cong. 1st sess., serial no. 1984, p. 3. 1-6 1 International Sanitary Conference of 1881; etc. 1-9 1 See serial no. 1993. None issued. 47tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 6, 1881— Aug. 8, 1882 ^1985 «1986 §1987 •1988 tl989 Ck)ntains also proceedings of special session Senate, Oct. 10-29, 1881, p. 3. See special session Senate, Oct. 10-29, 1881. 4 is Justice (Attorney-General) 1881; 10 is Mississippi River Commission. 70 is Texas Boundary Commission. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1881. 71 is Affairs in Alaska (Beardslee); 79 is Chili- Peru- Bolivia war. Many relate to engineering surveys and plans. 178 is Heavy ordnance and projectiles; 184 is Colimibia River (Powell); 194 is Clayton-Bulwer treaty and Monroe doctrine. 197 , Receipts of moneys by United States from all sources, 1789-1882, not printed; a state- ment of receipts, 1789-1885, appears on p. 108 of H. ex. doc. 116, 49th Cong. 1st sess., serial no. 2388. Expenses for public works, harbors, forts, 1789-1882. \ Contains also 47th Cong, special session Senate, Oct. 10-29, 1881, S. misc. docs. 1-9. 109 is Smithsonian Institution, 1881; 114 is Congressional directory, 3d ed., first to appear in Congressional set. Fish Commission report, 1881. Except 132, not printed. 116 is Internal revenue col- lecting in N. C; 131 is Fish Commission Bulletin, 1881. Blaine's eulogy on President Garfield. Fisheries of U. S.: Natural history and atlas. Same: Geographical review of fisheries, 1880. Same: Fishing grounds of N. America, Fishermen of U. S. • Same: History and methods of the fisheries, v. 1. Same: History and methods of the fisheries, v. 2. Same: History and methods of the fisheries, plates. Except 265, in serial no. 2005. 66 47tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued ~p 1 1 . Series Document no. Notes • 2005 ^*2006 •2007 ^•2008 2 3 4 S. reports do do H. journal 265,2pts 344-588 589-878 Investigation of departmental expenses. 576 is Report on civil service in U. S. 878 is Distilled spirits in bonded warehouses. .•2009 %2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 H. ex. docs do l,pt.l l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 1, pt. 2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 1, pts. 3and4. 1, pt. 5 Message and Foreign relations, 1881. War, 1881, v. 1. ^ t2011 '.2012 *2013 do do do Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Navy, 1881; Post-Office, 1881. Interior, 1881, v. 1: Lands. «20U ^,2015 do .do «2016 do #2017 do do do do do »2018 .2019 <2020 •2021 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,Pt-5 jl,Pt.6 [8-12 Same, v. 2: Indians, etc. Same, v. 3: Geological Survey- Same, V. 4: Education. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1881. do. do do 12 is Tests of metals, 1881. *2022 2. Treasury (Finances) 1881. Compt. of Currency, 1881; Internal Revenue Comr., 1881. Estimates for 1883; Indian expenses, 1881; Patents, 1881. Commerce and navigation, 1881 [2 pts.]. 13 is National Board of Health, 1881; 19 is Treasurer's »2023 3,4 #2024 5,6,62 7, 2 pts 13-19 •2025 do 2026 do »2027 do do 20-86 .. ace ts., 1881. Except 62, in serial no. 2024. 97 is Receipts and expenditures, 1875. 117 is same for 1876 and 121 same for 1877 «2028 87-116 «2029 .do 117-121 122-192 1 193-218, 220- 1 225,227. 219 •2030 do 133 is Statistical abstract, 1881. .2031 do 209 is Exportation of pork; 216 is Mint Bureau, produc- tion of precious metals, 1881. Decisions of 1st Comptroller, 1881, 2d edition. '2032 do >2033 do do 226 *2034 [228] Agriculture, 1881 and 1882. 12 is Lynch vs. Chalmers and 13 is Anderson vs. Reed election. D. C. estimates; Private claims, House, 42d-46th Congs. Florida election, Bisbee vs. Finley. Mississippi election, Buchanan vs. Manning. ^2035 .2036 H. misc. docs.. do do .do 1-7,9,10,12,13. 8,53 .2037 11 •2038 jl4,2pts il5,2pts 16-18,21 19,20 22,5pts 23-26 '2039 • 2040 •2041 ' do do do South Carolina election, Mackey vs. O'Connor. Contested Alabama elections. S. C. elections: Lee vs. Richardson; Small vs. Tillman. «2042 do 24 is National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, •2048 02044 *2045 do ....; do do 27[pt. 1] 27, pt. 2 27, pt. 3 28-46 1881; others are election cases. Missouri election, Sessinghaus vs. Frost, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. 29 is Stovall vs. Cabell election; 38 is Forestry (Hough), V. 3; 44 is Senate and House proceedings on presenta- tion of Jefferson's writing-desk. Life-Saving Service, 1881; Interstate commerce, etc. 49, indexed as Husbandry of Angora goat, not printed. 57, listed to appear in v. 13, was printed as an extra volume, see serial no. 2064. »'2046 do '2047 do 47,55,56,58.... w 47tli CONOBBSS, Ist HE8SION— Continued Series Document no. Notes Il.mlso.docs. do do do do do . . . do... .do. .do. .do. do do do do do do do.... do..-. H. reports. do.... do.... do.... 59,60 61 [62, pt. IJ. [62, pt. 2]. 63... 64,pt. 1.. 64, pt.2.. 65 66. 67 57 1-592.... 393-653-. Dtj^^yyo . . 994-1276. 1277-1617. 1618-1811. 1559 Flags of maritime nations, 5th ed., 1S82. Geological Survey monograptis, v. 6: Ck)pper-bearing rociis of Lalce Superior. Same, v. 4: Comstoclc mining and miners. Same, v. 3: Geology of Comstock lode. Same, v. 3, atlas, v. 2 is in serial nos. 2320 and 2321; V. 1, in serial no. 2776. fif 2261 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 [1] 2 [1] 2 S. ex. docs do do do S. misc. docs.. do do 1-49 2262 47. . Mail Service, 1834-84. 47, letters of transmittal only; see, for accompanying papers, serial no. 2262. Treaties and conventions. Letter of transmittal is 47, . 2263 2264 50-94,96-106... 95. . in serial no. 2261. 106 is New Mexico land titles. Contains also 49th Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4- Apr. 2, 1885, S. ex. docs. 1 and 2. Indian education and civilization (Alice C. Fletcher), «2265 • 2266 • 2267 ri-32, 34-55, 57- i 65,68. 33, pts. 1,2.... 56,66.. (■14, 2 pts., is Congressional directory, 2 editions. Con- \ tains also 49th Cong, special session Senate, Mar, 4- i Apr. 2, 1885, S. misc. docs. 1-25. Smithsonian Institution and National Museum, 1884. Dedication of Washington Monument; Eulogies on Henry B. Anthony. Descriptive catalogue of Government publications, 1774-1881 (Poore). National Academy of Sciences, memoirs, v. 3, pt, 1. Fish Commission report, 1885. Astronomical and meteorological observations, 1881. '2268 .... do do do do 67 .^ •2882 ■2834 S. journal.. S. ex. docs. ..-.do ....do 1-34,37-68 35 36..- 69-73, 76-77- . . . 45 is Electrical conference, Philadelphia, 1884 Tests of iron and steel, 1884. Same, 1885. 69 is Rps. of Govt, directors of Union Pacific R. R. Co. 1864-86; 72 is Tariff revision, 1886, with documents. 75 49tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notee 13 S. ex. docs. do ..do .do. .do. S. misc. docs. ....do .do .do ...do.... ...do..., ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do..., ...do... ...do... ...do... H. journal.. do H. ex. docs. ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... 74 99 99 78-98 100-153 154-2a> 1-4G 47-70, 72-98. . . 71 82 [99-151, 153, 157 1 161,163-170. 104, 120, 145. . . 152, 154. do do do do do ....do S. reports. 155, 156. . . 162,pt. 1. 162, pt. 2. 162, pt. 3. 171 172. 1-45, 47-90. 46,pt.l 46, pt. 2 91-392 393-784 785-1088 1089-1315 1278,pts. 1, 3. 1278, pt. 2.... 1316-1453 1454-1615 l,pt. 1... l,pt.2... l,pt.2... l,pt. 2... l,pt. 2... l,pt. 2... l,pt.2... l,pt. 2... Awards under treaties with France and Spain. Menocal's Nicaragua surveying party, 1885. Sanie, maps. * 78 is Disallowed accounts; 85 is Education in Alaska; 91 is National Board of Health, 1885. 102 is French spoliations; 153 relates to construction of ships Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, and Dolphin. 196 is Independent State of the Congo; 226 is Laws rela- ting to loans, coinage, and banking, 1790-1881. 15, 3 pts., is Congressional directory, 3 editions. • lilxcept 82, in serial no. 2345. 47 is Compilation of Sen- ate election cases, 178^1885. Patent OlTice, 1885. Investigation of Coast and Geodetic Survey. Except 104, 120, and 145, all in serial no. 2347. 106 if Ohio election (H. B. Payne); 131 is Imitation dairy products. Acceptance of Garfield statue; Eulogies on Vice-Presi- dent Hendricks and John F. Miller. Washington observations, 1883; National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 3, pt. 2. Natural history of Alaska, and coUections, 1877-81. Wharton's Digest of international law, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Digest of opinions of Attorneys-General, 1789-188G. Not printed. A similar digest, 1789-1881, was issued in serial no. 2312. ^ Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes of United States, by Frederick H. Wines. Not printed. Issued only as v. 21, 10th census, serial no. 2151. • 89 is Expenditures for public buildings, 1789-1885; 90 is Ordnance and war ships. Senate Select Com. on Interstate Commerce, rp. [pt. 1]. Same, pt. 2. ^ Except 1278, in serial nos. 2302 and 2363. Condition of Indians in Ind. T., etd., pts. 1 and [3], • Same, pt. 2. 1391 is River and harbor appropriations. • Except 1613, indexed as Freights, commodities, an^ prices for period from 1873 to present time, but neve* printed. « Dec. 7, 1885-May 12, 1886. , May 13- Aug, 5, 1886. Appendix and index in v. 2. Message and Foreign relations, 1885. • War, 1885, v. 1. ^ Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. » Same, v. 2, pt. 2: p:ngineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. « Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. 76' 49th. CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 2376 2377 ♦2378 2379 •2380 2381 •2384 •2385 2890 2392 ^^ »2397 ,#2400 ^ 2401 ♦2402 2403 2404 •2405 .if 2406 ««>^*2407 «» •2408 ..,•2409 ,^ •2410 ^ •2411 ^ »2412 ^ •2413 •« •2414 ^^ *2415 ^•2416 2417 Series Document no. H. ex. docs .-..do.... .-..do.... .--.do.... ....do---- --.-do-.-. -...do-..- -...do-..- -..-do-..- .-..do-... ...-do..-. ....do.... ...do. ...do- ....do. ...do. .--.do. ...do. ...do. ...do- ...do- ...do. -...do.... .--.do.... -do---, -do---- ---.do.. ....do. 11. misc. docs. l,pt. 3... l,pt. 4... l,pt.5--. 1, pt. 5... l,pt. 5.-- l,pt.5-.. l,pt. 5.-. 1, pt. 6--. 2,pt. 1... 2,pt. 2... 3 4,6-8,10-17,20, 5,62,116,176. 18 19 21-26, 28, 30, 32-48, 50. 27 29,31 49 49 51 52-118 119-152, 154-172 153 173-280. 253 281-379. 290. 378. 1-14, 17-20, 24, 25,30-34. 16 304 305 21 22 27,pt.l 27,pt. 2 28 29 36 37-163, 165-177. 164 178,179. Notes Navy, 1885. Post-Office, 1885. Interior, 1885, v. 1: Lands, etc. Same, v. 2: Indians. Same, V. 3: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4: Education. Same, v. 5: Labor. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1885. Treasury (Finances) 1885, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Collection of duties. Comptroller of Currency, 1885. 4 is Internal Revenue Comr., 1885; 7, Justice (Atty.- Gen.) 1885; 20, Post-Office routes, contracts, etc. ' Estimates, receipts, expenditures, public debt, etc. Mail contracts, 1885. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1885. Commerce and navigation, 1885. 26 is Statistical abstract, 1885; 50 is Central and South American Commission reports. Treasurer's accounts, 1885. Receipts and expenses, 1881 and 1882. Board on Fortifications, report, text. Same, plates. Consular reports on Cattle and dairy fanning. Except 62 and 116, both in serial no. 2388. 125 is Indian depredation claims; 172 is Foreign mercan- tile marines. Cruise of Steamer Corwin in the Arctic, 1885. ^ Except 176, in serial no. 2388, and 253, in serial no. 2402. 274 is Weil and La A bra Silver Mining Co. Commercial relations, 1884 and 1885. Except 290, in serial no. 2404, and 378, in serial no. 2405. 365 is Receipts and expenses, 1883. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1885. Agriculture, 1886. 15 is in serial nos. 2431 and 2432; 23, 26, 35, not printed. 33 is Geological Survey bulletins 15-23; 34 is Fish Com- mission Bulletin, 1885. Revision of House rules, debates, 36th and 46th Congs. " Geological Survey monographs, v. 11; Lake Lahontan Same, v. 10: Dinocerata. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 13. Same, v. 14. Official register, 1885, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Consular reports [v. 15], nos. 49-52, and Cholera in Europe. Same [v. 16], nos. 53-56, with appendices. Mhaera) resources of U. S., 1883 and 1884. 38 is National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1885; 69 is Decisions of 1st Comptroller, v. 6, 1885. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 15. Consular reports [v. 17 and 18], nos. 57-62, and Scouring of wool. ?7 49tli CONGRESS, l8t SBSSION—Continued L3 Series H. misc. docs. ....do ....do ..do .do do do do do 1 do.. 2 do.. do do ... do do [1] do 2 do ... H. reports do .....do do ... do do do do ... do do do do Dooument no. Notes 180-340 273 302,379,380 338 341-395. . . . 354 355 371 392. 393[pt. 1].. 393, pt. 2... 396,pts.l,3 396, pt. 2... 15[pt. 1].., 15, pt. 2 397 [397] 1-373 374-708 709-1029-.., 1030-127G. . 1277-1542. . 1543-1887. . 1888-2264.. 2265-2577. . 2578-2855. . 2856-3142. . 3143-3474. . 3475 Except 273, in serial no. 2419; 802, in serial no. 2420; 804 and 805, both in serial no. 2407, and 838, in serial no. 2421. 237 is European dock-yards. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 16, pt. 1. Eulogies: Reuben Ellwood, Joseph Rankin, Michael Hahn. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 16, pt. 1. Except 8ot, in serial no. 2423; 855, in serial no. 2424; 871, in serial no. 2425; 879 and 880, both in serial no. 2420; 892, in serial no. 2426, and 893, in serial nos. 2427 and 2428. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1889, 1st ed. Pan-Electric Telephone Company, testimony. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 17, pt. 1. Examination of wools and other animal fibers. Lady Franklin Bay expeditloo (Greely), v. 1, ni^rrative. Same, v. 2, scientific. Contains also 49th Cong. 2d sess., TL. misc. doc. 157: Schley's Greely relief expedition. [Monetary or] Silver Commission [of U. S.], 1876; Inter- national Monetary conference, Paris, 1881. International Monetary Conference, Paris, 1878. Smithsonian Institution, 1885, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2: National Museum. Geological Survey monographs, v. 12: Leadville, Colo. Same, v. 12, atlas, f I'] 1 . S E ^ ^\^ Except 41, not printed. ' 1076 relates to Indians and Yellowstone National Park. Except 1316, not printed. Except 16.32 and 1680, not pruited. Except 1931, 1982, and 1999, not printed. Except 2902-2907, 2940, and 2993, not printed. Except 3316, not printed. General personal index of journals of 9th-lGth Con- gresses, being record of Members, 1805-21. 49tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1886— Mar. 3, 1887 i2447 2448 1 2 1 2 .... S. ex. docs do 1-110 77 is Taunt's Journey on the Congo in 1885. Ill is Shawnee Indian lands; 115 is Chippewa Indians; 117 is Capture of G«ronimo; 120 is Count Pulaski, pa- pers, 1777-1884; 125 is Alaska expedition, 1885 (Allen). 11, 2 pts., is Congressional directory, 2 editions; 15 is Irrigation in U. S. (Ilinton). National Academy of Sciences report, 1886. 2449 111-125 1-29 2450 S. misc. docs., do > 2451 |30,pt. 1 131-89,91 53 is Veto messages, 1792-Aug. 4, 1886; 91 is Laws on rivers and harbors, 1790-1887. CLUfC ■ 'S3 o/'}/. 78 49tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued Document no. Notes S misc. docs. ....do ....do ....do S. reports ....do ....do H. journal H. ex. docs... ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ...do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do \ ....do ....do ....do 30, pt. 2. ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do ....do ....do 11. misc. docs ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do 92 93;94 1616-1773. 1774^1961. 1962-1990. l,pt.l l,pt. 2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pts. 3, 4... l,pt.5 l,pt.5...,. l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.6 2, 2pts 3,4 5 20,pt. 3. 7,pt. 1. 7, pt. 2. 6,8-21.. 22-27 28-30,32-78.... 31, pt. 1. 31,pt. 2. 40 79-130... 131-180. 181-200. 171 [pt. 1] 171, pt. 2 201 1-52,57-155... 55,56 135 146,156,166,168. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 4, pt. 1. Fish Commission report, 1886. Cholera in Europe and India. Eulogies: John A. Logan, Austin F. Pike. 1683, 2 pts., is American fishery interests. 1884 is River and harbor appropriations. 1990 is Undervaluation of imports, investigation. Message and Foreign relations, 1886. "War, 1886, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 3 and 4: Ordnance and Signal Office. Navy and Post-Office, 1886. Interior, 1886, v. 1: Indians, etc. Same, v. 2: Lands, etc. Same, v. 3: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4 and 5: Education and Labor. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1886. Treasury (Finances) 1886. Compt. of Currency, 1886; Internal Revenue Comr., 1886. Estimates of appropriations for 1888. Mail contracts, 1886. Deficiency estimates, 1887. Commerce and navigation, 1886, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2: Internal commerce. 8 is Justice (Attorney-General) 1886; 19 is 'Rights of American fishermen in British waters; 20, pts. 1 and 2, are Post-Office expenses and fines; 20, pt. 3, is in serial no. 2474. 26 is Treasurer's accounts, 1886. Except 40, in serial no. 2481. 28 is Missouri River Comn., 1886; 58 is Foreign customs duties. Tests of metals, 1886, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1886. Except 89, in serial no. 2474, 110 is Receipts and ex- penses, 1884. Except 171, inserialnos. 2485 and 2486. 157 is Consular reports on Emigration and immigration. 199 is Statistical abstract, 1886; 200 is Mint Bureau, pro- duction of precious metals, 1886. -f ■" Commercial relations, 1886, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Agriculture, 1887. Except 135, in serial no. 2492, and 146, in serial no. 2493. 51 is National Home for D. V. Soldiers, 1S86. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 17, pt. 2. Same, v. 12, pt. 2, supplement, v. 12, pt. 2, is in serial no. 2323. Consular reports, v. 19 and 20, nos. 63-72. Patent Office, 1886. Mineral resources of U. S., 1885; Animal Industry Bu- reau report, 1886, 3d; etc. See, for 157, serial no. 2428. 79 49th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued lg t I Series Document no. Notes - 2494 8496 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 H. misc. docs.. ....:ao f58-162 168, W4 fl65 Enlogles: Abraham Dowdney; John Amot, jr Beach; WilUain T. Price; William II. Cole. Geological Survey bulletins 24-36. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1886. Consular reports, v. 21, nos. 73-75. Ethnology report, 1884, 5th. . Smithsonian Institution, 1886, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2: National Museum. 3501 is Telegraph facilities and services. Except 3994, 4012, not printed; and 4174, in si 2502. Investigation of labor troubles, 1887. ; Lewis do.. . . . *8496 169 do do do H. reports do .....do »2497 167 A8498. •2499 2600 2501 2602 170,pt. 1 170, pt. 2 347fr-3817 3818-4181 4174, 2 pts jrlalno. f SOtli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 6, 1887— Oct. 20, 1888 2603 S. journal ' 2504 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .... S. ex. docs do do do do 1-50 34 is Bimetallism in Europe; 48 is Interstate Commerce Commission, 1887, 1st report. - -*- -^ '"'J - " Pacific Railway Commission, report and testimony. Same, testimony. Same, testimony. ^^ j l^U»^ ^ it Same, testimony. Same, testimony and index. Except 91, in serial no. 2511, and 113, in serial no. 2512. 124 is Forfeiture of Oregon lands. Rainfall of Pacific Slope; Climate of Oregon and Wash- ington. American fishing in British waters. 130 is Mexican free zone; 142 is Washington papers (96 sample pages); 143 is Venezuela Transportation Co. Except 223, in serial no. 2515. 194 is Kansas raikoad grants; 226 is British Guiana- Venezuela boundary. Civil Service Commission, 1887. 2605 2606 2607 2608 51,ptS. [l]-3... 51, pts. 4,5.... 51,pts. 6, 7.... 51^pt.8 51, pts. 9, 10... 52-124 2609 2610 .....do .' do do 2511 91,282 .2612 .... .....do do 113 2618 125-193 194-281 223 2614 2616 do do S. misc. docs.. do 2616 1-100 Congressional directory, 3 editions; etc. 2617 101-211 212 ... A 2d edition of 109, Fisheries treaty with Great Britain was issued, with a large map which does not appear in the 1st edition. 166 is Municipal election at Jackson, Miss. Appropriations, new oflBces, etc. 2618 do S. reports do do do 2619 1-315. . . 2620 2621 2522 316-506, 508-660 607, pts. [1], 2 . 507, pt. 3 661-1193 1194^1623 1C24-1874 1875-2396 2332, 3pts 2373, 2pts 622, 2 pts., is International copyright hearings. Business methods in E.xecutive Departments. Same 2523 do ... 2524 do 2526 2526 2527 2528 2529 — . do do do do H. journal. 1630 is awards of Mexican Claims Commission. Except 2332, in serial no. 2527, and 2878, in serial no. 2528. Tariff revision. Operations in civil service. 1888. Dec. 5, ]8S7, to Apr. 4 [121, 1888. (The House did not adjourn, but took recesses Apr. 4-12; the legislative day therefore was Apr. 4 for all that time.) 50tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes 2530 2531 ♦ 2532 2533 *2534 2585 ♦ 2536 ♦ 2537 ik2538 2539 2540 2541 2M2 -BSIB «>2544 2545 ,2546 2547 #2548 0- 2519 2550 2551 • 2552 2553 2554 2555 «2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 30 2563 31 25&t 32 2565 , 2566 2 2567 2570 2571 H. joiirnal do.... 11. ex. doc§ .-..do... do... do... do... do... do... ....do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do.... .-^-4> .do. -do. .do... H. misc. docs. ....do l,pt. 1... l,pt. 2... l,pt.2... l,pt. 2... l,pt. 2... l,pt. 2... l.pt. 2... l,pt.3... l,pt. 4... l,pt.3... l,pt.5... pt^.« l.pt.S... l,pt.5... l,pt.5... l,pt.6... 2 3, 2 pts 4, 7-13, 18-28 29, 5; 14, pt. 3 30.376. 6, 2 pts 14,pts. 1, 2.. 15 16 17 31-89 90-210 124, 382 211-281 282-469. 400,405. 402 470 1 1-41, 43-86, 1 280. 42,375 87,pt. 1. 87, pt. 2. 164 281-599. . .do. 325. Apr. 13-Oct. 20, 1888. Index. Message and Foreign relations, 1887. War, 1887, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. I: Engineers. Same, v.^ 2, pt. 2: Engineers. : Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 3 and 4: Ordnance and Signal Office. Navy, 1887. Post-Office, 1887. Interior, 1887, v. 1: Lands, etc. Same, v. 2: Indians, etc. fiaaae^'.^^ p*r H-G«ote3ieal Survey. Same, v. 3, pt. 2: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4: Education. Same, v. 5: Labor. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1887. Treasury (Finances) 1887. Comptroller of Currency, 1887. 4 is Internal Revenue Comr., 1887; 7 is Justice (Attor- ney-General) 1887; 21 is Texas Boundary Commission. ] Estimates for 1889; Mail contracts, 1887; Deficiency es- timates. Commerce and navigation, 1887, 2 pts. Fines of mail contractors, 1887. Treasurer's accounts, 1887. Tests of iron and steel, 1887. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1887. 59 is Mississippi River Commission, 1887. Except 124, in serial no. 2559. Receipts and exjienses, 1885 and 1886. 249 is Statistical abstract, 1887; 283 is American rights in Samoa. Except 376, in serial no. 2551; 382, in serial no. 2559; 400 and 405, in serial no. 2562; 402, in serial no. 2563. 309 is French spoliations; 401 is Coffee trade. Taxation in foreign countries; Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1887. Commercial relations, 1887. Agriculture, 1888. Except 63, in serial no. 2597, and 164, in serial no. 2569. 86 is National Home for D. V. Soldiers, 1887. Mineral resources of U. S., 1886; Geological Survey bulle- tins 37-41. Official register, 1887, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Patent Office, 1887. Except 325, in serial no. 2571; 338, in serial no. 2572; 339, in serial no. 2573; 341, in serial no. 2574; 342, in serial no. 2575; 374, in serial no. 2576; 376, in serial no. 2566; 387, in serial no. 2577; 571, in serial no. 2578; 572, in serial no. 2579; 577, in serial no. 2576; 585, in serial no. 2580, and 597, in serial no. 2596. 550 is Wool, its history, manufacture, tariff, etc. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 18. 81 SOtli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued fs i I Series Document no. Notes 2572 8 9 10 11 12 13 H 15 16 1^ 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 » 21 22 « 24 24 25 26 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 [1] 2 H. inisc.docs.. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 338 Same, v. 19, pt. 1. 2573 339 Same, v. 19, pt. 2. 2574 341 Same, v, 20, pt. 1. 2675 342 Same, v. 20, pt. 2. Acceptance of portraits of ex-Speakers Sedgwick, Var- num, and Banks. Eulogies: Seth C. Moflfatt. 374 2576 577 601 Centennial celebration at Newburgh, N. Y. 2577 387 --Ilebellion records, series 1, v. 21. 2578 57L Ethnology report, 1885, 6th. > > Importation of contract labor. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 22, pt. 1. 2579 572 258(> 585 ► 2581 2582 258S 600, pt. 1 600, pt. 2 602 Smithsonian Institution, 1887, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2: National Museum. Cruise of steamer Corwin, 1884. Diplomatic correspondence of American Rev (Wharton), introduction, etc. Same, correspondence, Feb. 5, 1775-Jan. 1, 1779. Same, Jan. 1, 1779-July 25, 1780. Same, July 25, 1780-Nov. 25, 1781. Same, Nov. 25, 1781-Nov. 13, 1782. Same, Nov. 13, 1782-Mar. 4, 1785, and index. Consular reports, v. 22 and 23, nos. 7t>-84. Same, v. 24 and 25, nos. 85-91. Same, v. 20 and 27, nos. 92-97. Geological Survey monographs, v. 13: Quicksilv 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 603, pt. 1 603, pt. 2 603,pt.3 603, pt. 4 6a3,pt. 5 603, pt. 6 604,605 606,607 608,609 610 olution 25M 610 . Same, v. 13, atlas. 2595 611 Same, v. 14: Fossils of New Jersey and Connecticut 2596 597 .. . VaUey. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 4, pt. 2. Postal laws and regulations. 178 is Telegraphic facilities and services. Except 855, not printed. 2597 63 2598 n. reports ....^do 1-260 2599 261-600 601-970 971-1380 1381-1770 1771-2250 2251-2690 2691-3200 3112 2600 do 2601 ... .do 2602 do Except 1488, not printed. 2608 .. .do 2604 do Except 2880, not printed. Except 2824, 2a41, 2^42, 2934, 2936, 2988, 2939, 2950, 8144, not printed, and 3112, in serial no. 2()0Ci. Investigation of trusts. Except 8300, in serial no. 2608, and 8498, not printed. Government Printing Office investigation. 2605 2606 do do 2607 do... 3201-3532 3300 2608 do 50tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 3, 1888— Mar. 2. 1889 2609 S. journal Contains also proceedings 51st Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4-Apr. 2, 1889, p. 651. 17 is Opening of Sioux reservation; 31 is SamoMi affairs. %(i is Interstate Commerce Commission 1888 2d" 69 is 2610 1 2 .... S. ex. docs do 1-59 |S611 60-76 Affairs in TTayti; 70 is Volunteer troops to guard over- land mail and emigrant routes, 1861-66, which is reprinted in serial nos. 2678, 2679, and 2680. 82452°— 11 6 82 SOtli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued ¥ -3 > Series Document no. Notes 2612 3 4 S. ex. docs.... do 77-130 77 is Sugar frauds; 106 is Bering Sea fisheries. 2613 131-147 142 is Revenue frauds; 145 is Civil Service Commission, 1888. Contains also 51st Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4-Apr. 2, 1889, S. ex. doc. 1. 2614 1 ? S. misc. docs.. do 1-30 Congressional directorv, 2 editions; etc. 2615 31-61,63-93.... 34 is Royal Gold and Silver Commission of Great Britain; 43 is Sunday rest bill hearings. Contains also 51st Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4- Apr. 2, 1889, S. misc. docs. 1-15. 2616 3 4 2 do do.. 62 Texas election outrages, testimony. 2617 94 Appropriations, new offices, etc. 2618 2619 S. reports...'.. do 2397-2604 2605-2719 2604 is I'late printing by hand vs. by machine. Except 2686, in serial no. 2620; 2705, in serial nos. 2621 and 2622; 2707, in serial no. 2623, and 2710, in serial no. 2624. Contains also 51st Cong, special session Sen- ate, Mar. 4-Apr. 2, 1889, S. rps. 1-3, the last being 2620 2621 2622 2623 3 4 4 5 1 2 do do do do 2686, 2 pts 2705 [pt.l].... 2705, pt. 2 2707 Business methods in Executive Departments. Investigation of aqueduct tunnel in D. C. La Abra claim against Mexico. Same. Report on Indian traders. 2624 f, do 2710 Indian traders and Chippewa timber contracts. 2625 H. journal 2626 2627 1 1 2 H. ex. docs do l,pt-l l,pt.l Message and Foreign relations, 1888, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. 2628 2 do l,pt.2 War, 1888, v. 1. « 2629 » 2630 3 4 5 6 7 do do do do do l.pt.2 l,pt. 2.. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. « 2631 l,pt.2 • 2632 l,Dt.2 » 2633 l,pt.2 Same, v. 3 and 4: Ordnance and Signal Office. 2634 8 do l.pt.3 Navy, 1888. 2635 q do l,pt.4 Post-Ofl5ce, 1888. 26S6 10 do l,pt.5 Interior, 1888, v. 1: Lands. 2637 11 do do l,pt.5 Same, v. 2: Indians. S688 l,pt.5......... Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. »2639 13 14 15 16 do do. do........ do l,pt.5 Same, v. 4: Geological Survey. 2610 l,pt.5 Same, v. 5: Education. »2641 l,pt.5 Same, v. 6: Labor. 2642 l,t)t.6 Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1888. 2643 17 18 19 do do do 2 Treasury (Finances) 1888. 2644 2645 3 4,7-21,23-30... Comptroller of Currency, 1888. Internal Revenue Comr., 1888; Justice (Attorney-Gen- 2646 2647 20 21 22 23 24 do do do do do 5,71 6 eral) 1888; etc. Estimates of appropriations for 1890. Commerce and navigation, 1888. 2648 22 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1888. 2649 2650 31[pt.l] 31,pt.2 Contracts for carrying mails, 1888, Fines of mail contractors, 1888. 2651 25 26 do do 32-119 Except 45, in serial no. 2653, and 71 , in serial no. 2646. 158 is Mint Bur., production of precious metals, 1SS8. 164, 166, Madagascar; 167 is Statistical abstract, 1888. 12652 120-169 2653 27 do 45 Tests of metals, 1888. 83 50th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued !§' 1 1 Series Document no. Notes '26»4 * 26oo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 H. misc. docs.. do do do 1-3.5-59,61,62, 64-132, 135. 4 Except 109, In serial no. 26.58; 118, In serial no. 2660; 129, in serial no. 2t560. 35 is Nat. Home for D. V. Soldiers, 1888; 103 is Inspection of soldiers' homes In States. Mineral resources, 1887. 2656 60 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 22, pt. 2. 2657 63 Digest of election cases, 48th-50th Congs. 2658 1 2 1 2 do do do do do do do do ^° do do do do do 109 Patent Office, 1888, 2659 113 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 23, pt. 1. 2660 129 Same, v. 23, pt. 2. Fish Commission report, 1887. Irrigation in Egypt. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1887. 2661 133 2662 134 2663 136 26^1 137 Geological Survey bulletins 42-46. 2664- 138 .. Same, 47-54. 2665 139 Animal Industry Bureau rps., 1887 and 1888, 4th and 5th. Consular reports, v. 28, nos. 98-100. Same, v. 29, nos. 101-104. 2666 140 2667 141 2668 26«a 2670 142[pt. 1] 142.pt 2 143-145 147.pts.l,2.... 148 Smithsonian Institution, 1888 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Eulogies: Edward W. Robertson; James N. Bumes; '2671 2672 .... do do H. reports do acceptance of statue of Lewis Cass. 146, Proceedings in accepting statues of Muhlenberg and Fulton, was never printed. Geological Survey monographs, v. 15: Potomac flora. Washington observations, 1884. 2673 2674 3533-3869 3870-4069 4070-4168 4147 Except 3855 and 3864, not printed. Except 4058, not printed. 3883 is Alaska fur-seal fisheries. Except 4147, in serial no. 2676. 4156 relates to admis- sion of Utah; 4165, to trusts. Labor troubles In anthracite regions, 1887-88. 2675 2676 .... do do 51st CONGRESS, SPECIAIj SESSION SENATE Mar. 4— Apr. 2, 1889 S. journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1.... 1-15. 1-3.. See serial no. 2609, p. 551. See serial no. 2613. See serial no. 2615. See serial no. 2619. 51st CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 2, 1889— Oct. 1, 1890 2677 2678 1 3 4 .... S. e.x. docs do 2-10 I, Trade relations with Mexico, not printed. 10, Ne- vada war claims, has 3 docs, of 50th Cong, appended. II, California war claims, has same appendixes as doc. 10. Oregon war claims, with same appendixes as doc. 10. Centennial Intemat. Exhibition at Melbourne, 1888. 2679 11-16 2680 .... do do 17 '2681 18 84 51st CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued i<< ¥ i ^ (^ Series Document no. 2682 5 6 .... S. ex. docs do 19-52 2688 53[pt. 1] 2681 7 do., 53,pts. 2, 3..-. 268*5 8 9 do 54-59 2686 do 60-122 2687 in do 115 2688 11 12 do 123-215 216-239 2689 do 2690 13 do 231 2691 14 do 232,pt. 1 2692 15 .....do 232, pt. 2 2693 16 do 232, pts. 3,4... 2694 17 do 232, pt. 5 2695 18 do 232, pt. 6 2696 19 do 232, pt. 7 2697 1 .... S. misc. docs.. 1-13 2698 ?. do 14-1€3 2699 3 do 78 2700 4 .... do 164-245 •» 2701 5 6 do 178 2702 do 246 2703 1 S. reports..... do... 1-300 2704 ?, 301-643 2705 3 .....do 644-829 2706 4 do.. 830-927 ^ 2707 . .^ ■r-TT^ .....dQ.^^.^. 928,. pts. 1-3... «~f708 6 ,,,..do 928, pts. 4-6... 2709 7 do 929-1304 2710 8 9 Ao 1305-1466 1467-1843 2711 do 2712 10 do 1530, 2 pts 2713 H. journal. .. 2714 1 H. ex. docs l,Pt.l 2715 2 do l,pt.2 2716 3 do l,pt.2........ 2717 4 do l,pt.2 2718 5 do l,pt.2 2719 6 do l,pt.2 <2720 7 do l,pt.2 »... 2721 « do l,pt.3 2722 9 do l,pt.3 2723 10 do l,pt.4 2724 11 do l,pt.5 2726 12 .....do l,pt.5 2726 13 do l,pt.5 *2727 14 1 do l,pt.5 2728 14 2 do l,pt.5 2729 15 1 do l,pt.5 2780 15 2 do l,pt.5 Notes 22 is History of navy-yard at Washington, 1799-1889; 51 is Sioux reservation. Intemat. Marine Conference, Washington, D. C, 1889, V. 1. Same, v. 2. Reports prepared for [1st] Intemat. American Confer- ence. " - - ■ *■ Except 115, in serial no. 2687. Rainfall in Nebraska. 125 is [1st] International American Conference, railway line. Except 231, in serial no. 2690, and 232, in serial nos. 2691-2696. 222 is Artesian wells. Intemat. American Conference [1889-90, 1st], Minutes. Same, reports, v. 1. Same, reports, v. 2. Same, reports, v. 3 and 4. Same, Spanish edition, v. 1. Same, Spanish edition, v. 2. Same, Spanish edition, v. 3. 13 is Congressional directory, 3 editions. Except 78, in serial no. 2699. Patent Office, 1889. Except 178, in serial no. 2701. 170 is American Histor- ical Association, 1889. Tariff statements and tables. Appropriations, new offices, etc. 15 is Awards of Mexican Claims Commission. 538 is Montana election case. 829 is Transportation and sale of meat products. 847 is Transportation interests of U. S. and Canada. Irrigation and reclamation of ari >-. ._^. wt .5 >u-i- * 2615 is Investigation of Supervising Architect's Office. Message and Foreign relations, 1890. War, 1890, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Navy, 1890. Post-Office, 1890. Interior, 1890, v. 1: Lands. Same, v. 2: Indians. Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. Same, v. 4, pt. 1: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4, pt. 2: Geological Survey. Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education. Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. Agriculture, 1890. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1890. Treasury (Finances) 1890. Comptroller of Currency, 1890. Civil Service Commission, 1890. Internal Revenue Conu:., 1890; Justice (Attorney-Gen- eral) 1890. Estimates for 1892; Deficiency estimates, 1891. Commerce and navigation, 1890 [pt. 1]. Same, pt. 2: Internal commerce. Except 46, in serial nos. 2856 and 2857. 46 is Statistical abstract, 1890; 47 is Receipts and expenses, 1888. ' Special consular reports [v. 5]: Canals and irrigation in foreign countries. Same [v. 4]: Port regulations in foreign countries. Except 70, in serial no. 2859; 80, in serial no. 2860; 90, in serial no. 2861, and 106, pt. 3, in serial no. 2862. 106, pt. 1, is Post-Office expenses, pt. 2 is Mail con- tractor's fines, 1890. Commercial relations, 1889. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1890. 88 51st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes 2861 28M 2867 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 • 2886 2890 H. ex. docs. ....do -do. 90 106, pt. 3. 129-209. . . -do. 165. .do. -do. II. misc. docs.. .do. H. reports. ....do ....do ....do 210-295. 265. 287 ri-11, 15-75.. 17^127 12 13 14 76 77 rs 108, 133-135. 128 129,pt. 1. 129, pt. 2. 130 131 132 136 137 3244-3471. 3472..".... 3473-3732. 3733-3878. 3879-4006. 4007-4058. Treasurer's accounts, 1890. Business of Post-Office Department, 1890. Except 165, in serial no. 28G4, and 16r, in serial no. 2852. 181 is Susf)ended land entries, 1890. Tests of metals, 1890. All H. ex. docs, are accounted for in other vols. There was no V. 35 issued. The index calls for no such vol. Except 265, in serial no. 2S67, and 287, in serial no. 2868. 295 is Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1890. Labor Department, Gth, 1890: Cost of production, iron, steel, coal, etc. Water storage in arid regions. 38 is Nat. Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1890. Except 108, in serial no. 2876. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 31, pt. 1. Same, v. 31, pt. 2. Same, v. 31, pt. 3. Same, v. 32, pt. 1. Same, v. 32, pt. 2. Same, v. 32, pt. 3. Eulogies: E. J. Gay; L. F. Watson; J. P. Walker; James Phelan. Consular reports, v. 34, nos. 120-123. Smithsonian Institution, 1890 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2J: National Museum. Diseases of horse. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1889. Washington observations, 1886. Geological Survey bulletins 62-65. Digest of contested elections in 51st Congress. 3446 is Ohio ballot-box contract. Immigration reports. 3732 is Investigation of Commissioner of Pensions Raum . 3767 is Ceding of arid lands; 3823 is Illegal practices of U. S. courts. 3967 is Coinage of gold and silver; 4006 is Silver pool in- vestigation. 4038 is Civil Service Comn. investigation; 4048 is Chinese iminigration. 52d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 7, 1891— Aug. 5, 1892 1 .... 2 3 1 3 2 journal... ex. docs . . do. do. ....do. 5, 153, 157. 8, pts. 1-5. 8, pts. 6-9, 11. Except 5, in serial no. 2893, and 8, in serial nos. 2894- 2898. Texas climate; Cable to Hawaii; Dakota climate. American RepubUcs Bureau, 1st report, 1891; Hand- book of American Republics (English); same (Span- ish); Brazil; Mexico. Same: Costa Rica; Guatemala- Colombia; Venezuela; Commercial directories. 89 52d CONGRESS, lat SESSION— Oontinucd Serl69 Document no. Notes S. ex. dors do.... do.... do.... do.... dp.... .do. .do. .do. 8. misc. docs. do ..do. ..do. ..do. do do do S. reports.. do do do do do do do H. journal. H. ex. docs. ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do.,... ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do 8, pt. 10 8, pt. 10 8, pt. 10 41, 4pts 42-83 84-156 149[pt. IJ... 149, pts. 2-6. 149, pts. 7-11 1, 3 pts. 3-07.... 65, 192. 68 ^98-226. 227 228,229.. 1-148 149-453... 454-665... 666-849... 850-1116.. 986, pt. 1. 986, pt. 2. 986, pt. 3. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. 1, pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. Tariffs of American Republics, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Artesian and underflow investigation. 58 Is Pine liidge and Ilosebud Indian reservations. Except 149, in serial no. 2902, and 168 and 157, both in serial no. 2893. Handbook of American Republics, 1893. Handbooks: Nicaragua; Santo Domingo; Laws of im- migration and public lands in American Republics; Paraguay; Bolivia. Handbooks: Honduras; Salvador; Peru; Uruguay; Haiti. Congressional directory, 3 editions. Except 65, in serial no. 2905, and 68, in serial no. 2906, 31 is Interstate Commerce Commission, 1891, 5th. Fish-cultural stations; Salmon of Alaska. -^'-^ ^ Patent Office, 1891. Except 169, in serial no. 2908, and 192, in serial no. 2905. 173 is American Historical Association, 1891. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 6. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Eulogies: P. B. Plumb; E. K. Wilson. 18 is Printing and distributing public dociunents. River and harbor appropriations; etc. Except 986, in serial nos. 2916-2918. Effect of tariff law upon prices and wages, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Message and Foreign relations, 1891. War, 1891, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: En^neers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 5: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 6: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Same, v. 5: Inspector-general. Navy, 1891. Post-Office, 1891. Interior, 1891, v. 1: Lands. Same, v. 2: Indians. Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. Same, V. 4,.p^t. 1: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4, pt. 2: Geological Survey. Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education. Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. Agriculture, 1S91. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1891. 90 52d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued h r. ^ Series Dociiment no. Notes ^" > Ph 2942 22 H. ex. docs ... l,pt.8 4,7 €ivil Service Com mission, 1891. Internal Revenue Comr., 1891; Justice (Attorney-Gen- eral) 1891. 2913 23 do 2 Treasury (Finances) 1891. 2M4 '>4 do 3,pt.l 3,pt.2 Comptroller of Currency, 1891, v. 1, Same, v. 2: National banks. 2945 25 .... do 2946 '>f> . ...do. 5,94,205 Estimates of appropriations for 1893 and deficiencies. Commerce and navigation, 1891 [pt. 1]. 2947 27 do C[pt.l] 2948 28 do 6,pt.2 Same, pt. 2: Internal commerce. 2949 M do 8-28 15 is Electrical Commission of District of Columbia. 2950 30 do 2&-42, 44-46.... 43,pt. 1 Many relate to river surveys. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1891. 2951 31 ...-■.do • 2952 32 do 43,pt.2 Same, pt. 2. 2953 33 do 47-79 53 is Statistical abstract, 1891; 74 includes Checklist of public documents, 1st edition. 2954 34 do 80-135 Except 94, in serial no. 2946. 91 is Relations with Chile. 2955 35 do 136-160,162-200. 200 is Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1891. 2956 36 do 161 Tests of metals, 1891. ^2957 37 .... do 201-275 Except 205, in serial no. 2946, and 232, in serial no. 2958. 204 is Commercial relations, 1890 and 1891; 235, 2 pts., is Causes which incite immigration to U. S. 29581 38 [1] do 232,pt. 1 Labor Department, 7th, 1891: Cost of production, tex- tiles and glass, v. 1. » 29583 38 12] do 232, pt. 2 Same, v. 2. 2959 1 H. misc. docs. . 1-10,27-335.... Except 48, in serial nos. 2980-2984; 50, in serial nos. 2985 and 2986; 60, in serial no. 2987; 77, in serial no. 2988; 107, in serial no. 2989; 141, in serial no. 2990; 153, in serial no. 2991; 154, in serial no. 2992; 233, in serial nos. 2993-2995; 234, in serial no. 2990; 256, in serial no. 2996; 258, in serial no. 2997; 261, in serial no, 2998; 295, in serial no. 2999; 296, in serial no. 3000; 320, in serial no. 2990; 334, in serial nos. 3001 and 3002. 335 is Eabor troubles at Homestead, Pa., 1892. 2960 ? do 11 Washington observations, 1887. 2961 3 do 12 : Rebellion records, series 1, v. 33. 2962 4 do 13,pt. 1 Same, v. 34, pt. 1. 2963 5 do 13,pt.2 Same, v. 34, pt. 2. 2964 6 .....do 13,pt.3 Same, v. 34, pt. 3. 2965 7 do 13, pt. 4 Same, v. 34, pt. 4. 2966 8 do 14,pt.l Same, v. 35, pt. 1. 2967 9 do 14,pt.2 Same, v. 35, pt. 2. 2968 10 do 15,pt.l Same, v. 36, pt. 1. 2969 11 do 15,pt.2 Same, v. 36, pt. 2. 2970 12 do 15,pt.3 Same, v. 36, pt. 3. 2971 13 do 16,pt. 1 Same, v. 37, pt. 1. 2972 14 do 16,pt.2 Same, v. 37, pt. 2. 2973 1^ . .do 17,18 Consular reports, v. 35 and 36, nos. 124-131. 19 Special consular reports, v. 2: Refrigerators and food 2974 16 do preservation, European emigration, olive culture, beet-sugar and flax. 20 Same, v. 3: Streets and highways. 2975 17 do 21,22 Geological Survey bulletins 66-71. 2976 18 19 20 .do 23 Same, 72-75. 2977 do 24 Same, 76-80. 2978 do 25,336 Same, 81-83. 91 62d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes H. misc. docs..! 2G. 50 2 50 2 50 3 50 4 50 4 50 5 50 5 50 6 50 7 50 8 50 8 50 9 50 10 50 11 50 11 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do., •do., .do., -do., .do.. 48,ptl.. 48,pt.2.. 48,pt3.. 48,pt4.. 48,pt.5... 8D[pt. IJ. 50,pt.2.. 77 107 141,234,320. 153 154 233,pt.l. 233, pt. 2. 233, pt. 3. 256 258 261 261 295 296 334, pt.]. 334, pt. 2. 337 338,pt.l. 338, pt. 2. 33S,pt.3. ),pt. 1. 340, pt. 4. 340, pt. 4. 340, pt. 6.. 340, pt 6.. 340, pt. 6.. 340,pt.l4. 340,pt.l4.. 340,ptl5.. 340,pt. 17.. 340, pt. 18. 340, pt. 18. 340, pt. 7.. 340, pt. 20. 340, pt. 21. 340, pt. 21. Contributions to Nort;h American ethnology, v. 7: Dakota-English dictionary. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 38, pt. 1. Same, v. 38, pt. 2. Same, v. 38, pt. 3. Same, v. 38, pt. 4. Same, v. 38, pt. 5. Official register, 1891, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Geological Survey monographs, v. 17: Flora of Dakota group. Same, v. 18: Paleontology of New Jersey, Ethnology report, 1886, 7th. Eulogies: Speakers Grow and Randall; L. C. Houk; W. II. F. Lee. Special consular reports, v. 6: Coal, gas, India rubber. Consular reports, v. 37, nos. 132-135. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 39, pt. 1. Same, v. 39, pt. 2. Same, v. 39, pt. 3. Wasliington observations, 1888. Consular reports, v. 38, nos. 136-139. Atlas to Rebellion records, plates 1-84 and index. Same, plates 85-175. These 2 v. were issued as bound Congressional documents in 1903. Ethnology report, 1887, 8th. Mineral resources of U. S., 1889 and 1890. Smithsonian Institution, 1891 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2J: National Museum. Geological Survey bulletins 84-86. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 40, pt. 1. Same, v. 40, pt. 2. Same, v. 40, pt. 3. Consular reports, v. 39, nos. 140-143. nth census. Final volumes: Mineral industries. Of doc. 340, pts. 2, 3, 5, 8-13, 16, and 19, were not applied to any publication and are therefore missing. Same: Wealth, debt, and taxation, pt. 1, public debt. Same: Wealth, debt, and taxation, pt. 2, valuation and taxation. Same: Compendimn, pt, 1, population. Same: Compendium, pt. 2, vital and social statistics, etc. Same: Compendium, pt. 3, population, etc. Same: Insurance business, pt. 1, fire, marine, and inland insiu-ance. Same: Insurance business, pt. 2, life insurance. Same: Indians. Same: Churches. Same: Population, pt. 1. Same: Population, pt. 2. Same: Alaska. Same: Agriculture, irrigation, fisheries. Same: Transportation business, pt. 1, by land. Same: Transportation business, pt. 2, by water. 92 62d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Contiimed •§ d "o ^ Series Document no. Notes CQ > a3 3024 SO 12 H. misc. docs.. 340, pt. 22 Same: Manufacturing industries, pt. 1, totals for States and industries. 3025 50 12 do 340, pt. 22 Same: Manufacturing industries, pt. 2, statistics of cities. 3026 50 12 do 340, pt. 22 Same: Manufacturing industries, pt. 3, selected indus- tries. 3027 50 13 do 340, pt. 23 Same: Real estate mortgages. 3028 50 14 do 340, pt. 24 Same: Crime, pauperism, and benevolence, pt. l.analy- 8029 50 14 do 340, pt. 24 Same: Crime, pauperism, and benevolence, pt. 2, gen- eral tables. 3030 50 15 do 340, pt. 25 Same: Farms and homes. 3031 50 16 do 340, pt. 26 Same: Insane, feeble-minded, etc. 8032 50 17 do 340, pt. 27 Same: Occupations. A special report; not a "final volvmie." 8033 50 18 do 340,pt.28 Same: Vital and social statistics, pt. 1, analysis and rate tables. 3034 50 18 do 340,pt.28 Same: Vital and social statistics, pt. 2, vital statistics. 8035 50 18 do 340, pt. 28 Same: Vital and social statistics, pt. 3, statistics of deaths. 8036 50 18 do 340, pt. 28 Sam.e: Vital and social statistics, pt. 4, statistics of deaths. 3037 50 19 do 340, pt. 29 Same: Statistical atlas. 8038 51 do 341 Fish Commission Bulletin, 1890. 3039 5? .do... 342.. Geological Survey monographs, v. 19: Penokee iron- bearing series. 8040 53 [1] [^1 .do 343 Same, v. 20: Geology of Eureka district, Nev. 30tl 53 do [343] Same, v. 20, atlas. 3042 1 H. reports 1-322 3043 2 .... do 323-686 •Except 634, not printed. 3044 3 do 687-943 3045 4 do 944-1302 3046 5 do 1303-1641 Except 1454, in serial no. 3047. 3047 6 . . .do 1454 Expenditures of World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. 3048 7 do 1642-1955 Except 1868, in serial nos. 3049 and 3050. 3049 8 do 1868, pt.l Pension Office investigation. 3050 9 do 1868, pt. 2 Same. 3051 10 do 1956-2147 Except nos. 1960, in serial no. 3052; 2087, not printed, and 2090, in serial no. 3053. 1956 is Yellowstone Na- tional Park investigation; 1966 is Abuses in U. S. courts. 3052 11 do 1960 Labor Dept., 2d special rp.: Labor laws in States and Territories. 1st and 3d rps., not in CongressionaV>et. 3053 12 do 2090 Immigration investigation, Ellis Island, 1892. " . 52d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1892— Mar. 3, 1893 S. journal. S. ex. docs. do 1-19 20-36,39-68... Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 53d Cong., Mar. 4- Apr. 15, 1893, p. 169. 15-18 relate to Indian affairs and contracts. Except 65, in serial no. 3060, and 66, in serial no. 3061. 20 is Operations of Animal Industry Bureau, 1892. 9.^ 62d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Not<58 S. ex. docs. do do. do. .do. ..do. ..do. do., 30&i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 !l8 : 19 .do. S. misc. docs. ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... S. reports. .do. do -do do ....do H. journal.. H, ex. docs. ....do ....do ....do ..-.do ..-.do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do 37,pt.l 37, pt. 2 38, pt. 1 65.... 66.... 69-107 84, 96, 3 pts. . . 1-14,16-52,54- 56, 58-03, 69. 15 53 57 64,65,66 67. 70 1117-1285. J286-1393. 1394, pt.l.. 1394, pt. 2.. 1394, pt. 3.. 1394, pt. 4.. 1, pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. l,pt. 1, pt. l,pt. l,pt. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1892, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Financial statistics, 1830-(hi. Pts. 2 and 3 of this docu- ment have never been compiled owing to failure of Congress to appropriate for the purpose. Labor Department, 8th, 1892: Industrial education. Labor Department, 4th special report: Compulsory in- surance in Germany. Except 84 and 96, in serial no. 3063. 76 is Annexation of Hawaii; 82 is International Monetary Conference at Brussels, 1892. Contains also 53d Cong, special ses- sion Senate, Mar. 4-Apr. 15, 1893, S. ex. docs. 1^. Bureau of American Republics, 1892; Latin American markets; Handbook of Ecuador; Handbook of Argen- tine Republic. 1, 2 pts., is Congressional directorj', 2 editions; 61 is Civil Service Commission, information and civil list. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1892, 6th. Patent Office, 1892. American Historical Association, 1892. Eulogies: John S, Barbour; George Hearst; John E. Kennai. Senate contested elections, 1789-1885. Senate precedents. Appropriations, new offices, etc. 1142, Nicaragua Canal Company, includes reprint of S. rp. 1944, 51st Cong. 2d sess.; 1280 is Investigation of labor troubles. 1286 is Failed national banks; 1333 is Immigration con- ditions. Contains also 53d Cong, special session Sen- ate, Mar. 4-Apr. 15, 1893, S. rps. 1-9. Wholesale prices, wages and transportation, 1893, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2.] Same, pt. 3. [ Pt. 1 contains same matter condensed. Same, pt. 4.J Message and Foreign relations, 1892. War, 1892, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, V. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 2 [pt. 5]: Engineers, atlas. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Inspector-general. Navy, 1892. Post-Office, 1892. Interior, 1892, v. 1: Lands. Same, v. 2: Indians. Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. Same, v. 4, pt. 1: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4, pt. 2: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4, pt. 3: Geological Survey. Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education. Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. 94 52a CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes H. ex. docs. ....do ...do.... ....do ....do H. misc. docs. •do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do ..do ...do ...do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. l,pt. 6. l,pt. 7. 1, pts. 8 4,7.... 2 3, pt. 1.. 3,pt. 2.. 5,72,161. 8-127 43 128-227. 229. 228 230-255. 256 257 1-39, 44-94. 96,pt. 1. 96, pt. 2. 96,pt. 3. 96, pt. 4. 97-104... 105 106 107 108, 109. 110,111. 112 113 114,pt. 1. 114, pt. 2. 115 116 117 118 Agriculture, 1892. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1892. Civil Service Commission, 1892; World's Fair statement. Internal Revenue Comr., 1892; Justice (Attorney-Gen- eral) 1892. X)OC. 1 f:t; ^ .- ■ Treasury (Finances) 1892. Comptroller of Currency, 1892, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Estimates for 1894; Deficiency estimates, 1893. Commerce and navigation, 1892. Except 43, in serial no. 3104, and 72, in serial no. 3101. Tests of metals, 1892. Except 161, in serial no. 3101. 211 is World's Colum- bian Exposition rp., 1892. Receipts and expenses, 1889. 231 is erroneously headed "1st sess." 247 is Mint Bu- reau, production of precious metals, 1892; 254 is Labor Department, 5th special report, Gothenburg system of liquor traific; 255 is Statistical abstract, 1892. Receipts and expenses, 1890. Commercial relations, 1892. Except 11 , in serial no. 3111; 83, in serial no. 3116, and 90, in serial no. 3117. 94 is statistics on wool. Ethnology report, 1888, 9th. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Mineral resources of U. S., 1891. Postal laws and regulations. Comprehensive index of Government publications, 1889- 1893 (Ames). Rebellion records, series 1, v. 41, pt. 1. v. 1-4 are in serial nos. 3112-3115; v. 5-40, in certain serial nos. be- tween 2053 and 3006. Same, v. 41 , pt. 2. Same, v. 41, pt. 3. Same, v. 41, pt. 4. Eulogies: A. K. Craig; M. H. Ford; J. R. Gamble; J. W. Kendall; E. F. McDonald; F. B. Spinola; E. T. Stackhouse; J. G. Warwick. Sheep industry of U. S., 1892. Diseases of cattle. ., « Weather Bureau, 1892. Consular reports, v. 40 and 41, nos. 144-151. Special consular reports, v. 7 and 8: Stave trade and tariffs; Fire and building regulations. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1891. Fish Commission report, 1889, 1890, and 1891. Smithsonian Institution, 1892 [pt 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Washington observations, 1889. Ethnology report, 1889, 10th. Commerce with P^urope, 1790-1890. Geological Survey monographs, v. 21: Tertiary rhyn- chophorous coleoptera. 95 52d CONGRESS, 2d SE8SION-<3ontmued §a 1 g Series Document no. Notes 8187 8188 28 29 30 1 2 3 H.inlso.doo8.. do .do 119 Special consular reports, v. 9: Australasian sheep and wool; Vagrancy and public charities. Animal Industry Bureau reports, 1891 and 1892, 8th and 9th. Growth of industrial art (Butterworth). 2278 is Alleged coal combination; 2309 is Sweating sys- tem investigation. / •;• ' ''- -' 2342 is National banlcs investigation. 2447 is Pinkerton detectives in labor troubles. 120 . 318t> ri2i1 • 8140 3141 81421 .... H. reports do do 2148-2317 2318-2446 2447-2621 53d CONGRESS, SPECIAL. SESSION SENATE Mar. 4— Apr. 16, 1893 31422 S. journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs... S. reports 1-4.. 1-47. 1-9.. Set serial no. 3054, p. See serial no. 3062. See serial no. 3073. 53d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Aug. 7-Nov. 3, 1893 8148 S. journal 8144 S. ex. docs 1:33::::::::::: 9 is letter of transmittal only, the reports on Aqueduct bridge over Potomac never having been printed as S. doc. 9, however, Davis's reports on the subject, dated 1893, appear in serial no. 3377, p. 4085, and Tumbull'shad been previously printed (s«cW7.2:.\q4). 8145 1 S. misc. docs... 1-96 Except 8, pt. 2, 2d edition of Congressional directory, which does not appear in Congressional set; 23, in serial no. 3146. 8146 2 do 23,pts. 1-3 Coinage of silver in India (Ilerschell). 8147 1 S. reports 11-72 Except 41 , 47 , 58, 61 , in serial no. 3148. S. reports 1-9 are 53d Cong, special sess. Senate, in serial no. 3073. There was no report numbered 10. 3148 2 •"■ do 41,47,58,61.... Contains also S. reports 93, 116, 200, 201, 240, 293, 447- 449, of 53d Cong. 2d sess.; and S. reports 769, 808, 865, 875, 932, 952,1021-1024,1033-1035, of 53d Cong. 3d sess. 8149 8150 1 H. ex. docs H. misc. docs.. 1:27! 8161 1-45 Except 9, in serial nos. 3152-3154; 24, in serial no. 3155; 48, in serial no. 3156. 8152 2 do 9,pt.l Rebellion records, series 1, v. 42, pt. ]. 8158 3 do 9,pt.2 Same, v. 42, pt. 2. 8154 4 do 9,pt.3 Same, v. 42, pt. 3. Consular reports, v. 42, nos. 152-155. 8155 5 do 24 8156 6 do 43 Tariff hearings. Except 49, 88, 146, 152, in serial no. 3158. Contains also H. reports 208, 210, 349, 392, 409, 637, 822, 8157 1 H. reports do 1-170 8158 2 49,88,145,152.. 970-972, of 53d Cong. 2d sess.; and H. reports 1584, 1652, 1736, 1759, 1839, 1851, 1908-1910, 1954, 1973-1976, 2000, of 53d Cong. 3d sess. 96 53d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 4, 1893— Aug. 28, 1894 Series Document no. Notes S159 3160 81611 31612 3162 1 31622 3163 3164 3165 81661 3166 < 8166^ 31666 31667 81668 31669 3166 1» 3166" 316612 3166" 3166" 316615 316616 3167 3168 8169 3170 3171 3172 8178 8174 31751 31752 31753 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 S. journal.. S. ex. does. [13 [2] [1] [2] ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do S. irdsc. docs ...do..... ...do ...do ...do ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... S. reports. do ...do.. 1-74. 19,ptl.... 19,pt.2.... 36,pt.l.... 36,pt.2.... 75-176 97 119 177,pt.l.. 177, pt. 2.. 177, pt. 3.. 177, pt. 4.. 177, pt. 5.. 177,pt.6.- 177, pt. 7.. 177, pt. 8.. 177, pt. 9.. 177,pt. 10. 177,pt. 11. 177, pt. 12. 177,pt. 13. 177, pt. 14. 177, pt. 15. 177, pt. 16. 1-103 10 12,3pts... 104 105-276.... 122,178... 127 200 266,pt. 1. 266, pt. 2. 266, pt. 3. 274 277. 278. 73-330. 227. 235. Except 19, letter of transmittal only, see, for report serial no. 3161 1>2; 86, in serial no. 3162 1»2; 61, list of employees of Treasury Department, never printed. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1893, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Pan-American Medical Congress, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Except 97, in serial no. 3164; 119, in serial no. 3165. Des Moines River land grant. Intemat. Cong, of Engineers: Military engineering. Fur-seal fisheries arbitration, v. 1: Final reports. Same, v. 2: Historical, diplomatic questions, etc. Same, v. 3: Testimony and maps. Same, v. 4: Case of Gt. Britain, with appendix. Same, v. 5: Appendix, continued. Same, v. 6: British Commission, report to June 21, 1892. Same, v. 7: Counter case of U. S., with app. and maps. Same, v. 8: Counter case of Gt. Britain, with app. Same, v. 9: Argument of U. S., with app. Same, v. 10: Argument of Gt. Britain. Same, v. 11: Oral arguments. Same, v. 12: Oral arguments for U. S. Same, v. 13: Oral arguments for Gt. Britain. Same, v. 14: Oral arguments on regulations. Same, v. 15: Oral arguments for U. S. Same, v. 16: Facsimiles of documents, etc. Except 10, in serial no. 3108; 12, in serial no. 3169. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1893, 7th. Congressional directory, 3 editions. American Historical Association, 1893. Except 122, in serial no. 3172; 127, in serial no. 3173; 178, in serial no. 3172; 200, in serial no. 3174; 266, in serial no. 31751-3; 274, in serial no. 3176. Eulogies: Leland Stanford and R. L. Gibson. Patent Office, 1893. Salmon fisheries of Columbia River. List of private claims, 47th-Slst Cong., v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Berlin Silver Commission, 1894. Contains also London Bimetallic Conference, p. 1281. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Smith's Digest of decisions and precedents of Senate and House. Except 93, 116, 200, 201, 240, 293, in serial no. 3148; 227, in serial no. 3180; 235, in serial no. 3181; 259, in serial no. 3182. Hawaiian Islands, This report as printed by Commi^ tee on Foreign Relations is in 2 v. (sec Y4.F762:H31i'»2). V. 2 as such is not in Congressional set, but same matter with additions appears in serial no. 3294. Coinage laws, 1792-1894. 97 53d CONGRE8S, 2d SESSION—Continued h •3 > I Series Document no. Notes 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8. reports do do do f 259, pt. 1 Imports and exports, pt. 1, 1867-93. Same, pt. 2, 1(>97-1893. Except 834, in serial no. 3184; 868. 868, 370, 401, 406, 407, 412, 413, 415, in serial no. 3185; 418, 419, 421- 424, 426-428, in serial no. 3186; 429, 480, in serial no. 3187; 436, in serial no. 3188; 487-143, in serial no. 3187; 444-446, in serial no. 3189; 447^49, in serial no. 3148; 451-156, in serial no. 3189; 457, in serial no. 3188; 460, 461, in serial no. 3189; 462, 463, 465-169, 473^75, in serial no. 3190; 477, 486-487, in serial no. 3188; 491- 498, in serial no. 3190; 494,511-618, in serial no. 3191. Tarifl comparisons. 8182 1259, pt. 2 .. .. 8188 331-519 8184 334 ^185 358, 368, 370, 401, 406, 407, . 412,413,415. (418, 419, 421- 1 424,420^8. j429, 430, 437- 1 443. 436, 457, 477, 486-487, 606, , 624. (444-446, 451- 1 456,460,461. f462, 463, 465- l 469, 473-175, I 491-493. (494,511-513.... 559 Replies to tariff inquiries, bulletins 1-8; 407 is not a bulletin. ^ '^ '' ^ ^ Same, bulletins 9-17. ^'^ J Same, bulletins 18-26. •Senate bribery investigation. Replies to tarifl inquiries, bulletins 27-37. Isame, bulletins 38-60. - y/OV^-rc Same, bulletins 51-54. '3186 do 8187 do 3188 do • 3189 do •3190 3191 do do do do do do H. journal..... Tarifl comparisons. 3192 520-700 Except 559, in serial no. 3191; 603, in serial no. 3193; 606, 624, in serial no. 3188; 698, in serial no. 3193. Sugar schedule in tariff bill of 1894. Tarifl law of 1894. [603 698. . . . 3198 )701 Replies to tarifl inquiries, bulletin 55, 4 pts. Same, bulletin 56, 2 pts. Same, bulletins 57-60. Not printed. 702... 8194 703-706 8195 707,708 Same, bulletins 61 and 62. Nos. 709 and 710, bulletins 3196 63 and 64, which were originally intended to be includ- ed in this volume, have not appeared in any form. :n97 H. ex. docs do... do ....:do do do do do.. do do do do do do 1, pt. 1 Message and Foreign relations, 1893. War, 1893, v. 1. ;;i98 1, pt. 2.. .3199 1, pt. 2.... Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 5: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 6: Engineers. ' :{iOd l,pt. 2.. ;.>oi 1, pt. 2.... ;'.-202 1, pt. 2.. . :{208 1, pt. 2.... :{-»(H 1, pt. 2.. :-'0o 1, pt. 2.... ;i06 1, pt. 2... Same, v. 4: Inspector-general. Navy, 1893. Post-OfHce, 1893. Interior, 1893, v. 1: Secretary and PubUc lands. Same, v. 2: Indians. :5207 1, pt. 3 3-208 8209 l,pt.4.... 1, pt. 5.... 8210 l,pt.5.... 82452°— 11- 98 53d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued m Series Document no. Notes 3211 r3212 »8213 #8214 * 3215 3216 8217 /3218 « 3219 3220 > 3220 2 3221 3222 • 3228 3229 27 3225 I 28 3226 I 29 I ♦ 3227 , 30 3230 H. ex. docs ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do ....do ....do ....do ....do H. misc. docs. ....do. ....do. do. ...do. 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 6 1, pt. 7 l,pt.8. 4 7 23 2 3,pt.l. 3,pt.2. 33,103. 6,2pts 8-96... 47, 48, 70, 76 79, 95, 112 140,256. 83 97 .237 98-261 209.... 257 1-207 29,pt.l. 29,pt.2. 38 47 Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. Same, v. 4, pt. 1: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4, pt. 2: Geological Survey. Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education. Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. Agriculture, 1893. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1893. Civil Service Commission, 1893. Dot, I pi. ^ cs\\\ Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1893. .'' Justice (Attorney-General) 1893. Ordnance and Fortification Board, 3d report. Treasury (Finances) 1893. Comptroller of Currency, 1893, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Estimates of appropriations for 1895. Deficiency estimates, 1893 and 1894. Commerce and navigation, 1893 . Contains also H . misc. doc. 96. Except 23, in serial no. 3218; 33, in serial no. 3221; 39 and 42, letters of transmittal only, statements never printed; 43, letter of transmittal only, see, for Tests of metals, 1893, serial no. 3438; 47, 48, 70, 76, 79, in serial no. 3224; 83, in serial no. 3225; 95, in serial no. 3224. Hawaiian Islands. Pages 2-5, 7, and 8 of 76 are inter- changed with the corresponding pages of 79. Commercial relations, 1893. Statistical abstract, 1893. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1893. Except 103, inserialno. 3221; 112, 140, in serial no. 3224; 209, in serial no. 3227; 237, in serial no. 3225; 256, in serial no. 3224; 257, in serial no. 3228. Labor Department, 9th, 1893: Building and loan associ- ations. Labor Department, 7th special report: Slums of cities. 6th report, not in Congressional set. Except 29, in serial nos. 3230 and 3231; 38, in serial no. 3232; 47, in serial no. 3233; 54, in serial no. 3234; 55, in serial nos. 3235 and 3236; 81, in serial no. 3237; 82, in serial no. 3238; 93, in serial no. 3239; 96, in serial no. 3222; 97, in serial no. 3240; 107, in serial no. 3241; 119, in serial no. 3242; 120, in serial no. 3243; 121, in serial nos. 3244 and 3245; 122, in serial no. 3246; 123, in serial no. 3247; 130, in serial no. 3248; 173, in serial no. 3249; 175, in serial no. 3250; 176, in serial no. 3251; 177, in serial no. 3252; 178, in serial no. 3253; 179, in serial no. 3254; 180, in serial no. 3255; 181, in serial no. 3256; 184, in serial nos. 3257 and 3258; 200, in serial no. 3259; 205, in serial no. 3260. Official register, 1893, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Mineral resources of U. S., 1892. Geological Survey monographs, v. 22: Manual of topo- graphic methods. 99 68d CONGRB88, 2d SB88ION~Continued |a t 1 Series Document no. Notes 88M t\ H. misc. docs. . 54 Consular reports, v. 43, nos. 166-159. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 43, pt, 1. 8885 7 .... do 55,pt.l 8SM 8 .... do 56,pt.2. Same, v. 43, pt. 2. .1987 9 do 81 Ethnology report, 1890, 11th. Same, 1891, 12th. :t888 10 do 82 :J289 11 .... do 93,214-216 Eulogies: WiUiara Mutchler, J. L. Chipman, W. H. Enochs, William Lilly. ^240 12 13 .... do ..do 97 Rebellion records, series I, v. 44. :v2i 1 107 Congrfes G^ologique International, 1891. Geological Survey monographs, v. 23: Green Mountains in Massachusetts. ' :{*242 14 do 119 / S243 15 do 120 Same, v. 24: Mollusca and Crustacea of miocene of New Jersey. 3-24 1 It) do 121,pt.l Rebellion records, series 1, v. 45, pt. 1. 3245 17 do 121, pt. 2 Same, v. 45, pt. 2. 3246 18 19 .... do .do 122 Fish Commission Bulletin, 1892. 8247 123.. Consular reports, v. *44, nos. 160-163. Fish Coimnission Bulletin, 1893. 324S W do 130 3249 21 do 173 Contributions to North American ethnology, v. 9: Dakota grammar, v. 8 not issued. 3250 ?? do 175 Special consular reports, v. 10: Lead and zinc mini and markets for American flour. 3251 ?3 ... .do 17G Geological Survey bulletins 87-89. Same, 90-97. 3252 24 do 177 3253 25 26 27 .... do do do 178 Same, 98-101. 3254 179 Same, 102-106. 3255 180 Same, 107-117. « 3256 28 do 181 Mineral resources of U. S., 1893. » 3257 29 do 184,pt. 1 Smithsonian Institution, 1893 [pt. 1]. • 3258 30 do 184, pt. 2 Same[pt. 2]: National Museum. 3259 31 do 200 "Weather Bureau, 1893. 3260 3? do 205 Consular reports, v, 45, nos. 164-167. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 46, pt. 1. 3261 33 .... do 208,pt.l 3262 34 do 208, pt. 2 Same, v. 46, pt. 2. 326;J 35 do 208,pt.3 Same, v. 46, pt. 3. 32ft4 3«i do 209 Fish Conunission report, 1892. Richardson's Compilation of Presidents' messages, v. 1: 32651 37 [1] do 210,pt.[l] 1789-1817. 3265 « 37 [2] do 210, pt. 2 Same, v. 2: 1817-33. 32653 37 [3] do 210,pt.3 Same, v. 3: 1833-41. 3285 < 37 [4] do 210, pt. 4 Same, v. 4: 1841-49. 3265' 37 [5] do 210, pt. 5 Same, v. 5: 1849-61. 3265 « 37 [6] do 210, pt. 6 Same, v. 6: 1861-69. 327 37 [7] do 210, pt. 7 Same, v. 7: 1869-81. 32658 37 [8] do 210, pt. 8 Same, v. 8: 1881-89. 3265 a 37 [9] do 210,pt.9 Same, v. 9: 1889-97. 326510 37 [101 do 210,pt. 10 Same, v. 10: 1897-99, appendix, and index. 3266 38 .do... 211 Centennial of laying of cornerstone of Capitol. Moore's International arbitrations, v. 1: History. 3267 1 39 [1] do 212rpt.l] 3267 2 39 [2] do 212[pt.2] Same, v. 2: History. 3267 3 39 [3] do 212 [pt. 3] Same, v. 3: Digest. 8267 < 39 [4] do 212 [pt. 4] Same, v. 4: Digest. 8267 > 39 [5] do 212 [pt. 5] Same, v. 5: Domestic commissions, etc., index. 8267 « 39 [6] do 212 [pt. 6] Same, v. 6: Maps. 100 63d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued h ■3 > 1 Series . Dociiment no. Notes 3268 40 H. misc. docs.. .. .do 213 List of private claims, 47th-51st Congress. S^fiP spTial Tif> 19^Q 214-216 171-470 471-825 826-1150 1151-1477 1468 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 1 2 3 4 5 " II. reports do do do do Except 208, 210, 349, 392, 409, in serial no. 3158. Except 637, 822, in serial no. 3158. Except 970-972, in serial no. 3158. Except 1468, in serial no. 3273. Violations of armor-plate contracts. 53d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 3, 1894r-Mar. 2. 1896 3274 8275 3276 3277 327S 3279 3280 3282 3287 • 32901 32902 3291 3294 3296 3297 3300 3301 S. journal S. ex. docs... do do ....do ....do ....do 1-57.... 7 8,pt. 1. 8,pt. 2. 58-67. . . 68-105.. S. misc. docs..; 1-148. ....do ....do ..do .do .do ..do S. reports. .do. ....do ....do H. journal.. H. ex. docs. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do 19, 2 pts. 50 54 149 150 151-153. 711-831.. 832-1049. 986, 2 pts. 760, 2 pts. pt. 1.... pt. 1 . . . pt. 1.... pt.2.... pt. 2.... pt.2.... pt.2.... pt.2.... pt.2.... pt.2.... pt.2.... pt.3.... pt. 4.... pt.5.... Except 7, in serial no. 3276; 8, in serial nos. 3277, 3278. Chicago strike, 1893-94. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1894, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. 76, letter of transmittal only. List of employees in Treas- ury Department not printed. 77, letter of transmittal only, see, for 8th special labor report, serial no. 3325. Except 19, in serial no. 3282; 50, in serial no. 3283; 64, in serial no. 3284. Congressional directory, 2 editions. Nat. Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 7: Bombycine moths of North America, pt. 1. Pt. 2 is in serial no. 4776. Acceptance of Stark and Webster statues. History of Red Cross Society. Not printed. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Eulogies: Z. B. Vance, F. B. Stockbridge, A. H. Col- quitt. Except 760, in serial no. 32902; 769, 808, in serial no. 3148. Except 865, 875, 932, 952, 1021-1024, 1033-1035, in serial no. 3148; 986, in serial no. 3290i. Condition of cotton growers. Alcohol in the arts. •« Message and Foreign relations, 1894 Foreign relations, appendix 1. Same, appendix 2: Hawaii. War, 1894, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 5: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 6: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Navy, 1894. Post-office, 1894. Interior, 1894, v. 1: Secretary and Public lands. 101 53d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued 13 . P 1 Series Document no. Notes 8806 8807 8808 8809 > ►8809= 3810 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25" 26 27 28 29 30 -31 32 33 34 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 [1] [2] H. ex. docs... do do do do do l,pt.6 l.Pt.6 l,pt.5 l,Pt.5 l,pt.6 l,pt.6 l,pt.7 2 Same, v. 2: Indians. Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. Same, v. 4: Geological Survey. Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education. Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. Agriculture, 1894. 3811 »8312 y do do do do do do Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1894. Treasury (Finances) 1894, 8818 8814 8315 8316 3,pt.l 3,pt.2 4 5,13,110,258.. 6,2pts 7 Comptroller of Currency, Same, v. 2. Internal Revenue Comml Estimates of appropriatio Commerce and navigatioi 1894, V. 1. ssioner, 1894. ns and deficiencies. 3317 do........ 1. 1894. 3318 do Justice (Attorney-General) 1894. 3319 do do do do do do 8-150 Except 13, in serial no. 3316; 15, in serial no. 3320; 92, 8820 15 : in serial no. 3321; 99, letter of transmittal only, state- ment not printed; 100, in serial no. 3322; 110, in serial no. 3316. Statistical abstract, 1894. 3321 92. Tests of metals, 1894. 3322 100 Columbian Historical Exposition, Madrid, 1892. 258 is in serial no. 3316. 3323 3324 151-257 259-353 354 8825 do do H. misc. docs. . do do do do do do do .....do do do do do do do do do do H. reports do Labor Department, 8th sp »wial rpT>nrt' Hnnsinf of wnrlr- 3326 355 ing people. See, for letter of transmittal, serial no. 3280, S. ex. doc. 77. Agriculture Yearbook, 1894. Except 25, in serial no. 3328; 27, in serial no. 3329; 35, in serial no. 3330; 44, in serial no. 3331; 58, in serial no. 3332; 66, in serial no. 3333; 70, in serial no. 3334; 78, in serial no. 3335; 79, in serial no. 3336; 80-85, in serial no. 3337; 86, in serial no. 3338. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1894, 8th 3327 1-87. 8828 25. 3329 3330 [[ 27, 2 pts 35 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1894. Consular reports, v. 46, nos. 168-171. Official opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 20. Naval war records, series 1, v. 1. Consular reports, v. 47, nos. 172-175. 3331 44. 3332 58 3333 66 3384 70... Patent Office, 1894. 3335 78 Geological Survey bulletins 118-122. Civil Service Commission, 1894. k 3:^36 79. 3387 80-85 Eulogies: P. S. Post, G. B. Shaw, G. W. Houk, M. C. Lisle, Charles O'Neill, M. B. Wright. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1894. 8388 86 3339 88 Weather Bureau, 1894. 3340 89.. Fish Commission report, 1893. Smithsonian Institution, 1894 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. American Historical Association, 1894. 8341 3342 3343 90,pt.l 90,pt.2 91 3344 92 Special consular reports, v 11* Amprican Inmher In 3345 3346 1478-1750 1751-2000 foreign markets. E.xcept 1584, 1652, 1786, Except 1759, 1839, 1851 2000, in serial no. 3158. in serial no. 3158. 1908-1910, 1954, 1978-1976, 102 54tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 2, 1896— June 11, 1896 l§ ^ Series Docmnent no. Notes > (U , 3346a S. journal 3347 1 .... S.docs 1-31 E-XC?pt 14, in serial no. 3361; 25, in serial no. 3348. 3348 ?, do 25 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1895, 2 pts. Government Printing Office, 1895; etc. Except 137, in serial nos. 3351 and 3352. Seal life, pts. 1, 2. 3349 3 do 32-100 3350 4 do 101-155 3351 5 .... do 137,pts.l,2.... 3352 fi do 137, pt. 2, atlas. 156-213 214-270 Same, pt. 2, atlas. 3353 7 8 do 3354 .... do Except 219, in serial no. 3355; 242, in serial no. 3356; 268, in serial no. 3396. 230 mentions draft of bill for renaming streets of District of Columbia, but this draft is not given here. 237 is Torrey bankruptcy bill. 3355 9 10 11 do do do 219 Tariff acts, 1795-1895. 3356 242 Patent Office, 1895. 8357 271-314 Except 304, in serial no. 3358. 314 is Pacific railroads hearings. 3358 12 13 do .do 304 Senate manual. 3359 315 Nicaragua Canal hearings. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Congressional directory, 3 editions. 3360 14 do 316 3361 15 do I4,3pts 3362 1 S.rejwrts 1-274 3363 2 do 275-506 409, 3 pts., relates to University of United States. 3364 3 do 507-703 637 is Dedication of Chickamauga and Chattanooga Park. 3365 4 do 704-885 Except 799, in serial no. 3367. 778, 2 pts., is Pacific railroads. 3366 5 do 886-1140 Except 1109, in serial no. 3367. 3367 6 do 799,2pts 1109 River and harbor bill. Nicaragua Canal. 3367a H. journal 3368 1 H.docs l.nt.l... Message and Foreign relations, 1895, pt. 1. Same,pt.2. War, 1895, v. 1. 3369 *> do l,pt.2 3370 3 4 .... do do 2 3371 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. 3372 5 do 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. 3373 6 do 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. 3374 7 do 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. 3375 8 do 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 5: Engineers. 3376 9 do 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 6: Engineers, Mississippi River Com- mission. 3377 10 do 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 7: Engineers. t 3378 11 1? .... do do 2 Same, v. 3: Ordnance. 3379 3 Navy, 1895. Post-Offlee, 1895, 3380 13 do 3381 14 do 5 Interior, 1895, v. 1: Secretary and Public lands. 3382 15 16 do do 5 Same, v. 2: Indians. 3383 6 Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. 3384 17 .... do 5 Same, v. 4, pt.l: Geological Survey, Director's rp., etc. *3385 18 do 5 Same, v. 4, pt. 2: Geological Survey, Economic geology. »3386 19 do 5 Same, v. 4, pt. 3: Geological Survey, Mineral resources, 1894. «3387 20 do 5 Same, v. 4, pt. 4: Geological Survey, Mineral resources 1894, continued. 103 54tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes H. docs. ....do.. ..do. ...do. ...do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ...do. ...do. . .do. ..do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. lO.pt.l 10,pt.2 11 12 41 128,324 13,pt.l 13,pt.l.... 13,pt. 2.... 14-27,38-55. 28, 2 pts. 29....... 30, 4 pts. 31, 4 pts. 32 33 34 35 36 37,pt. 1. 37, pt. 2. 37,pt. 3. 42, 3 pts. 288 54 5&-138... 76,77. 79.... 100 132, 5 pts. 139-223. 175 186,pt. 1. 186, pt. 2. 219 224-278... 253. Same, v. 5, pt. 1: EducaUon. Same, v, 6, pt. 2: Education. Agriculture report, 1895. Agriculture expenditures. Justice (Attorney-General) 1895. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1895. Treasury (Finances) 1895. Comptroller of Currency, 1895, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1895. Estimates of appropriations for 1897. Receipts and expenditures, 1895. Deficiency estimates, 1896. Contains also S. doc. 268. Commerce and navigation, 1895, pt. 1, v. 1. Same, pt. 1, v. 2. Same [pt. 2]: Immigration. Except 25, in serial no. 3390; 41, in serial no. 3396; 42, in serial no. 3412; 54, in serial no. 3413. 55 is Military Academy. Navigation Bureau, Treasurj' Dept., report, 1895; Navi- gation laws of U. S. 27th annual list of mercliant vessels of U. S., 1895. Consular reports, v. 48, nos. 176-179. Same, v. 49, nos. 180-183. Special consular reports, v. 12: Higliways of commerce. Labor Department bulletins, v. 1, nos. 1-7. American eptiemeris and nautical almanac, 1896, 2d ed. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1894. Naval war records, series 1, v. 2. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 47, pt. 1. Same, v. 47, pt. 2. Same, v. 47, pt. 3. . National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1895. Same, report of inspection, 1895. Tests of metals, 1895. Except 76 and 77, in serial no. 3415; 79, in serial no. 3416; 88, in serial no. 3417; 91, in serial no. 3450; 100, in serial no. 3418; 128, in serial no. 3390; 132, in serial no. 3419. Army register, 1896; Navy register, 1896. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1895. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1895, 9th. Statistical abstract, 1895. Consular reports, v. 50, nos. 184-187; and supplement to 187. No. 184 is Exports declared, quarter ended Sept. 1895; suppl. to 187 is same, quarter ended Dec. 1895. Except 176, in serial no. 3421; 186, in serial nos. 3422 and 3423; 210, in serial no. 34.50; 219, in serial no. 3424. Fur-seal fisheries of Alaska (Elliott). Commercial relations, 1894 and 1895, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Washington ol>servations, 1890. Except 253, in serial no. 3426; 266, in serial no. 3427. 224 is Affairs in Cuba. 279 is in serial no. 3456. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 8, no. 1. 104 64tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes 61 87 H. docs . ....do.. -do -do. .do. -do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. .do. .do. .do. reports. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. 266 280-409, 423. 291. 297. 339,pt. 1. 339, pt. 2. 352 360 361,359... 369,pt. 1. 369, pt. 2. 373 377, 5 pts. 379. 410. 411. 311-314,413,414 412 415-421 424 425, pt. 1... 425, pt. 2... fUnnumbered . 191,210 295, 343, 374 398,422,426. 427 428 429 430 279, 2 pts. 1-293 294-572. . . 573-842. . . 843-1136.. 1137-1416. Ethnology report, 1892, 13th. Except nos. 288, in serial no. 3412; 291, '.i serial no. 3429; 295, in serial no. 3451; 297, in serial no. 3430; 311-314, in serial no. 3444; 324, in serial no. 3396; 339, in serial nos. 3431 and 3432; 343 , in serial no. 3451 ; 352 , in serial no. 3433; 359, in serial no. 3435; 360, in serial no. 3434; 361, in serial no. 3435; 369, in serial nos. 3436 and 3437; 373, in serial no. 3438; 374, in serial no. 3451; 377, in serial no. 3439; 379, in serial no. 3440; 380, in serial no. 3441; 398, in serial no. 3451. 423 is Laws of street-railway franchises in District of Co- lumbia. American Historical Association, 1895. Geological Survey monographs, v. 25: Glacial Lake Agassiz. Labor Department, 10th annual report, 1894: Strikes and lockouts, v. 1. Same, v. 2. House manual. American labrary Association catalog, 1893. Handbook of experiment station work; Honey bee. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 48, pt. 1. Same, v. 48, pt. 2. Tests of metals, 1893. Consular reports, v. 51, nos. 188-191; and supplernent to 189, Exports declared, quarter ended Mar. 1896. Naval war records, series 1, v. 3. Agriculture Yearbook, 1895. Document catalogue, 53d Congress, Mar. 4, 1893-June 30, 1895. Geological Survey monographs, v. 26: Flora of Amboy claj^s. Geological Sur^^ey bulletins 123-126, 128, 129. Same, 127. Same, 130-136. Fish Commission report, 1894. Smithsonian Institution, 1895 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Finance, commerce, and immigration, July-Oct. 1895. Same, Nov.-Dec. 1895. Same, with title. Monthly summary of finance and com- merce, Jan.- June, 1896. Patent decisions, 1895. Weather Bureau, 1896. Includes meteorological tables for calendar year 1895. Administrative rp. 1895 not in Congressional set. Eulogies: Wm, H. Grain. Document index, 54th Congress, 1st session. Nicaragua Canal Board, with plates. 105 54tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued |s •3 > s Series Document no. Notes 34«2 6 7 8 9 10 .... H. reports do 1417-1633 1634-1812 1813-2125 •«».. . 2126-2289 2263 1497, Pacific railroads funding bUl, is in 3 pts. Pt. 3, Views of the minority, a report of the 2d session, is bound here, and also in serial no. 3564. Settlement with Arkansas; etc. Km . . .do P .... do do Except 2268, in serial no. 3466. 2126 is Nicaragua Canal. Reciprocity and commercial treaties. t" 54th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 7, 1896-Mar. 3, 1897 3466a S journal Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 55th Cong., Mar. 4-10, 1897, p. 191. 8467 1 S. docs 1-34 Except 16, in serial no. 3473. 18 is Govenmient Print- ing Office, 1896. 8468 ? do . .. 35 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1896. 8469 3 4 do 36-99 8470 do 100-137 115 is Grain rates at Missouri River points. 8471 5 do 138-187 Except 159, in serial no. 3502; 183, in serial no. 3472. 187 is Investigation of bond sales. 8472 6 do 183 Patent Office, 1896. 8478 7 do 16, 2 pts Congressional directory, 2 editions. t474 1 S. reports 1141-1297 1141 is Alcohol in the arts; 1160 is Cuban independence. M76 'If -do ... 1298-1463 1453 is Armor-plate prices. 1517, 2 pts., is Second-class mail matter; 1573 is Library of Congress, hearings. MM 3 do 1454-1575 3476a H journal 8477 1 H.docs 1 Message and Foreign relations, 1896. 3478 ?, do 2 War, 1896, V. 1: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. 8479 3 do 2 t480 4 do 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. 8481 5 do 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers, , 3482 6 do 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. 3483 7 do 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 5: Engineers. 3484 8 do 2 Same, v. 2, pt. 6: Engineers. 3485 fl do 2 Same, v. 3: Ordnance. 3486 10 . .. do 3. .. Navy, 1896. Post-office, 1896. 8487 11 do 4 3488 1? do 6 Interior, 1896, v. 1: Secretary and Public lands. Same, v. 2: Indians. 3489 13 14 do do 5 8490 5 Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. »3491 15 do 5 Same, v. 4, pt. 1: Geological Survey, Director's rp., etc 3492 16 .... do 5 Same, v. 4, pt. 2: Geological Survey, Economic geology and hydrography. 134981 17 1 do 5 Same, v. 4, pt. 3: Geological Survey, Mineral resources, 1895. r 3498 2 17 2 do 5 Same, v. 4, pt. 3: Geological Survey, Mineral resources, 1895, continued. 3494 18 do 5 Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education 3495 19 do 5 Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. 8496 ?0 . . .do 6,2pts 7 8 Agriculture report, 1896; Agriculture Yearbook, 1896. 8497 21 22 do 8498 do Treasury (Finances) 1896. 106 54tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued l§ -3 "^ Series Document no. Notes > ^ 8499 23 H. docs 9, 2 pts 11 Justice (Attorney-General) 1896. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1896. ^8500 24 ....do 10, pt. 1 Comptroller of Currency, 1896, v. 1. |3501 25 do 10,pt.2 fl2 Same, v. 2. Estimates ot*ppropriations for 1898. Receipts and expenditures, 1896. Also S. doc. 159. All are deficiency estimates. 3502 ?f> do 75 [70,250 »3503 27 do 13,pt.l Cormnerce and navigation, 1896, v. 1. ^3504 28 .... do 13,pt.2 Same, v. 2. 3505 29 do 14-22,41-148... Except 46, in serial no. 3516; 70, 75, in serial no. 3502; 99, in serial no. 3517; 104, in serial no. 3518; 108, in serial no. 3546; 131, in serial no. 3519; 135, in serial no. 3520; 136, in serial no. 3521; 137, in serial no. 3522. 22 is Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1896. 3506 •^0 do 23 Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1895. Consular reports, v. 52, nos. 192-195; and supplement 3507 31 do 24, opts to 192, Exports declared, quarter ended June, 1896. 3508 32 .... do 25, 2pts Special consular reports, v. 13: Money and prices in foreign countries. 3509 33 .... do 26, pts. 1-6.... Monthly sununary of finance and commerce, July-Dec. 1896. 3510 34 do 26, pts. 7-12... Same, Jan.-June, 1897. The April issue is in 2 pts., the 2d pt. being a tariff compilation. 3511 35 do 27-32 Geological Survey bulletins 137-142. 3512 36 do 33-37,340,347.. Same, 143-149. 3513 37 do 38 28th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1896. 3514 38 do 39 American ephemeris and nautical ahnanac, 1897, 2d ed. 3515 39 40 41 .... do do 40 Naval war records, series 1, v. 4. 3516 46,274 99 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1896. • 3517 do Interstate Commerce Commission, 1896, 10th. 3518 4? do 104 ... Fish Commission report, 1895. 3519 43 do 131 Tests of metals, 1896. ♦3520 44 do 135, 6 pts Labor Department bulletins, v. 2, nos. 8-13. 3521 4S do 136 Geological Survey monographs, v. 27: Geology of Den- ver Basin. 3522 48 do do 137 House manual. 3523 149,150 151-249 Army register, 1897; Navy register, 1897. 3524 do Except 158, in serial no. 3525; 164, in serial no. 3526; 192, in serial no. 3527; 202, in serial no. 3528; 218, in serial nos. 3529 and 3530; 230, in serial no. 3531 hs. 250 is in serial no. 3502. 8525 49 50 .... do do 158 Statistical abstract, 1896. 3526 164, 6 pts Consular reports, v. 53, nos. 196-199; and supplements to 196 and 199, Exports declared, quarters ended Sept. and Dec. 1896. * 3527 51 do 192 Deep Waterwavs Commission. 3528 5? do 202 Civil service tables. f 3529 53 do 218,pt.l Geological Survey monographs, v. 28: Marquette iron- bearing district of Michigan. 3530 54 .... do 218, pt. 2 Same, atlas. 35311 55 1 do 230, pt. 1 Ethnology report, 1893, 14th, pt. 1. 35312 55 2 do 230, pt. 2 Same, pt. 2. 3532 56 .... do 251,pt. 1 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 49, pt. 1. 3533 57 do 251, pt. 2 Same, v. 49, pt. 2. 107. 64tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— (bntinued Series Document no. Notes H. docs . ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... do... H. reports, do... do... do... 252-337. 255,332 267 291 303 318,321 323,pt. 1 323, pt. 2 338, pt. 1 33S,pt. 2 339 341 108, 342-346, 349-351. 348 352,pt. 1 352, pt. 2 353, pt. 1 353, pt. 2 354 355 356 1497, pt. 3. . . . 2290-2446 2447-2773 2774-3080 3035 Except 255, in serial no. 3535; 267, in serial no. 3536; 274, in serial no. 3510; 291 , in serial no. 3537; 803, in serial no. 3538; 818 and 821, in serial no. 3.'>39; 828^in serial nos. 3540 and 354 1 ; 8S2 , in serial no. 35.35. 315 is Canadian-American Fishery Commission report. Eulogies: C. F. Crisp and William Cogswell. Cotton plant. Animal Industry Bur. rp. , 1895 and 1896, 12th and 13th. Consular regulations. Civil Service Commission, 1895 and 1896. "Do c . v, 7 \ ^ . Commercial relations, 1896, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Tarifl hearings, 189&-97, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Ethnology report, 1894, 15th. 840 Is in serial no. 3512. Labor Dept., 11th annual rp., 1895-96: Worlc and wages. Water-supply and Irrigation papers, 1-9. 847 is in serial no. 3512. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1896. Smithsonian Institution, 1896 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2j: National Museum. American Historical Association, 1896, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Proposed amendments to Constitution of U.S. Patent Office decisions, 1896. Document catalogue, 54th Congress, 1st session, July 1, 1895- June 30, 1896. Document index, 54th C-ongress, 2d session. Pacific railroads funding bill, minority views; see, for pts. 1 and 2, serial no. 3462. 2291 is Alcohol in the arts, report and hearings. Except 3035, in serial no. 3557. Investigation of Soldiers' Home, Leavenworth, Kans. 65tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4-10, 1897 S. journal j.. S. doc 1 S. reports |.. See serial no. 3466a, p. 191. Claim of A. H. Herr, see serial no. 3559. None issued. 55tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Mar. 15-July 24, 1897 8657a S. journal 8558 3559 1 2 .... S. docs do 1,2 pts 2-17,19-35 Congressional directory, 2 editions. Also 1, special session Senate, 55th Cong. 10, 4 pts., is Pacific railroads; 34 is Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indian reservations. 108 55tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes 8561 3567 3570 3570a 8571 3572 3578 3574 3575 8577 3578 3579 3580 8581 8584 3585 3587 3588 9 10 11 1 2 1 2 3 4 S. docs ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do S. reports. ....do.... H. journal. H. docs... ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do... ...-do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... do... H. reports 18 36-64... 65-133.. 134-190. 138. 185. 188 191 192 [3 pts.]. 1-86. . . 87-393. 1-90 32 60 51, 6 pts. 91, 5 pts. 92, pt. 1. 92, pt. 2 92, pt. 3 92, pt. 4..... 93 94, pts. 1-6.. 94, pts. 7 69, pt. 1 . 59, pt. 2. 95, pt. 1 . 95, pt. 2. 96 1-16 -12. Deep-water harbor, California. Except 138, in serial no. 3564; 185, in serial no. 3565; 188, in serial no. 3566. Labor Department, 9th special report: Italians in Chi- cago. Charities and reformatories in District of Columbia, pt. 1. Contains also S. rp. 700 and 781 of 55th Cong. 2d sess., which are pts. 2 and 3 of the same report. Tariff comparisons, 1894 and 1897. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Also S. doc. 329 of 55th Cong. 2d sess. All are Tariff laws, comparisons, etc. 81, pt. 2, is a report of 55th Cong. 2d sess. 20 is Pacific railroads. Except 32, in serial no. 3572; 51, in serial no. 3574; 69, in serial nos. 3583 and 3584; 60, in serial no. 3573. Fish Commission report, 1896. Naval war records, series 1, v. 5. Consular reports, v. 54, nos. 200-203; supplement to 203; and index to v. 42-54. Supplement to 203 is Exports declared, quarter ended Mar. 1897. Consular reports, v. 55, nos. 204-207; and supplement to 206, Exports declared, quarter ended June, 1897. Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Ethnology report, 1895, 16th. Monthly simamary of finance and commerce, July-Dec. 1897. Same, Jan.-June, 1898. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 50, pt. 1. Same, v. 50, pt. 2. Same, v. 51, pt. 1. Same, v. 51, pt. 2. Document index, 55th Congress, 1st session. Tariff; etc. 55tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1897-July 8, 1898 3589 S. journal 8590 3591 1 2 3 S. docs .do 1-21,23-38 22, 2 pts 39-67 33 is Government Prhiting Office, 1897. Congressional directory, 2 editions. 3592 do Postal telegraphs, telephones, and postal savings banks, etc. For correction of doc. 40, pt. 1, see doc. 40, pt. 2. 8593 4 do 68-76,78-109... Except 91 , in serial nos. 3595-3598. 96 is Viaduct across Rock Creek, D. C. 109 S5th. CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION—Continued l§ •3 > 86M 5 8606 6 8696 7 86»7 8 8696 9 8699 10 8800 11 8001 12 8602 13 8606 14 8604 15 8605 16 8606 17 8607 18 8608 19 3609 20 3610 21 3611 22 3612 23 3613 24 3614 25 8615 26 3616 27 3617 28 3618 29 3619 30 8620 1 3621 2 8622 3 8628 4 8624 5 8625 6 8626 8627 7 8 S6fl6S S. docs . . .do... .do... .do.., .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do,.. .do... .do... .do... Dooument no. 77 91,pt.l 91,pt.2 91,pt.3 91,pt.4 110-137 138-177,179-206. 178, pts. 1,7-10, 13-17. 178, pt. 2 178, pt. 3. NotXK National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v, 8, no. 2. Contains also S. does. 139, 174, 55th Cong. 3d sess., Memoirs, v. 8, nos. 3 and 4. Venezuelan Boundary Commission, v. 1: Historical. Same, v. 2: Extracts from Dutch archives. Same, v. 3: Geographical. Same, atlas. 128 is Ticlcet brolcerage, hearings. 131, 3 pts., is U. S. fniit in Germany, San Jos6 scale, etc. Except 185, in serial no. 3009. lAmerican Republics Bureau report, 1897, and Bulletins I 75-78, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90. For pt. 18, see serial no. 3619. Commercial nomenclature, English, Spanish, Portu- ....do -...do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do .-.-do .-..do ....do S. reports -...do ..-.do .--.do --..do ....do ....do ....do 178,pt.4 178,pt.5 178, pt. 6 178,pt.ll 178,pt.l2 185 207-237 238-246,248-289. 247 247 247 290-341 342 283,343,344 ... 345 I78,pt.l8 394-620. 411 621-906. 885,2 pts. 907-1171.. 1123 1172-1416. Nomenclaturacomercial, Spanish, English, Portuguese. Nomenclatura commercial, Portuguese, Spanish, En- glish. Commercial directory of American Republics, v. 1. Same, v. 2. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 5, nos. 1-6, July-Dec. 1807. v. 1-4 not in Congressional set. Same, v. 5, nos. 7-12, Jan.-June, 1898. 3 pages on Death of director Jos. P. Smith, in four languages, which are bound in byreau edition of no. 8, are missing from Congressional edition, though given in table of contents. Patent Office, 1897. Destruction of battle ship Maine, etc. Except 283, in serial no. 3617. 271 is Laws of Navy and Marine Corps. Mexican Boundary Commission, 1891-96, pts. 1 and 2. Same, album. Same, atlas. Except 802, in serial no. 3659; 829, in serial no. 3668, 340 is Direct legislation and referendum. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Eulogies: Jos. H. Earle, J. G. Harris, J. Z. George. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1897. American Republics Bureau bulletin 93. 178, pts, 1-17 are in serial nos. 3601-3608. Bulletins 94-97 were to have been 178, pts. 19-22; 94 is in serial no. 3971, 56th Cong. 1st sess.; 95-97, not issued. Except 411, in serial no. 3621. 81, pt. 2, Minority rp. on Sioux City and PaciGc Railroad bonds, bound in serial no. 3569, is a rp. of this session. Alcohol in manufactures and arts. Except 669, in serial no. 3623; 700 and 781, in serial no. 3565; 885, in serial no. 3624. Examination of civil service law, with testimonies. Affairs in Cuba. Includes reprints of Senate documents and reports of 54th and 55th Congresses. p:xcept 1123, in serial no. 3626. Internal revenue laws, 1861-73. 110 55tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued •3 . t 1 Series Document no. Notes 3628 3629 3630 8631 3632 8638 3634 3635 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H.docs do 1 2 2 2 2 .... 2 2 Message and Foreign relations, 1897. War, 1897: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same: Engineers, pt. 1. Same: Engineers, pt. 2, Same: Engineers, pt. 3. Same: Engineers, pt. 4. Same: Engineers, pt. 5. do do do do do 3636 8 do 2 Same: Engineers, pt. 6. 3637 9 do 2 Same: Ordnance. 3638 10 do 3 Navy, 1897. Post-office, 1897. 3639 11 do 4 /. ^3610 #3641 12 13 do 5 Interior, 1897: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indian affairs. do 5 X. 9 3642 14 do 5 Same: Miscellaneous. • 3613 • 3614 «3645 «3646 • 3647 • 3648 15 16 17 18 19 20 do do do do do .... .do 5 5 5 5 5 5 Same: Geological Survey, pt. 1, Director's rp., etc. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 2, Theoretic papers. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 3, Economic geology. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 4, Hydrography. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5, Mineral resources, 1896. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5, Mineral resources, 1896, continued. t 3649 • 3650 3651 3652 21 22 23 24 do 5 5 6.26 Same: Education, v. 1. >< do Same: Education, v. 2. do Agriculture, 1897; Agriculture expenditures, 1897. Conmiissioners of District of Columbia, 1897, v. 1. do • 7 3653 4 3654 3655 43656 «3657 25 26 27 28 29 do 7 8 9 [Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. Isame, v. 3: Health Department. Treasury (Finances) 1897. Justice (Attorney-General) 1897. y: do do X do do.. 10,pt. 1 10,pt.2 Comptroller of Currency, 1897, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 3658 8659 30 31 do 11 Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1897. do (-12 Estimates of appro}) riations for ] 899. 94 Receipts and expenditures, 1897. Also S. doc. 302. All are deficiency estimates. 156,203,319... / • 8660 32 do 13,pt.l Commerce and navigation, 1897, v. 1. / ^3661 • 3662 33 34 do.. . 13,pt.2 14,16-133 Same, v. 2. y do Except 26, in serial no. 3651; 27, in serial no. 3664; 94, in serial no. 3(359; 95, in serial no. 3665. 14 is Navigation 3663 3661 3665 3666 3667 3a 36 37 38 39 do do 15 Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1897. 29th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1897. 27,278 95 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1897. do Annor Factorv Board report. do 134-141 |142-163, 165, 1 171-205. 141 is Reservoir sites in Wyoming and Colorado. do lExcept 156 and 203, in serial no. 3659; 157, in serial no. J 3668; 201 , in serial no. 3674. Y $3668 3669 40 41 .... do do 157 Interstate Commerce Commission, 1897, 11th. 164 Tests of metals, 1897. 3670 4? do 166 Weather Bureau, 1897. 8671 3672 3673 43 44 45 .... do do do 167 Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1896. Army register, 1898; Navy register, 1898. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1898, 2d eel. 168,169 170 3674 46 do 201,6ptS Consular reports, v. 56, nos. 208-211 ; and supplements to 208 and 211, Exports declared, quarters ended Sept. and Dec, 1897. Ill 55tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 47 67 Series H. docs. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do. do. .do. Document no. 435,5pts 666,6ptS 563 206,6pts 207-226, 22»- 258,260,261, 263-387. 227,338,578.. .do. 259 262 559 288,pt.l 288, pt. 2 476 299 301, 302, 453, 477, 509-511, 579,580. 314 321,464,543.. 388-396 397-548. 454 483, pt. 1 . 483, pt. 2. {549-553... 555-558... 5frt 554 560 661 562 566 567-569 570-572,574.. 573, pts. 1-6.. 573, pts. 7-12 575, pt. 1.... 575, pt. 2.... 575, pt. 3.... 576 577 Notes Samp, V. 57, nos. 212-215; and supplement to 215, Ex- ports declared, quarter ended Mar. 1898. Same, v. 58, nos. 216-219; and supplement to 218, Ex- ports declared, quarter ended June, 1898. Special consular reports, v. 14: Drug trade in foreign countries. Labor Department bulletins, v. 3, nos. 14-19. Except 278, in serial no. 3664; 288, in serial nos. 3684 and 3685; 299, in serial no. 3687; 801 and 302, in serial no. 3t)88; 814, in serial no. 3689; 819, in serial no. 3659; 821, In serial no. 3690; 8JJ8, in serial no. 3680. Animal Industry Bureau operations, 1897; Meat in- spection; Animal Industry Bureau report, 1897, 14th. Statistical abstract, 1897. Naval war records, series 1, v. 6. Same, v. 7. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 52, pt. 1. Same, v. 52, pt. 2. Same, v. 53. Fish Commission report, 1897, and Manual offish-culture. Water-supply and irrigation papers, 10-18. Civil Service Commission, 1897. Eulogies: W. S. Hohnan, A. B. Wright, S. L. Milliken. 389 is Fox and Wisconsin rivers; 396 is Beet-sugar in- dustry. Except 435, in serial no. 3675; 454, in serial no. 3693; 464, 543, in serial no. 3690; 476. in serial no. 3686; 483, in serial nos. 3694 and 3695; 453, 477, 509-511, in serial no. 3688. 482 is Surveys of rivers and harbors. Agriculture Yearbook, 1897. Commercial relations, 1897, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Ship canal at Sabine Pass, Tex.; etc. 559 is in serial no. 3683. Labor Department, 12th annual report, 1897: Economic aspects of liquor problem. Official opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 21. House manual. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1897. Tariff acts, 1789-1897. 563 is in serial no. 3677. Patent Oflice decisions, 1897. 565 is in serial no. 3676. Geological Svu-vey bulletins 150-152. Same, 153-156. ' Monthly summary of conunerce and finance, July-Dec 1898. Same, Jan.-June, 1899. Smithsonian Institution, 1897 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum, pt. 1. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum, pt. 2, Memorial of G. B. Goode. Parliamentary precedents of House. American Historical Association, 1897. 578 is in serial no. 3680; 579 and 580, in serial no. 3688. 112 65tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued ig i 1 Series DociHnent no. Notes # 8711 82 83 84 85 86 87 1 2 3 4 5 ' 7 .... H. docs do do do do do H. reports do do do do do do 581 Geological Survey monographs, v, 29: Old Hampshire County, Mass. Same, v. 30: Fossil medusae • 8712 582 8718 583 i Rebellion records, series 1, v. 54 and 65 not prihted.- 8714 584 3715 585 Document catalogue, 54th Congress, 2d session, July 1, 1896-June 30, 1897. Document index, 55th Congress, 2d session. 8716 586 3717 17-245 8718 3719 3720 8721 8722 3723 246^43 544-852 853-1193 1194-1420 14^-1658 [776,1092 1659 Except 776, in serial no. 3723. Except 1092, in serial no. 3723. 1375 is Personnel of Navy. Charities and reformatories in District of Colimibia, pts. 2, 3. These appeared also as S. reports 700, 781, which are bound with pt. 1 in serial no. 3565. Telephone charges in District of Colimibia. 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3780 3731 3782 8738 8734 3786 8737 8739 9 3740 8741 8742 ,8748 8744 8745 8746 8747 3748 55tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 6, 1898-Mar. 3, 1899 S. journal . S. docs.... .....do do do.... S. reports. do .....do H. journal. H. docs... ....do.... .do. ....do do ....do 1-3,5-15,17-30 4, 2pts •16 31-47,49^8... 48 51, pt. 2. 59-61,63-110. 62, 3 pts 104 109, 2 pts.... 111-169 170,171... 172 173 174 1^17-1685. 1433 1686-1893. 5 is Government Printing Office, 1898. Congressional directory, 2 editions. Hawaiian Commission report. Except 51 , pt. 2 , in serial no. 3730. 31 is Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1898. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 6, nos. 1-6, July-Dec. 1898. See, for 51, pt. 1 (annual rp. 1898), serial no. 3728. Except 104, in serial no. 3733; 109, in serial no. 3734. Treaty with Spain, text and map. Patent Office, 1898. Bureau of Engraving and Printing investigation. Excep\ 139, in serial no. 3594. 164 is Daughters of the American Revolution, 1890-97, 1st report. Eulogies: J. S. Morrill and E. C. Walthall. Explorations in Alaska in 1898. Appropriations, new offices, etc. See serial no. 3594. Except 1433, in serial no. 3740. Mississippi River floods. River and harbor bill; etc. Message and Foreign relations, 1898. War, 1898: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same: Major-general commanding Army. Same: Engineers, pt. 1. Same: Engineers, pt. 2. Same: Engineers, pt. 3. 118 55tli CONOIiE8S, 8d SESSION—Continued • 8749 3750 87r>i 8752 8758 8754 8755 8756 8757 8758 875}> *8760 #8761 • 8762 87631 • 87633 • 8764 • 8765 • 3766 • 3767 3768 3769 8770 3771 3772 • 3773 • 3774 3775 3776 • 8777 8778 8779 8780 8781 8782 24 25 26 i !'' 1 28 I 1 29 I 30 I 31 ! 32 33 34 35 36 37 8788 8784 8785 8786 8787 8788 40 41 Series Document no. H. docs. ....do.. ....do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ...do.. ..do.. ..do.. ...do.. ..do., ...do., ...do., ...do., ...do. ..-.do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- ...do... do. do. ..do. do.. ....do.. do.. do.. do do. do. 5 5 6,23 121,169 7 8 10,pt.l 10,pt. 2 11 12,44,15.185. 13 14, 16-33, 35- 43,45-54. 34,pt.l 34,pt.2... 285, pt. 1.. 285, pt. 2.. 285, pt. 3.. 73, 6 pts. 294, 5 pts. 47 55,154 |56-64, 68-72, 74- I 79,81-120. 121 65 66 Notes Same: Engineers, pt. 4. Same: Engineers, pt. 6. Same: Engineers, pt. 6. Same: Ordnance. Navy, 1898: Miscellaneous. Same, appendix: War with Spain. Post-office, 1898. Interior, 1898: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indians. Same: Miscellaneous. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 1, Director's report, etc. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 2, Theoretic papers. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 3, Economic geology. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 4, Hydrography. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5, Forest reserves, text. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5, Forest reserves, atlas. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1897. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1897, continued. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1898; Agriculture expenditures, 1898. Experiment Stations Office bulletins 61 and 62. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1898, v. 1. {Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department. Treasury (Finances) 1898. Justice (Attorney-Qeneral) 1898. Comptroller of Currency, 1898, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1898. Estimates of appropriations for 1900; Receipts and ex- penditures, 1898; Deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1898. IExcept 23, in serial no. 3768; 47, in serial no. 3784. 14 is Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1898. Special consular reports, v. 15, pt. 1: Soap, screws, ar- gols, rabbits, ramie. Same, v. 15, pt. 2: Sericulture, and English walnut. Same, v. 16: Tariffs of foreign countries, pt. 1, Europe. Same, pt. 2, America. Same, pt. 3, Asia, Africa, Australasia, and Polynesia. See, for supplement, serial no. 4139. Consular reports, v. 59, nos. 220-223; and supplements to 220 and 223, Exports declared, quarters ended Sept. and Dec. 1898. Same, v. 60, nos. 224-227; and supplement to 226, Ex- ports declared, quarter ended Mar. 1899. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1897. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1898. IExcept 100, in serial no. 3796; 101, in serials 3797, 3798. 99 is Laws other than criminal relating to Alaska. See serial no. 3768. Rebellion records, series 2, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 82452°— 114 55tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued Serial no. > I Series Document no. 8789 8790 8791 3792 8798 3794 3795 3796 8797 «ii» 8798 3799 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 .... H. docs do do do do do do do do do do 67 284 311 312 313 314 80 100 101 101 287,pt. 1 X * 88001 58 1 do 287, pt. 2.....^ •» 38002 68 2 do •. 287 [pt. 3] V «8801 • 8802 «3B08 59 60 fill 1 do do 288 y. 289 • 8804 • 3805 62 63 do do 291 y- 292 •8806 3807 64 65 .... do do 315 |122-135, 137-140, 1 142,144-161. 8808 66 .... do 136,268 3809 3810 • 3811 67 68 69 .... 444 141 143 y 162 [163-180,182-206, 3812 70 do I 208-219,222- 228, 230-265, I 267,269-. 3813 « 8814 71 72 .... do do 181 X 207,6pts 3815 73 do j220, 277-283, 1 297-300. 3816 3817 3818 74 75 76 .... do do do 221 229 266,pt. 1 3819 77 do 266, pt. 2 3820 8821 78 79 do do 270 271-275 8822 8823 3824 8825 • 3826 #3827 - 8828 3829 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 do do do.. do do do do do 276 286 293 295 y 296 y 301 / 301 302-504 8830 88 do 305,306 3831 89 do 307 3832 90 do 308 Notes Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Same, v. 5. Same, v. 6. Same, v. 7. Same, v. 8. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1899, 2d ed. 30th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1898. Geological Survey monographs, v. 31: Aspen District, Colo. Same, v. 31, atlas. Same, v. 32: Geology of Yellowstone National Park, pt. 1. Not yet issued. Same, v. 32: Geology of Yellowstone National Park, pt. 2. Same, v. 32, atlas. Same, v. 33: Geology of Narragansett B»y. Same, v. 34: Glacial gravels of Maine. «arae, v.-ad^^L-etw-extiact. floras- of North Amerietu- £ Same, v. 36: Crystal Falls, Mich., iron-bearing district. Same, v. 37: Fossil flora of lower coal-measures of Missouri. Same, v. 38: Illinois glacial lobe. Except 154, in serial no. 3785. 142 is Survey of South west Pass, Mississippi River. Navy register, 1899; Army register, 1899. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1898, 12th. Tests of metals, 1898. Statistical abstract, 1898. Except 169, in serial no. 3768; 185, in serial no. 3776. 268 is in serial no. 3808. Forestry investigations, 1877-98. Labor Department bulletins, v. 4, nos. 20-25. Water-supply and irrigation papers, 19-30. Fish Commission report, 1898. House manual. Commercial relations, 1898, v. 1. Same, v. 2. AVeather Bureau, 1898. Eulogies: Nelson Dingley, John Simpkins, W. F. Love, S. A. Northway, E. D. Cooke. Compilation of treaties in force, 1899. Naval war records, series 1, v. 8. Agriculture Yearbook, 1898. American Historical Association, 1898. Civil Service Commission, 1898. Labor Department, 13th annual report, 1898: Hand and machine labor, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Geological Survey bulletins, 157-159. Same, 160-161. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1898, 15th. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1898. 115 56tli CONGRESS, 8d SESSION— Continued l§ i 1 Series Document no. Notes 8884 8886 01 92 93 94 95 96 97 1 2 H.doos do do do do do do H. reports do 309, ptl...... 309, pt. 2 310 Smithsonian Institution, 1898 [pt. 1]. Same[pt. 2]: National Museum. Patent Office decisions, 1898. 8886 8887 310 Ethnology report, 1896, 17th, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. 316 8888 317 Document catalogue, v. 4, 56th Congress, July 1, 1897- 8880 318 June 30, 1899. Document index, 55th Congress, 3d session. 3840 8841 1660-2000 2001-2367 56tli CONGRI DSS, 1st SESSION Dec. 4, 1899— June 7. 1900 3842 S. Journal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 J" 26 27 S.docs do do n 3843 J 133 [290 3844 3845 2-14,16,17 15,3pts 18-49 3846 1 2 do do do do do .do 3847 30. .. 3848 38491 50-59, 61-€5.... 60 38492 60 3830 66-100. 3851 8862 8868 do do .do 101-147 148-170 161,237 171-208 185 8864 8866 do do do do do 8866 194 iB867 209 8868 210-235 221 .. 8869 do do do do do do do do do. do do 8860 221 8861 221. 8862 221 8868 221 8864 221. 8865 221 8866 221 8867 3868 3869 236-257 r258, 260-269, 1 271-282,284- l 337. 259 Secretary of Senate, report, July 1, 189S-June 30, 1899. Same, July 1, 1899-Jan. 31, 1900. Index to reports of secretaries of Senate, 1823-Jan. 31, 1900. 11 is Government Printing Office, 1899. Congressional directory, 3 editions. Except 80, in serial no. 3847. 7th International Congress of Na%igation, Brussels, 1898. 59 is Bibliography of interoceanic canals; 61 is Bibli- ography of District of Columbia. History of United States Capitol, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 71 is Transactions with national banks. Except 133, in serial no. 3843; 138, in serial no. 3885 m. Except 161, in serial no. 3853. Correspondence relating to interoceanic canal. Except 185, in serial no. 3855; 194, in serial no. 3856. Patent Office, 1899. History and growth of United States census. National galleries of history and art, pts. 1-3. Except 221 , in serial nos. 3859-3866. Commission to investigate conduct of War Department in War with Spain, v. 1: Minutes, report, appendices. Same, v. 2: Appendices. Same, v. 3: Testimony. Same, v. 4: Testimony. Same, v. 5: Testimony. Same, v. 6: Testimony. Same, v. 7: Testimony. Same, v. 8: Correspondence. Except 237, in serial no. 3853. 245 is Reindeer in Alaska, 1899; 254 is Tariff schedules in Cuba, Porto Rico, and Pliilippines. [Except 290, in serial no. 3843; 806, in serial no. 3874. Filtering water-supply of Washington, D. C. 116 66tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 3870 3871 3874 3876 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 38811 38812 3884 8887 3892 3895 3896 3901 3904 Series S. docs. ....do. ....do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do...^ ...do.... ...do.... S. reports. ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do..., ...do... ...do-.., ...do.... ....do.... ....do.... H. journal. H.docs. do... do... do.... do..., do... do.... do.... Document no. 270. 270. 270. 283. 306 338-387. 426-447,452... 428 448,451. 456 449 449 450,455. 453 454 138 138 138 138 1-224.... 225-527.. 516 528-765.. 766-1113. 1052. 1052 1052 1114-1372. 1373-1675. 1023 p.pt.l. jl,pt.2. [l, pt. 3. 2 2 2 2 2 Notes Food furnished to troops in Cuba and Porto Rico, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. New legislation concerning crimes, misdemeanors, and penalties. Alaska, 1899, Copper River exploring expedition. Notes on Spanish-American "War. These are Naval Intelligence Office, War notes 1-8. Except 413, in serial no. 3937. 425 is Daughters of the American Revolution, 1898, 2d. Except 428, in serial no. 3879. Early Congressional documents, bibliography of lst-14th" Congresses (Greely). Acceptance of statues of O. P. Morton and U. S. Grant. Same, T. H. Benton and F. P. Blair. Private claims before Senate, 1891-99, v. 1: A-K. Same, v. 2: L-Z. Eulogies: G. A. Hobart and M. L. Hayward. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1899. 1st Philippine Commission, 1899-1900 (or Schurmau Commission), report, v. 1, 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Same, atlas. Except 516, in serial no. 3888. Adulteration of food products. 711, 2 pts., is Public schools in District of Coltunbia. Except 1023, in serial no. 3896; 1052, in serial nos. 3891- 3893. Right of W. A. Clark to seat as Senator from Montana, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Except 1243, which was withdrawn. Pts. 3-6 of 1337 are in serial no. 4063, where pts. 1 and 2 are reprinted in pt. 4. Explorations in Alaska, 1869-99. Message and Foreign relations, 1899. Conditional agreement with Sultan of Jolo. Preliminary statement of 1st Philippine Commission. War, 1899: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same: Chiefs of bureaus. S^me: Major-general commanding Army, pt. 1, Miscel- laneous. Same: Major-general commanding Anny, pt. 2, Depart- ment of the Pacific. Same: Major-general commanding Army, pt. 3, Depart ment of the Pacific, continued. Same: Civil afiairs in Cuba and Porto Rico. Same: Engineers, pt. 1. 117 Sethi CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 1 1 9 ..^ 10 11 .... 12 .... 13 .... 14 .... 15 .... 16 .... 17 .... 18 .... 19 .... 20 .... 21 .... 22 .... 23 .... 24 .... 25 26 .... 27 .... 28 .... 29 .... 30 31 .... 32 33 .... 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 .... 45 46 47 48 .... Series Document no. Notes H. docs. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....'.1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6,173 314,500... 199, 642. . . 13 13 14,pt. 1... 14,pt. 2... 15, pts. 1-6 15,pts. 7-12.. 16, 6 pts.. 190, 6 pts. ...do.... 620, 5 pts. Same: Engineers, pt. 2. Same: Engineers, pt. 3. Same: Engineers, pt. 4. Same: Engineers, pt. 5. Same: Engineers, pt. 6. Same: Ordnance. Navy, 1899. Post-Ofllce, 1899. Interior, 1899: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indians, pt, 1. Same: Indians, pt. 2. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 1. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 1, Director's report, etc. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 2, General geology and paleontology. Same: Geological Survey, pt, 3, Precious-metal mining districts. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 4, Hydrography. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5, Forest reserves. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1898. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1898, continued. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 7, Explorations in Alaska in 1898. Same: Education, v, 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1899; Agriculture expenditures, 1899, Agriculture in Alaska, 1899; Experiment stations, 1899. JDistrict of Columbia, 1899, v, 1: Commissioners, etc, jsame, v, 2: Engineer Department. {Same, v, 3: Health Department. Same, v. 4: Public schools. Treasury (Finances) 1899, Justice (Attorney-General) 1899. Comptroller of Currency, 1899, v, 1, Same, v, 2, Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1899. Estimates of appropriations, 1901. Receipts and expenditures, 1899, Also S, doc, 413, All are deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1899, v. 1, Same, v, 2, Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1899. Law s relating to navigation and merchant marine. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Dec. 1899. Same, Jan.-June, 1900. Consular reports, v. 61, nos. 228-231; and supplement to 228, Exports declared, quarter ended June, 1899, Same, v. 62, nos, 232-235; and supplements to 232 and 235, Exports declared, quarters ended Sept. and Dec. 1899, Same, v. 63, nos, 236-239; and supplement to 239, Ex- ports declared, quarter ended Mar. 1900. 118 56tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued i 49 50 51 .... 52 .... 53 .... 54 .... 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 .... 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Document no. Notes 3946 8917 8948 8»19 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3958 3960 3963 3964 3965 3966 3970 8971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 H. does. do.. do.. do.. do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ...do.. ...do.. ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ..do... ...do... 744,4pts 116 257 730 731 741,pt. 1 741, pt. 2 741,pt.3 17, 572, 633, 714-7] 8. 719,720,746-750 18 19-79 80-96, 98-105.. 95,pt.2 97 106,236 107-114, 120-200 115. 735. 117. 118. 287. 553 579 658 678-...*. 119, 350, 351, 663, 721-725. 175,pt.l 175,pt.4 175, pt. 2 175, pt. 3 201-238,240-263. 239 J264-297, 1 301-323. 298 300 324 |325-339, 341- 1 358,361-392. 340 349,360 369, 6 pts Same, v. 64, nos. 240-243. Special consular reports, v. 17: Sewage and garbage; Coal-tar. Same, v. 18: Merchant marine of foreign countries. SamCj V. 19: Paper; Uses of wood pulp. (Same, v. 20, pt. 1: Book cloth, etc. Same, v. 20, pt. 2: School gardens in Europe. ' Same, v. 20, pt. 3: Stave trade. Same, v. 21, pt. 1: Foreign markets for American coal. Same, v. 21, pt. 2: Vehicle industry in Europe. Same, v. 21, pt. 3: Trusts and trade combinations in Europe. Geological Survey bulletins 102-169. Same, 170-176. 31st annual list of merchant vessels of l'. S., 1899. Except 36, in serial no. 3937. Except 95, pt. 2, in serial no. 3956. Atlas of Chicago River and branches, American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1900, 2d ed.s National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1899. Except 173, in serial no. 3929; 175, in serial nos. 3971- 3973; 190, in serial no. 3944; 199, in serial no. 3937. Naval war records, series 1, v. 9. Same, v. 10. Rebellion records, series 3, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Same, v. 5. Same, series 4, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Water-supply and irrigation papers, 31-39. American Republics Bureau report, 1899. American Republics Bureau, bulletin 94: British trade. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 6, nos. 7-12, Jan.-June, 1899. Same, v. 7, nos. 1-6, July-Dec. 1899. Except 236, in serial no. 3958; 257 , in serial no. 3947. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1898. [Except 287, in serial no. 3964; 314, in serial no. 3929. 264 is Transactions of Treasury Dept. with national banks. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1899, 13th. Tests of metals, 1899. House manual. Except 349, in serial no. 3982; 350, 351, in serial no 3970. Civil Service Commission, 1899. Navy register, 1900; Army register, 1900. Labor Department bulletins, v. 5, nos. 26-31. 119 66tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued p ■3 > I Series Dooument no. • ^wm 87 .... H.docs 393-398,400-410, 412-430,432450. S8 do 399 W86 699 sasG 89 do 411 3»S7 00 do 431 8988 91 .... do (451-459,461-475, l477-480,482-5(M. 8989 92 .... do 400,3pts 8990 93 .... do 476,pt.l 8991 94 .... do [476, pt. 2 1476, pt. 3 |'476[pt. 4] 8992 95 do ) 1476 [pt. 5] 8993 96 do 481,pt.l r89»( 97 do 481 [pt. 2] 8995 98 ..t. do 505-611 3996 99 100 .... do do 588 8997 612-672 8998 101 do 660 8999 102 .... do 660 (■673-691, 693- 4000 103 .... do 1 707,709,711, I 712,742. 4001 104 .... do do 692 4002 708 4008 106 do 710 4004 107 do 713 4005 108 do.. 726 4006 109 do 743 4007 110 do 727 4006 111 .... do 728,740,751-755. 4009 112 113 113 1 2 do do do 729 40101 732 4010 « 732 4011 114 do 733 4012 115 do 733 4018 116 117 do do 734 4014 736 4015 118 119 do do 736 4016 737,pt.l Notes Field operations of Division of Soils, 1899. Beet-sugar industry in United States, 1899. Statistical abstract, 1899. rrotection of Sacramento and Feather rivers. Except 496, in serial no. 39<'>5; 500, in serial no. 3029. 459 is Reformatory system in U. S. Spanish- American War claims. Industrial Commission reports, v. 1: Trusts, preliminary report and testimony. See, for 2d report on trusts, serial no. 4343. Same, v. 2: Trusts, statutes and decisions. Same, v. 3: Prison labor. Same, v. 4: Transportation, preliminary report and tes- timony. See, for 2d report, serial no. 4339. Same, v. 5: Labor legislation. See, for v. 6-19, serial nos. 4168, 4169, and 4338-4349. Commercial relations, 1899, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Except 553, in serial no. 3966; 572, in serial no. 3951; 579, in serial no. 3967; 588, in serial no. 3996. Agriculture Yearbook, 1899. Except 620, in serial no. 3945; 683, in serial no. 3951; 642, in serial no. 3937; 658, in serial no. 3968; 660, in serial nos. 3998-3999; 668, in serial no. 3970. Weather Bureau, 1899, v. 1: Rp. and meteorological tables. Same, v. 2: International cloud observations. Except 678, in serial no. 3969; 699, in serial no. 3985. 694 is Peach leaf curl; 742 is Exports declared, fiscal year ended June 30, 1899. Fish Commission report, 1899. Ivouisiana Purchase. Patent decisions, 1899. Labor Department, 14th annual report, 1899: Water, gas, and electric-light plants. Geological Survey monographs, v. 39: Coral faimas. Same, v. 40: Coleoptera from Florissant, Colo. Primer of forestry, pt. 1. Pt. 2 is not in Congressional set; see, for bureau editions of pt. 2, A13.3:24« and A1.9:258. Eulogies: Richard P. Bland, Lorenzo Danford, Evan E. Settle, William L. Greene, Samuel T. Baird, Daniel Ermentrout, Sydney P. Epes. R6ntgen ray in War with Spain. Smithsonian Institution, documents relative to its ori- gin and history, v. 1: 1835-1887. Same, v. 2: 1887-1899. American Historical Association, 1899, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Correspondence of John C. Calhoun. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1899. Ethnology rp., 1897, 18th, pt. 1: Director and Eskimos. Same, pt. 2: Indian land cessions. Smithsonian Institution, 1899 [pt. 1]. 120 56t]i CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued l§ i 1 Series Document no. Notes • 4017 4018 120 121 122 123 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H. docs do 737, pt. 2 738,739 745 Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Washington observations 1891 and 1892 4019 do do H. reports.... do Animal Industry- Bureau report, 1899, 16th. Document index, 56th Congress, 1st session. 4020 756 4021 1-245 4022 24&-486 487-807 808-1078 1079-1427 1428-1755 1756-2006 4023 do 4024 do 4025 do Except 1082 and 1158, which were withdrawn. 4026 4027 do do 56tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 3, 1900— Mar. 2, 1901 4028 S. journal Contains also proceedings special session Senate, Mar. 4-9, 1901, p. 279. 4029 1 S. docs 1-3,5-19,21-38. 19 is Government Printing Office, 1900. 4030 2 do 4, 2 pts Congressional directory, 2 editions. Revision of statutes relating to patents, etc. Bergen, Norway, International Fisheries Exposition, 1898. 4031 3 do 20 4032 4 do 39 4038 5 . do 40-108 Except 68, in serial no. 4034; 76, in serial no. 4035; 89, in serial nos. 4036-4038. • 4034 6 . . do 68 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1900. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 8, no. 5. Postal Commission report, v. 1: Railway-mail pay. 4035 7 do 76 4036 8 do 89,pt.l 4037 9 do 89,pt.2 Same, v. 2: Railway-mail pay. 4038 10 .... do 89,pt.3 Same, v. 3: 2d-class mail matter, pneumatic-tube serv- ice, etc. 4039 11 do 109-160 rii2 Except 112, in serial no. 4040; 138, in serial no. 4041. Taft Philippine Commission reports, 1900. T,ands held for ecclesiastical purposes in the Philip- pines. 4040 12 .... do [190 4041 13 do 138 Patent Office, 1900. 4042 14 do 161-204 Except 190, in serial no. 4040. 15 .... do do 205 See serial no. 4125. 4043 J206-218, 220-228, 1 233,234,238. [Except 222 and 223, in serial no. 4176. 4044 16 do 219 Daughters of the American Revolution, 1899 and 1900, 4045 17 do .. .. 229 3d. Legislative history of general staff of Army, 1775-1901. Eulogies: C. K. Davis and J. H. Gear. 4046 18 do 230,236 4047 19 do 231,pt.l Reports of Committee on Foreign Relations, 1789-1901, V. 1: Claims of U. S. citizens against foreign govern- ments. 4048 20 do 231,pt.2 Same, v. 2: La Abra Silver Mining Company. 4049 21 .... do 231,pt.3 Same, v. 3: Claims, miscellaneous. 4050 22 .... do 231, pt. 4 Same, v. 4: International exhibitions and conferences, cables, canals, foreign commerce, tariff, etc. 4061 23 do 231,pt.5 Same, v. 5: Foreign trade, commerce, tariffs; boundary and fishery disputes. 121 Setli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes S. docs.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... S. reports. ....do... ....do.. ....do.. H. journal. H.docs do ....do do do ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. 231,pt.6 23l,pt.7 231,pt.8 232 232 232 232 232 232 235 237 1337,pts. 3-(5. 1676-2019. 2020-2322. 2043 2323-2496. 2 2 Same, v. 6: Diplomatic relations; Hawaiian Islandsl Same, v. 7: Affairs in Cuba, etc. Same, v. 8: Treaties and legislation respecting them. Commissioner-general to Paris Exposition, 1900, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Same, v. 5. Same, v. 6. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Senate manual. Nicaragua Canal, Pts. 1 and 2, docs, of the 1st sess. are reprinted with other docs, and rps. here in pt. 4. Except 2048, in serial no. 4066. Oleomargarine and other imitation dairy products. 2381 is River and harbor bill. Message and Foreign relations, 1900. War, 1900: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same: Chiefs of bureaus. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 1, Miscellaneous. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 2, Department of Habana, and Division of the Philip- Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 3, Division of the Philippines. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 4, Military operations in the Philippines. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 5, Military operations in the Philippines. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 6, Military operations in the Philippines. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 7, Military operations in China. Same: Civil affairs in the Philippines. Same: Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 1, pt. 1. Same: Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 1, pt. 2. Same: Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 1, pt. 3. Same: Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 1, pt. 4. Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 1. Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 2. Same: Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 3. Same: Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 4. Civil affairs in Porto Rico. Engineers, pt, 1. Same: Engineers, pt. 2. Same: Engineers, pt. 3. Same: Engineers, pt. 4. Same: Engineers, pt. 5. Same: Engineers, pt. 6. Same: Engineers, pt. 7. Same: Engineers, pt. 8. 122 56tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 V #4106 V # 4106 ^ » 4107 i 4»4108 34 §4109 35 > • 4110 36 > ♦ 4111 37 / r4112 38 K #4113 39 V ^4114 40 4115 41 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 46 4121 47 X #4122 48 X #4123 49 4124 50 4125 • 4126 4127 4128 4129 42 43 4180 56 4181 57 4182 68 4138 69 4184 60 4135 61 4186 62 4137 63 Series H. docs. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ..do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ...do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 5.... 5.... 5.... 6.... 6.... 5 5 5 [6,29.... [336 171,335. 368,466. .352 13 13 14 15,pts. 1-6.. 15,pts. 7-12. 16 17 18 19-75 76-121 Notes 81,259 [106,484-488,530- [ 634,663,554. Same: Ordnance. Navy, 1900. Post-Office, 1900. Interior, 1900: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indian affairs, report of commissioner. Same: Indian affairs, Five Civilized Tribes Commis- sion, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 1, Bureau officers, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2, Governorsof Territories, etc. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 1, Director's report, etc. Same: Geological Survey, pt, 2, General geology, eco- nomic geology, Alaska. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 3, General geology, ore and phosphate deposits, Philippines. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 4, Hydrography. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5^^ Forest reserves, text. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5, Forest reserves, atlas. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1899. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1899, continued. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 7, Black and Grand prai- rie^ Tex. Same: Education, v. 1. • Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture report, 1900; Agriculture expenditures, 1900. Report on agricultural experiment stations, 1900. Agriculture in Porto Rico; Agriculture in Alaska, 1900. Agriculture in Hawaii; Use of water in irrigation. f District of Columbia, 1900, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. [Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. I Same, v. 3: Health Department. Same, v. 4: Public schools. Treasury (Finances) 1900. Justice (Attorney-General) 1900. Comptroller of Currency, 1900, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1900. Estimates of appropriations, 1902. Receipts and expenditures, 1900. Also S. doc. 205. Both are deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1900, v. 1, Same, v. 2. Navigation Bureaix, Treasury Dept., 1900. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Dec. 1900. Same, Jan.-June, 1901. 32d annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1900. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1901, 2d ed. House manual. Except 29, in serial no. 4116. Except 80, in serial no. 4125; 81, in serial no. 4136; 106, in serial no. 4137. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1900. ^4 Water-supply and irrigation papers, 40-52. 123 66tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 65 67 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ^. docs. .do. .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. .do., .do., .do.. .do.. .do. .do. Document ho. 123-150 14Q 290, 3 pis. . . 240, 4pts... 527, 4pts... 556, 4 pts. . . 543 141,496,644,557 550 149 149 149 151-180, 182-228 181,pts. 1, 3... 181, pt. 2 323 356, pts. 1-6... 356, pts. 7-12.. 190 229-354 239 241,291 242 275 314 542 315, 6 pts 355^379,381-482 380 380 475 483,489-493.... 497-^06,508.... 511,515 494 495 507 509 Notes Except 140, in serial no. 4139; 141, in serial no. 4144; 149, In serial nos. 4146-4147. Special consular reports, v. 16, supplement: Tarifls of Chile and Nicaragua. See, for v. 16, serial nos. 3779- 3781. Same, v. 22, pts. 1-3: Acetic acid, Mineral-waters, Stoves. Consular reports, v. 65, nos. 244-247. Same, v. 66, nos. 248-251. Same, v. 67, nos. 252-255. Index to monthly consular rps. v. 55-63, nos. 204-239. Exports declared, quarters ended June, Sept., Dec. 1900, and Mar. 1901. Same, fiscal year ended June 30, 1900. Deep Waterways Board rejwrt, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, atlas. Except 171, in serial no. 4117; 190, in serial no. 4154. American Republics Bureau report, 1900; Mexico. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 8, nos. 1-6, Jan.-Jvme, 1900. Same, v. 9, nos. 1-6, July-Dec. 1900. Same, v. 10, nos. l-Oj Jan.-June, 1901. Same, v. 11, nos. 1-6, July-Dec. 1901. Tests of metals, 1900. Except 239, in serial no. 4156; 240, in serial no. U40; 241, in serial no. 4157; 242, in serial no. 4158; 259, in serial no. 4136; 275, in serial no. 4159; 290, in serial no. 4139; 291, in serial no. 4157; 814, in serial no. 4160; 315, in serial no. 4162; 823, in serial no. 4151; 335, in serial no. 4117; 336, in serial no. 4116; 352, in serial no. 4125. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1899. Army register, 1901; Navy register, 1901. Naval Observatory publications, 2d series, v. 1. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1900, 14th. Naval war records, series 1, v. 11. Same, v. 12. Labor Department bulletins, v. 6, nos. 32-3, . Except 856, in serial nos. 4152-4153; 368, in serial na 4117; 466. in serial no. 4117; 475, in serial no. 4166. Commercial relations, 1900, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Statistical abstract, 1900. 489 is Penal codes; 490 is Cost of crime. Cniise of revenue cutter Bear, 1897-98; Tennessee Cen- tennial Exposition, 1897. Industrial Commission reports, v. 6: Distribution of farm products. Same, v. 7: Capital and labor in manufactures and general business. See, for v. 1-^, 8-19, serial nos. 3990- 3992 and 4338-4349. Agricultural experiment stations in U. S. lasuiar cases in Supreme Court. 124 56tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued lg t :- Series Document no. 4172 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 132 132 132 133 134 135 136 137 1 ; H. docs do do do do 510 4173 512 4174 513 ^M» 4175 514 4176 516 4177 [11 2 3 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do....... H. reports... 517 4178 518 4179 519 4180 4181 520-525 526 w • 4182 528 ^ •4188 4184 528 629. 4185 529 4186 629 4187 4188 4189 4190 635,536 537,pt. 1 637, pt. 2 538 4191 638. . 4192 639 4193 539... . 4194 640 4195 540 '^ 4197 641 545 f646 4198 1547.. 4199 548 4200 548 4201 649 4202 651 4203 651 4204 551 .... 4205 551 42061 551 4206 2 551 42063 651 42064 551 4207 652 4208 555 4209 658 4210 559 4211 660 4212 2007-2321 Notes Digest of contested election cases, lst-56th Congresses, 1789-1901. Official opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 22. House calendars, Mar. 4, 1901. Atlas of Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and vicinity. List of maps of America in Library of Congress. Con- tains also S. doc. 222, List of books on Porto Rico, and S. doc. 223, List of books on Danish West Indies. Weather Bureau, 1900. Patent decisions, 1900. Agriculture Yearbook, 1900. Eulogies: J. H. Hoffecker, F. G. Clarke, W. D. Daly, A. D. Shaw, R. A. Wise, A. C. Harmer. Field operations of Division of Soils, 1900. Labor Department, 15th annual report, 1900: Wages in commercial countries, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Documentary history of Constitution of U. S., 1786-1870, V. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Geological Survey bulletins 177, 178. Smithsonian Institution, 1900 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Musevun. Digest of decisions relating to Indian affairs (Murchison), V. 1. Same, v. 2. Not to be issued. Ethnology report, 1898, 19th, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1900, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Fish Commission report, 1900. Military laws of United States. Geology of Copper River district, Alaska. Reconnaissance in Cape Nome and Norton Bay regions, 1900. American Historical Association, 1900, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Public Archives Commission, 1st report. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1900, 17th. Digest of international law (Moore), v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Same, v. 6. Same, v. 6. Same, v. 7. Same, v. 8: Index. Celebration of 100th anniversary of establishment of seat of Government in District of Columbia. Civil Service Commission, 1900. Rebellion records, general index. Document catalogue, v. 5, 56th Congress, July 1, 1899- Jime 30, 1901. Document index, 66th Congress, 2d session. 125 66tlx CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 1' t 1 Series Document no. Notes ttlS 4Mb «il6 4117 2 3 4 6 6 H. reports . . . do 2322-2700 270I-«)06 2768, pts. 1,2.. 2768, pt. 3 2768, pt. 4 Except 2768, In serial nos. 4216-4217. Haring at MlUtary Academy. Same. Same. .... do do do 67tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4-9. 1901 S. journal. S. doc See serial no. 4028, p. 279. Pri\ileges of officers in naval service promoted from ranks. See serial no. 4220. 57tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 2, 1901— July 1, 1902 4218 S. journal . . 4219 1 S. docs 1 Secretary of Senate, 1901. 4220 2 do 2, 3, 5-19, 21- 34,3&-49,51- 53,55-61. Il9 is Government Printing Office, 1901. Contains also doc. 1, special session Senate. 4221 3 do 4,3pts Congressional directory, 3 editions. 4222 4 . ..do 20 Astrophysical Observatory, work, etc., 1891-1901. Library of Congress, report 1901, and Manual. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1901. Isthmian Canal Commission, 1899-1901. 4223 5 do 35 4224 6 do 50 M^-^o 7 do 54,2ptS mAoam 8 do f62-66, 69-78, 1 '80^,85-97. 1 67 omitted, same as app. to H. doc. 1 ; see serial no. 4268. J 62 is Whaling and sealing claims against Russia. r48zo J227 9 do 68,2pts Criminal and Penal Laws Commission, 1901. 4228 10 do 79 Governor of Porto Rico, 1st annual report, 1901. Southern Appalachian region. 98 is Keindeer in Alaska, 1901; 103 is American Instrao- tors of the Deaf, 1901. 4229 11 .do 84. . . 4280 12 do 98-133 4231 13 do 134-170 Except 151, in serial no. 4232. 4232 14 do 151 Patent Office, 1901. jl71 Correspondence relating to Philippine tariff. Charges of cruelty in the PhiUppines. 4288 15 do l205,2pts 4284 16 do 172-222 Except 205, in serial no. 4233. 4285 17 do 223-268 Except 233, in serial no. 4236; 258, in serial no. 4238. 223 is Oleomargarine and other imitation dairy prod- ucts. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 8, no. 6. Same, v. 8, no. 7: West Indian madreporian polyps. Hearings on interoceanic canal. Leprpsy in United States; etc. Gazetteer of Philippine Islands. Except 331 , in serial nos. 4242-4244. Hearings on affairs in Philippine Islands. Same. 4286 18 1 do 233 4287 18 ? do 450 4288 19 do 253,3pts 269-279,281-303. 280. . 4289 ?0 do 4240 ■ 21 do.... 4241 22 . do 304-342 4242 23 do . . 331,pt. 1 331, pt. 2 4243 24 do 4244 25 do 331,pt.3 Same. 126 57tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continiied ^ 2 m 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 '4250 4251 4252 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 «4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 27 31 Series S. docs. do. do. ....do. ....do. do. ....do. do. do.... do.... do.... do.... S. reports. ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... do.... do.... do.... ....do.... ....do..-. do.... H. journal. H. docs. do.. do.. do.. ....do.. .....do.. ....do.. do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 343^06. 356 407-434. 411 435-446,448. 447 449 450 451 452 452 453 1 2-334 166 335-558. . . 559-919... 920-1180.- 1181-1616. 1617-1930. 1931-2126. 776, 2 pts. 1075 l,pt. 1. l,pt. 2- 2 2 2 2 2-... 2-.. Notes Except 356, in serial no. 4246. Irrigation investigations in California. Except 411, in serial no. 4248; 426, in serial no. 4308. 412 is Missouri troops in Civil War. Consulates and consular agencies. 448 is Revenues and expenditures in Cuba. Daughters of the American Revolution, 1901. Appropriations, new offices, etc. See serial no. 4237. Eulogies: James H. Kyle. Treaties, laws, etc., relating to Indian affairs (Kappler), v. 1. Same, v. 2. Gettysburg National Park Commission, 1893-1901. Interoceanic canals. Except 166, in serial no. 4258. Improvement of park system of District of Columbia. Except 776, in serial no. 4265. Except 1075, in serial no. 4266. Chinese exclusion. River and harbor .bill. Message and Foreign relations, 1901. Same, appendix: Affairs in China. War, 1901: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same: Chiefs of bureaus. Same: Lieutenant-general, pt. 1, Miscellaneous. Same: Lieutenant-general, pt. 2, Division of Philip- Same: Lieutenant-general, pt. 3, Military operations in Luzon. Same: Lieutenant-general, pt. 4, Military operations in Visayas, Mindanao and Jolo, and China. Same: Lieutenant-general, pt. 5, Division of Philippines, supplementary. Same: Report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1. Same: Report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2. Same: Public laws passed by Philippine Commission. Same: Engineers, pt. 1. Same: Engineers, pt. 2. Same: Engineers, pt. 3. Same: Engineers, pt. 4. Same: Engineers, pt. 5. Same: Engineers, supplement, Mississippi River Com- mission and Missouri River Commission. Same: Ordnance. Navy, 1901, pt. 1, Same, pt. 2. Post-Office, 1901. Interior, 1901: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indian affairs, pt. l. Report of commissioner. 127 57tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes 4826 •4327 4829 35 37 40 H.docs. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 6,29,334. 8 9 10 11... , 12 12 35 61,244,588.. 13 13 14 15,pts. 1-3. 15,pts. 4-6... 15,ptS. 7-9... 16, pts. 10-12. 16 17 18 19 19 20 21-38,40 43-49,51,62... 63,65-136 39,137 41 64 42,353,525,683 639 50,176,336.... 52 53-60,481-484. 684-692 Same: Indian affairs, pt. 2, Fire Civilized Tribes Com- mission, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 1, Bureau officers, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2, Governors of Territories, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 3, Governor of New Mexico. Same: Geological Survey, 1901, pt. 1, Director's report, and Asphalt and bituminous rock deposits. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 2, Ore deposits. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 3, Coal, oil, cement. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 4, Hydrography. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1901: Agriculture expenditures, 1901; Ex- periment Stations Office, 1901. District of Columbia, 1901, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department. Same, v. 4: Education Board. Treasury (Finances) 1901. Justice (Attorney-General) 1901. Comptroller of Currency, 1901, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1901. Estimates of appropriations, 1903. Receipts and expenditures, 1901 . Also S. doc. 426. All are deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1901, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1901. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Sept. 1901. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1901. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1902. Same, Apr.- June, 1902. 33d annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1901. Mineral resources, 1900. Labor Dept., 16th annual rp., 1901: Strikes and lockouts. Weather Bureau, 1901, v. 1: Rp. and meteorological tables. Same, v. 2: Barometry. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1902, 2d ed. Except 29, in serial no. 4301; 85, in serial no. 4308. 61 is in serial no. 4308. Except 88, in serial no. 4330. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1901. Journals of 1st Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, 1900-01. Report of Auditor of Porto Rico, 1901. Exports declared, quarters ended June, Sept., Dec. 1901, and Mar. 1902. Same, fiscal year ended June 30, 1901. Surveys of Tennessee, Kissimmee, and Ohio rivers. Commission to Revise and Compile Laws of Porto Rico. Water-supply and irrigation papers 53-64. Same, 65-73. 128 57tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued QQ 4330 4831 4884 4387 4888 4840 73 4841 74 4842 75 ^ • 4848 76 ^ • 4844 77 4845 4846 4347 4848 4849 4350 ,4351 4852 ^4858 4354 4855 4357 4358 • 4359 • 4360 4361 4862 70 71 72 87 94 95 Series H. docs. do.. do.. do.. do.. ....do.. do.. ....do.. .do .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do .do. Document no. 138-167 145 152, 4pts 553, 4 pts 710,4pts 708,pt.l , 708, pt. 2 168-175,188-372 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 380 2.50, 704 275 283 681 305 306, pts. 1-6.. 306, pts. 7-12. 557 310 320 320 373-376,378-429 431-460, 476- 480, 486-567. 377, 6 pts Notes House manual. Except 145, in serial no. 4332, and 152, in serial no. 4333. Statistical abstract, 1901. Consular reports, v. 68, nos. 256-259. Same, v. 69, nos. 260-263. Same, v. 70, nos. 264-267. Special consular reports, v. 23, pt. 1: Gas and oil en- gines. Same, pt. 2: Silver and plated ware. Except 244, in serial no. 4308; 250, in serial no 4350; 275, in serial no. 4351; 283, in serial no. 4352; 305, in serial no. 4354; 306, in serial nos. 4355-4356; 310, in serial no. 4358; 320, in serial nos. 4359-4360; 334, in serial no. 4301; 336, in serial no. 4326; 353, in serial no. 4325. Industrial Commission reports, v. 8: Chicago labor dis- putes of 1900. See, for v. 1-7, serial- nos. 3990-3992, 4168,4169. Same, v. 9: Transportation, 2d report. See, for 1st report, serial no. 3992. Same, v. 10: Agriculture and agricultural labor. Same, v. 11: Agriculture and taxation, etc. Same, v. 12: Capital and labor in mining industry. Same, v. 13: Trusts and industrial combinations, 2d re- port. See, for 1st report, serial no. 3990. Same, v. 14: Capital and labor in manufactures and gen- eral business, 2d report. See, for 1st report, serial no. 4169. Same, v. 15: Immigration; Education. Same, v. 16: Foreign labor laws. Same, v. 17: Labor organizations, disputes, and arbitra- tion; Railway labor. Same, v. 18: Industrial combinations in Europe. Same, v. 19: Final report. Navy register, 1902; Army register, 1902. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1900. Naval war records, series 1, v. 13. Same, series 1, v. 14. Interstate Conmieree Commission, 1901, 15th. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 12, nos. 1-6, Jan.-June, 1902. Same, v. 13, nos. 1-0, July-Dec. 1902. American Republics Bm-eau report, 1901, with sketch of Brazil and reports on coffee. Geological Survey monographs, v. 41: Glacial and drainage features of Erie and Ohio basins. Commercial relations, 1901, v. 1. Same, v. 2. [Except 380, in serial no. 4349; 508, in serial no. 4372; j 510, in serial nos. 4373-4374; 525, in serial no. 4325; I 535, in serial no. 4375; 537, in serial no. 4376; 553, in i serial no. 4334; 557, in serial no. 4357. Labor Department bulletins, v. 7, nos. 38-43. Naval Observatory publications, 2d series, v. 2. m Slth. CONGRESS, l8t SESSION-Continued h 1 i Series Document no. t4 SOCI ,1 .oaa Notes wmin 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .... H. docs do 461 Geological Survey bulletin 179. MSBK 462-466 467-469 470,471 472-475 635,693-701.... 485 Same, 180-184. M67 do do Same, 185-187. Same, 188, 189. 4t68 ,do Same, 190-193. 4M» 4t70 .... .... do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d« do do 11. reports-... do.... Same, 194-203. Schley Court of Inquiry, v. 1. Same, v. 2. t 4871 485. . . : f878 608 Tests of metals, 1901. l|78 510 |8i74 510 . sion, V. 1. Same, v. 2. 1875 535 Hearings on reciprocity with Cuba. Transport service bet. San Francisco and Philippine Is. f Except 588, hi serial no. 4308; 685, in serial no. 4369; f 689, in serial no. 4325; 6o5, m serial no. 4384; 661, in serial no. 4385. Patent decisions, 1901. 1876 J 1877 4878 537,2pts f568-593,595-617, 1 619,623-679. 594 4879 618 Sites for military posts and camp grounds. Calendar of correspondence of James Monroe. Calendar of correspondence of James Madison. Calendar of correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1901. Agriculture Yearbook, 1901 . 4380 620 4»81 621 488-2 4383 4384 622, pt. 1 622, pt. 2 655 •438o 661 4386 680.. . Calendars of House, July 1, 1902. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1901, 18th. American Historical Association, 1901, v. 1. 438; 682 ►4888 702 »4389 702 Same, v. 2. 43UO 703 Civil Service Commission, 1901. 704 See serial no. 4350 14891 705 Fish Commission report, 1901. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1901. 4892 706 4898 4394 4895 707,pt. 1 707, pt. 2 709 Smithsonian Institution, 1901 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Ethnology report, 1899, 20th. Eulogies: A. J. Cummings, Marriott Brosius, J. W. Stokes, P. J. Otey, R. E. Burke, R. K. Polk. Official opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 23. Document index, 57th Congress, 1st session. 4896 4897 711-716 717 4398 718 4899 1-188 4400 189-416 417-738 739-1093 1094-1422. ....'. 1423-1729 1730-2081 2082-2443 2444-2750 189, Stores and supplies claims under Bowman act, has appended reprints of many docs, of previous Con- gresses. 4401 do 4402 do 4408 4401 do do. 4405 4406 do .. .do 4407 do 82452°— 11 9 130 57tli CONGRESS, 2(i SESSION Dec. 1, 1902— Mar. 4, 1903 ■3 . Docurnent no. Notes 4408 4409 4410 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4419 4420 4421 4422 4423 4424 4425 4426 4427 4428 4429 4480 • 4431 4432 4434 4437 •4438 4439 4440 4441 4442 4443 S. journal . H. journal. S. reports. ....do.... do.... H. reports. ....do.... ....do.... S. docs. ...'..do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do... do.. do-. .do. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. H. docs. do.. 2127-2544. 2545-2944. 2945-3318. 2751-3157. 315&-3511. 3512-3919. 1 5 2,3.7-34. 4, 2 pts. 35 109. 180 36-61,03-69. 62 70-73, 75-97. 74 98-145 104. 124. 141. 146-188. 147 189-220- 210. 219. 221. 222 223 224 225,226. 227 197 Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 58th Cong., Mar. 5-19, 1903, p. 257. Secretary of Senate, 1902. Government Printing Office, 1902. Library of Congress, 1902. Except 28, omitted because same as app. 2 to H. doc, 1, 57th Cong. 2d sess.; see serial no. 4440. 32 is Porto Rico, Governor, 1902. Congressional directory, 2 editions. International Conference for Protection of Coflee Indus- try, 1902. 1st International Sanitary Convention of American Republics, 1902. Customs Congress of American Republics, 1903. New statehood bill; etc. Regulation of immigration. 84 is Safety appliances on railroads. Bibliography of Philippine Islands. Except 104, in serial no. 4425; 124, in serial no. 4426; 141 , in serial no. 4427. Experiment Stations Office, 1902. Hydrography of American isthmus. Hearings on 8-hour day for laborers on Govermnent work. Except 147, in serial no. 4429; 169, in serial no. 4419; 177, in serial no. 4474; 180, in serial no. 4419. Bills and debates relating to trusts, 50th-57th Congs. Except 197, in serial no. 4439; 210, in serial no. 4431; 219, in serial no. 4432. 209 is Federal aid in domestic disturbances, 1787-1903. Daughters of the American Revolution, 1902. Eulogies: Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley. Alphabetical list of private claims before Senate, 1899- 1903. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1902. History of Washington Monument. Eulogies: James McMillan and W. J. Sewell. Senate manual. Restoration of White House. Message and Foreign relations, 1902. Same, app. 1: Whaling and sealing claims against Russia. Same, app. 2: Pious fund of the Cahfornias. War, 1902, v, 1: Secretary and bureau chiefs. 131 57tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION--0ontinued Series Document no. Notes 35 37 H.^ocs. do.. do.. do.. do.. ....do.. do.. ....do.. do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do... ..do... ..do... do... .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. do do do do do .do. .do. 10 10 11 12 78 125,344.. 13 13 14 15,pts.l- 15,pts.4-6... 15,pts.7-9... 15, pts. 10-12. 16 17 18 Some, V. 2: Engineers, pt. 1. Same, v. 3: Engineers, pt. 2. Same, v. 4: Engineers, pt. 3. Same, v. 5: Engineers, pt. 4. Same, v. 6: Engineers, supplement, Mississippi River and Missouri River commissions. Same, v. 7: Ordnance. Same, V. 8: Miscelianeous. Same, V. 9: Lieutenant-general. Same, v. 10, pt. 1: Philippine Commission, 3d report, pt. 1. Same, v. 10, pt. 2: Philippine Commission, 3d report, pt.2. Same, v. 11: Acts of Philippine Commission. Navy, 1902, Post-Office, 1902. Interior, 1902: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 1, Conmiissioner. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 2, Five Civilized Tribes Com- mission, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 1, Bureau officers, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2, Governors of Territories, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 3,Governor of New Mexico, etc. Same: Geological Survey. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1902. [Districtof Columbia, 1902, V. 1: Commissioners, etc jsame, v. 2: Engineer Department. fSame, V. 3: Health Department. Isame, v. 4: Education Board. Treasury (Finances) 1902. Justice (Attorney-General) 1902. Comptroller of Currency, 1902, v. 1. Same,v. 2. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1902. Estimates of appropriations, 1904. Receipts and expenditures, 1902. Also S. doc. 177. All are deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1902, v. 1. Same, V. 2. Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1902. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Sept. 1902. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1902. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1903. Same, Apr.- June, 1903. 34th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1902. Mineral resources, 1901. Labor Department, 17th annual report, 1902: Trade and technical ed ucation . Weather Bureau, 1902. Civil Service Commission, 1902. 132 57tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued ¥ i I Series Document no. Notes 4487 4488 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 H. docs do 21 22 House manual. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1901. Except 54, in serial no. 4490; 78 and 125, in serial no. 4489 do 23-110, 114-153. 54, 182 4490 do 4474; 79, in serial no. 4491. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1902. 4491 do 79 Reclamation Service, 1st report, June 17-Dec. 1, 1902. Exports declared, quarters ended June, Sept., Dec. 1902, and Mar. 1903. Same, fiscal year ended June 30, 1902. Special consular reports, v. 24: Creameries in loreign countries. 4492 .... ...'..do do 111,371,440,476. 454 112 4493 199 do Same, V . 25 : Stored goods as collateral for loans. 447 Same, v. 26: Briquettes as fuel in foreign countries. 4494 113,4pts 438,4pts 154, 155, 157- 198,220-251. 156 Consular reports, v. 71, nos. 268-271. 4495 4496 do do Same, v. 72, nos. 272-275. 1 Except 181, in serial no. 4499; 182, in serial no. 4490. J 154 is Auditor of Porto Rico, 1902. Naval war records, series 1, v. 15. • 4497 .... do do do do • 4498 477 Same, v. 16. 4499 181 Interstate Commerce Commission, 1902, 16th. 4500 200-203 441-444 445,475,488,489. 490-492 204-208, 430. .. . 434-437 470-472 209-214 215-218 448,449 450,451 478-482 219 429 Water-supplv and irrigation papers 74-77. 4501 do Same, 78-81. 4502 do Same, 82-85. 4503 do Same, 86-88. 4504 do Geological Survey bulletins 204-209. J 4505 do Same, 210-213. ^6" Same, 214-216. -^ Geological Survey professional papers 1-6. ' ^r' 4506 do «4507 do 4508 do Same, 7-10. 4509 4510 do do :. Same, 11, 12. Same, 13, 14. 4511 do Same, 15-19. 4512 4513 do .....do do do do do do do Geological Survey monographs, v. 42: Carboniferous ammonoids. Same, v. 43: Mesabi iron-bearing district, Minn. 4514 432 Same, v. 44: Pseudoceratites of the cretaceous. 4515 433 Same, v. 45: Vermilion iron-bearing district, Minn. » 4516 433 Same.v. 45, atlas. 4517 252 Sale of liquors in post exchanges. 4518 4519 J253-304. 306-309, 1 311-408. 290,392 305 . . Except 290 and 392, in serial no. 4519; 335, in serial no. 4526; 342, in serial no. 4527; 344, in serial no. 4474; 1 355, in serial no. 4528; 370, in serial no. 4529; 371 , in [ serial no. 4492; 376, in serial no. 4530. Navy register, 1903; Army register, 1903. 4520 do do do do do .....do do do do Commercial relations, 1902, v. 1. 4521 305 Same, v. 2. 4622 4523 4524 4525 4526 310, pts. 1-3.... 310, pts. 4-6 310, pts. 7-9.... 310, pts. 10-12.. 335 American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v, 14, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1903. Same, v. 14, nos. 4-6, Apr.-June, 1903. Same, v. 15, nos. 1-3, July-Sept. 1903. Same, v. 15, nos. 4-6, Oct.-Dec. 1903. Tests of metals, 1902. 4527 342 Patent Office, 1902. 4528 355 Naval Observatory publications, 2d series, v. 3. 133 57tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued H.docs. do. do.. do., do.. -...do.. do.. do.. do.. ....do.. do.. -...do.. do.. ....do.. ....do-. ....do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. Document no. 370,5 pts. 376 f409-428. 431 452 439 446. 446. 453. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 461. 473 474 483 484, pt. 1. 484, pt. 2. 485 486 487 493 494 495. Notes Labor Department bulletins, v. 8, nos. 44, 45, 47-49. Bulletin 46 was issued as S. doc. 6, 58th Cong, special session; <«e serial no. 4550. Statistical abstract, 1902. 421 is List of river and harbor surveys. Purchase of territory of Louisiana. Modern prison systems. Index to reports of chief of engineers, 1866-1900, v. 1: River and harbor works, A-Mingo. Same, v. 2: River and harbor works, Minim-Z, etc. Same, v. 3: Fortifications, bridges, laws, and topical index. Historical register and dictionary of Army, 1789-1903 (Heitman), V. 1. Same, V. 2. Memorial address on William McKinley by John Hay. Ethnology bulletin 25: Natick dictionary. ^ Same, 26: Kathlamet texts. l^S) U (? Same, 27: Tsimshian texts. J Biographical Congressional directory, 1774-1903. Agriculture Yearbook, 1902. Patent decisions, 1902. American Historical Association, 1902, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Eulogies: R. O. Crump, T. H. Tongue, J. N. W. Runi- pie, C. A. RusseU, J. M. Moody, J. L. Sheppard, J. a Salmon, R. C. de Graffenreid. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1902. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1902, 19th. Ethnology report, 1900, 21st. Smithsonian Institution, 1902 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Fish Commission report, 1902. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1902. Special report on diseases of horse. Official opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 24. Document catalogue, v. 6, 57th Congress, July 1, 1901- Jime 30, 1903. Document index, 57th Congress, 2d session. 58tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 6-19, 1903 S. journal See serial no. 4408, p. 257. 6, Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, is same as Labor Department bulletin 46. Congressional directory. Compilation of Senate election cases 1789-1903 4ue 1 2 3 4 .... S.docs do 1,2,4-10,12.... 3 MUU»8 .... do do 11 4K» 13 Acceptance of statues of Charles Carroll and John Hanson. 134 68tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Nov. 9— Dec. 7, 1903 Is 02 o > 1 Series Document no. Notes 4560 S. journal 4561 Owing to error by which the 11-line entry under Bills and resolutions introduced by Wm. H. Ryan, on p. 175, was incorrectly printed under name of Gordon Russell, there were issued corrected copies of p. 175 and 176. See serial no. 4570. S. reports H. reports.... S. docs ... .do 1-13 1.2 See serial no 4577. 4662 4563 1 2 1 2 3 .... 1 2-19,21-28 20 Congressional directory. 26 is Governor of Porto Rico 1903 4564 .... do.. H.docs do do Great canals of the world. Contains also S. rp. 835, 58th Cong. 2d sess.. Typography of Congressional record. 34 is Agriculture expenditures, 1903. House manual. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1903. See, for report of inspection, H, doc. 61, 68th Cong. 2d sess., In serial no. 4670. 4565 4566 4567 1-4,6-45 5 46..... . 58tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 7, 1903— Apr. 28, 1904 4569 4570 4571 4572 4578 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4590 S. journal. H. journal. S. reports. ....do.... ....do ....do ....do ....do H. reports. ....do ....do ....do.... ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do S. docs do do 1-282 283-633... 634-1011.. 1012-1409. 1410-1855. 1856-2152. 2153-2625. 1-384 385-815. . . 816-1231.. 1232-1551. 1552-1904. 1905-2265. 2266-2602. 2603-2945. 5.... 2-57. 58-120. 121-150. 151-181. 1-13 belong to 1st session, 58th Congress. Except 835, in serial no. 4564. 1 and 2 belong to 1st session, 58th Congress. Except 646, in serial no. 4585. Documentary history of U. S. Capitol building and grounds. Secretary of Senate, 1903. Government Printing Office, 1903. Except 4, in serial no. 4593; 5, in serial no. 4586; 10, in serial no. 4594. Except 77, in serial no. 4595; 100, in serial no. 4596; 106, in serial no. 4597. Except 148, in serial no. 4598. Except 155, in serial no. 4599; 162, in serial nos. 4600- 46063; 177, in serial no. 4607. 151 is Investigation of Post-Office Department. 135 58th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued Series Document no. Notes 8. docsr. 37 ...do... ...do... ..do... ...do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do-. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do-. ....do.- .---do-- ..-.do-- ....do.. -...do.. ....do., .-.-do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. H. docs. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. 182-244. 246-314. 4, 3 pts. 10 77 100. 105. 148. 155. 210. 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. 177. 200. 222. 222. 234. 234. 234. 234. 234. 234. 234. 234. 277. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 319. Except 200, in serial no. 4608; 210, in serial no. 4509; 222, in serial no. 4609 ■>>; 284, in serial nus. 4til(>-4616. Except 277, in serial no. *il8. ConRressional directory, 3 editions. Library of Congress, 190.3. Les coinbattants fran^ais de la guerre am^ricaine, 1778-83. Annual naval appropriation laws, 1883-1903. Acts, treaties, and proclamations relating to insular and military affairs, 1897-1903. Experiment Stations Office, 19a3. Revenue steamer Nunivalc on Yukon River statjpn, 1899-1901. ?i^.^'h^^ '^^^^y Reindeer in Alaslca, 1903. Proceedings of Alaskan Boundary Tribunal, v. 1 and 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v, 4. Same, v. 5. Same, v. 6. Same, v. 7. Same, United States atlas. Same, Britishi atlas. Same, atlas of award. Patent Office, 1903. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1903. Isthmian Canal Commission, 1899-1901, with appen* dixes. Same, atlas. Journal of Congress of Confederate States, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Same, v. 5. Same, v, 6. Same, v. 7. Not printed. The above set having been completed in 7 V. instead of 8 v., this number is vacant. Daughters of the American Revolution, 1903. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Venezuelan arbitrations of 1903. United States and Venezuelan Claims Commission. Compilation of treaties in force, 1904. Indian affairs, laws and treaties (Kappler), 2d ed., v. 1. See, for 1st ed., serial nos. 4253, 4254. Same, v. 2. 320 ! Unveiling of statue of William T. Sherman. 321 1 2 2 2.... 2 2 2 2 Eulogies: Marcus A. Ilarma. Message and Foreign relations, 1903. War, 1903, V. 1: Secretary, Chief of staff, etc. Same, v. 2: Armament, transportation, and supply. Same, v. 3: Department and division commanders. Same, v. 4: Military schools and colleges, etc. Same, v. 5: Philippine Commission, 1903, pt. 1. Same, v. 6: Philippine Commission, pt. 2. Same, v. 7: Philippine Commission, pt. 3. 136 58tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued .2^ > «4636 •4686 4637 463S 4639 ^4640 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4616 4647 4648 4649 «4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 •4657 •4658 • 4659 • 4660 ^4662 ^4663 4665 4666 4667 4669 4670 4671 4672 Series H. docs. -do., .do., .do., .do.. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. do. do. .do. Document no. 10 10....... 11 12 42 260,652.. 13, pt. 1. 13, pt. 2. 14 14 15,pts. 1-3.. 15, pts. 4-6. . 15,pts.7-9.. 15, pts. 10-12 16 17-61 62-66 67-138 139-256 Notes Same, v. 8: Acts of Philippine Commission, July 2, 1902-Oct. 20, 1903. Same, v. 9: Engineers, pt. 1. Same, v. 10: Engineers, pt. 2. Same, v. 11: Engineers, pt. 3. Same, v. 12: Engineers, pt. 4. Same, v. 13: Engineers, supplement, Mississippi River Commission. Same, v. 14: Ordnance. Navy, 1903. Post-Office, 1903. Interior, 1903: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 1, Commissioner. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 2, Five Civilized Tribes Com- mission, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 1 , Bureau officers, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2, Governors of Territories, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 3, Governor of New Mexico. Same: Geological Survey. Same: Jlducation, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1903. (■District of Columbia, 1903, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. (Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. ISame, v. 3: Health Department. fSame, v. 4: Education Board. [Same, v. 5: Insurance Department, 1902, 2 pts. Treasury (Finances) 1903. Justice (Attorney- General) 1903. Comptroller of Currency, 1903, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1903. Estimates of appropriations, 1905. Receipts and expenditures, 1903. Deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1903, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., 1903, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2: Navigation laws. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July- Sept. 1903. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1903. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1904. Same, Apr.- June, 1904. 35th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1903. Except 21, in serial no. 4677; 22, in serial no. 4678; 42, in serial no. 4661; 44, in serial no. 4683; 45, in serial no. 4682. See serial no. 4684. Except 111, in -serial no. 4691. 138 is Auditor of Porto Rico, 1903. Except 144, in serial no. 4696; 253, in serial nos. 4697- 137 SStb. CONGRESS, 2d SESSION-^Continued M78 4676 47 49 50 56 Soles n. does... do.... do.... .do.. .do.. .do., .do., .do.. .do.. -do... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 257-382 383-433 434-^62 503, 564, 567- 674, 681-687 696-707, 723 756,758. 21, 4 pts 22, 3 pts 650, 3 pts 783-785 780-788 45 446 508 732 44 62-66,606 675-677 678,679 680,724-726... 727-731 771-775 , 776-779 Ill, 3 pts 458, pts. 1-3.. 458, pts. 4-6.. 458, pts. 7-9.. 458, pts, 10-12 144 253,pt. 1 253, pts. 2,4.. 253, pts. 3, 5, 6 338 343, pts. 1-3.. 343, pts. 4-6.. 351 404 750 456,478 521 565 Notes Except 260, in serial no. 4661; 888, in serial no. 470C; 848, In serial nos. 4701-4702; 851, In serial no. 47a3. Except 404, in serial no. 4704. 383 Is Investigation of Post-Oince Dept. Except 446, in serial no. 4082; 456, In serial no. 4706; 458, in serial nos. 4692-4695; 478, in serial no. 4706; 608, in serial no. 4682; 621 , in serial no. 4707. Except 678, in serial no. 4714; 606, in serial no. 4684; Ml, in serial nos. 4715-4716; W4, in serial no. 4717; 650, in serial no. 4679; 662, in serial no. 4661; 668, in serial no. 4718. Montlily consular reports, Sept.-Dec. 1903, v. 73, nos. 276-279. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1904, v. 74, nos. 280-282. Same, Apr.-June, 1904, v. 75, nos. 283-285. Same, July-Sept. 1904, nos. 286-288. Volume number dropped. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1904, nos. 289-291. Special consular reports, v. 27: Agricultural imple* ments and vehicles. Same, v. 28: Commercial travellers. Same, v. 29: Macaroni wheat. Same, v. 30: Emigration to U. S. Reclamation Service, 1903. Geological Survey bulletins 217-222. Same, 223-225. Same, 22^6, 227. Same, 228-231. Same, 232-236. Same, 237-241. Same, 242-245. American Republics Bureau, pt. 1, Report, 1903; pt. 2, Argentine Republic; pt. 3, List of boolcs relating to Chile. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 16, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1904. Same, v. 16, nos. 4-6, Apr.-June, 1904. Same, v. 17, nos. 1-3, July-Sept. 1904. Same, v. 18, nos. 1-3, Oct.-Dec. 1904. Stability of international exchange, 1903. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1903, 17th. Same, 1902, 16th, appendix G, pts. 1 and 3. Not printed. Same, 1902, 16th, appendix G, pts. 2, 4, 5: Railways in U. S. in 1902. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 1903. Labor Bureau bulletins, v. 9, nos. 50-52. Same, v. 9, nos. 53-55. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1902. Naval war records, series 1, v. 17. Same, series 1, v. 18. Army register, 1904; Navy register, 1904. Tests of metals, 1903. Geological Survey monographs, v. 46: Menominee iron- bearing district of Michigan. 138 SSth CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 9 4717 » 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 *4743 47441 ♦47442 • 47443 4745 4746 4747 •4748 » 4749 4750 4751 4752 H. docs. ....do.. ....do., '....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ...-do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ...-do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. Document no. 753 566,709,710... 711-714 715-719 780-782 578 641 641 644 658 688-691 692-695 735,736 737,738 739-742 759-763 764-770 708 720 721 722 722 733 734 743 744 745 745 746 746 747 748, pt. 1 748, pt. 2 749 751 752 752 752 754 754 755 757 757 789 789 790 Notes Same, v. 47: Treatise on metamorphism. Geological Survey professional papers, 20-22. Same, 23-26. Same, 27-31. Same, 32-34. Statistical abstract, 1903. Ethnology report, 1901, 22d, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2, Civil Service Commission, 1903. Mineral resources, 1902. Water-supply and irrigation papers, 89-92. Same, 93-96. Same, 97, 98. Same, 99, 100. Same, 101-104. Same, 105-109. Same, 110-116. Agriculture Yearbook, 1903. Irrigation investigations in Utah. Weather Bureau, 1903. Commercial relations, 1903, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Labor Bureau, 10th special report: Labor laws. Same, 11th: Regulation and restriction of output. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1903, 20th. Special report on diseases of cattle. American Historical Association, 1903, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Correspondence of French ministers to U. S., 1791-1797. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1903. Same, maps. Labor Bureau, 18th annual report, 1903: Cost of living and retail prices of food. Smithsonian Institution, 1903 [pt. 1], Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Patent decisions, 1903. Fisheries Bureau report, 1903. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1903, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. * Same, pt. 3. Comprehensive index of Government publications, 1881-1893 (Ames), v. 1. Same, v. 2. Life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth (Jefferson Bible). Typhoid fever in U. S. military camps, 1898, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Centennial of Military Academy, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Document index, 58th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions. 139 58tli CONGRESS, 8d SESSION Dec. 6, 1904^-Mar. 4, 1906 «4757 4758 4759 4700 #4761 4762 Series S. journal. H. journal. S. reports. ....do.... do.. do.. do.. do.. .do. H. reports do do Doouroent no. 2026-3080 3081-4402(with exceptions). 2755 2755 2755 See "Notes column. See "Notes' column. 2946-3376 3377-3771 3772-4904(\\ith exceptions). Notes Contains also special session Senate, 59th Cong., Mar. 4-18, 1905, p. 335. Except 2766, in serial nos. 4757-4759. Reports on public bills. Contains 3081-3083, 3152, 3277, 3278, 3330-3335, 3341, 3343, 3380, 3382-3385, 3419-3423, 3431, 3438, 3532-3534, 3530-3540, 3561, 3563, 3565-3567, 3569, 3571-3573, 3575, 3576, 3578, 3579, 3615, 3630-3634, 3036-3638, 3684-3687, 3759, 3760, 3762, 3787-3792, 3794, 3795, 3798-3804, 3810-3812, 3814, 3815, 3874, 3888-3891, 3893, 3904-3906, 3908, 3915-3918, 3934, 4019, 4052, 4074- 4076, 4087-4093, 4208-4210, 4229^231, 4240, 4241, 4244, 4263, 4321, 4326, 4329, 4332-4339, 4342, 4343, 4346-4348, 4350, 4352, 4354, 4362, 4365-4369, 4372, 4375-4379, 4381- 4385, 4387, 4388, 4390, 4401, 4402. 4308 is River and harbor bill. 4397, Presentation of bust of Washing- ton, is in serial no. 4778. Other numbers missing from serial no. 4750 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t which are bound in Senate reports, v. A, B, this session. Merchant Marine Conimission report, v. 1. V. 2. . V.3. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 3084 to 3706 as are omitted from serial no. 4756, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such rei)orts from 3707 to 4400 as are omitted from serial no. 4756, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on public bills. Contains 3772, 3774, 3775, 3901- 3903, 3905, 3907, 39i4, 3950-3952, 3974-3976, 3979-3982, 3985-3996, 3998-4001, 4003, 4005-4013, 4074, 4075, 4079, 4082-4085, 4087-4093, 4095, 4097-4100, 4134-4142, 4151, 4197-4200, 4202-4209, 4211, 4214-4222, 4397, 4398, 4400, 4402-4411, 4414-4416, 4418, 4503, 4508, 4509, 4547-4552, 4558-4563, 4570-4572, 4575-4579, 4585-4596, 4598-4602, 4605, 4606, 4608, 4612-4622, 4624-4626, 4632-4638, 4640, 4043-4646, 4048, 4050, 4053, 4008, 4672-4675, 4682, 4797- 4803, 4809^812, 4815, 4821, 4824, 4825, 4830-4840, 4843- 4847, 4849, 4852, 4853, 4855-4857, 4859-4802, 4864-4867, 4870-4880, 4882-4885, 4887, 4889, 4890, 4893, 4894, 4890, 4900, 4901, 4903, 4904. Numbers missing from serial no. 4702 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t which are bound in House reports, v. A, B, this session. fThe lettered volumes contain only the reports on private bills and on. simple and concurrent resolu- tions ordered printed after the passage of the act of Jan. 20, 1905 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 010). Under the E revisions of this act, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These volumes can not e furnished to depository libraries, but copies are kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the Public Documents Library. 140 58tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued X X K 2§ 1 Series Document no. Notes A H. reports . . . See "Notes" column. Reports on private bills and en simple and concurrent resolutions.! This volume contains sucli reports from 3773 to 4318 as are omitted from serial no. 4762, which contains reports on public bills. B do See "Notes" Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions.! This volume contains such reports column. from 4319 to 4902 as are omitted from serial no. 4762, which contains reports on public bills. 1 S. docs 1 Secretary of Senate, 1904. Government Printing Office, 1904. Except 44, in serial no. 4768. 61 is Reindeer in Alaska, 1904. Except 119, in serial no. 4769; 128, in serial no. 4770. 122 is Labor disturbances in Colorado, 1880-1904. 4763 5 4764 2 do 2,3,6-69 4765 3 do 70-157 47C6 4 do 158-192........ Except 187 , in serial no. 4771. 189 is Public Lands Com- mission, 1903-05, final report. 4767 5 do 4, 2 pts Congressional directory, 2 editions. 4768 6 do 44 Naval appropriation laws, 1883-1904. Venezuelan arbitration before Hague Tribunal, 1903. Stability of international exchange, 1904. Man and abnormal man. 4769 7 do 119 4770 g do 128 4771 9 do 187 4772 10 do 193 Daughters of the American Revolution, 1904. Senate proceedings in impeachment of Charles Swayne. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Executive register of U. S., 1789-1902. Nat. Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 9: Bombycine moths of North America, pt. 2. Pt. 1 is in serial no. 3283. Senate manual. 4773 11 do 194 :. 4774 12 do 195 4775 13 do 196 4776 14 do 197 4777 15 do 198 » 4778 16 do 199,200 Acceptance of statues of John J. Ingalls and Frances E. Willard. Contains also S. rp. 4397, Presentation of bust of Washington, and H. doc. 474, Acceptance of statues of Sam Houston and Stephen F. Austin. 4779 17 do 201,202 Eulogies: Geo. F. Hoar and Matthew S. Quay. 4780 1 H. docs 1 Message and Foreign relations, 1904. 4781 2 do 2 War, 1904, v. 1: Secretary, Chief of staff, etc. 4782 3 do 2 Same, v. 2: Armament, transportation, and supply. 4783 4 do 2 Same, v. 3: Division and department commanders. 4784 5 do 2 Same, v. 4: Military schools and colleges, etc. 4785 6 do 2 Same, v. 5: Engineers, pt. 1. •4786 7 do 2 Same, v. 6: Engineers, pt. 2. •4787 8 do 2 Same, v. 7: Engineers, pt. 3. •4788 9 do 2 Same, v. 8: Engineers, pt. 4. 4789 10 do 2 Same, v. 9: Engineers, supplement, Mississippi River Commission. 4790 11 do 2 Same, v. 10: Ordnance. #4791 12 do 2 Same, v. 11: Philippine Commission, 1904, pt. 1. • 4792 13 .....do 2 Same, v. 12: Philippine Commission, pt. 2. • 4793 14 do 2 Same, v. 13: Philippine Commission, pt. 3. ••4794 15 do 2 Same, v. 14: Acts of Philippine Commission. t The lettered volumes contain only the reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolu- tions ordered printed after the passage of the act of Jan. 20, 1905 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 610). Under the provisions of this act, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies are kept in the Senate ^id House libraries, the Library of Congress, and tne Public Documents Library. 141 68tli CONGRESS, 8d SESSION— Continued 17 18 19 ao 21 22 23 4S08 24 IS4K4 25 ISOo 26 1S06 27 ISO? : 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 4880 51 52 53 Series ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. do.. do.. do.. Document no. 5.. 5... 5... 5... 6... 7... 9.. 10. 10. 10. 11. 12, fr4, 287. 15, pts. 1-3. 15, pts. 4-6. 15, pts. 7-9- 15, pts. 10-12 16.... 17.... 18.... 19.... 20.... 21-104 Notes 105-205 206-245 246-327,340-381 Navy, 1904. Post-Offlce, 1904. Interior, 1904: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 1, Commissioner. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 2, Five Civiiized Tribes Com- mission, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 1, Bureau officers, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2, Governors of Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 3, Governors of Alaska and Hawaii, etc. Same: Geological Survey. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1904. District of Columbia, 1904, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department. Same, v. 4: Education Board. Same, v. 5: Insurance Department, 1903, 2 pts. Treasury (Finances) 1904. Justice (Attorney-General) 1904. Comptroller of Currency, 1904, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1904. Estimates of appropriations, 1906; Receipts and ex- penditures, 1904; Deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1904, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., 19(H. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July- Sept. 1904. Same, Ocfc.-Dec. 1904. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1905. Same, Apr.-June, 1905. 36th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1904. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1904. Library of Congress, 1904. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1903 Mineral resources, 1903. Except 28, in serial no. 4834; 64, in serial no. 4816; 71, in serial no. 4835; 78 and 74, in serial no. 4836; 75, in serial no. 4842; 81, in serial no. 4843. Except 145, in serial nos. 4844-4846; 146, in serial no. 4851; 198, in serial no. 483-5. Except 216, in serial no. 4852; 226 and 282, in serial no. 4853; 2:J3, in serial no. 4854; 248, in serial no. 4836. Except 256, in serial no. 4855; 266, in serial no. 4856; 267, in serial nos. 4847-4850; 287, in serial no. 4816; 291, in serial no. 4857; 801, in serial no. 4858; 802, in serial no. 4854; 816, in serial no. 4837; 369, in serial no. 142 58tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued l§ > Series Document no. 4833 4834 4835 4836 #4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 484S 4844 4845 « 4846 ^4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 ^4861 *4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 4867 4868 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 .... H. docs do do do....... do do do do do do do do do .do. 382-385,404,413 28. 71,193 [73 74 243.. r316.. .. y |423 [427 32S-330 331-333 334-336 337-339 75 81 / ri45, pt. 1 ]l45,pt.2 [145, pt. 3 fl45, pt. 4 il45,pt.5 145, pt. 6 145, pt. 7 145,pt.8 267, pts. 1-3... 267, pts. 4-(>... 267, pts. 7-9... 267, pts. 10-12. 146 X. .--do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 216 j226 232... 233,302 256 266 291 301.. y 386, pts. 1-3... 386, pts. 4-0... 428 ^ 369.. 387-395 396-400 401-403 452-457 405 ... .do do .... do do do 406 Notes Beef industry; Mexican cotton boll weevil; Sugar-cane; etc. Reclamation Service, 1904. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1904. Special consular reports, v. 31: Windmills in foreign countries. Same, v. 32: Foreign markets for American fruits. Same, v. 33: Industrial education and conditions in Germany. Same, v. 34; Marketing goods in foreign countries. Same, v. 35: Warehouses in foreign covmtries. Same, v. 36: Foreign markets for American cotton man- ufactures. Monthly consular reports, Jan.-Mar. 1905, nos. 292-294. Same, Apr.-June, 1905, nos. 295-297. Same, July-Sept. 1905, nos. 298-300. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1905, nos. 301-303. House manual. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 1904, American Republics Bureau, 1904. Bibliography of Paraguay. Handbook of Venezuela. Handbook of Honduras. Handbook of Mexico. Patent and trade-mark laws of American Republics (Spanish). Same (English). Handbook of Bolivia. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 19, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1905. Same, v. 20, nos. 1-3, Apr.-June, 1905. Same, v. 21, nos. 1-3, July-Sept. 1905. Same, v. 21, nos. 4-6, Oct.-Dec. 1905. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1904, 18th. Statistics upon ginning of cotton. Isthmian Canal Commission, Dec. 1904, 1st report. Philippine Commission, 1904. Army register, 1905; Navy register, 1905. Agriculture Department expenditures, 1904. Patent Office, 1904. Tests of metals, 1904. Labor Bureau, 12th special report: Coal-iniue labor in Exirope. Labor Bureau bulletins, v. 10, nos. 56-58. Same, v. 11, nos. 59-01. Labor Bureau, 19th annual report, 1904: Wages and hours of labor. Civil Service Commission, 1904. (/vc 36 f ''r /? Geological Survey bulletins 246-254. (/ Same, 255-259. Same, 260-262. Same, 263-268. Statistical abstract, 1904. Weather Bureau, 1904. 143 68tli CONGRESS, 8d SESSION— Continued 6 i 1 Series Document no. Notes a 4869 4870 4N71 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 .... H.dixjs do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 407-109 410,411 412 Geological Survey professional papers 36-37. Same, 38, 39. Commerce and Labor Department, 1904. 4S72 414 Gettysburg National Park Commission, 1893-1904. 4N78 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 415-420,431.... 432^38 439-443 444-451 461-466 421 ... Water-supply and Irrigation papers 117-123. Same, 124-130. Same, 131-135. Same, 136-143. Same, 144-149. Experiment Stations Office, 1901. Hearings on Interstate commerce act. Agriculture Yearboolc, 1904. Rivers and harbors, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Patent decisions, 1904. American Historical Association, 1904. Smithsonian Institution, 1904 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1904. 4879 422 4880 424 4881 425 4882 425 4888 426 4884 429 4886 4886 4887 430,pt. 1 430,pt.2 458 458 Same, maps. Naval war records, series 1, v. 19. 4889 459 4890 460 8th International Geographic Congress, 1904. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1904, 21st. 4891 467 4892 468-473,478.... 474 Eulogies: W. F. Mahony, N. P. Otis, G. W. Croft, W.W. Sidles, R. H. Foerderer, H. Burk, C. W. Thompson. See serial no. 4778. 4898 475 Geological Survey monographs, v. 48: Mesozolc floras of 4894 475. . U. S., pt. 1. Same, pt. 2, plates. ^ Ethnology report, 1902, 23d. Ethnology bulletin 28: Mexican and Central American antiquities. Fisheries Bureau report, 1904. Fisheries Bureau Bulletin, 1904. 4895 476 4896 do do 477 4897 479 '4896 do do do do 480 «4899 481 Commercial relations, 1904. 4900 482 Document Index, no. 11, 58th Congress, 3d session. 4901 483 Document catalogue, v. 7, o8th Congress, July 1, 1903- June 30, 1905. 59tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL, SESSION SENATE Mar. 4-18, 1906 S. journal. S. docs 1-6. See serial no. 4753, p. 335. See serial no. 4910. 144 69tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 4, 1905— June 30, 1906 ■gg OQ Series Document no. Notes 4902 4903 4904 S. journal. H. journal. S. reports . 1-2150 (with exceptions). 4905 ....do. 2153-4424(with exceptions). Reports on public bills. Contains 1, 3, 4, 6-23,25-31, 68, 69, 107-115, 118-137, 139, 198, 209, 210, 212, 214, 215, 220- 222, 224, 232-234, 237-256, 258, 260, 351, 370, 400-413, 415, 416, 427-429, 435, 436, 474-476, 576, 581-,585, 594-599, 602-^8, 648, 689, 690, 709, 710, 784-786, 797, 798, 800-810, 816, 818-828, 837, 889, 909, 935, 957, 958, 960, 961, 972, 975, 977, 982-988, 997-1001, 1077, 1089, 1102, 1109, 1110, 1157, 1178, 1189, 1196-1199, 1201-1232, 1242-1246, 1270-1273, 1281, 1294, 1387, 1388, 1403-1405, 1407, 1412, 1416-1418, 1423-1433, 1435-1438, 1498, 1520, 1522-1524, 1566, 1569- 1572, 1574-1577, 1583-1586, 1603, 1611, 1720-1725, 1736, 1776, 1779-1783, 1785, 1787, 1791, 1792, 1796-1799, 1943, 1960, 1990-1993, 1995-2004, 2150. 1242, pt. 2, Railroad rate legislation, views of minority, is in serial no. 5060. Other numbers missing from serial no. 4904 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound in Senate reports, V. A-D, this session. Reports on public bills. Contains 2153-2155, 2176, 2178, 2179, 2182-2187, 2192, 2193, 2210, 2297-2303, 2306, 2307, 2366, 2369, 2376-2387, 2513-2516, 2533, 2536, 2537, 2539, 2540, 2544, 2550, 2552-2555, 2557-2562, 2564-2567, 2572, 2600, 2674-2679, 2720, 2722, 2724-2734, 2736, 2737, 2740, 2742-2744, 2746-2750, 2797, 2799, 2801-2803, 2873, 2874, 2900, 2919, 2977, 3032, 3048-3050, 3056, 3057, 3111, 3112, 3241, 3242, 3289-3291, 3302, 3304, 3305, 3310, 3381, 3382, 3460, 3461, 3471, 3472, 3474, 3476-3478, 3480, 3528, 3558, 3568, 3616-3621, 3623, 3626-3633, 3635-3639, 3642-3644, 3703-3706, 3732, 3789-3799, 3801, 3805, 3806, 3808-3810, 3835, 3836, 3879, 3896-3898, 3910, 3911, 3920-3923, 3939, 3960, 3963-3965, 3968, 3970-3977, 3979, 4012, 4035-4037, 4101, 4102, 4210, 4212, 4239, 4241-4247, 4250, 4251, 4255, 4256, 4260, 4262, 4264, 4273, 4274, 4276, 4284, 4286, 4292- 4306, 4308, 4309, 4311, 4313, 4322, 4323, 4329-4338, 4350, 4351, 4358, 4362-4364, 4373, 4391-4393, 4397-4402, 4415, 4417, 4418, 4421, 4422, 4424. Numbers missing from se- rial no. 4905 are for reports on private bills and on simple, and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound in Senate reports, v. D-G, this session. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 2 to 685 as are omitted from serial no. 4904, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 686 to 1350 as are omitted from serial no. 4904, which contains reports on public bills. t The lettered volumes contain only the reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of Jan. 20, 1905 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 610), the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies are kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the Public Documents Library. .do... -do See "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. 145 59tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION—Continued 4906 4907 Series 8. reports. .do. .do. do. .do. H. reports. -do Document no. See "Notes' column. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 2-2656 (with exceptions). 2657-4396 (with exceptions). / Notes Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 1351 to 1950 as are omitted from serial no. 4904, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 1951 to 2575 as are omitted from serial nos. 4904 and 4905, which contain reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 2576 to 3180 as are omitted from serial no. 4905, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 3181 to 3780 as are omitted from serial no. 4905, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 3781 to 4429 as are omitted from serial no. 4905, which contains reports on public bills. Senate report 4312, Relief of representatives of George W. Soule, was ordered reprinted Feb. 4, 1907, with supplemental re- port, making in all 67 p.; this corrected edition is not in the Congressional set, the original print of 44 p. having been included instead. Reports on public bills. Contains 2-4, 6, 9, 11, 20-26, 144, 158, 159, 164, 182-186, 234-238, 241, 242, 244, 245, 291-297, 335, 337-344, 430-432, 496, 542, 545, 579-588, 590-592, 691, 692, 694, 695, 739, 741, 742, 744, 745, 924-927, 1056, 1057, 1060, 1062, 1065-1068, 1105-1111, 1113-1119, 1121, 1181- 1184, 1186-1188, 1294-1297, 1299, 133^1348, 1350, 1465- 1482, 1549-1553, 1556-1562, 1566, 1634-1638, 1676, 1678, 1679, 1681-1685, 1714, 1788-1794, 1825, 1834-1837, 1898- 1901, 2112-2116, 2118-2120, 2123, 2166, 2167, 2169-2171, 2173-2175, 2177-2179, 2181-2183, 2223-2225, 2227, 2228, 2271-2274, 2276-2286, 2331, 2333, 2335-2339, 2341, 2343, 2347, 2348, 2401-2406, 2467, 2469, 2471, 2474-2477, 2479, 2481, 2482, 2484-2489, 2492-2495, 2562, 25G3, 2565, 2566, 2648-2650, 2652-2654, 2656. Numbers missing from se- rial no. 4906 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound in House reports, v. A-D, this session. Reports on public bills. Contains 2657-2661, 2663-2668, 2674-2676, 2679-2681, 2737, 2739, 2741, 2743-2746, 2748- 2751, 2753-2762, 2814, 2817-2823, 2888-2891, 2897, 289^ 2902, 2907, 2940-2942, 2944-2951, 3013, 3015, 3019-3024, 3158, 3159, 3161, 3162, 3165-3169, 3200, 3201, 3204-3211, 3213, 3214, 3216, 3217, 3219, 3220, 3287-3293, 3295, 3296, 3337, 3343, 3345, 3347-3350, 3352-3354, 3389, 3390, 3392- 3400, 3402, 3467, 3468, 3588, 3589, 3591, 3610, 3612-3614, 3616, 3617, 3629-3640, 3642, 3699-3705, 3707, 3710-3714, t The lettered volumes contain onlv the reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of Jan. 20, 1905 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 610), the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These volumes can not be furnished to depositorv libraries, but copies are kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the Public Documents Library. 82452°— 11- -10 146 59tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 4907 4908 H. reports. .do. .do. .do. do.. ..do.. .do. .do. do.. Document no. 2657-4396 (with exceptions)— Continued. 4399-5096 (with exceptions). Sec "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. See ''Notes' column. See "Notes' column. Notes 3717, 3718, 3793-3798, 3873-3875, 3924, 3926, 3927, 3929, 3930, 3936, 3997, 4001, 4097, 4098, 4100, 4102-il05, 4107, 4108, 4204, 4206-4210, 4214-4218, 4221, 4222, 4251, 4252, 4256, 4257, 4261, 4263, 4264, 4206, 4267, 4269-4273, 4275, 4339-4342, 4396. Numbers missing from serial no. 4907 are for reports on private bills and on simple and con- current resolutions, f which are bound in House re- ports, V. D-G, this session. Reports on public bills. Contains 4399, 4401, 4402, 4406, 4407, 4409, 4410, 4418-4422, 4425-4427, 4429, 4431, 4432, 4434^437, 4439, 4441, 4443^448, 4555, 4556, 4558-4562, 4564-4567, 4637-4655, 4658~i661, 4671, 4674-4677, 4723, 4724, 4769, 4770, 4774, 4775, 4777, 4782, 4784, 4875-4879, 4886-^888, 4896, 4898-4908, 4911, 4912, 4914-4917, 4919- 4921, 4923-1938, 4940-4946, 4950, 4951, 4953-4955, 4958- 4962, 4964-1968, 4970, 4971, 4973, 4974, 4978, 4979, 4981, 4983, 4988, 4992-4997, 5000, 5009, 5011, 5016-5026, 5030, 5035, 5043, 5046-5049, 5051-5054, 5050, 5060, 5061, 5065- 5069, 5072, 5073, 5075-5077, 5082-5085, 5088-5090, 5094- 5096. Numbers missing from serial no. 4908 are for reports on private bills and ou simple and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound in House reports, v. G and H, this session. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions.! This volume contains such reports from 1 to 680 as are omitted from serial no. 4906, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 681 to 1375 as are omitted from serial no. 4906, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions.! This volume contains such reports from 1376 to 2020 as are omitted from serial no. 4906, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions.! This volume contains such reports from 2021 to 2685 as are omitted from serial nos. 4906 and 4907, which contain reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions.! This volume contains such reports from 2686 to 3300 as are omitted from serial no. 4907, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions.! This volume contains such reports from 3301 to 3920 as are omitted from serial no. 4907, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions.! This volume contains such reports from 3921 to 4470 as are omitted from serial nos. 4907 and 4908, which contain reports on public bills. ! The lettered volumes contain only the reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of Jan. 20, 1905 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 610), the " usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies are kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the Public Documents Library. 147 69tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Oouuimed 10 Series II. reports.. S. docs. do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do... ....do... ....do... .do. .do. do.. do., do.. do.. .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... -do... .do... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... H, docs.. do.... .....do.... do.... do.... ...do..... ...do Document no. See "Notes" column. 1,5 2,fr-82.. 83-139. . 140-180. 181-249. 250-327 328-458 459-531,536. 4, 3pts... 127, 2 pts. 429 132 142 202 231 313 243 243 243 243 243 244, 2 pts. 277 483 499 532. 533. 534. 535. 537. Notes Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t Tliis volume contains sucli reports from 4471 to 5093 as are omitted from serial no. 4908, wliich contains reports on public bills. Secretary of Senate, 1905; Govt. Trinting Office, 1905. Contains also 1-6 of special sess. Senate, Mar. 4-18, 1905. Except 127, in serial no. 4919; 182, in serial no. 4920. Except 142, in serial no. 4921. Except 202, in serial no. 4922; 281, in serial no. 492:?; 248, in serial nos. 4924-4928; 244, in serial no. 4929. Except 277, in serial no. 4930; 818, in serial no. 4923. Except 429, in serial no. 4919. Except 488, in serial no. 4931; 486, in serial nos. 4932- 4935; 499, in serial no. 4931. List of private claims before Senate, Nov. 9, 1903-Mar.4, 1905. Congressional directory, 3 editions. Isthmian Canal Commission, 1905. Special Panama Railroad Commissioner's report, 1905. Naval appropriation laws, 1883-1905. Acts and treaties relating to Alaska. 1867-1905. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, final report, 1906. Reports on Panama Canal. Efficiency of various coals, 1896-98. Hearings on regulation of railway rates, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Same, v. 5. Digest of liearings on regulation of railway rates. Hearings on revenue for Philippine Islands. Educational service and reindeer service in Alaska. Reindeer in Alaska, 1905. Proceedings against Reed Smoot, Senator from Utah, V. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Daughters of the American Revolution, 1905. French- Venezuelan Mixed Claims Commission, report. Eulogies: Orville H. Piatt. Appropriations, new offices, etc Unveiling of statue of Comte de Rochambeau. Message and Foreign relations, 1905. War, 1905, v. 1: Secretary, Cliief of staff, etc. Same, v. 2: Armament, transportation, and supply. Same, v. 3: Division and department commanders. Same, v. 4: Military schools and colleges, militia affairs, etc. Same, v. 5: Engineers, pt. 1. Same, v. 6: Engineers, pt. 2. t The lettered volumes contain only the reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions. ndertheprovisionsof theact of Jan. 20, 1905 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 610), the "usual number" of such it-ports could not be printed. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies are kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the Public Documents Library. 148 59tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued S a 3 > 1 Series Document no. Notes 4948 4949 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 H.docs do . . . 2 2 Same, v. 7: Engineers, pt. 3. Same, v. 8: Engineers, supplement, Mississippi River Commission. 4950 .... do do do do do do do do 2 « 4951 • 4952 .4958 » 4954 • 4955 4956 4957 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 Same, v. 10: Philippine Commission, pt. 1. Same, v. 11: Philippine Commission, pt. 2. Same, v. 12: Philippine Commission, pt. 3. Same, v. 13: PhiUppine Commission, pt. 4. Same, v. 14: Acts of Philippine Commission. Navy, 1905. Post-OfRce, 1905. 4958 .. .do 5 Interior, 1905: Secretarv, bureau officers, etc. 4959 do do do do do do 5 Same: Indian affairs, pt. 1, Commissioner, Five Civi- Uzed Tribes Commission, etc. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 2, Board of Indian Conmiis- sioners, etc. Same: Governors of Territories, etc. 4960 5 4961 5 4962 5 Same: Geological Survey. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v, 2. #4963 •4964 5 5 4965 do 6 Agriculture, 1905. Commerce and Labor, 1905. District of Columbia, 1905, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. 4966 do .....do....... do do do do do do. 7 rs 4967 8 8 Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department. Same, v. 4: Education Board. f8 4968 8 Same, v. 5: Insurance Department, 1904, 2 pts. 4969 9 Treasury (Finances) 1905. 4970 10 Justice (Attorney-General) 1905. Comptroller of Currency, 1905. Estimates of appropriations, 1907; Receipts and expend- itures, 1905; etc. Commerce and navigation, 1905. f4971 11 4972 #4973 12,55,278,861.. 13 4974 .... do do do do do do 14 Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., 1905. 4975 4976 4977 4978 15, pts. 1-3.... 15, pts. 4-6.... 15, pts. 7-12... 16 Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July- Sept. 1905. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1905. Same, Jan.-June, 1906. 37th annual Ust of merchant vessels of U. S., 1905. 4979 17 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1905. 4980 do do do do do do do 18 . . Library of Congress, 1905. 19 Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1904. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1905. 4981 I20 4982 21 Mineral resources, 1904. 4983 22 Tests of metals, 1905. 4984 4985 4986 23-80,82 |S3, 85, 88-163, 1 167-194. 208-378 379-487,494-506. J507-512, 525- 1 550,557-591. Except 44, in serial no. 4991; 55, in serial no. 4972. Except 231-233, in serial no. 5019; 263, in serial no. 5023; 4987 4988 .... do do 278, in serial no. 4972; 320, in serial no. 5024; 341, in serial no. 5025. Except 406, in serial nos. 5026-5029; 42o, in serial no. 5030; 448, in serial no. 5031; 456, in serial no. 5032; 469, in serial no. 5015; 474, in serial no. 5032. r580 is Commissioner of labor, report on Hawaii, 1905. 149 59tli CONGRESS, Ist SESSION— Continued l§ 1 S S«rie8 Document no. Notes 4989 49 .... H.docs 593-723 [724-742 Except 619, In serial no. 5035; 667, in serial no. 6036; 666, in serial no. 5037; 690, in serial no. 5038. 4990 50 do |763-823 1840-918 Except 804, in serial no. 5039; 812, in serial no. 5040. Except 842, in serial nos. 5041-5042; M8, in serial no. 5043; 861, in serial no. 4972; 879, in serial no. 5044; 892, in serial no. 5045; 906, in serial no. 5(M0. 4991 51 52 .do 44 Civil Service Commission, 1905. 499S do 81,84 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1905. 4998 53 54 .do 86 Reclamation Service, 1905. 4994 do 87 House manual. n64 Special consular reports, v. 37: Machine-made lace in- dustry in Europe. 4995 55 do 165 Same, v. 38: Insurance in foreign countries. Monttily consular and trade reports, Jan.-Mar. 1906, 4996 56 do 513-515 nos. 304-306. 4997 57 do 516-518 Same, Apr.- June, 1906, nos. 307-309. 4998 58 do 519-521 Same, July-Sept. 1906, nos. 310-312. 4999 69 .... do 522-524 fl66 Same, Oct.-Dec. 1906, nos. 313-315. Ethnology bulletin 29: Haida texts and myths. Same, 31: List of publications of bureau. Same, 32: Antiquities of Jemez Plateau, New Mexico. Same, 30: Handbook of American Indians, pt. 1. Same, 30: Handbook of American Indians, pt. 2. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1905, 19th. 6000 60 do J 927 [928 6001 61 do 926 5002 62 .. do . 926 6003 63 do 195 6004 64 do 196,197 Geological Survey professional papers 40, 41. 5005 65 66 ... .do.. , . 198,199 200,201 Same 42 43 5006 .... do Same, 44, 45. 5007 67 do 488,489 Same, 46, 47. 5008 68 do 490 Same, 48, pt. 1. Same, 48, pt. 2. 5009 69 do 490 5010 70 do 490 Same, 48, pt. 3. Same, 49-^3. 5011 71 .... do 491-493,919,920. 5012 7? do 921,922 Same, 54, 55. 5013 73 do 202-206 Geological Survey bulletins 269-273. 5014 74 do 207 Same, 274. 5015 75 do 469,824-828.... Same, 275-280. 5016 76 do 829-833 Same, 281-285. 5017 77 do 834-839,931,932. 933-938 Same, 286-293. 5018 78 do Same, 294-299. 5019 79 do 231-233,551-554. Water-supply and irrigation papers, 150-156. 5020 80 do 555,556,743-748. Same, 157-164. 5021 81 do 749-756 Same, 165-172. 5022 82 do 757-762 Same, 173-178. 5023 83 do 263. Survey of Des Plaines and Illinois rivers. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 1905. 5024 84 do 320 5025 85 do 341 N^aval war rpf»nrd18« 355 Same, v. 6. 187 355 Same, v. 6: Index-digest, A-G. ;i88i 355 Same, v. 7: Index-digest, H-P. Same, v. 8: Index-digest, Q-Z. Fisheries Bureau Bulletin, 1906. Federal and State constitutions, colonial charl V. 1: United States, and Alabama^District bia. 51882 355 5189 356 5190 357 ters, etc , 5191 357 f Colura- 5192 357 Same, v. 3: Kentuclcy-Massachusetts. Same, v. 4: Michigan-New Hampshire. Same, v. 5: New Jersey-Philippines. Same, v. 0: Porto Rico-Vermont. 5193 357 5194 > 357-. 51942 357 5194 < 357 Same, v. 7: Virginia-Wyoming, and Index. Agriculture Department appointments, etc., 1900. Animal Industry Bureau, report of operations, 1906. Beet-sugar industry in U. S., 1906. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 24, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1907. Same, v. 24, nos. 4-6, Apr.-June, 1907. Patent Office, 1906. (■439 5195 743 1799.. 5196 bl97 5198 502, pts. 1-3... 502, pts. 4-«... 558 5199 641. Patent decisions, 1906. 6200 6201 r575, pt. 1 1575, pt. 2 608 Smithsonian Institution, 1906 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Postal Ck)mmission, 1906-07. 5202 5203 5204 715, 3 pts 727,728 783 Labor Bureau bulletins, v. 14, nos. 68-70. Army register, 1907; Navy register, 1907. Statistical abstract, 1906. 5205 795 Special report on diseases of horse. 5200 800 Special consular reports, v. 39: Cotton-seed products. Eulogies: D. M. Hurley, B. F. Marsh, G. A. Castor, G. R. Patterson, J. M. Pinckney, Rock wood Hoar, R. E. Lester, R. R. Hitt, H. C. Adams, W. H. Flack, J. H. Ketcham, J. F. Rixey. Agriculture Yearbook, 1906. Weather Bureau 1900 5207 5208 801-812 813 5209 814 5210 5211 do;:::::. do 81{W819 8-20 Ethnology bulletins 33-36. Experiment Stations Office, 1906. Ethnology report, 1904, 25th. Labor Bureau, 21st annual rp., 1906: Strikes and lock- outs. Document index, no. 13, 59th Congress, 2d session. Document catalogue, v 8, 59th Congress July 1 lofvu 5212 do do do do 821 5213 822 5214 829. . 6216 830 June 30, 1907. 156 Both CONGRESS, 1st SESSION t Dec. 2, 1907— May 30, 1908 OQ 6216 5217 5218 Series S. journal.. H. journal. S. reports. . Document no. Notes 1-349 (with ex- Reports on public bills, also a few Senate reports on ceptions). simple resolutions of a public character, f Contains 1-4, 6-9, 11-19, 21, 23, 24, 26-32, 34-46, 49-54, 56-74, 77, 79, 82-87, 89-91, 93-97, 109, 110, 117, 124-126, 128-131, 135, 137-140, 142-144, 146-148, 150, 151, 153, 155-157, 159-164, 167-169, 171, 172, 174-185, 187-191, 193-198, 202, 203, 210-212, 215-221, 223-253, 255-270, 275-279, 284, 285, 289-303, 305-308, 310-317, 319-325, 327-330, 332, 334-336, 338, 340-343, 346-349. 10 is in serial no. 5220; 201 is in serial no . 5221 . 344 , suppressed , see Senate report 382, in Senate reports, v. C, serial no. 5224. Other num- bers missing from serial no. 5218 are for reports on pri- vate bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound in Senate reports, v. A, serial no. 5222. 6219 2 do 352-696 (with Reports on public bills, also a few Senate reports on exceptions). simple resolutions of a public character.! Contains 352, 355-362, 364-367, 369-374, 377-379, 383-388, 390, 394, 395, 397-400, 403, 404, 408, 420, 422, 424-426, 428, 429, 432, 433, 436-441, 445-448, 450-460, 46^-474, 476, 479-487, 489- 492, 494, 495, 497-507, 512-517, 519-523, 525, 529-533, 537, 538, 541-548, 552-561, 563, 566, 569-571, 574, 575, 579-583, 585, 586, 588, 589, 591, 59()-600, 603, 605, 607, 609-612, 614- 618, 620-623, 625, 627, 629, 630, 636-(J38, 641, 642, 646, 647, 650-652, 655-665, 669, 670, 672-681, 684, 687-693, 695, 696. Numbers missing from serial no. 5219 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolu- tions, t which are bound in Senate reports, v. A-C, serial nos. 5222-5224. t The lettered volumes contain only the reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of Jan. 20, 1905 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 610), the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These volimies can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies are kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the Public Docimients Library. Many of the reports on simple and concinrent resolutions are umnistakably of a public character, but the result of the aforementioned act was to relegate these, along with the reports on resolutions of a private character, to the lettered volumes, of which only a few copies are preserved. An exception was made for one session only, that is, the 1st session of the 60th Congress, when under authorization of the Joint Committee on Printing of which the late Senator Piatt was chairman, such reports on simple and concurrent resolutions as were of a public character were treated as public instead of as private reports, and therefore were printed in the "usual nimiber" and appeared in the numbered voltunes of public reports. No serial numbers were assigned to the lettered volumes of reports on private bills and on simple and concvurent resolutions of the 58th Congress, 3d session, and the 59th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, m order to avoid gaps in the serial numbers for volvunes sent to depository libraries since the act of Jan. 20, 1905, went into effect. Beginning with the 60th Congress, 1st session, serial nos. 5222 and 5229, this reason no longer held, because the joint resolution of Jan. 15, 1908 (Stat. L. v. 35, pt. 1, p. 565) took out also annual reports and serial publications from the Congressional series as sent to depository libraries. Therefore, for the 60th Congress serial niunbers have been assigned to all volumes, both numbered and lettered. For many years prior to the 60th Congress, Senate and House reports were each numbered consecutively through the whole Congress, no matter how many sessions were held, but for Senate and House dociunents a new series of mmibers was begun with each session. Under the act of Mar. 1, 1907 (Stat. L. v. 34, pt. 1, p. 1014), the docimients, as well as the reports, are niunbered throughout the Congress. This act became operative with the 2d session of the 60th Congress. The first Senate document of that session is number 538, in serial nos. 5388 and 5389, and the first House doctmient is number 988, in serial no. 5501. Heavy figures for volume numbers in the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries in the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume numbers of the Congressional series. Light figures in the 2d column indicate volumes of annual reports and serial publications which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 15, 1908 (Stat. L. V. 35, pt. 1, p. 665), were taken out of the Congressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository libraries in buckram binding, without Congressional notation, and having title-pages in conformity with the Departmental issues. 157 eotli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued .•240 !2« i228 .■224 V226 Series Document no. Notes Su "Notes" I column. See "Notes' column. 8 S. reports 10, 2 pts Revision of laws: Crimes. 4 do 201 Business of Post-Office Department, preliminary re- port. .do Su "Notes" I Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, f Th is volume con- tains such reports from 5 to 443 as are omitted from serial nos. 5218 and 5219, which contain reports on public bills. 882 is in serial no. 5224. do See " Notes " Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, t Th is volume con- tains such reports from 444 to 694 as are omitted from serial no. 5219, which contains reports on public bills. ..J do 382 Claims allowed imder Bowman and Tucker acts. This is a report on a private bill.f omitted from serial no. 5219, which contains reports on public bills. H. reports 2-1342 (with Reports on public bills, also a few House reports on exceptions). simple and concurrent resolutions of a public charac- ter, f Contains 2, pt. 1, 6, 7, 11-18, 20, 21, 23-31, 33, 90-92, 170, 171, 181, 182, 184, 277, 278, 284-286, 314, 316, 321, 322, 324, 325, 35^-355, 358-362, 3a'>-370, 437, 438, 440- 444, 507, 508, 530, 531, 533-538, 621, 623-625, 635, 636, 638, 639, 641, 643, 645, 650, 651, 677-679, 683, 686, 689, 690, 693, 695-697, 786, 788, 790, 792-795, 888, 889, 891, 893, 894, 896- 900, 956-960, 964-966, 968, 969, 971-^75, 977-979, 1041, 1042, 1044-1057, 1059-1063, 1065-1068, 1070-1072, 1075, 1077-1079, 1086, 1087, 1089, 1090, 1106-1112, 1114, 1116- 1120, 1122-1126, 1128-1130, 1132, 1133, 1135, 1136, 1142, 1144-1146, 1108-1172, 1174, 1179-1182, 1184-1187, 1189, 1191, 1200, 1204-1207, 1209, 1210, 1215, 1216, 1219, 1221- 1231, 1233, 1236, 1238, 1244-1265, 1267, 1270, 1272-1284, 1286-1288, 1291-1293, 129^1302, 1305-1310, 1318-1333, 1338-1340, 1342, 2, pt. 2, not included in boimd volumes, because duplicate of Senate report 10, pt. 2, in serial no. 5220. 543 is in serial no. 5233. 698, not included in bound volmnes, because duplicate of Senate report 201 in serial no. 5221. Other numbers missing from serial no. 5225 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions,! which are bound in House reports, v. A-C, serial nos. 5229-5231. ■>226 2 do 1351-1792(with Reports on public bUls, also a few House reports on sim- exceptions). pie and concurrent resolutions of a public character, f Contains 1351-1355, 1357, 1359-1364, 1366, 1372, 1375, 1376, 1380, 1381, 1383-1388, 1390, 1392, 1396-1398, 1401- 1403, 1405, 1406, 1415, 1417-1421, 1424-1426, 1434-1439, 1443-1445, 1448-1468, 1470, 1472, 1473, 1475-1482, 1490, 1492, 1499, 1500, 1502, 1503, 1505-1514, 1518-1520, 1524- t See, for explanation of lettered volumes of reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolu- tions, and for explanation of numbering Senate and IJDuse documents throughout the Congress, the foot- note on p. 1.56. Heavy figures for volume numbers In the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries In the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume nimibers of the Congressional series. Light figures In the 2d column indicate volumes of annual reports and serial publications which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 15, 1908 (Stat. L. V. 35, pt. 1. p. 565), were taken out of the Congrressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository libraries in buckram binding, without Congressional notation, and having title-pages in conformity with the Departmental issues. 158 Goth CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 1§ ■3 1 Series Document no. Notes m > (2 5226 2 H. reports... 1351-1792 (with exceptions) — Continued. 1628, 1533-1535, 1539-1543, 154&-1549, 1552-1559, 1561- 1569, 1576-1579, 1582-1593, 1595, 1596, 1601-1605, 1607, 1608, 1610, 1613, 1614, 1621-1631, 1633, 1635, 1637-1641, 1644-1646, 1648, 1652-1655, 1658-1666, 1668-1672, 1674, 1675, 1678-1691, 1693, 1695-1703, 1705-1707, 1714-1718, 1726, 1728-1738, 1740, 1741, 1743, 1745, 1759, 1760, 1764- 1767, 1769-1779, 1781-1783, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1792. 1704, suppressed. 1727 is in serial nos. 5227 and 5228. Other numbers missing from serial no. 5226 are for re- ports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions,! which are bound in House reports, v. C and D, serial nos. 5231 and 5232. 5227 3 — do 1727 [pts. 1,2].. Investigation of charges made by Geo. L. Lilley under H. R. 288: pt. 1, Report, pt. 2, Testimony. This is a report on a simple resolution of a public character, f 6228 4 — do 1727 [pt. 3].... Same: pt. 3, Testimony and index. t5229 A do See "Notes" column. Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, f This volume con- tains such reports from 1 to 550 as are omitted from serial no. 5225, which contains reports on public bills. 643 is in serial no. 5233. 5230 B do. See "Notes" Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, f This volume con- column. tains such reports from 551 to 1100 as are omitted from serial no. 5225, which contains reports on public bills. 5281 c do See "Notes" Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, f This volume con- column. tains such reports from 1101 to 1400 as are omitted from serial nos. 5225 and 5226, which contain reports on public bills. 6232 D do See "Notes" column. Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, f This volume con- tains such reports from 1404 to 1790 as are omitted from serial no. 5226, which contains reports on public bills. 6233 E .... do 543 Claims allowed under Bowman and Tucker acts. This is a report on a private bill, f omitted from serial no. 5225, which contains reports on public bills. 5284 1 S.docs 1-3 Secretary of Senate, 1907; etc. 5235 2 do 4,pt.l Congressional directory, 1st edition. 5236 3 do 4,pt.2 Same, 2d edition. 5237 4 do 4,pt.3 Same, 3d edition. 5238 5 do 5 Government Printing Office, 1907. 5239 6 do (3-8,57,155,242, 405,501. Miscellaneous annual reports. 6240 7 do See "Notes" column. Special messages, reports, and addresses, I. Contains S. docs. 91, 114, 115, 132, 151, 185, 187, 200, and 203. t«S««, for explanation of lettered volumes of reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolu- tions, and for explanation of numbering Senate and House documents throughout the Congress, the foot- note on p. 156. Heavy figures for volume numbers in the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries in the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume numbers of the Congressional series. Light figures in the 2d column indicate volumes of annual reports and serial publications which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 15, 1908 (Stat. L. v. 35, pt. 1, p. 565), were taken out of the Congressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository libraries in buckram binding, without Congressional notation, and having title-pages in conformity with the Departmental issues. 159 eotli CONGRESS,^ 1st 8ES8ION~Coutmued l§ 1 i Series Document no. Notes 6241 8 S. docs See "Notes" column. Same, II. Contains 8. docs. 208, 213, 224, 225, 244-246, 270, 277, 311. bi42 9 do See "Notes" column. Same, III. Contains S. docs. 366, 376, 379, 390, 406, 428, 432, 433, 430, 444, 461, 50(), 512, 527, 628. hv 10 11 do 55 K do [78-82,162,281, I 282,404,434. 92 Special reports to Manufactures Bureau. Governor of Porto Rico, 1907. m. 12 IS do 6246 do 100 Navy yearbook, 1907, with appropriations, 1883-1907. Mexican Kickapoo Indians, hearings, v. 1. 6247 14 do 215,pt. 1 6248 16 do 215, pt. 2 Same, v. 2. 6249 16 do r215,pt.3 1350 . Same, v. 3. Treaty with Kickapoo Indians. Inland Waterways Commission. Schoolhouse Commission of District of Columbia. • 5260 17 do. . . 325 6251 18 do 338 389 . Brownsville affray: Report of inspector-general, mes- sages of President, etc. 6262 19 do 1402, pt.l Same: Discharge of companies, message from President, report of Secretary of War, etc. 6268 20 do r402,pt.2 1402, pt. 3 Same: Court-martial of Charles W. Penrose. Same: Court-martial of Edgar A. Macklin. 62»t 21 do 402, pt. 4 Same: Hearings, v. 1. 6266 22 do 402, pt. 5 Same: Hearings, v. 2. 5256 23 do r402,pt.6 430 Same: Hearings, v. 3. Same: Names of enlisted men discharged. Wrongs to Americans in Venezuela. Agriculture Department, expenditures, 1907. Same, estimates for 1909. Daughters of the American Revolution, 1907. Crow Indian Reservation, hearings. 5257 24 do 413 r425 6268 25 do 1429 6269 26 do 431 5260 27 do 445,2pts 6261 '>8 do 632 Juvenile crime and reformation. 5262 29 do 533 Promotion of ramie industry. .. do 534 duplicate of S. doc. 533. 5268 80 do 536 Appropriations, new offices, etc. Documents of a public nature, I. Contains S. docs. 101, 5264 81 do See "Notes" column. 116,117, 143, 145, 146, 154, 174, 175, 184, 186, 202,204-207, 210, 212, 214, 216, 220, 221, 226, 232, 243, 256-258, 278, 279, 283,296. 5265 82 do See "Notes" column. Same, II. Contains S. docs. 297, 298, 308, 326, 337, 349, 351,369,370,375, 377, 378, 392, 395, 400, 401, 415, 422, 423, k,. 426, 427, 435, 437, 438, 443, 450, 452, 454, 456, 458, 460, 465, 466. Same, III. Contains S. docs. 467-470, 487, 495, 504, 516, ^M. 83 .... do See "Notes" column. 518, 519, 521-525, 529-531, 535. 537 was printed as S. doc. 129, 61st Cong. 1st sess. 5267 84 "" do See "Notes" column. Private claims and other minor documents, I. Con- tains S. docs. 9-54, 56, 58-77, 83-90, 93-99, 102-113, 118- 131, 133-142, 144. 147-150, 153, 156-173, 176-183, 188-199. Heavy figures for volume numbers in the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries In the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume numbers of the Concessional series. Light figures in the 2d column Indicate volumes of annual reports and serial publications which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 16, 1908 (Stat. L. V. 35, pt. 1, p. 565), were taken out of the Congressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository libraries in buckram binding, without Concessional notation, and having title-pages in conformity with the Departmental issues. 160 eOtli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 52701 52702 5271 5272 5273 5274 *6275 5^76 • 5277 ' 5278 • 6279 • 5280 5281 5286 5287 5290 5294 20 Series S. docs. .do.. docs. ..do. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do-. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do, .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. See "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. 2... 2... 2... 2... 2... 2... 2... 2... 709. 636. 26.. 26.. 26.. 492. 781. See "Notes' column. See "Notes' coliimn. 32,210. 3 661.... 4 910.... 5 21 717-720. 721-723. Notes Same, II, Contains S. docs. 201, 209, 211, 217-219, 222, 223, 227-231, 233-241, 247-255, 259-269, 271-276, 280, 284- 295, 299-307, 309, 310, 312-324, 327-336, 339-348, 352-365, 367, 368, 371-374, 380-388, 391, 393, 394, 396-399. Same, III. Contains S. docs. 403, 407-412, 414, 416-421, 424, 439-442, 446-449, 451, 453, 455, 457, 459, 462-464, 471- 486, 488-494, 496-500, 502, 503, 505, 507-511, 513-515, 517, 520, 626. Message and Foreign relations, 1907, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. War, 1907, v. 1: Secretary, Chief of staff, etc. Same, v. 2: Armament, transportation, and supply. Same, v. 3: Division and department commanders. Same, v. 4: Militia, military schools, and military parks. Same, v. 5: Engineers, report without appendixes. Same, v. 6: Ordnance. Same, v, 7: Philippine Commission, v. 1, Same, v. 8: Philippine Commission, v. 2, Same, v. 9: Philippine Commission, v. 3, Same, v. 10: Acts of Philippine Commission. Army register, 1908. Tests of metals, 1907, Engineer Department, 1907, with appendixes, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3, Report of examination of Ohio River. Examination of Tennessee River. Examinations of rivers and harbors, I. Contains H. docs. 57, 58, 69-83, 216-224, 324-330, 346-351, 395-403, 444-453, 463-465, 478, 479, 490, 491, 493, 503, 515,i516, 530- 533, 556-560, 650-654, 665, 666, 692. Same, II. Contains H. docs. 758, 789, 811, 815, 823, 824, 828, 829, 851 , 859, 865, 8G9, 870, 876, 881, 882, 890, 896, 904- 909, 911, 917-920, 939, 941, 944, 945, 948, 960-955, 957-966, 967,969-971, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1907. Navy, 1907, Navy register, 1907, Post-Office, 1907. Special weighing of mails, 1907. Interior, 1907: Administrative, v, 1, Secretary, bureau officers, etc. Same: Administrative, v, 2, Indian affairs and Terri- tories, Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Mineral resources, 1906. Geological Survey bulletins 322-325. Same, 326-328. 5296 5297 5298 • 5299 5300 5301 Heavy figures for volume numbers in the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries in the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume numbers of the Congressional series. Light figures in the 2d column indicate volumes of annual reports and serial publications which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 16, 1908 (Stat. L. V. 35, pt. 1, p. 665), were taken out of the Congressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository libraries in buckram binding, without Congressional notation, and having title-pages in conformity with the Departmental issues. 161 60th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 1^ Vol. Part Series Document no. Notes 6802 33 II. docs 724,725 Same, 329,330. 6808 34 do 726-730 Same, 331-335. 6S0t 35 do 731-734,930.... Same, 336-340. 6806 36 do 931 Same, 341. Same, 342-345. P 37 do 932,940,970,977. 11807 38 .... do 764-760 Water-supply papers, 201-206. f5808 39 do 770-775 Same, 207-212. 6809 40 do 776-780,915.... Same, 213-218. 6810 41 L... do 63 Reclamation Service, 1907. 6811 42 do 620 Patent Office 1907 5812 43 do 470 Patent decisions, 1907. 53i:j 44 do 6 Agriculture, 1907. Agriculture Yearbook, 1907. Beet-sugar industry in U. S., 1907. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1907, 24th. Experiment Stations Office, 1907. Field operations of Bureau of SoUs, 1907. Same, maps. Weather Bureau, 1907. 5:{14 45 do 987 5315 46 do 980 5316 47 do 978 5317 48 do 984 531S 49 do 979 5319 50 do 979 53'20 51 do 983 5321 52 do 7 Commerce and Labor, 1907. 912, 2 pts Cotton exchanges, summary of report of commissioner 5322 53 do 949,3pts of corporations, 3 pts. Same, full report, 3 pts., including reprint of summary. 5323 M do 17 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1907. Fisheries Bureau Bulletin, 1907. 5324 55 do 981 5825 56 do 982 Labor Bureau, 22d annual report, 1907: Labor laws of U.S. Labor Bureau bulletins, v. 15, nos. 71-73. 5826 57 do 580, 3 pts 5327 58 do 857,3pts Same, v. 16, nos. 74-76. 5328 59 do 582-584 Monthly consular and trade reports, nos. 322-324, July- Sept. 1907. 5829 60 do 585-587 Same, nos. 325-327, Oct.-Dec. 1907. 5330 61 do 588-590 Same, nos. 328-330, Jan.-Mar. 1908. 6331 62 do 591-593 Same, nos. 331-333, Apr.-June, 1908. 6882 63 do 846 Special consular reports, v. 40, 2 pts.: Motor machines. Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., 1907, pt.l. Same, pt. 2: Navigation and merchant marine laws. 5388 64 do 14 5834 65 do 14 5385 66 do 16 39th aimual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1907. 5336 67 do 13 Commerce and navigation, 1907. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July- 5837 68 do 15, pts. 1-3.... Sept. 1907. 5838 69 do 15, pts. 4-6.... Same, Oct.-Dec. 1907. 6889 70 do 15, pts. 7-9.... Same, Jan.-Mar. 1908. 5840 71 do 15, pts. 10 12.. Same, Apr.-June, 1908. 5341 72 do 853 Statistical abstract, 1907. 6342 73 do 8 District of Columbia, 1907, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. 6848 74 do 8 Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. 6844 75 do 8 Same, v. 3: Health Department. Heavy flgnres for volume numbers in the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries in the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume numbers of the Congressional series. Light figures in the 2d column indicate volumes of annual reports and serial publications which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 15, 1908 (Stat. L. V. 35, pt. 1, p. 565). were taken out of the Congressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository libraries in buckram binding, without Congressional notation, and having title-pages in conformity with the Departmental issues. 82452°— 11- -11 162 60tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued •3 . 5845 5346 5347 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5858 5854 5855 5356 5857 5859 5361 5364 5367 5368 5369 5370 5371 5872 5378 5874 6875 79 87 94 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 H. docs. ....do.. ....do.. .do. ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ..-.do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do ..do .do. Document no. J12,23. [458,880. 11.. 20.. 19.. 456. 702. 840-«45,872. 10. 603,pts. 1-3.. 603,pts. 4-6.. 603,pts. 7-9.. 603, pts. 10-12 600 454 18 423 847,pt. 1 847, pt. 2 825 986 986 648 985 See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. Notes Same, v. 4: Education Board. Same, v. 5: Insurance Department, 1906, 2 pts. Treasury (Finances) 1907. Estimates for 1909; Receipts and expenditures, 1907. Deficiency estimates. Comptroller of Currency, 1907. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1907. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1906. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 1907. Hygienic Laboratory bulletin 41. Same, 36-40, 42, 43. Bulletins 1-35 not in Congressional set. Yellow Fever Institute bulletin 16. Bulletins 1-15 not in Congressional set. Justice, 1907: v. 1, Attorney-General; v. 2, Miscella- neous. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 25 nos. 1-3, July-Sept. 1907. Same, v. 25, nos. 4- £ 5383 B - S. reports See "Notes" column. Reports on private bills and on simple resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 938 to 1114 as are omitted from serial no. 5380, which contains reports on public bills. 6384 1 H. reports 1793-2326 (with exceptions). Reports on public bills. Contains 1793, 1794, 1797, 1805, 1806, pt. 1, 1807-1813, 1815, 1821, 1823, 1825, 1827-1829, 1831, 1833-1836, 1841, 1842, 1845, 1851-1853, 1855, 1856, 1858-1867, 1869, 1875, 1877, 1878, 1880, 1881, 1883-1886, 1889, 1890, 1892-1903, 1907-1909, 1911, 1915, 1916, 1919, 1920, 1922-1925, 1935, 1936, 1938-1943, 1945-1947, 1961, 1963-1968, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1984-1987, 1991-1993, 1996, 1998-2000, 2003, 2013-2022, 2025-2027, 2029-2034, 2036, 2037, 2041, 2043-2047, 2049, 2053, 2054, 2056, 2059, 2061, 2062, 2065-2083, 2085-2088, 2091, 2092, 2095, 2099-2108, 2113, 2122, 2130, 2131, 2135, 2138, 2139, 2141-2147, 2149-2155, 2157-2161, 2164, 2166-2169, 2177, 2180-2188, 2190, 2194, 2196-2205, 2208, 2209, 2211-2216, 2218, 2222-2225, 2227, 2229, 2230, 2232-2234, 2236-2239, 2241, 2243-2245, 2247-2249, 2253-2261, 2264, 2265, 2269- 22'/2, 2274-2276, 2281-2284, 2290-2299, 2301, 2302, 2305- 2308, 2310-2312, 2316-2319, 2321 , 2324-2326. 1806, pt. 2, not included in bound volumes, because duplicate of Senate report 701, pt. 2, in serial no. 5381. 2320 is in serial no. 5387. Other numbers missing from serial no. 5384 are for reports on private bills and on simple and coijcurrent resolutions, t which are bound in House reports, v. A and B, serial nos. 5385 and 5386. 6885 A do See "Notes" column. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f This volume contains such reports from 1795 to 2002 as are omitted from serial no. 5384, which contains reports on public bills. 5886 B do See "Notes" column. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions.t This volume contains such reports from 2004 to 2323 as are omitted from serial no. 5384, which contains reports on public bills. 2320 is in serial no. 5387. 5387 c do 2320 Fraud in and depredations upon public service, report, with testimony. This is a report on a simple resolu- tion, f omitted from serial no. 6384, which contains reports on public bills. 5388 1 S. docs 538t Congressional directory, 1st edition. 5389 2 do 1 --•■-•■ — 538t- Same, 2d edition. 5390 3 do 543 Secretary of Senate, 1908. Customs tariffs, 1846-97. 4 5 .... do do 547 5391 [683 Hearings on customs administrative laws. 5392 570 Navy yearbook, 1908, with naval appropriations, 1883- 1908. t See, for explanation of lettered volumes of reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolu- tions, and for explanation of numbering Senate and House documents throughout the Congress, the foot- note on p. 156. Heavy figures for volume numbers in the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries in the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume numbers of the Congressional series. Light figures in the 2d column indicate volumes of annual reports and serial pubUcations which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 15, 1908 (Stat. L. V. 35, pt. 1, p. 565), were taken out of the Congressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository libraries in buckram binding, withooit Congressional notation, and having title-pages in conformity with the Departmentar issues. 165 Goth CONGRESS, 2d SE88ION-~Continued Series Document no. Notes 589S 68M 6897 6M6 MOO 5401 5402 5403 5405 5407 5108 &109 5410 5411 5412 5418 • 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 5420 21 22 S. doos... do... do... do... do... do.... do... do..., do..., do..., do..., do.... ...do. ...do. ...do. .do. .do.... .do. ;.docs ..do.... ..do..., ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... .do. ..do.... 578 644 638 664 676 676 676 721 725 728 735 762-767,771... 768 769 See "Notes" column. See "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. See "Notes' colimin. Governor of Porto Rico, 1908. Reports relating to District of Columbia. Reports of President's Homes Commission. Estimates for salaries in ICxecutive Departments, etc. Goveniment Printing Office, 1908. National Conservation Commission, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Proceedings of conference on care of dependent children. Investigation of Western Union and Postal Telegraph- Cable companies. Secret proceedings and debates of Federal Convention, 1787. Final report of Jamestown Ter-Centermial Commission. Eulogies: S. R. Mallory, J. T. Morgan and E. W. Pettus, Redfleld Proctor, W. P. Whyte, W. B. Allison, A. C. Latimer, W. J. Bryan. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Senate manual. Documents of a public nature, I. Contains S. docs. 539, 542, 54(5, 503, 571, 579, 582, 583, 585-587, 589, 591-593, 604, 617, 619, 626, 628-631, 634, 635, 637, 639, 640, 645, 646, 648, 649, 651-^53. Same, II. Contains S. docs. 656-658, 660, 661, 665-668, 670, 675, 677, 680, 682, 684, 686-ti93, 696, 698-701, 704-708, 712-714, 716-720, 722, 729-731. Same, III. Contains S. docs. 733, 736-738, 740-744, 762, 753, 756-761, 770. Private claims and other minor documents. Contains 540, 541, 544, 545, 548-562, 564-569, 572-577, 580, 581, 684, 588, 590, 594-598, 600-603, 605-616, 618, 620-625, 627, 632, 633, 636, 641-643, 647, 650, 654, 655, 659, 662, 663, 669, 671- 674, 678, 679, 681, 685, 694, 095, 097, 702, 703, 709-711, 715, 723, 724, 726, 727, 732, 734, 739, 745-751, 754, 755. Message and Foreign relations, 1908. Treasury (Finances) 1908. Estimates of appropriations, 1910. Receipts and expenditures, 1908. Deficiency estimates. Comptroller of Currency, 1908. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1908. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1907. PubUc Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 1908. Hygienic Laboratory bulletins 44-48. Same, 49-53. Yellow Fever Institute bulletin 17. War, 1908, v. 1: Secretary, Chief of staff. Adjutant general, etc. Heavy figures for volume numbers in the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries in the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume numbers of the Congrressional series. Light figures in the 2d column indicate volumes of annual reports and serial pubUcations which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 16, 1908 Stat. L. V. 35. pt. 1, p. 565), were taken out of the Congressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository Ubraries in buckram binding, without Congressional notation, and having title-pages In conformity with the Departmental issues. 166 60tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued OQ Document no. Notes 5421 M22 5423 5424 5425 «5426 f5427 • 5428 #5429 54S0 5431 5434 5435 5436 5487 5438 5439 5440 5441 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 5451 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 6458 5459 5460 5461 27 50 51 52 H. docs... do... do... do..., do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... .-..do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do.... do.... do..., do.... do.... .do. do. .do. ..do... .do. 1042 1042 1042 1042 1042 1042 1042 1042 1042 1467 1052 1052 1052 1123 1124 See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 1314. 1484. 1484. 1484. 1484. 1054. 1322. 1043. 1035. 1044. 1220. 1045. 1466. 1024. 1046. 1046 1046 1046 1001,1010-1013. 1015,1025-1027. (1028-1030,1033, 1036. 1037 1038,1039,1055- 1061,1389. jl390,1475,1507- 1509. 1510,1519,1521, 1522. Same, v. 2: Armament, transportation, and supply. Same, v. 3: Division and department commanders. Same, v. 4: Military schools and military parks. Same, v. 5: Engineers, report without appendixes. Same, v. G: Ordnance. Same, v. 7: Philippine Commission, pt. 1. Same, v. 8, pt. 1: Philippine Commission, pt. 2. Same, v. 8, pt. 2: Philippine Commission, appendix. Same, v. 9: Acts of Philippine Legislature. Army register, 1909. Engineer Department, 1908, with appendixes, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Examination and survey of Sacramento River. Examination and survey of San Joaquin River, etc. Examination of rivers and harbors, I. Contains H. docs. 1081-1089, 1103, 1107-1122, 1125, 1159-1163. Same, II. Contains H. docs. 1164-1168, 1187-1190, 1211, 1212, 1216-1218, 1236, 1250, 1251, 1253, 1311, 1312, 1421, 1454,1471,1481,1488. Materials and labor for Engineer Department, 1908. Laws, etc., eflective in Porto Rico, May 1, 1900, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Same, pt. 4. Isthmian Canal Commission, 1908. Tests of metals, 1908. Justice (Attorney-General) 1908. Official opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 26. Post-Office, 1908. Pneumatic Tube Commission. Navy, 1908. Navy register, 1909. Naval war records, series 1, v. 22. Interior, 1908: Administrative, v. 1, Secretary, bureau officers, etc. Same: Administrative, v.2, Indian affairs and Territories. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Geological Survey bulletins 346-350. Same, 351-354, Same, 355-359. Same, 360. Same, 361-370. ■Same, 371-375, Same, 376-379. Heavy figures for volume numbers in the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries in the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume numbers of the Congressional series. Light figures In the 2d column Indicate volumes of annual reports and serial publications which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 15, 1908 (Stat. L. V. 35, pt, 1, p. 565), were taken out of the Congressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository libraries In buckram binding, without Congressional notation, and having title-pages In conformity with the Departmental Issues. 167 eoth CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 84 85 87 Series II. docs. ....do.. ....do.. .do. •do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. DootiTnent no. 1523 153C 1537-1540,1546- 1548. 154^1554 1002 1003 1004,1005 1006 (1007,1008,1558, I 1559. 1077 1077 101&-1022,1294. (1295-1297,1524- I 1526,1534. 1535,1555-1557. 1407 1349 1174 1047 1560 1542 1157 1221. 1271. 1568. 1254. 1561. 1569. 1569. 1570. 1048. 1034. 1571. 1571. 1665. 1016, 3 pts. 1527, 3 pts. 1566 1566 1567 1567 Notes Same, 380. Same, 381. Same, 382-388. Same, 389-394. Geological Survey professional paper 69. Same, 60. Same, 61,62. Same, 63. Same, 64-^7. Mineral resources, 1907, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Water-supply papers, 219-223. Same, 224-230. Same, 231-234. Patent Office, 1908. Patent decisions, 1908. Reclamation Service, 1908. Agriculture, 1908. Agriculture Yearbook, 1908. Beet-sugar industry in U. S., 1908. Agriculture Department expenses, 1908, detailed state- ment. Agriculture Department expenses, appropriations, and estimates. Forest Service expenses, appropriations, and estimates. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1908, 25th. Special report on diseases of cattle, 1908 edition. Experiment Stations Office, 1908. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1908. Same, maps. Weather Bureau, 1908. Commerce and Labor Department, 1908. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1908. Fisheries Bureau Bulletin, 1908, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Labor Bureau, 23d annual report, 1908: Workmen's in- surance and benefit funds in U. S. Labor Bureau bulletins, v. 17, nos. 77-79. Same, v. 18, nos. 80-82. Commercial relations, 1907, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, 1908, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 988 1-090 Monthly consular and trade reports, nos. 334-336, July- , Sept. 1908. t See, for explanation of lettered volumes of reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolu- tions, and for explanation of numbering Senate and House documents throughout the Congress, the foot- note on p. 156. Heavy flgrures for volume numbers in the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries in the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume numbers of the Congressional series. Light figures In the 2d column indicate volumes of annual reports and serial publications which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 16, 1908 (Stat. L. V. 35, pt. 1, p. 665), were taken out of the Congressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository Ubrarles In buckram binding, without Congressional notation, and having title-pages In conformity with the Departmental issues. 168 eOtli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued •3 . 1 1 (^ 5602 92 5503 93 5604 94 .... 6506 95 5606 96 6507 97 • 6508 98 6509 99 5610 100 5511 101 6612 102 6513 103 5514 104 5515 105 5616 106 6517 107 6518 108 6519 109 5620 110 5521 111 6522 112 6623 113 6524 114 6526 115 6626 116 6527 117 5528 118 5629 119 6680 120 6631 121 5532 122 6533 123 5684 124 6636 125 6636 126 5637 127 5538 128 5589 129 Series Document no. Notes ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... .do.... .do... ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. 1 1268-1270, 1330, i 1342,1353,1498 1283 1023 1511 1017, pts. 1-3.. 1017, pts. 4-6.. 1017, pts. 7-9.. 1017, pts. 10-12 1541 1000, pts. 1-3.. 1000, pts. 4-6.. 1000, pts. 7-9.. 1000, pts. 10-12 1000, pts. 1-3.. 1000, pts. 4-6.. docs 991-993 Same, 337-339, Oct.-Dec. 1908. -do 994-996 Same, 340-342, Jan.-Mar. 1909. -do 997-999 Same, 343-345, Apr.-June, 1909. {Special reports on manufacturing and trade conditions abroad. Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., 1908. 40th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1908. Commerce and navigation, 1908. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Sept. 1908. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1908. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1909. Same, Apr.-June, 1909. Statistical abstract, 1908. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, English section, v. 27, nos. 1-3, July-Sept. 1908. Same, English section, v. 27, nos. 4-6, Oct.-Dec. 1908. Same, English section, v. 28, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1909. Same, English section, v. 28, nos. 4-6, Apr.-June, 1909. Same, secciones espanola, portuguesa, francesa, v. 27, nos. 1-3, Julio-Septiembre, 1908. Same, secciones espanola, portuguesa, francesa, v. 27, nos. 4-6, Octobre-Diciembre, 1908. Civil Service Commission, 1908. District of Columbia, 1908, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department. Same, v. 4: Education Board. Same, v. 5,/2 pts. : Insurance, 1907. Not to be issued. Interstate jCommerce Commission, 1908, 22d. Library of Congress, 1908. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1908. Smithsonian Institution, 1908 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Ethnology report, 1906, 27th. Ethnology bulletin 37: Antiquities in Missouri. Same, 38: Unwritten literature of Hawaii, sacred songs of the Hula. Same, 39: Tlingit myths and texts. Same, 40, pt. 1: Handbook of Amer. Indian languages, pt. 1. Other parts not yet (May, 1911) issued. Same, 41: Antiquities of Mesa Verde National Park:, Spruce-tree House. Same, 42: Tuberculosis among Indians of U. S. American Historical Association, 1907, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Texan diplomatic correspondence. Conference of governors on conservation of natural re- sources, Washington, D. C, May 13-15, 1908. I Eulogies: Llewellyn Powers, W. H. Parker, D. L. D. Granger, A. L. Brick, C. T. Dunwell, Adolph Meyer, Campbell Slemp, A. A. Wiley, G. W. Smith. Heavy figures for volume numbers in the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries in the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume numbers of the Congressional series. Light figures in the 2d column indicate volumes of annual reports and serial publications which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 16, 1908 (Stat. L. V. 35, pt. 1, p. 565), were taken out of the Congressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository libraries in buckram binding, without Congressional notation, and having title-pages in conformity with the Departmental Issues. .do. 1158 1049 1049 1049 1049 1049 1317 1032 1106,1219.. 1543, pt. 1 . 1543, pt. 2. 1572 [1500 llSOl 1528 1529 1530 1531 1282 1282 1425 1512-1518, 1544, 1545. 169 eoth CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued f] 1 1 Series Document no. Notes r — 5M0 180 II. docs 1053 House manual. 5541 181 do 1062 Report of clerk of House. 5.VI2 182 do irKG Pulp and paper investigation hearings, v. 1. 6o43 133 do 1502 Same, v. 2. 5o^l4 \U do 1502 Same, v. 3. bb4o 185 do 1502 Same, v. 4. 6546 186 do 1502 Same, v. 5, and v. 6, index. 5d47 137 do 1503 Notes on tariff revision. 5«>48 188 do 1504 Imports and duties, 1894-1907. Tariff hearings, v. 1. 5549 139 do 1505 6.'>uO 140 do 1505 Same, v. 2. bohl 141 do 1505 Same, v. 3. 6oo2 14fl do 1505 Same, v, 4. 5558 143 do 1505 Same, v. 5. 55o4 144 do 1605 Same, v. 6. 5o»o 145 do 1505 Same, v. 7. 6556 146 do 1505 Same, v. 8, appendix, and v. 9, index. 6557 147 ..,..do See "Notes" column. Documents of a public nature. Contains 1071, 1098, 1105, 1154, 1179, 1185, 1194, 1201-1208, 1210, 1213, 1214, 1222, 1223, 1227, 1234, 1252, 1255, 1262-1265, 1267, 1275- 1277, 1290-1292, 1298, 1300, 1302, 1304, 1305, 1310, 1325, 1328, 1331, 1336, 1337, 1345, 1350, 1357, 1364, 1365, 1376, 1409, 1411, 1412, 1418-1420, 1423, 1428, 1431, 1446, 1455- 1458, 1464, 1476, 1479, 1480, 1482, 1489, 1494, 1495, 1499, 1506. 6558 148 do See "Notes" column. Privateclaims and other minor documents, I. Contains H. docs. 1063-1070, 1072-1076, 1078, 1080, 1090-1097, 1099-1102, 1104, 1126-1153, 1155, 1156, 1169-1173, 1176- 1178, 1180-1184, 1186, 1191-1193, 1196-1200. 5569 149 do See "Notes" column. Same, II. Contains H. docs. 1209, 1215, 1224-1226, 1228- 1233, 1235, 1237-1249, 1256-1261, 1266, 1272-1274, 1278- 1281, 1284-1289, 1293, 1299, 1301, 1303, 130fr-1309, 1313, 1315, 1316, 1318-1321, 1323, 1324, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1332- 1336, 1338-1341, 1343, 1346-1348, 1351, 1352, 1354-1356, 1358-1363, 1367-1375, 1377-1388, 1391-1405, 1408, 1410, 1413-1417, 1422, 1424, 1426, 1427, 1429, 1430, 1432-1440, 1442-1445, 1447-1453, 1459-1463, 1468-1470, 1472-1474, 1477, 1478, 1483, 1485-1487, 1499-1493, 1496, 1497. 5560 I.V) do 1573 Document index, no. 15, 60th Congress, 2d session. 5561 151 do 1674 Document catalogue, v. 9, 60th Congress, July 1, 1907- June30,1909. Heavy figures for volume numbers in the 2d column indicate volumes forwarded to depository libraries in the Congressional edition with report or document numbers and bearing the titles and volume numbers of the Congrressional series. Light figures in the 2d column indicate volumes of annual reports and serial publications which, under the provisions of the joint resolution of Jan. 16, 1908 Stat. L. V. 35. pt. 1, p. 565), were taken out of the Congressional set for depository libraries; these volumes are sent to depository libraries in buckram binding, without Congressional notation, and having title-pages in conformity with the Departmental issues. U li }v i(>ty S90 ^ (^L r T^ ^ APPENDIXES TO CONGRESSIONAL TABLES (Reprinted, with changes and additions, from p. 757-769 of " Tables of and annotated index to Congressional series of United States public documents," issued by the Superintendent of Documents in 1902.] (171) '^/' ^TIW APPENDIX 1 TABLE SHOWING NUMBER OF DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS INCLUDED IN CONGRESSIONAL SET, FROM 16TH TO 60TH CONGRESS, INCLUSIVE, ARRANGED BY CONGRESSES SENATE HOUSE Congre« Docu- ments Execu- tive docu- ments Miscel- laneous docu- ments Com- mittee re- ports Total Docu- ments Execu- tive docu- ments Miscel- laneous docu- ments Com- mittee re- ports Total 15 295 255 138 125 174 313 222 267 668 657 853 859 815 585 714 295 352 352 !('. 255 138 125 174 313 222 267 668 657 853 859 815 585 714 664 611 795 835 770 854 474 407 420 466 660 840 1,002 1,047 1,034 1,240 1,456 1,540 2,082 2,635 3,454 235 245 274 330 435 266 456 722 487 774 389 576 448 352 179 241 232 385 374 556 652 714 1,189 1,434 971 1,416 782 936 986 612 183 523 629 806 774 216 174 151 136 187 198 1,188 1,061 1,313 2,229 2,044 2,606 4,181 4,168 414 17 486 IS 506 19 715 20 . 809 21 822 22 1,108 23 1,436 1,676 24 25 2,208 26 1,360 27 1,992 1,230 28 29 1,288 30 111 127 196 178 183 125 77 132 93 103 171 181 153 90 142 185 317 292 314 353 429 222 160 166 104 140 331 86 167 185 182 216 279 326 263 186 186 204 216 195 291 306 331 320 433 553 447 398 311 108 142 181 273 380 523 694 706 869 935 1,032 1,573 1,991 2,719 155 146 207 229 238 256 186 258 191 274 485 478 589 471 242 231 200 337 447 580 639 163 78 97 136 218 198 144 142 144 213 283 297 387 401 239 120 92 112 117 567 759 1,304 31 4 836 32 ... 487 33 888 34 l,085t 35 l,260t l,104t 616 1 509 36 37 38 39 638 40 904 41 ... 962 42 1,174 43 2,060 44 1,542 45 1,664 46 2,521 47 2,493 48 3,260 5,328 49 50 5,566 t Totals do not include House Court of Claims reports, which from the 34th Congress to the 37th Congress were assigned a separate series of numbers. (173) 174 NUMBER OF DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS— Continued SENATE HOUSE Congress Docu- ments Execu- tive docu- ments Miscel- laneous docu- ments Com- mittee re- ports Total Docu- ments Execu- tive docu- ments Miscel- laneous docu- ments Com- mittee re- ports Total 61 315 264 319 356 299 574 2,627 1,394 1,049 1,575 1,893 2,496 3,318 4,402 7,342 1,114 3,298 1,957 1,942 2,078 2,605 3,180 3,999 4,966 8,291 1,885 790 1,000 1,316 1,213 1,319 1,773 1,574 765 532 643 411 464 353 4,058 2,621 2,000 3,080 2,367 3,006 3,919 4,904 8,174 2,326 5,234 3,617 2,996 fe-.y!S-Mar. 3, 1891 2817 2829 Do. B2 1 Dec. 7, 1891-Aug. 5, 1892 2891 2919 Do. 2 Dec. 5, 1892-Mar. 3, 1893 3054 3075 Do. 63 ^special.. Mar. 4-Apr. 16, 1893 (Senate).. 3064 Grover Cleveland (24th), Mar. 4, 1893-Mar. 4, 1897. 1 Aug. 7-Nov. 3, 1893 3143 3149 Do 2 Dec. 4, 1893-Aug. 28, 1894 3159 3196 Do. 3 Dec. 3, 1894-Mar. 2, 1895 3274 3291 Do. 64 1 Dec. 2, 1895-June 11, 1896 3346a a367a Do. 2 Dec. 7, 1896-Mar. 3. 1897 3466a 3476a Do. 188 DURATION OF EACH SESSION OF CONGRESS; SERIAL NUMBERS OF JOURNALS; NAMES, ETC., OF PRESIDENTS— Continued Con- Date Serial number Senate journal Serial number House journal 346Ga 3557a 3570a 3589 3628 3724 3742 3842 3897 4028 4068 4028 4218 4267 4408 4409 4408 4560 4561 4568 4569 4753 4754 4753 4902 4903 5058 5059 5216 5217 5378 5379 President 55. special . . 1 2 3 1 2 special.. 1 2 special . . 1 2 3 special. . I 2... „..::.■ 2 Mar. 4-10, 1897 (Senate).. Mar. 15-July 24, 1897 Dec. 6, 1897-July 8, 1898. . Dec.5, 1898-Mar. 3, 1899. Dec. 4, 1899-June7, 1900. Dec. 3, 190O-Mar.2, 1901. Mar. 4-9, 1901 (Senate) . . . Dec. 2, 1901-July 1,1902.. Dec. 1, 1902-Mar.4, 1903. Mar. 5-19, 1903 (Senate) . . Nov. 9-Dec. 7, 1903 Dec. 7, 1903-Apr. 28, 1904 Dec.5, 1904-Mar. 4, 1905. Mar. 4-18, 1905 (Senate).. Dec. 4, 1905-June 30, 1906 Dec.3, 190&-Mar. 4, 1907. Dec. 2, 1907-May 30, 1908, Dec. 7, 19G8-Mar. 4, 1909. William McKinley (25tli), Mar. 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Theodore Roosevelt (26th), Sept. 14, 1901-Mar. 4, 1909. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. DEPARTMENTAL PUBLICATIONS See, for liat of abbreviations and explanations, p. iv. (189) b I A. AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT [By an appropriation for the collection of agricultural etatistics, Mar. 3, 1839, an agricultural section was established in the ratent Office, The section continued until May 15, 1862, when it was made a separate Department, though it was not until Feb. 9, 1889, that it was raised to the dignity of a Cabinet office. >■, for Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture, A21.3: 3'*^. See, for Organi- ation of Department of Agriculture, the various editions under A21.4:l. See, for articles containing information relative to the work of certain bureaus of the Depart- ment for the farmer, Yearbook, 1897 (ALIO: 897). See, for general lists of publications of Department of Agriculture, A1.8:55, A17.3:9, A21.3:6, and GP3.10:1. See, for various indexes and special lists, certain publi- cations classed under A21.3: and A21.4:, also other series issued by Publications Division (A21.').] CUsslflca- tlon no. Al. SECRETARY Vl.l: Annual reports (date) [The annual report on agriculture began in 1837 with a two-page statement in the report of Henry L. Ellsworth, commissioner of patents. From that date to 1861 it formed a part of the report of the commissioner of patents, making a separate volume after 1849. In 18ti2 the Department of Agriculture was established, and its annual report was uni- formly issued up to 1893. Beginning with the report for 1894, in accordance with paragraph 2, sec. 73, of the printing act of Jan. 12, 1895, two separate publications have been issued, one, the report proper (Al.l:), containing the Secretary's report and the purely executive reports of the several chiefs of bureaus, divisions, and offices; the other, known as the Yearbook (ALIO:), embracing the Secretary's report and a collection of special articles on agricultural science. The title of the head of the Department was commissioner of agriculture until 1889, when he became Secretary of Agriculture and a member of the Cabinet. See, for Index to annual reports of Department of Agriculture, 1837-93, A21.3:l. See, for further information, notes under Al.la;] Commissioner of Agriculture 1862 [1168-78] 1863 [1196-91] Same, without accompanying documents. [In 1184] 1864 [1228-68] 1865 [1266-1361 1866 [1297-107] 1867 [1347-unnumbered 1868 [1383-unnumbered 1869 [1428-unnumbered 1870 [1461-unnumbered 1871 [1522-unnumbered; but indexed as 327] Same, without accompanying documents. [In 1502] 1872 [Not in Congressional set.] 1873 [Not in Congressional set.] 1874 [1652-imnumbered] 1875 Not in Congressional set.] 1876 Not in Congressional set.] 1877 [Not in Congressional set.] Same, supplemental. Nov. 1877. * Same, also transmitting special Department reports 1 [A1.6:ll and 3 'A1.6:3J. * Not in Congressional set. 1878 1879 1880 Not in Congressional set "^Not in Congressional set Same, preliminary report. [1941-27] 1881 and 1882 [2034-unnumbered, but indexed as 228] 1883 [2114-109] (191) 192 Classifica- tion no. Al.l: (date) Al.lo: (date) Al.la: (CT) A1.2: Ag8 = An4 Al. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports— Continued Commissioner op Agriculture— Continued 1884 [2212-178 1885 [2309-269 1886 [2405-378^ 1887 [2487-201^ 1888 [2564-470 Secretary of Agriculture 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 2732-1, pt. 7 2847-1, pt. 6 2940-1, pt. 6 3095-1, pt. 6 3216-1, pt. 6 '3310-1, pt. 6 '3390-6^ 3496-6 3651-6 3768-6^ [3929-6 4116-6 4301-6^ 4466-6' 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 See also, for another print of personal report of Secretary, 1902, A1.8:73. 1903 [4653-6] See also, for another print of personal report of Secretary, 1903, A1.8:76. 1904 [4806-6] See also, for another print of personal report of Secretary, 1904, A1.8:79. 1905 [4965-6] See also, for another print of personal report of Secretary, 1905, A1.8:81. 1906 [5124-6] See also, for another print of personal report of Secretary, 1906, Al.8:83. 1907 [5313-6] See also, for another print of personal report of Secretary, 1907, A1.8:85. 1908 [5480-1047] See also, for abridgment of personal report of Secretary, 1908, A1.8:87. 1909 [5771-108] See also, for abridgment of personal report of Secretary, 1909, A1.8:91. Annual reports (separates; Secretary's report) [The personal report of the Secretary Is issued separately in pamphlet form in advance of the main volume; is also the first paper in the Yearbook (ALIO:); and sometimes appears as a broadside, or as a pamphlet printed on one side of the page only, for the use of the press. From 1902 to 1909. it has also appeared in the numbered series of Department reports. Such reports are classed und - A1.8:73, 76, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, and 91.] Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) [Only a small number of the scientific papers accompanying the report of the Secretary are known to have been printed separately.] General publications Agricultural colleges. List of delegates and visitors to 10th annual con- vention of Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations. 1896. Agriculture Department. [Letter to Benjamin Le Fevre, chairman sub- committee of Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, as to work and needs of Department of Agriculture; by William G. Le Due] Feb, 27, 1880. Agriculture Department. Notice of its various functions. 1893. * Angora. Notice of receipt of letter from Minister Tertell relating to agri- culture in Angora. Nov. 1, 1893. * 193 OlMalflcft* tlon no. Al. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Animal Industry Bureau. Proposed bill submitted for consideration and revision, offering amendmenta to act of May 29, 1884, establishing Bureau of Animal Industry, with view to more effectual control of ccntagious animal diseases. 4° Animal Industry Bureau. [Letter of J. M. Ruek relative to establish- ment of Bureau of Animal Industry, etc.] Apr. 12, 1890. * Animals. Contagious diseases of domesticated animals, investigations by Department of Agriculture [1882]. 1883. [See, for 1884 edition, A4.2:An5i.] Antiquities. Uniform rules and regulations prescribed by Secretaries of Interior, Agriculture, and War, to carry out provisions of act for f reservation of American antiquities, approved June 8, 1906. See 1.2:An8. Apparatus for sale. Jan. 24, 1896. Appalachian region. Report of Secretary of Agricultiu'e [in collabora- tion with Department of the Interior], in relation to forests, rivers, and mountains of southern Appalachian region. 1902. large 8° [4229-84] Appalachian Moimtains. Report of Secretary of Agriculture on southern Appalachian and WTiite Mountain watersheds, commercial impor- tance, area, condition, advisability of their purchase for national forests, and probable cost. 1908. [5240-91] Appropriations. Department of Agriculture, estimates of appropriations required for service of fiscal year 1909. [1907.] large 4° [Material taken from ''Book of estimates," 1909 (T9. 6:909).] Bamboo. Bambusa arundinacea, bamboo. [1908.] oblong 32'' Beet sugar. Special report on beet-sugar industry in United States [in 1897]. 1898. [3691-396] Beet sugar. Progress of beet-sugar industry in United States in 1898. 1899. [3812-267] Beet sugar. Progress of beet-sugar industry in United States in 1899, with supplementary report on cane-sugar industry of Hawaiian Islands. 1900. (56th Cong. 1st sess. H. doc. 699; serial no. 3985.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same, without supplementary report, 1900. See A1.8:69. Same, 1901. See A1.8:72. See A1.8:74. 1904. [4591-240] SeeA1.8:80. Same, 1902. Same, 1903. Same, 1904. Same, 1905. Same, 1906. Same, 1907. Same, 1908. Same, 1909. iSeeA1.8:82. SeeAl.SM. SeeAl.SM. See A1.8:90. See A1.8:92. Cattle. Reports on diseases of cattle in United States, made to commis- sioner of agriculture, with accompanying documents. 1869. Cattle. Report of commissioner of agriculture on diseases of cattle in United States. 1871. 4° [143()-unnumbered document] Cattle. Correspondence with S. W. Allerton concerning exportation of Canadian cattle from port of Boston, Mass. Dec. 28, 1896. Same. Dec. 28, 1896. f ° Cattle. Results of examinations of fluids of diseased cattle, with refer- ence to presence of cryptogamic growth. 1871. 4° * Cattle. Contagious pleuro-pneumonia or lung plague of cattle, where and to what extent it exists. 1870. * 82452**— 11 13 194 Classifica- tion no. A1.2: €29*^ C49» C492 C493 C49* C49» C71 C76 D14 D46 Ex6^ Ex62 F61 F73» F732 G76 H78 H89 In7 L48 N84 Of2 P53 P69 P941 P942 P961 P962 P963 P96* P96« Al. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Cattle. Notice to all railroad companies transporting cattle within United States. Mar. 17, 1897. Civil service. Letter relative to classified service. Dec. 16, 1895. 4° Same. Dec. 1, 1896. 4« Civil service in [Agriculture] Department. Feb. 29, 1896. Same. May 14, 1896. Civil-service regulations governing promotions, etc., in Department of Ag- riculture. Jan. 13, 1909. Colman, Norman J. Report in response to inquiries of select committee of Senate appointed to inquire into and examine methods of busi- ness of Executive Departments. 1888. * Convention. Proceedings of National Agricultural Convention held at Washington, D. C, Feb. 15-17, 1872. 1872. [1482-164] Dairy products. Export of dairy products of United States, 1821-90. [1890.] * Desiccated fruits. Notice to exporters of desiccated fruits. Aug. 31, 1904. 4° Expenditures. [Relative to restriction of expenditures in Department of Agriculture.] Apr. 6, 1896. 40 Experiments. Protest against proposed legislation [S. 1063, 55th Congress, for further prevention of cruelty to animals in District of Columbia] restricting experiments of Department of Agriculture [with copy of S. 1063]. May 25, 1897. [3562-112] [Congressional edition has dif- ferent title and is not accompanied by Senate bill 1063.] Flax and Hemp Commission. Report of Flax and Hemp Commission [J. K. Moorhead, Jno. A. "Warder, and Chas. Jackson] appointed un- der act of Congress of Feb. 25, 1863. n. p. [1865]. [1209-35] Foods. Hearing before commission [James L. Gerry, S. N. D. North, and H. W. Wiley] appointed by Secretaries of Treasury, Commerce and Labor, and Agriculture to make rules and regulations for carrying into effect provisions of foods and drugs act approved June 30, 1906 [notice]. [Aug. 12, 1906.] Food and drugs act, June 30, 1906. May 7, 1908. Grass seed. Circular relative to testing of grass seed. May 25, 1904. 4" Horses. Special report on market for American horses in foreign countries. 1898. [3728-35] Hungarian brome grass. Notice of circular [1, Botany Division] on Him- garian brome grass. June, 1894. * Inspectors. General orders to inspectors [relative to humane treatment of animals]. May 13, 1896. Leave of absence not allowed to employees outside of Washington. Oct. 21, 1896. 4° Notice of receipt of communications on various subjects. July 7, 1893. * Official register of Department of Agriculture, July 1, 1905; extract from V. 1 of Official register [or Blue book, 1905]. 1906. 4° Philadelphia, Pa. Report of participation of Department of Agriculture in International Exhibition of 1876 ; by William Saunders . 1884 . * Plants. Catalogue of U. S. plants in Department of Agriculture. [186-.] * Promotions. Regulations governing promotions, etc., in Department of Agriculture. Dec. 1, 1896. Project statements, description and use. 1908. 24" Publications. General order [relative to] distribution of publications. Jan. 10, 1896. 4° Oct. 15, 1895. Feb. 25, 1896. May 16, 1896. July 1, 1896. Same, Farmers' bulletins. Same, Farmers' bulletins. Same, Farmers' bulletins. Same, Farmers' bulletins. 195 tlon no. Al. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Same, Farmers* bulletins. Mar. 15, 1897. 4'> Same, Farmers* bulletins. June 30, 1897. 4« Publications. Instructions relating to purchase of publications. Jan. 22, 1896. 4«» Queensland nut. Macadamia temifolia, Queensland nut. [1908.] ob- long 32« Railroad and transportation companies. Circular to railroad and trans- portation companies relative to prevention of exportation of diseased cattle. Feb. 24, 1890. * Rusk, Jeremiah M. Annual reports, with selected correspondence, relat- ing to export trade of U. S. in live stock and meat products, of Jere- miah M. Rusk, 1889-92. 1893. [See also, for correspondence, A1.8:53.] Scientific work. Recommendation for appointment of director in chief of scientific work [in Department of Agriculture]. Feb. 15, 1896. Scientific work. Opinions of scientific men and others with regard to proposition for director in chief of scientific bureaus [of Department of Agriculture]. Ist edition. [1896.] Same. 2d edition. [1896.] Same. 3d edition. [1896.] Same, additional opinions. [1896.] Same, additional resolutions. [1896.] Same, with report of Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, [1896.] Seed distribution, letter setting forth present status regarding seed distri- bution [and announcing its discontinuance]. July 25, 1895. nar- row i° Seed, Opinions of press concerning free seed distribution. [1895.] Seed. Statement of Secretary at joint meeting of Senate and House Com- mittees of Agriculture [relative to] free seed distribution. Jan. 15, 1896. Seed. Proposals for furnishing seed to Department of Agriculture, 1896. Mar. 18, 1896. narrow f« Seed. Prohibiting use of Government seed envelopes by unauthorized parties. May 2, 1896. 4° Seed. Cost of seed distribution. Jan. 30, 1897. Seed. Brief instructions in regard to sowing seeds and raising young plants of forest trees, n.a. 5 p. * Sheep husbandry . Origin and growth of sheep husbandry in United States, with some remarks on angora fleece. 1880. [1828-25] Societies. List of agricultural and horticultural societies in U. S. 1869. * Specifications of workmanship and materials required in erection and completion of new building for accommodation of Department of Agriculture in Washington, D. C; prepared by Cluss & Kammer- hueber. 1867. * Stenographers. Circular letter to chiefs of bureaus, divisions, oflfices, and Forest Service [relative to requests to be made on Civil Service Com- mission for stenographers and typewriters]. Feb. 26, 1907. 4P Sugarhouse machinery for sale July 1, 1895. July 1, 1895. 4*» Swine. Information in relation to disease prevailing among swine and other domestic animals. 1878. ([45th Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 35]; serial no. 1780.) Tallow tree. Sapium sebiferum, tallow tree. [1908.] oblong 32^ Temporary appointments. Circular [calling attention to rule 8 of Civil Service Commission relating to temporary appointments and excep- tions therefrom]. Mar. 10, 1908. 4® 196 Classifica- tion no. A1.2: T68 T691 T692 T91 V67 W37 W57 W88 Yl A1.2«: (CT) A1.3: (nos.) A1.4: (nos.) A1.5: (nos.) A1.6: (nos.) Al. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Transfers. [Circular to chiefs of bureaus, divisions, etc., giving copy of Civil Service Commission letter relating to transfer of employees.] Feb. 27, 1908. 4« Traveling expenses. Allowances for traveling expenses. Oct. 1, 1889. * Same. July 1, 1893. Twenty-eight hour law, June 29, 1906 [text of law]. July 13, 1908. Vienna, Austria. Notice relating to International Exhibition, Vienna, 1894. Nov. 27, 1893. * Weather Bureau. Schedule of supplies for Weather Biu-eau, fiscal year 1910. [1909.] large 8« Whisky. Food inspection decision 65, Labeling of whisky, blends,"' com- pounds, and imitations thereof [opinion of Attorney-General]. Apr. 12, 1907. [See, for earlier and later numbers of Food inspection decisions, A7.5; and A32.5:] Wools. Report upon examination of wools and other animal fibers; by Wm. McMurtrie. 1886. 4» [2426-392] Yang taw. Actinidia chinensis, yang taw. [1908.] oblong 32® General publications (separates) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars See, for Department circulars, A1.14: [1] Statement in regard to award of seed contract. Apr. 16, 1896. [2] Vivisection in District of Columbia. May 16, 1896. 2 editions 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 24 18 25 19 26 20 27 21 22 23 3 editions 28 29 30 Miscellaneous circulars 1 2 3 [Discontinued.] Special reports 1 See also Al. 1:877^. (In A27.9:15.) See also Al.l:S77^. (In A27.9:16.) (In A27.9:17.) [Ist edition] Same. 2d edition Same. 3d edition Same. 4th edition Same. 5th edition Same. 6th edition Same. 7th edition ^eeA9.3:9, SeeA9.Z:9. 12 131 14 15^ (In A27.9:17.) 16 17 18 ^g}(InA27.9:17.) 21 (In A27.9:18.) 22 231 241 (In A27.9:18.) 25J 26 27 (In A27.9:18.) 28 1^} (In A27.9:18.) 197 Al. SECRETARY— Continued Special reports— Continued 31 32 (In A27.9:19.) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 J n 4(i„ 1 ! (I •J n A27.9:19.) (In A27.9:20.) 49 (In A27.9:20.) 50 5i; 62 [ (In A27.9:20.) 53/ 54 55 56' 57 58 59 60 61. 62 63 64 65 (In A27.9:21.) 1} (In A27.9:21.) [Discontinued. Statistical matter of like character published later In Statistical reiwrts, Statistics Division, see A27.9:] Miscellaneous special reports 1 3 5 7 9 11 * 2 4 6 8 10 [Discontinued.] [Department] reports [Nos. 1-58 were Issued, 1862-98, without numbers. A list of titles and assigned numbers for this series was printed on cover pages 3 and 4 of no. 59, which was the first to bear a number. A reprint of no. 58, in 1901, bore the number, though the old imprint date, 1898, was retained.] [I] Circular from commissioner of agriculture on present agricultural, mineral, and manufacturing conditions and resources of U. S.; [by Isaac Newton]. 1862. * [2] Catalogue of plants, bulbs, tubers, etc., for distribution from U. S. propagating garden, with report on object and aims of garden; by WiUiam Saunders. 1862. * [Said to be the first publication Issued by the Department of Agriculture.] [3] Report on chemical analysis of grapes; by Charles M. Wetherill. 1862. * [4] List of agricultural, horticultural, and pomological societies and farmers clubs, etc., on books of Department of Agriculture, July 1, 1870, etc. 1870. [5] List of agricultural colleges and farmers' clubs and agricultural, hor- ticultural, and pomological societies on books of Department of Agricultiu-e, June 1, 1872, with name of president and secretary of each. 1872. * [6] Descriptive catalogue of plants in exotic collection of Department of Agriculture; by WiUiam Saunders. 1872. [7] Department of Agriculture, its history and objects; by James M. Swank. 1872. 12° [8] Culture and manufacture of ramie and jute in U. S.; by Emile Le- franc. 1873. [9] Eucalyptus globulus, from a botanic, economic, and medical point of view, embracing its introduction, culture, and uses; translated from the French of J. E. Planchon. 1875. * [10] Planter's guide for cultivating and ciu*ing tobacco, with information and instruction concerning Shelton tobacco-hanger; prepared by Shelton Tobacco-Curing Co., of Asheville, N. C. 1876. [II] Catalogue of forest trees of U. S. which usually attain height of 16 feet or more, with notes and brief descriptions of more important species, illustrating collection of forest-tree section on exhibition by Department of Agricultmre at Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia; by George Vasey. 1876. 198 Classifica- tion no. A1.8: (nos.) Al. SECRETARY— Continued [Department] reports— Continued [12] List of agricultural societies and farmers' clubs established to pro- mote agricultural, horticultural, and pomological interests of the farmer on books of Department of Agriculture, July 4, 1876, with list of agricultural colleges, 1876. [13] Statement of appropriations and expenditures of Department of Agri- culture, 1839-77. 1877. * [14] General index of agricultural reports of Patent Oflfice, 1837-61, and of Department of Agriculture, 1862-76. 1879. See, for supplement, 1877-85, A1.8:42. See, for Index to annual reports of Department of Agriculture, 1837-93, A21.3:l. [15] Circular letter from commissioner of agriculture relative to manu- facture of maize and sorghum sugars. 1879. [16] Letter of commissioner of agriculture to Jno. W. Johnston, chair- man of Committee on Agriculture, Senate, on sorghum sugar; [by W. G. Le Due]. 1880. [17] Address of Geo. B. Loring and other proceedings of Cotton Conven- tion held in Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 2, 1881. 1881. [18] Cooperative experimenting as means of studying effects of fertilizers and feeding capacities of plants; by W. 0. Atwater. 1882. [19] Artesian wells upon Great Plains, being report of geological com- mission appointed to examine portion of Great Plains east of Rocky Mountains, and report upon localities deemed favorable for making experimental borings; [by C. A. White and Samuel Aughey]. 1882. [20] Climatic and agricultural features, and agricultural practices and needs of arid regions of Pacific slope, with notes on Arizona and New Mexico; by E. W. Hilgard, T. C. Jones, and R. W. Furnas. 1882. [21] Florida, its climate, soil, productions, and agricultural capabilities; [papers by George B. Carse and James H. Fossj. 1882. [22] Proceedings of convention of agriculturists held in Department of Agriculture, Jan. 10-18 [1882]. 1882. [23] Area and product of cereals grown in 1879 as returned by census of 1880. 1883. [24] Culture of date; by W. G. Klee. 1883. [25] Necessity of agricultiual education, address before convention of presidents and professors of agricultural colleges, etc.; by Augustine J. Smith, Jan. 23, 1883. 1883. * [26] Encouragement to sorghum and beet-sugar industry. 1883. [27] Investigation of sorghum as sugar-producing plant; [by] Peter Collier. 1883. [28] Preliminary report on forestry of Mississippi Valley [by F. P. Baker]; Tree planting on plains [by Robert W. Furnas]. 1883. [29] Proceedings of national convention of cattle breeders and others, called in Chicago, Nov. 1883, to consider subject of contagious diseases of domestic animals. 1883. [30] Report on jute culture and importance of the industry; by S. Water- house. 1883. [31] Results of field experiments with various fertilizers; by W. 0. At- water. 1883. [32] Agricultural grasses and [forage plants] of United States, by George Vasey; also Chemical composition of American grasses, by Clifford Richardson. 1884. [32 revised] Agricultural grasses and forage plants of United States, and such foreign kinds as have been introduced, by Geo, Vasey; with appendix on Chemical composition of [American] grasses, by Clifford Richardson, and glossary of terms used in describing grasses. New revised and enlarged edition. 1889. 199 Jc*- Al. SECRETARY— Continued 10. A1.8: [Department] reports— Continued (noe.) [33] Report of proceedings of national convention of cattle breeders and others, Chicago, Nov. [1884]. 1884. * [34] Microscopic observations, by Thomas Taylor, [articles on] Internal parasites in domestic fowls and butter and fats. 1884. [35] Soils and products of southwestern Louisiana, including parishes of St. Landry, Lafayette, Vermilion, St. Martins, Iberia, and St. Marys; [by E. E. Rapley]. 1884. [36] Organization and management of seven agricultural schools in Ger- many, Belgium, and England; by A. S. Welch. 1885. [37] Address of Norman J. Colman, commissioner of agriculture, before convention of agricultural colleges and experiment stations, Wash- ington, D. C, July 8, 1885. 1885. [38] Addresses of Norman J. Colman and D. E. Salmon, before 3d national convention of stockmen, Chicago, Nov. 1885. 1885. [39] Directory of departments, boards, societies, colleges, and other organ- izations in interest of agriculture, horticulture, stock raising, dairy- ing, bee keeping, fish culture, and kindred industries. 1885. [40] Rei)ort of exhibits illustrating agricultural statistics at World's Indus- trial and Cotton Exposition, New Orleans, La.; by J. R. Dodge. 1885. [41] Report on condition of dairying in principal dairy States for season of 1885. 1886. [42] Supplement to general index of agricultural reports, 1877-85. 1886. See, for general index, 1837-76, A1.8:14. See, for Index to annual reports of Department of Agriculture, 1837-93, A21.3:l. [43] Addresses of Norman J. Colman and D. E. Salmon, before national cattle growers' convention, Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 1887. 1887. [44] Rules and regulations of Department of Agriculture for suppression and extirpation of all contagious, infectious, and communicable diseases among domestic animals of U. S.; [by Norman J. Colman]. 1887. * [45] Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Sta- tions convention, Washington, D. C, Oct. 1887, report of committee on station work, W. 0. Atwater, S. W. Johnson, Geo. H. Cook, com- mittee. 1888. [46] Hog cholera, its history, nature, and treatment as determined by in- quiries and investigations of Bureau of Animal Industry; [by D. E. Salmon]. 1889. [47] Catalogue of economic plants in collection of Department of Agri- culture; by William Saunders. 1891. [48] Papers on horticultiu^l and kindred subjects; by William Saunders. 1891. [From reports of Department of Agriculture, 1863-89.] [49] Report on use of maize (Indian com) in Europe and on possibilities of its extension: 1, Introduction of maize into Eiuwpe, by Charles J. Murphy; 2, Food value of maize, by H. W. Wiley; 3, Indian com industry in United States, by B. W. Snow. 1891. Same, French, with omission of article by Charles J. Murphy. 1892. Same, German, with omission of article by Charles J. Murphy, and addi- tion of recipe for Murphy-brod. 1892. Same, Scandinavian, with omission of article by Charles J. Murphy. 1892. Same, Spanish, with omission of article by Charles J. Murphy. 1892. [50] Progress report on dairy industry of Denmark; by C. C. Georgeson. [1893.] [51] Studies of parasitic and predaceous insects in New Zealand, Australia, and adjacent islands; by A. Koebele. 1893. 200 Classiflca- tion no. A1.8: (nos.) Al.Sa: (CT) A1.9: (nos.) Al. SECRETARY— Continued [Department] reports— Continued [52] Indian corn (or maize) in manufactiu-e of beer; by Robert Wahl. 1893. Same, German. 1893. [53] Selected correspondence relating to export trade in live stock and meat products; [by J. M. Rusk]. [1893.] See also A1.2:R89. [54] Suggestions regarding cooking of food, by Edward Atkinson; with introductory statements regarding nutritive value of common food materials, by Ellen H. Richards. 1894. [55] List of publications of Department of Agriculture, 1889-93. 1894. [See also, for information concerning other lists, note under Al.] [56] Arbor day, its history and observance; by N. H. Egleston. 1896. Same. Revised edition. 1896. [57] Proceedings of National Convention for Suppression of Insect Peets and Plant Diseases bv Legislation, Washington, D. C, Mar. 5 and 6, 1897; edited by B. T. Galloway. 1897. [58] Cultivation of tobacco in Sumatra; by Emile Mulder. 1898. 58 Same. 59 60 61 62 63 64 1898 [1901]. \ [3985-399] 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Same, mapsj See, for later editions, A26.5: Seealso Al. 2: B39. [4241-316] See also A1.2: See also Al. 1:902. Seealso Al. 2: B^9. B39. 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 90 91 92 See also Al. 1:903. See also Al. 1:904. [4766-160] See also A1.2: B39. See also Al. 1:905. [4915-418] See also A1.2: B39. See also Al. 1:906. [5195-799] See also A1.2: B39. Seealso Al. 1:907. [5315-980] See also A1.2: B39. See also Al. 1:908. [5482-1542] See also Al. [5773-146] See also Al. 2: BS9. 1:909. Seealso Al. 2: BS9. [Department] reports (separates) Farmers' bulletins See, for Index to Farmers' bulletins 1-250, A21.3:8. 19 1st edition Same. Revised edition Same, reprint * Same. 3d revised edition Same. 4th revised edition Same [partial reprint] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 editions [1st edition] Same. [2d edition] 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6 editions 3 editions 3 editions 3 editions [1st edition] Same, reprint * Same. Revised edition Same. 2d revision Same, reprint 3 editions 2 editions 201 iMsiflea- Al. SECRETARY— Continued tion no. A1.9: Farmers' bulletins— Continued (noB.) 31 3 editions 91 3 editions 32 4 editions 92 2 editions See also AlO.U.l. 33 34 3 editions 3 editions 93 94 3 editions 35 3 editions 95 3 editions 36 96 37 3 editions 97 2 editions See also AlO.llil. 38 98 2 editions 39 2 editions 99 3 editions 40 2 editions 100 2 editions 41 3 editions 101 2 editions 42 2 editions 102 2 editions 43 103 2 editions See also AlO.ll.l. 44 5 editions 104 2 editions 45 2 editions 105 2 editions See also AlO.llil. 46 106 47 2 editions 107 2 editions See also AlO.ll.l. 48 108 49 2 editions 109 2 editions 50 51 2 editions 4 editions 110 111 2 editions 52 4 editions 112 2 editions 53 113 4 editions 54 3 editions 114 3 editions See also A10.11:l 55 3 editions 115 56 2 editions See also AlO.llil. 116 2 editions 57 [1st edition] Same, 2d print * Same, revised June, 1903. 20 p. Same, revised June, 1903. [31+ 117 118 119 2 editions .See aZso AlO.llil 120 20 p). 121 4 editions 58 4 editions 122 2 editions See also AlO.llrl 59 4 editions 123 2 editions 60 5 editions 124 See also A10.11:l. 61 3 editions 125 62 3 editions 126 2 editions 63 3 editions 127 3 editions 64 4 editions 128 6 editions 65 2 editions See also AlO.Uil. 129 3 editions 66 4 editions 130 67 131 2 editions 68 132 3 editions 69 3 editions See also AlO. 11:1. 133 See also AlO.llil. . ■ 70 134 2 editions 71 2 editions 135 2 editions 72 136 73 2 editions See also AlO.lll. 137 3 editions 74 3 editions 138 2 editions 75 139 2 editions 76 140 3 editions . 77 4 editions 141 ■" 78 2 editions See also AlO.U.l. 142 3 editions 79 2 editions See also AlO.ll.l. 143 80 2 editions 144 See also AlO.llil. 81 2 editions 145 2 editions 82 2 editions 146 83 2 editions 147 3 editions . 84 3 editions See also AlO.lll. 148 85 3 editions 149 2 editions See also AlO.llil " 86 2 editions 150 2 editions 87 2 editions See also A10.11:l. 151 2 editions 88 2 editions 152 2 editions 89 153 90 154 3 editions 202 Classlflca. Al. SECREl rARl r — Continued tlon no. A1.9: Farmers' bulletins— Continued (nos.) 155 3 editions 219 156 2 editions 220 157 3 editions 221 158 2 editions 222 See also A10.11:2. 159 2 editions 223 2 editions 160 224 161 2 editions 225 See also A10.11:2. 162 See also A10.11:2. 226 163 227 See also A10.11:2. 164 3 editions 228 2 editions 165 2 editions 229 2 editions 166 230 167 231 2 editions 168 232 169 See also A10.U:2. 233 2 editions See also A10.11:2 170 2 editions 234 171 235 2 editions 172 2 editions 236 2 editions 173 4 editions See also A13.3:24 3. 237 See also A10.11:2. 174 2 editions 238 175 3 editions 239 2 editions 176 240 177 4 editions 241 2 editions 178 2 editions 242 2 editions 179 3 editions 243 180 244 See also A10.11:2. 181 2 editions 245 182 2 editions 246 3 editions 183 3 editions 247 184 248 185 249 2 editions 186 See also A10.11:2. 250 187 2 editions 251 See also A10.11:2. 188 2 editions 252 2 editions 189 253 190 See also A10.11:2. 254 2 editions 191 255 2 editions 192 2 editions 256 2 editions 193 See also A10.11:2. 257 3 editions 194 3 editions 258 2 editions 195 259 See also A10.11:2. 196 260 197 3 editions 261 2 editions 198 262 See also A10.11:2. 199 3 editions 263 200 264 2 editions 201 2 editions 265 202 See also A10.11:2. 266 203 3 editions 267 See also A10.11:2, 204 268 3 editions 205 2 editions 269 206 2 editions 270 207 271 208 272 209 2 editions 273 See also A10.11:2. 210 See also A10.11:2. 274 211 2 editions 275 212 276 See also A10.11:2. 213 2 editions 277 214 278 215 279 216 280 217 281 See also A10.11:2. 218 3 editions 282 2 editions 203 ClMalflcft* Al. SEC :retari r — Continued tlon uo. A1.9: Farmers' bnlletins— Continued (noe.) 283 333 284 334 See aUo AlOAliS. 285 335 286 336 2 editions 287 337 288 338 2 editions 289 339 2 editions 290 340 291 341 292 342 See also A10.11:3. 293 343 2 editions 294 344 if 295 345 2 editions 296 See also A10.11:3. 346 297 347 2 editions 298 348 299 349 300 350 301 351 302 352 303 353 See also A10.11:3. * 304 354 305 See aho A10.11:3. 355 2 editions 306 356 307 357 308 2 editions 358 SeeaUoAlZ.S:24* 309 See also A10.11:3. 359 310 360 See also A10.11:3. 311 2 editions 361 312 2 editions 362 313 2 editions 363 314 2 editions 364 315 365 316 See also AlO. 11:3. 366 See also AIO.U'.Z. 317 See also A10.11:Z. 367 318 2 editions 368 319 369 320 See also A10.11:3. 370 321 371 322 372 323 373 2 editions 324 374 See aUo AlO.lliS. 325 375 326 376 327 377 328 WS 329 SeeaUoA10.11:Z. 379 330 380 331 381 See also A10.11:3. 332 2 editions 382 ALIO: (date) Tearbook [Issued since 1894 In accordance with paragraph 2, sec. 73, of the printing act of Jan. 12, 1895. Contains the Secretary's report, Illustrated popular articles giving results of experiments and Investigations and practical Information on agricultural subjects, and an appendix designed to serve as a handbook of useful information for the farmer. See, for indexes to Yearbooks, A21.3:7,9 and A19.4:17.J 1894 [3326-355] 1895 [3441-380] 1896 [3496-6, pt. 2] 1897 [3693-454] 1898 [3824-293] 1899 [3996-588] Same, printed on heavier paper and lettered on back "Special edition, Pans Exposition, 1900." 204 Classlflca- Al. SECRETARY- Continued tion no. ALIO: Yearbook— Continued (date) 1900 4179-519 1901 4385-661 1902 4540-459 1903 4726-708 1904 4880-424' 1905 5045-892 1906 5208-813 1907 5314-987 1908 5481-1560] 1909 5772-129] Al.lOa: Year book (separates) (CT) [The Secretary's report and most of the articles on scientific subjects contained in th( Yearbook are printed separately.] Al.ll: Regulations (nos.) 1 SaB ae, amendment 1 A1.12: Gene 5ral orders v^arious sizes (nos.) [Not issued for general distribution.] 1 * 43 Same, supplement 2 44 83 3 45 84 4 * 46 * 85 5 * 47 86 6 * 48 87 * 7 * 49 88 8 * Same, amended Same, supplement 9 50 89 10 * 51 90 11 52 91 12 53 92 * 13 54 Same, ame nded Sai ne, amended 55 93 14 56 94 15 * 57 95 16 * 58 96 17 59 97 18 60 98 19 61 99 20 62 100 . 21 63 101 22 M 102 23 65 103 24 * 66 104 25 67 105 26 68 106 27 69 107 28 70 108 29 70a 109 30 * 71 110 31 72 111 32 73 112 33 74 . 113 34 * 75 114 35 76 115 36 77 * 116 37 78 117 38 79 * 118 39 - 80 * 119 40 81 120 41 Same, amended 121 42 82 122 205 ClMslflca- tloQ no. A1.12: (no8.) .18: (OT) il.14: (date and DOS.) Al . SEC RET ARY— Continued General orders— Continued 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Special orders (unnumbered) 4® Department circulars See, for Circulars, A1.4: 1905, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 Same, amendment [Discontinued.] A2. ACCOUNTS AND DISBURSEMENTS DIVISION kbUshed as a branch of the Secretary's office July 1, 1880; became a separate division In 1889. See, for information concerning division, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3:3 »-»).] M: (date) l2.2: Ap6 F49 F521 F522 F523 F52* r76 P29 1.3: (no8.) Annual reports [1892-1909, In annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and issued separately also.] General publications Appropriations, Use of annual appropriations [decision of Comptroller of Treasury, Apr. 18, 1900] reprinted for use of disbursing office. Department of Agriculture. [1901.] Financial transactions. Regulations governing financial transactions with Department of Agriculture, with extracts from Revised statutes, decisions of comptrollers, etc. 1894. Fiscal regulations of Department of Agriculture, with extracts from Revised statutes, decisions of courts, rulings of comptrollers, opinions of Attorneys-General, etc. 1898. Same. Revised edition. 1901. Same, without extracts from Revised statutes, etc. Revised edition, effective Aug. 1, 1904. 1904. narrow 12° Same. Revised edition, effective Oct. 1, 1907. 1907. narrow 12° Forest Service. Contract prices for supplies for Forest Service supply depot, Ogden, Utah, fiscal year 1910. 1909. 4° Pay regulations. [Circular letter relating to pay regulations for Depart- ment of Agriculture.] Oct. 26, 1903. 4° Bulletins [None issued.] tThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Agri- culture Department has since made radical changes in the two series of publications formerly issued by the Food and Drug Inspection Board and entered in this Check- list under A32.5: and A32.6: These publications, since the early part of 1910, appear without the name of the board and over the signature of the Secretary of Agriculture, although the board is still (Mar. 2, 1910) in existence. See, for further information, entries and footnote under A32.5: and A32.6: This change has necessitated the continuation of these two series under Al., two additional classes having been assigned, the series titles of which are as follows: A 1.15: Food inspection decisions (nos.) Al.16: Notices of judgment, food and drugs act (nos.) 206 Classifies* tlon no. A2. ACCOUNTS AND DISBURSEMENTS DIVISION— Continued A2.4: Circulars (nos.) A2.5: [None issued.] Expenditures of Department of Agriculture [The Department of Agriculture has made a yearly statement of expenditures, by fiscal years, vmder act making appropriation for Agriculture Department for fiscal year 1886, approved Mar. 3, 1885. No bureau editions of these have been printed, except for 1906. The list below shows where these statements are to be found in the Congres- sional set. For fiscal year 1908, a similar statement for the Department of Agricul- ture (exclusive of Forest Service) forms a part of the document bearing title Combined report of expenditures during fiscal year 1908, appropriations for fiscal year 1909, and expenditures proposed for fiscal year 1910, for which see [5484-1221]. Expenditures for fiscal year 1909 appear also in a document of the next year with similar title, for which see [5774-421]. 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 2415-154] 1898 [3768-23] 2488-20] 1899 3929-173] 2565-122] 1900 4116-29] 4301-29] None issued.] 1901 2741-104] 1902 None issued.] 2855-35] 1903 4565-34] 2953-55] 1904 4855-256 None issued.] 1905 5031-448] 3223-14] 1906 Not in Congressional set.] 3319-8] 1907 5258-425] 3390-25] 1908 5483-1157] None issued.] 1909 5774-202] 3651-26] A3. AGROSTOLOGY DIVISION [Originally a part of the Division of Botany (A6.)- -• - .«...,, 'jiyi, 1901; sec A19. Established as an independent division July 1, 1895. Merged into Bureau of Plant Industry July 1, 1901; See, for List of publications of Division of Agrostology, A3.4:36. See, for information concerning division, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3:3i-3).J A3.1: (date) A3.2: (CT) A3.3: (nos.) A3.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1895-1901, in annual reports of Agilculture Department (Al.l:), and Issued separately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins 1 2 2 editions 3 4 5 6 7 3 editions Circulars 1 2 3 4 2 editions 5 2 editions 6 2 editions 7 8 9 8 15 22 9 16 23 10 17 2 editions 24 11 18 25 12 19 2 editions 13 20 2 editions 14 2 editions 21 10 19 28 11 20 29 12 21 30 13 22 31 14 23 32 15 24 33 16 25 2 editions 34 17 26 35 18 27 36 ANIM. A.L, INDUSTRY BUREAU A4, rThe Veterinary Division which had been established in the Department of Agriculture In 1883 was replaced by the Bureau of Animal Industry organized in 1884 under act approved May 29, 1884 (Stat. L. See, for Iriformation concerning bureau, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3:3 1-«), and Yearbook, 1897 (A1.10:897).] 207 A4, ANIMAL INDUSTRY BmiEAtT— Continued Annual reports [I'^rotn 1S84 to 1009, an abbreviated report is also found In annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:). ] 1884, let 12311-25] 1885, 2d [2311-36] 1886,3d [2493-156] 1887 and 1888, 4th and 5th [2665-139 1889 and 1890, 6th and 7th 2801-270 1891 and 1892, 8th and 9th [3138-120 1893 and 1894, 10th and 11th [3420-205] 1895 and 1896, 12th and 13th [3537-291] 1897, 14th [3680-578] 1898, 15th 3831-307 1899, 16th 4019-745 1900, 17th 4201-549 1901, 18th 4387-682 1902, 19th 4546-474 1903, 20th [4733-743 1904, 2l8t [4891-467] 1905, 22d [5056-941] 1906, 23d [5180-353] 1907, 24th [5316-978] 1908, 25th '548^1568] 1909, 26th [5776-130] [ The bureau also submits to Congress annually a report of operations, with list of em- ployees, expenditures, etc. , no bureau edition of which is issued. Following are the references to these reports as they appear in the Congressional set.] 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 2510-69] 2654-62' 2682-24 2818-8] 2892-11] 3056-20] None issued.] 3275-27] 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 3414-96 3469-45 1903 1904 3680-227] 1905 3728-55] 1906 3850-100] 1907 4033-96] 4230-99] 1908 1909 4424-105] 4674-384 4831-206" 4987-447" 5195-743 ;5239-405] None issued.] 5777-127] Annual reports (separates; reports of chief) [The personal report of the chief is issued separately In pamphlet form.] Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) [The more important of the scientific papers accompanying the reports of the chief are Issued separately in pamphlet form. Of recent years, some of these papers have also been reprinted as Circulars of the Bureau of Animal Industry, all such reprints being classed under A4.4:J General publications Animals. Contagious diseases of domesticated animals, investigations by Department of Agriculture, 1883-84. 1884. See, for 1883 edition, A1.2:An53. Animal Husbandry Office. Outline of work of Animal Husbandry Office; [by George M. Rommel]. 1906. 16° Beef. Report on beef supply of United States and export trade in animals and meat products, by D. E. Salmon; from report [of Secretary of Agriculture], 1889. 1890. (Special bulletin.) Cattlemen. Proceedings of interstate convention of cattlemen, held at Fort Worth, Tex., Mar. 11-13, 1890. 1890. (Special bulletin.) Cattle. Special rejjort on diseases of cattle and on cattle feeding; by Drs. Murray, Atkinson, Harbaugh, Lowe, Law, Dickson, Trumbower, Smith, and Prof. Henry. 1892. [3125-1063] Same. [Reprint] 1896. Cattle. Special report on diseases of cattle; by Drs. Pearson, Murray, Atkinson, Lowe, Harbaugh, Law, Dickson, Mohler, Trumbower, Salmon, Smith, and Stiles. Revised edition. 1904. [4734-744] Classiflca« tion no. A4.2: 029^ DI41 DI42 DI43 D14* DI45 D14« D14' DI48 D14« D1410 Dl4^i DI412 D621 D622 D63 F26 F48 F73 F82 G45 H781 208 A4:. ANIMAIi INDUSTRY BUREAU— Continued I H782 H783 H784 Lll^ LII2 M29 M46^ M462 M463 General publications— Continued Same; by Drs. Atkinson, Dickson, Harbaugh, Hickman, Law, Lowe, Mohler, Murray, Pearson, Ransom, Salmon, Smith, and Trumbower. Revised edition, 1908. Feb. 15, 1909. Dairying. Fifty dairy rules [by R. A. Pearson; from Farmers' bulletin 63]. n. d. oblong large 8« [See, for Farmers' bulletin 63, A1.9: Dairy Division. Publications of Dairy Division, 1895-1905. [1905.] Dairy Division. Outline of work of Dairy Division. 1906. narrow 16° Same; by Ed. H. Webster. 1906. narrow 16" Dairymen. Publications of interest to dairymen. [1905.] Same. Jan. 26, 1906. Same. July 24, 1906. Same. Mar. 18, 1907. Same. Sept. 30, 1907. Same. Feb. 5, 1908. Same. Aug. 8, 1908. Same. Feb. 15, 1909. Dips. Instructions concerning preparation and application of dips, and reporting inspections and dippings of sheep and cattle for scabies. May 18, 1907. narrow 16° Dips. Instructions concerning inspection and dipping of sheep and cattle for scabies, n. p. July 29, 1904. 16° District of Columbia. Order of commissioners of District of Columbia for suppression and prevention of tuberculosis in cattle. [Nov. 27, 1909.] Fats. [Circular letter] to inspectors in charge and others 40 Filled cheese. [Notice of passage of fiUed-cheese bill.] oblong 12° [To accompany Circular 11 (A4.4:ll).] Foot-and-mouth disease. Instructions concerning inspection for foot-and- mouth disease. Dec. 3, 1902. Fowl cholera. Report on prevention of fowl cholera; by D. E. Salmon. Feb. 23, 1881. 4° * Glanders. Notice regarding interstate movement of horses, mules, and asses affected with glanders. Oct. 9, 1907. Horse. Special report on diseases of horse: by Drs. Michener, Law, Har- baugh, Trumbower, Liautard, Holcombe, Huidekoper, and Dick- son. 1890. Same. [Reprint] 1896. Same; by Drs. Pearson, Michener, Law, Harbaugh, Trumbower, Liau- tard, Holcombe, Huidekoper, Stiles, and Adams. Revised edition, 1903. [4552^87] Same; by Drs. Pearson, Michener, Law, Harbaugh, Trumbower, Liau- tard, Holcombe, Huidekoper, Stiles, Mohler, and Adams. Revised edition. 1907. [5205-795] Labels. Instructions [to inspectors and others] concerning trade labels under meat-inspection law and regulations; [by A. D. Melvin]. Sept. 12, 1906. Same, revised. Dec. 10, 1906. Mallein. Directions for using mallein, as prepared in Biochemic Labora- tory, for diagnosis of glanders in horses. Apr. 5, 1907. 4° Meat inspection. [Circular] to inspectors in charge [of meat-inspection stations relative to duties, etc.]. Oct. 30, 1906. 4° Meat inspection. Instructions concerning laboratory inspections of meat food products. Aug. 13, 1907. 4° Meat inspection. [Circular] to inspectors and others [relative to meat inspection regulations; Circular to inspectors and others relative to marks of inspection]. Dec. 27 [and 28] 1906. 4° July 19, 1909. June 10, 1896. 209 CUs8inca« tion nu. A4. ANIMAL INDUSTRY BUREAU— Continued General publications — Continued Meat products. Instructions concerning stocks of meat food products on hand Oct. 1, 1906. Oct. 16, 1906. Same, Jan. 7, 1907. Jan. 14, 1907. Meat inspection amendment, approved June 30, 1906. [1907.] Meat inspection. Instructions supplementing new meat-inspection regu- lations relating to tuberculosis, hog cholera, and icterus, Apr. 1, 1908. narrow 16° [These Instructions supplement regulations issued as B. A. 1. order 150 (A4.5:150).] Pork. Instructions for microscopists in examination of pork for trichina. June 26, 1896. Publications. Classified list of available publications of Bureau of Animal Industry [for foreign distribution], Sept. 1, 1908. Oct. 19, 1908. [See, for edition for home distribution, A4. 4:134.] Sheep. Animal parasites of sheep; by Cooper Curtice. [1st edition.] 1890. Same. 2d edition. 1890. Sheep. Special report on history and present condition of sheep industry of United States; by Ezra A. Carman, H. A. Heath, and John Minto. 1892. [3124-105] Swine plague. Special report on cause and prevention of swine plague, results of experiments conducted by Theobald Smith. 1891. Tuberculin. Directions for using tuberculin, as prepared in Biochemic Laboratory, for diagnosis of tuberculosis in cattle. Apr. 5, 1907. 4° Tuberculosis. Notice regarding interstate movement of cattle and swine which are affected with tuberculosis. Nov. 6, 1907. Tuberculous cattle. Danger from products of tuberculous cattle. Feb. 24 1908. General publications (separates) Bulletins 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 editions 2 editions 28 [1st edition] Same, revised [5056-942] 29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39, 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47, 48 49 50 51 52, 53 54 55 56 25pts. 3 pts. [Issued separately and also in one pamphlet.] 3 pts. 82452°— 11 14 210 Cla«slflca- A4. ANIMAL INDUSTRY BURKA.U— Continued tion no. A4.3: Bxdletln s— Continued (nos.) 57 87 ■ 58 2 prints 88 59 89 60 90 61 91 62 92 63 2 editions 93 64 94 65 95 66 96 67 97 68 Same [reprint] [Pages 78-80, Goats in Norway and Swe- den, omitted.] 98 99 100 101 69 102 70 103 71 104 72 105 Same [reprint] [Plates 4-6 are 106 added to this reprint.] 107 73 108 74 109 75 110, pt.lt 76 111 77 112 78 113 79 114 80 115 81 116 82 117 83 118:1 84 119 85 120 5 86 121 A4.4: Circulars (nos.) 1 4 editions 23 [1st edition] 1 ^ ^ Same, revised; ^ 2 3 Same, 2d revision [Title changed 4 to Directions for use of black-: 5 2 editions leg vaccine.] 6 Same, 3d revision 7 2 editions Same, 3d revision, Spanish 8 24 9 25 2 editions 10 20 11 27 2 editions 12 28 13 29 14 30 15 31 3 editions 16 32 17 33 18 34 19 35 20 36 21 [See, for later editions, A4.4:23.] 37 22 38 . . ..-..- - i t Pt. 2 not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. % Not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. §The title of these editions reads: Blackleg, its nature, cause, and prevention. Circular 31 (A4.4:31) bears the same title. 211 U88iflca. A4. ANIMAIj industry BUREAU— Continued tion no. A4 . 4 : Circular s— Continued 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 2 editions 68 2 editions 69 70 71 72 73 74 4 editions 75 76 1 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ^6 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 2 editions .98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 Same, supplemental 2 editions 2 editions See also A4 .2 :P96. fThis is Dairy methods in Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Holland, Channel Islands, France, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Switzerland, by Willard John Kennedy. An earlier publication with title Preliminary note on protozoan, Chaos acarophila, occmring in eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adults of ticks was issued as Circular "6, but was withdrawn. 212 Classifica- tion no. A4. ANIMAL INDU8TRT BUREAU— Continued A4:.5 : B. A. I. orders (signed by Secretary of Agriculture) (nos.) [From July 1, 1885, to Feb. 19, 1897, ninety circular orders were issued without nvunbers. The full text of these orders is given in the 14th annual report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, 1897, beginning at p. 324 (A4.1:897). Certain of the orders listed below supersede Rules (A4.7:) and Regulations (A4.8:).] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 editions 2 editions Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 3 Same, amendment 4 Same, amendment 5 Same, amendment 6 Same, amendment 7 Same, amendment 8 Same, amendment 9 Same, amendment 10 Same, amendment 11 Same, amendment 12 Same amendment 13 See A4. 5:58. SeeA4.5M. /See A4. 5:77. /SeeA4.5:79. 14 57 15 58 16 59 17 60 18 61 19 62 20 63 21 64 22 65 23 66 24 67 25 68 26 69 27 70 28 71 29 72 30 73 31 74 32 75 33 [1st edition] 76 Same. [2d edition] 16» 77 Same, amendmen 1 1 See A4 .5 :78 .78 Same, amendment 2 79 Same, amendment 3 80-87 [In one pamphlet. Orders Same, amendment 4 81-87 are amendments 1-7 to 34 Order 80.] Sam e, amendment 8 See A4 . 5 :88 . 35 2 editions 36 Same, amendment 9 See Ai. 5:89. 37 Same, amendment 10 38 Same, amendment 11 39 Same, amendment 12' 40 Same, amendment 13 41 Same, amendment 14 42 Same, amendment 15 43 Same, amendment 16 44 Same, amendment 17 45 Same, amendment 18 46 [1st edition] 88 Same. [2d edition] 89 Same, amendment 1 90 Same, amendment 2 * 91 Same, amendment 3 92 47 93, and amendments 1-8 [In one 48 pamphlet.] 49 Same, amendment 9 49-55 [In one pamphlet.] Same, amendment 10 56 Same, amendment 11 213 ClasslflcA tlon no. A4. ANIMAL INDUSTRY BUREAU— Contmued A4.5: B. A. I. orders— Continued (noe.) Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, amendment 12 amendment 13 amendment 14 amendment 15 amendment 16 amendment 17 amendment 18 amendment 19 94 95 96 97 98 Same, amendment 1 99 Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 3 Same, amendment 4 Same, amendment 5 Same, amendment 6 100 101, and amendments l-( pamphlet.] Same, amendment 10 Same, amendment 11 102 Same, amendment 1 103 104 105 106 107 Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 3 Same, amendment 4 Same, amendment 5 Same, amendment 6 Same, amendment 7 Same, amendment 8 Same, amendment 9 Same, amendment 10 S&me, amendment 11 Same, amendment 12 Same, amendment 13 Same, amendment 14 Same, amendment 15 108 109 Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 3 Same, amendment 4 Same, amendment 5 Same, amendment 6 Same, amendment 7 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 * 118 119 120 121 Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, [In one 122 123 Same, 124 125 Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, 126 Same, 127 128 129 Same, Same, Same, 130 Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, 131 Same, Same, amendment 1 amendment 2 amendment 3 amendment 4 amendment 5 amendment 6 amendment 7 amendment 8 amendment 9 amendment 10 amendment 11 amendment 12 amendment 13 amendment 14 amendment 15 amendment 16 amendment 17 amendment 1 amendment 1 amendment 2 amendment 3 amendment 4 amendment 5 amendment 6 amendment 7 amendment 8 amendment 1 amendment 1 amendment 2 amendment 3 amendment 1 amendment 2 amendment 3 amendment 4 amendment 5 amendment 6 amendment 7 amendment 8 amendment 9 amendment 10 amendment 11 amendment 12 amendment 13 amendment 14 amendment 15 amendment 16 amendment 17 amendment 1 amendment 2 214 Classlflca tion no. A4. ANIMAL INDUSTRY BUREAU— Continued A4.5: B. A. I. orders — Continued (nos.) Same, amendment 3 Same, amendment 4 Same, amendment 5 Same, amendment 6 Same, amendment 7 Same, amendment 8 Same, amendment 9 Same, amendment 10 145 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 3 Same, amendment 4 Same, amendment 5 Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 2 146 Same, amendment 11 Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 12 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 13 Same, amendment 3 132 Same, amendment 4 133 Same, amendment 5 134 Same, amendment 6 135 143-146 [Issued without amend- Same, amendment 1 ments in one narrow 12® pam- 136 phlet.] Same, amendment 1 147 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 3 148 Same, amendment 4 149 Same, amendment 5 150 [Ist edition] See also A4.2 Same, amendment 6 M46 7. Same, amendment 7 Same. [2d edition] Same, amendment 8 Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 9 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 10 151 Same, amendment 11 Same, amendment 1 137 Same, amendment 1 [reprint] Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 3 Same, amendment 3 Same, amendment 4 Same, amendment 4 Same, amendment 5 Same, amendment 5 152 Same, amendment 6 Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 7 Sa.me, amendment 2 Same, amendment 8 Same, amendment 3 Same, amendment 9 153 Same, amendment 10 154 138 155 139 156 Same narrow 12* Same, amendment 1 140 Same, amendment 2 141 Same, amendmeiA 3 142 Same, amendment 4 Same, amendment 1 July 19, Same, amendment 5 1907 * Same, amendment 6 Same, amendment 1 July 30, Same, amendment 7 1907 Same, amendment 8 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 9 Same, amendment 3 Same, amendment 10 Same, amendment 4 Same, amendment 11 Same, amendment 5 157 Same, amendment 6 Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 7 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 8 158 Same, amendment 9 Same, amendment 1 143 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 1 Same, amendment 3 Same, amendment 2 Same, amendment 4 Same, amendment 3 Sa,me, amendment 5 Same, amendment 4 159 144 160 Same, amendment 1 161 215 Clasfliaca* tlon no. A4.5: (no6.) A4.6: (date) A4.7: (noB.) A4.8: 905 1 905' 905' 905* A4. ANIMAL. INDUSTRY BUREAU—Continued B. A. I. orders — Continued Same, amendment 1 165 166 167 162 163 I 164 Map of districts infected with, splenetic fever sizes 190.J-07, maps 1908 and 11K)9, (1901-04, a map for each of the 5 districts or sections was issued eacli year. were issued only for those sections having changes to be published. the map for tlio whole area (formerly shown as sec. 1-5) has been printed on 1 large sheet. Titles vary somewhat. Maps for 1908 and 1909 have no titles.] 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, Feb. 5 Feb. 26 Feb. 15 Feb. 5 Feb. 5 June Feb. Jan. 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 1 Jan., sec. sec. sec. sec. 1905, Jan., 1906, Jan. 1907, Feb. 1902 * 1903 * 1904 * Rules Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Sept. 1908, Apr. 1 1909, Apr. 1 sec. 1 [Not issued.] sec. 2 sec. 3 sec. 4 sec. 6 sec. 1 sec. 2-4 sec. 5 sec. 1 sec. 2 sec. 3 sec. 4 sec. 5 sec. 1-4 sec. 5 [Not issued.] [Not issued.] [Not issued.] amendment 1 revision 1 revision 1, amendment 1 revision 1, amendment 2 revision 1, amendment 3 revision 1, amendment 4 revision 1, amendment 5 revision 1, amendment 6 revision 1, amendment 7 revision 1, amendment 8 revision 1, amendment 9 amendment 1 amendment 2 3 4 5 [Later rules, with amendments and revisions, are incorporated in the series of B. A. I. orders (A4.5:).] Regulations Regulations of Secretary of Agriculture governing inspection, disinfection, certification, treatment, handling, and metnod and manner of delivery and shipment of live stock which is subject of interstate commerce. 1905. Same, amendment 1, modification of regulations 10, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 24. Aug. 30, 1905. Same, amendment 2, modification of regulation 21. Sept. 27, 1905. Same, amendment 3, modifications of regulations 41, 42, 44, and 45. Dec. 15, 1905. 216 Classiflca* tlon no. A4:.8: 906 A4.9: (nos.) A4. ANIMAL INDUSTRY BUREAU— Continued A4.10: 906 907 1 9072 908^ 9082 908' 9091 909 2 9093 A4:.ll: 907 A4.12: (nos.) tA4.13 (nos.) June 16, 1906. A. I. orders Regulations— Continued Same, amendment 4, modification of regulation 38. [Later Regulations and amendments are incorporated in the series of B (A4.5:).] Press bulletins various sizes [Notes on work and publications relative to dairjdng, etc., issued for use of press.] Oct. 15, 1905 8 Aug. 25, 1906 * 9 Apr. 12, 1907 10 May 29, 1907 11 Apr. 6, 1908 12 Apr. 25, 1908 13 May 19, 1908 14 June 8, 1908 Jan. 3, 1906 Feb. 1, 1906 May 17, 1906 * June 6, 1906 * June 28, 1906 * July 20, 1906 * [Discontinued.] Meat-Inspection directory- Directory, by numbers, of establishments having [meat] inspection. Dec. 20, 1906. 4« Meat-inspection directory, by numbers and stations, and address list of inspectors and others. May 6, 1907. 4* Same. Aug. 5, 1907. 4» Same. Jan. 9, 1908. 4* Same. July 1, 1908. 4» Same. Oct. 9, 1908. 4» Same. Jan. 13, 1909. 4» Same. Apr. 1, 1909. 4* Meat-inspection directory, official establishments, by numbers [and sta- tions, and address list of inspectors]. Oct. 1, 1909. 4* [Discontinued.!] Address list of [meat] inspectors Address list of [meat] inspectors and others. Jan. 15, 1907. 4° [Discontinued. Later lists are incorporated in the Meat-inspection directory (A4.10:907 »- 909»).] Meat Inspection rulings (signed by Secretary of Agriculture) la Oct. 29, 1906 2a Sept. 2, 1907 3a Apr. 6, 1908 Service announcements (monthly) [1] May 15, 1907 2 Same, index to [nos. 1-8], 1907 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Same, index to [nos. 9-20], 1908 t Later information of a similar nature appears in Directory of Bureau of Animal Industry (A4. 14 .-footnote). tSee footnote on p. 217. 217 CUsslflca* tlon no. A4. ANIMAL. INDUSTRY BUREAU— Oontiaued tA^.13:| Service announcements— Continued (no8.) 27 28 29 30 AS, 31 32 Same, index to [nos. 21-^2], 1909 BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BUREAU [EstablL'ihed July 1, ISS."), under the Division of Entomology (A9.). Became an independent division Julv 1, ISSf), Called Division of Ornitholocy and Mammalogy, or Economic Ornithology and Mam- malogy, prior to July 1, 18%; called Biological Survey Division, July 1, 189&-July 1, 1905; since July 1, lOctr), name has been "Bureau of Biological Survey. Scf, for information concerning bureau, Historical slcetch of Departmentof Agriculture (A21.3:3 »-»).] A5.1: (datej A6.2: (CT) A6.3: (noB.) A5.3a: (CT) A6.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1886-1909, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:) and Issued separately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins 1 12 2 editions 23 2 13 24 3 14 25 4 15 26 5 16 27 6 17 28 7 18 29 8 2 editions 19 2 editions 30 9 20 31 10 21 32 11 22 33 Bulletins (separates) [A few of the more important papers contained in the Bulletins have been issued sepa- rately.] Circulars 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 editions [Ist edition.] Same. [2d edition.] 2 editions [let edition.] 1888 Same. [2d edition.] 1889 2 editions 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4 editions 2 editions 3 editions t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Animal Industry Bureau has since begun other new series of publications. This has necessi- tated new classes under A4., the series titles of which are as follows: A4.14: Directory of Bureau of Animal Industry (date) [Supersedes Meat-Inspection directory (A4.10:).] A4.15: Animals imported for breeding purposes for which certificates of pure (CT) breedmg have been issued by Bureau of Animal Industry. 218 Classifica- A5. BIOLOGICAL SURVEY E fURI tion no. A5.4: Circulars— Continued (nos.) 33 52 2 editions 34 53 35 54 36 55 37 56 38 57 39 58 40 2 editions 59 41 60 4 editions 42 61 43 62 44 63 45 64 46 65 47 66 48 67 49 68 50 69 51 70 A5.5: NorthL American fauna (nos.) 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 6 [Not issued.] 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 [Not issued.] 19 29 10 20 30 -Continued A5.50: (CT) North. American fauna (separates) [A few of the more important papers contained in the North American fauna have ' issued separately.] A6. BOTANY DIVISION [Organized Mar. 1869. Merged into Bureau of Plant Industry July 1, 1901; see A19. See, for history of division, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3:3i-») and Yearbook, 1897 (A1.10:897).] A6.1: (date) A6.1«: (CT) A6.2: B65 G76 In7 mi' Annual reports [1869-1901, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), except for years 1871 1873, 1875, and 1877, when no reports were submitted. Usually Issued separately , separately also.] Annual reports (separates) [A few of the more important papers contained in the annual reports have been issued separately.] General publications Botanical Exchange Club . Rules for Botanical Exchange Club ; by George Vasey. n, d. Grasses. Descriptive catalogue of grasses of U. S., including especially • grass collections at New Orleans Exposition made by Department of Agriculture and State exhibits of grasses, with notes on such species as are more or less employed in agriculture or deserving of trial and cultivation; by Geo. Vasey. Washington, Gibson Bros., printers, Apr. 1885. [Published as report of Agriculture Department at World's Industrial and Cotton Cen- tennial. On title-page of copy in file of Agriculture Department, Publications Di- vision, is written the following note: "Said to have been printed at Gibson Bros, to save expense. Paid for from Exposition funds."] Instructions to botanical collectors; by Geo. Vasey. n. d. North American grasses. Illustrations of North American grasses, v. 1: Grasses of the Southwest, plates and descriptions of grasses of desert 219 ClasBillca* tlon no. A6.2: N81 P69 A6.3: (no8.) A6.4: (no8.) A6.5: (v. no8.) A6.5a: (CT) A6.6: (no8.) A6. BOTANY DIVISION— Continued General publications— Continued region of western Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and southern Cali- fornia; by Geo. Vasey. 1891. large 8° [Reissue of Botany Divi- sion Bulletin 12, pte. 1, 2 (A6.3:12 '>').] Same, v. 2: Grasses of Pacific slope, including Alaska and adjacent islands, plates and descriptions of grasses of California, Oregon, Washington, and tlie northwestern coast, including Alaska; bj^ Geo. Vasey. 1893. large 8<* [Reissue of Botany Division Bulletin 13, pts. 1, 2(A6.3:13''^).] Plant breeding and seed selection; by Frederick V. Coville. June 22, 1898. Bulletins 1 14 2 15 3 16 3 editions 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12, 2 pts. large ) 8° [Also issued 25 as V. 1, Illustrations of North 26 [4039-160] American ^sses. See A6.2: 27 miK] 28 13, 2 pta. large J 8° [Also issued 29 as V. 2, Illustrations of North American | N812.] grasses. See A6.2: Circulars 1 9 3 editions 17 25 2 10 18 3 editions 26 3 2 editions 11 19 27 2 editions 4 12 2 editions 20 28 5 13 3 editions 21 2 editions 29 6 14 22 30 2 editions 7 2 editions 15 23 8 16 24 Contributions from U. S. national herbarium [The U. S. National Herbarium had its beginning in the botanical collections which came into the possession of the Smithsonian Institution from the various exploring expeditions of the United States Government and of the Smithsonian Institution. It w as transferred to the custody of the Agriculture Department in 1868 and returned to the Smithsonian Institution July 1, lvS9«. The Agriculture Department, how- ever, continued to publish this series of botanical reports until July 1, 1902, when, in pursuance of an act of Congress, the National Museum assumed the responsibiUty of the publication.] V. 3, no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 See, for later volumes, SI 3.8 : Contributions from U. S. national herbarium (separates) [A few of the more important papers contained in the various numbers of this series are issued separately in pamphlet form.] Inventories . 1, no. 1 v. 1, no. 8 no. 2 no. 9 no. 3 V. 2, no. 1 no. 4 no. 2 no. 5 no. 3 no. 6 V. 3, no. 1 no. 7 no. 2 V. 4 V. 6 V. 5, no. 1 V. 7, no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 220 Classlflca* tlon no. A6. BOTANY DIVISION— Continued A6.6: Inventories— -Continued (no8.) 7 8 9 SeeAl9.S:5. 10 ^ee A19.3:66. 11 /See A19.3:97. 12 .See A19.3:106. 17 >See A19.3:153 13 /See A19.3:132. 18 /See A 19. 3: 162 14 /SeeA19.3:137. 19 /See A 19. 3: 168 15 See A19.3:142. 16 See A19.3:148. A7. CHEMISTRY BUREAU [Division of Chemistrj' established 1S62; name became Bureau of Chemistry July 1, 1901. See, information concerning bureau, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3:3 1-3).] for A7.1: (date) A7.2: All A871 A87 2 A87' C92 D41 D84 Ex6 F731 F732 F733 F73* F73« G16 M46 Oi5 P961 P962 P963 P96* P971 P972 R22 Annual reports [1862-1909 (except 1863, none issued), in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and of late years usually issued separately also.] General publications Alcohol. Tables for calculating percentage of alcohol. [1905.] Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Announcement of meeting of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1903. Sept. 1903, narrow 8® * Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Announcement of 24th annual convention of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1907. [July 1, 1907.] 4o Same, 25th annual convention [1908]. [Aug. 15, 1908.] 4° Beet sugar industry. /See Al.2:B39. Cuprous oxid. Table for reduction of cuprous oxid to copper, using factor 0.88826, and of reduced copper calculated to invert sugar according to E. Wein. [1905.] Denatured alcohol. Model denatured alcohol distillery; [by H. E. Saw- yer]. Dec. 5, 1908. Drugs. Outline of cooperative work on drugs. Association of Official Agri- cultural Chemists, 1906; [by Lyman F. Kebler]. May 31, 1906. Experimental work with pure yeast cultures in determining chemical character of fermented products. Nov. 4, 1907. Food definitions and standards; prepared by committee on food standards, Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. [1903.] 10 p. Same. [1904.] 1 p. Same. [1904.] 2 p. Same. [1904.] 3 p. Food for cattle. Directions for sampling stock foods, [1907,] Garbage. Directions for securing information in regard to disposal of garbage, sewage, etc., in foreign cities. Dec. 1, 1897. 4° Meat proteids. Report of referee on separation of meat proteids, Associa- tion of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1907; by F. C. Cook. [1907.] Oils and fats. Methods for analysis of edible oils and fats, not including dairy products; by L. M. Tolman. [1901.] Publications of Division of Chemistry. Dec. 20, 1899, Same. May 1, 1901. Same, Aug. 1, 1902. Same. Aug. 1, 1903, Pure-food laws. Summary of pure-food laws of foreign countries affecting American exports. [1903.] Purity of food products, tentative draft submitted Nov. 19, 1906; by com- mittee on food standards. Association of Official Agricultural Chem- ists. [1906,] Testing of chemical reagents [Association of Official Agricul- tural Chemists] cooperative work, 1905 [report of committee on test- ing of chemical reagents], [May 27, 1905.] 221 I » Classlflca- tlon no. A7.2: Sa3 St2 Su3 Un3» Un32 Un33 W29 Y31 Y32 A7.3: (nos.) A7. CHEMISTRY BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Salad oils for which chemical limits are to be suggested. [1905.] Standards of purity for food products, preliminary draft submitted as basis for suggestion; by committee on food standards, Association of Ofl5- cial Agricultural Chemists. [1905.] Sugar. Report on sugar [Association of OflSicial Agricultural Chemists], 1907; [by] C. A. Browne. [1907.] Unification of terms. Preliminary report on unification of terms for re- porting analytical results; [prepared by] committee of Association of Official Agricultiuul Chemists. [1905.J Unification of terms. Cooperative work on unification of terms for report- ing analytical results, Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1906. [Feb. 10, 1906.] Same [1907]. Sept. 1, 1907. Water. Directions for sampling water sold on open market. [1907.] Yeast cultures for experimental purposes; [Directions for use of pure yeast cultures; by William B. Alwood]. Aug. 15, 1908. Same. Aug. 1, 1909. Bulletins 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13, 10 pts. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 86 45 87 46 2 editions 88 47 89 48 90 49 2 editions 91 2 editions 50 92 51 93 52 2 editions 94 53 95 54 96 55 97 56 98 57 Same, revised, pt. 1 58 [Pt. 2 not issued.] 59 99 60 100 61 101 62 102 63 103 64 104 65 105 66 2 editions 106 67 107 3 editions 68 108 69 [Ist edition], 6 pte. Same, revised, 9 pts. 109 110 70 111 71 112, 2 pts. 72 113 73 114 74 115 75 116 2 editions 76 117 77 2 editions 118 78 119 79 120 80 2 editions 121 81 122 2 editions 82 123 83, 2 pts. 124 84, 5 pts. 125 85 126 2 editions 222 Classiflca- tlon no. A7. CHEMISTRY BUREAU— Continued A7.3 : Bulletins— Continued (nos.) A7.3a: (CT) A7.4: (nos.) A7.5: (nos.) 127 128 129 130 t 131 1 132 Bulletins (separates) [A few of the papers contained in the Bulletins were issued separately in pamphlet form.) Circulars 1 13 25 37 2 editions 2 14 7 editions 26 38 3 3 editions 15 3 editions 27 39 4 16 6 editions 28 40 2 editions 5 17 29 41 2 editions 6 18 30 42 7 2 editions 19 3 editions 31 43 2 editions 8 2 editions 20 32 44 9 21 33 2 editions 45 10 2 editions 22 34 46 11 23 35 2 editions 47 12 3 editions 24 36 3 editions Food inspection decisions 1 24 47 2 editions 2 25 48 2 editions 3 26 49 4 27 50 5 28 51 6 29 52 7 30 53 8 31 54 9 32 55 10 33 56 11 34 57 12 35 58 13 36 59 14 37 60 15 38 61 16 39 62 17 40 63 18 41 64 19 42 65 See A1.2:W57. 20 43 66 21 44 67 22 45 68 23 46 3 editions See, for later numbers, A32.5: A8. ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION [Transferred from Interior Department by acts of June 16, 1880 (Stat. L. v. 21, p. 27G) and Mar. 3, 1881 (Stat. L. V. 21, p. 383). See, for earlier publications, I 26. The work under Agriculture Department began July 1, 1881. The above-mentioned act of Mar. 3, 1881, carried the last appropriation for the Entomological Commis- sion, which was discontinued June 30, 1882, its final report ( A8.1:5) being completed and published later while the author was employed in the Division of Entomology (A9.).] A8.1: Annual reports (nos.) Ist [Issued as publication of Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (Hayden). See I 26.1:1.] 2d [Issued as publication of Interior Department, report being made direct to the Secretary. See I 26.1:2.] 3d [2154^4] 4th [2325-39] .See, for Ist edition, 126.3:3. 5th [2800-269] See, for 1st edition, 1 26.3:7. fNot printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. 223 CUssittca* tlon no. A8.1«: (CT) A8.2: (CT) A8.3: (nos.) A8.4: (nos.) ♦ A8. ENTOMOLOGICAL COMMISSION— Continued Annual reports (separates) [A few of tho more Important papers contained in the annual reports have been issued separately. ScpamU's from tno 3d, 4ih, and 5th reports are to be classed here; tee for separates from the 1st and 2d reports, 126.1o:] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins (Nos. 1 and 2 made under direction of Geological and Geographical Survey of the Terri- tories (Ilayden); nos. 3-7, under direction of Interior Department. None issued under Agriculture Department. See 1 26.3:] Circulars [None issued under Agriculture Department. Department. See 126.4:] Twelve circulars issued under Interior A9. ENTOMOLOGY BUREAU [Division of Entomology established in 18()3. Became Bureau of Entomology July 1, 1904. See, for information concerning bureau, Historical sketch of Department of AgriciUture (A21.3:3 '-').] A9.1: Annual reports (date) A9.2: Ap3i Ap32 B471-3 B47* B47« B47« 347^ B47» C82 N42o on P41 P65 8131 Si32 [1863-1909 (except 1878, none issued), in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and since 1879 issued separately also.] General publications Apiculture. [List of publications relating to apiculture.] [Mar. 25, 1909.] 4° Same. [June 5, 1909.] 4o Bibliography of more important contributions to American economic ento- mology: pts. 1-3, Writings of Benjamin Dann Walsh and Charles Valentine Riley; by Samuel Henshaw. 1890. [2768-133] Contents: pt. 1. Writings of Benjamin Dann Walsh. 1889. pt. 2. Joint writings of B. D. Walsh and C. V. Riley. 1889. pt. 3. Writings of Charles Valentine Riley. 1889. Index to pts. 1-3. 1890. Same: pt. 4, Writings of Government and State entomologists, and of other contributors, A-K; by Samuel Henshaw. 1895. Same: pt. 5, Writings of Government and State entomologists, and of other contributors, L-Z; by Samuel Henshaw. 1896. Same: pt. 6, Writings published between June 30, 1888, and Dec. 30, 1896; by Nathan Banks. 1898. Same: pt. 7, Writings published between Dec. 31, 1896, and Jan. 1, 1900; by Nathan Banks. 1901. Same: pt. 8, Writings published between Dec. 31, 1899, and Jan. 1, 1905; by Nathan Banks. 1905. Cotton insects. Report upon cotton insects; by J. Henry Comstock. 1879. New Orleans Exposition. Catalogue of exhibit of economic entomology at World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Or- leans, 1884-85. 1888. Orange. Report on insects affecting orange and other plants of citrus family, with practical suggestions for their control or extermination; by H. G. Hubbard. 1885. [2326-40] [Periodical cicada, or seventeen-year locust; by C. V. Riley.] May, 1894. 4» Pine timber. Preliminary information on management of storm-felled pine timber to prevent damage by wood-boring insects, in States south of North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, and Kansas; [by A. D. Hopkins]. [June 18, 1908.] 4° Silk culture. Circular of information in regard to work in silk culture; [by L. O. Howard]. Oct. 2, 1905. f • Silk culture. Information in regard to work in silk culture; [by L. O. Howard]. Dec. 17, 1908. 4'> 224 Classifica- tion no. A9.2: Sp3 St7 A9.3: (nos.) A9.4:: (nos.) A9.5: (nos.) A9. ENTOMOLOGY BUREAU— Continufed General publications— Continued Specimens. Suggestions to correspondents for collection of specimens [of insects] and making of observations; [by A. D. Hopkins]. Apr. 23, 1908. 4« Stored products. Investigation of insects affecting stored products [espe- cially cereals and cereal products; by F. H. Chittenden]. Sept. 1, 1909. 4<» Bulletins [old series] 1 [1st edition] 13 Same. 2d edition 14 Same. 3d edition * 15 2 2 editions 16 3 17 4 18 5 19 6 2 editions 20 7 21 2 editions 8 2 edit ions 22 9 [1st edition] See A1.6:ll. 23 Same. 2d edition See M.Q'.ll. 24 Same. 3d edition See A1.6:ll. 25 Same. 4th edition SeeM.Q\\\. 26 Same. 5th edition SeeM.%'M. 27 Same. 6th revised edition 28 Same. 7th revised edition 29 10 * 30 Same. 2d revised edition 31 11 32 12 33 See, for new series, A9.6: Circulars [1st series] [This series is described as "a miscellaneous and indiCerent series, hardly worthy to be entitled to the dignity of being considered publications." The whole nxxmber exceeded 40 (nearly all being circular letters), of which nos. Ic, 16, 18, 22, and 27 are the only ones known to exist.] Ic 16 * 18 22 27 * Circulars [2d series] [Beginning with 2d edition of 52, "2d series" is 5 omitted.5 1 18, revision of 14 2 2 editions Same, Spanish 3 Same, German 4 19 2 editions 5 2 editions 20 2 editions 6 See, for revision, A9.5:14. 21 2 editions Same, Spanish 22 7 23 2 editions 8 2 editions 24 2 editions 9 25 2 editions 10 26 11 2 editions 27 12 2 editions 28 2 editions 13 2 editions 29 3 editions 14, revision of 6 See , for revision. 30 A9.5:18. 31 3 editions Same, Spanish 32 4 editions 15 33 16 34 2 editions 17 35 See, for revision, A9.5:71 225 ClasslOra- A9. ENTOMOJ LOGl f BUREAU-^Continued tlon no. A9.5: Circulars [2d series]— Continued (noB.) 36 2 editions 74 37 4 editions 75 3 editions 38 3 editions 76 3 editions 39 3 editions 77 40 2 editions 78 41 79 3 editions 42 80 Same. Revised [edition] 81 Same. 2d edition * 82 Same. 3d edition 83 Same. 4th edition 84 Same. 5th edition 85 43 2 editions 86 ' 44 87 45 88 46 2 editions 89 47 2 editions 90 48 2 editions 91 49 92 50 2 editions 93 2 editions 51 2 editions 94 52 2 editions 95, revision of 56 53 Same, revised 54 Same, revised, French 55 96 56 • See for revision, A9.5:95. 97 57 98 58 99 59 2 editions 100 [Not issued up to De 60 101 61 102 62 2 editions 103 63 2 editions 104 64 105 65 106 66 2 editions 107 67 108 68 109 69 110 70 111 71, revision of 35 2 editions 112 72 113 73 114 A9.6: Bulletins [new series] (noB.) [Beginning with 58, "new series ' is omitted .1 1 [Ist edition] 15 Same. Revised edition [3435- 16 359] 17 Same. 3d edition 18 2 19 3 20 4 3 editions 21 5 22 6 23 7 24 8 25 9 26 10 27 2 editions 11 28 12 29 13 30 14 31 1909.] 82452°— Il- ls 226 Classlflca- tion no. A9.6: (no8.) A9. ENTOMOLOGY BUREAU— Continued A9.6«: (CT) A9.7: (v. nos.) BiQletlns [newseries]- 32 33 34 35 36 Same, appendix 2 editions 2 editions [4833-383] 2 editions -Continued 61 62 63, 64, 65 66, 67 68, 69 70 71 72 73 74 75, 76 77 7 pts. and index [Issued sepa- rately and also in one pam- phlet.] 7 pts. 7 pts. 9 pts. and index [Issued sepa- rately (pt. 1 revised), and also in one pamphlet.] 7 pts. 5 pts. Same, index 78 2 editions 79 80, 4 pts. 81 1 82, pts. 1-3 83, pt. 1 84 85, pts. 1, 2 Bulletins [new series] (separates) [A few of the more important papers contained in the Bulletins were issued separately.] Insect life 1, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 11 no. 12 2, no. 1 no. no. no. no. no. nos no. 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 9 no. 10 nos. 11 and 12 1 2 3 4 5 3, no. no. no. no. no. V. 3, no. 6 nos 7 and 8 nos 9 and 10 nos 11 and 12 V. 4, nos land 2 nos 3 and 4 nos 5 and 6 nos 7 and 8 nos 9 and 10 nos 11 and 12 V. 5 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 V. 6 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 V. 7 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 [V 8 1, General index [Discontinued. The class of matter formerly used in this series is continued in Bulle- tins, new series (A9.6:) and Technical series (A9.8:).] t Not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909, 227 riamincatlon no. Ai).7": (CT) A9.8: (no8.) A9. ENTOMOLOGY BUREAU— Continued Insect life (separates) [A few of the more important articles were issued separately in pamphlet form.] Teclinlcal series 1 4 7 10 13 IG, 3pte. 2 5 8 11 14 17, pt. 1 3 6 9 12, 9 pts. 15 AlO. EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE [Established July 1, 1888. Su, for history of office, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3:3 »-») and Yearbook, 1897 (Al 10:897).] AlO.l': (date) AlO.l^: (date) Annual reports of director (to Secretary of Agriculture) [1888-1909, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and issued rately also.] Annual reports of Office of Experiment Stations (to Congress) [By provision of the act establishing experiment stations in connection with the agricultural colleges in the various States and Territories, approved Mar. 2, 1887, the stations were required to send to the governors of their respective States or Territories, for transmission to the Secretary of Agriculture, on or before Feb. 1 of each year, a statement of their receipts and expenditures, with an outline of the work accomplished. It was not, however, until the approval of the agricultural appropriation act of Aug. 8, 1894, that provision wiis made for sending to Congress an annual report based upon these returns. The report for the fiscal year 1895, the one called for in the act, was laid before the Senate Apr. 7, 1896, and referred to the Committee on Printing, who reported a concurrent resolution providing for its publication as a document, with 2,000 additional copies for the use of the Agriculture Depart- ment. The resolution passed the Senate, but did not receive the sanction of the House, and the report tlierefore was never printed. The 2d report, 1896, called for by Congress, was printed as Senate document 137, 54th Congress, 2d session; serial no. 3470. The 3d report, 1897, was printed as House document 205, 55th Congress, 2d session; serial no. 3667, and also as Bulletin 50, Experiment Stations Office. The 4th report, 1898, was printed as House document 121, 55th Congress, 3d session; serial no. 3768, and also as Bulletin 61, Experiment Stations Office. The 5th report, 1899, was printed as House document 500, 56th Congress, 1st session; serial no. 3929, and also as Bulletin 83, Experiment Stations Office. The 6th report, 1900, was printed as House document 336, 56th Congress, 2d session; serial no. 4116, and also as Bulletin 93, Experiment Stations Office. The 7th report, 1901, and succeeding reports have appeared in both bureau and Congressional editions as shown below.] 1 A10.12«: (CT) A10.2: Ab2 Ac2 Am3» Am32 B64 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 4301-334] 4425-104 4598-148 4878-421^ 5049-924 5211-820 5317-984 5487-1561] [5778-128] Annual reports of Experiment Stations Office (to Congress) (separates) General publications Abbreviations [of titles of periodicals, transactions, etc.] used in Experi- ment station record. [1897.] Accounts. Classification of experiment station accounts. May 10, 1907. American system of agricultural education; by A. C. True and Dick J. Crosby. 1904. American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers. Constitution and by-laws of American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers. [1909.] Books by agricultural college and experiment station men. [1906.] 228 Classification no. A10.2: CI71 CI72 CI73 C43» C432 C433 C434 D781 D782 D783 D78^ F22 r45^ F452 F76 G28 In2 Ir7i Ir72 Ir73 Ir7* N95 Or3^ Or32 Or33 P83 AlO. EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE— Continued General publications— Continued Card index. Terms of sale of card index of agricultural literature. 189[3, reprint 1896]. [See also AlO. 4:47.] Card index. Announcement respecting card index of experiment station literature. [1908.] Card index. Announcement regarding sale of separate divisions of card index of experiment station literature. [1909.] [Chicago, 111., World's Columbian Exposition, collective college and station exhibit.] May 12, 1892. 4« Same, address by advisory board. Nov. 19, 1892. 4° Same [letter to accompany address]. Nov. 23, 1892. 4» Same, extract from annual address, New Orleans convention, Nov. 1892. [1892.] 40 Drainage investigations. Work and publications of drainage investiga- tions. Jan. 9, 1908. [See, for earlier lists of publications, A10.16:] Same. June 24, 1908. Drainage investigations. Organization, work, and publications of drainage investigations. June 18, 1909. Same. Aug. 4, 1909. See, for later edition, A10.4:88. Farmers' institutes in United States; by John Hamilton. 1904. Field reports. Suggestions concerning preparation of monthly field reports [of experiment stations]. [1907.] 4° Field men. Instructions to field men. [1909.] 4° Forestry in nature study [with list of references]. Sept. 29, 1909. [Prepared in cooperation with Forest Service. Printed for dis- tribution at Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, Wash., 1909.] General index to Experiment station record, v. 1-12, 1889-1901, and to Experiment Station Bulletin 2. 1903. Index to Experiment station work [announcement]. May 7, 1898. Irrigation and drainage investigations of Office of Experiment Stations; by R. P. Teele. 1904. Irrigation investigations. [Announcement of publication of bulletins giving results of work in irrigation investigations.] Dec. 19, 1908. narrow f ° Irrigation investigations. Organization, work, and publications of irri- gation investigations. Apr. 11, 1908. [See, for earlier lists of publications, AlO. 16:] Same. July 6, 1909. [See, for later edition. Circular 87 (A10.4: 87).] Nutrition. Investigations on nutrition of man in United States; by C. F. Langworthy and R. D. Milner. 1904. Organization and work of agricultural experiment stations in United States; by Dick J. Crosby. 1904. Organization and work of Office of Experiment Stations. May 18, 1907. 240 [Printed for distribution at Jamestown Ter-Centennial Ex- position, Norfolk, Va., 1907.] Same. June 7, 1909. 24'' [Printed for distribution at Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, Wash., 1909.] Porto Rico. Report on investigations of agricultural resources and capabilities of Porto Rico, with special reference to establish- ment of agricultural experiment station in that island; [by Sea- man A. Knapp]. 1901. [4117-171] 229 llasNitlcatlon no. A 10.2: P96' P96» Sa2 St2 A10.3: (no8.) AlO. EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE— Continued General publications— Continued Publications of Office of Experiment Stations, 1900 and 1901, and Station publications received by Office of Experiment Stations during 1900 and 1901. 1906. [Dulletln 80 ( A10.;?:80), p. 500-623, contained similar lists RlvlnK previous Information up to 1800; these pa^es were also Issued separately. The 1002, 1903, and 1904 lists appeared in annual reports of Experiment Stations OlHce (AlO.l*:), and were al.so issued separately'. Bulletin 180 (A10.3:180) is a List of publications of agricultural experiment stations to June 30, 1900, and supersedes previous lists of station publications. See also A10.17:] Publications. Notes for guidance in preparation of publications of Office of Experiment Stations. [Mar. 20, 1907.] 4*» St. Louis, Mo. Description of exhibit of colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts and experiment stations, Louisiana Purchase Ex- position, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; by W. H. Beal. 1904. Station publications. List of station publications lacking in library of Office of Experiment Stations. Nov. 1, 1892. Bulletins 1 38 2, 2 pts. See, for General index 39 to Experiment station rec- 40 2 editions ord, V. 1-12, 1889-1901, 41 and to Experiment Sta- 42 tion Bulletin 2, A10.2:G28. 43 3 44 4 45 2 editions 5 46 6 47 7 48 [3667-160] 8 49 9 50 [3667-2051 10 51 11 52 12 53 13 54 14 55 15 16 17 [3435-361] 56 57 58 [Withdrawn.] 18 59 19 1 ' ' 60 20 61 3768-121] 3768-169] 21 62 22 63 23 64 24 65 25 66 26 67 2 editions 27 68 28 4 editions 69 2 editions 29 70 30 71 31 72 32 73 33 [3536-267] See also A1.9:47 74 and Al. 9:48. 75 34 [Withdrawn Jan. 1898; reis- 76 sued Jan. 1899; again writh- 77 drawn June 24, 1899.] 78 35 79 36 80 [4170-507] 37 81 230 Classlflcatlon AlO. EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE— Continued no. AlO. 3: Bulletins— Continued (no8.) 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 [3929-314] [3929-500] [4117-466] "4116-336 ^4117-335 ^4117-368 4° [4246-356] [Preliminary report transmitted to Con- gress Jan. 24, 1901. (56th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 108; serial no. 4033.)] 2 editions 40 [4727-720] oblong 8" 2 editions 2 editions 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 [This is Irrigation in north- ern Italy, pt. 1; see, for pt. 2, A10.3:190.] 2 editions [This is Irrigation in north- ern Italy, pt. 2; see, for pt. 1, A10.3:144. Pt. 3 not is- sued; but see A10.3:192.] [Although not so designated, this is virtually pt. 3 pf the "work of which pt. 1 ap- peared as Bulletin 144 and pt. 2, as Bulletin 190.] 231 OUmincatlon AlO. EXPERIME NT STATIC no. A10.3: Bulletins — Continued (no6.) 197 213 198 214 199 215 200 216 201 217 202 218 t 203 219 204 220 205 221 206 222 t 207 223- 208 224 ■ 209 225 210 226 1 211 227 t 212 228 A10.3«: (CT) A10.4: (no8.) Bulletins (separates) [A few of the more important articles contained in the Bulletins were issaed sepa- rately in pamphlet form.) Circulars . 1 40 2 41 3 42 4 43 2 editions 5 44 2 editions 6 [Mimeographed; never printed.] 45 46 6 editions 7 47 5 editions 8 C17^ 9 48 10 [Mimeographed; never printed.] 49 50 11 51 7 editions 12 52 2 editions 13 53 14 54 15 55 16 56 17 57 18 58 19 59 20 60 • 21 61 22 62 23 3 editions 63 24 64 25 2 editions 65 26 66 27 67 28 3 editions 68 4 editions 29 69 30 70 4 editions 31 71 32 2 editions 72 33 73 34 3 editions 74 35 75 36 76 37 2 editions 77 2 editionfl 38 78 39 79 See also A10.2: t Not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. 232 4 Classification AlO. EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE— Continued AlO.i: (nos.) A10.5: (nos.) A10.6: (v. nos.) Circulars— Continued 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 See, for earlier editions, A10.2:Ir73''^and A10.16: Miscellaneous bulletins 1 2 3 88 See, for earlier editions, A10.2:D78i-'^and A10.16: See, for earlier editions, 89 90 91 92 93 A10.15: See, for A10.14: earlier editions. [Discontinued.] Experiment station record [Contains numerous abstracts of the publications of the agricultural experiment sta- tions and kindred institutions in this and other countries; articles and editorials on topics of special interest in agricultural science by American and foreign ex- perts; and notes on the experiment stations. In the first 3 volumes of the Record the aTjstracts of the station reports were grouped by stations, arranged alphabetically by States. Beginning with v. 4, an arrangement by topics was adopted, each topic being edited by the Department's expert in that line. With but few exceptions each number also contained a paper by some noted authority on a particular subject. Beginning with v. 5, the numbers were not issued regularly every month, although each volume includes 12 numbers. For this reason the numbers do not bear dates. Beginning with v. 14, the Record was again issued monthly, each num- ber being dated. Beginning with v. 20, the plan was adopted of issuing quarterly " abstract " numbers, in oroBr to provide for the publication of acciunulated material which could not be crowded into the monthly numbers, the size of which is restricted by law. Except for the fact that these "abstract" numbers contain no editorial notes and only a limited number of current notes, they are exactly like the regular monthly numbers, being numbered and paged consecutively in the series. With V. 20, the change is also made from 1 volume a year, ending with August, to 2 volumes a year, ending with December and June.] See, for General index to Ex 3eriment station record, v. 1-12, 1889- 1901, and to Experiment i Station Bulletin 2, A10.2:G28. 1, no. 1 V. 3 no. 12 no. 2 [no. 13], index no. 3 V. 4 no. 1 no. 4 no. 2 no. 5 no. 3 no. 6 no. 4 2, no. 1 . no. 5 no. 2 no. 6 no. 3 no. 7 no. 4 no. 8 no. 5 no. 9 no. 6 no. 10 no. 7 no. 11 no. 8 no. 12 no. 9 V. 5 no. 1 no. 10 no. 2 no. 11 no. 3 no. 12 no. 4 3, no. 1 no. 5 no. 2 no. 6 no. 3 no. 7 no. 4 no. 8 no. 5 no. 9 no. 6 no. 10 no. 7 no. 11 no. 8 no, 12 no. 9 V. 6 no. 1 no. 10 no. 2 no. 11 no. 3 233 Classification AlO. EX. no. A10.6: E xperime (v. nos.) \. 6, no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 V. 7, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 V. 8, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 V. 9, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 V. 10, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 V. 11, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE— Continued station record— Continued V. 11, no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 V. 12, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 V. 13, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 V. 14, no. 1 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 15, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 16, no. 1 no. no, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 234 Classification no. A10.6: (v. nos.) A10.6«: (CT) A10.7: (nos.) A10.8: (nos.) A10.9: AlO. EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE— Continued Experiment station record — Continued V. 16, no. 12 V. 19, no. 6 V. 17, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 [no. 13], index V. 18, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 [no. 13], index V. 19, no. 1 no. no. no. no. no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13], name index no. 14], subject index V. 20, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. no. 13 , name index 14 , subject index V. 21, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 [no. 9], index Experiment station record (separates) [The papers mentioned in the note under A10.6: were each issued separately.] Food and diet charts t 40 X 26 in. 1 2 3 4 [Discontinued.fJ Irrigation investigation schedules 4<» 1 oblong 48« 2 3 4 [Discontinued.) Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station [Established Mar, IQOl.J t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Experi- ment Stations Office has since begun a new series of Food charts which differs materi- ally from the former series of Food and diet charts (A10.7:). This has necessitated an additional class under AlO., the series title of which is as follows: A10.21: (nos.) [Food] charts 23.6 X 17.9 in. 235 ClMslflOAtlun no. A10.9': (date) (CT) AIO.O^: (CT) A10.93: (nos.) A10.9*: (nos.) AIO.9^: (nos.) AlO.lO: AIO.IOM (date) AlO.lO^fl: (CT) AlO. EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE— Continued Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, Annual reports 1900 SeeAlO.S'M. 1901-04, in annual reports of Experiment Stations Office (AlO. 1 '■':), and issued separately also. 1905 ;S€C A10.3:170. 1906 1907 1908 1909 Hawaii Agricultural Experiment reports (separatee) Hawaii Agricultural Experiment publications [None issued.] Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletins 13 14 15 16 17 Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, Circulars [None issued.] Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, Press Station, Annual Station, General 1 7 2 8 3 2 editions 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 bulletins various sizes Hawaiian Same, Portuguese Same, Hawaiian Same, Japanese Same, Chinese 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations [Established on permanent basis during summer of 1899, although experiments had been conducted at several points along the coast since 1897.] Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, Annual reports 1897 -See A10.3:48. 1898 /See A10.3:62. ' 1899 /See A10.3:82. 1900 5eeA10.3:94. 1901-04, in annual reports of Experiment Stations Office (AlO.l^:), and issued separately also. 1905 ^ee A10.3:169. 1906 1907 1908 1909 Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, Annual reports (separates) 236 Classification no. AIO.IO^: (CT) AIO.IO^: (nos.) AIO.IO^: (nos.) AlO.ll: (v. nos.) AlO. EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE— Continued Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, General publications [None issued.] Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, Bulletins 1 2 3 Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, Circulars [None issued.] Experiment station work [Title-page, table of contents, index, and glossary for v. 1 were issued as a separate pamphlet, in order that the first 20 numbers of Experiment station work which had been issued as Farmers' bulletins (A1.9:) might be brought together. In V. 1, each bulletin bears its owti paging. Beginning with v. 2, the publication is issued in the usual Farmers' bulletin edition (A1.9:), and also in a special edition for binding (AlO.ll:) omitting the bulletin number, and giving the volume number. Each volume now has continuous paging.] V. 1, no no no no no no no no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 V. 2, no. 1 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 V. 3, no. no. no, no. no. (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin (Farmers' bulletin Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' ^Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' ^Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' Same as Farmers' 56. 65. 69. 73. 78. 79. 84. 87. 92. 97. 103. 105. 107. 114. 119.^ 122. 124.) 133.) 144.) 149.) bulletin 162. bulletin 169. bulletin 186. bulletin 190. bulletin 193. bulletin 202. bulletin 210. bulletin 222. bulletin 225. bulletin 227. bulletin 233. bulletin 237. bulletin 244. bulletin 251. bulletin 259. bulletin 262. bulletin 267. bulletin 273. bulletin 276. bulletin 281. bulletin 296. bulletin 305. bulletin 309. bulletin 316. bulletin 317. 237 Cluslflcatlon no. AlO.ll: (v. noB.) A10.12: A10.12': (date) A10.12^«: (CT) A10.122: (CT) A10.12^: (nos.) A10.12*: (nos.) A10.13: (nos.) A10.14: 9051 9052 9053 906 9071 9072 AlO. EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE— Continued Experiment station work— Continued V. 3, no. 6 [Same as Farmers* bulletin 320. no. 7 Same as Farmers' bulletin 321). no. 8 Same as Farmers' bulletin 334. no. 9 Same as Farmers' bulletin 342. no. 10 Same as Farmers' bulletin 353. no. 11 [Same as Farmers' bulletin 360. no. 12 Same as Farmers' bulletin 366. no. 13 Same as Farmers' bulletin 374. no. 14 [Same as Farmers' bulletin 381. Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station [Established May, 1901.) Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station, Annual reports 1900 See A10.2:FSZ. 1901-04, in annual reports of Experiment Stations Office (AlO.l^ :), and issued separately also. 1905 iS'eeA10.3:171. 1906 1907 1908 1909 Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station, Annual reports (separates) Porto Rico Agricultural General publications [None issued.] Porto Rico Agricultural Bulletins 1 4 Experiment Station, Experiment 7 Station, Same, Spanish Same, Spanish 6 Same, Spanish Same, Spanish 8 Same, Spanish Same, Spanish Agricultural Experiment Station, Same, Spanish Porto Rico Circulars 1, Spanish 2 3 Same, Spanish Same, Spanish Farmers' institute lectures Same, Spanish 6 Same, Spanish 1 2 2 editions 3 2 editions 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 List of publications of Office of Experiment Sta- tions on agricultural education List of publications of Office of Experiment Stations on agricultural education; corrected to June 1, 1905. [1905.] Same; corrected to Aug. 1, 1905. [1905.] * Same; corrected to Oct. 1, 1905. [1905,] Same; corrected to Nov. 1, 1906. [1906.] Same; corrected to May 1, 1907. [1907.] Same; corrected to Nov. 1, 1907. [1907.] 238 Classification no. A10.14: 908' 9082 9083 909 A10.15: 8981 8982 899 900 1 9002 901 902 903 904 905' 9052 906' 9062 9063 907' 907 2 908 A10.16: 900 901' 9012 902 903' 903 2 904 905' 9052 906' 9062 907' 907 2 AlO. EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE— Continued Last of publications of Office of Experiment Sta- tions on agricultural education — Continued Same; corrected to Feb. 15, 1908. Feb. 28, 1908. Same; corrected to June 1, 1908. June 17, 1908. Same; corrected to Oct. 1, 1908. Oct. 27, 1908. Same; corrected to July 1, 1909. July 26, 1909. [Discontinued. A later list appears as Circular 93 (A10.4:93).] List of publications of Office of Experiment Sta- tions on food and nutrition of man List of publications of Office of Experiment Stations on food and nutri- tion of man. [1898.] 4 p. ([Publication] 238.) Same. [1898.] 4 p. ([Publication] 238 revised.) Same. [1899.] 5 p. Same. [1900.] 6 p. Same. [1900.] 7 p. Same. [1901.] 8 p. Same; [revised Nov. 5, 1902]. [1902.] Same; [revised Oct. 15, 1903]. [1903.] Same; corrected to June 1, 1904. [1904.] Same; corrected to June 1, 1905. [1905.] Same; corrected to June 28, 1905. [1905.] Same; corrected to Mar. 1, 1906. [1906.] Same; corrected to June 1, 1906. [1906.] Same; corrected to Nov. 1, 1906. [1906.] Same; corrected to May 1, 1907. May 13, 1907. Same; corrected to Oct. 15, 1907. Nov. 6, 1907. Same [for foreign distribution]; corrected to Dec. 10, 1907. Jan. 14, 1908. [Discontinued. See, for Oct. 1909 list, Circular 89t (A10.4:89).] List of publications of Office of Experiment Sta- tions on Irrigation and drainage List of publications of Office of Experiment Stations on irrigation. [1900.] 2 p. Same, revised. [1901.] 4 p. Same, revised. [1901.] 5 p. Same, revised Oct. 15, 1902. [1902.] Same, revised Oct. 15, 1903. [1903.] Same, revised Nov. 15, 1903. [1903.] List of publications of Office of Experiment Stations on irrigation and drainage; corrected to June 1, 1904. [1904.] Same; corrected to June 30, 1905. [1905.] Same; corrected to Nov. 30, 1905. [1905.] Same; corrected to May 1, 1906. [1906.] Same; corrected to Nov. 1, 1906. [1906.] Same; corrected to May 1, 1907. May 7, 1907. Same; corrected to Oct. 1, 1907. Oct. 25, 1907. [Discontinued. See, for later lists, A10.2:Ir7 ^>\ D78 1-<, and A10.4:87, 88.!I t Circular 102, which was erroneously printed as list issued Sept. 15, 1910. 93 revised," contains a later 239 Classlflcatlon no. A10.17: (date) A10.18: 907 908^ 9082 A10.19: 907^ 9072 908 909 tA10.20: 905 908 9091 909 2 AlO. EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE— Continued lAst of station publications received by Office of Experiment Stations TBlmonthly Nov. 1903- Dec. 1906. Monthly l)egiimine Jan. 1907. in addition to the bimonthly or monthly lists below, lists of agricultural experiment station publications have appeared as follows: 187&-99, In Bulletin 80 (A10.3:80), and Issiied separately also. 1900 and 1901, as a General publication ( A10.2: f'90 »). 1902-04, in annual reports of Experiment Stations Office (A10.1«:), and issued separately also. From organization of stations to June 30, 1906, as Bulletin 180 (A10.3:180).] 1903, Nov. 1904, Jan. Mar. May July Sept Nov. 1905, Jan. Mar. May July Sept Nov. 1906, Jan. Mar. May July Sept Nov. . and Dec. 1907, Jan. apd Feb. Feb. and Apr. Mar. and June Apr, May and Aug. . and Oct. June . and Dec. July and Feb. Aug. and Apr. Sept and June Oct. and Aug. Nov. . and Oct. Dec. . and Dec. 1908, Jan. and Feb. Feb. and Apr. Mar. and June Apr. May and Aug. . and Oct. June . and Dec. July 1908, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1909, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Institutions in United States giving instruction in agriculture Institutions in United States giving instruction in agriculture. Feb. 18, 1907. Same. Oct. 17, 1908. Same. Oct. 17, 1908 [reprint 1909]. Address list of agricultural experiment stations Address list of agricultural experiment stations in United States. Apr. 15, 1907. Same. Nov. 30, 1907. Same. Apr. 15, 1908. Same. Aug. 1, 1909. Address list of agricultural and meclianical colleges Address list of agricultural and mechanical colleges in United States. Oct. 15, 1905. Same. Mar. 2, 1908. Same. Mar. 1, 1909. Same. Aug. 1, 1909. t This Checklif^t ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Experi- ment Stations Office has since begun a new series of Food charts which differs materi- ally from the former series of F'ood and diet charts (AlO. 7:). This has necessitated an additional class under AlO., the series title of which is as follows: A10.21: (nos.) [Food] charts 23.6 X 17.9 in. 240 All. FIBER INVESTIGxVTIONS OFFICE [Fiber investigations were begun by the Division of Statistics in 1889, and in 1890 a Section of Fiber Investi- gations was created in the Division. Jan. 1, 1891, the section was made independent, under the name Office of Fiber Investigations, and so continued until June 30, 1898, when its work was assigned to the Division of Botanv. See, for historical sketch of office. Yearbook, 1897 (Al. 10:897).] Classlflcation no. All.l: (date) All. 2: (CT) A11.3: (nos.) All. 4: (nos.) All. 5: (nos.) Annual reports [1890-97, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and usually issued separately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Reports 1 2d edition A27.8:l. See, for 1st edition, 6 7 8 9 10 11 A12. FOREIGN MARKETS DIVISION Section of Foreign Markets established Mar. 20, 1894; became Division of Foreign Markets July 1, 19D2. Placed under Bureau of Statistics, Agriculture Dept., July 1, 1903.] A12.1: (date) A12.2: (CT) A12.3: (nos.) A12.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1897-1903, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and issued separately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins 1 13 26 Same, supplement 14 27 2 15 28 3 16 29 4 17 30 5 18 31 6 19 32 7 2 editions 20 33 8 2 editions 21 34 9 22 35 10 23 36 11 24 37 12 25 Circulars 1 10 19 2 2 editions 11 20 3 12 21 4 13 22 5 14 23 6 15 24 7 16 25 8 9 17 18 2 editions 26 241 A13. FOREST SERVICE f Investigations In forestry wore begun In 1870 under a clause in act approved Aug. 15, 1876 TStat. L. v. 19, p. 167); see, for early reports, AIS.."): The Division of Forcslry wiws t'StaMishcd by order of the Secretary of Agriculture In 1H80 and rocognized by Congress jw a division of the Depart inont in appropriation act ~ '" - ' " Name changed to Hureau of Forestry July 1, I'JOl, and to )proved June 30, lS,S(i (Stat, i'orest Service July 1, 1905.] L. V. 24, p. 103). Classiflcstlon no. A13.1: (date) A13.2: Ag8 Ap5 Ar4 B48 B64 B83 C42 Eq5i Eq5- Eq53 Er6 F761 F762 F763 F76' F76* F76« F767 F76S G791 G792 G79 = G79' G79' Annual reports [1880, 1883-1909, In annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and usually Issued separately also. See, for earlier reports on forestry, A13.5:] General publications Agricultural settlements. Instructions for examinations [of lands within national forests for] a2;ricultural settlement [under] act of June 11, 1906; [approved] Jiily 1, 1907. July 17, 1907. 16° Applications for classification and listing: of agricultural lands in forest reserves under act of June 11, 1906. [June 22, 1906.] Arkansas. National forests of Arkansas. [1909.] Big trees of California. 1900. [3877-393] [Also issued as Bulletin 28; see A13.3:28.] Books. Instructions for use of books in field libraries. [1907.] 12® Brush. Suggestions for disposal of brush in national forests; by J. S. Holmes. Dec. 9, 1907. Chestnut bark disease. Extent and importance of chestnut bark dis- ease; by E. R. Hodson. Oct. 21, 1908. Equipment. List of standard articles of equipment, stationery, and oflBce supplies to be procured upon requisition. Sept. 1907. Same. Edition of Aug. 1908. 1908. Same. Edition of Feb. 1909. 1909. Erosion. Lessons of erosion due to forest destruction. [1896.] 48 X 30 in. * Forest growth. Letter to Secretary of Agriculture regarding forest growth and timber consumption; by B. E. Fernow. Apr. 5, 1893. Forest atlas. Preparation of forest atlas. Apr. 6, 1907. Forest Service atlas, extracts from statistical volume of forest atlas, fiscal year 1907. 1908 [1909]. large 4° [The Forest Service atlas is a manuscript volume, compiled each year, the facts set forth therein constituting an official reference record of the work of the service for that fiscal year.] Forest trees. Instructions for recording observations on leafing, flower- ing, and fruiting of forest trees, phenological observations. Apr. 26, 1909. [See also A13.2:T71 "^J Forms. List of forms to be procured on requisition to forester. Sept. 1907. Same. Feb. 1908. Forms. List of forms [to be procured on requisition]. Edition of Apr. 1909. 1909. narrow large 8^ Same. Edition of July, 1909. [1909.] narrow large 8® Grazing permits. Circular to applicants for grazing permits. Dec. 12, 1905. Grazing regulations. Revised regulations and instructions in reference to grazing; issued by Secretary of Agriculture, to take effect Jan. 1, 1906. [Dec. 22, 1905.] 16° [Earlier and later editions of these regulations appear in the Use book; see A13.2:Us2.] Grazing fees. Rate schedules, tables of grazing fees for national forest reserves. 1906. 16° Grazing trespass. Instructions regarding grazing trespass. Jan. 15, 1908. Grazing trespass by drifting stock, national forests are not subject to State fence laws. [Mar. 20, 1908.] 82452°— 11 16 242 Classification no. A13.2: G821 G822 L971 L972 L973 L97* L975 M31 M321 M322 mi' N212 N213 N21* N21« N21« N217 N218 Pll P561 P562 P651 P652 P69 P96 R13 R16 R31 A13. FOREST SERVICE— Continued General publications — Continued Grazing trespass. Instructions regarding grazing trespass. May 15, 1909. 16« Green book, instructions relating to salaries, travel and field expenses, cost keeping, property accountability, and preparation of ac- counts in accordance with fiscal regulations. Oct. 30, 1907, 12*^ [Contains pages for memorandum of expenses and accounts.] Same. [Revised edition.] Oct. 30, 1907 [published] 1908. 12" Lumber trade. Letter from agent of Forestry Division requesting in- formation as to extent of lumber and wood trade. July, 1883. f o -x- Lumber terms [definitions]. [1905.] 4° ([Publication] 448.) Same, without publication number. [1905.] 4° Lumber. Production of lumber, lath, and shingles, by States and spe- cies, 1906, 1905, 1904. July 19, 1907. oblong f° Lumber. Wholesale lumber prices, 1886-1908. 1908. oblong f-^ Manual of procedure for Forest Service in Washington and in district oflices. Nov. 16, 1908. Maps. Instructions for making forest maps and surveys. [Oct. 5, 1905.] Maps. Instructions for making forest surveys and maps. July, 1907. 16° [In addition to the original instructions issued 1907, supple- mental matter to be pasted in the back of the book was issued 1908, with title, Forest Service standard compass; a 2d insertion was issued 1909, with title. Forest Service standard hypsometer.] National forests. Use of national forests. June 14, 1907. 12" [This publication contains in popular form information as to what na- tional forests are, what they are for, and how to use them. See, for Use book, containing regulations and instructions for use of national forests, A13.2:Us2i-6.] National forest order 23, pt. 4, Apr. 1907. Apr. 23, 1907. 16° [Pts. 1-3, mimeographed but not printed.] National forests. Information regarding employment on national forest reserves. [Apr. 15, 1905.] Same [with changes on p. 4]. [Apr. 15, 1905.] National forests. Information regarding employment on national for- ests. Revised edition, July 10, 1907. Same. Revised edition [with corrections]. July 10, 1907 [reprint 1908]. * Same. 2d revision. May 6, 1909, Same. 3d revision, July 3, 1909. Pacific slope. Forest trees of Pacific slope; by George B. Sud worth. Oct. 1, 1908. Photography. Directions for taking forest photographs. [1906.] 16° Photography. Instructions for taking photographs of special interest. [1907.] 16° Pines. Instructions for collection of test pieces of pines for timber in- vestigations. [1892.] Pine seed. Germination of pine seed. May 16, 1907. Placer or lode claim [outline for report of examining officers]. Revised Aug. 1908. [1908.] 4° Publications. [Circular concerning distribution of publications of Forest Service.] [1908.] 12° Railroads. Alphabetical list of land-grant and bond-aided railroads in United States; from [Army General orders] 140, Aug. 4, 1899, as amended by supplement July 19, 1900. 1902. Range plants. Suggestions for collection of range plant specimens on national forests. Apr. 5, 1909. Reserve planting. Instructions to forest officers in reserve planting. Mar. 16, 1907. 243 CUsHlflcattun no. Aia.2: T19 T23» T232 T23=* T482 T711 X712 U821 U822 Us23 U82* Us2« Us2« W58 A13.3: (nos.) A 13. FOREST SERVICE— Continued General publications — Continued Taxation. How shall forests be taxed? by Alfred GaHkill, read before Society of American Foresters Dec. 8, 1904. [190G.J Telephones. Directions and specifications for building telephone lines on national forests. May 2, 1907. Same. Feb. 24, 1908. Telephones. Instructions for building and maintenance of telephone lines on national forests. June 7, 1909. Timber tests. [1903.] Timber preservation and timber testing at Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition. [1904.] Trees of Washington, D. C; compliments of Forestry Division, G. B. Sudworth, botanist, B. E. Femow, chief. [Washington, Bell Bros., 1891.] oblong 24« * Tree observations. Plan for tree observations, [circular letter] to teachers. [1909.] 4« [See also Al3. 2 :F7 6 \] Use of national forest reserves, regulations and instructions to take effect July 1, 1905. [1905.] 16° Use book, regulations and instructions for use of national forest reserves. July 1, 1906. 16" Use book, regulations and instructions for use of national forests. July 1, 1907. 248 p. 1 il. 1 pi. 16« [Note at top of title-page reads: Issued June 14, 1907.] Same [with corrections]. 1907. 248 p. 1 il. 1 pi. 16° Same [with additions]. July 1, 1908. 341 p. 1 il. 16° [Administra- tive edition.] Same [with changes and omissions]. July 1, 1908. 109 p. 16° [Omits most of the administrative instructions.] WTiite pine. Extent and importance of white pine blight; by S. T. Dana. May 26, 1908. Bu Llletins various sizes 1 24, pt. 1 1st edition Same, pt. 1 2d edition [4007- 7271 2 2 editions 3 4 See, for supplemental matter. Same, pt. 1 3d edition See Bulletin 9. also A1.9:173. 5 Same, pt. 2 [Not in Congres- 6 sional set. See also A1.9: 7 2 editions 358.] 8 25 9 26 10 27 11 28 [3877-393] 12 2 editions See also A13.2:B48. 13 2 editions 29 14 30 15 31 16 32 17 33 18 34 19 35 20 36, pt.lt Same, pt. 1, errata 21 22 Same, pt. 1, revised f 23 [Not issued.] 37 t Bulletin 36 is the Woodsman's handbook. It was originally intended to issue this bulletin in 2 pts. but pt. 2 has never been published. Pt. 1 appeared in 1902 and a revised edition of pt. 1 in 1903. The 1910 edition is revised and enlarged so as to include in one publication the material originally intended for both parts. 244 Classlflcatlon no. A13. FOREST SERVICE— Contmued A13.3: Bulletins— Continued (nos.) A13.3«: (CT) A13.4: (nos.) 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 editions 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 editions 59 Bulletins (separates) 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 2 editions [Not issued up to Dec. 1909.] See also for Forest products, 1907 and 1908, C3.12i: and C3.12^: Circulars [Certain circulars of this series dealing with forest products were prepared in coopera- tion with Census Bureau. Similar publications for the years 1907 and 1908 were prepared by the two bureaus in cooperation and issued by Census Bureau; see C3.12i:andC3.12 2:] [1] Request to educators for cooperation. 1886. * [2] To educational men. 1887. 4« [3] Increasing durability of timber, information to wood consumers; by Norman J. Colman. 1887. [4] For information of railroad managers [chestnut oak for ties; by Norman J. Colman]. Dec. 1887. 4« 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 9 35 10 36 4 editions 11 37 2 editions 12 3 editions 38 2 editions 13 39 2 editions 14 40 15 2 editions 41 16 42 17 2 editions 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 8 editionsi 22 6 editions/ [Superseded by 47 Circular 165.] 48 23 6 editions 49 24 50 25 2 editions 51 26 52 27 53 28 54 See also A13. 9:1. 29 55 See also Al^. 9:2. 30 56 2 editions See also A13.9:3. 245 Classinffttloii no. A18. FOREST SI A13.4: Circulars— Continuod (no8.) 57 See also AIZ.9 A. 58 2 editions Seealso A\Z.9:b. 59 2 editions See also A13.9:6. 60 See also A13. 9:7. %l 2 editions See also A13.9:8. 62 See also AlZ. 9:9. 63 2 editions See also AU. 9:10. 64 Seditions See also AIS. 9:11. 65 See also A13.9:12. 66 2 editions See also A13.9:13. 67 See also A13.9:14. 68 See also A13.9:15. 69 See also A13.9:16. 70 2 editions See also A13.9:17. 71 See also A13.9:18. 72 See also Al^. 9:19. 73 See also A13.9:20. 74 iS'eeaZsoA13.9:21. 75 See also A13.9:22. 76 77 See also A13.9:24. 78 79 * 80 81 82 83 2 editions 84 85 86 [1st edition] Same. Revised edition. Mar. 20, 1909 Same. Revised edition. Aug 6, 1909 * 87 88 2 editions 89 2 editions 90 91 2 editions 92 93 2 editions 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 ]02 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 2 editions 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 2 editions 2 editions 2 editions [Combines and supersedee Circulars 21 and 22.] 2 editions t Not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. 246 Classification no. A13. FOREST SERVICE— Continued A13.5: Report on forestry (v. nos.) A13.6: (nos.) [v. 1 and 2 were published prior to the establishment of the Forestry Division, but are classified here in order to bring all the volumes together, as v. 3 and 4 were prepared and transmitted by the chief of the Forestry Division.] [v. 1] Report upon forestry; by Franklin B. Hough. 1878. [Not in Congressional set.] V. 2 [1922-37] [v. 3] Report upon forestry; by Franklin B. Hough. V. 4 [Not in Congressional set.] Press buUetins various sizes 1882. [2046-38] [Notes on work and publications relative to forestry, issued for use of press.] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Same, supplement 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 lli 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 247 Clatwlflcatlon no. A13.7I B39 B56» B56^ C82 Eu7 Hll H22 H75 N83 Osl R24 R92 Si3 Su3 W581 W582 W583 A13.8: (date) A13. FOREST SERVICE— Continued Notes on forest trees suitable for planting: In United States Beech, Fapjus atropunicea. [1904.] Black cherry, Prunus serotina. [1903.] Black walnut, Juglans nigra. [1903.] Cottonwood, Populus deltoides. [1904.] European larch, Larix europsea. [1903.] Hackberry, Celtis occidentalis. [1904.] Hardy catalpa, Catalpa speciosa. [1904.] Honey locust, Gleditsia triacanthos. [1904.] Norway spruce, Picea excelsa. [1903.] Osage orange, Toxylon pomiferum. [1904.] Red cedar, Juniperus virginiana. [1904.] Russian mulberry, Morus alba tatarica. [1904.] Silver maple, Acer saccharinum. [1904.] Sugar maple, Acer saccharum. [1904.] White ash, Fraxinus americana. [1903.] White oak, Quercus alba. [1903.] WOiite willow, Salix alba. [1904.] Field program [and Service notes] 8° and 16° [Monthly.] [From Aug. 1904 to Sept. 1906, title reads Field programme; from Oct. 190G to June, 1909, form used is Field program. Since Nov. 1906, a portion of the publication has been devoted to Service notes. Beginning Apr. 1907, Service orders and National forest orders, which were formerly usually Issued in mimeographed form only, have been printed here. With July, 1909, the size of the publication was reduced to 16° and the title slightly changed by including the name of the month at the beginning instead of at the end. Beginning July, 1905, the book number used is the date of the fiscal year.] 1904, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1905, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 1906, July, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, June, 1907, July, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, [None issued.] 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907, June, 1907 1908, July, 1907 Aug. 1907 Sept. 1907 Oct. 1907 Nov. 1907 Dec. 1907 Jan. 1908 Feb. 1908 Mar. 1908 Apr. 1908 May, 1908 June, 1908 Index, July, 1907-June, 1908 1909, July, 1908 Aug. 1908 Sept. 1908 Oct. 1908 Nov. 1908 Dec. 1908 Jan. 1909 Feb. 1909 Mar. 1909 Apr. 1909 May, 1909 June, 1909 Index, July, 1908-June, 1909 1910, July, 1909 Aug. 1909 Sept. 1909 Oct. 1909 Nov. 1909 Dec. 1909 248 Classiflcation no. A13.9: (nos.) A13.10: 905 1 9052 9053 905 4 905^ 905 « 906 907 1 9072 9073 907" 907 « 908 1 9082 9083 908 4 909 1 909 2 909 3 A13.il: 905 1 9052 9053 905 4 905 5 905^ 906 » Same, Sept. 1, 1905. Same, Oct. 3, 1905. Same, Nov. 15, 1905. Same, Jan. 25, 1906. A13. FOREST SERVICE— Continued Forest planting leaflets 1 See also A13 A -M. 13 See also AIS AM. 2 AS^ea^so A13.4:55. 14 See also A13 A -.67. 3 See also A13A:56. 15 See also A13 A -.68. 4 ^eeaZso A13.4:57. 16 See also AIS A -m. 5 See also A13 Am. 17 See also A13.A:70. 6 See also AIS. 4:59. 18 See also AIS. 4:71. 7 See also AIS. 4 .60. 19 Seealso AIS A :7 2. 8 See also A13. 4:61. 20 See also A13 A :7S. 9 See also A1S.4:62. 21 See also AIS. 4:7 4. 10 -^eeaZsoA13.4:63. 22 See also A13. 4 .75. 11 See also AIS. 4:64. 23 12 See also A13. 4:65. 24 See also A13 A .77. See, for later leaflets issued as Circulars, A13.4: Liocation and area of national forests Location and area of Federal forest reserves in United States, Alaska, and Porto Rico, Feb. 1, 1905. [1905.] [Location and area of] national forest reserves in United States, Alaska, and Porto Rico, July 1, 1905. [1905.] Same, Aug. 1, 1905. [1905.] [1905,] [1905.] [1905.] [1906.] Location, date of proclamation in force, and area of national forest re- serves in United States, Alaska, and Porto Rico, Jan. 1, 1907. Dec. 31, 1906. Location, date of latest proclamation, and area of national forest reserves in United States, Alaska, and Porto Rico, Feb. 1, 1907. Feb. 1, 1907. Location, date of latest proclamation, and area of national forests in United States, Alaska, and Porto Rico, Apr, 1, 1907. Apr. 22, 1907. Same, July 1, 1907. July 20, 1907. Same, Oct. 1, 1907. Oct. 3, 1907. Same, Jan. 1, 1908. Jan. 10, 1908. Same, Mar. 1, 1908. Mar. 17, 1908. Same, July 1, 1908. July 23, 1908. Location and area of national forests in United States, Alaska, and Porto Rico [Sept, 30, 1908], and dates when latest proclamations became effective. Oct. 12, 1908. Same [Feb. 28, 1909]. Mar. 10, 1909. Same [Mar. 31, 1909]. Apr. 7, 1909. Same [June 30, 1909], June 30, 1909, Lists of publications List of publications available July 1, 1905. Same, Aug. 1, 1905. [1905.] narrow 12" Same, Oct. 1, 1905. [1905.] narrow 12« Same, Nov. 1, 1905. [1905.] narrow 12'' Same, Nov. 22, 1905. [1905.] narrow 12^ Same, Dec, 15, 1905, [1905.] narrow 12° Same, Jan. 24, 1906, [1906,] narrow 12° [1905.] narrow 12° 249 Clamlflcatlon no. A13.il: 90G2 906 •' 906^ 9071 907 2 907 =» 907^ 907^ 907 « 907^ 9078 907 » 908 » 9082 9083 908^ 908^ 908 « 908 7 909 1 9092 9093 909* 909 5 A13.12: (nos.) A13.13: (CT) A13. FOREST SERVICE— Continued Ijlsts of publications— Continued Clasaified lint of publications available for distribution Mar. [190G.] narrow 12° Same, Mar. 30, 1906. [1906.] [1906.] [1907.] [1907.] [1907.] [1907.] [1907.] 10, 1906. Same, Nov. 1, Same, Feb. 1, Same, Mar. 1, Same, Apr. 1, 1906. 1907. 1907. 1907. Same, Apr. 20, 1907. Same, May 15, 1907. narrow 12° narrow 12** narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° Forest extension and replacement [publications concerning]. 1907, 4° Classified list of publications available for distribution July 20, 1907. [1907.] narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° narrow 12° Same, Oct. 1, 1907. Same, Nov. 1, 1907. Same, Jan. 1, 1908. Same, Jan. 15, 1908. Same, Feb. 5, 1908. Same, Mar. 1, 1908. Same, Apr. 10, 1908. Same, July 15, 1908. Same, Oct. 10, 1908. Same, Jan. 15, 1909. Same, Apr. 1, 1909. Same, July 1, 1909. Publications available for distribution Oct. 1, Same, Nov. 15, 1909. [1909.] narrow 8° Sllvical leaflets [1907.] [1907.] [1908.] [1908.] [1908.] [1908.] [1908.] [1908.] [1908.] [1909.] [1909.] [1909.] 1 18 2 19 3 20 4 21 5 22 6 23 7 24 8 25 9 26 10 27 11 28 12 2 editions 29 13 30 14 31 15 32 16 33 17 34 1909. [1909.] narrow 8° 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1 46 47 48 49 50 Maps t Not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. 250 A14. GARDENS AND GROUNDS DIVISION [The propagating garden started in 1858 was turned over ))y the commissioner of patents to the Department of Agriculture in 18(J2, and the Division of Gardens and Grounds was organized Sept. 1862. Merged into Bureau of Plant Industry, July 1, 1901; see A19. See, for history of division, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3:3i-3) and Yearbook, 1897 (Al. 10:897).] Classification no. AM.l: (date) A14.2: (CT) A14.3: (no8.) A14.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1862-1901 (except 1872-74, 1880, 1884, 1888, 1896, none issued), in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and for the latter part of its existence issued separately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 1 [No more issued.^ A15. IRRIGATION INQUIRY OFFICE [Investigations Into the question of irrigation were made by the Department of Agriculture from time to time almost from the establishment of the Department. The work began definitely in 1885-86 when a first report on Irrigation in United States was prepared; see Al5.2:Ir7 1. The Irrigation Inquiry Oihce was established by the Secretary of Agriculture Apr. 15, 1890, under a pro- vision in the urgent deficiency act approved Apr. 4, 1890 (Stat. L. v. 26, p. 42). The appropriations were continued by subsequent acts until June 30, 1896, when the office was discontinued.] Annual reports A15.1: (date) A15.2: Ar7 F22 Ir7^ See also reports under A15.2: Special agent in charge op artesian and underflow investi- gations AND OF IRRIGATION INQUIRY 1890, 1891, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and issued separately also. 1892 [None issued.] Special agent in charge of irrigation inquiry 1893, in annual report of Agriculture Department (Al.l :), but not issued separately. Irrigation Inquiry Office 1894, 1895, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), but not issued separately. 1896 [None issued.] General publications Artesian wells. Report on preliminary investigation to determine proper location of artesian wells within area of 97th meridian, and east of foothills of Rocky Mountains; [bv Richard J. Hinton and others]. 1890. * [2689-222] j Farmers. Needed reforms and laws for irrigation farmers of United States. Oct. 4, 1893. * Irrigation in United States; by Richard J. Hinton. 1887. (49th Cong. 2d sess. S. misc. doc. 15: serial no. 2450.) [Although this report was made prior to the establishment of the Irrigation Inquiry Office, it is classed here because it is a forerunner of the reports issued by this office.] See, for 2d [revised] edition, Y4.Ir7 *lAj:4*. 251 ClS88iflration no. A15.2: P94> • P942 A15.3: (nos.) A15.4: (nos.) A15. IRRIGATION INQUIRY OFFICE— Continued Gen eral pu blication s— Continued Irrigation . [ Report on irrigation, final report of artesian and underflow investigation and of irrigation inquiry conducted under acts approved Apr. 4, 1890, Sept. 30, 1890, and Mar. 3, 1891.1 1893. (52d Cong, let sess. S. ex. doc. 41; serial no. 2899.) [No serial title-page; 4 pts. bound in one v. with back title. Report on irri- gation.] Contents: pt. 1. Irrigation and cultivation of soil thereby, with physical data, conditions, . and progress within United States for 1891; by Richard J. Ilinton. 1893. pt. 2. Artesian and underflow investigation, final report of Edwin S. Nettleton. 1893. pt. 3. Final geological reports of artesian and underflow investigation between 97th meridian of longitude and foothills of Rocky Mountains; by Robert Hay. 1893. pt. 4. Final report on mid-plains division of artesian and underflow investigation between 97th meridian of longitude west of Greenwich and foothills of Rocky Mountains, by J. W. Gregory; and Special report on certain arte- sian conditions in South Dakota, by Fred F. B. Cofhn. 1893. Progress report on irrigation in United States [for 1890], pt. 1; by Richard J. Hinton. 1891. [2818-53, pt. 1] Same, pt. 2, Progress report of artesian and underflow investigation between 97th degree of west longitude and foothills of Rocky Mountains; by E. S. Nettleton. 1891. (51st Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 53, pt. 2; serial no. 2818.) Bulletins 1 [No more issued.] Circulars [None issued.] A16. LABOR EMPLOYMENT BOARD [Appointed according to regulations issued by the President^ July 2, 1902. Discontinued at some time after 1904, and work taken over by Civil Senice Commission.] A16.1: (date) A16.2: In7^ In72 R26 A16.3: (nos.) A16.4: (nos.) ar. 21 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Instructions to applicants for appointment to position of mere unskilled laborer in Department of Agriculture at Washington, D. C. July 18, 1902. Same. Mar. 21, 1904. Regulations governing appointment to position of mere unskilled laborer under Department of Agriculture in District of Columbia. July 2, 1902. Biaietins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] A17. LIBRARY [The first appropriation for the library was that made in 1864 for the library and laboratory jointly. The collection of books had its beginning in the transfer in 1869 of the works on agriculture from the Horary of the Patent Office. See, for information concerning the library, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3:3i-8) and Yearbook, 1897 (A1.10:897).] A17.1: (date) Annual reports [1894-1909 (except 1895-97, none issued), in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and usually issued separately also.] 252 Classification no. A17.2: D46 A17.3: (no8.) A17. LIBRARY— Continued General publications Desiderata. List of desiderata [Agriculture Department Library], Nov. 1905. Bulletins 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Same, supplement 1 Same, errata 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 1 75 A17.4: Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] tA17.5: List of duplicates offered as exchanges (nos.) 1 2 [3] Duplicate publications available for exchange, Nov. 2, 1905. 1905. [4] Same, Mar. 12, 1906. 1906. A18. MICROSCOPY DIVISION [Established in 1871; became a division In 1885; abolished In 1895.3 A18.1: Annual reports (date) [1871-94 (except 1877-84, none Issued), in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and 1889-93, issued separately also.] A18.2: General publications F44 Fibrine and bacteria; by T. Taylor, n. d. * M58 Microtome. Letter of C. P. Lyman to Thomas Taylor on work of his microtome. Sept. 30, 1881. * N16 Naphthaline as an insecticide, etc., its effect on seeds, plants, and ani- mals; by T. Taylor. 1883. * t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Library of the Department of Agriculture has since discontinued the Accessions to Depart- ment library, which from 1894 to 1909 was issued quarterly and incorporated in the regular series of Bulletins (A17.3:), the last Accessions list so issued being no. 74. The Library has substituted a new series of publications, the first issue being v. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1910. This has necessitated an additional class under A17., the series title of which is as follows: A17.6: Monthly bulletin (v. nos.) 253 ClaHKiflcatlon nu. A18. MIC A18.3: BuUetins (no8.) [None issued.] A18.4: Circulars (DOS.) [None issued.] A18.5: Food products (no8.) 1 3 editions 2 2 editions 3 MICROSCOPY DIVISION— Continued A19. PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU Division, see A24; VeRotablo Pliysiology and Pathology Division, see A28; also Arlington Experimental Fami and Tea Investigations and Experiments Office. See, for information concerning bureau, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3-.3 »-«).] A19.1: (date) A19.2: Ag8 A12' A122 AI2: A12* A125 A12' A12 An8^ An82 B37 B45 B62 B63 B78 Annual reports [1901-09, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al. also.] :), and issued separately General publications Agriculture Department. Le travail du D^partement d'Agriculture des Etats-Unis. 1905. narrow 16° [6'6e, for other information con- cerning the history, work, and organization of the Department, the various editions under A21.3:3 and A21.4:, also Yearbook, 1897 (A1.10:897).] Alfalfa, Medicago sativa, instructions adapted to sand-hill section of Nebraska; [by H. N. Vinall].^ Feb. 1909. narrow f '^ Same, instructions adapted to New York and New England States; [by J. M. Westgate]. July 7, 1909. narrow f ° Same, instructions adapted to Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, eastern Kansas, and eastern Nebraska; [by J. M. Westgate]. July 7, 1909. narrow f° Same, instructions adapted to eastern Oregon and eastern Washing- ton; [by J. M. Westgate]. July 7, 1909. Alfalfa. Drought-resistant alfalfas, Medicago sativa, instructions adapted to western Nebraska, western Kansas, eastern Colorado, Oklahoma, and western Texas; [by J. M. Westgate]. July 9, 1909. narrow f« Alfalfa. Cold-resistant alfalfas, Medicago sativa, instructions adapted to Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Mon- tana; [by J. M. Westgate]. July 7, 1909. narrow f *» Alfalfa, Medicago sativa, instructions adapted to Pennsylvania, West .Viminia, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia, and Southern States, except western Texas; [by J. M. Westgate]. July 7, 1909. narrow f« See also entries under A19.6:A1 2. Anthracnose. Bean anthracnose. Dec. 9, 1907. Anthracnose. Cotton anthracnose. Dec. 9, 1907. Bean. Soy bean, Glycine hispida; [by H. T. Nielsen], narrow f ° Jan. 1909. Bermuda grass, Cynodon dactylon; narrow f ° [by H. N. Vinall]. Jan. 1909. Bluegrass. Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis L.; [by R. A. Oakley! . Jan. 1909. narrow f Boll-weevil. Agricultural methods for boll- weevil districts; by S. A. Knapp. Feb. 21, 1905. 12" [Brome-grass] Bromus inermis; [by R. A. Oakley]. Jan. 1909. nar- row f° 254 Classification no. A19.2: B871 B87 2 B881 B882 C491 C492 C493 C49^ C49^ C49« C621 C622 C62=» C711 C712 C71-^ C71^ C811 C812 C831 C832 C833 D261 D26 2 F221 F222 F223 F22* F225 F22« A19. PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU— Continued General puMieations — Continued Bulbs. Directions for planting bulbs. [1907.] Same. July 20, 1909. Bur clover, Medicago arabica and Medicago denticulata. [1907.] nar- row large 8** Bur clover [Medicago macula ta and Medicago denticulata; by C. V. Piper]. July 7, 1909. 4« Citrange, new citrus fruit. [Dec. 9, 1907.] Same. [Dec. 9, 1907] reissued Aug. 10, 1908. Citrange. Distribution of seedling citranges by Department of Agri- culture; [by Walter T. Swingle]. Jan. 6, 1909. Citrange. Conditions under which citranges are distributed in warm regions by Department of Agriculture; [by Walter T. Swingle]. Jan. 6, 1909. Same, in cold regions by Department of Agriculture; [by Walter T. Swingle]. Jan. 6, 1909. Citrus trifoliata. Distribution of seedlings of large-flowered Citrus tri- foliata by Department of Agriculture; [by Walter T. Swingle]. Jan. 6, 1909. See, for specific varieties, entries under A19.2:C71^-*, M84^-^, R89, R92i'^ Sa9i-3. See also reports on distribution of different varieties under A19.6:C71, M84i'^ R89l-^ R92, W67i-3. Clover. Crimson clover seed. Aug. 18, 1904. Clover. Red clover, Trifolium pra tense ; [by Nickolas Schmitz]. Jan. 1909. narrow large 8° Clover. Crimson clcTver, Trifolium incarnatum; [by C. V. Piper]. July 7, 1909. narrow f « [See also A19.6:C86 ^] Colman citrange; [by Herbert J. Webber]. [1st edition.] [Dec. 9, 1907.] [Reprinted, with slight changes, from New citrus and pineapple productions of Department of Agriculture, which appeared in the Yearbook, 1906; see A1.10:906, p. 331.] Same. [2d^dition.] [Dec. 9, 1907] reissued Aug. 15, 1908. Same. [3d edition.] [Dec. 9, 1907] reprinted Jan. 30, 1909. Same. 4th edition. Nov. 1, 1909. iSeeaZso A19. 6 :C71. Corn. Testing seed corn for germination. Mar. 19, 1907. 4° Corn. Testing seed corn [in seed laboratory of Plant Industry Bureau]. Jan. 22, 1908. 4° Cowpea seed for 1907. Feb. 26, 1907. 4« Cowpea seed . Testing cowpea seed for germination . Mar . 10, 1908 . 4° Cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata; [by H. T. Nielsen]. 'Jan. 1909. narrow large 8"^ Date orchard. Starting seedling date orchard; [by Walter T. Swingle]. [Mar. 16, 1907.] 16° Same. [Jan. 24, 1908.] 16« Farms. Model plan for southern farm. June 21, 1907. 16° Farmers' bulletins contributed by Bureau of Plant Industry, Jan. 1907- Dec. 1908, nos. 274-339 [title-page and contents]. 1909. [The Farmers' bulletins referred to form part of the series listed under A1.9:] Farmers' cooperative demonstration work. Field instructions for farmers' cooperative demonstration work; [by S. A. Knapp]. Feb. 29, 1908. Same, Revised edition. Apr. 6, 1908. Same. [Revised edition.] [Apr. 6, 1908] reissued Mar. 15, 1909. Same. 2d revision. Nov. 10, 1909. 255 ClaMsiflratlun no. A19.2: F22' F22» F22» F41' F412 F413 F41* F41* F41« F46 F74^ F74 2 F941 F942 F943 G43» G432 G433 076 1 076^ G763 G76^ In7i In7- In73 In7^ Iii7^ In7« Kill KIP K113 Kll* All). PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU— (ontinued General publications— Continued Farming. Familiar talks on farming: Cultivation of crop; [by S. A. Knapp]. Apr. 15, 1908. Same: DiverHification; [by S. A. Knapp]. June 30, 1908. Farm notes [for the South; by S. A. Knapp]. June 16, 1909. Fertilizers. Economize, cut down expenses of farm [by use of] home fertilizers; [by S. A. Knapp]. [Mar. 4, 1908.] Same. [Mar. 4, 1908] reprint Nov. 19, 1908. Same. Dec. 11, 1909. Fertilizers. Field instructions for farmers' cooperative demonstration work, commercial fertilizers, their uses and cost; [by S. A. Knapp]. Apr. 15, 1908. Same, their uses and value; [by S. A. Knapp]. Feb. 15, 1909. Fertilizers. Commercial fertilizers, their uses and value; [by S. A. Knapp]. Dec. 13, 1909. [This edition omits the words "Field instructions, etc., used at beginning of title of 2 previous editions (A19.2:F41*'S).] Figs. Cooperative distribution of new varieties of Smyrna figs and caprifigs; [by Walter T. Swingle]. Jan. 25, 1909. Forage crop seed. Plan of distributing forage crop seed and cultural directions for crops distributed. [1902.] 16° Forage crops. Cooperative experiments with forage crops, autumn of 1907-Bpring of 1908. Apr. 18, 1907. [See also A19.6:F74.] Fruits. Instructions regarding preservation of fruits in antiseptic fluids. [1907.] 40 Fruits. Instructions for packing and mailing specimens of fresh fruit, [1908.] 4« Fruits. Directions for selecting, preparing, and sending specimens of fruits; [by]G. B. Brackett. [1908.] 4° [Publication bears the designation Circular 3 revised, but it does not belong to the regular series of Circulars of the Plant Industry Bureau, for which seeAldA:] Ginseng. [Letter giving information in regard to ginseng; by Fred- erick V. Coville.] [1904.] 4« Same; [by Rodney H. True]. Oct. 20, 1906. 4° Ginseng. American ginseng; [by Rodney H. True]. June 4, 1909. Grapes. Factors affecting keeping quality of table grapes while in transit and in storage; [by A. V. Stubenrauch]. Aug. 6, 1908. Grasses. Directions for preparing herbarium specimens of grasses; [by A. S. Hitchcock and Agnes Chase]. Mar. 1, 1909. Grase mixture for moist meadows. [1909.] 4* Grass mixture for hay for sections south of timothy region. [1909.] Inoculating material. Directions for using inoculating material [for seed and soil]. [1907.] 4« Same [with slight change in text]. [1907.] 4" Inoculating material. Directions for using inoculating material [for seed]. [1907.] 4° Inoculating material. Directions for using inoculating material [for seed and soil]; sheet A. [1907.] 4° Same; sheet B. [1907.] 4« Same; sheet C. [1907.] 4« Kafir-corn. Pink kafir, Andropogon sorghum; [by A. B. Conner]. Jan. 1909. narrow large 8° Kafir-corn. Red kafir, Andropogon sorghum var.; [by A. B. Con- ner]. Jan. 1909. narrow large 8** Kafir-corn. BlackhuU kafir, form of Andropogon sorghum. [1909.] narrow 8*' Kafir-corn. Red kafir, form of Andropogon sorghum. [1909.] narrow 8<* 256 Classification no. A19.2: K84 L96 M631 M632 M841 M842 M843 M84* On4 P21 P67 P93 P96 ES9 R92» R922 R98 Sa2 Sa92 Sa93 SeS^ Se32 Se33 Se3^ Se3* Se3« Se3' Se38 T31 T551 T552 A19. PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Kowliang, form of Andropogon sorghum. [1909.] narrow 8" Lucern. Sand lucern, Medicago sativa varia; [by J. M. Westgate]. July 8, 1909. Milo, form of Andropogon sorghum. Mar. 12, 1908. narrow large 8" Milo. Dwarf milo, Andropogon sorghum var. ; [by A. B. Conner]. Jan. 1909. narrow large 8*> Morton citrange; [by Herbert J. Webber]. [Ist edition.] [Dec. 9, 1907.] [Reprinted, with slight changes, from New fruit productions of Department of Agriculture, which appeared in the Yearbook, 1905; see A1.10:905, p. 276.] Same. [2d edition.] [Dec. 9, 1907] reissued Aug. 25, 1908. Same. [3d edition.] [Dec. 9, 1907] reissued Jan. 30, 1909. Same. [4th, incorrectly printed as] 5th edition. Nov. 3, 1909. See also entries under A19.6:M84 ^> 2. Onion. Wild onion; [by J. S. Cates and H. R. Cox]. Nov. 30, 1908. Para grass, Panicum barbinode; [by S. M. Tracy]. Jan. 1909. nar- row 8« [See also A19.6:P21.] Pistache nut; [by Walter T. Swingle]. [1907.] 4° Prickly pears. Spineless prickly pears. Nov. 1909. Publications. List of publications of Office of Grass and Forage Plant Investigations and Division of Agrostology; by W. J. Spillman. 1902. [See, for later lists of publications, A19.10:] Rusk citrange; [by Herbert J. Webber and Walter T. Swingle]. Nov. 1, 1909. [See also entries under A19.6:R89 ^-^.] Rustic citrange; [by Herbert J. Webber]. [Dec. 9, 1907.] Same. [Dec. 9, 1907] reissued Aug. 28, 1908. See also A19. 6 :B,92. Rye-grass. Italian rye-grass, Lolium italicum ; [by H.N. Vinall] . Jan . 1909. narrow large 8° St. Louis, Mo. Visitors' guide to exhibits of Bureau of Plant Industry at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; by J. E. Rock- well. 1904. 16° Savage citrange; [by Herbert J. Webber]. [Dec. 9, 1907.] Same. [Dec. 9, 1907] reissued Aug. 18, 1908. Same. [Dec. 9, 1907] reissued Feb. 15, 1909. Seeds. List of seeds wanted, season of 1907. [1907.] 16° Seed testing; [by Edgar Brown]. Nov. 1, 1907. 4° Seed-testing. Nebraska cooperative seed-testing laboratory [to be es- tablished at Lincoln, Nebr.]. Jan. 4, 1908. ^ Seed-testing. Oregon cooperative seed-testing laboratory [to be estab- lished at Corvallis, Oreg.]. Aug. 23, 1909. 4° Seed selection for southern farms; [by S. A. Knapp and D.N. Barrow]. July 31, 1908. Seeds. Selection of cotton and com seed for southern farms; [by S. A. Knapp]. June 22, 1909. Seed beds. Deep fall plowing and seed bed; [by S. A. Knapp]. Oct. 1, 1908. Seed beds. Fall-breaking and preparation of seed bed; [by S. A. Knapp]. Sept. 8, 1909. Texas. Agricultural conditions in southern Texas [and advice on going into orange growing]. Mar. 22, 1909. Tobacco seed. Plan of distributing tobacco seed and cultural directions for different types of tobacco distributed. [1902.] 16° [See also entries under A19.6:T55.] Tobacco investigations. Plans for continuation of tobacco investiga- tions in Texas; [by W. W. Gamer]. Dec. 14, 1909. 257 no. A19.2: V64» V642 A19.3: (no8.) A19. PliANT INDUSTRY BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued "Vetch. Hairy vetch, Vicia viilosa; [by C. V. Piper]. July 7, 1909. Vetch. Common vetch or tares, Vicia sativa; [by C. V. Piper]. July 7, 1909. Bulletins large 8° and 8» See, for contents and index to Bulletins 1-100, A19.3:101. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51, 52 53 54 55 56 57 2 editiona See, for revision, A19. 3:119. 2 editions 6 pts. [Issued separately and also in one pamphlet.] 2 editions 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72, 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90, 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100, 101 102, 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 4 p ts . [Issued separa tely (pt . 1 revised), and also in one pamphlet.] 4 p ts . [Issued separately and also in one pamphlet.] See, for abstract, A19.6 :T55 *» •. 8 pts. [Issued separately and also in one pamphlet.] 7 pts. [Issued separately and also in one pamphlet.] 82452^—11 17 258 Classification A19. PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU— Continued no. A19.3: Bulletins— Continued (no8.) 111, 5pts. [Issued separately and 139 also in one pamphlet.] 140 112 141 , 5 pts . [Issued separately and also in one pamphlet.] 113 114 142 115 143 116 144 117 145 118 146 119 (revision of 34) 147 120 148 121, 6pts. [Issued separately and in one pamphlet.] 149 also 150 122 151 123 152 124 153 125 154 126 155 127 156 128 157 129 158 130 159 131, 5pts. [Issued separately and 160 also in one pamphlet.] 161 132 162 133 163 t 134 164 t 135 165 136 166 t 137 167 t 138 168 A19.3«: Bulletins (separates) • (CT) A19.4:: Circulars (no8.) 1 2 editions 25 2 26 [Withdrawn.] 3t Same, with corrections on p. 4 14 and 17 5 27 6 28 7 29 8 30 9 31 10 32 11 33 12 34 13 35 14 36 15 37 16 38 17 39 18 40 19 41 20 42 21 43 22 44t 23 45 1 24 46 t Not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. JThe 1 p. 4** publication which appeared in 1908 with title Directions for selecting, preparing, and sending specimens of fruits, and which bore the designation "Circulars, revised " is not a circular of this series. It is classed under A19.2:F942. 259 Classlflcatlon no. A19.5: (sec. no8.) A19.6: A12' A122 A123 A12* A12^ A12« A127 A128 B211 B212 B2P B24 B26 B87 C16 C22» C222 C223 C391 C392 C393 C71 C82' C822 C823 C82* C825 C82« C827 C86» C862 F36 F74 G45 A19. PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU— Continued Distribution of novelties and specialties IQ* sec. I sec. 2 sec. 3 sec. 4 sec. 5 sec. 5a sec. 6 sec. 6a Seed and plant introduction and distribution Alfalfa, Medicagosativa. [1907.] narrow f** Same. Jan. 1908. narrow large 8° Same. Jan. 1908. narrow f** Alfalfa. Arabian alfalfa, Medicago sativa var. Feb. 1908. Alfalfa, Medicago eativa, instructions adapted to eastern Oregon and eastern Washington. Feb. 1908. Same, instructions adapted to irrigated and humid sections of west- ern half of United States. Feb. 1908. 4« Alfalfa. Cold -resistant alfalfas, Medicago sativa, instructions adapted to Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. Feb. 1908. narrow large 8** Alfalfa. Drought-resistant alfalfas, Medicago sativa, instructions adapted to western Nebraska, western Kansas, eastern Colorado, Oklahoma, and western Texas. Feb. 1908. narrow large 8° See also entries under A19.2:A1 2. Bamboo. Cultural directions for bamboo. Apr. 7, 1908. 12® Same. June 1, 1908. 12" Same. [June 1, 1908] reissued Sept. 21, 1908. 12« Barley. Winter barley, Hordeum vulgare. [1907.] narrow 8° Barnyard millet, Panicum crus-galli. Jan. 1908. 4^ Bulb distribution [gladiolus]. [1904.] 4« Canada bluegrass, Poa compressa. Jan. 1908. narrow lai^e 8° Carob. Cultural directions for carob. Jan. 21, 1908. Same. June 1, 1908. Same. [June 1, 1908] reissued Sept. 25, 1908. Chayote, new winter vegetable from the South; [by David Fairchildl. [Feb. 3, 1908.] Same. [June 1, 1908.] Same. [June 1, 1908] reissued Sept. 25, 1908. Colman citrange. Distribution of Colman citrange in 1907; [by Herbert J. Webber]. Apr. 18, 1907. [See also entries under A19.2: C711-*.] Cotton seed. Distribution of cotton seed in 1903; by Herbert J. Web- ber. 1903. Same, in 1905. 2d edition. Jan. 13, 1905. Cotton seed. Distribution of Centerville sea island cotton seed; [by William A. Orton]. [Feb. 17, 1905.] Cotton seed. Distribution of cotton seed in 1906; [by Herbert J. Web- ber]. Apr. 30, 1906. Same, in 1907; [by Herbert J. Webber]. May 20, 1907. Same, in 1908; [by D. N. Shoemaker]. Jan. 31, 1908. Same, in 1909; [by D. N. Shoemaker]. Jan. 15, 1909. Crimson clover, Trifolium incamatum. [1907.1 narrow f*> [See also A19.2:C623.] Creeping bent, Agrostis stolonifera. Jan. 1908. 4* Fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum. [1907.] small 4» Forage crops. Cooperative experiments with forage crops, autumn of 1906-spring of 1907. Apr. 20, 1906. [See also A19.2:F742.] Gladiolus. Variety collection of gladiolus. [1905.] 260 Classification no. A19.6: G74 G94 Ir6i Ir62 K95 L53 M61 M69 M841 M842 M85 OaSi OaS^ Oa83 P21 R31 R891 R892 R893 R92 Sca7 Sel She So6 Su5 T15 T551 T55 = T553 T55* T55* T55« T557 A19. PLANT INDUSTKY BTJBEAU— Continued Seed and plant introduction and distribution — Con. Gourd. Further directions in regard to proper shaping and handling of South African pipe gourd; [by David Fairchild and G. N. Collins]. [1909.] [Extract with slight changes from South Afri- can pipe calabash, for which see A19.4:41.] Guinea grass, Panicum maximum. Jan. 1908. Iron cowpea, variety resistant to wilt and root-knot; [by William A. Orton]. [1903.] Iron cowpea; by W. A. Orton. Jan. 16, 1904. Kudzu, Pueraria thunbergiana. [1909.] small 4^ Lei tehee. Chinese cultural methods for lei tehee, Litchi chinensis; by William N. Brewster. June 5, 1909. Millet Chaetochloa italica. [1907.] Mitsumata, Cultural directions for mitsumata, Japanese paper plant: [by David Fairchild]. [Feb. 1, 1908.] Morton citrange. Distribution of Morton citrange in 1906; [by Herbert J. Webber]. Feb. 12, 1906. Same, in 1907; [by Herbert J. Webber]. Jan. 25, 1907. See also entries under A19.2:M84^-*. Moth bean, Phraseolus aconitifolius. Jan. 1908. small 4® Oats. Burt oats, Avena sativa. Feb. 1908. oblong 32® Oats. Sixty-day oats, Avena sativa. Feb. 1908. oblong 32" Oats. Swedish select oats, Avena sativa. Feb. 1908. oblong 32<* Para grass, Panicum barbinode. Jan. 1908. [See also A19.2:P21.] Rescue grass, Bromus unioloides. [1907.] Rusk citrange. Distribution of Rusk citrange in 1905; [by Herbert J. Webber]. Feb. 25, 1905. Same, in 1906; [by Herbert J. Webber]. Feb. 12, 1906. Same, in 1907; [by Herbert J. Webber]. Jan. 25, 1907. See also A19.2:R89. Rustic citrange. Distribution of rustic citrange in 1907; [by Herbert J. Webber]. Mar. 2, 1907. [See also entries under A19.2: Scarlet vetch, Vicia fulgens. Jan. 1908. 4<> Sea kale. Cultural directions for sea kale. [1907.] 12*> Shipping directions. General shipping and mailing directions for seeds and plants. May 15, 1909. narrow 8" Sorgos or sweet sorghums, Andropogon sorghum var. Jan. 1908. nar- row 8° Sulla, Hedysarum coronarium. [1907.] oblong 24° Tangier pea, Lathyrus tingitanus. Jan. 1908. 4° Tobacco seed. Plan of distributing tobacco seed, and cultural direc- tions for different types of tobacco distributed; by A. J. Pieters. Oct. 10, 1903. [See also entries under A19.2:T55.] Tobacco. Description of varieties of tobacco and cultural directions to accompany [tobacco] seed distributed in 1904-05. Oct. 31, 1904. 16« Tobacco seed, Brazilian. [1905.] 4« Tobacco seed. Cultural directions for tobacco seed distributed in 1905-06. Dec. 11, 1905. 16° Tobacco. Brief cultural directions for tobacco. Nov. 6, 1906. 16* [This is an abstract of Bulletin 91 (A19.3:91).] Same. Dec. 19, 1907. 8° Tobacco. Brief directions for cultivation of tobacco, 1909; [articles by A. D. Shamel and E. H. Mathewson]. Nov. 20, 1908. 261 Classification no. A19.6: Ud7» Ud7' V54 W67' W672 W673 W71 W72» W722 W723 W72* A19.7: Sche^ Sch62 Sch63 A19.8: (date) A19.9: B411 B412 M66 N81 Su7 T76 Uml W67 A19.10: (date) A19. PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU— Continued Seed and plant introduction and distribution— Con. Udo. Two methods of growing udo, Japanese salad plant; (by David Fairchildj. Apr. 30, 1908. Udo. Culinary directions for kan udo. Sept. 10, 1909. oblong 24® Velvet grass, Holcus lanatus. Jan. 1908, 12<> Willits citrange. Distribution of Willite citrange in 1905; [by Herbert J. Webber]. Feb. 25, 1905. Same, in 1906; [by Herbert J. Webber]. Feb. 12, 1906. Same, in 1907; [by Herbert J. Webber]. Jan. 25, 1907. Wilt-resistant Jackson cotton. [1906.] 16° Window gardens. Directions for making window gardens; [by W. W. Tracy, sr.]. Mar. 28, 1904. 16« Same. 2d edition revised. Jan. 31, 1905. 16° Same. 3d edition revised. [Jan. 2, 1909.] Same. 4th edition. [Mar. 20, 1909.] 16° Horticultural investigations School garden; [by L. C. Corbett]. [Ist edition.] [Feb. 25, 1904.] Same. [2d edition.] [Jan. 25, 1905.] Same. 3d edition revised. [Mar. 18, 1905.] [List of] bulletins of Bureau of Plant Industry 1905, Sept. Dec. 1906, Jan. June Aug. 1907, Jan. May May ■ [Discontinued. See, for similar information of later date, A19.10:] Hints to settlers [on irrigation projects] See, for publications relating to irrigation projects issued by Recla- mation Service, 1 19.17^"^: and 127. Belle Fourche project. Hints to settlers on Belle Fourche project, S. Dak.; [by C. A. Jenson]. Mar. 17, 1909. Same. [Mar. 17, 1909] reissued Mar. 27, 1909. Minidoka project. Hints to settlers on Minidoka project, Idaho; [by Alex. McPherson]. Mar. 19, 1909. North Platte project. Hints to settlers on North Platte project, Nebr.; [by J. A. Warren]. Mar. 24, 1909. Sun River project. Hints to settlers on Sun River project, Mont.; [by J. S. Cotton and W. A. Remington]. Apr. 5, 1909. Truckee-Carson project. Hints to settlers on Truckee-Carson project, Nev.; [by Thos. H. Means and Shober J. Rogers]. Mar. 9, 1909. Umatilla project. Hints to settlers on Umatilla project, Oreg.; [by . Byron Hunter]. Aug. 5, 1909. Williston project. Hints to settlers on Williston project, N. Dak.; [by J. C. McDowell]. Mar. 27, 1909. [List of] publications of Bureau of Plant Industry See, for earlier lists, A19.2:P96 and Al9.8:905'-908^ 1909, Feb. 13 June 12 Sept. 13 Nov. 16 1910, Feb. 26 [Discontinued.] 8 narrow f ° 1907, Aug. 31 15 Nov. 23 31 1908, Feb. 12 1 * Apr. 24 20 * July 1 16 Aug. 3 13 Dec. 29 28 262 A20. POMOLiOGY DIVISION [Established July 1, 1886, in accordance with act of Congress. Merged into Bureau of Plant Industry, Taly 1, 1901, see A19. See, for history of division. Historical sketch of D€ and Yearbook, 1897 (Al. 10:897).] Classiflcatlon no. )epartnient of Agriculture (A21.3:3i-«) A20.1: (date) A20.2: N95 A20.3: (nos.) A20.4 : (nos.) Annual reports [1886-1901, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and usually issued separately also.] General publications Nut culture in United States, embracing native and introduced spe- cies; [by W.„P. Corsa]. 1896. large 8° Bulletins 2 editions 10 Circulars [Reprinted from report of pomologist for 1894.] 1 2 2 editions 3 [1st edition] [3] Same, revised [Erroneously numbered 40.] 3 Same, reprint with correct number A21. PUBLICATIONS DIVISION A Division of Records and Editing was organized July 1 Department of Agriculture, 1891, approved July 14, 1890 under act making appropriations for I, approvea July 14, i«yo. 'inis division was absorbed and succeeded by'the Division of Publications, wkich was established July 1, 1895, under the appropriations act for 1896, approved Mar. 2, 1895. See, for Information concerning division, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3:3i-3).] A21.1: (date) A21.2 Ag8 At6 B97 C33 C491 C492 C82 C83 Eu7 M46 Annual reports [1890-1909, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and issued sepa- rately also. Prior to the establishment of the division, reports of the editor, 1868-71, appeared in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), but were not issued separately. Between 1872 and 1889, there were no reports except a report of the Secretary rela- tive to establishment and work of the division, which appeared in annual report of Agriculture Department, 1889 (Al.l:889), and was also issued separately.] General publications Agriculture Department. Department of Agriculture and its work; by George William Hill. Aug. 6, 1898. [See, for further informa- tion concerning the history, work, and organization of the De- partment, Yearbook, 1897 (Al. 10:897), and the various editions under A21.3:3 and A21.4:] Atlanta, Ga. Organization of Department of Agriculture and list of its exhibits at Cotton States and International Exposition, At- lanta, Ga., Sept. 18, 1895-Jan. 1, 1896. 1895. IG^ Butter making. Report on recently patented process of butter making; by D. E. Salmon. Nov. 20, 1897. Cereal production of Europe. Mar. 2, 1908. narrow large 8*^ Circulars issued by the various divisions of Department of Agriculture to Nov. 1, 1897. [1897.] Circulars of information [issued by the various divisions of Department of Agriculture]. [1896.] Cotton-boll wee\il. Present status of cotton boll weevil. June 24, 1908. Cowpea seed. July 12, 1907. European grain trade. Mar. 2, 1908, narrow large 8° Meat inspection. Report of committee on charges of [J. F.] Harms against meat-inspection service. July 2, 1909. 263 ClusiflCAtlon no. A21.2! N35 P92 P96» P962 P963 R29 R92 Se3 W69 A21.3: (nos.) A21.4:: (nos.) A21.5: (ed. nos.) A21. PUBLICATIONS DIVISION— Continued General publications— Continued Neosho Valley. Investigation of Neoeho Valley floods by drainage engineers of Office of Experiment Stations. Mar. 25, 1908. nar- row f o ^ Preservatives. Methods of studying effect of preservatives and other substances added to foods upon health and digestion, address delivered before National Association of State Dairy and Food Commissioners, St. Paul, July 21, 1903; [by H. W. Wiley]. July 17, 1903. Publication work [of Department of Agriculture] as affected by law of Jan. 12, 1895. Jan. 18, 1897. Publications. Notes regarding Department [of Agriculture] publi- cations. Sept. 19, 1896. Publications available. Special list of publications of Department of Agriculture available Apr. 10, 1899, for distribution to corre- spondents and others rendering service to Department. [1899.] Reprints. [List of] Congressional reprints for sale by superintendent of documents. Apr. 30, 1897. Russia's wheat trade. Mar. 25, 1908. narrow i° Seed distribution. Proposed change in method of seed distribution. Jan. 15, 1895. * Wilson, James. Speech by James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, delivered July 7, 1902, at School of Agriculture Columbus, Ohio. July 17, 1902. Btilletlns [1] Index to annual reports of Department of Agriculture, 1837-93; [by George F. Thompson]. 1896. [This superseded two earlier in- dexes; see Al. 8:14, 42.] 1 Same [reprint, 1899]. 6 2 7 3 3 editions 8 4 9 5 Circulars t 7 editions 8 editions 6 editions 7 editions 2 editions 2 editions See, for earlier editions, A21.5: See, for earlier editions, A21.8: Lis^t of bulletins and circulars Issued by Depart- ment of Agriculture available for free distri- bution ([Publication] 247.) [Ist edition] Corrected to Nov. 1, 1897 [2d edition] Corrected to Oct. 1, 1898 3d edition 6th edition 9th edition 12th edition 4th edition 7th edition 10th edition 13th edition 5th edition 8th edition 11th edition 14th edition See, for later editions, A21.4:2. t Beginning with Jan. 1911, the Division of Publications has issued certain Circu- lars (A21. 4:7-18, etc.) each of which lists available publications of individual bureaus or divisions of the Department of Agriculture. These Publications Division Circulars supersede certain previous lists issued by the Publications Division, such as A21.4:2, 3, and also similar lists formerly issued by other bureaus and divisions of the Department. These new Circulars do not cover the same ground as some of the previous lists, because they contain entries for available publications only and are not complete lists. 264 Classification no. A21. PUBLICATIONS DIVISION— Continued A21.6^: I Monthly list of publications [of Agriculture De- (date) partment] [Issued as a one-page circular of various sizes up to Mar. 1896, when it became a pam- phlet of from 3 to 8 pages, without title-page, in which form it is still issued.] 1892, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1893, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1894, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1895, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1896, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2 editions 1897, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1898, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1899, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1900, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. ' May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1901, 1902, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1903, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July 2 editions Aug. 2 editions Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1904, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Der-. 1905, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1906, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 265 CUssiAcAtion no. A21.6': (date) A21.62: (date) A21.7: (CT) A21.8: (ed. nos.) A21. PUBLICATIONS DIVISION-Continued MonthJy list of publications [of Ag:rlculture De- partment]— Continued 1907, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 1904, Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1905, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec 1906, Jan. Press notices [Synoptical notices of publications which are to appear. Distributed in large numbers to the press for copy.] [Price list of] publications of Department of Agri- culture for sale by superintendent of docu- ments ([Publication] 179.) [Ist edition] Feb. 19, 1896 6th edition Feb. 1, 1900 Same, supplement. Aug. 31, 7th edition July 1, 1900 1896 [Erroneously called 8th edition Aug. ] , 1901 Circular 179.] 9th edition Aug. 1, 1902 2d edition] Oct. 1, 1896 10th edition May 1, 1903 '3d edition] Oct. 1, 1897 11th edition May 1, 1904 4th edition] July 1, 1898 12th edition Feb. 1, 1905 5th edition Feb. 1, 1899 13th edition Mar. 1, 1906 See, for later editions, A21.4:3. 1908, Jan. Includes Dec. 1907.] 1909 , Jan. Feb. Feb. and Mar. Mar. and Apr. Apr. and May May and June June July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. publications [of Agriculture D r foreign distribution] t 1906, Feb. 1908 ,Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. May Apr. May June June July July Aue. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. 1907, Jan. 1909 , Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. May Apr. M^y June June July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. 1908, Jan. t Discontinued with Oct. 1910 issue. 266 Classlflcation no. tA21.9i: (date) A21. PUBLICATIONS DIVISION— Continued Farmers' bulletins [available for distribution] various sizes [Prior to 1907, some are 4° and some narrow f ». Beginning 1907, all are 8°.] 1896, July 10 Oct. 7 1897, Feb. 1 Apr. 1 June 1 1898-1904 * 1905, July 27 Oct. 3 Dec. 16 1906, Jan. 10 Mar. 8 1907, Mar. 22 May 16 Sept. 27 Oct. 15 Dec. 7 1908, Jan. 11 Mar. 13 1908, Apr. 3 May 11 June 12 July 30 Oct. 8 Dec. 1 1909, Jan. 15 Mar. 31 Apr. 20 1909, May 15 May 25 June 10 July 22 Oct. 20 Dec. 20 A22. PUBIilC ROADS OFFICE Formerly Oflace of Road Inquiry, established Oct. 3, 1893, under act approved Mar. 3, 1893 (Stat. L. v. 27, p. 743); afterwards Office of Public Road Inquiries. July 1, 1905, became Office of Public Roads. See, for information concerning office. Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3:3i-2).] A22.1: (date) A22.2: Ag8 B86 C381 C382 C43 Ed8 Lll L561 L562 N21 Sa4 Sel Annual reports [1893-1909, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and issued sepa- rately also.] General publications Agricultural colleges. [Letter regarding cooperation of Road Inquiry Office with agricultiu^l colleges and experiment stations in dis- seminating information upon best metnods of road-making; by Roy Stone.] Dec. 1, 1896. large 8° Buffalo, N. Y. [Letter of invitation inclosing call for an International Good Roads Congress, to be held at Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 16-21, 1901.] Aug. 5, 1901. 4° Charlottesville, Va. [Letter of invitation to attend Jefferson Memorial and Interstate Good Roads Convention to be held at Charlottes- ville, Va., Apr. 2-4, 1902.] Mar. 3, 1902. 4° Same, inclosure, official invitation. 12<* Chicago, 111. Letter of invitation to attend National Good Roads and Irrigation congresses, to be held at Chicago, 111., Nov. 19-24 1900. Oct. 25, 1900. 4° Education. Correspondence with commissioner of education. June 2 1896. f° Laboratory for physical and chemical examination of road materials [1900.] 4° Letter to accompany Circular 17. June 1, 1896. 4** Letter to accompany correspondence and documents. June 12, 1896 40 National Road Parliament. [Notice of meeting of National Road Parlia ment.] Sept. 15, 1898. 49 Samples. Instructions for selecting and shipping samples [of road ma terials for testing]. [1907.] 4° Seattle, Wash. Exhibit of Office of Public Roads, Alaska- Yukon Pacific Exposition [Seattle, Wash.]. Sept. 10, 1909. fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Pub' lications Division has since begun a new series, necessitating an additional class the series title of which is as follows : A21.92: (date) [Farmers'] bulletins of interest to persons residing in cities and towns 267 (lassinrfttioa DO. A22. PUBLIC ROADS OFFICE— Continued A22.3: Bulletins (DOS.) 1 See, for continuation, A22.3:18. 19 2 20 3 21 4 22 5 23 6 24 7 25 8 26 9 27 10 28 11 29 12 30 13 31 14 32 15 33 16 2 editions 34 17 35 18 [Continuation of Bulletin 1.] Same, supplement A22.4: Circiaars (nos.) 1 * 32 Same, reprint with correct 2 » number 3 « 33 4 « 34 5 * 35 6 * 36 2 editions 7 « 37 8 * 38 9 * 39 10 * 40 11 * 41 12 « 42 13 * 43 14 44 15 45 16 See, for revision, A22.4:24. 46 17 47 18 2 editions 48 19 49 20 See, for revision, A22.4:24. 50 21 51 22 52 23 53 24 54 Same (revision of 16, 20, and 24) 55 25 56 26 57 27 58 28 59 29 60 30 61 31 Must the farmer pay for good 62 roads? 63 [32] State aid to road building; in 64 Minnesota. [Erroneously 65 numbered 31.] 66 268 Classlflcation no. A22.4: (nos.) A22.5: 896 897 899 1 8992 900 901 9031 9032 904 909 4 editions See, for earlier and later lists, A22.5: A22. PUBLIC ROADS OFFICE— Continued Circulars— Continued 67 80 68 81 69 82 70 83 71 84 72 85 73 86 74 87 75 88 76 77 89 78 90 79 Publications of Office of Public Roads Publications of Office of Road Inquiry. [1896.] 4P Same. [1897.] * Same, and addenda. [1899.] 6 p. Same. [1899.] 7 p. Same; corrected to Apr. 2, 1900. [1900.] Same; corrected to Sept. 1901. [1901.] Publications. Available publications of Office of Public Road Inqui- ries; corrected to June 1, 1903. [1903.] Same; corrected to Aug. 1, 1903. [1903.] Same; corrected to Sept. 1, 1904. [1904.] Publications of Office of Public Roads. Sept. 30, 1907-July 2, 1909. See different editions of Circular 88 (A22.4:88i-^). Same; by Wm. W. Sniffin. [1909.] A23. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION SECTION [Organized under appropriation act taking effect July 1, 1898 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 337). At first it was a sec- tion of the Seed Division, though "the special agent in charge was responsible directly to the Secretary of Agriculture." Transferred to the Division of Botany by order dated Oct. 28, 1898; sceannual report of Agriculture Department. 1899, p. 54, 55 (Al. 1:899). Separated from Division of Botanyand made independent publishing office about Jan. 1, 1901. Merged into Plant Industry Bureau, July 1, 1901. See A19.] A23.1: (date) A23.2: (CT) A23.3: (nos.) A23.4: (nos.) Annual reports [A "Report of special agent in charge of seed and plant introduction," dated Sept. 17, 1898, appears in annual report of Agriculture Department for 1898 (Al. 1:898), p. 3, 4. No other signed reports appear, the work for succeeding years being reported upon by other officials of the Department of Agriculture.] General publications [None issued.] BiQletins [None issued.] Circulars 1 2 Inventories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SeeK%.^\\. >SeeA6.6:2. >S'eeA6.6:3. See A6.6:4. See A6.6:5. 5eeA6.6:6. See A6.6:7. SeeM.%\^. /SeeA19.3:5. See A19.3:66. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 See A19, See A19. See A19, See A19, See A19, See A19. See A19, See A19, See A19, 3:97. 3:106. 3:132. 137. 142. 148. 153. 162. 168. 269 A24. SEED DIVISION (The act of Mar. 3, 1855, authorized the Patent Office to distribute seed. This became the duty of the ARriculture Department on Its establishment and was carried on by the Experimental Garden. In 18(>S, the Seed Division was organized. Merged Into Plant Industry Bureau, July 1, 1901. See A19.] Classiflcatlon no. A24.1: (date) A24.2: (CT) A24.3: (nos.) A24.4: (nos.) A24.5: (date) Annual reports [1868-1900 (except 1869, 1876-78, 1880-84, 1897, none Issued), in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), reports for 1898-1900 being Included In the report of the assistant Secretary; 1893 and 1896. Issued separately also; none issued 1901.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Reports of special agent for purchase and distri- bution of seeds [1894-97, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and 1894, 1896, issued separately also. Title used in reports for 1894, 1895, is Special agent for purchase of seeds; 1896, Special agent on seed distribution; 1897, Special agent for purchase and distribution of A25. SILK SECTION [By order of Oct. 28, 1889, this section was severed from the Division of Entomolog connected since the beginning of the period of regular appropriations ma Discontinued June 30, 1891.1 7, with which It had been le by Congress in 1884. A25.1: (date) A25.2: (CT) A25.3: (nos.) A25.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1889, 1890, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and issued separ rately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins Circulars [None issued.] A26. SOILS BUREAU [The Division of Agricultural Soils was established by order of Secretary of Agriculture Feb. 16, 1894, and a chief appointed Mar. 3, 1894. The expenses for the first year were paid from the appropriation for general expenses of the Weather Bureau under a clause providingfor "investigations of the relation of climate to organic life. Department. A26.1: (date) A26.2: As?! As? 2 F451 F452 F453 F45* F455 F45« F45^ Recognized in appropriation act effective July 1, 1895, as an independent division of the Name became Division of Soils in 1897, and Bureau of Soils, July 1, 1901.] Annual reports [1894-1909, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and 1896-1909, issued separately also.] General publications Assignment sheet. Soil survey assignment sheet. July 1, 1908. Same. Dec. 1, 1908. Field parties. Instructions to field parties and descriptions of Boil types, field season 1902. n. p. [1902]. Same, field season 1903. n. p. [1903]. 12« Same, field season 1904. n. p. [1904]. 12« Field parties. Assignment of field parties [in Bureau of Soils]. [Dec. 15, 1905.] Same. [Jan. 13, 1906.] Same. [Feb. 13, 1906.] Same. [Mar. 15. 1906.] 270 Classlflcatlon no. A26.2: F45^ r45« F4510 R29^ R292 R293 Su7i Su72 Su73 T551 T55' T99 A26.3: (no8.) A26.4: (nos.) A26.5: (date) A26. SOILS BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Field book. Soil survey field book, field season 1906. n. p. [1906]. 12® Field parties. Authorizations [assignments of field parties in Bureau of Soils]. [Sept. 18, 1906.] Same. [Mar. 12, 1907.] Reports. Applications for reports of Field operations [of Bureau of Soils, calendar years 1899-1901, to be filled by separate reprints therefrom, with list of reports and separates]. [1903.] Same [calendar years 1899-1902]. [1903.] Reports. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, [calendar year] 1904 [cir- cular relative to distribution, with list of separates]. [Mar. 15, 1906.] small 4° Surveys. List of soil surveys. Dec. 1, 1907. 12° Same. Feb. 1, 1908. 12« Same. Oct. 1, 1908. 12« Tobacco. Catalogue of Connecticut shade-grown tobacco, Sumatra and Havana seed wrappers, grown during season of 1901, and packed in Sumatra and Cuban packages, to be sold at public auction May 1, 1902, at Hartford, Conn. 1902. 4" Tobacco. Catalogue of Texas, Alabama, South Carolina, and Ohio grown tobacco, Cuban seed and Zimmer Spanish fillers, grown during season of 1902, and packed in Cuban and domestic pack- ages. 1904. Types. List of soil types established by Division of Soils in 1899 and 1900, with brief description. [Mar. 1, 1901.] Bulletins 1 14 27 40 53 2 15 28 41 54 3 16 29 42 55 4 17 30 43 56 5 18 31 44 57 6 19 32 45 58 1 7 20 33 46 59 8 21 34 47 60 9 22 35 48 61 1 10 23 36 49 62 11 24 37 50 12 25 38 51 13 26 39 52 Circulars 1 8 2 editions 15 2 9 16 3 • 10 17 4 11 18 5 12 19 6 13 2 editions 7 14 Field operations of Bureau of Soils 1899 [calendar year, 1st] See A1.8:64. 1900 [calendar year], 2d1 [4181-526] Same, maps / 1901 [calendar year], 3d1 r4384_655] Same, maps / 1902 [calendar year], 4th\ [4545,473] Same, maps ; t Not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. 271 Cluslfl cation nu. A26.5: (date) A26.5«: (CT) A26.6\- (date) A26.62: (date) A26. SOILS BUREAU— Continued Field operations of Bureau of Soils— Continued 1903 [calendar year], 5th [4737-746] Same, maps [4738-746] 1904 [calendar year], 6th [4887-458] Same, maps [4888-458] 1905 [calendar year], 7th [5050-925] Same, maps [5051-925] 1906 [calendar year], 8th [5178-352] Same, maps [5179-352] 1907 [calendar year], 9th [5318-979] Same, maps [5319-979] 1908 [calendar year], 10th [5488-1569] Same, maps [5489-1569] 1909 [calendar year], 11th f [5779-142] Same, maps f [5780-142] Field operations of Bureau of Soils (separates) [Each of the papers contained in the report is issued separately,with maps belonging thereto.] List of publications [Issued at irregular intervals as required, approximately one a year.] 1903, Jan. 1904, Oct. 1905, Mar. 1906, Mar. 1907, Apr. 1908 1909, [None issued.] i'eb. Classified list of publications narrow 16* 1908, Jan. A27. STATISTICS BUREAU [Division of Statistics organized in 186.3; became Bureau of Statistics July 1,1903. See, for information concerning bureau, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21,3:3 i-^).] A27.1: (date) A27.2: C33 C82 C88» C882 C883 C88^ G76^ G762 Annual reports [1863-1909, in annual reports of Agriculture Department(Al.l:), and for recent years issued separately also.] General publications Cereals. Production and distribution of cereals of U. S. ; by J. R. Dodge. 1879. * [Extract from report of Joseph Nimmo, jr., chief of Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Dept., on Internal commerce of U. S., published Dec. 1, 1879.] Cotton. [Repoi't of Crop-Estimating Board relative to acreage planted in cotton in Southern States in 1905 as compared with that planted in 1904.] July 26, 1905. Crop correspondents. Manual of instructions to crop correspondents; by Henry A. Robinson. 1895. Same. New edition revised. 1896. Crop reports. Orders governing preparation of monthly crop reports. Revised Apr. 23, 1907. [1907.] Same. Revised Oct. 1, 1909. [1909.] Graphics. Album of agricultural graphics of United States; [by J. R. Dodge]. 1890. oblong f° Same; by J. R. Dodge. 1891. oblong f «> t Not yet issued (Oct. 1911). 272 Classification no. A27.2: In2 P96 St2i St2 2 St23 T55 A27.3: (nos.) A27.4 : (nos.) A27. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Industrial colleges, nature of education to be given in them, their sev- eral kinds of instruction considered, by Lewis Bollman; added, Communication of general plan of college building, with neces- sary aids to instruction in each department of education, by Richard Owen. [1864.] * Publications. [Letter relating to publications; by Henry A. Robinson.] July 15, 1895. Statistics. Album of agricultural statistics of United States; [by J. R. Dodge]. 1889. 4« Same; by J. R. Dodge. 1891. 4° Statistics. American centennial album of agricultural statistics, includ- ing maps, charts, diagrams, illustrations of industrial colleges, and specimens of breeds of farm animals; by J. R. Dodge. 1876, oblong large 8° * Tobacco. Final report on tobacco acreage and condition, by types, crop 1905. July 21, 1905. narrow l« Bulletins 1 >S'eeA27.8:l. 27 2 SeeA27.8:2. 28 3 ^eeA27.8:3. 29 4 SeeA27.S-A. 30 5 SeeA27.S:b. 31 6 SeeA27.S:6. 32 7 SeeA27.^\7. 33 8 ;SeeA27.8:8. 34 9 /SeeA27.8:9. 35 10 ;S'eeA27.8:10. 36 11 5eeA27.8:ll. 37 12 -See A27. 8:12. 38 13 8eeA27.^'lZ. 39 14 >SeeA27.8:14. 40 15 ;S'eeA27.8:15. 41 16 ;SeeA27.8:16. 42 17 /See A27. 8:17. 43 18 /See A27. 8:18. 44 19 /See A27. 8:19. 45 20 /See A27. 8:20. 46 21 /See A27. 8:21. 47 22 /See A27. 8:22. 48 23 ;SeeA27.8:23. 49 24 50 25 51 26 [Reads errone- 52 ously:Miscella- 53 neous series, 54 bulletin.] 55 Circulars 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 -S'eeA27.9:35. 11 6 .See A27. 9:35. 12 56 57 2 editions 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 1 75 1 76 77 /See A27. 9:35. iS'eeA27.9:35. 13 14 15 16 17 18 fNot printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. 273 ClaHslflcatlon no. A27.5: (date) A27.6: (v. nos.) no*.'. . AST. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Crop circulars [The first Is i lop circular, May, 18'.)S, states that "Crop circulars will here- after ta (if tlu» crop reports, lU'w series, lssuet of the information contained in the telegraphic reports of tho"lOtli of each month, with such additions as will euliance its value to the , , farmers and as the circular form will permit. Special crop reports will not be ' ' ' abandoned, but their issue will depend upon the seasonableness and importance of the subject and not upon a fixed date.''] See, for earlier crop statistics, A27.9: 1898, May 1898, Oct. June Nov. July 1899, May Aug. June Sept, July [ Discontltiued . Merged into Crop reporter ( A27. 6 : ) with May , 1900 . ] Crop reporter 4» [Monthly.] 1899, 1900. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Apr. [Announcement (v. 2, no. 1, May, 1900): "The Crop reporter, although issued origi- nally as a convenient medium of communication between the Division of Statis- tics and its crop reporters, has necessarily contained considerable matter of interest to the general public. The result has been to bring many requests for reqi copies of the Reporter from persons other than crop correspondents. Hitherto ■■•e t . ..^ .. . , . ^ ^ qii conclusion to so modify the confidential character of the Crop reporter as to make conn . . . . it nas not been possible to comply with these requests, but creasing frequency of requests for copies * * * he las resulted the in- in the it available for general distribution, and hereafter it will be mailed regularly on request, as far as the resources for printing and mailing permit."] See, for earlier crop statistics, A27.9: and A27.5: V. 1, no. 1 V. 4, no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 no. 4 no. 4 no. 5 no. 5 ■ ' no. 6 . no. 7 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 8 '>0 i-m: , 1^;';. no. 10 •^ no. 11 no. 12 V. 2, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 ,.{, no. 4 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 V. 5, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 Same, supplement no. 5 no. 5 no. 6 no. 6 no. 7 no. 7 no. 8 ,; ho. 8 Same, supplem ent .-., no. 9 no. 9 •j. no. 10 no. 10 yj-li no. 11 no. 11 f>n; I. no. 12 no. 12 Vi.3, no. 1 V. 6, no. 1 .{.f no. 2 no. 2 iTi , no. 3 no. 3 J.ono. 4 no. 4 . v.)/^ no. 5 no. 5 ,,«] no. 6 no. 6 ;I .; !M'i. D0'.-:7 no. 7 T,.}/ no. 8 no. 8 ■ ■ ' no. 9 Same, supplem ent ' no. 10 no. 9 no. 11 no. 10 no. 12 no. 11 Same, supplement no. 12 82452° 11 18 274 Classification no. A27.6: (v.nos.) A27. STATISTICS BUREAU Crop reporter— Continued A27.7: (date) 7. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 10, V. Same, supplement no. 9 no. 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 no. no. 8, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 9, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 11, 7 8 Same, supplement ] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lEAU— ( Continued no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 Same, supplement no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 Same, supplement no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 Same, supplement Monthly crop synopsis [Synox)sis of the monthly statistical reports (A27.9:) issued as a four-i)age leaflet, soon after the 10th of each month from Mar. 1890, to May, 189G, inclusive, and bearing a number identical with that of the report which it summarizes. There are none of these synopses in the Public Documents Library.] 1890, Mar. Apr. May- June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1891, Jan. and Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. , Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1892, Jan. and Feb. Mar. Apr. [Discontinued.] 1892, May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1893, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1894, Jan. and Feb. Mar. Apr. May 1894, June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.f 1895, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1896, Jan. and Feb. Mar. Apr. May t None Issued. 275 CUs8lflc»tlon no. A27.8: (nos.) A27. STATISTICS BUREAU-Continued A27.8«: (OT) A27.9: (v. nos.) Miscellaneous series, bulletin [No. 1 appeared as New series miscellaneous, report report; nos. ^23 as Mlscellaneoua series, bulletin.] See, for 2d edition, A11.5:l. 13 nos. 2-8 as Miscellaneous Beries, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 editions See, for later numbers, A27.3: Miscellaneous series, bulletin (separates) Statistical reports [Contain reports on condition of crops, and special subjects of Interest to farmers. Issued as "Monthly" or "Bi-monthly report" of Department from May, 1863, to Dec. 1876, when the series was discontinued and the fesue of the statistical matter was transferred to the series of "Special reports" (A1.6:) and there appeared under various numbers, not always consecutive, from Jan. 1877, to Sept. 1883. Another change was made in Oct. 1883, when "New series, report 1," appeared containing the crop statistics. This last series was continued, consecutively V numbered, up to 155, Dec. 1897. No. 156 was Issued Apr. 20, 1899. From May, 1898, to Apr. 1900, the statistics were issued in a " Crop circular " ( A27.5:). Begin- ning with May, 1900, they were merged into the "Crop reporter" (A27.6:). A "Synoptical index" of this series was issued by the Department in 1897 (A21.3:2). but as it did not give a table of the various reports of the statistician, indexed under the comprehensive title "Reports of the statistician," it can not be defi- nitely determined whether the present collation includes all or more than the Index. All reports of the statistician relative to crops and farm animals have, however, been included. The volume numbers are assigned to the yearly groups of reports to facilitate listing and reference.] [V. 1] [V. 2] [v. 3] [no. 1] Monthly report on condition of crops, May and June, 1863. [no. 2] Same, July, 1863. [no. 3] Same, Aug. 1863. [no. 4] Same, Sept. 1863. [no. 5] Same, Oct. 1863. [no. 6] Same, Nov. 1863. Same, Dec. 1863. [None issued.] [no. 1] Bi-monthly report of Agricultural Department, Jan. and Feb. 1864. [no. 2] Same, Mar. and Apr. 1864. [no. 3] Same, Apr. and May, 1864. [no. 4] Same, June and July, 1864. Same, Aug. 1864. [None issued.] [no. 5] Same, Sept. and Oct. 1864. [no. 6] Same, Nov. and Dec. 1864. [no. 1] Monthly report of Agricultural Department, Jan. 1865. [no. 2] Same, Feb. 1865. [no. 3] Same, Mar. 1865. [no. 4] Same, Apr.-May, 1865. [no. 5] Same, June-July, 1865. [no. 6] Same, Aug. 1865. [no. 7] Same, Sept. 1865. 276 Classification no. A27.9: (v. no8.) [V A27. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Statistical reports— Continued [V. 3] [no. 8] Same, Oct. 1865. [no. 9] Same, Nov. 1865. [no. 10] Same, Dec. 1865. [v. 4] Monthly report of Department of Agricultiu-e for year 1866. [v. 5] Monthly reports of Department of Agriculture for year 1867. [v. 6] Monthly reports of Department of Agriculture for year 1868. [v. 7] Monthly reports of Department of Agriculture for year 1869. [v. 8] Monthly reports of Department of Agriculture for year 1870. [v. 9] Monthly reports of Department of Agriculture for year 1871. [v. 10] Monthly reports of Department of Agriculture for year 1872. [v. 11] Monthly reports of Department of Agriculture for year 1873. [v. 12] Monthly reports of Department of Agriculture for year 1874. [v. 13] Monthly reports of Department of Agriculture for year 1875. [v. 14] Monthly reports of Department of Agriculture for year 1876. [v. 15-21] (note) [Numbers in that part of the Statistical series designated as "Special reports" which are missing here will be found in the series of Special reports imder the Secre- tary's Office ( A1.6:). All of the Special reports which are properly in the Statis- tical series are, however, found here, those ia A1.6: being special reports on miscellaneous subjects.] [v. 15] 1877 Special report 2 [v. 16] 1878 Special report 5 Special report 6 Special report 7 Special report 8 Special report 9 [v. 17] 1879 Special report 10 Special report 13 Special report 14 Special report 15 Special report 16 Special report 17 Special report 19 Special report 20 [v. 18] 1880 Special report 21 Special report 23 Special report 24 Special report 25 Special report 27 Special report 29 Special report 30 [v. 19] 1881 Special report 32 Special report 37 Special report 38 Special report 39 [v. 20] 1882 Special report 41 Special report 42 Special report 43 Special report 44 Special report 45 Special report 46 Special report 49 Special report 51 Special report 52 Special report 53 21] 1883 Special report 56 Special report 57 Special report 58 Special report 59 Special report 60 Special report 61 Special report 64 Special report 65 [v. 22] 1883-84 New series, report 1 New series, report 2 New series, report 3 New series, report 4 New series, report 5 New series, report 6 New series, report 7 New series, report 8 New series, report 9 New series, report 10 New series, report 11 New series, report 12 New series, report 13 New series, report 14 [v. 23] 1885 New series, report 15 New series, report 16 New series, report 17 New series, report 18 New series, report 19 New series, report 20 New series, report 21 New series, report 22 New series, report 23 New series, report 24 New series, report 25 [v. 24] 1886 New series, report 26 New series, report 27 New series, report 28 New series, report 29 277 ClassincatloA no. A27. STATISTICS BUREAU r.ntinnod A27.9: Statistical reports— Continued (v. no8.) [v. 24] 1886 New series New series, New series New series New series New series New series [v. 25] 1887 New series New series New series New series New series New series New series. New series New series New series New series [v. 26] 1888 New series New series New series New series New series New series New series. New series New series New series New series [v. 27] 1889 New series New series New series New series New series New series New series New series New series New series New series, [v. 28] 1890 New series New series New series New series. New series New series New series New series New series New series New series [v. 29] 1891 New series New series New series New series New series New series New series report 30 report 31 report 32 report 33 report 34 report 35 report 36 report 37 report 38 report 39 report 40 report 41 report 42 report 43 report 44 report 45 report 46 report 47 report 48 report 49 report 50 report 51 report 52 report 53 report 54 report 55 report 56 report 57 report 58 report 59 report 60 report 61 report 62 report 63 report 64 report 65 report 66 report 67 report 68 report 69 report 70 report 71 report 72 report 73 report 74 report 75 report 76 report 77 report 78 report 79 report 80 report 81 report 82 report 83 report 84 report 85 report 86 report 87 [V [V. [V. [V. [V. [V. 29] 1891 New series, report 88 New series, re])ort 89 New series, report 90 New series, report 91 30] 1892 New series, report 92 New series, report 93 New series, report 94 New series, report 95 New series, report 96 New series, report 97 Special report, July, 1892 New series, report 98 New series, report 98a] [New series, report 98b] "New series, report 98c] New series, report 99 [New series, report 99a] New series, report 100 5 New series, report 100a] 1893 New series, report 101 [New series, report 101a] New series, report 102 [New series, report 102a] New series, report 103 New series, report 104 New series, report 105 New series, report 106 New series, report 107 New series, report 108 New series, report 109 New series, report 110 New series, report 111 32] 1894 New series, report 112 New series, report 113 New series, report 114 New series, report 115 New series, report 116 New series, report 117 New series, report 118 New series, report 119 New series, report 120 New series, report 121 New series, report 122 33] 1895 New series, report 123 New series, report 124 New series, report 125 New series, report 126 New series, report 127 New series, report 128 New series, report 129 New series, report 130 New series, report 131 New series, report 132 New series, report 133 34] 1896 New series, report 134 New series, report 135 New series, report 135[a] New series, report 136 278 Classification no. A27. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued A27.9: Statistical reports— Continued (v. nos.) A27.90: (CT) [v. 34] 1896 [v. 35] 1897 New series, report 137 New series, report 149 New series, report 138 New series, report 150 New series, report 139 New series, report 151 New series, report 140 New series, report 152 New series, report 141 New series, report 153 New series, report 142 New series, report 154 New series, report 143 New series, report 155 New series, report 144 Circular 5 [v. 35] 1897 Circular 6 New series, report 145 Circular 7 New series, report 146 Circular 8 New series, report 147 [v. 36] 1899 New series, report 148 New series, report 156 [Discontinued. The publication of statistics was continued from May, 1898, in the series of Crop circulars ( A27.5:), which was merged into the Crop reporter (A27.6:) with May, 1900.] Statistical reports (separates) A28. VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY DIVISION AND PATHOLOGY [In 1886 a Mycological Section was formed in the Division of Botany. This was called the Section of Vegetable Pathology from 1887 until 1890, when it became an independent division under act of July 14, 1890 (Stat. L. V. 26, p. 283). Mar. 2, 1895, the name changed to Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology. This was merged into the Bureau of Plant Industry, July 1,1901; seeA19. -See, for informa- tion concerning division, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture ( A21.3:3i-3).] A28.1: (date) A28.2: (CT) A28.3: (nos.) A28.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1886-1901, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and issued separately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins 1 16 2 17 3 18 4 19 5 2 editions 20 6 21 7 22 8 2 editions 23 9 24 10 25 11 26 12 27 13 28 14 29 15 [4000-694] Circulars [1] Treatment of downy grape mildew and black-rot [of grape]. 1886.] * [2] [Grapevine mildew and black-rot.] May 11, 1886. * 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 16 * 9 17 10 18 [May, 279 ClMsIfloatlon nu. A28. VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOL OGY DIVISION— Continued A28.5: Journal of mycology (v. no8.) A28.5a : (CT) [Devoted especially to study of fungi In their relation to plant diseases. V. 1-4, 1885-S9, were edited byW. A. Kellerinan, J. H. Ellis, and IJ. M, Everhartand fubllshwl monthly ut Manhattan, Kans. v. 5-7, 1889-94, were published by the )epar1riiont of AKrioiilture, Division of Vegetable Pathology, and l)eing theonJj volunios of the set published by the rnitetf States (Joverninent are the onlv oiiei " - . , a* . . .. were edited by W. A. Kellerrnan an lished at Columbus, Ohio, v, 8 anil v. 9 being quarterly, v. 10 contaiiu listed in this ChuckJist. 1902 (V. 8, no. 1). v None published Ix'tween Aug. 1894 ( v. 7, no. 4) ana Msy, 8-14, 1902-08^ were edited by W. A. Kellerrnan and pJ»- 1908. Succeeded by Mycologla, which : to V. 1-10. Last Issue was for Apr. is not a Government publication.] Quarterly bulletin V. 5, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 [no. 4] Periodical bulletin V. 6, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 V. 7, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 Journal of mycology (separates) [A few of the more important papers contained in the volumes were issued separately^ A29. WEATHER BUREAU (The work of the Weather Bureau had its beginning in the collection of meteorological data under the Smithsonian Institution and several Departments of the Government in the first half of the 19th century. From 1870, the work was conducted bv the Signal Office, War Dept. (W42.), until bv act approved Oct. 1, 1890 (Stat. L. V. 26. p. 65;}), the Weather Bureau as such was otTiciallyrecognizedand transferred to th6 Department of Agriculture, the transfer taking place July 1, 1891. See, for earlier publications, W42. See, for information concerning bureau, Historical sketch of Department of Agriculture (A21.3:3i-s),3 A29.I: Annual reports 4'' with few exceptions (date) [From 1891 to 1895, the administrative reports and the scientific reports appeared ^ separately, the former in S" being reprints of the reports as found in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and the latter in 4o being a continuation of the series of meteorological data collected by Signal Office, War Dept. (W42.). From 1890 to 1909, the Report of chief of Weather Bureau is a 4o volume consisting of an administrative report for the fiscal year (since 1897 called pt. 1 of the volnmeX and meteorological tal)les for the preceding calendar year, etc. (also numbered as parts). The 4° administrative reports are not issued separately, with the excep- tion of 1896 ( A29. Ia2:89t»). They uilTer in some respects from the 8° prints as fomM in annual reports of Agriculture Department. The S^* prints are issued separately each year and are clas.sed under A29.1ai: From 1901 to 1908, the administrative reports as found in aimual reports of Agriculture Department have been reprinted also u. the armual summary of the Monthly weather review (A29.6:).J 1891 Special report of chief to Secretary of Agriculture, [July l-Oct. 1) 1891 8« 1891 Report of chief for 1891 [administrative report, July-Dec] 8* See, for meteorological tables, calendar year 1891, A29.1 :892*. 1892 Report of chief for 1892 [administrative report, calendar year] ^ 1892 Report of chief, 1891-92 [meteorological tables, calendar years 1891 and 1892] 4" [3126-107] 1893 Report of chief for 1893 [administrative report, calendar year] ST 1893 Report of chief, 1893 [meteorological tables, calendar year] 4* [3259-200] 1894 Report of chief, 1894 [meteorological tables, calendar year] 4" [3339-88] [Administrative report for fiscal year ending June 301, 1894, appeared only in annual reportof AgriVulture Department S€e A 1.1:894.] 280 Classtflcation no. A29.1: (date) A29.1«^: (date) A29.1«2: Cdate) A29.2: All Ar4 At6^ At62 A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued Annual reports — Continued 1895 Report of chief for 1895 [administrative report, fiscal year] 8" See, for meteorological tables, calendar year 1895, A29. 1:896. 1896 Report of chief, 1895-96 [administrative report for fiscal year 1896, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1895] 4*^ [3453-428] 1897 Report of chief, 1896-97 [administrative report for fiscal year 1897, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1896, etc.] 4" [3670-166] 1898 Report of chief, 1897-98 [administrative report for fiscal year 1898, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1897, etc.] 4<* [3820-270] 1899 Report of chief, 1898-99, v. 1 [administrative report for fiscal year 1899, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1898] 4° [3998-660, pt. 1] Same, v. 2 [Report on international cloud observations. May 1, 1896- July'l, 1897; by Frank H. Bigelow] 4« [3999-660, pt. 2] 1900 Report of chief, 1899-1900 [administrative report for fiscal year 1900, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1899] 4" [4177-517] 1901 Report of chief, 1900-01, v. 1 [administrative report for fiscal year 1901, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1900, etc.] 4« [4319-19, pt. 1] Same, v. 2 [Report on barometry of United States, Canada, and West Indies; by Frank H. Bigelow] 4« [4320-19, pt. 2] 1902 Report of chief, 1901-02 [administrative report for fiscal year 1902, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1901] 4° [4485-19] 1903 Report of chief, 1902-03 [administrative report for fiscal year 1903, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1902] 4"^ [4728-721] 1904 Report of chief, 1903-04 [administrative report for fiscal year 1904, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1903] 4° [4868-406] 1905 Report of chief, 1904-05 [administrative report for fiscal year 1905, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1904] 4° [5044-879] 1906 Report of chief, 1905-06 [administrative report for fiscal year 1906, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1905] 4^ [5209-814] 1907 Report of chief, 1906-07 [administrative report for fiscal year 1907, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1906] 4" [5320-983] 1908 Report of chief, 1907-08 [administrative report for fiscal year 1908, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1907] 4" [5490-1570] 1909 Report of chief, 1908-09 [administrative report for fiscal year 1909, with meteorological tables for calendar year 1908] 4*' [5781-120] Annual reports (separates; administrative reports of chief, from annual reports of Agriculture Department, Al.l:) 8° [The administrative reports from 1891 to 1895 are classed under A29.1: Beginning with 1896, an administrative report appears also in the full report (A29.1:), and from that date these separately issued administrative reports are classed here under A29.1ai:] Annual reports (separates; "parts," etc., from annual reports of Weather Bureau, A29.1:) 4« [When double dates appear in title, use as book number the latest date. J General publications Alaska. Climate of Alaska; by Willis L. Moore. 1897. 4° * Arid regions. Some climatic features of arid regions, communicated to National Irrigation Congress at its 5th annual session, Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 15-17, 1896; by Willis L. Moore. 1896. Atmospheric circulation in tropical cyclones, as shown by movements of clouds; by H. B. Boyer. [1896.] * Atmospheric survey. United States daily atmospheric survey; by Wil- lis L. Moore. 1897. 281 ClMsIflcatlon no. A29.2: B73 C38 C49 C61' C61* C621 C622 C623 C62* C62« C62« 093 C99 D14 D51 F76^ F762 F92 r94 G79» G792 G79' 079* G79« G79« G797 G79» A29. WEATHER BUREAU-Continued General publications— Continued Brazos River flood bulletin [map]. July 15, 1899. f " Charts showing daily river stages in feet. 1892. 19 X 24 in. * Cipher code of wind signal orders, amending instructions to special displaymen. Nov. 1892. * Climate and health, monthly periodical [circular announcing discon- tinuance of publication]. June 22, 1896. 4° [See, for series Cli- mate and health, A29.8:J Climatic charts of United States. 1900. large 4*^ [Each chart was origi- nally issued separately.] Same [1871-1903], 1904. large 4" [Dates on cover, 1870-1901, incorrect.] Climatology. Manual for observers in climatology and evaporation; by Frank Hagar Bigelow. 1909. 4« Clouds. Classification of clouds. Aug. 1905. 21.8X20.2 in. [Origi- nally published Apr. 1897, as Hydrographic Office chart 1600 (N6. 18:1600), and also in book form as Hydrographic Office pub- lication 112 (N6.8:112). Chart republished at Weather Biu-eau, Aug. 1905.] Cloud forms. Description of cloud forms. [1st edition.] [1896.] 25.5 X 17 in. Same. 2d edition. [1897.] Same. 3d edition. [1897.] Same. 4th edition. [1898.] Same. 5th edition. [1907.] 24 X 17 in. Current chart of Great Lakes, 1892, probable currents of Great Lakes [deduced from bottle paper observations]. 1893. 24 X 34 in. * Cyclones. Development and movement of cyclones, as shown in morn- ing and evening weather maps, Apr. 2-6, 1892; by C. F. Marvin. 1893. large 8° Dakotas. Certain climatic features of the 2 Dakotas; by John P. Fin- ley. 1893. 4° [2893-157] Dew-point. Tables for obtaining temperature of dew-point, relative humidity, etc. Washington, Weather Bureau, 1897. [Reprint of tables in Instructions for voluntary observers, issued in 1892 (A29.12:V88i), superseded by edition of 1897 (A29.12:V88-), which does not contain the tables. See, for earlier edition, W42.2:D51.] Forecaster and newspaper; by Harvey Maitland Watts. 1901. Forecasts. [Letters warning against long-range weather forecasts as in- accurate and likely to be injurious; by Willis L. Moore.] [1904.] Frost. Injury from frost and methods of protection; by W. H. Ham- mon. 1896. [See, for revised edition, A29.3:23.J Fruits. Protection of fruits, vegetables, and other food products from injury by heat or cold during transportation; [by Mark W. Har- rington]. [Aug. 22, 1894.] Great Lakes. Circular of information relating to display of wind signals on Great Lakes. 1895. Same. 1896. Great Lakes. Wreck chart of Great Lakes, 1886-91. [1893.] oblong f° Same, 1888-93. [1894.] oblong fo Great Lakes. Wrecks which occurred on Great Lakes Dec. 17, 1885- Nov. 15, 1893. 1894. Great Lakes. Wrecks and casualties on Great Lakes during 1895, 1896, and 1897; by Norman B. Conger. 1898. Great Lakes, Wreck and casualty chart of Great Lakes. 1894. ob- long f° Great Lakes. Section map of Great Lakes. [1892.] 19 X 24 in. * 282 Classiflcatlon no. A29.2: G91 H94 In8 L14 L621 L622 L623 M321 M322 M56 N27 N81 Pll P19 P21 P91^ P912 P913 P91* P95 P96 RI31 RI32 R52> A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued General publications — Continued Grouping of property [issued to Weather Bureau stations], Mar, 1, 1905. 1905. Hurricanes. Special report on hurricane of Aug. 13-16, 1901, on Louisi- ana and Mississippi coasts; [by Isaac M. Cline]. [1901.] [International symbols recommended for use by Meteorological Con- gress, Munich, 1892; by Mark W. Harrington.] Jan. 1, 1894. Lake levels. Variations in lake levels and atmospheric precipitation; by Alfred J. Henry. 1899. Lightning. Circular of information, protection from lightning; by Alexander McAdie. [1st edition.] 1894. Same. 2d edition. 1894. Same. 3d edition. 1894. See, for 4th edition, A29.3.15. Map. Explanation of weather map. [1905.] 4 p. 1 il. [Printed for distribution at Lewis and CUark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Oreg., 1905.] Same; [by Willis L. Moore]. [1905.] 3 p. 24° [Printed for distri- bution at Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Oreg., 1905.] Meteorology. Brief list of meteorological text-books and reference books, selection of works suitable for general, scientific, and uni- versity libraries in United States; by C. Fitzhugh Talman. Washington, Weather Bureau, 1909. [See, for more extensive information, W42.2:M562-6.] Nebraska. Departures from normal temperature and rainfall, with crop yields in Nebraska; by H. H. C. Dunwoody. 1896. 4° North Pacific Coast. Explanation of north Pacific Coast weather map; by Willis L. Moore. 16« * Pacific slope. Weather forecasting and weather types on north Pacific slope; by B. S. Pague and S. M. Blandford. Portland, Oreg., 1897. Pan-American Exposition. Weather map, Pan-American Exposition [Buffalo, N. Y., blank form]. [1901.] oblong f» [Distributed in special color-printed envelope.] Paris, France. Responses to programme of questions proposed for dis- cussion at International Meteorological Conference, to be held in Paris, Sept. 1896. 1896. Precipitation. Details of precipitation, rain and melted snow, at sta- tions in Nebraska and South Dakota. Mar. 6, 1894. * [3171- 113] Precipitation. Tables of daily precipitation at special river and rain- fall stations of Weather Bureau, for 1893-95. 1900. Precipitation. Table showing depth of precipitation corresponding to given weights. [1892.] 12« * Precipitation. Normal annual precipitation in United States, 1870- 1901. Scale 600 m. =3.1 in. n. d. 10.2 X 15.8 in. Psychrometric tables for obtaining vapor pressure, relative humidity, and temperature of dew-point; by C. F. Marvin. 1900. Publications of Weather Bureau available for distribution. May 10, 1907. Rainfall chart. Lines of equal time of water travel at Cairo, 111. [1892.] 22X28 in. * Rainfall laws, deduced from twenty years' observations; by Gustavus Hinrichs. Weather Bureau, 1893. * River and flood service. Chart of river and flood service. [July, 1897 .] 36.8 X 44.3 in., in 4 sheets. 283 Classification no. A29.2: R522 Sa2 Si2' Si23 Su7' Su7 2 Su73 Tll» Til 2 T23 T241 T242 T24 3 T34 T421 T422 W37^ W372 W373 W37* W37* W37« W37' W378 W37» W3710 W52 A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued River and flood service charts, showing area covered by water of Mis- sissippi River in Apr. 1897. 1897. * St. Marys Falls Canal. Relation of ceitain atmospheric changes to changes in water level in St. Maryi Falls ('anal . 1894 . 4° * Signal Service, Statement of expenditures of Signal Service and Weather Bureau. 1893. * Same. 1895. 4° * Sunshine. Table of monthly amounts of possible sunshine for hours ending shortly after sunrise and sunset. 1894. * Sunshine table 1. Local time of sunrise and sunset for north latitudes, from 25° to 49°. * Sunshine. Normal sunshine [of United States], percentage, annual, compiled from observations at Weather Bureau stations, 1871- 1908. Scale 200 m.=l in. [1909.] 10.3 X 15.8 in. Tables for dividing by 672, 720, 744, 56, 60, 62. Records Division, Weather Bureau, 1893. * Tables for dividing by 12, 24, 28, 29, 31, 56, 58, 60, 62, 672, 696, 720, 744, and 8760, and percentage tables for divisors 8.0 to 16.5. 1903. Telegraph. [Wireless] telegraphic code for meteorolc^ical observers at sea. 1905. 4° Temperature. Normal temperature of air at surface of the earth com- piled from observations at regular Weather Bureau and selected cooperative stations [of United States], 1871-1908. Scale 200 m.=lin. [1909.] 10.2 X 15.8 in. Temperature. Lowest temperatures ever observed at regular Weather Bureau and selected cooperative stations [of United States]. Scale 200 m.=l in. [1909.] 10.3 X 15.8 in. Temperature. Highest temperatures ever observed at regular Weather Bureau and selected cooperative stations [of United States]. Scale 200 m.=l in. [1909.] 10.3 X 15.8 in. Thermometer scales. Comparison of thermometer scales, [1892.] * Thunderstorm observations. [Circular of instructions on thunderstorm observations,] [1892,] 2 p, * Same, [1893.] 2 p, * Weather Bureau [history and work], 1901, 24° [Printed for distri- bution at Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901. See also A29.2:\\'67\] Weather charts. Explanation of weather charts. [1892.] f * Weather code, Dec. 1, 1892, 1892. 4° * Same, Dec. 1, 1896. 4° Same, Mar. 1, 1902. 1902. 4° Same [Jan. 1, 1907]. 1907. 4" [Pages 24-30 are left blank for additions.] Weather map, Dec. 13-16, 1893. 1894, 52 X 56 in, * Weather Bureau officials. Proceedings of 3d convention of Weather Bureau officials, Peoria, 111., Sept. 20-22, 1904. 1904. See, for 1st convention, A29.3:24. See, for 2d convention, A29,3:31. Weather Bureau [history and work], 1904, 24° [Printed for distri- bution at Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Oreg,, 1905. See also A29.2:W37 \] Same, 1906. 24° West Indies. Investigation of cyclonic circulation and translatory movement of West Indian hurricanes, by Benito Vifies; [trans- lated by C. Finley], 1898. 284 Glassiflcation no. A29.3: (nos.) A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued A29.3«: (CT) A29.4: (nos.) A29.5: (letters) A29.6: (v. nos.) Bulletins 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11, 3 pts. 12 13 2 editions 14 15 [4th edition revised] See, for lst-3d editions, A29.2:L62. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 [Revised edition] 1899 See, for 1st edition, A29.2:F92. See also A29 .3 :31 and A29 .2 :W37 '. See also A29.3:24 and A29.2:W37 «. 16 17 18 19 Bulletins (separates) [Some of the articles in the Bulletins are issued separately.] Circulars [None issued.] Bulletins (lettered) 2 editions 2 editions F G H I J MontMy weather review 4« [v. 1-18 and nos. 1-6 of v. 19 were issued by Signal Oflfice, War Dept.; see W42.20: The annual summary for 1891 appeared as a supplement to Dec. 1891. From 1893 to 1908, no. 13 is the annual siunmary. t Beginning with July, 1909, the data, largely statistical, which formerly appeared in the monthly bulletins issued by the various sections of the Climatological Service for the United States proper, are included in the numbers of the Monthly weather reviewand are also issued separately; see A29.6 ai : Monthly reports of theClima- tological Service are still issued by the Hawaii, Iowa, and Porto Rico sections, and annual summaries are still issued by all 44 sections.! V. 19 [1891] V 20, no. 11 no. 7 no. 12 no. 8 V. 21 [1893] no. 9 no. 1 no. 10 no. 2 no. 11 no. 3 no. 12 no. 4 Same, supple- no. 5 ment no. 6 V.20 [1892] no. 7 no. 1 no. 8 no. 2 no. 9 no. 3 no. 10 no. 4 no. 11 no. 5 no. 12 no. 6 no. 13 no. 7 V. 22 1894 no. 8 no. 1 no. 9 no. 2 no. 10 no. 3 V. 22 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 V. 23 1895 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 IfSee footnote on p. 286. 285 ClasslflcAtlon no. A29. WEATHER BUREAU-^Continued A29.6: Monthly weatlior review— Continued -/li' \ r.oir (v. no8.) V. 23 V. 24 V. 25 1895 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1896 no. 1 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1897 V. 28 V. 26 V. 27 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1898 no. 1 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1899 V. 28 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1900 no. 1 V. 29 V. 30 V. 31 V. 32 1900 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1901 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1902 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1903 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1904 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 V. 32 V. 33 V. 34 V. 35 V. 36 1904 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1905 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1906 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1907 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1908 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 lA 286 Classification no. A29.6: (v. no8.) A29.6«^: (district nos. and date) A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued A29.6«2: (CT) A29.7: (date) Monthly weather review— Continued V. 37 1909 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 V. 37 1909 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 37 1909 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 t Monthly weather review (separates; Climatological Service of Weather Bureau, district reports) [Prior to July, 1909, the data included here appeared in the monthly bulletins issued by the various sections of the Climatological Service for the United States proper. Beginnins; with July, 1909, the method of publication was radically changed, as described in detail on p. 266 of Monthly weather review, v. 37, no. 7, July, 1909 (A29.G:377). The United States has been divided into 12 large districts, generally having the same boundaries as the great drainage basins of the country, these boundaries being marked off by the natural topographic divides, as follows: District 1, North Atlantic States District 7, Lower Mississippi Valley District 2, South Atlantic and east District 8, Texas and Rio Grande Valley District 9, Colorado Valley District 10, Great Basin District 11, California District 12, Columbia Valley Gulf States District 3, Ohio Valley District 4, Lake region District 5, Upper Mississippi Valley District 6, Missouri Valley Reports for each of these 12 districts, which since July, 1909, have appeared in Monthly weather review (A29.6:), are also issued separately each month. In assigning book numbers for these separates, use the number of the district, with date as superior number.] Monthly weather review (separates; miscellaneous) [Some of the more important articles in the Review have been issued separately in pamphlet form.] National weather bulletin 24 X 19 in. [The National weather bulletin is issued weekly from April to about the end of Sep- tember, during the season of planting, cultivating, and harvesting of crops, and monthly from October to March; but in 1909, the first weekly issue appeared May 18, the monthly being continued through April. It was known as the Weather-crop bulletin from Jan. 1, 1891, until Feb. 1896, when the name was changed to Climate and crop bulletin. With issue for Aug. 29, 1904, the title Weather-crop bulletin was resumed. With Feb. 1906, the form National weather bulletin was adopted. This publication deals with the general weather con- ditions of the United States, while weekly bulletins showing more detailed information are issued for Iowa during the crop season, and for Hawaii and Porto Rico throughout the year, from the central stations of those sections. A weather bulletin of the cotton region is published weekly at New Orleans from about May 1 to Nov. 1. Cotton region bulletins containing temperature and rainfall obser- vations reported by telegraph from about 180 stations in the Southern States are issued daily from 13 district centers in the cotton belt and 13 other stations, from Apr. 16 to Oct. 31. Corn and wheat region bulletins, similar in character to the preceding, are issued daily from 9 district centers in the corn and wheat belt and 3 other stations, from Apr. 1 to Sept. 30.] Weather-crop bulletin [Nos. 1-21 issued by Signal Office, War Dept., but not listed in this Checklist.] no. 22 * 1891 no. 36 ■jt 1892, no. 11 * 1892 no. 25 * no. 23 * no. 37 * no. 12 * no. 26 •X- no. 24 * no. 38 * no. 13 * no. 27 ■X- no. 25 * no. 39 * no. 14 * no. 28 * no. 26 * 1892 no. 1 •X- no. 15 * no. 29 * no. 27 * no. 2 * no. 16 * no. 30 * no. 28 * no. 3 * no. 17 * no. 31 * no. 29 * no. 4 * no. 18 * no. 32 ■X- no. 30 * no. 5 'X- no. 19 * no. 33 •X- no. 31 * no. 6 * no. 20 ■X' 1893 no. 1 * no. 32 * no. 7 * no. 21 •X- no. 2 * •no. 33 ■X- no. 8 * no. 22 * no. 3 * no. 34 * no. 9 * no. 23 * no. 4 * no. 35 it no. 10 * no. 24 * no. 5 •X- fThe annual summary, which appeared from 1893 to 1908 as no. 13, was not issued for 1909. The tabular matter previously contained in annual summaries will here- after appear in part in the Annual report of chief of Weather Bureau, quarto edition (A29.1:). 287 ClMsiacatlon no. AS J9. WE lATITE :r ] BUREAtr— Cor itinued A 29.7: National weather bulletin— Continued (date) Weather-crop bulletin — Continued 1893, no. 6 « 1893 , no. 29 « 1894, no. 20 * 1895, no. 11 no. 7 * no. 30 «■ no. 21 * no. 12 no. 8 « no. 31 « no. 22 * no. 13 no. 9 * no. 32 « no. 23 * no. 14 no. 10 « 1894 no. 1 * no. 24 * no. 15 no. 11 * no. 2 « no. 25 * no. 16 no. 12 * no. 3 « no. 26 * no. 17 no. 13 * no. 4 ♦ no. 27 * no. 18 no. 14 * no. 5 * no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 32 no. 11 no. 22 1906, no. 1 1905, no. 1 no. 2 no. 12 no. 13 no. 23 no. 24 National weather bulletin [Title for Apr.-Sept. issues reads: National weekly weather bulletin. Title for Oct.- Mar. issues reads: National monthly weather bulletin. In 1909, the weekly issues did not begin until May 18.) 1906, no. 2 1906, no. 16 1906 no. 30 1907, no. 12 no. 3 no. 17 no. 31 no. 13 no. 4 no. 18 no. 32 no. 14 no. 5 no. 19 1907 no. 1 no. 15 no. 6 no. 20 no. 2 no. 16 no. 7 no. 21 no. 3 no. 17 no. 8 no. 22 no. 4 no. 18 no. 9 no. 23 no. 5 no. 19 no. 10 no. 24 no. 6 no. 20 no. 11 no. 25 no. 7 no. 21 no. 12 no. 26 no. 8 no. 22 no. 13 no. 27 no. 9 no. 23 no. 14 no. 28 no. 10 no. 24 no. 15 no. 29 no. 11 no. 25 289 CUmlflcatton no. A29.7: (date) A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued A29.8 : (v. noa.) A29.9: (no8.) A29.10: (pt. no8.) A29.10«: (CT) A29.il: (letters) National weather bulletin— Continued 1907, no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. no. 20 30 no. 31 no. 32 1908, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 1908, no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 1908, no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 1909, no. no. no. no. no. no, no. no. no. y no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1909, no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 Climate and health. [Contains reports of "systematic investigation to ascertain the relationships and applicability of climatic and weather conditions to sanitary science.'" Issued monthly, July, 1895-Mar. 1896, and then discontinued.} V. 1 1895 no. 1, July no. 2, Aug. no. 3, Sept. no. 4, Oct. no. 5, Nov. no. 6, Dec. V. 2 1896 no. 1, Jan. no. 2, Feb. no. 3, Mar. [Discontinued Mar. 28, 1896.] Cold wave bulletin 24 X 19 in. [No. 1 , for the cold wave of Jan. 2-5, 1896, was the only one issued. Similar informar tlon Is now covered in the Monthly weather review (A29.6:).] Dally river stages [Issued by Signal Office, War Dept. See W42.19:] pt.l] pt.2 pt.3j pt. 4 [Ist edition] Same. 2d edition * pt. 5 2 editions pt. 6 pt. 7 pt. 8 pt. 9 Dally river stages (separates) Instrument Room [or Division] circulars 4 editions E 2 editions F 2 editions G See also, for circulars B and C H combined , A29 . 12 : V88 * and I A29.12:C78. J 3 editions K 82452°— 11 19 D 3 editions 3 editions 3 editions [Not issued.] [Not issued.] 290 Classlflcation no. A29.12: An3 C78 C81» C81' C821 C822 D631 D632 D633 M33 1 M332 Ob7 R13 R521 R522 R523 R52^ R525 Sel^ Sel2 St2 Su7 V88^ V882 V883 V88* A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued Instructions (unnumbered) Aneroid barographs. Instructions for use of aneroid barographs on Great Lakes. Washington, Weather Bureau, 1897. Cooperative observers. Instructions for cooperative [meteorological] observers, comprising circulars B and C, Instrument Division. 3d edition. 1906. [See, for earlier editions, A29.12:V88.] Com. Instructions governing corn, wheat, cotton, sugar, and rice region service; by James Berry. [1st edition.] Washington, Weather Bureau, 1897. Same. 2d edition. 1904. Cotton region. Instructions to observers and code for enciphering reports at cotton-region and sugar and rice stations. [1st edition.] Washington, B.C., Weather Bureau, 1892. Same; [by C. F. Marvin and James Berry]. [Revised edition.] 1895. Displaymen. Instructions to special displaymen. [1st edition.] Washington, D. C, Weather Bureau, 1892. 12" Displaymen. Instructions to wind-signal displaymen. [2d edition.] Washington, Weather Bureau, 1896. Displaymen. Instructions to storm-warning displaymen. [3d edi- tion.] 1902. Marine observers. Instructions to marine meteorological observers of Weather Bureau; by James Page. 1906. Same; by Henry L. Heiskell. 1908. Observers. Instructions for observers. 1895. Rainfall observers. Instructions to special rainfall observers. Wash- ington, D. C, Weather Bureau. 1893. River observers. Instructions for special river observers; by Thomas Russell. Washington, D. C, Weather Bureau, 1892. River observers. Instructions to special river observers. 1894. River observers. Instructions to special river and rainfall observers 1902. Same. 1904. Same. 1909. Seacoast telegraph lines. Instructions to operators on United States seacoast telegraph lines; by E. L. Bugbee. 1892. Same; by J. H. Robinson. Washington, Weather Bureau, 1897. Station regulations. 1905. Sunshine recorder. Instructions for using glass electrical sunshine recorder, pattern 1893. [1893.] Voluntary observers. Instructions for voluntary observers; by T. Rus- sell. 1892. Voluntary observers. Instructions for voluntary [meteorological] ob- servers. Washington, Weather Bureau, 1897. Same. 1899. Same, comprising circulars B and C, Instrument Division. 2d edi- tion. 1901. [See, for circulars B and C issued separately, A29.11:B, C] Same. 3d edition. See A29.12:C78. 291 ClaMlflratloM no. A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued tA29.13' : Meteorological chart of Great Lakes [let series, 1897-1907] (date) [From Oct. 1897 to Doc. 1900, this publication was issued in the form of charts 20 X '-^ in. The summary for 1898 was also in chart form, but the summaries for 1899 ajid 1900 were Issued as 4° pamnhlols. All issues from 1901 to 1907 were 4° pamphlets, no. 2 of each year being tne summary for the season. The issues from 1897 to 1900 were volumed, although during that period the vol- ume numbers appear only on the summaries for 1899 and 1900.] 1897, Oct. Nov. Dec. 1898, Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Summary 1899, May Same, supplement 8° June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Summary [Printed as v. 2, no. 9.] 1900, no. 1, May no. 2, June no, 3, July no. 4, Aug. no. 5, Sept. no. 6, Oct. no. 7, Nov. no. 8, Dec. no. [9], Summary [Printed as v. 3, no. 10, although no. 10 is incorrect for no. 9.] 1 2 1 2 1 2 1901, no. no. 1902, no. no. 1903, no. no. 1904, no. 1 no. 2 1905, no. 1 no. 2 1906, no. 1 no. 2 1907, no. 1 (Discontinued.] t fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. Since that date the Weather Bureau has resumed the issue of a Meteorological chart of the Great Lakes in form different from the earlier series listed under A29.13 ^: The new- series began with the issue for Jan. 1911, and is of the same nature as the various meteorological charts of the oceans now being issued by the Weather Bureau; see A29.23:-A29.27: The series title to be used is as follows: A29.132: Meteorological chart of Great Lakes [2d series, 1911- ] 17.9X26.1 in. (date) [Monthly.] 292 Classification no. A29.14: (date) A29.15: (no8.) A29.16: (date) A29. WEATHER BURE ATI— Continued Monthly report of river and. flood service [From Monthly weather review.] 1897, Sept. 1898, Jan. 1898, May 1898, Sept. Oct. Feb. June Oct. Nov. Mar. July- Dec. Apr. Aug. [Discontinued.] Sanitary climatology circulars 1 2 3 4 [Discontinued.] Snovv^ and ice bulletin [Issue began Feb. 1892. Appeared in weekly numbers from early in December to latter part of March. First title, Depth of snow on ground, used to Mar. 30, 1896; changed to Snow and ice chart, and continued under that name until Feb. 21, 1899, when the present title was substituted. Shows area covered by snow, its depth, and the thickness of ice in rivers and harbors. Ice reports for the Great Lakes, giving in greater detail the ice conditions, espe- cially with reference to the resumption of navigation, are issued at Detroit weekly during March and April. Snowfall bulletins for 12 mountain States and Territories of the West, reporting in detail the depths and condition of snow at high levels, with special reference to the prospective supply of water for irrigation during the following spring and summer, are issued monthly during the winter season, usually for the four months December to March, inclusive, at the respective central stations.] Depth of snow on ground 23 X 18 in. 1892, Feb.-Jan. 16, 1893 * 1893, Jan. 23 1893 , Dec. 11 1895, Mar. 4 1896, Feb. 3 Jan. 30 Dec. 18 Mar. 11 Feb. 10 Feb. 6 Dec. 25 Mar. 18 Feb. 17 Feb. 13 1894 * Mar. 25 Feb. 24 Feb. 20 1895 , Jan. 7 Dec. 9 Mar. 2 Feb. 27 Jan. 14 Dec. 16 Mar. 9 Mar. 6 Jan. 21 Dec. 23 Mar. 16 Mar. 13 Jan. 28 Dec. 30 Mar. 23 Mar. 20 Feb. 4 1896, Jan. 6 Mar. 30 Mar. 27 Feb. 11 Jan. 13 Apr. 3 Feb. 18 Jan. 20 Dec. 4 Feb. 25 Jan. 27 Snow and ice chart 19 X 12 in. 1896, Dec. 7 1897 Mar. 1 1898, Jan. 24 1898, Dec. 20 Dec. 14 Mar. 8 Jan. 31 Dec. 27 Dec. 21 Mar. 15 Feb. 7 1899, Jan. 3 Dec. 28 Mar. 22 Feb. 14 Jan. 10 1897, Jan. 4 Mar. 29 Feb. 21 Jan. 17 Jan. 11 Dec. 6 Feb. 28 Jan. 24 Jan. 18 Dec. 13 Mar. 7 Jan. 31 Jan. 25 Dec. 20 Mar. 14 Feb. 7 Feb. 1 Dec. 27 Mar. 21 Feb. 15 Feb. 8 1898 Jan. 3 Mar. 28 Feb. 15 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Dec. 5 Dec. 13 Feb. 22 Snow and ice bulletin 19 X 12 in. 1899, Feb. 21 1899 Dec. 26 1900, Feb. 27 1901, Jan. 2 Feb. 28 1900 Jan. 2 Mar. 6 Jan. 8 Mar. 7 Jan. 9 Mar. 13 Jan. 15 Mar. 14 Jan. 16 Mar. 20 Jan. 22 Mar. 21 Jan. 23 Mar. 27 Jan. 29 Mar. 28 Jan. 30 Dec. 4 Feb. 5 Dec. 5 Feb. 6 Dec. 11 Feb. 12 Dec. 12 Feb. 13 Dec. 18 Feb. 19 Dec. 19 Feb. 20 Dec. 26 Feb. 26 293 Claminratfoi no. A29 WEATE [ER BUI lEAl r— Continu ed A29.16: Snow and Ice bulletin— Continued (date) 1901, Mar. 5 1903, Mar. 17 1905 , Dec, 12 1907, Dec. 26 Mar. 12 Dec. 8 Dec. 19 1908, Jan. 2 Mar. 19 Dec. 15 Dec. 26 Jan. 7 Mar. 26 Dec. 22 1906 , Jan. 2 Jan. 14 Dec. 3 Dec. 29 Jan. 9 Jan. 21 Dee. 10 1904, Jan. 5 Jan. 16 Jan. 28 Dee. 17 Jan . 12 Jan. 23 Feb. 4 Dee. 24 Jan. 19 Jan. 30 Feb. 11 Dec. 31 Jan. 26 Feb. 6 Feb. 18 1902, Jan. 7 Feb. 2 Feb. 13 Feb. 25 Jan. 14 Feb. 9 Feb. 20 Mar. 3 Jan. 21 Feb. 16 Feb. 27 Mar. 10 Jan. 28 Feb. 23 Mar. 6 Mar. 17 Feb. 4 Mar. 1 Mar. 13 Mar. 24 Feb. 11 Mar. 8 Mar. 20 Dec. 7 Feb. 18 Mar. 15 Mar. 27 Dec. 14 Feb. 25 Mar. 22 Dec. 4 Dec. 21 Mar. 4 Mar. 29 Dec. 11 Dec. 28 Mar. 11 Dec. 6 Dec. 18 1909, Jan. 4 Mar. 18 Dec. 13 Dec. 26 Jan. 11 Mar. 25 Dec. 20 1907 , Jan. 2 Jan. 18 Dec. 2 Dec. 27 Jan. 8 Jan. 25 Dec. 9 1905, Jan. 3 Jan. 15 Feb. 1 Dec. 16 Jan. 10 Jan. 22 Feb. 8 Dec. 23 Jan. 17 Jan. 29 Feb. 15 Dec. 30 Jan. 24 Feb. 5 Feb. 22 1903, Jan. 6 Jan. 31 Feb. 12 Mar. 1 Jan. 13 Feb. 7 Feb. 19 Mar. 8 Jan. 20 Feb. 14 Feb. 26 Mar. 15 Jan. 27 Feb. 21 Mar. 5 Mar. 22 Feb. 3 Feb. 28 Mar. 12 Mar. 29 Feb. 10 Mar. 7 Mar. 19 Dec. 6 Feb. 17 Mar. 14 Mar. 26 Dec. 13 Feb. 24 Mar. 21 Dec. 3 Dec. 20 Mar. 3 Mar. 28 Dec. 10 Dec. 27 Mar. 10 Dec. 5 Dec. 17 A29.17: (date) Storm bulletin [Until the Issue of no. 2, 1894, the title was Lake storm bulletin.) Lake storm bulletin 1893, no. 1 * no. 2 * no. 3 * no. 4 * no. 5 * 1894, no. 1 Storm bulletin 1894, no. 2 no. 3 * 1895, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 1896, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 1897 [N one issued.] 1898, no. 1 1899, no. 1 1900, no. 1 [Discontinued. Similar information now covered In Monthly weather review (A29.60.J 294 Classification no. A29.18: (date) A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued Weather map 19 X 24 in. [This publication, issued at the Weather Bureau in Washington, is the only Govern- ment publication issued every day in the year, Sundays and holidays included. For information as to the varying prints of the Washington map since July 1, 1901, see note in list below, immediately preceding that date. At 116 stations! of the Weather Bureau smaller weather maps are issued daily, except Simdays and holidays. At some of the less important stations, bulletins containing practically the same meteorological data that api)eai" on the weather maps, are issued. To an extent permitted by the editions, the maps and bulletins are fmuished free of charge to business and commercial exchanges, corporations, firms, individuals, and educational institutions that will display them for the benefit of the public or use them for educational purposes. Issued by Signal Office, War Dept., tri-daily from Jan. 1, 1871, 7.35 a. m., to June 30, 1888; semi-daily, July 1, 1888, to Jtme 30, 1891. See W42.23:] Semi-daily 1891, July 1-31 1892, Dec. 1-31 1894, May 1-31 Aug. 1-31 1893, Jan. 1-31 June 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 July 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Apr. May 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Dec. 1-31 1-31 Oct. 1-31 1892, Jan. 1-31 June 1-30 Nov. 1-30 Feb. 1-29 July 1-31 Dec. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 1895, Jan. 1-31 Apr. May 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 June 1-30 Nov. 1-30 Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 July 1-31 Dec. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 1894, Jan. 1-31 June 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 July 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Apr. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Daily 1895, Oct. 1-31 1897, Sept. 1-30 1899, Aug. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Oct. 1-31 Sept. 1-30 Dec. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Oct. 1-31 1896, Jan. 1-31 Dec. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Feb. 1-29 1898, Jan. 1-31 Dec. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 Feb. 1-28 1900, Jan. 1-31 Apr. May 1-30 Mar. 1-31 Feb. 1-28 1-31 Apr. May 1-30 Mar. 1-31 June 1-30 1-31 Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 July 1-31 June 1-30 Aug. 1-31 July 1-31 June 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Aug. 1-31 July 1-31 Oct. 1-3] Sept. 1-30 Aug. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Oct. 1-31 Sept. 1-30 Dec. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Oct. 1-31 1897, Jan. 1-31 Dec. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 1899, Jan. 1-31 Dec. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 Feb. 1-28 1901, Jan. 1-31 Apr. May 1-30 Mar. 1-31 Feb. 1-28 1-31 Apr. ]£y 1-30 Mar. 1-31 June 1-30 1-31 Apr. 1-30 July 1-31 June 1-30 May 1-31 Aug. 1-31 July 1-31 June 1-30 fThe number of stations of the Weather Bureau from which weather maps are issued is subject to change. At the close of the calendar year 1909, when this Check- list ends, there were 198 stations, 116 of which issued weather maps. Since that date, the issue of maps trom a large number of these stations has been discontinued. 295 ClsMlilrAtioii no. A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued A29.18: Weather map — Continued (date) [Beginning with July 1, 1901, there are 2 prints of the Washington map, except on Sundays uiid holidays when only 1 print appears, these Sunday and holiday maps including the additional Infomiution which on week days appears only on the later issue. In so far as the data as found on the map itself are concerned the 2 i)rinUs are identical; but the 1st print contains only tne forecasts prepared at Washington and applicable to the Washington forcca^st district, whereas the 2d print contains the forecasts for the entire United States, which is divided into t) forct-ast districts, the centers of which are: Chicago, Denver, New Orleans, Portland, Oreg., San Francisco, and Washington. It will be noted, therefore, that for everv dav in the week, including Sundays, forecasts for various districts in the Unit(Ml Sta"tos appear on the Washington map, the Sunday man, however, containing forcca-sts for a limited number of the districts. For the days when 2 prints appear the forecast data on the 1st print are limited to the Northeastern, middle Eastern, and Southeastern States. Although 2d prints of the Washington map have been appearing since July 1, 1901, the Public Documents Library has none of the 2d prints prior to Feb. 1, 1909.1 Daily 1901, July 1-31 1904 , May 1-31 1907, Mar. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 June 1-30 Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 Sept. 1-30 July 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 June 1-30 Nov. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 July 1-31 Dec. 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 1902, Jan. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 Dec. 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 1905 , Jan. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 Feb. 1-28 Dec. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 1908, Jan. 1-31 June 1-30 Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 Feb. 1-29 July 1-31 Mar. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 June 1-30 Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 Sept. 1-30 July 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 June 1-30 Nov. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 July 1-31 Dec. 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 1903, Jan. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 Dec. 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 1906 , Jan. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 Feb. 1-28 Dec. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 1909, Jan. 1-31 June 1-30 Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 Feb. 1-28 July 1-31 Mar. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 June 1-30 Apr. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 July 1-31 May 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 June 1-30 Nov. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 July 1-31 Dec. 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 1904, Jan. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Feb. 1-29 Dec. 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 1907 , Jan. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Apr. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 Dec. 1-31 A29.19: Special river bulletins 4° (date) 1897, Mar. 15 * 1897 , Apr. 5 * 1897, Apr. 18 * Mar. 16 * Apr. 6 * Apr. 19 * Mar. 17 * Apr. 7 * Apr. 20 * Mar. 18 * Apr. 8 * Apr. 21 * Mar. 19 * Apr. 9 * Apr. 22 * Mar. 28 * Apr. 10 * Apr. 23 * Mar. 29 * Apr. 11 * Apr. 24 * Mar. 30 * Apr. 12 * Apr. 25 * Mar. 31 * Apr. 13 * Apr. 26 * Apr. 1 * Apr. 14 * Apr. 27 * Apr. 2 * Apr. 15 * Apr. 28 * Apr. 3 * Apr. 16 * Apr. 29 * Apr. 4 * Apr. 17 ♦ 296 Classification no. A29.20: (nos.) A29.21: (v. nos.) A29.21«: (CT) A29.22: (CT) A29.23: (date) A29.2d: : (date) A29.25: (date) A29.26: (date) tA29.27: A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued Cotton region weather- crop bnlletln f^ [These bulletins were published after the issue of National weather bulletin, no. 32, 1905 (A29.7:905). Thev were prepared in the interests of the cotton crop which was late In maturing in 1905. Only 4 bulletins were issued.] 1 2 3 4 [Discontinued.] Bulletin of Mount Weather Observatory large 8«> V. 1, pt. 1 V. 2, pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 4 Bulletin of Mount Weather Observatory (separates) Specifications f® Meteorological chart of north Atlantic Ocean 17.8 X 26 in. [Monthly.] [First issued July, 1909. Similar information is given on Pilot chart of north Atlan- tic Ocean issued by Hydrographic OflBce (N6.15:).] 1909, July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. M e t eorological 17.7 X 26 in. chart [Monthly.' of north Pacific Ocean [First issued July, 1909. Similar information is given on Pilot chart of north Pacific Ocean issued by Hydrographic Ofi&ce (N6.16:).] 1909, July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Meteorological 17.7 X 26 in. south Atlantic Ocean chart of [Quarterly.] [First issued for quarter June-Aug. 1909. Similar information is given on Pilot chart of south Atlantic Ocean issued by Hydrographic Office (N6.20:).] 1909, June-Aug. Sept.-Nov. 1910, Dec. 1909-Feb. 1910 Meteorological chart of south Pacific Ocean 17.7 X 26 in. [Quarterly.] [First issued for quarter Dec. 1909-Feb. 1910. Similar information is given on Pilot chart of south Pacific Ocean issued by Hydrographic Office (N6.21:).] 1910, Dec. 1909-Feb. 1910 Meteorological chart of Indian Ocean t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Weather Bureau has since begun a new series, necessitating a new class under A29. as follows: A29.27: Meteorological chart of Indian Ocean 17.7 X 26 in. [Monthly.] (date) [First issued for Jan. 1911. Similar information is given on Pilot chart of Indian Ocean issued hy Hydrographic Ofllce (N6.17:).] 297 Cla.sMiflc»tlon no. A29.28: (date) A30.1: (date) A30.2: (CT) A30.3: (nos.) A30.4: (nos.) A29. WEATHER BUREAU— Continued Roster of commissioned officials and employees f Roster of station officials and employees 1903, July 1 1904, Aug. 1 1905, July (?) 1 * 1906, July 1 * 1907, July 1 Roster of commissioned officials and employees 1908, July 1 1909, July 1 1 A30. APPOINTMENT CLERK Annual reports [1895-1909 (except 1898-1900, none issued, and 1901, issued separately only), in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and since 1901 issued separately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] A31. CHIEF CLERK [The office of chief clerk was established at the organization of the Agriculture Department in 1862.] A31.1: (date) A31.2: In2 A31.3: (nos.) A31.4:: (nos.) A32 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Indian reservations. Presence of Government representatives upon Indian reservations. Sept. 25, 1902. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] . FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION BOARD See General orders [Organized May, 1907, under order of Secretary of Agriculture dated Apr. 25, 1907. Ill (A1.12:lll).] A32.1: (date) A32.2: R26^ 11262 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Regulations and decisions concerning guaranties and serial numbers, and their use. Aug. 22, 1908. Same. Aug. 22, 1908, reprint Apr. 29, 1909. t Discontinued with issue of July 1, 1910. 298 Classification A32. FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION BOARD— Continued A32.3: (nos.) A32.4: (nos.) A32.5: (nos.) A32.6: (nos.) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Food inspection decisions See, for indexes, A21.4:5. 1-68 SeeA7.5: 69 80 91 103 70 81 92 104 71 82 93-95 [In one 105 72 83 pamphlet.] 106 73 84 96 107 74 85 97 108 75 86 98 109 76 87 99 not 77 88 100 78 89 101 79 90 102 Notices of judgment, food and drugs act [Lists of Notices of judgment arranged by subjects are given in nos. 51-53 and 102- 110. Nos. 1 to 4 are indexed in Food and drugs Index, A21.4:5 2,] 1 54,55 In one pamphlet. 2 56,57 In one pamphlet. 3 58-63 In one pamphlet. 4 64,65 In one pamphlet.; 5-11 In one pamphlet." 66,67 In ono pamphlet.; 12-17 In one pamphlet." 68 18-21 In one pamphlet. 69-81 In one pamphlet.] 22-24 In one pamphlet. 82 25 83-90 In one pamphlet.] 26,27 In one pamphlet. 91 28-35 In one pamphlet. 92,93 In one pamphlet.; In one pamphlet.] 36,37 In one pamphlet. 94-99 38 100, 101 [In one pamphlet.; 39-42 In one pamphlet.; 102-110 In one pamphlet. 43-47 In one pamphlet. 111 48,49 In one pamphlet. 112-116 In one pamphlet.; In one pamphlet. 50 117, 118 51-53 In one pamphlet. ^ 119-122 t [In one pamphle .t.] A33. SOLICITOR OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE [Appointed July 1, 1905. See General orders 85 (A1.12:85). A33.1: (date) Annual reports [1907-09, in annual reports of Agriculture Department (Al.l:), and issued separately also.] t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. Early in 1910 radical changes were made in the two series of publications entered under A32.5: and A32.6: These publications now appear without the name of the Food and Drug Inspection Board, and over the signature of the Secretary of Agriculture, although the board is still (Mar. 2, 1910) in existence. This change has necessitated the continuation of these two series under the office of the Secretary of Agriculture. Food inspection decisions 111 and 112 were issued Jan. 27, 1910, by the board, and although not entered in this Checklist are to be classed under A32. 5:111, 112. Beginning with no. 113, the Food inspection decisions, for- merly under A32.5: are to be continued under A1.15: Beginning with no. 123, the Notices of judgment, formerly under A32.6: are to be continued under A1.16: 299 ClMslflcAtlon A33. SOLICITOR OF DEPARTMENT OF AORI- "''• CULTURE— Continued General publications Laws applicable to Department of Agriculture; [compiled by Otis H. Gates and Philip P. Wells]. May 5, 1908. Twenty-eight hour law annotated, act approved June 29, 1906 [relating to confinement of live stock in cars; by Otis II. Gates, W. Parker Jones, and R. W. Williams, jr.]. Oct. 12, 1909. A33.2: L44 T91 A83.3: (nos.) A33.4: (nos.) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 AR AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU t [The International Bureau of American Republics was created by the 1st International American Conference held in Washington, D. C, Oct. 2, 1889-Apr. 19, 1890, and was confirmed and reorganized by the 2d and 3d International American Confer- ences held respectively in Mexico City, Oct. 22, 1901-Jan. 31, 1902, and in Rio de Janeiro, July 21-Aug. 26, 1906. This bureau is an international organization sup- ported by contributions of tlie 21 Republics in this hemisphere, who have an equal interest in the institution. The bureau was organized in 1890, under the supervision of the Secretary of State of the United States, acting at the request of the Ist conference, and under authority of act of Congress approved July 14, 1890 (Stat. L. v. 26, p. 275). Mar. 18, 1899, at a conference of diplomatic representatives of the countries composing the Inter- national Union of American Republics it was unanimously agreed, that "the Bureau of American Republics shall be governed under the supervision of the Sec- retary of State of the United States with the cooperation and advice of four repre- sentatives of the other Republics composing the International Union, the five persons indicated to constitute an executive committee of which the Secretary of State is to be ex-officio chairman, or in his absence, the acting Secretary of State." At the 2d International American Conference, held in Mexico, it was resolved as follows: "Article 1. The International Bureau of the American Republics shall be under the control of a Governing Board composed of the diplomatic representa- tives of all the Governments of said Republics accredited near the Government of the United States of America, and of the Secretary of State of the latter nation, who shall be the chairman of said board." The 3d International American Conference enlarged the scope of the bureau without materially altering its status or organiza- tion. Notwithstanding the fact of its close connection with the Secretary of State, it has never been, strictly speaking, a division of the State Department of the United States. fin accordance with a resolution passed and signed by the 4th International American Conference held in Buenos Aires, July 12-Aug. 30, 1910, the name of the American Republics Bureau was changed to Pan American Union. As this Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909, it uses the form "American Republics Bureau." In accordance with the resolution above referred to, the title of the director was changed to "director general" and the title of the secretary to "assistant director." 300 ii This bureau is the custodian of the archives of the International American Confer- ences, and is especially charged with the performance of duties imposed upon it by these conferences. See also, for publications of lst-3d International American Conferences, 85.9^"^: See, for Historical sketch of International Bureau of American Republics, AR1.2: H62^t] Classlflcation no. ARl.l: Annual reports rdate) [From 1891 to 1898, these reports are assigned nximbers in the series of bulletins ^ ^ (AR1.3:), though, with the exception of the report for 1891 (AR1.3:30), the bul- letin numbers do not appear on the publications themselves.] 1891 [2894-8] 1892 [3063-84] 1893 [3160-43] 1894 [3280-70] . ;. 1895 [3425-241] : ■ 1896 [3534-319] ; | 1897 [3601-178, pt. 1] 1898 [3728-51] 1899 [3971-175, pt. 1] 1900 [4149-181, pt. 1] 1901 [4355-306] [In Monthly bulletin, v. 12, no. 4. rately.] Same, English only, with accompanying papers [4357-557] edition without Congressional document number.] 1902 [4356-306] [In Monthly bulletin, v. 13, no. 6. Not issued sepa- rately.] 1903 [4691-111] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] 1904 [4844-145, pt. 1] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1905 [4910-68] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] 1906 [In 5029-406, pt. 11] Same, Spanish [In 5029-406, pt. 11] 1907 [5358-603, pt. 5] [In Monthly bulletin, v. 25, pt. 5. Not is- sued separately.] 1908 [Issued separately only. Not in Congressional set.] Same, Spanish [Issued separately only. Not in Congressional set.] 1909 [None issued for 1909 . 1910 report covers several previous years .] Annual reports (separates) [Some annual reports have had separate prints made in English, Spanish, PortU' guese, or French, as well as combined in one publication AIll.l«: (date) AR1.2: Ar3i Ar32 B631 Not issued sepa- [No Such separates are classed here, while the combined pamphlet is classed imder ARl.l:] Oeneral publications Argentine Republic, geographical sketch, with special reference to eco- nomic conditions, actual development, and prospects of future growth [with bibliography]. 1903. [4691-111, pt. 2] Argentine Republic, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Reprinted, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (AR1.6:29i).] Bolivia, geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic condi- tions, actual development, prospects of future growth [with bibli- ography]. 1904. [4846-145, pt. 8] t A later sketch, giving further historical information, is found on p. 76-83 of the annual report of the bureau for 1910. This report, being a 1910 publication, is not entered in this Checklist, but it should be classed under ARl.l :910. 301 Clawilflratloii no. Alll.2: B63' B633 B73» B732 B733 C33 C43^ C432 C433 C65^ C652 C653 C71 C73» C732 C733 C73* C735 C73« C737 C738 C73» C7310 C73" AR. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU— C^ontinued General publications— Continued Bolivia. Catalogue of books, pamphlets, periodicals, and maps relating to Bolivia in Columbus Memorial Library; revised to Mar. 31, 1905. 1905. [Interleaved.] Bolivia, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with omission of 1 illustration, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909(AR1.6:29»).] Brazil. United States of Brazil, geographical sketch, with special refer- ence to economic conditions and prospects of future develop- ment. 1901. Brazil. List of books, magazine articles, and maps relating to Brazil, 1800-1900, by P. Lee Phillips; supplement to Handbook of Bra- zil, 1901. 1901. [See, for Handbook of Brazil, AR1.2:B73 ^] Brazil, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909(AR1.6:29i).] Central America. List of books, magazine articles, and maps relating to Central America, including Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador, 1800-1900; by P. Lee Phillips. 1902. Chile. List of books, magazine articles, and maps relating to Chile; by P. Lee Phillips. 1903. Chile, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (AR1.6:29i).] Chile, a handbook. International Bm-eau of American Republics, Washington, D. C. [Jime, 1909]. [Back-title reads: Chile, a gen- eral sketch.] Coffee. Report on coffee, with special reference to Costa Rican prod- uct; by J. B. Calvo. 1901. Coffee, extensive information and statistics [with bibliography]. 1902. Coffee. El caf6, su historia, cultivo, beneficio, variedades, produccidn, exportaci6n, importacion, consume, etc., datos extensos [con bib- liograffa] presentados al congreso relative al caf^, Nuevo York, el 1° de octubre de 1902. Washington, D. C. [printed by Guggen- heimer, Weil and Co., Baltimore, Md., 1902]. Colombia, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (ARl. 6:29^).] Commercial directory of Latin America. 1892. iii + [1] + 438 p. [2895-8, pt. 11] [Congressional edition of iii + 458 p. contains additional entries in directory for Mexico.] Commercial directory of American Republics [introduction, etc.]. 1897. 40 Same [prospectus, sample pages, etc.]. [Aug.] 1897. 4® Same. [Sept.] 1897. 4° Same. [Revised edition.] [Sept.] 1897. 4° Same. [Oct.] 1897. 40 Same. [Nov.] 1897. 40 See, for Commercial directory of American Republics in 2 v., AR1.3:91. Commercial nomenclature [by John K. Chandler and John C. Redman]: V. 1, A-Machines. Apr. 1894. oblong large 8° [English, Span- ish, and Portuguese.] Same: v. 2, Mackerel-Z. Dec. 1894. oblong large 8« Commercial nomenclature; [by John K. Chandler and others]. [Re- vised edition.] Aug. 1897. large 8° [English, Spanish, and Portuguese.] [3602-178] Same. [Revised] edition. Aug. 1897 [reprint] Apr. 1908. large 8° [English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Not in Congressional set.] 302 Classification no. AR1.2: C73^2 073^3 C76 C82 C891 C892 D71 Ec9 G93» G932 H12 H621 H622 H751 H752 InS^ In82 In83 L34^ L342 AR. AMERICAN REPUBIilCS BUREAU— Continued General publications — Continued Same, Spanish, with title, Nomenclatura comercial; [by John K. Chandler and others]. Abril de 1897. large 8** [Spanish, English, and Portuguese.] [3603-178] Same, Portuguese, with title, Nomenclatura commercial; [by John K, Chandler and others]. Abril de 1897. large 8** [Portuguese, Spanish, and English.] [3604-178] Commercial directory. Letter to President [of United States] on pre- senting Commercial directory of American Republics. Nov. 10, 1897. Consular fees and invoices of Latin American countries, practical infor- mation for exporters to Latin America. 1909. Costa Rica, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Reprinted, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (AR1.6:29i).] Cuba; by Gonzalo de Quesada. 1905. Cuba, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909(AR1.6:29i).] Dominican Republic, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Reprinted, with slight changes, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909(AR1.6:29i).] Ecuador, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (AR1.6:29^).] Guatemala, country of the future; by Charles M. Pepper. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1906. Guatemala, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Reprinted, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bul- letin, July, 1909 (AR1.6:29^).] Haiti, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (ARl. 6:291).] [Historical sketch of] International Bureau of American Republics. 1906. t Same, Spanish. 1906. Honduras, geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic con- ditions, actual development, prospects of future growth [with bibliography]; by Alfred K. Moe. 1904. [4845-145, pt. 4] Honduras, general descriptive data prepared in June. 1909. 1909. [Reprinted, with additional illustration, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909(AR1.6:29i).] International Union of American Republics. Washington [W. F. Roberts] 1901. International American Conference. [Letter to chairman and mem- bers of joint committee on 3d International American Confer- ence showing programs of previous conferences, resolutions passed, and results.] Dec. 27, 1905. See also entries under AR1.2:P19 1'2. International Bureau of American Republics [circular concerning his- tory, object and purpose, etc., of bureau]. [1909.] narrow 8° See, for Historical sketch, AR1.2:H62i'2. Latin America, land of opportunity; by John Barrett. 1909. Latin America. List of [books on] Latin American history and descrip- tion [with references to articles in magazines], in Columbus Me- morial Library. [Press of Gibson Brothers, Washington, D. C] Nov. 1, 1907. t A later sketch, giving further historical information, is found on p. 76-83 of the annual report of the bureau for 1910. This report, being a 1910 publication, is not entered in this Checklist, but it should be classed under AR1.1:910. 303 ClMslflratlon no. AIll.2: L343 M57> M57» M573 M57* M69 N51 PI91 P192 P19« P211 P212 P213 P271 P272 P43 P93» P932 P933 P93^ P93* P93« P937 P93« P93» P961 AR. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU— (out inufd General publications— Continued Same, supplement 1, Nov. 1, 1907-July 8, 1909. 1909. Mexico, geographical sketch, with special reference to economic condi- tions ana prospects of future development [with bibliography]. 1900. [4149-181, pt. 3] Same, with title, Mexico, geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic conditions, actual development, prospects of fu- ture growth [with bibliography]. [Revised edition.] 1904. [4845-145, pt. 5] Mexican law in rt^rd to medical studies and practice of medical pro- fessions. June, 1904. [English and Spanish.] Mexico, general descriptive data i)repared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (ARl. 6:29^).] Missiones award, special bulletin. Mar. 1895. [Preferred spelling of the name of the territory is " Misiones."] Nicaragua, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Reprinted, with additional illustration, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (ARl. 6:291).] Pan-American Conference. Tentative programme for 4th Pan-Ameri- can Conference to be held at Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mav, 1910. 1909. [Conference was postponed, its sessions being held July 12-Aug. 30, 1910.] Same, Spanish. [1909.] Panama, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (AR1.6:29i).] Paraguay [with bibliography]; with chapter on Native races, by J. Hampden Porter. 2d edition enlarged by Jos6 Segundo De- coud. Sept. 1902, [Known as Handbook of Paraguay. See, for 1st edition, ARl. 3:54.] Paraguay. List of books, magazine articles, and maps relating to Para- guay, books, 1638-1903, maps, 1599-1903, by Jose Segundo De- coud; supplement to Handbook of Paraguay, Sept. 1902. 1904. [4844-145, pt. 2] [See, for Handbook of Paraguay, AR1.2:P21 \] Paraguay, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Reprinted, with additional illustration, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (AR1.6:29i).] Patent and trade-mark laws of Spanish-American Republics, Brazil, and Haiti; revised to Oct. 1904. 1904. [4846-145, pt. 7] Same, Spanish, with different appendixes and with title, Leyes y reglamentos sobre privilegios de invenci6n y marcas de fdbrica en los pafses Hispano-Americanos, el Brasil y la Repiiblica de Haiti; revisado hasta Agosto de 1904. 1904. [4846-145, pt. 6] Peru, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (ARl. 6:29 1).] Price list of publications. [Mar. 1, 1895.] * [See, for issues 1897-1900, Bulletin 86 (ARl. 3. -86).] Same. [Dec. 1, 1902.] Same. [July 1, 1903.] [4] p. Same. [July 1, 1903, published 1904.] 4 p. Same. [Jan. 1, 1905.] Same. [July 1, 1905.] Same. [Mar. 1, 1906.] Same. [July 15, 1906.] Same. [Jan. 25, 1907.] Publications. [Extracts from annual reports relating to publications, and Price Ust.] [June 1, 1895.] large 8° 304 Classification no. AR1.2: P962 P963 P96^ P96* Sa3 Sp3i Sp32 Ur8 V55» V552 AR1.3: (nos.) AR. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU— Continued General publications — Continued Publications of Bureau [of American Republics], Commercial directory and Monthly bulletins. [Dec. 1897.] [Pamphlet of newspaper clippings and commendatory letters. Issued as Bulletin 91, but number subsequently withdrawn and assigned to Commer- cial directory (AR1.3:91).] Publications. List of publications published or distributed by Inter- national Bureau of American Republics. [Nov. 15, 1907.] * Same [with Supplement to publications for free distribution]. [Nov. 15, 1907, published 1908.] Same [without Supplement]. Washington, D. C. [no publisher, Aug. 1] 1909. Salvador, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with slight alterations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (ARl. 6:29^).] Specifications for edifice for federal legislative power in City of Mexico. [1st edition.] [Apr. 23, 1897.] [Originally issued as Bulletin 81, but number subsequently withdrawn.] Same, with title, Specifications for building for federal legislative body in City of Mexico. [2d edition.] June 18, 1897. Uruguay, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Re- printed, with slight alterations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (AR1.6:29i).] Venezuela, geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic con- ditions, actual development, prospects of future growth [with bibliography]; by N. Veloz Goiticoa. 1904. [4844-145, pt. 3] Venezuela, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. 1909. [Reprinted, with additional illustrations, from Monthly bulletin, July, 1909 (ARl. 6:29 1).] Bulletins (numbered) [1] Handbook of American Republics, Jan. 1891. [Not in Congres- sional set.] Same, 2d edition enlarged, Feb. 1891. [2894-8] [2] 31 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 [Not in Congressional set.] [2894-8] [2896-8] [2894-8] [2897-8] [2897-8] [2898-8] [2895-8] [2895-8] [2895-8] [2895-8] [2895-8] [2895-8] [2895-8] [2897-8] [2897-8] [2896-8] [2898-8] [2897-8] [2897-8] 305 Clasalflratlon no. AR1.3: (no8.) 57 58 59 60 61 62 [63] 64 65 66 67 [68] 82452°— 11- AR. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU-Oontinued Bulletins (numbered)— Continued 26 [2895-8] 27 [2897-8] 28 [2895-8] 29 [2895-8] 30 [2894-8] 31 [2895-8] 32 [2895-8] 33 [2895-8] 34 [2895-8] 35 [Not in Congressional set.] 36 [2898-8] 37 [2896-8] 38 [2895-8] 39 [2895-8] 40 [Not in Congressional set.] 41 [Reprinted in the 6 volume edition of the Bulletins (AR1.5:1*)» and there considered as Bulletin 59, though still bearing its original number 41. Not in Congressional set.] [Not in Congressional set.] [2897-8] [2898-8] [2898-8] [2897-8] [2898-8] [2896-8] [2897-8] [2902 1-149] [29022-149] [29022-149] [29022-149] [29022-149] [29022-149] Supplement [to 43], import duties of Guatemala; corrected to June 15, 1894. [2897-8] [Bulletin 56 was originally designed to be a new edition of Bulletin 10, which was never published, and this publication, though bearing the number 69, has been substituted therefor.] [29023- 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 [56] See, for 2d edition, AR1.2:P21^ -149] [29023-149] ^eeAR1.3:41. [29023-149] [29023-149] [29023-149] How Latin-American markets may be reached by manufacturers of United States. [3063-96] [3063-96] [Not issued.] [Not issued.] [3063-96] Republic of Guatemala, special bulletin, Feb. 1897. [Not in Con- gressional set.] 306 Classification no. AR1.3: (nos.) AR1.4: (nos.) AR1.5: (v. nos.) AR1.6: (v. nos.) AR. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU— Continued Bulletins (numbered) — Continued [69] Manual de las Repdblicas Americanas, 1891, Spanish edition of Bulletin 2. [Not in Congressional set.] [Number 69 was originally assigned to and printed on Supplement, import duties of Guatemala, which is now considered Bulletin 56; see AR1.3:56.] [Not in Congressional set.] Act to reduce taxation (Wilson ta,riff). [Not in Congressional set.] Annual report, 1892. [3063-84] [3160-43] [3280-70] 70 [71] [72] [73] [74] 75 76 77 78 79 [80] [81] [82] [83] Annual report, 1893. Annual report, 1894. [3601-178] [3601-178] [3601-178] [3601-178] large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Annual report, 1895. [3425-241] Annual report, 1896. [3534-319] Official mailing list. [Not in Congressional set.] Annual report, 1897. [3601-178] [84] [Handbook of] Alaska. [3601-178] [85] [Handbook of] Hawaii. [3601-178] 86 5 editions [Not in Congressional set.] See, for other issues not bearing bulletin number, ARl.2:P93^-^. 87 [3601-178] 88 [3601-178] 89 large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] [90] Newspaper directory of Latin America. [3601-178] [91] Commercial directory of American Republics, v. 1,4° [3605-178] Same. v. 2, 4« [3606-178] Same, supplement containing corrections of errors in v. 2 in Congressional set.] [92] Annual report, 1898. [3728-51] 93 [3619-178] 94 [3971-175, pt. 4] [Discontinued.] Circulars [None issued.] Bulletins (in volumes) [This 6 volimaed set is a rearrangement of certain Bulletins listed under AR1.3: which see for notes and for serial numbers of Congressional set. The 6 volumes here listed contain Bulletins 8, 10-30, 35-41, 43-55, 57, 58, 60-62, 64, 67, and 69. V. 6 appears as a whole in the Congressional set as indicated below.] [Not V. 1, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 • V. 2 V. 3 V 4 V 5, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 V 6 [2895-8, pt. 11] [Montlily] bulletins [Prior to July 1, 1908, many of the articles in each bulletin appeared in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. From that date, beginning with v. 27, no. 1, the bulletins have been published in two sections, an English section and a for- eign section, the latter carrying a Spanish cover and title-page, and having 307 ClMslfloatlun no. AR1.6S (v. no8.) V. 2, [no. [no. AR. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU— Continued [Montlily] bulletins— Continued Spanish, Portuguese, and French subdivisions. From Jan. 1909 to June, 1909, V. 28, this foreign section was not a United States public document, being then issued by the Latin-American Republics. Since July, 1909, It Is again printed at the Government Printing Office, and is listed as a United States pu))llc docu- ment. Beginning with the Issue for Apr. 1908, v. 26, no. 4, the word "Monthly" Is omitted from the title, and volume numbers appear In the caption and back-title, but not on the title-page.] [V. 1] [no. 1] Coffee in America, methods of production and facilities for successful cultivation in Mexico, Central American States, Brazil and other South American countries, and West Indies, n. p. Oct. 1893. [Special bulletin.] 2] Coal and petroleum in Colombia [report of C. F. Z. Cara- cristi]; Commercial information, n. p. Nov. 1893. [Special bulletin.] 3] Minerals and resources of northeastern Nicaragua; Coffee industry in Haiti, Guatemala, and Mexico; Commer- cial information, n. p. Dec. 1893. [no. 4] Finances of Chile; Recent commerce of Brazil; Tariff changes in Brazil; Tariff changes in Guatemala; Mar- ble deposits in Colombia; Government lands in Mex- ico; Commercial and industrial information. Jan. 1894. [no. 5] Costa Rica at World's Fair; Railways of South America; Mining Exposition in Chile; Currency changes in Chile; Iron ore and manganese in Cuba; Commercial and industrial information. Feb. 1894. 6] Reciprocity treaties and trade; Commercial outlook in Brazil; Ramie culture in southern countries; Cacao, bananas, and India rubber in Colombia; Development of British Guiana; Commercial and industrial informa- tion. Mar. 1894. 7] Republic of Costa Rica, some facts and figures, by J. B. Calvo, 2d edition; Costa Rica at World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Washington, D. C, Apr. 1894. [Special bulletin.] 8] Mexico, treasury receipts, total sources of income for fiscal year 1894-95; Mexican tariff modification, decree Apr. 30, 1894; Mexican National Library; Mexican fruit industry; Mexico, miscellaneous news ; Jamaica; Commercial and industrial information. May, 1894. 9] Commercial and industrial information; Gold mining in British Guiana, correction of November bulletin, 1893; Import duties of Guatemala, revised. June, 1894. [Import duties of Guatemala, revised, which is in- cluded here, is same as Bulletin 56, printed 69, for which see AR1.3: 56.] [no. 10] Index to v. 1, embracing monthly bulletins Oct. 1893- June, 1894. Bureau of American Republics, Wash- ington [1894]. [no. [no. [no. [no. no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 [no. 13], index 308 Classification no. AR1.6: (v. nos.) AR. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU— Continued [Montlily] bulletins — Continued V. 3, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 [no. 13], index 1 V. 4, no. no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 [no. 13], index V. 5, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 Index [to nos. 1-6] no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 Index [to nos. 7-12] V. 6, no. 11 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 [no. 13], index to v. V. 7, no. 1] no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 V. 8, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6. [3607-178] [3608-178] [3730-51] [3972-175] [3973-175] [4150-181] 309 Classification no. ARl.C: (v. nos.) AR. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU— Continued [Monthly] bulletins— Continued V. 9, no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 10, no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 11, no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 12, no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 13, no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 14, no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 15, no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 16, no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 17, no. no. no. V. 18, no. no. no. V. 19, no. no. no. V. 20, no. no. no. [4151-323] [4152-356] [4153-356] > [4355-306[ [4356-306] [4522-310] [4523-310] [4524-310] [4525-310] [4692-458] [with appendix] f [4694-458] [4695-458] [4847-267] [4848-267] [4693-458] t Appendix is Charles M. Pepper's report on Pan-American railway, printed here in Spanish only. See also, for Spanish reprint of report, S5.92:P192, and for English edition with additions and map, S5.92:P19*. 310 Classification no. AR1.6: (v. nos.) AR. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU— Continued [MontKly] bulletins— Continued V. 21, no. 1" no. 2} [4849-267] no. 3 no. 4 no. 5[ [4850-267] no. 6 V. 22, no. 1 no. 2[ [5026-406] no. 3 no. 4 no. 5[ [5027-406] no. 6 V. 23, no. 1 no. 2[ [5028-406] no. 3 no. 4 no. 5[ [5029-406] no. 6 V. 24, no. 1 no. 2 J [5196-502] no. 3 no. 4 no. 5[ [5197-502] no. 6 V. 25, no. 1 no. 2 [5357-603] no. 3 J no. 4 no. 5[ [5358-603] no. 6J V. 26, no. 1 no. 2[ [5359-603] no. 3 J no. 4] no. 5[ [5360-603] no. 6] V. 27, no. 1, English section [5514-1000, pt. 1] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections no. 2, English section [5514-1000, pt. 2] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections no. 3, English section [5514-1000, pt. 3] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections no. 4, English section [5515-1000, pt. 4] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections no. 5, English section [5515-1000, pt. 5] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections no. 6, English section [5515-1000, pt. 6] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections [5519-1000, pt. 6] [no. 7], index to English section [5515-1000, index] [Notprinted at Government Printing OflEice.] 28, no. l,t English section [5516-1000, pt. 7] [5516-1000, pt. 8] [5516-1000, pt. 9] [5517-1000, pt. 10] [5517-1000, pt. 11] [5517-1000, pt. 12] [5518-1000, pt. 1] [5518-1000, pt. 2] [5518-1000, pt. 3] [5519-1000, pt. 4] [5519-1000, pt. 5] no. 2,t English section no. 3,t English section no. 4,t English section no. 5,t English section no. 6,t English section fv. 28, nos. 1-6, foreign sections, are not United States public documents; see also note at head of AR1.6 : • 311 ClasRlflratlon no. AR1.6: (v. nos.) AR1.6«: (CT) AR1.7: ''nos.) AR1.8: (CT) ARI.91: C76 AR. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BTTREAr-Continued [Monthly] bulletins— Continued V. 28 [no. 7], index to English section [5517-1000, index] V. 29, no. 1, English section r5804-163, pt. 1] [This Bulletin com- prises descrintive aata prepared in June, 1909, for each of the 20 Repuolics; these descriptions were also published separately, with slight changes, and are listed under AR1.2:] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections [Not in Con- gressional set.] no. 2, English section [5804-163, pt. 2] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections [Not in Con- gressional set.] no. 3, English section [5804-163, pt. 3] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections [Not in Con- gressional set.] no. 4, English section [5805-163, pt. 4] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections [Not in Con- gressional set.] no. 5, English section [5805-163, pt. 5] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections [Not in Con- gressional set.] no. 6, English section [5805-163, pt. 6] Same, Spanish, Portuguese, French sections [Not in Con- gressional set.] ■[no. 7], index to English section [5805-163, index] Same, index to Spanish, Portuguese, French sections [Not in Congressional set.] [MontMy] bulletins (separates) Additions to Columbus Memorial Library (published with separate title-pages in back of certain Monthly bulletins) Accessions to library of Bureau of American Republics 1, July-Dec. 1900 2, Jan .-June, 1901 3, July-Dec. 1901 Additions to Columbus Memorial Library 4, Jan .-June, 1902 5, July-Dec. 1902 6, Jan.-June, 1903 7, July-Dec. 1903 Accessions to library of Bureau of American Republics 8, Jan.-June, 1904 9, July-Dec. 1904 Additions to Columbus Memorial Library 10, Jan.-June, 1905 11, July-Dec. 1905 12, Jan.-June, 1906 13, July-Dec. 1906 14, Jan.-June, 1907 [15], July-Dec. 1907 [No more Issued up to Dec. 31, 1909. See also AR1.2:L34»>».) Maps International Sanitary Conference of American Republics (miscellaneous) [Convocation of] 2d general International Sanitary Convention, to be held in Washington, D. C, Oct. 9, 1905. [1905.] [English and Spanish.] 312 Classification no. ARI.92: 902 905 907 907 : ARl.lO: (v. nos.) AR. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU— Continued International Sanitary Conference of American Republics (proceedings) Transactions of 1st general International Sanitary Convention of Ameri- can Republics, Washington, D. C, Dec. 2-4, 1902. 1903. [4419- 169] [English and Spanish.] Transactions of 2d International Sanitary Convention of American Re- publics, Washington, D. C, Oct. 9, 10, 12-14, 1905. 1906. [Eng- lish and Spanish.] Transactions of 3d International Sanitary Conference of American Re- publics, City of Mexico, Dec. 2-7, 1907. International Bureau of American Republics, Washington, D. C, 1909. [English only.] Same, Spanish. Oficina Internacional de las Repiiblicas America- nas, Washington, D. C, 1908. [The 4th International Sanitary .Conference was held in San Jos6, Costa Rica, Dec. 25, 1909- Jan. 2, 1910. Proceedings not yet issued (July 31, 1911).] American constitutions [v. 1 contains pts. 1 and 2; v. 2, pts. 3 and 4. Each constitution appears in its origi- nal language, with translation into Spanish or English, as the case may be, the constitution of Brazil, in pt.'l, being in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, and the constitution of Haiti, in pt. 3, being in French, English, and Spanish.] V. 1 V. 2 C. COMMERCE AND LABOR DEPARTMENT [The act to establish the Department of Commerce and Labor, approved Feb. 14, 1903 (Stat. L. V. 32, pt. 1, p. 825), includes the following provisions: That there shall be at the seat of government an executive department to be known as the Department of Commerce and Labor, and a Secretary of Commerce and Labor, who shall be the head thereof. * * * Sec. 4. That the following-named offices, bureaus, divisions, and branches of the public service, now and heretofore under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Treasury, and all that pertains to the same, known as the Light-House Board, the Light-House Establishment, the Steamboat-Inspection Service, the Bureau of Navi- gation, the United States Shipping Commissioners, the National Bureau of Stand- ards, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Commissioner-General of Immigration, the commissioners of immigration, the Bureau of Immigration, the immigration service at large, and the Bureau of Statistics, be, and the same hereby are, trans- ferred from the Department of the Treasury to the Department of Commerce and Labor, and the same shall hereafter remain under the jurisdiction and super- vision of the last-named Department; and that the Census Office, and all that per- tains to the same, be, and the same hereby is, transferred from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Commerce and Labor, to remain henceforth under the jurisdiction of the latter; that the Department of Labor, the Fish Com- mission, and the Office of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, and all that per- tains to the same, be, and the same hereby are, placed under the jurisdiction and made a part of the Department of Commerce and Labor; that the Bureau of For- eign Commerce, now m the Department of State, be, and the same hereby is, transferred to the Department of Commerce and Labor and consolidated with and made a part of the Bureau of Statistics, hereinbefore transferred from the Depart- ment of the Treasury to the Department of Commerce and Labor, and the two shall constitute one bureau, to be called the Bureau of Statistics, with a chief of the bureau; and that the Secretary of Commerce and Labor shall have control of the work of gathering and distributing statistical information naturally relating to the subjects confided to his Department; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby given the power and authority to rearrange the statistical work of the bureaus and offices confided to said Department, and to consolidate any of the statistical bureaus and offices transferred to said Department; and said Secretary shall also have authority to call upon other Departments of the Government for statistical data and results obtained b^ them; and said Secretary of Commerce and Labor may collate, arrange, and publish such statistical information so obtained in such manner as to him may seem wise. * * * 313 Sec. 5. That there shall bo in the Department of Commerce and Labor a ])ureau to be called the liuroau of Manufactures, and a chief of said bureau. * ♦ ♦ Sec. 6. That there shall be in the Department of Commerce and Labor a })ureau to be called the Bureau of Corj^rations, and a Commissioner of Corporations who shall be the head of said bureau. * ♦ * Sec. 7. That the jurisdiction, supervision and control now possessed and exercised bv the Department of the Treasury over the fur-seal, salmon and other fisheries of Alaska ana over the immigration of aliens into the United States, its waters, terri- tories and any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are hereby transferred and vested in the Department of Commerce and Labor. * * * Sec. 13. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage: Proinded, however, That the provisions of this Act other than those of section twelve in relation to the transfer oi any existing office, bureau, division, officer or other branch of the public service or authority now conferred thereon, to the Department of Commerce and Labor shall take effect and be in force on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and three, and not before. See, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:Or3.] Classlflration no. CI. SECRETARY Cl.l: (date) Cl.l«: (date) C1.2: Ac8 Ad2 All B641 B642 B643 B64 4 C81» C812 C813 C81* Annual 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 reports 4670-46] 4871-412] 4966-71 '5125-7' '5321-7' '5491-1048] ;5782-109] Annual reports (separates; Secretary's report) General publications Acts. List of acts and resolutions affecting Department of Commerce and Labor passed by 59th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions. [1908.] Addresses at Department of Commerce and Labor flag-raising, June 17, 1903 [and at] transfer of bureaus, July 1, 1903. 1903. ([Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 1.]) Alaska. Report on Alaskan fur-seal fisheries; by Edwin W. Sims, Solicitor of Department of Commerce and Labor. 1906. [5153-251] Books and blanks. Catalogue of books and blanks furnished to customs officers. 1905. [This publication bears on cover the catalogue number 1500. See, for earlier editions, T36.5 M] Same. 1906. Books and blanks. Catalogue of books and blanks furnished for use at New York custom-house. 1905. [This publication bears on cover the catalogue number 2151. See, for earlier editions, T36.52:] Books and blanks. Catalogue of books and blanks furnished to customs officers. 1907 [1908]. Cortelyou, George B. Address of Secretary Cortelyou [on Some agen- cies for extension of our domestic and foreign trade], before American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadel- phia, Pa., Apr. 8, 1904. 1904. Cortelyou, George B. Address of Secretary Cortelyou [on Department of Commerce and Labor], before Board of Trade of Westfield, Mass., June 17, 1904. 1904. Cortelyou, George B.^ Address of Secretary Cortelyou [on Some prob- lems and policies of Commerce and Labor Department], at ban- quet of Merchants' Club, Chicago, 111., Mar. 12, 1904. 1904. Cortelyou, George B. Address of Secretary Cortelyou [What can the new Department do for lumber interests?], at banquet of National "WTiolesale Lumber Dealers' Association, Washington, D. C, Mar. 3, 1904. 1904. 314 Classlflcatlon no. C1.2: C81^ C81' D44 El 5 In4 Lll N21 N42y' Or3 SI 5 St2i St2 2 Su7i Su72 Su73 V24 C1.3: (noB.) CI. SECRETARY— Continued General publications — Continued CorteljAou, George B. Address of Secretary Cortelyou [on New England in commerce and industry], at banquet of New England Manu- factm-ing Jewelers and Silversmiths' Association, Providence, R. I., Mar. 5, 1904. 1904. Cortelyou, George B. Address of Secretary Cortelyou [on benefits of organization], at 8th annual convention of American Cotton Manufacturers' Association, Washington, D. C, May 11, 1904. 1904. Departmental index, alphabetical arrangement of subjects in statutes relating to Executive Departments in general, provisions of law referring to particular Departments not included. 1905. 4® (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 30.) Ellis Island, N. Y. Report of commission [Arthur von Briesen, Lee K. Frankel, Eugene A. Philbin, Thomas W. Hynes, and Ralph Trautmann] appointed by President Sept. 16, 1903, to investi- gate condition of immigration station at Ellis Island. 1904. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 10.) Foods. Hearing before commission appointed by Secretaries of Treas- ury, Commerce and Labor, and Agriculture to make rules and regulations for carrying into effect provisions of foods and drugs act approved June 30, 1906 [notice]. See A1.2:F73 1. Inheritance-tax laws, digest of principal features of laws of Great Britain, France, and Germany, with outline of inheritance taxa- tion in United States, and collection of judicial decisions relating thereto. Dec. 1907. Labor conference, proceedings of conference with representatives of labor [Washington, D. C], Feb. 10, 11, 1909. 1909. Naturalization. [Statement showing approximate number of petitions for naturalization filed in various courts, Sept. 27-Dec. 31, 1906.] Jan. 18, 1907. New York Harbor. Revision of New York anchorage regulations, re- port [of committee appointed Mar. 20, 1906]. Jan. 14, 1907. {See, for revised regulations, issued by Navigation Bureau, C11.2: N42y.] Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor [with bibliographies; by Clair Richards Hillyer, law clerk]. 1904. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 13.) Slocum, General, steamer. Report of commission of investigation upon disaster to steamer General Slocum [Lawrence O. Murray, John M. Wilson, C. McR. Winslow, Herbert Knox Smith, and George Uhler; with Report of Department of Justice on criminal pro- ceedings connected with Slocum disaster and life-preserver cases] . Oct. 8, 1904. Statistical reorganization, report of committee appointed by Secretary of Commerce and Labor to inquire into statistical work of Depart- ment. Mar. 2, 1908. Same, [with] statements of witnesses before committee. Mar, 2, 1908. Supplies. Schedule showing contractors and prices for miscellaneous supplies [for Department of Commerce and Labor] during fiscal year 1907. 1906. large 8« Same, 1908. 1907. large 8" Same, 1909. 1908. 4° Valencia, steamer. Wreck of steamer Valencia, report to President of Federal commission of investigation [Lawrence O. Murray, William T. Burwell, and Herbert Knox Smith]. Apr. 14, 1906.- Bulletins [None issued.] 315 ClaKKlflcatlon no. CI. SEC :rei ^ARY- -Continu ed C1.4: Circulars 4® (no8.) 1 42 83 124 165 2 43 84 125 166 3 44 85 126 167 4 45 86 1 127 168 5 46 87 128 169 6 47 88 129 t 170 , . 7 48 89 130 171 8 49 90 131 172 9 50 91 132 173 10 51 92 133 174 11 52 93 134 175 12 53 94 135 176 13 54 95 136 177 14 55 96 137 178 15 56 97 138 179 16 57 98 139 180 17 58 99 140 181 18 59 100 141 182 19 60 101 142 183 20 61 102 143 184 • 21 62 103 144 185 22 63 104 145 186 23 64 105 146 187 24 65 106 147 188 2eds. 25 66 107 148 189 26 67 108 149 190 27 68 109 150 191 28 69 110 151 192 29 70 111 152 193 30 71 112 153 194 31 72 113 154 195 32 73 114 155 196 33 74 115 156 197 , 34 75 116 157 198 35 76 117 158 199 36 77 118 159 200 37 78 119 160 201 38 79 120 161 39 80 121 162 40 81 122 163 41 82 123 164 C1.5: Estimates of appropriations for Department of (date) 1905 Conimerce and Labor 4° scontinued.] C1.6: Decisions (nos.) 1 12 23 34 45 56 2 13 24 35 46 57 3 14 25 36 47 58 4 15 26 37 48 59 5 16 27 38 49 60 6 17 28 39 50 61 7 18 29 40 51 62 8 19 30 41 52 63 9 20 31 42 53 64 10 21 32 43 54 65 11 22 33 44 55 66 t Superseded by Steamhoat Inspection Service Circular 4 (C15.4:4). X Superseded by Steamboat Inspection Service Circular 5 (C15.4:5). 316 Classification no. CI. SECR] ETAR^ ^ — Continued C1.6: Decisions— -Continued (nos.) 67 76 85 94 103 112 68 77 86 95 104 113 69 78 87 96 105 114 70 79 88 97 106 115 71 80 89 98 107 116 72 81 90 99 108 117 73 82 91 100 109 118 74 83 92 101 110 75 84 93 102 111 C1.7: C1.8: C43 M32 N421 Sa5 CI.91: (date) CI.92: (date) Reports on trade conditions See note and entries under ClO.13: RiQes and regulations [Other regulations of various kinds are issued in the series of Department circulars (CL4:).l Chicago, 111. Rules and regulations relating to anchorage and move- ment of vessels in harbors of Chicago. May 7, 1909. 4° Marblehead, Mass. Regulations for patrol of courses of German-Amer- ican yacht races off Marblehead, Mass., 1909. July 22, 1909. New London, Conn. Rules and regulations for patrol of course of Harvard -Yale boat races at New London, Conn., June 25, 1908. June 6, 1908. San Francisco Bay. Regulations governing patrol of San Francisco Bay and adjacent waters during visit of [Atlantic] Fleet. Apr. 30, 1908. [Same, with alterations, as Special notice to mariners, Apr. 18, 1908, no. 16a, for which see N6. 11:908.] National Council of Commerce, proceedings of annual meetings [Organized Dec. 1907.] 1907, Dec. 5, 6 [preliminary] 1908, Dec. 10, Ist [No more published up to Dec. 31, 1909.] National Council of Commerce, proceedings of quarterly meeting of executive committee 1909, Apr. 7 [Ist] [No more published up to Dec. 31, 1909.] C2. ALASKAN FISHERIES DIVISION [That part of the Special Agents Division of the Treasury Department having in charge the fisheries of Alaska was transferred to the Department of Commerce and Labor July 1, 1903, and organized as the Division of Alaskan Fisheries. See, for earlier publications, T35. On Dec. 5, 1905, by order of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, the agents at salmon fisheries of Alaska originally under the immediate direction of the Secretary, were placed under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Fisheries (C6.). The name "Division of Alaskan Fisheries" was used as late as Dec. 1, 1907, by the Commerce and Labor Department in "Reports relating to Alaskan seal fisheries" (C2.2:A11). Up to Dec. 28, 1908, there were four agents of the Department who had supervision of the Fur-Seal Islands, otherwise known as the islands of St. Paul and St. George in the Pribilof Group, Alaska. These agents reported directly to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor but were not oflicially designated as a division of the Secretary's office. The Alaskan Fisheries Division was abolished Dec. 28, 1908, when an order of the Department of Com- merce and Labor was issued transferring the work of these four agents to the Fisheries Bureau (C6.). Under the Fisheries Bureau there was created a fur-seal board which consisted of an administrative board of five members and an advisory board of distinguished naturalists. The administrative board so constituted is under the direction of the commissioner of fisheries, the advisory board being called upon by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor from time to time to give information to the Department. See, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:Or3.] C2.1: I Annual reports on salmon flslierles of Alaska (date) [1903, issued separately only; 1904 and 1905, in annual reports of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:), and issued separately also. The report for 1905 is the last report made directly to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. See, 1 for later reports, under Fisheries Bureau, C6.2:A1 1 1, and C6.2:A1 1 «-6.J 317 GiMfllflcatlon no. C2.2: All C2.3: (no8.) C2.4: (nos.) C2. ALA8KAN FISHERIES DIVISION— Continued General publications Alaska. Reporta relating to Alaskan seal fisheries [1906 and 1907; W. I. Lembkey]. 1908. [5242-376J See, for 1904 and 1905 reports [4911-98J. BtQletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] C3. CENSUS BUREAU by [The Census Ofllce was transferred from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Commerce and Labor, July 1, 1903, and the name Bm-eau of the Census was adopted. See, for earlier publications, I2.-I14. See, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:Or3.] C3.1: (date) C3.2: AbS C33 C68 C82 D34 D34' L97 M84 M842 M848 M84* Of2 P38 Ajinual reports [1904-09, in annual reports of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:), and issued separately also. See, for report, July 1-Oct. 28, 1903, C3.2:P42.] General publications Abstract of 12th census, 1900. 3d edition. 1904. [See, for Ist and 2d editions, 1 13.2 :Ab8^2] Census. American census taking from 1st census of United States [by William R. Merriam; with Plans for future census work, by George B. Cortelyou, and Summary of census publications, 1790^- 1900] . [1904 .] [Paper by Merriam from Century magazine, Apr, 1903.] Collaboration in Federal and State statistical work, report of permanent committee on uniformity of schedule and cooperative work in census of manufactures of 1905, 20th annual convention of Com- missioners of State Labor Bureaus, Concord, N. H., July 12, 1904. 1904. Cotton ginning. Shall cotton-ginning reports be stopped? question for the South to decide, letter from Director North and interview with Congressman Burleson; from Washington post, Dec. 30, 1904. 1904. large 8° Death. Statistical treatment of causes of death, cooperative work rela- tive to treatment of jointly returned causes and revision of inter- national classification, plan proposed by Committee on Demog- raphy of American Public Health Association. [1903.] Death. Modes of statement of cause of death and duration of illness upon certificates of death, comparison of forms now in use in United States and other countries, and suggestion of modification of standard certificate of death in order to secure uniform and definite statements of causes of death, check list of registration officials, reports, and bulletins. [1907.] Lumber. Productionof lumber, lath, and shingles, 1907. 1908. [Pre- pared in cooperation with Forest Service.] Mortality statistics, [calendar year] 1905, 6th annual report, with re- vised rates for intercensal years 1901-04, and for quinquennial period 1900-04, based upon State censuses of 1905. 1907. 4° [See, for earlier reports, C3.5:M84.] Same, [calendar year] 1906, 7th annual report. 1908. 4*' Same, [calendar year] 1907, 8th annual report. 1909. 4*> [Appendix 2 was printed originally as a pamphlet entitled Tuberculosis in United States; see C3.2:T79.] Same, [calendar year] 1908, 9th annual report. 1910. 4® Officers and employees of Department of Commerce and Labor [May 1] 1908. 1908. Pennsylvania. Extension of registration area for births and deaths, practical example of cooperative census methods as applied to Pennsylvania. [1906.] 318 Clas8ifi cation no. C3.2: P42 P81 P94 P96 R261 R262 R263 St2 T34 T79 Un3i U1132 C3.3: (nos.) C3. CENSUS BUREAU— Continued General publications — Continued Permanent bureau. Report of director concerning administration of permanent bureau [July 1-Oct. 28, 1903], 1903. Population. Centiu-y of population growth from 1st census of United States to 12tli, 1790-1900; [by W. S. Rossiter]. 1909. 4» Property. Estimated true value of property, 1900 and 1904. [1906.] 4° Public debt of United States, 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1902. 1906. 4" Registration of births and deaths, drafts of laws and forms of certificates, information for local ofiicers. [1st edition.] [1904.] Same. [2d edition.] [1906.] Registration. Legal importance of registration of births and deaths, [with] Report of Special Committee on Vital [and Penal] Statis- tics to Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. [1908.] Statistics. Census Office and coordination of statistics, reply of direc- tor of census to inquiries of Interdepartmental Statistical Com- mittee. Jan. 8, 1909. Thirteenth census. Important points on U. S. census [preparing pub- lic to give correct answers in 13th census, 1910]. [1909.] 24° Tuberculosis in United States; [by Cressy L. Wilbur]. [1908.] [Pre- Eared for International Congress on Tuberculosis, Washington, >. C, Sept. 21-Oct. 12, 1908. Printed also as Appendix 2 of Mortality statistics, 1907 (C3.2:M843).] Uniform municipal accounting, minutes of [1st] conference held in Washington [D. C], Nov. 19, 20, 1903, under auspices of Bureau of Census. 1904. Same, proceedings of 2d conference, Washington [D. C], Feb. 13, 14, 1906. 1906. Bulletins 4» See, for Bulletins, 13th census, 1910, footnote classes for C3.14^"^: 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 1 /See I 14.3:1. 32 2 See 1 14.3:2. 33 3 -See I 14.3:3. 34 4 See I 14.3:4. 35 5 36 6 37 7 38 8 39 9 40 10 41 11 42 12 43 13 44 14 45 15 46 16 47 17 48 18 49 19 50 20 51 21 52 22 53 23 54 24 55 25 56 26 57 27 58 28 59 29 60 30 61 31 62 319 ClMsIflcatlon no. C3.3: (no8.) C3.3«! (CT) C3.4: (nos.) C3.5: Anl B43 B61 C331 C33- C491 C49^ C493 C49* El 2 Ex7 In7 M31» M312 M313 M314 M34» M342 C3. CENSUS BUREAU— Continued Bulletins— Continued 94 98 1 95 Same. 96 99 See also Lai .5:1 and 100 C3.53f34'»^ 101 97 102 Bulletins (separates'^ [Rev.od.lt 103 104 105 106 107 108 Circulars [None issued.] Special reports Analysis. Supplementary analysis and derivative tables, 12ih census, 1900. 1906. 4P Benevolent institutions, 1904. 1905. 4" Blind and deaf, 1900. 1906. 4« Central electric light and power stations, 1902. 1905. 4® [Also in Electrical industries, 1902 (C3.5:E12).] Same, 1907. 1910. 4" Cities. Statistics of cities having population of over 30,000, 1905; [with appendix, Sewerage and sewage disposal, by Moses N. Baker]. 1907. Same, 1906; [with appendixes, Municipal' receipts from public service corporations; Uniform accounts and reports of water- supply systems, by Moses N. Baker]. 1908. 4° Same, 1907 [with appendix. Uniform system of accQunting for water- supply enterprises]. 1910. 40 • Same, 1908; [by Le Grand Powers and E. H. Maling]. 1910. 40 Electrical industries, 1902. 1906. 4° Contents: Central electric light and power stations, 1902. 1905. Street and electric railways, 1902. 1905. Telephones and telegraphs [municipal electric fire alarm and police x>^trol systems, calendar year] 1902; {by Thomas Commerford Martin]. 1906. See also, for reports issued separately, C3.5:C33 ^' ^, St8 ^ ^ and T23 K Express business in United States, [fiscal year] 1907; [by Russell H. Snead]. 1908. 4° [Compiled by Interstate Commerce Commis- sion and published by Census Office.] See, for Interstate Commerce Commission Annual reports on statistics of express companies in United States, IC1.53: Insane and feeble-minded in hospitals and institutions, 1904; [by John Koren]. 1906. 4° Manufactures, 1905: pt. 1, United States by industries. 1907. 4» Same: pt. 2, States and Territories. 1907. 4° Same: pt. 3, Special reports on selected industries. 1908. 4* Same: pt. 4, Special reports on selected industries [with bibliog- raphies]. 1908. 4« Marriage and divorce, 1867-1906: pt. 1, Summary, laws, foreign sta- tistics. 1909. 4° Same: pt. 2, General tables. 1908. 4« [This Special report embodies results of 2 investigations, reports of which appeared previously as Report on marriage and divorce, 1867-86, Labor Department Special report 1 (Lal.5:l), and Marriage and divorce, 1887-1906, Bulletin 96 of Census Bureau (C3.3:96).] fThe original edition of Bulletin 98 bears on p. 17 the signature mark "81809 — 09-— -3" and the revised edition, "22900—10 3." The subject matter of the 2 editions is identical except that the revised edition contains a corrected map of Oklahoma and text corrections on p. 15. 320 Classification no. C3.5: M66 M84 Ocl P28 P93 R271 R272 StS* T231 T232 T68 W37 W84 C3.5«: (CT) C3.6: C821 C822 C823 C82^ C86 D64 El 2 F451 F452 F53 G281 G282 M311 M312 M313 M34 C3. CENSUS BUREAU— Continued Special reports— Continued Mines and quarries, 1902. 1905. 4° Mortality statistics, [calendar years] 1900-04. 1906. 4° [See, for later reports, C3.2:M84i-*.] Occupations at 12tli census. 1904. 4° Paupers in almshouses, 1904. 1906. 4" Prisoners and juvenile delinquents in institutions, 1904. 1907. 4* Religious bodies, 1906: pt. 1, Summary and general tables. 1910. 4* Same: pt. 2, Separate denominations, history, description, and sta- tistics. 1910. 4« Street and electric railways, 1902. 1905. 4*' [Also in Electrical indus- tries, 1902(C3.5:E12).] Same, 1907. 1910. 4° Telephones and telegraphs [municipal electric fire alarm and police patrol systems, calendar year] 1902; [by Thomas Commerford Martin]. 1906. 4° [Also in Electrical industries, 1902 (C3.5: El 2).] Telephones, [calendar year] 1907. 1910. 4« Transportation by water, [calendar year] 1906. 1908. 4» Wealth, debt, and taxation [in United States]. 1907. 4° Women. Statistics of women at work, based on unpublished informa- tion derived from schedules of 12th census, 1900. 1907. 4° Special reports (separates) Instructions Cotton ginning. Instructions to special agents, revised, cotton ginning, crop of 1905. [Aug. 1, 1905.] 16° Cotton statistics. Instructions to special agents, cotton statistics. [Mar. 30, 1907.] 16° Same. [May 20, 1909.] 16° Same. [July 6, 1909.] 16° Criminal judicial statistics. Instructions to clerks and special agents, criminal judicial statistics. [May 1, 1907.] 16° Divorce. Instructions to court clerks, statistics of divorce. [1907.] 16° Electrical industries. Instructions to special agents, census of elec- trical industries, 1907. [1908.] 16° Field employees. Fiscal regulations governing field employees; effect- ive July 1, 1906. 1906. 16° Same; effective Nov. 1, 1909. 1909. 16° Fishing industry. Instructions to special agents, census of fishing in- dustry, 1908. [1909.] 16° General statistics. Instructions to clerks and special agents, official statistics of cities having population of over 30,000, 1906, general statistics. [1906.] 16° Same, 1908, general statistics. [1908.] 16° Manufactures. Instructions to special agents, census of manufactures, 1905. [Jan. 3, 1905.] 16° Manufactures, etc. Instructions to applicants for appointment as spe- cial agent, 1910, census of manufactures and mines and quarries, practical test, Nov. 3, 1909. 1909. Manufactures, etc. Instructions to special agents, census of manufac- tures, mines, quarries, petroleum, and natural gas, 1909. [1910.] 16° Marriage. Instructions to special agents, statistics of marriage and divorce. [1907.] 16° 321 Classification nu. C3.6: M92' M92» M923 T68 C3.7: (no8.) C3.8»: (v. no8.) C3.82: (nos.) C3.9: (date) C3.10: (date) C3.10a: (CT) 82452°. C3. CENSUS BUREAU— Continued Instructions— Continued Municipal fiuanre, instructions to clerks and special agents, cities con- taining 8,000 inhabitants and over. 1904. 12" Municipal finance. Instructions to clerks and special agents, official statistics of cities having population of over 30,000, 1906, munici- pal finance. [1906.] 16<» Same, 1908, municipal finance. [1908.] 16" Transportation. Instructions to special agents, census of transportation by water, 1906. [1906.] 16" Manufactures Division, Special bulletins [1 and 2 not printed; issued in typewritten loriu only.] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Discontinued.! Philippine Islands census, 1903 V. 1, English ^ ^ ,. . ^ [1st edition] Same, Spanish/ Same, English. V. 2, English ■» Same, Spanish/ Same, English. V. 3, English -» Same, Spanish/ Same, English. V. 4, English | Same, Spanish/ Same, English. [2d edition, June 1, 1905] [Ist edition] [2d edition, June 1, 1905] [Ist edition] [2d edition, Jupe 1, 1905] [1st edition] [2d edition, June 1, 1905] Philippine Islands census, 1903, Bulletins 1 2 3 Cotton ginning reports large 8*» 1905, Nov. 21 Dec. 28 1906, Jan. 31 Dec. 27 1907, Dec. 31 1908, Dec. 31 1909, Dec. 31 Oflacial register [or Blue book] 4° [Biennial.] {Transferred from Interior Department by act approved June 7, 190(). See, for earlier issues, Sl.ll: and 11.25:] 1907, v. 1 Same, v. 2 1909, V. 1 Same, v. 2 Official register [or Blue book] (separates) -11 21 322 Classification no. C3.ll: C76 F211 F21^ F213 F214 F21^ M28 M36 M38 N42h N42yo N81c P38 R34 So8c V59 V81 C3.12 1: (no8.) C3.12 2: (nos.) C3.12 3: (nos.) C3. CENSUS BUREAU— Continued Heads of families at 1st census, 1790 [It has been impossible to obtain records of Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Virginia, as they were destroyed in 1814 when the Capitol was burned. For Virginia, however, tne records of State enumerations, 1782-85, were accessible; such records have been issued by the Census Bureau in order to complete this set, and the publication is classed under C3.11:VS1.] See, for 1st census publications, I 2. Connecticut. Heads of families at 1st census, 1790: Connecticut. 1908. 4" Families. Heads of families at Ist census [1790, preliminary pages]. [1907.] 4« Same [letter to residents of New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maryland calling attention to publication]. [May 20, 1907.] 4P (A) Same [letter to publishers asking cooperation in making public infor- mation concerning publication]. [May 20, 1907.] 4** (B) Same [circular letter concerning publication], [May 20, 1907.] 4MC) Same [letter to members of patriotic societies calling attention to publication]. [May 20, 1907.] AP (D) Maine. Heads of families at 1st census, 1790: Maine. 1908. 4° Maryland. Heads of families at 1st census, 1790: Maryland. 1907. 4*' Massachusetts. Heads of families at 1st census, 1790: Massachusetts. 1908. 4« New Hampshire. Heads of families at Ist census, 1790: New Hamp- shire. 1907. 4° New York State. Heads of families at 1st census, 1790: New York. 1908. 4° North Carolina. Heads of families at 1st census, 1790: North Carolina. 1908. 4« Pennsylvania. 1908. 4P Rhode Island. 1908. 4« South Carolina. 1908. 4« Vermont. Heads of families at Ist census, 1790: Vermont. Virginia. Heads of families, records of State enumerations, 1782-85, Virginia. 1908. 4° [Title reads Heads of families at 1st census, 1790, which is incorrect.] Forest products [series 1907] [ Prepared in cooperation with Forest Service. Earlier publications issued by Forest Service (A13.), the annual compilation for 1906 being classed under A13.3:77.J Heads of families at 1st census, 1790: Pennsylvania. Heads of families at Ist census, 1790: Rhode Island. Heads of families at 1st census, 1790: South Carolina. 1907. 40 [Annual compilation.] Forest products [series 1908] [Prepared in cooperation with Forest Service.) 6 [Annual compilation.] Forest products [series 1909] [Prepared in cooperation with Forest Service.] 1 3 2 4 323 Claiislflcatlua no. C3.12^: (no8.) tC3.13: 905 906^ 906- 907 908 909 C3. CENSUS BUREAU—Continued Forest products [Beriee 1909]— Continued 5 8 6 9 7 [10] t [Annual compilation.] Lists of publications List of publicatioiivS, 10th, 11th, and 12th censuses and permanent bureau [IJ. [1905.] Same [2]. May 1, 1906. Same, 3. Dec. 1, 1906. Same, 4. Oct. 1, 1907. Same, 5. Jan. 1, 1908. Same, 6. Mar. 1, 1909. C4. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY See, for historical sketch of Survey and publications [Transferred from Treasury Department July 1, 1903 of earlier date, TU. See, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:Or3.] C4.1: (date) C4.1«: (date and app. nos.) Annual reports 4» [An abbreviated report is also found in annual reports of Commerce and Labor De- partment (Cl.l:). See, for earlier reports, TU.l:] 1904 [4825-17] 1905 [4979-17^ 1906 [5139-17 1907 [5323-17 1908 [5492-1034] 1909 [5783-131] Annual reports (separates; appendixes) t Issued without series number. Bears title. Forest products of United States, 1909. J This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. In 1910 the Census Bureau began several new series of publications and others are already planned. This has necessitated additional classes under C3., the series titles of which are as follows: C3.14: Bulletins, 13th census, 1910 See, for regular series of Bulletins of permanent Census Bureau, C3.3: C3.14^: Bulletins, 13th census, 1910: Population (by States) (CT) C3.14^: Bulletins, 13th census, 1910: Agnculture (by States) (CT) C3.143: Bulletins, 13th census, 1910: Manufactures (by States) (CT) C3.14*: Bulletins, 13th census, 1910: Mines and quarries (by States) (CT) C3.14^: Bulletins, 13th census, 1910: [Miscellaneous] (CT) C3.14'^: Bulletins, 13th census, 1910: [U. S. general bulletins] (CT) C'S.W: Bulletins, 13th census, 1910: [U. S. special bulletins] (CT) C3.14«: Bulletins, 13th census, 1910: Irrigation (by States) (CT) C3.15: State compendiums, 13th census, 1910 (CT) C3.16: Census reports [or Final volumes], 13th census, 1910 (v. nos.) C3.17: [Press summaries, 13th census, 1910] (CT) 324 Classification no. C4.2: A112 A113 Ea7 G291 G292 G293 L57 M271 M272 OySi Oy82 Oy83 Oy8^ P641 P642 P96» P962 P963 C4. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued General publications Alaska, coast pilot notes from Yakutat Bay to Cook Inlet; [by Herbert C. Graves]. 1908. large 8° Alaska, coast pilot notes on Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean; [by Herbert C. Graves]. 1909. large 8° [Supersedes Bulletin 40 (C4.3:40).j Alaska. Coast and Geodetic Survey in Alaska. 1909. Earth. Figure of the earth and isoatasy from measurements in United States; by John F. Hayford. 1909. 4" Geodetic operations. Report on geodetic operations in United States to 14th conference of International Geodetic Association [Copen- hagen, Denmark, Aug. 4-13, 1903]; by O. H. Tittmann. 1903. 4° Geodetic operations in United States, 1903-06, report to 15th conference of International Geodetic Association [Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 20-28, 1906]; by 0. H. Tittmann and John F. Hayford. 1906. 4° Same, 1906-09, report to 16th general conference of International Geodetic Association [London and Cambridge, England, Sept. 22-27, 1909]; by O.H. Tittmann and John F. Hayford. 1909. 4° Leveling. Precise leveling in United States, 1903-07, with readjust- ment of level net and resulting elevations; by John F. Hayford and L, Pike. 1909. 4° [Supplement to Report, 1899, appendix 8, and Report, 1903, appendix 3, by John F. Hayford.] Magnetic declination tables. United States magnetic declination tables and isogenic charts for 1902 and facts relating to the earth's magnetism; by L. A. Bauer. 2d edition, 1903. large 8° [See, for Ist edition, T11.2:M27.] Magnetic tables. United States magnetic tables and magnetic charts for 1905; by L. A. Bauer. 1908. large 8« Oyster bars. Survey of oyster bars, Anne Arundel County, Md., de- scription of boundaries and landmarks and report of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey in cooperation with Maryland Shell Fish Commission; by C. C. Yates. 1907. large 8" (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 77.) Same, Somerset County, Md., description of boundaries and land- marks and report of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey in cooper- ation with Bureau of Fisheries and Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission; by C. C. Yates. 1908. large 8^* (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 94.) Same, Wicomico County, Md. 1909. large 8« Same, Worcester Coimty, Md. 1909. large 8° Pilot rules for inland waters of Atlantic and Pacific coasts. [May, 1907.] large 8" [Printed by Coast and Geodetic Survey for insertion in volumes of United States coast pilot (C4.Q^>^: and C4.7i'2:); contains same matter as found on p. 3-7 of Pilot rules for inland waters of Atlantic and Pacific coasts (C15.8:In5^), with addi- tional paragraph noting where certain other laws and rules may be obtained.] Same, effective Aug. 20, 1908. 1908. large 8° [Contains same matter as found on p. 3-7, 11-14 of Pilot rules for inland waters of Atlantic and Pacific coasts (C15.8:In5'*).] Publications. List of publications of Coast and Geodetic Survey avail- able for distribution. May 1, 1908. Publications. List and catalogue of publications issued by Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1816-1902; by E. L. Burchard. 1902. [See T11.2:P96.] Same, Supplement, Jan. 1903-Aug. 1908; by R. M. Brown. 1908. 4» Publications. List and catalogue of publications issued by Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1816-1902, by E. L. Burchard; reprint, with Supplement, [Jan.] 1903-[Aug.] 1908 [by R. M. Brown]. 1908. large 8» 325 CiMHifleatlon no. C4.2: W89' W892 C4.2«: (CT) C4.3: (no8.) C4.4: (no8.) C4.6: (date) C4. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued General publications — Continued Work of (must uiul CJeodctic Survey. [Int edition.] J905. [This compilation ooiisi.sUs of la leoflete, oriRinally i.ssiied separately for distribution at World's Coluinbian Expasition, (Miicugo, 111^ 18«;5 (T11.20:): later revised In leaflet form for dislribution ut Pan-American Exposition, Hiillalo, N. Y.. 1901 i Til. 18:); and Inter revised again in leaflet form for distribution at Louisiana 'urchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904 (C4.10:). In 1905, the leaflets were reissued as ti»e 1st edition of the pamphlet here listed.] Same. 2d edition. 1909. [Printed for distribution at Alaaka- Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, Waah., 1909.] General publications (separates) BuUetlns 4° 1-35. See T11.3:l, 2. 36 3d edition See, for 1st and 2d editions, Tll.3:33«. 37 /S6eT11.3:337. 38 >SceTll.3:338. 39 ;S€eTll.3:33«. 40 5th edition [Superseded by Alaska, coast pilot notes on Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean (C4. 2 :A11^). See, tor l8t-4th editions, T11.3:3^o.] 41 /See Til. 3:3 41. [Discontinued except for new editions of those that have been published.] Circulars 4'» [From its earliest organization this bureau has issued circulars, some of which are printed, but it was not imtil Jan. 1, 1900, that the numbered series began under Treasury Department. Recent issues under Commerce and Labor Department 1-48 49 t 50 t 51 1 52 1 53 t 54' 55' 56 hi are knovvTi as " C'oast and Geodetic Survey serial no. Survey circular, serial no. — ."] See Tll.4:l-48. or "Coast and Geodetic (Bureau circular 6.) (Bureau circular 7.) 58 1 69- 60: [61] [62] [63] [64] 65 66 1 (Bureau circular 8.) See Treasury Dept. circular 11, 1905 (T1.4:). See Dept. circular 67 (CI. 4 67). See Dept. circular 66 (Cl.4 66). See Dept. circular 76 (Cl.4 76). -S«6CS1.72:C63. (Bureau circular 9.) [67] [69] 70 71 72 1 73 1 74 1 [75] [76] 77 t 78 1 [79] 80 1 81 [82] See Dept. circular 90 (Cl.4: 90). (Bureau circular 10.) See Dept. circular 94 (Cl.4: 94). (Bureau circular 11. (Bureau circular 12. See Treasury Dept. circular 67, 1906 (T1.4:) See Dept. circular 124 (Cl.4: 124). See Dept. circular 153 (Cl.4: 153). See Dept. circular 201 (Cl.4: 201). Catalogues of charts, coast pilots, and. tide tables 4« See, for earlier editions, T11.5: 1903 1905 1907 1908 Same, Supplement t Executed by manifold process and not printed. 326 Classlflcatlon no. C4.5: (date) (pt. nos.) P83 903 906 908 909 C4. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued Catalogues of cliarts, coast pilots, and tide tables- Continued 1909 Same, Supplement United States coast pilot, Atlantic Coast large 8° See, for earlier editions, Til. 6: pts. 1-2, supplement to 2d edition July 12, 1905 Same, supplement to 2d edition Nov. 15, 1906 Same, supplement to 2d edition Sept. 18, 1908 pt. 3 2d edition Same, supplement to 2d edition Nov. 20, 1906 Same, supplement to 2d edition Aug. 20, 1908 pt. 4 4tli edition Same, supplement to 4th edition Nov. 24, 1906 Same, supplement to 4tli edition Dec. 10, 1907 Same. 5tli edition pt. 5 3d edition Same, supplement to 3d edition Dee. 6, 1906 Same, supplement to 3d edition Aug. 17, 1908 Same. 4th edition pt. 6, supplement to 2d edition June 1, 1904 Same,, supplement to 2d edition July 17, 1905 Same. 3d edition Same, supplement to 3d edition Oct. 16, 1908 pt. 7, supplement to 2d edition Mar. 23, 1904 Same, supplement to 2d edition Nov. 15, 1905 Same. 3d edition Same, supplement to 3d edition Jan. 1, 1908 Same, supplement to 3d edition Oct. 30, 1908 pt. 8, supplement to 2d edition June 1, 1904 Same, supplement to 2d edition Aug. 1, 1905 Same, supplement to 2d edition Nov. 1, 1906 Same. 3d edition United States coast pilot, West Indies Porto Rico. United States coast pilot. West Indies, Porto Rico [and adjacent islands; by Herbert C. Graves]. 1st edition, 1906. large 8° United States coast pilot, Pacific Coast: California, Oregon, and Wasliington [See, for earlier coast pilots for California, Oregon, and Washington, Til. 7 1;] United States coast pilot, Pacific Coast: California, Oregon, and Wash- ington; by Harry L. Ford]. [Ist edition.] 1903. large 8° ^ United States coast pilot, Pacific Coast: California, Oregon, and Wash- ington, supplement to 1st edition. Dec. 15, 1906. large 8° Same. Oct. 2, 1908. large 8° United States coast pilot, Pacific Coast: California, Oregon, and Wash- ington; [by Harry L. Ford]. 2d edition [revised by Ferdinand • Westdahl]. 1909. large 8« United States coast pilot. Pacific Coast: Alaska, pt. 1, Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay [See, for earlier editions, TU.72: Up to Dec. 31, 19()9, no edition of pt. 2 has been published. It is expected that pt. 2 will be coast pilot for the coast islands to northward and westward of Yakutat Bay.] 327 riaNNlflratloii no. 904» 9042 906 908 C4.8: (date) C4.9: (nos.) C4.10: (nos.) C4:.ll : (nos.) C4.12: F451 CI. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— rontinued United States coast pilot, Pacific Coast: Alaska, pt. 1, Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay— Continued United States coa^t pilot, Pacific (^oast: Alaska, pt. 1, Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay, supplement to 4th edition. Apr. 1, 1904. large 8" Coast pilot notes on Warren < 'hanriel and Davidson Inlet, west coast of Prince of Wales Island, southeast Alaska. 1904. large 8" United States coast pilot, Pacific Coast: Alaska, pt. 1, Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay, supplement to 4th edition. May 1, 1906. large 8° United States coast pilot. Pacific Coast: Alaska, pt. 1, Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay, with inland passage from Juan de Fuca Strait to Dixon Entrance; [by George Davidson]. 5th edition [revised by Herbert C. Graves]. 1908. large 8° Laws relating to Coast and Geodetic Survey See, for early editions, Til. 8: [None issued under Commerce and Labor Department.] Maps and charts See, for earlier editions, T11.9: and Til. 10: Leaflets for distribution from Survey's exhibit at Louisiana Purcbase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo. 12» 13 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 See also C4.2:W89' , Tn.l8:, and T11.20: Notice to mariners 4« [Monthly.] 1-299 ^ecTll.ll: 300 320 340 301 321 341 302 322 342 303 323 343 304 324 344 305 325 345 306 326 346 307 327 347 308 328 348 309 329 349 310 330 350 311 331 351 312 2 editions 332 352 313 333 353 314 334 354 315 335 355 316 336 356 317 337 357 318 338 358 319 339 359 [Beginning with Jan. 1, 1908, the monthly Notice to mariners, issued bv the Coast and Geodetic Survey (excepting those pertainini? to the Philippine Islands, C4. 18 «:), was consolidated with and made a part of the Weoklv notice to mariners, issued by the Light-House Board (09.20:). and was issued by the Light-House Board until Jan. 1, 1909, when it began to be issued jointly by the Light-House Board and the Coast and fJeodetic Survey. The joint notice, mimbered consecutively for each year, is still classed under C9.26:] Rules, regulations, and Instructions See, for earlier editions. Til. 12: Field work. General instructions for field work of Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1908. 328 Classlflcation no. C4.12: F452 F453 C4.13: (date) C4.14: (date) €4.15: (date) C4.16: B19 C412 H75 Si8 V67 €4.17: (CT) C4. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued Rules, regulations, and instructions— Continued Same, errata and additions. [1909.] 3 p. Same, errata and additions. [1909.] p. 38a-f. Tide tables, Atlantic Coast, for [calendar year] large 8° [From Tide tables for year (C4.15:). Printed during the year preceding Hie one for whicti tides are predicted.] See, for earlier editions, Til. 13: 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 Tide tables, Pacific Coast, for [calendar year] large 8° [From Tide tables for year (C4.15:). Printed during the year preceding the one for which tides are predicted.] See, for earlier editions, Til. 14: 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 Tide tables for [calendar] year large 8° [Printed during the year preceding the one for which tides are predicted,] See, for earlier editions, Til. 15: 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 Results of observations made at Coast and Geo- detic Survey magnetic observatory Baldwin, Kans. Results of observations made at Coast and Geodetic Survey magnetic observatory at Baldwin, Kans., 1901-04; by Daniel L. Hazard. 1909. 4° Cheltenham, Md. Results of observations made at Coast and Geodetic Survey magnetic observatory at Cheltenham, Md., 1901-04; by Daniel L. Hazard. 1909. 4^ Same, 1905-06; by Daniel L. Hazard. 1909. 4« Honolulu, Hawaii. Results of observations made at Coast and Geo- detic Survey magnetic observatory near Honolulu, Hawaii, 1902-04; by Daniel L. Hazard. 1909. 4° Sitka, Alaska. Results of observations made at Coast and Geodetic Survey magnetic observatory at Sitka, Alaska, 1902-04; by Dan- iel L. Hazard. 1909. 4° Vieques, P. R. Results of observations made at Coast and Geodetic Survey magnetic observatory at Vieques, P. R., 1903-04; by Daniel L. Hazard. 1909. 4° Specifications [Various specifications have been issued under Commerce and Labor Department, but none of them are in the Public Document^ Library. See, for earlier specifi- cations, T11.17:] 329 CUaHlfloatlon no. C4.18': (date) C4.18 2: (date) C4. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued Coast and Geodetic Survey suboffl.ce, Manila, Catalogues of charts, sailing directions, and tide tables of Pliliippine Islands See, for earlier issues, Til. 19': 1905 1906 Coast and Geodetic Survey subofflce, Manila, Pliilippine Islands notice to mariners See, for earlier editions, T11.192: 1903, no. 7, July no. 8, Aug. no. 9, Oct. no. 10, Oct. no. 11, Oct. no. 12, Dec. 1904, no. 1, Jan. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 2, Feb. 3, Mar. 4, Apr. 5, May 6, July 7, Aug. 8, Sept. 9, Oct. no. 10, Nov. no. 11, Nov. no. 12, Dec. 1905, no. 1, Jan. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10, Aug no, 11, Sept, no. 12, Oct. no. 13, Oct. no. 14, Dec. no. 15, Dec. 1906, no. 1, Jan. no. 2, Feb. no. 3, Mar. no. 4, May no. 5, June 2, Feb. 3, Mar. 4, Apr. 5, May 6, June 15 7, June 20 8, July 7 9, July 27 11 1 3 24 1 18 19 13 10 15 8 C4.18 3: (sec. nos.) 1906, no. 6, June 20 no. 7, Aug. 1 no. 8, Sept. 1 no. 9, Oct. 20 no. 10, Nov. 28 1 1907, no. 1, Jan. 2 no. 2, Jan. 26 no. 3, Mar. 1 no. 4, Mar. 18 no. 5, Apr. 17 no. 6, May 17 no. 7, June 22 no. 8, July 27 no. 9, Aug. 26 no. 10, Sept. 25 no. 11, Oct. 26 no. 12, Nov. 25 1 1908, no. 1, Jan. 23 no. 2, Mar. 5 no. 3, Mar. 20 no. 4, Apr. 30 no. 5, May 29 no. 6, June 29 no. 7, July 31 no. 8, Aug. 10 no. 9, Sept. 10 no. 10, Oct. 5 no. 11, Oct. 19 no. 12, Nov. 14 no. 13, Dec. 14 1 1909, no. 1, Jan. no. 2, Mar. 10 no. 3, May 3 no. 4, June 14 no. 5, July 20 no. 6, Sept. 3 no. 7, Oct. 22 no. 8, Dec. 6t rvey subofflce, Manila, Coast and Geodetic Philippine Islands sailing: directions See, for earlier editions. Til. 19^: sec. 1 2d edition Same. 3d edition Same, supplement to 3d edition sec. 2 2d edition Same, supplement to 2d edition Same. 3d edition sec. 3 2d edition Same, supplement to 2d edition Same. 3d edition t Last issue for year. Classification no. €4.183: (sec. nos.) €4.18^: (date) 330 C4. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued Coast and Geodetic Survey subofflce, Manila, Phil- ippine Islands sailing directions— Continued sec. 4 2d edition Same, supplement to 2d edition Same. 3d edition sec. 5 2d edition Same, supplement to 2d edition sec. 6, supplement to 1st edition sec. 7, supplement to Ist edition sec. 6 and 7 2d edition See, for 1st edition, Tll.lQ^rG, 7. Coast and Geodetic Survey suboflice, Manila, General instructions for coast surveys in Pliilippine Islands 1906 C5. CORPORATIONS BUREAU [Created under act approved Feb. 14, 1903. The Bureau was organized Feb. 25, 1903, when the commis- sioner of corporations took the oath of office. See, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:Or3.] C5.1: (date) C5.2: B39 C81 C821 082 2 C823 C82^ C82^ C82« In8 P441 P44 2 P443 P444 P445 St2 Annual reports [1904-09, in annual reports of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:), and issued separately also. Report for 1904, covering period from Feb. 25, 1903, to Jtme 30, 1904, also published as Congressional docimient, [4830-165].] General publications Beef industry. Report of commissioner of corporations on beef indus- try, IVIar. 3, 1905. [Corrected edition.] 1905. [4833-382] [1st edition, having one preliminary leaf, was also issued.] Corporations. Taxation of corporations: pt. 1, New England, report on system of taxing ihanufacturing, mercantile, transportation, and transmission corporations in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. May 17, 1909. [Other parts not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Cotton. Report of commissioner of corporations on cotton exchanges: pt. 1, Methods of establishing grade differences for future con- tracts. May 4, 1908. [5322-949] Same, summary. May 4, 1908. [5322-912, pt. 1] Same: pt. 2, Classification of cotton; pt. 3, Range of grades deliver- able on contract. May 29, 1908. [5322-949] Same, summary. May 29, 1908. [5322-912, pt. 2] Same: pt. 4, Effect of future contracts on prices of cotton; pt. 5, Influence of producers' organizations on prices of cotton. Dec. 6, 1909. [Not in Congressional set.] Same, summary. Dec. 6, 1909. [Not in Congressional set.] Interstate commerce law as changed by act of June 29, 1906; [compiled by C. R. Hillyer]. 1906. 4° [5080-266] Petroleum. Report of commissioner of corporations on transportation of petroleum. 1906. [5040-812] Petroleum. Report of commissioner of corporations on petroleum industry: pt. 1, Position of Standard Oil Company in petroleum industry. 1907. Same: pt. 2, Prices and profits. 1907. Same: pt. 3, Foreign trade. 1909. Petroleum. Summary of report of commissioner of corporations on transportation of petroleum. 1906. [4915-428] Standard Oil Company. Statement of commissioner of corporations in answer to allegations of Standard Oil Company concerning its conviction at Chicago for accepting concessions on shipments over Chicago & Alton Raihoad. Dec. 30, 1907. 331 C5. CORPORATIONS BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Tobacco. Report of commiBHioner of corporations on tobacco industry: pt. 1, Position of tobacco combination in industry, 1, History of tobacco combination, 2, Present organization and business of tobacco combination, 3, Development of combination's control of tobacco industry. Feb. 25, 1909. [Other parts not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Transportation. Report of commissioner of corporations on transpor- tation by water in United States: pt. 1, General conditions of transportation by water. July 12, 1909. Same: pt. 2, Water-borne traffic. July 19, 1909. [The concluding part, pt. 3, not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] C6. FISHERIES BUREAU [The Fish Commission, formerly an independent Government publishing office, was placed under the Commerce and Labor Department July 1, 1903, and the name Bureau of Fisheries was adopted. See, for earlier publications, Fish Commission (FC). The work of the Alaskan Fisheries Division (C2.) was transferred to Fisheries Bureau Dec. 28, 1908; see, for further historical information, note under C2. See, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C] .2:Or3.] Classlfloatioii no. C5.2: T55 T68» T682 C5.3: (nos.) C5.4: (nos.) C6.1: Cdate) C6.1«: (date) C6.1«: (CT) C6.2: AH A113 Annual reports [1904-09, in annual reports of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:), and issued separately also. Report for 1904, with appendixes, also appears as Congressional document [4897-479]. Report for 1905, without special papers, appears as Congressional document [4989-717]. Report for 1906 is not in Congressional set. 1905-09, the commissioner's report for general distribution is a pamphlet only, except as it is included in annual reports of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:). The special papers which prior to 1905 were issued as appendixes are now issued as independent publications, for which, see under C6.2: For its own. use and for limited special distribution, the bureau has bound a small mmaber of copies of a collection of papers, including the commissioner's report, under the title " Report of commissioner of fisheries, fiscal year — , and special papers."] Annual reports (separates; commissioner's report) [The separate of the conmiissioner's report for 1904 is the only one to be classed here. Beginning with the 1905 report, both tlie pamphlets and the copies which are bound by the bureau for its own use and for limited special distribution are to be classed imder C6.1:] Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) [The miscellaneous separates of the 1904 report are the only ones to be classed here. Beginning with the 1905 report, the appendixes have appeared as independent publications, for which, see under C6.2:] General publications Alaska. Fisheries of Alaska in 1906: [Report on fisheries of Alaska, by- John N. C-obb; Report on inspection of salmon fisheries, by- Howard M. Kutchin]. 1907. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 618.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1906, and special papers (C6.1:906-).] On Dec. 5, 1905, by order of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, the agents at salmon fisheries of Alaska, originally im.ler the immediate direction of the Secre- tary, were placed under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Fisheries. See, for earlier reports, C2.1:, and for reports for 1907-09, C0.2:A1 1 «-8.] Alaska. Some observations on salmon and trout in Alaska; [by F. M. Chamberlain]. 1907. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 627.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1906, and special papers (C6.1:9062).] Alaska. Commercial fisheries of Alaska in 1905; by John N. Cobb. [1906.] (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 603.) [Also in Report of com- missioner of fisheries, 1905, and special papers (C6.1:905'-).] 332 Classlflcation no. C6.2: All AU-^ All« All- AUs AlP Aq3 At6 C76 D49 F521 F52 2 F523 F531 F532 F731 F732 C6. FISHERIES BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Albatross. Dredging and hydrographic records of fisheries steamer Albatross for 1904 and 1905. 1906. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 604.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1905, and special papers (C6. 1:905-).] Same, 1906. 1907. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 621.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1906, and special papers (C6.1:906-).] Alaska. Fisheries of Alaska in 1907; [by Millard C. Marsh and John IJf . Cobb]. 1908. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 632.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1907, and special papers (C6. 1:907 -).] Same, 1908; [by Millard C. Marsh and John N. Cobb]. 1909. (Bu- reau of Fisheries doc. 645.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1908, and special papers (CG. 1:908-).] Same, 1909; [by Millard C. Marsh and John N. Cobb]. 1910. (Bu- reau of Fisheries doc. 730.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1909, and special papers (C6.1:909-).] See, for earlier reports, C2.1:, C6.2:A1 l^^ e, 7^ Alaska. Fur-seal fisheries of Alaska in 1909; [by Walter I. Lembkey]. 1910. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 735.) [Also in Report of com- missioner of fisheries, 1909, and special papers (C6. 1:909^).] Aquatic plants in pond culture; [by John W. Titcomb]. 1909. (Bu- reau of Fisheries doc. 643.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1907, and special papers (06.1:907^).] Atlantic States. Statistics of fisheries of Middle A tiantic States for 1904. 1907. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 609.) [Also in Report of com- missioner of fisheries, 1905, and special papers (C6.1:905').] Connecticut. Fishes of Connecticut lakes and neighboring waters [by W. C. Kendall and E. L. Goldsborough]; with notes on plankton environment [by A. A. Doolittle]. 1908. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 633.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1907, and special papers (C6. 1:907^).] Devils Lake, N. Dak., study of physical and biological conditions, with view to acclimatization of fish; [by Thomas E. B. Pope]. 1908. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 634.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1907, and special papers (C6. 1:907-).] Fish. Distribution of fish and fish eggs, fiscal year 1907. 1907 [1908]. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 630.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1907, and special papers (C6. 1:907-).] Same, 1908. 1909. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 644.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1908, and special papers (C6. 1:908^).] Same, 1909. 1910. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 728.) [Also in Re- port of commissioner of fisheries, 1909, and special papers (C6.1:909 2).] Fisheries Bureau. [Origin and functions of] Bureau of Fisheries, n. p. [1905]. [Printed for distribution at Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Oreg., 1905.] Fisheries Bureau. United States Bureau of Fisheries, its establish- ment, functions, organization, resources, operations, and achieve- ments; [by Hugh M. Smith]. 1908. large 8« [Printed for dis- tribution at International Fishery Congress, Washington, D. C, . Sept. 22-26, 1908.] Food fishes. Propagation and distribution of food fishes, 1905. [1906.] (Bureau of P'isheries doc. 602.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1905, and special papers (C6. 1:905'-^).] Food fishes. Distribution of food fishes, fiscal year 1906. 1907. (Bu- reau of Fisheries doc. 613.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1906, and special papers (C6. 1:906^).] 333 CISHslflratlon no. C6.2: G79 In8 N42e Oy8 Pll Un8 W55 C6.3: (v. nos.) C6.3«: (CT) C6.4: (nos.) C6.6: (nos.) yea Rei CC. FISHERIES BUREAU— Continued Oeneral publications— ('ontinued Grayling. Culture of Montana prayHng; [by James A. Henshall]. 1907. (Bureau of Fisherioa doc, 028.) [AIho in Report of com- missioner of fisheries, 1906, and special papers (C6. 1:906"-).] International Fishery Congress, [notice of meeting of] 4th congress, Washington [D. C], Sept. 22-20, 1908. [1908.] 4« New England. Statistics of fisheries of New England States, [calendar ear] 1905. 1907. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 620.) [Also in port of commissioner of fisheries, 1906, and special papers (C6.1:9060.] Oysters. Survey of oyster bottoms in Matagorda Bay, Tex.; [by H. F. Moore]. 1907. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 610.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1905, and special papers (C6. 1:905'^).] Pacific Coast. Commercial fisheries of Pacific Coast States in 1904; [by William A. Wilcox]. 1907. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 612.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1905, and special papers (C6.1:905 2).] Unutilized fishes and their relation to fishing industries [with bibliog- raphy; by Irving A. Field]. 1907. (Bureau of Fisheries doc, 622.) [Also in Report of commissioner of fisheries, 1906, and special papers (C6, 1:906-),] Whalebone, its production and utilization; [by Charles H. Stevenson]. 1907. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 626.) [Also in Report of com- missioner of fisheries, 1906, and special papers (C6. 1:906 2).] Bulletins large 8° V. 1-23 SeeFCl.S: V, 24, 1904 [4898-i80] [Beginning with v. 25, bound copies appear only in the Congressional edition and a small edition ordered by the Dureau for its own use, but not for general distribu- tion.] V. 25, 1905 [5052-929 V. 26, 1906 [5189-356 V. 27, 1907 [5324-981] V. 28, 1908, pt. 1 [5493^-1571] Same, pt. 2 [5493^-1571] V. 29, 1909 [5784-122] Bulletins (separates) [The various articles in the Bulletins are issued sei)arately in advance of the volumes.] Circulars [These circulars are usually typewritten and not printed. As the file in the Public Documents Library is so incomplete, no attempt is made to list them.] Statj stical bi illetln s various sizes 1-136. See FC1.5: 137 152 167 182 197 212 227 138 153 168 183 198 213 228 139 154 169 184 199 214 229 140 155 170 185 200 215 230 141 156 171 186 201 216 231 142 157 172 187 202 217 232 143 158 173 188 203 218 233 144 159 174 189 204 219 234 145 160 175 190 205 220 235 146 161 176 191 206 221 236 1 147 162 177 192 207 222 237 148 163 178 193 208 223 238 149 164 179 194 209 224 150 165 180 195 210 225 151 166 181 196 211 226 t Not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. 334 Classification no. C6.6: (date) C6. FISHERIES BUREAU— Continued List of piiblLcations of Bureau of Fisheries avail- able for distribution (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 614.) 1907, May 21 Sept. 24 1908, Jan. 20 Apr. 25 Dec. 21 1909, Mar. 18 Nov. 22 C7. IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION BUREAU [Transferred from Treasury Department July 1, 1903. See, for earlier publications, T21. Name changed from Immigration Bureau to Immigration and Naturalization Bureau by act approved Jtme 29, 1900.] Annual reports [1904-09, in annual reports of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:), and issued separately also. Report for 1904 also published as Congressional document [4833-404]. There were 2 editions of report for 1908.] General publications Books and blanks. Catalogue of books and blanks used by immigration service. 1905. Same. 1906. * Same. 1907. Same. 1908. Same. July, 1909. Calendar. American-Chinese calendar for 65 years John Endicott Gardner. 1904. small 4« Chinese names. List of Chinese family names; Gardner. 1909 [1910]. small 4« Immigration and Naturalization Bureau. Organization of Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization. [Nov. 1907.] Recommendations of commissioner-general of immigration to Secretary of Commerce and Labor based upon annual report [to Secretary of Treasury] for fiscal year ended June 30, 1903. 1903. ([Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 2.]) Bulletins C7.1: (date) C7.2: B64^ B64- B643 B644 B64 5 C12 C44 lm6 R24 C7.3: (nos.) C7.4: (nos.) C7.5: 9031 903- 9033 905 906 907 1849-1914; by by Jno. Endicott [None issued.] Circulars 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 [Discontinued.] Chinese exclusion treaties, law^s, and regulations See, for earlier editions, T21.5: Laws, treaty, and regulations relating to exclusion of Chinese. July, 1903. Same, rearranged and with index. July, 1903. narrow 12° Same. Dec. 1903. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 7.) Treaty, laws, and regulations relating to exclusion of Chinese. May, 1905. Treaty, laws, and regulations governing admission of Chinese; regula- tions approved Feb. 5, 1906. 1906. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 54.) Same; regulations approved Feb. 26, 1907. July, 1907. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 54.) 335 Classlflratlnn C7.6; 908 909' 909 C7.6: 903' 9032 9033 905 » 905 -' 9053 906 » 906- 907 » 907 2 9073 907* 908 1 9082 909' 909'-^ 909' C7.7: C7.8: (date) C7. IMMIGRATION AND NATURAL,IZATION BUREAU— ('Ontinued Chinese exclusion treaties, laws, and regulations— C'ontinued Same; regulations approved Feb. 26, 1907. Edition of June, 1908. 1908. (Dept. of ( ommerce and Labor doc, 54.) Same; regulations approved Feb. 26, 1907. Edition of Feb. 1909, embodying amendments to rule 39. 1909. Amendments to [rules 3 and 49 of] regulations of Feb. 26, 1907, govern- ing admission of Chinese. Oct. 2, 1909. Treaty, laws, and regulations governing admission of Chinese; regula- tions approved Oct. 30, 1909. Edition of Oct. 1909, embodying amendments to rules 3, 4, 11, 30, 31, 38, 47, 49, 50, 51, and 52. 1909. Same; regulations approved Dec. 15, 1909. Edition of Dec. 1909, embodying amendments to rules 14 and 30. 1909. Immigration laws and regulations See, for earlier editions, T21.5: Immigration laws and regulations, Aug. 1903. 1903. ([Dept. of Com- merce and Labor doc. 9.]) Same. 1904. 35 p. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 9.) Same [containing circulars and enactments to Oct. 4, 1904]. 1904. 38 p. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 9.) Same [containing enactments to Feb. 3, 1905]. 1905. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 9.) Same. Edition of June, 1905. 1905. Labor doc. 9.) Same. Edition ( Labor doc. 9.) Same. Edition c Labor doc. 9.) Immigration laws and regulations of Feb. 1906. Edition of Oct. 1906. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 9.) Same. Edition of Feb. 1907. 1907. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 9.) Immigration laws and regulations of July 1, 1907. [1st edition.] 1907. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 78.) Same. [2d edition.] 1907. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 78.) * [The 1st and 2d editions were Issued \vithin a few days of each other and are identical.] Same. 3d edition. Dec. 7, 1907. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 78.) Feb. 15, 1908. (Dept. of Commerce and Dec. 1905. 1906. Feb. 1906. 1906. (Dept. of Commerce and (Dept. of Commerce and (Dept. of Comjnerce and 1906. Same. 4th edition. Labor doc. 78.) Same. 5th edition. Same. 6th edition. Same. 7th edition. Same. 8th edition. Oct. 5, 1908. June 7, 1909. Oct. 7, 1909. Dec. 15, 1909. [Vacant. This class is to be assigned to the next new series begun by the Immigration and Naturalization Bureau.] Immigration bulletin various sizes [Monthly.] [Previous statements undertitle Alien arrivals were issued as separates from Monthly summary of commerce and finance (C14.14«:).] Immigration statement 1906, Jan. f" [Hektographed; never printed.] Feb. 4° Mar. 4® 336 Classification no. C7. IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION B UREAU— Continued C7.8: Immigration bulletin— Continued (date) Immigration statement and inward passenger movement f ° and nar rowf° 1906, Apr. 1907, May May June June July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. 1908, Jan. 1907, Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May Immigration and emigration statement [and] inward passenger move ment narrow f ^ 1908, June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1909, Jan. Feb. Immigration bulletin 4° 1909, Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. f-' C7.9: (CT) C7.10: C7.101: (date) C7.10 2: D62 F45 F76 Terms, conditions, and limitations, witli form of proposal Naturalization Division [Established July 14, 1906, under act of June 29, 1906.] Naturalization Division, Annual reports [1907-09, in annual reports of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:), and issued separately also.] Naturalization Division, General publications Directory of courts having jurisdiction in naturalization proceedings. 1st edition. Mar. 1908. 1908. [More than half the pages are blank.] Field employees. Fiscal regulations governing field employees; effec- tive July 1, 1909. 1909. 16" Foreign countries. List of foreign countries and their rulers. 3d edi- tion revised. June 15, 1907. A° [1st and 2d editions not in Public Documents Library.] ♦ a:^7 C7. IMMIOHATION AND N A lU KAL.IZATION BUREAU— Continued Naturalization Division, Bulletins [None issued.] Naturalization Division, Circulars [None issued.] Naturalization Division, Naturalization laws and regulations Naturalization laws and regulations of Aug. 190G. Edition of Aug. 1906. 1906. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 60.) Same, Oct. 1906. Editionof Oct. 1906. 1906. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 60.) Same, Sept. 23, 1907. 1907. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 60.) » Same, Sept. 1, 1908. 1908. Same, Jan. 2, 1909. 1909. > Same, Aug. 17, 1909. 1909. Information Division [Established July 1, 1907, under act of Feb. 20, lfX)7.] i Information Division, Annual reports [1908-0:^, ia annual reports of Commerce and Labor Depariimmt (Cl.l:), and issued separately also.] Information Division, General publications Immigrants. Information for immigrants concerning United States, i j^ opportunities, government, and institutions; prepared by Na- tional Society of Sons of American Revolution. 1908. 12° Same, German. 1908. 12« Same, Greek. 1908. 12° Same, Slovenian. 1908. 12° Same, Danish-Norwegian. 1908. 12° Same, Swedish. 1908. 12° Same, Croatian. 1908. 12° Same, Bohemian. 1908. 12° Same, Slovdk. 1908. 12° Same, Hungarian or Magyar. 1908. 12° Same, Lithuanian. 1908. 12° Same, Italian. [1908.] 12° Same, Polish. [1908.] 12° Same, Yiddish. [1908.] 12° Immigrants. Information for immigrants [directing them to apply to information branch, immigration service, New York City]. 1909 . small 4° [English and 23 other languages.] Same. 1909 [reprint 1910, with slight changes]. Naturalization of aliens in United States, how to become citizens, what is required, rights and duties; prepared by National Society of Sons of American Revolution. 1909. 12° C7.ll 3: Information Division, Bulletins (nos . ) [None iaeued . ] CT-ll"*: Information Division, Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] 82452°- 11 22 Classlflratlon no. C7.10»: (nos.) C7.10*: (nos.) C7.10*: 906 1 9063 907 908 909 1 909 2 C7.ll: C7.11^: (^date) C7.ll 2: Im6i Im62 lm63 ImG'' Im6-' Im6« Im67 lm68 Im6» Ime^o ImG^i Im6i2 Im6i3 ImG^^ Im6i° Im6 N21 338 C8. LABOR BUREAU [The Labor Department, formerly an independent Government publishing office, was placed under the Commerce and Labor Department July 1, 1903, and the name Bureau of Labor was adopted. See, for earlier publications, Labor Department (La.). See, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:Or3.] Classification no. C8.1: (date) C8.1«: (CT) C8.2: B43 C71 W121 W122 W84 W84 = W84 = W84' W84« C8.3: (v. nos.) Annual reports [1904-09, an administrative report is also found in annual reports of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:). See, for earlier reports, Lal.l:] 1903, 18th 1904, 19th 1905, 20th 1906, 2l8t 1907, 22d 4739-747 4861-428 5046-906 [5213-822] [5325-982] See, for later legislation, etc., Bulletin, v. 19, no. 85(08.3:193) 1908, 23d [5494-1565] 1909, 24th, V. 1 [5785-132] Same, v. 2 [5786-132] Annual reports (separates) General publications Benefit funds. Establishment benefit funds, instructions [for gather- ing information concerning funds]. 1907. 4P Colorado. Labor troubles in Colorado, statement of secretary of Mine Owners' and Operators' Association, and reply of Western Fede- ration of Miners, 1904. [Made up of Senate documents 86 and 163, 58th Congress, 2d session. These documents as they appear in the Congressional set are in serial nos. 4588 and 4590,] Wages. Ratesof wages and hours of labor, instructions. 1906. large S*' Wages. Rates of wages and hours of labor, instructions [to agents for securing data]. 1907. 4° W^omen. Employment of women and children, family schedule [for agents in securing data], 1907, 4° Women. Laws relating to employment of women and children in United States. July, 1907. Women. Employment of women and children, instructions [to agents for securing data], individual schedule. 1907. 4° Women. Employment of women and children, instructions [to agents for securing data], establishment schedule. 1907. 4° Same, supplementary instructions 1. 1907. 4" Bulletins (bimonthly) See, for earlier issues, Lai. 3: no. 44 See Lai. 3:8. V. 9, no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48\ no. 49/ . no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 V. 10, no. 56 no. 57 no. 58 V. 11, no. 591 no. 60 no. 61 V. 12, no. 62 no. 63 no. 64 [4529-370] [4701-343] [4702-343] [4859-386] [4860-386] [5033-592] 13, no. 65] no. 66[ [5034-592] no. 67] 14, no. 68] no. 69[ [5202-715] no. 70] 15, no. 71 no. 72^ [5326-580] no. 73j 16, no. 74] no. 75} [5327-857] no. 76] 17, no. 77 no. 78 [ [5495-1016] no. 79] 18, no. 80] no. 81 [ [5496-1527] no. 82] 19, no. 83 no. 84 [5787-182] no. 85j 339 ClMttllloatloB no. C8.3" : (CT) C8.4: (nos.) C8.6: (nos.) C8. LABOR BUREAU—Continued Bulletins (separates) Circulars [None issued.] Special reports 1-9 SeeL&i.b: 10 11 12 4731-733 4732-734 4858-301 C8.6: Reports on Hawaii (date) See, for earlier reports, Lai. 7: 1905, 3d [4988-580] [This report states that future reports will be issued every 5 years.] C9. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD t [Transferred from Treasury Department July 1, 1903. See, for earlier pubJications, T25. See, for Organization and law of Department of (Commerce and Labor, Cl.2:Or3.] C9.1: (date) C9.2: Ac3 Annual reports [1904-09, in annual reports of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:), and issued separately also with additional maps. Two reports were made for 1903, one to Secretary of Treasury (T25.1:903), the other, Oct. 15, 1903, to Secretary of Com- merce and Labor (C9.1:903), issued separately only.] General publications Acetylene gas. Report on use of acetylene gas by Canadian govern- ment as illummant for aids to navigation; by Albert Ross. 1907. A15 Allowances. List of allowances to light-stations, 1907. 1907. [See, for earlier editions, T25.2A1 5 ^> ^.] t In conformity with the act approved June 17, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 537- 539), the duties performed and all power and authority possessed or exercised here- tofore by the Light-House Board have been conferred upon and A^ested in the Com- missioner of Lighthouses, imder the direction and control of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and in lieu of the Office of the Light-House Board there has been estab- lished a Bureau of Lighthouses under the Department of Commerce and Labor. This reorganization act became effective July 1, 1910. As this Checklist ends with the pub- lications of the calendar year 1909, it uses the form "Light-House Board." Pursuant to the provisions of the above-mentioned act of reorganization, the Depart- ment of Commerce and Labor has effected the following rearrangement of lighthouse districts: New number Old number First T . %» ♦ . % First Second.. l^'fJP. J i Second Third Third Fourth Fourth Fifth Fifth Sixth • Sixth Seventh Seventh Eighth Eighth Ninth Third subdistrict Tenth Tenth Eleventh Eleventh Twelfth Ninth Thirteenth Fifteenth Fourteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Sixteenth Alaf^ka (iH)rtif)ii of Thirteenth) Seventeenth Thirteentli Eighteenth Twelfth Nineteenth Hawaiian Islands, and other American Pacific Islands (Twelfth subdistrict). 340 Classification no. C9.2: B641 B642 B643 C76 D45 El 4 L62 Su7 C9.3: (nos.) C9.4: (nos.) C9. lilGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued General pul)llcations — Continued Books and blanks. Catalogue of books and blanks used by Light- House Establishment. 1905. Same. 1907. Same. 1909. Contract for — [blank form], n. p. [1906]. i" (Form 100.) Description and inventory of light-vessel no. [blank form], n.p. [1906]. 4« (Form 53.) Eligibles, Instructions regarding selections of eligibles and recommen- dations for appointment in Light-House Ser\dce. Mar. 16, 1908. Light-house tower. Description of light-house tower, buildings, and premises at [blank form], n. p. [Feb. 1906]. 4° (Form 60.) Supplies. Price list of light-house supplies furnished from general depot, Tompkinsville, N. Y. 1906. BuUetins ,,y,^^ 1-144 SeeT2b.Z: 145 '152 146 153 147 154 148 155 149 156 150 157 151 158 [Superseded Aug. 12, 1904, by Weekly notice to mariners (C9.26:).] Circulars [List of officers on duty under Light-House Establishment. These lists carry the series title "Bureau circular," with the exception of no. 3, which is called "Cir- cular."] See, for 1 and 2 of 1903, and earlier issues, T25.4: 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 1 Hdglits, buoys, and day marks, 1st district large 8° See, for earlier Issues, T25.5: 1904; corrected to May 1, 1904 1905; corrected to May 1, 1905 1906; corrected to May 1, 1906 1907; corrected to May 1, 1907 1908; corrected to May 1, 1908 1909; corrected to May 1, 1909 Llglits, buoys, and daymarks, 2d district large 8» See, for earlier issues, T25.6: 1904; corrected to June 1, 1904 1905; corrected to June 1, 1905 1906; corrected to June 1, 1906 1907; corrected to June 1, 1907 1908; corrected to June 1, 1908 1909; corrected to Nov. 1, 1909 Lights, buoys, and daymarks, 3d district large 8*> See, for earlier issues, T25.7: I 1904; corrected to Aug. 1, 1904 I 1905; corrected to Aug. 1, 1905 t No. 23 was the last issued up to the end of the calendar year 1909, the period cov- ered by this Checklist. Two more lists were issued, namely, for Feb. 5 and May 24, 1910, and then the series was discontinued. To these two lists, which bore no title whatever, the Public Documents Library has assigned the numbers 24 and 25, so ae to class them here and complete the series. C9.5: (date) C9.6: (date) C9.7: (date) 341 Classlflcatlon no. C9.7: (date) C9.8: (date) C9.9: (date) C9.10: (date) C9.ll: (date) C9.12: (date) C9. lilQHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued Lights, buoys, and dayiuarks, 3d district — C'ontinued 1906; corrected to Aug. 1, 1908 1907; corrected to Aug. 1, 1907 1908; corrected to Aug. 1, 1908 1909 [None issued.] Lights, buoys, and daymarlcs, dth district large 8° [Formerly Beacons, buoys, and day nuirks. See, for earlier Issues, T26.8:] Beacons, buoys, and day marks 1903; corrected to Aug. 1, 1903 Lights, buoys, and daymarks 1904; corrected to Aug. 1, 1904 1905; corrected to Sept. 1, 1905 1906; corrected to Sept. 1, 1906 1907; corrected to Sept. 1, 1907 1908; corrected to Sept. 1, 1908 1909 [None issued.] Lights, buoys, and daymarks, 5th district large 8° [Formerly Beacons, buoys, and day marks. See, for earlier issues, T25.9:] Beacons, buoys, and day marks 1903; corrected to Sept. 1, 1903 Lights, buoys, and daymarks 1904; corrected to Sept. 1, 1904 1905; corrected to Sept. 1, 1905 1906; corrected to Sept. 1, 1906 1907; corrected to Sept. 1, 1907 1908; corrected to Sept. 1, 1908 1909 [None issued.] Lights, buoys, and daynaarks, 6th district large 8° [Formerly Beacons, buoys, and day marks. See, for earlier issues, T25.10:J Beacons, buoys, and day marks 1903; corrected to Oct. 1, 1903 Lights, buoys, and daymarks 1904; corrected to Oct. 1, 1904 1905; corrected to Oct. 1, 1905 1906; corrected to Oct. 1, 1906 1907; corrected to Oct. 1, 1907 1908; corrected to Oct. 1, 1908 1909 [None issued.] Lights, buoys, and daymarks, 7th district large 8° See, for earlier issues, T25.il : 1903; corrected to Nov. 1, 1903 1904; corrected to Nov. 1, 1904 1905; corrected to Nov. 1, 1905 1906; corrected to Nov. 1, 1906 1907; corrected to Nov. 1, 1907 1908; corrected to Nov. 1, 1908 1909 [None issued.] Lights, buoys, and daymarks, 8th district large S^ See, for earlier issues, T25.12: 1903; corrected to Dec. 1, 1903 1904; corrected to Dec. 1, 1904 1905; corrected to Dec. 1, 1905 1906; corrected to Dec. 1, 1906 1907; corrected to Dec. 1, 1907 1908; corrected to Dec. 1, 1908 1909 [None issued.] 342 Classiflcatlon no. C9.13: (date) €9.14^: (date) C9.14 2: (date) C9.16: 58* 58 = 59: 59 = 60 = C9.16: 9041 9042 C9.17: (date) C9. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued Lights, buoys, and day marks, northern lakes and rivers [9th- 11th districts] large 8" See, for earlier issues, T25.13: 1904; corrected to opening of navigation 1905; corrected to opening of navigation 1906 ; corrected to opening of navigation 1907 ; corrected to opening of navigation 1908; corrected to opening of navigation [Discontinued with issue of 1908. f] Lights, huoys, and daymarks, Paciflc Coast [12th and 13th districts] large 8« See, for earlier issues, T25.14: 1904; corrected to Jan. 1, 1904 1905; corrected to Jan. 1, 1905 1906; corrected to Jan. 1, 1906 1907; corrected to Jan. 1, 1907 1908; corrected to Jan. 1, 1908 1909 [None issued.] Lights, buoys, and daymarks, Haw^aii, 12th sub- district large 8° 1905; corrected to Jan. 1, 1905 1906; corrected to Jan. 1, 1906 1907; corrected to Jan. 1, 1907 1908; corrected to Jan. 1, 1908 1909; corrected to Jan. 1, 1909 Laws relative to Light-House Establishment passed at session, Congress See, for earlier issues, T25.15: Laws relative to Light-House Establishment passed at 2d session, 58th Congress, 1903-04. 1904, (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 14.) Same, 3d session, 58th Congress, 1904-05, 1905. (Dept, of Com- merce and Labor doc. 37.) Same, 1st session, 59th Congress, 1905-06. 1906. (Dept, of Com- merce and Labor doc, 59,) Same, 2d session, 59th Congress, 1906-07. 1907. Same, 1st session, 60th Congress, 1907-8, 1908. Same, 2d session, 60th Congress, 1908-9. 1909, Laws and regulations relating to Light-House Establishment (general) See, for earlier issues, T25.15: Laws and regulations relating to Light-House Establishment of United States. 1904. (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 19.) Same [amendments]. 1908. oblong 32° Lights and fog signals, Atlantic and Oulf coasts [lst-8th districts] large 8« See, for earlier issues, T25.16: 1904 [None issued.] 1905; corrected to Mar. 1, 1905 1906 [None issued,] t In 1910, the Bureau of Lighthouses substituted for Lights, buoys, and daymarks, northern lakes and rivers (C9,13:) and Lights and fog signals, northern lakes and rivers and Canada (C9.18:) a new series of publications, entitled Lights and fog signals of United States and Canada on northern lakes and rivers and unlighted aids to naviga- tion of United States on those waters; for this new publication an additional class (C9.30:) has been assigned, see footnote on p, 346, 343 Classlflcatlon no. C9.17: (date) C9.18: (date) C9.19: (date) C9.20: (date) C9. MGHT-HOTTSE BOARD— Continued Ldglits and fog slgrnals, Atlantic and Gulf coasts [Ist-8th. districts]— Continuod 1907; corrected to Mar. 1, 1907 1908; corrected to Oct. 31, 1908 1909 [None issued.] Liglits and fog signals, northern lakes and rivers and Canada [3d, and 9tli- 11th. districts] large 8* See, for earlier issues, T25.17: 1904 [None issued. 1905 [None issued. _ 190G; corrected to opening of navigation 1907; corrected to July 15, 1907 1908; corrected to July 15, 1908 [Discontinued with issue of July 15, 1908. tl Ldghts and fog signals of United States and Canada on Pacific Coast [12th and 13th districts] large 8« [Includes lights of United States on Hawaiian Islands and, in more recent years, those on Midway, Guam, and Samoan Islands also.] See, for earlier issues, T25.18: Lights and fog signals of United States on Pacific Toast and of Canada on coast of British Columbia 1904; corrected to May 1, 1904 1905 [None issued.] 1906; corrected to Feb. 1, 1906 1907; corrected to Aug. 1, 1907 1908; corrected to Apr. 30, 1908 Lights and fog signals of United States and Canada on Pacific Coast 1909; corrected to July 31, 1909 4° Notice to mariners large 8** [Issued irregularly.] See, for earlier issues, T25.39: 1903, , no. 68 1 903, no. 91 no. 69 no. 92 no. 70 no. 93 no. 71 no. 94 no. 72 no. 95 no. 73 no. 96 no. 74 no. 97 no. 75 no. 98 no. 76 no. 99 no. 77 no. 100 no. 78 no. 101 no. 79 no. 102 no. 80 no. 103 no. 81 no. 104 no. 82 no. 105 no. 83 no. 106 no. 84 no. 107 no. 85 no. 108 no. 86 no. 109 no. 87 no. 110 no. 88 no. Ill no. 89 no. 112 no. 90 no. 113 no. 114 1903, no. 137 no. 115 no. 138 no. 116 no. 139 no. 117 no. 140 no. 118 no. 141 no. 119 no. 142 no. 120 no. 143 no. 121 no. 144 122 ~\ AtL no. no. 140 no. 123 no. 146 no. 124 no. 147 no. 125 no. 148 no. 126 1904, no. 1 no. 127 no. 2 no. 128 no. 3 no. 129 no. 4 no. 130 no. 5 no. 131 no. 6 no. 132 no. 7 no. 133 no. 8 134 no. 9 no. no. 135 no. 10 no. 136 no. 11 t In 1910, the Bureau of Lighthouses substituted for Lights and fog signals, northern lakes and rivers and Canada (C9.18:) and Lights, buoys, and daymarks, northern lakes and rivers (C9.13:) a new series of publications, entitled Lights and fog signals of United States and Canada on northern lakes and rivers and unlighted aids to naviga- tion of United States on those waters; for this new publication an additional clasi (C9.30:) has been assigned, see footnote on p. 346. 344 Classification no. C9.20: (date) C9. UGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued Notice to mariners — Continued 1904, no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 1904, no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 no. 56 no. 57 no. 58 no. 59 1904, no. 60 no. 61 no. 62 no. 63 no. 64 no. 65 no. 66 no. 67 no. 68 no. 69 no. 70 no. 71 no. 72 no. 73 no. 74 no. 75 no. 76 no. 77 no. 78 no. 79 no. 80 no. 81 no. 82 no. 83 1904, no. 84 no. 85 no. 86 no. 87 no. 88 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 no. 100 no. 101 no. 102 no. 103 no. 104 C9.21: (date) [Superseded by Weekly notice to mariners (C9.26:), though it may still be issued in case of emergency.] Liglits on western rivers [Idtli-lGtli districts] nar- row 16«» [Formerly Post lights on western rivers. See, for earlier issues, T25.20:] Post lights on western rivers 1903; corrected to Sept. 1, 1903 Lights on western rivers 1904; corrected to Oct. 1, 1904 1905 [None issued.] 1906; corrected to Oct. 1, 1906 1907; corrected to Oct. 1, 1907 1908; corrected to Oct. 1, 1908 [Discontinued with issue of Oct. 1, 1908. f] Specifications See, for issues prior to July 1, 1903, T25.21: Instructions to liglitkeepers See, for early issues, T25.22: [None issued under Commerce and Labor Department.] Idglits, buoys, and daymarlis, Porto Rico and adjacent islands, 3d subdistrict J large 8«» See, for earlier issues, T25.23: 1903 [Not issued.] 1904; corrected to Nov. 1, 1904 t In 1910, the Bureau of Lighthouses substituted for the Lights on western rivers three separate series of publications, one for each of the districts concerned; for these new publications additional classes (C9.27:-C9.29:) have been assigned, see footnote on p. 346. The publications bear the new lighthouse district numbers, except for the 14th district, the number of which remains unchanged. t In the rearrangement of lighthouse districts, as fully described in the footnote on p. 339, the 3d subdistrict has become the 9th district. The 1911 issue of this series bears the new title, Buoys and other aids to navigation, Porto Rico and adja- cent islands, 9th district. As there has been no change in boundaries of the district, the Public Documenis Library continues to class the series under C9.24: C9.22: (CT) C9.23: (date) C9.24: (4ate) 345 ClAMiflCAtloa ■o. C9.24: (date) C9.2o: B76» B76« B76» C4P Uii3» Un3 = C9.26: (date) C9. UGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued Lisrlits, buoys, and daymarks, Porto Rico and adja- cent islands, 3d subdistrlct— Continued 1905; contN ' .\ . I, 1905 1906; com v. 1, 1906 1907; com v. 1, 1907 1908 IN< 1 1909; corre . .. . u:i. 1, 1909 Rnles and regulations (miscellaneous) Sety for earlier iwues, T25.24: Bridges. Emulations for lighting bridges over navigable rivere. June, 1904. 40 Same, 1904. 19a5. 4* Same, 1907. 1907. 4* CiWl-eervice reg:ulations governing Light-House Service. May 1, 1907. Uniforms. Regulations governing uniforms of officers and men of Light-House EsiabTimineroe and Labor, Cl.2:Or3.] ClMsIflcatlon no. ClO.l: (date) C10.2: C89 C892 C893 C89^ C89'^ M57' M57 2 M573 M57* P961 P962 Un3i Un32 W521 W522 C10.3: (nos.) ClO.d: (nos.) tClO.6^- (nos.) Annual reports [190.W)9, in annual reports of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:), and issiied separately also.] General publications [ilecent infonnation from the Bureau of Manufactures is to thooflact that besides the suppit'inents to lariiTs listed in this Chooklist iind(!r ('10.2: the following have been issued: tariffs of Ciuiad-.i; Chile, 1st supplement; (Ifirnian (ustoTTis Union; Ger- many, Istsupplonitnit; Mevvfoundland, 1st supplement. None of these are in the Public Documents Librarj.J Cuba. Republic of Cuba, Lst supplement to import tariff. [1906.] [Supplement to Customs tarifT of Cuba, which was issued by Statistics Bureau and appeared in Monthly summary of commerce and finance. May, 1905, p. 3995 (C14.14:906»)-) Same, 2d supplement. [1907.] * Same, 3d supplement. [1908.] Same, 4th supplement. [1908.] Same, 5th supplement. Jan. 1909. Mexico, 1st supplement to Customs tariff [of Mexico].- [1905.] * [Supplement to Customs tariff of Mexico, which was issued by Statistics Bureau and appeared in Monthly summary of commerce aud finance, Sept. 1905, p. 873 (C14.14:9063).) Same, 2d supplement. Aug. 1908. Same, 3d supplement. [1909.] Same, 4th supplement. July, 1909; Publications available for distribution June 1, 1908. [1908.] narrow large %° Same, Sept. 1, 1908. [1908.] narrow f** United Kingdom, lst supplement to customs tariff of United King- dom. [1905.] Ip. 4« [Supplement to Customs tariffs of United Kingdom and British possessions in Eu- rope, which was issued by Statistics Bureau and appeared in Monthly summary of commerce and finance, Jime, 1905, p. 4423 (C14. 14:905 "). The article was also printed separately and in that form is classed under C14.14a:] Same, 1st supplement [amended], with title. United Kingdom, 1st supplement to customs tariff. [1906.] 6 p. 8° West Indies, British. 1st supplement to customs tariffs of British West Indies. [1905.] 5 p. 4° [Supplement to Customs tariffs of British West Indies, which was issued by Statis- tics Bureau and appeared in Monthly summarj' of commerce and finance, June, 1905, p. 4439 (C14. 14:905 "). The article was also printed separately and in that form IS classed under C14.14a:) Same, 2d supplement, with title, British West Indies, 2d supple- ment to customs tariff. [1906.] 1 p. 8° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Dally consular and trade reports [old series] [Transferred from Statistics Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept. (C14.6:), July 1, 1905. The title was changed from Daily consular reports to its present form July 17, 1905. Daily except Sundays and holidays.] See, for earlier numbers, S4.5: and C14.6: Daily consular reports 2298, July 1, 1905 2302, July 7, 1905 2306, July 12, 1905 2299, July 3, 1905 2303, July 8, 1905 2307, July 13, 1905 2300, July 5, 1905 2304, July 10, 1905 2308, July 14, 1905 2301, July 6, 1905 2305, July 11, 1905 2309, July 15, 1905 t^ee footnote on p. 348. 348 Classification no. tClO.5^: (nos.) and trade reports 1905 2355, Sept. 8, 1905 2400, Oct. 31, 1905 1905 2356, Sept. 9, 1905 2401, Nov. 1, 1905 1905 2357, Sept. 11, 1905 2402, Nov. 2, 1905 1905 2358, Sept. 12, 1905 2403, Nov. 3, 1905 1905 2359, Sept. 13, 1905 2404, Nov. 4, 1905 1905 2360, Sept. 14, 1905 2405, Nov. 6, 1905 1905 2361, Sept. 15, 1905 2406, Nov. 7, 1905 1905 2362, Sept. 16, 1905 2407, Nov. 8, 1905 1905 2363, Sept. 18, 1905 2408, Nov. 9, 1905 1905 2364, Sept. 19, 1905 2409, Nov. 10, 1905 1905 2365, Sept. 20, 1905 2410, Nov. 11, 1905 1905 2366, Sept. 21, 1905 2411, Nov. 13, 1905 1905 2367, Sept. 22, 1905 2412, Nov. 14, 1905 1905 2368, Sept. 23, 1905 2413, Nov. 15, 1905 1905 2369, Sept. 25, 1905 2414, Nov. 16, 1905 1905 2370, Sept. 26, 1905 2415, Nov. 17, 1905 1905 2371, Sept. 27, 1905 2416, Nov. 18, 1905 1905 2372, Sept. 28, 1905 2417, Nov. 20, 1905 1905 2373, Sept. 29, 1905 2418, Nov. 21, 1905 1905 2374, Sept. 30, 1905 2419, Nov. 22, 1905 1905 2375, Oct. 2, 1905 2420, Nov. 23, 1905 1905 2376, Oct. 3, 1905 2421, Nov. 24, 1905 1905 2377, Oct. 4, 1905 2422, Nov. 25, 1905 1905 2378, Oct. 5, 1905 2423, Nov. 27, 1905 1905 2379, Oct. 6, 1905 2424, Nov. 28, 1905 1905 2380, Oct. 7, 1905 2425, Nov. 29, 1905 1905 2381, Oct. 9, lfi05 2426, Dec. 1, 1905 1905 2382, Oct. 10, 1905 2427, Dec. 2, 1905 1905 2383, Oct. 11, 1905 2428, Dec. 4, 1905 1905 2384, Oct. 12, 1905 2429, Dec. 5, 1905 1905 2385, Oct. 13, 1905 2430, Dec. 6, 1905 1905 2386, Oct. 14, 1905 2431, Dec. 7, 1905 1905 2387, Oct. 16, 1905 2432, Dec. 8, 1905 1905 2388, Oct. 17, 1905 2433, Dec. 9, 1905 1905 2389, Oct. 18, 1905 2434, Dec. 11, 1905 1905 2390, Oct. 19, 1905 2435, Dec. 12, 1905 1905 2391, Oct. 20, 1905 2436, Dec. 13, 1905 1905 2392, Oct. 21, 1905 2437, Dec. 14, 1905 1905 2393, Oct. 23, 1905 2438, Dec. 15, 1905 1905 2394, Oct. 24, 1905 2439, Dec. 16, 1905 1905 2395, Oct. 25, 1905 2440, Dec. 18, 1905 1905 2396, Oct. 26, 1905 2441, Dec. 19, 1905 1905 2397, Oct. 27, 1905 2442, Dec. 20, 1905 1905 2398, Oct. 28, 1905 2443, Dec. 21, 1905 1905 2399, Oct. 30, 1905 2444, Dec. 22, 1905 t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The publica- tion of the Daily consular and trade reports v/as continued up to and including no. 3722, Feb. 28, 1910. After this a weekly publication was substituted for a time; see footnote for CIO. 14 : Beginning with the number for July 5, 1910, the daily issues were resumed, the first 50 numbers being designated, e. g., New series, v. 1, no. 1, serial no. 1. The 51st number, for Sept. 1, 1910, drops the above designation, substituting therefor the words "13th year, no. 51." Beginning with Jan. 3, 1911, the publication reads "14th year, no. 1." These changes have necessitated new classes for the publications issued since July 5, 1910, as follows: 010.5^: Daily consular and trade reports [series July 5, 1910- ] (date [The superior numbers following dates in book jnvunbers are the and nos.) Daily consular and trade reports [series July 5, 1910- ] (separates) 'serial nos." or the "nos." which appear on the publications. The call numbers are therefore as fol- lows: For issues from July 5- Aug. 31, 1910, C10.5 2:910 i-W; from Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 1910, 010.52:91061-162; and beginning with Jan. 3, 1911,010.52:911 1- .] CIO.520: (CT) 349 ClaMNlflcatlun no. C10.5 ' : (dob.) CIO. MANUFACTURES BUREAU— Continued Dally consular and trade reports [old series]— Cont'd 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465, 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478: 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 , Dec. , Dec. , Dec. , Dec. , Dec. , Dec. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan, , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Jan. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Feb. , Mar. , Mar. , Mar. , Mar. , Mar. , Mar. , Mar. , Mar. 23, 1905 26, 1905 27, 1905 28, 1905 29, 1905 30, 1905 2, 1906 3, 1906 4, 1906 5, 1906 6, 1906 8, 1906 9, 1906 10, 1906 11, 1906 12, 1906 13, 1906 15, 1906 16, 1906 17, 1906 18, 1906 19, 1906 20, 1906 22, 1906 23, 1906 24, 1906 25, 1906 26, 1906 27, 1906 29, 1906 30, 1906 31, 1906 1, 1906 2, 1906 3, 1906 5, 1906 6, 1906 7, 1906 8, 1906 9, 1906 10, 1906 12, 1906 13, 1906 14, 1906 15, 1906 16, 1906 17, 1906 19, 1906 20, 1906 21, 1906 23, 1906 24, 1906 26, 1906 27, 1906 28, 1906 1, 1906 2, 1906 3, 1906 5, 1906 6, 1906 7, 1906 8, 1906 9, 1906 2508, Mar. 2509, Mar. 2510, Mar. 2511, Mar. 2512, Mar. 2513, Mar. 2514, Mar. 2515, Mar. 2516, Mar. 2517, Mar. 2518, Mai-. 2519, Mar. 2520, Mar. 2521, Mar. 2522, Mar. 2523, Mar. 2524, Mar. 2525, Mar. 2526, Mar. 2527, Apr. 2528, Apr. 2529, Apr. 2530, Apr. 2531, Apr. 2532, Apr. 2533, Apr. 2534, Apr. 2535, Apr. 2536, Apr. 2537, Apr. 2538, Apr. 2539, Apr. 2540, Apr. 2541, Apr. 2542, Apr. 2543, Apr. 2544, Apr. 2545, Apr. 2546, Apr. 2547, Apr. 2548, Apr. 2549, Apr. 2550, Apr. 2551, Apr. 2552, May 2553, May 2554, May 2555, May 2556, May 2557, May 2558, May 2559, May 2560, May 2561, May 2562, May 2563, May 2564, May 2565, May 2566, May 2567, May 2568, May 2569, May 2570, May 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 , May 23, , May 24, , May 25, , May 26, , May 28, , May 29, , May 31, , June 1, , June 2, , June 4, , June 5, , June 6, , June 7, , June 8, , June 9, , June 11, , June 12, , June 13, , June 14, , June 15, , June 16, , June 18, , June 19, , June 20, , June 21, , June 22, , June 23, , June 25, , June 26, , June 27, , June 28, , June 29, , June 30, , July 9 , July 3, , July 5, , July 6, ,July 7, ,July 9, ,July 10, ,July 11, , July 12, ,July 13, , July 14, ,Juiy 16, ,July 17, ,July 18, ,July 19, ,July 20, , July 21, ,July 23, ,July 24, , Julv 25, ,July 26, , July 27, , July 28, , July 30, ,July 31, , Aug. 1, , Aug. 2, , Aug. 3, , Aug. 4, , Aug. 6, 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 350 Classification no. CIO.S^: (no8.) CIO. MANUFACTURES BUREAU— Continued Daily consular and. trade reports [old series]— Cont'd 2634, Aug. 7, 1906 2697, Oct. 20, J 906 2635, Aug. 8, 1906 2698, Oct. 22, 1906 2636, Aug. 9, 1906 2699, Oct. 23, 1906 2637, Aug. 10, 1906 2700, Oct. 24, 1906 2638, Aug. 11, 1906 2701, Oct. 25, 1906 2639, Aug. 13, 1906 2702, Oct. 26, 1906 2640, Aug. 14, 1906 2703, Oct. 27, 1906 2641, Aug. 15, 1906 2704, Oct. 29, 1906 2642, Aug. 16, 1906 2705, Oct. 30, 1906 2643, Aug. 17, 1906 2706, Oct. 31, 1906 2644, Aug. 18, 1906 2707, Nov. 1, 1906 2645, Aug. 20, 1906 2708, Nov. 2, 1906 2646, Aug. 21, 1906 2709, Nov. 3, 1906 2647, Aug. 22, 1906 2710, Nov. 5, 1906 2648, Aug. 23, 1906 2711, Nov. 6, 1906 2649, Aug. 24, 1906 2712, Nov. 7, 1906 2650, Aug. 25, 1906 2713, Nov. 8, 1906 2651, Aug. 27, 1906 2714, Nov. 9, 1906 2652, Aug. 28, 1906 2715, Nov. 10, 1906 2653, Aug. 29, 1906 2716, Nov. 12, 1906 2654, Aug. 30, 1906 2717, Nov. 13, 1906 2655, Aug. 31, 1906 2718, Nov. 14, 1906 2656, Sept. 1, 1906 2719, Nov. 15, 1906 2657, Sept. 4, 1906 2720, Nov. 16, 1906 2658, Sept. 5, 1906 2721, Nov. 17, 1906 2659, Sept. 6, 1906 2722, Nov. 19, 1906 2660, Sept. 7, 1906 2723, Nov. 20, 1906 2661, Sept. 8, 1906 2724, Nov. 21, 1906 2662, Sept. 10, 1906 2725, Nov. 22, 1906 2663, Sept. 11, 1906 2726, Nov. 23, 1906 2664, Sept. 12, 1906 2727, Nov. 24, 1906 2665, Sept. 13, 1906 2728, Nov. 26, 1906 2666, Sept. 14, 1906 2729, Nov. 27, 1906 2667, Sept. 15, 1906 2730, Nov. 28, 1906 2668, Sept. 17, 1906 2731, Nov. 30, 1906 2669, Sept. 18, 1906 2732, Dec. 1, 1906 2670, Sept. 19, 1906 2733, Dec. 3, 1906 2671, Sept. 20, 1906 2734, Dec. 4, 1906 2672, Sept. 21, 1906 2735, Dec. 5, 1906 2673, Sept. 22, 1906 2736, Dec. 6, 1906 2674, Sept. 24, 1906 2737, Dec. 7, 1906 2675, Sept. 25, 1906 2738, Dec. 8, 1906 2676, Sept. 26, 1906 2739, Dec. 10, 1906 2677, Sept. 27, 3906 2740, Dec. 11, 1906 2678, Sept. 28, 1906 2741, Dec. 12, 1906 2679, Sept. 29, 1906 2742, Dec. 13, 1906 2680, Oct. 1, 1906 2743, Dec. 14, 1906 2681, Oct. 2, 1906 2744, Dec. 15, 1906 2682, Oct. 3, 1906 2745, Dec. 17, 1906 2683, Oct. 4, 1906 2746, Dec. 18, 1906 2684, Oct. 5, 1906 2747, Dec. 19, 1906 2685, Oct. 6, 1906 2748, Dec. 20, 1906 2686, Oct. 8, 1906 2749, Dec. 21, 1906 2687, Oct. 9, 1906 2750, Dec. 22, 1906 2688, Oct. 10, 1906 2751, Dec. 24, 1906 2689, Oct. 11, 1906 2752, Dec. 26, 1906 2690, Oct. 12, 1906 2753, Dec. 27, 1906 2691, Oct. 13, 1906 2754, Dec. 28, 1906 2692, Oct. 15, 1906 2755, Dec. 29, 1906 2693, Oct. 16, 1906 2756, Dec. 31, 1906 2694, Oct. 17, 1906 2757, Jan. 2, 1907 2695, Oct. 18, 1906 2758, Jan. 3, 1907 2696, Oct. 19, 1906 2759, Jan. 4, 1907 2760, Jan. 5, 1907 2761, Jan. 7, 1907 2762, Jan. 8, 1907 2763, Jan. 9, 1907 2764, Jan. 10, 1907 2765, Jan. 11, 1907 2766, Jan. 12, 1907 2767, Jan. 14, 1907 2768, Jan. 15, 1907 2769, Jan. 16, 1907 2770, Jan. 17! 1907 2771, Jan. 18, 1907 2772, Jan. 19; 1907 2773, Jan. 21, 1907 2774, Jan. 22, 1907 2775, Jan. 23, 1907 2776, Jan. 24, 1907 2777, Jan. 25, 1907 2778, Jan. 26, 1907 2779, Jan. 28, 1907 2780, Jan. 29, 1907 2781, Jan. 30, 1907 2782, Jan. 31, 1907 2783, Feb. 1, 1907 2784, Feb. 2, 1907 2785, Feb. 4, 1907 2786, Feb. 5, 1907 2787, Feb. 6, 1907 2788, Feb. 7, 1907 2789, Feb. 8, 1907 2790, Feb. 9; 1907 2791, Feb. 11, 1907 2792, Feb. 12, 1907 2793, Feb. 13; 1907 2794, Feb. 14, 1907 2795, Feb. 15, 1907 2796, Feb. 16, 1907 2797, Feb. 18, 1907 2798, Feb. ]9, 1907 2799, Feb. 20, 1907 2800, Feb. 21, 1907 2801, Feb. 23, 1907 2802, Feb. 25, 1907 2803, Feb. 26, 1907 2804, Feb. 27, 1907 2805, Feb. 28, 1907 2806, Mar. 1, 1907 2807, Mar. 2 1907 2808 Mar. 4, 1907 2809 Mar. 5, 1907 2810 Mar. 6, 1907 2811 Mar. 7, 1907 2812 Mar. 8, 1907 2813 Mar. 9, 1907 2814 Mar. 11, 1907 2815 Mar. 12 1907 2816 Mar. 13, 1907 2817 Mar. 14, 1907 2818 Mar. 15, 1907 2819 Mar. 16, 1907 2820 Mar. 18, 1907 2821 Mar. 19, 1907 2822 Mar. 20, 1907 351 ClasslfloAtlon no. CIO. MANl C10.5': Dally CO nsular (noe.) 2823. Mar. 21, 1907 2824, Mar. 22, 1907 2825, Mar. 23, 1907 2826, Mar. 25, 1907 2827, Mar. 26, 1907 2828, Mar. 27, 1907 2829, Mar. 28, 1907 2830, Mar. 29, 1907 2831, Mar. 30, 1907 2832, Apr. 1, 1907 2833, Apr. 2, 1907 2834, Apr. 3, 1907 2835, Apr. 4, 1907 2836, Apr. 5, 1907 2837, Apr. 6, 1907 2838, Apr. 8, 1907 2839, Apr. 9, 1907 2840, Apr. 10, 1907 2841, Apr. 11, 1907 2842, Apr. 12, 1907 2843, Apr. 13, 1907 2844, Apr. 15, 1907 2845 Apr. 16, 1907 2846 Apr. 17, 1907 2847 Apr. 18, 1907 2848 Apr. 19, J 907 2849 Apr. 20, 1907 2850 Apr. 22, 1907 2851 Apr. 23, 1907 2852 Apr. 24, 1907 2853 Apr. 25, 1907 2854 Apr. 26, 1907 2855 Apr. 27, 1907 2856 Apr. 29, J 907 2857 Apr. 30, 1907 2858 May 1, 1907 2859 May 2, 1907 2860 May 3, 1907 2861 May 4, 1907 2862 May 6, 1907 2863 May 7, 1907 2864 May 8, 1907 2865 May 9, 1907 2866 Mav 10, 1907 2867 May 11, 1907 2868 May 13, 1907 2869 May 14, 1907 2870 May 15, 1907 2871 May 16, 1907 2872 May 17, 1907 2873 May 18, 1907 2874 May 20, 1907 2875 May 21, 1907 , 2876 May 22, 1907 2877 ,May 23, 1907 2878 , May 24, 1907 2879 , May 25, 1907 2880 ,May 27, 1907 2881 , Mav 28, 1907 2882 , May 29, 1907 2883 ; May 31, 1907 2884 , June 1, 1907 2885 , June 3. 1907 CIO. MANUFACTURES BUREAU— Continued 2886, June 2887, June 2888, June 2889, June 2890, June 2891, June 2892, June 2893, June 2894, June 2895, June 2896, June 2897, June 2898, June 2899, June 2900, June 2901, June 2902, June 2903, June 2904, June 2905, June 2906, June 2907, June 2908, June 2909, July 2910, July 2911, July 2912, July 2913, July 2914, July 2915, July 2916, July 2917, July 2918, July 2919, July 2920, July 2921, July 2922, July 2923, July 2924, July 2925, July 2926, July 2927, July 2928, July 2929, July 2930, July 2931, July 2932, July 2933, July 2934, July 2935, Aug. 2936, Aug. 2937, Aug. 2938, Aug. 2939, Aug. 2940, Aug. 2941, Aug. 2942, Aug. 2943, Aug. 2944, Aug. 2945, Aug. 2946, Aug. 2947, Aug. 2948, Aug. 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1007 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 2949, Aug. 2950, Aug. 2951, Aug. 2952, Aug. 2953, Aug. 2954, Aug. 2955, Aug. 2956, Aug. 2957, Aug. 2958, Aug. 2959, Aug. 2960, Aug. 2961, Aug. 2962, Sept. 2963, Sept. 2964, Sept. 2965, Sept. 2966, Sept. 2967, Sept. 2968, Sept. 2969, Sept. 2970, Sept. 2971, Sept. 2972, Sept. 2973, Sept. 2974, Sept. 2975, Sept. 2976, Sept. 2977, Sept. 2978, Sept. 2979, Sept. 2980, Sept. 2981, Sept. 2982, Sept. 2983, Sept. 2984, Sept. 2985, Sept. 2986, Oct. 2987, Oct. 2988, Oct. 2989, Oct. 2990, Oct. 2991, Oct. 2992, Oct. '2993, Oct. 2994, Oct. 2995, Oct. 2996, Oct. 2997, Oct. 2998, Oct. 2999, Oct. 3000, Oct. 3001, Oct. 3002, Oct. 3003, Oct. 3004, Oct. 3005, Oct. 3006, Oct. 3007, Oct. 3008, Oct. 3009, Oct. 3010, Oct. 3011, Oct. 17, 1907 19, 1907 20, 1907 21, 1907 22, 1907 23, 1907 24, 1907 26, 1907 27, 1907 28, 1907 29, 1907 30, 1907 31, 1907 3, 1907 4,1907 5, 1907 6,1907 7, 1907 9, 1907 10, 1907 11, 1907 12, 1907 13, 1907 14, 1907 16, 1907 17, 1907 18, 1907 19, 1907 20, 1907 21, 1907 23, 1907 24, 1907 25, 1907 26, 1907 27, 1907 28, 1907 30, 1907 1, 1907 2, 1907 3, 1907 4, 1907 5, 1907 7, 1907 8, 1907 9, 1907 10, 1907 11, 1907 12, 1907 14, 1907 15, 1907 16, 1907 17, 1907 18, 1907 19, 1907 21 , 1907 22, 1907 23, 1907 24, 1907 25, 1907 26, 1907 28, 1907 29, 1907 30, 1907 352 Classlflcation no. CIO. MANUFACTURERS BUREAU— Continued C10.5 ^ : Daily consular and trade reports [old series]— Cont'd (nos.) Daily cc 3012, Oct. )ns 31, 3013, Nov. 1, 3014, Nov. 2, 3015, Nov. 4, 3016, Nov. ' 5, 3017, Nov. 6, 3018, Nov. 7, 3019, Nov. 8, 3020, Nov. 9, 3021, Nov. 11, 3022, Nov. 12, 3023, Nov. 13, 3024, Nov. 14, 3025, Nov. 15, 3026, Nov. 16, 3027, Nov. 18, 3028, Nov. 19, 3029, Nov. 20, 3030, Nov. 21, 3031, Nov. 22, 3032, Nov. 23, 3033, Nov. 25, 3034, Nov. 26, 3035, Nov. 27, 3036, Nov. 29, 3037, Nov. 30, 3038, Dec. 2, 3039, Dec. 3, 3040, Dec. 4, 3041, Dec. 5, 3042, Dec. 6, 3043, Dec. 7, 3044, Dec. 9, 3045, Dec. 10, 3046, Dec. 11, 3047, Dec. 12, 3048, Dec. 13, 3049, Dec. 14, 3050, Dec. 16, 3051, Dec. 17, 3052, Dec. 18, 3053, Dec. 19, 3054, Dec. 20, 3055, Dec. 21, 3056, Dec. 23, 3057, Dec. 24, 3058, Dec. 26, 3059, Dec. 27, 3060, Dec. 28, 3061, Dec. 30, 3062, Dec. 31, 3063, Jan. 2, 3064, Jan. 3, 3065, Jan. 4, 3066, Jan. 6, 3067, Jan. 7, 3068, Jan. 8, 3069, Jan. 9, 3070, Jan. 10, 3071, Jan. 11, 3072, Jan. 13; 3073, Jan. 14, 3074, Jan. 15, 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 3075, Jan. 16, 3076, Jan. 17, 3077, Jan. 18, 3078, Jan. 20, 3079, Jan. 21, 3080, Jan. 22, 3081, Jan. 23, 3082, Jan. 24, 3083, Jan. 25, 3084, Jan. 27, 3085, Jan. 28, 3086, Jan. 29, 3087, Jan. 30, 3088 Jan . 31, 3089, Feb. 1, 3090, Feb. 3, 3091, Feb. 4, 3092, Feb. 5, 3093, Feb. 0, 3094, Feb. 7, 3095, Feb. 8, 3096, Feb. 10, 3097, Feb. 11, 3098, Feb. 12, 3099, Feb. 13, 3100, Feb. 14, 3101, Feb. 15, 3102, Feb. 17, 3103, Feb. 18, 3104, Feb. 19, 3105, Feb. 20, 3106, Feb. 21, 3107, Feb. 24, 3108, Feb. 25, 3109, Feb. 26, 3110, Feb. 27, 3111, Feb. 28, 3112, Feb. 29, 3113, Mar. 2 3114, Mar. s! 3115, Mar. 4, 3116, Mar. 5, 3117, Mar. 6, 3118, Mar. 7, 3119, Mar. 9, 3120, Mar. 10, 3121, Mar. 11, 3122, Mar. 12, 3123, Mar. 13, 3124, Mar. 14, 3125, Mar. 16, 3126, Mar. 17, 3127, Mar. 18, 3128, Mar. 19, 3129, Mar. 20, 3139, Mar. 21, 3131, Mar. 23, 3132, Mar. 24; 3133, Mar. 25, 3134, Mar. 26, 3135, Mar. 27, 3136, Mar. 28, 3137, Mar 30, 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 31«5 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 , Mar. 31, , Apr. 1, , Apr. 2, , Apr. 3, , Apr. 4, , Apr. 6, , Apr. 7, , Apr. 8, , Apr. 9, , Apr. 10, , Apr. 11, , Apr. 13, , Apr. 14, , Apr. 15, , Apr. 16, , Apr. 17, , Apr. 18, , Apr. 20, , Apr. 21, , Apr. 22, , Apr. 23, , Apr. 24, , Apr. 25, , Apr. 27, , Apr. 28, , Apr. 29, , Apr. 30, , May 1, , May 2, , May 4, , May 5, , May 6, , May 7, ,May 8, , May 9, , May 11, , May 12, , May 13, , May 14, , May 15, , May 16, , May 18, , May 19, , May 20, ,May 21, , May 22, , May 23, , May 25, ,May 26, ,May 27, , May 28, , May 29, , June 1, , June 2, , June 3, , June 4, , June 5, , June 6, , June 8, , June 9, , June 10, , June 11, , June 12, 353 Classlflcatlon ou. CIO. MANUFACTURES BUREAU— Continued C10.5 ' : Dally consular and trade reports [old eeries]— Cont'd (no8.) Dal 3201 ly cons June 13, 3202 June 15, 3203 June 16, 3204 June 17, 3205 June 18, 3206 June 19, 3207 June 20, 3208 June 22, 3209 June 23, 3210 June 24, 3211 June 25, 3212 June 26, 3213 June 27, 3214 June 29, 3215 June 30, 3216 July 1, 3217 July 2, 3218 July 3, 3219 July 6, 3220 July 7, 3221 July 8, 3222 July 9, 3223 July 10, 3224 July 11, 3225 July 13, 3226 July 14, 3227 July 15, 3228 July 16, 3229 July 17, 3230 July 18, 3231 July 20, 3232 July 21, 3233 July 22, 3234 ,July 23, 3235 July 24, 3236 ,July 25, 3237 , July 27, 3238 July 28, 3239 July 29, 3240 July 30, 3241 July 31, 3242 Aug. 1, 3243 Aug. 3, 3244 Aug. 4, 3245 Aug. 5, 3246 Aug. 6, 3247 Aug. 7, 3248 Aug. 8, 3249 Aug. 10, 3250 .Aug. 11, 3251 Aug. 12, 3252 Aug. 13, 3253 Aug. 14, 3254 Aug. 15, 3255 , Aug. 17, 3256 , Aug. 18, 3257 Aug. 19, 3258 Aug. 20, 3259 Aug. 21, 3260 Aug. 22, 3261 Aug. 24, 3262 Aug. 25, 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 3263 Aug. 26. 3264 Aug. 27, 3265 Aug. 28, 3266 Aug. 29, 3267 Aug. 31, 3268 Sept. 1, 3269 Sept. 2, 3270 Sept. 3, 3271 Sept. 4, 3272 Sept. 5, 3273 Sept. 8, 3274 Sept. 9, 3275 Sept. 10, 3276 Sept. 11, 3277 Sept. 12, 3278 Sept. 14, 3279 Sept. 15, 3280 Sept. 16, 3281 Sept. 17, 3282 Sept. 18, 3283 Sept. 19, 3284 Sept. 21, 3285 Sept, 22, 3286 Sept. 23, 3287 Sept. 24, 3288 Sept. 25, 3289 Sept. 26, 3290 Sept. 28, 3291 Sept. 29, 3292 Sept. 30, 3293 Oct. 1, 3294 Oct. 2, 3295 Oct. 3, 3296 Oct. 5, 3297 Oct. 6, 3298 Oct. 7, 3299 Oct. 8, 3300 Oct. 9, 3301 Oct. 10, 3302 Oct. 12, 3303 Oct. 13, 3304 Oct. 14, 3305 Oct. 15, 3306 Oct. 16, 3307 Oct. 17, 3308 Oct. 19, 3309 Oct. 20, 3310 Oct. 21, 3311 Oct. 22, 3312 Oct. 23, 3313 Oct. 24, 3314 Oct. 26, 3315 Oct. 27, 3316 Oct. 28, 3317 Oct. 29, 3318 Oct. 30, 3319 Oct. 31, 3320 Nov. 2, 3321 Nov. 3, 3322 Nov. 4, 3323 Nov. 5, 3324, Nov. 6, 1908 1908 1908 H)08 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 33:30 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 , Nov. 7, , Nov. 9, ,Nov. 10, , Nov. 11, ,Nov. 12, I, Nov. 13, ,Nov. 14, ,Nov. 16, ,Nov. 17, , Nov. 18, , Nov. 19, >, Nov. 20, ,Nov. 21, \, Nov. 23, f, Nov. 24, 1, Nov. 25, , Nov. 27, I, Nov. 28, ;, Nov. 30, ,Dec. 1, ), Dec. 2, ), Dec. 3, ', Dec. 4, ;, Dec. 5, ), Dec. 7, ), Dec. 8, ,Dec. 9, !, Dec. 10, ;, Dec. 11, [, Dec. 12, ). Dec. 14, ), Dec. 15, \ Dec. 16, I, Dec. 17, ), Dec. 18, ). Dec. 19, , Dec. 21 5, Dec. 22, 5, Dec. 23, [, Dec. 24, ), Dec. 26, ), Dec. 28, , Dec. 29, ;, Dec. 30, ), Dec. 31, ), Jan. 2, , Jan. 4, !, Jan. 5, ;, Jan. 6, [, Jan. 7, ), Jan. 8, ), Jan. 9, \ Jan. 11, \, Jan. 12, ), Jan. 13, ), Jan. 14, , Jan. 15, , Jan. 16, », Jan. 18, , Jan. 19, , Jan. 20, , Jan. 21, , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 ,1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1D08 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 , 1908 1908 , 1908 ,1908 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 ,1909 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 , 1909 82452°— 11- 23^ 354 Classification no. CIO. MANUFAC TURKS BURE ATX— Continued C10.5 : Daily consular and trade ceports [old series]— Cont'd (nos.) 3387, Jan. 22, 1909 3450, Apr. 8, 1909 3513, June 22, 1909 3388 , Jan. 23 1909 3451, Apr. 9, 1909 3514, June 23 , 1909 3389 , Jan. 25 1909 3452, Apr. 10, 1909 3515, June 24 1909 3390 , Jan. 26 1909 3453. Apr. 12, 1909 8516, June 25 1909 3391 Jan. •27 1909 3454, Apr. 13, 1909 3517, June 26 1909 3392 Jan. 28 1909 3455, Apr. 14, 1909 3518, June 28 1909 3393 Jan. 29 1909 3456, Apr. 15, 1909 3519, June 29 , 1909 3394 Jan. 30 1909 3457, Apr. 16, 1909 3520, June 30 1909 3395 Feb. 1 1909 3458, Apr. 17, 1909 3521, July 1 1909 3396 Feb. 2 1909 3459, Apr. 19, 1909 3522. July 2 1909 3397 Feb. 3 1909 3460, Apr. 20, 1909 3523, July 3 1909 3398 Feb. 4 1909 3461. Apr. 21, 1909 3524, July 6 1909 3399 Feb. 5 1909 3462, Apr. 22, 1909 3525, July 7 1909 3400 Feb. 6 1909 3463, Apr. 23, 1909 3526, July 8 1909 3401 Feb. 8 1909 3464, Apr. 24, 1909 3527, July 9 1909 3402 Feb. 9 1909 3465, Apr. 26, 1909 3528, July 10 1909 3403 Feb. 10 1909 3466, Apr. 27, 1909 3529. July 12 1909 3404 Feb. 11 1909 3467, Apr. 28, 1909 3530, July 13 1909 3405 Feb. 12 1909 3468, Apr. 29, 1909 3531, July 14 1909 3406 Feb. 13 1909 3469. Apr. 30, 1909 3532, July 15 1909 3407 Feb. 15 1909 3470, Mav 1, 1909 3533, July 16 1909 3408 Feb. 16 1909 3471, May 3, 1909 3534, July 17 1909 3409 Feb. 17 1909 3472, Mav 4, 1909 3535, July 19 1909 3410 Feb. 18 1909 3473, May 5, 1909 3536, July 20 1909 3411 Feb. 19 1909 3474, May 6, 1909 3537, Julv 21 1909 3412 Feb. 20 1909 3475, May 7, 1909 3538, July 22 1909 3413 Feb. 23 1909 3476, Mav 8, 1909 3539, Julv 23 1909 3414 Feb. 24 1909 3477, May 10, 1909 3540, July 24 1909 3415 Feb. 25 1909 3478, May 11, 1909 3541, July 26 1909 3416 Feb. 26 1909 3479, Mav 12, 1909 3542, July 27 1909 3417 Feb. 27 1909 3480, May 13, 1909 3543, July 28 1909 3418 Mar. 1 1909 3481, May 14, 1909 3544, July 29 1909 3419 Mar. 2 1909 3482, May 15, 1909 3545, July 30 1909 3420 Mar. 3 1909 3483, Mav 17, 1909 3546, July 31 1909 3421 Mar. 5 1909 3484, May 18, 1909 3547, Aug. 2 1909 3422 Mar. 6 1909 3485, May 19, 1909 3548, Aug. 3 1909 3423 Mar. 8 1909 3486, May 20, 1909 3549, Aug. 4 1909 3424 Mar. 9 1909 3487, Mav 21, 1909 3550, Aug. 5 1909 3425 Mar. 10 1909 3488, May 22, 1909 3551, Aug. 6 1909 3426 Mar. 11 1909 3489, May 24, 1909 3552, Aug. 7 1909 3427 Mar. 12 1909 3490, May 25, 1909 3553, Aug. 9 1909 3428 Mar. 13 1909 3491, May 26, 1909 3554, Aug. 10 1909 3429 Mar. 15 1909 3492, May 27, 1909 3555, Aug. 11 1909 3430 Mar. 16 1909 3493, May 28, 1909 3556. Aug. 12 1909 3431 Mar. 17 1909 3494, May 29, 1909 3557, Aug. 13 1909 3432 Mar. 18 1909 3495, June 1, 1909 3558, Aug. 14 1909 3433 Mar. 19 1909 3496, June 2, 1909 3559, Aug. 16 1909 0404 Mar. 20, 1909 3497, June 3, 1909 3560, Aug. 17 1909 3435 Mar. 22 1909 3498, June 4, 1909 3561, Aug. 18 1909 3436 Mar. 23 1909 3499, June 5, 1909 3562, Aug. 19 1909 3437 Mar. 24 1909 3500, June 7, 1909 3563, Aug. 20 1909 3438 Mar. 25 1909 3501, June 8, 1909 3564, Aug. 21 1909 3439 Mar. 26 1909 3502, June 9, 1909 3565, Aug. 23 1909 3440 Mar. 27 1909 3503, June 10, 1909 3566, Aug. 24 1909 3441 Mar. 29 1909 3504, June 11, 1909 3567, Aug. 25 1909 3442 Mar. 30 1909 3505, June 12, 1909 3568, Aug. 26 1909 3443 Mar. 31 1909 3506, June 14, 1909 3569, Aug. 27 1909 3444 Apr. 1 1909 3507, June 15, 1909 3570, Aug. 28 1909 3445 Apr. 2 1909 3508, June 16, 1909 3571, Aug. 30 1909 3446 Apr. 3 1909 3509, June 17, 1909 3572, Aug. 31 1909 3447 Apr. 5 1909 3510, June 18, 1909 3573, Sept. 1 1909 3448 Apr. 6 1909 3511, June 19, 1909 3574, Sept. 2 1909 3449 Apr. 7 1909 3512, June 21, 1909 3575, Sept. 3, 1909 355 CIO. MANUFACTURES BUREAU— Continued C10.5' : ! Dally consular and trade reports [old series]— Cont'd CiMiilflcatlon no. (nos.) 3576, Sept. 3577, Sept. 3578, Sept. 3579, Sept. 3580, Sept. 3581, Sept. 3582, Sept. 3583, Sept. 3584, Sept. 3585, Sept. 3586, Sept. 3587, Sept. 3588, Sept. 3589, Sept. 3590, Sept. 3591, Sept. 3592, Sept. 3593, Sept. 3594, Sept. 3595, Sept. 3596, Sept. 3597, Sept. 3598, Oct. 3599, Oct. 3600, Oct. 3601, Oct. 3602, Oct. 3603, Oct. 3604, Oct. 3605, Oct. 3606, Oct. 3607, Oct. 3608, Oct. 4,1909 7, 1909 8, 1909 9,1909 10, 1909 11, 1909 13, 1909 14, 1909 15, 1909 16, 1909 17, 1909 18, 1909 20, 1909 21 , 1909 22, 1909 23, 1909 24, 1909 25, 1909 27, 1909 28, 1909 29, 1909 80, 1909 1, 1909 2, 1909 4, 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 11, 1909 12, 1909 13, 1909 3609, Oct. 3610, Oct. 3611, Oct. 3612, Oct. 3613, Oct. 3614, Oct. 3615, Oct. 3616, Oct. 3617, Oct. 3618, Oct. 3619, Oct. 3620, Oct. 3621, Oct. 3622, Oct. 3G23, Oct. 3624, Nov. 3625, Nov. 3626, Nov. 3627, Nov. 3628, Nov. 3629, Nov. 3630, Nov. 3631, Nov. 3632, Nov. 3633, Nov. 3634, Nov. 3635, Nov. 3636, Nov. 3637, Nov. 3638, Nov. 3639, Nov. 3640, Nov. 3641, Nov. 14, 1909 15, 1909 16, 1909 18, 1909 19, 1909 20, 1909 21, 1909 22, 1909 23, 1909 25, 1909 26, 1909 27, 1909 28, 1909 29, 1909 30, 1909 1, 1909 2, 1909 3, 1909 4, 1909 5, 1909 6, 1909 8, 1909 9, 1909 10, 1909 11, 3909 12, 1909 13, 1909 15, 1909 16, 1909 17, 1909 18, 1909 19, 1909 20, 1909 3642, Nov. 3643, Nov. 3644, Nov. 3645, Nov. 3646, Nov. 3647, Nov. 3648, Nov. 3649, Dec. 3650, Dec. 3651, Dec. 3652, Dec. 3653, Dec. 3654, Dec. 3655, Dec. 3656, Dec. 3657, Dec. 3658, Dec. 3659, Dec. 3660, Dec. 3661, Dec. 3662, Dec. 3663, Dec. 3664, Dec. 3665, Dec. 3666, Dec. 3667, Dec. 3668, Dec. 3669, Dec. 3670, Dec. 3671, Dec. 3672, Dec. 3673, Dec. 3674 t. Dec, 22, 1909 23, 1909 24, 1909 26, 1909 27, 1909 29, 1909 30, 1909 1, 1909 2, 1909 3, 1909 4, 1909 6, 1909 7, 1909 8, 1909 9, 1909 10, 1909 11, 1909 13, 1909 14, 1909 15, 1909 16, 1909 17, 1909 18, 1909 20, 1909 21, 1909 22, 1909 23, 1909^ 24, 1909 27, 1909 28, 1909 29, 1909 30, 1909 .31, 1909 1 C10.6: Monthly consular and trade reports (nos.) [Transferred from Statistics Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept. (C14.8:), July, 1905. The title was changed from Monthly consular reports to its present form July, 1905.] Sec, for earlier number!?, S4.7: 298, July, 1905 299, Aug. 1905 300, Sept. 1905 301, Oct. 1905 302, Nov. 1905 303, Dec. 1905 304, Jan. 1906 4840-334 4840-335 4840-336 4841-337 4841-338 4841-339 4996-513 and C14.8: 305, Feb. 1906 306, Mar. 1906 307, Apr. 1906 308, Mav, 1906 309, June, 1906 310, July, 1906 311, Au2. 1906 4996-514 4996-515 4997-516 4997-517 4997-518 4998-519^ 4998-520^ t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The publi- cation of the Daily consular and trade reports was continued up to and including no. 3722, Feb. 28, 1910. After this a weekly publication was substituted for a time; see footnote for CIO. 14: Beginning with the number for July 5, 1910, the daily issues were resumed, the first 50 numbers being designated, e. g., Newseries, v. 1, no. 1, serial no. 1. The 51st number, for Sept. 1, 1910, drops the above designation, substituting therefor the words "13th year, no. 51." Beginning with Jan. 3, 1911, the publication reads "14th year, no. 1." These changes have necessitated new classes for the publi- cations issued since July 5, 1910, as follows: CIO. 5 2 : Daily consular and trade reports [series July 5, 1910- ] (date and nos.) CIO.520: (CT) [The superior numbers following dates in book numbers are the "serial nos." or the "nos." which appear on the publications. The call numbers are therefore as follows: For issues from Julv 5-Aug. 31, 1910, C10.5 2:910 1-^; from Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 1910, C10.5»: 910M-162; and beginning with Jan. 3, 1911, C10.5 2:9111- .] Daily consular and trade reports [series July 5, 1910- ] (separates) 356 CiassincatloQ no. CIO. MANUFACTURES BUREAU— Continued C.I 0.6 : Monthly consular and trade reports— Cont'd (noa. ) C10.6«: (CT) C10.7: J (v. nos.) 1907 1907 1907 312, Sept. 1906 313, Oct. 1906 314, Nov. 1906 315, Dec. 1906 316, Jan. 1907 317, Feb. 318, Mar. 319, Apr. 320, May, 1907 321, June, 1907 322, July, 1907 323, Aug. 1907 324, Sept. 1907 325, Oct. 1907 326, Nov, 327, Dec. 328, Jan. 329, Feb. 330, Mar. 331, Apr. 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 [4998-521 4999-522 4999-523 4999-524 5176-346 5176-347 5176-348 5177-349 5177-350 5177-351 5328-582 5328-583 5328-584 5329-585 5329-586 5329-587 5330-588 5330-589 5330-590 5331-591 332, May, 333, June, 334, Julv, 335, Aug. 336, Sept. 337, Oct. 338, Nov. 339, Dec. 340, Jan. 341, Feb. 342, Mar. 343, Apr. 344, May, 345, June, 346, Julv, 347, Aug. 348, Sept. 349, Oct. 350, Nov. 351, Dec. 1908 5331-592] 1908 5331-593 1908 5501-988 1908 5501-989 1908 5501-990 1908 5502-991 1908 5502-992 1908 5502-993 1909 5503-994 1909 5503-995 1909 5503-996 1909 5504-997 1909 5504-998 1909 5504-999 1909 5790-151 1909 5790-152 1909 5790-153 1909 5791-154 1909 5791-155 1909 t 5791-156 Monthly consular and trade reports (separates) [Two separates from the Jan. 190G issue of Monthly consular and trade reports were issued. One of thes,\ entitled Trade with China, was some years after its publication incorporated in the Special agents series; see 010.13:3.] Special consular reports! [Transferred from Statistics Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept. (CU.IO:), in 1905.] 1-26 ASf-eSl.g: 27-36 37 38 39 See C14.10: [5244-281] [V 4995-164] 4995-165] 5206-800] Same, ^yith appendix 40 [pt. 1] [5332-846] Same, pt. 2 [5332-846] [Special consular reports, v. 41, as 2naJa up by the Manufactures Bureau, consists of 6 pts., which with one exception were originally issued as indepmdent publi- cations without series numbers. The exception is the article on Soya bean and products, which reads incorrectly on title-page and cover "Special consular reports, v. 40"; see C10.7:4l\ V. 41 is not in the Congressional set.] 41, pt. 1] Winning foreign markets, containing suggestions for extension of trade bv American manufacturers and exporters. Apr. 1908. Same [pt. 2] Zinc industry in Mexico. 1909. Same [pt. 3] Commercial courts in Europe. 1900. Same [pt. 4] Police and work dog.'< in Europe; by Henry W. Die- derich and H. Abert Johnson. 1909. Contents: Dogs as draft animals; by H. Abert Johnson. Police dogs in Europe; by Henry W. Diederich. Same [pt. 5] Soya bean and product?!. 190D. [Title-page and cover read incorrectlv "v. 40. ''1 t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The publi- cation of the Monthly consular and trade reports was discontinued with no. 357, June, 1910, which was issued in 2 pts., one not bearing the part number, the other being designated as pt. 2. % This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. In 1911, the Bureau of Manufactures dropped the volume number from the series of Special con- sular reports, v. 43 being the last to carry a volume number. Beginning with 44, the publications carry only the number of the series. Hence book numbers for the class are "(v. nos.)" for v. 1-43, and later "(nos.)." 357 ClSHHlflCAtlOB no. C10.7: (v.nos.) C10.7«: (CT) C10.8: (date) C10.9: (date) CIO.IO: (nos.) ClO.ll: C10.12: (nos.) CIO. MANUFACTURES BUREAU— Continued Special consular reports— Continued W. H. 11. Webster. 1909. Same [pt. (il Manufacture of air nitmte fertilizers; by Henry Borde- wichand "" Ck)ntents: Cyanamld Industry In Canada; by W. H. H. Webster, Fertilizpr trade of United States (introductory statement]. Nitrate fertilizer factories In Norway; by Henry Bordewich. Special consular reports (separates) [In 1909 there was reprinted for distribution by the American Republics Bureau a separate from a publication wliich was afterwards assifined a number in the series of Special consiilar reports; see C10.7:41'. The separate is classed under Cl0.7a:F7(). It bears the title, Extracts referring to T.atln America from Win- ning foreign markets, containing suggestions for extension of trade by American manufacturers and exporters.] Commercial relations [Volumes for 1904 and 190.5 include Review of the world's commerce which was also issued as a separate publication for those years; see C10.9:] See^ for earlier numbers, S4.1: and 014. 5: 1904 1905 1906 1907, 1908, 4899-481 5055-940 5181-354 V. 1 V. 2 V. 1 V. 2 5497-1566]\ 5498-1566J/ 5499-1567] 5500-1567] [See also C10.12:l-40,] 1909 [5789-121] [Complete in 1 v.] Review of tlie world's commerce [From Commercial relations (C10.8:).] See, for earlier numbers, S4.12: and 014,15: 1904 1905 [Discontinued.] Tariff series 1 2 3 4 5 6 6a 6b 6c 6d [1st edition] Same. 2d edition 7 15a 7a 16 8 17 9 17a 10 18 1 11 19 12 20 13 21 14 22 14a 15 trade conditions Reports on See note and entries under 010.13: Consular reports, annual series [The first issue of this series appeared In Apr, 1908, The papers composing the series had before that time been held until the end of the year and embodied in the volume of consular reports known as Commercial relations (ClO.8:). In Issu- ing the reports in this series of pamphlets as soon as prepared, the intention was to circulate tlie information with the least ixjssible delay. The pamphlets listed below are the reports included in Commercial relations, 1907 (C10.8:907i>2). Aiter the Issues for 1907 the series was discontinued.] 13 5 7 2 4 6 8 t Tariff series 18 is a 2d edition of Customs tariffs of United Kingdom and British possessions in Europe, which was issued by Statistics Bureau and appeared in Monthly summary of commerce and finance, June, 1905, p. 4423 (014,14:905 ^2). The article was also issued separately and in that form is classed under 014.14 »: A 1st supple- ment to the article was issued by Manufactures Bureau; see ClO,2:Un3. 358 Classification no. C10.12: (nos.) C10.13: (nos.) CIO. MANUFACTURES BUREAU— Continued Consular reports, annual series— Continued 9 17 25 33 10 18 26 34 11 • 19 27 35 12 20 28 36 13 21 29 37 14 22 30 38 15 23 31 39 16 24 32 40 [Discontinued.] Special agents series [Thie Commerce and Labor Department issued for a time certain publications bear- ing the title Report on trade conditions, which were formerly classed vmder CI. 7: These reports were WTitten by special agents of the Commerce and Labor Department and none bore the name of any subordinate bureau. Later the Manufactures Bureau issued similar reports, which were formerly classed under ClO.ll: In Apr. 1910, the Manufactures Bureau claimed as its own publications the whole Special agents series, which is listed here, and assigned to it the series title, giving to the reports already published the numbers 1-33. Beginning with 34, the numbers appear on the publications. These later numbers are not included in this Checklist because issued after Dec. 31, 1909.] [1] Report on trade conditions in Brazil; by Lincoln Hutchinson. 1906. [4912-164] Same, 1906 [reprint 1909]. [Reprinted and distributed by Ameri- can Republics Bureau.] [2] Report on trade conditions in Canada; by Charles M. Pepper. 1906. ^ [4987-408] [3] Trade with China, American methods and trade opportunities in markets of the Orient; by Raymond F. Crist and Harry R. Bur- rill. 1906. [From Monthly consular and trade reports, Jan. 1906 (C10.6:304).] [4] Report on trade conditions in Mexico; by Charles M, Pepper. 1906. * [4913-246] Same. 1906 [reprint 1908], Same. 1906 [reprint 1909]. [Reprinted and distributed by Amer- ican Republics Bureau.] [5] Report on trade conditions in Cuba; by Charles M. Pepper. 1906. [4915-439] Same. 1906 [reprint 1908]. Same. 1906 [reprint 1909]. [Reprinted and distributed by Amer- ican Republics Bureau.] [6] Report on trade conditions in Japan and Korea; by Raymond F. Crist. 1906. [4916-485] [7] Report on trade conditions in China; by Harry R. Burrill and Raymond F. Crist. 1906. [4916-484] Contents: Northern China; by Raymond F. Crist. Southern China; by Harry R. Burrill. [8] Report on trade conditions in Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay; by Lincoln Hutchinson. 1906. [5151-153] Same. 1906 [reprint 1909]. [Reprinted and distributed by Amer- ican Republics Bureau.] [9] Report on trade conditions in Central America and on west coast of South America; by Lincoln Hutchinson. 1906. [5151-154] Same. 1906 [reprint 1909]. [Reprinted and distributed by Amer- ican Republics Bureau.] no] Report on trade conditions in India; by Charles M. Pepper. 1907. [5156-762] [11] Foreign markets for sale of American cotton products; by W. A. Graham Clark and others. 1907. [5244-78] [12] Report on trade conditions in Asiatic Turkey; by Charles M Pepper, 1907. [5244-82] 359 ClMslflcfttlon no. C10.13: (no8.) CIO. MANUFACTURES BUREAU—Continued Special agents series— Continued [13] Cotton fabrics in British India and Philippines; by W. A. Graham Clark. 1907. [5244-81] [14] Report on leather and boots and shoes in European markets, by Arthur B. Butman; to which are added reports from consular officers reprinted from [Monthly] consular and trade reports. 1907. [5244-79] [15] Report on England's cotton industry, with brief notes on other industries; by William Whittam, jr. 1907. [5244-80] [16] Report on trade conditions in Colombia; by Charles M. Pepper. 1907. [5244-152] Same. 1907 [reprint 1909]. [Reprinted and distributed by Amer- ican Repuolics Bureau.] [17] Report on trade conditions in Australasia; by Harry R. Burrill, 1908. [5374-664] [18] Cotton textile trade in Turkish Empire, Greece, and Italy; by W. A. Graham Clark. 1908. [5244-404] [19] Report on trade conditions in Ecuador; by Charles M. Pepper. 1908. [5244-282] Same. 1908 [reprint 1909]. [Reprinted and distributed by Amer- ican Repuolics Bureau.] [20] Swiss embroidery and lace industry, by W- -A.. Graham Clark; with additional reports from consular officers in other countries. 1908. [5244-434] [21] Report on trade conditions on west coast of South America; by CWles M. Pepper. 1908. [5505-1269] [22] Report on trade conditions in Mexico; by Arthur B. Butman. 1908. [5505-1268] [23] Lace industry in [Nottingham] England and [Calais] France; by W. A. Graham Clark. 1909. [5505-1342] [24] Cotton fabrics in middle Europe, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Switzerland, by W. A. Graham Clark; with reports from various consular officers. 1908. [5505-1270] [25] Manufacture of woolen, worsted, and shoddy in France and Eng- land, and jute in Scotland; by W. A. Graham Clark. 1908. [5505-1330] Same. [1908, reprint] 1909. [26] Machine tool trade in Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, and United Kingdom; by Godfrey L. Carden. 1909. [5505-1498] [27] German iron and steel industry [with bibliography; articles] by Charles M. Pepper and A. M. Thackara. 1909. [5505-1353] [28] American agricultural implements in Europe, Asia, and Africa; by Roland R. Dennis. 1909. [Not in Congressional set.] [29] British iron and steel industry and Luxemburg iron and steel wages, by Charles M. Pepper; with article on English chain manufac- ture, by Albert Halstead. 1909. [5571-42] [30] Flour and wheat trade in European countries and the Levant; by Mack H. Davis. 1909. [5572-149] [31] Cotton goods in Latin America: pt. 1, Cuba, Mexico, and Central America; by W. A. Graham Clark. 1909. [5795-552] [Other parts not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [32] Machine-tool trade in Belgium; by Godfrey L. Carden. 1909. [5795-554] [33] Shoe and leather trade in Cuba and Mexico; by Arthur B. Butman. .1909. [5795-553] [Beginning with 34, the numbers appear on the publications. These later numbers are not included in this Checklist because issued after Dec. 31, 1909.] 360 Classification no. tC10.14: CIO. 15: (nos.) tC10.16: C10.17: (nos.) CIO. MANUFACTURES BUREAU— Continued Confidential bulletins [Contain special information of a confidential character. They are sent to individuals and firms engaged in particular lines of industry and are not for general distribution. Not listed here.] Miscellaneous series [Early in 1911, the Manufactures Bureau brought together in one series various mis- cellaneous publications relating to commerce, with the new series title as given above. The numbers 1-4 were assigned to publications previously issued, as here listed. Beginning with no. 5, the number is printed on the publication.] [1] Promotion of foreign commerce in Europe and United States; by N. I. Stone. 1907. [2] Export trade exploitation [in Germany, France, and United States]. 1908. [From various numbers of Daily consular and trade reports of Mar. 1908.] [3] Jute industry. 1909. [4] Packing for export. [1st edition.] 1909. 38 p. [5657-325] Same, with additions. [2d edition.] 1909. 38 + [2] p. Cll. NAVIGATION BUREAU g [transferred from Treasury Department July 1, 1903. See, for earlier publications, T30. ee, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:0rC.] Cll.l: (date) Cll.l«: (CT) C11.2: L82 N42y Annual reports [1904-09, included also, without appendixes, in annual report of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:). See, for earlier reports, T30.1:] 1903, pt. 1 [4664-14] Same, pt. 2: Navigation laws. See Cll. 6:903. 1904 [4819-14] 1905 [4974-14^ 1906 [5133-14^ 1907, pt. 1 [5333-14] Same, pt. 2: Navigation laws. See 011.6:907. 1908 [5506-1283] 1909 [5796-118] Annual reports (separates) General publications Log-book. Official log-book [mercantile marine of United States, sup- plied to masters gratuitously], n. p. [1905]. 4" [xSee, for earlier edition, T30.2:L82.] New York Harbor. Rules and regulations relating to anchorage of ves- sels in port of New York. Apr. 25, 1907. 4^ [See, for earlier editions, T33.8:N42yi'^ See, for report of committee appointed Mar. 20, 1906, on revision of regulations, C1.2:N42y.] t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. Beginning with Mar. 5, 1910, the Manufactures Bureau began the issue of a weekly publication which was a substitute for the Daily consular and trade reports (CIO.5^:). This has necessitated an additional class under CIO., the series title of which is as follows: CIO. 14: Weekly consular and trade reports (v. nos.) [When the publication of Daily consular and trade reports was resumed {see footnote fol- lowing CIO.51:), this weekly series was discontinued, the last number being no. 18, June 30, 1910.] X In 1910* the Manufactures Bureau began a new series of publications, which has necessitated an additional class under CIO., the series title of which is as follows: CIO. 16: Foreign tariff notes (nos.) [From Daily consular and trade reports (C10.5 2:).J 361 riassincatlon no. C11.2: Sa2 C11.3: (na«i.) €11.4: (nos.) C11.5: (date) Cll. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued St. Marys River. Rules and regulations governing movements and anchorage of vessels in St. Marys River. July 10, 1908. [See^ for earlier editions, T33.8:Sa2i^.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] List of merchant vessels 4° [Issued 1867-83 by Statistics Bureau, Treasury Dept.; 1884-1902 by Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept.J See, for earlier lists, T37.il: and T30.5 1903, 35th, pts. 1-5 Same, pt. 6: Code list of merchant vessels 1904, 36th, pts. 1-5 I [4824-161 Same, pt. 6: Seagoing vessels/ •■ ^ 1905, 37th pts 1-5 I Same, pt. 6: Seagoing vessels/ ^ ■■ 1906, 38th, pts. 1-5 I 15138-161 Seagoing vessels/ ^ ' I [4669-16] Same, pt. 6: Same, pt. 6, addenda 1907, 39th, pte. 1-5 I [5335-161 Same, pt. 6: Seagoing vessels/ ■■ ^ 1908, 40th, pts. 1-5 ^ K.n7 109^1 Same, pt. 6: Seagoing vessels/ l^^"7-iu^dj 1909, 41st, pts. 1-5 ^ K7q7i«m Same, pt. 6: Seagoing vessels/ l^^»'--L»"J C11.6: Navigation lav^s (date) See, for earlier issues, T30.6: 1903, pt. 2 of annual report of commissioner of navigation. 2 editions [4664-14] See, for pt. 1, Cll.l:903. 1904, amendments to laws, 1903, 1st supplement 1905, amendments to laws, 1903, 2d supplement 1906, amendments to laws, 1903 1907, pt. 2 of annual report of commissioner of navigation. [5334-14] .See, forpt. 1, Cll. 1:907. 1908, amendments to laws, 1907, Ist supplement 1909, amendments to laws, 1907, 2d supplement C12. SHIPPING COMMISSIONERS [Act of June 7, 1872, authorized the appointment of Shipping Commissioners by the several circuit courts. Act of June 26, 1884, changed the control of the Shipping Commissioners from the circuit courts to the Treasury Department, which control was exercised by the Navigation Bureau. July 1, 1903, they were transferred to the Commerce and Labor Department. No publications were issued under the Treasury Department. See, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:Or3.] C12.1: (date) C12.2: (CT) C12.3: (nos.) C12.4: (nos.) Annual reports [Not printed, but from 1903 to 1909, statements compiled from annual reports appear in annual reports of Navigation Bureau (Cll.l:).] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 362 C13. STANDARDS BUREAU t tTransferred from Treasury Department July 1, 1903, under act approved Feb. 14, 1903. By order of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, July 1, 1903, the name National Bureau of Standards was changed to Bureau of Standards. See, for historical sketch of bureau and publications of earlier date, T41. See, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:Or3.] Classification no. C13.1: Annual reports (date) [1904-09, in annual reports of Commerce and Labor Department (Cl.l:), and issued separately also. See, for 1902 and 1903 reports, T41.1:] C13.2: General publications Eq5 Equivalents. Tables of equivalents of customary and metric weights and measures. 3d edition. Nov. 1, 1906. 4° [See, for earlier editions, C13.5:4.] Metric system. International metric system of weights and measures. 1906. large 8° Publications of Bureau of Standards. Nov. 1907. Technical papers. List of technical papers [Bureau circulars, etc.] issued by Bureau of Standards. [1906.] 4^ Weights and measures. Laws concerning weights and measiu^es of United States; compiled by Louis A. Fischer and Henry D. Hub- bard. 1904. 4" (Dept. of Commerce and Labor doc. 31.) Bulletins large 8° M56 P96 T22 W42 C13.3: (v, nos.) C13.3«: (CT) C13.4:: (nos.) C13.5: (nos.) V. 1, no. 1 V. 4, no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 [no. 4], index no. 4 V. 2, no. 1 [no. 5], index no. 2 V. 5, no. 1 no. 3 no. 2 [no. 4], index no. 3 V. 3, no. 1 no. 4 no. 2 [no. 5], index no. 3 V. 6, no. 1 no. 4 no. 2 [no. 5], index Biaietlns (separates) Circulars 4» 1 Same. 4th edition 2 2 editions Same. 5th edition 3 3 editions 12 4 2 editions 13 3 editions 5 14 6 2 editions 15 [1st edition] * 7 3 editions Same. 2d edition 8 16 9 4 editions 17 10 18 11 [1st edition] 19 Same. 2d edition 20 Same. 3d edition * Circulars of information 49 1 iSeeT41.5:l. 2 /S'eeT41.5:2. 3 /See T41.5:3. 4 2 editions See, for 3d edition, C13.2:Eq5. fBy sundry civil appropriation act approved June 25, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 765), the work of "investigation of structural materials both belonging to and for the use of the United States," formerly conducted by the Technologic Branch of the Geological Survey (1 19.), was transferred to the Standards Bureau. :>.nn GlasslflcAtloB no. C18. STANDARDS BUREAU— (bntinued C13.6: Charts M56» M563 C13.7: 905' 905' 906 907 908 Metric system. International metric system. [1st edition.] [1904.] 25.2X41.4 in. * Same. [2d edition.] [.?;.] * Same. [3d edition.] [1905.] Conference on welglits and measures [Proceedings of Ist amiual] conference on weights and measures of United States held at Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, Jan. 16, 17, 1905. 1905. large 8« Same. [2d edition.] 1907. large 8° [Report of] 2d annual conference on weights and measures of United States held at Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, Apr. 12, 13, 1906. 1906[1907]. large 8" Same, 3d annual conference, May 16, 17, 1907. 1910. Same, 4th annual conference, Dec. 17, 18, 1908. 1910. C14. STATISTICS BUREAU [Formed bv consolidation of Foreign Ck)mmerce Bureau, State Dept. (S4.), and Statistics Bureau, Treasury Dept. (T37.), July 1, 1903. See, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:Or3.] C14.1: (date) C14:.l«: (date) C14:.la: (CT) C14.2: Ab8 Am3^ Am32 Am33 Ex7 F76 F84 Or4 Annual reports, Foreign commerce and navi- gation 4° See, for earlier numbers, T37.1: 1904, V. 1 [4817-13] Same, v. 2 [4818-13] 1905 [4973-13] 1906 [5132-13] 1907 [5336-13] 1908 [5508-1511] 1909 [5798-117] Annual reports, Foreign commerce and navi- gation (separates; reports of chief) [None issued under Commerce and Labor Department, reports are classed under T37.1o: (date).] The separate prints of early and navl- Annual reports. Foreign commerce gation (separates; miscellaneous) General publications Abstract. Statistical abstract of foreign countries: pts. 1-3, Statistics of foreign commerce. Oct. 1909 America. Commercial America in 1905, commerce, production, trans- portation, finances, area, and population of North, South, and Central America, and West Indies. 1906. 4° Same, in 1907, with slightly different title. 1908. 4° Same [in 1907], Reprint 1909. 4» [Reprinted and distributed by American Republics Bureau.] Exports of manufactures from United States and their distribution by articles and countries, 1800-1906. Mar. 1907. 4° Foreign commerce. Analysis of foreign commerce of United States, 1895-1905. 1906. 4« France. Promotion of commerce in France, by Morris Jacobson; [with appendix on Councilors of foreign commerce of France, by Lau- rence V. Ben^t]. 1908. Orient. Commercial Orient in 1905, trade of each oriental country, countries participating therein, articles imported and exported, and trade of United States with each of these countries during term of years. 1906. 4o 364 Classification no. C14:.2: P53 P83 T681 T682 T683 T68^ C14.3: (date) C14. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued General publications — Continued Philippine Islands, Commercial Philippines in 1906, trade of islands, chief countries participating therein, principal articles imported and exported, and details of trade of United States with islands during term of years. Jan. 1907. 4° Porto Rico. Commercial Porto Rico in 1906, showing commerce, pro- duction, transportation, finances, area, population, and details of trade with United State^and foreign countries during term of years. Apr. 1907. 4° Transportation routes and systems of the world, development of steam- carrying power on land and sea, 1800-1906, and table of distances from New York, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Port Townsend to principal ports of the world and principal cities of United States. Sept. 1907. 4."" [Map, Transportation routes of the world, published separately (C14.2:T682).] Transportation routes. Principal transportation routes of the world [map]. Scale 20° lat. = 2.4 in. [1907.] 22.6X53.6 in. Transportation routes and systems of the world, development of steam- carrying power on land and sea, 1800-1908, and table of distances from New York, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Port Townsend to principal ports of the world and principal cities of United States. Mar. 1909. 4° [Map, Principal transportation routes of the world, published separately (C14.2:T68^).] Transportation routes. Principal transportation routes of the world [map]. Scale 20° lat. = 2.4 in. [1909.] 22.6X53.6 in. Bulletins, Exports of domestic breadstuffs [etc.] 4'» [Monthly.] See, for earlier numbers, T37.3i: and T37.3^: 1904, no. 1, July, 1903 no. 2, Aug. 1903 no. 3, Sept. 1903 no. 4, Oct. 1903 no. 5, Nov. 1903 no. 6, Dec. 1903 no. 7, Jan. 1904 no. 8, Feb. 1904 no. 9, Mar. 1904 no. 10, Apr. 1904 no. 11, May, 1904 no. 12, June, 1904 1905, no. 1, July, 1904 2, Aug. 1904 3, Sept. 1904 4, Oct. 1904 5, Nov. 1904 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 6, Dec. 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1906, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 9, Mar. no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, 1905 no. 12, June, 1905 1, July, 1905 2, Aug. 1905 3, Sept. 1905 4, Oct. 1905 5, Nov. 1905 6, Dec. 1905 7, Jan. 1906 8, Feb. 1906 1906, no. 9, Mar. 1906 no. 10, Apr. 1906 no. 11, May, 1906 no. 12, June, 1906 1907, no. 1, July, 1906 no. 2, Aug. 1906 no. 3, Sept. 1906 no. 4, Oct. 1906 no. 5, Nov. 1906 no. 6, Dec. 1906 no. 7, Jan. 1907 no. 8, Feb. 1907 no. 9, Mar. 1907 no. 10, Apr. 1907 no. 11, May, 1907 no. 12, June, 1907 1908, no. 1, July, 1907 no. 2, Aug. 1907 no. 3, Sept. 1907 no. 4, Oct. 1907 no. 5, Nov. 1907 no. 6, Dec. 1907 no. 7, Jan. 1908 no. 8, Feb. 1908 no. 9, Mar. 1908 no. 10, Apr. 1908 no. 11, May, 1908 no. 12, June, 1908 1909, no. 1, July, 1908 no. 2, Aug. 1908 no. [3], Sept. 1908 1 no. 4, Oct. 1908 t The Sept. 1908 issue was erroneously numbered 2. 365 Classincatlon no. C14.3: (date) C14.4: (nos.) C14.5: (date) €14.6: (nos.) C14. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Bulletins, Exports of domestic breadstuffs [etc.]— Con. 1909, no. 5, Nov. 1908 1909, no. 12, June, 1909 no. G, Dec. 1908 1910, no. 1, July, 1909 no. 7, Jan. 1909 no. no. 8, Feb. 1909 no. no. 9, Mar. 1909 no. no. 10, Apr. 1909 2, Aug. 1909 3, Sept. 1909 4, Oct. 1909 no. 5, Nov. 1909 no. G. Dec. 1909 no. 11, May, 1909 Circulars [None is8ued.] Commercial relations [The introductory portion, with title Review of the world's commerce, was alao issued as a separate publication, see C14.15:] See, for earlier numbers, S4.1: 1903, V. 1 [4729-722] Same, v. 2 [4730-722] See, for later numbers, C10.8: Dally consular reports [Transferred from Foreign Commerce Bureau, State Dept. (S4.5:), July, 1903. The title was changed from Advance sheets of consular reports to above fonu Sept. 12, 1903. Again transferred July 1, 1905, to Manufactures Bureau; see VlO.b^'. Daily except Sundays and holidays.) See, for earlier numbers, S4.5: Advance sheets of consular reports 1686, Julv 1, 1903 1707, Julv 2, 1903 3, 1903 6, 1903 7, 1903 8, 1903 9, 1903 1687, July 1688, July 1689, July 1690, July 1691, Julv 1692, Julv 1693, Julv 10, 1903 1694, Julv 11, 1903 1695, Julv 13, 1903 1696, Julv 14, 1903 1697, Julv 15, 1903 1698, July 16, 1903 1699, July 17, 1903 1700, July 18, 1903 1701, July 20, 1903 1702, July 21, 1903 1703, Julv 22, 1903 1704, July 23, 1903 1705, Julv 24, 1903 1706, July 25, 1903 Daily 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1754, 1755, 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, consular Sept. 12, Sept. 14, Sept. 15, Sept. 16, Sept. 17, Sept. 18, Sept. 19, Sept. 21, Sept. 22, Sept. 23, Sept. 24, Sept. 25, Sept. 26, reports 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1708, Julv 1709, Julv 1710, Julv 1711, Julv 1712, Aug. 1713, Aug. 1714, Aug. 1715, Aug. 1716, Aug. 1717, Aug. 1718, Aug. 1719, Aug. 1720, Aug. 1721, Aug. 1722, Aug. 1723, Aug. 1724, Aug. 1725, Aug. 1726, Aug. 1727, Aug. 1760, Sept. 1761, Sept. 1762, Sept. 1763, Oct. 1764, Oct. 1765, Oct. 1766, Oct. 1767, Oct. 1768, Oct. 1769, Oct. 1770, Oct. 1771, Oct. 1772, Oct. 27, 1903 28, 1903 29, 1903 30, 1903 31, 1903 1, 1903 3, 1903 4, 1903 5, 1903 6, 1903 .7, 1903 8, 1903 10, 1903 11, 1903 12, 1903 13, 1903 14, 1903 15, 1903 17, 1903 IS, 1903 19, 1903 28, 1903 29, 1903 30, 1903 1, 1903 2, 1903 3, 1903 5, 1903 6, 1903 7, 1903 8, 1903 9, 1903 10, 1903 12, 1903 1728, 1729, 1730, 1731, 1732, 1733, 1734, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1746, Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1773, Oct. 1774, Oct. 1775, Oct. 1776, Oct. 1777, Oct. 1778, Oct. 1779, Oct. 1780, Oct. 1781, Oct. 1782, Oct. 1783, Oct. 1784, Oct. 1785, Oct. 20, 1903 21, 1903 22, 1903 24, 1903 25, 1903 26, 1903 27, 1903 28, 1903 29, 1903 31, 1903 1, 1903 2, 1903 3, 1903 4, 1903 5, 1903 8, 1903 9, 1903 10, 1903 11. 1903 13, 1903 14, 1903 15, 1903 16, 1903 17, 1903 19, 1903 20, 1903 21, 1903 22, 1903 23, 1903 24, 1903 26, 1903 27, 1903 366 Classification no. C14. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued C14.6: Daily consular reports— Continued (nos.) 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. NOA'. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 ,1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903- , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 ,1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1903 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 1850, Jan. 14, 1851, Jan. 15, 1852, Jan. 16, 1853, Jan. 18, 1854, Jan. 19, 1855, Jan. 2o; 1856, Jan. 21, 1857, Jan. 22, 1858, Jan. 23; 1859, Jan. 25, 1860, Jan. 26, 1861, Jan. 27 1862, Jan. 28, 1863, Jan. 29, 1864, Jan. 30 1865, Feb. 1, 1866, Feb. 2, 1867, Feb. 3, 1868, Feb. 4, 1869, Feb. 5, 1870, Feb. 6, 1871, Feb. 8, 1872, Feb. », 1873, Feb. 10, 1874, Feb. ll! 1875, Feb. 12, 1870, Feb. 13, 1877, Feb. 15; 1878, Feb. 16, 1879, Feb. 17, 1880, Feb. 18; 1881, Feb. 19, 1882, Feb. 20 1883, Feb. 23; 1884, Feb. 24, 1885, Feb. 25 1886, Feb. 26; 1887, Feb. 27, 1888, Feb. 29; 1889, Mar. 1, 1890, Mar. 2, 1891, Mar. 3, 1892, Mar. 4, 1893, Mar. 5, 1894, Mar. 7, 1895, Mar. 8, 1896, Mar. 9, 1897, Mar. 10, 1898, Mar. 11, 1899, Mar. 12, 1900, Mar. 14, 1901 , Mar. 15, 1902, Mar. 16, 1903, Mar. 17; 1904, Mar. 18, 1905, Mar. 19, 1906, Mar. 21, 1907, Mar. 22, 1908, Mar. 23, 1909, Mar. 24, 1910, Mar. 25; 1911, Mar. 26, 1912, Mar. 28, 1913, Mar. 29, , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 1914, Mar. 1915, Mar. 1916, Apr. 1917, Apr. 1918, Apr. 1919, Apr. 1920, Apr. 1921, Apr. 1922, Apr. 1923, Apr. 1924, Apr. 1925, Apr. 1926, Apr. 1927, Apr. 1928, Apr. 1929, Apr. 1930, Apr. 1931, Apr. 1932, Apr. 1933, Apr. 1934, Apr. 1935, Apr. 1936, Apr. 1937, Apr. 1938, Apr. 1939, Apr. 1940, Apr. 1941, Apr. 1942, May 1943, May 1944, May 1945, May 1946, May 1947, May 1948, May 1949, May 1950, May 1951, May 1952, May 1953, May 1954, May 1955, May 1956, May 1957, May 1958, May 1959, May 1960, Mav 1961, May 1962, May 1963, May 1964, Mav 1965, May 1966, May 1967, June 1968, June 1969, June 1970, June 1971 , June 1972, June 1973, June 1974, June 1975, June 1976, June 1977, June 30, 1904 I 31, 1904 1, 1904 2, 1904 4, 1904 5, 1904 6, 1904 7, 1904 8, 1904 9, 1904 11, 1904 12, 1904 13, 1904 14, 1904 15, 1904 16, 1904 18, 1904 19, 1904 20, 1904 21, 1904 22, 1904 23, 1904 25, 1904 26, 1904 27, 1904 28, 1904 29, 1904 30, 1904 2, 1904 3, 1904 4, 1904 5, 1904 6, 1904 7, 1904 9, 1904 10, 1904 11, 1904 12, 1904 13, 1904 14, 1904 16, 1904 17, 1904 18, 1904 19, 1904 20, 1904 21, 1904 23, 1904 24, 1904 25, 1904 26, 1904 27, 1904 28, 1904 31, 1904 1, 1904 2, 1904 3, 1904 4, 1904 6, 1904 7, 1904 8, 1904 9, 1904 10, 1904 11, 1904 13, 1904 367 ClasNlflration no. C14. STATISTICS BUREAU—C ontinued C14 .6 : Dally consular reports—Continued (nos.) 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 19SG, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 199G, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039, 2040, 2041, 2042, Juno 14 Juno 15 June 16 Juno 17 Juno 18 June 20 June 21 Juno 22 Juno 23 June 24 June 25 Juno 27 June 28 June 29 Juno 30 July 1 Julv 2 JulV 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 JulV 11 July 12 July 13 July 14 July 15 July 16 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 25 July 26 July 27 July 28 July- 29 July 30 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Aug. 5 Aug. 6 Aug. 8 Aug. 9 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 15 Aug. 16 Aug. 17 Aug. 18 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Aug. 26 Aug. 27 Aug. 29 1901 1004 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1C04 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 2043, Aug. 30, 2044, Aug. 31, 2045, Sept. 1, 2046, Sept. 2, 2047, Sept. 3, 2048, Sept. 6, 2049, Sept. 7, 2050, Sept. 8, 2051, Sept. 9, 2052, Sept. 10, 2053, Sept. 12, 2054, Sept. 13, 2055, Sept. I'i, 2056, Sept. 15, 2057, Sept. 16, 2058, Sept. 17, 2059, Sept. 19, 2060, Sept. 20, 2061, Sept. 21, 2062, Sept. 22, 2063, Sept. 23, 2064, Sept 24, 2065, Sept 26, 2066, Sept 27, 2067, Sept 28, 2068, Sept 29, 2069, Sept 30, 2070, Oct. 1, 2071, Oct. 3, 2072, Oct. 4, 2073, Oct. 5, 2074, Oct. 6, 2075, Oct. 7, 2076, Oct. 8, 2077, Oct. 10, 2078, Oct. 11, 2079, Oct. 12 2080, Oct. 13 2081, Oct. 14, 2082, Oct. 15, 2083, Oct. 17, 2084, Oct. 18, 2085, Oct. 19, 2086, Oct. 20, 2087, Oct. 21, 2088, Oct. 22, 2089, Oct. 24, 2090, Oct. 25, 2091, Oct. 26, 2092, Oct. 27, 2093, Oct. 28, 2094, Oct. 29, 2095, Oct. 31 2096, Nov. i; 2097, Noy. 2, 2098, Noy. 3, 2099, Noy. 4, 2100, Noy. 5, 2101, Noy. 7, 2102, Noy. 8, 2103, Noy. 9, 2104, Noy. 10, 2105, Noy. 11, 2106, Noy. 12, 2107, Noy. 14, , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 , 1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 ,1904 , 1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 , 1904 ,1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 , 1904 , 1904 , 1904 ,1904 ,1904 ,1904 2108, Nov. 2109, Nov. 2110, Nov. 2111, Nov. 2112, Nov. 2113, Nov. 2114, Nov. 2115, Nov. 2116, Nov. 2117, Nov. 2118, Nov. 2119, Nov. 2120, Nov. 2121, Dec. 2122, Dec. 2123, Dec. 2124, Dec. 2125, Dec. 2126, Dec. 2127, Dec. 2128, Dec. 2129, Dec. 2130, Dec. 2131, Dec. 2132, Dec. 2133, Dec. 2134, Dec. 2135, Dec. 2136, Dec. 2137, Dec. 2138, Dec. 2139, Dec. 2140, Dec. 2141, Dec. 2142, Dec. 2143, Dec. 2144, Dec. 2145, Dec. 2146, Dec. 2147, Jan. 2148, Jan. 2149, Jan. 2150, Jan. 2151, Jan. 2152, Jan. 2153, Jan. 2154, Jan. 2155, Jan. 2156, Jan. 2157, Jan. 2158, Jan. 2159, Jan. 2160, Jan. 2161, Jan. 2162, Jan. 2163, Jan. 2164, Jan. 2165, Jan. 2166, Jan. 2167, Jan. 2168, Jan. 2169, Jan. 2170, Jan. 2171, Jan. 2172, Feb. 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 368 Classification no. C14.6: (nos.) C14. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued (CT) €14.7: (date) C14.8: (V . nos.) later (nos.) Dally consular reports— Continued 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 }, Feb. 2, t, Feb. 3, ), Feb. 4, ), Feb. 6, ^ Feb. 7, I, Feb. 8, ), Feb. 9, ), Feb. 10, ,Feb. 11, !, Feb. 13, ,, Feb. 14, ,Feb. 15, ,Feb. 16, ,Feb. 17, ,Feb. 18, ;, Feb. 20, 1, Feb. -'1, I, Feb. 23, ,Feb. 24, ,Feb. 25, , Feb. -7, , Feb. 28, , Mar. 1, , Mar. 2 , Mar. 3^ , Mar. 6, ,Mar. 7, , Mar. 8, , Mar. 9, , Mar. 10, ,Mar. 11, , Mar. 13, , Mar. 14, ,Mar. 15, , Mar. 16, , Mar. 17, , Mar. 18, , Mar. 20, , Mar. 21, , Mar. 22, ,Mar. 23, ,Mar. 24, 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 ]905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 , Mar. 25, , Mar. 27, ,Mar. 28, , Mar. 29, ,Mar. 30, , Mar. 31, , Apr. 1, , Apr. 3, , Apr. 4, , Apr. 5, , Apr. 6, , Apr. 7, , Apr. 8, , Apr. 10, ,Apr. 11, , Apr. 12, , Apr. 13, , Apr. 14, , Apr. 15, , Apr. 17, , Apr. 18, , Apr. 19, , Apr. 20, , Apr. 21, , Apr. 22, , Apr. 24, , Apr. 25, , Apr. 26, , Apr. 27, , Apr. 28, , Apr. 29, , May 1, ,May 2, , May 3, , May 4, ,May 5, ,May 6, ,May 8, ,May 9, ,May 10, ,May 11, ), May 12, 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 , May 13, , May 15, , May 16, ,May 17, , May 18, , May 19, ,May 20, , May 22, , May 23, ,May 24, , May 25, , May 26, , May 27, ,May 29, ,May 31, , June 1, , June 2, , June 3, , June 5, , June < , June 7, , June 8, , June 9, , June 10, , June 12, , June 13, , June 14, , June is! , June 16, , June 17, , June 19, , June 20, , June 2i; , June 22 , June 23, , June 24, , June 26, , June 27, , June 28, , June 29, , June 30, 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 See, for later numbers, CIO. 5 Daily consular reports (separates) Index to Dally consular reports See, for earlier numbers, S4.6: 1903, calendar year, nos. 1534-1839 IDiscontinued.] Montlily consular reports [Transferred from Foreign Commerce Bureau, State Dept. (S4.7:), July, 1903. Nos. 272 and 273, for May and June, 1903, were issued by Foreign Commerce Bureau, but are included in v . 72. the last two numbers of which, those for July and August, nos. 274 and 275, were issued by this Bureau. Voluming ceased with V. 76, ending June, 1904. Beginning with no. 286, July, 1904, each monthly num- ber is separately paged and indexed. With no. 278, v. 73, Nov. 1903, the title was changed from Consular reports to Monthly consular reports. Transferred to Manufactures Biureau (C10.6:), July 1, 1905.] See, for earlier numbers, S4.7: Consular reports V. 72 [4495-438] no. 272 SeeS4.7:72. no. 273 SeeS4.7:72. 369 CUMlflcAtloa no. C14.8: (v. nos.) later (nos.) C14.9: (date) C14.10: (v. nos.) C14. STATISTICS BUREAU-^Continued Montlily consular reports—Continued Consular reports — Continued V. 72, no. 274, July, 1903 no. 275, Aug. 1903 V. 73 [4677-211 no. 276, Sept. 1903 no. 277, Oct. 1903 Monthly consular reports V. 73, no. 278, Nov. 1903 no. 279, Dec. 1903 V. 74 [4678-22] no. 280, Jan. 1904 no. 281, Feb. 1904 no. 282, Mar. 1904 V. 75 [4679-650] no. 283, Apr. 1904 no. 284, May, 1904 no. 285, June, 1904 286, July, 1904 287, Aug. 1904 288, Sept 289, Oct. 1904 1904 290. Nov. 1904 4680-783 4680-784 4680-785' 4681-786' '4681-787 4681-788 4838-328 '4838-329' '4838-330 '4839-331 '4839-332 [4839-333 See, for later numbers, ClO.6: Index to monthly consular reports See, for early numbers, S4.8: [None issued under Commerce and Labor Department.] Special consular reports 291, Dec. 292, Jan. 293, Feb. 294, Mar. 295, Apr. 296, May, 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 297, June, 1905 [Transferred from Foreign Commerce Bureau, State Dept. (S4. ferred to Manufactures Bureau (C10.7:), July, 1905.] :). July, 1903. Trans- V. 1-26 See^A.%: V. 32 V. 33 V. 34 V. 35 V. 36 4836-74] '4836-243] 4837-316] 4837-423] 4837-4271 V. 27 [4682-45] V. 28 [4682-446 V. 29 [4682-508 V. 30 [4682-732' V. 31 [4836-73] See, for later numbers, CIO. 7: • . C14.ll: Lists of publications 903 ' Publications of Bureau of Statistics, formerly of Treasury Department; [Publications of Bureau of Foreign Commerce, formerly of State Department, now consolidated with Bureau of Statistics, Depart- ment of Comn^rce and Labor]. July 10, 1903. AP 903^ Publications of Bureau of Statistics, Department of Commerce and Labor. [1903.] f° 906 List of publications [of Bureau of Statistics, Department of Commerce and Labor]. Apr. 2, 1906. 907 Same. Mar. 1, 1907. C14:.12: Total values of imports and exports 4« [Monthly.] (date) See, for earlier issues, T37.7: Imports and exports 1903, July Aug. 82452°— 11 ^24 370 Classlflcatlon no. €14. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued €14.12: Total values of imports and exports— Continued (date) Imports and exports— Continued 1903, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total values of imports 3 and exports 1904, Jan. 1905 July 1907 , Jan. 1908, July Feb. Aug. Feb. Aug. Mar. Sept. Mar. Sept. Apr. May Oct. Apr. Oct. Nov. May Nov. June Dec. June Dec. July 1906 Jan. July 1909, Jan. Aug. Feb. Aug. Feb. Sept. Mar. Sept. Mar. Oct. Apr. Oct. Mav Nov. May Nov. Dec. June Dec. June 1905, Jan. July 1908 , Jan. July Feb. Aug. Feb. Aug. Mar. Sept. Mar. Sept. Apr. Oct. Apr. Oct. May Nov. May Nov. June Dec. June Dec. C14.13: Advance sheets from Monti Lly summary of com- (date) merce and finance [new 6 eries] 40 [Monthly.] See, for earlier issues, T37.9: 1903, July 1905 Mar. 1906 , Nov. 1908, July Aug. Apr. May Dec. Aug. Sept. 1907 , Jan. Sept. Oct. June Feb. Oct. Nov. July Mar. Nov. Dec. Aug. Apr. May Dec. 1904, Jan. Sept. 1909, Jan. Feb. Oct. June Feb. Mar. Nov. July Mar. Apr. Muy 1906 Dec. Jan. Aug. Sept. Apr. May June Feb. Oct. June July Mar. Nov. July Aug. Apr. Dec. Aug. Sept. May 1908 , Jan. Sept. Oct. June Feb. Oct. Nov. July Mar. Nov. Dec. Aug. Apr. Dec. 1905, Jan. Sept. May Feb. Oct. June €14.14: Monthly summary of comn lerce and finance [new (date) series] 4'> [Monthly.] "s See, for earlier numbers, T37.8 1904, no. l,July, 1903] 1905 , no. 1, July, 1904 no. 2, Aug. 1903 [4665-15] no. 2, Aug. 1904 ■ [4820-15] no. 3, Sept 1903 no. 3, Sept. 1904J no. 4, Oct. 1903^ no. 4, Oct. 1904 ► no. 5, Nov. 1903 [4666-15] no. 5, Nov. 1904 [[4821-15] no. 6, Dec. 1903 no. 6, Dec. 1904] no. 7, Jan. 1904^ no. 7, Jan. 1905 no. 8, Feb. 1904 [4667-15] no. 8, Feb. 1905 [[4822-15] no. 9, Mar. 1904 no. 9, Mar. 1905] no. 10, Apr. 1904 no. 10, Apr. 1905 no. 11, May, 1904 [4668-15] no. 11, May, 1905 [[4823-15] no. 12, June, 1904 no. 12, June, 1905J 371 CiAMHlflcatlun no. C14.14: (date) C14.14:«: (CT) C14.15: (date) €14.16: (date) C14.16«: (CT) C14.17: A2 A3 C14. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Monthly summary of commerce and finance [new series] — Continued 1906, no. l.July, 19051 no. 2, Aug. 1905 no. 3, Sept. 1905 no. 4, Oct. 1905 no. 5, Nov. 1905 no. 6, Dec. 1905 no. 7, Jan. 1906 no. 8, Feb. 1906 no. 9, Mar. 1906 no. 10, Apr. 1906 no. 11, May, 1906 no. 12, June, 1906 1907, no. l,July, 1906 2, Aug. 1906 3, Sept. 1906 4, Oct. 1906 5, Nov. 1906 6, Dec. 1906 7, Jan. 19071 8, Feb. 1907 9, Mar. 1907 J 1907 1907 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10, Ai [4975-15J [4976-15] [4977-15] [5134-15] [5135-15] [5136-15] lu, Apr. no. 11, May, 1907^5137-15] no. 12, June, 1907J 1908, no. 1, July, 1907 no. 2, Aug. 1907 M5337-15] no. 3, Sept. 1907] Monthly summary of commerce and finance [new series] (separates) 1908, no. 4, no. 5, no. 6, no. 7, no. 8, no. 9, no. 10, no. 11, no. 12, 1909, no. 1, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10, no. 11, no. 12, 1910, no. 1, no. 2, no. 3, no. 4, no. 5, no. 6, Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, June, July, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, June, July, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 19081 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 19091 1909 1909 1909] 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 [5338-15] [5339-15] [5340-15] [5509-1017] [5510-1017] [5511-1017] [5512-1017] [5799-174] [5800-174] A* A* Review of the world's commerce [Introductory to Commercial relations (C14.5:).] See, for earlier numbers, S4.12: 1903 See, for later numbers, ClO.9: Statistical abstract of United States See, for earlier issues, T37.10: 1903, 26th [4714-578 1904, 27th [4867-405 1905,28th [5035-619 1906, 29th [5204-783 1907, 30th [5341-853 1908, 3l8t [5513-1541] 1909, 32d [5803-133] Statistical abstract (separates) Classification schedules Schedule A, classification of commodities for monthly statements of imported commodities; approved July 1, 1903. 1903. [See, for earlier issues of Schedule A, T37.2:Sch2.] Same; approved May 19, 1906. 1906. Schedule A , classification of commodities and laws and regulations gov- erning preparation of monthly statement of imports and exports of foreign commodities in commerce of United States; approved June 26, 1907. 1907. Same; approved July 1, 1908. 1908. Same; approved July 1, 1909. 1909. 372 C14. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued C14.17: Classification scliedules— Continued Classification no. B B2 B^ C^ C2 C3 c^ El E2 E3 E4 E5 Efi E^ tC14.18: Schedule B, classification of commodities and laws and regulations gov- erning preparation of monthly statements of domestic exports and of shipments of commodities to noncontiguous territory of United States; approved July 1, 1903. 1903. [See, for earlier issues of Schedule B, T37.2:Sch2.] Schedule B, classification of commodities and laws and regulations gov- erning preparation of monthly statements of domestic exports and of shipments of domestic commodities between United States and its noncontiguous territory; approved June 4, 1906. 1906. Schedule B, classification of commodities and laws and regulations gov- erning preparation of monthly statements of exports of domestic commodities, and shipments thereof between United States and its noncontiguous territory; approved June 26, 1907. 1907. Same; approved July 1, 1908. 1908. Same; approved June 1, 1909. 1909. Schedule C, classification of foreign countries and dependencies for statements of imports, exports, and tonnage movement in foreign trade of United States; approved Mar. 18, 1904. 1904. Same; approved May 19, 1906. 1906. Same; approved May 19, 1906. Edition, June 25, 1906. 1906. Same; approved July 1, 1908. 1908. Schedule E, classification of merchandise for quarter-yearly statements of imports entered for consumption, with rates of duty; approved July 1, 1903. 1903. [See, for earlier issues of Schedule E, T37.2:Sch2.] Same; approved May 1, 1905. 1905. Same; approved May 19, 1906. 1906. Schedule E, classification of merchandise with rates of duty, and laws and regulations governing preparation of quarter-yearly state- ments of imports entered for consumption in United States; ap- proved June 26, 1907. 1907. Same; approved July 1, 1908. 1908. Same; approved Sept. 1, 1909. 1909. Same; approved Sept. 1, 1909, amended Nov. 1, 3909. 1909. t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Statis- tics Bureau has since begun the publication of a new series the first issue of which was for quarter ending Sept. 30, 1910. This has necessitated an additional class under C14., the series title of which is as follows: C14. 18: Imported merchandise entered for consumption in United States and duties (date of collected thereon during quarter ending 4° fiscal [The record of imports of merchandise entered for consumptipn formerly appeared only year) in the annual volume, Foreign commerce and navigation (C14.1:). The purpose of the ^ ' publications classed under C14.18:, which are issued as promptly as possible after re- ceipt of quarterly returns from customs collectocs, is to present m quarterly and annual form a statement of imported merchandise entered for consumption in XJnited States, showing in the 1st issue of each fiscal year the returns of the 1st quarter (July 1-Sept. 30); in the 2d issue, the returns for the 2d quarter (Oct. 1-Dec. 31) in conjunction with those of the 1st; in the 3d issue, the returns for the 3d quarter (Jan. l-Mar. 31) in conjunction with those of the 1st and 2d; and in the final issue for the year, the returns for the 4th quarter (Apr. 1-June 30) in conjunction with those that precede it. The tables will continue to be pubUshed in the annual volume, Foreign commerce and navigation (C14.1:), but will not be made a part of the Monthly summary of commerce and finance (C14.14:), because to include them in that would delay the statement of monthly imports and exports. The date of the fiscal year is used as book number for these publications, the superior num- ber being that of the quarter covered: e. g., Cl4.18:911i is the classification of the issue for Sept. 30, 1910, covering the 1st quarter of the fiscal year 1911.] 373 C15. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE rrransferred from Treasury Departracut July 1, lOM. See, for earlier publications, T38. Su, for Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, Cl.2:Or3.J riAKslflcatlon no. C16.1: (date) C16.2: B64» B642 C15.3: (no8.) C15.4: (no8.) C15.5: (date) C16.6: (ed. nos.) C15.7: (date) Annual reports [An abbreviated report, without lists of vessels ins rts of Conxnerce and Labor Department ( repori T38.1 pect« ted, is also found in annual ). 8u, for earlier reports, 9 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 General publications Books. (Catalogue of books and blanks used by Steamboat-Inspection Ser\'ice. 1905. Same. 1908. Equipments approved for use on vessels. Oct. 18, 1909. See Bureau circular 11 (C15.4:11). Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 4* 1 2 3 4 5 [Supersedes Department circular 86 (C1.4:86). See also 016 A'.^.l [Supersedes Department circular 129 (C1.4:129).] 7 8 [Supersedes Bureau circular 4 (C15,4:4).] 9 10 [11] Equipments approved for use on vessels. Oct. 18, 1909. 8° [Though not printed as Bureau circular 11, the Steamboat- Inspection Service considers this publication as no. 11 of that series.] Ijaws governing Steamboat- Inspection Service See, for earlier issues, T38.5 ^: 1904, Jan. May Nov. 1905, July Oct. 1906, Jan. 1906, July 1907, Mar. June 1908, June 1909, May manual Steamboat inspectors' See, for early issues, T38.6: [None issued under Commerce and Labor Department, the matter composing the manual appearing now only as Laws governing Steamboat-Inspection Service (C15.5:), General rules and regulations (C15.9:), and Pilot rules (C15.8:).] Ijist of officers of mercbant steam, motor, and sail vessels licensed during [calendar] year See, for earlier issues, T38.7: List of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels licensed during [calendar] year 1902 1903 1904 1905 374 Classification C15. no. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE— Cont'd C15.7: (date) C15.8: 079^ G792 G793 G794 079^ In5i In52 In53 In5« In57 In58 In59 R521 R522 R523 R524 R52 5 R52*5 R527 C15.9: (date) last of officers of inercliant steam, motor, and sail vessels licensed during [calendar] year— Continued List of officers ot merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels licensed during [calendar] year 1906 1907 1908" 1909 Pilot rules See, for earlier issues, T38.8: Great Lakes. Pilot rules for Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters as far east as Montreal, adopted 1902 and ap- proved Mar. 17, 1904; added, act approved Feb. 8, 1895, to regu- late navigation on Great Lakes and their connecting and tribu- tary waters. 1904. [See, for earlier editions, T38.8:G79 ^-^.] Same. Edition, May 9, 1906. 1906. Same. Edition, July 21, 1906. 1906. Same. Edition, July 1, 1907. 1907. [No edition for 1908.] Great Lakes. Pilot rules for Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters [as far east as Montreal]. Edition, Mar. 20, 1909. 1909. Inland waters. Pilot rules for Atlantic and Pacific coast inland waters, adopted 1902; added, act approved June 7, 1897, to adopt regula- tions for preventing collisions upon certain harbors, rivers, and inland waters of United States, and list of lines dividing high seas from rivers, harbors, and inland waters. 1903. [See, for earlier editions, T38.8:In5^-^] Same. 1904. Same. 1905. Same. Edition, Sept. 12, 1905. 1905. Same. Edition, Mar. 9, 1906. 1906. Same. Edition, May 31, 1906. 1906. Same. Edition, Oct. 23, 1906. 1906. Same, adopted Feb. 13, 1907, and approved Feb. 25, 1907. Edition, July 1, 1907. 1907. Inland waters. Pilot rules for inland waters of Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Edition, Aug. 20, 1908. 1908. Same, and on Gulf of Mexico, except rivers emptying into Gulf of Mexico and their tributaries. Edition, Mar. 20, 1909. 1909. Rivers. Pilot rules for rivers whose waters flow into Gulf of Mexico and their tributaries, and for Red River of the North, taking effect since Mar. 1, 1897; added, sections of Revised statutes applica- ble. 1903. [See, for earlier editions, T38.8:R52 h \] Same. 1905. Same. Edition, July 1, 1905. 1905. Same, except Mississippi River below New Orleans. Edition, June 30, 1906. 1906. Rivers. Pilot rules for rivers whose waters flow into Gulf of Mexico and their tributaries and Red River of the North, adopted Feb. 13, 1907, and approved Feb. 25, 1907. Edition, July 1, 1907. 1907. Rivers . Pilot rules for rivers whose waters flow into Gulf of Mexico and their tributaries and Red River of the North. Edition, Aug. 20, 1908. 1908. Same. Edition, Mar. 20, 1909. 1909. General rules and regulations See, for earlier editions, T38.9: 1904, amended Jan. 1904 1905, amended Jan. 1905 375 CiMslflcatlon C15. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE— Cont'd no. C15.9 : General rules and regulations— Continued (date) Same. Edition, Aug. 3, 1905 1906, amended Jan. 1906. Edition, Mar. 14, 1906 Same. Edition, May 21, 1906 Same. Edition, Aug. 8, 1906 1907, amended Jan. 1907. Edition, Mar. 4, 1907 Same. Edition, June 21, 1907 1908, amended Jan. 1908. Edition, Sept. 5, 1908 1909, amended Jan. 1909. Edition, Mar. 20, 1909 C16. PRINTING AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Established July 1, 1903, at the time of the organization of the Commerce and Labor Department. At the time of organization the name of the division was Division of Printing; by order of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor on Nov. 24, 1908, the name was changed to Division of Printing and I'nbiications; on Dec. 31, 1909, the Secretary ordered that beginning with Jan. 1, 1910, the name be changed to Division of I'nbiications. As this Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909, it uses the form " Printing and Publications Division."] C16.1: (date) C16.2: Ex3 C16.3: (nos.) C16.4: (nos.) C16.6: (ed. nos.) Annual reports [No reports prior to 1907.] 19071 19081 [^®^^®^ separately only.] 1909, in annual report of Commerce and Labor Department (CI. 1:909), and issued separately also. General publications Executive Departments. Comparative costs of printing for Executive l3epartment8; report of Geo. C. Havenner [and reply of Charles A. Stillings, Public Printer]. 1908. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] List of publications of Department of Commerce and Labor available for distribution [1st edition] Mav 1, 1908 2d edition Oct. 1, 1908 3d edition Mar. 1, 1909 4th edition Dec. 15, 1909 C17. APPOINTMENT DIVISION t t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. Since that time the Appointment Division, although organized earlier, has begun to issue publi- cations, necessitating additional classes, the neading and series titles of which are as follows: C17. Appointment Division [Organized in Feb. 1904, as part of the ofTice of the Secretary. The l appropriation act for fiscal year 1907, approved June 22, 1906, carried the 1 availableJuly 1,1906.] islative, executive, and judicial rst appropriation, which became C17.1: (date) C17.2: (CT) C17.3: (noe.) C17.4: (noB.) Annual reports [None issued prior to 1910.] General publications Bulletins CirculaiB 376 CS. CIVIL SEEVICE COMMISSION [Reports were made on civil service reform by the Retrenchment Committee, Senate (Y4.R31 ^:) in the 28th Congress, and by the Retrenchment Joint Select Committee (Y4.R312:) in the 39th and 40th Congresses. The 41st Congress passed an act authorizing an Advisory Board to conduct inquiries and to establish regulations for the civil service. This act was approved Mar. 3, 1871, and under it reports were made in 1871, 1873, and 1874. On Aug. 5, 1873, the name Advisory Board was changed to Civil Service Commission. In 1874 the appropriation for its continuance was withheld. The present Civil Service Commission was organized by act ap' proved Jan. 16, 1883.] Classiflcation no. CSl.l: ] Annual reports (date) (date) CS1.1«: (CT) CS1.2: B211 1871 Reform of civil service, report to President [1478-10] 1873 Report and rules relative to government of civil service [Not in Congressional set.] 1874, Apr. 15, with app. a-f [1581-53] Same, with only app. a-d [1614-221] 1884 [Jan. 16, 1883-Jan. 16, 1884], Ist [1st edition] [2206-105] Same. 2d edition 1885, Jan. 16, 1884-Jan. 16, 1885, 2d [1st edition] [2303-207] Same. 2d edition 1886, Jan. 16, 1885-Jan. 16, 1886, 3d 1st edition [2399-140] Same. 2d edition Same. 3d edition [Omits appendixes 8 and 9.] Same. 4th edition [Includes appendixes 8 and 9.] 1887, Jan. 16, 1886-June 30, 1887, 4th [2515-223] [Includes matter down to June 9, 1888.] 1888, [year ended] June 30, 5th [2613-145] 1889, [year ended] June 30, 6th [2733-1] 1890, [year ended] June 30, 7th [2851-1] 1891, [year ended] June 30, 8th [1st edition] [2942-1] Same. 2d edition 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, year ended year ended^ year ended year ended" year ended year ended year ended year ended year ended year ended "^year ended year ended June 30, 9th June 30, 10th June 30, 11th June 30, 12th June 30, 13th June 30, 14th June 30, 15th June 30, 16th June 30, 17th June 30, 18th June 30, 19th June 30, 20th year ended June 30, 21st year ended June 30, 22d year ended June 30, 23d year ended June 30, 24th year ended June 30, 25th year ended June 30, 26 th [3097-1] '3218-1, pt 3336-79] 3539-318 3539-321 3689-314 3826-296 3981-340 4208-555 4390-703 4486-20] 4717-644] [4862-369] [4991-44] [5075-20] [5361-600] [5520-1158] [5808-135] 8] Annual reports (separates; reports of commissioners) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) [Some of the "parts" of the reports of the commissioners for recent years have been issued separately in pamphlet form.] General publications Baltimore case. Opinion of Civil Service Commission on power of removal and on discrimination in appointments for partisan reasons [in Baltimore case]. July 8, 1886. 12° 377 Cltwiflration C8. CIVIIj SERVICE COMMISSION— Continued CS1.2: B212 C43» C43 = C43^ D63 Ex3 G72 H19 In3 In8^ In82 L82 P53 P75^ P752 P753 P75* P75« P94 General publications— Continued Baltimore, Md. Report of Commissioner Roosevelt concerning politi- cal assessments and use of official influence to control elections in Federal offices at Baltimore, Md., with action of commission and report of testimony. 1891. Chief examiner. Report of chief examiner to Civil Service Commis- eion, Jan. 27, 1874. 1874. [From 1895 to 1909, reports of chief examiner are in annual reports of Civil Service Commission (CSl.l:); 1898, issued separately also and classed under CSLl^:] Chicago, 111. Investigation of complaint against collector [Anthony F.] Seeberger of port of Chicago, charging violation of civil-service act, Apr. 11, 1887, reports of commissioners Edgerton and Lyman and opinion of commission. 1887. [Also in annual report of Civil Service Commission, 1887 (CSl.l :887), p. 424-456.] Chicago, 111. Report of commissioners Edgerton and Lyman concern- ing execution of civil-service law and rules in Chicago post-oflBce, Apr. 1887. 1887. [Also in annual report of Civil Service Com- mission, 1887 (CS1.1:887), p. 457-463.] Districts. List of civil-service districts. [1904.] Engineer Department at Large. Classes established by Civil Service Commission and limiting rates of pay of each class. [To accom- pany Engineer Department Circular 14, 1902, which is not listed m this Checklist but is classed in Public Documents Library as W7.4.•902»^] Executive civil service. Tables showing number of positions in executive civil service June 30, 1896, with their compensation by grades and classes, and their status under civil-service rules; by Theodore L.DeLand. 1897. 4« [3528-202] Government Printing Office. [Opinion] in matter of order of President directing classification of Government Printing Office, submitted to Senate Committee on Judiciary by Civil Service Conmiission. 1898. Handbook. Educational handbook of examinations. May, 1907. (Form 1638.) Information for those desiring to enter service of Government, civil list, method of appointment and term and tenure of office, [etc.]; also positions open to appointment outside of civil-service rules. 1893. (52d Cong. 2d sess. S. misc. doc. 61; serial no. 3064.) Internal revenue. In re status of deputy collectors of internal revenue, Oct. 14, 1897. Investigations. [Circular] to district secretaries and other persons con- ducting investigations for Civil Service Commission. Jan. 1908. Logarithms. Table of logarithms. 1905. large 8° Philadelphia, Pa. Charges against Philadelphia Postal Board [and] Postmaster [William F.] Harrity, of Philadelphia; decision of commission and report of investigation commenced Mar. 8, 1887. 1887. [Also in annual report of Civil Service Commission, 1887 (CS1.1:887), p. 333-423.] Political activity and assessments, extracts from statutes and Executive and departmental orders. Aug. 1904. 4** (Form 1236.) [Early issues in form of circular letters are classed under CS1.5:] Political assessments. [Warning against] political assessments and par- tisan activity of officeholders. Feb. 1906. (Form 1236.) Political assessments. Information concerning political assessments and partisan activity of officeholders. Jiily, 1907. (Form 1236.) Same. June, 1908. (Form 1236.) Same. Oct. 1908. (Form 1236.) Prosecution . [Brief of prosecutions in connection with civil-service ex- aminations.] Mar. 1909. (Form 1775.) 378 Classification no. CS1.2: T721 T712 T71» V64 CS1.3: (nos.) CS1.4: (nos.) CS1.5: (assigned nos.) CS1.6: C33 096^ C962 C963 C96* C96« En3 Exl Exl2 Exl 3 Exl* Exl« CS. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION— Continued General publications— Continued Treasury Department. Report of Board of Civil Service Examiners for Treasury Department to Advisory Board, on operation of ''Rules and regulations for improvement of civil service" in Treasury Department. 1873. [Also reprinted in CSl.2:T713.] Treasury Department. Questions used in 28 civil service examinations in Treasury Department, June 5, 1872-Jan. 31, 1873. 1873. * [Also reprinted in CS1.2:T71^] Treasury Department. Civil-service reform in Treasury Department, embracing: 1, Rules and regulations for improvement of civil service; 2, Report of Board of Examiners to Advisory Board; 3, Questions used in examinations. 1873. Veteran preference [in appointment to civil offices under United States Government]. June, 1908. (Form 1481.) Bulletins [giving information in regard to exami- nations] 1 2 3 [Discontinued.] Circulars [No numbered series issued.] Circular letters (miscellaneous, unnumbered) [Many Circular letters and unnumbered circulars have been issued, but none of suffi- cient importance to be entered here.] Instructions and information for applicants and for boards of examiners See also, for Instructions to applicants, lst-13tli districts, CS1.9:- CS1.21: Census, 13th. Announcement of examination [Oct. 23, 1909], and in- formation concerning appointments in 13tli decennial census. [1909.] [Issued jointly with Commerce and Labor Department.] Customs service. Instructions to applicants for classified customs serv- ice. Mar. 1895. f (Form 67.) Same. July, 1895. f° (Form 117.) Customs service. Instructions to applicants for custom-house branch of classified service. July, 1902. (Form 117.) Same, except at New York, N. Y. May, 1903. (Form 117.) Same, except for 1st, 2d, and 3d civil service districts, headquarters Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, respectively. Jan. 1904. Engineer Department at Large. [Information and instruction of local boards of examiners and applicants for appointment in Engineer Department at Large.] [June 4, 1902, amended 1905.] 12*' [First print accompanied Engineer Department Circular 14, 1902, which is not listed in this Checklist but is classed in Public Docu- ments Library as W7.4:902i*.] Examiners. Instructions to nominating and appointing officers and local boards of examiners at classified post-offices, classified custom-houses, and classified internal revenue offices. July, 1895. (Form 131.) Examiners. Instructions to local boards of examiners, and information for nominating and appointing officers. Mar. 1900. (Form 131.) Same. Aug. 1903. (Form 131.) Examiners. Instructions to boards of examiners and information for nominating and appointing officers. Jan. 1905. (Form 131.) Examiners. Information for boards of examiners concerning applica- tions, examinations, and appointments. June 1, 1909. (Form 131.) 379 ClMsiflratioa no. CS1.6 F31 In8' In82 Is7 L112 M46 M68> M682 M68'' M684 M68« M68« P53 P83 P84^ P842 P843 P84* P84'^ P84« P84^ P84S P84» P8410 P84»i P84»2 P84^3 P84» P841* C8. CIVIIi SERVICE COMMISSION— Continued Instructions and information for applicants and for boards of examiners — Contiuuocf Federal eervire. Information in regard to holding State or municipal offices by persons in Federal service. June, 1907. (Form 1648.) Internal revenue. Instructions to applicants for classified internal revenue service. June, 1895. f* (Form 117.) Same. [1896.] f (Form 117, new series.) Isthmian Canal Commission. Information concerning conditions of employment under Isthmian Canal Commission (Form 1417); [and on reverse] Blacksmith, boiler maker, carpenter, copper- smith, machinist, mason, molder, painter, mttem maker, pipe fitter, plumber, tinsmith examinations for Panama Canal, Feo. 13, 1905. Dec. 3, 1904 [and] Jan. 18, 1905. f «> Laborers. [Information regarding classification, assignment, and ap- pointment of] laborers. Feb. 1906. (Form 1513.) Laborers. Information regarding classification, assignment, and ap- pointment of laborers. June, 1908. (Form 1725.) Mechanical trades. Instructions to applicants for mechanical trades and other noneducational examinations in Departmental and Indian services. Nov. 1909. (Form 1250.) Miscellaneous information. Aug. 1906. (Form 1508.) Same. Aug, 1906. (Form 1089 revised.) Same. Jan. 1908. (Form 1508.) Same. June, 1908. (Form 1089 revised.) Same. May, 1909. (Form 1089 revised.) Same. June, 1909. (Form 1508.) Philippine Islands. Assistant, male, teacher, male and female, Philip- pine service [instructions to applicants]. [1908.] 4° ([Form] 418.) [Other issues of this publication, being announcements with specific dates of examinations, are classed under CS1.26:] Porto Rico. Instrucciones d los solicitantes para los ramos de las offi- cinas generates del gobierno de aduanas, y de correos del servicio civil clasificado en Porto Rico. Mar. 1902. (Modelo 1254.) Postmasters. Instructions to postmasters and local boards of examiners at classified post oflices. Jan. 1893. (Form 31.) Post-offices. Instructions to local boards of examiners relative to method of conducting examinations at classified post offices. Aug. 1893. (Form 32.) Postal service. Instructions to applicants for classified postal service. Aug. 1893. f° (Form 17.) Same. July, 1895. f ° (Form 117.) Same. Feb. 1896. f° (Form 117.) Past-offices. Instructions to applicants for classified post-office, custom- house and internal-revenue services. July, 1897. (Form 117.) Same. July, 1898. (Form 117.) Poet-offices. Instructions to applicants for post-office and custom-house bi-anches of classified service. Apr. 1899. (Form 117.) Same. Mar. 1900. (Form 117.) Same. Oct. 1900. (Form 117.) Same. July, 1901. (Form 117.) Post-offices. Instructions to applicants for post-office branch of classi- fied service. July, 1902. Same. May, 1903. Same, except for 1st, 2d, and 3d civil service districts, headquarters, Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, respectively. Jan. 1904. Post-offices. Instructions* to applicants for post-office, customs, and custodian services in Porto Rico, post-office, customs, internal revenue, and custodian services in Hawaii, and customs service in Alaska. May, 1906. (Form 1537.) 380 Glasslftcation no. CS1.6; P8416 P8417 RI31 RI32 RI33 RI34 R13^ R13« R13^ R13« R13'' R32 Sp3 St3i St32 St33 St3* St3^ St4i St42 St43 St4* St45 St46 St4 7 St48 St49 St4io St4" CSI.7I: 872 1 8722 8723 872* [published Oct.] 1907. 11 p. 14 p. (Form 1407.) [published Oct.] 1908. 1909. [Jan. 1909.] [Aug. 1909.] 11 p. 14 p. lip. CS. CIVIIi SERVICE COMMISSION— Continued Instructions and information for applicants and for boards of examiners— Continued Post-offices. Instructions to applicants for post-office, custom-house, and custodian services in Porto Rico, post-office, custom-house, internal revenue, and custodian services in Hawaii, and custom- house service in Alaska. Sept. 1908. (Form 1537.) Postmasters. Instructions concerning method of conducting examina- tions for position of 4th-class postmaster. Jan. 1909. (Form 1758.) Railway mail clerk. Information for applicants for railway mail clerk examination [with schedule]. [1904.] 12 p. (Form 1407.) [This information was previously included in Manual of exami- nations (CSl. 8:).] Same [with schedule]. [1905.] 12 p. (Form 1407.) Same [without schedule]. Aug. 1906. 10 p. (Form 1407.) Same [with schedule]. Jan. 1907. 13 p. (Form 1407.) Same [without schedule]. Jan. (Form 1407.) Same [with schedule]. Jan. 1908. Same [without schedule]. Jan. (Form 1407.) Same [with schedule]; revised to Jan (Form 1407.) Same [without schedule]; revised to Jan. 1909 (Form 1407.) , Revenue-Cutter Service. Information for applicants for position of cadet in Revenue-Cutter Service. Jan. 1906. (Form 1416.) Special or technical examinations. Request to be notified of special or technical examinations to be held on other than scheduled dates. Nov. 1901. (Form 376.) Steamboat-Inspection Service. Information concerning examinations for entrance to Steamboat-Inspection Service. Aug. 1904. (Form 1405.) [1907.] [1908.] [1909.] [1909.] Stenographer. Information for applicants for stenographer and type writer examination. [1904.] (Form 1424.) Same. [1905.] (Form 1424.) Same; amended Apr. 1906. [1906.] (Form 1424.) [1907.] (Form 1424.) [1907.] (Form 1424.) [1908.] [1908.] [1909.] [1909.] [1909.] Stenographer. Manner of conducting stenographer and typewriter examinations, [instructions to] board of examiners. Dec. 1909. (Form 1338.) Laws, rules, and regulations (general) Rules and regulations respecting civil service. 1872. 20 p. * Same [with additional matter]. 1872. 24 p. -f 1 1. [Copy in Public Documents Library is incomplete, having only 16 p.] Rules and regulations for improvement of civil service. Edition for Washington. [1872.] 24 p. [Also reprinted in CS1.2:T71 3.] Same. [1872.] 26 p. Same. Revised Feb. 1907. Same. Revised June, 1908. Same. Revised June, 1909. Same. Revised Aug. 1909. Same; amended Jan. 1907. Same; revised to July, 1907. Same; revised to Jan. 1908. Same; revised to July, 1908. Same; revised to Jan. 1909. Same; revised to July, 1909. Same; revised to Nov. 1909. (Form 1405.) (Form 1405.) (Form 1405.) (Form 1405.) (Form 1424.) (Form 1424.) (Form 1424.) (Form 1424.) (Form 1424.) 381 CISMsiflcatlon no. CS1.7': 873 883' 8833 883 3 884' 8842 887' 887 = 8882 896' 8962 897' 8972 897 = 899' 8992 8993 900' 9002 901' 9012 902' 9022 9023 902 4 902^ 903' 9032 904' 9042 905' 9052 906' 9062 907 908 C8. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION— Continued Laws, rules, and regulations (general) — Continued Rules of Juue, 1873. n. p. [June 4, 1873J. Civil-eervice act, rules, and regulations. [1883.] Same. • 2d edition. Oct. 1883. Civil-service act, amended rules, and regulations. 3d edition. Dec. 10, 1883. Same. 4th edition. May, 1884. Same. 5th edition. Sept. 1884. Rules and regulations in force Mar, 4, 1885; changes and modifications since tnat date, and action taken by Civil Service Commission under such changes and modifications. 1887. (49th Cong. 2d sess. S. misc. doc. 57; serial no. 2451.) Proposed revision of amended civil service rules and regulations. June 30, 1887. 2 p. -j- 1. 3-56, 4° [Incomplete.] Laws, rules, and regulations for improving executive civil service, [let edition.] 1888. Same. 2d edition. 1888. Civil service act and revision of civil service rules. May 6, 1896. Same. Nov, 2, 1896. Same, as amended to Jan. 2, 1897. 1897. Civil service rules and amendments, Jan. 16, 1883-July 27, 1897. n. p. n. d. p. 55-156. [From Hearing before subcommittee of House Committee on Appropriations, Dec. 9, 1897 (Y4.Ap6':C49).] Amendments to civil service rules. [1897.] [Amendments to rules as printed on p. 53-64 of Civil Service Commission Annual report, 1896 (CSl. 1:896).] Civil service act and rules promulgated by President. Edition of Sept. 1, 1898. 1898. Same. Edition of June 1, 1899. 1899. Same. Edition of July 1, 1899. 1899. Amendments to civil-service rules; approved May 29, 1899, [1899.] Civil service act and rules promulgated by President. Edition of Mar. 29, 1900. 1900. Same. Edition of June 29, 1900. 1900. Circular [amendments to civil service rules promulgated by President]. Dec. 2, 1901. Civil service act and rules. Edition of Dec. 27, 1901. 1901. Same, supplement. Jan. 29, 1902. Same, 2d supplement. Mar. 18, 1902. Civil service act and rules, and transfer r^ulations. Edition of May 31, 1902. 1902. Same, supplement. July 14, 1902. Proposed revision of civil service rules. Oct. 1902. United States civil service rules to take effect Apr. 15, 1903. 1903. Civil service act, rules, and regulations. Sept. 1, 1903. Civil service act, rules, and regulations, revision of rules of Apr. 15, 1903, with notes on rules by commission. Editionof Jan. 1, 1904. 1904. Same. Edition of Oct. 6, 1904. 1904. Same. Edition of Mar. 23, 1905. 1905. Civil service act, rules, and Executive orders, revision of rules of Apr. 15, 1903, with notes on rules by commission. Edition of May 18, 1905. 1905. Same. Edition of Mar. 5, 1906. 1906. Same, and legal decisions. Edition of Nov. 1906, 1906. Same. Edition of June, 1907. 1907. Same. Edition of June, 1908. 1908. 382 Classification no. CSI.72; C49 C63 Exl G74 Lll L62' L622 L623 L624 N42y' N42y2 N42y3 N42y4 N42y5 E88 W19 CS1.8: 887 890 892 8931 893 2 8941 8942 CS. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION— Continued Rules and regulations (special) Civil Service Commission. Regulations to govern leaves of absence of clerks and other employees of [Civil Service] Commission. Dec. 1908. (Form 1751.) Coast and Geodetic Survey. Regulations governing employment of mates in Coast and Geodetic Survey. July, 1905. (Form 1470.) [Issued by Civil Service Commission, though considered as ('oast and Geodetic Survey Circular 64, superseding Bureau circular 8, Coast and Geodetic Survey (C4.4:59).] Examination papers. Rules for marking examination papers, with notes on rules and regulations for central board of examiners; approved by commission Oct. 17, 1895. 1895. [Interleaved.] Government Printing Office. Ci\dl service rules applied to Govern- ment Printing Office. June 13, 1895. Labor regulations for Federal offices outside of Wasljington, D. C. July, 1909. Life-Saving Service. Regulations governing admission to grade of eurfman in Life-Saving Service; revised to July 1, 1900. [1900.] large 8*> (Form 396.) Same; revised to May, 1906. [1906.] (Form 396.) Same; revised to May, 1907. [1907.] (Form 396.) Same; revised to Jan. 1910. [1909.] (Form 396.) New York customs district. Regulations governing promotions in customs service at New York; approved and promulgated by President, Jan. 4, 1887. [1887.] 12° New York customs district. Promotions and transfers in New York customs district. Aug. 7, 1895. f** Same. Jan. 2, 1896. f« Same. Nov. 12, 1896. Same; regulations in effect May 15, 1900. [1900.] Rural free-delivery service. Regulations governing manner of appoint- ment to position of carrier in rural free-delivery service. Feb. 1908. (Form 1494b.) [See, for earlier editions issued in con- junction with Post-Office Department, P13.5:C23 ^'^.] War Department. Regulations for promotion in classified Depart- mental service, applied to War Department, May 7, 1887. 1887. 12° Manual of examinations [Annual reports of Civil Service Commission for 1874 (CSl. 1:874) and from 1884 to 1897 (CSl. 1:884-897) contain information which after 1897 was embodied in the Manual of examinations. The earlier publications listed below, though not bearing title Manual, contain such information.] Schedule of examinations to be held by Civil Service Commission fdr Departmental service at Washington during 1887. [1886.] Same, Departmental service at Washington, and Railway Mail Serv- ice, during 1890. [1889.] Schedule of examinations for 1892, Departmental, Railway Mail, and Indian services, with instructions to applicants, specimen exami- nation questions, and regulations for marking. 1892. Instructions to applicants, specimen examination questions, and regula- tions for marking, with schedule of examinations for 1893, Depart- mental, Railway Mail, and Indian services. 1893. Departmental, Railway Mail, and Indian services, schedule of examina- tions for 1893, with instructions to applicants, specimen examina- tion questions, and regulations for marking. 1893. Schedule of examinations for 1st 6 months of 1894, Departmental, Rail- way Mail, and Indian services. 1894. Same, for last 6 months of 1894. [1894.] 383 Glasslfloatlon no. CS1.8: 894 » 895 895 2 895 3 896 » 8962 896 « 897 » 8972 8973 898 1 8982 899 » 8992 900^ 9002 901^ 9012 9013 9021 9022 902 = 903 1 9032 904 1 9042 905 1 9052 9061 9062 907 1 907 2 908' 9082 909' C8. CIVIL. SERVICE COMMISSION— Continued Manual of examinations — Continued Instructions to applicants, specimen examination questions, and ref- lations for marking, Departmental, Railway Mail, and Indian services. 1894. Instructions to applicants, regulations for marking, and specimen ex- amination questions, Departmental, Railway Mail, and Indian services. 1895. Schedule of examinations for 1st 6 months of 1895. [1895.] Same, for last 6 months of 1895. [1895.] Same, for 1st 6 months of 1896. [1896.] ([Form] 301.) Instructions to applicants, regulations for marking, and specimen ex- amination questions. Departmental, Railway Mail, Indian, and Government Printing services. 1896. Instructions to applicants for Departmental and Government Printing services. 1896. Schedule of examinations, and instructions to applicants, classified civil service; revised to Jan. 1, 1897. 1897. 96 p. Same. [2d edition, with index to positions.] 1897. 102 p. Same; revised to July 1, 1897. 1897. Manual of examinations for classified civil service; revised to Jan. 1, 1898. 1898. (Form 302.) Same; revised to July 1, 1898. 1898. (Form 302.) Same; revised to Jan. 1, 1899. 1899. (Form 302.) Same; revised to July 1, 1899. 1899. (Form 302.) Same; revised to Jan. 1, 1900. 1900. (Form 302.) Supplement to Manual of examinations showing dates, places, and other information concerning examinations to be held in fall of 1900. [1900] * [No Manual of examinations revised to July 1, 1900, was published.] Manual of examinations for classified civil service; revised to Jan. 1, 1901. 1901. (Form 302.) Same, supplement, showing dates, places, and other information con- cerning examinations to be held in fall of 1901. [1901.] [No Manual of examinations revised to July 1, 1901, was published.] Manual of examinations for classified civil service; revised to Jan. 1, 1901. [2d edition.] 1901. [Pages 3 and 4 of 1st print of 1901 are omitted, as also schedule of examinations, sec. 9.] Same; revised to Jan. 1, 1902. 1902. Same, supplement, showing dates, places, and other information concerning examinations to be held in fall of 1902. [1902.] [No Manual of examinations revised to July 1, 1902, was published.] Manual of examinations for classified civil service; revised to Jan. 1, 1902. [2d edition.] 1902. (Form 302.) [Pages 3, 4, 7-10 and schedule of examinations omitted from this edition.] Manual of examinations; revised to Jan. 1, 1903. 1903. (Form 302.) Same; revised to July 1, 1903. 1903. (Form 302.) 1904. (Form 302.) 1904. (Form 302.) 1905. (Form 302.) 1905. (Form 302.) 1906. (Form 302.) 1906. (Form 302.) 1907. (Form 302.) 1907. (Form 302.) 1908. (Form 302.) 1908. (Form 302.) 1909. (Form 302.) 1909. (Form 302.) Same; revised to Jan. 1, 1904. Same; revised to July 1, 1904. Same; revised to Jan. 1, 1905. Same; revised to July 1, 1905. Same; revised to Jan. 1, 1906. Same; revised to July 1, 1906. Same; revised to Jan. 1, 1907. Same; revised to July 1, 1907. Same; revised to Jan. 1, 1908. Same; revised to July 1, 1908. Same; revised to Jan. 1, 1909. Same; revised to July 1, 1909. 384 Classification no. CS1.9: 9041 9042 9043 904 4 905 1 9052 9053 906 9071 9072 908 909 CSl.lO: 9041 9042 9043 904^ 904 5 9051 9052 906 907 9081 9082 9083 9091 9092 CSl.ll: 9041 9042 9043 9051 9052 9061 9062 9071 907 2 9081 9082 909 CS1.12: 9041 9042 9051 9052 9061 Same. July, 1904. Same. Sept. 1904 Same. Oct. 1904. Same. Jan. 1905. Same. Aug. 1905. Same. Oct. 1905. Same. Aug. 1906. Same. Apr. 1907. Same. Dec. 1907. Same. Oct. 1908. Same. May, 1909. CS. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION— Continued 1st district, Instructions to applicants Instructions to applicants, 1st civil service district, headquarters, Bos- ton, Mass. Jan. 1904. (Form 1340.) (Form 1340.) (Form 1394.) (Form 1394.) (Form 1340.) (Form 1340.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) 2d district, Instructions to applicants Instructions to applicants, 2d civil service district, headouarters, New York City. Jan. 1904. (Form 1058.) (Form 1058.) (Form 1058.) 12 p. (Form 1058.) [Applies to examinations 13 p. (Form 1058.) [Applies to examinations (Form 1058.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) 3d district, Instructions to applicants Instructions to applicants, 3d civil service district, headquarters, Phila- delphia, Pa. Jan. 1904. (Form 1344.) Same. May, 1904. (Form 1344.) (Form 1344.) (Form 1344.) (Form 1344.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) 4:tli district, Instructions to applicants Instructions to applicants, 4th civil service district, Washington, D. C. May, 1904. (Form 1394.) Same. July, 1904. (Form 1394.) Same. Jan. 1905. (Form 1394.) Same. July, 1905. (Form 1394.) Same. Apr. 1906. (Form 1372.) Same. Mar. 1904. Same. July, 1904. Same. Oct. 1904. for 1904.] Same. Oct. 1904. for 1905.] Same. May, 1905. Same. Oct. 1905. Same. Nov. 1906. Same. May, 1907. Same. May, 1908. Same. Sept. 1908. Same. Nov. 1908. Same. May, 1909. Same. Sept. 1909. Same. Sept. 1904. Same. Mar. 1905. Same. Sept. 1905. Same. Apr. 1906. Same. Sept. 1906. Same. May, 1907. Same. July, 1907. Same. Feb. 1908. Same. Aug. 1908. Same. May, 1909. headquarters, 385 Clas8illcatlon no. CS1.12: 906* 9063 907 » 907 2 907=' 908 » 908' 9083 909 CS1.13: 904 905 906 9071 907 2 908 909 CS1.14:: 904 1 904 2 905 1 9052 906 1 9062 9071 9072 9073 9081 9082 9091 9092 9093 CS1.15: 9041 Same. Nov. 1906 Same. Mar. 1907. Same. May, 1907. Same. Sept. 1907 Same. Feb. 1908. Same. June, 1908 Same. Sept. 1908 Same. Mar. 1909. Same. July, 1906. Same. Feb. 1907. Same. Sept. 1907. Same. Feb. 1908. Same. May, 1909. CS. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION— Continued 4tli district, Instructions to applicants— Continued Same. Aug. 1906. (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) » 5tli district, Instructions to applicants Instructions to applicants, 5th civil service district, headquarters, Atlanta, Ga. Sept. 1904. (Form 1407.) Same. Aug. 1905. (Form 1407.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) 6th. district. Instructions to applicants Instructions to applicants, 6th civil service district, headquarters, Cincinnati, Ohio. May, 1904. (Form 1393.) (Form 1393.) (Form 1393.) (Form 1393.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) 7th. district. Instructions to applicants Instructions to applicants, 7th civil service district, headquarters, Chicago, 111. Mar. 1904. (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) ^ (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) (Form 1372.) Same. Sept. 1904. Same. Mar. 1905. Same. July, 1905. Same. Apr. 1906. Same. July, 1906. Same. Feb. 1907. Same. Oct. 1907. Same. July, 1907. Same. Mar. 1908. Same. Aug. 1908. Same. Jan. 1909. Same. May, 1909. Same. Sept. 1909. 904 2 Same. July, 1904. 9043 Same. Oct. 1904. 9051 Same. Feb. 1905. 9052 Same. Aug. 1905. 9061 Same. Feb. 1906. 9062 Same. June, 1906. 9063 Same. Nov. 1906. 9071 Same, Apr. 1907. 9072 Same. June 1907. 9073 Same. Oct. 1907. 9081 Same. Jan. 1908. 9082 Same. June 1908. 9083 Same. Sept. 1908. 909 Same. May, 1909. 82452° —11 25 386 Olassiflcatlon no. CS1.16: 9041 9042 905 906 907 908 d09 CS1.17: 904 9051 9052 9053 906 9071 9072 9073 9081 9082 909 1 9092 909^ CS1.18: 904 905 9071 9072 908 9091 9092 CS1.19: 904 905 906 907 909 CS1.20; 904 905 906 907 1 9072 CS. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION— Continued 8th district, Instructions to applicants Instructions to applicants, 8th civil service district, headquarters, St. Paul, Minn. Apr. 1904. (Form 1378.) Same. July, 1904. (Form 1378.) Same. Sept. 1905. (Form 1378.) Same. Nov. 1906. (Form 1372.) Same. Sept. 1907. (Form 1372.) Same. June, 1908. (Form 1372.) Same. July, 1909. (Form 1372.) 9tli district, Instructions to applicants Instructions to applicants, 9th civil service district, headquarters, St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 1904. (Form 1413.) Same. Mar. 1905. (Form 1413.) Same. Sept. 1905. (Form 1413.) Same. Nov. 1905. (Form 1372.) Same. July, 1906. (Form 1372.) Same. Jan. 1907. (Form 1372.) Same. July, 1907. (Form 1372.) Same. Oct. 1907. (Form 1372.) Same. Apr. 1908. (Form 1372.) Same. Aug. 1908. (Form 1372.) Same. Feb. 1909. (Form 1372.) Same. July, 1909. (Form 1372.) Same. Sept. 1909. (Form 1372.) lOth. district. Instructions to applicants Instructions to applicants, 10th civil service district, headquarters, New Orleans, La. Dec. 1904. 1904. (Form 1418.) Same. Feb. 1905. (Form 1372.) Same. Apr. 1907. (Form 1372.) Same. July, 1907. (Form 1372.) Same. Aug. 1908. (Form 1372.) Same. Mar. 1909. (PVm 1372.) Same. May, 1909. (Form 1372.) ■luinbia (DCl.l:), and usually issued separately also.) General publications Electric wires. Report of engineer commissioner on subject of remov- ing electric wires from air or surface of streets of District of Columbia and placing same underground. 1889. ([50th Cong. 2d sess. S. misc. doc. 151; serial no. 2614.) "^'^^ Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Maps DCll. EXCISE BOARD [Established by act of Mar. 3, 1893.] Annual reports [The first two reports, those for 1894 and 1895, were lor the board's fiscal year end- ing in March. In 1895 an additional report for the license vear ending Oct. 31 was issued, this report being the only one of the set to be found in the annual reports of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Since 1895, the period covered has been the license year ending Oct. 31. With the exception of 1895, no bureau editions were issued. Following are riefer- ences to the reports as they appear in the Congressional set.] 1894, year ending Mar. 3 [3229-117] 1895, year ending Mar. 2 [3281-146] Same, license year ending Oct. 31 [Also in annual report of Com- missioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:). Not in Congres- sional set.] 1896 3471-181 1904 [4832-380] 4988-583] 1897 3600-172 1905 1898 3812-269 1906 5073-3851 1899 3988-484 Same [5156- 1900 4167-505 1907 5373-746] 1901 4361-431 1908 5410-755 1902 4430-214 1909 [5836-758 1903 4676-581 DC11.2: General publications (CT) [None issued.] DC11.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] DC11.4: Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] 776] 396 Classification no. DC12.1: (date) DC12.2: (CT) DC12.3: (nos.) DC12.4: (nos.) DC12. FIRE DEPARTMENT Annual reports [1874-1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and usually issued separately also.] Oeneral publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] DC13. REFORM SCHOOL FOR GIRLS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA [Since the establishment of this institution, two separate reports have been made, one addressed to the Attorney-G eneral and the other to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. See, for historical note and for publications of the institution, J9.] DC14.1: (date) DC14.1«: (CT) DC14.2: C64 C76 DC14.3: (nos.) DC14.4: (nos.) DC15.1: (date) DC15.2: D47 DC15.3: (nos.) DC15.4:: (nos.) DC14. HEALTH DEPARTMENT Annual reports Board of Health 1872 1873 1874-77, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and issued separately also. Health Department 1878-1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and issued separately also. Annual reports (separates) General publications Code of Board of Health of District of Columbia, 1871. Washington, Chronicle Publishing Company, 1872. Consumption. Prevention of spread of consumption. Washington, Globe Printing Company, 1902. narrow 12° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] DC15. INDUSTRIAL HOME SCHOOL [Established 1867.] Annual reports 1874, Oct. 26 * 1876 [Oct. 26, 1874-Feb. 26, 1876] 1876 [Feb. 26-Oct. 29] 1877-1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and usually issued separately also. General publications Destitute children. Report of committee on legislation to managers of Industrial Home School. [1893?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 397 CUsslflratlon no. DC16.1: (date) DC16.2: P75 DC16.3: (no8.) DC16.4: (no8.) DC16. METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT Annual reports [1801-72, In annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:); 1873-77, In annual reports of Attorney-CJeneral (Jl.l:); 1878-1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of Di.strict of Columbia (DCl.l:), and usually issued separately also.] GenorQ,l publications Police regulations for District of Columbia as revised and amended to and including Aug. 31, 1894. Philadelphia, Dunlap Printing Co., 1894. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] DC17. PUBLIC LIBRARY (Established by act of June 3, 1896. This act carried no appropriation, and the first maintenance provision for the library appeared in act making appropriation for the District of Columbia, approved June 30, 1898. The annual report is the only publication of the Library which can properly be called a U. S. Government Other issues are included here to show what the Library has published.] publication. DC17.1: (date) DC17.2: C461 C462 C463 P84» P842 R861 R862 R86' R86* R86'^ R86« U82 DC17.3: (nos.) DC17.4: (nos.) DC17.6: (nos.) DC17.6: (v. nos.) Annual reports n annual reports of Commissioners of District of Colombia (DCl. issued separately also.] .:), and General publications Christmas gifts. Suggestions for Christmas gifts, list of books selected by Public Library of District of Columbia. Washington [no pub- lisher] 1904. Christmas gifts. Suggestions for Christmas gifts, list of books collected by [Public] Library [of District of Columbia]. Washington [no publisher] 1906. Same. Washington [no publisher] 1907. narrow 12" Positions. Circular of information to applicants for positions, n.d. 4* Positions. Application for position as student apprentice [blank form]. June 15, 1907. 4° Rtiles. Library rules. Jan. 1, 1904. narrow 24" Rules. Washington, Globe Printing Co., Oct. 11, 1904. narrow 16* * Rules for stations, n. p. [1906]. narrow 24" Rules. Washington [no publisher] Apr. 1906. narrow 24° Same. Washington [no publisher] Dec. 1907. narrow 24° Same. Washington [no publisher] Dec. 1908. narrow 24° Useful arts room. 32° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Reference lists 24° 1 2 editions 2 3 2 editions 4 [No more published up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Monthly bulletins V, 1, no. 1 V. 1, no. 5 v. Washington [D. C, Bamahan Printing Co., 1909]. no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. no, uo. 5 6 7 8 1, no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 V. 1, no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 398 Classification no. DC17.6: (v. nos.) DC17. PUBLIC LIBRARY— Continued MontMy bulletins— Continued 1, no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 V. 1, V. 2, no. 22 V. 2, no. 3 V. 2, no. 8 no. 23 no. 4 no. 9 no. 24 no. 5 no. 1 no. 6 no. 2 -J' ' no. 7 ;tiA V'f DC18. EDXJCATIOlSr BOARD [Formerly Trustees of Public Schools, Washington; in 1874, Trustees of Public Schools of District of Colum- bia; since July 1, 1900, Board of Education.] DC18.1: (date) DClS.l'^: (CT) DC18.2: Exl H53 M66 R86 St9 DC18.3: (nos.) DC18.4: (nos.) 1846 * 1855 1847 * 1856 1848 * 1857 1849 * 1858 1850 1859 1851 * 1860 1852 * 1861 1853 * 1862 Annual reports Public Schools Trustees of Washington City [Reports 1845-70 addressed to Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council.] 1845 * 1854 1863 * 1864 1865 ^ 1866 1867-70 1871 1872 * 1873 * Public Schools Trustees op District of Columbia 1874-80, abbreviated report in annual reports of Commissioners of Dis- trict of Columbia (DCl.l:), and issued separately also. 1881-1900, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and usually issued separately also. 1900 report sub- mitted by Education Board. Education Board 1901-09, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and usually issued separately also. Annual reports (separates) General publications Examinations. Assignment and rules for annual examinations, 1873. Washington City, M'Gill & Witherow, printers, 1873. High school. Catalogue of teachers and pupils in Washington High School, Washington, D. C, Nov. 1883. Washington, Judd & Detweiler, printers, 1883. Minutes of board of trustees of public schools in and for District of Columbia, July 12, 1881-June 24, 1884. Washington, D. C, Judd & Detweiler, printers, 1884. Rules for government of public schools in city of Washington. [Wash- ington, D. C] Gideon and Co., printers [1854?]. Study. Course of study for public schools of District of Columbia, with rules governing schools; adopted Oct. 1, 1892. Washing- ton, D. C, Byron S. Adams, printer, 1892. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] DC19. NATIONAL, TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS [This institution has been known under various names, House of Correction, afterwards Reform School of District of Columbia, and later National Training School for Boys. For years under provisions of law, it has made two annual reports, one addressed to the Attorney-General and the other to the Com- missioners of the District of Columbia. See, for historical note and for publications of the institution, J8.] .•^99 DC20. STREET CLEANING DEPARTMENT [Formerly Street and Alley Cleaning Service; afterwards Street and Alley Cleaning Department. From 1874 to 1887, the Street and Alley Cleaning Serv'ice was under the Engineer Department. Placed under the Health Department Feb. r>, 1888. Transferred to the Police Department Seipt. 16, 1889. Became uu Independent Department of the District of Columbia Sept. 30, 1890.) CUsslflratloii no. DC20.1: (date) Annual reports Street and Alley Cleaning Service 1890-92, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:). Street and Alley Cleaning Department 1893-97, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and issued separately also (except 1894). Street Cleaning Department 1898-1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and issued separately also. DC20.2: General publications (CT) [None issued.] DC20.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] DC20.4: Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] DC21. SUPREME COURT [The publications of the former circuit and district courts of the District of Columbia are classed here, as under act approved Mar. 3, 1901 (Stat. L. v. 31, sec. 62, p. 1199) the justices of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia are to possess the same powers and exercise the jurisdiction possessed and exercised by the judges of the circuit and district courts of the United States. The Supreme Court of the District of Columbia is divided into a circuit court, an equity court, a district court, a criminal court, and a probate court (Tindall's Origin and government of District of Columbia, DCl.2:D63i. p. 206). Section 64 of act approved Mar. 3, 1901 (Stat. L. v. 31, p. 1200) reads as follows: "The special terms of said court [Supreme Court of the District of Columbia] shall be known, respectively, as the circuit court, the equity court, the criminal court, the probate court, and the district court of the United States.") DC21.1: (date) DC21.2: Am3 B22 D63' D632 G941 G94 2 G943 K29 R861 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Amendment to common law rule 53. 1896. Bankruptcy. Rules and regulations in bankruptcy adopted by circuit court for District of Columbia for said District, Feb. 3, 1842. Washington, Peter Force, printer, 1842. District of Columbia. In Supreme Court of District of Columbia hold- ing special term as district court, no. 780, filed Aug. 14, 1908 [description of land in Washington, D. C, sought to be acquired by condemnation]. [1908.] Same, no. 781, filed Aug. 21, 1908. [1908.] Guiteau, Charles J. Report of proceedings in case of United States vs. Charles J. Guiteau, tried in Supreme Court of District of Colum- bia, holding criminal term and [general term], Nov. 14, 1881[- June 6, 1882; reported by] H. H. Alexander and Edward D. Easton. 1882. pt. 1. [Back title reads: Assassination of Presi- dent Garfield.] Same. 1882. pt. 2. Same. 1882. pt. 3. Kellogg, William Pitt. Proceedings in case of United States vs. William Pitt Kellogg, charged with receiving bribe while United States Senator. 1884. Rules of practice in Supreme Court of District of Columbia, adopted in general term, Jan. 1869. 1869. * 400 Classification no. DC21.2: R862 R863 Rse-* T75 bc21.3: (no8.) DC21.4:: (nos.) DC21.5: B78 M31 Q2 W24 DC21.6: (date) DC21.6«: (CT) DC21.7: (date) DC21. SUPREME COURT— Continued General publications— Continued Rules of practice. Additional rules of practice before justices of the peace in District of Columbia, established and prescribed by Supreme Court of District of Columbia; promulgated July 31, 1895. 1895. Rules of Supreme Court of District of Columbia, adopted at Jan. term, 1886. Washington, Judd and Detweiler, printers and publishers, 1886. Same, Apr. term, 1898. 1898. Tropic Wind, schooner. Decision rendered by [James] Dunlop, of Dis- trict of Columbia, in prize case of schooner Tropic Wind. 1861. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Papers in re Brodie. United States ex rel. Walter H. Brodie vs. John S. Seymour, commissioner of patents; brief on motion to quash. 1897. Manning. United States ex rel. Jerome F. Manning vs. Thomas F. Bayard, Secretary of State; petition in mandamus. [189-.] Quackenbush. United States ex relatione John N. Quackenbush vs. Hilary A. Herbert, Secretary of Navv; brief for respondent. [189-.] Warner Valley Stock Co. vs. Hoke Smith, Secretary of Interior, and Silas W. Lamoreux, commissioner of General Land Ofl5ce; brief for defendants. Jan. 1896. [See also DC9.2:W24.] Star route trials 1882, 1st trial, v. 1 Same, v. 2 Same, v. 3 1883, 2d trial, v. 1 Same, v. 2 Same, v. 3 Same, v. 4 Star route trials (separates) Trial calendars 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899 1900, 1901, 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907, 1907, 1908, 1909, Oct. term Oct. term Apr. term; additional cases and appeal docket Jan. term Apr, term Oct. term Apr. term; additional cases Oct. term Apr. term Oct. term Jan. and Apr. terms; additional Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term, 401 Classlflratlon no. DC21.8: 875-76 DC21. SUPREME C OURT— Continued Reports [The clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, in a letter dated Jan. 21, 1908, says: " The complete reports of the Supromo (3ourt of the District of ColfiBi- bla are entitled as follows: 1st, '2d, and 3d Ma<' Arthur; MacArthur and Mackey, 1 volum"; 1st. '2d. 3d. 4th, .5th. Cth, 7th, 8th. and 9th Mackov, the three last being also numbered 18th. 19th, and 20th D. C; Tucker and Clephane, 1 volume, num- bered Jist 1). C." The volume listed below, 2d MacArthur, is the only one In the Public Documants Library.) Reports of cases argued and determined in Supreme Court of District of Columbia, from Jan. term, 1875, to Sept. term, 1876; by Arthur MacArthur. 1877. [v. 2.] DC22.1: (date) DC22.2: (CT) DC22.3: (nos.) DC22.4: (nos.) v:<)i DC22. COLLECTOR OF TAXES Annual reports [1874-1909, in annual reports of Conunissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and since 1888 issued separately also.] General publications See DC1.6:, Real estate tax sales. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] iT?!in DC23. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE SERVICE [By orders of Commissioners of District of Columbia, July 15, 1898, and Apr. 17, />-,'! .,:>,...< part ofthe Electrical Department (DC2o.).] 1899, this service became part DC23.1 : Annual reports (date) [1882-98 (except 1888, none issued), in annual reports of Commissioners of District of ^ ' Columbia (DCl.l:), and 1893-96, issued separately also.] DC23.2: General publications (CT) [None issued.] DC23.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] DC23.4 : Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] DC24:.l: (date) DC24.2: (CT) DC24. WASHINGTON ASYLUM t Annual reports [1874-1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbiaf(DCJi.l:)^ aAd usually issued separately also.] General publications [None issued.] >i)ii-)Ud iHf liii'jn')0 ;lg«ri HI tThe act makinj^ appropriations for the District of Columbia for fiscal year 1912, approved Mar. 2, 1911 (Gist Congress, 3d session, Public 44i, p. 42, 43), provides "That the jail of the District of Columbia and the Washington Asylum of said District, on and after July 1, 1911, shall be combined as one institution known as the Washington Asylum and Jail." This act also provides that certain authority, duties, etc., relating to the jail and the W^ashington Asylum which were formerly vested in the Attorney- General of the United States and in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia shall be transferred to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Prior to the passage of this act, the annual reports of the warden of the jail were made to the Attorney-General, but as the Public Documents Library has no separate iasues of such reports, nor of other publications of the jail, that institution has hitherto had no classification in this Checklist. 82452°— 11 26 402 Classification no. DC24:.3: (nos.) DC24.4: (nos.) DC24:. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] WASHINGTON ASYLUM— Continued !-K[ 'h DC25. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT [Organized July 15, 1S98, as Electric Department, consolidating the office in charge of street lighting and that portion of the Telegraph and Telephone Service engaged in outside worli (DC23. ). The remaining portion of the Telegraph and Telephone Service was transferred to the Electric Department Apr. 17, 1899. Name afterwards changed to Electrical Department.] DC25.1: I Annual reports (date) [1899-1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and ^ issued separately also.] DC25.2: General publications (CT) [None issued.] DC25.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] DC25.4:: Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] I DC26. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION DC26.1: (date) DC26.2: (CT) DC26.3: (nos.) DC26.4:: (nos.) Annual reports [1882-1905 (except 1893, none issued), in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and sometimes issued separately also. The separate re- ports differ from the reports as they appear in the reports of the Commissioners. The 1906 report was issued separately only. The District of Columbia appropriation act for the fiscal year 1906, approved Mar. 3, 1905, contained the last appropriation for this association. Reports are therefore no longer made to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia.] t-or^^x General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] DC27. CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL DC27.1: I Annual reports (date) I [1871-79, issued separately. 1880-1909 (except 1893), in amiual reports of Commis- ^ sioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and also issued separately, the separates being printed by private printers.] DC27.2: \ General publications C38 i Charter, certificate of incorporation, by-laws, rules, and list of incor- porators and members of Children's Hospital of District of Co- lumbia, n. p. n. d. DC27.3: Bulletins (nos.) I [None issued.] DC27.4:: I Circulars (nos.) I [None issued.] Hiii OJK>fljf 403 DC28. CRIMINAL COURT (About 1874(?) the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia (DC21.) was authorized to hold criminal terms. Publications issued since that time are therefore publications of the Supreme Court and are classed under DC21.] ClMsllleatlon no. DC28.1: Annual rei)orts (date) [None issued.] DC28.2: General publications Su7 ' Surratt, John H. Trial of John H. Surratt in Criminal Court for District of Columbia, George P. Fisher presiding. 1867. v. 1. Su7- Same. 1867. v. 2. See, for trial of Mary E. Surratt and others for conspiracy in assassi- nation of Abraham Lincoln, W10.6:L63. W59 Whitley, Harrington, and Williams. Closing argument of A. G. Riddle, for prosecution, at trial of Hiram C. Whitley, Richard Harrington, and Arthur B. Williams for conspiracy, in Criminal Court of Dis- trict of Columbia, Nov. 23-25, 1874. 1874. DC28.2a: General publications (separates) (CT) DC28.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] DC28.4: : Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] DC29. COLUMBIA HOSPITAIj FOR WOMEN [Established by act of June 1, 1866.] DC29.1: Annual reports (date) 1866-72, consolidated report issued separately. 1867-79 (except 1873 and 1875), in annual rps. of Interior Dept. (1 1.1:). 1880-1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and also issued separately, sometimes by private print- ers, though at expense of Columbia Hospital for Women. DC29.2: General publications C38 Charter, by-laws, regulations, and officers of Columbia Hospital for Women. Washington, Rufus H. Darby, 1892. DC29.3: BuUetlns (nos.) [None issued.] DC29.4: Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] DC30.1: (date) DC30.2: (CT) DC30.3: (nos.) DC30.4:: (nos.) DC30. BATHING BEACH Annual reports [1892-1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl. 1900-07 issued separately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] :), and 404 Classification no. DC31.1: (date) DC31.2: C64 DC31.3: (nos.) DC31.4: (noB.) DC31. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT [Created by act of Mar. 3, 1901, to take effect Jan. 1, 1902.] Annual reports [1902-09, calendar years (except 1907, not printed), in annual reports of Commis- sioners of District of Columbia, fiscal years 1903-10 (DCl.l:), forming v. 5 of those reports; and usually issued separately also. Reports for 1902-06 are each in 2 parts. In addition to the 1902 report in 2 pts. as above indicated, there were also issued 2 publications with following titles: " Texts of preliminary and regular 1st annual report of Department of Insurance of District of Columbia, business of 1902," and " 1st annual life-insurance report of Department of Insurance of District of Columbia, business of 1902;" the latter of these is identical with pt. 1 of the annual report for 1902, except for form of cover and title-page.] General publications Codified insurance laws of District of Columbia, in effect Jan. 1, Washington [no publisher, 1902]. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 1902. DC32. MEDICAL SUPERVISORS BOARD (Organized as Board of Medical Supervisors July 2, 1896; changed to Board of Supervisors In Medicine and Pharmacy, by act approved May 7, 1906 (Stat. L. v. 34, pt. 1, p. 178). Under act approved Feb. 27, 1907 (Stat. L. V. 34, pt. 1, p. 1005), the name Board of Medical Supervisors was resumed. The other portion of the work was continued, under the same act, by the Board of Pharmacy. A 1909 report of the Board of Pharmacy appears in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1909 (DCl. 1:909 1), P- 226-230, but as the Public Documents Library has no information of any publications of this board which have been issued separately, the Board of Pharmacy has no classification in this Checklist.] DC32.1: (date) DC32.2: (CT) DC32.3: (nos.) DC32.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1898-1908, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and 1903 issued separately also. No report for 1909.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] DC33. GAS AND METERS INSPECTOR [OflGice created by act of June 23, 1874. For some years a certain jurisdiction was exercised by the Secretary of the Interior; see, for publications issued separately under Interior Department, 1 1.13:] DC33.1: (date) DC33.2: R26 DC33.3: (nos.) DC33.4:: (nos.) Annual reports 1874-79, no reports found. 1880-82, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and with slight differences, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:). 1883-1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and since 1903 issued separately also. General publications Regulations governing inspection of illuminating gas and gas meters in District of Columbia, 1907. 1907. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 405 DC84. EASTERN DISPENSARY AND CASUAIiTY HOSPITAL [Incorporated under laws of District of Columbia Apr. 13, 1888. Formerly called Eastern Dispensary and Emergency Uospital.] CUsslflcstlon no. DC34.1: (date) DC34.2: (CT) DC34.3: (nos.) DC34:.4: (nos.) Annual reports (1889-1900, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and since 1902 sometimes issued separately also.) General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] DC35. HOME FOR AGED AND INFIRM (Formerly a part of the Washington Asylum; see DC24 June 27, 1906 (Stat. L. v. 34, pi. 1, p. 509) " Reorganized as a separate institution under act of Home opened in new quarters June 24, 190G.] DC36.1: (date) DC35.2: (CT) DC35.3: (nos.) DC35.4:: (nos.) Annual reports [1907-09, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and 1907 issued separately also.) General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] DC36. AID ASSOCIATION FOR BLIND [Organized Dec. 8, 1897. Incorporated Apr. 13, 1899.) DC36.1: Annual reports (date) [1900-09, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and since 1903 issued separately also.) DC36.2: General publications (CT) [None issued.] DC36.3: BiUletins (nos.) [None issued.] DC36.4 : Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] DC37. INDUSTRIAL HOME SCHOOL FOR COLORED CHILDREN [The District of Columbia appropriation act for fiscal year 1905, approved Apr. 27, 1904 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt 1, g. 388) appropriated $1,500 for making plans for an Industrial Home School for Colored Children. The of Columbia i District appropriation act for fiscal year 1906, approved Mar. 3, 1905 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 909) appropriated $100,000 for a building for the school. The school was organized July 1, 1907.) DC37.1: (date) DC37.2: (CT) Annual reports [1908 and 1909, in annual reports of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and issued sepa- rately also.) General publications [None issued.] 406 Classification DC37. INDUSTRIAL. HOME SCHOOL no. COLORED CHILDREN— Continued DC37.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] DC37.4:: Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] FOR DC38. WASHINGTON HOME FOR FOUNDLINGS [Incorporated by act of Apr. 22, 1870 (Stat. L. v. 16, p. 92) under name of Washington Hospital for Found- lings. Name changed to above by act approved Mar. 3, 1909. From 1870 to 1909, a certain jurisdiction was exercised by the Secretary of the Interior; see, for publications issued separately under Interior Department, 1 1.34:) DC38.1: (date) DC38.2: (CT) DC38.3: (nos.) DC38.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1886-1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and not issued separately. Those for 1886-1904 are also in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:). By act approved Mar. 3, 1909, the reports were ordered to be made to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia instead of to the Secre- tary of the Interior.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] DC39. TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL [The District of Columbia appropriation act for fiscal year 1907, approved June 27, 1906 (Stat. L. v. 34, pt. 1, p. 511) appropriated $100,000 for erection of the Tuberculosis Hospital for treatment of indigent tuberculous patients. The hospital was opened July 1, 1908. Patients are admitted only on permits from the Charities Board and reports are made to that board.] DC39.1: (date) DC39.2: (CT) DC39.3: (nos.) DC39.4:: (nos.) Annual reports [1909, in annual report of District of Columbia, 1909 (DCl.l:909i), and issued rately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] FC. FISH COMMISSION [Established by joint resolution of Congress approved Feb. 9, 1871. Transferred to Commerce and Labor Department, July 1, 1903; see C6.] FCl.l: Annual reports (pt. nos.) pt. 1, 1871 and 1872 [calendar year 1871] [1481-[611] pt. 2, 1872 and 1873 [Jan. 1872-June, 1873] [1547-74] pt 3, 1873-74 and 1874-75 [fiscal years] [1631-108] [The printing of the reports for the years 1873-74 and 1874-75 was ordered separately by Congress, but no provision having been made for extras, and unavoidable delays having occurred in the printing, it was thought best to publish the two in a single volume.] pt. 4, 1875-76 [July, 1875-Dec. 1876] [1666^107] pt. 5, 1877 [calendar year] [1787-49] pt. 6, 1878 [calendar year] [1834-31] 407 ClaiMlflcatlun no. FCl.l: (pt. nc)8.) FC. FISH COMMIHHION— Continued Annual reports— Continued FC1.1«: (date) FC1.1«: (CT) FC1.2: F521 F522 N81 P19 P96 R261 R268 R26* Sa5 W89 pt. 7, 1870 calendar year] [1892-591 pt. 8, 1880 calendar year 1947-29] pt. 9, 1881 calendar year 1995-110] pt. 10, 1882 calendar year 2086-46] pt. 11, 1883 calendar vear 2244-67 pt. 12, 1884 calendar year 2245-68 pt. 13, 1885 calendar year 2270-70 pt. 14, 1886 calendar year] [2453-90 pt. 15, 1887 [Jan. 1, 1887-June 30, 1888] [2661-133] pt. 16, 1888, July 1, 1888-June 30, 1889 [2800-274] pt. 17, 1889 to 1891, July 1, 1889-June 30, 1891 [3130-113] pt. 18, 3264-209] pt. 19, year ending June 30, 1893 [3340-89] pt. 20, year ending June 30, 1894 3447-424] pt. 21, year ending June 30, 1895 3518-104] pt. 22, year ending June 30, 1896 [3572-32] pt. 23, year ending June 30, 1897 [3687-299 pt. 24, year ending June 30, 1898 [3816-221 pt. 25, year ending June 30, 1899 [4001-692 pt. 26, year ending June 30, 1900 [4196-541 pt. 27, vear ending June 30, 1901 [4391-705 pt. 28, year ending June 30, 1902 [4550-485 pt. 29, year ending June 30, 1903 [4743-751 Annual reports (separates; commissioner's reports) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) General publications Fish-culture. Manual of fish-culture based on methods of Commission of Fish and Fisheries, with chapters on cultivation of oysters and frogs. 1897. [Extract from report of commission for 1897.] Same. Revised edition. 1900. North ville, Mich. Advertisement, instructions for bidders, specifica- tions, and blank form for proposals, etc., for constructing cottage and hatching house at Fish Commission station, Northville, Mich. 1896. -,, ^ ,\. . Pan-American Exposition. U. S. F*ish ' Commission exhibit, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. Washington, Judd and Detweiler, printers, 1901. Publications. List of publications of Commission of Fish and Fish- eries, Jan. 1, 1896-Dec. 31, 1896. [1897.] [See, for List of publi- cations of Fish Commission, Feb. 1871-Feb. 1896, appendix 10 of Annual report of commissioner of fish and fisheries for 1894 (FC1.1:20). Appendix 10 is also published separately.] Register of Commission of Fish and Fisheries, July 15, 1896. 1896. large 8° Regulations of Commission of Fish and Fisheries. 1896. Same. 1897. Regulations. U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, laws and regu- lations. Washington, Office of Fish Commission, 1882. San Marcos, Tex. Advertisement, instructions for bidders, specifica- tions, and blank form for proposals, etc., for constructing dwelling house, with outbuildings, and office and workshop at Fish Com- mission station, San Marcos, Tex. 1895. Work of Fish Commission. Report to President on work of Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Apr. 1-Dec. 1, 1896; by John J. Brice. 1896. 408 Classification no. FC1.2«: (CT) FC1.3: (v. nos.) FC1.3«: (CT) FC1.4: (nos.) FC1.5: ''nos.) FC. FISH COMMISSION— Continue(4oH«8Ai«e«ia General publications (separates) Bulletins 8« and large 8" 1, 1881 2, 1882 3, 1883 4jl884 5, 1885 6, 1886 7, 1887 8, 1888 9, 1889 V. 10, 1890 V. 11, 1891 V. 12, 1892 V. 13, 1893 1996-131] 2127-40] 2213-11] 2310-6] 2406-34] 2496-165 2663-136 2777-261 2881-131 3038-341 3129-112 3246-122 3248-130 See, V. 14, 1894 3338-86] V. 15, 1895 [3416-79] V. 16, 1896 [3547-348 V. 17, 1897 [3699-561^ V. 18, 1898 [3832-308' V. 19, 1899 [4013-734 V. 20, 1900, pt. 1 [4194-540] Same, pt. 2 [4195-540] V. 21, 1901 [4392-706] V. 22, 1902 [4551-486] V. 23, 1903, pt. 1 [4744 ^-752] Same, pt. 2 [4744 --752] Same, pt. 3 [47443-752] for later issues, C6.3: Bulletins (separates) Circulars [These circulars are usually typewritten and not printed. As the file in the Public Documents Library is so incomplete no attempt is made to list them.] Statistical bulletins various sizes Oct. [1] Fishery statistics, sponge fisheries of Florida, fiscal year 1897. 1, 1897. 4<* [Executed by manifolding process.*] [2] Statistics of certain fisheries of Lake Superior, fiscal year 1897. Oct. 28, 1897, f ° [Executed by manifolding process.] [3] Same, Florida, fiscal year 1897. Nov. 11, 1897. f ° [Executed by manifolding process.] [4] Fishery statistics, statement of quantities and values of certain fish- ery products landed at Gloucester and Boston, Mass., by Ameri- can fishing vessels during Jan. 1898. [1898.] oblong 8* [5] Statistics of certain fisheries of New York, New Jersey, and Dela- ware, for year ending June 30, 1897. [1898.] f° [6] Same, Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, for year ending June 30, 1897. [1898.] 4P [7] Same, Great Lakes, for year ending June 30, 1897, [1898,] ob- long 8° 27] t 39] t t t t t t t t 65] t t 67" [87] t t t t t t fi'>Jttig9H 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 [105] t 106 107 t Nos, 21-105 assigned to unnumbered hektographed bulletins relating to fisheries of Boston and Gloucester. 409 ClasslflcfttioB no. FC. FISH COMMISSION— Continued FC1.6: Statistical bulletins— Continued (no8.) FC1.6: (sec. nos.) FC1.6«: (CT) FC1.7: All 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 See^ for later publications, C6.5: Fisheries and flshery industries 4° [By cooperation of 10th census and Fish Commission, material was prepared for a vol- ume which was to have been issued by the 10th census under title, History and present condition of fishery industries. The volume was not issued and the material was utilized by the Fish Commission for this series.) sec. sec. sec. 1 [1998-124] 2 [1999-124] ^} [2000-124] sec. 5, V. 1 [2001-124] Same, v. 2 [2002-124] Same, plates [2003-124] Fisheries and ilsliery industries (separates) Special bulletin Alaska. Monograph of seal-islands of Alaska; by Henry W. Elliott 1882. 4° [This publication is the only Special bulletin issued by Fish Commission, the number 176 appearing erroneously on its title-page. The title-page gives the following information: Reprinted, with additions, from report on fishery industries of 10th census. It was, in fact, prepared as sec. 9, monograph A, of such a publication, and was separately issued by Census Office in 1881 (1 11.2:A1 1) and republished with changes on p. 102-109 as. this Special bulle- tin of Fish Commission (FC1.7:A1 1), both publications having half-title-pages bearing the words " Sec. 9, monograph A." The complete pubheation of the 10th census of which this was to have been sec. 9 was never issued. In 1884 Elliott's Monograph was incorporated as part of v. 8 of 10th census Final volumes (1 11.5:8), and appeared also as a separate therefrom classed under I ll.So: The material contained in Elliott's Monograph was also used, with changes, in the publication entitled Fisheries and fishery industries (FC1.6:).] FS. FREEDMAN'S SAYINGS AND TRUST COMPANY [The Freedman's Savings and Trust Company was a banking institution chartered under act of Mar. 3, 1865, for the benefit of 'freed slaves. As such it existed until the charter was amended June 20, 1874, when the trustees were authorized to select, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, three commissioners to take charge of the effects of the company and to report to the Secretary of the Treasury on the financial state thereof. These commissioners were empowered to close the bank and conduct its liquidation. By act of Feb. 21, 1881, the Comptroller of the Currency was made sole commissioner to continue the liquidation.] FSl.l: Annual reports (date) [Reports for 1874-93, 1901, and 1908 ap (except 1901 and 1908), there have ' d only in Congressional set. Since 1893 n both bureau and Congressional editions.] 1874 1875 18761 1877J 1878 18791 1880/ 1881 1882 [1653-16] [1665-36] [None issued. Period covered in 1878 re- ports.] [1817-43] [Covers Jan. 1875-kar. 1878.] [None issued ?] [1993-17] [2083-10] 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 2213-10] 2310-7] 2406-18 '2488-34 2565-41 2654-33 2760-33 2869-26' 2959-29" 3110-21' 3229-26 410 Classification no. FSl.l: (date) FS1.2: D64 FS1.3: (nos.) FS1.4: (nos.) FS. FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COM- PANY— Continued Annual reports— Continued 1894 [3327-33] 1902 [4489-871 1895 [3399-49] 1903 [4670-49] 1896 [3505-71] 1904 [4829-76] 1897 [3662-97] 1905 [4985-185] 1898 [3786-61] 1906 [5154-394] 1899 [3959-128] 1907 [5373-357] 1900 [4148-186] 1908 [5558-1176] 1901 [4322-83] 1909 [5835-330] General publications Dividends. [Notice relative to payment of dividends, instructions under act approved Mar, 3, 1899.] n. d. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] GB. GEOGRAPHIC EOARD [Created by Executive order Sept. 4, 1890. Until Aug. 10, 1906, Board on Geographic Names. No provision having been made for printing of decisions, publications of the board have been desultory.] GBl.l: (date) OB1.2: P53 GB1.3: (nos.) GB1.4: (nos.) GB1.5: (nos.) Annual reports 1891, 1890-91, 1st [2949-16] [Contains decisions previously issued in Bulletins 1-3 (GB1.3:l-3).] 1899, 1890-99, 2d [3988-472] [Contains decisions classed under GB1.5:l-8.] Same, 2d edition 1906, 1890-1906, 3d [4984^7] [Contains all decisions from organiza- tion to June 6, 1906.] General publications Alaska. Geographic dictionary of Alaska; by Marcus Baker. See Geological Survey Bulletin 187 (1 19.3:187). Philippine Islands. Special report of Board on Geographic Names relating to geographic names in Philippine Islands. May, 1901. [4043-228] Bulletins [Of this early series, 1 was published by Smithsonian Institution, 2 by Coast and Geodetic Survey, and 3 by Light-House Board.] 2 3 Circulars [None issued.] Decisions [The decisions have appeared also in annual reports of Geographic Board, as fol- lows: for decisions of 1890-91, see GB1.1:891; 189(>-99,see GB 1.1:899; 1890-190G, see GB1.1:906. Certain issues of the Government Printing OlBRce manual of style (GP1.2:St9<-0 have also contained decisions of the Geographic Board. Other decisions than the following have been issued, but have been only in mimeo- graphed form.] [1] United States Board on Geographic Names, decisions, Jan. 1892- Sept. 1895. 1895. 411 ClMfllflratlon no. GB1.5: (noH.) GB, GEOGRAPHIC BOARD— Continued Decisions— Continued 2] Decisions of Board on Geographic Names, Oct. 1, 1895. [1895.] 3] Same, Nov. 5, 1895. [1895.] 4] Same, Oct. 1895-Mar. 1896. [1896.] 5] Same, Oct. 1895-Apr. 1896. [1896.] 6] Same, Oct. 1895-Nov. 1896. [1896.] 7] United States Board on Geographic Names, decisions, Jan. 1, 1892- Dec. 31, 1896. 1897. 8] Same, Jan. 1, 1892-Jan. 1, 1898. 1898. 9] Decisions, Feb. 7, Mar. 7, 1906. [1906.] 10] Geographic names, Apr. 4, 1906. [1906.] large 8° 11] Decisions of Board of Geographic Names, Dec. 6, 1905-May 2, 1906. [1906.] 12] Same, June 6, 1906. [1906.] 13] Decisions of Geographic Board, Dec. 5, 1906. [1906.] 14] Same, Apr. 1, 1908. [1908.] 15] Same, May 6, 1908. [1908.] 16] Same, June 3, 1908. [1908.] 17] United States Geographic Board, decisions, June 30, 1908. [1908.] 18] Decisions of Geographic Board, July, 1906-July, 1908. 1908. 19] Same, Oct. 7, 1908. [1908.] 20] Same, Nov. 4, 1908. [1908.] 21] Same, Dec. 2, 1908. [1908.] 22] Same, Jan. 6, 1909. [1909.] 23] Same, Feb. 3, 1909. [1909.] 24] Same, Mar. 3, 1909. [1909.] 25] Same, Apr. 7, 1909. [1909.] 26] Same, May 5, 1909. [1909.] 27] Same, June 2, 1909. [1909.] 28] Same, July, 1908-July, 1909. 1909. 29] Same, Oct. 6, 1909. [1909.] 30] Same, Nov. 3, Dec. 1, 1909. [1909.] 31] t 32] t 33] t 34] t 35] Same, July, 1909-July, 1910. 1910. t Omitted from this Checklist because they contain only 1910 decisions. 412 GP. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE [The office of Superintendent of Public Printing was established by an act of Aug. 26, 1852. The duties of the Superintendent were those of an auditor. Under act of June 23, 1860, the Government Printing Office was established, and on Mar. 23, 1861, John Defrees, the first Superintendent of Public Printing iinder the new law, assumed charge of the establishment. The title of the chief, by act of Feb. 22, 1867. was changed to Congressional Printer, and again, by act of June 20, 1874, to Public Printer.] Classification no. GPl.l: (date) GP1.1«: (date) GP1.2: B64 C43 C761 GPl. PUBLIC PRINTER Annual reports [1853-87 (except 1875), no editions without Congressional document numbers. 1909, editions with and without Congressional document numbers.] Superintendent op Public Printing 1853 [694-3] 1854 [751-6] Same [807-2] 1855 [866-31] 1856 [911-14] 1857 [918-4] Same [961-3] 1858 [980-3] Same [1016-3] 1859 1860 1861 Congressional Printer 1867 1868 1869 1319-18 1361-25 1408-1] Public Printer 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1722-24 1785-19 1833-23 1890-6 1944-6 1993-7 2083-12 2170-10 2265-24 2343-62 2450-26 2516-47 1870 1871 1872 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1027-14 1103-11 1141-18 1442-1 1481-1 154&-1 2615-41 2698-25 2821-27 2904-30 3064-17 3167-25 3281-46 3349-32 3467-18 3590-33 3725-5] 3844-11] 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1873 1874 1875 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1171-6] 1199-21 1223-25 1255-23 1288-14 1584-1] 1630-22] 1665-11] 4029-19] 4220-19] 4416-5] 4586-5^ 4763-5^ 4909-5' 5068-5' 5238-5' 5396-664] 5730-3241 C76 = C76 = 076* Annual reports (separates; reports of Public Printer) General publications Books. Making of a book, operations that lead to its proper construction, with useful tables and information. 1909. Chief engineer. Reports of chief engineer and chief electrician on con- dition of steam power and heating and electric plants for 1896. 1897. Congressional record. Synopsis of style of Congressional record, pre- pared for convenience of proof readers and compositors; revised and amended to Dec. 7, 1896. 1896. Congressional record. Synopsis of style of Congressional record; cor- 1903. [1903?] Synopsis of style [Congressional record]. Dec. rected to Oct. 1 Congressional record. 1907. Congressional record. gressional record Manual of style, for use in production of Con- , Ist edition, Dec. 1908. 1908. 413 Classlllcatloa no. GP1.2: C76* D65 £12 Em7 Exl H99» H992 H993 116 L441 L442 L448 L44* L44« L48» L482 M75' M752 N39 012 P74 P75 F94i GPl. PUBIilC PRINTER— Continued General publications— Continued Congress. Prescribing method of communicating with Congress, it. committees, or members, regarding legislation, etc. Dec. 3, 1909. 40 Document work. General style for document work, for guidance of compositors and proof-readers in Government Printing Office. 1894. Electrotype plates. Index to electrotype plates in job room. Government Printing Office. Washington, 1901. 4'> [See also GPl.2:St4.] Employees. Notice [promulgating Executive order of Jan. 31, 1902, forbidding individual or associated effort by employees, except through head of Department, to influence legislation in tteir own behalf, or otherwise]. Feb. 17, 1902. 4° Examinations. Notice [promulgating Executive order of Oct. 13, 1905, prohibiting officers and employees of Government from preparing persons for civil-service examinations]. Jan. 6, 1909. 4° Hygiene. Industrial hygiene; [by William J, Manning]. 1908. 4* [Prepared for International Congress on Tuberculosis, Washing- ton, D. C, Sept. 21-Oct. 12, 1908.] Same, German; [translated by Henry N. Boemstein]. 1908. 4» Same, French; [translated by Wilfrid Rouleau]. 1908. 4'» Illustrations. Proposals for illustrations of soil surveys of Merrimac County, N. H., Laredo area, Tex., Niagara County, N. Y., Ches- terfield County, Va., and Williston area, N. Dak. Oct. 28, 1907. 4« Laws relating to public printing and binding. 1878. Laws. Sections of Revised statutes and other laws relating to public printing and binding; corrected to July 1, 1880. 1880. Laws and resolutions governing public printing and binding, compiled from Revised statutes and subsequent acts, with opinions of law officers. 1883. Laws governing public printing and binding and distribution of public documents [act of Jan. 12, 1895, with amendments to Mar. 2, 1895; added arrangement by subjects]. 1895. Laws. Amendments and additions to printing laws. Mar. — , 1905. See, for compilation of printing laws prepared in 1909 by William Leander Post, superintendent of documents, GP3.2:P93. Leave of absence. [Noticerelativetoleaveof absence.] June 27, 1898. 4* Leave of absence. Notice [relative to leave of absence]. Sept. 9, 1908. 4* Monotype manual. Ist edition, Nov. 1908. Same. 2d edition, Dec, 1909, ' Neutrality in pending war between Russia and Japan required to be observed by officials of Government [Executive order]. Mar, 11, 1904. 4° Official gazette. Synopsis of style used on Official gazette, including ab- breviations, capitalization, compounding, di\'ision of words, ex- tracts, etc.; approved by Patent Office. 1904. large 8° Pneumatic tube system. Proposal for furnishing pneumatic tube system to be placed in new building of Government Printing Office. June 3, 1909. 4° Political activity. Notice [promulgating notice from Civil Service Commission, Sept. 1, 1908, relative to employees in classified sersdce who resign to become candidates for office, or to engage in active political work, seeking reinstatement]. Sept. 14, 1908. 4'» Promotion regulations for Government Printing Office formulated by Civil Service Commission and approved by Public Printer, Jan. 15, 1897. 1897. 414 Classification no. GP1.2: P942 Sh5 Si5i Si52 Si53 Sp3i Sp32 St4 St9i St92 St93 St9^ St9^ St96 St9^ St98 St99 St9io T98^ T982 T983 T98^ T98^ T98« V851 V852 WI91 WI92 GPl. PUBLIC PRINTER— Continued General publications— Continued Program bell-ringing system. Proposal for fiu-nishing electric program bell-ringing system and watchmen's time-detector system to be placed in Government Printing Office. June 1, 1909, 4^ Sheridan, Philip H. Notice [excusing from duty on Nov. 25, 1908, employees of Government Printing Office who served in military or naval service during Civil War and members of Loyal Legion, Women's Relief Corps, and Sons of Veterans, to attend unveiling of statue of Philip Henry Sheridan]. Nov. 24, 1908. 4° Simplified spelling [letter of President and circulars 1-6 of Simplified Spelling Board]. 1st edition. [1906.] Same [list of 300 words, new and old forms]. Istedition. [1906.] 24* Same pist of 300 words, new forms]. [1906.] Specifications. Rules governing printing of Specifications [and drawings of patents], with list of words and technical terms. May, 1887. * Same, approved by Patent Office, originally issued May, 1887. En- larged and reissued Mar. 1896. 1896. Stereotype and electrotype plates. Index-catalogue of stereotype and electrotype plates in vaults of Government Printing Office, no. 1, July, 1895; by Charles L. Spencer. 1895. [See also GP1.2:E1 2.] Style. Manual of st>^le governing composition and proof reading in Government Printing Office. 1894. 4° Same. 1898. Same. 1899. Same; with Decisions of Board on Geographic Names. 1900, Same. 1900 [1901]. Style. Manual of style for use in composition and proof reading; [with Decisions of Board on Geographic Names, 1890-99]. 1903. Same; [with Decisions of Board on Geographic Names, 1890-1904]. 1904. Same; [without Decisions of Board on Geographic Names]. 1904. Same, for use in production of Executive, Congressional, and departmental publications. 1st edition. Sept. 1908. Same, for use in production of Executive, Congressional, and de- partmental publications. 2d edition. Nov. 1909. Type. [Specimen book of types in Government Printing Office.] n.d. large 8° Type. Specimens of display types in document divisions of Govern- ment Printing Office. 1895. f* Same [circular giving old and new case numbers]. [1896.] Type. Specimen book of type, showing faces of body and display letters, accents, piece fractions, superiors and inferiors, rule, dashes, signs, seals, cuts, and ornaments in use in document divisions of [Government Printing] Office. 1904. large 8° Type. Specimen book of type faces in use in document divisions of [Government Printing] Office. 1909. large 8** Type. Specimens of type, borders, etc., used in War Department branch of Government Printing Office. 1901. large 8° Vocabulary of double words in International dictionary, for use of copy editors, proof readers, compositors, copyists, typewriters, etc.; by Edw. J. Russell. Revised edition. 1894. [1st edition not in Public Documents Library.] Same. Revised edition. 1897. War records. Style for war records [War of Rebellion, compilation of official records of Union and Confederate armies, and Official records of Union and Confederate navies in War of Rebellion]. [Dec. 22, 1898.] Same [with style for court, document, and census work]. [Dec. 6, 1895.] 415 riasslflcatlon no. GP1.3: (no8.) GP1.4: (no«.) GP1.5: (date) GP1.6: (date) GPl. PUBLIC PRINTER— Continuea Bulletins [None isHiied.] Circulars [None issued.) Alphabetical list of employees [Confidential. Not listed here.] General orders 1905, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 1906, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 [Discontinued.] 1906, no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 1906, no. 18 no. 19 1907, no. no. no. no. no. no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 1907, no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 1908, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 GP2. LJBRARY fEstabllshed by act approved July 19, 1897 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 135). Abolished by act approved Mar. 4, 1909 (Stat. L. V. 35, pt. 1, p. 1024).] GP2.1: (date) GP2.2: R86 GP2.3: (no8.) GP2.4: (nos.) GP2.5: (date) Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Rules. [1898.] 12° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Lists of books in library 1898, Jan. Jul> 1899 1900 1901 1902 GP3. DOCUMENTS OFFICE [Created in accordance with printing act of Jan. 12, 1895 (Stat. L. v. 28, p. 601).] GP3.1: (date) GP3.2: C411 C41' Annual reports [1895-1909, in annual reports of Public Printer (Gl'l.l:), and (except 1897) issued separately also.] General publications Checklist of public documents, containing debates and proceedings of Congress, l8t-53d Congress, with miscellaneous lists of docu- ments, and historical and bibliographical notes [1789-1895]; issued by F. A. Crandall. 2d edition enlarged. 1895. [Ist edi- tion, compiled by John G. Ames, issued by Interior Department, 1892; see 115. 2X69 \] Checklist of United States public documents, 1789-1909, Congressional, to close of 60th Congress, departmental, to end of calendar year 1909: V. 1, Lists of Congressional and departmental publications. 3d edition, revised and enlai^ed. 1911. [See^ for Advance sheets, GP3.14:] 416 Classification no. GPS. DOCUMENTS OFFICE— Continued GP3.2: General publications— Continued H34 P93 Sa3i Sa32 GP3.3: (nos.) GP3.4: (nos.) Headings. Form of headings for United States documents [circular to libraries, by L. C. Ferrell, J. C. M. Hanson, and F. B. Weeks, committee of Association of Departmental Librarians at Washing- ton, D. C.]. [1903.] 40 • Printing laws. Laws, regulations, and decisions governing public print- ing and binding, operations of Government Printing Office, and distribution and sale of Government publications; compiled by William Leander Post. 1909. [Only a small edition of this pub- lication was printed. See, for earlier compilations, GP1,2:L44 ^"^.] Public documents. Tables of and annotated index to Congressional series of United States public documents; [compiled by William Leander Post]. 1902. 4° Sales. Rules relating to sale of and remittance for public documents. [1904.] small 4° Sales. Rules governing sale of public documents. [1906.1 oblong 48* (Form 526.) Bulletins First draft of proposed bill to reduce cost, increase value, and sim- plify methods of publication of public documents furnished to designated depository libraries. 1896, List of miscellaneous United States public documents in office of superintendent of documents, Mar. 1, 1898. 1898. Tables of public documents printed annually or at regular intervals as provided by law, showing extra and usual number printed and distribution of same. 1901. Author headings for United States public documents. [1st edition.] 1903. [See, for 2d edition. Bulletin 9 (GP3.3:9).] [List of United States public documents available for free distribu- tion to libraries.] Sept. 10, 1904. List of United States public documents available for free distribu- tion to libraries. July 1, 1905. [See, for later free lists, GP3.12:] See, for Ist edition of Author headings, Bulletin 4 (GP3.3:4). [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Circulars [1] [Accompanying 1st issue of Monthly catalogue.] Aug. 1, 1895. 8<> [2] [Inquiries as to condition of depositories.] [1895.] 4° [3] Kinds of books hereafter to be sent to designated depositories. [1895.] 4P [4] [Calling attention of Departments and bureaus to provisions of law relating to document catalogues.] 1895. 4° [5] [Calling attention of Representatives to provisions of law relative to distribution of Congressional record.] June 1, 1895. 4° [6] [Notifying libraries of their designation as geological depositories.] 1896. 40 [7] [Requesting Senators, Representatives, and Delegates to designate remainder depositories.] Feb. 25, 1896. 4° [8] [Calling attention of members of Congress to provisions of law re- lating to Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents.] May 1, 1896. 4» [9] [Calling attention to further legislation relating to Richardson's Com- pilation of messages and papers of Presidents.] May 30, 1896. 4" i:M.8^JD 417 n«Hs|flriitton nil. GP3.4: (no8.) GP3.5: (nos.) GP3.6I (nos.) GP3. DOCUMENTS OFFICE— Continued Circ ulars — Continued [10] Same. July 1, 1897. 1° [11] [Notifying members of Congress of number of sets of Rirhard^n's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents still to their credit.] n. d. 4° [12] [Reo:ardinj? "one copy" clause in printing act.] Mar. 27, 1899. 4° [13] Price list of laws of United States. [1899.] 4o [14] Same. [1901.] 4« [15] Same. [1902.] 4« Same. 4th edition. [1904.] ,^^j> rj., I Same. June 21, 1904. oblong 48'' [See, for later price lists of laws, GP3.9:10.] [16] Concerning sending of documents for entry in Monthly catalogue of [United States] public documents. Dec. 15, 1902. 4° 17 18 19 20 21 22 [No more published up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Bibllograpliles [1] Bibliography of United States public documents relating to inter- oceanic communication across Nicaragua, Isthmus of Panama, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, etc.; [compiled by William Leander Post]. 1899. [2] Reports of explorations printed in documents of United States Gov- ernment; compiled by Adelaide R. Hasse. 1899. [3] List of United States public documents and reports relating to con- struction of new Navy, also references to debates in Congress on the subject, 1880-1901. 1902. [No more published up to Deo. 31, 1909.] Document catalogue (Comprehensive index) [1] Catalogue of public documents of 53d Congress and of all depart- ments of Government of United States, Mar. 4, 1893-June 30, 1895, being Comprehensive index provided for by act approved Jan. 12, 1895. 1896. large 8" [3442-410] [2] Same, 54th Congress, Ist session, July 1, 1895-June 30, 1896. 1898. large 8« [3552-355] [3] Same, 54th Congress, 2d session, July 1, 1896-June 30, 1897. 1899. large 8° [3715-585] [4] Same, 55th Congress and of other departments of Government of United States, July 1, 1897-June 30, 1899. 1901. large 8<» [3838-317] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] [5] Same, 56th Congress, July 1, 1899-June 30, 1901. 1903. [4210-559] [6] Same, 57th Congress, Julv 1, 1901-June 30, 1903. 1905. Same, 57th Congress, July 1 [4554-494] 7 Same, 58th Congress, July 1, 1903-June 30, 1905. 1908 [4901-483] 8 Same, 59th Congress, July 1, 1905-June 30, 1907. 1910. [5215-830] 9 Same, 60th Congress, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1909. preparation Dec. 31, 1909.] 82452°— 11 ^27 large 8*> large 8° large 8" large 8° [5561-1574] [In 418 Classification no. GP3.7: I (nos.) i GP3.8^: (date) GP3. DOCUMENTS OFFICE— Continued Document Index (Consolidated index) [The Schedule of volumes included herein is sometimes issued separately also: see GP3.il: •" The Numerical tables and schedule of volumes, 59th Congress, 2d session, included herein, issued separately also; see GP3.15:] [1] 1900-Mar. 4, 1901. 1902. 1901-July 1, 1902. 1903. 54th Congress, 1st session, Dec. 2, ]895-June U, 1896; index to sub- jects of documents and reports, and to committees, Senators, and Representatives presenting them, being Consolidated index pro- vided for by act of Jan. 12, 1895. 1897. [3455-430] [2] Same, 54th Congress, 2d session, Dec. 7, 1896-Mar. 3, 1897, with tables of same in numerical order. 1897. [3553-356] [3] Same, 55th Congress, 1st session, Mar. 15-July 24, 1897. 1898. [3587-96] [4] Same, 55th Congress, 2d session, Dec. 6, 1897-July 8, 1898. 1899. [3716-586] [5] Same, 55th Congress, 3d session, Dec. 5, 1898-Mar. 4, 1899. 1900. [3839-318] [6] Same, 56th Congress, 1st session, Dec. 4, 1899-June 7, 1900. 1901. [4020-756] [7] Same, 56th Congress, 2d session, Dec. [4211-560] [8] Same, 57th Congress, 1st session, Dec. [4398-718] [9] Same, 57th Congress, 2d session, Dec. 1, 1902-Mar. 4, 1903. 1903. [4555^95] [10] Same, 58th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, Nov. 9, 1903-Apr. 28, 1904, including special session- of Senate, Mar. 5-19, 1903. 1905. [4752-790] 11 Same, 58th Congress, 3d session, Dec. 5, 1904-Mar. 4, 1905. 1905. [4900-482] 12 Same, 59th Congress, Ist session, Dec. 4, 1905-June 30, 1906 [includ- ing special session of Senate, Mar. 4-18, 1905]. 1907 [1908]. [5057-943] 13 Same, 59th Congress, 2d session, Dec. 3, 1906-Mar. 4, 1907. 1908 [1909]. [5214-829] 14 Index to reports and documents of 60th Congress, 1st session, Dec. 2, 1907-May 30, 1908, with numerical lists and schedule of vol- umes, being Consolidated index provided for by act of Jan. 12, 1895. 1909. [5371-985] 15 Same, 60th Congress, 2d session, Dec. 7, 1908-Mar. 4, 1909. 1910. [5560-1573] Monthly catalogue, United States public docu- ments [Beginning with 1899, volume title-pages have been issued, the volumes being for cal- endar years down to 1905. The next volume covers 18 months, Jan. 1906- Jime, 1907. Beginning with July, 1907, the volumes are for fiscal years.] Catalogue of publications issued by Government of United States 1895, [no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 Catalogue of United States public documents, issued monthly 1895, [no. 4] no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 1896, no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 1896, 1897, no. 22 1897 ,no. 31 no. 23 no. 32 no. 24 no. 33 no. 25 no. 34 no. 26 no. 35 no. 27 no. 36 no. 28 1898 no. 37 no. 29 no. 38 no. 30 no. 39 419 ClaHslAoatlon no. GP3.8»: (date) GP3. DOCUMENTS OFFICE— Continued Montlily catalofiTuo, Unltod Statos public docu- monts — Continued Catalogue of 1898, no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 1899, no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 no. 56 no. 57 no. 58 no. 59 no. 60 1900, no. 61 no. 62 no. 63 Catalogue of United States public documents 1906-07, no. 133, Jan. 1906 no. 134, Feb. 1906 no. 135, Mar. 1906 no. 136, Apr. 1906 no. 137, May, 1906 no. 138, June, 1906 no. 139, July, 1906 no. 140, Aug. 1906 no. 141, Sept. 1906] no. 142, Oct. 1906} no. 143, Nov. 1906J no. 144, Dec. 1906 no. 145, Jan. 1907 no. 146, Feb. 1907 no. 147, Mar. 1907 no. 148, Apr. 1907 no. 149, May, 1907 no. 150, June, 1907 Monthly catalogue. United States pubUc documents ited States public documents, issued monthly — Cont'd 1900, no. 64 1902 no. 88 1904, no. 112 no. 65 no. 89 no. 113 no. 66 no. 90 no. 114 no. 67 no. 91 no. 115 no. 68 no. 92 no. 116 no. 69 no. 93 no. 117 no. 70 no. 94 no. 118 no. 71 no. 95 no. 119 no. 72 no. 96 no. 120 1901, no. 73 1903 no. 97 1905, no. 121 no. 74 no. 98 no. 122 no. 75 no. 99 no. 123 no. 76 noi 100 no. 124 no. 77 no. 101 no. 125 no. 78 no. 102 no. 126 no. 79 no. 103 no. 127 no. 80 no. 104 no. 128 no. 81 lio. 105 no. 129 no. 82 no. 106 no. 130 no. 83 no. 107 no. 131 no. 84 no. 108 no. 132 1902, no. 85 1904 no. 109 no. 86 no. 110 no. 87 no. 111 [In title of these issues the form log" is used.] Cata- 1908, no. 151, July, 1907 no. 152, Aug. 1907 no. 153, Sept: 1907 no. 154, Oct. 1907 no. 155, Nov. 1907 no. 156, Dec. 1907 no. 157, Jan. 1908 no. 158, Feb. 1908 no. 159, Mar. 1908 no. 160, Apr. 1908 no. 161, May, 1908 no. 162, June, 1908 1909, no. 163, July, 1908 no. 164, Aug. 1908 no. 165, Sept. 1908 1909, no. 166, Oct. 1908 no. 167, Nov. 1908 no. 168, Dec. 1908 no. 169, Jan. 1909 no. 170, Feb. 1909 no. 171, Mar. 1909 no. 172, Apr. 1909 no. 173, May, 1909 no. 174, June, 1909 1910, no. 175, July, 1909 no. 176, Aug. 1909 no. 177, Sept. 1909 no. 178, Oct. 1909 no. 179, Nov. 1909 no. 180, Dec. 1909 420 Classification no. aP3.8 2: (date) GP3.9: (nos.) GP3.10: (new.) GPS. DOCUMENTS OFFICE— Continued Index to Montlily catalogue, United States public documents (quarterly) [Previous indexes included in Montlily catalogue and not issued separately. From July, 1909, to June, 1910, f the Index to the Monthly catalogue was issued separately each quarter and cumulated for half-yearly periods. That is, the September number of the Index indexed the Monthly catalogue for July, August, and September; the December number indexed the Monthly catalogue for July to December; f the March number indexed the Monthly catalogue for January to March; and the Jtme number indexed the fiscal year July to June. Class here only the first 3 issues for each fiscal year; the 4th issue is to be classed under GP3.81: following the 12 numbers of the Monthly catalogue which it indexes and with which it will be botmd. Only two of the quarterly indexes were issued in the calendar year 1909 covered by this Checklist.] 1910, nos. 175-177, July-Sept. 1909 nos. 175-180, July-Dec. 1909 Price lists 8° and narrow 12° [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] List of U. S. public documents for sale. [1st edition.] Oct. 1, 1898. Same. [2d edition.] May 1, 1899. Same. 3d edition. May 1, 1900. Same, supplement to 3d edition. Feb. 1, 1901. List of Government publications on irrigation for sale. [1st edi- tion.] 1902. 10 p. Same. [2d edition.] 1902. lip. List of Government publications on labor, industries, trusts, and immigration, and reports of Industrial Commission for sale. 1902. List of Government publications on interoceanic canals, ship sub- sidy, commerce and transportation. Pacific railroads, and statis- tics for sale. 1902. 28 29 J earlier 30 31 1 32$ 33 34 35 J 36$ 37 38 J 39 40 41 42 43 44$ 45 46 47$ 48 ■49 2 editions 3 editions See, for lists, GP3.4:14, 15. 2 editions 3 editions 2 editions 2 editions 2 editions Ist edition Same, supplement Same. 2d edition 3 editions 2 editions 2 editions 2 editions 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Bibliography of United States public documents, Department lists 1 List of publications of Agriculture Department, 1862-1902, with ana- lytical index; [compiled by William Leander Post]. 1904. [No more published up to Dec. 31, 1909.] t Beginning with July, 1910, the Index to the Monthly catalogue is issued separately each quarter and cumulates for the 12 months ending June, 1911, that is, the Septem- ber number of the Index indexes the Monthly catalogue for July, August, and Sep- tember; the December number indexes the Monthly catalogue for October to December; the March number indexes the Monthly catalogue from January to March; and the June number indexes the fiscal year July to June. $ In preparation or in press, but not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. 421 Clatuiiflratlon no. GP3.il: (noe.) GP3.12: (nos.) GP3.13: (nos.) GP3.14; 53d Cong. Al A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AlO All A12 A13 A14 A15 GP3. DOCUMENTS OFFICE— Continued Scliodule of volumes [for Document Index] See, for Document index, GP3.7: [1] Schedule of volumes of documents and reports of 56th Congress, 1st session. 1901. [2] Same, 56th Congress, 2d eeesion. 1902. [3] Same, 59th Congress, Ist session. 1907. [4] Same, 59th Congress, 2d session. [Ist edition.] Same. [2d edition.] 1907. [5] Same, 60th<'ongTe88, 1st session. 1909. [None Issued for bOth Congress, 2d session.] Free lists See, for earlier free lists, GP3.3:5, 6. 1 2 Leaflets narrow 12" 1907. 10 Same, reprint 11 2 editions 2 editions 3 editions 2 editions 3 editions 2 editions 2 editions 3 editions 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 editions 2 editions 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Advance slieets of 3d edition of Checklist of United States public documents [Prior to the issuance of the 3d edition of the Checklist of United States public docu- ments (the work now in hand), certain portions thereof were issued in the form of Advance sheets for such classes as are listed below, viz.: 53d Congress and A1-LC12 (except DC36-DC39, GS, IC, Jl-Jll, Jul-JuG).] See, for 1st edition of Checklist, 1 15.2:L692. See, for 2d edition of Checklist, GP3.2:C41 \ See, for 3d edition of Checklist, advance sheets of which are listed below, GP3.2:C41^. Advance sheets of 3d edition of Checklist of United States public docu- ments. Congressional tables, 53d Congress, tables of documents and reports, Jan. 12, 1909. [1909.] 4° [No Advance sheets issued for other Congresses.] Advance sheets of 3d edition of Checklist of United States public docu- ments [A, Agriculture Department, class Al, Secretary]. 1907 [1908]. 4« Same, A2, Accounts and Disbursements Division, Feb. 8, 1908. [1908.] 40 . Same, A3, Agrostology Division, Feb. 8, 1908. [1908.] 4« Same, A4, Animal Industry Bureau, Feb. 8, 1908. [1908.] 4" Same, A5, Biological Survey Bureau, Feb. 8, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, A6, Botany Division, Feb. 8, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, A7, Chemistry Bureau, Feb. 29, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, A8, Entomological Commission, Feb. 29, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, A9, Entomology Bureau, Feb. 29, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, AlO, Experiment Stations Office, Mar. 4, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, All, Fiber Investigations Office, Mar. 5, 1908. [1908.] 4" Same, A12, Foreign Markets Division, Mar. 5, 1908. [1908.] 4« Same, A13, Forest Service, Mar. 13, 1908. [1908.] 4« Same, A14, Gardens and Grounds Division, Mar. 5, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, A15, Irrigation Inquiry Office, Mar. 5, 1908. [1908.] 4« 422 Classification GP3. DOCUMENTS OFFICE— Continued no. GP3.14:: Advance sheets of 3d edition of Checklist of United States public documents— Continued A16 Same, A16, Labor Employment Board, Mar. 5, 1908. [1908.] 4° A17 Same, A17, Library, Mar. 12, 1908. [1908.] 4" A18 Same, A18, Microscopy Division, Mar. 12, 1908. [1908.] 4« A19 Same, A19, Plant Industry Bureau, Mar. 12, 1908. [1908.] 4« A20 Same, A20, Pomology Division, Mar. 20, 1908. [1908.] 4» A21 Same, A21, Publications Division, Mar. 20, 1908. [1908.] 4° A22 Same, A22, Public Roads Office, Mar. 20, 1908. [1908.] 4° A23 Same, A23, Seed and Plant Introduction Section, Mar. 21, 1908. [1908.] 4« A24 Same, A24, Seed Division, Mar. 21, 1908. [1908.] 4° A25 Same, A25, Silk Section, Mar. 21, 1908. [1908.] 4° A26 Same, A26, Soils Bureau, Mar. 21, 1908. [1908.] 4« A27 Same, A27, Statistics Bureau, May 9, 1908. [1908.] 4° A28 Same, A28, Vegetable Physiology and Pathology Division, May 12, 1908. [1908.] 4° A29 Same, A29, Weather Bureau, May 13, 1908. [1908.] 4° A30 Same, A30, Appointment Clerk, May 14, 1908. [1908.] 4° A31 Same, A31, Chief Clerk, May 14, 1908. [1908.] 4« A32 Same, A32, Food and Drug Inspection Board, May 14, 1908. [1908.] 40 A33 Same, A33, Solicitor of Department of Agriculture, May 14, 1908. [1908.] 40 AR Same, AR, American Republics Bureau, May 20, 1908. [1908.] 4° Ql Same, C, Commerce and Labor Department, [class] CI, Secretary, ! June 4, 1908. [1908.] 4° C2 I Same, C2, Alaskan Fisheries Division, June 22, 1908. [1908.] 4° C3 I Same, C3, Census Bureau, June 10, 1908. [1908)] 4« C4 Same, C4, Coast and Geodetic Survey, June 22, 1908. [1908.] 40 C5 Same, C5, Corporations Bureau, June 24, 1908. [1908.] 4° C6 Same, C6, Fisheries Bureau, June 30, 1908. [1908.] 4° C7 Same, C7, Immigration and Naturalization Bureau, June 30, 1908. ; [1908.] 4« C8 1 Same, C8, Labor Bureau, July 3, 1908. [1908.] 4° C9 Same, C9, Light-House Board, July 3, 1908. [1908.] 4° CIO Same, CIO, Manufactures Bureau, July 8, 1908. [1908.] 4° Cll Same, Cll, Navigation Bureau, July 11, 1908. [1908.] 4^ C12 Same, C12, Shipping Commissioners, July 11, 1908. [1908.] 4" C13 Same, C13, Standards Bureau, July 13, 1908. [1908.] 4° C14 Same, C14, Statistics Bureau, July 23, 1908. [1908.] 4° C15 i Same, C15, Steamboat-Inspection Service, July 25, 1908. [1908.] 4° C16 Same, C16, Printing Division, July 25, 1908. [1908.] 4« CS Same, CS, Civil Service Commission, Sept. 4, 1908. [1908.] 4" DCl Same, DC, District of Columbia, [class] DCl, Commissioners, Aug. 1, 1908. [1908.] 4° DC2 Same, DC2, AsphaltandCementlnspector, Aug. 1,1908. [1908.] 4° DC3 Same, DC3, Assessor, Aug. 1, 1908. [1908.] 4°' DC4 Same, DC4, Auditor, Aug. 1, 1908. [1908.] 4° DC5 Same, DCS, Buildings Inspector, Aug. 1, 1908. [1908.] 4« DC6 Same, DC6, Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital, Aug. 7, 1908. [1908.] .4° DC7 Same, DC7, Charities Board, Aug. 7, 1908. [1908.] 4« DCS Same, DCS, Children's Guardians Board, Aug. 7, 1908. [1908.] 4° 423 Clatwinratlon no. GP3.14 DC9 DCIO DCll DC12 DC13 DC14 DC15 DC16 DC17 DC18 DC19 DC20 DC21 DC22 DC23 DC24 DC25 DC26 DC27 DC28 DC29 DC30 DC31 DC32 DC33 DC34 DC35 FC FS GB GPl GP2 GP3 insti- 1908. 1908. OP3. DOCUMENTS OFl lCE-( ontinued Advance slieets of 3d edition of Checklist of United States public documents— Continued Same, DC9, Court of Appeals, Aug. 7, 1908. [1908.] 4" Same, DClO, Engineer Department, Aug. 7, 1908. [1908.] 40 Same, DCll, Excise Board, Aug. 7, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC12, Fire Department, Aug. 7, 1908. [1908.] 4« Same, DC 13, Reform School for Girls of District of Columbia, 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° [This school is a United States tution, and all of its publications are entered under J9.] Same, DC14, Health Department, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC15, Industrial Home School, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] Same, DC16, Police Department, Metropolitan, Aug. 18, [1908.] 4« Same, DC17, Public Library, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4« Same, DC18, Education Board, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC19, National Training School for Boys, Aug. 18, [1908.] 4° [This school is a United States institution, and all of its publications are entered under J8.] Same, DC20, Street Cleaning Department, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 40 •Same, DC21, Supreme Court, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC22, Taxes, Collector of, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC23, Telegraph and Telephone Service, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4« Same, DC24, Washington Asylum, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC25, Electrical Department, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC26, Women's Christian Association, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 40 Same, DC27, Children's Hospital, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4" Same, DC28, Criminal CdUrt, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC29, Columbia Hospital for Women, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 40 Same, DC30, Bathing Beach, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC31, Insurance Department, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC32, Medical Supervisors Board, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC33, Gas and Meters Inspector, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC34, Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital, Aug. 18, 19Q8. [1908.] 4« Same, DC35, Aged and Infirm, Home for, Aug. 18, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, DC36, Aid Association for Blind. Same, DC37, Industrial Home School for Colored Children. Same, DC38, Washington Home for Foundlings. Same, DC39, Tuberculosis Hospital. Same, FC, Fish Commission, Sept. 8, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, FS, Freedman'a Savings and Trust Company, Sept. 8, 1908. [1908.] 4« F .y. F » Same, GB, Geographic Board, Sept. 8, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, GP, Government Printing Office, [class] GPl, Public Printer, Sept. 8, 1908. [1908.] 4« Same, GP2, Library, Sept. 8, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, GP3, Documents Office, Sept. 9, 1908. [1908.] 4« Same, GS, General Supply Committee. [No Advance sheet issued for this class.] [No Advance sheets issued for these classes.] 424 Classification no. GP3,11: II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 La LCI LC2 LC3 LC4 LC5 LC6 LC7 LC8 LC9 LCIO LCll LC12 [1908.] 40 [1908.] 40 [1908.] 4« [1908.] 4« [1908.] 4" [1908.] 4« [1908.] 40 [1908.] 4« [1908.] 40 h [1908.] 4' GPS. DOCUMENTS OFFICE— Continued Advance sheets of 3d edition of Checklist of United States public documents — Continued Same, I, Interior Department, [class] 1 1, Secretary, Oct. 22, 1908. [1908.] -4° Same, 1 2, 1st census, 1790, Sept. 21, 1908. Same, 1 3, 2d census, 1800, Sept. 21, 1908. Same, 1 4, 3d census, 1810, Sept. 21, 1908. Same, 1 5, 4th census, 1820, Sept. 21, 1908. Same, I 6, 5th census, 1830, Sept. 21, 1908. Same, I 7, 6th census, 1840, Sept. 21, 1908. Same, I 8, 7th census, 1850, Sept. 21, 1908. Same, I 9, 8th census, 1860, Sept. 21, 1908. Same, 1 10, 9th census, 1870, Sept. 21, 1908. Same, 1 11, 10th census, 1880, Sept. 29, 1908. Same, 1 12, 11th census, 1890, Sept. 29, 1908. [1908.] 4« Same, 1 13, 12th census, 1900, Oct. 7, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, 1 14, Census Office, Oct. 7, 1908. [1908.] 4« Same, 1 15, Public Documents Division, Oct. 9, 1908. [1908.] 4<» Same, 1 16, Education Bureau, Oct. 31, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, 1 17, Geographical and Geological Survey of Rocky Mountain Region (Powell), Nov. 7, 1908. [1908.] 4« * Same, 1 18, Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (Hayden), Nov. 7, 1908. [1908.] 4° Same, 1 19, Geological Survey, Nov. 25, 1908. [1909.] 4* Same, 120, Indian Affairs Office, Dec. 16, 1908. [1909.] 4*> Same, I 21, Land Office, General, Jan. 2, 1909. [1909.] 4<» Same, 122, Library, Jan. 2, 1909. [1909.] 4" Same, I 23, Patent Office, Feb. 23, 1909. [1909.] 4° Same, I 24, Pens*ion Bureau, Mar. 27, 1909. [1909.] 4° Same, I 25, Raihoads Commissioner, Feb. 3, 1909. [1909.] 4° Same, 126, Entomological Commission, Feb. 3, 1909. [1909.] 4« Same, I 27, Reclamation Service, Apr. 9, 1909. [1909.] 4« Same, IC, Interstate Commerce Commission. [No Advance sheets issued for these classes.] Same, Jl-Jll, Justice Depart- ment. Same, Jul-Ju6, Judiciary. Same, La, Labor Department, Apr. 6, 1909. '[1909.] 4" Same, LC, Library of Congress, [class] LCl, Librarian, Apr. 20, 1909. [1909.] 4° Same, LC2, Bibliography Division, Apr. 20, 1909. [1909.] 4° Same, LC3, Copyright Office, Apr. 24, 1909. . [1909.] 4" Same, LC4, Manuscripts Division, Apr. 24, 1909. [1909.] 4« Same, LC5, Maps and Charts Division, Apr. 24, 1909. [1909.] 4° Same, LC6, Periodical Division, Apr. 26, 1909. [1909.] 4« Same, LC7, Documents Division, Apr. 26, 1909. [1909.] 4" Same, LC8, Library Building and Grounds Superintendent, Apr. 26, 1909. [1909.] 4° Same, LC9, Catalog Division, Apr. 26, 1909. [1909.] 4° Same, LClO, Law Division, Apr. 26, 1909. [1909.] 4« Same, LCll, Prints Division, Apr. 26, 1909. [1909.] 4« Same, LC12, Music Division, Apr. 26, 1909. [1909.] 4° [Discontinued. See, for permanent Checklist, 3d edition, listing the publications of the above and all other Government publishing offices from the begiiming of the Government down to the end of the calendar year 1909, GP3.2:C41 2.] 425 Classinration no. GP3.15: (no8.) GP3. DOCUMENTS OFFICE— Continued Numerical tables and schedule of volumes [for Document index] SeCy for Document index, GPS. 7: [1] Numerical tables and schedule of volumes of documents and reports of 59th Congress, 2d session, Dec. 3, 1900-Mar. 4, 1907. 1908. [No more pnblished up to Deo. 31, 1909.] GS. GENERAL SUPPLY COMMITTEE [Created by Executive order 1071, May 13, 1909, in order to more effectively carry out the spirit of the act approved Jan. 27, 1894 (Stat. L. v. 28, p. 33). It was composed of one representative from each of the 9 Executive Departments and the Govern- ment Printing Office, Interstate Commerce Commission, Smithsonian Institution, Superintendent of State, War, and Navy Building, and the government of the Dis- trict of Columbia. By Executive order 1088, June 16, 1909, the government of the District of Columbia was excluded. The General Supply Committee as thus organized was in active operation up to the close of the fiscal year 1910. By sec. 4 of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act of June 17, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 531) the General Supply Committee was made a statutory body under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. The effect of this section waa to abolish the General Supply Committee as organized under the Executive order. See, for information concerning the new committee, footnote for T45.] Annual GSl.l: (date) GS1.2: (CT) GS1.3: (nos.) GS1.4: (nos.) tGSl.5': C63 F74 G28 tGSl.6: (date of fii^cal year) reports ^ [None issued.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars * [None issued.] General schedule of supplies, fiscal year 1910 Coal. General schedule and proposal for furnishing coal for Executive Departments and independent establishments and for govern- ment of District of Columbia, fiscal year 1910. [1909.] oblong large 8° Forage. General schedule and proposal for fiu'nishing forage for Executive Departments and independent establishments and for government of District of Columbia, fiscal year 1910. [1909.] oblong large 8** General schedule of supplies for Executive Departments and independ- ent establishments and for government of District of Columbia, fiscal year 1910. [1909.] oblong large 8° List of awards showing contractors and prices t for material and supplies contained In General schedule [of supplies], fiscal year 1910 t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The General Supply Committee has since issued other publications which have necessitated certain changes. Under GS1.5: an additional class has been formed, the series title of which is as follows: GSl.S^: General schedule of supplies [fiscal year 1911] (form letters) or (class nos.) Under GS1.6: the series title has been changed so as to include betwef n the words "prices" and "for" the words "and directions for testing deliveries." 426 I. INTERIOR DEPAUTIklENT [Created by act of Congress approved Mar. 3, 1849, which went into effect from and after its passage. By this act, Patent Office and Census Office were transferred to the new Department from State Department; General Land Office was transferred to it from Treasury Department; Indian Affairs Office, from War Department; and Pension Office, from War and Navy Departments. For other changes connected with this Department, see names of bureaus and offices. See, for History and business methods of Department of Interior, its bureaus and offices, 1 1.2:H62, and for General information regarding Department of Interior, 1 1.2:In3.] Classification no. II. 1: (date) I 1. SECRETARY Annual reports S*' and large 8« [1849-94, annual reports of Interior Department appeared in the Congressional set in Message and documents, and they bore the same titles in the Department set until 1875, except in 1866, 1S72, and 1873. From 1875 to 1894, the titles of the several rejwrts in the Department set were different from the titles of the same reports in the Congressional set. Since 1894, the titles of the reports of the Secre- tary of the Interior have been the same in both the Congressional and Depart- ment sets. No Department editions appeared without Congressional document number until 1877. except 1865, 1866, 1872, and v. 1 for 1873, 1875, and 1876.] 1849 [pt.l] IP^l] Same [pt. 2] /[551-1] [571-5] [In Department edition of report for 1849, report of commissioner of Indian affairs is at end of pt. 2, as p. 937-1215 of that part. In Congressional editions, pt. 1 has report of commissioner of Indian affairs, p. 937-1215, following immediately after p. 370; and pt. 2 includes only p. 371-935.] 587-1] 595-1] i8r;i fT^t 11 f [In 612-1] 1851 [pt.l] ^^In 635-2] 1850 (Pin Same [pt. 2] 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 /[In 658-1] \[In 673-1] /[In 690-1] i[In 710-1] /[In 746-1 \[In 777-1 /[In 810-1] t[In 840-1] 875-5] 1] /[In 919-11] \[In 942-2] /[In 974-1] \[In [613-1] [636-2] /[In 875-5] \ [In 893 ^ 997-2] 1859 [1023-2] 1860 [In 1078-1] 1861 [In 1117-1] Same, maps [In 1120-1] [1st 10 maps belong to report of Secretary of Interior.] 1862 [1157-1] Same, maps [1160-1] 1863 [1182-1] [9 maps in Department edition omitted in Congres- sional edition.] 1864 [1220-1] 1865 [1248-1] [Report of Postmaster-General bound with Department edition, but not with Congressional edition.] 427 ClANMlflcatioB no. II. 1: (date) [!32(5-l] II. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports— Continued 1866 [Bureau reports abridged. Not in CongresHional set.] Same, in full [1284-1] 1867 [pt. 1] 1^ Same [pt. 2, Indian affairs]/ 1868 [1366-1] 1869 [1414-1] 1870, v.l [1449-1] Same, v. 2, Education [1450-1] 1871, without accompanying documents [In 1502-1] Same, witli accompanying documents, v. 1 [1505-1] Same, with accompanying documents, v. 2, Education [1506-1] 1872, V. 1 [1560-1] [Congressional edition does not contain report of Board of Indian Commissioners.] Same, v. 2, Education [1561-1] 1873, v.l [1601-1] Same, v. 2, Education [1602-1] 1874, v.l [1639-1] Same, v. 2, Education [1640-1] 1875, v.l [1680-1] Same, v. 2, Education [1681-1] 1876, v.l [1749-1] Same, v. 2, Education [1750-1] 1877 [pt.l] [1800-1] Same, pt. 2, Education [1801-1] 1878 [pt.l] [1850-1] Same, pt. 2, Education [1851-1] 1879, V. 1, Secretary, Indian affairs, and Public lands [1910-1] Same, v. 2, Miscellaneous [1911-1] Same, v. 3, Education [1912-1] 1880, V. 1, Secretary, Indian affairs, and Public lands [1959-1] Same, v. 2, Miscellaneous [1960-1] , Same, v. 3, Education [1961-1] 1881, V. 1, Secretary and Public lands [2017-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs, etc. [2018-1] Same, v. 3, Geological Siurvey [2019-1] Same, v. 4, Education [2020-1] 1882, V. 1, Secretary and Public lands [2099-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs, etc. [2100-1] Same, v. 3, Geological Survey [2101-1] 'Same, v. 4, Education [for years 1882 and 1883] [2102-1] [No edi- tion without Congressional document number.] 1883, V. 1, Secretary and Public lands, etc. [2190-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs, etc. [2191-1] Same, v. 3, Geological Survey [2192-1] Same, v. 4, Education [Never published, because the 1883 Educa- tion report was combined with the 1882 report, for which see Inte- rior Department report, 1882, v. 4 (1 1.1:882*).] 1884, V. 1, Secretary and Public lands, etc. [2286-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs, etc. [2287-1] Same, v. 3, Geological Survey [2288-1] Same, v. 4, Education [2289-1] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 428 Classification now 1 1.1: (date) II. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports — Continued 1885, V. 1, Secretary, Public lands, etc. [237S-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs, etc. [2379-1] Same, v. 3, Geological Survey [2380-1] Same, v. 4, Education [2381-1] Same, v. 5, Labor [2382-1] [See also, for another print of Labor report, Lal.l:886^] 1886, V. 1, Secretary, Indian affairs, etc. [2467-1] Same, v. 2, Public lands, etc. [2468-1] Same, v. 3, Geological Survey [2469-1] Same, v. 4, Education [2470-1] Same, v. 5, Labor [2470-1] [See also, for another print of Labor report, Lal.l:8862.] 1887, V. 1, Secretary, Public lands, etc. [2541-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs, etc. [2542-1] Same, v. 3, Geological Survey, pt. 1 [2543-1] Same, v. 3, Geological Survey, pt. 2 [2544-1] Same, v. 4, Education [2545-1] Same, v. 5, Labor [2546-1] [See also, for another print of Labor report, Lai. 1:887.] 1888, V. 1, Secretary and Public lands [2636-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs [2637-1] Same, v. 3, Miscellaneous [2638-1] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey [2639-1] Same, v. 5, Education [2640-1] Same, v. 6, Labor [2641-1] [See also, for another print of Labor report, Lal.l:888.] 1889, V. 1, Secretary and Public lands [2724-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs [2725-1] Same, v. 3, Miscellaneous [2726-1] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 1 [2727-1] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 2 [2728-1] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 1 [2729-1] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 2 [2730-1] 1890, V. 1, Secretary and Public lands [2840-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs [2841-1] Same, v. 3, Miscellaneous [2842-1] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 1 [2843-1] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 2 [2844-1] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 1 [2845-1] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 2 [2846-1] 1891, V. 1, Secretary and Public lands [2933-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs [2934-1] Same, v. 3, Miscellaneous [2935-1] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 1 [2936-1] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 2 [2937-1] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 1 [2938-1] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 2 [2939-1] 1892, V. 1, Secretary and Public lands [3087-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs [3088-1] Same, v. 3, Miscellaneous [3089-1] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt, 1 [3090-1] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 2 [3091-1] 429 ClaNNlflmtion nu. 1 1.1: (date) I 1 . SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports— Continued Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 3 [30U2-iJ Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 1 [3093-11 Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 2 [3094-1] 1893, V. 1, SecreUiry and Public lands [3209-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs [3210-1] Same, v. 3, Miscellaneous [3211-1] Same, v, 4, Geological Survey, pt. 1 [3212-1] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 2 [3213-1] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 1 [3214-1] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 2 [3215-1] 1894, v. 1, Secretary and Public lands [3305-1] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs [3306-1] Same, v. 3, Pensions, Patents, etc. [3307-1] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey [330S-1] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 1 [3309 ^-1] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 2 [33092-1] 1895, V. 1, Secretary and Public lands [3381-5] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs [3382-5] Same, v. 3, Miscellaneous [3383-5] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 1 [3384-5] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 2 [3385-5] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 3 [3386-5] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 4 [3387-5] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 1 [3388-5] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 2 [3389-^] 1896, V. 1, Secretary and Public lands [3488-5] Same, v. 2, Indian affairs [3489-5] Same, v. 3, Miscellaneous [3490-5] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 1 [3491-5] ^^ Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 2 [3492-5] ^ Same, v. 4, Geological Surv-ey, pt. 3 [3493^-5] Same, v. 4, Geological Survey, pt. 3 continued [3493^-5] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 1 [3494-5] Same, v. 5, Education, pt. 2 [3495-5] * 1897, Secretary and Public lands [3640-5] Same, Indian affairs f [3641-5] Same, Miscellaneous [3642-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 1 [3643-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 2 [3644-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 3 [3645-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 4 [3646-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 5 [3647-5]' Same, Geological Siuvey, pt. 5 continued [3648-5] Same, Education, v. 1 [3649-5] Same, Education, v. 2 [3650-5] 1898, Secretary and Public lands [3756-5] Same, Indian affairs f [3757-5] Same, Miscellaneous [3758-5] t^ec, for explanation of the differences between the Department edition of the Indian Affairs Bureau reports classed under 1 1.1 : and the bureau edition classed under 1 20.1:, the note on p..^94 under I 20.1: 430 I 1. SECRETARY— Continued [3759-5] [3760-5] [3761-5] [3762-^5] [3763^-5] Classification no. I 1.1: Annual reports— Continued (date) Same, Geological Siu-vey, pt. 1 Same, Geological Survey, pt. 2 Same, Geological Survey, pt. 3 Same, Geological Survey, pt. 4 Same, Geological Survey, pt. 5 Same, Geological Survey, pt. 5, maps [3763^-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 6 [3764-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 6 continued [3765-5] Same, Education, v. 1 [3766-5] Same, Education, v. 2 [3767-5] 1899, Secretary and Public lands [3914-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 1 f [3915-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 2 f [3916-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 1 [3917-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 2 [3918-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 1 [3919-5] Same, Geological Sm-vey, pt. 2 [3920-5] Same, Geological Siu-vey, pt. 3 [3921-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 4 [3922-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 5 [3923-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 6 [3924-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 6 continued [3925-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 7 [3926-5] Same, Education, v. 1 [3927-5] Same, Education, v. 2 [3928-5] 1900, Secretary and Public lands [4100-5] Same, Indian affairs -f [4101-5] Same, Indian affairs. Five Civilized Tribes Commission, etc. t [4102-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 1 [4103-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 2 [4104-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 1 [4105-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 2 [4106-5] • Same, Geological Survey, pt. 3 [4107-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 4 [4108-5] Same, Geological Sm-vey, pt. 5 * [4109-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 5, atlas * [4110-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 6 [4111-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 6 continued [4112-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 7 [4113-5] Same, Education, v. 1 [4114-5] Same, Education, v. 2 [4115-5] 1901, Secretary and Public lands [4289-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 1 f [4290-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 2 f [4291-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 1 [4292-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 2 [4293-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 3 [4294-5] t See, for explanation of the differences between the Department edition of the Indian Affairs Bureau reports classed under I 1.1: and the bureau edition classed under I 20.1:, the note on p. 494 under I 20.1: 431 CUsslflrttlon no. Il.l: (date) 1 1. SECRETARY— (Jontinuod Annual reports—Continued Same, (ieolog:iral Survey, pt. 1 [4295^5] Same, Geoloj?ical Survey, pt. 2 [4296-5] Same, Geolo^cal Survey, pt. 3 [4297-5] Same, Geological Survey, pt. 4 [4298-5] Same, Education, v. 1 [4299-5] Same, Education, v. 2 [4300-5] 1902, Secretary and Public lands [4457-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 1 f [4458-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 2 f [4459-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 1 [4460-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 2 [4461-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 3 [4462-5] Same, Geological Survey [4463-5] Same, Education, v. 1 [4464-5] Same, Education, v. 2 [4465-5] 1903, Secretary and Public lands [4644-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 1 f [4645-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 2 f [4646-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 1 [4647-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 2 [4648-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 3 [4649-5] Same, Geological Survey [4650-5] Same, Education, v. 1 [4651-5] Same, Education, v. 2 [4652-5] 1904, Secretary and Public lands [4797-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 1 f [4798-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 2 f [4799-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 1 [4800-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 2 [4801-5] Same, Miscellaneous, pt. 3 [4802-5] Same, Geological Survey * [4803-5] Same, Education, v. 1 [4804-5] Same, Education, v. 2 [4805-5] 1905, Secretary and bureau officers [4958-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 1 f [4959-5] Same, Indian affairs, pt. 2 f [4960-5] Same, Geological Survey [4961-5] Same, Governors of Territories [4962-5] Same, Education, v. 1 [4963-5] Same, Education, v. 2 [4964-5] 1906, Secretary and bureau officers, etc. [5117-^] Same, Indian affairs f [5118-5] Same, Governors of Territories [5119-5] Same, Governor of Hawaii, etc. [5120-5] Same, Geological Survey [5121-5] Same, Education, v. 1 [5122-5] Same, Education, v. 2 [5123-5] t -See, for explanation of the differences between the Department edition of the Indian Affairs Bureau reports classed under I 1.1: and the bureau edition classed under I 20.1:, the note on p. 494 under I 20.1: 432 Classification no. 1 1.1: (date) Il.l«: (date) 11.2: A112 AnS Ar4 C28^ C282 C283 C29 C631 C63' C63 = C73 1 1. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports— Continued 1907, Administrative reports, v. 1, Secretary, bureaus, eleemosynary institutions, national parks and reservations [5295-5] Same, Administrative reports, v. 2, Indian affairs and Territories [5296-5] Same, Education, v. 1 [5297-5] Same, Education, v. 2 [5298-5] 1908, Administrative reports, v. 1, Secretary, bureaus, eleemosynary institutions, national parks and reservations [5452-1046] Same, Administrative reports, v. 2, Indian affairs and Territories [5453-1046] Same, Education, v. 1 [5454-1046] Same, Education, v. 2 [5455-1046] 1909, Administrative reports, v. 1, Secretary, bureaus, eleemosynary institutions, national parks and reservations [5746-107] Same, Administrative reports, v. 2, Indian affairs and Territories [5747-107] Same, Education, v. 1 [5748-107] Same, Education, v. 2 [5749-107] Annual reports (separates; Secretary's reports) General publications Alaska. fW^aming of dangers incident to trip to Yukon River.] Aug. 10, 1897. Alaska. Reports on condition of educational and school service and management of reindeer service in Alaska, by Frank C. Churchill [with commentary from Education Bureau on same]. 1906. (59th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 483; serial no. 4931.) Antiquities. Uniform rules and regulations prescribed by Secreta- ries of Interior, Agriculture, and War, to_ carry out provisions of act for preservation of American antiquities, approved June 8, 1906. [Dec. 28, 1906, published 1907.] [See also 1 1.47:] Arid region. Digest of decisions of supreme courts of States and Terri- tories of arid region, and of United States circuit and Supreme courts in cases involving questions relative to use and control of water in that region, by D. W. Campbell; revised and edited by W. C. Polteck. 1889. Catalogue of blanks and blank books used in Department of Interior and its several bureaus. 1880. Same. 1882. Same. 1886. Cattle. Rules and regulations concerning cattle and other stock. [1898.] [Issued jointly with Treasury Department.] Coal miners. Laws relating to protection of lives of coal miners in Terri- tories, and opinions of Assistant Attorney-General for Interior Department construing same, 1891-1906. 1906. Coal lands in Indian Territory. Compilation of correspondence and statistical data from records and files of Department of Interior in relation to coal lands in Indian Territory, acreage and approxi- mate value thereof, thickness of various veins of coal, etc., Mar. 27-June 30 [27], 1906. 1906. Coal areas in United States and coal consumption in Department of Interior. 1907. [5071-194, 2 pts.] [In this bureau edition the 2 parts of Senate document 194 of the 59th Congress, 2d session, are bound in 1 volume with a cover- title.] Comanche Indians. Public notice [warning against entering upon res- ervation of Comanche, Kiowa, and Apache Indians before it is opened to settlement]. Jan. 17, 1901. f° 433 ('l«8Nlflr«tiOIl no. 11.2: D46 Ef4» Ef4=» F51 F70 G18 G21 H62 H75 H791 H792 H793 H79* H79» H79« In2^ In22 In23 In2* I 1. SECRETARY—Continued General publications— Continued Des Moines River land settlers. In re claims of Dee Moines River land settlers, report of J. L. Stevens, 8|)€cial commissioner. 1901. Efficiency. [Order to keep] record of efficiency. Apr. 23, 1894. * Same. Apr. 23, 1894, reprinted Apr. 6, 1896. Fire-escapes. Report of commission [James G. Hill, Edward (lark, and Montgomery Cunningham Meigsj appointed to provide fire- escapes for public buildings. 1883. [Also in annual reports of Interior Department, 1883, v. 2 (1 1.1:8832).] Forest reservations. Letter of Secretary of Interior to President, trans- mitting report by National Forestrv Commission [Charles Sprague Sargent, chairman] to National Academy of Sciences [Feb. 1, 1897], recommending establishment of additional forest* reserva- tions. [1897.] [Induded also as appendix A in report of May 1, 1897, published by National Academy of Sciences (NA1.2:F76), and in annual report of National Academy of Sciences, 1897 (NAl. 1:897).] Garfield, James Rudolph. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1907, no. 1804, no. 5, special calendar, James Rudolph Garfield, Secretary of Interior v. United States ex relatione Belle Frost; appellant's brief. [1907.] Gas-governors. Report of special committee appointed by Secretary of Interior to test relative merits of gas-governors. 1875. History and business methods of Department of Interior, its bureaus and offices; by Emmett Womack. 1897. Homestead and timber [and stone] land claimants v. State of Washing- ton. Sept. 20, 1907. Hot Springs, Ark. Report on Hot Springs of Arkansas; by Alonzo Bell. 1882. [See, for annual reports of superintendent of Hot Springs Reservation, 11.17 ^:] Same [extracts]. 1883. Hot Springs, Ark. Investigation of Hot Springs affairs; by Thomas H. Musick. 1890. Hot Springs, Ark. Analysis of waters of Hot Springs, Ark., with ac- count of methods of analysis employed and medical value of various substances usually found in mineral water, by J. K. Hay- wood; and Geological sketch of Hot Springs, Ark., by Walter Harvey Weed. 1902. (57th Cong. Ist sess. S. doc. 282; serial no. 4239.) Hot Springs, Ark. Rules and regulations for government of all bath nouses receiving hot water from United States reservation at Hot Springs, Ark. Dec. 14, 1909. [See, for Laws and regulations relating to Hot Springs Reservation, compiled in office of Secre- tary of Interior, 1 1.47:H79.t] Same. Dec. 29, 1909. [Index to] annual reports, fiscal years 1877-87. 1897. Same, 1892-96. 1897. [The compilation to which these indexes belong was made for reference use in the Interior Department. The indexes are therefore not avMlable for general use with the reports.] Indian agencies. Circular issued Mar. 3, 1884, by Secretary of Interior, furnishing information as to usually traveled routes to Indian agencies. 1884. Indian Territory. Oil lands in Indian Territory and Oklahoma, hear- ings before Secretary of Interior on leasing of oil lands and natural- gas wells in Indian Territory and Oklahoma, Mav 8-June 19, 1906. 1906. t Certain regulations issued in 1911 by the Hot Springs Reservation, though not entered in this Checklist, are classed as General publications of the reservation (see footnote class 1 1.17 2;). 82452^—11 28 434 Classiftcation no. 11.2: In3 L51 M57^ M572 M573 M57* M57* Ok4 Or2 P27 P38 I 1. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Information. General information regarding Department of Interior. [June 15, 1909.] Leech Lake Indian Reservation. Hearing before Secretary of Interior in matter of certain contracts for sale and purchase of dead and down timber on Leech Lake Indian Reservation, Minn., Dec. 20, 21, 1900. 1901. Mexican boundary survey made under treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed Feb. 2, 1848, and Gadsden treaty signed Dec. 30, 1853 (note). [The work of the commission appointed under treaty of 1848 extended from July, 1849 to Dec. 1853; that of the commission under treaty of 1853, from Dec. 1854 to June or July, 1856. See, for later Mexican boundary commissions, S3.19i)2 ; The bureau editions of the House print of Emory's report are listed below imder I1.2:M57i-3; the bureau editions of the Senate print, under I1.2:M57<)5.] Mexican boundary survey. Report on United States and Mexican boundary survey, made under direction of Secretary of Interior; by William H. Emory. Washington, Cornelius Wendell, printer, 1857. V. 1 [2 pts.]. (34th Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 135; serial no. 861.) [Bureau and Congressional editions of the House print have different title-pages. Appeared also as 34th Congress, 1st session. Senate executive document 108, serial no. 832.] Contents: pt. 1. [Report; by W. H. Emory.] pt. 2. Geological reports of C. C. Parry and Arthur Schott; Notes by W. H. Emory; Palaeontology and geology of the boundary, by James Hall; Description of cretaceous and tertiary fossils, by T. A. Conrad. [Pt. 2 also issued separately; see 1 1.2:M57^.] Same. Washington, Cornelius Wendell, printer, 1859. v. 2 [pt. 1}. (34th Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 135; serial no. 862.) [There are 2 extra title-pages, one of which bears imprint "Washington, 1859 " and the other " Washington, 1858. ' ' The 2 pages following bear erroneously "pt. 2" instead of "pt. 1." Appeared also as 34th Congress, 1st session, Senate executive document 108, serial no. 833.] Contents: pt. 1. Botany of the boundary: Introduction, by C. C. Parry; Botany, by John Torrey; Cactaceae, by George Engelmarm. Same. Washington [no publisher] 1858. [v. 2, pt. 2.] [863-[135] and 834-[108]] [Includes erroneously a list of contents for v. 2, pt. 1. An extra title-page bears imprint "Washington, 1859."] Contents: pt. 2. Zoology of the boundary: Manmials, by S. F. Baird; Birds, by S. F, Baird; Reptiles, by S. F. Baird; Fishes, by C. Girard. Mexican boundary survey. Report on United States and Mexican boundary Burvey, made under direction of Secretary of Interior; by William H. Emory. Washington, A. 0. P. Nicholson, printer, 1857. V. 1 [pt. 2]. [Also in Report, v. 1, 2 pts. (I1.2:M57 0.] Same. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, printer, 1859. v. 2 [2 pts.]. (34th Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 108; serial nos. 833 and 834.) [This bureau edition of the Senate print of v. 2 contains same matter in one book as found in the two books entered under I1.2:M57 2-3.] Oklahoma. [Certain lands in Oklahoma not subject to operation of mining.] Apr. 9, 1903. Orders, circulars, and circular instruction[s] of Department of Interior, Mar. 1877-Feb. 1885. 1885. Patent Office. Report on reconstruction of Patent Office building for year ending Oct. 1, 1880. 1880. [Also in annual reports of In- terior Department, 1880, v. 2 (1 1.1:8802).] [The report here entered is a report concerning the reconstruction of the north and west wings of the Patent Ofhce (or Interior Department) building after the fire of Sept. 24, 1877, an account of which appears in the publication entered under 1 23.2:F51. Later reports concerning the reconstruction of the south wing appear in annual reports of Interior Department, 1883-85 (1 1.1:883 2, 884 2, and 885 i).J Pensions. Regulations for disbursement of pension money paid to superintendent or disbursing agent of Government Hospital for Insane, under acts of Feb. 20, 1905, and Feb. 2, 1909. May 1, 1909. 40 435 C'lasMlAcatiuii 00. I 1. SECRETARY— Continued 1 1.2: General publications— Continued P65 P75 P93 R24 Sa5 Si5 Sm5 T271 T272 T68 W34 W721 W722 W723 Y3' Y32 11.3: Pine timber. Conference between Secretary of Interior and members of Minnesota delegation in Congress to ascertain better method for sale and disposal of pine timber on Indian reservations in that State, Jan. 19, 23, 1901. 1901. Political assessments [circular for information and guidance of officers and employees of Department of Interior] . Aug. 11, 1900. Price list of articles of stationery furniehed under contract for Depart- ment of Interior and its bureaus and offices for fiscal year 1908. [1907.] f° Reclamation. Government reclamation work in foreign countries; compiled from consular reports and official documents by Ed- ward D. McQueen Gray. 1909, San Francisco Mountains. Proceedings before Secretary of Interior in matter of proposed consolidation of San Francisco Mountains forest reserves, Ariz. 1901. Simpson, James H, Report of James H. Simpson on Union Pacific Railroad and branches, Central Pacific Railroad of California, Northern Pacific Railroad, wagon roads in Territories of Idaho, Montana, Dakota, and Nebraska, and Washington aqueduct, Nov. 23, 1865. 1865. [Printed also without maps or acts relat- ing to Pacific railroads, in annual report of Interior Department, 1865(11.1:865).] Smith, Edward P. Report of commission appointed by Secretary of Interior to investigate charges against E. P. Smith, commissioner of Indian affairs. [1874.] Territories, Reports of governors of Territories of Arizona, Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, 1878, 1878. Territories. Reports of governors of Arizona, Dakota, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico) Utah, and Washington Territories, 1879. 1879. See, for later annual reports of these 8 Territories, 11.6:, 11,10:, 1 1.19:, 1 1.22:, 1 1.24:, 1 1,32:, 1 1.35:, and 1 1.36: Transportation requests, circular [giving decision of Comptroller of Treasury]. Mar. 22, 1902. Watts, Cornelius C, In Supreme Court of District of Columbia, Cor- nelius C, Watts [et al., successors to title of heirs of Luis Maria Cabeza de Baca] v. Richard A. Ballinger, Secretary of Interior, and Frederick Dennett, commissioner of General Land Office, in equity, no. 28207; answer of defendants. [1909.] Wind Cave National Park. Report on Wind Cave, Crater Lake, SuUys Hill, Piatt, and Mesa Verde national parks and Casa Grande ruin, 1907. 1908. [Also in annual reports of Interior Depart- ment, 1907 (1 1.1:907 1). See also 1 1.42: and 1 1.48:] Wind Cave National Park. Report on Wind Cave, Crater Lake, SuUys Hill, and Piatt national parks, Casa Grande ruin and Minnesota national forest reserve, 1908. 1909. [Also in annual reports of Interior Department, 1908 (1 1.1 : 908 '). See also 1 1.42:] Wind Cave National Park. Report on Wind Cave, Crater Lake, Sullys Hill, and Piatt national parks, and Casa Grande ruin, 1909. 1909. [Also in annual reports of Interior Department, 1909 (Il.l:909»). See also II A2.] Yellowstone National Park. Regulations governing impounding and disposition of loose live stock found in Yellowstone National Park. 1900. 24° Yellowstone National Park. Rules, regulations, and instructions for information and guidance of officers and enlisted men of Army, and of scouts doing duty in Yellowstone National Park. 1907. 249 SeealsoIlA7:Y3. Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] 436 Classification no. 1 1. SECRETARY— Continued 11.4: (nos.) 11.7^: (date) 11.7 = : Se5 11.8: (date) Circulars [In 1904 the following 6 Circulars were issued, 1-5 on segregated coal lands, and 6 on segregated asphalt lands, in Indian Territory.] 2 3 4 5 6 [Discontinued.] 11.5: Alaska, Governor, Annual reports (date) [1884-1909, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.] 11.6: Arizona, Governor, Annual reports f (date) [1878-1909, t in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and usually issued separately also.] 11.7: Capitol Building and Grounds Superintendent [From 1817 to Mar. 3, 1843, there was an architect for the Capitol under the Commis- sioner of Public Bmldings, and his reports usually appeared in the reports ol the latter official. See, for further information, note under 1 1.51 : The office of Architect of Extension of United States Capitol, under Interior Depart- ment, was created Jime 11, 1851. The work was transferred to War Department Mar. 23, 1853; retransferred to Interior Department Apr. 16, 1862. Name varied somewhat in the early years. Changed to Superintendent of Capitol Building and Grounds by act approved Feb. 14, 1902 (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 20).] Capitol Building and Grounds Superintendent, Annual reports Architect op Extension op Capitol 1851 [618-33] 1852 [619-52] Capitol Extension Ofpice 1853-61, in annual xeports of War Department (Wl.l:). Architect op Capitol Extension 1862 [1124-97] [Report on condition of work on its transfer to Interior Department, transmitted by Secretary of Interior to Senate Com- mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds. No edition without Congressional document number.] 1862-75, in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:), and usually issued separately also. Architect op Capitol 1876-1901, in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:), and issued separately also. Capitol Building and Grounds Superintendent 1902-09, in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:), and issued separately also. Capitol Building and Grounds Superintendent, General publications Senate office building. Office building, United States Senate [report to Senate Commission]. Jan. 5, 1907, Columbia Institution for Instruction of Deaf and Dumb, Annual reports [1857-1909, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. For 1883-85, statements of receipts and expenditures were also made; see [2171-37], [2311-17], and [234&-102].] fThis series will necessarily terminate on the admission of Arizona as a State. Public joint resolution 8, 62d Congress, 1st session, which provided for the admis- sion of Arizona and New Mexico into the Union upon certain conditions, was ap- proved by the President Aug. 21, 1911, but the formal admission has not yet (Sept. 22, 1911) taken place. 437 rUsRtncatton IIU. I 1.9: (date) 11.10: (date) 11.11: 11.11': (date) Il.lli«: (CT) 11.11=^: In2 L44 R65 11.12': (date) I1.12i«: (CT) 11.122: N93 R26» R262 I 1.13: (date) I 1. SECRETARY— Continued Columbia Railway C'ompany, Annual reports (1895 and 189G, in annual reports of Interior I)«ipartinont (1 1.1:), and Issued sepa- rately also.] Dakota, Governor, Annual reports [Prom 1878 to 1889, when North Dakota and South Dakota were admitted as Statos, In annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and usually issued separately also.] Five Civilized Tribes Commissioner [The Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, popularly known as the Dawes Com- mission, was created by act of Conj^ess approved Mar. 3, 189.3 (Stat. L. v. 27, p. 645), and ceased to exist June 30, 1905, under act approved Mar. 3, 1905 (Stat. L. V. 33, pt. 1, p. 1060), the work being placed under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, who appointed a "Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes'^' to represent him in continuation of it.] Five Civilized Tribes Commissioner, Annual reports Five Civilized Tribes Commission 1894 [3281-24] 1895 [3347-12] [In bureau edition, reports for 1894, 1895, and 1896 are issued together, 1894 and 1895 being reprints of Congressional editions for the same years.] 1894-1905, in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:), and issued separately also. Five Civilized Tribes Commissioner 1906-09, in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:), and issued separately also. Five Civilized Tribes Commissioner, Annual reports (separates) Five Civilized Tribes Commissioner, General . publications Index to annual reports of Commission to Five Civilized Tribes, 1894- 1905. 1906. [4916-536] Laws, decisions, and regulations affecting work of Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes, 1893-1906, with maps showing classification of lands in Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole nations [etc.]; compiled by Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes. 1906. Rolls. Final rolls of citizens and freedmen of Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory. [St. Paul, Minn., Pioneer Press Company, 1908.] Freedmen »s Hospital, Annual reports [1874-1909, in annual reports of Interior Department (II. 1:), and usually issued 1894-1909, also in annual reports of Commissioners of District of separately also; Columbia (DCl.l: ).] Freedmen 's Hospital, Annual reports (separates) [The report of the superintendent of Trainine: School for Nurses usually accompanies this report, and is sometimes issued separately.] Freednaen's Hospital, General publications Nurses. Course of nurse training at Freedmen's Hospital, Washington, D. C; approved Oct. 27, 1909. 1909. Regulations. Rules and regulations for government of Freedmen's Hospital and Asylum,"Washington, D. C. 1898. Regulations of Freedmen's Hospital, Washington, D. C; approved Sept. 18, 1909. 1909. 320 Gas and Meters Inspector, Annual reports [1880-82, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:); with slight differences, arts of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:); and issued in aimual rei separately See, for later pubUcations, DC33.1 i 438 Clanslfication no. I1.14»: I (date) I 1.14 »«: (date) 11.142: B73 C28 D63 N93 R86 T83 11.14': (nos.) 11.14^: (nos.) 11.15: (date)' I 1.16: (date) tll.lT^: (date) 11.18: (date) 11.19: (date) I 1. SECRETARY— Continued Government Hospital for Insane, Annual reports [1854-1909, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. The Pathological supplement to report for 1887 was issued as a separate pamphlet only, and is not in annual report of Interior Department, 1887. The financial report required by act approved June 4, 1880, is included in annual reports from 1880 to 1905; from 1905 to 1909 it appears as a separate document in Congressional set as follows; 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 4910-61] 5069-15] 5239-6] 5D58-1073] 5661-202].] Government Hospital for Insane, Annual reports (separates; medical reports) [The medical portion of the report was sometimes printed separately.] Government Hospital for Insane, General publi- cations Brain. Illustrations of gross morbid anatomy of brain in insane, plates showing pathological conditions in post-mortem examinations; by I. W. Blackburn. 1908. 4« Catalogue of books. July, 1902. District of Columbia. Report and correspondence relating to release from Government Hospital for Insane of certain persons admitted thereto upon order of authorities of District of Columbia. 1875. Nurses. Syllabus of courses of instruction in training school for nurses. Jan. 1907. Rules. By-laws and rules and regulations of board of visitors of Govern- ment Hospital for Insane. 1900. 12° Tumors. Intracranial tumors among insane, study of 29 intracranial tumors found in 1642 autopsies in cases of mental disease; by I. W. Blackburn. 1903. Government Hospital for Insane, Bulletins 1 [No more published up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Government Hospital for Insane, Circulars [None issued.] Hot Springs Reservation Commission, Annual reports [1877-79, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.] Hot Springs Reservation Improvements Office, Annual reports [1893-95, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.] Hot Springs Reservation, Annual reports [1878-1909, reports of superintendent, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:); for 1878, and usually from 1884 to 1909, issued separately also. Report for 1909 was not compiled by the superintendent, but from data supplied by him to the office of the Secretary of Interior. See, for special reports on Hot Springs, Ark., 1 1.2:H79 1-^.] How^ard University, Annual reports [1891-1909, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and usually issued separately also.] Idaho, Governor, Annual reports [From 1878 to 1890, when Idaho was admitted as a State, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.] t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. A new class has since become necessary under 1 1.17: as follows: 11.172: Hot Springs Reservation, General publications (CT) See, for laws and regulations relating to Hot Springs Reservation, com- piled or signed by Secretary of Interior, I 1.2:H79'''^', and I 1.47 :H79, 439 ClatwIflcatluQ no. I1.20»: (date) 11.20': (date) 11.21: (date) 11.22: (date) 11.23: (date) 11.24': (date) 1 11.24 2: (date) 11.25: (date) I 1. SECRETARY— ("ontinued Mine Inspector for Indian Territory, Annual reix>rts (1894-1907, In annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.] Indian Inspector for Indian Territory, Annual reports (1899-1907, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and Issued separatelv also. These contain also reports of superintendent and supervisors oi schools In the Territory, Indian agent in charge of Union Agency, and revenue inspectors. The report of the Indian a^ent at Union Agency, 1909, is also an excerpt from the Five avilized Tribes Commission report, 1909(1 1.11 »;909), and is classed under Il.llia:] Maritime Canal reports (By act approved Feb. 20, 1889, the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua is required to malce a report on the 1st Monday of December in each year to the Secretary of Interior. 1889-1902, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and for 1889 and 1890 issued separately also. From 1889 to 1909, the reports have appeared in the Congressional set as follows: Company of Nicaragua, Annual 1889 2682-491 1896 [3467-14 1890 2818-5 1897 3590-10 1891 2892-4 1898 3725-13 1892 3055-1 1899 3844-13 1893 31G0-5 1900 4029-28 1894 327.5-1 1901 4220-27 1895 3347-h )] 1902 4417-8] 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 4587-9] 4829-32 4984-.50' 5069-73' 5267-10 5558-1094] 5838-250].] Montana, Governor, Annual reports [From 1878 to 1889, when Montana became a State, in armual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and usually issued separately also.] Territory of New Mexico, Mine Inspector for Annual reports [1895-1909, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. Reports for 1893 and 1894 submitted but not printed.] New Mexico, Governor, Annual reports f [1879-1909 t (except 1880 and 1882, none issued), in annual reports of Interior Depart- ment (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.] New Mexico, Traveling Auditor and Bank Exami- ner, Annual reports Official register [or Blue book] 8°, large 8°, and 4*' [Biennial.] [" Official register" is used throughout as binder's title, though title-pages 1861-77 read. Register of officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in service of United States. The popular name, "Blue boolt," arose from the fact that the issues were bound in blue roan.] See, for earlier issues, SI. 11: 1861 1863 1865 1867 1869 1871 1873 1875 1877 1879, V. 1 Same, v. 2 1881, V. 1 Same, v. 2 1883, V. 1 [2214-4] Same, v. 2 [2215-4] 1885, V. 1 [2410-27] Same, v. 2 [2411-27] 1887, v.l [2567-87] Same, v. 2 [2568-87] 1889, V. 1 [2764-41] Same, v. 2 [2765-41] fThis series will necessarily terminate on the admission of New Mexico as a State. Public joint resolution 8, 62d Congress, 1st session, which provided for the admission of Arizona and New Mexico into the Union upon certain conditions, was approved by the President Aug. 21, 1911, but the formal admission has not yet (Sept. 22, 1911) taken place. JThe publications classed under 1 1.24*: are not listed in this Checklist because not issued until 1910. 440 Classification no. 11.25: (date) I1.25«: (CT) 11.26: (date) 11.27: (date) 11.28: (date) 11.28a: (CT) 11.29: (date) 11.30: (date) I 1. SECRETARY— Continued Official register [or Blue book]— Continued 1891, V. 1 [2985-50] 1899, v. 1 Same, v. 2 [2986-50] Same, v. 2 1893, V. 1 [3230-29] 1901, v. 1 Same, v. 2 [3231-29] Same, v. 2 1895, V. 1 1903, V. 1 Same, v. 2 Same, v. 2 1897, V. 1 1905, V. 1 Same, v. 2 Same, v. 2 See, for later issues, C3.10: Official register [or Blue book] (separates) OklahLoma, Governor, Annual reports [From 1891 to 1907, when Oklahoma was admitted as a State, in annual reports ol Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.] Pension Building, Annual reports on construc- tion of [1883-87, in annual reports of Interior Dept. (H.l:),and usually issued separately also.] Register of Department of tlie Interior [See, for registers printed as extracts from Official register, II. 25a:] 1877 1895 1878 [None issued.] 1896 1879 1897 1880 1898 1881 1899 1882 [None issued.] 1883 1884 1900 1885 [None issued.] 1901 1886 1902 1887 1903 1888 [None issued.] 1904 1889 1905 1890 [None issued.] 1906 1891 1907 1892 [None issued.] 1908 1893 1909 1894 Register of Department of the Interior (separates) Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, Annual reports [1891-1909, in annual reports of Interior Dept. (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.) Union Pacific Railway, Government directors, Annual reports [The Government directors entered upon their duties in Oct. 1864. The early reports were usually printed as Congressional documents. The reports made in 1864 and 1865 are found in James H. Simpson's report (I 1.2:Si5). In 1885 a compilation was ordered to include all reports from 1864 to 1885. This compilation, however, omitted some of the reports for 1866, 1867, and 1869, which may be found in Con- gressional documents [1308-2. special session, Senate] and [1691-180]. No reports have been found for 1870 and 1871. The last report submitted was for 1898, the pecuniary relations of the Government with this road terminating Nov. 1, 1897. 1877-98, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:); and 1886-98, issued sepa- rately also.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [Printed only as extract from Official register. See I1.25o:In8.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] 1864-85 [compilation of reports] 1885 [2336-73] [2336-69] 441 rUHsinratlon no. H.30: (date) 11.31: (date) 11.32: (date) 11.33: (date) 11.34: (date) 11.35: (date) 11.36: (date) 11.37: (date) 11.38: (date) I 1. SECRETARY— Continued Union Pacific Railway, Government directors, Annual reports— Continued 1886 (2448-101 1887 * [2558-148] 1888 [Not in Congressional set.] 1889 2682-48] 1890 2689-233] 1891 2892-6] 1892 3055-4 1893 [3160-4 1894 40 [3275-3] 1895 [3347-6] 1896 [3467-12] 1897 [3590-5] 1898 [3725-12] Utah. Commission, Annual reports [1882-96, in annual reports of Interior Deimrtment (1 1.1:), and usually Issued sepa- rately also.] Utah, Governor, Annual reports [From 1878 to 1896, when Utah became a State, In annual rejwrts of Interior Depart- ment (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.] Mine Inspector for Territory of Utah, Annual reports [1893-95, In annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. Washington Hospital for Foundlings, Annual reports [Incorporated by act of Apr. 22, 1870 (Stat. L. v. 16, p. 92). ■ ' .-.. irtment(l 1.1:), m annual reports 01 l;o 1.1:), and issued separately for 1890, 18! On MarT 3, 1909, an act was also passed requiring reports to be made to Commls- ,p.92). 1886-1904, In annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), In annual reports of Com missloners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), and issued separately jpor for 1890, 1895- Name changed bv act approved Mar. 3, 1909, to Washington Home for Foundling ' * " ' " ■ - . , ^Q Coram! See, for later 1904. sloners of District of Columbia, Instead of to Secretary of Interior, reports, DC38.J Washington, Governor, Annual reports [From 1878 to 1889, when Washington was admitted as a State (except 1880-83. none Issued), in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and usually issued separately also.] Wyoming, Governor, Annual reports [From 1878 to 1890. when Wyoming was admitted as a State (except 1879 and 1882, none issued), in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:), and usually issued separately also.] Yellowstone National Park, Annual reports 1872 [1545-35] [Not in annual reports of Interior Department.] 1873-76 [None issued.] 1877 and 1878, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. » 1879 [Issued separately only.] 1880-83, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1 :), and issued sep- arately also. 1884 [None issued.] 1885, in annual report of Interior Department, 1885 (1 1.1:885), but not issued separately. 1886-1909, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. Yosemite National Park, Annual reports [1891-1909, also.] in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and Issued separately 442 Classification no. 11.39: (date) 11.40: (date) 11.41: (date) 11.42: (date) 11.43: ''(date) 11.44: 591 592 60 1 602 11.45: (date) 11.46: (CT) I 1. SECRETARY— Continued Porto Rico, Education Department, Annual reports [1900-06, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. Report for 1905 appears also as Congressional document [4910-60]. Report for 1906 appears also as Cfongressional document [5069-17]. Report for 1907, submitted to the Secretary of the Interior, is identical with the one submitted to the governor of Porto Rico. It is published separately by the Interior Department, but is not included in the annual report of that Depart- ment. Report for 1908, submitted to the Secretary of the Interior, is in annual report of gov- ernor of Porto Rico, 1908 (810.1:908) , but is not in annua] report of Interior Depart- ment, 1908 (1 1.1:908), and is not issued separately. See, for reports to governor of Porto Rico, 1901-08 (except 1904), in SlO.l: See, for later reports, ■W75.7:, and for historical information, note under W75.] Porto Rico, Interior Department, Annual reports [1900-06, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. Report for 1905 appears also as Congressional document [4910-59] . Report for 1906 appears also as Congressional document [5069-16]. Report for 1907, submitted to the Secretary of the Interior, is identical with the one submitted to the governor of Porto Rico. It is published separately by the Inte- rior Department, but is not included in the annual report of that Department. Report for 1908, submitted to the governor of Porto Rico, is in annual report of gov- ernor of Porto Rico, 1908 (810.1:908), but is not in annual report of Interior Department, 1908 (1 1.1:908), and is not issued separately. See, for reports to governor of Porto Rico, 1901-08 (except 1904), in SlO.l: See, for later reports, W75.9:, and for historical information, note under W75.] Hawaii, Governor, Annual reports [1900-09, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.] Crater Lake National Park, Annual reports [1903-06, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. 1907-09, unsigned reports compiled in office of Secretary of Interior, included in gen- eral reports on Wind Cave and other national parks, which were published in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:). These general reports were also issued separately for 1907-09, see 1 1.2:W72i-3.] Mount Rainier National Park, Annual reports [1904 and 190&-09, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. No report for 1905.] Laws relating to Department of Interior Laws relating to Department of Interior passed by 59th Congress, 1st ses- sion, with acts making appropriations for expenses of Government for fiscal year 1907, and prior years. 1906. Same, 59th Congress, 2d session, with acts making appropriations for expenses of Government for fiscal year 1908, and prior years. 1907. Same, 60th Congress, 1st session, with acts making appropriations for expenses of Government for fiscal year 1909, and prior years. 1908. Same, 60th Congress, 2d session, with acts making appropriations for expenses of Government for fiscal year 1910, and prior years, * and revised penal laws. 1909. Washington Aqueduct, Annual reports [In 1850, an appropriation of $500 was made to enable the War Department to make surveys for supplying Washington with pure water. Additional appropriations were inade in 1852 and 1853. In 1859 the work was placed under the care of an officer of the Engineer Corps, to be appointed by the President, who was to act under and report to the Department of the Interior. In 1867, the War Depart- ment was again given control of the Washington Aqueduct. 1859-66, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and for 1863 issued sepa- rately also. 1867-1909, see annual reports of Engineer Department (W7.1i:), and separates there- from (W7.1 la:).] Specifications 443 CUssinration uo. I 1.47 C85 H79 M56 M86 P69 Se6 W72 Y3 Y7 11.48: (date) 11.49: (CT) J I 1.50: 11.51: (date) I 1. SECRETARY— Continued Laws and regulations relating to national parks, reservations, etc. Crater Lake National Park. Laws and regulations relating to ('rater Lake National Park, Oreg. 1908. Hot Springs Reservation . Laws and regulations relating to Hot Springs Reservation, Hot Springs, Ark. 1908. [See also 1 1:2:1179 ^ A j] Mec^i Verde National Park. Laws and regulations relating to Mesa Verde National Park, Colo. 1908, Mount Rainier National Park. Laws and regulations relating to Mount Rainier National Park, Wash. 1908. Piatt National Park. Laws and regulations relating to Piatt National Park, Okla. 1908. Sequoia National Park. Laws and regulations relating to Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, Cal. 1908. Wind Cave National Park. Laws and regulations relating to Wind Cave National Park, S. Dak. 1908. Yellowstone National Park. Laws and regulations relating to Yellow- stone National Park, Wyo. 1908. [See also 1 1.2 Y3 ^'\] ■ Yosemite National Park. Laws and regulations relating to Yosemite National Park, Cal. 1908. Mesa Verde National Park, Annual reports [Established by act of June 29, 1906. 1907, unsigned report compiled in office of Secretary of Interior, included in a general report on Wind Cave and other national parks which was published in annual reports of Interior Department, 1907 (1 1.1:907 i). This general report was also issued separately; *cc I1.2:W72i. 1908 and 1909, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued sepa- rately also. Reports include reports of superintendent, and of J. W^alter Fewkes, in charge of excavation and repair of ruins, each addressed to Secretary of Inte- rior.] Public notices [concerning Irrigation projects of Reclamation Service] 4° : - * [A Public notice regarding acquisition of land under sec. 4 of reclamation act of June 17, 1902, is issued by the Secretary of Interior at the opening of each project. These notices and supplementary sheets are called Public notices, Public notices and orders, or Public notices and regulations.] Commissioner of Public Buildings, Annual reports [By act approved July 16, 1790, 3 commissioners were authorized to be appointed by the President to survey a district or territory for tlie permanent seat of Govern- ment, to purchase or accept land on the eastern side of the Potomac River, and to provide suitable buildings for Congress, the President, and public offices of the Government. Act of May 1 , 1802, abolished the office of commissioners, and con- ferred their jwwers upon a superintendent. By act of Apr. 29, 1816, the President was authorized to appoint one commissioner to take up the duties of this office. Senate resolution of Jan. 28, 1818, required an annual statement on expenditures and progress of work to be made by this com- missioner and, through the President, laid before Congress. Act of Mar. 3, 1829, required these reports to be made directly to Congress at the beginning of each session. Act of July 1, 1840, required them to be made at the beginning of each calendar year. The reports from 1817 to 1841 usually contain the report of the Architect of the Capitol, who was styled in 1817 the Surveyor of the Capitol, and at another time. Architect of Public Buildings. This official was an appointee of the Comnaissioner of Public Buildings. Act of Mar. 3, 1843, discontinued the office of Architect, which was revived as a distinct office June 11, 1851 {see 1 1.7:). t Certain regulations issued in 1911 by the Hot Springs Reservation, though not entered in this Checklist, are classed as General publications of the reservation (see footnote class 1 1 . 17 ^ :) . t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Interior Department has since begun the issue of a series of maps which necessitates an addi- tional class under II., the series title of which is as follows: 1 1.50: Maps of States showing lands designated by Secretary of Interior as subject to (CT) entry under enlarged homestead act of Feb. 19, 1909 444 Classification no. 11.51: (date) SECRETARY— Continued Commissioner of Public reports — Continued Buildings, Annual The following are references to the reports of Commissioner of Public Buildings in Congressional set: 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1827 1828 { f[2-109] ' '11-184] 17-8] 32-15] 48-3] 64-26] 87-91,93] 93-8] 114-8] 142-134] 149-6] 163-201 170-41] 181-1, p. 188] 184-2, p. 170] 1829 [195-15] 1830] 1843 1831 y None issued.] 1844 1832 1845 1833 1834 254-19 272-35 1846 1835 288-97' 1847 1836 301-10 1848 1837 322-28 1849 1838 345-20 1850 1839 None ssued.] 1851 1840 1852 1841 402-40] 1853 1842 420-54; 432-29' 441-52' 464-41" 482-53" 494-50' 499-38- 516-24' 540-34' 576-30' 599-47" 641-79 685-20 741-11 Sec. 15 of act of Aug. 4, 1854 (Stat. L. v. 10, p. 573) placed the Commissioner of Public Buildings under the Interior Department. The office was abolished and the duties transferred to Engineer Department by sec. 2 of act approyed Mar. 2, 1867 (Stat. L. V. 14, p. 460).] 1854-66, in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:), and some- times issued separately also. See J for later reports, W38.1: 12. 1st CENSUS, 1790 [Until organization of Department of Interior in 1849, the Census Office was connected with the Department of State. The first census law was passed Mar. 1, 1790, and the first census was taken under it A ug. 1 , 1790. See, for History and growth of United States census, by Carroll D. Wright and William C. Hunt, 1900, Y4.C332: H62. Sec, for Heads of families at 1st census, 03.11:] 12.1: Annual reports (date) 12.2: (CT) 12.3: (nos.) 12.4: (nos.) 12.5: (nos.) [None issued.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Final volumes [Book 1] Return of whole number of persons within the several districts of United States, by authority of act of Congress, Mar. 1, 1790. Philadelphia, Childs and Swaine, 1791. ■* Same. Philadelphia, Joseph Gales, 1791. * Same. Washington, William Duane & Son, 1802. * 13. 2d CENSUS, 1800 13.1: (date) 13.2: (CT) 13.3: (nos.) 13.4: (nos.) Annual reports [None issued.] Oeneral publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 445 ClatMincatloii no. 13.5: (no8.) I 3. 2d CENSUS, ISOO-Continued Final volumes [Book 11 Return of whole number of persons within the Hoveral districts of United States, according to act providing for 2d census or enu- meration of inhabitants of United Stales, passed P'eb. 28, 1800. Printed by order of House of Representatives. [Washington, 1801.] 2 l.+34+[36]p.f° [Includes also page numbered 12*. Pages are unnumbered after p. 34. These unnumbered pages, except last, are lettered 2A-2R (J being omitted) and have printed inscription: Duane, printer. Letter of transmittal from Department of State is dated Dec. 8, 1801, and signed by James Madison. Schedule for Tennessee, mentioned as not received in letter of transmittal dated Dec. 8, 1801, is included, bearing date Dec. 22, 1801. At end is a corrected schedule for Maryland, dated Dec. 21, 1801.] Same. Washington City, printed at Apollo Press by Wm. Duane & Son, 1802. [3]+9-88,p.lfoldedtab.8° [The corrected schedule for Maryland, dated Dec. 21, 1801, which in the original folio print appears at the end, is in this reprint inserted after the Maryland schedule, being p. 67 and 68 of the reprint.] 14.1: (date) 14.2: (CT) 14.3: (nos.) 14.4: (nos.) 14.5: (nos.) 14. 3d CENSUS, 1810 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Final volumes [Book 1] Aggregate amount of each description of persons within United States of America and Territories thereof, agreeably to actual enu- meration made according to law, in year 1810. [Washington, 1811.] 180 p. fo [Book 2] Statement of arts and manufactures of America, exhibiting: I. Collection of facts, evincing their benefactions to agriculture, commerce, navigation, and fisheries, and their subserviency to public defense, with an indication of certain existing modes of conducting them, peculiarly important to United States; II. Collection of additional facts, tending to show practical founda- tion, actual progress, condition, and establishment of American arts and manufactures, and their connection with wealth and strength of United States; together with — One series of tables of the several branches of American manufactures, exhibiting them by States, Territories, and districts, so far as they were returned in reports of marshals and of secretaries of Territories and their respective assistants, in autumn of year 1810; together with simi- lar returns of certain doubtful goods, productions of soil, and agricultural stock, so far as they have been reported; and an- other — Series of tables of the several branches of American manu- factures, exhibiting them in every county of the Union, so far as they were returned in reports of marshals and of secretaries of Territories and their respective assistants, in autumn of year 1810; which tables were prepared in execution of an instruction of Albert Gallatin, Secretary of Treasury, given by him in obe- dience to resolution of Congress of 19th day of March, 1812. [Washington] May 30, 1813. 233 p. 4° * [Garfield's report and Lunt's Key to publications of U, S. Census, Boston, 1888, say 170 p.] 446 Classification no. 15.1: ., ^ J,; (date) '■'^'15.2: (CT) 15.3: (nos.) 15.4: (nos.) 15.5: (nos.) 16.1: (date) 16.2: (CT) 16.3: (nos.) 16.4: (nos.) 16.5: (nos.) 17.1: , (date) it 7.2: C731 C73- 17.3: (nos.) 15. 4tli CENSUS, 1820 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Final volumes [Book 1] Census for 1820, published by authority of act of Congress, under direction of Secretary of State. Washington, Gales and Seaton, 1821. f« ^[Bpok 2] Digest of accounts of manufacturing establishments in United ^ ■vyi'ui (States, and of their manufactures; made under direction of Sec- ' retary of State, in pursuance of resolution of Congress of 30th of Mar. 1822. Washington, Gales and Seaton, 1823. f '' 16. 5tli CENSUS, 1830 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Final volumes ^^^,^^ [Book 1] Fifth census; or, Eiitimeration of inhabitants of United States, 1830, to which is prefixed schedule of whole number of persons within United States, 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820. Washington, Duff Green, 1832. i° Same, 2d print, corrected at Department of State. Washington, Duff Green, 1832. [Book 2] Abstract of returns of 5th census, showing number of free peo- ple, number of slaves, federail or representative number, and ag- gregate of each county of each State; prepared from corrected returns of Secretary of State to Congress by clerk of House of Rep- resentatives. Washington, Duff Green, 1832. [221-263] 17. 6tli CENSUS, 1840 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Compendium of enumeration of inhabitants and statistics, to which is added abstract of each preceding census; prepared at Department of State. Washington, Thomas Allen, 1841. f° Same. Washington, Blair & Rives, 1841. f ° * Bulletins [None issued.] 447 Clftssincation no. 17.4: (nofl.) 17.5: (no6.) I 7. 6tll CENSUS, 1840— Continued Circulars [None issued.] Final volumes [Book 1] SixUi census; or, Enumeration of inhabitants of United States as corrected at Department of State in 1840. Washington, Blair and Rives, 1841. f <> [Book 21 Statistics of United States returned for 6th census, June 1, 1840. Washington, Blair and Rives, 1841. 1° [Book 3] Census of pensioners for revolutionary or military services, with names, ages, and places of residence. Washington, Blair and Rives, 1841. 4° 18.1: (date) 18.2: >C73^ ->C732 R32 18.3: (nos.) 18.4: (nos.) 18.5: (nos.) 18. 7tli CENSUS, 1850 Annual reports [1851, 1852, and 1854, in annual reportsof Interior Department (1 1.1:). 1851 and 1852 also issued in a volume, the cover-title of which reads: "Abstract of 7th census."] General publications Compendium. Statistical view of United States, embracing its terri- tory, population [etc.], being a compendium of 7th census, to which are added results of every previous census, beginning with 1790. Washington, Beverley Tucker, printer, 1854. Same. Washington, A. 0. P. Nicholson, Public Printer, 1854. Review of report of Senate Committee on returns of 7th census. Wash- ington, Gideon and Co., printers, 1852. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Final volumes [Book 1] Seventh census of United States, 1850, embracing statistical view of each of the States and Territories [etc.]. 1853. 4** [686-unnumbered document] [Book 2] Mortality statistics. 1855. [805-98] fri'mo I See, for statistics of manufactures of 7th census [984-39]. 19. 8tli CENSUS, 1860 19.1: Annual reports (date) I [None issued.] General publications Preliminary report on 8th census, 1860. 1862. [1137-116] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Final volumes [Book 1] Population in 1860. 1864. i° [Book 2] Statistics of agriculture in 1860. 1864. 4° [Book 3] Manufactures in 1860. 1865. 4° [Book 4] Statistics of United States, including morts^lity, property, etc., in 1860. 1866. 4° >I9.2: P91 19.3: (nos.) 19.4: (nos.) 19.5: (nos^ 7 448 1) V Classlflcatlon no. 1 10.1: (date) 110.2: Ate^ Ate 2 ^ C73 G29 H81 In7 I10.2«: (CT) 110.3: (nos.) 110.4: : (nos.) > 110.5: (v. nos.) I10.5«: (CT) I 11.1: (date) I 11.2: All Ap6 '4 ^ ' > C731 C732 C733 C86 F53 I 10. 9tli CENSUS, 1870 Annual reports [1872 appeared in Compendium of 9th census (I10.2:C73); 1873, in annual report of Interior Department (1 1.1:873). None issued separately.] General publications Atlas. Statistical atlas of United States, based on results of 9th census, 1870. [New York] Julius Bien, lith., 1874. f ° [Originally is- sued in 3 pts.] Atlas. Announcement [regarding publication of Statistical atlas of United States]. July 18, 1874. 4° Compendium of 9th census, June 1, 1870. 1872. [1476-unnumbered document] Geological map of United States for 9th census; by C. H. Hitchcock and W. P. Blake. Scale 250 m.=3 in. 1872. 20^X31^ in. Hough, Franklin B. [Communication from Franklin B. Hough and others relative to census.] Feb. 7, 1869. Instructions to assistant marshals, act of May 23, 1850. 1870. General publications (separates) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Final volumes V. 1 V. 2 V. 3 1473-unnumbered document 1474-unnumbered document 1475-unnumbered document Final volumes (separates) 111. lOtli CENSUS, 1880 Annual reports [1878-84 (except 1882, none issued), in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.] General publications Alaska. History and present condition of fishery industries, by G. Brown Goode: Seal-islands of Alaska, by Henry W. Elliott. 1881. 4° [Sec. 9, monograph A. See, for other editions, FC1.7:A11 and 1 11.5:8. See, for monograph B, Ill.2:0y8.] [This separately issued monograph was to have been incorporated in a volume of the 10th census entitled History and present condition of fishery industries, but the volume was not issued. The material which had been prepared for it by cooperation of 10th census and Fish Commission was utilized ])y the latter in its publication, Fisheries and fishery industries of United States, FC1,6:] Apportionment under 10th census, tabular statements exhibiting total population of each State and Territory, apportionment of members of Congress from 293 to 325, moiety question, &c., with remarks of S. S. Cox, &c. 1881. Compendium of 10th census, June 1, 1880. 1883. Same. Revised edition. 1885. pt. 1. [2059-64] Same. Revised edition. 1888. pt. 2. [2060-64] Crime. Nomenclature of crime, or, Analytical list of offenses against statutes of United States and States of the Federal Union; by Fred H. and Walter B. Wines, n. p. [1879?]. Fisheries. Plan of inquiry into history and present condition of fish- eries of United States. 1879. [It was intended that a volume on the History and present condition of fishery indus- tries should be issued as a part of the final reports of the 10th census. The volume did not so appear, but the material which had been collected was printed in vari- ous forms; 8CC entries and notes under 1 11.2: All, 1 11.2:Oy8, FC1.6:and FC1.7:] 449 Clatwlflcatlon no. 1 11. lOth CENSUS, 1880— Continued 111.2: General publications — Continued F76 Oy8 I 11.3: Forest trees. Catalogue of forest trees in North America; by Charles S. Sargent. 1880. Loans. Sec, for National loans of U. S., July 4, 1776-June 30, 1880, by Rafael A. Bayley, as prepared for 10th census, T1.2:L78>.^ Oyster-industry. History and present condition of fishery industries, by G. Brown Goode: Oyster-industry, by Ernest Ingersoll, 1881. 4° [Sec. 10, monograph B. See, for monograph A, I 11.2:A1 l.j [This separately issued monograph was to have been incorporated in a volume of the 10th census entitled History and present condition of fishery industries, hut the volume was not issued. The material which had been prepared for it by coopera- tion of 10th census and Fish Commission was utilized by the latter in its publi- cation, Fisheries and fishery industries of United States, FC1.6:] Biaietlns 4° (nos.) 1 52 * 103 it 154 * 205 * 256 » 2 53 * 104 * 155 * 206 * 257 * 3 54 * 105 * 156 * 207 * 258 * 4 55 106 * 157 * 208 * 259 * 5 56 107 * 158 * 209 * 260 * 6 57 108 159 * 210 * 261 * 7 58 * 109 160 * 211 •X- 262 * 8 59 * 110 161 * 212 * 263 * 9 60 * 111 162 * 213 * 264 * 10 61 * 112 * 163 * 214 * 265 * 11 62 * 113 * 164 * 215 •X- 266 * 12 63 * 114 * 165 * 216 * 267 * 13 64 115 * 166 * 217 * 268 14 65 116 * 167 * 218 * 269 15 66 117 * 168 * 219 * 270 16 67 118 * 169 * 220 * 271 * 17 68 * 119 * 170 * 221 * 272 18 69 120 * 171 * 222 ■X- 273 19 70 121 * 172 * 223 * 274 * 20 71 122 * 173 * 224 * 275 * 21 72 * 123 * 174 * 225 * 276 22 73 124 * 175 •» 226 * 277 23 74 125 « 176 * 227 it 278 24 * 75 * 126 ♦ 177 * 228 it 279 25 * 76 * 127 * 178 * 229 it 280 26 * 77 128 * 179 it 230 * 281 27 * 78 129 * 180 * 231 it 282 * 28 * 79 * 130 » 181 * 232 it 283 29 * 80 131 * 182 * 233 it 284 30 * 81 132 * 183 * 234 it 285 31 82 * 133 * 184 * 235 it 286 32 83 * 134 * 185 * 236 it 287 33 84 * 135 * 186 * 237 it 288 34 85 * 136 * 187 * 238 * 289 * 35 86 137 * 188 * 239 * 290 36 * 87 138 * 189 * 240 * 291 37 * 88 139 * 190 * 241 * 292 38 * 89 140 « 191 « 242 it 293 * 39 * 90 141 * 192 * 243 it 294 * 40 91 142 « 193 * 244 it 295 41 92 143 * 194 * 245 * 296 42 93 144 * 195 * 246 * 297 * 43 94 145 * 196 * 247 * 298 * 44 * 95 146 « 197 * 248 * 299 * 45 96 147 * 198 * 249 it 300 46 97 148 * 199 * 250 * 301 47 * 98 149 * 200 * 251 * 302 48 * 99 150 * 201 * 252 * 303 49 * 100 151 ■» 202 * 253 * 50 * 101 152 « 203 * 254 « 51 * 102 153 « 204 * 255 * 82452° —11- 29 450 Classlftcatlon no. 111.4: (nos.) =^ 111.5: (v. no8.) I11.5«: (CT) 111.6: Ar3 C33 C82 F51 L62 R13 I 11.7: (nos.) 111.8: (nos.) 1 11. lOth CENSUS, 1880— Continued Circulars [None issued.] Final volumes 4» [The letter of transmittal of every volume, except the first, states the volume num- ber. For volumes 4-22, number appears also on back title.] V. 1, Population [2129^2] V. 2, Manufactures [2130-42] V. 3, Agriculture [2131-42] V. 4, Transportation [2132-42] V. 5, Cotton, pt. 1 [2133-[42]] V. 6, Cotton, pt. 2 [2134-42] V. 7, Valuation, taxation, and public indebtedness [2135-42] V. 8, Newspapers and periodicals; Alaska, etc. [2136-42] V. 9, Forest trees of North America [2137-42] Same, maps [2138-unnumbered] v.'lO, Special reports on petroleum, etc. [2139-42] V. 11, Mortality and vital statistics, pt. 1 [2140-42] V. 12, Mortality and vital statistics, pt. 2 [2141^2] Same, maps [2142-unnumbered] V. 13, Precious metals [2143-42] V. 14, Mining laws [2144-42] V. 15, Mining industries [2145-42] V. 16, Water power, pt. 1 [2146-42] V. 17, Water power, pt. 2 [2147-42] V. 18, Social statistics of cities, pt. 1 [2148-42] V. 19, Social statistics of cities, pt. 2 [2149-42] V. 20, Statistics of wages, etc. [2150-42] V. 21, Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes [2151-42] V. 22, Power and machinery [2152-42] Final volumes (separates) Extra bulletins Area of U. S. [Tables showing approximate area of United States, the several States, and their counties.] Sept. 30, 1881. 4° Cereal production. Tables of cereal production by counties as returned at census of 1880. 1881. 4° Cotton production. Tables showing cotton production by counties as returned at census of 1880. 1881. 4« Firearms. Manufacture of fire-arms and ammunition; by Charles H. Fitch. 1882. 4« Life insurance. Statistics of life insurance. [188-.] 4» Railroads. Tabulated statements of traffic and fiscal operations of rail- roads, group 1, embracing Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. 1881. 4° Forestry bulletins 4« 1 7 13 19 2 8 14 20 3 9 15 21 4 10 16 22 5 11 * 17 23 6 12 * 18 24 Statistics of education 1 * 4 * 7 * 10 2 * 5 * 8 * 11 3 * 6 * 9 12 451 Clatwiflcatlon no. I 12.1: (date) 112.2: Ab8i Ab8» Ag8 il ! At6 B65 C33 C731 C732 C73» D63 D71 Iii2i In22 M31 M32 N42y 112. lltli CENSUS, 1890 Annual reports Superintendent 1889-93, in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:), and iaaued separately also. Commissioner of labor in charge 1894-97, in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:), and issued separately also. General publications Abstract of 11th census, 1890. [Ist edition.] 1894. Same. 2d edition enlarged. 1896. Agriculture by irrigation in western part of United States; [by] F. H. Newell. [2d edition with appendix and index.] 1894 [1896]. 4° [See, for 1st edition, in 1 12.5:1.] Atlas. Statistical atlas of United States, based upon results of 11th cen- sus; by Henry Gannett. 1898. f« [3037-340] Boston, Vital statistics of Boston and Philadelphia, covering period of 6 years ending May 31, 1890; [by] John S. Billings. 1895. 40 Cereals. Preliminary results of production of cereals. 1893. 4° [Compilation of bulletins.] Compendium of 11th census, 1890: pt. 1, Population. 1892. large S° [3011-340] Same: pt. 2, Vital and social statistics; Educational and church sta- tistics; Wealth, debt, and taxation; Mineral industries; Insur- ance; Foreign bom population; Manufactiu-es. 1894. large 8° [3012-340] Same: pt. 3, Population, State or Territory of birth, country of birth and citizenship (analyses only), foreign parentage, conjugal con- dition, ages, school attendance, illiteracy, can not speak English, occupations, soldiers and widows; Agriculture; Manufactures; Fisheries; Transportation; Wealth, debt, and taxation; Real es- tate mortgages; Farms and homes; Indians. 1897. large 8° [3013-340] District of Columbia. Vital statistics of District of Columbia and Balti- more, covering period of 6 years ending May 31, 1890; [by] John S.Billings. 1893. 4° Donaldson, Thomas. Responsibility for public documents, in Supreme Coiut of District of Columbia, Thomas Donaldson v. Carroll D. Wright, commissioner of labor in charge of 11th census, in equity, no. 15923, suit to restrain defendant from publishing report on Five Civilized Tribes. Washington, U.S. Census printing office, 1894. Index to bulletins, Census bulletins 1-201 [and] Extra census bulletins 1-21. [Washington, U. S. Census printing office, 1892.] [See, for index to census bulletins 1-223, annual report of Interior Depart- ment, 1892 (1 1.1:8923), p. 120-124.] Same [Census bulletins 1-380 and Extra census bulletins 1-98]; cor- rected to Jan. 1, 1895. [Washington, U. S. Census printing office, 1895.] Manufactures in cities. Statistics of manufactures in cities as returned at 11th census, June 1, 1890; [by] Robert P. Porter. Washington, United States Census printing office, 1892. 4° [96 numbered bulletins bound together; numbers ranging from 158 to 310, dates, from Feb. 2 to Nov. 11, 1892.] Marble quarrying industry of United States; by William C. Day. Wash- ington, United States Census printing office, 1891. 4° New York City. Vital statistics of New York City and Brooklyn, cover- ing penod of 6 years ending May 31, 1890; [by] John S. Billings. 1894. 452 Classification no. 1 12. nth CENSUS, 1890-Continued 112.2: General publications— Continued Ocl P812 Sol I 12.3: (v. nos.) Occupations. Special census report on occupations of population of United States at 11th census, 1890; [by William C. Hunt]. 1896. 40 [3032-340] Population by color, sex, and general nativity, with school, militia, and voting ages as returned at 11th census, June 1, 1890. Washing- ton, United States Census printing office, 1893. 4" [Compila- tion of bulletins.] Population of United States by minor civil divisions as returned at 11th census, June 1, 1890; [by] Robert P, Porter. Washington, United States Census printing office, 1891. 4° [54 unnumbered bulletins, etc., bound together.] Social statistics of cities in United States, at 11th census, 1890; by John S.Billings. 1895. 4« Bulletins [These bulletins published in advance material collected for final reports.] SeCy for index I12.2:In2 2. V. 1, no. 1 V. 2, no. 47 V. 4, no. 93 V. 6, no. 139 no. 2 no. 48 no. 94 no. 140 no. 3 no. 49 no. 95 no. 141 no. 4 no. 50 no. 96 no. 142 no. 5 V. 3, no. 51 no. 97 no. 143 no. 6 no. 52 no. 98 no. 144 no. 7 no. 53 no. 99 no. 145 no. 8 no. 54 no. 100 no. 146 no. 9 no. 55 V. 5, no. 101 no. 147 no. 10 no. 56 no. 102 no. 148 no. 11 no. 57 no. 103 no. 149 no. 12 no. 58 no. 104 no. 150 no. 13 no. 59 no. 105 V. 7, no. 151 no. 14 no. 60 no. 106 no. 152 no. 15 no. 61 no. 107 no. 153 no. 16 no. 62 no. 108 no. 154 no. 17 no. 63 no. 109 no. 155 no. 18 no. 64 no. 110 no. 156 no. 19 no. 65 no. 111 no. 157 no. 20 no. 66 no. 112 no. 158 no. 21 no. 67 no. 113 no. 159 no. 22 no. 68 no. 114 no. 160 no. 23 . no. 69 no. 115 no. 161 no. 24 no. 70 no. 116 no. 162 no. 25 no. 71 no. 117 no. 163 V. 2, no. 26 no. 72 no. 118 no. 164 no. 27 no. 73 no. 119 no. 165 no. 28 no. 74 no. 120 no. 166 no. 29 no. 75 no. 121 no. 167 no. 30 V. 4, no. 76 no. 122 no. 168 no. 31 no. 77 no. 123 no. 169 no. 32 no. 78 no. 124 no. 170 no. 33 no. 79 no. 125 no. 171 no. 34 no. 80 V. 6, no. 126 no. 172 no. 35 no. 81 no. 127 no. 173 no. 36 no. 82 no. 128 no. 174 no. 37 no. 83 no. 129 no. 175 no. 38 no. 84 no. 130 V. 8, no. 176 no. 39 no. 85 no. 131 no. 177 no. 40 no. 86 no. 132 no. 178 no. 41 no. 87 no. 133 no. 179 no. 42 no. 88 no. 134 no. 180 no. 43 no. 89 no. 135 no. 181 no. 44 no. 90 no. 136 no. 182 no. 45 no. 91 no. 137 no. 183 no. 46 no. 92 no. 138 no. 184 453 ClBNNiflCatlOll no. 112. in th CENS lUS, 1890— Cc I 12.3: Bulletins— Continued (v. nos,) V. 8, no. 185 V. 9 , no. 234 V. 10, no. 283 no. 186 no. 235 no. 284 no. 187 no. 236 no. 285 no. 188 no. 237 no. 286 no. 189 no. 238 no. 287 no. 190 no. 239 no. 288 no. 191 no. 240 no. 289 no. 192 no. 241 no. 290 no. 193 no. 242 no. 291 no. 194 no. 243 no. 292 no. 195 no. 244 no. 293 no. 196 no. 245 no. 294 no. 197 no. 246 no. 295 no. 198 no. 247 no. 296 no. 199 no. 248 no. 297 V. 9, no. 200 no. 249 no. 298 no. 201 no. 250 no. 299 no. 202 V. 10 , no. 251 no. 300 no. 203 no. 252 V. 11, no. 301 no. 204 no. 253 no. 302 no. 205 no. 254 no. 303 no. 206 no. 255 no. 304 no. 207 no. 256 no. 305 no. 208 no. 257 no. 306 no. 209 no. 258 no. 307 no. 210 no. 259 no. 308 no. 211 no. 260 no. 309 no. 212 no. 261 no. 310 no. 213 no. 262 no. 311 no. 214 no. 263 no. 312 no. 215 no. 264 no. 313 no. 216 no. 265 no. 314 no. 217 no. 266 no. 315 no. 218 no. 267 no. 316 no. 219 no. 268 no. 317 no. 220 no. 269 no. 318 no. 221 no. 270 no. 319 no. 222 no. 271 no. 320 no. 223 no. 272 no. 321 no. 224 no. 273 no. 322 no. 225 no. 274 no. 323 no. 226 no. 275 no. 324 no. 227 no. 276 no. 325 no. 228 no. 277 no. 326 no. 229 no. 278 no. 327 no. 230 no. 279 no. 328 no. 231 no. 280 no. 329 no. 232 no. 281 no. 330 no. 233 no. 282 no. 331 112.4: Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] 112.5: Final volumes 40 (nos.) V. 11, no. 332 no. 333 no. 334 no. 335 no. 336 no. 337 no. 338 no. 339 no. 340 no. 341 no. 342 no. 343 no. 344 no. 345 no. 346 no. 347 no. 348 no. 349 no. 350 [v. 12], no. 351 no. 352 no. 353 no. 354 no. 355 no. 356 no. 357 no. 358 no. 359 no. 360 no. 361 no. 362 no. 363 no. 364 no. 365 no. 366 no. 367 no. 368 no. 369 no. 370 no. 371 no. 372 no. 373 no. 374 no. 375 no. 376 no. 377 no. 378 no. 379 no. 380 [Special enumeration of names and services of survivors and widows of survivors of Civil War was provided for by census act of Mar. 1 , 1889, and was made, the result- ing directory of about 1,300,000 being sufficient to fill 8 quarto volumes of 1000 p. each. Congress did not provide for its publication, but m 1894 directed that it be turned over to Pension Office. Certain statistics as to Union and Confederate veterans and their widows may be found in Population, pt. 2 (1 12.5:16), p. clxxii- clxxv and 803-824.] [Book 1] Agriculture, irrigation, fisheries [3021-340] [See, for 2d edi- tion of section on irrigation, 1 12.2 :Ag8.] [Book 2] Alaska [3020-340] [Book 3] Churches [3017-340] 454 Classification no. 1 12. lltli CENSUS, 1890— Continued I 12.5 : Final volumes— Continued (nos.) I12.5«: (CT) 112.6: (nos.) 112.7 Id2 [Book 4] Crime, pauperism, and benevolence, pt. 1, Analysis [3028- o4Uj [Book 5] Crime, pauperism, and benevolence, pt. 2, General tables [3029-340] Book 6] Farms and homes [3030-340] Book 7] Indians [3016-340] Book 8] Insane, feeble-minded, deaf and dumb, and blind [3031- 340] [Book 9] Insiu-ance business, pt. 1, Fire, marine, and inland insurance [3014-340] [Book 10] Insurance business, pt. 2, Life insurance [3015-340] [Book 11] Manufacturing industries, pt. 1, Totals for States and indus- tries [3024-340] [Book 12] Manufacturing industries, pt. 2, Statistics of cities [3025-340] [Book 13] Manufacturing industries, pt. 3, Selected industries [3026- 340] Book 14] Mineral industries [3008-340] Book 15] Population, pt. 1 [3018-340] Book 16] Population, pt. 2, Education [3019-340] Book 17] Real estate mortgages [3027-340] Book 18] Transportation business, pt. 1, By land [3022-340] Book 19] Transportation business, pt. 2, By water [3023-340] Book 20] Vital and social statistics, pt. 1, Analysis and rate tables [3033-340] [Book 21] Vital and social statistics, pt. 2, Vital statistics, cities of 100,000 population and upward [3034-340] [Book 22] Vital and social statistics, pt. 3, Statistics of deaths [3035- 340] [Book 23] Vital and social statistics, pt. 4, Statistics of deaths [3036- 340] [Book 24] Wealth, debt, and taxation, pt. 1, Public debt [3009-340] [Book 25] Wealth, debt, and taxation, pt. 2, Valuation and taxation [3010-340] Final volumes (separates) Extra census bulletins (numbered) [These bulletins published in advance material collected for final reports.] See, for index, 1 12.2 :In2 2. 1 16 31 46 61 76 91 2 17 32 47 62 77 92 3 18 33 48 63 78 93 4 19 34 49 64 79 94 5 20 35 50 65 80 95 6 21 36 51 66 81 96 7 22 37 52 67 82 97 8 23 38 53 68 83 98 9 24 39 54 69 84 99 10 25 40 55 70 85 11 26 41 56 71 86 12 27 42 57 72 87 13 28 43 58- * 73 88 14 29 44 59 74 89 15 30 45 60 75 90 Extra census bulletins (unnumbered) [These bulletins appear also, with additions and omissions, in the final volume on Indians (I 12.5:7).] Indian Territory. Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory: Chero- kee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole nations. Wash- ington, United States Census printing office, 1894. 4° 455 ClMslflcatlon no. 112.7: In2a In2» In2* I 12. 11th CENSUS, 1890— Continued Extra census bulletins (unnumbered)— Continued , Indians. Six Nations of New York: Cayugas, Mohawks (Saint Re^is), Oneidas, Ouondagas, Senecas, Tuscaroras; [by Henry 13. Carring- ton^ with introduction] by Thomas Donaldson. Washington, United States Census printing office, 1892. 4" Indians. Eastern Band of Cherokeee of North Carolina; [by Henrj^ B. Carrington, with introduction] by Thomas Donaldson. Washing- ton, United States Census printing office, 1892. 4° Indians. Moqui Pueblo Indians of Arizona and Pueblo Indians of New Mexico; by Thomas Donaldson. Washington, United States Census printing office, 1893. 4° 113.1: (date) 113.2: Ab8^ Ab8» Ap6i Ap6» At6 C331 C332 C333 C441 C442 C82 Em7 Su7 113.3: (no8.) 113. 12tli CENSUS, 1900 Annual reports lit [1899-1902, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.] General publications [1st edition.] 1902. Abstract of 12th census, 1900. Same. 2d edition. 1903. See, for 3d edition, C3.2:Ab8. Apportionment tables, n. p. [Dec, 7, 1900]. 4° Apportionment. History of apportionment. [1900.] [In 4212-2130] Atlas. Twelfth census of United States, 1900, statistical atlas; pre- gared under supervision of Henry Gannett. W^ashington, United tates Census Office, 1903. 4° Census act of Mar. 3, 1899, providing for 12th and subsequent censuses, and amendatory act of Feb. 1, 1900. [1900.] 4° Same, with amendatory acts, and legislative provisions of other bills. Washington, D. C, Census Office, Printing Division, 1900. 4° Census of 1900; by William R. Merriam. Washington, Census Office, Printing Division, 1900. [Sketch reprinted from North Ameri- can review, Jan. 1900.] Chinese consular proclamation. Mar. 1900. f ° Chinese. Table for converting Chinese dates of birth into their English equivalents. [1900.] f° Cotton production. Annual report on cotton production: Comments of ginners, and press notices. Washington, United States Census Office, 1901. Employees. Twelfth census of United States, 1900, special reports, em- Eloyees and wages; by Davis R. Dewey. Washington, United tates Census Office, 1903. 4** [Accompanies v. 7-10 of Census reports (1 13.5:7-10).] Supervisors. Names of persons nominated by President to serve as su- pervisors of census, by States and supervisors' districts. [1899.] Bulletins 4» 1 11 24 37 la 12 25 38 2 13 26 39 2a 14 27 40 3 15 28 41 4 16 29 42 Same, errata 17 30 43 5 18 31 44 6 19 32 45 7 20 33 46 8 21 34 . 47 9 22 35 48 LO 23 36 49 456 Classiflcation no. 1 13. 12tli CENSUS, 1900— Continued H3.3: Biilletins- -Continued (nos.) 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 1 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 Same, errata 211 212 213 214 215 216 . i 217 -■"' ^ 218 ''A 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 127 226 78 128 178 227 79 129 179 228 80 130 180 229 81 131 181 230 82 132 182 231 83 133 183 232 84 134 184 233 85 135 185 234 86 136 186 235 87 137 187 236 88 138 188 237 89 139 189 238 90 140 190 239 91 141 191 192 240 241 92 142 93 143 193 242 94 144 194 243 95 145 195 244 96 146 196 245 97 147 197 246 98 148 198 247 99 149 199 113.4: Circulars 4» (nos.) 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 2 8 14 20 26 32 38 3 9 15 21 27 33 39 4 10 16 22 28 34 6 11 17 23 29 35 6 12 18 24 30 36 113.5: Cen sus reports [or Final volumes ] 40 (v. nos.) V. 1 [1st edition] Same [2d edition] * Same [3d edition] * 457 CUsslflratlod nu. 113.5: (v. DOS.) I13.5«: (CT) 113.6: (nos.) 113.7: (form nos.) I 13. 12tli CENSUS, 1900— Continued Census reports [or Final volumea] — Continued V. 2 [Ist edition] Same. [2d edition] Same. [3d edition] * Same. [4th edition] * V. 3 [1st edition] Same. [2d edition] * Same. [3d edition] * Same. [4th edition] * V. 4 [let edition] Same. [2d edition] * Same. [3d edition] * Same. [4th edition] * y. 5 [Ist edition] Same. [2d edition] * Same. [3d edition] * Same. [4th edition] Same. [5th edition] V. 6 [1st edition] Same. [2d edition] * Same. [3d edition] * Same. [4th edition] Same. [5th edition] V. 7 [1st edition] Same. [2d edition] Same. [3d edition] Same. [4th edition] V. 8 [Ist edition] Same. [2d edition] Same. [3d edition] Same. [4th edition] V. 9 [Ist edition] Same. [2d edition] Same. [3d edition] Same. [4th edition] V. 10 [Ist edition] Same. [2d edition] Same. [3d edition] Same. [4th edition] Census reports [or Final volumes] (separates) Special bulletins 4» 1 2 3 Miscellaneous publications ; rules, regulations, and instructions, etc. [The "form number" nsed as a book number for this class was applied to all office publications, including blanks, cards, etc. To this class are assigned all such pamphlets tis are not included in any of the previous classes.] See, for Special reports, employees and wages, accompanying, 1 13.2:Em7. 458 114.4:: (no8.) 114.5: (no8.) Annual reports [1903, in annual report of Interior Dejwrtment (1 1.1:), and also issued separately. See, for later reports, C3.1:] General publications Act of Mar. 6, 1902, providing for establishment of permanent census office, with amendatory acts, and provisions of other acts relating to Census Office. 1902. 4° Death. Manual of international classification of causes of death; adopted by United States Census Office for compilation of mor- tality statistics, for use beginning with year 1900. 1902. Medical education in vital statistics; instruction of medical students in registration methods, uses of registration data, duties and obli- gations of physicians. 1903. North, Simon Newton Dexter. Cooperation and unification in Federal and State statistical work, paper read at 19th annual convention of Commissioners of State Labor Bureaus, Washington, D. C, Apr. 28, 1903, by S. N. D. North; [with Federal and State sta- tistical laws and reports]. 1903. Physicians. Relation of physicians to mortality statistics; interna- tional classification of causes of death as adopted by United States Census Office and approved by American Public Health Association. 1903. Registration of vital statistics. Legislative requirements for registration of vital statistics, necessity for uniform laws, methods, and forms; resolutions of Congress and American Public Health Association, with specimen form of law for registration of deaths. 1903. Registration of deaths, practical methods to secure complete returns, standard certificate of death, suggestions as to its use and treat- ment, forms of permanent records, information for local registrars. 1903. [Title on cover is: Practical registration methods.] Same [with alterations on p. 29]. 1903, See, for later publications, relating to registration of vital statistics, C3.2:R26i-^ Bulletins 4« 1 2 See, for later bulletins, C3.3: Circulars [None issued.] Special bulletins 4° 1 [Not issued.] I 15. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS DIVISION [The act of Feb. 5, 1859, providing for keeping and distributing public documents by the Secretary of Inte- rior, repealed the joint resolution of Mar. 20, 1858, supplementary to the joint resolution of Jan. 28, 185'', and amended sec. 3 of the said resolution of Jan. 28, 1857. Among the provisions of the act of Feb. 5. 1859, was one which required "that a register of * * * documents shall be kept under authority of the Sec- retary of Interior, showing quantity and kind of each at any time received by him in pursuance of this act; and it shall be his duty to be caused to be entered in such register, at the proper time, when, where, and to 459 116. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS DIVISION—Oontmued whom the same • ♦ ♦ Ist srsslotj of p;»(*h Conpn tlii'aiimi;il ti'lioil of Hit- 1 a ftnv sciilti'riiiLr <'<)iniiii'ii ofltiU'rior, l->'" '- ' ofsec.;>oftl) other than t : The cRishit toConzressatthe ■^' prinU'd and Js found In have lieen distributed and delivered, anr this act at least one Itoinlzo(| r'-''-^ irtiufnt for l«5i>, but with this . I with the exception of ril)ution of public (locuincjils !■ r.-imrtsof the Secretar/ . .i,<, icgLstorsslmllar to thatof IS-VJai*,.. .., ,u ...vvc iK'cn printed, In spite and sec. 445 of Revised statutes. No reports appear to have been printed 1 below. . i judicial appropriation act, 1^09, approved Mar. 3, 1869, directed that "the Secretary of Interior shall appoint a superintendent of pul)lic documents." The oflTice of superintendent of documents of Interior department was abolished by the printing law of Jan. 12, 1895, which provided for the appoititracnt of the superintendent of documents under the Cfovemment Printing Ofllce. Since thelaw of^Jan. 12, 1S95, became operative, the Interior Department distributed only its own documents and the former title of superintendent of documents was changed to clerk In charge of documents, whose ofllce was finally abolished July 1. 1907, by action of the Secretary of Interior. See, for Acts and resolutions governing printing and distribution of public documents, page 35 of Report regarding publication and distribution of public documents, by J. Q. Ames, A. R. Sponord, and Spencer F. Baird, 1882 (1 15.2:DG5i).] Classlflration no. 116.1: (date) 116.2: D65» D652 F49 In2» In22 In23 L69» Annual reports Signed by Secretary op Interior 1878 * [1858-36] 1884 [July 1, 1883-Nov. 30, 1884] [2302-93] 1885 [Nov. 30, 1884-Nov. 30, 1885] * [2398-78] 1883-^5 [fiscal years] [2341-165] [Additional report covering 3 fiscal years.] 1886 [Nov. 30, 1885-Nov. 30, 1886] [2483-176] 1887 [2560-236] Superintendent of documents 1888 and 1889 [fiscal years] [2746-212] 1890 [2858-128] 1891 [2953-74] [Edition in Congressional set contains also the Ist edition of the Checklist of United States public documents, for whichseeI15.2:L692.] 1892 [3103-14] [Edition in Congressional set contains also Finding list showing where in set of Congressional documents individual volumes of certain series of Government publications are found, for which see 1 15.2 :F49.] 1893 and 1894 [fiscal years], in annual report of Interior Department, 1894, V. 3 (1 1.1:894^), and issued separately also. Clerk in charge of documents 1895-1907, in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:), and issued separately also. General publications Documents. Report regarding publication and distribution of public documents; submitted by J. G. Ames, A. R. Spofford, and Spencer F. Baird. 1882. [2115-12] Documents. Special report relative to public documents; by John G. Ames. 1894. [Also in annual report of Interior Department, 1894, V. 3(11.1:8943).] Finding list showing where in set of Congressional documents individual volumes of certain series of Government publications are found; by John G. Ames. [1892.] [Also in 52d Congress, 2d session, House executive document 14; serial no. 3103.] Index. Comprehensive index of publications of United States Govern- ment, 1889-93; by John G. Ames. 1894. 40 [3118-95] Index. Comprehensive index to publications of United States Govern- ment, 1881-93; by John G. Ames. 1905. v. 1. 4° [4745-754] Same. 1905. v. 2. 4« [474fr-754] [No more issued. The one volumed edition above, covering the years 1889-93, was the predecessor of the Document catalogues issued by the Documents Office, Gov- ernment Printing Office, under the printing act of Jan. 12, 1895; see GP3.6:] List of Congressional documents, 20th to 46th Congress. 1882. [Not in Congressional set.] 460 Classification no. 115.2: L692 115.3: (nos.) 115.4: (nos.) 115. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS DIVISION— Continued General publications — Continued List of Congressional documents, 15th-51st Congress, and of Govern- ment publications containing debates and proceedings of Con- gress, lst-51st Congress, with miscellaneous lists of public docu- ments, historical and bibliographical notes; by John G. Ames. 1892. [First Checklist. Also in 52d Congress, Ist session. House executive document 74; serial no. 2953.] See, for 2d and 3d editions, GP3.2:C41'>2^ and for Advance sheets of 3d edition, GP3.14: Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] I 16. EDUCATION BUREAU [Established as an independent Department according to act approved Mar. 2, 1867. Made an office of the Interior Department July 1, 1869, under act of July 20, 1868.] 116.1^: (date) T16.1*«: (date) Iie.li«: (CT) 116.12; (date) Annual reports 1868 [Mar. 1867-Mar. 1868] [Appended to a part of the edition of this report are Official circulars. Special circulars, and other accom- panying documents.] Same, Congressional edition, without accompanying documents. [1345-299] 1869 [None issued.] 1870-1909 (except 1882 and 1883, issued as one), in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), forming one or more separate vol- umes of those reports; also issued in full in bureau edition. Annual reports (separates; commissioner's introduction) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) [Many of the chapters are issued separately for distribution.] Statement [Annual Statements, as listed below under their varying titles, contain reports on the operations of the Bureau of Education, which form the basis on which the Secretary of the Interior summarizes the bureau's work in his xiprsonal report to Congress (1 1.1:). For 1887 and from 1903 to 1909, the Statements themselves are included among the miscellaneous bureau reports in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:). The Statements do not appear in the commissioner's annual report (1 16.li:). How- ever, a commissioner's Introduction, which differs from the Statement, appears in the annual reports (1 16.1 1;), and is also issued separately (1 16.1 la: date).] Report 1887 1888 [None issued.] Annual statement 1889 1 1893 1890 1894 1891 1895 1892 1896 Statement 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 t Although the words "being the introductory^ chapter of Education report for 1888-89 " appear on the title-page, this Statement is not found in the report referred to. 461 Clamlflratlon no. I 16.2: Ag8 AU^ All« All* All* All* Ain3* Am32 Anl Ap6 At4 B25 B41 B83 B86 C43» C432 C433 C43* 044 049^ C492 C56 C68 C76» C762 D62 I 16. EDUCATION BUREAU— Continued General publications Agricultural colleges. [Rc^pulations repardinf]^ expenditures and prepa- ration of annual reports of agricultural colleges.] Nov. 26, 1900. 4" Alaska. [I^elirainary report on] education in Alaska; by Sheldon Jackson. 1886. Alaska. Rules and regulations for conduct of schools and education in district of Alaska. 1890. Alaska. Rules and regulations relating to district superintendents and teachers in Alaska. 1905. Alaska. Rules and regulations regarding reindeer service in Alaska. June 10, 1907. Alaska. Memoranda concerning education in Alaska; [by Sheldon Jackson]. Mar. 23, 1892. American Library Association. Catalog of A. L. A. library, 5000 vol- umes for a popular library, selected by American Library Associa- tion, and shown at World's Columbian Exposition. 1893. Same. 1896. [3434-360] See, for later editions, LC1.9:904i'2 Anatomy. Outlines for museum of anatomy; by R. W. Shufeldt. 1885. Appropriation. Proceedings in House of Representatives, Dec. 17, 1874, respecting increase of appropriation for Bureau of Educa- tion. 1874. Athens, Greece. Report of director of American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece, for 1882-83; [by William W. Good- win]. 1884. Barnard's American journal of education. Analytical index to [v. 1-31 of] Barnard's American journal of education. 1892. (Catalogue of educational literature, pt. 1.) Belgium. Fifty years of freedom in Belgium; Education in Malta; 3d International Geographical Congress at Venice in 1881 ; Illiteracy and crime in France; School savings banks; Education in Shef- field. 1881. Brussels, Belgium. [Program of] International Educational Congress, to be held at Brussels, Belgium, Aug. 22-29, 1880. 1880. Bufalini prize. 1883. Chicago, 111, World's Columbian Exposition, Department of liberal arts : Circular 2, Educational exhibit at World s Columbian Expo- sition, n. d. * Same: Circular 4, Educational exhibit no. 2, statistics by graphic methods, etc. n. d. * Children. Building for children in the South; address by A. D. Mayo. 1884. Chilian International Exposition of 1875, to be held at Santiago, Chill [educational programme]. 1875. * China. Progress of western education in China and Siam. 1880. City public schools, directions to be followed in returning answers to questions on city school forms. 1907. 4<* Cincinnati, Ohio. [Exhibit of] Bureau of Education [at] Ohio Valley and Central States Centennial Exposition, July 4-Oct. 28, 1888; compiled by J. W. Holcombe. [1888?] 16° * Class intervals in city public schools; by James C. Boykin. 1893. * Colleges. Statistics of colleges and collegiate institutions in United States. 1871. * Conventions. Educational conventions and anniversaries during sum- mer of 1876. 1876. 14 p. Conventions. Educational conventions and anniversaries. 1876. 187 p. * Diplomas. Sale of diplomas. 1880. * 462 Classification no. 116.2: D631 D632 Ed8» Ed82 EdS' Ed84 EdS^ Ed8« Ed8^ Ed88 Ed8« EdS^o Ed8^i Eu7 F84 F871 F87^ H29 In2i In22 In23 Itl L44 L61^ L61 - L613 L61^ L615 L61« I 16. EDUCATION BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued District of Columbia. Special report of commissioner of education on condition and improvement of public schools in District of Colum- bia. 1871. [1427-315] Discipline of the school; [by Hiram Orcutt]. 1881. [See, for earlier edition, 116.5:8712.) Education Bureau. National Bureau of Education, its history, work, and limitations; [by Alexander Shiras]. 1875. Education and crime; by J. P. Wickersham. 1881, Education Biu-eau. Answers to inquiries about Bureau of Education, its work and history; by Charles Warren. 1883. Education Bureau. United States Bureau of Education, an office in Interior Department, 1867-88. Washington, D. C. [no publisher, 1888]. narrow 24« Same, with list of publications, [1889.] Education. Facts relating to education. June, 1898. Education. Synopsis of proposed centennial history of American edu- cation, 1776-1876. n. p. n. d. Ip. f° * Same, 1875. 18 p. * Education. Comparative statistics of elementary education in 50 prin- cipal countries. [1881.] 4° Education. Comparative statistics of elementary, secondary, and supe- rior education in 60 principal countries. 1882. * Education. Prospectus of report of commissioner of education, 1875. n. d. * Eiu*ope. Industrial education in Europe. 1880, France. Educational tours in France [letter from French minister of public instruction Jules Ferry]. 1880. Free-school policy. Suggestions for free school policy for United States land grantees, n p. [1872]. Free-school policy in connection with western railways. 1872. * Havre, France. [Program of] International Educational Congress at Havre. 1885. Industrial education in United States, special report prepared by Bu- reau of Education. 1883. (47th Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 25; serial no. 2075.) Indians. Are the Indians dying out? preliminary observations relating to Indian civilization and education; by S. N. Clark. Washing- ton, Nov. 24, 1877. Indian school at Carlisle Barracks; [by Charles Warren]. 1880. Italy and Greece. Education in Italy and Greece. 1883. Laws. General laws relating to agricultural and mechanical land-grant colleges. 1905. [Reprint of chapter 1 of annual report of com- missioner of education for 1902, and chapter 2 of report for 1903.] Libraries. Public libraries in United States, their history, condition, and management, special report, pt. 1. 1876. Same, pt. 2: [Rules for printed dictionary catalogue; by Charles A. Cutter]. 1876. Libraries. Special report on public libraries, pt. 2: Rules for dictionary catalogue; by Charles A. Cutter. 2d edition with corrections and additions. 1889. Same. 3d edition with corrections and additions. 1891. Same. 4th edition, rewritten. 1904. Libraries. Organization and management of public libraries; by William F. Poole. 1881. * [Reprinted from special report on PubUc libraries in United States (1 16.2:L61 OJ 463 Classincatloa no. 116.2: L61" L61« L93' L93- M31 M461 M46- I .M463 M46^ M69 M79 M86 mi' N212 N42o» N42o2 N42o3 N42o4 P531 P53^ P533 P96 Spl St2 Sw3 1 16. EDUCATION BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Library aids; by Samuel S. Green. 1881. Libraries. Public, sorietj^, and Hchool libraries, schedule 4, special collections in libraries in United States [instructions to libra- rians fpr making statistical returnsj. Nov. 2, 1908. 4« Louisville, Ky. Articles exhibited in Southern Exposition of 1883, at Louisville, Ky., from museum of Bureau of Education. 1883. 320 Same, Southern Exposition of 1884, at Louisville, Ky., from mu- seum of Bureau of Education. 1884. Manual training. Synopses of coiu^es of study of 18 manual training high schools. 1902. Medical progress. Contributions to annals of medical progress and med- ical education in United States before and during War of Inde- pendence; by Joseph M. Toner. 1874. Medical education. Contributions to history of medical education and medical institutions in United States, 1776-1876; by N. S. Davis. 1877. Medical colleges. Recognized medical colleges in United States. 1881. * Medical colleges in United States. 1881. * Missouri. Historical sketches of universities and colleges of United States, edited by Franklin B. Hough: [Historical sketch of Uni- versity of Missouri; by Daniel Read]. 1883. Morals. Instruction in morals and civil government; [by A. Vessiot]. 1882. Mount Holyoke Seminary. Historical sketch of Mount Hoi yoke Semi- nary, founded at South Hadley, Mass., in 1837; by Mary O. Nut- ting. 1876. 12° Natural science in secondary schools; by F. Miihlberg. 1882. National aid to education. Statistics regarding nation$,l aid to educa- tion. 1885. New Orleans, La. Educational exhibits and conventions at World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Orleans, 1884-5, pt. 1: Catalogue of exhibits. 1886. Same, pt. 2: Proceedings of International Congress of Educators. 1886. Same, pt. 3: Proceedings of National Department of Superintend- ence of National Educational Association, and addresses deliv- ered on education days. 1886. New Orleans, La. Preliminary circular respecting exhibition of edu- cation at World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition [New Orieans, 1884]. 1884. Philadelphia, Pa. International conference on education held at Phila- delphia, July 17 and 18, in connection with international exhibi- tion of 1876. 1877. Philadelphia, Pa. Sketch of Philadelphia Normal School for Girls. 1882. Philadelphia, Pa. International exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876: Col- lections to illustrate history of colleges, universities, professional schools, and special schools of science. 1875. * Public school officials. List of public-school-officials in States and Ter- ritories of United States; corrected to May 1, 1875. 1875. Spain. National Pedagogic Congress of Spain. 1882. State and city school reports. Proceedings of Department of Superin- tendence of National Educational Association respecting State- and city-school -reports. 1874. Sweden. *High schools for girls in Sweden. 1882. 464 Classiflcatlon no. 116.2: T22 T25 T34 T712 T713 Un3 V13 V81 116.3: (date) 116.4: (nos.) 116.5: (date) 116. EDUCATION BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Technical instruction, special report of commissioner of education [18691. n. p. [1870]. 2 + 7-16 + 6 + 33-336, 333-784 p. [This first edition, incomplete, was printed pursuant to call of House of Representa- tives, Jan. 20, 1870, though the document incorrectly says Jan. 19, 1870. A second edition of 807 pages was published as v. 21 of Barnard's American journal of education, which is not a public document, and therefore not entered in this list. In each edition there are two totally different sets of pages numbered 333-336.] Ten, Committee of. Report of Committee [of 10] on secondary school studies, appointed at meeting of National Educational Associa- tion, July 9, 1892, with reports of conferences arranged by com- mittee and held Dec. 28-30, 1892. 1893. Theory of education. Statement of theory of education in United States, as approved by leading educators; [by Duane Doty and W. T. Harris]. 1874. Trees. Planting trees in school grounds [letter from Franklin B. Hough]. 1883. Same [with Trees and tree planting, with exercises and directions for celebration of Arbor day, prepared by John B, Peaslee, with preface by Warren Higley]. 1885. Trees. Manual of common native trees of northern United States. 1877. Union College. Historical sketch of Union College, now a branch of Union University, founded at Schenectady, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1795. 1876. Vacation colonies for sickly school children. 1880. Virginia. History of education in Virginia during 17th century; by Edward D. Neill. 1867. * Bulletins 1889, no. 1 1890, no. 1 1891-1905 1906, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 1907, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 1908, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 Circulars [None issued.] Circulars of information [Supersede Official circulars (116.9:).] Aug. July Nov. Dec. [None issued, f] 2 editions f 2 editions 2 editions 2 editions 1908, no. no. 1909, no. no. no. no. no. no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 1910, no. 1 J no. 2 no. 3 1870, no. 1 1871, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3] 1872, [no. 1] Jan. "Feb. Mar. Apr. no. 2 [no. 3 [no. 4 t The act approved May 28, 1896 (Stat. L. v. 29, p. 171) authorized the publication by the Bureau of Education of a bulletin **as to condition of higher education, tech- nical and industrial education, facts as to compulsory attendance in the schools, and such other educational topics in the several States of the Union and in foreign countries as may be deemed of value to the educational interests of the States." It was not until 1906, however, that the first Bulletin was issued under this act. t Not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. 465 Cias8inratlun 116. EDUCATI ON BUR] EAU— Contii 1U( nu. 116.5: Circulars of information-— Continued (date) 1872, [no. 5 June 1885, no. 4 no. 6 July no. 5 [no. 7 Nov. 1886, no. 1 1873, no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 1887, no. 1 no. 3 no. 2 no. 4 no. 3 no. 5 1888, no. 1 1874, no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 no. 4 1875, no. 1 no. 5 no. 2 no. 6 no. 3 no. 7 no. 4 1889, no. 1 no. 5 no. 2 no. 6 no. 3 no. 7 1890, no. 1 no. 8 no. 2 1876 [None issued.] no. 3 1877, no. 1 1891, no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 1878, no. 1 no. 3 no. 2 no. 4 1879, no. 1 no. 5 no. 2 no. 6 no. 3 no. 7 no. 4 no. 8 no. 5 no. 9 1880, no. 1 1892, no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 1893, no. 1 no. 4 no. 2 no. 5 no. 3 no. 6 no. 4 no. 7 no. 5 1881, no. 1 no. 6 no. 2 no. 7 no. 3 no. 8 no. 4 1894, no. 1 no. 5 no. 2 no. 6 1895 None issued. 1882, no. 1 1896 |None issued. no. 2 1897 'None issued. no. 3 1898, no. 1 no. i no. 2 2 editions no. 5 no. 3 2 editions no. 6 1899, no. 1 1883, no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 1900, no. 1 no. 4 no. 2 • 1884, no. 1 no. 3 no. 2 no. 4 Same, additions 1901 [None issued.] no. 3 1902, no. 1 no. 4 no. 2 no. 5 no. 3 no. 6 no. 4 no. 7 1903, no. 1 1885, no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 [Discontinued.1 82452° —11 30 466 Classification no. 116.5«: (CT) 116.6: (nos.) 116.7: (pt. nos.) I16.7«: (CT) 116.8: /'date) 116. EDUCATION BUREAU— Continued Circulars of Information (separates) Special circulars [The text of many of these Special circulars is given in the complete edition of annual report of commissioner of education, 1868 (116.1 1:868).] 9 «- 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 Art and Industry, education in industrial and fine arts in United States (Clarke) [Title-pages for bureau editions differ from Congressional editions.] pt. 1, Drawing in public schools [1888-209] pt. 2, Industrial and manual training in public schools , [1889 ^-209] Same, without appendixes [Not in Congressional set,] pt. 3, Industrial and technical training in voluntary associations and endowed institutions [1889 ^-209] pt. 4, Industrial and technical training in schools of technology, and in U. S. land grant colleges [1889^-209] Art and Industry, education in Industrial and fine arts in United States (separates) Introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska (Jackson) [See, for earlier reports by Dr. Sheldon Jackson, [2818-14], [2821-39], and [3045-1093]. The preliminary report, 1890, and the 2d report, 1891 and 1892, were reprinted in annual report of Education Bureau, 1904 (1 16.1i:904i), p. 1091-1128. The report for 1895 was reprinted in full in Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska (T35.2:A115), p. 561-687. From 1897 to 1906, information relative to reindeer in Alaska is included in annual reports of Education Bureau (1 16.1 1;), and also in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:) as a part of the reports of the commissioner of education. The information so included is usually the report of Dr. Jackson with some alter- ations and without appendixes; for 1904 and 1906, only an epitome appears.] 1890, preliminary report [Not in Congressional set.] 1891 and 1892 [3064-22] [Report is dated Jan . 2, 1893, but covers 1891 and 1892; title-page reads erroneously 1893. No edition without Congressional document number.] 1893 [3160-70] [Report is dated Mar. 1, 1894, but covers 1893; title- page and back title read erroneously 1894.] '3280-92] \ [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 3350-111]/ 3469-49- 3590-30 3728-34 3867-245 4D43-206 4230-98] 4422-70] 4599-210] '4764-61] '4931-499] '5239-501] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] [No edition without Congressional document number.] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] [The report for 1906 is the last made by Sheldon^Jackson. Similar reports for 1907-09, by Harlan Updegraff, appear in annual reports of Education Bureau (116.1 1:) and separates therefrom (I16.1ia:CT), and also in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:) as a part of the reports of the commissioner of education.] 467 Classlflratlon no. 1G.9: (nos.) 116.10: (date) I 16. EDUCATION BUREAU— (bntinued Official circulars 6 [The text of Olflcial clrcuUira 1-12 forms the principal contents of the comiHete edition of the annual report of commissionef of education, 1868 (1 16.1 >:868).j * 7 * 5 [One circular issued with double number.] Same, supplement * 10 11 12 13 [Superseded by Circulars of information (1 16.5:). Library, Annual reports [No reports prior to, nor since, 1908.] 1908 117. GEOGRAPHICAL, AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (Powell) [The survey under Major J. W. Powell originated in an appropriation in 1874 for a geological survey of IJtah, and was continued by annual appropriations until 1879, being conducted under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior. Its geological work was continued by the Geological Survey (1 19.), and its ethnological work by the Bureau of Ethnology (SI 2.).] 17.1: (date) 17.2: Ar4 B561 B562 B563 B56* H391 H392 Su7 Ui5 Ui52 Utl^ Utl2 117.3: (nos.) 117.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1877, in annual report of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also.) General publications Arid region. Lands of arid region of United States, with more detailed account of lands of Utah; by J. W. Powell. 2d edition. 1879. [See, for 1st edition, [1805-73].] Black Hills. Mineral wealth, climate, rain-fall, and natin^l resources of Black Hills of Dakota; by Walter P. Jenney. 1876. (44th Cong. Ist sess. S. ex. doc. 51; serial no. 1664.) Black Hills. Preliminary report on paleontology of Black Hills; by R. P. ^Vhitfield. July, 1877. Black Hills. Report on geology and resources of Black Hills of Dakota; by Henry Newton and Walter P. Jenney. 1880. 4P Same, atlas. 1879. f « Henry Mountains. Geology of Henry Mountains; by G. K. Gilbert. 1877. 4° - Same. 2d edition. 1880. 4® Surveying. Report on methods of surveying the public domain to Sec- retary of Interior, at request of National Academy of Sciences; by J. W. Powell. 1878. [Also in 45th Congress, 3d session, House miscellaneous document 5, serial no. 1861.] Uinta Mountains. Geology of eastern portion of Uinta Mountains and region of coimtry adjacent thereto; by J. W. Powell. 1876. 4** Same, atlas. 1876. f« [This publication, the first one of Powell's Survey, was issued as a publication of the Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 2d division. It is the only one so issued.] Utah. Geology of high plateaus of Utah; by C. E. Dutton. 1880. 4° Same, atlas. 1879. f° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 468 Classification no. 117.5: (v. nos.) I17.5«: (CT) 1 17. GEOGRAPHICAIi AND GEOIiOGICAL SUR- VEY OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION— Continued Contributions to North. American ethnology [This series, begun by the Geographical and Geological Survey of Rocky Mountain Region, was completed after 1879 by the Ethnology Bureau (SI 2.). Volumes issued after that time, however, bore the caption of the Geographical and Geologi- cal Survey of Rocky Mountain Region, and for this reason are classed here.] V. 1 [Not in Congressional set.] V. 2, pt. 1 [2803-272] Same, pt. 2 [2804-272] Not in Congressional set.] Not in Congressional set.] '2062-66] 2805-273] 2979-26] Not issued.] 3249-173] V. 3 V. 4 V. 5 V. 6 V. 7 V. 8 V. 9 [Discontinued.] Contributions to North American ethnology (sep- arates) 118. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES (Hayden) [This survey, under the direction of Dr. F. V. Hayden, originated in an appropriation in 1867 for the geo- logical survey of Nebraska, under the direction of the commissioner of the General Land Office. In 1869, it was placed under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. Appropriations were continued annually until 1879. It was known as the Geological Survey of the Territories from 1867 to 1872, after which Geographical was included in the name, as above. The Geological Survey (1 19.), at its organi- zation, superseded this and the various other surveys.] 118.1: (date) Annual reports 1867 [1st], in annual report of Interior Department (1 1.1:). 1868 [2d], in annual report of Interior Department (1 1.1:). 1869 [3d], Preliminary field report of Geological Survey of Colorado and New Mexico. 1869. [Not in Congressional set.] 1867-69, lst-3d. [Reprinted 1873 in 1 v. Not in Congressional set.] 1870 [4th], Preliminary report of Geological Survey of Wyoming and por- tions of contiguous Territories. 1871. [1520-325] Same. [1872.] [Not in Congressional set.] 1871 [5tli], Preliminary report of Geological Survey of Montana and por- tions of adjacent Territories. 1872. [1520-326] Same, supplement. 1872, [Not in Congressional set.] 1872, 6th annual report of Geological Survey of the Territories, embrac- ing portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. 1873. [1573-112] 1873, [7th] annual report of Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, embracing Colorado. 1874. [Not in Congressional set.] 1874, [8th] annual report of Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent Territories. 1876. [Not in Congressional set.] 1875, 9th same. 1877. [Not in Congressional set.] 1876, 10th same. 1878. [Not in Congressional set.] 1877, Preliminary report of field work for season of 1877, in annual report of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. 1877, 11th annual report of Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, embracing Idaho and Wyoming. 1879. [Not in Con- gressional set.] 1878, Preliminary report of field work for season of 1878, in annual report of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. 469 €lM(ilflcatlon no. 118.1: (date) I18.1«: (CT) 118.2: C28> C282 C283 C71» C71- C713 C86 G29» G292 G91 N27 P56 P94 1 18. GEOIjOGICAIi AND GEOGRAPIIICAIj SUR- VEY OF THE TERRITORIES— Continued Annual reports — Continued ti-.^i 1878, 12th annual report of Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories in Wyoming and Idaho. 1883. v. 1. [2056-62] Same. 1883. Same, maps. Annual reports (separates) } [2057-62] General publications Catalogue of publications of Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, [ist edition.] 1874. Same. 2d edition, revised to Dec. 31, 1876. 1877. Same. 3d edition, revised to Dec. 31, 1878. 1879. Colorado. Geological and geographical atlas of Colorado and portions of adjacent territory; by F. V. Hayden. [Ist edition.] n. p. 1877. f« Same, with title, Geographical and geological atlas of Colorado and portions of adjacent territory; by F. V. Hayden. [2d edition] corrected to date and printed in accordance with act [joint reso- lution] approved Feb. 9, 1881. [1881?] f* * Colorado. Synopsis of new vertebrata from tertiary of Colorado ob- tained during summer of 1873; by E. D. Cope. 1874. * [Pub- lished in advance of 7th annual report, but afterwards incor- porated in that report, though so modified as to constitute it a different article.] Cretaceous plants. Illustrations of cretaceous and tertiary plants of Western Territories. 1878. [Edition of 500 copies.] Geologjr of Western Territories. Sections, profiles, and other illustra- tions of geology of Western Territories, with descriptive text; by F. V. Hayden. * [Small edition (100) of profiles, etc., issued without text,] Contents: pt. 1. 75 pi. of sections, etc. pt. 2. 62 pi. of scenery. pt. 3. 37 pi. of hot springs, geysers, etc., of Montana. Geological time. Chart of geological time; prepared by Edwin H. Howell. 1875. f" * Grotto geyser of Yellowstone National Park, with descriptive note and map, and illustrations by Albert-type process. [1876.] oblong fo * [Edition of 210 copies.] Nebraska. Final report of Geological Survey of Nebraska and portions of adjacent Territories. 1872. (42d Cong. Ist sess. H. ex. doc. 19; serial no. 1471.) [Congressional edition bears imprint date 1871 and omits map.] Contents: [pt. 1.1 Geology; by F. V. Hayden. pt. 2. Paleontology, report on paleontology of eastern Nebraska, with remarks on carboniferous rocks of that district; by F. B. Meek, pt. 3. Entomology, notes on orthoptera collected by F. V. Hayden in Nebraska; Photographs. Catalogue of photographs of Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories; bv W. H. Jackson. 1875. 18° * [This is a 5th catalogue of photographs. The first three were informal publications, of which no account has been taken. The 4th and 6th catalogues are the 1st and 2d editions, resj>ectively, of Miscellaneous publication 5. See 1 18.6:5.] Profiles, sections, and other illustrations designed to accompany Final report of chief geologist; sketched by Henry W. Elliott. New York, Julius Bien, 1872. * [Originally intended to illustrate V. 4 of quarto series of reports, but never thus used. Limited edition of 100 copies issuea.] 470 Classification no. 118.3: (v. DOS.) I18.3«: (CT) 118.4: (no8.) I 18.5: (v. nos.) I18.5«: (CT) 118.6: (nos.) 118.7: (CT) I 18. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SUR- VEY OF THE TERRITORIES— Continued Bulletins V. 1, no. 1 no. 2 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 V. 2, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 V. 3, no. 1 no. 2 Bulletins (separates) ([1st series.]) ([1st series.]) (2d. series. (2d series. (2d series. (2d series. (2d series. (2d series.) V. 3, no. 3 no. 4 V. 4, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 V. 5, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 V. 6, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 Circulars [None issued.] Final reports or Monographs 4** V. 1 V. 2 V. 3 Same, plates/ V. 4 [Not issued. V. 5 V. 6 [2239-60] t [2802-271] Final reports or Monographs (separates) Miscellaneous publications [1] Lists of elevations and distances in that portion of United States west of Mississippi River; by C. Thomas. [1st edition.] 1872. 12° Lists of elevations [and distances] in that portion of United States west of Mississippi River; by Henry Gannett. [2d edition.] 1873. Same. 3d edition. 1875. Same. 4th edition. 1877. [1st edition] * Same. 2d edition 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Maps See also 1 18.2:P56. t Although indexed to appear as House miscellaneous document 70, 48th Congress, 1st session, serial no. 2247, v. 8 of the Final reports was printed only in bureau edition. 471 ^"ti; I 19. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY act of Mar. 3, 1879 (Stat. L. v. 20, p. 894), the OeoloKlcdl and Ow)gmphlcal Rufvey of the Territories and tLe Geographical and OpoIorIcjiI Survey of the Kockv Mountain lU'gion, ijoth under Int^ior Depart- ment, and Geo^raphii-il Surveys West of 100th Meridian, undtT War Department, were discontinued, and the (leoio^'icnl Snrv(>v estAhlislied in their stead. Sec, for history and orRanlzation of Geological Survey, Bulletin L'J7 ; ! '" ' "' +] CkMslflcation no. 119.1: Annual reports large S** and 8° (date) [188Q-1909, In annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), forming one or more ^ separate volumes of those reports from IK-Sl to 190r), but being included in one of the other volumes of the reports for 1880 and 1907-09; also is.'jued in full in the bureau edition. In accordance with act approved Mar. 2, 1895 (Stat. L. v. 28, p. 900), Mineral resources of United States was isstied from 1894 to 1899 as a part of the report of the director of the Geological Survey. See, for further information, note and entries under I 19.8: Joint resolution of May 16, 1902 (Stat. L. v. 32, p. 741), provided that the annual report of the Geological Survey should be restricted to one volume for each year. In consequence, beginning with the 23d report, for lfK)2, the annual report consists of one volume, the report of the director only. Such accompanying papers as had appeared in the annual report have since been published as Bulletins (1 19.3:), Water-supply papers (1 19.13:), and Professional papers (1 19.16:).! Annual reports (separates; director's reports) I19.1«: (date) I19.ia: (CT) 119.2: AU^ A112 A113 All* AU^ Air- A17 Ate B37 C57» Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) General publications Alaska. Maps and descriptions of routes of exploration in Alaska in 1898, with general information concerning Territory. Geological Survey, Washington, 1899. [3737-172] Alaska. Geology and mineral resources of portion of Coppei* River dis- trict, Alaska; by Frank Charles Schrader and Arthur C ^ and Su3 '> \ Glass-pot clays. Occurrence of glass-pot clays in United States; by Heinrich Ries. n. p. [1902]. [Designated on cover, Extract from Mineral resources of U. S., calendar year 1901, but not included in that volume.] Handbook for field geologists in Geological Survey; by C. W. Hayes. 1908. 16° Intercon version table. Table for interconversion of miles and loga- rithms of meters, for distances from 10 to 100 miles; [by S, S. Gannett]. 1900. Kennebec River, Me., Skowhegan to The Forks; sheet 1. Scale 1 : 24,000, contour interval on land 20 ft., on river surface 1 ft. Edition Feb. 1905. 17.4 X 14.6 in. Lead. Preliminary statement of production of lead in United States, 1906; by J. M. Boutwell. [July 12, 1907.] Level. Table for computing differences of level from angles of eleva- tion and depression, n. d. oblong f° * Logarithms. Five-place logarithms of natural numbers and circular functions expressed in arc and time. 1901. Manuscripts. Rules for preparation of manuscript and illustrations designed for publication by Geological Survey; by Thomas Hampson. Jan. 1888. Manuscripts. Suggestions for preparation of manuscript and illustra- tions for publication by Geological Survey; by W. A. Croffut. n. p. Jan. 1892. See, for lat«r edition, 1 19.2:Su32. 473 ClasHiflratlun no. 119.2: M66' M66» N51 N72 015' 015?. P32 P44 P96* P962 R47 R59 Sa5 Sci2^ Sci22 Sll Sp3 Sp4i Sp42 Su3i Su32 Su7^ Su7 2 Su73 T62» I 19. OEOLOGICAIi SURVEY— Continued General publications— Continued Mining industry. Statement of director of Geological Survey regarding desirability of more extensive recognition of mining industry by governmental inquiry. [1908. J Mine rescue work. [1909.] narrow 8*» Niagara River and vicinity. 1901. 35.1 X 13.3 in. [Map distributed at Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901.] Nome, (^ape. Preliminary report on Cape Nome gold region, Alaska ; by Frank C. Schrader and Alfred H. Brooks. 1900. Oil and gas. Known oil and gas fields of United States. Scale 100 m. = 0.9 in. Edition of Nov. 1903. 17.5 X 28.3 in. Oil and gas. Known productive oil and gas fields of United States in 1908 [map], scale 100 m. = 0.9 in.; with inset [Alaska], scale 150 m. =0.9 in.; compiled by David T. Day. 2d edition. [Wash- ington] Geological Survey, 1909. 17.5 X 28.4 and 4.2 X 6.1 in. Peat; by Heinrich Ries. n. p. [1902]. [Designated on cover, Extract from Mineral resources of U. S., calendar year 1901", but not included in that volume.] Petrified forests. Report on petrified forests of Arizona; by ]^ter F. Ward. 1900. ' • Publications. Circular concerning publications of Geological Survey. Jan. 1, 1885. 4° Same. [1895.] 4« Rio Grande del Norte. Investigation and survey for international dam and reservoir on Rio Grande del Norte, to preserve boundary between United States and Mexico by controlling flood waters of said river; by Anson Mills and W. W. Follett. 1896. Rocks. Educational series of rocks. 1897. Sands. Black sands of Pacific slope of United States. 1906. ([59th Cong. Ist sess. S. doc. 65]; serial no. 4910.) [Designated on cover. Extract from Mineral resources of U. S., calendar year 1905, but not included in that volume.] Scientific work. On organization of scientific work of general Govern- ment, by John W. Powell; extracts from testimony taken by joint commission to consider present organizations of Signal Service, Geological Survey, [etc., pt. 1]. 1885. Same, pt. 2, additional statements. 1886. Slags. Utilization of iron and steel slags; by Edwin C. Eckel, n. p. [1902]. [Designated on cover, Extract from Mineral resources of U. S., calendar year 1901, but not included in that volume.] Spelter. Preliminary statement of production of spelter in United States, 1906; by J. M. Boutwell. [July 12, 1907.] Spirit leveling. [June, 1908.] 16° Spirit leveling. Instructions for spirit leveling, superseding sec. 28 of instructions of May 1, 1903. [1904.] 16° [See, for instructions of May 1, 1903, 119.15:903^.] Suggestions to authors of economic papers ; [by S . F . Emmons] . May 21, 1906. Suggestions to authors of papers submitted for publication by Geological Survey, with directions to typewriters; by George McLane Wood. 1909. [See, for earlier editions, 1 19.2:M32 ^ -.] Superior, Lake. Distribution of iron ores mined in Lake Superior region in 1902 [map] ; by John Birkinbine. Scale 1° lat. = 1.8 in. [Edition of Feb. 1904.] 22 X 35.6 in. Same, accompanying text, with title, Distribution of Lake Superior iron ores. [Feb. 1, 1904.] 4° Surveys. Proposed history of American State surveys; [by W J McGee]. [Apr. 10, 1885.] Topographic maps and folios circular. June 1, 1901. 4° 474 Classlflcatlon no. 119.2: T622 T623 T62^ T69 T73^ T732 W29 I 19.2«: (CT) ' il9.3: (no8.) 1 19. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY— Continued General publications — Continued Topographic maps. Change in wholesale price of topographic maps. [1905.] 4° Topographic maps. Nature and uses of topographic maps of Geological Survey. 1908. Topographic field work. Instructions for topographic field work and preparation of sheets for engraving, superseding sec. 30 and 31 of instructions of May 1, 1903. [1904.] 16<* [See, for instructions of May 1, 1903, 119.15:9032.] Traverse. Primary traverse. [June, 1908.] 16* Triangulation. Primary triangulation. [June, 1908.] 16° Triangulation. Instructions for primary triangulation and primary traverse, superseding sec. 26 and 27 of instructions of May 1, 1903. [1904.] 16° [See, for instructions of May 1, 1903, 1 19.15:903 2.] Water assay. Field methods of water assay. 1905. 16<* General publications (separates) Bulletins 1 [2248-71] First issued as 42-1 47th Cong 2d sess. H. misc. 43 doc. 16; serial no. 2115.] 44 [2664^-137] 2] 45 3 [2248-71] 46 4 47 5 [2248-71] See, for later edi- 48 tions, 1 19.3:76, 160, and 274. 49 6 71 [2248-71] 50 51 > [26642-138] 8 52 9 10 - [2326-41] 53 54 11 551 12 56 13 [2326-41] See, for later edi- 57 tions, 1 19.3:171 and 226. 58 [2791-244] 14 [2326^1] 59 15] 60 16 61 17 62 18 19 • [2406-33] 63 64 [2883-136] 20 65 21 66 22 67 23 24" 68 69 ■ [2975-21] 25 [2495-163] 70, 26 27^ 28 29 31 [2495-163] 71 72 73 74 75 [2975-22] [2976-23] 32 76 [2977-24] See, for earlier edi- ^3 tion, 119.3:5, and for later 00 34 [2495-164] editions, 1 19.3:160 and 274. 35 77 36 37 78 79 [2977-24] 38 80 39 40 [2566-375] 81 82 • [2978-25] 41 83 [2978-336] 475 I 19. GEOLOGICAL. SURVEY— Continued 1 19.3: Bulletins — Continued Clastilflcation no. (n08.) 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123' 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 [3003-337] [3251-176] [3252-177] [3253-178] [3254-179] [3255-180] [3335-78] 3444-311 3444-312 3444-313 3444-314 3445^12 3444-413 3444-414 3446^15 3446-416 3446-417 3446-418 3446-419 3446-420 3446-421 3511-27 '3511-28 3511-29 "3511-30 '3511-31 '3511-32 "3512-33 "3512-34 '3512-35 "3512-36 "3512-37 148 10 149 :■;' 150 .■>,K}J.-;)()7 151 3702-568 152 3702-569 153 3703-570 154 3703-571 155 3703-572 156 3703-574 157 3829-302 158 3829-303 159 3829-304 160 3830-305 See, 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183^ 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 for earlier editions,"! 19.3:5 and 76, and for later edition, 1 19.3:274. 3830-306] 3951-17] 3951-572] 3951-633 3951-714 3951-715 3951-716 3951-717 3951-718 3952-719 3952-720 edition later edition 3952-746 3952-747 3952-748 3952-749 3952-750 4187-535 4187-536 4364-461 4365-462 tion, 119.3:269 [4365-463] [4365-464] See, for earlier 119.3:13, and for 119.3:226. See, for later edi- Same [reprint 1903] 4365-465" 4365-466 4366-467 4366-468 4366-469 tiou, 1 19 4367-470 4367-471 4368-472 tion, 119.3:224. [4368-473" 4368-474' 4368-475 4369-635 4369-693 4369-694 4369-695 4369-696 4369-697 4369-698 4369-699 4369-700 4369-701' See, for later edi- 3:299. See, for later edi- 476 Classification no. 119. GEOLOGICAL, SURVEY- -Continued 119.3: Bulletins— Continued (nos.) 204 4504-204] 256 4864-397] 205 4504-205 257 4864-398' 206 4504-206 258 [4864-399 207 4504-207' 259 4864-400 208 4504-208' 260 4865-401 209 4504-430 261 4865-402 210 4505-434 262 4865-403 211 4505-435 263 4866-452 212 4505-436 264 4866-453 213 4505-437 265 4866-454 214 4506-470 1 See, for later edi- 266 4866-455 tions, 1 19.3:234 and 1 19.2: 267 4866-456 G29«. 268 4866-457 215 4506-471] 269 5013-202 See, for earlier 216 4506-472 edition, 1 19.3:180. 217 4684-62] 270 [5013-203 218 4684-63' 271 '5013-204 219 4684-64^ 272 5013-205 220 4684-65' 273 5013-206 221 4684-66' 274 '5014-207 See, for earlier 222 4684-606 editions, I 19.3:5, 76, and 223 4685-675 160. 224^ 4685-676 See, for earlier 275 [5015-469] '5015-824] edition, 119.3:190. 276 225 4685-67t}-- 277 1st edition] [5015-825] 226 4686-678] See, for earlier Same. Revised edition editions, 119.3:13 and 171. 278 [5015-826 227 4686-679 279 ^5015-827" 228 4687-680^ 280 5015-828" 229 4687-724° 281 5016-829' 230 4687-725^ 282 [5016-830 231 4687-726' 283 5016-831 232 4688-7271 284 5016-832 233 4688-728^ 285 L5016-833" 234 4688-729' See, for earlier 286 5017-834^ edition, 119.3:214, and for 287 5017-835 later edition, I19.2:G29«. 288 5017-836 235 4688-730 . 289 5017-837 236 4688-731 290 5017-838 237 4689-771" 291 '5017-839 238 4689-772 292 5017-931 239 4689-773' 293 5017-932 Sa me . [Title on cover is : Rock 294 5018-933 cleavage, by Charles Ken- Sa me. [Issued without plates neth Leith, thesis submit- as Bulletin 19 of Wisconsin ted for degree of doctor of Geological and Natural philosophy, University of Wisconsin, 1901.1 History Survey, but printed at Government Printing 240 4689-774J Office.] 241 4689-775 295 5018-934^ 242 4690-776' 296 5018-935' 243 4690-777" 297 '5018-936 244 '4690-778° 298 5018-937 245 '4690-779' 299 5018-938" See, for earlier 246 4863-387^ edition, 1 19.3:187. 247 4863-388" 300 5159-53 248 4863-389; 301 5159-54 249 4863-390' 302 5160-55' 250 4863-391; 303 5160-56' 251 4863-392 304 5160-57' 252 4863-393° 305 l5160-58' 253 4863-394' 306 5160-59' 254 4863-395' 307 5160-60 See, for Ist edi- 255 4864-396' tion, 1 1£ 1.9:22. 477 ClasslflcatloD no. I 19. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY— Continued 119.3: Bulletins— Ck)ntinued (noe.) 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 5161-61 5161-62 itil .'V. 35 3803-290 kv. 36 3804-291 .V. 37 3805-292 ^v. 38 3806-315 V. 39 4005-726 V. 40 4006-743 V. 41 4358-310" V. 42 [4512-219; Monographs (separates) V. 43 V. 44 V. 45 4513-429 4514-432 4515^33 Same, atlas large 4" [4516-4331 V. 46 [4708-565] V. 47 [4709-753] V. 48, pt. 1 [4893-475] Same, pt. 2, plates [4894-4751 V. 49 [5171-310] V. 50 [5171-311] Topographic atlas of United States 1° 1 2 3 Topographic map circulars 4*> New England. Dec. 22, 1897. Same. Feb. 15, 1899. Same. Jan. 1, 1903. Same. Feb. 1, 1906. Same. Feb. 1, 1907. New York. Nov. 10, 1897. Same. July 1, 1899. New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. Jan. 1, 1903. Same. June 1, 1903. Same. Oct. 1, 1904. Same. Feb. 1, 1906. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Nov. 10, 1897. Same. Nov. 1, 1899. Maryland, Virginia, [and] West Virginia. Jan. 1, 1903. Maryland. Nov. 10, 1897. Same. July 1, 1899. North Carolina and South Carolina. Jan. 1, 1903. Appalachian region in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Nov. 17, 1897. Same. July 1, 1899. Appalachian region in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Jan. 1, 1903. Same. July 1, 1905. Same. Feb. 1, 1906. Same. Feb. 1, 1907. Florida and Louisiana. Dec. 22, 1897. Same. Nov. 1, 1899. Same. May 1, 1901. Same. July 1, 1905. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Nov. 15, 1897. Same. Dec. 15, 1898. Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Feb. 1, 1903. Same. July 1, 1905. -11 31 482 Classification no. 119.11: g' k3 k^ k^ P 1» ml m2 I 19. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY— Continued Topographic map circulars— Continued Same. Mar. 1, 1906. Same. Mar. 1, 1907. North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. Nov. 15, 1897. Same. Sept. 15, 1899. Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Dec. 1, 1901. Same. July 1, 1905. Same. Mar. 1, 1906. Same. May 1, 1907. Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Indian Territory. Dec. 15, 1897. Same. July 1, 1899. Kentucky and Tennessee. Dec. 1, 1901. Same. May 1, 1904. Same. Apr. 1, 1906. Texas. Dec. 15, 1897. Same. Aug. 1, 1899. ^ Texas, Oklahoma, and Indian Territory. Mar. 1, 1903. Same. July 1, 1905. Same. Apr. 1, 1905 [1906]. Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. Dec. 22, 1897. Same. Dec. 15, 1898. Same. June 1, 1903. Same. July 1, 1905. Same. Mar. 1, 1906. Utah and Arizona. Dec. 15, 1897. Same. Dec. 15, 1898. Same. May 1, 1903. Same. July 1, 1905. '"Same. Feb. 1, 1906. Same. Apr. 1, 1907. Colorado and New Mexico. Dec. 22, 1897. Same. Dec. 1, 1898. Same. Feb. 1, 1903. Same. July 1, 1905. Same. Mar. 1, 1906. California and Nevada. Dec. 15, 1897. Same. Nov. 1, 1899. n3 Same. Jan. 1, 1903. n^ Same. July 1, 1905. n^ Same. Mar. 1, 1906. n6 Same. Mar. 1, 1907. 0^ Oregon and Washington. July 1, 1899. 02 Same. Feb. 1, 1903. 03 Same. July 1, 1905. o* Same. Mar. 1, 1906. P^ Missouri and Arkansas. Mar. 1, 1903. P^ Same. July 1, 1905. p3 Same. Mar. 1, 1906. q^ North Dakota and South Dakota. Mar. 1, 1903. q^ Same. July 1, 1905. q3 Same. Apr. 1, 1906. 483 cuMincatdon I 19. GEOLiOGICAIj SURVEY— Continaed no. 119.11: Topograplilo map circulars— Continued Nebraska. Mar. 1, 1903. Same. July 1, 1905. Same. Apr. 1, 1906. Kansas. Mar. 1, 1903. Same. July 1, 1905. Same. Mar. 1, 1906. Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. May 1, 1901, Same. Dec. 1, 1901. Same. Apr. 1, 1906. b3 t» t» t3 119.12: (nos. and CT) 119.13: (nos.) Topographic map of United. States [States are numbered alphabetically, and numbers so applied are used with Cutter author table notations to designate the individual sheet; e. g. 7W68, Wilmington (Del.) quadrangle. The numbers used Tor States and Territories, etc., in the Public Documents Library are as follows: 19 Maine 20 Maryland 21 Massachusetts 22 Michigan 23 Minnesota 24 Mississippi 25 Missouri 26 Montana 27 Nebraska 28 Nevada 29 New Hampshire 30 New Jersey 31 New Mexic 32 New York 33 North Carolina 34 North Dakota 35 Ohio 36 Oklahoma Alabama 2 Arizona 3 Arkansas 4 California 6 Colorado 6 Connecticut: j 7 Delaware . \ 8 District of Columbia I ' 9 Florida (10 Georgia ,X1 Idaho ^12 Illinois ! 13 Indian Territory I 14 Indiana j 16 Iowa ' 16 Kansas 17 Kentucky 18 Louisiana 37 Oregon 38 Pennsylvania 39 Rhode Island 40 South Carolma 41 South Dakota 42 Tennessee 43 Texas 44 United States 45 Utah 46 Vermont 47 Virginia 48 Washington 49 West Virginia 60 Wisconsin 61 Wyoming 62 Yellowstone National Park ♦ 63 Alaska.] Water-supply papers Water-supply and irrigation papers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3546-108 3546-342 3546-343" 354&-344' 3546-345" 3546-346" 3546-349 3546-350 3546-351^ 3688-301" 3688-302" 3688-453 3688-477 3688-509 3688-510 3688-511 3688-579 3688-580 3815-220 3815-277 3815-278 3815-279 3815-280 3815-281 3815-282 3815-283 3815-297 3815-298 "3815-299 3S1 5-300 3970-119 32 3970-350 33 3970-351 34 3970-663 35 3970-721 36 3970-722 37 3970-723 38 3970-724 39 3970-725 40 4137-106 41 4137-484 42 "4137-485 43 4137-486 44 4137-487 45 4137-488 46 "4137-530 47 4137-531 48 4137-532 49 4137-533 50 4137-534 51 4137-553 52 4137-554 53 4328-53 54 4328-54 55 4328-55 56 4328-56 57 4328-57 See, for additional matter, 1 19.13:6 1, and for revision, 119. 13 :149. 58 4328-58 59 4328-59 60 4328-60 484 ClasslficatloB no. 119. GEOLOGICAL, SURVEY— Continued 119.13: Water-supply papers— Continued (nos.) Water-supply and irrigation papers- —Continued 61 [4328-481] ^ee, for additional 119 4873-417] matter, 119.13:57, and for 120 4873-418' revision.1 19.13:149. 121 4873-419' 62 4328-482] 122 4873-420' 63 4328-483' 123 4873-431' 64 4328-4841 124 4874^32' See, for revision, 1 19.13:95. 125 4874-433' 65 4329-684 126 4874^34 66 4329-685 127 4874-435 67 4329-686 128 ,4874-436 68 4329-687 129 4874-437 69 4329-688' 130 ,4874-438' 70 4329-689' 131 4875-439 71 4329-690 132 4875-440 72 4329-691 133 4875-441 73 4329-692' 134 '4875-442 74 4500-200' 135 4875-443 75 4500-201 136 4876-444 76 ,4500-202 137 4876-445 77 4500-203 138 4876-446' 78 '4501-^41' 139 4876-447 79 4501-442 140 4876-448 80 4501-443 141 4876-449' 81 4501-^44 142 4876-450' 82 4502-445 143 4876-451' 83 4502-475 144 4877-461' 84 4502-488 145 4877-462' * 85 4502-489 146 4877^63 86 4503-490 147 4877-464 87 4503-491 [First published 148 '4877-465 n in pt. 2 of 12th annual re- 149 (revision of 57 and 61) [4877 port (119.1:891 2), p. 363.] 466] 88 4503^92 150 [5019-231] 89 4719-688 See, for revision, 1 19.13:200. 90 4719-689 151 [5019-2321 91 4719-690 152 (revision of 103) [5019-233] 92 4719-691 153 5019-551] 93 4720-692 154 5019-552 94 '4720-693 155 5019-553 95 (revision of 64) [4720-694] 156 5019-554 96 4720-695 157 5020-555 97 4721-735 158 5020-5561 98 4721-736 159 5020-743 99 4722-737 160 5020-744 100 4722-738' 161 5020-745' 101 4723-739 162 5020-746^ 102 4723-740' 163 5020-747' 103 4723-741 164 5020-748^ See, for revision, 1 19.13:152. 165 5021-749 104 4723-742 166 5021-750 105 4724-759 167 5021-751' 106 4724-760 168 5021-752 107 4724-761 169 5021-753 108 '4724-762 170 5021-754 109 4724-763 171 5021-755 110 4725-764 172 5021-7561 111 4725-765 173 5022-757 112 4725-766 174 5022-7581 113 4725-767 175 5022-7591 114 4725-768 176 5022-7601 115 4725-769 177 5022-761^ 116 4725-770 178 5022-762' 117 4873-415 179 5165-641' 118 4873-416 180 5165-65] 485 (UknI Heat Ion BO. I IJ). GEOLOGICAL SURVEY- Continued I IfKiri: Water-supply papers— Continued (noB.) Water-supply and irrigation papers — Continued 181 5165-66 196 516^790 182 5165-67 197 5169-791 183 516r>-68 198 5170-792 184 5166-69 199 5170-793 185 5166-70 200 (revision of 150) [5170-794] 186 5166-71 201 5307-764 187 5160-72 202 5307-765 188 5166-73 203 5307-766 189 5166-74 204 5307-767 190 5166-75 205 5307-768' 191 5166-76 206 5307-769 192 5167-786 207 5308-770 193 5167-787 208 5308-771 194 5168-788 209 5308-772' 195 5168-789 210 5308-773" Water-supply papers [Nos. 213, 214, and 216 bear the old title. Water-supply and Irrigation paper.J 211 5308-774 242 5764-173 212 5308-775 243 5764-786 213 5309-776 244 5764-787 214 5309-777 245 5765-788' 215 5309-778 246 5765-789' 216 5309-779 247 5765-790 217 5309-780 248 5765-791 218 5309-915 249 5765-792 219 5474-101< )] 250 5766-793 220 5474-102( )] 251 5766-794 221 5474-102] L] 252 5766-795 222 5474-102^ l\ 253 1 223 5474-129^ 1] 254 1 224 5475-1295 )] 255 1 225 5475-129( 5] 256 1 226 5475-129' J 257 1 227 5475-152^ 1 258 1 228 5475-152{ ) 259 1 229 5475-152( 3 260 1 230 5475-153^ 1 261 ? -1450 231 5476-1535 ) 262 ? -1021 232 5476-155? ) 263 ? -1051 233 5476-155( ) 264 ? -1020 234 5476-155' J 265 ? -1390 235 5763-166 ' 266 5763-167 267 ? -1430 236 ? -1431 237 5763-168 268 ? -1426 238 1 ' 269 ? -1451 239 1 270 ? -1044 240 t 271 ? -1455 241 [5764-172] 272 ? -1429 I 19.13«: Water- supply papers (separates) (CT) 119.14:^: Ust of publications (yearly) (date) 1893 1902 1894 [None issued.] 1903 1895 1904 1896 [None issued.] 1905 1897 1906 1898 1907 1899 1908 1900 1909 [1st edition] 83 p. 1901 Same. [2d edition] 86 p. t Not printed up to Dec. 31, lfX)9. 486 Clftsslfication no. 119.14 2: All T62 W291 W292 W293 W29^ W29« W29« 119.14 3: (nos.) 119.14*: (nos.) 119.15: 882 893 900 9031 9032 906 1 19. GEOLOGICAL. SURVEY-Continued List of publications (miscellaneous) Alaska. [List of] publications on Alaska. [1904.] [Same, with slight changes, as list which appeared in Geological Survey Bulletin 227 (1 19.3:227) and also separately as classified under 1 19.3a: This list, revised from time to time, is found in the various bulletins on Alaska.] Topographic maps and folios and geologic folios published by Geological Survey [complete list]. Washington, Geological Survey, 1909. Water supply and irrigation papers [complete list]. [Dec. 1905.] Water. [list of] papers on surface and underground waters and related subjects. Jan. 1907. Water resources. Publications of Geological Survev relating to water resoiu-ces. Jan. 14, 1908. Water resources. List of publications of Geological Survey relating to water resources. [Feb.] 1908. Same. [May] 1908. Water resources. Publications of Geological Survey relating to water resources. 1909. List of new publications (numbered) [Issued at irregular intervals, either 5 or 4 issues for the year.] 1 8 15 2 9 16 3 10 17 4 11 18 5 12 19 6 13 20 7 14 21 See, for later issues, 1 19.14^: New publications (numbered) oblong 48" f [Continuation of 1 19.14 ':, in form of postal cards.f Usually issued monthly.] 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 t 6 13 20 7 14 21 Regulations and instructions (general) Regulations of Geological Survey [approved Aug. 16, to take effect Sept, 1, 1882]. [1st edition.] 1882. Regulations and instructions of Geological Survey. 2d edition, ap- proved June 9, 1893, to take effect July 1, 1893. 1893. Instructions relating to work of topographic branch of Geological Sur- vey. 1900. Regulations of Geological Survey. 3d edition, approved Dec. 27, 1902, to take effect Jan. 1, 1903. 1903. 16° Instructions relating to work of Geological Survey, to take effect May 1, 1903. 1903. 16« [5eeaZsoI19.2:Sp42;I19.2:T62^;I19.2:T732.] Changes in regulations, approved Mar. 21 and 27 and Apr. 21, 1906 [with Changes in instructions]. [1906.] 16" [Amends Regulations of Jan. 1, 1903 (1 19.15:903 1) and Instructions of May 1, 1903 (1 19.15: 9032).] t As this Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909, the last of this series (1 19.14^:) to be entered here is no. 26, Dec. 1909. No. 40, Feb. 1911, is the laat issue in postal card form, no. 41 appearing as an 8° leaflet of 3 p. 487 CUsslflcatloii no. 119.16: (no8.) 1 19. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY— Continued 119.17: 119.17': (date) I 19.17'«: (CT) Professional papers 4« I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 4507-209 4507-210 4507-211 4507-212 4507-213 4507-214 4508-215 4508-216 4508-217 4508-218 4509-448 4509-449 4510-450 4510-451 4511^78 4511-479 4511-480 4511-481 4511-482 4710-566 4710-709 4710-710 4711-711 4711-712 4711-713 47il-714 4712-715 4712-716 4712-717 4712-718 4712-719 4713-780 4713-781 4713-782 4869-407 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4869-408 4869-409 4870-410 4870-4111 5004-196 5004-197 5005-198 5005-199 5006-200 5006-201 5007-488 5007-489 48, pt. 1 [5008-490] Same, pt. 2 [5009-490] Same, pt. 3 [5010-490] 5011-491] 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 5011-492 5011-493 5011-919 5011-920 5012-921 5012-922 5172-784 '5172-785 5173-815 5467-1002 5468-1003 5469-1004 5469-1005 5470-1006 5471-1007 5471-1008 5471-1558 5471-1559 Reclamation Service [Organized under Geological Survey by act of June 17, 1902 (Stat. L. v 388). The connection with the Geological Survey was practically 32, pt. 1 y abolis: lished July 1, 1906, except for the directorship and the disbursing, but it was not untfl Mar. 1907, that the actual separation took place and the Reclamation Service became an independent bureau; see, for later publications, 127.] Reclamation Service, Annual reports 1902, 1st 1 [4491-79] [No edition without Congressional docu- Same, maps/ ment number.] 1903, 2d [4683-44] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] 1904, 3d [1st edition] * [This edition was without illustrations and appeared only as House document 28, 58th Con^-ess, 3d session. It 'was replaced in Congressional set by the 2a edition, which received the same document number.] Same. 2dedition| 3^_28] Same, maps J 1905, 4th [4993-86] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1906, 5th [5157-204] See, for later reports, 1 27.1: Reclamation Service, Annual reports (separates) [Some maps accompanying annual reports are issued separately also.] 488 C lassification no. 119.17 2: H991 H992 T53 W291 W292 119.173: (nos.) 119.17^: (nos.) 119.17^: (CT) 1 19.17 «: (nos.) I 19. GEOLOGICAL. SURVEY— Continued Reclamation Service, General publications Hydraulic and excavation tables. 1905. 16" Same. 1906. 16'' Title. Methods of acquiring title to public lands of United States, being review of laws in force; by Edwin H. Peery. 1905. Water users' associations. Organization of water users' associations. [1905.] Water users' associations. Form of articles of incorporation of water users' associations under reclamation act. [1905.] Reclamation Service, Bulletins [None issued.] Reclamation Service, Circulars [None issued.] Reclamation Service, Maps [The Reclamation Service has published a base map showing reclamation projects, gaging stations, river surveys, and reservoir sites; a base map showing drainage basins; and topographic and irrigation maps showing canals and laterals, town- ships, sections, contours, area irrigated or proposed to be irrigated, wagon roads, railroads, etc. Editions prior to Julv 1, 1906, are classed under 1 19.17 ^: See, for later editions, 127.7:] Reclamation Service, Specifications 4® [Include advertisements, proposals, and specifications for irrigation projects; some- times also the drawings.] 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 « 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 ^ 11 'X- 12 * 13 * 14 « 15 * 16 * 17 « 18 * 19 * 20 * 21 * 22 * 23 * 24 * 25 * 26 ¥r 27 * 28 * 29 * 30 * 31 * 32 * 33 * 34 ■X- 35 * 36 * 37 « 38 * 39 * 40 * 41 * 42 * 43 * 44 * 45 « 46 * 47 * 48 * 49 * 50 * 51 52 * 53 * 54 55 * 56 57 58 * 59 * 60 61 62 . 63 64 65 * 66 67 68 * 69 70 * 71 * 72 * 73 * 74 * 75 * 76 * 489 I !$>. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY— Continued I 19.17*: i Reclamation Service, Spoclflcatlous— Continued ClaNHinratlon no. (noi*. 119.17': (specif, nos.) 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 large 8" [Includes drawing.] lar<;e 8" [Includes drawiu*;, larti;e 8" [Includes drawing, large 8° large 8° [Originally issued Apr. 26, 1906 and* readver- tised July 24, 1906.] 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 large 8" [Includes drawings.] See, for later Specifications, 127.8: Reclamation Service, Draw^ings accompanying Specifications various sizes Accompanying Specifications: [1] Truckee-Carson project, Nev., main lower Truckee Canal. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Sept. 1905. 14 draw- ings, each 18 X 22 in. [Drawing 1, 1st edition, not in Pub- lic Documents Library; superseded by 2d edition, Aug. 1906, for which see I 27.9:1.] ^> [No drawing issued?] 5] 6 [No drawing issued.] 7 [No drawing issued?] 8 [No drawing issued.] [9] Salt River project, Ariz., power canal. mation Service] 1903. 14 drawings. ^ 10 [No drawing issued?] 11 [No drawing issued.] [12] Minidoka project, Idaho, dam, canal, etc. mation Service] 1904. 5 drawings. * [13] Truckee-Carson project, Nev., distributing canals and struc- tures, [Washington, Reclamation Service] 1904. 12 draw- ings. * 14 [No drawing issued.] [15] Hondo project, N. Mex., reservoir, canals, earthwork and struc- tures^ [Washington, Reclamation Service] 1904. 15 draw- ings. * [16] Uncompah^re Valley project, Colo., south canal, divisions 1-9, earthwork. [Washington, Reclamation Service] 1904. 6 drawings. * [17] Uncompahgre Valley project, Colo., telephone system. [Wash- ington, Reclamation Ser\4ce] 1904. 1 drawing. * [In- cluded in Specifications.] [18] Salt River project, Ariz., Roosevelt dam sluicing gates. [Washington, Reclamation Service] 1904, 16 drawings, drawings 1-11, 16, 17, 19, each 18 X 22 in., and drawings 12, 18, each 22 X 18 in. [Drawings 13-15 not issued.] [19] Uncompahgre Valley' project, Colo., Gunnison tunnel. [Wash- ington, Reclamation Service] 1904, 5 drawings, * [Washington, Recla- [W^ashington, Recla- 490 Classification no. 119.17 7: (specif. DOS.) I 19. GEOLOGICAIi SURVEY— Continued Reclamation Service, Drawings accompanying Specifications— Continued Accompanying Specifications: [20] Truckee-Carson project, Nev., lateral ditches with structures and Carson River old channel canal. [Washington, Recla- mation Service] 1904. 12 drawings. * [21] Uncompahgre Valley project, Colo., office buildings. [Wash- ington, Reclamation Service] 1904. 6 drawings. * 22 [No drawing issued.] [23] North Platte project, Wyo., Pathfinder tunnel. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Nov. 1904. 1 drawing, 17.8 X 22.1 in. 24 [No drawing issued.] [25] Salt River project, Ariz., Roosevelt dam. [Washington, Rec- lamation Service] Oct. 1904. 4 drawings, drawings 1,2, and 4, each 18 X 22 in. and drawing 3, 22 X 18 in. 26 [No drawing issued.] [27] Yuma project, Cal., Laguna dam. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Jan. 1905. 4 drawings, each 17.9 X 21.8 in. * [Reissued with an additional drawing to accompany Specifi- cations 33.] [28] Belle Fourche project, S. Dak., main supply canal, earthwork and structures. [Washington, Reclamation Service] 1905. 6 drawings. * [29] North Platte project, Wyo. -Neb., interstate canal. [Washing- ton, Reclamation Service] Mar. 1905. 10 drawings, each 17.8X21.8 in. [30] Uncompahgre Valley project, Colo., office buildings. [Wash- ington, Reclamation Service] 1905. 6 drawings. * [31] Fort Buford project, Mont., main canal, 1st division, earthwork and structures. [Washington, Reclamation Service] 1905. 24 drawings. * [Name of project later changed to Lower Yellowstone.] [32] Fort Buford project, Mont., telephone system. [Washington, Reclamation Service] 1905. 1 drawing. [Included in Specifications.] [33] Yuma project, Cal., Laguna dam. [Washington, Reclamation Ser\dce] Jan. 1905. 5 drawings, each 17.9 X 21.8 in. [4 drawings were originally issued to accompany Specifica- tion 27.] [34] Minidoka project, Idaho, telephone system. [Washington, Reclamation Service] 1905. 1 drawing. * [Included in Specification.] [35] Minidoka project, Idaho, distributing system. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Apr. 1905. 33 drawings, each 17.9X21.9 in. [36] North Platte project, Wyo., Pathfinder dam. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Apr. 1905.- 2 draAvings, each 18 X 21.9 in. [Drawings for Specifications 36 also accompany 50 (I19.17':50).] [37] Truckee-Carson project, Nev., Lake Tahoe outlet. [Washing- ton, Reclamation Service] Mav, 1905. 2 drawings, each 18.2 X 22 in. [38] Belle Fourche project, S. Dak., telephone system. [Washings ton, Reclamation Service] 1905. 1 drawing. * [Included in Specification.] [39] Huntley project, Mont., main canal. [Washington, Reclama- tion Service] Mar. 1905. 7 drawings, each 18.1 X 21.9 in. [40] Huntley project, Mont., main canal structures. [Washington, Reclamation Service] 1905. 14 drawings. * 491 Classinratlon no. 1 19.17 7: (specif. DOS.) I If). GEOLOGICAL SURVEY- Continued Reclamation Service, Drawings accompanying Specifications— Continued Accompanying Specifications: [41] Yuma projert, Cal., levee. [Washin^Mon, Reclamation Serv- ice] Apr. 1905. 3 drawings, each 18 X 21.9 in. 42 [No drawing issued.] [43] North Platte project, Nebr.-Wyo., 350-foot pile bridge. [Wash- ington, Reclamation Service] 1905. 1 drawing. * [In- cluded in Specification.] [44] North Platte project, Nebr.-Wyo., 6 buildings at Wyncote. [Washington, Reclamation Service] 1905. 3 drawings. * 45 [No drawing issued.] 46 [No drawing issued.] [47] Uncompahgre Valley project, Colo., south canal [divisions 10-21]. [Washington, Reclamation Service] May, 1905. 12 drawings, drawings 1, 5-8, each 22 X 18.1 in., and drawings 2-4, and 9-12, each 18 X 21.9 in. [48] Shoshone project, Wyo., Shoshone dam. [Washington, Rec- lamation Service] June, 1905. 6 drawings, each 17.1 X21.6 in. [49] Shoshone project, Wyo., Corbett tunnel. [Washington, Rec- lamation Service] June, 1905. 7 drawings, each 17.2^X 22 in. 50 [Drawings accompanying Specifications 36 (119.17^:36) ac- company Specifications 50.] [51] Uncompahgre Valley project, Colo., Gunnison tunnel. [Wash- ington, Reclamation Service] July, 1905. 4 drawings, drawings 1 and 2, each 18.1 X 22 in., and drawings 3 and 4, each 22.3 X 18.3 in. 52 [No drawing issued.] 53 [No drawing issued.] [54] Hondo project, N. Mex. mation Service] 1905. 55 [No drawing issued.] [56] Belle Fourche project, S. Dak., Belle Fourche dani and dis- tributing canals. [Washington, Reclamation Service] July, 1905. 12 drawings, each 18.2 X 21.9 in. [57] Fort Buford project, N. Dak. -Mont., Lower Yellowstone dam. [Washington, Reclamation Service] July, 1905. 2 drawings, each 18 X 22.1 in. [Name of project later changed to Lower Yellowstone.] [58] Salt River project, Ariz., preliminary outline of power plant. [Washington, Reclamation Service] 1905. 3 drawings, Plan, and Longitudinal section, each 10.9 X 14 in., and Cross sec- tion, 14.5 X 11 in. [Drawings for Specifications 58 also accompany 59.] 59 [Drawings accompanying Specifications 58 (119.17^:58) accom- pany Specifications 59.] [60] Fort Buford project, N. Dak. -Mont., main canal and lateral system. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Aug. 1905. 17 drawings, each 18.1 X 22.1 in. [Name of project later changed to Lower Yellowstone.] 61 [No drawing issued.] [62] North Platte project, Wyo.-Neb., interstate canal. [Washing- ton, Reclamation Ser\dce] Oct. 1905. 13 drawings, each 18X21.9 in. [63] North Platte project, Wyo.-Neb., interstate canal, structures on first 45 miles. [Washington, Reclamation Service, 1906.] 18 drawings, each 18.1 X 22.1 in. embankments. 4 drawings. * [Washington, Recla- 492 Classlficatloii no. 119.17": (specii. nos.j I 19. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY— Continued accompanying Reclamation Service, Drawings Specifications — Continued Accompanying Specifications: [64] Huntley project, Mont., distributing system. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Nov. 1905. 18 drawings, each 18.1 X 22 in. [65] Huntley project, Mont., telephone system. [Washington, Reclamation Service, 1905.] 1 drawing. * [Included in Specification.] Klamath project, Oreg.-Cal., main canal, [Washington, Rec- lamation Service] Sept. 1905. 11 drawings, drawing 1, 22.1 X 18.1 in., and drawings 2-11, each 18 X 22 in. [67] Huntley project, Mont., division 1 of main canal. [Washing- ton, Reclamation Service] Nov. 1905. 6 drawings, each 18.1 X 22 in. Payette-Boise project, Idaho, Boise dam. [Washington, Rec- lamation Service, 1905.] 19 drawings. * 40 [No drawing issued.] [No drawing issued.] [72] Yuma project, Cal.-Ariz., sluice gates and regulator gates, Laguna dam, Arizona side. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Jan. 1900. 7 drawings, each 18 X 21.9 in. [No drawing issued.] [66] [68] 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 [No drawing issued.] 40 40 40 * [Not issued separately (I19.17«:82).] 40 40 * for drawing see Specifications 82 [Included in Specifications.] [Not issued separately (119.17^:87).] [Not issued separately; for drawings (119.17 6:88).] for drawings see Specifications 87 Specifications 88 [Issued in Apr. 1906, as a pamphlet including 8 drawings. In May, 1906, drawings 7 and 8 of the original pamphlet were reissued as drawings 1 and 2, each with title, Umatilla project, Oreg., Cold Springs dam, sluice gates, gate tower and details of gate house.] 4c 40 [No drawing issued.^ 40 * 40 ' [Drawings also accompany Specifications 113 (1 27.8:113).] 8 drawings unbound.] No drawing issued." No drawing issued. CIsHtilflcAtlon no. I 19.17^: nos.) 1 19.17 ^«: (CT) I 19.18: rdate) 119.19: (date) 119.20: (nos.) 493 I j19<. geological, SURVEY—Continued Reclamation Service, Drawings accompanying Specifications— Continued Ac-companying Specificationa: UCI7 [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 107 (I19.17«:107).] 108 4° 109 [No drawing issued.] See, for later Drawings accompanying Specifications (1 27.9:). Reclamation Service, Drawings accompanying Specifications (separates) [Some of tlie sheets forming part of a set of drawings are issued separately also.] Clay products of United States (calendar years) oblong f 1900 1905 * 1901 1906 1902 1907 1903 1908 1904 * 1909 [Not issued.] Production of coal In United States from 1814 to close of (calendar years) large 4<' 1904 * 1905 * 1906 * 1907 1908 1909 Explosives circulars 1 2 120. INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE [The earliest ordinances for regulating intercourse with the Indians antedate the establishment of the Federal Government. The act establishing the Department of War, Aug. 7, 1789, assigned the super- vision of Indian affairs to that Department, and from the beginning there were, in the parts of the country occupied by Indians, officials wiio exercised, sometimes in connection with another office, the duties of a "superintendent of Indian affairs." Acts with various provisions for regulating trade with the Indians werepassed on Mar. 3, 1793, Apr. 18, 1796, Mar. 30, 1802, and subsequent dates. The office in Washington seems to have had its beginning in the appointment, under act of Apr. 21, 1806 (Stat. L. v. 2, p. 402), of a "superintendent of Indian trade, whose duty it shall be to purchase and take charge of all goods intended for trade with the Indians." This office was abolished by act of May 6, 1822. The Office of Indian Affairs was established Mar. 1824, smd placed on its present footing by act approved July 9, 18'"2 (Stat. L. v. 4, p. 604), which made provision for the appointment of a "commissioner of Indian affairs, who shall, under tne direction of the Secretary of War * * * have the direction and manage- ment of all Indian affairs, and of all matters arising out of Indian relations." On the organization of the Department of the Interior by act of Mar. 3, 1849 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 395), this Office was made one of the bureaus of said Department, with which it has since been connected. The Indian appropriation acts from 1832 to date have made appropriations for the expenses of the "Indian Department." The title Department has been held to include the Indian Service, both in Washington ana in the field, and in the act of June 18, 1834 (Stat. L. v. 4, p. 677), appropriations were made for the salaries of the commissioner and "clerks in the office of the commissioner" and for the expenses of the field service. Afterward, the appropriations for the Service in Washington were, as a rule, included in acts "making appropriations for legislative, executive, and judicial expenses," and those for the Service in the field were contained in acts "making appropriations for Indian Department." There is no law establishing the name of tne Washington office, but there is some authority of law for every name by which it has been known, e. g.: Indian Department, Office of Indian Affairs, Office of the Com- missioner of Indian Affairs, Indian Office, and Indian Bureau. The present usage in the Office itself, and in recent Congressional directories, Registers of the Department of the Interior, and Official registers of the United States is in favor of " Office of Indian Affairs'' as its official name.] 120.1: Annual reports [Sec, for papers relating to Indian affairs, May 25, 1789-Mar. 1, 1827, American state papers, Indian affairs, serial nos. 07-08. 1824-48, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:). Reports issued separately during that period by Office of Indian Affairs are for purposes of convenience classed here. 1849-1909, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and usually issued sepa- rately also. The separate for 186.3 appeared in 2 editions, one imprinted 1863 and having 513 p., the other, with additions at beginning and end, being imprinted 1864 and having 514 p. The separate for 1S77 appeared in 2 forms, pne without the map and containing v-l-321 p., the other, with the map and addit ional matter, covering in all v+555 p. The separate for 1909 api)earea both with and without map. (date) 494 ClassIflciEitloii no. 120.1: (date) I20.1«: (date) I20.1«: (CT) 120.2: Ay7 B14 B36 C47 D35 D63 Ex3i Ex32 Ex33 F58 G13 I 20. INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE— Continued Annual reports— Continued From 1897 to 1906, the differences between the report as bound for the Indiai.vA.ff airs Office, called the bureau edition, and that prepared for filing with the Interior Department reports, known as the Department edition, are very slight. The title-pages in every case read '• Annual reports of Department of Interior for fiscal year ended June 30, ." The differences, if any, are shown in the subtitle and the paging as indicated below: Bureau edition (1 20.1:)— Department edition (1 1.1:)— 1897. 604 p. 1897. 1068 p. ' ' ■ 1898, subtitle, Indian affairs. 1134 p. 1898, subtitle. Report of commis- sioner of Indian affairs. 1062 p. 1899, 2 v., subtitle. Report of com- missioner of Indian affairs, pts. 1,2. pt. 1,682 p. pt. 2, 397p. 1900-04. These reports consist of one volume each, this one vol- ume being an exact duplicate of pt. 1 of the Department edi- tion. 1905, 1 v., subtitle, Indian affairs, pt. 1, Report of commissioner and appendixes. 541 p. [Pt. 1 on title-page evidently copied from title-page of Department edition.] 1906, subtitle, Indian affairs, report of commissioner and appen- dixes. 697 p. 1899, 2 v., subtitle, Indian affairs, pts. 1, 2. pt. 1, 682 p. pt. 2, 750 p. 1900-04. These reports consist of 2 volumes each, the first part containing the report of the commissioner and appen- dixes, the second part, the reports of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes [etc.]. 1905, 2 V. V. 1, subtitle, Indian affairs, pt. 1, 807 p. V. 2, subtitle, Indian affairs, pt. 2, Board of Indian Commissioners [etc.], 291 p. 1906, subtitle, Indian affairs, report of com- missioner and appendixes, report of Commission to Five Civilized Tribes [etc.]. 825 p.] Annual reports (separates; reports of commissioner) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) oii.ftl I General publications Ayres, Eli. In Court of Claims, John T. Ayres, executor of Eli Ayres, V. United States, no. 11903, Congressional; supplemental brief for Chickasaw Nation on motion to amend findings. [1908.] Bad Elk, John. Circular to Indian agents [case of John Bad Elk, and decision of Secretary of Interior concerning authority to issue warrants for arrest of Indians committing offenses on reserva- tions]. Jan. 10, 1901. Beall, William 0. [Papers in investigation of official conduct of Wil- liam O. Beall.] [1907.] [5072-357] Churches. What Government and churches are doing for Indians. 1874. Decisions. Digest of decisions relating to Indian affairs; by Kenneth S. Murchison, v. 1: Judicial. 1901. [4190-538] Same, v. 2. [4191-538] [Not to be issued.] Diseases. Nomenclatiue of diseases, to be followed by physicians in Indian service in making reports to Indian Ofl&ce. 1892. 16° Executive orders establishing and defining existing Indian reservations, Nov. 1,1882. 1883. [Other Executive orders relating to Indian reserves restored to public domain may be found in annual re- ports of Indian Affairs Office (1 20.1:877-881).] Same, relating to Indian reserves, issued prior to Apr. 1, 1890. n. d. Same, relating to Indian reserves. May 14, 1855-July 1, 1902. 1902. Five Civilized Tribes. Enrollments by Commission to Five Civilized Tribes, town sites. [1902.] Galpin, S. A. Report of board of inquiry to investigate charges against S. A. Galpin, chief clerk of Indian Bureau, and concerning irregu- larities in said bureau. 1878. 495 CUsalllcatlon no. 120.2: In2» ln22 In2* In2'' In2« K21 K62 N15 N81 /- Osl P28 P75 R31 Sa3 Sch6 Sh8 St2i St22 I 20. INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE— Continued General jjubUcatlons— Continued Indian tribes. Historical and Htat iHtical information respecting history, conditions, and pronpecli^ of Indian tribes, collected and pre- pared under direction of Bureau of Indian Affairs; by Henry k[owol Schoolcraft. Philadelphia, Lii)pincott, Grambo & Com- imny, 1851. pt. 1, 4° [A 2d print of pt. 1 was issued in 1853, in which the words "Historical and statistical" were omitted from the title, which thus became uniform with title of pts. 2-5. Half-title pta. 1-5: Ethnological researches respecting the red man of America.] Same, with words "Historical and statistical" omitted from begin- ning of title. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Company, 1852. pt. 2, 4* Same. 1853. pt. 3, 4° Same. 1854. pt. 4, 4« Same. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1855. pt. 5, 4" Indian tribes. History of Indian tribes of United States, their present condition and prospects, and sketch of their ancient status, pub- lished by order of Congress, under direction of Department of Interior — Indian Bureau; by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. Phila- delphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1857. pt. 6, 4° [Half-title: General history of tne North American Indians.] Kearney, Phil . , Fort. Reports of Secretaries of War and Interior in rela- tion to massacre at Fort Phil. Kearney, Dec. 21, 1866; with views of Lewis V. Bogy in relation to future policy to be pursued by Government for settlement of Indian question, also report of John Pope and Eli [Ely] S. Parker on same subject. 1867. Kiowa Agency. Letter from Secretary of Interior transmitting results of investigation into affairs of Kiowa Indian Agency; [by Francis E. Leupp]. 1903. ([58th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 26]; serial no, 4587.) Names of Indian tribes and bands. [1900.] North Carolina Cherokees. Letter of commissioner of Indian affairs to Secretary of Interior, Dec. 10, 1875, relative to claims of North Carolina Cherokees. 1875. Oregon. Early labors of missionaries of American Board of Commis- sioners for Foreign Missions in Oregon, commencing in 1836. See, for 41st Congress, 3d session, Senate executive document 37, ordered reprinted by Senate, Jan. 15, 1903, Y1.3:Or32. Osage annuity roll contested cases. 1898. Pawnee Indians. Correspondence of Secretary of Interior and commis-* sioner of Indian affairs relative to removal and necessities of Paw- nee Indians. 1875. Political status of American Indian, n. d. Reservations. Schedule showing names of Indian reservations, agen- cies, tribes occupying reservation, area of each reservation in square miles ana acres, and reference to treaty, law, or other authority by which reservations were established. [1876.] Sales of Indian lands. Proceeds of sales of inherited Indian lands, de- cision of circuit court of appeals, 8th circuit. [1906.] School buildings. [Circular] to agents and bonded superintendents [calling for information as to Indian school buildings]. Oct. 1, 1895. 4« Shoshone Indians. Report of commission [Felix R. Bninot, commis- sioner] appointed under act approved June 1, 1872, to negotiate with Shoshone Indians in Wyoming Territory. 1873. Statistics of Indian tribes, agencies, and schools; corrected to Jan. 1, 1899. 1899. 12° [-See, for earlier statistics, 1 20.8 :St2.] Same; compiled to July 1, 1903. 1903. 496 Classiflcatlon no. I 20. INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE— Continued I 20.2 : General pubUcatlons— Continued T69 T71 120.3: (nos.) 120.4: (nos.) 120.5: (date) I20.5«: (date) 120.6: C12 C44 [Traveling on official business.] July 9, 1896. Treasm-y notes. [Circular from 2d Comptroller of Treasiu-y to officers and agents of Indian Department, including opinion of Attorney- General, directing that Treasury notes shall draw interest only from time they are paid out by disbursing officer.] Jan. 20, 1847. 4« Treaties. Compilation of all treaties between United States and Indian tribes now in force as laws; prepared by [Thomas J. Dm-ant] under provisions of act approved Mar. 3, 1873. 1873. See Yl.l:In2. Bulletins, Indian service [This series began Dec. 31, 1909.] Circulars [These circulars are instructions to employees of the Office of Indian Affairs, and relate chiefly to details of administration. Most of them are mimeographed, not printed, and as there is no file of them in the Public Documents Library, no attempt is made to list them here.] Indian Commissioners Board, Annual reports [This board was organized by authority of act approved Apr. 10, 1869. Although its reports are made direct to the Secretary of the Interior, they are classed here because of the intimate relationship between the board and the Office of Indian Affairs.] 1869 1870 [1440-39] 1871 1872 [pt. 1] [Also in annual report of Interior Department (1 1.1:872).] Same [pt. 2], Journal of 2d annual conference with representatives of religious societies. 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 [2027-79] 7] [2110-7/ 1883-1906 (except 1896), in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and issued separately also. Report for 1885 also pub* lished as Congressional document [2398-109]. 1907-09 [Issued separately only.] Indian Commissioners Board, Annual reports (separates) Reports of special agents and commissions [These agents and commissions were appointed in various ways and for various purposes. Of their reports listed below, some are addressed to the commissioner I of Indian affairs, some to the Secretary of the Interior, and others to Congress, the president of the Board of Indian Commissioners, etc. But since they are in every case so closely associated with the policies and administration of the Office of Indian Affairs, it is deemed best to class all such miscellanoous reports here.] California Indians. Report of special agent for California Indians. Carlisle [Pa.], Indian School Print, Mar. 21, 1906. Chippewas. [Issuance of] half-breed scrip [to] Chippewas of Lake Superior, correspondence and action under 7th clause of 2d article of treaty with Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior and the Mississippi concluded at La Pointe, Wis., Sept. 30, 1854, including report of commission composed of Henry S. Neal, Selden N. Clark, Edward P. Smith, and R. F. Crowell, and report of commission composed of Thomas C. Jones, Edward P. Smith, and Dana E. King. 1874. 497 CUMinMtlon r 20. INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE— Continued no. I 20.6 : Reports of special agents and commissions— Continued C45 C5hoctaw8. Report of CommisHion | Henry L. Dawes, Tarns Bixby. M"i. Frank <'. Arnistronn;, and A. S. McKennonJ to Five Civilized Tribes on question whether Mississippi Choctawe under their treaties are not entitled to all rights of Choctaw citizenship, except interest in Choctaw annuities. 1897. K17 Kaw Commission. Report of Kaw Commission, with accompanying exhibits and other papers. 1904. M69 Mission Indians. Report on Mission Indians of California; by William Vandever. [1876.] R24^ Red Cloud Agency. Report of commissioners [W. H. Hare, Samuel D. Hinman, J. D. Bevier, and Francis H. Smith] appointed to examine Red Cloud and Whetstone Indian agencies. 1874. R24^ Red Cloud Agency. Documents relating to charges of 0. C. Marsh of fraud and mismanagement at Red Cloud Agency* n. p. n. d. R24 ' Red Cloud Agency. Report of special commission [Thomas C. Fletcher, Benj. W. Harris, Chas. J. P^aulkner, and George W. Atherton] to investigate affairs of Red Cloud Indian Agency, July, 1875, with testimony and accompanying documents. 1875. Si7 Sioux and Ponka Indians. Report of visit to Sioux and Ponka Indians on Missouri River; by William Welsh. 1872. Sis Sitting Bull. Report of commission [Alfred H. Terry and A. G. Law- rence] appointed to meet Sioux Indian chief, Sitting Bull, with view to avert hostile incursions into territory of United States from Dominion of Canada. 1877. 120.7: Indian Schools Superintendent, t Annual reports (date) Inspector of Indian Schools 1882, in annual report of Interior Department (1 1.1:). Indian Schools Superintendent 1883-1908, in annual reports of Interior Department (I 1.1:), and usually issued separately also. For 1907 and 1908, the appendix which is found in the separately issued report is omitted from the report as included in annual reports of Interior Department. 1909, issued separately only. Indian schools (miscellaneous publications) See also I 20.15: -Children. Rules and regulations concerning transfer of children from Indian reservatijon day schools to nonreservaiion schools, etc. Mar. 7, 1896. Cleveland, Ohio. Program [and instructions for meeting] of Depart- ment of Indian Education [National Educational Association] Cleveland, Ohio, June 29-JuIy 3, 1908. 1908. narrow S"* C77 Cooking. Teaching rudiments of cooking in class room, primary meth- ods and outlines for use of teachers in Indian schools. 1906. C83 Course of study for Indian schools in United States, industrial and liter- ary; [by Estelle Reel]. 1901. En3 English. Teaching Indian pupils to speak English, primary methods and outlines for use of teachers in Indian schools; [by Estelle • Reel]. 1904. F58 Five Civilized Tribes. Regulations for tribal Indian schools among Five Civilized Tribes [in Indian Territory]. July 1, 1906. G14 Games. [Circular letter requesting information relative to games of Indian children.] June 27, 1896. 4° In? ^ Institutes. [Circular requesting suggestions concerning summer insti- tutes for Indian school employees to be held during July and August.] Mar. 23, 1896. 4° 120.8: .:'.(C4^i1 C59 ^452°— 11 -32 t Office abolished July 1, 1910. 498 Classlflcation no. 120.8: In72 M31 M66 N21 R22 R861 R362 B«63 R86* R865 R86« St2 Sy5^ Sy52 V59 W27 W89 I 20.9 ' : 875 876 884 120.9 2: A15 F581 I 20. INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE— Continued Indian schools (miscellaneous publications) — Continued Institutes. Proceedings of institutes, Indian school service, 1897, held at Omaha, Nebr., July 12-17, Ogden, Utah, July 19-24, [and] Portland, Oreg., Aug. 2-7. 1898. Management of Indian schools. Circular letter [to] agents and superin- tendents [relative to management of Indian schools]. Aug. 30, 1895. 4° Minneapolis, Minn. [Circular] to employees of Indian school service, as well as others interested in Indian education [program and in- structions for meeting of Department of Indian Education at Minneapolis, Minn., July 7-11, 1902]. [1902.] Nature study and gardening, primary methods and outlines for use of teachers in Indian schools; [by Estelle Reel]. 1905. Reading lessons. Easy reading lessons for Indian schools. , 1875. Rules for Indian schools, with course of study. 1890. Same, with list of textbooks and civil service rules. 1892. Rules for Indian school service. Revised [edition]. 1894. Same. 1898. Same. 1900. Same. 1904. Sanitary conditions. Methods for bettering sanitary conditions in Indian schools, brief of address [on method of sewage disposal by means of septic-tank system] before Pacific Coast Indian Service Institute, Newport, Oreg., Aug. 1904; by E. A. Pierce. 1904. Sanitary measures. Circular letter of instruction to agents and school superintendents [concerning a few important sanitary measures for Indian schools]. Nov. 1, 1895. Statistics relating to Indian schools, 1882. n. p. n. d. [See, for later statistics, I 20.2:St2i»2.] Syllabus of language work and suggestions to teachers concerning lessons in speaking, reading, writing, spelling, and grammar for use of Indian day schools, and reservation boarding schools. 1894. Syllabus of number work, and suggestions to teachers concerning lessons in arithmetic for use of Indian schools. 1894. Vernacular. Correspondence on subject of teaching vernacular in Indian schools. 1888. Washington, D. C. Report of conference of superintendents, held at Washington, D. C, Dec. 6-10, 1909. Chilocco, Okla., Printing- Department, U. S. Indian School, 1909. large 8" Work. [Circular] to school superintendents and teachers, outlines at school work. Nov. 1, 1895. Laws (general) [See, for compMations by Charles J. Kappler, 1st edition, 1903, [4253-452]; 2d edition, 1904, y4.In22:L44i»2.] (Compilation from Revised statutes of United States, and acts of Congress, relating to Indian affairs. [1st edition.] 1875. Same. 2d edition. 1876. Laws of United States relating to Indian affairs, compiled from Revised statutes enacted June 22, 1874, and from Statutes at large from that date to Mar. 4, 1883, also special acts and resolutions, list of treaties and agreements with Indian tribes. 3d edition. 1884. Liaws (special) Allotments. General allotment act [to provide for allotment of lands in severalty to Indians on various reservations, and to extend pro- tection of laws of United States and Territories over Indians, and for other purposes], and amendments. [1909.] Five Civilized Tribes. Laws relating to allotments, patents, alienation, citizenship, cessation of tribal relations, and statistics of Five Civilized Tribes. [1905.] 499 CIsHsfflcatloa no. I 20.9 > I Osl 120.10: 895 > 895^ 896 902 9031 9032 906 907 1 9072 908 1 9082 120.11: (date of fiscal year) 120.12: Ag3 C421 C423 C423 C42* C42* C426 I 20. INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE— Continued Laws (epocial)— Continued Five Civilized Tribes. Legislation relating to Five Civilized Tribes, 59th Congress, Isteeseion. [1906.] Osage Indians. Division [of J Osage lands and funds, act of June 28, 1906. [1909.] Roster of officers of Indian service List of officers of Indian service; corrected to Aug. 15, 1895. [1895.] Same. [1895.] narrow f« List of officers connected with Indian service; corrected to Nov. 5, 1896. [1896.] List of officers connected with Indian service, including agents, super- intendenta, inspectors, special agents, and supervisors of Indian schools, etc.; corrected to July 11, 1898. [1898.] Same; corrected to Nov. 10, 1902. [1902.] Same; corrected to Feb. 1, 1903. [1903.] 4° Same; corrected to July 1, 1903. [1903.] 4'» List of officers connected with Indian service; corrected to Mar. 15, 1906. [1906.] 4° Roster of officers of Indian service; corrected to Apr. 1, 1907. [1907.] Same; corrected to Dec. 13, 1907. 1907. Same; corrected to May 25, 1908. [1908.] Same; corrected to Sept. 19, 1908. [Carlisle, Carlisle Indian Press, 1909.] [Proposals received and contracts awarded for] supplies for Indian service [Beginning with the issue for the fiscal year 1908, the words " Proposals received and contracts awarded for" are omitted from the title. 1890-1908, also in annual report of Interior Department (1 1.1:), for fiscal year pre- ceding that for which contract is awarded; 1890-1907, usually, but not always, included also in annual report of Office of Indian Affairs (1 20.1:) for year preceding.] See also 1 20. U: 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 [Not issued separately.] 1907 1908 1909 1910 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 Rules, regulations, and instructions (special) See also, for rules and regulations concerning Indian schools, entries under 120.8: Agents. [Instructions to agents in relation to annual reports.] May 20, 1905. 4° Cherokee Nation . Regulations, Jan . 21, 1903, governing leasing of lands in Cherokee Nation, Ind. T., for carrying into effect provisions of sec. 72 of act approved July 1, 1902 [for allotment of lands of Cherokee Nation, etc.]. n. p. [1903]. Same, as amended May 4, 1903. [1903.] Same, as amended May 4, 1903 [with amendments to Oct. 1, 1903]. 1904. Same, as amended May 4, 1903 [with amendments to Jan. 17, 1905]. 1905. Same, revised regulations. Mar. 20, 1905. 1905. Same, revised r^ulations. Mar. 20, 1905-May 22, 1906. 1906. 500 Classification no. 120.12: C427 C43 C45 C861 C862 C863 C864 C86^ C86« C867 D63 Et3 F581 F582 F583 F58^ F58' F58< F587 F588 In2i In22 I 20. II^DIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE— Continued Rules, regulations, and instructions (special)— Cont'd Cherokee lands . Additional regulations governing leasing of Cherokee al- lotted lands for mining oil and gas [approved Apr. 15, 1903]. [1903.] Chickasaw Nation. Regulations, June 3, 1902, governing introduction by non-citizens of live stock in Chickasaw Nation, Ind. T. n. p. June 17, 1902. Choctaw Nation. Regulations governing sale of segregated lands and pine timber in Choctaw Nation, Ind." T. 1907. Creek Nation. Regulations [governing leasing and sale of lands in Creek Nation, Ind. T., for carrying into effect provisions of sec. 16 and 17 of act approved June 30, 1902, and ratified by Mus- kogee, or Creek, national council July 26, 1902]. [Dec. 5, 1902.] Same, as amended Jan. 21, 1903. [1903.] Same, as amended May 4, 1903. 1903. Creek Nation . Regulations as amended July 10, 1903, governing sale and leasing of lands in Creek Nation, Ind. T., for carrying into effect provisions of sec. 16 and 17 of act approved June 30, 1902. 1903. Same, as amended July 10, 1903 [with amendments to Oct. 6, 19041. 1904. Same, revised regulations, Mar. 20, 1905. 1905. Same, revised regulations, Mar. 20, 1905, with amendments [to Dec. 27, 1905]. 1906. Disreputable characters. Letter relative to removal of disreputable characters from Indian country. June 4, 1901. Ethnological directions relative to Indian tribes of United States; by Otis T. Mason. 1875. Five Civilized Tribes. Regulations [May 12, 1904] governing applica- tions by allottees of Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory, who are of Indian blood, for removal of restrictions upon aliena- tion. 1904. Same [with rules relative to filing and hearing of applications]. 1905. Five Civilized Tribes. Regulations of July 7, 1906, governing leasing • and sale of lands allotted to or inherited by full-blood Indians of Five Civilized Tribes. 1906. Five Civilized Tribes. Regulations of July 7, 1906, with amendments, governing leasing and sale of lands allotted to or inherited by full- blooded Indians of Five Civilized Tribes, prescribed by Secretary of Interior for purpose of carrying into effect provisions of sec. 19, 20, and 22 of act approved Apr. 26, 1906. 1907, Five Civilized Tribes. Revised leasing regulations of June 11, 1907, governing leasing of lands of members of Five Civilized Tribes, prescribed by Secretary of Interior, for carrying into effect pro- visions of agreements with Creek and Cherokee nations and act approved Apr. 26, 1906. 1907. Five Civilized Tribes. Revised regulations of Apr. 20, 1908, govern- ing leasing of lands of members of Five Civilized Tribes, pre- scribed by Secretary of Interior for carrying into effect provisions of agreements with Creek and Cherokee nations and act approved Apr. 26, 1906. 1908. Five Civilized Tribes. Regulations of June 20, 1908, governing district agents, leasing of restricted lands, and removal of restrictions in Five Civilized Tribes. Muskogee, Phoenix Printing Company, 1908. Same. Washington, Government Printing OflSce, [reprint] Oct. 1, 1909. Indian agents. Instructions to Indian agents. July 1, 1877. * Indian agents. Instructions to Indian agents relative to purchasing supplies, accounting for public funds and property, and all mat- ters relating to proper administration of their duties. Revised Oct. 1, 1880. See also 120.12:Su.7'»^. 501 ClMsiflcatloo no. 120.12: In23 In4i In42 In43 L23» L232 .L48» L482 L48' M34 M661 M663 M663 N15 Osl Q2 RI32 R13» R13* R261 R262 Su7i Su72 T231 T232 T233 I 20. INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE— Continued Rules, regulations, and Instoruotlons (special)— Cont'd Indian offenses. Rules governing court of Indian offenflee. n. p. [Mar. 30, 1883]. Indian schools. See, for rules and re^^ulations, entries under 1 20.8: Inherited Indian lands. Amended rules for conveyance of inherited Indian lands. Aug. 12, 1902. Same, Oct. 2, 1902. [Oct. 4, 1902.] Same, Oct. 2, 1902, with amendments approved Sept. 18, Nov. 5, 1903, Mar. 21, 1905, and Sept. 19, 1907. 1907. Lands in Indian Territory. Rules and regulations governing selection and renting of prospective allotments of lands in Indian Terri- tory, 1898. n. p. [1898]. Lands. Regulations for conveyance of lands of noncompetent Indians, approved Aug. 15, 1907. 1907. Leases of Indian allotments. Amended rules and regulations to be j/ observed in execution of leases of Indian allotments. Aug. 15, '\ 1901. narrow large 8° Same. Mar. 21, 1902. Same. Mar. 16, 1905. Marriage of Indians. [Instructions relative to marriage of Indians.] Apr. 5, 1901. Mineral leases. Regulations governing mineral leases and other mat- ters in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations in Indian Territory, pre- scribed under provisions of agreement of Apr. 23, 1897. n. p. n. d. Mineral leases. Rules and regulations governing mineral leases, collec- tion and disbursement of revenues, and supervision of schools in Indian Territory under act of June 28, 1898. n, p. n. d. Mineral leases. Regulations, as amended May 22, 1900, governing min- eral leases in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations in Indian Terri- tory, prescribed under provisions of agreement of Apr. 23, 1897. n. p. n. d. [Naming of Indians, and instructions for preservation of family names among them.] Dec. 1, 1902. Osage Reservation, Okla. Regulations governing leasing of lands for oil and gas on Osage Reservation, Okla., under act of Mar. 3, 1905. 1907. Quapaw Agency. Regulations to be observed in leasing for mining pur- ?oses of allotted lands of incompetent Indians of Quapaw Agency, nd. T., prescribed Jan. 24, 1907, for carrying into effect act approved June 7, 1897. 1907. Railway lines. Regulations concerning right of way for railway lines, with telegraph and telephone, through Indian lands [Apr. 18, 1899]. n. p.. [1899]. 14 p. Same, amendments. Apr. 8, 1901. 1 p. Same [Apr. 18, 1899], amended [to Apr. 8, 1901]. n. p. [1901]. 14 p. Same, Apr. 18, 1899, with amendments of Apr. 8, 1901. [1901.] 15 p. Registration of Indian families. Aug. 31, 1901. large 8'' Same. June 10, 1902. large 8«> Superintendents. Instructions to superintendents and Indian agents, relative to purchasing supplies, accounting for public funds and property, etc., Apr. 1, 1876. 1876. Same, July 1, 1877. 1877. 12° See also I 20.12:In2''^. Telephone lines. Regulations concerning right of way for telephone and telegraph lines through Indian lands, n. p. [Mar. 15, 1901]. Same, addenda. Nov. 6, 1901. Same, approved Mar. 26, 1901, mth amendments approved Nov. 9, 1901. n. p. [1901]. 502 Classiftcation no. 120.12: T481 T482 T66 T671 T672 T673 T73 Uml I 20.13 »: 850 869 874 884 894 904 120.13 2: (date and amend- ment nos.) 120.14: (CT) I 20. INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE— Continued Rules, regulations, and Instructions (special)— Cont'd Timber. Regulations governing procurement of timber and stone for domestic and industrial piu-poses in Indian Territory, as provided in act of June 6, 1900. n. p. [July 14, 1900]. Same. n. p. [Feb. 14, 1901]. Town-site commissioners. Instructions [of Secretary of Interior to] town-site commissioners [of] Choctaw and Chickasaw nations. [Mar. 6] 1899. Trade. Laws and regulations relative to trade with Indian tribes, Apr. 1, 1879. 1879. Same, Apr. 1, 1904. 1904. Trade. [Circular] to Indian agents [instructions for carrying into effect sec. 10 of Indian appropriation act, 1904, extending privilege of trading with Indians so as to apply to all reservations]. Mar. 10, 1903. Tribal funds. Regulations for applications for tribal funds under act of Mar. 2, 1907. [1909.] Umatilla Reservation. Regulations governing execution of leases of Indian allotments on Umatilla Reservation in Oregon. Sept, 15, 1909. Regulations of Indian Office (general) Laws, regulations, etc., of Indian Bureau. 1850. * Same, office copy, 1850. [Published] 1869. Same, office copy. 1874. Regulations of Indian Department, with appendix containing forms used. Revised [edition]. 1884. [Interleaved.] Regulations of Indian Office, with appendix containing forms used. Revised [edition]. 1894. Regulations of Indian Office, effective Apr. 1, 1904. Revised [edition]. 1904. Amendments to Regulations of Indian Office [The arrangement in this class is by the date of the edition of the Regulations to which each series of amendments applies, with the number of the amendment used as a superior in the book number. Numbers have been assigned to the amendments to Regulations, 1894, and to the first three amendments to Regu- lations, 1904. After that, beginning with no. 4, Nov. 15, 1904, the number appears on the amendment.] 1904, no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 [Amends no. 18 no. 19 [Amends no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 for supplies] for 1894, no. 1] no. 2 no. 3' no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7" 1904, no. 1 [no. [no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 Mar. 9, 1895 Sept. 26, 1895 Apr. 28, 1896 July 17, 1896^ Jan. 11, 1897 Mar. 27, 1897 Feb. 14, 1901 July 1, 1904 "sec. 348.] 2] July 1, 1904 sec. 366.] 3] Sept. 20, 1904 4 5 6 7 8 9 Proposals [and specifications Indian service See also 120.11: 503 Cla«8incatlon no. 120.15: (date) 120.16: 1 20.16 »: (date) I 20.16 2; (CT) 1 20.16 3: (no8.) 120.16*: (no8.) 120.16*: (v. no8.) 120.16': (date beginning academic year) 120.17: 1 20.17 M (date) I 20. INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE— Continued Reports of as:onts and superintendents in cliarge of Indians I >rom aver J' early period up to and Including 1906, reports of agents and superintend- ents were printed as part of the appendix to tho annual report of the commis- sioner of Indian alTairs, as it ap[)earcd in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and later in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and as issued separately also. BeginniuK with 1907, thesereports are not Included in the commissioner's report and are not printed in any form at the Government Printing Office. From 1907 to 1909, a small number of copies were printed (not published) for the use of the Indian service, in the form or a compilation. The reports are grouped by States and different sections are printed at the various school printeries. Some of the f)aniphlets contain only one State and some contain several, but always arranged n such a wav that the" whole can be combined to form a complete set. The general title's for the reports from 1907 to 1909 vary. The general title of the 1908 set has been chosen as the series title for this class, because it is more explicit than either of the others. The sets for all three years carry as the running nead "Reports concerning Indians in ." These reports are addressed to the commissioner of Indian affairs and have nothing to do with the reports of the Indian Schools Superintendent. As the files of the Public Documents Library are incomplete, they are not listed here.] Carlisle Indian School [Established at Carlisle, Pa., 1879.] Carlisle Indian School, Annual reports [1880-1906, inannualreportsof Interior Department (1 1.1:). 1907 and 1908, in Reports of agents and superintendents in chargeof Indians (1 20.15:).] 1909 [Issued separately only.] Carlisle Indian School, General publications [None in Public Documents Library.] Carlisle Indian School, Bulletins [None issued.] Carlisle Indian School, Circulars [None issued.] Carlisle Indian School, Indian craftsman t large 8° [Monthly except July and August.] [This publication characterizes itself as "a magazine not only about Indians, but mainly 6y Indians".] V. 1, no. 1 * no. 2 * no. 3 * no. 4 * no. 5 * Carlisle Indian School, Annual school calendar 1908-09 1909-10 Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute [Established at Hampton, Va., 1878.] Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Annual reports [The Hampton Institute issues each year an annual report including information con- cerning all its students both colored and Indian. These reports are not Government publications. That portion of the report relating to the Indian students has been submitted to the OflRce of Indian Affairs and included with its reports as follows: 1880-1906 (except 1899), in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and 1884 and 188.'> issued separately also. 1907 and 1908, in Reports of agents and superintendents in charge of Indians (1 20.16:). 1909, submitted, but not printed.] , no. 6 * V. 2, no. 1 * no. 7 * no. 2 * no. 8 •K- no. 3 * no. 9 * no. 4 no. 10 * t Beginning with v. 2, no. 6, Feb. 1910, the title is changed to Red man. 504 Classiflcation no. (CT) 120.17': (nos.) 120.17*: (nos.) 120.18: (CT) 120.19: 896 898 903 905 . 906 907 908 I 20. INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE— Continued Agricultural Institute, Agricultural Institute, Agricultural Institute, Hampton Normal and General publications [None issued,] Hampton Normal and Bulletins [None issued.] Hampton Normal and Circulars [None issued.] Treaties and agreements [The numerous publications which are to be classed here are not given individual entry in this list. 5cc, for compilations of treaties, W 1.2 :In2 1-'', Yl.l:In2, [4254-452], and Y4.In2 2:L44 2.] Routes to Indian agencies and schools List of Indian agencies, subagencies, and schools, with post-oiSice and telegraph address, nearest railroad station, and usual route thence to agency or school. 1896. Same; corrected to Aug. 15, 1898. 1898. Routes to Indian agencies and schools, with post-office and telegraphic addresses and nearest railroad stations; corrected to May 18, 1903. 1903. Same; corrected to May 11, 1905. 1905. Same; corrected to May 15, 1906. 1906. Same; corrected to Aug. 1, 1907. 1907. Same; corrected to Sept. 15, 1908. Carlisle, Carlisle Indian Press, 1 ^Jr-.ii- ,,71 01,01: 1 1908. u/:i 121. LAND OFFICE, otij^^l^fi' ' ' ^' ^ [By act establishing the Department of War, Aug. 7, 1789, the Secretary of War was charged with super- vision over "the granting of lands to persons entitled thereto for military services rendered to Ihe United States." The act establishing the Department of the Treasury, Sept. 2, 1789, required the Secretary of theTreasury to execute "services relative to the sale of the lands belonging to the United States." An act of May 18, 179G, provided for surveying these lands, and authorized the President to grant patents for lands, to be countersigned by the Secretary of State and recorded in his office. Land ofhces were established and proper registry provided for by acts of May 10, 1800, and Mar. 2G, 1804. Act of Apr. 25, 1812, provided "that there shall be established in the Department of the Treasury an office, to be aenominated the General Land Office, the chief officer of which shall be called the commissioner of theGeneralLandOffice, whose duty it shall be * * * to superintend, execute, and perform all such acts and things touching or respecting the public lands of the United States * * * as have heretofore been directed by law to be done or performed in the office of the Secretary of State, of the Secretary and Register of the Treasury, and of the Secretary of "\\ ar." An act of July 4, 1836 ' ' to reorganize the G eneral Land Office " provided that the executive duties concerning public lands and private claims for land prescribed therein "be subject to the supervision and control of the commissioner of the General Land Office, under the direction of the President of the United States." The question immediately arose as to whether the elTect of this law was to remove the control of the Land Office from the Treasury Department. The opinion of the Attorney-General on the subject, rendered July 4, 1836 (J 1.5:3, p. 137) was to the effect that the supervision remained with the Treasury Department, and in order to remove all doubt, the President, at the suggestion of the Attorney-General", directed that the Secretary of the Treasury continue to superintend the business of the Land Office. In 1849, the act establishing the Department of the Interior transferred the General Lanji Office irot^ the Treasury Department to the Interior Department.] ' ' ^ ; . 1 . i .» j i 121.1: (date) I21.1«»: (date) Annual reports [See, for papers relating to public lands, July 31, 178^Feb, 28, 1837, American state papers, public lands, serial nos. 028-035. 1817-48, in annual reports of Treasurv Department (Finance reports, T 1.1:). 1849- 1909, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and usually issued separately also. See, for additional matter for 1851, [640-52], and for 1852, [676-14]. Report for 1866 was also issued in French. Report for 1867 was also issued in German, French, and Scandinavian. An abridgment of report for 1867 was also issued in 1 v., English, and in another v., German, French, and Scandinavian. Report for 1869 was issued in Enelish, German, and French, the last without maps. There are 2 editions of report for 1871, one bearing imprint 1871, the other, imprint 1872.] Annual reports (separ^^tes; reports of commissioner) 505 CUssincatlO0 no. I21.ia2: (date) 121.10^: (CT) 121.2: All' A113 C32» C323 C441 C442 C443 C88 D45' D452 El 7 F761 F762 H75» H752 H758 H75* H75« H75» In2i In2 2 121. liAND OFFICE, OENERAIi— Continued Annual reiK>rts (separates; detailed statement« of business) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) General publications Alaska. Report on acrricultural prospects, natives, salmon fisheries, coal prospects and development, and timber and lumber interests of Alaska, 1903; by James W. Witten. 1904. Alabama. Schedule of lands [in Alabama] under reclassification, act of Mar. 27, 1906, [Iluntaville, Ala., meridian, townships 11-16 south, ranges 1-10 west, 3 east]. Aug. 17, 1907. Ceded lands. Schedule of ceded Sioux Indian lands of Rosebud Reser- vation in Chamberlain land district, S. Dak., subject to dispo- sition under President's proclamation of May 13, 1904. May 24, 1904. Ceded lands. Schedule of ceded lands of Sisseton, Wahpeton, and Cut- Head bands of Sioux Indians of Devils Lake Reservation, N. Dak., subject to disposition under act of Apr. 27, 1904, and President's proclamation of June 2, 1904. July 6, 1904. Chippewa Indians. Schedule of lands allotted to members of Chippewa and Munsee, or Christian, Indians, or reserved for missionary and school purposes, on Chippewa and Munsee Reservation, Kans., to be sold. [1901.] f° Chippewa agricultural lands, Minnesota, [circular to] registers and re- ceivers, Cass Lake, Crookston, and Duluth, Minn. Apr. 20, 1907. Same, Cass Lake and Duluth, Minn. July 23, 1908. Crow Reservation. [Schedule of lands of ceded portion of Crow Reser- vation, Mont., subject to disposition under President's proclama- tion of May 24, 1906.] June 22, 1906. Description. Brief description of public lands, prepared by commis- sioner of General Land Office for information of foreigners seeking home in United States; [by Willis Drummond]. [1st edition.] 1871. Same. [2d edition.] 1873. El Sobrante, Rancho. Decision in matter of survey of Rancho El Sobrante, Juan Jos6 and Victor Castro, confirmees, situated in counties of Contra Costa and Alameda, Cal. 1881. [An appealed decision appears on p. 205-228 of Land decisions [v. 1] (I 21.5:1).] Forest reserve manual for information and use of forest officers. 1902. Forest reserves. Stock-grazing in forest reserves. May 22, 1903. * Homesteads. Circular relative to soldiers' and sailors' homestead rights and soldiers' addi'tional homestead entries. 1906. Homesteads. Suggestions to homesteaders and persons desiring to make homestead entries; approved Aug. 4, 1906. 1906. Homesteads. Circular relative to soldiers' and sailors' homestead rights and soldiers' additional homestead entries. 1907. Homesteads. Suggestions to homesteaders and persons desiring to make homestead entries; approved Mar. 9, 1908. 1908. Same [with homestead laws]; approved Mar. 9, 1908. [Revised edition.] 1908. Same [with homestead laws]; approved Apr. 10, 1909. 1909. Indemnity lands. Letter from commissioner of General Land Office to Secretary of Interior, Jan. 8, 1884, in relation to excess of indem- nity lands certified to State of Kansas for benefit of Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Raih-oad. [1884.]* Indemnity lands. Revocation [by Secretary of Interior] of order of witndrawal, and restoration of indemnity lands to settlement under preemption and homestead laws, Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company indemnity lands. 1887. 506 Classification no. 121.2: In23 K52 L221 L222 L223 L58 L931 L932 L933 Ok4i Ok42 Ok43 Ok4* P961 P962 P963 P96* R241 R242 R721 I 21. LAND OFFICE, GENERALh-Continued General publications— Continued Indian reservations. Opening of Indian reservations. Apr. 27, 1909. Same. Nov. 17, 1909. Keystone Consolidated Mining Company. Decisions of commissioner of General Land Office and Secretary of Interior in matter of Keystone Consolidated Mining Company, Original Amador Mining Company, Bunker Hill Quartz Mining Company, Eureka Quartz Mining Company, and town site of Amador City vs. Cali- fornia, involving right of California to school sections which are mineral in character. 1873. I>and-grant legislation, how it began and who supported it. 1884. Land grants. Statement showing land grants made by Congress to aid in construction of railroads, wagon roads, canals, and internal improvements, with data relative thereto. 1888 . oblong large S° Same. 1908. oblong large 8« Lewis and Clark Expedition. Brief account of Lewis and Clark Expe- dition from St. Louis, Mo., to mouth of Columbia River, Oreg., and return, 1804-06, with illustrative map; exhibit of Depart- ment of Interior, General Land Office, Lewis and Clark Centen- nial Exposition, Portland, 1905. n. p. 1905. Louisiana Purchase, and our title west of Rocky Mountains, with review of annexation by United States; by Binger Hermann. 1898. large 8° Same. 1900. large 8° [4002-708] Louisiana. Historical sketch of Louisiana and Louisiana Purchase, with illustrative maps reproduced from exhibits of General Land Office, Department of Interior, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Press of W. F. Roberts, Washington, D. C, n. d.? * Oklahoma. [Schedule of lands in El Reno land district, Okla., subject to entry under President's proclamation of July 4, 1901.] July 17, 1901. Oklahoma. [Schedule of lands in Lawton land district, Okla., subject to entry under President's proclamation of July 4, 1901.] July 17, 1901. Oklahoma. Report of assistant commissioner of General Land Office to Secretary of Interior respecting opening to settlement and entry of Kiowa, Comanche and Apache, and Wichita lands in Okla- homa. [1901.] Oklahoma. Description of character of pasture lands in [former Kiowa and Comanche Reservation] Okla., to be sold. Sept. 10, 1906. Public lands. Unappropriated public lands of United States by coun- ties, land districts, and States, July 1, 1907. 1907. [Earlier edi- tions, published as separates from annual reports of General Land Office, are classed under I 21.10^:] Same, July 1, 1908. 1908. Public lands. Suggestions to United States commissioners. United States court commissioners, and judges and clerks of courts of record [regarding proofs in entry of public lands]. [Mar. 24, 1905.] Public lands. Unappropriated public lands of United States by coun- ties, land districts, and States, July 1, 1909. 1909. Red Lake Reservation . Schedule of lands in that part of Red Lake Res- ervation in Crookston, Minn., land district subject to disposition under act of Feb. 20, 1904. May 18, 1904. Red Lake Reservation. Schedule of unsold lands in Red Lake Reser- vation [in Crookston, Minn., land district subject to disposition under act of Feb. 20, 1904]. Aug. 17, 1904. Rosebud lands. Information relative to opening of Rosebud or Tripp County lands, S. Dak. Aug. 25, 1908. 4« 507 ClaMlflcatlon no. 121.2: R72» R723 R85 St2 Ui5 W75' W75^ W75' W99 121.3: (no8.) 121.4: (nos.) 121.5: (v. nos.) I 21. LAND OFFICE, OENERALr-Continued General publications— Continued Same, map accompanying. 1908. 9.3 X 7 in. Same, agent's and soldier's and sailor's aflfidavit accompanying. [1908.] 16° Ruins. Circular relating to historic and prehistoric ruins of the South- west, and their preservation; [by Edgar L. Hewett]. 1904. State grants of public lands, tables, n. p. Mar. 12, 1896. Uinta Valley Reservation. Schedule of lands of Uintah [TJinta Valley] Reservation in Uintah land district, Utah, subject to disposition under President's proclamation of July 14, 1905. July 25, 1905. Wisconsin. Report of geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minne- sota, and incidentallv of portion of Nebraska Territory; by David Dale Owen. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852. xxxviii + 39-638 p. 28 1. il. 39 pi. 9 maps, 4« Same, text without plates or maps. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852. xxxviii + 39-638 + [1] p. il. 4« Same, plates and .maps only, with title. Illustrations to geological report of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota. Philadelphia, Lip- pincott, Grambo & Co., 1852. [1] p. 27 1. 39 pi. 9 maps, 4*> Wyoming. [Schedule of lands of ceded portion of Shoshone or Wind River Reservation, Wyo., subject to disposition under Presi- dent's proclamation of June 2, 1906.] July 19, 1906. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Prior to Dec. 31, 1909, the General Land Office issued no numbered series of circu- lars, t See, for miscellaneous circulars, 1 21.10:] [Liand] decisions [The decisions relating to public lands are prepared in the ofTice of the Assistant Attorney-General for the Interior Department, under the supervision of that officer, and submitted to the Secretary of the Interior for his adoption. Also issued in separate signatures. Volumes 1-3 contained the decisions of the Secretary of the Interior and of the commissioner of the General Land Office; but beginning with v. 4 the General •Land Office decisions were omitted. Notwithstanding this fact the title-pages, up to and including v. 37, J read incorrectly Decisions of Department of Interior and General Land Office in cases relating to public lands. Although issued in the name of the Secretary of the Interior, these decisions are classed under 121., because of their intimate connection with the General Land Office.) [v. 1] Decisions of Department of Interior and General Land Office relating to lands and land claims, July, 1881-June, 1883. 1883. V. 1 Same, with title, Decisions of Department of Interior and General Land Office in cases relating to public lands. Revised edition. 1887. V.2 V. 8 V. 14 V. 20 V. 26 V. 32 V.3 V. 9 V. 15 V. 21 V. 27 V. 33 V.4 V. 10 V. 16 V. 22 V. 28 V. 34 V.5 V. 11 V. 17 V. 23 V. 29 V. 35 V. 6 V. 12 V. 18 V. 24 V. 30 V. 36 V. 7 V. 13 V. 19 V. 25 V. 31 V. 37t I21.5«: [Land] decisions (separates) (CT) tin Apr. 1911, the General Land Office began a new series of numbered Circulars, some of which are multigraphed, some printed. JThe title-page of v. 38, which appeared in 1910 and for that reason is omitted from this Checklist, omits the words "and General Land Office." With the exception of the wording of the title-pages, there is no change in the form of the publication and the classification assigned to v. 38 in the Public Documents Library is 1 21.5:38. 508 Classification no. 121.6: 891 893 897 902 1 9022 121.7: 121.8: C631 C632 C63=* C63'' C635 C63« D45^ D452 D453 D45* F761 F762 M661 M662 M663 M66* M66* M668 M66' M668 I 21. IjAND office, general— Continued Digest of [land] decisions Digest of decisions of Department of Interior and General Land Office in cases relating to public lands, v. 1-10; prepared by S. V. Proud- fit. 1891. Same, also tables of cases reported and overruled, statutes, circulars, and rules of practice cited and construed, v. 1-16; prepared by S. V. Proudfit. 1893. Same, v. 1-22; prepared by S. V. Proudfit. 1897. Same, v. 1-30; prepared by S. V. Proudfit and George J. Hessel- mann, pt. 1: [Decisions]. 1902. Same, pt. 2: [Tables of cases reported]. 1902. Land laws (general) [Various compilations of the land laws have been made; none, however, by the Land O ffice since its incorporation into the Interior Department. The following refer- ences are thought to represent a complete collection of such compilations.] See, for editions of 1810 or 1811 (1 v.) and 1817 (2 prints of 1 v.), T1.2:P96i-3. See, for editions of 1828 [v. 1] and 1836, v. 2, Y1.1:P96^2 See, for edition of 1838 (2 v.), Y1.1:P96'^.-*. See, for editions of 1880 (4 v.), 1881 (1 v.), and 1884 (4 v.), Y3.P961: G28l.^L78l-^andP96l-3. Land laws (special) i Coal-land law and regulations thereunder. July 31, 1882. * Same. Reprint [1896]. Same. Reprint [1897]. Same, with extract from circular of Aug. 7, 1895, and circular of June 27, 1900. Reprint [1901]. Same. Apr. 12, 1907. Same, Apr. 12, 1907, with amendments and supplemental circulars. Reprint July 11, 1908. Desert-land laws. Regulations and laws governing entries and proofs under desert-land laws. [1902.] Desert-land laws. Statutes and regulations govemitig entries and proof under desert land laws. Feb. 10, 1906. Same, with suggestions to persons desiring to make entries under said laws; [approved Nov. 30, 1908]. 1908. Same, with suggestions to persons desiring to make entries under said laws; approved Nov. 30, 1908, with amendment of Aug. 21, 1909. 1909. Forest reserves. Compilation of laws, and regulations and decisions thereunder, relating to creation and administration of public for- est reserves. Nov. 6, 1900. Same, relating to establishment of Federal forest reserves. Oct. 3, 1903. Mining laws. United States mining laws and regulations thereunder. Apr. 1, 1879. Same. Oct. 31, 1881. Same; approved Dec. 10, 1891. * : l: X Same; approved Dec. 10, 1891 [with amendments to July 18, 1894]. [Dec. 1, 1894.] Same; approved Dec. 10, 1891 [amendments to paragraphs 32, 50, and 51]. Nov. 7, 1895. Same; approved Dec. 10, 1891 [with amendments to Nov. 7, 1895]. [Dec. 1, 1894, reprint 1896.] Same; approved Dec. 10, 1891 [with amendments to Nov. 7, 1895]. [July 31, 1897.] Same; approved Dec. 15, 1897. [1898.] 509 ClaHMlflcatloa no. 121.8: M66« M66" M66 '^ M66 '* Sw2» Sw22 Sw23 Sw2* T48^ T482 121.9: 880 883 885 887 893 894 895 1 8952 896 899 901 906 121.10: (date) 121. 11»: 855 871 881 121. IjAND office, GENERALr—Continued Land laws (special)— Continued Same; approved June 24, 1899. [1899.] Same; approved July 26, 1901 . [1901.] Same; approved Doc. 18, 1903. [1904.] Same; approved Dec. 18, 1903 [amendment to paragraph 147]. Sept. 7, 1904. Same; approved Dec. 18, 1903 [amendment to paragraph 371. Jan. 9, 1905. Same; approved Dec. 18, 1903 [with amendments to Nov. 20, 1905]. [1906.] Same; approved May 21, 1907. 1907. Same; approved Mar. 29, 1909. 1909. Swamp lands. United States swamp land laws, regulations and deci- sions thereunder. Apr. 18, 1882. Same. Sept. 22, 1890. Same. Mar. 17, 1896. [Ist edition.] 18 p. Same. Mar. 17, 1896 [1904]. [2d edition.] 19 p. Timber laws. Compilation of public timber laws, and regulations and decisions thereunder. Jan. 21, 1897. Same. Feb. 14, 1903. Rules of practice Rules of practice in cases before district land offices. General Land Office, and Department of Interior; approved Dec. 20, 1880. 1880. Same [amendment to rule 35]. Jan. 3, 1883. Same; approved Aug. 13, 1885. 1885. Same; approved Aug. 13, 1885 [with amendments to Mar. 27, 18861. 1887. Same; approved Aug. 13, 1885 [with amendments to Mar. 15, 1892]. 1893. Same; approved Aug. 13, 1885 [amendments to rules 2 and 9]. July 14, 1894. Same; approved Aug. 13, 1885 [with amendments]. [Jan. 7] 1895. * Same; approved Aug. 13, 1885 [with amendments to June 1, 189^. 1895, reprint [1896]. Same. Revised edition, approved Dec. 23, 1896. 1897. Same. Revised edition, approved Jan. 27, 1899. 1899. Same. Revised edition, approved July 15, 1901. 1901. Same. Revised edition, approved July 15, 1901. Reprint Mar. 1906. Rules, regulations, and Instructions [This class includes an extensive series of circulars, sometimes designated by letter representing the division from which they come, conveying instructions, orders. Eroclamations, notices, etc., to land offices. These Circulars are not listed ere.] Manuals of surveying instructions (general) See, for Manual of instructions for survey of mineral lands, 1 21.11': M66 '-\ Instructions to surveyors general of public lands, for surveying districts established since 1850; also, manual of instructions to regulate field operations of deputy surveyors. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, Public Printer, 1855. Same. 1871. Instructions of commissioner of General Land Office to surveyors gen- eral relative to survey of public lands and private land claims. May 3, 1881. 510 €la»sificatloii no. 121. 11»: 890 894 902^ 9022 121.11 ^«: (CT) tI21.112: (CT) 121. 11^: M66» M662 M663 121.12: 870 872 875 876 877 878 880 884 889 892 895 » 8952 899 904 121.13: (CT) 121. LAND OFFICE, GENERAL— Continued Manuals of surveying instructions (general)— Continued Manual of surveying instructions for survey of public lands and private land claims. Jan. 1, 1890. Same. June 30, 1894. Same. Jan. 1, 1902. Same. Jan. 1, 1902 [reprint] 1908. Manuals of surveying instructions (separates) Manuals of surveying instructions (supplements) Manuals of surveying instructions (special) Mineral lands. Manual of instructions for survey of mineral lands. 1895. IS" Same. 1897. 16 Same. 1909. 16 Circular show^ing manner of proceeding to obtain title to public lands Circular showing manner of proceeding to obtain title to public lands by purchase, by location, by preemption and homestead. Aug. 23, 1870. large 8« Circular showing manner of proceeding to obtain title to public lands by purchase, by location, by preemption and homestead [issued Aug. 30, 1872]; with soldiers and sailors' homestead law of June 8, 1872 [issued June 13, 1872], and instructions of General Land Office thereon. 1873. 4« Circular showing manner of proceeding to obtain title to public lands. June 17, 1875. * Same. May 18, 1876. Circular showing methods of proceeding to obtain title to public lands under existing laws. Dec. 1, 1877. * Circular showing manner of proceeding to obtain title to public lands under existing laws. Oct. 1, 1878. Circular showing manner of proceeding to obtain title to public lands under preemption, homestead, timber culture, and other laws. Oct. 1, 1880. Same. Mar. 1, 1884. Same. Jan. 1, 1889. Same. Feb. 6, 1892. Circular showing manner of proceeding to obtain title to public lands under homestead, desert land, and other laws. [Ist edition.] Oct. 30, 1895. Same. 2d edition. 1896. Same. July 11, 1899. Same. Jan. 25, 1904. Maps 1 22. LIBRARY [Established in 1849 when Interior Department was created. Abolished in 1907.] 122.1: (dat«) Annual reports [None issued.] fThe publications classed under 121.112; are not listed in this Checklist because not issued until 1910. 511 CUHsllloatlon no. 122.2: (CT) 122.3: (no8.) 122.4: (no8.) 122.5: 871 873 875 877 881 882 883 884 892 > 8922 8923 I 22. LIBRARY-- Continued General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Catalogues Catalogue of library of Department of Interior. 1871. Alphabetical catalogue of library of Department of Interior. 1873. Same, containing additions during 1873 and 1874. 1875. Same, including additions Dec. 31, 1874-May 31, 1877. 1877. Catalogue of library of Department of Interior, including additions May 31, 1877-Feb. 1, 1881. 1881. large 8° List of additions to library of Interior Department, Feb. 1, 1881-Sept. 19, 1882. [1882.] large 8« * Supplemental catalogue of books added to library of Department of Interior, Feb. 1, 1881-June 30, 1883. [1883. J large 8° * Same, June 30, 1883-Dec. 31, 1884. [1884.] large 8« * Books [except fiction] added to library of Department of Interior, Jan. 1, 1885-May 1, 1892. [1892.] large 8« * Books of fiction added to library of Department of Interior, Jan. 1, 1885- May 1, 1892. [1892.] large S*' * Books of reference in library of Department of Interior. [1892?] large S" * 123. PATENT OFFICE [Bv act of Apr. 10, 1790. authority to grant letters patent was vested jointly in the Secretary of State, the Secretary of War, and the Attorney-General, subject to approval by the President of the United States, and provision was made that such letters patent should be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. By act of Feb. 1, 1793, the connection of the Secretary of War with patent affairs ceased, and the juris- diction was brought more closely under the Secretary of State. Patent Office established and attached to Department of State by act of July 4, 1836. Transferred to Interior Department by act organizing that Department, Mar. 3, 1849.] 123.1 (date) Annual reports to Congress (calendar years) 8° and large 8° [The act of July 4, 1830, provided for a report to Congress in January of each year, containing a statement of expenditures, together with the list of patents and alphabetical list of patentees for that year; see, for information as to earlier lists, 123.7: In addition to these statements and lists, the report was to include such other infor- mation as to the state and condition of the Patent Office as might be useful to Congress or to the public. Under this provision, the commissioner, as early as 1837, included in his report a statement on agriculture, which continued to be a ?art of the report, forming a separate volume after 1849, until 1862, when the )epartment of Agriculture was established. Beginning with 1843, the claims of patents, with brief descriptions, were printed as a part of the annual report, but from 1843 to 1848, only a small part of tne edition contained these claims and the lists of patents and patentees. From 1849, the entire edition contained the descriptions and claims of patent^;, as well as the lists of patents and patentees, until the adoption of a joint resolution of Jan. 11, 1871, which ordered that the publication of this matter as a part of the annual report be discontinued, and provided for the publication separately of the com- plete specifications and drawings of each patent; see 1 23.14: With Jan. 1872, the publication of the Official gazette (I 23.8:) was begun, and much additional matter which had theretofore appeared in the annual reports, was transferred to the Official gazette, leaving the annual lists of patents and patentees the chief feature of the annual report, as in the earlier years. From 1872 to 1875, the annual list was not even accompanied by a report on the con- dition of the office, but appeared with the title, General index of Official gazette and monthly volumes of patents. The commissioner's report on the condition of the office for each of these four years appeared only in the OflBcial gazette, where the similar reports have appeared for each j-ear from 1871 to 1909 (except 1878), being printed usually in one of the January or February numbers. From 1876 to 1909, the report of the commissioner on the condition of the office has also preceded the annual lists of patentees and patents, but with the exception of these few pages, the annual rep>ort to Congress is in fact a yearly index to the Official gazette (123.8:) and to the monthly volumes of Specifications and draw- ings of patents (1 23.14:). 1837-69, no edition without Congressional document number. 512 Classification no. I 23.1 1: (date) I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued Annual reports to Congress (calendar years)— Continued Prior to 1837, the occasional reports were addressed to the Secretary of State; see, for 1829 [19&-38], and for 1831 [216-2], Although the Patent Office remained under the State Department until 1849, the reports from 1837 have been addressed direct to Congress, and although the ones from 1837 to 1848 have no connection with Interior Department, these, as well as the later imports, are for purposes of con« venience classed here.] 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 315-105] 325-112] 346-80] 356-111 365-106 378-152 402-74] 397-169 420-109 415-129 442-177 433-150 [Omits lists of patents and patentees.] [Omits lists of patents and patentees.] [Omits claims of patents.] Same, without lists or claims of patents 1844 f [451-75] \[465-78] Same, without lists or claims of patents 1845 [484-140] Same, without lists of patents or patentees 1846 [499-52] 1847 [519-54] Same, without lists or claims of patents 1848 [542-59] Same, without lists or claims of patents 1849, pt. 1, Arts and manufactures [475-307] /[555-15] U574-20] [Inserted in a few of the office copies of pt. 1 are 9 plates and 2 unnumbered pages of text descriptive of machine engraving and chromolithography,] /[556-15 l[575-20; /[624-118 1 [645-102 Same, pt. 1, without list of patents Same, pt. 2, Agriculture 1850, pt. 1, Arts and manufactures [600-32] Same, pt. 2, Agriculture [601-32] 1851, pt. 1, Arts and manufactures Same, pt. 2, Agriculture {[6461^^2] 1852, pt. 1, Arts and manufactures [682-65]! Same, pt. 2, Agriculture [683-65]] 1853, pt. 1, Arts and manufactures "^fyiqoqj Same [pt. 2], Agriculture /[697-27 [Also in 1 V. [667-55].] 1854, Arts and manufactures, [720-39] 1 /[753-42] ^ U785-59] Same, Arts and manufactures, v. 2 j [786-59] /[755-42] l[787-59] Same, Agriculture 1855, Arts and manufactures, v. 1 /[816-20] t [848-1 ' 12] Same, Arts and manufactures, v. 2 ir849_i21 r [8 18— 201 Same, Agriculture |r85o_i21 513 t'lassinratlon no. I23.1»: (date) I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued Annual reports to Congress (calendar years) — Continued fr882— 531 1856, Arts and manufactures, v. 1 |f9Q2-(j5| 4 rr883— 531 Same, Arts and manufactiu-es, v. 2 < r903- 3 and 123.8b:] 5 10 15 20 6 11 16 21 7 12 17 22 8 13 18 23 9 14 19 Circulars [None issued.] Indexes to patents (special) Electricity. Index of patents relating to electricity granted by United States prior to July 1, 1881; with app. [1], July 1, 1881-June 30, 1882. 1882. large 8*' [Index and appendixes 1-13 are also bound in one volume by the Patent Office for official use.] Same; app. 2, July 1, 1882-July 1, 1883. 1%83. Same; app. 3, July 1, 1883-June 30, 1884. 1885. Same; app. 4, July 1, 1884-June 30, 1885. 1886. Same; app. 5, July 1, 1885-June 30, 1886. 1887. Same; app. 6, July 1, 1886-June 30, 1887. 1888. Same; app. 7, July 1, 1887-June 30, 1888. 1889. Same; app. 8, July 1, 1888-June 30, 1889. 1890. Same; app. 9, July 1, 1889-June 30, 1890. 1891. Same; app. 10, July 1, 1890-June 30, 1891. 1892. Same; app. 11, July 1, 1891-June 30, 1892. 1893. Same; app. 12, July 1, 1892-June 30, 1893. 1894. Same; app. 13, July 1, 1893-June 30, 1894. 1895. Same; app. 14, July 1, 1894-June 30, 1895. 1896. Same; app. 15, July 1, 1895-June 30, 1896. 1897. Same; app: 16, July 1, 1896-June 30, 1897. 1898. 5ee aZso 1 23. 2 :E1 2. France. Subject-matter index of patents for inventions granted in France, 1791-96. 1883. 4» Italy. Subject-matter index of patents for inventions granted in Italy, 1848-May 1, 1882. [1st edition.] 1885. 4o Same, 1848-Jan. 1, 1886. 2d edition. 1887. 4° Women inventors to whom patents have been granted by United States Government, 1790- July 1, 1888. 1888. 4« Same; app. 1, July 1, 1888-Oct. 1, 1892. 1892. 4° Same; app. 2, Oct. 1, 1892-Mar. 1, 1895. 1895. 4" Library catalogues Catalogue of library of Patent Office. 1878. 49 Catalogue of additions to library of Patent Office, May 1, 1878-May 1, 1883. 1883. large W" Catalogue of books in law library of Patent Office, 1883. 1883. Catalogue of additions to library of Patent Office, 1883-88. 1889. large 8° 517 CUsHiaratlon nu. I 28. PATENT OFFICE— Continued 1817 7-48] 1822 [78-361 1827 170-34 1832 1818 20-78 1823 94-25] 1828 185-69 1833 1819 33-35 1824 114-28 1829 195-10 1834 1820 51-40' 1825 133-22 1830 207-49 1835 1821 04-18 1826 14^27 1831 217-39 1836 123.7: General Indexes and lists of patents [By a House resolution of Jan. 13, 1812, the Setretury of State was directed to lay before t he House an annual list of the pt-rsons to whom patents had been granted, with the dales and general sul)je no. 3 no. 7 no. 11 ,, T no. 12 no. 4 no. 8 no. 5 no. 9 no. 13 no. 6 no. 10 no. 14 no. 7 no. 11 no. 15 no. 8 no. 12 no. 16 no. 9 no. 13 no. 17 no. 10 no. 14 no. 18 no. 11 no. 15 no. 19 no. 12 no. 16 no. 20 no. 13 no. 17 no. 21 no. 14 no. 18 no. 22 no. 15 no. 19 no. 23 no. 16 no. 20 no. 24 no. 17 no. 21 no. 25 no. 18 no. 22 no. 26 no. 19 no. 23 V. 8 1875, July-Dec. no. 20 no. 24 no. 1 no. 21 no. 25 no. 2 no. 22 no. 26 no. 3 no. 23 V. 6 1874, July- -Dec. no. 4 no. 24 no. 1 no. 5 no. 25 no. 2 no. 6 V. 4 1873, July- Dec. no. 3 no. 7 no. 1 no. 4 no. 8 no. 2 no. 5 no. 9 no. 3 no. 6 no. 10 no. 4 no. 7 no. 11 no. 5 no. 8 no. 12 no. 6 no. 9 no. 13 no. 7 no. 10 no. 14 t A change in the method of issue and delivery of patents which is described at length in Official gazette, v. 2, no. 1, p. 1, 2, and which went into effect July 16, 1872, necessitated the issue of three numbers, viz. 3, 4, and 5, all bearing date of July 16. The succeeding weekly issues are numbered consecutively as usual, mak- ing a total of 29 numbers in v. 2, instead of 27. 519 ClMsiflcfttlon 123. PATENT OFFICE— r^nntinuod ( 123.8: Official ffazetto— ('oi itinued (v. noB. ) V. 8 1875, July- -Dec. V. 10 1876, July-Dec. v . 13 1878, Jan .-June no. 15 no. 21 no. 1 no. 16 no. 22 no. 2 no. 17 no. 23 no. 3 no. 18 no. 24 no. 4 no. 19 no. 25 no. 6 no. 20 no. 26 no. 6 no. 21 V. 11 1877, Jan .-June no. 7 no. 22 no. 1 no. 8 no. 23 no. 2 no. 9 no. 24 no. 3 no. 10 no. 25 no. 4 no. 11 no. 26 no. 5 no. 12 V. 9 1876, Jan.-June no. 6 no. 13 no. 1 no. 7 no. 14 no. 2 no. 8 no. 15 no. 3 no. 9 no. 16 no. 4 no. 10 no. 17 no. 5 no. 11 no. 18 no. 6 no. 12 no. 19 no. 7 no. 13 no. 20 no. 8 no. 14 no. 21 no. 9 no. 15 no. 22 no. 10 no. 16 no. 23 no. 11 no. 17 no. 24 no. 12 no. 18 no. 25 no. 13 no. 19 no. 26 no. 14 no. 20 V. 14 1878, July-Dec. no. 15 no. 21 no. 1 no. 16 no. 22 no. 2 no. 17 no. 23 no. 3 no. 18 no. 24 no. 4 no. 19 no. 25 no. 5 no. 20 no. 26 no. 6 no. 21 V 12 1877, July-Dec. no. 7 no. 22 no. 1 no. 8 no. 23 no. 2 no. 9 no. 24 . no. 3 no. 10 no. 25 no. 4 no. 11 no. 26 no. 5 no. 12 V. 10 1876, July- -Dec. no. 6 no. 13 no. 1 no. 7 no. 14 no. 2 no. 8 no. 15 no. 3 no. 9 no. 16 no. 4 no. 10 no. 17 no. 5 no. 11 no. 18 no. 6 no. 12 no. 19 no. 7 no. 13 no. 20 no. 8 no. 14 no. 21 no. 9 no. 15 no. 22 no. 10 no. 16 no. 23 no. 11 no. 17 no. 24 no 12 no. 18 no. 25 no 13 no. 19 no. 26 no. 14 no. 20 no. 27 t no. 15 no. 21 V. 15 1879,Jan.-June no 16 no. 22 no. 1 no 17 no. 23 no. 2 no 18 no. 24 no. 3 no 19 no. 25 no. 4 no 20 no. 26 no. 5 t This is the first classification of inventions issued in connection with the Ofiicial gazette. See, for earlier issue, I 23.2:C56-; and for later issues, I 23.8^: and I 23.2: C56». 520 Classification I 23. PATENT Ol'l'ICE— Continued no. 123.8: Official gazette— Continued (v. nos.) V. 15 1879,Jaii.-June V. 17 1880,Jan.-June V. 19 1881,Jan.-June no. 6 no. 15 no. 23 no. 7 no. 16 no. 24 no. 8 no. 17 no. 25 no. 9 no. 18 no. 26 no. 10 no. 19 [no. 27], index no. 11 no. 20 V. 20 1881, July-Dec. no. 12 no. 21 no. 1 no. 13 no. 22 no. 2 no. 14 no. 23 no. 3 no. 15 no. 24 no. 4 no. 16 no. 25 no. 5 no. 17 no. 26 no. 6 no. 18 V. 18 1880, July- -Dec. no. 7 no. 19 no. 1 no. 8 no. 20 no. 2 no. 9 no. 21 no. 3 no. 10 no. 22 no. 4 no. 11 no. 23 no. 5 no. 12 no. 24 no. 6 no. 13 1 *• no. 25 no. 7 no. 14 1 " V. 16 1879, July-Dec. no. 8 . no. 15 no. 1 no. 9 no. 16 no. 2 no. 10 no. 17 no. 3 no. 11 no. 18 no. 4 no. 12 no. 19 no. 5 no. 13 no. 20 no. 6 • no. 14 no. 21 no. 7 no. 15 no. 22 no. 8 no. 16 no. 23 no. 9 no. 17 no. 24 no. 10 no. 18 no. 25 no. 11 no. 19 no. 26 no. 12 no. 20 [no. 27], index V. 21 1882, Jan.-June • no. 13 no. 21 no. 14 no. 22 no. 1 no. 15 no. 23 no. 2 no. 16 no. 34 no. 3 no. 17 no. 25 no. 4 no. 18 no. 26 no. 5 no. 19 [no. 27], index t no. 6 no. 20 V. 19 1881, Jan.- -June no. 7 no. 21 no. 1 no. 8 no. 22 no. 2 no. 9 no. 23 no. 3 no. 10 no. 24 no. 4 no. 11 no. 25 no. 5 no. 12 no. 26 no. 6 no. 13 no. 27 no. 7 no. 14 V. 17 1880, Jan .-June no. 8 no. 15 no. 1 no. 9 no. 16 no. 2 no. 10 no. 17 no. 3 no. 11 no. 18 no. 4 no. 12 no. 19 no. 5 no. 13 no. 20 no. 6 no. 14 no. 21 no. 7 no. 15 no. 22 no. 8 no. 16 no. 23 no. 9 no. 17 no. 24 no. 10 no. 18 no. 25 no. 11 no. 19 no. 26 no. 12 no. 20 [no. 27], index no. 13 no. 21 V. 22 1882, July-Dec. no. 14 no. 22 no. 1 t Bound separately. I 521 ClMsIfloatlon 123. P. VI ^ENT OF PI CE— Continued no. 123.8: Ofllcial gazette— Continued (v. noe.) V. 22 1882, July-Dec. V. 24 1883, July-Sept. V. 28 1884, July-Sept. no. 2 no. 10 no. 14 no. 3 no. 11 [no. 15], index V. 29 1884, Oct.-Dec. no. 4 no. 12 no. 5 no. 13 no. 1 no. 6 [no. 14], index no. 2 no. 7 V. 25 1883, Oct. -Dec. no. 3 no. 8 no, 1 no. 4 no. 9 no. 2 no. 5 no. 10 no. 3 no. 6 no. 11 no. 4 no. 7 '•' no. 12 no. 5 no. 8 ' on no. 13 no. 6 no. 9 ' " no. 14 no. 7 no. 10 no. 15 no. 8 no. 11 no. 16 no. 9 no. 12 no. 17 no. 10 no. 13 no. 18 no. 11 [no. 14], index no. 19 no. 12 V. 30 1885, Jan.-Mar. no. 20 no. 13 no. 1 no. 21 [no. 14], 26 1884, Jj index no. 2 no. 22 V. m.- -Mar. no. 3 no. 23 no. 1 no. 4 no. 24 no. 2 no. 5 no. 25 no. 3 no. 6 no. 26 no. 4 no. 7 [no. 27], index IS, Jan. -June no. 5 no. 8 V. 23 18^ no. 6 no. 9 no. 1 no. 7 no. 10 no. 2 no. 8 no. 11 no. 3 no. 9 no. 12 no. 4 no. 10 no. 13 no. 5 no. 11 [no. 14], index no. 6 no. 12 V. 31 1885, Apr.-June no. 7 no. 13 no. 1 no. 8 , [no. 14], index no. 2 no. 9 V. ^7 1884, Apr. -June no. 3 no. 10 no. 1 no. 4 no. 11 no. 2 no. 5 no. 12 no. 3 no. 6 no. 13 no. 4 no. 7 no. 14 no. 5 no. 8 no. 15 no. 6 no. 9 no. 16 no. 7 no. 10 no. 17 no. 8 no. 11 no. 18 no. 9 no. 12 no. 19 no. 10 no. 13 no. 20 no. 11 [no. 14], index no. 21 no. 12 V. 32 1885, July-Sept. no. 22 no. 13 no. 1 no. 23 [no. 14], 28 1884, Ji index no. 2 no. 24 V. ily-Sept. no. 3 no. 25 no. 1 no. 4 no. 26 no. 2 no. 5 [no. 271, index no. 3 no. 6 V. 24 1883, July-Sept. no. 4 no. 7 no. 1 no. 5 no. 8 no. 2 no. 6 no. 9 no. 3 no. 7 no. 10 no. 4 no. 8 no. 11 ' ■ no. 5 no. 9 no. 12 no. 6 no. 10 no. 13 no. 7 no. 11 [no. 14], index no. 8 no. 12 V. 33 1885, Oct.-Dec. no. 9 no. 13 no. 1 522 Classification no. I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued 123.8: Official gazette— Continued (v. nos.) V. 33 1885, Oct.-Dec. V .37 1886, Oct.-Dec V. 41 1887, Oct.-Dec. no. 2 no. 6 no. 10 no. 3 no. 7 no. 11 no. 4 no. 8 no. 12 , no. 5 no. 9 no. 13 (• no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 [no. 14], index V. 42 1888, Jan.-Mar. no. 1 no. 2 no. 10 [no. 14], 1887, J£ index no. 3 no. 11 V. 38 m.-Mar. no. 4 no. 12 no. 1 no. 5 (, no. 13 no. 2 no. 6 [no. 14], index V. 34 1886, Jan.-Mar. no. 3 no. 7 no. 4 no. 8 no. 1 no. 5 no. 9 no. 2 no. 6 no. 10 no. 3 no. 7 no. 11 no. 4 no. 8 no. 12 no. 5 no. 9 no. 13 no. 6 no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 7 no. 11 V. 43 1888, Apr .-June no. 8 no. 12 ' no. 1 ,'-. no. 9 no. 13 no. 2 i> no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 3 r no. 11 V. 39 1887, Apr.^une no. 4 no. 12 no. 1 no. 5 \i no. 13 no. 2 no. 6 01 [no. 14], index ■ V. 35 1886, Apr .-June no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 7, ' • i ■ no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 • no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 [no. 14], index V. 44 1888, July-Sept, no. 1 no. 2 no. 10 [no. 14], 1887, J\ index no. 3 no. 11 V. 40 ily-Sept. no. 4 :; no. 12 no. 13 no. 1 no. 2 no. 5 no. 6 DI [no. 14 , index no. 3 no. 7 [J. . V. 36 1886, July-Sept, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 [no. 14], index V. 45 1888, Oct.-Dec. no. 1 no. 2 no. 10 [no. 14], 1887, index no. 3 - • no. 11 V. 41 ct.-Dec. no. 4 ;,• no. 12 no. 1 no. 5 no. 13 no. 2 no. 6 [no. 14], index V. 37 1886, Oct.-Dec. no. 3 no. 7 no. 4 no. 8 no. 1 no. 5 no. 9 no. 2 no. 6 no. 10 no. 3 no. 7 no. 11 no. 4 no. 8 no. 12 no. 5 no. 9 no. 13 62S ftR8i neat ion 1 *Jii . l*/ L'l Ki>i 1' fjri h'l %JM!i—{ .'ontinuGG no. 123.8: Official gazette— Continued (v. npe.) V. 45 1888, Oct. -Dec. V. 50 1890, Jan. -.Mar. v.54 1891, Jan.-Mar. [no. 141, V. 46 1889, Ja index no. 2 no. 6 in.- -Mar. no. 3 no. 7 no. 1 no. 4 no. 8 no. 2 no. 5 no. 9 no. 3 no. 6 no. 10 no. 4 no. 7 no. 11 no. 5 no. 8 no. 12 no. 6 no. 9 no. 13 no. 7 no. 10 [no. 141, index V. 55 1891, Apr .-June no. 8 no. 11 no. 9 no. 12 no. 1 no. 10 [no. 131, V. 51 1890, A] index no. 2 no. 11 pr. -June no. 3 no. 12 no. 1 no. 4 no. 13 no. 2 no. 5 [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 6 V. 47 1889, Apr -June no. 4 no. 7 no. 1 no. 5 no. 8 no. 2 no. 6 no. 9 .1 ! no. 3 no. 7 no. 10 .uii no. 4 no. 8 no. 11 no. 5 no. 9 no. 12 no. 6 no. 10 no. 13 no. 7 no. 11 [no. 141, index V. 56 1891, July-Sept. no. 8 no. 12 no. 9 no. 13 no. 1 no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 2 no. 11 V. 52 1890, July-Sept. no. 3 no. 12 no. 1 no. 4 no. 13 no. 2 no. 5 [no. 14], V.48 1889, Ju index no. 3 no. 6 ly-Sept. no. 4 no. 7 no. 1 no. 5 no. 8 no. 2 no. 6 no. 9 no. 3 no. 7 no. 10 no. 4 no. 8 no. 11 no. 5 no. 9 no. 12 no. 6 no. 10 no. 13 " no. 7 no. 11 [no. 14], index V. 57 1891, Oct.-Dec. no. 8 no. 12 no. 9 no. 13 no. 1 no. 10 no. 14 no. 2 no. 11 [no. 15], index no. 3 no. 12 V. 53 1890, Oct. -Dec. no. 4 no. 13 no. 1 no. 5 [no. 14], index no. 2 no. 6 V.49 1889, Oct. -Dec. no. 3 no. 7 ,: no. 1 no. 4 no. 8 ', no. 2 no. 5 no. 9 no. 3 no. 6 no. 10 no. 4 no. 7 no. 11 no. 5 no. 8 no. 12 no. 6 no. 9 no. 13 no. 7 no. 10 [no. 14 , index V. 58 1892, Jan.-Mar. no. 8 no. 11 no. 9 no. 12 no. 1 no. 10 no. 13 no. 2 no. 11 [no. 14], V.54 1891, j£ index no. 3 2 editions no. 12 m. -Mar. no. 4 no. 13 no. 1 no. 5 no. 14 no. 2 no. 6 [no. 15], V. 50 1890, Jj index no. 3 no. 7 in. -Mar. no. 4 no. 8 no. 1 no. 5 no. 9 524 Classification no. 123 . PJ LTENT OF] FICE— ( Continued 123.8: Official gazette— Continued (v. no8.) V. 58 1892, Jan. -Mar. V. 62 1893, Jan.-Mar. V. 67 1894, Apr.-June no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 11 V. 63 1893, Apr.-June no. 4 no. 12 no. 1 no. 5 no. 13 no. 2 no. 6 [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 7 V. 59 1892, Apr. -June no. 4 no. 8 no. 1 no. 5 no. 9 no. 2 no. 6 no. 10 no. 3 no. 7 no. 11 no. 4 no. 8 no. 12 no. 5 no. 9 no. 13 no. 6 no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 7 no. 11 V. 68 1894, July-Sept, no. 8 no. 12 no. 1 no. 9 no. 13 no. 2 no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 11 V. 64 1893, July-Sept. no. 4 no. 12 no. 1 no. 5 no. 13 no. 2 no. 6 [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 7 V. 60 1892, July-Sept. no. 4 no. 8 no. 1 no. 5 no. 9 no. 2 no. 6 no. 10 no. 3 no. 7 no. 11 no. 4 no. 8 no. 12 no. 5 no. 9 no. 13 no. 6 no. 10 [no. 14], index V. 69 1894, Oct.-Dec. no, 7 no. 11 no. 8 no. 12 no. 1 no. 9 no. 13 no. 2 no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 11 V. 65 1893, Oct.-Dec. no. 4 no. 12 no. 1 no. 5 * ,, no. 13 no. 2 no. 6 w I [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 7 V. 61 1892, Oct. -Dec. no. 4 no. 8 no. 1 no. 5 no. 9 no. 2 no. 6 no. 10 no. 3 no. 7 no. 11 no. 4 no. 8 no. 12 no. 5 no. 9 no. 13 no. 6 no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 7 no. 11 V. 70 1895, Jan.-Mar. no. 8 no. 12 no. 1 no. 9 no. 13 no. 2 ■( '■ no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 11 V. 66 1894, Jan.-Mar. no. 4 no. 12 no. 1 no. 5 no. 13 no. 2 no. 6 [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 7 V. 62 1893, Jan. -Mar. no. 4 no. 8 no. 1 no. 5 no. 9 no. 2 no. 6 no. 10 no. 3 no. 7 no. 11 no. 4 no. 8 no. 12 no. 5 no. 9 no. 13 no. 6 no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 7 no. 11 V. 71 1895, Apr.-June no. 8 no. 12 no. 1 no. 9 no. 13 no. 2 no. 10 [no. 14] index no. 3 no. 11 V. 67 1894, Apr .-June no. 4 no. 12 no. 1 no. 5 no. 13 2 editions no. 2 no. 6 525 CiMsinration no. I 23. VI LT ENT OF] PI CE-( [Continued 123.8: Official gazette— Continued (v. no8.) V. 71 1895, Apr.-June V. 75 1896, Apr.-June V. 79 1897, Apr.-June no. 7 no. 10 [no. 141, index V. 80 1897, July-Sept. no. 8 no. 11 no. 9 no. 12 no. 1 no. 10 no. 13 no. 2 no. 11 [no. 141, 76 1896, Ji index no. 3 no. 12 V. ily-Sept. no. 4 no. 13 no. 1 no. 5 [no. 141, 72 1895, Ji index no. 2 no. 6 V. ily-Sept. no. 3 no. 7 no. 1 no. 4 no. 8 no. 2 no. 5 no. 9 no. 3 no. 6 no. 10 no. 4 no. 7 no. 11 no. 5 no. 8 no. 12 no. 6 no. 9 no. 13 no. 7 no. 10 [no. 14], index V. 81 1897, Oct.-Dec. no. 8 no. 11 no. 9 no. 12 no. 1 no. 10 no. 13 no. 2 no. 11 [no. 14], 77 1896,0 index no. 3 no. 12 V. ct.- -Dec. no. 4 no. 13 no. 1 no. 5 [no. 141, 73 1895,0 index no. 2 no. 6 V. ct.-Dec. no. 3 no. 7 no. 1 no. 4 no. 8 no. 2 no. 5 no. 9 no. 3 no. 6 no. 10 no. 4 no. 7 no. 11 no. 5 no. 8 no. 12 no. 6 no. 9 no. 13 no. 7 no. 10 [no. 14], index V. 82 1898, Jan.-Mar. no. 8 no. 11 no. 9 no. 12 no. 1 no. 10 no. 13 no. 2 no. 11 [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 12 V. 78 1897, Jan.- -Mar. no. 4 no. 13 no. 1 no. 5 no. 14 no. 2 no. 6 V. • [no. 15], index 74 1896, Jan.-Mar. no. 3 no. 4 no. 7 no. 8 no. 1 no. 5 no. 9 no. 2 no. 6 no. 10 no. 3 no. 7 no. 11 no. 4 no. 8 no. 12 no. 5 no. 9 no. 13 no. 6 no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 7 no. 11 V. 83 1898, Apr.-June no. 8 no. 12 no. 1 no. 9 no. 13 no. 2 no. 10 [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 11 V 79 1897, Apr -June no. 4 no. 12 no. 1 no. 5 no. 13 no. 2 no. 6 [no. 14], index no. 3 no. 7 V 75 1896, Apr .-June no. 4 no. 8 no. 1 no. 5 no. 9 no. 2 no. 6 no. 10 no. 3 no. 7 no. 11 no. 4 no. 8 no. 12 no. 5 no. 9 no. 13 no. 6 no. 10 [no. 14], index V. 84 1898, July-Sept. no. 7 no. 11 no. 8 no. 12 no. 1 no. 9 no. 13 no. 2 526 Classification no. I 23. PATENT OJ^'ii'LCE— Continued 123.8: Official gazette— Continued r t- x,r;-i ti:t , »,(V. no8.) V. 84 1898, July-Sept. v. 88 1899, July-Sept, v 92 1900, July-Sept. no. 3 no. 3 no. 2 .''•' --; '^iirUV ^r no. 4 no. 4 no. 3 J .-:• no. 5 no. 5 no. 4 i' no. 6 no. 6 no. 5 f". .1- no. 7 no. 7 no. 6 i^ no. 8 no. 8 no. 7 <" .^ no. 9 no. 9 no. 8 no. 10 no. 10 no. 9 7 no. 11 no. 11 no. 10 « no. 12 no. 12 no. 13 no. 13 no. 11 no. 12 ;■. , [no. 14], index [no. 14], in .v. 85 1898, Oct.-Dec. v. 89 1899, Oct. dex no. 13 n -Dec. [no. 14], index no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 no. 4 no. 4 no. 5 no. 5 no. 6 no. 6 no. 7 no. 7 no. 8 no. 8 no. 9 no. 9 V. 93 1900, Oct.-Dec. no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 f» no. 10 no. 10 no. 9 r no. 11 no. 11 no. 10 no. 12 no. 12 no. 13 no. 13 no. 11 no. 12 [no. 14], index [no. 14], index no. 13 V. 86 1899, Jan .-Mar. v. 90 1900, Jan. -Mar. [no. 14], index no. 1 no. 1 Suppl., no. 2t no. 2 no. 2 V. 94 1901, Jan .-Mar. no. 3 no. 3 no. 1 no. 4 no. 4 no. 2 no. 5 no. 5 no. 3 :j no. 6 no. 6 • no. 4 ;•; no. 7 no. 7 no. 5 1^ .-> no. 8 no. 8 no. 6 r. no. 9 no. 9 no. 7 9 no. 10 no. 10 no. 8 \ no. 11 no. 11 •no. 9 < no. 12 no. 12 no. 13 no. 13 no. 10 no. 11 f. [no. 14], index [no. 14], in dex no. 12 a . V. 87 1899, Apr.-June v. 91 1900, Apr -June no. 13 '.T no. 1 no. 1 [no. 14], index no. 2 no. 2 V. 95 1901, Apr.-June no. 3 no. 3 no. 1 no. 4 no. 4 no. 2 no. 5 no. 5 no. 3 no. 6 no. 6 no. 4 ^: .0 . no. 7 no. 7 no. 5 t no. 8 no. 8 no. 9 no. 9 no. 10 . no. 10 no. 11 no. 11 no. 12 no. 12 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 G , no. 13 no. 13 no. 11 i,r [no. 14], index [no. 14], index no. 12 : ; v. 88 1899, July-Sept. Suppl. [no • l]t no. 13 no. 1 V. 92 1900, July-Sept. [no. 14], index no. 2 no. 1 Suppl., no. 3 1 t These supplement^ contain changes in classification of subjects of invention. Beginning with no. 5, the classifications are issued as distinct publications under the title Classification bulletin. See, for later numbers, 1 23.3: 527 ('la««lllc*tlon no. I 28. PJ LT 'ENT OF] FI< ::b- Co ntinued 123.8: Official gazette— Continued (v. noB.) V. 96 1901, July-Sept. V. 99 1902, Apr.-June V. 104 1903, May-June no. 1 [no. 14], - 100 1902,Ji ind ex no. 7 no. 2 V. ily-Sept. no. 8 no. 3 no. 1 no. 9 no. 4 no. 2 [no. 10], index " no. 5 no. 3 V 105 1903,July-Aug. no. 6 no. 4 no. 1 no. 7 no. 5 no. 2 no. 8 no. 6 no. 3 no. 9 no. 7 no. 4 no. 10 no. 8 no. 5 no. 11 no. 9 no. 6 no. 12 no. 10 no. 7 no. 13 no. 11 no. 8 [no. 14], index no. 12 [no. 9], index 106 1903, Sept.-Oct. V. 97 1901, Oct.-Dec. no. 13 V. no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 14 no. 1 V. [no. 15], index 101 1902, Oct.-Dec. no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 4 no. 5 no. 2 no. 5 no. 6 no. 3 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 4 no. 5 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 6 no. 9 no. 7 no. 8 V. [no. 10], index 107 1903, Nov .-Dec. no. 12 no. 13 no. 9 no. 10 no. 1 no. 2 no. 14 [no. 15], index no. 11 no. 12 no. 3 no. 4 Suppl., no. 4 1 V. 98*1902,Jan.-Mar. V. no. 13 [no. 14], inc 102 1903, Jan. lex -Feb. no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 1 no. 1 no. 8 no. 2 no. 2 no. 9 no. 3 no. 3 [no. 10], index no. 4 no. 4 V 108 1904,Jan.-Feb. no. 5 no. 5 no. 1 no. 6 no. 6 no. 2 no. 7 no. 7 no. 3 no. 8 no. 8 no. 4 no. 9 [no. 9], 103 1903, ]V index no. 5 no. 10 V. lar. -Apr. no. 6 no. 11 no. 1 no. 7 no. 12 no. 2 no. 8 [no. 13], index no. 3 [no. 9], index V. 99 1902, Apr.-June no. 4 V. 109 1904, Mar .-Apr. no. 1 no. 5 no. 1 no. 2 no. 6 no. 2 no. 3 no. 7 no. 3 no. 4 no. 8 no. 4 no. 5 no. 9 no. 5 no. 6 [np. 10], index no. 6 no. 7 V. 104 1903, ^ lay-June no. 7 no. 8 no. 1 no. 8 no. 9 no. 2 no. 9 no. 10 no. 3 [no. 10]. index no. 11 no. ,4 V. 110 1904, May-June no. 12 no. 5 no. 1 no. 13 no. 6 no. 2 t These supplements contain changes in classijScation of subjects of invention. Beginning witn no. 5, the classifications are issued as distinct publications under the title Classification bulletin. See, for later numbers, 1 23.3: 528 Classification no. I 23. PATENT Ol'Jb'ICE-Continued 123.8: Official gazette— Continued >:r??.». h (v. nos.) v.llO 1904, May-June V. 116 1905, May-June V 122 1906, May-June no. 3 no. 3 no. 3 no. 4 no. 4 no. 4 no. 5 no. 5 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 [no. 10], index [no. 10], index [no. 10], index V. Ill 1904, July-Aug. V. 117 1905, July-Aug. V. 123 1906, July-Aug. no. 1 no. 1 no, 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 no. 3 no. 4 no. 4 no. 4 no. 5 no. 5 no. 5 no. 6 no. 6 no. 6 no. 7 no. 7 no. 7 no. 8 no. 8 no. 8 no. 9. no. 9 no. 9 [no. 101, index V. 112 1904, Sept.-Oct. [no. 10], index [no. 10], index V. 118 1905, Sept. -Oct. V. 124 1906, Sept.-Oct. no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 no. 3 no. 4 no. 4 no. 4 no. 5 no. 5 no. 5 no. 6 no. 6 no. 6 no. 7 no. 7 no. 7 no. 8 no. 8 no. 8 [no. 9], index no. 9 no. 9 V. 113 1904, Nov.-Dec. [no. 10], index [no. 10], index no. 1 V 119 1905, Nov. -Dec. V 125 1906, Nov.-Dec. no. 2 no. 1 • no. 1 no. 3 no. 2 no. 2 no. 4 no. 3 no. 3 no. 5 no. 4 no. 4 no. 6 no. 5 no. 5 no. 7 no. 6 no. 6 no. 8 no. 7 no. 7 no. 9 no. 8 no. 8 [no. 10], index [no. 9], index [no. 9], index V. 114 1905, Jan. -Feb. V. 120 1906, Jan. -Feb. V 126 1907,Jan.-Feb. no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 no. 3 no. 4 no. 4 no. 4 no. 5 no. 5 no. 5 no. 6 no. 6 no. 6 no. 7 no. 7 no. 7 no. 8 no. 8 no. 8 no. 9 no. 9 no. 9 [no. 10], index V. 115 1905, Mar .-Apr. [no. 10], ind ex V. 127 1907, Mar.-Apr. V. 121 1906, Mar. -Apr. no. 1 no. 1 ^ no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 no. 3 no. 4 no. 4 no= 4 no. 5 no. 5 no. 5 no. 6 no. 6 no. 6 no. 7 no. 7 no. 7 no. 8 no. 8 no. 8 no. 9 [no. 9], index [no. 9], inc 122 1906, May- lex V. 128 1907, May-June. V.116 1905, May-June V. June no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 529 CUsslflcfttlon no. 123.8: (v. no8.) 1 23. PATENT OFFICE-Continued Official gazette— Continued V.128 1907, May-June V. 134 1908, May-June no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 V. 129 1907, July-Aug. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 8 no. 9 V. 130 1907, Sept.-Oct. no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. -5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 V. 131 1907,Nov.-Dec. no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 V. 135 1908, July-Aug. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 136 1908, Sept.-Oct. no. 1 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no V.141 1909, Apr. no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 [no. 5], index V. 142 1909, May no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 [no. 5], index V. 143 1909, June no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 [no. 6], index V. 144 1909, July no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 [no. 5], index V. 145 1909, Aug. 1 2 3 4 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. no. no. no. no. no. . 9 V. 137 1908,Nov.-Dec. 9 V. 132 1908, Jan .-Feb. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. [no. 6], index 146 1909, Sept. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 138 1909, Jan. no. no. no. no. [no. no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 [no, 5], index 147 1909, Oct. no. 8 V. 133 1908, Mar.-Apr. no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 V no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 V. 134 1908, May-June no. 1 V no. 2 5], index V. 139 1909, Feb. no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 [no. 5], index V. 140 1909, Mar. V. 148 no. no. no. no. [no no. no. no. no. no. [no. 1 2 3 4 5 6], index V. 149 no. no. no. no. no. [no 5], index 1909, Nov. 1 2 3 4 5 6], index 1909, Dec. 141 1909, Apr. no. 1 no. no. no. no. [no. 1 2 3 4 5], index I 23.8« : Official gazette (separates) (CT) [Such portions of the weekly issues of the Oflacial gazette as are sometimes issued separately are to be classed here. These include decisions of the commis- sioner of patents; trade-marks registered during the week; and alphabetical lists of patentees and inventions from the weekly issues. The bimonthly and monthly lists of patentees and inventions, not being sepa- rates from the Official gazette, are not classed here, but are classed under 1 23.8:, each with the volume of the Official gazette to which it is an index.] 82452°— 11 34 530 Classlflcatton no. I23.8&: 123.9: (no8.) 123.10: (date) I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued O facial gazette, supplement containiiig revised classification of subjects of Invention [Thesepublications contain the general scheme of classification in use by the Patent Office, tlie successive revisions embodying the changes in classification wliich are announced in the weelcly issues of the Official gazette and again in the Classi- fication bulletin (123.3:). The 4 numbered supplements containing current revisions and definitions, which appeared with v. 91, 93, 95, and 97 of the Olflcial gazette, each bearing the volume number on its title-page, and dated respectively Jime 26, 1900, Dec. 25, 1900. June 25, 1901, and Dec. 31, 1901, are not of this series but are properly classed ea.ch as the final number of its respective volume of the Oflicial gazette; see 880 881 882 883 884 885 8871 8872 889 891 893 895 897 902 905 1 9052 123.8:91, 123.8:93, 123.8:95, and 123.8:97 See, for earlier issues, I23.2:C562 and 123.8:14, no. 27.] Official gazette, supplement containing revised classification of sub- jects of invention, Jan. 6, 1880. large 8° Same. Jan. 4, 1881. large 8° Same. 1882. Same. 1883. Same. 1884. Same. 1885. large 8<^ large 8« large 8° large 8° Same, alphabetically arranged. Jan. 4, 1887. large 8" Same, arranged by divisions. Jan. 4, 1887. large 8° Same. 1889. large 8« * Same. Jan. 1, 1891. large 8" Same. 1893. large 8° * Same, arranged by divisions, and subclasses arranged alphabetic- ally. Jan. 1, 1895. large 8° Same. Jan. 1, 1897. large 8" Same. Jan. 1, 1902. large 8° Same, arranged by divisions with classes and subclasses in each. Jan. 1, 1905. [78] p. large 8° Same. Jan. 1, 1905. [76] 1. large 8° See, for later edition, 1 23.2:C563. Orders [No attempt has been made to list the great number of Orders which have been Issued by the Patent Office. A large proportion of them relate entirely to office matters and are of interest only to employees of the Patent Office. Such Orders are not usually printed, but are promulgated verbally or otherwise to the employees. All Orders or public interest are printed regularly in the Official gazette (123.8:).] Decisions of commissioner of patents (calendar years) [Compiled from Official gazette. Beginning with 1876, the voliunes have included also decisions of United States courts, decisions of Secretary of Interior, opin- ions of Attorney-General, and important dt^cisions of State courts in relation to patents, trade-marks, etc. 18G9-94, not in Congressional set.] 1869 1870 1871 1869-71 1872 1873 * 1874 1872-74 1873 and 1874 1875 1876 1875 and 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 [Reprinted 1876, in 1 v.] 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1 v.] 1891 1892 1893 [Bound in 1 v.] 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 [Bound in 1 v.] [Bound in 3452-427' 3551-354 3701-566' 3835-310 4003-710 4178-518 531 riassl neat Ion no. 123.10: (date) I23.10«: (date) 123.11*: I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued Decisions of commissioner of patents — Continued 861 870 876 > 876- 8781 878 = 881 885 1 8852 889 897 1 897- 897 3 903 905 908 909 I 23.11-: 878 881 886 892 898 901 902 905 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 4378-594 4541-460 4742-749' 4883-426 5036-657 1906 1907 1908 1909 5199-641] 5312-470] 5478-1349] 5769-124] Decisions of commissioner of patents (separates) (la the Public Documenti Library are a few 89parates for certain quarters of the calendar years 1870 and 1871.] Patent laws (general) See, for patent laws on special subjects, entries under 123.112; and 123.113: See, for compilation of 1848, S1.2:P27^ See, for report of commissioners appointed to revise statutes relat- ing to patents, etc., issued 1902, [4031-20]. Patent laws. n. p. [1861]. Same. n. p. 1870. Same. Jan. 1876. * Same. n. p. Aug. 1876. Same. n. p. Feb. 1878. Same. n. p. July, 1878. Same. 1881. * Patent laws and laws relating to registration of trade-marks and labels, Apr. 1885. [1st edition.] [1885.] Same, Apr. 1885. 2d edition, n. d. Same. Revised Dec. 1, 1889. [1889.] Same, with annotations, revised Feb. 9, 1897 [with amendatory acta of Feb. 19 and Mar. 3, 1897]. [1897.] [See also 1 23.13:897 \] Same. [1898.] Laws relating to patents and patent causes passed by 54th Congress [acts of Feb. 19 and Mar. 3, 1897]. [1897.] Patent laws and laws relating to registration of trade-marks and labels, with annotations. Revised Mar. 4, 1903. [1903.] Patent laws, with annotations. Revised Dec. 1, 1905. [1906.] Same. Edition of Nov. 21, 1908. 1908. Same. Edition of Mar. 15, 1909. 1909. United States statutes concerning registration of trade- marks See, for earlier issues, I 23.11^: United States trade-mark statutes, and rules of practice in trade-mark cases in Patent Office. July, 1878. Statutes and rules of Patent Office relating to registration of trade-marks and labels. July 1, 1881. Same. 1886. * United States statutes concerning protection and registration of trade- marks and labels, with rules of Patent Office relating thereto. Edition of Jan. 4, 1892. [1892.] United States statutes concerning registration of trade-marks, prints, and labels, with rules of Patent Oflfice relating thereto. Edition of Nov. 1, 1898. [1898.] Same. Edition of July 3, 1901. [1901.] United States statutes concerning registration of trade-marks, with rules of Patent Ofiice relating thereto. Edition of July 1, 1902. [1902.] Same. Edition of Apr. 1, 1905. [1905.] 532 Classification no. I23.1P: 9052 9053 906 9071 907- 908 1 908- 9083 909 123.11^: 902 9081 908 -' 123.12: 898 1 8982 8983 899 900 901 902 9031 9032 904 905 906 907 123.13: 855 869 870 871 873 875 876 123. PATENT OFFICE— Continued United States statutes concerning: registration of trade - marks— Continued Same. Edition of Apr. 1, 1905. Ist reprint [with alterations], Apr. 20, 1905. Same. Re\dsed Dec. 1, 1905. [1906.] Same. Revised Aug. 1, 1906. [1906.] Same [changes subsequent to revised edition of Aug. 1, 1906]. July 31, 1907. Same. Revised Aug. 1, 1906 [with changes to July 31, 1907]. [1907.] Same. Revised Aug. 1, 1906 [with changes to July 31, 1907]. Ist reprint, Mar. 1, 1908. Same. Revised Aug. 1, 1906 [with changes to July 31, 1907]. 2d reprint, Apr. 1, 1908. Same. Revised Aug. 1, 1906 [with changes to June 12, 1908]. 3d reprint, June 12, 1908. Same. Revised Apr. 26, 1909. 1909. United States statutes concerning registration of prints and lal)els See, for earlier issues, 1 23.11 ^i and 1 23.11 -: United States statutes concerning registration of prints and labels, with rules of Patent Office relating thereto. Edition of July 1, 1902. 1902. Same. Edition of July 1, 1902. Reprinted Apr. 1, 1908. Same. Edition of July 1, 1902, revised June 12, 1908. 1908. Roster of registered attorneys See, for earlier list, I23.2:At8. List of persons registered to Jan. 10, 1898, and eligible to represent applicants in Patent Office, under provision of rule 17 of Rules of practice of said office, as amended Aug. 6, 1897. [1st edition.] 1898. large 8« Same to Mar. 1, 1898. 2d edition. 1898. large 8«' Same to July 1, 1898. 3d edition. 1898. large 8° Roster of registered attorneys entitled to practice before Patent Office. 4th edition, revised Jan. 1, 1899. 1899. [Part of this edition is interleaved.] Same. [5th edition] revised Jan. 1, 1900. 1900. Same. [6th edition] revised Jan. 1, 1901. 1901. Same. [7th edition] revised Jan. 2, 1902. 1902. Same. [8th edition] revised Jan. 2, 1903. 1903. Same, supplementary list of attorneys registered in Patent Office since Jan. 2, 1903. 1903. Same. [9th edition] revised Jan. 20, 1904. 1904. Same. [10th edition] revised Jan. 2, 1905. 1905. Same. [11th edition] revised Jan. 2, 1906. 1906. Same. [12th edition] revised Jan. 2, 1907. 1907. [None issued since Jan. 2, 1907.] Rules of practice Rules and directions for proceedings in Patent Office, u. p. [1855]. Same. Aug. 1, 1869. Rules of practice in Patent Office. 1870. * Same. Aug. 1871. Same. 1873. * Same. Apr. 1875. Same. Nov. 1876. 533 Clftsslflcatlon no. 123.13: Rules < 877 Same. 879 Same. 880 Same. 882 Same. 883 » Same. 883- Same. 8841 Same. 884- Same. 885' Same. 885-' Same. 886 Same. 887 Same. 888 Same. 891 Same. 892 » Same. 892 = Same. 8923 892* 897 1 8972 8973 897* 897^ 899 900' 900 -' 901 902 903 ' 903^ 904' 904 2 905' 9052 9053 I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued Rules of practice — Continued Aug. 1877. General revision, Dec. 1, 1879. * 1st revised edition, Sept. 1, 1880. * 2d revised edition, Apr. 15, 1882. * [3d] revised [edition] Feb. 1, 1883. [1883.] [4th] revised [edition] Nov. 15, 1883. [1883.] [5th] revised [edition] Mar. 1, 1884. * [6th] revised [edition] Aug. 12, 1884. [1884.] [7th] revised [edition] Mar. 3, 1885. * [8th] revised [edition] Nov. 16, 1885. [1885.] [9th] revised [edition] July 13, 1886. [1886.] [10th] revised [edition] Mar. 9, 1887. [1887.] [11th] revised [edition] Apr. 18, 1888. [1888.] [12th] revised [edition] July 1, 1891. * [13th] revised [edition] Apr. 1, 1892. [1892.] [13th] revised [edition] Apr. 1, 1892 [with amendments to Oct. 15, 1895]. [1895.] - ^ Vpi Oct. 15, 1895]. [Reprint 1896.] Same. [13th] revised [edition] Apr. 1, 1892 [with amendments to Nov. 10, 1896]. [1896.] Patent laws and laws relating to registration of trade-marks and labels, with annotations and rules of practice of Patent Office in force Feb. 9, 1897. [14th revised edition.] [1897.] [See also I23.11':897'.] Rules of practice in Patent Office. [15th] revised [edition] June 18, 1897. [1897.] Same, with appendix of amendments up to and including Dec. 1, 1897. [2d edition of 15th revised edition.] [1897.] Same, with appendix of amendments up to and including Dec. 1, 1897. [2d edition of 15th revised edition.] [Reprint Oct. 13, 1898.] Same, with appendix of amendments up to and including Dec. 1, 1897. [2d edition of 15th revised edition.] [Reprint Jan. 1, 1899.] Same. [16th] revised [edition] July 18, 1899. [1899.] Same. [16th] revised [edition] July 18, 1899. Ist reprint [with alterations], Feb. 28, 1900. Same. [16th] revised [edition] July 18, 1899. alterations], Feb. 28, 1900 [published June 1, Same. [16th] revised [edition] July 18, 1899. alterations], Mar. 30, 1901. Same. [16th] revised [edition] July 18, 1899. alterations], Jan. 4, 1902. Same. [17th] revised [edition] Jan. 2, 1903. Same. [17th] revised [edition] Jan. 2, 1903. ations], Apr. 15, 1903. Same. [17th] revised [edition] Jan. 2, 1903. tions], Jan. 1, 1904. Same. [18th] revised [edition] July 2, 1904. [1904.] Same. [19th] revised [edition] Feb. 28, 1905. [1905.] Same. [19th] revised [edition] Feb. 28, 1905. Ist reprint, Sept. 1, 1905. Same. [19th] revised [edition] Feb. 28, 1905. let reprint, Sept. 1, 1905 [published Mar. 1, 1906]. 1st reprint [with 1900]. 2d reprint [with 3d reprint [with [1903.] 1st reprint [with alter- 2d reprint with altera- 534 Classiflcatlon no. 123.13: 9061 9062 9071 907 2 9073 9081 9082 I23.13«: (CT) 123.14: (date) I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued Rules of practice— Continued Same. [19th] revised [edition] Feb. 28, 1905. 2d reprint [with alterations], July 31, 1906. Same. [19th] revised [edition] Feb. 28, 1905. 3d reprint, Oct. 15, 1906. Same. [19th] revised [edition] Feb. 28, 1905. 4th reprint [with alterations], Feb. 1, 1907. Same. [19th] revised [edition] Feb. 28, 1905. 5th reprint [with alterations]. May 1, 1907. Same. [20th] revised [edition] July 17, 1907. 1907. Same. [20th] revised [edition] July 17, 1907. 1st reprint [with amendments], Apr. 13, 1908. Same. [20th] revised [edition] July 17, 1907. 2d reprint, with supplement, Nov. 21, 1908. Rules of practice (separates) Specifications and drawings of patents large 8° [From 1843 to 1870, descriptions and claims of patents were included in the annual reports made by the commissioner of patents to Congress. A resolution of Jan. 11, 1871, ordered that the publication of this matter as a part of the annual report should be discontinued, and provided for publishing the complete specifications and drawings of each patent. These appeared as weekly numbers from May 30, 1871, to June 25, 1872. The weekly numbers for July, 1872, were consolidated in 2 volumes, and beginning with Aug. 1872, the publication has appeared as a monthly. From July, 1885, to Dec. 1902, each monthly volume was issued in 2 parts; smce Jan. 1903, each volume has been in 3 parts. The specifications and drawings are also issued singly for each patent at date of granting patent.] 1871, May 30 June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug. 1 Aug. 8 Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Dec. 26 1872, Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 ,Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 Mar. 5 Mar. 12 Mar. 19 Mar. 26 Apr. 2 Apr. 9 Apr. 16 Apr. 23 Apr. May 30 7 May 14 May 21 May 28 June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25 July [v. 1] Same [v. 2] Aug. V. 3 ■ Sept. V. 4 Oct. V. 5^ Nov. V. 6^ Dec. V. 7' », Jan. V. 8' Feb. V. 9" Mar. V. 10' Apr. May V. 11' V. 12 June V. 13^ July V. 14' Aug. V. 15' 5^5 Class! flcatlon no. I 23. PATENT OFFICE— tontinued 123.14: Specifications and drawings of patents— (continued (date) 1873, Sept. v. 16 Oct. V. 17 Nov. V. 18 Dec. V. 19 1874, Jan. V. 20 Feb. V. 21 Mar. V. 22 Apr. V. 23 May V. 24 June V. 25 July V.26 Aug. V. 27 Sept. V. 28 Oct. V. 29 Nov. V. 30 Dec. ,v. 31 1875, Jan. V. 32 Feb. v. 33 Mar. V. 34 Apr. V. 35 May V. 36 June V. 37 July v. 38 Aug. V. 39 Sept. V. 40 Oct. V. 41 Nov. V. 42 Dec. V. 43 1876, Jan. V. 44 Feb. V. 45 Mar. V. 46 Apr. May V. 47 V. 48' June V. 49 July V. 50 Aug. V. 51 Sept. V. 52 Oct. V. 53" Nov. V. 54 Dec. V. 55 1877, Jan. v. 56 Feb. v. 57 Mar. V. 58 Apr. V. 59 May V. 60 June V. 61 July V. 62 Aug. V. 63 Sept. V. 64 Oct. V. 65 Nov. V. 66 Dec. V. 67 1878, Jan. V. 68 Feb. V. 69 Mar. V. 70 Apr. V. 71 May V. 72 June V. 73 July Aug. V. 74" V. 75' Sept. Oct. V. 76' V. 77 Nov. V. 78 Dec. V. 79' 1879, Jan. v. 80 Feb. V. 81 Mar. v. 82 Apr. May V. 83 V. 84 June V. 85' July V. 86' Aug. Sept. V. 87; V. 88 Oct. ,v. 89 Nov. V. 90 Dec. ,v. 91 1880, Jan. V. 92 Feb. V. 93 Mar. V. 94 May V. 95 V. 96' June V. 97' July V. 98 Aug. V. 99' Sept. V. 100' Oct. V. 101 Nov. V. 102 Dec. V. 103 1881, Jan. V. 104 Feb. V. 105 Mar. V. 106 Apr. May V. 107 V. 108' June V. 109 July ,v. 110 Aug. ,v. Ill Sept. V. 112 Oct. V. 113 Nov. V. 114 Dec. V. 115' 1882, Jan. V. 116 Feb. V. 117' Mar. V. 118' Apr. V. 119 May V. 120 June V. 121 July V. 122 Aug. V. 123' Sept. V. 124' Oct. V. 125 Nov. V. 126 Dec. V. 127 1883, Jan. V. 128 Feb. V. 129 Mar. V. 130' Apr. May V. 131 V. 132 June V. 133' July V. 134 Aug. V. 135 Sept. Oct. V. 136 V. 137' Nov. V. 138 Dec. V. 139 1884, Jan. V. 140 Feb. V. 141' Mar. V. 142' Apr. V. 143 536 Classiflcation 123.14 (date) I 23. PATENT ^OFFICE— Continued Specifications and drawings of patents— Continued 1884, May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1885, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Same, Aug. [v. Same, Sept. [v. Same, Oct. [v. Same, Nov. [v. Same, Dec. [v. Same, 1886, Jan. [v. Same. Feb. [v. Same, Mar. [v. Same, Apr. [v. Same, May [v. Same, Jime [v. Same, July [v. Same, Aug. [v. Same, Sept. [v. Same, Oct. [v. Same Nov. [v. Same, Dec. [v Same, 1887, Jan. [v.' Same, Feb. [v. Same, Mar. [v. Same, Apr. [v. Same, May [v. Same, June [v. Same, July [v. Saiiie. 144 145^ 146^ 147^ 148^ 149 1501 151^ 152' 1531 154" 155' 156 157" 158], pt. pt. 2 159], pt. pt. 2 160], pt. pt. 2 161], pt. pt. 2 162], pt. pt. 2 163], pt. pt. 2 164], pt. pt. 2 165], pt. pt. 2 166], pt. pt. 2 167], pt. pt. 2 168], pt. pt. 2 169], pt. pt. 2 170], pt. pt. 2 171], pt. pt. 2 172], pt. pt. 2 173], pt. pt. 2 174], pt. pt. 2 175], pt. pt. 2 176], pt. pt. 2 177], pt. pt. 2 178], pt. pt. 2 179], pt. pt. 2 180], pt. pt. 2 181], pt. pt. 2 182], pt. pt. 2 1887, Aug. [v. 183], pt. Same, pt. 2 Sept. [v. 184], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Oct. [v. 185], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Nov. [v. 186], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Dec. [v. 187], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 1888, Jan. [v. 188], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Feb. [v. 189], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Mar. [v. 190], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Apr. [v. 191], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 May [v. 192], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 June [v. 193], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 July [v. 194], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Aug. [v. 195], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Sept. [v. 196], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Oct. [v. 197], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Nov. [v. 198], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Dec. [v. 199], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 1889, Jan. [v. 200], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Feb. [v. 201], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Mar. [v. 202], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Apr. [v. 20^], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 May [v. 204], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 June [v. 205], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 July [v. 206], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Aug. [v. 207], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Sept. [v. 208], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Oct. [v. 209], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Nov. [v. 210], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Dec. [v. 211], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 1890, Jan. [v. 212], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Feb. [v. 213], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Mar. [v. 214], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 537 riasHlflratlon no. I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued 123.14: Specifications and drawings of patents— Continued (date) 1890, Apr. [v. 215], pt Same, pt. 2 May [v. 216], pt. Same, pt. 2 June [v. 217], pt. Same, pt. 2 July [v. 218], pt. Same, pt. 2 Aug. [v. 219], pt. Same, pt. 2 Sept. [v. 220], pt. Same, pt. 2 Oct. [v. 221], pt. Same, pt. 2 Nov. [v. 222], pt. Same, pt. 2 Dec. [v. 223], pt. Same, pt. 2 1891, Jan. [v. 224], pt. Same, pt. 2 Feb. [v. 225], pt. Same, pt. 2 Mar. [v. 226], pt. Same, pt. 2 Apr. [v. 227], pt. Same, pt. 2 May [v. 228], pt. Same, pt. 2 June [v. 229], pt. Same, pt. 2 July [v. 230], pt. Same, pt. 2 Aug. [v. 231], pt. Same, pt. 2 Sept. [v. 232], pt. Same, pt. 2 Oct. [v. 233], pt. Same, pt. 2 Nov. [v. 234], pt. Same, pt. 2 Dec. [v. 235], pt. Same, pt. 2 1892, Jan. [v. 236], pt. Same, pt. 2 Feb. [v. 237], pt. Same, pt. 2 Mar. [v. 238], pt. Same, pt. 2 Apr. [v. 239], pt. Same, pt. 2 May [v. 240], pt. Same, pt. 2 June [v. 241], pt. Same, pt. 2 July [v. 242], pt. Same, pt. 2 Aug. [v. 243], pt. Same, pt. 2 Sept. [v. 244], pt. Same, pt. 2 Oct. [v. 245], pt. Same, pt. 2 Nov. [v. 246], pt. Same, pt. 2 1892, Dec. [v. 247], pt Same, pt. 2 1893, Jan. [v. 248], pt Same, pt. 2 Feb. [v. 249], pt Same, pt. 2 Mar. [v. 250], pt Same, pt. 2 Apr. [v. 251], pt Same, pt. 2 May [v. 252], pt Same, ptt. 2 June [v. 253], pt Same, pt. 2 July [v. 254], pt Same, pt. 2 Aug. [v. 255], pt Same, pt. 2 Sept. [v. 256], pt Same, pt. 2 Oct. [v. 257], pt Same, pt. 2 Nov. [v. 258], pt Same, pt. 2 Dec. [v. 259], pt Same, pt. 2 1894, Jan. [v. 260], pt Same, pt. 2 Feb. [v. 261], pt Same, pt. 2 Mar. [v. 262], pt Same, pt. 2 Apr. [v. 263], pt Same, pt. 2 May [v. 264], pt, Same, pt. 2 June [v. 265], pt Same, pt. 2 July [v. 266], pt Same, pt. 2 Aug. [v. 267], pt Same, pt. 2 Sept. [v. 268], pt Same, pt. 2 Oct. [v. 269], pt Same, pt. 2 Nov. [v. 270], pt, Same, pt. 2 Dec. [v. 271], pt Same, pt. 2 1895, Jan. [v. 272], pt Same, pt. 2 Feb. [v. 273], pt Same, pt. 2 Mar. [v. 274], pt Same, pt. 2 Apr. [v. 275], pt Same, pt. 2 May [v. 276], pt Same, pt. 2 June [v. 277], pt Same, pt. 2 July [v. 278], pt Same, pt. 2 538 Classlflcation no. I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued 123.14: Specifications and drawings of patents— Continued /An4-n\ 1QOK A,,^ r,, OTm ^* -I lOno A _. 01-I _j. -1 (date) 1895, Aug. [v. 279], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Sept. [v. 280], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Oct. [v. 281], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Nov. [v. 282], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Dec. [v. 283], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 1896, Jan. [v. 284], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Feb. [v. 285], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Mar. [v. 286], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Apr. [v. 287], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 May [v. 288], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 June [v. 289], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 July [v. 290], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Aug. [v. 291], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Sept. [v. 292], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Oct. [v. 293], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Nov. [v. 294], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Dec. [v. 295], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 1897, Jan. [v. 296], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Feb. [v. 297], pt. 1 Same, pt, 2 Mar. [v. 298], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Apr. [v. 299], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 May [v. 300], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 , June [v. 301], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 July [v. 302], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Aug. [v. 303], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Sept. [v. 304], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Oct. [v. 305], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Nov. [v. 306], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Dec. [v. 307], pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 1898, Jan., v. 308, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Feb., V. 309, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Mar., V. 310, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 1898, Apr., V. 311, pt Same, pt. 2 May, V. 312, pt. Same, pt. 2 June, V. 313, pt. Same, pt. 2 July, V. 314, pt. Same, pt. 2 Aug., V. 315, pt. Same, pt, 2 Sept., V. 316, pt. Same, pt, 2 Oct., V. 317, pt. Same, pt. 2 Nov., V, 318, pt. Same, pt. 2 Dec, V. 319, pt. Same, pt. 2 1899, Jan., v, 320, pt. Same, pt. 2 Feb,, V, 321, pt. Same, pt, 2 Mar., V. 322, pt. Same, pt, 2 Apr,, V, 323, pt. Same, pt. 2 May, V. 324, pt. Same, pt. 2 June, V. 325, pt. Same, pt, 2 July, V, 326, pt. Same, pt. 2 Aug., V. 327, pt. Same, pt. 2 Sept., V. 328, pt. Same, pt. 2 Oct., V. 329, pt. Same, pt. 2 Nov., V. 330, pt. Same, pt, 2 Dec, V, 331, pt. Same, pt. 2 1900, Jan., v, 332, pt. Same, pt. 2 Feb,, V. 333, pt. Same, pt. 2 Mar,, V. 334, pt. Same, pt. 2 Apr,, V. 335, pt. Same, pt. 2 May, V. 336, pt. Same, pt. 2 June, V. 337, pt. Same, pt. 2 July, V. 338, pt. Same, pt. 2 Aug,, V. 339, pt. Same, pt. 2 Sept., V. 340, pt. Same, pt. 2 Oct., V, 341, pt. Same, pt, 2 Nov., V. 342, pt. Same, pt. 2 539 ClMfilflcatlon no. I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued 123.14: Specifications and drawings of patents— Continued (date) 1900, Dec, V. 343, pt Same, pt. 2 1901, Jan., V.344, pt. Same,'pt. 2 Feb., V. 345, pt. Same, pt. 2 Mar., V. 346, pt. Same, pt. 2 Apr., V. 347, pt. Same, pt. 2 May, V. 348, pt. Same, pt. 2 June, V. 349, pt. Same, pt. 2 July, V. 350, pt. Same, pt. 2 Aug., V. 351, pt. Same, pt. 2 Sept., V. 352, pt. Same, pt. 2 Oct., V. 353, pt. Same, pt. 2 Nov., V. 354, pt. Same, pt. 2 Dee., V. 355, pt. Same, pt. 2 1902, Jan., v. 356, pt. Same, pt. 2 Feb., V. 357, pt. Same, pt. 2 Mar., V. 358, pt. Same, pt. 2 Apr., V. 359, pt. Same, pt. 2 May, V. 360, pt. Same, pt. 2 June, V. 361, pt. Same, pt. 2 July, V. 362, pt. Same, pt. 2 Aug., V. 363, pt. Same, pt. 2 Sept., V. 364, pt. Same, pt. 2 Oct., V. 365, pt. Same, pt. 2 Nov., V. 366, pt. Same, pt. 2 Dec, V. 367, pt. Same, pt. 2 1903, Jan., v. 368, pt. Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Feb., V. 369, pt. Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Mar., V. 370, pt. Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Apr., V. 371, pt. Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 May, V. 372, pt. Same, pt. 2 1903, Same, pt. 3 June, V. 373, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 July, V. 374, pt 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Aug., V. 375, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Sept., V. 376, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Oct., V. 377, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Nov., V. 378, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Dec, V. 379, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 1904, Jan., v. 380, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Feb., V. 381, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Mar., V. 382, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Apr., V. 383, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 May, V. 384, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 June, V. 385, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 July, V. 386, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Aug., V. 387, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Sept., V. 388, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Oct., V. 389, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Nov., V. 390, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Dec, V. 391, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 1905, Jan., v. 392, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Feb., v. 393, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 540 Classification no. I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued 1 23.14 : Specifications and drawings of patents— Continued (date) 1905, Mar., v. 394, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Apr., V. 395, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 May, V. 396, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 June, V. 397, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 July, V. 398, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Aug., V. 399, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Sept., V. 400, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Oct., V. 401, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Nov., V. 402, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Dec, V. 403, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 1906, Jan., v. 404, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Feb., V. 405, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Mar., V. 406, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Apr., V. 407, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 May, V. 408, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 June, V. 409, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 July, V. 410, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Aug., V. 411, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Sept., V. 412, pt. 1 i.. Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Oct., V. 413, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Nov., V. 414, pt. I Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 1906, Dec, V. 415, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 1907, Jan., v. 416, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Feb., V. 417, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 * Same, pt. 3 Mar., V. 418, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Apr., V. 419, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 May, V.420, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 June, V. 421, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 July, V. 422, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Aug., V. 423, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Sept., V. 424, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Oct., V. 425, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Nov., V. 426, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Dec, V. 427, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 1908, Jan., v. 428, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Feb., V. 429, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Mar., V. 430, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Apr., V. 431, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 May, V. 432, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 June, V. 433, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 July, V. 434, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Aug., V. 435, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 541 Classlflcatlon no. 123.14: (date) 123. PATENT OFFICE— (Continued Hpeclflcatlons and drawings of patents — Continued 1909, May, v. 444, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 June, V. 445, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 ^ Same, pt. 3 July, V. 446, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Aug., V. 447, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Sept., V. 448, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Oct., V. 449, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Nov., V. 450, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Dec, V. 451, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 123.15; Adl An8 B27 B56 B84 C381 038^ D57 D79' 1908, Sept., V. 43t), pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Oct., V. 437, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Nov., V. 438, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Dec, V. 439, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 1909, Jan., v. 440, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Feb., v. 441, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Mar., v. 442, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Apr., V. 443, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Briefs Adams, Arthur J. In Supreme Court of District of Columbia, at law no. 49596 and no. 51765, Arthur J. Adams v. E. B. Moore, com- missioner of patents; Arthur J. Adams and Fulton Manufacturing Company v. [same]; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] Anti-Cori-Zine Chemical Company. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1909, patent appeal no. 596, in re Anti- Cori-Zine Chemical Company, trade-mark for remedy for head- aches, etc.; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] Barratt, William T. Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1897, patent appeal no. 68, in re William T. Barratt, improvement in needle cylinders for knitting machines; brief for commissioner [of patents]. 1897. Blackmore, Henry S. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Apr. term, 1909, in re Henry S. Blackmore, process of making aldehydes, patent appeal no. 553; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] Bryant, George. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1896, patent appeal no. 48, in re application of George Bryant, improvements in boots and shoes; brief for commissioner of patents. 1896. Chase, Aurin M. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Apr. term, 1909, in re Aurin M. Cbase, hardening or tempering process, patent appeal no. 556; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] Chase, Roscoe L. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1907, in re Roscoe L. Chase and Alexander H. McKenzie, art of producing printed anilin-black designs upon vegetable textile fabrics, patent appeal no. 444; brief for commissioner of patents. [1907.] Dilg, Christian F. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1909, general calendar, appeal no. 2017, Christian F. Dilg V. Edward B. Moore, commissioner of patents; brief for commis- sioner of patents. [1909.] Draper, Lucius Dana, jr. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1897, patent appeal no. 66, in re Lucius Dana Draper, jr., shield loop for garment supporters; brief for commissioner of patents. 1897. 542 Classiflcatlon no. 123.15: D792 D793 D79*' D83 D93 Ed4 Fll r27 G56 H35 H36 H41-' H67 In2 Lll L97 I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued Briefs— Continued Drawbaugh, Daniel. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia, Apr. term, 1895, no. 32, patent appeal docket, in re appeal of Daniel Drawbaugh, telephone transmitter; brief for commissioner of patents. 1895. Same, no. 34, patent appeal docket. 1895. Same, Nov. term, 1895, patent appeals docket, nos. 32 and 34, in re Daniel Drawbaugh, telephone transmitter, powers of commis- sioner of patents; commissioner's supplemental brief. [1895.] Droop, Paul Emil. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1907, in re Paul Emil Droop, playing balls for tennis and other games and method of covering and inflating same, patent appealno.445; brief for commissioner of patents. [1907.] Durham, Caleb W. In Coiu-t of Appeals for District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1894, no. 401, Caleb W. Durham v. John S. Seymour, com- missioner of patents; appeal from Supreme Court of District of Columbia, n. p. [1894]. Edison, Thomas A. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1907, in matter of application of Thomas A. Edison, im- provements in screening plates, patent appeal no. 433; brief for commissioner of patents. [1907.] Faber, Herman W. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Apr. term, 1908, in re Herman W. Faber, surgical dressing, patent appeal no. 499; brief for commissioner of patents. [1908.] Fauber, William H. Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1898, patent appeal no. 85, in re William H. Fauber, im- provements in velocipedes; brief for commissioner of patents. 1898. Gold, Egbert H. In Coiu-t of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1909, patent appeal no. 584, in re Egbert H. Goldj adjust- able low-pressure heating system; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] Heany, John Allen. In Supreme Court of District of Columbia, John Allen Heany [et al.] v. Edward B. Moore, commissioner of patents, equity no. 28514; brief for defendant. [1909.] Heinz, William V. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1909, patent appeal no. 595, in re William V. Heinz, im- provements in wall ties; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] Herbst, Solomon C. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1908, patent appeal no. 514, iri re Solomon C. Herbst, trade- mark for whisky; brief for commissioner of patents. 1908. Herbst, S. C, Importing Company. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1907, in re S. C. Herbst Importing Com- pany, trade-mark for cocktails, patent appeal no. 394; brief for commissioner of patents. [1907.] Hoff, Johann. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1909, patent appeal no. 566, in re Johann Hoff, trade-mark for malt extracts; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] Indian Portland Cement Co, In Court of Appeals of District of Colum- bia, Oct. term, 1907, in re Indian Portland Cement Co., trade- mark for Portland cement, patent appeal no. 438; brief for com- missioner of patents. [1907.] Lacroix, Joseph D. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1907, in re Joseph D. Lacroix, improvement in cigar bunch- ing machines, patent appeal no. 410; brief for commissioner of patents. [1907.] Luten, Daniel B. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1909, in re Daniel B. Luten, improvements in bridges or arches of concrete or other analogous materials, patent appeal no. 557; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] 543 I 23. PATENT OFFICE-Continued I 23. 15 : Brief s— Continued Classlflcfttlon no. M38 M56 M78» M782 M78 = M78' M78» M97 N17 P31 Sel Se9» Se92 Sh5 Sn9 I Mason, Thomas Samuel. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Apr. term, 1908, in re Thomas Samuel Mason, improvement in caulking tool, patent appeal no. 508; brief for commissioner of patents. [1908.] Messinger, George F. Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1898, patent appeal no. 71, in re George F. Messinger, motion to dismiss appeal; brief for commissioner of patents. 1898. Moore, Edward B. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1908, no. 1959, no. 30, special calendar, Edward B. Moore, commissioner of patents, v. United States ex rel. William H. Boyer; brief for commissioner of patents. [1908.] Moore, Edward B. In Supreme Court of District of Columbia, at law, no. 51113, United States ex rel. Tore G. E. Lindmark v. Edward B. Moore, commissioner of patents; brief for commissioner of patents. [1908.] Moore, Edward B. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1909, patent appeal no. 2022, no. 9, special calendar, Edward B. Moore, commissioner of patents, v. United States ex relatione Tore G. E. Lindmark; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] Moore, Edward B. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1909, nos. 2049, 2063, Edward B. Moore, commissioner of patents, v. John Allen Heany [et al.], special calendar, nos. 8 and 11; brief for appellant. [1909.] Same; supplemental brief for appellant. [1909.] Moore, Edward B. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, United States ex rel. Newcomb Motor Company v. Edward B. Moore, commissioner of patents, successor to Frederick I. Allen, commis- sioner of patents, at law, no. 1820; brief for commissioner of patents. [1907.] Musgrave & Nye. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1897, patent appeal no. 56, in re Musgrave and Nye, fuel and proc- ess or manufacture thereof; brief for commissioner of patents. 1897. Nash Hardware Co. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Jan- term, 1909, patent appeal no. 564, in re Nash Hardware Co.; brief for commissioner of patents. 1909. Pearsall, William. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1908, in re William Pearsall, improvements in tufted or Eiled fabrics and methods of weaving same, patent appeal no. 465; rief for commissioner of patents. [1908.] Seamless Rubber Company. In Court of Appeals of District of Colum- bia, Oct. term, 1909, patent appeal no. 612, in re Seamless Rub- ber Company, trade-mark for atomizers, etc.; brief for commis- sioner of paten ts . [1909 . ] Seymour, Frederick H. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, May term, 1895, patent appeal no. 30, in re appeal of Frederick H. Seymour, metallic brake beam; brief for commissioner of patents. [1898.] Seymour, John S. Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1897, John S. Seymour, commissioner of patents^ v. United States ex rel. Albert B. Nelson; brief for commissioner of patents. 1897. Sherman, Howard B. In Coiu-t of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1909, patent appeal no. 605, in matter of application of Howard B. Sherman, design for nails; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] Snyder, Louise. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1896, patent appeal no. 51, in re Louise Snyder, teaching chart; brief for commissioner of patents. 1896. 544 Classification no. 123.15: W25 W31 W58 W83 W93' W932 123.16: 896 897 903 909 I 23. PATENT OFFICE— Continued Briefs— Continued Warren, Peter R. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1907, in re Peter R. Warren, improvement in paper-box liners, patent appeal no. 429; brief for commissioner of patents. [1907.] Waterman, L. E., Company. In Court of Appeals of District of Colum- bia, Oct. term, 1909, patent appeal no, 593, in matter of applica- tion of L. E. Waterman Company, trade-mark for fountain pens; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] White, George H. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Apr. term, 1908, in re George H. White, improvements in process of making middle rings for pipe couplings, patent appeal no. 500; brief for commissioner of patents. [1908.] Woltereck, Herman Charles. In Court of Appeals of District of Colum- bia, Mar. term, 1909, patent appeal no. 547, in re Herman Charles Woltereck, improvements in process for production of ammonia; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] Wright & Taylor. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Apr. term, 1909, in re Wright & Taylor, in re C. H. Graves & Sons, in re E. H. Taylor, jr., & Sons, patent appeals nos. 576, 577, 579, trade- mark for whisky; brief for commissioner of patents. [1909.] Wright, Frank G. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1909, patent appeal no. 588, in re Frank G. Wright, process for introducing modifying elements into castings; brief for com- missioner of patents. [1909.] Price lists Pricelistof publications of Patent Office. [1896.] f« Same. [1897.] f° Same. Jan. 1903. 4« Same, with schedule of fees of office. [1909.] narrow 12* 124. PENSION BUREAU [Business relating to pensions was being conducted under the War Department as early as 1792. Other pensions were paid from the navy pension fund, which from 1799 to 1832 was administered by a commis- sion composed of the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of War. In 1832, the management of this fund passed into the hands of the Secretary of the Navy. An act of Mar. 2, 1833 (Stat. L. v. 4, p. 622), provided for the appointment of a commissioner of pensions to "execute under the direction of the Secretary of War such duties in relation to the various pension laws as may be prescribed by the President of the U nited States. " This office was continued by succeeding acts. By act of Mar. 4, 1840 (Stat. L. v. 5, p. 369), the pension business theretofore transacted in the Navy Depart- ment was transferred to the office of the commissioner of pensions, and the commissioner was directed to "execute under the direction of the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy such duties in relation to the various pension laws as may be prescribed by the President." The office of the commissioner of pensions was transferred to the Interior Department by the act organiz- ing that Department, Mar. 3, 1849, and since about 1890 it has been termed Bureau of Pensions.] 124.1: (date) 124.2: B321 B32' Annual reports [See, for aimual reports 1826-48, addressed to Secretary of War, Wl.l: 1849-1909, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:), and usually issued separately also. From 1840 to 1848, the commissioner also made to the Secretary of the Navy an annual report on the navy pension fund, these reports appearing in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:).] General publications Battles. Alphabetical list of battles, with dates, of War of Rebellion; byJ. W.Wells. 1875. Battles. Alphabetical list of battles of War of Rebellion, with dates, compiled from official records by J. W. Wells and N. A. Strait; revised by N. A. Strait with addition of many incidents of [Civil] • War, including number killed, wounded, and missing in each important battle, list of battles fought since 1775, chronological history of War with Mexico, names of Presidents and Vice- Presidents from Washington to Arthur, and roster of all regi- mental surgeons in late [Civil] War, with their service and last- known post-oflBce address. N. A. Strait, Washington, D. C, 1882. 545 Classl Oration no. 124.2: B32» InS L78 P381 P382 SpSi Sp32 Sp33 Sp3^ Sp3^ 124.3: (no8.) 124.4: (no8.) 124.5: (date) 124.6: 883^ 8832 8833 883^ 883^ 82452^ I 24. PENSION BUREAU— Continued General publications — Continued Battles. Alphabetical list of battles 1754-1900, War of Rebellion. Spanish-American war, Philippine insurrection, and all old wars, with dates; by Newton A. Strait. 1900. Foreign pension systems, synopsis of pension laws (not civil) compiled from information furnished in response to resolution; by J. L. Davenport. [The above is not a publication of the Pension Bureau, but appeared only as Senate document 56, 57th Congress. 1st session, serial number 4220, a bureau edition y m'/u»n . Robert Mayo and Ferdinand Moulton. [Ist edition.] Wash- ington, printed by Jno. T. Towers, 1852. Same, 1776-1854, with appendix; compiled by Robert Mayo and Ferdinand Moulton. 2d edition. Baltimore, published by Lucas Brothers, 1854. Laws relating to pensions, military and naval bounty, back pay, and bounty lands, in force at close of 37th Congress, with instructions and forms. 1862. Laws and abstracts of laws relating to army and navy pensions, with instructions, regulations, and forms. 1869. Same [with index]. 1869. Regulations relating to army and navy pensions, with statutes. 1871. Regulations relating to bounty land, with statutes. 1871. Abstracts of rulings and orders of commissioner of pensions. 1872. [Acts to increase pensions.] June 20, 1872. 4" Pension law, act revising, consolidating, and amending army and navy pension laws; approved Mar. 3, 1873. 1873. Pension-laws, revised and consolidated by act to revise and consolidate ' statutes in force Dec. 1, 1873, approved June 22, 1874, 1874. Regulations relating to bounty-land, with statutes. 1874. Regulations relating to army and navy pensions, with statutes. 1877. Same. 1879. Same. 1881. Treatise on practice of Pension Bureau governing adjudication of army and navy pensions, being unwritten practice formulated; by Calvin B.Walker. 1882. Act granting pensions to soldiers and sailors who are incapacitated for performance of manual labor, and providing for pensions to widows, minor children, and dependent parents, approved June 27, 1890, and rules and regulations thereunder provided by Secretary of Interior. [1890.] 891 Laws and regulations governing recognition of agents, attorneys, and other persons to represent claimants before Department of Inte- rior. 1891. 895 Precedents applicable to suits, civil and criminal, incident to adminis- tration of pension and bounty-land laws [etc.]; by W. T. Pierson. 1895. 898 Treatise on practice of Pension Bureau governing adjudication of army and navy pensions. 1898. 901 [Rulings under act amending sec. 4708 of Ravised statutes, approved Mar. 3. 1901.1 1901. 862 869 871 ^ 8712 8721 8722 873 8741 8742 877 879 881 882 124.8: (v. nos.) I24.8«: (v. nos.) [Pension] decisions [Prepared by Board of Pension Appeals, under supervision of assistant Secretary of the Interior, by whom they are approved and signed. Also issued in separate signatures.] v. 1 V. 6 V. 11 V. 2 V. 7 V. 12 V. 3 . V. 8 V. 13 V. 4 V. 9 V. 14 V. 5 V. 10 V. 15 [Pension] decisions (separates; slips) [Slips for separate cases are issued at date of decision.J 547 CIas8tflratioa no. I24.8«: (CT) 124.9: 854 881 882 885 887 894 897 905 124.10: (date) 124.11: 124.11 »: (noe.) 124. 11 2; (no8.) 124. PENSION BUREAU— Contipued [Pension] decisions (separatee; miHcellaneoiw) Digest of laws, decisions, and rulings Analytical digest of pension and bounty laud laws, decisions of Secre- taries, and opinions of Attorney -Generals thereon, forms and regu- lations prescribed by Pension Office, etc.; by F. F. C. Triplett. Washingtbn, B. C. [no publisher] 1854. ■'■'>■■ '^ ' Digest of laws governing granting of army and navy pensions and bounty- land warrants, decisions of Secretary of Interior, and rulings and orders of commiasioner of pensions thereunder; compiled by Cal- vin B. Walker. 1881. Same. 1882. Same; compiled by iVank B. Curtis and William H. Webster, 1885. iSe€f for index to jrulings and orders contained in tihia volume, 24.9:887.] Subject-matter index and ready reference to rulings of commissioner of pensions, nos. 1-217 and 225, with reference to page in Digest for rulings 1-161, also official orders 109-136. 1887. [See also I 24.9: 885 and note under I 24.112:] Digest of laws, rulings, orders, and decisions relating to attorneyship and fees in pension cases; by Frank E. Anderson. 1894. Digest of decisions and opinions relating to pensions and bounty-land with supplement containing pension laws, bounty-land laws, laws enacted and repealed since Mar. 4, 1861, and rules of practice as to appeals, also, historical introduction narrating origin and development of pension system, tables of cases digested, cited, and overruled and statutes cited and construed; prepared by William L. Chitty and John W. Bixler. 1897. large 8° Digest of decisions of Department of Interior in appealed pension and bounty-land claims, also table of cases reported, cited, overruled, and modified, and of statutes cited and construed, contained in V. 9-15 of pension decisions, with annotations; by Eugene B. Payne. 1905. Roster of examining surgeons 1880 1881 1884 1886 1890 Same, appendix 1891 1895 1899 1903 Orders [With one exception (1 24.11 »:l-58), no attempt is made to list here the various Orders issued by the cdmmissioner of pensions, as they relate chiefly to office matters and Iiave appeared in several series, no complete file of which could be consulted.] Orders [1st series, 1865-80] [Of the series begirming Sept. 1865, nos. 1-65 may be found in Abstract of rulings and orders, compiled 1872 (1 24.7:872 1). The latest of this series of which the Public Documents Library has record is 293. dated May 27, 188().l Orders [2d series, 1881-1901J [In 1881, a new series of numbers was begun, such previous Orders as were still in force being collected and renumbered as 1 to 55 of this series. These with their new and old numbers, as well as supplemental Ordefs up to date of publication are given in the Digests of laws, etc., published 18S1 and 1882 (1 24.9:881, 882). Orders 1-124 of this series (new numbering only), issued between 1865 and 1885, are included in the Digest of laws, etc., printed 1.HH5 (1 24.9:885). Orders 125-136, issued in 1886, are given in full in the Subject-matter index to rulings and orders (124.9:887). Scattered numbers issued during 1893 and 1894 are to be found in Digest of laws, etc., relating to attorneyship and fees, printed 1894 (1 24.9:894). The latest of this series in the Public Documents Library is 374, dated Apr. 19, 1901.] 548 Classification no. I 24.11 3; (no8.) 124.12: 889 124.13: 873 891 895 897 9001 9002 902 905 908 124.14: 890 891 892 894 896 1 8962 897 899 902 905 908 909 124.15: 899 901 902 909 I 24. PENSION BUREAU-Continued Orders [3d series, 1901- ? ] [The only part of this series in the Public Documents Library is the compilation listed below.] [1-58] Orders [1-58] of commissioner of pensions relating to organiza- tion, conduct of business and methods, and practice of Bureau of Pensions. 1901. [Interleaved.] Roster of disqualified attorneys Roster of disqualified attorneys; corrected to July 1, 1889. 1889. Same, and agents, corrected to Apr. 1, 1898. 1898. [Interleaved.] [Discontinued.] Instructions to examining surgeons Instructions to examining surgeons for pensions. 1873. Instructions to examining surgeons, 1891; [by Thomas D. Ingram]. Revised edition. [1891?] Instructions to examining surgeons; [by Thomas Featherstonhaugh]. 1895. Same; [by J. F. Raub]. 1897. Same; [by J. F. Raub]. 1900. Same, supplemental instructions under sec. 2 of act of June 27, 1890, amended by act of May 9, 1900. [June 30, 1900.] [4039-153] Instructions to examining surgeons; [by Sam Houston]. 1902. Same; prepared under direction of medical referee [Sarn Houston] by joint committee from Bureau of Pensions and National Asso- ciation of Pension Examining Surgeons. 1905. Instructions to examining surgeons; [by Charles F. Whitney]. Oct. 12, 1908. Laws governing granting of army and navy pen- sions and bounty land See, for miscellaneous laws, rulings, and regulations, 124.7: Laws governing granting of army and navy pensions, with regulations relating thereto. 1890. Same. Mar. 4, 1891. Same. Aug. 1892. Same. July, 1894. Same. Mar. 1896. Same. Sept. 1896. Same. Sept. 1897. Same. May, 1899. Same. July, 1902. Laws governing granting of army and navy pensions and bounty land, with regulations relating thereto; compiled by Thomas P. Ran- dolph and Herman Gauss. July, 1905. Amendments to pension laws [Mar. 23, 1906-May 30, 1908]. 1908. Same [Mar. 23, 1906-Mar. 4, 1909]. [1909.] Rules of practice See, for Treatise on practice of Pension Bureau governing adjudica- tion of army and navy pensions, 1 24.7:882, 898. See, for Precedents applicable to suits, civil and criminal, incident to administration of pension and bounty-land laws [etc.], 124.7:895. Rules of practice in appealed claims before Secretary of Interior relating to pensions and bounty-lands. May, 1899. Same, amendments, by adding rules 14 and 15. Nov. 4, 1901. Same, amendment, by adding rule 16. May 6, 1902. Same, extract. [1909.] 549 126. RAII-.ROAD8 COMMISSIONER [An Auditor of Railroad Accounts was appointed luider act approvp K66 L23 M31 M66 N41 N81 Or5» R47 Sa3 ShS^ Sh82 Sh83 Su7 T761 T762 Uml Y3 Y9 127.3: (no8.) 127.4: (no8.) 127.5: (date) I 27. RECLAMATION SERVICE— Continued General publications — Continued Irrigation projects, n. p. May 1, 1908. 4° [Map 10503 accompanying this publication is separate.] Irrigation projects of Reclamation Service, national reclamation of arid lands, n. p. [Apr. 22, 1909]. 8° Same. n. p. [Nov. 12, 1909]. narrow 8'> Klamath irrigation project; by W. H. Heileman. n. p. [1908]. 4® [Title on cover is: Klamath, the California-Oregon irrigation district created by United States Government.] Klamath irrigation project, Cal.-Oreg. n. p. Oct. 1, 1909, narrow 8* Lands. Acquisition of lands withdrawn under reclamation act of June 17, 1902 [with text of act]. [Mar. 30, 1908.] 4® Manual relating to work of Reclamation Service. Preliminary edition. [Washington, G. E. Howard Press] June, 1909. 16« [Not for distribution; for oflfice use only.] Minidoka irrigation project, Idaho, n. p. Dec. 15, 1909. narrow 8* [See also A19.9M66.] Nevada. From desert to great commonwealth, what Government irri- ^tion is doing in Nevada [in connection with Truckee-Carson irrigation project; by C. H. Forbes-Lindsay], n. p. [1908]. 4°, folded to narrow 8° [From Craftsman, Mar. 1908.] See also 127. 2:T76''\ North Platte irrigation project, Nebr.-Wyo. n. p. Nov. 15, 1909. narrow 8«» [See also Al9.9:N81.] Orland irrigation project, Cal. n. p. Oct. 1, 1909. narrow 8® Orland project, irrigation district in Sacramento Valley, Cal. n. p. [1909]. S"* Rio Grande irrigation project, N. Mex. [and Tex.], n. p. Nov. 15, 1909. narrow S° Salt River irrigation project, Ariz. n. p. Oct. 1, 1909. narrow 8° Shoshone project. Irrigated farms owned by Uncle Sam open to settle- ment, located in Shoshone irrigation project. Big Horn Basin, Wyo. n. p. [1908]. narrow 8° (Shoshone bulletin 1.) Same. n. p. [1909]. narrow 8^ (Shoshone bulletin 2.) Shoshone irrigation project, Wyo. n. p. Nov. 1, 1909. narrow 8® Sun River project. Opening of Sun River irrigation project, Mont. [Minneapolis, Minn., 1908.] narrow 8° [See also A19.9:Su7.] Truckee-Carson irrigation project, Nev. [letter of information for home seekers], n. p. [May 11, 1909]. 4°, folded to narrow S** Truckee-Carson irrigation project, Nev. n. p. Sept. 15, 1909. nar- row 8° See also 1 27.2 :N41 and A19.9:T76. Umatilla irrigation project, Oreg. n. p. Dec. 15, 1909. narrow 8® [See also A19.9:Uml.] Yellowstone project. Lower Yellowstone irrigation project, Mont, [and N. Dak.], n. p. Nov. 15, 1909. narrow 8« Yuma irrigation project, Ariz. -Cal. n. p. Oct. 1, 1909. narrow 8° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Reclamation record 4* Monthly bulletins 1908, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 552 Classiflcatlon no. 127.5: (date) I 27. RECIiAMATION SERVICE— Continued Reclamation record — Continued Reclamation record 1908, May tifit-miJune July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1909, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ''<>( t27.6 B76 ,Ui ^ B763 "8 wfmftli B76^ B861 B862 fff-fn'T^ f Supplement is separate.] Supplement is separate.] [Issues for 1908 and 1909 do not bear a volume number, but they constitute v. 1, which is indexed in the Dec. 1909 issue. Beginning with Jan. 1910, the volume number appears on the publications. ] Standard designs [The publications here listed, with one exception, all bear the words "compilation by ' Technical Section." The name of the section having been dropped about July, 1909, it will not appear on later publications, except on reprints of earlier issues.] Bridges. Highway bridge abutments. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Jan. 1907. 4 drawings, each 7.1 X 9.6 in. Contents: 1. Simple piers for stringer bridges, 8-30 foot spans. 2. Abutments with wing walls for steel truss bridges, 30-100 foot spans. 3. Same for wooden truss bridges. 4. Details of stringer attachments and tables for abutments with wing walls. Bridges. Standard highway bridges. [1st edition.] [Washington, Reclamation Service] Aug. 1906. 12 drawings, each 6.9 X 9.5 in. * [Drawings 6-11 of this 1st edition also appeared in Specifica- tions 141 (I 27.8:141).] Same. 2d edition. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Dec. 1907. 8? drawings, each 6.9 X 9.5 in. * Same. 2d edition. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Dec. 1907, reprint Dec. 1908. 8 drawings, each 6.9 X 9.5 in. Contents: 1. Stringer bridges, spans 8-30 feet. 2. Thru and pony steel trusses, general elevations and plans. 3. Same, sizes, quantities, and general data. 4. Same, end post joints and shoes. 6. Same, intermediate posts for pony trusses. 6. Same, sway brace and lacing guard for pony trusses. 7. Same, intermediate post and lacing guard for thru trusses. 8. Same, portal brace for thru trusses. Buildings. Standard buildings. [Washington, Reclamation Service] May, 1907. 11 drawings, drawings 1-9, each 7 X 9.5 in., and drawings 10, 11, each 9.5 X 7 in.? * Same. [Washington, Reclamation Service] May, 1907, reprint Oct. 1909. 11 drawings, drawings 1-9, each 7 X 9.5 in., and draw- ings 10, 11, each 9.5 X 7 in. Contents: 1. Lodging house. 2. Typical cross section. 3. Store house. 4. Engineer's residence. 5. Office building. 6. Mess house. 7. Concrete vault. 8. Stable and wagon shed. 9. Mess house for 100 men. 10. Bills of material. , 11. Same. ■"■■['- 553 CiMslfloatlon no. 127.6: C89» C89« D83» D832 F67» F672 F67» G221 G22a R31 Sp4i Sp42 T861 T 27. RECLAMATION SERVICE— Continued Standard designs— Continued Culverts. Standard drainage culverts, [Washington, Reclamation Service] Mar. 1907. ? drawings, each 7 X 9.5 in.? * Same. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Feb. 1909. 10 draw- ings, each 7 X9.5in. [Drawings 1-5 are reprints of the Mar. 1907 edition.] Contents: 1. Vitrifled pipe culverts. 2. Concrete pipe culverts. 3. Concrete box culverts, general plan. 4. Same, tyx)e A details. 5. Same, type B portal details, e. Same, tVpe B box details. 7. Dimensions, quantities, and notes, tj-pe A culverts. 8. Same, type B culverts. 9. Concrete arch culverts. 10. Dimensions, quantities, and notes [arch culverts]. Drops. Standard wooden drops. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Dec. 1907. 4 drawings, each 7 X 9.4 in.? * Same. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Dec. 1907, reprint Dec. 1908. 4 drawings, each 7 X 9.4 in. Contents: 1. Typical drop for 3 feet. 2. Same for 6 feet. 3. Same for 6 feet. 4. Same for 8 feet. Flumes. Standard concrete flumes. [Washington, Reclamation Serv- ice] May, 1907. 4 drawings, each 6.9 X 9.4 in. Contents: 1. Details of flume inlet, outlet, and supports. 2. Dimensions and quantities, spans 14, 16, 18, 20, and 22 feet. 3. Same, spans 24, 26, 28, and 30 feet and column bases. 4. Details of alternative end for use in lined canal. Flumes. Standard wooden flumes. [Washington, Reclamation Serv- ice] Sept. 1907. 3 drawings, each 6.9 X 9.4 in. Contents: 1. Details of flume and trestle. 2. Dimensions and quantities, flumes and trestle l>ents. 3. Details of end and trestle bases. Same. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Sept. 1907, reprint Jan. 1909. 3 drawings, each 7.1 X 9.2 in. Gates. Standard cast-iron gates. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Dec. 1906. 4 drawings, drawings 1, 2, each 9.5 X 7 in., drawings 3, 4, each 7 X 9.5 in.? * Same. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Dec. 1906, reprint Jan. 1909. 4 drawings, drawings 1, 2, each 9.5 X 7 in., drawings 3, 4, each 7 X 9.5 in. Contents: 1. Type A opening 2-3i feet. 2. Type B opening 4-6 feet. 3. Dimensions, weights, and notes. 4. Details of stem guide. Retaining walls . S tandard reinforced concrete retaining walls . [Wash- ington, Reclamation Service] Oct. 1908. 3 drawings, each 7.5 X 10 in. Contents: 1. Details of plain and buttrest walls. 2. Tables of quantities and dimensions. 3. Tables of earth pressures. Spillways. Standard spillways. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Aug. 1907. 2 drawings, each 7 X 9.4 in.? * Same. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Aug. 1907, reprint Dec. 1908. 2 drawings, each 7 X 9.4 in. Contents: 1. Type 1, length of weir 50-100 feet. 2. Type 2, 100-150 feet. Turnouts. Standard turnouts. [Washington, Reclamation Service] July, 1907. 3 drawings, each 7 X 9.5 in.? * 554 Classiflcation no. 1 27. RECLAMATION SERVICE— Continued 127.6: Standard designs— Continued T86 = V24 127.7: (CT) 127.8: (nos.) ,t i Same. [Washington, Reclamation Service] July, 1907, reprint Dec. 1908. 3 drawings, each 7 X 9.5 in. Contents: 1. Vitrified and concrete pipe turnouts. 2. Single box concrete turnout, with type 1 inlet. 3. Double box concrete turnouts, with type 2 inlet, and table of dimensions and quantities. Valves. 43 inch balanced valve. [Washington, Reclamation Service] Nov. 190,8. 11 drawings, each 14.8 X 20 in. [The original drawings of this set were prepared for the Roosevelt dam, Salt River project, Ariz. The set here listed was issued by the engi- neers of the Reclamation Service to be used as a general design, although it does not bear the series title ''Standard designs," nor the words "compiled by Technical Section." These drawings, except 1, 3, and 9, all bear information "Reproduced by Colum- bia Planograph Co."] »hoo7/ lvw:l.>na)^ . Contents: ' .-!>'. .':'^'^'' . ->^T 1. Details of dome and cylinder head. 2. Details of piston sheU'and guide bars. 3. General assembly of automatic controlling device. 4. Details of valve of controlling device. 5. Details of inner piston slide bar and automatic valve seat. 6. Details of packing rings and main valve seats. 7. Plan and sections one piece domed casing. 8. Details of one piece domed casing and removable cylinder. 9. Views of one piece domed casing. 10. Details of gears of automatic controlling device. 11. Greneral assembly. Maps [The Reclamation Service has published a base map showing reclamation projects, gaging stations, river surveys, and reservoir sites; a base map showing drainage basins; and topographic and irrigation maps showing canals and laterals, town- ships, sections, contours, area irrigated or proposed to be irrigated, wagon roads, railroads, etc. Editions since July 1, 1906, are classed under I 27.7: See, for earlier editions, 1 19.17 •'>:] Specifications 4° [Include advertisements, proposals, and specifications for irrigation projects; times also the drawings.] 1-109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 ^eeI19.17«: [Includes drawings.] [Readvertisement of Specifications 103 (1 19.17^:103). Copy in Public Documents Library has 115 written on title-page.] [Reissued as Specifications 124 (I 27.8:124).] [124] [Reissue of Specifications 117 (I 27.8:117). Copy in Public Docu- ments Library has no, 124 pasted over 117.] [Executed by manifolding process. Not printed.] 125\ 126/ 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 [Includes drawings.] [Includes drawings.] [Includes drawings.] Executed by manifolding process. Not printed.] 555 ClMslfieAtlon no. 127.8: (nos.) 127.9: (specif, nos.) [Includes drawings.] [Exocuted hy manifolding process. Not printed.] 127. RECIiAMATION SERVICE— Continued Speclfloations— Continued 135 136 [Includes drawings.] 137 [Executed by manifolding process* Not printed.], 138 139 * 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 [Includes drawing.] [Includes drawings.] [Includes drawings.] [Includes drawings. Reissued as Specifications 159 (1 27.8:159).] Includes drawings.] Includes drawings.] ,. i-.., ' Executed by manifolding process. Not printed.] Includes drawings.] Includes drawings.] Includes drawings. Reissue of Specifications 152 (1 27.8 .152).] Includes drawings.] Executed by manifolding process. Not printed.] accompanying Specifications 4® Drawings Accompanying Specifications : 1-109 >Se€ll9.17 7: [1] Truckee-Carson project, Nev., main lower Truckee Canal. [2d edition.] [Washington, Reclamation Service] Aug. 1906. drawing 1, 18. 2X22.3 in. [Supersedes 1st edition of Sept. 1905, for which, and for other drawings of set, see 1 19.17 ';l.j 110 111 112 [113] [Drawings accompanying Specifications 113 were originally issued to accompany Specifications 101 . Copy of 113 in Pub- lic Documents Library has no. "113" written in manuscript on title-page, though the drawings included therein are printed 101.] [Not issued separately: for drawings see Specifications 114 (127.8:114).] [No drawing issued.] 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 [124] 125 * [Reissued as Drawings adicoinpanyin^ Specifications 124 (127.9:124).] '^"^ .-;,*; , , [Drawings for Specifications 118 also accompany Specifications 144.] . ^, ,, [No drawing issued.] [Drawings 3,4, and 6 of Drawings accompanying Specifications 110(127.9:110) were issued to accompany Specifications 120.) [Drawings bear printed no. 117. Copy in Public Documents Librar>^ has no. 124 stamped on title-page.] * ! " i [No drawing issued.] 556 Classlflcatton no. 127.9: (specif, nos.) I 27. RECLAMATION SERVICE l)£ Yf[ii(ii;;no o-J 127.9°: (CT) 127.10: (nos.) -Continued -Continued Drawings accompanying Speciftcatlons- Accompanying Specifications: 126 [Drawings 4-13 of Drawings accompanying Specifications 124 i. > (I 27.9:124) accompany Specifications 126.] 127 128 129 130 131 132 [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 129 (127.8:129).] [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 130 (127.8:130).] [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 132 (127.8:132).] 133 [No drawing issued.] 134 [Drawings for Specifications 134 also accompany Specifications 145.] 135 136 [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 136 (127.8:136).] [No drawing issued.] 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 [No drawing issued.] [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 141 (127.8:141).] No drawing issued.] No drawing issued.] Drawings accompanying Specifications 118 (I 27.9:118) accom- pany Specifications 144.] 145 [Drawings accompanying Specifications 134 ( 1 27 .9 :134) accom- pany Specifications 145.] 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 [No drawing issued.] [Not issued separately; for drawing see Specifications 148 (127.8:148).] [No drawing issued.] [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 150 (127.8:150).] [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 151 (127.8:151).] [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 152 (127.8:152).] [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 154 .^-., P (127.8:154).] ' '"^^ 155 [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 155 (127.8:155).] 156 [No drawing issued.] 157 [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 157 (127.8:157).] 158 [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 158 (127.8:158).] 159 [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 159 (127.8:159).] 160 [Not issued separately; for drawings see Specifications 160 (127.8:160).] 161 [No drawing issued.] Drawings accompanying Specifications (separates) [Some of the sheets forming part of a set of drawings are issued separately also*] Price lists 1 ENo more issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 557 riastiincatlon no. 127.11: C33 C76 M18 M41 St.2' St2 2 127.12: (CT) 127.13: (CT) 127. RECLAMATION SERVICE— Continued Standard specifications [This Is a series of printed forms used in the compilation of tihe Reclamation Service Specifications (1 27.8:), where they are incorporated with necessary changes.] Cement. Specification no. — , advertisement, propoeal, and specifica- tions, cement. Oct. 23, 1909. 4«> ([Form] 7-295.) Construction. Specifications, general conditions: Construction. May, 1908. 4« ([Formj 7-294.) Machinery. Specifications, general conditions: Machinery and instal- lation. May, 1908. 4° ([Form] 7294a [7-294a].) Material. Specifications, general conditions: Material. Oct. 23, 1909. 4« ([Form] 7-294b.) Standard specification paragraphs: [Earthworks, structiu'es, materials, etc.]. [1907.] 4° Same, continued: Telephone system. [1907.] 4° Townslte plats [This series embraces plans for laying out new towns on reclamation projects. Those in Public Documents Library are 19X28 in., scale 1 in.: 200 ft.] Farm unit plats [A farm unit plat is a plat of a township, usually on a scale of 2 inches to the mile, and may be either a preliminary plat showing merely the farm unit subdivisions of Eublic lands, or a final plat showing farm unit subdivisions and areas of public inds, or a final plat showing farm unit subdivisions and the areas of public and private lands to oe served with water. Farm unit plats form the official record to which homestead entries and water-right applications must be miade to con- form.] I 28. MINES BUREAU t t This Checklist ends with publications of the calendar year 1909. Since that time the Bureau of Mines has been organized in the Interior Department, necessitating additional classes, the heading and series titles of which are as follows: I 28. Mines Bureau [Established by act of May 16, 1910, effective July 1, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1. p. 369). This act virtually detached from the Geological Survey its Technologic Branch, and established it as a separate bureau. The act authorized the transfer to the Mines Biu"eau of the "supervision of the investigations of structural materials and the analyzing and testing of coals, lignites, and other mineral fuel substances and the inves- tigation as to the causes of mine explosions." The " investigation of structural materials both belonging to and for the use of the United States "' was, however, transferred instead to the Standards Bureau (C13.), by the sundry civil appropriation act approved June 25, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 765). The work of the Mines Bureau was therefore limited to the analyzing and testing of fuels and to mine accidents. Earlier publications of this nature appeared as Geological Survey Bulletins (1 19.3:), Professional papers (1 19.16:), and Explosives circulars (1 19.20:).] 128.1: (date) 128.2: (CT) 128.3: (nos.) I 28.4: .(nos.) I28.5»: (date) 128.52; (nos.) 128.6: ''nos.) 128.7: (nos.) 128.8: (nos.) Annual reports General publications Bulletins Circulars [List of] publications of Bureau of Mines (unnumbered) 8" [Includes Geological Siu-vey " Publications that may be obtained through Bureau of Mines." These unnumbered lists are in pamphlet form and will be Issued every three or four months.] [List of] new publicationis (numbered) oblong 48° [These numbered lists are in postal card form and will be issued at intervals of a month or 6 weeks.] Miners' circulars [No. 1, entered in List 3 (128.52:3) was withdrawn and afterward, having been brought down to a later date, issued as no. 2, the 1st number being reserved for another pub- lication.] Technical papers I Schedules [of fees for testing] 558 IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION [Created by act of Congress approved Feb. 4, 1887. This act became effective Apr. 5, 1887. The 1st commission was appointed Mar. 22, and organized Mar. 31, 1887.] Classification no. ICl.l: (date) mod'y .!'J>'*vn ^caii indi y !oV.. •uiK lo Vk- Annual reports [The organic act, approved Feb. 4, 1887 (Stat. L. v. 24, p. 387), provided that on or before the 1st day of December in each year a report should be made to the Secre- H 1 , IV . tary of Interior. This act was amended by act approved Mar. 2, 1889 (Stat. L. ( \c V. 25, p. 862) and thereafter reports were made direct to Congress.] '1887, 1st, in annual report of Interior Department, 1887 (1 1.1:887'), and issued separately also in a bureau edition and as [2504-48]. 1888, 2d, in annual report of Interior Department (1 1.1:888^), and issued separately also in a bureau edition and as [2611-60]. 1889, 3d [2760-50] 1890, 4th [2819-13] 1891, 5th [2904-31] 1892, 6th, with app. A-G Same, with app. A-H [3065-15] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1893, 7th, with app. A-F Same, with app. A-G [3168-10] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1894, 8th, with app. A-F Same, with app. A-H [3328-25] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1895, 9th, with app. A-D Same, with app. A-F [3417-88] 1896, 10th, with app. A-F Same, with app. A-H [3517-99] 1897, 11th, with app. A-C Same, with app. A-E [3668-157] 1898, 12th, with app. A-C Same, with app. A-E [3809-141] 1899, 13th, with app. A-D Same, with app. A-F [3977-298] 1900, 14th, with app. A-D Same, with app. A-F [4159-275] 1901, 15th, with app. A-E Same, with app. A-G [4354-305] 1902, 16th, with app. A-D Same, with app. A-F [4499-181] Same, app. G, pt. 1 [Not issued. See note below.] [It was originally intended that the reports constituting appendix G should come out in 5 pts., having the general title Railways in United States in 1902, and being popiiarly known as the " Ten-year book." Pts. 2, 4, and 5 were issued as parts of the 16th report (ICl. 1:902 a-s). Although pts. 1 and 3 were originally intended of the 16th report, 1902, they were not so issued, and the 17th report ^'' '■'— - ■ '— • lol^the irly known 16th report i parts of the (IC1.1:9032, p. 5) mdicates that pts. 1 and 3 were later intended to be parts ( to be parts > 17th report, 1903, but they have not been issued, and it is probable that they never will be issued. The entire appendix was to have appeared as 58th Congress, 2d session, House docu- ment 253, pts. 2-6, but as pts. 1 and 3 of appendix G may never be issued there will probably be no v. 72 of the House documents of 58th Congress, 2d session, and serial no. 4698 will be a blank.} Same, app. G, pt. 2. [Ist edition.] 1903. 195 p. large 8° [1st edition not in Congressional set. See also note above, under pt. 1.] Same. [2d edition.] 1903 [1904]. 207 p. large 8« [4699-253, pt. 3] [See also note above, under pt. 1.] 559 ClaMiflratlon no. IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMIS8ION- Continued ICl.l: (date) IC1.1«: (date) IC1.1«: (CT) IC1.16: (date) Annual reports— Continued 1902, 16th— Continued Same, app. G, pt. 3 [Not isnued. See note above, under pt. 1.] Same, app. G, pt. 4. [Ist edition.] 1903. larp:e 8" [iHt edition not in Congressional set. This edition reads on title-page "50-year," instead of "40-year," before "review of changes m freight tariffs." See also note above, under pt. 1.] Same. [2d edition.] 1903 [1904]. large 8*> [4699-253, pt. 5.] [This edition reads on title-page "40-year" before "review of changes in freight tariffs." See also note above, under pt. 1.] Same, app. G, pt. 5. [Ist edition.] 1903. large 8** [Ist edition not m Congressional set. This edition reads on title-page "50-year," instead of "40-year," before "review of changes in freight tariffs." See also note above, under pt. l.j Same. [2d edition.] 1903 [1904]. large 8° [4699-253, pt. 6] [This edition reads on title-page " 40-year " before " review of changes in freight tariffs." See also note above, under pt. 1.] 1903, 17th, with app. A-D Same, with app. A-F [4697-253] Same, app. G, pts. 1 and 3 [Not issued. See note above, under 1902, 16th, appendix G, pt. 1 (ICl.l :902).] 1904, 18th, with app. A-D Same, with app, A-F [4851-146] 1905, 19th, with app. A-E Same, with app. A-G [5003-195] 1906, 20th, with app. A-E Same, with app. A-G [5174-325] [1907-09, the bureau and Congressional editions are identical, there being no variation in the number of appendixes included therein.) 1907, 21st [5362-454] 1908, 22d [5526-1317] 1909, 23d [5814-148] - Annual reports (separates; reports without appendixes) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) [Among the miscellaneous separates in this class is a series of reports, which for several j'ears were entitled Safety appliances and accident reports. This series of separates has been issued as follows: 1900-09, in annual reports of Interstate Commerce Commission (ICl.l:), and 1900-05 and 1909, issued separately also. Reports for 1906-08 were not issued separately. This series is a successor to the series entitled Report of safety appliances on railroads; scelCl.llr] Annual reports (synopsis) [Printed annually as broadside for use of the press. The synopsis for 1900 was issued also as an octavo pamphlet, but it can not be ascertained whether this was done for any other year.] 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 1899, 13th 1900, 14th Same 8" 1901, 15th 1902, 16th 1903, 17th 1904, 18th 1905, 19th 1906, 20th 1907, 2l8t 1908, 22d 1909, 23d 560 Ciassmcation ic. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— Continued General publications Accidents. Falling from cars and engines, Jan-Mar. 1902, C-6 and C-7 consolidated with reference to noting road accidents. Inter- state Commerce Commission, Washington, Feb. 3, 1903. oblong 16<> [See, for explanation of "C-6 and C-7/' Accident bulletin 3, p. 8(IC1.13:3).] Same, yard accidents. Interstate Commerce Commission, Feb. 3, 1903. oblong 16« Accident statistics. Theory of accident statistics. [1904.] [From Commercial and financial chronicle, New York, Aug. 13, 1904.] Act to regulate commerce. Memorandum in respect to proposed amendments to sec. 16 of act to regulate commerce, approved Feb. 4, 1887. [Washington, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1888.] See, for Act to regulate commerce as amended, IC1.5: Act to regulate commerce. Suggestions of Interstate Commerce Com- mission in reply to arguments on S. 892, to amend act to regulate commerce. Mar. 16, 1892. Administrative rulings. Index to administrative rulings of Interstate Commerce Commission in Tariff circular 15a, Supplement 1 to Tariff circular 15a, Tariff circular 16a, Bulletin 1 [and] 2 [enti- tled] Conference rulings. Aug. 1, 1908. Advertising rates. Request for sworn statement of newspaper adver- tising rates [blank form]. [190-?] 4° Air-brakes. Letters from railroad officials respecting use of air brakes. 1903. Same. 1904. American cases. Analysis of American cases [relative to long and short hauls; by Martin S. Decker and Livingston Vann]. [Ist edition.] [Washington, Judd & Detweiler, printers, 1894.] [On cover is the following note: Analysis of American cases referred to on p. 36 of petitioner's brief in case of Interstate Commerce Commission v. Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific R. R. Co. et al., U. S. court of appeals, 5th circuit,] Same. [2d edition with additions.] [Washington, National Pub- lishing Company, 1895.] [On cover is the following note: Analysis of American cases referred to in appellee's brief in case of Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific R. R. Co. et al., appel- lants V. Interstate Commerce Commission and cross appeal. Supreme Court, nos. 729 and 832.] Car shortage and other insufficient transportation facilities; [reports of commissioners Lane and Harlan]. [Separate of Interstate Com- merce Commission reports, v. 12, p. 561-579, and classed under ICl.e^a: Also in [5079-333].] Carriers. Act concerning carriers engaged in interstate commerce and their employees; Mediation and arbitration. 1898. [This act is called the Erdman act, although Mr. Erdman was not a mem- ber of Congress when it was passed.] Central Traffic Association. Revised articles of organization of Central Traffic Association, effective Dec. 1, 1893. [Interstate Com- merce Commission] Capital Press, Washington, D. C. [1893]. Clark, Walter. Address of Walter Clark before 11th annual convention of railroad commissioners, Denver, Colo., Aug. 10, 1899. 1899. [Also in National Association of Railway Commissioners, Pro- ceedings, 1899 (IC1.8i:899).] Classifications. [Questions relative to interpretation of classification of operating expenses and of operating revenues, submitted to Committee on Corporate, Fiscal, and General Accounts, Asso- ciation of American Railway Accounting Officers, Washington, D. C] 1907. no. IC1.2: Ac2i Ac22 Ac23 Ac8i Ac82 Ad6 Ad9 Ai7J Ai72 Am3i Am32 C23 C33 C54 C56 561 €iM«iflc«tioii ic. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— Continued IC1.2: General publications— Continued 059* Clements, Judson C. Address by Judson C. Clements before 11th annual convention of railroad commissioners, Denver, Colo., Aug. 10, 1899. 1899. [Also in National Association of Railway Commissioners, Proceedings, 1899 (101.8^:899).] C69^ Clemente, Judsqji 0. Remarks of Judson 0. Olementa before [18th annual convention oflNational Association of Railway Commis- sioners [Washington, D. C, Apr. 6, 1906]. Washington, D. 0. [National Publishing Company] Apr. 5, 190G. [Also, with omis- sions, in National Association of Railway Commissioners, Pro- ceedings, 1906 (IC1.8 1:906).] C631 Coal. Report of investigation of eastern bituminous coal situation. Jan. 25, 1907. [5155-561] C63' Same, without letter of transmittal and with title. In matter of investigation by Interstate Commerce Commission into subject of railroad discriminations and monopolies in coal and oil. [1907.] C63 ' Coal . Response to resolution, report of investigation [as to] railroad dis- criminations and monopolies in coal [with regard to railroads operating in Ohio and West Virginia as to 1 railroad aflSliated with Ohio railroads]. May 10, 1909. [5571-39] C63* Coal. Statement showing rates on anthracite coal from Shamokin, Schuylkill, Lehigh, and Wyoming regions to New York, Balti- more, and Washington, from dates shown to Nov. 18, 1902; [State- ment showing comparison of rates on anthracite and bituminous coal]. Nov. 18, 1902. oblong 8° C73* Commercial organizations. List of national, State, and local' commer- cial organizations, Sept. 1894. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1894. C73* Same, and national, State, and local agricultural associations [and >Tii4-t railway associations], Feb. 1898. Washington, D. C. [no pub- lisher] 1898. Same, and national, State, and local agricultural associations, in response to resolution. 1903. (57th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 146; ,,. serial no. 4428.) Same. 1907. [5069-74] Cooley, Thomas Mclntyre. Letter of T. M. Cooley, and other informa- tion in relation to complaints before commission. [Washington] ;! Judd and Detweiler [1887]. Demurrage. Car demurrage code, [extract] from Washington post, Nov. 22,1909. [1909.] D63 District of Columbia. Regulations for operation and equipment of viiffftny 'Street railway cars in District of Columbia. Sept. 15, 1909. [Also, with alterations and addition, in 2d annual report on street raihoads in District of Columbia (IC1.56:909).] See, for reports of District Electric Railway Commission, IC1.56: 908, i 909. Ex6' \ Explosives. Regulations for transportation of explosives. July 15, 1908. Ex62 Same, as revised and amended Apr. 13, 1909. 1909. F88* Freight. Central Traffic Association, agreement for division of eas^ bound dead freight, dressed meats and live stock from Chicago, from May 1, 1894, adopted May 5, 1894. n. p. [Interstate Com- merce Commission] Capital Press [1894]. F882 Freight rates. Differential freight rates to and from north Atlantic ports. May 12, 1904. 82452°— 11 36 •iiiaio" C738 ' > . :- C73^ C77 D39 562 Glassiflcation no. IC1.2: F883 I F88* F88' F88« F887 G75 nsv H812 H8P In8 K72 L97^ L972 M39 N62 Op2i IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— Continued General publications— Continued Freight tariffs. Proposed regulations governing construction and filing of freight tariffs and classifications and j^assenger tariffs, sub- mitted by Interstate Commerce Commission to committee ap- pointed by carriers to confer with commission on subject of con- struction and filing of tariffs. [Washington, Interstate Commerce Commission] Dec. 19, 1906. f* Freight cars. Railroads owning 500 freight cars or more, by groups, showing number of freight cars owned, number and percentage of same equipped with air brakes, with percentage of air-braked cars in trains for 6 months ending Sept. 1, 1905, as far as furnished. [1905.] Freight rates. In matter of legal [freight] rates, duty of carriers and shippers to observe tariffs, relief under act to regulate commerce, memorandum; by Franklin K. Lane. [1907.] Same. [1908.] Freight tariffs. In matter of publication and filing of tariffs on export and import traffic [notice of public hearing to be held by Inter- state Commerce Commission Dec. 17, 1903]. Dec. 1, 1903. 4° Grades. Operation of trains on heavy grades, report of safety appliance inspectors. Dec. 1907. Hours of service. Memorandum on hours of service law, consideration of certain objections suggested as affecting validity of hours of service law; [by Luther M. Walter]. [July 1] 1908. Hours of service of railway employees. State statutes and related court decisions. Feb. 1909. Hours of service. Enforcement of hours of service act [letter from St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company to Interstate Commerce Commission, with reply of Department of Justice thereto]. [1909.] 4° Interstate commerce. Power of Congress over interstate commerce; [by Livingston Vann]. [Washington, no publisher, 1897.] Knapp, Martin Augustine. Address by Martin A. Knapp before 11th annual convention of railroad commissioners, Denver, Colo., Aug. 10, 1899. 1899. [Also in National Association of Railway Com- missioners, Proceedings, 1899 (IC1.8i:899).] Lumber. Memorandum on lumber reparation cases [assigned for hear- ing Jan. 19, 1909, Washington, D. C], 1908. Lumber. Memorandum on lumber reparation cases [assigned for hear- ing May 20, 1909, Washington, D. C.]. [1909.] Master Car Builders' Association. Standards of Master Car Builders' Association for protection of trainmen. 1907. oblong 8** Nine-hour law, announcement by Interstate Commerce Commission [Jan. 1908]. [1908.] Operating expenses. Working memorandum [of Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company] for distribution of operating ex- penses between operating divisions, main and branch lines and between freight and passenger; [by James Peabody]. 1909. [Effective July 1, 1908; supersedes Memorandum dated July 1, 1907.] [Reprint of exhibit in case of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company v. Inter- state Commerce Commission. Mr. Peabody is attorney for Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company and statis- tician for Atciiison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company at Chicago. The Worlcing memorandum was published by the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion but was withdrawn from circulation because of errors in proof-reading. Copies with manuscript corrections are in use on Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. The dates given in the bracketed note following the title above apply only to this last mentioned railroad.] 563 GlaNslflcatlon DO. IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— ;..,,,.;, Continued General publications— Continued Operating expenses. Sugjjestions by executive committee of Associa- tion of American Railway Accounting Officers for changing classi- fication of operating expenses as prescribed by Inter-State Com- merce Commission. [Philadelphia, no publisher, 1891.1 oblong 12'' [Classification of operating exi)€nses, 1889 (ICl. 16:889) has been reprinted here with all proposed insertiotis and additions printed in red Inic and with all erasures indicated by a printed line in red ink drawn across the text. Prepared and printed under direction of Maximilian Iliebenack for use of committee appointed by the railroad commissioners in session at Washington, D. C, May 28, 189(), to consider the subject of uniformity in railway accoimts. Note on cover reads: Printed for Inter-State Commerce Commission, to whom same is to be returned with criticisms and comments.] Operating expenses. Circular to accompany suggestions for changes in classification of operating expenses, submitted by executive committee of American Association of Railway Accounting Offi- cers. Feb. 2, 1891. 4" [Accompanies publication entered above under IC1.2:Op22.] Parliamentary reports. Extracts from Parliamentary^ reports relative to long and short hauls, English cases; [by Martin S. Decker and Livingston VaoM]. [1st edition.] 1894. [On cover is following note: Analysis of English cases referred to on p. 36 of peti- tioner's brief in case of Interstate Comnierce Commission v. Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific R. R. Co. et al. Same. [2d edition with additions.] U. S. court of appeals, 5th cu-ciiit.] 1895. ^ [On cover is following note: Analysis of English cases referred to in appellee's brief in case of Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific R. R. Co. et al., v. Interstate Commerce Commission, and cross appeal. Supreme Court, nos. 729 and 832.] Patterson and Foraker pooling bills, letters from Interstate Commerce Commission [Jan. 28 and May 19, 1897]. 1897. Political activity, political coercion, and political assessments of office- holders [circular to officers and employees of Interstate Commerce Commission]. Sept. 1, 1908. 4o Power brakes. Memorandum treating of power of Congress to authorize Interstate Commerce Commission to increase percentage of power or train brakes used on trains on railroads engaged in interstate commerce and American Railway Association to fix standard height of drawbars for freight cars. 1908. Railway tariffs. Relation of Judiciary to the people, a tendency. State regulation of railway tariffs. [Washington, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1893.] [Reprinted by Interstate Commerce Com- mission from American law review, v. 26, p. 888-890, Nov.-Dec. 1892.] Railway labor contests. Protection of public interests during railway labor contests; [by James Peabody]. n. d. Railway pool. What is a railway pool? [Washington, Sept. 1897.] Railroad discriminations. Report of investigation of subject of railroad discriminations and monopolies in oil. [Jan 28, 1907.] [5155- 606] Railroad rates. Digest of proceedings in 59th Congress, 1st session, relating to regulation of railroad rates, H. 12987 [with index to remarks of Senators and Representatives on that subject], from daily issue of Congressional record; [by J. Fletcher Johnston]. 1908. 40 Railroad rates. Recovery for unreasonable rates under statute and common law, relation of courts to future rates; [by Martin S. Decker and Livingston Vann]. [Washington, Interstate Com- merce Commission, 1906.] Railroads. [Facts as to combination or arrangement between Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company and other railroads; by Martin A. Knapp.] Feb. 2, 1906. [4987-475] 564 Classlftcation ic. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION Continued IC1.2: R138 R13« RI310 RI81 R182 R183 R18* RIS^ R186 R18" R188 R18» R231 R232 R291 R292 R293 R294 R295 R29« R297 R298 General publications — Continued Railroads. List of railroad companies which have filed applications [with Interstate Commerce Commission] for further extension of time within which to equip their cars with safety appliances, for a year or until Jan. 1, 1901. [Washington, no publisher, 1899.] Railroads. List of operating and subsidiary railroads in United States, Jan. 1901. 1901. 24« Railroad rates. Regulation of railway rates, hearings before Committee on Interstate Commerce, in special session, pursuant to S. R. 288, 58th Congress, 3d session, statements of interstate commerce commissioners, May 18-20 and 22, 1905 [including also Appendix G]. 1905. [This volume is made up of portions of Regulation of railway rates, v.4(Y4.In83: R138»9) and appendix G which appeared in v. 5 of that set (Y4.In83:Rl3io.ii). It was reprinted in this form by Interstate Commerce Commission. Appendix G was also printed separately; see IC1.492:M46.] Rates. [Response to resolution] in matter of rates on import and do- mestic traffic, Feb. 28, 1903, report of [Interstate Commerce] Commission. 1903. [4430-207] Rate-sheets. In matter of changing rate-sheets while advertised changes are pending but have not gone into effect. [1890.] Rates. [Circular letter in matter of allowing changes in export and im- port rates on less than 30 days' notice, enclosing 3 blank forms for different modes of application by carriers to Interstate Commerce Commission.] Sept. 17, 1906. [Clamped together.] Rate schedules. Proceedings of conference of representatives of rail- roads and Interstate Commerce Commission relating to form of rate schedules, Washington, D. C, Feb. 12, 13, 1894. 1894. Rate schedules. Methods of carriers and requirements of act to regu- late commerce in matter of construction, publication, and filmg of rate schedules, Dec. 1, 1891. 1892. Same, reissued Aug. 15, 1894. 1894. Same, reissued Aug. 15, 1894. 1906. Rates. Circular [calling attention of carriers to certain provisions of act approved Mar. 2, 1889, to amend act to regulate commerce, relat- ing to joint rates]. Mar. 7, 1889. 4° Same, superseding circular of Mar. 7, 1889. Mar. 23, 1889. f • Reasonable care. Memorandum treating of reasonable care, its origin and application. Sept. 1, 1907. Reasonable care. Additional memorandum on reasonable care. 1908. Reports. In circuit court for district of [blank form for com- plaint of failure of common carrier to make annual reports as pre- scribed by Interstate Commerce Commission], n. d. Reports. [Circular calling attention to provisions of sec. 20 of act to regulate commerce, as amended June 29, 1906, relative to annual reports of common carriers and uniform system of accounts.] July 27, 1906. f « Reports. Annual report of to Interstate Commerce Commission for year ending June 30, 1895 [blank form]. [189-?] 4° Reparation claims on special docket [conference ruling, June 22, 1909]. [1909.] Reparation form. Before Interstate Commerce Commission, special docket no. — [blank form]. 4° Reports. Circular letter [4] accompanying proposed form of annual report to be made to Interstate Commerce Commission as required by sec. 20 of act to regulate commerce. 1888. [Circular letters 1-3 not seen.] Reports. Circular letter from Interstate Commerce Commission on sub- ject of annual reports from carriers, n. p. June 1, 1888. Reports. Hours of service report, form of 1908, instructions to be fol- lowed in filling up blanks. [190-?] 4'> 565 CUsMlflcatlon no. IC1.2: R299 Sal» Sal 2 Sal 3 Sal< Sal 5 Sal« Sal' Sal« Sal» Sal 10 Sal 11 Sal 12 Sal 13 Sal" Sails Sali« IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— Continued General publications— Continued Reporte. Interstate Commerce Commission accident report, form of 1905, instructions to be followed in filling up blanks. [190-?] Safety appliances and their care; by George Hannauer. 1904. Safety appliances. Circular of instructions to employees entitled to per diem under safety-appliance appropriation. Jan. 1, 1907 . [Con- fidential.] Safety appliances. Comparative statement of freight cars ec|uipped with safety appliances, Dec. 1, 1897-Dec.l, 1899. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] Dec. 1, 1899. Safety appliances. Railway safety appliances [notice of Interstate Commerce Commission of hearing to be held for consideration of applications of railroad companies for extension of time, for a year or until Jan. 1, 1901, in which to equip their cars and locomotives with safety appliances] . Washington, Interstate Commerce Com- mission [1899]. 4° Safety appliance acts. Federal safety-appliance acts and decisions of State and Federal courts applicable thereto; [compiled by Thomas C. Spelling]. Oct. 20, 1906. Safety appliance act. Defective safety appliances, cases construing Federal safety-appliance act of Mar. 2, 1893, and State statutes of similar nature; [compiled by Luther M. Walter and Samuel W. Briggs]. 1904. [A compilation of separately printed cases with various paginations as printed but to which has been added a new and continuous set of page numbers; preceded by printed title-page and table of cases, and followed by a sjyecial index.] Safety appliance inspector. Regulations governing employment of safety appliance inspectors for Interstate Commerce Commission. May 13, 1903. 4" [Formulated by Interstate Commerce Com- mission and promulgated by Civil Service Commission.] Safety appliance inspector. Regulations governing appointments to position of safety appliance inspector under Interstate Commerce Commission. May 20, 1904. 4° [Formulated by Interstate Commerce Commission and promulgated by Civil Service Com- mission.] Safety appliance act. Memorandum, is sec. 6 of safety appliance stat- ute, which prescribes penalty of $100 for certain violations of said statute, penal, and is suit to recover penalty in nature of criminal prosecution, requiring Government to prove its case beyond rea- sonable doubt?; [by Roscoe Walter]. [1908.] Safety appliances. Report, by inspector, of condition of safety appli- ances and defects in same upon freight cars examined since Oct. 8, 1899, on roads mentioned. [Washington, no publisher, Dec. 1899.] Same; also extracts from replies of presidents of railways regarding condition of safety appliance equipment. [Washington, no pub- lisher, 1900.] Safety appliance acts. Decisions construing Federal safety appliance acts, Apr. 1, 1907. [1st edition.] 1907. Same, Apr. 1, 1907. [2d edition with additions.] 1907. Same, Feb. 1,1908. [3d edition with additions.] 1908. * [Lim- ited edition of 35 copies for inspectors.] Safety appliance act. Two views of safety appliance law [extracts from opinions of Walter H. Sanborn, judge of circuit court of appeals, 8th circuit, and Melville W. Fuller, chief justice of Supreme Court]. [Washington, no publisher, 1905.] large 8** Safety appliance act [to promote safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by compelling common carriers to equip their cars with automatic couplers and continuous brakes, approved Mar. 2, 1893]. [Washington, no publisher, 1893.] 566 Classification IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— Continued IC1.2: Sal 18 Sal 19 Sal 20 Sal 21 So4 St2 T23 T25 T27 T691 T692 T693 W29 W63 General publications— Continued [Wash- Same [approved Mar. 2, 1893, and amended Apr. 1, 1896]. ington, no publisher, 1896.] Safety appliance acts: Law of 1893 with amendments; Law of 1903. [1903.] Same [with note and signature of secretary on p. 4]. [1903.] Safety appliances. [Letter of W. H. Moody instructing United States attorneys to report cases of violation of automatic car coupler act.] Dec. 30, 1904. 4° [Prepared by Interstate Commerce Com- mission, approved by Attorney-General, and published by Inter- state Commerce Commission.] Safety appliances. Location of grab irons on front ends of locomotives. [Washington] Interstate Commerce Commission [1903]. f ° Soldiers. [Letter of A. Schoonmaker to John C. Black in regard to transportation of soldiers and sailors to and from National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.] May 19, 1887. [Reprint, m substance, of decision reported on p. 28 of v. 1 of Interstate Com- merce Commission reports (IC1.6 i:l).] Statistical reports. Statement of statistician of Interstate Commerce Commission in reply to criticisms of president of Illinois Central Railroad Company upon statistical reports of [Interstate Com- merce] Commission. 1899. Telegraph lines. Government-aided telegraph lines, annual report of to Interstate Commerce Commission for year ending June 30, 190~, pursuant to act of Aug. 7, 1888 [blank form]. 1908. 4° Ten-year book. [Letter of Henry C. Adams to chairman of Committee on Appropriations, House, in regard to proposed appropriation of $10,000 for compilation of Ten-year book upon railway statis- tics by Interstate Commerce Commission.] Apr. 5, 1900. See, for so-called Ten-year book, entries and notes under Interstate Commerce Commission Annual report, 1902 (ICl. 1:902). Territorial groups of United States adopted by Interstate Commerce Commission '[blank map]. Scale 600 m. = 2.3 in. n. p. [Inter- state Commerce Commission] n. d. 7.5 X 11-9 in, [Blank map used by Division of Safety Appliances for indicating with red lines the territory of each inspector and adapted by Interstate Commerce Commission for other uses.] Traveling expenses. Circular governing traveling expenses. Jan. 1, 1907. [Confidential.] Same. Apr. 1, 1908. Same. July 1, 1908. t Water lines, tentative classifications of operating revenues and oper- ating expenses. May 15, 1908. 4'' Wickersham, George W. [Letter of Geo. W. Wickersham to United States attorneys directing that certain information be secured before cases of violation of safety appliance act come before Inter- state Commerce Commission, enclosing Suggested form of inter- rogatories.] Apr. 7, 1909. 4^ [Enclosure not attached to letter. Prepared by Interstate Commerce Commission, approved by Attorney-General, and printed by Interstate Commerce Com- t This publication is the forerunner of two new series of publications issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1910, which have been omitted from this Check- list because it ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The classifica- tion assigned to these new classes is as follows : ICl .50: Classification of operating revenues of carriers by water (date) ICl. 51: Classification of operating expenses of carriers by water (date) 567 ClMSlflcatlon no. IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— Continued IC1.3: (no8.) IC1.4: (nos.) IC1.6: 889 1 8892 893 895 902 903 906 1 9062 908 9091 9092 ici.e^: (v. nos.) Bulletins 1 2 3 4 5 IDIscontlnued.] Circulars [As there is no complete file of Interstate Commerce Commission Circulars in exist* ence, no attempt is here made to list them.] See, for Special circulaxs, ICl.lO: See, for Tariff circulars, IC1.20: See, for Accounting series circulars, IC1.22: See, for Special report series circulars, 101.23^: See, for Special express companies circulars, IC1.24: See, for Circular letters, IC1.38: See, for Foiu-th section circulars, IC1.54: footnote. Act to regulate commerce as amended See, for Grayson's compilation of Trust laws, 1887-1903, including this act, Y1.2:T77. See also IC1.2:Ac8 ^ \ Act to regulate commerce, as amended Mar. 2, 1889. [1889.] Act to regulate commerce approved Feb. 4, 1887, and in effect Apr. 5, 1887, as amended by act approved and in effect Mar. 2, 1889. n. p. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1889. Act to regulate commerce as amended, with acts supplementary thereto. 1893. Same. 1895. Concordance of act to regulate commerce. 1902. Act to regulate commerce, as amended, and acts supplementary thereto, safety appliance acts [and] act requiring monthly reports of acci- dents. 1903. * See, for print of this and other acts, 1887-1903, as ordered by Senate, Y1.3:C73i. Same, [with] arbitration act; revised to June 30, 1906. 1906. [1st edition.] Same. [2d edition with additions and index.] 1906. [Amendment to sec. 1 of Apr. 13, 1908, printed and inserted on p. 7.] Same, [with] hom-s of service act; revised to Aug. 1, 1908. 1908. Same, [with] hours of service act; revised to Jan. 1, 1909. 1909. Same, [with] hours of service act; revised to May 1, 1909. 1909. Interstate Commerce Commission reports [The above is the back title of a series of reported decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission, the title-pages of which vary as indicated in the list below. From Apr. 1887 to Sept. 1894, two firms printed the decisions— the L. K. Strouse ■ Company of New York City and the Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing Company of Rochester, N. Y, After each firm had printed 5 v. of decisions, the latter firm bought out the former firm. The set which is considered by the Interstate Commerce Commission as being official is as follows: v. 1-5, L. K. Strouse Company, cited as "I. C. C. rep." V. &-11, Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing Company, cited as "I. C. C. rep." V. 12-17, and later volumes. Government Printing Office, cited as "I. C. C. rep." The first 5 v. of the Lawyers' Cooperative set are unofficial and are not listed In this Checklist. They are invaluable, however, because they contain many unreported decisions of Federal courts, in addition to the decisions of the Interstate Com- merce Commission. These first 5 v. of the Lawyers' Coop>erative set may be used, but care must be taken to cite them as " I. C. rep.' ' instead of " I. C. C. rep." Issues prior to v. 12 are not strictly speaking Government publications, but beginning with v. 12 the reports become public documents, published and sold by the Government. 568 Classification IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— no. Continued IC1.61: (v. nos.) ICl.G^a: (v. nos.) ICl.Gi*: (CT) IC1.6^&: (GT) Interstate Commerce Commission reports— Cont'd The publications known as "Memorandum opinions or decisions" have their own pagination and, with a few exceptions (e. g., Car shortage and other insufficient transportation facilities; report by commissioners Lane and Harlan, which is found in v. 12, p. 561), do not appear in the bound volume of decisions but are classed as general publications under IC1.2:] Interstate Commerce Commission reports (New York, L. K. Strouse & Co.) 1 2 3 4 5 Interstate commerce reports (Rochester, lishing Co.) 6 7 Lawyers' Cooperative Pub- 9 10 11 Interstate Commerce Commission reports (Washington, Government Printing Office) 12 13 14 15 16 17 Interstate Commerce Commission reports (separates; indexes to volumes, and tables of cases) [Enter here only such indexes to volumes and tables of cases cited in opinions as are separates from the volumes of Interstate Commerce Conunission rsports. As book numbers for such indexes to volumes or tables of cases cited in opinions, use the volume numbers of the Interstate Commerce Commission reports which they cover.] Interstate Commerce Commission reports (separates; Report of commission, Report and opinion of commission, etc.) [Numerous advance prints are issued containing decisions, reports, and opinions of the Interstate Commerce Commission. There are two prints of these, namely: Report of the commission and Report and order of the commission. Both prints are identical in all respects with the same report as it appears in the bound vol- ume, except that the Report and order includes the official order of the commis- sion which is not found in the bound volume. The prints which contain the report only are classed here under ICI.6I0: The prints called Report and order of commission are classed in the Public Documents Library under ICI.6I&: (unless the only print which the library has is the Report and order of commission, in which case for its own convenience this library has entered under ICl.Gia: the combined report and order as a substitute for the true separate). See, for further information in regard to official orders printed without the reports or opinions to which they relate, IC1.9: In the case of v. 12, the paging of the bound volume will be found to differ from that of the advance prints, certain matter having been eliminated and included in final proof.] Interstate Commerce Commission reports (Report and order of commission) (There are two advance prints of the reports of the commission, one issued alone ' (IC1.6 la:), the other mcluding the order of the commission resulting therefrom, with title, Report and order of commission. As explained in the note under IC1.6ia:thereport is in both cases identical with tlie same report as it appears later in the bound volume (IC1.6 i;), but the order does not appear in the bound volume. The prints called Report and order of commission are regarded as con- fidential and are given a very limited circulation. The Public Documents Library has reserved this class (IC1.6i^:) for such Reports and orders of com- mission. If, however, this library has only the print to which the order is affixed. It has for its own convenience entered the publication under ICL6 la:, as a substitute for the true separate. See, for orders of this nature issued alone, IC1.9: See also, for Special orders, IC1.39:] 569 Classlflcatlon IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— Continued " IC1.6': 1-7. 1-8 1-9 1-11 '"'12,13 1-15 ICl.e^: 1-8 tICl.6*: 1-8 IC1.7: (date) Table of cases and opinions Table of cases and opinions of Interstate Commerce Commission to June 30, 1898, v. 1-7 [of Interstate Commerce Commission] reports; [by Henry Talbott]. 1898. Same, to Aug. 31, 1901, v. 1-8 [of Interstate Commerce Commission] reports; [by Henry TalbottJ. 1901. 4° Same, to Sept. 30, 1904, v. 1-9 [of Interstate Commerce Commission] reports, to p. 377, v. 10; [by Henry Talbott]. 1904. 4° Same, decisions imder original act, Apr. 1887-Aug. 28, 1906, v. 1-11 [of Interstate Commerce Commission] reports; [by] Henry Talbott. 1907. 4° Same, decisions under amended act, Aug. 28, 1906-June 8, 1908> V. 12, 13 [of Interstate Commerce Commission] reports; [by] Henry Talbott. 1908. 4<» Same, decisions under act, Apr. 1887-Jan. 1909, v. 1-15 [of Interstate Commerce Commission] reports; [by Henry TalbottJ. 1909. 4" Table of cases cited In opinions Table of cases cited in opinions of Interstate Commerce Commission, V. 1-8 [of Interstate Commerce Commission] reports [May, 1898- Feb. 1901]; compiled Sept. 1, 1901 [by Henry Talbott]. 1901. [This is not a separate of Interstate Commerce Commission reports. A later Table of cases cited in opinions, v. 1-14, which is a separate of v. 14, is classed under IC1.6^«: (v. nos.).] Table of defendants before Interstate Commerce Commission Table of defendants [in cases] before Interstate Commerce Commission with reference to cases in [v. 1-8 of Interstate Commerce Com- mission] reports [May, 1898-Feb. 1901] to which they are parties; compiled Nov. 1, 1901 [by Henry Talbott]. 1901. Preliminary report on income account of rail- ways in United States 1892 [In 3065-15 and issued separately also. Not in annual reports of Interstate Commerce Commission (ICl.l:).] 1893 [In 3168-10 and issued separately also. Not in annual reports of Interstate Commerce Commission (ICl.l:).] 1894 [In 3328-25 and issued separately also. Not in annual reports of Interstate Commerce Commission (ICl.l:).] 18951 1896 1897 1898 1899 19001 [In annual reports of Interstate Comjnerce Commission (ICl.l:), 1901 [ and issued separately also.] 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906, 1907 [Issued separately only.] [Discontinued. Later information is contained in Bulletin of revenues and expenses of steam roads in United States, no. 5 (IC1.44:5).l fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Inter- state Commerce Commission has since begun 2 new series of publications, the first issues of which appeared in 1910. This has necessitated additional classes under IC, the series titles of which are as follows: Id. 6^: Table of cases in both I. C. C. reports and I. C. reports (v. nos.) IC1.6*: Annotations, Interstate Commerce Commission [reports], cases cited (v. nos.) 570 Classification IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION Continued IC1.8 IC1.81: (date) ICl.S'a: (CT) ICl.S^: C761 C762 C763 C76* D391 D392 ICl.8^: (nos.) ICl.8^: (nos.) IC1.9: (CT) National Association of Railway Commissioners [The first conference of railroad commissioners was held pursuant to an invitation of the Interstate Commerce Commission, at Washington, D. C, on Mar. 5-7, 1889. Succeeding national conventions, held annually from 1890 to 1900, met under call of committees appointed by each preceding convention. Formal organi- zation under the name of National Association of Railway Commissioners was effected June 7, 1901. The membership mcludes the Interstate Commerce Commission and the railroad commissions of the several States and Territories. Although strictly speaJiing the Association is not olflcially connected with the Interstate Commerce Com- mission, the two are very closely associated, and as the Proceedings, etc., of the Association are printed by the Interstate Commerce Commission, they are properly classed here.] National Association of Railway Commissioners, Proceedings of annual conventions General Conference of Railroad Commissioners 1889 [1st] National Convention of Railroad Commissioners 1890 1891 1892 1893 2d 3d 4th] [5th] 1894 1895 1896 1897 6th 7 th 8 th 9th 1898 1899 1900 10th 11th 12th National Association of Railway Commissioners 1901, 13th 1904, 16th 1907, 19th 1902, 14th 1905, 17th 1908, 20th 1903, 15th 1906, 18th 1909, 2l8t National Association of Railway Commissioners, Proceedings of annual conventions (separates) [Separates of the Proceedings are entered here, except certain speeches published by the Interstate Commerce Commission, for which see as follows: Addresses of Walter Clark, IC1.2:C54, Judson C. Clements, IC1.2:C59 h^, and Martin A. Knapp, IC1.2:K72.] National Association of Railway Commissioners, General publications Convention. Call for [7th] national convention of Railroad Commis- sioners. May 14, 1895. 4° Convention. Call for 16th annual convention of National Association of Railway Commissioners. [Sept. 26, 1904.] 4° Same, 20th annual convention. [Sept. 8, 1908.] 4P Same, 21st annual convention. [Oct. 11, 1909.] 4° Demurrage. Proposed uniform code of demurrage rules, announcement of public hearing by subcommittee [of committee] on car [service and] demurrage, National Association of Railway Commissioners. May 8, 1909. Demurrage. Proceedings of subcommittee [of committee] on car service and demurrage, National Association of Railway Commissioners, Washington, D. C, June 4, 5, 1909. 1909. National Association of Railway Commissioners, Bulletins [None issued.] National Association of Railway Commissioners, Circulars [None issued.] Orders (unnumbered) [Numerous Orders have been issued by the commission, a large proportion of which are printed, tl>e rest being typewritten. Their circulation is very limited and no attempt is here made to list them. These Orders are never found in the bound volumes of reports (ICI.6I:), although an Order Is often attached to its corresponding report or opinion when separately printed; In such cases the publications, the title-pages of which bear the words "Report and order of commission " are classed under ICI.G1&: See also, for Special orders, IC1.39:, and for Fourth section orders, IC1.55: footnote.] 571 ClMslflratlon no. ICl.lO: (date) IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION- Continued ICl.ll: (date) IC1.12: (date) IC1.12a: (date) IC1.12&: (date) Special circulars 11 2 editions See, for revision and cancellation, ICl. 20:15a. See, for revision and cancellation, IC1.20:15a, [Cancels Special circular 4.] See, for revision and' cancellation, IC1.20:15a. Report of safety appliances on railroads ' 1897, Apr. 1896-Sept. 1897 ' 1898, June Dec. 1899, June [The acL of 1893, with its amendments, known as the safety-appliance law, became of full effect on Aug. 1, 1900. Hence, the 1899 report is the last report of this series. Beginning with 1900. however, reports entitled " Safety appliances and accident reports" appeared in annual reports of Interstate Commerce Commis- sion (ICl.l:), and were also issued separately for certain years; see note under ICl.la:(CT).] Annual reports on statistics of railways in United States 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, [Issued separately only.] Istl 2d 3d J 4th [In 3065-15 and issued separately also. Not in annual reports of Interstate Commerce Commission (ICl.l:).] 5th [In 3168-10 and issued separately also. Not in annual reports of Interstate Commerce Commission (ICl.l:).] 6th [In 3328-25 and issued separately also. Not in annual reports of Interstate Commerce Commission (ICl.l:)'.]; 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18thj 19thi 20th I 21st I 22d J 'tfO'-^sf:}' ) I [In annual reports of Interstate Commerce Commission (ICl.l:), and issued separately also.] [Issued separately only.] Annual reports on statistics of railTvays In United States (separates; reports without statistical tables) [The annual report without statistical tables is issued separately In pamphlet form. The earlier issues of these appear as "Advance copy;" later issues appear as " Text of annual reix)rt.' 'J Annual reports on statistics of railways in United States (abstract) [Broadside sheets of varying size Issued annually for use of the press since 1890.] [1890], sheet 1 1896 * 1903 * Same, sheet 2 * 1897 1904 1891 * 1898 * 1905 1892 * 1899 * 1906 * 1893 * 1900 * 1907 * 1894 1901 * 1908 * 1895 1902 * 1909 * 572 Classlflcatlon IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION no. . Continued IC1.13: (nos.) IC1.14:: C23^ C232 ICl.lS: (date) IC1.16: (date) Accident bulletin (quarterly) [The numbers for the quarter ending in June of each year include also tables for the year.] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Instructions for carriers Carriers. Book of instructions for guidance of carriers in making annual reports to Interstate Commerce Commission. [1st edition.] 1888. Same. Revised issue. 1889. "'"" '"""' ( Classification of expenditures for road and equipment for steam roads Classification of construction expenses [for steam roads] 1897 • ' 1898 1901 1903 Classification of construction and equipment expenditures [for steam roads] 1905 Classification of expenditures for road and equipment for steam roads [The words "for steam roads" appear only in the title of the 1908 Supplement to the 1st revised issue listed below.] 1907 1st revised issue 1908, Supplement to 1st revised issue Same [reprinted with slight changes] 1909 1st revised issue [Same as 1907 print (ICl. 15:907) with changes on title-page and cover. This classification amended by Sup- plement effective July 1, 1908 (ICl. 15:908).] Classification of operating expenses for steam roads Classification of operating expenses [for steam roads] 1888 1889 1891 1892 1894 1897 1901 1902 1907 revised issue revised issue revised issue revised issue revised issue revised issue 2d revised issue 3d revised issue Same [reprint with index] Classification of operating expenses for steam roads 1908, Supplement to 3d revised issue Same, Supplement to 3d revised issue [reprint] Same, 3d revised issue condensed Same, 3d revised issue condensed [reprint] 573 Classification IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— no. Continued IC1.17: 887 891 896 902 907 » 9072 9073 IC1.18: (date) IC1.19: (date) IC1.20: (nos.) IC1.21: (date) Rules of practice Rules of practice in caees and proceedings before commission, adopted May 25, 1887. 1887. Revised and amended rules of practice in cases and proceedings before commission, adopted June 8, 1889. 1889. Same, adopted Dec. 15, 1891. 1891. Rules of practice before commission in cases and proceedings under act to regulate commerce, revised, amended, and adopted June 19, 1896. Washington, National Publishing Co., 1896. Same, revised, amended, and adopted Mar. 19, 1902. 1902. Same, revised, amended, and adopted Mar. 19, 1902. 1907. Same, revised, amended, and adopted Apr. 9, 1907. 1907. Same, revised, amended, and adopted Apr. 9, 1907. [1907] reprint of Oct. 9, 1908. [Accompanied by a slip, 2 pages, which is to be substituted for rule 14.] Rules for Inspection of safety appliances 12" 1901 -^-'''^^'■> 1903 1904 1905 1907 Classification of operating revenues for steam roads Classification of operating revenues [for steam roads] 1907 1st issue Classification of operating revenues for steam roads 1908, Supplement to Ist issue Tariff circulars f°and8° la 2a 3a 4a , 5a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a 12a 13a 14a 15a [Contains revision of and cancels Tariff circulars la-13a.] [Contains revision of and cancels Tariff circular 14a and Special circulars 1-3, 5, and 7 (ICl.lO:).] *'^*l8ame. Supplement 1 Same, Supplement 2 [Cancels Supplement 1.] Same, Supplement 3 [Cancels Supplement 2.] 16a [Cancels Special express companies circulars 1 and 2 (101.24:).] 17a [Contains revision of and cancels Tariff circular 15a and Supple- ment 3,] Same, Supplement 1 Classification of locomotive-miles, car-miles, and train- miles 1907 let issue 574 Classification no. IC1.22: (nos.) IC1.23 ' : (nos.) IC1.23 2: * (nos.) IC1.24:: (nos.) IC1.25: (nos.) IC1.26: (date) IC1.27: (date) IC1.28: (date) IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— Continued Accounting series circulars 4« 1 12c 2 13 3 14 4 15 5 16 6 17 7 18 8 19 9 20 10 21 11 22 12 23 12a 24 12b 25 Same [Revised edition] 26 Same [2d revised edition] 27 Special report series circulars 4° [These circulars, issued by order of Interstate Commerce Commission, require from corporations and associations subject to jurisdiction of Interstate Commerce Commission full and true answers under oath to inquiries contained therein. Statistics thus acquired form the basis for Special reports compiled by Statistics and Accounts Division; see IC1.232:] 1\ [Statistics received in response to these 2 circulars are embodied 2/ in Special report 1 (IC1.23 ^:1).] 3 4 5 6 7 8 Special reports [See note under IC1.23 »:] 1 [Advance copy.] Same [with statistical tables] Special express companies circulars 1} See, for cancellation, IC1.20:16a. Conference rulings bulletins See, for cancellation, IC1.25:3. See, for cancellation, 101.25:3. Same, reprint Sept. 15, 1908 [Cancels and includes Bulletins 1 and 2.] [Cancels and includes Bulletin 3.] Classification of expenditures for real property and equipment of express companies See, for Annual reports on statistics of express companies, IC1.53: 1908 Ist issue Of operating expenses express Classification of companies See, for Annual reports on statistics of express companies, IC1.53: 1908 1st issue Classification of operating revenues of express companies See, for Annual reports on statistics of express companies, IC1.53: 1908 Ist issue 575 Clas8iflration no. IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMI88ION- Continued IC1.29 ' : 907 908 IC1.29 2: (date) IC1.30: (nos.) IC1.31: (date) IC1.32: (date) IC1.33: (date) IC1.34:i: At2» At22 At23 At2* At2» At6i At62 Outside operations, tentative classifications of operatlnff revenues and operating expenses for steam roads Outside operations, tentative classifications of operating revenues and operating expenses of harbor terminal transfers; account no. 2, lighterage and float transfers, Accounting series circular 10. 1907. 4« Outside operations, tentative classifications of operating revenues and operating expenses. May 15, 1908. 4* Classification of revenues and expenses for out- side operations for steam roads 1908 1st issue Accounting bulletins 1 2 3 4 [Supersedes Accounting bulletin 1.] Classification of expenditures for road and equip- ment of electric rallw^ays 1908 1st issue Classification of operating expenses of electric railways 1908 1st issue Classification of operating revenues of electric railways 1908 1st issue Decisions under safety -appliance acts [Reprints of recent decisions in Federal and State courts of general interest to the public] Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. Decisions under safety- appliance acts, United States v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, in district court for southern district of Cali- fornia [charge to jury]; decided June 6, 1909 [1908]. [1908.] Same; decided June 6, 1908. [Corrected edition.] [1909.] Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. Decisions under safety appli- ance acts, circuit court of appeals, 8th circuit, no. 2566, May term, 1908, United States v. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, in error to district court for district of Colo- rado [opinion of court]; decided Aug. 22, 1908. [1908.] Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. Decisions under safety appli- ance acts. United States v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, in district court for northern district of California [instructions to jury]; decided Dec. 1, 1908. [1908.] Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. Decisions under safety-appli- ance act, U. S. V. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Com- pany, in district court for 4th district of Arizona [instructions to jury]; decided July 17, 1908. [1908.] Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Decisions under safety appliance acts, United States v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, in dis- trict court, eastern district of North Carolina [opimon oi court]; decided May 11, 1907. [1908.] Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Decisions under safety appliance acts, circuit court of appeals, 4th circuit, no. 842, Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company v. United States, in error to district court for eastern district of North Carolina at Wilmington [statement of facts and opinion of court]; argued Dec. 1, 1908, decided Mar. 1, 1909. [1909.] 576 Classification no. IC1.34ii At6 = B211 B21 B21' B21' B41 B412 B65 B77 C33 C42 C43 C43 = C43 = IC. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— • ' ' Continued Decisions urid'^lr safety- appliance acts— Continued Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Decisions under safety-appliance acts, United States v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, in dis- trict court for district of South Carolina [instructions to juryl; decided Feb. 24, 1909. [1909.] Baltimore 9), listed above as IC1.2:R13 1".] Passenger routes. No. 1544, in matter of through passenger routes via Portland, Oreg.; brief of attorney for Interstate Commerce Com- mission. 1909. Rates. [Nos. 677-680] in matter of class and commodity rates from St, Louis to Texas common points in force over lines of Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company [et al.]; brief and argument by counsel for [Interstate Commerce] Commission. [1904.] Rates. No. 933, in matter of rates, practices, accounts, and revenues of carriers subject to act to regulate commerce; testimony taken by Interstate Commerce Commission at San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 2-4, 1907. 1907. Rates. In matter of division of joint rates and other allowances to terminal railroads, hearing at Chicago, May 6, 1904. 1905. Salt. In matter of transportation of salt from Hutchinson, Kans., hearing at Hutchinson, Dec. 5, 1903 ; [order and testimony]. 1905. Sugar. No. 1487, in matter of allowances for transfer of sugar; argu- ment in opposition to allowances. [1908.] Terminal allowances. No. 1515, in matter of terminal allowances and rates at St. Louis, Mo., and East St. Louis, 111., proposed findings of fact; [by James S. Harlan]. [Apr. 23] 1909. Terminal allowances. No. 1515, in matter of terminal allowances and rates at St. Louis, Mo., and East St. Louis, 111.; brief in opposi- tion to allowances. [1909.] 24 p. Same [with slight differences]. [1909.] 25 p. Annual reports on statistics of express com- panies in United States large 8<» See, for partial report of express companies, compiled and published by Census Office, p. 489-532 of Report on transportation business in United States at 11th census, pt. 2 (1 12.5:19). See^ for Express business in United States, [fiscal year] 1907, com- piled by Interstate Commerce Commission and published by Census Bureau, C3.5:Ex7. fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Inter- state Commerce Commission has since begun several new series of publications, neces- sitating new classes under ICl., the series titles of which are as follows: IC1.50: Classification of operating revenues of carriers by water (date) ICl. 51: Classification of operating expenses of carriers by water (date) ICl. 52: Classification of revenues and expenses of pipe line companies (date) 587 CUsslflcatton IC. no. IC1.53: (date) tICl.54: tICl.55: IC1.56: (date of calendar year covered) tIC1.5T tICl.68: INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION— Continued com- Annual reports on statistics of express panles In United States — Continued See, for Classification of expenditures for real property and equip- ment of express companies, 101.26: See, for Classification of operating expenses of express companies, IC1.27: See, for Classification of operating revenues of express companies, IC1.28: 1909, 1st [The 1909 report includes History, organization, and capitalization of 13 express companies.] Annual reports on street railroads In District of Columbia [Including reports of District Elec- tric Rallw^ay Commission] [1908, 1st] [5557-1336] [Covers period from organization of the Dis- trict Electric Railway Commission under Interstate Commerce Commission order of July 1, 1908 to Jan. 7, 1909, the date of report of District Electric Railway Commission to Interstate Commerce Commission, by whom it was transmitted to Congress with their report dated Jan. 18, 1909.] [1909] 2d [5833-587] [Covers Jan. 7-Dec. 13, 1909, the date of report of District Electric Railway Commission to Interstate Commerce Commission, by whom it was transmitted to Congress with their report dated Jan. 24, 1910.] J. JUSTICE DEPAETMENT jTr. sec. 35 of "An act to establish the judicial courts of the United States,'* approved Sept. 24, 1789, provision was made for the appointment of an Attorney-General "whose duty it wiall be to prosecute and conduct all suits in the Supreme Court in which the United States shall be concerned, and to give his ad\nce and opinion upon questions of law when required by the President of the United States, or wnen requested by the heads of any of the Departments, touching any matters that may concern their Departments ..." (Stat. L. v. 1, p. 92). But it was not until July 1, 1870, by act api)roved June 22, 1870 (Stat. L. v. 16, p. 162), that the Department of Justice was organized as an Executive Department, with the Attorney-General at its head. To this Department the legal advisers then attached to other departments were transferred, and the jurisdiction which the Secretary of Interior held over the accounts of the district attomevs, marshals, clerks, and other officers of the courts of the United States, was ordered to be exercised by the Attorney-General . ] t The Interstate Commerce Commission has, in 1911, begun other new series of pub- lications, the series titles of which are as follows: IC1.54: Fourth section circulars (nos.) pssued in order to publish further announcements relating to questions arising under sec.4 of act to regulate commerce as amended June IS, 1910.] ICl.55: Fourth section orders [Issued in response to applications filed by carriers for relief under sec. 4 of act to regulate commerce as amended June 18, 1910.] Form of general balance sheet statement for express companies Regulations to govern issuing and recording of passes of steam roade (nos.) Tri:.57: ( date) 1C1.58: l^date) 588 Classification no. Jl.l: (date) Jl.ia: (date) J1.2: An8» An8' Ap4 C26 049^ C49 2 C76 Ex8 F58 F86 Jl. ATTORNEY- GENERAIi Annual reports of Attorney- General 1870 [July 1-Dec. 31] [1454-90] 1871 [calendar year] [1510-55] 1872, fiscal year ending June 30 [1545-32] [Includes statements of suits for calendar years 1871 and 1872.] [After 1872, reports continued to be made for fiscal year in accordance witli reauire- ments of act of Mar. 3, 1873 (Stat. L. v. 17, p. 578).! (Stat 1873 [1606-6] 1874 [1638-7] [No edition with- out Congressional document number.] 1875 [1686-14] 1876 [1751-20] 1877 [1802-7] 1878 [1852-7' 1879 [1913-8^ 1880 [1968-9^ 1881 [1986-4' 1882 [2103-8^ 1883 [2193-8^ 1884 [2296-12] 1885 2387-7] 1886 [2477-8 1887 [2550-7' 1888 [2645-7 1889 [2733-7' 1890 [2851-7' 1891 [2942-r 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 p. 578).] 3097-7] 3218-7] 3318-7] 3390-9] 3499-9, pt. 1] 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907, Same, appendix [3499-9, pt. 2] 3655-9 3772-9 3933-9 4121-9 4304-9 4470-9 4657-9 4811-9 4970-10] 5129-10] . 1 Same, V. 2} [^^56-10] 1908 [5445-1043] 1909 [5738-104] Annual reports of Attorney- General (separates) General publications Anti- trust decisions. Federal anti-trust decisions, cases decided in United St-ates courts under anti-trust act of July 2, 1890, includ- ing similar decisions not based upon that act, 1890-1899; edited by James A. Finch. 1907. v. 1. Same, 1900-1906. 1907. v. 2. See, for Sherman anti-trust law of July 2, 1890, with list of decisions relating thereto, also for statements of cases instituted thereunder, 1890-1908, J1.2:Sh5 1-6. [Senate concurrent resolution 3, 62d Cong. 1st sess., passed Aug. 22, 1911, ordered a new compilation to include decisions from passage of act of July 2, 1890, to 1911.] Appeals. Right of State to appeal in criminal cases. [1906.] Cases. List of cases pending on motions to calendar under rule 93 in which no action has been taken by claimants since filing of motion. [1909.] [See, for Calendars of cases for dismissal, Ju3.2:C12'-3.] Civil service act. [Circular] to officers and employees of Department of Justice [calling attention to civil service act of Jan. 16, 1883, sec. 11, relating to political activity]. Aug. 20, 1901. 4° Same [calling attention to circular issued Aug. 20, 1901]. Nov. 22, 1901. 4° {See, for circular of Aug. 20, 1901, J1.2:C49 ^] Constitution of United States. [1907.] 24° [This Justice Department print may be identified by the signature mark on p. 9, which reads: 12360—07 2. See, for other editions, S1.2:C76^-3.] Extradition. Memoranda relative to extradition of fugitives from United States in foreign jurisdiction. 1909. Five Civilized Tribes. Suits at Muscogee, Okla., involving allotments of Five Civilized Tribes, argument on demurrer; by Charles W. Russell. 1909. Fraud. Petition [of Attorney-General] to judges of circuit court for 8th circuit [regarding titles to public lands alleged to have been obtained by fraudulent methode]. [May, 1908.] 589 Classification no. J1.2: F881 F882 In2i In22 In23 In2* Iii2« K75 L49 N22 Of2 Ok4 P39' P392 P393 P39* Q2 Sa5» Sa52 Sel Sh5i Sh52 Sh53 Jl. ATTORNEY-GENERAI^— Conlinued General publications— Continued French spoliations, claimants indebted to Government; report of Secretary of Treasury and reports of collectors of customs. [1900.] [V. 1.] Same. [1900.] v. 2. Indian allotments. Brief, suits brought by United States to cancel deeds to Indian allotments. 1908. [Interleaved. For use of Government attorneys only.] Index. Records and briefs in United States cases decided by Supreme Court during Oct. term, 1906 [title-page and index]. 1907. [Prepared by librarian of Justice Department for official use.] Same, Oct. term, 1907 [title-page and index]. 1908. Same, Oct. term, 1908 [title-page and index]. 1909. Indian depredations. In Court of Claims, Indian depredations, list of claimants' motions for new trial. [1909.] Knox, Philander C. Commerce clause of Constitution, and trusts; address delivered by Philander C. Knox before Chamber of Com- merce, Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 14, 1902. 1902. Lebeau. Translations of Lebeau's vol. 4 [Nouveau code des prises]. [1901.] [16 documents of the French Government dating from Dec. 22, 1794, to Dec. 19, 1799, relating to French spoliation claims.] Navy. [Letter of Attorney-General to Secretary of Navy] July 30, 1907 [opinion as to whether Navy Department is authorized to expend any portion of moneys appropriated for construction or purchase of suomarine boats]. [1907.] Officials. Digests of laws and decisions relating to appointment, salary, and compensation of officials of United States courts, with instruc- tions of Attorney-General to district attorneys, clerks, and mar- shals; edited by Robert M. Cousar. 1895. [Interleaved.] Oklahoma. Proposed constitution of State of Oklahoma, printed from copy certified by William H. Murray, president of Constitutional Convention. 1907. Peonage. Report on peonage [Feb. 14, 1907]; by assistant Attorney- General Charles W. Russell. [1908.] [Also found as appendix 1 of Report on peonage, 1908 (J1.2:P39'').] Peonage. Report of Charles W. Russell, assistant Attorney-General, relative to peonage matters [Oct. 10, 1907]. [1907.] [Also in Jus- tice Department report, 1907, v. 1, p. 207 (Jl.l:907i).] Same [with omission, and with addition of report of Jan. 22, 1908]. New edition. [1908.] [This edition does not appear in Justice Department report, but is also found as appendix 2 of Report on peonage, 1908 (J1.2:P394).] Peonage. Report on peonage; by Charles W. Russell, assistant Attor- ney-General. 1908. [This report contains, as appendixes, the reports of Feb. 14, 1907 (J1.2:P39 ^) and Oct. 10, 1907, new edition (J1.2:P393).] Quarantine. Circular letter to United States attorneys upon subject of cattle quarantine law. Oct. 11, 1907. 4P Santa Fe rebate case [report of Attorney-General to President on prose- cution and conviction of Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company for violation of statutes making discriminations in inter- state commerce]. Dec. 31, 1907. 9 p. Same. Dec. 31, 1907. 9 1. Seattle, Wash. Catalogue [of J Department of Justice exhibit, Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, Wash., 1909; also Brief his- torical sketch of Department of Justice, with outline of its organi- zation and functions, by William W. Lemmond. 1909. Sherman anti-trust law and list of decisions relating thereto. 1902. Sherman anti-trust law with amendments and list of decisions there- under or relating thereto. 1904. Same. 1906. 590 Classificatton no. J1.2: Sh5'' Sh5' Sh5« Sp4 J1.3: (nos.) J1.4: (nos.) J1.5: 12 (v. nos.) J1.5«: (v. nos.) J1.5«: (CT) J1.6: 885 Jl. ATTORNEY- aENERAL— Continued General publications — Continued Sherman anti-trust law. Statement, in response to resolution, of all suits instituted by Department of Justice under Sherman anti- trust, interstate commerce, and Elkins laws, etc. [June 29, 1906.1 [4916-526] Sherman anti-trust law. Civil and criminal cases instituted by United States under Sherman antitrust law of July 2, 1890, and act to regulate commerce, approved Feb. 4, 1887, as amended, includ- ing Elkins act. Dec. 2, 1907. Same. Oct. 1, 1908. See, for Federal anti-trust decisions, v. 1, 2, 1890-1906, J1.2:An8^'^ Spirits. Marking and branding spirit casks. Jan. 11, 1908. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Official opinions of Attorneys- General [Under House resolutions of Mar. 23, 1840, and July 24, 1850, were printed certain vol- umes of the Opinions of the Attorneys-General from 1789 down to Feb. 15, 1S51. These volumes do not belong to the regular numbered set of Opinions. Both sets are listed below, the volumes printed under the two resolutions above mentioned being arranged so as to precede the regular volumed edition.] [1] Opinions of Attorneys General of United States, from beginning of Government to Mar. 1, 1841; taken from official documents trans- mitted to Congress. Washington, Blair and Rives, 1841. xi + 3-1495 p. [387-123] [1] Opinions of Attorneys General [1789-Aug. 30, 1838]. v. 1, p. 1-1213. (31st Con^. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 55 [pt. 1]; serial no. 602.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] [2] Same [Sept. 3, 1838-Feb. 15, 1851]. v. 2, p. 1215-2151. ([31st Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 55, pt. 2]; serial no. 603.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same, with index, v. 2, 1215-2151 -}- 194 p. [Not in Congressional set.] [The volumes entered below constitute the regular set of Opinions, covering the period from 1789 to Sept. 1909. The first 16 volumes did not appear in the Con- 908 gressional set.] V. 1 V. 2 V. 3 V. 4 V. 5 V. 6 V. 7 V. 8 V. 9 V. 10 V. 11 V. 12 V. 13 V. 14 V. 15 V. 16 V. 17 V. 18 [2786-237] [2787-238] V. 19 V. 20 V. 21 V. 22 V. 23 V. 24 V. 25 V. 26 V. 27 2788-239] 3331-44] 3697-554 4173-512 4397-717 4553-493 5146-23] 5446-1035] ? -1013] Official opinions parts) Official opinions miscellaneous) of Attorneys- General (separates; of Attorneys- General (separates; Digest of official opinions of Attorneys- General [In addition to the digests listed below, which have been prepared by the Justice Department, there are two others, viz., Andrews', 1857, which is not a Govern- ment publication, and Cadwalader's, 1877, issued by the State Department; see S1.2:At8i>2.] Digest of official opinions of Attorneys-General of United States com- prising all published opinions contained in v. 1-16, 1789-1881; prepared by A. J. Bentley. 1885. [2312-15] Digest of official opinions of Attorneys-General of United States covering V. 17-25^ 1881-1906; by James A. Finch. 1908. 5^ ClMsIfloatlon no. J1.7: (ed. uos.) J1.8: All! A112 All' AH* A115 All« At8 C63 C73 In2i In22 In23 In2* Jl. ATTORNEY-GENERAL— Continued Register of Department of Justice [lat edition.] 1871 2d edition. Aug. 1, 1872 3d edition. Oct. 1, 1873 4th edition. Sept. 1, 1874 5th edition. Sept. 1, 1876 6th edition. July 1, 1883 7th edition. Jan. 1, 1885 [Back-title reads 1884.] 8th edition. Dec. 1, 1886 9th edition. Jan. 1, 1891 10th edition. Jan. 1, 1895 11th edition. Apr. 22, 1897 12th edition. July 20, 1898 13th edition. Oct. 1, 1900 [14th edition.] Sept. 24, 1902 15th edition. Dec. 1, 1904 Same. Dec. 31, 1904 16th edition. Nov. 1, 1906 17th edition. Nov. 14, 1908 Same, Supplement and corrections to 1908 edition. Jan. 15, 1909 18th edition. Sept. 29, 1909 Same. Oct. 11, 1909 Same, Supplement and corrections to 1909 edition. Dec. 1, 1909 Rules, regulations, and instructions See, for Rules and regulations governing paroling of prisoners from United States penitentiaries, State institutions [etc.], J1.15^'-: footnote. Seej for Rules and regulations for government and discipline of United States penitentiaries, J1.16: footnote. Alaska. Compilation of laws of United States applicable to duties of governor, attorney, judge, clerk, marshal, and commissioners of district of Alaska. 1884. Alaska. Rules and regulations for court commissioners and bills of fees for court commissioners and certain others in district of Alaska. 1899. Alaska. Instructions to United States marshals, attorneys, clerks, and commissioners for district of Alaska. Aug. 1, 1900. Alaska. Supplemental instructions to clerks of district court for dis- trict of Alaska. May 1, 1901. Alaska. Amended fee-bills for marshals, and deputy marshals in 2d and3ddivisionsof district of Alaska; effective Oct. 1, 1901. 1901. Alaska. Instructions to United States judges, marshals, attorneys, clerks, and commissioners for district of Alaska; effective Aug. 1, 1902. 1902. Attorneys. Suggestions made by Department of Justice to United States attorneys as to manner, etc., of complying with Attorney- General's instructions relating to transcripts of docket entries in United States cases. [1901.] Coal lands, statutes, regulations, and decisions relating thereto; by Mars- den C. Burch. 1906. Commissioners. Instructions to United States commissioners, not ap- plicable to officials in Alaska, Porto Rico, or Philippine Islands, Apr. 1, 1904. Indian Territory. Instructions to clerks of United States courts in Indian Territory. 1895, Indian Territory. Instructions for United States commissioners in Indian Territory. 1895. Indian Territory, Instructions for United States attorneys in Indian Territory. 1895. Indian Territory. Instructions to United States marshals in Indian Territory. 1895. 592 Classification no. J1.8: ^ M351 M352 M353 M35* M35S P931 P932 T69 J1.9: ' (date) Jl.lO: Jl.ll: (date) Jl. ATTORNEY- GENERAL^— Continued Rules, regulations, and instructions— Continued Marshals. Instructions to United States marshals, attorneys, clerks, and commissioners, as to their duties and rendition of their accounts. 1895. Marshals. Instructions to United States marshals and attorneys as to their duties and rendition of their accounts. July 1, 1896. Marshals. Instructions to United States marshals, attorneys, clerks, and commissioners. Jan, 1, 1899. Same, not applicable to officials in Alaska, Porto Rico, or Philippine Islands. Apr. 1, 1904. Marshals. Instructions to United States marshals relative to prepara- tion and rendition of consolidated accounts and changes in method of keeping official records. Nov. 24, 1906. Prisoners. Compilation of laws relating to United States prisoners, prisons, penitentiaries, jails, etc. July 1, 1899. Same. June 1, 1906. Traveling expenses . Circular, allowances for traveling expenses. July 1, 1898. 4« Reports on bankruptcy matters [1898-1905, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), and 1902-05, issued sepa- rately also. 1906-09, statistical reports only, unsigned, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), and not issued separately.] Liaws of United States, Commission to Revise [Act approved June 4, 1897 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 58) provided ''that the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint three commissioners, whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the Attorney-General, to revise and codify the criminal and penal laws of the United States." The duties" of this commission were extended, by act approved Mar. 3, 1899 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 1116), to include the revision of laws concerning the jurisdiction and practice of the United States courts. By act approved Mar. 3, 1901 (Stat. L. v. 31, p. 1181), Congress further extended the duties of the commission to include the revision of all laws of a permanent and general nature. Congress, by act approved June 30, 1906 (Stat. L. v. 34, pt. 1 , p. 754), directed that the commission should complete its work and make a final report to Congress on or before Dec. 16, 1906. The commission was at first known as Commission to Revise and Codify Criminal and Penal Laws, later, when its duties were enlarged, as Commission to Revise Laws of United States. Although by law the commission made annual reports to the Attorney-General, its final report was to be made directly to Congress, therefore the publications of the commission are classed under Y3., Commissions and boards, rather than J., Justice Department. See, for publications of the commission, Y3.L44:] List of United States judges, attorneys, and marslials [The Public Documents Library has no issues prior to 1893. The Catalogue of library of Justice Department to Sept. 1, 1904 (J4.5:904), p. 1075, mentions similar lists of 1841, 1858, and 1877, and there were probably others which can not be entered here for lack of definite information.] Register of judges, attorneys, and marshals 1893, Aug. 1 List of United States circuit, district, and Territorial judges, attorneys, marshals, etc. 1901, Nov. 15 List of United States judges, attorneys, marshals, etc. 1902, Mar. 6 July 15 List of United States judges, attorneys, and marshals 1903, Mar. 17 1904, Jan. 15 1905, Jan. 1 1906, Feb. 15 May 1 1907, Mar. 15 Nov. 15 1908, June 10 1909, July 1 July 2 593 ClaoHlflcatlon no. J1.12: (date) J1.13: V : ivl(GT) t J1.14: JI.I41: (date) JI.I42: (CT) J1.14:3: (nos.) Jl.li*: (nos.) t J1.14:5: (nos.) Jl. ATTORNEY- GENERALr-Continued Register of office of Attorney- General 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, Nov. 15 Mar. 18 July 1 Jan. 18 July 15 July 20 Feb. 15 Aug. 1 Oct. 1 Mar. 15 July 18 Nov. 1 Mar. 1 July 20 [Discontinued.] Papers in re [The numerous briefs, petitions, etc., printed by the Justice Department are assigned to this class. As no complete file could be seen, and only those of recent years are in the Public Documents Library, no attempt is made to list them.] Investigation Bureau [The chief of the Bureau of Investigation has general supervision, under the direction of the Attorney-General, of the investigation of the offices and records of United States court officers throughout the United States, and directs the work of travel- ing examiners and certain special agents. The Department of Justice organized a small force of special agents of its own because the sundry civil appropriation act, approved May 27, 1908, prohibited the further use by the Department of Justice, 01 the Treasury Department secret service force. The title of the chief in charge is Chief Examiner, who is also authorized to be Chief of the B ureau of Investigation . ] Investigation Bureau, Annual reports [None issued.] Investigation Bureau, General publications [None issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Investigation Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Investigation Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Investigation Bureau, Circular letters 4«> [Confidential. Not listed here.] J2. ATTORNEY- GENERAL, ASSISTANT, FOR COURT OF CLAIMS See, for publications of Court of Claims, Ju3: J2.1: Annual reports (date) 1893-1904, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), and issued separately also. t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Justice Department has since begun several new series of publications. This has necessitated additional classes under Jl., the series titles of which are as follows: J1.15^: Rules and regulations governing paroling of prisoners from United States (date) penitentiaries, State institutions [etc.] (general) Jl.lS^: Rules and regulations governing paroling of prisoners from United States (CT) penitentiaries, State institutions [etc.] (special) J1.16: Rules and regulations for government and discipline of United States peni- (CT) tentiaries J1.16«: Rules and regulations for government and discipline of United States peni- (CT) tentiaries (separates) 82452°— 11 38 594 ciassmcation J2. ATTORNEY- GENERAL, ASSISTANT, FOR COURT OF CLAIMS— Continued J2.1: (date) J2.2: (CT) J2.3: (no8.) J2.4: (no8.) Annual reports— Continued 1905 [Issued separately only.] 1906 [Issued separately only.] 1907, in annual report of Justice Department, 1907, v. 2 (h.l:907^), but not issued separately. 1908 and 1909, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), and issued separately also. General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] ATTORNEY- GENERAL, ASSISTANT, DEPREDATION CLAIMS FOR INDIAN J3.1: (date) J3.2: In7i In72 J3.3: (nos.) J3.4: (nos.) [Office created by act of Mar. 3, 1891.] Annual reports [1891-1909 (except 1905 and 1906), in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), and 1894-96, 1900, 1901, and 1903, issued separately also. 1905 issued separately only. 1906 not issued.] General publications Instructions to field employes in Indian depredation cases. [July 1, 1897.] * Same. [July 1, 1897, reprint 1900.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] J4. LIBRARY J4:.l: (date) J4:.2: Se7 J4.3: (nos.) J4.4: (nos.) J4.5: 863 873 894 Annual reports [1877-1904, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), and not issued separately. 1905-09, no reports, except unsigned statistical tables for 1905-07 in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:).] General publications Session laws. List of session laws, State and Territorial, needed to complete sets of State laws in library of [Justice] Department. 1899. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Catalogues Library of Attomey-General's Office [catalogue; by (Edward C.)? Steadman]. Jan. 1863, * Catalogue of law books of Department of Justice; [by H. A. Klopfer], 1873. Subject-catalogue of library of Department of Justice; by James A. Finch. 1894. 595 Classlfleatlon no. J4.5: 900 904 J4. LIBRARY— f Continued Catalogues — Continued Catalogue of foreign books, in languages other than English, in library of Department of Justice. Oct. 1, 1900. Catalogue of library of Department of Justice to Sept. 1, 1904; by James A. Finch. 1904. J5. SOLICITOR OF TREASURY [Transferred, July 1, 1870, from Treasury Department, by act of June 22, 1870. See, for earlier publications, T44.] J5.1: (date) J5.2: C28 C45 J5.3: (nos.) J6.4: (nos.) J5.5: (date) J6.6: 877 893 Choctaw claim in relation to Choctaw claim Annual reports [See, for reports from 1871 to 1879 and for prior years, T44.1: 1880-1904, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), and issued separately also. Report for 1880, though addressed to Attorney-General, bears on title-page of the pamphlet issued separately the words "to the Secretary of the Treasury." 1905 and 1906, issued separately only. 1907-09, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), and not issued separately.] General publications Catalogue of library of Office of Solicitor of Treasury. 1894. * Letter of Solicitor of Treasury to Secretary of Treasury " . Nov. 14, 1872. 1872. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Digest of opinions 1906, Jan. 1-Dec. 31 1907, Jan. 1-Dec. 31 1908, Jan. 1-Dec. 31 1909, Jan. 1-Dec. 31 Instructions, rules, regulations, etc. See, for Instructions, etc., prior to July 1, 1870, T44.5: Instructions to district attorneys, clerks, and marshals. July 15, 1877. * Instructions of Solicitor of Treasury to district attorneys, clerks of courts, marshals, and collectors of customs of United States. 1893. J6. PENITENTIARY, FORT LEAVENWORTH [Established by act approved Mar. 3, 1895 (Stat. L. v. 28, p. 957), taking effect July 1, 1895. In the first report (J6.1:896), the warden states as follows: "By act of Ck)ngress the Fort Leavenworth Mili- tary Prison was abolished June 30, 1895; the control of the property was transferred from the War Depart- ment to the Department of Justice, and by the same act the United States Penitentiary came into exist- ence July 1, 1895. By operation of law the oflScers and guard of the Military Prison were continued in charge of the Penitentiary until the Attorney-General could appoint and commission civil officials. The transfer from the mihtary officials to the civil officials occurred Sept. 1, 1895. On that date, as warden I took charge of the Penitentiary." See, for publications of Military Prison, W27. and W43.] J6.1: (date) J6.2: (CT) J6.3: (nos.) J6.4:: (nos.) Annual reports [1896-1909 (except 1905 and 1906), in annuril reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:). 1900, issued separately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 596 J7. PORTO RICO, ATTORNEY- GENERAL [OfiBce created under act approved Apr. 12, 1900. Classification See, for historical infonnation, note under W76.i) J7.1: (date) J7.2: (CT) J7.3: (nos.) J7.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1901, year ended Apr. 1, in annual report of governor of Porto Rico, 1901 (810.1:901) and not issued separately. 1901, year ended Sept. 30, in annual report of Justice Department, 1901 (Jl.l:901), and issued separately as [4220-17]. 1902, year ended Aug. 1, in annual report of governor of Porto Rico, 1902 (810.1:902), and not issued separately. 1902, year ended Sept. 30, in annual report of Justice Department, 1902 (Jl. 1:902), and not issued separately. 1903, year ended Sept. 30, in annual report of Justice Department, 1903 (Jl. 1:903), in armual report of governor of Porto Rico, 1903 (810.1:903), and issued separately as [4671-136]. 1904, year ended June 30, in annual report of Justice Department, 1904 (Jl.l:904), in annual report of governor of Porto Rico, 1904 (810.1:904), and issued separately as [4764-64]. 190&-08, years ended June 30, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), in annual reports of governor of Porto Rico (810.1:), and not issued separately. In accordance witli the act of July 15, 1909, the 1909 report was submitted through the governor of Porto Rico to the Secretary of War and appeared in annual report of War Department, 1909 (Wl. 1:909), and in annual report of governor of Porto Rico, 1909 (W75.1:909). Not issued separately.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] (date) J8. NATIONAL. TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS [Established by act of July 25, 1866, under name of House of Correction. This institution developed from the Guardian Society which had been incorporated in 1862. Name changed to Reform School of District of Coliunbia by act of May 6, 1870. By sundry civil appropriation act of May 27, 1908, name was changed to National Training School for Boys. 1866-72, under Interior Department; transferred to Justice Department by act of Mar. 5, 1872. By opera- tion of this act and the act of May 3, 1876, requiring the report of the president of the board of trustees to be made for each fiscal year to the Attorney-General and to be accompanied by the reports of the superin- tendent and treasurer, reports have been made annually to the Justice Department. In accordance with the District of Columbia appropriation act approved Mar. 3 1881, annual reports have also been made to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, in whom certain powers over the school were vested. The regular reports to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia under this act began hi 1883. See, for historical sketch, annual report, 1909, p. 11 (J8.1:909).] J8.1: Annual reports House op Correction 1866 and 1867, in annual reports of Interior Department (1 1.1:). 1868 and 1869 [None issued.] Keform School op District op Columbia 1870 [Issued separately only,] 1871, in annual report of Interior Department, 1871 (1 1.1:871). 1872-1904, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), and usually issued separately also. 1883-1904, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:). The report to the Commissioners differs materially from that addressed to the Attorney-General. in annual report of Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1905 (DCl.l: 905) only. in annual report of Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1906 (DCl.l: 906), though addressed to Attorney-General, and issued separately also. Not in Justice Department report, 1906 (Jl.l: 906). in annual report of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l: 9072), though addressed to the Attorney-General; in annual re- port of Justice Department (Jl.l: 907 2); and issued separately also. 1905, 1906, 1907, 597 ClMsiflcatlon no. J8.1: (date) J8.2: L44 J8.3: (nos.) J8.4:: (nos.) J8. NATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS— Continued Annual reports — Continued National Training School for Boys 1908 and 1909, in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Colum- bia (DCl.l:), though addressed to the Attorney-General; in an- nual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:); and issued separately also. General publications Laws, by-laws, and rules and regulations of Reform-School of District of Columbia, 1873. 1873. 12» Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] J9. REFORM SCHOOL FOR GIRLS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA [The board of trustees of the Reform School for Girls of District of Columbia (or the Girls' Reform School of District of Columbia, by which name the institution seems also to have been called) was created by act approved July 9, 1888. At the time this act of incorporation was passed, no appropriation was made for the establishment of the school. On Feb. 11, 1891, a bill passed the Senate making appropriation for its establishment, but the bill was not passed by the House; and the bill making appropriation for the District of Columbia, 1893, approved July 14, 1892, carried the first appropriation for the school. The Institution was formally opened in Nov. 1893. ^ Since 1894, two reports are made each year, one to the Attorney-General and the other to the Commis- sioners of the District of Columbia. The authority for making a report to the Commissioners seems to have been a general provision in the District appropriation bill approved July 18, 1888, that "hereafter the several institutions included under the heads of asylums, reformatories, industrial schools, and charities, named in the annual appro- priation acts for the support of the District of Columbia, shall report to the Commissioners of the District, on or before the 1st day of December of each year * * * ." The authority for making a report to the Attorney-General is found in the law establishing the school, which states that all sections of the act of May 3, 1876, revising the acts establishing the Reform School of District of Columbia (J8.), are made applicable to the Reform School for Girls of District of Columbia. That act directs that the president of the board of trustees make a report to the Attorney-General each fiscal year, to be accompanied by reports of the superintendent and treasurer. From the beginning, the report of the trustees has been accompanied by the report of the superintendent, but at first there was no treasurer, and appropriations were disbursed through the Commissioners of the District. The report for 1895 recommended the appointment of a treasurer. His appointment was made Oct. 28, 1896, and approved by the Commissioners Dec. 18, 1896, the first report made by him being for the fiscal year 1896. The 1895 report of the trustees also recommended that appropriations be made in the District appropria- tion bills, not under the heading "Charities," but under the heading " Reformatories," the recommenda- tion being made on the ground that the Reform School for Girls was on practically the same footing as the Reform School for Boys, over which the Department of Justice had control. This recommendation was repeated in several successive reports to the Attorney-General. The only material difference (except for age limitation) between the two institutions seems to have been "that while the board of trustees of the Boys' Reform School appoint the officials of the school * * * subject to the approval of the Attomev-General, in the case of the Girls' School the supervisory power is lodged in the Commis- sioners of the District of Columbia and not in the Attorney-General"; see report for 1899 (J9.1:899, p. 5). The result of the recommendation of the trustees was that in the act making appropriations for the Dis- trict, 1901, approved June 6, 1900, the institution was appropriated for under the heading "Reforma- tories" instead of "Charities." Under the act of incorporation, the trustees are appointed by the President of the United States upon the recommendation of the Attorney-General, and the officers of the school are appointed by the trustees, subject to the approval of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. For several successive years ?rior to 1900, the trustees recommended a transfer of authority for tlie appointment of officers, from the ommissioners to the Attorney-General, but so far as known by the Office of the Superintendent of Documents, no change has been made in the method of appointment of school officers. The report for 1904 includes a reiKirt of A. C. Caine, one of the trustees, to the Attorney-General, recom- mending that legislation be passed so as to remove all doubt as to the exclusive authority of the Attorney- General. The superintendent of the school, in her report for 1906, recommends that an appeal be made to Congress for an act changing the name of the institution to the Training School for Girls of District of Columbia. At the time of sending this Checklist to press (Apr. 1911) such change has not been made.] J9.1: Annual reports (date) 1893, 1st report of trustees, probably issued separately, but not in Public Documents Library. Not in Jl.l: 893 nor DCl.l: 893. No report of superintendent for 1893, the Ist superintendent's report being for 1894. 1894-1904, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), and issued separately also. 598 Classification no. J9.1: (date) J9.2: L44 J9.3: (nos.) J9.4: (nos.) J9. REFORM SCHOOL FOR GIRLS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA— Continued Annual reports— Continued 1894-1904 (except 1898 and 1899), in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:). 1905, without reports of superintendent or visiting physician, in annual report of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l: 905), though addressed to Attorney-General, and not issued separately. Not in Jl. 1:905. 1906, in annual report of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l: 906), though addressed to Attorney-General; and issued sepa- rately also. Notin Jl.l:906. 1907 , in annual report of Justice Department (Jl.l:907); and, with omis- sions, in annual report of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l :), though addressed to Attorney-General; and issued sepa- rately also. 1908 and 1909, in annual report of Justice Department (Jl.l :) ; in annual reports of Commissioners of District of Columbia (DCl.l:), though addressed to Attorney-General; and issued separately also. General publications Laws, by-laws, and regulations of Reform School for Girls of District of Columbia. 1902. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued,] JIO. ATTORNEY- GENERAL, ASSISTANT, FOR SPANISH TREATY CLAIMS COMMISSION [The act approved Mar. 2, 1901 (Stat. L. v. 31, p. 878), creating the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, provided for an assistant Attorney-General, who should hold office during the existence of the commis- sion. The commission was organized Apr. 8, 1901 and became extinct May 2, 1910, on which date the office of the Assistant Attorney-General for Spanish Treaty Claims Commission officially expired. Although this Checklist is intended to end with the publications of the calendar year 1909, an exception has been made for the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission and for the Assistant Attorney-General for Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. The final publications issued by them in 1910 have been included in ord&r to make complete the lists of their publications. See, for publications of Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Y3.Sp2:] JlO.l: Annual reports (date) [1901-04 and 1907, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), but not issued separately. No evidence has been found that reports for 1905, 1906, 1908, and 1909 were printed, although for 1905 and 1906 mention of such reports is made by the Attorney- General of the United States in his annual reports for those years (Jl.l :905, 906). See, for final report of Assistant Attorney- General, J10.2:R29 2. See, for reports of Assistant Attorney-General published as documents of S])anisli Treaty Claims Commission, certain entries vmder Y3.Sp22:] J10.2: General puMications [Cases before the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission which were argued as test cases are entered under J10.2: See also notes and entries under J10.5 ^>^:] B32 Bauriedel, Federico. Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Pede- rico Bauriedel v. United States, no. 239; [Government's] petition for rehearing. Mar. 16, 1908. large 8° [See also J10.5 ^ :239.] Citizenship. Brief on law of citizenship; by E. S. Huston. See J10.2: R292. H78 ^ Hormiguero Central Company. Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commis- sion, Hormiguero Central Company v. United States, no. 293; argument of William E. Fuller [Apr. 16, 17, 1906]. [1906.] large S" H782 Hormiguero Central Company. Before Spanish Treaty Claims Com- mission, Hormiguero (Jentral Company v. United States, no. 293; supplemental table of contents 01 record and defendant's supplemental appendix of evidence. Feb. 7, 1906. large 8° 599 Clftsslflcation no. J10.2: H783 H78^ J59 M28 N73' N73 = N73-' N73* R291 R29 = JIO. ATTORNEY-GENERAL., ASSISTANT, FOR SPANISH TREATY CLAIMS COMMISSION— Continued General publications— Continued Hormiguero Central Company. Before Spanish Treaty Claims Com- mission, Hormiguero Central Company v. United States, no. [293]; oral argument of Ilannis Taylor on behalf of Government, Apr. 17, 1906. 1906. large 8" Hormiguero Central Company. Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commis- sion, Hormiguero Central Company v. United States, no. 293; oral argument of Charles F. Jones on behalf of Government, Apr. 18, 19, 1906, final hearing. 1906. large 8« [See also J10.5 ' :293.] Joerg, Teresa. Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Teresa Joerg V. United States [no. 11], and 15 other cases [nos. 16, 22, 25, 119, 120, 185, 214, 225, 254, 295, 310, 341, 388, 418, 490]; oral argu- ment of Charles F. Jones on behalf of Government on demurrer to petitions [May 5, 6, 1902, on nonliability of United States for acts of Cuban insurgents, 1895-98]. [1902.] large 8« [See also J10.2:N73 1.2,4 and J10.5 ' :254.] Maine battleship cases. Argument in support of Government's de- murrer for want of jurisdiction, etc., by Charles W. Russell, Dec. 21, 1901, in Maine [battleship] cases before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. [1901.] large 8° [-SeeaZso J10.5 »:30, 31, 352, 428.] Nonliability. Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, act of Con- gress, Mar. 2, 1901; 1, State of war, within definition of inter- national law, existed de facto in Cuba, Feb. 24, 1895-Apr. 20, 1898; 2, Spain was not, nor is United States under treaty of Dec. 10, 1898, liable for property of American citizens destroyed by Cuban forces during progress of late insurrection; brief of coun- sel for Government on demurrer to petitions of claimants, Mar. 15, 1902 [in nos. 11, 16, 22, 25, 119, 120, 185, 214, 225, 254, 295, 310, 341, 388, 418, 490]. [1902.] large 8° [Cover title reads: Nonliability of United States for acts of Cuban insurgents during insurrection of 1895-98, under treaty of Dec. 10, 1898, between United States and Spain. See also J10.2 :J59 and J10.5 ^ :254.] Nonliability. Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, nonliability of Spain, and of United States under treaty of Dec. 10, 1898, for acts of Cuban insurgents during insurrection, or rather civil war, of 1895-98; reply brief of counsel for Government in support of demurrers filed to petitions of claimants in nos. 11, 16, 22, 25, 119, 120, 185, 214, 225, 254, 295, 310, 341, 388, 418, 490. 1902. large 8° [See also J10.2:J59 and J10.5 1:254.] Nonliability. Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, nonliability of Spain, and of United States under treaty of Dec. 10, 1898, for acts of Spain's military forces during insurrection, or rather civil war, of 1895-98 ; brief for Government in support of demurrers filed to petitions of claimants in nos. 38, 43, 127, 275, 291, 313, 376, 379, 417, 495. 1902. large 8« [See also J10.5':38, 379.] Nonliability. Argument in support of Government's demurrer on non- liability of Spain and of United States, under treaty of Dec. 10, 1898, for acts of Cuban insurgents during civil war of 1895-98 [involving nos. 11, 16, 22, 25, 119, 120, 185, 214, 225, 254, 295, 310, 341, 388, 418, 490], by William E. Fuller, May 14, 15, 1902, before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. 1902. large 8° [See also J10.2:J59 and J10.5»:254.] Report. Special report of William E . Fuller, being condensed statement of work done, questions considered, principles laid down, and most important decisions made by Spanish Treaty Claims Commission from organization, Apr. 8, 1901, to Apr. 10, 1907. 1907. Report. Final report of William Wallace Brown, being condensed state- ment of work done, questions considered, most important decis- ions rendered, schedule of claims filed, and awards made by Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Apr. 10, 1907-May 2, 1910. 1910. [Incluaes Brief on law of citizenship; by E. S. Huston.] 600 Classification no. J10.2 T71 T71' J10.3: (nos.) J10.4: (nos.) J10.5 1 : (docket nos.) JIO. ATTORNEY- GENERAL, ASSISTANT, FOR SPANISH TREATY CLAIMS COMMISSION— Continued General publications— Continued Treaty of 1795. Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, upon order of commission directing further argument of construction and application, in cases now before commission, of treaty of 1795 [con- cluded between United States and Spain]; extracts from oral argument by Charles B. Witmer, Jan. 29, 30, 1903. 1903. large 8° Treaty of 1795. Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, brief by counsel for Government in response to request of commission for further argument of question of construction and application, in cases now before commission, of treaty of 1795 [concluded between United States and Si)ain] and protocol of 1877 ; [and] Brief by coun- sel for Government in reply to question whether reconcentration orders were legitimate acts of war, and what results therefrom, or from other military orders, made Spain liable for damages to citizens of United States, Jan. 28, 1903. 1903. large 8° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Statements of facts, and briefs large 8° [The following list represents the greater number of printed Government briefs before the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Many of the missing numbers are accounted for by the fact that many claims were grouped under one head and argued together. The "Maine cases,"'for instance, numbering 152, were covered by 4 printed briefs.' The "Maine," and other test cases are entered under General publications ( J10.2:).] Same; supplemental brief 167 171 196 Same; Government's reply brief 199, 210 203 207 210 217 222 239 248 250 254 257 258 261,262 262 iS'ee261. 265 269 272 Same; supplemental brief 278, 279, 222 279 See27S. 280-285 287 293 328 352 379 385 387, 2 6 26 27 28 29 30 See also no. 2 :M2S. Same; argument of W. E. Fuller 31, 428; brief of counsel for Government to petition of claimants * * See also no. 2 :M2S. 144a, 144b, 145 Seealson0.2:ms^. 30, 31 33 38 65 66 69 81 88 91 97 111 113 116 124 130 133 139 See 199. See 278. See also no. 2 :BS2. See 387. See also no. 2:3 59, N7S^> See 88. 257 Same 141 144a, 144b See 33. 145 Seeds. 153 answer for defendant See also n0.2:m8^-*. * See also no. 2 ■M2S. See also n0.2:m3^. 250 410j 411 601 Classitlcatlon no. JIO. ATTORNEY-GENERAL, ASSISTANT, FOR SPANISH TREATY CLAIMS COMMISSION— Continued JIO.5^: I Statements of facts, and briefs— (>)ntinued (docket I 411 See 410. 476 nos.) ■ 428 * See also .T10.2:M2S and J10.5i:30^ 468a 4* 468b • 470 473, 487 Same; answer for defendant 475, 477 J10.6 2: (v. nos.) Same; supplemental brief 477 See 475. 478 479, 482 482 See 479. 484 487 See 473. 528 Jll.l: (date) J11.2: W57 J1I.2«: (CT) J11.3: (no8.) Jll.d: (nos.) Briefs (bound volumes) [ A few seta have been bound up, including the briefs of the claimants, which are not Government publications, and the briefs of the Government, which are classed under JlO.oi;, making 23 v. in all. These sets were for the members of theSpan- ish Treaty Claims Commission, the Department of State, the Department of Jus- tice, and the Library of Congress, v. 1-23 are not listed in this Checklist. V. 24, listed below, was printed for the Department of Justice as " v. 24, to accompany the 23 bound volumes of briefs."] V. 24 Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, v. 24, table of cases, index- digest of briefs, awards, etc. Apr. 1910. Jll. SOLICITOR-GENERAL [Office created by act of June 22, 1870.1 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications [Briefs and arguments of the Solicitor-General are classed under J1.13:] WTiisky. Proceedings before and by direction of President concerning meaning of term whisky, containing 1, order of President, 2, evidence and arguments before Solicitor-General, 3, report of Solicitor-General, 4, exceptions to report of Solicitor-General, 5, hearing before President upon exceptions. 1909. General publications (separates) [Report of Solicitor-General to President upon certain questions concerning meaning of term, whisky, has been issued separately.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars , . [None issued.] J12. ATTORNEY- GENERAL, ASSISTANT, FOR CUSTOMS MATTERS t t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909, since which time a new office has been established in the Justice Department. This has necessi- tated new classes under J., the heading and series titles of which are as follows: J12. Attorney-General, Assistant, for Customs Matters [Office established under act of Aug. 5, 1909 (Stat. L. v. ?(5, pt. 1 , p. 108). The organic act establishing this oflBce abolished the former positions of solicitor of custon>s and assistant solicitors of customs. The Assistant Attorney-General for Customs Matters represents the United States Government before the Supreme Court, Court of Customs Appeals, Circuit Courts of Appeals, circuit and district courts, and the Board of General Appraisers.] J12.1: Annual reports [None issued prior to 1910.1 General publications (date) J12.2: (CT) J12.3: (nos.) J12.4: (nos.) Bulletins Circulars 602 J13. PENITENTIARY, McNEIL ISLAND [Under act approved Jan. 22, 1867 (Stat. L. v. 14, p. 377) , provision was made for erection of a United States penitentiary m Washington Territory, the amount to be expended for this purp< se beiag limited to $20,000. It was located on McNeil Island, Wash. The act approved Feb. 22. 1873 (Stat L. v 17 p 475) authorised an increased sum of $20,000, and in 1874 an additional appropriation of about $7,000 was made No further appropriations were specifically made for this penitentiary up to 1897, its expenses being defrayed from the general appropriations for support of United States prisoners. There have since been several specific appropriations, the most notable of which is the sundry civil act approved Mar 3 1903 (Stat. L V. 32, pt. 1, p. 1144), which appropriated $30,000 for construction of additional buildings', prison wall, and wharf. ^ ' The organic act provided that the erection of the building should be under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. The Penitentiary has been from the first a Federal institution, under the management and control of the Attorney-General.] Classification no. J13.1: (date) J13.2: (CT) J13.3: (nos.) J13.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1908 and 1909, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:), but not issued rately. No reports printed prior to 1908.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Ju. JUDICIARY Jul. CIRCUIT COURTS [Publications not issued by the Government, and no provision made for purchase or distribution of copies.] Ju2. CIRCUIT COURTS OF APPEALS [Publications not issued by the Government, and no provision made for purchase or distribution of copies.] Ju3. COURT OF CLAIMS [Prior to 1855, all claims of citizens against the Government were laid before Congress and referred to a Committee on Claims in the Senate or House. The inability of these committees to examine fully aU the claims submitted, and the difficulty of getting Congress to appropriate money for the payment of such claims as were favorably reported, amounted often to a denial of justice. By an act approved Feb. 25, 1855, a court for the hearing of private claims was established. It was, however, required to submit its findings, with briefs and testimony, to Congress, where they were referred to committees as before, and the resulting delay and injustice were but little mitigated. On Mar. 3, 1863, an amendatory act was Sassed making the Court of Claims really a court, its findings no longer subject to review by Congress, ut providing for an appeal to the Supreme Court. See, for History, jurisdiction, and practice of Court of Claims, to 1885, Ju3.2:H622.] Ju3.1: (date) Ju3.2 Am5 Am52 012^ Annual reports See, for annual reports of Assistant Attorney-General for Court of Claimst)n business of Justice Departmentin Courtof Claims, J2.1: See, for annual statements of Judgments rendered by Court of Claims, prepared by clerk of court, Ju3.6: See, for annual volumes of Reports of cases decided, Ju3.9: General publications Amity of Indian tribes. List of principal decisions of Court of Claims on question of amity of Indian tribes, under act of Mar. 3, 1891. June IG, 1898. [Title on cover is Amity decisions.] Amity of Indian tribes. Amity decisions, 1904. Calendar of cases which may be dismissed for non-prosecution under rule 74. 1901. 603 Clssslflratloii no. Ju3.2: 012" C123 D29 D56' D562 Ea7 H62' H622 T21 W45 Ju3.3: (nos.) Ju3.4: (nos.) Ju3.5: (date) Ju3. COURT OF CLAIMS— Continued G-eneral publications— Continued Calendar of cases for dismissal under rule 93, Dec. term, 1905. 1906. Calendar of cases for dismissal under decision of Supreme Court ren- dered May 27, 1907, in case of United States v. Heinszen & Com- pany, and notice of assistant Attorney-General of presentation to court of motions for dismissal, Dec, term, 1907. 1908. Davis, John. John Davis, judge of Court of Claims, died May 5, 1902, proceedings of bench and bar. [1902.] large 8° Digest of Court of Claims reports Mar. 1863-Dec. 1875 [v. 1-10], and of appealed cases in Supreme Court [with rules of court, laws relat- ing to court, etc.]; by Charles C. Nott and Archibald Hopkins. 1876. [See, for Reports of cases decided, Ju3.9: and for General index to v. 1-29, Ju3.11i:D35.] Digest of claims referred by Congress to Court of Claims, 48th-5l8t Con- gress; by J. B. Holloway. 1891. Earle, William E. Proceedings of bench and bar of Court of Claims, June 13, 1895, relative to recent death of members of bar, William E. Earle, Saul S. Henkle, Robert B. Lines, George L. Clark, William J. Rannells. 1895. History, jurisdiction and practice of Court of Claims; by William A. Richardson. 1882. * [From Southern law review, St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 1882. Government Printing Ofl&ce edition of 1882 is also bound in Court of Claims Reports, v. 17 (Ju3.9:17).] Same. 2d edition. June, 1885. Reports. Statement of reports of Coiu-t of Claims made to House of Representatives, 34th and 35th Congresses. See [1038-4]. Same, continued, with title. Statement of decisions of Court of Claims, made since 35th Congress, and reported on Jan. 11 [1860] to Senate. See [1038-5]. Taylor, Stark B. Testimonial by bench and bar of Court of Claims to Stark B . Taylor in commemoration of his 50th anniversary as bailiff of Court [of Claims], May 15, 1905. 1905. large 8« Weldon, Lawrence. [Proceedings of meeting of members of bar of Court of Claims to take action upon death of Judge] Lawrence Weldon, 1829-1905. [1905.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Calendar of cases ready for trial or hearing See, for calendars of cases for dismissal, Ju3.2:C12 '-^. 1895, Oct. 1904, Dec. Dec. 1905, Dec. Same, Law calendar, re- 1906, Dec. vised and continued 1907, Apr., Additional calendar 1896, Feb. Apr. Oct. Dec. 1897, Feb. May Dec. 1898, Dec. 1899, Dec. 1900, Dec. 1901, Dec. 1902, Dec. 1903, Dec. Oct. Dec 1908, Feb! Mar. Apr. May Oct. Dec. 1909, Jan. Feb. Mar. and Apr. Oct. Dec. 604 Classification no. Ju3.6: (date) Jti3.7: F881 F882 F883 F88'' G74 Ju3.8: (CT) Ju3.9: (inclusive dates of term of court) later (v. nos.) Ju3. COURT OF CLAIMS— Continued Judgments rendered by Court of Claims [Of the statements of judgments rendered as Library has bureau editions from 1892 to They were probably issued in bureau form 1856-Feb. 3, 1859 [1038-4] 1859, Dec. [1038-5] 1860 ] 1861 \ [None issued?] 1862 J 1863-1867 [1312-50] 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1385-4 1408-2 1442-6' 1481-5' 1546-5 1584-7" 1653-17] 1665-4] 1722-4' [1785-4' 1833-7' 1890-4 1944-5' 2115-5 '2118-25] '2170-5] 2265-1 2342-6 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 listed below, the Public Documents 1909 (except 1897 and 1908, missing). prior to 1892.] [2450-3] 2516-4] 2614-14] 2760-9] 2869-11] None issued?] f oblong 8 oblong 8' oblong 8'' oblong 8° [3467-11] * [3590-121 3725-151 '3844-9] 4134-27 4322-26 4417-12 4670-43 4829-53 4984-24 5150-31 5376-37 • [5558-1070] [5835-191] 3110-13] 3167-5] 3281-14] 3347-8] Opinions French spoliation cases, questions of court and counsel answered by B. Wilson; specimen cases showing appeals to Court of Cassation. [1886.] French spoliations, opinions of Court [of Claims] delivered May 17 and 24, 1886, by John Davis. 1886. French spoliations, concluding argument on motion to reargue; by B. Wilson. Dec. 1886. French spoliation claims, opinions of Court [of Claims]. [1896.] Government Printing Office. William W. Taylor v. United States [rela- tive to leaves of absence to employees in Government Printing Office]; decided Dec. 7, 1903. [1903.] Papers In re [The numerous petitions, etc., printed by the Court of Claims are assigned to this class. As no complete file could be seen, and only those of recent years are in the Public Documents Library, no attempt is made to list them.] [Reports of] cases decided [From 1855 to 1863 the reports of the Court of Claims were published as Congressional documents, but in a* series by themselves entitled " Reports from the Court of Claims." Eighteen such volumes were issued, the larger part of the last volume, however, being made up of reports of House committees. In 1867 the Court began the publication of its reports, and they have since appeared in annual volumes, though with some irregularity in dates.] Reports to House of Representatives 1855-56, V. 1, nos. 1-26 [871] Same, v. 2, nos. 27-41 [872] 1856-57, nos. 43-81 [915] 1857-58, V. 1, nos. 82-126 [970] [No. 42 never received by House.] t The statement of judgments rendered during 1891 does not appear in the Congres- sional set as usual, and the clerk of the Court of Claims is unable to furnish information concerning it. 605 ClasHlflratlon no. Ju3.9: (inclusive dates of term of court) later (v. DOS.) Ju3.10! 874 879 885 887 892 895 899 Jti3. COURT OP CLAIMS— Continued [Reports of] cases decided— Continued Reports to House of Representatives — Continued Same, v. 2, nos. 127-151 [971] Same, v. 3, nos. 152-175 [972] 1858-59, nos. 176-198 [1021] 1859-60, v. 1, nos. 199-208 [1072] Same, v. 2, nos. 209-225 [1073] Same, v. 3, no. 226 [1074] Same, v. 4, nos. 227-240 [1075] Same, v. 5, nos. 241-255 [1076] 1860-61, V. 1, nos. 256-258 [1108] Same, v. 2, nos. 259-269 [1109] Same, v. 3, nos. 270-276 [1110] 1861-62, v. 1, nos. 277-290 [1146] Same, v. 2, nos. 291-293 [1147] 1862, nos. 294-296 [1173] [Reports of] cases decided [Back title reads: Court of Claims reports. Cited as "C. Cls. R." See, for Digest of Court of Claims reports, Mar. 18G3-Dec. 1875 [v. 1-10], Ju3.2:D56» See, for General index of Court of Claims decisions, v. 1-29, Ju3.11>:D35.] v. 1, 1863, 1864, and 1865 V. 24, 1888-89 v. 2, 1866-67 V. 25, 1889-90 v. 3,1867-68 V. 26, 1890-91 V. 4,1868-69 V. 27, 1891-92 v. 5,1869-70 V. 28, 1892-93 V. 6,1870-71 V. 29, 1893-94 V. 7,1871-72 V. 30, 1894-95 V. 8,1872-73 V. 31, 1895-96 V. 9, 1873-74 V. 32, 1896-97 V. 10, 1874-75 V. 33, 1897-98 V. 11, 1875-76 V. 34, 1898-99 V. 12, 1876-77 V. 35, 1899-1900 V. 13, 1877-78 V. 36, 1900-01 V. 14, 1878-79 V. 37, 1901-02 V. 15, 1879-80 V. 38, 1902-03 V. 16, 1880-81 V. 39, 1903-04 V. 17, 1881-82 V. 40, 1904-05 V. 18, 1882-83 V. 41, 1905-06 V. 19, 1883-84 V. 42, 1906-07 V. 20, 1884-85 V. 43, 1907-08 V. 21, 1885-86 V. 44, 1908^)9 V. 22, 1886-87 V. 45, 1909-10 V. 23, 1887-88 Rules Rules of Court of Claims. 1874. * Rules of Court of Claims to take effect July 1, 1879, with laws applicable to court. 1879. Rules of Court of Claims adopted June 1, 1885, and statutes applicable to same. 1885. [Appears also in Court of Claims Reports, v. 20 (Ju3.9:20).] Rules of Court of Claims. 1887. * Same. 1892. * Rules of Court of Claims adopted Jan. 7, 1895, and of Supreme Court relating to appeals [from Court of Claims]. 1895. Rules in regard to claims for naval boimty under sec. 4635 of Revised statutes. [1899.] I 606 Classification no. Ju3.10: 8992 900 903 907 908 JuS.ll^: D35 JuS.ll^: 902-903 903-904 904-905 905-906 906-907 907-908 908-909 900-902 906-907 907-909 Jii3.ll*: 58 3-601 602-612 Ju3.11^: 60^ 60 2-61 1 612 Ju3. COURT OF CLAIMS— Continued Rules— Continued Rules of Court of Claims adopted Jan. 7, 1895, Jan. 17, 1898, and June 12, 1899, and of Supreme Court relating to appeals [from Court of Claims]. 1899. Rules of Court of Claims and of Supreme Comrt relating to appeals [from Court of Claims]. 1900. Same. 1903. Rules of Court of Claims, and rules of Supreme Court relating to appeals from Court of Claims. 1907. Same. 1908. Indexes (general) See, for Digest of Court of Claims reports. Mar. 1863-Dec. 1875 [v. 1- 10], Ju3.2:D56^ Decisions. General index of Court of Claims decisions, v. 1-29; [by Lawrence Weldon]. 1896. [Also in Court of Claims reports, v. 30(Ju3.9:30).] [Index to] printed records [miscellaneous cases] [The set to which these publications are indexes is prepared exclusively for the use of the Court of Claims, and is not in the Public Documents Library.] Printed records, index [term 1902-3, miscellaneous cases]. [1903.] Same [term 1903-4]. * Same [term 1904-5]. Same [term 1905-6]. Same [term 1906-7]. Same [term 1907-8]. Same [term 1908-9]. [1907.] * [1909.] [Index to] printed records, French spoliation cases [Other indexes of this series are not in the Public Documents Library.] Printed records, index [terms 1900-02], French spoliations cases [nos. 256-435]. [1902.] Same [term 1906-07], French spoliation cases [nos. 527-607]. [1907.] Same [terms 1907-09], French spoliation cases [nos. 608-673]. [1910.] [Index to] reports of Court of Claims In French, spoliation cases [The set to which these publcations are indexes is prepared exclusively for the use of the Court of Claims, and is not in the Public Documents Library.] Reports of Court of Claims in French spoliation cases to 58th Congress, 3d session, 59th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, and 60th Congress, 1st session, index. [1908.] Same to 60th Congress, 2d session, 6l8t Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, index. [1910.] [Index to] reports of Court of Claims In Con- gressional cases [The set to which these publications are indexes is prepared exclusively for the use of the Court of Claims, and is not in the Public Documents Library.] Reports of Coiu-t of Claims in Congressional cases to 60th Congress, 1st session, index. [1908.] Same to 60th Congress, 2d session, and 61st Congress, 1st session, index. [1909.] Same to 6l8t Congress, 2d session, index. [1910.] Ju4. DISTRICT COURTS [Publications not issued by the Government, and no provision made for purchase or distribution of copies.) 607 Ju6. COURT OF PRIVATE LAND CLAIMS [Created by aot of March 3, 1891. Its oOlcial existence begaa July 1, 1891, and ceased June 30, 1904.] CUsslflcatlon no. JuS.l: (date) Ju5.2: Sp2 Jii5.3: (nos.) Ju5.4 : (nos.) Annual reports [1892-1904, in annual reports of Justice Department (Jl.l:).] General publications Spanish and Mexican land laws, New Spain and Mexico; [compiled by Matthew G. Reynolds]. St. Louis, Mo., Buxton and Skinner Stationery Co., 1895. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Ju6. SUPREME COURT [The publications of the Supreme Court are not issued by the Government but are printed for the court by private publishers. Bv an annual enactment in the sundry civil appropriation act, the printing for the Supreme Court "shall be done by the printer it may employ, unlessit shall otherwise order" (Stat. L. v. 35, pt. 1, p. 384). Certain of the Supreme Court publications, i. e., United States reports, are purchased imder authority of Congress and are distributed by the Government to those authorized by law to receive them. Such publications are virtually Government pubUcations and are listed under Jub.S:] Ju6.1: (date) Ju6.2: G79 In7^ In72 J13 M43 Ju6.3: (nos.) Ju6.4: (nos.) Ju6.5: (date) Annual reports [None issued. See, for synopsis of the business of the Supreme Court for each year, the remarks of the Attorney-General in annual report of Justice Department (Jl.l:).] General publications Gray, Horace. In memoriam, Horace Gray. [1903.] large 8° Insular cases, comprising records, briefs, and arguments of counsel in insular cases of Oct. term, 1900, in Supreme Court, including appendices thereto; by Albert H. Howe. 1901. [4171-509] Instructions as to applications for writs of certiorari under act of Mar. 3, 1891. 1907. Jackson, Howell Edmunds. In memoriam, Howell Edmunds Jackson. [1895.] large 8° Matthews, Stanley. Proceedings of bench and bar of Supreme Court of United States in memoriam, Stanley Matthews. 1889. large 8° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Journal [The Public Documents Library has no information concerning the Journal of the Supreme Coiurt prior to the latter part of the Oct. term, 1889, i. e., prior to Mar. 3, 1890, when the Journal in its present form was started. Since Mar. 3, 1890, it has been issued in slip form for each day when the Supreme Court was in session. At the end of each term a few copies of the proceedings for that term have been bound for use of the court, but not for general distribu- tion. Not listed here.] Opinions Ju6.6: (CT) Ju6.7: Papers in re [The opinions in the various cases are printed, but as no complete file could be con- sulted, no attempt is made to list them here.J (CT) [The numerous transcripts of record, etc., printed by the Supreme Court are assigned to this class. As no coniplete file could l)e consulted, and only those of recent years are in the Public Documents Library, no attempt is made to list them here.] 608 Classification no. J116.8 ' : (v. DOS.) Ju6. SUPREME COURT— Continued United States reports (official set) [The reports of cases adjudged in the United States Supreme Court are not published by the Government as public documents, but are a perquisite of the reporter of the court, who issues them through a private publishing house. lie is required by law to supply the Government with 300 copies without charge, and copies above 300 in number he is required to sell to the Government at S2 a volume and to the public for a price not exceeding ?5 a volume. The Supreme Court reports which are procured for the Government are distributed by the Interior Department to certain officials specified by law. Sec. 683, Revised statutes, provides for the distribution of the 300 copies. This section was amended by act of Feb, 12, 1889 (Stat, L. v. 25, p. GGl), which provided for the purchase of 76 additional sets for distribution to circuit and district courts. This act also repealed so much of sec. 386, Revised statutes, as charged the Department of Justice with distribution of Supreme Court reports. Sec. 683, Revised statutes, was further amended by act of July 1, 1902 (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 630), for further distribution of reports of Supreme Court. By this act provision was made for the purchase of 104 more sets of the reports proper and also for the purchase of certain digests to v. 1-186 of the official set; see, for further information as to digests, note under Ju6.8 2; The Interior Department distributes more than the 480 sets provided for by the acts above referred to. The mailing list is constantly changing, owing to the fact that by law the Department is required to distribute them to all places in the United States where courts are held. An act of Mar. 4, 1907 (Stat. L. v. 34, pt. 1, p. 1387), mentions 676 copies, a nimiber which presimiably is sufficient to meet the requirements of law. If more copies are required they may be secured by the Department through the contingent fund. An official set of these reports from the beginning is made up as follows: Reporter Dallas Cranch Wheaton Peters Howard Black Wallace U. S, reports Vols. 12 16 24 2 23 91-218 How cited Dal. Cr. Wh. Pet. How. Black. Wal. U.S. 1- 4 U.S. 5- 13 U. S. 14- 25 U. S. 26- 41 U. S. 42- 65 U. S. 66- 67 U. S. 68- 90 U. S. 91-218 U. S. Period cov- ered 1790-1800 1801-1815 1816-1827 1828-1842 1843-1860 1861-1862 1863-1874 1875-1909 In addition to the list as given above, a 17th volume of Peters was issued, but as it duplicates Howard's 1st volume, it is not counted in the total number of volumes preceding the series entitled United States reports, which began in 1875 with V, 91, the latest volume included in this Checklist being v. 218, for the Oct. 1909 term. The fu-st 206 volumes of the official set are conveniently listed on p. 371-380 of Catalogue of librap" of Senate, 1908 (Y1.3:C28 s). It is impracticable, well-nigh impossible, to attempt to give complete bibliograph- ical information concerning every edition of each volume, as it is not likely that any set comprising a uniform edition could be consulted, much less full sets of each distinct edition. These conditions are the result of the laws gov- erning the printing and distribution of Supreme Court reports, among which is a law which provides that incomplete sets shall be filled by any reprints of the missing volumes (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 630). Under existing circum- stances, the entries in this Checklist are confined to the copies in the Public Doctunents Library, some of which are original editions and others later edi- tions or reprints thereof. Whereas there is only this one official set of these reports, there are many unofficial sets, which are not listed in this Checklist, because they can not be considered United States public documents in the broadest acceptation of that term, since the United States Goveriunent is not authorized to provide copies for" all of the courts of the United States. See, for information as to unofficial reports. Cata- logue of library of Department of Justice, to Sept. 1, 1904, p. 641 (J4.5:904).] [1] Reports of cases ruled and adjudged in courts of Pennsylvania before and since the Revolution [1754-89], by Alexander] J. Dallas; edited with notes and references to later decisions by Frederick C. Brightly. 4th edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 1. [2] Reports of cases ruled and adjudged in courts of United States and of Pennsylvania, held at seat of Federal Government [1781-93], by A[lexander] J. Dallas; edited with notes and references to later decisions by Frederick C. Brightly. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 2. [3] Same [1794-99]. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v, 3, [4] Same [1799-1806], 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903, v. 4. 609 ClasslfleatloB no. Ju6.8 1 1 (v. no8.) Ju6. SUPREME COURT— Continued United States reports (official sot) — Continued i [5] Reports of cascB argued and adjudged in Supreme Court, Aug. and Dec. terms, 1801 and Feb. term, 1803, by William Cranch; edited with notes and references to later decisions by Frederick C. Brightly. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 1. [6] Same, Feb. term, 1804 and Feb. term, 1805. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 2. [7] Same, Feb. term, 1805 and Feb. term, 1806. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 3. [8] Same, years 1807 and 1808. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 4. [9] Same, Feb. term, 1809. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 5. [10] Same, Feb. term, 1810. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 6. [11] Same, Feb. term, 1812 and Feb. term, 1813. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 7. [12] Same, Feb. term, 1814. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 8. [13] Same, Feb. term, 1815. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 9. [14] Reports of cases argued and adjudged in Supreme Court, Feb. term, 1816, by Henry Wheaton; edited with notes and references to later decisions by Frederick C. Brightly. 4th edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 1. [15] Same, Feb. term, 1817. 4th edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 2. [16] Same, Feb. term, 1818. 4th edition. New York, 1902. v. 3. [17] Same, Feb. term, 1819. 4th edition. New York, 1902. v. 4. [18] Same, Feb. term, 1820. 4th edition. New York, 1902. v. 5. [19] Same, Feb. term, 1821. 4th edition. New York, 1902. v. 6. [20] Same, Feb. term, 1822 [without notes], published by R. Donaldson, C. S. V. 7, large 8*» Same, Feb. term, 1822 [with Brightly 's notes]. 4th edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 7. [21] Same, Feb. term, 1823. 4th edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., Banks Law Publishing Co., Banks Law Publishing Co., Banks Law Publishing Co., Banks Law Publishing Co., [1st edition.] New- York, Van Winkle, printer, 1822. New York, 1902. v. [22] Same, Feb. term, 1824. New York, 1902. v. [23] Same, Feb. term, 1825. New York, 1902. v. [24] Same, Feb. term, 1826. New York, 1902. v. Banks Law Publishing Co., Banks Law Publishing Co., Banks Law Publishing Co., 82452* 4th edition. 9. 4th edition. 10. 4th edition. 11. [25] Same, Jan. term, 1827 [without notes]. [1st edition.] New- York, published by R. Donaldson, Clayton & Van Norden, printers, 1827. V. 12, large 8^ Same, Jan. term, 1827 [with Brightly 's notes]. 4th edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 12. [26] Reports of cases argued and adjudged in Supreme Court, Jan. term, 1828, by Richard Peters [without notes]. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1846. v. 1. —11 39 610 Classification no. (v. nos.) Ju6. SUPREME COURT— Continued United States reports (official set)— Continued Same, Jan. tenn, 1828, by Richard Peters; edited with notes and ref- erences to later decisions by Frederick C. Brightly. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 1. [27] Same, Jan. term, 1829 [without notes]. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1840. v. 2. Same, Jan. term, 1829 [with Brightly's notes]. 3d edition. New York, Banks & Brothers, Albany, 1883. v. 2. [28] Same, Jan. term, 1830 [without notes]. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1840. v. 3. Same, Jan. term, 1830 [with Brightly's notes]. 3d edition. New^ York, Banks & Brothers, Albany, 1883. v. 3. [29] Same, Jan. term, 1830 [without notes]. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1844. v. 4. Same, Jan. term, 1830 [with Brightly's notes]. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 4. [30] Same, Jan. term, 1831. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Com- pany, New York, 1903. v. 5. [31] Same, Jan. term, 1832 [without notes]. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1845. v. 6. Same, Jan. term, 1832 [with Brightly's notes]. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 6. [32] Same, Jan. term, 1833 [without notes]. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1844. v. 7. Same, Jan. term, 1833 [with Brightly's notes]. 3d edition. New York, Banks & Brothers, Albany, 1884. v. 7. [33] Same, Jan. term, 1834. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Com- pany, New York, 1899. v. 8. [34] Same, Jan. term, 1835 [without notes]. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1846. v. 9. Same, Jan. term, 1835 [with Brightly's notes]. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 9. [35] Same, Jan. term, 1836. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Com- pany, New York, 1903. v. 10. [36] Same, Jan. term, 1837. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Com- pany, New York, 1903. v. 11. [37] Same, Jan. term, 1838 [without notes]. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1845. v. 12. Same, Jan. term, 1838 [with Brightly's notes]. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 12. [38] Same, Jan. term, 1839 [without notes]. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1846. v. 13. Same, Jan. term, 1839 [with Brightly's notes]. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 13. [39] Same, Jan. term, 1840. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Com- pany, New York, 1903. v. 14. [40] Same, Jan. term, 1841 [without notes]. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1846. v. 15. Same, Jan. term, 1841 [with Brightly's notes]. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 15. [41] Same, Jan. term, 1842 [without notes]. Boston, Charles C. Little & James Brown, 1842. v. 16. Same, Jan. term, 1842 [with Brightly's notes]. 3d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 16. [42] Reports of cases argued and adjudged in Supreme Court, Jan. term, 1843, by Benjamin C. Howard; edited with notes and references to later decisions by Stewart Rapalje. 2d edition. New York, Banks & Brothers, Albany, 1883. v. 1. 611 ClasHiflcfttloB no. Ju6.8': I (v. no8.) Ju6. SUPUEME COURT— Continued United States repof ts (official set)— Continued [43] Same, Jan. tenn, 1844. 2d edition. New York, Banks & Brothers, Albany, 1883. v. 2. [44] Same, Jan. term, 1845. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 3. [45] Same, Jan. term, 1846 [without notes]. Boston, Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1846. v. 4. Same, Jan. term, 1846 [with Rapalje's notes]. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 4. [46] Same, Jan. term, 1847. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 5. [47] Same, Jan. term, 1847 [1848]. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 6. [48] Same, Jan. term, 1849. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 7. [49] Same, Jan. term, 1850. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 8. [50] Same, Jan. term, 1850. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 9. [51] Same, Dec. term, 1850. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 10. [52] Same, Dec. term, 1850. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 11. [53] Same, Dec. term, 1851. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 12. [54] Same, Dec. term, 1851. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 13. [55] Same, Dec. term, 1852. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 14. [56] Same, Dec. term, 1853. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishuig Co., New York, 1903. v. 15. [57] Same, Dec. term, 1853. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 16. [58] Same, Dec. terra, 1854. 2d edition. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. v. 17. [The volumes after the 58th do not contain the notes which are included in v. 1-58 o the editions publislied by Banlts & Brothers (later Banks Law Publishing Co.). [59] Same, Dec. term, 1855. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. V. 18. [60] Same, Dec. term, 1856. Washington, D. C, William M. Morrison and Company, 1857. v. 19. Same, Dec. term, 1856. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. V. 19. [61] Same, Dec. term, 1857. Washington, D. C, W. H. & O. H. Mor- rison, 1858. V. 20. Same, Dec. term, 1857. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. V. 20. [62] Same, Dec. term, 1858. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. V. 21. [63] Same, Dec. term, 1859. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. V. 22. [64] Same, Dec. term, 1859. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. V. 23. [65] Same, Dec. term, 1860. Washington, D. C, W. H. & O. H. Mor- rison, 1861. V. 24. Same, Dec. term, 1860. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1899. v. 24. 612 Glasslflcatlon no. Ju6.8i: (v. nos.) Ju6. SUPREME COURT— Continued United States reports (official set)— Continued [66] Reports of cases alrgued and determined in Supreme Court, Dec. term, 1861; by J. S. Black. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 1. [67] Same, Dec. term, 1862. Washington, D. C, W. H. & O. H. Mor- rison, 1863. V. 2. Same, Dec. term, 1862. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. V. 2. [68] Cases argued and adjudged in Supreme Court, Dec. term, 1863; by John William Wallace. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 1. [69] Same, Dec. term, 1864. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. V. 2. [70] Same, Dec. term, 1865. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 3. [71] Same, Dec. term, 1866. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. V. 4. [72] Same, Dec. term, 1866. Washington, D. C, W. H. & O. H. Mor- rison, 1867. V. 5. Same, Dec. term, 1866. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. V. 5. [73] Same, Dec. term, 1867. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. V. 6. [74] Same, Dec. term, 1868. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 7. [75] Same, Dec. terms, 1868 and 1869. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 8. [76] Same, Dec. term, 1869. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. V. 9. [77] Same, Dec. terms, 1869 and 1870. Banks Law Publishing Com- pany, New York, 1903. v. 10. [78] Same, Dec. term, 1870. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 11. [79] Same, Dec. terms, 1870 and 1871. Banks Law Publishing Com- pany, New York, 1899. v. 12. [80] Same, Dec. term, 1871. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. V. 13. [81] Same, Dec. term, 1871. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York [1903?]. v. 14. [82] Same, Dec. term, 1872. Washington, D. C, W. H. & O. H. Mor- rison, 1873. V. 15. Same, Dec. term, 1872. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. V. 15. [83] Same, Dec. term, 1872. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 16. [84] Same, Dec. term, 1872, and Oct. term, 1873. Banks Law Publish- ing Co., New York, 1903. v. 17. [85] Same, Oct. term, 1873. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. V. 18. [86] Same, Oct. term, 1873. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1903. V. 19. [87] Same, Oct. terms, 1873 and 1874. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 20. [88] Same, Oct. term, 1874. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, n. d. v. 21. [89] Same, Oct. term, 1874. Banks Law Publishing Company, New York, 1903. v. 22. 613 ClMslflcatlon no. Ju6.8»: (v. noe.) Ju6. SUPREME COURT— Continued United States reports (official set)— Continued [90] Same, Oct. term, 1874. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. V. 23. [v. 91-107, reported by William Tod Otto; v. lOS-186, reported by John Chandler Bancroft Davis; v. 187-218, reported by Charles Henry Butler.J ggjOct. term . 1875 g^jOct. term, 1876 ggjOct. term, 1877 Q7/0ct. term, 1877 ^lOct. term, 1878 98 99 100 }Oct. term, 1878 J^lOct. term, 1879 ^QglOct. term, 1880 jQgjOct. term, 1881 jQ^lOct. term, 1882 V. 108 'Oct. term, 1882 1883 Oct. term, 1886 tOct. term 109] 110 [Oct. term, 1883 lllj 112] 113 [Oct. term, 1884 114] ,-, JOct. term, 1884 ■^^^lOct. term, 1885 ^J^jOct. term, 1885 TTo/Oct. term, 18851 ^^®\Oct. term, 1886/ Same. 1903 119] 120 121 122 123 124 125 [Oct. term, 1887 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 Oct. term, 1888 Oct. term, 1889 Oct. term, 1890 1886 Oct. term, 1891 Oct. term, 1892 Oct. term, 1893 ,4 JOct. term, 1890 ^^^\Oct. term, 1891 V. 1421 V. 143 V. 144 V. 145 V. 146 V. 147 V. 148 V. 149 V. 150 V. 151 V. 152 V. 153 V. 154 V iciJOct. term, 1893 ^' -^^^iOct. term, 1894 V. 156] V. 157 [Oct. term, 1894 V. 158j „ icq/Oct. term, 1894 ^- -^^^ lOct. term, 1895 V. 160 V. 161 V. 162 V. 163 V. 164 V. 165 V. 166 V. 167 V. 168 V. 169 V. 170 ^r i7i/<^ct- term, 1897 ^' -^^^lOct. term, 1898 V. 172' V. 173 [Oct. term, 1898 V. 174 V. 1751 V. 176 V. 177 V. 178 V. 179 V. 180 V. 181 V. 182 V. 183 V. 184 V. 185 V. 186 V. 1871 V. 188 V. 189 V. 190 V. 191 V. 192 V. 193 V. 194 V. 19 Oct. term, 1895 Oct. term, 1896 Oct. term, 1897 Oct. term, 1899 Oct. term, 1900 Oct. term, 1901 Oct. term, 1902 Oct. term, 1903 JOct. term, 1903 ^Oct. term, 1904 614 Classiflcation no. (v. nos.) JuG.S^: 1.1-175' 1.1-1752 1.1-1753 1.176-202 Ju6. SUPREME COURT— Continued United States reports (official set)— Continued term, 1904 term, 1905 term, 1905 term, 1906 V. 207 V. 208 V. 209 V. 210 V. 2111 V. 212 V. 213 V. 214 V. 215 V. 216 V. 217 V. 218 1 Oct. term, 1907 Oct. term, 1908 Oct. term, 1909 V. 196] V. 197 [Oct. term, 1904 V. 198j V. 2001 V. 201 [Oct. term, 1905 V. 202J ^•203{oct: V. 204] V. 205 [Oct. term, 1906 V. 206j Digests of United States reports (official sets) [Many digests of United States reports have been printed, but only the 4 v. Lawj'-ers' Co-operative Publishing Company digest covering v. 1-206, the Russell and Winslow digest in 4 v. covering v. 1-lSG, and the Butler digest in 1 v. covering V. 187-202, can be considered official sets. The distribution of these two sets of digests covering v. 1-186 was authorized by sec. 4 of act of July 1, 1902 (Stat. L. V. 32, pt. 1, p. C31). Whereas both sets are therefore official, each judge or other officer to whom distribution is made is required to choose one of the 2 sets. The Butler digest for v. 187-202 was authorized by deficiency appropriation act of Mar. 4, 1907 (Stat. L. v. 34, pt. 1, p. 1387), which provided for its purchase from the reporter of the Supreme Court at ^3 a copy. The digests are distributed by law in the same manner and to the same persons as the reports are distributed. The Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Company also published in 1908 a new 6 v. set, covering v. 1-206^ but as there is no authority of law for purchase of copies by the Government, it is not included here. See, for information as to other unofficial digests, Catalogue of library of Department of Justice, to Sept. 1, 1904, p. 641 (J4.5:904); Catalogue of library of Senate, 1908, p. 147 (Y1.3:C28s); Catalogue of law books in Library of Congress, 1869, p. 271 (LC1.5:869 3), etc. Arbitrary numbers are assigned for official compilers or reporters, those numbers being separated by a period from the volume numbers of the United States reports digested, e. g.: 1.1-175 1 = V. 1 of Russell & Winslow's syllabus-digest of 1-175 U. S. 1.1-175 2 = V. 2 of Russell & Winslow's svllabus-digest of 1-175 U. S. 2.155-186= Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Company's digest of 15S-186 U. S. 3.187-202 = Butler's digest of 187-202 U. S.] Russell & Winslow's syllabus-digest of all decisions of Supreme Court of United States from 1 Dallas to 175 United States, with alpha- betical table of cases reported, chronological table of cases cited to each syllabus point, and index-digest by subjects, covering all decisions officially reported, and embracing official syllabus of every case, with catch words added; by William Hepburn Russell and William Beverly Winslow. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1900. v. 1, large 8<» * Same. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1901. v. 2, large 30 * S.ame. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1902. v. 3, large 8<» ^ [v. 3 includes also Alphabetical table of cases in which no opinions were rendered.] Same [supplement covering 176-202 U. S., with index-digest, etc.]. [2d edition.] Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1907. v. 4, large 8"" * [1st edition of v. 4 not in Public Documents Library and no copy of it has been examined; presumably the 1st edition is not a Government publication.] Contents- Alphabetical table of cases in which no opinions were rendered, supplement covering 177-202 [U. S.]. Appendix of subsequent citations in 178-202 U. S., 101-144 Fed., supplemental table of subsequent citations of cases digested in v. 1-3, Russell & Winslow's syllabus-digest. Index-digest of United States Supreme Court reports from 2 Dallas to 202 U. S. and to Russell & Winslow's syllabus-digest of United States Supreme Court reports. Syllabus-digest, United States reports, supplement covering 176-202 [U. S.]. t V. 218 includes also a portion of Oct. term, 1910. f5l5 CUsslflcatlon no. Ju6.8 2: 2.1-118 » 2.1-1182 2.119-154 2.155-186 3.187-202 Ju6.9 871 875 881 884 887 888 891 893 898 1 8982 899 901 Ju6. SUPREME COURT— Continued Digests of United States reports (official sete) — Continued Indexed digest of United States Supreme Court reports from organiza- tion of court in 1789 to Oct. term, 1894, 1-118 U. S. 4th edition [of] V, 1. Prepared and published by lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Co., Rochester, N. Y., 1897. v. 1. [l8t-3d editions of V. 1 are not Government publications.] Contents: Attornevs-General of United States, 17N9-1894 [List of). Clerks of Supreme Court, .17S9-1K94 [List of]. Digest of reports of Supreme Court from organization of court to Oct. term, 188ti [A-M]. Justices, chief [and associate], of Supreme Court, Biographical sketches of. ^jLists] of, 1789-1889. Reporters, official, of decisions of Supreme Court from organization to 1894 [List of]. Same, 1-118 U. S. 4th edition [of] v. 2. Prepared and published by Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Co., Rochester, N. Y., 1897. V. 2. [lst-3d editions of v. 2 are not Government publications.] Contents: Digest of reports of Supreme Court from organization of court to Oct. term, 1886 [N-Z]. Table of cases and their citations [A-Z]. Same, 119-154 U. S. Prepared and published by Lawyers' Co- operative Publishing Co., Rochester, N. Y., 1895. v. 3. [No previous edition of v. 3.] Contents: Digest of reports of Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1886, to Oct. term, 1894 [A-Z]. Table of cases and their citations [A-Z]. Same, supplement, all decisions of Oct. terms, 1894-1901, 155-186 [U. S.]. Prepared and published by Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Company, Rochester, N. Y., 1903. [v. 4;1« • • '^^i Contents: Digest of reports of Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1894, to Oct. term, 1901 [A-Z]. Federal courts, Rules of. Justices, Supreme Court, Succession of. Table of cases [A-Z]. Index digest of opinions delivered and cases decided by Supreme Court during Oct. terms, 1902, 1903, 1904, and 1905, and reported in V. 187-202, United States reports, with table of cases; by Charles Henry Butler. Banks Law Publishing Co., New York, 1906. Rules and orders Rules of Supreme Court of United States, and rules of practice for circuit and district courts of United States in equity and ad- miralty cases; order in reference to appeals from Court of Claims and general orders in bankruptcy. Revised and corrected at Dec. term, 1870. 1871. W General orders in bankruptcy [adopted Apr. 12, 1875]. [1875.] Rules of Supreme Court of United States and rules of practice for circuit and district coiu-ta of United States in equity and admiralty <^a8es, and orders in reference to appeals from Court of Claims. Revised and corrected. 1881. Same, adopted Jan. 7, 1884. [1884.] * Same. [1887.] * Same. [1888.] * Same. [1891.] * Same. 1893. General orders and forms in bankruptcy, adopted and established by Supreme Court of United States, Nov. 28, 1898. 1898. Same [without forms]. 1898. Rules of Supreme Court of United States, adopted Jan. 7, 1884, and rules of practice for circuit and district courts of United States in equity and admiralty cases, and orders in reference to appeals from Court of Claims. 1899. Same. 1901. i 616 Classification no. Ju6. SUPREME COURT— Continued Ju6.9: Rules and orders — Continued 903 904 906 907 909 1 9092 Same. 1903. Same. 1904. Same. 1906. Same. 1907. ,,, ; , .,,j,,;.^ ,,,.) j Same. 1909. Rules for practice and ;pr(ycf^dtii*^'tlttder sec. 25 of act to amend and consolidate acts respecting copyright; approved Mar. 4, 1909, to take effect July 1, 1909. [1909.] Ju7. COURT OF CUSTOMS APPEALS t Ju8. COMMERCE COURT f LA. LABOR DEPARTMENT [A Bureau of Labor was organized in Jan. 1885, under act approved June 27, 1884, as a part of the Interior Department. By act of June 13, 1888, taking effect June 30, 1888, its status was changed to that of an independent bureau, under the title Department of Labor. The publications of both Bureau and Department of Labor are classed here for sake of convenience. Under act approved Feb. 14, 1903, the Department of Labor was transferred to the Commerce and Labor Department July 1, 1903. See, for later publications, C8.] Lal.l: Annual reports (date) [1885-88 (including 1 unnumbered and 4 numbered), the annual reports were made ^ ' by the Labor Bureau and submitted to the Interior Department. The 1888 (4th) report was made by the Labor Department but as the period covered the work of the Labor Bureau, it was submitted to the Interior Department. 1889-1902, the reports were made by the Labor Department and submitted to Congress.] t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909, since which time the Court of Customs Appeals and the Commerce Court have been organized. This has necessitated additional classes under Ju., the headings and series titles of which are as follows: ^tilxiH ; iH.( Ju7. Court of Customs Appeals 'ji.rr ' ? ■. [Established under act of Aug. 5, 1909, but not organized until 1910. See, for Assistant Attorney-General for Customs Matters, J12.] Annual reports Ju7.1: (date) Ju7.2: (CT) Ju7.3: (nos. ) Ju7.4: (nos. ) Ju7.5: (v. nos.) General publications Bulletins Circulars Reports [The decisions included in the Court of Customs Appeals Reports were published in the weekly Treasury decisions (Tl.ll «:) for the corresponding period.] Ju8. Commerce Court [Established under act approved June 18, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 639), effective 2 months after that date. Organized in Dec. 1910.J Ju8.1: (date) Ju8.2: (CT) Ju8.3: (nos.) Ju8.4: (nos.) Ju8.5: (nos.) Annual reports General publications Bulletins Circulars [Opinions] 617 Cl«88lflcatlon no. lial.l: (date) Ijal.2: C49 C79 D63 In2 T68 Iial.3: (v. nos.) Ija. liABOR DEPARTMENT— Continued Annual reports— Continued 1885, fiscal year, unnumbered, in annual report of Interior Department, 1885 (1 1.1:885^), p. 653, and issued separately abo. 1886, Mar., let, in annual report of Interior Department, 1885 (1 1.1: 885*), and issued separately also. 1886, fiscal year, 2d, in annual report of Interior Department, 1886 (1 1.1: 886*), and issued separately also, 1887, 3d, in annual report of Interior Department, 1887 (Il.l:887«), and issued separately also. 1888, 4th, in annual report of Interior Department, 1888 (11.1:888 «), and issued separately also. 1889, 5th [2751-336] 1890, 6th [2867-265] Same. Revised edition. [Not in Congressional set.] 1891, 7th, V. 1 [2958 ^-232] Same, v. 2 [29582-232] 1892,8th [3060-65] 1893, 9th [3227-209] 1894, 10th, V. 1 [3431-339] Same, v. 2 [3432-339] 1895-96, 11th [3545-341] 1897, 12th [3696-564] 1898, 13th, V. 1 [3827-301] Same, v. 2 [3828-301] 1899, 14th [4004-713] 1900, 15th, V. 1 [4182-528] Same, v. 2 [4183-528] 1901, 16th [4318-18] 1902, 17th [4484-18] See, for later reports, C8.1: General publications Cities. Statistics of cities of 30,000 population or over, instructions. 1902. 4° Copyright law. Report on effect of international copyright law in United States, made in compliance with resolution of Senate, Jan. 23, 1900; by Carroll D. Wright. 1901. [4033-87] Diseases. Index of Bertillon classification of diseases and causes of death. 1902. 4° Index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor statistics in United States prior to Mar. 1, 1902. 1902. Transformation. Report on total cost and labor cost of transformation in production of certain articles in United States, Great Britain, ana Belgium, made in compliance with resolution of Senate, June 26, 1897; by Carroll D. Wright. Dec. 7, 1898, [published] 1899. (55th Cong. 3d sess. S. doc. 20; serial no. 3725.) Bulletins (bimonthly) 1 no. 11 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 [3405-33] . 2, no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 [3520-135] 618 Classiflcation no. lia. LABOR DEPARTMENT— Continued Lal.3: Bulletins — Continued (v. nos.) Ijal.3«: (CT) 1^1.4: (nos.) Lai. 5: (nos.) Lal.6: (nos.) Lal.7: (date) V. 3, no. 14" no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 V. 4, no. 201 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 V. 5, no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 [3678-206] [3814-207] [3983-359] 6, no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 7, no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 8, no. 44\ no. 45/ no. 46 no. 47 no. 481 [4162-315] [4362-377] [4529-370] [4556-6] [4529-370] [See C8.3:8.] no. 49/ See, for later numbers, C8.3: Bulletins (separates) Circulars [None issued.] Special reports [1] Report on marriage and divorce in United States, 1867-86. Feb. 1889. [Not in Congressional set.] [1] Same. Feb. 1889, revised edition [Mar. 7, 1891]. 1891. [Not in Congressional set.] 1 Same. Feb. 1889, revised Mar. 7, 1891. [Reprint] 1897. [Not in Congressional set. This 1897 reprint bears new title, including for the first time the series title, 1st special report.] See, for later reports, C3.3:96 and C3.5:M34 ^ \ 2 [1st edition] [3052-1960] Same. 2d edition [Not in Congressional set.] 3 [Not in Congressional set.] 4 [1st edition] [3061-66] Same. Revised edition [Not in Congressional set.] 5 [3107-254] 6 [Not in Congressional set.] 7 [3228-257] 8 [3325-354' 9 [3564-138; See, for later numbers, C8.5: Monograplis on social economics [This series, edited by Charles H. Verrill, was prepared for distribution at the Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901. Monographs 3-6 are reprints from Bulletins 1, 31, 26, and 11 (Lal.3:).] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reports on Hawaii 1901 [1st] [4231-169] 1902 [2d] [4428-181] [See also, for another print, Lal.3 :8, no. 47.] See, for later reports, C8.6: 619 LC. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [The Library o! Congress, first established by the act of Apr. 24, 1800, was partially destroyed in 1814 when the British fired the Capitol. I3y the act of Jan. 30, 1815, tlie library of Thomas Jefferson was purchased bv the CJovernment, and this col- lection formed the basis of the present national library. See History of Library of Congress, by W. D. Johnston (LC1.2:n62).] Classifloation no. LCI. LIBRARIAN LCl.l: I Annual reports (date) ! [With the exception of a special reix)rt l)y Meehan, 1839, on State and Territorial ^ ' • laws, journals, etc. [35.5-ir.l, no reports were matle by the librarian to Congress until 186(1, which is the librarian's first annual report. Bnfore that date, the Joint Committee on the Library reported at irregular intervals on all matters concerning the Library, such reports appearing from time to time in the Congres- sional set.] 1866 [fiscal year ending Dec. 1] [1278-6] 1867 [fiscal year ending Dec. 1] [1319-10 1868 [fiscal year ending Dec. 1] [1361-19 1869 [fiscal year ending Dec. 1] [1408-11' 1870 [fiscal year ending Dec. 1 [1442-31 gressional document number,] 1871 [fiscal year ending Dec, 1] [1481-25] 1872 [fiscal year ending Dec. 1] [1546-13] gressional document number.] 1873 [fiscal year ending Dec. 1] [1584-20] 1874 [fiscal year ending Dec. 1] [1630-3] gressional document number.] 1875 [for 13 months ending Dec. 31] [1665-31] Congressional document number.] 1876 [calendar year] [1722-27] [No edition without document number.] [No edition without Con- [No edition without Con- [No edition without Con- [No edition without Congressional 1877 [calendar year 1878 [calendar year 1879 calendar year 1880 calendar year' 1881 [calendar year 1882, calendar year 1883, calendar year 1884, calendar year 1885, calendar year 1886, calendar year 1887, calendar year 1888, calendar year 1889, calendar year 1890, calendar year 1891, calendar year 1892, calendar year 1893, calendar year 1894, calendar year 1895, calendar year 1896, calendar year 1785-24 1833-30 1890-45 1944-50 1993-42 2083-28 2171-52 2265-55 2343-89 2451-78 2516-73 2615-90' 2700-213] 2821-90] 2907-151] 3145-96] 3171-267 3281-148 3357-305 3562-131 [Beginning with 1897, reports are for fiscal year ending June 30.] 1897, fiscal year [3590-13] [No edition without Congressional docu- ment number.] 1898, fiscal year [3725-24] ment number.] 1899, fiscal year [3954-25 1900, fiscal year [4029-24 1901, fiscal year [4223-35 1902, fiscal year [4416-6] 1903, fiscal year [4594-10] 1904, fiscal year [4826-18] [No edition without Congressional docu- 620 Classification no. L.C1.1: (date) liCl.l": (CT) L.C1.2: A161 A162 Am3i Am32 Am33 Arl B22 B64 C16 C281 C282 C283 C28* C761 C762 076' C791 C792 C793 C93 Ed8 Ei4 I.C1. LIBRARIAN— Continued Annual reports— Continued [Beginning witli 1905, tlie title-page reads: Report of librarian of Congress and report of superintendent of library building and grounds.] 1905, fiscal year [4980-18 1906, fiscal year [5140-18 1907, fiscal year [5363-18 1908, fiscal year [5527-1032] 1909, fiscal year [5815-126] Annual reports (separates) General publications [Circular announcements concerning Library of Congress publications are entered under LC1.2:, when signed by the librarian of Congress. Entries for publica- tions to which such circular announcements refer will be found under LCI., if issued from the librarian's ofTice, or under LC2.-LC12., if issued by subordinate divisions or offices of the Library of Congress.] Almanacs. Preliminary check list of American almanacs, 1639-1800; by Hugh Alexander Morrison. 1907. large 8^ Same [circular announcement], n. d. 4° American Library Association. A. L. A. rules, advance edition, con- densed rules for author and title catalog; prepared by cooperation committee of American Library Association, 1883, revised by advisory catalog committee, 1902. Aug. 1902. large 8** Same. July, 1904. large 8° American Library Association. A. L. A. catalog, 1904, classified, anno- tated and indexed guide to 7520 of best books for average or typical public library [circular announcement]. 4° Arbitration. List of references on international arbitration [circular announcement]. [1909.] 4<> Banks. List of works relating to Ist and 2d banks of United States [cir- cular announcement]. Nov. 10, 1908. 4° Bookbindings. Exhibit of bookbindings prepared for Jamestown Expo- sition to illustrate work done at Library of Congress. 1907. 16'' Canada. Select list of books on reciprocity with Canada [circular an- nouncement], n. d. 4° Catalogue cards. Distribution of catalogue cards [1st circular]. Oct. 28, 1901. 4« Same, memorandum [accompanying 1st circular]. [Oct. 28, 1901.] 40 Same, 2d circular. Nov. 30, 1901. 4« Catalogues. Suggestions for assistants [in Library of Congress] with ref- erence to catalogues, shelf lists, uncatalogued books, etc. June, 1909. 4« Continental Congress. Issues of Continental Congress, 1777-88, offered in exchange by Library of Congress. 1907. Continental Congress. Journals of Continental Congress, distribution [by Library of Congress]. [1st edition.] [1905.] 4° Same. [2d edition.] 4«> Copyright. Directions for securing copyrights. [1893.] Same. [1895.] [See, for later editions, LC3.3:2.] Copyright. Law of copyright in United States, in force July 1, 1895. [1896.] [See, for later editions, LC3.3:1.] Currency. Select list of books relating to currency and banking [circu- lar announcement]. Sept. 29, 1908. 4° Educational institutions. Want list of publications of educational insti- tutions. 1909. Eight-hour day. List of books relating to eight-hour working day [cir- cular announcement], n. d. 4° 621 ClaNNlflcatlon no. L.C1.2: El 2 F74 F85 G29 H31 H62 H86» H862 H863 In4 In7i In72 Ir6 L61» L612 L631 L632 M33 N22 N42 P75 P83 P84 R13^ RI32 R22 IjCI. LIBRARIAN— Continued General publications— Continued Elections. Select list of references on corrupt practices in elections [circular announcement]. Nov. 17, 1908. 4" Force, Peter. Special report of librarian of Congress to Joint Committee on Library concerning historical library of Peter Force. 1867. Franklin papers. List of Franklin papers [circular announcement], n. d. 40 Geographical atlases. List of geographical atlases in Library of Congress [circular announcement]. Nov. 3, 1909. 4° Hawaii. List of books relating to Hawaii, including references to col- lected works and periodicals; by A. P. C. Griffin. 1898. History of Library of Congress, v. 1, 1800-;64; by William Dawson John- ston. 1904. large 8° (Contributions to American library his- tory.) [Only v. 1 published up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Hubbard collection. [Press notice of] new publication by Library of Congress, Catalog of Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of engravings. [1905.] 4° Hubbard collection. Catalog of Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of engravings [circular announcement]. [1st edition.] [1905.] 4" Same. [2d edition.] 4° Inheritances. Taxation of inheritances and incomes [circular announce- ment], n. d. 40 Insurance. List of works relating to Government regulation of insur- ance, 2d edition [circular announcement]. Sept. 29, 1908. 4° Insurance. Select list of references on workingmen's insurance [circu- lar announcement]. Nov. 17, 1908. 4° Iron. Select list of books relating to iron and steel in commerce [circu- lar announcement], n. d. 4® Library of Congress and its work. 1905. 16° [Prepared for distribu- tion at Lewis and Clark Exposition, Portland. See, for earlier edition, LC1.8:1.] Same. [Revised edition.] 1907. 16® Lincolniana. List of Lincolniana in Library of Congress; by George Thomas Ritchie: 1, Writings of Abraham Lincoln; 2, Writings relating to Abraham Lincoln. [1st edition.] 1903. large 8° Same. Revised edition, with supplement. 1906. large 8° Margry, Pierre. [Circular regarding copies available for exchange with other libraries of Decouvertes et etablissements des Fran^ais dans I'ouest et dans le sud de I'Amerique Septentrionale, 1614-1754, M^moires et documents originaux recueillis et publics par P. Mar- gry.] [1908.] 12° [See, for information concerning this publi- cation, note and entries under Y4.L612:M33 ^■*.] Naval records of American Revolution, 1775-88 [circular announce- ment], n. d. 40 New library building [description]. [1895?] 11 p. 2 pi. large 80 Political parties. List of works relating to political parties in United States [circular announcement], Jan. 22, 1908. 4° Portrait index. A. L. A. portrait index, 1906, index to portraits con- tained in books and periodicals [circular announcement]. [1906.] 4° Postal savings banks. List of books relating to postal savings banks [circular announcement], n. d. 4® Railroads. List of works relating to railroads, 2d issue [circular an- nouncement], n. d. 4^ Railroads. Select list of references on valuation and capitalization of railroads [circular announcement]. Apr. 26, 1909. 4° Reading room. Information for readers in main reading room; [by Wm. W. Bishop]. 1909. 4» 622 Classification I^c 1 . LIB RARI AN— Continued no. IjC1.2: General publications— Continued R29 Reorganization of library. Special report of librarian of Congress [on reorganization of library], n. p. Dec. 3, 1895. (54th Cong. Ist sess. S. doc. 7; serial no. 3347.) R86^ Rules and practice governing use and issue of books. 1908. 14 p. 24® R862 Same. 1908. 16 p. 24» Sol Societies, Want list of publications of societies. New edition. 1909. [The earlier edition appeared as a separate from the 2d edition of Want list of periodicals and serials (LC6.5:A -) and is classed under LC6.5a:] St2 Star spangled banner. Report on Star spangled banner, Hail Columbia, America, and Yankee Doodle, by O. G. T. Sonneck [circular announcement]. Nov. 29, 1909. 4*^ Sul Subject headings. List of subject headings in dictionary catalogue [circular announcement]. Dec. 18, 1908. 4* Su7 Supreme Court. List of works relating to Supreme Court of United States [circular announcement]. May 27, 1909. 4° V81 ' Virginia Company. [Press notice of] new publication by Library of Congress, Records of Virginia Company of London, 1619-24. [1906.] 16« V81 2 Virginia Company. Records of Virginia Company of London, 1619-24 [circular announcement]. [1906.] 4° W18 Want list [of] miscellaneous publications. 1909. W27 Washington-Continental Congress, correspondence, 1775-89 [circular announcement]. [190-?] 4'' W31 Waterways. List of works relating to deep waterways [circular an- nouncement]. Nov. 10, 1908. 4° IjC1.3: Bulletins (uos.) [None issued.] IjCI.4:: Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] IjC1.5: Catalogues (The following list was compiled from the lists given in the annual report of Library of Congress, 1901, p. 362 (LC1.1:901), and in the History of Library of Congress, by \V . D. Johnston (LC1.2:H62). Those entries which are marked with * repre- sent catalogues not in the I'ublic Documents Library, and which could not therefore be elaborated or verified. The removal of the Smithsonian collection to the Library of Congress was provided for by act approved Apr. 5, 1866. See, for catalogues of this collection prior to 1867, SI 1.6:7,8 and SI 1.7:3,9; see, lielow, for the 1867 catalogue of the Smithsonian collection, LC1.5:867.] 802 Catalogue of books, maps, and charts belonging to library of two Houses of Congress, Apr. 1802. Washington City, William Duane [1802]. * 803 Same, supplemental, Oct. 1803. Washington City, James D. West- cott[1803]. * 804 Catalogue of books, maps, and chart^s belonging to two Houses of Con- gress. 1804. * 808 Catalogue of books, maps, and charts belonging to library established in Capitol at city of Washington for two Houses of Congress, to which are prefixed statutes and bye-laws relative to that institu- tion. Washington, A. & G. Way, printers, 1808. * 812 Catalogue of books, maps, and charts belonging to library established in Capitol at city of Washington for two Houses of Congress, to which are annexed statutes and bye-laws relative to that institution. Washington City, Roger C. Wei^htman, 1812. * 815 Catalogue of Library of United States, to which is annexed copious mdex, alphabetically arranged. Washington, Jonathan Elliot, 1815. A^ [This catalogue comprises exclusively the books purchased from Thomas Jefferson in 1815.] 820 Supplement to catalogue of Library of Congress. Washington City, Daniel Rapine, 1820. 4P * S28 ClMsIflcatlon no. IiCl.5: I 825 ! 827 828 830 831 > 8312 I 833 834 I 835 837 , 8391 I 839' i 840 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 1 8492 850 851 852 853 854* 8542 854' 855 t 856 857 858 859 860 1 liCl. IjIBRARI AN— Continued Catalogues — Continued Same. Washington, Davis Same. May 1, 1904. 4° Same. July 1, 1904. , 4» Same. July 21, 1904. 4» Same. Nov. 1, 1904. 4» Publications issued in 1904. narrow 12* Publications, Nov. 1904: Cataloging. [1904.] Same: Classification. [1904.] narrow 16" Same: Economics. [1904.] narrow 16" Same: History and geography. [1904.] narrow 16* Same: Library of Congress. [1904.] narrow 16° Same: Manuscripts. [1904.] narrow 16° Nov. 1, 1902. large 8« narrow 16° 82452°— 11 40 626 Classlftcation no. LC1.12: 904 '2 904 1=^ 904^4 90415 906 1 9062 9063 906^ 906 5 906 « 907 908 909' 9092 liCl. LIBRARIAN— Continued Ijlsts of publications— Continued Same: Maps. [1904.] narrow 16" Same: Periodicals. [1904.] narrow 16'^ Same: Political science. [1904.] narrow 16<* Same: Printed card distribution. [1904.] narrow 16° Publications [issued since 1897]. [Mar. 15] 1906. 12* Same. Dec. 1906. 12* Publications: Copyright. [1906.] 12* Same: Geography and maps, 1897-1906. [1906.] 12* Same: Political science and economics, lists of references, 1897-1906. [1906.] 12* Same: Texts. [1906.] 12* Publications [issued since 1897]. Feb. 1907. 12"» Publications issued since 1897. Jan. 1908. 12* Same. Jan. 1909. 12*> Same. Mar. 1909. 12« LC2. BIBLIOGRAPHY DIVISION Created by appropriation act effective July 1, 1900. See Annual report of Library of Confess, (LC1.1:901).] 1901 L.C2.1: (date) 1,C2.2: An4^ An43 Arl» Arl2 B221 B222 B77' B77 2 B85 Oil C16 C24 C43 C44» C442 C711 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Anglo-Saxon interests. Select list of references on Anglo-Saxon inter- ests. [1st issue.] 1903. large 8° Same. 2d issue with additions. 1906. large 8° Arbitration. Select list of references on industrial arbitration. 1903. large 8" Arbitration. List of references on international arbitration. 1908. large 8° Banks. List of more important books in Library of Congress on banks and banking. 1904. large 8* Banks. List of works relating to 1st and 2d banks of United States, with i';. chronological list of reports, etc., contained in American state papers and in Congressional documents. 1908. large 8« British tariff movement. Select list of references on British tariff move- ment, Chamberlain's plan. [Ist issue.] 1904. large 8® Same. 2d issue with additions. 1906. large 8° Budget of foreign countries. Select list of references on budget of for- eign countries. 1904. large 8° Cabinets. Select list of books on cabinets of England and America. 1903. large 8» Canada. Select list of books, with references to periodicals, on reci- procity with Canada. 1907. large 8° Cartularies. List of cartularies, principally French, recently added to Library of Congress with some earlier accessions. 1905. large 8* Child labor. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to child labor. 1906. large 8o Chinese immigration. Select list of references on Chinese immigration. 1904. large 8" Same. 1904 [reprint 1906]. large 8^ Colonization. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to theory of colonization, government of dependencies, protecto- , rates, and related topics; by A. P. 0. Griflin. [Ist edition.] 1900. 627 ClMslflratloii no. LC2.2: C71-' C76» C762 C93 D22 Ei4 El 2 Em7 F22 F313 F314 F88 G31 G74 Im62 Im63 :'■" Im7 In4 Xb72^ In73 I Ir6 Lll M53' IiC2. BIBLIOGRAPHY DIVISION— Continued General publications— Continued Same. 2d edition with additioiiH. 1900. [See also T37.8:902*, p. 1567 and T37.8:903», p. 2941.] Constitution of United States. Select list of books on Constitution of United States. 1903. large 8» Consular service. List of references on United States consular service, with appeiidix on consular systems in foreign countries. 1905. large 8° Currency. Select list of books, with references to periodicals, relating to currency and banking, with special regard to recent condi- tions. 1908. large 8* Danish West Indies. List of books, with references to periodicals, on Danish West Indies; by A. P. C. Griffin. 1901. lai^e 8» [4176-223] Eight-hour day. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to eight-hour working day and to limitation of working hours in general. 1908. large S" Elections. Select list of references on corrupt practices in elections. 1908. large 8« Employers' liability. Select list of works relating to employers' lia- bility. 1906. large 8» Far East. Select list of books, with references to periodicals, relating to the far East. 1904. large 8« Federal control . Select list of references on Federal control of commerce and corporations. [1st issue.] 1903. large S° Same. 2d issue with additions. 1904. large 8* Federal control. List of more recent works on Federal control of com- merce and corporations. 1907. large S° Same, without note "printed as manuscript." 1907 [1908]. French alliance. List of works relating to French alliance in American Revolution; by Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin. 1907. large S'' Germans. List of works relating to Germans in United States. 1904. Iai^e8« Government ownership. Select list of references on Government own- ership of raiboads. 1903. large 8» [See also LC2.2:Rl3i-3.] Immigration. List of books, with references to periodicals, on immi- gration. [Ist issue.] 1904. large 8" Same. 2d issue with additions. 1905. large 8® Same. 3d issue with additions. 1907. large 8** Impeachment. Select list of references on impeachment. 1905. large 8° Inheritances. Select list of works relating to taxation of inheritances and incomes, United States and some foreign countries 1907. large 8" Insurance. List of works relating to Government regulation of insur- ance, United States and foreign countries. [1st edition.] 1906. large 8« Same. 2d edition. 1908. large 8» Insurance. Select list of references on workingmen's insurance, gen- eral. United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium. 1908. large 8« Iron and steel. Select list of books, with references to periodicals, relating to iron and steel in commerce. 1907. large 8*' Labor. Select list of books, with references to periodicals, on labor, particularly relating to strikes. 1903. large 8° Mercantile marine subsidies. List of books, with references to peri- odicals, on mercantile marine subsidies. [1st edition.] 1900. [4033-61] 628 Classification no. LC2.2: M532 M533 M92 mv N312 N313 P38 P531 P532 P533 P75 P83 P84 P93 P94 P96 RI31 RI32 RI33 R13* R241 R242 Sa4 IiC2. BIBLIOGRAPHY DIVISION-Continued General publications— Continued Same. 2d edition with additions. 1903. large 8» Same. 3d edition with additions. 1906. large 8" Municipal affairs. Select list of books on municipal affairs, with special reference to municipal ownership; with appendix, Select list of State documents. 1906. large 8® Negro question. Select list of references on negro question, fist issue 1 1903. large 80 ■■ Same. 2d issue with additions. 1906. large 8* Negro suffrage. List of discussions of 14th and 15th amendments, with special reference to negro suffrage. 1906. large 8® Pensions. Select list of references on old age and civil service pensions. 1903. large 8° Philippine Islands. List of books, with references to periodicals, on Philippine Islands in Library of Congress, by A. P. C. Griffin; with Chronological list of maps, by P. Lee Phillips. 1903. large 8*> [4423-74, pt. 1] Philippine Islands. Biblioteca Filipina, 6 sea catdlogo razonado de todos I08 impresos, tanto insulares como extranjeros, relativos d la his- toria, etc., de las Islas Filipinas, de J0I6 y Marianas, por T. H. Pardo de Tavera; published under direction of Library of Congress and Bureau of Insular Affairs. 1903. large S^ [4423-74, pt. 2] Philippine Islands. List of works relating to American occupation of Philippine Islands, 1898-1903, by Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin; from List of books, with references to periodicals, on Philippine Islands, 1903, with additions to 1905. 1905. large 8« [Includes select list of references on expansion of United States.] Political parties. List of works relating to political parties in United States. 1907. large 8« Porto Rico. List of books, with references to periodicals, on Porto Rico; by A. P. C. Griffin. 1901. large 8° [4176-222J Postal savings banks. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to postal savings banks. 1908. large 8* Primary elections. List of references on primary elections, particu- larly direct primaries. 1905. Proportional representation. List of books, with references to peri- odicals, relating to proportional representation. 1904. large 8° Publications. Library of Congress publications [1897-1901]. May 6, 1901. large 8« [See also LCI. 12:] Railroads. Select list of books on railroads in foreign countries, govern- ment regulation: General; Continental Europe, international freight agreement; Great Britain; France; Germany; Belgium; Switzerland; Italy; Austria-Hungary; Russia. 1905. large 8° Railroads. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to rail- roads, in their relation to Government and the public, with appendix, list of references on Northern Securities case. [1st issue.] 1904. large 8° Same, with select list of recent works relating to Government regula- tion and Government ownership of railroads. 2d issue [with additions]. 1907. large 8° See also LG2.2:G74. Railroads. Select list of references on valuation and capitalization of railroads. 1909. large 8° Reciprocity. List of references on reciprocity, books, articles in peri- odicals. Congressional documents. 1902. large 8° [4241-317] Recognition. List of references on recognition in international law and practice. 1904. large 8° Samoa. List of books, with references to periodicals, on Samoa and Guam. 1901. large 8° 629 ClaMlflratlon no. L.C2.2: Se5 Su7 T17 T77» T77 2 T773 Un3 W31 L,C2.3: (nos.) L.C2.4: (nos.) i:iC2. BIBLIOGRAPHY DIVISION— Continued General publications— Continued Senators. List of references on popular election of Senators, with appendix, debates on election of Senators in Federal Convention ot 1787 [and extracts from Federalist]. 1904. large 8° [This is a rearrangement with additione, of Senate document 404, 57th Congress, Ist session.] Supreme Court. List of works relating to Supreme Court. 1909. large 8° Tariff. List of works on tariffs of foreign countries. 1906. large 8° Trusts. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to trusts; by A. P. C. Griffin. 1st edition. 1900. 8° [Prior to the publication of this 1st edition, there were printed by order of Congress 700 copies of this list in bill form as 56th Congress, 1st session, House concurrent resolution 55, large 8°.] Same. 2d edition with additions. 1902. large 8" Same, with supplementary select list of 1906. 3d edition [with addi- tions]. 1907. large 8° Union list of periodicals, transactions and allied publications currently received in principal libraries of District of Columbia. 1901. large 8° Waterways. List of works relating to deep waterways from Great Lakes to Atlantic Ocean, with some othef related works. 1908. large 8° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] LC3. COPYRIGHT OFFICE [The connection of the Copyright Office with the Library of Congress dates from the act approved July 8, 1870. The act approved Feb. 19, 1897, created a register of copyrights whose duties were to be performed under the direction and supervision of the Librarian of Congress. See, for an account of the office, annual report of Librarv of Congress, 1901 (LCI. 1:901), and TTistorv of Library of Congress, by W. D. Johnston (LCl.2:H()2), and for Copyright enactments of United States, 1783-1906, Copyright Office Bulletin 3, 2d edition (LC3.3:32). The Public Documents Library has no copyright publications issued prior to July 8, 1870. From May 31, 1790 to Feb. 5, 1859, j uris'diction over copyright matters was vested in the Department of State, and from Feb. 5, 1859 to July 8, 1870, in the Department of the Interior.] t L,C3.1: (date) IjC3.2: C79^ C792 C793 C79* r C79* C79« C79' Annual reports [1899-1909, in annual reports of Library of Congress (LCl.l:), and for 1909 issued separately also.] General publications Copyright. Application for copyright [blank form]. 1898. 4° Copyright. Amendments proposed to copyright bill, S. 6330, H. 19853 [59th Congress], with criticisms and suggestions received and noted by Copyright Office [pt. 1]. Nov. 22, 1906. 4° [Proof copy.] Same, addenda. Dec. 4, 1906. 4« Same, addenda, draft of bill submitted on behalf Melville Clark Piano Co., Q. R. S. Co., etc., interested in manufacture of auto- matic musical instruments and perforated-roll controllers, as substitute for H. 19853, S . 6330 [59th Congress]. Dec. 6, 1906. 4° Same, pt. 2. Dec. 1906. 4° Same, pt. 3, with title, Copyright bill, S. 6330, H. 19853 [59th Con-^ gjress], comment upon bill and upon criticisms thereof by copy- right committees of American Bar Association and Association of Bar of City of New York. 1906 [1907]. Copyright bill, S. 6330, H. 19853 [59th Congress], statement by libra- rian of Congress to Committee [on Patents] at first public hear- ing, June 6, 1906. [1906.] 4° 630 Classification no. L.C3.2: C79« C79'' C7910 In8 R26 LC3.3: (nos.) !LC3. COPYRIGHT OFFICE— Continued General publications— Continued Copyright bill, memorandum: a, Some leading features; [b, Provi- sions of existing law which are omitted from bill]. [1906.] 4° Copyright. Bill to amend and consolidate acts respecting copyright, introduced, 59th Congress, 1st session, May 31, 1906. [1906.] 49 [Library print of Senate bill 6330 and House bill 19853, with marginal notes.] Copyright. Provisions under consideration for bill to amend and con- solidate acts respecting copyright. Mar. 30, 1906. 4° * [Proof copy. Limited edition.] Copyright. Draft of proposed bill to amend and consolidate acts respecting copyright. May 19, 1906. 4" * [Proof copy. Limited edition.] International copyright [circular announcement regarding Information circulars 4, 38, and 39]. [1909.] Registration. Special notice [regarding application for registration of any work published after July 1, 1909, or prior to that date]. [1909.] oblong 48« Bulletins 1, Jan. 1898. [Ist edition] See, for earlier edition issued without bul- letin number, LC1.2:C793. Same, Jan. 1899. [2d edition] revised [3d edition] revised 4th edition revised 5th edition revised [2d edition of] 5th edition revised [3d edition of] 5th edition revised [4th edition of] 5th edition revised 6th edition [2d edition of] 6th edition [3d edition of] 6th edition [4th edition of] 6th edition [5th edition of] 6th edition [6th edition of] 6th edition Same, July, 1899. Same, July, 1900. Same, July, 1901. Same, Jan. 1903. Same, Jan. 1903. Same, June 1, 1904. Same, Mar. 3, 1905. Same, Mar. 3, 1905. Same, Mar. 3, 1905. Same, Nov. 15, 1906. Same, July 15, 1907. [Superseded by Same, July 15, 1908. LC3.3:14.] Mar 1899. [1st edition] See, for earlier editions issued without bul- letin number, LC1.2:C79^.2 Same, July, 1899. [2d edition revised] Same, May, 1900. 3d edition revised Same, July, 1901. 4th edition revised Same, July, 1901. [2d edition of] 4th edition revised Same, June 25, 1904. [5th edition] Same, May 5, 1905. 6th edition Same, Feb. 15, 1906. [2d edition of] 6th edition * [1st edition] Same. 2d edition revised Same, addenda to 2d edition revised pt. 1 [Replaced by Information circular 4 (LC3.4:43).] Same, pt. 2 [Superseded by LC3.3:5.] Same, pt. 3 [Superseded by LC3.3:6.] 2d edition [of 4, pt. 2] See, for addenda published as Information circular 37, LC3.4:37. [Supersedes LC3.3:4,,pt, S'.J; m IiC3. COPYRIGHT OFFIC IiC3.3 : Bulletins— Continued CUsRlflcatlon no. E— Co] nr.f)r. ntinued (no8.) IiC3.4: (nos.) 8o 8 larpe 8° Same, addenda 9 40 10 [Oct. 23, 1905]. fist edition] 4° Same [Mar. 2, 1906]. 2d [edition] 11 12 13 14 40 Same, addenda Same, with index Same, with index, Apr. 7, 1909. Same, with index, June 25, 1909. Same, with index, Dec. 6, 1909. [2d edition] 3d [edition] 4th [edition] Circulars, Information circulars, etc. [This series consists of circulars for use in official corresjxtndence of the Copyright Office, Information circulars, Explanatory circulars, and Administration circu- lars, numbered separately. Various circulars of different titles are assigned the same number in the three series. Unless otherwise noted at end of entry, the circulars bear no other series title than "Circular."] 1 Remittances. May 20, 1900. 4° (Information circular.) Same, with changes. Aug. 20, 1903. 4*^ (Information circular.) 2 No fee [circular stating that application for copyright was not accom- panied by legal fee]. May 15, 1900. 4'> 3 Copyright fees. Aug. 24, 1900. 4*> (Information circular.) Same, with changes. Jan. 25, 1904. 4** (Information circular.) 4 Excess fees. Aug. 10, 1899. 4» 4 Date of registration of title. Sept. 15, 1901. 4" (Information circular.) 4 [International Copyright Union] text of [Berne] convention creating International Copyright Union, Sept. 5, 1887, together with addi- tional articles, signed at Paris, May 4, 1896. [Sept. 25, 1908.] 4« (Information circular.) [This circular replaces Bulletin 4, pt. 1 (LC3.3:4, pt. 1).] 4a Convention creating International Copyright Union, revised text 1908. [1908.] 40 ([Information circular.]) 5 No title, book, or other article [1st step in securing copyright protec- tion]. Mar. 26, 1900. 4« 15, 1902. 4° (Information circular.) 40 4° (Information circular.) Same, with changes. Aug. 6 Periodicals. July 15, 1899. Same. May 15, 1900. 4° 7 Photographs. Nov. 23, 1901. 7a Refund. May 15, 1900. 4° 7b Same. July 10, 1899. 4*> 7c Same. May 15, 1900. 4° 7d Same. July 10, 1899. 40 ^^,^[ 8 Receipts for copyright deposits. July 15, 1899. 4° 9 In whose name [claim of copyright is to be registered]. July 10, 1899. 4° Same. May 15, 1900. 4° 10 Only 1 copy deposited [circular relative to number of copies of publi- cation to be deposited in securing copyright]. May 15, 1900. 4" 10 Assignment of copyright. Sept. 15, 1901. 4** (Information circu- lar.) , OK 632 Classification no. (no8.) IiC3. COPYRIGHT OFFICE— Continued Circulars, Information circulars, etc.— Continuecl 11 Labels and prints [can not be registered for copyright protection!. July 25, 1899. 4° r/ e, t- j Same, with changes. Dec. 10, 1901. 4*> (Information circular.) 12 No title, music [circular of instructions for securing copyright privi- lege for musical composition]. Aug. 15, 1899. 4° Same, with changes. June 25, 1902. 4'* (Information circular.) 13 Trade-marks [not subject to copyright]. Sept. 28, 1899. 4° Same, with changes [postal card form]. Apr. 25, 1903. oblong 48° (Information circular.) 14 Deposit of copies [of article to be copyrighted]. May 15, 1900. 4" 14 [Pan-American copyright treaties.] [1907.] (Information circular.) [Extracts from 57th Congress, 1st session, Senate document 330, serial no. 4245, and 59th Congress, 2d session, Senate document 365, serial no. 5073.] 15 Two copies required. Sept. 28, 1899. 4° 15 Catalogue of copyright entries. Sept. 25, 1901. 4° (Information circular.) , , ,..-, ,;iii-r. 16 Copyright entry required. Aug. 25, 1899. ,4°.:, 16 [Differentiation of title.] [Nov. 18, 1903.] 4° (Information circu- lar.) 17 Article not subject of copyright. Aug. 7, 1899. 4° 18 Variance in claim, a. May 15, 1900. 18 [Interim copyright act, 1904] 58th Congress, 2d session, public [act] 2, to afford protection to exhibitors of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at Louisiana Purchase Exposition. [Jan. 15, 1904.] (Information circular.) 19 Mere name or form of words [is not subject to copyright]. Nov. 25, 1899. 4° 19 Mere name, title, or form of words [can not be copyrighted]. Oct. 1, 1903. 4° (Information circular.) 19 [Mere name, title, or form of words can not be copyrighted.] [Aug. 1, 1907.] 4« (Explanatory circular.) 20 [Interim copyright protection, instructions to applicants for registra- tion under act to afford protection to exhibitors of foreign literary, artistic, or musical works at Louisiana Purchase Exposition.] [Jan. 26, 1904.] 4° (Information circular.) 20f Same, French. [Jan. 15, 1904.] 4" (Information circular.) 20g Same, German. [Jan. 30, 1904.] 4** (Information circular.) 20 Rules for practice and procedure under sec. 25 of act to amend and consolidate acts respecting copyright, approved Mar. 4, 1909, to take effect July 1, 1909; adopted and promulgated by Supreme Com-t, June 1, 1909. July 10, 1909. (Information circular.) * 21 Nationality of author required. Aug. 10, 1899. 4° Same, with changes. Nov. 14, 1903. 4^' (Information circular.) Same, with changes. [Feb. 20, 1905.] 4° (Information circular.) 22 Variance in application. Dec. 30, 1899. 4° 22 Extension of copyright to Cuba. Nov. 20, 1903. 4° (Information circular.) 23 Patents. Dec. 30, 1899. 4« 23 [Design patents.] [Oct. 15, 1907.] 4* (Information circular.) 24 Prints for articles of manufacture. Dec. 30, 1899. 4° Same, with changes. [Oct. 26, 1903.] 4° (Information circular.) 25 Copyright business, quarterly statement to Mar. 31, 1900. Apr. 7, 1900. 4° (Information circular.) Same, quarterly statement to June 30, 1900. July 7, 1900. 4" (In- formation curcular.) 633 Classification no. LC3.4:: (no8.) LC3. COPYRIGHT OFFiqE— Continued Circulars, Information circulars, etc. Continued Same, quarterly statement to Sept. 29, 1900. Oct. 6, 1900. 4° (In- 31, 1900. Jan. 10, 1901. 4o [July 9, 1901.] 40 narrow 12® (In- narrow 12? (In- formation curcular.) Same, quarterly statement to Dec (Information circular.) Same, semi-annual statement to June 30, 1901. (Information circular.) Same, statement to Dec. 31, 1901. [Jan. 10, 1902.] formation circular.) * Same, statement to June 30, 1902. [July 5, 1902.] (Information circular.) * Same, statement to Dec. 31, 1902. [Jan. 10, 1903.] narrow 12* formation circular.) Same, statement to June 30, 1903. [July 3, 1903.] narrow 12° (Information circular.) Same, statement to Dec. 31, 1903. Jan. 6, 1904. narrows* (Infor- mation circular.) Same, statement to June 30, 1904. July 2, 1904. narrow 8° (Infor- mation circular.) Same, statement for [calendar] year 1904. Jan. 3, 1905. narrow 8* (Information circular.) Same, statement for [calendar] year 1905. Jan. 4, 1906. narrow 8° (Information circular.) Same, statement for fiscal year 1905-6. July 5, 1906. narrow 8° (Information circular.) Same, statement for [calendar] year 1906 (Information circular.) Same, statement for fiscal year 1906-7. (Information circular.) Same, stateinent for calendar year 1907. (Information cu'cular.) Same, statement for calendar year 1908. (Information circular.) [No statement printed for 1909.] 26 Nature of article to be copyrighted. May 15, 1900. 4® Same, with changes. Apr. 25, 1903. 4** (Information circular.) 26 [Designation of article to be copyrighted.] [July 5, 1907.] 4® (Ex- planatory circular.) 27 Articles subject of copyright. Aug. 7, 1899. 4*' Same, with changes. Oct. 5, 1901. 4*' (Information circular.) Same, with changes. [Dec. 15, 1903.] 4" (Information circular.) 28 Services of agent not necessary. Aug. 15, 1899. 4® 29 Revenue stamp [to be attached to each certificate of copyright]. May 30, 1900. 4° (Information circular.) 29 Copyright treaty with China [articles 9-11 of] treaty between United States and China for extension of commercial relations between them, signed at Shanghai, Oct. 8, 1903, proclaimed Jan. 13, 1904. [Feb. 1, 1904.] 4° (Information circular.) 30 Current items, a: Canada copyright act, 1900. Sept. 29, 1900. 4° (Information circular.) Same, b: Opinions of Attorney General, Jan. 19 and 24. 1901, relat- ing to importation of Rostand's L'Aiglon and Liddell and Scott's Greek-English lexicon. Feb. 23, 1901. 4** (Information cir- cular.) [Reprinted from Treasury decisions, 1901, v. 4 (Tl.ll^: ^ 901^).] 31 Expiration of copyright. Sept. 25, 1900. 4" (Administration cir- cular.) Jan. 5, 1907. narrow 8° July 3, 1907. narrow 8° Jan. 6, 1908. narrow 8» Jan. 6, 1909. narrow 8* 634 Classiflcatioil uo. L.C3.4: (nos.) L.C3.5: (nos.) IjC3. copyright OFFICE— Continued Circulars, Information circulars, etc.— Continued 31 [Customs regulations, 1900] entry of imported merchandise, copy- righted books and other articles. Apr. 23, 1901. 4° (Informa- tion circular.) 32 Importation under interim copyright act of Jan. 7, 1904, opinion of Secretary of Treasury, Mar. 12, 1904. [May 18, 1904.] 4«' (In- formation circular.) 33 [Copyright act of Mar. 3, 1905, to amend sec. 4952, Revised statutes, as amended, so as to protect rights of those obtaining copyright for English translations of books in foreign languages, and regula- tions thereunder.] [Mar. 7, 1905.] (Information circular.) 33a [Act of Mar. 3, 1905, information regarding transition from ad in- terim act, Mar. 3, 1905, to new copyright act of Mar. 4, 1909 granting full term of protection to books in foreign languages, in effect July 1, 1909.] Mar. 15, 1909. * 33f Same, French. Mar. 25, 1905. 4° * 33g Same, German. Mar. 18, 1905. 4o * 34 Extension of copyright to Norway. Aug. 21, 1905. 4«> (Informa- tion circular.) 35 General instructions [for securing copyright]. [July 5, 1900.] 4° (Information circular.) Same, with changes. [Sept. 25, 1903.] 4° (Information circular.) Same, with changes. [July 20, 1907.] 4^ (Explanatory circular.) 35 [Extension of copyright to Austria.] [Oct. 8, 1907.] 4" (Informa- tion circular.) 36 Catalogue of copyright entries. [July 15, 1909.] 4° (Explanatory circular.) 37 [English] musical copyright act, 1906, addenda to Copyright Office Bulletin 5. [Oct. 15, 1906.] (Information circular.) [See, for Copyright Office Bulletin 5, LC3.3:5.] 38 International copyright relations. [Oct. 20, 1906.] 4" (Informa- tion circular.) * Same, with addition at bottom of p. 1. [Oct. 20, 1906, published 1907?] 4« (Information circular.) 39 New copyright treaties negotiated by United States. Oct. 1, 1908. 4** (Information circular.) Catalogue of title entries of books and otlier articles [old series] 4 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Les of books and d8» [Weekly.] 70 93 116 71 94 117 72 95 118 73 96 119 74 97 120 75 98 121 76 99 122 77 100 123 78 101 124 79 102 125 80 103 126 81 104 127 82 105 128 83 106 129 84 107 130 85 108 131 86 109 132 87 110 133 88 111 134 89 112 135 90 113 136 91 114 137 92 115 138 635 ClaHslflcatioil no. L.C3.6: (no6.) Catalogue 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 >89 '190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 :j3. COPYRIGHT OFPICE-Continued le t ot title entries of books and other cles [old series] — Continued 203 267 331 395 459 204 268 332 396 460 205 269 333 397 461 206 270 334 398 462 207 271 335 399 463 208 272 336 400 464 209 273 337 401 465 210 274 338 402 466 211 275 339 403 467 212 276 340 404 468 213 277 341 405 469 214 278 342 406 470 215 279 343 407 471 216 280 344 408 472 217 281 345 409 473 218 282 346 410 474 219 283 347 411 475 220 284 348 412 476 221 285 349 413 477 222 286 350 414 478 223 287 351 415 479 224 288 352 416 480 225 289 353 417 481 226 290 354 418 482 227 291 355 419 483 228 292 356 420 484 229 293 357 421 485 230 294 358 422 486 231 295 359 423 487 232 296 360 424 488 233 297 361 425 489 234 298 362 426 490 235 299 363 427 491 236 300 364 428 492 237 301 365 429 493 238 302 366 430 494 239 303 367 431 495 240 304 368 432 496 241 305 369 433 497 242 306 370 434 . 498 243 307 371 435 499 244 308 372 436 500 245 309 373 437 501 246 310 374 438 502 247 311 375 439 503 248 312 376 440 504 249 313 377 441 505 250 314 378 442 506 251 315 379 443 507 252 316 380 444 508 253 317 381 445 509 254 318 382 446 510 255 319 383 447 511 256 320 384 448 512 257 321 385 449 513 258 322 386 450 514 259 323 387 451 515 260 324 388 452 516 261 325 389 453 517 262 326 390 454 518 263 327 391 455 519 264 328 392 456 520 265 329 393 457 521 266 330 394 458 522 636 Classification no. IiC3. COPYRIGHT OFFICE— Continued JbC3.5; Catalogue of title entries of books and. otlier (nos.) articles [old series] — Continued 523 567 611 655 699 74^ (m 524 568 612 656 700 744 h)i- 525 569 613 657 701 745 <-•<){ 526 570 614 658 702 746 r.l)\ 527 571 615 659 703 747 528 572 616 660 704 748 529 573 617 661 705 749 530 574 618 662 706 750 531 575 619 663 707 751 532 576 620 664 708 752 533 577 621 665 709 753 534 578 622 666 710 754 535 579 623 667 711 755 536 580 624 668 712 756 537 581 625 669 713 757 538 582 626 670 714 758 539 583 627 671 715 759 540 584 628 672 716 760 541 585 629 673 717 761 542 586 630 674 718 762 543 587 631 675 719 763 544 588 632 676 720 764 545 589 633 677 721 765 546 590 634 678 722 766 547 591 635 679 723 767 548 592 636 680 724 768 549 593 637 681 725 769 550 594 638 682 726 770 551 595 639 683 727 771 552 596 640 684 728 772 553 597 641 685 729 773 554 598 642 686 730 774 555 599 643 687 731 775 556 600 644 688 732 776 557 601 645 689 733 777 558 602 646 690 734 778 559 603 647 691 735 779 560 604 648 692 736 780 561 605 649 693 737 781 562 606 650 694 738 782 563 607 651 695 739 564 608 652 696 740 565 609 653 697 741 566 610 654 698 742 liCS.e^: Catalogue of copyright entries, pt. 1, Bo< 3ks [etc.], (v. nos.) new series later [The new series began July 5, 1906, the matter being aiTanged in 4 pts., the several i into 2 groups, (v. nos. and parts bemg divided into volumes. Part 1 is later subdividec beginning with v. 6. Volumes 1 -5 of pt. 1 were issued in week y numbers, but beginning with v. monthly.] 6, group 1 is . still issued weekly, f while g •oup 2 becomes group nps.) pt.l , Books, dramatic compositions, maps and charts ; ' ' V. 1, no. 1, July 5, 1906 V. 1, no. 4, July 26, 1906 no. 2, July 12, 1906 no. 5, Aug. 2, 1906 no. 3, July 19, 1906 no. 6, Aug. 9, 1906 fThJB Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. Pt. 1, group 1, was issued weekly up to v. 8, no. 8, Mar. 23, 1911. From the last week of Mar. to Sept. 1911, iesUies have appeared 3 times a week, in signature form, without title- page. The year, number, and date of printing appear at the bottom of the first page, and the title and volume number are carried m the running head. Beginning Mar. 1911, separate monthly indexes have been issued. These are nnnumbered, but are classed in the Public Documents Library following the numbers which they index. 637 Classiflratlon no. I,C3. COPYRIGHT OFFICE-Continued (v. noB.) later (v. nos. and group noB.) '^ Catalogue of copyrlfflit entries, l)tV 1, Books [etc.]» new series -Continued pt. 1, Books, dramatic compositions, maps and charts — Continued V. 1, no. 7, Aug. no. 8, Aug. no. 9, Aug. no. 10, Sept. no. 11, Sept. no. 12, Sept, no. 13, Sept. no. 14, Oct. no. 15, Oct. no. 16, Oct. no. 17, Oct. no. 18, Nov. no. 19, Nov. no. 20, Nov. no. 21, Nov. no. 22, Nov. no. 23, Dec. no. 24, Dec. no. 25, Dec. no. 26 v. 2, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 3, it 'in . Dec. 1, Jan. 2, Jan. 3, Jan. 4, Jan. 5, Jan. 6, Feb. 7, Feb. 8, Feb. 9, Feb. no. 10, Mar. no. 11, Mar. no. 12, Mar. no. 13, Mar. no. 14, Apr. no. 15, Apr. no. 16, Apr. no. 17, Apr. no. 18, May no. 19, May no. 20, May no. 21, May no. 22, May no. 23, June no. 24, June no. 25, June no. 26, June no. 1, July 2, July 3, July 4, July 5, Aug. 6, Aug. 7, Aug. 8, Aug. 9, Aug. no. 10, Sept. no. 11, Sept. no. 12, Sept. no. 13, Sept. no. 14, Oct. no. 15, Oct. no. 16, Oct. no. 17, Oct. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 16, 1906 23, 1906 30, 1906 6, 1906 13, 1906 20, 1906 27, 1906 4, 1906 11, 1906 18, 1906 25, 1906 1, 1906 8, 1906 15, 1906 22, 1906 28, 1906 6, 1906 13, 1906 20, 1906 27, 1906 3, 1907 10, 1907 17, 1907 24, 1907 31, 1907 7, 1907 14, 1907 21, 1907 28, 1907 7, 1907 14, 1907 21, 1907 28, 1907 4, 1907 11, 1907 18, 1907 25, 1907 2, 1907 9, 1907 16, 1907 23, 1907 29, 1907 6, 1907 13, 1907 20, 1907 27, 1907 3 1907 11, 1907 18, 1907 25, 1907 1 1907 8 1907 15 1907 22 1907 29 1907 5 1907 12 1907 19 1907 26 1907 3 1907 10 1907 17 1907 24 1907 V. 3, no. 18, Oct. 31, 1907 no. 19, Nov. 7,1907 no. 20, Nov. 14, 1907 no. 21, Nov. 21, 1907 no. 22, Nov. 27, 1907 no. 23, Dec. 5, 1907 no. 24, Dec. 12, 1907 no. 25, Dec. 19, 1907 no. 26, Dec. 26, 1907 V. 4, no. 1, Jan. 2,1908 no. 2, Jan. 9, 1908 no. 3, Jan. 16, 1908 no. 4, Jan. 23, 1908 no. 5, Jan. 30, 1908 no. 6, Feb. 6, 1908 no. 7, Feb. 13, 1908 no. 8, Feb. 20, 1908 no. 9, Feb. 27, 1908 no. 10, Mar. 5, 1908 no. 11, Mar. 12, 1908 no. 12, Mar. 19,1908 no. 13, Mar. 26, 1908 no. 14, Apr. 2, 1908 .i •>'H - no. 15, Apr. 9,1908 i^ -" no. 16, Apr. 16,1908 no. 17, Apr. 23, 1908 no. 18, Apr. 30, 1908 no. 19, May 7, 1908 no. 20, May 14, 1908 no. 21, May 21, 1908 no. 22, May 28,1908 no. 23, June 4, 1908 no. 24, June 11, 1908 no. 25, June 18, 1908 no. 26, June 25, 1908 V. 5, no. 1, July 2, 1908 no. 2, July 9, 1908 no. 3, July 16, 1908 no. 4, July 23, 1908 no. 5, July 30, 1908 no. 6, Aug. 6, 1908 no. 7, Aug. 13, 1908 no. 8, Aug. 20, 1908 no. 9, Aug. 27, 1908 no. 10, Sept. 3, 1908 no. 11, Sept. 10, 1908 no. 12, Sept. 17, 1908 no. 13, Sept. 24, 1908 no. 14, Oct. 1, 1908 no. 15, Oct. 8, 1908 no. 16, Oct. 15, 1908 no. 17, Oct. 22, 1908 no. 18, Oct. 29, 1908 no. 19, Nov. 5, 1908 no. 20, Nov. 12, 1908 no. 21, Nov. 19, 1908 no. 22, Nov. 25, 1908 no. 23, Dec. 3, 1908 no. 24, Dec. 10, 1908 no. 25, Dec. 17, 1908 no. 26, Dec. 24, 1908 no. 27, Dec. 31, 1908 638 Classification no. L.C3.61: (v. no8.) later (v. no8. and group nos.) ."(JO 'c ()'. ' 800 b{)\> i .»; mi IjC3. copyright office— Continued Catalogue of copyriglit entries, pt. 1, Books [etc.], new series — Continued pt. 1, group 1, Books V. 6, group 1, no. 1 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no, no. no. no. no. no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52, [no. 53], , Jan. 7, , Jan. 14, , Jan. 21, [, Jan. 28, >, Feb. 4, >, Feb. 11, ,Feb. 18, ;, Feb. 25, , Mar. 3, >, Mar. 11, ,Mar. 18, !, Mar. 25, ;, Apr. 1, [, Apr. 8, ), Apr. 15, ), Apr. 22, , Apr. 29, !,May 6, , May 13, ►, May 20, ,May 27, , June 3, , June 10, , June 17, , June 24, , July 1, ,July 8, ,July 15, , July 22, 1, July 29, , Aug. 5, , Aug. 12, , Aug. 19, , Aug. 26, , Sept. 2, , Sept. 9, , Sept. 16, , Sept. 23, , Sept. 30, , Oct. 7, , Oct. 14, ,Oct. 21, ,Oct. 28, ,Nov. 4, , Nov. 11, ,Nov. 18, , Nov. 24, ,Dec. 2, ,Dec. 9, ,Dec. 16, , Dec. 23, ,Dec. 30, ], index 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1 fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. Pt. 1, group 1, was issued weekly up to v. 8, no. 8, Mar. 23, 1911. From the last week of Mar. to Sept. 1911, issues have appeared 3 times a week, in signature form, without title- page. The year, number, and date of printing appear at the bottom of the first page, and the title and volume number are carried in the running head. Beginning Mar. 1911, separate monthly indexes have been issued. These are unnumbered, but are classed in the Public Documents Library following the numbers whiqh they index. m ClMsiflrttlon nu. LC3.6»: (v. no8.) later (v. no8. and group no8.) IjC3.6^: (v. nos.) (v. nos.) IjC3. copyright OFFICJB-^Continued Catalog:ue of copyri|?h.t entries, pt. 1, Books [etc.]» new series — Coutmued pt. 1, group 2, Pamphlets, leaflets, contributions to newtjpapers or peri- odicals, etc., dramatic compositions, maps and charts V. 6, group 2, nos. 1- 4, Jan. 1909 nos. 5- 8, Feb. 1909 nos. 9-12, Mar. 1909 nos. 13-17, Apr. 1909 nos. 18-21, May, 1909 nos. 22-25, June, 1909 nos. 26-30, July, 1909 nos. 31-34, Aug. 1909 nos. 35-39, Sept. 1909 nos. 40-43, Oct. 1909 nos. 44-47, Nov. 1909 nos. 48-52, Dec. 1909 Catalogue of copyriglit entries, pt. 2, Periodicals, new series [Weekly, July 5-Oct. 25, 190fi; ing inclusive numbers by monthly, from Nov. 15, 1906, the monthly issues bear- weeks, 12 or 13 publications constituting each volume.] V. 1 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. nos. 2, nos, nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. 1, July 2, July 5, 1906 12, 1906 3, July 19, 1906 4, July 26, 1906 5, Aug. 6, Aug. 2, 1906 9, 1906 7, Aug. 16, 1906 8, Aug. 23, 1906 9, Aug. 10, Sept. 30, 1906 6, 1906 11, Sept. 13, 1906 12, Sept. 20, 1906 13, Sept. 27, 1906 14, Oct. 4, 1906 15, Oct. 16, Oct. 17, Oct. 18, Nov 19-26, Dec. 1- 5, Jan. 6- 9, Feb. 10-13, Mar. 14-17, Apr. 18-22, May, 1907 23-26, June, 1907 27-30, July, 1907 31-35, Aug. 1907 36-39, Sept. 1907 11, 1906 18, 1906 25, 1906 15, 1906 1906 1907 1907 1907 1907 V. 2, nos. 40-44, Oct. 1907 nos. 45-48, Nov. 1907 nos. 49-52, Dec. 1907 V. 3, nos. 1- 5, Jan. 1908 nos. 6- 9, Feb. 1908 nos. 10-13, Mar. 1908 nos. 14-18, Apr. 1908 nos. 19-22, May, 1908 nos. 23-26. June, 1908 nos. 27-31, July, 1908 nos. 32-35, Aug. 1908 nos. 36-39, Sept. 1908 nos. 40-44, Oct. 1908 nos. 45-48, Nov. 1908 nos. 49-53, Dec. 1908 V. 4, nos. 1- 4, Jan. nos. 5- 8, Feb. nos. 9-12, Mar. nos. 13-17, Apr. nos. 18-21, May, nos. 22-25, June, 1909 nos. 26-30, July, 1909 nos. 31-34, Aug. 1909 nos. 35-39, Sept nos. 40-43, Oct. nos. 44-47, Nov. nos. 48-50, Dec. nos. 51, 52, [Dec. 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909] Catalogue of copyriglit entries, pt. 3, Musical compositions, new series (Weekly, July 5-Oct. 18, 1906; monthly, from Nov. 15, 1906, the monthly issues bear- ing inclusive numbers by weeks, 12 publications constituting each volume.] 1, no. no. no, no. no. no. no. no. no. 1, July 5, 1906 V. 1, no. 12, Sept. 20, 1906 2, July 12, 1906 no. 13, Sept. 27, 1906 3, July 19, 1906 no. 14, Oct. 4, 1906 4, July 26, 1906 no. 15, Oct. 11, 1906 5, Aug. 2, 1906 no. 16, Oct. 18, 1906 6, Aug. 9, 1906 no. 17, Nov. 15, 1906 7, Aug. 16, 1906 nos. 18-26, Dec. 1906 V. 2, nos. 1- 5, Jan. 1907 nos. 6- 9, Feb. 1907 nos. 10-13, Mar. 1907 noe. 14-17, Apr. 1907 8, Aug. 9, Aug. no. 10, Sept. 6, 1906 no. 11, Sept. 13, 1906 23, 1906 30, 1906 640 Classification no. L.C3.63: (v. nos.) IiC3. COPYRIGHT OFFICE— Continued L.C3.6*: (v. nos.) Catalogue of copyright entries, pt. 3, compositions, new series— Continued ^. 2, nos. 18-22, May, 1907 nos. 23-26, June, 1907 nos. 27-30, July, 1907 nos. 31-35, Aug. 1907 nos. 36-39, Sept. 1907 nos. 40-44, Oct. 1907 nos. 45-48, Nov. 1907 nos. 49-52, Dec. 1907 3, nos. 1- 5, Jan. 1908 nos. 6- 9, Feb. 1908 nos. 10-13, Mar. 1908 nos. 14-18, Apr. 1908 nos. 19-22, May, 1908 nos. 23-26, June, 1908 nos. 27-31, July,- 1908 nos. 32-35, Aug. 1908 3, nos. 36-39, Sept. nos. 40-44, Oct. nos. 45-48, Nov. nos. 49-53, Dec. 4, nos. 1- 4, Jan. nos. 5- 8, Feb. nos. 9-12, Mar. nos. 13-17, Apr. nos. 18-21, May, nos. 22-25, June, nos. 26-30, July, nos. 31-34, Aug. nos. 35-39, Sept. nos. 40-43, Oct. nos. 44-47, Nov. nos. 48-52, Dec. Musical 1908 1908 1908 1908 1 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 Catalogue of copyright entries, pt. 4, Engravings, cuts and prints, chromos and lithographs, photographs, flne arts, new series [Weekly, July 5-Oct. 18, 1906; ing inclusive numbers by monthly, from Nov. 15, 1906, the monthly issues bear- weeks, 12 publications constituting each volume.] 1, no. no. no. no. ^' Bio. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. nos. 2, nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. 1, July 5, 1906 2, July 12, 1906 3, July 19, 1906 4, July 26, 1906 5, Aug. 2, 1906 6, Aug. 7, Aug. 8, Aug. 9, Aug. 10, Sept. 9, 1906 16, 1906 23, 1906 30, 1906 6, 1906 11, Sept. 13, 1906 12, Sept. 20, 1906 13, Sept. 27, 1-906 14, Oct. 4, 1906 15, Oct. 11, 1906 16, Oct. 18, 1906 17, Nov. 17, 1906 18-26, Dec. 1906 1-5, Jan. 17, 1907 6- 9, Feb. 1907 10-13, Mar. 14-17, Apr. 18-22, May, 23-26, June, 1907 27-30, July, 1907 31-35, Aug. 1907 36-39, Sept. 1907 1907 1907 1907 v. 2, nos. nos. nos. V. 3, nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. V. 4, nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. 40-44, 45^8, 49-52, 1- 5, 6- 9, 10-13, 14-18, 19-22, 23-26, 27-31, 32-35, 36-39, 40-44, 45-48, 49-53, 1-4, 5- 8, 9-12, 13-17, 18-21, 22-25, 26-30, 31-34, 35-39, 40-43, 44-47, 48-52, Oct. 1907 Nov. 1907 Dec. 1907 Jan. 1908 Feb. 1908 Mar. 1908 Apr. 1908 May, 1908 June, 1908 July, 1908 Aug. 1908 Sept. 1908 Oct. 1908 Nov. 1908 Dec. 1908 Jan. 1909 Feb. 1909 Mar. 1909 Apr. 1909 May, 1909 June, 1909 July, 1909 Aug. 1909 Sept. 1909 Oct. 1909 Nov. 1909 Dec. 1909 i . LC4:. MANUSCRIPTS DIVISION [Created by appropriation act effective July 1, 1897. See Annual report of Library of Congress, 1901 (LC1.1:901).] LC4.1: (date) IiC4,2: F85 Annual reports [1907 and 1908, in annual reports of Library of Congress (LCl.l:), though not signed. 1909, an extract only appears in annual report of Library of Congress (LCl.l:) ] General publications Franklin, Benjamin. List of Benjamin Franklin papers in Library of Congress. 1905. large 8° fAn 8-paged Supplemental index under names of composers was issued to be inserted before the general index to v. 3 at p. 1149 of the Dec. 1908 number. 641 Clasalflcatlon no. LC4.2: J71 M75 N22 V59 W27» W27 2 W273 LC4.3: (nos.) (nos.) I4C4.5: (v. nos.) LC4.5«: (CT) liC*. MANUSCRIPTS DIVISION— Continued General publications — Continued Jones, John Paul. Calendar of John Paul Jones manuscriptB in Library of Congress. 1903. large 8<* Monroe, James. Papers of James Monroe, listed in chronological order from original manuscripts in Library of Congress; [by Wilmer Ross Leech]. 1904. large 8" Naval records of American Revolution, 1775-88, from originals in Library of Congress; by Charles Henry Lincoln. 1906 [1907]. large 8'' Vernon- Wager manuscripts. List of Vernon- Wager manuscripts in Library of Congress; [by John C. Fitzpatrick]. 1904. large 8* Washington, George. Calendar of Washington manuscripts in liibrary of Congress. 1901. large 8" Washington, George. Aids and secretaries to George Washington [list with facsimiles of writings] from originals in Division of Manu- scripts. 1906 [1907]. large 8° Washington, George. Calendar of correspondence of Geoi^e Washing- ton with Continental Congress, from original manuscripts in Library of Congress; by John C. Fitzpatrick. 1906 [1907]. large 8° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Journals of Continental Congress 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, V. 10, V. 11, v. 12, V. 13, v. 14, V. 15, 1774 1775, May 1775, Sept. 1776, Jan. 1776, June 1776, Oct. 1777, Jan. 1777, May 1777, Oct. 1778, Jan. 1778, May 1778, Sept. 1779, Jan. 1779, Apr. 1779, Sept. 10-Sept. 20 21-Dec. 30 1-June 4 5-Oct. 8 9-Dec. 31 1-May 21 22-Oct. 2 3-Dec. 31 1-May 1 2-Sept. 1 2-Dec. 31 1-Apr. 22 23-Sept. 1 2-Dec. 31 Journals of Continental Congress (separates) L.C5. MAPS AND CHARTS DIVISION [Created by appropriation act eflective July 1, 1897. See Annual report of Library of Congress, 1901 (LC1.1:901).] Annual reports [1907-09, extracts appeared in annual reports of Library of Congress (LCl.l:).] IiC5.1: (date) IjC5.2: All AmS F76 «2452' General publications Alaska and northwest part of North America, 1588-1898, maps in Library of Congress; by P. Lee Phillips. 1898. America. List of maps of America in Library of Congress, preceded by List of works relating to cartography; by P. Lee Phillips. 1901. large 8** [4176-516] [List of works relating to cartography also issued separately and classed under LC5.2a:C24.] Foreign governments. Check list of large scale maps published by for- eign governments, Great Britain excepted, in Library of Con- gress. 1904. large 8° -11 41 642 Classification no. LC5.2: G291 G292 K82 IiC5.2«: (CT) IiC5.3: (no8.) L,C5.4: (nos.) LC5. MAPS AND CHARTS DIVISION— Continued General pubUcatlons— Continued Geographical atlases. List of geographical atlases in Library of Con- gress, with bibliographical notes: v. 1, Atlases. 1909. large 8° Same: v. 2, Author list. 1909. large 8« Kohl collection, now in Library of Congress, of maps relating to America, by Justin Winsor; reprint of Bibliographical contribution 19 of library of Harvard University, with index by Philip Lee Phillips 1904. large 8« ^ General publications (separates) Bulletins [None issued. Circulars [None issued. [See LrCe.l: (date) LC6.2: N42zs 1 N42zs2 LC6.3: (nos.) L,C6.4: (nos.) L.C6.5: (letters) LC6.5«: (CT) LC6.6: Am3i Am32 N42zs P41 LCe. PERIODICAL DIVISION for sketch of division, annual report of Library of Congress, 1901 (LC1.1:901).] Annual reports [1907-09, extracts appeared in annual reports of Library of Congress (LCl.l:).] General publications Newspapers. Check list of American newspapers in Library of Con- gress. 1901. 4« Newspapers. Check list of foreign newspapers in Library of Congress. 1904. 4« Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] [Exchange] lists (lettered) A 2 editions [See also, for new edition of 1909, without letter A, LC6.6:P41.] B [The new edition, issued in 1910 without letter B, is not entered in this Checklist but is classed in the Public Documents Library under LC1.2:P41.] [Discontinued.] [Exchange] lists (lettered; separates) [Exchange] lists (unlettered and unnumbered) American historical serials. Want list of American historical serials; [by Chas. A. Flagg]. [1st edition.] 1905. Same. 2d edition. 1909. Newspapers. Want list of American 18th Century newspapers. 1909. Periodicals. Want list of periodicals. New edition. 1909. [See, for 1st edition, LC6.5:A.] LC7. DOCUMENTS DIVISION [Organized July 1, 1900. See, for sketch of division, annual report of Library of Congress, 1901 (LC1.1:901).] LC7.1: (date) Annual reports [1907, in annual report of Library of Congress (LCl.l:), though not signed. 1908 and 1909, extracts only are included in annual reports of Library of Congress (LCl.l:).] 643 ClatiNlflcation no. L.C7.2: P96» P963 L.C7.3: (no8.) LiC7.4: (no8.) tLC7.5: (no8.) LC7. DOCUMENTS DIVISION— Continued General publications Public documents. Memorandum referring to distribution and sale of public documents. Jan. 2, 1902. 4** Same. 1904. * Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] [Exchange] lists 1 2 L.C8. LIBRARY BUILDING AND GROUNDS SUPERIN- TENDENT [The appropriation act approved Feb. 19, 1897, provided tliat a Superintendent of Library Building and Grounds be appointed by the President. The superintendent received his conunission July 1, 1897.J LC8.1: (date) LC8.2: (CT) LC8.3: (nos.) LC8.4: (nos.) Annual reports [The reports of the superintendent are addressed direct to Congress. From 1897 to 1904, no bureau editions were issued. The following are the to the reports as they appear in the Congressional set: 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 3662-23 3778-24^ 3954-24 4134-26' 4220-51' 4489-56' 4673-28; 4830-168] 1905-09, bound with annual reports of Library of Congress; see LCl.l:] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] LC9. CATALOG DIVISION [See, for sketch of division, annual report of Library of Congress, 1901 (LC1.1:901).] LC9.1: (date) LC9.2: G29 H19^ H192 Annual reports (1902-05, in annual rep>orts of Library of Congress (LCl.l). 1906, no signed report issued. 1907-09, extracts only appeared in annual reports of Library of Congress (LCl.l:).] General publications Geographical distribution scheme. [Feb. 9, 1907.] 4«' Handbook of card distribution. 1st edition. 1902. 2d edition. Same, with references to Bulletins 1-20. 1907. t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Docu- ments Division has since begun a new series of publications, the first issue of which was for Jan. 1910. This has necessitated an additional class under LC7., the series title of which is as follows: LC7.6: Monthly list of State publications (date) [The first issue stated that quarterly indexes would be issued, but up to this time (1911) none have appeared. It is expected that in the future an index will be published in some form.] 644 Classlflcatlon no. LC9.2: P93 R861 R862 R863 IiC9.3: Cnos.) IiC9.4: (no8.) IjC9.5: OuS^ Ou82 Ou83 OuS^ IiC9.6»: C83^ C832 C833 tLC9.6 2: (letters) IjC9. catalog division— Continued General publications — Continued Printed cards. [Library of Congress] printed cards, how to order and use them; by Charles Harris Hastings. 1909. 16^ Rules. Library of Congress, Catalogue Division, supplementary rules [1, 2]. [May, 1903.] [Also printed on cards.] Rules. Library of Congress, supplementary rules on cataloging 1-11. [Mar. 1905.] large 8*^ [Also printed on cards.] Rules. Special rules on cataloging, to supplement A. L. A. rules, advance edition, 1-21. [Apr.] 1906. large 8° [Also printed on cards.] Bulletins 1 12 2 13 3 14 2 editions 4 15 2 editions 5 16 6 17 7 18 8 19 9 20 10 2 editions 21 11 Circulars [None issued.] Classification, outline scheme of classes See also LCI. 7: Outline. Classification, outline scheme of classes. Oct. 1904. 4° Same. Oct. 1906. 4« Same. Dec. 1907. 4° Same, preliminary [list]. Dec. 1909, [published] 1910. 4° Preliminary lists of subject subdivisions See, for information concerning main List of subject headings, foot- note class LC9.62: and note under LC9.6^: Countries. Preliminary list of subject subdivisions under names of countries or states and of subject headings with country sub- divisions, [preliminary list of subject subdivisions under names of cities and of subject headings subdivided by place, and pre- liminary list of general form divisions under subjects]. [1906.] large 8« Same. [1908.] large 8« Countries. Preliminary list of subject subdivisions under names of countries, states [and cities], and of subject headings with coun- try subdivisions [etc., with preliminary list of general form divisions under subjects]. [1909.] large 8** t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Catalog Division has since begun a set of publications, the first issue of which was printed in May, 1910. This has necessitated an additional class under LC9., the series title of which is as follows : LC9.6 2; [List of subject headings] (advance prints) (letters) [These publications having no title, printed on but one side of page, and with continuous pagination, are advance sheets of the main List of subject headings, which when com- pleted will be entered in the Public Documents Library under General publications (LC9.2:). See, for Preliminary hsts of subject subdivisions, LC9.6 1;, and for additions and corrections to be incorporated in the completed list, LC9.63:J CiMslflcatlon no. IiC9.6^: (no8.) 645 IiC9. CATALOG DIVISION— Continued Idst of subject lieadlngs, tions additions and correc- [Beginning 1899, typewritten lists were issued about 6 times a year until the Issue of the first printed list, no. 1, Dec. 1908, which covers adailions and changes. Aug. 1-Dec. 1. 1908. Succeeding lists are cumulative. Thes(^ additions and corrections will bo Incorporated in a volume of subject headings which Is not entered in this Checklist because still in preparation at close of 1909. See also footnote class LC9.G«:J IjCIO. IiAW LIBRARY Includes law collection in Capitol and In Library building. See, for sketch of Law Library, annual report of Library of Congress, 1901 (LCI. 1:901), and History of Library of Congress, by W. D. Johnston (LCl.2:H62).J liClO.l: (date) L.C10.2: W18 IiClO.3: (nos.) L.C10.4: (nos.) L.C10.5: LC10.5«: (CT) IjC10.6: Ar5 C49 076 C96 Annual reports [1905, In annual report of Library of Congress (LC1.1:905). 1906-09, no signed report issued.] General publications Want and duplicate lists of American statutes [needed to complete sets in Library of Congress] ; corrected to June 15, 1904. 1904. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Index analysis of Federal statutes Index analysis of Federal statutes, general and permanent law, 1789- 1873, with Table of repeals and amendments; by Middleton G. Beaman [and] A. K. McNamara, assisted by S. Boyd Darling, L. F. J. Hepburn, [and] W. H. McClenon. 1911. 4« [This volume is an index to the Statutes at large, v. 1-17. It was pre- pared as a preliminary volume to Scott and Beaman's Index analysis of Federal statutes, v. 18-34, 1873-1907; see below.] Same [general and permanent law, 1873-19071; by George Winfield Scott [and] Middleton G. Beaman, assisted by J. A. Beck, A. K. McNamara, F. G. Munson, [and] L. R. Alden. 1908. v. 1, 4° [This volume, issued as v. 1, covers general and permanent law in Revised statutes of 1873 and Statutes at large, v. 18-34, 1873-1907.] [It was originally Intended that v. 2 should cover local, personal, and temporary law. 1873-1907; but neither the preparation of this nor of similar matter for 1789-1873 is now (1911) contemplated.] Index analysis of Federal statutes (separates) Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes Army. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, Army. -V 1906. 4° Civil service. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal stat- utes, civil service. 1906. 4" Congress. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, Congress. 1906. 4« Customs laws. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, customs laws. 1906. 4° 646 L.C10. liAW LIBRARY— Continued Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes — Continued Finance. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, finance. 1906. 4° Fish and fisheries. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, fish and fisheries. 1906. 4" Foreign relations and claims. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, foreign relations and claims. 1906. 4'^ Immigration. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statvites, immigration, citizenship, and related topics. 1906. 4° Indians. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, Indians. 1906. 4° Internal revenue. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, internal revenue. 1906. 4" Interstate commerce. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, interstate commerce. 1906. 4° Judiciary. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, judiciary and related topics. 1906. 4*' Navy. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, Navv. 1906. 4° Patents and ti-ade-marks. Headings and subheadings for Index to Fed- eral statutes, patents and trademarks. 1906. 4° Pensions. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, pensions. 1906. 4° Postal service. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal stat- utes, postal service. 1906. 4° Public health. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal stat- utes, public health, pure food, and animals. 1906. 4"* Public lands. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, public lands. 1906. 4'> Public printing and documents. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes, public printing and documents. 1906. 4° Shipping and navigation. Headings and subheadings for Index to Fed- eral statutes, shipping and navigation. 1906. 4" Statutes. Headings and subheadings for Index to Federal statutes. [1906.] large 8« Same, errata. [1907.] 4° LCll. PRINTS DIVISION Created by appropriation act effective July 1, 1897. See, for sketch of division, annual report of Library of Congress, 1901 (LC1.1:901).] €lasslflcatloii no. IiClO.6: F49 F52 F76 Im6 In2 InS^ In82 J89 N22 P27 P38 P84 P961 P962 P963 Sh6 St2» St22 LCll.l: (date) IiCll.2: H86 LrCll.3: (nos.) LC11.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1907-09, extracts only appeared in annual reports of Library of Congress (LCl.l:).] General publications Hubbard engravings. Catalog of Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of engravings presented to Library of Congress by Mrs. Gardiner Greene Hubbard ; compiled by Arthur Jeffrey Parsons. 1905. 4° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 647 IjC12. music division ICreatfld by appropriation act effective July 1. annual report of Library of Congress, 1901 (LC1.1:901).] Classification no. L.C12.1: (date) L.C12.2: D79 Reorganized in 1902. See, for sketch of division, St2 1X112.3: (nos.) LC12.4: (nos.) Annual reports (1907-09, extracts only appeared in annual reports of Library of Congress (LC1.1:).J General publications Dramatic music, class M1500, 1510, 1520, catalogue of full scores; by Oscar Geoi^e Theodore Sonneck. 1908. Star-spangled banner. Report on Star-spangled banner. Hail Colum- bia, America, Yankee Doodle [with bibliography]; by Oscar George Theodore Sonneck. 1909. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] N. NAVY DEPARTMENT t [Created by act approved Apr. 30, 1798, supervision of naval affairs having been exer- cised prior to that time by the War Department. Reorganized by acts of Aug. 31, 1842 and July 5, 1862. A further reorganization under order of the Secreta^ of the Navy was put into effect Dec. 1, 1909.] t Toward the close of the period covered by this Checklist, Secretary Meyer planned radical changes in the organization of the Navy Department. His scheme of organi- zation was set forth in detail and promulgated by the publication entitled Changes in Navy regulations, 1909, no. 6 (N1.112:9096), dated Nov. 18, 1909 and effective Dec. 1, 1909. It was not, however, until some months thereafter that any portion of the new scheme received the sanction of Congress, and even then it was only a tem- Eorary sanction, which permitted a trial of the plan for a year. The time has since een extended, but up to the date of the present writing (May, 1911) the reorganiza- tion can not with assurance be considered a permanent arrangement. It is impracticable here to enter into a detailed description of the Meyer reorgani- zation. Among its most important features is one which grouped the work of the Navy Department under 4 general divisions, as follows: (a) Division of Operations of the Fleet; (b) Division of Personnel; (c) Division of Material; (d) Division of Inspections. To assist the Secretary of the Navy in coordinating and carrying on the work of these 4 divisions, there are on duty in the office of the Secretary 4 officers of the Navy, on the active list, known, respectively, as the (a) Aid for operations; (b) Aid for personnel; (c) Aid for material; (d) Aid for inspections. These officers advise the Secretary on all matters pertaining to the duties of their respective divisions. The divisions over which they preside do not, however, issue documents and are not Government publishing offices. Hence in this Checklist there is no classification assigned to them. In pursuance of recommendations from the Navy Department (see 61st Congress, 2d session, House report 293, serial no. 5591), the Bureau of Equipment (N5.) was abolished by naval appropriation act approved June 24, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 613), and its work distributed to other bureaus; see, for further information, footnote for N5. Informatioi^onceming changes in other bureaus, etc., affected by the Meyer reor- ganization andby naval appropriation act of June 24, 1910 may be found in footnotes at the points affected. , 648 Classification no. Nl. SECRETARY Nl.l: Ajinual reports (date) I The Public Documents Library has no Department editions of these reports prior to 1862. For the early years, the reports of the Navy Department appeared in the series of Congressional documents, usually forming onlv part of a volume. Since 1862, there have been both Congressional and Department editions. See, for papers relating to naval affairs, Jan. 20, 1794-June 15, 1836, American state papers, naval affairs, serial nos. 023-026.J 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 ]837 1838 1839 1840 1841 See /[In 89-1] t[In 93-2] /[In 108-1" t[In 113-2^ /[In 125-2 t[In 131-1" /[In 144-1' \[In 148-2' /[In 163 -r \[In 169-2' /[In 181-1' ifln 184-2' /[In 192-1' l[In 195-2' /[In 203-1' \[In 206-2' [In 216-2]' [In 233-2] "In 238-1" In 254-1" In 266-r In 271-2' [In 279-1' In 286-2' In 297-1^ In 30] -2 In 314-1' In 321-3 In 338-1 In 344-2 354-1 {[ { {[Jn In 375-1 In 382-2' In 395-1^ In 401-2] for report to In 612-1" In 635-2' In 659-1' In 674-1' In 692-1^ In 712-]; In 747-1' In 778-1' In 812-1' In 842-1" In 876-51 In 894-]' In 921-11] In 944-2] In 977-1] In 1000-2] 1859 Tin 1025-2] 1860 [1080-1] 1861 [1119-1] See, for special report, July 4, 1861, N1.2:R29. 1158-11 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1183-1 1221-1 1253-1 1286-1 1327-1 1369-1 1411-1 1448-1 1507-1 See also, for report without ac- companying documents ri502-l~ Ist (extra) 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 session of 27th Congress, [390-1] and [392-1]. '[In 413-n In 418-2 In 431-1 In 439-2 In 449-1 In 463-2 In 470-1] In 480-2 In 493-1 In 497-4 In 503-1 In 515-8 [In 537-1] In 549-1] In 569-5] In 587-1] In 595-1] 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882, 1562-1 '1600-1 1638-1 1679-1 1748-1' 1799-1 1849-1 1909-1 1958-1 '2016-1 1 Same, v, 2 Same, v, 3 1883, V. 1 Same, v. 2 1884, V. 1 I Same, v. 2/ 1885, V, 1 \ Same. v. 2/ [2097-1] } [2188-1] [2284-1] [2376-1] 1886 1887 1888 [2466-1] 2539-1] "2634-1] "{■Department edition includes reports from officers of Navy but omits reports of chiefs of bureaus of Navy Department and accompanying papers, which are in Con- gressional edition. ClMslflcation no. Nl.l: . (date) Nl. SECRETARY— Continued (date) N1.2: ;;;,'Ac2 Ad9 Am3 Ar5i ; Ar52 Ar53 B27 B54 C36 C49 Annual rei)orts— Continued 1889, pt. 1 [2721-1] Sarae.pt. 2 [2722- J] 1890 [text] Same [pli 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 2931-1 3085-1' 3207-1 3303-1' '3379-3 "3486-3 '3638-3 .} [2838-1] 1899 [3912-3] 1900 [4098-3] 1901, pt. 1 [4286-3] Same, pt. 2 [4287-3] 1902 [4455-3 1903 '4642-3 1904 '4795-3' 1905 '4956-3' 1906 t [5115-3] 1907 5291-3] 1908 5449-1045] 1909 [5740-106] 1898 [v. 1] [3753-3] Same [v. 2], appendix [3754-3] Annual reports (separates; Secretary's report) General publications Accounts. Report of Commission to Investigate Methods of Keeping Accounts in Navy Department; [B. F. Peters, Adam A. Ross, and Cleveland P. Manning, commissioners]. 1906. Advisory Board. Proceedings and report of Advisory Board [John Rodgers and others] to suggest number and classes of vessels for Navy. 1882. [From Annual report of Secretary of Navy, 1881.] Allowances. Tables of allowances of equipment, outfits, stores, etc., for each class of vessels of Navy, by Thomas W. Wyman, Garrett J. Pendergraat, and Elisha Peck; published by order of Secretary of Navy by John T. McLaughlin. Washington, Alexander and Barnard, printers, 1844. large 4° Allowances established for vessels of Navy, 1864. 1865. [See, for allowances for vessels, issued by different bureaus of Navy De- partment, N4.5:, N5.5:, N10.8:, N17.2:A15, and N19.2:A15.] American naval policy as outlined in messages of Presidents, 1790 to present day; [by Theodore Roosevelt]. 1897. Armored vessels. Report of Secretary of Navy in relation to armored vessels. 1864. Armor factory. Circular of instructions regarding construction of pro- posed Government armor factory. Dec. 1, 1897. 12° Armor. Advertisement and circular concerning armor for naval ves- sels. 1902. Barrundia, General. Message from President transmitting correspond- ence relating to conduct of Commander [Geo. C] Reiter, in con- nection with killing of General Barrundia. 1891. [2818-50] See also [2858-51]. Biscoe, Harry E. [Memorandum in matter of protest of Harry E. Bis- coe relative to comments by Robley D. Evans, commander in chief of Asiatic Fleet, in Fleet general court-martial order 22.] Nov. 18, 1903. 12° Chaplains. [Letter of John D. Long regarding uniform, rank, and pay of chaplains in Navy.] Apr. 8, 1902. [4417-10] Cincinnati, Centennial Exposition of Ohio Valley and Central States. Catalogue of exhibit of Navy Department at Centennial Expo- sition of Ohio Valley and Central States, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 4-Oct. 27, 1888. n.p. [1888]. t The indexto Navy Department report for 1906, in both bureau edition, Nl.l:906, and corresponding Congressional edition [5115-3], refers to material not in the volume; this material may be found in Medicine and Surgery Bureau report for 1906, as issued separately, NIO. 1:906. The following statement shows how the pages correspond: For p. 1021-76 of Nl.l:906, see p. 3-58 of N10.1:906. For p. 1077, 1078 of Nl. 1:906, see p. 188, 189 of N10.1:906. p. 1079-1206 as indexed in Nl.l:906, are not in that volume. For material indexed in Nl.l:906 as p. 1209-33, see p. 1079-1103 of same volume. 650 Classiflcatton no. N1.2: C63 C731 C732 C75 C83 D69 D73 Ei42 E121 El 22 EsS^ E882 EsS^ EsS^ Eu7 G18 G28 G81 H84 Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Oeneral publications— Continued Coal. Report of board on investigation of spontaneous ignition of coal; by Thomas D. Griffin, W. M. McFarland, and Jos. Westesson. Jan. 27, 1898. 12« Commandants. Circular letter to commandants of navy yards and naval stations [calling for suggestions and estimates on proposed changes]. Jan. 9, 1907. 4" Commissioned personnel. Memorandum constituting board [Truman H. Newberry and others] to consider existing laws affectmg com- missioned personnel of naval establishment. Aug. 16, 1906. 4° Condemned property. Circular letter [on bids opened for public sale of condemned Government property]. Aug. 20, 1907. narrow S° Courts-martial. Revised form of procedure and schedule of punish- ments for guidance of summary courts-martial. Navy. 1908. Dolphin. Steam dispatch boat Dolphin; report on trial and construc- tion by board of examination, Geo. E. Belknap, president, June 15, 1885. 1885. Dorman library. Catalogue of Dorman library presented to United States Naval Station, San Juan, Puerto Rico, by Gilbert Manu- facturing Company of New York, 0, P. Dorman, president. 1899. Eight-hour day. [Letter from Hilary A. Herbert, in response to resolu- tion, as to violations of 8-hour law by contractors engaged in construction and repairs of Government property in Brooklyn, N. Y.] Jan. 20, 1897. [3469-73] Eight-hoiu" day. Memorandum to chiefs of bureaus [etc., requiring them to report such violations of 8-hour law as have occurred during last 2 years with reasons for same, and directing that, in future, attention of all contractors be called to requirements of law]. July 17, 1906. Electrical plants. Report of Stone and Webster, electrical engineers and experts [upon power plants of Portsmouth, Boston, Brook- lyn, and other navy-yards]. Nov. 15, 1904. Election. Circular letter [in regard to Executive order, June 15, 1907, forbidding interference with an election]. Oct. 12, 1907. nar- row 8*' Estimates. Comparative statement of estimates and appropriations, 1900-01, Navy Department. [1899.] 4° Same, 1901-02. [1900.] 4° Estimates. Comparative statement of estimates and appropriations, legislative, executive, and judicial, 1900-01, Navy Department. [1899.] 4'> Same, 1901-02. [1900.] 4° European war-ships. Report of chief engineer J. W. King, on Eiu*opean ships of war and their armament, naval administration and econ- omy, marine constructions, torpedo- warfare, dock-yards, etc. 2d edition enlarged. 1878. [See, for 1st edition, [1719-27].] Garfield, James A. Reports of officers of Navy on ventilating and cool- ing Executive Mansion during illness of President Garfield. 1882. General orders and circulars issued by Navy Department, 1863-87, with index of subjects and index of bureau and Marine Corps circulars, general court-martial orders, and special death notices; by M. S. Thompson. 1887. [p. 289-302 are missing from copy in Public Documents Library.] Greely relief expedition, reception of A. W. Greely and his comrades and of Arctic relief expedition at Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 1, 4, 1884; by Wm. A. McGinley. 1884. 12° Howitzer. Naval howitzer afloat; by Foxhall A. Parker. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1866. 651 CUsslflcation DO. N1.2; H88 In2 J34» J342 L85 M28' M282 M31 M46^ M462 M463 M561 M562 N221 \ Mail. Nl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications — Continued Hull, Isaac. Minutes of proceedings of court of inquiry iii(o official con- duct of Isaac Hull, as commandant of navy yard, Charlestown, Mass., convened at navy yard in said Charlestown, on 12th day of Aug. 1832, printed by order of Navy Department from official record. Washington, Davis and Force, 1832. * Indiana, U. S. S. Contract trial of coast-line battle ship Indiana; by Harry Hall. 1901. [Reprinted, by permission, from Joiunal of American Society of Naval Engineers,] Jeannette. Proceedings of court of inquiry convened at Navy Depart- ment, Washington, D. C, Oct. 5, 1882, to investigate circum- stances of loss m Arctic seas of exploring steamer Jeannette, etc. 1883. ([47th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 108]; serial no. 2113.) See also [2076-72]. Jeannette. Report of Giles B. Harber of his search for missing people of Jeannette expedition [and transportation of remains of George W. De Long and companions to United States]. [May 28, 1884.] ([48th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 163]; serial no. 2207.) Long, John D. [Letter of John D. Long to Edwin H. Risley, concerning alleged persecution of Admiral Schley.] Dec. 19, 1901. [See, for Schley Court of Inquiry Proceedings, N1.21 ^:1, 2, and for cor- respondence concerning court of inquiry, Nl. 21 2:901 ^■^, 902.] Maine, U. S. S. Message from President, transmitting report of naval court of inquiry upon destruction of battle ship Maine in Havana harbor, Feb. 15, 1898, with testimony taken before court. 1898. [3610-207] Circular letter to chiefs of bureaus and offices [promulgating pro- vision in act making appropriations for Post-Office Department, 1907, requiring that record be kept of all mail entered at Washing- ton under penalty privilege, July-Dec. 1906]. June 26, 1906. narrow 8° Manila. War with Spain, operations of U. S. Navy on Asiatic Station, reports of George Dewey on battle of Manila Bay, May 1, 1898, and on investment and fall of Manila, May 1-Aug. 13, 1898. 1900. Medals. Record of medals of honor issued to bluejackets and marines of Navy, 1862-88. 1888. Same, supplement, 1888-1903. 1904. Medals. Naval engagements during War with Spain, in commemora- tion of which officers and men attached to vessels named are entitled to receive medals and bars. Mar. 31, 1908. 12" * [Issued to accompany Special order 70, 3d series, Mar. 14, 1908 (N1.163:70).] Messing. Report of board on messing and ration system for Navy, 1901. [1901.] Meteorology. [2d and 3d reports on meteorology, with Directions for mariners, etc.; by James P. Espy.] [185-?] oblong large 8*^ [559, 560-39] [Bureau edition is in 1 v.; Congressional edition is in 2 V. 8°, v. 1 containing text and plates, v. 2, plates.] [This publication is without title-page. The letter of transmittal in both bureau and Congressional editions states that report was submitted to Navy Depart- ment Nov. 12, 1849. This evidently refers to the 2d report, which is dated Nov. 12, 1849. The 3d report is not dated. It was probably submitted in 1850, although a table of dew-points included gives data for Apr. and May, 1851. The Directions for mariners, submitted Jan. 30, 1851, to be printed with the report which was already in press, are dated Jan. 24, 1851. See, for 1st report, made to surgeon-general, Army, W44.2:M56. See, for 4th report, issued as a miscellaneous publication of Congress, Y1.3:M56.] Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, North Chicago, 111. Location of naval training station on Great Lakes [report of Board on Loca- tion of Naval Training Station on Great Lakes in favor of Lake Bluff site, approved and adopted by President Nov. 23, 1904]. Nov. 23, 1904. See, for report to Congress Nov. 11, 1904, [4565-6]. 652 Classification no. Nl. SECRETARY— Continued N1.2: N22 = N22^ N22« N22e N81 Of2 Pll PI92 P211 P212 P53 P56 P751 P752 P753 P75* General publications— Continued ,^Navy-yard. Reports of Secretary of Navy, and commission by him appointed, on proposed new iron navy yard at League Island [Philadelphia, Pa.]. Philadelphia, Collins, printer. 1863. [See also N21.2:L47 and N21.7:P53.] Navy-yards. Report of commission [Francis Munroe Ramsey, Robert Boyd, and Willard Herbert Brownson] on most desirable loca- tions for navy-yards and dry-docks on coast of Gulf of Mexico and south Atlantic Coast. 1889. Navy of United States, 1775-1853, with brief history of each vessel's service and fate, by George F. Emmons; added. List of private armed vessels fitted out under American flag previous and sub- sequent to Revolutionary War with their services and fate, also list of Revenue and Coast Survey vessels, and principal ocean steamers belonging to citizens of United States, 1850. Wash- ington, Gideon & Co., 1853. 4" Naval war code. Laws and usages of war at sea, naval war code; by Charles H. Stockton. 1900. 12° [Prescribed for use of Navy under General order 551, June 27, 1900, and withdrawn by General order 150, Feb. 4, 1904. See also, for discussion, N15. 7:903.] Same. [Reprint] 1901. 12° [Withdrawn.] Navy yearbook. See entry and references under Y4.N222:Ap6. North Atlantic Station, report of exercises by ships of North Atlantic Station in 1886, with report of board of naval officers to whom reports were submitted for examination. 1887. [Confidential.] Office building. Report of board on office building for use of Navy Department and assignment of quarters in Department. [1902.] Pacific Coast. Report of commission to select site for navy yard on Pacific Coast north of 42d parallel of north latitude. 1889. Panama. Report of [Bowman H.] McCalla upon naval expedition to Isthmus of Panama, Apr. 1885. [1885.] Pan-American Exposition. Catalogue of exhibit of Navy Department, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; [by B. F. Peters]. 1901. Parade. Special notice to maiiners, naval parade and review, regula- tions governing reserved spaces in port of New York, Apr. 25-27, 1893. \}la.T. 31, 1893.] 4° Paris exposition of 1900, information for exhibitors in L^. S. military and naval section as to shipments, marking, labels, invoices, etc. [1899.] Philadelphia, Pa. United States International Centennial Exhibition, 1876, catalogue of articles and objects exhibited by Navy Depart- ment in Government building, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1876. large 4« [English, French, and German.] Physical drill . Manual of physical drill or setting-up exercises for use in Navy. 1898. 24° Political assessments. Circular letter [to chiefs of bureaus and offices, etc., warning against political assessments and partisan activity of officeholders]. Sept. 12, 1902. narrow 8° Political activity. Circular letter [to commandants of navy-yards and naval stations stating that laborers and mechanics at yards or sta- tions under their command will be subject to discharge for politi- cal activity in same manner as competitive classified employees]. May 14, 1908. narrow 8° Political assessments. Circular letter [for information of employees of Navy Department concerning political assessments and partisan activity of office holders]. Aug. 25, 1908. narrow 8° Political activity. Circular letter [to employees of Navy Department concerning political activity of those in classified service]. Sept. 14, 1908. narrow 8° 653 ClMslflcatlon no. N1.2: P83 P92 R23 R26 R29 R31 R312 R313 R67 Sa4 She Sh7 Sp3 St2 St3^ St32 St33 St4 St7 T23' T23» T71 Nl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications — Continued Porter, David. Minutes of proceedings of courts of inauiry and court martial in relation to David Porter, convened at Washington, 7th July, 1825, Washington, Davis and Force, 1825. * Press copy books. Titles of press copy books. [1905.] 4° Rear-admirals. List of rear-admirals, commodores, captains, and com- manders, showing dates on which they retire and promotions con- sequent. [1870.J See also entries under N1.2:R31 *-^. Registers. United States Navy registers [history and list, 1814-91]. 1891. Report of Secretary of Navy [without accompanying papers] July 4, 1861. [1861.] [This is a special report made to the President. It appeared also with accompanying papers in 37th Congress, 1st session. Senate executive document 1, serial no. 1112.] Retirements on account of age of commissioned officers, warrant officers, and mates of Navy. Mar. 1895. See, for List of rear-admirals, commodores [etc.], issued 1870, N1.2:R23. Retirements, Engineer Corps, Navy, after 1896. [1897.] 12° Retirements on account of age of commissioned officers, warrant officers, and mates of Navy and of Marine Corps, to Jan. 1, 1911. Oct. 1899. Roosevelt, Theodore. Address of President Roosevelt at Naval Branch Y. M. C. A., Brooklyn, N. Y., May 30, 1905. June 9, 1905. Samoa. Disaster at Apia, Samoa, to vessels of Navy in hurricane of Mar. 15 and 16, 1889; official reports and correspondence. 1889. Ships and weapons of Navy; by Charles Stedman Ripley. Chicago, Geo. K. Hazlitt & Co., 1898. narrow 8° Shore duties of officers of Navy, detailed statements concerning duties of naval officers at Navy Department, navy-yards, and other shore stations in response to Department's circular letter of July 5, 1902. 1902. Special deposit. Circular letter [in regard to "special deposit" for payment]. Aug. 20, 1907. narrow 8° Stationery. Catalogue of stationery, naval supply fund. 1897. Steel. Specifications for inspection of steel for use in construction of hulls and machinery of battle ships nos. 5 and 6. [Nov. 6, 1895.] 12° Same, battle ships nos. 7, 8, and 9. July 3, 1896. 12° Steel. Report of naval advisory board on mild steel used in con- struction of hull, boilers, and machinery of Dolphin, Atlanta. Boston, and Chicago; by R. Gatewood. 1886. [Also in annual report of Navy Department, 1885, v. 1, p. 367-578 (Nl. 1:885 ^).] Stenographers. Circular letter [to chiefs of bureaus, etc., promulgat- ing letter from Civil Service Commission regarding stenogra- phers and typewriters]. Feb. 5, 1907. narrow 12* Stores. Report of board on concentration of stores, etc., George Brown, president. 1887. Telegraphic dictionary. Brooklyn, 1812. * [Numbers entered in manuscript.] Telegraphic dictionary. Navy, 1848. J. & G. S. Gideon, printers, Washington, D. C. [1848.] 12o ^See, for later edition, N17.12»:T23. Treaties and conventions concluded between United States and other Powers, 1873-1881, supplement to book of foreign treaties pub- lished by Department of State in 1873. 1882. [See, for State Department publication of 1873, S9.5 ^ :873 ^ Compilations sup- plementary to later State Department publications have been is- sued by Equipment Bureau; see N5.2:T71.] 654 Classiflcatlon no. N1.2: ;; ■)W27 W74 W93 N1.3: (nos.) (date) (nos.) Nl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications — Continued Washington Navy-Yard. Questions covering subjects embraced in course of instruction for seamen at Washington Navy Yard . 1899 . Wireless telegraphy. [Correspondence between Navy Department and] Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, of America [relative to proposed legislation based on recommendations of Inter-Depart- mental Board on Wireless Telegraphy]. [1905.] Writer. Aid to ship's writer, n. p. 1901. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars (unnumbered) [Prior to 1863, nearly all circulars of the Navy Department were Issued without being numbered or regularly distributed. Between 1863 and 1879, many such unnum- bered circulars were issued, but as no comi)lete file could be consulted, no attempt is made to list them here. Such as are in the Public Documents Library are found only in the compilation, General orders and circulars issued by Navy Department, 1863-87; see N1.2:G28.] Circulars (numbered) [Nos. 1-35 are fotmd in the Public Documents Library only in the compilation, Gen- eral orders and circulars issued by Navy Department, 1863-87; see Nl.2:G28. Nos. 1-7 were issued in 1S77; nos. 8-10, in 1878; nos. 11 and 12, in 1879; nos. 13-17, in 1880; nos. 18-20, in 1881; nos. 21 and 22, in 1882; no. 23, in 1883; nos. 24-30. in 1884; nos. 31-34, in 1885; no. 35, in 1886; no. 36, probably in 1887; no. 37, in 1887; nos. 38-41, in 1889; no. 42. in 1890; no. 43, in 1891; nos. 44-47, in 1892; nos. 48-54, in 1893; nos. 65-63, in 1894; nos. 64-69, in 1895; nos. 70-74, in 1896; nos. 75-83, in 1897; nos. 84-89, in 1898; nos. 90-96, in 1899; no. 98, in 1900.] 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 1 34 2 35 3 36 4 37 5 38 6 39 7 40 8 41 9 42 10 43 11 44 12 45 13 46 14 47 15 48 16 49 17 50 18 51 19 52 20 53 21 54 22 55 23 56 24 57 25 58 26 59 27 60 28 61 29 62 30 63 31 64 32 65 33 66 [Discontinued.] [Not issued.] 655 ClastilflcatloB no. N1.5»: (noe.) Nl . SECRETARY— Continued Navy regulation circulars [1st series, 1865-67] [These circulars contain supplements and amendments to Regulations for govern- ment of Navy, 1S * Philadelphia, C. Sher- 661 ClMslflratlon BO. N1.8: W65>» W652' W6522 W6523 W6524 W652^ W652« W6527 W6528 W6529 W6530 N1.9: 826 841 Charles Wilkes. Philadelphia, 843 Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Explorations and surveys— Continued Same: v. 14, Crustacea; by James D. Dana. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1853. pt. 2. 40 * Same: Atlas to v. 13, 14. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1855. f « * Same: v. 15, Botany, Phanerogamia; by Asa Gray. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1854. 4° * Same: Atlas to v. 15. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1856. f° * Same: v. 16, Botany, Cryptogamia; Filices, including Lycopo- diaceaeand Hydropterides; by William D. Brackenridge. Phila- delphia, C. Sherman, 1854. 4« * Same: Atlas to v. 16. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1856. f ° * Same: v. 17, Botany, Cryptogamia; Musci, by W. S. SuUivant. Lichens, by Edward Tuckerman, Algae, by J. W. Bailey ana W. H. Harvey, Fungi, by M. A. Curtis and M. J. Berkeley, [and] Phanerogamia of Pacific. North America, by John Torrey; edited by Asa Gray. Philadelphia, Sherman and Co., 1874. 4° * Same: V. 18. [Not published.] Same: v. 19. [Not published.] Same: v. 20, Herpetology; by S. F. Baird [and Charles Girard]. Philadelphia, C. Sherman and Son, 1858. 4» * Same: Atlas to v. 20. Philadelphia, C. Sherman and Son, 1858. fo * Same: V. 21. [Not published.] Same: V. 22. [Not published.] Same: v. 23, Hydrography; by C. Sherman, 1861. 4« * Same: Atlas to v. 23. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1858. pt. 1. f o * Same: Atla8tov.23. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1858. pt.2. f° * Same: V. 24. [Not published.] [By the act of Aug. 26, 1842, it was directed that there should be published, under the supervision of the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress, an account of the exploring expedition commanded by Charles Wilkes, in a form similar to the "Voyageofthe Astrolabe," published by the Government of France. For history of publication, see 35th Congress, 2d session, Senate report 391, in serial no. 994, ana 44th Congress, 1st session, Senate report 60, in serial no. 1667.] Compilations of laws Laws in relation to naval establishment and Marine Corps, collected and arranged by order of Secretary of Navy, from laws of United States, to end of 1st session of 19th Congress. Washington, Davis and Force, 1826. 12* Laws in relation to Navy and Marine Corps to close of 2d session of 26th Congress [1789-1840], with acts and resolutions granting medals, swords, and votes of thanks, or having reference to special objects, also private acts for relief of individuals, [and] table of appropria- tions and expenditures for naval service, 1791-1840, to which are prefixed Constitution of United States and synopsis of legis- lation of Congress respecting naval affairs during Revolutionary War; compiled and arranged by Benjamin Homans. Washing- ton, J. and G. S. Gideon, 1841. Same, with appendix containing laws passed at 27th Congress. Washington, J. and G. S. Gideon, 1843. [In 1848, a revised edition of the laws was compiled and issued by Mechlin and Win- der in the same volume with their General register of Navy and Marine Corps: wcN1.10:848 8. In 1859, appeared Laws relating to Navy and Marine Corps from formation of Govern- ment to 1859, etc.; compiled by John F. Callan and A. W. Russell, and pub- lished in Baltimore by John Murphy & Co. The compilers of this volume were clerks to the Senate Committee on Military Affairs and the Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, respectively. The compilation was a private publication and although it undoubtedly was used for reference by naval authorities, there is no evidence of its having been authorized by the Navy Department, or that Con- gress subscribed for any part of the edition. Hence it can not be considered a Government publication even in the broadest acceptance of the term, and it is therefore omitted from this Checklist.] 662 Classification no. N1.9: 865 875 883 898 N1.9«: (date) Nl.lO: (date) Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Compilations of laws— Continued Laws relating to Navy, Marine Corps, and Navy Department, July 1, 1865. 1865. Compilation of navy and other laws, from Revised statutes and Stat- utes at large, passed by 43d Congress; with appendix containing such private and general relief-acts, etc., as are of interest to Navy. 1875. Compilation of laws relating to Navy, Marine Corps, etc., from Revised statutes and subsequent acts, to Mar. 3, 1883; prepared by John W.Hogg. 1883. United States laws relating to Navy, Marine Corps, etc., compiled from Revised statutes and subsequent acts, to June 17, 1898, with di- gest of decisions of courts and opinions of Attorneys-General; by William H. Michael. 1898. Compilations of laws (separates) Navy register various sizes [The title-page of the publication iwpularly known by the above name reads, Reg- ister of commissioned and warrant officers of Navy and Marine Corps, and the present title varies only slightly from the form which has been used for the annual January issue from the earliest years of its existence. Between 1798 and 1814 several lists of officers in the naval service appeared as private publications, two of which are noted below. Lists for 1806, 1812^ 1814, and 1818-25 are contained in American state papers, volume on Naval affairs. The first volume of the official Navy register was issued in 1814, and with the excep- tion of 1816, when none was issued, and certain variations in 1861, 1862, 1878, and 1887, it has appeared regularly ever since. Up to 1847 the size varied, some being 16° and some 12o. From 1848 to 1853, part of the edition was 12° and part was printed with wider margins as a 4° publication. Since 1854 it has been uniformly S° except the 2d edition of July, 1895. Between 1835 and 1848 certain publications supplementary to the annual official register were issued as private ventures, of which there are noted below the mid- year and quarterly registers of Benjamin Homans, and a General register of Navy and Marme Corps, 1798-1848, bj^ Mechlin & Winder. In 1861 a revision of the January list was issued Aug. 31, and in 1862, the only issue for the year appeared Sept. 1. Beginning in 1866 a semiannual issue corrected to July or August was issued each year, except 1876 and 1879, up to July, 1887. From 1888 to 1892 the register was issued only once a year, in January. In 1893, the July publication was resumed under title, List arid station of commissioned and warrant officers of Navy and Marine Corps on active list. This was again discontinued with July, 1907, similar information being after that time included in the monthly publication, Navy and Marine Corps list and directory (N1.24:). Prior to 1896, the annual issues of the Navy register did not appear in the Congres- sional set. Certain special lists of officers for various periods between 1815 and 1889 may be found m the Congressional set as follows: [94-43], [291-36], [397-173], [981-17], [1176-3], [1316-19], [1996-126], [2678-3]. Between 1848 and 1863, transcripts of the official Navy list, showing pay and allow- ances for each officer, were also prepared, by fiscal years, usually from the official list issued the preceding January, with necessary corrections for deaths, resig- nations, etc. These appeared only in the Congressional set, as follows: 1848 [540-36] 1852 [677-35] 1856 [900-58] 1860 [1101-78] 1849 576-27] 1853 [721-44] 1857 [956-73] 1861 [1127-24] 1850 599-29] 1854 [783-49] 1858 [1008-101] 1862 [None issued.] 1851 677-13] 1855 [851-36] 1859 [1048-38] 1863 [1163-77] A list of Navy registers 1814-91, with brief history, was issued by Navy Department, 1891; see N1.2:R26.] 1800, Nov. laws Original and correct list of Navy, and digest of principal by Charles W. Goldsborough. f 1805-6, Navy register, annotated; by Geo. Henry Preble. J 1814, Feb. 21 * 1815, Aug. 1 Same, Dec. 11 * t The copy of the Navy register, Nov. 1800, in the Public Documents Library is an 8*>, printed at Government Printing Office, with note on cover signed by Geo. H. Preble which reads, Copied from a book belonging to Mrs. John A. Bates, Charlestown, Mass., Nov. 1873. In another place Admiral Preble states that the original was a 12° of 32 p. J The Navy register 1805-6 in the Public Documents Library was printed at Gov- ernment Printing Office at a much later date and includes the Navy list for 1806 with additional information. 663 ClMslflcation no. Nl.lO: (date) Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Navy register— Continued 1816 [Not issued.] 1817 * 1818 * 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 [Ist edition] Same. [2d edition 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 Same, July 1, published by B. Homans 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 Same, Sept. 15; by B. Homans 1843 Same, printed for B. Homans [This edition differs from official edi- tion of 1843 only in having the words "Printed for B. Homans" on the cover. It may be the Jan. issue, no. 1, of his Quarterly register.] Same, [Quarterly register, no. 2?] Apr. 1, 1843; by Benjamin Ho- mans. * Same, [Quarterly register, no. 3, July; by Benjamin Homans] * [Publication not seen. Was it ever issued?] Same, Quarterly register, no. 4, Oct. 1843; by Benjamin Homans. 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 12« Same 4° Same, General register of Navy and Marine Corps since 1798, to which is appended, Constitution of United States and revised edition of laws in relation to Navy and Marine Corps; by Mechlin & Winder, f 1849 12° Same 4" 1850 12" 1851 12° Same 4° 1852 12° Same 4° t Compiled from official records by authority of Secretary of Navy, copies authorized by House joint resolution approved Mar. 3, 1849. Purchase of 664 Classification no. Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Nl.lO: Navy register— Continued (date) 1853 12° Same 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861, Jan Same, 1862, Jan Same, 1863, Jan 1864, Jan 1865, Jan 1866, Jan Same, 1867, Jan Same, 1868, Jan Same, 1869, Jan Same, 1870, Jan Same, 1871, Jan Same, 1872, Jan Same, 1873, Jan Same, 1874, Jan Same, 1875, Jan Same, 1876, Jan Same, 1877, Jan Same, 1878, Jan Same, 1879, Jan Same, 1880, Jan Same, 1881, Jan Same, 1882, Jan Same, 1883, Jan Same, 1884, Jan Same, Nl.ll^: 1885, Feb. 1 40 Same, July 1 1886, Jan. 1 Same, July 1 1887, Feb. 1 [Suppressed, and full information repeated in July issue.] Same, July 1 1888, Jan. 1 1 1889, Jan. 1 Aug. 31 1890, Jan. 1 [Not issued.] 1891, Jan. 1 Sept. 1 1892, Jan. 1 1 1893, Jan. 1 1 Same, July 15 1 1894, Jan. 1 1 Same, July 1 Aug.l 1895, Jan. 1 1 Same, July 1 8° July 1 Same, July 1 oblong 8° 1 1896, Jan. 1 [3415-77] Julyl Same, July 1 1 1897, Jan. 1 [3523-150] Julyl Same, July 1 1 1898, Jan. 1 [3672-169] Julyl Same, July 1 1 1899, Jan. 1 [3808-136] Julyl Same, July 3 1 1900, Jan. 1 [3982-349] Julyl Same, July 1 1 1901, Jan. 1 [4157-291] Julyl Same, July 1 1 1902, Jan. 1 [4350-250] July 15 Same, July 1 1 1903, Jan. 1 [4519-290] July 22 Same, July 1 1 1904, Jan. 1 [4706-478] July [Not issued.] Same, July 1 1 1905, Jan. 1 [4854-302] July 20 Same, July 1 [Not issued.] Julyl 1906, Jan. 1 [5032^56] Same, July 1 1 1907, Jan. 1 [5203-728] July [Not issued.] Same, July 1 [July issue discontinued with this 1 Julyl number. Similar informa- 1 tion later included in the Julyl monthlypublication. Navy 1 and Marine Corps list and Julyl directory (N1.24:).] 1908, Jan. 1 [5292-661 1 Aug.l 1909, Jan. 1 [5450-1466] 15 Same, errata Aug.l Navy regulations [From 1865 to 1899, each edition of Regulations for government of Navy was supple- mented by a series of Navjr regulation circulars; see N1.5i-^: Changes in the regulations of 1900 were published in the series of General orders (Nl .13")- Begin- ning 1905, a niunbered series of Changes in Navy regulations was begun; see N1.112: Entries given below for certain of the Navy regulations which are not in the Public Documents Library were taken from a list on p. 3 of Navy regulations, 1909 (Nl.U 1:909).] See also Rules, regulations, and instructions, N1.19: 665 Classlflratlon no. Nl.ll': 775 802 809 814 818 833 838 1 8382 841 851 853 863 865 [Issued by command of President, Nl . SEC RET ARY— Continued Navy regulations — Continued Rules for regulation of Navy of United Colonies. 1775. * (The text of the 1775 regulations appears In Wa> and Gideon edition of Journals of American Conpress, v. 1, p. 185 191 (Z2.7:l), and in Journals of Continent ul Con- gress, edited from original records in Library of Con^Tess, v. 3, p. Z7H-'.iS7 ( J^C4.5:3). Entry on p. 2 of Pcore's Descriptive catalogue of Government publications, 1774- 1881, says of these regulations, " Philadelphia, Nov. 23, 1775.'* This Is the date when they were laid before Congress, though they did not receive the approval of Congress until Nov. 28. Poore gives no pagination and no further iniorma* tlon to show whether this entry refers to a separate print. The list of Navy regulations on p. 3 of Regulations, 1909 TNI. 11 ':909), has entries for Act for government of Navy, Mar. 2, 1799, and Ace for better government of Navy, Apr. 23, 1800.] Naval regulations. 1802. 12*> Jan. 25, 1802.] Same. [Reprint] 1809. * Same. 1814. * [Issued by command of President.] Rules, regulations, and instructions for naval service, prepared by Board of Navy Commissioners with consent of Secretary of Navy, under authority of act of Feb. 7, 1815. Washington City, E. De Krafft, 1818. 12« [12-202] [Commonly known as the "Blue book." Congressional edition is 8°.] See, for Rules and regulations for naval service, prepared under act of Feb. 7, 1815, with schedule of alterations and additions [to Jan. 1821], 16th Cong. 2d sess., S. doc. 65, serial no. 43. Rules of Navy Department regulating civil administration of Navy. City of Washington, printed at Globe Office by F. P. Blair, 1832. 16° [Commonly known as the "Red book." See also Nl.ll ^:851]. Rules and regulations prepared by Board of Revision for government of Navy, Dec. 23, 1833 [with Proposals for amending laws in rela- tion to naval service. May 2, 1834]. [1834?] [Made up of House executive documents 20 and 375, 23d Congress, 1st session, serial nos. 254 and 258. The 31 p. of document 375, which bears the imprint of Gales and Sea ton, are inserted between p. 73 and 75 of document 20.] Book of regulations for use of commanders, pursers, and recruiting oflB- cers. 1838. * Financial regulations for naval oflBcers. 1838. * [Regulations for pursers, commanders of vessels, and recruiting officers of Navy, prepared under direction of accounting officers of Treasury De- partment and promulgated by Secretary of Navy.] General regulations for Navy and Marine Corps. Washington, J. and G. S. Gideon, 1841. [Interleaved.] See, for Rules and regulations for government of Navy, prepared in obedience to [joint] resolution of May 24, 1842, 27th Cong. 3d sess., H. doc. 148, serial no. 421. Regulations, circulars, orders, and decisions for guide of officers of Navy. 1851. * [Continued in part and issued after publication au- thorized by Navy Department, Mar. 1832, for which see Nl.ll ^: 832.] System of orders and instructions for Navy. 1853. * [These regula- tions were issued by the President, but the Attorney-General decided them to be without legal validity and they were with- drawn.] See, for Code of regulations for government of Navy [prepared under act of Mar. 3, 1857], in annual report of Navy Department, 1858, Nl.l:858. Regulations of Navy. 1863. * Regulations for government ot Navy, 1865. 1865. 12" [Originally made up of 344 pages. Two pages added for errata, and p. 347- 355 issued as Navy regulation circular no. 1, to be inserted. See, for additions and amendments, N1.5*:] 666 Classification no. Nl.lli: 869 870 876 893 8961 8962 900 905 909 Nl.lli«: (CT) Nl.ll^: 905^ 9052 9053 905^ 905^ 905 « 905^ 9058 905 » 905 1° 90511 90512 90513 9051* 9091 9092 9093 909* 909^ 9098 9097 9098 Nl.ll^: 9051 9052 Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Navy regulations — Continued Same, 1869. 1869. * 1870. 12° [See, for additions and amendments, Same, 1870. NI.52:] Same, 1876. Same, 1893. 1877. [See, for additions and amendments, Nl.53:] 1893. [See, for additions and amendments, Nl.5*:] Same, 1896. 1896. [See, for additions and amendments, Nl.5^:] Same, errata. [1897,] Same, 1900. 1900. [Additions and amendments to this edition were issued in the series of General orders (N1.13:).] Same, 1905. 1905. [See, for changes, Nl. 11 2:905 1-1*.] Same, 1909. 1909. [See, for changes, Nl. 11 2:909 1-^.] Navy regulations (separates) [The various editions of Navy regulations contain Articles for government of Navy, only 2 prints of which have appeared in pamphlet form. Both prints are dated 1898; the original edition of 1898 has 15 p. and the 1905 reprint thereof has 16 p.] Changes in Navy regulations (numbered) [See, for changes 1865-99, Navy regulation circulars, lst-5th series (Nl.51-5:). Addi- tions and amendments to Regulations, 1900, were issued among the General orders (N1.13:).] Changes in Regulations [for government of Navy, 1905], no. 1. 1906. 12° Mar. 23, Same, no. 2. June 28, 1906. 12° Same, no. 3. Dec. 6, 1906. 12° Same, no. 4. Mar. 1, 1907. 12° Same, no. 5. Apr. 4, 1907. 12° Same, no. 6. May 17, 1907. 12° Same, no. 7. May 27, 1907. 12° Same, no. 8. June 17, 1907. 12° Same, no. 9. Aug. 5, 1907. 12° Same, no. 10. Aug. 19, 1907. 12° Same, no. 11. Nov. 22, 1907. 12° Same, no. 12. Jan. 28, 1908. 12° Same, no. 13. Apr. 29, 1908. 12° Same, no. 14. July 10, 1908. 12° Changes in regulations [for government of Navy, 1909], no. 1 1909. 12° Same, no. 2. Mar. 26, 1909. 12» Same, no. 3. May 18, 1909. 12° Same, no. 4. June 25, 1909. 12° Same, no. 5. July [Aug.] 10, 1909. 12° containing corrections.] Same, no. 6 [reorganization of Navy Department] 12° Same, no. 7. Nov. 22, 1909. 12» Same, no. 8. Dec. 28, 1909. 12° Navy regulations (proposed changes) Changes [recommended for Regulations for government of Navy, 1905]. [1906.] 12° Memorandum [amendments recommended for Regulations for govern- ment of Navy, 1905]. [1906.] 12° Mar. 3, [Accompanied by slip Nov. 18, 1909. 667 Classlflratton no. N1.12: (no8.) NI.I31: (nos.) Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Departmental orders 12" and narrow W [No. 1 was Issued in 1893; nos. 2-5, In 1894; nos. 6-11, in 1805; no. 12, In 1896; nos. 13-18, in 1897; nos. 19-22, In 1898; nos. 23-27, In 1899; no. 28, In 1900; revision of no. 22, revision of no. 25, and nos. 29-32, in 1901; nos. 33 and 34, In VMY2; nos. 35-39, in 1903; nos. 40-44, In 1904; nos. 45-.53, in 1905; revision of no. 40, revision of no. 46, and nos. 54-57, in 1906; revision of no. 15, and nos. 68-60, in 1907; nos. 61-64, in 1908; revision of 54 and nos. 65 and 66, In 1909.] 1 23 45 2 24 46 3 25 Same, revised 4 Same, revised 47 5 26 48 6 27 49 7 28 50 8 29^^ 51 9 m. 52 10 «t 53 U 82 54 12 3» Same, revised 13 84 55 » 14 85 56 * 15 36 57 Same, revised 37 58 16 38 59 17 3». 60 18 W 61 19 Same, revised 62 20 41 63 21 42 64 22 43 65 Same, revised 44 66 General orders [1st series, Jan. 10, 1863-June 28, 1900] 12" [Prior to 1863, the General orders were not numbered or reg:ularlv distributed, ning Jan. 10, 1863, they have been numbered in regular series as given below. General orders 1-356, issued between 1863 and 1886, though out of print in their original form, mav be found in the compilation, General orders and circulars issued by Navy Department, 1863-87 (N1.2:G28), this being the only form in which they are to be found in the Public Documents Library. Nos. 357-406 were issued presumably between 1887 and 1892; nos. 407-419 were issued in 1893; nos. 420-438. In 1894; nos. 439-455, in 1895; nos. 456-468, in 1896; a 2d and a 3d edition of no. 414, and nos. 469-482, in 1897; a 4th edition of no. 414, and nos. 483-504, in 1898; nos. 505-536, in 1899; nos. 537-552, in 1900.] 1 22 44 66 88 2 23 45 67 89 3 24 46 68 90 4 25 47 69 91 5 26 48 70 92 6 27 49 71 93 7 28 50 72 94 8 29 51 73 95 9 30 52 74 96 10 31 53 75 97 11 32 54 76 98 12 33 55 77 99 13 34 56 78 100 14 35 57 79 101 15 36 58 80 102 15i 37 59 81 103 16 38 60 82 104 17 39 61 83 105 18 40 62 84 106 19 41 63 85 107 20 42 64 86 108 21 43 65 87 109 668 Classification no. Nl. SECRJiJTARY— Continued NI.I3I: General orders [1st series, Jan. 10, 1863-June 28, 1900]— Cont'd (nos.) 110 170 ' 230 290 350 111 171 231 291 351 112 172 232 292 352 113 173 233 293 353 114 174 234 294 354 115 175 235 295 355 116 176 236 296 856 117 177 237 297 357 * 118 178 238 298 358 «• 119 179 239 299 359 * 120 180 240 300 360 * 121 181 241 301 361 * 122 182 242 302 362 * 123 183 243 303 363 * 124 184 244 304 364 ■X- 125 185 245 305 365 * 126 186 246 306 366 * 127 187 247 307 367 * 128 188 248 308 368 * 129 189 249 309 369 * 130 190 250 310 370 * 131 191 251 311 371 * 132 192 252 312 372 * 133 193 253 313 373 * 134 194 254 314 1 374 * 135 195 255 315 375 * 136 196 256 316 376 4t 137 197 257 317 377 * 138 198 258 318 378 * 139 199 259 319 379 * 140 200 260 320 380 * 141 201 261 321 381 * 142 202 262 322 382 •X- 143 203 263 323 383 * 144 204 264 324 384 * 145 205 265 325 385 * 146 206 266 326 386 * 147 207 267 327 387 * 148 208 268 328 388 * 149 209 269 329 389 * 150 210 270 330 390 * 151 211 271 331 391 * 152 212 272 332 392 * 153 213 273 333 393 * 154 214 274 334 394 * 155 215 275 335 395 * 156 216 276 336 396 4fr 157 217 277 337 397 * 158 218 278 338 398 * 159 219 279 339 399 * 160 220 280 340 400 * 161 221 281 341 401 * 162 222 282 342 402 * 163 223 283 343 403 * 164 224 ■ 284 344 404 * 165 225 285 345 405 * 166 226 286 346 406 * 167 227 287 347 407 168 228 288 348 408 169 229 289 349 409 t Issued in a separate volume. 669 ClMslflcatloB Nl. SEC] RETAR no. N1.13»: General orders [Ist series, Jan. 10, (no8.) 410 467 411 468 412 469 413 470 414 [Ist edition] 471 Same. 2d edition] * 3d edition] * 472 Same. 473 Same. 4th edition] * 474 415 475 416 476 417 477 418 478 419 479 420 480 421 481 422 482 423 483 424 484 425 485 426 486 427 487 428 488 429 489 430 ' ■' 490 431 1 ; 491 432 492 433 493 434 494 435 495 436 496 437 497 438 498 439 499 440 500 441 501 442 502 443 503 444 504 445 505 446 506 447 507 448 508 449 509 450 510 451 511 452 512 453 513 454 514 455 515 ' 456 516 457 [Ist ed ition] 517 Same. Revised edition] * 518 458 [Isted ition] 519 Same. Revised edition] * 520 459 521 460 522 461 523 Same, errata 524 462 525 463 526 464 527 465 528 466 529 670 Classification no. NI.I31: (nos.) NI.I32: (nos.) Nl. SECRETARY— Continued General orders [1st series, Jan. 10, 1863-June 28, 1900]— Cont'd 530 545 531 546 532 . 547 533 V :. 548 534 : • 549 535 536 537 538 550 539 551 540 541 : 542 543 552 544 General orders [2d series, June 30, 1900-June 21, 1905] 12" [No. 1 is a republication of all general orders, special orders, clrcxilars, and special circulars issued by the Department, Jan. 1-June 30, 1900. Nos. 1-19 were issued in 1900; nos. 20-77, in 1901; a revised edition of no. 48, and nos. 78-118, in 1802; additions to no. 8, corrections to revised edition of no. 48, and nos. 119-146, in 1903; a supplement to no. 146, a revised edition of no. 28, and nos. 147-180, in 1904; nos. 181-188, in 1905.J [Not issued in this series, but included in no. 1 of 2d se- ries; see note at head of N1.132:] [Not issued in this series, but included in no. 1 of 2d se- ries; see note at head of N1.13 2:] 1 39 2 40 3 41 4 42 5 43 6 44 7 45 8 Same, additions 46 9 47 10 48 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 49 19 50 20 51 21 52 22 53 23 54 24 55 25 56 26 57 27 58 28 [1st edition] 59 Same. Revised [edition] 60 29 61 30 62 31 63 32 64 33 65 34 66 35 67 36 68 37 69 38 70 [Ist edition] Same, Revised [edition] [1st edition] Same. Revised [edition] Same. Revised [edition], sup- plement Same. Revised [edition], cor- rections Same. Revised [edition, ad- ditional] corrections 671 ClMsiflcatlon no. N1.13«: (noe.) Nl . SECRETARY— Continued General orders [2d series, June 30, 1900-June 21, 1905]— Cont'd 71 130 72 131 73 132 74 133 75 134 76 135 77 136 78 137 79 138 80 139 81 140 82 141 83 142 84 143 85 144 86 145 87 146 88 Same, supplement 89 147 90 148 91 149 92 150 93 151 94 152 95 153 96 154 97 155 98 156 99 157 100 158 101 159 102 160 103 161 104 162 105 163 106 164 107 165 108 166 109 Same, correction 110 167 8« 111 168 8° 112 169 8° 113 170 114 171 115 172 116 173 117 174 118 175 119 [Ist edition] * 176 Same. [2d edition, with cor- 177 rections and additions] 178 120 179 121 180 122 181 123 182 124 183 125 184 126 185 127 186 128 187 129 188 672 Classification no. N1.133: (nos.) Nl. SECRETARY— Continued General orders [3d series, June 30, 1905-Dec. 1, 1908] 12° [No. 1 contains or refers to certain general orders and special orders issued Jan. 1, 1900-June 30, 1905, which are cited as being still in force, those not given or referred to having been superseded by later orders and circulars, or embodied in Navy regulations, 1905, etc. No. 6 was issued only to officers in charge of General signal book. Nos. 1-11 were issued in 1905; nos. 12-39, in 1906; nos. 40-59, in 1907; nos. 60-80, In 1908.] 1 17 33 49 65 2 18 34 50 66 3 19 35 51 67 4 20 36 52 68 5 21 37 53 69 6 * 22 38 54 70 7 23 39 55 71 8 24 40 56 72 9 25 41 57 73 10 26 42 58 74 11 27 43 59 75 12 28 44 60 76 13 29 45 61 77 14 30 46 62 78 15 31 47 63 79 16 32 48 64 80 N1.13^: General orders [4th series, Jan 2, 1909- ] 12 ° and 8» (nos.) 1 [Published as preface to Navy regulations 1909 (Nl. 11 1:909).] 2 13 24 35 46 3 14 25 36 47 4 15 26 37 48 5 16 27 38 49 6 17 28 39 50 7 18 29 40 51 8 19 30 41 52 9 20 31 42 10 21 32 43 11 22 33 44 12 23 34 45 N1.14: General court-martial orders t 12^ (date) 1893, nos . 1- L6 * 1893, no. 39 1893, no. 62 no. 17 no. 40 no. 63 no. 18 no. 41 no. 64 no. 19 no. 42 no. 65 no. 20 no. 43 no. 66 no. 21 no. 44 no. 67 no. 22 no. 45 no. 68 no. 23 no. 46 no. 69 no. 24 no. 47 no. 70 no. 25 no. 48 no. 71 no. 26 no. 49 no. 72 no. 27 no. 50 no. 73 no. 28 no. 51 no. 74 no. 29 no. 52 no. 75 no. 30 no. 53 no. 76 no. 31 no. 54 no. 77 no. 32 no. 55 no. 78 no. 33 no 56 no. 79 no. 34 no. 57 no. 80 no. 35 no. 58 no. 81 no 36 no. 59 no. 82 no. 37 no. 60 no. 83 no 38 no. 61 no. 84 t Beginning Jan. 3, 1911, title is changed to Court-martial order (except nos. 2-4 and 6 of 1911, which bear old title). 673 OlaMinostlon N 1. SECRETARY —Continued no. N1.14: General court-martial orders— Continued (date) 1893, no. 85 1894, no. 45 1894, no. 109 no. 86 no. 46 no. 110 no. 87 no. 47 no. Ill no. 88 no. 48 no. 112 no. 89 no. 49 no. 113 no. 90 no. 50 no. 114 no. 91 no. 51 no. 115 no. 92 no. 52 no. 116 no. 93 no. 53 no. 117 no. 94 no. 54 no. 118 no. 95 no. 55 no. 119 no. 96 no. 56 no. 120 no. 97 no. 57 no. 121 no. 98 no. 58 no. 122 no. 99 no. 59 1895, no. 1 no. 100 no. 60 no. 2 no. 101 no. 61 no. 3 no. 102 no. 62 no. 4 no. 103 no. 63 no. 5 no. 104 no. 64 no. 6 1894, no. 1 no. 65 no. 7 no. 2 no. 66 no. 8 no. 3 no. 67 no. 9 no. 4 no. 68 no. 10 no. 5 no. 69 no. 11 no. 6 no. 70 no. 12 no. 7 no. 71 no. 13 no. 8 no. 72 no. 14 no. 9 no. 73 no. 15 no. 10 no. 74 no. 16 no. 11 no. 75 no. 17 no. 12 no. 76 no. 18 no. 13 no. 77 no. 19 no. 14 no. 78 no. 20 "„.. • no. 15 no. 79 no. 21 no. 16 no. 80 no. 22 no. 17 no. 81 no. 23 no. 18 no. 82 no. 24 no. 19 no. 83 no. 25 no. 20 no. 84 no. 26 no. 21 no. 85 no. 27 no. 22 no. 86 no. 28 no. 23 no. 87 no. 29 no. 24 no. 88 no. 30 no. 25 no. 89 no. 31 no. 26 no. 90 no. 32 no. 27 no. 91 no. 33 no. 28 no. 92 no. 34 no. 29 no. 93 no. 35 no. 30 no. 94 no. 36 no. 31 no. 95 no. 37 no. 32 no. 96 no. 38 no. 33 no. 97 no. 39 no. 34 no. 98 no. 40 no. 35 no. 99 no. 41 no. 36 no. 100 no. 42 no. 37 no. 101 no. 43 no. 38 no. 102 no. 44 no. 39 no. 103 no. 45 no. 40 no. 104 no. 46 no. 41 no. 105 no. 47 no. 42 no. 106 no. 48 no. 43 no. 107 no. 49 ftO^KOO no. 44 no. 108 no. 50 674 Classlflcatlon no. Nl. SECRET ARY- -Continued N1.14: General court-martial orders- -Continued (date) 1895, no. 51 1896, no. 9 1896, no. 73 no. 52 no. 10 no. 74 no. 53 no. 11 no. 75 no. 54* no. 12 no. 76 no. 55 no. 13 no. 77 no. 56 no. 14 no. 78 no. 57 no. 15 no. 79 no. 58 no. 16 no. 80 no. 59 no. 17 no. 81 no. 60 no. 18 no. 82 no. 61 no. 19 no. 83 no. 62 no. 20 no. 84 no. 63 no. 21 no. 85 no. 64 no. 22 no. 86 no. 65 no. 23 no. 87 no. 66 no. 24 no. 88 no. 67 no. 25 no. 89 no. 68 no. 26 no. 90 no. 69 no. 27 no. 91 no. 70 no. 28 no. 92 no. 71 no. 29 no. 93 no. 72 no. 30 no. 94 no. 73 no. 31 no. 95 no. 74 no. 32 no. 96 no. 75 no. 33 no. 97 no. 76 no. 34 no. 98 no. 77 no. 35 no. 99 no. 78 no. 36 no. 100 no. 79 no. 37 no. 101 no. 80 no. 38 no. 102 no. 81 no. 39 no. 103 no. 82 no. 40 no. 104 no. 83 no. 41 no. 105 no. 84 no. 42 no. 106 no. 85 no. 43 no. 107 no. 86 no. 44 no. 108 no. 87 no. 45 no. 109 no. 88 no. 46 no. 110 no. 89 no. 47 no. Ill no. 90 no. 48 no. 112 no. 91 no. 49 no. 113 no. 92 no. 50 no. 114 no. 93 no. 51 no. 115 no. 94 no. 52 no. 116 no. 95 no. 53 no. 117 no. 96 no. 54 no. .118 no. 97 no. 55 no. 119 no. 98 no. 56 no. 120 no. 99 no. 57 no. 121 no. 100 no. 58 no. 122 no. 101 no. 59 no. 123 no. 102 no. 60 no. 124 no. 103 no. 61 no. 125 no. 104 no. 62 no. 126 no. 105 no. 63 no. 127 no. 106 no. 64 no. 128 1896, no. 1 no. 65 no. 129 no. 2 no. 66 no. 130 no. 3 no. 67 no. 131 no. 4 no. 68 no. 132 no. 5 no. 69 no. 133 no. 6 no. 70 no. 134 no. 7 no. 71 no. 135 no. 8 no. 72 no. 136 675 €U8.«ilflcatton NI . SECRE^ FARY- -Continued no. N1.14: General court-martial orders— Continued (date) 1896, no. 137 1897, no. 42 1897, no. 106 no. 138 no. 43 no. 107 no. 139 no. 44 no. 108 no. 140 no. 45 no. 109 no. 141 no. 46 no. 110 no. 142 no. 47 no. Ill no. 143 no. 48 no. 112 no. 144 no. 49 no. 113 no. 145 no. 50 no. 114 no. 146 no. 51 no. 115 no. 147 no. 52 no. 116 Same, revised no. 53 no. 117 no. 148 no. 54 no. 118 no. 149 no. 55 no. 119 no. 150 no. 56 no. 120 no. 151 no. 57 no. 121 no. 152 no. 58 no. 122 no. 153 no. 59 no. 123 no. 154 no. 60 no. 124 no. 155 no. 61 no. 125 no. 156 no. 62 no. 126 no. 157 no. 63 no. 127 no. 158 no. 64 no. 128 1897, no. 1 no. 65 no. 129 '.':' - no. 2 no. 66 no. 130 1)-. no. 3 no. 67 no. 131 no. 4 no. 68 no. 132 no. 5 no. 69 no. 133 no. 6 no. 70 no. 134 no. 7 no. 71 no. 135 no. 8 no. 72 no. 136 no. 9 no. 73 no. 137 no. 10 no. 74 no. 138 no. 11 no. 75 no. 139 no. 12 no. 76 no. 140 no. 13 no. 77 no. 141 [l8t edi- no. 14 no. 78 tion] . no. 15 no. 79 Same. [2d edition] no. 16 no. 80 no. 17 no. 81 no. 142 no. 18 no. 82 no. 143 no. 19 no. 83 no. 144 no. 20 no. 84 no. 145 no. 21 no. 85 no. 146 no. 22 no. 86 no. 147 no. 23 no. 87 no. 148 no. 24 no. 88 no. 149 no. 25 no. 89 no. 150 no. 26 no. 90 no. 151 no. 27 no. 91 no. 152 no. 28 no. 92 no. 153 no. 29 no. 93 no. 154 no. 30 no. 94 no. 155 no. 31 no. 95 no. 156 no. 32 no. 96 no. 157 no. 33 no. 97 no. 158 [1st edi- no. 34 no. 98 tion] no. 35 no. 99 Same. [2d edition] no. 36 no. 100 no. 37 no. 101 1898, no. 1 no. 38 no. 102 no. 2 no. 39 no. 103 no. 3 no. 40 no. 104 no. 4 no. 41 no. 105 no. 5 676 Classification no. N1.14: (date) Nl. SECRETAKY— Continued General court-martial orders — Continued 1898, no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no, no, 32 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 no. 56 no. 57 no. 58 no. 59 no. 60 no. 61 no. 62 no. 63 no. 64 no. 65 no. 66 no. 67 no. 68 no. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 1898, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 9» no. 99 no. 100 no. 101 no. 102 no. 103 no. 104 no. 105 no. 106 no. 107 no. 108 no. 109 no. 110 no. Ill no. 112 no. 113 no. 114 no. 115 no. 116 no. 117 no. 118 no. 119 no. 120 no. 121 no. 122 no. 123 no. 124 no. 125 no. 126 no. 127 no. 128 no. 129 1899, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 1899, no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 no. 56 no. 57 no. 58 no. 59 no. 60 no. 61 no. 62 no. 63 no. 64 no. 65 no. 66 no. 67 no. 68 (Ml ClM8lflC»tl011 Nl. SECRETARY —Continued no. N1.14: General court-martial orders— Continued (date) 1899, no. 69 1900, no. 15 1900, no. 79 no. 70 no. 16 no. 80 no. 71 no. 17 no. 81 no. 72 no. 18 no. 82 no. 73 no. 19 no. 83 no. 74 no. 20 no. 84 no. 75 no. 21 no. 85 no. 76 no. 22 no. 86 no. 77 no. 23 no. 87 no. 78 no. 24 no. 88 no. 79 no. 25 no. 89 no. 80 no. 26 no. 90 no. 81 no. 27 no. 91 no. 82 no. 28 no. 92 no. 83 no. 29 no. 93 no. 84 no. 30 no. 94 no. 85 no. 31 no. 95 no. 86 no. 32 no. 96 no. 87 no. 33 no. 97 no. 88 no. 34 no. 98 no. 89 no. 35 no. 99 no. 90 no. 36 no. 100 no. 91 no. 37 no. 101 no. 92 no. 38 no. 102 no. 93 no. 39 no. 103 no. 94 no. 40 no. 104 no. 95 no. 41 no. 105 no. 96 no. 42 no. 106 no. 97 no. 43 no. 107 no. 98 no. 44 no. 108 no. 99 no. 45 no. 109 no. 100 no. 46 no. 110 no. 101 no. 47 no. Ill no. 102 no. 48 no. 112 no. 103 no. 49 no. 113 no. 104 no. 50 no. 114 no. 105 no. 51 no. 115 no. 106 no. 52 no. 116 no. 107 no. 53 no. 117 no. 108 no. 54 no. 118 no. 109 no. 55 no. 119 no. 110 no. 56 no. 120 no. 111 no. 57 no. 121 no. 112 no. 58 no. 122 no. 113 no. 59 no. 123 no. 114 no. 60 no. 124 no. 115 no. 61 no. 125 no. 116 no. 62 no. 126 no. 117 no. 63 no. 127 no. 118 no. 64 no. 128 1900, no. 1 no. 65 no. 129 no. 2 no. 66 no. 130 no. 3 no. 67 no. 131 no. 4 no. 68 no. 132 no. 5 no. 69 no. 133 no. 6 no. 70 no. 134 no. 7 no. 71 no. 135 no. 8 no. 72 no. 136 no. 9 no. 73 no. 137 no. 10 no. 74 no. 138 no. 11 no. 75 no. 139 no. 12 no. 76 no. 140 no. 13 no. 77 no. 141 no. 14 no. 78 no. 142 678 Classification no. Nl. SECRETARY- -Continued N1.14: General court- martial orders- -Continued (date) 1900, no. 143 1901, no. 44 1901, no. 108 no. 144 no. 45 no. 109 no. 145 no. 46 no. 110 no. 146 no. 47 no. Ill no. 147 no. 48 no. 112 no. 148 no. 49 no. 113 no. 149 no. 50 no. 114 no. 150 no. 51 no. 115 no. 151 no. 52 no. 116 no. 152 no. 53 no. 117 no. 153 no. 54 no. 118 no. 154 no. 55 no. 119 no. 155 no. 56 no. 120 no. 156 no. 57 no. 121 no. 157 no. 58 no. 122 no. 158 no. 59 no. 123 no. 159 no. 60 no. 124 no. 160 no. 61 no. 125 no. 161 no. 62 no. 126 no. 162 no. 63 no. 127 no. 163 no. 64 no. 128 1901, no. 1 no. 65 no. 129 no. 2 no. 66 no. 130 no. 3 no. 67 no. 131 no. 4 no. 68 no. 132 no. 5 no. 69 no. 133 no. 6 no. 70 no. 134 no. 7 no. 71 no. 135 no. 8 no. 72 no. 136 no. 9 no. 73 no. 137 no. 10 no. 74 no. 138 no. 11 no. 75 no. 139 no. 12 no. 76 no. 140 no. 13 no. 77 no. 141 no. 14 no. 78 no. 142 no. 15 no. 79 no. 143 no. 16 no. 80 no. 144 no. 17 no. 81 no. 145 no. 18 no. 82 no. 146 no. 19 no. 83 no. 147 no. 20 no. 84 no. 148 no. 21 no. 85 no. 149 no. 22 no. 86 no. 150 no. 23 no. 87 no. 151 no. 24 no. 88 no. 152 no. 25 no. 89 no. 153 no. 26 no. 90 no. 154 no. 27 no. 91 no. 155 no. 28 no. 92 no. 156 no. 29 no. 93 no. 157 no. 30 no. 94 no. 158 no. 31 no. 95 no. 159 no. 32 no. 96 no. 160 no. 33 no. 97 no. 161 no. 34 no. 98 no. 162 no. 35 no. 99 no. 163 no. 36 no. 100 no. 164 no. 37 no. 101 no. 165 no. 38 no. 102 no. 166 no. 39 no. 103 no. 167 no. 40 no. 104 no. 168 no. 41 no. 105 no. 169 no. 42 no. 106 no. 170 no. 43 no. 107 no. 171 679 lasBincsiiua no. £SX • OJllV^XVJllX.rt.XVX — -vyuutiuueu N1.14: General court-martial orders— Continued (date) 1901, no. 172 1902, no. 19 1902, no. 83 no. 173 no. 20 no. 84 no. 174 no. 21 no. 85 no. 175 no. 22 no. 86 no. 176 no. 23 no. 87 no. 177 no. 24 no. 88 no. 178 no. 25 no. 89 no. 179 no. 26 no. 90 no. 180 no. 27 no. 91 no. 181 no. 28 no. 92 no. 182 no. 29 no. 93 no. 183 no. 30 no. 94 no. 184 no. 31 no. 95 no. 185 no. 32 no. 96 no. 186 no. 33 no. 97 no. 187 no. 34 no. 98 no. 188 no. 35 no. 99 no. 189 no. 36 no. 100 no. 190 no. 37 no. 101 no. 191 no. 38 no. 102 no. 192 no. 39 no. 103 no. 193 no. 40 no. 104 no. 194 no. 41 no. 105 no. 195 no. 42 no. 106 no. 196 no. 43 no. 107 no. 197 no. 44 no. 108 no. 198 no. 45 no. 109 no. 199 no. 46 no. 110 no. 200 no. 47 no. Ill no. 201 no. 48 no. 112 no. 202 no. 49 no. 113 no. 203 no. 50 no. 114 no. 204 no. 51 no. 115 no. 205 no. 52 no. 116 no. 206 no. 53 no. 117 no. 207 no. 54 no. 118 no. 208 no. 55 no. 119 no. 209 no. 56 no. 120 no. 210 no. 57 no. 121 no. 211 no. 58 no. 122 no. 212 no. 59 no. 123 no. 213 no. 60 no. 124 no. 214 no. 61 no. 125 no. 215 no. 62 no. 126 no. 216 no. 63 no. 127 no. 217 no. 64 no. 128 1902, no. 1 no. 65 no. 129 no. 2 no. 66 no. 130 no. 3 no. 67 no. 131 no. 4 no. 68 no. 132 no. 5 no. 69 no. 133 no. 6 no. 70 no. 134 no. 7 no. 71 no. 135 no. 8 no. 72 no. 136 no. 9 no. 73 no. 137 no. 10 no. 74 no. 138 no. 11 no. 75 no. 139 no. 12 no. 76 no. 140 no. 13 no. 77 no. 141 no. 14 no. 78 no. 142 no. 15 no. 79 no. 143 no. 16 no. 80 no. 144 no. 17 no. 81 no. 145 no. 18 no. 82 no. 146 680 Classification no. Nl. SECRETARY- -Continued N1.14: General court- martial orders- -Continued (date) 1902, no. 147 1902, no. 211 1903, no. 30 no. 148 no. 212 no. 31 no. 149 no. 213 no. 32 no. 150 no. 214 no. 33 no. 151 no. 215 no. 34 no. 152 no. 216 no. 35 no. 153 no. 217 no. 36 no. 154 no. 218 no. 37 no. 155 no. 219 no. 38 no. 156 no. 220 no. 39 no. 157 no. 221 no. 40 no. 158 no. 222 no. 41 no. 159 no. 223 no. 42 no. 160 no. 224 no. 43 no. 161 no. 225 no. 44 no. 162 no. 226 no. 45 no. 163 no. 227 no. 46 no. 164 no. 228 no. 47 no. 165 no. 229 no. 48 no. 166 no. 230 no. 49 no. 167 no. 231 no. 50 no. 168 no. 232 no. 51 no. 169 no. 233 no. 52 no. 170 no. 234 no. 53 no. 171 no. 235 no. 54 no. 172 no. 236 no. 55 no. 173 no. 237 no. 56 no. 174 no. 238 no. 57 no. 175 no. 239 no. 58 no. 176 no. 240 no. 59 no. 177 no. 241 no. 60 no. 178 no. 242 no. 61 no. 179 no. 243 no. 62 no. 180 no. 244 no. 63 no. 181 no. 245 no. 64 no. 182 1903, no. 1 no. 65 no. 183 no. 2 no. 66 no. 184 no. 3 no. 67 no. 185 no. 4 no. 68 no. 186 no. 5 no. 69 no. 187 no. 6 no. 70 no. 188 no. 7 no. 71 no. 189 no. 8 no. 72 no. 190 no. 9 no, 73 no. 191 no. 10 no. 74 no. 192 no. 11 no. 75 no. 193 no. 12 no. 76 no. 194 no. 13 no. 77 no. 195 no. 14 no. 78 no. 196 no. 15 no. 79 no. 197 no. 16 no. 80 no. 198 no. 17 no. 81 no. 199 no. 18 no. 82 no. 200 no. 19 no. 83 no. 201 no. 20 no. 84 no. 202 no. 21 no. 85 no. 203 no. 22 no. 86 no. 204 no. 23 no. 87 no. 205 no. 24 no. 88 no. 206 no. 25 no. 89 no. 207 no. 26 no. 90 no. 208 no. 27 no. 91 no. 209 no. 28 no. 92 no. 210 no. 29 no. 93 681 CUaslflcatlon no. N1.14: General c< (date) 1903, no. 94 no. 95 no. 96 no. 97 no. 98 no. 99 no. 100 no. 101 no. 102 no. 103 no. 104 no. 105 no. 106 no. 107 no. 108 no. 109 no. 110 no. Ill no. 112 no. 113 no. 114 no. 115 no. 116 no. 117 no. 118 no. 119 no. 120 no. 121 no. 122 1904, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 Nl. SECRETARY— Continued irt-martlal orders — Continued 1904, no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no, 54 no. 55 no. 56 no. 57 no. 58 no. 59 no. 60 no. 61 no. 62 no. 63 no. 64 no. 65 no. 66 no. 67 no. 68 no. 69 no. 70 no. 71 no. 72 no. 73 no. 74 no. 75 no. 76 no. 77 no. 78 no. 79 no. 80 no. 81 . no. 82 no. 83 no. 84 no. 85 no. 86 no. 87 no. 88 no. 89 no. 90 no. 91 no. 92 no. 93 no. 94 no. 95 1905, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 1905, no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 no. 56 no. 57 no 58 no. 59 no. 60 no. 61 no. 62 no. 63 no 64 no. 65 no. 66 no 67 no. 68 682 Classification no. Nl. SECRETARY N1.14: General court-martial orders- (date) 1905, no. 69 no. 70 no. 71 no. 72 no. 73 no. 74 no. 75 no. 76 no. 77 no. 78 no. 79 no. 80 no. 81 no. 82 no. 83 no. 84 no. 85 no. 86 no. 87 no. 88 no. 89 no. 90 no. 91 no. 92 no. 93 no. 94 no. 95 no. 96 no. 97 no. 98 no. 99 no. 100 no. 101 no. 102 no. 03 no. 104 no. 105 no. 106 no. 107 no. 108 no. 109 no. 110 no. Ill no. 112 no. 113 no. 114 no. 115 no. 116 y, .. no. 117 no. 118 no. 119 no. 120 no. 121 no. 122 no, 123 no. 124 no. 125 no. 126 no. 127 no. 128 no. 129 1906, no. 1 no. 2 1906, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 no. 56 no. 57 no. 58 no. 59 no. 60 no. 61 no. 62 no. 63 no. 64 no. 65 -Continued -Continued 1906, no. 66 no. 67 no. 68 no. 69 no. 70 no. 71 no. 72 no. 73 no. 74 no. 75 no. 76 no. 77 no. 78 no. 79 no. 80 no. 81 no. 82 no. 83 no. 84 no. 85 no. 86 no. 87 no. 88 no. 89 no. 90 no. 91 no. 92 no. 93 no. 94 no. 95 no. 96 no. 97 no. 98 no. 99 no. 100 no. 101 no. 102 no. 103 1907, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 683 Olasslflcstlon Nl. SECRFiTARY— Continued N1.14: General court- martial orders— Continued (date) 1907, no. 26 1907, no. 86 1908, no. 25 no. 27 no. 87 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 1909, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45t , no. 26 1907, no. 86 no. 27 no. 87 no. 28 no. 88 no. 29 no. 89 no. 30 no. 90 no. 31 no. 91 no. 32 no. 92 no. 33 no. 93 no. 34 no. 94 no. 35 no. 95 no. 36 no. 96 no. 37 no. 97 no. 38 no. 98 no. 39 no. 99 no. 40 no. 100 no. 41 no. 101 no. 42 no. 102 no. 43 no. 103 no. 44 no. 104 no. 45 no. 105 no. 46 no. 106 no. 47 no. 107 no. 48 no. 108 no. 49 no. 109 no. 50 no. 110 no. 51 no. Ill no. 52 no. 112 no. 53 no. 113 no. 54 no. 114 no. 55 no. 115 no. 56 no. 116 no. 57 no. 117 no. 58 no. 118 no. 59 no. 119 no. 60 no. 120 no. 61 no. 121 no. 62 1908, no. 1 no. 63 no. 2 no. 64 no. 3 no. 65 no. 4 no. 66 no. 5 no. 67 no. 6 no. 68 no. 7 no. 69 no. 8 no. 70 no. 9 no. 71 no. 10 no. 72 no. 11 no. 73 no. 12 no. 74 no. 13 no. 75 no. 14 no. 76 no. 15 no. 77 no. 16 no. 78 no. 17 no. 79 no. 18 no. 80 no. 19 no. 81 no. 20 no. 82 no. 21 no. 83 no. 22 no. 84 no. 23 no. 85 no. 24 t Beginning Jan. 3, 1911, title is changed to Court-martial order (except nos. 2-4 and 6 of 1911, which bear old title). 684 Classification no. Nl. SECRETARY— Continued N1.15: Navy yard orders 12° and narrow 12*= (nos.) [Nos. 1-6 were issued in 1893; nos. 7-27, in 1894; nos. 28-39, in 1895; nos. 40-49, in 1896; nos. 50-62, in 1897; nos. 63-93, in 1898; nos. 94-132, in 1899; nos. 133-175, in 1900; nos. 176-274, in 1901; nos. 275-341, in 1902; nos. 342-442, in 1903; nos. 443-523, in 1904; nos. 524-596, in 1905; nos. 597-689, in 1906; nos. 690-783, in 1907; nos. 784-854, in 1908. In listing below the numerous revised editions, 2d prints, etc., dates are given, when they could be ascertained, for all editions which bear date at least a year later than the original. Beginning with Jan. 20, 1909, those Navy yard orders which relate to examinations were made a separate series; see N1.25:] Same. Revised [edition] 1896 Same. 2d revision 1899 Same. 3d revision 1904 14 12° Same, narrow 12° Same. Revised [edition] 1897 narrow 12° f Same. 2d revision [1st print] 1904 narrow 12° Same. 2d revision [2d print] 1904 narrow 12° Same. Revised [edition] 1899 Same. Revised [edition, cor- rected] 1899 Same. 2d revision 1904 Same. 3d revision 1907 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 [36] 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Same. Revised [edition] 1895 Same. 2d revision 1908 24 25 26 Same. 2d revision 1908 Same. Revised [edition] 1899 June 29, 1895 July 9, 1895 numbered 35.] [Erroneously Same, reprint Same. Same. Revised edition 2d revision 1898 Same. Revised [edition] 1896 Same. Revised [edition] Same. Revised [edition, 2d print] 1897 Same. Revised [edition, 3d print] 1899 Same. Revised [edition, 4th print] 1902 Same. Revised [edition, 5th print] 1905 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Same, reprint 70 71 Same. Revised [edition] 1907 t A letter to accompany this order was issued Sept. 21, 1897. in the Public Documents Library. This letter is not 685 ClMsincation Nl. SECRETARY no. N1.15: Navy yard orders— Continued (noe.) 72 73 74 76 132 133 134 135 Same [reprint] 7R 1899 136 137 138 77 78 139 79 * 140 80 141 81 142 82 143 83 144 84 145 85 146 ' 86 Nov . 30, 1898 [Cancels the 147 Ist order bearing this num- 148 ber which was dated Nov. 149 15, 1898 .] 150 87 151 88 152 89 153 90 154 91 155 92 156 93 157 94 158 95 159 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 686 Classiflcatlon no. Nl. SECRETARY— Continued N1.15: Navy yard orders — Continued (no8.) 196 260 324 388 197 261 325 389 198 262 326 390 199 263 327 narrow 8° 391 200 264 328 392 201 265 329 393 202 266 330 394 203 267 . 331 395 204 268 332 396 205 269 333 397 206 270 2 editions 334 398 207 271 335 399 208 272 336 400 209 273 337 401 210 274 338 402 211 275 339 403 212 276 340 404 213 277 341 405 214 278 342 406 215 279 343 407 216 280 344 408 217 281 345 409 218 282 346 410 219 283 347 411 220 284 348 412 221 285 349 413 222 2 editions 286 350 414 223 287 351 415 224 288 352 416 225 289 353 417 226 290 354 418 227 291 355 419 228 292 356 420 229 293 357 421 230 294 358 422 231 295 359 423 232 296 360 424 233 297 361 425 234 298 362 426 235 299 363 427 236 300 364 428 237 301 365 429 238 302 366 430 239 303 367 431 240 304 368 432 narrow 8*^ 241 305 369 433 242 306 370 434 243 307 371 435 244 308 372 436 245 309 373 437 246 310 374 438 247 311 375 439 248 312 376 440 249 313 377 441 250 2 editions 314 378 442 251 315 379 443 252 316 380 444 253 317 381 445 254 318 382 446 255 319 383 447 256 320 384 448 257 321 385 449 258 322 386 450 259 323 387 451 687 CUnlflcAdoa ■o. Nl. SECRETARY— ConUnued N1.15: Navy yard orders— Continued (noB.) 452 514 576 638 453 515 577 639 454 516 578 640 455 617 579 641 456 518 580 642 457 519 581 643 458 520 582 644 459 521 583 645 460 522 584 646 461 523 585 647 462 524 586 648 463 525 587 649 464 526 588 650 465 527 589 651 466 528 590 652 467 529 591 653 468 narrow 8« 530 592 654 469 531 593 655 470 532 594 656 471 533 695 657 472 534 596 658 473 535 597 659 474 536 598 660 475 537 599 661 476 538 600 662 477 539 601 663 478 540 602 664 479 541 ♦ 603 665 480 542 604 666 481 543 605 667 482 544 606 668 483 545 ♦ 607 669 484 546 608 670 485 547 609 671 486 548 610 672 487 549 611 673 488 550 612 674 489 551 613 675 490 552 614 676 491 553 615 677 492 554 616 678 493 555 617 679 494 556 618 680 495 557 619 681 496 558 620 682 497 559 1 621 683 498 560 622 684 499 561 623 685 500 562 624 686 501 563 625 687 502 564 626 688 503 565 627 689 504 566 628 690 505 567 629 691 506 568 630 692 507 569 631 693 508 570 632 694 509 571 633 2 editions 695 510 S72 634 696 511 573 635 697 512 574 636 698 513 575 637 699 t A Blip of instructions was issued to accompany this order. 688 Classlflcatlon no. Nl. SECRETART- Continued N1.15: Navy yard orders- -Continued (nos.) 700 741 782 823 701 742 783 824 702 743 784 825 703 744 785 826 704 745 786 827 705 746 787 828 706 747 788 829 707 748 789 1 830 708 749 790 831 709 750 791 832 710 751 792 833 711 752 793 884 712 753 794 835 713 754 795 836 714 755 796 837 715 756 797 838 716 757 798 839 717 758 799 840 718 759 800 841 719 760 801 842 720 761 802 843 721 762 803 844 722 763 804 845 723 764 805 846 724 765 806 847 725 766 807 848 726 767 808 849 727 768 809 850 728 769 810 851 729 770 811 852 730 771 812 853 731 772 813 854 732 773 814 855 733 774 815 856 734 775 816 857 735 776 817 858 736 777 818 859 737 778 819 860 738 779 820 739 780 821 i '( ' ■: ■ < 740 781 822 N1.15«: Navy yard orders (separates) (CT) [Certain extracts from Navy yard order 225 have been printed separately.] N1.16»: Special orders [1st series, Apr. 15, 1891-Apr. 10, 1900] 12« (nos.) [Nos. 1-11 were issued in 1891 ; nos 12-20, in 1892 nos. 21-32 , in 1893; no. 33, in 1894: nos. 34-43 in 1895; nos. 44-55 in 1896; nos. 56-65, in 1897; nos. 66-80, in 1898; nos. 81-95, in 1899; nos 96-98. in 1900.] 1 * 13 * 25 ; 37 2 * 14 * 26 * .38 3 * 15 * 27 * 39 4 * 16 * 28 40 5 * 17 * 29 41' 6 * 18 * 30 42 7 * 19 * 31 ^ 8 * 20 ^ 32 S 9 * 21 * 33 45 10 * 22 * 34 M 11 * 23 35 47 12 * 24 36 48 t Dated Fe b. 12, 1908. Cancels the 1st order bearing this number which was dated Feb. 5, 1908. 689 Classification Nl. SECRETARY— Continued no. N 1 . 1 <> ' : Special orders [let series, Apr. 15, 1891-Apr. 10, 1900]— Continued (no8.) N1.16 2: (nos.) N1.16 (noe.) 49 62 74 87 50 63 75 88 51 64 76 89 52 65 77 90 53 66 78 91 54 67 79 92 55 68 80 93 56 69 81 94 57 70 82 95 58 Same, reprint 83 96 59 71 84 97 60 72 85 98 61 73 86 Special orders [2d series, July 3, 1900-July 3, 1905] 12» [Nos. 1-5 were issued in 1900; nos. 6-16, in 1901; nos. 17-34, in 1902; nos. 35-52, in 1903; nos. 53-66, in 1904; nos. 67-80, in 1905.] 22 43 64 23 44 65 24 45 66 25 46 67 26 47 68 27 48 69 28 49 70 29 50 71 30 51 72 31 52 73 32 53 74 33 54 75 34 55 76 35 56 77 36 57 78 37 58 79 38 59 80 39 60 See also 40 61 N20.7».2: 41 62 42 63 >ecial orders [3d series , Aug. 10, 1905-Dec. 30, 1908] [Nos. 1^ were issued in 1905; nos. 6-35, in 1906; nos. 36-60, in 1907 in 1908.] 21 41 61 22 42 62 23 43 63 24 44 64 Same, revised 25 45 65 26 46 66 27 47 67 28 48 68 29 * 49 69 30 50 70 1 31 51 * 71 32 52 72 33 53 73 34 54 74 35 55 75 36 56 76 37 57 77 38 58 78 39 59 79 40 60 80 nos. 61-105, ^See, for publication issued to accompany Special order 70, N1.2: 82452°— 11 44 M46: 690 Classification no. N1.163: (nos.) N1.16*: (nos.) N1.17: All Ar5» Ar52 Ar53 Ar5* Ar5^ Ar5« Ar57 Ar58 Ar59 ArSi" Ar5^i B321 B322 B323 B32* C29 C36 C49» C492 C493 Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Special orders [3d series, Aug. 10, 1905-Dec. 30, 1908]— Continued 88 95 102 89 96 103 90 97 104 91 98 105 92 93 94 12"= [Nos. 1-37 were issued in 1909.] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 es, Jan. 11, 1909- 17 25 18 26 19 27 20 28 21 29 22 30 23 31 24 32 33 34 35 36 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Proposals, advertisements, general Information, etc. Alarm, torpedo ram. Information concerning torpedo ram Alarm, offered for sale. May 12, 1897. narrow 12*' Armor. Circular concerning armor plates and appurtenances required under advertisement, dated Jan. 16, 1893, to steel manufacturers of United States. 1894. 12« Same, Apr. 15, 1896. 1896. 12« Same, Mar. 10, 1897, to steel manufacturers of United States and builders of battleships 7, 8, and 9. 1897. 12° Same, May 6, 1898, to steel manufacturers of United States. 1898. 12° Same, addenda. [May 18, 1898.] 12° Armor. [Circular] to steel manufacturers of United States, and build- ers of battleships 7, 8, and 9, [concerning armor plates]. Mar. 10,1897. 12° [AlsoinN1.17:Ar53.] Armor. Advertisement and circular concerning armor for naval ves- sels. 1900. 12° Same [explanation of advertisement dated Aug. 13, 1900]. Aug. 17, 1900. 12° Armor. Advertisement and circular concerning armor for naval ves- sels. [Aug. 3, 1903.] Same. Dec. 8, 1904. Same. May 21, 1906. Battleships. Circular defining chief characteristics of 3 battleships authorized by act of Mar. 3, 1899, and of 2 battleships authorized by act of June 7, 1900. [July 17, 1900.] Same, 3 16,000-ton battleships [nos. 20, 21, and 22, Vermont, Kansas, and Minnesota] authorized by act approved Mar. 3, 1903. [Mar. 23, 1903.] Same, 2 13,000-ton battleships, no. 23, Mississippi, and no. 24, Idaho, authorized by act of Mar. 3, 1903. [Nov. 7, 1903.] Battleships. Circular [inviting] designs for battleships. July 6, 1906. Catskill, U. S. S. General information concerning U. S. S. Catskill, offered for sale. Oct. 24, 1901. narrow 12° Chaplains. Circular for Information of persons desiring to enter corps of chaplains. Navy. [May, 1907.] 12° Civil engineers. Information in regard to corps of civil engineers, Naw, in connection with coming examination to fill vacancies therein. Oct. 20, 1904. 12° Same. Aug. 1, 1905. 12° Same. Apr. 20, 1907. 12® 6^1 ClaHslflratlon no. Nl. SECRETARY— Continued N1.17: Proposals, advertisements, g:eneral Information, etc. — Continued I 069 C73 C88^ C88» C883 C88* C88« 088 « Ea7 G76 695 H35 In7 K52 M46 M66 M74 P29» P29» P293 P29* P29* P29« P29' P298 Collier. Circular defining chief characteristics of collier to be built by contract for Navy, in accordance with act approved Mar. 3, 1909. 1909. Comanche, monitor. General information concerning single-turret monitor Comanche, offered for sale. [1899.] narrow 12"* Cmieers. Circular defining chief characteristics of 6 sheathed and coppered cruisers, authorized by act of Mar. 3, 1899. [June 14, 1899.] Same. [July 22, 1899.] Same, 3 armored cruisers authorized by act of Mar. 3, 1899, and 3 by act of June 7, 1900. [July 31, 1900.] Same, 3 protected cruisers authorized by act of June 7, 1900. [Sept. 20, 1900.] [Corrected print of pages 9 and 10 subsequently issued.] Same, 2 armored cruisers [Tennessee and Washington] authorized by act of July 1, 1902. [1903.] Same, 3 3,750-ton scout cruisers, no. 1, ('hester, no. 2, Birmingham, no. 3, Salem, authorized by act of Apr. 27, 1904. [Feb. 2, 1905.] Earnest, U. S. S. General information concerning U. S. S. Earnest, offered for sale. Mar. 31, 1905. narrow 12° Grand Army of the Republic, Executive order relative to granting leave of absence to attend National Encampment 01 Grand Army of the Republic in Boston, Mass. Apr. 26, 1904. nar- row 12° Gunboats. Circular defining chief characteristics of 2 gunboats [nos. 17 and 18, Dubuque and Paducah] authorized by act of July 1, 1902. [Mar. 14, 1903.] Hector, U. S. S. General information concerning U. S. S. Hector, U. S. S. Ajax, U. S. S. Passaic, offered for sale in accordance with act of Mar. 3, 1883, and advertisement of Sept. 7, 1899. Sept. 7, 1899. narrow 12« Inspection of accounts. Data concerning inspection of accounts, etc., at navy-yards, July 6-Sept. 2, 1899. [1899.] 12° Keystone State, U. S. S. General information concerning U. S. S. Keystone State, U. S. S. Marion, and U. S. S. Lawton, offered for sale. [Apr. 30, 1907.] narrow 12° Mechanics. Navy wants mechanics, examinations at navy yard, New York, and at Mare Island, of men seeking place of acting carpenter. [Dec. 1901.] narrow 12° Minnesota, U. S. S. General information concerning U. S. S. Min- nesota, offered for sale in accordance with act of Mar. 3, 1883, and advertisement of July 17, 1901. July 17, 1901. nar- row 12° Monitors. General information concerning U. S. monitors Canonicus, Jason, Lehigh, Montauk, and Nahant, offered for sale in accord- ance with act of Mar. 3, 1883, and advertisement of Jan. 12, 1904. Jan. 12, 1904. narrow 12° Pay Corps. Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Pay Corps of Navy. [Jan. 1897.] Same. [Nov. 1897.] [Dec. 1897.] Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. [Revised edition.] [Mar. 22, 1898.] [Nov. 20, 1900.] [Mar. 27, 1903.] [July 23, 1903.] Pay oflBcers. Circular for information of persons desiring original aj)- pointments as clerks to pay officers in Navy, and who desire their names placed on eligible list. [Jan. 25, 1902.] 12® 692 Classlflcatlon no. N1.17: P2910 P29" P2912 P29»3 P291* Sa7 Sci6 Su7» Su72 Su73 T631 T632 V59 W25^ W252 W97 Zl N1.18^: 841 869 883 897 898 8991 900 905 Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Proposals, advertisements, general Information, etc. — Continued Pay Corps. Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Pay Corps of Navy. [Mar. 17, 1905.] 12« Same. [Mar. 17, 1905, issued Oct. 10, 1905.] 12° Same. [Nov. 10, 1905.] 12«> Same. [Mar. 3, 1906.] 12« Pay Corps. [Circular concerning designations of candidates for exami- nation as assistant paymaster in Navy.] Mar. 29, 1906. 12° Pay Corps. Information for candidates designated for competitive ex- amination for assistant paymaster in Navy, beginning: Jtme 11, 1906. [1906.] 4° Saratoga, U. S. S. General information concerning U. S. S. Saratoga, offered for sale in accordance with act of Mar. 3, 1883, and adver- tisement of Aug. 19, 1907. [Aug. 19, 1907.] narrow 12« Scipio, U. S. S. General information concerning U. S. vessels Scipio and Rocket, offered for sale in accordance with act of Mar. 3, 1883, and advertisement of Nov. 14, 1899. Nov. 14, 1899. nar- row 120 Surgeons. Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Navy as assistant surgeon, assistant paymaster, 2d lieutenant in Marine Corps, civil engineer, chaplain. [Nov. 17, 1905.] 12« Same. [June 11, 1907.] 12° Same. [Nov. 1, 1907.] 12° Torpedo boats. Proposals for construction of 3 30-knot torpedo boats for Navy. Apr. 9, 1897. Torpedo boats. Circular defining chief characteristics of 16 torpedo- boat destroyers and 12 torpedo boats for Navy, authorized by act of May 4, 1898. [May 16, 1898.] 12° Vermont, U. S. S. General information concerning U. S. S. Vermont, offered for sale in accordance with act of Mar. 3, 1883, and ad- vertisement of Mar. 13, 1902. Mar. 13, 1902. narrow 12° Warrant officers. Circular for information of warrant officers who are applicants for appointment as ensigns in Navy. [Jan. 10, 1905.] 12° Same [addition]. Nov. 3, 1905. 12° Wyandotte, monitor. General information concerning single-turret monitor Wyandotte, offered for sale in accordance with act of Mar. 3, 1883, and advertisement of Dec. 13, 1898. Dec. 13, 1898. narrow 12° Zafiro, U. S. S. General information concerning U. S. S. Zafiro, offered for sale. [Jan. 18, 1906.] narrow 12° Regulations governing uniform Regulations for uniform and dress of Navy, 1841. [Washington, D. C] J. & G. S. Gideon, printers [1841]. 12° Uniform for Navy. 1869. Regulations governing uniform of officers of Navy. 1883. Regulations governing uniform of commissioned officers, warrant offi- cers, and enlisted men of Navy. 1886. Same. 1897. Addenda to uniform regulations, 1897. Dec. 23, 1898. narrow f ° [Changes in] Regulations governing uniform of commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of Navy. [May 8] 1899. Addenda to uniform regulations [1897], no. 1. July 12, 1899. Same, no. 2. Jan. 5, 1900. Regulations governing uniform of commissioned officers, warrant offi- cers, and enlisted men of Navy, 1905. 1905. [See, for changes, N1.182;905»M 693 ClasHlflcatioii no. N1.18^: 905^ 9052 9053 905* 905* 905 « 905 7 N1.19: Ab8 Ag3 Ap6i Ap62 Ap63 Ape* Ab7' As72 As73 As7* B71' B712 B713 B71* B71* Cll» C112 C16 C37 049' Nl. SECRETARY- Continued Clians^es in uniform regulations See, for changes prior tx> 1905, addenda, etc., entered under N1.18*: Changes in uniform regulations [1905], no. 1. Feb. 7, 1906. [Accom- panied by 2 leaves, separate, contaLning plates,] Same, no. 2. Jan. 25, 1908. Same, no. 3. Mar. 24, 1908. Same, no. 4. Oct. 12, 1908. Same, no. 5. Dec. 12, 1908. Same, no. 6. May 24, 1909. Same, no. 7. Dec. 18, 1909. Rules, regulations, and. instructions Absence. Circular letter [stating that absence on account of sickness, without physician's certificate, will be charged to annual leave]. June 5, 1902. narrow 12'' Age of employees. Circular letter [to chiefs of bureaus and offices, etc., asking for statement of age, salary, and length of service of each employee, information to be supplied in accordance with Senate resolution of Feb. 25, 1901]. Mar. 1, 1901. narrow 12° Apprentices. Regulations for enlistment, instruction, and government of naval apprentices. Feb. 15, 1869. * Apprentices. Naval apprentices, regulations and routine of drills, exer- cises, and studies, on board apprentice-vessels. 1869. Apprentices. Circular letter [for information of applicants for ap- pointment as apprentices]. June 15, 1901. narrow 12° Appointments. Circular letter [to chiefs of bureaus and offices, etc., stating that absolute appointments will not hereafter be issued to classified employees of Navy Department, but retention in serv- ice after usual probationary term of 6 months shall be equivalent to absolute appointment]. Jan. 15, 1907. narrow 12° Assistant civil engineers. Rules regarding examinations of candidates for appointment as assistant civil engineers in Navy. Apr. 5, 1903. 12° Same. Oct. 23, 1903. 12° Same. Sept. 6, 1904. 12° Same. Apr. 1907. 12° Boys in naval service. Circular relating to enlistment of boys in naval service. July 23, 1897. 12° Same. ^ [Revised edition.] July 23, 1897 [Apr, 1899]. 12° [This and succeeding editions refer to boys between the ages of 15 and 17 years, instead of between 14 and 17 years as in pre- vious edition, N1.19:B71 '.] Same. June 6, 1899. 12° Same. Nov. 23, 1901. 12° Same. May 1, 1902. 12° Cadet-engineers. Regulations for appointment of cadet-engineers in Navy, 1875-6. [1875.] Same, 1876-7. [1876.] Same, 1879-80. [1879.] Candidates. Instructions to candidates [for examination for Navy]. [1902.] narrow 12° Character of work. Circular letter [relating to percentage to govern in determining marks for character of work of employees in general storekeepers' offices at navy-yards and naval stations]. Apr. 1, 1903. narrow 12° Civil engineers. Instructions regarding examinations of candidates for appointment in corps of civil engineers of Navy. June 8, 1897. 12° 694 Glassiflcatlon no. N1.19: C492 C493 C49* C495 C49« C49^ C63 D78 Ef4i Ef42 Ef43 Ef4^ Ef4^ Ef4« Ef4' Ef4» Ef4» Ef4io ,Ef4" Ef4i2 Ef4i3 Ef4i4 Ei4 Em7 En5i En52 En53 En5* En5* En5« En5' G931 H81 In2i Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Rules, regulations, and instructions— Continued Civil engineers. Rules regarding examinations of candidates for ap- pointment in corps of civil engineers of Navy. Jan. 7, 1899. 12** Same. Oct. 20, 1900. 12" Same. Apr. 16, 1902. 12" Same. July 26, 1902. 12" Same. Jan. 12, 1903. 12" Same. Apr. 5, 1903. 12" Regulations for government of Coast Signal Coast Signal Service. Service. 1898. See, for report of Coast Signal Service, N17.2:C63. Draftsmen. Instructions to candidates [for examination for architec- tural and structural draftsmen under Navy yard order 559]. 1905. * Efl&ciency. Circular letter transmitting semi-annual reports of effi- ciency, and efficiency lists. July 1, 1897. narrow 12" Same. Dec. 9, 1899. narrow 12" Same. June 9, 1900. narrow 12" Same. Dec. 10, 1900. narrow 12" Same. June 10, 1901. narrow 12" Same. Nov. 26, 1901. narrow 12" Same. June 30, 1902. narrow 12" Same. June 10, 1903. narrow 12" Same. May 25, 1904. narrow 12" Same. Nov. 4, 1904. narrow 12" Same. Nov. 27, 1905. narrow 12" Same. May 23, 1906. narrow 12" Same. May 26, 1906. narrow 12" Same. Nov. 2, 1906. narrow 12" Eight-hour law. Circular letter [relative to status of certain employees under eight-hour law]. May 19, 1904. narrow 12" Employees. Circular letter [enclosing blank forms, tabular statement of classified employees of navy yards, naval stations, etc., 1896-1903, to be filled out]. Nov. 28, 1903. narrow 12" Enlistment. Circular relating to enlistments in naval service. July 20, 1897. 12" Same. Mar. 1, 1898. 12" Same. Sept. 19, 1898. 12" Same. Mar. 4, 1899. 12" Same. Mar. 25, 1901. 12" Same. Nov. 23, 1901. 12" Same. May 1, 1902. 12" See, for later editions, Nl7.17:En52-". Guam. Rules and instructions relative to accounting system of naval government in island of Guam. n. p. [1901]. [See, for reports, etc., relating to island of Guam, entries under N2.5: and N2.2: G93.] Guam. Customs tariff and regulations for island of Guam. Revised Aug. 12, 1909. 1909. [See, for earlier edition, N2.2:G93^] Hours of labor. Circular letter [to commandants of navy-yards and naval stations, relative to time lost by employees on account of tardiness or being excused on Saturdays during July-Sept.]. July 6, 1906. narrow 12" * Index. Circular letter to chiefs of bureaus and offices [directing that use of books for indexing and recording briefs of letters received and sent be discontinued and index card record system be used]. Oct. 12, 1906. narrow 12" cm Glasslflcatlon no. N1.19: In22 In23 In7» In? 2 L41 L48» L483 M66 M76 N22 N42o N42yei N42ye2 N42ye3 Oil Op2 P291 P293 P29« P93» P932 P94» P942 P96 Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Rules, regulations, and instructions— Continued Index. Navy Department card index record system [for indexing and recording briefs of letters received and sent], narrow 12° Oct. 12, 1906. Increase of compensation. Circular letter [to commandants of navy- yards and naval stations concerning recommendations for increase of compensation of employees]. July 12, 1907. narrow S** Inspectors. Circular letter [stating that assistant inspectors shall be paid only for time actually employed]. Feb. 20, 1900. nar- row 12« Inspectors. Circular letter [relative to employees inspecting lumber or other materials prior to delivery under contracts]. May 19, 1902. narrow 12° Law. Orders, regulations, and instructions for administration of law and justice in Navy. 1870. large 8° Leave of absence. Circular letter [relative to adapting application for leave of absence to requirements of act of Feb. 1, 1901]. May 31, 1901. narrow 12° Leave of absence. Circular letter [relative to granting leave of absence to per diem employees at navy-yards]. Jan. 15, 1902. narrow 12° Minors. [Letter relating to Navy yard order 13, revised, governing employment of minors under instruction in department of ord- nance, Washington Navy- Yard]. Sept. 21, 1897. narrow 12° Monthly reports. Circular letter [to commandants of navy-yards and naval stations requiring that monthly reports be more carefully filled out]. May 17, 1906. narrow 12° Navy-yards. Instructions for navy yards. Washington, William A. Harris, printer, 1859. New Orleans, La. Rules governing docking of merchant vessels at naval station, New Orleans, La. Jan. 18, 1906. 4° New Year's Day. Special order |m8tructions to officers of Navy and Marine Corps in regard to President's reception, Jan. 2, 1905]. Dec. 24, 1904. 12° Same [Jan. 1, 1906]. Dec. 26, 1905. 12° Same [Jan. 1, 1907]. Dec. 24, 1906. 12° Old age. Circular letter to commandants of navy yards, stations, etc. [relative to data concerning employees who are 65 years of age or more]. Mar. 31, 1906. narrow 12° Open purchases. Circular letter of instructions [to chiefs of bureaus, etc.] relative to open purchases. Aug. 31, 1906. Pay for overtime. [Circular relative to pay for overtime of laborers and mechanics at navy yards.] Dec. 2, 1898. narrow 12° Pay regulations. Circular letter [to commandants of navy-yards, etc., relative to pay regulations]. Mar. 11, 1899. narrow 12° Paymasters' clerks. Circular letter [relative to placing paymasters* clerks under classified service]. Apr. 15, 1903. narrow 12<» Prison regulations for U. S. S. Southery, receiving ship for prisoners. [1903.] 24° Private parties. Circular letter [relative to work for private parties at navy-yards and stations]. May 19, 1902. narrow 12° Promotion. Circular letter [to chiefs of bureaus, etc., promulgating order of President in regard to recommendation for promotion of any employee in classified service]. July 17, 1902. nar- row 12° Same [to chief clerks, etc., enclosing Department's circular letter of July 17, 1902]. July 18, 1902. narrow 12° Punishments. Method for classifjHing offences and punishments on board vessels of Navy. [Apr. 4, 1870.] 696 Classification no. N1.19: R54 T24 T48 T98 V64 W271 W272 W273 W27^ W741 W743 W743 W74* W74« W746 W89 N1.20: (date of issue) N1.21 1 2 N1.212: Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Rules, regulations, and instructions — Continued Robeson, George M. Order [announcing death of George M. Robeson]. Oct. 9, 1897. 12° Temporary appointments. Regulation of Civil Service Commission relative to temporary appointments. [Mar. 15, 1899.] nar- row 12° Time records. [Outline of system for keeping time records and records of cost of work at navy-yards.] [1900.] narrow 12° Typewriters. Instructions for care of typewriters in Navy. Jan. 25, 1904. narrow 12° Veterans. Circular letter [relative to preference being accorded veter- ans who have served in Army or Navy in Philippines, in cer- tification for employment at navy-yards]. Sept. 25, 1901. narrow 12° Washington Navy- Yard. Regulations of navy-yard, Washington, D. C. 1889. 16° [See, for history of Washington Navy- Yard, 1799-1889, Slst Congress, 1st session. Senate executive docu- ment 22, in serial no. 2682.] Same. 1893. 16° Same. 1898. 12° Washington Navy- Yard. Regulations of Washington Navy Yard and station. 1906. 12° Wireless telegraphy. Instructions for transmission of messages by wireless telegraphy. Navy, July 29, 1904. 1904. Same, addendum 1. Nov. 14, 1904. oblong 24° Apr. 4, 1905. oblong 24° Sept. 15, 1905. oblong 24° Oct. 13, 1905. oblong 24° Feb. 8, 1906. oblong 24° Same, addendum 2. Same, addendum 3. Same, addendum 4. Same, addendum 5. See also m.2:W74:^-'\ Worden, John Lorimer. Worden], Oct. 19. OflO-cers of Navy and Marine Corps Columbia Order [announcing death of John Lorimer 1897. 12° in District of 901: 1892 1893 1894 1895 [Not issued.] 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 Same, addenda 1 Same, addenda 2 Same, addenda 3 1904, Nov. 21 Dec. 20 * 1905, Nov. 23 Dec. 20 1906, Nov. 24 Dec. 20 1907, Nov. Dec. 1908, Nov. Dec. 1909, Nov. [None for Dec. 1909.] ScMey Court of Inquiry, Proceedings Record of proceedings of court of inquiry in case of Winfield S. Schley, convened at navy-yard, Washington, D. C, Sept. 12, 1901. 1902. V. 1. [4370-485] Same. 1902. v. 2. [4371-485] [Miscellaneous correspondence of Navy Depart- ment concerning Scliley Court of Inquiry] >S'eeaZsoN1.2:L85. [Precept addressed] to George Dewey [relative to court of inquiry to be convened Sept. 12, 1901 for purpose of investigating conduct of Winfield S. Schley during War with Spain]. July 26, 1901. **» f« 697 CUsslAcation no. N1.21=: 901' 9013 902 N1.22: (CT) N1.23: (date) N1.24:: (date) N1.25: (nos.) N1.26: In7i In72 P191 Nl . SECRETARY— Continued [Miscellaneous correspondence of Navy Depart- ment concerning Schley Court of Inquiry]— Con. [letter of Winfield S. Schley asking for modification of paragraph 5 of precept issued by Navy Department relative to court of inquiry to be convened Sept. 12, 1901 for purpose of investigating his conduct during War with Spain.] July 27, 1901. 4° [Reply of acting Secretary of Navy to letter of Winfield S. Schley ask- ing for modification of paragraph 5 of precept issued by Navy Department relative to court of inouiry to be convened Sept. 12, 1901 for piu-pose of investigating nis conduct during War with Spain.] Aug. 1, 1901. 4° [Letter of Secretary of Navy to President of United States returning appeal of Winfield S. Schley from findings of court of inquiry upon his conduct during War with Spain, with comments of judge-advocate of court of inquiry and his assistant,] Jan. 25, 1902. [Text of Schley's appeal not included.] Specifications Teleplione list [Printed for office use only. Not listed here.] Navy and Marine Corps list and directory (monthly) [Similar information previously included in the July issues of the Navy register (Nl.lO:).] 1908, July 1 Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Oct. 1 Nov. 1 Dec. 1 1909, Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Mar. 1 Apr. 1 May 1 June 1 1909, July Aug. 1 1 Sept. 1 1 1 Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 [Navy yard] examination orders narrow 12" [Beginning with Jan. 20, 1909, those orders which relate to examinations and which prior to that time were included in Navy yard orders (N1.15:), are made a separate series.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Transit of Venus Commission, 1874 [Established under appropriation act of Mar. 4, 1871, which provided that all appro- priations made for the observations of the transits of Venus should be expenaed, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Navy, under the direction of a • commission to be composed of the superintendent and two of the professors of mathematics of the Navy attached to the Naval Observatory, the president of the National Academy of Sciences, and the superintendent of the Coast Survey.) Instructions for observing transit of Venus, Dec. 8-9, 1874. 1874. 4" Same, Dec. 6, 1882. 1882. 4« Papers relating to transit of Venus in 1874: pt. 1 [On application of Shotography to observation of transit of Venus; by Simon ewcombl. 1872. 4° 698 Classiflcatlon no. N1.26: P192 Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Transit of Venus Commission, 1874— Continued Same: pt. 2 [Charts and tables for facilitating predictions of the several phases of transit of Venus; by George W. Hill]. 1872. 4'* PI93 Same: Atlas to pt. 2. 1873. large 4« P19* Same: [pt. 3] Investigation of corrections to Hansen's Tables of the moon, with tables for their application; by Simon Newcomb. 1876. 4« N1.27: Naval MiUtia Office [Prior to Dec. 1, 1909, the business of the Navy Department in connection with the naval militia organizations of the several States and Territories and the District of Columbia was conducted through the office of the assistant Secretary of the Navy, and naval militia publications issued prior to that date are classed under N2.2:, N2.4:, and N2.7: Since Dec. 1, 1909. f the worlc in connection with naval militia has been no longer under the supervision of the assistant Secretary, and recent publications relating thereto are classed in the Public Documents Library as publications of the Naval Militia Office, under N1.27 »-': f] N1.27*: Naval Militia Office, Annual reports (date) i^^^' ^or 1894-1909 reports, N2.7: Beginning with 1910, reports are classed in Public ^ ^ Documents Library under Nl. 271:) N1.27 2: Naval MiUtia Office, General publications (CT) [None issued since Dec. 1, 1909, when Naval Militia Office was transferred from the office of the assistant Secretary (N2.).] Nl.27^: Naval Militia Office, Bulletins (nos.) [None issued since Dec. 1, 1909, when Naval Militia Office was transferred from the office of the assistant Secretary (N2.).] N1.27*: Naval MiUtia Office, Circulars (nos ) [None issued since Dec. 1, 1909, when Naval Militia Office was transferred from the office of the assistant Secretary (N2.).) tNl.27^: Naval Militia Office, Transactions of Naval Militia (date of Association of United States meeting) ["^^^ Naval Militia Association is an organization having as its officers representative ^' members of the naval militia organizations of the various States, the object being to advance naval militia throughout the United States. The proceedings of annual meetings held at Washington, D. C, Jan. 14, 15, 1904 and Dec. 12, 1.3, 1905 were published, with slightly different titles, as Congressional documents; see [4592-205] and [4915-435]. The transactions for 1909 and later years are printed by Navy Department under a portion of the act for "arming and equipping naval militia," which provides for "printing or purchase of necessary books of instruction" for the naval militia.] fOn Dec. 1, 1909, by order of the Secretary of the Navy, dated Nov. 18, 1909 and promulgated by the publication entitled Changes in Navy regulations, 1909, no. 6 (Nl. 11 2:909^), the work in connection with the naval militia was transferred to the Division of Personnel. This division is not a publishing oflfice and hence has no classification in this Checklist. The naval appropriation act approved Mar. 4, 1911 included in the appropriation for "arming and equipping naval militia" a provision for "salaries of the necessarv clerical force and office expenses in the Navy Department, at Washington, D. C, dating from the approval of the act. This provision was the natural result of the increase of work connected with the naval militia. The provision did not estab- lish what can be legitimately called a new division or bureau. There is merely an office, which is known as the "Office of Naval Militia." The office force consists (in 1911) of one naval officer, one clerk, and one messenger. This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. In addition to the publications for 1909 issued since the transfer to the Division of Personnel and listed above in the body of this Checklist under Nl.27^-^:., the Naval Militia Office in 1910 began two new series of publications, the titles of which are as follows: Nl.27^: Naval Militia Office, Register of commissioned and warrant officers of naval (date) militia [First annual issue is Jan. 1, 1910. See, for earlier similar publications, N2.2:D62i>2 and N2.2:R26.] Nl.27^: Naval Militia Office, Publications for instruction, etc., of naval militia (nos.) 699 ClassIAcatloa no. 909» 909 2 tN1.27*«: (CT) Nl. SECRETARY— Continued Naval Militia Office, Transactions of Naval Mllltla Association of United States— Continued Transactions of Naval Militia Association of United States, Washington, Feb. 20, 1909. Navy Department, Washington, 1910. [Certain separates from the transactions of the meeting of Feb. 20, 1909 were printed as Naval militia professional papers; see Nl.27^:] Same, Washington, Dec. 9, 1909. Navy Department, Washington, 1911. Naval Militia Office, Transactions of Naval Militia Association of United States (separates; Naval militia professional papers) [Nine papers presented at the meeting of the association held at Washington, D. C, Feb. 20. 1909 (N1.27 5:909 ») were issued separately, as listed on p. 6 of the Trans- actiobs for that date.] N2.1: (date) N2.2: D62^ D622 G93» G932 G933 G93* G93« L44 N22^ N222 P43' P43=» P88 P93» P932 P933 N2. ASSISTANT SECRETARY Annual reports [1898, 1900, and 1901, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and issued separately also.] General publications Directory, naval militia. [1897.] Same. [1900.] /S6eateoN2.2:R26. Guam. Customs tariff and regulations for island of Guam. 1900. {See, for later edition, N1.19:G93 ^.j Same, errata, n. d. Guam, memoranda furnished by Navy Department during 2d session of 57th Congress for use of Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico. 1902. Guam, brief extracts from publications, memoranda furnished Con- gress, general orders, and annual reports for 1901-04, relative to island of Guam, also, report on schools, criminal procedure, etc., and report of civil engineer Cox. 1905. Guam. Circular letter for all officers of Navy or Marine Corps who have served on island of Guam since Aug. 1900 [asking for information as to missing Spanish records]. Aug. 10, 1905. 4® Laws and regulations, State and national, relating to naval militia. 1895. Naval reserve. Bill to provide for enrollment and organization of naval reserve. [1898.] 12* Naval Force, Auxiliary. Report of chief of Auxiliary Naval Force to assistant Secretary of Navy on operations during War with Spain. 1898. Personnel bill. Proposed personnel bill, with letter of transmittal by assistant Secretary to [Navy] Department. [Dec. 9, 1897.] Personnel Board. Report of Personnel Board, report of recommenda- tions affecting officers of line of Navy. 1906. Prairie, U. S. S. Daily routine of naval militia [on] U. S. S. Prairie. [1900?] Price list of articles generally supplied to naval militia. Dec. 4, 1899. 12° Same. Feb. 18, 1903. 12<» Price lists. List of articles supplied to naval militia, with current prices of same. July 1, 1906. 12° ^See, for information concerning later classes, footnote for Nl.27: on p. 698. 700 Classification no. N2.2: R26 R86 T88 N2.3: (nos.) N2.4: (nos.) N2.5: (date) N2.6: (date) tN2.7: (date) N2. ASSISTANT SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Register of commissioned and warrant officers of naval militia of Cali- fornia, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minne- sota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and South Carolina. Nov. 30, 1907. [See also N2.2:D62 ^>^ and footnote class N1.27 «:] Rules of road. Local and international rules of road, and regulations regarding lights, together with pilot rules, adopted by Board of Supervising Inspectors [of Steam Vessels]; issued by Navy Department for instruction of naval militia. 1896. Tutuila, memoranda furnished by Navy Department during 2d session of 57th Congress for use of Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico; [with Tutuila, general orders issued by naval gov- ernor and documents relative thereto in force Jan. 1, 1903]. 1902 [and 1903]. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars, Naval militia [Discontinued.] Guam Island, Naval Governor, Annual reports [1901-04, in compilation entitled Guam, brief extracts from publications, memoranda furnished Ck)ngress, general orders, and annual reports for 1901-04 [etc.] (N2.2: G93<). 1901 and 1904, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and 1904 issued sepa- rately also. 1905, issued separately only. From 1906 to 1909, reports were still made to Navy Department, but were not printed. See, for regulations and instructions relative to island of Guam, entries under N1.19: G93 and N2.2:G93.] Tutuila, Commandant U. S. naval station. Annual reports [1900 and 1901, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:). 1902, in compilation entitled Tutuila, memoranda furnished by Navy Department during 2d session of 57th Congress for use of Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico (N2.2:T88). 1903, not printed. 1904, issued separately only. From 1905 to 1909, reports were still made to Navy Department, but were not printed.) Naval militia, Annual reports on [1894-1901, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and (except 1894 and 1898), issued separately also. 1902-08, none issued. 1909, issued" separately only; report for 1909 includes summary of operations during summer of 1908. Beginning with 1910, reports are classed under N1.27 1:] t The duty in connection with the naval militia was, up to Dec. 1, 1909, performed by the naval officer detailed as aid to the assistant Secretary of the Navy, assisted by such clerk, or clerks, as might be detailed for the purpose, and the reports on naval militia were addressed to the assistant Secretary. Therefore such reports as were printed down to and including 1909 are classed among the publications of the assistant Secretary, under N2.7: Other naval militia publications issued prior to Dec. 1, 1909, are classed under N2.2: and N2.4: On Dec. 1, 1909, supervision of naval militia affairs was transferred from the office of the assistant Secretary of the Navy to the Division of Personnel. See, for further information and for publications issued since Dec. 1, 1909, entries, notes, and foot- notes for N1.27 ^-^ 701 N3. ADMIRAL OP NAVY [Rank established by a.5t of July 25, 18«i6; lapsed Feb. 13, 1891. Reestablished by act of Mar. 2, 1899 which provided that when the office shall be vacated by death or otherwise, it shall cease to exist.] Classiflcatlon no. N3.1! (date) N3.2: (CT) N3.3: (nos.) N3.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1870-75, 1881-89, In annual reports of Navy Department (Ml. I:), and sometimes issued separately also.) General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] N4. CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR BUREAU [Originally Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs, established by act to reorganize Navy Department approved Aug. 31, 1842 (Stat. L. v. 5, p. 579). Another act to reorganize the Department, approved July 5. 1862 (Stat. L. v. 12, p. 510), created a new Bureau of Equipment and Recruitmg (N5.), and the name of the original bureau was changed to Bureau of Construction and Repair.] N4.1: (date) N4.2: Ad6» Ad62 B32 B63 Eu7i Eu72 F85 L97 P16 R52 T63 N4.3: (noe.) N4.4: (date) Annual reports [1842-1909, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and since 1882, usually issued separately also.] General publications Administrative instructions for heads of departments of construction and repair and superintending constructors. 190-. * [Confi- dential.] Same, supplement 1. Mar. 15, 1909. 4« Battleships. General statement of principal provisions to be embodied in construction of 20,000-ton battleship. [1908.] f <> Boats. Standard designs for boats of Navy, specifications, schedule of material, weights, and cost. 1900. oblong f <» European dock-yards. Report on European dock-yards; by Philip Hichbom. 1886. 8« [2418-237] Same. [Reprinted] 1889. 4° Franklin life buoy, information as to its cost and operation. [1900.] Lumber. Instructions to inspectors inspecting lumber and timber under cognizance of Bureau of Construction and Repair. [1906.] 12° Paints. Report of tests of anti-corrosive and anti-fouling paints, 2d series. 1886. 4" [The Public Documents Library has no infor- mation concerning the 1st series.] Riveting. Instructions for riveting naval vessels. 1906. 12*' Torpedo boat destroyers. General statement of principal provisions to be embodied m contract for construction of torpedo boat destroy- ers. [1907.] f° Bulletins [The bulletins issued by this bureau are intended solely for the information and guidance of the officers attached to the bureau, naval stations, and superintend* ing constructors' offices, and are considered confidential.] Circulars (unnumbered) [Prior to 1893, unnumbered circulars were issued by this bureau as necessary in connection with its work. Since that date, under article 1614 of Regulations for government of Navy, 1893, all such information and instructions are included in the various series issued by the Secretary of the Navy. The Public Documents Library has none of these circulars and no complete file could be consulted. The series as listed below is compiled from the list as found on p. 284 of General orders and circulars issued by Navy Department 1863-87 (N1.2:G28), which see for subject matter of the circulars.] 702 Ciassiflcation N4. CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR BUREAU— Con. no. N4.4: : Circulars (unnumbered) — Continued (date) 1865, Nov. 13 * 1879 , Sept. 9 * Dec. 23 * Oct. 2 * Dec. 30 * Nov. 21 * 1866 [None issued.] Nov. 29 * 1867, Sept. 17 * Dec. 23 * 1868, Jan. 16 * 1880 , Jan. 21 * Jan. 31 * Jan. 26 * Feb. 4 * Jan. 31 * May 16 * Feb. 11 * July 15 * May 18 * Nov. 18 * June 12 * 1869, July 30 * June 15 * 1870, Apr. 11 * July 1 ^ Nov. 19 * Nov. 19 * 1871, Apr. 29 * Nov. 27 * May 25 * Dec. 9 * June 21 * Dec. 29 * Dec. 9 * 1881 , Sept. 9 * 1872, Apr. 29 * Sept. 12 * Aug. 22 * 1882 , Mar. 15 •* Nov. 15 * Apr. 7 * Dec. 13 * Apr. 22 * 1873, Jan. 15 * May 15 * Feb. 3 *• May 18 * Oct. 13 * June 5 ^ Nov. 5 * June 8 * Dec. 19 * June 10 * 1874, Jan. 29 * June 20 * [Relating to Oct. 30 * color of ship's leather.] Nov. 4 * June 20 * [Relating to 1875, Mar. 4 * sheathing.] Mar. 17 * June 21 * Apr. 7 * [Relating to June 24 * foremen and quarter- Aug. 8 * men.l Aug. 9 * Apr. 7 ■X- [Relating to Aug. 11 * shipkeepers, etc] Oct. 25 * June 14 * Oct. 30 * 1876, Jan. 31 * 1883 ,July 10 * Mar. 14 * July 28 * Oct. 20 * Aug. 21 * 1877, May 3 * Sept. 19 * June 22 * Oct. 11 * Sept. 22 « 1884 , Feb. 23 * Oct. 15 * Apr. 2 * 1878, Mar. 9 * May 23 * June 15 * July 3 * Sept. 18 * July 14 * Dec. 16 * July 30 * 1879, Mar. 19 * Aug. 11 * Mar. 24 * Sept. 23 * Apr. 10 * Nov. 1 * July 26 * [Relating to Nov. 26 * requisitions, market 1885 , Jan. 17 * prices July 26 * [Relating to Apr. 28 May 8 * requisitions, exceed- 1886 , Feb. 27 ■* ing estimates.] Mar. 29 * Aug. 4 * Aug. 4 * Aug. 13 * Dec. 27 * Aug. 20 * 1887- -1893 * 703 GlasslflcAtlon no. N4.6: (date) N4.6: (CT) N4.7: (noB.) N4.8: (date) N4. CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR BIJRBAU--Ck)ii. Allowance of articles under cognizance of Bureau of Construction and Repair for vessels of Navy 1877 1881 4» 1883 4«> Specifications Standard number series 12® [No other numbers in this series issued to Oct. 31, 1906. The numbers as assigned are those used by the Bureau of (Construction and Repair in connection with standard plans and are consecutive therewith.] [l8t edition] 1902 Same. [2d edition] 1906 [Ist edition] * Same. 2d edition 1902 Same. [3d edition] 1907 28 39 86 97 [The above numbers are superseded by later specifications issued without "Standard number," which are classed under N4.6:l Analysis of expenditures under standing job orders at navy yards 4° [Although thase analyses have probably been prepared for other years, the Public Documents Library has no information as to whether any others were printed.] 1906 1908 N5. EQUIPMENT BUREAU t [Established by act reorganizing the Navy Department, July 5, 1862 (Stat. L. v. 12, p. 510), as Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting. From the reorganization of 1842 up to 1862, the work had been carried on by the earlier Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs; see N4. Since 1890, name has been Bureau of Equipment, tl N5.1: (date) N6.2: Ap6 B51» B512 B513 B75 Annual reports [1862-1909, In annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and since 1886, usually issued separately also. 1902, as it appears in annual report of Navy Department, Is without appendixes and therefore does not include reports of superintendent of Naval Observatory, Nautical Almanac Office, nor Hydrographlc OflBce.] General publications Apprentices. Regulations for training of naval apprentices, approved Nov. 13, 1888. 1888. Binnacles. Directions for use of compensating binnacles, with fore and aft and athwartship magnet correctors and quadrantal spheres, etc. [Apr. 1898.] 12" Same. Mar. 2, 1903. 12« Same. Jan. 1, 1906. 12" Breeding book, homing pigeon, n. p. n. d. 4® (Form 77.) [Blank book for keeping record.] See also m.2:B.7b^'^. t Abolished July 1, 1910, under provisions of act making appropriations for naval service for fiscal year ending June 30, 1911, approved June 24, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, gt. 1, p. 613). Its work was assigned to other bureaus of the Navy Department by hanges in Navy regulations, 1909, no. 11, issued by Secretary of Navy, June 27, 1910, and approved by the President June 28, 1910. A report containing a table showing distribution of duties appeared as 61st Congress, 3d session. House document 1231. See, for further information concerning Navy Department reorganization, footnote on p. 647. 704 Classiflcation no. N5.2: C631 C632 C633 063^ C731 C732 C733 E122 E123 El 2* En5i En52 G32 H75^ H752 In82 L61 M76 P53 N5. EQUIPMENT BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Coals. Reports on efficiency of various coals used by United States ships, 1893-95. 1895. 4° Same, 1895-96, supplemental to 1895. 1897. 4« Same, 1896-98. 1898. 4° Coals. Reports of efficiency of various coals, 1896-98; Expenses of equipment abroad, 1902-03 [sections relating to coal from annual reports of Equipment Bureau]; and Recent chemical analyses of coal at navy-yard, Washington, D. C. 1906. 4° [4923-313] Coaling plants. Data concerning U. S. naval coaling plants. 1908. oblong 12° Compass. Practical problems and compensation of compass in Navy; by S. W. B. Diehl. 1893. large 8° Same; revised by W. H. H. Southerland. 1898. large 8° Compass. Directions for compensating compasses in starboard angle binnacles by new practical method. [July 31, 1906.] 12° Electric plants, general plan of electric light wiring, and list of fixtures, wiring accessories, tools, instruments, spare parts, and supplies, battleships 5 and 6, Kearsarge and Kentucky. Dec. 1896. 12° Electric plant, general plan of electric light wiring, and list of fixtures, wiring appliances, tools, instruments, spare parts, and supplies, battleships 7-9, Alabama, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Apr. 1898. 12° Electric plant, general plan of electric light wiring and means of interior communication, list of fixtures, wiring accessories, tools, instru- ments, spare parts, and supplies, monitors 7-10, Arkansas, Con- necticut, Florida, and Wyoming. Nov. 1899. 12° [See also m.2:lnS\] Electricity on board naval vessels, by J. J. Blandin, chap. 5, General information series 11, Office of Naval Intelligence. 1892. [See, for General information series 11, N13.5:ll.] Enlistments. Laws and regulations relating to enlistments, discharges, etc.. Navy. [1st edition.] 1885. Same. 2d edition. 1886. See, for circulars relating to enlistment in Navy, N1.19:En5^"'^ and N17.17:En52-i^ Generating sets. Method of testing generating sets under specifications of Bureau of Equipment. [1902.] 12° ' Homing pigeons. Directions for care and training of homing pigeons for Navy. 1897. 12° Same. 1899. 12° See also N5.2:B75. Interior communication ships 7, 8, and 1898. 12° [See also ^5.2.E12K] Invoice of equipment outfit of U. S. S. on going into commission , 190-. 1899. 4° [Blank book.] Libraries. Instructions for use and care of libraries under Bureau of Equipment. June 19, 1897. [5'g6 aZso note and entries for N5. 6:] Monthly return of equipment articles exempted from general store- keeper's system at U. S. navy yard , for month ending , 190-. Edition of 1891. [1891.] 4° [Blank book.] • Philippine Islands. Telegraphic determination' of longitudes in Phil- ippine Islands, embracing meridians of Cavite, Lucena, Guina- yangan, Antimonan, Jolo, Siassi, and Paran Paran, with latitudes of the several stations; by J. A. Norris and E. T. Witherspoon. 1904. 4° [Incorrectly numbered Hydrographic Office publica- tion 122.] o>nj;. Means of interior communication for battle- Alabama, Illinois, and Wisconsin. June, 705 Classlflcatlon no. N5.2J P94 R68 T23 T68 T7X1 T712 T713 T714 T715 T71« T717 W74' W742 W74» W74* W74« W74« W747 W74 8 W74» N6. EQUIPMENT BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Propeller clearing device. Deecription of propeller clearing device. [1905.] 12" Rope. Reports and tables of experiments on hemp and wire rope, made ,by order of Bureaifof Equipment and Recruiting, Navy Dept. 1871. 40 Telegraph. [Circular approving use of Wireless telegraphic code for meteorological observers at sea, issued by Weather Bureau, for transmitting reports to Weather Bureau.] Apr. 1906. 12° [SeCf for Wireless telegraphic code for meteorological observers at sea, A29.2:T23.] Training ships. Regulations for enlistment, government, and instruc- tion of boys on board of naval training ships, as authorized by circular of Navy Department, Apr. 8, 1875. 1875. Treaties and conventions concluded between United States and other Powers [1889-94], supplementary to State Department publica- tion [Treaties and conventions] 1889. Navy Department, Bureau of Equipment, 1894. [See, for State Department publication of 1889, 89.51:889.] Same [1889-95]. Navy Department, Bureau of Equipment, 1895. Same [1889-97]. Navy Department, Bureau of Equipment, 1897. Same [1894-95]. Navy Department, Bureau of Equipment, 1895. Treaties and conventions concluded between United States and other Powers, 1815-1902. Navy Department, Biureau of Equip- ment, 1902. [Treaties and conventions between United States and other Powers, 1899-1903.] [1903.] [315] p. map. Treaties between United States and other Powers, 1900-Mar. 3, 1903, including 2 treaties of 1899. [1903.1 251 p. map. [Printed at Government Printing Office by order of Equipment Bureau, Navy Dept.] [Later treaties have been sent out to the vessels of the Navy in pamphlet form.] Wire. Report of [\\'ire] Board for testing plain and galvanized iron and steel wire, etc., conducted at navy yard, Washington, D. C. 1879. 40 Wireless telegraphy. Practical guide to long-distance wireless Hertzian telegraphy; by E. Ducretet. 1902. [Appeared originally in French; reproduced from translation under direction of Bureau of Equipment.] Wireless telegraphy. Instructions for use of wireless-telegraph ap- paratus; by J. M. Hudgins. 1903. Wireless telegraphy. Manual of wireless telegraphy for use of naval electricians; by S. S. Robison. 1906. Same; with revisions and addition of chapters 3, 4, and 5, by L. W. Austin. Annapolis, Md., United States Naval Institute, 1909. Wireless telegraphy. International wireless telegraph convention concluded [Berlin, Nov. 3, 1906], between Germany, United States, Argentina [and other countries, with service regula- tions]. 1907. [English and French.] Wireless telegraphy. List of wireless telegraph stations of the world, including shore stations, merchant vessels, and vessels of United States Navy; corrected to Oct. 1, 1906. 1906. Same; corrected to Aug. 1, 1907. 1907. Same, including shore stations, merchant vessels, revenue cutters, and vessels of United States Navy; corrected to Oct. 1, 1908. 1908. 82452**— 11- -45 706 Classification no. N5.2: W7410 Y81 Y82 Y83 N5.3: (nos.) N5.4: (date) N5. EQUIPMENT BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Same, including shore stations, merchant vessels, revenue cutters, and vessels of United States Navy; corrected to Sept. 1, 1909. 1909. t Young sailor's assistant in practical seamanship, iijcluding rules of the road, directions for resuscitating apparently drowned, etc.; by Emory H. Taunt. [1st edition.] 1883. * Same. 2d edition. * Same. 3d edition. 1899. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars (unnumbered) [Prior to 1893, unnumbered circulars were issued by this bureau as necessary in connection with its work. Since that date, under article 1614 of Regulations for government of Navy, 1893, all such information and instructions are included in the various series issued by the Secretary of the Navy. The Public Documents Library has none of these circulars and no complete file could be consulted. The series as listed below is compiled from the list as found on p. 278 of General orders and circulars issued by Navy Department, 1863-87 (N1.2:G28), which see for subject matter of the circulars.) 1863, Feb. 24 * 1875, June 10 * May 4 * 1876 None issued 1864 [None issued. 1877 [None issued 1865 [None issued. 1878 [None issued 1866, June 15 * 1879, Jan. 3 * 1867 [None issued.] May 21 * 1868, Mar. 27 * Oct. 25 * July 31 * Dec. 31 * Dec. 4 * 1880, Feb. 4 * 1869, May 11 * Feb. 21 ^ May 24 * Apr. 20 * 1870, Aug. 20 * June 1 * Oct. 14 * Oct. 12 * 1871, Apr. 10 * 1881, Sept. . 8 * Nov. 1 * Sept. 22 * Nov. 15 * Nov. 15 * 1872, Mar. 5 * 1882, Mar. 2 * Mar. 25 * Mar. 28 * Aug. 29 JXr Apr. 19 * Aug. 30 * Aug. 11 * 1873 [None issued.] Nov. 17 * 1874, May 12 * 1883, June 15 * May 25 * July 2 * Oct. 29 * Oct. 4 * 1875, Jan. 14 * Oct. 30 * Jan. 30 * Nov. 6 * Apr. 1 * Nov. 24 * June 7 * Dec. 6 * 1884, Apr. July Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1885, Jan. Jan. May June June July Aug. Aug. Sept. Dec. Dec. Dec. 1886, Jan. Feb. Feb. Apr. Aug. Sept. Sept. 1887-1893 N5.5: Allowances for vessels of Navy 872 Allowances established for vessels under Bureau of Equipment, etc., 1872. 1872. 877 Same, 1877. 1877. 880 Same, 1880. 1880. large 8° 890 Allowance of equipment, under cognizance of Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, for vessels of Navy, 1890. 1890. 4« 891 Articles under cognizance of Bureau of Equipment, with tables, direc- tions [etc.], for vessels of Navy. 1891. large 8" t Since the abolishment of the Bureau of Equipment, July 1, 1910, the List of wireless telegraph stations has been issued by the Bureau of Steam Engineering; see footnote class N 19. 7: 707 CUMinratlon no. N5.5: 899 tN5.6: Abl Adl All A12 A15» A15» A15' Am7 An7» An7 2 Ar3 At6i Ate 2 Ate 3 B53 B64i B64'^ B64 3 B69 B861 B862 Cll C12 C13 N5. EQUIPMENT BUREAU— Continued Allowances for vessels of Navy— Continued Allowances to U. S. S. , 1899. 1899. 4° [Blank book.] [The edition for 1899 Is the last In the Public Documents Library. See alto N5.2: In8«.] Catalogues of u. s. s. — ship's , etc. and crew's libraries of [Under N5.6: nearly all of the entries are for catalogues of ship's and crew's libraries, arranged by the names of the vessels to whicli they are furnished. There are also a few catalogues of libraries at navy-yards or stations, and a few general lists, outlines of classification, etc., for which see N5.G:N42f, W27i,B64i-», C561-3. cm. See, for Instructions for use and care of libraries under Bureau of Equipment, N5.2:L61.) Abarenda, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Abarenda. Aug. 1903. 12° Adams, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Adams. Oct. 1905. 12« Albany, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Albany. Mar. 1905. 12° Alert, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Alert. Oct. 1905. 12° Alliance, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Alliance. June, 1903. 12° Same. July, 1904. 12° Same. Jan. 1906. 12° Amphitrite, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Amphitrite. Feb. 1904. 12° Annapolis, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's library of U. S. S. Annapolis, Oct. 1897. 12° Annapolis, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Annapolis. Nov. 1905. 12° Arethusa, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S, Arethusa. Jan. 1908. 12° Atlanta, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S, Atlanta. Aug. 1898. 12° Same. Oct. 1903. 12° Same. May, 1906. 12° Birmingham, U . S . S . Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of XJ. S . S. Birmingham. Apr. 1908. 12° Books, Classified list of books issued to ship's and crew's libraries since Feb. 1897. June 1, 1899. [See, for earlier catalogues of library books issued to vessels of Navy, N17.2:L61''-.] Books. Lists of books issued to ship's and crew's libraries. Navy, arranged alphabetically by authors and classes; corrected to Apr. 15,1901. 1901. Same; corrected to May 15, 1902. 1902. Boxer, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraiies of U. S. S. Boxer. Mar. 1905. 12° Buffalo, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Buffalo. Oct. 1898. 12° Same. Nov. 1906. 12° Caesar, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. collier Caesar. July, 1904. 12° California, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. California. May, 1905. 12° Callao, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Callao. Jan. 1908. 12° t Since the abolishment of the Bureau of Equipment, July 1, 1910, the catalogues of ship's and crew's libraries have been issued by the Navigation Bureau; see loot- note class N17,19: 708 Classification no. N5.6: C27» . C272 C273 033^ C332 C333 C38 C42' C422 C431 C432 C561 C562 C56' C71 C721 C722 C741 C742 C76» C762 C86 C91 D37 D46 D641 D642 D643 D644 D691 D692 D693 D71 D851 D852 N5. EQUIPMENT BUREAU— Continued Catalogues of sMp's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. , etc. — Continued Castine, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Castine. Sept. 1903. 12° Same. Sept. 1906. 12« Same. Sept. 1908. 12° Celtic, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Celtic. Feb. 1904. 12° Same. Nov. 1905. 12° Same. Oct. 1908. 12° Charleston, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Charleston. July, 1905. 12° Chester, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Chester. Apr. 1908. 12° Same. Apr. 1909. 12° Chicago, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Chicago. Aug. 1898. 12° Same. July, 1904. 12° Classification. Outline of classification for library books. [1901.1 3 p. 12° (Form 40.) Classification. Outline of classification of library books. [1903.] 2 p. 12° Same. [1905.] 2 p. 12° Colorado, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Colorado. Feb. 1905. 12° Columbia, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Columbia. Mar. 1903. 12° Same. Aug. 1904. 12° Concord, TJ. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Concord. Apr. 1903. 12° Same. Sept. 1905. 12° Constellation, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Constellation. Mar. 1906. 12° Connecticut, U. S. S, Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Connecticut. May, 1906. 12° Crew's library, U. S. S. [blank form giving author number, author and title, and space for estimated cost]. [1897.] f° Cumberland, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Cumberland. July, 1905. 12° Delaware, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Delaware. Nov. 1909. 12° Des Moines, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Des Moines. Apr. 1908. 12° Dixie, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Dixie. May, 1903. 12° Same. June, 1906. 12° Same. Jan. 1909. 12° Same. Mar. 1909. 12° Dolphin, XJ. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Dolphin. Mar. 1905. 12° Same. Nov. 1907. 12° Same. May, 1908. 12° Don Juan de Austria, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Don Juan de Austria. Feb. 1905. 12° Dubuque, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U . S. S. Dubuque. Aug. 1905. 12° Same. Oct. 1908. 12° 709 Clamiflratlon no. N5.6! Ea3 Ell F85» F852 F85» G29 G45» G452 0453 H36» H362 H363 H62 Idl In2» In22 In23 In24 In8 Io9' I092 Ir4 Is4i l84 2 K13 K41 L22 L44 L93 M18 N5. EQUIPMENT BUREAU— Continued Catalogues of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. , etc. — Continued Eagle, U. S. S. Catalogue of crew's library of U. S. S. Eagle. Oct. 1905. 12° El CanOj U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. El Cano. Apr. 1903. 12« Franklin, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. receiving ship Franklin. Aug. 1897. 12o Same. Dec. 1903. 12* Franklin, U. S. S. Catalog of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. R. S. Franklin. Sept. 1906. 12<> Georgia, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Georgia. 1905, [published] Jan. 1906. 12« Glacier, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Glacier. Dec. 1903. 12° Same. July, 1905. 12« Same. Dec. 1907. 12» Helena, U. S. S. Catalogue of crew's library of U. S. S. Helena. May, 1902. 12° Helena, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Helena. Feb. 1904. 12» Same. Feb. 1907. 12«> Hist, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Hist. Nov. 1908. 12° Idaho, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Idaho. Apr. 1908. 12° Independence, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. receiving ship Independence. Aug. 1897. 12° Independence, U. S. S. Catalogue of crew's library of U. S. S. Inde- pendence. Nov. 1909. 12° Indiana, U. S. S. Crew's library, U. S. S. Indiana [blank form giv- ing classification, authors, titles, and space for price]. [1902.] f° Indiana, IT. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Indiana. Feb. 1906. 12° Intrepid, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Intrepid. July, 1905. 12° Iowa, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Iowa. Oct. 1903. 120 Same. Oct. 1909. 12* Iris, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Iris. Mar. 1905. 12° Isla de Cuba, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S . Isla de Cuba. Feb. 1905. 12° Isla de Luzon, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Isla de Luzon. Feb. 1905. 12° Kansas, II. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crews' libraries of U. S. S. Kansas. Dec. 1906. 12» Kentucky, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Kentucky. Aug. 1904. 12° Lancaster, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. R. S. Lancaster. Sept. 1903. 12° Lawton, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Lawton. Sept. 1903. 12° Louisiana, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Louisiana. May, 1906. 12° Machias, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Machias. Sept. 1904. 12* 710 Classification no. N5.6: M28 M32 M331 M332 M333 M33* M36 M381 M382 M45^ M452 M453 M581 M582 M583 M64 M66' M662 M69 M74 M75 M76» M762 M763 N17' NI72 N27 N42f N42h N42j N5. EQUIPMENT BUREAU— Continued Catalogues of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. , etc. — Continued Maine, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Maine. June, 1896. 12<» Marblehead, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Marblehead. July, 1909. 12» Marcellus, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Marcellus. July, 1904. 12« Marietta, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's library of U. S. S. Marietta. Oct. 1897. 120 Marietta, U, S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Marietta. Sept. 1903. 12o- Same. July, 1906. 12« Maryland, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. • Maryland. Feb. 1905. 12o Massachusetts, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Massachusetts. June, 1904. ]2« Same. Dec. 1908. 12^ Mayflower, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Mayflower. Apr. 1903. 12° Same. Aug. 1905. 12o Same. Jan. 1908. 12° Miantonomoh, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Miantonomoh. Apr. 1904. 12^ Michigan, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Michigan. Mar. 1904. 12« Same. May, 1909. 12« Milwaukee, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Milwaukee. July, 1906. 12« Minneapolis, U, S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Minneapolis. June, 1903. 12° Minnesota, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Minnesota. May, 1906. 12« Mississippi, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Mississippi. Jan. 1908. 12° Monadnock, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Monadnock. Mar. 1905. 12° Monongahela, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Monongahela. Oct. 1903. 12° Montana, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Montana. Mar. 1908. 12° Monterey, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Monterey. July, 1905. 12° Montgomery, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Montgomery. Jan. 1907. 12° Nashville, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Nashville. May, 1903. 12° Same. Oct. 1904. 12° Nebraska, XT. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Nebraska. 1905, [published] Jan. 1906. 12° New Fort Lyon, Colo. Catalogue of library, crew's, issued to naval hospital, New Fort Lyon, Las Animas, Colo. Feb. 1908. 12° New Hampshire, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. New Hampshire. Mar. 1908. 12° New Jersey, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of XJ. S. S. New Jersey. 1905, [published] Jan. 1906. 12° 711 CUsiilflratlon no. N5.6: N42o N42y N42za» N42za2 N42zp N81» N812 Oh3 019 Or3» Or32 P13 P19 P38» P382 P383 P38* P44 P53 P88 P931 P93* P933 P94 P97 R13 R16» R162 R27^ R272 N5. EQUIPMENT BUREAU— Continued Catalo£:ues of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. 8. , etc. — Continued New Orleans, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. New Orleans. Feb. 1907. 12° New York, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. New York. Apr. 1909. 12° Newark, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Newark. Apr. 1898. 12* Same. Apr. 1908. 12* Newport, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's library of U. S. S. Newport. Oct. 1897. 120 North Carolina, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. North Carolina. Mar. 1908. 12» North Dakota, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. North Dakota. Nov. 1909. 12° Ohio, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Ohio. June, 1904. 12« Olympia, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Olympia. Jan. 1906. 12° Oregon, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Oregon. Jan. 1897. 12° Same. Mar. 1909. 12® Paducah, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Paducah. Nov. 1905. 12« Panther, U. S. S. Catalog of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Panther. Sept. 1906. 12» Pennsylvania, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Pennsylvania. Feb. 1905. 12° Pensacola, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. T. S. Pensacola. June, 1903. 12° Pensacola, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Pensacola. Sept. 1905. 12° Same. Jan. 1906. 12o Petrel, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Petrel. Aug. 1903. 12* Philadelphia, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Philadelphia. Oct. 1903. 12° Prairie, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Prairie. Sept. 1906. 12° Princeton, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's library of U. S. S. Princeton. Oct. 1897. 12° Princeton, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Princeton. June, 1904. 12° Same. Jan. 1909. 12° Prometheus, TJ. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of IT. S. S. Prometheus. July, 1908. 12° Puritan, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Puritan. May, 1904. 12«» Rainbow, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Rainbow. Oct. 1907. 12° Ranger, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Ranger. Dec. 1903. 12° Same. May, 1905. 12° Reina Mercedes, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Reina Mercedes. Oct. 1904. 12° Relief, IT. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Relief. July, 1904. 12° 712 Classification no. N5.6: R34 Sa2 Sa3 Sc7 Se8 So4i S042 S081 So82 So83 Su7i Su72 T25 T31 T621 T622 V591 V592 V631 V632 V661 V662 V71 V81 Will WII2 W271 W272 W28 N5. EQUIPMENT BUREAU— Continued Catalogues of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. , etc. — Continued Rhode Island, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Rhode Island. 1905, [published] Jan. 1906. 12° St. Louis, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. St. Louis. July, 1906. W Salem, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Salem. Apr. 1908. 12° Scorpion, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Scorpion. July, 1905. 12° Severn, U. S. S. Catalogue of crew's library of U. S. S. Severn. Aug. 1907. 12« Solace, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Solace. June, 1904. 12° Same. July, 1908. 12° South Carolina, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. South Carolina. May, 1909. 12° South Dakota, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. South Dakota. May, 1905. 12° Southery, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Southery. Mar. 1904. 12° Supply, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's library of U. S. S. Supply. Mar. 1906. 12° Same. Oct. 1908. 12» Tennessee, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of IT. S. S. Tennessee. May, 1906. 12° Texas, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Texas. July, 1908. 12° Topeka, U. S. S, Catalogue of ship's and ciew's libraries of U. S. S. Topeka. July, 1904. 12° Same. Dec. 1908. 12° Vermont, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. receiving ship Vermont. Aug. 1897. 12° Vermont, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Vermont. Dec. 1906. 12° Vestal, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Vestal. July, 1908. 12° Vesuvius, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Vesuvius. Aug. 1905. 12° Vicksburg, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's library of U. S. S. Vicksburg. Oct. 1897. 12» Vicksburg, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Vicksburg. Nov. 1905. 12» Villalobos, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Villalobos. Apr. 1909. 12« Virginia, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Virginia. 1905, [published] Jan. 1906. 12» Wabash, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. re- ceiving ship Wabash. Mar. 1898. 12» Wabash, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Wabash. Dec. 1903. 12® Washington, D. C. Catalogue of library for seaman gunner's class, navy yard, Washington, D. C. Jan. 1906. 12° Washington, IT. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Washington. May, 1906. 12° Wasp, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Wasp. July, 1905. 12° 713 CUsstflcation no. N5.G; \\'.".L* W57> W572 W573 W68 \V75 W99 Y12 Y13 Y81 Y82 N5.7: (CT) N5.8: (date) N5. EQUIPMENT BUREAU— Continued Catalogues of ship's and crew's libraries of U. 8. S. , etc. — Continued West Virginia, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. West Virginia. Feb. 1905. 12o \Mieeling, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's library of U. S. S. Wheeling. Oct. 1897. 12° Wheeling, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Wheeling. Jan. 1907. 12« Same. Sept. 1908. 12« Wilmington, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Wilmington. May, 1906. 12° Wisconsin, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Wisconsin. May, 1908. 12° Wyoming, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Wyoming. Oct. 1908. 12° Yankton, U. S. S. Catalogue of crew's library of U. S. S. Yankton. Jan. 1906. 12° Same. Nov. 1907. 12° Yankee, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Yankee. June, 1908. 12° Yorktown, U. S. S. Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Yorktown. May, 1904. 12° Yorktown, U. S. S. Catalog of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. Yorktown. Sept. 1906. 12° Specifications Coal notice for foreign ports f°t 1902, Jan. 1903, Jan. 1st edition 1904, Ist edition * 2d edition * July 1 3d edition 1905, Feb. 15 Ist edition Apr. 1906, Mar. 15 2d edition 1 1st edition 1907, Jan. 1 1st edition 1908, Jan. 1 Ist edition Apr. 1 2d edition 1909,tFeb. 1 1st edition N6. HYDRO GRAPHIC OFFICE [The present Hydrographic Office was established in 1866, but the hydroRraphical as well as the astro- nomical work of the Navy Department had begun in the Depot of Charts and Instruments which was established at Washington in 1830 (see also historical note under N14.). When the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, now Ordnance Bureau (Nl8.), was organized under act of Aug. 31, 1842, the Secretary of the Navy, by an order dated Nov. 26, 1842, directed that the Depot of Charts and Instruments be attached to that bureau as its hydrographic branch. Under another act of reorganization approved July 5, 1862, the Depot, by that time known as the United States Naval Observatory and Hvdrographical Office, was detached from the Bureau of Ordnance and transferred to the newly organized Bureau of Navigation (N17.). The astronomical and hydrographical branches of the work were separated in 1866 when the present Hydro- graphic Office had its beginnmg in an act of June 21, 1866 (Stat. L. v. 14, p. 69). This act established " A Hydrographic Office attached to the Bureau of Navigation in the Navy Department, for the improve- ment of the means for navigating safely the vessels of the Navy and of the mercantile marine, by pro- viding, under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy, accurate and cheap nautical charts, sailing directions, na\igators, and manuals of instructions for the use of all vessels of the United States and for the benefit and use of navigators generally." t Issue for 1910 is 12*'. Since the abolishment of the Bureau of Equipment, July 1, 1910, the Coal notice for foreign ports has been issued by the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts: see footnote class N20.il: 714 N6. HYDRO GRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued This act further authorized the Secretary of the Navy to "purchase the plates and copyrights of such existing charts, maps, sailing directions, etc., as he may consider necessary." Steps were at once taken to carry out this provision and purchases were made from the firm of E. & G. W. Blunt, nautical pub- lishers of New York City, who were up to that time the only ones who had undertaken such work on anything like an adequate scale. These purchases included 24 copperplate charts, relating mainly to the coast ol America, and the copyrights of Bowditch's American practical navigator (N6.8:9) and of a few volumes of coast pilots and sailing directions. These added to the few already in the possession of the Government formed the nucleus, and the work of collecting and publishing other information was promptly undertaken. The Hydrographic Office remained under the Bureau of Navigation until 1898, when it was transferred to the Bureau of Equipment by act of May 4, 1898 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 374). f See, for Founding and development of Hydrographic Office, issued 1887, N6.2:H99. J] Classification no. N6.1: Annual reports (date) [1869-1905 (except 1902), in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:); 1881-1905, usually issued separately also. 1902 report appears in annual report of Equip- ment Bureau, 1902 (N5. 1:902). 1906, condensed report, signed by acting hydrographer, issued separately only. Summarized in annual report of Navy Department, 1906 (Nl. 1:906). 1907-09, no regular signed report printed, the work of the Hydrographic Office being simimarized in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:). No separates for 1907-09.] N6.2: General publications C64 Code of signals. U. S. naval code of signals, comprising: 1, army and navy (wig-wag) code; 2, electric night (Ardois) system. [1898.] 16° See also signal books, etc., under N17.121: C73 Compass. New compass card [table of degrees]. 1909. 12« D36 Deep-sea sounding machine. Instructions for using William Thom- son's deep-sea sounding-machine for sounding with steel wire, Brooke's detaching sinker, and Belknap's specimen-cylinders. 1874. H99 Hydrographic Office. Founding and development of Hydrographic Office; by W. S. Hughes. 1887. % Sa3 Sales agents. Information for sales agents of Hydrographic Office. Aug. 5, 1895. 4« N6.3: Bulletins, Hydrograpliic various sizes [Weekly.] (nos ) [Contain accounts of obstructions and dangers along the coast and the principal ^ '' ocean routes, etc. First issue Sept. 6, 1889.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 t Transferred to Bureau of Navigation July 1, 1910, by Changes in Navy regulations, 1909, no. 11, issued by Secretary of Navy June 27, 1910, in pursuance of naval appro- priation act approved June 24, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 613), which abolished the Bureau of Equipment; see also footnote on p. 703. t A later history of the Hydrographic Office has been issued, with title, Origin and mission of Hydrographic Office. It is Reprint of hydrographic information 9, and being a 1910 publication, is not entered in this Checklist, but it should be classed under N6.19:9. 715 ClAMlflcatioa no. N(>. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE-Conti nued N6.3: Bulletins, Hydrograplilc~<.ontinued ,(no8.) loa « 167 « 231 # 295 359 423 104 « 168 # 232 « 296 360 424 105 # 169 » 233 * 297 361 425 106 * 170 » 234 « 298 362 426 107 * 171 # 235 « 299 363 427 108 # 172 # 236 * 300 364 428 109 * 173 * 237 # 301 365 429 110 ♦ 174 * 238 * 302 366 430 111 * 175 * 239 * 303 367 431 112 * 176 * 240 * 304 368 432 113 * 177 * 241 * 305 369 433 114 * 178 * 242 * 306 370 434 115 * 179 « 243 * 307 371 435 116 * 180 « 244 » 308 372 436 117 * 181 * 245 « 309 373 437 118 « 182 « 246 * 310 374 438 119 * 183 « 247 * 311 375 439 120 * 184 * 248 » 312 376 440 121 * 185 * 249 * 313 377 441 122 * 186 * 250 * 314 378 442 123 * 187 * 251 * 315 379 443 124 * 188 * 252 * 316 380 444 125 * 189 * 253 It 317 381 445 126 * 190 * 254 * 318 382 446 127 * 191 * 255 * 319 383 447 128 * 192 * 256 * 320 384 448 129 * 193 * 257 * 321 385 449 130 * 194 ■x- 258 * 322 386 450 131 * 195 * 259 * 323 387 451 132 * 196 ■X- 260 * 324 388 452 133 * 197 * 261 * 325 389. 453 134 * 198 ■X- 262 * 326 390 454 135 * 199 * 263 * 327 391 455 136 * 200 * 264 * 328 392 456 137 * 201 * 265 * 329 393 457 138 * 202 ^ 266 * 330 394 458 139 * 203 ^t 267 « 331 395 459 140 * 204 * 268 » 332 396 460 141 * 205 * 269 * 333 397 461 142 * 206 * 270 * 334 398 462 143 * 207 * 271 * 335 399 463 144 * 208 * 272 * 336 400 464 145 * 209 * 273 * 337 401 465 146 * 210 * 274 * 338 402 466 147 * 211 * 275 339 403 467 148 « 212 * 276 340 404 468 149 * 213 * 277 341 405 469 150 * 214 * 278 342 406 470 151 * 215 * 279 343 407 471 152 * 216 * 280 344 408 472 153 » 217 * 281 345 409 473 154 « 218 * 282 346 410 474 155 * 219 * 283 347 411 475 156 * 220 * 284 348 412 476 157 * 221 * 285 349 413 477 158 * 222 * 286 350 414 478 159 * 223 « 287 351 415 479 160 * 224 * 288 352 416 480 161 * 225 * 289 353 417 481 162 * 226 * 290 354 418 482 163 * 227 * 291 355 419 483 164 * 228 * 292 356 420 484 165 * 229 * 293 357 421 485 166 * 230 * 294 358 422 486 716 Classification no. N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued 5^6.3: Bulletins, Hydrograpliic- -Continued (no8.) 487 551 615 679 743 807 488 552 616 680 744 808 489 553 617 681 745 809 490 554 618 682 746 810 491 555 619 683 747 811 492 556 620 684 748 812 493 557 621 685 749 813 494 558 622 686 750 814 495 559 623 687 751 815 496 560 624 688 752 816 497 561 625 689 753 817 498 562 626 690 754 818 499 563 627 691 755 819 500 564 628 692 756 820 501 565 629 693 757 821 502 566 630 694 758 822 503 567 631 695 759 823 504 568 632 696 760 824 505 569 633 697 761 825 506 570 634 698 762 826 507 571 635 699 763 827 508 572 636 700 764 828 509 573 637 701 765 829 510 574 638 702 766 830 511 575 639 703 767 831 512 576 640 704 768 832 513 577 641 705 769 833 514 578 642 706 770 834 515 579 643 707 771 835 516 580 644 708 772 836 517 581 645 709 773 837 518 582 646 710 774 838 519 583 647 711 775 839 520 584 648 712 776 840 , 521 585 649 713 777 841 >- 522 586 650 714 778 842 ( ., 523 587 651 715 779 843 ( 524 588 652 716 780 844 525 589 653 717 781 845 526 590 654 718 782 846 527 591 655 719 783 847 528 592 656 720 784 848 529 593 657 721 785 849 530 594 658 722 786 850 531 595 659 723 787 851 532 596 660 724 788 852 533 597 661 725 789 853 534 598 662 726 790 854 535 599 663 727 791 855 536 600 664 728 792 856 537 601 665 729 793 857 538 602 666 730 794 858 539 603 667 731 795 859 540 604 668 732 796 860 541 605 669 733 797 861 542 606 670 734 798 862 543 607 671 735 799 863 544 608 672 736 800 864 545 609 673 737 801 865 546 610 674 738 802 866 547 611 675 739 803 867 548 612 676 740 804 868 549 613 677 741 805 869 550 614 678 742 806 870 717 ClaMlfleatioB no. N6. HYDROGRAPHTC < OJ^'i^lCE— Continued N6.8: Bulletins, Hydrograplilc —Continued (noe.) 871 903 935 967 999 1031 872 904 936 968 1000 1032 873 905 937 969 1001 1033 874 906 938 970 1002 1034 875 907 939 971 1003 1035 876 908 940 972 1004 1036 877 909 941 973 1005 1037 878 910 942 974 1006 1038 879 911 943 975 1007 1039 880 912 944 976 1008 1040 881 913 945 977 1009 1041 882 914 946 978 1010 1042 883 915 947 979 1011 1043 884 916 948 980 1012 1044 885 917 949 981 1013 1045 886 918 950 982 1014 1046 887 919 951 983 1015 1047 888 920 952 984 1016 1048 889 921 953 985 1017 1049 890 922 954 986 1018 1050 891 923 955 987 1019 1051 892 924 956 988 1020 1052 893 925 957 989 1021 1053 894 926 958 990 1022 1054 895 927 959 991 1023 1055 896 928 960 992 1024 1056 897 929 961 993 1025 1057 898 930 962 994 1026 1058 899 931 963 995 1027 1059 900 932 964 996 1028 1060 901 933 965 997 1029 1061 902 934 966 998 1030 N6.4:: Circulars (nos.) N6.5: 871 876 877 » 8772 879 881 886 888 895 » 8952 896 [None issued.] Catalogues and lists of publications See, for earlier catalogues, N14.12: Catalogue of charts and books published by Hydrographic Office. 1871 . 40 Catalogue of charts, plans, and views published by Hydrographic Office, with list of books sold to agents, Aug. 1876. 1876. List of charts for North Atlantic Station. 1877. f • [Office copy.] Same, for South Atlantic Station. 1877. i* [Office copy.] Catalogue of charts, plans, and views published by Hydrographic Office, with list of books sold to agents. 1879. Same. July, 1881. Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publications of Hydrographic Office, Jan. 1886. 1886. Same, Jan. 1888. 1888. Catalogue of charts, plans, and sailing directions issued to vessels on Pacific Station. 1889. Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publications of Hydrographic Office, Apr. 1, 1890. 1890. 4» Same, Oct. 1, 1893. 1893. 4<» Same, Mar. 1, 1895. 1895. 4» Special bulletin for Great Lakes, giving list of agents, publications, and charts. 1895. 4» Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publications of Hydrographic Office, Jan. 1, 1896. 1896. 4* \ 718 Classification no. N6.5: 897 898 1 8982 898 « 898 « 8991 899 2 900^ 9002 900' 900* 901 » 90^2 9013 9021 9022 9023 902* 903 904 9051 9052 906 9071 9072 907 3 909 N6.6: All B34 N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued Catalogues and lists of publications— Continued Hydrographic Office charts [numerical list]. [1897.] Special chart list. [1898.] Catalogue of charts and plans Issued to vessels on Asiatic Station. 1898. [Interleaved.] Catalogue of book publications of Hydrographic Office, containing list of publications on sale and those not on sale, and list of agents of Hydrographic Office. 1898. Catalogue of charts, plafts, sailing directions, and other publications of Hydrographic Office. 1898. 4« Price list of Hydrographic Office charts, covering ground in West Indies and adjacent waters. [1898.] 12" Catalogue of charts and plans issued to European Station. 1898. Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publications of Hydrographic Office. 1899. 4*' Price list of Hydrographic Office charts covering ground in Hawaii, Philippines, Ladrones, Marshall, Caroline, and Gilbert islands. [1899.] 12° Addenda to chart catalogue [special selection of charts issued to ships liable to be ordered to Philippine Islands]. [1900.] Catalogue of book publications of Hydrographic Office, including list of agents. 1900. Same [with additions]. 1900. Chart catalogue for torpedo boats south of New York. [1900.] Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publications of Hydrographic Office. 1901. 4° Catalogue of charts and plans issued to vessels of Navy on Asiatic Sta- tion. 1901. Same, on Pacific Station. 1901. [Interleaved.] Same, on North Atlantic Station. 1902. Price list of books on sale by Hydrographic Office, including list of agents. 1902. List of Hydrographic Office books useful to Great Lakes mariners; cor- rected to Aug. 1, 1902. [1902.] Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publications of Hydrographic Office. 1902. Price list of books on sale by Hydrographic Office, including list of agents. 1903. Same. 1904. Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publications of Hydrographic Office. 1905. 4» Price list of books on sale by Hydrographic Office, including list of agents. 1905. Catalogue of charts and plans issued to vessels on European Station; [revised to Sept. 1906]. 1906. Same, on Atlantic Station. [Feb.] 1907. [Interleaved.] Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publications of Hydrographic Office. 1907. 4° Catalogue of charts and plans issued to vessels on Pacific Station. 1907. [Interleaved.] Same, on Asiatic Station. 1909. [Interleaved.] Corrections and additions to publications of offices at home and abroad Alaska. Corrections and additions for Pacific coast pilot, Alaska, pt. 1. [Feb. 13, 1899.] [See, for Pacific coast pilot, Alaska, pt. 1, Til. 7 2.] Bay of Bengal pilot. Addenda, Bay of Bengal pilot, 190L [1901.] 719 Clii8Mlflcatloa no. N6.6: C36' C362 C44» C442 C443 C44* C44* Ea7i Ea7 2 Ea7 3 Ea7* F84 H58 L62' L622 M46^ M462 M46=' Pill P112 N6.7: (nos.) N6.8: N«. IIYDROORAPHIC OFFICE— Continued Corrections and additions to publications of offices at h.ome and abroad — Continued Channel pilot. Corrections and additions for Channel pilot, pt. 1, 8th edition, 1893, British Admiralty. [Aug. 12, 1898.] Same, for pt. 2, 6th edition, 1897. [Aug. 8, 1898.] China Sea directory. Corrections and additions for China Sea direc- tory, V. 1, 4th edition, 1896, British Admiralty. [July 6, 1898.] Same, v. 3, 3d edition, 1894. [July 1, 1898.] Same, v. 4, 3d edition, 1894. [June 30, 1898.] China Sea directory. Supplement [to] China Sea directory, v. 3, 3d edition, 1894 [British Admiralty]. [July] 1900. Same, v. 4, 3d edition, 1894 [British Admiralty], [June] 1900. Eastern Archipelago. Corrections and additions for Eastern Archi- pelago, pt. 1, 1890, British Admiralty. [July 1, 1898.] Same, pt. 2, 1893. [Jan. 16, 1899.] Eastern Archipelago. Supplement [to] Eastern Archipelago, pt. 1, 1890 [British Admiralty]. [May] 1900. Same, pt. 1 [1890, British Admiralty]. Pec. 1901.] France. Corrections and additions for "West coast of France, Spain, and Portugal, 5th edition, 1891, British Admiralty. [Aug. 5, 1898.] Hindustan. Addenda [to] West coast of Hindustan pilot, 1898 [4th edition]. [1901.] Lights. Corrections for List of lights and fog signals of Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States [1901, Light-House Board]. [1902.] [See, for Lights and fog signals, Atlantic and Gulf coasts, 1901, T25.16:901.] Same. [1902.] Mediterranean pilot. Corrections and additions for Mediterranean pilot, pt. 2, 3d edition, 1895, British Admiralty. [July 8, 1898.J Same, v. 3, 2d edition. 1890. [Aug. 15, 1898.] Same, v. 1, 1894, addenda. [1901.] Pacific Islands. Corrections and additions for Pacific Islands, v. 1, 1890, and v. 1, pt. 2, 1893, British Admiralty. [July 18, 1898.] Same, v. 2, 2d edition, 1891. [July 28, 1898.] [Practical papers] [In early Hydrographic OfBce catalogues, these publications are listed as H. O. publication 11; but having appeared as a numbered series, they are classed here Instead of under N6.8:ll.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hydrographic Office publications (numbered) various sizes [The earliest list in the Public Documents Library of the pilots, sailing directions, light lists, etc., issued by the Hydrographic Office is that on p. 83 of the Cata- logue of charts and books, 1871 (N6.5:871). In this catalogue, the publications are listed without numbers. In 1872, the office adopted the plan which has since been followed of issuing these as a numbered series. The ITydrographic Office catalogue for 1S76 (N6.5:87G) con- tains the earliest numerical list of which the Public Documents Library has information. Numbers 1 to 29 were assigned to publications already In circulation. Of these nos. 1 and 2 had been issued by the "Naval Observatory and Ilydrographical Office" (N14.), and others had been issued by the Bureau of Navigation (N17.). Begin- ning with no. 30, the publications in this series, with a few exceptions, have all appeared ^vith the H. O. publication number printed on them. Most of the early publications are out of print or have been superseded by later U . O. pub- lications with new numbers. 720 Classification no. N6.8; 4 5» 52 6 7 8 N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued HydrograpMc Office publications (numbered) — Continued The method used in the Public Documents Library for assigning book numbers for this series is exceptional. The series is peculiar in that it includes within itself several Individual series. Examples of this are H. O. publication 9, which has been appearing annually for a number of years, and H. O. publication 86, of which there have been 6 editions with numerous supplements, etc. For those publi- cations which appear annually or of which there have been so many editions as to constitute practically an individual series, use the H. O. publication number as the first part of the book number; indicate each edition and all supplements to that edition by means of the edition date used as a superior number, followed by a dash and figures i> 2, 3, etc.; see, for examples, nos. 9, 86, etc. It should be remembered, howe-^er, that the above plan of book numbering is exceptional and is to be adopted only when necessary; wherever feasible, adopt the usual style and use as book number the H, O. publication number, followed by supe- rior numbers ^> 2, 3, etc.; see, for examples, nos. 21, 28, 81, etc. In the case of certain H. O. publications which are supplements to or extracts from other 11. O. publications, the edition phrase which appears on the lower part of the title-page refers not to the edition of the supplement, but to the edition of the original publication.] ^} iS-ecNM.OiS''^ [3] last of reported dangers to navigation in Pacific Ocean whose posi- tions are doubtful, or not found on charts in general use; [with Report of Wm. Reynolds on passage of U. S. steamer Lacka- wanna through Magellan Straits]. 1866. See, for later editions, N6.8:41i-^. [4] Way to avoid center of our violent gales; compiled by Geo. W. Blunt. New York, Geo. W. Blunt, 1866. [See, for later edition, N6.8:7.] [5] General examination of Pacific Ocean, by Charles Philippe De Kerhallet, followed by nautical directions for avoiding hur- ricanes; translated from 2d French edition under direction of Charles Henry Davis. 1867. * [5] Same, 1869. 5 Same, supplement. 1886. * [6] Regulations for preventing collisions on water. 1867. 12° [See aZso T38.8:ln5i-^] [7] Way to avoid centre of our violent gales; compiled by Geo. W. Blunt. 1868. [5'ee, for 1st edition, 1866, N6. 8:4.] [8] Magnetism of ships and deviations of compass [series of papers from transactions of foreign societies by roisson, G. B. Airy, Archibald Smith, IVederick John Evans, W. W. Rundell, with other papers and documents; edited and memoir of Poisson translated by B. Franklin Greene]. 1867. [8a] Magnetism of ships and deviations of compass, comprising 3 reports of Liverpool Compass Commission, with additional papers by Archibald Smith and F. J. Evans. 1869. 9 (note) [The copyright of the New American practical navigator, which had appeared In numerous editions since 1802, was purchased by the Government in 1866 {see also note at head of N6). Subsequent Issues have appeared as public documents. The work was revised in 1880 under the Bureau of Navigation, and again in 1903 after the transfer of the Hydrographic Office to the Bureau of Equipment. In the revision of 1903, the work is, for convenience, divided into 2 parts, the first com- prising the text and its appendixes, and the second, the tables. These " Useful tables" are also issued separately. From 1868 to 1902, the separately Issued portion was designated as H. O. publication 13 (N6.8:13), but since the revision of publication 9 In 1903, the separate has appeared as 9, pt. 2 (N6.8:9-2).] [9] New American practical navigator, epitome of navigation, con- taining all tables necessary to be used with Nautical almanac in determining latitude and longitude by lunar observations and keeping, complete reckoning at sea [etc.], with appendix; by Nathaniel Bowditch. 1868. [The Hydrographic OflRce has a copy of the 1868 edition which bears the date 1868 both on title-page and back. The copy in the Public Documents Library bears 1868 on title-page and 1871 on the back. An 1870 edition Is listed in Hydrographic Office catalogues for 1876 and later years, and also on p. 6 of 47th Congress, 1st session, Senate executive document 37, serial no. 1987. There Is, however, no copy bearing date 1870 in the Public Documents Library, the Hydrographic Office, or the Naval Observatory Library .J 721 ClaMiflcatlon no. N6.8: 9874 9876 9885 9886 9887 9888 9894 9896 9897 9898 9899 n»oo 9901 9902 9903 9905-1 9905-2 9900 9907 9909 9_2903 9_2904 9_2905 9_2906 9-2 907 N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued Hydrographlc Office publications (numbered)— CoDtinued [9] [9] [9] [9] Same. 1886. Same. 1887. Same. 1888. Same. 1891. Same. 1892. Same. 1893. Same. 1894. Same. 1896. Same. 1897. Same. 1898. Same. 1899. Same. 1900. 82452^ Same. 1874. Same. 1876. Same. 1880. :... , 1 /i 'v.^. -m | American practical navigator, epitome of 6aVigaticm and nautical e^tronomy, by Nathaniel Bowaitch; revised by order of Bureau of Navigation [by P. H. Cooper]. 1883. large 8« ["Revised edition " is carried on back from 1883 to 1903.] Same. 1885. large 80 large 8« large 8* large 8° large 8° large 8*» large 8° large 8° large 8° large 8° large 8° large 8° large 8° [This is the first published by Hydro- graphic Office after its transfer from Bureau of Navigation to Bureau of Equipment.] 9 Same. 1900 [1901]. large 8° [Back-title carries date "1901."] 9 Same. 1902. large 8° 9 American practical navigator, epitome of navigation and nautical astronomy, by Nathaniel Bowditch; revised in 1880 under direc- tion of Bureau of Navigation by P. H. Cooper, revised in 1903 under direction of Bureau of Equipment by G. W. Logan. 1903. large 8** [Issue for 1903 carries "Revised edition" on back.] 9 Same. 1904. large 8° [Title-page and back-title carry "2d edi- tion." It is the 2d issue of the revision of 1903.] 9 Same. [Mar. 1] 1905. large 8° 9 Same. [Nov. 10] 1905. large 8° 9 Same. 1906. large 8° [Names of P. H. Cooper and G. W. Logan are omitted from the title-page of this edition, which is the last to carry the words "revised in 1880 under direction of Bureau of Navigation, revised in 1903 under direction of Bureau of Equij)- ment."] 9 American practical na victor, epitome of navigation and nautical astronomy; by Nathaniel Bowditch. 1907. large 8° [None issued 1908.3 9 Same. 1909. large 8° 9, pt. 2 Useful tables from American practical navigator, by Nathaniel Bowditch; revised in 1880 under direction of Bureau of Naviga- tion by P. H. Cooper, revised in 1903 under direction of Bureau of Equipment by G. W. Logan. 1903. large 8° See, for earlier editions, N6.8:13. 2 Same. 1904. large 8« 2 Same. 1905. large 8° 2 Same. 1906. large 8'> 2 Same. 1907. large 8» [Names of P. H. Cooper and G. W. Logan are omitted from title-page of this edition, which is the last issue to carry the words "revised in 1880 under direction of Bureau of Navigation, revised in 1903 under direction of Bureau of Equipment."] [None issued 19084 11 46 9, pt. 9, pt. 9,pt. 9, pt. 722 Classiflcatlon no. N6.8 9_2909 13868 13873 13882 13885 13886 13890 13891 13894 13896 13898 13899 13900 13901 13902 14 15 16 17 172 173 18 19 201 202 20a N6. HYDROORAPHIC OFFICE— Continued Hydrographlc Office publications (numbered)— Continued 9, pt. 2 Useful tables from American practical navigator; by Na- thaniel Bowditch. 1909. large 8° 10 ^eeN17.5: 11 Seem.7: 12 [Omitted.] [The earliest numerical list of H. O. publications of which the Public Documents Library has information is that in Hydrographic Office catalogue, 1876 (N6.5: 876). In this list, no. 12 is omitted. This library has no information as to whether the number was assigned to any publication.] 13 (note) [Editions of the Useful tables prior to 1866 are not public documents. See, for Bowditch's Practical navigator, note and entries under N6.8'9.) [13] Useful tables from Bowditch's Practical navigator. New edition with additional tables. 1868. [13] Same. 1873. * [13] Useful tables from American practical navigator, Bowditch. Re- vised edition. 1882. large 8® [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] 13 [15] [16] Same. 1885. large 8° Same. 1886. large 8® * Same. 1890. large S* Same. 1891. large S* Same. 1894. large 8» Same. 1896. large 8» Same. 1898. large 8* Same. 1899. large 8» Same. 1900. large 8° [This is the first published by Hydro- graphic Office after its transfer from Bureau of Navigation to Bureau of Equipment.] 13 Same. 1901. large 8* 13 Same. 1902. large 8» See, for later editions, N6. 8:9-2. [14] General instructions for hydrographic surveyors of Navy, for writ- ing and editing sailing directions, and for keeping remark books. 1868. Memoir of dangers and ice in north Atlantic Ocean. 1868. Rule of the road at sea and in inland waters, or Steering and sailing rules, Collisions, Law of the port helm [etc.]; collated and arranged, with remarks, by Thornton A. Jenkins. 1869. [17] Projection tables for use of Navy, comprising new table of meridi- onal parts for Mercator projection, with reference to terrestrial spheroid, and tables of polyconic projection as used in Coast Survey. 1869. Same, errata. Feb. 20, 1878. Same, errata. Jan. 20, 1899. [18] Barometer, thermometer, and hygrometer, and atmospheric ap- Eearances at sea and on land as aids in foretelling weather, with rief rules for their use, and practical application of their separate and combined indications as weather guides; compiled by Thorn- ton A. Jenkins. 1869. [19] Ships' compasses, including subjects of binnacles and swinging ship; remarks and instructions collated and arranged by Thorn- ton A. Jenkins. 1869. [20] Directory for Behring's Sea and coast oi Alaska, arranged from Directory of Pacific Ocean; by A. G. Findlay. 1869. Same; supplement 1. 1886. * Same; supplement 2. 1895. T23 Classltlratlon no. N6.8: 21' 2V 21 » 21* 21 « 21 • N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued llydrograplilo Office publications (numbered)— <3ontinued [21] Flags of maritime nations. 1st edition. 1868. * [21] [21] [21] [21] [21] Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 2d edition. 3d edition. 4th edition. 5th edition. [6th edition.] 1870. * 1873. ♦ 1876. 4» 1882. 40 1899. 4' [2048-48] [22] General examination of Atlantic Ocean, by Ch. Philippe De Ker- hallet, with nautical directions for avoiding hurricanes and memoir on currents of Atlantic; translated from 3d French edi- tion by R. H. Wyman. 1870. Same, supplement 1, June 30, 1886. 1886. [23] Winds, currents, and navigation of Gulf of Cadiz, western coast of Spanish peninsula, and Strait of Gibraltar; compiled by R. H. Wyman. 1870. [24] General examination of Indian Ocean, by Ch. Philippe De Ker- hallet, 'v^^th directions for navigation of Torres Straits and nau- tical directions for avoiding hurricanes; translated from 3d French edition by R. H. Wyman. 1870. [25] General examination of Mediterranean Sea, summary of its winds, currents, and navigation, compiled by A. Le Gras; translated with adaitional extracts by R. H. Wyman. 1870. Same, supplement 1, 1887. * 26 [Omitted.] [The earliest numerical list of H. O. publications of which the IHiblic Documents Library has information is that in Hydrographic Oflice catalogue, 1876 (N6.5: 876). In this and succeeding lists, no. 2t> is omitted. This library has no infor- mation as to whether the number was assigned to any pubUcatioh.] [27] Marshall group, north Pacific islands; [by L. A.Beardslee]. [1870.] [28] Papers on eastern and northern extension of Gulf Stream, from German of A. Petermann, W. von Freeden, and A. Miihry; translated by E. R. Knorr. 1871. large 8<> Same, 1st supplement. Jan. 1, 1872. large 8° Apr. 1872. large 8° Jan. 1873. large 8° Nov. 1873. large S° Dec. 1874. large 8« Apr. 1875. large S" [29] Hurricanes, with nautical directions for avoiding and maneuver- ing in them. 1872. 30 (note) (This is List of lights, v. 1, formerly called no. 1. The first issue of which the Public Documents Library has information is that for 1871, which was probably issued without publication number. As the issues are said to have been yearly, there are undoubtedly many editions missing from this library, and it is uncertain when the number first appeared on the publication. It is printed on the issue for 1875, which is the earliest in this library. Title for 1909 is List of lights: v. 1, Coasts of North and South America, excepting United States, and West India and Pacific islands. The lights of the United States are given in the various lists published by the Light-House Board (C9.). Although the form of title has varied somewhat, the territory included has been practically the same, with exceptions in some of the earlier vears as here noted. The issuefor 1879 includes east and west coasts of United States. In 1881. the usual list for e;ist and west coasts of North and South ^Vmerica, exclusive of United States, wascalled no. la. and wtis issued as IL O. publication "30a." No. "30" of 1881, as listed in llydrogniphio OlUce catalogue 18S1, p. 203. and also in list of publications in [l',iS7-37], p. 11, is a new work including Tights of Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts of United States only. The Public Documents Library has no copy^ of this no. 30, nor of any issues of 30 from 18S2 to 1887, and no informa- tion as to whether the plan of issuing both "30" and "30a" was followed diu-ing those years. The next issue in this library is that for Sept. 1888, which Is printed as no. "30." It does not include lights of the United States, but is similar in scope and title to the e«u"lier and later issues of 30, and to the "30a" issue of 1881. See, for other Lists of lights issued by Hydrographic Office, N6.8:31, 32, 33, 33a, 33b.J Same, 2d supplement. Same, 3d supplement. Same, 4th supplement. Same, 5th supplement. Same, 6th supplement. 724 Classification no. N6.8: 30872 30873 30875 30877 30879 30881-1 30881-2 30888 30881 30893 30894 308JW 30898 30900 30901-1 30901-2 30902 30904 30905 30906 30907 30 909 N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued Hydrographlc Office publications (numbered)— Continued 30 1871 * Same. 1872 * Same. 1873 * i -: Same. 1874 * '^ Same; corrected to Jan. 1875 Same; corrected to Mar. 1877 Same; corrected to May 15, 1879 [See, for territory included, note atheadof N6.8:30.] 30 1881 * [^eenoteatheadof N6.8:30.] 30a; corrected to July 20, 1881 [See, for territory included, note at head ofN6. 8:30.] 30; corrected to Sept. 1888 Same; corrected to Apr. 15, 1891 Same; corrected to Apr. 1893 Same; corrected to Nov. 15, 1894 Same; corrected to Oct. 24, 1896 Same; corrected to Mar. 26, 1898 Same; corrected to Mar. 24, 1900 Same; corrected to Feb. 16, 1901 Same; corrected to Sept. 7, 1901 Same; corrected to Oct. 31, 1902 Same; corrected to Jan. 1, 1904 Same; corrected to Jan. 1, 1905 Same; corrected to Jan. 1, 1906 Same; corrected to Jan. 1, 1907 [None issued 1908.] Same; corrected to Mar. 1, 1909 31 (note) [This is the List of lights, v. 2, formerly called no. 2. The first issue of which the Public Documents Library has information is that for 1871, which probably appeared without publication number. As the issues are said to have been yearly, there are undoubtedly many editions missing from this library and it is uncertain when the number first appeared on the publication. It is printed on the issue for 1875 which is the earliest in this library. The fonn of title has varied somewhat, although the territory included has been practically the same. Title for 1909 is List of lights: v. 2, South and east coasts of Asia and Africa, and East Indies, Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. See, for other Lists of lights, N6.8:30, 32, 33, 33a, 33b.] 31871 31 1871 * 31872 Same. 1872 * 31873 Same. 1873 * 31874 Same. 1874 * 31875 Same; corrected to Jan. 1875 31877 Same; corrected to Apr. 1877 31879 Same; corrected to July 10, 1879 31881 Same; corrected to Aug. 10, 1881 31892 Same; corrected to June, 1892 31894 Same; corrected to Oct. 31, 1894 31896 Same; corrected to Nov. 7, 1896 31898 Same; corrected to June 18, 1898 31900 Same; corrected to Sept. 22, 1900 31901 Same; corrected to Oct. 12, 1901 31903 Same; coiTected to Jan. 24, 1903 31904 Same; corrected to Jan. 1, 1904 31905 Same; corrected to Jan. 1, 1905 725 CUsKiacatioa no. N6.8 31 w 31909 3287' 32872 32873 3287* 32875 32877 32879 32893 32894 32895 32897 32 8w 32901 32903 32904 32905 32906 32907 32909 33871 33872 33873 33874 33875 33877 33881 33885 33893 N6. HYDROGRAPIIIC OFFICE— Continued Hydrograplilc Office publications (numbered)— Continued Same; corrected to Jan. 1, 1906 Same; corrected to Jan. 1, 1907 [None issued 1908.] Same; corrected to Mar. 1, 1909 32 (note) (This Is List of lights, v. 3, formerly called no. 3. The first issue of which the Public Documents Library has information is that for 1871. which probably appeared without publication number. As the issues are salcl to have l)een yearly, there are undoubtedly many editions missing from this library and it is uncertain when the number first appeared on the publication. It is printed on the issue for 1875, which is the earliest in this library. From 1871, v. 3 included lights of the west coast of Africa and of the Mediterranean Sea. Beginning with issue for 1895, this list was enlarged to include the west coast of Europe, formerly given in v. 4, and the title of v. 3 was changed corre- spondinglv. Titlefor 1909 is List of lights: v. 3, Westcoastof Africa and Europe, and Mediterranean Sea, including Adriatic and Black seas and Sea of Azof. See, for other Lists of lights, N6.8:30, 31, 33, 33a, 33b.] 32 1871 * Same. 1872 * Same. 1873 * Same. 1874 * Same; corrected to Jan. 1875 Same; corrected to July, 1877 Same; corrected to Aug. 8, 1879 Same; corrected to May, 1893 Same; supplement to Oct. 1, 1894 Same; corrected to Oct. 26, 1895 ' Same; corrected to Oct. 30, 1897 Same; corrected to May 20, 1899 Same; corrected to July 13, 1901 Same; corrected to Apr. 30, 1903 Same; corrected to Feb. 1, 1904 Same; corrected to Jan. 1, 1905 Same; corrected to Jan. 1, 1906 Same; corrected to Jan. 1, 1907 [None issued 1908.] Same; corrected to Mar. 1, 1909 33 (note) [This is List of lights, v. 4, earlier called no. 4. The first issue of which the Public Documents Library has infonnation is that for 1871, which probably appeared without publication number. As the issues are said to have been yearly, there are imdoubtedly many editions missing from this library, and it is uncertain when the niunber first appeared on the publication. It is printed on the issue for 1875, which is the earliest in this library. The form of the title has varied to correspond with the territory included. The title from 1871 to 1874 is List of lights, no. 4, Atlantic Coast of Europe, North, Baltic, and White seas. Beginning with 1875, the lights of the North, Baltic, and White seas were issued as a separate list, no. 5 {see N6.8:33a), and the title of no. 4 was therefore changed to List of lights, Atlantic Coast of Europe, including Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, and Holland. See, for other Lists of lights, N6.8:30, 31, 32, 33a, 33b.] 33 1871 * Same. 1872 * Same. 1873 * Same. 1874 * Same; corrected to Jan. 1875 Same; corrected to Sept. 1877 Same; corrected to Oct. 20, 1881 Same; corrected to July, 1885 * Same; corrected to 1893 * [H. O . publication 33 is discontinued. Beginning with 1895 , the information formerly given in List of lights, v. 4, has been included in v, 3; tee N6.8a2.] 726 Classiflcation no. N6.8: 33a s^'^ 33a «'^ 33a «' 9 33a «82 33a 8S4 33b «'^ 33b 877 3313 880 33b 882 33b 88^ 34 35 36 37 38 40» 402 41 » 41 : 413 41* 41' 42 43 » 432 433 N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued Hydrograpliic Office publications (numbered)— Continued 33a (note) [This is List of lights, no. 5, North, Baltic, and White seas. First issued 1875. As the issues are said to have been yearly, there are probably other editions not in the Public Documents Library. See, for other Lists of lights, N6.8:30, 31, 32, 33, 33b.] 33a; corrected to Feb. 1875 Same; corrected to Oct. 1877 Same; corrected to 1879 * Same; corrected to Apr. 1, 1882 Same; corrected to July 1, 1884 [H. O. publication 33a is discontinued. See, for later editions of this List of lights, N6.8:74.] 33b (note) [This is List of lights, no. 6, British Islands. First issued 1875. As the issues are said to have been yearly, there are probably other editions not in the Public Docu- ments Library. See, for other lists, N6.8:30, 31, 32, 33, 33a.] 33b; corrected to Mar. 1875 Same; corrected to Oct. 1877 Same; corrected to Mar. 1, 1880 Same; corrected to Sept. 7, 1882 Same; corrected to July 1, 1884 [H. O. publication 33b is discontinued. See, for later editions of this List of lights, N6.8:75.] 1872 [Pt. 1 of Sailing directions for English Channel.] :;;: [Pt. 2 of Sailing directions for English Channel.] 34 35 36 37 38 1877 1872 1875 1878 39 40 [Pt. 1 of Coasts and islands of Mediterranean Sea.] [Pt. 2 of Coasts and islands of Mediterranean Sea. See^ for pt. 3, N6.8:42, and for pt. 4, p^j8,;68,],^ , ,.;^ 1872 ',';.'7 /'.'i ' ! r."'.,','.r,! , .z 1872 [Appeared originally in Explanations and sailing directions to accompany Wind and current charts, 7th edition (N14.9:7).] Same. [Reprinted] 1873 [41] Reported dangers to navigation in Pacific Ocean, inclusive of China and Japan seas and East India Archipelago: pt. 1, North of the equator. 1871. [See, for earlier edition, N6.8:3,] 41b Same, supplement, with title. Supplement to 1st edition of re- ported dangers to navigation in north Pacific Ocean, inclusive of China and Japan seas and East India Archipelago; compiled by William Gibson. 1880. Same, supplement. 1887 * 41a Reported dangers to navigation in Pacific Ocean, inclusive of Australia and East India Archipelago, compiled by J. E. Pills- bm-y: pt. 2, South of the equator. 1879. [See, for earlier edi- tion, N6.8:3.] Same, supplement 2. 1887 * [There is no other supplement to Et. 2. This one is probably called eujjplement 2 because there ad been a supplement to pt. 1 issued in the same year.] 1879 [Pt. 3 of Coasts and islands of Mediterranean Sea. See, for pts. 1 and 2, N6.8:37, 38, and for pt. 4, N6.8:68.] 1873 [Appeared with title. Coast of Brazil, v. 1.] Same. 1881 * [Appeared with title, Coast of South America, pt. 1.] Same, supplement 1. 1886 * 42 43 See also l 57 572 N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued Hydrographic Office publications (numbered)--Continued 44 [Not issued.] tin Hydrographic Oflloe catalogue. 1876 (N6.5:876), this number Is assigned to a publication with title, Coast of Brazil, v. 2, Including Kio de la Plata, which was sjiid to be In preparation. In catalogue 1881, the title for the publication still said to be In preparation Is given as Coast of South Araf^ica, pt. 2, Coasts ot Argentine Republic and Patagonia, from Rio de la Plata around Cape Horn to Gulf of Peflas, including Falkland, South Georgia, South Orkney, and South Shetland Islands, and Magellan Strait. This publication Is not listed in later catalogues, and there Is no evidence that It was ever Issued. Several years later. In 1889, H. O. publication 88 was Issued {see NG.8:88), covering the whole east coast of South America. The publication which was printed In 1883 as '*No. 44— Supplement" Is listed In Hydrographic Office catalogues for 1886 and later years as no. 54; see N6.8.54.J 45 [1st edition.] 1873 Same. 2d edition. 1887 46 1873 [Pt. 1 of West coast of Africa.] Same, supplement 1. 1886 * See, for later editions, N6. 8:105. 47 1875 [Pt. 2 of West coast of Africa.] Same, supplement 1. 1886 * See, for later editions, N6.8:105. 48 1877 [Pt. 3 of West coast of Africa.] Same, supplement 1. 1886 * See, for later editions, N6. 8:105. 49 [1873] 50 1874 * [Also combined with 51 and 53 in one volume (N6.8:50, 51, 53).] Same, supplement 1. 1886. * iSee, for later editions, N6. 8:102. ^^ 'un.ay 51 1874 * [Also combined with 50 and 53 in one volume (N6.8:50, 51, 53).] Same, supplement 1. 1886 * See, for later editions, N6. 8:102. 52 1874 Same, supplement 1. 1886 * 53 1873 [Also combined with 50 and 51 in one volume (N6.8:50, 51, 53).] Same, supplement 1. 1886 * See, for later editions, N6. 8:102. 50, 51, and 53 [1874] [In one volume.] See, for later editions, N6.8:102. [54] Navigation of Straits of Magellan: Voyage of French corvette Hussard, from Valparaiso to Montevideo, report of Capt. Parizot, 1882, translated by J. C. P. de Krafft; [and] Voyage of French steam frigate Triomphante from Montevideo to Valparaiso, report of Rear Admiral Brossard de Cartigny, 1881, translated by Wm. Gibson. 1883. [Printed as "No. 44— Supplement" but listed in Hydrographic Office catalogues as publication 54. was not issued; see also note under N6.8:44.] 1874 1874 Same, revised and with different title. 1880 See, for later editions, N6.8:84. [1st edition.] 1874 Same. 2d edition. 1881 'No. 44^ 728 Glasslflcatlon no. N6.8; 58 1 582 59 1 592 601 602 603 60* 611 612 62 63 64885 g4 890-1 g4 890-2 g4 890-3 g4 890-4 g4 896-1 g4 896-2 g4 896-3 g4 896-4 g4 896-5 g4 896-6 g4 902-1 g4 902-2 g4 902-3 g4 907-1 g4 907-2 651 652 65a N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued HydrograpMc Office publications (numbered)— Continued 58 1875 Same [with changes and additions]. 1893 59 1876 Same, supplement 1. 1886 * 60 1876 Same, supplement 1. 1886 * Same, supplement, 2d edition. 1890 * Same, supplement, 3d edition. 1892 61 1875 Same, supplement 1. Dec, 15, 1886 [62] Finding error of marine compass on board ship; by B. F. Greene. 1875. 63 1877 [v. 1 of Navigation of Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. See, for later editions, N6.8:86.] 64 (note) [This is V. 2 of Navigation of Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Title of editions prior to 1896 was slightly different. See, for v. 1, 1st edition, N6.8:64, and for later editions of v. 1, N6.8:86.] 64 [1st edition.] 1885 Same. 2d edition. 1890 Same, supplement * Same, supplement 2. 1891 Same, supplement 3. Jan. 1895 Same. 3d edition. 1896 Same, supplement, 1897 Same, supplement 2. [Jan.] 1898 Same, supplement, 2d edition. [June] 1898 Same, supplement 2. 1899 Same, supplement, 3d edition. 1900 Same. 4th edition. [Apr.] 1902 Same, addenda. [Sept,] 1902 Same, supplement. 1904 Same, 5th edition, 1907 Same, supplement, 1909 [65] Report on telegraphic determination of differences of longitude in West Indies and Central America; by F. M, Green. 1877. 4° [No, 65 is carried on cover,] [65] Same [synopsis], 1883. 4» See also N6.8:76 and N6.8:97. [65a] Telegraphic determination pi longitudes on east coast of South America, embracing meridians of Lisbon, Madeira, St. Vincent, Pernambuco, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Buenos Ayres, and Para, with latitude of the several stations; by F, M. Green, C. H. Davis, and J. A. Norris in 1878 and 1879, 1880. 40 See also N6,8:76 and N6.8:97. [65b] Telegraphic determination of longitudes in Japan, China, and East Indies, embracing meridians of Yokohama, Nagasaki, Wladiwostok, Shanghai, Amoy, Hong-Kong, Manila, Cape St, James, Singapore, Batavia, and Madras, wiUi latitude of the several stations, by F. M. Green, C, H, Davis, and J. A. Norris, in 1881 and 1882. 1883. 4° [No. 65b is carried on cover.] 66 1881 729 Classlflcation no. N6.8: 67873 67879 [67] Same. 1879. 67880 [67] Same. 1880. 67882 [67] Same. 1882. 67884 [67] Same. 1884. 68 70 » 70* 71 » 71 » 718 71* 71* 716 71^ 718 7V 7110 7111 72 73884-1 73884-2 73884-3 738i»-i 738W-2 73899-3 73909 74885 74887 74890 75885 75887 N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued HydrograplUc Offlco publications (numbered) — Continued 67 (note) [This publication was prepared in the Compass Office and issued by the Bureau of Navigation, but as it is lisUid in llydroK'raptiic Ollice catalof^ies as H. O. publi- cation (w, it is included liere. The numlicr does not appear on the publication. Later editions, l>et;innint: with 1889, are prepared and issued l)y Ilydrographic Office as H. O. pul)lication 87 (N6.8:87).] [67] International code of signals for use of all nations, American edi- tion. 1873. large 8'» large 8« large 8° large 8" large 8° See, for later editions, N6.8:87. 68 1883. [Pt. 4 of Coasts and islands of Mediterranean Sea. See, for pts. 1, 2, 3, N6.8:37, 38, 42.] 69 [Probably not issued.] 70 1881 Same, supplement 1. 1886 71 [Ist edition.] 1882 • Same. [2d edition.] [3d edition,] [3d edition.] [3d edition.] [3d edition.] [3d edition.] 4th edition. 4th edition. 5th edition. 6th edition. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 1893 1897 1899 1899 [reprint 1900] 1901 [Feb. 20] 1902 [June 21] 1902 [Reprint] 1905 1907 1909 [Note in this edition states that it is a reprint, without change, of the 5th edition.] [72] List of geographical positions for use of navigators and others: by F.M.Green. 1883. 4° 73 [1st edition.] 1884 Same, supplement 1. See N6.8:78. Same, supplement 2. 1884 Same, supplement 3. 1895 Same. 2d edition. 1899 Same, addenda. [1899] Same, supplement. 1906 Same. 3d edition. 1909 74 (note) [This is List of lights, no. 5, North, Baltic, and White seas, which was issued prior to 1885 as IT. O. publication 33a; see, for earlier editions, N6.8:33a. There may be other editions of no. 74 which are missing from the Public Documents Library. See, for other Lists of lights, NG.8:30, 31, 32, 33, also 33b (later 75).] 74; corrected to July, 1885 * Same; corrected to 1887 Same; corrected to Mar. 1890 [H. O. publication 74 discontinued, probably with issue for 1890.J 75 (note) [This is List of lights, no. 0, British Islands, which was issued prior to 1885 as H. O. publication 33b; see, for earlier editions, N6.8:33li. There may be other editions of no. 75 which are missine from the Public Documents Library. See, for other Lists of litihts, N6.8:30, 31, S2, 33, also 33a (later 74).] 75; corrected to July, 1885 * Same; corrected to 1887 [H. O. pubUcatlon 75 discontinued, probably about 1890.] 730 Classification no. N6.8! 76 771 772 773 78 82 83 g4887 84893-1 g4 893-2 04 893—3 84902-1 84 902-2 84 902-3 85 1 852 86888-1 86888-2 86892-1 86892-2 86892-3 86892-4 86892-5 86898-1 86898-2 86898-3 86901-1 86901-2 86901-3 86905-1 86905-2 86905-3 87889 87890 N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued Hydrograpliic Office put)lications (numbered)— Continued [76] Telegraphic determination of longitudes in Mexico and Central America and on west coast of South America, embracing merid- ians of Vera Cruz, Guatemala, La Libertad, Salvador, Paita, Lima, Arica, Valparaiso, and Argentine National Observatory at Cordoba, with latitudes of the several sea-coast stations; by- Charles Henry Davis, John Alexander Norris, and Charles Laird, with cooperation of Benjamin Apthorp Gould and Miles Rock. 1885. 4° [No. 76 is carried on cover.] See also N6.8:65, 65a, 65b and N6.8:97. 77 [1st edition.] 1885 Same. 2d edition. * Same. 3d edition. 1887 78 [This is supplement 1 to H. O. publication 73 (N6.8:73).] [Not issued.] [Not issued.] [Not issued.] 79 80 81 82 83 84 [1st edition.] 1887 [See, for earlier editions, N6.8:56^2j Same. 2d edition. 1893 Same, supplement. 1896 Same, supplement, 2d edition. 1898 Same. 3d edition. 1902 Same, addenda. [Apr. 1902] Same, supplement. 1907 85 1887 Same, revised supplement. 1894 86 (note) [This Is V. 1 of Navigation of Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Title of editions prior to 1898 is slightly different. See, for 1st edition of v. 1, N6.8:63. See, for v. 2, N6.8:64.] 86 [2d edition.] 1888 Same, supplement. 1889 * Same. 3d edition. 1892 Same, supplement, 1st edition. * Same, supplement, 2d edition. 1895 Same, supplement, 3d edition. 1896 Same, supplement, 4th edition. [Mar.] 1898 Same. 4th edition. [Apr.] 1898 Same, supplement. 1899 Same, supplement. 1900 Same. 5th edition. 1901 Same, addenda. [1902] Same, supplement. 1904 Same. 6th edition. [July] 1905 Same, addenda. [Nov. 1905] Same, supplement. 1909 87 (note) [Prepared in Hydrographic Office although edition of 1890 carries name of Bureau of Navigation on title-page. Issues have appeared sometimes with and sometimes without the number 87. See, for earlier editions and for note concerning them, N6.8:67.] 87 International code of signals for use of all nations, American edi- tion. Aug. 1889. large 8° .' ' ., [87] Same. Aug. 1890. large 8« 'f' '^ ' 731 Classtflcatloa no. N6.8: 87 «« 87 «» 87 901-1 87901-3 87908 8790* 87907 87909 888M-2 88884-3 88894-4 88894-5 88894-6 88894-7 88904-1 88904-2 88 904-3 89890-1 89890-2 89890-3 89890-4 89890-5 89896-1 89896-2 8989fr-3 89905-1 8990^2 89905-3 90^ 902 91 92 93 94 95 96891-1 96891-2 96891-3 96891-4 96891-5 96891-6 96891-7 96891-8 96 ^^^ N6. HYDROGRAPIIIC OFFICE— Continued Hydrogrraplilo Oflftoe publications (numbered)— Continued [87] Same. 1894. large 8<» Same. 1898. large S" Same. 1899. large 8° Same. 1901. large 8° Same. 1901 [1902]. large 8« Same. 1903. large 8*» Same. 1905. large 8° International code of signals, American edition. 1907. large 8° Same. 1909. large 8« [87] 87 [87] 87 87 87 87 87 88 (note) [This is East coast of South America, N6.8:43, and note under Nt5.8:44.] 88 [Ist edition.] 1889 Same. 2d edition. 1894 Same, supplement. 1895 Same, supplement, 2d edition Same, supplement 2. [Mar.] 1898 Same, supplement, 3d edition. [Oct.] 1898 Same, supplement, 4th edition. [Jan.] 1901 Same, supplement. [Feb.] 1901 Same. 3d edition. [Mar.] 1904 Same, addenda. [July, 1904] Same, supplement. 1908 89 (note) [This is West coast of South America.ll 89 [1st edition.] 1890 Same, supplement * Same, supplement, 2d edition. Same, supplement, 3d edition. Same, supplement, 4tli edition. Same. 2d edition. 1896 Same, supplement. 1898 Same, revised supplement. 1900 Same. 3d edition. [July] 1905 Same, addenda. [Dec] 1905 Same, supplement. 1909 90 [Ist edition.] 1889 Same. 2d edition. 1899 91 92 See also later publication, N6.8:116. 93 94 95 96 See also the earlier publication listed under 1896 [Jan. 1897] 1892 1893 1895 [Ist edition.] 1891 Same, supplement. * Same, supplement, 2d edition. Same, supplement, 3d edition. Same, supplement 2. 1897 Same, supplement, 4tli edition. Same, supplement 2. 1899 Same, supplement. 1901 Same. 2d edition. 1907 1894 1896 1898 732 Classification no. N6.8: 97 99' 99" 99' 99' 99' 99' 9990&-1 99 906-2 100891-2 100897-1 100897-2 100897-3 100897-4 100908 101 102 892-1 102892-2 102892-3 102892-4 102898-1 102898-2 102908 103 104 105893- 105893- 105893- 105893- 105 908 106^ 1062 106'' 106^ 106 « 106 « 107 N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued Hydrograplilc Office publications (numbered)— Continued 97 See also N6.8:65, 65a, 65b and N6.8:76. 98 99 [1st edition.] 1891 Same, supplement. 1894 Same, supplement, 2d edition. 1896 Same. 2d edition. 1897 Same, supplement. 1899 Same, supplement. 1902 Same. 3d edition. 1906 Same, addenda. [1907] 100 [1st edition.] 1891 Same, supplement. 1894 Same. 2d edition. 1897 Same, supplement. 1899 Same, supplement. 1901 Same, supplement. 1906 Same. 3d edition. 1908 101 102 See, for Ist editions, N6.8:50,51,53. Same. 2d edition. 1892 Same, supplement * Same, supplement, 2d edition. 1895 Same, supplement, 3d edition. 1898 Same. 3d edition. 1898 Same, supplement. 1906 Same. 4th edition. 1908 103 104 105 (note) [This is West coast of Africa, which appeared originally in 3 pts. See, for 1st editions, N6.8:46, 47, and 48.] 105 2d edition. 1893 Same, supplement. 1896 Same, supplement, 2d edition. 1897 Same, supplement, 2d edition. 1902 [This supplement contains different matter from the supplement of 1897 (N6.8:105 893-3).] Same. 3d edition. 1908 106 1894 [From H. O. publication 71 (N6.8:71), 2d edition, 1893.] Same, supplement, Ist edition. 1894 Same. 1902 [From H. O. publication 71, 3d edition, Feb. 20, 1902.] Same. 1902 1902.] Same. 1906 1902.] Same. 1907 1902.] 107 108 (note) [From H. O. publication 71, 4th edition, June 21, [From H. O. publication 71, 4th edition, June 21, [From H. 0. publication 71, 4th edition, June 21, [The publications grouped by Hydrographic Office under the number 108, various designations, are sailing directions for the Great Lakes, with These were originally issued in 4 pts., for Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Lakes Erie and Ontario, respectively, with their connecting waters. The sec- ond edition, 1896 (N6.8:108 «), included all this region in 1 volume. As issued the third time, the matter was again divided into 4 volumes, corresponding to the pts. 1, 2, 3, 4 of the original issue and designated 108a, 108b, 108c, 108d. with their later Issues, are listed below under N6.8:108a-108a.| 733 ClMsiflcatlon no. N6.8: 108 > 108'^ 108' 108* 108 » 108 « 108^ 108 « 108a «»-i 108a»«'-2 108a9«>-3 108a »<^* 108a «>• 108b »°^-^ 108b ^o^-:* 108b »»« 108c»oi-i 108c »°^ 108d3°2 lOSd'w^ 108a-d 109 109a 110 IIP 1112 112 113 114 1151 1152 116 117 llg»oi 118 902 118903 118904 118905 118906 118907 N6. HYDROGIIAPHIC OFFICE-Continued Hydrograplilc Office publications (numbered) — Continued 108, pt. 1. 1894 Same, pt. 2. 1894 Same, pt. 3. 1895 Same, pt. 3, supplement. 1895 Same, pt. 4. 1896 Same. 2d edition. [Oct.} 1896 [Contains revision of the sailing directions which previously appeared in pts. 1-4.] Same, additions and corrections. [Dec. 1896] Same, supplement. 1897 108a [Oct. 13] 1900 Same, addenda. [Nov. 10, 1900] Same, supplement. 1901 Same, revised supplement. 1902 Same. [Revised edition.] 1906 Same, supplement. See N6.8:108a-d. 108b 1901 Same, supplement. 1902 Same. [Revised edition.] 1906 Same, supplement. See N6.8:108a-d. 108c 1901 Same, supplement. 1902 Same. [Revised edition.] 1907 Same, supplement. See N6.8:108a-d. 108d 1902 Same. [Revised edition.] 1907 Same, supplement. See N6.8:108a-d. 108a-d, supplement. 1908 109 1894 See, for earlier edition, N 17. 5:19. 109a 1895 110 1894 111 1896 Same. 1899 112 [1897] [The plates of cloud forms of which this publication is made up were issued also in one sheet as Hydrographic Office chart 1600 (N6.18:1600), and later reissued by Weather Bureau (A29.2:C62 !-«).] 113 [1897] 114 1897 115 [Ist edition.] 1899 Same. 2d edition. 1903 116 See, for earlier publication, N6.8:92. 117 118 (note) [Compiled from Nautical almanac for use with H. O. publication 106 (N6.8:106). In assigning book numbers for this set, where date of issue and date of tables differ, the date to be used as the superior number is that of the calendar year for which tables are given.] 118, for year 1901. 1900 Same, for year 1902. 1901 Same, for year 1903. 1902 Same, for year 1904. 1903 Same , for year 1 905 . 1 904 Same, for year 1906. 1905 Same, for year 1907. 1906 734 Classification no. N6.8: 118908 118909 1191 1192 120 1 1202 121 122 127 (CT) N6.9: 875 N6.10: (no8.) N6.11: (date) N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued HydrograpMc Office publications (numbered)— Continued Same, for year 1908. 1907 Same, for year 1909. 1909 [Includes tables Apr .-Dec. only.] '< 119 1901 Same. 1904. 120 [1st edition.] 1902 m)\ Same. 2d edition. 1907 Por 121 1903 122 1909 [H. O. publication 122 is Asiatic pilot, v. 1, East coast of Siberia, Sakhalin Island, and Korea. The same number was incorrectly assigned to an earlier publication of 1904, with title. Telegraphic determination of longitudes in Philippine Islands, which was issued by Equipment Bureau; see N5.2:P53. See also note under N6.8:123-126.] 123 124 125 126. 127 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, graphic Office for v. 2, 3, 1909 1909. Numbers reserved by Hydro- 4, and 5 of Asiatic pilot.] Hydrograplilc Office publications (numbered; separates) Library catalogues Catalogue of books in library of Hydrographic Ofl&ce. Jan. 1875. Nautical monograplis 4« ued by Naval Observatory and Hydrographical Office ; see N14 . 1 1 : 3.] I "■: 2 4 [5] Great storm off Atlantic Coast of United States, Mar. 11-14, 1888; by Everett Hayden. 1888. 4'' [No more issued.] Notice to mariners (weekly) ';'^^ ^^^-'^ j "^"^/j [Contains information of newly discovered dangers to riaViganoii and of establish- ment and changes of lights and other aids. First issued in 18(39. Beginning with 1884 the Ilydrographic notices (N6.14:) were consolidated with this series. During the early years, issues appeared at irregu- lar inter\-als as necessary, but beginning with Jan. 1886, they have been weekly. Beginning with Apr. 22, 1899. the monthly Notice to mariners for Great Lakes (N6.12:) was also merged into this series. There has been an index for each year except 1873 and possibly a few others of the early years.] 1869 * 1870, no. no. no. no. no. 1871, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 1871, no. 14 * 1871 , no. 33 ■jt 1872, no. 13 * 1 * no. 15 * no. 34 * no. 14 * 2 * no. 16 * no. 35 * no. 15 * 3 •X- no. 17 * no. 36 *. no. 16 * 4 ■3t no. 18 * no. 37 * no. 17 * 5 ■5e no. 19 * no. 38 * no. 18 * 1 * no. 20 * no. 39 * no. 19 * 2 * no. 21 * 1872 , no. 1 ^ no. 20 * 3 * no. 22 * no. 2 ■Sf no. 21 •jt 4 * no. 23 * no. 3 * no. 22 * 5 * no. 24 * no. 4 ■» no. 23 * 6 * no. 25 * no. 5 •s* no. 24 •x- 7 * no. 26 * no. 6 * no. 25 * 8 ^ no. 27 * no. 7 * no. 26 * 9 * no. 28 * no. 8 •Sfr no. 27 * 10 * no. no. 29 30 no. no. 9 10 * no. no. 28 29 « 11 * # 12 * no. 31 •}(• no. 11 * no. 30 * 13 * no. 32 it no. 12 * no. 31 * 735 Classlflcatlon no. N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued N6.11: Notice to mariners— Continued (date) 1872, no. 32 * 1872, no. 96 * 1873.no. 10 * 1873.no. 74 * no. 33 * no. 97 n no. 11 * no. 75 * no. 84 » no. 98 « no. 12 * no. 76 * no. 35 t no. 99 * no. 13 « no. 77 * no. 36 # no. 100 * no. 14 # no. 78 * no. 37 * no. 101 * no. 15 # no. 79 * no. 38 * no. 102 # no. 16 * no. 80 * no. 39 * no. 103 * no. 17 * no. 81 * no. 40 * no. 104 * no. 18 « no. 82 * no. 41 f no. 105 * no. 19 * no. 83 * no. 42 >f no. 106 * no. 20 It no. 84 * no. 43 ♦ no. 107 * no. 21 * no. 85 * no. 44 * no. 108 * no. 22 * no. 86 * no. 45 * no. 109 « no. 23 •» no. 87 * no. 46 * no. 110 * no. 24 * no. 88 * no. 47 * no. Ill * no. 25 * no. 89 * no. 48 * no. 112 * no. 26 * no. 90 * no. 49 * no. 113 « no. 27 * no. 91 * no. 50 ♦ no. 114 * no. 28 * no. 92 * no. 51 * no. 115 « no. 29 * no. 93 * no. 52 * no. 116 * no. 30 * no. 94 * no. 53 ♦ no. 117 * no. 31 * no. 95 * no. 54 * no. 118 ■N' no. 32 « no. 96 * no. 55 ♦ no. 119 * no. 33 * no. 97 * no. 56 * no. 120 * no. 34 * no. 98 * no. 57 * no. 121 * no. 35 * no. 99 * no. 58 * no. 122 ^ no. 36 « no. 100 * no. 59 * no. 123 * no. 37 * no. 101 * no. 60 * no. 124 * no. 38 * no. 102 * no. 61 * no. 125 * no. 39 * no. 103 * no. 62 * no. 126 * no. 40 * no. 104 * no. 63 * no. 127 * no. 41 * no. 105 * no. 64 * no. 128 * no. 42 * no. 106 * no. 65 ♦ no. 129 * no. 43 * no. 107 * no. 66a.* no. 130 « no. 44 « no. 108 * no. 67 :♦ no. 131 « no. 45 * no. 109 * no. 68 * no. 132 « no. 46 * no. 110 * no. 69 * no. 133 « no. 47 * no. 111 * no. 70 * no. 134 * no. 48 * no. 112 * no. 71 * no. 135 * no. 49 * no. 113 * no. 72 * no. 136 * no. 50 * no. 114 * no. 73 * no. 137 * no. 51 * no. 115 * no. 74 * no. 138 « no. 52 * no. 116 * no. 75 * no. 139 * no. 53 * no. 117 * no. 76 * no. 140 * no. 54 * no. 118 * no. 77 * no. 141 * no. 55 * no. 119 * no. 78 * no. 142 * no. 56 * no. 120 * no. 79 * no. 143 * no. 57 * no. 121 * no. 80 * no. 144 « no. 58 * no. 122 * no. 81 * no. 145 * no. 59 * no. 123 * no. 82 * no. 146 * no. 60 * no. 124 * no. 83 * no. 147 * no. 61 * no. 125 * no. 84 * no. 148 * no. 62 * no. 126 * no. 85 * no. 149 * no. 63 * no. 127 * no. 86 * no. 150 * no. 64 * no. 128 * no. 87 * 1873, no. 1 * no. 65 * no. 129 * no. 88 * no. 2 * no. 66 * no. 130 * no. 89 * no. 3 * no. 67 * no. 131 * no. 90 * no. 4 * no. 68 * no. 132 * no. 91 * no. 5 * no. 69 ^ no. 133 * no. 92 * no. 6 * no. 70 * no. 134 * no. 93 * no. 7 * no. 71 * no. 135 * no. 94 * no. 8 * no. 72 * no. 136 * no. 95 * no. 9 * no. 73 * no. 137 * 736 ClassUcation no. N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued N6.11: Notice to mariners — Continued (date) 1873, no. 138 4f 1874, no. 53 n 1874, no. 117 * 1875, no. 35 no. 139 •» no. 54 * no. 118 « no. 36 no. 140 * no. 55 * no. 119 •X no. 37 no. 141 * no. 56 * no. 120 * no. 38 no. 142 * no. 57 * no. 121 * no. 39 no. 143 * no. 58 * no. 122 * no. 40 no. 144 * no. 59 * no. 123 -x no. 41 no. 145 * no. 60 * no. 124 ■X no. 42 no. 146 * no. 61 * no. 125 * no. 43 no. 147 * no. 62 * no. 126 * no. 44 no. 148 * no. 63 * no. 127 •X no. 45 no. 149 * no. 64 * no. 128 'X^ no. 46 1874, no. 1 * no. 65 * no. 129 * no. 47 no. 2 * no. 66 * no. 130 * no. 48 no. 3 * no. 67 * no. 131 * no. 49 no. 4 * no. 68 * no. 132 ■X- no. 50 no. 5 * no. 69 * no. 133 * no. 51 no. 6 * no. 70 * no. 134 4«- no. 52 . no. 7 * no. 71 * no. 135 •X no. 53 no. 8 * no. 72 * no. 136 * no. 54 no. 9 * no. 73 * no. 137 * no. 55 no. 10 * no. 74 * no. 138 ■X- no. 56 no. 11 * no. 75 * no. 139 * no. 57 no. 12 * no. 76 * no. 140 * no. 58 no. 13 * no. 77 * no. 141 * no. 59 no. 14 * no. 78 * no. 142 * no. 60 no. 15 * no. 79 * no. 143 * no. 61 no. 16 * no. 80 * no. 144 •X no. 62 no. 17 * no. 81 * no. 145 * no. 63 no. 18 * no. 82 it no. 146 * no. 64 no. 19 * no. 83 4fr 1875, no. 1 no. 65 no. 20 * no. 84 * no. 2 no. 66 no. 21 * no. 85 'X' no. 3 no. 67 no. 22 * no. 86 4fr no. 4 no. 68 no. 23 * no. 87 * no. 5 no. 69 no. 24 * no. 88 * no. 6 no. 70 no. 25 * no. 89 ■Jfr no. 7 no. 71 no. 26 * no. 90 * no. 8 no. 72 no. 27 * no. 91 * no. 9 no. 73 no. 28 * no. 92 * no. 10 no. 74 no. 29 ^ no. 93 * no. 11 no. 75 no. 30 * no. 94 * no. 12 no. 76 no. 31 * no. 95 * no. 13 no. 77 no. 32 * no. 96 •X- no. 14 no. 78 no. 33 * no. 97 * no. 15 no. 79 no. 34 * no. 98 'X' no. 16 no. 80 no. 35 * no. 99 * no. 17 no. 81 no. 36 * no. 100 * no. 18 no. 82 no. 37 * no. 101 •X- no. 19 no. 83 no. 38 * no. 102 •x- no. 20 no. 84 no. 39 * no. 103 * no. 21 no. 85 no. 40 * no. 104 * no. 22 no. 86 no. 41 * no. 105 * no. 23 no. 87 no. 42 * no. 106 * no. 24 no. 88 no. 43 •N- no. 107 * no. 25 no. 89 no. 44 * no. 108 •X no. 26 no. 90 no. 45 * no. 109 * no. 27 no. 91 no. 46 * no. 110 ■x- no. 28 no. 92 no. 47 * no. 111 ■X no. 29 no. 93 no. 48 * no. 112 * no. 30 no. 94 no. 49 * no. 113 * no. 31 no. 95 no. 50 it no. 114 * no. 32 no. 96 no. 51 * • no. 115 * no. 33 no. 97 no. 52 * no. 116 * no. 34 no. 98 737 CUsflincstloa no. N6. J HY DROGI lAl ^HIC < )FF 'IC] E-- Continue .•itt N6.11: Notice to inariners — Cuutinued (date) 1875, no. 99 1876, no. 49 * 1877 , no. 38 « 1878, no. 7 * no. 100 no. 50 * no. 39 » no. 8 ♦ no. 101 no. 51 * no. 40 * no. 9 * no. 102 no. 52 * no. 41 « no. 10 * no. 103 no. 53 « no. 42 * no. 11 ♦ no. 104 no. 54 » no. 43 * no. 12 * no. 105 no. 55 « no. 44 * no. 13 * no. 106 no. 56 no. 45 # no. 14 * no. 107 no. 57 *u,l no. 46 * no. 15 ♦ no. 108 no. 58 *0(l no. 47 * no. 16 * no. 109 no. 59 ♦on no. 48 ♦ no. 17 * no. 110 no. 60 *on no. 49 * no. 18 * no. 111 no. 61 ♦oh no. 50 * no. 19 * no. 112 no. 62 ♦on no. 51 * no. 20 * no. 113 no. 63 ♦.„ no. 52 * no. 21 * no. 114 no. 64 « no. 53 * no. 22 * 1876, no. 1 * no. 65 « no. 54 * no. 23 * no. 2 * no. 66 * no. 55 * no. 24 * no. 3 * no. 67 * no. 56 * no. 25 * no. 4 * no. 68 * no. 57 * no. 26 * no. 5 * no. 69 * no. 58 * no. 27 * no. 6 * no. 70 *,., no. 59 * no. 28 * no. 7 » no. 71 %n no. 60 ^ no. 29 * no. 8 « no. 72 %a no. 61 * no. 30 * no. 9 * no. 73 ^.1 no. 62 * no. 31 * no. 10 * no. 74 .; no. 87 * no. 56 * no. 35 * no. 24 *. no. 88 * no. 57 * no. 36 * no. 25 * no. 89 ¥: no. 58 * no. 37 * no. 26 * no. 90 * no. 59 * no. 38 * no. 27 * no. 91 * no. 60 * no. 39 * no. 28 * no. 92 * no. 61 * no. 40 * no. 29 * no. 93 * no. 62 * no. 41 * no. 30 * no. 94 * no. 63 * no. 42 * no. 31 * no. 95 * no. 64 * no. 43 * no. 32 * 1875 1, no. 1 * no. 65 * no. 44 * no. 33 * no. 2 * no. 66 * no. 45 * no. 34 * no. 3 * no. 67 * no. 46 * no. 35 * no. 4 * no. 68 * no. 47 * no. 36 * no. 5 * no. 69 * no. 48 * no. 37 * no. 6 * no. 70 * 82452° —11 47 738 Classiflcation no. "■>-'N W.^ HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE- -Continued N6.11: Notice to mariners— Continued (date) 1878, no. 71 •K- 1878, no. 135 * 1879, no. 49 * 1879, no. U3 * no. 72 * no. 136 * no. 50 ■K- no. 114 * (.' ..M no. 73 ■X- no. 137 * no. 51 * no. 115 * • 1 1 no. 74 ^ no. 138 * no. 52 * no. 116 * no. 75 * no. 139 * no. 53 * no. 117 * no. 76 * no. 140 ^ no. 54 * no. 118 * no. 77 * no. 141 * no. 55 •Jfr. no. 119 * ■ ' no. 78 * no. 142 •jf no. 56 ' *- no. 120 * ' • no. 79 * no. 143 * no. 57 * no. 121 * (* i no. 80 * no. 144 * no. 58 * no. 122 * > ■ ...1 no. 81 * . no. 145 * no. 59 ■X- no. 123 * no. 82 * no. 146 * no. 60 t^>; no. 124 * no. 83 * no. 147 * no. 61 *•., no. 125 * no. 84 * no. 148 * no. 62 * no. 126 * no. 85 * no. 149 * no. 63 * no. 127 * no. 86 * no. 150 * no. 64 ■X- no. 128 * no. 87 *,,. 1879, no. 1 * no. 65 * no. 129 * no. 88 * • no. 2 * no. 66 * no. 130 * no. 89 * no. 3 •J* no. 67 * no. 131 * no. 90 * no. 4 * no. 68 •X- no. 132 * no. 91 * no. 5 n no. 69 * no. 133 * '■".- no. 92 * no. 6 ^ no. 70 -x- no. 134 * *'\ ■' no. 93 * no. 7 * no. 71 ■X' no. 135 * ■' "i. no. 94 * no. 8 * no. 72 ■X' no. 136 * '• ^ no. 95 * .. no. 9 * no. 73 * no. 137 * " L'?: Mi no. 96 *;/l no. 10 •» no. 74 * no. 138 * * r.f; .'•ti no. 97 *>a no. 11 * no. 75 ■X no. 139 * *= 1 ;: no. 9» f>rr no. 12 it no. 76 •X no. 140 * '■ (";«; .<>." no. 99 ^n- no. 13 * no. 77 'X no. 141 * ^ .IG .' li no. 100 * no. 14 * no. 78 * no. 142 * ■'■ ■"' ? .1 'I' no. 101 * no. 15 * no. 79 * no. 143 * no. 102 * no. 16 * no. 80 * no. 144 * no. 103 * no. 17 ♦ no. 81 * no. 145 * no; 104 t,. no. 18 * no. 82 t, no. 146 * i \ I'll no. 105 *XT no. 19 * no. 83 .Ift/f no. 147 * i. i -■tl no. 106 ♦ ;? no. 20 * no. 84 f,.- no. 148 * " ^;i .< •il no. 107 * no. 21 * no. 85 * no. 149 * ^ !!. ..'M no. 108 * no. 22 * no. 86 * no. 150 * ^ f""-! .O;: no. 109 * no. 23 * no. 87 ■X- no. 151 * ^- il no. 123 * no. 37 •X- no. 101 .^r, no. 165 * ♦ 09 .011 no. 124 * no. 38 * no. 102 » no. 166 * * ra .oir no. 125 * no. 39 * no. 103 * no. 167 * * Hi) no. 126 * no. 40 * no. 104 •X no. 168 * .V'! no. 127 •X- no. 41 * no. 105 ■X no. 169 * ,■,;■ no. 128 *, 1 no. 42 * no. 106 ■X no. 170 * c-c; .Ui.' no. 129 ^ no. 43 * no. 107 1 1880, no. 1 ^ ao .Oil no. 130 * no. 44 * no. 108 ■X no. 2 * -& .on no. 131 * no. 45 « no. 109 * no. 3 * 8a .on no. 132 * no. 46 * no. 110 * no. 4 * ft« •on no. 133 * no. 47 * no. 111 * no. 5 - .-- no. 134 * no. 48 ■X- no. 112 •X no. 6 739 ClMftiflcAUon N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued N6.11: Notice to mariners— Cont inued (date) 1880, no. 7 1880, no. 71 1880, no. 135 1881 ,no. 19 no. 8 no. 72 no. 136 no. 20 no. 9 no. 73 no. 137 no. 21 no. 10 no. 74 no. 138 no. 22 no. U no. 75 no. 139 no. 23 no. 12 no. 76 no. 140 no. 24 no. 13 no. 77 no. 141 no. 25 no. 14 no. 78 no. 142 no. 26 , no. 15 no. 79 no. 143 no. 27 no. 16 no. 80 no. 144 no. 28 no. 17 no. 81 no. 145 no. 29 no. 18 no. 82 no. 146 no. 30 no. 19 no. 83 no. 147 no. 31 no. 20 no. 84 no. 148 no. 32 no. 21 no. 85 no. 149 no. 33 no. 22 no. 86 no. 150 no. 34 no. 23 no. 87 no. 151 no. 35 no. 24 no. 88 no. 152 no. 36 no. 25 no. 89 no. 153 no. 37 no. 26 no. 90 no. 154 no. 38 no. 27 no. 91 no. 155 no. 39 no. 28 no. 92 no. 156 no. 40 no. 29 no. 93 no. 157 no. 41 no. 30 no.. 94 no. 158 no. 42 no. 31 no. 95 no. 159 no. 43 no. 32 no. 96 no. 160 no. 44 no. 33 no. 97 no. 161 no. 45 no. 34 no. 98 no. 162 no. 46 no. 35 no. 99 no. 163 no. 47 no. 36 no. 100 no. 164 no. 48 no. 37 no. 101 no. 165 no. 49 no. 38 no. 102 no. 166 no. 50 no. 39 no. 103 no. 167 no. 51 no. 40 no. 104 no. 168 no. 52 no. 41 no. 105 no. 169 no. 53 no. 42 no. 106 no. 170 no. 54 ' ' , ( . - r no. 43 no. 107 no. 171 no. 55 no. 44 no. 108 no. 172 no. 56 no. 45 no. 109 no. 173 no. 57 no. 46 no. 110 no. 174 no. 58 no. 47 no. Ill no. 176 no. 59 no. 48 no. 112 no. 176 no. 60 no. 49 no. 113 no. 177 no. 61 no. 50 no. 114 no. 178 no. 62 no. 51 no. 115 no. 179 no. 63 no. 52 no. 116 no. 180 no. 64 no. 53 no. 117 1881, no. 1 no. 65 no. 54 no. 118 no. 2 no. 66 no. 55 no. 119 no. 3 no. 67 no. 56 no. 120 no. 4 no. 68 no. 57 no. 121 no. 5 no. 69 no. 58 no. 122 no. 6 no. 70 no. 59 no. 123 no. 7 no. 71 no. 60 no. 124 no. 8 no. 72 no. 61 no. 125 no. 9 no. 73 no. 62 no. 126 no. 10 no. 74 no. 63 no. 127 no. 11 no. 75 no. 64 no. 128 no. 12 no. 76 no. 65 no. 129 no. 13 no. 77 no. 66 no. 130 no. 14 no. 78 no. 67 no. 131 no. 15 no. 79 no. 68 no. 132 no. 16 no. 80 no. 69 no. 133 no. 17 no. 81 no. 70 no. 134 no. 18 no. 82 740 Classlftcation no. N6. HYDROGRAPHIC < OF] P'lC B- Continued N6.11: Notice to mariners- —Continued (date) 1881, no. 83 1882, no. 39 1882 ,no. 103 1883, no. 43 * no. 84 no. 40 no. 104 no. 44 * no. 85 '.!■■ no. 41 no. 105 no. 45 * no. 86 ' " ' no. 42 no. 106 no. 46 * 1-. ■' ■ no. 87 no. 43 no. 107 no. 47 * '■ ' '. 1 ■ ■■ , no. 88 no. 44 no. 108 no. 48 * no. 89 no. 45 no. 109 no. 49 * no. 90 .''.'' no. 46 no. 110 no. 50 * no. 91 no. 47 no. 111 no. 51 * no. 92 . '1 ' no. 48 no. 112 no. 52 * no. 93 no. 49 no. 113 no. 53 * '■]'. " " no. 94 no. 50 no. 114 no. 54 * 1 . . .. : f no. 95 no. 51 no. 115 no. 55 * no. 96 no. 52 no. 116 .t»ii no. 56 * no. 97 no. 53 no. 117 .on no. 57 * no. 98 no. 54 no. 118 no. 58 * no. 99 ■1 '■ no. 55 no. 119 no. 59 * no. 100 no. 56 no. 120 no. 60 * no. Ipl no. 57 no. 121 no. 61 * no. 102; '"' no. 58 no. 122 no. 62 * no. 103' '"' no. 59 no. 123 no. 63 * no. 104 i ..Ul no. 60 no. 124 no. 64 * no. 105' . o u no. 61 1883 ,no. 1 * no. 65 * no. 106' "II no. 62 no. 2 ■X- no. 66 * no. 107' Off no. 63 no. 3 * no. 67 * no. 108 ..Mi no. 64 no. 4 * no. 68 * 1882, no. 1, .\)1! no. 65 no. 5 * no. 69 * •' ' .( i ■ no. -2: .'jtl no. 66 no. 6 * no. 70 * no. '3 .i.»f' no. 67 no. 7 * no. 71 * no. '4 .'•!! no. 68 no. 8 * no. 72 * no. 'M .' 'fl no. 69 no. 9 ^ no. 73 * no. 't[ Ul! no. 70, no. 10 * no. 74 * no. •f "i; no. 71 no. 11 * no. 75 * no. ■'^i .-.Wl no. 72 no. 12 * no. 76 ^^ no. t .i/r no. 73 no. 13 * no. 77 * no. 5 -'l! no. 74 no. 14 * no. 78 * '■■■'■ •"■' no. ■-ri no. f^'- no. 15 * no. 79 * i'f" .i.v' no. ^^• 'i: no. 76' no. 16 * no. 80 * \r. ...f no. 13! '^.i no. 77 no. 17 * no. 81 * -■'■ .":; no. 14- no. 78' no. 18 * no. 82 * »•• ...^' no. 15' "" no. V9 no. 19 * no. 83 * Ul! ..^i: no. 161 no. 80 no. 20 * no. 84 * f-'t . -i' no. IT • ' no. 81 no. 21 * no. 85 * ' ;> .■ ■•' no. 18' ,,,, no. 82 no. 22 * no. 86 * • • ' •' ' no. 19' '■•: no. 83 no. 23 * no. 87 * no. 20 no. '84 no. 24 * no. 88 » no. 21 no. 85 • no. 25 ■X- no. 89 * no. 22 •' no. 86 no. 26 * no. 90 * , . ' no. 23 .i; no. 87 no. 27 * no. 91 •K no. 24 .,i no. ■88 no. 28 * no. 92 * no. '25 '111 no. 89 no. 29 * no. 93 * no. 26 .■•fi no. 90 no. 30 * no. 94 # no. •27 no. 91 no. 31 * no. 95 # no. 28 no. 92 no 32 * no. 96 ■»«• no. 29 -a no. 93 no 33 * no. 97 # ^T .Oi. no. 30 on no. 94 no 34 * no. 98 # < '■ '■<• no. 31 Ofl no. 95 no 35 * no. 99 * > , .■ . no. 32 on no. 96 no 36 ,ti no. 100 * .,,, no. 33 Oft no. 97 no 37 * no. 101 ■)f no. 34 Oil no. 98 no 38 * no. 102 ■Jf no 35 oa no. 99 no 39 * no. 103 * no 36 ■ Ml no. 100 no 40 * no. 104 * no 37 '■;a no. 101 no 41 * no. 105 * no 38 no. 102 no 42 * no. 106 * w ClUSlflOAtlOtt BO. N6. ] H,y DROGHAPHIC i 3PF ^ICE- -Continued N6.11: Notice to mariners— Gpntioued .;.(4»te) 1883, no. 107 # 1883, no. 171 * 1884 ,no. 19 * 1884, no. 83 * no. 108 « no. 172 * no. 20 * no. 84 * no. 109 # no. 173, * no. 21 * no. 85 * no. 110 * no. 174 , * na 22 * no. 86 * no. Ill # no. 175,,* no. 23 * no. 87 * no. 112 « noAl^,* no. 24 * no. 88 * no. 113 * np.l77 * no. 25 * no. 89 * no. 114 * no. 178 * no. 26 * no. 90 * no. 115 * no. 179 * no. 27 * no. 91 * no. 116 * no. 180 * no. 28 * no. 92 * no. 117 * no. 181 * no. 29 * no. 93 * no. 118 ■* no. 182 * no. 30 * no. 94 * no. 119 * no. 183,* no. 31 * no. 95 * no. 120 * no. 184 * no. 32 * no. 96 * no. 121 •N- no. 185 * no. 33 * no. 97 * no. 122 * no.l8Q * no. 34 * no. 98 * no. 123 * no. 187,'; * no. 35 * no. 99 * no. 124 * no. 188, * no. 36 * no. 100 * no. 125 * no. 189 * no. 37 * no. 101 * no. 126 * no. 190 , * no. 38 * no. 102 * ' no. 127 * no. 191 * no. 39 * no. 103 * no. 128 * no. 192 , * no. 40 * no. 104 * no. 129 * no. 193 * no. 41 * no. 105 * no. 130 * no. 194 * no. 42 * no. 106 * no. 131 * no.l95 * no. 43 * no. 107 * no. 132 * no. 196 * no. 44 * no. 108 * no. 133 ■9fr no. 197 * no. 45 * no. 109 * no. 134 * no. 198 * no. 46 * no. 110 * no. 135 * no. 199 * no. 47 * no. Ill * no. 136 * no. 200 * no. 48 * no. 112 * no. 137 * no. 201 * no. 49 * no. 113 * no. 138 * no. 202 * no. 50 * no. 114 * no. 139 ■H- no. 203,.* no. 51 * no. 115 * no. 140 * no. 204. * no. 52 * no. 116 * no. 141 * no. 205 * no. 53 * no. 117 * no. 142 * no. 206 * no. 54 * no. 118 * no. 143 * no. 207 * no. 55 * no. 119 * no. 144 ■X- no. 208 * no. 56 * no. 120 * no. 145 * no. 209 * no. .57, * no. 121 * no. 146 * no. 210 * no. 58 * no. 122 * no. 147 * nQ-211 * no. 59 * no. 123 * no. 148 * no. 212 * no. 60 * no. 124 * no. 149 * no.213 * no. 61 * no. 125 * no. 150 * no. 214 * no. 62 * no. 126 * no. 151 * no. 215 * no. 63 * no. 127 * no. 152 * no. 216, * no. 64 * no. 128 * no. 153 * 1884, no. 1* no. 65 * no. 129 * no. 154 * no. g * no. 66 * no. 130 * no. 155 * no. 3 * no. 67 * no. 131 * no. 156 * no. 4 * no. 68 * no. 132 * no. 157 * no. 5. * no. 69 * no. 133 * no. 158 * no. 6* no. 70, * no. 134 * no. 159 * no^. 7 * no. 71. * no. 135 * no. 160 * np., 8* na 72 * no. 136 * no. 161 * no: 9 * na, 73. * no. 137 * no. 162 * no. 10* no. 74, * no. 138 * no. 163 * no. U * no. 75 * no. 139 * no. 164 * no. 12 * no. 76 * no. 140 * no. 165 * no. 13 * no. 77 * no. 141 * no. 166 ■K- no. 14 * no. 78 * no. 142 * no. 167 * no. 15 * no. 79 * no. 143 * no. 168 * no. 16 * no. 80 * no. 144 * no. 169 * no. 17 * no. 81 * no. 145 * no. 170 * no. 18 * no. 82 * no. 146 * 742 Classification no. N6. HtYDROGRAPHiO OFFICE— Continued N6.11: Notice to mariners— Continued (date) 1884, no. 147 * 1884, no. 210 * 1884, no. 273 * 1884, no. 336 * no. 148 * no. 211 * no. 274 * no. 337 * no. 149 * no. 212 * no. 275 * no. 338 * ''■ no. 150 * no. 213 ■x- no. 276 * no. 339 * no. 151 * no. 214 * no. 277 * no. 340 * no. 152 * no. 215 * no. 278 * no. 341 * no. 153 * no. 216 * no. 279 * no. 342 * ' ■' no. 154 * no. 217 * no. 280 * no. 343 * ' '; no. 155 * no. 218 * no. 281 * no. 344 * ' no. 156 * no. 219 * no. 282 * no. 345 * no. 157 * no. 220 ■K- no. 283 * no. 346 * no. 158 * no. 221 * no. 284 * no. 347 * no. 159 * no. 222 * no. 285 ^ no. 348 * no. 160 * no. 223 Hf no. 286 * no. 349 * no. 161 * no. 224 * no. 287 * no. 350 * no. 162 * no. 225 * no. 288 * no. 351 * no. 163 * no. 226 * no. 289 * no. 352 * no. 164 * no. 227 * no. 290 * no. 353 * no. 165 * no. 228 * no. 291 * no. 354 * no. 166 * no. 229 * no. 292 * . no. 355 * no. 167 * no. 230 * no. 293 * no. 356 * no. 168 * no. 231 * no. 294 * no. 357 * no. 169 * no. 232 * no. 295 * no. 358 * no. 170 * no. 233 * no. 296 * no. 359 * no. 171 * no. 234 * no. 297 * no. 360 * no. 172 * no. 235 * no. 298 * no. 361 * no. 173 * no. 236 M^ no. 299 * no. 362 * no. 174 * no. 237 * no. 300 * no. 363 * no. 175 * no. 238 * no. 301 * no. 364 * no. 176 * no. 239 * no. 302 * no. 365 * ;..• , no. 177 * no. 240 * no. 303 * no. 366 * 11', no. 178 * no. 241 * no. 304 * no. 367 * i'A: . ■ no. 179 * no. 242 * no. 305 * no. 368 * 1)1! . . no. 180 * no. 243 * no. 306 * no. 369 * no. 181 * no. 244 * no. 307 * no. 370 * no. 182 * no. 245 * no. 308 * no. 371 * no. 183 * no. 246 ^ no. 309 * no. 372 * no. 184 * no. 247 * no. 310 * no. 373 * no. 185 * no. 248 * no. 311 * no. 374 * no. 186 * no. 249 * no. 312 * no. 375 * no. 187 * no. 250 * no. 313 * no. 376 * no. 188 * no. 251 * no. 314 * no. 377 * no. 189 * no. 252 * no. 315 * no. 378 * no. 190 * no. 253 * no. 316 * no. 379 * no. 191 * no. 254 * no. 317 * no. 380 * no. 192 * no. 255 * no. 318 * no. 381 * no. 193 * no. 256 * no. 319 * no. 382 * no. 194 * no. 257 •X- no. 320 * no. 383 * no. 195 * no. 258 * no. 321 * no. 384 * no. 196 * no. 259 * no. 322 * no. 385 * no. 197 * no. 260 * no. 323 * no. 386 * no. 198 * no. 261 * no. 324 * no. 387 * no. 199 * no. 262 * no. 325 * no. 388 * no.200'T* no. 263 * no. 326 * no. 389 * no. 201 * no. 264 * no. 327 * no. 390 * no. 202 * no. 265 ■X- no. 328 * no. 391 * no. 203 * no. 266 * no. 329 * no. 392 * no. 204 * no. 267 •X- no. 330 * no. 393 * no. 205 * no. 268 * no. 331 * no. 394 * no. 206 * no. 269 * no. 332 * no. 395 * no. 207 * no. 270 * no. 333 * no. 396 * no. 208 * no. 271 * no. 334 * no. 397 * no. 209 * noi 272 * no. 335 * no, 398 * 743 ClaKNlflcAtion N6. H^ ^DROGKAPI no. Neai: Notice to mi ajriners — Lkjnti (date) 1884, no. 399 * 1884, no. 462 * no. 400 * no. 463 * no. 401 * no. 464 * no. 402 * no. 465 * no. 403 * no. 466 * no. 404 * no. 467 * no. 405 * no. 468 * no. 406 * no. 469 * no. 407 » no. 470 * no. 408 * no. 471 * no. 409 * no. 472 * no. 410 * no. 473 * no. 411 * no. 474 * no. 412 * no. 475 * no. 413 * no. 476 * • no. 414 * no. 477 * no, 415 •K- no. 478 * no. 416 * no. 479 * no. 417 * no. 480 * no. 418 * no. 481 * no. 419 * no. 482 * no. 420 * no. 483 * no. 421 * no. 484 * no. 422 * no. 485 * no. 423 * no. 486 * no. 424 * no. 487 * no. 425 * no. 488 * no. 426 * no. 489 * no. 427 * no. 490 * no. 428 * no. 491 * no. 429 * no. 492 * no. 430 * no. 493 * no. 431 * no. 494 * no. 432 * no. 495 * no. 433 * no. 496 * no. 434 * no. 497 * no. 435 * no. 498 * no. 436 * no. 499 * no. 437 * no. 500 * no. 438 * 1885, no. 1 * no. 439 * no. 2 * no. 440 * no. 3 * no. 441 « no. 4 * no. 442 * no. 5 * no. 443 * no. 6 * no. 444 * no. 7 * no. 445 * no. 8 * no. 446 * no. 9 * no. 447 * no. 10 * no. 448 * no. 11 * no. 449 * no. 12 * no. 450 * no. 13 * no. 451 * no. 14 * no. 452 * no. 15 * no. 453 * no. 16 * no. 454 * no. 17 * no. 455 * no. 18 * no. 456 * no. 19 * no. 457 * no. 20 * no. 458 * no. 21 * no. 459 * no. 22 * no. 460 * no. 23 * no. 461 * no. 24 * 1885,^ <>i OOltO^i^ lll.i» no,- r2^: ♦v 1885, not 88 « no. 26 « no. 89 * no. 27 « no. 90 * no. 28 * no. 91 « no. 29 * no. 92 * na 30 * no. 93 * no. 31 * no. 94 « no. 32 * no. 95 * no. 33 * no. 96 * na 34 * no. 97 * no. 35 * no. 98 « no. 36 * no. 99 » no. 37 * nalOO * no. 38 * na 101 * no. 39 * no. 102 * no. 40 * no. 103 * no. 41 * no. 104 * no. 42 * no. 105 * no. 43 * na 106 * no. 44 * na 107 * no. 45 * no. 108 * no. 46 * na 109 * no. 47 * na 110 * no. 48 * na 111 * no. 49 •X- na 112 * no. 50 * na 113 * no. 51 * na 114 * no. 52 * na 115 * no. 53 * na 116 * no. 54 * no. 117 * no. 55 * na 118 ♦ no. 56 * na 119 * no. 57 * na 120 * no. 58 * na 121 * no. 59 * na 122 * no. 60 * na 123 * no. 61 * na 124 * no. 62 * na 125 * no. 63 * na 126 * no. 64 * na 127 * no. 65 * na 128 * no. 66 * na 129 * no. 67 * na 130 * no. 68 * na 131 * no. 69 ■x- no. 132 * no. 70 * no. 133 * no. 71 * no. 134 * no. 72 * no. 135 * no. 73 * na 136 * no. 74 * na 137 * no. 75 * no. 138 * no. 76 * na 139 * no. 77 * no. 140 « no. 78 * na 141 * no. 79 * na 142 * no. 80 * no. 143 * no. 81 * no. 144 •* no. 82 * na 145 •ie no. 83 * na 146 * no. 84 * na 147 * no. 85 « na 148 * no. 86 * na 149 * na 87 * nal50 * 744 Classification no. N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued '•' ' N6.11: Notice to mariners— Continued .::(date) 1885, no. 151 * 1885, no. 214 * 188£ , no. 277 * 1885, no. 340 * tM .uir no. 152 * no. 215 * no. 278 * no. 341 * (W /M! no. 153 ■X- no. 216 * no. 279 * no. -342 * i '■ ■ no. 154 * no. 217 ^ no. 280 * no. 343 * '■" ■ " no. 155 •X- no. 218 * no. 281 •X no. 344 * I'M no. 156 * no. 219 * no. 282 * no. 345 * J-tf no. 157 * no. 220 ■X- no. 283 * no. 346 * '■■■•' no. 158 * no. 221 * no. 284 * no. 347 * no. 159 * no. 222 * no. 285 * no. 348 * no. 160 * no. 223 * no. 286 * no. 349 * ■'-'• no. 161 * no. 224 * no. 287 * no. 350 * <:H.' no. 162 * no. 225 * no. 288 * no. 351 * 001 no. 163 * no. 226 * no. 289 * no. 352 * ID' no. 164 * no. 227 * no. 290 * no. 353 * no. 165 * no. 228 * no. 291 * no. 354 * no. 166 * no. 229 * no. 292 * no. 355 * no. 167 •K- no. 230 * no. 293 * no. 356 * no. 168 * no. 231 * no. 294 -x- no. 357 * no. 169 * no. 232 * no. 295 ■X- no. 358 * no. 170 * no. 233 * no. 296 * no. 359 * no. 171 * no. 234 * no. 297 * no. 360 * no. 172 * no. 235 * no. 298 * no. 361 * no. 173 * no. 236 * no. 299 * no. 362 * no. 174 * no. 237 •X- no. 300 ■X- no. 363 * no. 175 * no. 238 * no. 301 * no. 364 * no. 176 * no. 239 * no. 302 * no. 365 * ■ 1 1 no. 177 •X- no. 240 •X- no. 303 * no. 366 * , ; 1 ' no. 178 * no. 241 ■K- no. 304 * no. 367 * no. 179 * no. 242 * no. 305 * no. 368 * no. 180 •X- no. 243 ■X- no. 306 ■X no. 369 * no. 181 ■X- no. 244 ■X' no. 307 * 1^ 586, no. 1 * no. 182 * no. 245 * no. 308 * no. 2 * no. 183 * no. 246 * no. 309 'X' no. 3 * no. 184 * no. 247 * no. 310 * no. 4 * no. 185 * no. 248 * no. 311 •X- no. 5 * no. 186 * no. 249 ■X no. 312 * no. 6 * no. 187 * no. 250 * no. 313 * no. 7 * no. 188 * no. 251 * no. 314 * no. 8 * no. 189 * no. 252 * no. 315 * no. 9 * no. 190 ■X- no. 253 * no. 316 * no. 10 * no. 191 * no. 254 * no. 317 * no. 11 * no. 192 * no. 255 * no. 318 * no. 12 * no. 193 * no. 256 * no. 319 * no. 13 * no. 194 •X- no. 257 * no. 320 * no. ]4 * no. 195 * no. 258 * no. 321 * no. 15 * no. 196 * no. 259 * no. 322 •5t no. 16 * no. 197 * no. 260 * no. 323 •X- no. 17 * no. 198 * no. 261 * no. 324 ■x> no. 18 * no. 199 * no. 262 * no. 325 '9^ no. 19 * no. 200 * no. 263 * no. 326 * no. 20 * no. 201 ■X- no. 264 * no. 327 * no. 21 * no. 202 * no. 265 * no. 328 * no. 22 * no. 203 * no. 266 •X- no. 329 * no. 23 * no. 204 * no. 267 * no. 330 * no. 24 * no. 205 * no. 268 * no. 331 * no. 25 * no. 206 * no. 269 •X no. 332 ■X- no. 26 * ■■' ■' 1 no. 207 * no. 270 •X- no. 333 * no. 27 * no. 208 ■X- no. 271 * no. 334 * no. 28 * no. 209 * no. 272 * no. 335 * no. 29 * no. 210 * no. 273 * no. 336 * no. 30 * no. 211 * no. 274 * no. 337 * no. 31 * no. 212 * no. 275 * no. 338 •X- no. 32 * no. 213 * no. 276 * no. 339 * no. 33 * 745 Clwsiflratlon no. N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE- -Continued N6.11: Notice to mariners— Continued (date) 1886, no. 34 « 1887, no. 46 1889, no. 6 1890, no. 18 * no. 35 * no. 47 no. 7 no. 19 * no. 36 * no. 48 no. 8 . . no. 20 * no. 37 i no. 49 no. 9 ,,j, no. 21 * no. 38 no. 60 no. 10 , no. 22 * no. 39 * no. 51 no. 11 no. 23 * no. 40 * no. 62 no. 12 no. 24 * no. 41 * 1888, no. 1 no. 18 ,„, no. 25 * no. 42 * no. 2 no. 14 ,.., no. 26 * no. 43 '1^ no. 3 no. 16 no. 27 * no. 44 1 no. 4 no. 16 no. 28 * no. 46 •ft no. 5 no. 17 no. 29 * no. 46 >fi no. 6 no. 18 no. 30 * no. 47 .ft no. 7 no. 19 no. 31 * no. 48 ft no. 8 no. 20 on no. 32 * no. 49 « no. 9 no. 21 no. 33 * no. 50 * no. 10 no. 22 no. 34 * no. 51 * no. 11 no. 23 no. 35 * no. 62 * no. 12 no. 24 no. 36 * 1887, no. 1 no. 13 no. 25 no. 37 * no. 2 no. 14 no. 26 no. 38 * no. 3 no. 15 no. 27 no. 39 * no. 4 no. 16 no. 28 no. 40 * no. 6 no. 17 no. 29 no. 41 * no. 6 no. 18 no. 30 no. 42 * no. 7 no. 19 no. 31 no. 43 * no. 8 no. 20 no. 32 no. 44 * no. 9 no. 21 no. 33 no. 45 * no. 10 no. 22 no.34 ,„; no. 46 * no. 11 no. 23 no. 35 no. 47 * no. 12 no. 24 no. 36 no. 48 * no. 13 no. 25 no. 37 no. 49 * no. 14 no. 26 no. 38 no. 50 * no. 15 no. 27 no. 39 no. 51 * no. 16 no. 28 no. 40 no. 52 * no. 17 no. 29 no. 41 18S H,no. 1 * no. 18 no. 30 no. 42 no. 2 * no. 19 no. 31 no. 43 no. 3 * no. 20 no. 32 no. 44 no. 4 * no. 21 no. 33 no. 45 no. 5 * no. 22 no. 34 no. 46 no. 6 * no. 23 no. 35 no. 47 no. 7 * no. 24 no. 36 no. 48 no. 8 * no. 25 no. 37 no. 49 no. 9 * no. 26 no. 38 no. 50 no. 10 * no. 27 no. 39 no. 51 no. 11 * no. 28 no. 40 no. 52 no. 12 * no. 29 no. 41 1890, no. 1 * no. 13 * no. 30 no. 42 no. 2 * no. 14 * no. 31 no. 43 no. 3 » no. 15 * no. 32 no. 44 no. 4 * no. 16 * no. 33 no. 45 no. 5 * no. 17 * no. 34 no. 46 no. 6 * no. 18 * no. 35 no. 47 no. 7 * no. 19 * no. 36 no. 48 no. 8 * no. 20 * no. 37 no. 49 no. 9 * no. 21 * no. 38 no. 50 no. 10 * no. 22 * no. 39 no. 51 no. 11 » no. 23 * no. 40 no. 52 no. 12 ♦ no. 24 * no. 41 1889, no. 1 no. 13 * no. 25 * no. 42 no. 2 no. 14 * no. 26 * no. 43 no. 3 no. 15 * no. 27 * no. 44 no. 4 no. 16 * no. 28 * no. 45 no. 5 no. 17 * no. 29 » 746 Classlftcatlon no. N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued N6.11: Notice to mariners— Continued 11 oi ^^u (date) 1891, no. 30 * 1892, no. 42 * 189^ , no. ^ '^^ 1895, no. 13 no. 31 * no. 43 * no. 2 no. 14 no. 32 * no. 44 ¥: no. '3 ' no. 15 no. 33 * no. 45 * no. -4 ^^it no. 16 no. 34 * no. 46 * no. '5 " ' no. 17 no. 35 * no. 47 * no. 6 no. 18 no. 36 * no. 48 * no. 7 no. 19 no. 37 * no. 49 « no. 8 no. 20 no. 38 * no. 50 Ik no. 9 no. 21 no. 39 * no. 51 * no. 10 no. 22 no. 40 * no. 52 * no. 11 no. 23 no. 41 * no. 53 « no. 12 no. 24 no. 42 * 1893, no. 1 no. 13 no. 25 no. 43 * no. 2 no. 14 no. 26 no. 44 « no. 3 no. 15 no. 27 no. 45 * no. 4 no. 16 no. 28 no. 46 * no. 5 no. 17 no. 29 no. 47 * no. 6 no. 18 no. 30 no. 48 ¥: no. 7 no. 19 no. 31 no. 49 ¥; no. 8 no. 20 no. 32 no. 50 * no. 9 no. 21 no. 33 no. 51 * no. 10 no. 22 no. 34 no. 52 * no. 11 no. 23 no. 35 1892, no. 1 » no. 12 no. 24 no. 36 no. 2 ^ no. 13 no. 25 no. 37 no. 3 ^ no. 14 no. 26 no. 38 no. 4 ^ no. 15 no. 27 no. 39 no. 5 * no. 16 no. 28 no. 40 no. 6 * no. 17 no. 29 no. 41 no. 7 * no. 18 no. 30 no. 42 no. 8 Ik no. 19 no. 31 no. 43 no. 9 * no. 20 no. 32 no. 44 no. 10 * no. 21 no. 33 no. 45 no. 11 * no. 22 no. 34 no. 46 no. 12 * no. 23 no. 35 no. 47 no. 13 * no. 24 no. 36 no. 48 no. 14 * no. 25 no. 37 no. 49 no. 15 ^ no. 26 no. 38 no. 50 no. 16 * no. 27 no. 39 no. 51 no. 17 * no. 28 no. 40 no. 52 no. 18 * no. 29 no. 41 18 56, no. 1 no. 19 * no. 30 no. 42 no. 2 no. 20 * no. 31 no. 43 no. 3 no. 21 * no. 32 no. 44 no. 4 no. 22 * no. 33 no. 45 no. 5 no. 23 * no. 34 no. 46 no. 6 no. 24 * no. 35 no. 47 no. 7 no. 25 * no. 36 no. 48 no. 8 no. 26 * no. 37 no. 49 no. 9 no. 27 * no. 38 no. 50 '^) no. 10 no. 28 * no. 39 no. 51 "i no. 11 no. 29 * no. 40 no. 52.^nf no. 12 no. 30 * no. 41 189£ >, no. l"n no. 13 no. 31 * no. 42 no. 2 no. 14 no. 32 « no. 43 no. 3 no. 15 no. 33 * no. 44 no. 4' no. 16 no. 34 * no. 45 no. 5v' no. 17 no. 35 ^ no. 46 no. 6 no. 18 no. 36 * no. 47 no. 7 no. 19 no. 37 * no. 48 no. 8 no. 20 no. 38 * no. 49 no. 9 no. 21 no. 39 •X- no. 50 no. 10 no. 22 no. 40 * no. 51 no. 11 no. 23 *■' !"-* .0 :' no. 41 * no. 52 no. 12 no. 24 747 Cla88l(lcat1oii BO. N6. H YDROGRAF •Hic office-Co Qtinued N6.11: Notice to mariners— Continued (date) 1896, no. 25 1897, no. 37 1898, no. 49 1900, no. 8 no. 26 no. 38 no. 50 no. 9 no. 27 no. 39 no. 51 no, 10 no. 28 no. 40 no. 52;; no. 11 no. 29 no. 41 no. 53^^'' no. 12 no. 30 no. 42 1899, no. i;;;; no. 13 no. 31 no. 43 no. 2'^" no. 14 no. 32 no. 44 no. 3 no. 15 4 no. 33 no. 45 no. 4 no. 16 no. 34 no. 46 no. 5 no. 17 no. 35 no. 47 no. 6 no. 18 no. 36 no. 48 no. 7 no. 19 no. 37 no. 49 no. 8 no. 20 no. 38 no. 50 no. 9 no. 21 no. 39 no. 51 no. 10 no. 22 no. 40 no. 52 no. 11 no. 23 no. 41 1898, no. 1 no. 12 no. 24 no. 42 no. 2 no. 13 no.25 no. 43 ^,, no. 3 no. J4 no. 26 no. 44 ^" no. 4 no. 15' no. 27 no. 45';; no. 5 no. 1.6 no. 28 no. 46 " no. 6 no. 17 ' no. 29 no. 47 no. 7 no. 18 no. 30 no. 48 no. 8 no. 19 no. 31 no. 49 no. 9 no. 20 no. 32 no. 50 no. 10 no. 21 no. 33 no. 51 no. 11 no. 22 no. 34 no. 52 no. 12 no. 23 no. 35 1897, no. 1 no. 13 no. 24 no. 36 no. 2 no. 14 no.25 ' no. 37 no. 3 no. 15 no. 26 no. 38 no. 4 no. 16 no. 27 no. 39 no. 5 no. 17 no. 28 no. 40 no. 6 no. 18 no. 29 no. 41 no. 7 no. 19 no. 30 no. 42 no. 8 no. 20 no. 31 no. 43 no. 9 no. 21 no. 32 no. 44 no. 10 no. 22 no. 33 no. 45 no. 11 no. 23 no. 34 no. 46 no. 12 no. 24 no. 35 no. 47 no. 13 no. 25 no. 36 no. 48 no. 14 no. 26 no. 37 no. 49 no. 15 no. 27 no. 38 no. 50 no. 16 no. 28 no. 39 no. 51 no. 17 no. 29 no. 40 no. 52 no. 18 no. 30 no. 41 19( [)l,no. 1 no. 19 no. 31 no. 42 no. 2 no. 20 no. 32 no. 43 no. 3 no. 21 no. 33 no.44 " no. 4 no. 22 no. 34 no. 45 no. 5 no. 23 no. 35 no. 46 no. 6 no. 24 no. 36 no. 47 no. 7 no. 25 no. 37 no. 48 no. 8 no. 26 no. 38 no. 49 no. 9 no. 27 no. 39 no. 50 no. 10 no. 28 no. 40 no. 51 no. 11 no. 29 no. 41 no. 52 no. 12 no. 30 no. 42 1900, no. 1 no. 13 no. 31 no. 43 no. 2 no. 14 no. 32 no. 44 no. 3 no. 15 no. 33 no. 45 no. 4 no. 16 no. 34 no. 46 no. 5 no. 17 no. 35 no. 47 no. 6 no. 18 no. 36 no. 48 no. 7 no. 19 748 lassiflcation no. N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued N6.11: Notice to mariners— Continued (date) 1901, no. 20 1902, no. 31 1903, no. ,42 1904. no. 52 <.' .i.,j no. 21 no. 32 no. 43 no. 53 Oi . I no. 22 no. 33 no. 44 1905, no. 1 no. 23 no. 34 no. 45 no. 2 no. 24 no. 35 no. 46 no. 3 no. 25 no. 36 no. 47 no. 4 no. 26 no. 37 no. 48 no. 5 ' .i>ij no. 22 * no. 42 no. 9 * no. 8 \'^ .nn no. 23 * no. 43 no. 10 * no. 9 <"■'■' .«-li no. 24 * no. 44 no. 11 * no. 10 <»::• ..(:. no. 25 * no. 45 no. 12 * no. 11 Y.» ..i,;i no. 26 * no. 46 no. 13 * no. 12 HiK'.)i! no. 27 * no. 47 no. 14 •X- no. 13 f.'i) .Oil no. 28 * no. 48 no. 15 * no. 14 07 .on no. 29 * no. 49 no. 16 * no. 15 ^ 1 .on l?V8I no. 30 * no. 50 no. 17 * no. 16 ' .'Ml no. 31 ■X- . no. 51 no. 18 * no. 17 no. 32 * no. 52 no. 19 * no. 18 ' " ! ' no. 33 * no. 53 no. 20 * no. 19 '" .<■!! no. 34 * ' no. 54 no. 21 * no. 20 * -t Mi, no. 35 ■9f'' no. 55 no. 22 •X- no. 21 * : .... no. 36 * no. 56 no. 23 * no. 22 ■■* H .(.,1 no. 37 * no. 57 no. 24 ■Jfr no. 23 * il .on no. 38 ^ no. 58 no. 25 •)«• no. 24 * 01 .on no. 39 * no. 59 no. 26 * no. 25 ^- 1 ! .'ir no. 40 * no. 60 no. 27 'X no. 26 *■ '.- '. .'Ml no. 41 * no. 61 no. 28 * no. 27 * £1.011 no. 42 * no. 62 no. 29 * no. 28 * M.oii no. 43 * no. 63 no. 30 * no. 29 * nr.oM no. 44 » no. 64 no. 31 * no. 30 " (Jl .on 1872, no. 1 no. 65 no. 32 * no. 31 * n.on no. 2 no. 66 no. 33 * no. 32 -* 8l.r.n no. 3. no. 4 '' no. 67 no. 34 * no. 33 * er.on "!' no. 68 no. 35 * no. 34 * OS .on no. 5 no. 69 no. 36 * no. 35 * r? .on no. 6 no. 70 no. 37 * no. 36 :l no. 7 no. 71 no. 38 * no. 37 no. 8 no. 72 no. 39 * no. 38 no. 9 no. 73 no. 40 * no. 39 ■ ,. . , no. 10 no. 74 no. 41 * no. 40 .:- !..ii no. IX no. 75 no. 42 * no. 41 "^ Tli .ou no. 12 no. 76 no. 43 « no. 42 * SI. on no. 13 no. 77 no. 44 * no. 43 ' CS.on no. 14 no. 78 no. 45 * no. 44 -^ 0€.on no. 15 no. 79 no. 46 * no. 45 ^ IP. .Oil no. 16 no. 80 no. 47 * no. 46 S£ .on no. 17 no. 81 no. 48 * no. 47 no. 18 no. 19 no. 82 no. 83 no. 49 no. 50 * •x- • no. 48 no. 49 752 Classification no. N6. HYDKOGRAPHIC OFFICE-Continued N6.14: HydrograpMc notices— Continued (date) 1874, no. 50 1875, no. 54 * 1876, no. 46 * 1877, no. 41 no. 51 no. 55 * no. 47 * no. 42 no. 52 no. 56 * no. 48 * no. 43 ■* 1 ''. ,■ 'i; no. 53 no. 57 * no. 49 * no. 44 '■■''' ■' '' no. 54 no. 58 * no. 50 ^ no. 45 ,).. .,;( no. 55 no. 59 * no. 51 * no. 46 '^V li no. 56 no. 60 • no. 52 * no. 47 ■'< . ,; no. 57 no. 61 «^^' no. 53 * no. 48 'i' - .•)-! no. 58 no. 62 *"> no. 54 * no. 49 '• IKi .M;r no. 59 no.63 *'" no. 55 * no. 50 ['^.■■:\ no. 60 no.64 •^'^ no. 56 * no. 51 '.•.; .,,,' 1875, no. 1 * no. 65 *'=' no. 57 * no. 52 ■';'•'' no. 2 * no.66 «*'' no. 58 ^ no. 53 no. 3 » no. 67 »■' no. 59 * no. 54 no. 4 * no. 68 * no. 60 * no. 55 1 .■'■ no. 5 * no. 69 * no. 61 * no. 56 }■ ■' '' no. 6 * no. 70 * no. 62 * no. 57 .' .' no. 7 » no. 71 * no. 63 * no. 58 ■ (' no. 8 ¥e no. 72 * no. 64 * no. 59 .' 'li no. 9 * 1876, no. 1 *" no. 65 * no. 60 ,1 _, : ; no. 10 « no. 2 * no. 66 * no. 61 > - .•■'■. no. 11 * no. 3 * no. 67 * no. 62 r . • 1 _ \ no. 12 * no. 4 * no. 68 * no. 63 il .■'i: no. 13 * no. 5 * no. 69 * no. 64 01 ur .• r ■•■' no. 14 * no. 6 * 1877, no. 1 no. 65 no. 15 * no. 7 * no. 2 no. 66 no. 16 * no. 8 * no. 3 no. 67 no. 17 * no. 9 * no. 4 no. 68 no. 18 * no. 10 * no. 5 no. 69 no. 19 * no. 11 * no. 6 no. 70 ■ .,. no. 20 * no. 12 * no. 7 1878, no. 1 * no. 21 * no. 13 * no. 8 no. 2 * no. 22 * no. 14 * no. 9 no. 3 * no. 23 •if no. 15 * no. 10 no. 4 * no. 24 * no. 16 * no. 11 no. 5 ■jf no. 25 * no. 17 * no. 12 no. 6 * no. 26 * no. 18 * no. 13 no. 7 « no. 27 'K' no. 19 * no. 14 no. 8 * no. 28 * no. 20 * no. 15 no. 9 * ' ■ no. 29 * no. 21 * no. 16 no. 10 » ' no. 30 4f no. 22 * no. 17 no. 11 * no. 31 * no. 23 * no. 18 no. 12 * no. 32 * no. 24 * no. 19 no. 13 * no. 33 * no. 25 * no. 20 no. 14 * K^i'- •<; no. 34 4^ no. 26 ^'; no. 21 no. 15 * •w .' M! no. 35 * no.27 t no. 22 no. 16 « no. 36 * no. 28 » no. 23 no. 17 * '■ ;; •"" no. 37 4f no. 29 * no. 24 no. 18 * no. 38 * no. 30 * no. 25 no. 19 * no. 39 * no. 31 * no. 26 no. 20 * no. 40 * no. 32 * no. 27 no. 21 * no. 41 * no. 33 * no. 28 no. 22 * r ' no. 42 * no. 34 * no. 29 no. 23 * no. 43 * no. 35 * no. 30 no. 24 •jt no. 44 * no. 36 * no. 31 no. 25 * no. 45 * no. 37 * no. 32 no. 26 •jt no. 46 * no. 38 * no. 33 no. 27 * no. 47 * no. 39 * no. 34 no. 28 * no. 48 * no. 40 * no. 35 no. 29 ■x- no. 49 * no. 41 * ; no. 36 no. 30 * ,., ..1 no. 50 * no. 42 *; no. 37 no. 31 * no. 51 ¥r no. 44 J,, no. 45 * • no. 38 no. 32 « no. 52 ^ no. 39 no. 33 * no. 53 « no. 40 no. 34 * 753 la.s8incjitlon no. N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued N6.14: Hydrographio notices— Continued (date) 1878, no. 35 * 1879, no. 14 * 1880, no. 7 * 1880, no. 71 no. 36 # no. 15 « no. 8 * no. 72 • 1 ■ ',1 no. 37 « no. 16 * no. 9 * no. 73 '<''■ ."!( no. 38 * no. 17 « no. 10 * no. 74 ■> ' ■ ■ 1 ! no. 39 * no. 18 # no. 11 * no 75 .- f no. 40 * no. 19 * no. 12 « no. 76 * ' ■ ■ .' ■ li no. 41 * no. 20 * no. 13 * no. 77 H i\,\ no. 42 * no. 21 * no. 14 * no. 78 no. 43 « no. 22 * no. 15 * no. 79 '.-I- '\'! no. 44 * no. 23 * no. 16 * no. 80 no. 45 * no. 24 * no. 17 * no. 81 < < 7 ,' ■ ' no. 46 * no. 25 * no. 18 * no. 82 i-i'- All no. 47 * no. 26 * no. 19 « no. 83 (!!• 1 l|! no. 48 * no. 27 * no. 20 ^ no. 84 « .''T no. 49 * no. 28 * no. 21 * no. 85 no. 50 * no. 29 * no. 22 ^ no. 86 !',' no. 51 * no. 30 * no. 23 * no. 87 '■• ' .' •>: no. 52 » no. 31 * no. 24 ■X- no. 88 ' ' ' 'If no. 53 * no. 32 * no. 25 * no. 89 '->' ' II no. 54 * no. 33 * no. 26 * no. 90 ;:■• '.ft no. 55 * no. 34 * no. 27 * no. 91 ■■< I'C no. 56 ■)t no. 35 •jfr no. 28 * no. 92 ..:< .ijt no. 57 * no. 36 * no. 29 * no. 93 ' ^ ' ■ ' ( r no. 58 * no. 37 * no. 30 * no. 94 no. 59 * no. 38 * no. 31 * no. 95 - ' ■ ' : I no. 60 * no. 39 * no. 32 * no. 96 no. 61 * no. 40 * no. 33 * no. 97 no. 62 * no. 41 * no. 34 * no. 98 no. 63 * no. 42 * no. 35 * no. 99 no. 64 * no. 43 •N- no. 36 * no. 100 no. 65 * no. 44 * no. 37 * 188 1, no. 1 no. 66 * no. 45 * no. 38 * no. 2 no. 67 * no. 46 * no. 39 « no. 3 no. 68 * no. 47 * no. 40 * no. 4 no. 69 * no. 48 * no. 41 * no. 5 no. 70 * no. 49 » no. 42 * no. 6 no. 71 * no. 50 * no. 43 * no. 7 no. 72 * no. 51 * no. 44 * no. 8 no. 73 * no. 52 * no. 45 * no. 9 no. 74 » no. 53 * no. 46 * no. 10 no. 75 * no. 54 * no. 47 * no. 11 no. 76 » no. 55 'N- no. 48 * no. 12 no. 77 * no. 56 * no. 49 « DO. 13 • ! no. 78 * no. 57 * no. 50 * no. 14 no. 79 * no. 58 * no. 51 * no. 15 no. 80 « no. 59 * no. 52 « no. 16 no. 81 * no. 60 * no. 53 * no. 17 no. 82 * no. 61 * no. 54 * no. 18 no. 83 * no. 62 * no. 55 * no. 19 no. 84 « no. 63 * no. 56 * no. 20 no. 85 « no. 64 * no. 57 * no. 21 1879, no. 1 » no. 65 * no. 58 » no. 22 no. 2 * no. 66 » no. 59 * no. 23 no. 3 * no. 67 * no. 60 * no. 24 no. 4 w no. 68 * no. 61 '» no. 25 no. 5 •»• no. 69 * no. 62 # no. 26 no. 6 * no. 70 ■K- no. 63 * no. 27 no. 7 * no. 71 * no. 64 * no. 28 no. 8 * 1880, no. 1 * no. 65 * no. 29 no. 9 * no. 2 * no. 66 * no. 30 no. 10 * no. 3 * no. 67 * no. 31 no. 11 * no. 4 « no. 68 * no. 32 no. 12 'K- no. 5 * no. 69 # no. 33 no. 13 * no. 6 « no. 70 « no. 34 82452°- -11 18 754 Classlflcation no. , ;(date) TV .Oft - V6 ."11 * 88 .on *■ C8 , .oit "* oe .on ■* IP ,>n ft(: Oo ': .oft ;; .on (" .v<1 N6.15: pi(date) N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued Hydrographlc notices— Continued' H'l^cnS^ 1881, no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 ' no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 no. 56 no. 57 no. 58 no. 59 no. 60 no. 61 no. 62 no. 63 no. 64 no. 65 no. 66 no. 67 no. 68 no. 69 no. 70 no. 71 no. 72 no. 73 no. 74 no. 75 no. 76 no. 77 no. 78 no. 79 no. 80 no. 81 no. 82 no. 83 no. 84 no. 85 1882, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 [Consolidated with Notice to mariners; see N6.11:] Pilot chart of north Atlantic Ocean [Monthly.] [This is Hydrographic Office chart 1400. See also A29. 23: 1883, Dec. * 1884, Mar. 1884, Jan. * Apr. Feb* * May ,no. 4 1882, no. 58 1883, no. 43 no. 5 no. 59 no. 44 no. 6 no. 60 no. 45 no. 7 no. 61 no. 46 no. 8 no. 62 no. 47 no. 9 no. 63 no. 48 no. 10 no. 64 no. 49 no. 11 no. 65 no. 50 no. 12 no. 66 no. 51 no.l4 •" no. 67 no. 52 no. 68 no. 53 no. 15 no. 69 no. 54 no. 16 1883, no. 1 no. 55 no. 17 no. 2 no. 56 no. 18 no. 3 no. 57 no. 19 no. 4 no. 58 no. 20 no. 5 no. 59 no. 21 no. 6 no. 60 no. 22 no. 7 no. 61 no. 23 no. 8 no. 62 no. 24 no. 9 no. 63 no. 25 no. 10 no. 64 no. 26 no. 11 no. 65 no. 27 no. 12 no. 66 no. 28 no. 13 no. 67 no. 29 no. 14 no. 68 no. 30 no. 15 no. 69 no. 31 no. 16 no. 70 no. 32 no. 17 no. 71 no. 33 no. 18 no. 72 no. 34 no. 19 no. 73 no. 35 no. 20 no. 74 no. 36 no. 21 no. 75 no. 37 no. 22 no. 76 no. 38 no. 23 no. 77 no. 39 no. 24 no. 78 no. 40 no. 25 no. 79 no. 41 no. 26 no. 80 no. 42 no. 27 no. 81 no. 43 no. 28 no. 82 no. 44 no. 29 no. 83 no. 45 no. 30 no. 84 no. 46 no. 31 no. 85 no. 47 no. 32 no. 86 no. 48 no. 33 no. 87 no. 49 no. 34 no. 88 no. 50 no. 35 no. 89 no. 51 no. 36 no. 90 no. 52 no. 37 no. 91 no. 53 no. 38 no. 92 no. 54 no. 39 no. 93 no. 55 no. 40 no. 56 no. 41 no. 57 no. 42 !1X32 in. First issue was Dec. 1883.] 1884, June * July * Aug. * 785 iKBBiucaiiiua no. l^O* XXX X ^XVV^VXXI >2%jrru LVv- V^X X X v^xu — \ i^uutiiiutni N6.15: Pilot cliart of north. Atlantic Ocean— Continued (date) 1884, Sept. Oct. 1890 ,Jan. Feb. * 1895 •^y- Nov. ■» Mar. » June Dec. 1885, Jan. » * Apr. May * July Aug. Feb. * June * Sept. Mar. * July * Oct. Apr. V May * Aug. * Nov. * * Sept. * Dec. June * Oct. * 1896 , Jan. 1' July * Nov. * Feb. Aug. * Dec. » Mar. Sept. Oct. * * 1891 , Jan. Feb. Apr. May Nov. * Mar. « June Dec. 1886, Jan. * * Apr. nSy July Aug. Feb. * ..• June * Sept. Max. * .Jfi'.' July * Oct. * Apr. May * _ C't Aug. * Nov. * * Sept. » Dec. * June * Oct. •K 1897 , Jan. * July * Nov. ^ Feb. * Aug. * Same, suppl. Mar. * Sept. Oct. * * 1892 Dec. , Jan. * Apr. * Mky * Nov. * Feb. * June * Dec. * Mar. * July * 1887, Jan. Feb. Apr. May * Aug. * Sept. * Mar. « June « Oct. * Apr. « •»M- July « Nov. » May « VK! ' Aug. at Dec. June * Sept. * 1898 , Jan. ^^i July « Oct. * Feb. .J '•- Aug. * Nov. « Mar. ^<"^ Sept. * Dec. * Apr. 'T Oct. * 1893 , Jan. * May Nov. * Feb. « June Dec. * Mar. » July 1888, Jan. Feb. * Apr. May * * Aug. Sept. Mar. » June « Oct. Apr. * July * Nov. May * Aug. * Dec. June ♦ Sept. * 1899 , Jan. July » Oct. « Feb. Aug. « Nov. » Mar. Sept. Oct. * * 1894 Dec. , Jan. « Apr. May Nov. « Feb. « June Dec. * Mar. « July 1889, Jan. « Apr. » Aug. Feb. » May « Sept. Mar. * June « Oct. Apr. May « July * Nov. * Aug. * Dec. June * Sept. * 1900 , Jan. July * Oct. * Feb. Aug. * Nov. * Mar Sept. * Dec. « Apr. May Oct. * 1895 , Jan. Nov. * Feb. June Dec. * Mar. July ■7$« Classification no. N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFITCE— Continued N6.15: Pilot cliart of nortb. Atlantic Ocean— Continued (date) i^- '."/. N6.15«: (CT) N6.16: (date) 1900, Aug. Sept. a Oct. 1/ i- Nov. / Dec. 1901, Jan. Feb. ./ Mar. >' I Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1903, Sept. 1906, Nov. Oct. Dec. K- Nov. 1907, Jan. * Dec. Feb. ■V 1904, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. •*■ Mar. May * Apr. June » May July X June :-. Aug. 4f July -'. Sept ■•• Aug. Oct. V Sept. Nov. ■■' Oct. Dec. Nov. 1908, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1905, Jan. Mar. ' Feb. ' Apr. M^y • Mar. » Apr. May June - July June Aug. suppl. July Sept ? ri'.ar Aug. Oct. -'■ Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1909, Jan. * ■JJ. Dec. Feb. « ..^06, Jan. Mar. '• ■." Feb. Apr. Mar. May Apr. June May ; July June Aug. July Sept Aug. Oct. " Sept. Nov. * ;; Ott. Dec. •1902, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Same, \L June! |ij,, ' July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. •(1903, Jan. Feb. (I Mar. b] Apr. y\ May 'f June July Aug. Pilot chart of nj^rtli Atlantic Ocean (separates) I*ilot cliart of north Pacific Ocean 20.7X35.3 in. [Monthly.] f i [This is Hydrographie Office chart 1401. The first issue, that for Jan. 1894, appeared I , with title. Proposed pilot chart of north Pacific Ocean. Beginning with issue for July, 1894, title has been uniform.] 1896, July Aug. Sept. Oct. * Nov. * Dec * 1897, Jan.' * Feb. * Mar. * Apr. * May * June * July * Aug. * See also A29.24: yi894,Jan. * 1895, May Feb .-June [None June I issued.] July I July * Aug. Aug. [None is- Sept. sued.) Oct. Sept. * Nov. Oct. * Dec. Nov. * 1896, Jan. Dec. * Feb. 1895, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. May Mar. Apr. June 76¥ N6.16: Pilot chart of north. Pacific Oijeati— Continued ClaasiflcAtlott no. (date) N6.16«: (CT) N6.17: (date) 1897, Sept. * Oct. * Nov. ^* Dec. 1898, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May- June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. 1899, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1900, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct. ,1 In .• July Aug. Sept. Oct. Pilot chart of north Pacific Ocean (separates) 1901, Nov. 1906, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1902, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. May Mar. Apr. May June July June Aug. July Sept. Aug, Sept. ■ "■■•■'§?. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1907, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1903, Jan. Mar.i Feb. Apr: May Mar. Apr. MSy June July June Aug. >A ni^y ^«Pt- Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1908, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1904, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. Mar. May Apr. June May July June Aug. July Sept. Aug. . Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1909, Jan. Deo. Feb. 1905, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. Mar. May Apr. May June July June ^. h|pir> :i.T/. 758 Classification no. N6.18: (letters) or (no8.) N6.19: (nos.) N6. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE— Continued Maps and cliarts [The index charts arranged by letters precede the numerical arrangement of charts. The 5 series of pilot charts which appear at regular intervals are classed elsewhere, as follows: Chart 1400 is Pilot chart of north Atlantic Ocean {see N6.15:); chart 1401 is Pilot chart of north Pacific Ocean {see N6.16:); chart 2600 is Pilot chart of south Atlantic Ocean {see N6.20:); chart 2601 is Pilot chart of south Pacific Ocean {see N6.21:); chart 2603 is Pilot chart of Indian Ocean {see N6.17:). The Pilot chart of Great Lakes is classed here. It appeared first in Apr. 1894 as ,j chart 1415, of which a 2d edition was issued in Apr. 1895; it was reissued Aug. 1897 as chart 1675, and again reissued July 17, 1909 as chart 2602. i See, for charts issued prior to 1866 by Naval Observatory and Hydrographical Office, N14.8: See, for catalogues of Hydrographic Office charts, N0.5:] Reprint of hydrograplilc information [From Pilot charts (N6.15;, N6.16:) and Hydrographic bulletin (N6.3:).] 1 2 3 / 4 5 6 7 8 Pilot cliart of soutli Atlantic Ocean 23.1 x 32.4 in. [Quarterly.] [This is Hydrographic Office chart 2600.] See also A29.25: 1909, June-Aug. Sept.-Nov. 1910, Dec. 1909-Feb. 1910 Pilot cliart of soutli Pacific Ocean 21 X 35.8 in. [Quar- terly.] [This is Hydrographic Office chart 2601.] S^e also A29.26: 1909, Sept.-Nov. 1910, Dec. 1909-Feb. 1910 N7. JUDGE-ADVOCATE-GENERAL, Navy [Act of June 8, 1880, authorized the President to appoint an officer of the Navy or the Marine Corps to per- form the duties of Solicitor and Judge- Advocate-General. On the creation of the office of Solicitor of Navy Department (N8.) by act of May 22, 1908, effective July 1, 1908, certain duties performed by Judge- Advocate-General were transferred to the Solicitor. Decisions of Judge- Advocate-General have not been published, either in full or in digest.] N6.20: (date) N6.21: (date) .U N7.1: (date) N7.2: F761 F762 P93 N7.2«: (CT) N7.3: (nos.) N7.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1893-1909, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and issued separately also.) General puWications Forms of procedure for general and summary courts-martial, courts of inquiry, investigations, naval and marine examining and retiring boards; [by] Charles H. Lauchheimer. 1896. ^t tiVl Same. 2d edition enlarged. 1902. Prisons. Rules and regulations for government of naval prisons and prison ships. 1909. 16» General publications (separates) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] m N8. SOLICITOR OF NAVY DEPARTMENT [Office created by act of May 22. 1908, effective July 1, 1908. Certaip duties horotofore per/orrned by the Judge- Advocate-General, Navy, have been transferred to the Solicitor of Navy Department.) riasslflratlon no. N8.1: (date) N8.2: (CT) N8.3: (nos.) N8.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1909, in annual report of Navy Dopiirliiient (Nl.l;>,{Vi() iMUQd separately also.) General publications [J m [None issued.] Bulletins .ii<./ j ^ [None issued.] MfioO ' : Circulars [None issued.] N9. MARINE CORPS (Created by act establishing and organizing the Marine Corps, p. 594).) Annual approved July 11, 1798 (Stat. L, v. N9.1: (date) N9.2: Ac3, All F45» F452 Id2 L56 N84 P29» P292 Se2i Se22 Se23 Se2* Se2» Se2« Se27 Sml T17 P reports [1841-1909, in annual reports of Nayy Department (Nl.l:), and since 1892, issued separately also.) General publications Accountability. Instructions relating to system of accountability for f^fll clothing, arms, accoutrements, and other public property of Marine Corps, including directions in preparation of returns, vouchers, and accounts. 1891. Alaska. Specifications for labor and material for marine officers' quar- ters to be built at Sitka, Alaska, 1896-7. [1897.] Field work. Manual of practical instructions to officers of Marine Corps in field work. 1903. [1] + 78 p. il. 14 pi. Same, without plates. 1903 [reprint 1905]. [1] + 78 p. il. Identification. Circular [instructions for guidance of those concerned in making and forwarding identification records consisting of finger-prints and personal descriptions], June 10, 1907. 12*' Letters and reports in relation to organization and increase of Marine Corps, n. p. [1856]. [Reprinted with additions and omissions from annual report of Navy Department, 1852 (Nl. 1:852), p. 573-608.] Notes and suggestions for officers of Marine Cbrps; by Charles A. 'Doyen. 1900. 40 Pay rolls. Instructions to commanding officers of Marine Corps relative to rendition of pay rolls, etc. 1901. Same, addenda. June 25, 1904. Second lieutenants. Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Marine Corps [as 2d lieutenants]. [1899.] 12° Same. [1901.] 12° Second lieutenants. Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Marine Corps as 2d lieutenants. [1903.] 12° Same. [1904.] 12« Same. [Nov. 25, 1905.] 12o Same. [Nov. 25, 1905, reprint] Oct. 15, 1907. 12® Same. [June 6, 1908.] 12» Small-arms. Circular [containing excerpts from general orders and cir- culars of War Department, modifying small-arms firing regula- tions, 1906]. June 28, 1908. 12« Target firing. Instructions relative to target firing in. Marine Corps. 1896. 760 Classification no. N9 . MARINE CORPS— Continued N9.2: General publications— Continued T681 Transportation. Instructions governing transportation for Marine T682 Same 1909. N9.3: Btdletins (nos.) [None issued.] N9.4: Circulars (nos.) [None issued up to Dec. 31 ,1909 t] N9.5 ' : General orders [1st series, 1877-July 11, 1894] 12o (date) (The Public Documents Library copies ol certain issues are typcAvritten; these are presumably 3opies of the origmals, the size of which is probably 12°. Such cases are 1878, nos 2 and 9; 1880, no. 4 1881, nos. 1 and 2.] 1877, no. 1 1880, no. 1 1883, no. 2 1888, no. 1 8» no. 2 no. 2 1884, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 4 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 5 no. 4 1889, no. 1 no. 6 no. 6 no. 5 no. 2 no. 7 no. 7 no. 6 1890, no. 1 no. 8 no. 8 1885, no. 1 no. 2 1878, no. It no. 9 no. 2 no. 3 no. 2 1881, no. 1 no. 3 no. 4 no. 3 no. 2 no. 4 no. 5 -'..- '■'. ■ "■!'• ■ i no. 4 no. 3 no. 5 1891, no. 1 .(-'jiM>^-:>-\ i^"' ! no. 5 no. 4 no. 6 no. 2 no. 6 no. 5 no. 7 no. 3 nih^ ••ri. no. 7 no. 6 1886, no. 1 1892, no. 1 - no. 8 no. 7 no. 2 no. 2 no. 9 no. 8 no. 3 no. 3 no. 10 no. 9 no. 4 no. 4 1879, no. 1 no. 10 no. 5 1893, no. 1 no. 2 no. 11 1887, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 12 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 1882, no. 1 no. 3 no. 4 ..-■.: no. 5 no. 2 no. 4 1894, no. 1 \\-\fiW. \() ?*- no. 6 no. 3 no. 5 ■ ,;-,..ii,rr, ■: no. 7 1883, no. 1 no. 6 [1st series discontinued with no. 1 of 1894.] §N9.5 2: General orders [2d series, Dec. 21, 1908- §] 12* ' (nos.) [None issued between no. 1 of 1894 and no. 1 of 1908. In the 2d series, nos. 1-5 were issued in 1908; nos. &-46, in 1909.] 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 t On June 7, 1910, the Marine Corps began a series of Circulars. Only 7 numbers were issued, the last being no. 7 for Mar. 27, 1911, after which the series was merged into a new series entitled Marine Corps orders; see footnote class N9.9: X No. 1 not printed; superseded by no. 237 of Navy Department General orders, 1st series (N1.13 1:237). § This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Marine Corps has since discontinued the General orders [2d series](N9.52:), Special orders [2d serie8](N9.6^:), and Circulars (N9.4:). The last issue in each series was as follows: General order 79, Mar. 25, 1911; Special order 75, Mar. 23, 1911; Circular 7, Mar. 27, 1911. For these 3 series the Marine Corps substituted a new series of publications, the first issue of which was for Apr. 20, 1911. This has necessitated a new class under N9., the series title of which is as follows: N9i.9: Marine Corps orders 12« (nos.) [Supersede General orders [2d series](N9.52:), Special orders [2d serIes](N9.62:), and Circulars (N9.4:).J 761 iMsincsiion no. SS\9, JK L AltXXN Ml J %J\JMX fO V .'Oniinuea N9,6J: General orders [2d series, Dec. 21 1908- ] — Continued (nos.) 13 22 31 40 14 23 32 41 15 24 33 42 16 25 34 43 17 26 35 44 18 27 36 45 19 28 37 46 1 20 29 38 21 30 89 N9.6>: Special orders [1st series, 1895] 120 (date) (nos.) N9.8 ' : 900 9041 904 2 908 1895, no. 1 , .^ ^^ ^ .^ ^^^ J ^ , [1st series consisted of only 1 Issue, that for Mar. 1, 1895.] Special orders [2d series, Nov. 16, 1908- 1] 12» [None issued between no. 1 of 1895 and no. 1 of 1908. In tlie 2d series, nos. 1 and 2 were issued in 1908; nos. 3-25, in 1909.J 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 1 5 12 19 6 13 20 7 14 21 N9.7: Orders and circular s(unnumbered) 12° (date) 1877, Mar. 22 [Official communications to be forwarded through com- mandant of Marine Corps.] Mar. 22 [Official communications addressed to staff of Marine Corps must be under cover to commandant.] Apr. 23 May 2 June 4 June 5 Aug. 4 1878, Dec. 10 1882, Feb. 4 4° 1892, Dec. 20 [No more unnumbered orders nor uimumbered circulars were issued. Since Dec. 1908, instructions of this nature have been included in other series issued by the Marine Corps; see entries and footnotes for N9.52:, N9.6*:, and N9.4:) Regulations governing uniform and equipments of officers and enlisted men Regulations governing uniform and equipments of officers and enlisted menof Marine Corps. 1900. 8* Same, Mar. 16, 1904. 1904. 12» Same, addenda [modifying regulations of Mar. 16, 1904]. 12° Same, with [changes and] addenda; [corrected to 1908]. Washing- ton, Globe Printing Company, 1908. 12* [See, for changes, N9.8 2:908 ^-«.] t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Marine Corps has since discontinued the General ordeis [2d 8eries](N9.5^:), Special orders [2d 8eries](N9.62;), and Circulars (N9.4:). The last issue in each series was as follows: General order 79, Mar. 25, 1911; Special order 75, Mar. 23, 1911; Circular 7, Mar. 27, 1911. For these 3 series the Marine Corps substituted a new series of publications, the first issue of which was for Apr. 20, 1911. This has necessitated a new class under N9., the series title of which is as follows: N9.9: (nos.) 12^ Marine Corps orders [Supersede General orders [2d series](N9.5*:), Special orders [2d serie&](N9.6*:),and Circulars (N9.4:).!| 762 Classification no. N9.8': 908 1 9082 9083 908 ■* 908 5 908 « tN9.9: N9. MARINE CORPS— Continued Changes in Marine Corps pampMets (numbered) Changes no. 1 [in 1908 edition of] Regulations governing uniform and equipments of officers and enlisted men of Marine Corps. Jan. 28, 1909. 12« Same, no. 2. June 30, 1909. 12o Same, no. 3. Aug. 19, 1909. 12° Same, no. 4. Aug. 21, 1909. 12» Same, no. 5. Sept. 23, 1909. 12» Changes no. 6 [amendment to no. 5]. Oct. 20, 1909. 12'» NIC. MEDICINE AND SURGERY BUREAU [Organized under act to reorganize Navy Department, approved Aug. 31, 1842.] NlO.l: (date) N10.1«: (date) N10.2: Ac8 H99 In2 J27 M97 N22^ N222 N93 R29 R92 Sch6 T281 Annual reports of surgeon -general [1842-1909, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and usually issued sepa- rately also.) Annual reports of surgeon -general (separates) General publications Acting assistant surgeon. Medical Corps, Navy [circular for informa- tion of persons desiring to enter Navy as acting assistant surgeon]. Feb. 9, 1906. 12° Hygiene. Naval hygiene, by Joseph Wilson; appendix, Moving wounded men on shipboard, by Albert C. Gorgas. 1870. Increase in Medical Corps of Navy. 1903. 4° Japan. Report on Japanese naval medical and sanitary features of Russo-Japanese War; by William C. Braisted. 1906. [4915- 328j Museum of hygiene. Catalogue of exhibits in museum of hygiene, medical department. Navy; by Philip S. Wales. 1893. . Navy. Extracts from [Navy] regulations and Instructions [to medical officers] in relation to physical examination of recruits for enlist- ment in Navy and Marine Corps. [Apr. 26, 1907.] Same. [Apr. 26, 1907, reprint Oct. 23, 1907.] Nurse Corps. Regulations and instructions for Nurse Corps, Navy, 1909. 1909. Requisitions. Circular letter for medical officers in relation to requi- sitions and public bills. Dec. 5, 1907. 4° Russia. Report on Russian medical and sanitary features of Russo- Japanese War; by Raymond Spear. July 1, 1906. Schools. Naval medical schools of France and England, with Obser- vations on naval hospitals of Toulon [France]; by Richard C. Dean. 1876. Test case. Contents of naval test case. Sept. 1903. 12° t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Marine Corps has since discontinued the General orders [2d 8eries](N9.52:), Special orders [2d 8eries](N9.6^:), and Circulars (N9.4:). The last issue in each series was as follows: General order 79, Mar. 25, 1911; Special order 75, Mar. 23, 1911; Circular 7, Mar. 27, 1911. For these 3 series the Marine Corps substituted a new series of publications, the first issue of which was for Apr. 20, 1911. This has necessitated a new class under N9., the series title of which is as follows: N9.9: Marine Corps orders 12° (nos. ) (Supersede General orders [2d series](N9.52:), Special orders [2d series](N9.62:), and Circular (N9.4:).] 7«S CUsslleatloB NIO. MEDICINE AND SURGERY BUREAU— Cont'd N10.2: T282 T28^ Y3> ¥33 N10.3: (no8.) N10.4: (date) N10.6: 867 873 878 881 886 906 908 N10.6: (CT) N10.7: (date) NI0.8: (date) General publications— Continued Test case. Memoranda to accompany naval test case and microecopical outfit. Navy Department, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington, D. C, 1905. Same. 1908. Yellow fever. Report on yellow fever in U. S. S. Plymouth in 1878-*9. [Ist edition.] 1880. [Cover-title reads: "Extracted from report of surgeon general," but it is not found in the report for 1879, 1880, or 1881.] Same. [2d edition with corrections.] 1881. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars (unnumbered) [Prior to 1893, unnumbered circulars were Issued by the Medicine and Surgery Bureau as necessary in connection with its work. Since that date, under article 1614 of Regulations for government of Navy, 1893, all such Information and in- structions are included in the various series issued by the iSecretary of the Navy. The Public Documents Library has none of these circulars and no complete file could be consulted. The series as listed below is compiled from the list as found on p. 282 of General orders and circulars issued by Navy Department, 18G3-87 (N1.2:G28), which ue for subject matter of the circulars.] 1869, 1870 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876 1877 1878, July 7 * [None issued.] June 13 * July 1 * Nov. 1 * Nov. 6 * Jan. 1 * Feb. 24 * Jan. 12 * Apr. 8 * July 1 * [None issued. [None issued. June 1 * 1879, Feb. 1 * 1882, May 2 Mar. 28 * Aug. 21 Apr. 8 * Oct. 9 Nov. 15 * 1883, May 4 Nov. 21 * Aug. 26 1880, Mar. 30 * Nov. 29 June 30 * 1884, Apr. 15 Sept. 8 * 1885, Jan. 1 Oct. 14 * Apr. 4 1881, Jan. 1 * Oct. 20 Feb. 1 * Oct. 21 Apr. 8 * 1886, Jan. 16 1882, Jan. 10 * 1887-93 * Jan. 15 * officers of Navy. 1867 ofiicers of Navy. 1873. 12° Instructions Same. 1878. 12« Same. 1881. Same. 1886. Same. 1906. Same. 1909. [Although not printed until 1909, letter authorizing publication and cover-title read 1908.] Specifications Drill regulations for Hospital Corps 24" 1902 1907 Supply table of medical department, Navy, with allovs^ance for ships 1894 1899 1905 Same, addenda 1909 764 Classifleation no. N10.9: (nos.) NIO.IO: (date) NlO.ll: (v. nos.) N10.11«: (CT) NIO. MEDICINE AND SURGERY BUREAU— Cf;>iit'd Contributions to medical science '^^<^'5^^'^^'<>*^ [1] Medical essays, compiled from reports by medical oflficers of Navy. 1872. Same. 1873. [2] Report on origin and therapeutic properties of cuncjiirango; by W. S. W. Ruschenberger. 1873. 4« , . [3] Sanitary and medical reports, 1873-74, by officers of Navy; feditedl by H. C. Nelson. 1875. [4] Hygienic and medical reports, by mediqal offiqeraof N£|,V;y;> [edited] by Joseph B. Parker. 1879. • " ' ^ :^^ [Discontinued.] .^n ! »->! Ifl JT ! : P..Or^^ Naval Medical School, Programine of closing exercises , ,; [The school was organized under Navy Department General order 89 of May 27, 1902. uepi info Public Documents Library has no information concerning other publications.] 1907 United States naval medical bulletin (quarterly) [First issue, Apr. 1907. Index for v. 1 issued separately. Indexes for v. 2 and v. 3 are included in no. 4 of each of those volumes.} V. 1, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 [no. 4], index United States naval medical bulletin (separates) Nil. NAUTICAL, ALMANAC OFFICE . 2, no. 1 viul5,no.l no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 no. 4 no. 4 [Provided for by act approved Mar. 3, 1849 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 375). Until 1858, it was a distinct bureau, the reports being made directly to the Secretary of the Navy. 1859-61, under control of Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography; 1862-89, under Bureau of Navigation; 1890-1909, under Bureau of Equipment, being administered 1898-1909 by departmental regulations as part of Naval Observatory, f] Nll.l: Annual reports (date) [1849-1904 (except 1859, 1861, 186*?, none issued, and 1902), in annual reports of Navy ^ '^ Department (Nl.l:). 1902reportappearsinannualreportof Equipment Bureau, 1902 (N5.1:902). 1905-C9, no regular signed reports printed, the work of the Nautical Almanac Office being summarized in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl!l:), as part of the work of the Naval Observatory.] Nil. 2: General publications As8 Astronomical instruments. Report to Secretary of Navy on recent im- provements in astronomical instruments; by Simon Newcomb. 1884. ([48th Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 96]; serial no. 2166.) J97 Jupiter. Continuation of DeDamoiseau's tables of satellites of Jupiter to 1900; by D. P. Todd. Washington, Bureau of Navigation, 1876. 4*' . , >, P93 Price list. Publications of Nautical Almanac Ofl&ce, price listi [1900.] [An earlier list was issued but was withdrawn from circulation.] St2^ Stars. List of positions of bright stars and planets [Dec. 1907-Mar. 1908], prepared for use of navigators. 1907. large 8° St22 Stars. List of stars for navigators, 1908. 1908. large 8*' [Similar lists of stars for 1909 and later years appear as appendixes to certain editions of the American nautical almanac (Nil. 6:). See also footnote for Nil. 6:909-912.] Su7 Sun. Reports of observations of total eclipse of the sun, Aug. 7, 1869. [1885.] 4« [^eea^so Nil. 5:869 2, 3.] t Transferred with Naval Observatory to Bureau of Navigation, JTi^ly 1, 1910, by Changes in Navy regulations, 1909, no. 11, issued by Secretary of Navy, June 27, 1910, in pursuance of naval appropriation act approved June 24, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 613), which abolished the Bureau of Equipment; see also footnote on p. 703. 765 'TP! CiaMiflc»t|on NH. NAUTICAIj ALMANAC OFFICE— Continued no. Nll.a; BuJUotlns (no8.) [None issued.] N11.4: Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] ^ll.5 : American ephemerls and nautical almanac large 8« fdate) IPublication beguu under act of Mar. 3, 1S49 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 375), the first Issue, ^ ' that for 1.S55, having been published iu 1852. There have usually been 2, and sometimes 3 editions for each year, the 1st edition usually being printed about 3 years in advance.] 1855 [Ist edition] f Same. [2d edition?] * 1856 2 editions 1857 * Same, appendix, New method of correcting lunar distances and Improved method of finding error and rate of chronometer by equal altitudes; by William Chauvenet. 1866. 86 p. 8« [The first article of this appendix appeared originally in American ephemeris and nautical almanac for 1855 (Nil. 5:855), as p. 16-70 of the appendix in that volume. The second article appeared originally in American ephemeris for 1856 (N11.5: 856), as p. 35^56 of the appendix. In the copy in the Public Documents Library, table 4 of the 2d article lacks the 3 p. for reduction of mean solar into sidereal time which are found in the original.] Same, appendix, New method of correcting lunar distances [etc.]. *?:• V 1866. [1] -f 11-94 p. large 8« [Contains at the end the 3 p. of table 4, which were omitted in the other 1866 print. Matter recast though contents are otherwise the same in the two prints.] 1858 1859 1860 1861 Same, supplement, Asteroides for year 1859 1862 * 1863 * 1864 * 1865 1866 Same, supplement, Asteroides for year 1865 1867 2 editions 1868 2 editions 1869 Same, supplement, Total eclipse of the sun, Aug. 7, 1869. 1869. 10 p. Same, supplement, Suggestions for oTbserving total eclipse of the sun, Aug. 7, 1869. 1869. 14 p. * See, for Reports of observations of total eclipse of the sun, N11.2:Su7. 1870 2 editions Same, supplement, Occultations of stars and planets by the moon visible m territory west of Mississippi River in 1870 * 1871 [Ist edition] Same. [2d edition with corrections] * 1872 2 editions 1873 1st edition Same. 2d edition Same. [3d edition] * t The JBrst portion of this book, with same title-page but including only the Astro- nomical ephemeris for use of navigators, was also published separately. See Nil .6: 855 ^ 766 Classification no. N11.5: (date) Nil. NAUTICAL. ALMANAC OFFICE— Continued American eplieiiieris and nautical almanac — Cont'd 1874 Ist edition Same. 2d edition Same. [3d edition] * Same, supplement to 1874-77, Tables for finding latitude of a place by altitudes of Polaris [Also included, with alterations in table D, in both editions of American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1877 (N11.5:877), as p. 25-33 of the appendix.] 1875 let edition Same. 2d edition Same. [3d edition] * See, above, for supplement, Nl 1.5:874-877. 1876 2 editions See, above, for supplement, Nil. 5:874-877. 1877 [Ist edition] Same. 2d edition Same. 2d edition, with corrections * See, above, for supplement, Nll.5:874-877. 1878 [Ist edition] Same. 2d edition Same, supplement, Total eclipse of the sun, July 29, 1878 Same, supplement to 1878-81, Tables for finding latitude of a place by altitudes of Polaris [Also included, with alterations in table D, at end of each regular edition of American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1878-81 (N11.5:878-881).] 1879 2 editions See, above, for supplement, Nil. 5:878-881. 1880 2 editions See, above, for supplement, N11.5:878-881. 1881 2 editions See, above, for supplement, N11.5:878-881. 1882 2 editions 1883 2 editions 1884 2 editions Same, supplement. Apparent right ascensions of additional time- stars, 1881-84. 1885 2 editions 1886 Ist edition [2123-28] Same. 2d edition 1887 Ist edition [2232-35] Same. 2d edition 1888 1st edition [2318-33] Same. 2d edition 1889 1st edition [2423-354] Same. 2d edition 1890 2 editions 1891 2 editions 1892 2 editions 1893 2 editions 1894 2 editions 1895 2 editions 1896 1st edition Same. 2d edition 1897 1st edition Same. 2d edition [3406-34] [3514-39] 767 ClAMlfloatloa no. N11.5: (date) N11.6«: (CT) N11.6: (date) Nil. NAUTICAL ALMANAC OFFICE— Continued American ephemerls and nautical almanac— <^ont'd Same, supplement, Elements of 4 inner planets and fundamental constants of astronomy 1898 Ist edition Same. 2d edition [3673-170] 1899 Ist edition Same. 2d edition [3795-«0] Same. 3d edition * 1900 let edition Same. 2d edition [3957-97] Same, supplement, Total eclipse of the Bun May 28, 1900 1901 Ist edition Same. 2d edition [4132-17] 1902 Ist edition Same. 2d edition [4321-20] Same. 3d edition 1903 2 editions 1904 Ist edition Same. 2d edition Same. [3d edition] * 1905 Ist edition Same. 2d edition * 1906 2 editions 1907 Ist edition Same. [2d edition] * 1908 2 editions 1909 2 editions Same, supplement, Star list of American ephemeris, [calendar] year 1909 1910 2 editions Same, supplement, Star list of American ephemeris, [calendar] year 1910 1911 1st edition 1912 Ist edition American ephemerls and nautical almanac (separates) American nautical almanac [This ephemeris, designed for the special use of navigators, is a part of a larger work, namely, the American ephemeris and nautical almanac (N11.5:), which includes also material for the use of astronomers. The first issue was for the year 1855. It was published in this fonn as l)eing cheaper and more convenient for navi- gators. Though often regarded as a cheap edition of the American ephemeris and nautical almanac, it is really a series in itself. Several editions have usually been issued for each year, the first edition being pub- lished as a rule three years in advance. As the sot in the Public t)ocuments Library and the set in the library of the Naval Observatory are both incomplete, it is imxxissible to malce an accurate state- ment of the numerous editions.] 1855 American ephemeris and nautical almanac for 1855. [let edition.] Washington, 1852 [Cambridge, Metcalf and Company, printers]. [This Ist edition has same title-page as the Astronomical ephem- eris and nautical almanac for 1855 (Nil. 5:855), of which only the first portion is included here.] Same, with title. Astronomical ephemeris for use of navigators, comprising sun, moon, lunar distances, and 4 principal planets, with appendix containing Chauvenet's new and accurate method of correcting lunar distances, for 1855. Washington, 1853 [Cam bridge, Metcalf and Company, printers]. * 768 Classification no. N11.6: (date) Nil. NAUTICAL ALMANAC OFFICE— Continued American nautical almanac — ^Continued American ephemeris for use of navigators - ; ) 1856 2 editions? * 1857 [Ist edition] * Same. 2d edition * Same. 3d edition * Same. 4th edition * 1858 1859 * Almanac for use of navigators 1860 [1st edition] * Same. 2d edition * 1861 * 1862 * 1863 * 1864 * 1865 * 1866 * 1867 * 1868 * 1869 1870 * 1871 1872 [1st edition] * American nautical almanac 1880 [1st edition] * Same. 2d edition 1881 [1st edition] * Same. 2d edition 1882 2 editions 1883 2 editions 1884 [Ist edition] * Same. 2d edition Same. 3d edition * 1885 Ist edition * Same 2d edition 1886 Ist edition * Same. 2d edition 1887 2 editions 1888 Ist edition * Same. 2d edition 1889 1st edition * Same. 2d edition 1890 [1st edition] * Same. 2d edition 1891 2 editions 1892 2 editions 1893 2 editions 1894 2 editions 1895 2 editions ■offij)0 {>' Same. Same. Same. 1873 1874 1875 1876 [1st Same. 1877 [1st Same. 1878 1879 [1st Same. Same. [2d edition] * 3d edition * 4th edition * edition] * 2d edition * edition] * 2d edition edition] [2d edition] * 3d edition 1896 2 editions 1897 2 editions 1898 3 editions 1899 3 editions 1900 3 editions 1901 3 editions 1902 3 editions 1903 2 editions 1904 2 editions 1905 2 editions 1906 1st edition Same. 2d edition [Not issued.] 1907 2 editions 1908 1st edition Same. 2d edition Same. 2d edition [reprint] 1909 Ist edition Same. 2d edition [with ap- pendix] t 1910 1st edition Same. 2d edition [with ap- pendix and changes in ar- rangement] t 1911 1st edition t 1912 Ist edition f Nil. 6*^: American nautical almanac (separates) (CT) fThe only separates of which the Public Documents Library has information are the appendix to 2d edition for 1909 and the appendix to 2d edition for 1910. These are lists of stars for navigators. See, for information concerning similar lists, footnote for N11.6:909-912.J fThe appendix for 2d edition for 1909 is List of stars for navigators for 1909; a similar appendix with title, Stars for navigators and Polaris tables for , appears in 2d edition for 1910, 2d edition for 1911 (published 1910, and therefore not entered in this Checklist), and Ist edition for 1912. See, for list of stars for navigators, Dec. 1907-Dec. 1908, N11.2:St2^'-». 769 CUsHlllcation no. N11.7: (v. no8.) (CT) N11.8: (date) N11.9: Eu6 H22 M49 M53 M771 M772 P25 St2» St22 St28 V56» V562 82452 Nil. NAUTICAIi AL.MANAC OFFICE— Continued Astronomical papers for American ephemerls and nautical almanac 4° [Tho parts which make up the volumes of the series listed here under N11.7: are first published as separate papers. The separates should be classed under Nll.To:] 6 pis. in 1 V. 6 pts. in 1 V. 5 pts. in 1 V. V. 6 V. 7 V. 8 Same 4 pts. in 1 v.l 4 pts. in 1 v.] Pts. 1, 2, in 1 ae, pt. 3 v.] [5 pts. in 1 v.] Astronomical papers for American ephemeris and nautical almanac (separates) 4° Pacific coaster's nautical almanac large 8° 1885 1893 1901 1886 1894 1902 1887 * 1895 1903 1888 1896 2 editions 1904 1889 1897 1905 1890 1898 2 editions 1906 1891 2 editions 1899 2 editions 1892 2 editions 1900 [Discontinued.] Tables computed for American ephemeris and nautical almanac Eunomia. Tables of Eunomia, computed for American ephemeris and nautical almanac; by E. Schubert. Bureau of Navigation, Washington, 1866. 4« Hannonia. Tables of Harmonia, computed for American ephemeris and nautical almanac; by E. Schubert. Bureau of Navigation, Washington, 1869. 4<» Melpomene. Tables of Melpomene, computed for American enhemeris and nautical almanac; by E. Schubert. Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, Washington, 1860. 4" Mercury. Tables of Mercury, for use of American ephemeris and nauti- cal almanac; by Joseph Winlock. Bureau of Navigation, Wash- ington, 1864. 4« Moon. Tables of the moon; by Benjamin Peirce. Washington, printed for Nautical almanac, 1853. 4® Same, constructed for use of American ephemeris and nautical alma- nac; by Benjamin Peirce. Bureau of Navigation, Washington, 1865. 4« Parthenope. Tables of Parthenope, computed for American ephemeris and nautical almanac; by E. Schubert. Bureau of Navigation, Washington, 1871. 4« Stars. Almanac catalogue of zodiacal stars, printed for use of American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Bureau of Navigation, Wash- ington, 1864. large S" Stars. Tables to facilitate reduction of places of fixed stars; prepared for use of American ephemeris and nautical almanac. [1st edition.] Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, 1869. Same. 2d edition. 1873. See, for Star lists, 1909 and 1910, supplements to American ephemeris, N11.5:9093, 910 ». Venus. Tables of Venus, prepared for use of American ephemeris and nautical almanac; by George W. Hill. Bureau ol Navigation, Washington, 1872. 4» Same. Bureau of Navigation, Washington, 1872. 4* [Cover bears date 1873.] —11 49 770 Classiftcation no. Nil. 10: (date) Nil. NAUTICAL ALMANAC OFFICE— Continued Atlantic coaster's nautical almanac 8« and large 8« American coaster's nautical almanac 1884 [2232-41] Atlantic coaster's nautical almanac 1885 1889 1886 1890 1887 1891 1888 1892 [Discontinued.] N12. NAVAL, ACADEMY [Prior to 1845. various efforts had been made by the Navy Department for the instruction of midshipmen in naval science, etc., and several small schools had been conducted in different places, the principal ones being at Boston, New York, Norfolk, and one in connection with the Naval Asylum at Philadelphia These were finally consolidated to form the Naval School which was formally opened at Annapolis, Md,, Under a reorganization which went into effect July 1, 1850, the name was changed to Naval Academy, and the institution was placed under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, immediate supervision being exercised, as before, by a superintendent; provision was also made for a board of visitors to inspect the school annually and to report upon its condition to the Secretarv of the Navy. The Academy was removed to Newport, R. I. , in May, 1861, and returned to Annapolis in the summer of 1865 by act approved May 21, 1864. When the Bureau of Navigation was established, Julv 5, 1862, the Academy was placed under its jurisdiction. On Mar. 1, 1867, it was placed under the direct supervision of the Navy Department, the administrative routine and financial management being still conducted through the Bureau of Navigation. On Mar . 1 1 , 1869, this official connection with the bureau ceased, but was renewed by a General order of the Navy Department issued June 25, 1889 See, for Historical sketch of Naval Academy, 1876, N12.2:H62.] N12.li: (date) N12.12: (date) N12.2: ., CUV €112 C113 C121 C122 C123 C731 C732 H62 M52 Annual reports of board of visitors Board of examiners 1851-65 (except 1861, none issued, and 1864, issued only as Congres- sional document [1209-5]), in annual reports of Navy Depart- ment (Nl.l:). Board of visitors 1866-1909 (except 1905), in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and usually issued separately also. Report for 1866 issuea also as Congressional document [1238-53]. 1905 issued separately only. Annual reports of superintendent [1852-1905 (except 1864, 1865, and 1868, none issued), in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and sometimes issued separately also. From 1866 to 1888, the report of the superintendent accompanied the report of the board of visitors. From 1889 to 1905, it was made to the Bureau of Navigation and formed part of its report. 1906-09, none issued.] General publications Cadets. List of vacancies for cadets at Naval Academy. Nov. 16, 1899. Same. June 8, 1900. Same. June 15, 1900. Calculus. Examples in integral calculus for cadets at Naval Academy. 1874. Calculus. Elements of differential calculus founded on method of rates or fluxions; bv J. Minot Rice and W. Woolsey Johnson. John Wiley & Son, New York, 1874. pt. 1. * Same. 1875. pt. 2. [Printed at Government Printing Office.] Compass. Naval Academy, 1863. Compass. Mathematical theory of deviations of compass, arranged for use of cadets at Naval Academy; by J. A. Howell. 1879. Historical sketch of Naval Academy, j)repared for Department of Edu- cation at International Exhibition [Philadelphia, Pa.] 1876; by James Russell Soley. 1876. Mental examination. General character of mental examination of can- didates for admission into Naval Academy as naval cadets, after 1898. Navy Department, Bureau of Navigation [1898]. 771 Glawilflcatlon no. N12.2: M66» M66» N22 Sel' . V^2 N12.3: (noe.) N12.4: (no8.) N12.5: (date beginning academic year) N12.6: 851 855 860 863 865 N12. NAVAIj ACADEMY— Continued General publications— Continued Minerals. Preliminary catalogue of minerak in cabinet of Naval Acad- emy, Annapolis, Md. 1877. Minerals. Catalogue [2] of [mineral] specimens added to cabinet of Naval Academy in 1878. 1879. Same [3], 1881. 1881. Navigation. Notes on navigation and determination of meridian dis- tances, for use of naval cadets. 1882. large 8" Seamanship. Questions in seamanship for use of instructors and students at Naval Academy. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., Dec. 4, 1872. * Same. Washington, 1879. * Same. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., Dec. 4, 1872 [repub- lished] Washington, Government Printing Office, 1882. Visitors. List of members of board of visitors to Naval Academy for 1902. Feb. 5, 1902. 12° Bulletins [None issued.] CirciQars [None issued.] Annual register [Issued at beginning of academic year. The number of the academic year was first printed in Annual register for 1865-66, and was reckoned from the reorganization m 1850, when the name of the institution was changed from Naval School to Naval Academy. Beginning with the year 1891-92, this number was amended by the addition of five years in order to make the reckoning begin from 1845, when the Naval School was first formally opened.] Official register of officers and acting midshipmen 1858, June 1859 * 1860 * 1861, Dec. 31 12« 1862 1863, Dec. 31 1864, Nov. 1 ,,„^,,,, Annual register 1865 1877 1889 1901 1866 1878 1890 1902 1867 1879 1891 1903 1868 1880 1892 1904 1869 * 1881 1893 1905 1870 * 1882 1894 1906 1871 * 1883 1895 1907 1872 1884 1896 1908 1873, Oct. 1 1885 1897 1909 1874 1886 1898 1875 * 1887 1899 1876 1888 1900 Regulations (general) Regulations for government of Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. Washington, C. Alexander, printer, 1851. [Copjr m Public Documents Library has tipped in at end 3 p. with title, Regula- tions for final examination of midshipmen, dated July 23, 1852.] I Regulations of Naval Academy at AnnajDolis, Md. Washington^ ! A. O. P. Nicholson, printer, 1855. [Title on cover is: 1 regulations of Naval Academy, 1855.] Same. Washington, Geo. W. Bowman, printer, 1860. Regulations of Naval Academy at . Jan. 1863. Same. Jan. 1865. illlllglOU, Re vised 772 Classification no. N12.6 876 887 895^ 8952 901 906 907 909 N12.7: (date) N12.8^: (date of latest exam.) N12.8 2: (dates of academic year) N12. NAVAIi ACADEMY— Continued Regulations (general) — Continued Regulations of Naval Academy as approved by Secretary of Navy, Mar. 4, 1869. 1869. Same, Jan. 1, 1876. 1876. Same, Oct. 1, 1887. 1887. Same. 1895. 12« Regulations for interior discipline and government of Naval Academy. 1895. 12* * Same. 1901. 12« Regulations of Naval Academy, interior discipline and government. 1906. 12* Same. 1907. 12« Regulations of Naval Academy. 1909. 12* Regulations governing admission of candidates into Naval Academy as midshipmen [Under the act of July 15, 1870, the title of students at the Naval Academy was changed from midshipmen to cadet midshipmen. The title was again changed by act of Aug. 5, 1882, to naval cadets. The act making appropriations for naval service approved July 1, 1902, provided that the title naval cadet be changed back to midshipmen.] Regulations governing admission of candidates into Naval Academy as cadet-midshipmen 1874? [Has cover-title, 16 p.; includes questions used in examination held June 6 and 7, 1873; signed by Geo, M. Robeson, Secretary of Navy. Published probably not earlier than 1874, but may have been as late as 1877, Robeson's service as Secretary having terminated Mar. 12, 1877.] Regulations governing admission of candidates into Naval Academy as naval cadets 1885 1898, Aug. 3 1888 1899, Sept. 1894, Aug. 17 1900, June 1895, July 16 1901, May 1897, Jan. 20 Same, with additions 1898, Feb. 9 Sept. 26 Regulations governing admission of candidates into Naval Academy as midshipmen 1903, Mar. 1906, July 1904, ?uly 1908} [None issued.] 1905, Mar. 1909, Mar. Examination papers for admission [In these pamphlets are reprinted the questions given in the various series of exam- inations. There are usually two series of examinations each year and the number- ing has been consecutive beginning with Aug. 1901.J I 1902, series 1-4, Aug. 1901-Sept. 1902 1903, series l-A, 6-8, Aug. 1901-June, 1903 1904, series 1-4, 6-10, Aug. 1901-June, 1904 1905, series 1-4, 6-12, Aug. 1901-June, 1905 * 1906, series 1-4, 6-14, Aug. 1901-June, 1906 1907, series 3-4, 6-16, Aug. 1902-June, 1907 1908, series 3^, 6-18, Aug. 1902-June, 1908 [No separate print containing examinations to June, 1909, received in Public Docu- ments Library.] 1910, series 8-22, June, 1903^une, 1910 Examination papers [for promotion] 1881-82 773 N13. NAVAL INTBIiIilGENCE OFFICE Established !)>• order Issued by Sefretury of Navy, Mar. '23, 1882, us part of Bureau of Navigation. De- tached from Bureau of NaviKalion beninniiiK Dec. 1, 19()9, by order of Secretary of Navy {see p. 3 of Cajottgesin Navy regulations, 1909, no. tt, Nl.ll«: 909«).] ClMslflcatlon N13.1: (date) N13.2: C63> C632 C633 C63* C63» C63« F76 F92 N22 Sh6 Sp3 N13.3: (nos.) N13.4: (nos.) N13.5: (nos.) Annual reports [1898-1905, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:). 190f>-09, no regular signed reports issued, the Naval Intelligence OfTlce being noted In the reports of the Bureau of Navigation, as part of the worlc of that bureau.] General publications Coaling, docking, and repairing facilities of ports of the world, with analyses of different kinds of coal. [2d edition.] 1888. [See^ for 1st edition, [2261-26].] Same. 3d edition. 1892. Same, corrections for 3d edition. Dec. 1895. Same. 4th edition. 1900. Same, supplement to 4th edition. Jan. 1, 1905. Coaling, docking, and repairing facilities of ports of the world. 5th edition. 1909. [Tests and analyses of coal omitted from this edition.] Foreign services. Office of Naval Intelligence [1882?]. Contents: Personnel and duty in [British] navy, from Revue maritime et coloniale, P. de Cornulier; translated oy A. G. Berry. French administrative services [Light-House Service, Revenue Marine, and Life Saving Service; by A. G. Berry?]. Frontier. Study of exposed points on our frontier, lines of communi- cation and possible bases of hostile operation ; [by W. H . Beehler] . 1885. 40 Navies. Information concerning some of principal navies of the world [with list of references]. Apr. 1909. Ships of war. Characteristics of principal foreign ships of war; [by Wainwright Kellogg and J. C. Colwell]. 1885. 4° Spezia. Extracts from report of permanent committee on experiments with 48-cm. armor-plates at Spezia [Italy]; translated from Revista marittima by A. G. Berry. Office of Naval Intelligence, Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, 1883. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] General information series, Information from abroad [Nos. 1 and 2 issued in 1883. Issued as an annual from 1884 to 1902, usuallj' in June or July, title of latest issues being Notes on naval progress. For nos. 16, 17, 18, Oct. 189G-NOV. 1899, the plan was adopted of publishing the information in parts, each part being issued whenever sufficient information had been collected to warrant publication.] n 15 16, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Same, pt. 4 17, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 18, pt. 1 Apr. 1899 Same [pt. 2] Nov. 1899 19 20 21 [Disoontinned. 774 Sa5 Sp2 N13.7: (nos.) N13.8: (nos.) translated 1883. * Classification N13. NAVAL. INTELLIGENCE OFFICE— Continued N13.6: Information from abroad (unnumbered) B77 British navy. Information from abroad [British navy: Distribution and mobilization, reorganization scheme, plans of Admiralty, memorandum by Lord Selborne; New scheme for reorganization of British navy, notes and elucidations, by L. Cope Cornford]. n. p. [1905]. Santiago, Cuba. Battles and capitulation of Santiago de Cuba, by Jos6 Miiller y Tejeiro ; translated from Spanish . 1898 . [Partial trans- lation. See, for completed translation, N13.7:l.] Spanish navy. Views of Admiral Cervera regarding Spanish navy in late war. Nov. 1898. [From ' ' La Epoca, ' ' Madrid, Nov. 5, 1898. See, for documents published by Admiral Cervera, N13.7:7.] War notes, Information from abroad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1-8 [In 1 v., with title, Notes on Spanish- American War.] [3876-388] [No more issued.] War series, Information from abroad [1] Operations of French navy during recent war with Tunis ; from L' Annee maritime, 1880-81, by M. Fisher Wright. Same. 1883[reprint]1885. [2316-31] 2 1883. * Same. 1883[reprint]1885. [2316-30] 3 [pt. 1, text]. 1883. Same [pt. 2, plates], [1883.] Same [text and plates in Iv.]. 1883[reprint]1885. [2316-29] 4 1893 [Not in Congressional set.] [No more issued.] N14. NAVAL OBSERVATORY t [In 1830, there was established in Washington a bureau known as the Depot of Charts and Instruments, for the care of the instruments, charts, etc., of the Navy. One of the duties of the officers connected with this depot was the careful rating by means of astronomical observations of all clironoraeters belong- ing to the Navy, and from 1838, regular series of observations were recorded. The first appropriation was made Aug. 31, 1842 (Stat. L. v. 5, p. 576). From 1844 to 1854 the names National Observatory and United States Naval Observatory were used interchangeably. In Dec. 1854, the Secretary of the Navy directed that the institution be styled United States Naval Observatory and Hydrographical Office, and it was known as such until the establisliment in 1866 of the Hydrographic Office (N6.), after which the hydrographic and astronomical branches of the work were definitely separated. Since 1866, the official name has been United States Naval Observatory. When the Bureau of Ordnance and Hj^drography, now Ordnance Bureau (N18.), was organized under act of Aug. 31, 1842, the Secretary of the Navy, by an order dated Nov. 26, 1842, directed that the Depot of Charts and Instruments be attached to that Bureau as its hydrographic branch. Under another act of reorganization passed July 5, 18S2, the Depot and Observatory, by that time known as United States Naval Observatory and Hydrographical Office, was detached from the Bureau of Ordnance and transferred to the newly organized Bureau of Navigation (N17.). The Hydrographic Office was separated from the Observatory, as noted above, in 1866, and the latter, now known as Naval Observatory, was transferred to the Bureau of Equipment, July 1, 1889. J] t A "List of publications issued by Naval Observatory, 1845-1908," appeared in 1911 as appendix 3 to v. 6 of Publications of Naval Observatory, 2d series, and was issued separately also. Volume 6 and its appendix are classed in the Public Docu- ments Library under N14.6:6 and N14.6a:P96, respectively, but are omitted from this Checklist because it ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. t Transferred to Bureau of Navigation, July 1, 1910, by Changes in Navy regula- tions, 1909, no. 11, issued by Secretary of Navy, June 27, 1910, in pursuance of naval appropriation act approved June 24, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 613), which abol- ished the Bureau of Equipment; see also footnote on p. 703. 775 ClMRlflratlon no. N14.1': (date) (CT) N14.12: (date) N14.2: AbS^ Ab8» Ab83 Ab8* Ab8« At6 Ec62 In7 In8 M35» M352 M531 M532 M56 ^14. NAVAIi OBSERVATORY— Continued Annual reports of superintendent 11847-1905 (except 1848-60, 1864, 18G2, none Issued, and 1902). In annual reporta of Navy Department (Nl.l:). 1902 report appears in annual report of Equipment Bureau, 1902 (N5.1:W)2). 1S4<), 1809-92, also in Washington observations, 1845, 18e»-92 (N14.5:). Also Issued separately for 1878, 1884-94, 1897-1905. No sepa- rates for 1895 and lS92) were issued in 1848. Following the distribution of these, he began to receive data from merchantmen which caused him to immediately begin his work anew, on the same plan that was continued down to the end of his con- nection with the Observatory in 1861. The first of the sailing directions which he issued after the reorganization of his work was the first edition of the Notice to mariners (N14.2:N84i), the manuscript of which was submitted to the Navy Department in Dec. 1849, and published Jan. 1850. The 2d edition appeared in the summer of 1850, with the cover-title, "Maury's sailing directions." In 1851 came the [3d edition] of the Explanations and sailing directions to accompany Wind and current charts (N14.9:); this includes on p. 215-315 all of the matter found in the 2d edition of the Notice to mariners (N14.2:N842) with additions and some changes. The 4th-8th editions of the Explanations and sailing direc- tions followed at short intervals; see N14.9:] Refraction tables. Naval Observatory, 1887. ^ Refrtictions. Auxiliary table for computing refractions, n. p. n. d. Regulations for government of Naval Observatory, n. p. [Sept. 1894]. Regulations of Naval Observatory, n. p. Apr. 21, 1894. Seal. Explanation of seal of Naval Observatory, n. p. n. d, [Also in Washington observations, 1865 (N 14. 5:865).] Time signals. Notice of special series of midnight telegraphic time sig- nals to be sent out by Naval Observatory on May 3, 1905. Mar, 31, 1905. 4« West India cyclone. Discussion of West India cyclone of Oct. 29 and 30, 1867; by J. R. Eastman. 1868. Zones of stars observed at National Observatory, Washington, v. 1, pt. 1: Zones observed with meridian circle in 1846. Washington, G. W. Bowman, 1860. 4° [No more published.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] WasMngton observations (Publications of Naval Observa- tory, 1st series) 4° [This set known as Washington observations, appearing with varying titles as indi- cated below, is the 1st series of Publications of Naval Observatory, ending with 1892. The volume of Astronomical observations, 1838-42, was compiled at the Depot of Charts and Instruments by Lieutenant J. M. Gilliss, before the Naval Observa- tory as such had been established. In assigning volume numbers to the set of Washington observations, the issue for 1838-42 seems to have been disregarded, v. 1 to v. 5 appearing on the title-pages, but not on the back-titles, for the 5 volumes covering the years from 1845 to the combined issue for 1849 and 1850, respectively. Volume numbers were omitted thereafter until 1875. From 1875 to 1882 the volumes are numbered on the backs only, as v. 22-29, respectively. No others of the first set carry volume numbers. When the practice of numbering was resumed in 1875, one number was skipped. This gap is explained by assuming that a volume number was assigned to the observations for the years 1853-60, which appeared as appendix 2 to the annual volume for 1871. 1845-80, not in Congressional set.] Astronomical observations 1838^2 8° [459-172] [Compiled by Depot of Charts and Instru- ments. See, for the companion volume, Magnetical and meteoro- logical observations, 1838-42, [460-172].] 1845 1846 1847 1848 77: ClMslflcation no. N14.5: (date) (date) N14.5«-: (date) N14.5«^: (CT) N14.6: (v. nos.) N14. NAVAL OBSERVATORY— Continued Washington observations (Publications of Naval Obeerva- tory, Iflt series)— Continued Astronomical observations — Continued 1849 and 1850 1851 and 1852 1853-60 See 1871, appendix 2. Astronomical and meteorological observations 1861 1870 1878 1862 1871 1879 1863 1872 1880 1864 1873 1881 [2271-711 1865 1874 1882 [2272-72] 1866 1875 1867 1876, pt. 1 1868 Same, pt. 2 1869 1877 Observations 1883 [2348-152 1884 '2672-148 1885 2797-257 1886 2882-132 1887 2960-11] 1888 2996-256] 1889 3133-U5] Astronomical, magnetic, and meteorological observations 1890 [3424-219] 1891 ai id 1892 [4018-738, 739] Washington observations (separates; Meteorological observa- tions) [See, for Magnetical and meteorological observations, 1838-42, [460-172]. Meteorological observations, 1842-Jan. 1, 1867, were published as appendix 1 of Wash- ington observations, 1866 (N14.5:866), which was also issued separately. From 1861 to 1892, the observations for each year appeared in the corresponding volumes of Washington observations (except 1883-87, all in Washington observations, 1887, as appendix 3). The Meteorological observations were also printed sepa- rately for 1872-83 (each year separately), 1883-87 (in one publication), 1888-90 (each year separately), 1891 and 1892 (in one publication). See, for Meteorological observations and results, 1893-1902, Publications of Naval Observatory, 2d series, v. 5 (N14.6:5). No more published.] Washington observations (separates; Magnetic observations) [See, for Magnetical and meteorological observations, 1838-42. [460-172]. Magnetic observations for 1888-89 (in one report), and for each year 1890-92 were Sublishcd in various volumes of Washington observations (N14.5:) as appen- ixes thereto, and were also issued separately. There were no magnetic obser- vations made during 1893 owing to the removal of the instruments from the old to the new observatory site. The Magnetic observations for 1894 were published separately as "Washington observations, 1894, appendix 1." There is no volume of "Washington observa- tions, 1894," as the plan of publication was changed (nee note at head of N14.6:), and the Magnetic observations for 1894 do not appear in any collected volume. Discontinued.] Washington observations (separates; miscellaneous) Publications of Naval Observatory, 2d series 4'* [With the beginning of the 2d series, this set is no longer known as Washington observations. The former custom of issuing the volumes annually was changed, the 2d series being volumed and appearing at irregular intervals depending upon the kind and amount of material available. The new series began after the removal from the old site and the remounting of the instruments at the new observatory.] V. 1 [4158-242 V. 2 4363-430 V. 3 [4528-355' V. 4, pts. 1-3 [5041-842] Same, pt. 4 [5042-842] V. 5 [5043-843] 778 Classlflcation no. N14.6«: (CT) N14.7: 868 879 N14:.8: (CT) N14.9: (ed. nos.) N14.10: NM.IO^: AN 2 N14. NAVAL OBSERVATORY— Continued Publications of Naval Observatory, 2d series (separates) Library catalogues Catalogue of library, Naval Observatory. 1868. 4* Catalogue of librarjr of Naval Observatory, Washington, pt. 1: Astro- nomical bibliography^; by Edward S. Holden. 1879. A^ [No other parts ever published.] Maps and cliarts [Some of the first charts for the use of navigators published by the United States Government were issued by the Depot of Charts and Instruments in 1835. Many others, both lithographed and engraved, were issued between that date and 1866. when the Naval Observatory and the Tlydrographic Office were sepa- rated, the publication of such charts* after that time being carried on by the Hydrographic Office (N6.).] See.ioT catalogues of charts issued by Naval Observatory and Hydrographical Office, N14.12: See, for Wind and current charts, N14.10^ ": See, for later charts issued by Hydrographic Office, N6.18: Explanations and sailing directions to accom- pany Wind and current cliarts (Maury) [The identity of the 1st and 2d editions is uncertain, but it is probable that Maury considered the two editions of his Notice to mariners (N14.2:N84 ''2) to be the 1st and 2d editions of his Explanations and sailing directions; see, for further infonnation, entries and note under N14.2:N84i> ^.] [3d edition.] Washington, C. Alexander, printer, 1851. 4" 4th edition. Washington, C. Alexander, printer, 1852. 4* 5th edition. Washington, C. Alexander, printer, 1853. 4° 6th edition. Philadelphia, E. C. and J. Biddle, 1854. 4» 7th edition. Philadelphia, E. C. and J. Biddle, 1855. 4» 8th edition, v. 1. Washington, William A. Harris, printer, 1858. 4° Same, v. 2. Washington, Cornelius Wendell, printer, 1859. 4° Wind and current cliarts [None ot" the "Wind and current charts are in the Public Documents Library, and information concerning that part of the set which has not been examined has been obtained from v. 2 of 8th edition of Explanations and sailing directions to accompany Wind and current charts, p. 873 (N14.9:8 2); from Catalogue of charts and books published by Hydrographic Office, 1871, p. 80 (N6.5:871); and from List of publications issued by Naval Observatory, 1845-1908. which appeared in 1911 as reprint of Publications of Naval Observatory' 2d series, v. 6, app. 3. Of the 129 marginal numbers assigned to Wind and current charts, as indicated in the lists below (N14.10 i-^:), nos. 26-30, 39-42, 44, 45, 49, 76, and 77 were not issued. Numbers 83-115, 121-124, 126-128 are still unaccounted for, the proba- bilities being that the missing numbers were originally assigned as follows: 83-115, to 11 Thermal sheets for the north Pacific Ocean, 11 Thermal sheets for the Indian Ocean, and 11 Thermal sheets for the south Pacific Ocean; 121-124, to 4 sheets for a Physical map of the ocean; 126 and 127, to the Trade wind charts for the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, of which the former actually ap- peared though without marginal number; and 128, to the Storm and rain chart for the south Pacific Ocean. There is printed information to the effect that work on the Thermal sheets for the north Pacific and the Indian oceans, the Physical map of the ocean, and the Storm and rain chart for the south Pacific Ocean had been actually begun; but no information is at hand about the Thermal sheets for the south Pacific Ocean and the Trade wind chart for the Pacific Ocean, the marginal numbers for these being only conjectured.] See, for Explanations and sailing directions to accompany Wind and current charts, N14.9: See, for Maury's Wind and current charts, gales in the Atlantic* N14.2:At6. Wind and current charts, series A, [Track charts] (Maury) 35.3 X 24.1 in. Atlantic Ocean, North, sheet 1 3 editions (Marginal no. 1.) * Same, sheet 2 3 editions (Marginal no. 2.) * 779 CiMslfleatlon no. Nil. 10': AN3 AN* AN^ AN* AN^ AN« AS» AS- AS^ AS* N14. NAVAL OBSERVATORY- (ontiniicKl I* I* I« 17 I« I» 110 111 PN' PN3 PN* PN6 PN« PN^ PN« PN» PNio PN» PS' PS 8 PS» PS 10 N14.10 2: A I Wind and cucrent charts, series A, [Track cliartsj (Maury) — ('ontinued (Mortal no. 3.) * (Marginal no. 4.) * (Marginal no. 5.) * (Marginal no. 6.) * (Marginal no. 7.) * (Marginal no. 8.) * 2 editions (Marginal no. 22.) * 3 editioDB 3 editions 3 editions 3 editions 3 editions 3 editions Same, sheet 3 Same, sheet 4 Same, shdi&t 5 Same, sheet 6 Same, sheet 7 Same, sheet 8 Atlantic Ocean, South, sheet Same, sheet 2 2 editions Same, sheet 3 Same, sheet 4 Same, sheet 5 Same, sheet 6 (Marginal no. 23.) (Marginal no. 24.) * Same, sheet Same, sheet Same, sheet Same, sheet Same, sheet Same, sheet Same, sheet Same, sheet 10 Same, sheet 11 [Not issued.] [Not issued.] 2 editions (Marginal no. 25.) (Marginal no. 26.) (Marginal no. 27.) Indian Ocean, sheet 1 (Marginal no. 28.) [Not issued.] Same, sheet 2 (Marginal no. 29.)] (Marginal no. 30.) | (Marginal no. 31.) * (Marginal no. 32.) * (Marginal no. 33.) * (Marginal no. 34.) * (Marginal no. 35.) * (Marginal no. 36.) * (Marginal no. 37.) * (Marginal no. 38.) * Pacific Ocean, North, sheet 1 (Marginal no. 49.) [Not issued.] Same, sheet 2 (Marginal no. 50.) * (Marginal no. 51.) * (Marginal no. 52.) * (Marginal no. 53.) * (Marginal no. 54.) * (Marginal no. 55.) * (Marginal no. 56.) * (Marginal no. 57.) * (Marginal no. 58.) * (Marginal no. 59.) * Pacific Ocean, South, sheet 1 (Marginal no. 39.) [Not issued.] Same, sheet 2 (Marginal no. 40.)] Same, sheet 3 (Marginal no. 41.) Same, sheet 4 (Marginal no. 42. )J Same, sheet 5 (Marginal no. 43.) Same, sheet 6 (Marginal no. 44.)] Same, sheet 7 (Marginal no. 45.) | Same, sheet 8 (Marginal no. 46.) Same, sheet 9 (Marginal no. 47.) Same, sheet 10 (Marginal no. 48.) Wind and current charts, charts (Maury) Atlantic Ocean 2 editions 35.3 X 24.1 in. (Marginal no. 126 or 127?) * Indian Ocean 17.3 X 35.4 in. (Marginal no. 125.) * Same, sheet Same, sheet Same, sheet Same, sheet Same, sheet Same, sheet 8 Same, sheet 9 Same, sheet 10 Same, sheet 11 [Not issued. [Not issued. series B, Trade wind 780 Classification no. Nli.lO^: AN 2 AS» AS 2 B H2 IN ^'2 PN^ PN2 PN3 PN* PN5 PN« PS> PS 2 PS 3 PS^ PS'^ PS« Nli.lO*: AN^ AN 2 AN 3 AN* AN'^ AN« AN 7 AN 8 AS» AS 2 AS 3 AS* AN AS PN N14. NAVAL OBSERVATORY— Continued [Wind and current charts] series C, Pilot charts (Maury) 35.3 X 24.1 in. Atlantic Ocean, North, sheet 1 3 editions (Marginal no. 9.) * Same, sheet 2 3 editions (Marginal no. 10.) * Atlantic Ocean, South, sheet 1 3 editions (Marginal no. 12.) * Same, sheet 2 2 editions (Marginal no. 13.) * Brazil (Marginal no. 11.) * Horn, Cape, sheet 1 (Marginal no. 117.) * Same, sheet 2 (Marginal no. 118.) * Indian Ocean, North, sheet 1 and 2 (Marginal no. 66 and 67.) * [Supersedes sheets 1 and 2 of North Pacific Ocean; see N14.10^: [Included under South Pacific Ocean; PN^andNH.lO^iPN^.] Indian Ocean, South, sheets 1^ s€eN14.103:PSi-*.] Pacific Ocean, North, sheet 1 edition, N14.103:IN^ 2.] Same, sheet 2 (Marginal no. 67.) [See, for later IN^2.] Same, sheet 3 Same, sheet 4 Same, sheet 5 Same, sheet 6 (Marginal no. 66.) * [See, for later edition, NM.IO^: (Marginal no. 63.) (Marginal no. 64.) (Marginal no. 68.) * (Marginal no. 69.) * (Marginal no. 70.) * (Marginal no. 71.) * Pacific Ocean, South, sheet 1 (Marginal no. 60.) ■* Same, sheet 2 (Marginal no. 61.) * Same, sheet 3 2 editions (Marginal no. 62.) * Same, sheet [4?] sheet 1?] Same, sheet [5?] sheet 2?] Same, sheet 6 (Marginal no. 65.) * Wind and current charts, sheets (Maury) 35.3 X 24.1 in. Atlantic Ocean, North, sheet 1 2 editions Same, sheet 2 (Marginal no. 15.) * (Marginal no. 16.) * (Marginal no. 17.) * (Marginal no. 18.) * (Marginal no. 19.) * (Marginal no. 20.) * (Marginal no. 21.) * (Marginal no. 72.) * [Erroneously numbered * [Erroneously numbered series D, Thermal (Marginal no. 14.) * Same, sheet 3 Same, sheet 4 Same, sheet 5 Same, sheet 6 Same, sheet 7 Same, sheet 8 Atlantic Ocean, South, sheet 1 Same, sheet 2 (Marginal no. Same, sheet 3 (Marginal no. Same, sheet 4 (Marginal no. Same, sheet 5 (Marginal no. Same, sheet 6 73.) 74.) 75.) 76.) (Marginal no. 77.) [Not issued.] E, [Wind and current charts] series rain charts (Maury) 35.3 X 24.1 in. Atlantic Ocean, North (Marginal no. 119.) * Atlantic Ocean, South (Marginal no. 120.) * Pacific Ocean, North (Marginal no. 129.) marginal number used.] Pacific Ocean, South [None issued?] * Storm and [129 is probably the last 781 Classlllcatloa no. N14.10*: P94» P943 W89» W892 W893 W89* N14.10': F85 N14.il: (no8.) N14.12 866 N14. NAVAL OBSERVATORY— Continued [Wind and current charts] series F, Wliale charts (Maury) [Programmo whale] chart showing favorite resort of Rperm and right whale, by M. F. Maury; constructed from Maury's Whale chart of the world, bv Robert H. Wyman. 1853. 23.4 X 36.6 in. (Marginal no. 78.) * Same. 1853, re-engraved 1859. 23.4 X 36.6 in. (Marginal no. 78.) * World. Whale chart of the world, sheet 1 24.4 X 35.8 in. (Marginal no. 79.) * Same, sheet 2 24.4 X 35.8 in. (Marginal no. 80.) * Same, sheet 3 24.4 X 35.8 in. (Marginal no. 81.) * Same, sheet 4 24.4 X 35.8 in. (Marginal no. 82.) * Wind and current charts (miscellaneous) Franklin, Sir John. Chart illustrative of cruise of American Arctic expedition in search of Sir John Franklin in 1850 and 1851, fitted out by Henry Grinnell, commanded by E. J. DeHaven, brie Advance, Lieut. DeHaven, sch'r Rescue, S. P. Griffin; compiled by Geo. P. Welsh under direction of M. F. Maury from materials in Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography. [1853?] 23.6 X 25 in. (Marginal no. 116.) * Nautical monographs (Maiu-y) 1 2 * 3 rlj [Issued by Hydrographic Office; see N6.10:4, 5.] Catalogues of charts [The publication listed below is the only one of the lists of charts issued under Naval ODservatory and Hydrographical Office which is in the Public Documents Library.) Catalogue of charts. 40 Hydrographical Office, W^ashington, Jan. 1856. N15. NAVAL, WAR COLUEGE [Established by Navy Department General order 325, Oct. 0, 1884, which placed the college under the Bureau of Navigation. The old Poor House on Coaster's Harbor Island, Newport, R. I., was assigned to Its use. The first college term opened Sept. 3, 1885. By naval appropriation act approved Sept. 7, 1888 (Stat. L. v. 25, p. 459), the Secretary of the Navy was "authorized to consolidate and place under one command the Torpedo Station and the Naval War College at Newport^ R. I., after said date [Jan. 1 , 1889]." By Navy Department General order 365, Jan. 11, 1889, the consolidation was made, the wording of a por- tion of the order being as follows: "The institution on Coaster's Harbor Island, in the harbor of Newport, Rhode Island, known as the 'Naval War College,' is hereby consolidated with, and made a part 01, the Torpedo Station on Goat Island, in said harbor, which station, as consolidated, will hereafter be known asthe ' Naval Torpedo Station and War College,' and is placed under the command of the officer in charge of the torpedo station." The college, by that order, was transferred from the Bureau of Navigation to the Bureau of Ordnance. The same order transferred the library and movable property belonging to the college to the Naval Tori)edo Station and War College on Goat Island near by. while the building on Coaster's Harbor Island, formerly occupied by the college, passed to the control ol^the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting for the use of the Naval Training Station. By the naval appropriation act approved Mar. 2, 1889 (Stat. L. v. 25, p. 812), $100,000 became available for erecting and furnishing a new building for use by the Naval Torpedo Station and W^ar College. As that act made no definite provision for its location, the Secretary of the Navy delayed undertaking the con- struction, and on p. 30 of his annual report for 1889 (Nl.l:889 ») opposed its erection on Goat Island, recom- mendine Instead Coaster's Harbor Island. He also recommended on p. 37 of the same report that the college should not be attached to the Bureau of Ordnance, but to the Bureau of Navigation. In accord- ance with these recommendations, the next appropriation act, that of June 30, 1890 (Stat. L. v. 26, p. 190) included the " Naval War College and Torpedo School, on Coaster's Harbor Island," under the Bureau of Navigation, and authorized the Secretary of the Navy to erect the new building on Coaster's Harbor Idand. The act became effective July 1, 1890, and this date marks the severance of the connection between the college and the Naval Torpedo Station, the latter remaining then, as now, on Goat Island. The two establishments should not be confused. There was no session of the college in 1890, nor in 1891. On Sept. 1 , 1892, the college was reopened in Its new quarters on Coaster's Harbor Island. There was no session for 1893. T82 N15. NAVAL WAR COLLEGE— Continued Another radical change in the administration of the college came with Navy Department General order 421, Mar. 14, 1894, which consolidated all three establishments at Newport, namely (1) the Naval Training Station, (2) the Naval War College and Torpedo School, and (3) the Naval Torpedo Station. The three establishments so consolidated formed one command, known as the Naval Station, Newport, R. I. The officer commanding the Naval Training Station was designated as the commandant of the Naval Station. General order 496, dated Aug. 16,1898, effective Oct. 1, 1898, revoked the consolidation order of Mar. 14, 1894, and restored the establishments to the same footing which had existed prior to 1894. j In 1898, the year of the War with Spain, there was no session of the college. For some time prior to Dec. 16, 1901, the college was directly under the control of the assistant Secretary of the Navy; on Dec. 16, 1901, by Navy Department General order 74, dated Dec. 13, 1901, the college was placed again under the Bureau of Navigation. Beginning with Dec. 1, 1909, by order of the Secretary of the Navy (see p. 3 of Changes in Navy regulations, 1909, no. 6, Nl.ll 2:909 6), the Naval War College was detached from the Bureau of Navigation. Several changes have been made in the name of the college. From its organization in 1884 to Jan. 11, 1889, the name was " Naval War College;" from Jan. 11, 1889 to July 1, 1890, it became by consolidation a part of the "Naval Torpedo Station and War College;" for several years after 1890 either the form "Naval War College and Torpedo School" or "Naval War College" was used, but of recent years the authorized form has been "Naval War College."] Classlflcation no. N15.1: (date) N15.2: In8 R24 N15.3: (no8.) N15.4: (nos.) N15.5: (date) N16.6: B41 C83 C84 G62 Hll» H112 Annual reports [1885-1905 (except 1891-93, 1898, and 1899, none issued), in annual reports of Navy Department (Nil:), but not issued separately. 1906-09, none Issued.] General publications International law, recent Supreme Court decisions and other opinions and precedents. 1904. Reconnaissance, Naval. Naval reconnaissance, instructions for recon- naissance of bays, harbors, and adjacent country; by Dion Wil- liams. 1906. iaige 8° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Abstract of course 1894 1899 1895 1900 1896 1901 1897 1902 1898 [None issued.] 1903 [Discontinued.] Addresses and lectures Belknap, G. E. Some aspects of naval administration in war, with its attendant belongings of peace, address delivered July 30, 1897, by G. E. Belknap. 1897. Coudert, Frederic R. International law, rights of ships, lecture deliv- ered by Frederic R. Coudert, Oct. 2, 1895. n. p. [1895?]. Cramp, Charles H. Necessity of experience to efficiency, address by Charles H. Cramp, delivered June 18, 1897. 1897. Goodrich, C. F. Closing address of president of War College, C. F. Goodrich, delivered Sept. 15, 1897. 1897. Hackett, Frank W. Address delivered before Naval War College, Newport, R. I., at annual opening, June 2, 1900, by Frank W. Hackett. 1900. Same, at annual opening, June 3, 1901, by Frank Warren Hackett. 1901. fThe historical note concerning the Naval War College has been compiled from Rear- Admiral Stephen B. Luce's article on the "U. S. Naval War College," pub- lished in the United States Naval Institute Proceedings, v. 36, no. 2, June, 1910, p. 559-586. This article and the concluding one by the same author in v. 36, no. 3, Sept. 1910, contain further historical information concerning the college. The magazine, not being a public document, is not entered in this Checklist. 783 Clktuilflcfttion no. N15.6i H41 K15 L36 L661 L662 Mill Mil 2 R67 Sii6» Sn62 St6 St7 T21 W15 W691 W692 W88 N15.7: 895 896 897 899 900 901 902 N16. NAVAIj war college— Continued Addresses and lectures — Continued Herbert, Hilary A. Sea and sea power as factor in history of United States, address delivered by H. A. Herbert at Naval War College, Aug. 10, 1896. 1896. Kaason, John A. International arbitration, how and how far is it practicable? address delivered by John A. Kasson before Naval War College, Sept. 19, 1896. 1896. Lauchheimer, Charles H. Naval law and naval courts, [address deliv- ered] by Charles H Lauchheimer [at War College, Newport, R. I., Aug. 28 and 31, 1896]. 1896. Lippitt, Francis J. International law, rights of vessels in foreign ports, lecture delivered July 3, 1896, by Francis J. Lippett [Lippitt]. 1896. Lippitt, Francis J. International law, naval captures, lecture deliv- ered July 23, 1897, by Francis J. Lippitt. 1897. McAdoo, William. Opening address delivered by William McAdoo at Naval War College, June 4, 1895. [1895?] McAdoo, William. Address by William McAdoo, delivered at Naval Wa,T College, June 2, 1896. 1896. Roosevelt, Theodore. [Washington's forgotten maxim] address of Theodore Roosevelt before Naval War College, Newport, R. I., June 2, 1897. 1897. Snow, Freeman. International law, lectures delivered at Naval War College by Freeman Snow; prepared for publication by Charles H. Stockton. [Ist edition.] 1895. Same, with title. International law, manual based upon lectures delivered at Naval War College by Freeman Snow; prepared for publication by C. H. Stockton. 2d edition. 1898. Stockton, Charles H. Preparation for war, discussion of various ele- ments to be considered in formation of plans of operations and in study of campaigns, [address] by Charles H. Stockton, delivered at opening of Naval War College, Newport, R. I., May 31, 1899. 1899. Storey, Moorfield. Civilian's view of Navy, lecture delivered Sept. 6, 1897, by Moorfield Storey. 1897. Taylor, Henry Clay. [Relation of naval reserve to coast defense] address by H. C. Taylor, delivered before Ist naval battalion, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1895. [1895?] Walker, Asa. Combined maritime operations; by Asa Walker. 1899. Wilson, George G. Insurgency, lectures delivered at Naval War Col- lege, Newport, R. I., Aug. 1900, by George Grafton Wilson. 1900. Wilson, George G. Submarine telegraphic cables in their international relations, lectures delivered at Naval War College, Aug. 1901, by George Grafton Wilson. 1901. Woolsey, Theodore S. Right of search and its limitation in time of peace, lecture delivered at Naval War College, Aug. 4, 1896, by Theodore S. Woolsey. 1896. International law situations (annual discussions) International law. [1895.] International law situations [1896], discussions by officers in attendance. 1897. International law situations, 1897. 1898. [Confidential.] [None issued for 1898.] Same [without solutions] 1899. [1900?] Same, with solutions, 1900. 1900. Same, with solutions and notes, 1901. 1901. Same, with solutions and notes, 1902. 1903. 784 Classification no. N15.7: 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 N15. NAVAL WAR COLIiEGE— Continued International law situations (annual discussions)— Cont'd International law discussions, 1903, United States naval war code of 1900, [and] appendices. 1904. [See, for Naval war code as issued for use of Navy, N1.2: N22«.] International law situations, with solutions and notes, 1904. 1905. International law topics and discussions, 1905 [with appendix, Japa- nese regulations governing captures at sea]. 1906. Same, 1906 [with appendix, Convention for amelioration of condi- tion of wounded in armies in the field, Geneva, 1906]. 1907. International law situations, with solutions and notes, 1907 ; by George G.Wilson. 1908. Same, 1908 [with appendix, Final act and conventions of Hague Conference, 1907]. 1909. International law topics, declaration of London of Feb. 26, 1909. 1910. [English and French.] N16. LIBRARY AND NAVAL WAR RECORDS OFFICE [The first appointment of an officer in charge of "Library and War Records" was made June 9, 1882. The library at that time consisted of 7,000 books of little value, a large part of the number being relics of old ships' libraries which had been turned in as no longer serviceable. The first appropriation "for professional books for Department Library" was carried in act approved Aug. 5, 1882. Soon after this, the compilation of naval war records (see N16.6:) was begun in tne Library, and specific appropriation for carrying on the work was made by act approved July 7, 1884, and succeeding acts. While the clerical force of the Library and of the Naval War Records Office are appropriated for separately, the two have always been under one head and are practically one office under the name " Office of Library and Naval War "Records." Although the word " Naval" has been used from the first to distinguish this office from the office in charge of army war records {see W45.), it was not regularly included in the name until about 1890. This office was under the Bureau of Navigation from its establishment until Oct. 21, 1889, when it was transferred by order of the Secretary, to the Secretary's Office.] N16.1: (date) N16.2: C76 N22 Un3i Un32 Un33 Una* Un3« N16.3: (nos.) N16.4:: (nos.) N16.5: (nos.) Annual reports [1889, in annual report of Navy Department (Nl.l:). 1890-92, no signed reports printed. 1893-1909, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and usually issued separately also.] General publications Confederate records. [Circular letter asking aid in procuring Con- federate records.] n. d. 4* Naval records. Circular [requesting that matter relating to Navy since its beginning be sent to Navy Department for safety and preservation]. Dec. 1, 1904. 12» Union and Confederate navies. [Concerning publication of] official records of Union and Confederate navies. Nov. 2, 1896. 4" Same [corrected]. Nov. 2, 1896. 4» Same. Jan. 15, 1903. 4» Same. Mar. 15, 1905. 4o Same. May 24, 1906. 4«' BiQletins [None issued.] Circulars [No numbered series of circulars has been issued. Certain announcements con- cerning the collection and publication of naval war records, which bear the word " Circular," are classed as general publications; see N16.2:] Office memoranda Same, reprint [Discontinued.] 785 CUMKtacatlon no. N16.6: (series and V. nos.) N16.71 891 901' 9012 905' 9052 905 3 905 < 906' 9062 907' 907 2 909 N16.8: (nos.) 1, V. 1 V. 2 V. 3 V. 4 V. 5 V. 6 V. 7 V. 8 V. 9 V. 10 V. 11 Series 1, v. 12 [4161- 542 V. 13 4352- 283 V. 14 4353- 681 V. 15 4497- 156 V. 16 4498- 477 V. 17 4704- 404 V. 18 4705- 750 V. 19 4889- 459 V. 20 5025- 341 V. 21 5148- 25 V. 22 5451-1024 N16. lilBRARY AND NAVAL WAR RECORDS OFFICE— Continued Official records of Union and Confederate navies In War of Rebellion [or Naval war records] [The compilation of these records was begun In the Library soon after Its organiza- tion, ami Wius definitely appropriiited for by act of Jiify 7, 1884. The publica- tion and distribution were provided for by act ol July :il, 1894. J 3332- 58 3408- 36 3440-379 3515- 40 3573- 60 3682-262 3683-559 3823-286 3960-115 3961-735 4160-314, Catalogues and lists of American and foreign annuals and periodicals [Issued at irregular intervals.] Alphabetical catalogue of Navy Department Library, authors. 1891. large 8° Supplement to catalogue of Navy Department Library, author and title alphabet, additions, Sept. 1892-Sept. 1895. 1896. large 8* Foreign annuals, n. p. July, 1901. narrow 8" Foreign periodicals, n. p. July, 1901. Foreign annuals, n. p. July, 1905. Foreign periodicals, n. p. July, 1905. American periodicals, n. p. July, 1905. American annuals, n. p. July, 1905. American periodicals, n. p. July, 1906. Foreign periodicals, n. p. July, 1906. American periodicals, n. p. July, 1907. Foreign periodicals, n. p. July, 1907. [None issued in 1908.] Foreign annuals, n. p. July, 1909. Accessions to Navy Department Library (semiannual) 1 10 19 2 11 20 3 12 21 4 13 22 5 14 23 6 15 24 7 16 25 8 17 9 18 N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU fEstablished by act to reorganize Navy Department approved July 5, 1862 (Stat. L. v. 12, p. 610).] N17.1: Annual reports (date) (1862-1909, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and usually issued sepa- ' rately also. The Movements of vessels which of recent years, up to and Including 1909, has appeared as Appendix A of the annual report, w;is in 1!K)4 omitted from the report, both as it appeared In amiual reports of Navy Department (XI. 1:904) and as issued separately (N17.1:904). This was printed without appendix letter In 1910, bearing title. Appendix to annual report of chief of Bureau of Naviga- tion, fiscal year 1904.] 82452°— 11 50 786 Classification no. N17.2: A15 Am3 Ap6 Ar7 At6» At62 C13 C58 C63 D67 E121 E122 E123 G951 G952 G953 G95* G95« G95« G957 G958 In8 It4 L23» L232 N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued General publications [Include here all such miscellaneous issues as are usually classed under General publications; also outline courses of instniction and for training classes, etc. ; and tables and general works on examination questions nnery and navigation. Certain publications of the Bureau of Navigation which bear 11. O. publication numbers or to which H. O. publication numbers have been assigned are classed with that series; see N6.8:] Allowances of articles under cognizance of Bureau of Navigation for vessels of Navy. 1882. 4° American naval authors. Catalogue of works by American naval au- thors; compiled by Lucien Young. Washington, D. C, 1888. Apprentice- vessels. Regulations and routine of drills, exercises, and studies on board apprentice- vessels. 1869. Artificer School. Synopsis of courses of instruction in Artificer School, Navy. Jan. 21, 1908. narrow 8° Atlantic Fleet. Men on board ships of Atlantic Fleet bound for the Pacific, Dec. 16, 1907. 1908. Same, with home address in United States. 1908. Call letters of all vessels in the Atlantic. [1909.] 12° Clearing ship. General instructions, clearing ship for action. Bureau of Navigation, Navy Dept., 1896 [reprint] Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1900. small 4° [Cover- title bears the 1896 imprint. Original not in Public Documents Library.] Coast Signal Service. Report of superintendent of Coast Signal Service to Secretary of Navy on operations during War with Spain. 1898. [Ckiast Signal Service was organized June 22, 1898, and discontinued Sept. 30, 1898. But one report was issued. See, for Regulations, N1.19:CC3.] DoUen, William. Portable transit instrument in vertical of pole star; translated from orit^inal memoir of Wm. Dollen, by Cleveland Abbe [with appendix and tables by translator]. 1870. Electrical school. Synopsis of course of instruction in navy electrical school. [Apr. 8, 1907.] narrow 8° Electrical class. Outline of course of instruction in electrical class, Navy. [Aug. 16, 1907.] narrow 8" Same. [Jan. 22, 1908.] narrow 8° Gun practice . Tables for plotting gun practice. Bureau of Navigation, Navy Dept., Apr. 1, 1891. 4° Same, supplementary tables. Navy Department, June 30, 1894. 4° Gun practice. Vertical diagrams of gun practice for quarters ending Sept. 30 and Dec. 31, 1889. Bureau of Navigation, Navy Dept., Mar. 4, 1890. oblong f° Gun practice. Diagrams of gun practice. Navy Department, Sept. 23, 1892. oblong 8° Same, 3d and 4th quarters, 1892. Navy Department, July 1, 1893. oblong 8« Same, quarter ending June 30, 1893. Navy Department, Jan. 10, 1894. oblong 8° Same, quarter ending Sept. 30, 1893. Navy Department, Jan. 31, 1894. oblong 8« Gunners. [Circular letter relative to examination of candidates for gunners.] Aug. 1, 1906. 4° Interoceanic communication. Report of historical and technical in- formation relating to problem of interoceanic communication by wav of American isthmus; by John T. Sullivan. 1883. 4® [2112-107] [Itinerary for Atlantic Fleet and torpedo flotilla for trip to west coast of United States.] Dec. 10, 1907. 4° Landsmen. Questions for examination of landsmen for rating of ordi- nary seamen. [Jan. 1900.] Landsmen. U. S. S. Dixie, landsmen under training, examination for promotion to ordinary seamen. [Oct. 21, 1900.] 787 Clajisiflcation no. N17.2: L61» LSI* L93 M58' M582 M83 M91 N22» N222 N223 N22* P19^ P192 P29» P292 P293 P29* P29^ P29« P297 . P29« P29» F29^^ R16 R67 Tll» TII2 T48 T68 W68 Y4» Y42 N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Library books. Catalogue of library books issued to veesels of Navy. 1886. 12« Same; revised to Oct. 1, 1887. 1887. 12° See also ^5.6:BQi^-^. Louisiana, U. S. S. Remarks of President Roosevelt to officers and enlisted men on board U. S. S. Louisiana, Nov. 26, 1906. [1906.] Midshipmen. List of vacancies for midshipmen at Naval Academy that will exist Mar. 5, 1904. Dec. 8, 1903. narrow f ° Midshipmen. List of vacancies for midshipmen in 1905, at Naval Academy. Mar. 12, 1905. narrow f° Morris tube target and its importance for training of gun pointers of all classes of guns, at sea and in port. Dec. 1902, [puolished] 1903. Multiplication. Tables for facilitating operations of multiplication, division, and evolution; abridged from A. L. Crelle's Kechenta- feln, by J. A. Norris. 1885. 4« Navy. United States Navy [information for those desiring to enlist]. [Apr. 10, 1905.] oblong 120 Same. [Sept. 17, 1906.] oblong 12o Same. [Feb. 2, 1907.] oblong 12° Same. [May 29, 1907.] oblong 12° Panama Canal. Special intelligence report on process of work on Pan- ama Canal during 1885; by W. W. Kimball, assisted by W. L. Capps. 1886. (49th Cong. 1st sess. H. misc. doc. 395; serial no. 2422.) [See, for reports of progress submitted in 1883 and 1884, [2167-123].] Panama Canal. Intelligence report of Panama Canal; by Charles C. Rogers. 1889. [2570-599] Pay, promotion, and rewards in Navy. [Feb. 10, 1904.] 12° Same. [Dec. 15, 1904.] 12° Same. [Jan. 18, 1906.] 12° Same. [Oct. 9, 1906.] 12° ' Same. [Mar. 19, 1907.] 12o Same. [July 24, 1907.] W Same. [Sept. 3, 1907.] 12° . Same. [1908, published Mar. 1909.] 12° Same. [June, 1909.] 12° Same. [Aug. 1909.] 12° Range. Tables for finding range. Navy. 1900. narrow 16° Roosevelt, Theodore. Extract from letter of President Roosevelt to Secretary Bonaparte. [1906.] Tactical data. Directions for obtaining tactical and steaming data for vessels of Navy, 1906. 1906. Same. 1907. Time at sea. Von Littrow's method of finding time at sea, with addi- tional tables for use of Navy. 1866. Training ships. Manual for officers serving on cruising training ships. 1899. 12° Wilmington, U. S. S. Report on voyage of U. S. S. Wilmington up Amazon River, preceded by account of voyage up Orinoco River: byC. C.Todd. 1899. Yeomen. Synopsis of course of instruction, yeoman class [Navy]. Jan. 12, 1908. narrow 8° Yeoman or clerical branch of naval service, instruction, duties, pay, advancement, allowances, and requirements for enlistment. Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, 1909 [press Wilbur & Hastings, New York], oblong 24° See, for Circulars regarding enlistment of yeomen, N17.17:Y4*"*. 788 Classification no. N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued N17.3: Bulletins (nos.) N17.4: (date) [None issued.] Circulars [Prior to 1893, circulars were issued by this bureau as necessary in connection with its work. Since that date under article 1614 of Regulations for government of Navy, 1393, all such information and instructions are included in the various series issued by the Secretary of the Navy. From Mar. 6, 1863 to Jan. 13, 1869, the circulars were unnumbered; from Oct. 19, 1871 to Oct. 8, 1881, nos. 1-42 were assigned by Bureau of Navigation; from Nov. 19, 1881 to Dec. 17, 1886, they again appeared without numbers. The Public Documents Library has none of these circulars and no complete file could be consulted. The series as listed below is compiled from the list as found on p. 275-278 of General orders and circulars issued by Navy Department, 1863-87 (N1.2:G28), which see for subject matter of the circulars.] See also N17.17 1863, Mar. 6 * 1866, Mar. 21 * Mar. 25 « May 17 * Dec. 10 * Aug. 1 * Dec. 17 » Aug. 29 * Dec. 21 * Sept. 27 * 1864, Jan. 7 * Noy. 1 * Jan. 20 * Noy. 15 « Jan. 25 * 1867 May 31 * Jan. 26 * June 24 * Feb. 5 * [Relating to July 24 * Costen night signals.] Aug. 13 » Feb. 5 * [Relating to Aug. 28 * assignment of signal Sept. 16 * numbers.] Sept. 21 * Feb. 9 * [Relating to 1868 , Jan. 16 * signal numbers, er- Jan. 25 * rata.] Mar. 16 * Feb. 9 * [Relating to as- June 23 * signmentof numbers.] Oct. 12 * Feb. 17 * Oct. 16 * Feb. 22 ^ Noy. 7 ■K' Mar. 14 * Dec. 16 * Mar. 18 ■» 1869 , Jan. 13 •»• Mar. 23 * 1870 [None issued.] Apr. 4 * 1871 , Oct. 19, no. 1 * Apr. 28 * Oct. 24, no. 2 * May 2 « Oct. 25, no. 3 * May 4 « 1872 , Jan. 10, no. 4 * May 5 * Jan. 15, no. 5 * May 13 * Feb. 10, no. 6 * May 21 * Aug. 1, no. 7 * June 3 * Oct. 1. no. 8 * June 28 * Oct. 3, no. 9 * Sept. 2 « Dec. 2, no. 10 * Oct. 5 * Dec. 31, no. 11 * Oct. 27 * 1873 , Oct. 25, no. 12 * Dec. 16 « Nov. 19, no. 13 * Dec. 19 * Noy. 24, no. 14 * Dec. 20 « Dec. 1, no. 15 * 1865, Mar. 18 » Dec. 10, no. 16 * Mar. 28 « 1874 , Jan. 22, no. 17 * May 8 * Apr. 10, no. 18 * July 26 * May 27, no. 19 * Aug. 2 » Sept. 24, no. 20 * Aug. 14 * Oct. 15, no. 21 * Sept. 8 1866, Feb. 27 * Dec. 19, no. 22 * * [Relating to 1875 [None issued.] property transfer.] 1876 , Feb. 7, no. 23 * Feb. 27 * [Relating to Aug. 5, no. 24 * chronometers.] Sept. 6, no. 25 * 789 Classification BO. N17.4: (date) N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued Circulars — Continued N17.5: (noe.) 1877, Jan. Mar. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 1878, Jan. Mar. May May Aug. 1879, Nov. 1880, Jan. Mar. 1881, July Oct. Nov. Nov. 1882, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May June June July Oct. Oct. Oct. 1883, Jan. Naval professional papers [Nos. 1-12 appeared with title Navy scientific papers. Title on cover of nos. 13-23 la Naval professional papers, though title-pages vary as indicated below. In early Hydrographic Olfice catalogues, this series of publications is listed as H. O. Sublication 10, but since they were issued as a numbered series by the Bureau of Navigation, they are classed here instead of under N6.8:l 1, no. 26 1, no. 27 1, no. 28 20, no. 29 27, no. 30 10, no. 31 26, no. 32 * 21, no. 33 * 28, no. 34 * 14, no. 35 * 22, no. 36 * 1, no. 37 * 25, no. 38 * 28, no. 39 * 16, no. 40 * 20, no. 41 * 8, no. 42 * 19 * 22 * 3 * [Relating to signal code.] 3 * [Relating to expenditures.] 13 * 31 * 3 * 17 * 28 * 29 * 13 * [Relating to telegraphic diction- ary.] 13 * [Relating report blanks.] 6 * 13 * 28 * 13 * 6 * 24 * 30 * 15 * to 1883, Jan. 16 * [Relating to absences.] Jan. 16 * [Relating to titles of publications.] Feb. 9 * Mar. 8 ♦ Apr. 6 * May 19 » July 12 * July 17 * July 19 * Aug:^ 3J^»- Aug. 7 * Sept. 26 * Oct. 15 * Oct. 17 * Dec. 22 * 1884, July 9 * Sept. 15 * Sept. 26 * Oct. 13 * Dec. 6 * 1885, Mar. 21 * May 15 * July 15 * Sept. 25 * 1886, Feb. 17 * Apr. 12 * Apr. 30 * June 7 * June 24 * July 10 * July 24 * July 27 * Aug. 28 * Sept. 2 * Sept. 4 * Sept. 10 * Oct. 2 * Oct. 11 * Dec. 17 * 1887-1893 * Navy scientific papers 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 Navy professional papers 13 Naval professional papers 14 15 16 17 790 Classification no. N17.5: (nos.) N17.6: (CT) N17.7: N17.7^: (date) N17.7 2: H62 R26 N17.8: (date) N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued Naval professional papers — Continued 18 19 See, for revised edition, N6. 8:109. 20 16° 21 22 23 [No. 23 omits the word "Naval ' ' from series title.] [Discontinued.] Specifications Naval Home [Provision for a permanent asylum for disabled and decrepit Navy officers, seamen, and marines was made in an act approved Feb. 26, 1811. The Naval Asylum was opened at Philadelphia near the close of 1833, in connection with the naval hos- pital. Transferred, July 1, 1849, from under Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (NIO.) to Bureau of Yards and Docks (N21.). Name changed 1889 to Naval Home. By order of Secretary of Navy, Mar. 19, 1898, the personnel and adminis- tration of the Home were transferred to the Bureau of Navigation (N17.), the building and grounds remaining under the Bureau of Yards and Docks.] Naval Home, Annual reports [1898-1905, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), but not issued separately.] Naval Home, General publications History. Origin, history, laws, and regulations of Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, Pa.; by Charles H. Stockton. 1886. [Issued prior to transfer from Yards and Docks Bureau to Navigation Bureau, but classed here so as to bring together all publications of the Naval Home.] Regulations of Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa. 1900. Movements of vessels 4° and f ° [Daily except Sundays and holidays.] [First issue Aug. 13, 1898.] 1898, Aug. 13- 1903, July 31 * 1903, Aug. 1 1903, Sept. 3 1903, Oct. 7 1903, Nov. 9 Aug. 3 Sept. 4 Oct. 8 Nov. 10 Aug. 4 Sept. 5 Oct. 9 Nov. 11 Aug. 5 Sept. 8 Oct. 10 Nov. 12 Aug. 6 Sept. 9 Oct. 12 Nov. 13 Aug. 7 Sept. 10 Oct. 13 Nov. 14 Aug. 8 Sept. 11 Oct. 14 Nov. 16 Aug. 10 Sept. 12 Oct. 15 Nov. 17 Aug. 11 Sept. 14 Oct. 16 Nov. 18 Aug. 12 Sept. 15 Oct. 17 Nov. 19 Aug. 13 Sept. 16 Oct. 19 Nov. 20 Aug. 14 Sept. 17 Oct. 20 Nov. 21 Aug. 15 Sept. 18 Oct. 21 Nov. 23 Aug. 17 Sept. 19 Oct. 22 Nov. 24 Aug. 18 Sept. 21 Oct. 23 Nov. 25 Aug. 19 Sept. 22 Oct. 24 Nov. 27 Aug. 20 Sept. 23 Oct. 26 Nov. 28 Aug. 21 Sept. 24 Oct. 27 Nov. 30 Aug. 22 Sept. 25 Oct. 28 Dec. 1 Aug. 24 Sept. 26 Oct. 29 Dec. 2 Aug. 25 Sept. 28 Oct. 30 Dec. 3 Aug. 26 Sept. 29 Oct. 31 Dec. 4 Aug. 27 Sept. 30 Nov. 2 Dec. 5 Aug. 28 Oct. 1 Nov. 3 Dec. 7 Aug. 29 Oct. 2 Nov. 4 Dec. 8 Aug. 31 Oct. 3 Nov. 5 Dec. 9 Sept. 1 Oct. 5 Nov. 6 Dec. 10 • Sept. 2 Oct. 6 Nov. 7 Dec. 11 791 CUsslflcatloii no. N17. NAVIGA TIO N BURE. AU- -Continued N17.8: Movements of vessels— Continued (date) 1903, Dec. 12 1904, Feb. 29 1904, May 13 1904, July 29 Dec. 14 Mar. 1 .May 14 July 30 Dec. 15 Mar. 2 May 16 Aug. 1 Dec. 16 Mar. 3 May 17 Aug. 2 Dec. 17 Mar. 4 May 18 Aug. 3 Dec. 18 Mar. 5 May 19 Aug. 4 Dec. 19 Mar. 7 May 20 Aug. 5 Dec. 21 Mar. 8 May 21 Aug. 6 Dec. 22 Mar. 9 May 23 Aug. 8 Dec. 23 Mar. 10 May 24 Aug. 9 Dec. 24 Mar. 11 May 25 Aug. 10 Dec. 26 Mar. 12 May 26 Aug. 11 Dec. 28 Mar. 14 May 27 Aug. 12 Dec. 29 Mar. 15 May 28 Aug. 13 Dec. 30 Mar. 16 May 31 Aug. 15 Dec. 31 Mar. 17 June 1 Aug. 16 1904, Jan. 2 Mar. 18 June 2 Aug. 17 Jan. 4 Mar. 19 June 3 Aug. 18 Jan. 5 Mar. 21 June 4 Aug. 19 Jan. 6 Mar. 22 June 6 Aug. 20 Jan. 7 Mar. 23 June 7 Aug. 22 Jan. 8 Mar. 24 June 8 Aug. 23 Jan. 9 Mar. 25 June 9 Aug. 24 Jan. 11 Mar. 26 June 10 Aug. 25 Jan. 12 Mar. 28 June 11 Aug. 26 Jan. 13 Mar. 29 June 13 Aug. 27 Jan. 14 Mar. 30 June 14 Aug. 29 Jan. 15 Mar. 31 June 15 Aug. 30 Jan. 16 Apr. 1 June 16 Aug. 31 Jan. 18 Apr. 2 June 17 Sept. 1 Jan. 19 Apr. 4 June 18 Sept. 2 Jan. 20 Apr. 5 June 20 Sept. 3 Jan. 21 Apr. 6 June 21 Sept. 6 Jan. 22 Apr. 7 June 22 Sept. 7 Jan. 23 Apr. 8 June 23 Sept. 8 Jan. 25 Apr. 9 June 24 Sept. 9 Jan. 26 Apr. 11 June 25 Sept. 10 Jan. 27 Apr. 12 June 27 Sept. 12 Jan. 28 Apr. 13 June 28 Sept. 13 Jan. 29 Apr. 14 June 29 Sept. 14 Jan. 30 Apr. 15 June 30 Sept. 15 Feb. 1 Apr. 16 July 1 Sept. 16 Feb. 2 Apr. 18 July 2 Sept. 17 Feb. 3 Apr. 19 July 5 Sept. 19 Feb. 4 Apr. 20 July 6 Sept. 20 Feb. 5 Apr. 21 July 7 Sept. 21 Feb. 6 Apr. 22 July 8 Sept. 22 Feb. 8 Apr. 23 July 9 Sept. 23 Feb. 9 Apr. 25 July 11 Sept. 24 Feb. 10 Apr. 26 July 12 Sept. 26 Feb. 11 Apr. 27 July 13 Sept. 27 Feb. 12 Apr. 28 July 14 Sept. 28 Feb. 13 Apr. 29 July 15 Sept. 29 Feb. 15 Apr. 30 July 16 Sept. 30 Feb. 16 May 2 July 18 Oct. 1 Feb. 17 May 3 July 19 Oct. 3 Feb. 18 May 4 July 20 Oct. 4 Feb. 19 May 5 July 21 Oct. 5 Feb. 20 May 6 July 22 Oct. 6 Feb. 23 May 7 July 23 Oct. 7 Feb. 24 May 9 July 25 •Oct. 8 Feb. 25 May 10 July 26 Oct. 10 Feb. 26 May 11 July 27 Oct. 11 Feb. 27 May 12 July 28 Oct. 12 792 Classification no. N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU- -Continued N17.8: Movements of vessels— Continued (date) 1904, Oct. 13 1904, Dec. 27 1905, Mar. 13 1905, May 24 Oct. 14 Dec. 28 Mar. 14 May 25 Oct. 15 Dec. 29 Mar. 15 May 26 Oct. 17 Dec. 30 Mar. 16 May 27 Oct. 18 Dec. 31 Mar. 17 May 29 Oct. 19 1905, Jan. 3 Mar. 18 May 31 Oct. 20 Jan. 4 Mar. 20 June 1 Oct. 21 Jan. 5 Mar. 21 June 2 Oct. 22 Jan. 6 Mar. 22 June 3 Oct. 24 Jan. 7 Mar. 23 June 5 Oct. 25 Jan. 9 Mar. 24 June 6 Oct. 26 Jan. 10 Mar. 25 June 7 Oct. 27 Jan. 11 Mar. 27 June 8 Oct. 28 Jan. 12 Mar. 28 June 9 Oct. 29 Jan. 13 Mar. 29 June 10 Oct. 31 Jan. 14 Mar. 30 June 12 Nov. 1 Jan. 16 Mar. 31 June 13 Nov. 2 Jan. 17 Apr. 1 June 14 Nov. 3 Jan. 18 Apr. 3 June 15 Nov. 4 Jan. 19 Apr. 4 June 16 Nov. 5 Jan. 20 Apr. 5 June 17 Nov. 7 Jan. 21 Apr. 6 June 19 Nov. 8 Jan. 23 Apr. 7 June 20 Nov. 9 Jan. 24 Apr. 8 June 21 Nov. 10 Jan. 25 Apr. 10 June 22 Nov. 11 Jan. 26 Apr. 11 June 23 Nov. 12 Jan. 27 Apr. 12 June 24 Nov. 14 Jan. 28 Apr. 13 June 26 Nov. 15 Jan. 30 Apr. 14 June 27 Nov. 16 Jan. 31 Apr. 15 June 28 Nov. 17 Feb. 1 Apr. 17 June 29 Nov. 18 Feb. 2 Apr. 18 June 30 Nov. 19 Feb. 3 Apr. 19 July 1 Nov. 21 Feb. 4 Apr. 20 July 3 Nov. 22 Feb. 6 Apr. 21 July 5t Nov. 23 Feb. 7 Apr. 22 July 6 Nov. 25 Feb. 8 Apr. 24 July 7 Nov. 26 Feb. 9 Apr. 25 July 8 Nov. 28 Feb. 10 Apr. 26 July 10 Nov. 29 Feb. 11 Apr. 27 July 11 Nov. 30 Feb. 13 Apr. 28 July 12 Dec. 1 Feb. 14 Apr. 29 July 13 Dec. 2 Feb. 15 May 1 July 14 Dec. 3 Feb. 16 May 2 July 15 Dec. 5 Feb. 17 May 3 July 17 Dec. 6 Feb. 18 May 4 July 18 Dec. 7 Feb. 20 May 5 July 19 Dec. 8 Feb. 21 May 6 July 20 Dec. 9 Feb. 23 May 8 July 21 . Dec. 10 Feb. 24 May 9 July 22 Dec. 12 Feb. 25 May 10 July 24 Dec. 13 Feb. 27 May 11 July 25 Dec. 14 Feb. 28 May 12 July 26 Dec. 15 Mar. 1 May 13 July 27 Dec. 16 Mar. 2 May 15 July 28 Dec. 17 Mar. 3 May 16 July 29 Dec. 19 Mar. 6 May 17 July 31 Dec. 20 Mar. 7 May 18 Aug. 1 Dec. 21 Mar. 8 May 19 Aug. 2 Dec. 22 Mar. 9 May 20 Aug. 3 Dec. 23 Mar. 10 May 22 Aug. 4 Dec. 24 Mar. 11 May 23 Aug. 5 t None issued. 793 Clusiflcstlon no. N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued N17.8: Movements of vessels— Continued (date) 1905, Aug. 7 1905, Oct. 21 1906, Jan. 6 1906, Mar. 23 Aug. 8 Oct. 23 Jan. 8 Mar. 24 Aug. 9 Oct. 24 Jan. 9 Mar. 26 Aug. 10 Oct. 25 Jan. 10 Mar. 27 Aug. 11 Oct. 26 Jan. 11 Mar. 28 Aug. 12 Oct. 27 Jan. 12 Mar. 29 Aug. 14 Oct. 28 Jan. 13 Mar. 30 Aug. 15 Oct. 30 Jan. 15 Mar. 31 Aug. 16 Oct. 31 Jan. 16 Apr. 2 Aug. 17 Nov. 1 Jan. 17 Apr. 3 Aug. 18 Nov. 2 Jan. 18 Apr. 4 Aug. 19 Nov. 3 Jan. 19 Apr. 5 Aug. 21 Nov. 4 Jan. 20 Apr. 6 Aug. 22 Nov. 6 Jan. 22 Apr. 7 Aug. 23 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 Apr. 9 Aug. 24 Nov. 8 Jan. 24 Apr. 10 Aug. 25 Nov. 9 Jan. 25 Apr. 11 Aug. 26 Nov. 10 Jan. 26 Apr. 12 Aug. 28 Nov. 11 Jan. 27 Apr. 13 Aug. 29 Nov. 13 Jan. 29 Apr. 14 Aug. 30 Nov. 14 Jan. 30 Apr. 16 Aug. 31 Nov. 15 Jan. 31 Apr. 17 Sept. 1 Nov. 16 Feb. 1 Apr. 18 Sept. 2 Nov. 17 Feb. 2 Apr. 19 Sept. 5 Nov. 18 Feb. 3 Apr. 20 Sept. 6 Nov. 20 Feb. 5 Apr. 21 Sept. 7 Nov. 21 Feb. 6 Apr. 23 Sept. 8 Nov. 22 Feb. 7 Apr. 24 Sept. 9 Nov. 23 Feb. » Apr. 25 Sept. 11 Nov. 24 Feb. 9 Apr. 26 Sept. 12 Nov. 25 Feb. 10 Apr. 27 Sept. 13 Nov. 27 Feb. 12 Apr. 28 Sept. 14 Nov. 28 Feb. 13 Apr. 30 May 1 Sept. 15 Nov. 29 Feb. 14 Sept. 16 Nov. 30 ' * Feb. 15 May 2 Sept. 18 Dec. 1 Feb. 16 May 3 Sept. 19 Dec. 2 Feb. 17 May 4 Sept. 20 Dec. 4 Feb. 19 May 5 Sept. 21 Dec. 5 Feb. 20 May 7 Sept. 22 Dec. 6 Feb. 21 May 8 Sept. 23 Dec. 7 Feb. 23 May 9 Sept. 25 Dec. 8 Feb. 24 May 10 Sept. 26 Dec. 9 Feb. 26 May 11 Sept. 27 Dec. 11 Feb. 27 May 12 Sept. 28 Dec. 12 Feb. 28 May 14 Sept. 29 Dec. 13 Mar. 1 May 15 Sept. 30 Dec. 14 Mar. 2 May 16 Oct. 2 Dec. 15 Mar. 3 May 17 Oct. 3 Dec. 16 Mar. 5 May 18 Oct. 4 Dec. 18 Mar. 6 May 19 Oct. 5 Dec. 19 Mar. 7 May 21 Oct. 6 Dec. 20 Mar. 8 May 22 Oct. 7 Dec. 21 Mar. 9 May 23 Oct. 9 Dec. 22 Mar. 10 May 24 Oct. 10 Dec. 23 Mar. 12 May 25 Oct. 11 Dec. 26 Mar. 13 May 26 Oct. 12 Dec. 27 Mar. 14 May 28 Oct. 13 Dec. 28 Mar. 15 May 29 Oct. 14 Dec. 29 Mar. 16 May 31 Oct. 16 Dec. 30 Mar. 17 June 1 Oct. 17 1906, Jan. 2 Mar. 19 June 2 Oct. 18 Jan. 3 Mar. 20 June 4 Oct. 19 Jan. 4 Mar. 21 June 5 Oct. 20 Jan. 5 Mar. 22 June 6 794 Classification no. N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU- -Continued N17.8: Movements of vessels— ( Continued (date) 1906, June 7 1906, Aug. 22 1906, Nov. 6 1907, Jan. 23 June 8 Aug. 23 Nov. 7 Jan. 24 June 9 Aug. 24 Nov. 8 Jan. 25 June 11 Aug. 25 Nov. 9 Jan. 26 June 12 Aug. 27 Nov. 10 Jan. 28 June 13 Aug. 28 Nov. 12 Jan. 29 June 14 Aug. 29 Nov. 13 Jan. 30 June 15 Aug. 30 Nov. 14 Jan. 31 June 16 Aug. 31 Nov. 15 Feb. 1 ' V" June 18 Sept. 1 Nov. 16 Feb. 2 '" *'• June 19 Sept. 4 Nov. 17 Feb. 4 June 20 Sept. 5 Nov. 19 Feb. 5 June 21 Sept. 6 Nov. 20 Feb. 6 June 22 Sept. 7 Nov. 21 Feb. 7 June 23 Sept. 8 Nov. 22 Feb. 8 June 25 Sept. 10 Nov. 23 Feb. 9 June 26 Sept. 11 Nov. 24 Feb. 11 June 27 Sept. 12 Nov. 26 Feb. 12 June 28 Sept. 13 Nov. 27 Feb. 13 June 29 Sept. 14 Nov. 28 Feb. 14 June 30 Sept. 15 Nov. 30 Feb. 15 July 2 Sept. 17 Dec. 1 Feb. 16 July 3 Sept. 18 Dec. 3 Feb. 18 July 5 Sept. 19 Dec. 4 Feb. 19 July 6 Sept. 20 Dec. 5 Feb. 20 July 7 Sept. 21 Dec. 6 Feb. 21 July 9 Sept. 22 Dec. 7 Feb. 23 July 10 Sept. 24 Dec. 8 Feb. 25 July 11 Sept. 25 Dec. 10 Feb. 26 July 12 Sept. 26 Dec. 11 Feb. 27 July 13 Sept. 27 Dec. 12 Feb. 28 July 14 Sept. 28 Dec. 13 Mar. 1 July 16 Sept. 29 Dec. 14 Mar. 2 July 17 Oct. 1 Dec. 15 Mar. 4 July 18 Oct. 2 Dec. 17 Mar. 5 July 19 Oct. 3 Dec. 18 Mar. 6 July 20 Oct. 4 Dec. 19 Mar. 7 July 21 Oct. 5 Dec. 20 Mar. 8 July 23 Oct. 6 Dec. 21 Mar. 9 July 24 Oct. 8 Dec. 22 Mar. 11 July 25 Oct. 9 Dec. 24 Mar. 12 July 26 Oct. 10 Dec. 26 Mar. 13 July 27 Oct. 11 Dec. 27 Mar. 14 July 28 Oct. 12 Dec. 28 Mar. 15 July 30 Oct. 13 Dec. 29 Mar. 16 July 31 Oct. 15 Dec. 81 Mar. 18 Aug. 1 Oct. 16 1907, Jan. 2 Mar. 19 Aug. 2 Oct. 17 Jan. 3 Mar. 20 Aug. 3 Oct. 18 Jan. 4 Mar. 21 Aug. 4 Oct. 19 Jan. 5 Mar. 22 ' Aug. 6 Oct. 20 Jan. 7 Mar. 23 Aug. 7 Oct. 22 Jan. 8 Mar. 25 Aug. 8 Oct. 23 Jan. 9 Mar. 26 Aug. 9 Oct. 24 Jan. 10 Mar. 27 Aug. 10 Oct. 25 Jan. 11 Mar. 28 Aug. 11 Oct. 26 Jan. 12 Mar. 29 Aug. 13 Oct. 27 Jan. 14 Mar. 30 Aug. 14 Oct. 29 Tan. 15 Apr. 1 Aug. 15 Oct. 30 Jan. 16 Apr. 2 Aug. 16 Oct. 31 Jan. 17 Apr. 3 Aug. 17 Nov. 1 Jan. 18 Apr. 4 Aug. 18 Nov. 2 Jan. 19 Apr. 5 Aug. 20 Nov. 3 Jan. 21 Apr. 6 Aug. 21 Nov. 5 Jan. 22 Apr. 8 795 Cla88lflratton no. f l(date) N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued Si .Vi.. Movements of vessels- 1907, Apr. 9 1907, June 24 Apr. 10 June 25 Apr. 11 June 26 Apr. 12 June 27 Apr. 13 June 28 Apr. 15 June 29 Apr. 16 July 1 Apr. 17 July 2 Apr. 18 July 3 Apr. 19 July 5 Apr. 20 July 6 Apr, 22 July 8 Apr. 23 July 9 Apr. 24 July 10 Apr. 25 July 11 Apr. 26' 1^ July 12 Apr. 27nl July 13 Apr. 29 July 15 Apr. 30 July 16 May 1 July 17 May 2 July 18 May 3 July 19 May 4 July 20 May 6 July 22 May 7 July 23 May 8 July 24 May 9 July 25 May 10 July 26 May 11 July 27 May 13 July 29 May 14 July 30 May 15 July 31 May 16 Aug. 1 May 17 Aug. 2 May 18 Aug. 3 May 20 Aug. 5 May 21 Aug. 6 May 22 Aug. 7 May 23 Aug. 8 May 24 Aug. 9 May 25 Aug. 10 May 27 Aug. 12 May 28 Aug. 13 May 29 Aug. 14 May 31 Aug. 15 June 1 Aug. 16 June 3 Aug. 17 June 4 Aug. 19 June 5 Aug. 20 June 6 Aug. 21 June 7 Aug. 22 June 8 Aug. 23 June 10 Aug. 24 June n Aug. 26 June 12 Aug. 27 June 13 Aug. 28 June 14 Aug. 29 June 15 Aug. 30 June 17 Aug. 31 June 18 Sept. 3 June 19 Sept. 4 June 20 Sept. 5 June 21 Sept. 6 June 22 Sept. 7 1907, Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 Sept. 14 Sept. 16 Sept. 17 Sept. 18 Sept. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 25 Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 19 21 Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. Oct. Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 1 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 1907, Nov. 22 Nov. 23 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 29 Nov. 30 Dec. 2 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec Dec. Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 16 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Dec. 30 Dec. 31 1908, Jan. 2 Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan. 13 Jan. 14 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 15 16 17 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 796 Classification no. N] L7. NAVIGATION BUREAU- -Continued N17.8: Movements of vessels— Continued (date) 1908, Feb. 8 1908, Apr. 24 1908, July 10 1908, Sept. 24 Feb. 10 Apr. 25 July 11 Sept. 25 Feb. 11 Apr. 27 July 13 Sept. 26 Feb. 12 Apr. 28 July 14 Sept. 28 Feb. 13 Apr. 29 July 15 Sept. 29 ''■ Feb. 14 Apr. May 30 July 16 Sept. 30 Feb. 15 1 July 17 Oct. 1 Feb. 17 May 2 July 18 Oct. 2 Feb. 18 May 4 July 20 Oct. 3 Feb. 19 May 5 July 21 Oct. 5 Feb. 20 May 6 July 22 Oct. 6 Feb. 21 May 7 July 23 Oct. 7 Feb. 24 May 8 July 24 Oct. 8 Feb. 25 May 9 July 25 Oct. 9 Feb. 26 May 11 July 27 Oct. 10 Feb. 27 May 12 July 28 Oct. 12 Feb. 28 May 13 July 29 Oct. 13 Feb. 29 May 14 July 30 Oct. 14 Mar. 2 May 15 July 31 Oct. 15 Mar. 3 May 16 Aug. 1 Oct. 16 Mar. 4 May 18 Aug. 3 Oct. 17 Mar. 5 May 19 Aug. 4 Oct. 19 Mar. 6 May 20 Aug. 5 Oct. 20 Mar. 7 May 21 Aug. 6 Oct. 21 Mar. 9 May 22 Aug. 7 Oct. 22 Mar. 10 May 23 Aug. 8 Oct. 23 Mar. 11 May 25 Aug. 10 Oct. 24 Mar. 12" May 26 Aug. 11 Oct. 26 Mar. 13 May 27 Aug. 12 Oct. 27 Mar. 14 May 28 Aug. 13 Oct. 28 Mar. 16 May 29 Aug. 14 Oct. 29 Mar. 17 June 1 Aug. 15 Oct. 30 Mar. 18 June 2 Aug. 17 Oct. 31 Mar. 19 June 3 Aug. 18 Nov. 2 Mar. 20 June 4 Aug. 19 Nov. 3 Mar. 21 June 5 Aug. 20 Nov. 4 Mar. 23 June 6 Aug. 21 Nov. 5 Mar. 24 June 8 Aug. 22 Nov. 6 Mar. 25 June 9 Aug. 24 Nov. 7 Mar. 26 June 10 Aug. 25 Nov. 9 Mar. 27 June 11 Aug. 26 Nov. 10 Mar. 28 June 12 Aug. 27 Nov. 11 Mar. 30 June 13 Aug. 28 Nov. 12 Mar. 31 June 15 Aug. 29 Nov. 13 Apr. 1 June 16 Aug. 31 Nov. 14 Apr. 2 June 17 Sept. 1 Nov. 16 Apr. 3 June 18 Sept. 2 Nov. 17 Apr. 4 June 19 Sept. 3 Nov. 18 Apr. 6 * June 20 Sept. 4 Nov. 19 Apr. 7 June 22 Sept. 5 Nov. 20 » Apr. 8 June 23 Sept. 8 Nov. 21 Apr. 9 June 24 Sept. 9 Nov. 23 Apr. 10 June 25 Sept. 10 Nov. 24 Apr. 11 June 26 Sept. 11 Nov. 25 Apr. 13 June 27 Sept. 12 Nov. 27 Apr. 14 June 29 Sept. 14 Nov. 28 Apr. 15 June 30 Sept. 15 Nov. 30 Apr. 16 July 1 Sept. 16 Dec. 1 Apr. 17 July 2 Sept. 17 Dec. 2 Apr. 18 July 3 Sept. 18 Dec. 3 Apr. 20 July 6 Sept. 19 Dec. 4 Apr. 21 July 7 Sept. 21 Dec. 5 Apr. 22 July 8 Sept. 22 Dec. 7 Apr. 23 July 9 Sept. 23 Dec. 8 797 ClMsincatlon no. N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU- -Continued N17.8: Movements of vessels — Continued (date) 1908, Dec. 9 J 909, Feb. 26 1909, May 13 1909, July 29 Dec. 10 Feb. 27 May 14 July 30 Dec. 11 Mar. 1 May 15 July 31 Dec. 12 Mar. 2 May 17 Aug. 2 Dec. 14 Mar. 3 May 18 Aug. 3 Dec. 15 Mar. 5 May 19 Aug. 4 Dec. 16 Mar. 6 May 20 Aug. 5 Dec. 17 Mar. 8 May 21 Aug. 6 Dec. 18 Mar. 9 May 22 Aug. 7 Dec. 19 Mar. 10 May 24 Aug. 9 Dec. 21 Mar. 11 May, 25 Aug. 10 Dec. 22 Mar. 12 May 26 Aug. 11 Dec. 23 Mar. 13 May 27 Aug. 12 Dec. 24 Mar. 15 May 28 Aug. 13 Dec. 26 Mar. 16 May 29 Aug. 14 Dec. 28 Mar. 17 June 1 Aug. 16 Dec. 29 Mar. 18 June 2 Aug. 17 Dec. 30 Mar. 19 June 3 Aug. 18 Dec. 31 Mar. 20 June 4 Aug. 19 1909, Jan. 2 Mar. 22 June 5 Aug. 20 Jan. 4 Mar. 23 June 7 Aug. 21 Jan. 5 Mar. 24 June 8 Aug. 23 Jan. 6 Mar. 25 June 9 Aug. 24 Jan. 7 Mar. 26 June 10 Aug. 25 Jan. 8 Mar. 27 June 11 Aug. 26 Jan. 9 Mar. 29 June 12 Aug. 27 Jan. 11 Mar. 30 June 14 Aug. 28 Jan. 12 Mar. 31 June 15 Aug. 30 Jan. 13 Apr. 1 June 16 Aug. 31 Jan. 14 Apr. 2 June 17 Sept. 1 Jan. 15 Apr. 3 June 18 Sept. 2 Jan. 16 Apr. 5 June 19 Sept. 3 Jan. 18 Apr. 6 June 21 Sept. 4 Jan. 19 Apr. 7 June 22 Sept. 7 Jan. 20 Apr. 8 June 23 Sept. 8 Jan. 21 Apr. 9 June 24 Sept. 9 Jan. 22 Apr. 10 June 25 Sept. 10 Jan. 23 Apr. 12 June 26 Sept. 11 Jan. 25 Apr. 13 June 28 Sept. 13 Jan. 26 Apr. 14 June 29 Sept. 14 Jan. 27 Apr. 15 June 30 Sept. 15 Jan. 28 Apr. 16 July 1 Sept. 16 Jan. 29 Apr. 17 July 2 Sept. 17 Jan. 30 Apr. 19 July 3 Sept. 18 Feb. 1 Apr. 20 July 6 Sept. 20 Feb. 2 Apr. 21 July 7 Sept. 21 Feb. 3 Apr. 22 • July 8 Sept. 22 Feb. 4 Apr. 23 July 9 Sept. 23 Feb. 5 Apr. 24 July 10 Sept. 24 Feb. 6 Apr. 26 July 12 Sept. 25 Feb. 8 Apr. 27 July 13 Sept. 27 Feb. 9 Apr. 28 July 14 Sept. 28 Feb. 10 Apr. 29 July 15 Sept. 29 Feb. 11 Apr. 30 July 16 Sept. 30 Feb. 13 May 1 July 17 Oct. 1 Feb. 15 May 3 July 19 Oct. 2 Feb. 16 May 4 July 20 Oct. 4 Feb. 17 May 5 July 21 Oct. 5 Feb. 18 May 6 July 22 Oct. 6 Feb. 19 May 7 July 23 Oct. 7 Feb. 20 May 8 July 24 Oct. 8 Feb. 23 May 10 July 26 Oct. 9 Feb. 24 May 11 July 27 Oct. 11 Feb. 25 May 12 July 28 Oct. 12 798 €las8lflcatlon no. N17.8 N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued (date) N17.9: (date) Movements of vessels— Continued 1909, Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Nov. 1 1909, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 1909, Nov. 22 Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 29 Nov. 30 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 1 2 3 4t 6t 7t 8t 9t lot Dec. lit 1909, Dec. 13 t Dec. 14 1 Dec. 15 1 Dec. 16 1 Dec. 17 t Dec. 18 t Dec. 20 1 Dec. 21 1 Dec. 22 t Dec. 23 1 Dec. 24 1 Dec. 27 t Dec. 28 t Dec. 29 t Dec. 30 1 Dec. 31 1 Orders to officers, U. 8. N. holidays,] 4® [Daily except Sundays and [Each publication bears two dates, one at the top showing the date of the order, the other at the bottom showing the date of its issue. In the list as given below the date used is the date of the order. First issue Oct. 13, 1899.] 1899, Oct. 1903, Dec. 1904, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 13-1903, Dec. 30 * 31 1904, Feb. 5 2 Feb, 6 4 Feb. 8 5 Feb. 9 6 Feb. 10 7 Feb. 11 8 Feb. 12 9 Feb. 13 11 Feb. 15 12 1 Feb. 16 13 Feb. 17 14 Feb. 18 15 Feb. 19 16 Feb. 20 18 Feb. 23 19 Feb, 24 20 Feb, 25 21 Feb. 26 22 Feb, 27 23 Feb, 29 25 Mar. 1 26 Mar. 2 27 Mar. 3 28 Mar. 4 29 Mar. 5 30 Mar. 7 1 Mar. 8 2 Mar. 9 3 Mar. 10 4 Mar. 11 1904, Mar. 12 1904, Apr, 16 Mar. 14 Apr, 18 Mar, 15 Apr, 19 Mar. 16 Apr, 20 Mar. 17 Apr, 21 Mar. 18 Apr. 22 Mar. 19 Apr, 23 Mar. 21 Apr, 25 Mar. 22 Apr. 26 Mar. 23 Apr. 27 Mar. 24 Apr. 28 Mar. 25 Apr. 29 Mar. 26 Apr. 30 May 2 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 May 3 Mar. 30 May 4 Mar. 31 May 5 Apr. 1 May 6 Apr. 2 May 7 Apr, 4 May 9 Apr. 5 May 10 Apr. 6 May 11 Apr. 7 May 12 Apr. 8 May 13 Apr. 9 May 14 Apr. 11 May 16 Apr. 12 May 17 Apr. 13 May 18 Apr. 14 May 19 Apr. 15 May 20 t Issues for Dec. 1-3, 1909, and prior issues, are headed ''Navy Department, Bureau of Navigation, Washington, D. C." and are signed by the chief of the Bureau of Navigation; issues for Dec. 4-13 are headed "Navy Department, Division of Opera- tions of the Fleet, Washington, D. C," and are signed by the aid for operations; issues for Dec, 14-31, 1909, and later issues, are headed "Navy Department, Wash- ington, D, C." and are signed by the aid for operations. Notwithstanding the changes in form, the Movements of vessels were all published and distributed by the Navigation Bureau and should therefore all be classed under N17.8: X None issued. c 799 no. WAVlljrAAlU IN UUltrJAU — vjoniinuea N17.9: Orders to officers, U. 8. N.— Continued (date) 1904, May 21 1904, Aug. 4 1904, Oct. 17 1904, Dec. 30 May 23 Aug. 5 Oct. 18 Dec. 31 .j.)i i May 24 Aug. 6 Oct. 19 1905, Jan. 3 ■• t.>{ 1 May 25 Aug. 8 Oct. 20 Jan. 4 May 26 Aug. 9 Oct. 21 Jan. 5 May 27 Aug. 10 Oct. 22 Jan. 6 May 28 Aug. 11 Oct. 24 Jan. 7 May 31 Aug. 12 Oct. 25 Jan. 9 June 1 Aug. 13 Oct. 26 Jan. 10 Juno 2 Aug. 15 Oct. 27 Jan. 11 June 3 Aug. 16 Oct. 28 Jan. 12 June 4 Aug. 17 Oct. 29 Jan. 13 June 6 Aug. 18 Oct. 31 Jan. 14 June 7 Aug. 19 Nov. 1 Jan. 16 June 8 Aug. 20 Nov. 2 Jan. 17 June 9 Aug. 22 Nov. 3 Jan. 18 June 10 Aug. 23 Nov. 4 Jan. 19 June 11 Aug. 24 Nov. 5 Jan. 20 June 13 Aug. 25 Nov. 7 Jan. 21 June 14 Aug. 26 Nov. 8 Jan. 23 June 15 Aug. 27 Nov. 9 Jan. 24 June 16 Aug. 29 Nov. 10 Jan. 25 June 17 Aug. 30 Nov. 11 Jan. 26 June 18 Aug. 31 Nov. 12 Jan. 27 June 20 Sept. 1 Nov. 14 Jan. 28 June 21 Sept, 2 Nov. 15 Jan. 30 June 22 Sept. 3 Nov. 16 Jan. 31 Juno 23 Sept. 6 Nov. 17 Feb. 1 June 24 Sept. 7 Nov. 18 Feb. 2 June 25 Sept. 8 Nov. 19 1 Feb. 3 June 27 Sept. 9 Nov. 21 Feb. 4 June 28 Sept. 10 Nov. 22 Feb. 6 June 29 Sept. 12 Nov. 23 Feb. 7 June 30 Sept. 13 Nov. 25 Feb. 8 July 1 Sept. 14 Nov. 26 Feb. 9 July 2 Sept. 15 Nov. 28 Feb. 10 July 5 Sept. 16 Nov. 29 Feb. 11 July 6 Sept. 17 Nov. 30 Feb. 13 July 7 Sept. 19 Dec. 1 Feb. 14 July 8 Sept. 20 Dec. 2 Feb. 15 July 9 Sept. 21 Dec. 3 Feb. 16 July 11 Sept. 22 Dec. 5 Feb. 17 July 12 Sept. 23 Dec. 6 Feb. 18 July 13 Sept. 24 Dec. 7 Feb. 20 July 14 Sept. 26 Dec. 8 Feb. 21 July 15 Sept. 27 Dec. 9 Feb. 23 July 16 Sept. 28 Dec. 10 Feb. 24 July 18 Sept. 29 Dec. 12 Feb. 25 July 19 Sept. 30 Dec. 13 Feb. 27 July 20 Oct. 1 Dec. 14 Feb. 28 July 21 Oct. 3 Dec. 15 Mar. 1 July 22 Oct. 4 Dec. 16 Mar. 2 July 23 Oct. 5 Dec. 17 Mar. 3 July 25 Oct. 6 Dec. 19 Mar. 6 July 26 Oct. 7 Dec. 20 Mar. 7 • July 27 Oct. 8 Dec. 21 Mar. 8 July 28 Oct. 10 Dec. 22 Mar. 9 July 29 Oct. 11 Dec. 23 Mar. 10 July 30 Oct. 12 Dec. 24 Mar. 11 Aug. 1 Oct. 13 Dec. 27 Mar. 13 Aug. 2 Oct. 14 Dec. 28 Mar. 14 Aug. 3 Oct. 15 Dec. 29 Mar. 15 t None issued. 800 Classification no. N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued N17.9: Orders to officers, U. S. N.— Continued (date) 1905, Mar. 16 Mar. 17 Mar. 18 Mar. 20 Mar. 21 Mar. 22 Mar. 23 Mar. 24 Mar. 25 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 Mar. 30 Mar. 31 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 10 Apr. 11 Apr. 12 Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. 15 Apr. 17 Apr. 18 Apr. 19 Apr. 20 Apr. 21 Apr. 22 Apr. 24 Apr. 25 Apr. 26 Apr. 27 Apr. 28 Apr. 29 May May May May May May May May May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 15 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 It 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 L905, May 27 May 29 May 31 June 1 June 2 June 3 June 5 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 9 June 10 June 12 June 13 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 19 June 20 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 26 June 27 June 28 June 29 June 30 July 1 July 3 July 5* July 6 July 7 July 8 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13 July 14 July 15 July 17* July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 24 July 25 July 26 July 27* July 28 July 29 July 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Aug. 5 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 9 1905, Aug. 10 1905, Oct. 23 Aug. 11 Oct. 24 Aug. 12 Oct. 25 Aug. 14 Oct. 26 Aug. 15 Oct. 27 Aug. 16 Oct. 28 Aug. 17 Oct. 30 Aug. 18 Oct. 31 Aug. 19 Nov. 1 Aug. 21 Nov. 2 Aug. 22 Nov. 3 Aug. 23 Nov. 4 Aug. 24 Nov. 6 Aug. 25 Nov. 7* Aug. 26 Nov. 8 Aug. 28 Nov. 9 Aug. 29 Nov. 10 Aug. 30 Nov. 11 Aug. 31 Nov. 13 Sept. 1 Nov. 14 Sept. 2 Nov. 15* Sept. 5 Nov. 16 Sept. 6 Nov. 17 Sept. 7 Nov. 18 Sept. 8 Nov. 20 Sept. 9 Nov. 21 Sept. 11 Nov. 22 Sept. 12 Nov. 23 Sept. 13 Nov. 24 Sept. 14 Nov. 25 Sept. 15 Nov. 27 Sept. 16 Nov. 28 Sept. 18 Nov. 29 Sept. 19 Dec. 1 Sept. 20 Dec. 2 Sept. 21 Dec. 4 Sept. 22 Dec. 5 Sept. 23 Dec. 6 Sept. 25 Dec. 7 Sept. 26 Dec. 8 Sept. 27 Dec. 9 Sept. 28 Dec. 11 Sept. 29 Dec. 12 Sept. 30 Dec. 13 Oct. 2 Dec. 14 Oct. 3 Dec. 15 Oct. 4 Dec. 16 Oct. 5 Dec. 18 Oct. 6 Dec. 19 Oct. 7 Dec. 20 Oct. 9 Dec. 21 Oct. 10 Dec. 22 Oct. 11 Dec. 23 Oct. 12 Dec. 26 Oct. 13 Dec. 27 Oct. 14 Dec. 28 Oct, 16 Dec. 29 Oct. 17 Dec. 30 Oct. 18 1906, Jan. 2 Oct. 19 Jan. 3 Oct. 20 Jan. 4 Oct. 21 Jan. 5 fNone issued. 801 CUssiflratloa no. N17. NAVIGATION Bl [JREAU-( Continued N17.9: Orders to officers, U. S. N.— Continued (date) 1906, Jan. 6 1906, Mar. 21 1906 , June 2 1906, Aug. 15 Jan. 8 Mar. 22 June 4 Aug. 16 Jan. 9 Mar. 23 June 5 Aug. 17 Jan. 10 Mar. 24 June 6 Aug. 18 Jan. 11 Mar. 26 June 7 Aug. 20 Jan. 12 Mar. 27 June 8 Aug. 21 Jan. 13 Mar. 28 June 9 Aug. 22 Jan. 15 Mar. 29 June 11 Aug. 23 Jan. 16 Mar. 30 June 12 Aug. 24 Jan. 17 Mar. 31 June 13 Aug. 25 Jan. 18 Apr. 2 June 14 Aug. 27 Jan. 19 Apr. 3 June 15 Aug. 28 Jan. 20 Apr. 4 June 16 Aug. 29 Jan. 22 Apr. 5t June 18 Aug. 30 Jan. 23 Apr. 6 June 19 Aug. 31 Jan. 24 Apr. 7 June 20 Sept. 1 Jan. 25 Apr. 9 June 21 Sept. 4 Jan. 26 Apr. 10 June 22 Sept. 5 Jan. 27 Apr. 11 June 23 Sept. 6 Jan. 29 Apr. 12 June 25 Sept. 7 Jan. 30 Apr. 13 June 26 Sept. 8 Jan. 31 Apr. 14 June 27 Sept. 10 Feb. 1 Apr. 16 June 28 Sept. 11 Feb. 2 Apr. 17 June 29 Sept. 12 Feb. 3 Apr. 18 June 30 Sept. 13 Feb. 5 Apr. 19 July 2 Sept. 14 Feb 6 Apr. 20 July 3 Sept. 15 Feb. 7 Apr. 21 July 5 Sept. 17 Feb. 8 Apr. 23 July 6 Sept. 18 Feb. 9 Apr. 24 July 7 Sept. 19 Feb. 10 Apr. 25 July 9 Sept. 20 Feb. 12 Apr. 26 July 10 Sept. 21 Feb. 13 Apr. 27 July 11 Sept. 22 Feb. 14 Apr. 28 July 12 Sept. 24 Feb. 15 Apr. 30 July 13 Sept. 25 Feb. 16 May 1 July 14 Sept. 26 Feb. 17 May 2 July 16 Sept. 27 Feb. 19 May 3 July 17 Sept. 28 Feb. 20 May 4 July 18 Sept. 29 Feb. 21 May 5 July 19 Oct. 1 Feb. 23 May 7 July 20 Oct. 2 Feb. 24 May 8 Julv 21 Oct. 3 Feb. 26 May 9 July 23 Oct. 4 Feb. 27 May 10 July 24 Oct. 5 Feb. 28 Mav 11 July 25 Oct. 6 Mar. 1 May 12 July 26 Oct. 8 Mar. 2 Mav 14 Julv 27 Oct. 9 Mar. 3 May 15 July 28 t Oct. 10 Mar. 5 May 16 July 30 Oct. 11 Mar. 6 May 17 July 31 Oct. 12 Mar. 7 Mav 18 Aug. 1 Oct. 13* Mar. 8 May 19 Aug. 2 Oct. 15 i Mar. 9 May 21 Aug. 3 Oct. 16 1 Mar. 10 May 22 Aug. 4 Oct. 17 Mar. 12 May 23 Aug. 6 Oct. 18 Mar. 13 May 24 Aug. 7 Oct. 19 Mar. 14 May 25 Aug. 8 Oct. 20 Mar. 15 May 26 Aug. 9 Oct. 22 I Mar. 16 May 28 Aug. 10 Oct. 23 Mar. 17 May 29 Aug. 11 Oct. 24 Mar. 19 May 31 Aug. 13 Oct. 25 Mar. 20 June 1 Aug. 14 Oct. 26 t None issued. 82452^ '—11 51 802 Classification no. N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued N17.9: Orders to officers, U. S. N. — Continued (date) 1906, Oct. 27 1907, Jan. 12 1907, Mar. 28 1907, June 11 Oct. 29 Jan. 14 Mar. 29 June 12 Oct. 30 Jan. 15 Mar. 30 June 13 Oct. 31 Jan. 16 Apr. 1 June 14 Nov. 1 Jan. 17 Apr. 2 June 15 Nov. 2 Jan. 18 Apr. 3 June 17 Nov. 3 Jan. 19 Apr. 4 June 18 Nov. 5 Jan. 21 Apr. 5 June 19 Nov. 6 Jan. 22 Apr. 6 June 20 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 Apr. 8 June 21 Nov. 8 Jan. 24 Apr. 9 June 22 Nov. 9 Jan. 25 Apr. 10 June 24 Nov. 10 Jan. 26 Apr. 11 June 25 Nov. 12 Jan. 28 Apr. 12 June 26 Nov. 13 Jan. 29 Apr. 13 June 27 Nov. 14 Jan. 30 Apr. 15 June 28 Nov. 15 Jan. 31 Apr. 16 June 29 Nov. 16 Feb. 1 Apr. 17 July 1 Nov. 17 Feb. 2 Apr. 18 July 2 Nov. 19 Feb. 4 Apr. 19 July 3 Nov. 20 Feb. 5 Apr. 20 July 5 Nov. 21 Feb. 6 Apr. 22 July 6 Nov. 22 Feb. 7 Apr. 23 July 8 Nov. 23 Feb. 8 Apr. 24 July 9 Nov. 24 Feb. 9 Apr, 25 July 10 Nov. 26 Feb. 11 Apr. 26 July 11 Nov. 27 Feb. 12 Apr. 27 July 12 Nov. 28 Feb. 13 Apr. 29 July 13 Nov. 30* ' Feb. 14 Apr. May 30 July 15 Dec. 1 Feb. 15 1 July 16 Dec. 3 Feb. 16 May 2 July 17 Dec. 4 Feb. 18 May 3 July 18 Dec. 5 Feb. 19 May 4 July 19 Dec. 6 Feb. 20 May 6 July 20 Dec. 7 Feb. 21 May 7 July 22 Dec. 8 Feb. 23 May 8 July 23 Dec. 10 Feb. 25 May 9 July 24 Dec. 11 Feb. 26 May 10 July 25 Dec. 12 Feb. 27 May 11 July 26 Dec. 13 Feb. 28 May 13 July 27 Dec. 14 Mar. 1 May 14 July 29 Dec. 15 Mar. 2 May 15 July 30 Dec. 17 Mar. 4 May 16 July 31 Dec. 18 Mar. 5 May 17 Aug. 1 Dec. 19 Mar. 6 May 18 Aug. 2 Dec. 20 Mar. 7 May 20 Aug. 3 Dec. 21 Mar. 8 May 21 Aug. 5 Dec. 22 Mar. 9 May 22 Aug. 6 Dec. 24 Mar. 11 May 23 Aug. 7 Dec. 26 Mar. 12 May 24 Aug. 8 Dec. 27 Mar. 13 May 25 Aug. 9 Dec. 28 Mar. 14 May 27 Aug. 10 Dec. 29 Mar. 15 May 28 Aug. 12 Dec. 31 Mar. 16 May 29 Aug. 13 1907, Jan. 2 Mar. 18 May 31 Aug. 14 Jan. 3 Mar. 19 June 1 Aug. 15 Jan. 4 Mar. 20 June 3 Aug. 16 Jan. 5 Mar. 21 June 4 Aug. 17 Jan. 7 Mar. 22 June 5 Aug. 19 Jan. 8 Mar. 23 June 6 Aug. 20 Jan. 9 Mar. 25 June 7 Aug. 21 Jan. 10 Mar. 26 June 8 Aug. 22 Jan. 11 Mar. 27 June 10 Aug. 23 803 CUNHlflcation no. N17. 1 ^AVIGA" riON B URK kXJ- Continued N17.9: Orders to officers, U . S. N.— Continued (date) 1907, Aug. 24 1907, Nov. 5 1908 , Jan. 18 1908, Mar. 31 Aug. 26 Nov. 6 Jan. 20 Apr. It Aug. 27 Nov. 7 Jan. 21 Apr. 2 Aug. 28 Nov. 8 Jan. 22 t Apr. 3 Aug. 29 Nov. 9 Jan. 23 Apr. 4 Aug. 30 Nov. 11 Jan. 24 Apr. 6 Aug. 31 Nov. 12 Jan. 25 Apr. 7 Sept. 3 Nov. 13 Jan. 27 Apr. 8 Sept. 4 Nov. 14 Jan. 28 Apr. 9 Sept. 5 Nov. 15 Jan. 29 Apr. 10 Sept. 6 Nov. 16 Jan. 30 Apr. 11 Sept. 7 Nov. 18 Jan. 31 Apr. 13 Sept. 9 Nov. 19 Feb. 1 Apr. 14 Sept. 10 Nov. 20 Feb. 3 Apr. 15 Sept. 11 Nov. 21 Feb. 4 Apr. 16 Sept. 12 Nov. 22 Feb. 5 Apr. 17 Sept. 13 Nov. 23 Feb. 6t Apr. 18 Sept. 14 Nov. 25 Feb. 7 Apr. 20 Sept. 16 Nov. 26 Feb. 8 Apr. 21 Sept. 17 Nov. 27 Feb. 10 Apr. 22 Sept. 18 Nov. 29 Feb. 11 Apr. 23 Sept. 19 Nov. 30 Feb. 12 Apr. 24 Sept. 20 Dec. 2 Feb. 13 Apr. 25 Sept. 21 1 Dec. 3 Feb. 14 Apr. 27 Sept. 23 Dec. 4 Feb. 15 Apr. 28 Sept. 24 Dec. 5 Feb. 17 Apr. 29 Sept. 25 Dec. 6 Feb. 18 Apr. 30 Sept. 26 Dec. 7 Feb. 19 May 1 Sept. 27 Dec. 9 Feb. 20 May 2 Sept. 28 Dec. 10 Feb. 21 May 4 Sept. 30 Dec. 11 Feb. 24 May 5 Oct. 1 Dec. 12 Feb. 25 May 6 Oct. 2 Dec. 13 Feb. 26 May 7 Oct. 3 Dec. 14 Feb. 27 May 8 Oct. 4 Dec. 16 Feb. 28 May 9 Oct. 5 Dec. 17 Feb. 29 May 11 Oct. 7 Dec. 18 Mar. 2 May 12 Oct. 8 Dec. 19 Mar. 3 May 13 Oct. 9 Dec. 20 Mar. 4 May 14 Oct. 10 Dec. 21 Mar. 5 May 15 Oct. 11 Dec. 23 Mar. 6 May 16 Oct. 12 Dec. 24 Mar. 7 May 18 Oct. 14 Dec. 26 Mar. 9 May 19 Oct. 15 Dec. 27 Mar. 10 May 20 Oct. 16 Dec. 28* Mar. 11 May 21 Oct. 17 Dec. 30 Mar. 12 May 22 Oct. 18 Dec. 31 Mar. 13 May 23 Oct. 19 1908, Jan. 2 Mar. 14 May 25 Oct. 21 Jan. 3 Mar. 16 May 26 Oct. 22 Jan. 4 Mar. 17 May 27 . Oct. 23 Jan. 6 Mar. 18 May 28 Oct. 24 Jan. 7 Mar. 19 May 29 Oct. 25 Jan. 8 Mar. 20 June 1 Oct. 26 Jan. 9 Mar. 21 June 2 Oct. 28 Jan. 10 Mar. 23 June 3 Oct. 29 Jan. 11 Mar. 24 June 4 Oct. 30 Jan. 13 Mar. 25 June 5 Oct. 31 Jan. 14 Mar. 26 June 6 Nov. 1 Jan. 15 Mar. 27 June 8 Nov. 2 Jan. 16 Mar. 28 June 9 Nov. 4 Jan. 17 Mar. 30 June 10 t None issued. 804 Classification no. N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU- Continued N17.9: Orders to officers, U. S. N. — Continued (date) 1908, June 11 1908, Aug. 21 1908, Oct. 31 1909, Jan. 13 June 12 Aug. 22 Nov 2 Jan. 14 June 13 Aug. 24 Nov 3 Jan. 15 June 15 Aug. 25 Nov 4t Jan. 16 June 16 Aug. 26 Nov 5 Jan. 18 June 17 Aug. 27 Nov 6 Jan. 19 June 18 Aug. 28 Nov 7 Jan. 20 June 19 Aug. 29 Nov 9t Jan. 21 June 20 Aug. 31 Nov. 10 Jan. 22 June 22 Sept. 1 Nov. 11 Jan. 23 t June 23 Sept. 2 Nov. 12 Jan. 25 June 24 Sept. 3 Nov. 13 Jan. 26 June 25 Sept. 4 Nov. 14 Jan. 27 June 26 Sept. 5 Nov. 16 Jan. 28 June 27 Sept. 8t Nov. 17 Jan. 29 June 29 Sept. 9 Nov. 18 Jan. 30 t June 30 Sept. 10 Nov. 19 Feb. 1 July 1 Sept. 11 Nov. 20 t Feb. 2 July 2 Sept. 12 Nov. 21 Feb. 3 July 3 Sept. 14 Nov. 23 Feb. 4 July 6 Sept. 15 Nov. 24 Feb. 5 July 7 Sept. 16 Nov. 25 Feb. 6 July 8 Sept. 17 Nov. l^}t Feb. 8 July 9 Sept. 18 Nov. Feb. 9 July 10 Sept. 19 Nov. 30 Feb. 10 July 11 Sept. 21 Dec. 1 Feb. 11 July 13 Sept. 22 Dec. 2 Feb. 13 July 14 Sept. 23 Dec. 3 Feb. 15 July 15 Sept. 24 Dec. 4 Feb. 16 July 16 Sept. 25 Dec. 5 Feb. 17 July 17 Sept. 26 Dec. 7* Feb. 18 July 18 Sept. 28 Dec. 8 Feb. 19 July 20 Sept. 29 Dec. 9 Feb. 20 July 21 Sept. 30 Dec. 10 Feb. 23 July 22 Oct. 1 Dec. 11 Feb. 24 July 23 Oct. 2 Dec. 12 Feb. 25 July 24 Oct. 3 1 Dec. 14 Feb. 26 July 25 Oct. 5 Dec. 15 Feb. 27 July 27 Oct. 6 Dec. 16 Mar. 1 July 28 Oct. 7 Dec. 17 t Mar. 2 July 29 Oct. 8 Dec. 18 Mar. 3 July 30 Oct. 9 Dec. 19 Mar. 5 July 31 Oct. 10 Dec. 21 Mar. 6 Aug. 1 Oct. 12 Dec. 22* Mar. 8 Aug. 3 Oct. 13 Dec. 23 Mar. 9 Aug. 4 Oct. 14 Dec. 24 Mar. 10 Aug. 5 Oct. 15 Dec. 26 Mar. 11 Aug. 6 Oct. 16 Dec. 28 Mar. 12 Aug. 7 Oct. 17 Dec. 29 Mar. 13 Aug. 8 Oct. 19 Dec. 30 Mar. 15 Aug. 10 Oct. 20 Dec. 31 Mar. 16 Aug. 11 Oct. 21 1909, Jan. 2 Mar. 17 Aug. 12 Oct. 22 Jan. 4 Mar. 18 Aug. 13 Oct. 23 t Jan. 5 Mar. 19 Aug. 14 Oct. 24 Jan. 6 Mar. 20 Aug. 15 Oct. 26 Jan. 7 Mar. 22 Aug. 17 Oct. 27 Jan. 8 Mar. 23 Aug. 18 Oct. 28 Jan. 9 Mar. 24 Aug. 19 Oct. 29 Jan. 11 Mar. 25 Aug. 20 Oct. 30 Jaii. 12* Mar. 26 t None issued. 805 laMlflcfttlon no. N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU- Continued N17.9: Orders to officers, U . S.N. —Continued (date) 1909, Mar. 27 1909, June 5 1909, Aug. 13 1909, Oct. 22 Mar. 29 June 7 Aug. 14 Oct. 23 Mar. 30 June 8 Aug. 16 Oct. 25 Mar. 31 t June 9 Aug. 17 Oct. 26 Apr. 1 June 10 Aug. 18 Oct. 27 Apr. 2 June 11 Aug. 19 Oct. 28 Apr. 3t June 12 Aug. 20 Oct. 29 Apr. 5 June 14 Aug. 21 Oct. 30 Apr. 6 Juno 15 Aug. 23 Nov. 1 Apr. 7 June 16* Aug. 24 Nov. % Apr. 8 June 17 Aug. 25 Nov. 3 Apr. 9 June 18 Aug. 26 Nov. 4 Apr. 10 June 19 Aug. 27 Nov. 5 Apr. 12 June 21 Aug. 28 Nov. 6 Apr. 13 June 22 Aug. 30 Nov. 8 Apr. 14 June 23 Aug. 31 Nov. 9 Apr. 15 June 24 Sept. 1 Nov. 10 Apr. 16 June 25 Sept.' 2 Nov. 11 Apr. 17 June 26 Sept. 3 t Nov. 12 Apr. 19 June 28 Sept. 4 Nov. 13 Apr. 20 June 29 Sept. 7 Nov. 15 Apr. 21 June 30 Sept. 8 Nov. 16 Apr. 22 July 1 Sept. 9 Nov. 17 Apr. 23 July 2 Sept. 10 Nov. 18 Apr. 24 ♦July 3 Sept. 11 Nov. 19 Apr, 26 July 5t Sept. 13 t Nov. 20 Apr. 27 July 6 Sept. 14 Nov. 22 Apr. 28 July 7 Sept. 15 Nov. 23 Apr. 29 July 8 Sept. 16 Nov. 24 Apr. 30 July 9 Sept. 17 Nov. 26 May 1 July 10 Sept. 18 Nov. 27 May 3 July 12 Sept. 20 Nov. 29 May 4 July 13 Sept. 21 Nov. 30 May 5 July 14 Sept. 22 Dec. 1 May 6 July 15 Sept. 23 Dec. 2 May 7 July 16 Sept. 24 Dec. 3 May 8 July 17 Sept. 25 Dec. 4 May 10 July 19 Sept. 27 Dec. 6 May 11 July 20 Sept. 28 Dec. 7 May 12 July 21 Sept. 29 Dec. 8 May 13 July 22 Sept. 30 Dec. 9 May 14 July 23 Oct. 1 Dec. 10 May 15 July 24 Oct. 2 Dec. 11 May 17 July 26 Oct. 4 Dec. 13 May 18 July 27 Oct. 5 Dec. 14 May 19 July 28 Oct. 6 Dec. 15 May 20 July 29 Oct. 7 Dec. 16 May 21 July 30 Oct. 8 Dec. 17 May 22 July 31 Oct. 9 Dec. 18* May 24 Aug. 2 Oct. 11 Dec. 20 May 25 Aug. 3 Oct. 12 Dec. 21 May 26 Aug. 4 Oct. 13 Dec. 22 May 27 Aug. 5 Oct. 14 Dec. 23 May 28* Aug. 6 Oct. 15 Dec. 24 May 29 Aug. 7 Oct. 16 Dec. 27 June 1 Aug. 9 Oct. 18 Dec. 28 June 2 Aug. 10 Oct. 19 Dec. 29 June 3t Aug. 11 Oct. 20 Dec. 30 June 4 Aug. 12 Oct. 21 Dec. 31 fNone issued. 806 Classification no. N17.10: (date ending fiscal year) N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued Navy transportation schedules various sizes [Navy transportation schedules is the cover-title of this series. The true title has varied somewhat, as shown in tlie list below. Each schedule is for one fiscal year, and is issued in advance, The Bureau ol Navigation has no record of their publication prior to June 30. 1900.] Schedule of rates and roads for transportation of enlisted men of Navy 1900 Same, with circular letter and addenda Schedule of rates and routes for transportation of enlisted men of Navy 1901 1902 Schedule of rates and routes for transportation of enlisted men of Navy and Marine Corps 1903 1904 1905 Same, supplement. Oct. 31, 1904 Same, changes. Jan. 17, 1905 Same, supplement 2. [Feb. 17, 1905] 1906 1 Same, supplement. Aug. 1, 1905 f Invitations for bids for transportation of enlisted men of Navy and Marine Corps Transportation bids [circular letter inviting bids for transportation of enlisted men of Navy from Boston and other points]. Aug. 4, 1899. 40 Same [from Norfolk and other points]. Aug. 4, 1899. 4° Invitation for bids, circular letter to railroad and steamship companies. Feb. 23, 1901. 12° Bid of for transportation of enlisted men of Navy, July 1, 1901- June 30, 1902, submitted by [blank form]. [Feb. 23, 1901.] oblong 8° * [Contains circular letter to railroad and steamship companies dated Feb. 23, 1901.] [This form was used also for fiscal years 1902-03 and 1903-04, dates on title-page being changed by hand, and new circular letters dated Feb. 1, 1902 and Jan. 20, 1903, respectively, DP.ng tipped into the front; see N17.11:903, 904.] Same, July l[1902|-June 30 [1903]. [Feb. 1, 1902.] oblong 8° * Same, July 1 [1903]-June 30 [1904]. [Jan. 20, 1903.] oblong 8" Bid of for transportation of enlisted men of Navy and Marine Corps, July 1, 1904-June 30, 1905, submitted by • [blank form]. [Dec. 1, 1903.] oblong 8° Invitation for bids [tor transportation of enlisted men of Navy and Marine Corps, 1907], circular letter to railroad and steamship companies. Jan. 2, 1906. oblong 12° Same, with title, Circular letter to railroad and steamship companies. Feb. 1, 1906. Same. Jan. 23, 1907. 12P [In 1908 and 1909, circular letters executed by manifold process were sent to the trans- I)ortation companies in place of the formal printed invitations for bids which were issued in previous years.l t Information from the Navigation Bureau is that during the fiscal years 1907-11 there were only a few rates in effect, these being stated on typewritten sheets, not printed. The schedule for the fiscal year 1912 is printed as an 8° pamphlet of 5 p., with title, Schedule of contract rates in effect for transfer of enlisted men of Navy for fiscal year 1911-12. N17.il: 8991 8992 901 902 903 904 905 9061 9062 907 807 Citssiflcatlon N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued nu. N17. 12':, Drill books, slgrnal books, and code lists [Enter here drill manuals, tactic and signal books, and code lists. Outlines of courses of instruction for training classes, etc., are classed under General publications (N17.2). As tne signal books of the Navy are usually confidential, the Public Documents Library has of course no complete set. Such copies as are In this library are listed below. Certain Information concerning the signals In use by the Navy is given In the chapter on Navy signals in the Boat book, 1905 (N17.12 »:B63 «). See, for International code of signals, H. O. publication 87, N6.8:87.] B63» B63- B63^* B63* C641 C642 064^ C64^ F62^ F622 F66 G951 G952 G953 095* G95' G95* G957 G958 G95» G95>« G95>^ G95" In3> In32 L23» Boat signals for use of Navy. 1898. small 4° Same. 1903. small 4" Boat-book, Navy, 1905; prepared by board, W. F. FuUam, W. S. Sims, W. R. Shoemaker, C. B. Brittain, Ridley McLean. Naval Insti- tute, Annapolis, Md., 1905. 16* [Contains also boat signals.] Same, 1906. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md., 1906. 16" See, for Changes in drill books, N17.122: Code list. International code list of vessels of Navy. 1890. [The code list of vessels of United States Navy is from an early period included also in the annual List of merchant vessels (T37.il:, T30.5:, and C11.5:).] Same. 1899. Same. 1901. Same. 1905. 12» Fleet drill book, containing tactical signals for manoeuvering of vessels, either singly or combined. 1888. Same Revised edition. 1891. Flotilla. Code of flotilla and boat squadron signals for Navv. 1869. 12<» * [.See, for earlier edition, N18.2:C64.] Gunnery drill book for new armaments, Navy; by M. Sicard, [C. J. Badger], H. H. Hosley, W. B. Caperton, and T. S. Rodgers. 1893. 12° [-See, for earlier edition, N18.2:G95 2.] [The name of C. J. Badger was sent out on a narrow slip by the Navv Department for insertion in place of name of C. S. Sperry which appears on title-page.] Same, addenda 1. Oct. 24, 1893. 12? Same, addenda 2. Feb. 18, 1895. 12° Same, addenda 3. Feb. 18, 1895. 12? Same, addenda 4. Feb. 13, 1896. 12° Same, addenda 5. Mar. 28, 1896. 12<» Same, addenda 6. Sept. 15, 1896. 12° Same, addenda. May 19, 1898. 12° [To be substituted for all previous addenda.] Same, addenda, new series 2. Nov. 7, 1898. 12° Same, regulations for target practice. June 22, 1897. 12* [To be inserted in Gunnery drill nook.] Gun and torpedo drills for Navy; by Edward W. Eberle. Naval Insti- tute, Annapolis, Md., 1900. 24* [Supersedes Gunnery drill book for new armaments, 1893 (N17.12 i:G95 ^).] Same, amendment to gun and torpedo drill book. n. p. n. d. 24«> /SeeaZsoN17.12i:Sh6. Infantry and artillery. Instructions for infantry and artillery, Navy; prepared by O. M. Thomas, C. E. Colahan, W. F. Fullam, F. J. Haeseler, and L. W, V. Kennon. 1891. 24° Same, additions, changes, and corrections Mar. 15, 1892. 24" Landing-force and small-arm instructions, Navy, 1905; prepared by board, W. F. Fullam W. S. Sims, W. R. Shoemaker, C. B. Brittain, Ridley McLean. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md., 1905. 16° 808 Classification no. N17.121: L232 Or2 P451 P452 She Si2i Si22 Si23 Si24 Si25 Si28 Til T23 N17.12 2: (nos.) N17.13: (date) N17.14:: (date) N17.15: (date) N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued DrIU books, signal books, and code lists— Continued ^ Same, revised. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md., 1907. IG" * See, for Changes in drill books, N17.12 2: Ordnance. _ Manual of instruction in ordnance and gunnery for naval training service. 1900. 12^ Petty officer's drill book. Navy; [compiled] by William F. Fullam. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md., 1902. 24" Same. Revised edition. Naval Institute. Annapolis, Md„ 1904. 24" Ship and gun-drills. Navy, 1905; prepared by board composed of W. F. Fullam, W. S. Sims, W. R. Shoemaker, C. B. Brittain, Ridley McLean. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md., 1905. 16*> See, for Changes in drill books, N17.122: Signal code of Navy. 1864. * Signal code. [Introduction to] United States naval signal code; by Thornton A. Jenkins. 1867. [Binder's title and running heads read, "Introduction to."] Signal code. Naval signal code. 1867. * Signal book. Naval signal book. 1869. Same [corrections and additions]. [The copy in the Public Docu- ments Library is dated in ink, Sept. 17, 1871, with autograph signature of chief signal officer.] Signal book. General signal book of Navy. 1876. * Tactics. Naval tactics: pt. 1, Fleet-evolutions under steam alone; pt. 2, Fleet-evolutions under sail alone. [1874.] [Binder's title reads: U. S. naval signal book, naval tactics, 1874.] Telegraphic dictionary of Navy, with introductory explanations. 1865. {See, for earlier editions, N1.2:T23i'2 ] Changes in drill books 1 narrow f ° 2 narrow large 8° 3 240 List of addresses of navy recruiting stations [These lists have been printed from time to time for use in connection with the navy recruiting service. As the Public Documents Library has only a very few copies and no complete file could be consulted, they are not listed here.] Leaves of absence granted oflacers (monthly) 1907, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1908, Jan. Feb.. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1909, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual report of small arms target practice Annual report of target practice with small arms, 3-inch field pieces, and boat guns 1906 1907 1908 Annual report of small arms target practice 1909 809 ClasHlflcfttlOB no. N17.16: C69 L82 N22» N222 N223 N22* R241 R242 R243 R24* R24« R24« R247 R248 R24» T68^ T682 N17.17: B63 C591 C592 C73^ C732 C733 C73* C73« E121 E12a E123 El 2* E12^ EnS^ En52 En53 En5* En5* N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU-Continued Regulations and instructions (Manuals of instruction for drills and for signaling arc classed under N17.12 >: Rc^ii- itions of tho Naval Homo and of the Naval T f;oveming admission of candidates into Nav nstitutions, sre M7.7:. N17.18:, and N12.7:] 'raining Station, and regulations aer Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. lations of tho Naval Homo and of tho Naval oveming admission of candidates into Naval Academy are classed under those N17.18:, and N12r " Colliers, Regulations for navy colliers. 1902. Log books. Instructions for keeping log-books and compiling meteor- ological returns. 1886. 12° Naval Auxiliary Service. Regulations for Naval Auxiliary Service. 1907. Same; corrected to Apr. 1, 1908 [to go in effect May 1, 1908]. 1908. Same, Changes in [edition of 1908]. Dec. 3, 1908. 12o Same; corrected to Feb. 9, 1909. 1909. Recruits. Advice and instructions for recruits in Navy; by Carroll Q. Wright. 1906. 16» Recruiting ofl&cers. Instructions for recruiting officers of Navy. 1902. Same. 1904. July, 1905. 1906. [Jan. 5] 1907. [May 15] 1907. 1908. 1909. Transportation. Instructions governing transportation of enlisted men, Navy, 1908. 1908. Same, 1909. 1909. Circulars and orders (miscellaneous, unnumbered) See also N17.4: Boatswains. Circular relating to appointment of acting boatswains in Navy. May 1, 1905. Clerical force. Directions concerning clerical force [of Bureau of Navi- gation]. July 15, 1902. Clerks. Circular for information of persons desiring original appoint- ments as clerks to pay officers m Navy, etc. Dec. 1, 1903. 12° Commanders-in-chief. [Circular] for information of commanders-in- chief and commanding officers [concerning] qualifications for permanent appointments as chief petty officers [etc.]. Jan. 4, 1907. 12° 12° 12° 12° 12° Electricians. Circular regarding enlistment of electricians for wireless telegraph. June 20, 1903. narrow 8° Electricians. Circular regarding enlistment and promotion of electri- cians [in Navy]. [Dec. 20, 1904.] Same. Sept. 18, 1905. Same. Feb. 10, 1906. Same. Apr. 10, 1907. Enlistment records. [Instructions as to enlistment records.] Sept. 1, 1904. narrow 12° Enlistment. Circular relating to enlistment of men for Navy. 1905. 12« [See, for earlier editions, N1.19:En5 ^-^] Same. [Jan. 25] 1906. 12» Same. [Dec. 5] 1906. 12* Same. [Feb. 12] 1907. 12° Same. Apr. 4, 1907. Same. Nov. 4, 1907. Same. Dec. 11, 1907. Same. Sept. 1, 1908. 810 Classification no. N17.17: En5« En5« En5^ En5i° En5'i M181 M182 M183 MIS 4 MIS 5 M18« N221 N222 P45 W25 Y41 Y42 Y43 Y4* Y45 Y4« Y4- Y48 Y49 N17.18: N17. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued N17.181: (date) N17.182: R261 11262 tN17.19: Circulars and orders (miscellaneous, unnumbered )- Same. [Apr. 15] 1907. 12° 12° 12« 12« 12° 12° -Continued Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Machinists. 1900 [Aug. 30] 1907. [June 1] 190S. [Sept. 1] 190S. [Dec. 1] 190S. [July 1] 1909. Circular regarding narrow 8® enlistment of machinists. Dec. 6, Same. July 5, 1901. narrow 8° Same. Aug. 21, 1902. narrow 8° Same. Mar. 21, 1904. narrow 8° Machinists' mates. Circular regarding enlistment of machinists' mates. Nov. 28, 1905. narrow 8° Same. July 31, 1906. narrow 8° Naval patrol. [Circular letter to commandants of naval districts rela- tive to establishment of naval patrol.] June 1, 1903. 12° Naval militia. Order [assigning vessels of naval militia as 20th Fleet, with memoranda of exercises for naval militia]. June 2, 1908. Petty officers. Qualifications for permanent appointment as chief petty officers. Aug. 27, 1903. 12® See, for later issues, N17.17:C73i-^ Warrant machinists. Circular relating to appointment of warrant machinists. May 1, 1906. 4® Yeomen. [Requirements for enlistment of yeomen.] [1899.] narrows' Same, with alterations. [Apr. 11, 1900.] narrow 8° Yeomen. Circular regarding enlistment [Dec. 20, 1900.] narrow 8° Same. [Aug. 21, 1902.] narrow 8° narrow 8° narrow 8° of yeomen [in Navy]. Same. [Mar. 21, 1904.] Same. [Dec. 17, 1904.] Same. [Nov. 28, 1905.] narrow 8° Same. [July 31, 1906.] narrow 8° Same, clerical branch. [Oct. 18, 1907.] narrow 8° See also '^17.2:Y4''^. Naval Training Station, Nevs^port [Under General order 257 of Navy Department, dated Dec. 16. 1880, a temporary- headquarters for the vessels employed in training apprentices for the Navy, or "Naval Training Station," was established at Coasters Harbor Island, in Narra- gansett Bay, near Newport, R. I. Navy regulation circular 33, dated June 4, 1883, announced its permanent establishment.] Naval Training Station, Newport, Annual reports [1893-1904, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), but not issued separately. 1905-09, none issued.] Naval Training Station, Newport, General publica- tions Regulations. Routine and regulations, Naval Training Station, Coast- ers Harbor Island [Newport, R. I.]. 189§. 12° Regulations. Station regulations, 1906, Naval Training Station, New- port, R. I. 1906. t Since the abolishment of the Bureau of Equipment, July 1, 1910, the catalogues of ship's and crew's libraries have been published by the Navigation Bureau. This necessitates an additional class under N17. the series title of which is as follows: N17.19: Catalogues of ship's and crew's libraries of U. S. S. (CT) See, for earlier catalogues, N5.6: 811 N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU [Establlslied as Ordnance and Uydrography Bureau by act to reorganize Navy Department approved AtiR. 31, 1842 (Stat. L. v. 5, p. 679). The name was changed to Ordnance Hurea)i In accordance with Atig. 31,18-12 (S act approved July 5, 18ti2 (£ Classlflratlon no. N18.1: (date) It. U V. 12, p. 510). See also note at head of NH.] N18.2: Ai7' Ai7 3 Ai7* Ai7^ Am6i Am63 Am6=* Am6^ Ar5i Ar52 Ar53 B211 B212 B63» B632 C28 C49 C64 C72 Annual reports [1842-1909, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and usually issued sepa* ■ ' '"■ Dopartmer - - - poi Congressional document, [128^1uj.] rately also. Tiie gave the Ordnance Bureau re Report for 1866 was published partment edition of Navy Department report sometimes rt only in abridged form. General publications Air compressor. Instructions for operating E. W. Bliss Company air compressor, type 2. [1897.] 12» Air-compressor test, instructions for operating air-compressors. [1897.] 12'» Air compressor. Rand air compressor, type 2, instructions for operating 9|-inch by 4-inch torpedo compressor, made with 3-stage air cyl- inders. [1897.] 12° Air compressor. Translation, description and instructions for installa- tion of air compressors, system Kaselowsky, for 5 J and 9 liters, 100 atmospheres, a minute. [1899.] 12° Air compressor. Instructions for infitallation and manipulation of Whitehead air compressors, type 2. [Apr. 13, 1898.] Ammunition. Description of ammunition used in naval service and method of preparing same for issue. Naval Torpedo Station [Newport, R. I.], 1896. 12* Same, plates, n. p. 1896. 4* Ammunition. Stowage sizes of ammunition, Navy. n. p. [1902]. Ammunition. Instructions for care and preparation of ammunition. 1874. Armor for naval vessels. Advertisement and circular concerning armor for naval vessels. 1899. Same. [Jan. 25, 1907.] Same. Apr. 22, 1907. Ballistic tables for standard navy projectiles with ogival heads of 2 calibers radius; computed by R. R. Ingersoll from Mayevski's Laws of resistance of air, as deduced from Krupp's experiments. 1893. Ballistics. Interior ballistics, pt. 1: Properties of powders and their action in closed chambers and in cannon, by A. Brynk; trans- lated by John B. Bernadou. 1904. Boat armament. System of boat armament in Navy; by J. A. Dahl- gren. [Ist edition.] Philadelphia, printed by A. Hart, 1852. [The cover describes this volume as "part second." It is not known whether pt. 1 was ever publishea.] Same, with title, Boat armament of Navy; by J. A. Dahlgren. 2d edition. Philadelphia, printed by King & Baird, 1856. Catechism for magazine employees and those ha\dng charge of maga- zines on shore. 1904. 12° Circulars. [Compilation of circulars issued by Ordnance Bureau, May 4, 1861-Nov. 16, 1863.] Oct. 19, 1863. [Circulars which had become obsolete were omitted from this compilation.] Code of flotilla and boat squadron signals for Navy; prepared by Thornton A. Jenkins. 1861. 24° [See, for later edition, Nl7.12i:F66.] Colt automatic gun, caliber 6 millimeters, mark 1, description and nomenclature; prepared by P. R. Alger and N. C. Twining. 1897. [See, for later edition, N18.7:67.] 812 Classiflcation no. N18.2: C88 D74 El 2 Eu7» Eu72 Ex7 F51 F54 F63 G13' GI32 GI33 G95» G952 G953 G95^ G95» G95« G95' H83 M31 M66 N22> N22^ N72 N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Cruisers. Detailed requirements of Bureau of Ordnance for armored . cruisers West Virginia, Nebraska, and California, nos. 4, 5, and 6, authorized by act approved Mar. 3, 1899, and Maryland, Colorado, and South Dakota, nos. 7, 8, and 9, authorized by act approved June 7, 1900, and described in Navy Department circular dated July 31, 1900. [July 31, 1900.] 12° Dotter. Notes on care of dotter. Mar. 23, 1906. narrow large 8° Electric position-indicator, or distance-measurer. 1871. 4* Europe. Report on naval mission to Europe, especially devoted to material and construction of artillery. 1873. v. 1, 4° Same. 1873. v. 2, 4° Explosives. Notes on explosives and their application in torpedo warfare; by Walter N. Hill. U. S. Torpedo Station, Newport, R. I., 1875. Fire regulations, Naval Proving Ground and Powder Factory. [1907.] 40 Fiske range-finder. Instructions for installation, use, and care of Fiske range-finder and range-indicator, n. p. 1894. Fletcher rapid-fire breech mechanism. Nomenclature and descrip- tion of Fletcher rapid-fire breech mechanism, pedestal mounts, 3-inch field and gun carriage, and electric firing attachments. 1897. [5eeaZso N18.7:158.] Galvanic batteries. Lecture on galvanic batteries and electrical machines as used in torpedo operations, pt. 1: ; by John P. Merrell. U. S. Torpedo Station, Newport, R. I., 1874. * Same, pt. 2: Frictional and magneto-electric machines; by John P. Merrell. U. S. Torpedo Station, Newport, R. I., 1874. * Same, pt. 3: Dynamo-electric machines; [by] John P. Merrell. U. S. Torpedo Station, Newport, R. I., 1875. Gun-cotton torpedo instructions. Plates to accompany gun-cotton torpedo instructions. Navy; prepared at Torpedo Station, Bu- reau of Ordnance, n. p. 1886. Gunnery drill book for new armaments, 1889, Naval Torpedo Station and War College Print [1889]. [See, for later edition, N17.12^: G95^] Gun mounts. Description of modem gun mounts in Navy. 1894. Guns. Directions for removing steel recoil cylinder and putting bronze recoil cylinder on 3-inch field gun, mark 1. [1901.] Gunpowder. Theory and practice of granulating gunpowder; by J. D. Marvin. Naval Experiment Battery, Ajanapolis, Md., 1875. Gunnery notes. 1871. Gun implements. Dimensions and weights of gun implements. 1874. Howell torpedo, 14.2 inches, mark 1, general description. Naval Torpedo Station Print, 1896. Manufacture. Notes on manufacture and inspection of steel breech- loading rifles, rapid-fire and machine guns, and small arms. Torpedo Station Print, 1891. Minors. Rules to be observed in examination of minors under instruc- tion. Apr. 25, 1900. 12» Naval percussion locks and primers, particularly those of United States; by J. A. Dahlgren. Philadelphia, A. Hart, 1853. Naval experimental battery. Objects and resources of naval experi- mental battery at Annapolis, Md. [Washington] 1875. Nomenclature of steel B. L. R. guns and carriages and mounts for Hotchkiss guns. n. p. n. d. 813 ClAMinrBtton no. N18.2: N81 Or2' Or22 Or2=' Or2^ P19 P56 P87 P93 P99 R16' R162 R16' R24 R32 R44 Sel Sh4 Sm7» Sm72 Sm73 Sm7* Sm7 5 Sm7» Sul Su3 N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU— Continued General publications — Continued North Atlantic Squadron. Notee for outfit of countermines for North Atlantic Squadron. Apr. 1898. Ordnance. Description of modem ordnance in Navy. 1894. Ordnance. Course of instruction in ordnance at seamen's quarters, navy yard, Washington, D. C. 1903. Same. 1906. Same. 1908. Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., Navy Department's ord- nance exhibit . [1 90 1 . ] Phosphor-bronze. Essay on use of various alloys, especially of phos- phorous bronze, for founding of cannon, by (.'. Montefiore-Levy and C. Kunkel, Brussels, 1870; translated from the French by John D. Brandt. 1872. 4« Powder magazines. R^^lations for powder magazines and shell houses. 1874. Price list of ordnance stores. Mar. 8, 1905. [1905.] Pyro-cellulose. Method of manufacture of pyro-cellulose. Jan. 2, 1900. 12» Range finder. Form for use in adjusting and verifying range finder. n. d. Ranges. Calculated tables of ranges for army and navy guns, with method of finding distance of object at sea; by W. P. Buckner. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1865. Range tables for naval guns; by I. K. Seymour. Torpedo Station, 1893. Reductions, etc., of steel. Tables of reductions, tensile strengths, elastic limits, etc. [of steel]. 1898. Revolver. Notes on navy revolver, models of 1889 and 1895. [1897.] Rifle. U. S. navy rifle, calibre 6 millimetres, model 1895, description and nomenclature; by P. R. Alger and N. C. Twining under direction of Bureau of Ordnance. Hartford, Conn., Press of Case, Lockwood, and Brainard Co., 1896. Seaman gunners. Handbook for seaman gunners, catechism of ^Vhite- head torpedoes, naval defense mine, countermine, observation mine, explosives, and electricity. 1908. Shells and shell-guns; by J. A. Dahlgren. Philadelphia, King and Baird, printers, 1856. Smokeless powder. Regulations governing examination of smokeless powder for magazines on shipboard. Sept. 10, 1901. Same for magazines on shore. Sept. 10, 1901. Smokeless powder. U. S. navy smokeless powder; by A. C. Dieffen- bach. [Dec. 28, 1904.] Smokeless powder. [Reassignments of weights of charge of smokeless powders.] Dec. 9, 1905. 4° Same. Oct. 1, 1906. 4° Smokeless powder. [Circular letter to commandants and commanders- in-chief, withdrawing from service smokeless powder containing mercuric chloride in suflicient quantities to mask K. I. heat test.] Oct. 22, 1906. 4» Submarine boats. Lecture on submarine boats and their application to torpedo operations; by F. M. Barber. U. S. Torpedo Station, Newport, R. I., 1875. Suggestions to officers on temporary duty under instruction at Naval Proving Ground and Smokeless Powder Factory of things to be studied or observed. Dec. 28, 1904. 12^ 814 Classification no. N18.2: T631 T632 T633 T63* T635 T861 T862 W58 N18.3: (nos.) N18.4 : (date) N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Torpedoes. Notes on torpedoes, offensive and defensive; by R. H. Stotherd. 1872. [The author was a major in the Roval Epgineers, and his book was reprinted at the Government Printing Omee from the British edition. The back title of this Government Printing Office edition reads: Submarine mines.] Torpedo boats. Details of armaments for torpedo-boat destroyers and torpedo boats, 1st class, for Navy. 1898. 12*^ Torpedo experiments at Key West, Fla., Mar. 1874. n. p. [Mar. 31, 1874]. Torpedo fuzes. Notes on torpedo fuzes; by G. A. Converse. U. S. Torpedo Station, Newport, R. I., Jan. 1875. Torpedo gyro gears. Instructions for packing navy torpedo gyro gears for shipment. Jan. 17, 1906. Turret mounts. Directions for care and preservation of turret mounts, 1895. Turret mounts. Telescope sights for turret mounts, n. p. [July 1, 1896]. Whitehead torpedoes. Contract for launching apparatus for White- head 5™ 45^^™ torpedoes, n. d. f ° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars (unnumbered) [Prior to 1893, unnumbered circulars were issued by this bureau as necessary in con- nection with its work. Since that date, under article 1G14 of Regulations for government of Navy, 1893, all such information and instructions are included in the various series issued by the Secretary of the Navy. The Public Documents Library has very few of the early circulars and no com- plete file could be consulted. The entries for 1861-63 in the list below are taken from Compilation of circulars issued by Ordnance Bureau, May 4, 1861-Nov. 16, 1863 (N18.2:C49); that compilation omitted all obsolete circulars.] 1863, July 9 * Aug. 21 * Aug. 25 * Aug. 31 * Sept. 1 * Sept. 2 * [Relating to in- spection of ships.] Sept. 2 * [Relating to in- spection of metals.] Sept. 8 * [Relating to pro- portion of projectiles.] Sept. 8 * [Relating to color of projectiles.] Sept. 11 * Sept. 19 * Sept. 26 * Oct. 5 * Oct. 17 * Oct. 24 * Nov. 5 * Nov. 16 * 1864-1884 * 1885, Apr. 14 1886 [None issued? 1887 [None issued? 1888, Sept. 1 1889 [None issued?] 1890 [None issued?] 1891, Nov. 12 Dec. 29 1892 [None issued?] 1893 [None issued?] 1861, May 4 * June 19 * July 24 * Aug. 28 * Dec. 2 * 1862, Apr. 11 * Apr. 21 * Apr. 22 * June 3 * June 4 * July 2 * July 15 * July 24 * Aug. 4 * Aug. 19- * Sept. 10 * Oct. 15 * Oct. 22 * Nov. 9 * Dec. 11 * Dec. 18 * Dec. 20 * Dec. 29 * 1863, Jan. 19 * Feb. 4 * Feb. 5 * Feb. 13 * Feb. 18 'X^ Feb. 19 * Feb. 20 * Mar. 16 * Mar. 23 * 815 CIssslflcatlon no. N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU— Continued N18.5: Ordnance Instructions for Navy (ed. noB.) N18.6: (CT) N18.7: (no8.) [Ist edition.] Instructions in relation to preparation of vessels of war for battle, to duties of officers and others when at quarters, and to ordnance and ordnance stores; [with] Form of exercise and manoeuvre for boat-howitzers of Navy, by J. A. Dahlgren. fist edition.] 1852. [Imprints are: Washinp;ton, (\ Alexander, printer, 1852; and Philadelphia, A. Hart, 1852.) [The matter contained in the Ist edition as an appended article is included In the body of the later editions.] 2d edition. 1860. 3d edition. 1864. 4th edition. 1866. 5th edition. 1880. [Discontinued.] Specifications (unnumbered) various sizes [These unnumbered specifications, which are not of interest to the general public, are not listed here. Some of the specifications, originally issued in 12 . have been reprinted in 4° as Ord- nance pamphlets. These reprints and all other specifications which belong to the numbered series of Ordnance pamphlets, whether the number appears on the publication or not, are to be classed under N18.7: See also note under N18.7: In cases where the same subject matter appears in more than one form, there being often no difference except in size, class under N18.6: the prints which are not Ordnance pamphlets, and under N18.7: those which properly belong to that series.] Ordnance pamphlets 4° [Although this series was begim about 1896, the issues prior to 1905 appeared without numbers. In 1905, a system of consecutive numbers so arranged as to bring together the pamphlets on closely related subjects was adopted by the Ordnance Bureati. This plan included those pamphlets previously issued and made pro- vision for future issues. Up to date (1911) there are still numbers which are uuassigncd. See, for lists of these numbers, Index to Ordnance pamphlets, which appeared in 1905 and 1907 as Ordnance pamphlet (N18.7:0i»3). The series of Ordnance pamphlets includes some, but not all, of the specifications issuing from the Ordnance Bureau; those wnich do not belong to this series being classed with other unnumbered specifications; see N18.6:] [1st edition] Nov. 1905 [This is a list of Ordnance pamphlet numbers.] Same, addenda Same. [2d edition] Nov. 1907 [1] Specifications for armor plates and appurtenances. Jan. 1893. 4° [2] Same. Apr. 1896. 4° [3] Same. May, 1898. 4° [4] Same. Oct. 1900. 4° g| [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [7] Face-hardened armor. Dec. 1902. 4° 8 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 9 [10] Manufacture of armor-piercing projectiles. Sept. 1902. 4° 11 12 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [13] Specifications for armor-piercing shell. Feb. 1903. 4" [Confi- dential.] Same. Oct. 1907 4<» [Confidential.] Oct. 1906 * .1906 1907 13 14 Same. Nov, Same. Oct. 15 Oct. 1906 Same. Oct. 1907 [16] Specifications for minor caliber steel shell. 17 * Nov. 1900. 4° 816^ Classiflcatlon no. N18.7: (nos.) N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU— Continued Ordjiance pamplllets— Continued 18 [19] Manufacture of U. S. navy smokeless powder. Sept. 1902. 4? 20 * [21] 23 Heat test of smokeless powder, Sept. 1902. 4<> * [Confidential.] [23] General description of manufacture, etc., of gun cotton. Mar. 1905. * * 24 [25] 38 [39] [40] 41 42 43 [44 [45] 46 [47] [48] [49] Specifications for manufacture of 6-inch mark 8, 7-inch mark 2, 8-inch mark 6, and 12-inch mark 5 guns and breech mechan- isms, etc. Jan. 1905. * * [Confidential.] * 26 27 28 * 29 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [30] Specifications for manufacture of Howell automobile torpedoes, 45 cm., IT. S. N., mark 1. June, 1896. 4° [31] Specifications for manufacture of Howell automobile torpedoes, 14.2-inch, U. S. N., mark 1. Jan. 1897. 4« [32] Specifications for manufacture of Whitehead automobile torpe- does, U. S. N., 5 m. X 45 cm., mark 1. Dec. 1897. * [33] Specifications for manufacture of Whitehead automobile torpe- does, U. S. N., mark 3. Sept. 1896. * [34] Specifications for manufacture of Bliss-Leavitt automobile tor- pedoes, U. S. N., 5 m. X 21 in., mark 1. Nov. 1903. 4« [35] Specifications for manufacture • of Bliss-Leavitt automobile tor- pedoes, U. S. N., 5 m. X 45 cm., mark 3. Dec. 1903. 4« [36] Specifications for materials for manufacture of Bliss-Leavitt tor- pedoes, U. S. N., 5 m. X 45 cm., mark 4. Jan. 1905. * [37] Specifications for manufacture of B.-L. torpedoes, U. S. N., 5 m. X 45 cm., mark 4. Jan. 1905. * [Confidential.] * [Confidential.] Specifications for manufacture of apparatus for Howell automo- bile torpedoes, 45 cm., U. S. N., mark 1. June, 1896. * Specifications for manufactiu"e of launching apparatus for White- head 5 m. 45 cm. torpedoes. Oct. 1897. 4° [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Specifications for Bliss type 3 single steam cylinder air com- pressors. Nov. 1900. 49 Specifications for Bliss type 5 single steam cylinder air com- pressors, nos. 6-15. June, 1901. 4'' [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Specifications for type 4 Rand air compressor. Apr. 1903. 4° Specifications for type 5 Rand air compressor. Apr. 1903. 4° Specifications for Rand type 6 electric air compressors. Apr. 1903. 4« I [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 50 51 52 53 [54] Specifications for bronze torpedo air accumulators of 50 cubic feet capacity, for United States ships Virginia [etc.], working pressure, 2,500 pounds. May 18, 1905. 4° [55] Specifications for steel hoop forgings for torpedo air vessels fo2 Navy. June, 1892. * 817 Claiwiacntluu no. N18.7: ! (no8.) N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU— Continucxl Ordnance painphlets-rCV)n.tiaue(l [56] Specifications for manufacture of })ronze torpedo air accumulators for armored cruiners Pennsylvania, etc. Sept. 1004. * [57] Same? Nov. 1904. * [58] Specifications for standing torpedo air piping ,and fittinge for ships of Navy. Oct. 1904. * , _ , ,. , . [59] Standard battery control system. July, 1905. * [60] Increasing twist of rifling. Apr. 1905. * [61] Introductory definitions, general diRcussions, etc., of guns, breech , ,; mechanisms, and gun mounts. Aug. 1902. 4'*;(i!j [62] Nomenclature of gun mounts. Mar. 1905. * [63] Electric firing and night sight lighting attachments. Nov. 1904. * 64 [65] 66 [67] Colt automatic gun, caliber 6 mm. May, 1903. 4° [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Colt automatic gun, caliber .30. Sept. 1902. 4° [S'ee, for earlier edition, N18.2:C72.] j , , 68 69 [70] I [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Gatling guns, models prior to 1880 up to and including 1900. Mar. 1903. 4« 71 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] j [72] Oatling gun, mark 2, navy type, .30-caliber! 73 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 74 [75] Hotchkiss revolving cannon. Feb. 1903. 4° 76 [77] Sept. 1902. 4« [78] [79] 80 81 82 [83] 1-pounder rapid-fire guns, Hotchkiss light, marjcs 1 and 2, Hotch- kiss heavy, marks 1 and 2, Driggs-Schroeder heavy, marks 1 and 2, Maxim-Nordenfelt automatic, marks 1 and 2. Jan. 1903. 4° 1-pounder gun and breech mechanism, mark 6. Apr. 1904. * l-pounder gun, mark 8, formerly Hotchkiss hea,vy, mark 3, semi- automatic. [1902.] 4'' ■ , ' [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.]' 3-pounder rapid-fire navy guns, Hotchkiss, mark 1, Driggs- Schroeder, marks 1 and 2. Jan. 1903. 4*' [84] 3-pounder gun, mark 4, formerly Hotchkiss, mark 4, 50 calibers, semiautomatic. Sept. 1902. 4° 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92. [93] 6-pounder guns, Hotchkiss, marks 1 and 2, Driggs-Schroeder, marks 1 and 2 and mark 3, Army, Nordenfelt, mark 2. Dec. 1902. 4* 94 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [95] 6-pounder gun, mark 9, formerly Maxim-NoMepfelt, mark 2, ^ semiautomatic. Jan. 1903. 4° 96 97 I [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 82452°— 11- 52 818 Classification no. N18.7: (nos.) N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU— Continued Ordnance pamplilets— Continued 98 Apr. 1907 * Same. May, 1907 -^^1 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [101] 6, 3, and 1 pdrs. Hotchkiss breech mechanism, marks 1 and 2. Nov. 1902. 4« [102] Lynch breech miechanism for 6-pounder gun, mark 5. Oct. 1902. 4* [103] 6-pdr. S. A. mark 7 breech mechanism, Maxim semi-automatic 1041 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] type of breech action. May, 1903. 4*' 105^ [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 106] [107] 6-pdr. R. F. gun mount, marks 4 and 7, semi-automatic, general arrangement. Sept. 1903. 4" [Mark 4 was formerly marks 1 and 2.] 1081 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125; [126] Details of gun construction, main battery. May, 1903. 4P I27J 1291 t^°* issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 13oJ [131] 3-inch gun, mark 4, formerly mark 2, 50 calibers, with B. M. Sept. 1902. * [132] 3-inch gun, mark 3, 50 cals. Dec. 1903. 4« 133 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 134 [135] 3-inch breech mechanism, mark 1, field guns, Fletcher type. Jan. 1903. 4° 136 [137] 3-inch breech mechanism, mark 2, formerly mark 1, 50-caliber guns mark 1. Nov. 1902. 4° [Superseded by Ordnance pamphlet 139.] 138 [139] 3-inch breech mechanism, mark 3, for 3-inch gun, mark 3, for- merly mark 1. Jan. 1904. 4° [Supersedes Ordnance pam- phlet 137.] 140] 141 [ [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 142] [143] 3-inch mount, mark 2, for 3-inch 50-caliber gun, mark 2. Nov. 1903. 4* 819 CI«8Hinratlon no. N18.7: (DOS.) N18. ORDNANCE BUKEAU-Continued Ordnance pamphlets— Cbntinued 144 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [145J 3-inch pedestal mount, mark 3, including mark 3, mod. 1 and 2 mounts. Apr. 19Q3. 4* 1461 148 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.J 149] [150] Description of 4-inch guns, marks 1-7. Aug. 1902. 4» 151 (Not issued up to Dee. 31, 1909.] 152 153 [154] 4-inch mark 2 breech mechanism. Oct. 1902. 4" 155 [156] 4-inch mark 3 R. F. breech mechanism. Oct. 1902. 4» 157 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [158] 4-inch mark 4 R. F. breech mechanism, 5-inch mark 3 R. F. breech mechanism, 6-inch mark 4 R. F. breech mechanism, Fletcher type. June, 1903. 4"» [See also N18.2:F63.] 159 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [160] 4-inch mark 6 Welin screw R. F. type of breech mechanism. Dec. 1902. 4» 161} 162 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 163j [164] 4-inch recoil moimts, marks 2 and 3, and mark 3 modified. Apr. 1903. 4° 165 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [166] 4-inch mark 4, and mark 4 mod. 3, pedestal mounts. Feb. 1904. 4° [Mark 4 mod. 3 formerly known as 4-inch mount mark 4a.] 1671 168 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 169 [170; 4-inch pedestal mounts, mark 8, including 4-inch pedestal mounts, mark 8, mod. 1 and 2. Oct. 1903. 4'» 1711 172 J [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 173j 174 [175] 4.7-inch R. F. breech mechanism, mark M (Maxim-Nordenfelt, markl, U.S. N.), mark 2 (Welin). Apr. 1903. 4° J^^l [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [178] Description of 5-inch gims, mark 1-5. Aug. 1902. 4* 179 180 [181] 5-inch mark 2 R. F. breech mechanism. Oct. 1902. 4P 182 Feb. 1907 Same. Apr. 1907 * 183 184 [185] 5-inch mark 5 rapid-fire recoil mount. Sept. 1903. 4*» 186] Jgg [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 189 820 ClassiQcatlon no. N18.7: (nos.) N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU— Continued Ordnance pamphlets— Continued [190] 5-inch pedestal mount, mark 8, including 5-inch pedestal mount, mark 8, modification 1. Nov. 1903. 4" [191] 5-inch pedestal mount, mark 9, modification 1, and 5-inch mount, mark 9. Jan. 1904. 4° 192 Apr. 1907 * Same. May, 1907 193 * 194 [195] 6-inch guns, mark 1-4, 6. Oct. 1902. 4^ [Plate 1 belonging to Ordnance pamphlet 195 and the unnumbered plate belonging to Ordnance pamjjhlet 212 are erroneously interchanged in the two publications.] 196 Apr. 1907 * Same. May, 1907 [197] 6-inch mark 7 gun, 40-caliber, manufactured by Bethlehem Steel Company. Nov. 1903. 4« 198 [199] 6-inch gun, mark 8. Dec. 1904. * 2001 ^^U [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 203J [204] 6-inch breech mechanism, mark 3. Dec. 1902. 4* 205 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [206] 6-inch mark 5 breech mechanism, Elswick. Sept. 1903. 4? 207 [208] 6-inch mark 6 breech mechanism, Vickers quick-fire type of breech mechanism. Oct. 1903. 4" 209] 210 [ [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 211J [212] Deckmounts, 6-inch, mark 3. Oct. 1902. 4° [Plate 1 belonging to Ordnance pamphlet 195 and the unnumbered plate belonging to Ordnance pamphlet 212 are erroneously interchanged in the two publications.] [213] 6-inch mount, central pivot, mark 4. Dec. 1902. 4° [214] 6-inch mark 5 rapid-fire recoil mount. Sept. 1903. 4° l\^\ [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [217] 6-inch mount, mark 8, Armstrong pedestal mount. Oct. 1903. 4» 2181 ^^^ [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 221. 222 * [223] 7-inch gun, mark 1, 45-caliber. Sept. 1903. 4° [224] 7-inch mark 2 45-caliber gun. Sept. 1903. 4" 225' 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233. 234 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] <^21 CUsMincatlon no. N18.7: (no8.) [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1009.] N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU— Continued Ordnance pamphlots— Continued 2351 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 May, 1907 Same. June, 1907 247 Apr. 1907 * Same. June, 1907 248 249 * 250 [251 [252 253 254 255 [256 [257 [258 [259 260 261 262 263 [264] 8-inch mark 7 spring-return mount and installation in turrets, 8-inch double ammunition hoist mark 7, 8-inch turrets with turning and controlling gear for mark 7 mount, Indiana, Massa- chusetts, and Oregon. June, 1903. 4" 265 * [266] 8-inch center-pivot spring-return mounts, marks 10 and 11. June, 1903. 4° 2gg| [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [269] 8-inch ammimition hoist, mark 8, Brooklyn and Iowa. Feb. 1903. 4° 270 271 * 272 273 * [274] 10-inch guns, marks 1 and 2. Nov. 1902. 4° 275] 97fi 277 [ [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 278] [279] 10-inch breech mechanism, mark 5, breech-loading rifle. Feb. 1903. 4« 2801 8-inch guns, mark 1-4. Oct. 1902. 4° j 8-inch gun, mark 5. Sept. 1903. 4° [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 8-inch breech mechanism, mark 1 and 2. Oct. 1902. 4® 8-inch breech mechanism, mark 3. Feb. 1903. 4" 8-inch breech mechanism, mark 4, 8-inch mark 5 breech mechanism. Feb. 1903. 4" Dec. 1904. * [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 281 282 283 284 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 822 Classification N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU— Continued no. N18.7: Ordnance pamplilets— Continued (nos.) [285] 10-inch ammunition hoist, mark 2, Amphitrite, Monadnock, and Monterey. Feb. 1903. 4° 2861 287 [ [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 288j [289] 12-inch guns, marks 1, 2, and 3. Dec. 1902. 4° 290 12-inch breech mechanism, mark 5. 12-inch breech mechanism, mark 6. [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Nov. Dec. 1902. 1904. 40 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] * 13-inch guns, marks 1 and 2. Dec. 1902. 4° [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 13-inch breech mechanism, mark 1 B. L. R. Feb. 1903. 13-inch breech mechanism, mark 2. Nov. 1902. 4° 40 [300] Iowa's 12-inch turrets: 12-inch mark 3 spring-return mount; 12-inch mark 3 ammunition hoist; Loading gear 12-inch mark 3 mount; Handling room; Turret turning and control gear; Hy- draulic plant and connections. July, 1903. 4° 301 302 303 [304] 305 [306] [307] 309} [^°* issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] [310] 13-inch spring-return mount, mark 4, Illinois, Alabama, and Wis- consin. Jan. 1905. * 311 312 313 314 315 [316] 317 318 319 [320] [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Nomenclature of U. S. navy torpedoes, etc. Apr. 1905. * * [Confidential. See, for addendum, Ordnance pamphlet 319.] 320 321 [322] 323 [324] 325 [326] 327 328 329 [330] Description of Bliss-Leavitt 5m. X 21-inch mark 1 torpedo. May, 1905. * [See, for addendum. Ordnance pamphlet 321.] Same. Aug. 1907 4° [Supersedes Ordnance pamphlet 320, May, 1905, and Ordnance pamphlet 321.] [Superseded by Ordnance pamphlet 320, Aug. 1907.] U. S. navy torpedo gyro gears, mark 1, and mark 1, model 1. Apr. 1905. * [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Bliss-Leavitt gyro gear, mark 3. July, 1905. * [Confidential.] [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 18-inch submerged torpedo tube. Nov. 1903. 4** * [Confidential.] [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Bliss type 3 compressor, single steam cylinder, three-stage air compression. Mar. 1903. 4" 823 CiMsIfloatlon no. N18.7: (noB.) N18.8: (nos.) N18. ORDNANCE BUREAU— Continued Ordnance pamplilets— Continued 331 [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 332 [333] [3:M] 335 33G [337] Countermineu May, 1905. * [Confidential.] 339} 1^°*^ ^^"®^ "P *° ^^^' ^^' ^^^-^ [340] Naval defense mine. May, 1905. * [Confidential.] [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Rand type 5 air compressor. Apr, 1903. Mark 3 air rompreHHor. July, 1905. 4° * [Confidential.] * [Confidential.] [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 341 342 343 344 345 3461 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359J 360 Naval ordnance [Not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] papers [The series title and numbers for the publications entered below are carried on the cover. J [1] Gunpowder as element in problem of modem ordnance, influence of density on its explosive action, and densimeter, its uses and adjustments; [with] Prismatic powder, lecture delivered before scientific society at Pola, by Captain Monfroni, translated from German by William M. Folger. 1872. 2 Pressure and impact of guns. [1872?] [3] Mode of fabricating 15-inch guns contracted for with Knap Fort Pitt Foundry, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1870 and 1871; [by Robert F. Brad- ford]. 3872. [4] Determination of time of flight of projectiles by means of electric clepsydra, by P. Le Bouleng^; translated by J. D. Marvin. 1873. [Discontinued.] N19. STEAM ENGINEERING BUREAU Established under act to reorganize Navy Department approved July 5, 1862 (Stat. L. v. 12, p. 510).] N19.I: (date) N19.1«: (CT) Annual reports [No report was made for 18C3, estimates only being submitted. 1864-1909, in annual reports of Navy Department (Nl.l:), and usually Issued rately also.] Annual reports (separates) 824 Classiflcatlon no. N19.2: A15 An8 AsS B632 B633 C63 C79 H431 H432 L66 M29 M411 M412 M95 R26 St3 l>iii V56 N19.3: (nos.) (date) N19.5: (CT) N19. STEAM ENGINEERING BUREAU— Continued General publications Allowances established for vessels, under Bureau of Steam Engineering. 1877. Anthracite, steamer. Report of board of United States naval engineers [Charles H. Loring, S. L. P. Ayres, and Geo. W. Magee] on machinery of steamer Anthracite, Nov. 5, 1880. 1880. Ashcroft furnace-doors and grate-bars. 1878. Bolts. Report of board to recommend standard gauge for bolts, nuts, and screw-threads for Navy, May, 1868. 1875. Boiler bracing. Report on experiments in boiler bracing. 1879. Boiler braces. Report on experiments to ascertain proportions for ends of boiler braces. 1880. Coal. Report on the 2 kinds of coal submitted by Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Coal Agency. 1878. Copper alloys [and purposes for which they will be used]. May 2, 1906. narrow 8*> Herreshoff boiler. Report on Herreshoff boiler, Jan. 12, 1878. 1878. Herreshoff boiler. Report of Board of Naval Engineers on Herreshoff boiler and system of machinery for steam yachts, steam launches, etc., Dec. 22, 1879. 1880. Liquid Fuel Board. Report of Naval Liquid Fuel Board of tests con- ducted on Hohenstein water tube boiler, showing relative evaporative efficiencies of coal and liquid fuel under forced and natural draft conditions. 1904. large 8° Mallory steering and propelling screw. Report of Board of Naval Engineers on Mallory steering and propelling screw, as applied to torpedo boat Alarm, Jan. 31, 1882. 1882. Material, General instructions for inspection of material coming under cognizance of Bureau of Steam Engineering. [May, 1898.] 12* Same. [June 7, 1898.] 12« Murphy grate bar. Report on Murphy grate bar. 1878. Regulations, circulars, orders, and decisions relating to naval engineer corps, from organization until Mar. 1865. 1865. 16** . Steam machinery. Instructions to commanding and engineer officers for care and preservation of steam machinery of naval vessels. [1879.] Vedette boats. Report made Aug. 9, 1882, by B. F. Isherwood, on i! ,. vedette boats constructed for British and French navies by ;,,; /(. Herr^hoff Manufacturing Company, at Bristol, R. I. 1882. Ventilation. Report [of board] on D. C.Green's system of ventilation [B. F. Isherwood, Theo. Zeller, and Henry L. Snyder, members]. 1879. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars (unnumbered) [Prior to 1893, unnumbered circulars were issued by this bureau as necessary in connection with its work. Since that date, under article 1U14 of Regulations for government of Navy, 1893, all such information and instructions are included in the various series issued by the Secretary of the Navy. The Public Documents Library has none of these circulars and no complete file could be consulted. The series as listed below Is compiled from the list found on p. 285 of General orders and circulars issued by Navy Department, 1863-87 (N1.2:G28), which see for subject matter of the circulars.] 1877, Apr. 27 * Oct. 12 * 1878, June 3 * Dec. 1 * 1879 [None issued.] Specifications 188?} [None issued. 1882, June 6 * 1883, Oct. 1 * Nov. 19 , * 1884 [None issued.] 1885, Jan. 30 * 1886, Aug. 16 * Aug. 20 * 1887-1S?^_ - 825 ClMslflcfttlon no. N19.6: (date) tN19.7: N19. STEAM ENGINEERING BUREAU— Continued JAst and stations of naval Inspectors of engrlneer- Jntf material and of Inspectors of machinery for Navy 4* [Printed at irregular intervals in small numbers for use by the Bureau of Steam Engineering and its inspectors. The Punllc Documents Library has no issues prior to that of Dec. 18, 1905, and the only Information which tlio bureau can furnish concMTulng prior issues is the date when riHiuisition was made for printing. It is probable that in some cases the actual date of publication was a month later than the requisition date used in the list below. The exact wording of the title of these earlier issues is also uncertain.) liist and stations of naval inspectors of machinery and of engineering materiUl 1901, Sept.? * 1905, Apr.? * 1902, Apr.? * Au ACCOUNTH BUUEAU-^lkiut'd Notice of otc.J- piirchasos [of r/Oiitiiiuod miscellaneous materials, July July July July July July July 26] Aug. 27' * 281 29 30] Aug. 17, June 10, Juno 20, Juno 22, Juno 24, 1, 8, 15, IB, 22, 29, 1, Aug. 5, Aug. 12, Aug. 13, Aug. 24, Aug. 26, Sept. 3, Sept. 4, Sept. 9, Sept. 16, Sept. 23, Sept. 30, Oct. 2, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 4, 9, 12, 14, 16, 22, 26, 29, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49, Nov. 50, Nov. 51, Nov. 11, 52 * 53, Nov 54, Nov 55, Nov. 27 56, Dec. 2, 57, Dec. 58, Dec. 59, Dec. 60, Dec. 61, Dec. 62, Dec. 63, Dec. 21 64, Dec. 24, 65, Dec 66, Dec 67, Dec. 30 68, Dec. 31 69, Jan. 70, Jan. 71, Jan. 72, Jan. 73, Jan. 74, Jan. 75, Jan. 76, Feb. 77, Feb. 20, 23, 3, 9, 7, 12, 17, 18, 26, 28, 7, 13, 14, 15, 20, 22, 25, 3, 4. 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 * 1907 * 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 * 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 78, Feb. 79, Feb. 80, Feb. 81, Feb. 82, Mar. 83, Mar. 84, Mar. 85, Mar. 86, Mar. 87, Apr. 88, Apr. 89, Apr. 90, Apr. 91, Apr. 92, Apr. 93, Apr. 94, Apr. 95, Apr. 96, Apr. 97, May 98, May 99, May 100, May 101, May 102, May 103, May 104, June 105, June 106, June 107, June 108, June 109, June 110, June 111, July 112, July 113, July 114, July 115, July 116, Aug. 117, Aug. 118, Aug. 119, Aug. 120, Aug. 121 * 122, Sept. 123, Sept. 124, Sept. 125, Oct. 126, Oct. 127, Oct. 128, Oct. 129, Oct. 130, Oct. 131, Oct. 132, Oct. 133, Nov. 134, Nov. 135, Nov. 136, Nov. 137, Nov. 138, Nov. 139, Nov. 140, Dec. 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 141, Dec. 7, 142, Dec. 15, 143, Dec. 18, 144, Dec. 22; 145, Dec. 23, 146, Dec. 30, 147, Jan. 8, 148, Jan. 8, 149, Jan. 14, 150, Jan. 21, 151, Jan. 21. 152, Jan. 28, 153, Feb. 2, 154, Feb. 4, 155, Feb. 10, 156, Feb. 10, 157, Feb. 18, 158, Feb. 25, 159, Mar. 3, 160, Mar. 10, 161, Mar. 18, 162, Mar. 26, 163, Apr. 6, 164, Apr. 13, 165, Apr. 21, 166, Apr. 27, 167, May 3, 168, May 10, 169, May 20, 170, May 24, 171, June 4, 172, June 12; 173, June 19, 174, June 25, 175, July 1, 176, July 13, 177, July 26, 178, July 30, 179, Aug. 6, 180, Aug. 12, 181, Aug. 19, 182, Aug. 26, 183, Sept. 2, 184, Sept. 11, 185, Sept 18, 186, Sept. 25, 187, Oct. 2, 188, Oct. 12, 189, Oct. 16, 190, Oct. 23, 191, Oct. 28, 192, Nov. 1, 193, Nov. 6, 194, Nov. 13, 195, Nov. 19, 196, Nov. 26, 197, Dec. 3, 198, Dec. 10, 199, Dec. 17, 200, Dec. 24; 201, Dec. 31, 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 830 CUsslflcatlon N20. no. SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS BUREAU-Cont'd N20.10: (no8.) t N20.il: Notice of purchases [of mlscellaneoiis materials, etc., for Western States] f <» and oblong 16° [Issued for western bidders for materials to be used in western navy-yards. Same material is incorporated in general Notice of purchases (N20.9:).] 1, Feb. 2, Mar. 3, Mar. 4, Apr. 5, Apr. 6, May 7, May 8, June 9, June 10, June 23, 1909 3, 1909 25, 1909 6, 1909 16, 1909 1, 1909 19, 1909 5, 1909 12, 1909 18, 1909 11, July 12, July 13, July 14, Aug. 15, Aug. 16, Sept. 17, Sept. 18, Sept. 19, Oct. 20, Oct. 1, 1909 13, 1909 30, 1909 6, 1909 19, 1909 2, 1909 17, 1909 24, 1909 11, 1909 15, 1909 21, Oct. 22, Nov. 23, Nov. 24, Nov. 25, Nov. 26, Dec. 27, Dec. 28, Dec. 29, Dec. 29, 1909 5, 1909 13, 1909 19, 1909 26, 1909 3, 1909 10, 1909 16, 1909 30, 1909 N21. YARDS AND DOCKS BUREAU [Established by act to reorganize Navy Department, approved Aug. 31, 1842.] Navy Department (Nl.l:), and usually issued N21.1: Annual reports (date) [1842-1909, in annual reports of separately also.] N21.2: General publications Ad2 Address of officers, civil engineer corps. Navy. Mar. 15, 1906. 12" [See also ^21.2:Ci9.] Ap6 Appropriations and expenditures for navy-yards. [1908.] C49 Civil engineer corps, Navy, assignments of officers, Aug. 22, 1907. [1907.] 12« [See also N21.2:Ad2.] D84 Dry docks. Explanation of terms to be used in giving dimensions of dry docks. [1896.] oblong large 8" F98 Furniture. Allowance of furniture for quarters of commandants, commissioned officers, and warrant officers at navy-yards and stations. May 15, 1908. 12« G69 Gosport, Va. History of navy-yard at Gosport, Va., near Norfolk; by Edward P. Lull. 1874. [Now known as Norfolk Navy- Yard.] InS* Inventory of plant, machinery, tools, and appliances of George B. Spearin in possession of United States at navy yard, New York, N. Y., for use in construction of dry dock, and of material on hand for construction of dry dock. [Nov. 27, 1907.] f « In8^ Same of George B. Spearin and Williams Engineering and Con- tracting Company in possession of United States at navy yard, New York, N. Y., for use in construction of dry dock. [1909.] f ° L47 League Island, Pa. Report of board of civil engineers appointed to prepare plan for improvement of navy-yard at League Island, Pa. n. p. 1873. [Same as Philadelphia Navy- Yard. See, for reports relative to establishment of this navy-yard, 1863, N1.2:N222. See, for regulations, 1908, N21.7:P53.] M33 Mare Island, Cal. Report of board of civil engineers appointed to prepare plan for improvement of navy-yard at Mare Island, Cal. 1873. Naval Asylum. Origin, history, laws, and regulations of Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, Pa. See N17.7^:H62. t Since the abolishment of the Bureau of Equipment, July ] , 1910, the Coal notice for foreign ports has been published by the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, begin- ning with the issue for the calendar year 1911. This necessitates an additional class under N20., the series title of which is as follows: N20.il: Coal notice for foreign ports, calendar year 12" (date) See, for earlier issues, N5.8: 831 CiasKiiiration N21. YARDS AND DOCKS BUREAtT— Continued no. N21.2: General publications— Continued N42 1 New London, Conn. Report of board of civil enpineerB appointed to prepare plan for improvement of naval station at New London, Conn. n. p. June 17, 1875. P83 Portsmouth, N. H. History of navy yard, Portsmouth, N. II.; by George Henry Preble. 1892. R29 Requisitions. [Concerning proper form of requisitions for supplies.] Oct. 13, 1900. 12° N21.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] N21.4: Circulars (unnumbered) (date) [Prior to 1893, unnnmbcrod circulars wore Issued by this bureau as necessary In ^ connection with its work. Since that date, under article 1H14 of Regulations for government of Navy, 1893, all such information and instructions are included in the various scries issued by the Secretary of the Navy. The Public Documents l^iiirary has none of th(>so circulars and no complete file could 1)0 consulted. The serios as listed Ix-low is compiled from the list as found on p. 279 of General orders and circulars issued by Navy Department, 1863-87 (N1.2:G28), which see for subject matter of the circulars.] 1863, Apr. 11 * 1866 , Mar. 13 * May 1 * Apr. 2 « May 15 « June 22 » June 9 * July 12 * June 11 * July 20 * July 27 * July 21 * Aug. 3 * Aug. 11 * Nov. 17 * Aug. 28 * Dec. 11 * Oct. 6 * Dec- 18 « 1867 , Feb. 14 * 1864, May 6 * Mar. 22 * June 9 * Apr. 6 * June 15 « June 27 * June 16 * July 6 * June 22 * Oct. 5 * June 28 * Oct. 29 * July 18 « Oct. 31 * Sept. 30 « 1868 , Apr. 18 * Oct. 10 » July 7 * Oct. 26 « Nov. 27 * Nov. 21 * 1869 , Feb. 10 ■X- Dec. 5 « Apr. 15 May 24 * 1865, Jan. 11 * * Jan. 14 » May 25 * Mar. 20 * June 4 * May 27 * June 22 * June 15 * July 15 * July 13 * [Relating to July 16 * coal and iron.] July 29 * July 13 * [Relating to Oct. 19 * contracts.] 1870 , Mar. 19 * July 24 * June 23 * Sept. 26 * [Relating to Sept. 1 * muster of quartermen. 1871 , Jan. 3 * etc •i Mar. 18 * Sept. 26 [Relating to June 15 * surgeons' and stew- Aug. 2 * ard »' 1 pay] Aug. 16 * Sept. 27 * Oct. 4 * Oct. 19 « Oct. 20 * Oct. 29 « Nov. 7 * Nov. 27 » Dec. 8 * Nov. 29 » 1872 , Mar. 11 * 832 Classiflcation no. N21.4: (date) N21.5: (CT) N21.6: (nos.) N21.7: P38 P53 N21. YARDS AND DOCKS BUREAU—Continued Circulars (unnumbered)— Continued 1872, Mar. June July 1873, Feb. Aug. Oct. 1874, Jan. May May July Oct. Oct. 1875, Feb. Apr. June July Dec. 1876, Jan. Feb. July 1877, Jan. June Aug. 1878, Jan. Mar. May July Nov. 1879, Mar. 1880, Oct. 22 29 5 12 16 21 15 * 22 * [Relating to plans of navy-yards.] 22 * [Relating to government stables.] 2 14 9 19 15 19 8 20 24 21 23 12 8 15 28 7 31 29 24 22 1880, Dec. 17 * 1881, Jan. 17 * Feb. 24 * May 19 * Aug. 16 * Sept. 3 * Nov. 4 * Nov. 9 * Nov. 22 * 1882, Jan. 28 * Feb. 17 * Apr. 13 * Apr. 19 * May 20 * June 7 * Aug. 11 * Sept. 30 * 1883, Jan. 17 * July 9 * July 25 * Dec. 8 * 1884 [None issued.] 1885, Jan. 31 * Feb. 13 * Apr. 4 * May 15 * June 13 * July 3 * Nov.* 9 * 1886, Dec. 8 * Dec. 9 * 1887-1893 * Specifications (unnumbered) f<'andl2<' See, for later Specifications, N21.6: Specifications (numbered) f^' [Numbering began with. 1054, Dec. 1899; see, for earlier Specifications, N21.5:] Regulations (special) See, for other regulations relating to navj^-yards, N1.19:N22, N42o, andW27i-''. Pensacola, Fla. Regulations of navy yard, Pensacola, Fla. 1899. Philadelphia, Pa. Regulations for government of navy-vard, Philadel- phia. Oct. 15, 1908. [See also N1.2:N222 and N21.2:L47.] NA. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES [Incorporated by act approved Mar. 3, 1863 (Stat. L. v. 12, p. 806) to investigate and make report upon scientific subjects whenever called upon by any department of the Government.] NAl.l: (date) Annual reports [The reports for 1868-72, 1874-77, and 1882 are believed never to have been printed.] 1863 1864 1865 [1200-81] [1229-66] [No edition with- out Congressional document number.] * [1256-72] 1866 [Printed as 40th Cong. 1st sess., S. misc. doc. 44, but not included in the bound volumes of the Congressional set.] 833 ClaMsiflcatlon NA. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES— Cont'd NAl.l: (dato) NA1.2: F76 So6 Su7 NA1.3: (nos.) NA1.4: (nos.) NA1.5: (v. nos.) Annual reports— Continued 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 [1319-1061 [No edition without Congressional doc- ument number.! [Not issued.] * [1546-101] [Not issued,] 1879 1880 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 [1876-7] [No edition with- out Congressional document number.] [1931-43] [No edition with- out Congressional document number.] and 1881 [1993-54] Not issued.] 2171-85] 2265-68] 2346-153] 2451-30] [No edition with- out Congressional document number.] 1887 [2570-596] 1888 2698-163] 1889 2821-47] 1890 [2821-60] [No edition with- out Congressional document number.] 1891 [2907-170] 1892 [3064-69] [No edition with- out Congressional document number. 1893 [3281-27 1894 [3281-49 1895 [3349-55 1896 [3469-50 1897 [3592-57 1898 [3728-56 1899 [3851-117] 1900 [4033-72] 1901 [4231-153] 1902 [4422-81 1903 [4588-73 1904 [4766-178 1905 [4912-144 1906 [5072-308 1907 [5239-242 1908 [5409-770 1909 [5752-369 82452"- General publications Forest policy. Report of committee appointed by National Academy of Sciences upon inauguration of a forest policy for forested lands of United States, to Secretary of Interior, May 1, 1897. 1897. [3562-105] [Includes, as appendix A, report by National For- estry Commission dated Feb. 1, 1897, published by Interior Department; see 1 1.2:F76. Both reports appeared in annual re- port of National Academy of Sciences, 1897 (NAl.l :897).] Sorghum sugar. Investigation of scientific and economic relations of sorghum sugar industry, report made in response to request from George B. Loring, commissioner of agriculture, by committee of National Academy of Sciences, Nov. 1882. 1883. [2083-51] Surveys. Report on surveys of the Territories. Dec. 3, 1878. (45th Cong. 3d sess. H. misc. doc. 5; serial no. 1861.) [Printed also, with different title and without appendixes, as 45th Congress, 3d session. Senate miscellaneous document 9, serial no. 1833.] Wool. Report concerning classification of Donskoi wool, Jan. 30, 1886 [made at request of Secretary of Treasury]. See T1.2:W88. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Memoirs 4° V. 1 [Not in Congressional set.] V. 2 [2172-110] V. 3, pt. 1 [2269-^9] Same, pt. 2 [2348-154] V. 4, pt. 1 [2452-30] Same, pt. 2 [2596-597] -11 53 834 Classification NA, no. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES— Cont'd NA1.5: (v. nos.) NAl.S^: (CT) NA1.6: (v. nos.) NA1.7: (date) NA1.8: (v. nos.) Memoirs— Continued V. 5 V. 6 V. 7 2824-94] [No edition without Congressional document number 1 2908-169] ■' [3283-50] [See also NA1.5: 9.] V. 8, 1st memoir [3426-253] Same, 2d memoir [3594-77] Same, 3d memoir [3594-139] Same, 4th memoir [3594-174] Same, 5th memoir [4035-76] Same, 6th memoir [4236-233] Same, 7th memoir [4237-450] V. 9 [4776-197] [This memoir is pt. moths of North America. Pt (NA1.5:7).] V. 10, 1st memoir Same, 2d memoir Same, 3d memoir Same, 4th memoir \ [5816-136] Same, 5th memoir Same, 6th memoir Same, 7th memoir f. Memoirs (separates) Biographical memoirs V. 1 V. 2 V. 3 V. 4 V. 5 V. 6 Constitution and membership Constitution and by-laws 1864 Constitution and rules 1872 Constitution and membership 1876 1887 1879 1888 1882 1890 1883 1891 1884 1893 1885 1895 1886 2 of a monograph on bombycine 1 appeared as v. 7, memoir 1 [Discontinued, year.] Later information is contained in annual rejwrts (NAl.l:) for each Proceedings V. 1 [pt. 1, 1863-76] 1877 Same, pt. 2 [1877-83] 1884 Same, pt. 3 [1884-94] 1895 [Discontinued.] fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. An excej)- tion is made, however, for v. 10, 7th memoir, which, although a 1910 publication, is entered because it completes the volume. 835 NH. NATIONAI. HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUN- TEER SOLDIERS «Tho National Asylum for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers was incorporated under act approved Mar. 21, 1866 (Stat. L. v. 14, p. 10), which provided for a board of mana- gers to be composed of the President of the United States, the Chief Justice, the Secretary of War, and 9 other members to be appointed by Congress. By act approved Jan. 23, 1873 (Stat. L. v. 17, p. 417), it was provided that the name "Home" bo substituted for "Asylum." The branches of the Home are located, in 1909, as follows: Central, Dayton, Ohio; Northwestern, Milwaukee, Wis.; South- ern, Hampton, Va.; Eastern, Togus, Me.; Western, Leavenworth, Kans.; Marion, Marion, Ind.; Pacific, Santa Monica, Cal.; Danville, Danville, 111.; Mountain, Johnson City, Tenn.; Battle Mountain Sanitarium, Hot Springs, S. Dak. The Soldiers' Home, District of Columbia (W43.), which is for the regular Army, is not under the jurisdiction of the board of managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, nor are the various State homes, although under act approved Aug. 27, 1888 (Stat. L. v. 25, p. 450), the board is authorized to make inspections of the State homes and to report thereon to Congress; see, for reports of inspections, NH1.5:] Classlflcatlon no. NHl.l (date) Annual reports of board of managers 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1312-45] [No edition without Congrea'^ional document number 1350-86] [No edition without Congressional document number 1385-54 [No edition without Congressional document number 1433-86] [No edition without Congressional document number None issued. See, for report of investigation [1464-45].] 1527-226] [No edition without Congressional document num- 3er.] 'Not in Congressional set.] 1621-298] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] 1655-97] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1702-147] 1762-45] [No edition without Congressional document number. 1817-49 No edition Tsdthout Congressional document number. 1863-28 No edition without Congressional document number. 1928-14] No edition without Congressional document number. 1981-8] [No edition without Congressional document number. 2042-24] [No edition without Congressional document number. 2115-13 [Bureau edition omits Record of members of home.] 2213-14 No edition without Congressional document number.] 2310-11 Bureau edition omits Record of members of home." 2415-38 [Bureau edition omits Record of members of home. 2488-51 Bureau edition omits Record of members of home. 2565-86] [Bureau edition omits Proceedings of board and Record of members of home.] 2654-35] [Bureau edition omits Record of members of home.] 2768-77 [No edition without Congressional document number.] 2869-38] [Bureau edition omits Record of members of home and Report on inspection of national military homes and soldiers' homes in States.] "^Not in Congressional set.] Not in Congressional set.] 3151-35] 3329-27, 2 pts.] 3412-42, 3 pts.] [Bureau edition omita Record of members of lome and Report of inspection of branches of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and soldiers and sailors' homes in States.] [3516-46] ^664-27] [Bureau edition omits Record of members of home and Report of inspection of branches of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and soldiers and sailors' homes in States.] 836 Classification NH, no. NATIONAL. HOME FOR DISABLED VOL- UNTEER SOLDIERS— Continued NHl.l: (date) NH1.1«: (date) NH1.2: (CT) NHI.3: (no8.) NH1.4: (no8.) NH1.5: (date) Annual reports of board of managers— Continued 1898 [3785-55] [No edition without Congressional document number. Copies bound in cloth omit Record of members of home.] 1899 [3958-106] [Bureau edition omita Report of inspection of State soldiers and sailors' homes, and Record of members of home.] 1900 [4136-81] [Bureau edition omits Report of inspection of State soldiers and sailors' homes, and Record of members of home.] 1901 [4323-39] [Bureau edition omits Record of members of home, rroceedinga of board, and Report of inspection of State soldiers and sailors' homes.] 1902 [4490-54] [Bureau edition omits Report of inspection of State soldiers and sailors' homes, and Record of members of home.] 1903 [4567-46] [Noedition without Congressional document number.] 1904 [4835-71] [Bureau edition omits Report of inspection of State soldiers and sailors' homes, and Record of changes in membership of home.] 1905 [4992-81] [Bureau edition omits Report of inspection of State soldiers and sailors' homes, and Record of changes in member- ship of home.] 1906 [5158-276] [Bureau edition omits Record of changes in member- ship of home and Report on inspection of State soldiers and sailors' homes.] 1907 [5290-210] [Bureau edition omits Record of changes in member- ship of home and Report of inspection of State soldiers and sailors' homes.] 1908 [5528-1106] [Bureau edition omits Record of changes in mem- bership of home and Report of inspection of State soldiers and sailors' homes.] 1909 [5817-262] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] Annual reports of board of managers (separates) General publications [A few general publications have been issued, but the only ones of which the Public Documents Library has knowledge are not Government publications and they are therefore omitted from this Checklist.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Inspection of State soldiers and sailors' homes [Made under act of Aug. 27, 1888 (Stat. L. v. 25, p. 450). From 1889 to 1897, these reports included inspections of the branches of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and inspections of State homes, made by the inspector-general and the assistant inspectors-general of the National Home. Since 1898, the reports in this series have included only inspections of State homes. In 1906, the title of the ofTicer making the report became inspector- general and chief surgeon. . Since that date a separate report by him on the Inspection of the branches of the National Home has been included in the annual report of the board of managers (NHl.l:). The reports classed here, beginning with 1889, have been included also in the annual reports of the board of managers as submitted to Congress; but except for 1891-94 and 1896, they are omitted from the bureau edition of the annual reports. They have been issued separately also for each year except 1890 and 1898. See also, for reports of inspections made under inspector-general of Army, W9.5:] Inspection of State homes for disabled soldiers and sailors 1888, Dec, and 1889, Jan. [2654-103] [No edition without Congres- sional document number.] 1889, July 7 [In Congressional edition [2768-77] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1890 [In Concjcssional edition [2869-38] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), but not issued separately.] 837 ciM«inr«tion NTT. NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOL- ""• UNTEER SOLDIERS— Continued Inspection of State soldiers and sailors' liomes— Continued Inflpeotion of State homes for disabled soldiers and sailors— Continued 18911 [In annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] NHl.5: (date) NH1.6: (date) » 1892 1893 1894 1895 [In Congressional edition [3412-42] of annual report of board of managers (NUl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1896 [In annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1897 [In Congressional edition [3664-27] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1898 [In Congressional edition [3785-55] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), but not issued separately.] 1899 [In Congressional edition [3958-106] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1900 [In Congressional edition [4136-81] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1901 [In Congressional edition [4323-39] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1902 [In Congressional edition [4490-54] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1903 [In Congressional edition [4567-46] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1904 [In Congressional edition [4835-71] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1905 [In Congressional edition [4992-81] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] Inspection of State homes for disabled volunteer soldiers and sailors 1906 [In Congressional edition [5158-276] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] Inspection of State soldiers and sailors' homes 1907 [In Congressional edition [5290-210] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1908 [In Congressional edition [5528-1106] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1909 [In Congressional edition [5817-262] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] Record of clianges in membersliip of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers {The first list, giving the record from the establishment of the Home to June 30, 1881, was submitted to Congre.ss with the annual report of the board of man- agers for 1882 (NHl. 1:882). The next list, covering the two fiscal years 1882 and 1883, and also the list for fiscal year 1884, are included in the annual report for 1884 (NHl. 1:884), Beginning with 1885, the record of members is included each year in the annual report as submitted to Congress, but except for 1891-94 and 189G, it is omitted from the bureau edition. Issued separately aLso for each year except 1886 and 1903.] Record of disabled volunteer soldiers who now are and have been members of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers 1881 [In Congressional edition [2115-13] of annual report of board of managers for 1882 (NHl.l :882), and issued separately also. Includes record from establishment of home.] 1882 and 18831 ^^^^ Congressional edition [2310-11] of annual report 1884 1885 1886; / of board of managers for 1884 (NHl.l :884), and issued separately also in 1 v.] July 1, 1884-July 1, 1885 [In Congressional edition [2415-38] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] July 1, 1885-July 1, 1886 [In Congressional edition [2488-51] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), but not issued separately.] 838 Classiflcation no. NH1.6: (date) NH. NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOL- UNTEER SOLDIERS— Continued Record of changes In membersliip of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers— Continued Record of disabled volunteer soldiers who now are and have been mem- bers of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers — Cont'd 1887; July 1, 1886- July 1, 1887 [In Congressional edition [2565-86] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] 1888; July 1, 1887-July 1, 1888 [In Congressional edition [2654-35] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] 1889; July 1, 1888-June 30, 1889 [In Congressional edition [2768-77] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] 1890; July 1, 1889-July 1, 1890 [In Congressional edition [2869-38] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] 1891; July 1, 1890-June 30, 1891 [In annual report of board of mana- gers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1892; July 1, 1891-June 30, 1892 [In annual report of board of mana- gers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1893; July i, 1892-June 30, 1893 [In annual report of board of mana- gers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1894; July 1, 1893-June 30, 1894 [In annual report of board of mana- gers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1895; July 1, 1894-June 30, 1895 [In Congressional edition [3412-42] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] 1896; July 1, 1895-June 30, 1896 [In annual report of board of mana- gers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1897; July 1, 1896-June 30, 1897 [In Congressional edition [3664-27] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] 1898; July 1, 1897-June 30, 1898 [In Congressional edition [3785-55] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] 1899; July 1, 1898-June 30, 1899 [In Congressional edition [3958-106] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] 1900; July 1, 1899-June 30, 1900 [In Congressional edition [4136-81] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] 1901; July 1, 1900-June 30, 1901 [In Congressional edition [4323-39] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] 1902; July 1, 1901-June 30, 1902 [In Congressional edition [4490-54] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued sep- arately also.] 1903; July 1, 1902-June 30, 1903 [In Congressional edition [4567^6] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), but not issued separately.] Record of changes in membership of National Home for Disabled Vol- unteer Soldiers t 1904 [In Congressional edition [4835-71] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1905 [In Congressional edition [4992-81] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1906 [In Congressional edition [5158-276] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1907 [In Congressional edition [5290-210] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1908 [In Congressional edition [5528-1106] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l:), and issued separately also.] 1909 [In Congressional edition [5817-262] of annual report of board of managers (NHl.l :), and issued separately also.] 839 CiMslflratton NH. NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOL- UNTEER SOLDIERS— Continued NH1.7: (v. no8.) Proceedings of board of managers [The proceedings of each meeting are printed separately, carrying a volume paging. From 1871, they are inoludert3 as s'ubmitted to CongraH and, except 1887 and 1901, in bureau edition of annual report.) [v. 1] May 16, 1866-Apr. 8, 1884 V. 2, July 1, 1884-June 28, 1900 V. 3, Sept. 18, 1900-I)et>. 8, 1909 f P. POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT [The Post-Office was temporarily established by law under the Constitution, Sept. 22, 1789, and was continued by acta of Aug. 4, 1790 and Mar. 3, 1791. The acta approved Feb. 20, 1792, May 8, 1794, Mar. 2, 1799, Apr. 30, 1810, and Mar. 3, 1825, established a General Post-Office, provided for the appointment of a Postmaster-General and other officers, set forth their duties, etc. Although called Post-Office Department from a very early date, it was not until 1872 that it was established as an Executive Department by act approved June 8, 1872 (Stat. L. v. 17, p. 283). See, for papers relating to postal matters, Jan. 22, 1790-Feb. 21, 1833, American state papers, Post-Office Department, serial no. 027.] PI. POSTMASTER-GENERAL Pl.l: (date) Annual reports [The Public Documents Library has no Department edition of reports for 1823-50, 1852, and 1853.] 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 [In 93-2] In 108-1 In 113-2 In 125-2 In 131-1 In 144-1 In 148-2 In« 163-1 In 169-2 In 181-1 In 184-2 In 192-1 In 195-2 In 203-1 In 206-2 In 216-2 In 233-2 In 238-1 In 254-1 In 266-1 fin 271-2 In 279-1 In 286-2 In 297-1 In 301-2 In 314-1 rin 321-3 In 338-1 In 344-2 In 354-1 In 363-2 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1861 1852 1853 1854 1855 In 375-1 In 382-2' In 395-1' In 401-2 In 413-1 In 418-2 In 431-1 In 439-2 In 449-1 In 463-2 In 470-1 In 480-2' In 493-1' In 497-4' In 503-1 In 515-8' n 357-1]' In 549-1 In 569-5 In 587-1 In 595-1 In 612-1 In 635-2 In 659-1 In 674-1 In 692-1 In 712-1 In 747-1 In 778-1 In 812-1 In 842-1 fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909, at which time V. 3 was incomplete. 840 Claaslflcatlotf MtllT/ PI . no. POSTMASTER- GENERAL— Continued Pl.l: Annual reports— Continued (date) Pl.l": (date) Pl.l": (CT) PI. 2: C49 C81' C812 C89 EnS G79 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 In 876-5] In 894-1 In 921-1 In 944-2 In 977-1 In 1000-2] In 1025-2] In 1080-1 In 1119-1 In 1159-1 In 1184-1 In 1220-1 In 1254-1 In 1286-1 In 1327-1 In 1369-1 In 1411-1' In 1448-1 1507-1 1562-1 1600-1 1638-1 1679-1 1748-1 1799-1 1849-1^ 1909-1' 1958-1 2016-1 2098-1 [Incomplete.] 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 2189-1] 2285-1 2377-1 2466-1 2540-1 2635-1 2723-1 2839-1 2932-1 3086-1 3208-1 3304-1 3380-4 3487-4 3639-41 3755-4 3913-4 4099-4 1901 1902 1903 1904 Same, abridged 4288-4 4456-4 4643-4 4796-4 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 Same, abridged 4957-4] 5116-4 5293-4 5447-1044] 5739-105] Annual reports (separates; reports of Postmaster-General) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) General publications Civil service regulations governing promotions in Railway Mail Service; approved and promulgated by Postlmaster General, June 15, 1900. Washington [no publisher] 1900. Cortelyou, George B. Remarks of Postmaster-General Cortelyou at meeting of inspectors in charge, Post-Office Department, Wash- ington, D. C, May 15, 1905. 1905. Cortelyou, George B. Remarks of Postmaster-General Cortelyou at con- vention of 2d and 3d class postmasters, Washington, D. C, May 25, 1905. 1905. Cuba. Report of United States Postal Committee on condition and needs of postal service in Cuba. 1899. Envelopes. Letters of Postmaster-General, transmitting papers in con- nection with abrogation of contract for post-office envelopes, on account of inferior paper; also papers concerning submission of proposals for furnishing postage-stamps, stamped envelopes, and postalcardsbyBureauof Engraving and Printing. 1885. [Made up of House documents 264 and 202, 48th Congress, 2d session, in serial numbers 2304 and 2303.] Great Britain. List of post offices in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, alphabetically arranged, and [showing] every money-order office, [also] town or place on which money order should be drawn if post office mentioned in alphabetical list is not a money-order office. 1872. [Pages 139*-145* containing List of money-order offices in London and vicinity are inserted between p. 138 and 139.] 841 Classlflratlon nu. P1.2 L58 L91> L91» M57 N22 Oc2» Oc22 Oc23 Oc2* Oc2« Oc2« Oc27 Ov2 P391 P392 P393 P39* P74 P83 P841 P842 P843 P84* PI. POSTMASTER-GENERAIx-Continued General publications— Continued LowiH Piibliflhinj^ Company. Statement in matter of withdrawal of 2d- class mailing privilege from Woman's magazine and Woman's farm journal iasued by Lewis Publishing Company of St. Louis, Mo. [1907.] Lottery companies. Mails and lottery companies, report of Postmaster- Genernl. 1880. ([46th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 22]; serial no. 1913.) Lotteries. United States statutes having reference to transmission through mails of matter relating to lotteries, schemes to defraud, and schemes or devices for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises. [1901.] 4« Meyer, George von L. Address of [George von L,] Meyer at banquet of New England Postmasters' Association, Boston, Mass., Oct. 12, 1907. 1907. Navy mail clerks. Instructions for guidance of navy mail clerks and assistant navy mail clerks authorized by act approved May 27, 1908. 1908. Ocean mail service. Act of Mar. 3, 1891, to provide for ocean mail serv- ice between United States and foreign ports and to promote com- merce; advertisement of routes, dated July 1, 1897, and form of proposal and bond. 1897. Same, advertisement of routes, dated Nov. 8, 1897, and form of pro- posal and bond. 1897. Same, dated Dec. 20, 1899. 1899. Same, dated Sept. 26, 1901. 1901. Same, dated July 16, 1902. 1902. Same, dated Feb. 14, 1905. 1905. Same, dated June 1, 1905. 1905. Overland mail route to California, letter of Postmaster-General to chair- man of Post-Office Committee of House of Representatives. Washington, 1858. People's United States Bank. Opinion of Smith McPherson, judge of circuit court, eastern district of Missouri, in case of People's United States Bank v. Henry J. Gilson, Henry P. Wyman, and Frank Wjnnan, no. 5192, inequity. 1905. Same. 1907. People's United States Bank. Memorandum of Postmaster-General, as embodied in Statement to preas, July 9, 1905, in relation to issu- ance of fraud order, July 6, 1905, against People's United States Bank and E. G. Lewis of St. Louis, Mo. [1905.] Same. [1905, reprint 1907.] Pneumatic tube service, report of Postmaster-General to Congress, rela- tive to investigation of pneumatic-tube systems for transmission of mail, authorized by act of June 2, 1900. 1901 . [4155-289] Porto Rico. Report of committee appointed by Postmaster-General to investigate postal service of Porto Rico. Nov. 11, 1898. Post-offices. List of post-offices in United States, arranged alphabet- ically; corrected to Feb. 1, 1881. 1881. [Interleaved. See also lists of post-offices in the Postal guide (PI. 10:).] Postal savings banks, argument in their favor by Postmaster-General, with appendices 1-6. 1891. [2821-91] Postal savings depositories. Additional argument by Postmaster- General in favor of establishment of postal savings depositories, with appendices. 1892. ([52d Cong. 1st sess. S. misc. doc. 136]; serial no. 2907.) Post-check. Proceedings and conclusions of committee appointed by Secretary of Treasury and Postmaster-General to consider ad\nsability of adopting "post-check." 1902. 842 Classification no. P1.2: P84S P84« P84' P848 P84» P84>° Se2 Su7 W271 W272 W273 P1.3: (v. nos.) P1.4: (nos.) P1.5: Alibi Allb^ Allb^ Allb* PI. POSTMASTER-GENERAL--Coiitinued General publications— Continued Postal service. U. S. postal service, domestic and foreign mail matter, classification, conditions, rates of postage. 2d edition. 1906. small 40 [See, for 1st edition, P4 .2 :P84 \] Same, Spanish. 1906. small 4« Same. 3d edition. 1906. small 4° Postal code. Report of committee appointed by Postmaster General to examine and revise postal code prepared by Congressional Commission. 1870. Post-Office Department before Postal Commission, New York, Oct. 1, 1906, case of Post-Office Department against existing statutes in relation to 2d class of mail matter, statement of 3d assistant Postmaster-General. 1906. Postal telegraph. Argument in support of limited post and telegraph, by Postmaster-General; with appendices relating to postal telegraphy. 1890. [Appendix H is a list of all reports, docu- ments, speeches, bills, and resolutions in Congress, 1866-90, supporting or opposing postal telegraphy.] Second-class matter. Suggestions to publishers in preparation of 2d-clas8 matter for mailing. July, 1908. 16° Supplies. Award of comtracta for furnishing supplies for Post Office Department and postal service, fiscal year 1906. [June 30, 1905.] f« Washington, D. C. Annual bulletin, city post office, Washington, D. C. [1882.] Washington, D. C. Post-office guide for Washington, D. C, containing schedule of arrival and departure of mails, matter relating to money-order and registry systems, postage rates, classification of mail matter, etc. 1900. 4« Washington City postal guide, July 20, 1904. [1904.] Daily bulletin of orders affecting postal service f° [These bulletins are issued every day in the year except Sundays and holidays. In many cases a 2d bulletin is issued on the same day and in a few cases, even a 3d. These additional issues bear the same number as the original issue for that day, but are distinguished by the letters a, b; e. g., the issues of Nov. 26, 1907 were nos. 8459, 8459a, and 8459b. The set in the Public Documents Library is believed to be complete for v. 28-30 nos. 8233-9098, Mar. 4, 1907-Dec. 31, 1909.] V. 1-28, nos. 1-8232, 1880-Mar. 2, 1907 See PlO.3: V. 28 1907 nos. 8233-8487, Mar. 4-Dec. 31 V 29 1908 nos. 8488-8794, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 30 1909 nos. 8795-9098, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 Circulars [None issued.] Advertisements Inviting proposals for carrying mails (by States) [Contracts awarded under these advertisements are for a term of 4 years. The United States is divided into 4 contract sections, one section being awarded each year. The miscellaneous advertisement issued 1889 (P1.5:Un3), which included all 4 sections, with terms varying from 1 to 4 years, prepared the way for these regular quadrennial awards.) Alabama. Advertisement of Sept. 16, 1895, inviting proposals for carry- ing mails in Alabama, July 1, 1896-June 30, 1900. 1895. Alabama. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Ala- bama, July 1, 1900-June 30, 1904. Sept. 15, 1899. Same, July 1, 1904-June 30, 1908. Sept. 15, 1903. Same, July 1, 1908-June 30, 1912. Oct. 18, 1907. 843 ClMsiflcation no. PI. 5: All8» All8» Ar4k» Ar4k2 Ar4k3 Ar4k^ 012^ C122 C123 C12^ C71» 071=* F66» F662 F663 F66* G291 G293 G293 G29^ H311 n312 I16» 1162 1163 116* In2i In22 In2a» In2a2 In2a3 In2a* Io9i Io92 PI. POSTMASTER-GENERALi-ContiDued Advertisements inviting: prox>osals for carrying mails (by States) — Continued Alaska. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Alaska. Mar. 25, 1908. Same, July 1, 1910-June 30, 1914. June 21, 1909. Arkansas. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1893, inviting ])ropopals for car- rying mails in Arkansas, July 1, 1894-Juiie 30, 1898. 1893. Arkansas. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Ar- kansas, July 1, 1898-June 30, 1902. Sept. 15, 1897. Same, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 10, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. California. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1893, inviting proposals for carrying mails in California and Alaska, July 1, 1894-June 30, 1898. 1893. California. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in California and Alaska, July 1, 1898-June 30, 1902. Sept. 15, 1897. Same, July 1, 1902-June 30, I90G. Sept. 16, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. Colorado. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Col- orado, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 16, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. Florida. Advertisement of Sept. 16, 1895, inviting proposals for carry- ing mails in Florida, July 1, 1896^une 30, 1900. 1895. Florida. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Florida, July 1, 1900^une 30, 1904. Sept. 15, 1899. Same, July 1, 1904-June 30, 1908. Sept. 15, 1903. Same, July 1, 1908-June 30, 1912. Oct. 18, 1907. Georgia. Advertisement of Sept. 16, 1895, inviting proposals for carry- ing mails in Georgia, July 1, 1896-June 30, 1900. 1895. Georgia. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Georgia, July 1, 1900-June 30, 1904. Sept. 15, 1899. Same, July 1, 1904-June 30, 1908. Sept. 15, 1903. Same, July 1, 1908-June 30, 1912. Oct. 18, 1907. Hawaii. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrving mails in Ha- waii, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 16, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. Illinois. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1891, inviting proposals for carry- ing mails in Illinois, July 1, 1895-June 30, 1899. 1894. Illinois. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Illi- nois, July 1, 1899-June 30, 1903. Sept. 15, 1898. Same, July 1, 1903-June 30, 1907. Sept. 15, 1902. Same, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1911. Sept. 15, 1906. Indian Territory. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Indian Territory and Oklahoma, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 16, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. Indiana. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1904, inviting proposals for carry- ing mails in Indiana, July 1, 1895-June 30, 1899. 1894. Indiana. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in In- diana, July 1, 1899-June 30, 1903. Sept. 15, 1898. Same, July 1, 1903-June 30, 1907. Sept. 15, 1902. Same, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1911. Sept. 15, 1906. Iowa. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1894, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Iowa, July 1, 1895-June 30, 1899. 1894. Iowa. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Iowa, July 1, 1899-June 30, 1903. Sept. 15, 1898. 844 Classification no. P1.5: I093 KI31 KI32 KI33 K13^ K4P K412 K413 K41< L931 L932 L933 L93* M28» M282 M283 M28* M36^ M362 M363 M38^ M382 M58^ M582 M583 M661 M662 M663 M69ii M69i2 PI. POSTMASTER-GENERAIj— Continued Advertisements inviting proposals for carrying mails (by States)— Continued Same, July 1, 1903-June 30, 1907. Sept. 15, 1902. Same, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1911. Sept. 15, 1906. Kansas. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1893, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Kansas, July 1, 1894-June 30, 1898. 1893. Kansas. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Kansas, July 1, 1898-June 30, 1902. Sept. 15, 1897. Same, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 16, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. Kentucky. Advertisement of Sept. 16, 1895, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Kentucky, July 1, 1896-June 30, 1900. 1895. Kentucky. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Kentucky, July 1, 1900-June 30, 1904. Sept. 15, 1899. Same, July 1, 1904^une 30, 1908. Sept. 15, 1903. Same, July 1, 1908-June 30, 1912. Oct. 18, 1907. Louisiana. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1893, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Louisiana, Indian Territory, and Oklahoma^ July 1, 1894-June 30, 1898. 1893. Louisiana. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Louisiana, Indian Territory, and Oklahoma, July 1, 1898- June 30, 1902. Sept. 15, 1897. Same, in Louisiana, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 16, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. Maine. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1896, inviting proposals for carry- ing mails in Maine and New Hampshire, July 1, 1897-June 30, 1901. 1896. Maine. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Maine, July 1, 1901-June 30, 1905. Sept. 15, 1900. Same, in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, July 1, 1905- June 30, 1909. Sept. 15, 1904. Same, July 1, 1909-June 30, 1913. Oct. 24, 1908. Maryland. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1896, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Maryland, July 1, 1897-June 30, 1901. 1896. Maryland. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Maryland, July 1, 1901^une 30, 1905. Sept. 15, 1900. Same, July 1, 1905-June 30, 1909. Sept. 15, 1904. Massachusetts. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, July 1, 1905- June 30, 1909. 1904. Same, July 1, 1909-June 30, 1913. Oct. 24, 1908. Michigan. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1894, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Michigan, July 1, 1895-June 30, 1899. 1894. Michigan. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Michigan, July 1, 1899-June 30, 1903. Sept. 15, 1898. Same, July 1, 1903-June 30, 1907. Sept. 15, 1902. Same, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1911. Sept. 15, 1906. Minnesota. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1894, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Minnesota, July 1, 1895-June 30, 1899. 1894. Minnesota, Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Minnesota, July 1, 1899-June 30, 1903. Sept. 15, 1898. Same, July 1, 1903-June 30, 1907. Sept. 15, 1902. Same, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1911. Sept. 15, 1906. Mississippi. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1895, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Mississippi, July 1, 1896-June 30, 1900. 1895. Mississippi. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Mississippi, July 1, 1900-June 30, 1904. Sept. 15, 1899. 845 ClM8inr»Uon no. PI. 6: M69i3 M69i* M69o> M69o' M69o< M76» M762 M763 M76* N271 N272 N273 N27^ N42h N42J1 N42J2 N42J3 N42j* N42m» N42m2 N42m3 N42m* N42yi N42y2 N42y« N42y* N81c> N81c2 N81c3 NSlc* PI. POSTMASTER-GKNERAI^ ( ontinucd Advertlsomonts Invltlnff proposals for carrying mails (by States) — Continued Same, July 1, 1904-June 30, 1908. Snpt. 15, 1903. Same, July 1, 1908-June 30, 1912. Oct. 18, 1907. Missouri. AdvertiRomont of Sept. 15, 1894, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Missouri, July 1, 1895--June 30, 1899. 1894. Missouri. Advertiaemont inviting proposals for carrj'ing mails in Missouri, July 1, 1899-June 30, 1903. Sept. 15, 1898. Same, July 1, 1903-June 30, 1907. Sept. 15, 1902. Same, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1911. Sept. 15, 1906. Montana. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1893, inviting proposals for carrjdng mails in Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado, July 1, 1894- June 30, 1898. 1893. Montana. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado, July 1, 1898-June 30, 1902. Sept. 15, 1897. Same, for carr^nng mails in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 15, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. Nebraska. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1893, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Nebraska, July 1, 1894-June 30, 1898. 1893. Nebraska. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Nebraska, July 1, 1898-June 30, 1902. Sept. 15, 1897. Same, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 15, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. New Hampshire. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, July 1, 1901-June 30, 1905. Sept. 15, 1900. New Jersey. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1896, inviting proposals for carrying mails in New Jersey and Delaware, July 1, 1897-June 30, 1901. 1896. New Jersey. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in New Jersey and Delaware, July 1, 1901-June 30, 1905. Sept. 15, 1900. Same, July 1, 1905-June 30, 1909. Sept. 15, 1904. Same, July 1, 1909-June 30, 1913. Oct. 24, 1908. New Mexico. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1893, inviting proposals for carrying mails in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Idaho, July 1, 1894-June 30, 1898. 1893. New Mexico. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Idaho, July 1, 1898-June 30, 1902. Sept. 15, 1897. Same, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 16, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. New York State. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1896, inviting proposals for carrying mails in New York, July 1, 1897-June 30, 1901. 1896. New York State. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in New York, July 1, 1901-June 30, 1905. Sept. 15, 1900. Same, July 1, 1905-June 30, 1909. Sept. 15, 1904. Same, July 1, 1909-June 30, 1913. Oct. 24, 1908. North Carolina. Advertisement of Sept. 16, 1895, inviting proposals for carrying mails in North Carolma, July 1, 1896-June 30, 1900. 1895. North Carolina. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrving mails in North Carolina, July 1, 1900-June 30, 1904. Sept. 15, 1899. Same, July 1, 1904-June 30, 1908. Sept. 15, 1903. Same, July 1, 1908-June 30, 1912. Oct. 18, 1907. 846 Classlflcatlos no. P1.5: Oh3i Oh32 Oh33 Oh3* Or3i Or3^ P381 P382 P383 P38* P831 P83- So8c» So8c2 So8c3 So8c* So8di So8<12 So8d3 So8d* T25^ T252 T253 T25^ T31^ T312 T313 T31* Un3 V59 V8I1 PI. POSTMASTER-GENERAI^Continued Advertisements inviting proposals for carrying mails (by States)— Continued Ohio. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1894, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Ohio, July 1, 1895-JuDe 30, 1899. 1894. Ohio. Advertisement inviting proposals for caiTying mails in Ohio July 1, 1899-June 30, 1903. Sept. 15, 1898. Same, July 1, 1903-June 30, 1907. Sept. 15, 1903. Same, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1911. Sept. 15, 1906. Oregon. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Ore- gon, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 16, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. Pennsylvania. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1896, inviting proposals for can-ying mails in Pennsylvania, July 1, 1897-June 30, 1901. 1896. Pennsylvania. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Pennsylvania, July 1, 1901-June 30, 1905. Sept. 15, 1900. Same, July 1, 1905-June 30, 1909. Sept. 15, 1904. Same, July 1, 1909-June 30, 1913. Oct. 24, 1908. Porto Rico. Advertisement including proposals for carrying mails in Porto Rico, July 1, 1904- June 30, 1908. Sept. 15, 1903. [Eng- lish and Spanish.] Same, July 1, 1908-June 30, 1912. Oct. 18, 1907. South Carolina. Advertisement of Sept. 16, 1895, inviting proposals for carrying mails in South Carolina, July 1, 1896-June 30, 1900. 1895. South Carolina. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in South Carolina, July 1, 1900-June 30, 1904. Sept. 15, 1899. Same, July 1, 1904-June 30, 1908. Sept. 15, 1903. Same, July 1, 1908-June 30, 1912. Oct. 18, 1907. South Dakota. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1893, inviting proposals for carrying mails in South Dakota and North Dakota, July 1, 1894- June 30, 1898. 1893. South Dakota. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in South Dakota and North Dakota, July 1, 1898-June 30, 1902. Sept. 15, 1897. Same, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 16, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. Tennessee. Advertisement of Sept. 16, 1895, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Tennessee, July 1, 1896-June 30, 1900. 1895. Tennessee. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Tennessee, July 1, 1900-June 30, 1904. Sept. 15, 1899. Same, July 1, 1904-June 30, 1908". Sept. 15, 1903. Same, July 1, 1908-June 30, 1912. Oct. 18, 1907. Texas. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1893, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Texas, July 1, 1894-June 30, 1898. 1893. Texas. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Texas, July 1, 1898-June 30, 1902. Sept. 35, 1897. Same, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 16, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. United States. Miscellaneous advertisement of Feb. 1, 1889, inviting proposals for carrying mails in [all States and Territories]. 1889. [Interleaved.] [Under the terms of this advertisement, contracts were awarded in the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th contract sections for terms of 4 years, 3 years, 2 years, and 1 year, respec- tively, thus preparing the way for the awarding of contracts for regular 4-year periods, one section being contracted for each year.] Vermont. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1896, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, July 1, 1897-June 30, 1901. 1896. Virginia. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1896, inviting proposals for carry- ing mails in Virginia, July 1, 1897-June 30, 1901. 1896. 847 Clft88inratlon uo. P1.5: V81' VSP V81* W27» W272 W273 W27* W52» W522 W523 W52* W75» W752 W753 W75* PI. 6: (date of adver- tisement) PI. 7: (date of adver- tisement) PI. POSTMASTER-GENBRAIir— Continued Advertisements inviting proposals for carrying malls (by States)— Continued Virginia. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Vir- ginia, July 1, 1901-June 30, 1905. Sept. 15, 1900. Same, July 1, 1905-June 30, 1909. Sept. ]5, 1904. Same, July 1, 1909-Juno 30, 1913. Oct. 24, 1908. Washington. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1893, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Washington, Oregon, and Nevada, July 1, 1894- June 30, 1898. 1893. Washington. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Washington, Oregon, and Nevada, July 1, 1898-June 30, 1902. Sept. 15, 1897. Same, in Washington and Nevada, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1906. Sept. 15, 1901. Same, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1910. Sept. 15, 1905. West Virginia. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1896, inviting proposals for carrying mails in West Virginia, July 1, 1897-June 30, 1901. 1896. West Virginia. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in West Virginia, July 1, 1901-June 30, 1905. Sept. 15, 1900. Same, July 1, 1905-June 30, 1909. Sept. 15, 1904. Same, July 1, 1909-June 30, 1913. Oct. 24, 1908. Wisconsin. Advertisement of Sept. 15, 1894, inviting proposals for carrying mails in Wisconsin, July 1, 1895-June 30, 1899. 1894. Wisconsin. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in Wis- consin, July 1, 1899-June 30, 1903. Sept. 15, 1898. Same, July 1, 1903-June 30, 1907. Sept. 15, 1902. Same, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1911. Sept. 15, 1906. Advertisement Inviting proposals for covered regulation wagon mail-messenger, transfer, and mail- station service [The regulation covered wagons with solid sides and ends were superseded by the regulation screen wagons beginning July 1, 1898, under advertisement for wagon service in the 4th contract section, and as each of the other sections was adver- tised, the same substitution was made. " Bulletin advertisements," i. e. adver- tisements issued at other than the regular quadrennial periods, are classed under P1.8:) 1893 1894 1895 1896 [Discontinued.] Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in regulation screen wagons [Contracts for this service in cities and towns are for 4-year periods; the United States is divided into 4 contmct sections, one of which is advertised each year. The screen wagon service imder these fornial contracts was first put into opera- tion under advertisement of Jan. 1892, for the term beginning July 1, 1892. "Bul- letin advertisements" for screen wagon service, i. e. advertisements issued at other than the regular quadrennial periods, are classed under P1.8:] Advertisement inviting proposals for covered screen wagon mail- messenger, transfer, and mail station service 1892 * 1893 1894 1895 1896 Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in covered screen wagons 1897 1898 848 Classiflcation no. P1.7: (date of adver- tisement) P1.8: B65 C43 Oh3 P53 P74 StS P1.9: (CT) PI. 10: (date) later (date and nos.) PI. POSTMASTER-GENERAI^Continued Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in regulation screen wagons— Continued Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in screen wagons 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in regulation screen wagons 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 proposals for carrying Advertisements inviting mails (miscellaneous) [In this class are included also "Bulletin advertisements," i. e. advertisements issued at other than the regular quadrennial periods.] Boston, Mass. Bulletin advertisement for covered regulation wagon service at Boston, Mass. June 21, 1897. Chicago, 111. Bulletin advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in regulation screen wagons in Chicago, 111., July, 1908- June, 1911. Mar. 11, 1908. Ohio. Bulletin advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails in regulation screen wagons at cities and towns named in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Missomi, July, 1907-June, 1911. Dec. 24, 1906. Philadelphia, Pa. Bulletin advertisement for covered [regulation and covered screen] wagon service at Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 6, 1897. Pneumatic tubes. Advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails by pneumatic tubes or similar devices at Boston, Mass., Brooklyn, N. Y., New York, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Pittsburg, Pa., Balti- more, Md., Cincinnati, Ohio, Chicago, 111., Kansas City, Mo., St. Louis, Mo., and San Francisco, Cal. June 29, 1906. Steamboat mail service. Advertisement for steamboat mail service in New York Bay and Harbor. Nov. 9, 1908. Postal treaties and conventions [These publications are not listed here. See, for compilations, Pl.ll:887, appendix C; PI. 11:8932, appendix A; PI. 11:9022, appendix 1.] United States official postal guide various sizes [Various editions issued prior to 1874 are listed here without regard to their govern- mental or private character. Some of the editions were purchased and dis- tributed by the Government, making them "official," while others were in general use, though not bearing the Post-Oflice Department's sanction. Begmning Oct. 1874, it has been an official publication appearing at regular inter- vals. Issues of the 1st series were quarterly, Oct. 1874-July, 1879, numbered consecutively as 1-20. The 2d series, comprising v. 1-30, Sept. 1879-June, 1908, was issued monthly for calendar years, no. 1. generally known as the Postal guide, being the large Jan- uary issue, and nos. 2-12, monthly supplements containing additions and cor- rections. The 3d series, beginning July, 1908, with v. 1, no. 1, is for fiscal years, the July num- ber, instead of the January number, being the annual Postal guide. Nos. 2-12 are supplements to the July issue. The Postal guide is one of the few public documents which is not printed at the Government Printing Office. It is compiled in the Post-Office Department, but the printing is done by an outside printer under contract wit^h the Depart- ment.] Semiofficial lists of post-offices, post-office directories, etc., prior to 1874 various sizes * 1808 * 1800 1803 1805 1811 * 1813 * 849 Clatwiarstlon no. PI. PC 38TMAST1 ]R-GE> rE RALf— ('ontimied PI. 10: United States otaciai postal guide— Omtinued (date) Semiofficial lists of poat-officee, post-offi ce directories, etc., prior t lat 1874— Continued (date and 1817 * 1854 DOS.) 1819 1822 1825 1855 1856 1857 1828 2 editione 1859 1830 * 1862 1831 1863 1837 * 1866 1842 1867 * 1846 1868 1851 2 editiona 1870 Official postal guide [1st series] 12* [Quar teriy.] 1874, no. 1 * 1877, n( ). 11 * 1875, no. 2 * n( ). 12 * no. 3 * n( ). 13 * no. 4 * 1878, n( ). 14 * no. 5 n( ). 15 * 1876, no. 6 * n( ). 16 * no. 7 * n( ). 17 * no. 8 1879, n( ). 18 * no. 9 n( ). 19 1877, no. 10 * n( ). 20 Official postal guide, 2d series 12« [Monthly.] 1879, V. 1, no. 1, Sept. 1879 1882, V 4, no. 11, Nov. 1882 » no. 2, Oct. 1879 ■if no. 12, Dec. 1882 * no. 3, Nov. 1879 1883, V 5, no. 1, Jan. 1883 no. 4, Dec. 1879 « no. 2, Feb. 1883 » 1880, V. 2, no. 1, Jan. 1880 no. 3, Mar. 1883 * no. 2, Feb. 1880 * no. 4, Apr. 1883 * no. 3, Mar. 1880 no. 5, May, 1883 « no. 4, Apr. 1880 no. 6, June, 1883 « no. 5, May, 1880 no. 7, July, 1883 ♦ no. 6, June, 1880 no. 8, Aug. 1883 » no. 7, July, 1880 no. 9, Sept. 1883 * no. 8, Aug. 1880 no. 10, Oct. 1883 * no. 9, Sept. 1880 no. 11, Nov. 1883- « no. 10, Oct. 1880 no. 12, Dec. 1883 * no. 11, Nov. 1880 * 1884, V 6, no. 1, Jan. 1884 no. 12, Dec. 1880 ^ no. 2, Feb. 1884 » 1881, V. 3, no. 1, Jan. 1881 no. 3, Mar. 1884 » no. 2, Feb. 1881 * no. 4, Apr. 1884 » no. 3, Mar. 1881 * no. 5, May, 1884 * no. 4, Apr. 1881 * no. 6, Jime, 1884 * no. 5, May, 1881 * no. 7, July, 1884 * no. 6, June, 1881 * no. 8, Aug. 1884 « no. 7, July, 1881 * no. 9, Sept. 1884 » no. 8, Aue. 1881 * no. 10, Oct, 1884 « no. 9, Sept. 1881 * no. 11, Nov. 1884 « no. 10, Oct. 1881 * no. 12, Dec. 1884 « no. 11, Nov. 1881 * 1885, V 7, no. 1, Jan. 1885 no. 12, Dec. 1881 * no. 2, Feb. 1885 « 1882, V. 4, no. l,Jan. 1882 no. 3, Mar. 1885 « no. 2, Feb. 1882 * no. 4, Apr. 1885 * no. 3, Mar. 1882 * no. 5, May, 1885 » .:...; V ? no. 4, Apr. 1882 * no. 6, June, 1885 * no. 5, May, 1882 * no. 7, July, 1885 * no. 6, June, 1882 * no. 8, Aug. 1885 « no. 7, July, 1882 * no. 9, Sept. 1885 * no. no. 8, Aug. 1882 * no. 10, Oct. 1885 » 9, Sept. 1882 * no. 11, Nov. 1885 « no. 10, Oct. 1882 * no. 12, Dec. 1885 •» to 82452°— 11 54 850 Classiflcatlon no. PI. 10: I (date) later (date and no8.) PI. PO STM ASTER- GENERAL^— Continued United States official postal guide— Continued 1886, V. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1886 -\jyj 1891, V. 13, no. 1, Jan. 1891 no. 2, Feb. 1886 * no. 2, Feb. 1891 * no. 3, Mar. 1886 •X- no. 3, Mar. 1891 * no. 4, Apr. 1886 ^ no. 4, Apr. 1891 no. 5, May, 1891 * no. 5, May, 1886 * ■K- no. 6, June, 1886 * no. 6, June, 1891 * no. 7, July, 1886 * no. 7, July, 1891 •X- no. 8, Aug. 1886 * no. 8, Aug. 1891 * no. 9, Sept. 1886 * no. 9, Sept. 1891 * no. 10, Oct. 1886 * no. 10, Oct. 1891 ■X- no. 11, Nov. 1886 * no. 11, Nov. 1891 * no. 12, Dec. 1886 * no. 12, Dec. 1891 * 1887, V. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1887 1892, V. 14, no. 1, Jan. 1892 no. 2, Feb. 1887 * no. 2, Feb. 1892 * no. 3, Mar. 1887 at no. 3, Mar. 1892 * no. 4, Apr. 1887 * no. 4, Apr. 1892 * no. 5, May, 1887 * no. 5, May, 1892 * no. 6, June, 1887 * no. 6, June, 1892 * no. 7, July, 1887 * no. 7, July, 1892 * no. 8, Aug. 1887 '» no. 8, Aug. 1892 * no. 9, Sept. 1887 * no. 9, Sept. 1892 * no. 10, Oct. 1887 * no. 10, Oct. 1892 * no. 11, Nov. 1887 * no. 11, Nov. 1892 ■X no. 12, Dec. 1887 * . no. 12, Dec. 1892 * 1888, V. 10, no. 1, Jan. 1888 1893, V. 15, no. 1, Jan. 1893 no. 2, Feb. 1888 * no. 2, Feb. 1893 * no. 3, Mar. 1888 * no. 3, Mar. 1893 * no. 4, Apr. 1888 * no. 4, Apr. 1893 * no. 5, May, 1888 * no. 5, May, 1893 * no. 6, June, 1888 * no. 6, June, 1893 * no. 7, July, 1888 * no. 7, July, 1893 no. 8, Aug. 1888 * no. 8, Aug. 1893 * no. 9, Sept. 1888 * no. 9, Sept. 1893 no. 10, Oct. 1888 * no. 10, Oct. 1893 no. 11, Nov. 1888 * no. 11, Nov. 1893 •X- no. 12, Dec. 1888 « no. 12, Dec. 1893 * 1889, V. 11, no. 1, Jan. 1889 1894, V. 16, no. 1, Jan. 1894 no. 2, Feb. 1889 * no. 2, Feb. 1894 * no. 3, Mar. 1889 * no. 3, Mar. 1894 * no. 4, Apr. 1889 * no. 4, Apr. 1894 * no. 5, May, 1889 * no. 5, May, 1894 ■X- no. 6, June, 1889 * no. 6, June, 1894 * no. 7, July, 1889 1 no. 7, July, 1894 Mr no. 8, Aug. 1889 * no. 8, Aug. 1894 ■X- no. 9, Sept. 1889 * no. 9, Sept. 1894 * no. 10, Oct. 1889 * no. 10, Oct. 1894 * no. 11, Nov. 1889 * no. 11, Nov. 1894 * no. 12, Dec. 1889 * no. 12, Dec. 1894 * 1890, V. 12, no. 1, Jan. 1890 1895, V. 17, no. 1, Jan. 1895 no. 2, Feb. 1890 * no. 2, Feb. 1895 no. 3, Mar. 1890 * no. 3, Mar. 1895 no. 4, Apr. 1890 * no. 4, Apr. 1895 no. 5, May, 1890 ■Jt no. 5, May, 1895 no. 6, June, 1890 * no. 6, June, 1895 no. 7, July, 1890 •55- no. 7, July, 1895 no. 8, Aug. 1890 * no. 8, Aug. 1895 no. 9, Sept. 1890 * no. 9, Sept. 1895 no. 10, Oct. 1890 * no. 10, Oct. 1895 no. 11, Nov. 1890 * no. 11, Nov. 1895 no. 12, Dec. 1890 * no. 12, Dec. 1895 t Cover-title reads incorrectly: v. 10, no. 16. 851 ClMslflcatlun no. PI. POSTMASTER-GENERAI^-Continued PI. 10: United States oillclal postal guide— (Jontinued (date) Official postal guide, 2d series — Continued later 1896, V. 18, no. 1, Jan. 1896 1901, V. 23 , no. 4, Apr. 1901 no. 5, May, 1901 (date and no. 2, Fob. 1896 nos.) no. 3, Mar. 1896 no. 4, Apr. 1896 no. 5, May, 1896 BO. 6, June, 1896 no. 7, July, 1896 no. 8, Aug. 1896 no. 9, Sept. 1896 no. 6, June, 1901 no. 7, July, 1901 no. 8, Aug. 1901 no. 9, Sept. 1901 no. 10, Oct. 1901 no. 11, Nov. 1901 no. 12, Dec. 1901 no. 10, Oct. 1896 1902, V. 24 , no. 1, Jan. 1902 no. 11, Nov. 1896 no. 2, Feb. 1902 no. 12, Dec. 1896 no. 3, Mar. 1902 1897, V. 19, no. 1, Jan. 1897 no. 4, Apr. 1902 no. 5, May, 1902 no. 2, Feb. 1897 no. 3, Mar. 1897 no. 6, June, 1902 no. 4, Apr. 1897 no. 7, July, 1902 no. 5, May, 1897 no. 8, Aug. 1902 no. 6, June, 1897 no. 9, Sept. 1902 no. 7, July, 1897 no. 10, Oct. 1902 no. 8, Aug. 1897 no. 11, Nov. 1902 no. 9, Sept. 1897 no. 12, Dec. 1902 no. 10, Oct. 1897 1903, V. 25 , no. 1, Jan. 1903 no. 11, Nov. 1897 no. 2, Feb. 1903 no. 12, Dec. 1897 no. 3, Mar. 1903 1898, V. 20, no. 1, Jan. 1898 no. 4, Apr. 1903 no. 2, Feb. 1898 no. 5, May, 1903 no. 3, Mar. 1898 no. 6, June, 1903 no. 4, Apr. 1898 no. 5, May, 1898 no. 7, July, 1903 no. 8, Aug. 1903 no. 6, June, 1898 no. 9, Sept. 1903 no. 7, July, 1898 no. 10, Oct. 1903 no. 8, Aug. 1898 no. 11, Nov. 1903 no. 9, Sept. 1898 no. 12, Dec. 1903 no. 10, Oct. 1898 1904, V. 26 , no. 1, Jan. 1904 no. 11, Nov. 1898 no. 2, Feb. 1904 no. 12, Dec. 1898 no. 3, Mar. 1904 1899, V. 21, no. 1, Jan. 1899 no. 4, Apr. 1904 no. 2, Feb. 1899 no. 5, May, 1904 no. 3, Mar. 1899 no. 6, June, 1904 no. 4, Apr. 1899 no. 7, July, 1904 no. 5, May, 1899 no. 8, Aug. 1904 no. 6, June, 1899 no. 9, Sept. 1904 no. 7, July, 1899 no. 10, Oct. 1904 no. 8, Aug. 1899 no. 11, Nov. 1904 no. 9, Sept. 1899 no. 12, Dec. 1904 no. 10, Oct. 1899 1905, V. 27 , no. 1, Jan. 1905 no. 11, Nov. 1899 no. 2, Feb. 1905 no. 12, Dec. 1899 no. 3, Mar. 1905 1900, V. 22, no. 1, Jan. 1900 no. 4, Apr. 1905 no. 5, May, 1905 no. 2, Feb. 1900 no. 3, Mar. 1900 no. 6, June, 1905 no. 4, Apr. 1900 no. 5, May, 1900 no. 7, July, 1905 no. 8, Aug. 1905 no. 6, June, 1900 no. 9, Sept. 1905 no. 7, July, 1900 no. 10, Oct. 1905 no. 8, Aug. 1900 no. 11, Nov. 1905 no. 9, Sept. 1900 no. 12, Dec. 1905 no. 10, Oct. 1900 1906, V. 28 no. 1, Jan. 1906 no. 11, Nov. 1900 no. 2, Feb. 1906 no. 12, Dec. 1900 no. 3, Mar. 1906 1901, V. 23, no. 1, Jan. 1901 no. 4, Apr. 1906 no. 5, May, 1906 no. 2, Feb. 1901 no. 3, Mar. 1901 no. 6, June, 1906 852 Classtftcatlon no. PI. 10: (date) later (date and noa.) Pl.ll 804 628 843 847 852 856 PI. PO STM ASTER-GENERAL— Continued United States official postal guide— Continued Official postal guide, 2d series — Continued 1906, V. 28, no. 7, July, 1906 1907, no. 8, Aug. no. 9, Sept. no. 10, Oct. no. 11, Nov. no. 12, Dec. 29, no. 1, Jan. 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1907 1907 1907 1907 no. 2, Feb. no. 3, Mar. no. 4, Apr. no. 5, May, 1907 no. 6, June, 1907 Official postal guide, 3d seri'^'s 1909, V. 1, no. 1, July, 1908 no. 2, Aug. 1908 no. 3, Sept. 1908 no. 4, Oct. 1908 no. 5, Nov. 1908 no. 6, Dec. 1908 no. 7, Jan. 1909 no. 8, Feb. 1909 no. 9, Mar. 1909 1907, V. 29, no. 7, July, 1907 no. 8, Aug. 1907 no. 9, Sept. 1907 no. 10, Oct. 1907 no. 11, Nov. 1907 no. 12, Dec. 1907 1908, V. 30, no. 1, Jan. 1908 no. 1 [2], Feb. 1908 no. 3, Mar. 1908 no. 4, Apr. 1908 no. 5, May, 1908 no. 6, June, 1908 [Monthly.] 1909, V. 1, no. 10, Apr. 1909 no. 11, May, 1909 no. 12, June, 1909 1910, V. 2, no. 1, July, 1909 no. 1 [2], Aug. 1909 no. 2 [3], Sept. 1909 no. 4, Oct. 1909 no. 5, Nov. 1909 no. 6, Dec. 1909 Postal laws and regulations (general) See also ^1.20:, P6.2:L44. 1798 * 1800 * 1803 * Post-office law, with instructions and forms for regulation of post-offices. Washington, 1804. * List of post-offices, with laws and regulatiOiis; by C. F. Stevens. New York, 1808. * 1810 * 1812 * 1817 * 1818 * 1820 * 1825 * 1827 * Post-office laws, instructions and forms, published for regulation of post- office. Washington, printed by Way and Gideon, 1828. 1830 * 1832 * 1839 * Laws and regulations for government of Post Office Department; printed by order of Postmaster General. Washington, D. C, Alexander and Barnard, 1843. Same, with appendix. Washington, John T. Towers, 1847. Same, Washington, C. Alexander, 1852. Principal regulations of Post Office Department, 1855. See PI. 10:855. Postal laws, classified by subjects and omitting those superseded or enacted for temporary purpose; by D. D. T. Leech. New York, J. H. Colton and Company, 1856. [Also in Post office directory (PI. 10:856).] Postal laws as now in force, classified by subjects, also regulations of Post Office Department. See PI. 10:857. Postal laws, classified by subjects, omitting those enacted for special and temporary purposes, also regulations of Post Office Department. See P1.10:859. 85.S Classification no. IM.ll 866 869 873 879 1 879 » 887 902' 9022 902» 907 P1.12: C44 F82 F87» F872 In7» In72 P83 Se2» Se2» P1.13: (CT) PI. POSTMASTER-OENERALi— Continued Postal laws and regulations (general) — (oniinued 1863 * Postal laws and regulations; by Joseph A. Ware. 1866. 1867 * Statutes relating to postal service, as revised, simplified, arranged, and consolidated oy commission appointed for that purpose, from various acts and resolutions in force, in whole or in part. 18C9. larg'e 8° Postal laws and regulations; by William M. Ireland and J. M. McGrew. 1873. Same; compiled and edited by Arthur H. Bissell and Thomas B. Kirby. 1879. Same fwithout appendix) ; compiled and edited by Arthur H. Bissell ana Thomas B. Kirby. [Corrected edition.] 1879. [Inter- leaved.] Same. 1887. [2597-63] Same. 1893. Same [with appendix A, Postal and money-order conventions con- cluded between United Statec and foreign countries]. 1893. [3117-90] Revision and codification of laws relating to civil administration of Post-Office Department and postal service. 1899. Postal laws and regulations, edition of 1902, in effect Apr.. 1, 1902; revised and edited in accordance with acts approved June 2, 1900 and Mar. 3, 1901, under direction of Charles Emory Smith. 1902. . [5082-394] [See, for Index to Postal laws and regulations, 1902, P2.2:In2.] Same, \^'ith appendix 1, Universal postal convention of Washington, and postal conventions, including parcels-post conventions, concluded between United States and foreign countries. 1902. Same, appendix 2, Digest of decisions of United States and other courts affecting Post-Ofiice Department and postal service; [edited by Joseph Stewart]. [1905.] [3 p. of addenda are tipped in at end.] Supplement to postal laws and regulations. Edition of 1902, in effect Mar. 4, 1907. 1907. [In 5083-394] Postal laws and regulations (special) China. Special instructions of Postmaster-General in relation to mili- tary postal service in China. [Aug. 6, 1900.] Fourth-class postmasters. Regulations governing appointment of 4th- class postmasters. Jan. 1909. [Issued jointly with Civil Service Commission.] Free delivery service. Postal laws and regulations governing free delivery of letters, etc., bv letter carriers, published by authority of Postmaster General, 1869. 1869. 12» Free delivery service . Amended postal laws and regulations in relation to free delivery service. 1896. 24* Inspectors. Instructions to post office inspectors concerning their con- duct, powers, and duties. Sept. 1, 1899. 16* Same. Aug. 1, 1905. 24» Porto Rico. Order, by direction of President, declaring powers and duties of director-general of posts for Porto Rico; defining of- fenses against postal service therein; and fixing jurisdiction of tribunal for trial of same. [Aug. 10, 1899.] Second class mail matter. Postal laws and regulations pertaining to 2d class of mail matter. Jan, 1, 1908. Same; corrected to July 1, ]909. [1909.J Proposals 854 Classification no. PI. 14: (date) P1.15: (date) P1.16: (CT) P1.17: (date) PI. 18! At6 B21 B53 B65 B861 B86 2 C431 C432 PI. POSTMASTER-GENERAL— Continued Register of employees 1893 1896 1898 1901 1904 1906 1907 [No more issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] United States Governinent salary tables, Post- Office Department Departmental monthly and daily pay tables 1865 * 1867 1878 1881 Departmental quarterly, monthly, and daily salary pay tables 1883 1901 United States Government salary tables, Post-Office Department 1904 [No more issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Specifications Cuba, Posts Department, Annual reports 1899, including reports of chiefs of bureaus [Also in annual report of Post-Office Department, 1899 (PI. 1:899), without accompanying papers.] [The report for 1899 was the only report made to the Post-OflQce Department. See, for Report of United States Postal Committee on conditions and needs of postal service in Cuba, 1899, P1.2:C89. See, for Report upon frauds and embezzlements of Cuban postal officials, by J. L. Bristow, submitted July 19, 1900, Y4.C89:P84i.2, and for abstract of same, P5.2: C89. See, for information regarding Posts Department, Cuba, 1901, annual report of Post- Office Department, 1901 (PI. 1:901), p. 923. See, for reports of director-general of piosts to military governor of Cuba, 1899-1902, W25.8:899, 9006, 90P, and 902 3. On May 20, 1902, the military government of the United States in Cuba coming to an end, the United States official who had been acting as director-general of posts delivered the postal service to his Cuban successor.] Scliemes of city distribution See, for earlier Schemes of city distribution, P10.9: Atlanta, Ga. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at At- lanta, Ga.; corrected to Oct. 1, 1909. 1909. narrow 12« Baltimore, Md. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Baltimore, Md.; corrected to Dec. 1, 1908. 1909. narrow 12° Birmingham, Ala. Scheme for city distribution, Birmingham, Ala., post office, July 1, 1908. 1908. Boston, Mass. Scheme of separation for Boston postal district; cor- rected to Mar. 1909. 1909. narrow 8« Buffalo, N. Y. Station scheme, Buffalo, N. Y., post office, n. p. Jan. 1907. 12* Buffalo, N. Y. Scheme of station separation for use in post office at Buffalo, N. Y. 1909. 12« Chicago, 111. Scheme of station separation and route distribution scheme for sec. 1-3, main office and station U, Chicago, 111.; cor- rected to July 1, 1908. 1908. narrow 12o Same; corrected to Sept. 1, 1909. 1909. narrow 12« 855 Cla.HsIflcatton no. PI. 18: C49> C492 C59» 059=^ 072^ C722 D431 D432 D48 El 6 K13. L891 L892 L93 M51 M64 N17 N42o N42y» N42y2 Ok4 P68 R41 W27» W27=' PI. P08TMA8TER-GENERAT>-C'ontinued Schemes of city distribution— Continued Cincinnati, Ohio. Scheme of principal firms and buildings, Cincin- nati, Ohio. 1909. narrow 12° Cincinnati, Ohio. Scheme of principal streets, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1909. narrow 12° Cleveland, Ohio. Official scheme of distribution of mail for city of Cleveland, Ohio, July, 1906. 1906. Cleveland, Ohio. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Cleveland, Ohio; corrected to May 1, 1909. 1909. narrow 12« Columbus, Ohio. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Columbus, Ohio; corrected to Aug. 1, 1907. 1907. narrow 12® Same; corrected to May 1, 1909. 1909. narrow 12° Denver, Colo. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Denver, Colo.; corrected to Oct. 1908. 1908. narrow 12« Same; corrected to Oct. 1909. 1909. narrow 12° Detroit, Mich. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Detroit, Mich.; corrected to Mar. 15, 1908. 1908. narrow 12° El Paso, Tex. Scheme of city distribution, El Paso, Tex.; corrected to Apr. 30, 1909. 1909. narrow 12° Kansas City, Kans. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Kansas City, Kans.; corrected to Aug. 15, 1907. 1907. nar- row 12° Los Angeles, Cal. Scheme of separation to stations for use in post office at Los Angeles, Cal.; corrected to Aug. 1, 1907. 1907. nar- row 12° See, for earlier schemes of Los Angeles, P10.9:L89^'2. Los Angeles, Cal. Scheme of distribution to routes for use in post office at Los Angeles, Cal. ; corrected to Sept. 1, 1907. 1907. nar- row 12° Louisville, Ky. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Louisville, Ky.; corrected to July, 1909. 1909. narrow 12° Memphis, Tenn. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Memphis, Tenn.; corrected to Sept. 1908. 1908. narrow 12* Milwaukee, Wis. Scheme of station separation and of route distribution for main office for use in post office at Milwaukee, Wis,; corrected to Aug. 1, 1909. 1909. narrow 12° Nashville, Tenn. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Nashville, Tenn.; corrected to July 1, 1909. 1909. narrow 12° New Orleans, La. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at New Orleans, La.; corrected to May 25, 1908. 1908. nar- row 12° See^ for earlier schemes of New Orleans, Pl0.9:N42o^»-. New York City. Scheme of distribution \o routes for main post-office, New York, N. Y. ; corrected to Feb. 14, 1908. 1908. narrow 12° New York City. Condensed scheme of city separation for use in post office at New York, N. Y.; corrected to July 23, 1908. 1908. narrow 12° Oklahoma, Okla. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Oklahoma, Okla.; corrected to Sept. 1, 1908. 1908. narrow 12« Pittsburg, Pa. Scheme of distribution to routes for use in main [post] office, Pittsburg, Pa. ; corrected to Sept. 1, 1907. 1907. narrow 12° Richmond, Va. Scheme of city distribution for use in post-office at Richmond, Va.; corrected to Feb. 1, 1908. 1908. narrow 12° Washington, D. C. Scheme of station separation for use in post office at Washington, D. C; corrected to Jan. 1, 1908. 1908. narrow 12° See, for earlier scheme of Washington, D. C, P10.9:W27. Washington, D. C. Scheme of city distribution for use in post office at Washington, D. C; corrected to Aug. 1909. 1909. narrow 12° 856 Classification no. PI. 19: (date) later (nos,) J>1.20: 59 > 592 60 » tP1.21: W27 PI. POSTMASTER-GENERAIi— Continued Orders [Such orders of the rostmaster-Geueral as affect the postal service at lai'ge are pub- lished in the Daily bulletin of orders affecting postal service (P1.3:) and also in the annual Postal guide with its monthly supplements (Pl.lO:). Many other orders relating to the affairs of the Department proper are not printed for general distribution, although they are numbered in the same series with the above, 'rhis plan of numbering was l^egun some years prior to 1880, a new series being started with the first of each calendar year up to 1905. In that year the series which had begun with Jan. ended with June, and a new series was begun with July, which ran to the end of 1906. Beginning with Jan. 1907 it was decided to run the numbers indefinitely. Not listed here.] Public acts and resolutions relating to Post- Offlce Department and postal service Public acts and resolutions relating to Post-Office Department and postal service, 59th Congress, 1st session. 1906. Same, 59th Congress, 2d session. 1907. Same, with title. Appropriations for Post-Office Department and postal service, 60th Congress, Ist session. 1908. Schemes for separation of mall by States [Separation schemes for outgoing mail of certain cities are classed here.] Washington, D. C. Scheme for separation of mail by States [for use in post office at Washington, D. C.]. Dec. 1905. [Previous schemes for Washington, D. C., were typewritten.] P2. 1st ASSISTANT POSTMASTER- GENERAL [Office established by act approved Apr. 30, 1810. The provision in that act which authorized the Post- master-General to appoint 2 assistants was reenacted by the act approved Mar. 3, 1825.] P2.1: (date) P2.1": •<:T(CT) ;;'3P2.2: C591 C592 In2 P2.3: (nos.) P2.4: (noB.) Annual reports [1837-1909 (except 1845, 1852-56, and 1861-77, none submitted), in annual reports of Post-Office Department (Pl.l:), and usually issued separately also.] Annual reports (separates) Oeneral publications Clerks. Instructions relative to efficiency records of post office clerks and city letter carriers. [1st edition.] [1908.] Same. 2d edition. [1909.] Index to Postal laws and regulations [1902]. 1905. [See, for Postal laws and regulations, 1902, Pl.ll:902^] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] P3. 2d ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAIi [Office established by act approved Apr. 30, 1810. The provision in that act which authorized the Post- master-General to appoint 2 assistants was reenacted by the act approved Mar. 3, 1825.] P3.1: (date) Annual reports [1847-1909 (except 1848-50, none submitted), in annual reports of Pos^Office Depart- ment (Pl.l:), and usuaJly issued separately also.] t This Checklist ends with publications of the calendar year 1909. Certain publica- tions since issued by the Post-Office Department have necessitated new classes under PI., the series titles of which are as follows: Pi. 22: Advertisements inviting proposals for carrying mails on star routes (by States) (CT) PI. 23: Advertisements inviting proposals for carrying mails on steamboat routes (by (CT) States) 857 ClM8lflCfttl01l P3, no. 2d ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAI^-Oon. P3.1": I Annual reports (separates) (CT) P8.2: General publications El 2 Electric and cable car lines. Principal laws and regulati' ns relative to transportation of mails on electric and cable car lines. Oct. 30, 1903. M28 Itfail-catchers. Specifications relating to mail catchers and deliverers intended for effecting exchange of mails with moving trains under advertisement of Oct. 8, 1907. n. p. [1907]. 4» Rl3 * Railroads. Orders and decisions relative to railroad mail matter [com- pilation]. Feb. 6, 1897. R13* Railroads. Information issued by 2d assistant Postmaster-General rela- tive to transportation of mails by railroads. 1904. R133 Same. 1909. Se2 Second-class mail matter. Record of weight, July 1-Dec. 31, 1906, of 2d-class mail matter, free and also at pound rate [by classes of newspapers and periodicals, report of 2d assistant Postmaster- General]. 1907. ([59th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 651; serial no. 5156.]) P3.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] P3.4 : Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] P4. 3d ASSISTANT POSTM ASTER- GENERAIj The act to change the organization of Post-OiTice Department, approved July 2, 1836, authorized the ap* pointment of the 3d assistant Postmaster-General.] P4.1: (date) P4.1«: (CT) P4.2: F86 H81 P84» P84a P84» Se2» Annual reports [1841-1909 (except 1843-46, 1848-50, 1852-65, and 1807, none submitted), in annual reports of Post-Office Department (Pl.l:), and usually issued separately also.] Annual reports (separates) General publications Fraternal publications. Letter from office of 3d assistant Postmaster- General containing discussion of policy of Post-Office Department regarding fraternal and other publications issued by societies entered, or for which entry is sought, under act of Mar. 3, 1879. 1909. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. In Supreme Court, Houghton [Mifflin & Co. et al.] i;. Payne [opinions of court in cases relative to transmission of certain publications as 2d-class or 3d-cla8s mail matter]; de- cided Apr. 11, 1904. [1904.] Postal service. U.S. postal service, domestic and foreign mail matter, classification, conditions, rates of postage. 1904. small 4° [See, for 2d edition, P1.2:P84^] Postal statistics of United States, 1775-1905 [with lists of Postmasters- General and l8t-4th assistant Postmasters-General, showing when and by whom they were appointed]. [1903.] f ** [Statis- tics end with 1901, blanks being left for manuscript additions to 1905.] Same, 1775-1909. [1909.] f° [Statistics end with 1908, blanks being left for manuscript additions for later years.] Second-class mail. Attitude of Post-Office Department regarding 2d- class mail; by A. L. I^wshe. 1907. 858 Classification P4. 3d ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAIj— Con. no. P4:.2: General publications — Continued Se2' Se2' P4.3: (nos.) P4.4: (nos.) Second-class mail. Letter from 3d assistant Postmaster-General con- taining discussion of policy of Post-Office Department regarding 2d-class mail matter, and explanation of its purpose in issuing order 907 amending regulations pertaining thereto. Feb. 13, • 1908. (60th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 270; serial no. 5241.) [This publication, though bearing Congressional document number, carries on title-page the words "Form 3500a. Issued by Post- Office Department, Office of 3d assistant Postmaster-General." No edition without Congressional document number.] Same. Feb. 15, 1908. (60th Cong. 1st sess. H. doc. 686; serial no. 5374.) [This publication, though bearing Congressional document number, carries on title-page the words "Form 3500b. Issued by Post-Office Dejjartment, Office of 3d assistant Postmaster- General." No edition without Congressional document number.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] P5. 4:tli ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAIi P5.1: (date) P5.2: C89 P84 [Office established by act approved Mar. 3, 1891, to take effect July 1, 1891.] Annual reports [1892-1909, in annual reports of Post-Oflice Department (Pl.l:), and usually issued separately also.] R88 P5.2a: (CT) P5.3: (nos.) P5.4I (nos.) General publications Cuba. [Summary of report of 4th assistant Postmaster-General Joseph L. Bristow on postal frauds in Cuba.] July 24, 1900. [Confiden- tial; injunction of secrecy removed July 26, ^900.] Post-Office Department. Report of [4th assistant] Postmaster-General [and other papers] in matter of investigation of Post-Office De- partment [and papers relative to investigation of administration of Washington city post-office], as transmitted to Committee on Post-Office and Post-Roads, House. Dec. 15, 1903. [Same mat- ter rearranged and with additions and alterations was trans- mitted later to Congress and appeared in Congressional set as 58th Congress, 2d session. House document 383 and Senate document 151, serial nos. 4674 and 4590.] Rural delivery service, box regulations. July 26, 1906. General publications (separates) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] P6. ATTORNEY- GENERAL, ASSISTANT, FOR POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT [Office established by act approved June 8, 1872 (Stat. L. v. 17, p. 284). The Assistant Attorney-General for Post-Office Department receives his salary from the Department of Justice, but he is not an official of that Department, as are the other assistant Attorneys-General. He is appointed by the Postmaster- General and makes his reports to the Post-Office Department only.] P6.1: (date) Annual reports [1885-1909, in annual reports of Post-Office Department (Pl.l:), and usually issued separately also.] 859 ClMslflratlon no. P6. ATTOllNEY-OENERAL, ASSISTANT, FOR POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT— Continued P6.2: B64 Em7 F86 L44 L91» L91» Of2 P45 T79 P6.3: (no8.) P6.4: (nos.) P6.5: (v. nos.) General publications Bond -investment schemes. Opinion addressed to Postmaster-Gen- eral as to use of mails in promotion of certain so-called bond- investment schemes, Dec. 5, 1900; [by] Harrison J. Barrett. 1900. Empire Diamond Company. Memorandum in re Empire Diamond Company, San Francisco, Cal. 1904. Fraud orders. Memorandum on postal fraud order law. n. p. [Dec. 29, 1906]. Laws of Congress governing Post-OflSce Department and postal service. 1907. [See also Pi. 11:, Pi. 20:] Lottery. Consideration required to constitute scheme or lottery, n. p. [Dec. 14, 1895]. Lottery. Memorandum concerning elements of lottery. 1907. Official bonds. Liability of siu-eties on oflBcial bonds. 1899. Pettis County Bond and Investment Company. In re applications of Pettis County Bond and Investment Company, Sedalia, Mo., Tontine Savings Association, Minneapolis, Minn., Columbia Investment Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, National Investment Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, National Investment Company, Washington, D. C, for revocation of fraud orders issued against them, statement and argument of John L. Thomas. [1895?] Tucker, H. H., jr. Memorandum concerning fraud order against H. H. Tucker, jr., Kansas City, Kans. 1908, Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Official opinions V. 1 V. 2 V. 3 V. 4 P7. DEAD LETTERS DIVISION [Established under act of Mar. 3, 1825. The jwpular name through practically all of its existence has been Dead Letter Office, though of recent years its official designation has been Division of Dead Letters.] ' P7.1: Annual reports (date) P7.a: D341 D342 P7.3: (nos.) P7.4: (nos.) [1860-80, statistics of work of the office are included in annual reports of Post-Office Department (P 1.1:). 1887-91, in annual reports of Post-Office Department (Pl.l:), and usually issued separately also. 1892-1904, regular signed reports were made by the superintendent to the 1st as.sist- ant Postmasler-Genoral which were issued separately but not included in Post-Oflice Department reports except as the matter was noted in the reports of the 1st assistant Postmaster-General. 1905-09, no signed reports issued.) General publications Dead Letter Office: Matter received, how treated, etc.; Useful infor- mation for applicants, n. p. 1902. narrow 16° Same: What it does and how it does it. n. p. n. d. narrow 16° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 860 Classlflcatlon no. P7.5: (date) P7.6: (ed. nos.) P7. DEAD liETTERS DIVISION— Continued Catalogue of articles to be sold at auction 1887 1888 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903, Jan. 13 Same, Nov. 19 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 Street directory of principal cities of United States [Ist edition] Street directory of principal cities of United States. 2d edition 3d edition 4th edition 5th edition large 8" 1881. P8. FOREIGN MAIL, SERVICE [The work of this office was carried on for a long time before it was organized by law under act approved July 27, 1S68 (Stat. L. v. 15, p. 1%). It was a bureau of the Post-Oflice Department making reports directly to the Postmaster-General until placed under control of the 2d assistant Postmaster-General by oflicial order 287, dated July 20, 1891.] P8.1: (date) P8.2: Sel P8.3: (nos.) P8.4: (nos.) P8.5: (date) Annual reports [1882-1905, in annual reports of Post-Ofllce Department (Pl.l:), and usually issued separately also. 1906-09, a regular signed report was sometimes issued but is not included in Post- Office Department reports except as the matter is noted in the reports of the 2d assistant Postmaster-General.] General publications Sea post offices. List of mails to be made up :>y sea post offices, New York-Bremen and New York-Hamburg. n. p. 1909]. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Schedule of steamers appointed to convey mails to foreign countries (monthly) narrow f° 1893, Mar. * 1895, May * 1897, July 1899, Sept. Apr. Mky * June * Aug. Oct. * July Sept. Nov. June * Aug. Oct. Dec. July * Sept. Nov. 1900, Jan. Aug. * Oct. Dec. Feb. Sept. * Nov. 1898, Jan. Mar. Oct. * Dec. Feb. Apr. May Nov. * 1896, Jan. Mar. Dec. * Feb. Apr. June 1894, Jan. * Mar. May July Feb. * Apr. May June Aug. Mar. * July Sept. Apr. * June Aug. Oct. May * July Sept. Nov. June * Aug. Oct. Dec. July * Sept. Nov. 190 1, Jan. Aug. * Oct. Dec. Feb. Sept. * Nov. 1899, Jan. Mar. Oct. * Dec. Feb. Apr. May Nov. * 1897, Jan. Mar. Dec. * Feb. Apr. May June 1895, Jan. * Mar. July Feb. * Apr. June Aug. Mar. * May July Sept. Apr. ■X- June Aug. Oct. 861 ClMHllle»tioii no. P8. FOREIGN MATT. HBRVICB—Continued P8.6: Hchediile of steamers appointed to convey n (date) ' to foreign countries— Continued 1901, Nov. 1903, Dec. 1906, Jan. 190« ,Feb. Dec. 1904, Jan. Feb. Mar. 1902, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Feb. Mar. Apr. M^y May Mar. Apr. June Apr. May June July May June July Aug. June July Aug. Sept. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. 190S I, Jan. Nov. Dec. 1907, Jan. Feb. Dec. 1905, Jan. Feb. Mar. 1903, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Feb. Mar. Apr. May May Mar. Apr. May June Apr. May June July June July Aug. June July Aug. Sept. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. Nov. Dec. 1908, Jan. nrtails P9.1: (date) P9.2: Abgi Ab83 P9.3: (nos.) P9.4; (nos.) P9.5: (date) P9. MONEY ORDERS DIVISION [Established by act approved May 17, 1864.] Annual reports [1865-1909, in annual reports of Post-Office Dei>artment (Pl.l:), and since 1880 usu- ally is§ued separately also.] General publications Abstract of principal operations of postal money order system of United States, fiscal year 1901. [Oct. 15, 1901.) narrow 16° Same, with title, Postal money order system of United States, ab- stract of principal operations, fiscal year 1902. Oct. 15, 1902. narrow 16° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Register of money order post offices in United States [or Domestic pamphlet list] [The cover-title of this publication has differed slightly from the title-page in all the issues except those for 1888, 1890, and 190()-09. The titles as piven below are those of the title-pages, while the cover-titles which differ read as follows: 1891-93, iloney order and postal note oflices in I'uited States; 1894-99, Money order post oftices in the United States; 1900-01, Money order oflTices; 1902-03, Money order post oflices in United States [etc.]; 1904-05, Register of money order post offices in United States [etc.].] List of money order offices 1888 [Includes also offices in foreign countries.] Revised list of money order offices in United States. 1890 1891 Money order offices in United States 1892 1893 862 Classification no. P9.5: (date) P9. MONEY ORDERS DIVISION— Continued Register of money order post offices In United States [or Domestic pamphlet list] — Continued Money order offices in United States — Continued Same, with appendix f 1894 Same, with appendix f 1895 Same, with appendix f 1896 Same, with appendix f 1897 Same, with appendix f 1898 1899 1900 Domestic money-order offices 1901, Jan. f« Revised list of money order offices 1901, July 1902 1903 Register of money order offices 1904 Register of United States money order offices 1905 Register of money order post offices in United States 1906 1907 1908 1909 • International list, money order offices In foreign countries f ° and 4° 1891 * 1894 Same, supplement, July 29, 1895 1896 1900 Same, supplement 1901, list of new international money order offices to be established Jan. 2, 1901 1902 1905 1908 Regulations and Instructions Money-order system of United States, general principles and instruc- tions to postmasters. 1864. Same. 1866. 12° Same. 1871. [Interleaved.] Regulations and instructions for transaction of postal note business to take effect Sept. 3, 1883. n. p. n. d. [No more issued. Later regulations are included in Postal laws and regulations (Pl.ll:).] t The appendix, a consolidated list of international money order offices, is included only in this special edition for use in Post-Office Department and in international money order offices. P9.6: (date) P9.7: 864 866 871 883 863 pio. raitjWay maitj service [Kvery railroad in th« United States was constituted a post route by act approved July 7t XSa^ • The Railway Miiil Scrvico was established in 1S05, wiw reorganized In 18<59, and many tinies slhc6. See, for History of Railway Mail Service, 1885, P10.2:n02.1 ClaHNlflration no. PlO.l: (date) PlO.l": (CT) P10.2: C59 H62 L44 R13 P10.3: (v. nos.) Annual reports (1874-1905 (except 1875, none issued), in annual reports of Post-OfTice Department ( Pl.l:), and usually issued separately also. 1906, issued in pamphlet form but not included in annuitl report of Post-OfTiee De- partment. 1907-09, no signed report issued, an abstract only being given In annual reports of Post-Offlce Department (Pl.l:), as part of the report of the 2d assistant Post- master-General.] Annual reports (separatea) General publications Clerks. Instructions to clerks in railway post offices. Sept. 1, 1869. History of Railway Mail Service, chapter in history of postal affairs in United States. 1885. [2261-40] Laws. Postal laws and regulations applicable to Railway Mail Service. 1905. 16» [Railroad mail service and railway post-office cars as in operation June 30, 1895.] [1895?] [This is Table C accompanying report of 2d assistant Postmaster-General for 1895, as found in annual reports of Post-Office Department (PI. 1:895).] Daily bulletin of orders affecting postal service f*> In „ , even a 3d and 4th. These additional issues bear the same number as the original issue for that day, but are distinguished by the letters a, b,c; e.g., the issues of June 21, 1904, were nos. 7410, 7410a, 7410b, and 7410c. The set in the Public Documents Library is not complete for some of the earlier years. For V. 17-28, nos. 4828-^232a, Jan. 2, 189&-Mar. 2, 1907. the set is l»elieved to be complete.] [These bulletins are Issued every day in the year except Simdays and holidays, many cases a 2d bulletin was issued on the same day, and for some days, ev V. 1 1880 nos. 1-130 * nos. 131-256, Aug. 5-Dec. 31 V. 2 1881 nos. 257-556, Jan. »-Dec. 31 V. 3 1882 nos. 557-860, Jan. 3-Dec. 30 V. 4 1883 nos. 861-1164, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 5 1884 nos. 1165-1471, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 6 1885 nos. 1472-1766, Jan. 2-Dec. 21 nos. 1767-1774, Dec. 22-31 * V. 7 1886 nos. 1775-2080, Jan. 2-Dcc. 31 V. 8 1887 nos. 2081-2387, Jan. 3-Dec. 31 V 9 1888 nos. 2388-2692, Jan. 3-Dcc. 31 V. 10 1889 nos. 2693-2997, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 11 1890 nos. 2998-3304, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 12 1891 nos. 3305-3608, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 13 1892 nos. 3609-3914, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 14 1893 nos, 3915-4216, Jan. 3-Dec. 30 864 Classlflcatlon no. P10.3: (v. nos.) P10.4: (nos.) P10.5: (nos.) P10.6: Alibi Allb2 Allb' Ar4k» Ar4k2 Ar4k3 PIO. RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE— Continued Dally bulletin of orders affecting postal service— Con. V. 15 1894 nos. 4217-4522, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 16 1895 nos. 4523-4638, Jan. 2-May 17 * nos. 4639, 4639a, May 18 nos. 4640-4651, May 20-June 4 * nos. 4652^827a, June 5-Dec. 31 V. 17 1896 nos. 4828-5134, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 18 1897 nos. 5135-5439, Jan. 2-r)ec. 31 V. 19 1898 nos. 5440-5745, Jan. 3-Dec. 31 V. 20 1899 nos. 5746-6048a, Jan. 3-Dec. 30 V. 21 1900 nos. 604*-€353a, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 22 1901 nos. 6354-6654, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 23 1902 nos. 6655-6959, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 24 1903 nos. 6960-7265a, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 25 1904 nos. 7266-7572a, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 26 1905 nos. 7573-7875, Jan. 3-Dec. 30 V. 27 1906 nos. 7876-8181, Jan. 2-Dec. 31 V. 28 1907 nos. 8182-8232a, Jan. 2-Mar. 2 See, for later issues, PI. 3: Circulars [None issued.] Schedules of railway post offices narrow 8" [Contains schedules of through railway post-office lines; also laws and general orders relating to this service. The first issue appeared without number, Feb. 1882, and numbered issues 1-5 appeared in the same year. From Jan. 1883 to Jan. 1886, inclusive, the issues were numbered consecutively from 7 to 37, and ap- Esared monthly (except Sept. and Dec. 1883, and Oct. 1885, none issued). The ter numbers appeared at long intervals, the last, no. 40, being issued Aug. 1895.] [01] Schedules of railway post offices on principal through mail routes of United States; corrected to Feb. 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [Discontinued.] Schemes of States (general) Alabama. Scheme of Alabama, Nov. 1899 Same, Mar. 1902. 1902. narrow 8" Same, Nov. 1904. 1904. narrow 8® Arkansas. General scheme of Arkansas, Apr. 1900 Same, May, 1904. 1904. narrow 8o Same, Jan. 1909. 1909. 1882. 1882. narrow 8° 25 33 26 * 34 27 35 28 36 29 37 30 * 38 31 39 32 40 1899. narr< 3W8<' )r. 1900. 190( ). narrow 8« 865 CUtwlflcAtlon no. 82452' PIO- RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE— Continued Schemes of States ({jieiienil)— Continued California. General scheme of California, Dec. 1900, 1900, narrow 8" Same, Jan. 1904. 1904. • ,;.' Colorado. General scheme of Colorado,' Jan. 1900. 1900. narrow 8«» Same, Sept. 1902. 1902. narrow 8" Same, Oct. 1904. 1904. narrow S'> Connecticut. General scheme of Connecticut, let division. Railway Mail Service, scheme no. , 1902. 1902. Cuba. Sistema de distribucion de las oficinas do correos de la Repub- lica de Cuba, Mayo 20 de 1909. 1909. Delaware, Peninsula scheme, Delaware, Maryland, [and] Virginia. New York, Oct. 16, 1889. f« Delaware. General scheme of peninsula consisting of State of Delaware and peninsula counties of Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester, in Maryland, and Accomac and Northampton, in Virginia, May 5, 1903. 1903. Florida. General scheme of Florida, Nov. 1899. 1899. narrow 8* Same, Sept. 1902. 1902. narrow 8» Same, Nov. 1907. 1907. narrow 8<» Georgia. Scheme of Georgia, Dec. 1899. 1899. narrow 8* Same, Oct. 1901, 1901. narrow 8«» Same, Sept. 1903. 1903. narrow 8° Idaho. General scheme of Idaho, Aug. 1902. 1902. narrow 8* Illinois. General scheme of Illinois, Dec. 1897, 1898. Same, Sept, 1900. 1900. Same, Sept. 1903. 1903. Same, Aug. 1906. 1906. Indian Territory. General schemes of Indian Territory and Oklahoma, Aug. 1899. 1899. ' Same, Mar. 1902. 1902, narrow*- 8^ Indiana. General scheme of Indiana, Dec. 1899. 1899. narrow 8* Same, Sept. 1902. 1902. Same, June, 1905. 1905. Same, May, 1909. 1909. Iowa, General scheme of Iowa, Sept. 1903. 1903, Same, Feb. 1907. 1907. Kansas. General scheme of Kansas, Dec. 1899. 1899. narrow 8® Same, Dec. 1907. 1907. Kentucky. General scheme of Kentucky, Sept. 1901. 1901. nar- row 8* Same, Dec. 1904. 1904. Same, Aug. 1908. 1908. Louisiana. General scheme of Louisiana, Aug. 1900. 1900, narrow 8° Louisiana. Scheme of Louisiana, Aug. 1902, 1902, narrow 8" Same, Dec. 1904. 1905. narrow 8° , , Maine. General scheme of Maine, 1st division Railway Mail Service, scheme no. , 1899. 1899, Same, 1902. 1902. large 8«» Same, 1906. 1906. Same, 1908. 1908. Maryland. General scheme of Maryland and District of Columbia, Apr. 1903. 1903. -11 55 866 Classification no. P10.6! M362 M381 M382 M383 M58» M582 .»iriiiM583 M662 M663 M"66* M69ii M69i2 M69i3 M69i^ M69oi M69o2 M69o3 M69o* M76 N27» N42ei N42e3 N42e3 N42e* N42e« N42e« N42h N42j 1 N42J2 N42J3 N42m N42yoi N42yo2 N42yo3 N81ci N81c2 N81c3 PIO. RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE— Continued SctLemes of States (general) — Continued Maryland. General scheme of Maryland, Nov. 1908. 1908. See also ¥10.6:1)37 ^•^. Massachusetts, General scheme of Massachusetts, let division. Railway Mail Ser\'ice, scheme no. , 1899. 1899. Same, 1902. 1902. Same, 1906. 1906. Michigan. General scheme of Michigan, Jan. 1903. 1903. Michigan. General scheme of northern peninsula of Michigan, Mar. 1903. 1903. Michigan. General scheme of Michigan, Mar. 1906. 1906. Minnesota. General scheme of Minnesota, Nov. 1899. 1899, narrow 8° Same, Sept. 1901. 1901. narrow 8° Same, Apr. 1903, 1903. Same, June 1905, 1905. Mississippi, General scheme of Mississippi, Sept. 1901. 1901. nar- row S'' Same, Nov. 1903. 1903. Same, Sept. 1906. 1906. Same, Jan. 1909. 1909. Missouri. General scheme of Missouri, Sept. 1899, 1899, narrow 8" Same, Dec. 1903, 1903, * Same, Dec, 1905, 1905. Same, Nov. 1908. 1908. . i Montana. General scheme of Montana, Dec. 1903. 1903. ,i i j Nebraska. General scheme of Nebraska, May, 1900. 1900, . ! ; Same, Aug. 1903, 1903. • ^ New England States, General scheme of New England States, 1st division [Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut] Railway Mail Service, scheme no. , [1889], [1889.] Same, scheme no. , 1894. [1894.] New England States, General scheme of New England States, Ist division, pt. 1, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, Railway Mail Service, scheme no. , 1899. 1899, Same, scheme no, , 1902, 1902. krge 8« New England States. General scheme of New England States, Ist division, pt. 2, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Rail- way Mail Service, scheme no. , 1899. 1899. Same, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, Railway Mail Service, scheme no. , 1902. 1902. large 8° New Hampshire. General scheme of New Hampshire, 1st division, Railway Mail Service, scheme no. , 1899. 1899. New Jersey. General scheme of New Jersey, Nov. 1, 1899. 1899. Same, June 1, 1903. 1903. Same, May, 1909, 1909. New Mexico. General scheme of New Mexico, Jan. 1901. 1901. New York State. General scheme of New York, Sept. 1, 1890. [1890.] Same, Jan. 1903. 1903. Same, Aug, 1908, 1908. North Carolina. General scheme of North Carolina, Nov, 1899. 1899. narrow 8** Same, May, 1906. 1906, Same, July, 1909, 1909. 867 CIa88lflratlon no. P10.6: ' N81d» NSld^ N81d=' N81d^ Oh3' Oh32 Or3 P38» P383 P383 R34 So8c» So8c2 So8c3 So8c* So8d' So8d2 T25^ T252 T31' T312 T313 Utl V591 V592 V8I1 V8I2 V813 V81* W27 W52» W522 W75^ W752 W753 W75* P10.7; As3 N42y = PIO. RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE— Continued Sclieines of States (general)— Continued North Dakota. General schemes of North and South Dakota, Sept. 1901. 1901. narrows" See also F\0. a. SoSd^'-. North Dakota. General scheme of North Dakota, July, 1903. 1903. Same, June, 1900. 1906. Same, Mar. 1909. 1909. Ohio. General scheme of Ohio, July, 1900. 1900. narrow 8° Same, Aug. 1908. 1908. Oregon. General scheme of Oregon, Nov. 1902, 1902. narrow 8** Pennsylvania. General scheme of Pennsylvania, Jan. 1, 1888. [1888.] Same, Jan. 27, 1902. [1902.] Same, July 1, 1906. 1906. Rhode Island. General scheme of Rhode Island, Ist division. Railway Mail Service, scheme no. , 1906. 1906. 4« South Carolina. General scheme of South Carolina, July, 1900. 1900. narrow 8^ Same, Apr. 1903. 1903. narrow 8" Same, Sept. 1905. 1905. narrow 8« Same, July, 1908. 1908. South Dakota. General scheme of South Dakota, July, 1903. 1903. Same, Oct. 1909. 1909. See also VlO.e-.^Sld'-^. Tennessee. General scheme of Tennessee, Jan. 1906. 1906. Same, Nov. 1909. 1909; Texas. General scheme of Texas, May, 1900. 1900. narrow 8*» Same, Jan. 1903. 1903. narrow 8« Same, Nov. 1904. 1904, narrow 8" Utah. General scheme of Utah, May, 1897. 1897, narrow 8° Vermont. General scheme of Vermont, 1st division, Railway Mail Service, scheme no. , 1899. 1899. Same, 1906. 1906. 4° Virginia. General scheme of Virginia, Dec. 1900. 1900. Same, Aug. 1903. 1903. Same, Nov. 1907. 1907. Same, Sept. 1909. 1909. See also F10.Q:D'67^''^. Washington State. General scheme of Washington, Dec. 1902. 1903. West Virginia. General scheme of West Virginia, Oct. 1901. 1901. narrow 8** Same, Sept. 1909. 1909. Wisconsin. Scheme of Wisconsin, Jan, 1900, 1900. narrow 8* Same, Sept, 1901. 1901. narrow 8» Wisconsin. General scheme of Wisconsin, Mar, 1903, 1903, Same, Nov. 1906. 1906. Sclieines (special or local R. P. O. routes) Asheville and Murphy R. P. O. Local schemes: Asheville and Miuphy R. P. 0., Goldsboro and Greensboro R. P. O., Greens- boro and North wilkesboro R. P, O., High Point and Ashboro R, P. 0., Keysville and Durham R, P, O., Salisbury and Nor- wood R. P. O., Taylorsville and Charlotte R. P. 0., Nov. 1895. 1895. narrow 8* New York and Chicago R. P, 0. Local scheme of New York and Chicago R, P, O., Cleveland to Syracuse, May, 1900. 1900. 868 Classlfleation no. P10.7: N42y2 N76 Sa3 W57 P10.8: Arlk C16 116^ 1162 116^ 116* 1165 II 6« 116^ II 6« II 6» 1161° 116" In2aJ In2a2 Io9i Io92 Io93 Io9* Io9« K13 K41 • M58> M582 M583 M66 M69o N271 N42yo 1 PIO. RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE— Continued Sclieiiies (special or local R. P. O. routes) — Continued New York and Chicago R. P. 0. Special scheme of New York and Chicago R. P. O., Cleveland to Chicago, Oct. 1905. 1905. Norfolk and Rutherfordton R. P. 0. Local scheme, Norfolk and Rutherford ton Railway Post Office, May, 1896. 1896. narrow 8° Salisbury and Knoxville R. P. O.^ Local scheme, Salisbury and Knox- ville Railway Post Office, Oct. 1895. 1895. narrow 8" Wheeling and Kenova R. P. 0. Local scheme, Wheeling and Kenova R. P. O., Apr. 1896. 1896. narrow 8« Sclienies of States (from certain standpoints) Arkansas. Scheme of Arkansas, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Feb. 1909. 1909. Canada. Scheme of Canada, St. Paul, Minn., standpoint, 1909. 1909. Illinois. Scheme of Illinois, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Jan. 1895. 1895. narrow 8" Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Dec. 1896. 1896. narrow 8*> Same, Kansas City, standpoint. Sept. 1899. f ° Same, Sept. 1901, U. P. transfer standpoint. 1901. narrow 8<» Same, Sept. 1901, St. Louis, Mo., standpoint. 1901. narrow 8° Same, Sept. 1901, St. Paul, Minn., standpoint. 1901. narrow 8«> Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Aug. 1902. 1902. narrow 8® Same, St. Louis, Mo., standpoint, Aug. 1905. 1905. Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, June, 1906. 1906. Same, Kansas City, Mo., standpoint, Feb. 1909. 1909. Same, St. Louis, Mo., standpoint, Sept. 1909. 1909. Indiana. [Scheme of Indiana], Chicago, 111., standpoint, Aug. 1902. 1902. Indiana. [Scheme of] Indiana, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Nov. 1907. 1907. Iowa. Scheme of Iowa, St. Paul, Minn., standpoint, July, 1900. 1900. narrow 8" Same, Kansas City, Mo., standpoint, Sept. 1901. 1901. narrow S*' Same, St. Louis, Mo., standpoint, Oct. 1901. 1901. narrow 8° Same, St. Louis, Mo., standpoint, Aug. 1905. 1905. Same, Kansas City, Mo., standpoint, June, 1908. 1908. Kansas. Scheme of Kansas, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Jan. 1903. 1903. narrow 8° Kentucky. Scheme of Kentucky, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Aug. 1905. 1905. Michigan. Scheme of Michigan, Cincinnati, Ohio, standpoint, Mar. 1900. 1900. Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Nov. 1904. 1904. narrow 8*' Same, Cincinnati, Ohio, standpoint, Aug. 1908. 1908. Minnesota. Scheme of Minnesota, Chicago, 111., standpoint, June, 1904. 1904. Missouri. Scheme of Missouri, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Dec. 1903. 1903. Nebraska. [Scheme of Nebraska], Kansas City, Mo., standpoint. Sept. 1899. f« Nebraska. Scheme of Nebraska, Kansas City, Mo., standpoint, Oct. 1902. 1902. narrow 8" Nebraska. Scheme of Nebraska, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Apr. 1908. 1908. New York State. [Scheme of New York], standpoint, Chicago, 111. Sept. 1899. f» 869 ClAMlflCAtlon no. P10.8: N42yo2 N42yo3 N81c Oh3i Oh32 Oh3» Oh3* Ok4' Ok42 Ok43 On8» On82 OnS^ So8d^ SoSd^ So8d» T25 T311 T312 T31» T31* T31« V81 I W27 W75^ W752 W753 W75* W75* G76 L891 .Hi L892 PIO. RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE— Continued SchLemes of States (from certain standpoints) — Contiililfeff ' New York State. Scheme of New York State, Detroit, Mich., stand- point, Mar. 1, 1901. [1901.] New York State. Scheme of New York, Washington, D. C, standpoint, Jan. 1909. 1909. North Carolina. Scheme of North Carolina, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Aug. 1908. 1908. Ohio. Scheme of Ohio, standpoint, Stw Ix)ui8, Mo., Qct. 1900. 1900. narrow 8** Ohio. [Scheme of Ohio], Chicago, IlL, standpoint, Oct. 1901. 1901. narrow 8** Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Apr. 1905. 1905. narrow 8* Ohio. Scheme of Ohio, Chicago, 111., standpoint, July, 1909. 1909. Oklahoma. Scheme of Oklahoma, Denver, Colo., standpoint, July, 1908. 1908. Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, June, 1908. 1908. Same, Kansas City, Mo., standpoint, Feb. 1909. 1909. Ontario. [Scheme of] Province of Ontario, New York and Chicago R. jP. O., standpoint. May, 1900. Ontario. Scheme of Ontario, Canada, standpoint, Port Huron and Chicago R. P. O., Feb. 1903. 1903. narrow 8« Ontario. [Scheme of] Province of Ontario, New York and OKfcago R. P. O., standpoint. Apr. 1904. South Dakota. Scheme of South Dakota, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Jan. 1902. 1902. narrow 8" narrow 8** Oct. Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, July, 1904. 1904. Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Aug. 1908. 1908. Tennessee. [Scheme of Tennessee], Chicago, 111., standpoint. 1899. f« Texas. Scheme of Texas, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Aug. 1900. 1900. narrow 8® . ^ Same, St. Louis, Mo., standpoint, Dec. 1901. 1901. narrow 8<* Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Sept. 1902. 1902. narrow S^ Same, Kansas City^ Mo., standpoint, Sept. 1902. 1902. narrow 8** Same, Chicago, III., standpoint, Sept. 1906. 190G. Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Nov. 1909, 1909. Virginia. Scheme of Virginia, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Jan. 1909. 1909. , , ..Mi Washington State. [Scheme of] Washington, Chicaigo, 111., standpoint. July 22, 1899. f Wisconsin. Scheme of Wisconsin, Nov. 1899, standpoint, Chicago, 111. 1899. narrow 8° Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Nov. 1901. Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Jan. 1903. Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Feb. 1905. Same, Chicago, 111., standpoint, Jan. 1909. Sdiemes of city distribution See^ for later Schemes of city distribution, PI. 18: Grand Rapids, Mich. General scheme of distribution for Grand Rapids, Mich., May 1, 1900. 1900. narrow 8° ., .,, ^j.,, / k Los Angeles, Cal. General scheme of distribution for Los Angeles, Cal.; Jan. 1900. 1899. narrow 8° Same, Jan. 1903. 1903. See, for later schemes of Los Angeles, P1.18:L89 ''^. 1901. 1903. 1905. 1909. narrow 8*> narrow 8* narrow 8» 870 Classification no. P10.9: ,'.:. JI42o2 Sa21o Sa3 Sa5fr» Sa5fr2 W27 fPlO.lO: PIO. RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE— Continued Scliemes of city distribution— Continued New Orleans, La. General scheme of New Orleans, La., city distribu- tion, Feb. 1, 1901. 190L Same, Nov. 1907. 1907. See, for later scheme of New Orleans, Pl.l8:N42o. St. Louis, Mo. OflEicial scheme for separation of mail for St. Louis, Mo., 7th division R. M. S., Jan. 1890. 1890. Salt Lake City, Utah. Street scheme of distribution [at Salt Lake City, Utah], business districts only. July 30, 1901. f » San Francisco, Cal. General scheme of distribution for San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 1908. 1908. Same, Oct. 1909. 1909. Washington, D. C. Scheme of Washington, D. C, Apr. 1900. 1900. narrow 8" See, for later schemes of Washington, P1.18:W27 ^»2. FIX. TOPOGRAPHY DIVISION [A topographer for the Post-Oflice Department was appointed under act approved June 8, 1872. The office was placed under supervision of 4th assistant Postmaster-General, Dec. 1, 1905, by official order, since when it has been known officially as Division of Topography.] Pll.l (date) P11.2: D63 P11.3: (no8.) P11.4: (nos.) P11.5: (CT) P11.6: (date) Annual reports [1880-1905, in annual reports of Post-Office Department (Pl.l:), but not issued separately. 1906-09, no signed report issued.] General publications Distances. Tables of distances for regulation and adjustment of tele- graphic rates for Government messages. 1873. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Post route maps J [These maps are Issued for each State, and also for the District of Columbia, Alaska, Porto Rico, Phihppine Islands, Hawaii, Samoan Islands, Guam, and Canal Zone. In some cases 2 or 3 are combined in one map. The editions appear quarterly, corrected to Mar. 1, June 1, Sept. 1, and Deo. 1.] Price list of Post route maps 4* 1895, June 1897, Sept. Dec. 1898, Mar. 1896, Dec. 1899 [Feb.] 1897, Mar. July June Oct. t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Rail- way Mail Service has since begun a new series of publications, necessitating an addi- tional class under PlO., the series title of which is as follows: PIO. 10: Schemes of States (for use of publishers in distribution of 2d class mail) (CT) [Gives names of post-offices arranged alphabetically, with indication of route separation for each.] J Since Feb. 1908, the Topography Division has also prepared rural-delivery maps of counties in which rural-delivery is completely established. A uniform scale of 1 inch to 1 mile is used. The maps are drawings on tracing linen, and copies are reproduced by the sun-print process, but only in response to special calls. ^ Since there are no regular printed editions of these maps, they are not included in this Checklist. The rural-delivery maps of counties should not be confused with the post route maps which are regularly published by the Topography Division and are classed under PI 1.5: 8tt CUssIllcatloB no. P11.6: (date) Pll. TOPOGRAPHY DIVISION— Continued Price list of Post route maps— Continued 1899, Dec. 1900 [June] Sept. 1901, Sept. Dec. 1903, Jan. 1905, Mar. 1907, Dec. 1909, June P12. SALiARIES AND ALLOWANCES DIVISION [The flrst act carrylnR an appropriation for tliis division was approved Mar. 3, 1883 (Stat. L. v. 22, p. 660). The work of tlie ollice was carried on for some time l)efore the passage of this act. Known fur many years as Salary and Allowance Division.] P12.1: (date) P12.2: C49 In7 P12.3: (nos.) P12.4:: (nos.) Annual reports [1880-1909, incorporated as part of annual report of 1st assistant Postmaster-General in annual reports of Post-Otllce Department (Pl.l:); 1900-02, issued separately also.] General publications City distribution ./> Schemes of city distribution and case examinations. [1909.] Instructions to assistant superintendents of Salary and Allowance Divi- sion. 1901. IG" Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] P13. FREE DELIVERY DIVISION (Free delivery of mail was authorized by act approved Mar. 3, 1863 (Stat. L. v. 12, p. 703). The first super- intendent of free delivery was appointed Nov. 8, 18(59, under the 1st assistant Postmaster-General. As the operations of the service were extended, the work of rural free delivery and special delivery were begun under this division. By an order of the Postmaster-General dated May 9, 1903, the Free Delivery Division, which at that time included the general superintendent of free delivery and the superintendents of city free delivery and rural free delivery, was transferred to the office of the 4th assistant Postmaster-General. The oflice of general superintendent of free delivery lapsed May 27, 1903, and the two brandies were gradually organ- ized separately into the Division of City Free Delivery and the Division of Rural Free Deliver}', their Ixjginning as independent divisions having practically taken effect from Jan. 1, 1904, when a new super- intendent of niral delivery was appointed. Under the reorganization effected by order of the Postmaster-General, Doc. 1, 1905, the Division of City Free Delivery was transferred back to the oflice of the 1st assistant Postmaster-General as the Division of City Delivery, the Division of Rural Free Delivery remaining mider the ofhce of the 4th assistant Postmaster-General as the Division of Rural Delivery. See, for later publications on niral delivery, P13.1: (date) P13.2: B69 C23 R88» R882 P13.3: Annual reports [18a3-1909, information concerning free delivery has been included in the report of the Postmaster-General. Reports for 1900 and 1902 were also published sepa- rately, the latter being the only one sl^ed by the superintendent.] General publications Boxes. Order, approved boxes for rural free delivery. July 9, 1902. narrow 8" Carroll County, Md. Report on experiment of rural free delivery in Carroll County, Md. n. p. [1900], Rural free delivery as permanent branch of postal service ; extracts from message of President to 56th Congress, 2d session, and from reports of Postmaster-General and 1st assistant Postmaster-General, 1900. 1901. Rural free delivery. Development of rural free delivery system; ex- tracts from message of President, Dec. 3, 1901, report of Post- master-General, Nov. 25, 1901, report of 1st assistant Postmaster- General, Nov. 16, 1901. 1902. Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] 872 Classiflcation no. P13. FREE DELIVERY DIVISION— Continued P13.4: : Circulars (no8.) P13.5: C23» C232 In7i InT^* In73 R26 P13.6: (date) [None issued.] Regulations and instructions for rural free delivery service Carrier. Regulations governing manner of appointment to position of carrier in rural free delivery service. [Dec. 26, 1901.] [Issued ^' • by Post-Office Department in conjunction with Civil Service Commission.] Same. [July 10, 1902.] See^ for Feb. 1908 edition issued by Civil Service Commission, CS1.72:R88. Instructions in regard to rural free delivery; by A. W. Machen. Aug. 7, 1901. Instructions about rural free delivery; by A. W. Machen. Feb. 15, 1902. Instructions as to rural free delivery; by A. W. Machen. Aug. 23, 1902. Registered matter. Additional instructions for treatment of regis- tered matter in rural free delivery service. July 15, 1902. narrow 8° Official list of rural free delivery offices 1902, Jan. July 1903, Jan. [Discontinued. Beginning with 1905, however, information is contained in the annual issues of the United States orticial postal guide (PI. 10:), that is, in the January issues for 1005-08 and the July issues for 1908-date. In these issues of the Postal guide there are no separate lists of the rural free delivery olTices. but there are indicated under the heading " Tost ofliees by States," the names of all offices out of which rural delivery is established, and after the name of each rural delivery post-offlce there is indicated by a numeral the number of rural routes emanating therefrom.] P14. POST-OFFICE INSPECTORS DIVISION JThe act approved June 8, 1872. authorized the appointment of a chief of division for office of mail depre- dations. The work was carried on much earlier than this, however. The Division has been known by various names and has been placed from time to time under different control. 1891-1904, under supervision of 4th assistant Postmaster-General and Icnown as Division of Post-OfTlce Inspectors and Mail Depredations. Jan. 10, 1905, made an independent bureau under Post- Office Department. Since 1906, known as Post-OlTice Inspectors Division.] P14.1: (date) P14:.2: C76 P14.3: (nos.) P14.4: (nos.) Annual reports Post-Office Inspectors and Mail Depredations Division 1882-92, in annual reports of Post-Office Department (Pl.l:). 1893-1904, included in report of 4th assistant Postmaster-General in annual reports of Post-Office Department (Pl.l:), 1905, in annual report of Post-Office Department (Pl.l:), and issued separately also, Post-Office Inspectors Division 1906-09, in annual reports of Post-Office Department (Pl.l:), and issued separately also. General publications Conference of post-office inspectors. Proceedings of conference of post- office inspectors in charge, Washington, 1890. 1891. Bulletins [None issued .] Circulars [None issued.] D. C, Nov. 24-Dec. 5, 873 Pl«i PURCHASING AGENT (Omce established ]>y act approved Apr. 28, 1904 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 440).] Classincatlon no. P15.1: Annual reports (date) [1905-09, in annual reports of Po8t-OfflceDept.(Pl.l:),and issued separately also.] P15.2: General publications (CT) [None ipaiied.] P16.3: Bulletins (no9.) [None issued.] PlS.i: Circulars (no8.) [None issued.] P16. RURAL, DELIVERY DIVISION t [Under resolution of Congress approved Oct. 1, 1890 (Stat. L. v. 26, p, 68G), experiments in village free delivery were begun \inder the direction of the Postmaster-General, and the service was greatly ex- tended during tlie fiscal year 1897-98. Under appropriation bill approved Apr. 28, 1902 (Stat. L. v. 32, p. 1«5), permanent organization of the Rural Free-Delivery Service was effected as a part of the Division of Free Delivery, under the 1st assistant Postmastfir-General, July 1, 1902. 1 lie Di\ision of Free Delivery, including the general superintendent, and the superintendents of city free delivery and rural free delivery, was transferred May 9, 1903, i)y order of the rostmaster-General, to the olliee of the 4th assistant. After the lapse of the office of general superintendent of free delivery. May 27, 1903, the two branches were gradually organized into separate divisions, the beginning of the Division of ilural Free Delivery as an Independent division dating practically from the appointment of a new superintendent for that service, Jan. 1, 1901. Upon the reorganization by order of the Secretary, Dec. 1, 1905, the name became Division of Rural Delivery. Sec, for earlier publications, P13. fj P16.1: (date) P16.2: In?' In? 2 P16.3: (nos.) P16.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1905-09, reports of incorporated in report of 4th assistant Postmaster-General in annual Post-Office Department (Pl.l:).] General publications Instructions for guidance of postmasters and carriers rural delivery service, in effect Mar. 4, 1907. [In 5083-394] Same, without index. [190?.] G5 p. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] in conduct of [190?.] ?8 p. PIT. PNEUMATIC TUBE COMMISSION [Appointed by Postmaster-General's order no. 1495, of June 19, 1908, by authority of act making appro> priations for Post-Office Department, 1909, approved May 27, 1908 (Stat. L. v. ^5, pt. 1, p. 412).] P17.1: (date) P17.2: In8 P17.3: (nos.) P17.4: (nos.) Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Investigations as to pneumatic-tube service for mails, report. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 1909. t An order of the Postmaster-General dated Apr. 30, 1910, directed that on July 1, 1910, 80 much of the Division of Contracts in the office of the 2d assistant Postmas- ter-General as related to star routes should be transferred to the office of the 4th assistant and combined with the Division of Rural Delivery under the name Division of Rural Mails. This consolidation was effected Oct. 1, 1910. 874 P18. SUPPLIES DIVISION [Act approved June 8, 1872, authorized the establishment of a blank agency for Post-Office Department which afterward became Division of Post-OJlice Supplies, the work being carried on by a superintend- ent under control of 1st assistant Postmaster-General. Placed under supervision of 4th assistant Postmaster-General, Dec. 1, 1905, since when it has been known as Supplies Division.] Classification no. P18.1: (date) P18.2: P841 P842 P18.3: (no8.) P18.4:: (nos.) Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Postal supplies. List of postal supplies furnished presidential offices, post-office inspectors, and Railway Mail Service by 4th assistant Postmaster-General. July 1, 1909. Postal supplies. List of postal supplies furnished post-offices of 4th class by 4th assistant Postmaster-General. July 1, 1909. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] PR. PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES (Apr. 30, 1789-Dec. 31, 1909) rl.aiH [As complete lists can not be made of all original prints of official papers of tlie' Presi- dents, references are given below to such compilations of presidential papers as are public documents. The most complete collection is Ricnardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, in 10 volumes (Y4.P93 ':3 1-^"). This set also appears as a Congressional document of the 53d Congress, serial no. 3265 '■^". It contains all the presidential papers through Cleveland's 2d administration, ending Mar. 4, 1897. For later administrations these papers are generally accessible in separate form. The 10th volume of Richardson's set includes, besides the index containing "a large number of encyclopedic articles," the papers of President McKinley relating to War with Spain, and many papers of the earlier Presidents which had been omitted from their proper places. The separate issues of the Presidents' papers from Washington through Madison are listea under Early Congress papers (Z4.1:). The list of Early Congress papers will appear later in separate form. Annual messages, besides being found in the publications as indicated under the name of each President (Prl.l:-Pr27.1:), are also found in the Senate and House journals; 1848-92, in Messages and documents (Y8.); 1859-1909, in Abridgment of messages and documents (Y4.P93^:2); and in Congressional record and its predecessors as tabulated below, in every case being in that part which contains the proceedings at the opening of each regular session of Congress: 1790-1823, in Annals of Congress (X1.-X42.) 1824-1836, in Register of debates in Congress (X43.-X71.) 1833-1872, in Congressional globe (X72.-X180.) 1873-1909, in Congressional record (X181.-X439.) It may be mentioned here that until the removal of the seat of Government to Wash- ington, the annual messages are referred to as "speeches" because those of George Washington and John Adams were delivered orally before the two legislative branches in general assembly. Thomas Jefferson established the custom, which has ever since been followed, of sending his annual statement in the form of a message. Executive orders prior to Oct. 1905, were sometimes printed as presidential papers, but were more frequently issued in printed form only by those Departments imme- diately concerned m their promulgation. Since Oct. 1905, it has been customary for the President to send all Executive orders to the Bureau of Rolls and Library, State Dept., to be printed on foolscap paper for limited distribution on demand. Inaugural addresses, besides being issued separately, are found in the Senate journals and in the Congressional record. 875 Proclamations are accurately and promptly printed on foolscap paper, for limited dis- tribution on demand, immediately upon receipt by the Bureau of Rolls and Library, State Dept., and are reprinted in the Session laws (87. 6:) and in the Statutes at large (S7.9:). Special messages aopear as separate documents in Congressional set, and sometimes in bureau edition also. Veto messages appear as separate documents in Congressional set. A compilation of veto messages, Apr. 5, 1792-Aug. 4, 1886, was prepared by Ben: Perley Poore under direction of Senate Committee on Printing. This compilation, arranged in chrono- logical order, with explanatory notes and an index, is entered under Y4.P93':V64. Memorial addresses on the Presidents are entered under Y7.1:] CUsslflratlon no. Prl.l: (date) Prl.2: Prl. (GEORGE WASHINGTON (Apr. 30, 1789-Mar. 4, 1797) Annual messages [In American state papers, Foreign relations, v. 1, p. 11-32, serial no. 01; In Richard- son's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1 (Y4.P93 »:3i). See also note under Pr. The annual messages are dated as follows: 1790, Jan. 8 1793, Dec. 3 Dec. 8 1794, Nov. 19 1791, Oct. 25 1795, Dec. 8 1792, Nov. 6 1796, Dec. 7.1 General publications Arrangement of Washington papers. See S8.3:3. Calendar of correspondence of George Washington, commander in chief of Continental Army, with Continental Congress, See LC4.2:W273. Calendar of Washington manuscripts in Library of Congress. See LC4.2:W27». Farewell address. Washington's farewell address to people of United States [Sept. 17, 1796]. [1900, reprint 1908.] [An earlier reprint is in American state papers, Foreign relations, v. 1, p. 34-38, serial no. 01. Appears also in Richardson's Compilation of mes- sages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1, p. 213.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural addresses t [Dated as follows: 1789, Apr. 30; 1793, Mar. 4.J Proclamations t Special messages t (Includes veto messages, and all other messages sent to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.) Pr2. JOHN ADAMS (Mar. 4, 1797-Mar. 4, 1801) Annual messages [In American state papers. Foreign relations, v. 1, p. 44-54, serial no. 01; in Richard- son's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1, (Y4.P03i:3i); in Works of John Adams, v.9(Pr2.2:Adl»). See also note under The annual messages are dated as follows: 1797, Nov. 23 1799, Dee. 3 1798> Dec. 8 1800, Nov. 22.) fThe text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers ot Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 (Y4.P93 ^3 '-'^). See also note under Pr. F22 Prl.3: (nos.) Prl.4: (nos.) Prl.5: (CT) Prl.6: (date) Prl. 7: (CT) Prl.8: (CT) Pr2.1: (date) 876 Pr2. JOHN ADAMS— Continued General publications Adams, John. Works of John Adams, 2d President of United States, with life of author, notes and illustrations; by his grandson Charles Francis Adams. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1856. V. 1. ^ ^' Same. Boston, Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1850. v. 2. Same. Boston, Charles C. Little and James BrowTi, 1851. v. 3. Same. Boston, Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1851. v. 4. Same. Boston, Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1851. v. 5. Same. Boston, Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1851. v. 6. Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1852. v. 7. Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1853. v. 8. Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1854. v. 9. Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1856. v. 10. [Congress subscribed for 1,000 copies of this work by act approved Sept. 30, 1850 (Stat. L. V. 9, p. 541), and these were distrihuled under joint resolution approved Feb. 27. 1851 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 646). Addilional copies were paid for under act of Congress approved Mar. 3, 1857 (Stat. L. v, 11, p. 241).] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural address t [Dated 1797, Mar. 4.) Proclamations f Special messages t [Includes special (or extra) session messages and all other messages to Congress excepting annual messages .«ent at beginning of regular sessions.] Pr3. THOMAS JEFFERSON (Mar. 4, 1801-Mar. 4, 1809) PrS.l: Annual messages [In American state papers, Foreign relations, v. 1, p. 57-7.3, serial no. 01; in Riiih- ardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1, ( Y4.P93i:3 1 ). Set also note under Pr. The annual messages are dated as follows: 1801, Dec. 8 1805, Dec. 3 1802, Dec. 15 1806, Dec. 2 ISaS, Oct. 17 1807, Oct. 27 1804, Nov. 8 1808, Nov. 8.J Classification no. Pr2.2: Adli . Adl^ • Adl3 Adl^ Adl* Adl« Adr Adl« ' iAdl» Adl'o Pr2.3: (nos.) Pr2.4: (noa.) Pr2.5; (CT) Pr2.6: (date) Pr2.7: (CT) Pr2.8: (CT) (date) Pr3.2 J35 See SS.3!6^^i^ S^S General publications Calendar of correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, and 10. Declaration of Independence. See 81.2:1)35. Jefferson, Thomas. Writings of Thomas Jefferson, being his autobiog- raphy, correspondence, reports, messages, addresses, and other writings, official and private, published by order of Joint Com- mittee on Library, from original manuscripts deposited in De- partment of State; by H. A. Washington. Taylor & Maury, Washington, D. C, 1853. v. 1. t The text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 (Y4.P93 ' :3 ^-i"). See also note under Pr. 877 ClasHlflcttlon no. Pr3.2: J35» J35» J35* J355 J357 J358 J35» J49 Pr3. THOMAS JEFFERHON-Continued Pr3.3: (nos.) Pr3.4: (nos.) Pr3.5: (CT) Pr3.6: (date) Pr3.7: (CT) Pr3.8: (CT) Pri.l: (date) Pr4.2 V. 2. V. 3. V. 4. V.5. V. 6. V. 7. V. 8. V. 9. General publications— Continued Same. Taylor & Maury, Washington, D. C, 1853. Same. Taylor . C., 1854. Same. Taylor & Maiu*y, Washington, D. C, 1854. Same. Taylor & Maury, Washington, D. C, 1854. [This edition in 9 volumes was published under authority of act of Aug. 12, 1848.) Jesus of Nazareth. Life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth, extracted textually from Gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English, by Thomas Jefferson; with introduction [by Cyrus Adler]. 1904. [4747-755] [Printed In pursuance of the following concurrent resolution adopted by ."irth Con- gress, 1st session: "That there be printed and bound, by photolithographic proce^, with an introduction of not to exceed 25 pages, to be prepared by Dr. Cyrus Adler, Librarian of the Smithsonian Institution, for the use of Congress, (XJOO conies of Thomas Jefferson's Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, as the same appears in the National Musevmi; 3000 copies for the use of the Senate, and 6000 copies for the use of the House." Known as "Jefferson's Bible." Being a facsimile reproduction of the original, both bureau and Congressional editions are bound in full red leather, back title read- ing only "Morals of Jesus." The back title of the Congressional edition adds also the serial number 4747, the Congressional notation being pasted, instead of printed, on the title-page.) Manual. See, for Jefferson's manual, note preceding entries for Y4.R86-:1. • - Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural addresses t [Dated as follows: 1801, Mar. 4; 1805, Mar. 4.] Proclamations t ' ", Special messages t [Includes all messages to Congress, excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.) Pr4. JAMES MADISON (Mar. 4, 1809-Mar. 4> 1817) Annual messages [1809-14, In American state papers, Foreign relations, v. 1, p. 75-S8, serial no. 01; 1815-16, in American state papers, Foreign relations, v. 4, p. 1, 96, serial no. 04; in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, V. 1 ( Y4. P93 »:3 1)- See aho note under Pr. The annual messages are dated as follows: 1809, Nov. 29 1813, Dec. 7 1810, Dec. 5 1814, Sept. 20 1811, Nov. 5 1815, Dec. 6 1812, Nov. 4 1816, Dec. 3.1 General publications Calendar of correspondence of James Madison. See S8.3:4 *■'. t The text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 (Y4.P93 » :3 '"i"). See also note under Pr. 878 Classification no. Pr4.2: M26» M262 M263 Pr4.3: (nos.) Pr4:.4: (nos.) Pr4.5: (CT) Pr4.6: (date) Pr4.7: (CT) Pr4.8: (CT) PrS.l: (date) Pr5.2: M75 Pr5.3: (nos.) Pr5.4 : (nos.) Pr5.5: (CT) Pr5.6: (date) Pr4. JAMES MADISON— Continued General publications— Continued Madison, James. Papers of James Madison, purchased by order of Congress, being his correspondence and reports of debates dur- ing Congress of Confederation and his reports of debates in Fed- eral Convention, published from original manuscripts deposited in Department of State by direction of Joint Library Committee; under superintendence or Henry D. Gilpin. Washington, Lang- tree & O' Sullivan, 1840. v. 1. Same. Washington, Langtree & O'SuUivan, 1840. v. 2. Same. Washington, Langtree & O'SuUivan, 1840. v. 3. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural addresses t [Dated as foUows: 1809, Mar. 4; 1813, Mar. 4.] Proclamations t Special messages f [Includes veto messages, special (or extra) session messages, and all other messages to Ck)ngress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.] Pr5. JAMES MONROE (Mar. 4, 1817-Mar. 4, 1825) Annual messages [1817-21 , in American state papers. Foreign relations, v. 4, p. 1 , 213, 626, 644. 736, serial no. 04; 1822-24, in American state papers, Foreign relations, v. 5, p. 141,245,353, serial no. 05; 1817-24, in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 2 (Y4.P93i:3 2); and probably issued separately also. See also note under Pr. Dates of annual messages and references to Congressional set are as follows: 1817, Dec. 2 1818, Nov. 16 1819, Dec. 7 1820, Nov. 14 2-1 1[5-1 /[14-1 U17-21 f[26-l \[31-2 fr42-2" ii48-i; 1821, Dec. 3 1822, Dec. 3 1823, Dec. 2 1824, Dec. 7 59-1 63-1^ 73-1' 76-2' 89-1' 93-2' /fl08-l' l[113-2] General publications Calendar of correspondence of James Monroe. See S8.2:M75, 88.3:2*'^. Monroe doctrine. Extracts from 7tli annual message of James Mon" roe, President of United States, Dec. 2, 1823. [1895.] 4° Papers of James Monroe, listed in chronological order. See LC4.2:M75. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural addresses t [Dated as follows: 1817, Mar. 4; 1821,. Mar. 5.] fThe text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 (Y4.P93 ^S '-'"). See also note under Pr. 879 ClasMiflcatlon no. Pr5.7: (CT) Pr5.8: (CT) Pr6.1: (date) Pr6.2; Pr6.3: (nos.) Pr6.4: (nos.) Pr6.5: (CT) Pr6.6: (date) Pr6.7: (CT) Pr6.8: (CT) PrT.l: (date) Pr5. JAMES MONBOEr-^Continued Proclamations t »ifn7.i h: mj . Special messages t [Incliidos voto Tncss:i(;o. and all other messages sept to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.) Pr6. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (Mar. 4, 1825-Mar. 4, 1829) Annual messages [1825, in American state papers, Foreign relations, v. 5, p. 760, serial no. 05; 1826-27, in Amerirein state piipers, Foroign relations, v. 6, p. 207, 626, serial no. 06; in Richardson's Compilation of messtiges and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v,2 (YJ.1"J3»:3 2); 1826-28, is.sued separately also, Seeaho note under Fr. Dates of annual messages and references to Congressional set are as follows: 163-11 169-2) 181-1) 184-2].] 1825, Dec. 6 \\^_\\ 1827, Dec. 4 1826, Dec. 5 { {^Jj 1828, Dec. 2 General publications La Fayette, Marie Paul Roch Yves Gilbert Motier, marquis de. Oration on life and character of Gilbert Motier de Lafayette. See Y7.1:L13, and p. 657 of House journal, 23d Congress, 2d session, serial no. 270. Weights. Report upon weights and measures, by John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State. See S1.2:W42. Bulletins [None issued.! Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural address t [Dated 1825, Mar. 4.] Proclamations t Special messages t [Includes all messages to Congress excepting annual messages «ent at beginning of regular sessions.) Pr7. ANDREW JACKSON (Mar. 4, 1829-Mar. 4, 1837) Annual messages [In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 2 and 3 (Y4.P931:.''. '<^)\ and issued separately also. See also note under Pr. Dates of annual messages and references to Congressional set are aa follows: 1829, Dec. 8 1830, Dec. 6 1831, Dec. 6 1832, Dec. 4 1833, Dec. 3 192-1) 195-2) 203-1) ■206-2) 216-2) 233-2) 238-1) •254-1) 1834, Dec. 1 1835. Dec. 7 1836^ Dec. 5 1271-2 j 279-11 "1286-2 f 297-1) U301-2].! Pr7.2: General publications D44 Deposits. President Jackson's communication to hif Cabinet, on removal of deposites. Sept. 18, 1833. * [Ap-^i*'^ m Rich- ardson's Compilation of messages and paper ^i l^re^idents, 1789-1897, V. 3, p. 5 (Y4.P93»:3"3).] t The text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of r^ssages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 (Y4.P93 1:3 ^-»°). See also not ^^^^r rr. 880 Classification no. Pr7.2: F22 P94 P942 Pr7.3: (nos.) Pr7.4: (nos.) Pr7.5: (CT) Pr7.6: (date) Pr7.7: (CT) Pr7.8: (CT) PrS.l: (date) Pr8.2: (CT) Pr8.3: (nos.) Pr8.4: (nos.) Pr8.5: (CT) Pr8.6: (date) Pi8.7: CI) Pr8.8: (CT) Pr7. ANDREW JACKSON— Continued General publications— Continued Farewell address. President Jackson's farewell address to people of United States. Mar. 4, 1837. * [Appears in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, V. 3, p. 292(Y4.P93^:33).] Protest. President Jackson's protest against Senate's resolution of censui-e in relation to public revenue. Apr. 17, 1834. * [Ap- pears in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidente, 1789-1897, v. 3, p. 69 (Y4.P93i:33).] Same, supplement. Apr. 21, 1834. * Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural addresses t [Dated as follows: 1829, Mar. 4; 1833, Mar. 4.] Proclamations t Special messages t [Includes veto messages and all other messages to Congress excepting annual mes- sages sent at beginning of regular sessions.] Pr8. MARTIN VAN BUREN (Mar. 4, 1837-Mar. 4, 1841) Annual messages [In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 3 (Y4.P93 1:3 3), and issued separately also. See ah'o note under Pr. Dates of annual messages and references to Congressional set are as follows: 1837, Dec. 5 | 1838. Dec. 3 314-1] 321-3] /[3.38-11 ■U344-2] 1839, Dec. 2 | 1840, Dec. 5 |: 354-1 J 363-2] 375-1] 382-2].] General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural address t [Dated 1837, Mar. 4.] Proclamations t Special messages t K [Includes special (or extra) session messages, and all other messages to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.) t The text maWg found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1^^ y. 1-10 (Y4.P93 ^ : 3 ^-^o). See also note under Pr. 881 < lasMlflcfttlon no. Pi-9.1: (date) Pr9.2: (CT) Pr9.3: (noa.) Pr9.4: (nos.) Pr9.5: (CT) Pr9.6: (date) Pr9.7: (CT) Pr9.8: (CT) PrlO.1: (date) PrlO.2: (CT) PrlO.3: (nos.) PrlO.4: (nos.) PrlO.5: (CT) PrlO.6: (date) PrlO.7: (CT) PrlO.8: (CT) Pr.9. WIIililAM HENRY HARRISON (Mar. 4-Apr. 4, 1841) Annual messages [None issued.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders [None issued.] Inaugural address t [Dated 1841, Mar. 4.] Proclamations t [The only Proclamation of President William Henry Harrison is that of Mar. 17, 1841, calling an extra session of Congress.] Special messages f [The only special message of President William Henry Harrison is that of Mar. 5, 1841, in which he withdraws nominations not acted upon by the Senate at the close of its session of Mar. 3.] PrlO. JOHN TYLER (Apr. 4, 1841-Mar. 4, 1845) Annual messages [In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 4 (Y4.P93 ':3 <); and issued separately also. See also note under Pr. Dates of annual messages and references to Congressional set are as follows: [395-1] 401-2] 413-1] 418-2] 431-lJ 439-2] 449-1] 463-2].] General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural address t [Dated 1841, Apr. 9.] Proclamations t Special messages t [Includes veto messages, protest of Aug. 30, 1842, special (or extra) session messages, and all other messages to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.] 1841, Dec. 7 1842, Dec. 6 1843, Dec. 5 1844, Dec. 3 tThe text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10*(Y4.P93 ':Z ^-^°). See also note under Pr. 82452°— 11 56 882 Classlflcatlon no. Prll.l: (date) Prll.2 (CT Prll.3 (nos. Prll.4: (nos. Prll.5 (CT Prll.6 (date Prll.7 (CT Prll.8 (CT) Prl2.1: (date) Prl2.2 (CT Prl2.3 (nos. Prl2.4 (nos. Prl2.5 (CT Prl2.6 (date Prl2.7 (CT Prl2.8 (CT) Prll. JAMES KNOX POLK (Mar. 4, 1845-Mar. 4, 1849) Annual messages [In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 4 (Y4.P93 1:3 *); and issued separately also. See also note under Pr. Dates of annual messages and references to Congressional set are as follows: '470-1] 480-2] 493-1] 497-4] 503-1] 515-8] 537-1].] 1845, Dec. 2 1846, Dec. 8 1847, Dec. 7 1848, Dec. 5 General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circiilars [None issued.] Executive orders f Inaugural address t [Dated 1845, Mar. 4.J Proclamations f Special messages t [Includes veto messages and all messages to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.] Prl2. ZACHARY TAYLOR (Mar. 4, 1849-July 9, 1850) Annual messages [In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 5 (Y4.P93 1:35); and probablv issued separately also. See also note under Pr. Date of annual message and references to Congressional set are as follows: 1849, Dec. 4 {[^^J, General publications [None issued?] Bxilletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders f Inaugural address t [Dated 1849, Mar. 5.] Proclamations f Special messages f [Includes all messages to Congress excepting annual regular sessions.] messages sent at beginning of t The text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 ( Y4.P93 ^ :3 '-'''). See also note under Vx, 883 CUsslflcatlon no. Prl3.1: (date) Prl3.2: (CT) Prl3.3: (nos.) Prl3.4: (nos.) Prl3.5: (CT) Prl3.6: (date) Prl3.7: (CT) Prl3.8: (CT) Prld.l: (date) Prl4:.2: (CT) Prl4.3: (nos.) Prl4:.4:: (nos.) Prl4.5: (CT) Prl4.6: (date) Prl4.7: (CT) Prl4.8: (CT) 595-1 fiU-l fi34-2 673-1 Prl3. MIIiliARD FILLMORE (July 9, 1850-Mar. 4, 1853) Annual messages [In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidenta, 1789-1897, t. 5 (Y4.P93 »:3''); and probably issued separately also. See aUo note under Pr. Dates of annual messuBes and references to Congressional set are as follows: 1850, Dec. 2 /f''^''-l 1851, Dec. 2 1852, Dec. 6 General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural address [None issued. Deferred till Dec. 2, 1850, and then included in 1st annual message; see Prl3.1:S50.] Proclamations t Special messages f [Includes all messages to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.] Prl4. FRANKLIN PIERCE (Mar. 4, 1853-Mar. 4, 1857) Annual messages [In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 5 (Y4.P93 1:3 &), and for 1856, issued separately also. See also note under Pr. Dates of annual messages and references to Congressional set are as follows: 690-1 710-1 746-1 777-] 1855, Dec. 31 1856, Dec. 2 810-1 840-1' 875-5 893-1].] 1853, Dec. 5 1854, Dec. 4 General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural address t [Dated 1853, Mar. 4.] Proclamations t Special messages f [Includes veto messages, special (or extra) session messages, and all other to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.} t The text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 (Y4.P93 ^ : 3 ^-"). See also note under Pr. Classification no. Prl5.1: (date) Prl5.2: (CT) Prl5.3: (nos.) Prl5.4: (nos.) Prl5.5: (CT) Prl5.6: (date) Prl5.7: (CT) Prl5.8: (CT) Prie.l: ''date) Prl6.2: Ad2 Prl6.3: (nos.) Prl6.4: (nos.) Prl6.5: (CT) 884 Prl5. JAMES BUCHANAN (Mar. 4, 1857-Mar. 4, 1861) Annual messages [In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, (Y4.P93 1:3 &); and probably issued separately also. See also note under Pr. Dates of annual messages and references to Congressional set are as follows: 1857, Dec. 8 {[^l^^ll] V. 6 1858, Dec. ;974-l \[997-2' 1859, Dec.l9 [1023-2] 1860, Dec. 3 [1078-1].] General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural address t [Dated 1857, Mar. 4.] Proclamations t Special messages t [Includes veto messages, among which are the two protests against the Covode Com- mittee, and all other messages to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions. President Buchanan's "Further protest against the Covode Committee," dated June 22, 1860, is not given in Poore's Veto messages, but is included in Richard- son's Compilation among the veto messages, and in the Congressional set it appears as House executive document 102, 36th Congress, 1st session, serial no. 1057. The earlier protest, dated Mar. 28, 1860, appears in the compilations of both Poore and Richardson, but does not appear as a separate document in Congressional set.] Prl6. ABRAHAM LINCOIiN (Mar. 4, 1861-Apr. 15, 1865) Annual messages [Beginning with 1861 , the annual message has appeared at the beginning of the annual volume of Foreign relations (Sl.l:), being found always in the Congressional edition, and with the exception of 1861-65, in the bureau edition also. 1861-64, in Foreign relations (see, for Congressional document references, Sl.l:), and issued separately also. In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 6 (Y4.P93 1:3 6). See also note under Pr.] General publications Addresses. Abraham Lincoln, Ist and 2d inaugural addresses, message, July 5, 1861, proclamation, Jan. 1, 1863, [and] Gettysburg address, Nov. 19, 1863. 1909. Bulletins [None issued.] ' Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t t The text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 (Y4.P93 ^ : 3 '-'''). See also note under Pr. j 885 ClassincatloB no. Prl6.6: (date) Prl6.7: (CT) Prl6.8: (CT) PrlO. ABRAHAM LINCOLN— Continued Inaugural addresses t [Dated as follows: 1861, Mar. 4; 18fi5, Mar. 4. Both are included in Prl6.2:Ad2. The first appears also as a separate document of the special session of Senate, 37th Congress, in serial no. 1082.] Proclamations t [Proclamations issued during Civil War are also contained in annual report of War Department, lSii5 (Wl. 1:865 <).! Special messages t [Includes veto messages, special (or extra) session messages, and all other messages to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.) PrI7. ANDREW JOHNSON (Apr. 15, 1865-Mar. 4, 1869) See, for publications relating to impeachment of Andrew Johnson, Y6.1:J63^-®. PrlT.l: (date) Prl7.2: (CT) Prl7.3: (nos.) Prl7.4 : (nos.) Prl7.5: (CT) Prl7.6: (date) Prl7.7: (CT) Prl7.8: (CT) PrlS.l: (date) Prl8.2: (CT) Prl8.3: (nos.) Prl8.4: (nos.) Prl8.5: (CT) Annual messages [1865-68, in Foreign relations (Sl.l:), and issued separately also. 1865 is only in Con- gressional edition of Foreign relations. In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 6 (Y4.P93 1:3 «). See also note under Pr.J General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t [Three Executive orders bearing dates of Apr. 29, May 3, and May 9, 1865, are also contained in annual report of War Department, 1865 (Wl.l:865<).J Inaugural address t [Dated 1865, Apr. 15.] Proclamations t [Proclamations issued during Civil War are also contained in annual report of War Department, 1865 (Wl.l:86.5<).] Special messages f [Includes veto messages and all other messages to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.] Prl8. ULYSSES SIMPSON GRANT (Mar. 4, 1869-Mar. 4, 1877) Annual messages [1869-76, in Foreign relations (Sl.l:), and issued separately also. In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 178&-1897, v. 7 (Y4.P93 1:3^). See also note under Pr.) General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t t The text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 (Y4.P93 ' : 3 '-'»). See also note under Pr. 886 Classification no. Prl8.6: (date) Prl8.7: (CT) Prl8.8: (CT) Prl8. ULYSSES SIMPSON GRANT-Continued Inaugural addresses t [Dated as foUows: 1869, Mar. 4; 1873, Mar. 4.] Proclamations f Special messages t [Includes veto messages and all other messages to Congress excepting annual mes- sages sent at beginning of regular sessions.] Prl9. RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD (Mar. 4, 1877-Mar. 4, 1881) HAYES Prl9.1: Annual messages (date) [1877-80, in Foreign relations (Sl.l:), and issued separately also. In Richardson'c Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 7 (Y4.P93>:37). See also note under Tr.] Prl9.2: General publications (CT) [None issued?] Prl9.3: Bulletins (no8.) [None issued.] Prl9.4: Circulars (no8.) [None issued.] Prl9.5: Executive orders t (CT) Prl9.6: Inaugural address t (date) [Dated 1877, Mar. 5.] Prl9.7: Proclamations t (CT) Prl9.8: Special messages t (CT) [Includes veto messages, special (or extra) session messages, and all other messages to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.] Pr20. JAMES ABRAM GARFIELD (Mar. 4-Sept. 19, 1881) Pr20.1: Annual messages (date) [None issued.] Pr20.2: General publications (CT) [None issued?] Pr20.3: Bulletins (no8.) [None issued.] Pr20.4: Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] Pr20.5: Executive orders f (CT) [President Garfield issued only one Executive order, that of May 28, 1881, regarding observance of Decoration Day.] Pr20.6: Inaugural address t (date) [Dated 1881, Mar. 4.] Pr20.7: Proclamations (CT) [None issued.] t The text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 (Y4.P93 ' : 3 i"^") . See also note under Pr. 887 ClatMlflcatlon no. Pr20.8: (CT) Pr21.1: (date) Pr21.2 (CT Pr21.3 (nos, Pr21.4 (nos. Pr21.5 (CT Pr21.6 (date Pr21.7 (CT Pr21.8 (CT) Pr20. JAMES ABRAM GARFIELD— Continued Special messages t [Includes only the 2 letters of transmittal, dated Apr. 6 and May 20, 1881.] Pr21. CHESTER ALAN ARTHUR (Sept. 19, 1881-Mar. 4, 1885) Annual messages [1881-84, in Foreign relations (Sl.l:), and issued separately also. In Richardson's (^oinpiliition of nmssases and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 8 (Y4.Py3i:3«). See also note under J*r.] General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders f Inaugural address f [Dated 1881, Sept. 22.] Proclamations t Special messages t [Includes veto messages and all other messages to Congress excepting annual mes- sages sent at beginning of regular sessions.] Pr22. GROVER CLEVELAND (1st term, Mar. 4, 1885-Mar. 4, 1889; 2d term, Mar. 4, 1893-Mar. 4, 1897) Pr22.1: (date) Pr22.2: In2 P96 Pr22.3: (nos.) Pr22.4 : (nos.) Pr22.5 : (CT) Pr22.6: (date) Pr22.7: (CT) Annual messages [1885-88, and 1893-96, in Foreign relations (Sl.l:), and issued separately also. 1885-88. in Richardson's Compilation of massages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v,8(Y4.P93i:38), also in rublic papers of Grover Cleveland (Pr22.2:P9C); 1893-9(), in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789- 1897, V. 9 ( Y4.P93 »:39). See also note under Pr.] General publications Indian education. [Letter to James Morrow relative to Indian educa- tion, in response to resolution adojited at session of Philadelphia annual conference of Methodist Episcopal Church, Mar. 20, 1888.] Mar. 29, 1888. Public papers of Grover Cleveland, Mar. 4, 1885-Mar. 4, 1889. 1889. large 8« Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural addresses t [Dated as follows: 1885, Mar. 4; 1893, Mar. 4.] Proclamations t t The text may be found in Richardson's Compilation o! messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 (Y4.P93 ' : 3 '-'°). See also note under Pr. 888 Classification no. Pr22.8: (CT) Pr23.1: (date) Pr23.2: P96 Pr23.3: (nos.) Pr23.4: (nos.) Pr23.5: (CT) Pr23.6: (date) Pr23.7: (CT) Pr23.8: (CT) papers of I'residents, 1789-1897, v. 9 Pr22. GROVER CLEVELAND— Continued Special messages t [Includes veto messages, special (or extra) session messages, and all other messages to C ongress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.] Pr23. BENJAMIN HARRISON (Mar. 4, 1889-Mar. 4, 1893) Annual messages [1889-92, in Foreign relations (Sl.l:), and issued separately also In Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of I'resi( (Y4.r93 1:3 s). See also note under I'r.] General publications Public papers and addresses of Benjamin Harrison, Mar. 4, 1889-Mar. 4, 1893. 1893. large 8« Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders t Inaugural address t [Dated 1889, Mar. 4.] Proclamations t Special messages t [Includes veto messages, and all messages to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions.] Pr24. GROVER CLEVELAND (2d term, Mar. 4, 1893-Mar. 4, 1897) [The publications of President Cleveland's 2d term are classed with those of his 1st term; see Pr22.] Pr25. WILLIAM McKINLEY (Mar. 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901) [Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 10 (Y4 P93i:3io), contains those messages, Proclamations, and Executive orders of President McKinley which relate to the Spanish- American War. The annual message of 1898 is there given in full.] Pr25.1: (date) Pr25.2: C44 L33 P26 Pr25.3: (nos.) Pr25.4: (nos.) Annual messages [1897-1900, in Foreign relations (Sl.l:), and issued separately also. See also notes under Pr. and Pr25.] General publications China. [Request of Emperor of China for intervention by United States, and reply of President.] [July 23, 1900.] f <> Lafit speech of William McKinley, delivered at Pan-American Expo- sition at Buffalo, Sept. 5, 1901. 1904. large 8° (58th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 268; serial no. 4592.) [The edition in the Congressional set is 8''.] Passports. Rules governing issuing of passports. [May 21, 1898.] 4° [See also Pr26.2:P26 and S1.2:P26^.2 ] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] t The text may be found in Richardson's Compilation of messages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897, v. 1-10 (Y4.P93 ^i 3 1-^°). See also note under Pr. 889 CUsslflratlon no. Pr25.5: (CT) Pr25.(>: (date) Pr25.7: (CT) Pr25.8: (CT) Pr26.1: (date) Pr26.2: B82 C12 C16 C43 C76 C81 G74» G74 2 H24 H26 H81 l87 J23 J71 Pr25. WILLIAM McKIN LEY— Continued Executive orders [The only Executive orders of President McKlnley In separate folio form In IMibllc Do(!Uments Library, are the two which relate to Annexation of Hawaii. See also notes under IT. and Pr25.] Inaugural addresses [Dated as follows: 1897, Mar. 4; 1901, Mar. 4. Tssued separately In 8o and large 8>> pamphlets. See also note tinder Vr.] Proclamation s [Not listed. See notes under Pr. and rr25.] Special messages [Inchides veto message, special (or extra) se.sslon messages, and all other messages to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions. See also notes under Pr. and Pr2.5.) Pr26. THEODORE ROOSEVELT (Sept. 14, 1901-Mar. 4, 1909) Annual messages [ 1901-08, t in Foreign relations (Sl.l:), and issued separately also. See also note under Pr.) General publications Brownsville, Tex. Reply to Senate resolution concerning discharge of 3 companies of 25th Infantry [with reports of inspectors-general, Augustus P. Blocksom, Leonard A. Lovering, and Emeat A. Garlington]. [1906.] [Appeared also (with additional matter which is entered under W1.2:B82) as 59th Congress, 2d session, Senate document 155, pt. 1, serial no. 5078.] Cairo, 111. Address at Cairo, 111., Oct. 3, 1907. 1907. Canton, Ohio. Address at [unveiling of William McKinley monument] Canton, Ohio. Sept. 30, 1907. Children. Proceedings of conference on care of dependent children [called by President Roosevelt], Washington, D. C, Jan. 25, 26, 1909. 1909. [5400-721] [White House edition.] Conservation of natural resources. Address at opening of conference on conservation of natural resources [Washington, D. C] May 13, 1908. 1908. [Also in Proceedings of conference of governors, Washington, D. C, May 13-15, 1908 (Pr26.2:G74».2).] Corcoran Art Gallery. Address at Corcoran Art Gallery [Washington, D. C] at St. Gaudens exhibition, Dec. 15, 1908. 1908. Governors. Proceedings of conference of governors [called by President Roosevelt to consider conservation of natural resources], Wash- ington, D. C, May 13-15, 1908; edited by W J McGee. 1909. large S° [White House edition.] Same. 1909. 8° [5538-1425] Harrisburg, Pa. Address at dedication ceremonies of new State capitol building at Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 4, 1906. 1906. Harvard Union. Address at Harvard Union, Feb. 23, 1907. 1907. House of Representatives. Address at laying of comer stone of Office Building of House of Representatives, Apr. 14, 1906. 1906. Isthmian Canal Commission, 1904-. Letter placing Isthmian Canal Commission [1904-] under supervision of Secretary of War, and defining jurisdiction and functions of commission. May 9, 1904; 12° [Also in 58th Congress, 3d session, House document 226, serial no. 4853.] Jamastown Ter-Centennial Exposition, 1907. Address at opening of Jamestown Exposition, Apr. 26, 1907. 1907. Jones, John Paul. Address on occasion of reinterment of remains of John Paul Jones at Annapolis, Md., Apr. 24, 1906. 1906. t Foreign relations for 1908 not yet issued (Nov. 1911). i 890 Classification no. Pr26.2: K43 L631 L632 M46 M51 M85 P26 P38 Sa2 Sh5 Pr26.3: (nos.) Pr26.4: (nos.) Pr26.5: (CT) Pr26.6: (date) Pr26.7: (CT) Pr26.8: (CT) Pr26. THEODORE ROOSEVELT— Continued General publications— Continued Keokuk, Iowa. Address at Keokuk, Iowa, Oct. 1, 1907. 1907. Lincoln, Abraham. Address at Lincoln dinner of Republican Club of City of New York, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Feb. 13, 1905. 1905. Lincoln, Abraham. Address on occasion of celebration of 100th anni- versary of birth of Abraham Lincoln, Hodgenville, Ky., Feb. 12, 1909. 1909, Medals. Regulations governing award of life-saving medals under act approved Feb. 23, 1905 [to promote security of travel upon rail- roads engaged in interstate commerce, and to encourage saving of life]. Mar. 29, 1905. 4° Memphis, Tenn. Address to Deep Waterway Convention at Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 4, 1907. 1907. Mothers. Address before National Congress of Mothers, Washington, Mar. 13, 1905. 1905. Passports. Rules governing granting and issuing of passports in United States. [July 19, 1902.] 4« [^eeaZso Pr25.2:P26 and S1.2:P26 '.2.] Pennsylvania University. Address at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Feb. 22, 1905. 1905. St. Louis, Mo. Address at St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 2, 1907. 1907. Sheridan, Philip Henry. Address at unveiling of monument to Gen- eral Sheridan, Nov. 25, 1908 [Washington, D. C.]. 1908. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders f [No attempt is here made to list the numerous Executive orders of President Roose- velt, which relate to national forests, civil service amendments, reinstatements, and various other administrative matters. Since Oct. 1905, the Executive orders have been printed through the Bureau of Rolls and Library, State Dept., and have been entered, as issued, in the Monthly catalogue United States public documents (GP3.8:), under President of United States.] Inaugural address [Dated 1905, Mar. 4. Although President Roosevelt's annual message of Dec. 3, 1901, contains a full exposition of his policies, he does not refer to it as his inau- gural message.] Proclamation s [No attempt is here made to list the numerous Proclamations issued by President Roosevelt, many of which relate to national forests, and the remainder to com- mercial treaties. Thanksgiving and holiday observances, and other matters of national or international import. They are arranged chronologically and indexed under " Proclamations" in Statutes at large (S7.9:).] Special messages [Includes veto messages, special (or extra) session messages, and all other messages to Congress excepting annual messages sent at beginning of regular sessions. See also note tmder Pr.] Pr27.1: (date) Pr27.2 : W57 Pr27. WILLIAM (Mar. 4, Annual messages HOWARD 1909- ) TAFT [1909, t in Foreign relations (Sl.l:), and issued separately also. Pr.] See also note under General publications Whisky. What is meaning of term whisky under pure food act, and proper regulations for branding various kinds of whisky under internal revenue act? decision by President Taft. 1909. t Foreign relations for 1909 not yet issued (Nov. 1911). 891 CUMincatlon no. Pr27.2: W73 Pr27..3: (iios.) Pr27.4 : (no8.) Pr27.5: (CT) Pr27.6: (date) Pr27.7: (CT) Pr27.8: (CT) Pr27. WILMAM HOWARD TAFT— Continued General publications— Continued Winona, Minn. Address at Winona, Minn, [on reasons for signing Payne-Aldrich tariff bill], Sept. 17, 1909. 1909. Bulletins [None iasued.] Circulars [None issued.] Executive orders [No attempt Is here made to list the numerous Executive orders of President Taft, which relate to transfers, reservations and withdrawals of public lands, civil service appointments, rej,'ulations for Canjil Zone, and other administrative mat- ters. As issued, they are entereil in the Monthly catalogue United States public documents (GP3.8:), under I'resident of United States.] Inaugural address [Dated 1909, Mar. 4. Issued separately. Proclamations £• See alfo note imder Pr.] [The Proclamations of the President during 1909 relate to national monuments, etc. They tire not listed here. As issued, they are entered in Monthly catalogue United States public documents (GP3.8:), under President of United States. See also note under Pr.] Special messages [Includes veto messages, special (or extra) session to Congress excepting annual message»sent at also note under Pr.] ages, and all other messages ning of regular sessions. See PS. POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM t S. STATE DEPARTMENT [This is the oldest of the JExecutive Departments. The act of Congress approved July 27, 1789, established a Department of Foreign Affairs and this act was followed by another, approved Sept. 15, 1789, which enlarged the duties of the Department and directed that it be called the Department of State. This law required the Sec- retary to receive and publish the laws of the United States; to be custodian of the seal of the United States; to authenticate copies of records and papers properly coming before him, and to receive all records and papers in the office of (he late Secretary of Congress, except such as related to the Treasury and War Departments. fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. Since that time the Postal Savings System has been organized, necessitating additional classes, the heading and series titles of which are as follows: PS. Postal Savings System [Established by act approved June 25, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 30, pt. 1, p. 814). Board of tmstees composed of Postmaster-General, chairman. Secretary of Treasury, and Attorney-General.] Annual reports PSl.l: (date) PS1.2: (CT) PS1.3: (nos.) PS1.4: (nos.) PS1.5': (date) PS1.52: (CT) PS1.6: (CT) General publications Bulletins Circulars Regulations (general) Regulations (special) Instructions 892 Under the laws of Apr. 10, 1790, and Feb. 21, 1793, this Department was given charge of the patent business, which remained under its control until the Department of the Interior was established in 1849 (see I 23.). The State Department also superin- tended the census enumeration until May 23, 1850, when Congress transferred this msinesa to the Interior Department (see I2.-I14.). Territorial affairs were also under the State Department until transferred to the Interior Department by act of Mar. 1, 1873 (see, for reports of governors, etc., classes under 1 1.). The Secretary of State conjointly with the Attorney-General acted upon petitions for pardons until 1850, when that duty passed into the hands of the Attorney-General. Warrants for pardons continued to be issued by the State Department until 1893 when this duty was transferred to the Justice Department by Executive order. Under the act approved May 31, 1790, the Secretary of State was charged with matters relating to copyrights. By act approved Feb. 5, 1859, this work was transferred from the Department of State to the Department of the Interior, and a later act approved July 8, 1870 provided that the librarian of Congress should have control of copyrights. The Public Documents Library has no copyright publications issued prior to the transfer to the Library of Congress. See, for publications of Copyright Office, LC3., and for Copyright enactments of United States, 1783-1906, Copyright Office Bulletin 3, 2d edition (LC3.3:3 2). See, for historiea of the Department of State, S1.2:St2 ^-^. f] Classification 81. SECRETARY Sl.l: Annual reports, Foreign relations (date) [The Secretary of State is the only cabinet officer who does not make a yearly report on the business of his Department, the only annual report of a Secretary of State being Secretary Olney's, 1896, which appeared in the volume of Foreign relations and was also issued separately (SI. la:). The reports here listed are the yearly collections of diplomatic correspondence between the United States and one or more foreign countries. From earliest times the President in his annual message gave a synopsis of our relations with foreign countries, and this was usually supplemented by certain State Department papers, sometimes a single treaty, but more often a number of diplomatic letters. From these accompanying papers grew up the publication now known as Foreign relations. As the volumes of Foreign relations have for more than 45 years past been issued in permanent form with the President's annual message, and on account of the difficulty in marking their first appearance as an annual State Department document, this list of Foreign relations is made to include references to the earliest documents in the Congressional set where the State Department papers accom- pany the President's annual message, whether they immediately follow such message, or are intercepted by other Department reports bearing the same docu- ment number. For 1830, 1835, 1841, and 1860, references are given to such papers from the State Department which were transmitted somewhat later than the annual message. Since 1861, state papers which do not accompany the annual message, and are issued in a separate volume are not included here, being listed below under General publications (S1.2:). From 1861 to 1909 (except 1869), this compilation of State Department correspondence besides appearing in the Congressional set, has been issued, sometimes with a dilferent arrangement, in a regular volumed bureau form. For 1861 there are 2 bureau editions, one of which bears title "Papers relating to foreign affairs." From 1861 to 1868 the back-title reads: Diplomatic correspondence. From 1870 to 1909, back-title reads: Foreign relations of United States. It does not purport to be a complete record of diplomatic correspondence, however, as the Departs ment of State exercises discretion in withholding from publication many diplo- matic dispatches. See, for diplomatic correspondence, 1775-87, Z2.2:-Z2.4: See, for papers of this nature, Apr. 30, 1789-May 24, 1828, American state papers, Foreign relations, serial nos. 01-06.] 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 In 17-2] In 26-1 In 31-2 None issued.] In 59-1 In 63-1 None issued.] 93-14] In 108-1 In 113-2 In 125-2, p. 169 In 131-] L, p. 169 1826 1827 1828\ 1829] 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 r[In 144-1 [[In 148-2 rfln 163-1 [[In 169-2; [None issued.] 203-20, 21] 206-21, 22] None issued.] 233-37] None issued.] In 271-2, p. 27, 393] t A later history was issued in 1911 in both 8» and 4'» pamphlets, with title. Outline of organization and work of Department of State. 893 ClasxIflratloD no. Sl.l SI. 8ECRETARY— Continued Annual reports, Foreign relations— Continued (date) 1835 1836 1837 i 1838 { 1839 I 1840 1841 1842 I 1843 I 1844 I 1845 I In 279-1] 279-7] In 286-2 In 297-1 In 301-2 In 314-1 In 321-3 In 338-1 In 344-2 In 354-1 In 363-2 None issued.] In 390-1] 390-55] In 392-1] 392-34, 39] In 395-1" In 401-2 In 413-1 In 418-2 In 431-1 In 439-2 In 449-1 In 463-2 In 470-1 In 480-2 [At special ses- sion.] 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 In 493-1 In 497-4 In 503-1 In 515-8 In 537-1 In 549-1 In 569-5] None issued.] In 611-1] In 634-2] None issued.] In 690-1] In 710-1 In 746-1 In 777-1 In 810-1 In 840-1 In 875-5' In 893-1 In 919-11] In 942-2] In 974-1 In 997-2 In 1023-2] 1095-7] 1861 [In 1117-1] Same, without President's message, and with correspondence rela- tive to Mason and Slidell. See also S1.2:M38. 1862, pt. 1 'I nif^fi-n /[Bureau edition does not contain Presi- Same, pt. 2/ l^^^^^J \ dent's message.] 1863, pt. 1 [1180-1] [Bureau edition does not contain President's message.] Same, pt. 2 [1181-1] [Contains also Selections from Consular cor- respondence.] 1864, pt. 1 [1216-1] [Bureau edition does not contain President's message.] Same, pt. 2 [1217-1] Same, pt. 3 [1218-1] Same, pt. 4 [1219-1] 1865, pt. 1 [1244-1] [Bureau edition does not contain President's message.] Same, pt. 2 [1245-1] Same, pt. 3 [1246-1] Same [pt. 4], appendix, Assassination of Abraham Lincoln [1247-1] Same [pt. 4, appendix], Assassination of Abraham Lincoln 4" [This special 4'' edition, with back title. Tributes of nations to Abraham Lincoln, is not in Congressional set.] 1866, pt. 1 [1281-1] Same, pt. 2 [1282-1] Same, pt. 3 [1283-1] 1867, pt. 1 [1322-1] Same, pt. 2 [1323-1] 1868, pt. 1 [1364-1] Same, pt. 2 [1365-1] 1869 [In 1411-1] 1870 [144&-1] 894 Classiflcation no. Sl.l: (date) SI. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports, Foreign relations— Continued 1871 [1502-1] [1553-1] [1554-1] [1555-1] [1556-1] [1557-1] 1872 [pt. 1] [1552-1] Same, pt. 2 [v. 1, Geneva arbitration] Same, pt. 2 [v. 2, Geneva arbitration] Same, pt. 2 [v. 3, Geneva arbitration] Same, pt. 2 [v. 4, Geneva arbitration] Same, pt. 2 [v. 5, Berlin arbitration] 1873, pt. 1, V. 1 [1594-1] Same, pt. 1, v. 2 [1595-1] Same, pt. 2, v. 3, [Washington arbitration] American-British Claims Commission [1596-1] 1874 [1634-1] 1875, v. 1 [1672-1] Same, v. 2 [1673-1] 1876 [1741-1] Same, appendix} [1^93-1] 1878 1842-1 1879 1902-1 1880 1951-1' 1881 2009-1 1882 2090-1 1883 2181-1' 1884 2276-1 1885 2368-1 1886 2460-1 1887 2532-1 1888, pt. 1 [262&-1] Same, pt. 2 [2627-1] 1889 2714-1 1890 2830-1 1891 2920-1 1892 3076-1' 1893 3197-r 1894 3292-1 Same, appendix 1 [3293-1] Same, appendix 2, Affairs in Hawaii [3294-1] 1895, pt. 1 [3368-1] Same, pt. 2 [3369-1] 1896 [3477-1] 1897 3629-1 1898 3743-1 1899 3898-1 pt. 1] 1900 4069-1] 1901 4268-1' 1902 4440-1 Same, appendix 1, Whaling and sealing claims agains [4441-1] Same, appendix 2, Pious fund of the Califomias [4442-1] 1903 4627-1] 1904 4780-1' 1905 4941-1 1906, pt.l [51041-1] Same, pt. 2 [5104^-1] 1907, pt. 1 [5270 1-1] Sar ae, pt. i I [52702-1] 895 ClaKMlflratlon no. Sl.l: (date) Sl.l«: (date) Sl.l«: (CT) 81. 1^: 861-899 S1.2: Ab9 AI71 AI72 A84 At8i At82 B27 B45 B67 B672 B73 C12 C22 C331 CSS 2 81. 8ECRETAUY— Continued Annual reports, Foreign relations — Continued 1908 t [5411-1040J 1909 t (5704-101 J Annual reports, Foreign relations (separates; Secretary's report) [The only personal annual report of a Secretary of State Is that made by Secretary Olney, 1890; therefore, the 1890 separate is "the only one to be classed here.] Annual reports, laneous) Foreign relations (separates; miscel- Annual reports, Foreign relations (indexes) General index to diplomatic correspondence and foreign relations of United States, 1861-99. 1902. [This is an index to the annual volumes containing diplomatic correspondence published by the State Department, 1861-68, 1870-99 (81.1:861-868, 870-899).] General publications Abyssinia. Our mission to Abyssinia, [Rpbert P.] Skinner's report. Feb. 1, 1904. Alto Velo [Island], claim of Patterson and Murguiendo. Jan. 17, 1867. Same, with further argument of claimants. 1868. ([40th Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 38]; serial no. 1316.) American National Institute, Paris, France. See Yl.SiAmS^'^ Asia. Report to Secretary of State upon tour of consular inspection in Asia; by Herbert H. D. Peirce. 1904. Attorneys-General. Digest of published opinions of Attorneys-General and of leading decisions of Federal courts with reference to inter- national law, treaties, and kindred subjects; [by John L, Cad- walader]. 1877. Same. Revised edition. 1877. [1719-46] See, for general digests of opinions of Attorneys-General, J1.6: Barrundia, J. Martin. [Letter from James G. Blaine, Secretary of State, Nov. — , 1890, to Lansing B. Mizner, minister to Guate- mala, giving reasons for his recall because of his conduct in con- nection with killing of J. Martin Barrundia.] [1890.] f° [In 2858-51] [Also in Foreign relations, 1890 (Sl.l i:890), p. 123-142. The letter as there given bears the date of Nov. 18, 1890.] Bering Sea. Papers relating to Behring Sea fisheries. 1887. Bowen, Herbert W. In matter of charges of Herbert W. Bowen against Francis B. Loomis, and counter charges of Loomis against Bowen; action of President on countercharges of Loomis against Bowen, [and] findings of Secretary of War, temporarily designated to act in absence of Secretary of State, on charges of Bowen against Loomis. 1905. 23 1. Same [with] evidence on charges and countercharges. 1905. 294 p. Brazil. Constitution of Republic of United States of Brazil, n. p. 1890. Calendar of miscellaneous letters received by Department of State from organization of Government to 1820. 1897. [Confidential.] Caroline, brig. Papers and correspondence relative to claim against Brazil concerning [brig] Caroline, and to proceedings of James Watson Webb respecting it. 1874. ([4Sd Cong. Ist sess. S. ex. doc. 52]; serial no. 1581.) Central America. Documents relative to Central American affairs and enlistment question. Washington, Cornelius Wendell, printer, 1856. Central America. Map of Central America, n. p. 1856. [Map same as that found in S1.2:C33 K] t Not yet issued (Nov. 1911). 896 Classification no. S1.2: C431 C432 C433 C44 C45 C491 C492 C52 C57 C71 076^ C762 C763 C76* 076*^ C76« C767 C89I C892 C893 C89* C89'* C89« 81. SECRETARY— Continued General publications — Continued Chile. Message of President [Jan. 25, 1892, and Jan. 28, 1892] respecting relations with Chile, together with diplomatic correspondence, correspondence with naval officials, inquiry into attack on sea- men of U. S. S. Baltimore in streets of Valparaiso, and evidence of officers and crew of steamer Keweenaw respecting ill-treat- ment of Patrick Shields by Chilean police. 1892. [2954-91, 2 pts.] [The diplomatic correspondence, rearranged in some instances, appears also in Foreign relations, 1891 (SI. 1:891).] Chile. Message of President [Jan. 28, 1892] transmitting further corre- spondence respecting relations with Chile. 1892. [2954-91, pt. 2] [Also bound in S1.2:C43 \] Chile. Resumption of specie payments in Chile, report to Secretary of State; by Edward H. Strobel. 1896. China. Memorandum in regard to jurisdiction of American consular officers in China over offenses against morality and decency. [Nov. 26, 1906.] Cholera. Report on cholera in Europe and India; by Edward O. Shakespeare. 1890. 4° [2454-92] Citizenship, naturalization, passports, sections of Revised statutes of United States relating to those subjects, Avith general instructions in regard to passports. 1887. Citizenship and naturalization. [1898.] Claims. Circular, claims against foreign governments [method of pro- cedure when assistance of Department of State is desired in their prosecution]. [Mar. 5, 1906.] Clayton-Bulwer treaty and Monroe doctrine, letter from Secretary of State to minister of United States at London, May 8, 1882, etc. 1882. [1991-194] Colombia. Notes on constitutions of Republic of Colombia. [1903.] Constitution of United States, n. p. Jan. 1, 1833. 12° Constitution of United States of America with amendments. 1891. Constitution of United States of America, literal print. Washington, Department of State, 1895. Consular service. Examinations for consular service. [Sept. 23, 1895.] Same [without circular to applicants on p. 7]. [Sept. 23, 1895.] Consular appropriations. Extract from letter of Secretary of State transmittmg estimates of consular appropriations for 1898-99. Nov. 13, 1897. Consular fees. Tariff of American consular fees. [1909.] large 4<» Cuba. Correspondence relating to progress of revolution in Cuba, transmitted in obedience to resolution. 1869. ([41st Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 7]; serial no. 1405.) Cuba. Correspondence of Department of State in relation to seizure of American vessels and injuries to American citizens during hostilities in Cuba. 1870. [1407-108] Same in relation to emancipation of slaves in Cuba, and accom- panying papers. 1870. [1407-113] Cuba. Central Cuban Relief Committee, appeal [relative to suffering in Cuba]. Jan. 7, 1898. f° [This committee was appointed by the President, Jan. 1, 1898, and acted under direction of the Department of State.] Cuba. Report of Central Cuban Relief Committee, New York City, to Secretary of State, Washington, D. C, [Jan. 1, 1898-Feb. 15, 1899]. [Press of John B. Watkins, N. Y.] Feb. 15, 1899. Cuba. Correspondence between Department of State and United States minister at Madrid and consular representatives of United States in Cuba, and other papers relating to Cuban affairs. 1870. ([4l8t Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 160]; serial no. 1418.) Cuban pacification, report of William H. Taft, Secretary of War, and Robert Bacon, assistant Secretary of State, Dec. 11, 1906. See W6.2:C892, 897 CUsttincBtlon no. S1.2: D35 D621 D622 D623 D62* Ex3 Ex7 Ex8' Ex82 Ex83 F53» F532 F76 F83 F84» 81. NEC RET ARY— Continued General publications— Continued Declaration of Iiulependenre, story of ita adoption, with bio^'raphiea and ])()rl raits of HJ^nere and of secretary of Congress; by William il. Michael. 1904. large 8° Diplomatic and consular systems. Act to remodel diplomatic and consular systems of United States, approved Mar, 1, 1855, also, sec. 3 of act apjjroved Mar. 3, 1855, amendatory thereof. Wash- ington, A. O. P. Nicholson, 1855. 12« Diplomatic and consular systems. Act to regulate diplomatic and consular systems of United States, approved Aug. 18, 1856. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, 1856. Diplomatic and consular offices. Maps showing location of diplomatic and consular offices of United States, Mar. 1, 1888. 1888. f « Diplomatic and consular [appropriations], 1907 [increases and decreases, etc.]. [1906.] narrow large 8° Executive oflicers of United States, 1789-1901. Oct. 19, 1901. Expatriation. Opinions of principal officers of Executive Depart- ments, and other papers relating to expatriation, naturalization, and change of allegiance. 1873. large 8" [Also, with changes in arrangement, in Foreign relations, 1873, principally in pt. 1, V. 2, but partly in pt. 1, v. 1 (SI. 1:873 ^'^).] Extradition. Report on extradition, with returns of all cases from Aug. 9, 1842, to Jan. 1, 1890, and index; by John Bassett Moore. 1890. Same. 1890. large 8° [Number of pages is the same as in S1.2:Ex8^, difference being in width of margins.] See, for edition issued for use of International American Confer- ence, S5.9^:Ex8. Extraterritorial crime. Report on extraterritorial crime and [A. K.] Cutting case; [by John Bassett Moore]. 1887. Fisheries. Letter to Secretary of State as to relations of United States with British provinces and actual condition of question of fisheries, from E. H. Derby [with appendix. Preliminary report on treaty of reciprocity with Great Britain to regulate trade between United States and provinces of British North America, prepared by E. H. Derby at request of Secretary of Treasury]. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1867. [1277-30] [Imprint of appendix reads Washington, D. C, Treasury Department, 1866. The first 84 p. of the appendix appeared separately as a publication of the Treasury Department; see T1.2:R24^ Con- gressional edition is in different form and has different number of pages.] Fishing vessels. Selected cases of mal-treatment of American fishing vessels. [1888?] Foreign consuls. List of foreign consuls in United States; corrected to May 12, 1898. [1898.] f Fox, Gustavus Vasa. Russian account of official mission of G. V. Fox, in 1866; translated by S. N. Buynitzky. 1867. France. Combattanta fran^ais de la guerre am^ricaine, 1778-83, listes Stabiles d'apr^s les documents authentiques deposes aux archives nationales et aux archives du Minist^re de la Guerre; publi^es par les soins du Minist^re des Affaires Etrang^res. Paris, Ancienne Maison Quantin, librairies-imprimeries r^unies Motteroz, Martinet, 1903. 4« [4595-77] [This larpe and costly quarto, contalninR the name of every Frenchman who served on the American side in the Revolutionary War. 1778-83, and also reproductions of many engravings of historic interest, was published by the French Govern- ment, and an edition of 335 copies presented to the United States Government in token of national friendship. Congress ordered a reprint, which was issued in 1905 as Senate document 77, 58th Congress, 2d session, serial no. 4595. In this edition the introduction, etc., is printed in both French and English, and a full index of names is added.] 82452°— 11 57 t See also footnote for SI. 12: 898 Classification no. S1.2 F84- F881 F88- G28 G31' G312 079' G792 G793 G79* H31 1-2 H312 H313 SI. SECRETARY— Continued General publications — Continued Franco-German war and insurrection of Commune, correspondence of E. B. Washburne. 1878. French spoliations. Report of Secretary of State relative to papers on file in Department of State touching unsettled claims of citizens of United States against France for spoliations prior to July 31, 1801. 1884. ([48th Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 205]; serial no. 2168.) Same [with corrections and additions]. 1886. ([49th Cong. Ist sess. S. ex. doc. 102]; serial no. 2340.) See, for Commission Appointed to Examine French Spoliation Claims Presented under Treaty with France of July 4, 1831, S3.5: See, for French spoliation publications issued by Court of Claims, Ju3.7:F88'-S and Ju3.11'»:583-61-. Papers in re containing matter concerning individual cases are entered in Public Docu- ments Library under Ju3.8: General Rusk, steamer. Correspondence relative to steamer General Rusk, alias Blanche, to which is appended proceedings of court martial in case of Commander [Charles] Hunter. 1863. f ° German marriage law. [Circular letter transmitting dispatch relative to Imperial German marriage law.] Mar. 27, 1903. Germany. Correspondence between legation of United States at Berlin [Germany], and Department of State, transmitted to Congress with President's message, Dec. 1877. 1877. [Also in Foreign relations, 1877 (SI. 1:877).] Great Britain. Correspondence between United States and Great Britain in regard to recruiting for British army within United States, with documents and evidence. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, 1856. [Appeared also, with additional matter, as 34th Congress, 1st session, Senate executive document 35, serial no. 819.] Great Britain. Correspondence concerning questions pending between Great Britain and United States. 1870. Great Britain. Report of committee of Lords of Privy Council on trade of Great Britain with United States, Jan. 1791. Washington, Department of State, 1888. Great Britain. Correspondence on extradition between United States and Great Britain. 1876. Hawaii (note). [The documents whose bureau editions arc listed under S1.2:H31 1-"* are also found in Foreign relations, 1894, appendix 2 (SI. 1:894 3), which includes also reprints of other Congressional documents of the 52d and 53d Congresses containing corre- spondence, etc., relating to Hawaii.] Hawaii. Papers relating to annexation of Hawaiian Islands to United States. 1893. ([52d Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. docs. 76 and 77]; serial no. 3062.) Hawaii. Papers and documents relating to Hawaiian Islands comprised in Senate executive documents 45, 57, 76, and 77, 52d Congress, 2d session. 1893. [This edition differs from the preceding one in that Senate executive documents 45 and 57 are given as sep- arate documents as well as being included in document 77. Senate executive document 57 is included in Foreign relations, 1894, appendix 2 (SI. 1:894 2), but appears there only as a portion of document 77.] Hawaii. Relations with Hawaii, instructions to diplomatic and naval officers relating to Hawaiian affairs since Mar. 1, 1881. 1893. ([53d Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 13]; serial no. 3160.) Hawaii. Correspondence with diplomatic and naval officers concern- ing relations of United States to Hawaiian Islands, including reprint of Senate executive documents 76 and 77, 52d Congress, 2d session. 1893. ([53d Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 48]; serial no. 3224.) 899 Clas-sitloation no. S1.2: H31" mv H318 H31» H31'o Ic2 InSi In82 In83 K84 L56 L591 L592 81. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Hawaii. Relations with Hawaii, mcflaago of President, Jan. 13, 1894, tranaraittinK certain further information relating to Hawaiian Islands. 1894. ([53d Cong. 2d Bees. II. ex. doc. 70]; serial no. 3224.) Same, Jan. 20, 1894, transmittinp; further correspondence relating to Hawaiian Islands. 1894. ([53d Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 76J; serial no. 3224.) [In Congressional edition, p. 2-5, 7, 8 of this document are interchanged with the correspondingly numbered pages of House executive document 79, tne bureau edition of which is listed under S1.2:H31«.] Same, Jan. 22, 1894, transmitting additional correspondence relating to Hawaiian Islands. 1894. ([53d Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 79]; serial no. 3224.) [In Congressional edition, p. 2-5, 7, 8 of this document are interchanged with the correspondingly num- bered pages of House executive document 76, the bureau edition of which is listed under S1.2:H31*.] Hawaii. Messages of President, Feb. 2, 12, and 19^ 1894, transmitting further correspondence relating to Hawaiian Islands. 1894. [Made up of 53d Congress, 2d session, House executive documents 95 and 112, and Senate executive document 46, serial nos. 3224 and 3160.] Hawaii. Relations with Hawaii, message of President, Mar. 7, 1894, transmitting further correspondence relating to Hawaiian Islands. 1894. ([53d Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 57]; serial no. 3160.) Same, June 23, 1894. 1894. ([53d Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 117]; serial no. 3163.) Same, July 30, 1894. 1894. ([53d Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 256]; serial no. 3224.) Iceland. Report on resources of Iceland and Greenland; compiled by Benjamin Mills Peirce. 1868. Intercontinental telegraph. Communication of William H. Seward upon subject of intercontinental telegraph connecting eastern and western hemispheres by way of Behring's Strait, in reply to Z[achary] Chandler, chairman of Committee on Commerce of Senate, to which was referred memorial of Perry McDonough Col- lins. 1864. 120 Interoceanic canal. Report of Secretary of State with accompanying correspondence in relation to proposed interoceanic canal between Atlantic and Pacific oceans. 1880. ([46th Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 112]; serial no. 1885.) Interoceanic canal and Hay-Pauncefote treaty; by John Bassett Moore. Washington [no publisher] 1900. [Reprinted from New York Times, Mar. 4, 1900.] Koszta, Martin . Correspondence between Secretary of State and charge d'affaires of Austria relative to case of Martin Koszta. Washing- ton, Robert Armstrong, public printer, 1853. Latin America. Trade and transportation between United States and Latin America; by William Eleroy Curtis. See S5.9ML34. Letters rogatory in foreign countries, report of Secretary of State and accompanying documents in relation to execution of letters rogatory in foreign countries. 1891. ([5l8t Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 281]; serial no. 2865.) Leyes comerciales y marltimas de la America Latina comparadas entre si y con los c6digos de Espana y las leyes de los Estadoe Unidos de America, i)rofusamente anotadas con la legislaci6n de Espana y con la jurisprudencia extranjera, v. 1: [De los comerciantes y de los actos de comercio]; por Clifford Stevens Walton. 1907. Same, v. 2: [De los contratos especiales del comercio]; por Clifford Stevens Walton. 1907. 900 Classlflcatlon no. S1.2: L59 3 L59^ L595 M13 M21 M33 M38 M41 M571 M572 M573 N38 N39 N51 Ot8 P19 P261 P262 P27^ 81. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Same, v. 3: [Parte marltima]; per Clifford Stevens Walton. 1907. Same, v. 4: [De las quiebras]; por Clifford Stevens Walton. 1907. Same, v. 5: [Los ap^ndices, La tabla de las materias, El Indice alfa- b^tico]; por Clifford Stevens Walton. 1907. Louisiana Purchase. State papers and correspondence bearing upon purchase of Louisiana . See Yl . 1 :L93 . MacCord, Victor Hugo. In re claim of Victor H. MacCord against Peru; brief for United States. [1898.] [This claim was sub- mitted to arbitration under protocols of agreement between United States and Peru signed May 17 and June 6, 1898.] McKinley, William. Order of arrangement for obsequies at Washington of William McKinley [issued by State, War, and Navy Depart- ments, and Commissioners of District of Columbia]. [1901.] 12* Maritime prizes. Translation by Department of State of Russian Gov- ernment regulations on maritime prizes and instructions on method of stopping, examining, and detaining vessels as well as on conducting away and surrender of vessels and cargoes de- tained, n.p.n.d. f° [Original printed at St. Petersburg, 1901.] Mason and SUdell case. Correspondence relative to case of [James M.] Mason and [John] Slidell. [1861.] [1121-8] [Also m Foreign relations, 1861 (Sl.l:8612).] Matamoros, Mexico. Information received and on file at American con- sulate, Matamoros, in reply to enquiries made by consul of United States at request of commercial residents [for establishment of port of entry at Point Isabel]. [1848.] 12° Mexico. Papers relative to Mexican affairs, communicated to Senate, June 16, 1864. 1865. [1209-11] Mexico. Papers relating to Mexico. [1867?] [Bears running title: Papers accompanying message of President. Also in Abridgment of message and documents, 1866-67 (Y4.P93 ^ :2 ^^^). Found also, with other matter interspersed, in Foreign relations, 1866, pt. 1, p. 307-367 (Sl.l:866i).] See, for other correspondence relating to Mexico, 1861-67, [1136-100], [1294-76], and [1311-11, 30, 31]. Mexican border troubles, message of President [transmitting corre- spondence] in answer to resolution of Nov. 1, 1877. 1877. ([45tli Cong. Ist sess. H. ex. doc. 13]; serial no. 1773.) Netherlands. Estates in Holland. [1898?] Neutral rights. Information respecting proceedings of representatives of European powers at congress held at Paris, relative to neutral rights. Aug. 12, 1856. [825-104] [Congressional edition has dif- ferent number of pages.] Nicaragua. Claims of citizens of United States against Nicaragua. May 20, 1879. Ottoman Empire. Report of Edward A. Van Dyck, upon capitulations of Ottoman Empire since year 1150. 1881. pt. 1. [1943-3] See, for pt. 2, [1989-87]. Pan-American Exposition. Catalogue of exhibit of Department of State at Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 1901. Passports. Rules governing applications for passports. [Sept. 15, 1896.] 4* [See also Pr25.2:P26 and Pr26.2:P26.] Passports. American passport, its history, and digest of laws, rulings, and regulations governing its issuance by Department of State; [by Gaillard Hunt]. 1898. [See, for Passport regulations of for- eign countries, S4. 10 :P26.] Patentee's manual, list of patents granted by United States for encour- agement of arts and sciences, 1790-1830, also laws of Congress granting patents, with digest of all decisions in courts of United States respecting patents; by William Elliot. City of Washing- ton, printed by S. A. Elliot, 1830. 901 ClaMlflcatlon no. S1.2: P27» P27=» P27* P27» P37 P531 P532 P76 P82 P83 P93' P932 R241 R242 R47 R92 Sa2' Sa22 SI. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Patents. Digest of pateuta issued by United States, 1790-1839. Wash- ington, Peter Force, 1840. Same, 1839-41. Washington, William Greer, 1842. Patents. List of patents for inventions and designs issued by United States, 1790-1847, with patent laws and notes of decisions of courts of United States for same period. Washington, printed by J. & G. S. Gideon, 1847. See, for other lists of patents, I 23.7: Patents. Laws of United States relating to patents and Patent OflBce [1789-1848], with decisions of courts of United States and of the several States relating to same subjects, also opinions of William Cranch upon appeals from decisions of commissioner of patents, [and] brief abstract of patent laws from foreign countries; compiled by commissioner of patents. Washington [no publisher] 1848. (This publication carries as its running head "Ex. doc. no. 54," which is the running head of the report of the commissioner of patents for 1847, printed as 30th Congress, 1st session, House executive document 54, serial no. 519; but the only portions of this compilation which appear in document 54 are the decisions of Juage Cranch which form pages 795-853 01 that document, and the memoranda relative to patent laws in the prmcipal states of Europe, which form pages 790-794.] See, for later patent laws, I 23.11 ^: Penal codes. Different systems of penal codes in Europe, also Report on administrative changes in France since revolution of 1848; by H. S. Sanford. Washington, Beverley Tucker, Senate printer, 1854. ([33d Cong. Ist sesa. S. ex. doc. 68]; serial no. 700.) Philippine Islands. El archipi^lago Filipino, colecci6n de dates geogrdficos, estadisticos, cronologicoy y cientlficos, relatives al mismo, entresacados de anteriores obras u obtenidos con la propia observaci6n y estudio, por algunos padres de la mision de la Compaiifa de Jesus en estas islas. 1900. v. 1, large 8° Same. 1900. v. 2, large 8"^ Pollok, Anthony. Anthony Pollok memorial prize for best apparatus for saving of life in cases of maritime disaster. Aug. 11, 1899. f° [See also ^%.\2:V1%.] Pork. American pork, result of investigation made under authority of Department of State. 1881. Portraits. Descriptive catalogue of collection of portraits in Depart- ment of State. 1900. 4«> Private property. Freedom of private property on sea from capture during war; [compiled by Charles Henry Butler]. May 20, 1899. Prize cases. Reports of cases in prize argued and determined in circuit and district courts for southern district of New York, 18G1-C5; by Samuel Blatchford. 1866. [5ee a Z^o [1194-74].] Reciprocity, benefits that will accrue to this country by confirmation of treaties now pending in United States Senate; by John A. Kasson. n. p. n. d. [Address delivered before Illinois Manu- facturers' Association, Chicago, Oct. 24, 1901.] Red Cross. History of Red Cro8.s, Treaty of Geneva and its adoption by United States; [by] American Association of Red Cross. 1883. 4* (American Association of Red Cross organized 1881. Reincorporated by act of Jan. 5, 1905, under name American National Red Cross and placed under "supervision of War Department. Annual reports have appeared as Congressional documents only.] Rio Grande River [proposed treaty for apportionment of its waters between United States and Mexico, correspondence between Secretary of Interior and Secretary of State]. [1906.] Russian America. Geographical notes upon Russian America and Stickeen River; by William P. Blake. 1868. ([40th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 177, pt. 2]; eerial no. 1339.) St. TiOuis. Catalogue of exhibit of Department of State at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; [by Mary Greer]. 1904. Same, with Illustrations of exhibit. 1904. 902 Classiflcation no. SI. SECRETARY— Continued SI. 2: General publications— Continued Sa3 Sa4^ Sa42 Sa43 Sa5^ Sa52 Sel» Sel2 Sel3 So8i So82 Spl Sp2i Sp22 St2» St2 2 St2 3 St24 Salvador. Report in case of Salvador Commercial Company v. Salva- dor. 1901. [See, for United States vs. Salvador Arbitration Tribunal, S3. 14:] Samoa. Report upon Samoa, or Navigator's Islands, made to Secretary of State; by A. B. Steinberger. 1874. ([43d Cong. Ist sess. S, ex. doc. 45]; serial no. 1581.) Samoan affairs [response to resolution of Apr. 6, 1894], report and corre- spondence in relation to Samoan Islands. 1894. ([53d ('ong. 2d • sess. S. ex. doc. 93]; serial no. 31G3.) [Also in Foreign relations, 1894, appendix 1 (SI. 1:894 2).] Same, further correspondence relating to Samoan Islands. 1894. ([53d Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 132]; serial no. 3163.) [Also in Foreign relations, 1894, appendix 1 (SI. 1:894^).] Santo Domingo. Report of Secretary of State in regard to San Domingo, transmitted to Senate Jan. 16, 1871. 1871. ([4l8t Cong. 3d sess. S. ex. doc. 17]; serial no. 1440.) Santiago, Chile. International Exhibition to be held at Santiago, Chili, 1875 [announcement, progi*am, etc.]. [1874.] Seal fisheries. Official correspondence between United States and Great Britain touching seal fisheries of Behring Sea since 19th July last [1890]. 1890 [1891]. ([5l8t Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 144]; serial no. 2863.) Seal of United States, how it was developed and adopted; [by Gaillard Hunt]. Washington, Department of State, 1892. Seal of United States. History of seal of United States; [by Gaillard Hunt]. 1909. large 8° South America. Papers relating to war in South America, and attempts to bring about peace, submitted to the Senate Jan. 26 and 27, 1882, and to House of Representatives Jan. 26 and Feb. 17, 1882, in reply to resolutions of those bodies. 1882. Contents: [Papers touching affairs in or between Chili, Peru, and Bolivia.] (47th Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 79, 2 pts.; serial no. 1989.) Peace between Chili, Peru, and Bolivia. (47th Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 68 [pt. 11; serial no. 2027.) • War on the Pacific. (47th Cong. 1st sess. 11. ex. doc. 68, pt. 2; serial no. 2027.) South America. Speeches incident to visit of Secretary Root to South America, July 4-Sept. 30, 1906. 1906. Spain. Proclamations and decrees during War with Spain. 1899. Spanish America. Trade and transportation between United States and Spanish America; by William Eleroy Curtis. See S5.9': Sp2. Spanish America. Report from Department of State in relation to condition of commercial relations between United States and Spanish-American States. 1870. [1407-112] Spanish diplomatic correspondence and documents, 1896-1900, pre- sented to Cortes by Minister of State, translation. 1905. State Department. Department of State, its history and functions; [by Gaillard Hunt]. Washington, Department of State, 1893. 4° State Department. Department of State, how it was formed, what are its duties, and how it is run, exhibit of Department of State, Transmississippi and International Exposition at Omaha. 1898. State Department. History of Department of State, its formation and duties, with biographies of its present officers, and Secretaries from beginning. 1901. t Statutes. Extracts from Revised statutes and Statutes at large relat- ing to Department of State, diplomatic and consular service, and foreign relations. 1908. t A later history of the Department of State was issued in 1911 in both 8° and 4« pamphlets, with title. Outline of organization and work of Department of State. 903 CUssiflcatlon no. 81.21 Sw3 T31 V55' V56a V81 W27 W39 W42 W88 81.3: (no8.) tS1.4»: (date) t 81.4^1 (no8.) 81. 8ECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Sweden. Report to Department of State on forests and forest-culture of Sweden; by C. C. Andrews. 1872. [See, for revised edition, 1900, Y1.3:Sw3.] Texas. Report of United States commissioners to Texas, appointed under joint resolution [4] approved May 7, 1872 [to inquire into depredations on frontiers of Texas]. Dec. 10, 1872. [1565-39] Venezuelan boundary, general arbitration, correspondence between United States and Great Britain [Feb. 27-June 22, 1896]. [1896.] large 8« Venezuelan boundary. Correspondence in relation to boundary con- troversy between Great Britain and Venezuela, being a reprint of Senate executive document 226, 50th Congress, Ist session, and Senate document 31, 54th Congress, Ist session. 1896. See also YSy 55 :R29^-^. Virginius, steamer. Message of President relating to steamer Virginiue with accompanying documents transmitted to Congress, Jan. 5, 1874. 1874. ([43d Cong. Ist sess. H. ex. doc. 30]; serial no. 1606.) Washington, George. Calendar of applications and recommendations for office during presidency of George Washington ; by Gaillard Hunt. 1901. Webster, Daniel. Correspondence between [Daniel] Webster and Lord Ashburton: 1, McLeod's case; 2, Creole case; 3, Subject of impressment, n. p. [1842]. Weights and measures. Report upon weights and measures, by John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State, prepared in obedience to resolution of Senate of Mar. 3, 1817. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1821. [45-119 and 55-109] Woolen goods. [Claims against Great Britain for] duties on woolen goods [improperly exacted, correspondence relating to payment made under convention of Feb. 8, 1853, nos. 1 and 2]. n. p.. Department of State, 1857. [See, for Great Britain and United States Claims Commission, 1853, S3. 8:] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars (unnumbered) f" [The State Department issues an important series of folio circulars without series title, but sometimes with and sometimes without individual title; these are known as "Consular instructions." They convey to the corps of American consuls in foreign countries the directions of the State Department as to their duties and conduct, and cover a great variety of subjects, from the use of pens and paper and the finding of runaways and refugees to momentous matters relatmg to the foreign commerce of the United States. They occasionally em- body important opinions by the Attomey-Cleneral, rulings by the Treasury and other Departments, and Executive orders, which are not printed else- where. The instructions are distributed only to the consular sers'ice. In this country they are "printed but not published." The nuinl)er issued averages something like 50 or 75 a year. Some of them are reprinted in Foreign relations.] Circulars: General Instruction, consular, or Special Instruction, consular (numbered) 8® fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. In Jan. 1911, the State Department discontinued the publication of circular instructions issued to consular officers on folio sheets printed in imitation of typewriting (S1.4 ':). For that series the State Department has substituted a new octavo series in regular printed form, beginning with the issue of Jan. 3, 1911. This has necessitated an additional class under SI., the series title of which is as follows: 81.4 2; Circulars: General instruction, consular, or Special instruction, consular (nos.) (numbered) 8« [These are printed instructions issued to consular service. They are designated either "General ins tniction, consular" when applicable to all principal consular officers, or "Special instruction, consular," when applicable to particular officers or groups of officers. The General instructions and Special instructions are all numbered in the same scries.] 904 Classification no. S1.5: 838 849 8551 8552 856 870 874 881 888 896 1 8962 904 906 908 S1.6: 869 870 871 872 873 874 874 2 875 876 877 878 879 880 882 883 884 886 887 888 8921 8922 SI. SECRETARY— Continued Consular regulations See also note under 81.41; ^^^ footnote for 81.4 2; Consular instructions to consuls and commercial agents. 1838. * General instructions to consuls and commercial agents. 1849. * General instructions to consuls and commercial agents of United 8tate8. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, 1855. 159+238 p. Same. 1855. 23 p. * Regulations prescribed by President for consular officers. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, public printer, 1856. Regulations prescribed for use of consular service. 1870. 12° Same. 1874, 12° Same. 1881. 12« Same. 1888. 12° Same. 1896. Same [with 1 p. list of errors]. 1896. [3538-303] Digest of circular instructions to consular officers, Jan. 1, 1897-Apr. 7, 1904; by George H. Murphy. 1904. [v. 1.] Same, Apr. 8, 1904-Dec. 31, 1905; by George H. Murphy. 1906. V. 2. Same, Jan. 1, 1897-May 25, 1908; by Augustus E. Ingram. 1908. Register of Department of State Register of Department of State for year 1869-70. 1869. Register of Department of State, containing list of persons employed in Department and in diplomatic, cons'ular, and Territorial service of United States, with maps showing where ministers and consuls are resident abroad, also list of diplomatic officers and consuls of foreign countries resident within United States; corrected to Oct. 1, 1870. 1870. Same; corrected to July 1, 1871. 1871. Same; corrected to Sept. 25, 1872. 1872. Same, with list of papers concerning foreign relations printed by order of Congress since Dec. 2, 1872, and complete list of treaties of United States; corrected to Dec. 20, 1873. 1873. Regigter of Department of State; corrected to Mar. 1, 1874. 1874. 4 pts. in 1 V. [This edition contains as pt. 2, a Historical register, which exhibits "succession of persons charged with care of foreign relations of tlie country and of diplomatic representatives or agents to or from United States during the century," 1774-1874.] Same, with omissions; corrected to Oct. 10, 1874. 1874. Register of Department of State; corrected to Nov. 15, 1875. Same; corrected to Dec. 15, 1876. 1876. 1877. 1877. 1878. 1878. 1879. 1879. 1880. 1880. 1875. Same; corrected to Dec Same; corrected to Dec Same; corrected to Dec Same; corrected to Dec [None issued 1881.] Same; corrected to Aug. 15, 1882. 1882. Same; corrected to Oct. 1, 1883. 1883. Same; corrected to Oct. 1, 1884. 1884. [None issued 1885.] Same; corrected to Nov. 30, 1886. 1886. Same; corrected to Dec. 21, 1887. 1888. Same; corrected to Dec. 1, 1888. 1889. [None issued 1889-91.] Same; corrected to Mar. 10, 1892. 1892. Same; corrected to Mar. 17, 1892. 1892. 905 Classinratlon no. 81. (i: Reglst 893^ Same 893 2 Same 894 Same 895 Same 896 Same 897 Same 898 Same 899 Same 900 Same 901 • Same 902 Same 903 Same 904 Same 905 Same 906 Same 907' Same 907 2 Same 908 i Same, 9082 Same, 909 Same S1.7: (date) 81. SECRETARY— Continued Register of Department of State — Continued corrected to July 1, 1893. 1893. corrected to Nov. 10, 1893. [1893.] corrected to Jan. 20, 1894. 1894. corrected to Jan. 1, 1895. 1895. corrected to Jan. 1, 1896. 1896. corrected to Jan. 14, 1897. 1897. corrected to Feb. 9, 1898. 1898. corrected to Jan. 30, 1899. 1899. corrected to Feb. 6, 1900. 1900. corrected to Jan. 17, 1901. 1901. corrected to Jan. 18, 1902. 1902. corrected to Feb. 28, 1903. 1903. corrected to Jan. 22, 1904. 1904. corrected to July 1, 1905. 1905. corrected to Sept. 15, 1906. 1906. corrected to July 1, 1907. 1907. corrected to Aug. 1, 1907. 1907. July, 1908; corrected to Aug. 12, 1908. July, 1908; corrected to Sept. 1, 1908 [corrected to] Dec. 28, 1909. 1909. 1908. 1908. * [Only issue for 1909.] Diplomatic and consular service of United States [For recent years, the issues are made up of portions of the Department register, reprinted, with corrections to date of issue.] List of diplomatic and consular officers of United States 1837, Apr. 1 * List of ministers, consuls, and other diplomatic and commercial agents of United States in foreign countries 1855, Sept. 24 * 1856, Sept. 7 * 1857, Mar. 4 * Apr. 20 * Nov. 4 * List of diplomatic and consular and other agents of United States 1858, Apr. 20 * List of diplomatic and consular oflBcers of United States 1859, Mar. 23 * Apr. 11 * 1862, May 1 * Nov. * 1863, June 1 * Dec. 1 * 1864, July 16 * 1865, July 15 * 1866, Feb. * Dec. * 1867, Nov. * 1868, Aug. * 1869, July * List of consuls of United States 1889, Sept. * Diplomatic anc consular service of United States 1889, Nov. * 1890, June * 1891 Feb. 14 Dec. * Aug. * Apr. * 1890, Apr. 5 * Oct. * May * May * 1891, Jan. * July 15 906 Classification no. 81. SECRETARY—Continued S1.7: Diplomatic and consular service of United Sta (date) Continued 1891, Oct. * 1899, May 18 1905 Aug. 1 Dec. * July 28 Dec. 12 1892 [None issued.! Dec. 26 1906 Feb. 5 1893, Feb. 17 1900, Mar. 13 May 18 1894, Aug. 6 Sept. 5 July 18 1895, Apr. 24 Dec. 1 1907 Jan. 21 Aug. 1 1901, Feb. 7 May 25 Oct. 10 July 31 July 22 1896, Apr. 15 Oct. 30 Nov. 21 Sept. 11 1902, Jan. 30 1908 Jan. 15 Nov. 16 July 17 Feb. 19 1897, Jan. 26 Oct. 25 May 8 Apr. 3 Dec. 30 July 27 June 10 1903, May 20 Sept. 1 July 30 Sept. 14 1909 Jan. 25 Sept. 23 Dec. 10 Mar. 3 Dec. 1 1904, May 2 Apr. 20 1898, Feb. 26 Sept. 8 June 9 July 12 Dec. 21 July 1 Oct. 8 1905, Feb. 14 Nov. 9 1899, Feb. 16 June 5 SI. 8: Diplomatic list 24« [ Monthly.] (date) [Director J of foreign diplomatic officers in Washington •] 1894, Jan. 1897 , Apr. May 1900 ,July 1903, Oct. Feb. Aug. Nov. Mar. * June Sept. Dec. May July Oct. 1904, Jan. * A-ug. Nov. Feb. June Sept. Dec. Mar. July Oct. 1901 , Jan. Apr. Aug. Nov. Feb. May Sept. Dec. Mar. June Oct. 1898 , Jan. Apr. July Nov. Feb. May Aug. Dec. Mar. June Sept. 1895, Jan. Apr. July Oct. Feb. May Aug. Nov. Mar. June Sept. Dec. Apr. May July Oct. 1905, Jan. Aug. Nov. Feb. June Sept. Dec. Mar. July Oct. 1902 , Jan. Apr. Aug. Nov. Feb. May Sept. Dec. Mar. June Oct. 1899 , Jan. Apr. July Nov. Feb. May Aug. Dec. Mar. June Sept. 1896, Jan. Apr. July Oct. Feb. May Aug. Nov. Mar. June Sept. Dec. Apr. July Oct. 1906, Jan. May Aug. Nov. Feb. June Sept. Dec. Mar. July Oct. 1903 , Jan. Apr. Aug. Nov. Feb. May Sept. Dec. Mar. June Oct. 1900 , Jan. Apr. May July Nov. Feb. Aug. Dec. Mar. June Sept. 1897, Jan. Apr. July Oct. Feb. May Aug. Nov. Mar. June Sept. Dec. 907 ClMSlflratlon no. SI. SECRETARY— Continued S1.8: (date) S1.9: 819 824 833 836' 8362 839 842 Diplomatic list— Continued 1907, Jan. 1907, Oct. Feb. Nov. Mar. Dec. Apr. 1908, Jan. Feb. June Mar. July Apr. Aug. May Sept. June 1908, July 1909, Apr. Aug. May Sept. June Oct. July Nov. Aug. Dec. Sept. J 909, Jan. Oct. Feb. Nov. Mar. Dec. Commercial regulations of foreign countries; Privileges and restrictions of commercial intercourse of United States with, foreign nations; Changes and modifications in com- mercial systems of foreign nations [The publications in this class are all to a certain extent the forerunners of the series of C'ominercial relations; see S4.1:, C14.5:, and C10.8: The reports down t« and including that of Mar. 1842 (S1.9:842») were prepared In response to various resolutions of House or Senate.] Commercial regulations of foreign countries with which the United States have commercial intercourse. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1819. [Not in Congressional set.] Digest of commercial regulations of different foreign nations with which the United States have intercourse. 1824. (18th Cong. 1st sess. H. doc. 130; serial no. 99.) [No edition without Con- gressional document number.] Digest of existing commercial regulations of foreign countries, with which the United States have intercourse. City of Washington, printed by Francis Preston Blair, 1833. [v. 1.] [This set of 3 V. was prepared under the direction of the Secretary of the Xreasury, but as it includes the matter contained in the preced- ing compilations prepared by the State Department, and as the later publications of this nature were issued by the State Depart- ment, it is deemed best to class them all together. These 3 v. did not appear in the Congressional set.] Same. Washington City, Blair & Rives, printers, 1836. v. 2. Same. Washington City, Blair & Rives, printers, 1836. v. 3. Privileges and restrictions of commercial intercourse, 1839, 1842 (note). [An earlier report by Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State was ordered printed Dec. 16, 17*}, as a Senate document of the 3d Congress, 1st session, and bore title. Report of Secretary of State on privileges and restrictions on commerce of United States in foreign countries. This is entered under Early Congress papers (Z4. 1:102). The list of Early Congress papers will appear later in sepa- rate form.] Nature and extent of privileges and restrictions of commercial inter- course of United States with all foreign nations [report of Dec. 18, 1839]. Blair & Rives, printers, Jan. 13, 1840. (26th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 80; serial no. 356.) [No edition without Con- gressional document number?] Same, with title. Report on commercial relations of United States with foreign nations, comparative tariffs, tabular statements of domestic exports of United States, duties on importation of staple or principal productions of United States into foreign countries, etc. [report of Mar. 29, 1842]. Washington, printed by Gales and Seaton, [Mar. 31] 1842. ([27th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 163]; serial no. 403.) See, for later reports, S4.1: Changes and modifications in commercial systems (note). [Under act of Aug. 10, 1842 (Stat. L. v. 5, p. 507), requiring that a report on this subject should be laid before Congress annually, reports were submitted for 1842, 1843, and 1844. From 1845 to 1854, the law lav inoperative owing to the fact that Congress had failed to make adequate provision either for the sup- plying of the necessary Information by consuls to the State Department, or for Its preparation by the State Department.] 908 Classification no. S1.9: 842 = 843 844 853 81.10: 874 885 897 900 SI. 11: (date of latest year covered) SI. SECRETARY— Continued Commercial regulations of foreign countries; Privileges and restrictions of commercial intercourse of United States witli foreign nations; Changes and modifications in com- mercial systems of foreign nations— Continued Changes and modifications in commercial systems of other nations, by treaties, duties on imports, and other regulations [report of Dec. 23, 1842]. Dec. 27, 1842. (27th Cong. 3d seas. H. doc. 29; serial no. 419.) [No edition without Congressional document number?] Changes and modifications in commercial systems of foreign nations [report of Dec. 18, 1843]. Dec. 22, 1843. (28th Cong. Ist sess. H. doc. 24, serial no. 441, and S. doc. 339, serial no. 435.) [No edition without Congressional document number?] Same [report of Dec. 31, 1844]. Jan. 11, 13, 1845. (28th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 45, serial no. 464, and S. doc. 135, serial no. 456.) [No edition without Congressional document number?] See, for later reports, S4.1: Abstracts of diplomatic and consular correspondence respecting com- mercial regulations of foreign nations [1848-52, report submitted Feb. 1853]. Feb. 26, 1853. (32d Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 52; serial no. 665.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] See, for later reports on commercial relations, S4.1:, C14.5:, and ClO.8: Instructions to diplomatic and consular officers See also note under 81.4^: and footnote for SI. 4=^: Personal instructions to diplomatic agents of United States in foreign countries. 1869. f" Same. 1874. f Same. 1885. f° Instructions to diplomatic ofiicers of United States. 1897. [Instructions] to diplomatic and consular oflScers of United States [con- cerning time of filing telegrams]. Sept. 14, 1900. 12 *» Official register [or Blue book] 12° and 8« [Biennial.] [Title as found on title-page is, Register of officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in service of United States, but "Official register" has been used almost from the beginning as the binder's title. The popular name, " Blue book," arose from the fact that, from 1817, the issues are bound in blue roan. This Checklist uses in the list below the latest date covered by the biennial Official register, that date in many cases differing from the imprint date.] 1816 1817 1819 1821 1823 1825 1827 1829 1831 1833 1835 1837 1839 1841 1843 1845 1847 1849 1851 1853 1855 1857 1859 [1861-1905, issued by Interior Department, see 11.25: 1907, 1909, i=,sued by Census Bureau, sec C3.10:l tS1.12 SI. 13: Infornaation regarding appointments and promo- tions in consular service, diplomatic service, etc. C76 Consular service. Information regarding appointments and promotions in consular service. [Dec. 15, 1906.] fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The State Department has since begun a new series of publications, reprinted from the Depart- ment register (SI. 6:) with corrections to date of issue. The first publication in the new series was for Feb. 10, 1910, although one similar publication appeared in 1898 {see S1.2:F76). The series title of the new class is as follows: SI. 12: List of foreign consular officers in United Statea (date) 909 82. AMERICAN REPUBLICS BUREAU [This buroiiu was orRUulzod In \H>2, and for Statement of Register of Treasury show- ing payments of awards of commissioners appointed under conventions be- tween United States and France concluded Apr. 30, 1803, and July 4, 1831, etc., T32.2:Awl. The question of the settlement of French spoliation cases was urged before Congress for a long period of years, but nothing was done until by act approved Jan. 20, 1885 (Stat. L. v. 23, p. 283), provision was made that claimants might apply by petition to the Court of Claims (Ju3.), which was to examine the validity of such claims and report facts to Congress for final action. Congress has now appro- priated under 4 acts for the payment of these claims as follows: Mar. 3, 1891 (Stat. L. v. 26, p. 897), Mar. 3, 1899 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 1191), May 27, 1902 (Stat. L. V. 32. pt. 1, p. 217), and Feb. 24, 1905 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 780). See, for French spoliation publications i.ssued by Court of Claims, Ju3.7:F88>-<, and Ju3.11 <: 58 3-61 2, Papers in re containing matter concerning individual cases are entered in the Public Documents Library under Ju3.8:] Awl Awards of commissioners under treaty with France of 1831 [report sub- mitted Dec. 30, 1835, relating to French spoliation claims], n. p. Gales & Seaton, printers [1836]. [289-117] [The Congres- sional edition differs slightly in arrangement and includes addi- tional correspondence.] fThe series symbols 1, 3, and 4 before the colon, which in other classes are used for Annual reports, Bulletins, and Circulars, respectively, are not used under S3. 910 Classification no. S3. ARBITRATIONS AND MIXED COMMISSIONS TO SETTLE INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES— Con. S3. 6: Frencli and American Claims Commission, 1880-84 [Appointed under convention signed at Washington, Jan. 15, 1880. Sessions held at Washington, D. C, Nov. 5, 18S0-Mar. 31, 1884. The State Department, in response to a House resolution of Jan. 9, 1885, submitted to the House certain correspondence concerning the transactions of the French and American Claims Commission. This correspondence, which includes the final report of GeorgeS. Boutwell, agent and counsel for United States (S3.6:R29), was printed as 48th Congress, 2d session, House executive document 235, serial no. 2305. Besides the publications listed below and many docimients sent to Congress by the commission or concerning it, there were other publications which can not be entered in this Checklist for lack of information. It is known that there was a small edition of a compilation of briefs and other records published in 78 v., but the Public Documents Library has none of the volumes of this set. Copies are on file at the State Department and the Library of Congress.] C52 R29 S3.7 10 11 12 13 Claims. List of claims before Frencli and American Claims Commission under treaty between United States and French Republic of Jan. 15, 1880. Washington, Gibson Bros., printers, 1883. Report. Final report of agent and counsel of United States [May 10, 1884], with treaties and schedule of claims; [by George S. Bout- well]. Washington, D. C, Gibson Brothers, printers, 1884. 4* [Also, with full correspondence concerning the French and American Claims Commission, in 48th Congress, 2d session, House executive document 235, p. 40-229, serial no. 2305.] Fur Seal Arbitration, Paris, 1893 [Also known as Bering Sea Tribunal of Arbitration. 1893.) Meetings held Feb. 23-Aug. 15, Proceedings of tribunal of arbitration convened at Paris under treaty between United States and Great Britain concluded at Washing- ton, Feb. 29, 1892, for determination of rights of United States in Bering Sea, v. 1: [Final report of agent of United States; pro- tocols of proceedings; award and declaration; opinions of Harlan and Morgan]. 1895. [3166, v. 1-177] Same, v. 2: [Case of United States, including reports of Bering Sea Commission; appendix to case of United States, v. 1]. 1895. [3166, V. 2-177] Same, v. 3: [Appendix to case of United States, v. 2]. 1895. [3166, V. 3-177] Same, v. 4: [Case presented on part of Government of Her Britannic Majesty; schedule of claims; appendix, v. 1, 2]. 1895. [3166, V. 4-177] Same, v. 5: [Appendix to case of Her Majesty's Government, v. 3, 4]. 1895. [3166, v. 5-177] [On title-pages of v. 5-16, date of treaty is erroneously printed as Feb. 20, 1892, instead of Feb. 29.] Same, v. 6: [Joint report of Behring Sea Commission; and report of British commissioners, June 21, 1892, with appendixes]. 1895. [3166, V. 6-177] Same, v. 7: [Counter case of United States, including appendix]. 1895. [3166, V. 7-177] Same, v. 8: [Counter case of Great Britain; appendix, v. 1, 2]. 1895. [3166, V. 8-177] Same, v. 9: [Argument of United States, with appendix]. 1895. [3166, V. 9-177] Same, v. 10: [Argument of Great Britain]. 1895. [3166, v. 10-177] Same, v. 11: [Oral arguments on preliminary motions]. 1895. [3166, V. 11-177] Same, v. 12: [Oral arguments of Carter and Coudert on behalf of United States]. 1895. [3166, v. 12-177] Same, v. 13: [Oral arguments of Russell, Webster, and Robinson on behalf of Great Britain]. 1895. [3166, v. 13-177] 1 911 Cla(tMin<-atlun BO. 83.7 »: 14 15 IG 83.7 »«: (CT) 83.7 »: Ar3 83.8: R29 83.9: Ar3 83.10 »: D35 St2t?' St2g2 St2u' 83. ARBITRATIONS AND MIXKD COMMI88ION8 TO SETTLE INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES— Con. Fur Seal Arbitration, Paris, 1893— Con liuued Same, v. 14: [Oral arKumcnl.s on rcgulationy, by Russell, Webster, and Robinson]. 1895. [31()G, v. 14-177] Same, v. 15: [Oral argument of Phelps on behalf of United States], 1895. [31G6, V. 15-177] Same, v. 16: [Facsimiles of documents in Alaskan archives. Depart- ment of State, to accompany case and counter-case of United States]. 1895. [3166, v. 16-177] Fur Seal Arbitration, Paris, 1893 (separates) Bering Sea Claims Commission, 1896-97 [The points of international law involved in the fur seal controversy having been determined by the Fur Seal Arbitration, Paris, 1893 (8.17':), the Bering Sea Claims (Commission was appointed under convention signed at Washington, Feb. 8, 1896, between the United States and Great Britain, for the settlement of the claims for damages. Sessions of the commission were held at Victoria, British Columbia, Nov. 23, 1896- Dec. 17, 1897.) Argument. Fur-seal arbitration, in matter of claims of Great Britain against United States before Bering Sea Claims Commission; argument for United States in reply. 1897. Great Britain and United States Claims Commis- sion, 1853-55 (Appointed under convention of Feb. 8, 1853. 1853- Jan. 15, 1855.] Meetings held in London, Sept. 15, [Appoi ini Report of decisions of commission. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, Senate printer, 1856 [824-103] [See, for later correspondence concerning claims for duties on woolen goods, S1.2:W88.] Joint Commission on Hudson's Bay and Puget's Sound Agricultural Companies' Claims inted under treaty between United States and Great Britain signed at Wash- •ngton, July 1. 1863. The office of the commission was in Washington and meet- ings were held Jan. 7, 1865-Sept. 10, 1869.] Argument. In matter of Puget's Sound Agricultural Company; argu- ment for United States, n. p. [186-]. Northeastern Boundary Arbitration [The Northeastern Boundary Commission of 1816-21,appointedby Great Britain and the United States under article 5 of the Treaty of Ghent, signed Dec. 24, 1S14, having failed to reat^h an agreement, the dispute was submitted to the King of Netherlands for arbitration under convention of Sept. 29, 1827. The documents listed below under S3.10i: are in the Public Documents Library bound in one volume without volume title-page or general index.] Decision of arbiter, and protest [by Wm. P. Preble], n. p. n. d. f *» [This 16 page publication has no title-page. The Decision is printed in French and English. Mr. Preble's protest is dated Jan. 12, 1831.] Statement. First statement on part of Great Britain according to pro- visions of convention concluded between Great Britain and United States, Sept. 29, 1827, for regulating reference to arbitra- tion of disputed points of boundary under 5th article of Treaty of Ghent, n. p. [1829]. f '^ [Statement of contents signed "Aber- deen" and 2 folded maps precede title-page.] Same, 2d statement [with appendix], n. p. [1829]. f° Statement [of Albert Gallatin and William P. Preble] on the part of United States of case referred, in pursuance of convention of Sept. 29, 1827, between said States and Great Britain, to King of Netherlands, for his decision thereon. Printed but not pub- lished, Washington, Office of United States' Telegraph, 1829. fo 912 Classiflcation no. S3. ARBITRATIONS AND MIXED COMMISSIONS TO SETTLE INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES— Con. SS.IO^: St2u-^ St2u S3.10^: N81 SS.IO^: 1129 11292 S3.10^«: (CT) S3.ll: R29 S3.12: Northeastern Boundary Arbitration— Continued Statement. Definitive statement on part of United States, of case referred, in pursuance of convention of Sept. 29, 1827, between said States and Great Britain, to King of Netherlands, for his decision thereon. Printed but not published, Washington, Office of United States' Telegraph, 1829. f ° Statements. Appendix to 2 statements on part of United States respecting disputed points of boundary between United States and Great Britain referred to King of Netherlands for his decision thereon, written and printed evidence adduced on part of United States, n. p. [1829]. f'" Northwestern Boundary Commission, 1857-61 [The Northwestern Boundary Commission was appointed under act of Aug. 11, 1856, to unite with similar ofhcers to be appointed by the British Government for the purpose of establishing the boundary line between United States and British jKtssessions west of the Rocky Mountains, in accordance with the treaty of June 15, 1846. The commissioners having failed to bring the matter to a successful termination, the Treaty of Washmgton, 1871, took up the matter and referred it to the Emperor of Germany for arbitration. See, for Berlin arbitration under Treaty of Washington, S3. 13 ^: The full report of the North- western Boundary Commission was transmitted to State Department in Oct. 1869. but was not printed and is now lost. See, for all available information, Geological Sur\^ey bulletin 174 (1 19.3:174); Geological surveys west of 100th meridian (W8.5:l), p. 614-019; 36th Congress, 1st session, Senate executive docu- ment 16, serial no. 1031; 40th Congress, 2d session, Senate executive document 29, serial no. 1316; 40th Congress, 3d session. House executive document 86. serial no. 1381.] Northwest boundary, discussion of water boundary question, geo- graphical memoir of islands in dispute, and history of military occupation of San Juan Island, accompanied by map and cross- sections of channels. 1868. ([40th Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 29]; serial no. 1316.) [The large folded map and the folded sheet showing cross sections of channels are missing from the copy in the Public Documents Library.] Northern Boundary Commission, 1872-76 [Appointed under act of Mar. 19, 1872, to cooperate with similar oflTicers appointed on the part of Great Britain.] Reports upon survey of boundary between United States and pos- sessions of Great Britain, from Lake of the Woods to summit of Rocky Mountains. 1878. 4« [1719-41] [The Congressional edition is 8'' and omits appendixes, maps, etc.] Same, atlas, oblong f '^ Nortliern Boundary Commission, 1872-76 (separates) Commission to Arbitrate Claims of Venezuela Steam Transportation Company of New York against Venezuela [Appointed under convention signed at Caracas, Venezuela Jan. 19, 1892. Ses- sions held at Washmgton, D. C, Dec. 27, 1894-Jan. 7, 1895.] Report. Final report of Alexander Porter Morse, agent of United States before commission. 1895. United States and Mexican Claims Commission, 1869-76 [This commission was appointed imder convention of July 4, 1868, sessions being held at Washington, D. C, July 31, 1869-Jan. 31, 187(). Earlier Mexican claims had been referred to the United States and Mexican Joint Claims Commission appointed under convention of Apr. 11, 1839, which met in Washington, Aug. 25, 1840-Feb. 25, 1842, and to the United States Commissioners on Claims against Mexico, who were appointed under act of Mar. 3, 1849, and met in Washington Apr. 16, 1849-Apr. 15, 1851. The adjustment of certain contentions arising under what is known as the Pious fund of the Californias was, by protocol of agreement signed May 22, 1902, sub- mitted to the Hague Tribunal; see S3.18i:] 913 Claaslflcatiun no. S3. 12: In2 R29 83.13: 83.13 Ar3 Ar32 C26gi C26g2 C26g3 C26u» C26u2 C26u=' C26u^ C521 C522 82452° 83. ARBITRATIONS AND MIXED COMMISSIONS TO SETTLE INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES— Con. United States and Mexican Claims Commission, 1869-7(>— Continued Indian depredations. Dictamen del Comisionado Mexicano, y otroa documentoe, relative a la cuestion eobre reclamaciones contra ol gobierno de los Estados Unidoa de America, por depreda- ciones de Indies barbaros. Washington, Powell y Qinck, 1872. large 8» ! Report to Secretary of State by J. Hubley Ashton, agent of United States, Oct. 28, 1874 [with schedule of claims]. 1874. large 8° Arbitrations under Treaty of Washington (This treaty, signed at Washington, May 8, 1871, and approved by the Senate. May 24, 1871, was the result of the labors of a Joint Uign Commission composea of 5 British commissioners and 5 commissioners from the United States appointed to adjust didorencos arising between the 2 countries. Of these ditrerences, two, relating to the navigation of the St. Lawrence and reciprocal trade between United Slates and Canada, were settled directly by the treaty, the others being submitted to arbitration as stipulated by the treaty. The four arbitrations resulting are listed below. The set in volumes entitled Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, including matter concerning the first 3 arbitrations (S3.131-3:), has been classed under S3.13 ': in order to keep the set together. See, for official text of treaty. Compilation of treaties in force, 1904, p. 343 (Y4.F76 ^: T71').] Geneva arbitration (Alabama claims) [This tribunal met at Geneva, Dec. 15, 1871-Sept. 14, 1872, and passed upon the matter of the claims arising from depredations on United States commerce made by the Alabama and other Confederate privateers fitted out in Great Britain during the Civil War. The award was $15,500,000 in gold, paid as indemnity to the United States by Great Britain. See, for Receipt and investment of Geneva award money, T1.2:G28, and for pub- lications of 1st and 2d Court of Alabama Claims, 18*74-76 and 1882-85, which passed on individual claims presented as a result of this award, Y3. Al 1 1*^:] Argument. Alabama claims, argument of United States delivered to tribunal of arbitration at Geneva, June 15, 1872. Paris, printed by Dubuisson and Co., 1872. [Also in Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, v. 3 (SS.lS^iPlQ^).] Same, French. Paris, Dubuisson, 15 Juin, 1872. * Case of Great Britain as laid before tribunal of arbitration convened at Geneva under treaty concluded at Washington, May 8, 1871. 1872. V. 1. [1517-282] [This volume contains the British case and v. 1 of the appendix. See also, for the case without the appendix. Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, v. 1 (SS.lS^iPlQi).] Same. 1872. v. 2. [1518-282] [This volume contains v. 2 of the appendix.] Same. 1872. v. 3. [1519-282] [This volume contains v. 3 and 4 of the appendix. See, for v. 5-7 of the appendix, S3. 13^: C83g.] Case of United States to be laid before tribunal of arbitration to be con- vened at Geneva under treaty concluded at Washington, May 8, 1871. 1871. [Also in Papers relating to Treaty of Washing- ton, v. 1 (S3.13»:P19»).] Same. 1872. Same, French. 1871. large 8« Same, Spanish. 1872. large 8' Claims. List of claims filed with Department of State growing out of acts committed by the several vessels which have given rise to claims generically known as Alabama claims. 1871. [Also in Correspondence concerning claims against Great Britam, v. 7 (S3.13i:C81").] Same, Revised. 1872. -11 58 914 Classification S3. ARBITRATIONS AND MIXED COMMISSIONS ''''• TO SETTLE INTERNATIONAL, DISPUTES— Con. Geneva arbitration (Alabama claims)— Continued Correspondence concerning claims against Great Britain transmitted to Senate in answer to resolutions of Dec. 4, 10, 1867, and of May 27, 1868 [requesting that copies of all negotiations and correspond- ence between Great Britain and United States in relation to Ala- bama claims be laid before that body]. 1869. v. 1. [1394-11] 83.13 C81' C812 C813 C81* C81^ C81« CSV 081 8 C83g C83u C83u2 C83u3 C95 D65 In2 In2 = P191 title-page reads: Same. 1871. v. 7. title-page reads : Same. 1870. v. 2. [1395-11] Same. 1870. v. 3. [1396-11] Same. 1869. v. 4. [1397-11] Same. 1870. v. 5. [1398-11] [Volumes 6 and 7 omit from the title-page the words "transmitted to Senate in answer to resolutions of Dec. 4, 10, 1867, and of May 27, 1868."] Same. 1871. v. 6. [Not in Congressional set. Half-title following Papers relating to Alabama claims, v. 1.] [Not in Congressional set. Half-title following Papers relating to Alabama claims, v. 2.] Correspondence respecting Geneva arbitration. 1872. [Also, with ad- ditional correspondence, in Papers relating to Treaty of Washing- ton, v. 2 (S3.13i:P192).] Counter case of Great Britain as laid before tribunal of arbitration con- vened at Geneva under treaty concluded at Washington, May 8, 1871, with V. 5-7 of appendix to British case. 1872. [1521-324] [See also, for Counter case without appendixes. Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, v. 2 (S3.13i:P192). See, for v. 1-4 of appendix to British case, S3.13^:C26g^-3.] Coimter case of United States presented to tribunal of arbitration at Geneva under provisions of Treaty of Washington, with appendix containing additional documents, correspondence and evidence, pt. 1. [Geneva?] Ch. Chauvin, imprimeur, Apr. 15, 1872. large 8° [This is known as the Geneva edition and is a facsimile reprint of the manuscript. Also in Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, v. 1, 2 (S3.13i:P19^2).] Same. pt. 2. [Geneva?] Ch. Chauvin, imprimeur, 1872. * Same, French. Paris, imprimerie de Dubuisson et C., 1872. Gushing, Caleb. Plaidoyer de M*". Gushing, conseil des Etats-Unis devant de tribunal arbitral de Geneve en reponse a I'argument de conseil de sa Majeste Britannique. Geneve, imprimerie Carey Freres, 1872. [See also, for both English and French text. Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, v. 3, p. 486 (S3.13i:P193).] Documents. Alphabetical list of documents and correspondence sub- mitted with cases and counter cases of United States and of Great Britain to tribunal of arbitration at Geneva, n. p. [June, 1872]. large 8*' [This is a facsimile reprint of the manuscript.] Indirect claims, chapter in argument for United States submitted to tribunal of arbitration at Geneva, June 15, 1872; reprinted with note [Opinions of statesmen, magazines and journals of Great Britain and continent on construction of Treaty of Washington]. Paris, printed by Dubuisson and Co., 1872. [Also, with omis- sions, m Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, v. 3, p. 186 (S3.13i.P19 3) and v. 4, p. 551 (S3.13i:P194).] Indirect claims. American commissioners and statement of Sir Stafford Northcote at Exeter in relation to alleged promise of exclusion of indirect claims of United States. 1872. * [Also in Papers re- lating to Treaty of Washington, v. 2 (S3.13 »:P192).] Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, v. 1: Geneva arbitration, Case of United States; Case of Great Britain; Counter case of United States, and portion of additional documents, correspondence, and evidence which accompanied same. 1872. [1^53-1] [See also 81.1:872 2.] 915 P19 = P19' ClaMlflrstlon gjj. ARBITRATIONS AND MIXED COMMISSIONS *""• TO SETTLE INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES— Con. Geneva arbitration (Alabama claims;— Continued Same, v. 2: Geneva arbitration, remainder of papern accompanying Counter case of United States; Counter case of Her Britannic Majesty's Government; Instructions to agent and counsel of United. States, and proceedings at Geneva in Dec. 1871, and Apr. 1872; Correspondence respecting Geneva arbitration, and pro- posed supplemental article to treaty; and Declaration of Sir Staf- ford Northcoto at Exeter. 1872 [1873]. [1554-1] [See also ^l.l: 872 =^.] Same, v. 3: Geneva arbitration, Argument of United States; Argu- ment of Her Britannic Majesty's Government; and Supplemen- tary statements or arguments made by respective agents or coun- sel. 1873. [1555-1] [>S€ea/so SI. 1:872^] Same, v. 4: Geneva arbitration. Report of agent of United States; Protocols of conferences; Decision and award of tribunal; Opin- ions of arbitrators; Reply of Secretary of State acknowledging receipt of report of agent of United States and commenting upon opinion of arbitrator appointed by Her Britannic Majesty; Re- port of counsel of United States; and Opinions of statesmen, mag- azines, and journals of Great Britain and continent on construc- tion of treaty. 1872. [1556-1] [See also ^1.1:872 \] Same, v. 5: Berlin arbitration. Memorial of United States on Canal de Haro as its boundary-line; Case of Government of Her Britan- nic Majesty; Reply of United States thereto; Second and defini- tive statement of Government of Her Britannic Majesty ; and Cor- respondence. 1872. [1557-1] [See also Sl.l:872\] Same, v. 6: Washington arbitration and general appendix, Report of Robert S. Hale, agent and counsel of United States before commission on claims of citizens of United States against Great Britain and of subjects of Her Britannic Majesty against United States, under 12th article of treaty of May 8, 1871, between United States and Great Britain; and General appendix to Papers relating to Treaty of Washington. 1874. [1596-1] [See also SI. 1:8733. J Reclamations de I'Alabama, choix de pieces justificatives prfeentees par lea Etats-Unis a I'appui de leur mi^moire traduites de I'anglais de la collection ori^inale, premiere partie: choix de pik^es des v. 1-6, Droits des beiligerent^s; Observance de la neutralite; Les croiseurs confed6r^s; T^es lois de neutralite; Debate du parlement sur leconflitam^'ricain; La convention Johnson-Clarendon ; Par- tialite do la Grande-Bretagne; etc., etc. Paris, imprimerie de Dubuisson et Cie., 1872. * [This volume and the one following include papers selected from the 7 volume edition of Correspond- ence concerning claims against Great Britain (S3.13 ':C81 ^"^).] Same, deuxifeme partie: pi^es du v. 6, et choix de celles du v. 7, Les croiseurs insurg^s; Le "foreign enlistment act" anglais; His- toire des lois de neutrality des Etats-Unis; Le Grande-Bretagne, arsenal, chantier et tr6sorerie des insurg^s. Paris, imprimerie de Dubuisson et Cie., 1872. Report of agent of United States before tribunal of arbitration of Geneva, award of tribunal, and reply of Secretary of State to agent of United States. 1873. [Also in Papers relating to Treaty of Wash- ington, V. 4 (S3.13i:P19'').] P19" P19« R24» R242 R29 S3.13'': (CT) WasMngton arbitration Commission) (American-British Mixed Claims [This commission settled tlie matters concerning miscellaneous claims of citizens of United States against Great Britain and of citizens of Great Britain against United States. It met in Washington, Sept. 26, 1871-May 10, 1873, and in New- port, R. I., June 3-Sept. 25, 1873. the date of final adjournment. The final award resulted in the pavment by the United States to Great Britain of Jl,929„819 in gold, with certain deductions designated by the commission.) 916 Classification S3. ARBITRATIONS AND MIXED COMMISSIONS ''''• TO SETTLE INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES— Con. S3.132! S3.13' M51 R29 S3.13^: D65» D652 D653 S3.13*«: (CT) "Waslilngton arbitration (American-British Mixed Claims Commission) — Continued Washington arbitration: Report of Robert S. Hale, agent and counsel of United States before commission on claims of citizens of United States against Great Britain and of subjects of Her Britannic Majesty against United States, under 12th article of treaty of May 8, 1871, between United States and Great Britain. See Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, v. 6 (SS.lS^iPlO'^). [The Public Documents Library lias no set of records of this arbitration, A set in the State Department library comprises 1 v. of Memorials and 1 v. of Testimony concerning claims of subjects of Great Britain vs. United States; 34 v. of Memo- rials and 38 v. of Testimony concerning claims of citizens of United States vs. Great Britain.] Berlin arbitration (Northwestern boundary) [The treaty of 1846 with Great Britain which had to do with the boundary of the United States west of the Rocky Mountains was interpreted by Great Britain to mean that the bomidary Ime between the United States and Canada should run through Rosario Channel; the United States imderstood Canal de Haro. The Northwestern Boundary Commission (SS.IO^:) was created by act of Aug. 11, 1856, to make the survey and settle the dispute, but they were not able to bring the matter to a successful termination. The Treaty of Wasliington took up the matter and referred it to Emperor WiUiam of Germany for arbitration on the proper interpretation of the treaty of 1846. George Bancroft represented the United States. The award was made at Berlin, Oct. 21, 1872, in favor of the United States, designating Haro Channel as the boundary.] Berlin arbitration : Memorial of United States on Canal de Haro as its boundary -line; Case of Government of Her Britannic Majesty; Reply of United States thereto; Second and definitive state- ment of Government of Her Britannic Majesty, and Correspond- ence. See Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, v. 5 (S3.13 ^: P19«). Memorial on Canal de Haro as boundary line of United States, presented in name of American Government to His Majesty William I, Ger- man Emperor and King of Prussia, as arbitrator, by American Elenipotentiary George Bancroft. [Berlin, printed by R. v. ►ecker, printer to King of Prussia] n. d. 4'' [Also in Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, v. 5 (S3.13i:P19^).] Reply of United States to case of Government of Her Britannic Majesty, presented to His Majesty the Emperor of Germany as arbitrator under provisions of Treaty of Washington, June 12, 1872. [Ber- lin, printed by R. v. Decker, printer to King of Prussia] n. d. 4° [Also in Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, v. 5 (S3.13^P19^).] Halifax Commission (Fishery Commission) [Disputes concerning the right of Americans to fish on the coasts of Nova Scotia. Prince Edward Island, etc., were referred to this commission wliich met at HaUfax, June lo-Nov. 23, 1877. The award was $5,600,000 in gold to be paid to Great Britain by United States^ this representing the excess value, for 12 years, of our right to fish in Canadian waters as above the value of American waters 1o Canadian fishermen. The pai)ers concerning this arbitration are not included in the set of Papers relating to Treaty of Washington (S3.13 i:P19 i-6) which was published 1872-74, prior to the time of meeting of tliis commission, 1877.] Documents. Award of Fishery Commission, documents and proceed- ings of Halifax Commission, 1877, under Treaty of Washington, May 8, 1871. 1878. v. 1. [1810-89] Same. 1878. v. 2. [1811-89] Same. 1878. v. 3. [1812-89] [Another set of 8 volumes containing the documents and proceedings of the Halifax Commission is in the State Department Ubrary. The imprint reads: Charles Annand, printer, Halifax, N. S., 1877. Since the same material is included in the 3 volume set (S3. 13 <:D65 i-s) which was printed at the Government Print- ing Office, no entry is made in this Checlclist for the set comprised in 8 volumes mentioned above.] Halifax Commission (Fishery Commission; separates) 917 €i«««inoation S3. AUBITIIATIONS AND MIXED COMMISSIONS no- rpQ SETTLE INTERNATIONAL, DISPUTES— Con. S3.14: Ar3 M51 S3.15: Ar3 S3. 16/: R29 S3.162: Ar3 At6» At62 At63 C26 CSS S3.17: F88 UnS United States vs. Salvador Arbitration Tribunal [Held at Washington under i)rolo«ol of aRreeraent between United States and Salvador signed Washington, Dec. 19, 1901, for arbitration of claims of Salvador Commorciai Company against Salvador. See, for Report in case of Salvador Commercial Company, made to Secretary of State, 1901, S1.2:Sa3.J Ai^ument. United States vb. Salvador [oral argument before arbi- trators, Apr. 15, 1902]; by William L. Penfield. 1902. f ° Memorials. United States vs. Salvador, memorials of Salvador Com- mercial Company filed in Department of State. [1902.] f* Costa Rica- Nicaragua Boundary Arbitration [The President of the United States was named as sole arbitrator in the treaty con- cluded between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Dec. 24, 188G. The award of the President, dated Mur. 22. 1888, and the report of the assistant Secretary of State upon which it was based are reprinted in full in Moore's International arbitra- tions, V. 2 (S3.2:HG2 2), p. 1940-67.] Argument. Reply to argument of Nicaragua on question of validity or nullity of treaty of limits of Apr. 15, 1858, filed on behalf of Government of Costa Rica, by Pedro P6rez Zeledon; translated by J. I. Rodriguez. Washington, Gibson Bros., printers, 1887. Alaskan- Canadian Boundary Commission, 1892-95 Report. Joint report of United States and British commissioners on Alaskan-Canadian boundary, Dec. 31, 1895. 1898. Alaskan Boundary Tribunal, 1903 [Convened at London under provisions of treaty between United States and Great Britain concluded Jan. 24, 1903. The case, counter case, and argument of the United States listed below (S3.16 *: C26, C83, Ar3), with the report of the agent of the United States, and the case, covmter case, and argument of Great Britain, etc., were issued in 7 v. with title. Pro- ceedings of Alaskan Boundary Tribunal, as 58th Congress, 2d session, Senate document 162, serial nos. 4600-05.] Argument of United States; [with Appendix]. 1903. [In 4603-162] Atlas. United States atlas, maps and charts accompanying case and countercase of United States. 1904. large 4« [4606, v. 1-162] Atlas. British atlas, maps and charts accompanying case of Great Britain. 1904. large 4« [4606, v. 2-162] Atlas of award, 25 sectional maps and index map showing line fixed by [Alaskan Boundary] Tribunal. 1904. large 4« [4606, v. 3-162] Case of United States; [with Appendix]. 1903. [In 4600-162] Counter case of United States; [with Appendix]. 1903. [In 4602-162] Venezuelan mixed 1902 and 1903 [In 1902 and 1903, there were In session at Caracas, Venezuela, commissions of the United States, Mexico, and various Em-opean nations, to adjudicate the claims of tlae.se nations against Venezuela. A general record of the worlc of all these commissions, prepared by Jackson H. Ralston and W. T. Sherman Doyle, was printed by the United States as 58th Congress, 2d session. Senate docu- ment 316, serial no. 4020, Its title being, Venezuelan arbitrations of 1903, includ- ing protocols, personnel and rules of commissions, opinions, and summary of awards, with appendix containing Venezuelan yellow book of 1903, Bowen pamphlet entitled Venezuelan protocols, and preferential question Hague decision, with history of recent Venezuelan revolutions. Other publications printed by the United States, relating to these arbitrations, are listed here under S3. 17: The question of preferential treatment In the payment of the awards, which could not be settled by these commissions, was referred to the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague; see SS-IS*:] French-Venezuelan Mixed Claims Commission, 1902. Report of French- Venezuelan Mixed Claims Commission of 1902; by Jack- son H. Ralston, assisted by W. T. Sherman Doyle. 1906. [4937-533] [This work is a supplement to the volume entitled Venezuelan arbitrations of 1903, for which see [4620-316].] United States and Venezuelan Claims Commission. Report of Robert C. Morris, agent of United States, before United States and Venezuelan Claims Commission, organized under protocol of Feb. 17, 1903, between United States and Republic of Vene- zuela. 1904. [4621-317] claims commissions, Caracas, 918 Classification S3. ARBITRATIONS AND MIXED COMMISSIONS ''*'• TO SETTLE INTERNATIONAL. DISPUTES— Con. S3.18: S3.18 D62 P94 R29 83.18=^: Ar3 P91 Permaneiit Court of Arbitration, Tlie Hague [Also spoken of as The Hague Tribunal. Established at The Hague under con- vention signed July 29, 1899, on behalf of the 16 Powers assembled at The Hague in the Peace Conference of 1899. This Checklist includes only such reports of arbitrations before The Hague Tribunal as are published by the United States.] Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, Pious fund of tlie Californias [The question of adjustment of certain contentions arising under what is known as the Pious fund of the Californias was submitted to The Hague Tribunal by the protocol of agreement between United States and Mexico signed at Wash- ington, May 22, 1902.] Diplomatic correspondence between United States and Mexico rela- tive to Pious fund of the Californias, prepared for use of Per- manent Court of Arbitration in case of United States vs. Mexico. 1902. [In this print the correspondence is chronologically arranged. The same correspondence, differently arranged, appears as the 2d part of the volume listed under S3.18 ^i P94.] Proceedings. Transcript of record of proceedings before Mexican and American Mixed Claims Commission [1869-76] with relation to Pious fund of the Californias, being claim 493, American docket, and entitled Thaddeus Amat, bishop of Monterey, Joseph S. Alemany, archbishop of San Francisco, vs. Mexico; [with I)ip>lo- matic coiTespondence between United States and Mexico relative to Pious fund of the Californias, prepared for Permanent Court of Arbitration; and Memorial of United States in matter of claim of Pious fund of tlie Californias against Republic of Mexico]. 1902. [Contains articles in English, Spanish, and Latin. See, for United States and Mexican Claims Commission, 1869-76, S3. 12:] Report. United States vs. Mexico, report of Jackson H. Ralston, agent of United States and of counsel, in matter of Pious fund of the Californias before Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Ha^ue, Sept. 15-Oct. 14, 1902, with pleadings, appendix, exhibits, briefs, and record of proceedings. 1902. [Contains articles in English, Spanish, French, and Latin. Appeared also as Appendix 2 to Foreign relations, 1902 (SI. 1:902 3).] Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, Vene- zuelan arbitration [The Venezuelan mixed claims commissions (S3.17:) which met at Caracas in 1902 and 1903 adjusted claims for damages on the part of Great Britain, Germany, Italy, United States, Mexico, France, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, and Sweden and Norway against Venezuela. The question as to whether Great Britain, Germany, and Italy (who had previously attempted to collect their claims by means of blockade) should have preferential treatment in the payment of awards could not be settled by these mixed commissions. The Powers involved, by protocols signed May 7, 1903, agreed to submit the question of preferential treat- ment to The Hague Tribunal.] Argument. Great Britain, Germany, and Italj?- vs. Venezuela, United States, Mexico, France, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, and Sweden and Norway, opening argument and reply for United States; by William L. Penfield, before Arbitration Tribunal of The Hague, Nov. 1903. [1903.] [The matter here contained appears also, differently arranged, in Venezuelan arbitration before Hague Tribunal, 1903 (S3.18 2:P94).] Preliminary examination on behalf of Venezuela. Appendix 1 to pre- liminary examination on behalf of Venezuela of question of pref- erential treatment, before Hague Tribunal [including extracts from Venezuelan yellow book of 1903, Bowen correspondence, Venezuelan protocols, etc.]. n. p. [1905]. large 8" [Also in Vene- zuelan arbitration before Hague Tribunal, 1903 (S3.182:P94), p. 245-422.] 919 ClMniacation no. S3.18>: P94 83.18': Ar3 C26» C262 C263 C83' C832 83.18 =*«: (CT) 83.19 1; R29» R292 R29« 83.192: B82 S3. ARBITRATIONS AND MIXED COMMISSIONS TO SETTLE INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES— Con. Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, Vene- zuelan arbitration— Continued Proceedings. Venezuelan arbitration before Hague Tribunal, 1903. proceedings of tribunal under protocols between Venezuela and Great Britain, Germany, Italy, United States, Belgium, France, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Norway, signed Wash- ington, May 7, 1903. 1905. [4769-119] [See, for proceedings, etc., of the various mixed commissions which met at Caracas, Venezuela, in 1903, S3. 17:] Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, North. Atlantic coast fisheries arbitration [Submitted to Hague Tribunal under provisions of special agreement between United States and Great Britain concluded Jan. 27, 1909.] Argument of United States before Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Ha^ue. 1910. [Although imprinted 1910, this volume la entered in the Checklist in order to keep the set intact.] Case of United States before Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague. 1909. Same, Appendix. 1909. v. 1. Same, Appendix. 1909. v. 2. Counter case of United States before Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Ha^e. 1910. [Although imprinted 1910, this volume is entered in tlie Checklist in order to keep the set intact.] Same, Appendix. 1909. Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, North Atlantic coast fisheries arbitration (separates) Mexican Boundary Survey, 1882-96 [An international boundary commission to relocate and mark the boundary between the United States and Mexico from the Rio Grande to the Pacific Ocean was pro- vided for by convention signed July 29, 1882. The original convention lapsed by reason of delays in appointing the commission, but it was revived and the time allowed for the execution of the work extended by conventions of Feb. 18, 1889 and Aug. 24, 1894. The time finally expired Oct. 11, 1896. The boundary line which the survey of 1882-96 re-marked was that established by the surveys under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed Feb. 2, 1848, and the Gadsden treaty, signed Dec. 30, 1853. A report on these earlier surveys was made to the Secretary of the Interior by William II. Emory; see note and entriesfor 1 1.2 :M57 >---.] Report of Boundary Commission upon survey and re-marking of bound- ary between United States and Mexico west of Rio Grande, 1891-96. 1898. 2 pta. in 1 v., 4" [3612-247] Same, album [views of monuments and characteristic scenes]. [1899.] oblong large 8° [3613-247] Same, atlas, with title, Boundary between United States and Mexico, as surveyed under convention of July 29, 1882, revived Feb. 18, 1889. [1899.] large 4° [3614-247] Mexican Water Boundary Commission, 1889- [The convention of Nov. 12, 1884, between the United States and Mexico provided that along that portion of the frontier where the middle of the Rio Grande and the Colorado River had been designated by previous treaties as the boundary, the dividing line should be held to be the center of the normal channel of each river named. In order to adjust dilTiculties arising from alterations in the channels due to natural causes, an international water boundary commission was provided for by con- vention concluded Mar. 1, 1889. The time designated for the performance of the work of the commission was extended for limited periods by conventions signed Oct. 1, 1895, Nov. 6, 1896, Oct. 29, 1897, Dec. 2, 1898, and Dec. 22, 1899; extended indefinitely by convention concluded Nov, 21, 1900.] Brownsville and Matamoros jetties, reports and decisions, with maps. [1895.] 920 Classification S3. ARBITRATIONS AND MIXED COMMISSIONS no. S3.19 2: Nil P941 P942 S3.20: Ar3 83.21 ' : 83.21^: M66 83.21^: M66 1129 83.22: P941 P942 P943 P94^ P945 TO SETTLE INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES— Con. Mexican "Water Boundary Commission 1889- —Con. Naco, Ariz.-Sonora. Proceedings of International Boundary Commis- sion, United States and Mexico, relating to placing of additional monuments to more perfectly mark international boundary line through Naco, Ariz.-Sonora. [Washington, State Department, Oct. 1907.] [English and Spanish. Although this was a ques- tion of a land boundary west of the Rio Grande, which would not ordinarily have come within the province of this commission, the work was done by the commission in conformity with instruc- tions from the two Governments.] Proceedings of International Water Boundary Commission, equitable distribution of waters of Kio Grande. 1903 [1904]. [v. 1] large 4° [English and Spanish.] Same. [v. 2] large 4<' Argentina-Brazil Boundary Arbitration [Also known as Misiones Boundary Arbitration. By treaty concluded Buenos Aires, Sept. 7, 1889, Argentina and Brazil agreed to submit to the arbitration oi the President of the United States their respective claims to a tract of territory popularly called Misiones. The award of the President, dated Feb. 5, 1895, is reprinted in Moore's International arbitrations, v. 2 (S3.2:II62 2), p. 2020-23, and was also printed by the American Republics Bureau, as a Special bulletin (AR1.2:M69), and in the Monthly bulletin, v. 2 (AR1.6:2), p. 533-544. Both the Spanish form of spelling " Misiones " and |the Portuguese form "Mis- siones" are used; the preferred spelling is " Misiones."] Argument for Argentine Republic upon question with Brazil in regard to territory of Misiones; presented by Estanislao S. Zeballos. Washington, D. C. [Gibson Brothers, printers] 1894. United States vs. Cliile, Arbitration of case of brig Macedonian See, for report with correspondence, etc., relating to seizure of brig Macedonian, [930-58]. See, for history of arbitration agreed upon by convention concluded Nov. 10, 1858, and award by King of Belgium, dated May 15, 1863, Moore's International arbitrations, v. 2 (S3.2:H622), p. 1449-68. United States and Chilean Claims Commission, 1892-94 [Appointed under convention of Aug. 7, 1892. The commission met in Washington, July 25, 1893- Apr. 9, 1894.] Minutes of proceedings. Washington, Gibson Brothers, 1894. * United States and Cliilean Claims Commission, 1900-01 [Appointed under convention of May 24, 1897, to revive convention of Aug. 7, 1892. Sessions held June 15, 1900- June 18, 1901.] Minutes of commission. Washington, Gibson Brothers, 1901. * Report. Final report of John Hoyt Perry, agent and counsel for United States. Washington, Gibson Brothers, 1901. * Spanish.- American Peace Commission [Appointed under the protocol of agreement signed at Washington. Aug. 12, 1898, by United States and Spain, to negotiate and conclude treaty of peace. Meetings held in Paris. Oct. 1-Dec. 10, 1898. See, for Treaty of peace, with accompanying pai)ers, [3732-62].] Protocol 1, conference of Oct. 1, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] f ° [These pro- tocols are printed in both English and Spanish.] Same 2, Oct. 3, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] f° Same 3, Oct. 7, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] f^ Same 4, Oct. 11, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] f» Same 5, Oct. 14, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] fo 921 ClMsifloation sii. ARBITRATIONS AND MIXED COMMISSIONS ""• TO SETTLE INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES— Con. S3.22: P94* P94 7 P94» P94» P9410 P94J^ P94" P9413 P941* P9415 P94i« P94'' P94'8 P94»» P9420 P9421 P9422 Spanish- American Peace Commission— Continued Same 6, Oct. 17, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 7, Oct. 21, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 8, Oct. 24, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 9, Oct. 26, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 10, Oct. 27, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 11, Oct. 31, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 12, Nov. 4, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 13, Nov. 9, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 14, Nov. 16, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 15, Nov. 21, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 16, Nov. 28, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 17, Nov. 30, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 18, Dec. 2, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 19, Dec. 5, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 20, Dec. 6, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 21, Dec. 8, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] Same 22, Dec. 10, 1898. [Paris, 1898.] S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU [Notwithstanding the fact that the act of Aug. 16, 1842 (Stat. L. v. 5, p. 507) required the Secretary of State " to lay before Congress, annually, at the commencement of its session, * * * such changes and modi- fications in the commercial systems of othernations * * * as shall have come to the knowledge of the Department," Congress had made no adequate provision either for the furnishing of the requisite mforma- tlon to the State Department, or for the preparation in the State Department of such information as might be rec^nved. In order to prepare the general report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations called for by House resolution of Dec. 14, 1853 (see S4. 1:8556), a " Statistical Office" was organized in 1854 (seep. 3 of letter of transmittal in Commercial relations, 1856, S4. 1:856, and p. 95 of Department of State, its history and functions, by Gaillard Hunt, S1.2:St2J). This office was placedonapermanentbasisby theactof Aug. 18,1856(Stat. L. v. 11, p. 139), whichrequlred that consuls and commercial agents should transmit to the Department of State authentic commercial information, and that the Secretary of State should transmit such information to Congress In addition to that callea for by act of Aug. 16, 1842. The act of 1850 also provided for the appointment of a Superintendent of Statistics. Although the office of " Superintendent " was abolished by a clause in the act of July 20, 1868 f Stat. L. V. 15, p. 96), the work continued, and a Bureau of Statistics was authorized by act of June 20, 1874 (Stat. L. V. 18, pt. 3, p. 90). Name changed by order of Secretary to Bureau of Foreign Commerce, July 1, 1897 (s^e S4.2:F76), in order to avoid the confusion arising from the fact that there were in other Departments bureaus of the same name. On July 1 , 1903, this bureau and the Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Dept. , were consolidated and transferred to the Department of Commerce and Labor as the Bureau of Statistics in that Department. See, for later publications, C14.] S4.1: Annual reports, Commercial relations 4°and8» (date) [The series listed below is the result of the acts of Aug. 16, 1842, and Aug. 18, 1856 (see also note at head of S4. )• The series proper begins with 1856, being a continuation of the exhaustive reports for 1855. Although the caption title from 1850 to 1868 was "Annual report on foreign commerce," the title-page and the back-title have from the beginning carried the words "Commercial relations." For certain of the earlier years there is no edition without Congressional document number. Although prepared primarily with reference to the fiscal year of the United States Government, later information was usually included in order to bring the report more nearly down to date of publication; therefore the report for each year Included statistics for parts of 2 calendar years, and usually extended over more than 12 months. The volumes for 1879-81 , 1894-1902 contain as an Introduction a summary prepared from the annual reports of consular officers which make up the rest of the volume. These summaries were also issued as separate publications; see S4.12:] See, for earlier publicationa of thia nature, SI. 9: 1855, Report on commercial relations of United States with all foreign nations, v. 1 [Commercial digests] "{[Qog-ioll Same, v. 2 [Comparative tariffs] {rcoo-io?! Same, v. 3 [Consular returns] |[^^^^^ [830-107] 922 Classification no. S4.1: (date) S4.1«: (CT) S4.2: B511 B512 F76 M29 T17 84.3: (nos.) 84. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued Annual reports, Commercial relations— Continued Same, v. 4 [Consular returns] /[857-47] U831-107] [This report was prepared under resolutions of the House, Dec. 14, 1853, and Dec. 26> 1854. It is a successor of the reports entered under Z4.1:102 and 81.9:839,842 1. The former (Z4.1:102) is one of the Early Congress papers, a list of which will appear later in separate form.] 1855, Changes and modifications in commercial systems of other nations [report of Dec. 10, 1855] [844-2] [This is the last of the separate reports of this nature submitted under act of Aug. 16, 1842. See, for similar reports 1842, 1843, and 1844, 81.9:842 2, 843, 844.] / [887-35 \[901-60 / [933-53 t [948-17 / [991-37 \[1007-85] 1044-4] 1088-6] 1130-45 1169-63 1190^1 1227-60 1260-56 1295-81 1340-160] 1382-87" 1452-18 1454-93 1523-220 1568-160 1611-143 1649-157 1692-166 1759-45] 1814-102] 1886, V. 1 [2485-171] [Title- page reads 1885 and 1886.] Same, v. 2 [2486-171] 1887 [2563-402] [Title-page reads 1886 and 1887.] 1888 [2759-437] [Title-page reads 1887 and 1888.] 1889 [2859-70] [Title-page reads 1888 and 1889.] 1890 and 1891 [2957-204] 1892 [3109-257] [Title-page reads 1891 and 1892.] 1893 [3225-83] 1894 and 1895, v. 1 [3422-186] Same, v. 2 [3423-186] 1896, V. 1 [3540-323] [Title- page reads 1895 and 1896.] Same, v. 2 [3541-323] 1897, V. 1 [3694-483] [Title- page reads 1896 and 1897.] Same, v. 2 [3695-483] 1898, V. 1 [3818-266] Same, v. 2 [3819-266] 1899, V. 1 [3993-481] Same, v. 2 [3994-481] 1900, V. 1 [4164-380] Same, v. 2 [4165-380] 1901, V. 1 [4359-320] Same, v. 2 [4360-320] 1902, V. 1 [4520-305] Same, v. 2 [4521-305] 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 [1860-108] 1879, V. 1 [1926-90] Same, v. 2 [1927-90] 1880 and 1881 [1980-98] 1882 and 1883, v. 1 [2209-176] Same, v. 2 [2210-176] 1884 and 1885 [2402-253] See, for later reports, C14.5: and ClO.8: Annual reports, Commercial relations (separates) [The summary of the world's commerce which forms the introduction to certain vol- umes of Commercial relations was also issued as a separate publication and is classed under 84.12: Other separates are classed here.] General publications Binding. Directions for binding Consular reports [v. 1-52]. [1896.] Same [v. 1-65]. [1901.] [Similar directions were included in several of the general indexes to monthly consular reports; see S4.8:] Foreign Commerce Bureau. Bureau of Foreign Commerce [announce- ment of change of name from Bureau of Statistics]. July 1, 1897. Malta. Debate [in House of Representatives] on granting salary to con- sulate at Malta. Mar. 20, 1866. 4° Tariffs of Central America and British West Indies. [1891.] [See also S4.9:16.] Bulletins [None issued.] 923 Claaaincatlon no. 84. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continue S4.i: Circulars (noa.) [None issued.] S4.5: Advance slieets of consular reports (no8.) [Transferred to Statistics Bureau, Commerce and Lalwr Dept. (C14.6:), July 1 Daily except Sundays and holidays.] l,Jan. 3, 1898 59, Mar. 12, 1898 117, May 17, 1898 2, Jan. 4, 1898 60, Mar. 14, 1898 118, May 18,1898 3, Jan. 5, 1898 61, Mar. 15, 1898 119, May 19,1898 4, Jan. 6, 1898 62, Mar. 16, 1898 120, May 20, 1898 5, Jan. 7, 1898 63, Mar. 17, 1898 121, May 21, 1898 6, Jan. 8, 1898 64, Mar. 18, 1898 122, May 23, 1898 7, Jan. 10, 1898 65, Mar. 19, 1898 123, May 24,1898 8, Jan. 11, 1898 66, Mar. 21, 1898 124, May 25,1898 9, Jan. 12, 1898 67, Mar. 22, 1898 125, May 26,1898 10, Jan. 13, 1898 68, Mar. 23, 1898 126, May 27,1898 11, Jan. 14, 1898 69, Mar. 24, 1898 127, May 28, 1898 12, Jan. 15, 1898 70, Mar. 25, 1898 128, May 31, 1898 13, Jan. 17, 1898 71, Mar. 26, 1898 129, June 1, 1898 14, Jan. 18, 1898 72, Mar. 28, 1898 130, June 2, 1898 15, Jan. 19, 1898 73, Mar. 29, 1898 131, June 3, 1898 16, Jan. 20, 1898 74, Mar. 30, 1898 132, June 4, 1898 17, Jan. 21, 1898 75, Mar. 31, 1898 133, June 6, 1898 18, Jan. 22, 1898 76, Apr. 1, 1898 134, June 7,1898 19, Jan. 24, 1898 77, Apr. 2, 1898 135, June 8,1898 20, Jan. 25, 1898 78, Apr. 4, 1898 136, June 9, 1898 21, Jan. 26, 1898 79, Apr. 5, 1898 137, June 10, 1898 22, Jan. 27, 1898 80, Apr. 6, 1898 138, June 11, 1898 23, Jan. 28, 1898 81, Apr. 7, 1898 139, June 13, 1898 24, Jan. 29, 1898 82, Apr. 8, 1898 140, June 14, 1898 25, Jan. 31, 1898 83, Apr. 9, 1898 141, June 15, 1898 26, Feb. 1, 1898 84, Apr. 11, 1898 142, June 16, 1898 27, Feb. 2, 1898 85, Apr. 12, 1898 143, June 17, 1898 28, Feb. 3, 1898 86, Apr. 13, 1898 144, June 18, 1898 29, Feb. 4, 1898 87, Apr. 14, 1898 145, June 20, 1898 30, Feb. 5, 1898 88, Apr. 15, 1898 146, June 21, 1898 31, Feb. 7, 1898 89, Apr. 16, 1898 147, June 22, 1898 32, Feb. 8, 1898 90, Apr. 18, 1898 148, June 23, 1898 33, Feb. 9, 1898 91, Apr. 19, 1898 149, June 24, 1898 34, Feb. 10, 1898 92, Apr. 20, 1898 150, June 25, 1898 35, Feb. 11, 1898 93, Apr. 21, 1898 151, June 27, 1898 36, Feb. 12, 1898 94, Apr. 22, 1898 152, June 28, 1898 37, Feb. 14, 1898 95, Apr. 23, 1898 153, June 28, 1898 38, Feb. 15, 1898 96, Apr. 25, 1898 154, June 29, 1898 39, Feb. 16, 1898 97, Apr. 26, 1898 155, June 30, 1898 40, Feb. 17, 1898 98, Apr. 27, 1898 156, July 1, 1898 41, Feb. 18, 1898 99, Apr. 28, 1898 157, July 2, 1898 42, Feb. 19, 1898 100, Apr. 29, 1898 158, July 5, 1898 43, Feb. 21, 1898 101, Apr. 30, 1898 159, July 6, 1898 44, Feb. 23, 1898 102, May 2, 1898 160, July 7, 1898 45, Feb. 24, 1898 103, May 3, 1898 161, July 8, 1898 46, Feb. 25, 1898 104, May 4, 1898 162, July 9, 1898 47, Feb. 26, 1898 105, May 5, 1898 163, July 11, 1898 48, Feb. 28, 1898 106, May 6, 1898 164, July 12, 1898 49, Mar. 1, 1898 107, May 7, 1898 165, July 13, 1898 50, Mar. 2, 1898 108, May 9, 1898 166, July 14,1898 51, Mar. 3, 1898 109, May 10, 1898 167, July 15, 1898 52, Mar. 4, 1898 110, May 10, 1898 168, July 16, 1898 53, Mar. 5, 1898 111, May 11, 1898 169, July 18,1898 54, Mar. 7, 1898 112, May 12, 1898 170, July 19,1898 55, Mar. 8, 1898 113, May 12, 1898 171, July 20, 1898 56, Mar. 9, 1898 114, May 13, 1898 172, July 21, 1898 57, Mar. ]0, 1898 115, May 14, 1898 173, July 22, 1898 58, Mar. 11, 1898 116, May 16, 1898 174, July 23, 1898 1903. 924 Classification no. S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued S4.5: Advance sheets of consular reports— Continued (nos.) 175, July 25, 1898 239, Oct. 7, 1898 303, Dec. 20, 1898 176, July 26, 1898 240, Oct. 8, 1898 304, Dec. 21, 1898 177, July 27,1898 241, Oct. 10, 1898 305, Dec. 22, 1898 178, July 28, 1898 242, Oct. 10, 1898 306, Dec. 23, 1898 179, July 29, 1898 243, Oct. 11, 1898 307, Dec. 24, 1898 180, July 30,1898 244, Oct. 12, 1898 308, Dec. 24, 1898 181, Aug. 1, 1898 245, Oct. 13, 1898 309, Dec. 27, 1898 182, Aug. 2, 1898 246, Oct. 14, 1898 310, Dec. 28, 1898 183, Aug. 3, 1898 247, Oct. 15, 1898 311, Dec. 29, 1898 184, Aug. 4,1898 248, Oct. 17, 1898 312, Dec. 30, 1898 185, Aug. 5, 1898 249, Oct. 17, 1898 313, Dec. 31, 1898 186, Aug. 6, 1898 250, Oct. 18, 1898 314, Jan. 3, 1899 187, Aug. 8, 1898 251, Oct. 19, 1898 315, Jan. 4, 1899 188, Aug. 9, 1898 252, Oct. 20, 1898 316, Jan. 5, 1899 189, Aug. 10, 1898 253, Oct. 21, 1898 317, Jan. 6, 1899 190, Aug. 11, 1898 254, Oct. 22, 1898 318, Jan. 7, 1899 191, Aug. 12,1898 255, Oct. 24, 1898 319, Jan. 9, 1899 192, Aug. 13, 1898 256, Oct. 25, 1898 320, Jan. 10, 1899 193, Aug. 15, 1898 257, Oct. 26, 1898 321, Jan. 11, 1899 194, Aug. 16, 1898 258, Oct. 27, 1898 322, Jan. 12, 1899 195, Aug. 17, 1898 259, Oct. 28, 1898 323, Jan. 13, 1899 196, Aug. 18, 1898 260, Oct. 29, 1898 324, Jan. 14, 1899 197, Aug. 19, 1898 261, Oct. 31, 1898 325, Jan. 16, 1899 198, Aug. 20, 1898 262, Nov. 1, 1898 326, Jan. 17, 1899 199, Aug. 22, 1898 263, Nov. 2, 1898 327, Jan. 18, 1899 200, Aug. 23, 1898 264, Nov. 3, 1898 328, Jan. 19, 1899 201, Aug. 24, 1898 265, Nov. 4, 1898 329, Jan. 20, 1899 202, Aug. 25, 1898 266, Nov. 5, 1898 330, Jan. 21, 1899 203, Aug. 26, 1898 267, Nov. 7, 1898 331, Jan. 23, 1899 204, Aug. 27, 1898 268, Nov. 8, 1898 332, Jan. 24, 1899 205, Aug. 29, 1898 269, Nov. 9, 1898 333, Jan. 25, 1899 206, Aug. 30, 1898 270, Nov. 10, 1898 334, Jan. 26, 1899 207, Aug. 31, 1898 271, Nov. 11, 1898 335, Jan. 27, 1899 208, Sept. 1, 1898 272, Nov. 12, 1898 336, Jan. 28, 1899 209, Sept. 2,1898 273, Nov. 14, 1898 337, Jan. 30, 1899 210, Sept. 3, 1898 274, Nov. 15, 1898 338, Jan. 31, 1899 211, Sept. 6, 1898 275, Nov. 16», 1898 339, Feb. 1, 1899 212, Sept. 7, 1898 276, Nov. 17, 1898 340, Feb. 2, 1899 213, Sept. 8, 1898 277, Nov. 18, 1898 341, Feb. 3, 1899 214, Sept. 9, 1898 278, Nov. 19, 1898 342, Feb. 4, 1899 215, Sept. 10, 1898 279, Nov. 21, 1898 343, Feb. 6, 1899 216, Sept. 12, 1898 280, Nov. 22, 1898 344, Feb. 7, 1899 217, Sept. 13, 1898 281, Nov. 23, 1898 345, Feb. 8, 1899 218, Sept. 14, 1898 282, Nov. 25, 1898 346, Feb. 9, 1899 219, Sept. 15, 1898 283, Nov. 26, 1898 347, Feb. 10, 1899 220, Sept. 16, 1898 284, Nov. 28, 1898 348, Feb. 11, 1899 221, Sept. 17, 1898 285, Nov. 29, 1898 349, Feb. 13, 1899 222, Sept. 17, 1898 286,, Nov. 30, 1898 350, Feb. 14, 1899 223, Sept. 19, 1898 287, Dec. 1, 1898 351, Feb. 15, 1899 224, Sept. 20, 1898 288, Dec. 2, 1898 352, Feb. 16, 1899 225, Sept. 21, 1898 289, Dec. 3, 1898 353, Feb. 17, 1899 226, Sept. 22, 1898 290, Dec. 5, 1898 354, Feb. 18, 1899 227, Sept. 23, 1898 291, Dec. 6, 1898 355, Feb. 20, 1899 228, Sept. 24, 1898 292, Dec. 7, 1898 356, Feb. 21, 1899 229, Sept. 26, 1898 293, Dec 8, 1898 357, Feb. 23, 1899 230, Sept. 27, 1898 294, Dec. 9, 1898 358, Feb. 24, 1899 231, Sept. 28, 1898 295, Dec. 10, 1898 359, Feb. 25, 1899 232, Sept. 29, 1898 296, Dec. 12, 1898 360, Feb. 27, 1899 233, Sept. 30, 1898 297, Dec. 13, 1898 361, Feb. 28, 1899 234, Oct. 1, 1898 298, Dec. 14, 1898 362, Mar. 1, 1899 235, Oct. 3, 1898 299, Dec. 15, 1898 363, Mar. 2, 1899 236, Oct. 4, 1898 300, Dec. 16, 1898 364, Mar. 3, 1899 237, Oct. 5, 1898 301, Dec. 17, 1898 365, Mar. 4, 1899 238, Oct. 6, 1898 302, Dec. 19, 1898 366, Mar. 6, 1899 925 riassiflcation S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued no. 84.6 : Advance slieets of consular re]X)rts--Continuecl (no8.) 367, Mar. 7, 1899 431, May 20, 1899 308, Mar. 8, 1899 432, May 22, 1899 369, Mar. 9, 1899 433, May 23, 1899 370, Mar. 10, 1899 434, May 21, 1899 371, Mar. 11, 1899 435, May 25, 1899 372, Mar. 13, 1899 436, May 20, 1899 373, Mar. 14, 1899 437, May 27, 1899 374, Mar. 15, 1899 438, May 29, 1899 375, Mar. 16, 1899 439, May 31, 1899 376, Mar. 17, 1899 440, June 1, 1899 377, Mar. 18, 1899 441, June 2, 1899 378, Mar. 20, 1899 442, June 3, 1899 379, Mar. 21, 1899 443, June 5, 1899 380, Mar. 22, 1899 444, June 6, 1899 381, Mar. 23, 1899 445, June 7, 1899 382, Mar. 24, 1899 446, June 8, 1899 383, Mar. 25, 1899 447, June 9, 1899 384, Mar. 27, 1899 448, June 10, 1899 385, Mar. 28, 1899 449, June 12, 1899 386, Mar. 29, 1899 450, June 13, 1899 387, Mar. 30, 1899 451, June 14, 1899 388, Mar. 31, 1899 452, June 15, 1899 389, Apr. 1, 1899 453, June 10, 1899 390, Apr. 3, 1899 454, June 17, 1899 391, Apr. 4, 1899 455, June 19, 1899 392, Apr. 5, 1899 456, June 20, 1899 393, Apr. 6, 1899 457, June 21, 1899 394, Apr. 7, 1899 458, June 22, 1899 395, Apr. 8, 1899 459, June 23, 1899 396, Apr. 10, 1899 460, June 24, 1899 397, Apr. 11, 1899 461, June 26, 1899 398, Apr. 12, 1899 462, June 27, 1899 •399, Apr. 13, 1899 463, June 28, 1899 400, Apr. 14, 1899 464, June 29, 1899 401, Apr. 15, 1899 465, June 30, 1899 402, Apr. 17, 1899 466, July . 1, 1899 403, Apr. 18, 1899 467, July 3, 1899 404, Apr. 19, 1899 468, July 5, 1899 405, Apr. 20, 1899 469, July 6, 1899 406, Apr. 21,1899 470, July 7,1899 407, Apr. 22, 1899 471, July 8, 1899 408, Apr. 24, 1899 472, July 10, 1899 409, Apr. 25, 1899 473, July 11, 1899 410, Apr. 26, 1899 474, July 12, 1899 411, Apr. 27, 1899 475, July 13. 1899 412, Apr. 28, 1899 476, July 14, 1899 413, Apr. 29, 1899 477, July 15, 1899 414, May 1, 1899 478, July 17, 1899 415, May 2, 1899 479, July 18, 1899 416, May 3, 1899 480, July 19, 1899 417, May 4, 1899 481, July 20, 1899 418, May 5, 1899 482, Julv 21, 1899 419, May 6, 1899 483, July 22, 1899 420, May 8, 1899 484, July 24, 1899 421, May 9, 1899 485, July 25, 1899 422, May 10, 1899 486, July 20, 1899 423, May 11, 1899 487, July 27, 1899 424, May 12, 1899 488, July 28, 1899 425, May 13, 1899 489, July 29, 1899 420, May 15, 1899 490, July 31, 1899 427, May 10, 1899 491, Aug. 1, 1899 428, Mav 17, 1899 492, Aug. 2, 1899 429, May 18, 1899 493, Aug. * 3, 1899 430, May. 19,1899 494, Aug. 4,1899 495, Aug. 490, Aug. 497, Aug. 498, Aug. 499, Aug. 500, Aug. 501, Aug. 502, Aug. 503, Aug. 504, Aug. 505, Aug. 500, Aug. 507, Aug. 508, Aug. 500, Aug. 510, Aug. 511, Aug. 512, Aug. 513, Aug. 514, Aug. 515, Aug. 510, Aug. 517, Aug. 518, Sept. 519, Sept. 520, Sept. 521, Sept. 522, Sept. 523, Sept. 524, Sept. 525, Sept. 520, Sept. 527, Sept. 528, Sept. 529, Sept. 530, Sept. 531, Sept. 532, Sept. 533, Sept. 534, Sept. 535, Sept. 530, Sept. 537, Sept. 538, Sept. 539, Sept. 540, Sept. 541, Sept. 542, Sept. 543, Oct. 544, Oct. 545, Oct. 540, Oct. 547, Oct. 548, Oct. 549, Oct. 550, Oct. 551, Oct. 552, Oct. 653, Oct. 554, Oct. 555, Oct. 556, Oct. 557, Oct. 558, Oct. 5, 1899 7, 1899 8, 1899 9, 1899 10, 1899 11, 1899 12, 1899 14, 1899 15, 1899 10, 1899 17, 1899 18, 1899 19, 1899 21, 1899 22, 1899 23, 1899 24, 1899 25, 1899 20, 1899 28, 1899 29, 1899 30, 1899 31, 1899 1, 1899 2, 1899 5, 1899 0, 1899 7, 1899 8, 1899 9, 1899 11, 1899 12, 1899 13, 1899 14, 1899 15, 1899 10, 1899 18, 1899 19, 1899 20, 1899 21, 1899 22, 1899 23, 1899 25, 1899 20, 1899 27, 1899 28, 1899 29, 1899 30, 1899 2, 1899 4, 1899 5, 1899 6, 1899 7, 1899 9, 1899 10, 1899 11, 1899 12, 1899 13, 1899 14, 1899 10, 1899 17, 1899 18, 1899 19, 1899 20, 1899 926 Classification no. S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued 84.5: Advance slieets of consular reports— Continued (nos.) 559, Oct. 560, Oct. 561, Oct. 562, Oct. 563, Oct. 564, Oct. 565, Oct. 666, Oct. 567, Oct. 568, Nov. 569, Nov. 570, Nov. 571, Nov. 572, Nov. 573, Nov. 574, Nov. 575, Nov. 576, Nov. 577, Nov. 578, Nov. 579, Nov. 580, Nov. 581, Nov. 582, Nov. 583, Nov. 584, Nov. 585, Nov. 586, Nov. 587, Nov. 588, Nov. 589, Nov. 590, Nov. 591, Nov. 592, Dec. 593, Dec. 594, Dec. 595, Dec. 596, Dec. 597, Dec. 598, Dec. 599, Dec. 600, Dec. 601, Dec. 602, Dec. 603, Dec. 604, Dec. 605, Dec. 606, Dec. 607, Dec. 608, Dec. 609, Dec. 610, Dec. 611, Dec. 612, Dec. 613, Dec. 614, Dec. 615, Dec. 616, Dec. 617, Jan. 618, Jan. 619, Jan. 620, Jan. 621, Jan. 622, Jan. 21, 1899 23, 1899 24, 1899 25, 1899 26, 1899 27, 1899 28, 1899 30, 1899 31, 1899 1, 1899 2, 1899 3, 1899 4, 1899 6, 1899 7, 1899 8, 1899 9, 1899 10, 1899 11, 1899 13, 1899 14, 1899 15, 1899 16, 1899 17, 1899 18, 1899 20, 1899 21, 1899 22, 1899 23, 1899 24, 1899 27, 1899 28, 1899 29, 1899 1, 1899 2, 1899 4, 1899 5, 1899 6, 1899 7, 1899 8, 1899 9, 1899 11, 1899 12, 1899 13, 1899 14, 1899 15, 1899 16, 1899 18, 1899 19, 1899 20, 1899 21, 1899 22, 1899 23, 1899 26, 1899 27, 1899 28, 1899 29, 1899 30, 1899 2, 1900 3, 1900 4, 1900 5, 1900 6, 1900 8, 1900 623, Jan. 624, Jan. 625, Jan. 626, Jan. 627, Jan. 628, Jan. 629, Jan. 630, Jan. 631, Jan. 632, Jan. 633, Jan. 634, Jan. 635, Jan. 636, Jan. 637, Jan. 638, Jan. 639, Jan. 640, Jan. 641, Jan. 642, Jan. 643, Feb. 644, Feb. 645, Feb. 646, Feb. 647, Feb. 648, Feb. 649, Feb. 650, Feb. 651, Feb. 652, Feb. 653, Feb. 654, Feb. 655, Feb. 656, Feb. 657, Feb. 658, Feb. 659, Feb. 660, Feb. 661, Feb. 662, Feb. 663, Feb. 664, Feb. 665, Feb. 666, Mar. 667, Mar. 668, Mar. 669, Mar. 670, Mar. 671, Mar. 672, Mar. 673, Mar. 674, Mar. 675, Mar. 676, Mar. 677, Mar. 678, Mar. 679, Mar. 680, Mar. 681, Mar. 682, Mar. 683, Mar. » 684, Mar. 685, Mar. 686, Mar. 9, 1900 687, Mar. 26, 1900 10, 1900 688, Mar. 27, 1900 11, 1900 689, Mar. 28, 1900 12, 1900 690, Mar. 29, 1900 13, 1900 691, Mar. 30, 1900 15, 1900 692, Mar. 31, 1900 16, 1900 693, Apr. 2, 1900 17, 1900 694, Apr. 3, 1900 18, 1900 695, Apr. 4, 1900 19, 1900 696, Apr. 5, 1900 20, 1900 697, Apr. 6, 1900 22, 1900 698, Apr. 7, 1900 23, 1900 699, Apr. 9, 1900 24, 1900 700, Apr. 10, 1900 25, 1900 701, Apr. 11, 1900 26, 1900 702, Apr. 12, 1900 27, 1900 703, Apr. 13, 1900 29, 1900 704, Apr. 14, 1900 30, 1900 705, Apr. 16, 1900 31, 1900 706, Apr. 17, 1900 1, 1900 707, Apr. 18, 1900 2,1900 708, Apr. 19, 1900 3, 1900 709, Apr. 20, 1900 5, 1900 710, Apr. 21, 1900 6, 1900 711, Apr. 23, 1900 7, 1900 712, Apr. 24, 1900 8, 1900 713, Apr. 25, 1900 9, 1900 714, Apr. 26, 1900 10, 1900 715, Apr. 27, 1900 12, 1900 716, Apr. 28, 1900 13, 1900 717, Apr. 30, 1900 14, 1900 718, May 1, 1900 15, 1900 719, May 2, 1900 16, 1900 720, May 3, 1900 17, 1900 721, May 4, 1900 19, 1900 722, May 5, 1900 20, 1900 723, May 7,1900 21, 1900 724, May 8, 1900 23, 1900 725, May 9, 1900 24, 1900 726, May 10, 1900 26, 1900 727, May 11, 1900 27, 1900 728, May 12, 1900 28, 1900 729, May 14, 1900 1,1900 730, May 15, 1900 2,1900 731, May 16, 1900 3, 1900 732, May 17, 1900 5,1900 733, May 18, 1900 6, 1900 734, May 19, 1900 7, 1900 735, May 21, 1900 8, 1900 736, May 22, 1900 9,1900 737, May 23, 1900 10, 1900 738, May 24, 1900 12, 1900 739, May 25, 1900 13, 1900 740, May 26, 1900 14, 1900 741, May 28, 1900 15, 1900 742, May 29, 1900 16, 1900 743, May 31, 1900 17, 1900 744, June 1, 1900 19, 1900 745, June 2, 1900 20, 1900 746, June 4, 1900 21, 1900 747, June 5, 1900 22, 1900 748, June 6, 1900 23, 1900 749, June 7, 1900 24, 1900 750, June 8, 1900 927 CUMliication S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued no. S4.5: Advance sheets of consular reports— Continued (noe.) 751, June 9,1900 815, Aug. 23, 1900 879 , Nov. 6, 1900 752, June 11,1900 816, Aug. 24, 1900 880 , Nov. 7, J900 753, June 12, 1900 817, Aug. 25, 1900 881 , Nov. 8, 1900 754, Juno 13,1900 818, Aug. 27, 1900 882 , Nov. 9,1900 755, June 14, 1900 819, Aug. 28, 1900 883 , Nov. 10, 1900 756, June 15, 1900 820, Aug. 29, 1900 884 , Nov. 12, 1900 757, June 16,1900 821, Aug. 30, 1900 885 , Nov. 13,1900 758, June 18,1900 822, Aug. 31, 1900 886 , Nov. 14,1900 759, June 19, 1900 823, Sept. 1,1900 887 , Nov, 15, 1900 760, June 20,1900 824, Sept. 4, 1900 888 , Nov. 16, 1900 761, June 21, 1900 825, Sept. 5,1900 889 , Nov. 17, 1900 762, June 22, 1900 826, Sept. 6, 1900 890 , Nov. 19, 1900 763, June 23, 1900 827, Sept. 7, 1900 891 , Nov. 20, 1900 764, June 25, 1900 828, Sept. 8, 1900 892 , Nov. 21,1900 765, June 26, 1900 829, Sept. 10, 1900 893 , Nov. 22,1900 766, June 27, 1900 830, Sept. 11, 1900 894 , Nov. 23, 1900 767, June 28, 1900 831, Sept. 12, 1900 895 , Nov. 24, 1900 768, June 29, 1900 832, Sept. 13, 1900 896 , Nov. 26, 1900 769, June 30, 1900 833, Sept. 14, 1900 897 , Nov. 27, 1900 770, July 2, 1900 834, Sept. 15, 1900 898 Nov. 28, 1900 771, July 3, 1900 835, Sept. 17, 1900 899 Nov. 30, 1900 772, July 5, 1900 836, Sept. 18, 1900 900 Dec. 1,1900 773, July 6, 1900 837, Sept. 19, 1900 901 Dec. 3,1900 774, July 7, 1900 838, Sept. 20, 1900 902 , Dec. 4, 1900 775, July 9, 1900 839, Sept. 21, 1900 903 Dec. 5, 1900 776, July 10, 1900 840, Sept. 22, 1900 904 Dec. 6, 1900 777, July 11, 1900 841, Sept. 24, 1900 905 , Dec. 7, 1900 778, July 12, 1900 842, Sept. 25, 1900 906 Dec. 8, 1900 779, July 13,1900 843, Sept. 26, 1900 907 Dec. 10, 1900 780, July 14,1900 844, Sept. 27, 1900 908 , Dec. 11, 1900 781, July 16,1900 845, Sept. 28, 1900 909 , Dec. 13, 1900 782, July 17,1900 846, Sept. 29, 1900 910 , Dec. 14, 1900 783, July 18, 1900 847, Oct. 1, 1900 911 Dec. 15, 1900 784, July 19, 1900 848, Oct. 2, 1900 912 Dec. 17, 1900 785, July 20, 1900 849, Oct. 3, 1900 913 Dec. 18, 1900 786, July 21,1900 850, Oct. 4, 1900 914 Dec. 19, 1900 787, July 23, 1900 851, Oct. 5,1900 915 Dec. 20, 1900 788, July 24,1900 852, Oct. 6,1900 916 Dec. 21, 1900 789, July 25, 1900 853, Oct. 8,1900 917 Dec. 22, 1900 790, July 26, 1900 854, Oct. 9,1900 918 Dec. 24, 1900 791, July 27, 1900 855, Oct. 10, 1900 919 d3c. 26, 1900 792, July 28, 1900 856, Oct. 11, 1900 920 Dec. 27, 1900 793, July 30, 1900 857, Oct. 12, 1900 921 Dec. 28, 1900 794, July 31, 1900 858, Oct. 12, 1900 922 Dec. 29, 1900 795, Aug. 1,1900 859, Oct. 13, 1900 923 Dec. 31, 1900 796, Aug. 2,1900 860, Oct. 15, 1900 924 Jan. 2, 1901 797, Aug. 3,1900 861, Oct. 16, 1900 925 Jan. 3, 1901 798, Aug. 4, 1900 862, Oct. 17, 1900 926 Jan. 4, 1901 799, Aug. 6, 1900 863, Oct. 18, 1900 927 Jan. 5, 1901 800, Aug. 7, 1900 864, Oct. 19, 1900 928 Jan. 7, 1901 801, Aug. 8, 1900 865, Oct. 20,1900 929 Jan. 8, 1901 802, Aug. 9, 1900 866, Oct. 22, 1900 930 Jan. 9, 1901 803, Aug. 9,1900 867, Oct. 23,1900 931 Jan. 10, 1901 804, Aug. 10,1900 868, Oct. 24,1900 932 Jan. 11, 1901 805, Aug. 11, 1900 869, Oct. 25, 1900 933 Jan. 12, 1901 806, Aug. 13, 1900 870, Oct. 26, 1900 934 Jan. 14. 1901 807, Aug. 14,1900 871, Oct. 27, 1900 935 Jan. 15, 1901 808, Aug. 15, 1900 872, Oct. 29, 1900 936, Jan. 16, 1901 809, Aug. 16, 1900 873, Oct. 30, 1900 937 Jan. 17, 1901 810, Aug. 17, 1900 874, Oct. 31, 1900 938 Jan. 18, 1901 811, Aug. 18, 1900 875, Nov. 1, 1900 939, Jan. 19, 1901 812, Aug. 20, 1900 876, Nov. 2, 1900 940, Jan. 21, 1901 813, Aug. 21, 1900 877, Nov. 3,1900 941 Jan. 22, 1901 814, Aug. 22,1900 878, Nov. 5,1900 942, Jan. 23, 1901 928 Classification no. S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued ^4.5: Ad vane € 5 Si (no8.) 943, Jan. 24, 944, Jan. 25, 945, Jan. 26, 946, Jan. 28, 947, Jan. 29, 948, Jan. 30, 949, Jan. 31, 950, Feb. 1, 951, Feb. 2, 952, Feb. 4, 953, Feb. 5, 954, Feb. 6, 955, Feb. 7, 956, Feb. 8, 957, Feb. 9, 958, Feb. 11, 959, Feb. 12, 960, Feb. 13, 961, Feb. 13 962, Feb. 14; 963, Feb. 15, 964, Feb. 16, 965, Feb. 18, 966, Feb. 19, 967, Feb. 20, 968, Feb. 21, 969, Feb. 23, 970, Feb. 25, 971, Feb. 26, 972, Feb. 27, 973, Feb. 28, 974, Mar. 1, 975, Mar. 2, 976, Mar. 5, 977, Mar. 6, 978, Mar. 7, 979, Mar. 8, 980, Mar. 9, 981, Mar. 11, 9S2, Mar. 12, m, Mar. 13, 984, Mar. 14, 985, Mar. 15, 986, Mar. 16, 987, Mar. 18; 988, Mar. 19, 989, Mar. 20, 990, Mar. 21, 991, Mar. 22, 992, Mar. 23, 993, Mar. 25, 994, Mar. 26, 995, Mar. 27, 996, Mar. 28, 997, Mar. 29, 998, Mar. 30, 999, Apr. 1, 1000, Apr. 2, 1001, Apr. 3, 1002, Apr. 4, 1003, Apr. 5, 1004, Apr. 6, 1005, Apr. 8, 1006, Apr. 9. 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1007, 1008! 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017; 1018 1019 1020 102i: 1022 1023: 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040, 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068, 1069, 1070: Apr. 10 Apr. 11 Apr. 12 Apr. 13 Apr. 15 Apr. 16 Apr. 17 Apr. 18 Apr. 19 Apr. 20 Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Apr. 24 Apr. 25 Apr. 26 Apr. 27 Apr. 29 Apr. 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 31 June 1 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 10 June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14, June 15 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 20 June 21 June 22 June 24 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1071, June 1072, June 1073, June 1074, June 1075, June 1076, July 1077, July 1078, July 1079, July 1080, July 1081, July 1082, July 1083, July 1084, July 1085, July 1086, July 1087, July 1088, July 1089, July 1090, July 1091, July 1092, July 1093, July 1094, July 1095, July 1096, July 1097, July 1098, July 1099, July 00, July 01, July 02, Aug. 03, Aug. 04, Aug. 05, Aug. 06, Aug. 07, Aug. 08, Aug. 09, Aug. 10, Aug. 11, Aug. 12, Aug. 13, Aug. 14, Aug. 15, Aug. 16, Aug. 17, Aug. 18, Aug. 19, Aug. 20, Aug. 21, Aug. 22, Aug. 23, Aug. 24, Aug. 25, Aug. 26, Aug. 27, Aug. 28, Aug. 29, Sept. 30, Sept. 31, Sept. 32, Sept. 33, Sept. 34, Sept. 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 929 ClaMlflcatlon no. S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAXJ—Continued S4.5: Advance si (no8.) 1135, Sept. 10, 1136, Sept. 11, 1137, Sept. 12, 1138, Sept. 13, 1139, Sept. 14, 1140, Sept. 16, 1141, Sept. 20, 1142, Sept. 21, 1143, Sept. 23, 1144, Sept. 24, 1145, Sept. 25, 1146, Sept. 26, 1147, Sept. 27, 1148, Sept. 28, 1149, Sept. 30, 1150, Oct. 1, 1151, Oct. 2, 1152, Oct. 3, 1153, Oct. 4, 1154, Oct. 5, 1155, Oct. 7, 1156, Oct. 8, 1157, Oct. 9, 1158, Oct. 10, 1159, Oct. 11, 1160, Oct. 12, 1161, Oct. 14, 1162, Oct. 15, 1163, Oct. 16, 1164, Oct. 17, 1165, Oct. 18, 1166, Oct. 19, 1167, Oct. 21, 1168, Oct. 22, 1169, Oct. 23, 1170, Oct. 24, 1171, Oct. 25, 1172, Oct. 26, 1173, Oct. 28, 1174, Oct. 29, 1175, Oct. 30, 1176, Oct. 31, 1177, Nov. 1, 1178, Nov. 2, 1179, Nov. 4, 1180, Nov. 5, 1181, Nov. 5, 1182, Nov. 6, 1183, Nov. 7, 1184, Nov. 8, 1185, Nov. 9, 1186, Nov. 11, 1187, Nov. 12, 1188, Nov. 13; 1189, Nov. 14, 1190, Nov. 15, 1191, Nov. 16, 1192, Nov. 18, 1193, Nov. 19 1194, Nov. 2o; 1195, Nov. 21, 1196, Nov. 22, 1197, Nov. 23, 1198, Nov. 25, 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 , Nov. 26, , Nov. 27, , Nov. 29, , Nov. 30, , Dec. 2, , Dec. 3, , Dec. 4, , Dec. 5, , Dec. 6, , Dec. 7, , Dec. 9, , Dec. 10, , Dec. 11, , Dec. 12, , Dec. 13, , Dec. 14, , Dec. 16, , Dec. 17, , Dec. 18, , Dec. 19, , Dec. 20, , Dec. 21, , Dec. 23, , Dec. 24, , Dec. 26, , Dec. 27, , Dec. 28, , Dec. 30, , Dec. 31, , Jan. 2, , Jan. 3, ,Jan. 4, , Jan. 6, , Jan. 7, , Jan. 8, , Jan. 9, , Jan. 10, , Jan. 11, , Jan. 13, , Jan. 14, , Jan. 15, , Jan. 16, , Jan. 17, , Jan. 18, , Jan. 20, , Jan. 21, , Jan. 22, , Jan. 23, , Jan. 24, , Jan. 25, , Jan. 27, , Jan. , Jan. i; , Jan. 30, , Jan. 31, , Feb. 1, , Feb. 3, , Feb. 4, , Feb. 5, , Feb. 6, , Feb. 7, , Feb. 8, , Feb. 10, , Feb. 11, 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 , Feb. 12, , Feb. 13, , Feb. 14, , Feb. 15, , Feb. 17, , Feb. 18, , Feb. 18, , Feb. 19, , Feb. 20, , Feb. 21, , Feb. 24, , Feb. 25, , Feb. 26, , Feb. 27, , Feb. 28, , Mar. 1, , Mar. 3, , Mar. 4, , Mar. 5, , Mar. 6, , Mar. 7, , Mar. 8, , Mar. 10, , Mar. 11, , Mar. 12, , Mar. 13, , Mar. 14, , Mar. 15, , Mar. 17, , Mar. 18, , Mar. 19, , Mar. 20, , Mar. 21 , Mar. 22; , Mar. 24, , Mar. 25, , Mar. 26, ,Mar. 27, , Mar. 28, , Mar. 29, , Mar. 31, , Apr. 1, , Apr. 2 , Apr. 3^ , Apr. 4, , Apr. 5, , Apr. 7, , Apr. 8, , Apr. 9, , Apr. 10, , Apr. 11, , Apr. 12, , Apr. 14, , Apr. 15, , Apr. 16, , Apr. 17, , Apr. 18, , Apr. 19, , Apr. 21, , Apr. 22, , Apr. 23, , Apr. 24, , Apr. 25, , Apr. 26, 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 82452°— 11 59 930 Classification S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued no. S4.5: Advance sheets of consular reports— Continued 1327, Apr. 28, 1902 1392, July 15, 1902 1457, Sept. 1328, Apr. 29, 1902 1393, July 16, 1902 1458, Oct. 1329, Apr. 30, 1902 1394, July 17, 1902 1459, Oct. 1330, May 1, 1902 1395, July 18, 1902 1460, Oct. 1331, May 2, 1902 1396, July 19, 1902 1461, Oct. 1332, May 3, 1902 1397, July 21, 1902 1462, Oct. 1333, May 5, 1902 1398, July 22, 1902 1463, Oct. 1334, May 6, 1902 1399, July 23, 1902 1464, Oct. 1335, May 7, 1902 1400, July 24, 1902 1465, Oct. 1336, May 8, 1902 1401, July 25, 1902 1466, Oct. 1337, May 9, 1902 1402, July 26, 1902 1467, Oct. 1338, May 10, 1902 1403, July 28, 1902 1468, Oct. 1339, May 12, 1902 1404, July 29, 1902 1469, Oct. 1340, May 13, 1902 1405, July 30, 1909 1470, Oct. 1341, May 14, 1902 1406, July 31, 1902 1471, Oct. 1342, May 15, 1902 1407, Aug. 1, 1902 1472, Oct. 1343, May 16, 1902 1408, Aug. 2, 1902 1473, Oct. 1344, May 17, 1902 1409, Aug. 4, 1902 1474, Oct. 1345, May 19, 1902 1410, Aug. 5, 1902 1475, Oct. 1346, May 20, 1902 1411, Aug. 6, 1902 1476, Oct. 1347, May 21, 1902 1412, Aug. 7, 1902 1477, Oct. 1348, May 22, 1902 1413, Aug. 8, 1902 1478, Oct. 1349, May 23, 1902 1414, Aug. 9, 1902 1479, Oct. 1350, May 24, 1902 1415, Aug. 11, 1902 1480, Oct. 1351, May 26, 1902 1416, Aug. 12, 1902 1481, Oct. 1352, May 27, 1902 1417, Aug. 13, 1902 1482, Oct. 1353, May 28, 1902 1418, Aug. 14, 1902 1483, Oct. 1354, May 29, 1902 1419, Aug. 15, 1902 1484, Nov. 1355, May 31, 1902 1420, Aug. 16, 1902 1485, Nov. 1356, June 2, 1902 1421, Aug. 18, 1902 1486, Nov. 1357, June 3, 1902 1422, Aug. 19, 1902 1487, Nov. 1358, June 4, 1902 1423, Aug. 20, 1902 1488, Nov. 1359, June 5, 1902 1424, Aug. 21, 1902 1489, Nov. 1360, June 6, 1902 1425, Aug. 22, 1902 1490, Nov. 1361, June 7, 1902 1426, Aug. 23, 1902 1491, Nov. 1362, June 9, 1902 1427, Aug. 25, 1902 1492, Nov. 1363, June 10, 1902 1428, Aug. 26, 1902 1493, Nov. 1364, June 11, 1902 1429, Aug. 27, 1902 1494, Nov. 1365, June 12, 1902 1430, Aug. 28, 1902 1495, Nov. 1366, June 13, 1902 1431, Aug. 29, 1902 1496, Nov. 1367, June 14, 1902 1432, Aug. 30, 1902 1497, Nov. 1368, June 16, 1902 1433, Sept. 2, 1902 1498, Nov. 1369, June 17, 1902 1434, Sept. 3, 1902 1499, Nov. 1370, June 18, 1902 1435, Sept. 4, 1902 1500, Nov. 1371, June 19, 1902 1436, Sept. 5, 1902 1501, Nov. 1372, June 20, 1902 1437, Sept. 6, 1902 1502, Nov. 1373, June 21, 1902 1438, Sept. 8, 1902 1503, Nov. 1374, June 23, 1902 1439, Sept. 9, 1902 1504, Nov. 1375, June 24, 1902 1440, Sept. 10, 1902 1505, Nov. 1376, June 25, 1902 1441, Sept. 11, 1902 1506, Nov. 1377, June 26, 1902 1442, Sept. 12, 1902 1507, Nov. 1378, June 27, 1902 1443, Sept. 13, 1902 1508, Dec. 1379, June 28, 1902»Js 1444, Sept. 15, 1902 1509, Dec. 1380, June 30, 1902 1445, Sept. 16, 1902 1510, Dec. 1381, July 1, 1902 1446, Sept. 17, 1902 1511, Dec. 1382, July 2, 1902 1447, Sept. 18, 1902 1512, Dec. 1383, July 3, 1902 1448, Sept. 19, 1902 1513, Dec. 1384, July 5, 1902 1449, Sept. 20, 1902 1514, Dec. 1385, July 7, 1902 1450, Sept. 22, 1902 1515, Dec. 1386, July 8, 1902 1451, Sept. 23,1902 1516, Dec. 1387, July 9, 1902 1452, Sept. 24, 1902 1517, Dec. 1388, July 10, 1902 1453, Sept. 25, 1902 1518, Dec. 1389, July 11, 1902 1454, Sept. 26, 1902 1519, Dec. 1390, July 12, 1902 1455, Sept. 27, 1902 1520, Dec. 1391, July 14, 1902 1456, Sept. 29, 1902 1521, Dec. 30, 1902 1, 1902 2, 1902 3, 1902 4, 1902 6, 1902 7, 1902 9, 1902 10, 1902 11, 1902 13, 1902 14, 1902 15, 1902 16, 1902 17, 1902 18, 1902 20, 1902 21, 1902 22, 1902 23, 1902 24, 1902 25, 1902 27, 1902 28, 1902 29, 1902 30, 1902 31, 1902 1, 1902 3, 1902 4, 1902 5, 1902 6, 1902 7, 1902 8, 1902 10, 1902 11, 1902 12, 1902 13, 1902 14, 1902 15, 1902 17, 1902 18, 1902 19, 1902 20, 1902 21, 1902 22, 1902 24, 1902 25, 1902 26, 1902 28, 1902 29, 1902 1, 1902 2, 1902 3, 1902 4, 1902 5, 1902 6, 1902 8, 1902 9, 1902 10, 1902 11, 1902 12, 1902 13, 1902 15, 1902 16, 1902 931 CUsNiAcatioii no. 84. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— ('ontinued S4.5: Advance sheets of consular reports— Continuefl (noe.) S4.6: (date) 1522, Dec. 17, 1902 1523, Dec. 18, 1902 1524, Dec. 19, 1902 1525, Dec. 20, 1902 1526, Dec. 22, 1902 1527, Dec. 23, 1902 1528, Dec. 24, 1902 1529, Dec. 26, 1902 1530, Dec. 27, 1902 1531, Dec. 29, 1902 1532, Dec. 30,1902 1533, Dec. 31,1902 1534, Jan. 2, 1903 1535, Jan. 3, 1903 1536, Jan. 5, 1903 1537, Jan. 6, 1903 1538, Jan. 7, 1903 1539, Jan. 8, 1903 1540, Jan. 9, 1903 1541, Jan. 10, 1903 1542, Jan. 12, 1903 1543, Jan. 13, 1903 1544, Jan. 14, 1903 1545, Jan. 15, 1903 1546, Jan. 16, 1903 1547, Jan. 17, 1903 1548, Jan. 19, 1903 1549, Jan. 20, 1903 1550, Jan. 21, 1903 1551, Jan. 22, 1903 1552, Jan. 23, 1903 1553, Jan. 24, 1903 1554, Jan. 26, 1903 1555, Jan. 27, 1903 1556, Jan. 28, 1903 1557, Jan. 29, 1903 1558, Jan. 30, 1903 1559, Jan. 31, 1903 1560, Feb. 2, 1903 1561, Feb. 3, 1903 1562, Feb. 4, 1903 1563, Feb. 5, 1903 1564, Feb. 6, 1903 1565, Feb. 7, 1903 1566, Feb. 9, 1903 1567, Feb. 10, 1903 1568, Feb. 11, 1903 1569, Feb. 12, 1903 1570, Feb. 13, 1903 1571, Feb. 14, 1903 1572, Feb. 16, 1903 1573, Feb. 17, 1903 1574, Feb. 18, 1903 1575, Feb. 19, 1903 1576, Feb. 20, 1903 See, for later numbers, C14.6: and CIO.5^: Indexes to Advance sheets of consular reports 1898, calendar year, nos. 1-313 1899, calendar year, nos. 314-616 1900, calendar year, nos. 617-923 1901, calendar year, nos. 924-1227 1902, calendar year, nos. 1228-1533 See, for 1903, C14.7: 1577, Feb. 21, 1903 1632, Apr. 28, 1903 1578, Feb. 24, 1903 1633, Apr. 29, 1903 1579, Feb. 25, 1903 1634, Apr. 1635, May 30, 1903 1580, Feb. 26, 1903 1, 1903 1581, Feb. 27, 1903 1636, May 2, 1903 1582, Feb. 28, 1903 1637, May 4, 1903 1583, Mar. 2, 1903 1638, May 5, 1903 1584, Mar. 3, 1903 1639, May 6, 1903 1585, Mar. 4, 1903 1640, May 7, 1903 1586, Mar. 5, 1903 1641, May 8, 1903 1587, Mar. 6, 1903 1642, May 9, 1903 1588, Mar. 7, 1903 1643, May 11, 1903 1589, Mar. 9, 1903 1644, May 12, 1903 1590, Mar. 10, 1903 1645, May 13, 1903 1591, Mar. 11, 1903 1646, May 14, 1903 1592, Mar. 12, 1903 1647, May 15, 1903 1593, Mar. 13, 1903 1648, May 16, 1903 1594, Mar. 14, 1903 1649, May 18, 1903 1595, Mar. 16, 1903 1650, May 19, 1903 1596, Mar. 17, 1903 1651, May 20, 1903 1597, Mar. 18, 1903 1652, May 21, 1903 1598, Mar. 19, 1903 1653, May 22, 1903 1599, Mar. 20, 1903 1654, May 23, 1903 1600, Mar. 21, 1903 1655, May 25, 1903 1601, Mar. 23, 1903 1656, May 26, 1903 1602, Mar. 24, 1903 1657, May 27, 1903 1603, Mar. 25, 1903 1658, May 28, 1903 1604, Mar. 26, 1903 1659, May 29, 1903 1605, Mar. 27, 1903 1660, June 1, 1903 1606, Mar. 28, 1903 1661, June 2, 1903 1607, Mar. 30, 1903 1662, June 3, 1903 1608, Mar. 31, 1903 1663, June 4, 1903 1609, Apr. 1, 1903 1664, June 5, 1903 1610, Apr. 2, 1903 1665, June 6, 1903 1611, Apr. 3, 1903 1666, June 8, 1903 1612, Apr. 4, 1903 1667, June 9, 1903 1613, Apr. 6, 1903 1668, June 10, 1903 1614, Apr. 7, 1903 1669, June 11, 1903 1615, Apr. 8, 1903 1670, June 12, 1903 1616, Apr. 9, 1903 1671, June 13, 1903 1617, Apr. 10, 1903 1672, June 15, 1903 1618, Apr. 11, 1903 1673, June 16, 1903 1619, Apr. 13, 1903 1674, June 17, 1903 1620, Apr. 14, 1903 1675, June 18, 1903 1621, Apr. 15, 1903 1676, June 19, 1903 1622, Apr. 16, 1903 1677, June 20, 1903 1623, Apr. 17, 1903 1678, June 22, 1903 1624, Apr. 18, 1903 1679, June 23, 1903 1625, Apr. 20, 1903 1680, June 24, 1903 1626, Apr. 21, 1903 1681, June 25, 1903 1627, Apr. 22, 1903 1682, June 26, 1903 1628, Apr. 23, 1903 1683, June 27, 1903 1629, Apr. 24, 1903 1684, June 29, 1903 1630, Apr. 25, 1903 1685, June 30, 1903 1631, Apr. 27, 1903 932 Classification no. S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued 84.7: Consular reports (monthly) (v. nos.) [First issued under authority of sundry civil act of June 16, 1880 (Stat. L. v. 21, p. 271), which provided "for printing and distributing more frequently the pubhcations by the Department of State of the consular and other commercial reports." Information of this nature had previously been published in part in the annual volumes of Commercial relations (S4.1:). The individual issues are numbered consecutively, and there is one number for each month with a few exceptions. There were no issues for Dec. 1880, June, 1883, May, 1885, May, 188(>, or June, 1889, and the only issue for May, 1883, was a general index (S4.8:l-8). In a few cases, an extra or "half" number was issued for the same month as the corresponding regular number; these half numbers are 24|, 25§, 20^, 41J, 53J, 68*, 73J, 106J, and 107^. The issues for Nov. and Dec. 1888, nos. 99 and 100, were combined, as were also nos. 110 and 111, for Nov. and Dec. 1889. Although no volume title-pages were furnished for nos. 1-62, their arrangement into v. 1-18 was indicated by the State Department in the Directions for bind- ing consular reports, issued from time to time either separately (S4.2:B51 1>-) or in the general indexes (S4.8:). Volume title-pages were furnished beginning with v. 19, but it was not until v. 43, beginning with no. 156, Sept. 1893, that the volume number appeared also on each monthly number. The title used in the list below for v. 1-18 is taken from the individual numbers. Nos. 1-31 carried also at top of title-page the line " Commercial relations of United States," which was replaced on nos. 32-72 by "United States consular reports," and thereafter omitted except on occasional numbers. The titles given below for V. 19-71 are taken from the volume title-pages. The monthly title-pages have usually been the same, though there have been occasional differences, particularly when a whole number was devoted to reports on a special subject, usually made in pursuance of special instructions from the State Department. In such cases, the special title appeared on the title-page, as indicated in the list below. After 1890, all such special reports, except the statement of Exports declared for United States, usually appeared in the volumed series of Special consular reports; see S4.9: At the beginning, each monthly number contained its own index. Volume indexes appeared beginning with v. 17, the monthly indexes being discontinued at some later period. The volume indexes were sometimes incorporated in the last number of the volume, and sometimes issued separately with the volume title-page.] See, for General indexes to monthly consular reports, S4.8: [Reports from consuls of United States on commerce, manufactm-es, etc., of their districts] 1] [Not in Congressional set.] no. 1, Oct. 1880 1 no. 2, Nov. 1880 1 [No issue for Dec. 1880.) 2] [Not in Congressional set.] no. 3, Jan. 1881 1 no. 4, Feb. 1881 no. 5, Mar. 1881 no. 6, Apr. 1881 no. 7, May, 1881 no. 8, June, 1881 [V. [V. [v. 3] [Not in Congressional set.] no. 9, July, 1881 no. 10, Aug. 1881 no. 11, Sept. 1881 [v. 4] [Not in Congressional set.] no. 12, Oct. 1881 : Cotton goods trade of the world and share of United States therein. no. 13, Nov. 1881 no. 14, Dec. 1881 [v. 5] [Not in Congressional set.] no. 15, Jan. 1882 no. 16, Feb. 1882 no. 17, Mar. 1882 no. 18, Apr. 1882 [v. 6] [Not in Congressional set.] no. 19, May, 1882 no. 20, June, 1882 no. 21, July, 1882 no. 22, Aug. 1882 fNos. 1-3, revised and consolidated in the State Department, were also issued in 1 v. by order of Congress; see Y1.1:C76^ 933 ClMslflratlon no. S4.7: (v. nos.) S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU-Continued Consular reports (monthly) — Continued [Reports from consuls of United States on commerce, manufactures, etc., of their districts] — Continued [v. 7] [2061-65] no. 23, Sept. 1882: Cotton and woolen mills of Europe. no. 24, Oct. 1882 no. 24i, Oct. 1882: Ostrich farming in United States, [v. 8] [2118-19] no. 25, Nov. 1882 no. 25^, Nov. 1882: Cereals of Europe, India, and Algeria. no. 26, Dec. 1882 no. 26^, Dec. 1882: Tariffs of Spain, Norway, Italy, Hawaii, and British Guiana, [v. 9] [2127-39] no. 27, Jan. 1883 no. 28, Feb. 1883 no. 29, Mar. 1883: Glass manufactures of Europe. no. 30, Apr. 1883 [The issue for May, 18&3, was the general index to nos. 1-20J, v. 1-8; see S4.8:l-«, No issue for June, 1883.] [v. 10] [2216-12] no. 31, July, 1883 no. 32, Aug. 1883 no. 33, Sept. 1883 no. 34, Oct. 1883 [Appended to Congressional edition of v. 10 is Declared exports for United States, 1st and 2d quarters, 1883, which appeared separately in bureau edition; see 84.11:883 «.] [v. 11] [2217-12] no. 35, Nov. 1883 ' no. 36, Dec. 1883 no. 37, Jan. 1884: Petroleum and kerosene oil in foreign countries, no. 38, Feb. 1884 [Appended to Congressional edition of v. 11 is Declared exports for United States, 3d and 4th quarters, 1883, which appeared separately in bureau edition; see S4.ll.883 2.] [v. 12] [2218-12] no. 39, Mar. 1384 no. 40, Apr. 1884 no. 41, May, 1884 no. 41^, June, 1884: Fruit cultiu-e in [foreign] countries, [v. 13] [2219-12] no. 42, June, 1884 no. 43, July, 1884: Credit and trade systems of [foreign countries]. no.* 44, Aug. 1884 [v. 14] [2319-34] no. 45, Sept. 1884 no. 46, Oct. 1884 no. 47, Nov. 1884 no. 48, Dec. 1884: tries. [v. 15] [2412-28] no. 49, Jan. 1885 no. 50, Feb. 1885 no. 51, Mar. 1885 no. 52, Apr. 1885: year 1884. [No issue for May, 1885. Appended to Congressional edition of v. 15 is Cholera in Europe in 1S84, which appeared separately in bureau edition; see S4.10:C45 i.] [v. 16] [2413-29] no. 53, June, 1885 no. 53 J, June, 1885: Tariff laws of Mexico. no. 54, July, 1885 no. 55, Aug. 1885 Agricultural machinery in [foreign] coim- Declared exports for United States for 934 Classification no. 84.7: (v. nos.) S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued Consular reports (monthly) — Continued [Reports from consuls of United States on commerce, manufactures, etc., of their districts] — Continued [v. 16] [2413-29]— Continued no. 56, Sept. 1885: Declared exports for United States, 1st and 2d quarters, 1885. [Appended to Congressional edition of v. 16 are the following, which appeared separately in bureau editions: Trade guilds of Europe, sec S4.10:G94; Licorice plant, see S4.10:L61; Pounding and polishing rice in England and Germany. «ee S4.10:R36.] [v. 17] [2417-178] no. 57, Oct. 1885 no. 58, Nov. 1885 no. 59, Dec. 1885: Leather and shoe industries in [foreign countries]. [v. 18] [2417-179] no. 60, Jan. 1886 no. 61, Feb. 1886 no. 62, Mar. 1886 [Appended to Congressional edition of v. 18 is Scouring of wool in Belgium, Great Britain, and Germany, which appeared separately in bureau edition: see S4.10:W88.] Reports from consuls of United States V. 19 [2491-55] no. '63, Apr. 1886 [No issue for May, 1886.] no. 64, June, 1886 no. 65, July, 1886 no. 66, Aug. 1886: Agriculture and manufactures in [foreign countries], no. 67, Sept. 1886 no. 68, Sept. 1886 V. 20 [2491-56] [no. 68^], Sept. 1886: reports. " " 1886 1886 1886 1886 Scope and method of consular trade Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. 21 [2496-169] no. 73, Jan. no. 73^, Jan. no. no. no. no. 69, 70, 71, 72, 1887 1887 : Customs duties imposed by foreign nations upon American produce and manufactures, no. 74, Feb. 1887 no. 75, Mar. 1887 V. 22 [2590-604] no. 76, Apr. 1887: Emigration from Europe. See also S4.10: Em4. no. 77, Apr. 1887:Fisheryinterestsof United States and trade with Canada, no. 78, May, 1887 no. 79, June, 1887 no. 80, June, 1887 V. 23 [259a-605] no. 81, July, 1887 no.. 82, Aug. 1887 no. 83, Sept. 1887 no. 84, Sept. 1887 V. 24 [2591-606] no. 85, Oct. 1887: [Statistical] abstract of foreign commerce of Europe, Australasia, Asia, and Africa, 1873-85. no. 86, Nov. 1887 no. 87, Dec. 1887: Bimetallism in Europe. 935 Classlflcatlon no. S4.7: (v. no8.) 84. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued Consular reports (monthly)— Continued Reports from consuls of United States — Continued V. 25 [2591-607] no. 88, Jan. 1888 no. 89, Feb. 1888 no. 90, Mar. 1888: Budgets and budget legislation in foreign countries. no. 91, Mar. 1888 V. 26 [2592-608] no. 92, Apr. 1888 no. 93, May, 1888 no. 94, June, 1888 V. 27 [2592-609] no. 95, July, 1888 no. 96, Aug. 1888 no. 97, Sept. 1888 V. 28 [2666-140] no. 98, Oct. 1888: Cultivation of and trade in coffee in Cen- tral and South America; Present progress of foreign trade, [by] R. Giffen; Homes of German working people, by James Henry Smith. nos. 99 and 100, Nov. and Dec. 1888 V. 29 [2667-141] [The issue for Jan. 1889, was printed as "N. S., no. 1," meaning New series, no. 1, and that for Feb. 1889, appeared as " N. S., no. 2." The volume title-page, however, and the various indexes refer to these issues as no. 101 and no. 102, respectively. With Mar. 1889, the numbering in one consecutive series was resumed.] no. [101], Jan. 1889 no. 102, Feb. 1889 no. 103, Mar. 1889 no. 104, Apr. 1889 V. 30 [2783-231] no. 105, May, 1889 [No issue for June, 1889.] no. 106, July, 1889 no. 106^, July, 1889: Cider manufacture, etc. no. 107, Aug. 1889 no. 107^, Aug. 1889: Tobacco culture, etc. V. 31 [2784-232] --- ~ 1889 1889 Nov. and Dec. 1889: Mortgages in foreign coun no. 108, Sept. no. 109, Oct. nos. 110 and 111, V. 32 [2785-234] no. 112, Jan. no. 113, Feb. no. 114, Mar. no. 115, Apr. V. 33 [2798-267] no. 116, May, no. 117, June, 1890 no. 118, July, 1890 no. 119, Aug. 1890 V. 34 [2877-128] no. 120, Sept. no. 121, Oct. no. 122, Nov. no. 123, Dec. V. 35 [2973-17] no. 124, Jan. no. 125, Feb. no. 126, Mar. no. 127, Apr. 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1891 1891 1891 1891 936 Classmcatlon S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued 84.7: Consular reports (monthly)— Continued (v. nos.) Reports from consuls of United States — Continued V. 36 [2973-18] no. 128, May, 1891 no. 129, June, 1891 no. 130, July, 1891 no. 131, Aug. 1891 V. 37 [2992-154] no. 132, Sept. 1891 no. 133, Oct. 1891 no. 134, Nov. 1891 no. 135, Dec. 1891 V. 38 [2997-258] no. 136, Jan. 1892 no. 137, Feb. 1892 no. 138, Mar. 1892 no. 139, Apr. 1892: Local transportation and underground conduits in foreign countries. V. 39 [3007-339] no. 140, May, 1892 no. 141, June, 1892 no. 142, July, 1892 no. 143, Aug. 1892 \ . 40 [3127-108] no. 144, Sept. 1892 no. 145, Oct. 1892 no. 146, Nov. 1892 no. 147, Dec. 1892 V. 41 [3127-109] no. 148, Jan. 1893 no. 149, Feb. 1893 no. 150, Mar. 1893 no. 151, Apr. 1893 V. 42 [3155-24] no. 152, May, 1893 no. 153, June, 1893 no. 154, July, 1893 no. 155, Aug. 1893 Consular reports, commerce, manufactures, etc. V. 43 [3234-54] no. 156, Sept. 1893 no. 157, Oct. 1893 no. 158, Nov. 1893 no. 159, Dec. 1893 V. 44 [3247-123] no. 160, Jan. 1894 no. 161, Feb. 1894 no. 162, Mar. 1894 no. 163, Apr. 1894 V. 45 [3260-205] no. 164, May, 1894 no. 165, June, 1894 no. 166, July, 1894 no. 167, Aug. 1894 V. 46 [3330-35] no. 168, Sept. 1894 no. 169, Oct. 1894 no. 170, Nov. 1894 no. 171, Dec. 1894 v. 47 [3333-66] no. 172, Jan. 1895 no. 173, Feb. 1895 no. 174, Mar. 1895 no. 175, Apr. 1895 937 Classification no. 84.7: (v. nos.) 84. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued Consular reports (monthly)— Continued Consular reports, commerce, manufactures, etc. — Continued V. 48 [3402-30] no. 176, May, 1895 no. 177, June, 1895 no. 178, July, 1895 no. 179, Aug. 1895 V. 49 [3403-31] no. 180, Sept. 1895 no. 181, Oct. 1895 no. 182, Nov. 1895 no. 183, Dec. 1895 V. 50 [3419-132] no. 184, Jan. 1896 no. 185, Feb. 1896 no. 186, Mar. 1896 no. 187, Apr. 1896 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Dec. 31, 1895. V. 51 [3439-377] no. 188, May, 1896 no. 189, June, 1896 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Mar. 31, 1896. no. 190, July, 1896 no. 191, Aug. 1896 V. 52 [3507-24] no. 192, Sept. 1896 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended June 30, 1896. no. 193, Oct. 1896 no. 194, Nov. 1896 no. 195, Dec. 1896 V. 53 [3526-164] no. 196, Jan. 1897 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Sept. 30, 1896. no. 197, Feb. 1897 no. 198, Mar. 1897 no. 199, Apr. 1897 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Dec. 31, 1896. V. 54 [3574-51] no. 200, May, 1897 no. 201, June, 1897 no. 202, July, 1897 no. 203, Aug. 1897 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Mar. 31, 1897. V. 55 [3575-91] no. 204, Sept. 1897 no. 205, Oct. 1897 no. 206, Nov. 1897 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended June 30, 1897. no. 207, Dec. 1897 V. 56 [3674-201] no. 208, Jan. 1898 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Sept. 30, 1897. no. 209, Feb. 1898 938 Classification no. 84.7: (v. nos.) 84. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU- Continued Consular reports (monthly) — Continued Consular reports, commerce, manufactures, etc. — Continued V. 56 [3674-201]— Continued no. 210, Mar. 1898 no. 211, Apr. 1898 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Dec. 31, 1897. V. 57 [3675-435] no. 212, May, 1898 no. 213, June, 1898 no. 214, July, 1898 no. 215, Aug. 1898 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Mar. 31, 1898. V. 58 [3676-565] no. 216, Sept. 1898 no. 217, Oct. 1898 no. 218, Nov. 1898 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended June 30, 1898. no. 219, Dec. 1898 V. 59 [3782-73] no. 220, Jan. 1899 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Sept. 30, 1898. no. 221, Feb. 1899 no. 222, Mar. 1899 no. 223, Apr. 1899 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Dec. 31, 1898. V. 60 [3783-294] no. 224, May, 1899 no. 225, June, 1899 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Mar. 31, 1899. no. 226, July, 1899 no. 227, Aug. 1899 V. 61 [3943-16] no. 228, Sept. 1899 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended June 30, 1899. no. 229, Oct. 1899 no. 230, Nov. 1899 no. 231, Dec. 1899 V. 62 [3944-190] no. 232, Jan. 1900 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Sept. 30, 1899. no. 233, Feb. 1900 no. 234, Mar. 1900 no. 235, Apr. 1900 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Dec. 31, 1899. V. 63 [3945-620] no. 236, May, 1900 no. 237, June, 1900 no. 238, July, 1900 no. 239, Aug. 1900 Same, supplement: Exports declared for United States, quar- ter ended Mar. 31, 1900. 939 Classification no. S4.7: (v. DOS.) S4.8: 1-8 1-17 18-31 32-41 42-54 55-63 84. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued Consular reports (monthly)— Continued Consular reports, commerce, manufactures, etc. — Continued V. 64 [3946-744] no. 240, Sept. 1900 no. 241, Oct. 1900 no. 242, Nov. 1900 no. 243, Dec. 1900 V. 65 [4140-240] no. 244, Jan. 1901 no. 245, Feb. 1901 no. 246, Mar. 1901 no. 247, Apr. 1901 V. 66 [4141-527] no. 248, May, 1901 no. 249, June, 1901 no. 250, July, 1901 no. 251, Aug. 1901 V. 67 [4142-556] no. 252, Sept. 1901 no. 253, Oct. 1901 no. 254, Nov. 1901 no. 255, Dec. 1901 V. 68 [4333-152] no. 256, Jan. 1902 no. 257, Feb. 1902 no. 258, Mar. 1902 no. 259, Apr. 1902 V. 69 [4334-553] no. 260, May, 1902 no. 261, June, 1902 no. 262, July, 1902 no. 263, Aug. 1902 V. 70 [4335-710] no. 264, Sept. 1902 no. 265, Oct. 1902 no. 266, Nov. 1902 no. 267, Dec. 1902 V. 71 [4494-113] no. 268, Jan. 1903 no. 269, Feb. 1903 no. 270, Mar. 1903 no. 271, Apr. 1903 V. 72 [4495-438] no. 272, May, 1903 no. 273, June, 1903 no. 274 SeeCU.8:72. no. 275 SeeCU.S:72. See, for later numbers, C14.8: and CIO. 6: General Indexes to montlily consular reports [In addition to these general indexes, each volume of the monthly consular reports (S4.7:), beginning with v. 17, contains a volume index.] Contents of and index to first 26J numbers of reports from consuls of United States on commerce, manufactures, etc., of their con- sular districts [nos. 1-26^, v. 1-8, 1880-82]. May, 1883. [2127-39] Index to consular reports, nos. 1-59 [v. 1-17] 1880-85. 1887. [Not in Congressional set.] Same, nos. 60-111, v. 18-31, 1886-89. 1890. [2784-233] General index to consular reports, nos. 112-151, v. 32-41 [Jan. 1890- Apr. 1893]. 1894. [Not in Congressional set.] General index to monthly consular reports, nos. 152-203, v. 42-54 [May, 1893-Aug. 1897]. Sept. 1, 1897. [3574-51, pt. 6] Same, nos. 204-239, v. 55-63 [Sept. 1897-Aug. 1900]. 1901. [4143- 543] 940 Classiflcation no. 84. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued S4.9: Special consular reports (v. nos.) S4.9«: (CT) 84.10: [Prior to 1890, reports on special subjects made by consular officers in pursuance of special instructions from the State Department were issued eitlier in the series of monthly Consular reports (S4.7:) or as unnumbered special coasular reports (S4.10:). Beginning with 1890, the Department decided to publish reports of this nature as a volumed series of Special consular reports, as listed below. There are occasionally two or more reports in the same volume.] V. 1 [2799-268] V. 2 [2974- 19] V. 3 1891 [2974-20] Same, reissued with supplementary reports. 1897 [v. 4] Port regulations in foreign countries. 1891 [2857-45] [v. 5] Canals and irrigation in foreign countries. 1891 [2856-45] V. 6 V. 7 V. 8 V. 9 V. 10 Same, reissued with supplementary reports. 1898 See also S4.9:16and 20. 1897 1897 2991-153] 3128-110 3128-111' 3137-119" 1894 [3250-175] Same, reissued with supplementary reports. V. 11 1894 [3344-92] Same, reissued with supplementary reports. V. 12 1895 [3404-32] Same, reissued with supplementary reports and new chart of ocean routes for steam vessels. 1899 V. 13 [3508-25] V. 14 [3677-563] V. 15 [3779-34] V. 16, pt. 1 [3779-285] Same, pt. 2 1 Same, pt. 2 [continued]/ Same, pt. 3 [3781-285] Same, supplement [4139-140] [3947-116] 3947-257] '3948-730] V. 17 V. 18 [3781-285] V. 19 V. 20, pt. 1 Same, pt. Same, pt. V. 21, pt. 1 Same, pt. Same, pt. V. 22, pt. 1 Same, pt. Same, pt. V. 23, pt. 1 Same, pt. V. 24 V. 25 V. 26 [3949-731] [3950-741] [4139-290] [4336-708] 4493-112] 4493-199] 4493-447] See, for later volumes, C14.10: and C10.7: Special consular reports (separates) [Many of the reports included in the volumed series of Special consular reports have also been issued separately.] Consular reports (miscellaneous, unnumbered) [In addition to the consular reports issued in monthly numbers (S4.7:), the State Department from time to time called upon consular officers for reports on special subjects. Up to 1890, these reports were unnumbered and were usually not included in any other series issued by the State Department, though sometimes issued also as Congressional documents. In 1890, the Department decided to issue a volumed series of Special consular reports, and irom that date until 1903, when the Bureau of Foreign Commerce was transferred to the Department of Commerce and Labor, all such special reports, with a few exceptions, were issued in the volumed series; see S4.9: The list on p. 941 includes special consular reports issued prior to 1890, and unnumbered special reports issued between 1890 and 1903.] 941 Lll Glasslflcation no. S4.10: I C291 * C292 I C29=^ C45» C452 Em4 F76 G94 In7i In72 il Lll 2 Lll 3 Lll 4 L61 P26 P64 R36 T22 W88 S4.10«: (CT) S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued Consular reports (miscellaneous, unnumbered)*— Continued Cattle and dairy farming [in foreign coimtries]. 1887. pt. 1. Same. 1887. pt. 2. Same, complete in 1 v. 1887. [2397-51] Cholera in Europe in 1884. 1885. [In 2412-28] Cholera. Report on cholera [resume of practical conclusions concerning its nature and best methods of prevention and treatment as derived from studies of epidemics of 1884 and preceding years at Marseilles]; by Frank H. Mason. June 23, 1885. [Also in monthly Consular reports, Aug. 1885; see S4.7:16.] Emigration and immigration [in foreign countries]. 1887. [2483-157] [A portion of this work was published as Consular report 76, Apr. 1887; seeS4.7:22.] Forestry in Europe. 1887. Guilds. Trade guilds of Europe and laws and regulations by which they are governed. 1885. [In 2413-29] Inspection of United States consulates in United Kingdom; by Thomas M. Waller. 1887. Inoculation for diphtheria, special consular report; [by C. W. Chancel- lor], n. p. [1894]. [Not included in volumed series of Special consular reports (S4.9:), nor in Congressional set.] Labor. State of labor in Europe, 1878, reports on rates of wages, cost of living to laborers, past and present rates, present condition of trade, business habits and systems, amount of paper money in circulation and its relative value to gold and silver. 1879. ([46th Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 5]; serial no. 1875.) [Labor in foreign countries, 1884, v. 1]: Labor in Europe, reports on rates of wages, cost of living to laboring classes, past and present wages, etc. [Germany and England]. 1885. [2299-54] Same [v. 2]: Labor in Europe [other than in Germany and England]. 1885. [2300-54] Same [v. 3]: Labor in America, Asia, Africa, Australasia, and Poly- nesia. 1885. [2301-54] Licorice plant, reports on licorice plant, licorice manufacture, and licorice trade. 1885. [In 2413-29] Passport regulations of foreign countries. 1897. [3534-335] \See, for American passport, its history, and laws, etc., governing its issuance, Sl.2:P262.] Pilocarpine and tuberculosis, special consular report; [by Charles de Kay], n. p. [1895]. [Not included in volumed series of Special consular reports (S4.9:), nor in Congressional set.] Rice. Pounding and polishing rice in England and Germany. 1885. [In 2413-29] Technical education in Europe: pt. 1, Industrial education in France; by J. Schoenhof. 1888. [On p. xxii of the introduction to pt. 1, it was stated that this report on Industrial education in France would be followed by reports on technical education in Ger- many, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Holland, and Great Britain. Secretary of State Bayard submitted on Dec. 14, 1888, an estimate of appropriation for editmg and publishing the concluding parts of this important work {see 50th Congress, 2d session, House executive document 35, serial no. 2651). The money apparently was not appropriated and on p. 189 and 190 of Consular reports, v. 43, no. 157, Oct. 1893 (S4.7:43) is the definite statement that the series was "unfortu- nately not completed." Technical education in these countries was, however, treated of in the aforementioned Consular reports 157, and also in the 8th annual report of the commissioner of labor, 1892 (Lai. 1:892).] Wool. Scouring of wool in Belgium, Great Britain, and Germany. 1886. [In 2417-179] Consular reports (miscellaneous, unniunbered; separates) 942 Classification no. S4:.ll: 883^ 8832 892 9001 9002 9003 900^ 901 1 9012 84. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued Exports declared for United States [Various other Government publications contain summaries of information concern- ing exports from foreign countries to the United States. The reports listed below give statistics in detail for the individual districts within the several coun- tries. Statistics of this nature appeared in the monthly Consular reports (S4.7:) until 1883, when reports for 1st and 2d quarters and for 3d and 4th quarters were issued separately. After this the reports for each quarter (sometimes for the whole year) appeared either included in or as a supplement to the first number of the Consular reports available after the report was compiled. This practice was continued un- til Mar. 31, 1900. Beginning with the quarterly report for June 30, 1900, a separate series was issued as here listed, to Mar. 31, 1903. After July 1, 1903, when the publication was assumed by the Statistics Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept.. only two publications appeared. These were for the fiscal years 1903 and 1904 and were issued as separates from the Monthly summary of commerce and finance, under the title, Merchandise declared for export; they are classed in the Public Documents Library under C14.14a:Ex7. Since July 1, 1905, when the handling of the consular reports was turned over to the Manufactures Bureau, this publica- tion has not been issued, but similar information for 1905-09 appears in the annual volumes of Commercial relations for 1906-09 (C10.8:906-909).J Declared exports for United States, Ist and 2d quarters, 1883. 1883, [In 2216, following p. 872.] Same, 3d and 4tli quarters, 1883. 1884. [In 2217, following p. 737.] Same, for year 1884. (In S4.7:15.) Same, 1st and 2d quarters, 1885. (In S4.7:16.) Principal exports to United States declared at the several consulates [for calendar year 1892]. 1893. [Not in Congressional set.] Consolidated statements of exports, by quarters, for 1893 and prior years. (In S4.7:44.) Exports declared for United States, quarter ended June 30, 1894. (In S4.7:46.) Same, quarter ended Sept. 30, 1894. (In S4.7:46.) Same, quarter ended Dec. 31, 1894. (In S4.7:47.) Same, quarter ended Mar. 31, 1895. (In S4.7:48.) Same, quarter ended June 30, 1895. (In S4.7:49.) Same, quarter ended Sept. 30, 1895. (In S4.7:50.) Same, quarter ended Dec. 31, 1895. (In S4.7:50.) Same, quarter ended Mar. 31, 1896. (In S4.7:51.) Same, quarter ended June 30, 1896. (In S4.7:52.) Same, quarter ended Sept. 30, 1896. (In S4.7:53.) Same, quarter ended Dec. 31, 1896. (In S4.7:53.) Same, quarter ended Mar. 31, 1897. (In S4.7:54.) Same, quarter ended June 30, 1897. (In S4.7:55.) Same, quarter ended Sept. 30, 1897. (In S4.7:56.) Same, quarter ended Dec. 31, 1897. (In S4.7:56.) Same, quarter ended Mar. 31, 1898. (In S4.7:57.) Same, quarter ended June 30, 1898. (In S4.7:58.) Same, quarter ended Sept. 30, 1898. (In S4.7:59.) Same, quarter ended Dec. 31, 1898. (In S4.7:59.) Same, quarter ended Mar. 31, 1899. (In S4.7:60.) Same, quarter ended June 30, 1899. (In S4.7:61.) Same, fiscal year ended June 30, 1899. 1900. [4000-742] Same, quarter ended Sept. 30, 1899. (In S4.7:62.) Same, quarter ended Dec. 31, 1899. (In S4.7:62.) Same, quarter ended Mar. 31, 1900. (In S4.7:63.) Same, quarter ended June 30, 1900. 1900. [4144-141] Same, fiscal year ended June 30, 1900. 1901. [4144-550] Same, quarter ended Sept. 30, 1900. 1901. [4144-496] Same, quarter ended Dec. 31, 1900. 1901. [4144-544] Same, quarter ended Mar. 31, 1901. 1901. [4144-557] Same, quarter ended June 30, 1901, 1901, [4325-42] 943 Classification no. S4.ll: 9013 901* 901* 902 1 9022 9023 902* 902 « 903 84.12: (date) S4.13: (no8.) S4. FOREIGN COMMERCE BUREAU— Continued Exports declared for United States— Continued Same, fiscal year ended June 30, 1901. 1902. [4325-639] Same, quarter ended Sept. 30, 1901. 1901. [4325-353] Same, quarter ended Dec. 31, 1901. 1902. [4325-525] Same, quarter ended Mar. 31, 1902. 1902. [4325-683] Same, quarter ended June 30, 1902. 1902. [4492-111] Same, fiscal year ended June 30, 1902. 1903. [4492-454] Same, quarter ended Sept. 30, 1902. 1903. [4492-371] Same, quarter ended Dec. 31, 1902. 1903. [4492-440] Same, quarter ended Mar. 31, 1903. 1903. [4492-476] Review of tlie 'world's cominerce [These summaries prepared from the annual reports of consular officers appear sepa- rately and also as the introductory portion of the annual volume of Commercial relations (Sl.l:). No such summaries were compiled for the years 1882-93.] Commerce of the world and share of United States therein 1879 1880 and 1881 1882-93 [None issued.] Review of the world's commerce 1894 and 1895 1896 [Title-page reads 1895-96.] 1897 [Title-page reads 1896-97.] 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 See, for later numbers, C14.15: and C10.9: Special issue, consular reports [Issued at frequent but irregular intervals from Mar. IG, 1888, to f'cb. 16, 1889. Each number shows at the bottom of its first page the number of the monthly Consular report from which it is taken. The first Special issue of each month has also the following note: "In order to obviate the delay in publishing a full number of the Consular reports, special issues will be made from time to time in this form for the use of the press only. This will not supersede the regular publication, but id VI is merely an advance issue."] 23 44 24 45 25 46 26 47 27 July 10, 1888 [27^] July 10, 1888 f 48 49 28 50 29 51 30 52 31 53 32 54 33 55 34 56 35 57 36 58 37 59 38 60 39 61 40 62 41 * 63 42 64 43 [Discontinued. See, for later series of similar nature, S4.5:] t The unnumbered special issue of July 10, 1888, here listed as [27^], is made up of portions of monthly Consular reports 93, 94, and 95, May, June, and July, 1888. The articles appeared also in Special issues 14, 24, 27, and 28. 944 85. INTERNATIONAL, CONGRESSES, CONFERENCES, AND COMMISSIONS [This class includes publications of International congresses, international conferences, and international commissions, except such commissions as are appointed to settle international disputes. Similar pub- lications which have appeared only as Congressional documents are not listed here. See, for commissions appointed to settle international disputes, S3. See, for Congressional and Presidential commissions, Y3. See, for Departmental commissions, under the Department or office by which appointed.] Classiftcation no. S5.1: S5.2: [The series symbols 1-4 before the colon, which in other classes are *^* used for Annual reports, General publications, Bulletins, and S5.3: Circulars, respectively, are not used under S5.] S5.4: 85.5: International Statistical Congress See, for dates and places of lst-6th meetings of International Statistical Congress, report of 7th congress (S5.5:869), p. 2. See,ioT report on 5th congress, Berlin, 1863, 38th Congress, 1st ses- sion, House executive document 49, serial no. 1189. 869 Intemationality and international congresses, report to Department of State by Samuel B. Ruggles, delegate to [7th] International Statistical Congress at The Hague, 1869; with accompanying documents, including report to Congress on comparative popula- tion and cereal product of Europe and United States. Printed by order of Senate, Washington, D. C, Mar. 31, 1871. ([42d Cong. Ist sess. S. ex. doc. 7]; serial no. 1466.) 872 Report of delegates to [8th] International Statistical Congress, St. Petersburg, Aug. 1872. 1875. ([43d Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 289]; serial no. 1615.) 85.6: International Geographic Congress See, for dates and places of lst-7th meetings of International Geo- graphic Congress, report of 8th congress (S5. 6:904), p. 15. 904 Report of 8th International Geographic Congress, held in United States, [Sept. 7-22] 1904; edited by committee on printing. 1905. [4890-460] 85.7: International Geological Congress [The 4th International Geological Congress was held in London in 1888, but the Public Documents Library has no reports concerning that or any earlier Inter- national Geological Congress. It is believed that for all previous to the 5th no reports were published by the United States Government.] 891 Congr^s G6ologique International, compte rendu de la 5® session, Washington, 1891. 1893. large 8° [3241-107] 85.8: Intercontinental Railway Commission Ex3^ Executive committee. Preliminary report of executive committee [Jan. 31, 1893]. 1893. Ex3^ Same, Spanish. Washington [no publisher] 1893. M66 Minutes of Intercontinental Railway Commission [meetings held at Washington, Dec. 4, 1890-Apr. 22, 1891]. Washington [no publisher] 1891. large 8'' [English and Spanish.] P96 Publications. [Plan of publication.] June 30, 1895. R29 1 Report. Intercontinental Railway Commission, v. 1, pt. 1: Condensed report of transactions and of surveys and explorations in Central and South America, 1891-98. Washington, 1898 [press of A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore]. 4* R29 2 Same, v. 1, pt. 2 : Report of surveys and explorations made by corps 1 in Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, 1891-93; [by M. M. Macomb]. Washington, 1898 [press of A. Hoen & Co. , Baltimore]. 4° [English and Spanish ; with English appendix. Methods and results, natural history collections.] R29^ Same: [Portfolio of maps and profiles to accompany Report of corps 1]. [See, for Report of corps 1, S5.8:R292.] 945 Classincatlon no. S5.8: R29^ R29'^ R29« R297 S5.9: 85.9^: C49 C96 C962 Ex8 L34 M66 N42yo P38 P68 R29» S5. INTERNATIONAL. CONGRESSES, CONFER- ENCES, AND COMMISSIONS— Continued Intercontinental Railway Commission— Continued Same, v. 2: Report of surveys and explorations made by corps 2 in Costa Rica, Colombia, and Ecuador, 1891-93; [by Wm. F. Shunk]. Washington^ 189G [press of A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore]. 4" [English and Spanish.] Same: [Portfolio of maps and profiles to accompany Report of corps 2]. [See, for Report of corps 2, S5.8:R29''.] Same, v. 3: Reports of surveys and explorations made by corps 3 in Ecuador and Peru, 1891-92; [by W. D. Kelley]. Washmgton, 1895 [press of A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore]. 4° [English and Spani^.] Same: [Portfolio of maps and profiles to accompany Report of corps 3]. [See, for Report of corps 3, S5.8:R29^] International American Conference See also notes and entries under American Republics Bureau (AR). International American Conference, 1st, WasMng- ton, 1889-90 Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. Action of Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' Exchange concerning questions for consideration of International American Conference. [1889.] large 8« [In 2685-59] Customs regulations. Reports by Warner P. Sutton: 1, Uniform system of customs regulations, etc . ; 2, Formation of an American customs union; 3, International bills of lading, credit, bank, etc. [1889.] large 8° [In 2685-57] [Prepared for use of delegates to 1st Inter- national American Conference.] Same, Spanish. [1889.] large 8« Extradition. Report by J. B. Moore [on] extradition. [1890.] large 8® [2685-55] [See, for later edition containing additions and index, S1.2:Ex8''2.] Latin America. Trade and transportation between United States andN. Latin America; by William Eleroy Curtis. 1889. large 8** \. [2685-54] [Congressional edition is 8°, bears later date, and has >^ additional matter. See, for another bureau edition with different/^ title, S5.9i:Sp2.] Z Minutes of [Ist] International American Conference. Washington [no publisher] 1890. [2690-231] [English and Spanish.] New York State. Letter of Chamber of Commerce of New York [State, Aug. 21, 1889, relating to subjects to be considered by Interna- tional American Conference]. [1889.] large 8« [In 2685-59] Pensacola, Fla.. Letter of Board of Trade and Exchange of Pensacola, Fla. [Aug. 15, 1889, relating to International American Confer- ence]. [1889.] Iai^e8° [In 2685-59] Pittsburg, Pa. Letter of Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburg, Pa. [Sept. 2, 1889, relating to International American Conference]. [1889.] large 8« [In 2685-59] Reports and recommendations, with messages of President and letters of Secretary of State: Plan of arbitration; Reciprocity treaties; Inter-continental railway; Steam ship [postal and cable] commu- nication; Sanitary regulations; Customs regulations; [Interna- tional Monetary Union] and common silver coin; Patents and trade-marks; Weights and measures; Port dues; International law; Extradition treaties; International bank; Memorial tablet; Colombian [Columbian] Exposition. 1890. [Each of the reports in this volume appeared as an individual Congressional docu- ment. Each report was also issuea separately for the use of the conference, the latter prints having a title-page added in front of the page bearing the Congres- sional document notation; these separate prints are classed in the Public Docu- ments Library under S5.9 la: In the volume here listed (S5.9 i:R29 i), the reports retain "their separate paging, the only change being the addition of the volume title-page and changes in the form of the half-titles.] 82452°—] 946 Classification S5. INTERNATIONAL. CONGRESSES, CONFER- "*"• ENCES, AND COMMISSIONS— Continued S5.91: R293 R29^ R29^ R296 R297 R298 Sa5 Sp2 W42 S5.9^«: (CT) S5.9-: ^ P19' PI92 : ^R29 S5.9^: R29 S5.10: 1 International American Conference, 1st, Waslilng- ton, 1889-90— Continued Reports of committees and discussions thereon, v. 1. English edition. 1890. [2691-232, pt. 1] Same. Spanish edition. 1890. [2694-232, pt. 5] Same, v. 2. English edition. 1890. [2692-232, pt. 2] Same. Spanish edition. 1890. [2695-232, pt. 6] Same, v. 3: Excursion appendix, narrative of tour of delegates through United States, with descriptions of places visited, and reports of addresses delivered. [English edition.] 1890. [2693- 232, pt. 3] Same. [Spanish edition.] 1890. [2696-232, pt. 7] 'Same, v. 4: Historical appendix, congress of 1826 at Panama and. subsequent movements toward a conference of American nations. [English edition.] 1890. [2693-232, pt. 4] [No Spanish edition of V. 4.] 8ee, for other reports prepared for use of 1st International American Conference, various Senate executive documents in serial no. 2685. Sanitation. Report on sanitation of ships and quarantine; [by John B. Hamilton]. [1889.] large 8« [In 2685-58] [Prepared for use of delegates to 1st International American Conference.] Spanish America. Trade and transportation between United States and Spanish America; by William Eleroy Curtis. 1889. \8ee, for large paper edition, with different title, S5.9^:L34; and for Congressional edition of 1890, with additions, 51st Congress, 1st session. Senate executive document 54, serial no. 2685.] Weights and measures, Report of T. C. Mendenhall [on weights and measures]. [Sept. 16, 1889.] large 8« [In 2685-57] [Prepared for the use of delegates to the Ist International American Confer- ence.] International American Conference, 1st, Wasliing- ton, 1889-90 (separates) International American Conference, 2(1, Mexico City, 1901-02 Pan-American Railway, report submitted to Secretary of State by Charles M. Pepper, commissioner to carry out resolution of 2d International Conference of American States. 1904. ([58th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 206]; serial no. 4591.) Same, Spanish, without table of contents, letters of transmittal, appendixes, and map. 1904. [Spanish edition appeared origi- nally as an appendix to American Republics Bureau Monthly bulletin for Apr. 1904 (AR1.6:16, no. 4).] Report, with accompanying papers, of delegates of United States to 2d International Conference of American States, City of Mexico, Oct. 22, 1901-Jan. 22 [31], 1902. 1902. (57th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 330; serial no. 4241.) International American Conference, 3d, Rio de Janeiro, 1906 Report [with accompanying papers] of delegates to 3d International Conference of American States, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 21- Aug. 26, 1906. 1907. [5073-365] [Many of the accompanying papers are in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.] International Marine Conference, Washington, 1889 [International Marine Conference] v. 1: Protocols of proceedings of International Marine Conference, Washington, D. C, Oct. 16- Dec. 31, 1889. 1890. 947 no. 86.10: 2 S5.10«: (CT) S5.ll: 881 S5.12 Classincation 85. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES, CONFER- ENCES, AND COMMISSIONS— Continued International Marine Conference, "Washington, 1889— Continued Same, v. 2: Protocols of proceedings of International Marine Con- ference, Washington, D. C, Oct. 16-Dec. 31, 1889 [and final act]. 1890. Same [v. 3]: Reports of committees and report of United States delegates to Secretary of State. 1890. International Marine Conference, Washington, 1889 (separates) International Sanitary Conference, Washington, 1881 Proceedings of International Sanitary Conference [Washington, Jan. 5- Mar. 1] 1881. 1881. large 8« [1985-1] [English and French. Conference held in pursuance of joint resolution approved May 14, 1880.] Central American Peace Conference, Washington,. 1907 [A Central American Peace Conference was held in San Jos6, Costa Rica, Sept. 17-25, 1906, participated in by Costa Rica, Guatemala, Salvador, and Honduras ; see, for English, and Spanish reports, American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, V. 23, no. 5 ( AR1.G:23), p. llGl-1173 and 1037-1049. The conference of Nov. 13- Dec. 20, 1907, was participated in by the 5 Central Ameri- can Republics, Mexico, and the United States. Meetings preliminary to this conference were held at the Bureau of American Republics, Washington, D. C, Sept. 16, 17, 1907, an account thereof being included in the report listed below (S5.12:R29).] Railway. Notas acerca de un ferrocarril por Centro America, presen- tadas por la delegaci6n de Costa Rica d la Conferencia de Paz Centro- Americana, Washington, D. C, Nov. 1907. 1907. {See^ for English text, p. 81-88 of report on Central American Peace Conference, Nov. 13-Dec. 20, 1907 (S5.12:R29).] Report. Central American Peace Conference, Washington, D. C, [Nov. 13-Dec. 20] 1907; report of William I. Buchanan. 1908. [The treaty of peace and the conventions are in Spanish and English.] Monetary conferences Report to Department of State [on International Monetary Conference, Paris, 1867]; by Samuel B. Ruggles. n. p. [1867]. 4» [Also included as p. 86-110 of Senate exiecutive document 14, 40th Congress, 2d session; in serial no. 1316.] International coinage, supplemental report [Apr. 8, 1870]; by Samuel B. Ruggles. n. p. 1870. [1426-266] International Monetary Conference, Paris, Aug. 1878 [proceedings and exhibits, followed by report of American commission and appen- dix containing correspondence submitted to Department of State by Reuben E. Fenton, and historical material for study of mone- tary policy, with bibliography, by S. Dana Horton]. 1879. 4* [Back title reads: International Monetary Conference, 1878, pro- ceedings, reports, and monetary documents.] Same. 1879. 8° [1832-58] [Back title reads: International Mon- etary Conference, 1878, report of proceedings with appendix. See, for reprint of Congressional edition, 49th Congress, Ist session. House miscellaneous document 396, pt. 2, serial no. 2430.] Proceedings of International Monetary Conference, Paris, Apr .-July, 1881. Cincinnati, Robert Clarke & Co., printers, 1881. large 8* [Printed by order of Secretary of State.] Same, with new table of contents and different index. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1887. 8« [2429-396, pt. 3] International Monetary Conference, Brussels [1892], report of commis- sioners on behalf of United States, and journal of sessions, Nov. 22- Dec. 17, 1892. 1893. [3062-82] R13 R29 85.13: 867 1 867 2 8781 878 2 881 » 8812 892 948 Classification S5. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES, CONFER- "**• ENCES, AND COMMISSIOJSS— Continued S5.14: Pan-American Scientific Congress, Santiago, Chile, 1908-09 909 Report of delegates of United States to Pan-American Scientific Con- gress, Santiago, Chile, Dec. 25, 1908-Jan. 5, 1909. 1909. [5571-64] S5.15: Interoceanic Canal Congress, Paris, 1879 879 Instructions to delegates on part of United States to Interoceanic Canal Congress held at Paris, May, 1879, and reports of proceedings of congress. 1879. S5.16: Pan-American Medical Congress, Washington, 1893 H19 Handbook of 1st Pan-American Medical Congress, Washington, D, C, Sept. 5-8, 1893. [1893?] T68 ^ Transactions of 1st Pan-American Medical Congress, Washington, D. C, Sept. 5-8, 1893. 1895. pt. 1. [3162^-36] T682 Same. 1895. pt. 2. [31622-36] S5.17: Electrical Commission, 1884= R29 Report of [United States Electrical Commission on] electrical con- ference, Philadelphia, Sept. 1884. 1886. [2333-45] S5.18^: International Prison Congress [Organized under joint resolution approved Mar. 7, 1871. At the first meeting, held in London, 1872, the Congress was organized on a permanent basis and provision was made for holding international congresses once in 5 years. To give continuity to the work of investigation and the diffusion of information, and to secure a closer intercourse between the nations, the International Prison Commission, was organized; see S5.18 2; See, for further mformation concerning origin, history, scope, etc., of International Prison Congress, 60th Congress, 1st session, Senate document 462, serial no. 5269.] 872 ^ International congress on prevention and repression of crime, includ- ing penal and reformatory treatment, preliminary report of com- missioner to represent United States; [by E. C. Wines]. 1872. [1479-39] [This congress is known as the Ist International Penitentiary Congress.] 872 2 Report on [1st] International Penitentiary Congress, London, July 3-13, 1872, by E. C. Wines; [with] 2d annual report of National Prison Association of United States, containing transactions of National Prison Reform Congress, Baltimore, Jan. 21-24, 1873. 1873. [l]+xv+493 p. [1567-185] [The Ist annual meeting of the National Prison Association of the United States was con- vened in New York City, Jan, 27, 1871. Reports there presented are included with the preliminary report of the United States commissioner to the Ist International Penitentiary Congress; sgeS5.18^:872^] [2d] International Prison Congress, Stockholm, Aug. 20-26, 1878. See, for report, [1858-86]. 3d International Prison Congress, Rome, 1885. [This congress was announced for Oct. 1884, but was not held until Nov. 1885. The United States Government did not publish a sejparate report. A preliminary account was published as Education Bureau, Circular of information, no. 1, 1884 (1 16.5:884), and a partial report of the congress appeared in Circular of information, no. 2, 1891 (I 16.5:891 2), p. 54-72. The full report in 6 v. was pub- lished by the French Government.] 4th International Prison Congress, St. Petersburg, June 15-24, 1890- See, for report, Education Bureau, Circular of information, no. 2, 1891(116.5:8912). 5th International Prison Congress, Paris, July, 1895. See, for report, [3353-181]. [A report of the delegate of the Bureau of Education on the 5th International Prison Congress api)eared In Education Bureau annual report, 1896, v. 1 (1 16.1 i:896 i), p. 669-700.] 6th International Prison Congress, Brussels, Aug. 1900. See, for report, [4518-374]. 949 Classlfloattoa S5. no. INTERNATIONAL. CONGRESSES, CONFER- ENCES, AND COMMISSIONS— Contiriaed S5.18»: 905 S5.18=^: International Prison Congress — Continued Report of proceedings of 7th International Prison Congress, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 1905; by Samuel J. Barrows. 1907. [5071-216] [The 8th International Prison Congress was held at Washington, Sept. 1910. Re- port not yet issued (Aug. 26, 1911).] International Prison Commission [Organized at the first meeting of the International Prison Congress held in London, 1872. It is composed of one official representative of each of the countries rep- resented in tlie International Prison Congress, and serves as the executive committee and penuanent council of the congress; see also note under So. 18 >: In addition to the publication listed below, there have been other reports, etc., prepared for the International Prison Commission which have appeared only as Congressional documents. A list of these to May, 1908, may be found on p. 4 of Senate document 462, GOth Congress, 1st session, serial no. 5269.] Crimes. New legislation concerning crimes, misdemeanors, and {)enalties; compiled from laws of 55th Congress and from session aws of States and Territories, 1897-98, by Samuel J. Barrows. 1900. [3873-283] S6. INTERNATIONAIi EXHIBITIONS AND EXPOSITIONS [In this class are entered reports, regulations, etc., issued by the United States boards, commissions, or officials appointed for these exhibitions and expositions. Publications relating thereto which appeared only as Congressional documents are omitted. Histories of Executive Departments or offices, and catalogues of their exhibits prepared for these expositions but published by the respective Executive Departments or offices are classed under the issuing office. See, tor list of expositions and fairs which have received appropriations from Congress, with amounts appropriated, to Dec. 29, 1904, [4764-65].] C86 S6.1: S6.2: S6.3: S6.4: S6.5: S6.6: S6.7: R29 S6.7«: (CT) S6.8^: C28 S6.8 2: K29 S6.9: B38 \ [The series symbols 1-4 before the colon, which in other classes are used for Annual reports, General publications. Bulletins, and Circulars, respectively, are not used under S6.] Santiago, Cliile, International ExMbltion, 1875 [The Public Documents Library has no report of this exhibition. See, for an- nouncement, program, etc., S1.2:Sa5 2.] London, International Flslieries ExMbition, 1883 [See, for Descriptive catalogues of collections sent from United States to Interna- tional Fisheries Exhibition, National Museum Bulletin 27 (SI 3.3:27), and the separates therefrom classed under SI 3.3a: The PubUc Documents Library has no report of this exhibition.] Madrid, Columbian Historical Exposition, 1892-93 - See also Chicago, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893 (S6.19:). Report of United States commission to Columbian Historical Exposi- tion, Madrid, 1892-93, with special papers. 1895. [3322-100] Madrid, Columbian Historical Exposition, 1892-93 (separates) Melbourne, International ExMbition, 1880 Catalogue. Official catalogue of United States exhibitors at Melbourne International Exhibition, 1880. Printed in American Depart- ment at Exhibition, by Sands & McDougall [1880]. Melbourne, Centennial International Exlilbition, 1888 Reports of United States commissioners to Centennial International Exhibition at Melbourne, 1888. 1889. [2681-18] Paris, Universal Exposition, 1867 Beckwith, N. M. Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1867, report of N. M. Beckwith. 1868. [This is a preliminary report, revised infor- mation of the same nature being included in the Introduction and the General survey, which form the first two articles in v. 1 of the final reports (S6.9:R29 ').] 950 Cla&slflcation no. S6. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS AND EX- POSITIONS— Continued S6.J) C81 Ir6 Or3 P94 R291 R292 R293 R29^ R29^ R29« S6.9«: (CT) S6.10: C28 Ed8 R291 R292 R293 R29'' R295 S6.10«: (CT) S6.ll: C28 R291 Paris, Universal Exposition, 1867 — Continued [Correspondence relative to Paris Universal Exposition, 1867.] [1865.] [1255-12] Iron and steel. Production of iron and steel in its economic and social relations [with appendixes A-D, F, H, I]; by Abram S. Hewitt. 1868. [1337-126] [Another edition with 3 additional appen- dixes and other changes appeared in v. 2 of the collected reports (S6.9:R29-) and was also issued separately, this later separate print being classed under S6.9«:] Organization. Second supplemental pamphlet, Paris Universal Expo- sition of 1867, details of organization. 1866. Prompt action. Third supplemental circular respecting Paris Uni- versal Exposition of 1867, importance of prompt action; [by] J. C. Derby. 1866. Reports (note). [The individual reports contained in tlie volumes listed below were all issued sepa- rately, and as here bound they retain their original paging and title-pages. Each of the boimd volumes has a volume title-page and table of contents, and V. 1 contains a general index.] Reports of United States commissioners to Paris Universal Exposition, 1867; edited by William P. Blake. 1870. v. 1. Same. 1870. v. 2. Same. 1870. v. 3. Same. 1870. v. 4. Same. 1870. v. 5. Same. 1870. v. 6. Paris, Universal Exposition, 1867 (separates) Paris, Universal Exposition, 1878 Catalogue. Official catalogue of United States exhibitors; by Thomas R. Pickering. London, Chiswick Press, 1878. 12° Education. Catalogue of United States exhibition of education; by John D. Philbrick. London, Chiswick Press, 1878. 12« Reports of United States commissioners to Paris Universal Exposition, 1878, V. 1: Report of commissioner-general with accompanying papers, including lists of exhibitors and of awards. 1880. [1970-42] Same, v. 2: Fine arts, education, wood carving, textile fabrics. 1880. [1971-^2] Same, v. 3: Iron and steel, ceramics and glass, forestry, cotton. 1880. [1972-42] Same, v. 4: Chemical processes, mining industries, steam and gas engines, machines and machine tools, clocks and watches, railway apparatus. 1880. [1973-42] Same, v. 5: Agricuftural implements, agricultural products, live stock, horticulture, pisciculture. 1880. [1974^2] Paris, Universal Exposition, 1878 (separates) Paris, Universal Exposition, 1889 Catalogue. Official catalogue of United States exhibit. Paris, Charles Noblet et fils, 1889. 12° Reports of United States commissioners to Universal Exposition of 1889 at Paris, v. 1: Report of commissioner-general with accompany- ing documents, including reports of officers of commission, official regulations, classification, lists of exhibitors, awards, etc., [and general index to v. 1-5]. 1890. [2753-ilOl 951 Classification S6. INTERNATIONAL, EXHIBITIONS AND EX- ""• ■ POSITIONS— Continued Paris, Universal Exposition, 1889— Continued Same, v. 2: Fine arts, education and liberal arte, furniture, textile fabrics and wearing apparel, extractive arts, raw and manufac- tured products, hygiene. 1891. [2754-410] Same, v. 3: Apparatus and processes of mechanical industries, civil engineering, etc. 1891. [2755-410] Same, v. 4: Electricity, military and life-saving material, alimentary products, horticulture. 1891. [2756-410] Same, v. 5: Agriculture. 1891. [2757-410] Paris, Universal Exposition, 1889 (separates) S6.ll: R292 R293 R29^ R29^ S6.11«: (CT) S6.12: C28' C283 G283 C28^ C561 C56- C86 G91 H19 In3 M83 P33 P76 R29» R292 R293 R29* Paris, Universal Exposition, 1900 Catalogue of exhibitors in United States sections of International Uni- versal Exposition, Paris, 1900. Paris, Imprimeries Lemercier, 1900. 12° Same, French, without preface and index. Imprimeries Lemercier, Paris [1900]. 12° Same, [Appendix to] official catalogue United States exhibitors. Im- primeries Lemercier, Paris [1900], 12° Same, French. 12° Classification. General classification of Paris Exposition of 1900. Chicago [no publisher, 1898]. Classification. Official classification in English of groups 4 and 5, ma- chinery and electricity, with French terms to be used in ship- ping. [Chicago, Jan. 6, 1900.] Cridler, Thomas W. Report of Thomas W. Cridler, 3d assistant Secre- tary of State and special commissioner, with accompanying corre- spondence relative to International Exposition at Paris in 1900. 1898. (55th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 293; serial no. 3615.) Grounds. Universal Exposition, map of grounds showing United States buildings and exhibit sections. Paris [Imprimerie Lahere?] 1900. narrow 8° Handy, Moses P. Message from President of United States, transmit- ting report of special commissioner to Paris Exposition of 1900 [Moses P. Handy], with illustrations and maps accompanying official letters, interviews, and miscellaneous documents. [3590-4] Information for citizens of United States who desire to become exhibitors at International Exposition Universelle Paris, 1900; compiled at Paris, Oct. 1898. Chicago [A. R. Barnes & Co., printers] Jan. 1899. Morss, S. E. Paris Exposition of 1900, report of S. E. Morss [Dec. 24, 1896]. n. p. n. d. [Same with slight changes as p. 145-160 of Monthly consular reports, v. 53, no. 197 (S4.7:53).] Peck, Ferdinand W. United States and Paris Exposition, speeches of representative Americans at banquet given to Ferdinand W. Peck, Chicago, Dec. 8, 1898. [Chicago, A. R. Barnes & Co., 1899.] 40 Pollok Memorial Prize [for best life-saving device in cases of disaster at sea], proposed rules and regulations [issued by Committee of Anthony Pollok Memorial Prize], n. p. [1899]. [See also Sl.2."P76.] Report of commissioner-general for United States to International Uni- versal Exposition, Paris, 1900. 1901. v. 1. [4055-232] Same. 1901. v. 2. [4056-232] Same. 1901. v. 3. [4057-232] Same. 1901. v. 4. [4058-232] 952 Classification S6. no. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS AND EX- PO SITIONS— Continued 86.12: R29« R29« R86 S6.12«: (CT) 86.13: Ex3 J82 R291 R29-' R293 R29^ R29^ R29« R29' R29« R29» R29'" R291' ' ^''' (CT) 86.14: Am3 M47 R26 Paris, Universal Exposition, 1900— Continued Same. 1901. v. 5. [4059-232] Same. 1901. v. 6. [4060-232] Rules. General rules and regulations of Paris Exposition of 1900. Chicago [no publisher, 1898]. Paris, Universal Exposition, 1900 (separates) PhiladelpMa, International Exhibition, 1876 Executive Departments, Report of board on behalf of U. S. Executive Departments at International Exhibition, 1876, Philadelphia, Pa. [with Report of participation of War Department, by S. C. Lyford]. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1877. [These reports, with slight changes and with accompanying papers, appear in V. 10 of the volumed series of reports (S6.13:R29 'O).] Journal of proceedings of United States Centennial Commission [1st session, Mar. 4-11] 1872. Philadelphia, E. C. Markley & Son, printers, 1872. [An abstract of the journal of the commission, l8t-8th sessions. Mar. 4, 1872-Nov. 14, 1876, appears as appendix A in V. 2 of the reports (S6.13:R292).] Reports. United Suites Centennial Commission, International Exhi- bition, 1876, V. 1: Report of director-general, including reports of bureaus of administration. 1880. [v. 1-9 are not in Congres- sional set.] Same, v. 2: Reports of president, secretary, and executive commit- tee, with journal of final session of commission [and appendices A-I]. 1880. Same, v. 3: Reports and awards, groups 1 and 2; edited by Francis A. Walker. 1880. Same, v. 4: Reports and awards, groups 3-7; edited by Francis A. Walker. 1880. Same, v. 5: Reports and awards, groups 8-14; edited by Francis A. Walker. 1880. Same, v. 6: Reports and awards, groups 15-20; edited by Francis A. Walker. 1880. Same, v. 7: Reports and awards, groups 21-27; edited by Francis A. Walker. 1880. Same, v. 8: Reports and awards, groups 28-36, and collective exhibits [with index to reports on awards and general index to V. 1-8]; edited by Francis A. Walker. 1880. Same, v. 9: Grounds and buildings of Centennial Exhibition, Phila- delphia, 1876; edited by Dorsey Gardner. 1880. large 8° Same [v. 10]: Report of board on behalf of United States Executive Departments, v. 1. 1884. [2119-20] Same [v. 11]: Report of board on behalf of United States Executive Departments, v. 2. 1884. [2120-20] Philadelphia, International Exhihition, 1876 (sepa- rates) Vienna, International Exhibition, 1873 American exhibitors. List of prizes awarded to American exhibitors at Vienna Universal Exposition, 1873. 1873. Meigs, Joe V. General report upon exposition at Vienna, 1873; by J. V. Meigs. Washington, Gibson Brothers, printers, 1873. Regulations. General regulations for foreign exhibitors and commis- eions. 1872. large 4° 953 Classification no. S6.14: R29» R29 = R293 R29* S6.14«: (CT) 86.16: G74 R29 86.16: G74 86.17: 86.18: R24 R26 86.19: Awl 2 C56 86. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS AND EX- POSITION8— Contimied Vienna, International Exhibition, 1873— Continued Reports (note). [In the volumes listed below each report is paged separately, v. 1 contains a general table of contents, and v. 4, a general index.) Reports of commissioners of United States to International Exhibition, Vienna, 1873, edited by Robert H. Thurston, v. 1: Introduction, executive commission, agriculture. 1870. [1694-196] Same, v. 2: Science, education. 1876. [1695-196] Same, v. 3: Engineering. 1876. [1696-196] Same, V. 4: Architecture, metallurgy, general index. 1876. [1697- 196] Vienna, International Exhibition, 1873 (separates) Nashville, Tennessee Centennial Exposition, 1897 Government building. Opening of United States Government building at Tennessee Centennial Exposition, May 17, 1897. [Nashville, 1897.] Report [of board of management] on United States Government exhibit at Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, 1897. 1901. [4167-515] Omaha, Trans- Mississippi and International Expo- sition, 1898 Government guard. Rules and regulations of U. S. Government guard, Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, Nebr., 1898. [Omaha, Nebr., 1898.] 16° [Printed at Government exhibit.] Cincinnati, Centennial Exposition of Ohio Valley and Central States, 1888 [The Public Documents Library has no general report of this exposition. Descrip- tions of exhibits of different Executive Departments and olRces, prepared for the exposition but published by the respective Executive Departments, etc., are classed under the issuing office.) 8t. IjOuIs, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904 Receipts and disbursements of Louisiana Purchase Exposition Com- pany, from incorporation to Sept. 30, 1903, with report showing progress made by departments of exposition. 1903. ([58th Cong. Istsess. S. doc. 12; serial no. 4563.]) [Similar statements, Oct. 1903-Apr. 1905, appeared as various Senate documents of the 58th and 59th Congresses.] Regulations for Louisiana Purchase Exposition of 1903 adopted by Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, with act of Mar. 3, 1901. 1901. f« Reports. See, for Report of commissioner for Europe, [4591-244J, and for Final report of Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, [4922-202]. Chicago, World's Coliiinbian Exposition, 1893 See also Madrid, Columbian Historical Exposition, 1892-93 (S6.7:). Awards. World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, report of com- mittee on awards of World's Columbian Commission, special reports upon special subjects or groups. 1901. v. 1. [4373-510] Same. 1901. v. 2. [4374-510] Classification . First draft of system of c lassification for World 's Colum- bian Exposition; by G. Brown Goode. Chicago, privately printed for World's Columbian Commission, 1890. 954 87. liAWS OF UNITED STATES [There have been many compilers, many printers, many publishers, many editors, many editions, of the laws of the United States. Only 4 series have been compiled, printed, and distributed at Government charge, have been legally recognized as authoritative, and may rightfully be considered public docu- ments within the accepted delfiiitions. These are the Folwell edition, 1795-1815 (S7.7:); the Bioren and Duane edition, 1813-15 (S7.8:); the Little, Brown and Company edition, 1845-73 (S7.13:); the State Department edition, from 1873 (S7.9:). Besides these four, the only important edition of the text of the public and general laws beginning with the foundation of the Government is the "Story edition," pub- lished at Boston, 1827, by Wells and Lilly, "under the inspection of Joseph Story, Justice of the Supreme Court." It was in 3 v., and 2 volumes in continuation were issued at Philadelphia, 1837 and 1848, edited by George Sharswood. No evidence can be found to warrant considering this an official edition, and it Is therefore not entered in this Checklist. Before 1795 the only statutory provisions as to printing the laws were those of Sept. 15, 1789, giving the Secretary of State custody of the originals and directing him to supply one printed copy to each Senator and Representative; of June 14, 1790, directing the Secretary to publish the treaties; and of Feb. 18, 1791, which permitted "Andrew Brown or any other printer" intending to publish the laws to compare his prints with the original rolls in the office of the Secretary of State. Pamphlet editions of the laws of each session were, however, issued by several printers, and for many years also by the Secretary of State under authority of Congress. One of the provisions of the first statute in relation to publishing the laws directed the Secretary of State to have them printed in 3 newspapers. With various changes in the number of papers, this kind of publication was continued till Mar. 4, 1875, when it was prohibited by law. With the exception of the session or pamphlet laws of the 37th Congress, 1st session (S7.6:37 i), the laws have never been published in the Congressional series of numbered documents. See, for information concerning the method of publication and promulgation of the laws, not given in this Checklist, certain histories of the State Department (S1.2:St2i-3). See, for Consolidated index to Statutes at large, Mar. 1789-Mar. 1903, prepared under direction of Judiciary Committee, Senate, under resolution of June 19, 1902, Y4. J89 2:St2 1-<. See, for indexes to v. 1-17 and 18-34 of Statutes at large. Mar. 1789-Mar. 1907, issued by Law Library, Library of Congress, Index analysis of Federal statutes (LC10.5:0, 1). See, for laws relating to special subjects, Departments, or bureaus, etc., entries under Departments or bureaus.] Class! flcatlon no. tST.l: S7.2: D62 N21 N21' tS7.3: 187.4: 87.5: General publications Direct taxes. Laws relative to direct taxes and internal duties. Printed by Gales & Seaton, Washington City, 1813 [1815]. [This edition includes laws to Mar. 3, 1815.] Naturalization. Laws relative to naturalization. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1816. Same. Washington, Geo. W. Bowman, public printer, 1860. [Addenda to Mar. 3, 1863, is pasted at end of this edition.] Slip laws, acts and resolutions [From the very beginning there have been authorized prints of the individual laws. The first action in reference to the separate prints of the individual laws of which record has been found in the published documents is a joint resolution adopted by the Senate June 4, 1789, and by the House next day. It provides that within 10 days after the passage of any law 22 printed copies of it shall be lodged with the President, 2 copies to be by him sent to the chief officer of each State (there were then but 11 States, Rhode Island and North Carolina having not yet ratified the Constitution). This is a very early resolution, but its terms imply that "slip laws" were ah-eady being printed at the time of its adoption. While files of them have not been preserved, and the history of their publication can .not be clearly made out, there is little doubt that they have been regularly printed from the beginning of the Government. Under the present practice, the slip laws are carefully edited and proof-read in the Rolls and Library Bureau, State Dept., and prmted as promptly as possible after their passage. Each law, no matter what its length, is a separate publi- cation. Under "slip laws" are included the first prints of public and private laws and public and private joint resolutions. These are arranged in 4 numer- ical series, each series being separately numbered in chronological order. The edition prhited is 2,110 copies of public laws and 760 copies of private laws, of which 5(K) copies of each kind go for distribution to the Rolls and Library Bureau, State Dept., GO copies to the Treasury Department, and the remainder to Con- gress. The "slip laws" are accepted as authoritative by the courts imtil the Statutes are published. As the "slip laws" are not collected in volumes, no title-pages or indexes are issued for them. They do not even show the Congress or session at which they were enacted, though that may be determined by the date of approval which appears at the end of each act. The number of a law as it appears in slip form differs from the chapter-nimiber of the same law as it appears in the session or pamphlet laws (87.6:) and in the Statutes at large (S7.9:); hence reference from one to the other was difficult up to and including the 5Gth Congress. Beginning with the 57th Congress, the pamphlet laws and the Statutes at large carry side notes giving the slip law number opposite the chapter-number. fThe series symbols 1, 3, and 4 before the colon, which in other classes are used for Annual reports. Bulletins, and Circulars, respectively, are not used under S7. 955 Classification no. S7.5: 42 2 47 » 47- bV 512 52 » 522 531 532 533 542 S7. LiAWS OF UNITED STATES-Continued Slip* laws, acts and resolutions— Continued With the exception of a few scattering slip laws of earlier Congresses, the list below represents all that arc in the Public Documents Library. See, for circulars stating of what sets of laws of certain Congresses consist, issued by Rolls and Library Bureau, S8.4:] 42d Congress, 2d session] Act of] general nature 1-145 Act] not of general nature 1-130 Joint] resolution of general nature 1 Joint] resolution not of general nature 1-4 Private [act] 1-208 Private [joint] resolution 1 [47th Congress, 1st session] Private [act] 1-236 [47tli Congress, 2d session] Public [act] 1-82 Public [joint] resolution 1-29 Private [act] 1-81 Private [joint] resolution 1, 2 [51st Congress, 1st session] Public [act] 1-364 Public [joint] resolution 1-58 Private [act] 1-956 Private [joint] resolution 1-5 [5l8t Congress, 2d session] Public [act] 1-167 Public [joint] resolution 1-22 Private [act] 1-616 Private [joint] resolution 1, 2 [52d Congress, 1st session] Public [act] 1-205 Public [joint] resolution 1-32 Private [act] 1-196 Private [joint] resolution 1-4 [52d Congress, 2d session] Public [act] 1-142 Public [joint] resolution 1-19 .Private [act] 1-122 Private [joint] resolution 1, 2 [53d Congress, 1st session] Public [act] 1-16 Private [act] 1 Private [joint] resolution 1 [53d Congress, 2d session] Public [act] 1-230 Public [joint] resolution 1-46 Private [act] 1-125 Private [joint] resolution 1-7 [53d Congress, 3d session] Public [act] 1-128 Public [joint] resolution 1-28 Private fact] 1-109 Private [joint] resolution 1-5 [54th Congress, 1st session] Public [act] 1-217 Public [joint] resolution 1-56 Private fact] 1-214 Private [joint] resolution 1-6 [54th Congress, 2d session] Public [act] 1-139 Public [joint] resolution 1-22 956 Classification no. S7.5: 55 55 = 55 = 56' 56 = 57 57' 58: 58 : 58 = 69 : 87. LAWS OF UNITED STATES— Continued Slip laws, acts and resolutions— Continued [54th Congress, 2d session] — Continued Private [act] 1-290 Private [joint] resolution 1-4 [55th Congress, 1st session] Public [act] 1-14 Public [joint] resolution 1-21 Private [act] [None issued.] Private [joint] resolution 1 [55th Congress, 2d session] Public [act] 1-208 Public [joint] resolution 1-55 Private [act] 1-469 Private [joint] resolution 1-4 [55th Congress, 3d session] Public [act] 1-227 Public [joint] resolution 1-26 Private [act] 1-411 Private [joint] resolution 1 [56th Congress, 1st session] Public [act] 1-197 Public [joint] resolution 1-42 Private [act] 1-729 Private [joint] resolution [None issued.] [56th Congress, 2d session] Public [act] 1-186 Public [joint] resolution 1-18 Private [act] 1-768, including 694a Private [joint] resolution 1 [57th Congress, 1st session] Public [act] 1-252 Public [joint] resolution 1-47 Private [act] 1-1184 Private [joint] resolution 1 [57th Congress, 2d session] Public [act] 1-171 Public [joint] resolution 1-10 Private [act] 1-1125, including 462a Private [joint] resolution [None issued.] [58th Congress, 1st session] Public [act] [None issued.] Public [joint] resolution [None issued.] Private [act] [None issued.] Public [joint] resolution 1 [58th Congress, 2d session] Public [act] 1-264 Public [joint] resolution 1-38 Private [act] 1-1896 Private [joint] resolution 1 [58th Congress, 3d session] / Public [act] 1-238 Public [joint] resolution 1-34 Private [act] 1-1569 Private [joint] resolution 1 [59th Congress, 1st session] Public [act] 1-416 Public [joint] resolution 1-54 Private [act] 1-3573 Private [joint] resolution [None issued.] 957 Classification no. 87. LAWS OF UNITED 8TATES>-Continued 87.5: Slip Jaws, acts and resolutions— Continued 59- 60 60- 61 87.6: 12 13 21 [59th Congress, 2d session] Public [act] 1-276 Public hoint] resolution 1-29 Private [act] 1-2675 Private [joint] resolution 1 [60th Congress, 1st session] Public [act] 1-177 Public [joint] resolution 1-32 Private [act] 1-61 Private [joint] resolution [None issued.] [60th Congress, 2d session] [Tho la\vs of the 60th Congress are numbered consecutively through the Congress and this practice will be continued in the future.] Public [act] 178-350 Public [joint] resolution 33-61 Private [act] 62-234 Private [joint] resolution 1 [61st Congress, 1st session] Public [ait] 1-11 Public [joint] resolution 1-6 Private [act] 1 Private [joint] resolution [None issued.] Session laws or Panii)lilet laws (State Department edition) See, for Little, Brown and Company edition, S7.13: [Under these names are known the editions of the laws of each session of Congress which are issued in paper covers as soon as practical)le after the close of the session. The "Public'' and "Private" laws, and the "Treaties" are grouped under separate title-pages with continuous paging through a Congress for each of the 3 classes, and are subsequently, and practically without change of form, incorporated in the Statutes at large (S7.9:). They have been so issued and dis- tributed by the Government since its inception, first by various printers, then by Little, Bro%\Ti and Company, during the period of their contract for furnish- ing the Statutes at large, which terminated in 1874, since which time they have T)een printed at the Government Printing Office under the direction of the State Department. In the 37th Congress, 1st session (1861), the laws of that session were printed as a numljcred Congressional document. House miscellaneous document 23. This is the only instance of the publication of the pamphlet laws in a numbered series of Congressional documents. The session or pamphlet laws from the 1st Congress, 1st session, to the 13th Congress, 2d session, were reprinted in the Fohvell edition (S7.7:), and from the 1st Congress, 1st session, to the 28th Congress, 2d session, in the Bioren edition (S7.8:). When the originals of such session or pamphlet laws are not in the Public Documents Library, references have been given to the Folwell edition.] Acts passed at Congress of U. S. of America, begun and held at New- York, Mar. 4, 1789, being acts passed at 1st session of 1st Congress, to wit, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New- York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, South- Carolina, and Georgia, which 11 States respectively ratified the Constitution of United States, proposed by Federal Convention, held in Philadelphia Sept. 17, 1787. New- York, printed by Hodge, Allen, and Campbell, also by T. Lloyd, 1789. [Pages xxi -f- 144 of these laws were serially published as addenda to the 12 numbers of V. 2 of Congressional register of first House of Representatives, 1790. Pages 145-18.5, with 2 pages of contents and xiv pages of index, were printed separately, in 1790, with cover-title, Laws of U. S., being a supplement to Congressional register. See, for Congressional register, Z3.3:l-4.] Acts passed at 2d session of Ist Congress, begun and held at New- York, Jan. 4, 1790. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:l, p. 79.] Same, 3d session of 1st Congress, begun and held at Philadelphia, Dec. 6, 1790. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:l, p. 275.] Same, 1st session of 2d Congress, begun and held at Philadelphia, Oct. 24, 1791. Philadelphia, Francis Childs and John Swaine, printers of laws of U. S., n. d. * [In S7.7:2, p. 3.] Same, 2d session of 2d Congress, begun and held at Philadelphia, Nov. 5, 1792. Philadelphia, Francis Childs and John Swaine, printers of laws of U. S., n. d. * [In S7.7:2, p. 129.] 958 Classification no. S7.6: 32 42 51 53 61 62 71 72 8^ 82 9» 92 10 1 102 11 1 112 11 3 121 12 2 131 132 133 141 87. liAWS OF UNITED STATES-Continued Session laws or Pamplilet laws (State Department edition)— Continued Same, 1st session of 3d Congress, begun and held at Philadelphia, Dec. 2, 1793. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:3, p. 3.] Same, 2d session of 3d Congress, begun and held at Philadelphia, Nov. 3, 1794. Philadelphia, Francis Childs, printer of laws of U. S., 1795. Same, 1st session of 4th Congress, begun and held at Philadelphia, Dec. 7, 1795. Philadelphia, Francis Childs, printer of laws of U. S., 1796. * [In S7.7:3, p. 233.] Same, 2d session of 4th Congress, begun and held at Philadelphia, Dec. 5, 1796. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:3, p. 375.] Same, 1st session of 5th Congress, begun and held at Philadelphia, May 15, 1797. Philadelphia, printed by Richard Folwell, n. d. * [InS7.7:4i-^p. 1.] Same, 2d session of 5th Congress, begun and held at Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1797. Philadelphia, printed by Richard Folwell, n. d. * [InS7.7:4i-^p. 51.] Same, 3d session of 5th Congress [begun and held at Philadelphia, Dec. 3, 1798]. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:4i-4, p. 241.] Same, 1st session of 6th Congress [begun and held at Philadelphia, Dec. 2, 1799]. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:5i-3, p. 3.] Same, 2d session of 6th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Nov. 17, 1800]. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:5i-3, p. 225.] Same, 1st session of 7th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 7, 1801]. n. p. Duane, printer, n. d. * [In S7.7:6i'2^ p. 1.] Same, 2d session of 7th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 6, 1802]. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:6 V, p. 193,] Same, 1st session of 8th Congress, begun and held at Washington, Oct. 17, 1803. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:7i-3, p. 1.] Same, 2d session of 8th Congress, begun and held at Washington, Nov. 5, 1804. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:7i'^ p. 233 and S7.7:72, p. 221.] Same, 1st session of 9th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 2, 1805]. n. p. n. d. Same, 2d session of 9th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 1, 1806]. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:8, p. 217.] Same, 1st session of 10th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Oct. 26, 1807]. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:9 1.2, p. 3.] Same, 2d session of 10th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Nov. 7, 1808]. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:9i'2, p. 179.] Same, 1st session of 11th Congress [begun and held at Washington, May 22, 1809]. n. p. n. d. [InS7.7:10V, p. 1.] Same, 2d session of 11th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Nov. 27, 1809]. n. p. n. d. Same, 3d session of 11th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 3, 1810]. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:10i.2, p. 249.] Same, 1st session of 12th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Nov. 4, 1811]. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:lli»2^ p. 1.] Same, 2d session of 12th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Nov. 2, 1812]. n. p. n. d. * [In S7.7:lli.2, p. 333.] Same, 1st session of 13th Congress [begun and held at Washington, May 24, 1813]. n. p. n. d. Same, 2d session of 13th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 6, 1813]. n. p. n. d. Same, 3d session, 13th Congress, begun and held in Washington, Sept. 19, 1814. Washington, printed by Rapine and Elliot, 1815. Same, 1st session of 14th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 4, 1815]. n. p. n. d. 059 Classiflratlon no. S7.6: 152 16 » 17 » 172 18 » 182 19^ 192 20 » 202 211 212 22» 222 232 241 242 251-1 25>-2 252-1 252--' 25'' S7. LAWS OF UNITED STATES— Continued Session laws or PampMet laws (State Department edition)— Continued Same, 2d session of 14th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 2, 1816]. n. p. n. d. Same, Ist session of 15th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 1, 1817]. n. p. n. d. Same, 2d session of 15th Congress Jbegun and held at Washington, Nov. 16, 1818, and Indian treaties], n. p. n. d. Same, 1st session of 16th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 6, 1819]. n. p. n. d. Same, 2d session of 16th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Nov. 13, 1820]. n. p. n. d. Same, 1st session of 17th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 3, 1821]. n. p. n. d. Same, 2d session of 17th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 2, 1822, and appendix], n. p. n. d. Same, 1st session of 18th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 1, 1823]. n. p. n. d. Same, 2d session of 18th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 6, 1824]. n. p. n. d. Same, 1st session of 19th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 5, 1825, and appendix], n. p. n. d. Same, 2d session of 19th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 4, 1826, and appendix], n. p. n. d. Same, 1st session of 20th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 3, 1827, and appendix], n. p. n. d. Same, 2d session of 20th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 1, 1828]. n. p. n. d. Same, 1st session of 21st Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 7, 1829, and appendix], n. p. n. d. Same, 2d session of 21st Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 6, 1830, and appendix]. [Washington, William A. Davis, 1831.] Same, 1st session of 22d Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 5, 1831, and appendix]. City of Washington, printed by- Francis Preston Blair, 1832. Same, 2d session of 22d Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 3, 1832, and appendix]. City of Washington, printed by Francis Preston Blair, 1833. Same, 1st session of 23d Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 2, 1833, and appendix]. City of Washington, printed by Francis Preston Blair, 1834. Same, 2d session of 23d Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 1, 1834, and appendix]. City of Washington, printed by Blair and Rives, 1835. Same, 1st session of 24th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 7, 1835, and appendix]. City of Washington, printed by Blair and Rives, 1836. Same, 2d session of 24th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 5, 1836, and appendix]. City of Washington, printed by Blair and Rives, 1837. Same, 1st session of 25th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Sept. 4, 1837, and appendix], n. p. [1837]. 11 + 9 + 23-29 p. Same [with index by Samuel Burch]. n. p. [1837]. 11 + 9 + 23-26 p. Acts and resolutions passed at 2S session of 25th Congress [begun and held at Washir^on, Dec. 4, 1837], with appendix, n. p. 1838. 201 + 85 p. Same [with index by Samuel Burch]. n. p. 1838. 201 + 86 p. Same, 3d session of 25th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 3, 1838], with appendix, n. p. 1839. 960 Classification no. S7.6: 26 1 262 27^ 272 273 281 282 291 292 30 1 302 31 1 371 372 373 38 1 382 391 392,401 402 403, 411 412 87. LAWS OF UNITED STATES— Continued Session laws or Pamplilet laws (State Department edition) — Continued Same, 1st session of 26th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 2, 1839], with appendix. Washington, published by §. D. Langtree; New York, Halsted & Voorhies, 1840. [Inter- leaved.] Same, 2d session of 26th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 7, 1840], with appendix. Washington, published by S. D. Langtree, 1841. [Interleaved.] Same, 1st session of 27th Congress [begun and held at Washington, May 31, 1841], with appendix. Washington, printed by Thomas Allen, 1841. Same, 2d session of 27th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 6, 1841], with appendix. Washington, printed at Madi- sonian office, 1842. Same, 3d session of 27th Congress [begun and held at Washington* Dec. 5, 1842], with appendix. Washington, printed by Peter Force, 1843. Same, 1st session of 28th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 4, 1843], with appendix. Washington, J. & G. S. Gideon, printers, 1844. Same, 2d session of 28th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 2, 1844], with appendix. Washington, J. & G. S. Gideon, printers, 1845. Same, 1st session of 29th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 1, 1845], with appendix. Washington, John T. Towers, printer, 1846. Same, 2d session of 29th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 7, 1846], with appendix. Washington, C. Alexander, printer, 1847. Same, 1st session of 30th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 6, 1847], with appendix. Washington, Ritchie & Heiss, printers, 1848. Same, 2d session of 30th Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 4, 1848], with appendix. Washington, J. & G. S. Gideon, printers, 1849. Same, 1st session of 31st Congress [begun and held at Washington, Dec. 3, 1849], with appendix. Washington, Gideon & Co., printers, 1850. [By joint resolution approved Sept. 26, 1850 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 564), the State Depart- ment edition was temporarily discontinued, the last print being for the 1st session of the 31st Congress. With the 1st session of the 37th Congress, this edition was resumed. For the intervening sessions the Little, Brown and Company edition of the session or pamphlet laws was the only official edition which was printed; see note under S7.13:] Acts and resolutions passed during Ist session of 37th Congress [July 4-Aug. 6, 1861]. 1861. (37th Cong. Ist sess. H. misc. doc. 23; serial no. 1115.) Acts and resolutions [passed at] 2d session of 37th Congress, Dec. 2, 1861-July 17, 1862. 1862. Same, 3d session of 37th Congress, Dec. 1, 1862-Mar. 4, 1863. 1863. Same, Ist session of 38th Congress, Dec. 7, 1863-July 4, 1864. 1864. Same, 2d session of 38th Congress, Dec. 5, 1864-Mar. 4, 1865. 1865. Same, 1st session of 39th Congress, Dec. 4, 1865-July 28, 1866. 1866. Acts and resolutions passed at 2d session of 39th Congress and 1st session of 40th Congress, Dec. 3, 1866-Mar. 27 [30], 1867. 1867. Same, 2d session of 40th Congress, Dec. 2, 1867-Nov. 10, 1868. 1868. Same, 3d session of 40th Congress [and 1st session of 41st Congress], Dec. 7, 1868-[Apr. 10] 1869. 1869. Same, 2d session of 4l8t Congress, Dec. 6, 1869-July 15, 1870. 1870. 961 ClaiMlflratlon no. S7.6: 41^42f I I 42^ i 423 43»-i 87. TxAWH OF UNITED STATES— Continued Session laws or Pamphlet laws (Stato Department edition)— Continued. Same, 3d session of 4l8t Congress, and Ist session of 42d Congress, Dec. 5, 187(>-Apr. 20, 1871. 1871. Same, 2d session of 42d Congress, Dec. 4, 1871-June 10, 1872. 1872. Same, 3d session of 42d Congress, Dec. 2, 1872-Mar. 3, 1873. 1873. Same, 1st session of 43d Congress, Dec. ], 1873-June 23, 1874 1874. ess, 1st session, entered below, the under the direction of the Secretary [Beginning with the statutes for the 43d Com session or pamphlet laws have been editei of State. Titles have varied somewhat, but the volume for each session as heretofore contains, in addition to the statutes, such documents as treaties. Executive proclama- tions, postal conventions, etc. Concurrent resolutions have been included since the 3(1 .session of the 53d Congress. The Public Dociunents Library has the session laws from the 43d to tho 53d Con- gress bound in 1 volume for each Congress. It is apparently official binding. 1 Statutes passed at Ist session of 43d Congress, 1873-'74, and recent treaties, postal conventions, and Executive proclamations. 1874. large 8° Same, 2d session of 43d Congress, 1874-75. 1875. large 8" Same, 1st session of 44th Congress, 1875-76. 1876. large S** Same, 2d session of 44th Congress, 1876-77. 1877. large 8" Same, Ist session of 45th Congress, 1877. 1878. large 8" Same, 2d session of 45th Congress, 1877-78. 1878. large 8** Same, 3d session of 45th Congress, 1878-79. 1879. large 8<> Same, 1st session of 46th Congress, 1879. 1879. large 8" Same, 2d session of 46th Congress, 1879-'80. 1880. large 8'» Same, 3d session of 46th Congress, 1880-'81. 1881. large 8'' Same, 1st session of 47th Congress, 1881-'82. 1882. large 8« Same, 2d session of 47th Congress, 1882-'83. 1883. lai^e 8° Same, 1st session of 48th Congress, 1883-'84. 1884. large 8<* Same, 2d session of 48th Congress, 1884-'85. 1885. large 8° Same, 1st session of 49th Congress, 1885-86. 1886. large 8° Same, 2d session of 49th Congress, 1886-87. 1887. large 8" Same, 1st session of 50th Congress, 1887-88. 1888. large 8° Same, 2d session of 50th Congress, 1888-89. 1889. large 8" Same, 1st session of 5l8t Congress, 1889-90. 1890. large 8« Same, 2d session of 51st Congress, 1890-91. 1891. large 8'» Same, 1st session of 52d Congress, 1891-92. 1892. large 8° Same, 2d session of 52d Congress, 1892-93. 1893. large 8° Same, 1st session of 53d Congress, 1893. 1893. large 8° Same, 2d session of 53d Congress, 1893-94. 1894. large 8<^ Same, 3d session of 53d Congress, 1894-95 [with concurrent resolu- tions]. 1895. large 8« Same, Ist session of 54th Congress, 1895-96, with concurrent resolu- tions. 1896. large 8° Same, 2d session of 54th Congress, 1896-97, with concurrent resolu- tions. 1897. large 8° Same, 1st session of 55th Congress, 1897 [with concurrent resolu- tions]. 1897. large 8<» Same, 2d session of 55th Congress, 1897-98, with concurrent resolu- tions. 1898. large 8" Same, 3d session of 55th Congress, 1898-99, and concurrent resolu- tions. 1899. large 8° Same, 1st session of 56th Congress, 189^1900, and concurrent resolutions. 1900. large 8** Same, 2d session of 56th Congress, 1900-01, and concurrent resolu- tions, 1901. large 8« -11 61 962 Classification no. S7.6: 57 » 572 58 ^'2 59 ^-i 591-2 592-1 592-2 601-1 601-2 602-1 602-2 611 S7.7: SI. LAWS OF UNITED STATES— Continued Session laws or Pamplilet laws (State Department edition)— Continued Same, Ist session of 57th Congress, 1901-02, and concurrent resolu- tions. 1902. large 8° Same, 2d session of 57th Congress, 1902-03, and concurrent resolu- tions. 1903. large 8« Same, 1st and 2d sessions of 58th Congress, 1903-04, and concurrent resolutions. 1904. large 8" Same, 3d session of 58th Congress, 1904-05, and concurrent resolu- tions. 1905. large 8° Statutes passed at 1st session of 59th Congress, 1905-06, and concurrent resolutions, recent treaties, and Executive proclamations: pt. 1, Public acts and resolutions. 1906. large 8** Same: pt. 2, Private acts, concurrent resolutions, treaties and proc- lamations. 1906. large 8° Same, 2d session of 59th Congress, 1906-07, and concurrent resolu- tions, recent treaties, and Executive proclamations: pt. 1, Public acts and resolutions. 1907. large 8° Same: pt. 2, Private acts, concurrent resolutions, treaties, and proclamations. 1907. large 8° Same, 1st session of 60th Congress, 1907-08, and concurrent resolu- tions, recent treaties, and Executive proclamations: pt. 1, Pub- lic acts and resolutions. 1908. large 8° Same: pt. 2, Private acts, concurrent resolutions, treaties, and proclamations. 1908. large 8° Same, 2d session of 60th Congress, 1908-09, and concurrent resolu- tions, recent treaties, and Executive proclamations: pt. 1, Pub- lic acts and resolutions. 1909. large 8" Same: pt. 2, Private acts, concurrent resolutions, treaties, and proclamations. 1909. large 8° Same, 1st session of 61st Congress, 1909, and concurrent resolutions, recent treaties, and Executive proclamations. 1909. large 8° Folwell edition [Mar. 3, 1795, President Washington approved the act which led to the issue of the so-called Folwell edition, the first collected edition of the laws. It was entitled "An act for the more general promulgation of the laws," and provided that the Secretary of State should cause to be printed, at public expense, an edition ol the Constitution, treaties, and laws then in force, with index, 4,500 copies to be printed, 500 for Congress and 4,000 to be apportioned among the States and Terri- tories on the basis of their representation in Congress, and that future laws and treaties should be printed and distributed in like manner. Under this sanction a three- volume edition was printed at Pliiladelpliia by Richard Folwell. All of the volumes bear the imprint date 1796, though v. 3 contains the legislation of the 4th Congress, which continued until Mar. 3, 1797. In this edition each law is numberea as a chapter and in v. 1 and 2 a new set of numbers begins with each session. In the later volumes one set of numbers rtms through a whole Congress. Each private act has a number, but the text of private acts is not given. This is true also of acts which have been repealed or wliich have expired by the payment of appropriations or the expiration of dates. Folwell's volumes have no prefaces, introdiictions, notes, or other "apparatus," but the words "Published by authority" appear on the title-pages. Folwell issued in 1799 his V. 4, containing the legislation of the 5th Congress. This volume was issued also by two other Philadelphia publishers, Mathew Carey and Wilham Ross, and the latter's book appears to have been printed from Folwell's type, though it has not the same title-page. By act of Mar. 2, 1799, the edition was increased to 9.500 copies. In v. 5 and the succeeding volumes the text of the private acts is given. Beginning with v. 11 (12th Congress) the joint resolutions are num- bered as chapters in the same series with the acts. Volume 5 was printed at Philadelphia by Folwell, and Samuel Harrison Smith of Washington made an edition in which his title-page is pasted in before Folwell's. All the later vol- umes were issued at Washington. Volume (i was printed by William Duane and V. 7 by Duane & Son. Volumes 8-12 have the imprint of Roger G. Weight- man. Volumes 9-11 were also " Printed for the Department of State." Volume 12 gives the legislation of the 1st and 2d sessions of the 13th Congress, but the laws of the 3d session of that Congress, though included in v. 4 of the Bioren and Duane edition (S7.8:4), are not found in this Folwell edition. All, except the State Department print of v. 9, have on their title-pages the words "Published by authority."] 963 Glasslflcatlon no. S7.7 . 1 ' 2 42 43 4* 53 92 10' 102 111 112 12 87. liAWS OF UNITED STATES— Continued Folwell edition— Continued Laws of United States, v. 1 [let Congress, Ist-Sd sessions, 1789-91, and treaties with foreign nations]; published by authority [act of Mar. 3, 1795]. Philadelphia, printed by Richard Folwell, 1796. Same, v. 2 [2d Congress, Ist and 2d sessions, 1791-93]. Philadelphia, prmted by Richard Folwell, 1796. [In the Public Documents Library there is a volume, the title-pago of which roads: Acts passed at Ist session of 2d Concress, be^nui and held at Philadelphia, Oct. 24, 1791, V. 2, Philadelphia, printed by E. Oswald, 1793. This Oswald print, which includes also the acts f^assed at 2d session of 2d (Congress, is not listed in Poore's Descriptive catalogue of Government publications, nor is it given as a girt of the Folwell edition listed on p. 656 of the 1904 Catalogue of library of epartment of Justice (J4. 5:904). Since there is no evidence that the Oswald print was authorized by the Government, it is omitted from this Checklist.] Same, v. 3 [3d Congress, Ist and 2d sessions, and 4th Congress, Ist and 2d sessions, 1793-97, with index]. Philadelphia, printed by Richard Folwell, 1796 [1797], Same, v. 4 [5th Congress, lst-3d sessions, 1797-99, with Constitution of United States]; published by authority [act of Dec. 21, 1796]. Philadelphia, printed by Richard Folwell, 1799. Same [without volume title-page, but with a title-page for each ses- sion]. Philadelphia, printed by Richard Folwell [1799]. Same. Philadelphia, printed for M. Carey, W. M'Culloch, printer, n. d. Same. Philadelphia, printed by William Ross, 1797. [Title-page for let session serves as title-page for this volume.] [The Samuel H. Smith edition of v. 4, mentioned on p. 656 of the 1904 Catalogue of library of Department of Justice (J4.5:904), is not in the Public Documents Library.] Same, v. 5 [6th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, 1799-1801], Washing- ton City, printed by Samuel Harrison Smith, for Rapine, Conrad and Co. fete], 1801. [This edition of v. 5 was printed at Phila- delphia by Richard Folwell, but Smith's volume title-page is pasted in front of Fol well's.] Same. Washington City, printed by Samuel Harrison Smith, 1801. Same. Philadelphia, printed for Mathew Carey [Folwell, printer], 1804. Same, v. 6 [7th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, 1801-03]. Washington City [Duane, printer], 1803. Same. Washington City, printed by William Duane, 1805. Same, v. 7 [8th Congress, Ist and 2d sessions, 1803-05]. Washington City [no publisher] 1805. Same. Washington City, printed and published by Duane and Son, 1806. Same. Washington City, re-printed, 1814. Same, v. 8 [9th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, 1805-07]. Washington City, printed and sold by R. C. Weightman, 1807. Same, v. 9 [10th Congress, Ist and 2d sessions, 1807-09]. Washington City, printed and sold by R. C. Weightman, 1809. Same. Washington City, printed for Department of State, 1809. Same, v. 10 [11th Congress, lst-3d sessions, 1809-11]. Washington City, printed and sold by R. C. Weightman, 1811. Same. Washington City, printed for Department of State, 1811. Same, v. 11 [12th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, 1811-13]. Washing- ton City, printed and sold by R. C. Weightman, 1813. Same. Washington City, printed for Department of State, 1813. Same, v. 12 [13th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, 1813-14]. Washing- ton City, printed and sold by R. C. Weightman, 1815. 964 Classification no. S7. LAWS OF UNITED STATES— Continued S7.8: Bloren and Duane edition [Apr. 18, 1814, President Madison approved an act looking to the issue of a more com- plete and satisfactory edition of tlie laws. It provided for a Government sub- scription to 1,000 sets of a new edition to be edited and compiled upon a plan presented by the Secretary of State and the Attorney-General, the editor to be selected by the Secretary; also that the succeeding laws be published in the same form and distributed in the same manner. Richard Rush, Attorney-General, under date of June 10, 1814, sent to James Monroe, Secretary of State, a long state- ment of his plan of publication, which the Secretary at once concurred in. In this statement it was said that "the want of a full and complete edition of the laws of Congress has long been felt." The new plan required that all laws, though obsolete, repealed, or private, be printed; but laws relating solely to the District of Columbia were necessarily excluded, because that requirement had been embodied in the law authorizing the publication. By this plan it was also required that every act published should be compared with the originals; that all important acts, ordinances, or resolutions of the "old Congress" (Continental Congress) be Included; full marginal notes to be given; the "common figure" (Arabic) to be used for all numbers and dates; each volume to have an index; the last volume to have a very full general index to the whole; treaties, Constitu- tion, and historical documents to be indexed as well as the laws; "it would be better to put the same thing down more than once in the index," said Mr. Rush, "than indulge too freely the practice of referring from one head to another." Secretary Monroe appointed John B. Colvin as editor. Under his editorship the "Bioren edition," 5 v., was published, 1815, by John Bioren and W. John Duane, Philadelphia, and R. C. Weightman, Washington City. Volume 1 con- tains the great nistorical documents, treaties, and reprints from the journals of the "old Congress." In this edition the chapter numbers run by volumes, not by Congresses nor by sessions. A new set of numbers begins with each vol- ume. The joint resolutions are numbered in a separate series, beginning a new set of numbers wit h each session. In v. 1 chapter number 102 Is duplicated , that number being given to the last act of the 1st Congress and also to the first act of the 2d Congress. In his first volume Mr. Colvin made a somewhat serious error by adding to his print of the Constitution a 13th amendment which was then pending, but had not been ratified by a sufficient number of States, and has not been so ratified to this day. Mr. Colvin admitted In his preface that he did not know that the amendment had been ratified, but he knew that it had been rati- fied by 12 States, and evidently he thought that at least one of the five yet un- heard from would also ratify the amendment. The proposed 13th amendment was submitted to the States by the 11th Congress at Its 2a session (May 1, 1810), and it was not until 1818 that it was ascertained that It had not been ratified. There were then 17 States, and the affirmative action of 13 was required. Twelve rat ified promptly, four rejected, and Virginia was never heard from. In South Caro- lina the senate approved, and if the house had concurred the amendment would have been ratified. It was in fact for many years the popular belief that It had been ratified. As lately as 1843 It so appeared In various histories. This jwpular misconception Is no doubt largely due to the error In the first volume of the accepted and official edition of the laws. The proposed amendment was to deprive of citizenship any citizen who should accept a title or any form of emolu- ment from a foreign power without the consent of Congress. Volume 2 contatus the laws, 1789-97 (lst-4th Congress), as In "old volumes" (Folwell edition) 1-3; V. 3, laws, 1797-1805 (5th-8th Congress^ as In "old volumes" 4-7; v. 4, laws, 1805-15 (9th-13th C'ongress), as in "old volumes" 9-12, excepting the 3a session of the 13th Congress, which , though given in the Bioren and Duane edition, is not included In the Folwell edition. Volume 5 Is the general index. The vol- umes in continuation of the Bioren and Duane edition, which were contemplated and provided for by sec. 4 of the act of Apr. 18, 1814, and by a later act of Apr. 20, 1818, were issued as follows: v. 6, edited by John B. Colvin, published by Davis & Force, Washington, 1822; v. 7, published by W. A. Davis, 1827, incltiding a gen- eral Index, 1789-1827, compiled by Samuel Burch, which was published sepa- rately; V. 8, by W. A. Davis, 1835; v. 9, printed by order of Congress, 1839; v. 10, printed by .T. & G. S. Gideon, 1845. All of these volumes after the 5th have on their title-pages this sentence: "Corresponding with, and Intended as a con- tinuation of, the edition of Bioren & Co."] - 1 Laws of United States, Mar. 4, 1789-Mar. 4, 1815, including Constitution of United States, old act of confederation, treaties, and many other valuable ordinances and documents, with copious notes and references; [compiled by J. B. Colvin]. Published by John Bioren and W. John Duane, Philadelphia, and R. C. Weightman, Washington City, 1815. v. 1. Same. Published by John Bioren and W. John Duane, Philadel- phia, and R. C. Weightman, Washington City, 1815. v. 2. Same. Published by John Bioren and W. John Duane, Philadel- phia, and R. C. Weightman, Washington City, 1815. v. 3. Same. Published by John Bioren and W. John Duane, Philadel- phia, and R. C. Weightman, Washington City, 1816. v. 4. Same [index]. Published by John Bioren and W. John Duane, Philadelphia, and R. C. Weightman, Washington City, 1815. V. 5. 965 Cltsslflcatlon no. 87.8: 10 87.9 87. L.AWS OF UNITED 8 TATE 8— Continued Bloren and Duane edition — Continued Laws of United States, Mar. 4, 1815-Mar. 4, 1821, including all Euro- pean, Barbary, and Indian treaties negotiated and ratified within that period and several other valuable documents which have resulted from or are connected with acts of Congress and treaties, with references to decisions of Supreme Court under laws con- tained in volume, and copious notes and references; by John B. Colvin. Washington City, printed and published by Davis & Force, 1822. v. 6. Same, Mar. 4, 1821-Mar. 4, 1827, including all European, Barbtuy, and Indian treaties negotiated and ratified witlun that period and several other valuable documents which have resultea from or are connected with acts of Confess and treaties, the whole carefully compared with originals m Department of State, with references to decisions of Supreme Court under laws contained in volume, and copious notes and references, to which is added a general index to all laws, treaties, and resolutions passed and ratified since adoption of Federal Constitution to close of 19th Congress; prepared under resolution of House of Representatives. Washington City, published hy William A. Davis, P. Force, print, 1827. v. 7 [pt. 1]. [The mdex was published as a separate volume; see S7.8:7"^.] General index to laws of United States, Mar. 4, 1789-Mar. 3, 1827, including all treaties entered into between those periods in which principles involved in acts for relief of individuals or of private or local nature are arranged under general heads to which such principles appropriately belong; compiled by Samuel Burch. Washington City, published by William A. Davis, P. Force, print, 1828. v. 7 [pt. 2]. Laws of United States, Mar. 4, 1827-Mar. 3, 1833, including all Euro- pean, Barbary, and Indian treaties negotiated and ratified within that period and several other valuable documents which have resulted from or are connected with acts of Congress and treaties, with copious notes and references. W'ashington City, pjint^ by W. A. Davis, 1835. v. 8. Same, Mar. 4, 1833-Mar. 3, 1839, including all treaties negotiated and ratified within that period and several other valuable docu- ments which have resulted from or are connected with acts of Congress and treaties, with copious notes and references. City of Washington, printed by order of Congress [by Langtree and O'Sullivan], 1839. v. 9. Same, Mar. 4, 1839-Mar. 3, 1845, including all treaties negotiated and ratified within that period and several other valuable docu- ments which have resulted from or are connected with acts of Congress and treaties, with copious notes and references; com- piled by Benjamin B. French. Washington, printed by J. & G. S. Gideon, 1845. v. 10. Statutes at large [Mar. 3, 1845 (28th Conjjress, 2(1 session), a joint resolution was adopted and approved bv which the Attorney-General was authorized to contract with Little 82 9» 92 10 IV 112 12 13 14 15 16 . i048 lebnij bj; 17 18 1 87. IjAW8 of united STATES— Continued Statutes at large— Continued Same [with additional appendixes 4 and 5]. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1861. large 8* Same, v. 8: [Treaties between United States and foreign nations, 1778-1845; with tables containing lists of acta relating to Judi- ciary, imposts and tonnage, public lauds, etc.; and general index to v. 1-8 by Richard Peters]. Boston, Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1846. large 8'> Same [without tables, and with new table of contents, and new general index to v. 1-8 by George Minot]. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1857. large 8** [Index also issued sep- arately without title-page; see S7.9:8^.] Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1867. large 8° General index to [v. 1-8; by George Minot]. [Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1867.] large 8" [Also in 1857 and 1867 editions of V. 8(S7.9:8-'3) ] [Certain issues of the paper edition of the session or pamphlet laws published by Little, Brown and Company (S7.13:) carried on the cover a publisher's an- nouncement, from which the following is taken: "The earlier editions of this great workj edited by Mr. Peters, having been found deficient in the annota- tions and mdex, the publishers have revised the former and cancelled Mr. Peters's index, which is here replaced by a complete one, made by George Minot, Esq., the indefatigable author of the Digest of tlie Massachusetts Reports. The text, pronounced immaculate by act of Congress, stands without change."] Statutes at large and treaties, v. 9: [29th-31st Congress] Dec. 1845- Mar. 1851; edited by George Minot. Boston, Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1851. large 8" Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1857. large 8" Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1862. large 8° Same, v. 10: [32d and 33d Congresses] Dec. 1851-Mar. 1855; edited by George Minot. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1855 [Riverside, Cambridge, printed by H. O. Houghton and Com- pany], large 8" Same, v. 11: [34th and 35th Congresses] Dec. 1855-Mar. 1859, and proclamations since 1791; edited by George Minot and George P. Sanger. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1859. large S° Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1867. large 8° Statutes at large, treaties, and proclamations, v. 12: [36th and 37th Congresses] Dec. 1859-Mar. 1863; edited by George P. Sanger. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1863 [Riverside, Cam- bridge, printed by H, O. Houghton], large 8° Same, v. 13: [38th Congress] Dec. 1863-Dec. [Mar.] 1865; edited by George P. Sanger. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1866. large 8'* Same, v. 14: [39th Congress] Dec. 1865-Mar. 1867; edited by George P. Sanger. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1868 [University Press, Welch, Bigelow & Co., Cambridge], large 8° Same, v. 15: [40th Congress] Dec. 1867-Mar. 1869; edited by George P. Sanger. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1869 [University Press, Welch, Bigelow & Co., Cambridge], large 80 Statutes at large and proclamations, v. 16: [41st Congress] Dec. 1869- lio*] Mar. 1871, and treaties and postal conventions; edited by George P. Sanger. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1871 [University Press, Welch, Bigelow & Co., Cambridge]^ large 8® Same, v. 17: [42d Congress] Mar. 1871-Mar. 1873; edited by George P. Sanger. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1873 [Cam- bridge, press of John Wilson and Son], large 8' [Statutes at large, v. 18, pt. 1]: Revised statutes passed at 1st session of 43d Congress, 1873-74, embracing statutes, general and perma- nent in nature, in force Dec. 1, 1873, as revised and consolidated by commissioners appointed under act of Congress, with appendix containing "act to correct errors and supply omissions." [1st edition.] 1875. large 8° [See, for 2d edition, S7.10:l.] 968 Cliissiflcatlon no. 87.9: 182 183 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 321 322 331 332 341 342 343 351 352 87.10: 1877. large 8° 1879. large 8° 1881. large 8° 1883. large 8« 1885. large 8° 1887. large 8° 1889. large 8° 1891. large 8° 1893. large 8° 87. LAW8 OF UNITED STATES— Continued Statutes at large — Continued Same [v. 18, pt. 2] : Revised statutes relating to District of Columbia and post roads, passed at 1st session of 43d Congress, 1873-'74, with public treaties in force Dec. 1, 1873. 1875. large 8° Statutes at large, v. 18, pt. 3: [43d Congress] Dec. 1873-Mar. 1875, and recent treaties, postal conventions, and Executive proclamations. 1875. large 8<^ Same, v. 19: [44th Congress] Dec. 1875-Mar. 1877. Same, v. 20: [45th Congress] Oct. 1877-Mar. 1879. Same, v. 21: [4Gth Congress] Apr. 1879-Mar. 1881. Same, v. 22: [47th Congress] Dec. 1881-Mar. 1883. Same, v. 23: [48th Congress] Dec. 1883-Mar. 1885. Same, v. 24: [49th Congress] Dec. 1885-Mar. 1887. Same, v. 25: [50th Congress] Dec. 1887-Mar. 1889. Same, v. 26: [51st Congress] Dec. 1889-Mar. 1891. Same, v. 27: [52d Congress] Dec. 1891-Mar. 1893. Same, v. 28: [53d Congress] Aug. 1893-Mar. 1895 [and concurrent resolutions]. 1895. large 8° Same, v. 29: [54th Congress] Dec. 1895-Mar. 1897, with concurrent resolutions. 1897. large 8° Same, v. 30: [55th Congress] Dec. [Mar.] 1897-Mar. 1899, and con- current resolutions. 1899. large 8° [A corrected title-page was issued on which the dates read: Mar. 1897-Mar. 1899.] Same, v. 31: [56th Congress] Dec. 1899-Mar. 1901, and concurrent resolutions. 1901. large 8<* Statutes at large [57tli Congress] Dec. 1901-Mar. 1903, concurrent resolu- tions, and recent treaties, conventions, and Executive proclama- tions, V. 32, pt. 1: [Public acts and resolutions]. 1903. large 8" Same, pt. 2: Private laws, concurrent resolutions, treaties, and proc- lamations. 1903. large 8° Same [58th Congress] Nov. 1903-Mar. 1905, v. 33, pt. 1: Public acts and resolutions. 1905. large 8'' Same, pt. 2: Private laws, concurrent resolutions, treaties and proc- lamations. 1905. large 8° Same [59th Congress] Dec. 1905-Mar. 1907, v. 34, pt. 1: Public acts and resolutions. 1907. large 8° Same, pt. 2 : Private acts and resolution and concurrent resolutions. 1907. large 8<> Same, pt, 3: Recent treaties, conventions, and proclamations [and] index. 1907. large 8« Same [60th Congress] Dec. 1907-Mar. 1909, v. 35, pt. 1: Public acts and resolutions. 1909. large 8'' Same, pt. 2: Private acts and resolution, concurrent resolutions, treaties, and proclamations. 1909. large 8" Revised statutes See, for Revision of Statutes Commission, Y3.R32:, and for Commis- sion to Revise Laws of United States, appointed under act approved June 4, 1897, Y3.L44: See, for Congressional committees on revision of laws, Y4.L44i'2; [As early as 1848 the bulk of the Statutes at large, then filling 9 volumes, led to a desire for a revision, excluding private and obsolete enactments and mcluding the whole body of permanent general laws of the United States in one volume. In 1848 there was a strong report from the House Judiciary Committee in favor of such a revision, and other similar reports followed, with the result that an act approved Juno 27, 18G6 (Stat. L. v. 14, p. 74), was passed by Congress. The commissioners appointed under this act were Caleb Cushing, Charles P. James, and William Johnson. The first appropriation to carry out this law was in an act approved Mar. 2, 1867 (Stat. L. v. 14, p. 455, 45G), and it is not probable that the commissioners began work before the appropriation became available. Cushing was sent to Bogota in 1868 to adjust a diplomatic dispute, and it does not appear that he acted further with the commission. The Official register of 1869 contains only the names of James and Johnson as commissioners. By act approved May 4, 1870 (Stat. L. v. 16, p. 96), the law of June 27, 1866, was extended 969 Classiflratlon no. 87. IjAWS of united STATES— Continueo S7.10: Revised statutes — Continued throo years longer, and the names ol the commLssionors as eivon in the OIDcial rogistor were Charles V. James, Houj. Vaunliau Abbott, and victor C. BarrinKcr. Several reports were made by the eommlssionprs in which it appcaro*! ihiit Ihoy had made many minor changes in the wording of the statutes, though such changes were noted in the margias. Their work was not acceptable for the reason that it was regarded as impossible to enact a revision of the statutes proposing so many changes. An act approved Mar. 3, 1873 (Stat. L. v. 17, p. r>7i>), was passed putting the work under the control of a joint committee of the llouso and S(niat(\ compostul of Members and Senators appointed from the Com- mitteas on the llevLsion of the I^aws of the Senate and House respectively, which was authorized to receive from the commissioners whatever reports they should make, and discharge them when their term of service expired, whicii was May 4, 1S73. The joint committee was also authorized to contract with some person or persons, learned in the law, to complete the work of revising the statutes of tne United States, and Thomas Jefferson Durant was selected to continue and finish the work. Durant revised the commissioners' work, and his revision was introduced in the llouso as a bill of the 43d Congress, 1st session, Dec. 10. 1S73, by Benjamin F. Butler, being given the number H. 1215. The copy or this bill in the Public Documents labrary is without title-page, bill number, or headuig, the lines being numbered by sections as bills asually are, bound in leather, with back title: Proposed revision of laws, 1873 (see Y3.R32: P94). This bill was referred to the Committee on Revision of the Laws, and copies sent to many distinguished lawyers throughout the United States, that it might be examined and made as perfect as possible when reported to the House. The title given to the bill on its 2d reading in the House was Bill to revise and consoUdate statutes of United States in force on 1st day of December, 1873. It passed the House, was engrossed, and sent to the Senate, where it also passed. The copy of the act in the Public Documents Library (Y3.R32:Ac8) bears the autograph signatures of James G. Blaine, Speaker of tne House, Mat- thew H. Carpenter, President of the Senate, and tne approval of the act signed by U. S. Grant, President of the United States. This copy was presented by Luke P. Poland to Dr. Wm. K. Mehafifey, at that time a reading clerk of the Hoase. The act was approved June 22, 1874, and published in 1875, the volume containing also, as an appendix, an act to correct errors and supply omissions, approved Feb. 18, 1875 (S7.9:18 »). A report by Durant, made to the joint committee and embodying a statement of the changes he had made in the work of the commissioners, is referred to by Mr. Poland in the debates on the bill before the House of Representatives, for which see Congressional record, Jan. 21, 1874 (X1S2, p. 819). This report fs supposed to have been published, though diligent inquiry has failed to locate a copy. Durant also revised the laws relating to the District of Columbia, and compiled the Indian treaties, the post-road bill, and the bill regulating the punishment for military offenses. In 1877, George S. Boutwell was appointed a commissioner for the purpose of pre- ?aring and publishing a new edition of the 1st volume of the Revised statutes, 'his edition was published in 1878, and is the legal standard; see S7.10:l. Supplements to the Revised statutes have been issued, the volumes and numbers of which appear below in this classification. Book uum])ers for this class are assigned on the principle of a number for each com- plete volume, separate numbers or succeeding editions of such volumes being differentiated by superior numbers in the order of their issue. Thus, 1 is assigned for Revised statutes, 2d edition, 1878; 2, for Supplement v. 1; 3, for Supplement V. 2.) Revised statutes passed at 1st session of 43d Congress, 1873-74, embrac- ing statutes, general and permanent in nature, in force Dec. 1, 1873, as revised and consolidated by commissioners, and as re- printed with amendments under act approved Mar. 2, 1877; with appendix. 2d edition. 1878. large 8° [See, for 1st edi- tion, S7.9:18^ See, for Revised statutes relating to District of Columbia and post roads, with public treaties in force Dec. 1, 1873, S7.9:182.] Supplement to Revised statutes, v. 1, 1874-81, 43d-46th Congress; edited by William A. Richardson. [1st edition.] 1881. large 8° Same, v. 1, 1874-91, 43d-51st Congress; edited by William A. Richardson. 2d edition. 1891. large 8" Same, v. 2 [nos. 1, 2], 52d Congresses, 1892 ; edited by William A. Richardson, [assisted by] George A. King and William B. King. 1893. lai^e 8° [Covers 52d Congress, 1892-93.] Same, v. 2, nos. 1-5, 52d and 53d Congresses, 1892-95; edited by William A. Richardson, [assisted by] George A. King and William B. King. 1895. large 8° Same, v. 2, no. 6, 54th Congress, 1st session, 1895-96; edited by William A. Richardson, [assisted by] George A. King and William B. King. 1896. large 8« Same, v. 2, no. 7, 54th Congress, 2d session, 189G-97; edited by George A. King and William B. King, with E. C. Brandenburg. 1897. large 8° 970 Classification no. 87.10: 3^ 3« 37 87.11: 852 853 854 856 860 87.12: 827 87. I1AW8 OF UNITED 8TATES— Continued Revised statutes— Continued Same, v. 2, no. 8, 55th Congress, 1897-99; edited by George A. King and William B. King, with E. C. Brandenburg. 1900. large 8° [Contains index for nos, 1-8.] Same, v. 2, no. 9, 56th Congress, 1899-1901; edited by George A. King and William B. King, with Edwin C. Brandenburg. 1901. large 8^* [Contains title-page and index for v. 2.] Same, v. 2, nos. 1-9, 52d-56th Congresses, 1892-1901; edited by George A. King and William B. King, with Edwin C. Branden- burg. 1901. large 8° [No later Supplements to Revised statutes have been issued.] Indexes [The first general index to the laws was that made in accordance with the plan of Attorney-General Richard Rush. It is v. 5 of the Bioren and Duane edition of the laws (S7.8:5) and was compiled by J. B. Colvin and published in 1815. The period covered is Mar. 4, 1789-Mar. 4, 1815. It is not properly an index, but a digest. Its entries undertake to show not only where a law is but also all that is in it. Some of its entries are 2 pages long and many a page or half-page. It was fovmd cumbersome and no other like it has been made. Mr. Colvin himself, in the preface to v. 6, Bioren and Duane edition, condemns the too voluminous index m v. 5 and follows quite a different method in making the volume index to V. 6. The next general index was compiled by Samuel Burch under authority of a House resolution of May 15, 1824, and printed in 1828 as a second part of v. 7 of the Bioren and Duane edition; see S7.8:7 2. It covers the period Mar. 4, 1789-Mar. 3, 1827. It is full, but not unduly full, and was highly esteemed in its day. Jan. 11, 1849, the Senate adopted a resolution directing the Secretary of the Senate to "contract with a suitable person to compile a synoptical index to the laws and treaties in continuation of" Bmch's index of 1828. Mar. 11, 1850, the Secretary reported to the Senate that the new index was complete. A contract was made with Little and Brown to publish it, and it appeared in 1852. Instead of being a continuation of Burch, it incorporates his index and thus covers the whole period. Mar. 4, 1789-Mar. 3, 1851. It is similar in plan to Burch's index, and its references are to both the Bioren and Duane and the Little and Brown editions. There were reprints 1853, 1854, 1856, and 1860. With the 8th volume of the Statutes at large, 1867, was printed a general index to vols. 1-8 of that series, in which are contained the laws, treaties, and proclama- tions, 1789-1845; see S7.9:8i-3. See, for Consolidated index to Statutes at large. Mar. 1789-Mar. 1903, prepared under direction of Judiciary Committee, Senate, under resolution of June 19, 1902, Y4.J892:St2i-4. See, for indexes to v. 1-17 and 18-34 of Statutes at large. Mar. 1789-Mar. 1907, issued by Law Library, Library of Congress, Index analysis of Federal statutes (LC10.5:0, 1).] Synoptical index to laws and treaties of United States, Mar. 4, 1789- Mar. 3, 1851, with references to edition of laws published by Bioren and Duane, and to Statutes at large published by Little and Brown under authority of Congress. Boston, Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1852 [Cambridge, printed by Houghton and Haywood], large 8" Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1853 [Cambridge, printed by Houghton and Haywood], large 8" Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1854 [Cambridge, printed by Houghton and Haywood], large 8"* Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1856 [Cambridge, printed by Houghton and Haywood], large 8** Same. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1860. large 8° Digests [General digests, not strictly public documents, have been published, the earliest being that by IngersoU, 1821; Brightley's Analytical digest was printed in suc- cessive editions, 1858, 1863, 1865, and 1869. The Government also purchased and used certain collections and digests of laws relating to particular subjects, such as Heyl's Revenue laws, 1868 (T1.7:868), and Mayo's Pension laws, 1833 (W1.2:P38).] Digest of laws of United States, including abstract of judicial decisions relating to constitutional and statutory law, with notes; by Thomas F. Gordon. [Ist edition.] Philadelphia, printed for author, 1827. [By act approved Feb. 24, 1829 (Stat. L. v. 4, p. 335), the Secretary of State was authorized to purchase 500 copies of this work for distribution.] 971 Classlflratlon no. S7.12: 837 844 851 8863 Same. 886 3 Same. 887 » Same. 8872 Same. 8873 Same. 906^ 9062 906 3 906* 906^ 906 « 906 7 ,87.12 «: (CT) Y 87.13: (Cong, sesa.) 87. liAWS OP UNITED STATES— Continued Di£:ests — Continued Same. [2d edition.] Philadelphia, printed for author, 1837 [I. Ashmead and Co., printers]. Same. [3d edition.] Philadelphia, 1844. * Same. [4th edition.] Philadelphia, 1851. * Digest of international law of United States, taken from opinions of Presidents, Secretaries of State, and Attorneys-General, and from decisions of Federal courts and of joint international commissions in which United States was a party; edited by Francis Wharton. Washington, Gibson Bros., printers, 1886. [Specimen pamphlet sent to Congress, Mar. 1886, being preliminary to 1st edition (87.12:886^). Note on title-page reads: For private use only.] Digest of international law of United States, taken from documents issued by Presidents and Secretaries of State, and from decisions of Federal courts and opinions of Attorneys-General; edited by Francis AVharton. [1st edition.] 1886. v. 1. [1st edition.] 1886. v. 2. [1st edition.] 1886. v. 3. 2d edition. 1887. v. 1. [2350-162] 2d edition. 1887. v. 2. [2351-162] 2d edition. 1887. v. 3. [2352-162] [Wharton's Digest was first printed by authority of a resolution approved July 28, 188(), during the 1st session of the 49th Congress, the edition thus ordered being the "usual number" (1,900) and 4,000 additional copies. The additional copies were issued without document number, but how the copies of the "usual number" were issued, if at all, is not clear. The volumes of the work bound for the Congressional set (serial nos. 2:j50-52) should be part of this "usual number," but really they are identical with the 2d edition except that the title-pages agree with those of the 1st edition. The 2d edition was not ordered imtil Mar. 3, 1887, when Congress ordered 4,000 additional copies printed. Dr. Wharton improvea the opportunity of this 2d printing to make a 2d edition by correcting errors and adding an appendix containing new and important matter. This 2d edi- tion, ordered at the end of the 2d session, 49th Congress, appears in the Congres- sional set as 49th Congress, 1st session. Senate miscellaneous document 162.] Digest of international law [with list of authorities]; by John Bassett Moore. 1906. v. 1. [4202-551] Same. 1906. V. 2. [4203-551] Same. 1906. V. 3. [4204-551] Same. 1906. V.4. [4205-551] Same. 1906. V. 5. [4206 1-551] Same. 1906. V. 6. [42062-551] Same. 1906. V. 7. [4206 '^-551] Same. 1906. V. 8. [4206-^551] [Moore's Digest of international law appeared in 8 volumes instead of the 5 volumes originally planned.] Digests (separates) Session laws or Pamphlet laws pany edition) (Little, Brown and Com- [ During all the term of their contract for the publication of the Statutes at large, Little, Brown and Company published, in identical form except for binding, the acts of each session separately (session or pamphlet laws). For these session laws the publishers adopted the same plan that was prescribed in the joint reso- lution approved Mar. 3, 1845 (Stat. L. v. 5, p. 798), authorizing a subscription to their edition of the laws. By the joint resolution approved Sept. 26, 1850 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 564), the Little, Brown and Company edition of tlie annual session or pamphlet laws was authorized instead of the State Department edition, which was temporarily discontinued, the last State Department print being the session or pamphlet laws for the 1st session of the 31st Congress (87.6:31 1)- With the 1st session of the 37th Congress the State Department edition (S7.0:37 1) was resumed, and from that session up to and including the last session of the 42d Congress, there were both State Department and Little, Brown and Company prints. It will be noted, however, that for several Congresses the Little, Brown and Company edition was the only authorized edition of the session or pamphlet laws. June 24, 1874, Congress discontinued the contract with Little, Brown and Company and directed the Secretary of State to publish the pamphlet laws; see note preceding S7.6:43 1-2, and entries thereafter. 972 Classification no. ^7.13: (Cong, sess.) 87. I.AWS OF UNITED STATES— Continued Session laws or Pamphlet laws (Little, Brown and Com- pany edition) — Continued Little, Brown and Company published the session or pamphlet laws for each session of Congress from the 29th to the 42d, inclusive. From the 29th to the 34th Con- gresses they were edited by George Minot, and from the 35th to the 42d, by- George P. Sanger. The "Public" and "Private" laws, and the "Treaties" were grouped under separate title-pages with continuous paging for each of the 3 classes, and were subsequently (and practically without change in form, though with rearranged pagination) incorporated in the Little, Brown and Company edition of the Statutes at large for the corresponding period (87.9:9-17). In the Little, Brown and Company edition of the session laws the cover-title read: Statutes at large and treaties of United States, which differed radically from the title given on the title-page. In the Government series which superseded it (S7.6:43 1-2, et seq.) the cover-title and the title-page are the same, namely, Stat- utes of United States.] S8. ROLLS AND LIBRARY BUREAU [The library of the State Department has been in existence since 1789, being in charge of a clerk acting as librarian, up to the act of June 20, 1874 (Stat. L. v. 18, pt. 3, p. 90), which provided for the Bureau of Rolls and Library. This bureau is charged with the custody of the rolls, treaties, papers relating to international commissions, etc.; also the promulgation of the laws, treaties, Executive orders and proclamations.] S8.1: (date) S8.2: D65 D652 D653 D654 D65^ D65« D657 D658 M75 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications \ Documentary history of Constitution (note). [The successive portions for v. 1-3 appeared originally as appendixes to Bulletins 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, the dates on the title-pages furnished therewith reading 1787- 1870; see S8.3: The State Department also issued the completed volumes with same title-page in bound form, v. 1 and v. 2 bearing date 1894, and v. 3 bearing date 1900; see below S8.2:D6o i-s. In 1902, these 3 v. were reprinted by order of Congress. The original imprint dates were retained, but the dates in the title were changed to read 1780-1870. These appeared in the sheep-boimd Congressional set, also in half leather with the seal of the Department of State on the cover, and also in plain blue cloth; see below S8.2:D05''-«. These reprints are almost identical with the originals except for the difference in binding, wider margins, and the dates 1786-1870 on title-pages and on back. There is also one difference in the text, namely, a change in v. 1 as noted below under S8.2:D65<. V. 4 and v. 5, containing additional documents, appeared in 1905 as Bulletin 11, pt. 1 and pt. 2. They were also issued by the State Department bound in half leather with the seal of the Department, in style uniform with its 1902 prints of v. 1-3; sef below S8.2:D6.57,8.] Documentary liistory of Constitution of United States, 1787-1870, derived from records, manuscripts, and rolls deposited in Bureau of Rolls and Library of Department of State. Washington, Department of State, 1894. v. 1, large 8® Same. Washington, Department of State, 1894. v. 2, large 8* Same, with special index. Washington, Department of State, 1900. V. 3, large 8° Documentary history of Constitution of United States, 1786-1870, derived from records, manuscripts, and rolls deposited in Bureau of Rolls and Library of Department of State. Washington, Dei)artment of State, 1894 [reprint 1902]. v. 1, f « [4184-529] [This reprint has 385 p. instead of the 382 p. of the original, owing to the fact that the document printed on p. 309-21 is a substitution for the document appearing in the original as p. 309-18.] Same. Washington, Department of State, 1894 [reprint 1902]. v. 2, f« [4185-529] Same, with special index. Washington, Department of State, 1900 [reprint 1902]. v. 3, f ° [4186-529] Same. W^ashington, Department of State, 1905. v. 4, f ° [Not in Congressional set.] Same. Washington, Department of State. 1905. v. 5, f <> [Not in Congressional set.] Monroe, James. Calendar of correspondence of James Monroe. [1889.] [See, for later editions, S8.3:2 '>\] 1>73 ClsHslflcatlon no. 88. ROLLS AND LIBRARY BUREAU— Continued 88.3: I BuUetins noe.) See, for later volumes of Documentary history of Constitution, I S8.2:D65»-«. 1 Catalogue of papers of Continental Congress; Miscellaneous index [of manuscnpts of Continental Congress]; Appendix, Documen- tary history of Constitution [1787-1870, v. 1, p. 1-46]. Wash- ington, Department of State, Sept. 1893. large 8° 2 Calendar of correspondence of James Monroe. New edition with corrections and additions. Washington, Department of State, Nov. 1893. large 8° [See, for 1st edition, S8.2:M75.] Same. New edition with corrections and additions. Washington, Department of State, Nov. 1893 [reprinted 19021. f« [4380- 620] [This reprint was ordered by resolution of Congress, May 10, 1902.] 3 Arrangement of Washington papers; Miscellaneous index [of manu- scripts of Continental Congress]; Appendix, Documentary his- tory of Constitution [1787-1870, v. 1, p. 47-382, with title-page, introduction, and table of contents for v. 1]. Washington, Department of State, Jan. 1894. large 8" 4 Calendar of correspondence of James Madison. Washington, Depart- ment of State, Mar. 1894. large 8° Same, supplement. Index to Calendar of correspondence of James Madison. Washington, Department of State, Aug. 1895. large 8° Same [with index]. Washington, Department of State, Mar. 1894- Aug. 1895 [reprinted 1902]. f [4381-621] [This reprint was ordered by resolution of Congress, May 10, 1902.] 5 Arrangement of papers of Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton, Monroe, and Franklin; Miscellaneous index [of manuscripts of Conti- nental Congress]; Appendix, Documentary history of Constitu- tion [1787-1870, V. 2, p. 1-320]. Washington, Department of State, May, 1894. large 8° 6 Calendar of correspondence of Thomas Jeffereon: pt. 1, Letters from Jefferson. Washington, Department of State, July, 1894. large 8» Same. Washington, Department of State, July, 1894 [reprinted 1902]. f° [4382-622] [This reprint was ordered by resolution of Congress, May 10, 1902. See, for pts. 2 and 3, S8.3:8, 10.] 7 Catalogue of records of Territories and States; Miscellaneous index [of manuscripts of Continental Congress]; Appendix, Docu- mentary history of Constitution [1787-1870, v. 2, p. 321-897, with title-page and table of contents for v. 2]. Washington, Department of State, Sept. 1894 [published] 1895. large 8« 8 Calendar of correspondence of Thomas Jefferson: pt. 2, Letters to Jefferson. Washington, Department of State, Nov. 1894 [pub- lished] 1895. large 8° Same. Washington, Department of State, Nov. 1894 [published] 1895 [reprinted 1902]. f" [4383-622] [This reprint was ordered by resolution of Congress, May 10, 1902. See, for pts. 1 and 3, S8.3:6, 10.] 9 Miscellaneous index [of manuscripts of Continental Congress]; Ap- pendix, Documentary history of Constitution [1787-1870, v. 3, with special index]. Washington, Department of State, Oct. 1897. large 8« 10 Calendar of correspK)ndence of Thomas Jefferson: pt. 3, Supple- mentary. Washington, Department of State, June, 1903. large 8'» [See, for pts. 1 and 2, S8.3:6, 8.] 11, pt.l Documentary history of Constitution [1786-1870, v. 4, Letters and papers relating to Constitution, to July 31, 1788, with ti'tle- page, introductory note, and table of contents for v. 4]. Wash- mgton. Department of State, Sept. 1905. f ° 974 Ciasslflcatiou no. S8.3: (nos.) 88.4: (Cong. S8.5: 825 830 881 887 896 897 S8.6: (nos.) S8.7: (noa.) 58th Cong. 2d sess. f 58th Cong. 3d sess. 59th Cong. 1st sess. 59th Cong. 2d sess. 60th Cong. Ist sess. 60th Cong. 2d sess. 6l8t Cong. 1st sess. 88. ROIiLS AND lilBRARY BUREAU—Continued Bulletins— Continued 11, pt.2 Same [v. 5, Letters and papers relating to Constitution from Aug. 1, 1788, to death of Madison; Appendix; Bibliography; also title-page and table of contents for v. 5]. Washington, Department of State, Sept. 1905 [1906]. f ° [Circular stating of what a set of laws of Congress, session consists] 12° See, for Laws of United States, S7. 55th Cong. Ist sess. 55th Cong. 2d sess. 55th Cong. 3d sess. 56th Cong. 1st sess. 56th Cong. 2d sess. 57th Cong. 1st sess. 57th Cong. 2d sess. Same, with additions Catalogues Catalogue of library of Department of State, 1825. [Washington, D. C, 1825.] Same, May, 1830. n. p. [1830]. Catalogue of works relative to law of nations and diplomacy, in library of Department of State, May 13, 1881. 1881. Same, June 30, 1886, A-C. 1887. Same, pt. 1, Nov. 1896 [A-Avaux]. 1896. Same, pt. 1, Oct. 1897 [A-Byn]. 1897. [No more issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Idst of books received [old series] 4*> List of books received — -— , with references to international treaties and articles on subjects relative to law of nations and diplomacy in magazines received during same period 1, July 1-Oct. 30, 1886 * 2, Nov. 1-Dec. 31, 1886 List of books received during , with references to international treaties and articles on subjects relative to law of nations and diplomacy in magazines, and to publications of 2d session of 49th Congress which concern Department .of State, received during same month 3, Jan. 1887 4, Feb. 1887 5, Mar. 1887 List of books received during , with references to international treaties and articles on subjects relative to law of nations and diplomacy in magazines received during same month 6, Apr. 1887 9, July, 1887 7, May, 1887 10, Aug. 1887 8, June, 1887 11, Sept. 1887 List of books, pamplilets, and maps received, new series 4" [Quarterly, later semiannual.] [None issued between no. 11 of old series, Sept. 1887, and no. 1 of new series, May- Oct. 1892.] List of books and pamphlets received by purchase, exchange, and gift during , supplemented by list of periodicals and newspapers received 1, May 27-Oct. 1, 1892 2, Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1892 3, Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1893 4, Apr. 1-June 30, 1893 tThe only enactment of the 58th Congress, 1st session, was one public resolution. 975 Classlflratinn no. 88.7: (noB.) 88. ROLIiS AND LIBRARY BUREAU— Continued List of books, pamphiots, and. maps received, new series — Continued List of books, pamphlets, and map8 received by purchase, exchange, and gift during , with references to articles in periodicals relating to law of nations, diplomacy, and political science, supplemented by list of periodicals and newspapers received 5, July 1-Sept. 30, 1893 8, Apr. 1-June 30, 1894 6, Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1893 9, July 1-Sept. 30, 1894 7, Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 1894 10, Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1894 List of books, pamphlets, and maps received by purchase, exchange, and gift during — — , with references to articles in periodicals relating to law of nations, diplomac>^, history, and political science, supplemented by list of periodicals and newspapers received 11, Jan. 1-June 30, 1895 22, July 1-Dec. 31, 1900 12, July 1-Dec. 31,1895 23, Jan. 1-June 30, 1901 ]3, Jan. 1-June 30, 1896 24, July 1-Dec. 31, 1901 14, July 1-Dec. 31,1896 25, Jan. 1-June 30, 1902 15, Jan. 1-June 30, 1897 26, July 1-Dec. 31, 1902 16, July 1-Dec. 31,1897 27, Jan. 1-June 30, 1903 17, Jan. 1-June 30, 1898 28, July 1-Dec. 31, 1903 18, July 1-Dec. 31,1898 29, Jan. 1-June 30, 1904 19, Jan. 1-June 30, 1899 30, July 1-Dec. 31, 1904 20, July 1-Dec. 31, 1899 31, Jan. 1-June 30, 1905 21, Jan. 1-June 30, 1900 32, July 1-Dec. 31, 1905 [Discontinued.] 89. TREATIES tS9.1: 89.2: Au7 B73 044' C442 073 076 » 0762 D71 General publications Austria-Hungary . Papers relating to commercial arrangement between United States and Austria-Hungary; concluded May 25, 1892, proclaimed May 26, 1892. n. p. [1892]. [Also in Response to Senate resolution of Apr. 6, 1892, relative to commercial agree- ments made with other countries (S9.2:C73).] Brazil. Papers relating to commercial arrangement between United States and Brazil; concluded Jan. 31, 1891, proclaimed Feb. 5, 1891. n. p. [1891], [2818-66] [Also in Response to Senate resolution of Apr. 6, 1892, relative to commercial agreements made with other countries (S9.2:C73).] China and Korea. Treaties and conventions with or concerning China and Korea, 1894-1904, with various state papers and documents; edited by William Woodville Rockhill. 1904. large 8« Chinese. Digest of treaty, laws, and regulations governing admission of Chinese, their residence in and transit through United States and its insular possessions; by Frederick D. Cloud. May 5, 1908. Commercial agreements. Response to Senate resolution of Apr. 6, 1892, relative to commercial agreements made with other countries. 1892. ([52d Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 119]; serial no. 2901.) Congo. Declaration by International Association of the Congo, [Recog- nition of flag of Kongo Free State by United States; signed Washington, Apr. 22, 1884]. [1884.] * Same [reprint 1897]. Dominican reciprocity, papers relating to commercial arrangement between United States and Dominican Republic, including alphabetical repertory; concluded June 4, 1891, proclaimed Aug. 1, 1891. n. p. [1891]. [Also in Response to Senate resolu- tion of Apr. 6, 1892, relative to commercial agreements made with other countries (S9.2:C73).] t The series symbol 1 before the colon, which in other classes ia used for Annual reports, is not used under S9. 976 Classiflcatlon no. 89.2: G31 G791 G792 89. TREATIES— Continued General publications— Continued Germany. Papers relating to commercial arrangement between United States and German Empire; concluded Jan. 30, 1892, proclaimed Feb. 1, 1892. n. p. [1892]. [Also in Response to Senate resolu- tion of Apr. 6, 1892, relative to commercial agreements made with other countries (S9.2:C73).] Great Britain. Agreement between United States and Great Britain respecting fisheries; concluded June 22, 1885. n. p. [1885]. [Also in Foreign relations, 1885 (SI. 1:885).] Great Britain. Papers relating to commercial arrangement between United States and Great Britain for British colonies of Trinidad, Barbados, Leeward Islands, Windward Islands, colony of British Guiana, and colony of Jamaica and its dependencies; concluded [and] proclaimed Feb. 1, 1892. n. p. [1892], [Also in Response to Senate resolution of Apr. 6, 1892, relative to commercial agree- ments made with other countries (S9.2:C73).] Guatemala. Papers relating to commercial arrangement between United States and Guatemala; concluded Dec. 30, 1891, pro- claimed May 18, 1892. n. p. [1892]. [Also in Response to Senate resolution of Apr. 6, 1892, relative to commercial agreements made with other countries (S9.2:C73).] Honduras. Papers relating to commercial arrangement between United States and Honduras; concluded Apr. 29, 1892, pro- claimed Apr. 30, 1892. n. p. [1892]. [Also in Response to Senate resolution of Apr. 6, 1892, relative to commercial agreements made with other countries (S9.2:C73).] Nicaraguan reciprocity, papers relating to commercial arrangement between United States and Nicaragua; concluded Mar. 11, 1892, proclaimed Mar. 12, 1892. n. p. [1892]. [Also in Response to Senate resolution of Apr. 6, 1892, relative to commercial agree- ments made with other countries (S9.2:C73).] Salvador. Papers relating to commercial arrangement between United States and Salvador; concluded Dec. 30, 1891, proclaimed Dec. 31, 1891. n. p. [1892]. [Also in Response to Senate resolution of Apr. 6, 1892, relative to commercial agreements made with other countries (S9.2:C73).] Spain. Papers relating to commercial arrangement between United States and Spain for Cuba and Porto Rico; concluded June 16, 1891, proclaimed Aug. 1, 1891. n. p. [1891]. [Also in Response to Senate resolution of Apr. 6, 1892, relative to commercial agree- ments made with other countries (S9.2:C73).] Spain. Treaty of peace between United States and Spain, signed Paris, Dec. 10, 1898 [proclaimed Washington, Apr. 11, 1899, with accom- panying papers]. 1899 [ordered reprinted Apr. 19, 1900J. [Made up of 55th Congress, 3a session. Senate document 62, pts. 1, 2, serial no. 3732. The Congressional edition includes pt. 3 of Senate document 62 which is not in this bureau edition.] tS9.3: tS9.4: 89.5 ^ : Treaties and conventions (compilations) [Only compilations of treaties and conventions issued by the State Department are entered here. The individual treaties and conventions are entered under S9.5 *: Recent compilations of treaties were authorized by the Foreign Relations Com- mittee, for which see Y4.F762:T7U-3. A stni later compilation than those listed here or under Y4.F76 «: was also compiled under the direction of the Foreign Relations Committee but is excluded from the Checklist both because published during 1910 and because a Congressional docu- ment of which, as yet (1911), no bureau edition has been issued. This compila- tion is entitled, Treaties, conventions, international acts, protocols and agrse- ments between United States and other Powers, 1776-1909; by William M. Malloy. It is in 2 volumes, appearing as Senate document 357, 61st Congress, I 2d session, serial nos. 5646, 5647, and is the most authoritative and comprehcn- I sive compilation yet issued. tThe series s^bols 3 and 4 before the colon, which in other classes are used for Bulletins and Circulars, respectively, are not used under S9. G93 H75 N51 Sa3 Spli Spl = 977 CUdHlflcstlon no. S9.5U 827 834 8343 866 » 873 » 8732 876 8», TREATIES— Continued Treaties ftndL conventions (compilatione)— C^mtiniied The compilations in this class aro arranced chronolof;icalIy by dale of publication, , da til] the latest treaty contained in the compilation. the hook niitnlHT Inunn the imprint dat« or date when nuhiitation was known to hav«} Ix'en printed. In some cases this date is somewtiat laU'r than the, date of 82452* See, for compilations of treaties and conventions issued by Navy Department, N1.2:T71andN5.2:T71>-«.] SeCj for first compilation of treaties, 1778-1815, Bioren edition of the laws, V. 1(S7.8:1). Diplomatic code of United States, embracing collection of treaties and conventions between United States and foreign Powers, 1778- 1827, with index to principal cases decided in courts of United States upon points connected with their foreign relations, and official acts, papers, and useful information, for public ministers and consuls; by Jonathan Elliot. Washington, printed by Jonathan Elliot, junior, 1827. American diplomatic code, embracing collection of treaties and con- ventions between United States and foreign Powers, 1778-1834, with abstract of important judicial decisions on points connected with our foreign relations, also diplomatic manual, containing summary of law of nations from works of Wicquefort, Vattel, Martens, Ward, Kent, Story, etc., and other diplomatic writings on questions of international law; by Jonathan Elliot. Wash- ington, printed by Jonathan Elliot, junior, 1834. v. 1. Same. Washington, printed by Jonathan Elliot, 1834. v. 2. Treaties concluded by United States with foreign nations [1778-1845; edited -by Richard Peters]. Boston, Little, Brown, and Com- pany, 1866. large 8° [Also in Statutes at large, v. 8 (S7.9:8 ^2).] Same [1841-64J. Boston, Little, Brown, and Company, 1866. large 8® Treaties of United States with foreign nations, and proclamations, 1864- 68. Boston, Little, Brown, and Company, 1869. large 8° Treaties and conventions concluded between United States and other Powers since July 4, 1776. 1871. See[lUl-3e]. Same, containing notes with references to negotiations preceding treaties, to executive, legislative, or judicial construction of them, and to causes of abrogation of some of them, appendix showing treaties concluded subsequently to those in text, and correction of errors and omissions, chronological list of treaties, analytical index, and synoptical index; [by J. C. Bancroft Davis]. Revised edition. 1873. [Although this is a revised edition of the 1871 compilation mentioned above and issued as a Congressional docu- ment only, the preface states that the words are used on the title- page to distinguish this edition from some incomplete copies which were issued.] See, for supplement issued by Navy Department, N1.2:T71. Notes upon treaties of United States with other Powers, with references to negotiations preceding them, to their executive, legislative, or judicial construction, and to causes of abrogation of some of them, preceded by list of treaties and conventions with foreign Powers, chronologically arranged, and followed by analytical index and synoptical mdex of treaties. 1873. large 8° [Also in Treaties and conventions concluded since July 4, 1776, con- taining notes, etc. (S9.5i:873').] Treaties and conventions concluded between United States and other Powers since May 1, 1870, not contained in Senate executive docu- ment 36, 41st Congress, 3d session, with some notes in reference thereto; [by John L. Cadwalader]. 1876. [This publication was compiled and paged to be used in connection with the com- pilation of 1873 (S9.5 1:873 ').] Treaties and conventions concluded between United States and other Powers since July 4, 1776, containing notes, with references to negotiations preceding treaties, to executive, legislative, or judi- cial construction of them, and to causes of abrogation of some of them, chronological list of treaties, and analytical index; [by John H. Haswell]. 1889. [2262-47] -11 62 978 Classification no. S9.51 S9.5 (CT) S9. TREATIES— Continued Treaties and conventions (compilations)— Continued See, for suppilements issued by Equipment Bureau, N5.2:T71^-*. Compilation of treaties in force, prepared under act of July 7, 1898. 1899. >S'eeY4.F76 2:T71^2^ Same, prepared under resolution of Feb. 11, 1904, 1904. See Y4.F762:T713. Treaties and conventions (single issues) [As the Public Documents Library has no complete file of these treaties and con- ventions, they are not listed here. At the Bureau of Rolls and Library there is kept a register of the treaties and conventions issued separately. Treaty series numbers have been assigned to the set from 1 to 488, and beginning with 489 these numbers appear on the pamphlets. These treaties and conventions are published in the Session laws (S7.6:) and also in the Statutes at large (S7.9:), most of them appearing also in the compilations listed above (S9.5 1;), or under Y4.F762:T71 i-s.] SIO. PORTO RICO [The organic act temporarily to provide revenues and civil govenmientfor Porto Rico was approved Apr. 12, 1900, and became effective May 1 1900. From that date to June 30, 1908, annual reports were made by the governor of Porto Rico to the State Department (SlO.l:). Beginning with the fiscal year 1909, the governor reports to the War Department, in accordance with the act of July 15, 1909, promulgated by Exec- utive order of same date. -See, for text of Executive order and act, and for historical information, note imder W75.] SlO.l: Annual reports of governor (date) 810.2: -'(CT) S10.3: (nos.) 810.4: (nos.) 1907, 1908, 1901, May 1, 190(>-May 1, 1901, 1st [4228-79] 1902, May 1, 1901-July 1, 1902, 2d [4417-32] 1903, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1903, 3d [4563-26] 1904, July 1, 1903-June 30, 1904, 4th [4764-35] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1905, July 1, 1904-June 30, 1905, 5th [4910-8] 1906 [fiscal year ending June 30, 6th] [5070-135] [No edition without Congressional document number. Includes Message from Presi- dent of United States relative to his visit to Porto Rico.] fiscal year ending June 30 [7th] [5245-92] fiscal year ended June 30 [8th] [5393-578] [No edition without Congressional document number.] See, for later reports, W75.1:, and for historical information, note under W75. General publications Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 811. TRADE RELATIONS BUREAU t fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. Since that time the Trade Relations Bureau, although organized earlier, has begun to issue publi- cations, necessitating additional classes, the heading and series titles of which are ^ follows: Sll. Trade Relations Bureau [Created July 1, 1903, tmder sec. 11 of the act to establish the Department of Commerce and Labor (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 830).] ■Sll .1 : Annual reports (date) S11.2: (CT) S11.3: (nos.) S11.4: (nos.) General publications Bulletins Circulars 979 SI. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION [Founded upon the bequest of James Smithson, of London, England, who gave his entire property to the United States to establish an institution for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men. Incorporated by act of Congress approved Aug. 10, 1846 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 102). The annual reports are the only Smithsonian publications that are regularly issued as public documents. All the others are paia for from the private funds of the Insti- tution. All publications of the Ethnology Bureau (SI 2.) and the National Museum (SI 3.) are, however, public documents, as are also the annual reporia submitted to the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution by the American Historical Association (SI 4.) and the National Society of Daughters of American Revolution (SI5.). See, for histories of Smithsonian Institution, SI 1.2:Sm62~7 ] Classification no. SI 1.1: (date) SI 1. SECRETARY Annual reports of board of regents [The first report (1846) was printed early in 1847, and an annual report has since been issued regularly. However, the volume containing the report for 1853 embraces the essential portions of the preceding reports and is now considered the first of the set. The annual report is for calendar year until 1885, when it covers the period from Jan. to June. From 1886, the report is regularly for the fiscal year. 1884-1909, the report is issued in 2 parts, pt. 2 being the annual report of the National Museum.] 1846 1847 1848 1849 495-211] [No edition without Congressional document number. 511-23] [No edition without Congressional document number. 544^8] [No edition without Congressional document number. 564-120] [No edition without Congressional document number. Same [582-50] 1850 [607-1] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1851 [629-108] 1852 [670-53] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1853 [741-97] [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same, Congressional edition without minority report [705-73] 1854 [772-24] [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same [807-37] 1855 [835-73] [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same [867-113] 1856 [890-54] [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same [911-55] 1857 [937-272] [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same [963-135] 1858 [993-49J [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same [1016-57] 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 .1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1066-90 1089-21 1141-77 1172-25 1201-83 1233-55 1265-102] 1302-83' 1319-86 1380-83 1460-153] ber.] [1471-20] [1482-149] [1573-107] ber.] [1585-130] ber.] [No edition without Congressional document number.] [No edition without Congressional document number.] [No edition without Congressional document number.] [No edition without Congressional document num- [No edition without Congressional document number.] [No edition without Congressional document num- [No edition without Congressional document num- 980 Classlflcatlon no. SI 1.1: (date) SI 1. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports of board of regents- 1874 1875 1876 1877 -Continued 1654-56] 1665-115] 1724-46^ 1785-35 1878 [1835-59 1879 [1891-54 1880 [1944-31 1881 [1994-109] 1882 [2121-26] 1883 [2246-69] 1884 [pt. 1] [2266-33, pt. 1] Same, pt. 2: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:884. 1885, pt. 1 [2431-15] Same, pt. 2: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:885. 1886, pt. 1 [2498-170] Same, pt. 2: Report of Natiohal Museum See SI 3.1:886. 1887, pt. 1 [2581-600] Same, pt. 2: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:887. 1888 [pt. 1] [2668-142] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:888. 1889 [pt. 1] [2779-224] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:889. 1890 [pt. 1] [2878-129] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:890. 1891 [pt. 1] [3001-334] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:891. 1892 [pt. 1] [3131-114] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:892. 1893 [pt. 1] [3257-184] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:893. 1894 [pt. 1] [3341-90] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:894. 1895 [pt. 1] [3448-425] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:895. 1896 [pt. 1] [3548-352] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:896. 1897 [pt. 1] [3706-575] Same [pt. 2, v.] 1:1 Same [pt. 2, v.]2:| 1898 [pt. 1] [3833-309] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum 1899 [pt. 1] [4016-737] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:899. 1900 [pt. 1] [4188-537] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:900. 1901 [pt. 1] [4393-707] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:901. 1902 [pt. 1] [4548-484] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:902. 1903 [pt. 1] [4740-748] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:903. 1904 [pt. 1] [4885-430] Same [pt. 2]: Report of National Museum See SI 3.1:904. Report of National Museum /See SI 3.1 :897. ^eeSI3.1: 981 Classification no. SI 1.1: (date) SI 1.1°: (date) SIl.l»s (CT) SI1.2: Ab2 Ag7 An5 An8 As8» A882 - A88» AsS^ A88«: As8« SI 1. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports of board, of regents — Continued 1905 [pt. 1] Same [pt, 1906 [pt. 1] Same [pt. 1907 [pt. 1] Same [pt. 1908 [pt. 1] Same [pt. ^e€ SI 3.1:905. 5f'€ST3-.l:906. .See SI 3.1:907. [5530-1543] [For 1908, At6 B47 [505a-930 [pt. 1]] 2]: Report of National Museum [5200-575 [pt. 1]] 2] : Report of National Museum [5365-847] 2]: Report of National Museum [5529-1543] 2]: Report of National Museum the National Museum report was issued both in a bureau edition as classed under SI 3.1:908, and in another edition with Smith- sonian title-page classed here under SI 1.1:908.] 1909 [pt. 1] [5818-112] Same [pt. 2] : Report of National Museum [5819-112] [For 1909, the National Museum report was issued both in a bureau edition as classed under SI 3.1: 909, and in another edition with both Smith- sonian and National Museum title-pages classed here under SI 1.1:909.] Annual reports (separates; Secretary's report) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) [This class embraces all the separates of the annual report except the secretary's report. It includes all the separately issued reports and proceedings of the board of regents.] General publications Abbreviations. Rules for abbreviation of titles of scientific periodicals in publications of Smithsonian Institution and its branches. Washington, 1908. 24« Agorophius pygmseus. Remarks on type of fossil cetacean, Agorophius pygmaeus Miiller; by Frederick W. True. Washington, Smith- sonian Institution, 1907. f « ([Publication] 1694.) Animals desired for National Zoological Park at Washington, D. C. 1899. ([Publication AA.]) Anthropological subjects. Articles on anthropological subjects, con- tributed to annual reports of Smithsonian Institution, 1863-77; by Charles Ran. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1882. ([Publication] 440.) Astrangia danae. Anatomy of Astrangia danse, 6 lithographs from »j,(,^ drawings by A. Sonrel; explanation of plates by J. Walter ,/, Fewkes. Washington, 1889. large 4« ([Publication] 671; Natural history illustrations, prepared under direction of Louis Agassiz, 1849.) Astrophysical Observatory. Annals of Astrophysical Observatory of Smithsonian Institution; by S. P. Langley, aided by C. G. •^ .;^j Abbot. 1900 [1901]. v. 1, f « ([Publication 1257.]) Same, reprint, 1902, from Senate document 20, 57th Cong. Ist sess. 1900 [1902]. 40 ([Publication 1257.]) Same; by C. G. Abbot and F. E. Fowle, jr. 1908. v. 2, large 4« ([Publication 1257.]) Same, Addenda to v. 2: Note on reflecting power of clouds; by C. G. Abbot and F. E. Fowle, jr. [May 27, 1908.] 8^ Astrophysical Observatory. Exhibit of Smithsonian Astropthysical Observatory [at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; by S. P. Langley]. 1904. ([Publication 1466.]) Atlanta, Ga. Exhibit of Smithsonian Institution at Cotton States Exposition, Atlanta, 1895. 1895. ([Publication 988.]) Bibliographia Americana historico-naturalis, A. D. 1851; auctore Carole Girard. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Dec. 1852. ([Publication 48.]) 982 Classification no. SI 1.2: C67 C7I C81 F53 G29 G61 H392 H393 In7 In8' In82 In83 81 1. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Coleoptera. Catalogue of described coleoptera of United States, by Friedrich Ernst Melsheimer; revised by S. S. Haldeman and J. L. Le Conte. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, July. 1853. ([Publication 62.]) Colorado River. Exploration of Colorado River of the West and its tributaries, explored in 1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872, under direc- tion of secretary of Smithsonian Institution; [by J. W. Powelll 1875. 4» [1622-[300]] See, for preliminary reports, [1526-173], [1572-76], and [1621-265]. Correspondents. List of foreign correspondents of Smithsonian Insti- tution; corrected to Jan. 1870. Washington, Smithsonian Insti- tution, Apr. 1870. ([Publication] 225.) [Not in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, as indicated on title-page.] Exchanges. Rules for transmission of scientific and literary exchanffes [1896.] AP ^ Fishes. Six species of North American fresh-water fishes, 6 litho- graphs from drawings by A. Sonrel; explanation of plates by David Starr Jordan. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1889, i" ([Publication] 672; Natural history illustrations, prepared under direction of Louis Agassiz and Spencer F. Baird 1849.) Geographical tables. Smithsonian geographical tables; prepared by R. S. Woodward. 2d edition. Washington, Smithsonian Insti- tution, 1897. ([Publication] 854.) [See, for 1st edition, Smith- sonian miscellaneous collections, v. 35 (SI 1.7:35).] Goode, George Brown. Memoir of George Brown Goode, 1851-96; by S. P. Langley. [Washington, Judd and Detweiler, printers, 1897.] ([Publication 1082.]) Henry, Joseph. Memoir of Joseph Henry, sketch of his scientific work; by William B. Taylor. 2d edition. 1880. ([Publication 339.]) [Read before Philosophical Society of Washington, Oct. 26, 1878, and published in V. 2 of its bulletins. The first separate edition was issued in 1879 by Collins, printer, Philadelphia, and is not a Government publication. The 2d edition is an extract from the Memorial of Joseph Henry, which was published by order of Congress (Y7.1:H39), and which was also included in v. 21 of Smithsonian miscel- laneous collections (SI 1.7:21).] Henry, Joseph. Scientific writings of Joseph Henry. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1886. v. 1, large 8" ([Publication 550.]) Same. 1886. v. 2, large 8° ([Publication 550.]) i^'^'^'-See, for another print of this work, in 1 v., SI 1.7:30. Hyperbolic functions. Smithsonian mathematical tables, hyperbolic functions; by George F. Becker and C. E. Van Orstrand. Wash- ington, Smithsonian Institution, 1909. ([Publication] 1871.) Institutions. List of institutions in United States receiving publi- cations of Smithsonian Institution. 1886. ([Publication] 512.) International exchange list of Smithsonian Institution; corrected to July, 1897. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1897. ([Pub- lication] 1081.) Same; corrected to Sept. 1903. Washington, Smithsonian Institu- tion, 1904. ([Publication] 1418.) International exchange service of Smithsonian Institution. 1904. ([Publication 1372a.]) [For distribution at Louisiana Purchase Exposition. First published in 1902 as part of v. 44 of Smith- sonian miscellaneous collections (SI 1.7:44) with publication no. 1372.] International catalogue. [Circular concerning] international catalogue of scientific literature [and] Regional Bureau for United States. 1908. 24° Jefferson's Bible. Life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth. See Pr3.2:J49. d83 Classiflcatlon no. SI 1.2: I M56 I M74 N21 N35 Ocl Of2 SI 1. SECRET ARY—Continued General publications— Continued );':.rr'- FAbstxacts of] Smithsonian meteorological Washington [no publisher] 1857. ([Pub- P56» P563 P56< P69 Sel Sm6» Sm62 Sm6» Meteorological observations, observations for 1855. lication 93.]) Meteorological observations. Results of meteorological observations made under direction of Patent OflBce and Smithsonian Institu- tion, 1854-59. See I 23.2:M56 ^'^ Mongolia and Tibet. Diary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet, in 1891 and 1892; by William Woodville Rockhill. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1894. ([Publication 975.]) Natural sines and cosines. [Tables of natural sines and cosines, tan- gents and cotangents, with useful phvsical constants, etc.] [1893.] ([Publication 852.]) Neptune. Report on history of discovery of Neptune; by Benjamin Apthorj) Gould, jr. Washington City, published by Smithsonian Institution [printed bv Metcalf and Company, Cambridge] 1850. ([Publication 18.]) Occultations visible in United States during 1852, computed at expense of fund appropriated for establishment of Nautical almanac and published by Smithsonian Institution; by John Downes. Wash- ington, 1851. 4° ([Publication 29.]) [Also in Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. 3 (SI 1.6:3).] Officers and regents of Smithsonian Institution, with act of Congress accepting bequest, and act incorporating said institution. Washington, printed at office of Blair and Rives, 1846. ([Publi- cation N.]) [On p. 114 of Catalogue of publications, 1846-82 (SI 1.7:27), it is noted that "N " is included in annual report of Smithsonian Institution, 1847; and on p. 39 of Publications of Smithsonian Institution, May, 1896 (SI 1.8:896), *'N " is listed aa being included in annual report of Smithsonian Institution, 1853. As a matter of fact it is not included in either. The 2 acts men- tioned in the above title, however, are given in the appendix to the 1853 report; see SI 1.1:853, p. 106-112.] Physical tables. Smithsonian physical tables; prepared by Thomas Gray. Revised edition. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1897. ([Publication 1038.]) [See, for Ist edition, Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 35 (SI 1.7:35).] Same. 2d revised edition. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1903. ([Publication 1038.]) Same. 3d revised edition. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1904. ([Publication 1038.]) Same. 4th revised edition. W^ashington, Smithsonian Institution, 1908. ([Publication] 1038.) [Planisphere of visible heavens, extending to 40° of south declination, for observations on meteoric displays]; prepared by committee of Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. [1864.] large 4* ([Publication 359.]) Seattle, Wash. Exhibits of Smithsonian Institution and United States National Museum at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, Wash., 1909. Washington [Judd and Detweiler] 1909. Smithsonian Institution, Revised statutes of United States, 1878, title 73, with amendments to Mar. 12, 1894. [1894.] ([Publication aZo.j) Smithsonian Institution, 1846-96, history of its first half century; edited by George Brown Goode. Washington, 1897. large 8° ([Publi- cation 1086.]) Smithsonian Institution. Account of Smithsonian Institution, its origin, history, objects, and achievements; [by G. Brown Goode]. Washington, 1895. 38 p. ([Publication 987.]) [For distribu- tion at Atlanta Exposition.] 984 Classiflcation no. SI 1.2: Sine 4 Sm6« Sm68 So4i So42 Su7 ijisil.2«: SI 1.3: (nos.) ^;isii.4: (nos.) SI 1.5: (date) SI 1. SECRETARY— Continued m. ......u. , .on General pul)ll cations — Continued • r 1> Same. [Reprint] Washington, 1895. [27] p. ([Publication 987.]) Same; [revised by Cyrus Adler]. Washington, 1904. ([Publication 1465.]) [For distribution at Louisiana Purchase Exposition.] Smithsonian Institution, documents relative to its origin and history, 1835-99, edited by William Jones Rhees: v. 1, 1835-87, 24th-49th Congress. 1901. ([Publication 1305.]) [4010^-732] *'■ 'Same: v. 2, 1887-99, 50th-55th Congress. 1901. ([Publication • 1306.]) [40102-732] Smithson, James. James Smithson; by Samuel Pierpont Langley. City of Washington, 1904. ([Publication 1442.]) [Reprinted from Smithsonian Institution, 1846-96, history of its first half century, edited by G. Brown Goode (SI 1.2:Sm6^).] Solar eclipse expedition. The 1900 solar eclipse expedition of Astro- physical Observatory of Smithsonian Institution; by S. P. Langley, aided by C. G. Abbot. 1904. 4*^ ([Publication] 1439.) Solar eclipse. Map of solar eclipse of Mar. 15, 1858; by Thomas Hill. Washington [Smithsonian Institution] Jan. 1858. ([Publication 101.]) [Not m Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, although those words appear on the title-page.] Supplies. Schedule showing contractors and prices for miscellaneous supplies diu-ing fiscal year 1908. 1907. 4° Telegraph. Extracts from proceedings of board of regents in relation to electro-magnetic telegraph, n. p. n. d. [Also in annual report of Smithsonian Institution, 1857 (SI 1.1:857), and in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 2 (SI 1.7:2).] General publications (separates) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] List of official publications of Government [dis- tributed for Library of Congress through Smithsonian Institution] Hand-list of documents and other publications 1872 12« * * * ■X- * * 12° 12° List of documents and other publications [Beginning with 15, box numbers were used instead of box letters.] 1881 [box 14, O], Oct. 1, 1880-Apr. 1881 16" box 15, Apr.-Oct. 18 12° 1882, box 16, Oct. 18, 1881-Mav 8, 1882 12» 1883, box 17, May 8-Nov. 28 12° 1884-92, boxes 18-51 * 1873 box 1, A] box 2, B 1874 box 3, 0] box 4, D box 5, E 1875 box 6, F 1876 box 7, G 1877 box 8, H] box 9,1] 1878 box 10, K box 11, L box 12, M 1879 1880, case [13], N 985 Classification no. SI 1.5: (date) SI 1. SECRETARY— Continued List of official publications of Governirient [dis- tributed for Library of Congress through. Smithsonian Institution]— Continued List of documents and other publications — Continued 1893, box 52, May 10-Aug. 4 box 53, Aug. 4-Deo. 20 1894, boxes 54-5G, Dec. 20, 1893-Aug. 20, 1894 box 57, Aug. 20-Nov. 23 1895, box 58, Nov. 23, 1894-Feb. 18, 1895 box 59, Feb. 18-June 1 box 60, June 1-Oct. 7 1896, box 61, Oct. 7, 1895-Jan. 24, 1896 box 62, Jan. 24-May 13 box 63, May 13 -Nov. 7 1897, box 64, Nov. 7, 1896-Apr. 10, 1897 box 65, Apt. 10-Oct. 1 1898, box 66, Oct. 1, 1897-Jan. 19, 1898 box 67, Jan. 19-Apr. 19 box 68, Apr. 19-Aug. 31 box 68a, with title, Liat of documents of United States Govern- ment, shipped Sept. 6, 1898 1899, box 69, Aug. 31, 1898-Jan. 17, 1899 Same, supplement 16° box 70, Jan. 17-Aug. 1 Same, supplement 16" box 71, Aug. 1-Nov. 1 Same, supplement IG" box 72, Nov. 1-Dec. 30 1900, box 73, Dec. 30, 1899-Mar. 12, 1900 box 74, Mar. 12-May 14 box 75, May 14-July 10 box 76, July 10-Oct. 6 box 77, Oct. 6-Nov. 23 Same, supplement 4" 1901, box 78, Nov. 23, 1900-Jan. 23, 1901 box 79, Jan. 23-Apr. 1 box 80, Apr. 1-May 20 Same, supplement, listing Congressional record, v. 34, pts. 1 and 2 4° box 81, May 20- July 8 Same, supplement, listing Congressional record, v. 34, pts. 3 and 4 4® box 82, July 8-Oct. 24 List of official publications of Government 1902, box 83, Oct. 24, 1901-Jan. 4, 1902 box 84, Jan. 4-Mar. 17 box 85, Mar. 17-June 17 box 86, June 17-Sept. 8 box 87, Sept. 8-Dec. 17 1903, box 88, Dec. 17, 1902-Feb. 17, 1903 box 89, Feb. 17-Apr. 27 box 90, Apr. 27-July 20 box 91, July 20-Nov. 20 1904, box 92, Nov. 20, 1903-Jan. 11, 1904 box 93, Jan. 11-Feb. 17 box 94, Feb. 17-Apr. 15 box 95, Apr. 15-June 6 box 96, June 6-Oct. 1 box 97, Oct. 1-Dec. 27 1905, box 98, Dec. 27, 1904-Feb. 28, 1905 box 99, Feb. 28-Apr. 24 box 100, Apr. 24-July 26 986 ClasslAcatlon no. SI 1. SECRETARY— Continued SI 1.5: I List of official publications of Government [dis- rdate^ tributed for Library of Congress throngli '^ ^ Smithsonian Institution]— Continued 1905, box 101, July 26-Oct. 20 box 102, Oct. 20-Dec. 20 1906, box 103, Dec. 20, 1905-Feb. 5, 1906 box 104, Feb. 5-Mar. 24 box 105, Mar. 24-Sept. 19 box 106, Sept. 19-Nov. 20 1907, box 107, Nov. 20, 1906-Jan. 8, 1907 box 108, Jan. 8-Mar. 1 box 109, Mar. 1-May 17 box 110, May 17-Oct. 5 1908, box 111, Oct. 5, 1907-Feb. 26, 1908 box 112, Feb. 26-May 20 box 113, May20-Oct. 5 1909, box 114, Oct. 5, 1908-Jan. 6, 1909 box 115, Jan. 6- Apr. 5 box 116, Apr. 5-Juiie 7 box 117, June 7-Sept. 28 box 118, Sept. 28-Dec. 8 1910, box 119, Dec. 8, 1909-Mar. 10, 1910 SI 1.6: (v. nos.) Smithsonian contributions to knovrledge large 4° [The volumes of this series contain original memoirs on different branches of knowl- edge. They are published at the expense of the Smithsonian Institution and are not strictly Government publications. However, as they are usually re- garded as public documents and have free transmission by mail, they are listed here.) V. 1 [Complete m 1 pt.] V. 19, 4 pts. V. 2, 9 pts. V. 20 [Complete in 1 pt.] V. 3, 7 pts. V. 4 [Complete V. 21, 5 pts. in 1 pt.] V. 22, 6 pts. V. 5, 6 pts. V. 23, 6 pts. V. 6, 7 pts. V. 24, 2 pts. V. 7, 5 pts. V. 25, 3 pts. V. 8, 5 pts. V. 26, 2 pts. V. 9, 5 pts. V. 27t V. 10, 4 pts. V. 28 [Complete in 1 pt.] V. 11, 8 pts. V. 29, 9 pts. V. 12, 6 pts. V. 301 V. 13, 9 pts. V. 14, 6 pts. V. 31 V. 32 [Each complete in 1 pt.] V. 15, 5 pts. V. 33 V. 16, 8 pts. V. 34, 4 pts. V. 17, 2 pts. V. 35 [2 pts. issued up to Dec. 31, V. 18, 5 pts. 1909.] Smithsonian contributions t< 3 knowledge (separates) SI1.6«: (CT) SI 1.7: Smithsonian miscellaneous collections (v. nos.) [These 8° publications, including all issued in that form by the Smithsonian Institu- tion except the annual reports, have been published since 1802, volumes being completed at irregular times. The separate papers are often published and cir- culated a long time before being incorporated into a volume. Published at the expense of the Smithsonian Institution, they are not strictly Government publi- cations, but as they are usually regarded "as public documents and have free transmission by mail, they are listed here.] V. 1, 3 pts. V. 2, 10 pts. t Prior to Dec. 31, 1909, the period covered by this ChecHist, the only portions of V. 27 of Smithsonian contributions to knowledge which had been issued were Smith- sonian publication 801, 2 editions, and Smithsonian publication 884. These bore no volume number. In 1911, no. 3 of v. 27 was issued; the advertisement in this num- ber designates the former publications as nos. 1 and 2 of the volume. 987 CUwilflcatlon no. SI 1.7: (v. nos.) '••'l 81 1. SECRETARY— Continued Smltlisonlan miscoUaneoui^ oolleotlons — Continued V. 3, 4 ptB. V. 4, 2 pts. V. 5, 3 pts. V. 6, 4 pts. V. 7, 12 pts. V. 8, 10 pts. V. 9, 2 pts. V. 10, 11 pts. V. 11, 6 pts. V. 12, 3 pts. V. 13, 10 pts. (National Museum bulletins, 1-10.) See. also note under SI 3.3: V. 14, 8 pts. V. 15, 11 pts. V. IG, 8 pts. V 18 1 [-^^^^ complete in 1 pt.] V. 19, 2 pts. (Proceedings of National Museum, v. 1, 2.) See also 813.6:1,2. V. 20, 3 pts. (Bulletins of Philosophical Society of Washington, v. 1-3.) ,\ ^ See also note and entries under SI 1.10: v. 21, 3 pts. V. 22, 2 pts. (Proceedings of National Museum, v. 3, 4.) See also SI 3.6:3, 4. V. 23, 5 pts. (National Museum bulletins, 11-15.) See also note under SI 3.3: V. 24 (National Museum bulletin 16.) [Complete in 1 pt. See also note under SI 3.3:] V. 25, 5 pts. (Bulletins of Philosophical Society of Washington, v. 4 and 5, and other papers.) See also note and entries under SI 1.10: 4 pts. 4 pts. [Each complete in 1 pt.] (Bulletins of Philosophical Society of Washington, See also note and entries under SI 1.10: 291 30) 3lJ 32, 2 pts. V. 33, 4 pts. 6-10.) V. 34, 10 pts. V. 35, 3 pts. V. 36 [Complete in 1 pt.] V. 37, 5 pts. v^ 38, 7 pts. V. 39, 7 pts. V. 40 [Complete in 1 pt.] V. 41, 8 pts. ^' ^3! [Each complete in 1 pt] V. 44, 5 pts. V. 45, pts. 1 and 2 | (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, quar- Same, pts. 3 and 4/ terly iasue, v. 1.) V. 46, 6 pts. V. 47, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Same, pt. 4 V. 48, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Same, pt. 4 (Smithsonian issue, V. 2.) (Smithsonian issue, V. 3.) miscellaneous collections, quarterly miscellaneous collections, quarterly 988 Classification no. SI 1.7: (v. nos.) SI1.7«: (CT) SI1.7&: (v. nos.) SI 1.8 869 874 876 884 » 884 2 886 890 892 894 SI 1. SECRETARY— Continued Smlthsoniaii miscellaneous collections— Continued V. 49, 5 pts. V. 50, pt. 1 j Same, pt. 2 (Smithsonian issue, V. 4.) miscellaneous collections, quarterly Same, pt. 3 Same, pt. 4] V. 51 [3 pts. printed up to Dec. 31, 1909.] pt. 1 (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, quarterly issue, V, 5.) V.52 Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 Same, pt. 4 V. 53 [5 pts. printed up to Dec. 31, 1909.] V. 54 [1 pt. printed up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Smithsonian miscellaneous collections (separates) [Most of the pamphlets classed here which were published between 1904 and 1909 are really separates from the quarterly issue (SI 1.7'':), since they bear the words "Reprinted from Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, quarterly issue, vol- ume — ." However, as the quarterly issue does not supersede but is a part of the main series, it is proper to class all the separates here.] Smithsonian miscellaneous collections (quarterly) [The plan of publishing the Smithsonian miscellaneous collections quarterly was established in 1903 in order to publish sooner the results of research, and especially for reports of a preliminary nature. The quarterly issue was intended not to supersede but to form a part of the Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. See also notes under SI 1.7: and SI 1.7":] V. 1, 4 pts. in 2 books See SI 1.7:45. V. 2, 4 pts. See8ll.7A7. V. 3, 4 pts. /See SI 1.7:48. V. 4, 4 pts. -S-ee SI 1.7:50. V. 5, 4 pts. ^ee SI 1.7:52. [Discontinued.) Lists of publications [Many lists of Smithsonian publications have been published, including check lists, price lists, catalogues, etc. Such of these as are not included in any series are listed below, the entries for those not in the Public Documents Library having been obtained from List of publications of Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1903, by W. J. Rhees (SI 1.8:903). Other lists may be found in Smithsonian miscella- neous collections (SI 1.7:), v. (SI 1.1:), 1885 and 1886.] 10, 14, 16, 27, and 44, and in Annual reports J. Rhees. List of publications of Smithsonian Institution; by Wm 1869. ([Publication 226.]) ^ Check list of publications of Smithsonian Institution, July, 1874; [by Wm. J. Rhees]. 1874. ([Publication 278.]) [Not in Smith- sonian miscellaneous collections, as indicated on title-page.] List of Smithsonian publications; by Wm. J. Rhees. 1876. ([Publica- tion 290.]) * Check list of Smithsonian publications, Dec. 1881-Mar. 1884; by Wm. J. Rhees. 1884. ([Publication 571.]) ^ Price list of Smithsonian publications, Mar. 1884; by Wm. J. Rhees. 1884. ([Publication 573.]) * Same, Oct. 1, 1886; by Wm. J. Rhees. 1886. ([Publication 627a.]) * Check list of publications of Smithsonian Institution, July, 1890; [by Wm. J. Rhees]. 1890. ([Publication] 745.) List of Smithsonian publications, Jan. 1892; by Wm. J. Rhees. 1892. ([Publication 835.]) * List of publications of Smithsonian Institution for sale or exchange. May, 1894. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1894. ([Pub- lication 924.]) 989 ClasHiflcatlon no. SI 1.81 896 899 901 W2 SI SECRETARY— Continued 904 907 909 SI 1.9: (date) SI 1.10: (v. nos.) J SI 1. lit Dec. 1899. Mar. 1901. by William 1376.) [In- Lilsts of publications— (Continued Publications of Smithsonian Institution, Maj^, 1896; by William J. Rhoes. Waahington, Smithsonian Institution, 1896, ([Publi- cation] 991.) Publications of Smithsonian Institution available for distribution, Apr. 1898; [by Wm. J. RheesJ. Washington, Apr. 1898. ([Publica- tion] 1091.) Same, Dec. 1899; [by Wm. J. Rhees]. Washington, ([Publication] 1175.) Same, Mar. 1901; [by Wm. J. Rhees]. Washington, ([Publication] 1256.) Same, Jan. 1902. [1902.] List of publications of Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1903; Jones Rhees. Washington, 1903. ([Publication] eluded also in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, appearing in V. 14 of that series (SI 1.7:14), in which form the series title is found on title-page and cover.] Classified list of Smithsonian publications available for distribution Apr. 1904. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1904. ([Pub- lication] 1461.) Same, Apr. 1907. Smithsonian Institution, ([Publication] 1722.) Same, May, 1908. Washington, ([Publication] 1806.) Same, Mar. 1909. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1909. ([Publication] 1859.) Specifications for supplies Bulletin of Philosophical Society of Washington [Published by the cooperation of the Smithsonian Institution from the organization of the vSociety in Mar. 1871 to Dec. 1887, at which time, the society being well established, the support of the Smithsonian Institution was withdrawn. Included also, with corrections, in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections (SI 1.7:) as indicated below.] Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1907. 1908. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ■ 8 9 ■v^lOf ^ See also SI 1.7:20. See also SI 1.7 .25. See also SI 1.7 :Z'S. t Includes index to v. 1-10. J This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. July, 1910, the Smithsonian Institution acquired the series of publications on the Harriman Alaska Expedition of 1899, of which v. 1-13 (except v. 6 and 7) were first privately printed by Doubleday, Pag^ & Company, New York, 1902-05. The series has been transferred to the Smithsonian Institution by Mrs. Edward H. Harriman and the work will here- after be known as the Harriman Alaska series of the Smithsonian Institution. Vol- umes 1-5 and 8-13 were rebound in 1910 by the Smithsonian Institution, with added Smithsonian title-pages. These special title-pages will also be used for v. 6 and 7, at this date (1911) in preparation, and for any additional volumes that may appear here- after. This new Smithsonian series necessitates an additional class under SI 1., the series title of which is as follows: SIl.ll: (v. nos.) Harriman Alaska series large 8" 990 SI 2. ETHNOLOGY BUREAU [Ethnological research was formerly part of the work of the Geographical and Geological Survey of Rocky Mountain Region (1 17.), which was merged in the Geological Survey (1 19.) by act approved Mar. 3, 1879 (Stat. L. v. 20, p. 394). In that act Congress provided that the ethnological work should be carried on under the Smithsonian Institution. Thus the Ethnology Bureau was established. Besides publishing the annual reports and bulletins authorized by Congress, the Ethnology Bureau has completed the publication of Contributions to North American ethnology (1 17.5:), a series which was begun by the former Geographical and Geological Survey of liocky Mountain Region under the direction of the Interior Department. The name " Bureau of Ethnology " appears on the title-pages of annual reports up to and including the 15th report, 1894, since which the form "Bureau of American Ethnology" has been used. The latter is the official name of the bureau.] Classification no. SI2.1: (date) SI2.1«: (date) |^I2.1«: (CT) SI 2.2: B47 !-• / B472 D56 G33 L26» L262 L26' Annual reports lai^e 8° 1880, Ist set. 1881, 2d 1882, 3d 1883, 4th 1884, 5th 1885, 6th 1886, 7th 1887, 8th 1888, 9th 1889, 10th 1890, 11th 1891, 12th 1892, 13th 1893, 14th, V Not in Congressional 2055-61] 2317-32] 2327-42] 2497-167 2578-571 2989-107 2999-295' 3111-11] 3134-116] 3237-81] 3238-82] 3427-266] .1 [3531 -230] Same, V. 2 [3531^-230] 1894, 15th [3544-339] 1895, 16th [3580-93] 1896, 17th, V. 1 [3836-316] Same, v. 2 [3837-316] 1897, 18th, pt. 1 [4014-736] Same, pt. 2 [4015-736] 1898, 19th, pt. 1 [4192-539] Same, pt. 2 [4193-539] 1899, 20th [4395-709] 1900, 21st [4547-483] 1901, 22d, pt. 1 [4715-641] Same, pt. 2 [4716-641] 1902, 23d [4895-476] 1903,24th [5054-939] 1904, 25th [5212-821] 1905,26th [5367-825] 1906, 27th [5531-1572] 1907, 28th t " 1908, 29th t 1909, 30th t 5820-134] ? -1504] ? - ? ] Annual reports (separates; reports of director) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) General publications [Certain publications entered here under SI 2.2: are listed in Ethnology Bureau bulletin 49 and numbered under the headings "Introductions" and "Miscella- neous publications." Bulletin 49 is not listed in this Checklist because a 1910 publication. It is entitled List of publications of Bureau of American Ethnology, and is classed in the Public Documents Library under SI 2.3:49.] Bibliography. Proof-sheets of bibliography of languages of North American Indians; by James Constantino Pilling. 1885. 4° [Distributed only to collaborators.] Same. [Loose sheets printed on one side of the sheet only.] Dictionary. Advance pages [of] Dictionary of American Indians north of Mexico; [prepared by F. W. Hodge]. Washington [Smith- sonian Institution] 1903. * [A limited edition was printed for use of compilers of Handbook of American Indians (SI 2.3:30).] Gesture-signs. Collection of gesture-signs and signals of North Ameri- can Indians, with some comparisons; by Garrick Mallery. 1880. 4« * [See also SI 2. 2 :Si2.] Languages. Introduction to study of Indian languages, with words, phrases, and sentences to be collected; by J. W. Powell. [1st edition.] 1877. 4° [Issued by Interior Department prior to establishment of Ethnology Bureau, but included by Ethnology Bureau in its lists of publications.] Same. 2d edition with charts. 1880. 4'» Same, Alphabet to accompany 2d edition, n. p. n. d. 16° t Not yet issued (Dec, 1911). 991 ClMslflcatlom SI 2. ETHNOIiOGY BUREAU— Continued no. 812.2: General publications— Continued ni>'>lh;a .i.Ulr^ L64^ [Linguistic families of Indian tribes north of Mfeiico; with provisional list of principal tribal names and synonyms.] [1885.] 16^ * L642 Linguistic familios. [Map of] linguistic stocks of American Indians north of Mexico [with inset, Aleutian Islands]; by J. W. Powell. [1891.1 20.3X17.5 in. [A limited edition of this map, which is mcluded as plate 1 in 7th annual report (SI 2.1:886), was issued.] L643 Linguistic families. [Map of] linguistic families of American Indians north of Mexico [with insets, Aleutian Islands and ne. Siberia]; by J. W. Powell. [1906.] 20X17.5 in. * [Printed in advance of Handbook of American Indians, pt.ll (SI 2.3:30^), in which it afterward appeared . ] ,.,;../, M84 Mortuary customs. Introduction to study of mortuary customs among North American Indians; by H. C. Yarrow. 1880. 4*> P96 Publications. Circular letter relative to publications of Bureau [of Ethnology]. July 1, 1902. * Si2 Sign language. Introduction to study of sign language among North American Indians as illustrating gesture speech of mankind; by Garrick Mallery. 1880. 4" [6'ce a/so SI 2.2 :G33.] T73 Tribes of North America, with synonymy: Skittagetan family; pre- pared by H. W. Henshaw]. [1890.] 4** * [A few copies were printed for use of compilers of Handbook of American Indians (SI 2.3:30).] SI 2.3: Bulletins (nos.) [1] Bibliography of Eskimo language; by James Constantino Pilling. 1887. Same, f" [2] Perforated stones from California; by Henry W. Henshaw. 1887. [3] Use of gold and other metals among ancient inhabitants of Chiriqui, Isthmus of Darien; by William H. Holmes. 1887. [4] Work in mound exploration of Bureau of Ethnology; by Cyrus Thomas. 1887. [5] Bibliography of Siouan languages; by James Constantino tilling. 1887. • '•■' Same. f« [6] Bibliography of Iroquoian languages; by James Constantino Pil- ling. 1888. Same. f° [7] Textile fabrics of ancient Peru; by William H. Holmes. 1889. [8] Problem of Ohio mounds; by Cyrus Thomas. 1889. [9] Bibliography of Muskhogean languages; by James Constantino Pilling. 1889. Same. f° [10] Circular, square, and octagonal earthworks of Ohio; by Cyrus Thomas. 1889. [11] Omaha and Ponka letters; by James Owen Dorsey. 1891. [12] Catalogue of prehistoric works east of Rocky Mountains; by Cvrus Thomas. 1891. [13] Bibliography of Algonquian languages; by James Constantino Pilling. 1891. Same, f^ [14] Bibliography of Athapascan languages; by J[ameg Constantino Pilling. 1892. ' -1 .' Same. f° [15] Bibliography of Chinookan languages, including Chinook jargon; by James Constantine Pilling. 1893, Same, i^ 992 Classification no. SI 2. ETHNOLOGY BUREAU— Continued SI 2.3: Bulletins— Continued 'nos.) [16] Bibliography of Salishan languages; by James Constantine Pilling. 1893. Same. f° [17] Pamunkey Indians of Virginia; by Jno. Garland Pollard. 1894. [18] Maya year; by Cyrus Thomas. 1894. [19] Bibliography of Wakashan languages; by James Constantine Pil- ling. 1894. Same, f [20] Chinook texts; by Franz Boas. 1894. [21] Ancient quarry in Indian Territory; by William Henry Holmes. 1894. by [22] Siouan tribes of the East; by James Mooney. 1894. [23] Archeologic investigation in James and Potomac valleys Gerard Fowke. 1894. [24] List of publications of Bureau of Ethnology with index to authors and subjects; by Frederick Webb Hodge. 1894. [Interleaved.] 25 large 8° 4538-455 37 t 26 large 8« 4538-456 38 [5532-1501] 27 large 8« 4538-457 39 [5533-1528] 28 [4896-477 40 1 29 [5000-166 41 [5535-1530] 30, pt. 1 [5001-926] Same, pt. 2t 42 [5535-1531] 43t 31 5000-927] 44 1 32 5000-928 45 1 33 5210-816 46 1 34 5210-817 47t 35 5210-818 48 [5826-420] 36 5210-819 SI2.3«: Bulletins (separates ) (CT) SI 2.4: Circulars (nos.) [NOE e issued. SI 3. NATIONAL MUSEUM [The National Museum was instituted at establishment of Smithsonian Institution by act approved Aug. 10, 1846 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 105). Since 1858 Congress has made annual appropriations for its maintenance. See Smithsonian Institution, documents relative to its origin and history, v. 2 (SI 1.2:Sm67), and Na- tional Museum annual report, 1896 (SI 3.1:896), p. 287-324.] SI 3.1: Annual reports (date) [1881-83, in annual reports of Smithsonian Institution (SI 1.1:). 1884-1909, published as pt. 2 of annual reports of Smithsonian Institution, although "pt. 2^' does not usually appear on title-page. Beginning with 1905, the reports have been entirely administrative, omitting the scientific papers. Similar scientific matter has since been included in the Pro- ceedings of National Museum (SI 3.6:).] 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 2266-33, pt. 2432-15] 2499-170 2582-600 [2669-142" 2780-224" 2879-1291 3002-334" 3132-114" 3258-1841 2] 1894 1895 1896 1897 [\ Sac 1898 [3342-90] 3449-425 3549-352 ^]l [370 le [v.] 2 3834-309] 7-575] [3708-575] 1899 4017-737 1900 4189-537 1901 4394-707 1902 4549-484 t Not printed up to Dec. 31, 1909. 993 ClasslflcadoQ no. SI 3.1: (date) Sia.l'*: (date) SI3.10: (CT) 813.2: l87 T69 SI 3.3: (v. DOS.) later (no8.) SI 8. NATIONAL MUSEUM— Continued Annual reports— Continued 1903 [4741-748] 1907 f t [5366-847] 1904 4886-430] 1908 f t 5530-1543] 1905 5053-930 [pt. 2]] 1909 f § [5819-112] 1906 [5200-575 [pt. 2]J Annual reports (separates; reports of assistant secretary) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) General publications Isopoda. Contributions to natural history of Isopoda; by Harriet Rich- ardson. 1904. [Reprint of 2 papers in v. 27 of Proceedings of National Museum (SI 3.6:27), each of which was also issued sepa- rately and classed under SI 3.6«:] Traveling expenses. Regulations governing traveling expenses. [1907.] Bulletins [Nos. 1-10 constitute v. 1, and appear also as Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, V. 13 (SI 1.7:13); nos. 11-15 constitute v. 2, and appear also as Smithsonian mis- cellaneous collections, v. 23 (SI 1.7:23). Volumes 1 and 2 were the only collected volumes ever published by the National Museum. No. 16, which bears title "Bulletin of National Museum, no. 16," appears also as Smithsonian miscella- neous collections, v. 24 (SI 1.7:24), which includes a volume title-page reading "Bulletins of National Museum, v. 3, no. 16."] V. 1, no. no, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 9 no. 10 V. 2, no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 [1st edition] 1889 Same. [2d edition] 1903 no. 38 no. 39, pt. A pt. B pt. C pt. D pt. E pt. F pt. G pt. H pt. I pt. J pt. K pt. L pt. M pt. N [1st editionj Same. 2d edition pt. pt. P pt. Q pt. R t Titles for 1907-09 read: Report on progress and condition of National Museum for year ending June 30, . JTitle-pa^es of bureau and Congressional editions for 1907 and 1908 differ, the former reading "Report on progress and condition of National Museum," and the latter "Annual report of board of regents of Smithsonian Institution, report of National Museum." § Congressional edition for 1909 carries 2 title-pages, the first reading "Annual report of board of regents of Smithsonian Institution, report of National Museum," and the second, "Report on progress and condition of National Museum." 82452°— 11 63 994 Classiflcation no. SI 3.3: Bulletins — Continued (v. nos.) later (nos.) SI3.3«: (CT) SI 3.4: (nos.) SI 3. NATIONAL MUSEUM— Continued pt.lt 40 no. 39, pt. S no. 55 no. 40 no. 56 no. 41 no. 57 no. 42 no. 58 no. 43 no. 59 no. 44 no. 60 no. 45 no. 61 no. 46 no. 62 no. 47, 4 pta. no. 63 no. 48 no. 64 no. 49 no. 65 no. 50, pta. 1-4 f no. 66 no. 51 no. 67 Same, supplement no. 68 no. 52 no. 69 no. 53, 2 pta. no. 70 no. 54 Bulletins (separates) Circulars [Although very few of these publications bear the word "circular," they are listed as such by the National Museum in their List of publications (SI 3.3:51). Most of the circulars carry the note, " Proceedings United States National Museum, , Appendix," but several do not appear in the volume cited. Nos. 1-42 have been assigned Smithsonian publication numbers in the List of pub- lications of Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1903 (SI 1.8:903).] 1 2 3 4 5 * 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 * 32 33 34 * [Printed also aa appendix to Proceedings, v. 4 (SI 3.6:4).] [Printed also aa appendix to Proceedings, v. 6 (SI 3,6:6).] [Printed also as appendix to Proceedings, v. 7 (SI 3.6:7).] > [Printed aiso as appendix to Proceedings, v. 8 (SI 3.6:8).] t Other parts of this work will be published later. 995 Classlflcatlon no. SI 3. NATIONAL MUSEUM— Continued S I 8 . 4 : Circulars— Continued (U08.) SI 3.5: (no8.) 35 36 [Prinffd aH appendix to Proceedings, 1886 (SI 3.6:9), but not found in that volume. It is, however, referred to by number and fully quoted on p. 25 of annual report, 1886 (SI 3.1:886).] [37] Catalogue of contributioun of section of graphic arts to Ohio Valley Centennial Exposition, Cincinnati, 1888; by S. R. Koehler. [1887.] [Printed also as appendix to Proceedings, v. 10 (SI 3.6:10).] [38] Contributions of department of transportation and engineering to Ohio Valley Centennial Exhibition, 1888; by J. Elfreth Watkins. [1888.] [Erroneously numbered 45. Printed as appendix to Proceedings, v. 11 (SI 3.6:11),. but not found in that volume.] [39] Contribution of section of oriental antiquities to Ohio Valley Cen- tennial Exhibition; by Cyrus Adler. [1888.] [Erroneously numbered 46. Printed as appendix to Proceedings, v. 11 (SI 3.6:11), but not found in that volume.] [40] Description of exhibit made by department of prehistoric anthro- pology in National Museum at Ohio Valley and Central States Exposition in Cincinnatti [Cincinnati], Ohio, 1888; by Thomas Wilson. [1888.] [Erroneously numbered 47. Printed as appen- dix to Proceedings, v. 11 (SI 3.6:11), but not found in that volume.] [41] Guide to collection illustrating families of mammals, exhibited in Ohio Valley Centennial Exposition in 1888 by National Museum; by Frederick W. True. [1888.] [Erroneously numbered 48. Printed as appendix to Proceedmgs, v. 11 (SI 3.6:11), but not found in that volume.] [42] Circular relating to prehistoric anthropology; by Thomas Wilson. [Nov. 1888.] [Erroneously numbered 49. Printed as appendix to Proceedings, v. 11 (SI 3.6:11), but not found in that volume.] 43 44 45 [Circular asking for authors' reprints for library.] Aug. 1894. 46 [Circular in relation to revision of Guide to flora of Washington and vicinity, by Lester F. Ward.] [1895.] 47 Circular in regard to identification of specimens of moUusks by National Museum. [Jan. 25, 1896.] 48 Circular in regard to bones and teeth of mastodon and mammoth; by Frederic A. Lucas. [Sept. 21, 1897.] 49 [Circular relating to distribution of sets of specimens of North American Violacese.] Oct. 16, 1899. 50 Same, memorandum to accompany 51 {No more issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Special bulletins 1 Life histories of North American birds, with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs; by Charles Bendire. 1892. f ° [2] Oceanic ichthyology, a treatise on deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world, based chiefly upon collections made by steamers Blake, Albatross, and Fish Hawk in northwestern Atlantic; by George Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. 1895. f ° Same, atlas. 1895. f « [3] Life histories of North American birds, from parrots to grackles, with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs; by Charles Bendire. 1895. f « [4] American hydroids: pt. 1, Plumularidse; by Charles Cleveland Nut- ting. 1900. f 996 Classification no. SI 3.5: .(jios.) SI 3.6: (v. nos.) SI3.6«: (CT) SI 3.7: SI 3.8: (v. nos.) ,I^I3.8«: (CT) SI 3. NATIONAL MUSEUM— Continued Special bulletins — Continued Same: pt. 2, Sertularidse ; by Charles Cleveland Nutting. 1904. [No more issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Proceedings [v. 1-10, though published under direction of Smithsonian Institution, bear the caption of the Interior Department for the reason that until 1889 the money for their publication was disbursed through the Interior Department.] 1} 5 6 7 V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. 8 V. 9 V. 10 V. 11 V. 12 V. 13 V. 14 V. 15 V. 16 V. 17 V. 18 See also SI 1.7:19. See also SI 1.7:22. V. 19 V. 20 V. 21 V. 22 V. 23 V. 24 V. 25 V. 26 V. 27 V. 28 V. 29 V. 30 V. 31 V. 32 V. 33 V. 34 V. 35 V. 36 Proceedings (separates) Proceedings, Appendixes See SI 3.4: [Vacant. This class to be assigned to the next new series begun by the National IVIuseum.] Contributions from U. S. national herbarium [Formerly issued by the Botany Division, Agriculture Department; see A6.5: Pub- lished by National Museum since July 1, 1902.] See, for 1st edition, A6.5:2. See, for 1st edition, AG. 5:7. V. 1 SeeA6.b:l. V. 2 [2d edition] V. 3 ^eeA6.5:3. V. 4 SeeA6.6:4. V. 5 SeeA6.5:5. V. 6 SeeAe.biQ. V. 7 [2d edition] V. 8, 4pt8. V. 9 V. 10, 8 pts. V. 11 V. 12, 11 pts. V. 13, pt. 1 [No more issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Contributions from U. S. national (separates) berbarium 997 SI 4. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION [The American Historical Association was formed at Saratoga, Sept, 9, 1884. The "Papers" of the asso- ciation, consisting of reports of the proceedings of the annual moetinKS and some of the historical mono- graphs that had neon read, were published by I'utnani, 1885-91, and have been collected in ."i substan- tial volumes, the copyripht beini: held by the association. These volumes. Riving the proceedings and papers of the first 7 annual meetings, are not pul)lic documents, but because of their nistoric interest and also on account of tlio fact that they were the forerunners of the annual reports of the association, a class for them has been assigned in this CliecklLst; see SI 4.5: By act of Congress approved Jan. 4, 1889, the as.sociation was incorporated, the act providing, that "said association shall report arniuully to the secretary of the Smitlisonian Institution concerning its pro- ceedings imd the condition of historical stutly in .Vmerica; .said .secretary shall coirununieate to ('oiigre.ss the wliolo of such reiK)rts or such portions thereof as he shall .see fit." From tiiat time the proceedings and historical monographs of the association have been issued by the Government in 1 or 2 volumes veurlv, under the title, Annual reports of Ameriatn Historical Association (SI 4.1:). The first 2 issues In this form, those for 18,S9 and 1890, duplicate the proceedings of the 0th and 7th meetings, already published n the Papers, and also partially duplicate the monographs in v. 4 and 5 of the Papers. The issue of tlie Papers was discontinued after the 7th meeting.] Classlflcatlon no. SI 4.1: Annual reports (date) SI4.1«: (CT) SI 4.2: (CT) SI 4.3: (no8.) SI 4.4: (nos.) SI 4.5: (v. nos.) [See, for information concerning annual reports and the 5 volumed set of Papers of American Historical A.s.sociation, h istorical note at head of class and entries under SI 4.5:] 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 2700-170] 2823-83] 2907-173] 3067-57] 3170-104] 3343-91] [3429-291] 1896, V. 1 • [3550 »-353] 35502-353] 4012-733] Same, v. 2 1897 [3710-577 1898 [3825-295 1899, V. 1 [4011-733] Same, v. 2 1900, V. 1 [4199-548] Same, v. 2 [4200-548] 1901, V. 1 [4388-702] Same, v. 2 [4389-702] Annual reports (separates) 1902, V. 1 [4542-461] Same, v. 2 [4543-461] 1903, V. 1 [4735-745] Same, v. 2 [4736-745] 1904 [4884-429] 1905, V, 1 [5047-923] Same, v. 2 [5048-923] 1906, V. 1 [5368-986] Same, v. 2 [5369-986] 1907, V. 1 [5536-1282] Same, v. 2 [5537-1282] 1908, V. 1 [5827-137] Same, v. 2, [pt.] 1 [5828 '-137] Same, V. 2, [pt.]2 [58282-137] 1909 [ ? -1293] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Papers of American Historical Association [See, for information concerning these publications, historical note at head of olass.] I V. 1 V. 2 V. 3 V. 4 V. 5 [Discontinued.] 998 SI 6. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF DAUGHTERS OF AMERI- CAN REVOLUTION [The act incorporating the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution was approved Feb. 20, 1896, and requires that the society shall report annually to the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution concerning its proceedings.] Classification no*. SI 5.1: (date) SI 5.2: (CT) SI 5.3: (nos.) SI 5.4: (nos.) Annual reports [With the exception of the first issue covering the period from 1890 to 1897, no bureau ,' " editions were issued by the Government, although for a number of years a few copies have been published in plain title edition at the expense of the society for its own use. The provisions of law, however, call for Congressional document edition only, and following are the references to these reports as they appear in the Congressional set.] 1890-97, 1st [3735-164] 1898, year ending Oct. 11, 2d [3877-425] 1899 and 1900, Oct. 11, 1898-Oct. 11, 1900, 3d [4044-219] 1901, year ending Oct. 11, 4th [4250-447^ 1902, voar ending Oct. 11, 5th [4431-210 1903, year ending Oct. 11, 6th [4618-277 1904, year ending Oct. 11, 7th [4772-193 1905, year ending Oct. 11, 8th [4936-532 1906, year ending Oct. 11, 9th [5096-400 1907, year ending Oct. 11, 10th [5259-431 1908, year ending Oct. 11, 11th [5567-117 1909, year ending Oct. 11, 12th [5651-517 Oeneral publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] T. TREASURY DEPARTMENT [The Treasury Department was the third Executive Department, having been created by act approved Sept. 2, 1789 (Stat. L. v. 1, p. 65).] Tl. SECRETARY Tl.l: Annual reports on state of finances [or Finance reports] [By the act organizing the Treasury Department approved Sept. 2, 1789 (Stat. L. V. 1, p. 65), it was made the duty of the Secretary to prepare and report estimates of public revenue and public expenditures, and to make report and give infor- mation to Congress or either branch thereof in person or in writing^ as required, respecting all matters referred to him by the Senate or House or which appertain to his office. Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, made no annual reports, butsubmitted papers on the public credit, a national bank, manu- factures, and the establishment of a mint. Oliver Wolcott, who succeeded Ham- ilton as Secretary of the Treasury, made two reports on the receipts and expendi- tures of the Government, one to the Committee of Ways and Means, Apr. 27, 1798, and the other to the House of Representatives Feb. 21, 1800. By act approved May 10, 1800 (Stat. L. v. 2, p. 79), it was made the duty of the Secre- tary of the Treasury to prepare and lay before Congress at the commencement of every session a report on the subject of finance containing estimates of public revenue and public expenditures. The first regular annual report is that of Albert Gallatin, 1801, and thereafter there is a consecutive series. Banning with 1817, the annual reports have appeared regularly in the Congressional set. The Public Documents Library has an original print of the 1808 report, 7 p. f », and a print of the Sept. 5, 1837, report, 16 p. 8°. Both are without the accompanying papers, which are included in the document editions thereof. Reprints of the reports on the fmances, Apr. 11, 1789-May 16, 1828, appear in American State papers, finance, v. l-o; see serial nos. 09-013. Another series of reprints was issued by order of the Senate. This series consists of 7 v., printed at different times from 1828 to 1851 and including reports 1790-1849. These volumes are listed below preceding the listing of the individual annual 999 ClMsinrattoil BO. Tl.l (v. nofl.) V 12 2> 22 3 4 5 (date) Tl. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports on state of finances [or Finance reports]— Coutiuued Of the Individual reports from 1817, the Public Documents Library has no edition without Congressional document number prior to 1871 , except 18W, 1807, and I860. Beginning 1871, there have been both Congressional and Department editions tot each year.) Reports on finances, 1790-1849 (reprints of annual reporte) [The Senate, by resolution of Feb. 7, 1828 (Senate journal, serial no. 162, p. 140) pn>« vUiiHl that there be print ed and bound 000 copies of the annual reports of the Secre- tary of the Treasury, including the reports of Alexander llamiilon. The reprint- ing of the annual ri'iwrls contniued until 1849. The first print, Issued by Duff Green, consisted of 2 v. Including the reports through 1828; the second print, by Blair & Rives, reprinted the first 2 v. and included a third, bringing the work down to 18;{(); later volumes continued the work to 18-19. This set includes, besides the annual reports, reprints of a few other papers on finance. These volumes are not in the numbered series of Congressional documents.] Reports of Secretary of Treasury [Jan. 1790-Dec. 1814] prepared in obedience to act of May 10," 1800, to which are prefixed reports of Alexander Hamilton on public credit, a national bank, manu- factures, and establishment of a mint. Washington, printed by Duff Green, 1828. v. 1. Same. Washington, printed by Blair & Rives, 1837. v. 1. * Same [Dec. 1815-Dec. 1828]. Washington, printed by Duff Green, 1829. V. 2. Same. Washington, printed by Blair & Rives, 1837. v. 2. Same [Dec. 1829-Dec. 1836]. Washington, printed by Blair & Rives, 1837. v. 3. Same [Sept. 1837-Dec. 1844]. Washington, printed by John C. Rives, 1851. v. 4. Same [Dec. 1845]. Washington, printed by John C. Rivee, 1851. V. 5. Same [Dec. 1846-Feb. 1849], Washington, printed by John C. Rives, 1851. v. 6. Same [Dec. 1849]. Washington, printed by John C. Rive&, 1851. V. 7. Annual reports (regular series) 1817 [5-4] See, for Statement of monies paid at Treasury during 1817, [8-84]. 1818 [17-4] 1819 [31-5] 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 { /]42-12] 1(48-9] Same, supplementary [48-32] f[59-2] \[63-3' ' 3-8' 76-12 89-16' 93-16' 108-8' 114-26] 125-6] 131-13] 145-3] 149-11] 163-4] 169-4] Same, supplementary [167-197] 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 Same, supplementary [193-84] /[203-6] \[206-7] [216-3] [233-3] '238-9] 254-15] 266-2] ..271-3] Same, supplementary [267-13] 1835 1836 279-2 286-3 297-2' 301-4 1837, Sept. 5 | 1828 1829 181 184-9 192-3 195-6 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 Dec. 5 338-2 344^ 354-2 363-3 37.5-2 382-3 396-17] 401-18] /[414-5] t[419-17] 309-2 311-2 314-2 321-4 1000 Classiflcatlon no. Tl.l: (date) Tl. SECRETARY— Continued Annual rei)orts on state of finances [or Finance reports] Continued Tl.l«: (date) Tl.lo: (CT) T1.2: Ac2 AUi 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 See 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 if: 432-3 439-7 449-6 463-16] 471-21 481-6' 493-2 498-7' [514-6] [538-7] 552-2 568-4 588-4 597-11' 614-11 637-18 662-22' 676-23' 694-2] 714-3 749-2 780-3 814-2 846-10] 874-3] 896-2' 918-1 941-3 9-2 996-3 1027-3 1093-2 1121-2] for special report, July 4, 1861, [1112-2]. '1149-11 1186-3 1222-3 1254-3 1287-4 1328-2 1370-2 1415-2 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885, 1451-2] 1507-2' 1562-2 1603-2 1641-2' 1683-2' 1752-2' 1803-2 1853-2 1914-2' 1963-2 2022-2' 2104-2 2194-2 2291-2 . 1 [2384-2] ~ [2385- Same, v. U 1886, V. 1 \ Same, v. 2j 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 V. 2548- 2643-2 2734-2 2849-2 2943-2' 3098-2' 3219-2 3312-2 3392-8 3498-8' 3654- 3771-81 3932-^ 4120-8] 4303- 4469- 4656-8] 4810-8 4969-9 5128-9 5347-9' [5412-1041] '5705-102] [2472-2] Annual reports (separates; Secretary's reports) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) General publications Accounts. Methods of accounting in Treasury, report from Joint Com- mission [on] Laws Organizing Executive Departments [favoring S. 1738, 53d Congress, 2d session, to improve methods of accounting in Treasury Department]. Mar. 6, 1894. large 8** (Treas. Dept. doc. 1671; [53d Cong. 2d sess., S. rp. 240], serial no. 3148.) [See, for House report on same subject, Y3.Ex3:T71.] Alcohol. Manual containing tables to be used by revenue officers with glass hydrometers, indicating per cents by volume of alcohol in spirituous liquors for determining relative values, etc.; calcu- lated by R. S. McCulloh, Woods Baker, and J. B. Reynolds. Treasury Department, stereotyped by L. Johnson and Co., 1849. 16*> 1001 Clusincatlon no. T1.2 All^ Ap6» Ap6- Ap6=^ B641 B642 B643 B64* B64'^ B64« BG-l" B64'= B77' B772 B773 Tl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications — Continued Alaska. Laws and Executive orders relating to Alaska, lease of islands of St. Paul and St. Geoi^e to Alaska Commercial Company, and regulations governing agents of Treasury in charge of seal fish- eries. 1882. (Treas. Dept. doc. 269.) Appropriations. Statement of appropriations and expenditures for public buildings, rivers and harbors, forts, arsenals, armories, and other public works, Mar. 4, 1789-June 30, 1882. 1882. 4° (Treas. Dept. doc. 373.) [1992-196] Apollinaris water. [Report of Treasury Department to Ways and Means Committee enclosing correspondence relating to so-called Apollinaris water.] [Feb. 18, 1879.] Appraisement of merchandise. [Report of Secretary of Treasury, response to resolution of House of Representatives of Dec. 21, 1885, with correspondence relating to appraisement of merchan- dise imported by L. Lehmann.] [Dec. 23, 1885.] [2392-22] Blank forms. Catalogue of blank forms and blank record books used in Treasury Department. 1904. 4** Bonds. Report of Secretary upon bids for United States 4 per cent bonds of 1925, invited by circulars issued by Treasury Depart- ment, Jan. 6, 9, and 15, 1896; response to Senate resolution of Feb. 6, 1896. 1896. Bonds. Present worth of outstanding bonds, upon 2} per centum basis, for month of Dec. 1900. Nov. 21, 1900. 4« Bonds. [Table containing flat prices at which 5 per cent bonds of 1904, 4 per cent bonds of 1907, and 3 per cent bonds of 1908-18 should be sold in order to realize annual interest of 1.726 per cent, also prices for 4 per cent bonds of 1925 to realize 1.906 per cent.] Dec. 30, 1901. 4° Bonds. [Tables showing prices of 2, 3, and 4 per cent bonds, interest payable quarterly, corresponding to investment values of from \ per cent to 3 per cent per annum, from \ year to 20 and 30 years to maturity of bond, with simple interest table; by Jos. S. McCoy. 1908. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2531.) Books and blanks. Catalogue of books and blanks for use of collectors and otlier customs officers. 18 — ? * Same, revised. 1872. Same, revised. 1874. [Interleaved. This publication bears on cover the catalogue number 830.] See, for later catalogues, T36.5^: and C1.2:B64^2,4, Books and blanks. Catalogue of books and blanks used bv oflficers of customs at port of New York. 1871. [Interleaved.] See, for later catalogues, T36.52: and C1.2:B643. British North American colonies. Communication in compliance with resolution of Senate of Mar. 8, 1851, report of Israel D. Andrews, on trade and commerce of British North American colonies, and upon trade of Great Lakes and rivers, also, notices of internal improvements in each State, Gulf of Mexico, and straits of Florida, and paper on cotton crop of United States. Washing- ton, Beverley Tucker, Senate printer, 1854. [622-112] [This report was first published in 1853, the Congressional document number appearing on the entire edition. The volume listed here is one of an edition of 5,000 copies reprinted by resolution of Senate, Aug. 4, 1854. It is substantially the same as the Congressional edition although it differs somewhat in paging and arrangement.] Same, maps. [623-112] [Neither bureau nor Congressional edition has title-page; both are bound in black cloth.] British possessions. Report on state of trade between United States and British possessions in North America; by J. N. Lamed. 1871. 1002 Classiflcation no. T1.2i B86 C16 C19 C431 C432 C661 C662 C663 €68^ 'C682 C73» C732 C733 C73* Tl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Buildings. History of public buildings under control of Treasury Department, exclusive of marine hospitals and quarantine stations. 1901. large 8° Canadian non-intercourse, reply by Secretary of Treasury to inquiry by Foreign Affairs Committee of House of Representatives. Feb. 1887. Carlisle, John G. [Index to] Congressional correspondence of John G. Carlisle, Secretary of Treasury [printed as Senate executive documents, 53d Congress, 3d session]. [1895?] Cattle. Rules and regulations concerning cattle and other stock. [Issued jointly with Interior Department. See I1.2:C29.] Chicago, III. Letter of Secretary of Treasury appointing commissioners to inspect custom-house under construction in Chicago, 111., and reports of previous commissions and papers relative thereto, with contracts for supplying stone, etc., for building. [1875.] Chicago, 111. Report of H. F. French upon charges of irregularities in construction of public building at Chicago. [1878.] Coinage. Suggestions for establishment of international coinage on deci- mal and metric basis in Germany; by E. B. Elliott, n. p. [1869]. Coinage legislation. Brief history of coinage legislation in United States. 1891. Coins. [Report from Treasury Department on] bill to amend law and to provide for new designs of United States coins. [1888.] Collector. Letter of Secretary of Treasury relative to nominations of collector and naval officer in New York custom-house, &c. n, p. [Jan. 15, 1879]. Collectors of customs. Answer to resolution, in regard to suits against collectors of customs pending in southern district of New York, with accompanying correspondence. 1886. (Treas. Dept. doc. 824.) [2399-148] Commercial and revenue system. Synopsis of commercial and revenue system of LTnited States as developed by instructions and deci- sions of Treasury Department for administration of revenue laws, with supplement of historical and tabular illustrations of origin, organization, and practical operations of Treasury Department and its various bureaus in fulfilment of that system; by Robert Mayo. [1st edition.] Printed for the author in behalf of the Department by J. & G. S. Gideon, Washington, 1847. [v. 1] 4° [Back title of copy in Public Documents Library reads: U[nited] States fiscal department, v. 1. The supplement mentioned in title was issued as a separate volume; see T1.2:C73*.] Same. Extra [2d] edition. Printed by J. & G. S. Gideon, Washing- ton, 1847 [1850]. [v. 1] 4« [Cover-title reads : United States fiscal department, v. 1. This 2d edition of v. 1 contains 42 additional pages relating to Treasury circulars, not included in 1st edition.] Same. Extra [3d] edition. Printed by J. & G. S. Gideon, Wash- ington, 1847 [1851]. [v. 1] 4° rCover-title reads: United States fiscal department, v. 1. This 3d edition of v. 1 contains 62 additional pages not found in Ist edition (T1.2:C73 1), principally matter relating to Treasury circulars, including, on p. 39-58, circulars dating from Mar. 28, 1850 to Aug. 30, 1851 not found in 2d edition (T1.2:C73^). After p. 58, t^is edition continues with p. 39-42 as in the 2d edition.] Same, supplement, with title, Treasury Department and its various fiscal bureaus, their origin, organization, and practical opera- tions, being a supplement to Synopsis of Treasury instructions for administration of revenue laws affecting commercial and revenue system of United States; by Robert Mayo. [1st edition.] Wash- ington, printed by Wm. Q. Force, 1847[1850]. [v. 2] 4« [Cover- title reads: United States fiscal department, v. 2.] 1003 Classtflcatlon no. T1.2 C73» C73' C76^ C762 C763 C86» C862 C93 096^ C962 C963 C96* 096 '^ 096' D35 D352 T 1 , SEC RET ARY— Continued General publications — Continued Same, supplement. Extra [2d] edition. Washington, printed by Wm. Q. Force, 1847 [1850]. [v. 2] 4" [Cover-title reads: United States fiscal department, v. 2.] Commerce. Statistics of foreign and domestic commerce of United States, embracing historical review and analyws of foreign com- merce from beginning of Government, present internal commerce between Mississippi and Atlantic States, overland trade and com- munications witn Pacific States, productions and exchanges of gold and silver districts, commerce of Pacific Coast, and interna- tional relations of northern frontier of United States; in answer to resolution of Senate, Mar. 12, 1803. 1864. [1176-55] Consular service. Report to Secretary of Treasury upon condition of consular service of United States; by DeB. Randolph Keim. 1872. [1520-317] Same, bill to accompany, with title. Bill to establish consular service for United States and to amend and consolidate sundry acts of Congress relating to powers and duties of consular officers. [1872.] [AlsoinT1.2:C76^] Consular service. Digest of investigations into condition of consular service of United States of America [1870-72; by DeB. Randolph Keim]. 1873. [1567-168] See, for Outline of procedure, [1440-7]. See, for Preliminary report, 1870-72, [1566-145]. Credit of United States. Letter[8] on credit of U. S. Government, [nos. 1-5] July-Nov. 1871; by E. B. Elliott. 1872. Same, no. 6, Dec. 1871; by E. B. Elliott. [1872.] Currency Bureau, National, 1st division. Report from 1st division, National Currency Bureau, showing its origin, growth, and pres- ent condition, &c.; by S. M. Clark, n. p. Nov. 1864. Custodians. Instructions to custodians of public buildings under con- trol of Treasury Department. 1905. See, for earlier instructions, T39.5:C96i-3. Customs revenue. Statistics of customs revenue, statement [of Secre- tary of Treasury] based upon official figures furnished by chief of Bureau of Statistics. Aug. 25, 1892. Custom-house fees to be collected from all vessels except those navigat- ing waters of northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers of United States otherwise than by sea. Feb. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 377.) [This publication bears on title-page the cata- logue number 400, which was assigned to it in the Catalogue of books and blanks (T36.5i:).] Same. 1886. (Treas. Dept. doc. 888.) Custom-house fees Xo be collected from all vessels navigating waters of northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers of United States. Mar. 1883. (Treas. Dept. d'x?. 378.) [This publica- tion bears on title-page the catalogue number 401, which was assigned to it in the Catalogue of books and blanks (T36.5*:).] Same, from all vessels navigating waters of northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers of United States otherwise than by sea. 1886. (Treas. Dept. doc. 889.) [Other lists of custom-house fees are included in Customs regulations (T1.9 1;).] Debt. Refunding of national debt, notes of interview between Finance Committee of Senate and Secretary of Treasury, Comptroller of Currency, and Treasurer of United States, with regard to H. 4592 [46th Cong. 3d sess.] to facilitate refunding of national debt. 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 106.) Debt, public. Annual outstanding principal of public debt, 1791- 1892. [189-?] oblong f« 1004 Classification no. T1.2i D353 D35^ D79 D95J D95- Ex3 Ex7 F47 F53 F76 G28 G561 G562 H311 H312 In2 Tl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Debt. Refunding national debt, notes of conference with [John] Sherman, Secretary of Treasury, on part of Committee of Ways and Means of House of Representatives [Feb. 11, 1880, includ- ing statement of Feb. 16, 1880]. [1880.] Debt, Interview between Senate Committee on Finance and John Sherman, Secretary of Treasury, on refunding [of national debt], resumption [of specie payments], legal-tenders for customs dues, sinking fund, and kindred subjecta. Jan. 30, 1880. See also entries under Tl.2:Sp3. Drawback rates established under tariff laws and sec. 3019, 3020, and 3029, Revised statutes. 1894. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1697.) Duties, Letter from Secretary of Treasury to A, S. Hewitt, Committee of Ways and Means, in response to invitation to consider certain proposed measures for reformation of laws for collection of [customs] duties. 1886. (Treas. Dept. doc. 820.) Duties. Letter of Charles S. Fairchild, acting Secretary of Treasury, to William R. Morrison, chairman of Committee on Ways and Means, in relation to duties on silks, embroideries, laces, and leather gloves. 1886. (Treas. Dept. doc. 849.) Executive documents. Synopsis of executive documents, letters, reports, etc., upon banking, coinage, currency, finance, etc., submitted to Congress by Secretaries of Treasury from Ist Con- gress to Ist session of 53d Congress; compiled under direction of Henry H. Smith, assistant Register of Treasury. 1893. Expenditures of Government, 1789-1892. [189-?] oblong f« Filibustering expeditions. Letter of Secretary of Treasury, concern- ing filibustering expeditions [in aid of Cubans against Spain]. Nov. 30, 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1989.) Fisheries. American fisheries, reply of Secretary of Treasury to reso- lution of House of Representatives of Dec. 14, 1886. 1887. Foods. Hearing before commission appointed by Secretaries of Treas- ury, Commerce and Labor, and Agriculture to make rules and regulations for carrying into effect provisions of foods and drugs act approved June 30, 1906 [notice]. See A1.2:F73i. Foreign carrying trade, United States, value of imports and exports carried in United States and in foreign vessels, 1821-92. [189-?] oblong f ** Geneva award. Receipt and investment of Geneva award money [letter of Frank W. Hackett, dated June 17, 1882, to William A. Richardson, formerly Secretary of Treasury, and reply of June 22, 1882, thereto], n. p. [1882]. [See, for publications under Treaty of Washington, 1871, S3.13^:, and for publications of 1st and 2d Court of Alabama Claims, 1874-76 and 1882-85, Y3.A11^2:] Gold. Exports and imports of gold and silver coin and bullion, 1821- 92. [189-?] oblong f ° Gold reserve [reply of Secretary Carlisle to resolution of Senate of Jan. 3, 1896J. Jan. 11, 1896. 4° Hawaii. Report of James Scott relating to effect of reciprocity treaty between Hawaii and United States, made under instructions from Treasury Department. [1878.] Hawaii. Report of commission [O. L. Spaulding, John E, Searles, jr., and A. K. Tingle] appointed by Secretary of Treasmy to investi- gate alleged fi-auds under Hawaiian reciprocity treaty. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 467.) Index of documents issued by Treasury Department, nos. 1-599 [1880- 84]. [1885?] ([Treas. Dept. doc. 675.]) [The use of Treasury Department document numbers was begun by the Department in 1880, This index was prepared by the Department to be included in the vol- umes of Treasury Department documents which were bound for official use. The index indicates that at the time of its issue there were 79 volumes in which the documents were grouped to a certain extent by subject matter.] 1005 CiMtiifloiitlon no. T1.2: I In8» ' In8'» L78» L78=' L78>"' L78* M28 M31 M53 M56 M66» M662 M663 M74 N21 N42o 1 N42o2 N42yi Tl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications — Continued Interest tables ehowiuj^ interest at 4 and 4^ per cent per annum on all Hums from $100 to $10,000, from 1 day to 92 days, 365 days to the year; by E. B. Elliott. 1888. Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International Arbitration. Tour of the Interparliamentary Union tendered by Government of United States; by Samuel J. Barrows. 1905. large 8° Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International Arbitration. Union interparlementaire pour 1 'arbitrage international session de 1904, compte rendu de la 12e conference, tenue k St. Louis, Mo., du 12 au 14 Sept. 1904. 1905. large 8° [Includes addresses in EngUsh, Frenen, and German.] Loans. National loans of United States, July 4, 1776-June 30, 1880; by Rafael A. Bayley, as prepared for 10th census. 1881. 4° (Treas. Dept. doc. 246.) Same. 2d edition. 1882. 4° [See also TZ2. 2: C9SK] Loans and currency. Acts of Congress relating to loans and currency, 1842-1865 [1867]. 1867. [See, for Acts, 1790-1867, 40th Congress, 2d session, House mLscellaneous document 23, serial no. 1349.] Same [with act of July 25, 1868]. 1867. [In this edition the act of July 25, 1868, is pasted at the end of the regular 1867 edition (T1.2:L783).] Mail matter returned to [Washington] city post-office without additional payment of postage to be marked '^change of address caused by official orders." Oct. 18, 1902. 4P Manning, Daniel. Letters of Secretary of Treasury and President of United States concerning resignation by Daniel Manning of office of Secretary of Treasury. 1886. Merchandise. Report of commission appointed by Secretary of Treas- ury to consider questions arising under sec. 7 of tariff act of Mar. 3, 1883, which repeals duty on charges for packages containing imported merchandise. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 456.) Metric system. Letter from Secretary of Treasury transmitting to House of Representatives certain reports in reference to adoption of metric system. 1878. ([45th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 71]; serial no. 1806.) Mint. Report of John Jay Kiiox, giving correspondence of Treasury Department relative to revision of laws pertaining to mint and coinage of United States, also proposed bill. 1870. Mint, San Francisco. Report of examination of branch mints at San Francisco and Carson City, Nov. 19, 1872; [by H. R. Linderman, assisted by John Torrey]. [1872.] Mint, San Francisco. Report of commission [Frederick F. Low, Henry L. Dodge, and H. R. Linderman] on mint at San Francisco. [1877.] Money. Report from Secretary of Treasury on present system of keep- ing and disbursing public money, n. p. Dec. 15, 1834. National City Bank, New York. [Response, in part, to resolution of House of Representatives, report regarding deposit of public funds with National City Bank and Hanover National Bank of New York, or any other national bank, and sale of old custom- house in New York.] Jan. 10, 1900. [Same as p. 1-24 of 56th Congress, Ist session, House document 264, serial no. 3976.] New Orleans, La. Report of commission on New Orleans custom- house, and instructions relating thereto. [1877.] New Orleans, La. [Sealed proposals inviting bids for United States revenue cutter no. 19 for service at New Orleans, La.] Aug. 23, 1907. 4«» New York City. 1st report of commission on New York custom-house [John Jay, LaAvrence Turnure, and J. H. Robinson, May 24, 1877], and instructions relating thereto. [1877.] 1006 Classification no. T1.2: N42y2 N42y3 N42y* N42y5 N42y6 N42y7 N84 Or3 P261 P262 P263 P26^ P26^ P53^ P532 P533 P961 P962 P96: P964 R24» R242 Tl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications — Continued 2d same [July 4, 1877], and instructions relating thereto. [1877.] 3d same, department of weighers and gangers [July 21, 1877]. [1877.] 4th same, appraiser's office [Aug. 31, 1877]. [1877.] 5th same [Oct. 31, 1877]. [1877.] 6th same [Nov. 1, 1877]. [1877.] [No more issued.] New York City. Report on examination of books, accounts, and moneys of office of assistant treasurer U. S., New York, June 1, 1878; [by E. O. Graves and Silas W. Burt]. 1878. Notes. Reply of Secretary of Treasury to Speaker of House of Repre- sentatives on resolution of House of Dec. 20, 1886, respecting reissue of Treasury notes, destruction of United States notes, and denominations of latter. 1887. Organization of office of Secretary of Treasury, July 1, 1877. [1877.] Passengers. Customs notice to passengers arriving from foreign coun- tries. [Dec. 6, 1895.] large 8" Passengers. Notice to passengers [relative to making declaration, under oath, before customs officer]. [1902.] 16® Same. [July 31, 1907.] narrow 12* Same. [Revised edition.] [July 31, 1907, published 1908.] nar- row 12* Same. [Aug. 13, 1909.] narrow 8* [This 1909 edition is a reprint of Treasury Department circular 38, 1909 (T1.4: 909^8).] Philadelphia, Pa. Report of commission to investigate Philadelphia custom-house [Sept. 6, 1877]. [1877.] Philadelphia, Pa. Second report of commission on Philadelphia custom-house [Dec. 10, 1877, supplemental to report of Sept. 6, 1877]. [1877.] Philippine Islands. Report on financial and industrial conditions of Philippine Islands; by Edward W. Harden. 1898. (Treas Dept. doc. 2076.) [3735-169] Public lands. Laws [of United States], treaties, and other documents having operation and respect to public lands. Washington City, printed by Joseph Gales, jun. [1811?]. [Although known as the 1810 edition, this could not have been published until 1811 (or perhaps later), as it includes at the end laws passed up to Mar. 3, 1811.] Public lands. Laws of United States, resolutions of Congress under confederation, treaties, proclamations, and other documents having operation and respect to public lands. City of Wash- ington, printed by Jonathan Elliot, 1817. Same. City of Washington, printed by Edward De Krafft, 1817. [Except for title-page, this is identical with the print by Jona- than Elliot.] See, for later compilations of land laws, editions of 1828 [v. 1] and 1836, V. 2, Y1.1:P96^2. f^y edition of 1838 (2 v., of which v. 2 was compiled by the General Land Office under instructions from the Treasury Department), Y1.1:P96^'*; for editions of 1880 (4 v.), 1881 (1 v.), and 1884 (4 v.), Y3.P96i:G28^^ L78i-S and P96 ^-^. Public indebtedness. Reply to resolution of House of Representa- tives in relation to public indebtedness of foreign governments. 1881. ([46th Cong. 3d sess. H. ex. doc. 63]; serial no. 1968.) Reciprocity. Preliminary report on treaty of reciprocity with Great Britain, to regulate trade between United States and provinces of British North America; by E. H. Derby. Washington, D. C, Treasury Department, 1866. [See also S1.2:F53 1.] Receipts of Government, 1789-1892, [189-?] oblong f° 1007 ClMHiflradon no. T1.2; Sa3 Sa5 Se2 Si8 Sp32 St2 Su3» Sua 2 Su33 Su3^ Su3« Su3« Su7^ Su72 T17' T172 T173 T55 Tl. SECRET ARY-Continued General publications— Continued Resumption of specie payments. See entries under T1.2:D35 and T1.2:Sp3. Salary tables. Government salary tables, prepared by Treasury De- partment in conformity with act approved Apr. 28, 1904, for use m payment of persons in employment of government who receive annual or monthly salaries. 1904. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2370.) [See, for earlier salary tables, T13.6: and T15.2:Sa3.] San Francisco, Cal. Report of commission on San Francisco custom- house. [1877.] Secet service, extract from civil-service manual. Jan. 4, 1909. 4® Site agents. Instructions to site agents [as to inspection of properties offered for public buildings]. Aug. 19, 1908. 4« Specie resumption. Letters, documents, etc., transmitted to House of Representatives by Secretary of Treasury in reference to specie resumption and refunding national debt. 1880. ([46th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 9]; serial no. 1918.) Specie resumption. Interview of Committee on Finance, Senate, with Jonn Sherman, Secretary of Treasury, in regard to repeal of resumption act. 1878. See also entries under T1.2:D35. Statistics Bureau. Report of Commission on Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department. [1877.] Sugar cane. Manual on cultivation of sugar cane and fabrication and refinement of sugar; [by B. Silliman]. City of Washington, printed by I*>ancis Preston Blair, 1833. Sugar. Report on methods of manufacturing sugars in West India Islands and British Guiana; by S. E. Chamberlin, H. J. Abbott, and F. M. Endlich. 1880. (Treas. Dept. doc. 5.) Sugar. Statement relative to artificial coloring of imported sugars; by Gideon E. Moore. 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 223.) Sugar. Testimony in case of United States vs. 712 bags of sugar im- ported in the Mississippi ; in district court for district of Mary- land. [1881.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 111.) Sugar. Supreme Court of United States, no. 1066, Oct. term, 1881, Edwin A. Merritt, collector of port of New York, vs. Samuel Welsh [et al], in error to circuit court for southern district of New York [action to recover back duties on certain sugars; opinion of court, with dissenting opinion]. [1882.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 266.) Sugar. Reports on sugar drawback by commissions at New York, Bos- ton, and Baltimore. 1877. Surety companies. Draft of proposed regulations governing surety com- panies. [1908.] 4« Surety companies. Regulations governing execution of bonds by surety companies, operating under act of Aug. 13, 1894. [1908.] f <» Tariff. Report of Secretary of Treasury on revision of tariff, with accom- panying documents. Feb. 16, 1886. (Treas. Dept. doc. 781.) [2336-72] Same, additional correspondence, with title, Letter of acting Secre- tary of Treasury, correspondence relating to revision of tariff, being additional to Senate executive document 72, 1st session, 49th Congress, Treasury Department document 781. Mar, 25, 1886. (Treas. Dept, doc. 826; 49th Cong, 1st sess., H. ex. doc. 147, serial no. 2399.) Tariff. Letter of Secretary of Treasury to W. C. P. Breckinridge rel- ative to reform in administration of tariff laws. 1887. (Treas. Dept, doc, 960.) Tobacco. Letter of Secretary of Treasury to United States district attorney, New York City, concerning certain importations of Sumatra tobacco, 1889. (Treas. Dept. doc, 1201,) 1008 Classification no. T1.2 T641 T642 T68 T71 V46 W72 W88» W882 T1.3: (nos.) Tl.i: (date) Tl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Tourists. Circular to toui'ists [relative to customs inspection and offi- cial examination of baggage]. [1902.] 4° Same. [1902.] 16° See also T1.2:F26'-^. Transfer of merchant marine. Reports in regard to transfer of bureaus and divisions of merchant marine [Revenue-Marine Service, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Marine-Hospital Service, Life- Saving Service, Steamboat-Inspection Service, and Light-House Board] in Treasury Department to Navy Department. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 395.) Treasury operations. Response to S. R. 33 of Dec. 12, 1907, calling for information in regard to Treasury operations. United States de- positaries [of public moneys], condition of national banks, etc., Jan. 29, 1908. 1908. [Letter of transmittal only. See, for full response, 60th Congress, 1st session, Senate document 208, serial no. 5241.] Vaults. Report of special commission as to means of improving vault facilities of Treasury Department. 1894. ([53d (Jong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 20]; serial no. 3144.) Windom, William. Remarks of William Windom, Secretary of Treas- ury [on instruments of commerce in their relation to wealth and prosperity of United States], at banquet of New York Board of Trade and Transportation, Jan. 29, 1891. 1891. large 8° Wool. Report of committee of National Academy of Sciences [C. F. Chandler, Wm. H. Brewer, and Henry Morton] concerning classi- fication of Donskoi wool, Jan. 30, 1886. 1886. (Treas. Dept. doc. 805.) [Report made at request of Secretary of Treasury.] Wool. Report of United States consul at Odessa, Russia, on condition of wool trade between south Russia and United States. 1887. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1068.) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 4° [Department circulars have been issued ever since the Treasury Department was established, the first printed issue bearing date May 12, 1791, but those issued in early years are not now obtainable. Much information concerning circulars, instructions, decisions, etc., up to 1850, may be found in Mayo's Synopsis of commercial and revenue system (T1.2:C73 i"^). The present method of num- bering serially by calendar years was begun in 1872. The Public Documents library has no circulars in the original form of earlier date than 1874. Beginning 1875, the set in the Public Documents Library is beheved to be complete.] 1874, nos no. 1875, nos no. 1-54 * 55 1 nos. 56-70 ^ no. 71 1 72 * 73 1 74-81 ■» 82 8« nos. 83-107 no. 108 t 109-111 112 t 1-124 125 8« nos no. no. no, nos no. 1875, nos. 1876, nos. 1877, nos. 1878, nos. 1879, nos. 1880, nos. 1881, nos. 1882, nos. 1883, nos. 1884, nos. 1885, nos. 1886, nos. 1887, nos. 1888, nos. 126-170 1-154 1-146 1-145 1-180 1-100 1-122 1-142 1-144 1-183 1-183 1-175 1-146 1-131 fin Public Documents Library only in the compilation issued by the Internal Revenue Office; see T22.5:882, p. 17-27. No. 112 of 1874 is dated Dec. 15. It is not known whether later numbers were issued in that year. 1009 Classincatlon no. Tl. SECRET. A.RY —Continued T1.4: Circulars— Continued (date) 1889, noa. 1-69 1898, nos. 42-208 no. 70 1899 nos. 1-149 Same, with map 1900 nos. 1-112 noB. 71-131 no. 113 1890, 1108. 1-138 Same 8*' 1891, noB. 1-14 nos. 114-165 no. 15 8" 1901 nos. 1, 2 no8. 16-198 no. 3 1892, noe. 1-211 Same 8" 1893, no8. 1-187 nos. 4-98 1894, no8. 1-207 no. 99 1895, no8. 1-196 Same 8« 1896, nos. 1-122 nos. 100-109 no. 123 1902 nos. 1-145 Same 8"' 1903 nos. 1-136 Same, revi8ed edition 8° 1904 nos. 1-71 Same, revised edition no. 72 [corrected] S" Same, revised edition 4" Same 8*' nos. 73-104 Same, 2d revised edi- 1905 nos. 1-120 tion 8° 1906 nos. 1-105 nos. 124-135 1907 nos. 1-78 no. 136 1908 nos. 1-28 Same 8" no. 29 [Erroneously printed nos. 137-176 1907.] 1897, nos. 1-142 nos. 30-61 no. 143 no. 62 Same 8« Same 8" nos. 144-215 nos. 63-79 1898, nos. 1^0 1909 nos. 1-69 no. 41 [Canceled.] T1.5: Statement of Treasury i ■ ' [Daily except Sund lays and hol- (date) idays.] See, for earlier numbers issued by Bookkeeping and W arrants Divi- sion, T9.8: 1909, June 30 1909, Aug. 3 1909 Sept. 4 1909 , Oct. 8 July 1 Aug. 4 Sept. 7 Oct. 9 July 2 Aug. 5 Sept. 8 Oct. 11 July 3 Aug. 6 Sept. 9 Oct. 12 July 6 Aug. 7 Sept. 10 Oct. 13 July 7 Aug. 9 Sept. 11 Oct. 14 July 8 Aug. 10 • Sept. 13 Oct. 15 July 9 Aug. 11 Sept. 14 Oct. 16 July 10 Aug. 12 Sept. 15 Oct. 18 July 12 Aug. 13 Sept. 16 Oct. 19 July 13 Aug. 14 Sept. 17 Oct. 20 July 14 Aug. 16 Sept. 18 Oct. 21 July 15 Aug. 17 Sept. 20 Oct. 22 July 16 Aug. 18 Sept. 21 Oct. 23 July 17 Aug. 19 Sept. 22 Oct. 25 July 19 Aug. 20 Sept. 23 Oct. 26 July 20 Aug. 21 Sept. 24 Oct. 27 July 21 Aug. 23 Sept. 25 Oct. 28 July 22 Aug. 24 Sept. 27 Oct. 29 July 23 Aug. 25 Sept. 28 Oct. 30 July 24 Aug. 26 Sept. 29 Nov. 1 July 26 Aug. 27 Sept. 30 Nov. 2 July 27 Aug. 28 Oct. 1 Nov. 3 July 28 Aug. 30 Oct. 2 Nov. 4 July 29 Aug*. 31 Oct. 4 Nov. 5 July 30 Sept. 1 Oct. 5 Nov. 6 July 31 Sept. 2 Oct. 6 Nov. 8 Aug. 2 Sept. 3 Oct. 7 Nov. 9 82452°— 11- -64 1010 Classlflcation no. T1.5: (date) Tl. SECRETARY— Continued T1.6: 863 T1.7: 830 844 874 876 T1.8: (nos.) T1.9 857 Statement of Treasury— Continued 1909, Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 22 1909, Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 29 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 6 1909, Dec. Dec. 7 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 1909, Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Dec. 31 Reports on condition of banks in United States [Beginning with 1833, reports of this kind were made, usually every year, and printed as Congressional documents. The report for 1863, entered below, was the last issued and was the only one printed in a Department edition. Later reports on banks have been made by the Comptroller of the Currency; see annual reports and other series under T12.] Annual report of Secretary of Treasury on condition of banks in United States at commencement of 1863. Dec. 22, 1863. [1187-20] Laws, compilations, and digests See also, for laws, etc., on special subjects, T1.2:A1 1^, Tl.2:C662, T1.2:L783'*, T1.2:P96i-^ Digest of treaties and statutes of United States, relating to commerce, navigation, and revenue; compiled by Thomas F. Gordon. Philadelphia [no publisher] 1830. Digest of existing commercial regulations of foreign countries with which the United States have intercourse. 1833-36. 3 v. See S1.9:833, 836^'^ Collection of laws of United States relating to revenue, navigation and commerce, and light-houses, etc., up to Mar. 4, 1843, including treaties with foreign powers; compiled by Thomas F. Gordon. Philadelphia, printed by Isaac Ashmead and Co., 1844. Statutes of United States relating to revenue, commerce, navigation, and currency, to which are prefixed the Declaration of Independ- ence and Constitution; compiled by Lewis Heyl. Boston, Lit- tle, Brown and Company, 1868. large 8" Laws relating to Treasury Department, compiled from Revised statutes of United States. 1874. large 8" Index to laws relating to Treasury Department, compiled from Revised statutes approved June 22, 1874. 1876. large 8<* Oeneral regulations (numbered) 1 * 11 * 21 *■ 31 * 41 * 51 * 61 ■K- 2 * 12 * 22 * 32 * 42 * 52 * 62 * 3 * 13 * 23 * 33 * 43 * 53 * 63 4 * 14 * 24 * 34 * 44 * 54 64 * 5 * 15 * 25 * 35 * 45 * 55 * 65 * 6 * 16 * 26 * 36 * 46 * 56 * 66 * 7 * 17 * 27 * 37 * 47 * 57 * 67 8 * 18 * 28 * 38 * 48 * 58 * 68 9 * 19 * 29 •9f 39 * 49 * 59 * 10 * 20 * 30 * 40 * 50 'X' 60 * [Discontinued.] Customs regulations (general) See, for special customs regulations, T17.5: and certain entries under Tl.lO: See, for Customs laws, T17.6: General regulations under revenue and collection laws of United States. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, public printer, 1857. [Between 1869 and 1873, various parts of this volume of regulations were printed in revised form with series title Revised customs regulations; gee TL92;] 1011 Classification Tl. SECRETARY— Continued Tl.9^: 857 2 874 884 892 900 908 T1.9': 1 3 41 42 51 52 53 5* 62 91 92 Tl.lO: B64 F98 In7 Customs regulations (general) — Continued Additional general regulations under revenue and collection laws of United States, including tariff act of Mar. 3, 1857. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, public printer, 1857. General regulations under customs and navigation laws of United States, relating to collection of duties on imports, warehousing, transpor- tation, and exportation of imported merchandise, mode of docu- menting vessels. Revenue Marine and Marine Hospital Service, commercial statistics of United States, and custom-house admin- istration. 1874. Same; [revised 1884]. 1884. (Treas. Dept. doc. 552.) Customs regulations of United States prescribed for instruction and guidance of officers of customs. 1892. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1406.) Same. 1900. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2153.) Same. 1908. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2492.) [5094-399, pt. 3] Revised customs regulations [The publications listed below were issued between 1868 and 1873 and contain revi- sions of the General regulations of 1857 (T1.9 i:857 i). The various parts corre- spond approximately to certain portions of the regulations of 1857 and to those of 1874 (T1.9 1:874). The Public Documents Library has no information concerning pts. 2, 7, and 8, and it is not known if they were ever printed.] pt. 1, Regulations under registration laws, Jan. 30, 1869. 1869. [The Public Documents Library has no information concerning pt. 2.] pt. 3, Regulations of foreign and domestic commerce, Mar. 30, 1869. 1869. pt. 4, Regulations for entry and appraisement of merchandise and assess- ment of duty, June 30, 1869. 1869. Same, June 30, 1869. [Reprint] 1871. pt. 5, Regulations under warehouse laws, Oct. 30, 1868. 1868. Same [supplement]. Regulations for allowance of drawback, July 10[1], 1869. 1869. Same [supplement], Regulations for allowance of drawback, July 1, 1869. [Reprint] 1872. Same [supplement]. Regulations concerning transportation of mer- chandise in bond from one port to another in United States, under warehousing laws, May 9, 1871. 1871. pt. 6, Regulations respecting fines, penalties, and forfeitures, July 10, 1869. 1869. Same, Apr. 9, 1873. 1873. [The Public Documents Library has no information concerning pts. 7 and 8.] pt. 9, Regulations for reports and returns to Bureau of Statistics by col- lectors of customs, Aug. 20, 1869. 1869. Same, Supplements for guidance of collectors of customs in rendering statements to Bureau of Statistics, June 29, 1872. 1872. Rules, regulations, and instructions (miscellaneous) See,^ for Rules and regulations governing Treasury Department in its various branches, 59th Congress, 2d session, Senate docu- ment 399, 4 pts., serial nos. 5092-5095. Bonds. Rules to be observed and complied with in execution of at- tached bond. Nov. 26, 1907. 4» Fur-seal fishing. Regulations governing vessels employed in fur-seal fishing during season of 1902. 1902. Insurrectionary States (note). [There were doubtless other issues of printed regulations of the same nature as those listed below, but the Public Documents Library has no information concerning them.] Insurrectionary States. Commercial intercourse with and in States de- clared in insurrection, and collection of abandoned and captured property, embracing Treasury Department circulars and regula- 1012 In72 In73 In?* In7« In7« ClassWcation Tl. SECRETARY— Continued Tl.lO: Rules, regulations, and instructions (miscellaneous)— Continued tions, Executive proclamations and license, and War and Navy- Department orders relating to those subjects, Sept. 11, 1863. 1863. Insurrectionary States. Local rules for First Agency, under regulations of Secretary of Treasury, Sept. 11, 1863. [Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 23, 1863.] Insurrectionary States. Rules and regulations concerning commercial intercourse with and in States and parts of States declared in insurrection, collection, receipt, and disposition of captured, abandoned, and confiscable property, and employment and gen- eral welfare of freedmen. Washington [no publisher] July 29 1864. [Interleaved.] Same, Amended regulation, series of July 29, 1864, no. LV. Dec. 22, 1864. Insurrectionary States. General regulations for purchase of products of insurrectionary States on Government account [Sept. 24, 1864, with Executive order and general orders of War and Navy De- partments relating thereto]. [1864.] f° Insurrectionary States. Acts of Congress and rules and regulations pre- scribed by Secretary of Treasury, in pursuance thereto, with ap- proval of President, concerning commercial intercourse with and m States and parts of States declared in insm-rection, captured, abandoned, and confiscable property, care of freedmen, and pur- chase of products of insurrectionary districts on Government account. Reprint, 1868. Same [with additions]. Reprint, 1872. Marine hospitals. Revised regulations for collection, return, and dis- bursement of marine hospital fund and application thereof for relief of sick and disabled seamen. 1870. Merchandise. Regulations governing transportation of merchandise to, from, and through British possessions in North America. 1875. [Supersedes certain portions of Customs regulations, 1874 (Tl.9^: 874).] Merchandise. Regulations concerning entry and appraisement of mer- chandise under act approved June 10, 1890. 1890, [Amends Customs regulations, 1884 (T1.9i:884).] Treasury decisions [From 1868 to 1897, the decisions were published monthly, though not infrequently decisions made during two and even three months were published in one pam- phlet. These monthly numbers were bound up at the end of the calendar year into annual volumes. Beginning Jan. 1898, the decisions have been published weekly; sec T 1.11 2; The Public Documents Library has only annual volumes which have been bound in such wise that the identity of the individual numbers is lost. For this reason it is not practicable to list them here in detail. The internal revenue decisions are published at the end of the year in a separate volume. For 1900-03, the volumes of collected internal revenue decisions were issued from the office of the Secretary and also, in slightly different form, from the office of the commissioner of internal revenue. For 1904-09, they have "been issued by the latter office only; see T22.81: Beginning 1890, the decisions of the Board of General Appraisers (T20.) are also included in these volumes. Their decisions bear both a Treasury decisions num- ber and a general appraisers' number, f 1899-1909, the volumes have been numbered consecutively, appearing semiannually since 1904-09.] Synopsis of sundry decisions rendered by Treasury Department under tariff and other acts during year ending Dec. 31, 1868 4« [Department decisions 1-319.] 1869 4° [Department decisions 320-524 (except 344).] t Beginning in 1910, the decisions of the Court of Customs Appeals (Ju7.)are also pub- lished among the Treasurv decisions, in accordance with the act establishing the court. See, for bound volumes oi the Court of Customs Appeals Reports, footnote for Ju7.5: In7 7 M33 M53» M532 Tl.ll^: (date) 1013 ClMslflcstion no. Tl.ll': (date) Tl. SECRETARY— Continued Treasury decisions— Continued Synopsis of sundry decisions rendered by Treasury Department under tariff and other acts during year ending Dec. 31, Cont'd 1870 [Department decisions 525-773.] 1871 4« [Department decisions 774-985.] Same. 8° 1872 [Department decisions 98&-1348.] Synopsis of sundry decisions of Treasury Department on construction of tariff, navigation, and other acts for year ending Dec. 31, 1873 [Department decisions 1349-1747.] 1874 [Department decisions 1748-2065. J Synopsis of sundry decisions of Treasury Department on construction of tariff, navigation, and other laws for year ended Dec. 31, 1875 [Department decisions 2066-2578. 1876 [Department decisions 2579-3054. 1877 [Department decisions 3055-3442. 1878 Department decisions 3443-3828. 1879 [Department decisions 3829-4371. Synopsis of decisions of Treasury Department on construction of tariff, navigation, and other laws for year ended Dec. 31, 1880 [Department decisions 4372-4730. 1881 [Department decisions 4731-5084. 1882 [Department decisions 5085-5504. 1883 [Department decisions 5505-6096. 1884 [Department decisions 6097-6703.' 1885 Department decisions 6704-7292. 1886 [ Department decisions 7293-7950 . 1887 [Department decisions 7951-8603. 1888 Department decisions 8604-9178 . 1889 [Department decisions 9179-9791.] 1890 [Department decisions 9792-10574, including general appraisers' decisions 1-224,] Synopsis of decisions of Treasury Department and U. S. Board of Gen- eral Appraisers on construction of tariff, immigration, and other laws for year ending Dec. 31, 1891, V. 1 [Department decisions 10575-11426, including general appraisers' decisions 225-709.] Same, v. 2 [Department decisions 11427-12260, including general appraisers' decisions 710-1074.] 1892, V. 1 [Department decisions 12261-13002, including general appraisers' decisions 1075-1553.] Same, v. 2 [Department decisions 13003-13620, including general appraisers* decisions 1554-1892.] 1893 [Department decisions 13621-14566, including general appraisers' decisions 1893-2358.] 1894 1895 [Department decisions 14567-15525, including general appraisers' decisions 2359-2835.] 1896 1897 [Department decisions 15526-16661, including general appraisers' decisions 2836-3315 [3306].] [Department decisions 16662-17665, including general appraisers' decisions 3307-3713.] [Department decisions 17666-18749, including general appraisers' decisions 3714-4062.] Treasury decisions under ta,riff and internal revenue laws, etc. 1898, V. 1 [Department decisions 18750-19586, including general ap- praisers' decisions 4063-4206.] Same, v. 2 [Department decisions 19587-20467, including general appraisers* decisions 4207-4323.] 1014 Classification no. Tl.ll': (date) Tl. SECRETARY— Coutinued Treasury decisions— Continued Treasury decisions under tariff and internal revenue laws, etc. — Cont'd 1899, V. 1 [Department decisions 20468-21330, including general appraisers' decisions 4324-4469.] Same, v. 2 [Department decisions 21331-21882, including general appraisers' decisions 4470-4621.] Treasury decisions under tariff and navigation laws, etc. [This is the title of the main volume of Treasury decisions for 1900-03, here listed as [pt. 11. The title of the internal revenue decisions for the same years, listed as [pt. 2], reads, Treasury decisions under internal revenue laws.] 1900, V. 3 [pt. 1] [Department decisions 21883-22696, including general appraisers' decisions 4622-4832.] Same [pt. 2], with title, Treasury decisions under internal revenue laws [Internal-revenue decisions 1-260. See also T22. 8^:3.] 1901, V. 4 [pt. 1] [Department decisions 22697-23444, including general appraisers' decisions 4833-5056.] ' Same [pt. 2], with title, Treasury decisions under internal revenue laws [Internal-revenue decisions 261-454. See also T22.8 ^ :4.] 1902, v. 5 [pt. 1] [Department decisions 23445-24126, including general appraisers' decisions 5057-5249.] Same [pt. 2], with title, Treasury decisions under internal revenue laws [Internal-revenue decisions 455-612. See also T22.8 ^ :5.] 1903, V. 6 [pt. 1] [Department decisions 24127-24869, including general appraisers' decisions 5250-5526.] Same [pt. 2], with title. Treasury decisions under internal revenue laws [Internal-revenue decisions 613-735. See also T22.8 ^:6.] Treasury decisions under customs and other laws 1904, V. 7 [Department decisions 24870-25444, including general ap- praisers' decisions 5527-5737.] Same, v. 8 [Department decisions 25445-25920, including general appraisers' decisions 5738-5886. See, for internal-revenue deci- sions, 1904, T22.8i:7.] 1905, V. 9 [Department decisions 25921-26559, including general ap- praisers' decisions 5887-6092.] Same, v. 10 [Department decisions 26560-26958, including general appraisers' decisions 6093-6248. See, for internal-revenue deci- sions, 1905, T22.8^:8.] 1906, V. 11 [Department decisions 26959-27458, including general appraisers' decisions 6249-6394.] Same, v. 12 [Department decisions 27459-27806, including general appraisers' decisions 6395-6512. See, for internal-revenue deci- sions, 1906, T22.8i:9.] 1907, V. 13 [Department decisions 27807-28300, including general appraisers' decisions 6513-6641.] Same, v. 14 [Department decisions 28301-28659, including general appraisers' decisions 6642-6701. See, for internal-revenue deci- sions, 1907, T22.8i:10.] 1908, V. 15 [Department decisions 28660-29125, including general ap- praisers' decisions 6702-6784.] Same, v. 16 [Department decisions 29126-29450, including general appraisers' decisions 6785-6851. See, for internal revenue deci- sions, 1908, T22. 8 ^ill.] 1909, V. 17 [Department decisions 29451-29887, including general appraisers' decisions 6852-6921.] Same, v. 18 [Department decisions 29888-30237, including general appraisers' decisions 6922-6959. See, for internal revenue deci- sions, 1909, T22.8i:12.] 1015 Olassiflcation no. Tl.ll^: (date) later (v. no8.) Tl. 8EC RET ARY— Continued Treasxiry decisions (weekly) rrhe weekly issue began with Jan. 1898. Since Jan. 1899, when the lx)und volumes began to bear consecutive ntunbers, the weekly issues also have carried the volume number although the two sets do not correspond exactly, as the following! explanation will show. At the end of the calendar year, the decisions of the commissioner of internal revenue are collected and issued separately (T22.8':), and the remaining Treasury decisions are pub- lished again in the annual or semiannual volumes; seeTl.lV:] 1898, V. 1 Jan. -June * v. 2 July-Dec. 1899 V. 2 July-Dec. no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 3 no. 3 no. 4 no. 4 no. 5 no. 5 no. 6 no. 6 no. 7 no. 7 no. 8 no. 8 no. 9 no. 9 no. 10 no. 10 no. 11 no. 11 no. 12 no. 12 no. 13 no. 13 no. 14 no. 14 no. 15 no. 15 no. 16 no. 16 no. 17 no. 17 no. 18 no. 18 no. 19 no. 19 no. 20 no. 20 no. 21 no. 21 no. 22 no. 22 no. 23 no. 23 no. 24 no. 24 no. 25 no. 25 no. 26 no. 26 [no. 27], index [no. 27], index v 3 Jan .-Dec. 1900 V. 1 Jan. -June, 1899 no. 1 no. 1 [Incorrectly num- no. 2 bered V. 3, no. 1.1 no. 3 no. 2 * no. 4 no. 3 * no. 5 no. 4 * no. 6 no. 5 * no. 7 no. 6 * no. 8 no. 7 * no. 9 no. 8 * no. 10 no. 9 * no. 11 no. 10 * no. 12 no. 11 * no. 13 no. 12 * no. 14 no. 13 * no. 15 no. 14 * no. 16 no. 15 * no. 17 no. 16 * no. 18 no. 17 * no. 19 no. 18 * no. 20 no. 19 * no. 21 no. 20 * no. 22 no. 21 * no. 23 no. 22 * no. 24 no. 23 * no. 25 no. 24 * no. 26 no. 25 * no. 27 no. 26 * no. 28 [no. 27], index * no. 29 1016 Classification no. Tl. SECRiiJTARY —Continued T1.112: Treasury decisions (weekly)— -Continued (date) V. 3 Jan.-Dec. 1900 V. 15 Jan .-June, 1908 later no. 30 no. 2 (v. nos. ) no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [no. 53], index no. 25 V. 4 Jan.-Dec: 1901 » no. 26 V. 5 Jan.-Dec. 1902 « [no. 27], index V. 6 Jan.-Dec. 1903 * V. 16 July-Dec. 1908 V. 7 Jan.— June, 1904 * no. 1 V. 8 July-Dec. 1904 * no. 2 V. 9 Jan.— June, 1905 * no. 3 V. 10 July-Dec. 1905 * no. 4 V. 11 Jan.— June, 1906 * no. 5 V. 12 July-Dec. 1906 * no. 6 V. 13 Jan.— June, 1907 * no. 7 V. 14 July-Dec. no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no, 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 1907 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. [no. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28], index no. 21 V 17 Jan.- June, 1909 no. 22 no. 1 no. 23 no. 2 no. 24 no. 3 no. 25 no. 4 no. 26 no. 5 [no. 27], index no. 6 V. 15 Jan.— June, no. 1 1908 no. no. 7 8 1017 CUiislflcation uu. Tl.ll^: (date) later (v, noe.) Tl.ll-«: (CT) T1.12: 872-882 883-889 890-895 898 898-899 898-900 89&-901 898-902 898-903 904 904-905 Tl. SECRETARY— Continued Treasury decisions (weekly) — Continued V. 17 Jan.-June, 1909 v. 18 July-Dec. 1909 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 [no. 27], index 18 July-Dec. 1909 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 6 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 [no. 27], index Treasury decisions (weekly; separates) Digests and indexes of Treasury decisions Digest of decisions of Treasury Department relating to tariff, naviga- tion, &c, 1872-82, with tariff on imports, free list, and Hawaiian reciprocity treaty. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 384.) Index to decisions made by Secretary of Treasury as to assessment of duty on imported goods under tariff act of Mar. 3, 1883, to Jan. 1, 1890, including index to decisions under acts of Congress relating to Alaska, restriction and exclusion of Chinese, prevention of importation of adulterated and spurious teas, etc., covering period from Mar. 1883 to Jan. 1890 [Dec. 31, 1889]. 1890. [Has no Treasury Department document number.] Index to synopses of decisions of Treasury Department and Board of General Appraisers on construction of tariff, navigation, and other laws, Jan. 1, 1890-Dec. 31, 1895. 1896. [Has no Treasury De- partment document number.] [None issued covering decisions rendered Jan. 1, 1896-Dec. 31, 1897.] Digest of decisions of Treasury Department and of Board of General Appraisers under tariff acts of 1883, 1890, 1894, and 1897, [ren- dered] Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1898. 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2106.) Same, [rendered] Jan. 1, 1898-Dec. 31, 1899. 1900. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2167.) Same, rendered during calendar years 1898-1900. 1901. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2220.) Digest of decisions of Treasury Department, customs, and of Board of General Appraisers, rendered during calendar years 1898-1901. 1902. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2266.) Same, 1898-1902. 1903. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2320.) Same, 1898-1903. 1904. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2357.) Same, 1904, with decisions of United States courts in customs cases. 1905. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2397.) Same, 1904 and 1905, with decisions of United States courts in cus- toms cases. 1906, (Treas. Dept. doc. 2430.) 1018 Classification no. T1.12: 904-906 904-907 908 T1.12«: (CT) T1.13: (date) T1.14: (nos.) T1.15: 865 896 9071 9072 9073 907^ 907^ 907 « 9081 9082 9083 908^ Tl. SECRETARY— Continued Digests and Indexes of Treasury decisions— Continued Same, 1904-06, with decisions of United States courts in customs cases. 1907. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2461.) Same, 1904-07, with decisions of United States courts in customs cases. 1908. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2504.) Same, 1908, with decisions of United States courts in customs cases. 1909. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2537.) [None issued covering decisions during calendar year 1909.] Digests and indexes of Treasury decisions (separates) Treasury register 1872 1877 1873 1878 [None issued?] 1879 large 8« 1874 1875 1880-82 [None issued?] 1876 [None issued?] 1883 large 8° [Discontinued.] Synoptical series, 1869 [This seriesbegan and ended within thecalendar year 1869, It is not known how many numbers were issued. Those in the Public Documents Library are listed below.] 2 Circular letters Circular letter of instructions to officers of Treasury Department relative to commercial intercourse, captured, abandoned, and confiscable property, freedmen, etc. [June 27, 1865.] [See also entries under T1.10:In7 1-7.] Circular letter regulating use of lights [in public buildings]. Dec. 12, 1896. 40 [Circular letter regarding] construction of 10 per cent limitation [on bonds of officers, etc.]. July 31, 1907. 4« Circular letter [to custodians of public buildings] concerning lighting and power companies. Aug. 1, 1907. 4° [Circular letter regarding] waste of gas, electricity, and water in public buildings. Nov. 18, 1907. 4° [Circular letter accompanying form 272] powers of attorney from cor- porate sureties. Dec. 14, 1907. 4° [Circular letter accompanying forms of vouchers to be used in stating accounts for supplies for buildings under control of Treasury Department.] Nov. 23, 1907. 4« Circular letter [accompanying form for] proposals for annual supplies [for buildings under control of Treasury Department]. Dec. 19, 1907. 4« [Circular letter concerning supply of stationery for Treasury Depart- ment for fiscal year 1908.] Jan. 23, 1908. 4« Circular letter [accompanying form for] proposals for annual supplies [for buildings under control of Treasury Department]. [1908.] 4° [Circular letter to] custodians of buildings under control of Treasury Department [concerning vouchers for fuel, lights, and water for public buildings for fiscal year 1908, etc.]. Mar. 14, 1908. 4« [Circular letter] to commanding and other officers of Revenue-Cutter Service [concerning acceptance of proposals for repairs, supplies, etc., preparation of vouchers, and receiving for shipment per- sonal effects of officers of Revenue-Cutter Service]. Apr. 25, 1908. 4° [Circular letter relative to] construction of 50 per cent clause of Depart- ment circular of June 2, 1908 [instructions relative to acceptance of bonds executed by surety companies]. June 22, 1908. 4° 1019 CUHHlflratlon no. T1.15: 908« 908^ 909» 9092 909 3 909* Tl.lG: C89' C892 C893 C89* C89^ C89« C897 C89» P831 P832 P833 T1.17: P83' P83 = T1.18: Tl. SECRETARY— Continued Circular letters — Continued [Circular letter] announcing new form of ai>plication for leave of ab- sence. July 28, 1908. 4« [Circular letter) amending Instructions to custodians [of public build- ingsj, 1905. Nov. 7, 1908. 4«> [(Urcular letter] to heads of bureaus and chiefs of divisions [that no printing' or binding be ordered in excess of actual needs during remainder of liscal year]. Jan. 11, 1909. 4** Circular letter [to custodians of public buildings concerning] building equipment. Feb. 1, 1909. 4° [Circular letter to] custodians of buildings under control of Treas- ury Department [concerning vouchers for fuel, lights, and water for public buildings, fiscal year 1909, etc.]. Mar. 11, 1909. 4° [Circular letter announcing change of time for preparing] estimates of appropriations. Apr. 14, 1909. 4° Cuba and Porto Rico Special Commissioner (Porter) Cuba. Report on commercial and industrial condition of Cuba; by Robert P. Porter. Nov. 15, 1898. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2072.) Same, appendix. June 15, 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2115.) Same: Special i-eports on revenue and customs tariff, internal, in- dustrial, and professional taxation, and needs of Cuban planters, Nov. 15, 1898. [Has no Treasury Department document num- ber.] Same: Special report. Province of Santiago de Cuba and internal revenue of Cuba. Dec. 19, 1898. [Has no Treasury Department document number.] Same: Special report, currency of Cuba. Dec. 27, 1898. [Has no Treasury Department document number.] Same: Special report, fiscal and economic condition of Jamaica. Dec. 31, 1898, [published] 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2085.) Same: Special report on commissioner's visit to Gen. Gomez, and in relation to payment and disbandment of insurgent army of Cuba. Feb. 6, 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2097.) Same: Special report, statistics of imports into Cuba for 1895. 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2081.) Porto Rico. Report on currency question of Porto Rico; by Robert P. Porter. Jan. 3, 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2082.) Same. Jan. 3, 1899, [published] 1903. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2082.) Porto Rico. Report and recommendations on customs tariff of Porto Rico; by Robert P. Porter. Jan. 19, 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2084.) Porto Rico Special Commissioner (Carroll) Porto Rico. Report on industrial and commercial condition of Porto Rico; by Henry K. Carroll. Dec. 30, 1898, [published] 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2091.) Porto Rico. Report on Porto Rico, its population, civil government, commerce, industries, productions, roads, tariff, and currency; by Henry K. Carroll. Oct. 6, 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2118.) See, for Philippine Islands Special Commissioner (Harden), Tl.2: P533. Revenue Commission [This, commission, composed of David A. Wells, Stephen Colwell, and Samuel Snow- den Hayes, was organized in June^ 1865, having been appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with sec. 19of act approved Mar. 3, 1865, "To pro- vide internal revenue," etc. (Stat. L. V. 13, p. 487). Its existence was tenninated by sec. 66 of act approved July 13, 1866 (Stat. L. v. 14, p. 170), which created the office of Special Commissioner of Revenue; see T1.19:J 1020 Classification no. T1.18^: 866 1 8662 866" 866^ T1.18 (nos.) T1.19: 866 Tl. SECRETARY— Continued Revenue Commission, Reports (general) Report of Revenue Commission [Jan. 1866]. [1866.] 76 p. Same [with Special reports 1-4]. 1866. 101 p. [1255-34, pt. 1] [Congressional edition has drafts of bills inserted after each special report, making 132 p. in all; it is followed by an appendix to Special report 3, printed as House executive document 34, pt. 2, which has 56 p.] Reports of commission appointed for revision of revenue system of United States, 1865-66 [including general report, Jan. 1866, and Special reports 1-13, with appendixes]. 1866. [3] + 483 p. [This compilation is not in the Congressional set but certain por- tions of it appeared as various Congressional documents, as noted under Tl.l8i:8662 and T1.182:] Report of Samuel S . Hayes upon property in funds and income derived therefrom as source of national revenue, financial system of United States, creation of sinking fund, and taxation in general. Treas- ury Department, 1866. 56 p. 1 tab. [Not in Congressional set, although a letter of transmittal to Congress appears as 39th Con- gress, 1st session. House executive document 42, serial no, 1255.] Revenue Commission, Special reports (numbered) [Of these Special reports, nos. 1-5, 7-10 appear in the Congressional set either indl- viduaUy or with others. The Public Documents Library has bureau prints of nos. 12 and 13, each issued separately, but no information as to whether nos. 1-11 were also issued separately in bureau editions. Special reports 1-13, with the general rei)ort of Jan. 1866, are reprinted in the final report which is entered under Tl. 18' :866 3. In this volume the appendixes to nos. 3 and 13 are inserted in their proper places following those reports.] [In 1255-34, pt. 1] [The Public Documents Library has nos. 1-4 11 only as printed with the general report of Jan. 1866, in the Con- 2 1 gressional set and in the bureau editions listed under T1.18^* 3 1 866 2'^. An appendix to no. 3 was issued separately in Congres- 4] sional edition as [1255-34, pt. 2], and was also included with no. 3, as app. B, in the final report listed under Tl. 18^:866=*.] 5 * In 1256-62] 6 * [Not in Congressional set.] 7 * [1256-51} In 1256-68 In 1256-62^ 10 * [In 1256-68] 11 * [Not in Congressional set.] 12 [Not in Congressional set.] 13 [As included in the final report (T1.18 1:8663), Special report 13 is followed by a report of the proceedings of a convention of wool growers and wool manufacturers held Dec. 13, 1865, and other reports and statements relating to wool addressed to the Revenue Commission and to the Ways and Means Committee, Senate.] f Revenue Special Commissioner, Annual reports [The Special Commissioner of Revenue superseded the Revenue Commission of 1865-66 (T1.18:), being appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury under sec. 66 of act ai)proved July 13, 1866 (Stat. L. v. 14, p. 170). The same act provided that the office should terminate June 30, 1870. David A. Wells, who had been a member of the Revenue Commission (T1.18:), was appointed Special Commis- sioner.] [1st annual] report of Special Commissioner of Revenue [1866, with app. A]. Treasury Department, 1866. 112 p. Same [with app. A-F]. 1867. 233 p. [This is the same as p. 1-233 of the Congressional edition and its corresponding bureau edition entered under Tl. 19:866 3.] t Special report 13 was reprinted in 1910 as 61st Congress, 2d session. Senate docu- ment 458, serial nO. 5659. This reprint includes the additional reports and statements concerning wool which followed no. 13 in the final report of the Revenue Commission (T1.18i:8663). 1021 Classinratlon no. T1.19: 867 8682 8691 Tl. SECRETARY— Continued Revenue Special Commissioner, Annual reports- Continued Same [with app. A-F and Form of bill establishing rates of duty on goods, wares, and merchandise imported into United States]. 1867. 233 + 57 p. [1270-2] [In Congressional edition the pag- ing is continuous, making 291 p. in all.] [2d annual] report of Special Commissioner of Revenue [1867, with app. A-G]. 1868. 96 p. [40th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 81; serial no. 1332.) [No edition without Congressional dociunent num- ber.] [The Public Documents Library has no information as to whether there was a pre- liminary print of this report without some or all of the appendixes.] [3d annual] report of Special Commissioner of Revenue for 1868 [with supplement and app. A, B]. 1868 [1869]. cover-title, 110 p. Same [with app. A-F]. 1868 [1869]. [4] + 142 p. ([40th Cong. 3d sess. H. ex. doc. 16]; serial no. 1372.) [4th annual] report of Special Commissioner of Revenue upon industry, trade, commerce, etc., of United States for 1869 [with app. A-H]. 1869. cover-title, cxliv p. ([41st Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 27]; serial no. 1416.) Same [with app. A-H, J-L]. [1870?] cxciii + 265 p. [p. i-cxliv are like the edition entered under Tl. 19:869^ in all respects, including the Congressional document notation on first page, but this has in addition app. J-L which are not in Congres- sional set.] Same, supplement, Cost of labor and subsistence in United States. 1870. 75 p. [Not in Congressional set.] Treasury Cattle Commission, Reports [The sundry civil appropriation act approved Mar. 3, 1881 (Stat. L. v. 21, p. 442) appropriated $15,000 to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to make inspection or cattle exported from the United States and to procure information concern- ing the disease known as pleuro-pneuinonia. A commission was appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, comi)osed of James Law, chairman, Elisha F. Thayer, and James H. Sanders. After the passage of the act of Mar. 29, 1884, establishing the Bureau of Animal Industry (A 4.), the work in connection with the inspection and transporta- tion of cattle and the suppression of disease among them was transferred to the new bureau.] Response to resolution, report of Treasury Cattle Commission on lung plague of cattle, or contagious pleuro-pneumonia. Feb. 15, 1882. (47th Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 106; serial no. 1990.) [Has no Treasury Department document number. No edition without Congressional document number.] Pleuro-pneumonia in cattle, report of [Treasury] Cattle Commission, Jan. 4, 1883. [1883.] 16 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 400; [47th Con^. 2d sess., H. ex. doc. 35], serial no. 2108.) [Congressional edition has only 10 p., but the matter contained is the same.] Report of Treasury Cattle Commission for 1883 [on quarantining of imported neat cattle, etc., with Supplemental report on inspec- tion of export cattle]. [1884.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 659; [48th Cong. 1st sess., H. ex. doc. 44, 2 pta.] serial no. 2200.) Report of chairman of Treasury Cattle Commission upon [suspected foot-and-mouth] disease in cattle in Kansas and Illinois; [by James Law]. May 19, 1884. (Treas. Dept. doc. 584; 48th Cong. Istsess., H. ex. doc. 159, serial no. 2207.) T2. APPOINTMENTS DIVISION [Established as one of 7 divisions authorized by act approved Mar. 3, 1875 (Stat. L. v. 18, pt. 3, p. which became effective July 1, 8693 T1.20: 882 883 1 883 = 884 1875.] T2.1: (date) Annual reports [None issued.] 1022 Ciasslflcatlon no. T2.2: P921 P922 Se2 T2.3: (nos.) T2.4:: (nos.) i T2.5: (date) T2. APPOINTMENTS DIVISION— Continued 1907. [1907.] Presidents under Edition of whom they served. General publications Presidential officers in and under Treasury Department July 1, 1905. [1905.] oblong 8" Same. Edition of July 1 Secretaries of Treasury and [Aug. 11, 1907.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this division are issued In the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:] Companies authorized under act of Aug. 13, 1894, to be accepted as sureties on Federal bonds oblong large S'^ Surety companies authorized under act of Aug. 13, 1894, to be accepted as sureties on Federal bonds 1907, revised to Aug. 1 Same, revised to Nov. 20 1908, revised to June 30 Same, revised to Aug. 1 Same, revised to Nov. 2 Companies authorized under act of Aug. 13, 1894, to be accepted as sureties on Federal bonds 1908, revised to Dec. 19 1909, revised to May 1 Same, revised to Nov. 1 T3. AUDITOR FOR TREASURY DEPARTMENT (When the Treasury Department was established by act of Sept. 2, 1789, the duties of the auditor were laid down in the first section of the act. By act of Mar. 3, 1817, which created the offices of 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th auditors in the Treasury Department, the auditor for the Treasury was given the title of 1st auditor and was made subject to the 1st Comptroller (T13. ). By act approved July 31, 1894, effective Oct. 1, 1894, the title of the 1st auditor was chane;ed to Auditor for the Treasury Department, and his duties restricted io the settlement of accoimts pertaining to the Treasury Department.] T3.1: Annual reports (date) [1853-98, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance report, Tl.l:), and for ^ 1871, 1881-89, 1892-98, issued separately also. 1899-1909, issued separately only.] T3.2: General publications C96 Customs. [Circular letter] to collectors and other officers of customs [to discard Cat. 1013, Dec. 12, 1906, and use Cat. 1013 approved by Comptroller of Treasury Aug. 27, 1907]. Apr. 1, 1909. 4° P96^ Public buildings. Laws relating to public buildings, with instructions to superintendents, custodians, and disbursing officers; com- I piled by H. McNeill. 1886. (Treas. Dept. doc. 932.) P962 Same. 1893. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1612.) T3.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] 1023 CUMlflcation T3. AUDITOR FOR TREASURY DEPARTMENT— "**• Continued T3.4 : Circulars (nos ) [Circulars relating to the work of this oflioe are issued in the scries of Treasury De- ^ ■•' partraent circulars; see certain issues under Tl.4:] T4. AUDITOR FOR WAR DEPARTMENT [Established by act of Mar. 3. 1817, when the oflice of accountant for the War Department was aljolished. The official title of the chief was 2d auditor until July 31. 1894, when an act was passed to take effect Oct. 1, causing the oflice to be reorganized and changing the title to Auditor for the War Department.] T4.1: (date) T4.2: B66 C52 T4:.3: (nos.) T4.4: (nos.) Annual reports (1853-98, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and usually issued separately also. 189&-1909, issued separately only.] General publications Bounty. Complete digest of laws in relation to bounty, with procla- mations by President, general orders and circulars of War Depart- ment, opinions of Attorney General, annotations, decisions by accountmg officers, and forms and instructions; by S. A. Rapp. Washington, W. H. and O. H. Morrison, 1872. Claims. Elementary manual of practice, Civil War claims; by W. C. Eldridge and L. R. Ginn. 1900. 12° (Treas. Dept. doc. 2171.) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this office are issued in the series of Treasury De- partment circulars; see certain issues under Tl.4:] T5. AUDITOR FOR INTERIOR DEPARTMENT [The duties of the 3d auditor are defined in act approved Mar. 3, 1817. The ofTicial title was changed by act of July 31, 1894, effective Oct. 1, 1894, to Auditor for Interior Department.il T6.1: (date) T5.2: D56 P38 R27 T34 V94 T5.3: (nos.) T5.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1853-98, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and usually issued separately also. 1899-1909, issued separately only. There were 2 prints of the report for 1909, one of 11 p. issued as Treasury Department document 2571, the other of 14 p. being a special print not for distribution.] General publications Digest of decisions and orders affecting settlement of quartermasters' accounts in oflSce of 3d auditor of Treasury; compiled by W. P. Dunwoody. 1866. Pension checks. Rules and regulations governing payment of pension checks in cases where payees have died without indorsing them. Sept. 5, 1895. 4o Reimbursement claims, information for claimants [who rendered service during last sickness or at burial of pensioner of United States]. Nov. 1, 1906. 4« Third auditor. Report of 3d auditor [John S. Williams] to Secretary of Treasury, covering operations of 3d Auditor's Office from Apr. 30, 1885, to May 1, 1886. 1886. (Treas. Dept. doc. 835.) Vouchers. Instructions to clerks examining vouchers. July 1,1902. 4° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this office are issued in the series of Treasury De- partment circulars; see certain issues under Tl.4:] 1024 T6. AUDITOR FOR NAVY DEPARTMENT [Established by act of Mar. 3, 1817, which abolished the office of accountant of the Navy Department and set forth the duties of the 4th auditor. By the act of July 31, 1894, eflective Oct. 1, 1894, the ofacial title became Auditor for the Navy Department.] Classification no. T6.1: (date) T6.2: R86 T6.3: (nos.) T6.4: (date) T6.5: (date) Annual reports [1853-98, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and usually issued separately also. 189&-1909, issued separately only.] General publications lOqo'X 1 Rules. Revised rules in regard to transaction of business at OflBce of 4th Auditor of Treasury. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 1864. (The Public Documents Library has but one circular issued from the 4th Auditor's Office. It is dated Nov. 12, 1863. Later circulars relating to the work of this office are issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues imder T1.4:] Digest of naval appropriations for fiscal year 8° and 4° 1 »7Q 1 SQf; 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 . 1908 1909 * 1910 T7. AUDITOR FOR STATE AND OTHER DEPARTMENTS [Established by act of Mar. 3, 1817. Called Office of the 5th Auditor until Oct. 1, 1894, when with the reorganizing of the office, in pursuance of act of July 31, 1894, the title of the chief was changed to Auditor for State and Other Departments.] T7.1: Annual reports (date) [1853-98, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and ^ ^ usually issued separately also. 1899-1909, issued separately only.] T7.2: General publications In8 Internal revenue. Report of 5th auditor [Henry D. Barron] showing costs of assessing and collecting internal revenue, and amounts assessed and collected in each revenue district to June 30, 1870. 1871. T7.3: Bulletins (noa.) [None issued.] T7.4;2 Circulars ^nos ) (jCirculars relating to the work of this office are issued in the series of Treasury De- ^ *■' i partmeut circulars; see certain Issues under T1.4: J 1025 T8. AUDITOR FOR POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT [The adjustment of post-ofllce accounts was performed at the Treasury Department from the earliest period of its esti\blishment, but the office of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-Ofllce Department was not established until July 2, 1836. It was called the Office of the 6th Auditor until Oct. 1 , 1894.J Clssslflration no. T8.1: (date) T8.2: M74» M742 R24 Till Til 2 Til 3 T8.3: (nos.) T8.4: (nos.) T8.5: 9091 9092 909 » 909* 9101 9102 Annual reports [Two annual reports have usually been made, one to the Postmaster-General, which, from 1841-1909 (except 1842-10, none issued), is included in annual reports of Post-Offlce Department (Pl.l:); and one made to the Secretary of the Treasury, which, for 185.V1905. is found in annual reports of Treasury Denartinent ( P'inance reports, Tl.l:). Both reports are frequently included in the Post-Ollice reports and both are sometimes round in the Treasury Department reports, 1871-1909, both reports have usually been issued separately also In one pamphlet.] General publications Money order file cases. [Circular] inviting proposals for money order file cases. July 18, 1908. 4" Same. Jan. 15, 1909. 4» Recording Division. Rules and regulations pertaining to Recording Division. 1901. Tables of computations for quarter of 90 days, for use in adjusting pay of mail contractors; by Clarence Crist [revised by Government Actu- ary]. 1904. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2371a.) Same for quarter of 91 days. 1904. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2371b.) Same for quarter of 92 days. 1904. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2371c.) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this office are Issued in the series of Treasury De- partment circulars; see certain issues under Tl.4:l . Financial statement Financial statement to Secretary of Treasury and to Postmaster-Gen- eral, for quarter ended Sept. 30, 1908. 1909. 4" Same, for quarter ended Dec. 31, 1908. 1909. 4« Same, for quarter ended Mar. 31, 1909. 1909. 4« Same, for quarter ended June 30, 1909. 1909. 4° Same, for quarter ended Sept. 30, 1909. 1910. 4<» Same, for quarter ended Dec. 31, 1909. 1910. 4° T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION [Early reports were signed by chief of Warrants Division. About 1879, it became known as Division of Warrants, Estimates, and Appropriations. Changed to Bookkeeping and Warrants Division by ~ tive Oct. 1, 1894.] oi warrants. riStiiuaies, aiiu a^ act approved July 31, 1894, effecti T9.1: (date) Annual reports (Combined statement of receipts and disburse- ments for JBlscal year) 4" 1872 1876 1880 1884 1888 1892 1873 1877 1881 1885 1889 1893 1874 1878 1882 1886 1890 1875 1879 1883 1887 1891 [After 1893, this report was also issued in the Congressional set in accordance with sec. 15 of act approved July 31, 1894, the title for this edition up to 1908 being Combined statement of receipts and expenditures of Government. The Con- gressional edition includes at the end, receipts and expenditur&s of Post-Office Department, but, until 1905, omits recapitulation of expenditures from per manent and indefinite appropriations.] 1894 [3316-1101 1898 [3776-44] 1902 4474-78 1895 3396-Jl 1899 3937-36 1903 4661^2 1896 3502-75 1900 4125-80 1904 4816-64 1897 3659-94" 1901 4308-35 82452°— 11 65 1026 Classification no. T9.1: (date) T9, BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION— Continued T9.2: Ac2i C52 C96 D361 D36 2 In8 J89 R24 T9.3: (nos.) T9.4: (nos.) T9.5: (date) Anniial reports (Combined statement of receipts and disburse- ments for fiscal year)^ — Continued [With 1905, the Congressional edition gives recapitulation of expenditures from I)ermanent and indefinite appropriations.] 1905 [4972-55] 1906 [5131-152] 1907 [5348-23] [Congressional edition contains a few pages of addi- tional matter.] 1908 [5413-1079] [Congressional edition contains a few pages of addi- tional matter.] 1909 [5706-236] General publications ,./ , Accounting methods. Extracts from ' statutes relating to accounting methods enacted upon report of joint commission of Congress authorized Mar. 3, 1893. 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1933.) Accounting system. Information relating to accounting system of Treasury Department, compendium of principal statutes and comptroller's decisions relating to accounting officers of Treasury, their duties and jurisdiction, to manner of rendering and set- tling public accounts, and to custody of public moneys of public officers; by Robert S. Person. 1905. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2396.) Claims allowed by accounting officers [since report of June 23, 1898] under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to surplus fund. Jan. 31, 1899, (Treas. Dept. doc. 2093; 55th Cong. 3d sess., H. doc. 191, serial no. 3812.) [Con- gressional edition does not bear Treasury Department docu- ment number.] Custodians, Detailed estimate for appropriation, pay of assistant custodians and janitors, fiscal year 1909, for buildings under control of Treasury Department. 1908. Deficiency estimates. Supplemental deficiency estimates of appro- priations for Departments to complete service of fiscal year 1898. 1898. 4° (Treas. Dept. doc. 2014; 55th Cong. 2d sess., H, doc. 319, serial no. 3659.) [Congressional edition does not bear Treasury Department document number.] Deficiency estimates required by Departments for completing service of fiscal year 1899, and prior years, including postal service. 1899. 4° (Treas, Dept. doc. 2092; 55th Cong. 3d sess., H. doc. 185, serial no. 3776.) [Congressional edition does not bear Treasury Department document number.] Internal revenue. Statement of internal-revenue tax on raw cotton collected in each State during fiscal years 1863-68, Dec, 12, 1907, 4° Judgments rendered by Court of Claims [since report of June 22, 1898, which require appropriation], Feb, 1, 1899. (Treas. Dept, doc, 2094; 55th Cong. 3d sess., H. doc. 197, serial no. 3812.) [Congressional edition does not bear Treasury Department docu- ment number.] Receipts and expenditures. Statement of receipts and expenditures of United States, 1880-95. 1895. 4° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this division are issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:] Digests of appropriations 4° 1873 1876 1874 1877 1875 1878 1027 CiMKlflrttlon T9. no. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION— Continued T9.6 : Digests of appropriations— Coni inued (date) T9.6: (date) 1879 1896 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1767.) 1880 1897 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1876.) 1881 1898 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1954.) 1882 (Treas. Dept. doc. 143.) 1899 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2035.) 1883 (Treas. Dept. doc. 333.) 1900 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2116.) 1884 (Treas. Dept. doc. 431.) 1901 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2182.) 1885 (Treas. Dept. doc. 611.) 1902 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2224.) 1886 (Treas. Dept. doc. 701.) 1903 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2278.) 1887 (Treas. Dept. doc. 882.) L904 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2321.) 1888 (Treas. Dept. doc. 993.) 1905 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2362.) 1889 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1173.) 1906 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2398.) 1890 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1220.) 1907 [Has no Treasury Department 1891 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1355.) document number.] 1892 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1419.) 1908 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2466.) 1893 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1532.) 1909 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2507.) 1894 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1597.) 1910 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2542.) 1895 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1703.) Estimates of appropriations 8° and 4° [For calendar year until 1844, after which date they came out regularly for fiscal year. The Department print almost invariably bears the Congressional document num- ber.] 1818 * [6-13] Same, additional * 1819 * 17-12] 1820 * [32-13] Same, additional * 1821 * 48-33 1822 * '64-30' 1823 * '78-28 1824 * 94-17 1825 * 115-4] ] 1826 * 133-24] 1827 * 150-36] 1828, Jan. 2 * [170-40] [11-192] [36-84] 1828, Dec. 8 * [181-4] 1829, 1st quarter, Apr. 5, 1828 - - "185-49] 1829, Jan. 3 * 1830 ■X- 195-14 1831 * 206-10' 1832 * 216-10 1833 * 233-10 1834 * 254-21 1835 •X- 271-5] 1836 * 286-4 1837 * 301-5 [174-241] 1823-37, statement of estimates * [319-497] [Includes comparative statement of annual estimates and expenditures 1823-37, also annual expenditures 1789-1822.] 1838 I [322-20] In 321-4] 1839 * I 344-5] In 344-1] 1840 * 1 363^] In 363-3] 1841 * n 382-3] 1842 * [401-19] ' 44 * [419-16] 1843- 1845 * [439-6] * [463-17] 1846 1847 481-9] 1848 497-3" 1849 514- -2] 1028 Classiflcation T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION— Continued T9.6: Estimates of appropriations— Continued (date) 1850 [538-2] 1851, Nov. 16, 1849 [567-1] 1851, Nov. 23, 1850 [Contains additional estimates for 1851 and also estimates for fiscal year 1852. Not in Congressional set.] 1852 A^ee T9. 6:851. 1853 633-1] 1854 675-2 1855 714-2 1856 781-6] 1857 865-unnumbered 1858 909-unnumbered' 1859 941-1] 996-1' 1860 1861 1043-1] 1092-1^ 1862 1861-62, additional [1114-1] 1863 1127-1 1864 1159-3 1865 1186-2 1866 1222-2' 1867 1254-2 1868 1286-2 1869 1328-3 1870 1370-3 1871 1416-5 1872 1452-5 1873 1509-5 1874 1564-5 1875 1605-5 Same, revised * [1605-36] 1876 [1643-5] 1877, Dec. 6, 1875 [1685-5] 1877, Jan. 6 * [1751-19] 1877, reduction of estimates from War Dept. * [1691-164] 1878, Dec. 4, 1876 [1754-5] 1878, required to complete service of fiscal year 1878 and prior years. Oct. 15, 1877 [1805-5] 1879, Dec. 3, 1877 [1805-5] 1880, Dec. 2, 1878 [1855-5] [Contains also estimates of appropriations for District of Columbia for fiscal years 1879 and 1880.] 1880, required to complete service of fiscal year 1880. Mar. 19, 1879 * [1869-1] 1881 [1916-5] [Contains also estimates of appropriations for District of Columbia for fiscal year 1881. This is not included in the Con- gressional edition.] ~ ' - ■ [1965-5] 1882 (Treas. Dept. doc. 48.) 1883 (Treas. Dept. doc. 201.) 1884 (Treas. Dept. doc. 340.) 1885 (Treas. Dept. doc. 488.) 1886 (Treas. Dept. doc. 631.) 1887 (Treas. Dept. doc. 755.) 1888 (Treas. Dept. doc. 915.) 1889 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1043.) 1890 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1153.) 1891 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1266.) 2024-5 2106-5 2196-5 2293-5' 2388-5^ 2474-5' 2551-5] 2646-5] 2736-5] Same, supplemental * [2818-68] 1892 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1371.) 1893 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1476.) 1894 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1564.) 1895 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1633.) 1896 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1727.) 1897 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1820.) 1898 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1891.) 2852-5 2946-5' 3101-5' 3221-5 3316-5' 3396-12] '3502-12] 1020 Classlflcation no. T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION- Continued T9.6: (date) T9.6« : (CT) T9.7: (date) T9.8: (date) Estimates of appropriations — Continued 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 (Treas. (Treas. (Treaa. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. 1974.) 2056.) 2146 2196 2246 2298 2340 2379 2421 2450 2471 2516 2554 3659-121 3776-12^ 3937-12 4125-12 4308-12 4474-12 4661-12 4816-12 4972-12 '5131-12 5348-12 5413-1031] 5706-177] Estimates of appropriations (separates) Statement of balances, appropriations, and dis- bursements Statement of balances, appropriations, and expenditures 1880 (Treas. Dept. doc. 88.) 1881 (Treas, Dept, doc. 263,) 1882 (Treas. Dept. doc. 389.) 1883 (Treas. Dept. doc. 533.) 1884-92 [Not printed,] [Have no Treasury De- 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 document 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 (Treas. Dept, doc. (Treas, Dept, doc. (Treas, Dept, doc. (Treas, Dept. doc. (Treas, Dept. doc, (Treas, Dept. doc. (Treas, Dept. doc, (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2077.) 2168,) 2212,) 2263,) 2313,) 2355,) 2388.) 2425.) 2462.) 2502,) partment numbers.] ([Treas, Dept, doc. 1922.]) (Treas. Dept. doc, 1979.) Statement of balances, appropriations, and disbursements 1908 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2533.) 1909 (Treas. Dept, doc, 2566.) Statement of Treasury narrow f ** and 4*^ [Daily except Sun- days, holidays, and July 1.] Statement of condition of Treasury and receipts and expenditures of Government 1895, Jan. 2 * 1895, Jan. 30 * 1895, Feb. 28 * 1895, Mar. 28 * Jan. 3 * Jan. 31 * Mar. 1 * Mar, 29 * Jan. 4 * Feb. 1 * Mar. 2 •X Mar. 30 * Jan. 5 * Feb. 2 * Mar. 4 •X Apr. 1 * Jan. 7 * Feb. 4 •X Mar. 5 * Apr. 2 •X- Jan. 8 * Feb. 5 * Mar. 6 * Apr. 3 •X- Jan. 9 * Feb. 6 -x Mar. 7 * Apr. 4 * Jan. 10 * Feb. 7 •X Mar. 8 * Apr. 5 * Jan. 11 ■X- Feb. 8 * Mar. 9 * Apr. 6 * Jan. 12 * Feb. 9 •X Mar. 11 •X Apr. 8 * Jan. 14 * Feb. 11 X- Mar. 12 * Apr. 9 * Jan. 15 •x- Feb. 12 * Mar. 13 •X Apr. 10 * Jan. 16 * Feb. 13 ■X- Mar. 14 * Apr. 11 * Jan. 17 * Feb. 14 •X Mar. 15 * Apr. 12 * Jan. 18 •X- •Feb. 15 * Mar. 16 * Apr. 13 * Jan. 19 * Feb. 16 * Mar. 18 * Apr. 15 ■X Jan. 21 ■X- Feb. 18 * Mar. 19 ■X Apr. 16 * Jan. 22 * Feb. 19 •X Mar. 20 * Apr. 17 * Jan. 23 * Feb. 20 X- Mar. 21 •X Apr. 18 * Jan. 24 * Feb. 21 * Mar. 22 * Apr. 19 ¥r Jan. 25 * Feb. 23 •X Mar. 23 * Apr. 20 * Jan. 26 ■X Feb. 25 •X Mar. 25 * Apr, 22 * Jan. 28 ^«- Feb. 26 * Mar. 26 * Apr. 23 * Jan. 29 * Feb. 27 X- Mar. 27 •X Apr. 24 * 1030 Classlflcation T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION no. _, Continued T9.8: (date) Statement of Treasury- -Continued Statement of condition of Treasury and receipts and ex pendit ures Government- — Continued 1895, Apr. 25 ^ 1895, July 9 1895, Sept. 19 1895, Nov. 30 Apr. 26 * July 10 Sept. 20 Dec. 2 Apr. 27 * July 11 Sept. 21 Dec. 3 Apr. 29 * July 12 Sept. 23 Dec. 4 Apr. 30 ^ July 13 Sept. 24 Dec. 5 May 1 * July 15 Sept. 25 Dec. 6 May 2 * July 16 Sept. 26 Dec. 7 May 3 * July 17 Sept. 27 Dec. 9 May 4 * July 18 Sept. 28 Dec. 10 May 6 * July 19 Sept. 30 Dec. 11 May 7 * July 20 Oct. 1 Dec. 12 May 8 * July 22 Oct. 2 Dec. 13 May 9 * July 23 Oct. 3 Dec. 14 May 10 * July 24 Oct. 4 Dec. 16 May 11 * July 25 Oct. 5 Dec. 17 May 13 * July 26 Oct. 7 Dec. 18 May 14 * July 27 Oct. 8 Dec. 19 May 15 * July 29 Oct. 9 Dec. 20 May 16 * July 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 21 May 17 * July 31 Oct. 11 Dec. 23 May 18 * Aug. 1 Oct. 12 Dec. 24 May 20 * Aug. 2 Oct. 14 Dec. 26 May 21 * Aug. 3 Oct. 15 Dec. 27 May 22 * Aug. 5 Oct. 16 Dec. 28 May 23 * Aug. 6 Oct. 17 Dec. 30 May 24 * Aug. 7 Oct. 18 Dec. 31 May 25 * Aug. 8 Oct. 19 1896 , Jan. 2 May 27 * Aug. 9 Oct. 21 Jan. 3 May 28 * Aug. 10 Oct. 22 Jan. 4 May 29 * Aug. 12 Oct. 23 Jan. 6 May 31 * Aug. 13 Oct. 24 Jan. 7 June 1 * Aug. 14 Oct. 25 Jan. 8 June 3 * Aug. 15 Oct. 26 Jan. 9 June 4 * Aug. 16 Oct. 28 Jan. 10 June 5 * Aug. 17 Oct. 29 Jan. 11 June 6 -^ Aug. 19 Oct. 30 Jan. 13 June 7 * Aug. 20 Oct. 31 Jan. 14 June 8 * Aug. 21 Nov. 1 Jan. 15 June 10 * Aug. 22 Nov. 2 Jan. 16 June 11 * Aug. 23 Nov. 4 Jan. 17 June 12 * Aug. 24 Nov. 5 Jan. 18 June 13 * Aug. 26 Nov. 6 Jan. 20 June 14 * Aug. 27 Nov. 7 Jan. 21 June 15 * Aug. 28 Nov. 8 Jan. 22 June 17 * Aug. 29 Nov. 9 Jan. 23 June 18 * Aug. 30 Nov. 11 Jan. 24 June 19 * Aug. 31 Nov. 12 Jan. 25 June 20 * Sept. 3 Nov. 13 Jan. 27 June 21 * Sept. 4 Nov. 14 Jan. 28 June 22 * Sept. 5 Nov. 15 Jan. 29 June 24 ^ Sept. 6 Nov. 16 Jan. 30 June 25 * Sept. 7 Nov. 18 Jan. 31 June 26 * Sept. 9 Nov. 19 Feb. 1 June 27 * Sept. 10 Nov. 20 Feb. 3 June 28 * Sept. 11 Nov. 21 Feb. 4 June 29 * Sept. 12 Nov. 22 Feb. 5 July 2 Sept. 13 Nov. 23 Feb. 6 July 3 Sept. 14 Nov. 25 Feb. 7 July 5 Sept. 16 Nov. 26 Feb. 8 July 6 Sept. 17 Nov. 27 Feb. 10 July 8 Sept. 18 Nov. 29 Feb. 11 1031 Ci«88iflcation T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVI8ION- Continuod T9.8: Statomont of Treasury— Continued (date) Statement of condition of Treasury and receipts and expenditures of Government — Continued 1896, Feb. 12 1896, Apr. 24 1896, July 8 Feb. 13 Apr. 25 July 9 Feb. 14 Apr. 27 July 10 Feb. 15 Apr. 28 July 11 Feb. 17 Apr. 29 July 13 Feb. 18 Apr. 30 July 14 Feb. 19 May 1 July 15 Feb. 20 May 2 July 16 Feb. 21 May 4 July 17 Feb. 24 May 5 July 18 Feb. 25 May 6 July 20 Feb. 26 May 7 July 21 Feb. 27 May 8 July 22 Feb. 28 May 9 July 23 Feb. 29 May 11 July 24 Mar. 2 May 12 July 25 Mar. 3 May 13 July 27 Mar. 4 May 14 July 28 Mar. 5 May 15 July 29 Mar. 6 May 16 July 30 Mar. 7 May 18 July 31 ]Mar. 9 May 19 Aug. 1 Mar. 10 May 20 Aug. 3 Mar. 11 May 21 Aug. 4 Mar. 12 May 22 Aug. 5 Mar. 13 May 23 Aug. 6 Mar. 14 May 25 Aug. 7 Mar. 16 May 26 Aug. 8 Mar. 17 May 27 Aug. 10 Mar. 18 May 28 Aug. 11 Mar. 19 May 29 Aug. 12 Mar. 20 June 1 Aug. 13 Mar. 21 June 2 Aug. 14 Mar. 23 June 3 Aug. 15 Mar. 24 June 4 Aug. 17 Mar. 25 June 5 Aug. 18 Mar. 26 June 6 Aug. 19 Mar. 27 June 8 Aug. 20 Mar. 28 June 9 Aug. 21 Mar. 30 June 10 Aug. 22 Mar. 31 June 11 Aug. 24 Apr. 1 June 12 Aug. 25 Apr. 2 June 13 Aug. 26 Apr. 3 June 15 Aug. 27 Apr. 4 June 16 Aug. 28 Apr. 6 June 17 Aug. 29 Apr. 7 June 18 Aug. 31 Apr. 8 June 19 Sept. 1 Apr. 9 June 20 Sept. 2 Apr. 10 June 22 Sept. 3 Apr. 11 June 23 Sept. 4 Apr. 13 June 24 Sept. 5 Apr. 14 June 25 Sept. 8 Apr. 15 June 26 Sept. 9 Apr. 16 June 27 Sept. 10 Apr. 17 June 29 Sept. 11 Apr. 18 June 30 Sept. 12 Apr. 20 July 2 Sept. 14 Apr, 21 July 3 Sept. 15 Apr. 22 July 6 Sept. 16 Apr. 23 July 7 Sept. 17 >6, Sept. 18 Sept. 19 Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept 25 Sept 26 Sept. 28 Sept 29 Sept. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 12 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 2 Nov. 3 Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 9 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 16 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 25 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 1032 Ciasslflcatlon T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION Continued T9.8: Statement of Treasury— Continued (date) Statement of condition of Treasury and receipts and expenditures of Government — Continued 1896, Nov. 30 1897, Feb. 10 Dec. 1 Feb. 11 Dec. 2 Feb. 12 Dec. 3 Feb. 13 Dec. 4 Feb. 15 Dec. 5 Feb. 16 Dec. 7 Feb. 17 Dec. 8 Feb. 18 Dec. 9 Feb. 19 Dec. 10 Feb. 20 Dec. 11 Feb. 23 Dec. 12 Feb. 24 Dec. 14 Feb. 25 Dec. 15 Feb. 26 Dec. 16 Feb. 27 Dec. 17 Mar. 1 Dec. 18 Mar. 2 Dec. 19 Mar. 3 Dec. 21 Mar. 4 Dec. 22 Mar. 5 Dec. 23 Mar. 6 Dec. 24 Mar. 8 Dec. 26 Mar. 9 Dec. 28 Mar. 10 Dec. 29 Mar. 11 Dec. 30 Mar. 12 Dec. 31 Mar. 13 1897, Jan. 2 Mar. 15 Jan. 4 Mar. 16 Jan. 5 Mar. 17 Jan. 6 Mar. 18 Jan. 7 Mar. 19 Jan. 8 Mar. 20 Jan. 9 Mar. 22 Jan. 11 Mar. 23 Jan. 12 Mar. 24 Jan. 13 Mar. 25 Jan. 14 Mar. 26 Jan. 15 Mar. 27 Jan. 16 Mar. 29 Jan. 18 Mar. 30 Jan. 19 Mar. 31 Jan. 20 Apr. 1 Jan. 21 Apr. 2 Jan. 22 Apr. 3 Jan. 23 Apr. 5 Jan. 25 Apr. 6 Jan. 26 Apr. 7 Jan. 27 Apr. 8 Jan. 28 Apr. 9 Jan. 29 Apr. 10 Jan. 30 Apr. 12 Feb. 1 Apr. 13 Feb. 2 Apr. 14 Feb. 3 Apr. 15 Feb. 4 Apr. 16 Feb. 5 Apr. 17 Feb. 6 Apr. 19 Feb. 8 Apr. 20 Feb. 9 Apr. 21 1897, Apr. 22 189' r,July 3 Apr. 23 July 6 Apr. 24 July 7 Apr. 26 July 8 Apr. 27 July 9 Apr. 28 July 10 Apr. 29 July 12 Apr. 30 July 13 May 1 July 14 May 3 July 15 May 4 July 16 May 5 July 17 May 6 July 19* May 7 July 20 May 8 July 21 May 10 July 22 May 11 July 23 May 12 July 24 May 13 July 26 May 14 July 27 May 15 July 28 May 17 July 29 May 18 July 30 May 19 July 31 May 20 Aug. 2 May 21 Aug. 3 May 22 Aug. 4 May 24 Aug. 5 May 25 Aug. 6 May 26 Aug. 7 May 27 Aug. 9 May 28 Aug. 10 May 29 Aug. 11 June 1 Aug. 12 June 2 Aug. 13 June 3 Aug. 14 June 4 Aug. 16 June 5 Aug. 17 June 7 Aug. 18 June 8 Aug. 19 June 9 Aug. 20 June 10 Aug. 21 June 11 Aug. 23 June 12 Aug. 24 June 14 Aug. 25 June 15 Aug. 26 June 16 Aug. 27 June 17 Aug. 28 June 18 Aug. 30 June 19 Aug. 31 June 21 Sept. 1 June 22 Sept. 2 June 23 Sept. 3 June 24 Sept. 4 June 25 Sept. 7 June 26 Sept. 8 June 28 Sept. 9 June 29 Sept. 10 June 30 Sept. 11 July 2 Sept. 13 1033 CiMsiflcation T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVI8ION- Continued T9.8: (date) Statoment of Treasury— Continued Statement of condition of Treaflury and receipts and expenditures of Government — Continued 1897, Sept. 14 1897, Nov. 23 1898, Feb. 4 1898, Apr. 16 Sept. 15 Nov. 24 Feb. 5 Apr. 18 Sept. 16 Nov. 26 Feb. 7 Apr. 19 Sept. 17 Nov. 27 Feb. 8 Apr. 20 Sept. 18 Nov. 29 Feb. 9 Apr. 21 Sept. 20 Nov. 30 Feb. 10 Apr. 22 Sept. 21 Dec. 1 Feb. 11 Apr. 23 Sept. 22 Dec. 2 Feb. 12 Apr. 25 Sept. 23 Dec. 3 Feb. 14 Apr. 26 Sept. 24 Dec. 4 Feb. 15 Apr. 27 Sept. 25 Dec. 6 Feb. 16 Apr. 28 Sept. 27 Dec. 7 Feb. 17 Apr. 29 Sept. 28 Dec. 8 Feb. 18 Apr. 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 9 Feb. 19 May 2 Sept. 30 Dec. 10 Feb. 21 May 3 Oct. 1 Dec. 11 . Feb. 23 May 4 Oct. 2 Dec. 13 Feb. 24 May 5 Oct. 4 Dec. 14 Feb. 25 May 6 Oct. 5 Dec. 15 Feb. 26 May 7 Oct. 6 Dec. 16 Feb. 28 May 9 Oct. 7 Dec. 17 Mar. 1 May 10 Oct. 8 Dec. 18 Mar. 2 May 11 Oct. 9 Dec. 20 Mar. 3 May 12 Oct. 11 Dec. 21 Mar. 4 May 13 Oct. 12 Dec. 22 Mar. 5 May 14 Oct. 13 Dec. 23 Mar. 7 May 16 Oct. 14 Dec. 24 Mar. 8 May 17 Oct. 15 Dec. 27 Mar. 9 May 18 Oct. 16 Dec. 28 Mar. 10 May 19 Oct. 18 Dec. 29 Mar. 11 May 20 Oct. 19 Dec. 30 Mar. 12 May 21 Oct. 20 Dec. 31 Mar. 14 May 23 Oct. 21 1898, Jan. 3 Mar. 15 May 24 Oct. 22 Jan. 4 Mar. 16 May 25 Oct. 23 Jan. 5 Mar. 17 May 26 Oct. 25 Jan. 6 Mar. 18 May 27 Oct. 26 Jan. 7 Mar. 19 May 28 Oct. 27 Jan. 8 Mar. 21 May 31 Oct. 28 Jan. 10 Mar. 22 June 1 Oct. 29 Jan. 11 Mar. 23 June 2 Oct. 30 Jan. 12 Mar. 24 June 3 Nov. 1 Jan. 13 Mar. 25 June 4 Nov. 2 Jan. 14 Mar. 26 June 6 Nov. 3 Jan. 15 Mar. 28 June 7 Nov. 4 Jan. 17 Mar. 29 June 8 Nov. 5 Jan. 18 Mar. 30 June 9 Nov. 6 Jan. 19 Mar. 31 June 10 Nov. 8 Jan. 20 Apr. 1 June 11 Nov. 9 Jan. 21 Apr. 2 June 13 Nov. 10 Jan. 22 Apr. 4 June 14 Nov. 11 Jan. 24 Apr. 5 June 15 Nov. 12 Jan. 25 Apr. 6 June 16 Nov. 13 Jan. 26 Apr. 7 June 17 Nov. 15 Jan. 27 Apr. 8 June 18 Nov. 16 Jan. 28 Apr. 9 June 20 Nov. 17 Jan. 29 Apr. 11 June 21 Nov. 18 Jan. 31 Apr. 12 June 22 Nov. 19 Feb. 1 Apr. 13 June 23 Nov. 20 Feb. 2 Apr. 14 June 24 Nov. 22 Feb. 3 Apr. 15 June 25 1034 Classification T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION— no. ^, - Continued T9.8 : Statement of Treasury- -Continued (date) Statement of condition of Treasury and receipts and ex penditureg Government — Continued 1898, June 27 1898, Sept. 8 1898, Nov. 17 1899, Jan. 30 June 28 Sept. 9 Nov. 18 Jan. 31 June 29 Sept. 10 Nov. 19 Feb. 1 June 30 Sept. 12 Nov. 21 Feb. 2 July 2 Sept. 13 Nov. 22 Feb. 3 July 5 Sept. 14 Nov. 23 Feb. 4 July 6 Sept. 15 Nov. 25 Feb. 6 July 7 Sept. 16 Nov. 26 Feb. 7 July 8 Sept. 17 Nov. 28 Feb. 8 July 9 Sept. 19 Nov. 29 Feb. 9 July 11 Sept. 20 Nov. 30 Feb. 10 July 12 Sept. 21 Dec. 1 Feb. 11 July 13 Sept. 22 Dec. 2 Feb. 13 :/ July 14 Sept. 23 Dec. 3 Feb. 14 July 15 Sept. 24 Dec. 5 Feb. 15 July 16 Sept. 26 Dec. 6 Feb. 16 July 18 Sept. 27 Dec. 7 Feb. 17 July 19 Sept. 28 Dec. 8 Feb. 18 July 20 Sept. 29 Dec. 9 Feb. 20 July 21 Sept. 30 Dec. 10 Feb. 21 July 22 Oct. 1 Dec. 12 Feb. 23 July 23 Oct. 3 Dec. 13 Feb. 2^ July 25 Oct. 4 Dec. 14 Feb. 25 July 26 Oct. 5 Dec. 15 Feb. 27 July 27 Oct. 6 Dec. 16 Feb. 28 July 28 Oct. 7 Dec. 17 Mar. 1 July 29 Oct. 8 Dec. ]9 Mar. 2 July 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 20 Mar. 3 Aug. 1 Oct. 11 Dec. 21 Mar. 4 Aug. 2 Oct. 12 Dec. 22 Mar. 6 Aug. 3 Oct. 13 Dec. 23 Mar. 7 Aug. 4 Oct. 14 Dec. 24 Mar. 8 Aug. 5 Oct. 15 Dec. 27 Mar. 9 Aug. 6 Oct. 17 Dec. 28 Mar. 10 Aug. 8 Oct. 18 Dec. 29 Mar. 11 Aug. 9 Oct. 19 Dec. 30 Mar. 13 Aug. 10 Oct. 20 Dec. 31 Mar. 14 . ■ 1 ■'■ Aug. 11 Oct. 21 1899, Jan. 3 Mar. 15 Aug. 12 Oct. 22 Jan. 4 Mar. 16 Aug. 13 Oct. 24 Jan. 5 Mar. 17 ! Aug. 15 Oct. 25 Jan. 6 Mar. 18 ; Aug. 16 Oct. 26 Jan. 7 Mar. 20 Aug. 17 Oct. 27 Jan. 9 Mar. 21 Aug. 18 Oct. 28 Jan. 10 Mar. 22 Aug. 19 Oct. 29 Jan. 11 Mar. 23 Aug. 20 Oct. 31 Jan. 12 Mar. 24 Aug. 22 Nov. 1 Jan. 13 Mar. 25 1. Aug. 23 Nov. 2 Jan. 14 Mar. 27 1. Aug. 24 Nov. 3 Jan. 16 Mar. 28 Aug. 25 Nov. 4 Jan. 17 Mar. 29 Aug. 26 Nov. 5 Jan. 18 Mar. 30 Aug. 27 Nov. 7 Jan. 19 Mar. 31 Aug. 29 Nov. 8 Jan. 20 Apr. 1 Aug. 30 Nov. 9 Jan. 21 Apr. 3 ). Aug. 31 Nov. 10 Jan. 23 Apr. 4 Sept. 1 Nov. 11 Jan. 24 Apr. 5 Sept. 2 Nov. 12 Jan. 25 Apr. 6 Sept. 3 Nov. 14 Jan. 26 Apr. 7 Sept. 6 Nov. 15 Jan. 27 Apr. 8 Sept. 7 Nov. 16 Jan. 28 Apr. 10 1035 Claaslfloatlon T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION— Continued T9.8 : Statement of Treasury— Continued (date) Statement of condition of Treasury and receipts and expenditures of Government — Continued 1899, Apr. 11 1899, June 21 1899, Sept. 1 1899, Nov. 11 Apr. 12 June 22 Sept. 2 Nov. 13 Apr. 13 June 23 Sept. 5 Nov. 14 Apr. 14 June 24 Sept. 6 Nov. 15 Apr. 15 June 26 Sept. 7 Nov. 16 Apr. 17 Juno 27 Sept. 8 Nov. 17 Apr. 18 June 28 Sept. 9 Nov. 18 Apr. 19 June 29 Sept. 11 Nov. 20 Apr. 20 June 30 Sept. 12 Nov. 21 Apr. 21 July 3 Sept. 13 Nov. 22 Apr. 22 July 5 Sept. 14 Nov. 23 Apr. 24 July 6 Sept. 15 Nov. 24 Apr. 25 July 7 Sept. 16 Nov. 25 Apr. 26 July 8 Sept. 18 Nov. 27 Apr. 27 July 10 Sept. 19 Nov. 28 Apr. 28 July 11 Sept. 20 Nov. 29 Apr. 29 July 12 Sept. 21 Dec. 1 May 1 July 13 Sept. 22 Dec. 2 May 2 July 14 Sept. 23 Dec. 4 May 3 July 15 Sept. 25 Dec. 5 May 4 July 17 Sept. 26 Dec. 6 May 5 July 18 Sept. 27 Dec. 7 May 6 July 19 Sept. 28 Dec. 8 May 8 July 20 Sept. 29 Dec. 9 May 9 July 21 • Sept. 30 Dec. 11 May 10 July 22 Oct. 2 Dec. 12 May 11 July 24 Oct. 3 Dec. 13 May 12 July 25 Oct. 4 Dec. 14 May 13 July 26 Oct. 5 Dec. 15 May 15 July 27 Oct. 6 Dec. 16 May 16 July 28 Oct. 7 Dec. 18 May 17 July 29 Oct. 9 Dec. 19 May 18 July 31 Oct. 10 Dec. 20 May 19 Aug. 1 Oct. 11 Dec. 21 May 20 Aug. 2 Oct. 12 Dec. 22 May 22 Aug. 3 Oct. 13 Dec. 23 May 23 Aug. 4 Oct. 14 Dec. 26 May 24 Aug. 5 Oct. 16 Dec. 27 May 25 Aug. 7 Oct. 17 Dec. 28 May 26 Aug. 8 Oct. 18 Dec. 29 May 27 Aug. 9 Oct. 19 Dec. 30 May 29 Aug. 10 Oct. 20 1900, Jan. 2 May 31 Aug. 11 Oct. 21 Jan. 3 June 1 Aug. 12 Oct. 23 Jan. 4 June 2 Aug. 14 Oct. 24 Jan. 5 June 3 Aug. 15 Oct. 25 Jan. 6 June 5 Aug. 16 Oct. 26 Jan. 8 June 6 Aug. 17 Oct. 27 Jan. 9 June 7 Aug. 18 Oct. 28 Jan. 10 June 8 Aug. 19 Oct. 30 Jan. 11 June 9 Aug. 21 Oct. 31 Jan. 12 June 10 Aug. 22 Nov. 1 Jan. 13 June 12 Aug. 23 Nov. 2 Jan. -15 June 13 Aug. 24 Nov. 3 Jan. 16 June 14 Aug. 25 Nov. 4 Jan. 17 June 15 Aug. 26 Nov. 6 Jan. 18 June 16 Aug. 28 Nov. 7 Jan. 19 June 17 Aug. 29 Nov. 8 Jan. 20 June 19 Aug. 30 Nov. 9 Jan. 22 June 20 Aug. 31 Nov. 10 Jan. 23 1036 Ciassj^flcation T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION- Continued T9.8: Statement of Treasury— Continued (date) Statement of condition of Treasury and receipts and expenditures of Government — Continued 1900, Jan. 24 1900, Feb. 6 1900, Feb. 19 1900, Mar. 5 Jan. 25 Feb. 7 Feb. 20 Mar. 6 Jan. 26 Feb. 8 Feb. 21 Mar. 7 Jan. 27 Feb. 9 Feb. 23 Mar. 8 Jan. 29 Feb. 10 Feb. 24 Mar. 9 Jan. 30 Feb. 12 Feb. 26 Mar. 10 Jan. 31 Feb. 13 Feb. 27 Mar. 12 Feb. 1 Feb. 14 Feb. 28 Mar. 13 Feb. 2 Feb. 15 Mar. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 16 Mar. 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 17 Mar. 3 Statement of Treasury 1900, Mar. 14 1900, May 9 1900, July 7 1900, Sept. 1 Mar. 15 May 10 July 9 Sept. 4 Mar. 16 May 11 July 10 Sept. 5 Mar. 17 May 12 July 11 Sept. 6 Mar. 19 May 14 July 12 Sept. 7 Mar. 20 May 15 July 13 Sept. 8 Mar. 21 May 16 July 14 Sept. 10 Mar. 22 May 17 July 16 Sept. 11 Mar. 23 May 18 July 17 Sept. 12 Mar. 24 May 19 July 18 Sept. 13 Mar. 26 May 21 July 19 Sept. 14 Mar. 27 May 22 July 20 Sept. 15 Mar. 28 • May 23 July 21 Sept. 17 Mar. 29 May 24 July 23 Sept. 18 Mar. 30 May 25 July 24 Sept. 19 Mar. 31 May 26 July 25 Sept. 20 Apr. 2 May 28 July 26 Sept. 21 Apr. 3 May 29 July 27 Sept. 22 Apr. 4 May 31 July 28 Sept. 24 Apr. 5 June 1 July 30 Sept. 25 Apr. 6 June 2 July 31 Sept. 26 Apr. 7 June 4 Aug. 1 Sept. 27 Apr. 9 June 5 Aug. 2 Sept. 28 Apr. 10 June 6 Aug. 3 Sept. 29 Apr. 11 June 7 Aug. 4 Oct. 1 Apr. 12 June 8 Aug. 6 Oct. 2 Apr. 13 June 9 Aug. 7 Oct. 3 Apr. 14 June 11 Aug. 8 Oct. 4 Apr. 16 June 12 Aug. 9 Oct. 5 Apr. 17 June 13 Aug. 10 Oct. 6 Apr. 18 June 14 Aug. 11 Oct. 8 Apr. 19 June 15 Aug. 13 Oct. 9 Apr. 20 June 16 Aug. 14 Oct. 10 Apr. 21 June 18 Aug. 15 Oct. 11 Apr. 23 June 19 Aug. 16 Oct. 12 Apr. 24 June 20 Aug. 17 Oct. 13 Apr. 25 June 21 Aug. 18 Oct. 15 Apr. 26 June 22 Aug. 20 Oct. 16 Apr. 27 June 23 Aug. 21 Oct. 17 Apr. 28 June 25 Aug. 22 Oct. 18 Apr. May 30 June 26 Aug. 23 Oct. 19 1 June 27 Aug. 24 Oct. 20 May 2 June 28 Aug. 25 Oct. 22 May 3 June 29 Aug. 27 Oct. 23 May 4 June 30 Aug. 28 Oct. 24 May 5 July 3 Aug. 29 Oct. 25 May 7 July 5 Aug. 30 Oct. 26 May 8 July 6 Aug. 31 Oct. 27 1037 CUMifleatloA TJ>. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION— (date) Continued Statement of Treasury- -Continued 1900, Oct. 29 1901, Jan. 14 1901, Mar. 29 190 l,June 12 Oct. 30 Jan. 15 Mar. 30 June 13 Oct. 31 Jan. 16 Apr. 1 June 14 Nov. 1 Jan. 17 Apr. 2 June 15 Nov. 2 Jan. 18 Apr. 3 June 17 Nov. 3 Jan. 19 Apr. 4 June 18 Nov. 5 Jan. 21 Apr. 5 June 19 Nov. 6 Jan. 22 Apr. 6 June 20 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 Apr. 8 June 21 Nov. 8 Jan. 24 Apr. 9 June 22 Nov. 9 Jan. 25 Apr. 10 June 24 Nov. 10 Jan. 26 Apr. 11 June 25 Nov. 12 Jan. 28 Apr. 12 June 26 Nov. 13 Jan. 29 Apr. 13 June 27 Nov. 14 Jan. 30 Apr. 15 June 28 Nov. 15 Jan. 31 Apr. 16 June 29 Nov. 16 Feb. 1 Apr. 17 July 2 Nov. 17 Feb. 2 Apr. 18 July 3 Nov. 19 Feb. 4 Apr. 19 July 5 Nov. 20 Feb. 5 Apr. 20 July 6 Nov. 21 Feb. 6 Apr. 22 July 8 Nov. 22 Feb. 7 Apr. 23 July 9 Nov. 23 Feb. 8 Apr. 24 July 10 Nov. 24 Feb. 9 Apr. 25 July 11 Nov. 26 Feb. 11 Apr. 26 July 12 Nov. 27 Feb. 12 Apr. 27 July 13 Nov. 28 Feb. 13 Apr. 29 July 15 Nov. 30 Feb. 14 Apr. May 30 July 16 Dec. 1 Feb. 15 1 July 17 Dec. 3 Feb. 16 May 2 July 18 Dec. 4 Feb. 18 IVlay 3 July 19 Dec. 5 Feb. 19 May 4 July 20 Dec. 6 Feb. 20 May 6 July 22 Dec. 7 Feb. 21 May 7 July 23 Dec. 8 Feb. 23 May 8 July 24 Dec. 10 Feb. 25 May 9 July 25 Dec. 11 Feb. 26 May 10 July 26 Dec. 12 Feb. 27 May 11 July 27 Dec. 13 Feb. 28 May 13 July 29 Dec. 14 Mar. 1 May 14 July 30 Dec. 15 Max. 2 May 15 July 31 Dec. 17 Mar. 4 May 16 Aug. 1 Dec. 18 Mar. 5 May 17 Aug. 2 Dec. 19 Mar. 6 May 18 Aug. 3 Dec. 20 Mar. 7 May 20 Aug. 5 Dec. 21 Mar. 8 May 21 Aug. 6 Dec. 22 Mar. 9 May 22 Aug. 7 Dec. 24 Mar. 11 May 23 Aug. 8 Dec. 26 Mar. 12 May 24 Aug. 9 Dec. 27 Mar. 13 May 25 Aug. 10 Dec. 28 Mar. 14 May 27 Aug. 12 Dec. 29 Mar. 15 May 28 Aug. 13 Dec. 31 Mar. 16 May 29 Aug. 14 1901, Jan. 2 Mar. 18 May 31 Aug. 15 Jan. 3 Mar. 19 June 1 Aug. 16 Jan. 4 Mar. 20 June 3 Aug. 17 Jan. 5 Mar. 21 June 4 Aug. 19 Jan. 7 Mar. 22 June 5 Aug. 20 Jan. 8 Mar. 23 June 6 Aug. 21 Jan. 9 Mar. 25 June 7 Aug. 22 Jan. 10 Mar. 26 June 8 Aug. 23 Jan. 11 Mar. 27 June 10 Aug. 24 Jan. 12 Mar. 28 June 11 Aug. 26 1038 Classification T9. BOOKKEEPINa AND WARRANTS DIVISION- Continued (date) Statement of Treasury- -Continued 1901, Aug. 27 1901, Nov. 9 1902, Jan. 25 1902, Apr. 10 Aug. 28 Nov. 11 Jan. 27 Apr. 11 Aug. 29 Nov. 12 Jan. 28 Apr. 12 Aug. 30 Nov. 13 Jan. 29 Apr. 14 Aug. 31 Nov. 14 Jan. 30 Apr. 15 Sept. 3 Nov. 15 Jan. 31 Apr. 16 Sept. 4 Nov. 16 Feb. 1 Apr. 17 Sept. 5 Nov. 18 Feb. 3 Apr. 18 Sept. 6 Nov. 19 Feb. 4 Apr. 19 Sept. 7 Nov. 20 Feb. 5 Apr. 21 Sept. 9 Nov. 21 Feb. 6 Apr. 22 Sept. 10 Nov. 22 Feb. 7 Apr. 23 Sept. 11 Nov. 23 Feb. 8 Apr. 24 Sept. 12 Nov. 25 Feb. 10 Apr. 25 Sept. 13 Nov. 26 Feb. 11 Apr. 26 Sept. 14 Nov. 27 Feb. 12 Apr. 28 Sept. 16 Nov. 29 Feb. 13 Apr. 29 Sept. 17 Nov. 30 Feb. 14 Apr. 30 Sept. 18 Dec. 2 Feb. 15 May 1 Sept. 19 Dec. 3 Feb. 17 * May 2 Sept. 20 Dec. 4 Feb. 18 * May 3 Sept. 21 Dec. 5 Feb. 19 * May 5 Sept. 23 Dec. 6 Feb. 20 May 6 Sept. 24 Dec. 7 Feb. 21 May 7 Sept. 25 Dec. 9 Feb. 24 May 8 Sept. 26 Dec. 10 Feb. 25 May 9 Sept. 27 Dec. 11 Feb. 26 May 10 Sept. 28 Dec. 12 Feb. 27 May 12 Sept. 30 Dec. 13 Feb. 28 May 13 Oct. 1 Dec. 14 Mar. 1 May 14 Oct. 2 Dec. 16 Mar. 3 May 15 Oct. 3 Dec. 17 Mar. 4 May 16 Oct. 4 Dec. 18 Mar. 5 May 17 Oct. 5 Dec. 19 Mar. 6 May 19 Oct. 7 Dec. 20 Mar. 7 May 20 Oct. 8 Dec. 21 Mar. 8 May 21 Oct. 9 Dec. 23 Mar. 10 May 22 Oct. 10 Dec. 24 Mar. 11 May 23 Oct. 11 Dec. 26 Mar. 12 May 24 Oct. 12 Dec. 27 Mar. 13 May 26 Oct. 14 Dec. 28 Mar. 14 May 27 Oct. 15 Dec. 30 Mar. 15 May 28 Oct. 16 Dec. 31 Mar. 17 May 29 Oct. 17 1902, Jan. 2 Mar. 18 May 31 Oct. 18 Jan. 3 Mar. 19 June 2 Oct. 19 Jan. 4 Mar. 20 June 3 Oct. 21 Jan. 6 Mar. 21 June 4 Oct. 22 Jan. 7 Mar. 22 June 5 Oct. 23 Jan. 8 Mar. 24 June 6 Oct. 24 Jan. 9 Mar. 25 June 7 Oct. 25 Jan. 10 Mar. 26 June 9 Oct. 26 Jan. 11 Mar. 27 June 10 Oct. 28 Jan. 13 Mar. 28 June 11 Oct. 29 Jan. 14 Mar. 29 June 12 Oct. 30 Jan. 15 Mar. 31 June 13 Oct. 31 Jan. 16 Apr. 1 June 14 Nov. 1 Jan. 17 Apr. 2 June 16 Nov. 2 Jan. 18 Apr. 3 June 17 Nov. 4 Jan. 20 Apr. 4 June 18 Nov. 5 Jan. 21 Apr. 5 June 19 Nov. 6 Jan. 22 Apr. 7 June 20 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 Apr. 8 June 21 Nov. 8 Jan. 24 Apr. 9 June 23 io:59 CUwiflcAtlon T}>. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION— (date) Continued Ltement of Treasury- -Continued ,June 24 1902, Sept. 9 1902, Nov. 21 Juno 25 Sept. 10 Nov. 22 Juno 26 Sept. 11 Nov. 24 Juno 27 Sept. 12 Nov. 25 Juno 28 Sept. 13 Nov. 26 June 30 Sept. 15 Nov. 28 July 2 Sept. 16 Nov. 29 July 3 Sept. 17 Dec. 1 July 5 Sept. 18 Dec. 2 July 7 Sept. 19 Dec. 3 July 8 Sept. 20 Dec. 4 July 9 Sept. 22 Dec. 5 July 10 Sept. 23 Dec. 6 July 11 Sept. 24 Dec. 8 July 12 Sept. 25 Dec. 9 July 14 Sept. 26 Dec. 10 July 15 Sept. 27 Dec. 11 July 16 Sept. 29 Dec. 12 July 17 Sept. 30 Dec. 13 July 18 Oct. 1 Dec. 15 July 19 Oct. 2 Dec. 16 July 21 Oct. 3 Dec. 17 July 22 Oct. 4 Dec. 18 July 23 Oct. 6 Dec. 19 July 24 Oct. 7 Dec. 20 July 25 Oct. 8 * Dec. 22 July 26 Oct. 9 Dec. 23 July 28 Oct. 10 Dec. 24 July 29 Oct. 11 Dec. 26 July 30 Oct. 13 Dec. 27 July 31 Oct. 14 Dec. 29 Aug. 1 Oct. 15 Dec. 30 Aug. 2 Oct. 16 Dec. 31 Aug. 4 Oct. 17 1903, Jan. 2 Aug. 5 Oct. 18 Jan. 3 Aug. 6 Oct. 20 Jan. 5 Aug. 7 Oct. 21 Jan. 6 Aug. 8 Oct. 22 Jan. 7 Aug. 9 Oct. 23 Jan. 8 Aug. 11 Oct. 24 Jan. 9 Aug. 12 Oct. 25 Jan. 10 Aug. 13 Oct. 27 Jan. 12 Aug. 14 Oct. 28 Jan. 13 Aug. 15 Oct. 29 Jan. 14 Aug. 16 Oct. 30 Jan. 15 Aug. 18 Oct. 31 Jan. 16 Aug. 19 Nov. 1 Jan. 17 Aug. 20 Nov. 3 Jan. 19 Aug. 21 Nov. 4 Jan. 20 Aug. 22 Nov. 5 Jan. 21 Aug. 23 Nov. 6 Jan. 22 Aug. 25 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 Aug. 26 Nov. 8 Jan. 24 Aug. 27 Nov. 10 Jan. 26 Aug. 28 Nov. 11 Jan. 27 Aug. 29 Nov. 12 Jan. 28 Aug. 30 Nov. 13 Jan. 29 Sept. 2 Nov. 14 Jan. 30 Sept. 3 Nov. 15 Jan. 31 Sept. 4 Nov. 17 Feb. 2 Sept. 5 Nov. 18 Feb. 3 Sept. 6 Nov. 19 Feb. 4 Sept. 8 Nov. 20 Feb. 5 1903, Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 24 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Mar. 2 Mar. 3 Mar. 4 Mar. 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 7 Mar. 9 Mar. 10 Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 13 Mar. 14 Mar. 16 Mar. 17 Mar. 18 Mar. 19 Mar. 20 Mar. 21 Mar. 23 Mar. 24 Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Mar. 30 Mar. 31 Apr. 1 Apr. 2 Apr. 3 Apr. 4 Apr. 6 Apr. 7 Apr. 8 Apr. 9 Apr. 10 Apr. 11 Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. 15 Apr, 16 Apr. 17 Apr. 18 Apr. 20 Apr. 21 1040 Classmcatlon T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION- Continued (date) Statement of Treasury- -Continued 1903, Apr. 22 1903, July 8 1903, Sept. 21 1903, Dec. 4 Apr. 23 July 9 Sept. 22 Dec. 5 Apr. 24 July 10 Sept. 23 Dec. 7 Apr. 25 July 11 Sept. 24 Dec. 8 Apr. 27 July 13 Sept. 25 Dec. 9 Apr. 28 July 14 Sept. 26 Dec. 10 Apr. 29 July 15 Sept. 28 Dec. 11 Apr. Mky 30 July 16 Sept. 29 Dec. 12 1 July 17 Sept. 30 Dec. 14 May 2 July 18 Oct. 1 Dec. 15 May 4 July 20 Oct. 2 Dec. 16 May 5 July 21 Oct. 3 Dec. 17 May 6 July 22 Oct. 5 Dec. 18 May 7 July 23 Oct. 6 Dec. 19 May 8 July 24 Oct. 7 Dec. 21 May 9 July 25 Oct. 8 Dec. 22 May 11 July 27 Oct. 9 Dec. 23 May 12 July 28 Oct. 10 Dec. 24 May 13 July 29 Oct. 12 Dec. 26 May 14 July 30 Oct. 13 Dec. 28 May 15 July 31 Oct. 14 Dec. 29 May 16 Aug. . 1 Oct. 15 Dec. 30 May 18 Aug. 3 Oct. 16 Dec. 31 May 19 Aug. 4 Oct. 17 1904, Jan. 2 May 20 Aug. 5 Oct. 19 Jan. 4 May 21 Aug. 6 Oct. 20 Jan. 5 May 22 Aug. 7 Oct. 21 Jan. 6 May 23 Aug. 8 Oct. 22 Jan. 7 May 25 Aug. 10 Oct. 23 Jan. 8 May 26 Aug. 11 Oct. 24 Jan. 9 May 27 Aug. 12 Oct. 26 Jan. 11 May 28 Aug. 13 Oct. 27 Jan. 12 May 29 Aug. 14 Oct. 28 Jan. 13 June 1 Aug. 15 Oct. 29 Jan. 14 June 2 Aug. 17 Oct. 30 Jan. 15 June 3 Aug. 18 Oct. 31 Jan. 16 June 4 Aug. 19 Nov. 2 Jan. 18 June 5 Aug. 20 Nov. 3 Jan. 19 June 6 Aug. 21 Nov. 4 Jan. 20 June 8 Aug. 22 Nov. 5 Jan. 21 June 9 Aug. 24 Nov. 6 Jan, 22 June 10 Aug. 25 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 June 11 Aug. 26 Nov. 9 Jan. 25 June 12 Aug. 27 Nov. 10 Jan. 26 June 13 Aug. 28 Nov. 11 Jan. 27 June 15 Aug. 29 Nov. 12 Jan. 28 June 16 Aug. 31 Nov. 13 Jan. 29 June 17 Sept. 1 Nov. 14 Jan. 30 June 18 Sept. 2 Nov. 16 Feb. 1 June 19 Sept. 3 Nov. 17 Feb. 2 June 20 Sept. 4 Nov. 18 Feb. 3 June 22 Sept. 5 Nov. 19 Feb. 4 June 23 Sept. 8 Nov. 20 Feb. 5 June 24 Sept. 9 Nov. 21 Feb. 6 June 25 Sept. 10 Nov. 23 Feb. 8 June 26 Sept. 11 Nov. 24 Feb. 9 June 27 Sept. 12 Nov. 25 Feb. 10 June 29 Sept. 14 Nov. 27 Feb. 11 June 30 Sept. 15 Nov. 28 Feb. 12 July 2 Sept. 16 Nov. 30 Feb. 13 July 3 Sept. 17 Dec. 1 Feb. 15 July 6 Sept. 18 Dec. 2 Feb. 16 July 7 Sept. 19 Dec. 3 Feb. 17 1041 (lawclfloatlon Tl). BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION- Continued ro.S: Statement of Treasury- -Continued (date) 1904, Fob. 18 1904, May 3 1904, July 19 1904, Oct. 1 Fob. 19 May 4 July 20 Oct. 3 Feb. 20 May 5 July 21 Oct. 4 P>b. 23 May 6 July 22 Oct. 5 Feb. 24 May 7 July 23 Oct. 6 Feb. 25 May 9 July 25 Oct. 7 Feb. 26 May 10 July 26 Oct. 8 Feb. 27 May 11 July 27 Oct. 10 Feb. 29 May 12 July 28 Oct. 11 Mar. 1 May 13 July 29 Oct. 12 Mar. 2 May 14 July 30 Oct. 13 Mar. 3 May 16 Aug. 1 Oct. 14 Mar. 4 May 17 Aug. 2 Oct. 15 Mar. 5 May 18 Aug. 3 Oct. 17 Mar. 7 May 19 Aug. 4 Oct. 18 Mar. 8 May 20 Aug. 5 Oct. 19 Mar. 9 May 21 Aug. 6 Oct. 20 Mar. 10 May 23 Aug. 8 Oct. 21 Mar. 11 May 24 Aug. 9 Oct. 22 Mar. 12 May 25 Aug. 10 Oct. 24 ■'■ Mar. 14 May 26 Aug. 11 Oct. 25 Mar. 15 May 27 Aug. 12 Oct. 26 Mar. 16 May 28 Aug. 13 Oct. 27 Mar. 17 May 31 Aug. 15 Oct. 28 /. Mar. 18 June 1 Aug. 16 Oct. 29 '' Mar. 19 June 2 Aug. 17 Oct. 31 Mar. 21 June 3 Aug. 18 Nov. 1 Mar. 22 June 4 Aug. 19 Nov. 2 Mar. 23 June 6 Aug. 20 Nov. 3 Mar. 24 June 7 Aug. 22 Nov. 4 Mar. 25 June 8 Aug. 23 Nov. 5 Mar. 26 June 9 Aug. 24 Nov. 7 Mar. 28 June 10 Aug. 25 Nov. 8 Mar. 29 June 11 Aug. 26 Nov. 9 Mar. 30 June 13 Aug. 27 Nov. 10 Mar. 31 June 14 Aug. 29 Nov. 11 Apr. 1 June 15 Aug. 30 Nov. 12 Apr. 2 June 16 Aug. 31 Nov. 14 Apr. 4 June 17 Sept. 1 Nov. 15 Apr. 5 June 18 Sept. 2 Nov. 16 Apr. 6 June 20 Sept. 3 Nov. 17 Apr. 7 June 21 Sept. 6 Nov. 18 Apr. 8 June 22 Sept. 7 Nov. 19 Apr. 9 June 23 Sept. 8 Nov. 21 Apr. 11 June 24 Sept. 9 Nov. 22 Apr. 12 June 25 Sept. 10 Nov. 23 Apr. 13 June 27 Sept. 12 Nov. 25 Apr. 14 June 28 Sept. 13 Nov. 26 Apr. 15 June 29 Sept. 14 Nov. 28 Apr. 16 June 30 Sept. 15 Nov. 29 Apr. 18 July 2 Sept. 16 Nov. 30 Apr. 19 July 5 Sept. 17 Dec. 1 Apr. 20 July 6 Sept. 19 Dec. 2 Apr. 21 July 7 Sept. 20 Dec. 3 Apr. 22 July 8 Sept. 21 Dec. 5 Apr. 23 July 9 Sept. 22 Dec. 6 > Apr. 25 July 11 Sept. 23 Dec. 7 Apr. 26 July 12 Sept. 24 Dec. 8 Apr. 27 July 13 Sept. 26 Dec. 9 Apr. 28 Julv 14 Sept. 27 Dec. 10 ' Apr.- 29 July 15 Sept. 28 Dec. 12 ' Apr. 30 July 16 Sept. 29 Dec. 13 May 2 July 18 Sept. 30 Dec. 14 82452°- -11 66 1042 Classification T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION- no* Continued (date) Statem ent of Treasury- -Continued 1904, Dec. 15 1905, Mar. 2 1905, May 15 1905 ,July 31 Dec. 16 Mar. 3 May 16 Aug. 1 Dec. 17 Mar. 4 May 17 Aug. 2 Dec. 19 Mar. 6 May 18 Aug. 3 Dec. 20 Mar. 7 May 19 Aug. 4 Dec. 21 Mar. 8 May 20 Aug. 5 Dec. 22 Mar. 9 May 22 Aug. 7 Dec. 23 Mar. 10 May 23 Aug. 8 Dec. 24 Mar. 11 May 24 Aug. 9 Dec. 27 Mar. 13 May 25 Aug. 10 Dec. 28 Mar. 14 May 26 Aug. 11 Dec. 29 Mar. 15 May 27 Aug. 12 Dec. 30 Mar. 16 May 29 Aug. 14 Dec. 31 Mar. 17 May 31 Aug. 15 1905, Jan. 3 Mar. 18 June 1 Aug. 16 Jan. 4 Mar. 20 June 2 Aug. 17 Jan. 5 Mar. 21 June 3 Aug. 18 Jan. 6 Mar. 22 June 5 Aug. 19 Jan. 7 Mar. 23 June 6 Aug. 21 Jan. 9 Mar. 24 June 7 Aug. 22 Jan. 10 Mar. 25 June 8 Aug. 23 Jan. 11 Mar. 27 June 9 Aug. 24 Jan. 12 Mar. 28 June 10 Aug. 25 Jan. 13 Mar. 29 June 12 Aug. 26 Jan. 14 Mar. 30 June 13 Aug. 28 Jan. 16 Mar. 31 June 14 Aug. 29 Jan. 17 Apr. 1 June 15 Aug. 30 Jan. 18 Apr. 3 June 16 Aug. 31 Jan. 19 Apr. 4 June 17 Sept. 1 Jan. 20 Apr. 5 June 19 Sept. 2 Jan. 21 Apr. 6 June 20 Sept. 5 Jan. 23 Apr. 7 June 21 Sept. 6 Jan. 24 Apr. 8 June 22 Sept. 7 Jan. 25 Apr. 10 June 23 Sept. 8 Jan. 26 Apr. 11 June 24 Sept. 9 Jan. 27 Apr. 12 June 26 Sept. 11 Jan. 28 Apr. 13 June 27 Sept. 12 Jan. 30 Apr. 14 June 28 Sept. 13 Jan. 31 Apr. 15 June 29 Sept. 14 Feb. 1 Apr. 17 June 30 Sept. 15 Feb. 2 Apr. 18 July 3 Sept. 16 Feb. 3 Apr. 19 July 5 * Sept. 18 Feb. 4 Apr. 20 July 6 Sept. 19 Feb. 6 Apr. 21 July 7 Sept. 20 Feb. 7 Apr. 22 July 8 Sept. 21 Feb. 8 Apr. 24 July 10 Sept. 22 Feb. 9 Apr. 25 July 11 Sept. 23 Feb. 10 Apr. 26 July 12 Sept. 25 Feb. 11 Apr. 27 July 13 Sept. 26 Feb. 13 Apr. 28 July 14 Sept. 27 Feb. 14 Apr. 29 July 15 Sept. 28 Feb. 15 May 1 July 17 Sept. 29 Feb. 16 May 2 July 18 Sept. 30 Feb. 17 May 3 July 19 Oct. 2 Feb. 18 May 4 July 20 Oct. 3 Feb. 20 May 5 July 21 Oct. 4 Feb. 21 May 6 July 22 Oct. 5 Feb. 23 May 8 July 24 Oct. 6 Feb. 24 May 9 July 25 Oct. 7 Feb. 25 May 10 July 26 Oct. 9 Feb. 27 May 11 July 27 Oct. 10 Feb. 28 May 12 July 28 Oct. 11 Mar. 1 May 13 July 29 Oct. 12 1043 Cl»»iflrfttioB TJ). BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVI8ION- ""• Continued T9.8 : Statement of Treasury— Continued (date) 1905, Oct. 13 1905, Doc. 28 1906, Mar. 14 1906 »,May 26 Oct. 14 Dec. 29 Mar. 15 May 28 Oct. 16 Dec. 30 Mar. 16 May 29 Oct. 17 1906, Jan. 2 Mar. 17 May 3i Oct. 18 Jan. 3 Mar. 19 June 1 Oct. 19 Jan. 4 Mar. 20 June 2 Oct. 20 Jan. 5 Mar. 21 June 4 Oct. 21 Jan 6 Mar. 22 June 5 Oct. 23 Jan. 8 Mar. 23 June 6 Oct. 24 Jan. 9 Mar. 24 June 7 Oct. 25 Jan. 10 Mar. 26 June 8 Oct. 26 Jan. 11 Mar. 27 June 9 Oct. 27 Jan. 12 Mar. 28 June 11 Oct. 28 Jan. 13 Mar. 29 June 12 Oct. 30 Jan. 15 Mar. 30 June 13 Oct. 31 Jan. 16 Mar. 31 June 14 Nov. 1 Jan. 17 Apr. 2 June 15 Nov. 2 Jan. 18 Apr. 3 June 16 Nov. 3 Jan. 19 Apr. 4 June 18 Nov. 4 Jan. 20 Apr. 5 June 19 Nov. 6 Jan. 22 Apr. 6 June 20 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 Apr. 7 June 21 Nov. .8 Jan. 24 Apr. 9 June 22 Nov. 9 Jan. 25 Apr. 10 June 23 Nov. 10 Jan. 26 Apr. 11 June 25 Nov. 11 Jan. 27 Apr. 12 June 26 Nov. 13 Jan. 29 Apr. 13 June 27 Nov. 14 Jan. 30 Apr. 14 June 28 Nov. 15 Jan. 31 Apr. 16 June 29 Nov. 16 Feb. 1 Apr. 17 June 30 Nov. 17 Feb. 2 Apr. 18 July 3 Nov. 18 Feb. 3 Apr. 19 July 5 Nov. 20 Feb. 5 Apr. 20 July 6 Nov. 21 Feb. 6 Apr. 21 July 7 Nov. 22 Feb. 7 Apr. 23 July 9 Nov. 23 Feb. 8 Apr. 24 July 10 Nov. 24 Feb. 9 Apr. 25 July 11 Nov. 25 Feb. 10 Apr. 26 July 12 Nov. 27 Feb. 12 Apr. 27 July 13 Nov. 28 Feb. 13 Apr. 28 July 14 Nov. 29 Feb. 14 Apr. May 30 July 16 Dec. 1 Feb. 15 1 July 17 Dec. 2 Feb. 16 May 2 July 18 Dec. 4 Feb. 17 May 3 July 19 Dec. 5 Feb. 19 May 4 July 20 Dec. 6 Feb. 20 May 5 July 21 Dec. 7 Feb. 21 May 7 July 23 Dec. 8 Feb. 23 May 8 July 24 Dec. 9 Feb. 24 May 9 ■ July 25 Dec. 11 Feb. 26 May 10 July 26 Dec. 12 Feb. 27 May 11 July 27 Dec. 13 Feb. 28 May 12 July 28 Dec. 14 Mar. 1 May 14 July 30 Dec. 15 Mar. 2 May 15 July 31 Dec. 16 Mar. 3 May 16 Aug. 1 Dec. 18 Mar. 5 May 17 Aug. 2 Dec. 19 Mar. 6 May 18 Aug. 3 Dec. 20 Mar. 7 May 19 Aug. 4 Dec. 21 Mar. 8 May 21 Aug. 6 Dec. 22 Mar. 9 May 22 Aug. 7 Dec. 23 Mar. 10 May 23 Aug. 8 Dec. 26 Mar. 12 May 24 Aug. 9 Dec. 27 Mar. 13 May 25 Aug. 10 1044 Classification T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION- no. Continued T9.8: Statement of Treasury — Continued (date) 1906, Aug. 11 1906, Oct. 25 1907, Jan. 10 1907, Mar. 26 Aug. 13 Oct. 26 Jan. 11 Mar. 27 Aug. 14 Oct. 27 Jan. 12 Mar. 28 Aug. 15 Oct. 29 Jan. 14 Mar. 29 Aug. 16 Oct. 30 Jan. 15 Mar. 30 Aug. 17 Oct. 31 Jan. 16 Apr. 1 Aug. 18 Nov. 1 Jan. 17 Apr. 2 Aug. 20 Nov. 2 Jan. 18 Apr. 3 Aug. 21 Nov. 3 Jan. 19 Apr. 4 Aug. 22 Nov. 5 Jan. 21 Apr. 5 Aug. 23 Nov. 6 Jan. 22 Apr. 6 Aug. 24 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 Apr. 8 Aug. 25 Nov. 8 Jan. 24 Apr. 9 Aug. 27 Nov. 9 Jan. 25 Apr. 10 Aug. 28 Nov. 10 Jan. 26 Apr. 11 Aug. 29 Nov. 12 Jan. 28 Apr. 12 Aug. 30 Nov. 13 Jan. 29 Apr. 13 Aug. 31 Nov. 14 Jan. 30 Apr. 15 Sept. 1 Nov. 15 Jan. 31 Apr. 16 Sept. 4 Nov. 16 Feb. 1 Apr. 17 Sept. 5 Nov. 17 Feb. 2 Apr. 18 Sept. 6 Nov. 19 Feb. 4 Apr. 19 Sept. 7 Nov. 20 Feb. 5 Apr. 20 Sept. 8 Nov. 21 Feb. 6 Apr. 22 Sept. 10 Nov. 22 Feb. 7 Apr. 23 Sept. 11 Nov. 23 Feb. 8 Apr. 24 Sept. 12 Nov. 24 Feb. 9 Apr. 25 Sept. 13 Nov. 26 Feb. 11 Apr. 26 Sept. 14 Nov. 27 Feb. 12 Apr. 27 Sept. 15 Nov. 28 Feb. 13 Apr. 29 Sept. 17 Nov. 30 Feb. 14 Apr. 30 Sept. 18 Dec. 1 Feb. 15 May 1 Sept. 19 Dec. 3 Feb. 16 May 2 Sept. 20 Dec. 4 Feb. 18 May 3 Sept. 21 Dec. 5 Feb. 19 May 4 Sept. 22 Dec. 6 Feb. 20 May 6 Sept. 24 Dec. 7 Feb. 21 May 7 Sept. 25 Dec. 8 Feb. 23 May 8 Sept. 26 Dec. 10 Feb. 25 May 9 Sept. 27 Dec. 11 Feb. 26 May 10 Sept. 28 Dec. 12 Feb. 27 May 11 Sept. 29 Dec. 13 Feb. 28 May 13 Oct. 1 Dec. 14 Mar. 1 May 14 Oct. 2 Dec. 15 Mar. 2 May 15 Oct. 3 Dec. 17 Mar. 4 May 16 Oct. 4 Dec. 18 Mar. 5 May 17 Oct. 5 Dec. 19 Mar. 6 May 18 Oct. 6 Dec. 20 Mar. 7 May 20 Oct. 8 Dec. 21 Mar. 8 May 21 Oct. 9 Dec. 22 Mar. 9 May 22 Oct. 10 Dec. 24 Mar. 11 May 23 Oct. 11 Dec. 26 Mar. 12 May 24 Oct. 12 Dec. 27 Mar. 13 May 25 Oct. 13 Dec. 28 Mar. 14 May 27 Oct. 15 Dec. 29 Mar. 15 May 28 Oct. 16 Dec. 31 Mar. 16 May 29 Oct. 17 1907, Jan. 2 Mar. 18 May 31 Oct. 18 Jan. 3 Mar. 19 June 1 Oct. 19 Jan. 4 Mar. 20 June "3 Oct. 20 Jan. 5 Mar. 21 June 4 Oct. 22 Jan. 7 Mar. 22 June 5 Oct. 23 Jan. 8 Mar. 23 June 6 Oct. 24 Jan. 9 Mar. 25 June 7 1045 CUsslflcation T9. BOOKKEEIUNG AND WARRANTS DIVI8ION- (date) Continued Statement of Treaaury- -Continued 1907, Juno 8 1907, Aug. 23 1907, Nov. 6 1908, Jan. 22 Juno 10 Aug. 24 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 June 11 Aug. 26 Nov. 8 Jan. 24 June 12 Aug. 27 Nov. 9 Jan. 25 June 13 Aug. 28 Nov. 11 Jan. 27 June 14 Aug. 29 Nov. 12 Jan. 28 June 15 Aug. 30 Nov. 13 Jan. 29 June 17 Aug. 31 Nov. 14 Jan. 30 June 18 Sept. 3 Nov. 15 Jan. 31 June 19 Sept. 4 Nov. 16 Feb. 1 June 20 Sept. 5 Nov. 18 Feb. 3 June 21 Sept. 6 Nov. 19 Feb. 4 June 22 Sept. 7 Nov. 20 Feb. 5 June 24 Sept. 9 Nov. 21 Feb. 6 June 25 Sept. 10 Nov. 22 Feb. 7 June 26 Sept. 11 Nov. 23 Feb. 8 June 27 Sept. 12 Nov. 25 Feb. 10 June 28 Sept. 13 Nov. 26 Feb. 11 June 29 Sept. 14 Nov. 27 Feb. 12 July 2 Sept. 16 Nov. 29 Feb. 13 July 3 Sept. 17 Nov. 30 Feb. 14 July 5 Sept. 18 Dec. 2 Feb. 15 July 6 Sept. 19 Dec. 3 Feb. 17 July 8 Sept. 20 Dec. 4 Feb. 18 July 9 Sept. 21 Dec. 5 Feb. 19 July 10 Sept. 23 Dec. 6 Feb. 20 July 11 Sept. 24 Dec. 7 Feb. 21 July 12 Sept. 25 Dec. 9 Feb. 24 July 13 Sept. 26 Dec. 10 Feb. 25 July 15 Sept. 27 Dec. 11 Feb. 26 July 16 Sept. 28 Dec. 12 Feb. 27 July 17 Sept. 30 Dec. 13 Feb. 28 July 18 Oct. 1 Dec. 14 Feb. 29 July 19 Oct. 2 Dec. 16 Mar. 2 July 20 Oct. 3 Dec. 17 Mar. 3 July 22 Oct. 4 Dec. 18 Mar. 4 July 23 Oct. 5 Dec. 19 Mar. 5 July 24 Oct. 7 Dec. 20 Mar. 6 July 25 Oct. 8 Dec. 21 Mar. 7 July 26 Oct. 9 Dec. 23 Mar. 9 July 27 Oct. 10 Dec. 24 Mar. 10 July 29 Oct. 11 Dec. 26 Mar. 11 July 30 Oct. 12 Dec. 27 Mar. 12 July 31 Oct. 14 Dec. 28 Mar. 13 Aug. 1 Oct. 15 Dec. 30 Mar. 14 Aug. 2 Oct. 16 Dec. 31 Mar. 16 Aug. 3 Oct. 17 1908, Jan. 2 Mar. 17 Aug. 5 Oct. 18 Jan. 3 Mar. 18 Aug. 6 Oct. 19 Jan. 4 Mar. 19 Aug. 7 Oct. 21 Jan. 6 Mar. 20 Aug. 8 Oct. 22 Jan. 7 Mar. 21 Aug. 9 Oct. 23 Jan. 8 Mar. 23 Aug. 10 Oct. 24 Jan. 9 Mar. 24 Aug. 12 Oct. 25 Jan. 10 Mar. 25 Aug. 13 Oct. 26 Jan. 11 Mar. 26 Aug. 14 Oct. 28 Jan. 13 Mar. 27 Aug. 15 Oct. 29 Jan. 14 Mar. 28 Aug. 16 Oct. 30 Jan. 15 Mar. 30 Aug. 17 Oct. 31 Jan. 16 Mar. 31 Aug. 19 Nov. 1 Jan. 17 Apr. 1 Aug. 20 Nov. 2 Jan. 18 Apr. 2 Aug. 21 Nov. 4 Jan. 20 Apr. 3 Aug. 22 Nov. 5 Jan. 21 Apr. 4 1046 Classification T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION- no. ^ . _ Continued (date) StatenK Bnt < 3f Treasury— Continued 1908, Apr. 6 1908, June 19 1908, Sept. 3 1908, Nov. 17 Apr. 7 June 20 Sept. 4 Nov. 18 Apr. 8 June 22 Sept. 5 Nov. 19 Apr. 9 June 23 Sept. 8 Nov. 20 Apr. 10 June 24 Sept. 9 Nov. 21 Apr. 11 June 25 Sept. 10 Nov. 23 Apr. 13 June 26 Sept. 11 Nov. 24 Apr. 14 June 27 Sept. 12 Nov. 25 Apr. 15 June 29 Sept. 14 Nov. 27 Apr. 16 June 30 Sept. 15 Nov. 28 Apr. 17 July 2 Sept. 16 Nov. 30 Apr. 18 July 3 Sept. 17 Dec. 1 Apr. 20 July 6 Sept. 18 Dec. 2 Apr. 21 July 7 Sept. 19 Dec. 3 Apr. 22 July 8 Sept. 21 Dec. 4 Apr. 23 July 9 Sept. 22 Dec. 5 Apr. 24 July 10 Sept. 23 Dec. 7 Apr. 25 July 11 Sept. 24 Dec. 8 Apr. 27 July 13 Sept. 25 Dec. 9 Apr. 28 July 14 Sept. 26 Dec. 10 Apr. 29 July 15 Sept. 28 Dec. 11 Apr. 30 July 16 Sept. 29 Dec. 12 May 1 July 17 Sept. 30 Dec. 14 May 2 July 18 Oct. 1 Dec. 15 May 4 July 20 Oct. 2 Dec. 16 May 5 July 21 Oct. 3 Dec. 17 May 6 July 22 Oct. 5 Dec. 18 May 7 July 23 Oct. 6 Dec. 19 May 8 July 24 Oct. 7 Dec. 21 May 9 July 25 Oct. 8 Dec. 22 May 11 July 27 Oct. 9 Dec. 23 May 12 July 28 Oct. 10 Dec. 24 May 13 July 29 Oct. 12 Dec. 26 May 14 July 30 Oct. 13 Dec. 28 May 15 July 31 Oct. 14 Dec. 29 May 16 Aug. 1 Oct. 15 Dec. 30 May 18 Aug. 3 Oct. 16 Dec. 31 May 19 Aug. 4 Oct. 17 190 9, Jan. 2 May 20 Aug. 5 Oct. 19 Jan. 4 May 21 Aug. 6 Oct. 20 Jan. 5 May 22 Aug. 7 Oct. 21 Jan. 6 May 23 Aug. 8 Oct. 22 Jan. 7 May 25 Aug. 10 Oct. 23 Jan. 8 May 26 Aug. 11 Oct. 24. Jan. 9 May 27 Aug. 12 Oct. 26 Jan. 11 May 28 Aug. 13 Oct. 27 Jan. 12 May 29 Aug. 14 Oct. 28 Jan. 13 June 1 Aug. 15 Oct. 29 Jan. 14 June 2 Aug. 17 Oct. 30 Jan. 15 June 3 Aug. 18 Oct. 31 Jan. 16 June 4 Aug. 19 Nov. 2 Jan. 18 June 5 Aug. 20 Nov. 3 Jan. 19 June 6 Aug. 21 Nov. 4 Jan. 20 June 8 Aug. 22 Nov. 5 Jan. 21 June 9 Aug. 24 Nov. 6 Jan. 22 June 10 Aug. 25 Nov. 7 Jan. 23 June 11 Aug. 26 Nov. 9 Jan. 25 June 12 Aug. 27 Nov. 10 Jan. 26 June 13 Aug. 28 Nov. 11 Jan. 27 June 15 Aug. 29 Nov. 12 Jan. 28 June 16 Aug. 31 Nov. 13 Jan. 29 June 17 Sept. 1 Nov. 14 Jan. 30 June 18 Sept. 2 Nov. 16 Feb. 1 1047 no. A .r, iyKJ\ jx\.r\ .luiuirxnKjt Continued Li.-^ X c; > X/X V xox^^x^ — T9.8: Statomont of Treasury— Continued . (date) 1909, Feb. 2 1909, Mar. 13 1909, Apr. 19 1909, May 25 Feb. 3 Mar. 15 Apr. 20 May 26 Feb. 4 Mar. 16 Apr. 21 May 27 Feb. 5 Mar. 17 Apr. 22 May 28 Feb. 6 Mar. 18 Apr. 23 May 29 Feb. 8 Mar. 19 Apr. 24 June 1 Feb. 9 Mar. 20 Apr. 26 June 2 Feb. 10 Mar. 22 Apr. 27 June 3 Feb. 11 Mar. 23 Apr. 28 June 4 Feb. 13 Mar. 24 Apr. 29 June 5 Feb. 15 Mar. 25 Apr. 30 June 7 Feb. 16 Mar. 26 May 1 June 8 Feb. 17. Mar. 27 May 3 June 9 Feb. 18 Mar. 29 May 4 June 10 Feb. 19 Mar. 30 May 5 June 11 Feb. 20 Mar. 31 May 6 June 12 Feb. 23 Apr. 1 May 7 June 14 Feb. 24 Apr. 2 May 8 June 15 Feb. 25 Apr. 3 May 10 June 16 Feb. 26 Apr. 5 May 11 June 17 Feb. 27 Apr. 6 May 12 June 18 Mar. 1 Apr. 7 May 13 June 19 Mar. 2 Apr. 8 May 14 June 21 Mar. 3 Apr. 9 May 15 June 22 Mar. 5 Apr. 10 May 17 June 23 Mar. 6 Apr. 12 May 18 June 24 Mar. 8 Apr. 13 May 19 June 25 Mar. 9 Apr. 14 May 20 June 26 Mar. 10 Apr. 15 May 21 June 28 Mar. 11 Apr. 16 May 22 June 29 Mar. 12 Apr. 17 May 24 See, for later numbers issued by Office of Secretary of Treasury, T1.5 T9.9: (date) Public debt and cash, in Treasury fo [Monthly.] [It is probable that there were monthly issues between May, 1865, and Mar. 1869 {see list below), but the Public Documents Library has no information oon- ceraing them.] Public debt of United States 1865, May 1871, Mar. 1873, Mar. 1875, Apr. 1869, Mar. Apr. May Apr. May Apr. May May June June June July June July July Aug. July Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Nov. Dec. Dec. 1876, Jan. Dec. 1872, Jan. 1874, Jan. Feb. 1870, Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. Mky June Mar. Apr. Apr. May Apr. May Muy June June July June July July Aug. July Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Nov. Dec. 1 Dec. 1877, Jan. Dec. Dec. 31 1875, Jan. Feb. 1871, Jan. 1873, Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Apr. 1048 Classification T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION- Continued T9.J): Public debt and casli In Treasury — Continued (date) Public debt of United States — Continued 1877, May 188C ,Sept. 1884, Jan. 1887, May June Oct. Feb. June July Nov. Mar. July Aug. Dec. Apr. May Aug. Sept. 1881, Jan. Sept. Oct. Feb. June Oct. Nov. Mar. July Nov. Dec. Apr. May Aug. Dec. 1878, Jan. Sept. 1888, Jan. Feb. June Oct. Feb. Mar. July Nov. Mar. Apr. May Aug. Sept. Dec. 1885, Jan. Apr. May . June Oct. Feb. June July Nov. Mar. July Aug. Dec. Apr. May Aug. Sept. 1882, Jan. Sept. Oct. Feb. June Oct. Nov. Mar. July Nov. Dec. Apr. May Aug. Dec. 1879, Jan. Sept. 1889, Jan. Feb. June Oct. Feb. Mar. July Nov. Mar. Apr. Mky Aug. Sept. Dec. 1886, Jan. Apr. May June Oct. Feb. June July Nov. Mar. July Aug. Sept. Dec. 1883, Jan. Apr. May Aug. Sept. Oct. Feb. June Oct. Nov. Mar. July Nov. Dec. Apr. Aug. Dec. 1880, Jan. May Sept. 189 D, Jan. Feb. June Oct. Feb. Mar. July Nov. Mar. Apr. Aug. Dec. Apr. May May Sept. 1887, Jan. June Oct. Feb. June July Nov. Mar. Aug. Dec. Apr. Debt of United States • 1890, July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1891, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Public debt and cash in Treasury 1891, June 1895 !,Mar. 1892, Dec. 189 3, Sept. July Aug. Apr. May 1893, Jan. Feb. Oct. Nov. Sept. June Mar. Dec. Oct. July Apr. 189^ i, Jan. • Nov. Aug. May Feb. Dec. Sept. June Mar. 1892, Jan. Oct. July Apr. May Feb Nov. Aug. 1049 ClMMiflcatlon no. TJ). BOOKKEEPINO .1N1> WARRANTS DIVISION— Continued Tt).J): (date) T9.10: (date) Public debt and cash, in Treasury — (.■ontinued 1898, May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec 1899, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Api Ma-^ 1894, June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1895, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1896, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1897, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1898, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Comparative statement of receipts and expendi- tures of United States oblong 12 • [Monthly.] [Issued usually on the first day of the month. Each issue shows summary for the one month just ended, and also total to that date for the current fiscal year. In Sarallel columns are given similar statements for the preceding fiscal year, e Congressional set, compilations giving comparative statements nave been issued covering certain periods, as follows: 1789-1819 [35-75] 193-123] 198-90] '230-15] '331-4G0] '347-192] 1817-1838 '340-212] 1789-1857 '955-60] 1834-1875 1665-118] 1875-1896 [3561-51] See also T9.1:, T9.2:R24, T32.5:, and T40.2:R32.] 1872, Jan.-Dec. * 1874, Jan .-Dec. * 1876, Jan .-Dec. * I 1873, Jan.-Dec. * 1875, Jan.-Dec. * 1877, Jan.-Dec. * lay June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1900, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1901, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1902, Jan. Feb. Mar. 1902, Apr. 1906, Mar. May Apr. May June July June Aug. July Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1903, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1907, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. Mky June Mar. Apr. May July June Aug. July Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1904, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1908, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. May Mar. Apr. June May July June Aug. July Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1905, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1909, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. May June Mar. Apr. May July June Aug. July Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1906, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1789-1829 Same 1789-1832 1833-1837 1789-1837 1 1050 Classification r9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS BIVI8ION- no. Continued T9.10: Cbmparative statement of receipts and expendi (date) tures of United States- -Continued 1878,Jan.-Dec. * 1897, Oct. 1902, Nov. 1879,Jaii.-Dec. * Nov. Dec. 1880,Jan.-Dec. * Dec. 1903, Jan. 1881, Jan-Dec. * 1898, Jan. Feb. 1882, Jan -Dec. * Feb. Mar. 1883,Jan.-Dec. * Mar. Apr. 1884, Jan .-Dec. * Apr. May 1885, Jan. -Dec. * June 1886, Jan .-Dec. * June July 1887, Jan. -Dec. * July Aug. 1888, Jan. -Dec. * Aug. Sept. 1889, Jan. -Dec. * Sept. Oct. 1890,Jan.-Dec. * Oct. Nov. 1891, Jan. -Dec. * Nov. Dec. 1892, Jan. -Dec. * Dec. 1904, Jan. 1893,Jan.-Dec. * 1899, Jan. Feb. 1894, Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Mar. Apr. May Apr. May June July June July Aug. July Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Dec. Nov. Dec. 1905, Jan. Dec. 1900, Jan. Feb. 1895, Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Mar. Apr. May Apr. May June June July June July Aug. July Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Dec. Nov. Dec. 1906, Jan. Dec. 1901, Jan. Feb. 1896, Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Mar. Apr. " Apr. May May June June July June July Aug. July Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Dec. Nov. Dec. 1907, Jan. Dec. 1902, Jan. Feb. 1897, Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Mar. Apr. May Apr. May June June July June July Aug. July Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Nov. 1051 Claii*iincatIon no. T9. BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS DIVISION- Continued Ti>.10: (date) T9.11: (last date covered) Comparative statement of receipts and expendi- tures of United States — Continued 1907, Dec. 1908 ,July 1909, Feb. 1908, Jan. Aug. Mar. Feb. Sept. Apr. Mar. Oct. May Apr. Nov. June May Dec. June 1909, Jan. [Discontinued.] Receipts and disbursements of Government [These sheets give in tabular form a recapitulation of revenue and a recapitulation of expenditures by fiscal years from 185<}. It is believed that one has been issued each year since 1875.) Receipts and expenditures of Government 1856-75 * 1856-84 * 1856-93 * 1856-1902 * 1856-76 * 1856-85 * 1856-94 * 1856-1903 * 185&-77 * 1856-86 * 1856-95 4° 1856-1904 1856-78 * 1856-87 * 1856-96 1856-1905 * 1856-79 * . 1856-88 * 1856-97 * 1856-1906 * 1856-80 * 1856-89 * 1856-98 * 1856-1907 1856-81 * 1856-90 * 1856-99 * 1856^2 * 1856-91 * 1856-1900 1856-83 * 1856-92 * 1856-1901 * Receipts and disbiu^ements of Government 1856-1908 1856-1909 * TIO. CHIEF CLERK AND SUPERINTENDENT TlO.l: (date) TI0.2: (CT) T10.3: (nos.) TlO.i: (nos.) T10.6: C63» C632 C633 El 2 F74 F98^ F982 F983 G21 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this office are issued in the series of Treasury De- partment circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:] Specifications and instructions to bidders Coal . Specification and proposals for anthracite coal to be supplied to public buildings under control of Treasury Department. Mar. .13, 1908. 4« Coal. Specification and proposal for coal to be supplied to public buildings under control of Treasury Department. Apr. 19, 1909. 4« Same [accompanying form entitled] Information for bidders, n. d. 40 Electric lamps. Specifications and proposals for electric lamps. July 9, 1908. 4«> Forage. Instructions to bidders, forage, n. d. 40 Furniture. General specifications for furnitiu-e. 1901. Same. 1907. Same. 1908. Gas and electric-light fixtures. Specifications for combination gas and electric-light fixtures for public buildings. 1898. 1052 Classiflcatlon TIO. no. CHIEF CLERK AND SUPERINTENDENT Continued T10.5 H22 M68 015 Specifications and instructions to bidders— Continued Hardware. Instructions to bidders, hardware, n. d. 4P Miscellaneous supplies. Instruction to bidders, miscellaneous supplies. n. d. 40 Oil. Specifications and proposals for oil to be supplied to public build- ings under control of Treasury Department. June 5, 1908. 4** Til. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY [Systematic survey of coasts of the United States was provided for in 1807 in response to recommendation of President JefEerson and Congress passed an act, approved Feb. 10, 1807, wliicli "autliorized and re- quested" the President ''to cause a survey to be taken of coasts of tlie United States" and "to cause proper aad intelligent persons to be employed " on the work. $50,000 was appropriated to carry the act into effect. Direction of the work was intrusted to the Treasury Department by the President, and the Secretary of the Treasury, with approval of the President, requested plans for the work from a number of men who were supposed to be qualified to undertake it. The plan submitted by Ferdinand Rudolph Hassler was adopted but nothing else was done until July 27, 1811, when he was engaged to proceed to Europe to have necessary instruments constructed and to purchase others. He was detained there by the "War of 1812, and by other causes until Aug. 8, 1815, when he started on his return and arrived at Philadelphia Oct. 22. He continued preparations for the work, and Aug. 3, 1816, was employed as super- intendent of Survey of the Coast with approval of President Madison. Apr. 14, 1818, Congress repealed the provisions of the act of 1807, which authorized employment of other persons than those belonging to the Army and Navy, and the instruments, records, and funds were turned over to the War Department by Mr. Hassler. Sj'stematic survey of the coast was suspended until July 10, 1832, when Congress again authorized employ- ment of civilians on the work. During this period (1818-32) some detached surveys were made of harbors along the coast by officers of the Navy, for naval purposes, under special acts of Congress for specified localities, but the Secretary of the Navy in his annual reports for 1825 and 1828 reported the existing - condition as vmsatisfactory and recommended the establishment of an organization to make systematic and scientific survey of the whole coast as urgently needed by commercial and naval interests of the country. In his report dated Nov. 27, 1828, the Secretary of the Navy makes the following statement concerning the detached surveys mentioned above: "These surveys, although executed as well as the circumstances in which the officers were placed would allow, and have probably been sufficient to answer the object of the resolution, yet they do not afford materials for an accurate chart of the harbors and the approaches to them, and assist but little towards a perfect knowledge of our coasts, which can only be acquired by that scientific survey of the whole, the importance of which I have heretofore ventured to urge, and would again respectfully suggest." His recommendation was finally approved by Congress when on July 10, 1832, as noted above, it again authorized employment of civilians. By this act of July 10, 1832, Congress revived the original act of Feb. 10, 1807, and the President was author- ized to proceed with the work. The Survey was again placed under the Treasury Department, Mr. Hassler was again appointed superintendent, Aug. 9, 1832, and the work proceeded under the Treasury Department xmtil Mar. 11, 1834, when it was transferred to the Navy Department by order of President Jackson. The direction of the work was kept in the Navy Department until Mar. 26, 1836, when it was again transferred to the Treasury Department by President Jackson. The direction of the Survey then remained in the Treasury Department until July 1, 1903, when it was transferred to the Department of Commerce and Labor by act creating that Department, approved Fel). 14, 1903. Mr. Hassler made his report, as superintendent of the Survey of the Coast until 1836, when the report was first made by him as superintendent of Coast Survey. On July 1, 1871, by act approved Mar. 3, 1871, the work of Coast Survey was extended to include a primary triangulation across the continent to form a geodetic connection between the work on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The name was not changed, however, until in the sundry civil appropriation act, ap- proved June 20, 1878, the subhead "Coast and Geodetic Survey" was used. Since that date "Coast and Geodetic Survey" is given as the title of the Survey in all its publications. At the time of Prof. Hassler's reappointment as superintendent of Coast Survey, he was engaged in the Treasury Department "in comparing the weights and measures used at the custom-houses of the United States, and ascertaining by experiment the proper hydrometer proofs of liquor." and this work was continued in his charge as part of the work of the Coast Survey. The Office of Standard Weights and Measiu-es remained mider the superintendent of the Survey until July 1, 1901, when, by act approved Mar. 3, 1901, it became the National Bureau of Standards. The Coast and Geodetic Survey was transferred to Commerce and Labor Department, July 1,1903; seeC4. See, for histories of Coast and Geodetic Survey, Til. 2:H62 i-3,P93 1-3, and for Organization and law of Depart- ment of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:Or3.] Tll.l: (date) Annual reports 8° and 4*> [1816-83 (except 1867, 1874 appendix, and 1878-82), no edition without Congressional document number. 1848-79, an annual statement or condensed report of some kind is usually found in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:).j 1816 and 1817, Ist [and 2d] report [3-143] {in annual re- ports of Navy Depart m e n t (Nl.l:) 1836, 5th report [In 301-13] 1837, 6th report [314-79] Same [322-14] 1838, 7th report [338-4] 1839, 8th report [355-15] Same [364-20] 1840, 9th report [376-20] Same [382-14] 1053 CiJitwlflratlon nu. TJl.l: (date) Tl 1 . COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued Tll.l«: (date and app. nos.) Tll.l«: (CT) Til. 16: 882 883 884 T11.2: C49 Annual reports — Continued 1841, prc^ess report, serving also as 10th report [402-28] 1842 [414-11] Same [419-23] 1843 [442-97] 1844 [450-16] Same [464-25] 1845 [472-13] Same [482-38] 1846 [493-3] Same [498-6] 1847 [505-6] 1848 [529-1] Same [540-13] 1849 [553-5] Same [572-14] 1850 [588-7] Same [598-12] 1851 [615-3] Same, sketches [616-3] Same [638-26] Same, sketches [639-26] 1852 [669-58] Same [681-64] 1853 [704-14] Same [716-12] 1854 [757-10] Same [784-20] 1855 [826-22] Same [845-6] 1856 [888-12] Same [898-18] 1857 [932-33] Same [949-21] 1858 [990-14] Same [1005-33] 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1296-87] 1344-275] 1379-71] 1419-206 1459-112 1514-121 1570-240 1609-133 1647-100 Same, appendix 1875 [1688-811 1876 [1721-37 1877 [1783-12' 1878 [1829-13" 1879 [1883-17 1880 [1942-12' 1881 [1988-49' 1882 [2077-77 1883 [2164-29' 1884 [2297^3' 1885 [2390-18 1886 [2481-40 1887 [2556-17^ 1888 [2648-22' 1889 [2742-55^ 1890 [2860-80' 1891, pt. 1 [2951-43] Same, pt. 2 [2952-43] 1892, pt. 1 [3057-37] Same, pt. 2 [3058-37] 1393, pt.l [3161 M9] Same, pt. 2 [31612-19] 1894, pt. 1 [3277-8] Same, pt. 2 [3278-8] 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1049-41' 1098-14^ 1134-70' 1165-22^ 1188-11 1224-[15]] 1865 [1264-75] 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 [3348-25] 3468-35] 3618-345] 3729^8] 3884-454] 4034-68] 4224-50] 4435-223] 4608-200] See, for later reports, C4.1: Annual reports (separates; appendixes) 8" and 4° Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) Annual reports (summary) [Condensed] report of superintendent for fiscal year 1882. Summary report of progress of Coast and Geodetic Survey for fiscal year 1883. 1884. Same, 1884. 1884. General publications Cincinnati, Ohio. Short descriptions of articles forming Coast and Geodetic Survey exhibit at Centennial Exposition of Ohio Valley and Central States, Cincinnati, Ohio; compiled and arranged by C. 0. Boutelle. Washington, R. 0. Polkinhom, 1888. 1882. 1054 Classification no. T11.2: C73 D361 D362 Eq2 F45 H621 H622 H623 L82 M27 M32 M66 N221 N222 N42o N51 Oy8 P75 P931 P932 P933 Til. COAST AND OEODETIC SURVEY— Continued General publications — Continued Compass. Magnetic ranges for determining deviation of compass. 1898. Deep-sea sounding and dredging, description and discussion of methods and appliances used on board Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer Blake; by Charles D. Sigsbee. 1880. 4'' Same, supplement. 1882. 4°? * Equations of steady motion. Methods and results, general properties of equations of steady motion; [by Thomas Craig]. 1881. 4° (Treas. Dept. doc. 71.) Field catalogue of 983 transit stars, mean places for 1870.0: [by George Davidson]. 1874. History. Report on history and progress of American Coast Survey up to year 1858; by Committee of Twenty, appointed by American Association for Advancement of Science, at Montreal meeting, Aug. 1857. n. p. [185-?]. History. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, historical sketch, n. p. [June, 1884]. History. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, historical compilation; [prepared in 1887 by F. M. Thorn], n. p. [188-?]. Logarithms of numbers antilogarithms, etc. 1901. large 8°? * Magnetic declination tables. United States magnetic declination tables and isotonic charts for 1902 and facts relating to the earth's magnetism; by L. A. Bauer. 1902. large 8° [See, for 2d edition, C4.2:M27i.] Maps. Rules for representing certain topographical features on maps and charts of Coast Survey, 1860; by A. D. Bache. [I860.] large 8°? * Mint, San Francisco. Report of examination of weights and balances of branch mint of United States, San Francisco, Cal.; by George Davidson. 1872. Navy Department. Coast and Geodetic Survey, letter of superintend- ent on proposed transfer to Navy Department. Jan. 6, 1883. Navy Department. Efforts made by Navy Department to obtain con- trol of Coast and Geodetic Survey; reprinted from hearings of [House] Committee on Appropriations, Apr. 1900. [1900.] New Orleans, La. Short descriptions of articles forming Coast and Geo- detic Survey exhibit at Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Orleans, La., 1884-85. 1884. Nicaragua route. Report on Nicaragua route for interoceanic ship- canal, with review of other proposed routes; made by Maximilian von Sonnenstem to Minister of Public Works of Nicaragua. 1874. 40 Oyster beds. Investigations of oyster beds, questions to oystermen. 1879. 4° Polaris. Azimuth and apparent altitudes of Polaris, computation with north polar distance 1° 14^, and mean refraction; by [George] Davidson, [Fremont] Morse, and [C. B.] Hill. [1885.] * Principal documents relating to survey of coast of United States since 1816; published by F. R. Hassler. New York, William Van Norden, printer, 1834. Same, 2d volume, from Oct. 1834, to Nov. 1835, published by F. R. Hassler; [with] Documents relating to construction of standards of weights and measures for custom-houses, from Mar. to Nov. 1835, by F. R. Hassler. New York, William Van Norden, printer, 1835. * Same, 3d volume, and construction of uniform standards of weights and measures for custom houses and States, from Nov. 1835, to Nov. 1836; published by F. R. Hassler. New- York, John Windt, 1836. ClftsBlflratlon no. T11.2: P94 P96 R29 Sel St2» St22 St23 Til T48 T73 W42 T11.3: (v. nos.) 1055 Til. COAST AND GEODETIC 8UBVBY— Continued General publications — Continued Projections. Treatine on projections; by Thomas Craig. 1882. 4*' (Treaa. Dept. doc. 61.) Publications. List and catalogue of publicationfl issued by Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1816-1902; by E. L. Burchard. 1902. large S^ See, for supplement and later lists, C4.2:P96 *"^. Report. Special report on comparative progress and expenditure of Coast Survey in different years. 1858. * Sea-water. On air contained in sea-water; by Oscar Jacobsen. 1874. 4° [From Annales de chimie et de physique, v. 167, 1873.] Star-factors, A, B, C, for reducing transit-observations; [by George Davidson]. 1874. 4" Stars. Standard mean right-ascensions of circumpolar and time stars; [by Benjamin Apthorp Gould]. [Ist edition.] 1862. 4° [Title on cover is: Standard places of fundamental stars, U. S. Coast Survey.] Same, with title. Standard mean places of circumpolar and time stars; [by Benjamin Apthorp Gould]. 2d edition. 1866. 4° [Title on cover is: Standard places of fundamental stars, U. S. Coast Survey.] Table of factors for computing differences in elevations, in meters, and table of corrections for cm*vature8 and refractions, in meters. 1900. 4°? * Time. Professional papers: Determination of time, latitude, and azi- muth, reprinted from Coast Survey reports for 1866, 1868, and 1872; [by C. A. Schott]. 1876. 4« Triangula tion. Methods, discussions, and results: Field-work of trian- gulation; [by Richard D. Cutts]. 1877. 4*' [Reprinted, with additions and alterations, from Coast Survey report, 1868 (Til. 1:868). The first issue appeared in 1870 as a separate of that report, with title: Memoranda relating to field-work of secondary triangulation, and is classed under Tll.l«:] Weights and measures. Tables for converting customary and metric weights and measures. [Sept. 1898.] 4° Bulletins 4'> 1, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 V. 1, no. 24 no. 25 V. 2, no. 26" no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35, no. 36 v. 3, [1st edition] Same. 2d edition. See, for 3d edition, C4.3:36. no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 [1st edition] Same. 2d edition Same. 3d ed.\ i„,„„qo Same. 4thed.| ^^"^^^ no. 41 [Discontinued except for new editions of those that have been published, for which see C4.3:] ^ 1056 Classification no. Til. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued Til. 4: Circulars 4» (nos.) T11.5: (date) [From its earliest organization this bureau has issued circulars, some of which are prmted, but it was not until Jan. 1, 1900, that the numbered series began which is listed below.] 1 * [An earlier Circular 1 was issued July 1, 1895, with title, General instructions for hydrographic parties, 1894; see Til. 12 :H99 ^.] 3t 4 * [51 See Dept. circular 6, 1900 (T1.4:). 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 12t 13 1 14 * 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 20 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 1 25t 26 1 27 28 1 29 1 [30] See Dept. circular 28, 1902 (T1.4:). [31] See Dept. circular 27, 1902 (T1.4:). [32] See Dept. circular 16, 1902 (T1.4:). 33 1 34 1 35 * 36 1 37 * [38] See Dept. circular 88, 1902 (T1.4:). 39 1 40 1 41 1 [42] [43] 44 1 45 1 [46] See Dept. circular 42, 1903 (T1.4:). 47 1 48 1 See, for later circulars, C4.4: Catalogue of cliarts, coast pilots, and tide tables [These at first were one-page circulars giving lists of maps and charts engraved. 1849-65, the lists were printed also as appendixes in the annual reports (Tll.l). New and revised editions have been issued whenever necessary.] [List of] Coast Survey cliarts 1847 ^ List of Coast Survey maps 1849 * 1850 * See Dept. circular 132, 1902 (T1.4:). See Dept. circular 145, 1902 (T1.4:). t Executed by manifold process and not printed. 1057 Classification no. T11.5: (date) T11.6: 875 878 879 880 (pt. U08.) 82452°- Tll. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued Catalogue of charts, ooast pilots, and tide tables- Continued List of Coast Survey mapa, Bketches, and preliminary charts 1851 * 1852 * 1853 * List of Coast Survey maps, preliminary charts, and sketches 1854 * List of Coast Survey maps, preliminary charts, and sketches, geograph- ically arranged 1855 * 1856 * 1857 * 1858 * 1859 * 1860 * 1861 * 1862 * [Not issued separately?] Catalogue of hydrographic maps, charts, and sketches 1863 * 1864 * [Not issued separately?] 1865 * [Not issued separately?] 1866 * 1867 * 1872 * Catalogue of charts 1875 1877 1880 1883 1884 1886 Catalogue of charts and other publications 1887 1890 1892 1893 1894 1896 Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables 1897 1899 142 p. Same. [14] 1. [Title on cover: Price list of publications, 1899. This IS a reprint of certain portions of the Catalogue for 1899.] 1900 1902 See, for later catalogues, C4.5: United States coast pilot, Atlantic Coast [Book numbers for early issues are the dates of publication; for later issues the part number becomes the book number.] Coast-pilot for Atlantic sea-board, Gulf of Maine and its coast from East- port to Boston, 1874. 1875. large 8° Atlantic coast pilot, Boston Bay to New York. 1878. large 8° Same, Eastport to Boston. 1879. large 8° Same, Boston to New York. 2d edition. 1880. large 8« United States coast pilot, Atlantic Coast 4° and large 8" [Parts 1-8 with their respective editions and supplements are listed below, besides which certain supplements giving additions to several or all of the parts are listed at the end of the class (T11.6:).] -11 67 1058 Classification no. T11.6: (pt. nos. ) Feb. 16 ,1895 Jan. 1, 1897 Nov 1, 1897 Mar. 26 1903 * Til. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued United States coast pilot, Atlantic Coast— Continued pts. 1-2 1st edition Same, insertion sheet 1 Same, supplement to Ist edition Mar, 28, 1895 Same, supplement to 1st edition Aug. 31, 1897 Same, supplement to 1st edition June 1, 1899 Same, supplement to 1st edition Feb. 12, 1900 Same. 2d edition pt. 3 1st edition Same, supplement to Ist edition Jan. 31, 1895 Same, supplement to Ist edition Oct. 1, 1897 Same, supplement to Ist edition Sept. 22, 1899 pt. 4 1st edition Same. 2d edition Same, supplement to 2d edition Same, supplement to 2d edition Same, supplement to 2d edition Same. 3d edition Same, supplement to 3d edition pt. 5 Ist edition Same, supplement to 1st edition Mar. 28, 1895 Same, supplement to 1st edition Dec. 31, 1896 Same, supplement to 1st edition Sept. 1, 1897 Same. 2d edition Same. 2d edition, reprinted Same, supplement to 2d edition Dec. 19, 1900 Same, supplement to 2d edition Mar. 28, 1903 pt. 6 1st edition Same, insertion sheet 1 Same, supplement to 1st edition Dec. 10, 1894 Same, supplement to 1st edition June 1, 1897 Same, supplement to 1st edition Sept. 15, 1898 Same, supplement to 1st edition May 2, 1899 Same, supplement to Ist edition Feb, 13, 1900 Same. 2d edition pt. 7 1st edition Same, supplement to 1st edition July 1, 1897 Same, supplement to 1st edition Apr. 1, 1898 Same. 2d edition Same, supplement to 2d edition July 15, 1902 pt. 8 1st edition Same, supplement to 1st edition Jan. 13, 1899 Same, supplement to 1st edition Nov. 10, 1899 Same. 2d edition Same, supplement to 2d edition Dec. 23, 1902 pts. 1-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, supplement Aug. 1895 Same, supplement Oct. 1896 pts. 1-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, supplement July, 1897 Same, supplement Aug, 1898 pts, 1-2, 3, 6, 8, supplement Feb. 1900 ^«^>^or later editions of United States coast pilot, Atlantic Coast, 1059 GlaMlflcatlon Til. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued no. T11.6«: Atlantic coast pilot (separateB) large 8* (CT) T11.7': 869 889 Tll.T^: 869 879 883 891 901 T11.8: 8811 881'^ 887 Til. 9: (no8.) Til. 10: (CT) Til. 11: (date) later (nos.) [Many of these separates bear title: Atlantic local coast pilot, sub-division 1, etc.] Paciflc Coast, coast pilot: California, Oregon, and Washington (The 1st edition was entitled Directory of Paciflc Coast of United States. It included as apj)en(lix 44 in annual report of Coast and Geodetic Survey 1858 (Til. 1:858) aud'wixs also printed separately. The 2d edition appeared as appen- dix 39 in annual report of Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1862 (Tll.l:862).] Pacific Coast, coast pilot of California, Oregon, and Washington Terri- tory; by George Davidson. [3d edition.] 1869. large 8° Pacific Coast, coast pilot of California, Oregon, and Washington; by George Davidson. 4th edition, rewritten. 1889. large 8° See, for later coast pilots of California, Oregon, and Washington, C4.7 ^: United States coast pilot, Paciflc Coast: Alaska, pt. 1, Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay Pacific Coast, coast pilot of Alaska, 1st part, from southern boundary to Cook's Inlet; by George Davidson. [1st edition.] 1869. large 8° Pacific coast pilot, coasts and islands of Alaska, 2d series. 1879. 4° [This volume was compiled for an appendix to Pacific coast pilot, Alaska, pt. 1, 2d edition (T11.7 2:883). The back title is: Pacific coast pilot, Alaska, appendix 1, meteorology and bibliography.] Pacific coast pilot, Alaska, pt. 1 [coast from Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay, with inland passage; by William Healey Dall]. [2d edi- tion.] 1883. large 8° [See, for meteorological appendix, which was issued some years earlier than this volume. Til. 7 2:879.] Pacific coast pilot, Alaska, pt. 1, Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay, with inland passage from Strait of Fuca to Dixon Entrance; [by Henry E. Nichols]. 3d edition. 1891. large 8« Same, supplement to 3d edition. Mar. 15, 1898. large 8° United States coast pilot, Pacific Coa^pt, Alaska, pt. 1, Dixon Entrance to Yakutat Bay, with inland passage from Juan de Fuca Strait to Dixon Entrance; [by Herbert C. Graves and E. H. Francis]. 4th edition. 1901. large 8"» [^Sec, for supplement, C4.7 2:904 ^] See, for later editions, C4.72: Laws relating to Coast and Geodetic Survey- Laws of general application for use of Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 167.) Laws and regulations relating to Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 110.) Same. 1887. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1013.) Maps and charts (numbered) See, for later editions, C4.9: Maps and charts (miscellaneous) Notice to mariners [Prior to 18()0, information similar to that appearing in Notice to mariners was pub- lished in annual reports of Coast and Geodetic Survey (TU.l:), with requests that authority bo given to puf)lish the information separately. The Notices to mariners issued previous to Jan. 14, 1875, were unnumbered. The hrst index to the scries was issued as a separate pamphlet covering nos. 1-96, and a similar index covering nos. 97-109 was included in no. 109. These indexes were only numerical schedules. Beginning with 1888, a yearly subject "Index to chart corrections" was published; to the first two indexes of this kind no number was assigned, but beginning with 1890 the annual "Index to chart corrections" for each year, except 1896, has been assigned a number in the series.] 1869, July 12 * 1872, Jan. 22 * 1874, June 20 * Same, Oct. 10 5 6 May 20, 1875 * 6[7] July 24, 1875 8 * 1060 Classification no. Til. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— Continued Til. 11: Notice to mariners — Continued (no8.) 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 15 Same, 2d edition 16 * 17 * 18 19 * 20 * 21 * 22 * 23 * 24 25 * 26 27 * 28 29 30 31 * 32 33 34 35 * 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 * 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 * 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 * 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 Index to nos. 1-96 153 [1875-87] 154 97 155 98 156 99 157 100 158 101 159 102 160 103 161 104 162 105 163 106 164 107 165 108 166 109 [Includea Index to 167 nos. 97-109, 1888.] 168 Index to chart correc- 169 tions, Jan .-Dec. 1888 170 110 171 111 172 112 173 113 174 114 175 115 176 116 177 117 178 118 179 119 180 120 181 121 182 122 183 123 184 Index to chart correc- 185 tions, Jan.-Dec. 1889 186 124 187 125 188 126 189 1061 ClMslfloation Til no. COAST AND OEODETIC SURVEY— Continued. Til. 11: Notice to mariners— Continued (nos.) Til. 12: Ap6 D45 En5 H991 H993 H99' H99* R76 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 Index to chart cor- rections [Jan.- Dec. 1896] 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 See, for later numbers, C4.ll: Rules, regulations, and instructions Appointments, Regulations governing certain appointments, promo- tions, and transfers in personnel of classified service employed on vessels of Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1902. Descriptive reports. Instructions and memoranda for descriptive re- ports to accompany original sheets; [by F. M. Thorn]. 1887. (Treas. Dept. doc. 990.) Enlistments. Regulations for enlistments, discharges, etc. [May 5, 1899.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 2112.) Hydrographic work. General instructions in regard to inshore hydro- graphic work of Coast Survey. 1878. Hydrographic work. General instructions for hydrographic work. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 434.) Hydrographic parties. General instruction for hydrographic parties. 1894. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1655.) Same [additions and corrections]. July 1, 1895. (Circular 1.) [Does not belong to series of Circulars listed under Til. 4:] Routine. Rules governing routine and discipline aboard ship. 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2109.) See, for later editions of rules, etc., C4.12: 1062 Classification no. T11.13: (date) T11.14: (date) Til. COAST AND OEODETIC SURVEY— Continued Tide tables, Atlantic Coast [for calendar year] 12° and large 8° [Printed during the year preceding the one for which tides are predicted. See also note at head of T11.15:] 1867 1885 1868 1886 1869 1887 1870 1888 1871 1889 1872 1890 1873 1891 1874 1892 1875 1893 1876 . 1894 1877 1895 1878 1896-1900 [Each year in Tide ta- 1879 bles (Til. 15:) for the corre- 1880 sponding year; not issued 1881 separately.] 1882 1901] [Reprinted from Tide ta- 1883 1902 J bles for calendar year 1884 1903J (Til. 15:).] See, for later editions, C4.13: Tide tables, Pacific Coast [for calendar year] 12« and large 8° [Printed during the year preceding the one for which tides are predicted. See also note at head of T11.15:] 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 [Reprinted from Tide ta- bles for calendar year (T11.15:).] See, for later editions, C4.14: T11.15: (date) Tide tables for [calendar] year [Printed during the year preceding the one for wliich tides are predicted. 1854-65, these tables were issued as appendixes to the annual reports of the Coast Survey (Tll.l:). Tide tables for 1866 were not printed. 1867-95, the Tide tables were divided and issued separately for the Atlantic Coast and for the Pacific Coast; sec Til. 13: and Til. 14: 1896-1903, the Tide tables for both coasts were combined in one volume for each year as hsted below, from which was reprinted an annual edition of Tide tables for Pacific Coast, and from 1901-03, an edition for Atlantic Coast as well.] 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 See, for later editions, C4.15: 1068 ClasHlflration no. T11.16: (n08.) Til. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY— (V>ntinuelns — Conti 437 nued 501 565 629 693 374 438 502 566 630 694 375 439 503 567 631 695 376 440 504 568 632 696 377 441 505 569 633 697 378 442 506 570 634 698 379 443 507 571 635 699 380 444 508 572 636 700 381 445 509 573 637 701 382 446 510 574 638 702 383 447 511 575 639 703 384 448 512 576 640 704 385 449 513 577 641 705 386 450 514 578 642 706 387 451 515 579 643 707 388 452 516 580 644 708 389 453 517 581 645 709 390 454 518 582 646 710 391 455 519 583 647 711 392 456 520 584 648 712 393 457 521 585 649 713 394 458 522 586 650 714 395 459 523 587 651 715 396 460 524 588 652 716 397 461 525 589 653 717 398 462 526 590 654 718 399 463 527 591 655 719 400 464 528 592 656 720 401 465 529 593 657 721 402 466 530 594 658 722 403 467 531 595 659 723 404 468 532 596 660 724 405 469 533 597 661 725 406 470 534 598 662 726 407 471 535 599 663 727 408 472 536 600 664 728 409 473 537 601 665 729 410 474 538 602 666 730 411 . 475 539 603 667 731 412 476 540 604 668 732 413 477 541 605 669 733 414 478 542 606 670 734 415 479 543 607 671 735 416 480 544 608 672 736 417 481 545 609 673 737 418 482 546 610 674 738 419 483 547 611 675 739 420 484 548 612 676 740 421 485 549 613 677 741 422 486 550 614 678 742 423 487 551 615 679 743 424 488 552 616 680 744 425 489 553 617 681 745 426 490 554 618 682 746 427 491 555 619 683 747 428 492 556 620 684 748 429 493 557 621 685 749 430 494 558 622 686 750 431 495 559 623 687 751 432 496 560 624 688 752 433 497 561 625 689 753 434 498 562 626 690 754 435 499 563 627 691 755 436 500 564 628 692 756 1069 CU88lflc*t!on T12. COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY— Continued no. T12.3: (no8.) T12.3«: (CT) T12.4: (no8.) T12.6: (date) Bulletins — Continued 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 310 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 Bulletins (separates) [The summary, Organization of national banks, which appears in the first issue of the Bulletin for each month, also certain other portions of the Bulletins, are some- times issued separately.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this office are issued in the series of Treasury De- partment circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:J Abstract of reports of condition of national banks oblong 8*" and 4« [These abstracts are prepared from the reports submitted by national banks in response to calls from the Comptroller of^the Currency {see also T12.il i:). Prior to 1869, reports were made quarterly, but the act of Mar. 3, 1869, required that they be made 5 times a year. The abstracts are issued separately as shown below, and a similar abstract, though not always in the same form, has been included in the annual report. The first abstract of this nature appeared in the annual report for 1863. With his report for 1864, the Comptroller submitted the reports of banks and an abstract thereof for that year, but so far as is known, the latter were not printed. The abstracts included in the annual reports 1865-70 are for quarterly periods; the annual reports for 1871-1909 exhibit the statistics as compiled 5 tunes a year. The Public Documents Library has none of the separately issued abstracts prior to 1893. From Mar. 5, 1895, to Oct. 6, 1896, each issue included not only a summary for the whole United States, but also a sheet for each State and Territory, one for each reserve city, and one for trust companies in Washington, D. C. For Dec. 17, 1896, the sheets for the individual States, etc. , were issued in oblong 8° in the same form as the other issues for 1895 and 1896, but the summary was printed in a 4° Samphlet which contained also the statistics for the individual States, etc. ieginning with the issue for Mar. 9, 1897, the oblong 8° sheets were discontinued, and in their stead was issued the 4° pamphlet containing the same information. None of the earlier issues were numbered, but numbers have appeared on the publi- cations beginning with no. 13, for Apr. 5, 1899. In the list below, the date used is the date for which returns are made.] Abstract of reports made to Comptroller of Currency showing condition of national banks in United States at close of business on oblong 8° 1871-92 * 1895, Sept. 1893, Mar. 6 Dec. May 4 1896, Feb. July 12 May Oct. 3 July Dec. 19 Oct. 1894, Feb. 28 Dec. May 4 July 18 Oct. 2 Dec. 19 1895, Mar. 5 May 7 July 11 28 13 28 7 14 G 17 [Individual States, etc. , without summary. Same statistics ap- peared with summary m the 4° pamphlet for 1890, Dec. 17, listed on next page.] 1070 Classtflcation no. T12.5: (date) T12.6: (date) T12. COMPTROIiIjER OF CURRENCY— Continued Abstract of reports of condition of national Ibanks- Continued Abstract of reports of condition of national banks 4° 1896, Dec. 1897, Mar. May July Oct. Dec. 1898, Feb. May July Sept. Dec. 1899, Feb. Apr. June Sept. Dec. 1900, Feb. Apr. June Sept. Dec. 1901, Feb. Apr. July Sept. Dec. 1902, Feb. Apr. July Sept. Nov. 1903, Feb. Apr. no. no. 1] 2' no. 3" no. 4: no. 5" no. 6= no. 7' no. 8' no. no. 9 no. no. ir 12- no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, June 9, Sept. 9, Nov. 17, Jan. 22, Mar. 28, June 9, Sept. 6, Nov. 10, Jan. 11, Mar. 14, May 29, Aug. 25, Nov. 9, Jan. 29, Apr. 6, June 18, Sept. 4, Nov. 12, Jan. 26, Mar. 22, May 20 Aug Dec Feb , May 14, July 15, Sept. 23, Nov. 27, Feb. 5, Apr. 28, •June 23, Sept. 1, Nov. 16, 22, 3, 14. no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 no. 56 no. 57 no. 58 no. 59 no. 60 no. 61 no. 62 no. 63 no. 64 no. 65 no. 66 National- bank act as amended [Full title has varied somewhat as shown below. Prior to 1900, sometimes included also in annual reports of Comptroller of Currency (T12.1:).] Act to provide a national currency secured by pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for circulation and redemption thereof 1863 [1150-31] Same. 12° Act to provide a national currency secured by pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for circulation and redemption thereof 1864 36 p. Same. 36 + 24 p. [Contains also certain Instructions and sugges- tions in regard to organization and management of national banks. See, for full instructions, T12. 8:864.] National currency act, with amendments, and laws relating to taxation of national banks [etc.] 1864-69 1864-72 National-bank act and other laws relating to national banks, from Re- vised statutes of United States, with amendments and additional acts 1875 1882 (Treas. Dept. doc. 274.) [Includes additions to Feb. 26, 1881.] Same. (Treas. Dept. doc. 314.) [Includes additions to July 12, 1882.] 1885 (Treas. Dept. doc. 692.) 1889 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1197.) [Date on cover is 1888.] 1071 Clamlflratlon no. T12.6: (date) T12.7: (date) T12.8: 864 884 891 893 897 9001 900* 902 T12. COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY— Continued National- bank act as amended— Continued National-bank act and other laws relating to national banks, from Re- vised statutes of United States, witn amendments and additional acts — Continued 1890 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1382.) 1892 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1533.) 1894 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1533.) National-bank act as amended, with other laws relating to national banks, from Revised statutes of United States 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 [Treas. Dept. doc. [1842, erroneously printed] 1812.) (Treas. Dept. doc. [1842, erroneously printed] 1812.) jTreas. Dept. doc. 2004.) [Treas. Dept. doc. 2086.) Treas. Dept. doc. 2086.) [Treas. Dept. doc. 2250.) [3997-612] 90 p. Same [revised]. 94 p. 1906 National-bank act as amended, banks and other laws relating to national [5409-733] 1907 1908 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2505.) Same. [Reprint] 1909 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2505.) Digest of national bank decisions [From 1875 to 1904, in annual reports of Comptroller of Currency (T12.1:), the earlier ones bearing various titles, such as Synopsis of Supreme Court decisions, Digest of national-bank cases, etc. The title used in the heading above has appeared beginning with 1893. The Digests for 1894, 1900, and 1903 were issued separately also and should be classed here. Beginning with 1905, these Digests are issued from time to time in separate form only, the annual reports containing only such decisions as have been made sub- sequent to the issue of the latest Digest.] 1894 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1744.) [From annual report, 1894(T12.1:894i).] 1900 [From annual report, 1900 (T12.1 :900 ^).] 1903 [From annual report, 1903 (T12.1:903 1).] 1905 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2404.) 1908 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2404.) Instructions and suggestions relative to organiza- tion, etc., of national banks Instructions and suggestions of Comptroller of Currency in regard to or^nization and management of national banks. 1864. [Cer- tain portions of these instructions were included in the same pub- lication with the Act to provide a national currency, as issued in 1864 (T12.6:864).] Instructions and suggestions of Comptroller of Currency in regard to organization, extension, and management of national banks. 1884. ([Treas. Dept. doc. 563.]) Instructions and suggestions of Comptroller of Currency relative to organization and management of national banks. 1891. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1470.) Same. 1893. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1588.) Same. [1893, reprint] 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1588, 2d edition.) Same. 1897 [reprint 1900]. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1588, 3d edition.) [Date on cover is 1900.] Instructions and suggestions of Comptroller of Currency relative to organization, etc., of national banks. 1900. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2175.) Same. 1902. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2283.) 1072 Classification no. T12.8: 903 905 906 907 909 1 9092 T12.9: (date) T12.10: (date) T12.il 1: (date) T12.il 2; (date) T12.il 3; (CT) T12. COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY— Continued Instructions and suggestions relative to organiza- tion, etc., of natlonall)anks— Continued Same. 1903. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2283.) Same. 1905. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2393.) Same. [1905, reprint] 1906. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2393.) Same. 1907. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2476.) Same. [1907, reprint] 1909. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2476.) Same. 1909. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2565.) Statement sliowing amount of national bank notes outstanding [etc.] oblong 8° and 4" [Monthly.] [The form of the publication was changed Feb. 1909. From July, 1907, to Jan. 1909, each issue was dated the end of the month; from Feb. 1909, the date used in the title is the begiiming of the month following that for which statement is made. There is no issue dated Feb. 1909, statistics for February being given in issue of Mar. 1, 1909. Full titles are given in the list below. The date by which each issue is listed is that used in the title or caption.] Statement of Comptroller of Currency showing amount and denomina- tions of national bank notes outstanding, amount of lawful money on deposit with Treasurer U. S. to redeem national bank notes, and kinds and amounts of U. S. bonds on deposit to secure cir- culation and public deposits on , with changes during pre- ceding year and preceding month oblong 8° 1907, July 31 1908, Feb. 29 1908, Sept 30 Aug. 31 Mar. 31 Oct. 31 Sept. 30 Apr. 30 Nov. 30 Oct. 31 May 29 Dec. 31 Nov. 30 June 30 1909, Jan. 30 Dec. 31 ■ July 31 1908, Jan. 31 Aug. 31 Statement of Comptroller of Currency showing amount of national bank notes outstanding secured by U. S. bonds and by lawful money at beginning of business on dates indicated, with changes during preceding year and preceding month, also kinds and amounts of bonds on deposit to secure national bank notes and public deposits 4" 1909, Mar. 1 1909, July 1 1909, Nov. 1 Apr. 1 Aug. 2 Dec. 1 May 1 Sept. 1 1910, Jan. 3 June 1 Oct. 1 List of national bank examiners 4° [Issued at irregular intervals as necessary, since Dec. 18, 1908. Prior to that time, similar lists were sometimes included in the annual reix)rt (T12.1:).] 1909, Aug. 10? * Oct. 8? * Dec. 15? * 1908, Dec. 18 1909, Mar. 10 May 10 July 9? * [Circular letters to presidents or cashiers of national banks asking for report of con- dition of banks] 4* (These notices are sent out 5 times a year; the reports submitted in response thereto are embodied in the Abstract of reports of national banks (T12.5:). As these circular letters are of no permanent interest and no complete file can be consulted, no attempt is made to list them here.] Circular letter transmitting blank reports 4*» [Sent to national banks. Not listed here.] Circular letters (miscellaneous) [Sent to national banks, etc., in connection with the business of this office. Not listed here.] 1073 T18. Ist COMPTROLLER [The act of Sept. 2, 1789, which established the Treasury Department, authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to appoint a Comptroller, the duties of whose office were laid down in that act (Stat. L. v. 1 , p. 65, 66). The office became known as that of 1st Comptroller In 1817, when by act of Mar. 3 (Stat. L. V. 3, p. 366), the office of 2d Comptroller was established. By act approved July 31, 1894, effective Oct. 1, 1894 (Stat. L. v. 28, p. 205, 208), the offices of 2d Comp- troller and Commissioner of Customs were abolished and the work which had been carried on in those offices was combined with that of the 1st Comptroller, whose designation then became Comptroller of the Treasury; sec T15.1 Classlfloatlon no. T13.1: (date) T13.2: C76 M66 T13.3: (nos.) T13.4:: (nos.) T13.5: (v. nos.) T13.6: 865 867 872 Annual reports [1853-94, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and usually issued separately also.) General publications Continental bill of exchange. Decision in regard to continental bill of exchange on commissioner at Paris, Jan. 1, 1782, as claim against United States. July 29^ 1886. Mint. United States mint, report upon its management and condition, Apr. 3, 1872. 1872. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this office were Issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:I Decisions [Prior to 18S0, the Decisions of the 1st Comptroller were not printed by the Gov- ernment.] V. 1, 1880 [1st edition] in sheets.] Same. 2d edition with appendix [1979-81] Congressional document number.] Same, appendix to 2d edition V. 2, 1881 1st edition Same. 2d edition [2032-219] document number.] V. 3, 1882 [2126-37 V. 4, 1883 [2238-56 V. 5, 1884 [2314-22 V. 6, [Jan.-Mar.] 1885 [2415-69] [None published between Mar. 1885 and May, 1893.] [v. 7] May, 1893-Sept. 1894 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1732.) See, for later decisions, T15.5: Government salary tables See also T15.2:Sa3 and Tl.2:Sa3. Salary tables of Treasury Department for every month and quarter of year; calculated and prepared by John Jay Knox. 1865. ob- long 12« Tables of Government salaries for every day, month, and quarter of year; calculated and prepared by G..E. W. Sharretts and R. H. Andrews. 1867. large 8" Government salary tables adopted by comptroUing oflEicers of Treasury Department for use in payment of persons in civil employments who receive annual or quarterly salaries; compiled by David S. Green. 1872. [50 copies distributed to the Departments [No edition without [No edition without Congressional 82452°— ll-^-r-eS 1074 T14. 2d COMPTROLLER [The office of 2d Comptroller was established by act approved Mar. 3, 1817 (Stat. L. v. 3, p. 366, 367). A bol- ished by act of July 31, 1894 (Stat. L. v. 28, p. 205), effective Oct. 1, 1894, at which time the work of the 2d Comptroller devolved upon the 1st Comptroller, who by the same act was made Comptroller of the Treas- ury; see T15.] Classifloation no. T14.1: (date) T14.2: L85 T14.3: (nos.) T14.4: (date) T14.5: (v. nos.) Annual reports [1853-94, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and usually issued separately also.] General publications Longevity record of ofl&cers in United States Army. n. p. May 18, 1886. 4° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [The Public Documents Library has but one circular issued from the 2d Comptroller's office. It is unnumbered and is dated Sept. 1, 1863. Later circulars relating to the work of this office were issued in the series of Treasury Department circu- lars; see certain issues under T1.4:] Digest of decisions [v. 1] [Ist edition] * Same. [2d edition] Same. 3d edition V. 2 (Treas. Dept. doc. 659.) V. 3 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1557. V. 4 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2143. T15. COMPTROLLER OF TREASURY [The Comptroller of the Treasury has been so designated since Oct. 1, 1894, when with the duties of his office (formerly 1st Comptroller) were combined those of the 2d Comptroller and the Commissioner of Customs, the two "offices last mentioned having been abolished by act approved July 31, 1894, effective Oct. 1; see notes under T13., T14., and TIG.] T15.1: (date) T15.2: Ac2 B76 C41 F95 Ov2 Sa3 Su3 Y2 Annual reports [1895-98, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and issued separatelv also. 1899-1909, issued separately only.] General publications Accounts. Methods of rendering and stating accounts of disbursing officers, with suggested changes. 1901. 4^ Bridges. Rates for Government transportation over bridges built under acts of Congress. 1901. Checks. Uniform system for handling and filing checks by auditors under Treasury Department circular 52, July 29, 1907. [1909.] 4" Fuel. [Communication relative to purchase and transportation by Navy Department of fuel sufficient for necessities of current year, where amounts annually appropriated therefor are inadequate.] Mar. 28, 1905. narrow 12« Overtime. [Request for ruling in case of E. B. Hussey claiming pay for overtime.] Feb. 21, 1905. narrow 12« Salary tables. Government salary tables adopted by accounting oflacers of Treasury Department. 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1923.) [See, for earlier tables, T13.6: and, for later tables, T1.2:Sa3.] Sugar bounty. In re sugar bounty; by R. B. Bowler. Sept. 4, 1895. Yards and docks . [Decision of Comptroller of Treasury as to availability of appropriation Maintenance of yards and docks, 1903, for pur- chase of miscellaneous supplies for use of Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department.] 1902. 1075 ClMsiflcation T15. COMPTROLLER OF TREASURY— Continued no. T15.3: Bulletins (noa.) T16.4: (noe.) T15.5: (v. no8.) T16.5«: (v. nos.) T15.6: 1-8 » 1-82 [None iaaued.J Circulars (Circulars relating to the work of this office are issued In the series of Treasury De- partment circulars; «« certain Issues under T1.4:J Decisions V. 1 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1822.) V. 9 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2323 V. 2 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1871.) V. 10 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2358 V. 3 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1946.) V. 11 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2399 V. 4 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2026.) V. 12 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2432 V. 5 ([Treas. Dept. doc. 2042.]) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2174.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2222.) V. 13 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2467 V. 6 V. 14 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2503 V. 7 V. 15 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2543 V. 8 ([Treas. Dept. doc. 2268.]) Decisions (separates; parts) Digests of decisions Digest of decisions of Comptroller of Treasury, including decisions from Oct. 1, 1894, to June 30, 1902, in published volumes 1-8 and manuscript volumes 1-21. 1902. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2285.) List of decisions of Comptroller of Treasury which have been overruled by subsequent decisions, including decisions from Oct. 1, 1894, to June 30, 1902, in published volumes 1-8 and manuscript vol- umes 1-21. 1903. T16. COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS [The office of Commissioner of Customs was created by act approved Mar. 3, 1849 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 396), and began operations July 1, 1849, relieving the 1st Comptroller of the Treasury (T13.) of a portion of his duties. Office abolished by act of July 31, 1894 (Stat. L. v. 28, p. 205, 208), effective Oct. 1, 1894, when the work of the Commissioner of Customs devolved upon the Comptroller of the Treasury; see T15. During the whole period of the existence of the office or the Commissioner of Customs, its 'functions were those of a comptroller. The administrative duties pertaining to customs were jierformed in the Office of the Secretary by the Division of Customs (T17.), the latter having no connection with the Commis- sioner of Customs.] T16.1: (date) T16.2: (CT) T16.3: (nos.) T16.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1853-94, in annual reports of Treasury Dei)artment (Finance rei)orts, Tl.l:), and usually issued separately also.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this office were issued in the series of Treasury De- partment circulars; see certain issues under Tl.4:] T17. CUSTOMS DIVISION [Organized about 1870, although act of Mar. S, 1876 (Stat. L. v. 18, pt. 3, p. 396) was the first to carry appro- priations for the division. The Customs Division is now and has been since its organization a division in the office of the Secretary of the Treasiuy. It had no connection with the office of the Commissioner of Customs (T16.).] T17.1: (date) T17.2: Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Appraisers. Reports of conferences of local appraisers held at Now York. See T20.5: 1076 Classlftcation no. T17.2 C96 T17.3: (nos.) T17.4: (nos.) T17.5: At6 C43 C961 C962 C963 N42yi N42y2 N42y3 N42y* Su3i Su32 Su33 Su34 Su35 Su3« T17. CUSTOMS DIVISION— Continued Oeneral publications — Continued Books and blanks. Catalogue of books and blanks for use of customs and other officers. See T1.2:B645-^ T36.5i:, TSG.S^:, and C1.2: B641-*. Cuba and Porto Rico Special Commissioner. See T1.16: Custom-house fees. See entries and note under T1.2:C963-'^. Customs collection-districts. United States customs collection-dis- tricts, ports of entry, and ports of delivery, Dec. 1, 1873. 1873. Porto Rico Special Commissioner. See T1.17: Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this division are issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars: see certain issues under T1.4: See, for Reappraisement circulars, T20.4:] Regulations (special) See, for Customs regulations, general, Tl.9^: See also certain entries under Tl.lO: Atlanta, Ga._ Revised regulations governing importation of articles for exhibition at Cotton States and International Exposition at Atlanta, Ga., under act of Aug. 18, 1894. 1895. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1791.) Chicago, 111. New regulations governing free importation of articles for exhibition at World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, under act of Apr. 25, 1890. 1891. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1474.) Customs officers. Laws and regulations for government of officers of customs, under superintendence and direction of surveyors of ports. 1877. 16« [Cover bears number 952.] Customs inspectors. Regulations for government of customs inspect- ors, weighers, gangers, and measurers. 1893. 24® (Treas. Dept. doc. 1554.) [Compiled from Customs regulations of 1892 (T1.9 1; 892). Date on cover is 1892. Cover also bears number 952.] Same. 1908. 24° (Treas. Dept. doc. 2509.) [Compiled from Cus- toms regulations of 1908 (Tl .9 ^ : 908) . Cover bears number 952.] New. York City. Regulations for government of officers of customs under superintendence and direction of surveyor of port of New . York. Jan. 1870. 24° New York City. Laws and regulations for government of officers of customs, under superintendence and direction of surveyor of port of New York; compiled by James L. Benedict. 1875. 24*' New York City. Regulations for government of appraiser's depart- ment, port of New York. 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 125.) Same, 1907. 1908. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2497.) Sugar. Regulations governing sampling, classification, and appraise- ment of imported sugars and molasses, under act of Aug. 28, 1894. 1895. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1766.) Sugar. Regulations governing sampling and classification of imported sugars and molasses, under act of July 24, 1897. 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1965.) Same, revised. [Feb. 17] 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2088.) Same, revised. [May 10] 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2113.) Sugar. Regulations governing weighing, taring, sampling, classifica- tion, and polarization of imported sugars and molasses. 1907. 28 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2470.) Same, without index. 1907. 23 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2470.) 1077 Classification nu. T17.6: ! T22 T68 W22' W222 W223 W22* T17.6: 899 908 T17.7: 879 880 1 8802 883 887 888 890 894 T17. CUSTOMS DIVISION— Continued Rog^ulations (special)— Continued Tea, regulations and rulings of Treasury Department under acts of Mar. 2, 1897, and Juno 13, 1898. 1898. (Treaa. Dept. doc. 2046.) Transportiition. Regulations for transportation of merchandise without appraisement, under acts of July 14, 1870, and Apr. 20, J 871. Oct. 1, 1870, [published] 1871. Warehouses. Regulations relating to establishment of bonded manu- facturing warehouses, under provisions of sec. 9 of tariff act of Aug. 28, 1894. 1894. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1726.) Warehouses. Regulations governing bonded manufacturing ware- houses, under provisions of sec. 15 of tariff act of July 24, 1897. 1901. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2230.) Warehouses. Regulations relating to establishment of bonded smelting and refining warehouses, under provisions of sec. 29 of tariff act of July 24, 1897. 1898. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2024.) Warehouses. Extracts from regulations of Treasury Department rela- tive to establishment of bonded warehouses for storage of dutiable merchandise and bonding of common carriers for transportation of appraised and unappraised dutiable merchandise. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 513.) [The numbered articles included herein are taken from General regulations under customs and navigation laws, 1874 (T1.9 1:874).] Customs laws (general) See, for Customs regulations, general, T1.9*: See, for special customs regulations, T17.5: Laws of United States relating to customs, with portions of certain com- mercial treaties; compiled by M. P. Andrews. 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2012.) Compilation of customs laws and digest of decisions thereunder rendered by courts and Board of General Appraisers. 1908. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2499.) Tariffs [Various compilations have been prepared at intervals since 1842 by E. D. Ogden, Lewis Heyl, Samuel T. Morgan, and others, and supplied by the Treasury Department, from time to time, to officials interested. These are, however, not public documents and are not entered in this Checklist.] Tariff on imports into United States and free list, and reciprocity treaty with Hawaii. Jan. 1879. [Has no Treasury Department docu- ment number.] Same, and Hawaiian reciprocity treaty; indexed. 1880. 82 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 73.) Same, and Hawaiian reciprocity treaty; indexed. 1880. 66 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 73.) [This print contains same naatter as tne 82 p. print of 1880.] Same, as contained in act of Mar. 3, 1883, also Hawaiian reciprocity treaty; indexed. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 415.) [Interleaved.] Same, as contained in act of Mar. 3, 1883, also Hawaiian reciprocity treaty and extracts from navigation and oleomargarine acts; indexed. 1887. (Treas. Dept. doc. 937.) Same, as contained in act of Mar. 3, 1883, also Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, and extracts from navigation and oleomargarine acts; indexed. 1888. (Treas. Dept. doc. 937.) Tariffs of 1883 and 1890 on imports into United States, etc.; indexed. 1890. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1372.) Tariffs of 1890 and 1894 on imports into United States, and customs administrative act of June 10, 1890; indexed. 1894. [Has no Treasury Department document number.] 1078 Classification no. T17.7; 897 897 = 897' 897- 897' 897' 897 909 T17.8: (nos.) T17. CUSTOMS DIVISION— Continued Tariffs— Continued Tariffs of 1894 and 1897 on imports into United States, and customs administrative act of June 10, 1890, with amendments to sec. 7 and 11; indexed. 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1953.) See, for another print of tariff law of 1897, ordered by Congress, Yl.l:T17i. :f h , Tariff of 1897 on imports into Umted States, with customs administra- tive act of June 10, 1890, with amendments to sec. 7 and 11, and war-revenueactof June 13, 1898; indexed. 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2099.) Same, with customs administrative act of June 10, 1890, with amend- ments to sec. 7 and 11, war-revenue act of June 13, 1898, and amendatory act of Mar. 2, 1901; indexed. 1901. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2223.) Same, with customs administrative act of June 10, 1890, with amend- ments to sec. 7, 11, and 23, war-revenue act of June 13, 1898, and amendatory acts of Mar. 2, 1901, and Apr. 12, 1902, and act of Mar. 8, 1902, temporarily to provide revenue for Philippine Islands; indexed. 1902. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2279.) Tariff on imports into United States and free list as contained in act of July 24, 1897. 1908. 124 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2279.) [Re- printed for use of Committee on Ways and Means, House of Repre- sentatives. The additional acts contained in other editions are omitted here.] Tariff of 1897 on imports into United States, with customs administra- tive act of June 10, 1890, with amendatory act of May 27, 1908, act of Apr. 12, 1902, repealing war revenue taxation, act of Mar. 8, 1902, temporarily to provide revenue for Philippine Islands, sec. 13 and 22 of Philippine tariff act of Mar. 3, 1905, and act of Mar. 2, 1905, applying tariff of 1897 to articles [and persons] from Canal Zone; indexed. 1908. 173 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2279.) Same [without additional acts]. 1908. 124 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2279.) [Title-page of this edition reads incorrectly "with customs administrative act of June 10, 1890," etc. Although the title-page is the same as that of the preceding entry (T17.7:897 6), this edition contains only the original act of 1897 and is, except for title-page, identical with the edition printed for the use of the Committee on Ways and Means (Tl7.7:897s).] Tariff act of Aug. 5, 1909, on imports into United States, with index. 1909. [Has no Treasury Department document number.] /See, for another print of tariff act of 1909, ordered by Congress, Y1.1:T172. Appeals pending before United States courts in customs cases [Monthly Apr. 1, 190&-Jan. 1, 1906; quarterly beginning Apr. 1, 190G. The issues of Apr. 1 and May 1, 1905, are the only ones wiiich bear Treasury Department document numbers.] [1] [Appeals pending before United States courts in customs cases], supplement [to] Treasury decisions, v. 9, no. 2, Jan. 12, 1905. [1905.] [2] Appeals pending before United States courts in customs cases, Apr. 1, 1905. 1905. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2395.) [3] Same, May 1, 1905. 1905. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2400.) 4, June 1, 1905 12, Apr. 1, 1906 20, Apr. 1, 1908 5, July 1, 1905 13, July 1, 1906 21, Julv 1, 1908 6, Aug. 1, 1905 14, Oct. 1, 1906 22, Oct. 1, 1908 7, Sept. 1, 1905 15, Jan. 1, 1907 23, Jan. 1, 1909 8, Oct. 2, 1905 16, Apr. 1, 1907 . 24, Apr. 1, 1909 9, Nov. 1, 1905 17, July 1, 1907 25, July 1, 1909 10, Dec. 1, 1905 18, Oct. 1, 1907 26, Oct. 1, 1909 11, Jan. 1, 1906 19, Jan. 1, 1908 1079 T18. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING BUREAU (Engraving and printing for the Treasury Dopartmont was done for many years by contractors, but at the time of the Civil War it was found necessary to organize a bureau to attend to the final work on the great number of notes issued. By art approved July II, 1S«2 (Stat. L. v. 12, p. M2), the Secretary of the Treasury was empowered by Congress to purchase imiehinery and employ pKTSons to do the work. In 1S()3, the bureau wius called the National Currency IJureatj and a few years afterward it became known as Bun>au of EnnraviiiK and I'rlntlng. lleorganired in 1877. The act approved June 4, 1897 (Stat. L. V. 3(), p. IS) provides that all business of the Engravhig and Printing liureau sliall bo Under immediate control of the director, subject to order of the Secretary of the Treasury.] Classiflratlon no. T18.1: (date) T18.2! B22 Ex7 F51 In8' In82 In83 P69 P93 R86 Annual reports [The earliest in the Public Documents Library is for 1872 but it is not k-nown that this is the 1st annual report issued by the Engraving and Printing Bureau.] 1872 1873 * 1874 * 1875 * 1876 ♦ 1877 1878 * 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1901 1884 1902 1885-98, in annual re- 1903 ports of Treasury 1904 Department (Fi- 1905 nance reports, 1906 Tl.l:), and is- 1907 sued separately 1908 also. 1909 1899 1900 General publications Bank note companies. Reply of [Geo. B. McCartee, chief of] Bureau of Engraving and Printing to New York bank note companies; omitted from report of testimony printed bv Congressional Printer. 1874. Expenditures. Letter of O. H. Irish, chief of Bureau of Engraving and Printing, to John D. C. Atkins, chairman of Committee on Appro- priations of House of Representatives, relative to letters of John M. Glover, chairman of House Committee on Expenditures in Treasury Department, n. p. Jan. 10, 1879. Fire-proof building. Extracts from Congressional globe of Feb. 28 and Mar. 5, 1871, regarding redemption and reprinting of mutilated and counterfeited national bank notes, and reappropriation for fire-proof building in which to accommodate Bureau of Engrav- ing and Printing, n. p. [1871]. Investigation. Report on Bureau of Engraving and Printing, made by [E. O. Graves, Edward Wolcott, and E. R. Chapman] committee of investigation appointed by Secretary of Treasury. June 10, 1877. Same, supplement, n. p. [1877]. Investi^tion. Testimony taken by Committee Appointed to Inves- tigate Bureau of Engraving and Printing [Charles Lyman, Charles H. Brown, and Arthur Hendricks, appointed by Secretary of Treasury, May 21, 1897]. 1899. (55th Cong. 3d sess. S. doc. 109, pt. 2; serial no. 3734.) [Report of committee of which there is no bureau edition in the Public Documents Library, appears in the Congressional set as 55th Congress, 3d session, Senate aocu- ment 109, pt. 1, serial no. 3734.] Plate printing. Report on plate printing [by hand vs. plate printing by steam], by Committee on Finance, Feb. 15, 1889 [adverse to H. 9623, 50th Congress, to provide for printing Government secu- rities in highest style of art of plate printing from hand-roller presses]. 1889. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1200; [50th Cong. 2d sess., S. rp. 2604], serial no. 2618.) Printers' assistants. Instructions relative to teaching of printers' assist- ants during probationary period, n. p. Jan. 24, 1908. Rules and regulations of Bureau of Engraving and Printing covering its organization, accountability for values, and methods of business. 1880. (Treas. Dept. doc. 27.) 1080 Classification no. T18.3: (nos.) T18.4:: (nos.) T18. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING BUREAU— Con. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this bureau are issued in tjhe series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:] T19. EXAMINERS BOARD [A board of examiners was first organized tmder act of Mar. 3, 1853 (Stat. L. v. 10, p. 211), since which time there have been various boards of examiners appointed by different Secretaries of the Treasury. Examinations were conducted for many years according to varying systems and rules. See, for early history of examinations, p. 6 of annual report, 1889 (T19. 1:889). The worlc of the Board of Examiners was for a time included in that of the Committee on Personnel which was abolished Feb. 10, 1909, by order of the Secretary of the Treasury; see Treasury Department circu- lar 8, 1909 (T1.4:9098).] T19.1: (date) T19.2: T19.3: (nos.) T19.4: (nos.) Annual reports, Examinations in Treasury Depart- ment [1889-92 (except 1891, none issued), in annual reports of Treasury Department (Fi- nance reports, Tl.l:),and issued separately also. No other annual reports were General publications Treasury Department. Report of Board of Civil Service Examiners for Treasury Department to Advisory Bd^rd, on operation of "Rules and regulations for improvement of civil service" in Treasury Department. 1873. /See CS1.2:T71^ Treasury Department. Questions used in 28 civil service examinations in Treasury Department, June 5, 1872-nJan. 31, 1873. 1873. See CS1.2:T712. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this board were issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:] T20. APPRAISERS [By act of Mar. 1, 1823, the President was authorized to appoint two appraisers in each of the 7 principal ports of entry. Other appraisers, as well as assistant appraisers appointed by the Secretary of Treasury, were provided for by later acts. The customs administrative act approved June 10, 1890 (Stat. L. v. 26, p. 136) provided for 9 general appraisers, appointed by the President, who act upon appeals, either individually or as boards of 3, according to the nature of the case. The 9 general appraisers are also organized for the preparation of joint reports, etc., into a general board, with headquarters at New York. Reports and samples of mer- chandise are sent by local appraisers to the board at New York. The decisions of the general appraisers are included in the Treasury decisions; see Tl.ll i-'.- Certain publications of the appraisers, e. g.. Reports of conferences of local appraisers (T20.5:), Reap- praisement circulars (T20.4i:), and the earlier issues of Indexes to reappraisements (T20.42:), appear bearing the name of the Division of Customs, but they are classed here with the other publications of the appraisers.] T20.1: (date) Annual reports of Board of General Appraisers [1891-94, are for year ending Oct. 31; 1895-1903, are for year ending Oct. 1 or Sept. 30; 1904-09, for fiscal year ending Jime 30.] 1891 [Issued separately only.] 1892, in annual report of Treasury Department (Finance report, Tl.l: 892), and issued separately also. 1893 [Not printed.] 1894 [Issued separately only.] 1895-98, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and issued separately also. 18991 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904J [Issued separately only.] 19051 1906 1907 1908 1909 [Issued separately only.] 1081 CUsHlflratlon no. T20.2: C82 G51 In2 P83 T20.3: (nos.) T20.4 ' : (inclusive nos.) T20.4': (date) T20.5: (dat3) T20. APPRAISERS— Continued General publications Cotton goods. [Report on] classification of cotton goods, n. p. Sept. 16, 1881. Gloves. Special reports relative to undervaluation of leather gloves: 1. Report of A. P. Ketchum on reappraisemont of Alexandre gloves imported by A. T. Stewart & Co.; 2, Report of Charles Coln6 on tid gloves and silks imported from France; 3, Report of H. L. Williams relative to results of reappraisements of leather gloves. Treasury Department, 1879. Index to judicial rulings in customs cases, 1890-97. 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1938.) Porto Rico. Before board of classification of general appraisers, in mat- ter of dutiability of imports into United States from Porto Rico since ratification of treaty, protests nos. 54053-F and others; brief for Government [by] W. J. Gibson. 1900. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars, Reappraisements of mercliandlse by general appraisers or Reappralsement circulars 4« [Weekly.] [Information concerning reappraisements is sent daily to customs ofBcers at various ports in the form of mimeographed advance sheets. From Aug. 9, 1890 to Jan. 6, 1898, reports of reappraisements appeared as certain issues in the series of Treasury Department circulars (T1.4:). During 1898 and 1899 they were published in the weekly Treasury decisions (Tl.ll ^:). Beginning Jan. 1900, the present series of weekly Reappralsement circulars was begun. The matter is transmitted to the Department by the president of the Board of General Appraisers and printed under the supervision of the Customs Division. Each issue includes the matter contained in the daily issues, of which there were from 1 to 6 during that week. The first of this series in the Public Documents Library is the issue of Jan. 8, 1900, designated as Reappraise- ment circulars 438-443; the last issue during the period covered by this Check- list is that of Dec. 27, 1909, Reappralsement circulars 2052-2053.] Index to reappraisements made by Board of General Appraisers Index to reappraisements of merchandise by general appraisers 1904, Dec. 1, 1903-June 30, 1904 July-Dec. 1905, Jan.-June July-Dec. Index to reappraisements made by Board of General Appraisers 1906, Jan.-June 1908, Jan.-June July-Dec. July-Dec. 1907, Jan.-June 1909, Jan.-June July-Dec. July-Dec. Report of conference of local appraisers lield at New York [These conferences are held in order to aid in securing uniformity in appraisement and classification at the dlflferent ports.] Report of meeting of board of appraisers held at New York 1886, Dec. 2-? * 1887, July 11-23 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1022.) Report of conference of local appraisers held at New York 1887, Oct. 10-25 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1049.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1082. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1103.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1128.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1152.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1189.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1222.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1235.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1272.) 1888, Jan. 9-19 Mar. 20-26 July 9-21 Oct. 8-15 1889, Jan. 14-21 Apr. 8-20 July 8-18 Oct. 14-23 1082 Classification no. T20.5: (date) T20. APPRAISERS— Continued Report of conference of local appraisers held at New York— Continued 1890, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1891, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1892, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1893, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 13-20 14-25 21-29 13-30 ? ^ ? * ? * 13-22 12-23 12-16 ? * 11-22 ? * 11-15 ? * ? * (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1292.) 1316 ■ 1330 1366 1471.) 1496.) 1506.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1552.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1598.) 1894? 1895? 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1841.) [No conference.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 2039. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2161.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2211.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2269. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2300. 1903-07 [Not printed.] 1908 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2538.) 1909 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2569.) T21. IMMIGRATION BUREAU [In accordance with act of Mar. 2, 1819 (Stat. L. v. 3, p. 489), reports concerning immigrants were made annually to Congress by the Secretary of State, from 1820 to 1870, and statistics were collected by the State Department up to 1874. The reports for 18G5 to 1867 were rendered by the commissioner of immi- gration appointed under act of July 4, 1864 (Stat. L. v. 13, p. 385), but transmitted through the Secretary of State. The last-mentioned act was renealed Mar. 30, 1868, which abolished the first Immigration Bureau (or Commission). A Statistics Bureau (T37.) was established in the Treasury Department, July 28, 1866, and beginningwith 1869 a report on immigration was included in the report on commerce and navigation issued by that bureau, thus duplicating the work of the State Department up to 1874, when by act of May 7, 1874 (Stat, L, V. 18, pt. 3, p. 42), it was provided that the report on immigration should be rendered to Congress through the Treasury Department rather than the State Department. The Statistics Bureau con- tinued to issue these reports up to 1895, duplicating the work of the present Immigration Bureau from 1892 to 1895. The present Immigration Bureau was established July 12, 1891 (Stat. L. v. 26, p. 1085). Transferred to Commerce and Labor Department, July 1, 1903; see C7.] T21.1: (date) Annual reports [1820-70 (except 1822), prior to establishment of Immigration Bureau, annual reports on immigration were made by the Secretary of State, but appeared only as Con- gressional documents. The reports for 1865 to 1867 were transmitted to the Secretary of State by the commissioner of immigration whose office was abol- ished in 1868; see note under T21. 1869-91, prior to establishment of Immigration Bureau, annual reports on immigra- tion appeared in annual reports on Foreign commerce and navigation made by Statistics Bureau, Treasury Dept. (T37.1:).] Superintendent of Immigration 1892 1893 1894 Commissioner-General op Immigration 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 [4676-758] See, for later reports, C7.1: 1083 CI«MNlflratlon no. T21.2: C16 C3l' Eu7 In8 N42y T21.3: (nos.) T21.4: (nos.) T21.5: 893 1 893 2 895^ 8952 900 1 9002 902 1 9022 903 T21. IMMIGRATION BUREAU—Continued General publications Canadian border inspection. Report of immigrant inspector in charge of Canadian border inspection for fiscal year 1902, with report of special immigrant inspector Robert Watchorn, concerning immi- gration to United States via Canada. Aug. 1902. Causes which incite immigration to United States. Report of commis- sioners of immigration upon causes which incite immigration to United States, V. 1: Reports of commissioners. 1892. [2957-235] Same, v. 2: Extracts from European laws, letters of U. S. consuls. 1892. [2957-235 ] [Running heading of both volumes reads: Enforcement of alien contract labor laws.] European immigration. Report on European immigration to United States, and causes which incite same, with recommendations for further restriction of undesirable immigration and establishment of national quarantine, by Herman J. Schulteis; Letters from American consuls; Protest of Canadian workingmen against Brit- ish immigration policy. 1893. Investigating commission. Report of immigration investigating com- mission to Secretary of Treasury. 1895. New York City. Annual report of commissioner of immigration [Wm. Williams] for port of New York for fiscal year 1902. 1902. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this bureau prior to July 1, 1903 were issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under T1.4: See, for Circulars since July 1, 1903, C7.4:] Laws and regulations Immigration laws and regulations, Mar. 11, 1893. 1893. Same, Apr. 25, 1893. 1893. Same, May 22, 1895. 1895. Same. [2d edition with additions.] 1895 [1897]. Same, Aug. 16, 1898. 1898. Digest of immigration laws and decisions; compiled by Chapman W. Maupin. Apr. 29, 1899. Immigration laws and regulations, Apr. 9, 1900. 1900. Laws, treaty, and regulations relating to exclusion of Chinese. 1900. [See, for earlier laws, etc., relating to exclusion of Chinese, T35.2:C44i-3.] Same. 1902. [See, for later laws, C7.5:] Immigration laws and regulations, Aug. 18, 1902. 1902. Same, Mar. 1903. 1903. See, for later editions, C7.5: and C7.6: T22. INTERNAL. REVENUE COMMISSIONER lOrnce created by act of July 1, 1862 (Stat. L. v. 12, p. 432).) T22.1: Annual reports (date) [1803-1909, the report without accompanying tables is included in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:).] See, for special report of commissioner, Jan. 13, 1863, concerning organization of office, etc., [1149-20]. See, for Preliminary reports on collection of internal revenue and condition of service, T22.7: 18631 1868 1371-5 1864 [ [Not in Congressional set.] 1869 1416-4 1865J 1870 1452-4 1866 [1291-55] [1329-5] 1871 1508-4 1867 1872 1563-4 1084 Classification no. T22.1: (date) T22.1'^: (date) T22.2: All C281 C282 C283 C28* C285 C68 C82 D621 D622 D62' D62* T22. INTERNAL REVENUE COMMISSIONER— Con- Annual reports — Continued 1873 [1604-4] 1891 [2942-4] 1874 [1642-4] 1892 [3097-4 1875 [1684-4] [No edition with- 1893 [3218-4 out Congressional document 1894 [3315-4 number.] 1895 [3395-11 1876 [1753-4] 1896 [3499-11 1877 [1804-4] 1897 [3658-11 1878 [1854^] 1898 [3775-11 1879 [1915^] 1899 [3936-11 1880 [1964-4] 1900 [4124-ir 1881 [2023-4] 1901 [4307-11] 1882 [2105-4] 1902 [4473-11 1883 [2195-4] 1903 [4660-11 1884 [2292-4] 1904 [4815-11" 1885 [2387-4] 1905 [4981-20 1886 [2473-4 1906 [5142-20 1887 [2550-4] 1907 [5350-20" 1888 [2645-4] 1908 [5415-1051] 1889 [2733-4] 1909 [5708-116] 1890 [2851-4] Annual reports (separates; report without accompanying tables) General publications Alcohol. Denatured alcohol at home and abroad, report reviewing observations and work in Europe regarding denatured alcohol, its manufacture and uses. 1909. Catalogue of books and blanks and laws and regulations prepared for use of officers of internal revenue. Jan. 1879. ([Form] 155.) Same. Feb. 1, 1881. ([Form] 155, revised; Treas. Dept. doc. 96.) Same. Mar. 1892. ([Form] 155, revised 1892.) Same. May, 1897. ([Form] 155, revised 1897.) Catalogue of blanks and books and laws and regulations prepared for use of officers of internal revenue. Aug. 1901. ([Form] 155, revised 1901.) Collections. Internal revenue collections, 1863-92. [189-.] oblong f« Cotton tax. Argument in favor of constitutionality of cotton tax, with reasons why this tax should not be refunded; by Israel Kimball. 1873. Direct tax. Circular to principal assessors [in relation to assessments under $3,000,000 direct tax of 1816]. May 1, 1816. Direct and excise taxes. Manual of direct and excise tax system of United States, including forms and regulations established by Commissioner of Internal Revenue, decisions and rulings of com- missioner, with extracts from correspondence of office; by George S. Boutwell. 1863. [As will be seen by the preface to this volume, the work of preparing the compilation was authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury, but to be without compensa- tion, the compiler being given the privilege of having the work copyrighted and published. Besides this official edition, which was printed at the Govern- ment Printing Office, two others were published in 1863 and 1864 respectively, by Little, Brown and Company of Boston. The latter are omitted from this Checklist.] Direct taxes. Letter of Commissioner of Internal Revenue to Secre- tary of Treasury relative to United States direct taxes in the dif- ferent States and Territories. May 3, 1880. 1881 (Treas. Dept. doc. 138.) Diroct-tax report required by Senate resolution of Apr. 14, 1882, rela- tive to lots and tracts of land sold for non-payment of United States direct taxes, and surplus proceeds from sales in Virginia, Florida, Tennessee, and Arkansas, under act approved June 7, 1862, amended Feb. 6, 1863, and Mar. 3, 1865. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 413; [47th Cong. 2d sess., S. ex. doc. 85] serial no. 2076.) 1085 ciassiflcation T22. INTERN AIi REVENUE COMMISSIONER— Con. no. T22.2: Evl G23» G232 G23' 052 M311 M312 Sp4i Sp42 Sp43 St2i St22 St23 T55 T22.3: (nos.) T22.4:: (nos.) General publications — Continued Evans, Walter. Letter of Walter Evans, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, to W. B. Allison, chairman of Committee on Appropria- tions, Senate. June 13, 1884. (Treas. Dept. doc. 590.) Gaugera* manual. Extracts from Gaugers' manual j Gaugers' weighing manual, and [Regulations] series 7, no. 7, revised [Feb. 20, 1895], regarding duties of internal revenue gaugers, storekeepers, and storekeeper-gangers. June 6, 1895. 12° (Treas. Dept. doc. 1778.) Same, with title, Extracts from Gangers' manual, Gaugers' weighing manual, and Regulations 7, revised [Apr. 15, 1901], regarding duties of internal revenue gaugers, storekeepers, and storekeeper- gangers. Oct. 15, 1902. 12° Same. July 30, 1906. 12* See, for Gangers' manual and Gangers' weighing manual, T22. 17:11. See, for Regulations 7 revised, T22.17:7. Glucose. Report on glucose, prepared by National Academy of Sci- ences, in response to request made by Commissioner of Internal Revenue. 1884. (Treas. Dept. doc. 535.) Manual. Internal-revenue manual, compiled from laws and regula- tions now in force, for guidance of internal-revenue agents and officers. Aug. 1, 1879. 12o Same. Sept. 1, 1888. See also Abstract of internal-revenue laws, T22.10: See, for Gangers' manual and Gaugers' weighing manual, T22. 17:11. See, for Tax manual for cigar manufacturers, T22. 18:85. Revenue Commission, 1865-66. See note and entries under T1.18:, T1.18^:, andTl.18 2: Revenue Special Commissioner, 1866-70. See T 1. 19: Spirits. Manual for inspectors of spirits. 1866. 16° Spirits. Manual for gaugers of spirits. 1868. 16° Same. 1870. 16° See, for Gangers' weighing manual, T22. 17:11. Stamp cancelers. Proposed cigar and beer-stamp cancellers, letter of Commissioner of Internal Revenue to Secretary of Treasury. [May 7, 1880.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 76.) Stamps. Proposals for paper upon which to print internal-revenue stamps. Mar. 10, 1908. 4° * [Earlier issues have appeared as Circulars (T22.4:).] Same. Mar. 10, 1909. 4° Tobacco. General outline of tobacco-tax system of United States, pre- pared by direction of Secretary of Treasury in reply to request of Minister of Finance of Belgium. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 425.) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 4* [Many of the Internal revonuo circulars appear in the numbered series of Treasury Department circulars (Tl.4:). 1-407 are not in the Public Documents Library in separate form. Compilations (see T22.5:) have been printed from time to time including all these circulars, with revisions, etc., in convenient 8° volumes, as follows: Circulars 1-91, July 1, 1863- Dec. 15, 1870, are in the Collection of circulars, etc., which is classed under T22.5: 871 »; nos. 92-118, Mar. 17, 1871-June 11, 1874, are in T22.5:874; nos. 119-242, and revisions of 88 and 99, July 1, 1874-Jan. 30, 1882, are in T22.5:882; nos. 243-407 and revisions of 99 and 240, Apr. 28, 1882- Aug. 25, 1893, are In T22.5:893.1 408 409 410 411 412 413 See Department circular 41, 1894 (Tl.4:). 1086 Classification T22, no. INTERNAL REVENUE COMMISSIONER— Con. T22.4: : Circulars— Continued (nos.) 414, Mar. 17, 1894 Same, revised Dec. 3, 1902 Same, revised Sept. 19, 1907 Same, revised Apr. 22, 1909 Same, revised July 16, 1909 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 See Department circular 70, 1894 (T1.4:). See, for supplemental matter, T22. 4:428. See, for supplemental See Department circular 121, 1894 (T1.4: See Department circular 132, 1894 (T1.4: See Department circular 142, 1894 (T1.4: matter, T22. 4:429. 428 (supplemental to 423) 429 (supplementary to 427) See Department circular 152, 1894 (T1.4:). 430 See Department circular 168, 1894 (T1.4:). See Department circular 184, 1894 (T1.4:). See Department circular 192, 1894 (T1.4:). See Department circular 199, 1894 (T1.4:). See Department circular 16, 1895 (T1.4:). See Department circular 92, 1895 See Department circular 93, 1895 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451, Feb. 17, 1896 Same, revised July 1, 1896 Same, revised Mar. 15, 1899 452 See Department circular 45 T1.4: T1.4: See Department circular 101, 1895 (T1.4: See Department circular 140, 1895 (T1.4: [Mimeographed; never printed.] 453 454 455 456 457 458 1896 (T1.4:). See, for supplemental matter, T22 .4:459. See Department circular 70, 1896 (T1.4:). See Department circular 73, 1896 (T1.4:). 459 (limiting 454) 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 1087 ClM«inc*t!on T22. INTERNAIi REVENUE COMMISSIONER— €on. no. T22.4 : Circulars— Continued (no8.) 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 See Department circular 19, 1897 (T1.4:). See, for modification. See Department circular 106, 1897 (T1.4:). T22, 4:479. 478 See Department circular 112, 1897 (T1.4:). 479 (modifying 477) See Department circular 115, 1897 (Tl.4:). 480 See Department circular 119, 1897 (Tl.4:). 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 See Department circular 107, 1898 (Tl.4 496 See Department circular 108, 1898 (Tl 497 498 499 500 501. See Department circular 160, 1897 See Department circular 166, 1897 See Department circular 171, 1897 See Department circular 196, 1897 (Tl.4: See Department circular 6, 1898 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 10, 1898 (Tl.4:) See Department circular 51, 1898 (Tl.4:) See Department circular 55, 1898 (Tl.4:) t See Department circular 120, 1898 See Department circular 126, 1898 See Department circular 129, 1898 July 7, 1898 ' Tl.4: Tl.4: Tl.4:). See Department circular 132, 1898 (Tl.4:). Jan. 24, 1899 See Department circular 12, 1899 Same, revised (Tl.4:). Same, revised Feb. 8, 1900 See Department circular 16, 1900 (Tl.4:). 502 503, July 13, 1898 Same, supplement, Aug. 16, 1898 Same, revised Nov. 14, 1898 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517, Oct. 29, 1898 Same, revised Jan. 14, 1899 518 See Department circular 205, See Department circular 207, See Department circular 171, 1898 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 182, 1898 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 188, 1898 See Department circular 189, 1898 fTl.4:). (Tl.4:). 519 520 521 522 1898 1898 See Department circular 6, 1899 (Ti.4:). Tl.4:). Tl.4:). 1088 CUssiflcatlon no. T22.4: (nos.) T22. INTERNAL REVENUE COMMISSIONER— Con. Circulars — Continued See Depaxtment circular 33, 1899 (T1.4:). See Department circular 48, 1899 (T1.4:). See Department circular 73, 1899 (T1.4:). 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 iSee, for supplement, T22. 4:542. 537, June 13, 1899 See, for modifications, T22. 4:572, 577. Same, revised Mar. 10, 1900 538, June 22, 1899 Same, revised July 17, 1899 539 540 See Department circular 93, 1899 (T1.4:). 541, July 12, 1899 Same, revised July 26, 1900 542 (supplement to 536) 543 See Department circular 11, 1900 (T1.4:). See Department circular 35, 1900 (T1.4:). 544 See Department cu-cular 109, 1899 (T1.4 545 See Department circular 116, 1899 (T1.4 546 See Department circular 119, 1899 (T1.4 547 548 See Department circular 140, 1899 (T1.4 549 See Department circular 142, 1899 (T1.4:). 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561, Apr. 9, 1900 Same, revised June 18, 1907 562 See Department circular 48, 1900 (T1.4:). 563 564 565 See Department circular 54, 1900 (T1.4:). 566 See Department cii'cular 56, 1900 (T1.4:). 567 568, May 1, 1900 Same, revised Apr. 16, 1902 569 570 571 572 (modifying 537) 573 574 575 See Department circular 99, 1900 (T1.4:). 576 577 (modifying 537) 578, Aug. 18, 1900 Same, revised Aug. 7, 1901 1089 ciassiflcation T22. INTERNAL. REVENUE COMMI8SIONER-Con. 00. T22.4: (noB.) 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 82452°— 11- 1901 (Tl 1901 (T] Circulars — Continued 579 580 581 See Department circular 140, 1900 (T1.4:). 582 583 584 585 See Department circular 154, 1900 (T1.4:). 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596, Mar. 22, 1901 Same, revised Oct. 1, 1903 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 (modifying 602) 605 See Department circular 81, 1901 (T1.4:). See Department circular 85, 1901 (T1.4:). See Department circular 7, 1901 (Tl 4 See Department circular 13, 1901 (T1.4:) See Department circular 17 See Department circular 26 See Department circular 42, 1901 (T1.4:). See Department circular 44, 1901 (T1.4:). See, for modifications, T22.4:604. See Department circular 96, 1901 (T1.4:). See Department circular 31, 1902 (T1.4:). See Department circular 42, 1902 (T1.4:). See Department circular 77, 1902 (T1.4:). See Department circular 78, 1902 (T1.4:). See Department circular 84, 1902 (T1.4:). T22.4:663. See Department circular 86, 1902 (T1.4:). See Department circular 89, 1902 (T1.4:). See Department circular 94, 1902 (T1.4:). See Department circular 101, 1902 (T1.4:). See Department circular 8, 1903 (T1.4:). —69 See, for revision, 1090 Classification no. T22.4: (nos.) T22. INTERNAL REVENUE COMMISSIONER— Con. Circulars— Continued 640 641 642 643 644 See Department circular 87, 1903 (T1.4:). 645 646 647 648 See Department circular 110, 1903 (T1.4:). 649 650 See Department circular 126, 1903 (T1.4:). 651 652 See Department circular 136, 1903 (T1.4:). 653 654 655 iSee, for modifications, T22. 4:656. 656 (modifying 655) 657 See Department circular 44, 1904 (T1.4:). 658 659 660 See Department circular 71, 1904 (T1.4:). 661 662 663 (revising Circular 628, T22.4:628, and modifying Regulations 14, revised, T22. 17:14) See Department circular 84, 1904 (T1.4:). 664 665 666 : . 667 668 669 670 See Department circular 70, 1905 (T1.4:). 671 672 673 674 See Department circular 105, 1905 (Tl.'t:). 675 676 677 See Department circular 13, 1906 (T1.4:). 678 See Department circular 41, 1906 (T1.4:). 679 See Department circular 73, 1906 (T1.4:). 680 681 682 See, for modifications, T22. 4:687 and 704. 683 684 See Department circular 98, 1906 (T1.4:). 685 686 687 (modifying 682) 688 689 690 (supplemental to Regulations 30, T22. 17:30) 691 692 693 See Department fcirtnilar 18, 1907 :(aMu4i:)Ci 694 .' ' •-^:; . :'--:.7M{ • 695 .lT;iiOtii 696 697 698 699 700 701 See Department circular 39, 1907 (T1.4:). 1091 (la^iflcation T22. INTERNAIi REVENUE COMMISSIONER— Con. DO. T22.4 ; (no8.) T22.5: 871 871' 874 Circulars— Continued 702 703 704 (amending 682) 705 See Department circular 58, 1907 (T1.4:). 706 707 708 709 Same, revised Nov. 5, 1909 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 See Department circular 5, 1908 (T1.4:). See Department circular 19, 1908 (T1.4:). See Department circular 27, 1908 (T1.4:). See Department circular 29, 1908 (T1.4:). See Department circular 33, 1908 (T1.4:). See, for modification, T22.4:726. See Department circular 37, 1908 (T1.4:). (modifying 723) See Department circular 40, 1908 (T1.4:). See Department circular 75, 1908 (T1.4:). See Department circular 5, 1909 (T1.4:). See Department circular 9, 1909 (T1.4:). See Department circular 19, 1909 (T1.4:). See Department circular 25, 1909 (T1.4:). 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 Collection of circulars, specials, decisions, and cir- cular letters issued by Office of Internal Revenue See, for Circulars, T22 .4: See, for Specials, T22.18: See, for Decisions and Digests of decisions, T22.8^'^: See, for Circular letters and unnumbered circulars, T22.20*'': Collection of circulars and specials issued by Office of Internal Revenue to Jan. 1, 1871 [containing Circulars 1-91, July 1, 1863-Dec. 15, 1870, Specials 1-85, July 6, 1864-Oct. 18, 1870, and unnumbered circulars and circular letters, Dec. 1, 1862-Oct. 22, 1870]. 1871. Decisions published by Office of Internal Revenue to Jan. 1871 [nos. 1-176, Oct. 1862-June 21, 1870]. 1871. [Nos. 1-119 are reprinted with notes and marginal references from Boutwell's Manual of direct and excise tax system, 1863 (T22.2:D622).] See also T22.S''^: Collection of circulars and specials issued by Office of Internal Revenue, Jan. 1, 1871-June 22, 1874 [containing Circulars 92-118, Mar. 17, 1871-June 11, 1874, Specials 86-149, Jan. 6, 1871-Apr. 11, 1874, and revisions of 75, Apr. 24, 1873, and May 20, 1874, Circular let- ters, unnumbered, Feb. 24, 1871-Feb. 7, 1874, and Circular letters 1-9, Jan. 6, 1874-June 22, 1874]. 1874. 1092 Classification no. T22.5; 882 T22.6: 876 883 886 887 894 907 T22.7; (date) - tio btiM T22. INTERNAL REVENUE COMMISSIONER— Con. Collection of circulars, specials, decisions, and cir- cular letters issued by Office of Internal Revenues-Continued Collection of circulars, specials, decisions, and circular letters issued by Office of Internal Revenue, June 22, 1874-Jan. 30, 1882 [contain- ing Circulars 119-242 and revisions of 88 and 99, July 1, 1874- Jan. 30, 1882, Specials 150-199, July 16, 1874-July 28, 1880, De- cisions 177-179, Apr. 12, 1875-Apr. 21, 1879, and Circular letters 10-63, Aug. 1, 1874-Aug. 3, 1881]. 1882. (Treas. Dept. doc. 249.) Collection of circulars, etc., issued by Office of Internal Revenue, Jan. 30, 1882-Aug. 25, 1893 [containing Circulars 243-407 and revisions of 99 and 240, Apr. 28, 1882-Aug. 25, 1893, Regulation, June 4, 1889, and Decision 180, Jan. 10, 1890]. 1893. List of collection districts List of collection districts, with names and addresses of collectors [under] act of Aug. 15, 1876. [1876?] large 8» Same. Revised 1883. [1883.] 4» (Treas. Dept. doc. 461.) Same. 1886. * Same; reorganization of July 1, 1887. [1888.] 4° (Treas. Dept. doc. 1035.) Same; reorganization of July 1, 1887. Revised Aug. 1894. [1894.] 4° (Office record 55.) Same; reorganization of July 1, 1887. Revised July 1, 1907. [1907.] (Record no. 7118.) PreUminary report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue on collection of internal revenue and condition of service See also Annual reports, T22.1: Collection of internal revenue and condition of service 1880, Aug. 4 (Treas. Dept. doc. 8.) 1881, Aug. 2 (Treas. Dept. doc. 164.) 1882, July 26 (Treas. Dept. doc. 295.) 1883, July 27 (Treas. Dept. doc. 450.) [The office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue has no record of any print for 1884.] 1885, July — * 1886, July 22 (Treas. Dept. doc. 862.) 1887, July 21 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1019.) 1888, July 21 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1127.) 1889, July 24 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1236.) 1890, July 25 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1329.) 1891, July 21 [Has no Treasury Department document number.] 1892, July 21 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1522.) 1893, July 21 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1614.) 1894, July 26 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1689.) 1895, July 23 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1790.) 1896, July 28 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1875.) 1897, July 28 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1951.) 1898, Aug. 8 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2032.) Preliminary report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue on collection of internal revenue and condition of service [189^1909 do not bear Treasury Department document numbers.] 1899, July 27 1905, Aug. 3 1900, July 27 1906, July 30 1901, July 24 1907, Aug. 13 1902, July 28 1908, July 27 1903, July 23 1909, July 27 1904, Aug. 1 1093 ClasNlflratlun no. T22.8 ' : j (v. IU)S.) T22. INTERNAIi REVENUE COMMISSIONER-.5:.ss2, 8U3). The majority of the decisions rendered from Dec. 24, ISiM, to Dec. 31, 1897, appeared orignially in the form of letters to Internal revenue oflicers, published oy con- tract in the Internal revenue record, a weekly issued in New Yorlc City. These appeared later in a digest prepared In the Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue {see T22.8 2:864 898). Beginning with 1898, the decisions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue have been published in the weekly Treasury decisions (Tl.ll 2;), being numl^ered in that series until tlie en(i of 1899. Beginning with Jan. 1900, they have been numbered in a series of their own. From 1J>9S to 1909, the internal revenue decisions were collected at the end of each calendar year and issued in a separate volume with title as shown below. From 1900 to 1903, there was each year a duplicate of this annual volume issued in style uniform with the l)ound volume of Treasury decisions; see Tl.ll »:] Compilation of decisions rendered by Commissioner of Internal Reve- nue under war-revenue act of June 13, 1898 [v. 1] 1898 380 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2089.) Same, with appendix. 386 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2089.) V. 2, 1899 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2166.) Compilation of decisions rendered by Commissioner of Internal Revenue V. 3, 1900 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2217.) See also Tl.ll i:900, pt. 2. V. 4, 1901 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2264.) See also Tl.ll i:901, pt. 2. V. 5, 1902 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2315.) See also Tl.ll i:902, pt. 2. V. 6, 1903 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2356.) See also Tl.ll i:903, pt. 2. Treasury decisions under internal revenue laws V. 7, 1904 V. 8, 1905 V. 9, 1906 V. 10, 1907 V. 11, 1908 V. 12, 1909 Digests of decisions and regulations Digest of decisions and regulations by Commissioner of Internal Reve- nue and abstracts of judicial decisions and opinions of Attorneys- General as to internal-revenue cases, Dec. 24, 1864-June 13, 1898. 1906. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2438.) [See, for information concern- ing early decisions issued in other forms, note at head of T22.8 ^:] Same, June 13, 1898-Dec. 31, 1904. 1905. ([Treas. Dept. doc. 2401.]) Laws (general) [In this class are Included the various prints of internal revenue acts, from the estal)- iishment of the office, with the compilations of acts and supplements thereto.] Laws relating to direct and excise taxes passed during 1st and 2d ses- sions of 37th Congress. 1862, [Interleaved. The matter con- tained in this publication, with the addition of amendatory acts to Mar. 3, 1863 {see also T22.9:863^2) apx)eared with title Laws and resolutions relating to direct and excise taxes, as 37th Con- gress, 3d session. House miscellaneous document 26, serial no. 1171.] Act to amend act to provide internal revenue to support Government and to pay interest on public debt, approved July 1, 1862; approved Dec. 25, 1862. 1863. Act amendatory of internal revenue laws; approved Mar. 3, 1863. 1863. [Interleaved.] [Act to provide internal revenue to support Government and to pay interest on public debt, approved June 30, 1864, and Public joint resolution 69, approved July 4, 1864.] [1864.] 1094 Classification T22. no. INTERNAL REVENUE COMMISSIONER— Con. T22.9 865 866 867 872 873 879 881 883 886 889 890 894 898 J 8982 900 9011 9012 902 Laws (general) — Continued Same [as amended by act of Mar. 3, 1865, including sections relating to collection of internal revenue from other acts]. [1865.] [Interleaved.] Laws of United States relating to internal revenue, in force Aug. 1, 1866, except where otherwise specially provided, as in relation to distilled spirits, fermented liquors, certain stamp duties, and in part to cotton, 1866. Laws of United States relating to internal revenue, comprising act of June 30, 1864, as amended by subsequent acts, including act of Mar. 26, 1867. 1867. Internal tax laws [acts approved July 20, Jan. 11, Feb. 3, Mar. 31, and June 25, 1868, and joint resolution approved July 6, 1868]. [1868.] Act of July 20, 1868, as amended [June 6, 1872], with such provisions of previous and subsequent acts as are now in force, relating specifically to distilled spirits, tobacco, snuff, and cigars, or fer- mented liquors. 2d edition. 1872. [1st edition not in Public Documents Library.] Compilation of internal revenue laws of United States in force after act of June 6, 1872, with appendix embracing act of Dec. 24, 1872, and other internal revenue acts passed at last session of 42d Congress, ended Mar. 4, 1873. 1873. See, for compilation^ Internal-revenue laws, Aug. 5, 1861-Mar. 3, 1873, submitted m response to order of Senate of May 16, 1898, for use in consideration of H. 10100, to provide Ways and means to meet war expenditures, Y4.F49:In8. Internal revenue laws, including title 35 and other portions of Revised statutes of United States as amended, and other enactments relat- ing to internal revenue in force Mar. A, 1879, with appendix. 1879. Same, with additional laws. 1881. Same, with subsequent laws. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 416.)-''^''^*' Same, with subsequent laws. 1886. * Internal revenue laws in force July 1, 1889, with appendix containing laws of general nature and miscellaneous provisions applicable to administration of internal revenue laws, compilation of 1889 1889. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1204.) Compilation of internal revenue laws [1889], supplement 1, Internal- revenue acts passed at 1st session of 51st Congress. [1890.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 1347.) Internal revenue laws in force Aug. 28, 1894, with appendix contain- ing laws of general nature and miscellaneous provisions appli- cable to administration of internal revenue laws, compilation of 1894. 1894. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1715.) War-revenue law of 1898, with index. [1898.] Same, with revised index, marginal and foot notes. [1898.] large 8" Internal revenue laws in force Jan. 1, 1900, compilation of 1900. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2157.) Act of Mar. 2, 1901, amending war-revenue law of 1898, with index. [1901.] Compilation of internal-revenue laws [1900], supplement 1, War- revenue act of June 13, 1898, as amended by act of Mar, 2, 1901, and other internal-revenue acts passed since Compilation of 1900, in force July 1, 1901. 1901. Same, supplement 2, Act of Apr. 12, 1902 (war-revenue repeal act), oleomargarine act of May 9, 1902, and other internal-revenue acts passed since Compilation of internal-revenue laws, sup- plement 1, issued June 29, 1901. 1902. I 1095 Classlflcation no. T22.9: 906 T22.10: 899 905 T22.il: (nos.) T22.12: (nos.) T22.13: (nos.) T22.14: (nos.) T22.15: (nos.) T22. INTERNAL. REVENUE COMMISSIONER--149 and revisions of 75, Jan. 6, 1871-May 20, 1874, are in Collection of circulars and specials, Jan. 1, 1871- June 22, 1874 (T22.5:874); nos. 150-199, July 16, 1874-July 28, 1880, are in Collec- tion of circulars, specials, etc., June 22, 1874-Jan. 30, 1882 (T22.5:882). Many of the later ones appeared as Treasury Department circulars (Tl.4:). Discontinued with no. 199, July 28, 1880.] Regulations and Instructions (unnumbered) Alcohol. Regulations [Aug. 1, 1868] for allowance of drawback on alco- hol and rum, under provisions of act imposing taxes on distilled spirits and tobacco, approved July 20, 1868. 1868. Allowance. Amended circular instructions to collectors and other oflB- cers of customs and to officers of internal revenue in reference to allowance or drawback, 1865. Bonded warehouses. Regulations for establishment of bonded ware- houses under internal revenue acts and for entry, withdrawal, transportation, and exportation of merchandise deposited therein. May 1 , 1865 . [Copy in Public Documenta Library is incomplete, having only p. 1-16.] 1102 Classification no. T22.19: In2 T22.201: (nos.) T22.20 2: (date) T22.21: (date) T22. INTERNAL REVENUE COMMISSIONER— Con. Regulations and. instructions (unnumbered)— Continued Income tax. Special instructions to collectors of internal revenue rela- tive to returns and taxation of incomes for 1894. Mar. 27, 1895. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1763.) Circular letters (numbered) [The only numbered Circular letters in the Public Documents Library are those found in the compilations issued by the Office of Internal Revenue as follows: nos. 1-9, Jan. 6-June 22, 1874 are in Collection of circulars and specials, Jan. 1, 1871-June 22, 1874 (T22.5:874); nos. 10-63, Aug. 1, 1874-Aug. 3, 1881, are in Col- lection of circulars, specials, decisions, and circular letters, Jime 22, 1874-Jan. 30, 1882 (T22.5:882). The majority of these were issued as Treasury Department circulars (Tl.4:). This series was discontinued with no. 63, Aug. 3, 1881.] Circulars and Circular letters (unnumbered) [Unnumbered circular letters issued between Dec. 1, 1862 and Feb. 7, 1874 are to be found in Collection of circulars and specials issued by Office of Internal Reve- nue to Jan. 1, 1871 (T22.5:871i)> and Collection of circulars and specials, Jan. 1, 1871-June 22, 1874 (T22.5:874). The Public Documents Library has none of these early ones in their original form, and only a few of more recent date. No attempt is made to list them here.] List of distillery wareliouses List 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 List 1908 1909 of distillery warehouses in which spirits were held on deposit in fiscal year ended June 30, Treas. Dept. Treas. Dept. Treas. Dept. Treas. Dept. doc. 2074.) doc. 2156.) doc. 2156 revised, doc. 2156 revised. [None issued.] of distillery warehouses in which distilled spirits were held on deposit at beginning of distiller's bonded year, May 1, [None issued.] T23. LIBRARY [There was a small library in the Treasury Department from a very early date. From about 1863, its growth was steady until it numbered 25,000 volumes. In 1909, by the transfer of a large number of these to the Life-Saving Service, the Library of Congress, etc., it was reduced to a comparatively small work- ing collection for the official use of the Treasury Department.] T23.1: (date) T23.2: (CT) T23.3: (nos.) T23.4: (nos.) T23.5: 873 881 891 Annual reports [None issued.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Catalogues Catalogue of library of Treasury Department, July 1, 1873. 1873. List of new books in Treasury Department library, n. p. Jan. 1881. Index-reference catalogue of library of Treasury Department; [by] Helen L. McL. Kimball. 1891. 1103 T24. lilFE- SAVING SERVICE [The work of llf©«iving on the coasts was carried on for a Ioiik time in connection with the Revenue-Cutter Service (T3;j.); see, for early history, p. 34 of Annual report of operations of Life-Saving Service, 1876 (T24.1:87()). Established formally and a general superintendent authorized by act approved June 18, 1878 (Stat. L. V. 20, p. 1(>4).J Classlflcatlon no. T24.1: (date) T24.1«: (CT) T24.2: B35» B352 D83» D832 D833 D83* L62» L622 M23 Or3^ Or32 Annual reports [1872 and 1873, in annual reports of Revenue Marine Bureau, 1872 and 1873 (T33.1: 872, 873).l 1874 1875 1876, 1877 1878 1879 1880 in annual report of Treasury Department, 1876 (Finance reports, Tl. 1:876), and issued separately also. [1st edition.] 391 p. Same [without tables and reports on wreck-ordnance]. [2d edition.] 152 p. 1881 [2047^7] 1882 1888 1894 1900 1906 1883 1889 1895 1901 1907 1884 1890 1896 1902 1908 1885 1891 1897 1903 1909 1886 1892 1898 1904 1887 1893 1899 1905 Annual reports (separates) General publications Beach-apparatus drill; by C. H. McLellan. [1883.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 420.) Same. [1890.1 [Has no Treasury Department document number. Similar information is included in Regulations for government of Life-Saving Service, 1884 and 1899 (T24.6:884, 899).] Drowned. Directions for restoring the apparently drowned, for saving drowning persons by swimming to their relief, and for treatment of frostbites, as practiced by Life-Saving Service. 1893. [Simi- lar directions are included in the Regulations (T24.6:).] Same. 1899. Same. 1901. Same. 1909. Life-saving ordnance. Report on life-saving ordnance and appurte- nances; by D. A. Lyle, 1878. [Originally printed as app. P of Ordnance Department report, 1878 (W34.1 »:878).] Life-Savers' National Benefit Association. [Circular letter] to keepers and crews of life-saving stations and others concerned [regaraing Srinted letter of Charles A. Meyland as secretary of Life-Savers' ational Benefit Association]. Oct. 15, 1908. 4° McNeill & Nattress. [Circular correcting misstatements in circular let- ter of McNeill & Nattress, July 22, 1905, seeking employment as attorneys in prosecuting claims arising under sec. 7 and 8 of act of May 4, 1882.] July 31, 1905. 4° Medals of honor. Regulations governing award of medals of honor. See Pr26.2:M46. Organization and methods of Life-Saving Service; by Sumner I. Kim- ball. 1890. Same. [Reprint] 1894. 1104 Classification no. T24:.2: Sh6i She 2 She 3 T24.3: (nos.) T24.4: (nos.) T24.5: (date) T24.6: 873 877 884 900 902 T24.7: (CT) T24. LIFE-SAVING SERVICE— Continued General pubUcations — Continued Shipwreck. Instructions to mariners in case of shipwreck, with infor- mation concerning life-saving stations upon coasts of United States. 1881. 24« Same; prepared by C. H. McLellan. 1888. 24" Same. Revised [edition]. 1908. narrow 24*' Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to tlie work of this service are issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:] Official register of Life- Saving Service, witli post- office addresses [Includes list of life-saving districts and stations.] 1881, Sept. 1883, June 1884, July 1886, July 1889, July 1890, July 1891, July 1892, July 1893, July 1894, July 1895, July 189e, July 1897, Jan. 1898, Jan. July 1899, July 1900, July 1901, July 1902, July 1903, July 1904, July 1905, Jan. July 1906, Jan. July 1907, July 1908, Jan. July 1909, July 1 (Treas. 1 (Treas. 1 (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. (Treas. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. Dept. Dept. doc doc. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. Dept. doc. 1 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1 ^Treas. Dept. doc. 1 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 157.) 428. 591. 850.) 1227.) 1324.) 1427.) 1516.) 1605.) 1684.' 1788. 1866. 1927.^ 2003. 2028.) 2122.) :S,1ST Regulations (general) Regulations for government of Life-Saving Service. Jan. 1873. Revised regulations for government of Life-Saving Service and laws upon which they are based. Nov. 1877; ' Same. 1884. (Treas. Dept. doc. 548.) Regulations for government of Life-Saving Service. 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2096.) [Also, with many omissions and alterations, in j)t. 2 of Rules and regulations governing Treasury Department in its various branches; see 59th Congress, 2d session. Senate document 399, pt. 2, serial no. 5093.] Same, Amending regulations [of 1899]; approved May 22, 1900. 1900. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2176.) Same, Amending regulations [of 189^]; atppi-oved June 17, 1902. 1902. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2271.) Specifications, plans, drawings, etc. 1105 CUflsIflration no. T24.8: T24.8': (date) T24.8^: R86 T24. lilFE- SAVING SERVICE— Continued lilfe- Saving Appliances Board [Established by the Secretary of the Treasury, Jan. 3, 1882, upon the request and recommendation of the general superintendent of the Lifo-Savlng Service. This board superseded two earlier boards which existed under authority pf letters of the Secretary of the Treasury dated respectively Apr. 19 and May 27, 1879.) Lilfe- Saving Appliances Board, Annual reports [1882-1909 (except 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1898, 1906, none issued), in annual reports of Life-Saving Service (T24.1:), but not issued separately.) Life-Savlng Appliances Board, General publications Rules and regulations of Board on Life-Saving Appliances. 1882. (Treas. Dept. doc. 255.) [Later rules and regulations of the board are included in Regulations for government of Life-Saving Service (T24.6:).] T25. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD [Although the Light-House Board was organized under provisions of act approved Aug. 31, 1852, light- houses, beacons, buoys, etc., have been established and maintained by the United States Government since Aug. 15, 1789 (Stat. L. v. 1, p. 53), Previous to that time the work had been carried on by the several States. Various later acts than that of 1789 indicate that the work was under the supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury. The Secretary detailed at various times different officers to superintend this work; for much of the time prior to 1852 the 5th auditor directed the work and was sometimes spoken of as the "general superintendent of the Light-House Establishment." In accordance with act approved Mar. 3, 1851 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 629), a temporary Light-House Board was organized to inquire into the condition of the Light-House Establishment. The members of this board with 2 additional members formed, Oct. 9, 1852, the permanent board appointed under provisions of act of Aug. 31, 1852 (Stat. L. v. 10, p. 119). Several publications relating to the Light-House Establishment issued before the organization of the permanent board in 1852 have been entered under T25. as that has seemed the most logical place for them. See, for Compilation of public documents and extracts from reports and papers relating to light-houses, light-vessels, etc., 1789-1871, T25.2:C73. Transferred to Commerce and Labor Department, July 1, 1903; see C9.] T25.1: Annual reports [1852-76, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and usually issued separately also.] (date) T25.ia: (date) T25.2: A15' AI52 Bll B41 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1895 1887 1896 1888 1897 1889 1898 1890 1899 1891 1900 1892 1901 1893 1902 1894 1903 See, for later reports, C9.1: Annual reports (separates) General publications Allowances. List of allowances to light stations. Same. 1901. 1897. See, for editions published since July 1, 1903, C9.2:A15. Babbage's method. Experiments on [Charles] Babbage's method of distinguishing light-houses, reported to committee of Light- House Board; by J. H. Alexander. 1861. [Contains 3 reports on oils for light-houses, by J. H. Alexander and Campbell Morfit; and Report on fog-signals by steam, by J. H. Alexan- der.] Belle Isle, France. Memoir upon stability of light-house in course of construction at Belle Isle [France]; by Leonor Fresnel. Wash- ington, William A. Harris, Public Printer, 1858. 4« [Transla- tion of an extract from Annales des ponts et chaus^es, published in Paris in 1832.] 82452°— 1J-. — 70 I 1106 Classification no. T25.2 C29 C73 C82 Eu7 F68 F82^ F822 F823 F841 F842 F843 F84' Im7 L621 L622 L62» L96 T25. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued General publications— Continued Catoptric system. Papers on comparative merits of catoptric and diop- tric or catadioptric systems of light-house illumination and other subjects relating to aids to navigation. 1861. Compilation of public documents and extracts from reports and papers relating to light-houses, light- vessels, and illuminating appara* tus, and to beacons, buoys, and fog signals, 1789-1871. 1871. Cost. Approximate cost of different orders and arcs of lens illuminating apparatus, with accessories, and including packing in Paris, but without lanterns, and not including expenses to New York. 1871. European light-house establishments. Report of tour of inspection of European light-house establishments, 1873; by George H. Elliot. 1874. [1581-54] Fog-signals. Aberrations of audibility of fog-signals, paper read before Philosophical Society of Washington, Oct. 22, 1881; by Arnold B. Johnson. 1885. Foundations. Memoir on foundations in compressible soils, with ex- perimental tests of pile-driving, and formula for resistance de- duced therefrom [with bibliography]; by Rich'd Delafield. Dec. 1, 1868. [Has no Treasury Department document num- ber.] * Same. Dec. 1, 1868, reprint 1878. [Has no Treasury Department document number.] * Same. Dec. 1, 1868, [republished] 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 128.) France. Memoir upon light-house illumination of coasts of France, by L6once Reynaud; translated by Thornton A. Jenkins. 1871. Same, plates, with title. Memoir upon lighting, beaconage, and buoyage of coasts of France. 1871. large 4** France. Memoir upon illumination and beaconage of coasts of France, by L^once Reynaud; translated by Peter C. Hains. 1876. large 4" Same, plates. 1876. * Improvements. Report of Secretary of Treasury on improvements in light-house system and collateral aids to navigation, embracing his directions and instructions, also report from Thornton A. Jenkins and Richard Bache. Washington, printed by Ritchie & Heiss, 1846. ([29th Cong. 1st sess. S. rp. 488]; serial no. 478.) Lights. Extracts from report of Her Britanic [Britannic] Majesty's commissioners appointed to inquire into condition and manage- ment of lights, buoys, and beacons; submitted Mar, 5, 1861, and presented to both Houses of Parliament; republished for use of U. S. Light-House Establishment. 1871. Light-House Establishment. Report of board of officers convened to inquire into condition of Light-House Establishment, in con- formity to act approved Mar. 3, 1851. Washington, printed by Gideon & Co., 1852. 26 p. [Cover-title is: Extracts from report of Light-House Board. The report referred to has slightly differ- ent title from the one entered here, includes 370 pages, and was published in the Congressional set as 32d Congress, Ist session, Senate executive document 28, serial number 617, and also as 32d Congress, 1st session. House executive document 55, serial num- ber 642.] Lighthouses. Report of Light-House Board, answer to resolution of Senate of Feb. 1, 1858, in regard to expense of erecting light- houses, etc. Washington [no publisher] 1858. [Also in annual report of Treasury Department, 1858 (Finance report,Tl. 1:858), p. 371.] Ludlow, William. Report of T. C. Mendenhall to Secretary of Treasury concerning relief of Colonel [William] Ludlow and Commander [Oscar F.] Heyerman from duty under Light-House Board. 1892. 1107 ClasHlflratinn no. T25.2: M721 M723 P93 R61 Sp3 W98 T25.3! (no8.) T25.4: (date) T25.5: (date) T2i5. IJGErr-HOUSE BOARD— Continued General publications— Contiaued Modem light-house service; by Arnold Bulges Johnson. 1889. large 8" (Treafl. Dept. doc-. 1270.) Same. 1890. 8° [2685-66] [Has no Treasury Department docu- ment number.] Price list of standard articles [for light-house purposes] furnished from general depot, Tompkinsville, N. Y. 1901. 4° Rodgers, John. In memoriam, [official announcement of death of] Rear- Admiral John Rodgers, chairman Light-House Board, 1878-82. 1882. large 8« (Treas. Dept. doc. 277.) Spectacle-Reef light-house. Memoranda concerning Spectacle-Reef light-house [Lake Huron]; by C. M. Poe. n. d. Wyman, Robert Harris. In memoriam, [official announcement of death of] Rear-Admiral Robert Harris Wyman, chairman of Light- House Board. June-Dec. 1882. 1882. large 8° (Treas. Dept. doc. 367.) BuUetlns 4'> and 8« [Monthly.] fThese bulletins give recent clianges in aids to navigation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Jo issue for Mar. 1901.] 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 See, for later bulletins, C9.3: Circulars [List of officers on duty under Ivight-Uouse Establishment. Prior to May, 1899, sucli lists were included among the Treasury Department circulars (T1.4:). No. 2 of 1899 was the last issued bearing the Department circular number.] 1899, no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 1899, no. 9 1900, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 1901, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 1902, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 1902, no. 4 no. 5 1903, no. 1 no. 2 See, for later circulars, C9.4: beacons, buoys, and daymarks, 1st district 4» large 8* Beacons, buoys, monuments, and other daymarks 1878; corrected to Feb. 1, 1878 1879; corrected to July 1, 1879 and 1108 Classification no. T25.5 : (date) T25.6: (date) T25.7: (date) T25. IjIGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued I Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, 1st district— Cont'd Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1883; corrected to Aug.l, 1883 1884; corrected to May 1, 1884 1890; corrected to May 1, 1890 Beacons, buoys, and daymarks 1893; corrected to May 1, 1893 1894; corrected to May 1, 1894 1895; corrected to May 1, 1895 1896; corrected to May 1, 1896 1897; corrected to May 1, 1897 1898; corrected to May 1, 1898 1899; corrected to May 1, 1899 1900; corrected to May 1, 1900 1901; corrected to May 1, 1901 1902; corrected to May 1, 1902 1903; corrected to May 1, 1903 See J for later issues, C9.5: Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, 2d district 4« and large 8*' Beacons, buoys, stakes, spindles, and all other daymarks 1878; corrected to July 1, 1878 1879; corrected to July 1, 1879 Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1883; corrected to Aug. 1, 1883 1884; corrected to Aug. 1, 1884 1890; corrected to June 1, 1890 Beacons, buoys, and daymarks 1893; corrected to June 1, 1893 1894; corrected to June 1, 1894 1895; corrected to June 1, 1895 1896; corrected to June 1, 1896 1897; corrected to June 1, 1897 1898; corrected to June 1, 1898 1899; corrected to June 1, 1899 1900^ corrected to June 1, 1900 1901; corrected to June 1, 1901 1902; corrected to June 1, 1902 1903; corrected to June 1, 1903 See, for later issues, C9.6: Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, 3d district 4» and large 8*' Towers, beacons, buoys, stakes, spindles, and other daymarks 1877; corrected to July 1, 1877 1878; corrected to July 1, 1878 1879; corrected to July 1, 1879 Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1883; corrected to Oct. 1, 1883 1884; corrected to Oct. 1, 1884 1890; corrected to July 1, 1890 Beacons, buoys, and daymarks 1893; corrected to July 1, 1893 1894; corrected to July 1, 1894 1895; corrected to July 1, 1895 1896; corrected to July 1, 1896 1897; corrected to July 1, 1897 1898; corrected to July 1, 1898 1899; corrected to July 1, 1899 1900; corrected to July 1, 1900 1109 ClMslflcatlon no. T25.7 : (date) T25.8: (date) T25.9: (date) T25.10: (date) T26. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, 3d district— Cont'd 1901; corrected to July 1, 1901 1902; corrected to July 1, 1902 1903; corrected to July 1, 1903 See, for later issues, C9.7: Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, 4:tli district 4* and large 8° Towers, beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1878; corrected to Jan. 1, 1878 1880; corrected to Jan. 1, 1880 Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1883; corrected to Sept. 1, 1883 1884; corrected to Sept. 1, 1884 1890; corrected to Sept. 1, 1890 Beacons, buoys, and daymarks 1893; corrected to Dec. 1, 1893 1894; corrected to Sept. 1, 1894 1895; corrected to Sept. 1, 1895 1896; corrected to Sept. 1, 1896 1897; corrected to Sept. 1, 1897 1898; corrected to Sept. 1, 1898 1899; corrected to Sept. 1, 1899 1900; corrected to Sept. 1, 1900 1901; corrected to Aug. 1, 1901 1902; corrected to Aug. 1, 1902 See, for later issues, C9.8: Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, Sth. district 4° and large S** Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymiarks 1878; corrected to July 1, 1878 1880; corrected to Jan. 1, 1880 1883; corrected to Aug. 1, 1883 1884; corrected to Aug. 1, 1884 1890; corrected to Aug. 1, 1890 . Beacons, buoys, and daymarks 1892; corrected to Aug. 1, 1892 1893; corrected to Aug. 1, 1893 1894; corrected to Aug. 1, 1894 1895; corrected to Aug. 1, 1895 1896; corrected to Aug. 1, 1896 1897; corrected to Aug. 1, 1897 1898; corrected to Aug. 1, 1898 1899; corrected to Aug. 1, 1899 1900; corrected to Aug. 1, 1900 1901; corrected to Aug. 1, 1901 1902; corrected to Sept. 1, 1902 See, for later issues, C9.9: Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, 6tli district 4° and large 8*' Towers, beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1878; corrected to July 1, 1878 1879; corrected to Nov. 1, 1879 1880; corrected to Oct. 1, 1880 Beacons, buoys, towers, and other daymarks 1883; corrected to Nov. 1, 1883 1884; corrected to Nov. 1, 1884 1890; corrected to Nov. 1, 1890 1110 Classification no. T25.10: (date) T25.il: (date) T25.12: (date) T25. UGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, 6tli district— Cont'd Beacons, buoys, and daymarks 1892; corrected to Dec. 31, 1892 1893; corrected to Dec. 31, 1893 1894; corrected to Oct. 1, 1894 1895; corrected to Oct. 1, 1895 1896; corrected to Dec. 15, 1896 1897; corrected to Dec. 15, 1897 1898; corrected to Dec. 15, 1898 1899; corrected to Oct. 1, 1899 1900; corrected to Oct. 1, 1900 1901; corrected to Oct. 1, 1901 1902; corrected to Oct. 1, 1902 See, for later issues, C9.10: Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, 7tli district 4° and large 8° Towers, beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1877; corrected to July 1, 1877 Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1883; corrected to Oct. 1, 1883 1884; corrected to Oct. 1, 1884 1890; corrected to Oct. 1, 1890 Beacons, buoys, and daymarks 1891; corrected to Dec. 1, 1891 1893; corrected to Dec. 1, 1893 1894; corrected to Nov. 1, 1894 1895; corrected to Nov. 1, 1895 1896; corrected to Nov. 1, 1896 1897; corrected to Nov. 1, 1897 1898; corrected to Nov. 1, 1898 1899; corrected to Nov. 1, 1899 1900; corrected to Nov. 1, 1900 1901; corrected to Nov. 1, 1901 1902; corrected to Nov. 1, 1902 See, for later issues,. C9. 11: Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, 8tli district 4." and large 8« Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1878; corrected to Jan. 1, 1878 1879; corrected to July 1, 1879 Same; corrected to Dec. 31, 1879 1880; corrected to Dec. 31, 1880 Beacons, buoys, towers, and other daymarks 1883; corrected to Dec. 31, 1883 1884; corrected to Dec. 31, 1884 1890; corrected to Dec. 31, 1890 Beacons, buoys, and daymarks 1893; corrected to Dec. 31, 1893 1894; corrected to Dec. 31, 1894 1895; corrected to Dec. 31, 1895 1896 [None issued.] 1897; corrected to Jan. 1, 1897 1898; corrected to Jan. 1, 1898 1899; corrected to Jan. 1, 1899 Same; corrected to Dec. 1, 1899 1900; corrected to Dec. 1, 1900 1901; corrected to Dec. 1, 1901 1902; corrected to Dec. 1, 1902 See, for later issues, C9.12: nil Cla-sslflratlon no. T25.13: (district DOS. and date) T25.14: (district no8. and date) T25. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, northern lakes and rivers [^tli, lOtli, and llth districts] 4* and large 8o [Issued separately up to 1893.] 9th district Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1890; corrected to opening of navigation 10th district Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1877; corrected to Jan. 1877 Beacons, buoys, towers, and other daymarks 1884; corrected to opening of navigation 1885; corrected to opening of navigation 1890; corrected to opening of navigation 11th district Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1878; corrected to opening of navigation 1884; corrected to opening of navigation 1885; corrected to opening of navigation 1889; corrected to opening of navigation 9th, 10th, and 11th districts Beacons, buoys, and daymarks on northern lakes and rivers 1893; corrected to opening of navigation 1894; corrected to opening of navigation 1895; corrected to opening of navigation 1896; corrected to opening of navigation 1897; corrected to opening of navigation 1898; corrected to opening of navigation 1899; corrected to opening of navigation 1900; corrected to opening of navigation 1901; corrected to opening of navigation 1902; corrected to opening of navigation 1903; corrected to opening of navigation See, for later issues, C9.13: Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, Pacific Coast [12tli and 13tli districts] 4° and large 8° [Issued separately up to 1892.] 12th district Beacons, buoys, stakes, spindles, and other daymarks 1878; corrected to Jan. 1, 1878 Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1883; corrected to Oct. 1, 1883 1884; corrected to Oct. 1, 1884 1890; corrected to Oct. 1, 1890 13th district Beacons, buoys, stakes, spindles, and other day and night-marks 1878; corrected to Jan. 1, 1878 Beacons, buoys, stakes, and other daymarks 1883; corrected to Oct. 1, 1883 1884; corrected to Oct. 1, 1884 1890; corrected to Oct. 1, 1890 12th and 13th districts Beacons, buoys, and daymarks on Pacific Coast 1892; corrected to Dec. 31, 1892 1893; corrected to Dec. 31, 1893 1894; corrected to Dec. 1, 1894 1112 Classtflcatlon no. 125.14: (district nos. and date) T25.15: 852 855 857 869 8711 8712 872 873 874 875 1 8752 876 877 878 879 8801 8802 880 3 881 882 883 884 885 T25. lilGHT-HOUSE BOARD-Continued Beacons, buoys, and daymarks, Pacific Coast [12tli and 13tli districts]— Continued 1895; corrected to Dec. 1, 1895 1896; corrected to Dec. 1, 1896 1897; corrected to Dec. 1897 1898; corrected to Dec. 1898 1899 [None issued.] 1900; corrected to Jan. 1, 1900 1901; corrected to Jan. 1, 1901 1902; corrected to Jan. 1, 1902 1903; corrected to Jan. 1, 1903 See, for later issues, C9.14 *: Laws and regulations (general) [Laws, rules, etc.. Light House Establishment of United States.] [Gideon, printer, 1852.] [Title used is cover-title. This is a compilation including extracts from Statutes at large, regula- tions issued by Light-House Board, and instructions for light keepers. Later editions of the instructions for light keepers have been classified under T25.22 :] Laws of United States relating to establishment, support, and manage- ment of light-houses, light-vessels, monuments, beacons, spin- dles, buoys, public piers of United States, Aug. 7, 1789-Mar. 3, 1855. Washmgton, A. O. P. Nicholson, Public Printer, 1855. Rules, regulations, and general instructions [with circulars, and Laws relating to light-houses, buoys, beacons, etc.], 1857. Washing- ton, William A. Harris, printer, 1858. Light-house laws and appropriations, 1856-69. 1869. Laws relating to Light-House Service, organization and duties of Light- House Board, and regulations, instructions, circulars, and general orders of Light-House Establishment of United States. 1871. Laws relative to Light-House Establishment, etc. 1871. Same. 1872. Same, 1873-74. [1873.] Same, 1874-75. [1874.] Same, passed at 2d session of 43d Congress [1874-75]. [1875.] Laws relating to acquisition of title to land required for light-house pur- poses, cession of jurisdiction, and protection of buoys, beacons, etc. 1875. Laws relative to Light-House Establishment, passed at 1st session of 44th Congress [1875-76]. [1876.] ' ^ Same, 2d session of 44th Congress, 1876-77. [1877.] Same, 2d session of 45th Congress, 1877-78. [1878.] Same, 3d session of 45th Congress, 1878-79. [1879.] Same, 2d session of 46th Congress, 1879-80. [1880.] Laws and regulations relating to Light-House Establishment of United States. 1880. (Treas. Dept. doc. 22.) Same, Amendment of light-house regulations, Mar. 31, 1881. [1881.] Laws relative to Light-House Establishment passed at 3d session of 46th Congress, 1880-81. [1881.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 126.) Same, 1st session of 47th Congress, 1881-82. [1882.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 317.) Same [2d session of 47th Congress, 1882-83]. [1883.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 427.) Same [1st session of 48th Congress, 1883-84]. [1884.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 607.) Same [2d session of 48th Congress, 1884-85]. [1885.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 693.) 1113 ClasMitUatlon no. Ta5.15: 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 1 8962 8963 896* 896 « 896 « 896 7 896 » 896 » 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 T25.16: (date) T25. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued Ijaws and regulations (general) — Continued Same, Ist session of 49th Congress, 1885-86. [1886.] (Treaa. Dept. (Treas. Dept. [1890.] [1891.] [1892.] [1893.] [1894.] [1895.] [1896.] (Treas. Dept. (Treas. Dept. (Treas. Dept. ([Treas. Dept. 1896. Oct. 21, 1899. May 12, 1899. Dec. 4, 1900. Dec. 14, 1897. Dec. 4, 1900. Nov. 13, 1899. Oct. 21, 1899. doc. 874.) Same, 2d session of 49th Congress, 1886-87. [1887.] doc. 986.) Same, 1st session of 5l8t Congress [corrected to read 50th Congress] 1887-88. [1888.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 1168.) Same, 2d session of 50th Congress, 1888-89. [1889.] doc. 1215.) Same, Ist session of 51st Congress, 1889-90. doc. 1354.) Same, 2d session of 51st Congress, 1890-91. doc. 1417.) ,t .X Same, Ist session of 52d Congrtail, 1891-92. Same, 2d session of 52d Congi^jt, 1892-93. Same, 2d session of 53d Congress, 1893-94. Same, 3d session of 53d Congress, 1894-95. Same, 1st session of 54th Congress, 1895-96. doc. 1879.]) Laws and regulations relating to Light-House Establishment. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1874.) Same, amendment to face p. 42. Same, amendment to face p. 43. Same, amendment to face p. 45. Same, amendment to face p. 47. Same, amendment to face p. 53. Same, amendment to face p. 55. Same, amendment to face p. 61. Laws relative to Light-House Establishment passed at 2d session of 54th Congress and 1st session of 55th Congress, 1896-97. [1897.] Same, 2d session of 55th Congress, 1897-98. [1898.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 2030.) Same, 3d session of 55th Congress, 1898-99. [1899.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 2105.) Same, Ist session of 56th Congress, 1899-1900. [1900.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 2180.) Same, 2d session of 56th Congress, 1900-01. doc. 2219.) Same, 1st session of 57th Congress, 1901-02. doc. 2274.) Same, 2d session of 57th Congress, 1902-03. doc. 2318.) See, for later issues, C9.15: and 09.16: Lights and fog signals, Atlantic and Gulf coasts 8°, 4°, and large 8° Light-houses, beacons, and floating lights of United States 1839, Dec. 1 Light-houses, lighted beacons, and floating lights of United States 1858; corrected to Jan. 1, 1858 Light-houses, lighted beacons, and floating lights, Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts 1869; corrected to Jan. 1, 1869 1870; corrected to Jan. 1, 1870 1871; corrected to Jan. 1, 1871 1872; corrected to Jan. 1, 1872 1873; corrected to Jan. 1, 1873 [1901.] [1902.] [1903.] (Treas. Dept. (Treas. Dept. (Treas. Dept. 1114 Classification no. T25II6: (date) T25.17: (date) T25.18: (date) T25. MGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued liiglits and fog signals, Atlantic and Gulf coasts- Continued Light-houses, lighted beacons, and floating lights, Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts — Continued 1874; corrected to Jan. 1, 1874 1875; corrected to Jan. 1, 1875 1876; corrected to Jan. 1, 1876 1877; corrected to Jan. 1, 1877 1878; corrected to Jan. 1, 1878 1880; corrected to Jan. 1, 1880 1882; corrected to Jan. 1, 1882 1884; corrected to Jan. 1, 1884 1885; corrected to Jan. 1, 1885 1889; corrected to Jan. 1, 1889 1890; corrected to Jan. 1, 1890 Lights and fog signals^tlantic and Gulf coasts [See, for Pacific Coast, T25.18:] 1891; corrected to Jan. 1, 1891 1893; corrected to Jan. 1, 1893 1894; corrected to Jan. 1, 1894 1895; corrected to Jan. 1, 1895 1896; corrected to Jan. 1, 1896 1897; corrected to June 30, 1897 1898; corrected to June 30, 1898 1899; corrected to June 30, 1899 1900; corrected to June 30, 1900 Same, addenda 1901; corrected to June 30, 1901 1902; corrected to June 30, 1902 1903; corrected to June 30, 1903 See, for later lists, C9.17: liiglits and fog signals, northern lakes and rivers and Canada 4« and large 8° Lights on northern lake and river coasts and Canadian lights 1876; corrected to Jan. 1876 1877; corrected to Jan. 1877 Lights on northern lakes and rivers, and Canadian lights 1887; corrected to opening of navigation 1888; corrected to opening of navigation 1889; corrected to opening of navigation Lights and fog signals on northern lakes and rivers and Canada 1893; corrected to opening of navigation 1894; corrected to opening of navigation 1895; corrected to opening of navigation 1896; corrected to opening of navigation 1897 [None issued.] 1898; corrected to opening of navigation 1899 ; corrected to opening of navigation 1900; corrected to opening of navigation 1901; corrected to opening of navigation 1902; corrected to opening of navigation 1903; corrected to opening of navigation See, for later issues, C9.18: Ijigiits and fog signals, Pacific Coast and British Columbia large 8» 1894; corrected to Jan. 1, 1894 1895; corrected to Jan. 1, 1895 1896; corrected to Jan. 1, 1896 1897; corrected to Apr. 1, 1897 1898; corrected to June 30, 1898 1115 Cluslflcatlon no. T25.18: (date) T25.19: (date) T25. IjIGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued Ldglits and fog sisals, Pacific Coast and Brltlsli Columbia— Continued 1899; corrected to Feb. 1, 1899 1900; corrected to Fob. 1, 1900 1901; corrected to Feb. 1, 1901 1902; corrected to Feb. 1, 1902 1903; corrected to Feb. 1, 1903 See, for later issues, C9.19: Notice to mariners i° and 4° 1891, no. 1 * 1891, no. 66 * 1891, no. Ill 1892 , no. 24 no. 2 * no. 57 * no. 112 no. 25 no. 3 * no. 58 * no. 113 no. 26 no. 4 * no. 59 * no. 114 no. 27 no. 5 * no. 60 * no. 115 no. 28 no. 6* no. 61 * no. 116 no. 29 no. 7 * ro. 62 * no. 117 no. 30 no. 8 * no. 63 * no. 118 no. 31 no. 9 * no. 64 * no. 119 no. 32 no. 10 * no. 65 * no. 120 no. 33 no. 11 * no. 66 * no. 121 no. 34 no. 12 * no. 67 * no. 122 no. 35 no. 13 * no. 68 * no. 123 no. 36 no. 14 * no. 69 * no. 124 no. 37 no. 15 * no. 70 * no. 125 no. 38 no. 16 * no. 71 * no. 126 no. 39 no. 17 * no. 72 * no. 127 no. 40 no. 18 * no. 73 * no. 128 no. 41 no. 19 * no. 74 * no. 129 no. 42 no. 20 * no. 75 * no. 130 no. 43 no. 21 * no. 76 * no. 131 no. 44 no. 22 * no. 77 * no. 132 no. 45 no. 23 * no. 78 * no. 133 no. 46 no. 24 * no. 79 * no. 134 no. 47 no. 25 * no. 80 * no. 135 no. 48 no. 26 * no. 81 * no. 136 no. 49 no. 27 * no. 82 * no. 137 no. 50 no. 28 * no. 83 * no. 138 no. 51 no. 29 * no. 84 no. 139 no. 52 no. 30 * no. 85 no. 140 no. 53 no. 31 * no. 86 no. 141 no. 54 no. 32 * no. 87 no. 142 no. 55 no. 33 * no. 88 1892, no. 1 no. 56 no. 34 * no. 89 no. 2 no. 57 no. 35 * no. 90 no. 3 no. 58 no. 36 * no. 91 no. 4 no. 59 no. 37 * no. 92 no. 5 no. 60 no. 38 * no. 93 no. 6 no. 61 no. 39 * no. 94 no. 7 no. 62 no. 40 * no. 95 no. 8 no. 63 no. 41 * no. 96 • no. 9 no. 64 no. 42 * no. 97 no. 10 no. 65 no. 43 * no. 98 no. 11 no. 66 no. 44 * no. 99 no. 12 no. 67 no. 45 * no. 100 no. 13 no. 68 no. 46 * no. 101 no. 14 no. 69 no. 47 * no. 102 no. 15 no. 70 no. 48 * no. 103 no. 16 no. 71 no. 49 * no. 104 no. 17 no. 72 no. 50 * no. 105 no. 18 no. 73 no. 51 * no. 106 no. 19 no. 74 no. 52 * no. 107 no. 20 no. 75 no. 53 * no. 108 no. 21 no. 76 no. 54 * no. 109 no. 22 no. 77 no. 55 * no. 110 no. 23 no. 78 1116 Classiflcatton no. T25. lilGHT-HOUSE BOARD- -Continued T25.19: Notice to mariners— Continued (date) 1892, no. 79 1893, no. 16 1893 , no. 80 1893, no. 144 no. 80 no. 17 no. 81 no. 145 no. 81 no. 18 no. 82 no. 146 no. 82 no. 19 no. 83 1894, no. 1 no. 83 no. 20 no. 84 no. 2 no. 84 no. 21 no. 85 no. 3 no. 85 no. 22 no. 86 no. 4 no. 86 no. 23 no. 87 no. 5 no. 87 no. 24 no. 88 no. 6 no. 88 no. 25 no. 89 no. 7 no. 89 no. 26 no. 90 no. 8 no. 90 no. 27 no. 91 no. 9 no. 91 no. 28 no. 92 no. 10 no. 92 no. 29 no. 93 no. 11 no. 93 no. 30 no. 94 no. 12 no. 94 no. 31 no. 95 no. 13 no. 95 no. 32 no. 96 no. 14 no. 96 no. 33 no. 97 no. 15 no. 97 no. 34 no. 98 no. 16 no. 98 no. 35 no. 99 no. 17 no. 99 no. 36 no. 100 no. 18 no. 100 no. 37 no. 101 no. 19 no. 101 no. 38 no. 102 no. 20 no. 102 no. 39 no. 103 no. 21 no. 103 no. 40 no. 104 no. 22 no. 104 no. 41 no. 105 no. 23 no. 105 no. 42 no. 106 no. 24 no. 106 no. 43 no. 107 no. 25 no. 107 no. 44 no. 108 no. 26 no. 108 no. 45 no. 109 no. 27 no. 109 no. 46 no. 110 no. 28 no. 110 no. 47 no. Ill no. 29 no. Ill no. 48 no. 112 no. 30 no. 112 no. 49 no. 113 no. 31 - no. 113 no. 50 no. 114 no. 32 no. 114 no. 51 no. 115 no. 33 no. 115 no. 52 no. 116 no. 34 no. 136 no. 53 no. 117 no. 35 no. 117 no. 54 no. 118 no. 36 no. 118 no. 55 no. 119 no. 37 no. 119 no. 56 no. 120 no. 38 no. 120 no. 57 no. 121 no. 39 no. 121 no. 58 no. 122 no. 40 no. 122 no. 59 no. 123 no. 41 no. ]23 no. 60 no. 124 no. 42 no. 124 no. 61 no. 125 no. 43 no. 125 no. 62 no. 126 no. 44 no. 126 no. 63 no. 127 no. 45 no. 127 no. 64 no. 128 no. 46 1893, no. 1 no. 65 no. 129 no. 47 no. 2 no. 66 no. 130 no. 48 no. 3 no. 67 no. 131 no. 49 no. 4 no. 68 no. 132 no. 50 no. 5 no. 69 no. 133 no. 51 no. 6 no. 70 no. 134 no. 52 .no. 7 no. 71 no. 135 no. 53 no. 8 no. 72 no. 136 no. 54 no. 9 no. 73 no. 137 no. 55 no. 10 no. 74 no. 138 no. 56 no. 11 no. 75 no. 139 no. 57 no. 12 no. 76 no. 140 no. 58 no. 13 no. 77 no. 141 no. 59 no. 14 . no. 78 no. 142 no. 60 no. 15 no. 79 no. 143 no. 61 1117 ClMslflcatlott no. T26. lilGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued T26.19: Notice to mariners— Continued (date) 1894, no. 62 1894, no. 126 1895 , no. 24 1895, no. 88 no. 63 no. 127 no. 25 no. 89 no. 64 no. 128 no. 26 no. 90 no. 65 no. 129 no. 27 no. 91 no. 66 no. 130 no. 28 no. 92 no. 67 no. 131 no. 29 no. 93 no. 68 no. 132 no. 30 no. 94 no. 69 no. 133 no. 31 no. 95 no. 70 no. 134 no. 32 no. 96 no. 71 no. 135 no. 33 no. 97 no. 72 no. 136 no. 34 no. 98 no. 73 no. 137 no. 35 no. 99 no. 74 no. 138 no. 36 no. 100 no. 75 no. 139 no. 37 no. 101 no. 76 no. 140 no. 38 no. 102 no. 77 no. 141 no. 39 no. 103 no. 78 no. 142 no. 40 no. 104 no. 79 no. 143 no. 41 no. 105 no. 80 no. 144 no. 42 no. 106 no. 81 no. 145 no. 43 no. 107 no. 82 no. 146 no. 44 no. 108 no. 83 no. 147 no. 45 no. 109 no. 84 no. 148 no. 46 no. 110 no. 85 no. 149 no. 47 no. Ill no. 86 no. 150 no. 48 no. 112 no. 87 no. 151 no. 49 no. 113 no. 88 no. 152 no. 50 no. 114 no. 89 no. 153 no. 51 no. 115 no. 90 no. 154 no. 52 no. 116 no. 91 no. 155 no. 53 no. 117 no. 92 no. 156 no. 54 no. 118 no. 93 no. 157 no. 55 no. 119 no. 94 no. 158 no. 56 no. 120 no. 95 no. 159 no. 57 no. 121 no. 96 no. 160 no. 58 no. 122 no. 97 no. 161 no. 59 no. 123 no. 98 no. 162 no. 60 no. 124 no. 99 no. 163 no. 61 no. 125 no. 100 no. 164 no. 62 no. 126 no. 101 no. 165 no. 63 no. 127 no. 102 no. 166 no. 64 no. 128 no. 103 1895, no. 1 no. 65 no. 129 no. 104 no. 2 no. 66 no. 130 no. 105 no. 3 no. 67 no. 131 no. 106 no. 4 no. 68 no. 132 no. 107 no. 5 no. 69 no. 133 no. 108 no. 6 no. 70 no. 134 no. 109 no. 7 no. 71 no. 135 no. 110 no. 8 no. 72 no. 136 no. 111 no. 9 no. 73 no. 137 no. 112 no. 10 no. 74 no. 138 no. 113 no. 11 no. 75 no. 139 no. 114 no. 12 no. 76 no. 140 no. 115 no. 13 no. 77 no. 141 no. 116 no. 14 no. 78 no. 142 no. 117 no. 15 no. 79 no. 143 no. 118 no. 16 no. 80 no. 144 no. 119 no. 17 no. 81 no. 145 no. 120 no. 18 no. 82 no. 146 no. 121 no. 19 no. 83 no. 147 no. 122 no. 20 no. 84 no. 148 no. 123 no. 21 no. 85 no. 149 no. 124 no. 22 no. 86 no. 150 no. 125 no. 23 no. 87 no. 151 1118 Classification no. T25. LIGHT- HOUSE BOARD- -Continued T25.19: Notice to naariners- -Continued (date) 1895, no. 152 1896, no. 32 1896 ,no. 96 1896, no. 160 no. 153 no. 33 no. 97 no. 161 no. 154 no. 34 no. 98 no. 162 no. 155 no. 35 no. 99 no. 163 no. 156 no. 36 no. 100 no. 164 , no. 157 no. 37 no. 101 no. 165 no. 158 no. 38 no. 102 no. 166 no. 159 no. 39 no. 103 no. 167 no. 160 no. 40 no. 104 no. 168 no. 161 no. 41 no. 105 no. 169 no. 162 no. 42 no. 106 no. 170 no. 163 no. 43 no. 107 no. 171 no. 164 no. 44 no. 108 no. 172 no. 165 no. 45 no. 109 no. 173 no. 166 no. 46 no. 110 no. 174 no. 167 no. 47 no. Ill no. 175 no. 168 no. 48 no. 112 no. 176 no. 169 no. 49 no. 113 no. 177 no. 170 no. 50 no. 114 no. 178 no. 171 no. 51 no. 115 no. 179 no. 172 no. 52 no. 116 no. 180 no. 173 no. 53 no. 117 no. 181 no. 174 no. 54 no. 118 no. 182 no. 175 no. 55 no. 119 no. 183 no. 176 no. 56 no. 120 no. 184 no. 177 no. 57 no. 121 no. 185 no. 178 no. 58 no. 122 no. 186 no. 179 no. 59 no. 123 no. 187 no. 180 no. 60 no. 124 no. 188 no. 181 no. 61 no. 125 no. 189 no. 182 no. 62 no. 126 1897, no. 1 no. 183 no. 63 no. 127 no. 2 no. 184 no. 64 no. 128 no. 3 1896, no. 1 no. 65 no. 129 no. 4 no. 2 no. 66 no. 130 no. 5 no. 3 no. 67 no. 131 no. 6 no. 4 no. 68 no. 132 no. 7 no. 5 no. 69 no. 133 no. 8 no. 6 no. 70 no. 134 no. 9 no. 7 no. 71 no. 135 no. 10 no. 8 no. 72- no. 136 no. 11 no. 9 no. 73 no. 137 no. 12 no. 10 no. 74 no. 138 no. 13 no. 11 no. 75 no. 139 no. 14 no. 12 no. 76 no. 140 no. 15 no. 13 no. 77 no. 141 no. 16 no. 14 no. 78 no. 142 no. 17 no. 15 no. 79 no. 143 no. 18 no. 16 no. 80 no. 144 no. 19 no. 17 no. 81 no. 145 no. 20 no. 18 no. 82 no. 146 no. 21 no. 19 no. 83 no. 147 no. 22 no. 20 no. 84 no. 148 no. 23 no. 2] no. 85 no. 149 no. 24 no. 22 no. 86 no. 150 no. 25 . no. 23 no. 87 no. 151 no. 26 no. 24 no. 88 no. 152 no. 27 no. 25 no. 89 no. 153 no. 28 no. 26 no. 90 no. 154 no. 29 no. 27 no. 91 no. 155 no. 30 no. 28 no. 92 no. 156 no. 31 no. 29 no. 93 no. 157 no. 32 no. 30 no. 94 no. 158 no. 33 no. 31 no. 95 no. 159 no. 34 1119 CUfMincation no. T C^6. T.TGHT-HOL FHE BO^ .RD- -Oontinued T25.19: Notice to maxlners— Continued (date) 1897, no. 35 1897, no. 99 1897, no. 163 1898, no. 47 no. 36 no. 100 no. 164 no. 48 no. 37 no. 101 no. 165 no. 49 no. 38 no. 102 no. 166 no. 50 no. 39 no. 103 no. 167 no. 51 no. 40 no. 104 no. 168 no. 52 no. 41 no. 105 no. 169 no. 53 no. 42 no. 106 no. 170 no. 54 no. 43 no. 107 no. 171 no. 55 no. 44 no. 108 no. 172 no. 56 no. 45 no. 109 no. 173 no. 57 no. 46 no. 110 no. 174 no. 58 no. 47 no. Ill no. 175 no. 59 no. 48 no. 112 no. 176 no. 60 no. 49 no. 113 no. 177 no. 61 no. 50 no. 114 no. 178 no. 62 no. 51 no. 115 no. 179 no. 63 no. 52 no. 116 no. 180 no. 64 no. 53 no. 117 1898, no. 1 no. 65 no. 54 no. 118 no. 2 no. 66 no. 55 no. 119 no. 3 no. 67 no. 56 no. 120 no. 4 no. 68 no. 57 no. 121 no. 5 no. 69 no. 58 no. 122 no. 6 no. 70 no. 59 no. 123 no. 7 no. 71 no. 60 no. 124 no. 8 no. 72 no. 61 no. 125 no. 9 no. 73 no. 62 no. 126 no. 10 no. 74 no. 63 no. 127 no. 11 no. 75 no. 64 no. 128 no. 12 no. 76 no. 65 no. 129 no. 13 no. 77 no. 66 no. 130 no. 14 no. 78 no. 67 no. 131 no. 15 no. 79 no. 68 no. 132 no. 16 no. 80 no. 69 no. 133 no. 17 no. 81 no. 70 no. 134 no. 18 no. 82 no. 71 no. 135 no. 19 no. 83 no. 72 no. 136 no. 20 no. 84 no. 73 no. 137 no. 21 no. 85 no. 74 no. 138 no. 22 no. 86 no. 75 iro. 139 no. 23 no. 87 no. 76 no. 140 no. 24 no. 88 no. 77 no. 141 no. 25 no. 89 no. 78 no. 142 no. 26 no. 90 no. 79 no. 143 no. 27 no. 91 no. 80 no. 144 no. 28 no. 92 no. 81 no. 145 no. 29 no. 93 no. 82 no. 146 no. 30 no. 94 no. 83 no. 147 no. 31 no. 95 no. 84 no. 148 no. 32 no. 96 no. 85 no. 149 ' no. 33 no. 97 no. 86 no. 150 no. 34 no. 98 no. 87 no. 151 no. 35 no. 99 no. 88 no. 152 no. 36 no. 100 no. 89 no. 153 no. 37 no. 101 no. 90 no. 154 no. 38 no. 102 no. 91 no. 155 no. 39 no. 103 no. 92 no. 156 no. 40 no. 104 no. 93 no. 157 no. 41 no. 105 no. 94 no. 158 no. 42 no. 106 no. 95 no. 159 no. 43 no. 107 no. 96 no. 160 no. 44 no. 108 no. 97 no. 161 no. 45 no. 109 no. 98 no. 162 no. 46 no. 110 1120 Classification no. T25.19: (date) T25. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued Notice to mariners — Continued 1898, no. Ill no. 112 no. 113 no. 114 no. 115 no. 116 no. 117 no. 118 no. 119 no. 120 no. 121 no. 122 no. 123 no. 124 no. 125 no. 126 no. 127 no. 128 no. 129 no. 130 no. 131 no. 132 no. 133 no. 134 no. 135 no. 136 no. 137 no. 138 no. 139 no. 140 no. 141 no. 142 no. 143 no. 144 no. 145 no. 146 no. 147 no. 148 no. 149 no. 150 no. 151 no. 152 no. 153 no. 154 no. 155 no. 156 no. 157 no. 158 no. 159 no. 160 no. 161 no. 162 no. 163 no. 164 no. 165 no. 166 no. 167 no. 168 no. 169 no. 170 no. 171 no. 172 no. 173 no. 174 1898, no. 175 no. 176 no. 177 no. 178 no. 179 no. 180 no. 181 no. 182 no. 183 1899, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 1899, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 no. 100 no. 101 no. 102 no. 103 no. 104 no. 105 no. 106 no. 107 no. 108 no. 109 no. 110 no. Ill no. 112 no. 113 no. 114 no. 115 no. 116 no. 117 no. 118 no. 119 1899, no. 120 no. 121 no. 122 no. 123 no. 124 no. 125 no. 126 no. 127 no. 128 no. 129 no. 130 no. 131 no. 132 no. 133 no. 134 no. 135 no. 136 no. 137 no. 138 no. 139 no. 140 no. 141 no. 142 no. 143 no. 144 no. 145 no. 146 no. 147 no. 148 no. 149 no. 150 no. 151 no. 152 no. 153 no. 154 no. 155 no. 156 no. 157 no. 158 no. 159 no. 160 no. 161 no. 162 no. 163 no. 164 no. 165 no. 166 no. 167 no. 168 no. 169 no. 170 no. 171 no. 172 no. 173 no. 174 no. 175 no. 176 no. 177 no. 178 no. 179 no. 180 no. 181 no. 182 no. 183 1121 Classification no. T26. LIGIIT- HOUSE BOARD— Continued T25.19: Notice to TYiarlners— Continued (date) 1899, no. 184 1900, no. ,4 w...a90C , no. 68 1900, no. 132 no. 186 no. 6 ..MI no. 69 no. 133 no. 186 no. 6 no. 70 no. 134 no. 187 no. 7 no. 71 no. 135 no. 188 no. 8 no. 72 no. 136 no. 189 no. 9 no. 73 no. 137 no. 190 no. 10 no. 74 no. 138 no. 191 no. 11 no. 75 no. 139 no. 192 no. 12 no. 76 no. 140 no. 193 no. 13 no. 77 no. 141 no. 194 no. 14 no. 78 no. 142 no. 195 no. 15 V no. 79 no. 143 no. 196 no. 16 no. 80 no. 144 no. 197 no. 17 no. 81 no. 145 no. 198 no. 18 no. 82 no. 146 no. 199 no. 19 no. 83 no. 147 no. 200 no. 20 no. 84 no. 148 no. 201 no. 21 no. 85 no. 149 no. 202 no. 22 no. 86 no. 150 no. 203 no. 23 no. 87 no. 151 no. 204 no. 24 no. 88 no. 152 no. 205 no. 25 no. 89 no. 153 no. 206 no. 26 no. 90 no. 154 no. 207 no. 27 no. 91 no. 155 no. 208 no. 28 no. 92 no. 156 no. 209 no. 29 no. 93 no. 157 no. 210 no. 30 no. 94 no. 158 no. 211 no. 31 no. 95 no. 159 no. 212 no. 32 no. 96 no. 160 no. 213 no. 33 no. 97 no. 161 no. 214 no. 34 no. 98 no. 162 no. 215 no. 35 no. 99 no. 163 no. 216 no. 36 no. 100 no. 164 no. 217 no. 37 no. 101 no. 165 no. 218 no. 38 no. 102 no. 166 no. 219 no. 39 no. 103 no. 167 no. 220 no. 40 no. 104 no. 168 no. 221 no. 41 no. 105 no. 169 no. 222 no. 42 no. 106 no. 170 no. 223 no. 43 no. 107 no. 171 no. 224 no. 44 no. 108 no. 172 no. 225 no. 45 no. 109 no. 173 no. 226 no. 46 no. 110 no. 174 no. 227 no. 47 no. 111 no. 175 no. 228 no. 48 no. 112 no. 176 no. 229 no. 49 no. 113 no. 177 no. 230 no. 50 no. 114 no. 178 no. 231 no. 51 no. 115 no. 179 no. 232 no. 52 no. 116 no. 180 no. 233 no. 53 no. 117 no. 181 no. 234 no. 54 no. 118 no. 182 no. 235 no. 55 no. 119 no. 183 no. 236 no. 56 no. 120 no. 184 no. 237 no. 57 no. 121 no. 185 no. 238 no. 58 no. 122 no. 186 no. 239 no. 59 no. 123 no. 187 no. 240 no. 60 no. 124 no. 188 no. 241 no. 61 no. 125 no. 189 no. 242 no. 62 no. 126 no. 190 no. 243 no. 63 no. 127 no. 191 no. 244 no. 64 no. 128 no. 192 1900, no. 1 no. 65 no. 129 no. 193 no. 2 no. 66 no. 130 no. 194 no. 3 no. 67 no. 131 no. 195 82452°— 11 71 1122 Classiflcation no. T25. UCaHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued T25.19: Notice to mariners —Continued (date) 1900, no. 196 1901, no. 51 1901, no. 115 1901, no. 179 no. 197 no. 52 no. 116 no. 180 no. 198 no. 53 no. 117 no. 181 no. 199 no. 54 no. 118 no. 182 no. 200 ' no. 55 no. 119 no. 183 no. 201 no. 56 no. 120 no. 184 no. 202 no. 57 no. 121 no. 185 no. 203 no. 58 no. 122 no. 186 no. 204 no. 59 no. 123 no. 187 no. 205 no. 60 no. 124 no. 188 no. 206 no. 61 no. 125 no. 189 no. 207 no. 62 no. 126 no. 190 no. 208 no. 63 no. 127 no. 191 no. 209 no. 64 no. 128 no. 192 1901, no. 1 no. 65 no. 129 no. 193 no. 2 no. 66 no. 130 no. 194 no. 3 no. 67 no. 131 no. 195 no. 4 no. 68 no. 132 no. 196 no. 5 no. 69 no. 133 no. 197 no. 6 no. 70 no. 134 no. 198 no. 7 no. 71 no. 135 no. 199 no. 8 no. 72 no. 136 1902, no. 1 no. 9 no. 73 no. 137 no. 2 no. 10 no. 74 no. 138 no. 3 no. 11 no. 75 no. 139 no. 4 no. 12 no. 76 no. 140 no. 5 no. 13 no. 77 no. 141 no. 6 no. 14 no. 78 no. 142 no. 7 no. 15 no. 79 no. 143 no. 8 n: 16 no. 80 no. 144 no. 9 no. 17 no. 81 no. 145 no. 10 no. 18 no. 82 no. 146 no. 11 no. 19 no. 83 no. 147 no. 12 no. 20 no. 84 no. 148 no. 13 no. 21 no. 85 no. 149 no. 14 no. 22 no. 86 no. 150 no. 15 no. 23 no. 87 no. 151 no. 16 no. 24 no. 88 no. 152 no. 17 no. 25 no. 89 no. 153 no. 18 no. 26 no. 90 no. 154 no. 19 no. 27 no. 91 no. 155 no. 20 no. 28 no. 92 no. 156 no. 21 no. 29 no. 93 no. 157 no. 22 no. 30 no. 94 no. 158 no. 23 no. 31 no. 95 no. 159 no. 24 no. 32 no. 96 no. 160 no. 25 no. 33 no. 97 no. 161 no. 26 no. 34 no. 98 no. 162 no. 27 no. 35 no. 99 no. 163 no. 28 no. 36 no. 100 no. 164 no. 29 no. 37 no. 101 no. 165 no. 30 no. 38 no. 102 no. 166 no. 31 no. 39 no. 103 no. 167 no. 32 no. 40 no. 104 no. 168 no. 33 no. 41 no. 105 no. 169 no. 34 ' •■ K' no. 42 no. 106 no. 170 no. 35 no. 43 no. 107 no. 171 no. 36 no. 44 no. 108 no. 172 no. 37 no. 45 no. 109 no. 173 no. 38 no. 46 no. 110 no. 174 no. 39 no. 47 no. 111 no. 175 no. 40 no. 48 no. 112 no. 176 no. 41 no. 49 no. 113 no. 177 no. 42 no. 50 no. 114 no. 178 no. 43 1123 Classlflrfttion no. T25. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued T25.19: Notice to mariners— Continued (date) 1902, no. 44 1902, no. 90 1902, no. 136 1903 ,no. 22 no. 45 no. 91 no. 137 no. 23 no. 46 no. 92 no. 138 no. 24 no. 47 no. 93 no. 139 no. 25 no. 48 no. 94 no. 140 no. 26 no. 49 no. 95 no. 141 no. 27 no. 50 no. 96 no. 142 no. 28 no. 51 no. 97 no. 143 no. 29 no. 52 no. 98 no. 144 no. 30 no. 53 no. 99 no. 145 no. 31 no. 54 no. 100 no. 146 no. 32 no. 55 no. 101 no. 147 no. 33 no. 56 no. 102 no. 148 no. 34 no. 57 no. 103 no. 149 no. 35 no. 58 no. 104 no. 150 no. 36 no. 59 no. 105 no. 151 no. 37 no. 60 no. 106 no. 152 no. 38 no. 61 no. 107 no. 153 no. 39 no. 62 no. 108 no. 154 no. 40 no. 63 no. 109 no. 155 no. 41 no. 64 no. 110 no. 156 no. 42 no. 65 no. Ill no. 157 no. 43 no. 66 no. 112 no. 158 no. 44 no. 67 no. 113 no. 159 no. 45 no. 68 no. 114 no. 160 no. 46 no. 69 no. 115 1903, no. 1 no. 47 no. 70 no. 116 no. 2 no. 48 no. 71 no. 117 no. 3 no. 49 no. 72 no. 118 no. 4 no. 50 no. 73 no. 119 no. 5 no. 51 no. 74 no. 120 no. 6 no. 52 no. 75 no. 121 no. 7 no. 53 no. 76 no. 122 no. 8 no. 54 no. .77 no. 123 no. 9 no, 55 no. 78 no. 124 no. 10 no. 56 no. 79 no. 125 no. 11 no. 57 no. 80 no. 126 no. 12 no. 58 no. 81 no. 127 no. 13 no. 59 no. 82 no. 128 no. 14 no. 60 no. 83 no. 129 no. 15 no. 61 no. 84 no. 130 no. 16 no. 62 no. 85 no. 131 no. 17 no. 63 no. 86 no. 132 no. 18 no. 64 no. 87 no. 133 no. 19 no. 65 no. 88 no. 134 no. 20 no. 66 no. 89 no. 135 no. 21 no. 67 See, for later issues, 09.20: T25.20; (date^ Post llglits on western rivers [14tli, 15tli, and 16tli districts] 4° and narrow 16« Beacon-lights on western rivers [14th, 15th, and 16th districts] 1888; corrected to June 1, 1888 Post lights on western rivers [14th, 15th, and 16th districts] 1893; corrected to Sept. 1, 1893 1894; corrected to Sept. 1, 1894 1895; corrected to Sept. 1, 1895 1896; corrected to Sept. 1, 1896 1897; corrected to Sept. 1, 1897 1898; corrected to Sept. 1, 1898 1899; corrected to Sept. 1, 1899 1900; corrected to Sept. 1, 1900 1901; corrected to Sept. 1, 1901 1902; corrected to Sept. 1, 1902 See, for later issues, C9.21: 1124 Classiflcation no. T25.21: (CT) T25.22: 856 858 862 870 871 881 902 T26.23: ;.(date) T25.24; Un3 T25. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD— Continued Specifications See, for issues since July 1, 1903, C9.22: Instructions to liglit keepers [It is not certainly known when or under what title the 1st edition of these instruc- tions was printed; but presumably those issued in 1852 and included in Laws, rules, etc., Light House Establishment of United States (T25.15:852) may have formed the 1st edition.] InEtructions and directions to light-house and light-vessel keepers of United States. 2d edition. 1856. * Same. 3d edition. 1858. * Same. 4th edition. 1862. Instructions and directions to guide light-house keepers and others belonging to Light-House Establishment. 5th edition. Jan. 1, 1870. Instructions and directions to light keepers. 6th edition, Sept. 1871. Instructions to light keepers. July, 1881. 4"> (Treas. Dept. doc. 151.) Instructions to light-keepers and masters of light-house vessels. 1902. 4° (Treas. Dept. doc. — .) Beacons, buoys, and daymarks in 3d subdlstrict embracing Porto Rico and adjacent islands 1902; corrected to Feb. 1, 1902 Same; corrected to Nov. 1, 1902 1903 [None issued.] See, for later issues, C9.24: Rules and regulations (miscellaneous) Uniforms. Regulations governing uniforms of officers and men of Light- House Service. 1893. See, for later issues, C9.25: T26. LOANS AND CURRENCY DIVISION (A Division of Loans and a Division of Currency were authorized by act approved Mar. 3, 1875 (Stat. L. v. 18, p. 398), and were consolidated the following year by act approved Aug. 15, 1876 (Stat. L. v. 19, p. 149).] T26.1: (date) T26.2: B64^ B642 M74 T26.3: (nos.) T26.4: (nos.) T26.5: (date) Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Bonds. Regulations of Treasury Department in relation to United States bonds. 1896. Same. 1904. Money. Volume of money in circulation. 1891. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this division are issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:] Circulation statement various sizes [Monthly.] Statement showing amounts of gold and silver coins and certiJ&cates [etc.] in circulation 4'»andf® 1889, Jan. 1889, June 1889, Nov. 1890, Apr. Feb. July Dec. May Mar. Aug. 1890, Jan. June Apr. Sept. Feb. July May Oct. Mar, Aug. 1125 ClMnlflcation T2(5. LOANS AND CURRENCY DIVISION— Continued no. T26.5: (date) Circulation statement — Continued Statement showing amounts of gold and silver coins and certil [etc.] in circulation— Continued 1890, Sept. 1893, Jan. 1895, May 1897, Sept. Oct. Feb. June Oct. Nov. Mar. July Nov. Dec. Apr. liSy Aug. Dec. 1891, Jan. Sept. 1898, Jan. Feb. June Oct. Feb. Mar. July Nov. Mar. Apr. Aug. Dec. Apr, Mky May Sept. 1896, Jan. June Oct. Feb. June July Nov. Mar. July Aug. Dec. Apr. May Aug. Sept. 1894, Jan. Sept. Oct. Feb. June Oct. Nov. Max. July Nov. Dec. Apr. Aug. Dec. 1892, Jan. May Sept. 1899, Jan. Feb. June Oct. Feb. Mar. July Nov. Mar. A^y Aug. Dec. Apr. Sept. 1897, Jan. May June Oct. Feb. June July Nov. Mar. July Aug. Dec. Apr. May Aug. Sept. 1895, Jan. Sept. Oct. Feb. June Oct. Nov. Mar. July Nov. Dec. Apr. Aug. Dec. Circulation statement oblong 8^ 1900, Jan. 1902, July 1905, Jan. 19( )7,July Feb. Aug. Feb. Aug. Mar. Sept. Mar. Sept. Apr. M^y Oct. Apr. Oct. Nov. May Nov. June Dec. June Dec. July 1903, Jan. July 19C >8,Jan. Aug. Feb. Aug. Feb. Sept. Mar. Sept. Mar. Oct. Apr. Oct. Apr. Nov. May Nov. May Dec. Jime Dec. June 1901, Jan. July 1906, Jan. July Feb. Aug. Feb. Aug. Mar. Sept. Mar. Sept. Apr. l\Sy Oct. Apr. Oct. Nov. May Nov. June Dec. June Dec. July 1904, Jan. July 19C 19, Jan. Aug. Feb. Aug. Feb. Sept. Mar. Sept. Mar. Oct. Apr. Oct. M^y Nov. May Nov. Dec. June Dec. June 1902, Jan. July 1907, Jan. July Feb. Aug. Feb. Aug. Mar. Sept. Mar. Sept. Apr. Mky Oct. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Nov. June Dec. June Dec. 1126 Classification no. T26.6 ' : 878 881 894 8961 8962 897 901 909 T26.6 2: 895 896 T26.7: (date) T26. LOANS AND CURRENCY DIVISION— Continued Laws relating to loans and currency See also T2Q.6^: See, for similar laws issued prior to establishment of Loans and Cur- rency Division, T12.6:863i'2, 864 ^'^ and T1.2:L78'^'^ Laws of United States relating to loans and currency since 1860, includ- ing coinage acts [1792-1878]. 1878. [Has no Treasury Depart- ment document number.] Same, supplement 1, June 19, 1878-Mar. 3, 1881. 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 136.) Laws of United States relating to loans and currency, coinage, and banking. See [2341-226]. Compilation of principal laws of United States relating to loans and currency. 1894. [Has no Treasury Department document number.] Same. 1896. 69 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1828.) Same. [Revised edition.] 1896. 58 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1881.) Same. [Reprint] 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1881.) Same. 1901. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2256.) Same. 1909. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2528.) Laws relating to coinage See also T26.6^: See, for Brief history of coinage legislation, to 1891, T1.2:C662. Laws of United States relating to coinage. 1895. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1769.) Same. 1896. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1869.) See, for editions of 1897 and 1904, T28.10:897, 904. Caveat list of United States registered bonds f« [Monthly.] Registered bonds caveated 1893, Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1894, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1895, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1895, Oct. 1898, May 1900, Dec. Nov. June 1901, Jan. Dec. July Feb. 1896, Jan. Aug. Mar. Feb. Sept. Apr. Mar. Oct. May Apr. Nov. June May Dec. July June 1899, Jan. Aug. July Feb. Sept. Aug. Mar. Oct. Sept. Apr. Nov. Oct. May Dec. Nov. June 1902, Jan. Dec. July Feb. 1897,Jan. Aug. Mar. Feb. Mar. Sept. Oct. Apr. May Apr. May Nov. June Dec. July June 1900, Jan. Aug. July Feb. Sept. Aug. Mar. Oct. Sept. Apr. Nov. Oct. May Dec. Nov. June 1903, Jan. Dec. July Feb. 1898, Jan. Aug. Mar. Feb. Sept. Apr. Mar. Oct May Apr. Nov. June Cluslflcatlon no. 1127 T26. LOANS AND CURRENCY DIVISION— Continued T26.7: Caveat list of United States regflstered bonds— Cont'd (date) Registered bonds caveated— Continued 1903, July 1903, Dec. 1904, May Aug. 1904, Jan. June Sept. Feb. July Oct Mar. Aug. Nov. Apr. Sept. Caveat list of United States registered bonds 1905, Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1906, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 1906, June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1907, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. 1907, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1908, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 1904, Oct. Nov. Dec. 1905, Jan. Feb. 1908, Dec. 1909, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. T27. PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE T27.1: (date) (The Marine-Hospital Service grew out of the act of July 16, 1798 (Stat. L. v. 1, p. 605) and subsequent acts for the relief of sick and disabled seamen. Reorganized by act of June 29, 1870 (Stat. L. v. 16, p. 169). Name changed by act of July 1, 1902 (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 712) to Public Health and Marine- Hospital Service. From 1879 to 1885 certain duties relating to the public health were transferred by act of June 2, 1879 (Stat. L. V. 21, p. 5-7) to the National Board of Health (T29.). See, for historical sketches of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, T27.1:872, p. 7-27, T27.2:M33, and T27.12:13, 20.] Annual reports of surgeon -general [1853-61, certain statistics concerning marine hospitals are included in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), A special report containing statistics for 6 months ending Dec. 31, 1871, was issued as a Congres- sional document; see [1479-36]. The first of the present series of reports is that for fiscal year 1872. The number of the report does not appear on the title-page, but it is frequently mentioned in the letter of transmittal. This numbering exhibited various inconsistencies prior to 1893. Beginning with report for 1893, the numbering has been on the basis of an individual report for each year beginning with that for 1872, not- withstanding the fact that the report for 1876 was included with that for 1877, and the report for 1878 with that for 1879. Only a very brief unsigned summary is included in anntial reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:).] Supervising surgeon 1872 ~T?r7q [1566-131] lo/o 1874 SUPERVISINQ SURGEON-GENERAL 1875 1884 1891 1897 1876 and 1877 1885 1892 1898 1878 and 1879 1886 1893, V. 1 1899 1880 1887 Same, v. 2 1900 1881 1888 1894 1901 1882 1889 1895 1883 1890 1896 SURGEON-GENERAL 1902 1906 [5152-199] 5352-456] 1903 [4700-338] 1907 1904 4843-81] 1908 5417-1366] I 1905 '5024-320] 1909 5710-145] 1128 Classiflcation no. T27.1«: (CT) T27.2: As7i As72 F761 F762 F77 HI91 HI92 H193 In3 M33 M56 N72 P83 Sel Su7 Y31 Y32 T27. PUBIilC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE— Continued Annual reports of surgeon-general (separates) [This class of separates includes not only scientific articles and special reports from the report of the surgeon-general, but also, under T27.1a:H99, the one annual report of the Hygienic Laboratory which was issued separately, namely, that for 1896. See, for further information about the Hygienic Laboratory and its annual reports, note under T27.3: Certain separates from annual reports for 1898, 1904, and 1908 were, some years after their publication, assigned numbers in the series of Public health bulletins: sec T27.12:3, 14, 25.] General publications Assistant surgeon. [Circular concerning examination of candidates for position of assistant surgeon in Public Health and Marine- Hospital Service, to be held Apr. 15, 1907.] Feb. 12, 1907. 4° Same [to be held Jan. 7, 1909]. Nov. 5, 1908. 4<^ Formaldehyde. Rapid disinfection with high percentages of formal- dehyd, researches conducted at Hygienic Laboratory of Marine Hospital Service; by Ezra Kimball Sprague. 1897. 12^ Formaldehyde. Report on formaldehyd disinfection in vacuum cham- ber; by E. K. Sprague. 1899. Fort Stanton, N. Mex. Advice and instructions to patients [of tuber- culosis sanitorium at Fort Stanton, N. Mex.]. [1906.] \8ee also T27.12:14, 24.] Handbook for ship's medicine chest. 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 150.) Same; by George W. Stoner. [Revised edition.] 1900. ([Treas. Dept.] doc. 2202.) Same; by George W. Stoner. 2d edition. 1904. ([Treas. Dept.] doc. 2389.) Infanta Isabella. [Telegrams relative to] Spanish man-of-war, Infanta Isabella, detained at Tampa Bay, Florida State quarantine [May, 1895]. 1895. [Prepared for annual report of supervising surgeon- general, but printed only in this form.] Marine-Hospital Service. [Sketch of] United States Marine-Hospital Service, n. p. [1901]. [Distributed at Pan-American Exposi- tion, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901. See, for later sketches, T27. 12:13, 20.] Metric system. Adoption of metric system of weights and measures by Marine-Hospital Service for purveying medicines, and for other official medical pjurposes, with rules for converting terms of U. S. apothecaries' weights and measures into their respective equiva- lents in terms of metric system, and suggestions for writing metric medical prescriptions [with metric posological table: by Oscar Oldberg]. 1878. 24° [Selected portions reprinted from annual report of surgeon-general, 1877 (T27. 1:877).] Nomenclature of diseases, being classification and English-Latin termi- nology of provisional nomenclature of Royal College of Physi- cians, London; [prepared for use of medical officers of United States Marine-Hospital Service by John M. Woodworth]. 1874. Portable laboratories of Marine Hospital Service; by H. D. Geddings. [1901.] [Reprinted from International clinics, v. 4, 10th series. Distributed at Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901.] Seamen. [Circular letter] to collectors of customs, medical officers [etc., concerning Treasury Department circular 42, June 19, 1908, on Contracts for care of seamen, etc.]. June 22, 1908. 4® Supply table for Marine-Hospital Service. 1901. Yellow fever. Preliminary report on yellow-fever epidemic of 1882 in Texas. [1882.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 341.) Yellow fever, its nature, diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis, and quarantine regulations relating thereto. 1898. [The articles in this pamphlet, with the Value of autopsic findings (T27.2:Y3 s) and another paper on Train inspection were reprinted in the annual report for 1889 (T27,l:898). The combined articles were again issued in pamphlet form in 1899, with certain additional matter; see T27.12:4. Another article belonging to this group is entered under T27. 12 :5.] '' 1129 Classlflratlon no. T27. pubijIO health and marine-hohpital SERVICE— Continued T27.2: T27,2<*: (CT) T27.3: (nos.) T27.4 : (date) Oeneral pu I )li cations — Continued Yellow fever. Value of autopsic findings in cases that have died of suspected yellow fever, by Eugene Wasdin; supplement to Yel- low fever, its nature, diagnosis, etc. 1898. General publications (separates) Hygienic Laboratory, Bulletins [The laboratory of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service is known as the Hygienic Laboratory. It was established at the marine hospital on Staten Island, N. Y., Aug. 1887. Transferred to Washington, D. C, June 11, 1891. The series of bulletins listed below includes the most important printed records of the work of the laboratory. Annual reports are also made each year to the surgeon-general of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service; those for 1891, 1894-1905 are printed in full over the signature of tiie director of the Hygienic Laboratory in the annual reports of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service (T27.1:); for 1888-90, 1906-09, the work of the laboratory is merely summarized by the surgeon-general of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service in his report; reports for 1892, 1893, if made, were not printed. The only annual report of the Hygienic Laboratory issued separately is that for 1896 which is classed under T27.1o:H99.] [1] Preliminary note on viability of bacillus pestis; by M. J. Rosenau. 1900. [From Public health reports, May 25, 1900 (T27.6:15).] [2] Formalin disinfection of baggage without apparatus; by M. J. Rose- nau. 1900. 1900 Same. 1902 10 [1st edition.] Aug. 1902 Same. Revised edition. Mar. 1904 [1st edition.] Feb. 1903 Same. 2d edition. Feb. [July] 1903 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5354-840 5354-841 5354-842 5354-843 5354-844 5353-702 5354-845 5354-872^ 5418-1009 5418-1014 5418-1018" 5418-1441 5418-1465 5419-1532 5419-1533 5419-1562 5419-1563 5419-1564 5711-164 5711-165] 5712-178 5711-179 5713-432 5711-503 Circulars , , [pirculars relating to the work of this service are issued in the series of Treasury '" * Department circulars; xee certain issues under T1.4: During some of the early years these circulars bore also bureau numbers assigned in series by calendar years, e. g., "1876, Department no. 50, U. S. Marine-Hospital Service, no. 2, series 1876." See, for Bureau circular letters, T27.15:] 1130 Classification no. T27.5: (date) T27. PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HO SPIT Ali SERVICE— Continued Official list of commissioned and other officers of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, also list of U. S. marine hospitals, quarantine stations, and quarantine vessels small 4° and 8° Oflficial list of medical officers of Marine-Hospital Service, including acting assistant surgeons and hospital stewards, also lists of U. S. marine hospitals and quarantine stations small 4<» 1881 (Treas. Dept. doc. 158 1882 (Treas. Dept. doc. 242 1883 (Treas. Dept. doc. 374.) * 1884 (Treas. Dept. doc. 527.) * 1885 [Jan.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 670.) July (Treas. Dept. doc. 708.) 1886, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 788.) July (Treas. Dept. doc. 856.) 1887. Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 942.) 1888, Jan July Jan. July 1889, Jan. July 1890, Jan. July 1891, Jan. July 1892, Jan. July 1893, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1014.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1077.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1123.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1179.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1230.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1291.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1323.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1396.) (Treas. Dept. dec. 1435.) (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1520.) 1578.) Official list of medical officers, acting assistant surgeons, and hospital stewards of Marine-Hospital Service, also lists of IT. S. marine hospitals and quarantine stations small 4*' 1893, July (Treas. Dept. doc. 1613.) 1894, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1659.) July (Treas. Dept. doc. 1685.) 1895, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1743.) July (Treas. Dept. doc. 1786.) 1896, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1838.) July (Treas. Dept. doc. 1870.) Official list of commissioned officers, acting assistant surgeons, and hos- Eital stewards of Marine-Hospital Service, also list of U. S. marine ospitals and quarantine stations 8° 1897, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1931.) Official list of commissioned and noncommissioned officers of Marine- Hospital Service, also list of U. S. marine hospitals and quaran- tine stations 8° 1897, July (Treas. Dept. doc. 1952.) 1898, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2016.) July (Treas. Dept. doc. 2027.) 1899, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2090.) July (Treas. Dept. doc. 2129.) 1900, Jan. July 1901, Jan. July Official list of commissioned and noncommissioned officers of Marine- Hospital Service, also list of U. S. marine hospitals, quarantine stations and quarantine vessels 8° 1902, Jan. 1131 CUmiinratlon no. T27. PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE— Continued T27.5: (date) T27.6: (v. nos.) Official list of commissioned and other officers of Public Ilealtli and Marine-Hospital Service, also list of U. S. marine hospitals, quarantine stations, and quarantine vessels— Continued Official list of commissionod and noncommissioned officers of Public Health and Marine- Hospital Service, also list of U. S. marine hos- pitals, quarantine stations and quarantine vessels 8° 1902, July 1903, Jan. July * 1904, Jan. July * 1905, Jan. July 1906, Jan. July 1907, Jan. July 1908, Jan. July Official list of commissioned and other officers of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, also list of U. S. marine hospitals, quar- antine stations, and quarantine vessels 8*> 1909, Jan. Julyt Public health reports (weekly) [The "Bulletins of the public health," nos. 1-46, published in accordance with the national quarantine act of Apr. 29, 1878, were issued weekly from July 13, 1878, to May 24, 1879. They were originally published on separate sheets by manifold process. In order to preserve them in permanent form, they were reprinted in one volume by the mrine-Hospital Service in 1881, and were later designated as V. 1 of this series. The Public Documents Library has them only in the reprmt of 1881. From July 5, 1879, to July 1, 1882, the series of "Bulletins of the public health" issued by the Marine-Hospital Service was superseded by the series of weekly bulletins issued by the National Board of Health; see T29.3 ': In 1887, the publication was resumed by the Marine-Hospital Service under the title Weekly abstract of s^itary reports, and the issues for that year, numbered from 47 to 96, Jan. 20-Doc. 30, c'onstitute v. 2. With v. 3, 1888," the plan of begin- ning a new series of numbers for each annual volume was adopted. The word "weekly" disappeared from the individual issues with v. 5, no. 3, but was retained on tlie volume title-pages through v. 10. With V. 11, 1896, the title was changed to Public health reports, the back title of the bound volumes reading, Weekly public health reports.] [v. 1] Bulletins of public health [nos. 1^6, July 13, 1878-May 24, 1879], issued by supervising surgeon-general under national quarantine act of Apr. 29, 1878. Reprint 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 74.) [Originally published on separate sheets by manifold process. These must not be confused with the series of miscellaneous "Public health bulletins;" see T27.12:] Weekly abstract of sanitary reports V. 2 1887 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 no. 56 V. 2 1887 no. 57 V. 2 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 no. 66 no. no. no, no, no no, no no 1887 no. 67 no. 68 no. 69 no. 70 no. 71 no. 72 no. 73 no. 74 no. 75 no. 76 t No issue for Jan. 1910, and beginning with July, 1910, issues are to be annual. 1132 Classification T27. PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL "**• SERVICE— Continued T27.6: Public liealtli reports— Continued (v. nos.) Weekly abstract of sanitary reports— Continued V. 2 1887 V. 3 1888 v. 4 1889 no. 77 no. 41 no. 49 no. 78 no. 42 no. 50 no. 79 no. 43 no. 51 no. 80 no. 44 no. 52 no. 81 no. 45 V. 5 1890 no. 82 no. 46 no. 1 no. 83 no. 47 no. 2 no. 84 no. 48 no. 3 no. 85 no. 49 no. 4 no. 86 no. 50 no. 5 no. 87 no. 51 no. 6 no. 88 no. 52 no. 7 no. 89 V.4 1889 no. 8 no. 90 no. 1 no. 9 no. 91 no. 2 no. 10 no. 92 no. 3 no. 11 no. 93 no. 4 no. 12 no. 94 no. 5 no. 13 no. 95 no. 6 no. 14 no. 96 no. 7 no. 15 V. 3 1888 no. 8 no. 16 no. 1 no. 9 no. 17 no. 2 no. 10 no. 18 no. 3 no. 11 no. 19 no. 4 no. 12 no. 20 no. 5 no. 13 no. 21 no. ^ no. 14 no. 22 no. 7 no. 15 no. 23 no. 8 no. 16 no. 24 no. 9 no. 17 no. 25 no. 10 no. 18 no. 26 no. 11 no. 19 no. 27 no. 12 no. 20 no. 28 no. 13 no. 21 no. 29 no. 14 no. 22 no. 30 no. 15 no. 23 no. 31 no. 16 no. 24 no. 32 no. 17 no. 25 no. 33 no. 18 no. 26 no. 34 no. 19 no. 27 no. 35 no. 20 no. 28 no. 36 no. 21 no. 29 no. 37 no. 22 no. 30 no. 38 no. 23 no. 31 no. 39 no. 24 no. 32 no. 40 no. 25 no. 33 no. 41 no. 26 no. 34 no. 42 no. 27 no. 35 no. 43 no. 28 no. 36 no. 44 no. 29 no. 37 no. 45 no. 30 no. 38 no. 46 no. 31 no. 39 no. 47 no. 32 no. 40 no. 48 no. 33 no. 41 no. 49 no. 34 no. 42 no. 50 no. 35 no. 43 no. 51 no. 36 no. 44 no. 52 no. 37 no. 45 v. 6 1891 no. 38 no. 46 no. 1 no. 39 no. 47 no. 2 no. 40 no. 48 no. 3 1133 CUsHincatlon T27. no. PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE— Continued T27.6: Public health, reports— Continued (v. no8. ) Weekly abstract of sanitary reports — Continued V. 6 V. 7 1891 no. 4 no. 6 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 1892 V. 7 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 V. 8 1892 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 1893 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 V. 8 V. 9 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 1894 no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 1134 Classification T27. PUBLIC E no. T27.6: Public liealtli re (v. nos.) Weekly abstract of sa V. 9 1894 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 ;\'j^ no. 33 '*'! no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 ,. no. 44 no. 45 ;.;;/ no. 46 ''--; no. 47 <»{ no. 48 11 no. 49 i 1 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 Public health reports V. 11 1896 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 ii." no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 *- no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 ■ no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no 25 no 26 no 27 no 28 no 29 no 30 no 31 no. 32 PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE— Continued V. 10 V. 11 V. 12 01 1895 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 1896 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 1897 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. V. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 no. 11 1895 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 V. 12 no, no, no, no, no. 48 49 50 51 52 1897 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 1135 CUuiflcfttlon no. T27. PUBIiTC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAIj SERVICE— Continued T27.6: (v. no8.) Public health, reports- V.12 V. 13 1897 no. 44 no. 46 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 1898 no. 1 no. 2 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 V. 14 V. 15 -Continued 1899 V. 15 1900 no. 1 pt. 1 , no. 11 no. 2 no. 12 no. 3 no. 13 no. 4 no. 14 no. 5 no. 15 no. 6 no. 16 no. 7 no. 17 no. 8 no. 18 no. 9 no. 19 no. 10 no. 20 no. 11 no. 21 no. 12 no. 22 no. 13 no. 23 no. 14 no. 24 no. 15 no.' 25 no. 16 no. 26 no. 17 pt.2 no. 27 no. 18 no. 28 no. 19 no. 29 no. 20 no. 30 no. 21 no. 31 no. 22 no. 32 no. 23 no. 33 no. 24 no. 34 no. 25 no. 35 no. 26 no. 36 no. 27 no. 37 no. 28 no. 38 no. 29 no. 39 no. 30 no. 40 no. 31 no. 41 no. 32 no. 42 no. 33 no. 43 no. 34 no. 44 no. 35 no. 45 no. 36 no. 46 no. 37 no. 47 no. 38 no. 48 no. 39 no. 49 no. 40 no. 50 no. 41 no. 51 no. 42 no. 52 no. 43 V. 16 1901 no. 44 pt.l no. 1 no. 45 no. 2 no. 46 no. 3 no. 47 no. 4 no. 48 no. 5 no. 49 no. 6 no. 50 no. 7 no. 51 no. 8 no. 52 no. 9 1900 no. 10 pt. 1, no. 1 no. 11 no. 2 no. 12 no. 3 no. 13 no. 4 no. 14 no. 5 no. 15 no. 6 no. 16 no. 7 no. 17 no. 8 no. 18 no. 9 no. 19 no. 10 no. 20 1136 Classification T27. PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL '''*' SERVICE-Continued T27.6: Public health, reports— Continued (v. no8.) :0,Tl:i V. 16 1901 V. 17 1902 V. 18 1903 -'v.« pt. 1, no. 21 pt. 2, no. 29 pt. 2, no. 37 no. 22 no. 30 no. 38 no. 23 no. 31 no. 39 no. 24 no. 32 no. 40 no. 25 no. 33 no. 41 no. 26 no. 34 no. 42 pt. 2, no. 27 no. 35 no. 43 no. 28 no. 36 no. 44 no. 29 no. 37 no. 45 no. 30 no. 38 no. 46 no. 31 no. 39 no. 47 no. 32 no. 40 no. 48 no. 33 no. 41 no. 49 no. 34 no. 42 M 1 f no. 50 no. 35 no. 43 .,,;, no. 51 no. 36 no. 44 no. 52 no. 37 no. 45 V. 19 1904 no. 38 no. 46 pt. 1, no. 1 no. 39 no. 47 no. 2 no. 40 no. 48 no. 3 no. 41 no. 49 no. 4 no. 42 no. 50 no. 5 no. 43 no. 51 a I w 1 1 no. 6 no. 44 no. 52 tl.oa no. 7 no. 45 V. 18 1903 IT ..)ti no. 8 no. 46 pt. ] , no. 1 no. 9 no. 47 no. 2 no. 10 no. 48 no. 3 no. 11 no. 49 no. 4 no. 12 no. 50 no. 5 no. 13 no. 51 no. 6 no. 14 no. 52 no. 7 no. 15 V. 17 1902 no. 8 no. 16 pt. 1, no. 1 no. 9 no. 17 no. 2 no. 10 no. 18 no. 3 no. 11 no. 19 no. 4 no. 12 no. 20 no. 5 no. 13 no. 21 no. 6 no. 14 r ._ ,(()i no. 22 no. 7 no. 15 9S.oa no. 23 no. 8 no. 16 or tm no. 24 no. 9 no. 17 .(,>:•■ no. 25 no. 10 no. 18 ■ ■!. no. 26 no. 11 no. 19 pt. 2, no. 27 no. 12 no. 20 no. 28 no. 13 no. 21 no. 29 no. 14 no. 22 ,,;, no. 30 no. 15 no. 23 ■ i' no. 31 no. 16 no. 24 no. 32 no. 17 no. 25 no. 33 no. 18 no. 26 no. 34 no. 19 pt. 2 , no. 27 no. 35 no. 20 no. 28 no. 36 no. 21 no. 29 no. 37 no. 22 no. 30 no. 38 no. 23 no. 31 .': . no. 48 no. 25 T27.6«: (CT) T27.7; 891 893 896 903 904 T27.8: 873 11 .:-■'■ 879 Public health reports (separates) [A publication entitled Plague Conference held r\ Washington, D. C, Jan. 19, 1903, made up of supplements to Public health reports, v. 18, no. 4, Jan. 23, and no. 6, Feb. 6, 1903, was some years after it« publication assigned a number in the series of Public health bulletins: see T27.12:10.] Regulations governing uniforms Regulations concerning uniforms. 1891. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1393.) Regulations regarding uniform of oflBcers and employes. 1893. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1610.) Regulations governing uniforms of officers and employees. 1896. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1852.) ' Same. 1903. [Also, without appendix and plates, in pt. 2 of Rules and regulations governing Treasury Department in its various branches; see 59th Congress, 2d session, Senate document 399, pt. 2, serial no. 5093.] Same. 1904. Regulations for government of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service (general) See also T27.7:, T27.9i'2:, and T27.14: Regulations of Marine Hospital Service for collection of hospital dues, and application of fund resulting therefrom to relief of sick and disabled seamen, as provided by acts approved July 16, 1798, May 3, 1802, and June 30, 1870. 1873. Regulations for government of Marine-Hospital Service; approved Nov. 10, 1879. 1879. 1139 ClaMlflcstlon no. T27, PUBLIC HEAIiTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAI, SERVICE— Continued T27.8: 885 897 902 903 T27.9 4 893 894 899 903 904 T27.9=^: InS M33 St3 T27.10: (nos.) T27.il: (CT) Regulations for government of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service (general)— Continued Revised regulations for government of Marine-Hospital Service; ap- proved Apr. 24, 1885. 1885. (Treaa. Dept. doc. 695.) Same; approved May 20, 1889. 1889. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1217.) Same; approved Nov. 29, 1897. 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1987.) Regulations for government of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Serv- ice; approved Nov. 21, 1902. 1902. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2291.) Same; approved Aug. 12, 1903. 1902 [1903]. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2327.) [Also, without appendix, in j)t. 2 of Rules and regula- tions governing Treasury Department in its various branches; see 59th Congress, 2d session. Senate document 399, pt. 2, serial no. 5093.] Quarantine laws and regulations (general) United States quarantine laws and regulations. Feb. 24, 1893. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1586.) Quarantine laws and regulations of United States. Apr. 26, 1894. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1677.) Same. Revised edition. Nov. 13, 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2154.) [Interleaved.] Same. Revised edition. 1903. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2319.) [Inter- leaved.] Same. Revised edition. [Reprint] 1904. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2363.) [Quarantine regulations of 1903, without laws, were reprinted in pt. 2 of Rules and regulations governing Treasury Department in Its various branches; see 59th Congress, 2d session, Senate docu- ment 399, pt. 2, serial no. 5093.] Quarantine laws, regulations, and instructions (miscellaneous) Interstate quarantine regulations of United States. Sept. 27, 1894. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1706.) [Also, with omission, in pt. 2 of Rules and regulations governing Treasury Department m its various branches; see 59th Congress, 2d session. Senate document 399, pt. 2, serial no. 5093.] Maritime quarantine. Laws and regulations for maritime quarantines of United States. Apr. 4, 1893. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1596.) Steamers. Instructions relative to care and preservation of quarantine steamers and boat ceremony and discipline. 1901. [Has no Treasury Department document number.] Yellow Fever Institute, Bulletins [The Yellow Fever Institute was organized in 1901 by the surgeon-general of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, its object being the investigation of questions relating to yellow fever. The bulletins listed below embody the most important results of the work of the institute. No annual reports are issued.] 1-7 [In 1 pamphlet.] 11 [Ist edition.] July, 1902. 23 p. Same. Revised edition. July, 1902. 24 p. 12 13 Same, with plates 14 15 16 [5355-839] 17 [5419-1520] Speciflcatlons 1140 Classtllcation no. T27. PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE— Continued T27.12: Public liealtli bulletins (nos.) 1910, the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service brought together in lit: [In Jan. one series its various miscellaneous publications relating to public health, with the new series title as given above, assigning to those previously issued the numbers 1 to 30, as indicated in their list of publications issued Jan. 1910; no. 31 also appeared without number in 1910. Although this Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909, nos. 30 and 31 are included here in order to give a complete list of the bulletins which appeared without numbers. Begin- ning with no. 32, the number is printed on the publication. This series has no connection with the series of Bulletins of public health, nos. 1-46, issued weekly, Julv 13, 1878-Mav 24, 1879, which form v. 1 of the series of weekly Public health reports; see T27.6:l.] [I] Report on trichinae and trichinosis; by W. C. W. Glazier. 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 84.) [1941-9] [2] Report on etiology and prevention of yellow fever; by George M. Sternberg. 1890. [3] Mortality statistics in United States for year ending Dec. 31, 1897. 1899. [From annual report of Marine-Hospital Service, 1898 (T27.1:898).] [4] Yellow fever, its nature, diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis, and quarantine regulations relating thereto, from annual report [of] Marine-Hospital Service, 1898; with abstract of report of medical officers detailed as commission to investigate cause of yellow fever. 1899. [See, for the original prints of some of these arti- cles, T27.2:Y32»3; see, for full report of commission to investigate cause of yellow fever, T27.12:6.] [5] Shipment of merchandise from town infected with yellow fever; by H. R. Carter. 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2125.) [6] Report of commission of medical officers [Eugene Wasdin and H. D. Geddings] detailed to investigate cause of yellow fever. 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2128.) [7] Bubonic plague; by Walter Wyman. 1900. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2165.) [8] Report of commission [Simon Flexner, F. G. Novy, and L. F. Barker] appointed for investigation of plague in San Francisco. 1901. [9] Report [of commission] relating to origin and prevalence of leprosy in United States. Mar. 24, 1902. (57th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 269; serial no. 4239.) [10] Plague Conference held in Washington, D. C, Jan. 19, 1903. [1903.] [Made up of supplements to Public health reports, v. 18, no. 4, Jan. 23, and no. 6, Feb. 6, 1903 (T27.6:18i), with binder's title as given above.] [II] Transactions of Ist annual Conference of State and Territorial Health Officers with Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Washington, D. C, June 3, 1903. 1903. [12] Same, 2d, Washington, D. C, June 3, 1904. 1904. [13] Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, n. p. [1904]. [Brief history printed for distribution at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. See, for earlier and later sketches, T27.2: M33 and T27. 12:20.] [14] Sanatorium for consumptives. Fort Stanton, N. Mex. 1904. [From annual report, 1904 (T27.1:904). See also T27.2:F77 and T27.12:24.] [15] Transactions of 3d annual Conference of State and Territorial Health Officers with Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Washington, D. C, May 15, 1905. 1906. [16] How to prevent yellow fever, no mosquitoes, no yellow fever; [by Walter Wyman]. July 31, 1905. 4" [17] Transactions of 4th annual Conference of State and Territorial Health Officers with Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Washington, D. C, May 23, 1906. 1906. [18] Same, 5th, Washington, D. C, May 29, 1907. 1907. (Treas. Dept doc. 2490.) 1141 ClMslflcatlon no. T27. PUBLIC HEAIiTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAI, SERVICE— Continued T27.12: Public health bulletins- Continued (nos.) T27.13: (date) [19] Trachoma, its character and effects; [articles] by T. Clark and J. W. Schereschewsky. 1907. [20] Public Health and Marino-TIosnital Service of United States, n. p. [1907]. narrow 8** [Brief history printed for distribution at Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition, Norfolk, Va., 1907. See, for earlier sketches, T27.2:M33 and T27.12:13.] [21] Transactions of 6th annual Conference of State and Territorial Health Officers with Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Washington, D.C., Apr. 27, 1908. 1908. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2508.) [22] Present pandemic of plague ; by J. M. Eager. 1908. [23] Pellagra, a precis [with bibliography]; by C. H. Lavinder. 1908. [24] United States marine-hospital sanatorium, Fort Stanton, N. Mex. [Washington, D. C] Public Health and Marine Hospital Service 1908]. [Prepared for International Congress on Tuberculosis, Washington, D. C, Sept. 1908. See also T27.2:F77 and T27.12: 14.] [25] Hook-worm disease. 1909. [From annual report, 1908 (T27.1: 908).] [26] [Studies upon leprosy]: 1, Present status of leprosy problem in Hawaii, 2, Reaction of lepers to Moro's percutaneous test [with list of references], 3, Note upon possibility of mosquito acting in transmission of leprosy [with list of references]; by Walter R. Brinckerhoff. 1908. [27] Studies upon leprosy: 4, Upon utilitjr of examination of nose and nasal secretions for detection of incipient cases of leprosy [with bibliography]; by Walter R. Brinckerhoff and W. L. Moore. 1909. [28] Studies upon leprosy: 5, Report upon treatment of 6 cases of leprosy with nastine, Deycke, by Walter R. Brinckerhoff and James T. Wayson; 6, Leprosy in United States in 1909, hy Walter R. Brinckerhoff. 1909. [Laws relating to leprosy are included in appendixes.] [29] Prevalence of rabies in United States; by John W. Kerr and Arthur M. Stimson. 1909. [30] Rat and its relation to public health. 1910. [31] Transactions of 7th annual Conference of State and Territorial Health Officers with Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Washington, D. C, June 2, 1909. 1910. [Betrinning with no. 32, the numbers appear on the publications.] List of changes of stations and duties of commis- sioned and other officers of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service for 7 days ended 4° [Weekly.] [The wording of the title of this series has varied from time to time. Only the radical changes arc shown in the list below. There have also been minor changes. On issues of Mar. 11, 18, Apr. 1, 15, 1908, the words "and noncommissioned" are omitted, though the publication contains the usual information. After the change of title, July 8, 1908, one issue, that for July 22, 1908, reverts to the old form of title, and on issues for July 8, 15, 29, Aug. 5, 12, 1908, the form "station" instead of "stations " is used. Beginning Aug. 19, 1908, the title has uniformly appeared as given in the heading above. In cases where publication on one of the regular dates is omitted, the next issue reads "for 14 days ended ."] List of changes of station and duties of commissioned and noncommis- sionedf officers ,July 24 1907, Aug. 21 July 31 Aug. 28 Aug. 7 Sept. 4 Aug. 14 Sept. 11 1907, Sept. 18 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 9 1907, Oct. Oct. Nov. 16 30 1 6 Nov. 13 t Title of issue for this date reads, * ' for 14 days ended ■ none issued Oct. 23,1907. 1142 Classification T27, no. PUBLiIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE— Continued T27.13: (date) T27.14: M46 V81^ V812 T27.15: (date and nos.) T27.16: (date) list of changes of stations and duties of commis- sioned and other officers of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service for 7 days ended Continued List of changes of station and duties of commissioned and noncommis- sioned officers — Continued 1907, Nov. 20 1908 , Jan. 15 1908, Mar. 11 1908, Mav 13 Nov. 27 Jan. 22 Mar. 18 May 20 Dec. 4 Jan. 29 Apr. If June 3 1 Dec. 11 Feb. 5 Apr. 8 June 10 Dec. 18 Feb. 12 Apr. 15 June 17 Dec. 25 Feb. 19 Apr. 22 June 24 1908, Jan. 1 Feb. 26 Apr. 29 July 1 Jan. 8 Mar. 4 May 6 List of changes of stations and duties of commissioned and other officers 1908, July 8 1908 , Dec. 2 1909, Apr. 21 1909, Sept. 1 July 15 Dec. 9 Apr. 28 Sept. 8 July 22 Dec. 16 May 5 Sept. 15 July 29 Dec. 23 May 12 Sept. 22 Aug. 5 Dec. 30 May 19 Sept. 29 Aug. 12 1909 , Jan. 6 May 26 Oct. 6 Aug. 19 Jan. 13 June 2 Oct. 13 Sept. 2t Jan. 20 June 9 Oct. 20 Sept. 9 Jan. 27 June 16 Oct. 27 Sept. 16 Feb. 3 June 23 Nov. 3 Sept. 23 Feb. 17 1 June 30 Nov. 10 Sept. 30 Feb. 24 July 7 Nov. 17 Oct. 7 Mar. 3 July 14 Nov. 24 Oct. 14 Mar. 10 July 21 Dec. 8t Oct. 21 Mar. 17 July 28 Dec. 15 Oct. 28 Mar. 24 Aug. 4 Dec. 22 Nov. lit Mar. 31 Aug. 11 Dec. 29 Nov. 18 Apr. 7 Aug. 18 Nov. 25 Apr. 14 Aug. 25 Regulations and instructions (miscellaneous) See also T27.7:, T27.8:, and T27.9i'2: Medical inspection. Book of instructions for medical inspection of immigrants. 1903. [Also in pt. 2 of Rules and regulations gov- erning Treasury Department in its various branches; see 59th Congress, 2d session. Senate document 399, pt. 2, serial no. 5093.] Quarantine regulations and instructions. See T27.9 ^'^r Uniforms. Regulations governing uniforms. SeeT27.7: Viruses. Regulations for sale of ^druses, serums, toxins, and analogous products in District of Columbia, etc.; approved Feb. 21, 1903. 1903. [Also, with omission, in pt. 2 of Rules and regulations governing Treasury Department m its various branches; see 59th Congress, 2d session, Senate document 399, pt. 2, serial no. 5093.] Same, in District of Columbia and in interstate traffic; approved May 11, 1909. 1909. Bureau circular letters [Relate chiefly to internal administration of Public Health and Marine-IIospItal Service. Not listed here.] Publications of Public Health, and Marine -Hospital Service 1908, Oct. 1909 [None issued.] t Title of issues for these dates reads, "for 14 days ended ;" none issued Mar. 25, May 27, Aug. 26, Nov. 4, 1908, and Feb. 10, Dec. 1, 1909. 1143 T28. MINT BUREAU [The United States Mint was rotabUshed at Philadelphia undPr act approved Apr. 2, 1792 (Stat. L. v. 1, p. 246). Branch mints In cortain other cities were authorized by acts approved Mar. 3, 183* (Stat. L. V. 4. p. 774), and Jnlv 3, lR.'i2 (Stat. L. v. 10. p. 11). The act approved Feb. 12, 1873 (Stat. L. v. 17, p. 424) provided "that the Mint of the United States is herebv established os a bureau of the Treasury Department, embracinK in its organization and under its control all mints * ♦ ♦ and assay-otlices * * *, which are now, or which may be hereafter, authorized by law. "J Classlflratlon no. T28.1: (date) T28.1« : (CT) T28.2: C37 C66» C662 C663 Exl G56 T28.3: (noa.) T28.4: (nos.) Annual reports [I ntil 1857, annual reports were for calendar year and were made by the director to the President. The act of Feb. 21, 18o7, reauired that the report he made to the Secretary of the Treasury and that it be for fiscal year. The report for 1857 is for Jan. -June, since which time reports ha^e been for fiscal year. Reports for 1819-56 appeared only in the Congressional set, as listed below under those years. The first separately issued report in the Public Documents Library Is for 18.59.] 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 [37-95 54-99 64-15] Not printed?]! Not printed ?]t 116-70] 136-107] 152-113] 171-70] 181-39 197-56 207-16 217-57 234-54 254-48 272-74 288-76 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 303-96] 325-110] 339-98] 346-97] 365-91] Same, without ac- companying ta- bles [357-141] 383-75] 396-87J 402-71 424-208] 442-76] 465-99] 483-113] 500-75] 506-17] 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 540-41 554-21 576-31 589-21 599-50 618-31 641-59 66(^-39 677-42 721^0 788-62 821-51 853-70 881-37 900-63 1857-1909, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and usually issued separately also. Annual reports (separates) General publications Charges. Revised table of charges at mints and assay offices of United States, to take effect July 10, 1908. July 6, 1908. Coinage. Tables and methods for ascertaining weight and coinage value of gold and silver, and ounces at standard fineness contained in bullion from .000^ to 1.000 fine; by Horatio C. Burchard. 1885. f« Coinage of Government mints, 1793-1892. oblong f " Coinage of United States mints, 1792-1894, and coinage of the world, 1891-3. [1895.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 1771.) [This is a reprint, brought down to end of calendar year 1894, of tables 34, 42, and 43 of annual report of director of mint.] Examinations. Regulations to govern examinations for entrance into and promotions in mints and assay offices of United States. 1897. Gold and silver consumed in industries and arts. Jan. 6, 1902. 4** Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this bureau are issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; «fe certain issues under T1.4:] t See, for statements prepared by the Comptroller of the Treasury showing opera- tions of the mint during 1822 and 1823, [81-88] and [103-152], respectively. 1144 'Classtflcatloft no. T28*5: (9ate) T28.6: 866 = 867 T28. MINT BUREAU— Continued Proceedings of Assay Commission See, for Laws of United States relating to annual assay, rules for organization and government of Board of Assay Commissioners, and proceedings of Assay Commission, 1880, [1922-43]. (Treas. Dept. doc. 133.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 256.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 403.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 562.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 689.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 804.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 974.) 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1193.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1301.) (Tresis. Dept. doc. 1409.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1497.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1584.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1669.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1756.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1843.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1935.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2013.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2100.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2170.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2225.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2310.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2317.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2359.) 42 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2394.) Same [reprint 1906] 41 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2394.) 1906 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2431.) 1907 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2463.) 1908 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2501.) 1909 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2540.) Mineral resources west of Rocky Mountains [The back-titles and the title-page titles of this set have varied greatly. The words "Mineral resources west of Rockj^ Mountains," which appeared uniformly as back-titles of the last 6 issues, have been chosen as the series title for the set. The imprint dates and those on the backs of the books differ from the actual dates covered by the reports. Book numbers are assigned by the years covered.] [Preliminary] report upon mineral resources of States and Territories west of Rocky Mountains [1866; by J. Ross Browne]. 1867. 321 p. [1289-29] Reports upon mineral resources of United States [1866]; by J. Roes Browne and James W. Taylor. 1867. 360 p. [The main part of this volume is the report by Browne entered above (T28.6: 866*), in addition to which is included Taylor's report, Gold mining east of Rocky Mountains (39th Congress, 2d session, House executive document 92, serial number 1293) and also Land Office Circular in relation to mining claims, Jan. 14, 1867.) Report on mineral resources of States and Territories west of Rocky Mountains [1867]; [by] J. Ross Browne. 1868. [1342-202] [Bureau edition contains also Report of James W. Taylor on mineral resources of United States east of Rocky Mountains (40th Congress, 2d session, House executive document 273, serial no. 1343).] Mineral resources of States and Territories west of Rocky Mountains [calendar year 1868, 1st annual report]; by Rossiter W. Ray- mond. 1869. ([40th Cong. 3d sess. H. ex. doc. 54]; serial no. 1374.) [Another print of this report, with title, Mines of the West, was printed by J. B. Ford and Company, New York, evidently from the plates used by the Govern- ment Printing Office, having the document notation in the signature mark. It is not regarded as a public document because there is no proof that it was printed by authority of the Government.] 1145 GlMsIflcatlon no. T28.6: 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 T28.7: (date) T28. MINT BUREATJ— Continued Mineral resources west of Rocky Mountains^-Cont'd Statistics of mines and mining in States and Torritoriee west of Rocky Mountains [calendar year 1869, 2d annual report]; by Rossiter W. Raymond. 1870. (4l8t Cong. 2d sess. II. ex. doc. 207; serial no. 1424.) [No edition without Congressional docu- ment number.] Same [calendar year] 1870 [3d annual repoirt]; by Rossi ter W. Ray- mond. 1872. ([42d Cong. Ist sess. H. ex. doc. 10]; serial no. 1470.) Same [calendar year 1871], 4th annual report of Rossiter W. Ray- mond. 1873. [1513-211] Same [calendar year 1872], 5th annual report of Rossiter W. Ray- mond. 1873. (42d Cong. 3d sess. H. ex. doc. 210; serial no. 1567.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same [calendar year 1873], 6th annual report of Rossiter W. Ray- mond. 1874. [1608-141] Same [calendar year 1874], 7th annual report of Rossiter W. Ray- mond. 1875. (43d Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 177; serial no. 1651.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same [calendar year 1875], 8th annual report of Rossiter W. Ray- mond. 1877. [1691-159J [After the report for 1875, no reports on mineral resources were issued until 1882 when the series was resumed by the Geological Survej', and reports made for calendar years 1882-93, under title, Mineral resources of United States (119.8:882-893). For calendar years 1894-99, the reports on mineral resources were by law issued as parts of the annual reports of Geological Survey, fiscal years 1895-1900 (1 19.1:). For calendar years 1900-09, in accordance with act of Mar. 3, 1901, the report on min- eral resources was again published as a distinct series (1 19.8:900-909). See also, for reports on production of precious metals, T28.7:] ; . i^ i_''[^' Production of precious metals, calendar year r^ — Statistics of production of precious metals [calendar year] 1880 (Treas. Dept. doc. 144.) [1978-99] 1881 [2031-216] 1882 (Treas. Dept. doc. 441.) [2113-106] Production of precious metals, calendar year 1883 (Treas. Dept. doc. 604.) [2211-177] 1884 [230&-268] 1885 [2404-290' 1886 [2484-200' 1887 [2562-405 1888 [2652-158 1889 [2750-354' 1890 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1412.) 1891 [2955-200] 1892 [3107-247' 1893 3225-237' 1894 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1793.) 1895 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1894.) 1896 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1999.) 1897 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2058.) 1898 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2149.) 1899 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2209.) 1900 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2259.) 1901 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2304.) 1902 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2351.) 1903 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2384.; 1904 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2422.) 1905 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2459.) 1906 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2496.) 1907 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2535.) 1908 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2570.) 1909 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2604.) [2866-295] 3407-35] 3506-23] ^3671-167] 3784-47] 3975-239] 4156-239] 4351-275] 4488-22] 4703-351] 4827-19] 4981-19' 5141-19 5351-19 5416-1334] 5709-144] ? -1415] 1146 Classiflcation no. T28.8: (date) T28.9: (date) T28.10; 897 904 T28. MINT BUREAU— Continued [Circular of inquiry concerning gold and silver coin- age and currency of foreign countries, includ- ing production, import and export, and indus- trial consumption of gold and silver] 4® [Sent to diplomatic and consular officers of United States in foreign countries.] [Requests statistics for 1887.] [Requests statistics for 1888.] [Requests statistics for 1893.] [1888] [1889] 1890 1891 1892 1893 [1894] 1895 * 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 * 1904 1905 1906 1907 * 1908 1909 General instructions and regulations in relation to transaction of business at mints and assay offices, vsrltli coinage laws large 8° and 8° See also, for Laws relating to coinage, T28.10: Instructions and regulations in relation to transaction of business at mints and assay offices [with coinage laws] 1881 (Treas. Dept. doc. 155.) Instructions and regulations in relation to transaction of business at mints and assay offices, with coinage laws 1887 (Treas. Dept. doc. 952.) 1888 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1086.) 1890 * [The 1890 edition, with many omissions and alterations and without coinage laws, was reprinted on p. 165-193 of pt. 1 of Rules and regulations governing Treasury Department in its various branches, which was published as 59th Congress, 2d session, Senate document 399, pt. 1, serial no. 5092. The 1890 edition was fol- lowed by that of 1908.] General instructions and regulations in relation to transaction of busi- ness at mints and assay offices, with coinage laws 1908 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2494.) Laws relating to coinage See, for laws of 1895 and 1896, T26.6 2; See also T2S. 9: Laws of United States relating to coinage. 1897. Same. 1904. [4676-723] 1147 T29. NATIONAL BOARD OF HEALTH [Created by act approvod Mar. 3, 1879 (Stat. L. v. 20, p. 484) and organized Apr. 2 of that year. The act of June 2, 1879 (Stat. L. v. 21, p.5)doflned the ix>wors and duties of the Ixiard, transferrinR to Itcertain work relating to quarantiiio which formerly had been required of the Marine Hospital Service (727.) by the national «nn\rantini' act which was approvod Apr. 2<), 1S78 (Stat. L. v. 20, p. 37). The act of June 2, liS7i>, also limited tlio diiration of the National Board of Health to 4 years. Hence it virtually expired June 2, 1883. although annual reports for 1884 and 1885 were issued, the work being carried on for those years, after which it came to an end for lack of appropriations.] Classlflcstlon no. T29.1: (date) T29.1«: (date) T29.1a: (nos.) T29.2: (CT) T29.3 ' : (v. nos.) Annual reports [By act of July 5, 1884 (Stat. L. v. 23, p. 277), Congress ordered the reports for 188a-«3 reprinted, 1000 copies of each. Quarterly reports also were required, but the only ones known to have been made are those for 1880, 3 of which appearetl as appendixes to the annual report, while that for the 4lh quarter was used as the annual report itself. The Public Docu- ments Library has no separate prints of such Quarterly reports; if they were issued separately, they may have been included in the numbered 8o series of Reports and papers; sTe T29.1a: (nos.).] 1879 [calendar year] [1919-10] 1880 [calendar year] [1967-8] Same [reprint 1884] * 1881 [fiscal year] [2026-13] [This report repeats some of the statistics for the last 6 months of the calendar year 1880 already included in the 1880 report (T29. 1:880).] Same [reprint 1884] * 1882 [fiscal year] [2074-5] Same [reprint 1884] * 1883 [fiscal year] [2201-43] Same [reprint 1884] * 1884 [fiscal year, without appendixes] [2303-176] [No edition with- out Congressional document number.] 1885 [fiscal year] [2339-91] Annual reports (separates; reports of board) See also T29. 3^:2. Annual reports (separates; Reports and papers) [The Public Documents Library has only no. 1 of this series of separates. The series may have included also certain quarterly reports, as explained in the note under T29.1: Matter included in the appendixes to the full annual reports, and which presumably might have appeared in this series of "Reports and papers," appeared as Supplements to Bulletins (T29.3 2:).] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins 4° [Weekly] [This weekly series superseded the series of Bulletins of public health, v. 1, nos. 1-46, issued from July 13,1878, to May 24,1879, by Marine Hospital Service (T27.6:l). Those listed here ran from July 5, 1879, to July 1. 1882, when publication was sus- pended because the appropriation for printing was exhausted. Some years later, Jan. 20, 1887, the publication was resumed by the Marine Hospital Service as V. 2 of their Public health reports, with title, Weekly abstract of sanitary reports (T27.6:).] V. 1 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 1, no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 l,no. no. no. no. no. no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 1148 Classlflcatlon no. T29.31: (v. nos.) T^9. NATIONAL BOARD OF HEALTH— Continued T29.3 2: (nos.) T29.4: (nos.) Bulletins- V. 1, no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 V. 2 * V. 3, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. no. no. no. no. -Continued V. 3, no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 V. 3, V. 4 no. 33 no. 34 * no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no, 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 [no. 53] Index , no. 1 [Discontinued.] Supplements [to] Bulletins 4° [These Supplements are not dated and it is not known that they were issued at any stated interval or to supplement particular Bulletins. Such as are in the Pub- lic Documents Library are listed here. Almost all are papers which were published also in the annual reports.] [1] Preliminary report of Havana Yellow-Fever Commission, submit- ted Nov. 18, 1879, by S. E. Chaille and G. M. Sternberg. [1879.] [Also published as appendix B to annual report, 1879 (T29.1: 879).] 2 [This is the annual report for 1879, which was also published with appendixes (T29.1:879).] [Also published as appendix L to annual report, 1880 (T29. 1:880).] [Also published as appendix I to annual report, 1880 (T29. 1.-880).] * 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 [Also published, with plates, as appendix 4 to annual report, 1881 (T29. 1:881).] 17 [Also published, with additional material, as appendix A to annual report, 1882 (T29.1:882).] 18 19 [Also published as a part of appendix D to annual report, 1882 (T29.1:882).] Circulars [There were at least 9 Circulars, but the Public Documents Library has only no. 3 in separate form. As no complete file could be consulted, no attempt is made to list them here. It is known, however, that Circulars were printed in certain Bulletins (T29.3 k) as follows: Circular 5 appeared in v. 1, no. 2; 6, in v. 1, no. 5; 7, in V. 1, nos. 7, 8, 12, and 15; 8, in v. 1, nos. 9 and 10; 9. in v. 1, no. 19.] 1149 T30. NAVIGATION BUREAU [Established by act approved July 5, 1884. Classlflratlon DO. T30.1: (date) TSO.l": (CT) T30.2: L82 T61 T30.3: (no8.) T30.4: (nos.) T30.5: (date) Annual reports 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 and 1892 1893 1894 1895, pt. 1 [3400-28] Transferred to Cominerce and I.al)or Departmeat, July 1 , 1903; sceVn.] Same, pt. 2: Navigation laws. 5e«T30. 6:895. 1896 [3505-22 1897 3662-14" 1898 [3778-14" 1899, pt. 1 [3940-14] Same, pt. 2: Navigation laws. See T30.6:899». 1900 1901 1902 4128-14 4311-14 4477-14 See, for later reports, CI 1.1: Annual reports (separates) General publications Log-book. Official log-book [mercantile marine of United States]. n. p. n. d. 4*^ [See, for later edition, Cll. 2 :L82.] Tonnage of merchant marine from 1789 to 1892. n. d. oblong f " Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this bureau prior to July 1, 1903, were issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under Tl.4:] List of merchant vessels llssued 1S67-83 by Statistics Bureau, Treasury Dert. Beginning with 1895, pi. 6 has been issued by itself with title on cover: Code list of merchant vessels. Prior to 1895 this information had boon incorporated in the bound volumes. The Congressional edition for each year contains all 6 pts. For the 4 years, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1900, the bureau issued the usual edition of pts. 1-5 bound, and pt. 6 by itself, and in addition thereto another bound edition con- taining all 6 pts.] See, for earlier lists, T37.il: 1884, 16th 1885, 17th 1886, 18th 1887, 19th 1888, 20th 1889, 2l8t • 1890, 22d 1891, 23d 1892, 24th 1893, 25th 1894, 26th 1895, 27th, pts. 1-5 Same, pt. 6: Code list of merchant vessels Same, 6 pts. [3401-29] 1896, 28th, pts. 1-5 Same, pt. 6: Code list of merchant vessels/ 1^^13-38] 1897, 29th, pts. 1-5 Same, pt. 6: Code list of merchant vessels Same, 6 pts. [3663-15] 1898, 30th, pts. 1-5 ^ Same, pt. 6: Code list of merchant vessels/ [^^^^-l^^^] 1150 Classification no. T30.6: (date) T30.6: (date) T30. NAVIGATION BUREAU— Continued List of mercliaiit vessels — Continued 1899, 31st, pts. 1-5 Same, pt. 6: Code list of merchant vessels Same, 6 pts. [3953-18] 1900, 32d, pts. 1-5 Same, pt. 6: Code list of merchant vessels Same, 6 pts. [4131-16] 1901, 33d, pts. 1-5 . Same, pt. 6: Code list of merchant vessels/ [^316-16] 1902, 34th, pts. 1-5 -> Same, pt. 6: Code list of merchant vessels/ [^482-16] See, for later lists, C11.5: Navigation laws 1886 1895, pt. 2 of annual report of commissioner of navigation. [3400-28] [5ee, forpt. 1, T30.1:895.] 1896, amendments to laws, 1895 [1st supplement] 1897, amendments to laws, 1895 [2d supplement] 1899, pt. 2 of annual report of commissioner of navigation. [3940-14] [See, forpt. 1, T30.1:899.] Same, omitting "pt. 2 of annual report of commissioner of naviga- tion" from title-page. [This edition not in Congressional set.] 1900, amendments to laws, 1899 [1st supplement] 1902, amendments to laws, 1899, 2d supplement See, for later issues, C11.6: T31. PUBLIC MONEYS DIVISION [Established as one of 7 divisions authorized by act approved Mar. 3, 1875 (Stat. L. became effective July 1, 1875.] 18, pt. 3, p. 396), which T31.1: (date) T31.2: T68 T31.3: (nos.) T31.4: (nos.) Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Transportation of public moneys. Terms of contract between United States and United States Express Company for transportation of public moneys and seciu-ities. Nov. 1, 1894. 4® Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this division are issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under Tl.4:] T32. REGISTER OF TREASURY [Authorized by act approved Sept. 2, 1789 (Stat. L. v. 1, p. 65). For many years prior to 1866, the duties of the Register included the compiling of statistical information. Until the Statistics Bureau was cre- ated in 1866, the Register issued the reports on Commerce and navigation; see T37.] T32.1: (date) T32.2: Awl Annual reports [1853-1909, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and usually issued separately also.] General publications Awards. Statement showing payments of awards of commissioners ap- pointed under conventions between United States and France, concluded Apr. 30, 1803, and July 4, 1831, and between United States and Spain, concluded Feb. 22, 1819; also abstract contain- ing names of persons and vessels concerned in cases allowed as valid [etc.]. 1886. 4" (Treas. Dept. doc. 873.) 1151 CUmlflratlon no. T32.2: B18 C93» In2 P83» P832 R24» R242 T32.3: (no8.) T32.4: (no8.) T32.5: (date) T32. REGISTER OF TREASURY— Continued Ooneral publications— Continued Balances due to and from United States. 1886. (Treas. Dept. doc. 866; 49th Cong. Istsess., II. ex. doc. 363, serial no. 2403.) Currency. History of currency of country and loans of United States from earliest period to June 30, 1896; by William F. De Knight. 1897. large 8" (Treas. Dept. doc. 1943.) Same, to June 30, 1900. 2d edition with appendix. 1900. large S* (Treas. Dept. doc. 1943.) See, for National loans, July 4, 1776^une 30, 1880, T1.2:L78»'». Executive documents. Synopsis of executive documents, letters, re- ports, etc., upon banking, coinage, currency, finance, etc., sub- mitted to Congress by Secretaries of Treasury from Ist Congress to 1st session of 53d Congress. See T1.2:Ex3. Income tax [letter of Henry H. Smith, assistant Register of Treasury, to John G. Carlisle, Secretary of Treasury, giving outline history of income tax legislation to Nov. 1893]. [1893.] * Ports. Alphabetical list of ports of United States. 1876. Ports. List of ports of United States at which marine documents are issued. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 499.) Receipts and expenditures. Statement of receipts and expenditures of Government, by warrants, for 15 years from July 1, 1855, to June 30, 1870. 1870. 40 Same, by warrants, from July 1, 1855, to June 30, 1885, and state- ment of principal of public debt from 1791 to 1836, by issues and redemptions, and from Jan. 1, 1836, to June 30, 1885, by warrants. 1886. 4'> (Treafl. Dept. doc. 818.) [2388-116] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this office are Issued In the series of Treasury De- partment circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:] Account of receipts and expenditures f <» and 8° [Issued in accordance with House resolution of Dec. 30, 1791, and transmitted to Congress for publication each year until discontinued, after 1890, on recommen- dation of Joint Commission on Laws Organizing Executive Departments. 1791-1828 are fo 1791-1842 are for calendar year, 1843 is for Jan.-June, and subsequent issues are for fiscal year.) 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 [Not in Congressional set.] 1152 Classification no. T32.5: (date) [Not in Congressional set,] T32. REGISTER OF TREASURY— Continued Account of receipts and expenditures— Continued 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 ' 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 18291 . 1830/' 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 ^uinoiUia I -.e.egT VT Lgg-io] f t^*^ edition without Congressional document number.] * [514-7] * [540-1 1 ] o inij oo t> A I : o. Sii;T ^.T] r.vN:h [Not in Congressional set.] 727-112] 782-10" 852-40 '908-86 ' [946-13] 1003-20] 1045-7] 1096-12] 1129-36] [1187-8] 1195-84] 1229-73] [1288-12] 1346-315] 1510-29] 1510-36] 1510-37] ] 1566-100] 1606-57] J 1651-179] 1807-35]\ 1807-39]/ [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 292.) [2028-97] t In Public Documents Library in 1 volume. 1153 CUssiflcatlon no. T32. REGISTER OF TREASURY-^ontinued T32.5: Account of receipts and expendlturea^-Oontintieid l (date) 1876 (Treae. Dept. doc. 293.) [2029-117]] 1877 (Treaa. Dept. doc. 294.) 2029-121] I 1878 (Treas. Dept. doc. 553.) 2204-93] [ 1879 (Treas. Dept. doc. 555.) 2204-98] J 1880 (Treae. Dept. doc. 687.) 2303-2031 1881 (Treas. Dept. doc. 843.) [2394-29] gressional clocument number.] 1882 (Treas. Dept. doc. 858.) [2394-31] 1883 (Treas. Dept. doc. 966.) '2403-365] 1884 (Treas. Dept. doc. 985.) [2482-110] 1885 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1111.) [2559-124] 1886 (Treaa. Dept. doc. 1125.) [2559-382] 1887 (Treaa. Dept. doc. 1321.) [2749-294] 1888 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1416.) [2855-47] 1889 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1604.) 3106-228] 1890 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1603.) [3108-256] [Discontinued.) [No edition without Con- gressional document number.] [No edition without Con- [No (nlition without Con- gressional document number.] T;ja. REVENUE-CUTTER SERVICE [Organized under ai-t of .\uk. 4, 1790 (Stat. L. v. 1 , p. 175). There being at that time no Navy Department, this service was. as a matter of convenience in the discharge of public business, attached to the Treasury Department, where it has since remained, although the act of Mar. 2, 1799, after the establishment of the Navy Department, provided that "the revenue-cutters shall, whenever the President so directs, cooperate with the Navy." Formerly kno\vn also as Revenue-Marine Service.) T33.1: Annual reports (date) [From 1843 to 1848, a report was made annually by the captain of the Revenue Marine Service. As far as is known these appeared in the Congressional set only, as follows: 1843 [441-45] 184G [499-17] 1844 '463-22] 1847 [51(>-.30J 1845 [482-39] 1848 [543-52] A summary of the work of the Revenue-Cutter Service is usually included each year in the personal report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Certain signed reports for fiscal year have also been issued by the Revenue-Cutter Service as snown below.) Revenue Marine Bureau 1872 ;; 1873 1874-80 [None issued.] Revenue-Marine Service 1881 1882-85 [None issued.] 1886, in annual report of Treasury Department, 1886 (Finance report, Tl. 1:886). 1887-90 [None issued.] 1891 1892-96 [None issued.] Revenue Cutter Service 1897 1898-1909 [None issued.] T33.2 : General publications Al 5 Allowances established for vessels of Revenue Marine. 1871. B38 Bear, revenue steamer. Report of cruise of revenue cutter Bear and overland expedition for relief of whalers in Arctic Ocean, Nov. 27, 1897-Sept. 13, 1898. 1899. [4167-511] C36 Changes in Revenue Cutter Service to Dec. 31, 1895. [1896.] C76 Contracts. Instructions for execution of contracts. [1908.] 4° C81* Corwin, revenue steamer. Report of [first] cruise of revenue-steamer Corwin in Arctic Ocean; by C. L. Hooper. Nov. 1, 1880 [pub- lished] 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 118.) $2452°— 11 73 1154 Classification no. T33.2: C812 C813 081* 081^ En3 Ex7 R32 Sa3 Sel Spl Y9 T33.3: (nos.) T33.4: (nos.) T33. REVENUE-CUTTER SERVICE— Continued General publications— Continued Corwin, revenue steamer. [Second] cruise of revenue-steamer Corwin in Alaska and n. w. Arctic Ocean, 1881, notes and memoranda, medical and anthropological, botanical, ornithological. 1883. 4° (Treas. Dept. doc. 429.) [2112-105] Corwin, revenue steamer. Report of [second] cruise of revenue steamer Thomas Corwin in Arctic Ocean, 1881; by C. L. Hooper. 1884. 4° (Treas. Dept. doc. 601.) [2169-204] Corwin, revenue steamer. Report of [third] cruise of Revenue Marine steamer Corwin in Arctic Ocean, 1884; by M. A. Healv. 1889. 40 [2583-602] Corwin, revenue steamer. Report of [fourth] cruise of Revenue Marine steamer Corwin in Arctic Ocean, 1885; by M. A. Healy. 1887. 4P ([Treas. Dept. doc. 967.]) [2400-153] Engines. Trials of compound and non-compound engines in revenue steamers; report of Chas. H. Loring and Chas. E. Emery. 1874. Explosives. Report of Board of Engineers, Army, on storage of explo- sives in New York Harbor. 1893. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1560.) Revenue-Cutter Service. [Work of Revenue-Cutter Service]; by B. L. Reed. June 11, 1909. Salary tables, Revenue-Cutter Service. May 13, 1902. Sea-otter. Report on sea-otter banks of Alaska, range and habits of sea otter, its decrease under American rule and some of the causes, importance of sea otter to natives of Alaska inhabiting Aleutian Islands, proposed regulations for 1898; by C. L. Hooper. 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1977.) Spain. United States Revenue Cutter Service in War with Spain, 1898. 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2135.) [3886-65] Yukon River station, Alaska. Report of operations of revenue steamer Nunivak on Yukon River station, Alaska, 1899-1901; by J. C. Cantwell. 1902. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2276.) [4599-155] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 4» [In the Public Documents Library there are no Treasury Department circulars of earlier date than 1874. Hence the Department numbers of Revenue Marine circulars 1-10 can not be ascertained.] 11 See Department circular 16, 1876 (T1.4:). 12, Mar. 27 See Department circular 39, 1876 (T1.4:). Same, May 11 See Department circular 65, 1876 (T1.4:). [unnumbered] See Department circular 79, 1876 (T1.4:). 14 See Department circular 136, 1876 (T1.4:' 15 See Department circular 139, 1876 (T1.40 16 See Department circular 18, 1877 (T1.4:). 17 See Department circular 94, 1877 (T1.4:). 18 See Department circular 123, 1877 (T1.4:). 19 See Department circular 101, 1878 (T1.4:). 20 See Department circular 110, 1878 (T1.4:). 21 See Department circular 114, 1878 (T1.4:). 22 See Department circular 15, 1880 (T1.4:). 23 See Department circular 95, 1880 (T1.4:). 24 See Department circular 96, 1880 (Tl .4:). 25 See Department circular 97, 1880 (T1.4: 26 See Department circular 36, 1884 (T1.4: 27 See Department circular 113, 1884 (Tl .4:). 28 See Department circular 125, 1884 (T1.4:). 29 See Department circular 92, 1885 (T1.4:). 30 See Department circular 96, 1885 (T1.4:). 31 See Department circular 154, 1885 (T1.4:). 32 See Department circular 17, 1886 (T1.4:). 33 See Department circular 48, 1886 (T1.4:). 1155 Claulflcatlon no. T33.4 : (no8.) T33.5 ' : (no8.) T33. REVENUE- CUTTER SERVICE— Continued Circulars — Continued 34 35 36 37 38 See Department circular 66, 1887 (T1.4:). See Department circular 6, 1888 (T1.4:). See Department circular 35, 1888 (T1.4:). See Department circular 61, 1888 (Tl. , See Department circular 4, 1889 (T1.4:). [unnumbered] See Department circular 8, 1889 (T1.4:). [unnumbered] See Department circular 70, 1889 (T1.4:). 39 See Department circular 17, 1890 ^Tl.4:). [unnumbered] See Department circular 44, 1891 (T1.4:). 41 See Department circular 104, 1891 (T1.4:). See Department circular 135, 1891 (T1.4:). [Also published as Department circular 35, 1893 (T1.4:).] See Department circular 44, 1893 (T1.4:). See Department circular 194, 1893 (T1.4:). See Department circular 195, 1893 (T1.4:). See Department circular 151, 1893 (T1.4:). See Department circular 16, 1894 (T1.4:). See Department circular 29, 1894 (T1.4:). See Department circular 56, 1894 (T1.4:). See Department circular 37, 1894 (T1.4:). See Department circular 134, 1894 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 185, 1894 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 194, 1894 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 195, 1894 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 61, 1895 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 73, 1895 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 82, 1895 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 108, 1895 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 125, 1895 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 139, 1895 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 147, 1895 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 29, 1896 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 39, 1896 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 38, 1896 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 97, 1896 (Tl.4:). [Also published as Department circular 110, 1896 (Tl.4:).] See Department circular 114, 1896 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 16, 1897 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 15, 1899 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 50, 1899 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 70, 1899 (Tl.4:). See Department circular 108, 1899 (Tl.4:). [Also published as Department circular 131, 1899 (Tl.4:).] See Department circular 100, 1900^ Mineral waters. Report on mineral waters; by George C. Tichenor. [1882.] (Trlb. Dept. doc. 331.) 1164 Classlflcatlon no. T35.2: Su3i Su32 T17 T35.3: (nos.) T35.4: (nos.) T35.5: (date) T35.6: (date) T35.7: 873 T35. SPECIAL AGENTS DIVISION— Continued General publications — Continued Sugar. Report on rates of drawback to be paid upon exportation of refined sugars; by J. W. Davis. 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 174.) Sugar. Report on allowances on drawback on sugars; by S. E. Cham- berlin. [1882.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 283.) Tariff. Report of Geo. C. Tichenor, special agent, in relation to tariff and customs laws and administration. 1882, ([Treas. Dept. doc. 357.]) [Also in Report of Tariff Commission, 1882 (Y3.T17:R292).] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this division are issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:] Manufacture of tin and terne plates in United States (Ayer) 1892, Apr. 26 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1511.) [2901-102] Aug. 15 Oct. 24 1893, Feb. 29 May 24 Dec. 1894, Mar. July 1895, Oct. 1896, Oct. 1897, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1511.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1528.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1549.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1587.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1656.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1660.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1675.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1687.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1809.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1907.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2006.) 5:T 28, 1898 [Discontinued.] Reports on salmon flslieries of Alaska (annual) 1894 1896 1897 1898 1899 [See, for reports for 1892-95, Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska* 1898, V. 2, p. 383-459 (T35.2:A1 1 *).] [No edition without Congressional document num- [No edition without Congressional document num- (Treas. Dept. doc. 1925.) • ' ! ^ (Treas. Dept. doc. 2010.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2095.) 3852-153] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] 1900 [4042-168] 1901 [4231-138] >er.] 1902 [4424-113] Der.] See, for later numbers, C2.1 : Reports and statistical tables on fur-seal investi- gations in Alaska [The dates used as book numbers are the dates of the season or seasons during which the investigations were made.] Report on Prybilov Group, or Seal Islands, of Alaska; by Henry W. Elliott. 1873. 4° [Cover-title reads 1875. Printed lengthwise of page.] See, for Report of Henry W. Elliott on condition of fur-seal fisheries, 1890, [3352-137]. See, for Reports on seal life on Pribilof Islands, 1893-95, [3351-137] and, for accompanying atlas, [3352-137]. Statistical tables, fur seal catch, season of 1896. 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1932.) J .tqoU ,8# 1165 ClMslflcatlon no. T36.7: 896=' 897 » 897-' 897^ 896-897 ' 896-897 =* 896-897 3 896-897* 896-897 5 T35.7«: (CT) T35. SPECIAL AGENTS DIVISION— Continued Reports and statistical tables on fur-seal investi- gations In Alaska— Continued Observations on fur seals of Pribilof Islands, preliminary report, by David Starr Jordan [season of] 1896, aiued bv Leonhard Stej- neger, Frederic A. Lucas, Jefferson F. Moser, Charles H. Town- send, Geoi^e A. Clark, Joseph Murray. 1896. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1913.) 2d preliminary report of Bering Sea fur seal investkations by David Starr Jordan, assisted by Leonhard Stejneger, Frederic Augustus Lucas, and George Archibald Clark, [season of] 1897. 1898. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1994.) Statistical tables, fur seal catch, season of 1897. 1898. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2009.) Report on [seal] rookeries of Commander Islands, season of 1897; by Leonhard Stejneger. 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1997.). »; r Fur seals and fur-seal islands of north Pacific Ocean [1896-97], by David Starr Jordan, with Leonhard Stejneger, Frederic A. Lucas, Jefferson F. Moser, Charles H. Townsend, George A. Clark [and] Joseph Murray, with special papers by other con- tributors, pt. 1: [History, condition, and needs of herd of fur seals resorting to Pribilof Islands; by David Starr Jordan and George Archibald Clark]. 1898. large 8° (Treas. Dept. doc. 2017.) [Binder's title for this set reads: Report of fur-seal investigations, 1896-97.] Same, pt. 2: [Observations on fur seals of Pribilof Islands, 1872-97, as extracted from log of St. Paul Island, and as recorded in daily journal of commission of 1896 and 1897]. 1898. large 8" Same, pt. 3: [Special papers relating to fur seal and to natural his- tory of Pribilof Islands; edited by F. A. Lucas]. 1899. large 8° Same, pt. 4: [Asiatic fur-soal islands and fur-seal industry; by Leonhard Stejneger]. 1898. large 8*^ Same, [pt. 5]: with title, Report of fur-seal investigation, 1896-97» charts of islands and fur-seal rookeries of St. Paul and St. George, Pribilof Group, Alaska; prepared by Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey from surveys by Will Ward Duffield and party, in summer of 1897. 1899. large 8« Reports and statistical tables on fur-seal investi- gations in Alaska (separates) T36. PRINTING AND STATIONERY DIVISION [A Division of Stationery, Printing, and Blanks was established as one of 7 divisions authorized by act approved Mar. 3, 1875 (Stat. L. V. 18, p ' " ~ " ' " " " to Printing and Stationery Division.] approved Mar, 3, 1875 (Stat. L. y. 18, pt. 3, p. 396), effective July 1, 1875. In 1903, the name waschanged T36.1: (date) T36.2: St2i St22 T36.3: (nos.) T36.4: (nos.) Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Stationery. Report on Division of Stationery, Printing, and Blanks, by committee appointed by Secretary of Treasury. Apr. 28, 1882. (Treas. Dept. doc. 276.) Stationery. Proposal for stationery for Treasury Department for fiscal year 1909. 1908. 4° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this division are issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:] 1166 Classification no. T36.5 ' : (date) T36.5 2: (date) T36.5»: •' - 882 T36. PRINTING AND STATIONERY DIVISION— Continued Catalogue of books and blanks for use of customs and otlier officers [Interleaved.] [These publications bear on cover the number 995, which is the number assigned to them in tlie Catalogue of books and blanks. See, for earlier catalogues, T1.2: 1877, Jan. 1 [Has no Treasury Department document number.] 1881, Nov. 14 (Treas. Dept. doc. 181.) 1884 (Treas. Dept. doc. 602.) 1887 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1016. 1891 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1433. 1898 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2021.) 1902 [Has no Treasury Department document number.] See, for later catalogues, Cl.2:B64 1'^ and C1.2:B641 Catalogue of books and blanks used by officers of customs at port of New York [Interleaved.] [These publications bear on cover the catalogue number 1139. See, for earlier cata- logue, T1.2:B648.] 1879, Sept. [Has no Treasury Department document number.] 1897, Oct. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1959.) See, for later catalogue, C1.2:B64^. Catalogue of books and blanks used in office of assistant Treasurer, New York Catalogue of books and blanks used in office of assistant Treasurer U. S., New York. Dec. 1882, [published] 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 359.) .[This publication bears on cover the catalogue number 335. Note on cover reads: To be used to the exclusion of all previous catalogues. There is no earlier catalogue of this sort in the Public Documents Library.] T37. STATISTICS BUREAU [By act of Feb. 10, 1820, the Secretary of the Treasury was requested to prepare annually for Congress statistical accounts of commerce of United States with foreign countries. As, prior to 1820, such work had been done by the Register of tlie Treasury, he was called upon by the Secretary to make the required report, and the following year compiled the statement on commerce and navigation for 1821, which is the first of the long series of statistical reports listed below (T37.1:). The work was continued in the office of the Register for many years and increased in scope and importance until the Statistics Bureau was created by act approved July 28, 1866. The Statistics Bureau was consolidated with Foreign Com- merce Bureau of State Department and transferred to Commerce and Labor Department, July 1, 1903; see C14.] T37.1: (date) ii.--i! -i. Annual reports, Foreign commerce and navigation 8° and 4° [As the commerce of the country has increased, thase statistical reports have grown from octavo to bulky quarto volumes. For 1866-76, a brief annual report of the director with usually some condensed statistical matter is found also in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:). Until 1850, there is no edition without Congressional document number. See, for papers relating to commerce and navigation, Apr. 13, 1789-Feb. 25, 1823, American state papers, commerce and navigation, serial nos. 014-015.] 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1S27 1828 65 1-39] 74-26 79-^2 90-38^ 96-73 110-33] 117-90^ 127-76' 139-148] 146-72] 153-120] 167-174] 174-253] '182-86] 187-137] 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 /[193-95] l[196-49] /[204-76] \[209-140] [220-230] [234-109] "241-289 258-355 269-149 '275-187 '283-375 291-258 '299-220 '299-225 304-188 1167 ClMslflcfttlon no. T37.1: (date) T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Annual reports, Foreign commerce and navigation- Continued 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 {; 318-446 330-372 342-306 349-253 361-577 369-251 379-238 386-122 399-356 405-273 416-247 425-220 435-289 443-223 456-125 466-154 472-4] 482-13] 494-7] 498-11] [504-5] [541-^2] /[553-3] l[576-15] [604-unnumbered] 628-unnumberea 650-unnumbered 662-unnumbered 684 2-unnumberedl f[703-unnumbered' \[740-unnumbered fr750-unnumbered 806-unnumbered 825-unnunibered 865-unnumbered 886-unnumbered 910-unnumbered 931-unnumbered 960-unnumbered 989-unnumbered 1015-unnumbere( 1034-unnumbered 1059-unnumbered 1087-unnumbered 1 102-unnumbered 140-unnumbered 1170-unnumbered^ 1197-unnumbered 1231-unnumbered' 1268-unnumbered 1301-unnumbered 1348-unnumbered 1384-unnumbered ^ 1429-unnumbered 1458-96] {[ 1512-108] >er.] "1569-242] ber.] 1612-183] 1650-171] 1690-124] [No edition without Congressional document num- [No edition without Congressional document num- 1876 [pt. 1] [1760-46] Same, pt. 2, Internal commerce [1761-46] Classification no. T37.1: (date) [1850-32] [1857-32]. [1966-7] 1168 T3^. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Annual reports, Foreign commeroe and navigation- Continued 1877 [1813-90] 1878, pt. 1 [Statistical abstract] | Same, pt. 2, Foreign commerce/ Same [pt. 3], Internal commerce 1879 [1917-7] 1880 [pt. 1], Foreign commerce | Same [pt. 2], Internal commerce] 1881 [pt. 1] [2025-7] Same, Congressional edition of statements 26-34, reprinted from pt. 1 as 47th Congress, 1st session, House executive document 7, pt. 2, serial no. 2025 1882 [pt. 1] [2107-7] Same [pt. 2], Internal commerce [Not in Congressional set.] 1883 [2197-7] I' * • ' ji ' ^ 1884 [pt. 1], Foreign commerce [2294-7] ' ' il - ; Same [pt. 2], Internal commerce^ Same [pt. 3], Internal commerce/ [2295-7] 1885 [2391-19] 1886, pt. 1, Foreign commerce [2475-7] Same, pt. 2, Internal commerce [247&-7] \\r\s 1887, pt. 1, Foreign commerce ^ Same, pt. 2, Internal commerce / [2552-6] 1888 [2647-6] 1889 [pt. 1], P'oreign commerce ■ [2737-6] Same [pt. 2], Internal comnierce [2738-6] 1890 [pt. 1], Foreign commerce [2853-6] Same, pt. 2, Internal comnierce [2854-6] 1891 [pt. 1], Foreign commerce [2947-6] Same, pt. 2, Internal commerce [2948-6] [This 1891 volume on Internal conunerce is the last of the series to appear in the annual reports on Foreign commerce and navigation. From 1892 to 1899, be- cause of lack of appropriation, there were no statistics compiled on the subject of internal commerce, except a report by George G. Tunell on lake com- merce; see T37.2:L14. During calendar year 1900, commercial monographs dealing with internal and foreign commerce of leading staples were published in the Monthly summary of commerce and finance (T37.8:) as follows: Jan. 1900. Grain trade of United States. Feb. 1900. Provision trade of United States. Mar. 1900. Cotton trade of United States. Apr. 1900. Coal trade of United States. Aug. 1900. Iron and steel trades of United States. Nov. 1900. Lumber trade of United States. Dec. 1900. Shipping industry of United States. From May to Dec. 1900, statistics of lake commerce appeared in the Monthly sum- mary of commerce and finance, and beginning with Jan. 1901, statistics of internal commerce, including lake commerce, have appeared regularly in the Monthly summary; see T37.8: and since July, 1903, C14.14: The matter in the Monthly summary which relates to internal commerce has been issued separately also, and such separates are classed under T37.8a: up to July. 1903, after which they are classed under C14.14o:] 1892 [3102-6] : i i.ln.ii' ;- 1893, Foreign commerce [complete JA 1 v.]. clxxiv -f 670 p. 4® [3222-6 [pt. 1]] ' 'Same[pt.l]. clxxiv + 1-335 p. 4° j [Contains same matter as Same [pt. 2]. p. 337-670, 4° / above, bound in 2 pts.] Same, Immigration 8° f [3222-6, pt. 2] 1894, Foreign commerce 4° [3317-6, pt. 1] Same, Immigration 8° f [3317-6, pt. 2] t In the Congressional edition^ Immigration is 4<^ 1169 CUsslflcatloa no. T37.1: (date) T37.1°: (date) T37.1«: (CT) T37.2: A14 Ar3 C16' C162 C29 C73 C961 C962 T37. STATISTICS BUREAU-Continucd Annual reports, Foreign oommorce and navigation- Continued 1895, pt. 1, V. 1, Foreign commerco 4" [;i397-i;i, i>t. ij Same, pt. 1, v. 2. Foreign commerce 4«1 [3398.13 ^^ , 2I Same [pt. 2], Immigration S** f ^ 1896, V. 1 [3503-13] Same, v. 2 [3504-13] 1897, V. 1 [3660-13] Same, v. 2 [3661-13] 1898 [3777-13] 1899, V. 1 [3938-13] Same, v. 2 [3939-13] 1900, V. 1 [4126-13] Same, v. 2 [4127-13] 1901, V. 1 [4309-13] Same, v. 2 [4310-13] 1902, V. 1 [4475-13] Same, v. 2 [4476-13] 1903, V. 1 [4662-13] Same, v. 2 [4663-13] See, for later issues, C14.1: Annual reports, Foreign commerce and navigation (separates; reports of chief) Annual reports, Foreign commerce and navigation (separates; miscellaneous) General publications Alien passengers. Tables showing arrivals of alien passengers and immigrants in United States, 1820-88. 1889. 173 p. 1 pi. [A slip of "Errata of contents, " produced by manifolding process, follows the title-page, referring to statements 6 and 6a, explain- ing insertion of pages numbered in red ink 108, 109, 109a, 109b, and 109c, in place of original pages 108, 109.] Area and population. Table showing area and population of each State and Territory of United States at decennial census; num- ber of persons to square mile; also, rate of increase per decade from 1790 to 1870. 1874. 4° Canada. Reciprocity of transportation facilities between United States and Canada and Canadian Pacific Railway; by Joseph Nimmo, jr. 1884. (Treas. Dept. doc. 549.) Canada. Tables ehowii^ commerce between United States and Canada, with special reference to operation of tariff laws of the 2 countries, and other tables relating to imports of fish and fishery products, for series of years ending June 30, 1887. 1888. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1106.) Cattle business. Report in regard to range and ranch cattle business of United States; by Joseph Nimmo, jr. 1885. (Treas. Dept. doc. 690.) Commerce. Statistical tables exhibiting commerce of United States with European countries, 1790-1890. 1893. Customs-tariff. Special report on customs- tariff legislation of United States, with appendixes [A-E]; by Edward Young. 1872. [1512-109] Same, with appendixes [A-F]; by Edward Young. 1874. 82452' t In the Congressional edition, Immigration is 4° -11 74 1170 Classification no. T37.2: C963 C96* D95 Ex7^ Ex72 F761 F762 F763 F76* F76« G13 H31 Im6» Im62 im6> Im7i T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Customs-tariff. United States customs-tariff under acts of May 1 and June 6, 1872, with tabular arrangement of rates of duty. 1872. Customs-tariff. Special report on customs-tariff legislation of United States, with appendixes [and Tabular arrangement of rates of duty in force under Revised statutes approved June 22, 1874, and acts of Feb. 8 and Mar. 3, 1875]; by Edward Young. 1877. Duties. Comparative duties and relation of Treasury Department to tariff legislation; by Joseph Nimmo, jr. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 408.) Expansion of American commerce, past, present, and prospective; address of O. P. Austin, delivered before American Association for Advancement of Science, Pittsburg, Pa., July 2, 1902. 1902. Exports, imports, and customs duty collected, 1821-92. [1892?] ob- long f** Foreign commerce. Preliminary report in regard to foreign commerce of United States during year ended June 30, 1880. [1880.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 6.) P^'oreign commerce. Preliminary report on foreign commerce of United States during fiscal year ended June 30, 1882. 1882. (Treas. Dept. doc. 296.) Same, June 30, 1883. 1883. (Treas. Dept. doc. 455.) Foreign commerce of United States for comparative periods under old and new tariffs. 1891. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1454.) Foreign commerce. Special report on foreign commerce of United States for 6 months ended Dec. 31, 1882. 1882. (Treas. Dept. doc. 388.) Galveston, Tex. Improvement of harbor of Galveston; by Joseph Nimmo, jr. 1884. [2171-111] Hawaii. Commerce of United States with Hawaiian Islands, 1871-92. 1893. Immigration. Special report on immigration, accompanying informa- tion for immigrants relative to prices and rentals of land, staple products, facilities of access to market, cost of farm stock, kind of labor in demand in western and southern States, etc., tables showing average weekly wages paid for factory, mechanical, and - farm labor, cost of provisions, groceries, dry goods, and house >n fo«{ rent in manufacturing districts, 1869-70; by Edward Young. '' '1871. [1470-1] Same. 1872. , Same, French. 1872. immigration into United States during year ended June 30, 1882. [1882.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 297.) [Appended to this publication is Immigration into United States during June, 1882. This is mentioned on p. 2 as the "usual monthly statement of immigra- tion." The Public Documents Library has no information as to ,^, _^ whether or not such monthly statements were printed. It is " '''^ipossible that for certain years there may have been a printed monthl)^ statement of immigration, which in Oct. 1885, was merged into the publication entitled "Statement of foreign com- merce and immigration" (T37.5:885i«).] Imports, duties, 1867-83, compilation of foreign commodities imported and entered for consumption in United States, compiled from annual reports of [Foreign] commerce and navigation by Charles H. Evans; Exports, domestic and foreign, from American colo- nies to Great Britain, 1697-1789, [and] Exports, domestic, from United States to all countries, 1789-1883; compiled from ofl&cig-l papers by Charles H. Evans. 1884. [2236-49] [This compilation was published by Statistics Bureau, Treasury Dept. An earlier compilation by Charles H. Evans, covering the period to close of fiscal year 1878, was issued only as a Congressional document; sec [1873-46]. 1171 ClMslflratloB no. T37.2 Im7^ Ira78 Im7* In2 InS Lll» L112 L14 M53» M532 M533 M57 R24 Sch2> Sch22 Sch23 Sch2* Sch2« T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued General publications — Continued .V lulor compilation by Charles H. Evans, in 2 pts., covering the period to close of fisoiU yoar 1893, was published in 1894 .by Finance Committee; see Y4.F49: Im7>.». Another compilation by William W. Kvans, covering the period to close of fiscal year 1907, was Issued in 1908 and reissued in 1909 by Ways and Means Committee; *te Y4.W3(5:Im7*.s.J Imports for consumption into United States, 1884-94, with rates of duty and duties paid and ad valorem equivalents of duties. 1895. 4° Imports and exports. Total value of imports and exports into and from United States, Oct. 1, 1789-June 30, 1898. [1899.] large 4'' Imports and exports. Historical table, total value of imports and exports into and from United States, 1790-1901. [1902?] f » Income tax. Estimate of probable or possible revenue under proposed income tax; by Worthington C. Ford. [1894.] ([53d Cong. 2d sess. S. misc. doc. 232]; serial no. 3171.) Inter-oceanic canal. Proposed American inter-oceanic canal in its commercial aspects; by Joseph Nimmo, jr. 1880. (Treas. Dept. doc. 4.) Labor. Cost of labor and subsistence in United States for 1869, as com- pared with previous years; by Edward Young. 1870. Labor in Europe and America, special report on rates of wages, cost of subsistence, and condition of working classes in Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, and other countries of Europe, also in United States and British America; by Edward Young. 1875. [1686-21] Lake commerce. Statistics of lake commerce, report made to Bureau of Statistics, by George G. Tunell, on lake commerce. 1898. ([55th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 277]; serial no. 3679.) [Congres- sional edition omits title-page and table of contents.] Merchandise. Imported merchandise entered for consumption in United States, 1890-93, with rates and amounts of duty collected. 1893. 40 Merchandise. Imported merchandise, 1893 and 1896, with rates of duties, estimated ad valorem equivalents, and revenues by pro- posed bill, H. 379 [55th Congress, Ist session], as referred to Com- mittee on Finance of Senate, and Senate rates and ad valorem equivalents [with Subject index to customs laws of 1890 and 1894 and H. 379]. [1897.] 4" [Same, with alterations, as p. 1-277 of Comparison based upon tariff bill, H. 379, 55th Congress, 1st ses- sion (T37.2:T17>).] Merchandise. Annual report of chief of Bureau of Statistics in re^d to imported merchandise entered for consumption in United States, with rates of duty and amounts of duty collected, includ- ing statements 24-26 of annual report on commerce and naviga- tion for year ending June 30, 1887. 1887. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1056.) Mexico. Commerce between United States and Mexico; by Joseph Nimmo, jr. 1884. (Treas. Dept. doc. 543; [48th Cong. 1st sess., H. ex. doc. 86], serial no. 2200.) Receipts, expenditures, and debt of United States, 1789-1895, with annual appropriations made by Congress, 1873-96. [1896.] 4® Schedule A; classification for monthly statements of imported com- modities, approved June 1, 1895!! 1895. Schedule A; classification of commodities for monthly statements of imported commodities, approved Aug. 2, 1897. 1897. Same, approved June 14, 1898. 1898. See, for later issues of Schedule A, C14.17:A'-5. Schedule B; classification of commodities for monthly statements of domestic exports, approved Apr. 23, 1897. 1897. Same, approved May 9, 1899. 1899. 1172 Classification no. T37.2: Sch2« Sch27 Sch28 Sch29 Sch2io Su3 Sw6 T17' T17 TI73 T61 V24 W12 W88 T37.3 ' : (date) T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued General publications— Continued Schedule B; classification of commodities, and laws and regulations governing* preparation of monthly statements of domestic exports, approved June 15, 1900. 1900. See, for later issues of Schedule B, C14.17:B ^-^. Schedule E; classification of imports entered for consumption in United States, July 1, 1881. 1881. (Treas. Dept. doc. 161.) Schedule E; classification for quarter yearly statements of imports en- tered for consumption, approved Aug. 28, 1894. 1894. Schedule E; classification of merchandise for quarter yearly statements of imports entered for consumption, approved Sept. 1, 1897. 1897. See, for later issues of Schedule E, C14.17:E ^-\ Schedules A, B, and E. Changes in statistical schedules A, B, and E; classification for monthly statements of imported and exported commodities, approved May 5, 1896. 1896. Sugar. United States sugar consumption, 1880-94, imports of sugar, 1879-94. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1894. large 8° Swine. Production of swine in United States, and transportation, con- sumption, and exportation of hog products, with special reference to interdiction of American hog products from France and Ger- many, bein^ supplement to quarterly report of Bureau of Statis- tics on foreign commerce of United States for 3 months ended Sept. 30, 1883; by Joseph Nimmo, jr. 1884. (Treas. Dept. doc. 538.) [See, for quarterly report referred to, T37.6:884 \] Tariff. Comparison based upon tariff bill, H. 379, 55th Congress, 1st session, with rates of duties, estimated ad valorem equivalents, and revenues by House bill, and rates proposed by Senate Com- mittee on Finance, with ad valorem equivalents; with imported merchandise entered for consumption in 1893 and 1896. 1897. 4" [Appeared also aspt. 2 of Monthly summary of finance and commerce, Apr. 1897 (T37.8:897i"-2). An earlier print was issued, with title. Imported merchandise, 1893 and 1896 (T37.2: M532).] Tariff. Statement in regard to operations of tariff act of Mar. 3, 1883, submitted to Secretary of Treasury by chief of Bureau of Sta- tistics, Jan. 5, 1884. 1883 [1884]. (Treas. Dept. doc. 526.) Tariff. Operations of tariff act of Mar. 3, 1883, for 6 months ended Dec. 31, 1883. Apr. 21, 1884. (Treas. Dept. doc. 546.) Tonnage movement in foreign trade, 1856-92. [1892?] oblong f "> Value of exports and imports of merchandise, 1791-1892. [1892?] oblong f * Wages, Comparative rates of wages in United States and in foreign countries; by Joseph Nimmo, jr. May 1, 1882. (Treas. Dept. doc. 279; [47th Cong. 1st sess., S. ex. doc. 173], serial no. 1991.) Wool and manufactures of wool; by Worthington C. Ford. 1894. [3110-94] [Bulletins], Exports of breadstuffs [Monthly.] 1889, Jnne 1890, May July June Aug. July Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. ■'•■ Nov. 1890, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1891, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. Mar. various sizes 1888, July Aug. 1889, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May^ 1173 CiMsiAcation no. T37.3 ' : (date) 1892. See, Jan. * Feb. * Mar. * Apr. * May * June * July * Aug. * Sept. * for later Bulletins. T37.3*: 1892, T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued [Bulletins], Exports of breadstuffs— Continued 1891, Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 189:^, Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June T37.3': (date) [Bulletins], Exports of mineral oils varioua sizes [Monthly.] and cotton 1888, July Auir. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1889, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1890, Jan. Feb. 1890, Mar. Apr. 1891, . Nov. Dec 1892, Jan.' Feb. T37.3 3: (date) May June July Mar. * Aug. Apr. * Sept.. May * Oct. June * Nov. July * Dec. Aug. * 1891, Jan. Sept. * Feb. Oct. * Mar. Nov. * Apr. Dec. * May * 1893, Jan. * June Feb. * July Mar. * Aug. Apr. * Sept. May * Oct. June * See, for later Bulletins, T37.3'»: [Bulletins], Exports of principal articles of domestic provisions various sizes [Monthly.] Exports of principal articles of provisions 1888, July * Aug. * Sept. * Oct. * Nov. * Dec. * 1889, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1890, Jan. Exports of principal articles of domestic provisions 1890, Feb. 1890, July Mar. Aug. Apr. Sept. May Oct. June Nov. 1174 Classification no. T37.3 3: (date) T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued [Bulletins], Exports of principal articles of domestic provisions —Continued 1890, Dec. 1891, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. * Dec. 1892, Jan. Feb. Mar. 1892, Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1893, Jan. * Feb. * Mar. * Apr. * May * June * See, for later Bulletins, T37.3 TST.rJ'*: Bulletins, Exports of domestic breadstnffs [etc.] large 4° and 4°- [Monthly.] I [Beginning with the first issue, July, 1893, which is the first listed below, this series is made to include all such statistics as had formerly been issued in three different monthly sheets; see T37.3i:, T37.32:, and T37.33:] Principal articles of domestic exports 1894, no. 1, July, 1893 1896 no. 1, July, 1895 no. 2, Aug. 1893 no. 2, Aug. 1895 no. 3, Sept. 1893 no. 3, Sept. 1895 no. 4, Oct. 1893 no. 4, Oct. 1895 no. 5, Nov. 1893 no. 5, Nov. 1895 no. 6, Dec. 1893 no. 6, Dec. 1895 no. 7, Jan. 1894 no. 7, Jan. 1896 no. 8, Feb. 1894 no. 8, Feb. 1896 no. 9, Mar. 1894 no. 9, Mar. 1896 no. 10, Apr. 1894 no. 10, Apr. 1896 no. 11, May, 1894 no. 11, May, 1896 no. 12, June, 1894 no. 12, June, 1896 1895, no. 1, July, 1894 1897 , no. 1, July, 1896 no. 2, Aug. 1894 no. 2, Aug. 1896 no. 3, Sept. 1894 no. 3, Sept. 1896 no. 4, Oct. 1894 no. 4, Oct. 1896 no. 5, Nov. 1894 no. 5, Nov. 1896 no. 6, Dec. 1894 no. 6, Dec. 1896 no. 7, Jan. 1895 no. 7, Jan. 1897 no. 8, Feb. 1895 no. 8, Feb. 1897 no. 9, Mar. 1895 no. 9, Mar. 1897 no. 10, Apr. 1895 no. 11, May, 1895 no. 10, Apr. 1897 no. 11, May, 1897 no. 12, June, 1895 no. 12, June, 1897 Exports of domestic breadstuffs [etc.] 1898, no. 1, July, 1897 1899 , no. 1, July, 1898 no. 2, Aug. 1897 no. 2, Aug. 1898 no. 3, Sept. 1897 no. 3, Sept. 1898 no. 4, Oct. 1897 no. 4, Oct. 1898 no. 5, Nov. 1897 no. 5, Nov. 1898 no. 6, Dec. 1897 no. 6, Dec. 1898 no. 7, Jan. 1898 no. 7, Jan. 1899 no. 8, Feb. 1898 no. 8, Feb. 1899 no. 9, Mar. 1898 no. 9, Mar. 1899 no. 10, Apr. 1898 no. 11, May, 1898 no. 10, Apr. 1899 no. 11, Mav, 1899 no. 12, June, 1898 no. 12, Juiie, 1899 1175 Classlflcatlon no. (date) T37.4 : (no8.) T37.5: (date) T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Bullotlns, Exports of domestic breadstuffs [eto.]- Continued ■ i m' ■ 1900, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 1901, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no, no. no. 1, July, 2, Aug. 3, Sept. 4, Oct. 5, Nov. 6, Dec. 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 9, Mar. 10, Apr. 11, May, 12, June, 1, July, 2, Aug. 3, Sept. 4, Oct. 5, Nov. 6, Dec. 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 9, Mar. 10, Apr. 11, May, 12, June, 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1902,110] no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 1901 1902 1902 1902 1902 1903, no r^ July, 1901 2, Aug. 1901 3» Sept. 1901 4, Oct. 1901 5, Nov. 1901 C, Dec. 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 9, Mar. no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, 1902 no. 12, June, 1902 1, July, 1902 2, Aug. 1902 3, Sept. 1902 4, Oct. 5, Nov. 6, Dec. 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 9, Mar. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, 1903 no. 12, June, 1903 See, for later numbers, C14.3: Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this bureau prior to July 1, 1903, were issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under Tl.4:] Statement of foreign commerce and immigration (monthly) Foreign commerce of United States 1880, July (Treas. Dept. doc. 12.) Aug. (Treas. Dept. doc. 21.) Sept. (Treas. Dept. doc. 41.) Oct. (Treas. Dept. doc. 69.) Nov. (Treas. Dept. doc. 87.) Dec. (Treas. Dept. doc. 105.) 1881, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 117.) Feb. (Treas. Dept. doc. 131.) * Mar. (Treas. Dept. doc. 140.) Apr. (Treas. Dept. doc. 147. May (Treas. Dept. doc. 154. June (Treas. Dept. doc. 163. July (Treas. Dept. doc. 171. Aug. (Treas. Dei:)t. doc. 177. Sept. (Treas. Dept. doc Oct. (Treas. Dept. doc Nov. (Treas. Dept. doc. 234.) Dec. (Treas. Dept. doc. 243.) 1882, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 257.) Feb. (Treas. Dept. doc. 267. Mar. (Treas. Dept. doc. 271. Apr. (Treas. Dept. doc. 284. May (Treas. Dept. doc. 287.) June See T37.2:F762, p. 9-13. July (Treas. Dept. doc. 310.) Aug. (Treas. Dept. doc. 320.) Sept. (Treas. Dept. doc. 338.) Oct. (Treas. Dept. doc. 363.) Nov. (Treas. Dept. doc. 372.) Dec. See T37.2:F76^ p. 7-9. 203.) 229.) 1176 Classification no. T37.5: (date) T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Statement of foreign commerce and immigration Continued Foreign commerce of United States — Continued 1883, Jan. (Treas. Dept. doc. 402. (Treas. Dept. doc. 414. (Treas. Dept. doc. 426.) Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1884, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1885, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. (Treas. Dept. doc. 442.) /SeeT37.2:F763, p. 21-24. (Treas. Dept. doc. 463.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 471.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 487.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 516.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 525.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 536.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 551.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 566.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 574.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 583.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 592.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 709.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 717.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 726.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 733.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 751.) * Statement of foreign commerce and immigration 1885, Oct. (Treas. Dept. doc. 770.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 785.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 796.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 807.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 823.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 830.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 842.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 851.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 860.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 872.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 884.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 906.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 923.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 936.) * (Treas. Dept. doc. 956. (Treas. Dept. doc. 972.' (Treas. Dept. doc. 984.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 994.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1002.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1003.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1017.) (Treas. Dept. doc. ? ) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1039.) Nov. Dec. 1886, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1887, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1177 Classification no. T37.5: (date) T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Statement of foreign commerce and immigration- Continued 1889, Nov. Dec. 1890, Jan.* Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1891, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. T37.6: (date) 1888, Jan. * Feb. * Mar. * Apr. * May * June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1889, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May * June July Aug. Sept. Oct. [Discontinued.] Quarterly reports showing Imports and exports 1891, Sept. Oct. Nov. Doc. 1892, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1893, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 1876 1877 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3; no. 4, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months months months months months months months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months ended Sept. 1875 ended Dec. 1875 ended Mar. 1876 ended June, 1876 ended Sept. 1876 ended Dec. ended Mar. ended June ended Sept, ended Dec. ended Mar. ended June ended Sept. ended Dec. ended Mar. ended June ended Sept, ended Dec, ended Mar. ended June, 1880 ended Sept. 1880 ended Dec. ended Mar. ended June ended Sept, ended Dec. ended Mar. ended June, 1882 ended Sept. 1882 ended Dec. 1882 ended Mar. ended June ended Sept. ended Dec. ended Mar. 1876 1877 1877 1877 1877 1878 1878 1878 1878 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1881 1881 1881 1881 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 ended June, 1884 1178 Classification no. T37.6: (date) T37.6«: (CT) T37.7: (date) T37. STATISTICS BUREAU-Continued Quarterly reports sliowing Imports and exports- Continued 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no no no no no no no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3. months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended Sept. 1884 Dec. 1884 Mar. 1885 June, 1885 Sept. 1885 Dec. 1885 Mar. 1886 June, 1886 Sept. 1886 Dec. 1886 Mar. 1887 June, 1887 Sept. 1887 Dec. 1887 Mar. 1888 June, 1888 Sept. 1888 Dec. 1888 Mar. 1889 June, 1889 Sept. 1889 Dec. 1889 Mar. 1890 June, 1890 Sept. 1890 Dec. 1890 Mar. 1891 June, 1891 Sept. 1891 Dec. 1891 Mar. 1892 June, 1892 Sept. 1892 Dec. 1892 Mar. 1893 June, 1893 [Discontinued.] Quarterly reports sliowing Imports and exports (separates) Total values of imports and exports 4° and f " [Monthly.] (The title of this series has varied as indicated in the list below. The last issued by the Treasury Department read "Imports and exports," but on the transfer to the Commerce and Labor Department the title reverted to its earliest form, "Total values of imports and exports," which is the form chosen for the heading.] Total values of imports and exports 1893, Jan. * 1893, Sept. •X- 1894, May Feb. * Oct. * June Mar. * Nov. * July Apr. * Dec. Aug. 1894, Jan. Sept. June * Feb. Oct. July * Mar. Aug. * Apr. Imports, exports, and immigration 1894, Nov. 1895, Apr. * 1895, Sept. Dec. May * Oct. 1895, Jan. * June * Nov. Feb. * July Dec. Mar. * Aug. 1179 Classification no. T37.7: (date) T37.8: (date) T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Total values of imports and exports— Continued Imports and exports 1896, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Juno July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1897 i Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1898, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 1898, July Aug. Sept. Oct. NoV. Ded. 1899, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1900, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1901, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1902, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1903, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June See, for later issues, C14.12: MontMy summary of commerce and finance 4» [Issued since Nov. 1866, with many changes of title and many different schemes of numbering as shown in the list below. From Feb. 1867. to June, 1875, the num- ber of the Monthly summary appears only on the last page of the publication.] Monthly report of director of Bureau of Statistics 1866, no 1867, no 1, Nov. 2, Jan. no. 3, Feb. no. 4, Mar. 5, Apr. 6, May 7, July no. no. no. 1867, no. 8, Aug. no. 9, Sept. no. 10, Oct. no. 11, Nov. no. 12, Dec. 1868, no. 13, Jan. no. 14, Feb. 1868, no. 15, Mar. no. 16, Apr. no. 17, May no. 18, June no. 19, July no. 20, Aug. Monthly report of deputy special commissioner in charge of Bureau of Statistics Includes statistics for July, 1868.] Includes statistics for Aug. 1868.] Includes statistics for Sept. 1868." 1869, no. 21, Jan. no. 22, Feb. no. 23, Mar. no. 24, May 10" [Includes statistics for Oct.-Dec. 1868.1 no. 25 [Includes statistics for Jan -Mar. 1869.] no. 26 Includes statistics for Apr. 1869.1 no. 27 Includes statistics for May, 1869. J^ no. 28 Includes statistics for June, 1869.] no. 29 [Summary for fiscal year ended June 30, 1868.] 1^70, no. 1, July, 1869 •"•» ''iio. 2, Aug. 1869 ^I'^^'f 'no. 3, Sept. 1869 ' no. 4, Oct. 1869 no. 5, Nov. 1869 no. 6, Dec. 1869 no. 7, Jan. 1870 1180 Classiflcation no. T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued T37.8: Monthly summary of commerce and finance— Cont'd (date) Monthly report of chief of Bureau of Statistics 1870, no. 8, Feb. 1870 no. 9, Mar. 1870 no. 10, Apr. 1870 no. 11, May, 1870 no. 12, June, 1870 1871, no. 1, July, 1870 no. 2, Aug. 1870 no. 3, Sept. 1870 no. 4, Oct. 1870 no. 5, Nov. 1870 no. 6, Dec. 1870 no. 7, Jan. 1871 no. 8, Feb. 1871 no. 9, Mar. 1871 no. 10, Apr. 1871 no. 11, May, 1871 no. 12, June, 1871 1872, no. 1, July, 1871 no. 2, Aug. 1871 no. 3, Sept. 1871 no. 4, Oct. 1871 no. 5, Nov. 1871 no. 6, Dec. 1871 no. 7, Jan. 1872 no. 8, Feb. 1872 no. 9, Mar. 1872 no. 10, Apr. 1872 no. 11, May, 1872 no. 12, June, 1872 1873, no. 1, July, 1872 no. 2, Aug. 1872 no. 3, Sept. 1872 no. 4, Oct. 1872 1873, no. 5, Nov. 1872 no. 6, Dec. 1872 no. 7, Jan. 1873 no. 8, Feb. 1873 no. 9, Mar. 1873 no. 10, Apr. 1873 no. 11, May, 1873 no. 12, June, 1873 1874, no. 1, July, 1873 no. 2, Aug. 1873 no. 3, Sept. 1873 no. 4, Oct. 1873 no. 5, Nov. 1873 no. 6, Dec. 1873 no. 7, Jan. 1874 no. 8, Feb. 1874 no. 9, Mar. 1874 no. 10, Apr. 1874 no. 11, May, 1874 no. 12, June, 1874 1875, no. 1, July, 1874 no. 2, Aug. 1874 no. 3, Sept. 1874 no. 4, Oct. 1874 no. 5, Nov. 1874 no. 6, Dec. 1874 no. 7, Jan. 1875 no. 8, Feb. 1875 no. 9, Mar. 1875 no. 10, Apr. 1875 no. 11, May, 1875 no. 12, June, 1875 Summary statement of imports and exports 187G, July, 1875 Aug. 1875 Sept. 1875 Oct. 1875 Nov. 1875 Dec. 1875 Jan. 1876 Feb. 1876 Mar. 1876 Apr. 1876 May, 1876 June, 1876 1877, July, 1876 Aug. 1876 Sept. 1876 Oct. 1876 Nov. 1876 Dec. 1876 Jan. 1877 Feb. 1877 Mar. 1877 Apr. 1877 May, 1877 June, 1877 1878, July, 1877 Aug. 1877 Sept. 1877 Oct. 1877 1878, Nov. 1877 Dec. 1877 Jan. 1878 Feb. 1878 Mar. 1878 Apr. 1878 May, 1878 June, 1878 1879, July, 1878 Aug. 1878 Sept. 1878 Oct. 1878 Nov. 1878 Dec. 1878 Jan. 1879 no. 8, Feb. 1879 no. 9, Mar. 1879 no.lO, Apr. 1879 no. 11, May, 1879 no. 12, June, 1879 1880, no. 1, July, 1879 no. 2, Aug. 1879 no. 3, Sept. 1879 no. 4, Oct. 1879 no. 5, Nov. 1879 no. 6, Dec. 1879 no. 7, Jan. 1880 no. 8, Feb. 1880 1181 Cluslflcatlon no. T37.8: (date) T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Monthly summary of commerce and finance — Cont'd Summary statemen 1880, no. 9, Mar. no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, no. 12, June, 1881, no. 1, July, no. 2, Aug. no. 3, Sept. no. 4, Oct. no. 5, Nov. no. 6, Dec. no. 7, Jan. no. 8, Feb. no. 9, Mar. no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, no. 12, June, 1882, no. 1, July, no. 2, Aug. no. 3, Sept. no. 4, Oct. no. 5, Nov. no. 6, Dec. no. 7, Jan. no. 8, Feb. no. 9, Mar. no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, no. 12, June, 1883, no. 1, July, no. 2, Aug. no. 3, Sept. no. 4, Oct. no. 5, Nov. no. 6, Dec. no. 7, Jan. no. 8, Feb. no. 9, Mar. no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, no. 12, June, 1884, no. 1, July, no. 2, Aug. no. 3, Sept. no. 4, Oct. 5, Nov. 6, Dec. 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 9, Mar. no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, no. 12, June, 1885, no. 1, July, 2, Aug. 3, Sept. 4, Oct. 5, Nov. 6, Dec. 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 9, Mar. no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. of imports 880 880 880 880 * 880 * 880 880 880 880 880 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 883 883 883 883 883 883 883 883 883 883 883 883 884 884 884 884 884 884 884 884 884 884 884 884 885 885 885 885 885 and exports — Continued 1885, no. 12, June, 1885 1886, no. 1, July, 1885 no. 2, Aug. 1885 no. 3, Sept. 1885 no. 4, Oct. 1885 no. 5, Nov. 1885 no. 6, Dec. 1885 no. 7, Jan. 1886 no. 8, Feb. 1886 no. 9, Mar. 1886 no. 10, Apr. 1886 no. 11, May, 1886 no. 12, June, 1886 1887, no. 1, July, 1886 2, Aug. 3, Sept 4, Oct. 5, Nov. 6, Dec. 7 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. Jan. Feb. Mar. 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May no. 12, June, 1887 1888, no. 1, July, 1887 2, Aug. 1887 3, Sept. 1887 4, Oct. 1887 5, Nov. 1887 6, De'c. 1887 7, Jan. 1888 8, Feb. 1888 9, Mar. 1888 no. 10, Apr. 1888 no. 11, May, 1888 no. 12, June, 1888 1, July, 1888 2, Aug. 1888 3, Sept. 1888 4, Oct. 1888 5, Nov. 1888 6, Dec. 1888 7, Jan. 1889 8, Feb. 1889 9, Mar. 1889 no. 10, Apr. 1889 no. 11, May, 1889 no. 12, June, 1889 1890, no. 1, July, 1889 2, Aug. 1889 3, Sept. 1889 4, Oct. 1889 5, Nov. 1889 6, Dec. 1889 7, Jan. 1890 8, Feb. 1890 9, Mar. 1890 no. 10, Apr. 1890 no. 11, May, 1890 no. 12, June, 1890 1891, no. 1, July, 1890 no. 2, Aug. 1890 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 1889, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 1182 Classification no. T37.8: (date) T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued Montlily suminary of commerce and. finance— Cont'd Summary statement of imports and exports — Continued 1891, 1892, 3 4, 5. 6 7, 8 9 10 11 no. 12 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 1895, no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 1896, no. no. no. no. no. no. 1896, no. no. 1897, 7. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 1 no. 2 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, 1890 1890 1890 1890 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1893, June, 1891 July, 1891 Aug. 1891 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, June, 1891 1891 1891 1891 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 no. b no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 1893, no. 1, July, 1892 no. 2, Aug. 1892 no. 3, Sept. 1892 no. 4, Oct. 1892 Finance, conmierce, and immigration Jan. 1895 Feb. 1895 Mar. 1895 Apr. 1895 May, 1895 June, 1895 July, 1895 Aug. 1895 Sept. 1895 Oct. 1895 Nov. 1895 Dec. 1895 no. no. no. no. no. no. 1894, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 1892 1892 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 5, Nov. 6, Dec. 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 9, Mar. no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, 12, June, 1893 1, July, 1893 2, Aug. 1893 3, Sept, 4, Oct. 5, Nov. 6, Dec. 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 9, Mar. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, no. 12, June 1895, no. no. no. no. no. no. 1893 1893 1893 1893 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1, July, 1894 2, Aug. 1894 3, Sept. 1894 4, Oct. 1894 5, Nov. 1894 6, Dec. 1894 3450-unnumbered 3450-unnunibered 3450-unnumbered 3450-unnumbered 3450-91] 3450-210] Monthly summary of finance and commerce Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 June, 1896 July, 1896 Aug. 1896 Sept. 1896 Oct. 1896 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 1896 1896 1897 1897 1897 1897 3451-295 3451-343 3451-374 3451-398 3451-422 3451-426 [3509-26] pt. 1 Same, pt. 2: Comparison based upon tariff bill, H. 379. See, for other prints of pt. 2, T37.2: M532andT37.2:T17^ no. 11, May, 1897 no. 12, June, 1897 [3510-26] 1183 GUs8iflration no. T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued T37.8: Monthly summary of commerce and finance— Cont'd (date) Monthly 1898, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. JQO. Monthly 1899, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no, no. no. no. 1900, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no, no. 1901, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 1902, no. no, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. summary of finance and commerce — Continued July, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, June, summary July, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr, May, June, July, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, June, July, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, June, July, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, Jime, 1897 n 1897 1 1897 t 1897 t 1897 1 1897 1 1898 f 1898 1 1898 1 1898 1 1898 1 1898 1 of commerce and finance 1898 1898 1898 1898 [3581-94] [3582-94] [3704-573] 1898 1899 1 1899 1 1899 1 1899 1 1899 1 1899 1 18991 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1001 1901 1901 1902 1902 1902J 19021 1902 1902J [3705-573] [3941-15] [3942-15] [4129-15] 14130-15] [1312-15] [^1313-15] !3 14-15] [4315-15] t No edition without Congressional document number. 1184 Classlflcatlon no. T37.8: (date) T37.8«; (CT) T37.9: (date) T37.10: (date) T37. STATISTICS BUREAU— Continued MontMy summary of commerce and finance— Cont'd 1903, no. 1, July, 1902] no. 2, Aug. 1902 i [4478-15] no. 3, Sept. 1902] no. 4, Oct. 1902] no. 5, Nov. 1902 [ [4479-15] no. 6, Dec. 1902] no. 7, Jan. 1903] no. 8, Feb. 1903 [ [4480-15] no. 9, Mar. 1903] no. 10, Apr. 1903] no. 11, May, 1903 [4481-15] no. 12, June, 1903J See, for later issues, C14.14: Monthly summary of commerce and finance (separates) Advance sheets from Monthly summary of com- merce and finance 4<» [Monthly.] 1899, Mar. 1900 , Apr. 1901 , May 1902, June May May June July June July Aug. June July Aug. Sept. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Sept. Oct. Nov. / Dec. • Oct. Nov. Dec. 1903, Jan. Nov. Dec. 1902 , Jan. Feb. Dec. 1901 , Jan. Feb. Mar. 1900, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Mar. Apr. May June See, for later issues, C14.13: Statistical abstract of United States [Annual report, Commerce and navigation, 1878, pt. 1 (T37.1:878i) is a statistical abstract but is not identical with 1878 of this series.] 1878, Ist [1875-3] 1879, 2d [1923-51] 1880, 3d (Treas. Dept. doc. 120.) [1978-84] 1881, 4th ([Treas. Dept. doc. 241.]) [2030-133] 1882, 5th (Treas. Dept. doc. 394.) [2108-72] 1883, 6th (Treas. Dept. doc. 523.) [2198-32] 1885, 7th and 8th (Treas. Dept. doc. 793.) [2392-26] [Includes 1884.] 1886, 9th (Treas. Dept. doc. 981.) [2484-199] 1887, 10th (Treas. Dept. doc. 1107.) [2560-249] 1888, 11th (Treas. Dept. doc. 1209.) [2652-167] 1889, 12th (Treas. Dept. doc. 1310.) [2739-13] 1890, 13th (Treas. Dept. doc. 1424.) [2855-46] 1891, 14 th [2593-53] [Has no Treasury Department document number.] 1892, 15th [3107-255] [Has no Treasury Department document number.] 1893, 16th [3225-97] [Has no Treasury Department document number.] 1894, 17th (Treas. Dept. doc. 1713.) [3320-15] 1895, 18th [3418-100] [Has no Treasury Department document number.] 1896, 19th ([Treas. Dept. doc. 1917.]) [3525-158] 1897, 20th (Treas. Dept. doc. 1988.) [3681-259] 1898, 2l8t [3811-162] [Erroneously printed as Treasury Department document 2070.] 1899, 22d (Treas. Dept. doc. 2169.) [3986-111] 1900, 23d (Treas. Dept. doc, 2216.) [4166-475] 1185 ClatisiflcaUoD no. TM7. STATISTICS BUUEAJLT— Continued T37.10: Statistical abstract of United States— (Continued (date) 1901, 24 th (Treae. Dept. doc. 2262.) [4332-146 1902,25th (Treas. Dept. doc. 2311.) [4530-376 See, for later issues, C14.16: T37.il : List of merchant vessels <'dato'> [Transferred to Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept. (T30.5:) by act of July 5, 1884, ^ ' effective J ul V 1, 1SS4. rnoT to 1S67, earlier lists, not public documents, but authorized by the Treasury Department, were published by Rogers and Black, the only copy in the Public Documents Library beinie; for 1847, the title-page for which reads: Rogers and Black's Marine roll, or list of names of permanently registered and enrolled vessels above 20 tons, comprising mercantile marine, fumLshed for American semaphoric signal book, by authority of Treasury Department; by Rogers and Black, patentees. Baltimore, published by F, Lucas, jr. [1847].] 1867 [Preliminary list, numerical arrangement]. [Mar. 11] 1868. 4* [This preliminary list was compiled from returns from collectors of customs report- ing vessels belonging to their districts on June 30, 1867. It includes a letter of the Secretary of Treasury dated Mar. 1868, which required the collectors of customs to "communicate to the director of the Bureau of Sta- tisticsj promptly at the close of each fiscal quarter hereafter, a list of the vessels to whicn numbers have been affixed." The Public Documents Library assumes that these quarterly returns from col- lectors of customs are the "Ist and 2d supplements" and the "3d-8th supple- ments" of which mention is made in the letter of transmittal of the 2d and succeeding lists. Supplements 1 and 2 were presumal)ly not printed, but were incorporated in the 1st list (T37.11:867>); supplements 3-8 were incorporated in the 1st supplement to the 2d list (T37. 11:868).] 1867 [Ist], alphabetical arrangement. [Nov. 28, 1868, published] 1869. [Embraces Preliminary list and 1st and 2d supplements thereto.] 1868, 2d [with 1st supplement to 2d list, up to Apr. 21, 1870, also 2d supplement to unrigged list]. [The 2d list proper embraces contents of the 1st list with revisions to June 30, 1868. The Ist supplement to the 2d list embraces "supplements 3-8"; see note following T37. 11:867 K] 1869 [None issued.] 1870, 3d 1871, 4th 1872, 5th 1873, 6th 1874, 7th 1875, 8th [For year ended June 30, 1875 and to June 1, 1876.] 1876 [None issued.] 1877, 9th [For year ended June 30, 1876 and to June 30, 1877.] 1878, 10th 1879, 11th 1880, 12th 1881, 13th 1882, 14th 1883, 15th See, for later liste, T30.5: T38. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE [As early as July 7, 1S3S, an act was passed providing for the inspection of steamboats. The Service was reorganized by act approved Aug. 30, 1852. By the provisions of this act, inspectors were appointed and work carried on under the direction of the Treasury Department. The Service was again reor- ganized by act of Feb. 28, 1871, which act has l)een merged in Title 52 of Revised statutes, and is sub- stantially the law now in force relating to steamboats. Transferred to Commerce and Labor Depart- ment July 1, 19a3. For further history of the Service, see Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, C1.2:Or3. See, for later publications, C15.] T38.1: (date) Annual report of supervising inspector-general [1853-67 (except 1861, none issued), in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:). 1868-79, none issued. See, for special report bv chief of Steamboat Insp)ection Divi- sion, Mar. 1, 1870, T38.2:In7. From 1880, reports were made for fiscal year.] Supervising inspector-general of steam-vessels 1880 1881 82452°— 11 75 1186 Classification no. T38.1: (date) T38.2: Ac8 In7 Sal T38.3: (nos.) T38.4: (nos.) T38.5 ' : (date) T38. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE— Cont'd Annual report of supervising inspector-general— Con. Supervising inspector-general of steamboats 1882 1883 ^^^^ . J Brf fnom Tc» 1886 - v^'^ -■ Supervising inspector-general op iSteam-vessels 1887 1888 1889 1890 Supervising inspector-general op steamboats 1891 Supervising inspector-general 1892 1893 1894 18^5 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 See, for later reports, C15.1: jiU uj General publications '•^^''^ ^"' Acts of Congress [Mar. 12, 1812-July 25, 1866], relating to steainboats, collated with rolls at Washington. 1867. See, for later laws, T38.5 ^ : and T38.5 2; Inspection. [Special] report of chief of Steamboat Inspection Division [on steamboat inspection]. [Mar. 1] 1870. [Printed also in Pro- . ceedings of 18th annual meeting of Board of Supervising Inspec- tors (T38. 10:870).] Safety-valve tests. Report on safety-valve tests made at navy yard, Washington, D. C, by special committee of Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam- Vessels. Sept. 1875, [published] 1877. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this service prior to July 1, 1903, were issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars: see certain issues under T1.4: See, for Circulars issued since July 1, 1903, C15.4:] Laws governing Steamboat-Inspection Service (general) See, for Acts of Congress, Mar. 12, 1812-^uly 25, 1866, relating to steamboats, T38.2:Ac8. ,. Laws, rules, and regulations relating to inspection of steanpi vessels 1872, Nov. 1873, Apr. Laws, rules, and regulations governing Steamboat Inspection Service 1874 Laws governing Steamboat-Inspection Service 1875 , '.,'', ,..'■■, 1876 1880 1187 T88, STEAMBOAT-IXSnttBCTlON SBRVICB-Ooni d TS8.5 : lAWS governing StMumboat^Inspectioi ff^neal i — Coatinwed DepC doc. 137.) ♦ Dept. dept.docl3a0^w»dcd.) Dept.docl498L) [RepriiifliaM. (TreM. DepC doc 1«&.) (Trm. Depi. doc 17«L) Ociil ce 1896 F76» vn* F76» r76« T5S.6: fboB. D^pt. doc ISn. j (ieTiaedlolby2S,18KJ. (Tkwft. DepL doc ISSl.) auie{ie¥iBedlolfjiy2S,IS9S). (BeprintJ 1S97. (T^reM. DepC doc ISSL) 197 rbcMK. D^t. doc 1»I7 J lSW,inr.22 (^teats. DepL ep(L*ic 30i.) Sune. 1^63. (TraHLD^t.doc443u) 1581. CIVeK.l>ept.docSBO.) [witii) luluB and icculaliaBS praKribed by Vit iHiiy cf TVen^ nrr for CBtiyiiK sa(^ ttms intfo ellert {and synopas of r 196911996). {TV«M. Dept doc 1SS2.) SteamlMMtt insfpeetOES^ manual l^ 3«79 ISB 1887 ■■ i iiMJiiiiiMgqaMcjw ««i fat wi« ga^fc), Istedhion] snnll-f* IsteditiQiiivviMdl * Mcdiliaa) {Xrana. Dept. doc ;»2L> Medilian] {Tmew DepC doc 581.) 4lkediilMn {^bet^ D^ doc lOU.) Sliieditian (Twas. Ikspt, doc 1313.) Clhedilian (^teBs.l>epCdoc 1^^*.^ Td&edifioa fCms. D^ doc 2123.) G792 G793 In5i In5' In5' In54 R521 R522 T38.9: (date) T38. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE— Cont'd List of masters, mates [etc.] of mercliant steam, motor, and sail vessels, licensed during [cal- endar] year— Continued List of masters, mates [etc.] of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels, licensed during [calendar] year 1899 1900 1901 See, for later lists, C15.7: Pilot rules Great Lakes. Pilot rules for Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters as far east as Montreal, adopted 1898; added, act approved Feb. 8, 1895, to regulate navigation on Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters. [1st edition.] 1898. Same. [2d edition.] 1899. Same, adopted 1902; added, act approved Feb. 8, 1895, to regulate navigation on Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters. 1902. See, for later editions, C15.8:G79^-^ Inland waters. Pilot rules for Atlantic and Pacific coast inland waters, adopted 1898; added, act approved June 7, 1897, to adopt regu- lations for preventing collisions upon certain harbors, rivers, and inland waters of United States, and list of lines dividing high seas from rivers, harbors, and inland waters, 1898. [See also N6.8:6.] Same, adopted 1899; added, act approved June 7, 1897, to adopt regulations for preventing collisions upon certain harbors, rivers, and inland waters of United States, and list of lines dividing high seas from rivers, harbors, and inland waters. 1899. Same, adopted 1900; added, act approved June 7, 1897, to adopt regulations for preventing collisions upon certain harbors, rivers, and inland waters of United States, and list of lines dividing high seas from rivers, harbors, and inland waters. 1900. Same, adopted 1902; added, act approved June 7, 1897, to adopt regulations for preventing collisions upon certain harbors, rivers, and inland waters of United States, and list of lines dividing high seas from rivers, harbors, and inland waters. 1902. See, for later editions, C15.8:In5i-i°. Rivers. Pilot rules for rivers whose waters flow into Gulf of Mexico, and their tributaries, and for Red River of the North, taking effect since Mar. 1, 1897; added, sections of Revised statutes ap- plicable. [1st edition.] 1898. Same. [2d edition.] 1902. See, for later editions, C15.8:R52i-^ General rules and regulations prescribed by Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats General rules and regulations prescribed by Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels 1897 1898 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2015.) 1899 (Treas. Dept. doc. 2102.) Same [Has no Treasury De- partment document num- ber.] 1900 1901 Same [with slight changes] 1875 1877 1880 1882 1884 1893 1894 1895 1896 (Treas. Dept. doc. 57.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 302.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 568.) 1180 Cimsslflratlon no. T38.9 : (date) T38.10: (date) T38. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE— Cont»d General rules and reffiilutlons prescribed by Board of Supervising: Inspectors of Steam boa ts-^Cou. General rules and rej^ulations presoribed by Bf)ard of Supervising Inspectors of Steamboatfl 1902 1903 See, for later editions, 015. 9: Proceedings of Board of Supervising Inspectors (annual meetings) 1853 [Oct. 1852-Nov. 1853, Ist] [Includes not only the proceedings of the Ist regular annual meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 1853, but also the proceedings of 3 preceding meetings held respec- tively in Washington, D. C, Oct. and Nov. 1852, New York C'ity, Dec. 1852, and Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 1853.] 1854, 2d * 1855, 3d * 1856,4th * 1857,5th * 1858, Gth * 1859, 7th * 1860, 8th * 1861, 9th * 1862, 10th * 1863, 11th * 1864, 12th * 1865, 13th * 1866, 14th * 1867, 15th * 1868, 16th * 1869, 17th * 1870, 18th [Includes a special report by chief of Steamboat Inspection Division, Mar. 1, 1870, the separate print of which is classed under T38.2:In7.] 1871, 19th 1872, 20th 1873, 21st 1874, 22d * 1875, 23d 1876, 24th * 1877, 25th 1878, 26th 1879,27th * 1880 28th * 188l! 29th (Treas. Dept. doc. 127.) 1882, 30th, pt. 1 (Treas. Dept. doc. 273.) * Same, pt. 2 (Treas. Dept. doc. 248.) * 1883, 3l8t (Treaa. Dept. doc. 412.) * 1884, 32d (Treas. Dept. doc. 570.) 1885, 33d, pt. 1 (Treas. Dept. doc. 671, pt. 1.) * Same, pt. 2 (Treas. Dept. doc. 671, pt. 2.) f 1886, 34th [pt. 1] Same, pt. 2 f 1887, 35th, pt. 1 (Treas. Dept. doc. 968.) Same, pt. 2 (Treas. Dept. doc. 968.) f 1888, 36th, pt. 1 (Treaa. Dept. doc. 1098.) Same, pt. 2 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1098.) f 1889, 37th, pt. 1 (Treaa. Dept. doc. 1211.) Same, pt. 2 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1211.) f 1890, 38th, pt. 1 [Has no Treasury Department document numbor.] Same, pt. 2 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1300.) f t Pt. 2 is report of steam vessels inspected and oflScers licensed, Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1190 Classification no. T38.10: (date) T38. STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE— Cont'd T38.il: (date) Proceedings of Board of Supervising (annual meetings)— Continued Inspectors (Treas. Dept. doc. 1408.) (Treas. Dept. doc, 1408.) f (Treas. Dept. doc. 1504.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1504.) f (Treas. Dept. doc. 1601.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1601.) f 1891, 39th, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 1892, 40tli, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 1893, 41st, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 1894, 42d * 1895 and 1896, 43d and 44tli 1897 and 1898, 45th and 46th [Discontinued.] Proceedings of Board (special meetings) 1880 (Treas. Dept. doc. 9.) * 1888 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1110.) 1891 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1464.) 1893 (Treas. Dept. doc. 1606.) [Discontinued.] (Treas. Dept. doc. 1860.) of Supervising Inspectors T39. ARCHITECT, SUPERVISING [Until 1853, the erection of custom-houses and other public buildings was under the direction of the Secre- tary of the Treasury who employed architects and superintendents as necessary. In 1853, with a view to more efficient management, a practical engineer from the War Department was detailed to take charge of the work subject to the Secretary of the Treasury, general regulations were adopted, and a department of construction organized. 1854-61, the engineer in charge of the office of construction of buildings made annually a report which was included in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:). In 18G1, the office was caUed Construction Bureau. No report was made for 1862, but the report for that year is included in the report for 1863 which was signed by the supervising architect and appeared in annual report of Treasury Department (Finance report, Tl.l:863). By act approved Mar. 14, 1864 (Stat. L. v. 13, p. 27), the appointment of a superintending architect in the construction branch of the Treasury Department was authorized, "the same to be employed and con- tinued only during the rebellion and for one year after its close." The act of Mar. 2, 1865 (Stat. L. v. 13, p. 449), made appropriation for a supervising architect for fiscal years 1866-72. After this period the office was recognized as permanent and regular appropriations made. See, for History, organization, and functions of Office of Supervising Architect, T39.2:H62.] T39.1: Annual reports (date) T39.2: B83 [Usually for year ending Sept. 30, until 1899 which is for 9 months ending June 30, since which time the reports have been for fiscal year. The first separately issued report in the l'ul)lic Documents Library is 1867.] 1864-77, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and usually issued separately also. 2 editions of sep- arates for 1868 and 1869. 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 4" 1909 General publications Brussels, Beldum. Report upon 4th International Congress of Archi- tects, Brussels, 1897, [to] Secretary of Treasury; by George Oakley Totten, jr. 1898. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2057.) 1878 1889 1879 1890 1880 1891 1881 1892 1882 1893 1883 1894 1884 1895 1885 1896 1886 1897 1887 1898 1888 oblong large 8° 1899 t Pt. 2 is report of steam vessels inspected and officers licensed, Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1191 ClaHnlflcattoa no. T;«).2: F31 H62 Sp3 Sul T39.3: (no8.) T39.4: (no8.) T39.6: C96» 096 2 C963 D46^ D462 L81 Su7' Su7- Su73 Su7^ T39. ARCHITECT, SUPERVISINa-Contiimed General publleatlons— Continuod Fed oral T39.6: \\ bnildin2:8. Statement of inothodH employed by Trea Department in securing sites for Federal buildings. [1908, Treasury --] 40 History, organization, and functions of Office of Supervising Architect of Treasury Department, with copies of reports, recommenda- tions, etc.; compiled by R. 11. Thayer. 188G. (Treas. Dept. doc. 817.) Specification for [public buildii^, blank form] general conditions, n. d. f ° Subject-buildings; form no. iil! * '[1902.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this oflice are issued in the series of Treasury De- partment circulars; sfc certain issues under T1.4:] Rules, regulations, and instructions Custodians. Instructions to custodians of public buildings under control of Treasury Department. Oct. 10, 1884, (Treas. Dept. doc. 629.) Same. Mar. 30, 1885. (Treas. Dept, doc. 696.) Same. Mar. 1, 1895. (Treaa. Dept. doc. 1758.) See, for later edition, Tl.2:C96'. Designs, Regulations for enforcement of act approved Feb. 20, 1893, to enable Secretary of Treasury to obtain, by competition among architects, designs and specifications for public buildings to be erected under supervision of Treasury Department. 1897. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1949.) Same, as amended Feb. 24, 1903. 1903. [Has no Treasury Depart- ment document number.] Locks. Treasury Department instructions for operating and chang- ing combination locks. [1908.] 4* [Has no Treasury Depart- ment document number.] Superintendents. Instructions to superintendents, comprising rules for measurement of materials and work; approved Jan. 1871. 1871. [Has no Treasury Department document number.] Superintendents. Instructions to superintendents of construction, superintendent of repairs, and assistant superintendents of repairs of public buildings under control of Treasury Depart- ment. 1886. (Treas. Dept. doc. 837.) Same. 1893. (Treas. Dept. doc. 837.) Superintendents. Instructions to superintendents of construction, superintendents of repairs, and assistant superintendents of repairs of public buildings under control of Treasury Depart- ment. 1909. [Interleaved. Has no Treasury Department document number.] Specifications for public buildings [Contracts for the construction of public buildings under control of Treasury De- partment have been let according to specifications and plans made in the office of the Supervising Architect since al^out 1853 when the office was organized as Office of Construction of Buildings. Various methods of advertising for groposals have l^een used. The Public Documents Library has certain speci- cations in pamphlet form dating from lSo2-.56 which are prol>ably the earliest printed. These correlate with a numbered series of large drawings issued with title, I'lans of public buildings. The Public Documents Librarv has but 9 of these books of drawings, ranging in number from 19 to 32 and bearing date either lSo5 or 1856. It is believed that at least 35 were issued. The pamphlet specifications are classed as indicated under T39.6 •:, while the numbered plans are classed under T39.6*: See, for later and differently issued specifications, proposals, etc., for construction of public buildings, T39.7: See also T39.9:] 1192 Classification no. T39.6 ^ : (CTby name of place) T39.6=»: (nos.) T39.7: (CTby name of place) T39.8 ' : (date of fiscal year) T39.8 2: (date of fiscal year) T39.8 3: (date of fiscal year) T39.8^: (date of fiscal year) T39.8\- (date of fiscal year) T39.8': (date of fiscal year) T39. ARCHITECT, SUPERVISING— Continued Speciflcations for public buildings [Sucli libraries as have the pamphlet specifications dating from 1852-56, as described above in note under T39.6:, will naturally arrange the pamphlets by assigning book numbers from the Cutter table, using name of place. Two indexes were issued which assign numbers to the pamphlets, the niimbers cor- responding usually to the plans accompanying (T39.62:). Complete informa- tion as to the extent of the series is not obtainable. The Public Documents Library has only certain separate pamphlets bound together with the 2 indexes; but it is highly probable that this is a special binding of which there was no bona fide edition. Hence the treatment here indicated is that for the separate prints. Not listed here.] Plans of public buildings large 4» See, for accompanying specifications, T39.6 T39.6: See also note under 1 * 6 * 11 * 16 * 21 * 26 31 2 * 7 * 12 * 17 * 22 * 27 32 3 * 8 * 13 * 18 * 23 * 28 * 33 4 * 9 * 14 * 19 24 * 29 34 5 * 10 * 15 * 20 25 30 35 Proposals for construction of public buildings; Speciflcations and proposals for repairs, etc., at public buildings f'' [Publications classed here relate to public buildings in specific cities and towns. Such titles as the following are included: Invitation for proposals; Supple- mentary specification; Memorandum specification; Addendum to specification. When specification is for some particular improvement at buildings in several different places, book number is assigned by Cutter table, using name of place first mentioned in title, and references should l)e made from the other cities. Each publication has with it a blank form for proposal. Drawings to accompany specifications are frequently mentioned, but presumably they are to be had only upon application to the Supervising Architect. The Public Documents Library has no publications of this class of earlier date than 1908. It is not known in what form specifications, etc., were issued for many years preceding that date. See, for specifications issued during early years of Office of Supervising Architect, T.39.6: See also T39.9:] Schedule 1, cbalrs, etc. year ] f° [1910] [for public buildings, fiscal Schedule 2, desks, etc. [for public buildings, fiscal year 1 f ° [1910] Schedule 3, sectional devices [for public buildings, fiscal year — ] f ** [1910] Schedule 4, clocks [for public buildings, fiscal year ] f ° [1910] Schedule 5, metal articles [for public buildings, fiscal year ] f "^ [1910] Schedule 6, miscellaneous articles [for public build- ings, fiscal year ] f « [1910] 1193 riawtincatlon no. + T39.9: 022 ' C22^ F98' F982 L62 T39. ARCHITECT, SUPERVISING-Contiimed Advertisemonts for bids, Hpedflcations, etc., for equipment of x>ublic buiidin/^s [Tsually accompanied by blank form for proposal.] Carpets. Advertisement for bids for supplying carpet and lining for equipment of buildings under control of Treasury Department. 1909. f ° Same, fiscal year 1910. Oct. 1, 1909. f» Furniture. Advertisement for bids for articles of furniture in accord- ance with Department drawings and specifications, to be sup- plied under annual contract for equipment of buildings under control of Treasury Department. 1909. f ° Furniture. Advertisement for bids for articles [of furniture] to be sup- plied under annual contract for equipment of buildings under control of Treasury Department. [Alay 18, 1909.J f** Lighting fixtures. Stiindard specifications for lighting fixtures for buildings under control of Treasury Department. 1909. f " T40. TREASURER OF UNITED STATES [This oflBce was created when the Treasury Department was established by act approved Sept. 2, (Stat. L. V. 1, p. 65).] T40.1: Annual reports (date) T,404a: [1S53-1909, in annual reiwrts of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and since 1865 issued separately also. From 1799 to 1890, the Treasurer has also submitted to Congress an annual state- ment of accounts. These statements have been printed as Congressional docu- ments, of which there have been no bureau editions. Prior to Dec. 1, 1817, they are listed in Early Congress papers of the first 14 Congresses (Z4.1:). The list of Early Congress papers will appear later in separate form. Beginning with the 1.5th Congress, which convened Dec. 1, 1817, the annual statements appear in the Congressional set, as follows: 1817 None issued?] None issued?] 1841 None issued?] 1861 1128-28] 1818 1842 418-11] 1862 1187-4] 1819 39-123] 46-120] None issued?] None issued?] 1843 None issued?] 1863 1189-36] 1820 1844 ■46;^-7 1864 1255-5] 1821 1845 480-5' 1865-6 7 [None issued?] [145.3-59] 1509-15] 1822 1846 498-5" 1868 1823 '104-162] 1847 ^514-4" 1869 1824 :ill-^] 1848 "538-6' 1870 1.511-106] 1825 140-184] '154-145] 1849 567-3 1871 1565-20] 1826 1850 596-2' 1872 None issued?] 1827-3 3 [None issued?] 1851 633-3' 1873 '1644-10] 18;}4 [273-110] 1852 675-6' 1874-7 8 [None issued?] 1835 [28&-12] 1853 715-4" 1879 [1920-13 1&36 '297-8] 1854 '750-3 1880 1969-12 Same [301-14] Same [781-4] 1881 2026-19 Same 1321-8] 1855 [821-65] 18S2 None issued?] None issued?] 1&37 [344-^ 1838 [349-233] Same [844-9] 1883 1856 [879-23] 1884 '2290-9] Same 354-11] Same 364-29] Same [897-3] 1857 [923-19] 1885 2393-27] 1886 2478-26 ia39 [375-fl Same [946-11] 1887 2.554-15 Same f382-9] 1858 [1002-7] 1888 None issued?] 1840 [396-9] 1859 [1047-15] 1889 2758-436] 2861-90].] Sj ime [401-9] 1860 [1096- 10] 1890 Annual reports (sepaxatea) ' Jiij/i. ,'i;«i L ;i.; .-.ill' ti -•!*,;<, .11 '■ -^'^ -^"' t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The publi- cation of a new series has since been commenced in the Supervaaing Architect's Office which has necessitated an additional class nnder T39., the series title of which is as follows: T39.10: Programme of competition for selection of architect for building for (CT by Department 4" name of [Published in compliance with act approved June 25, 1910J Dept.) 1194 Classification no. T40.2: As7i As72 As7 3 As7^ B18 B22 B641 B64 2 B643 B64* C661 T40. TREASURER OF UNITED STATES— Continued C662 C663 C761 C762 C83» C832 C96» C962 C96=» C96^ C96'^ D63' D632 D95» D952 D953 D95^ F59 G56' G56 = General publications Assets and liabilities. Statement of assets and liabilities of Treasury of United States. Nov. 30, 1889. f ° Same. Feb. 28, 1890. f Same. Apr. 30, 1890. f ° Assistant treasurers, superintendents, and assayers [list]. Apr. 3, 1895. oblong 32° Balances. Schedule of transcript balances and balances subject to draft in U. S. Treasury offices, depositaries, assay offices, and mints, on morning of Mar. 4, 1861. n.d. Banks. Notice to national banks. [1897.] oblong 48° Bonds. Notice to holders of registered [bonds] 4 per cents of 1895- 1925. May 1, 1895. oblong 12° Bonds. Notice to holders of registered 5 per cent bonds of 1904. Aug. 1, 1897. oblong 12° Bonds. Notice to holders of registered bonds of 3 per cent 10-20 loan of 1898. Aug. 1, 1898. oblong 12° Bonds. Notice to holders of United States registered bonds. Mar. 10, 1909. oblong 12° Coins, [Gold coins, act to discontinue coinage of three dollar and one dollar gold pieces and three cent nickel piece.] 1891. [Signed by J. N. Huston.] Same. 1891. [Signed by D. N. Morgan.] Coins, [^femorandum relative to use of Government coins for adver- tising purposes.] n.d. [This is the same as Memorandum 6 (T40.7:6).]^ Continental currency. [Counterfeiting Continental currency.] n.d. Consols. Notice to holder of registered stock of 4 per cent consols of 1907. Jan. 1, 1898. oblong 12° Counterfeit money. Disposition of counterfeit money. 1894. 4* [Signed by D. N. Morgan.] Same. 1898. 4° [Signed by Ellis H. Roberts.] Customs. Statement showing monthly receipts from customs at New York since Jan. 1889, and percentage of each kind of money received [with statement for 10-day periods, Jan. 1, 1893-Aug. 31, 1895]. [1895?] narrow f° Same, [Jan. 1, 1893-Sept. 30, 1895]. Same, [Jan. 1, 1893-Oct. 10, 1895]. Same, [Jan. 1, 1893-Oct. 19, 1895]. Same, [Jan. 1, 1893-Oct. 31, 1895]. District of Columbia funding bonds. [1895?] narrow f« [1895?] narrow f° [1895?] narrow f° [1895?] narrow f° Notice to holders of registered 3.65 District of Columbia funding bonds. Feb. 1, 1895. oblong 12« Same. Apr. 23, 1902. oblong 12° Duty. Instructions [to presidents and cashiers of national banks, dated Dec. 15, 1907] for making return and payment of semiannual duty. Aug. 26, 1907. 4° Same [dated June 15, 1908]. Feb. 29, 1908. 4° Same [dated Dec. 15, 1908]. Sept. 19, 1908. 4° Same [dated Dec. 15, 1909]. Oct. 18 [1909]. 4° Flag. Historic flag [decorating President Lincoln's box at Ford's Theatre], n.d. Gold coin. Statement showing amount of gold coin and bullion in Treasury, and of gold certificates outstanding, from latest returns received at end of each month, 1889-95 [with statements of 10-day periods, Jan. 1, 1893-Sept. 30, 1895]. [1895.] narrow f ° Same, [Jan. 1, 1893-Oct. 10, 1895]. [1895.] narrow f ° 1195 Clas8lflraUon no. T 10.2 : 056* R32 Stfi Sul T10.3: (na^.) T10.4: (nos.) T40.5: (date) TiO. TREASURER OF UNITED STATES--<'ontinu6d General publlcatlons—r^mtinuod i i hobiiiit Same, [Jaii. 1, 1893-Oct. 19, 1896J. [1895?] n&crow f« Same, [Jan. 1, 1893-Oct. 31, 1895]. [1895?] narrow f« National banks. List of national banks designated as depositaries of public money. July 1, 189G. 4" National banks. List of national banks designated as special deposi- taries. Jan. 2, 1908. f« t*hilippino Islands. Notice to holders of bonds issued by government of Philippine Islands. Oct. 4, 1907. oblong 10" Revenue. Statement, by quarters and years, from books of Treasurer of United States, showing revenue collected, and expenditures of Government during each fiscal year, 1860-77, and amount of cash in Treasury at close of each quarter, July 1, 1859-June 30, 1877; and also recapitulary statement of receipts and expenditures for each fiscal year, tabulated by warrants. 1878. Stoc^k. Notice to holders of registered stock of fimded loan of 1891, con- tinued at 2 per cent. Sept. 1, 1897. oblong 16° Subtreasuries. List of subtreasuries, mints, and assay offices. Apr. 18, 1908. oblong 24° [See, for List of Oct. 31, 1899, T40.7:19.J Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this office are issued as necessary, frequently not oftener than once a year. They !)ear an office nunil)er, but are issued in the series of Traasury Department circulars, the designation being, e. g., "19(;9, Department circular 66, Treasurer's (Jffice 79." The office numbers have been assigned in a consecutive series, the earliest in the Pul)lic Documents Library being no. 13, issued as Department circular 43, 1875. As this lilirary has no Information of any issues other than those in the Department series, listing here (T40.4:) is omitted; see certain issues under Tl.4:] Funded indebtedness of District of Columbia various sizes [Quarterly.] [Issued at irregular intervals from Oct. 1875, to Dec. 1884, usually on 1st of month. Beginning with 1885, issued regularly. Mar., June, Sept., and Dec. on last day of month.] « , 1875, Oct. 1881, July ; 1887, June 1893, June Nov. Oct. Sept. Sept. Dec. 1882, Jan. Dec. Dec. 1876, Jan. Apr. 1888, Mar. 1894, Mar. Feb. July June June Mar. Oct. Sept. Sept. June 1883, Jan. Dec. Dec. July Apr. 1889, Mar. 1895, Mar. Sept. July June June Nov. Oct. Sept. Sept. 1877, Apr. 1884, Jan. Dec. Dec. Aug. Apr. 1890, Mar. 1896, Mar. Nov. July June June 1878, June 29 Sept. 30 Sept. Sept. Same t Dec. 31 Dec. Dec. Aug. 2 t 1885, Mar. 1891, Mar. 1897, Mar. Dec. June June June 1879, Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 1880, Apr. 1886, Mar. 1892, Mar. 1898, Mar. July June June June Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1881, Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. Apr. 1887, Mar. 1893, Mar. 1899, Mar. tThis sheet is entitled, Statement giving date of maturity of bonds making up aggregate of funded debt of District of Columbia. 1196 Classification no. T40. TREASURER OP UNITED STATES— Continued T40.5 : Funded Indebtedness of District of Columbia— Cont'd (date) T40.6: (date) T40.7: (no8.) 1899, June Sept. Dec. 1900, Mar. June Sept. Dec. 1901, Mar. June Sept. Dec. 1902, Mar. June Sept. Dec. 1903, Mar. June Sept. Dec. 1904, Mar. June Sept. 1904, Dec. 1905, Mar. June Sept. Dec. 1906, Mar. June Sept. Dec. 1907, Mar. June 1907, Sept. Dec. 1908, Mar. Jun^ Sept. Dec. 1909, Mar. June Sept. Dec. Annual report on sinking fund and funded debt of District of Columbia, for fiscal year [See, for history of sinking fund, p. 3-13 of report for 1878 (T40.6.878). See, for relations of Treasurer, as commissioner of sinking fund, to commissioners of District of Columbia, p. 24 of report for 1879 (T40.6:S79). See, for earlier reports by commissioners of sinking fund, DCl. 1:874-77.] Annual report of Treasurer of United States, ex-officio commissioner of sinking-fund of District of Columbia [for fiscal year] 1878 [1st] Annual report on sinking-fund of District of Columbia [for fiscal year] 1879, 2d Annual report on sinking fund and funded debt of District of Columbia [for fiscal year] 3d (Treas. Dept. doc. 94.) 4th (Treas. Dept. doc. 238. (Treas. Dept. doc. 371. (Treas. Dept. doc. 524.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 656.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 777.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 928.) ' 1034.) 1137.) 1254. 1346. 5th 6th 7 th 8th 9th 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 10th 1888, 11th 1889, 12th 1890, 13th 1891, 14 th 1892, 15th 1893, 16th 1894, 17th 1895, 18th 1896, 19th 1897, 20th 1898, 21st 1899, 22d (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1461. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1544. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1629. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1716.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1803.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 1899. (Treas. Dept. doc. 1961. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2047.) (Treas. Dept. doc. 2141.) Annual report on sinking fund and funded debt of District of Columbia, for fiscal year 1900, 23d (Treas. Dept. doc. 2186.) 1901, 24th (Treas. Dept. doc. 2243.) 1902, 25th (Treas. Dept. doc. 2292.) 1903, 26th (Treas. Dept. doc. 2333.) 1904, 27th (Treas. Dept. doc. 2374.) 1905, 28th (Treas. Dept. doc. 2413.) 1906, 29th (Treas. Dept. doc. 2442.) 1907, 30th (Treas. Dept. doc. 2485. 1908, 31st (Treas. Dept. doc. 2521. 1909, 32d (Treas. Dept. doc. 2559.) Memoranda (numbered) 1 * 2 ■"- 3 ■^• various sizes 4a 4b 5 1197 ClaMincatlon no. TIO. TRI ]A8UI lER OB ^ UNr rFD ST ATEI^ J — Continued T40.7: Memoranda (numbered)— Continued (noe.) 6 See also T40.2:Cm «. 14 7 15 # 8 16 9 17 10 * 18 11 19 See also T40.2:Sul. 12 20 * 13 T40.8: Montlily statement of paper currency of eacli de- (date) nomination outstanding obloiig 48° and oblong 24" 1893, Aug. 1897 , Oct. 1901 , Dec. 1906 , Feb. Sept. Nov. 1902 , Jan. Mar. Oct. Dec. Feb. May Nov. 1898 , Jan. Mar. Dec. Feb. Apr. May June 1894, Jan. Mar. July Feb. May June Aug. Mar. July Sept. M^y June Aug. Oct. July Sept. Nov. June Aug. Oct. Dec. July Sept. Nov. 1907 , Jan. Aug. Oct. Dec. Feb. Sept. Nov. 1903 , Jan. Mar. Oct. Dec. Feb. Apr. Nov. 1899 , Jan. Mar. May Dec. Feb. Apr. May June 1895, Jan. Mar. July Feb. Apr. June Aug. Mar. May July Sept. Apr. June Aug. Oct. May July Sept. Nov. June Aug. Oct. Dec. July Sept. Nov. 1908 , Jan. Aug. Oct. Dec. Feb. Sept. Nov. 1904 , Jan. Mar. Oct. Dec. Feb. Apr. May Nov. 1900 , Jan. Mar. Dec. Feb. Apr. June 1896, Jan. Mar. May July Feb. Apr. May June Aug. Mar. July Sept. Apr. June Aug. Oct. May Julyt Sept. Nov. June Aug. Oct. Dec. July Sept. Nov. 1909 , Jan. Aug. Oct. Dec. Feb. Sept. Nov. 1905 , Jan. Mar. Oct. Dec. Feb. Apr. May Nov. 1901 , Jan. Mar. Dec. Feb. Apr. June 1897, Jan. Mar. May July Feb. Apr. May June Aug. Mar. July Sept. Apr. June Aug. Oct. May July Sept. Nov. June Aug. Oct. Dec. July Sept. Nov. Aug. Oct. Dec. Sept. Nov. 1906 , Jan. t A corrected 2d print was issued also. 1198 Clasglflcation T40. TREASURER OF UNITED STATES— Continued T40.9: (date) T40.10: (date) Weekly statement of bonds held in trust for na- tional banks oblong 24^ 1907, July 20 1908, Jan. 18 1908, July 18 1909, Jan. 16 July 27 Jan. 25 July 25 Jan. 23 Aug. 3 Feb. 1 Aug. 1 Jan. 30 Aug. 10 Feb. 8 Aug. 8 Feb. 6 Aug. 17 Feb. 15 Aug. 15 Feb. 13 Aug. 24 Feb. 24 Aug. 22 Feb. 20 Aug. 31 Feb. 29 Aug. 29 Feb. 27 Sept. 7 Mar. 7 Sept. 5 Mar. , 6 Sept. 14 Mar. 14 Sept. 12 Mar. 13 Sept. 21 Mar. 21 Sept. 19 Mar. 20 Sept. 28 Mar. 28 Sept. 26 Mar. 27 Oct. 5 Apr. 4 Oct. 3 Apr. 3 Oct. 12 Apr. 11 Oct. 10 Apr. 10 Oct. 19 Apr. 18 Oct. 17 Apr. 17 Oct. 26 Apr. 25 May 2 Oct. 24 Apr. 24 Nov. 2 Oct. 31 May 1 Nov. 9 May 9 Nov. 7 May 8 Nov. 16 May 16 Nov. 14 May 15 Nov. 23 May 23. Nov. 21 May 22 Nov. 30 June' 'ill. Nov. 28 May 29 Dec. 7 June 6 Dec. 5 June 5 Dec. 14 June 13 Dec. 12 June 12 Dec. 21 June 20 Dec. 19 June 19 Dec. 28 June 27 Dec. 26 June 26 1908, Jan. 4 July 6 1909, Jan. 2 Jan. 11 July 11 Jan, / 9 [Discontinued. 1 Contents of vaults [of] Treasury Department small 4° [Quarterly.] 1907, July 1 Edition of July 18 , 1907. Same. Edition of Aug. 13, 1907. Oct. 1 1908, Jan. 1 Apr. 8 Sept. 22 1909, Jan. 6 Mar. 23 [No more issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] T41. NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS [May 29, 1830, the Senate adopted a motion directing "the Secretary of the Treasury to cause a comparison to be made of the standarcls of weight and measure used at the principal custom-houses of the United States, and to report to the Senate at the next session of Congress." Mar. 3, 1831, the Secretary of the Treasury reported that the work of comparing the standards of weight and measure was ''commenced undertheimmediatesuperintendenceof Mr. [Ferdinand Rudolph] Hassler," giving an account of what had been done. Prof. Hassler, speaking of this Avork, says that he was engaged in the Treasury Depart- ment "in comparing the weights and measures used at the custom-houses of the United States, and ascertauaing by experiment the proper hydrometer proofs of liquor." Such large discrepancies were found in the standards of weight and measure that the Secretary of the Treasury directed that stand- ards be adopted by the Treasury Department, and that copies be made and distributed to the various custom-houses. Congress, by joint resolution approved June 14, 1836, ordered that the Treasury Department should furnish each State with copies of these standards, and by act approved July 7, 1838, it was provided that the Secretary of the Treasury cause to be made under the superintendence of Mr. Hassler one standard balance for each State. By joint resolution approved July 27, 1865, a set of stand- ard weights and measures of the metric system was ordered to be delivered to the governor of each State. By joint resolution approved Mar. 3, 1881, it was provided that a complete set of all the weights and measures adopted as standards should be delivered by the Secretary of the Treasury to the governor . of each State for the use of agricultural colleges in the States, respectively, which have received a grant of land from the United States, and one set of the same to the Smithsonian Institution. In act approved Mar. 3, 1873. an appropriation was made for "standard weights and measures." In act approved June 20, 1878, "Standard Weights and Measures" appears in small capitals at the head of the paragraph making appropriations therefor, and this form was used until act approved Aug. 5, 1882, when the heading was "Office of Construction of Standard Weights and Measures." In 1891, it became the Office of Standard Weights and Measures, and so continued until July 1, 1901, when it became the National Bureau of Standards. Prior to July 1, 1901, the office was under the Coast and Geodetic Survey; see Til. Transferred to Com- merce and Labor Department July 1, 1903, under name of Standards Bureau; see C13. See, for history of this bureau, report of superintendent of Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1890, p. 735 (Tll.l: 890), and Organization and law of Department of Commerce and Labor, p. 413 (C1.2:Or3).] 1199 CUsMincatlon no. T41.1: (date) T41.2: (CT) T41.3: (noe.) T41.4: (nos.) T41.5: (nos.) T41. NATIONAL. BUREAU OF STANDARDS— Cont'd Annual reports 4*» (There seems to be no report on the construction of standards of veighta and meas- ures after Prof. Hassler's appoinUnenl as superintendent of the Coast Survey. Aug. 9, 18.'}2, except by correspondence, tmtil 1S.0(). In 1K34 and IX.3.5 the Coast Survey w:us under the Navy Depart iiipnt and the construction of standards of weights and nioiusures under the Treasury DejMirtnient, so it was not possible that there should be any reports of the latter in the reports of the Coast Survey. When the Coast Survey was again placed under the Treasury Department, m 1R3G, the annual reports of the Coast Survey u-sually included the operations of the construction or the standards of weights and measures. When the office was separated from the Coast and Geodetic Survey, in 1901, and it became the National Bureau of Standards, it began issuing annual reports.] 1902 1903 Se€y for later issues, C13.1: General publications [None issued under Treasury Department.! Bulletins [None issued under Treasmy Department.] Circulars [None issued under Treasury Department.] Circulars of Information 4** 1 2 3 See, for later issues, C13.5: T42. MISCELLANEOUS DIVISION [Established as one of 7 divisions authorized by act approved Mar. 3, 1875 (Stat. L. v. 18, pt. 3, p, became effective July 1, 1875. First known as Division of Mercantile Marine and Internal R( , which evenue. In 1882, known as Division of Captured Property, Claims, and Lands. In 1888, the name was changed to Miscellaneous Division. After 1905, no appropriation was made for the division and it ceased to exist June 30,1906, the work being transferred to other offices in the Treasury Department by an order signed by the acting Secretary and dated July 27, 1906.] Annual reports [Not issued regularly. As far as is known, the only reports printed are those listed below.] 1894 1901 T42.1: (date) T42.2: (CT) T42.3: (nos.) T42.4:: (nos.) General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circulars relating to the work of this division were issued in the series of Treasury Department circulars; see certain issues under T1.4:] T43. PORTO RICO, AUDITOR [See, for later publications, W75.6:, and for historical information, note under W75.] T43.1: (date) Annual reports [1901-08, in annual reports of governor of Porto Rico (SlO.l:), and not issued sep- arately. Report for 1907 also appears as Congressional document [5373-713]. Report for 1908 also appears as Congressional document [5557-1292]. See, for later reports, W75.6:, and for historical information, note under W75. The auditor also made annual statements of receipts and disbursements which appear only in the Congressional set as follows: 1900, May-Oct. [4138-137] 1901, Nov. 190a-0ct. 1901 1902, Nov. 1901-Oct. 1902 1903, Nov. 1902-Oct, 1903 1904, Nov. 1903-Oct. 1904 1905, Nov. 1904-Oct. 1905 1906, Nov. 1905-Oct. 1906 1907, Nov. 1906-Oct. 1907 1908 [None issued.].] 4324-64] 449fr-154" 4671-137" 4830-143" 4985-182 5152-203 5373-438 1200 Classiftcatlon no. T43.2: Ap6i Ap62 Ap63 T43.3: (nos.) T43.4: (date) T43. PORTO RICO, AUDITOR— Continued General publications Appropriations. Digest of appropriations made by Legislative Assem- bly of Porto Rico at its 1st session, which' terminated Jan. 31, 1901. [1901.1 f« Same, 2d session, which terminated Mar. 4, 1902. * Same, 2d Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, at its 1st session terminating Mar. 12, 1903. [1903.] f« Disbursing officers. Instructions to disbursing officers [under insular government of Porto Rico]. June 25, 1901. 4° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] T44. SOLICITOR OF TREASURY [By act of May 15, 1820, an officer of the Treasury was designated to direct all proceedings in law or equity for the recovery of money, land, etc., in the name of the United States. These duties were transferred to the Office of Solicitor of Treasury, which was created by act of May 29, 1830. The Office of Solicitor of Treasury was itself transferred, July 1, 1870, to the Justice Department by act of June 22, 1870. See, for later publications, J5.] T44.1: (date) T44.2: R29 T44.3: (nos.) T44.4: (nos.) T44.5: 830 839 848 852 862 865 = 865^ Annual reports [1853-76, in annual reports of Treasury Department (Finance reports, Tl.l:), and 1873-76, issued separately also. Although the Office of Solicitor of Treasury was transferred July 1, 1870, to Justice Department, reports continued to be addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury until 1879, those for 1877-79 appear- ing separately only. Sec, for later reports, J5.1:] General publications •*-- Report of Solicitor of Treasury showing operations of that office since organization, May 29, 1830-Oct. 1, 1848. [1849.] ([30th Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 36]; serial no, 532.) ,, ,,^^. ^;„, , 8*ioqroi luaatiA \ rl.SlT Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Although the Office of Solicitor of Treasury was transferred July 1, 1870, to Justice Department, a few later circulars concerning the work of this office were pub- lished as Treasury Department circulars; sec certain issues under T1.4:] Instructions, rules, regulations, etc. [The following entries for publications not in Public Documents Library arc taken from a List of publications of the Office of the Solicitor of Treasury given on p. 6 and 7 of Senate executive document 109, 47th Congress, 1st session; seriaj no. 1990. Sec, for later Instructions, rules, regulations, etc., J5 6:] Instructions to district attorneys, clerks, and marshals. Jtily 27, 1830. * Same. May 1, 1839. * General rules to be observed in Office of Solicitor of Treasury. Nov. 20, 1848. * Instructions to district attorneys, clerks, and marshals. Dec. 10, 1852. * Instructions of Solicitor of Treasury to district att^^rneys, clerks of courts, and collectors of customs of United States. 1862. General instructions relative to counterfeiting Government issues. July 21, 1865. * Regulations concerning organization and business of Office of Solicitor of Treasury. Aug. 1, 1865. * General instructions relative to applications for rewards for detecting counterfeiters. Oct. 21, 1865. * Instructions to district attorneys, relative to bonds for internal-revenue stamps. Oct. 31, 1865. * T45. GENERAL SUPPLY COMMITTEE f W. WAR DEPARTMENT [Created by act approved Aug. 7, 1789, being the second of the Executive Depart- ments to be established. The supervision of naval affairs which was originally assigned to this Department was transferred to the Navy Department at its estab- lishment in 1798; jurisdiction in the matters of public lands, military pensions, and Indian affairs was transferred to the Department of the Interior when that Depart- ment was created in 1849. See^ for Establishment of War Department, its interior organization and administra- tion, by William A. De Caindry, p. 31-106 of Reports on International Exhibition of 1876, V. 10 (S6.13:R29'°), S6.13«:W19.] Classification whicn was also issued separately and classed under Wl. SECRETARY Wl.l: (date) Annual reports [Various reports made by tho Secretary of War, 1789-1837, appear in the volumes of American state papers, military affairs, v. 1-5; see serial nos. 01(>-022. Beginning 1823, regular annual reports appear in the Congressional set, as indicated below. Prior to 186(5, there was no edition without Congressional document number. For 18(56-76, the copies in the Public Documents Library indicate that for certain years there were true Department editions, whereas for other years the reports were printed only as Congressional documents. Since 1876. there have been both Congressional and Department editions.) * 1823 1824 In 89-11 In 93-2] In 108-1 In 113-2 t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. Since that time the new General Supply Committee created by law has been organized under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, necessitating new classes, the heading and series title for which are as follows : T45. General Supply Committee (Reorganized under sec. 4 of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act approved June 17, 1910 (Stat. L. V. 36, pt. 1, p. 531). The effect of this section was to abolish the former General Supply Committee as organized under Executive order 1071, May 31, 1909; sec, for publications of that com- mittee, entries and footnote for GS. The new coiimiittee is composed of one representative from each of the 9 Executive Departments. The Government Printing Office, Interstate Commerce Commission, Smithsonian Institution, and the Superintendent of State, War, and Navy building are no longer repre^sented on the committee and the grovisions of sec. 4 of the act of June 17, 1910, are not applicable to the government of the District of olumbia. The committee is specifically required by the law to make an annual schedule of miscellaneous supplies and to standardize stich supplies, elimmating all unnecessary grades and varieties. The Secretary of the Treasury under the law signs contracts for supplies (exigencies excepted) for all the Executive Department's and independent bureaus, the General Supply Committee acting as his aids. The General Supply Committee is not, strictly speaking, a Treasury Department body. The law authorizes for the committee a superintendent of supplies and 2 other employees, who are carried on the pay rolls of the Treasury Department. But the committee is not under the control of the Treasury Dej^rtment. While the law does not specifically state that the sui)erintendent of supplies shall be a member of the General Supply Committee, the "present incumbent of that office is the representative of the Treasury Department and so becomes a member of the committee.] T45.1: (date) T45.2: (CT) T45.3: (nos.) T45.4: (nos.) T45.51: (form letters) or nos.) '5.6: Annual reports General publications Bulletins Circulars General schedule of supplies, fiscal year 1912 List of awards [showing contractors and prices contained in] General schedule of supplies, fiscal year -11 76 1202 Classlflcation no. Wl.l; (date) Wl. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports— Continued 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 In 125-2 In 131-1 In 144-1 In 148-2 In 163-1 In 169-2 In 181-1 In 184-2 In 192-1 In 195-2 In 203-1 Jin 206-2 [In 216-2] [In 233-2] 'In 238-1 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 In 254-i; In 266-1 In 271-2^ In 279-1 In 286-2^ In 297-1' In 301-21 In 314-1 In 321-31 In 338-1^ In 344-2 In 354-1 In 363-2 In 375-1 In 382-2 In 395-1 In 401-2; See, for special report of May 31, r[In 413-1 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 [I 1841, [390-1] and [392-1], In 418-2 In 431-1 In 439-2 In 449-1 In 463-2 In 470-1 In 480-2 In 493-1 In 497-4 In 503-1 In 515-8 n 537-1] In 549-1" In 569-5' In 587-1' In 595-1' In 611-1' In 634-2' 659-1 674-1 1853 [pt. 1] { 691 711 1854 1855 Same[pt.2] {[^92-1] { { --1]1 [10 p. of sketches at end of cloth-bound edition -1]/ are omitted from Congressional editions.] '747-1 778-1 811-1 841-1 . jlicitc detecting jmal-revenuf 1203 ClasNlflratlon no. Wl.l: Mate) W 1 . SEC RET ARY— Continued Annual reports — Continued r[87 \89 { 1858 [pt.1] I 1856 1857 76-5 894-1' 920-11] 943-2] 975-1] 998-2] Same[pt.2] {[^^^^j Same [including only p. 1-454 of pt. 1 and omitting accompanying papers 10-25] 1859 [pt. 1] [1024-2] Same[pt. 2] * [1025-2] 1860 [1079-1] 1861 [1118-1] See, for special report, July 1, 1861, [1112-1]. 1862 [1159-1] 1863 [1184-1] 1864 [1230-83] 1865, V. 1 [1249-1] Same, v. 2 [1250-1] [Congressional edition contains 12 maps which are omitted from cloth-bound edition.] Same, appendix, pt. 1, Military railroads [1861-66], and provost marshal general [final report, Mar. 17, 1863-Mar. 17, 1866, pt. 1] [1251-1] Same, appendix, pt. 2, provost marshal general [final report. Mar. 17, 1863-Mar. 17, 1866, pt. 2] [1252-1] [Title-page of appendix reads, Reports of D. C. McCallum, director and general manager of military railroads, and provost marshal general, appendix to report of Secretary of War accompanying message of President to 39th Cong,, 1st sess.] 1866 [1285-1] Same, abridged, with title. Report of Secretary of War with accom-. panying papers Same, abridged, with title, Annual report of Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, for 1866 1867, [pt. 1] Secretary, etc. [1324-1] Same, [pt. 2] Engineers [1325-1] Same, pts. 1 and 2 abridged in 1 v. 1868, [pt. 1] Secretary, etc. [1367-1] Same, [pt. 2] Engineers [1368-1] Same, pts. 1 and 2 abridged in 1 v. 1869, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [1412-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers [1413-1] Same, v. 1 and 2 abridged in 1 v. 1870, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [1446-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers [1447-1] 1871, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [1503-1] [Secretary's report without accom- panying papers appeared also in [1502-1].] Same, v. 2, Engineers [1504-1] [1558-1] [1559-1] [1597-1] [1598-1] [1599-1] etc. [1635-1] 1872, [v. 1] Secretary, etc. Same, v. 2, Engineers 1873, V. 1, Secretary, etc. Same, v. 2, Engineers Same, v. 3, Ordnance 1874, V. 1, Secretary, ordnance, Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [1636-1] [1637-1] 1204 €lftssificatloii no. Wl.l: (date) Wl. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports— Continued 1875, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [1674-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [1675-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [1676-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [1677-1] Same, v. 4, Signal-officer [1678-1] 1876, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [1742-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [1743-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [1744-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [1745-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [1746-1] Same, v. 4, Signal officer [1747-1] 1877, [v. 1] Secretary, etc. [1794-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [1795-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [1796-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [1797-1] Same, v. 4, Signal officer [1798-1] 1878, [v. 1] Secretary, etc. [1843-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [1844-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [1845-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [1846-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [1847-1] Same, v. 4, Signal officer [1848-1] 1879, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [1903-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [1904-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [1905-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [1906-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [1907-1] Same, v. 4, Signal officer [1908-1] 1880, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [1952-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [1953-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [1954-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [1955-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [1956-1] Same, V. 4, Signal officer [1957-1] 1881, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [2010-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [2011-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [2012-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [2013-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [2014-1] Same, v. 4, Signal officer [2015-1] 1882, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [2091-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [2092-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt, 2 [2093-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [2094-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [2095-1] Same, v. 4, Signal officer, pt. 11 [9096-11 Same, v. 4, Signal officer, pt. 2) 1883, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [2182-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [2183-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [2184-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [2185-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [2186-1] 1205 Clftsslflcation no. Wl.l: (date) Wl . SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports— Continued Same, v. 4, Signal officer [2187-1] 1884, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [2277-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [2278-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [2279-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [2280-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 4 [2281-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [2282-1] Same, v. 4, Signal officer [2283-1] 1885, V. 1, Secretiiry, etc. [2309-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [2370-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [2371-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [2372-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 4 [2373-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [2374-1] Same, v. 4, Signal officer, pt. 11 r2375_i-i Same, v. 4, Signal officer, pt. 2) 1886, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [2401-1] Same, v. 2, Engineere, pt. 1 [2462-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [2463-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [2464-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance | Same, v. 4, Signal officer/ L2465-1J 1887, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [253^-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [2534-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [2535-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [2536-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 4 [2537-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance * Same, v. 4, Signal officer, pt. 1 Same, v. 4, Signal officer, pt. 2 1888, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [2628-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [2629-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt, 4 Same, v. 3, Ordnance ^ Same, v. 4, Signal officer/ [2633-1] 1889, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [2715-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [2716-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [2717-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [2718-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 4 [2719-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance Same, v. 4, Signal officer, pt. 1 [2720-1] Same, v. 4, Signal officer, pt. 2. 1890, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [2831-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [2832-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [2833-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [2834-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 4 [2835-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [2836-1] Same, v. 4, Signal officer [2837-1] [2538-1] [2630-1] [2631-1] * [2632-1] 1206 Classification no. Wl.l: (date) Wl. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports— Continued 1891, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [2921-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [2922-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [2923-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [2924-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 4 [2925-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 5 [2926-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 6 [2927-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [2928-1] Same, v. 4, Signal officer [2929-1] Same, v. 5, Inspector-general [2930-1] 1892, V. 1, Secretary, signal officer, etc. [30V7-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [3078-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [3079-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [3080-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 4 [3081-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers [pt. 5] Atlas 4° [3082-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [3083-1] Same, v. 4, Inspector-general [3084-1] 1893, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [3198-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [3199-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [3200-1] 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [3201-1] 2, Engineers, pt. 4 [3202-1] 2, Engineers, pt. 5 [3203-1] 2, Engineers, pt. 6 [3204-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [3205-1] Same, v. 4, Inspector-general [3206-1] 1894, V. 1, Secretary, inspector-general, etc. [3295-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [3296-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [3297-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [3298-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 4 [3299-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 5 [3300-1] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 6 [3301-1] Same, v. 3, Ordnance * [3302-1] 1895, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [3370-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [3371-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [3372-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [3373-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 4 [3374-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 5 [3375-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 6 [3376-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 7 [3377-2] Same, v. 3, Ordnance [3378-2] 1896, V. 1, Secretary, etc. [3478-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 1 [3479-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 2 [3480-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 3 [3481-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 4 [3482-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 5 [3483-2] Same, v. 2, Engineers, pt. 6 [3484-2] Same, v. Same, v. Same, v. Same, v. Same, v. 3, Ordnance [3485-2] 1207 Classlflcation no. Wl.l: (date) Wl. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports — Continued 1897, [v. 1] Secretary, etc. [3630-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 1 [3631-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 2 [3632-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 3 [3633-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 4 [3634-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 5 [3635-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 6 [3636-2] Same, [v. 3] Ordnance [3637-2] 1898, [v. 1, pt. 1] Secretary, etc. [3744-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 2] Major-general [with supplement 1, containing additional reports] [3745-2 1 [Supplement 2 appears only in bureau edition; see W2.1:898^] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 1 [3746-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 2 [3747-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 3 [3748-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 4 [3749-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 5 [3750-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 6 [3751-2] Same, [v. 3] Ordnance [3752-2] 1899, [v. 1, pt. 1] Secretary and miscellaneous t [3899-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 2] Chiefs of bureaus [3900-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 3] Major-general, pt. 1 [3901-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 4] Major-general, pt. 2 [3902-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 5] Major-general, pt. 3 [3903-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 6] Civil affairs in Cuba and Puerto Rico [3904-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 1 [3905-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 2 [3906-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 3 [3907-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 4 [3908-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 5 [3909-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 6 [3910-2] Same, [v. 3] Ordnance [3911-2] 1900, [v. 1, pt. 1] Secretary and miscellaneous f [4070-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 2] Chiefs of bureaus [4071-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 3] Lieutenant-general, pt. 1 [4072-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 4] Lieutenant-general, pt. 2 [4073-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 5] Lieutenant-general, pt. 3 [4074-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 6] Lieutenant-general, pt. 4 [4075-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 7] Lieutenant-general, pt. 5 [4076-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 8] Lieutenant-general, pt. 6 [4077-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 9] Lieutenant-general, pt. 7 [4078-2] Same [v. 1, pt. 10] Civil affairs in Philippine L'^lands [4070-2] [Report of Philippines Division, which appeared also as v. 2 of MacArthiu-'s report (W21.1:900'').] Same, [v. 1] pt. 11, Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 1, pt. 1 [4080-2] Same, [v. 1] pt. 11, Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 1, pt. 2 [4081-2] Same, [v. 1] pt. 11, Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 1, pt. 3 [4082-2] Same, [v. 1] pt. 11, Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 1, pt. 4 [4083-2] Same, [v. 1] pt. 12, Civil affaii-s in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 1 [4084-2] t A compilation containing the text of the Secretary's reports 1899-1903, with cer- tain of the api)endixes thereto, was issued in 1904 with title, Five years of War Depart- ment followmg War with Spain; see \V1.2:R29. 1208 Classification no. Wl.l: (date) Wl. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports— Continued Same, [v. 1] pt. 12, Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 2 [4085-2] Same, [v. 1] pt. 12, Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 3 [4086-2] Same, [v. 1] pt. 12, Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 4 [4087-2] Same, [v. 1] pt. 13, Civil affairs in Porto Rico [4088-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 1 [4089-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 2 [4090-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 3 [4091-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 4 [4092-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 5 [4093-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 6 [4094-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 7 [4095-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 8 [4096-2] Same, [v. 3] Ordnance [4097-2] 1901, [v. 1, pt. 1] Secretary and miscellaneous f [4269-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 2] Chiefs of bureaus [4270-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 3] Lieutenant-general, pt. 1 [4271-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 4] Lieutenant-general, pt. 2 [4272-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 5] Lieutenant-general, pt. 3 [4273-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 6] Lieutenant-general, pt. 4 [4274-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 7] Lieutenant-general, pt. 5 [4275-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 8, 2d] rej)ort of Philippine Commission, pt. 1. [4276-2] [Ist report not in War Department reports; see W49.1: 900.] Same, [v. 1, pt. 9, 2d] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2 [4277-2] Same, [v. 1, pt. 10] Public laws passed by Philippine Commission [4278-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 1 [4279-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 2 [4280-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 3 [4281-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 4 [4282-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 5 [4283-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, supplement [4284-2] Same, [v. 3] Ordnance [4285-2] 1902, V. 1, Secretary f and bureau chiefs [4443-2] Same, [v. 2] Engineers, pt. 1 [4444-2] Same, [v. 3] Engineers, pt. 2 [4445-2] Same, [v. 4] Engineers, pt. 3 [4446-2] Same, [v. 5] Engineers, pt. 4 [4447 2] Same, [v. 6] Engineers, supplement [4448-2] Same, v. 7, Ordnance [4449-2] Same, v. 8, Miscellaneous [4450-2] Same, v. 9, Lieutenant-general [4451-2] Same, v. 10, pt. 1, [3d] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1 [4452-2] Same, v. 10, pt. 2, [3d] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2 [4453-2] Same, v. 11, Acts of Philippine Commission [4454-2] 1903, V. 1, Secretary, t chief of staff , adjutant-general, inspector-general, and judge-advocate-general [4628-2] t A compilation containing the text of the Secretary's reports 1899-1903, with cer- tain of the appendixes thereto, was issued in 1904 with title. Five years of War Depart- ment following War with Spain; see W1.2:R29. 1209 Classiflcatlun no. Wl.l: (date) Wl. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports — Continued Same, v. 2, Armament, transportation, and supply [4629-2] Same, v. 3, Department and division commanders [4630-2] Same, v. 4, Military schools and colleges. Record and Pension Office, military parks, and soldiers' homes [4631-2] Same, v. 5, [4th] report of Philippine Commission [pt. 1] [4632-2] Same, v. 6, [4th] report of Philippine Commission [pt. 2] [4633-2] Same, v. 7, [4th] report of Philippine Commission [pt. 3], and Insu- lar Affairs Bureau [4034-2] Same, v. 8, Acte of PJiilippine Commission [4635-2] Same, v. 9, Engineers, pt. 1 [4036-2] 'Same, v. 10, Engineers, pt. 2 [4637-2] Same, v. 11, Engineers, pt. 3 [4638-2] Same, v. 12, Engineers, pt. 4 [4639-2] Same, v. 13, Engineers, supplement [4640-2] Same, v. 14, Ordnance [4641-2] 1904, V. 1, Secretary, chief of staff, military secretary, inspector- general, and judge-advocate-general [4781-2] Same, v. 2, Armament, transportation, and supply [4782-2] Same, v. 3, Division and department commanders [4783-2] Same, v. 4, Military schools and colleges, militia affairs, military parks, and soldiers' homes [4784-2] Same, v. 5, Engineers, pt. 1 [4785-2] Same, v. 6, Engineers, pt. 2 [4786-2] • Same, v. 7, Engineers, pt. 3 [4787-2] Same, v. 8, Engineers, pt. 4 [4788-2] Same, v. 9, Engineers, supplement [4789-2] Same, v. 10, Ordnance [4790-2] Same, v. 11, [5th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1 [4791-2] Same, v. 12, [5th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2 [4792-2] Same, v. 13, [5th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 3, and Insu- lar Affairs Bureau [4793-2] Same, v. 14, Acts of Philippine Commission [4794-2] 1905, V. 1, Secretary, chief of staff, military secretary, inspector- general, and judge-advocate-general [4942-2] Same, v. 2, Armament, transportation, and supply [4943-2] Same, v. 3, Division and department commanders [4944-2] Same, v. 4, Military schools and colleges, militia affairs, military parks, and soldiers' homes [4945-2] Same, v. 5, Engineers, pt. 1 [4946-2] Same, v. 6, Engineers, pt. 2 [4947-2] Same, v. 7, Engineers, pt. 3 [4948-2] Same, v. 8, Engineers, supplement [4949-2] Same, v. 9, Ordnance [4950-2] Same, v. 10, Insular Affairs Bureau, and [6th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1 [4951-2] Same, v. 11, [6th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2 [4952-2] Same, v. 12, [6th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 3 [4953-2] Same, v. 13, [6th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 4 [4954-2] Same, v. 14, Acts of Philippine Commission [4955-2] 1906, v. 1, Secretary, chief of staff, military secretary, inspector- general, and judge-advocate-general [5105-2] Same, v. 2, Armament, transportation, and supply [5106-2] Same, v. 3, Division and department commanders [5107-2] 1210 Classification no. Wl.l: (date) Wl.l«: (date) Wl.l«: (CT) Wl. SECRETARY— Continued Annual reports— Continued Same, v. 4, Militia affairs, military schools and colleges, and military parks [5108-2] Same, v. 5, Engineers [report without appendixes] [5109-2] [See, for full report with all appendixes, W7.1^:906^'2.] Same, v. 6, Ordnance [5110-2] Same, v. 7, Insular Affairs Bureau, and [7th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1 [5111-2] Same, v. 8, [7th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2 [5112-2] Same, v. 9, [7th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 3 [5113-2] Same, v. 10, Acts of Philippine Commission [5114-2] 1907, V. 1, Secretary, chief of staff, adjutant-general, inspector-general, and judge-advocate-general [5271-2] Same, v. 2, Armament, transportation, and supply [5272-2] Same, v. 3, Division and department commanders [5273-2] Same, v. 4, Militia, military schools, and military parks [5274-2] Same, v. 5, Engineers [report without appendixes] [5275-2] [See, for full report with all appendixes, W7.1 ^:907 ^■^.] Same, v. 6, Ordnance [5276-2] Same, v. 7, Insular Affairs Bureau, and [8th] report of Philippine Commission, v. 1 [5277-2] Same, v. 8, [8th] report of Philippine Commission, v. 2 [5278-2] Same, v. 9, [8th] report of Philippine Commission, v. 3 [5279-2] Same, v. 10, Acts of Philippine Commission, etc. [5280-2] 1908, V. 1, Secretary, chief of staff, adjutant-general, inspector-general, and judge-advocate-:general [5420-1042] Same, v. 2, Armament, transportation, and supply [5421-1042] Same, v. 3, Division and department commanders [5422-1042] Same, v. 4, Military schools and military parks [5423-1042] Same, v. 5, Engineers [report without appendixes] [5424-1042] [See, for full report with all appendixes, W7.1^:908^"^.] Same, v. 6, Ordnance [5425-1042] Same, v. 7, Insular Affairs Bureau, and [9th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1 [5426-1042] Same, v. 8, [9th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2 [5427-1042] Same, v. 8, [9th] report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2, appendix [5428-1042] Same, v. 9, Acts of Philippine Legislature, etc. [5429-1042] 1909, V. 1, Secretary, chief of staff, adjutant-general, inspector-general, and judge-advocate-general [5716-103] Same, v. 2, Armament, transportation, and supply [5717-103] Same, v. 3, Division and department commanders [5718-103] Same, v. 4, Military Academy and military parks [5719-103] Same, v. 5, Engineers, [report] without appendices [5720-103] [See, for full report with all appendixes, W7.1i:909i-^] Same, v. 6, Ordnance * [5721-103] Same, v. 7, Insular Affairs Bureau, and [10th] report of Philippine Commission * [5722-103] Same, v. 8, Acts of Philippine Legislature, etc. [5723-103] Same, v. 9, Governor of Porto Rico [5724-103] Annual reports (separates; Secretary's report) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) 1211 Clatwlflration no. W1.2: All' All-' All Ami Ap6' Ap62 Ap6,^ Ar5» Ar5- B82 B96 Wl. 8ECRETART— Continued General publications Alaska. Report of expedition to Copper, Tanand, and Koyukuk rivers in Alaska, in 1885; by Henry T. Allen. 1887. [2449-125] > Alaska, 1899, Copper River exploring: expedition, W. R. Abercrombie, commanding?. 1900. [3874-30G] [Appears also, with omissions and with condensation of several renorts, in Compilation of narratives of explorations in Alaska (Y4.M59^:A1 1).] Alaska. Report of military reconnaissance in Alaska, made in 1883; by Frederick Schwatka. 1885. ([48th Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 2J; serial no. 22G1.) Ambulances. Report ,of board of officers to decide upon pattern of ambulance wagon for army use. 1878. [Board convened by Special orders 44, Adjutant-General's Office, Mar. 16, 1875.] Antiquities. Uniform rules and regulations prescribed by Secretaries of Interior, Agriculture, and War, to carry out provisions of act for preservation of American antiquities, approved June 8, 1906. See 1 1.2:An8. Apportionment. Circular [apportionment to States, Territories, and District of Columbia of $1,000,000 provided for under sec. 1661, Revised statutes, as amended, making annual appropriation to provide arms and equipment for militia, for fiscal year 1906]. July 1, 1905. 12" [See, for earlier circulars of this nature, W1.2:M594-^] Same [for fiscal year 1907]. June 25, 1906. * i ,f^^ame [$2,000,000 provided for under sec. 1661, Revised statutes, as ^1,'^ amended, making annual appropriation to provide arms and equipment for militia, for fiscal year 1908]. June 24, 1907. 12° Army of United States, present and proposed organization. [1898.] Army. Compilation of official documents illustrative of organization of Army of United States, 1789-1876, for use of board for re-or- ganization of Army. Sept. 1, 1876. f <* [The word "Appendix" appears at the top of the title-page. It is probable that this compilation was intended to form an appendix to the expected report of the Commission for Reform and Reorganization of Army, which was organized under act approved July 24, 1876, and directed by said act to report by Dec. 1, 1876. The term of service of the commission expired before it was possible for them to reach satisfactory conclusions, and the only report submitted was a very brief statement of their proceedings transmitted to Congress, Jan. 29, 1877, and printed as 44tli Congress, 2d session, Senate executive document 26, serial no. 1719. The commission had collected much valuable material, which was filed in the War Department. The question of reorganization was again taken up by Congress in 1878 and referred to the Joint Committee on Reorganization of Army appointed imder act ap- proved June 18, 1878. The report of this committee was printed as 4oth Con- gress, 3d session, Senate report Soo, pt. 2, serial no. 1837, and included among its accompanying papers the documents which appear in the compilation en- tered imder W1.2:Ar5 ", and others which had been prepared for the 1876 Com- mission for Reform and Reorganization. Certain historical sketches prepared for the commission are entered under the com- piling omces; see Wr>.2:ir62i-3, W7.2:H62, ^^' 10.2:11 62 1.2, and W34.2:Hf.2. There were also certain letters addressed to the commission which, altlioiigh or- dered printed by the commission, Nov. 13, 1876, are classed as publications of the offices from which the letters emanated; see, for example, W5.2:Ar5 «, W18.2:Ar5, W44.2:Ar5 5.] Same [with Proceedings of Commission for Reform and Reorganiza- tion of Army, organized under act approved July 24, 1876]. 1876. f« Brownsville, Tex. Discharge of enlisted men of 25th Infantry, Browns- ville affray, Aug. 13, 14, 1906. 1906. [Appeared also (with additional matter which is entered under Pr26.2:B82) as 59th Congress, 2d session, Senate document 155, pt. 1, serial no. 5078.] Business methods in War Department, report of board [John Tweedale, L. W. Tolman, and Jacob Freeh] appointed in compliance with request of Senate Select Committee to Investigate Methods of Business in Executive Departments. 1889. 1212 Classification no. W1.2: C36 047^ C472 C473 C491 C492 C62 C76^ C762 C91 D63 En3 Eu7 Wl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications — Continued Chaplains. Manual for U. S. army chaplains; prepared by G, W. Simpson, n. p. 1893. 12« Church Claims Board. Proceedings [of] Board on Church Claims [to investigate and report upon Roman Catholic church claims in Philippine Islands], Aug. 1, 1905[-Jan. 15, 1906]. Jan. 15, 1906. Same, reprint with different arrangement. 1908. [Also in Catholic Church claims in Philippine Islands, hearings before Committee on Insular Affairs, Jan. 16-23, 1908 (Y4.In7^:P533, p. 27).] Church Claims Board. Report relative to claim of Mandaloya Orphan Asylum, San Felipe Neri, I^izal, Luzon. 1909. Cincinnati, Centennial Exposition of Ohio Valley and Central States. Catalogue of exhibit of War Department at Centennial Exposi- tion of Ohio Valley and Central States, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 4-Oct. 27, 1888. n. p. [1888]. Same, with title. War Department at Centennial Exposition, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, 1888. Revised [edition], n. p. [1888]. [Correc- tions on p. 39 and 64.] Closson, Henry W. In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1895, Henry W. Closson, appellant, v. George A. Armes, no. 522; brief of appellant. [1895?] Confederate States army. List of staff officers of Confederate States army, 1861-65. 1891. Confederate soldiers and sailors. List showing inscriptions on head- stones for Confederate soldiers and sailors who, while prisoners of war, died at Columbus and Camp Dennison, Ohio, and were buried at Camp Chase Confederate cemetery, those dying at Camp Dennison having been thence removed. 1907. 4" Cuba, Provisional governor of. [On Sept. 14. 1906, the Secretary of War and the assistant Secretary of State were directed by the President to proceed to Cuba to assist in bringing about a peace- ful settlement of the controversies which had given rise to an insurrection in Cuba. They arrived in Havana, Sept. 19, 1906, and on Sept. 29 a provisional government was established under the authority of the United States, the first provisional governor being William H. Taft, Secretary of War, who was suc- ceeded by Charles E. Magoon on Oct. 13, 1906, the date when the Secretary of War and the assistant Secretary of State left Havana. The report of the Secretary of War and the assistant Secretary of State, dated Dec. 11, 1906, appeared in annual reports of War Department, 1906, v. 1 (Wl.l:906 i), and was also issued separately by Insular Affairs Bureau (W6.2:C892). See, for reports of Charles E. Magoon, provisional governor of Cuba, W1.16: On Jan. 28, 1909, the provisional government was terminated and the island was again turned over to the Cubans.] Cuban Pacification, Army of. Annual reports of Army of Cuban Paci- fication. [On Oct. 2, 1906, by General orders 166, the United States military forces for Cuba constituted a separate 'brigade known as the 1st expeditionary brigade. By General orders 175, Oct. 13, 1906, the forces in Cuba constituted the Army of Cuban Pacification. Three reports were made by Thomas H. Barry, commanding the Army of Cuban Pacification. These reports covered the period from Oct. 1906, to Apr. 1, 1909 (when this army was discontinued), and appeared in annual reports of War Department, 1907, v. 3, 1908, v. 3, 1909, v. 3 (Wl.l:907 3, 908 3, 909 3), but were not issued separately.] Cumberland. Legends of operations of Army of the Cumberland. 1869. 4» Discharge. Circular [promulgating opinion of judge-advocate-general. Army, relative to certificate of discharge and effect of muster-out roll and discharge furlough]. Feb. 15, 1901. 12» England. Report on reserve and auxiliary forces of England and mili- tia of Switzerland; prepared, in 1900, by William Cary Sanger. 1903. Europe. Report of George B. McClellan, sent to seat of war in Europe in 1855 and 1856, [on operations in the Crimea, with report on U. S. cavalry, and Regulations for field service of cavalry in time of war, for U. S. Army]. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, printer, 1857. 4° ([35th Cong.] spec. sess. S. ex. doc. 1; serial no. 916.) [Back title reads: Military commission to Europe.] 1213 Classlflratlon no. W1.2: Eu72 Eu7- F77 G28» G282 G95 In2 In2' In23 Iii2* In2^ In7i In72 L62 M46» Wl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Europe. Military commission to Europe in 1855 and 1856, report of Alfred Mordet-iii [with list of books, drawings, etc., obtained in Europe, and Briet description of modern system of small arms by J. Sc-hon, 2d edition, translated by J. Gorgas]. Washington, Georce W. Bowman, printer, 1861. 4» (36th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. [unnumbered].) [This House print does not appear in Congressional set. The Senate print is 36th Congress, 1st session. Senate executive document 60, serial no. 1037.] Europe. Report on art of war in Europe in 1854, 1855, and 1856; by R[ichard] Delafield, from notes and observations made as member of Military Commission to Theater of War in Europe. Washing- ton, George W. Bowman, printer, 1861. 4» (36th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. [unnumbered].) [This House print is not in Con- gressional set. The same matter appears, with larger plates, as a Senate print, 36th Congress, 1st session, Senate executive docu- ment 59, serial no. 1036.] Fort Brown Reservation case. Report to Secretary of War on Fort Brown [Reservation] case; by George W. Davis. 1894. General Staff Corps. Establishment of General Staff Corps in Army; statements by Secretary of War. 1902. Same, Additional information on subject of General Staff; editorial from London post, Dec. 23, 1903. [1904.] Gun factories. Report of Board on Gun Factories and Steel Forgings for High-Power Guns. [Jan.] 1891. ([51st Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 209]; serial no. 2863.) [In some copies the preliminary report of the board, dated Dec. 9, 1890, and printed as 51st Congress, 2d session. Senate executive document 16, serial no. 2818, is bound in preceding this final report.] Indian treaties, and laws and regulations relating to Indian affairs, added, appendix containing proceedings of old Congress and other important state papers. Washington City, Way & Gideon, 1826. [See also 1 20.9 ''^:, I 20.12:, I 20.18:] Indian treaties. Treaties between United States of America and Indian tribes, 1778-1837; with table of contents. Washington, D. C, Langtree and O'Sullivan, 1837. [See also I 20.18:] Same. New edition. 1837. Indians. Report to Secretary of War on Indian affairs, comprising narrative of tour performed in summer of 1820, under commis- sion from President of United States for purpose of ascertaining, for use of Government, actual state of Indian tribes in our country; by Jedidiah Morse. New-Haven, published by Davis & Force, Washington, D. C, Howe & Spalding, New-Haven [etc., etc.] printed by S. Converse, 1822. [Investigations made under commission from the President bearing date, ¥eh. 7, 1820. Report submitted to House of Ilepresentatives in accordance with resolution introduced Jan. 21, 1822, and agreed to Jan. 22, 1822. Permission granted to Morse by resolution of House, Mar. 5, 1822, to withdraw the report and its accompiinying dcx'uments in order to complete and pul)lish it. A fuller note as to this publication appeared in Monthly catalogue, United States public documents, Nov. 1909, p. 185 (GP3.8»:910i).] Index of War Department circulars and orders, 1894-97. 1898. 12° (War Dept. doc. 65.) [See, for subject indexes to general orders 1809-60, 1861-80, W3.2:G28''-, and for subject index to general orders and circulars 1881-1900, W3.2:G28^.] Instruction. Camps of instruction, 1906, reports of officers of Army. 1907. Same, 1908. 1909. (War Dept. doc. 344.) Lieutenants. List of persons designated by President for appointment as lieutenants in regular Army. [1901.] 12« Medals of honor issued by War Department up to and including Oct. 31, 1897, with laws, orders, and regulations relative to medal, ribbon to be worn with medal, and knot to be worn in lieu of medal. 1897. 4° 1214 Classiflcation no. W1.2: M462 M463 M591 M592 M593 ■^''•"'^ -'M59* M59' niv...M59« M597 M598 N16 N92 Of2 PI91 PI92 P31 P38 P531 P532 P533 Wl . SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Same up to and including Sept. 1, 1904. 1904. 4° See, for later issues, W3.2:M46^^. Medals. [Description of design of medal of honor and correspondence pertaining to its adoption.] June 14, 1905. Military education. Report on national military education, with plan of system for United States based on existing educational agencies; [by J. H. Whittlesey]. 1867. V2P Military policy of United States, by Emory Upton; [edited by Joseph P. Sanger, with William D. Beach and Charles D, Rhodes]. [1st edition.] 1904. {General Upton died in 1881. His report, which was nearly finished, though not revised, was filed in the War Department, where it remained unpublished until 1904.] Same. 2d [edition]. 1907. (War Dept. doc. 290.) Militia. Circular [promulgating act of Feb. 12, 1887, to amend sec. 1661, Revised statutes, making annual appropriation to pro- vide arms and equipments for militia, and regulations there- under], July 1, 1896. 12« Militia. Circular [acts amending sec. 1661, Revised statutes, making annual appropriation to provide arms and equipments for militia, with regulations respecting distribution of same]. Jan. 15, 1901. 12* Same. Aug. 27, 1901. 120 Same. July 1, 1902. 12^^ [See, for later circulars of this nature, W1.2:Ap6i-3.] Militia. Circular [accomj)anied by blank form, Physical examination of applicant for enlistment in National Guard, and Instructions for guidance of medical officers in physical examination of appli- cants]. Feb. 8, 1904. 12° Narragansett Bay. ^ Historical sketch of fortification defenses of Narra- ganset Bay, since founding, 1638, of Colony of Rhode Island; by George W. CuUum. 1884. Nunc pro tunc procedure. Circular [promulgating opinion of judge- advocate-general, Army, relative to nunc pro tunc procedure on part of War Department, and to dates of discharge of volunteer officers and enlisted men absent from their commands when these are mustered out of service]. Sept. 20, 1900. 12'' Officers. Memorandum for Military Committee [concerning number of officers of regular Army now in service and number provided for in pending bill]. [1900.] 12° Panama. [Agreement between United States and Republic of Panama relative to Canal Zone.] Dec. 3, 1904. 12« Panama. Report of Secretary of War on labor issues in Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. May 2, 1907. Peace establishment. Organization of military peace establishment, in conformity to provisions of act passed Mar. 3, 1815. Washington City, Gales & Sea ton, printers, 1815. 16° [Contains Army reg- ister of May 17, 1815 (W3.11:8152).] Pension laws of United States, including resolutions of Congress, 1776- 1833, with appendix; compiled by Robert Mayo. City of Wash- ington, Globe Office, 1833. [See, for later compilations, 124.7:] Philippine Islands. War Department telegram to Philippine Commis- sion, Aug. 17, 1900 [in regard to general condition of PhiliDpine Islands, and reply of commission thereto]. [1900.] 12® Philippine Islands. Address delivered by William H. Taft before Har- vard College Alumni Association, June 28, ] 904 [relative to policy of United States in Philippine Islands]. 1904. Philippine railways. [Modification of invitiition for proposals or bids for concessionary contracts or grants with and by Philippine gov-' emment in aid of construction, equipment, maintenance, and operation of railways in Philippine Islands.] [Dec. 22, 1905.] [See, for original invitation, W6.2:P53^2 ] 1215 CUssiflratlon no. W1.2: P53* P53* P53« P537 P61 P84 R24» R242 R243 R24* R24'^ R24« R28 R29 Wl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Philippine Islands. [Letter answering charge that official poeitions in public school service in Philippine iHlands have been used by Protestants for proselyting purposes.] July 10, 1902. Philippine Islands. Special report of Wm. II. Taft to President on the Philippines [witn appendix A, Negotiations for settlement of title to certain lands in Philippine Islands claimed by Philippine government and by Roman Catholic Church, and m matter of charter of Spanish-Filipino BankJ. 1908. [5240-200] [Appen- dix A was also issued separately and is classed under W1.2":] Same [without appendix A, and with Address of Wm. H. Taft at inauguration of Philippine Assembly, Oct. 16, 1907J. 1908. Same [without appendixes]. 1908. Pierce, Henry Hubbard. Report of expedition from Fort Colville to Paget Sound, Washington Territory, by way of Lake Chelan and Skagit River, during Aug. and Sept. 1882; by Henry H. Pierce. 1883. Potomac, Army of the. Letter of Secretary of War transmitting report on organization of Army of the Potomac, and its campaigns in Virginia and Maryland, under command of George B. McClellan, July 20, 1861-Nov. 7, 1862. 1864. ([38th Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 15J; serial no. 1187.) [This report, slightly rearranged and with certain additions, was also printed in New York by Sheldon & Company, publishers, 1864, with the following title: Report on organization and campaigns of Array of the Potomac, to which is adaed account of campaign in western Virginia, with plans of battle-fields; by George B. McClellan. A prefatory note by General McClellan, dated Feb. 22, 1864, states, "When the report which is given in this volimie was prepared and sent to the Adjutant-General, it was impossible to include in it the particulars of the campaign in western Virginia, for the reason that important papers relating to it had not come to my hands. * * * in order to complete the history of the campaigns in which I have been engaged, it has seemed proper to prefix to the official report a simple narrative of the campaign in western y'lrginia."] Records. List of records and files of War Department arranged by offices and divisions, with names of clerks in each division, also statement of subject-matter recorded and filed, and date of com- mencement and termination of each series of records. 1890. Records. Circular [promulgating opinion of Judge-Advocate-General, Army, relative to muster-in rolls as public records, nunc pro tunc musters, and status of volunteer officers commissioned but not mustered in until a date subsequent to date of commission]. Mar. 18, 1901. 12« [See also W1.2:V88.] Records. Circular [promulgating opinion of judge-advocate-general. Army, relative to what constitutes a public record, inviolability of records of War Department, and difference between records of disbanded and existing military organizations]. May 3, 1901. 12° Records. Circular [promulgating opinion of judge-advocate-general, Army, relative to powers of Secretary of W^ar, definition of term "military questions," and furnishing of copies of records by W^ar Department to other Departments]. Nov. 2, 1901. 12*' Record Division. List of subjects. War Department, Record Division, n. d. 12° Records. System of record and correspondence in effect July 1, 1894. [1894.] narrow 12° SeCy for rules, regulations, and instructions concerning records, W1.12: and W3.28: Remuster law. Circular [promulgating communication from Record and Pension Office and opinion of judge-advocate-general, Army, relative to those entitled to benefits of remuster law, act of Feb. 24, 1897]. Oct. 31, 1901. 12° Reports. Five years of War Department following War with Spain, 1899-1903, as sho^n in annual reports of Secretary of War. [Jan. 1,1904.] large 8° [Back title reads: Annual reports of Secretary of War, 1899-1903. Contains selected portions.] 1216 Classification no. W1.2: 11441 R442 R58 Sa2 Sh5i Sh52 Sh53 T23 T25 T75 V64 V88 Y3 Y9 Wl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications— Continued Rifle practice. Report [of committee of National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice] on feasibility and advisability of some policy to inaugurate system of rifle practice throughout public schools of country; by George W. Wingate and Ammon B. Critchfield. 1907. Same. 1907 [reprint 1909]. Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de. General orders 2 [for organization, movement, and dismissal of troops participating in ceremonies attending unveiling of statue of Marshal Rochambeau in Washington, D. C, May 24, 1902]. May_ 22, 1902. _ 12° [Issued from Headquarters Military Cere- monies Attending Unveiling of Statue of Marshal Rochambeau. No. 2 is the only one in the Public Documents Library.] St. Louis Merchants' Bridge. In matter of forfeiture of St. Louis Merchants' Bridge to United States [decision of Secretary]. June 5, 1905. Sheridan, Philip Henry. Reports of inspection made in summer of 1877 by P. H. Sheridan and W. T. Sherman of country north of Union Pacific Raiboad. 1878. Sheridan, Philip Henry. Report of exploration of parts of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana, in Aug. and Sept. 1882, made by P. H. Sheridan, with itinerary of Jas. F. Gregory, and geological and botanical report by W. H. Forwood. 1882. Sheridan, Philip Henry. Report of P. H. Sheridan, dated Sept. 20, 1881, of expedition through Big Horn Mountains, Yellowstone National Park, etc., with reports of J. F. Gregory, W. H, For- wood, and S. C. Kellogg. 1882. Smith, William Farrar. Report of board of army ofiicers [John R. Brooke, George L. Gillespie, and M. V. Sheridan] upon claim of William Farrar Smith that he, and not General Rosecrans, originated plan for relief of Chattanooga in Oct. 1863. 1901. Telegraphic code to insure secrecy in transmission of telegrams, revised and adapted for special use from publication of Robert Slater; by J. F. Gregory. 1885 [published] 1886. 16« Tennessee railroads. Copies of documents and papers relating to certain Tennessee railroads; submitted by Secretary of War in response to Senate resolution of Dec. 11, 1895. 1896. Troops. Memorandum of provisions to be made at various military posts in United States for accommodation of troops returning from Philippine Islands and from Cuba. July 4, 1902. 12<* Veterinary supply-table. Report of Board on Cavalry Equipments [W. B. Royall, Guy V. Henry, Chas. Bendire, and J. H. Dorst] on veterinary supply- table for Army. [1884.] Volunteers. Circular [promulgating opinion of judge-advocate- general. Army, relative to acceptance by United States of volunteer troops of Civil War and of War with Spain and to necessity of muster-in by United States in addition to receipt of commission from State in case of officers subsequently ap- pointed to another grade]. Mar. 25, 1901. 12° [See also \Y1:2: R242.] Yellowstone National Park. Report of officer in charge of construc- tion and maintenance of roads, etc., in Yellowstone National Park, to Secretary of War. 1896. [No other reports of this kind were made to the Secretary of War. Sec, for Yellowstone National Park, Annual reports, I 1.37:] Yukon River country. Report of Secretary of War of his action under act authorizing Secretary of War, in his discretion, to purchase subsistence stores, supplies, and materials for relief of people in Yukon River country, to provide means for their transporta- tion and distribution, aL,d making appropriation therefor, Feb. 20, 1899. 1899. ([55th Cong. 3d sess. H. doc. 244]; serial no. 3812.) 1217 Classlflcatton no. W1.2«: ((T) W1.3: (no6.) W1.4: (date and no8.) W1.5: (v. nos.) W1.6: (date) Wl. SECRETARY— Continued General publications (Heparatee) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [It is believed that the numbered circulars Issued from the office of the Secretary are usually confidential. The Public Documents Library has but four; no. 13 of isya, nos. 5 and 6 of 1895, and no. S of 1901. See also the lettered series of orders and circulars, W1.14:] V. 1, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 Army regulations y official gazette 4° ], no. 14 V. 1 no. 27 no. 15 no. 28 no. 16 no. 29 no. 17 no. 30 no. 18 no. 31 no. 19 no. 32 no. 20 no. 33 no. 21 no. 34 no. 22 no. 35 no. 23 no. 36 no. 24 no. 37 no. 25 no. 38 no. 26 no. 39 ►ns various sizes V. 1. no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 [There have been regulations for the Anny since before the adoption of the Constitu- tion. The earliest printed regulations are not in the I'ublic Documents Ivibrary but much valuable information about them is found in the work by G. Norman Liel)er entitled, Remarks on Army regulations (W10.2:.\ro i>2). Lieber regards the volume printed in 1813 as the first of the set. However, as several earlier volumes were printed, entries are made for them here with such information as lations, W3.13:] 1808 1812 See, for Compendium of General orders amending Army regu- [Printed in Washington by Dinsmore and Cooper.] 1813, May 1 * [Also in American state papers, class 5, Military affairs, V. 1, p. 425; see serial no. 016.] 1814 * 1816 * 1817 * 1820 * 1821 * 1825 Washington, printed by Davis & Force 1835 * [RcAnsed by Gen. Macomb and known as the "Macomb regulations."] 1836, Dec. 31 * 1841 Washington, J. and G. S. Gideon, printers 1847 Washington, printed by J. and G. S. Gideon See, for general regulations accompanving regulations for Quarter- master's Department, 1855, W39.91-855. 1857 New York, Harper & Brothers 1861 New York, Harper & Brothers Same, revised. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. Same, revised. Philadelphia, George W. Childs [Printed in 1862.] Same, with appendix containing changes to June 25, 1863 1873 See 42d Congress, 3d session, House report 85, serial no. 1576. 1881 Same, abridged 1889 1895 Same, with appendix, separately indexed, showing changes to Jan. 1, 1899 ([War Dept. doc. 92.]) [A leaf with amended list of paragraphs referred to in the appendix was issued to replace p. 359.] 82452°— 11- -77 1218 Classification no. W1.6: (date) Wl.6«: (date) W1.6«: (CT) W1.7: C89^ C892 C893 C89* C89^ P19 P53» P532 P831 P832 825 838 846 Wl. SECRETARY— Continued Army regulations— Continued See, for Memorandum, Army regulations, 1895, amended, modified, etc., by General orders and Circulars, Adjutant-General's Office, to Dec. 31, 1899, W3.19:Ar52. Same, with apps. 1 and 2, separately indexed, showing changes to Jan. 1, 1900 Same, with apps. 1 and 2, separately indexed, and app. 3, showing changes to Oct. 1, 1900 Same, with appendix, separately indexed, showing changes to Jan. 1, 1901 1901 Same, with appendix, separately indexed, showing changes to June 30, 1902 Same, with appendix, separately indexed, showing changes to Dec. 31, 1902 (War Dept. doc. 198.) 1904 (War Dept. doc. 230.) Same, with amendments to Dec. 31, 1905 (War Dept. doc. 230.) 1908 (War Dept. doc. 317.) Army regulations (separates; appendixes and amendments) (The date of the edition of Anny regulations changed by the appendix or amendment is used for book number.] Army regulations (separates; miscellaneous) Customs tariffs and regulations Cuba. Customs tariff and regulations for ports in Cuba in possession of United States. [1st edition.] 1898. Same, amended. 1898. Same. 2d edition. 1899. Cuba. Customs tariff for ports in island of Cuba. 1900. Cuba. Customs regulations for ports in island of Cuba. 1901. Panama Canal Zone. [Executive order, issued by War Department, relating to establishment and administration of customs service in Canal Zone of Isthmus of Panama.] Dec. 28, 1904. 12» Philippine Islands. Customs tariff and regulations for Philippine Islands. 1898. Same, with tariff circulars modifying same to Nov. 29, 1899. 1899. See, for later tariffs for Philippine Islands, W6.ll: Porto Rico. Customs tariff and regulations for ports in Porto Rico in possession of United States. 1898. Same, amended. 1899. Laws (general) See, for General orders embracing laws affecting Army issued from Adjutant General's Office, W3.8: See, for title-pages and indexes to Acts of Congress relating to War Department, W1.8-:W19^2. Military laws of United States, to which is prefixed Constitution of United States; compiled by Trueman Cross. [1st edition.] Washington, Edward De Krafft, printer, 1825. Same, including those relating to Marine Corps, to which is pre- fixed Constitution of United States; compiled by Trueman Cross. 2d edition. Washington City, published by George Templeman, 1838. Same, including those relating to Army, Marine Corps, volunteers, militia, and to bounty lands and pensions, to which is prefixed Rules and articles of war, and Constitution of United States; [compiled by] A. R. Hetzel. 3d edition. Washington City, published by George Templeman, 1846. 1219 ClaMNlftrattun no. W1.8': 858 863 865 868 897 » 8972 898 > 8982 901 904 907 Ac2 W19 W192 W1.9: (date) Wl. SKCKETARY— Continued I.»aws (general) — Continued Military laws of United States relating to Army, Marine Corps, volun- teers, militia, and to bounty lands and pensions, from founda- tion of Government to 1858; by John F. Callan. [1st edition.] Baltimore, published by John Murphy & Co., 1858. [This 1858 edition, compiled by John F. Callan, clerk to Military Affairs Committee, Senate, was purchased by the War Depart- ment.] Same, relating to Army, volunteers, militia, and to bounty lands and pensions, from foundation of Government to 1863, to which are prefixed Constitution of United States, with index thereto, and synopsis of military legislation of Congress during Revolu- tionary War; by John F. Callan. [2d edition.] Philadelphia, George W. Childs, 1863. Military laws of United States affecting regular Army; compiled by R. N . Scott. Washington, Adjutant General's Office, 1865. 12« Statutes relating to Army of United States, as revised, simplified, arranged, and consolidated by commission appointed for that purpose, from various acta of Congress now in force, in whole or in part. 1868. large 8** Military laws of United States; prepared by George B. Davie. 1897. (War Dept. doc. [22, erroneously printed as] 64.) Same. 1897 [reprint 1898]. (War Dept. doc. [22, erroneously printed as] 64.) * [This is what is known as the 2d edition.] Same, Appendix containing legislation affecting military establish- ment enacted subsequent to Mar. 4, 1897, and including May 18, 1898. 1898. Same. 3d edition. 1898. (War Dept. doc. [22, erroneously printed as] 64.) Same. 4th edition. 1901. [4197-545] [Ha« no War Depart- ment document number.] Same, Supplement to 4th edition, showing changes to June 1, 1904, with appendices, by John Biddle Porter. 1904. (War Dept. doc. 233.) Same, 4th edition, by George B, Davis; with Supplement showing changes to Mar. 4, 1907, and appendices, bv John Biddle Porter. 1908. (War Dept. doc. 311.) Laws (miscellaneous) Accounts. Compilation of laws relating to accounts due deceased officers and enlisted men of Army, claims of Confederate sol- diers for horses, side arms, and baggage alleged to have been taken from them by Federal troops at and after surrender at Appomattox in violation of terms of surrender, cotton tax, and Inclian depredations committed in Texas. 1909. War Department. Acts of Congress relating to War Department passed during 57th Congress, 2d session [title-page ana index]. 1903. [The compilation to which this is an index was made for reference use in War Department and was not issued aa a public document.] War Department. Public acts and resolutions relating to War Depart- ment passed during 59th (/ongress, 2d session [title-page and index]. 1907. [The compilation to which this is an index was made for reference use in War Department and was not issued as a public document.] Iiist of newspapers designated to publish advertise- ments of War Department See, for Regulations of War Department relative to newspaper adver- tising and job printing, W1.12:Ad9^'^. 1876, Jan. 1 1879, Mar. 15 1889, July 1 1220 Classification no. Wl.lO: (date) Wl. SECRETARY— Continued Wl.ll: (date) W1.12: Ad9» Ad92 Ar7 B27 B761 B762 B763 C43 Register of War Department See, for Army register, W3.ll: [None issued.] 18981 1899 [ 1900j 1901, Jan. 1 1902] 1903 [ [None issued.] 1904] 1905, Jan. 1 19061 nvT • J 1 19071 [None issued.] 1908, Jan. 1 1909, Jan. 1 1885, Jan. 1 1886, Jan. 1 1887, Jan. 1 1888 [None issued.] 1889, Jan. 1 1890, Jan. 1 1891 [None issued.] 1892, Jan. 1 1893, Mar. 16 1894, Jan. 1 1895, Jan. 1 1896, Jan. 1 1897, May 31 Officers of Army, their families, and families of deceased officers, residing in or near District of Columbia large 8« and 8« Residences of oflficers of U. S. Army in District of Columbia 1895, Nov. 20 1900, Nov. 10 1896, Nov. 16 1901, Jan. 10 1897, Feb. 15 4° Same, Nov. 22 Same, Nov. 1902, Nov. 10 1898 [None issued.] 1903, Nov. 20 1899, Nov. 18 1904, Nov. 10 Officers of Army, their families, and families of deceased officers, resid- ing in or near District of Columbia 1905, Nov. 10 1908, Jan. 1 1906, Jan. 1 Same, Nov. 16 Same, Nov. 15 1909, Jan. 1 1907, Jan. 1 Same, Nov. 15 Rules, regulations, orders, and instructions (miscel- laneous) See, for lettered orders, W1.14: Advertising, Revised regulations of War Department relative to news- paper advertising and job printing, Jan. 1, 1877, 1877. Advertising, Regulations of War Department relative to newspaper advertising and job printing, Jan. 1, 1878, 1878. See, for lists of newspapers designated to publish advertisements of War Department, W1.9: Articles of war governing armies of United States, 1880. 12* [From Revised statutes, 1878, p. 229.] Barracks. Regulations concerning barracks and quarters for Army, 1860. Washington, George W. Bowman, printer, 1861, 4® [The volume in the Public Documents Library has pasted in the front a copy of a letter of July 9, 1866, from assistant Adjutant-General E. I). Townsend saying, "The Secretary of War has never adopted this as a regulation, or authorized the distribution of it, A copy is sent herewith, but not for offlcial use."] Bridges. Rule to be observed when application is made for approval by Secretary of War of plans for bridge, right of way, or other privilege, July 31, 1886. 12« Bridges, Rule to be observed by parties making application, under provisions of sec. 9 of act approved July 13, 1892, for approval by Secretary of War of plans for bridge. Dec. 17, 1898, 12« Same, under provisions of sec. 9 of act approved Mar. 3, 1899, for approval by Secretary of War of plans for bridge. July 1, 1899, 12« Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park. Orders [rela- tive to dedication of Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, Sept. 19, 20, 1895]. Aug, 26, 1895. 4» 1221 ClAMlfleatlon no. W1.12: C89 Ef4» Ef42 H81 M34 M75 M97 Ou8 P53> P532 P83 P92 R24' R242 T68 T75 W1.13: (nos.) Wl. SECRETARY— Continued Rules, regulations, orders, and instructions (miscel- laneous) — Continued Cuba. Rulefl and instructions to carry into effect Executive orders relating to military government in Cuba. [May 11, 1899.] Efficiency records. Rules to be observed in keeping efficiency records and making reports of efficiency of persons in classified service in War Department. Mar. 2, 1892. 12° * Same [with footnote]. Mar. 2, 1892, reprint Dec. 15, 1896. 12*' Hours of labor. [Order requiring of all clerks and other employes not less than 7 hours of labor each day, except Sundays and legal holidays.] Dec. 27, 1895. 12« Marksmanship. [Regulation prescribed for tests for national trophy and medals and other prizes for marksmanship.] Mar. 31, 1903. 16° Monroe, Fort. Revised rules and regulations approved by Secretary of War, Feb. 6, 1897, to govern collection and expenditure of special contingent funds for care and maintenance of public works at Fort Monroe, Va. [Feb. 6, 1897.] 16° [See, for later edition, Wl. 14:905^.] Muster rolls. [Rules relative to furnishing statements or extracts from muster rolls and other records in Record and Pension Office of War Department.] Feb. 23, 1897. 12° Outpost and patrol duty. Instructions for officers and non-commis- sioned officers on outpost and patrol duty and troops in campaign. 1863. 12° Philippine Archipelago. Rules and instructions to carry into effect Executive orders relating to military government in Philippine Archipelago and Guam, during maintenance of such military government. [May 11, 1899.] Philippine Islands. Instructions of Secretary of War [Elihu Root] to Governor William H. Taft in matter of purchase of friar lands in Philippines. May 9, 1902. Porto Rico. Rules and instructions to carry into effect Executive orders relating to military government in Porto Rico, during maintenance of such military government. [May 11, 1899.] President's receptions. [Notice of dates of President's receptions,] Dec. 22, 1903. 12° Records, Instructions for keeping records and transacting clerical business of War Department, [1st edition.] 1870, 16° Same, [2d edition.] 1880, 12° Transport service. Regulations for Army Transport Service. [Nov. 16, 1898.] Troops in campaign, regulations for Army of United States. 1892. 32° Tariff circulars 12° (Nos, 1-31 were printed in 1898; 32-114, in 1899; 115-118, in 1900; 119-121, in 1901.J 1 16 31 46 61 2 17 32 47 62 3 18 33 48 63 4 19 34 49 64 5 20 35 50 65 6 21 36 51 66 7 22 37 52 67 8 23 38 53 68 9 24 39 54 69 10 25 40 55 70 11 26 41 56 71 12 27 42 57 72 13 28 43 58 73 14 29 44 59 74 15 30 45 60 75 1222 Classification no. Wl L. SECRETARY- -Continued W1.13: Tariff circulars— Continued (no8.) 76 86 96 106 116 77 87 97 107 117 78 88 98 108 118 79 89 99 109 119 80 90 100 110 120 81 91 101 111 121 82 92 102 112 83 93 103 113 84 94 104 114 85 95 105 115 [Discontinued.] W1.14:: Orders and circulars (lettered) 1^ )0 (date See, for numbered circulars, W1.4:, an d for miscellaneous orders. and W1.12: letters) 1896 [A] Jan . 12 1899, F 1902 ,P 1905, C B G Q DJ C H R E D I * S F 1897, A * J T G B * K U H * C * L V I D * M w J E N 1903 , A K F B L Gt P M Ht 1900, A D N * I t B E J t F P Kt D G Q L E H Ri Mt F I R2 1898, A G J S B H K T C I L U D J M V E 1901, A N w F B X G C P 1906, A H D Q B I E R C * J F S D K G T E L H U F M I V G N 1902, A 1904 , A H B B I P C C J Q D D K R E E L s P F M T G G * N U H H * V I I Pt W J J * 1907, A * 1899, A K K B B L L * C C M M D D N 1905 A E E * B F fG-K and M of 1897 are also designated as Circulars 1-6, respectively. XSee, for earlier edition of Orders D of 1905, W1.12:M75, and for later editions, W1.14:906P and 908^*. 1223 ClassIflcAtlon no. W1.14: (date and letters) W1.15: 893 W1.15«: (nos.) W1.16: (date) Wl. SECRETARY— Continued Orders and circulars (lettered) — Continued 1907, G U I J ♦ K L M N O P 1908, A Abt Ac B C D E 1908, F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V 1908, W 1909,0 X P Y Q 1909, A R B S C T D U E V F w G X H Y I Z J Za K Zb L M N International Congress of Engineers, Chicago, 1893 Operations of division of military engineering of International Con- gress of Engineers, held in (Jhicago, Aug. [1893] under auspices of the world's congress auxiliary of the Columbian Exposition. 1894. [3165-119] [This report was prepared by the officer designated by the War Department as chairman of the division of military engineering of the International Congress of Engineers, and was published by the War Department, See, for publications of other international congresses, certain classes under S5.] International Congress of Engineers, Cliicago, 1893 (separates) Cuba, Provisional Governor, Annual reports See also notes beginning "Cuba" and "Cuban" under W1.2: 1907, year ended Oct. 31 [5239-155] 1908, Dec. 1, 1907-Dec. 1, 1908 [5557-1457] Congressional edition omits appendixes 1-9, reports of subordmate officers.] Same, supplemental, Dec. 1, 1908-Jan. 28, 1909 [5572-80] [No edition without Congressional document number.] W2. STAFF CORPS, GENERAL [This class includes the publications of the general officers commanding the Army. From 1812 to the period of the Civil War the commanding officer was a major-general. As a result of the Civil War the grades of lieutenant-general and general were re\'ived for Generals Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan, lapsing with the death of General Sheridan in 1888. From 1888 to 1899, the rank of the com- manding officer was again that of major-general until the grade of lieutenant-general was revived in 1900. By act approved Feb. 14, 1903, effective Aug. 15, 1903 (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 831), a General Staff Corps was established, with a chief of staff, who, "under the direction of the President or of the Secretary of War ♦ * * shall have super\ision of all troops of the line and of the Adjutant-General's, Inspector- Greneral's, Judge-Advocate's, Quartermaster's, Subsistence, Medical, Pay, and Ordnance departments, the Corps of Engineers, and the Signal Corps, and shall perform such other military duties not other- wise assigned by law as may be assigned to nun by the President."] W2.1: i Annual rei)orts (date) ["Department edition" is used below to designate those prints of the reports in which "Annual reports of War Department" appears in the most prominent position on the title-page, with "iteport of lieutenant-general" in a subordi- nate position: all such are classed under Wl.l: "Bureau edition" is used to designate those in which "Annual report of lieuten- ant-general" occupies the most prominent place; these are classed imder W2.1: or W2.1o: See also note under W2.1o:] Major-general commanding 1826-63 (except 1848, 1859-61, none issued), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), but not issued separately. iSee second footnote on p. 1222. 1224 Classification no. W2.1: (date) W2.1«: (date) W2.2: Ar5 C63 C76 E121 E122 En3 F45 In2 M27 Or3 W2. STAFF CORPS, GENERAL— Continued Annual reports— Continued Lieutenant-general 1864 and 1865, in 1 report, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l :), and issued separately also. General commanding Army 1866-83, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1876-83, issued separately also. Lieutenant-general 1884-87, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued sepa- rately also. Major-general commanding 1888-99, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), forming separate volumes of those reports for 1898 and 1899, and also issued in full in bureau edition. For 1898, 2 supplements containing addi- tional reports were issued; of these, supplement 1 was issued separately in bureau edition but was bound at the end of the report proper in both Department and Congressional editions, whereas supplement 2 was issued separately only. Lieutenant-general 1900-02, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), forming one or more separate volumes of those reports, and also issued in bureau edition without accompanying papers. Chief of staff 1903-09, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued sepa- rately also. Annual reports (separates; report without accompanying papers, except 1900-09) [Class here the reports without accompanying papers up to and including that for 1898; during those years the full report with accompanying papers appeared both in Department edition (Wl.l:) and in bureau edition (W2.1:). None issued 1899. For 1900-09, the only Ijureau edition of the report is that without accompanying papers, which is therefore classed under W2.1:] General publications Army reorganization, letter of [Nelson A.] Miles to Secretary of War, submitting draft of proposed bill for reorganization of Army, with accompanying papers. [Nov. 15, 1900.] Coast defense. Our coast defenses, general staff report" by W. H. Car- ter, 1903. 1903. Conventional signs. United States army surveys. 1904. oblong 8* (War Dept. doc. 238.) Electrical machinery. Handbook for use of electricians in operation and care of electrical machinery and apparatus of U. S. seacoast defenses. [1st edition.] 1902. . Same. 2d edition. 1904. (War Dept. doc. 174.) Engineer and Signal Corps troops. Memoranda relating to organization, equipment, instruction, etc., of Engineer and Signal Corps troops. 1904. 12« Field orders, messages, and reports; by Eben Swift. 1906. small 4° (War Dept. doc. 278.) [Text identical with W28.2: Or2.] Indian lands. Information in detail on which recommendations relat- ing to Indian lands were made by [Philip Henry] Sheridan in his annual report [for 1885]. n. p. n. d. Maguindanao tongue. Grammar of Maguindanao tongue, according to manner of speaking it in interior and on south coast of Mindanao; translated from Spanish of J. Jaunmarti, by C. C. Smith. 1906. 12° (War Dept. doc. 270.) Organization. General Staff Corps, laws, regulations, orders, and memoranda now in force relating to organization and duties of General Staff Corps and Army War College. Feb. 1, 1909. 1225 Classt Oration no. W2.2: 1131 Su7» Su72 W2.3: (no8.) W2.4: (nos.) W2.5I (date) W2.6! Ar5i Ar52 Ar7c» Ar7c2 Ar7f» Ar7f2 Ar7f3 Ar?^ Ar7f« Ar7m» Ar7m2 B34 C31 W2. STAFF CORPS, GENERAL— Continued General publications— Continued Retiring boards. Circular for information and guidance of retiring boards. Feb. 27, lUO-i. 12« Survey. Manual for boards of siurvey; prepared by Charles Gebhardt [Gerhardt]. [1st edition.] 1900. 12« Same; prepared by Charles Gerhardt. [2d edition.] 1903. 12«> (War Dept. doc. 195.) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Memoranda 12" 1904, Feb. 2 Same, June 16 1905, June 28 1906, Jan. 26 Same, Aug. 15 1907, May 10 Same, May 24 Same, Aug. 15 1908, Jan. 6 Same, June 27 [Announces organization and distribution of busi- ness of War Department General Staff.] Same, June 27 [Assigns officers to constitute War Department Gen- eral Staff.] 1909, Nov. 1 Regulations and Instructions See also W3.16: and W3.28: Army Transport Service. United States Army Transport Service regu- lations, 1905. [1905.] (War Dept. doc. 250.) [See, for earlier edition, W1.12:T68.] Same, 1908. 1908. (War Dept. doc. 308.) Artillery, Coast. Drill regulations for coast artillery, provisional. 1906. small 4° (War Dept. doc. 267.) [See, for earlier regulations, W3.16:Ar7ci-9.] Artillery, Coast. Coast artillery drill regulations, 1909. 1909. (War Dept. doc. 343.) Artillery, Field . Drill regulations for field artillery, jDrovisional. 1905. small 4** (War Dept. doc. 254.) [See, for earlier publications of this nature, W3.16:Ar7f ^-^] Same, additions [pt. 4 continued, pts. 5, 6]. 1906. small 4° (War Dept. doc. 254.) Ceremonies. 1907. small 4*' (War Dept. Same, additions, pt. 7, doc. 254.) Same. 1907. small 4° Same. 1908. small 4° [Includes pts. 1-7.] (War Dept. doc ; 301.) (War Dept. doc. 323.) Artillery, Mountain. Drill regulations for mountain artillery, provi- sional, 1906. 1906. 24« (War Dept. doc. 285.) Same, provisional, 1908. 1908. small 4« (War Dept. doc. 328.) Bayonet exercise. Manual of bayonet exercises, Army, provisional, 1907. 1907. small 4« (War Dept. doc. 287.) [See also WSM: B34^2.] Cavalry. Drill regulations for cavalry [amended to 1909]. 1909. small 4° (War Dept. doc. 340.) [See, for earlier regulations, W3.16:C31i-'^] 1226 Classiflcation no. W2.6: F451 F452 F51si F518 2 F518 3 G99 In3i In32 In33 M18i M31 M66^ M662 M663 Sail Sal 2 T63 W2.7: (date) W2.8: (date) 1908. small 4» (War Dept. W2. STAFF CORPS, GENERALr— Continued Regulations and instructions— Continued Field service regulations, Army. 1905. small 4" (War Dept. doc. 241.) Same, 1905, with amendments to 1908. doc. 316.) Firing, Small arms. Small-arms firing regulations for Army and organ- ized militia. 1906. 24« (War Dept. doc. 261.) [iSee, for earlier regulations, W3.16:F51si-3.] Same, amended to Apr. 20, 1908. 1908. small 4» (War Dept. doc. 322.) Firing, Small arms. Provisional small arms firing manual for Army and organized militia. 1909. small 4« (War Dept. doc. 338.) Gymnastic exercises. Manual of gymnastic exercises; prepared for use in service gymnasiums by H. J. Koehler. 1904. small 4" (War Dept. doc. 235.) Infantry drill regulations. [1st] revised [edition]. 1904. small 4* (War Dept. doc. 229.) [See, for earlier regulations, W3.16.: In3i-i8] Infantry drill regulations, revised 1904, to include School of the squad. 1906. small 4'> (War Dept. doc. 268.) [Portion of Infantry drill regulations, 1904 (W2.6:In3'), reprinted with additions, for use of cavalry.] Infantry drill regulations. Changes in Infantry drill reerulations, revised 1904, from June 23, 1904, to Oct. 31, 1 908. 1908:^ small 4" Infantry drill regulations. [2d] revised [edition]. 1904[1909]. small 4® (War Dept. doc. 229.) [This edition differs but slightly from the 1st revised edition of 1904 (W2.6: In3 '). In the appen- dix, p. 245, the 2d revised edition notes a change in paragraph 144 and gives in addition paragraph 144a which is not found in the 1st revised edition.] Machine-guns, infantrv. Drill regulations for machine-gun platoons, infantry, 1909. "1909. small 4° (War Dept. doc. 348.) Maneuvers. Provisional instructions for maneuvers. 1904. 12° [See aZso W3.28:Ar5i-^.] Mine planters. 15 p. 12- Same, 1907. Same, 1909. Regulations for mine planters, Army, 1907. 1907. 1907. 19 p. 12° (War Dept. doc. 306.) 1909. 12« (War Dept. doc. 342.) Saber exercise. Provisional regulations for saber exercise. Array, 1907. 1907. 24° (War Dept. doc. 286.) [See, for earlier pub- lication of this nature, W3.16:Sw7.] Same. Revised 1908. 1908. 24° (War Dept. doc. 326.) Torpedo companies. Questions and answers for use in instruction of torpedo companies and detachments, new system. 1908. small 4« (War Dept. doc. 310.) Extracts from reports by regular and militia offi- cers on joint army and militia coast-defense exercises 1907 (War Dept. doc. 313.) 1908 (War Dept. doc. 339.' 1909 (War Dept. doc. 368. General orders [Relate to the administration of the General Staff Corps. Not listed here.] 1227 W3. ADJUTANT-GENKRAL'S DEPARTMENT [During the Revolution there wiis an adjutant-goneral of the Army, but after the disbandmont of the Army in 17S3 there was no regular adjutant-general until the act of Mar. 3, 1791. The act of Mar. 5, 1792, provided for an adjutant who should do duty as inspector. The Adjutant-General's Department was established bv lu-t of Mar. 3, 1813. By authority of act approved Apr. 23, 1904 (Stat. L. v. 33. pt. 1, p. 262), the Secretary of War Issued an order, May 11, 1904 (W 1. 14:904 f), by which tho otnoers of the Adjutant-Oeneral's Department (except- ing the adjutant-general) and the olhcers of tho Record and Pension Office were consolidated Into a department of the Anny to be known as the Military Secretary's Department, while the Adiutant- General's Ollioe and tho Record and Pension Office ( W40.) were consolidated into a bureau to be known as the Militiiry Secretary's OOice. By act approved Mar. 2, 1907 (Stat. L. v. 34, pt. 1, p. 1158), the Adjutant-General's Department was reestablished.] €la.s.sIficatioii no. W3.1 ': (date) (date) W3.2: Ab8 B61 B76 B82 Cll» C112 C17 C73 C81» C812 C813 C89 D451 D452 Annual reports to Secretary of War [1S2G-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and usually issued sep- arately also.] Annual reports to general of&cer commanding fFrom 1878 to 1901, in reports of general oflicer commanding as printed in reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and usually issued separately also.) General publications Absences. Circular showing absences otherwise than temporary of oflS- cers of line of Army detached from their corps or arms of service, July, 1902-Dec. 1908. Mar. 1, 1909. Blank forms. List of blank forms and books supplied by Adjutant General's Department. [Feb. 1, 1908.] 12« Brief to be filed with return to writ of habeas corpus issued by United States court in case of soldier whose discharge is sought under sec. 1117, Revised statutes [because of his being a minor at time of enlistment]. [1900.] 12« [From General orders 127, Oct. 8, 1900, which is classed in the Public Documents Library under W3. 22:900 127] Brownsville affray. Additional testimony relating to Brownsville af- fray; taken by Milton D. Purdy and Augustus P. Blocksom. 1907. [5078-155, pt. 2] [The Congressional edition includes ia addition p. i-xix. Message from President and letter of Secretary of War.] Cadet vacancies. List of cadet vacancies at Military Academy for which nominations may be made by Senators and Representa- tives, not later than Apr. 1, 1907. [Aug. 31, 1906.] 12° Same, at any time prior to Jan. 1, 1908. [Aug. 27, 1907.] 12° Card-record system. Proposed card -record system for use in Adjutant General's Office [and] at [headquarters], military divisions and departments. [Jan. 7, 1904.] 12° Commanders of Army since 1775. July 81, 1897. oblong large 8° Correspondence relating to War with Spain and conditions growing out of same, including the insurrection in Philippine Islands and China relief expedition, between adjutant-general of Army and military commanders in United States, Cuba, Porto Rico, China, and Philippine Islands, Apr. 15, 1898-July 30, 1902; with appen- dix giving organization of army corps and brief history of volun- teer organizations in service of United States during War with Spain. 1902. v. 1. Same. 1902. v. 2. Correspondence from adjutant-general, relating to campaigns in Philip- pine Islands and Porto Rico, May-Aug. 1898. 1899. Cuba. Atlas of ports, cities, and localities of Cuba. 1898. oblong f " Deserter's release. Memorandum in regard to deserter's release. Mar. 28, 1894. 12° Desertion. Removal of charge of desertion [act for relief of certain vol- unteer and regular soldiers of Civil War and War with Mexico, and amendments]. [Mar. 18, 1902.] 12° 1228 Classification W3. no. AD JUT ANT- GENERAL' S DEPARTMENT— Con. W3.2 D453 Ef4 Exl F85 F87 G281 G282 G283 G28\ G28^ G29 In2 In7^ In? 2 In73 In7* It4 M211 M212 M46^ M462 M591 M592 M593 General publications —Continued Deserter. Memorandum [concerning deserter, Harry E. Mason, alias Harry E. Low, etc., for information of recruiting officers]. Apr. 11, 1903. 12« Efficiency Division, Orders [relating to creation of Efficiency Division, Adjutant-General's Office, for compiling records and reports con- cerning officers of Army]. Jan. 2, 1903. 12® Examination. List of questions used in examination held in Sept. 1907, for purpose of determining mental qualifications of candidates for appointment as second lieutenants in Army ; published as sample for information of candidates. [Feb. 6, 1908.] 12" [Franking privilege of officers outside Executive Departments.] June 29, 1895. 12° Frederick the Great. [Ceremonies in connection with unveiling of statue of Frederick the Great, at Army War College, Washington Barracks, D. C, Nov. 19, 1904.] Nov. 10, 1904. 12" General orders. Subject index of General orders of War Department, Jan. 1, 1809-Dec. 31, 1860; compiled by Jeremiah C. Allen. 1886. Same, Jan. 1, 1861-Dec. 31, 1880. 1882. General orders. Subject index to General orders and Circulars of War Department and headquarters of Army, Adjutant-General's Office, Jan. 1, 1881-Dec. 31, 1900. Apr. 1901. General Staff of Army. Legislative history of General Staff of Army, its organization, duties, pay, and allowances, 1775-1901; com- piled and annotated by Raphael P. Thian. 1901. [4045-229] General orders. Analytical index of General orders. Adjutant General's Office, 1861-76. 1878. 12« Geography. Notes illustrating military geography of United States [1813-80]; compiled by Raphael P. Thian. 1881. Index of subjects in mail and record division. Adjutant General's Office, n. p. n. d. 4° Insular service of regular troops, with dates of departure from and return to United States. May 1, 1901. Same, June, 1898-Oct. 1, 1902. Oct. 1, 1902. Insular and Alaskan service of regular troops with dates of departure from and return to United States, June, 1898-Oct. 1, 1904. Oct. 1, 1904. Inspectors general. Memorandum [instructions governing inspectors general and acting inspectors general]. May 22, 1903. 12° Itinerary of Army of Potomac and co-operating forces in Gettysburg campaign, June 5-July 31, 1863; organization of Army of Poto- mac and Army of Northern Virginia at battle of Gettysburg; and return of casualties in Union and Confederate forces. 3d edition. 1888. [The Public Documents Library has no infor- mation concerning earlier editions.] McKinley, William. [Instructions to special guard of honor at obse- quies of William McKinley at Washington.] Sept. 16, 1901. 12° McKinley, William. [Instructions to officers of Army in regard to meeting remains of William McKinley in Washington.] Sept. 16, 1901. 12° Medals. Circular, medals of honor issued by War Department, Sept. 1, 1904-Dec. 31, 1906, with list of corrections made in medal of honor circular of Sept. 1, 1904. 1906. 4° ISee, for earlier issues, W1.2:M46i.2.] Same, Jan. 1, 1907-Dec. 31, 1909. 1910. 4'» Military Academy. Circular [notifying candidates for appointment to Military Academy that thej^ will be required to take examina- tion at army post most convenient to home]. July 13, 1901. 12° Same, amended. Apr. 14, 1902. 12« Same. Apr. 9, 1903. 12^' 1229 ria.HHlflcatlon no. W8.2: M59* i M75 N42ye * N42ye2 N42ye' N42ye* N42ye* N42ye* N42ye' N42ye» N42ye® N42yo » N42yo2 Or33 P29 P37 P83 P84 P93 P94 R261 R262 R31» R312 Sa5 So4 W3. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. General publications— Continued Militia. Return of regularly enlist/ed, organized, and uniformed active militia of United States. Washington [no publisher] 1888. Monroe, F'ort. Circular [relative to repairs, construction of sewer, etc., at Fort Monroe, Va.]. Nov. 5, 1894. 12o New Year's Day. [Instructions to officers of Army in regard to Presi- dent's New Year reception, Jan. 1, 1896.] Dec. 26, 1895. 12* Same [Jan. 1, 1897]. Dec. 26, 1896. 12«» Same [Jan. 1, 1901]. Dec. 27, 1900. 12o Same [Jan. 1, 1902J. Dec. 27, 1901. 12» Same [Jan. 1, 1903]. Dec. 26, 1902. 12'» New Year's Day. Circular [instructions to officers of Army in regard to New-year reception of President [Jan. 2, 1905]. Dec. 23, 1904. 120 Same [Jan. 1, 1907]. Dec. 29, 1906. 12* Same [Jan. 1, 1908]. Dec. 28, 1907. 12* Same [Jan. 1, 1910]. Dec. 20, 1909. 12» New York Volunt-eers. Alphabetical index of 162d New York Volun- teer Infantry, being abstract of field and staff and company rolls. Feb. 16, 1889. New York Volunteers. Alphabetical card-index of rolls of 164th New York Infantry; prepared by Richard C. Drum. 1889. Organization of Adjutant General's Office, character and distribution of work in detail, n. p. [May 25, 1887]. [Organization of Adjutant General's Office, its sections and divisions.] Jan. 17, 1898. 12° Same. Mar. 4, 1903. 12« Pay. Circular relative to pay of officers and enlisted men of Army; by Johnson Hagood. 1907. Penalty envelopes. Circular [forbidding use of penalty envelopes by contractors and others not officials having dealings with War Department]. July 13, 1895. 12« Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of Infantry. Register of officers of Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of Infantry and Philippine scouts. Aug. 15, 1904. Posts. List of military posts, etc., established in United States from its earliest settlement to present time. 1902. Prisoners . Rules and regulations for government of general prisoners at military posts. 1895. large 4* [Reprint of portion of General orders 55, Oct. 21, 1895.] Provost-Marshal-General. Final report of Adjutant-General's Office relative to completion and closing of business connected with col- lecting, drilling, and organizing volunteers, and late bureau and office of Provost-Marshal-General. 1875. [Also in annual report of War Department, 1875, v. 1, p. 158-161 ( Wl.l:875 0- See also Wl.l :865 V.] Raster of clerks and employes in office of adjutant general of Army, Aug. 30, 1884. [1884.1 Regiments. Distribution of regiments. United States Army, Jan. 1866- Jan. 1, 1897. oblong large 8* Retirement of officers. Dates of retirement of officers, U. S. Army. [Oct. 18, 1902.] 12° Same. [Feb. 25, 1904.] 12« Santiago, Cuba. Report of Joseph Wheeler to adjutant-general relating to Santiago [Cuba] campaign, 1898. 1899. Soldier. Life of enlisted soldier in Army; by Alfred Reynolds. Mar. 3, 1904. 120 1230 Classification no. W3.2 St2 Su7i Su72 Sy7 T73' T732 T733 T751 T752 Un3 V55 Wll W3.3: (nos.) W3.4: (date) W3.5: W3.5 ' : (letters) W3.5 2: (letters) W3. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. General publications— Continued Statistical exhibit of strength of volunteer forces called into service during War with Spain, with losses from all causes. 1899. 4* Surrenders and apprehensions reported during June, 1909, of men charged with desertion from Army, and of escaped military con- victs, in whose cases descriptive circulars have been distributed by War Department. [July 12, 1909.] 12« Same, during Sept. 1909, of men charged with desertion from Arm^, and of escaped military convicts, in whose cases descriptive cu"- culars have been distributed by War Department. [Oct. 7, 1909.] 12« Synonyms. List of synonyms of organizations in volunteer service of United States during 1861-65; compiled by John T. Fallon. 1885. Tripler's Manual. Manual of medical officer of Army: pt. 1, Recruiting and inspection of recruits; by Charles S. Tripler. Cincinnati, Wrightson and Co., 1858. 12« [The copy in the Public Docu- ments Library is imperfect.] Same. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1866. 12« Tripler's Manual. Epitome of Tripler's Manual, for examination of re- cruits; [by Charles R. Greenleaf]. 1884. Troops. Circular showing distribution of troops of line of Army, Jan. 1, 186&-Jan. 1, 1909. [1909.] [Withdrawn by War Department.] Same, Jan. 1, 1866-June 30, 1909. July 1, 1909. Uniform. Circular [prescribing uniform to be worn by officers on duty in War Department under supervision of Chief of Staff and on duty in Washington belonging to General Staff Corps]. June 15, 1904. 12° Venereal peril; by Valery Havard. 1903. 12« (War Dept. doc. 202.) Wadsworth, Fort. Report on fire control and fire direction employed at Fort Wadsworth, New York Harbor; by G. N. Whistler. 1901. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Army or some portion of it and are published for the information of military men. Not listed here.] Artillery circulars [Some of the publications listed below under W3.5 i: or W3.5 «: are revisions of certain text books used by the Coast Artillery School; see W29.2:] Artillery circulars [series of 1892] 4° [A] Resistance of guns to tangential rupture. [1st edition.] Feb. 12, 1892. A Resistance of guns to tangential rupture. [2d edition.] 1899. B, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 C Artillery circulars [series begun in 1893] 4" and large 4<' A B Same, revised Dec. 6, 1902 C D Same, revised to Mar. 6, 1903 E F Same, supplement 1231 Classinratlnn no. W3.52: (letters) W3.6: (date) W3.7: (date) W3.8: 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 W3.9: (date) [None issued.] W3. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. Artillery circulars [series begun in 1893] — Continued G H I J K L Same, revised Mar. 1902 M [Ist edition.] f (War Dept. doc. 111.) Same. [2d edition.] (War Dept. doc. 111.) Same, supplement 1903 Same, supplement 1904 [N] Handbook of problems in exterior ballistics; by James M. Ingalls. [Erroneously printed as M.] Circulars relating to War Department [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the War Department. Not listed here,] Circulars (lettered) [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Army or some portion of it and are published for the information of military men. Not listed here.] General orders embracing laws affecting Army [Notwithstanding the fact that the titles read for certain sessions of certain Con- gresses, the contents of the volumes are strictly by calendar years, corresponding to the annual series in which the general orders are issued. Therefore there is a frequent overlapping of Congresses; e. g., the volume for 1879, the title for which reads "4Gth Congress, 1st and 2d sessions," contains General orders dated between Jan. 27 and Mar. 24, 1879, promulgating acts of the 45th Congress, 3d session, as well as those dated between Mar. 28 and Dec. 19, 1879, promulgating acts of the 4Gth Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, and the remaining acts of the 4Gth Congress, 2d session, are in the volume for 1880.) General orders embracing laws affecting Army, 42d Congress, 3d session, series of 1873. n. p. n. d. 12« Same, 43d Congress, 1st session, series of 1874. n.p.n.d. 12^ Same, 43d Congress, 2d session, series of 1875. n.p.n.d. 12" Same, 44th Congress, 1st session, series of 1876. n.p.n.d. 12° Same, series of 1877. * Same, 45th Congress, 2d and 3d sessions, series of 1878. ^ 12" n.p.n.d. Same, 46th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, series of 1879. n.p, n.d. 12« Same, 46th Congress, 2d and 3d sessions, series of 1880. n.p. n.d. V2P Appointments, promotions, retirements, etc. (weekly) 1892, Dec. 31 1893, Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 * Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. 11 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 1893, Apr. 1 Apr. 8 Apr. 15 Apr. 22 Apr. May 29 6 May 13 May 20 May 27 June 3 June 10 June 17 June 24 tThe 1st edition bears on cover and title-page the words "series of 1893 ' not given on the 2d edition. which are 1232 Classification W3. ADJUTANT- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. W3.9: Appointments, promotions, retirements, etc. — Con. (date) 1893, July 1 1894, Sept. 29 July 8 Oct. 6 July 15 Oct. 13 July 22 Oct. 20 July 29 Oct. 27 Aug. 5 Nov. 3 Aug. 12 Nov. 10 Aug. 19 Nov. 17 Aug. 26 [Not issued.] Nov. 24 [Not issued.] Sept. 2 Dec. 1 Sept. 9 Dec. 8 Sept. 16 Dec. 15 Sept. 23 [Not issued.] Dec. 22 Sept. 30 Dec. 29 * Oct. 7 1895, Jan. 5 Oct. 14 Jan. 12 Oct. 21 Jan. 19 [Not issued.] Oct. 28 Jan. 26 Nov. 4 Feb. 2 Nov. 11 Feb. 9 * Nov. 18 Feb. 16 Nov. 25 Feb. 23 Dec. 2 Mar. 2 Dec. 9 Mar. 9 Dec. 16 Mar. 16 [Not issued.] Dec. 23 Mar. 23 Dec. 30 Mar. 30 1894, Jan. 6 Apr. 6 Jan. 13 Apr. 13 Jan. 20 Apr. 20 Jan. 27 Apr. 27 Feb. 3 May 4 Feb. 10 May 11 Feb. 17 May 18 Feb. 24 May 25 Mar. 3 June 1 Mar. 10 June 8 Mar. 17 June 15 Mar. 24 June 22 Mar. 31 June 29 Apr. 7 July 6 Apr. 14 July 13 Apr. 21 Julv 20 Apr. 28 JulV 27 May 5 Aug. 3 May 12 Aug. 10 May 19 Aug. 17 May 26 Aug. 24 [Not issued.] June 2 Aug. 31 June 9 Sept. 7 June 16 [Not issued.] Sept. 14 June 23 Sept. 21 June 30 Sept. 28 July 7 [Not issued.] Oct. 5 July 14 Oct. 12 July 21 Oct. 19 July 28 Oct. 26 Aug. 4 Nov. 2 Aug. 11 Nov. 9 Aug. 18 Nov. 16 Aug. 25 Nov. 23 [Not issued.] Sept. 1 Nov. 30 Sept. 8 Dec. 7 Sept. 15 Dec. 14 Sept. 22 Dec. 21 1233 Ciassinciion w.l. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. no. W3.9: Api>ointments, promotions, retirements, etc.— Con. (date) 1895, Dec. 28 1896, Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 [Not issued.] Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 29 Mar. 7 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Mar. 28 Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. 18 Apr. 25 May 2 May 9 May 16 May 23 May 30 June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 * Same, corrected copy Aug. 1 Aug. 8 Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Sept. 5 Sept. 12 [Not issued.] Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. ]7 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 [Not issued.] Dec. 26 1897, Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 * Feb. 27 [None issued between Apr. 30, 1898, tinued.J Same [corrected copy] 1897, Mar. 6 [Not issued.] Mar. 13 Mar. 20 Mar. 27 Apr. 3 Apr. 10 Apr. 17 Apr. 24 Mav 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 [Not issued.] May 29 June 5 June 12 June 19 June 26 July 3 July 10 July 17 July 24 July 31 Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28 Sept. 4 Sept. 11 Sept. 18 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Oct. 30 Nov. 6 [Not issued.] Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Dec. 25 Dec. 31 [Jan. 1, 1898] 1898, Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 Mar. 5 [Not issued.] Mar. 12 Mar. 19 Mar. 26 Apr. 2 Apr. 9 Apr. 16 Apr. 23 Apr. 30 1904, Juno 4 and June 4, 1904, after which the series was discon- 82452°— 11- -78 1234 Classification W3. ADJUTANT- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. no. W3.10: Army list and directory large 8* [IMonthly.] (date) Army directory 1891, Aug. 1893 , Apr. May * 1894, Dec. 1896, Aug. Sept * 1895, Jan. Sept. Oct. June Feb. Oct. Nov. July * Mar. Nov. Dec. Aug. * Apr. Dec. 1892, Jan. Sept. * May 1897, Jan. Feb. * Oct. * June Feb. Mar. Nov. * July Mar. Apr. * Dec. Aug. Apr. May 1894 , Jan. Sept. May June Feb. Oct. June July « Mar. Nov. July Aug. Apr. Dec. Aug. Sept. May 1896, Jan. Sept. Oct. * June Feb. Oct. Nov. July Mar. Nov. Dec. Aug. Apr. Dec. 1893, Jan. * Sept. May 1898, Jan. Feb. Oct. June Feb. Mar. Nov, July Mar. t Alphabetical list of officers of regular Army 1898, Aug. 25 Army list 1899, Apr. 15 t 1899 , June 15 1899, Aug. 15 1899, Oct. 15 May 15 July 15 Sept. 15 Nov. 15 Army list and directory 1899, Dec. 20 1902 , July 20 1905, Feb. 20 1907, Sept. 20 1900, Jan. 20 Aug. 20 Mar. 20 Oct. 20 Feb. 20 Sept. 20 Apr. 20 Nov. 20 Mar. 20 Oct. 20 May 20 Dec. 20 Apr. May 20 Nov. 20 June 20 1908, Jan. 20 20 Dec. 20 July 20 Feb. 20 June 20 1903 , Jan. 20 Aug. 20 Mar. 20 July 20 Feb. 20 Sept. 20 Apr. 20 -Aug. 20 Mar. 20 Oct. 20 May 20 Sept. 20 Apr. 20 Nov. 20 June 20 Oct. 20 May 20 Dec. 20 July 20 Nov. 20 June 20 1906, Jan. 20 Aug. 20 Dec. 20 July 20 Feb. 20 Sept. 20 1901, Jan. 20 Aug. 20 Mar. 20 Oct. 20 Feb. 20 Sept. 20 Apr. 20 Nov. 20 Mar. 20 Oct. 20 May 20 Dec. 20 Apr. 20 Nov. 20 June 20 1909, Jan. 20 May 20 Dec. 20 July 20 Feb. 20 June 20 1904 Jan. 20 Aug. 20 Mar. 20 July 20 Feb. 20$ Sept. 20 Apr. 20 Aug. 20 Mar. 20$ Oct. 20 May 20 Sept. 20 Apr. 20$ Nov. 20 June 20 Oct. 20 May 20 Dec. 20 July 20 Nov. 20 June 20 1907, Jan. 20 Aug. 20 Dec. 20 July 20 Feb. 20 Sept. 20 1902, Jan. 20 Aug. 20 Mar. 20 Oct. 20 Feb. 20 Sept. 20 Apr. 20 Nov. 20 Mar. 20 Oct. 20 May 20 Dec. 20 Apr. 20 Nov. 20 June 20 May 20 Dec. 20 July 20 June 20 1905 , Jan. 20 Aug. 20 t None issued between Mar. 1898, and Apr. 15, 1899, except list for Aug. 25, 1898. $ Published by Record and Pension Office; see W40.6: 1235 CUfMlflratlun no. W3.ll: 789-903 » 789-903 =» (date) WJ{. ADJUTANT-GENERAL' 8 DEPAUTMENT— Con. Army register various sizes [A compilation popularly itnown as llcitiiian's register, covering the period from 17.VJ to \'Mi, was issued under iu;t approved Mnr. 2, 19U3. In the l'ubl:c DcK-utnents Lilirary tlio 2 volumes of this compilation are arranged so as to precede the regular" set of Army registers.) Historical register and dictionary of United States Army from its organization, Sept. 29, 1789, to Mar. 2, 1903; by Francis B. Ileitman. 1903. v. 1, large 8« [4535-446] Same. v. 2, large 8° [4536-446] (The regular set of Army registers, as listed below, contains names of officers of Army, with record of service, rank, etc. The earliest registers appeared with slight variations in title, but since 1S18 the title hus read Ollicial army register. 1813-38, Army registers for almost all years are found in American state papers, class 5, Military affairs, v. 1-7 (016-022). From 1819, for a number of years, there was usually but one issue 6 year, that being with a few exceptions m Januarj'. To supply the need for revised information between the annual issuas, private prmts, usually somewhat difTerenlly arranged, were Issued for several years between 1835 and 1844, several by Benjamin Ilomans lieing entered in the list below. From 1846 to 1869 there were usually two oflicial editions a year. Since 1870, there has been but one issue a year, but from 1891 this has been supple- mented by the Army list and directory (\V3.10:). Prior to ]S9(), the annual issues of the Army register did not appear in the Congres- sional set. A report dated Nov. 18, 1818, showing number and grade of officers of Army, where stationed, number on duty, and those on furlough, was printed as loth Congress, 2d session. House document 3, serial no. 17. From 1848 to 1860, transcripts of the ofTicial list, showing pay and allowances for each officer, were prepared by fiscal years, iLsually from the register issued the preceding Jan- uary, with necessary corrections for deaths, resignations, etc. These appear in the Congressional set only, as follows: 1848 [543-56] 1855 [851-22] 1849 577-54] 1856 897-24) 1850 679-48] 1857 955-66] 1851 679-50] 1858 1006-58] 1852 679-58] 1859 1048-35] 1853 V21-59] 1860 [1100-54] 1854 [783-58] Up to 1881 the size of the Army register varied, some of the earliest being 16° and later ones 120, but since 1882 it has been uniformly 8°.] 1798 * 1800, Apr. 15 * 1802, Feb. 16 * 1813, Aug. 16 Same, Dec. 1 Same, Dec. 27 * [Also in American state papers, class 5, Military affairs, v. 1 (016), p. 384.] 1814, June 1 1815, Jan. 1 Same, May 17 * [Also in Organization of military peace establish- ment (W1.2:P31).] 1816, Jan. * [Also in American state papers, class 5, Military affairs, V. 1 (016), p. 626.] Same, Aug. 1817, Jan. 1 1818, Jan. 1 * Same, May 1819, Jan. 1 1820, Jan. 1 1821, Jan. 1 Same, May * 1822, Jan.. * Same, Aug. 1823, Feb. 1824, Jan. 1825, Jan. 1826, Jan. 1827, Jan. 1828, Jan. 1236 Classification no. W3.ll: (date) W3. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. Army register— Continued 1829, Jan. 1830, Jan. 1831, Jan. 1832, Jan. 1833, Jan. 1834, Jan. 1835, Jan. Same, July 1, published by B. Homans, with title, Register of offi- cers of Army. 1836, Jan. Same, Aug., published by B. Homans, with title, Register of officers of Army. 1837, Jan. 1838, Jan. Same, Sept. 1839, Feb. 1840, Jan. 1841, Jan. 1842, Jan. 1843, Jan. Same, Quarterly register, no. 1, Nov. 1843, with title, Register of officers of Army, corrected to Oct. 20, 1843; by Benjamin Homans. 1844, Jan. Same, [Quarterly] register, no. 2, Feb. 1844, with title. Register of officers of Army, corrected to Feb. 29, 1844; by Benjamin Homans. Same, Oct. * 1845, Jan. Same, Oct. * 1846, Jan. Same, Sept, 1847, Jan. Same, Aug. 31 1848, Feb. Same, Oct. 31 1849, Jan. Same, July * 1850, Jan. Same, July * 1851, Jan. 1852, Jan. Same, Dec. * 1853, Jan. Same, July * 1854, Jan. Same, July * 1855, Jan. Same, Aug. 1856, Jan. . Same, July * 1857, Jan. Same, July * 1858, Jan. 1859, Jan. Same, July * 1237 Cla88iflo4ition w;J. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT—Con. no. W3.ll : (date) Ariny register— Contiuued 1860, Jau. Same, July 1861, Jan. Same, Sept. 1862, Jan. Same, Aug. 1863, Apr. 1864, Jan. 1865, Jan. 1866, Aug. 1867, Aug. 1868, Jan. Same, Aug. 1869, Jan. Same, Sept. 1870, Jan. 1871, Jan. 1872, Jan. 1873, Jan. 1874, Jan. 12o Same oblong 12*' 1875, Jan. 12<» Same oblong 12o 1876, Jan. 1877, Jan. 120 Same oblong 12«* 1878, Jan. 1879, Jan. 1880, Jan. 1881, Jan. 1882, Jan. 1883, Jan. 1884, Jan. 1885, Jan. 1886, Jan. 1887, Jan. 1888, Jan. 1889, Jan. 1890, Jan. 1891, Mar. 1892, Jan. 1893, Jan. 1894, Jan. 1895, dated Dec. 1, 1894 1896, dated Dec. 1, 1895 [3415-76] 1897, dated Dec. 1, 1896 [3523-149] 1898, dated Dec. 1, 1897 (War Dept. doc. 50.) [3672-168] 1899, Jan. (War Dept. doc. 50.) [3808-268] War Dept. doc. 110.) 1900, dated Dec. 1, 1899 1901, dated Dec. 1, 1900 1902, dated July 1, 1902 1903, dated Dec. 1, 1902 1904, dated Dec. 1, 1903 1905, dated Dec. 1, 1904 1906, dated Dec. 1, 1905 1907, dated Dec. 1, 1906 1908, dated Dec. 1, 1907 1909, dated Dec. 1, 1908 1910, dated Dec. 1, 1909 (War Dept. doc. 130.) (War Dept. doc. 160.) (War Dept. doc. 182.) (War Dept. doc. 218.) (War Dept. doc. 240.) (War Dept. doc. 264.) (War Dept. doc. 294.) (War Dept. doc. 312.) (War Dept. doc. 335.) (War Dept. doc. 361.) 3982-360 '4157-241 '4350-704 "4519-392 4706-456 '4854-233 5032-474 5203-727 5281-709] 5430-1467] 5725-138] 1238 Classification W3, no. AD JTJT ANT- GENERAL' S DEPARTMENT— Con. W3.12: (pt. nos.) W3.13i (date) W3.14: (date) W3.15: (date) W3.16: Ar7ci Ar7c2 Ar7c3 At7c^ Ar7c^ Ar7c*^ Ar7c7 Ar7c« Ar7c9 Ar7fi Ar7f2 Ar7f3 Ar7h I I Ar7P pt. 5 pt. 6 pt. 7 pt. 8 General orders 12° amending Army and for Army regulations, W1.6:] Official army register of volunteer force of United States Army, 1861-65 [Complete in 8 parts. Pts. 1-6 bear imprint date, Aug. 31, 1865; pts. 7 and 8, July 16, 1867.] pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4 Compendium of regulations [See, for General orders, W3.22: 1892 1893 1898 Coast artillery memoranda [Until Apr. 1909, these were called Artillery memoranda. They are published for the information of military men and are not listed here.] Monthly list of officers absent on leave in excess of time [From Sept. 1895, to Apr. 1898, the title of these lists is known to have been, Monthly list of officers subject to deduction of pay. Publication was discontinued with the Apr. 1898 number and resumed later under the series title given above. As it is published for the information of the paymaster-general of the Army and the Auditor for the War Department only, the series is regarded as con- fidential and is not listed here.] Drill regulations See also W2. 6: Artillery, Coast. Drill regulations for coast artillery; prepared by Board on Coast Artillery Fire, John I. Rodgers, Henry L. Harris, Wil- liam H. Coffin, Charles F. Parker. 1898. ([War Dept. doc. 71.]) [6 pts. and appendix; see, for plates accompanying, W3.16: Ar7c^'^. Pts. 1 and 2, p. 7-33, and Mechanical maneuvers, p. 139-146 of appendix, not issued separately.] Same, pt. 3: Material. 1898. Same, plates to accompany pt. 3. 1898. Same, pt. 4: Drill. 1898. Same [pt. 5: Coast defence; pt. 6: Practice]. 1897. Same, appendix in part, Range tables, 8-inch, 10-inch, and 12-inch B. L. R. 1898. Same, plates to accompany Drill regulations for coast artillery [6 pts. and appendix (W3.16:Ar7ci)]. 1898. f° Same, plates. [Reprint] 1901. f» Same [pts. 1-6 and appendix, with addenda]. 1903. (War Dept. doc. 180.) See, for later regulations, W2.6:Ar7c ''^. Artillery, Field. System of exercise and instruction of field-artillery, including manoeuvres for light or horse-artillery. Boston, Hil- liard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, 1829. narrow 12" Artillery, Field. Instruction for field artillery, prepared by board of artillery officers consisting of Wm. H. French, Wm. F. Barry, [and] H. J. Hunt; added. Evolutions of batteries, translated from French by R. Anderson. 1864. 12» Same. [Reprint] 1867. 12« See, for later publications of this nature, W2.6:Ar7f ^"^ Artillery, Heavy. Instruction for heavy artillery; prepared by board of officers [William H. French, Wm. F. Barry, and H. J. Hunt]. 1863. 12° Artillerv, Light. Light artillery drill regulations, adopted Oct. 3, 1891. 1891. small 4° ^2^9 Classtf) cation no. W3.16: Ar7P Ar7l-« Ar7P Ar7s Ar7t B:?4' B342 012 031' 0312 0313 031^ 031 5 031 « 03r 031 « 03P 031 '» 031" 031 '2 031" 031" 031 »^ 031 "■' 031'- i W8. ADJUTANT-GENERAti'wS DEPARTMENT— Con. Drill regulations— Oontinued Artillery, Light. Drill n^gulations for light artillery. 1896. small 4° Same, with corrections. 1896 [reprint 1899]. small 4° ((War Dept. doc. 105.]) [2 p. of corrections are inserted before title-page. J Same. [Oorrected edition.] 1896 [1901]. small 4° [Oorrectiona inserted before title-page in previous print are incorporated in text of this edition.] Artillery, Siege. Drill regulations for siege artillery. 1898. small 4" (War Dept. doc. 70.) Artillery tactics assimilated to tactics of infantry and cavalry. New York, D. Appleton and Oompany, 1885. small 4" Bayonet exercise. Manual of bayonet exercise, prepared for use of Army; by George B. McOlellan. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo and Oo., 1852. 12« Same. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott and Oo., 1862. 12« See, for manual of 1907, W2.6:B34. Oalisthenic exercises. Manual of calisthenic exercises. 1892. 24° Oavalry tactics, pt. 1: [School of trooper, of platoon, and of squadron, dismounted]. [V^'^ashington, J. and G. S. Gideon, printers, 1841. J 16«? * Same, pt. 2: [School of trooper, of platoon, and of squadron, mounted]. [Washington, J. and G. S. Gideon, printers, 1841. J 16°? * Same, pt. 3: Evolutions of a regiment. Washington, J. and G. S. Gideon, printers, 1841. 16° Oavalry tactics, pt. 1: School of trooper, of platoon, and of squadron, dismounted. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Oo., 1855. 24" Same, pt. 2: mounted]. 24"? * Same, pt. 3: [Evolution of a regiment]. Grambo & Oo., 1855.] 24«? * Oavalry tactics, pt. 1: [School of trooper, of platoon, and of squadron, dismounted]. [Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Oo., 1861. J 24°? * Same, pt. 2: [School of trooper, of platoon, and of squadron^ mounted]. [Philadelphia, J. B. 24°? * Same, pt. 3: Evolutions of a regiment, cott & Oo., 1861. 24° Cavalry tactics, in 3 parts; school of trooper, of platoon, of squadron, and evolutions of a regiment: pt. 1, Dismounted; pt. 2, Mounted; pt. 3, Evolutions of a regiment. 1864. [3 pts. in 1.] 24° Cavalry tactics, or regulations for instruction, formations, and move- ments of cavalry of Army and volunteers of United States; by Philip St. Qeo. Cooke. 1862. 24° Same; by Philip St. Geo. Cooke, with additional illustrations, by George Patten. New York, D. Van Nostrand, publisher, 1872. 12° Cavalry drill regulations, adopted Oct. 3, 1891. 1891. 32° Oavalry. Drill regulations for cavalry. 1896. 32° (War Dept. doc. 14.) Same. 1896. 32° (War Dept. doc. 14.) [Memorandum of addi- tions on inside of front cover.] Same. 1896 [reprint 1901]. 32° (War Dept. doc. 14.) [General orders 4 of 1898 and 69 of 1897 are inserted at p. 32 and 482, respectively.] Same. [Revised edition.] 1902. small 4° (War Dtpt. doc. 181.) See, for edition amended to 1909, Y\'2.6:C31. [School of trooper, of platoon, and of squadron, [Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1855. J [Philadelphia, Lippincott, Lippincott & Co., 1861,^ Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- 1240 Classification W3. no. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. W3.16: F51ri I F51r2 F51r3 F5l8i F518 2 F51s3 F51t G931 G932 G933 093^ G93^ I1131 In32 In33 In3* In3« In3« In37 In38 In38 Drill regulations— Continued Firing, Rifle. Course of instruction in rifle firing; prepared by T. T. S. Laidley. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1879. 24° Same. Revised edition. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1880. 24° Firing, Rifle. Firing regulations for magazine rifle, caliber .30. 1896. small 4« (War Dept. doc. 8.) See also WS.lGiFSls^-^, F51t, R44 1-^, and T17 »'2. Firing, Small arms. Firing regulations for small arms; prepared by Stanhope E. Blunt. 3d edition. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1889. 32" [See, for 1st and 2d editions, W34.5:R44 ^2.] Firing, Small arms. Firing regulations for small arms. 1898. small A'* (War Dept. doc. 72.) Firing, Small arms. Firing regulations for small arms for Army and organized militia. 1904. 12° ([War Dept. doc. 203.]) See, for later regulations, W2.6:F51s^"^. See also W3.16:F51ri-3, F51t, R44i-3, and T17^2. Firing, Target. Models and tables of percentages for use in preparing company annual reports of target firing prescribed by small-arms firing regulations. 1900. See also W3.16:F51ri-3, FSls^-^, R44i-3, and T17^2. Guard duty. Manual of guard duty and kindred subjects for regular Army, volunteers and militia of United States; being compila- tion of rules, regulations, and principles, collected by James Regan. New York, Harper and Brothers, publishers, 1882. small 4° Guard duty. Manual of guard duty; prepared by L. W. V. Kennon. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1890. 24° Guard duty. Manual of guard duty; approved Jan. 7, 1893. 1893. small 40 ([War Dept. doc. 74.]) Same; approved June 14, 1902. 1902. small 4° (War Dept. doc. 167.) Guard duty. Manual of guard duty. Revised edition. [1908.] small 40 (War Dept. doc. 334.) Infantry tactics, or rules for exercises and manoeuvres of infantry of Army. 2d edition. Washington, printed by Davis and Force, 1825. [The Public Documents Library has no information as to Ist edition.] Infantry tactics. U. S. infantry tactics, for instruction, exercise, and manoeuvres of infantry, including infantry of line, light infantry, and riflemen, v. 1. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1861. 240 * [Authorized and adopted by Secretary of War, May 1, 1861.] Same, v. 2: School of battalion. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1861. 24° Infantry tactics, for instruction, exercise, and manoeuvres of soldier, company, line of skirmishers, battalion, brigade, or corps d'arm^e, by Silas Casey, v. 1: [School of soldier]. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1862. 24° * Same, v. 2: School of battalion. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1862. 24° Same, v. 3: Evolutions of brigade and corps d'arm^e. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1862. 24° Infantry tactics, or rules for exercise and manoeuvres of infantry, by [Winfield] Scott, v. 1: Schools of soldier and company. New- edition. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1854. 24° Same, v. 2: School of battalion, and instruction for light infantry or rifle. New edition. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1861. 24" Same, v. 3. * 1241 CIaM.siflcstIoa no. AV;J.1(>: ln3 '" In3'i ln3" InS" In3 '* In3'« I1131' In3i8 R44» R442 R443 Sw7 T17 T17 W3.17 ': (date) ws.n^z (date) W3.18: Ar5 Ar7 C31 W3. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. Drill resultitlons— Continued Infantry tactics. New system of infantry tactics, double and single rank, adapted to American topography and improved fire-arms; by Emory Upton. N. Y., D. Appleton and Co., 18G7. 24« Same. 1868. 24° Infantry drill regulations; adopted Oct. 3, 1891. 1891. small 4" Infantry drill rogulationa, for use at recruiting depots; adopted Oct. 3, 1891. 1893. 32<^ Infantry drill regulations, manual of arms adapted to magazine rifle, (iiliber .30. 1895. small 4'> Same. 1897. small 4^ (War Dept. doc. 47.) [Also in W3.16: In3l^ following p. 353.] Infantry drill regulations. Extended order drill, infantry drill regula- tions, n. p. [1898]. small 4« Infantry drill regulations and manual of arms with appendix showing changes to June 1, 1901. 1901. small 4» Infantry drill regulations, tentative. 1902. oblong 24» See, for later regulations, W2.6:In3^-^. Rifle and light infantry tactics, for exercise and manoeuvres of troops when acting as light infantry or riflemen, prepared by W. J. Hardee, v. 1. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1855. 240 * Same, v. 2: School of battalion. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1855. 24« Rifles and rifle practice, elementary treatit^e upon theory of rifle firing, explaining causes of inaccuracy of fire and manner of correcting it, with descriptions of infantry rifles of Europe and United States, their balls and cartridges; by C. M. Wilcox. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1859. 12° See also W3.16:F51ri-3, F5l8i-3, F51t, and T17''2. Sword exercise, for military instruction; by Henry C. Wayne. Wash- ington, printed by Gideon and Co., 1850. 12° [This publication includes 2 works by Wayne, each with its own title-page and paging, both bearing imprint, Gideon and Co., 1849. One is entitled, Fencing with small sword; the other, Exercise for broadsword, sabre, cut and thrust, and stick. See also W2.6: Sal 1.2] Target practice. System of target practice for use of troops when armed with musket, rifle-musket, rifle, or carbine; prepared by Henry Heth. [1st edition.] Philadelphia, Henry Carey Baird, 1858. 12° Same; prepared [by Henry Heth]. [2d edition.] 1862. 12» See also W3.16:F51r'-3, F51si-3, F51t, and R44i-3. Recruiting for line of Army [Published monthly for the information of recruiting officers. Not listed here. Until May, 190G, the title was, Enlistments for line of Army.J Statement of recruiting for line of Army, at gen- eral recruiting stations and their auxiliaries [Published quarterly for the information of recruiting officers. Not listed here. Until Sept. 1906, the title was. List of recruiting stations showing number of recruits for line of Army enlisted at each station witli its auxiliaries.) Examination papers Army regulations. Examination paper, administration, Army regula- tions. [1898.] 12° Artillery. Examination paper, heavy artillery, for captains and lieu- tenants, n. p. [1898.] 12« Cavalry drill. Examination paper, cavalry drill regulations. 1896. 12° 1242 Classiflcatlon no. W3.19: Ar5i Ar53 B611 B612 C76 D261 D262 D263 D64' D642 G28 M18 W3.20: (date) W3.21: (date) W3.22: (date) W3. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. Memoranda (unnumbered) Army regulations. Memorandum, Genera' orders and Circulars amend- ing Army regulations, 1895. July 1, 1898. 12° Army regulations. Memorandum, Army regulations, 1895, amended, modified, etc., by General orders and Circulars to include Dec. 31,1899. [Apr. 19, 1900.] 12«> [In later years, volumes of Army regulations (W1.6:) include memoranda of this sort.] Blank forms. Memorandum [list of blank forms furnished by Adjutant- General's Office for use in field]. July 1, 1898. 12<' Blank forms. Memorandum [list of blank forms furnished by Adjutant- General's Office]. Apr. 1, 1903. 12« Confederate States. Memorandum relative to general officers appointed by President in armies of Confederate States, 1861-65. ]905. [5241-244] Dates. Office memoranda, dates of certain wars, campaigns, expedi- tions, events, etc. Apr. 18, 1896. oblong 8° Same. Oct. 1, 1896. oblong 8° Same. Jan. 13, 1900. oblong large 8'' Divisions and departments. Memorandum, military geographical divi- sions and departments and their commanders, Jan. 1, 1898-May 1, 1903. [May 21, 1903.] 12o Same, Jan. 1, 1898-Dec. 31, 1905. [Jan. 8, 1906.] 12« General officers. Memorandum relative to general officers in armies of United States during Civil War, 1861-65. 1906. [5241-245] Machine guns. Memorandum [provisional rules for judging effective- ness of machine guns at maneuvers, published for guidance of umpii-es at camps of instruction]. Aug. 27, 1908. 12<» Military commands and posts, witli post offices, telegrapli stations, and nearest railroad sta- tions or boat landings 1895 1896 1897 [Oct. 5] Nov. 8 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 1898 [None issued?] 1902, 1899 [Aug. 5] t 1903 1900, July 1 1904 1901, Sept. 1 1905 Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 [The Public Documents Library has no later issues.] Offl cial Ti of U] Bgister of officers of voluntee aited States >rs in service Roster of commissioned officers, United States volunteer regiments of engineers, cavalry, and infantry 1898, July 8 Officers of volunteer regiments organized under act of Mar. 2, 1899 1899, Aug. 15 Sept. 30 Nov. 15 Official register of officers of volunteers in service of United States 1900, June 1 2 editions. (War Dept. doc. 117.) [Discontinued.] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Army or some portion of it and are published for the information of military men. Not listed here. Individual General orders are occasionally bound or reprinted, sometimes with and sometimes without title-page. A striking example is General orders 100, 1863, Instructions for government of armies of United States in the field, by Francis Lieber, which has been reprinted many times. Such reprints, if published by the office of the Secretary of War or by the Adjutant- General's Department, are classed in the Public Documents Library with the originals thereof under W3.22: If, however, the reprints are published by other bureaus or offices of the Govern- ment, entries are made under such bureau or office; see, for example, entries under W42.13:II3Ci and W49.9 2:R2Gi>2.] t This 6 page publication bears no printed date. 124n riassJIlfatlon W3, no. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPAllTMENT-Con. W3.23: (date) W3.24 : AsT K26 M86 P33 W41 \VG9 W3.25: (nos.) W3.26: (date) W3.27: (date) W3.28: All Ar5i Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Army or some i)ortlon of it and are pul>lished for the information of military men. Not listed here.J Orders (miacellaneous unnumbered) [Assignments to divisions of Adjutant-General's Office.] Oct. 7, 1895. 12° Keith, William H. Order [announcing appointment of William H. Keith as chief of Military Information Division]. Sept. 23, 1901. 12« Movements of individual officers. Orders [involving status or move- ments of individual officers to be issued through Appointment, Commission, and Personnel Division]. Sept. 12, 1900. 12° Peck, William Noble. Orders [announcing death of William Noble Peck]. Sept. 3, 1901. 12« [Weekly summary of operations of divisions of Adjutant-General's Office to be prepared by chiefs of divisions.] Nov. 15, 1900. 12° Wilson, George S. [Orders announcing death of Major George S. Wil- son.] Jan. 18, 1897. [Public moneys depositaries] circulars [1] [Public moneys in Ist National Bank of Duluth, Minn., to be with- drawn and deposited in 1st National Bank of St. Paul, Minn.] July 29, 1893. 12° * [2] [List of depositaries of public moneys designated for use of disbursing officers of War Department.] Sept. 1, 1893. 12° [3] [Designated depositaries of public moneys at Dallas, Tex., and Nashville, Tenn.] Oct. 10, 1893. 12° [4] [First National Bank of Helena, Mont., redesignated a depositary of public moneys.] Feb. 12, 1894. 12° [5] [Public moneys to be withdrawn from Union National Bank of Salt Lake City, Utah, and deposited in Deseret National Bank of Salt Lake City.] Apr. 5, 1894. 12° [6] [Division of public moneys between 2 national bank depositaries of Leavenworth, Kans.] June 11, 1894. 12° [7] [Public moneys to be withdrawn from Omaha National Bank of Omaha, Nebr., and deposited in United States and Merchants' national banks of Omaha.] Sept. 8, 1894. 12° [8] [First National Bank of Duluth, Minn., designated a depositary of public moneys.] Dec. 15, 1894. 12° [9] [Washington National Bank of Seattle, Wash., designated a deposi- tary of public moneys.] June 10, 1895. 12° [Recruiting service circulars] [These circulars, xisually 129, sometimes bear a title, such as "U. S. Army recruiting circular" or "Circular letter— recruiting service," but more often are addressed. " To ofiicers of the recruiting service." Being regarded as confidential, they are not listed here.] Roster of general officers and officers ' of general staff, volunteers [War with Spain, 1898] 12° 1898, June 15 July 8 Dec. 1 1899, May 1 Rules, regulations, and instructions ^eeaZso W2.G: Alaska. Regulations governing use and occupancy of lands within limits of military reservation of Fort St. Michael, Alaska, n. p. [Nov. 11, 1897]. 12° Army and navy maneuvers. Rules for army and navy maneuvers of 1902; by George F. E. Harrison and Roy C. Smith. 1902. * 1244 Classification no. W3.28: Ar52 Ar53 Ar5* €16 H79 M971 M972 P84» P842 R241 R242 R243 R24^ R24« R246 Un3^ Un32 Un38 UnS^ W19 W3.29: (date) W3. ADJUTANT- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. Rules, regulations, and instructions— Continued Army and navy maneuvers. Rules for army and navy maneuvers pre- pared under direction of Army and Navy Departments; by Geo. F. E. Harrison, and Mark L. Bristol. 1903. Army and navy maneuvers. Revised rules for combined army and navy maneuvers, prepared under direction of Army and Navy War Colleges by joint board consisting of H. S. Knapp and Wil- liam Chamberlaine. n. p. [Feb. 8, 1904]. 12^ Same, prepared under direction of War and Navy Departments; approved May, 1904. 1904. 12° See also W2.6:M31. Canteen regulations, with authoritative decisions thereon, n. p. [Aug. 20, 1891]. 12° [Interleaved.] Hospital corps. Provisional manual of instruction for hospital corps and company bearers; by C. L. Heizmann. 1888. 12° Muster-rolls. Instructions for making muster-rolls, mustering into serv- ice, periodical payments, and discharging from service of volun- teers or militia. Revised [Mar. 31, 1863]. 1863. 16« Same. Revised [Nov. 20, 1863]. 1863. 16« Post exchange regulations, n. p. May 1, 1899. 12° Same. n. p. Feb. 2, 1901. 12° Record books . Rules for keeping principal record books used at Depart- ment and general headquarters and at Adjutant General's Office, and for making principal reports, returns, &c., required for Adjutant General's Office. 1862. 12° Recruiting service. Regulations for recruiting service of Army of United States. Washington, printed by Francis Prestx)n Blair, 1834. 12° Same. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, Public Printer, 1854. 12° [Interleaved.] Same. 1861. 12° [Interleaved.] Same, both regular and volunteer. 1862. 12° Same. 1863. 12° Uniform. Regulations for uniform & dress of Army of United States, June, 1851, from original text and drawings in War Department. Philadelphia, published bv William H. Horstmann and Sons [1851] T. K. and P. G. Collins, printers, large 4° Same, July, 1872, from original text and drawings in War Depart- ment. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1872. large 4° Uniform. Extracts from General orders relating to uniform of Army. [Mar. 16, 1904.] 12° Uniform. Regulations for uniform and dress of Marine Corps, from original text and drawings in Quartermaster's Department. May, 1875. large 4° War. Rules and articles of war and kindred statutes, with General orders and decisions relating thereto; amended to Nov. 30, 1892. 1892. 12° Soldier's handbook 16« 1887 8° 1895 1896 (War Dept. doc. 9.) 1898 (War Dept. doc. 66.) 1900 (War Dept. doc. 126.) 1902 (War Dept. doc. 126.) 1905 (War Dept. doc. 248. 1908 (War Dept. doc. 332. 1245 CUssincatloii no. W3. ADJUTANT-GENERAIi'S DEPARTMENT— Con. W3.3() : Stations of Army oblong f » and oblong large 8* (date) (Tho Public Documents Library has no Station lists earlier than Oct. 4, 1895, but It is known that from Mar. 4, 189:i, and probably prior to that, the lists were issued monthly or whenever there were chanj?es enough to call for their publication. From Sept. 21, 1899, to May 4, 1905, Stations of Army was considered a weekly publication; since May, 1905, it has been a monthly.] 1895, Oct. 4 Dec. 5 1896, Jan. 10 Mar. 20 June 3 July 1 Aug. 28 Sept. 15 Oct. 5 Oct. 27 1897, Jan. 7 July 9 July 24 Oct. 12 Dec. 1 1898, Jan. 12 Feb. 25 Mar. 22 July 14 Sept. 1 1899, Aug. 10 Aug. 24 Sept. 21 Sept. 28 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 1900, Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 22 Mar. 1 Mar. 8 Mar. 22 Apr. 5 Apr. 12 Apr. 19 Apr. 26 May 3 May 10 May 16 May 24 May 31 June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28 July 5 1900, July 12 July 19 July 26 Aug. 2 Aug. 9 Aug. 16 Aug. 23 Aug. 30 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 [None issued. Oct. 25 [None issued. Nov. 1 Nov. 8 [None issued.] Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Dec. 6 None issued.] Dec: 13 None issued.] Dec. 20 Dec. 27 1901, Jan. 3 [None issued.] Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 None issued.] None issued.] Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 [None issued.] Mar. 7 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Mar. -28 Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. 18 Apr. 25 May 2 [None issued.] May 9 May 16 May 23 May 30 « June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4 July 11 « July 18 July 25 Aug. 1 Aug. 8 Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 « Sept. 5 Sept. 12 1246 Classification no. W3. ADJUTANT- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. W3.30: Stations of Army— Continued (date) 1901, Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Dec. 26 1902, Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 Mar. 6 Mar. 13 Mar. 20 Mar. 27 Apr. 3 Apr. 10 Apr. 17 Apr. 24 May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 June 5 June 12 June 19 June 26 July 3 July 10 July 17 July 24 July 31 Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28 Sept. 4 Sept. 11 Sept. 18 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Oct. 30 Nov. Dec. 4 Dec. 11 [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] 1902, [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] [None issued.] 1903, Dec. Dec. Jan, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May June June June June July July July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 1904, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. May None None None None None issued, issued, issued, issued . issued.] issued.] None issued.] None None None None None None None issued, issued, issued. issued.] issued.] issued.] None issued.] None None None None None issued.] issued.] issued.] issued.] issued.] issued.] None issued.] None None None issued.] issued.] None issued.] None None None None None None issued.] issued.] issued.] issued.] issued.] issued . issued, issued . 24 [None 31 [None 7 14 [None issued.] 21 28 4 [None 11-Apr. 28 5 [None issued.] t issued.] t Lists from Feb. 11-Apr. 28, 1904, were issued by Record and Pension Office; see W40,5; 1247 ClMslflcatloB w;i. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. no. W3.30: Stations of Army— Continued (date) W3.31: (date) W3.32: (date) 1904, May 12 May 19 May 26 June 2 June 9 June 16 June 23 June 30 July 7 July 14 July 21 July 28 Aug. 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Aug. 25 Sept. 1 Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 1905, Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 Mar. 1 Mar. 8 Mar. 16 Mar. 23 Mar. 30 Apr. 6 Apr. 13 Apr. 20 Apr. 27 May 4 May 11 May 18 May 25 June 2 June 9 [None issued [None issued, None issued, [None issued, [None issued, [None issued, [None issued, [None issued, [None issued, [None issued, [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued . [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued. [None issued . [None issued. None issued. None issued. ^None issued. None issued. None issued. 1905, June June June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1906, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1907, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1908, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1909, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 16 [None issued. 23 [None issued. 30 31 31 30 31 30 * 30 * 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 * 31 28 30 30 31 29 31 31 30 31 30 31 31 29 31 30 30 30 31 31 [None issued.] 30 31 30 31 30 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 30 30 31 Special orders, War Department [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Army or some portion of it and are published for the information of military men. Not listed here.] General court martial orders [Not listed here.] 1248 Classification no. W3.33: C81 R26 R731 R732 R734 R73^ R73« W3.34: (date) W3.35: (date) W3. ADJUTANT- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT— Con. Militia Affairs Division (miscellaneous publications) [W3.33: and W3.35: are reserved for publications issued by the Militia Affairs Divi- sion whicli was subordinate to the adjutant-general and was not a separate pub- lishing office. See, for publications of the later Militia Affairs Division created Feb. 12, 1908, in Office of Secretary of War, W70.] Correspondence . Instructions for conducting correspondence and keep- ing records by organized militia and volunteer forces. 1904. 12*' Regulations of War Department governing organized militia under Con- stitution and laws of United States. 1908. (War Dept. doc. 319.) t Roster of organized militia of United States by divisions, brigades, regi- ments, companies, etc., with their stations, May, 1903. 1903. (War Dept. doc. 201.) Same, Oct. 1903. 1903. (War Dept. doc. 211.) Same, Jan. 1905. 1905. (War Dept. doc. 251.) Same, by divisions, brigades, regiments, companies, and other or- ganizations, with their stations, Feb. 1906. 1906. Same, Feb. 28, 1907. 1907. Same, Feb. 1, 1908. 1908. See, for later rosters, W70.5: Roster of oflacers, Adjutant- General's Department [It is probable that there have been many issues, but the Public Documents Library has only one which is for May 15, 1884.] Report on militia of United States [W3.33: and "W3.35: are reserved for publications issued by the Militia Affairs Divi- sion which was subordinate to the adjutant-general and was not a separate pub- lishing office. See, for publications of the later Militia Affairs Division created Feb. 12, 1908, in Office of Secretary of War, W70.] Report of military secretary 1904-06, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued sepa- rately also. Report of adjutant-general 1907, in annual report of War Department (Wl.l :), and issued separately also. W4. CHICKAMAUGA AND CHATTANOOGA MILITARY PARK COMMISSION NATIONAL [By act approved Aug. 19, 1890, $125,000 was appropriated for the condemnation and purchavse of the land rendered historic by the battles of Chattanooga and Chickamauga, and a commission was authorized to take up the work of converting the land into a national military park. The park was officially dedicated Sept. 18-20, 1895. See, for history of its establishment, p. 317-330 of Dedication of Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park (Y4.C43:D36).] W4.1: (date) W4.2: At6i At62 C39 Annual reports [1891-96, no signed report issued. 1897 and 1898, a signed summary of the annual report is included in annual report of War Department (Wl.l:). 1899-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued separately also.] General publications Atlas of battlefields of Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and vicinity [with descriptions of plates and positions of troops]. 1896-7. f ° Same, republished by order of Congress, with additional position maps. 1901. i^ [4175-514] [Both bureau editions carrj^ be- sides the imprint of Government Printing Office the imprint of Julius Bien & Co. Lith. N. Y. The Congressional sheep-bound edi- tion does not contain the cover-title giving index to plates, etc.] Chattanooga, Tenn. Battles about Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 23-25, 1863; Orchard Knob, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge; or- ganization of Union forces and of Confederate forces; compiled by II. V. Boynton. 1895. ^See, for 1910 and later editions, footnote for W70.7: 1249 Classlflffttlon no. Wl. CHICKAMAUGA AND CHATTANOOGA NA- TIONAL MILITARY PARK COMMISSION— Con. W4.2: Gouoral publications— Coutinuod 039=* CM3 L52 P94 T84 W4.3: (no8.) (date) Chattanooga, Tenn. Campaign for Chattanooga, theater of movementa and battlefields as seen from point of Ix)okout Mountain. 1902. Chattanooga, Tenn. Campaign for Chattanooga, historical sketch de- scriptive of model in relief of region about Chattanooga and of battles illustrated thereon. 1902. Chickamauga, Ga. Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19-20, 1863, organization of Army of the Cumberland and Army of Tennes- see; compiled by 11. V. Boynton. 1895. Legislation, Congressional and State, pertaining to establishment of park; regulations, original and amended, governing erection of monuments, markers, and other memorials. 1897. Progress and condition of work of establishing Chickamauga and Chatta- nooga National Military Park. [1895 J Turchin, John B. Report of Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park Commission on claim of John B. Turchin and others that in battle of Chattanooga his brigade captured position on Missionary Ridge known as the De Long place and decision of Secretary of War thereon. [1896.] Bulletins [None issued.] CirctQars [The circulars issued ])y the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park Commission are not listed here.J W5. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT [June 16, 1775, the Continental Congress passed a resolution providing for one commissary-general of stores and provisions. The number of commissaries was increased by various legislative acts, and the office became known as Subsistence Department. See, for historical information, Legislative history of Sub- sistence Department, 1775-1876 (W5.2:H62i).] W5.1: (date) (CT) W5.2: A12 Ar5^ Ar52 B64 B74 Annual reports of commissary-general [1826-1909, in annual reports of War Department (\Vl.l:), and since 1867 issued separately also. Reports for 1896 and 1897 each have 2 editions, one with and one without appendix. Report for 1899 appears as a pamphlet of 13 p., and with additional matter as a pamphlet of 16 p.] Annual reports (separates) General publications [Some of the publications listed in this class were issued by military departments. Their classification under Subsistence Department with related material seems justifiable.) Alden evaporating process. Circular [recommending commanders to cure vegetables and fruits by using Alden evaporating process]. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 15, 1876. 16° [Issued by Division of the Pacific] American Public Health Association, Prize essay of. See W5.2:C77 ^>^, Army. How to feed an army [reports made in response to circular issued by commissary-general, June 1, 1865]. 1901. 12° (War Dept. doc. 129.) Army. Letter of R. Macfeely [to Commission for Reform and Reorgani- zation of Army, containing opinions and suggestions as to changes in organization of Army]. [1876.]^ f ° [See, for further informa- tion concerning Commission for Reform and Reorganization of Army, entries and note under Wl.2:Ar52'^.] Books. [List of books relative to duties of Subsistence Department.] Sept. 13, 1901. 12° Bread and bread making. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1864. 16® 82452°— 11- -79 1250 Classification no. W5.2: B74 2 B743 B74^ B98 C15 C16 C29 C33 C771 C772 C773 C77* D56 Ef4 F73 G28 H62 H622 H623 W5. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT— Continued General publications— Continued Bread making. Notes on bread making, permanent and field ovens, and bakehouses, prepared by George Bell; with extracts from Notes on flour, by same officer. 1882. Bread making. Practical instructions in bread-making; edited, mainly from data furnished by George Bell, by John W. Barriger. Wash- ington [no publisher] 1878. 12° Bread making. [Directions for making bread in field; by John G. Bourke.] Sept. 11, 1877. 12° [Issued by Department of the Platte.] Butter. Notes on butter and cheese [their manufacture, transportation, and quality, by various authors]; by Thomas Wilson. Subsist- ence Office, Baltimore, Md., Dec. 11, 1868. 16^ Camp fires and camp cooking, or culinary hints for the soldier, including receipt for making bread in portable field oven furnished by Sub- sistence Department; by James M. Sanderson. Washington [no publisher] Jan. 1862. 12° [Issued from Headquarters Army of the Potomac] Canned goods. Notes on [culture, preparation, sealing and inspection of] canned goods; by T[homas] Wilson. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1870. 16° Cattle and cattle feeding. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1865. 16° Cellars. Notes on ventilation of cellars, with designs; by John P. Haw- kins. New York [no publisher] 1880. 16° Cooking. Practical, sanitary, and economic cooking adapted to persons of moderate and small means, Lomb prize essay; by Mary Hin- man Abel. n. p. American Public Health Association, 1890. 12° [Treatise on Army cookery inserted preceding title-page. Accepted by Government for gratuitous distribution to Army and Navy. Back title reads: Prize essay of American Public Health Association.] Same, English and German, n. p. American Public Health Associa- tion, 1890. 12° [Treatise on Army cookery inserted preceding title-page. Accepted by Government for gratuitous distribution to Army and Navy.] Cooking schools. Recipes used in cooking schools. Army. 1906. 12° Same. [Edition, Nov. 20, 1906.] 1906. 12° Diet. [Letter from J. C. McKee to S. Breck, assistant adjutant general, enclosing diet tables and recipes for full diet for 10 men.] May 5, 1875. 12° [Issued by Department of California. Letter men- tions Diet table for U. S. Army hospitals, not in Public Docu- ments Library.] Efficiency reports. Instructions for preparation of efficiency reports of employees in Subsistence Department at large. Nov. 25, 1903. 12° Food of Army. Remarks on food of Army; by Sam'l. Breck, accompa- nied by table showing food ration in different years since 1802. [1875.] 12° General orders . Synopsis of general orders and circulars, Adjutant Gen- eral's Office, affecting Subsistence Department since publication of Army regulations of 1895; by Emmet Hamilton. [Hesse print] St. Louis, Mo., Apr. 1900. History. Legislative history of Subsistence Department, June 16, 1775- Aug. 15, 1876; by John W. Barriger. [1st edition.] Washington [no publisher] 1876. [Prepared for use of Commission on Reform and Reorganization of Army, which was organized under act approved July 24, 1876; see entry and note under W1.2:Ar52.] Same. 2d edition. 1877. Same [June 16, 1775-Apr. 11, 1818]. Abridged edition. Washing- ton [no publisher] 1878. 12° 1251 Cliiiwlficatiun no. W6.2 H67 II75 L72 Ov2 P44 R181 R182 R183 RIB* R18» R18» St7 Sul Sul2 Sul 3 Sul* Sul» Sul« Sul' T55 W5. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT— Continued General publications— Continued Hog products. Rules for manufacturing hog products; adopted by Na- tional Convention of Pork Packers and Provision Dealers, Louis- ville, Sept. 10, 1874. [Copy in Public Documenta Library is imperfect, and has no title-page.] Hominy. Directions for cooking coarse hominy; [by John P. Haw- kins.] Omaha, Nebr., Nov. 26, 1877. oblong 16° [Issued by Department of the Platte.] Little, John. [Announcement of death of John Little.] July 30, 1900. 12« Ovens. Descriptions of and directions for using portable field-ovens furnished by Subsistence Department; Notes upon construction of field-ovens, by W. L. Carpenter. Washington, D. C. [no pub- lisher] 1880. 16*' [The 2 papers forming this publication are embodied in Notes on bread making (W5.2:B742).] Peterson, M. R. [Announcement of death of M, R. Peterson.] Oct. 22, 1900. 12« Rations. [Table] to reduce rations to bulk and bulk to rations. Mar. 10, 1879. oblong 16« Same. n. p. n. d. oblong 16° Rations. Army ration, issue and conversion tables. Sept. 13, 1395. 4° [Printed on one side of page only. This edition does not seem to have been considered in the issue of later editions.] Same. [1st edition.] Apr. 23, 1901. 'Same. 2d edition. Apr. 1, 1902. Rations. Book of handy reference for use of commissaries when issuing rations at places where proper scales, measures, and other facili- ties are not available. 1905. 16° Stores. Notes on preparing stores for Army, and on care of same, etc., with rules for detecting adulterations; by C. L. Kilburn. [Ist edition.] 1863. * [Public Documents Library has onljr the 2d edition, published by W. A. Webb, Cincinnati, which is not a public document.] Subsistence manual . [Memorandum showing paragraphs of Army regu- lations, edition of 1901, sections of Revised statutes, and Articles of war referred to by paragraphs of Manual for Subsistence Depart- ment.] [1903.] [See, for Manual for Subsistence Department, W5.6:] Subsistence stores. [Specifications as to manner of making bids and delivering subsistence stores.] San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 1, 1877. 16° Subsistence stores. Handbook of subsistence stores. 1896. 12* (War Dept. doc. 19.) Same. 1900. 12° (War Dept. doc. 128.) Subsistence stores. Circular [of instructions for preservation and care of subsistence stores]. Sept. 14, 1866. 16° [Issued by Depart- ment of the Platte.] Subsistence stores. Circular [giving list of tares for guidance of oflScers in Subsistence Department]. July 1, 1867. 12° [Issued at Headquarters, District of New Mexico.] Subsistence stores. Circular [giving directions for making requisitions for subsistence stores, with list of extra groceries consumed by one officer in 6 months]. Dec. 24, 1873. 12° [Issued from head- quarters, District of New Mexico.] Subsistence stores. Specifications and conditions for subsistence stores. Feb. 1907 and Mar. 1908. See Circulars 3 of 1907 and 4 of 1908 (W5 .4:907 3, 908^).] Tobacco. Notes on culture, cure, manufacture, inspection, and preser- vation of tobacco; [by Thomas C. Sullivan]. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1867. [Issued by Department of the Potomac.] 1252 Classification no. W5. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT- Continued W5.3: Bulletins (nos.) W5.4: (date) [None issued.] Circulars 12° [The earliest Circulars in the Public Documents Library are reprinted in a compila tion entitled, Circulars from the commissary general of subsistence, Washington, D. C, 1865. This contains Circulars 1-12, 1864, 1-18, 1865, 1-17, 1866. A footnote to Circular 1. 1864, says "The Circulars from this office during the current year will be numbered, and printed the same size as General orders from the War Department."] 1864, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 1865, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 1866, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. \5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 1867, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 1867, no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 1868 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 1869 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 1870 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 1871-1894 * 1895 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 1896 no. 1 1897 [N one i 1898 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 1899 no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 1900 , no. It no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 1900, no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 1901, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 1902, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 1903, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 1904, no. 1 1905, no. 1 no. 2 1906, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 1907, no. 1 no. 2 no. n no. 4 no. 5 1908, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3t no. 4$ no. 5 1909, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 40 t Not issued. • t Circulars 3 of 1907 and 4 of 1908 have title: Specifications and conditions for sub- sistence stores. 1253 Classification no. W5.5: (date) W5.6: (date) W5.7: (date) W5.8: (date) W5. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT— Continued Manual for army cooks 12" 1879 1883, revised 16* 189G * Manual for Subsistence Department 8* 1896 12° (War Dept. doc. 21.) 1898; corrected to Apr. 23 12« (War Dept. doc. 21.) [Title on cover reads: Subsistence manual, 1896.] 1902; revised to Apr. 7 (War Dept. doc. 156.) 1908; revised to May 1 (War Dept. doc. 321.) [Interleaved.] Same; revised to Sept. 1 (War Dept. doc. 321.) Regulations for Subsistence Department 12«> 1827 * 1841 * 1847 1862 1835 * 1843 * 1855 1863 8'» 1839 1846 160 1861 [Up to date (June, 1911), no more issued. The 1881 edition of Army regulations (\Vl.(i:) was so complete that an edition of Regulations for Subsistence Depart- ment was unnecessary. Circular 1 of 1895 ( VV5.4:895 >) served for a time as manual of instructions governing ollicers of Subsistence Department, and later the Manual for Subsistence Department was published; see W5.6:) Roster of Subsistence Department (monthly) 1899, Oct. 1902, May 1904 , Dec. 1907, July Nov. June 1905 Jan. Aug. Dec. July Feb. Sept. 1900, Jan. Aug. Mar. Oct. Feb. Sept. Apr. Nov. Mar. Oct. May Dec. Apr. Nov. June 1908, Jan. May Dec. July Feb. June 1903, Jan. Aug. Mar. July Feb. Sept. Apr. Aug. Mar. Oct. May Sept. Apr. May Nov. June Oct. Dec. July Nov. June 1906 , Jan. Aug. Dec. July Feb. Sept. 1901, Jan. Aug. Mar. Oct. Feb. Sept. Apr. Nov. Mar. Oct. May Dec. Apr. Nov. June 1909, Jan. May Dec. July Feb. June 1904, Jan. Aug. Mar. July Feb. Sept. Apr. Aug. Mar. Oct. May Sept. Apr. May Nov. June Oct. Dec. July Nov. June 1907 Jan. Aug. Dec. July Feb. Sept. 1902, Jan. Aug. Mar. Oct. Feb. Sept. Apr. Nov. Mar. Oct. May Dec. Apr. Nov. June I W6. INSUI^R AFFAIRS BUREAU [Organized under order of acting Secretary of War, Dec. 13, 1898, and called Division of Customs and Insular Affairs. Changed by order of Secretary of War to Division of Insular Affairs, Dec. 10, 1900. By act of July 1, 1902 (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 712), the name was again changed to Bureau of Insular Affairs. By this same act, the business assigned to the bureau was designated as all matters pertaining tocivilgovem- ment in island possessions of United States subject to jurisdiction of War Department. Publications of the Philippine Commission which are issued by Insular Affairs Bureau are entered under W49. Under act approved Apr. 12, 1900, jurisdiction of this division over civil affairs in Porto Rico ceased Apr. 30, 1900. Beginning with the fiscal year 1909, the governor of Porto Rico reports to the War Department, in accordance with act of July 15, 1909, promulgated by Executive order of same date, the text of which appears under W7o. This act provided that the business of the War Department pertaining to civil fovemment in I'orto Rico be assigned to Insular Affairs Bureau. Publications of the government of 'orto Rico, issued by Insular Affairs Bureau under this act, are entered under W75. See, for historical information, note under W75.] 1254 Classification no. W6.1: (date) W6.2: B31 C49^ C492 C52 C561 C562 C76 C89^ C892 G251 G252 L97 M311 M31^ M82 Or4 W6. INSULAR AFFAIRS BUREAU-Oontinued Annual reports [1901-09, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued separately also.] General publications Batan Island . Report of examination of coal deposits on Batan military reservation, Batan Island, P. I.; by H. L. Wigmore [with other extracts and reports]. 1905. [Also, with omissions, in Philip- pine Commission annual report, 1905. pt. 4 (W49 .1 :905 *) . Cover- title reads "Report of investigation of coal deposits," and gives fuller title.] Civil government. Reports on law of civil government in territory sub- ject to military occupation by military forces of United States; by Charles E. Magoon. [Ist edition.] 1902. Same. 2d edition. 1902. Claims. In re claims made against United States by reason of military operations, encampment of troops, conduct of soldiers, etc., in Porto Rico, Cuba, Hawaii, and Philippines. [1901.] [Also, with slight differences, in Reports on law of civil government in territory subject to military occupation by military forces of United States {\Y6.2:C49''^).] Classification of commodities. Schedule A, classification of commodities for monthly statements of imported commodities [for Cuba, Porto Rico, and Philippine Islands]; approved May 1, 1899. 1899. Classification of commodities. Schedule B, classification of commodi- ties for monthly statements of domestic exports [from Cuba, Porto Rico, and Philippine Islands]; approved May 1, 1899. 1899. Constitucion de los Estados Unidos de America con los articulos en adicion y enmienda a la misma. Agosto de 1899. Cuba. Lo que el Secretario de Guerra expone en su informe anual [1901] relativo d Cuba y observaciones del Presidente sobre el mismo asunto. Diciembre de 1901. Cuban pacification, report of William H. Taft, Secretary of War, and Robert Bacon, assistant Secretary of State, Dec. 11, 1906. 1907. [Report covers the period from Sept. 14 to Oct. 13, 1906, and is dated Dec. 11, 1906. Published by Insular Affaii's Bureau. Also in annual reports of War Department, 1906, v. 1 (Wl.l:906 ^).i See, for information concerning the Army of Cuban Pacification and the provisional governor of Cuba, notes beginning "Cuba" and "Cuban" under Wl. 2: See, for annual reports of provisional governor of Cuba, W1.16: Gazetteer. Pronouncing gazetteer and geographical dictionary of Phil- ippine Islands, also law of civil government approved July 1, 1902, with index, Sept. 30, 1902. 1902. xxxix+933 p. [8] il. [249] pi. [61] maps. [4240-280] Same [advance issue of prefatory matter without plates or maps], July 4, 1902. 1902. xiv+264 p. Luzon. Proposed railway lines in Luzon; reportof J. T. Norton. July, 1903. (War Dept. doc. 206.) Manila Railway Company, Limited. [In re claim of Manila Railway Coinpany, Limited, for payment by United States of interest on capital invested in railway pursuant to guaranty of said interest by Spanish Government, by Charles E. Magoon, submitted Dec. 21, 1899.] [1900.] [In 4239-283] [Also in Reports on law of civil government in territory subject to military occupation by military forces of United States (W6.2:C49'>^).] Manila, P. I. $2,000,000 sewer and waterworks construction bond issue of Manila [invitation for bids]. Nov. 10, 1906. 4« Moro dialect. Primer and vocabulary of Moro dialect, Magindanau; by R. S. Porter. Oct. 1903. (War Dept. doc. 209.) Orient. Report on certain economic questions in English and Dutch colonies in the Orient; by Jeremiah W. Jenks. Sept. 1902. (War Dept. doc. 168.) 1255 ClaNsiflratloa DO. W6.2 P531 P53=» P53^ P53* P53« P537 P53» P53' P53'° P53" P53»2 P53'3 P53'^ P53>5 P53'« W6. INSULAR AFFAIRS BUREAU— Continued General publications — Continued Philippine Islands. Pronouncing gazetteer and geographical diction- ary of Philippine Inlands, also law of civil government approved July 1,1902. SeeW6:2:G2b''\ Philippine Islands. [Circular inviting bids for $3,000,000 of certificates of indebtedness of Philippine Islands.] July 9, 1903. 12« Same. Feb. 20, 1904. 12* Same. July 18, 1904. 12» Philippine Islands. [Circular inviting bids for $1,000,000 of certificates of indebtedness of Philippine Islands.] July 26, 1906. 129 Philippine Islands. Information concerning employment of school teachers in Philippine Islands. [1901.] 12» Same [with slight alterations]. [1901.] 12° Philippine Islands. People of Philippines. 1901. ([56th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 218]; serial no. 4943.) Philippine Islands. Report on construction to be given Congressional enactment, approved Mar. 2, 1901, relating to public lands and timber in Philippines, by Charles E. Magoon, submitted Mar. 15, 1901. 1901. [Also in Reports on law of civil government in ter- ritory subject to military occupation by military forces of United States (W6.2:C49 1.2).] Philippine Islands. Report on right of government of Philippine Islands, instituted by United States, to regulate commercial intercourse with archipelago and to impose import and export duties, by Charles E. Magoon, submitted Nov. 18, 1901. 1901. [Also, with omissions, in Reports on law of civil government in territory subject to military occupation by military forces of United States (W6.2:C49i'2) j Philippine Islands. Consideraciones contenidas en el informe anual del Secretario de la Guerra [1901] relativas d las Islas Filipinas y observaciones del Presidente sobre el mismo asunto. Enero de 1902. Philippine Islands. Reports of Philippine Commission, civil governor, and heads of executive departments of civil government of Phil- ippine Islands, 1900-03 [with important acts relating to adminis- tration of civil affairs in islands and inaugural addresses of William H. Taft and Luke E. Wright, etc.]. 1904. Philippine Islands. Philippine railways, invitation [from Secretary of War] for proposals for concessionary contracts or grants with and by Philippine government in aid of construction and operation of railways in Philippine Islands. June, 1905. [See, for modified invitation, W1.2:P53\] Philippine Islands. Philippine railways, proposed draft of conces- sionary contract or grant. 1906. 4* Philippine Islands. Laws relating to public lands in Philippine Islands. Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department, 1905, Press of Frank L. Sibley & Company, Baltimore, Md. See also, for Acts of Congress, treaties, and proclamations relating to noncontiguous territory, W6.12: Philippine Islands. Compilation of laws and regulations relating to public lands in Philippine Islands, Feb. 1, 1908. 1908. Philippine Islands. Laws against treason, sedition, etc., communica- tion from law officer making comparison between existing laws of United States against treason, sedition, and misprision and act 292 of Philippine Commission [defining crimes or treason, insur- rection, sedition, conspiracies, seditious utterances, formation of secret political societies, etc., and prescribing punishment there- for]. [1902.] ([57th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 173]; serial no. 4234.) [Also in Reports on law of civil government in territory subject to military occupation by military forces of United States (W6.2:C49i.2).] wv. 1256 Classification no. W6. INSULAR AFFAIRS BUREAU— Continued W6.2: General publications— Continued P65 P831 P832 P833 Sa5 W6.3: (nos.) we.*: (nos.) W6.5: C891 C892 C893 P531 P532 P831 P832 W6.6: C491 C492 C493 C73 C76 C86 Pines, Isle of. Isle of Pines, Caribbean Sea, its situation, physical fea- tures, inhabitants, resources, and industries. 1902. Porto Rico. Report of Insular Commission upon investigations made into civil affairs of Porto Rico, with recommendations. June 9, 1899. Porto Rico. Puerto Rico;^ reports of Geo. W. Davis, military governor, and reports on districts of Arecibo, Aguadilla, Cayey, Humacao, Mayaguez, Ponce, San Juan, Vieques, and subdistrict of San German, arranged by topics, 1899. 1900. Porto Rico. Reports of George W. Davis [military governor] on indus- trial and economic conditions of Puerto Rico, 1899. 1900. Santiago and Puerto Principe, Cuba. Special report on insular affairs of provinces of Santiago and Puerto Principe, Cuba, by Leonard Wood, commanding Department of Santiago and Puerto Principe [with report of board for formulating scheme for public education in province of Santiago]. Oct. 5, 1899. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 12° 1 13 25 37 2 14 2 editions 26 38 3 15 27 39 4 16 28 40 5 17 29 41 6 18 30 42 7 19 31 43 8 20 32 44 9 21 33 45 10 22 34 46 11 23 35 47 12 24 36 48 Immigration regulations Cuba. Immigration regulations for Cuba. June 1[7], 1899. Same [with corrected date]. June 7, 1899. Same, Spanish. Philippine Islands. Immigration regulations for Philippine Islands. June 7, 1899. Same, Spanish. Porto Rico. Immigration regulations for Porto Rico. June 7, 1899. Same, Spanish. Translations Civil administration. Translation, laws relating to civil administration and government of Porto Rico. Aug. 1899. Civil code. Translation of civil code in force in Cuba, Porto Rico, and Philippines. Oct. 1899. Civil procedure. Translation of law of civil procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico, with annotations, explanatory notes, and amend- ments made since American occupation. Jan. 1901. Commerce. Translation of code of commerce in force in Cuba, Porto Rico, and Philippines, amended June 10, 1897, including com- mercial registry regulations, exchange regulations, and provisions of similar character, with annotations and appendices. Oct. 1899. Constitution. Translation of proposed constitution for Cuba, official acceptance of Piatt amendment, and electoral law. Nov. 1901. Criminal procedure. Translation of law of criminal procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico, with Spanish text, with annotations, explanatory notes, and amendments made since American occupation. Oct. 1901. 1257 ClaHsiacattoit no. W6.6: E12» E12» Em4 J98 M66» M662 M841 M842 M92» M922 N841 N842 P371 P372 P83 P961 P962 P963 R13» RI32 RI33 R13* R13» Se4 W31 W6. INSULAR AFFAIRS BUREAU— Continued Translations— Continued Electoral law. Translation, adaptation of electoral law of June 26, 1890, to Cuba and Porto Rico. Aug. 1899. Electoral law. Translation, electoral law for election of councilors and provincial deputies in Porto Rico. Aug. 1899. Eminent domain. Translation of law of eminent domain, extended to Cuba and Porto Rico, June 13, 1884, and regulations for ita appli- cation. Mar. 1901. Justice. Translation, compilation of organic provisions of administra- tion of justice in force in Spanish colonial provinces, and appen- dices relating thereto, 1891. July, 1899. Mining law. Translation of mining law applied to Cuba, Oct. 10, 1883, and June 27, 1884, with appendix containing provisions to date. June, 1900. Mining law. Translation of mining law and regulations in force in Philippines. July, 1900. Mortgage law. Translation of mortgage law for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and iPhilippines, 1893. 1899. Mortgage law. Translation of general regulations for execution of mortgage law for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Philippines, 1893. 1899. Municipal law. Translation of municipal and provincial laws in force in Cuba. Aug. 1899. Municipal law. Translation of provincial and municipal laws of Puerto Rico. Aug. 1899. Notarial law. Translation of notarial laws in force in Cuba and Puerto Rico, 1888 [and of royal decree of Mar. 7, 1893, modifying notarial demarcation of Cuba]. July, 1899. Notarial law. Translation, notarial laws in force in Philippine Islands, and appendices relating thereto. Aug. 1899. Penal code. Translation of penal code in force in Cuba and Porto Rico. July, 1900. Same in force in Philippines. June, 1900. Ports. Translation of law of ports in force in Cuba. May, 1900. Public documents. Translation of general instructions for drafting public documents subject to record in Spanish colonial provinces, 1893. 1899. Public works. Translation of general law of public works of Cuba and regulations for its execution, with subsequent provisions to 1891. 1899. Public works. Translation of collection of laws referring to public works in Puerto Rico, 1896. 1899. Railroads. Translation of law of railroads for Cuba and regulations for its execution, with additions to 1895. July, 1899. Railroads. Translation, regulations for execution of police law of railroads of Cuba. Sept. 1899. Railroads. Translation of railroad laws and regulations in force in Philippines, including police law of railways and other provisions of similar character. Aug. 1900. Railroads. Translation of law of railroads for Puerto Rico, granted b)^ royal decree of Dec. 9, 1887, and promulgated in Puerto Rico, Jan. 10, 1888 [and regulations approved Dec. 14, 18871. 1899. Railroads. Translation of police law of railroads of Puerto Rico and regulations for its application, promulgated Feb. 17, 1888. 1899. Self-government. Translation, constitution establishing self-govern- ment in Cuba and Porto Rico, promulgated by royal decree of Nov. 25, 1897. Aug. 1899. Waters. Translation, law of waters in force in Cuba. May, 1900. 1258 Classification no. W6.7: (date) W6.8: (date) W6. INSULAR AFFAIRS BUREAU— Continued MontMy suininary of commerce of Porto Rico 4» 1900, nos. 1 and 2, July and Aug. 1899 [Erroneously printed as nos. 2 and 3.] no. 3, Sept. 1899 no. 4, Oct. 1899 5, Nov. 1899 6, Dec. 1899 1900 no. no. no, no. 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 1900 1900 1900 no. 9, Mar, no. 10, Apr. [Discontinued.] Quarterly summary of commerce of Philippine Islands 4® Monthly summary of commerce of Philippine Islands 1900, nos. 1-3^ July-Sept. 1899 1903, no. 5, Nov. 1902 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 4, Oct. 1899 5, Nov. 1899 6, Dec. 1899 7, Jan. 1900 8, Feb. 1900 9, Mar. 1900 no. 10, Apr. 1900 no. 11, May, 1900 no. 12, June, 1900 1901, no. 1, July, 1900 2, Aug. 1900 3, Sept. 1900 4, Oct. 1900 5, Nov. 1900 6, Dec. 1900 7, Jan. 1901 8, Feb. 1901 9, Mar. 1901 no. 10, Apr. 1901 no. 11,' May, 1901 no. 12, June, 1901 1902, no. 1, July, 1901 no. 2, Aug. 1901 no. 3, Sept. 1901 no. 4, Oct. 1901 no. 5, Nov. 1901 no. 6, Dec. 1901 no. 7, Jan. no. 8, Feb no. 9, Mar, no. 10, Apr, no. 11, May no. 12, June, 1902 1903, no. 1, July, 1902 no. 2, Aug. 1902 no. 3, Sept. 1902 no. 4, Oct. 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 6, Dec. 1902 7, Jan. 1903 8, Feb. 1903 9, Mar. 1903 no. 10, Apr. 1903 no. 11, May, 1903 no. 12, June, 1903 1904, no. 1, July, 1903 2, Aug. 1903 3, Sept. 1903 4, Oct. 1903 5, Nov. 1903 6, Dec. 1903 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 9, Mar. no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, 1904 no. 12, June, 1904 1, July, 1904 2, Aug. 3, Sept 4, Oct. 5, Nov. 6, Dec. 7, Jan. 8, Feb. 9, Mar. no. 10, Apr. no. 11, May, 1905 no. 12, June, 1905 1906, no. 1, July, 1905 no. 2, Aug. 1905 no. 3, Sept. 1905 no. 4, Oct. 1905 no. 5, Nov. 1905 no. 6. Dec. 1905 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 1905, no. no. no. no. no, no. no. no. no. 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 Quarterly summary of commerce of Philippine Islands 1906, no. 7, Jan. -Mar. 1906 1908, no. 3, Jan. -Mar. 1908 no. 8, Apr.-June, 1906 no. 4, Apr.-June, 1908 1907, no. 1, July-Sept. 1906 1909, no. 1, July-Sept. 1908 no. 2, Oct.-Dec. 1906 no. 2, Oct.-Dec. 1908 no. 3, Jan. -Mar. 1907 no. 3, Jan. -Mar. 1909 no, 4, Apr.-June, 1907 no. 4, Apr.-June, 1909 1908, no. 1, July-Sept. 1907 1910, no. 1, July-Sept. 1909 no. 2, Oct.-Dec. 1907 no. 2, Oct.-Dec. 1909 1250 ClMSHincatlon no. W6.9: (date) W6.10: (nos.) W6.ll: 901 1 9012 901 3 904 909 W6.12! 58 59 1901, no. 9, Mar. 1901 no. 10, Apr. 1901 no. 11, May, 1901 no. 12, June 1901 1902, no. l,July, 1901 no. 2, Aug. 1901 no. 3, Sept. 1901 no. 4, Oct. 1901 no. 5, Nov. 1901 no. 6, Dec. 1901 no. 7, Jan. 1902 no. 8, Feb. 1902 no. 9, Mar. 1902 no. 10, Apr. 1902 no. 11, May, 1902 WG. INSUIiAR AFFAIRS BUREAU— Continued Monthly summary of commerce of Cuba 4* 1900, nos. 1, 2, July and Aug. 1899 no8. 1-6, July-Dec. 1899 no. 7, Jan. 1900 no. 8, Feb. 1900 no. 9, Mar. 1900 no. 10, Apr. 1900 no. 11, May, 1900 no. 12, June, 1900 1901, no. . 1, July, 1900 no. 2, Aug. 1900 no. 3, Sept. 1900 no. 4, Oct. 1900 no. 5, Nov. 1900 no. 6, Dec. 1900 no. 7, Jan. 1901 no. 8, Feb. 1901 [Discontinued.] Plilllppine insurgent records 1 [2] Report on organization for administration of civil government insti- tuted by Emilio Aguinaldo and his followers in Philippine Archi- pelago; by John R. M. Taylor. Sept. 5, 1903. (War Dept. doc. 210.) Philippine tariffs See, for earlier tariffs, W1.7:P53»'2. Proposed customs tariff for porta in Philippine Archipelago as recom- mended by Philippine Commission, suggestions and recom- mendations invited by War Department until Apr. 15, 1901, to be considered with view to amendments before promulgation. 1901. [Printed on one side of leaf only.] Customs tariff for Philippine Archipelago, Sept. 1901. Same, Spanish. Proposed revision of Philippine customs tariff, until Nov. 23, 1904, suggestions and recommendations are invited by War Depart- ment, to be considered with view to amendments before final adoption. Q- P- [1904]. [Printed on one side of leaf only. Customs tariff for Philippine Archipelago (W6.11:901^) is printed on pages opposite to this Proposed revision.] Customs tariff of Philippine Islands, 1909, with index and repertory, and appendix including extract from tariff law of 1909 concern- ing tariff relations with Philippine Islands. 1909. Acts of Congress, treaties, and proclamations re- lating to noncontiguous territory [None issued prior to 58th Congress. Book numbers are taken from the numl)er of the Congress.] See also Laws relating to public lands in Philippine Islands (W6.2: P53»=*'^*). Acts of Congress, treaties, proclamations, and decisions of Supreme Court relating to noncontiguous territory and Cuba and to mili- tary affairs, 58th Congress, Mar. 4, 1903-Mar. 3, 1905, Supreme Court cases, Jan. 1, 1898-Dec. 3, 1906. 1907. [5071-204] Acta of Congress, treaties, proclamations, decisions of Supreme Court, and opinions of Attorney-General relating to noncontiguous ter- ritory, Cuba and Santo Domingo and to military affairs, 59th Congress, Mar. 4, 1905-Mar. 3, 1907, Supreme Court cases, Jan. 1, 1907-June 1, 1909, opinions of Attorney-General, Jan. 1, 1898- June 17, 1908, relations with Santo Domingo, Jan. 1, 1898-July 25, 1907, list of officials, Dec. 1, 1908. 1909. [5565-47] IJ 1260 Classiflcatton no. W6.12: 60 W6.13: W6.13I: (date) W6.I32: (CT) W6.13 3: (noa.) W6.13^: (noa.) W6. INSULAR AFFAIRS BUREAU— Continued Acts of Congress, treaties, and proclamations relat- ing to noncontiguous territory— Continued Acts of Congress, treaties, and proclamations relating to noncontiguous territory, Cuba and Santo Domingo, and to military affairs, 60th Congress, Mar. 4, 1907-Mar. 3, 1909. 1909. (War Dept. doc. 353.) [Not in Congressional set.] Dominican Customs ReceiversMp [Organized about Aug. 1, 1907, under provisions of American-Dominican convention of Feb. 8, 1907, and Executive order of July 25, 1907.] Dominican Customs Receivership, Anuual reports 1908, Aug. 1, 1907-July 31, 1908, 1st. [Issued as separate only. Pub- lished in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau.] 1909, Aug. 1, 1908-July 31, 1909, 2d. [Issued as separate only. Pub- •lished in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau.] Dominican Customs Receiversliip, General publi- cationi^ Dominican Customs Receivership, Bulletins [None issued?] Dominican Customs Receivership, Circulars [Not printed?] W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT [In the beginning of the Revolutionary War. though there were chief engineers and assistant engineers attached to the several armies of the United States, there was no organization of engineer corps such as was created later. Mar. 11, 1779, a Corps of Engineers was established which, however, was disbanded in Nov. 1783. By act of May 9, 1794, an additional military force was provided for, and this force was to be incorporated with the Corps of Artillery then in the service, the consolidated forces to be denominated "Corps of Artillerists and Engineers." The acts of Mar. 3, 1795, and of May 30, 1796, provided for the completion of this organization, both of them referring to the original act as that of "May 8, 1794." The act of Mar. 16, 1802, provided for the organization of a Corps of Engineers, the whole corps at no time to exceed 20 officers and cadets, said corps to be stationed at West Point, N. Y., and to constitute a Mili- tary Academy; see W12. For some time afterwards, the Corps of Engineers and Military Academy were identical, the superintendent of the Military Academy being appointed from the Corps of Engineers until the passage of the act of July 13, 1866, providing for the appomtment of the superintendent of the MiUtary Academy from any arm of the service. During the Revolutionary War, 2 officers were styled "Geographers to the United States of America," who were the forerunners of the topographical engineers, 8 of whom were provided for by act approved Mar. 3, 1813. The Corx)s of Topographical Engineers was reorganized by act of Apr. 24, 1816, and on July 2,1818, placed under the Engineer Department, remaining there until June 21, 1831, when it became a separate bureau of the War Department. By act of Mar. 3, 1863, it was again consolidated with the Corps of Engineers, or "Engineer Department," as it has usually been called since 1864. The office in the War Department is called " Office of Chief of Engineers." Publications of the Engineer Department and of the topographical engineers are classed here. See, for publications of the Military Academy, W12. Publications of certain of the engineering bureaus and commissions are classed elsewhere under War Depart- ment, as Mississippi River Commission (W31.), Missouri River Commission (W32.), Northern and Northwestern Lakes Survey (W33.), etc.] W7.1 (date) Annual reports ["Department edition" is used below to designate those prints of the reports in which "Annual reports of War Department" appears in the most prominent position on the title-page, with "chief of engineers" in a subordinate position; these are classed under Wl.l: "Bureau edition" is used to designate those in which "chief of engineers" occupies the most prominent place, e. g., "Annual report of chief of engineers to Secretary of War." These are classed under W7.1i: or W7.1ia: See also note under W7.1ia:(date).] 1822 [78-39] 1823-1905 (except 1862 and 1863, none issued), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), forming one or more separate volumes of those reports from 1867; for 1847-96 (with the possible excep- tion of a few years prior to 1867), also issued in full in bureau edition; for 1897-1905, issued without appendixes in bureau edition. [1906-09, the Engineer Department reports as included in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), forming a separate volume of those reports, are without appendixes. The full report for tliose years with all accompanying papers was issued in bureau edition as listed below.] 1261 W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued riasslflratlon no. W7.1 ': I Annual reports— Continued (date) 1906, pt. 1 [5144-221 ' Same, pt. 2 [5145-22] 19()7, pt. 1 [5283-26J Same, pt. 2 [5284-26] Same, pt. 3 [5285-26] 1908, pt. 1 [5431-1052] W7.1'«: (date) (CT) 866-79 ^ 866-792 880-87 888-92 866-9001 866-9002 866-9003 Same, pt. 2 [5432-1052 Same, pt. 3 [5433-1052 1909, pt. 1 [5726-111] Same, pt. 2 [5727-111 Same, pt. 3 [5728-111 Annual reports (separates; report of chief without appendixes, ex- cept 1897-1905) ["Department edition" as used below designatevS those prints in which "Anntial reports of War Department " appears in the most prominent position on the title- page, with "chief of engineers'' in a subordinate position; all such are classed under Wl.l: "Bureau edition" is used for those prints in which "chief of engineers" occupies the most prominent place on the title-page, e. g., "Annual report of chief of engineers to Secretary of War "; these are classed under W7.1 »: or \V7.lia: as indicated below. Class here (W7.1 la: date) all prints of the report without appendLxes up to and including that for 1896. Duriiffe those years the full report, with appendixes, appeared tn both Department edition (Wl.l:) and in bureau edition ( W7.1 ':) For 1897-1905, the full report appeared in Department edition (Wl.l:), but the only bureaii edition is the one without appendixes, issued in paper. For 1897-1905, therefore, the report withotit appendixes must be clas.sed under W7.1 ': Class here (W7.1 ia:dato) the prints of the report without appendixes for 1906-09 which appear with bureau title-page and paper covers. Tne Department edi- tion for these years is also without appendixes and is like the paper separate except that it has Department title-page and red cloth binding uniform with the Department set (Wl.l:). The full report appears in bureau edition; see W7.1 1:] Annual reports (separates; appendixes, with exceptions, and extracts from report of chief) [Although for 1897-1905, the full report with appendixes appears only in War Depart- ment edition (Wl.l:), the miscellaneous separates for these years as well as for earlier and later years (with the exception of certain classes as noted below) are to be classed here under W7.1 la: (CT). Annual reports issued as appendixes to Engineer Department rexwrts, but classed elsewhere, are as follows: California Debris Commission. See W50. Laws affecting Corps of Engineers. See W7.6 i: Mississippi River Commission. See W31. Missouri River Commission. See W32. Public Buildings and Grounds Office. See "W38. Annual reports of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes Sur\ ey are classed here because sometimes printed with other appendixes, but other publications of that office are classed under W33.] Indexes to Annual reports Analytical and topicalindex to reports of chief of engineers and officers of Corps of Engineers, Army, upon works and surveys for river and harbor improvement [v. 1]: 1866-79; compiled under direc- tion of Henry M. Robert by Louis Y. Schermerhorn, Samuel O. L. Potter, and others. 1881. Same, Maps showing locations of works and surveys for river and harbor improvement, compiled for index to reports of chief of engineers, 1879. [1881?] [Includes lai^e map of United States in sections, and several small maps.] Same, v. 2: 1880-87; compiled under dii'ection of Henry M. Rob- ert by Louis Y. Schermerhorn and Holden B. Schermerhorn. 1889. Same, v. 3: 1888-92; compiled under direction of C. W. Raymond by Louis Y. Schermerhorn and Holden B. Schermerhorn. 1895. Analytical and topical index to reports of chief of engineers and officers of Corps of Engineers, Army, 1866-1900, v. 1: River and harbor works [A-M]; compiled under direction of C. W. Raymond by John McClure. 1902. (War Dept. doc. 165.) [4532^39] Same, v. 2: River and harbor works [M-Z]; compiled under direc- tion of C. W. Raymond by John McClure. 1903. ([War Dept. doc. 165.]) [4533-439] Saine, v. 3: Fortifications, bridges, laws, miscellaneous, and topical index; compiled under direction of C. W. Raymond by John McClure. 1903. ([War Dept. doc. 165.]) [4534-439] 1262 Classification no. W7.2: Aq4 At8 Au7 B48 B62 B73 B761 B762 B763 B86 C16 C28 C33 C431 C432 W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued General publications Aqueduct. Reports on construction of piers of aqueduct of Alexandria Canal across Potomac River at Georgetown, D. C, by William Tumbull, 1835-40. 1873. 4« [Reprinted from House docu- ment 261, 24th Congress, 1st session, m serial no. 291, and Senate document 178, 26th Congress, 2d session, in serial no. 378.] Attorneys-General. Extracts from Opinions of Attorneys-General [v. 1-16], concerning acquisition of land, bridges, certificate of Gov- ernment titles, cession of jurisdiction, compensation of counsel, contracts, disbursing officers, execution of laws, harbor improve- ments, miscellaneous subjects, obstruction to navigation, public property, riparian rights, sales of public property, soil under navigable waters, South Pass Mississippi River, Washington Aqueduct, and Washington City; compiled by John G. Parke, 1882. [See, for similar decisions by Supreme Court, W7.2:Su7 ^] Austin, Tex., to Topolo;vampo, Mexico. [Papers relating to] Austin- Topolovampo Pacific Railroad route. [1875.] Big Sandy River. [Preliminary report of] survey of Big Sandy River, W. Va. and Ky., including Levisa and Tug forks [with Report upon mineral wealth of Big Sandy Valley from Louisa to head of navigation, by C. Newton Brown]; Final report on sm-vey of Big Sandy River, Ky. and W. Va., including Levisa and Tug forks. [Jan. 22, Dec. 21, 1900.] [Made up of 56th Congress, 1st session, House document 326, serial no. 3980, and 56th Congress, 2d ses- sion. House document 235, serial no. 4155, with cover-title.] Blossom Rock. Report upon removal of Blossom Rock, in San Fran- cisco Harbor, Cal., by R. S. Williamson and W. H. Heuer, 1870. 1871. 4« Brandywine-Shoal light-house. Report on effects of sea-water and exposure upon iron-pile shafts of Brandywine-Shoal light-house [Delaware Bay]; by John D. Kurtz and Micah R. Brown. 1874. 40 Bridge equipage. Organization of bridge equipage of Army, with direc- tions for construction of military bridges; prepared by board of engineer officers [J. C. Duane, Henry L. Abbot, and William E. Merrill]. 1870. * Same, Plates to illustrate. 1869. oblong f ° Same [text]. 1870, reprinted 1898. Building-stone. Report on compressive strength, specific gravity, and ratio of absorption of various kinds of building-stone from differ- ent sections of United States, tested at Fort Tompkins, Staten Island, N. Y.; by Q. A. Gillmore. 1874. Canal. Report in reference to canal to connect Chesapeake and Ohio Canal with city of Baltimore, by J. J. Abort, [Dec. 10] 1838. [1838] reprinted 1874. 4® [The original print was not a public document.] Catalogue of library of Engineer Department: pt. 1, subjects; pt. 2, - authors. Washington [no publisher] 1881. [Entries printed on one side of leaf only. The copy in Public Documents Library has pasted additions up to and including 1885.] Cements. Conclusions adopted by French commission in reference to tests of cements; Influence of sea water on hydraulic mortars: translations from French and German by O. M. Carter and E. A. Gieseler. 1897. (War Depi. doc. 36.) Chicago, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 111., 1893, War Department exhibit, Corps of Engineers, catalogue. 1893. Chicago River. Report respecting tunnels under Chicago River which by act of Congress have been declared to be public nuisances and unreasonable obstructions to free navigation of said river; [by] 0. H. Ernst. 1904. (War Dept. doc. 227.) 1263 ClMwIflratton no. W7.2: C74 C76» C76» C83 C93 D39 Eg9 En3» En3-' Eq5 F771 F772 F98 G44» G442 G443 G44< G92 H62 H72 W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued General publications— ('out inued Concrete. Remarks on making and applying concrete [aa used in embrasures of Fort Sumter; by] A. H. Bowman, n. p. Aug. 15, 1849. Construction materials. Resolutions of conventions held at Munich, Dresden, Berlin, and Vienna^ for purpose of adopting uniform methods for testing construction materials with regard to their mcchanicalproperties, by J. Bauschinger; translated by O. M. Carter and E. A. Giebeler. 1896. (War Dept. doc. 1.) Construction materials. On testa of construction materials; translations from French and German by O. M. Carter and E. A. Gieseler. 1896. (War Dept. doc. 11.) Counterpoise gun-carriages and platforms; by W. R. King. 1869. 4° Current-meter observations. Report on current-meter observations in Missisvsippi River, near Burlington, Iowa, during Oct. 1879; by Alexander Mackenzie. 1884. Dempsey, Phineas J. Office circular [announcing appointment of P. J. Dempsey as chief clerk]. July 15, 1901. 12<' Egypt. Irrigation in Egypt, by J. Barois; translated from French by A.M.Miller. 1889. 4° [2662-134] Engineer Department. [Paper on relations of Engineer Department to Army and on 63d article of war; by A. A. Humphreys.] Wash- ington, D. C. [no publisher] 1869. Engineer Department. Information concerning positions under Engi- neer Department at large. [Mar. 15, 1908.) 12® Equipment. Report [dated Dec. 19, 1902] on engineer equipment re- quired for expeditions of 25,000, 50,000, 150,000, and 250,000 men; by Smith S. Leach. Washington Barracks, D. C, Press of Engineer School, ]906. Fortifications of to-day; Fire against models of coast batteries and parados; Horizontal and curved fire in defense of coasts. 1883. 4° [Translations from German and Italian.] Fort St. Philip Canal. Reports upon Fort St. Philip Canal and con- struction of jetties for improvement of mouths of Mississippi. 1874. ([43d Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 220]; serial no. 1614.) [This publication includes 6 maps which are not found in the Congressional edition.] Fuzes. Testing of medium & high tension fuzes; by Henry L. Abbot. Battalion Press [Willets Point, N. Y., 1879]. 4« Girard College. Observations at Magnetic and Meteorological Observa- tory at Girard College, Philadelphia, made under direction of A. D. Bache, 1840-45. Washington, Gales and Seaton, printers, 1847. [v. 1.] [452-97] Same. [v. 2.] [453-97] Same. [v. 3.] [454-97] Same, plates, [v. 4.] [455-97] Gruson's armor. Report in regard to trial of Gruson's chilled cast-iron armor, at Spezia, Italy, Apr. 1886; by H. M. Adams. Washing- ton [no publisher] 1886. 40 [See also WM.2:G92.] Histgrical sketch. Letter from chief of engineers to Secretary of W^ar containing historical sketch of Corps of Engineers [1775-1874] and remarks upon its organization and duties, in reply to circular of Sept. 4, 1876, inviting suggcbtions for reform and reorganization of Army. 1876. [The historical sketch here incorporated was compiled by Thomas L. Casey. Also in Engineer School Occa- sional papers 16 (W7. 162:16).] Hollow brick; Solution of equations and interpolation in series; Foun- dations; Arches in masonry bridges: [articles prepared and trans- lated by Wm. H. Bixby]. 1880. 1264 Classification no. W7.2: H99 L62 L78 M56 M57 M58 M59 M69 = M693 N21 N22 N42y N511 W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued General publications— Continued Hydraulic mortars. Influence of sea water on hydraulic mortars; trans- lated from German of Rud. Dyckerhoff by O. M. Carter. 1896. International Geographic Congress, 3d. See W7.5:W56. International Geographic Congress, 8th. See S5. 6:904. Lime Point, Cal, Report upon blasting operations at Lime Point, Cal., in 1868 and 1869; by G. H. Mendell. 1880. Lock-gates. Translation of [Hanckes'] Notes accompanying drawings concerning construction of iron lock-gates for harbors of Weser River, Germany; by G. Weitzel. Washington, D. C. [no pub- lisher] 1873.. 4° Meteorological observations. Essay on meteorological observations; by J. N. Nicollet. J.Kjideon, jr., printer, May, 1839. Mexican War. Company A, Corps of Engineers, 1846-48, in Mexican War; by Gustavus W. Smith. Battalion Press [Willets Point, N. Y.l 1896. [Appears also, with omissions, in Engineer School, Occasional papers 16 (W7. 16 2:16).] Michigan, Lake. Annual report of J. D. Graham on improvement of harbors of lakes Michigan, St. Clair, Erie, Ontario, and Cham- plain, for 1860. Washington [no publisher] 1860. [Also in annual report of War Department, 1860 (Wl. 1:860) but not included in Engineer Department report. References to earlier reports by Graham are given on p. 4.] Military engineering memoranda [on thicknesses of materials for pro- tection against infantry fire, mines and demolitions, map repro- duction, bridging expedients, and knots]. 1898. (War Dept. doc. 68.) Mississippi River. Report upon physics and hydraulics of Mississippi River, upon protection of alluvial region against overflow, and upon deepening of the mouths; by A. A. Plumphreys and 13. L. Abbot. 1867. [Reprint of introductory letter, chapters 2, 6, 7, and plate 2, from Professional papers 13 (W7. 10:13^). Cover- title reads: Levees of the Mississippi.] Mississippi River. Report of commission of engineers [G. K, Warren, H. L. Abbot, W. H. H. Benyaurd, Jackson E. Sickles, and Paul O. Hubert], appointed to investigate and report permanent plan for reclamation of alluvial basin of Mississippi River subject to inundation. 1875. ([43d Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 127]; serial no. 1648.) [Also in annual report of Engineer Department, 1875, pt. 1 (W7.1 1:8751). See, for supplement, W7.2:M693.] Mississippi River. Reports upon [geological] specimens obtained from borings made in 1874 between Mississippi River and Lake Borgne, at site proposed for outlet for flood waters, by Eugene W. Hilgard and F. V. Hopkins, being supplement to Report of commission of engineers, Jan. 16, 1875. 1878. [See, for Report of commission ef engineers, Jan. 16, 1875, W7.2:M692.] National defenses. Report of J. G. Totten on subject of national defences. Washington, printed by A. Boyd Hamilton, 1851. Navigation. Report on 5th Congress of Internal Navigation, held at Paris, July 21-31, 1892; [by] C. B. Comstock. 1892. New York and New Jersey bridge. Report of board of engineers [G. Bouscaren, W. H. Burr, Theodore Cooper, Geo. S. M^rison, and C. W. Raymond], upon New York and New Jersey bridge. 1894. Niagara Falls. Reports upon existing water-power situation at Niagara Falls, so far as concerns Canadian power companies and their associated transmission companies; by American members of International Waterways Commission [Oswald Herbert Ernst, George Clinton, and E. E. Haskell] and Charles W. Kutz. 1906. (War Dept. doc. 284.) 1265 N5P N51* N73 P21 P531 P532 P75 P93 P94 R261 R262 R31 R52» R622 R523 R52< R52* R52« R527 Classiflcatlon W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued no. W7.2: General publications— Continued N5P Same, so far aa concerns diversion of water on American side; by- American members of International Waterways Commitwicm fOswald Herbert Ernst, George Clinton, and E. E. Haskell] and Charles W. Kutz. 1906. (War Dept. doc. 289.) See, for International Waterways Commission progress reports,W68.1 : Niagara River. Hearings in matter of granting of permits for transmis- sion from Canada into United States of power from Niagara River, before Secretary of War, Washington, D. C, Nov. 26, 27, 1906. 1906. (War Dept. doc. 291.) Niagara River. Hearings upon applications for permits for diversion of water from Niagara. River or its tributaries for creation of power, and for transmission of power from Canada to United States, before Secretary of War, Niagara Falls, N. Y., July 12, 1906. 1906. (War Dept. doc. 280.) Non-tidal rivers. Improvement of non-tidal rivers, memoirs by S. Janicki, L. Jacquet, [and] A. Pasqueau; translated by Wm. E. Merrill. 1881. 4« Paris. Report on International Exhibition of Electricity held at Paris, Aug.-Nov. 1881; [by] David Porter Heap. 1884. Philadelphia^ Pa, List of publications of Engineer Department, including reports of explorations, etc., conducted under other branches of Department of War, exhibited at International Exhi- bition, 1876, at Philadelphia. 1876. [Also appears, with addi- tions, in Engineer Department at International Exhibition, 1876, p. 344(W7.2:P532).] Philadelphia, Pa. Engineer Department at [Philadelphia] Interna- tional Exhibition, 1876; by D. P. Heap. 1884. [Extracts from v. 1 of Report of board on behalf of United States Executive Departments at International Exhibition, 1876; see S6.13:R29i°.] Poe lock. General and detail drawings of Poe lock, St. Marys Falls Canal, Mich. U. S. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich. [1909]. oblong f » Price list [of reconnaissance instruments, tools, etc.], no. 2. Apr. 26, 1907. 12» Professional notes [on perforation of armored walls, remaining velocity, and Vienna Electrical Exposition of 1883]; by Edward Maguire. 1884. Register of Corps of Engineers, from its establishment. Mar. 16, 1802, to Mar. 16, 1887 [with biographical notes]; by Simon Newton. Washington [no publisher] 1887. 12° Register. Extract from v. 1, Official register of United States, July 1, 1899, Engineer Department, Army. [1899.] 4«» Reservoirs. Monograph upon reservoirs and their effects on floods of Mississippi system; by James A. Seddon. 1898. Rivers and harbors. Congressional documents, 56th Congress, 2d ses- sion, 1900-01, reports concerning rivers and harbors, etc., in 3 v. [table of contents only]. [1901.] Same, index. [1901.] Same, 57th Congress, 1st session, 1901-02, reports concerning rivers and harbors, etc., in 1 v. [table of contents only]. [1902.J Same, index. [1902.] Same, 57th Congress, 2d session, 1902-03, and 58th Congress, 2d ses- sion, 1903-04, reports concerning rivers and harbors, etc., in 2 v. [table of contents only]. [1904. J Same, index. [1904.] Same, 58th ODngress, 3d session, 1904-05, and 59th Congress, Ist ses- sion, 1905-06, reports concerning rivers and harbors, etc., in 3 v. [tabl^ of contents only]. [1906. J 82452°— 11 80 1266 Classification no. W7.2: R528 R52» R5210 Sa5 Sell Sel2 So8i So82 So83 So84 SoS^ Sp3 St2 St3 Sul Su7i Su72 Su73 SuS T481 W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued General publications— Continued Same, index. [1906.] Same, 59th Congress, 2d session, 1906-07, reports concerning rivers and harbors, etc., in 1 v. [table of contents only]. [1909.] Same, index. [1909.] San Pedro, Cal. United States harbor lines for inner and outer harbors, San Pedro [or Wilmington Harbor], Cal. [1908.] 4° [A map was issued to accompany this publication, but it is not in the Public Documents Library.] Searchlights, light projectors for Army and Navy, by F. Nerz; trans- lated from German, with Notes on projectors, by Edward H. Schulz. 1903. (War Dept. doc. 188.) Seacoast batteries. Elevation of sites for seacoast batteries; by John G. D. Knight. 1896. 4« (War Dept. doc. 20.) South Pass of Mississippi River. [1st] report upon improvement of South Pass of Mississippi River [showing condition of work, Nov. 14, 1875]; by C. B. Comstock. See [1664-5]. [2d] same, Feb. 7, 1876; by C. B. Comstock. See [1664-47]. [3d] same, Apr. 30, 1876; by C. B. Comstock. See [1664-77]. 4th same, Aug. 17, 1876; by C. B. Comstock. [1876.] [In 1742-1] [5th] same, Nov. 18, 1876; by C. B. Comstock. See [1751-12]. 6th same. Mar. 16, 1877; by C. B. Comstock. [1877.] [In 1794-1] 7th same, July 24, 1877; by M. R. Brown. [1877.] [In 1794-1] 8th same, Dec. 15, 1877; by M. R. Brown. 9th same. May 9, 1878; by M. R. Brown. [10th] same, July 1, 1878; by M. R. Brown. 11th same, Apr. 1, 1879; by M. R. Brown. 12th same, June 30, 1879; by M. R. Brown. [1877.] [1806-52] See [1781-95]. See [in 1843-1]. See [1875-6]. [1879.] [In 1903-1] Spezia. Studies on coast defense applied to Gulf of Spezia, by CsBsar Guarasci; translated by G. McC. Derby. 1884. State, War, and Navy Building. Annual report of construction of building for State, War, and Navy Departments for fiscal year ending June 30, 1887. 1887. [Not included in Engineer Depart- ment annual report.] Steel Portland cement. Report of board of engineers [W. L. Marshall, William H. Bixby, and C. S. Riche], on steel Portland cement, as used in United States lock at Plaquemine, La. 1900. (War Dept. doc. 119.) Submarine tunnel. Design for improved submarine tunnel, comprising brick arch within cast or ^vrought iron skin, laid in trench dredged for that purpose; by J. G. Foster, n. p. 1868 [published] 1872. 4» Supreme Court. Extracts from reports of decisions of Supreme Court concerning navigable waters, riparian proprietors, bridges, boundaries between States, eminent domain, title to certain lots in Washington City, and contracts; compiled by John G. Parke. 1882. [See, for similar decisions by Attorneys-General, W7.2:At8.] y y ^ Surveying. Collection of tables and formulae useful in surveying, geodesy, and practical astronomy, including elements for pro- jection of maps; by T. J. Lee. [Ist edition.] Washington, 1849. * Same. 2d edition with additions. Washington, Taylor & Maury; Gideon & Co., printers, 1853. [See, for 3d edition, W7.10:12.] Suspension bridges. Report of board of engineer officers as to maximum span practicable for suspension bridges, Chas. W. Raymond^ Wm. H. Bixby, [and] Edward Burr, members of board. 1894. Timber. Report of experiments with Seely and Bethell processes for preservation of timber, accompanied by descriptions of these procesaes and of Hay ford process; by Q. A, QiUmpre. 1879, 1267 ClaKNinriitiun nu. W7.2: T48» W25 W29 W541 \V54^ W54» W7.3: (no8.) W7.4: (date) W7.5: B24 Em6 FZV FSl- W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued General publications — Continued Timber. Report upon decay & preservation of timber, by T. J. Cram* fwitJi letter of Q. A. Gillmore describing Bethell, Seeiy, ana llobbina processes]. Engineer Department, Waahington, D. C, 1871. Warren, William J. Office circular [announcing death of William J. Warren, chief clerk]. July 12, 1901. 12» Water-jet as an aid to engineering construction, historical sketch of its application to sinking of piles and caissons, and removal of sand- bars and other alluvial deposits, embracing detailed account of method employed in driving sheet-piles for pier-lining at harbors of Two Rivers, Ahnapee, and Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; by L. Y. Schermerhom . 188 1 . Wex, Sir Gustav von. First treatise on decrease of water in springs, creeks, and rivers, contemporaneously with increase in height of floods in cultivated countries, by Gustav Wex, from papers of Society of Austrian Engineers and Architects, 1873, nos. 2, 4, and 6; translated by G. Weitzel. 1881. Same, Second treatise, from papers of Society of Austrian Engineers and Architects, 1879, nos. 6-9; translated by G. Weitzel. 1880. Wex, Sir Gustav von. Lecture on improvement of Danube at Vienna, delivered before Society of Austrian Engineers and Architects on Mar. 18, 1876, by Sir Gustavo v. Wex; translated by G. Weitzel. 1880. Wheeler, George M. See, for Wheeler'b report upon 3d International Geographical Congress and Exhibition at Venice, Italy, 1881, W7.5:W56, and, for Geographical Surveys West of 100th Meridian (Wheeler), W8.. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 12'' [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Engineer Department. Indexes to Circulars for certain years are included in the indexes to General orders ( W7.8:). Not listed here.] Explorations and surveys [This class includes publications of the old Office of Explorations and Surveys and all miscellaneous works of a similar nature issued through other branches of the Engineer Department.] Barlow, John Whitney, and Heap, D. P. Report of reconnaissance of basin of upper Yellowstone in 1871; by J. W. Barlow and D. P. Heap. 1872. ([42d Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 66 J; serial no. 1479.) Emory, William He^sley. Notes of a military reconnoissance [made in 1846-47] fr6m Fort Leavenworth in Missouri to San Diego in California, including parts of Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers, by W. H. Emory; [with reports on botany by John Torrey and G. Engelmann]. New York, published by H. Long & Brother, 1848. [505-7] [Congressional edition contains app. 5-7, which are not in bureau edition. Congressional edition also appears in 30th Cong. 1st sess., H. ex. doc. 41, serial no. 517.] Featherstonhaugh, George William. Geological report of examination made in 1834, of elevated country between Missouri and Red rivers; by G. W. Featherstonhaugh. Washington, printed by Gales and Seaton, 1835. [274-151] Featherstonhaugh, George William. Report of geological reconnois- sance made in 1835 fromi seat of Government by way of Green Bay and Wisconsin Territory to Couteau de Prairie, an elevated ridge dividing the Missouri from St. Peter's River; by G. W. Featherstonhaugh. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1836. [282-333] [Although this is identical with the Congres- sional print, it is entered here because it does not carry any other document notation than the words "Doc. 333, printed by order of the Senate " which are above the imprint.] 1268 Classiflcatlon no, W7.5! F77 F88^ F88' H32 Iv3i Iv3^ J72 L851 L8^' L85^ L85* W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued Explorations and surveys— Continued Forsyth, James W. Report of expedition up Yellowstone River made in 1875; by James W. Forsyth and F. D. Grant. 1875. Fremont, John Charles. Report of exploring expedition to Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and north California in 1843-44, by J. C. Fremont; [with report on geology by James Hall, and report on botany by John Torrey]. Washington, Gales and Sea- ton, printers, 1845. [461-174] [The report of the expedition of 1842 originally appeared separately, see W7.5:F88-.] Fremont, John Charles. Report on exploration of country between Missouri River and Rocky Mountains on line of Kansas and Great Platte rivers, by J. C. Fremont; [with report on botany by John Torrey]. Washington, printed by order of United States Senate, 1843. [416-243] [Congressional edition is prefaced by page giv- ing Congressional document notation and letters of transmittal. Same matter with different arrangement appears in W7.5:F88^] See, for Geographical memoir upon upper California, by John Charles Fremont, Y1.3:C12i. Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer. Geological report of exploration of Yellowstone and Missouri rivers, under W. F. Raynolds, 1859-60, by F. V. Hayden; [and Report on cretaceous and tertiary plants, by J. S. Newberry]. 1869. [See, for other reports on this expe- dition, W7.5:R21.] Ives, Joseph Christmas. Memoir to accompany military map of penin- sula of Florida, south of Tampa Bay; by J. C. Ives. New York, M. B. Wynkoop, book and job printer, 1856. [The military map is not in the Public Documents Library.] Ives, Joseph Christmas. Report upon Colorado River of the West, explored 1857 and 1858; by Joseph C. Ives. 1861. 4» [1058-90] Contents: pt. 1. General report; [by J. C. Ives]. pt. 2. Hydrographic report; [by J. C. Ives]. pt. 3. Geological report; by J. S. Newberry. pt. 4. Botany; by Professors Gray, Torrey, Thurber, and Dr. Engelmann. pt. 5. Zoology; by S. F. Baird. app. A. Remarks upon astronomical [and] barometric observations. app. B. List of camps, with distances, altitudes, etc. app. C. Barometric and meteorological observations. app. D. Remarks upon construction of maps. Jones, William A. Report upon reconnaissance of northwestern Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, made in sum- mer of 1873, with appendix; by William A. Jones. 1875. [1615-285] [Congressional edition omits chapters 9-15 of geolog- ical report, which form p. 183-291 of bureau edition.] [Includes General report, by William A. Jones; Astronomical report, by S. E. Blimt; Geological report, by Theo. B. Comstock; Report on mineral and thermal waters, by C. L. Heizmann; Botanical report, by C. C. Parry; Entomological report, by J. D. Putnam; appendix, and maps.] King, Clarence. Report of geological exploration of 40th parallel. See W7. 10:18 1-9. Long, Stephen Harriman. Account of expedition from Pittsburg to Rocky Mountains, performed in 1819 and '20, by order of J. C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, under command of Stephen H. Long, from notes of Major Long, T. Say, and other gentlemen of explor- ing party; by Edwin James. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey and I. Lea, 1823. v. 1. ^ Same. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey and I. Lea, 1823, v. 2. [Astro- nomical and meteorological records and vocabularies of Indian languages, Philadelphia, 1822, is appended to v. 2.] Same, atlas, 4° * Long, Stephen Harriman. Report of examinations and surveys with view of improving navigation of Holston and Tennessee rivers in 1830; by S. H. Long. 1875. ([43d Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 167]; serial no. 1648.) [The date of the survey, 1830, appears only on the paper cover-title of the bureau edition. Its omission from the body of the report seems an oversight.] 1269 Classlflratlon no. W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued W7.5: I L96» i Explorations and surveys—Continued Ludlow, William. Report of reconnaissance of Black Hills of Dakota [under command of G. A. Custer], made in summer of 1874, by William Ludlow; [with reports on geology and botany, by N. H. Winchell, and on paleontology and zoology, by George Bird Grinnell]. 1875. 4« L96- i Ludlow, William. Report of reconnaissance from Carroll, Montana Territory, on upper Missouri, to Yellowstone National Park and I return, made in summer of 1875; by William Ludlow. 1876. 4® [Includes General report, by William Ludlow; Report of reconnaissance of Judith Uasin, by R. Ei.'rhoinpson; Zoological report, by Geo. Bird Grinnell; Geological report, by Edward S. Dana and Geo. Bird Grinnell; Descriptions of new species of fossils, by R. P. Whitttold.] Macomb. John Navarre. Report of exploring expedition from Santa Fe, N. Mex., to junction of Grand and Green rivers of great Colorado of tJhe West in 1859 under command of J. N. Macomb, with geological report by J. S. Newberry [and Descriptions of cretaceous fossils, by F. B. Meek]. 1876. 4° Marcy, Randolph B. Exploration of Red River of Louisiana in 1852, by Randolph B. Marcy, assisted by George B. McClellan; with report-s on natural history [by C. U. Shepard, E. Hitchcock, G. G. Shumard, B. F. Shumard, S. F. Baird, C. Girard, C. B. Adams, and John Torrey]. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, public printer, 1854. (33d Cong, Ist sess. H. ex. doc. [unnumbered].) [See also note following W7.5:M33*.] Same, maps. Same [text]. Washington, Beverley Tucker, Senate printer, 1854. (33d Cong. Ist sess. S. ex. doc. [unnumbered].) Same, maps. * [In the Congressional set the above report and maps appear in 1 v. as 32d Congress, 2d session, Senate executive document 54, serial no. 666. Congressional edition was published by Robert Armstrong.] M23 M33' M332 M333 M334 M91 N54 R21 R54 R831 MuUan, John. Report on construction of military road from Fort Walla-Walla to Fort Benton [1858-62]; by John Mullan [C. R. Howard, W. W. De Lacy, G. Sohon, P. M. Engel, Theodore Kolecki, W. W. Johnson, and John Wiesner]. 1863. [1149-43] Nicollet, Jean Nicolas. Report intended to illustrate map of hydro- graphical basin of u'pper Mississippi River made by I. N. Nicollet. Washington, Blair and Rives, printers, 1843. (26th Cong, 2d sess. S. doc. 237; serial no, 380.) [No edition without Congres- sional document number. Also appears as House document 52, 28th Congress, 2d session, in serial no. 464.] Contents: pt. 1. Physical geography (and narrative of exi)editions of 1836, 1838, and 1839, bv I. Nicollet; translated by J. T. Ducatel]. [Sketch of early history of St. Louis follows pt. 1.] pt. 2. [Principles and methods of observations, by I. Nicollet; translated by John II. Alexander.] app. A. Table of geographic positions, app. B. Catalogue of plants; by John Torrey. app. C. List of fossils. Pacifi c Railroad surveys , See W7 . 14 : Raynolds, William Franklin. Report on exploration of Yellowstone River [in 1859-60]; by W. F, Ravnolds [H. E. Maynadier, J. H. Snowden, John Mullins, and J, D. Hutton]. 1868. ([40th Cong. 1st [2d] sess. S, ex. doc. 77]; serial no. 1317.) [Both bureau and Congressional editions read incorrectly "1st session." See, for geological reports of this expedition, W7.5:H32.] Roberts, Thomas Paschall. Report of reconnaissance of Missouri River in 1872; by Thomas P. Roberts. 1875. [Back title reads: Upper Missouri River.] Ruffner, E. H, Report of reconnaissance in Ute country made in 1873; by E, H, Ruffner [H. G. Prout, James Bassel, Donald Campbell, and F. Hawn]. 1874. ([43d Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 193]; serial no. 1610.) 1270 Classlftcation no. W7.5 R83- Si5 Si8 St2 St2' SyO W25 W56 W7.5«: (CT) (Cong. Bess.) W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued Explorations and surveys— Continued Ruffner, E. H. Report on lines of communication between southern Colorado and northern New Mexico, by E. H. Ruffner; [with report on wagon-road from Fort Garland, Colo., to Fort Wingate, N. Mex., by Geo. S. Anderson]. 1876. ([44th Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 172]; serial no. 1691.) Simpson, James Hervey. Report of explorations across Great Basin of Utah for direct wagon-route from Camp Floyd to Genoa in Carson Valley, in 1859; by J. H. Simpson. 1876. 4° [This report was submitted in 1861, but never printed until 1876.] [Includes Report and journal, etc., by J. H. Simpson; Barometrical and meteoro- logical observations and geology, by Henry Engleman; PaliKontoolgical collec- tions, by F. B. Meek; Ornithology, list of birds, by Spencer F. Baird; Ictithyol- ogy, by Tlieo. Gill; Botany, by Geo. Engelmann; Population and resources of Utah and Indians of Utah, by Garland Hurt; Languages of Indians of Utah, by C. R. Collins; Journal of an exploration in 1845, by Edward M. Kern; Journey- ings of Father Escalante,. in 1776, by Philip Harry.] Sitgreaves, Lorenzo. Report of expedition down Zuni and Colorado rivers, by L. Sitgreaves; [with report on natural history and medical report by S. W. Woodhouse; report on reptiles by Edward Hallowell; report on fishes by S. F. Baird and Charles Girard; and report on botany by John Torrey]. Washington, Beverley Tucker, Senate printer, 1854. (33d Cong. Ist sess. S. ex. [unnumbered document].) [668-59] [This 1854 print is not in the Congressional set. The Congressional edition bears earlier imprint, having appeared as a document of the 32d Con- gress, 2d session.] Stansbury, Howard, Exploration and survey of valley of Great Salt Lake of Utah, including reconnaissance of new route through Rocky Mountains, by Howard Stansbury; [with reports on zoology by S. F. Baird, Charles Girard, and S. S. Haldeman; report on botany by John Torrey; reports on geology and paleon- tology^ by Jas. Hall; and Chemical analyses by L. D. Gale]. Washington, Robert Armstrong, public printer, 1853. ([32d Cong.] special sess. [Senate] Mar. 1851. S. ex. [doc] 3.) [Printed by order of House of Representatives. This appears with identical document notation as serial no, 608, the Congressional edition, which bears a different imprint, i. e., Philadelphia, Lip- pincott, Grambo & Co., being printed 1852, by order of the Senate.] Same, maps. Symons, Thomas W. Report of examination of upper Columbia River and territory in its vicinity in Sept. and Oct. 1881, to determine navigability and adaptability to steamboat transportation; by Thomas W. Symons. 1882. large 8« (47th Cong. 1st sess. S. ex, doc, 186; serial no, 1991.) [Congressional edition is 8" and omits index map of Department of the Columbia.] Warren, Gouvemeur Kemble. Preliminary report of explorations in Nebraska and Dakota, 1855-57, by G. K. Warren; [with Medical report, by Samuel H, Moffitt, and Catalogue of collections in geology and natural history, by F, V. Hayden]. Reprint 1875. [Originally appeared without map or preliminary matter in an- nual report of War Department {"^1.1:858''''), p. 620-747.] Wheeler, George Montague. Report upon 3d International Geograph- ical Congress and Exhibition at Venice, Italy, 1881, accompanied by data concerning principal government land and marine sur- veys of world; by George M. Wheeler. 1885. 4« [2293-270] [See, for report on 8th Geographic Congress, S5. 6:904, See, for Geographical Surveys West of 100th Meridian (Wheeler), W8.] Explorations and surveys (separates) Laws affecting Corps of Engineers [43d Congress-Gist Congress, 1st session, 1875-1909, in annual reports of Engineer Department (W7.1i:), and usually issued separately also. In a few cases laws . of 2 sessions are included in one publication.] 1271 CUM8lfl(-«tlon no. (Cong, sess.) W7.6 3; B76^ B762 B76=^ B7G^ N22^ N222 N223 N22* R52» R522 R523 1152^ W7.7: (date) W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued Laws relating to construction of bridges over navigable waters, Congress, session [These laws as well as siinilur laws of earlier and later Congresaes are Included in Laws relating to Corps of Engineers (W7.G >:), and in annual reports of Engineer Department (W7.1 >:).] Acta authorizing construction of bridges 49th Cong. 2d sess. 50th (>ong. 1st sess. 50th Cong. 2d sess. * I^ws authorizing construction of bridges over navigable waters Slst Cong. Ist sess. 51st Cong. 2d sess. 52d Cong. 1st sess. 52d Cong. 2d sess. 53d Cong. 1st sess. [None passed at this session.] 53d Cong. 2d sess. 53d Cong. 3d sess. 54th Cong. Ist sess. 54th Cong. 2d sess. and 55th Cong. 1st sess. Laws relating to construction of bridges over navigable waters 55th Cong. 2d sess. 55th Cong. 3d sess. 56th Cong. Ist sess. 56th Cong. 2d sess. [Discontinued as a separate series.] Laws (compilations and miscellaneous) See, for extracts from opinions of Attorneys-General concerning En- gineer Department, W7.2:At8. /See, for extracts from reports of decisions of Supreme Com*t concern- ing Engineer Department, W7.2:Su7^ Bridges. Laws relating to construction of bridges over navigable waters of United States, Mar. 2, 1805-Mar. 3, 1881. [Ist edition.] 1882. Same [v. 1]: Mar. 2, 1805-Mar. 3, 1887. 2d edition. 1887. Same, v. 2: Mar. 4, 1887-Mar. 3, 1893. 1893. Same, v. 3: Mar. 4, 1893-Mar. 3, 1903. 1903. (War Dept. doc. 200.) Navigable waters. Laws for protection and preservation of navigable waters of United States, from river and narbor act approved Mar. 3, 1899 [and from act of Aug. 18, 1894]. \}Ib.t. 1899.] Same [and acts of June 13, 1902, Aug. 18, 1894, and May 9, 1900]. [1902.] Same [and acts of June 13, 1902, Aug. 18, 1894, May 9, 1900, and Mar. 3, 1905]. [1905.] Same [and acts of June 13, 1902, Aug. 18, 1894, May 9, 1900, and Mar. 3, 1905]. [Reprint 1908.] Rivers and harbors. Laws of United States relating to improvement of rivers and harbors, Aug. 11, 1790-Aug. 14, 1876. 1877. Same, Aug. 11, 1790-:Mar. 3, 1887, with tabulated statement of ap- propriations and allotments. 1887. [2451-91] Same [without tabulated statement] Aug. 11, 1790-Mar. 4, 1907, v. 1: 1790-1889. 1907. (War Dept. doc. 249.) [4881-425] Same, v. 2: 1890-1907. 1907. (War Dept. doc. 249.) [4882-425] Statement showing rank, duties, and addresses of officers of Corps of Engineers 4« [Quarterly.] 1899, July 1 1901, Jan. 2 1902, July 1 1904, Jan. 25 Oct. 1 Apr. 1 Oct. 1 Apr. 1 1900, Jan. 2 July 1 1903, Jan. 2 July 15 Apr. 2 Oct. 1 Apr. 1 Oct. 17 July 2 1902, Jan. 2 July 15 1905, Jan. 3 Oct. 1 Apr. 1 Oct. 15 Apr. 10 1272 Classiflcation no. W7.7: (date) W7.8: (date) W7.9: (date) W7.10: (nos.) W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued Statement showing rank, duties, and addresses of officers of Corps of Engineers— Continued 1905, July 1 Oct. 2 1906, Jan. 2 Apr. 2 July 20 General orders 1906, Oct. 1907, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 12° 1908, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1909, Jan. 1909, Apr. 20 July 20 Oct. 20 [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Engineer Department. Not listed here. Indexes to General orders and Circulars have been issued annually since 1895, and are classed under this head. See, for Compilations and digests of orders, circulars, regulations, and decisions, W7.ll ^■.] Special orders 4*' and 12° [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Engineer Department. Not listed here. Indexes to Special orders were issued 1895-1904, and are classed under this head.] Professional papers various sizes Papers on practical engineering [1] Bitumen, its varieties, properties, and uses; by H. Wager Halleck. Washington, Peter Force, 1841. [The copy in the Public Docu- ments Library is imperfect.] 2 3 [Ist edition] Same. 2d edition * 4 5 Same, reprinted 6 7 * 8 9 [Ist edition] Same. 2d edition * Same. 3d edition * Same. 4th edition * Same. 5th edition * Professional papers 10 * [11] Determination of latitude with zenith and equal altitude tele- scope; [by T. J. Lee]. J. & G. S. Gideon, printers, Washington [1848]. 4° 12 3d edition enlarged See, for Ist and 2d editions, W7.2:Su72» [13] Report upon physics and hydraulics of Mississippi River, upon pro- tection of alluvial region against overflow, and upon deepening of mouths; prepared by A, A. Humphreys and H. L. Abbot. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1861. 4^ [First issued as no. 4 of a series known as Papers relating to duties of Corps of Topographical Engineers. The 4 is erroneously carried on this edition instead of the new series number, 13.] 13 Same. 14 15 Reprinted with additions [to 1876]. 1876. 4° 16 17 Same, appendix Same, compendium Same, supplement 18 Geological exploration of 40th parallel (King) [v. 1]: Systematic geology 1273 CUHslflcfttion no. W7.10: (no6.) W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued Professional i)apers— Continued Same [v. 2]: Descriptive geology Same [v. 3]: Mining industry, text Same [v. 3J: Mining industry, atlas Same [v. 4]: Paleontology and ornithology Same [v. 5]: Botany Same [v. 6]: Microscopical petrography Same [v. 7]: Odontomithes Same, atlas 19 20 21 Same, supplement 22 23 24 25 26 27 (War Dept. doc. 125.) Same, supplement (War Dept. doc. 125.) 28 [1st edition] (War Dept. doc. 144.) Same. 2d edition (War Dept. doc. 144.) 29 [pt. 1] (War Dept. doc. 147.) [This portion was published in tenta- tive form with title: Topographical reconnaissance, being chapter 1 of Engineer field manual. The manuscript of the proposed book was afterwards completely revised and the successive parts were issued as listed below, the original chapter 1 being replaced by new matter issued as pt. 1 . This print is 8°, but all subsequent issues of no. 29 listed below are 16".] Same, pt. 1 [Revised edition] (War Dept. doc. 231.) Same, pt. 2 [1st edition] (War Dept. doc. 221.) Same, pt. 3 [1st edition] (War Dept. doc. 239.) Same, pts. 4 and 5 [1st edition] (War Dept. doc. 272.) Same, pt. 6 [1st edition] (War Dept. doc. 256.) Same, pts. 1-6 2d revised edition (War Dept. doc. 296.) in 1 v.] Same, pts. 1-6 3d revised edition in 1 v.] 30 (War Dept. doc. 148.] 31 (War Dept. doc. 225.] W7.ll*: Regulations (general) 825 Regulations of Engineer Department. 840 Regulations for government of Engineer Department. W^ashington, 1840. 12° * 857 Regulations for Corps of Engineers and Topographical Engineers. Washington, 1857. 12° * Regulations for government of Corps of Engineers. 1889. 12° See, for Engineer regulations, adopted June 26, 1902, W7.ll 3:902, 906. W7.ll ^: Regulations and instructions (special) H21 Harbors. Instructions concerning establishment of harbor lines. [Dec. 14, 1907.] 12° V66 Vicksburg, Miss. General instructions for assistants in field [issued from] Engineer Office, Vicksburg, Miss. 1901. 12° (War Dept. doc. 355.) Washington, 1825. [Issued [Issued 1274 Classification no. W7.ll 3: 900 902 906 W7.12: (date) W7.13: (CT) W7.14: (v. nos.) W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued Compilations and digests of orders, circulars, regu- lations, and decisions General orders and circulars in force Apr. 16, 1900. [1900.] 12° (War Dept. doc. 116.) Regulations [adoi)ted June 26, 1902], General orders, and Circulars, Office of Chief of Engineers, and Selected decisions of Comptroller [of Treasury], in force June 26, 1902 [with index containing also references to General orders and Circulars of Adjutant-General's Office, Army regulations, 1901, Revised statutes, Decisions of Comptroller of Treasury, Digest of opinions of Judge-Advocate- General, 1901, Military laws, 1898, and Circulars of Treasury Department]. 1902. 12° (War Dept. doc. 162.) [Back title reads: General orders and Circulars.] Engineer regulations [adopted June 26, 1902] and Digest of Orders, Circulars, Regulations, etc., relating to work of Engineer Depart- ment, in force Mar. 22, 1906. [1906.] 12° (War Dept. doc. 269.) Index to river and harbor act approved [The river and harbor acts to which these are the indexes are among the Slip laws classed under S7.5:] 1890, Sept. 19 1892, July 13 1894, Aug. 17 1896, June 3 1899, Mar. 3 Maps and drawings 1902, June 13 1905, Mar. 3 1907, Mar. 2 1909, Mar. 3 Explorations and surveys for railroad from Missis- sippi River to Pacific Ocean [or Pacific Railroad Sur- veys] 4° [Gome of the following reports first appeared in 8° as House document 129, 33d CJon- gress, 1st session, in serial nos. 736, 737, and 739. Serial no. 738, the projected v. 3 of this edition, was never printed. The set listed below was issued in the Congressional set both as a Senate and as a House document of the 33d Congress, 2d session. The supplementary report which was printed by a later Congress (the 36th), completing the set, appeared in different form in Senate and House prints as noted below after entries for v. 12. The document notation appears on the title-page of each volume, but other title- pages without such notation, and with imprint dates differing from that on the first title-page, appear throughout the set, indicating that portions of volumes were issued prior to the completed volume. Except in the case of v. 12, the 1st column of Congressional numbers below refers to the Senate print, the 2d column refers to the House print. See, for abridged contents, "Notes" column in this Checklist, pp. 28, 29, opposite serial nos. 758-768. No edition without Congressional document number.) V. 1 [758-78] and [791-91] Same, supplement. See v. 12. 9 10 11 759-78 760-78 761-78 762-78 763-78 764-78 765-78 766-78 767-78 768-78 and and and and and and and and and and 792-91 793-91 794^91 795-91 796-91 797-91 798-91 799-91 800-91 801-91 Same * [Printed as 36th Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. Not in Congressional set.] v.l2,pt.l [1054-56] I Same, pt. 2 [1055-56]/ l^^^-^i 1275 Classtflcfttlon no. W7.14: (v. no8.) W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT-Continued Explorations and surveys for railroad from Missis- sippi Rlvor to Paciflc Ocean [or Pacific Railroad Sur- veys] — Continued Same, pt. 1 *\ [Printed as "36th Congrefls, iHt session, Senate ex. :} W7.14«: (CT) Same, pt. 2 *J ^^- — •" Not in Congressional set.] [Volume 12 is Supplementary report of I. I. Stevens on route near 47th and 49th parallels. There were several prints of tliis report, the matter contained being exactly the same in all. The first to appear was the Senate print [992-401 which was issued in one volume designated as "supplement to v. 1." The House print is in two volumes [10o4-*)(i] and [iyr>.') -.'<«;) designated as "v. 12, book 1," and "v. 12, book 2." The Senate later ordered additional copies which were printed as "v. 12, book 1" and "v. 12, book 2," the form being identical with the House copies except for the change in document notation from "Uouse ex. doc. 50" to "Senate ex. doc. — ."] Explorations and surveys for railroad from Missis- sippi River to Paciflc Ocean (separates) [This class embraces separates of the 8° edition, House document 129, 33d Congress. 1st session, in serial nos. 73r>-739, including such parts of the projected v. 3 (serial no. 738) as were printed, and the separates of the 4" edition listed under W7.14:j W7.1/>: Information circular 12<^ (nos.) W7.16! W7.16': (date) W7.16 2: (nos.) 1 July 1, 1902 2 Aug. 26, 1902 [Discontinued.] Engineer Scliool [After the Civil War, the post at Willets Point, N. Y., constituted the regular Engi- neer School of Application for the engineer service, liy General orders 03, 1897, the school was designated the United States Engineer School; by General orders 155, 1901, the Engineer School of Application; by General orders 115, 1904, the Engineer School. It was originally located at the fort at Willets Point, after- wards named Fort Totten, but was transferred in 1901 to Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C, at which place it is now located. Early reports of the school are made by the commanding officer of the Battalion of Engineers. See, for early historical information, Occasional papers 14 (W7.1G*:14).) Engineer School, Annual reports [1880-1908, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1905-07 issued sepa- rately also. 1909 report not printed.] Engineer School, Occasional papers [1] Impressions of a companj^ commander, by [E. A. F.l Potez, from Kevue du genie militaire; translated by J. R. Williams, F. R. Shunk, [and] E. M. Rhett. Press of Engineer School of Appli- cation, Washington Barracks, D. C, 1902. 1 Same. Revised edition. Washington Barracks, D. C, Press of Engineer School, 1905. [2] Improvement of Mississippi River between St. Louis and Cairo; by William P. Wooten. Press of Engineer School of Application, Washington Barracks, D. C, 1902. 2 Same. [2d edition.] Washington Barracks, D. C, Press of Engi- neer School, 1905. [2a] Upon use of electric search-lights in war, by A. Bochet; translated by W. V. Judson. Press of Engineer School of Application, Washington Barracks, D. C, 1902. IG* [3] Military landscape sketching?, by M. Lefebvi-e; translated from Journal des sciences militaires, bjr W. V. Judson. Press of Engi- neer School of Application, Washington Barracks, D. C, 1902. 3 Same. [2d edition revised.] Washington Barracks, D. C, Press of Engineer School, 1905. [4] Destruction of obstacles in campaign, by Bomecque; trans- lated by Edward Burr. Press of Engineer School of Application, Washington Barracks, D. C, 1903. 4 Same. [2d edition.] [Press of] Engineer School of Application, Washington Barracks, D. C. [1904]. 5 1276 Classification no. W7.16 2: (nos.) tW7.17: (date) W7. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT— Continued Engineer Seliool, Occasional papers— Continued [6] Report upon operations of 1st Battalion of Engineers in connection with maneuvers at Fort Riley, Kans., Sept. and Oct. 1902; [by] Smith S. Leach. Press of Engineer School of Application, Wash- ington Barracks, D. C, 1903. [7] Historical sketch of 1st Battalion of Engineers during its tour abroad ; [by] Smith S. Leach. Press of Engineer School of Application, Washington Barracks, D. C, 1903. [Erroneously printed as 6.] 8 13 18 23 28 33 9 14 19 24 29 34 10 15 20 25 * 30 35 11 16 21 26 * 31 36 12 17 22 27 * 32 Dates of retirement of officers of Corps of Engineers [1900, Oct. 11] [1904, Sept. 27] 1906, Nov. 1 1908, Aug. 8 W8. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS WEST OF lOOth MERID- IAN (Wheeler) [This work was the outgrowth of the topographical reconnaissance made by George M. Wheeler in 1869. Wheeler's plans for geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian, being approved by the Secretary of War, were adopted by Congress and appropriations were made for the work from 1872 to 1879, when the Geological Survey (1 19.) was established, taking up the field work of this and other surveys. Wheeler's office was continued until Feb. 29, 1884, its work bemg the preparation and publication of the reports. See, for history and publications of Geographical Surveys West of 100th Meridian, Final report, v. 1 (W8.5:l), and for catalogue and index of publications. Geological Survey Bulletin 222 (1 19.3:222). See, for Report upon 3d International Geographical Congress and Exhibition at Venice, Italy, 1881, by Wheeler, W7.5:W56.] W8.1: Annual reports 4« and 8° (date) 1869, Preliminary report upon reconnaissance through southern and southeastern Nevada, made in 1869, by Geo. M. Wheeler and D. W. Lockwood. 1875. 4° 1870 [None issued.] 1871, Preliminary report concerning explorations and surveys, princi- pally in Nevada and Arizona, conducted under direction of George M. Wheeler, 1871. 1872. 4° [1479-65] 1872, Progress-report upon geographical and geological explorations and surveys west of 100th meridian in 1872; by George M. Wheeler. 1874. 4« 1872-84, Annual reports, in annual reports of Engineer Department (W7.1^:), and 1875-81, issued separately also. Reports for 1876-79, as separately issued, are each accompanied by atlas sheets in separate covers. These atlas sheets do not appear in Engineer Department reports. W8.2: General pnMications As8 Astronomical coordinates. Report upon determination of astronomical co-ordinates of primary stations at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, and Colorado Springs, Colorado Territory, made during years 1872 and 1873; [by] F. Kampf and J. H. Clark [with instructions by George M. Wheeler]. 1874. 4® Barometric hypsometry, instructions, 1876. See W8.2:M56^, t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. The Engineer Department has since begun a new series, necessitating an additional class under W7., the series title of which is as follows: W7.18: Standard specifications (nos.) 1277 ClMwIflratlon no. W8.2; C15 G29 G29' In8 L82 M56^ M562 M563 Or6 P53 P69 R29> R292 St2 •.•.■/ T62^ T622 W8. GEOGRAPHICAIj surveys west of 100th MERIDIAN (Wheeler)— Continued General publications— Continued Camps. Tables containing camps, distances, lines of march, latitudes, longitudes, altitudes, &c., explorations and surveys west of 100th meridian in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona, field season of 1872. 1873. 4° Geographic positions. Tables of geographic positions, azimuths, and aistances, with lists of barometric altitudes, magnetic declina- tions, and itineraries of important routes; by M. M. Macomb. 1885. large 8« Geological atlas projected to illustrate geographical explorations and surveys west of 100th meridian; [by] Geo. M, Wheeler. Julius Bien, lith. [New York, 1874]t oblong f" [Covers and atlas sheets were each issued separately. Set in Public Documents Library is incomplete. See, for complete bibliography, p. 705- 713 of List of geographical atlases in Library of Congress, with bibliographicalnotes, v. 1 (LC5.2:G29').] Invertebrate fossils. Preliminary report upon invertebrate fossils col- lected by expeditions of 1871, 1872, and 1873, with descriptions of new species; [by] C. A. White. 1874. Logarithm, traverse, and altitude tables. 1875. Meteorological observations. Instructions for taking and recording meteorological observations and for preserving and repairing instruments; by R. L. Hoxie. 1874. Same; by R. L. Hoxie and Wm. L. Marshall. 1875. 16° * Meteorological observations. Instructions for taking, recording, and reducing meteorological observations, and for preserving and repairing instruments, by R. L. Hoxie and Wm, L. Marshall; to which are appended barometrical tables 1-11 of Professional pa- pers, Corps of Engineers, no. 12. 1876. [Cover-title and 1st title-page read : Barometric hypsometry , instructions, 1876. See, ' for Engineer Department Professional papers referred to, W7.10:] Ornithological specimens. Report upon ornithological specimens col- lected in 1871, 1872, and 1873; [by H. C. Yarrow and Henry W. ~ ■ ' 1874. List of reports and maps of Geographical Surveys West of y. Moriri^QT. [igt edition.] 1878. * V61 Philadelphia, International Exhibition, 1876. Catalogue of articles placed at Centennial Exposition [Philadelphia, Pa.] 1876. 1876. Plants. Catalogue of plants collected in 1871, 1872, and 1873, with descriptions of new species; [by Sereno Watson and J. T. Roth- rock]. 1874. Reports. 100th Meridian. Same. 2d edition. 1881. * Stars. Catalogue of mean declination of 2018 stars between 0'' to 2*» r' and 12'» to 24'* right ascension, and 10° and 70° of north declina- tion, for Jan. 1, 1875; by T. H. Safford. 1879. 4« Topographical atlas [in] crayon; [by Geo. M.] Wheeler, n. p. 1875. oblong f <» Contents: Conventional signs. General topographic features. I Atlas sheet 49, 50, 58, 59, 66, 67. I Topographical atlas, projected to illustrate Geographical Surveys West of 100th Meridian, embracing results of different expeditions under command of Geo. M. Wheeler, n. p. [1878]. oblong f <» [Covers and atlas sheets were each issued separately. Set in Public Documents Library is incomplete. See, for complete bibliography, p. 705-713 of List of geographic atlases in Library of Congress with bibliographical notes, v. 1 (LC5.2:G29 ^).\ Vertebrata. Systematic catalogue of vertebrata of eocene of New Mex- ico, collected in 1874; [by] E. D. Cope. Apr. 17, 1875. 1278 Classlflcatlon W8. GEOGRAPHICAL, SURVEYS WEST OF lOOtli ""*• MERIDIAN (Wheeler)— Continued W8.3 : Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] W8.4 : Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] W8.5 : Final reports or Monographs 4" (v. nos.) V. 1 Geographical report V. 2 Astronomy and barometric hypsometry V. 3 Geology Same, supplement V. 4 Paleontology V. 5 Zoology V. 6 Botany V. 7 Archaeology Final reports or Monographs (separates) •W8.5«: (CT) W9. INSPECTOR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT During Revolutionary times and for a long period thereafter, the appointment of insi)ectors-general of the Army was authorized by Congress. Baron Steuben was one of the fust appointed, being made inspector- general in May, 1778. The Inspector- General's Department was reorganized and made a regular staff department by act approved June 23, 1874 (Stat. L. v. 18, pt. 3, p. 244). The work was carried on in conjunction with that of the Adjutant-General's Department, most of the annual reports of the inspector-general for the Secretary of War being addressed to the adjutant-general, until 1889; sff Wg.l':] (date) (date) W9.2: C81 G19 G94: G94- G94 = P84 P96 W9.3: (noa.) W9.4: (nos.) Annual reports to Secretary of War [1806-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and since 1870 issued sepa- rately also. Reports for 1866-73 and 1876-88 were addressed to the adjutant- general. 1889-1901, two reports were made, one of which was addressed to the general com- manding the Army; see W9.1 2; J Annual reports to general commanding Army [1889-1901, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1890-1901 issued separately also.] General publications Correspondence. Catechiam of instructions for keeping record of corre- spondence in various offices at headquarters of military divisions and departments and at headquarters of military posts at which system of record keeping prescribed shall be authorized by War Department; by C. G. Morton. 1909. 12° Garrisoned post. Form for report of inspection of garrisoned post [and Form for statement of irregularities and deficiencies]. War De- partment, Office of Inspector General, 1907. Guide for use of officers of Inspector-General's Department, 1908; revised to include Aug. 31, 1908. 1908 [1909]. 12« (War Dept. doc. 333.) Same. [Interleaved.] Guide. List of references in Guide for inspectors-general, 1908. Mar. 19, 1909. 12» Posts. Outline descriptions of posts and stations of troops in geograph- ical divisions and departments of United States; compiled by R. B. Marcy. 1872. 4« Public records. Circular [relating to furnishing attested transcripts of public records to private persons]. Sept. 20, 1870 [reprint 1896]. 12» Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 1279 ClBMNlflratlon no. Wf). INSPECTOR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT Conf imied W9.5: (date) Inspection of several branches of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers [In compliance with the provisions of tho act of Mar. 3, 1803, "that the Secretary of War shall hereafter exorcise the same suiK'rvision over all rocolptH and disburso- menta on account of the volunteer soldiers' homes as ho is required by law to apply to tho accounts of disbursing oHiccrs of tho Anny," an inspection of 4 branch homes was made Oct. -Nov. 1893, and a brief report submitted to the insijcctor-general; see W9.1':894, p. 14. The act of Aug. 18, 1894 (Stat. L. v. 28, p. 412) called for a thorough annual inspec- tion of the National 11 nine for Di.sabled Voluntetn- Soldiers and a report to uon- grevss thereon by an oflicer of the Inspector-General's Department. These reports are not included in the reports of the inspector-general, though addressed to him, but, 1897-1905, are usually includexi in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:). 190G-09, issued in separate pamphlets only. See also National Homo for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers (NH).J 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, Oct. 3-Dec. 23 [3324-342] Oct. 19, 1895-Jan. 8, 1896 [3412-288] July 7, 1896-Feb. 4,1897 [3516-274] [18 of the illustrations from this report also issued separately with title-page.] July 31,1897-Jan. 27,1898 [3664-278] Aug. 9-Nov. 30 Sept. 3-Dec. 8 July 21-Nov. 12 Aug. 9-Nov. 14 document number July 15-Oct. 22 July 13-Oct. 27 July 13-Nov. 23 July 14-Oct. 12 July 21-Oct. 15 Aug. 28-Oct. 26 Sept. 2-Nov. 14 Aug. 11-Oct. 27 3785-154 3958-236 4136-259 .4323-137 4490-182] 4670-61] 4835-193] 4992-84] 5158-88' 5290-32 5528-1219] 5817-254] [No edition without Congressional WIO. JUDGE-ADVO GATE- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT [Established by Continental Congress, July 29, 1775. Discontinued by act of Mar. 16, 1802; reestablished Jan. 11, 1812; discontinued again June 1, 1821; reestablished by act of Mar. 2, 1849, reorganized by act of July 17, 1862, and, by act of June 20, 1864, more fully organized as Bureau of Military Justice. In 1884, tho title was changed to Judge-Advocate-General's Office and it has since become known as Judge- Advocate-General's Department. See, for Sketch of history and duties of Judge Advocate General's Department, W10.2:H62i»«.] WlO.l: (date) W10.2: Am3 Ar5i Ar5=^ C49 H62» H62' M36 Annual reports [1863-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and since 1877 issued separately also.] General publications American Knights, Order of. Report of judge advocate general on Order of American Knights or Sons of Liberty, western conspiracy in aid of southern Rebellion. 1864. Army regulations. Remarks on army regulations; by G. Norman Lieber. 1897. ([War Dept. doc. 63 and 75.]) Same, and executive regulations in general; by G. Norman Lieber. 1898. (War Dept. doc. 63 [and 75].) [This is a revised edition of the 1897 publication, with additions.] Civil power. Use of Army in aid of civil power; by G. Norman Lieber. 1898. (War Dept. doc. 64.) History. Sketch of history and duties of Judge Advocate General's Department, Army; [by W. M. Dunn]. McGill & Witherow, Sept. 1, 1876. * [Prepared at request of Commission for Reform and Reorganization of Army, organized under act approved July 24, 1876. See, for further information concerning the commission, note under W1.2:Ar52.] ♦Same, with additions. Mar. 1, 1878, Washington, D. C, Thomas McGill & Co., printers. Martial law. Justificationof martial law; by G. Norman Lieber. 1898. (War Dept. doc. 79.) 1280 Clas»iflcation no. WIO. JUDGE-ADVOCATE-GENERAL'S DEPART- MENT— Continued W10.2: M591 M592 M593 R31 W10.3: (nos.) W10.4: (nos.) W10.5: (date) WIO. 6: C24 D98 D982 D983 H83 L63 General publications— Continued Military reservations, national military parks, and national cemeteries, title and jurisdiction; by James B. McCrellis. 1898. Military reservations, national cemeteries, and military parks, title, jurisdiction, etc.; [by James B. McCrellis], Revised edition by Charles E. Hay, jr. 1904. Same. [2d] revised edition by Lewis W. Call. 1907. (War Dept. doc. 288.) Retiring boards. Instructions for retiring boards. 1899. 12*' (War Dept. doc. 94.) Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Manual for courts- martial 12° 1895 1898 Revised [edition] Same. 2d edition (War Dept. doc. 77.) 1901 Revised edition (War Dept. doc. 140.) Same [reprinted] 1902 (War Dept. doc. 140.) 1905 Revised edition (War Dept. doc. 255.) Same, with amendments to 1907 (War Dept. doc. 255.) 1908 Revised edition 16° (War Dept. doc. 329.) Courts-martial, Courts of inquiry, and Military commissions [The judge-advocate-general is the custodian of the records of all general courts- martial, courts of inquiry, and military commissions (Army regulations, 1908, article 69, p. 160). Suchrecords, if printed, are classed here, unless specifically published by some other office of the Government.] Carter, Oberlin M. Reply [and closing argument] of Thomas F. Barr, to argument and brief for defense, in case of United States vs. Oberlin M. Carter; general court-martial convened at Savannah, Ga., Jan. 12, 1898. 1899. Dyer, Alexander Brydie. Proceedings of court of inquiry convened at Washington, D. C, Nov. 9, 1868, by Special orders 217, War Department, to examine into accusations against A. B. Dyer, chief of ordnance. 1869. pt. 1. Same. 1868 [1869]. pt. 2. Dyer, Alexander Brydie. [Opinion of judge-advocate-general concern- ing protest of Norman Wiard against proceedings of court of inquiry in -case of A. B. Dyer, chief of ordnance.] May 13, 1869. Howard, Oliver O. Proceedings, findings, and opinion of court of inquiry convened under act of Feb. 13, 1874, by Special orders 35, Adjutant-General's Oflfice, of Feb. 16, 1874, in case of Oliver O. Howard; [mth Review of judge-advocate-general and order of Secretary of War announcing proceedings, report of facte, opinion of court, and action of President in case]. 1874. Lincoln, Abraham. Trial of conspirators for assassination of President Lincoln, &c., argument of John A. Bingham, in reply to argu- ments of the several counsel for Mary E. Surratt, David E. Her- old, Lewis Payne, George A. Atzerodt, Michael O'Laughlin, Samuel A. Mudd, Edward Spangler, and Samuel Arnold, charged with conspiracy and murder of Abraham Lincoln ; delivered June 27 and 28, 1865, before Military Commission, Washington, D. C. 1865. [Also in annual report of War Department, 1865, v. 2, p. 1007-60 (Wl.l:865). See, for Trial of John H. Surratt, DC28.2: Su7i>2] 1281 ClaMlflratlon no. WIO. JUDGE- ADVOCATE-GENERAL'S DEPART- MENT— Continued W10.6: P83> Courts-martial, Courts of Inquiry, and Military commissions — Continued - Porter, Fitz-John. Proceeding and report of board of arniy officere convened by Special orders 78, Adjutant-General's Office, Apr. 12, 1878, in case of Fitz-John Porter, with proceedings in original trial and papers relating thereto. 1879. pt. 1. (46th Cong. Ist eess. S. ex. doc. 37, pt. 1; serial no. 1871.) [The proceedings in the original trial, reprinted in v. 1 of this set, first appeared as 37th Congress, 3d session. House executive document 71, in serial no. 1163.] Same. 1879. pt. 2. r46th Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 37, pt. 2; serial no. 1871.) [The matter here listed in 2 v. appears in the Congressional set in 1 v. as 46th Congress, Ist session. Senate executive document 37, pt^. 1 and 2, serial no. 1871.] Same. 1879. pt. 3. (46th Cong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 37, pt. 3; serial no. 1872.) Same, maps. [1879.] 4° [In the Congressional set the maps are bound with pt. 3 m one 8° volume; see W10.6:P83^] Swaim, David Gaskill. [Proceedings of court of inquiry to examine accusations against David G. Swaim, held at Washmgton, D. C, Mav 5, 1884, by Special orders 93, Adjutant-General's Office, 1884.] [1884.] [The copy in the Public Documents Library has no title-page.] Warren, Gouvemeur Kemble. Proceedings, findings, and opinions of court of inquiry convened b^ order of President in Special orders 277, Adjutant General's Office, Dec. 9, 1879, in case of Gouver- neur K. Warren. 1883. pt. 1. Same. 1883. pt. 2. Same, maps. 1883. pt. 3, 4° Courts -martial, Courts of inquiry, and Military commissions (separates) [Public Documents Library has classed here certain arguments, etc., in the Howard, Fitz-John Porter, and Warren cases.] Digest of opinions of judge -advocate -general 1865 1866 1868 1880 Same. 2d thousand 1895 1901 Revised edition (War Dept. doc. 137.) [This print carries sig- nature mark 16906-01.] Same [with slight changes, reprinted 1909] (War Dept. doc. 137.) [This reprint carries signature mark 71359-09.] Wll. LIBRARY [Althoixgh the exact date can not be ascertained, it is known that the library was established before the War Department and other Executive Departments were moved from Philadelphia to Washington in P83=» P833- P83* Swl W25^ W252 W253 W10.6«: (CT) W10.7: (date) Wll.l: (date) W11.2: D63 W11.3: (nos.) 82452' Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Distribution of reports. Memorandum [relating to distribution of reports of Secretary of War]. Jan. 1896. W Bulletins [None issued.] -11 81 1282 Classification no. W11.4: (no8.) W11.5: (U08.) W11.5«: (CT) W11.6: 882 884 891 903 1 9032 9033 903* 905 W11.7: (date) Wll. LIBRARY— Contiuued Circulars [None issued.] Subject catalogues large 8° and 8° 1 * 2 3 4 ([War Dept. doc. 39.]) Same. 2d edition ([War Dept. doc. 100.]) 5 ([War Dept. doc. 40.]) 6 (War Dept. doc. 41.) Same. 2d edition (War Dept. doc. 84.) Same, appendix (War Dept. doc. 228.) 7 (War Dept. doc. 80.) [A 2d print was issued which is identical with the 1st except that on p. 7 the explanatory note of a"bbreviations is fuller and given in better form.] Subject catalogues (separates) [Pts. 1-4 of Mexican bibliography, issued as 4 large 8° pamphlets, were reprinted from Subject catalogue 3 (W11.5:3), and ai'O classed under Wll. 5a:] Catalogues (miscellaneous) Alphabetical catalogue of War Department library, including law library: authors. 1880. Same: authors and subjects. 1882. large 8° Alphabetical list of additions made to War Department library from June, 1882. [May 1] 1884. large 8« Same, from May, 1884 to June, 1891. 1891. large 8° Check list of serial publications in War Department library, Oct. 1, 1903. 1903. (War Dept. doc. 212.) [See also W11.6:903^] Finding list of principal reference works in War Department library, Oct. 1,1903. 1903. (War Dept. doc. 213.) [See also Wll. 6 :90'6^.] Rough list of most important accessions to War Department library, 1898-1903. 1903. (War Dept. doc. 212.) [See also Wll. 6:903 \] Three finding lists issued by War Department library: 1, Serial publi- cations; 2, Principal reference works; 3, Important accessions, 1898-1903. 1903. [The lists which are included in this publi- cation were also issued separately; see Wll. 6:903^, 903^, 903^.] Author and title list of most important accessions to War Department library with subject entries in biography, military history, and military science, and index of periodicals received during calen- dar year 1904. 1905. Rough, list of more important additions 1895 large 8« 1896 1897 5ee, for 1903, Wll. 6:903 3. W12. MILITARY ACADEMT [By act approved Mar. 16, 1802 (Stat. L. v. 2, p. 137), the President was authorized to organize a corps of engineers to be stationed at West Point, N. Y., tliis corps to constitute a Military Academy. The prin- cipal engineer, and in his absence, the next in rank, was to be superintendent under the direction of the President of the United States. The academy was formally opened July 4, 1802. The institution was enlarged by act of Apr. 29, 1812 (Stat. L. v. 2, p. 720). The Military Academy remained under the superintendence of an engineer officer reporting directly to the chief engineer (who was ex officio the inspector of the academy) until July 13, 186G, when by act of that date (Stat. L. v. 14, p. 92) Congress authorized the appointment of a superintendent and other offi- cers of the academy from any branch of the military service, and placed the academy under charge of the Secretary of War. The Military Academy and the post of West Point were made a separate military department by General orders 15, Mar. 2, 1877, the commander to report directly to the general-in-chief of the Army, and to have supervision of the academy. As department commander he reported directly to the adjutant-general. 1283 W12. MILITARY ACADEMY--Continued Tne military Departinont of West Point was discontiniicd by General orders 77, 1882, nlToctlve Sept. 1, 1882, and tho su|x>rin(<>n(lont was Rivon Itmnodlatn covomniont and military command of the acaaemy, and was made pommandant of thn military ix)st of West Point. Si'f, for history of West Point, and for bUilio^'rapliy concerning Military Academy and its graduates, the memorial volunics entitled (Vntennial of Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., 18t)2-1902 (\V\'2.2: C33 ' '»). See, for history of the academic departments, 1 htTi-OO, annual report of superintendent of Mili- tary Academy. 18*.K>( W'l2.l »:89t)). 6Vf, for historical and other information to Mar. 1, 1837, House report 3(«, L'Uh Congress, L'd sossion, serial no. 306; tills report also appears in American state papers, Military affairs, v. 7, p. 1-108, serial no. 022.] Classlflratlon no. W12.1 ' : Annual reports of board of visitors (date) ("Provision was made for a board of visitors to the academy in the regulations of 1816, but regular attendance of these visitors was not established until the advent of Major Thayer, 1817. The army regulations of 1821 prescribed that the June examinations should be held in tho ' presence of tho board of Adsitors.' The first appropriation for defraying the e\-p(»ns(^s of tho board of visitors was made in Mar. 1828. From 1S15 to the present time [1902] boards of visitors have annually visited tho academy and reported their observations." This paragraph is quoted from v. 1, p. 235 of Centennial of Military Academy (Wl2.2:C33i). The Doard of visitors was, however, abolished, Mar. 1, 184:3-Aug, 8, 1846, during which time tho Secretary of War appointed certain army officers to visit, to inspect, and to report on the academy. These reports are not found in any • printed record, perhaps being submitted and preserved in manuscript only. For 1860, besides the report of board of visitors, there was also a Report of Commis- sion to Examine MiUtary Academy (Y3.M59:R29). 1825-1907 (except 1843-46, 1862, 1873, 1874, and 1881), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:). Report for 1833 appears also in Register of officers and cacfets (W12.5:833).] 1862 [1159-21] [No edition with- out Congressional document number.] See note under W12.1*: 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 2415-63 2488-52' 2516-31 [2614^3] [2904-19] []^o edition with- out Congressional document number.] 3145-18 3327-34 3399-55 18691 1870/ 1871 1872 [1571-14] 1873 1874 * 1875 * 1876 * 1877 1892 1878 * 1893 1S79 1894 1880 Report of Presidential ap- 1895 pointees only 1896 Same, Report of Congressional 1897 members of board [1944-18 1898 and 1982-112] [No edition 1899 without Congressional docu- 1900 ment number.] 1901 1881 * 1902 1882 Rei^ort of Presidential ap- 1903 pointees only 1904 Same, Rep)ort of Congressional 1905 members of board [2118- 1906 24] [No edition without 1907 Congressional document number.] [The 1907 report is the last regular report of the board of visitors appointed under sec. 1327-29, Revised statutes, which i)rovide(l tliat the board or visitors should consist of 7 momlxjrs appoinU^d bv tho I'rcsident, 2 Senators appointed bv the Vice-President, and 3 Representaiives appointed bv the Speaker of the House. The board was required by law to report to the Secretan' of War. " ■ ■ ■ 1909, approved May 28, [397^1-201] The Military Academy appropriation act for the fiscal year 1908 (Stat. L. V. 35, pt. 1, p. 436) contained a proviso w board of visitors, to oe composed of 5 members of the < which substituted a new composed of 5 members of the Committee on Military Affairs of the Senate and 7 members of the Committee on Military Affairs of the House, to be appointed by the respective chairmen thereof. tVlthough the 1907 report is the last regular report of the old board appointed under sec. 1327-29, Revised statutes, tho memijcrs who had assembled at West Point or were en route, made an unofficial inspection, Jime 1, 1908, and submitted two reports, that of the presidential appointees, addressed to the President, being found on p. 68-73 of the report of tlie superintendent of the Military Academv, 1908(W12.1 «:908), and that of the members of the House of Representatives, dated Dec. 1908, and submitted to the House, Jan. 4, 1909, being printed only as 60th Congress, 2d session, House document 1262, serial no. 5557. 1284 Classification no. W12.li: (date) W12.12: (date) W12.13: (date) W12.2 Acl Ar7 B21 B32 C16 C331 CSS 2 C561 C562 F771 F77 2 F77-^ F774 G951 G952 G953 W12. MILITARY ACADEMY— Continued Annual reports of board, of visitors— Continued The new board, on Mar, 2, 1909, submitted a report to Congress on their inspection of Jan. 12 and 13, 1909. This report appeared only as 60th Congress, 2d session, House document 1495, serial no. 5557. No other reports were issued up to Dec. 31, 1909, the period covered by this Check- list.] Annual reports of superintendent [1854, 1857-1909 (except 1862, 1863, 1865-67, 1869, 1870, 1873-82), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1890-1909 issued separately also. For 1861 and 1864 the report consists of tabiilar statements only. Reports from IS.')? to 1865 are in reports of Engineer Department.] Annual reports of Inspector [ Prior to July 13, 1866, the chief of engineers was ex officio inspector of Military Acad- emy, and as such, made reports for certain years, not all of which seem to have been printed. A special report, 1802-Mar. 1822, appears as House document 104 , 17th Congress^ 1st session, in serial no. 68. 1843-57 and 1865, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:). 1866-70, reports of inspector appointed under act approved Julv 13, 1866, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1868-70 issued separately also. Separates for 1869 and 1870 have appended the report of board of visitors.] General publications Academy. Military Academy and its requirements, paper read before United States Military Service Institute at West Point, N, Y., Mar. 8, 1883, and before Military Service Institution of United States, at Governor's Island, New York Harbor, Mar. 17, 1883; by George L. Andrews. West Point, N, Y. [no publisher] 1883. 12° Artillery, Elementary treatise on artillery and infantry, adapted to service of United States, designed for use of cadets of Military Academy; by C, P. Kingsbury. New- York, 1849. * Ballistics. Exterior ballistics adapted from Capt, Ingalls' works for use of cadets at West Point; by L, L, Bruff, West Point, 1891, * Battle Monument, History of Battle Monument at West Point, with list of names of those inscribed upon and commemorated by it, and of original subscribers thereto, prepared by Charles W. Lamed; to which is added Description of quarrying, working, transportation, and erection of shaft, by Edward F. Miner. West Point, N. Y, [Battle Monument Association] 1898. Candidates admitted Aug, 1, 1900. n. p. [1900]. 4° Centennial of Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., 1802-1902 [edited by Edward S. Holden], v. 1: Addresses and histories. 1904. large 8° [4750-789] Same, v. 2: Statistics and bibliographies. 1904. large 8" [4751- 789] Classification. Plan for classification of military books on decimal sys- tem; by Edward S. Holden. [Ist edition.] West Point, United States Military Academy press, 1904. Same [revised, and with additional matter]. 2d edition. West Point, United States Military Academy press, 1905. Fortification. Treatise on field fortification containing instructions on methods of laying out, constructing, defending, and attacking intrenchments [etc.]; by D[ennis] H[art] Mahan. New York, 1836. * Same. 2d edition. New York, 1848. 8*' ^ Same. 3d edition enlarged. New York, John Wiley, 1862. 16" Fortifications. Attack on fortified places, including siege-v/orks, min- ing, and demolitions, by James Mercur; prepared for use of cadets of Military Academy. New York, Wiley & Sons, 1894. * Gunpowder. Notes on gunpowder, percussion-jDOwder, cannon, and projectiles; by Miner Knowlton. West Point, 1839. f° * Same. West Point, 1841. * Gunpowder and interior ballistics; by L. L. Bruff. West Point, 1892. * 1285 CUdslflcatlon no. W12.2 G99 H33 H62' H622 H623 L41» L412 L61» L612 L613 L61* L61» L6ie M31 Or2i 022 Or23 Se2 W19' WI92 WI93 W12. MILITARY ACADEMY— Continued General publications— ('ontinuod Gyranaeium. Report of committoo of acadomic board at Military Academy, in rejxard to j)r()p()sftd pyrnnaHium, Mar. 1888. West Point, ll. S. Military Academy proHs and bindery [1888]. [Ap- pears with letters of transmittal and additional plates as Senate executive document 138, 50th Congress, Ist session, serial no. 2513.] Hazing. Address [on hazing] delivered by J. M. Schofield to corps of cadets, M[ilitary] A[cademy], West Point, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1879. n. p. [1879]. 4<» History of West Point and its military importance during American Revolution and origin and progress of Military Academy; by Edward C. Boynton. New York, 1863. * Same. 2d edition. New York, 1871. * History. Sketch of history and topography of West Point and Military Academy; by Roswell Park. Philadelphia, 1840. * Law. Introduction to study of constitutional and military law of United States; [by George Breckenridge Davis]. 1896. Law. Abridgment of military law; by William Winthrop. [1st edi- tion.] n. p.?1887. 12° [Title-page missing from Public Docu- ments Library copy.] Same. 2d revised edition. New York, 1895. 8" * Library. Catalogue of books in library of Military Academy, Aug. 1822. Printed by Ward M. Gazlay, Newburgh, N. Y., 1822. * Same, May, 1830. * Library. Catalogue of library of Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., exhibiting its conditions at close of year 1852. New- York, John F. Trow, printer, 1853. Library. Catalogue of library of Military Academy [to 1S73]. 1876. * Same, supplement [to] 1882. 1882. * [Contains index to both Catalogue of 1873 and Supplement.] Library manual, reference books; by Edward S. Holden. West Point, Press of U. S. Military Academy, 1905. Manual of instruction for use of cadets at Military Academy: Mountain artillery; Siege and coast artillery; Colt automatic machine gun; Shelter trenches; Tent pitching; Notes on horsemanship; Rules for polo. West Point, N. Y. [no publisher] 1901. small 4° Ordnance and gunnery, U. S. M. A., pt. 1: Explosives, metallurgy, and projectiles; by Henry Metcalfe. West Point, U. S. Military Academy press, 1889. * Same, pt. 2: Cannon, carriages, small arms, ammunition, and accu- racy. West Point, U. S. Military Academy press, 1891. * Ordnance. Text-book of ordnance and gunnery of Military Academy, by L. L. Bruff ; prepared for use of cadets of Military Academy. New York, Wiley & Sons, 1896. * Security and information. Manual of service of security and informa- tion, prepared for use of cadets of Military Academy; by Edward Anderaon. West Point, 1900. * War. Treatise on science of war and fortification, composed for use of Imperial Polytechnick School, and military schools [by Simon Francois Gay de Vernon], and translated tor War Department for use of Military Academy of United States [by John Michael O'Connor]; to which is added a Summary of principles and maxims of grand tactics and operations, by John Michael O'Con- nor. New York, printed by J. Seymour, 1817. v. 1. * [The "Summary," which is in v, 2, is chiefly taken from a work by Baron Henri Jomini.] Same. New York, printed by J. Seymour, 1817. v. 2. Same, plates and maps. [New York, printed by J. Sejonour, 1817.J 4° 1286 Classlllcatloii W12. MILITARY ACADEMY—Continued no. W12.2: General publications— Continued W19^ War. Course of instruction in elements of art and science of war for - use of cadets, U. S. M. A.; by J. B. Wheeler. New York, Van Nostrand, 1879. * W12.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] W12.4 : Circulars (date) [Public Documents I^ibrary has no file of Circulars issued bv Military Academy. Not listed hero.] W12.5 : Official register of officers and cadets 10°, 12°, and 8° (date) [Registers listed below arc for single years. The cumulative registers or lists are entered under W12.7: The triennial Registers of oflicers and graduates are entered under W12.12: Since 186.5, the Official registers contain information for appointment and admission of cadets, which is issued separately for certain years, see W12.9:] 1818 24° [Printed in 1871 from records of academic board for academic year ending June, 1818.] Same [reprint, Feb. 12, 1884] 1819 * Same [reprint, Feb. 22, 1884] 1820, June Same [reprint, Feb. 29, 1884] 1821 * Same [reprint. Mar. 5, 1884] 1822 24° Same [reprint, Aug. 15, 1884] 1823 * Same [reprint, Oct. 10, 1884] 1824 * Same [reprint, Oct. 17, 1884] 1825 * Same [reprint, Oct. 24, 1884] 1826 * Same [reprint, Oct. 31, ]884] 1827 * Same [reprint, Nov. 10, 1884] 1828 * Same [reprint, Nov. 24, 1884] 1829 * Same [reprint, Dec. 8, 1884] 1830 * Same [reprint. May, 1887] 1831 * Same [reprint, Aug. 4, 1883] 1832 * Same [reprint, Aug. 11, 1883] 1833 [June, with report of board of visitors, 1833] 1834 * Same [reprint, May, 1887] 1835 * Same [reprint, May, 1887] 1836 * Same [reprint, Sept. 29, 1883] 1837 * Same [reprint, Oct. 18, 1883] 1838 * Same [reprint. Mar. 7, 1885] 1839 * Same [reprint, Oct. 9, 1883] 1840 * Same [reprint, May, 1887] 1841, June * Same [reprint, Jan. 29, 1885] 1842, June * Same [reprint, Aug. 11, 1883] 1843, June *^ Same [reprint, Nov. 15, 1883] 1844, June * Same [reprint, Nov. 23, 1883] 1845, June * Same [reprint, Dec. 6, 1883] 1840, June 1847, June 1848, June 1849, June 1850, June 1851, June ^ Same [reprint. May, 1887] 1852, June 1853, June * Same [reprint. May, 1887] 1854, June 1855, June 1850, June 1857, June Same [reprint, Jan. 15, 1885] 1858, June [Reads incorrectly on p. 8 "1st class— 27 mem- bers."] Same [corrected reprint, John F. Baldwin, printer, N. Y.] 1859, June Same [reprinted by John F. Baldwm, N. Y.] 1860, June Same [reprint, Apr. 1886] 1861, June 1862, June 1863, June * Same [reprint, Mar. 23, 1885] 1864, June * Same [reprint, Oct. 12, 1886] 1865, June 1866, June 1867, June 1868, June * Same [reprint, Apr. 1886] 1869 [June] 1870 [June] 1871, June 1287 GlMsiflratlon no. W12.5: (date) W12.6': (date) 816 821 839 853 857 866 873 877 883 894 902 W12.6 2: G93 W12.7: W12. MILITARY ACADEMY— Continued Ofllclal register of ofllcors and cadets — Continued 1872, June 1873, June lcS74, June 1875, June 1876, June 1877, June 1878, June 1879, June 1880, June 188J,June * Same [reprint, Apr. 1886] 1882, June 1883, June 1884, June 1J85, June 1886, June 1887, June 1888, June 1889, June 1890, June 1891, June 1892, June 1893, Juno 1894, June 1895, June 1896, June 1897, Juno 1898, June 1H99, June 1900, June 1901, June 1902, June 1903, June 1904, June 1905, June Same, errata 1906, June 1907, June 1908, June 1909, Juno Regulations for Military Academy (general) [ Besides the Regulations in Public Documents Library which are listed below, there were also issued Regulations in the following years: 1802, 1810, 1814, 1815, 1821, 1825, 1829, 1832, 1840, and 1841.] Regulations, Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. n. p. 1816. 24° [Approved July 2, 1816. Also appears with additional matter, in House document 88, 16th Congress, Ist session, serial no. 36. Another edition of Rules and regulations for Military Academy, dated May 22, 1816, appears in Senate document 90, 15th Con- gress, 2d session, serial no. 15.] [Regulations of Military Academy at West Point, extract from General regulations of Army, article 78.] Philadelphia, 1821. * [Ap- pears also in House document 111, 18th Congress, 1st session, serial no. 98.] Regulations for organization and government of Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., to which is added regulations for internal police of institution, with appendix containing Rules and articles of war, and extracts from General regulations of Army; revised and amended to Jan. 1, 1839. New- York, Wiley & Putnam, 1839 [printed by William Osborn]. Regulations for Military Academy at W>st Point, N. Y., with appendix containing extracts from General regulations for Army, ana Rules and articles of war. New- York, John F. Trow, printer, 1853. 12° Same. New York, John F. Trow, printer, 1857. Regulations for Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. New York, Baldwin & Jones, printers, 1866. 12° Same. New York, John F. Baldwin, printer, 1873. 12° Same. 1877. 12° Same. 1883. 12° Same. 1894. 12° Same. 1902. 12° Regulations (special) Guard, police, and fire regulations. 1897. 12° List of cadets admitted (cumulative) [Early lists of cadets admitted appear in Congressional set as follows: To 1819, Sept. [In 36-88] To 1829, Dec. 31 [In 197-79] To 1834, Dec. 31 [In 306-303]. See, for annual issues of Official register of officers and cadets, W12.5: Su, for triennial Register of officers and graduates, W 12.12:] West Point, N. Y. [no publisher] 1288 Classlflcatlon no. W12. MILITARY ACADEMY— Continued W12.7 : last of cadets admitted (cumulative)— Continued 870 872 876 886 901 W12.8: (date) W12.9: (date) ^F12.10: (date) W12.ll: (date) Register of cadets admitted into Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., from its origin to June 30, 1870; compiled by Edward C. Boynton. 1870. 12° [Cover-title reads: Roll of cadets admitted into Military Academy from establishment to present time.] Roll of cadets admitted into Military Academy from establishment to Dec. 31, 1872. 1872. 12° List of cadets admitted into Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., from establishment till Sept. 30, 1876, with tables exhibiting results of examinations for admission, and corps to which graduates have been promoted; compiled by Robert H. Hall. 1876. 12° Same, from origin till Sept. 1, 1886, with tables exhibiting results of examinations for admission and corps to which graduates have been promoted; compiled by William Ward. 1887. 12° [Copy in Public Documents Library lacks 2 last pages.] Same, till Sept. 1, 1901; [compiled by William C. Rivers], 1902. 12° [Preface reads: "This is the 4th edition of this pamphlet which has been issued from time to time from the Adjutant's Ofl&ce of the Military Academy. Former editions were 1870, 1876, 1886. " This does not account for the edition of 1872 which is listed above.] Roster of officers and troops 12° and 8° [Roster of officers and troops at Militarj'^ Academy for the years 1893-1909 (except 1900) are found In amiiial reports of superintendent of Military Academy (W12.1 ^:) Below are listed tlie only separate Rosters in Public Documents Library which were issued up to Dec. 31, 1909,] Roster of oflBcers and troops in Department of West Point 1877, June 1878, Jan. Nov. 1879, Sept. 1880, Mar. Oct. 1881, Jan. 22 Oct. 1 Roster of officers and troops at Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. 1882, Oct. 1892, Sept. 1901 * 1907, Aug. 31 1883, Sept. 1893, Sept. 1902, Sept. 1 Sept. 1 1884, Oct. 1894 * 1903, Sept. 1 1908, Jan. 1 1885, Sept. 1895, Sept. 1904, Jan. 1 Sept. 1 1886, Sept. 1896 * 1905, Jan. 1 1909, Jan. 1 1887, Sept. 1897, Sept. Sept. 1 Aug. 31 1888, Sept. 1898, Dec. 1 1906, Jan. 1 Dec. 31 1889 * 1899, June 1 Aug. 31 1890, Sept. Sept. 7 Sept. 1 1891, Sept. 1900, Oct. 1 1907, Jan. 1 Information L relative to appointmen t and admis- sion of cadets to Military Academy [This information is also found in Official register of officers and cadets (W12..'):).] [1894] f° 1907, May 1908, Mar. 1909, Jan. 28 Mar. 19 [1898] f° 1898, July 27 f° 1906, June 2 General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Military Academy, here.] Special orders Not listed [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Military Academy. Not listed here.] 1280 riaNslflcatlon no. W12.12: 822 825 828 831 'f 844 847 850 W12. MILITARY ACADEMY— Continued Register of oflacers and graduates (triennial) [ Public Documents Library has only one Issue of this series. The triennial rcRlsters were issued every tliroo years prior to 18.30, accordinK to llie sufMirintendent 's report for 1854 (Wl2.1»:8.'>4). lie proposed tx) have the UoKisler of onieers and graduates published every 5 years thereafter, but this does not seem to have been carried out. Book numbers are assigned from latest date covered. See, for annual issues of Official register of ofllcers and cadets, WI2..'): See, for cumulative List of cadets admitted, W12.7:] Register of cadets who have graduated at Military Academy and re- ceived commissions in Army, June, 1802-July, 1822. 4'' * [A similar "Register of cadets, June, 1802-July, 1823, shewing in what capacities they have t)een emploj'ed" appeared only in House document 111, 18th Ck)n- pre^s, 1st session, serial no. 98, where it begins on p. 9 of no. Ill, the accompanying tables following p. 16.] Register of graduates of Military Academy who have been commissioned in Army, June, 1802-July, 1825. 4'' * Same, June, 1802-July, 1828. [Military Academy, West Point] July, 1828. 4° Register of officers and graduates of Military Academy, 1802-31. 4" * [Public Documents Library has no information concerning the interval between 1831 and 1844, nor can it explain an apparent discrepancy of 1 year. If published at regular periods of 3 years, Registers would be expected for 1834, 1837, 1840, and 1843; but this calculation is upset bv evidence of the Registers for 1844, 1847, and 1850.] Register of officers and graduates of Military Academy, 1801-44. [New York] 1844. * Catalogue of graduates of Militarj^ Academy, from its establishment in 1801 to June, 1848 [1847?], giving present rank of those in service [etc.], with regulations for admission of cadets and synopsis of course of study pursued at that institution. New York, W. H. Graham, 1847. 16° * Register of officers and graduates of Military Academy at West Point, Mar. 16, 1802-Jan. 1, 1850; compiled by George W. Cullum. New York, 1850. 12° * [Discontinued.] W13. CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF [The Department of California was organized in 1858, prior to which tliis command was Icnown as the Department of tlie Pacific. The Department of California was included in the Pacific Division ( W51.) from 1865 to 1891, when that division was discontinued. The Department of California again became a part of the Pacitic Division in 1904, remaining there until that division was again alx)lished. June 30. 1907. Sfe alfio note un«if-r W51. This dei)artraent embraces California and Nevada; also Hawaiian Islands, which were added by order of tiie Prasident, July 12, l!S98. Sfc, for history of the Departnientof California to 1872, Outline descriptions ofposts in geographical divisions and departments of United States (W9.2:P84).] W13.1: (date) W13.2: F45 W13.3: (nos.) W13.4: (date) Annual reports 12° [1859-1909 (except 1862-65 and 1889-90, none issued), in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), and 1893-1909, issued separately also.] General publications Field exercises. Annual report on field exercises; [by] James W. Forsyth. San Francisco, Cal., Department of California, Dec. 31, 1895. 12° [Title on cover is: Field exercises, supplementary report of James W. Forsyth. It is supplementary to annual report of Department of California, 1895 (W13.1:895).] Se€y for explorations and surveys in the Department of California, cer- tain publications listed under Engineer Department (W7.), and imder Geographical Surveys West of 100th Meridian (W8.). Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of California, listed here. Sec, for index to Circulars 1-16, 1904 series, W 13.5:901.] Not 12!ia Wi;S. CAJJFOKNIA. BEPARTMBirr iKm»^Si»r. ini> COIAKABO. BtEPAKTMEXr OF THE. 1291 Wl.'S. COL.TTMBIA, DEPARTMENT OP THE (The Department of the Columbia, cmbracini; Oro^on, Wasliington. and Idaho, was estabUahed by Qon- nral orders 1 18. June 27, 1865, as a part of the Pacific Division. Prior to 1858 tlie abovG-mentlooea terri- t )rv was included in the Pacific Division (W5l.), and from 1858 to 1865, It was known as the Department 'regoo. Sn, Ur diviM . Cla88ifir«tiun ■o. W15.1: (date) W15.1«: (date) W15.2: Alaslca was arldH to the TVpfirtm'^Tit of the rolumhla, remaining under this departmejit except i ' ' r he Department of Alaska fWTl.). iiiainea a part of the Pacinc Division annt again oecame a part of the Pacific 11 Ul:H MlMSKiTl WIS ;l.,':llll UUOllsilcd. June 30, 1907. nt of the Columbia to 1S72, Outline (Icscriptions of posts in geographical , LTnit*?d States (W'J.2:P}M).] M59 M59' R76 W15.3: (nos.) W15.4I (date) W15.5: (date) W15.6: (date) W16.7: (date) Annual reports 12® (lSt>(>-1909 (except 1S73), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1885-1909, issued separately also.] Annual reports (separates) [The only separate report in the Public Documents Library is that of the medical department, Department of the Cohmibla, 1899.] General publications See, for Report of expedition to Copper, Tanana, and Koyukuk rivers in Alaska, in 1885, by Henry T. Allen, W1.2:A1 l\ See, for Report of military reconnaissance in Alaska, made in 1883, by Frederick Schwatka, W1.2:A1 1^. See, for further explorations and surveys of the Department of the Columbia, certain publications clawed under Engineer Depart- ment (W7.). Military law. Orders, precedents, and opinions relative to military law, and instructions and forms oi procedure for courts-mar- tial, with table of fines and penalties lor use of garrison courts- martial; compiled by C. E. S. Wood. [Head quarters Depart- ment of the Columbia, Vancouver Barracks, W. T., Dec. 29, 1880.] 120 Same, Additions and errata. [Headquarters Department of the Columbia, Vancouver Barracks, W. T., 1881.] 12« Routes. Itineraries of routes and tables of distances, with list of posts, their location, garrisons, and commanding officers; Posts which have been occupied, with dates of establishment and abandon- ment; Forage agencies; Distances to Indian agencies and names of agents in Department of the Columbia: prepared by Thomas W. Svmons. Headquarters Department of the Columbia, Van- couver Barracks, W. T., May 1, 1881. 12« Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued?] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Columbia. Not listed here.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Columbia. Not listed here.] Roster of troops 12° [For the years 18S5 to 1896 (except 1888), the Roster appears in annual reports oi Department of tlio Columbia (W15.1:). Below are listed the only separate Rosters in Public Documents Library wtiich were issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 1899, June 1901, Julv 1905, Sept. 1909, Oct. 1292 W16. DAKOTA, DEPARTMENT OF [The Department of Dakota was established under General orders 59, Aug. 6, 1867, by Gen. Sherman, com- mander of the Division of the Missouri, as one of the departments of that division. It remained under that division until 1891 , when all the divisions were abolished. It became one of the departments of the Northern Di\-ision (WG2.) in 1904, remaining there until that division was abolished, June 30, 1907. The Department of Dakota comprises Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, and the parts of Idaho and Wyoming which form Yellowstone National Park. South Dakota was included until Jan. 15, 1904, when it was transferred by General orders 65, War Department, 1903, to the Department of the Missouri. See, for history of the Department of Dakota to 1872, Outline descriptions of posts in geographical divisions and departments of United States (W9.2:P84).] Classification no. W16.1: (date) W16.2: (CT) W16.3: (nos.) W16.4: (date) W16.5: (date) W16.6: (date) W16.7: (date) Annual reports 12° [1867-1909 (except 1873), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1886-1909, issued separately also.] General publications See, for explorations and surveys of the Department of Dakota, cer- tain publications classed under Engineer Department (W7.). Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued?] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Dakota. Not listed here.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Dakota. Not listed here.] Roster of troops 12° [For the years 1886-90, the Sept. issue, and for 1899-1901, the Aug. issue of the Roster appear in annual reports of Department of Dakota (W16.1:). Below are listed the only separate Rosters in Public Documents Library which were issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 1901, Aug. Dec. 1903, Apr. Oct. W17. EAST, DEPARTMENT OF THE [Established by General orders 25, 1853; discontinued by General orders 7, 1801; reestablished by General orders 2, 1863; made part of the Division of the Atlantic (W64.) by General orders 118, 1865; abolished by General orders 106, 1873, the States included remaining a pait of the Division of the Atlantic. The Department of the East was again reestablished by General orders 101, 1877, as part of the Division of the Atlantic, and remained such until by General orders 57, 1891, that division was discontinued. The Department of the East was again placed imder the Division of the Atlantic by General orders 65, 1903, War Department, remaining there until that division was abolished June 30. 1907. The number of States included in this department has greatly varied, sometimes embracing all east of the Mississippi, and sometimes comprising only New England, New York, and New Jersey. By Gen- eral orders 133, Nov. 9, 1900, the District of Porto Rico was added. On Dec. 31, 1909, the Department Oi" the East embraced the New England States, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary- land, District of Columbia, West Virgmia, Virginia, and Porto Rico with the islands and keys adjacent thereto. See, for history of the Department of the East to 1872, Outline descriptions of posts in geographical divi- sions and departments of United States (W9.2:P84).] W17.1: (date) W17.2: F45 R73 Annual reports 12« [1866-1909 (except 1870-90), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1893- 1909 (except 1904), issued separately also. For 1904, the commanding general made his report both as head of the Atlantic Division and as head of the Depart- ment of the East; see W04.1:904.] General publications Field exercises. Report of commanding general on field exercises in Massachusetts, Aug. 14-21, 1909. [Governor's Island, N. Y., 1909.] Roster of commissioned officers of 3d cavalry. Headquarters Fort Ethan Allen. Vt., Jan. 1899. 12° 1293 CiMsiflratlon nt.. W17.3: (nos.) W17.4: (date) W17.5: (date) W17.6: (date) W17.7: (date) W17. EAST, DEPARTMENT OF THE-€ontinued Builotins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Dopartinont of the East. Not listed hero.] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the East. Not listed here.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the East, listed here.] Roster of troops 12" Not [For the years 1893 to 1901, the Aug. or Sept. Issue of the Roster appears bi annual reports of Department of the East ( W17.1:). The only separate Roster of troops in Public Documents Library which was issued up to Dec. 31, 1909, is listed reports of Department of the East ( W17.1:), in Pubr -- ' •■ below.] 1899, July 15 See, for Roster of commissioned officers of 3d cavalry, Jan. 1899, W17.2:R73. W18. GULF, DEPARTMENT OF THE [The Department of the Gulf was organized by General orders 20, Feb. 23, 1862, and discontinued June 27, 1865, the Division of the Gulf being created at the same time, comprising the departments of Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Florida. This Division was discontinued in 1867. The Department of the Gulf was reorganized in 1872, being a department in the Division of the South (W66.). In 1875, it was transferred to the Division of the Missouri ( W20.), and the next year to the Division of the Atlantic ( W64. ), and on June 21, 1878, by General orders 38, was discontinued, its territory being added to the Department of the South (\VB6.). Mar. 11, 1898, it was reorganized again, and discontinued Aug. 21, 1899. It was reorgan- ized again Dec. 22, 1903, and the next year put under the Atlantic Division, remaining there until that division was again abolished, June 30, 1907. The department, however, continued in existence. During most of its existence, the Department of the Gulf has embraced the Gulf States, and some of the bordering States. On Dec. 31, 1909, it embraced North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. See, for history of Department of the Gulf to 1872, Outline descriptions of posts in geographical divisions and departments of United States (W9.2:P84).] W18.1: Annual reports (date) W18.2: Ar5 W18.3: (nos.) W18.1: (date) W18.5: (date) W18.6: (date) W18.7: (date) [1872-77 (except 1873), and 1898, 1899, and 1904-09, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), and for 1898, 1899, and 1904-09, issued separately also. See also, for report of Mar. 12-May 18, 1898, Graham's report (W24.1:898).] General publications Army. Letter of C. C. Augur to Commission for Reform and Reorgani- zation of Army [containing opinions and suggestions as to changes in organization of Army]. [1876.] f ° [See, for further informa- tion concerning Commission for Reform and Reorganization of Army, entries and note under W1.2:Ar5^'^.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Gulf, listed here.] General orders (Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Gulf, listediiere.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Gulf, listed here.] Roster of troops [The only Rosters in the Public Documents Library which were issued up to Dec. 31, 1909, are those listed below.] 1898, Dec. 1899, Sept. 12» 1909. Dec. 31 Not Not Not 1294 W19. IiAKES, DEPARTMENT OF THE [The Department of the Lakes was organized by General orders 59, 1866, and in 1868 was attached to the Division of the Atlantic (W64.). It was discontinued in 1873 and reestablished by General orders 7 A G. O., 1898. In 1904, it was attached to the Northern Division (W62.), remaining there until that division was abolished June 30, 1907. The department, however, continued in existence. On Dec. 31, 1909, the Department of the Lakes embraced Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. See, for history of the Department of the Lakes to 1872, Outline descriptions of posts in geographical divisions and departments of United States CW9.2:P84).] Classification no. W19.1: (date) W19.2: (CT) W19.3: (no3.) W19.4: (date) W19.5: (date) W19.6: (date) W19.7: (date) Annual reports [1867-72, and 1898-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1898-1909, issued separately also.] General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Lakes. Not listed here. See, for index to Circulars l-lf), 1904 series, AV 19.5:904.] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Lakes. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only the index to General orders [1-33] and Circulars [1-15], 1904 series (W19.5:904).] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Lakes. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only the index to Special orders [1-225] issued from Department of the Lakes, 1904 series ( W]9.6:904).] Roster of troops [The only Rosters in the Public Documents Library which were issued up to Dec. 31, 1909, are those listed below.] 1899, Oct. 1901, Aug. 12« 1903, July 6 1905, Aug. 15 W20. MISSOURI, DEPARTMENT OF THE, and MISSOURI, DIVISION OF THE [The Department of the Missouri was organized in 1862. and in 1866 was placed tmder the Division of the Missouri, remaining there until the division was abolished by General orders 57, A. G.'O., 1891. In 1904, the Department of the Missouri was placed under the Northern Division ( W62.), where it remained until that division was abolished, June 30, 1907. The department, however, continued in existence. In 1904, the Department of the Missouri was made to include Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming (except Yellowstone National Park), Kansas, and Missouri. The Division of the Missouri, established Jan. 30, 1865, comprised at times all the States and Territories between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains, having under it, besides the Department of the Missouri, the Departments of Dakota (W16.), the Platte (W22.), and Texas (W24.). The publications of both the Department of the Missouri and the Division of the Missouri are classed here. See, for history of the Department and Division of the Missouri to 1872, Outline descriptions of posts in geographical divisions and departments of United States (W9.2:P84).] W20.1: Annual reports ,120 (date) W20.2: Apl [Department of the Missouri, 1868-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1893-1909, issued separately also. Division of the Missouri, 1866-91, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:).] General publications See, for explorations and surveys of the Department of the Missouri, certain publications classed under Engineer Department (W7.), and under War Department (W1.2:). Aparejo. Instructions, for using aparejo or Spanish pack saddle; by- Thomas Moore. Chicago, Jameson & Morse, prmters, 1878. [A great j^ortion of these instructions was later copied and incorpo- rated in Instructions for using Moore'8 improved pack saddle (W39.93:Pl2i.2) J 295 ClBHslflratlon no. W20. MISSOURI, DEPARTMP:NT of the, and MISSOURI, DIVISION OF TUE— Contiuued Courte-martial. Inatructiona for courts-martial and ludRO-advocates; prepared by Arthur Murray. Fort Leavenworth, Kans., Uead- quartera Department of the Missouri, July 11, 1889. 12° Distances. Table of distances in Division of the Missouri, as furnished by officers of Inspector-General's Department, and others. St. Louis, Missouri Democrat Book and Job Office, 1867. 12® Engagements. Record of engagements with hostile Indians within Division of the Missouri, 1868-82, P. H. Sheridan commanding. Headquarters Division of the Missouri, Chicago, 111., Aug. 1, 1882. Poetfl. Outline descriptions of posts and stations of troops in Division of the Missouri commanded by P. il. Sheridan ; [Roster and stations of troops, Deo. 31, 1870; General orders, 1870, 1-6; Circular, Feb. 8, 1871, relative to manner in which official papers shall be kept]. Headquarters, Chicago, 111. [1871]. 12° Poets. Outline descriptions of posts in Division of the Missouri com- manded by P. H. Sheridan, accompanied by tabular lists of Indian superintendencies, agencies, and reservations, a summary of certain Indian treaties, and table of distances. Headquarters Division of the Missouri, Chicago, 111., 1872. 12° Same. Headquarters Division of the Missouri, Chicago, 111., 1876. 12° Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department or the Division of the Missouri. Not listed here. See, for index to Circulars 1-22, series 1904, of Department of the Missouri, W20.5:904.] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department or the Division of the Missouri. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only the index to General orders 1-53, series 1904, of the Department of the Missoun (W20.5:904).] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department or the Division of the Missouri. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only the index to Special orders 1-249, series 1904, of Department of the Missouri (W20.6:904).] Roster of troops [For the years 1893, 1894, and 1899-1903, the Roster of the Department of the Missouri api)ears in annual reports of the Department of the Missouri (W20.1:). The only separate issues of the Roster in the Public Documents Library which were published up to Dec. 31, 1909, are those listed below.] 1900, Feb. 20 May 20 W21. PHILIPPINES DIVISION General orders 46, May 16, 1898, Gen. Wesley Merritt was given command of the Department of the acifie with instructions of May 28, 1898, from the President relative to the military occupation of Manila, made possible by the naval battle of May 1. By General orders 73, June 21, 1898, his forces for the Philii>- pine Expedition were constituted the 8th army corps. On Aug. 13, 1898, Manila was taken and the day following. Gen. Merritt proclaimed military ocoupancy of the islands, assuming the duties of military governor, Aug. 23, and transferring to Gen. Otis the command of the 8th army corps. Aug. 29, 1898, Gen. Otis became military governor of the I'hilippincs and commander of the Dopartment of the Pacific. By General orders 38, dated Mar. 29, 1900, which however did not go into effect until Apr. 7, the Department of the Pacific was discontinued, and in its place the Division of the Philippines was established, having under it the Departments of Northern and Southern Luzon, of Mindanao and Jolo, and of the Visayas. These 4 departments were all discontinued Nov. 30, 1901, by General orders 148, being supplanted by the Departments of North Philippines and of South Philippines, which were again changed Sept. 30, 1902, by General orders 98, to the present arrangement, the Departments of Luzon (\Vo6.), of Mindanao ( W72.), and of the Visayas. The government of the Philippines was wholly military until Sept. 1, 1900, and partially so imtil July 4, 1902, when the office of military governor was abolished, the president of the Philippine Commission b'iing declared chief executive of the I'hilippine Islands. Publications of the Department of the Pacific (for the Philippines) and of the Philippines Division are classed here. See, for Philippine Commission, 1899-1900 (or Schurman Commission), Y3.P53: See, for Philippine Com- mission, 1900- (or Taft Comdussion), W49. See also certain entries under Insular Affairs Bureau, W6.] i% 1296 Classification no. W21.1: (date) W21.1«: (CT) W21.2: Am6i Am6 2 Ar7i Ar72 W21. PHILIPPINES DIVISION— Continued Annual reports 12° and 8« Department op the Pacific 1898 (Merritt), with reports of subordinate officers on military operations, May 28-Aug. 28, in annual reports of War Department, 1898 (Wl.l:8982), and not issued separately. 1899, May 1, 1898-Aug. 31, 1899 (Otis), in annual reports of War Depart- ment, 1899 (Wl.l:899^), and issued separately also both as 12° and 8° without the plates which appear in War Department reports. Same, appendixes, in annual reports of War Depai'tment, 1899 (Wl.l:899^'^), and issued separately with Roster. Division of the Philippines 1900, Sept. 1, 1899-May 5, 1900 (Otis), in annual reports of War Depart- ment, 1900 (Wl.l:900^), and issued separately also. Same, May 5-Oct. 1, 1900 (MacArthur), with military reports of subordinate officers, in annual reports of War Department, 1900 (Wl.l:900^), and issued separately as v. 1, with Roster and other additional matter. Same, May 5-Oct. 1, 1900 (MacArthur), reports of civil officers, in annual reports of War Department, 1900, v. 1, pt. 10 (Wl.l :900 1"), and issued separately as v. 2. 1901, Oct. 1, 190(>-July 4, 1901 (MacArthur), in annual reports of War Department, 1901, v. 1, pts. 4-6 (Wl.l:901^-<^), and issued sepa- rately with omissions and different arrangement, v. 1 containmg military reports, and v. 2 civil reports. Same, July 4-Sept. 30 (Chaffee), with reports of subordinate officers, including report by Davis on military government of Manila, Aug. 13, 1898-Aug. 7, 1901, in annual reports of War Department, 1901, V. 1, pt. 7 (Wl. 1:901 7), and issued separately as v. 1. Same, July 4-Sept. 30 (Chaffee), reports of department commanders, in annual reports of War Department, 1901, v. l,pt.7 (Wl.l:9017), and issued separately as v. 2. [The office of military governor in the Philippine Islands terminated July 4, 1902. See, for further information, note under \V 21. Begiiming with 1902, the reports of the officer commanding the division contain only military reports.] 1902, Oct. 1, 1901-Sept. 30, 1902 (Chaffee), v. 1, staff officers and Depart- ment of the Visayas Same, Oct. 1, 1901-Sept. 30, 1902 (Chaffee), v. 2, Department of North Philippines Same, Oct. 1, 1901-Sept. 30, 1902 (Chaffee), v. 3, Department of South Philippines [1902 military reports, without reports of staff officers, but with additional exhibits, appear in annual report of War Department, 1902, v. 9 (Wl.l:9029).] 1903-09, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued sepa- rately also. Certain appendixes to the report for 1903 contain historical matter dating from 1570. For 1908, two reports were issued, that of Leonard Wood, July 1, 1907-Feb. 20, 1908, and that of John F. Weston, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1908. Annual reports (separates) General publications Amnesty. Notice of amnesty [to insurrectionists in the Philippines]. Manila, P. I., June 21, 1900. 12° * Same, Spanish. Manila, P. I., June 21, 1900. 12° * [Also ap- pears in English and Spanish in Genei-al orders and circulars issued from office of military governor in Philippine Islands, 1900 (W21.5:).] Articles of war. Proclamation [calling attention of Philippine insur- rectionists to certain articles of war and punishments to be enforced for their violation]. Manila, P. I., Dec. 20, 1900. *• Same, Spanish. Manila, P. I., Dec. 20, 1900. * 1297 M59 Oa82 Oa83 R26 St2 W21.3: (nos.) W21.4: W21.4*: (nos.) W21.4 2: (nos.) 82452^ Clawilflratlon no. W21.2: Ar7^ B41 C64 D62 118 M3P M312 W21. PHILIPPINES DIVISION-Continued Oonoral publications— Continued Same, Ta^alog. Manila, P. I., Dec. 20, 1900. * [Appears alwo in English, Spanish, and Tagalog in General orders and circulars issued from office of military governor in Philippine Islands, 1900 (\V21.5:).] Bell, James Franklin. Report of J. F. Bell, commanding 3d brigade [concerning offenses against laws of war charged against insur- gents in Philippine Islands in paragraphs 1-9 of his circular 5, dated Dec. 13, 1901J. Dec. 1, 1902, [published] 1903. Code of civil procedure of Philippine Islands; edited and translated for United States Government in Philippines by A. A. Montague. Manila, P. I., 1900. Directory, officers U. S. Army, officials civil government, and foreign consuls in Manila. Headquarters Division of the Philippines, Oct. 26, 1902. oblong 24« Iloilo, P. I. Circular letter [on proper presentation of claims aKiinst United States through forcible occupation of city of Iloilo, P. I.]. Manila, P. 1., Mar. 20, 1899. * [Also in General orders and cir- culars issued from Department of the Pacific and 8th army corps and office of military governor in Philippine Islands, 1899 (W21.5:).] Manila, P. I. [Letter relative to conditions in Manila in matter of liquor traffic and licensing of prostitution in Philippine Islands; by Arthur MacArthur.] Manila, P. I., Feb. 4, 1901. Manila, P. I. Historical notes concerning Manila, to accompany Index map of Manila issued in 1903, [by A. 0. Macomb, W. I. Wester- velt, and W. E. W. MacKinlay; with revised historical sketch. Walls of Manila, by James C. Bush]. Manila, 1904. [The earlier edition of Walls of Manila appeared in annual report of Philip- pines Division, 1903 (W21. 1:903).] See, for reports on military government in Manila, Aug. 13, 1898- Aug. 7, 1901, App. L, in annual report of Philippines Division, 1901, Chaffee, v. 1 (W21.1:901'^). Military Information Division, General Staff, Manila. Accessions to Military Information Division [General Staff, Manila] library, including maps and index of periodicals, fiscal year 1909. [Headquarters Division of the Philippines, Manila, P. I., 1909.] Oath of allegiance [to United States Government in Philippine Islands]. [Manila, 1901.] 4° Same, Spanish. [Manila, 1901.] 4P Same, Tagalog, [Manila, 1901.] AP Regulaciones del ejercicio para infanteria, manual de armas. Manila, 1901. small 4" [This is a translation of parts of general rules from the Manual of arms (W3.16:In3 '^'i*')] Stations of troops, Philippine Islands. Headquarters Division of the Philippines, Manila, P. I., Dec. 1, 1901. oblong f " Bulletins [The only series of Bulletins issued from the headquarters of the Philippines Divi- sion about which the Public Documents Library has information is a series issued by the Military Information Division; see W21.8:] Circulars See note under W21.5: Circulars, Expeditionary forces [T^one issued.] Circulars, Expeditionary forces of thie Pacific [Series consists of no. 1, June 2, 1898.] -11 82 and Department 1298 Classification no. W21.4:-: (date) W21.4^• (nos.) (date) (nos.) W21.4 ' : (nos.) (nos.) W21.4:«: (date) W21.6: W21.5^: (nos.) W21.5 2: (nos.) W21.5 3: (date) W21.5^: (nos.) W21.5^: (noo.) W21.5'^: (nos.) W21. PHILIPPINES DIVISION— Continued Circulars, Department of the Pacific and 8tli army corps [Series consists of Circulars dated— 1898, Aug. 2, 17, 31, Sept. 1 (2 circulars), Sept. 2 (2 circulars), 3, 4 (2 circulars), 7, 12, 22, 28, 29, 30, Oct. 3, 6, 8, 10, 20, 22, 29 (2 circulars), Nov. 18, Dec. 1, 6, 7 (2 circulars), 8, 11, 12, 20, 30 (2 circulars), Dec. 31 (2 circulars) 1899, nos. 1-83, Jan. 3-Dec. 21 1900, nos. 1-24, Jan. 7- Apr. 3.] Circulars, Division of the Philippines [Series consists of nos. 1-30, Apr. 11-Dec. 22, 1900.] Circulars, Independent Division 8th army corps [Series consists of Circulars dated 1898, July 2, 3, 11.] Circulars, 8th army corps [Series consists of nos. 1-4, Aug. 24-28, 1898.] Circulars, Department of the Pacific [None issued.] Circulars, Department of the Pacific and office of military governor In Philippine Islands [None issued.] Circulars, Military governor in Philippine Islands [ Scries consists of Circulars dated— 1898, Oct. 26, Dec. 27 1899, nos. 1-13, Jan. 14-Dec. 28 1900, nos. 1-17, Feb. 1-Dec. 26,] General orders [Public Documents Library has no separate issues of any General orders (W21.51-9:) or Circulars (W21.41-'':). They are all contained in the following compilations: General orders and circulars, Philippine Islands expeditionary forces [with index]. [Manila] 1898. 8" General orders and circulars issued from Department of the Pacific and 8th army corps and office of military governor in Philippine Islands [ 1899, with index]. [Manila] 1899. 12° General orders and circulars issued from Department of the Pacific and 8th army corps and Division of the Philippines [1900, with index]. [Manila] 1900. 12o General orders and circulars issued from office of military governor in Philip- pine Islands [ 1899, with index]. [Manila] 1899. 12o Same [1900]. [Manila] 1900. 12o] General orders. Expeditionary forces [Series consists of nos. 1-7, May 20-29, 1898.] General orders. Expeditionary forces and Depart- ment of the Pacific [Series consists of nos. 1-5, May 30-Jime 8, 1898.] General orders. Department of the Pacific and 8th army corps [ Series consists of— 1898, nos. 1-39, June 23-Dec. 24 1899, nos. 1-71, Jan. 17-Dec. 29 1900, nos. 1-24, Jan, 2- Apr. 5.] General orders. Division of the Philippines [Series consists of nos. 1-153, Apr. 7-Dec. 31. 1900.] General orders. Independent Division 8th army corps [Organized for administrative purposes about May 30, 1898, as Independent Division of Philippin? Islands expeditionary forces. After these forces were organized into the 8th army corps, June 21, 1898, the name of the Independent Division was accordingly changed to the above form on June 23. 1898. Series of General orders consists of nos. 1-19, issued June 1-Aug, 11, 1898.] General orders, 8th army corps [Series consists of no. 1, Aug. 26, 1898,] 1299 CiasMiflratlon nu. W21.5': (nos.) W21.5»: (nos.) W21.5*: (date) W21.6: (date) W21.7': (date) W21 PHILIPPINES DIVISION— C5ontinued W21.7 2: (date) W21.8: (no8.) Goiiifal orders, Department of the Pacific (sWes consists of nos. 1-3, Aug. 25-29, 1898.] General orders, Department of tlie Pacific and ofUce of military governor In Philippine Islands [Series consists of nos. 1 and 2, Auij-. 30, and Sept. 2, 1898.] General orders, Military governor In Plilllpplne Islands (Series consLsts of— 1898, nos. 1-13, Aug. 31-Dec. 13 1890, nos. 1-75, Jan. 5- Dec. 31 1900, nos. 1-170, Jan. 2-Dec. 27 1901, no, 1, Jan. 2, Civil service rules prepared and adopted by Philippine Civil Service Board.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the various military commands con- nected with the Philippines. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only Index to Special orders issued from Department of the Pacific and 8th army corps and oflBce of military governor in Philippine Islands, 1899 (W21.6:899).] Roster of troops [Rosters for Jime, 1899, July 15, 1900, and July 1, 1902, are in annual reports of Philip- pines Division (W21.1 :). The only separate issues of the Roster in Public Docu- ments Library are those listed below.] Department of the Pacific and 8th army corps 1899, June 1900, Mar. 1 Division of the Philippines 1900, July 15 1901, Jan. 1 1902, July 1 Oct. 20 Officers of Army, stations garrisoned tow^ns [The only separate issues of the Officers of Army in Public Documents Library which were pubhshed up to Dec. 31, 1909, are those listed below.] Alphabetical list of ofiBcers 1903, Sept. 1 Officers of Army 1904, May 16 1905, Apr. 20 May 20 July 20 Aus:. 20 1906, Feb. 20 Military Information Division, General Staff [Ma- nila], Bulletins [Issued from headquarters, Philippines Division.] 1 12° 4 120 2 5 3 * 6 of troops, and list of W22. PLATTE, DEPARTMENT OF THE [Established in 1866 as a part of the Division of the Missouri ("W20.), remaininff such until that division was abolished in 1891. This department was discontinued Nov. 1, 1871, reestaolished Nov. 18, 1871, and on Mar. 11, 1898, merged into the Department of the Missouri (W20.) by General orders 7, A. G. O., 1898. Its territory varied, usually comprising Nebraska, Utah, Colorado, Iowa, and parts of Wyoming, Idaho, and South Dakota. 5ff, for historv of the Department of the Platte to 1872. Outlined descriptions of posts in geographical divi- sions and departments of United States (W9.2:P84).] Annual reports 12° [1866-98, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1893-97, issued separately also.] W22.1: (date) 1300 Classification no. W22.2 W22. PLATTE, DEPARTMENT OF THE— Continued V partm Oeneral publications 8eey for explorations and surveys of the Department of the Platte, certain publications classed under Engineer Department (W7.). C83 Courts-martial. Instructions for courts-martial and judge advocates; prepared by P. Henry Ray. Omaha, Nebr., Headquarters Department of the Platte, Mar. 1, 1890. 12® W22.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] W22.4: Circulars (date) [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Platte. Not listed here.] W22.5 : General orders (date) [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Platte. Not listed here.] W22.6: Special orders ? [None issued?] W22.7: Roster of troops (date) [For the year 1893, the July issue, and for 1894-97, the Aug. issue of the Roster appear in annual reports of Department of the Platte ( W22.I :). Public Documents Library has no separate issues of the Roster.] W23. PORTO RICO, DEPARTIMENT OF [The Department of Porto Rico was established by General orders 158, A. G. 0., Oct. 1, 1898, consisting of Porto Rico and the islands and keys adjacent and belonging thereto. The commanding general acted until May 1, 1900, as military governor, and all civil affairs came imder his direction. He was empowered to change and repeal existing laws, and to institute new courts. By General orders 133, A. G. O., Nov. 9, 1900, the department was ordered to be discontinued on Deo. 15, 1900, its name was changed to the District of Porto Rico, and it was attached to the Department of the East (W17.). The name of this department was spelled Puerto Rico from Dec. 27, 1899, until the promulgation of act of Congress approved Apr. 12, 1900, which again authorized the former spelling, Porto Rico.] W23.1: (date) W23.2: C491 C492 C49 = M59 W23.3: (nos.) Annual reports 12*^ [The annual report of George W. Davis as military commander of the Departinent of Porto Rico, dated Aug. 15, 1899, is classed here. This report and also his military report dated Aug. 15, 1900, are in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:). Reports on civil affairs are classed imder General pubhcations (W23.2:).] General publications Civil affairs. Report of Geo. W. Davis [military governor] on civil affairs of Porto Kico, [Oct. 18, 1898-Sept. 30] 1899. 1899. 78 p. Same [revised, with Circulars, General orders, and other appendixes]. 1900. 342 p. [This edition uses the spelling Puerto Rico. Also in annual reports of War Department, 1899, v. 1, pt. 6 (Wl.l: 899^).] Same [revised, without Circulars, General orders or other ap- pendixes], with title. Report of Geo. W. Davis, commanding Department of Porto Rico, to adjutant-general, Sept. 30, 1899. 1899. 84 1. Military government of Porto Rico, Oct. 18, 1898-Apr. 30, 1900, ap- pendices [K, L] to report of military governor, epitome of reports of Superior Board of Health [and] Board of Charities. 1901. [These reports are appendixes to the report of the governor which appears as v. 1, pt. 13, of annual reports of War Department, 1900 (Wl.l:900i'').] See, for reports on Department of Porto Rico published by Insular Affairs Division, W6.2:P83 2,3. See, for reports of Territorial governor of Porto Rico, made to State Department, May 1, 1900-June 30, 1908, SlO.l: See, for 1909 report, made to War Department, W75.1: Bulletins [None issued.] 1301 ClawilAratlon no. W23.4: (date) W23.5 : (date) W23.6: (date) W23.7: (date) W23. PORTO RICO, DEPARTMENT OF— Continued Circulars (Relate rhiefly to the civil administration and reorganization of govermnentof I'orto Rico. Many of the iiiori' iiiinortaiit ones are found in certain reports of the Department of Porto Kico ( W23.1 : and W23.2:). Not listed here.] Gonoral orders [Relate chiefly to the civil administration and reorganization of government of Porto Rico. The more important ones are found in the reports of the military governor (W23.1: and W23.2:). Not listed here.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to internal administration of Dnpartniont of i'orto Rico. Not listed here.J Roster of troops [The only Roster in Public Documents Library is found in annual report of Depart- ment of Porto Rico, 1899 (W2:}.1:899).] W24. TEXAS, DEPARTMENT OF [The Department of Texas was organized in 1854, by General orders 2.5, 1853, to embrace that part of Texas below 33" N. latitude; in 1857 it embraced the whole of the State. On Feb. 18, 1861, Gen. D. E. Twiggs then in command, surrendered to the Texan authorities, and the Department was evacuated by the Federal troops. On June 27, 1865, by General orders 118, the Department was reestablished, and on Aug. 6, 1866, it was merged into the Department of the Gulf (WIS.). On Mar. 2, 1867, Texas and Louisiana became the 5th Military District. The new Department of Texas was created Mar. 31, 1870, by General orders 35, as a part of the Division of the South (W()6.). The Department was abolished Mar. 11, 1898, by General orders 7, and again merged into the Department of tno Gulf; it was reestablished May 26, 1899, by CJeneral orders 102; by General orders r>5, 1903, War Department, it was attached to the South- western Division (W09.), remaining a part tlicreof until the abolishing of that Division, June 30, 1907. By General orders G5, 1903, War Department, the Department of Texas embraced Texas, Arkansas, Okla. homa, Louisiana, and Indian Territory. Missouri was added for a l)rief time. Changes have taken place since, leaving the Department to consist of Texas, Arkansas, and Oklalioma. See, for history of the I>epartment of Texas to 1872, Outline descriptions of posts in geographical divisions and departments of United States (W9.2:P84).] W24.1: Annual reports 12« and 8° (date) W24.2: B82 H34 [1872-1909 (except 1873 and 1899), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1893-1909 (except 1899, none issued), issued separately also. For 1898, Mai. Gen. Graham made his annual report as follows: Sept. 1, 1897-Mar. 12, 1898, on Department of Texas; Mar. 12-May 18, 1898, on Department of the Gulf (called Department of the South from Mar. 12-18); on operations of 2d army corps. May 18-Sept. 20, 1898, with some later data (W24. 1:898).] General publications Brownsville, Tex. Affray at Brownsville, Tex., Aug. 13 and 14, 1906, proceedings [Feb. 4-Mar. 23, 1907] of general court-martial con- vened at headquarters Department of Texas, San Antonio, Tex., in case of Charles W. Penrose. 1907. [See, for hearings before Senate Military Affairs Committee, Y4.M59-:B823-''.] Health. [Letter of medical director of Department of Texas on health of troops, with special reference to prevention of scurvy.] Dec. 17, 1870. 4« W24.3: Bulletins (nos.) W24.4: (date) W24.5: (date) W24:.6: (date) W24.7: (date) [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Texas, listed here.J General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Texas, listed here.J Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Texas, listed here.J Roster of troops (Rosters for Aug. 1893, and July, 1901, are hi annual reports of Department of Texas ( W24.1:). The only separate issues of the Roster m Public Docmnents Library which were published up to Dec. 31, 1909, are those listed below.) 1900, May 1901, Jan. 1901, Oct. Nov. July 1902, July Not Not Not 1802 )lassiflcatIon no. W24. TEXAS, DEPARTMENT OF— Continued W24.7: Roster of troops- -Continued (date) 1902, Sept. 1905, Mar. Dec. July 24 1903, Feb. 28 1907, Feb. 12 Apr. 15 Oct. Nov. 1908, Jan. 1904, Feb. 1 July June 15 1909, Jan. Oct. 15 July W24.8 : Station list (date) 1907, July 1 Aug. 1 [Discontinued.] W25. CUBA, DIVISION OF, and CUBA, DEPARTMENT OF [By General orders 184, Dec. 13, 1898, the Division of Cuba was created, the commanding general being authorized to act as military governor of the island, and under him a military governor was appointed for the city of Havana ( W25.2:H29). By General orders 191 and 193, Dec. 30, 31, 1898, and General orders 12, Jan. 17, 1899, 7 departments, namely, Havana, Province of Havana, Pinar del Rio, Matanzas, Santa Clara, Puerto Prmcipe, and Santiago, were placed under the Division of Cuba. The 5 departments fu'st mentioned, after being variously grouped, were all united by General orders 98, July 23, 1900, to form the Department of Western Cuba (see note under WOO.). The 2 remainmg depart- ments became at the same time the Department of Eastern Cuba. By General orders 131, taking effect Nov. 15, 1900, the Departments of Eastern and Western Cuba, and the Division of Cuba, were all abolished, the Department of Cuba bemg established in their stead for the whole island, lasting until May 20, 1902, when Cuba became independent. The publications of both the Division of Cuba, and the Department of Cuba are classed here. See, for publications of the departments under the Division of Cuba, W57., W58., W59. See, for publications relating to Cuba issued by Insular Affaii-s Bureau, WO. See, for information concerning the Army of Cuban Pacification, notes beginning "Cuba' and "Cuban' under W1.2: See, for annual reports of provisional governor of Cuba to Secretary of War, W1.16:] W25.1: (date) W25.2: Ac2 H29 R13 T71 Annual reports (military) [1899-1902, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1900-02 issued sepa- rately also. The sepai-ates for 1900 and 1901 include appendixes which are omitted from the War Department reports. See, for Civil reports, W25.8:] General publications I Accounts. Rules and instructions relative to accounting system of I military government by United States in Cuba. [1901.] [Also issued as Civil orders 79, I^Iar. 22, 1901, in Civil reports, 1901, v. 2 (W25.8:901^'i0-] Havana, Cuba. Annual report of William Ludlow, military governor of Habana, and commanding Department of Habana [with civil and military reports of subordinate officers] July 1, 1899-May 1, 1900. 1900. [Appears ako, without reports of subordinate officers, in annual reports of War Department, 1900, v. 1, pt. 4 (Wl. 1:900^). Ludlow's report, Dec. 13, 1898-June 30, 1899, with reports of subordinate officers, appears only in annual reports of War Department, 1899, v. 1, pt. 3 (Wl.l:8993).] See also, for military reports on Department of Havana, W57. See also, for civil reports on Havana, certain entries under W25.8: Railroad law, corrected copy, of Island of Cuba and other provisions related thereto. Havana, 1902. [This pamphlet contains Civil orders 34, 61, 117, 118, and 119 of military governor of Cuba, dating from Feb. 7-Apr. 28, 1902, the English text being in each case followed by a translation in Spanish. The same orders, in English only, are found also in [Civil] report of Leonard Wood, military governor of Cuba [v. 2]: Civil orders [1-180] and circu- lars, Jan. 1-May 20, 1902 (W25.8:902-^).] Treasurer. [Amended regulations of office of treasurer of Cuba, to take effect Apr. 15, 1900.] Apr. 6, 1900 [reprint Apr. 14, 1902]. 12» [The text of the original print is found in Civil report, 1900, V. 2, p. 225-228 (W25. 8:900-)- Amends regulations dated Dec. 11, 1899, not in Public Documents Library.] 1803 CiMHiflcation W25. CUBA, DIVISION OF, and CUBA, DEPART- W25.3: (nos.) W25.4: (date) W25.5: (date) W25.6: (date) W25.7: (date) W25.8: 899 900' 9002 9003 900* 900* 900« 900' 9008 900» 900 »o MENT OF— Continued Bulletins [Bulletin 1 of Department of State and Govornnicnt appears in l)oth prints of Civil reports, 1901 (W25.8:901 ».'•). Public Documents Library has no separate issue of this or any other Bulletin.] Circulars (Relate chiefly to the civil administration of the Division (later Department) of Cuba. Not listed here. The text of the more important Circulars is found in certain volumes of Civil reporcs (W25.8:).] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal military administration of the Division (later Depart- ment) of Cuba. Not listed here.] Special orders (Relate chiefly to the internal military administration of the Division (later Depart- ment) of Cuba. Not listed here.] Roster of troops 12« [Public Documents Library has only one separate Roster, namely, Roster of tro9ps serving in Division of Cuba, comprising departments of Matanzas and Santa Clara, l^rovince of Havana and Pinar del Rio, Havana, and Santiago and Puerto Principe, Jan. 1900. This Roster is preceded by 57 pages of geographical and descriptive matter relating to Cuba. Similar descriptive matter is found in the Roster of Juno, 1900, which is in annual reports of Division of Cuba, 1900 ( W25. 1 : 900). The Roster, without descriptive matter, for June 30, 1901, is in annual report of Department of Cuba, 1901 (W25.1:901).] Civil reports See, for military reports, W25.1: Civil report of John R. Brooke, military governor of Cuba [Dec. 27, 1898-Oct. 1, 1899, with reports of subordinate officers, and with Final report of John R. Brooke to Dec. 20, 1899]. 1900. [Also in annual reports of War Department, 1899, v. 1, pt. 6 (Wl .1: 899 «.] Civil report of Leonard Wood, military governor of Cuba, Dec. 20, 1899-Dec. 31, 1900 [v.l]: Personal report of Gen. Wood; Frank 'R.] McCoy, aide-de-camp [in charge of allotment of insular unds]. [Havana, 1901.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 2]: Civil orders [1-526] and Circulars [1-8] issued during 1900. [Havana, 1901.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v, 3]: Secretary of state and government. [Havana, 1901.] [Spanish and English.] Same [v. 4]: Chief sanitary officer of Havana; chief surgeon of Department [of Cuba, special report on sanitation and yellow fever in Havana]; superintendent. Department of Charities. [Havana, 1901.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 5]: Secretary of finance; treasurer; auditor; chief of cus- toms service; director-general of posts. [Havana^ 1901.] [Re- port of secretary of finance is in English and Spanish; others, in English only.] Same [v. 6]: Secretary of justice; fiscal of Supreme Court; civil affairs in office of judge-advocate, calendar year 1900. [Havana, 1901.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 7]: Department of Agriculture, Commerce, and Industry, July, 1, 1899-June 30, 1900 [and] July 1-Dec. 31, 1900. [Havana] 1900, 1901. [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 8]: Secretary of public instruction; acting commissioner of public schools; acting superintendent of schools. [Havana, 1901.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 9]: Secretary of public works [year ending] June 30, 1900. [Havana, 1901.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 10]: Secretary of public works, 6 months ending Dec. 31, 1900; special commissioner of railroads; chief of Light-House Board, Feb. -June 30, 1900; captain of port, Havana. [Havana, 1901.] [Report of secretary of public works, and of chief of Light-House Board are in Spanish and English; others, in English only.] 1304 Classiflcation W25. CUBA, DIVISION OF, and CUBA, DEPART- ''''• MENT OF— Continued W25.8; 900^ 9001= 901 1 901 2 9013 901^ 9015 901 « 901 7 901 « 901 « 901 1" 901" 901^2 901 ''' 9011^ 90115 Civil reports — Continued Same [v. 11]: Chief ens:ineer, Division of Cuba [year ending June 30, 1900]. [Havana, 1901.] [English only.] Same [v. 12]: Chief engineer, Department of Cuba, 6 months ending Dec. 31, 1900. [Havana, 1901.] [English only.] [The same report which appears as above hsted in 12 v., appears in English only, in 2 v., 4 pts. each, in annual reports of War Department, 1900, v. 1, pts. 11, 12 (Wl.l:900ii-i8).] Civil report of Leonard Wood, military governor of Cuba, Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1901 [v. 1]: Personal report of Gen. Wood; Frank R. McCoy [aide-de-camp, in charge of allotment of insular funds]; geological reconnoissance of Cuba, by C. Willard Hayes, T. Way land Vaughan, and Arthur C. Spencer. [Havana, 1903.] [Reports of military governor and aide-de-camp in English and Spanish.] Same [v. 2]: Civil orders [1-261] and Circulars [1, 2], calendar year 1901. [Havana, 1903.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 3]: Secretary of state and government; F. F. Falco, dele- gate at 5th [International] Congress of Criminal Anthropology, Amsterdam [Sept. 1901]. [Havana, 1903.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v, 4]: Chief sanitary officer [of Havana]. [Havana, 1903.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 5]: Superintendent, Department of Charities; chief quar- antine officer; Department of Immigration. [Havana, 1903.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 6]: Captain of port, Havana; supervisor of police of Havana; rural guard. [Havana, 1903.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 7]: Chief quartermaster; auditor; treasurer; secretary of finance; [director-general] of posts. [Havana, 1903.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 8: Chief of customs service, year ending June 30, 1901, English only; same, year ending Dec. 31, 1901, English and Spanish]. [Havana, 1903.] Same [v. 9]: Secretary of public instruction [with appendixes in Spanish only]; commissioner of public schools. [Havana, 1903.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 10]: Secretary of justice, 6 months ending June 30, 1901. [Havana, 1903.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 11]: Secretary of justice, 6 months ending Dec. 31, 1901. [Havana, 1903.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 12]: Department of Agriculture, Commerce, and Indus- tries, 6 months ending June 30, 1901 [and] 6 months ending Dec. 31, 1901; secretary of public works, 6 months ending June 30, 1901J chief of Light-House Board, 6 months ending June 30, 1901. [Havana, 1903.] [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 13]: Chief engineer. Department of Cuba, 6 months ending June 30, 1901 [English only]; same, 6 months ending Dec. 31 1901 [English and Spanish]. [Havana, 1903.] [Title-page reads "v. 2."] Same [v. 14]: Chief engineer June 30, 1901. [Havana, reads "v. 1."] Same [v. 15]: Chief engineer, city Dec. 31, 1901. [Havana, 1903.] page reads "v. 3."] [The same matter which appears as listed above in 15 v. appears in English only (with a few exceptions in both English and Spanish, e. g., Civil orders and cir- culars), bound in 9 v. large 80 as listed l)elow. The volumes of the 9 v. set corre- spond as follows to the set al)ove: v. 1 to v. 1, 3; v. 2 to v. 2; v. 3 to v. 4 and part of V. 5; V. 4 to the remainder of v. 5 and v. 6, 7; v. 5 to v. 8; v. 6 to v. 10, 11; v. 7 tov. 9, 12; V. 8 (plates and maps only) to plates and maps in V. 14; v. 9 to v. 15, 13. Neither set is in annual reports of War Department.] city of Havana, 1903.] [English 6 months ending only. Title-page 6 months ending [English and Spanish. Title- 1305 CUsstflratlon no. W25. CUBA, DIVISION OF, and CUBA, DEPART- MENT OF— Continued W25.8: 901 '« 901 '7 901 »« 901 "» 901 -'0 901-1 901 -2 901-3 9012* 902 902 -' 9023 902* 902 5 Civil reports— Continued Civil report of Leonard Wo(k1, military governor of Cuba, Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1901 [v. 1]: Personal report of Gen. Wood; Frank R. McCoy [aide-de-camp, in charge of allotment of insular fundn]; geological reconnoissanco of Cuba, by C. Willard Hayoa, T. Wayland Vaughan, and Arthur C. Spencer; Department of State and Gov- ernment; F. F. Falco, delegate at 5th [International] ('ongresa of Criminal Anthropology, Amsterdam [Sept. 1901]. [Havana, 190:{.] large 8° Same [v. 2]: (^ivil orders [1-261] and ('irculars [1, 2], calendar year 1901. [Havana, 1903.] large 8« [English and Spanish.] Same [v. 8]: Chief sanitary officer [of Havana]; superintendent, Department of Charities. [Havana, 1903.] large 8" Same [v. 4]: Quarantine; immigration; captain of port, Havana; supervisor of police; rural guard; chief quartermaster; auditor; trea.surer; finance; post-office. [Havana, 1903.] large 8** Same [v. 5: Chief of customs service, year ending June 30, 1901, Enelish only; same, year ending Dec. 31, 1901, English and Spanish]. [Havana, 1903.] large 8° Same [v. 6]: Secretary of justice, 6 months ending June 30, 1901; same, 6 months ending Dec. 31, 1901. [Havana, 1903.] large 8** Same [v. 7]: Public instructions; public schools; Light-House Board; agriculture, commerce, and industries; public works. [Havana, 1903.] large 8« Same [v. 8: Chief engineer, city of Havana, 6 months ending June 30, 1901J. [Havana, 1903.] large 8" [Contains plates and maps only. Text of this report not in the 9 v. set.] Same [v. 9]: Chief engineer [city of Havana], 6 months ending Dec. 31, 1901; chief engineer, Department of Cuba, 6 months ending June 30, 1901; same, 6 months ending Dec. 31, 1901. [Havana, 1903.] large 8« [Title-pages read "v. 3 " and "v. 2."] [The set of civil reports listed below is the final report of military government in Cuba, and contains besides the report from Jan. 1 to May 20, 1902, infonnation covering the whole period of American occupancy in Cuba, usually in a summarized form. The reports themselves are in English only, but some of the tabular matter in reports of aide-de-camp and chief sanitary officer in v. 1, chief of customs service in v. 3, secretary of justice and chief justice in v. 4, and chief engineer of city of Havana in V. 5. are in both English and Spanish. This final report is not in aimual reports of War Department.] [Civil] report of Leonard Wood, military governor of Cuba, Jan. 1- May 20, 1902 [v. IJ: Military governor [with Constitution of Republic of Cuba m both Spanish and English]; Frank R. McCoy [aide-de-camp in charge of allotment of insular funds]; secretary of agriculture, commerce, and [industries]; secretary of public instruction; commissioner of public schools; chief sani- tary officer [of Havana]; chief quarantme officer; superintendent of charities and hospitals; superintendent of Department of Immigration. [Guggenheimer, Weil & Co., printers, Baltimore, Md., 1903.] Same [v. 2]: Civil orders [1-180] and circulars, Jan. 1-May 20, 1902. Guggenheimer, Weil & Co., printers, Baltimore, Md. [1903]. Same [v. 3]: Secretary of state and government; superintendent of Havana police; superintendent of rural guard ; director-general of posts; secretary of finance; treasurer; auditor; inspector-gen- eral [Department of Cuba]; chief of customs [service]; chief quartermaster. Department of Cuba. [Guggenheimer, Weil & Co., printers, Baltimore, Md., 1903.] Same, v. 4: Secretary of justice; chief justice [and fiscal] of Supreme Court. Guggenheimer,Weil& Co., printers, Baltimore, Md. [1903]. Same [v. 5]: Chief engineer, city of Havana; mineral resources of Cuba [in 1901, by Harriet Connor Brown]; captain of port, Havana. [Guggenheimer, Weil & Co., printers, Baltimore, Md., 1903.] 130(3 Classification W25. CUBA, DIVISION OF, and CUBA, DEPART- no. MENT OF— Continued W25.8: ( Civil reports— Continued 902^ i Same [v. 6]: Chief engineer, Department of Cuba; secretary of public works; [chief of Light-House Board]; chief signal officer, Department of Cuba. [Guggenheimer, Weil & Co., printers, Baltimore, Md., 1903.] W25.8«: (CT) W25.9: (date) Civil reports (separates) [Civil orders] [Beginning Jan. 5, 1899, all the laws and regulations affecting the government of the people of Cuba, were promulgated from the headquarters of the Division (later Department) of Cuba by Civil orders issued in English and Spanish. The Civil orders of the 1st series were issued by Brooke, military governor, and ended with no. 248, Dec. 20, 1899. Those of the 2d series were issued by Wood, military governor, and began with no. 1, Jan. 1, 1900, ending with no. 526. Thos;e of the 3d and 4th series were also issued under Wood , numbering 1-261 for the year 1901, and 1-180 for the year 1902. ending with the transfer of the island to the Cuban Republic, at midday May 20, 1902. The text of most of the Civil orders issued by Gen. Brooke is found in his Civil report (W2o.8:899), while those of his successor, Gen. Wood, fonn a volume in each set of his reports (W25.8:9002, 901 2, 901 1^ 9022). Separate issues are classed here.] W26. MILITARY INFORMATION DIVISION t [The Military Information Division, whose publications are classed here, was created, or reorganized, by General orders 23, 1892, and placed in charge of an officer of the Adjutant-General's Department. At the time of the organization of the General Staff Coi-ps (W2.) on Aug. 15, 1903, or soon thereafter, the Military Information Division became known as the "Second (Military Information) Division, General Staff," which appears on the publications of the division for several years prior to June 27, 1908, when the Military Information Division became the "Second Section, General Staff." f] W26.1: (date) W26.2: C28 C891 C89- M59 P83 Sp2i Sp2- Sp23 Sp2^ T12 T68 W26.3 ' : (nos.) Annual reports [None issued.] General publications Catalogue. Subject catalogue of books and publications in Military Information Division. Feb. 1894. 4*^ [Interleaved. See, for later editions, W26.3 ^ilO, 17. See also W26.5:] Cuba. Military notes on Cuba. [1898.] 12« Same, without maps. [1898.] 12° [See, for other editions, W26.3i:21, and W26.32:15.] Militia. Memorandum in respect to calling forth of militia; by George B. Davis. 1898. Porto Rico. Military notes on Puerto Rico. 1898. 12° Spanish army. Notes and tables on Spanish army in Peninsula and colonies. 1st edition. Aug. 1894. * Same. 2d edition. Feb. 15, 1896. * Same. [3d edition, June, 1898.] 1898. 12° Spanish navy. List of battle ships, cruisers, and torpedo boats of Spanish navy. 1898. 4° Tagalog language. Handbook and grammar of Tagalog language; by W. E. W. MacKinlay. 1905. (War Dept. doc. 260.) Translations. List of translations filed in 2d division, General Staff [which are available] for professional use of officers only, Apr. 1, 1905. 1905. Bulletins [old series] 4° and 8° [This class includes the only numbered series of publications of this division.] 1 3 2 1894. 4° 4 Same. 1902. 8<» 5 t On Sept. 26, 1910, the name of the Military Information Division, or "Second Section, General Staff" as it has been called since June 27, 1908, was changed to War College Division. As this Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909, it uses the form "Military Information Division." 1,107 ClaMincatlnn "^26. no. MILITARY INFORMATION DIVISION-Oon. W26.3': (nos.) W26.3 2: (nos.) \V26.3 2a : (CT) W26.4 : (nos.) W26.5: (date) Bulletins [old eerieB]— Continued 6 7 (War 8 Aug. Same. 6.) Dept. doc. 3.) 1894 * 1896. (War Dept. doc. (War War 'War War War 'War *War 16, pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 17 (War 18 (War 19 (War 20 (War 21 (War 22 (War Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. (War (War |War Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. doc. 10.1 doc. 13. doc. 16. doc. 27.) doc. 32.] doc. 37. doc. 49.) Dept. doc. 52.) Dept. doc. 53.) Dept. doc. 54.) doc. 55.) doc. 57.) doc. 61.) doc. 81.) doc. 85.) doc. 86.) 23 24 (War Dept. doc. 96.) (War Dept. doc. 95.) [This French-Englirth military technical dictionary was issued in 3 ptb., or install- ments, in 1899-1900.] Same. 1903 (War Dept. doc. 102.) (War Dept. doc. 103.) (War Dept. doc. 109.) (War Dept. doc. 123.) (War Dept. doc. 122.) (War Dept. doc. 124.) (War Dept. doc. 138.) (War Dept. doc. 142.) (War Dept. doc. 143.) (War Dept. doc. 149.) (War Dept. doc. 159.) (War Dept. doc. 163.) (War Dept. doc. 204.) (War Dept. doc. 205.) Bulletins [new series] 8° (This series began Nov. 1903.) 1 2t 3t 4 5t (War Dept. doc. 217.) (War Dept. doc. 224.) (War Dept. doc. 244.) (War Dept. doc. 252.) 6 12° (War Dept. doc. 259.) 7 (War Dept. doc. 266.) 8, pt. 1 (War Dept. doc. 273.) • pt. 2 (War Dept. doc. 273.) pt. 3 (War Dept. doc. 273.) pt. 4 (War Dept. doc. 273.) pt. 5 (War Dept. doc. 273.) 9 (War Dept. doc. 279.) 10 (War Dept. doc. 299.) 11 (War Dept. doc. 300.) 12 (War Dept. doc. 314.) 13, V. 1 (War Dept. doc. 324.) V. 2 (War Dept. doc. 324.) 14 (War Dept. doc. 327.) 15 (War Dept. doc. 345.) 16 (War Dept. doc. 349.) Bulletins [new series] (separates) Circulars [None issued.] Index of special military subjects contained in books, pamphiets, and pferiodicals received during quarter ending List of military publications received 1897, Oct. 1898, Mar. Nov. Apr. Dec. May, June 1898, Jan. July, Aug. Feb. Sept.-Nov. t 2, 3, and 5 of this series are Bulletins of military note.", 1-3. 1308 Classiflcation no. W26.5 : (date) 1, 1900-Apr. 1, 1901 1-Sept. 1 1-Dec. 31 June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1903, Mar. 31 June 30 Sept. 30 tDiscontlnued.J W26.6: Maps (CT) W26. MILITARY INFORMATION DIVISION— Con. Index of special military subjects contained in books, pamphlets, and periodicals received during quarter ending Continued List of military publications received — Continued 1899, Dec. 1898-Mar. 1899 1900, Aug. 1-Nov. 1 Apr.-July 1901, Nov. Aug., Sept. Apr. 1900, Oct. 1, 1899-Feb. 1, 1900 Sept. Feb. 1-July 1 Index of special military subjects contained in books, pamphlets, and periodicals received during quarter ending 1902, Mar. 31 (War Dept. doc. 175.) (War Dept. doc. 175.) (War Dept. doc. 175.) (War Dept. doc. 175.) (War Dept. doc. 175.) W27. MILITARY PRISON, FORT LEAVENWORTH [By act approved Mar. 3, 1873 (Stat. L. v. 17, p. 582), provision was made for the establishment of a Military Prison at Rock Island, 111., to be governed by a board under the Secretary of War. By the amendment of May 21, 1874 (Stat. L. v. 18, pt. 3, p. 48) the location of the proposed prison was changed to Fort Leavenworth, KanS. Abolished July 1, 1895, under act approved Mar. 3, 1895 (Stat. L. v. 28, p. 957). The property was used by the Penitentiary under the Justice Department (JG.) until Feb. 1, 190G, when the property was re- stored to the War Department. Congress authorized the reconstruction and reestablishment of the Military Prison at Fort Leavenworth. The sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1909 (Stat. L. v. 35, pt. 1, p. 1004) carried with the appropriation for the continuance of the reconstruction of the prison the proviso that "hereafter the government and control •of the United States Military Prison shall, under the Secretary of War, be vested in the Board of Com- missioners of the United States Soldiers' Home * * *." See, for later publications, W43.] W27.1: Annual reports 12° (date) [1876-95 (except 1886, 1887, and 1894). in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) ^ ' and 1893 and 1894 issued separately also.] W27.2: General publications (CT) [None issued.] W27.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] W27.4 : Circular (nos.) [None issued.] W28. ARMY SERVICE SCHOOLS [The military schools now called Army Service Schools are situated at Fort Leavenworth, Kans. The first such school there was founded by General orders 42, 1881, and opened by General orders 8, 1882, under the name of School of Application for Cavalry and Infantry, the name being changed by General orders 39, 1886, to United States Infantry and Cavalry School. During the war with Spain, the work of the school was discontinued, but preparations were going on to reopen it on a larger scale and in coordi- nation with other schools to be established at Fort Leavenworth. General orders 155, 1901, called it General Service and Staff College, and on further reorganization by General orders 115, 1904, it was divided into two schools callefl Infantry and Cavalry School and Staff College, provisions being also made for a Signal School. These three, retaining their own names, were, together, called the Anny Service Schools at Fort Leavenworth. By General orders 211, 1907, the artillery was represented in the Infantry and Cavalry School, and thereupon the name of that school was again changed, being since known as the Army School of the Line. By this same order the other schools wore designated as Army Signal School and Army Staff College. As the commandant of the Army School of the Line is ex officio commandant of the other Army Service Schools at Fort Leavenworth, and all are coordinated, one report being required for all, the publications of all are classed here, f t By General orders 69, Apr. 20, 1910, there is to be added to the Army Service Schools at Fort Leavenworth an Army Field Engineer School, while the annual report for 1910 promises the establishment of an Army Field Service School for Medical Officers. 1309 W28. ARMY SERVICE SCHOOL,8— Continued See, for piihlicutions of other military schools under the War Dopartinent not at Fort I>eavenworth. some of whuli uro callod army serviw" schools, Military Academy (W12.), Coast Artillery School (W29.), Mounted StTvlco School (W30.)r Submarino Defense School (W61.). See, for Army War College, WSS.j Classiflration nn. W28.1: j (date) I W28.2: B21 F45^ F452 F453 F45* F45« F45« F45^ H78» H782 H99 L41 L61> L6P M59» Or2 Ou8^ Ou82 Ou83 Ou8* Ou8» Annual reports 12« and 8" [188.V1908 (except 1899, none issued^, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and usually issuotl separately also, issued separately only. See, for ch: under W in name of school as used in titles of its reports, preceding note 1896, at Infantry and^Cavalry Fort Leavenworth,* Kans., General publications Balloons in war, lecture delivered Mar. 27 School; by Joseph T. Dickman. 1896. * Field works and technical constructions used in war [and Technical notes on field fortification]; translated from German by R. H. Wilson . Fort Leavenwortn, Kans. , Infantry and Cavalry School, Aug, 1891. 12* Field engineering. Manual of military field engineering; by Wm. D. Beach. [1st edition.] Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 1894. * Same. 2d edition. 1895? * Same. 3d edition. 1897? * Same. 4th edition. ? * Same. 5th edition. 1902. * Same, revised by Wm. D. Beach, E. A. Root, [and] T. H. Slavenb. 6th edition. Hudson-Kimberly Publishing C^o., Kansas City, Mo. [and] London, W. H. Allen & Co. [190-?]. 4" Horses, saddles and bridles; by William H. Carter. Leavenworth, Kans., 1895. * Same. 1906. * Hveiene. Notes on military hygiene; by Woodhull. New York, Wiley & Sons, 1898. * Law. Department of law, memorandum circular 4 [giving instructors and lesson sheet in international law]. [General Service and Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kans.] Dec. 28, 1903. 12? Library. Catalogue of Infantry and Cavalry School library at Fort Leavenworth, Kans., Jan. 1892. Infantry and Cavalry School, 1892. 12° Librarv. List of additions made to Infantry and Cavalry School library, [at Fort Leavenworth, Kans.] Jan. 1892-Jan. 1894. Infantry and Cavahy School, Jan. 1894. 12? Military policy and institutions, lecture delivered Jan. 16, 1896; by J. T. Dickman. Infantry and Cavrilry School, Dec. 1896. Military art. Remarks introductory to course in military art at Infantry and Cavalry School and Staff College, Fort LeavenwortJi, Kans., by Eben Swift, Sept. 1904. n. p. [1904]. Orders, course in tactics, lecture [on method of issuing field orders], by Eben Swift, Nov. 1905. Staff College Press [Fort Leavenworth, Kans.], 1905. 12° [Text identical with Field orders, messages and reports (W2.2:F45).] Outpost duty. Catechism of outpost duty, including advance guards, rear guards, and reconnaissance [abridgment of Service of se- curity and information]; by Arthur L. Wagner. [Ist edition.} [1895?] * [SeCy for Service of security and information, W28.2; Se2i-^] Same. [2d edition.] Kansas City, 1895. * Same. 3d edition. * Same. 4th edition. * Same. 5th edition. Kansas City, Mo., Hudson-Kimberly Publish- ing Co., n. d. email 4« 1310 Classification no. W28.2: Ou86 Ou87 Ou8« Ou8» P94 Se2» Se2"^ Se23 Se24 Se8 Til . T62 W28.3 : (date) W28.4: (date) W28.5 : (date) W28.6: (date) W28. ARMY SERVICE SCHOOLS— Continued General publications— Continued Same. 6th edition. Kansas City, Mo., Hudson-Kimberly Publish- ing Co., n. d. small 4° Same. 7th edition. Kansas City, Mo., Hudson-Kimberly Publish- ing Co., n. d. small 4^ Same. 8th edition. Kansas City, Mo., Hudson-Kimberly Publish- ing Co., n. d. small 4® Outpost duty. Instructions for outposts, advance guards, and recon- naissance; by Otto Louis Hein. Fort Leavenworth, 1887. * Pronunciation of names of persons and places found in Strategical operations; by Joseph T. Dickman. Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 1896. * Security and information. Service of security and information; by Arthur L. Wagner. [1st edition.] 1893. * Same. 2d edition. * Same. 3d edition, Hudson-Kimberly Publishing Companv, Kan- sas City, Mo., 1896. Same. 4th edition. Hudson-Kimberly Publishing Company, Kan- sas City, Mo. * See, for abridgment with title. Catechism of outpost dutv, W28.2: Ou8'-8. Sewage and sewers, lecture delivered by Edwin Alvin Root. Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 1895. * Tactical evolution, lecture and demonstration, Sept. 26, 1903 [on pro- posed system for supplying ammunition to infantry in battle and for concentrating fire]; by John H. Parker. IFort Leavenworth, Kans., 1903.] 12<» Technical notes on field fortification . Sec W28 .2 :F45 ' . Topography. Military topography and sketching, for use of depart- ment of engineering. Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort Leaven- worth; by Edwin A. Root. 1895. * Bulletins [Relate chiefly to matters of only temporary interest regarding the internal adminis- tration of the Army Service Schools. Not listed here.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Army Service Schools, listed here.] General orders Not [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Infantry and Cavalry School and later to the other schools connected therewith comprising the Army Service Schools. Through no. 68, dated Nov. 14, 1907, they are called "Orders," and since that date, "General orders." As Public Documents Library has but an incomplete file of these General orders for recent years only, they are not listed here.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Army Service Schools, listed here.] Not W29. COAST ARTILLERY SCHOOL (The Artillery School at Fort Monroe, Va., was established by General orders 99, Nov. 13, 1867, though for many years, extending back as far as 1823, a school, but in name only, had existed at that place. By General orders 178, Aug. 2S, 1907, the name of the school was changed to Coast Artillery School, and it was prepared to consolidate with the School of Submarine Defense (W61.). The latter was discontinued Aug. 1, 1908, by General orders 27, Mar. 3, 1908, the consolidation taking effect Sept. 1, 1908.] W29.1: (date) Annual reports 12° and 8® Artillery School 1868, 1878-92, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and not issued separately. 1869-77, none issued. 1893-1906 (except 1899 and 1900, none issued), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued separately also. 1311 Cla.ssinrallon no. W2f).l! (date) W29.2 An2 Ar5 At6 B21' B212 B213 B21^ B21> C16 C36 C42 D49 Ex7 F45 F51 F77' F77- G22 W29. COAST ARTIL.LEUY SCHOOIi-Continued Annual reports— Continued Coast Artillery School 1907-08, in annual reportH of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued separately also. 1909 [Issued separately only.] Gonoral publications [Other publications giving instruction to artillery gunners have ])een adjutant-general in the form of Artillery circulars; see W3.5:] by the Ancients. Essay [on] defensive and offensive weapons and engines of the ancients and of middle ages, their relation to constitution and handling of armies, and their effect upon art of war; by John R. Williams. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. 4" Armaments. Comparisons of armaments of European nations, describ- ing their systems of artillery; by A. D. Schenck. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. 4° Atmospheric refraction on target ranges; by Beverly W. Dunn. Artil- lery School Press [Fort Monroe, Va.] 1888. 4<> Ballistics; by James M. Ingalls. [1st edition.^ Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1883. 4<' (Course of artillery, pt. 1, sec. 4.) Ballistics. Exterior ballistics; by James M. Ingalls. [2d edition.] Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1885. 4° (Course in artil- lery.) [See, for 3d edition, Artillery circular N, 1900 ( W3.5 ^rN).] Ballistics. Handbook of problems in exterior ballistics, pt. 1: Direct fire; by James M. Ingalls. Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1890. 4" Ballistics. Interior ballistics, text book for use of student officers at Artillery School; by Jas. M. Ingalls. [Ist edition.] Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1890. * Same. [2d edition.] Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1894. Canada. Essay [on] military geography of Canada; by A. D. Schenck. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. 4« Changes in artillery. Essay [on] changes wrought in artillery in 19th century, and their effect upon attack and defense of fortified places; by Henry R. Lemly. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. 4° Chemical philosophy; notes compiled and condensed by T. C. Patterson and W. Walke. Artillery School Press, [Fort Monroe, Va.] 1889. 4« Deviation. Method of calculating coefficients of deviation for deter- mining Avind effect upon projectiles; by G. N. \Vhistler. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. 4" Explosives. Lectures on explosives, prepared as manual and guide in laboratory of Artillery School; by Willoughby Walke. Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1891. Field artillery. Material for field artillery for Army; by A. D. Schenck. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. A" Fire. Explanation of WTiistler's Graphic table of fire, to accompany chart; [by Garland N. Whistler]. [Fort Monroe^ Va., Artillery School Press,] n. d. 12" [The chart itself is missing from this copy as it now appears in Public Documents Library. See, for corrected edition with chart. Artillery circular C, June 23, 1892 (W3.5MC).] Fortification. Course in permanent fortification; by James Chester. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1884. 4*^ Fortification. Course in temporary fortification; by James Chester. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1884. 4" Gatling guns. Ser\ace and description of Gatling guns; [Mechanical manoeuvres with 13-inch sea-coast mortar; and Description and use of Dyer's method of pointing mortars]. [1877.] 1312 Classification no. W29.2: G31 095^ G952 H53 In7 M18 M311 M312 M46 M591 M59^ M593 M66 N73 Or2 P56 P69 W29. COAST ARTILLERY SCHOOL— Continued General publications— Continued German drill regulations for field artillery, 1889; [translated by Walford]. Artillery School Press, P'ort Monroe, Va., 1890. 12* Guns. Elements of elastic strength of guns, text book for use of student officers at Artillery School; by John P. Story. Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1894. Guncotton. Notes on gun-cotton and other explosives; by Richard Lodor. Dec. 1877. [Although Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., is used in connection with imprint date, the publication bears evidence of having been printed at the Government Print- ing Office.] High explosives. Notes on experiments with high explosives [at] Fort Monroe, Va., May, 1886; by M. M. Macomb. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. 4'> Inspection. Report of inspection of Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va. ; Iby] Jno. C. Tidball. 1882. Machine guns. Description and service of machine guns in use at Artillery School; by Samuel M. Mills. Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1891. 12" Manual for ser\dng: 1, 8-inch breech-loading rifle on barbette carriage, 2, 12-inch B. L. mortar on spring-return carriage, and manual for serving and manoeuvering, 3, 3.6-inch B. L. field mortar; by William P. Duvall. Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1896. 12« Manual for heavy artillery, drills for 8-inch breech-loading rifle on bar- bette carriage, 10-inch breech-loading rifle on disappearing car- riage, 12-inch breech-loading mortar on spring-return carriage, including battery marching maneuvers, battery inspection at guns, Scott telescopic sight; by William P. Duvall, Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1898. 12" Mechanism. Notes and problems on elements of mechanism and trans- mission of power; by W. B. Homer. Artillery School Press, FortMom-oe, Va., 1895. Military communications. Course on military communications, pt. 1: Military bridges; by James Chester. Fort Monroe, Va., Artil- lery School, 1882. 4" Same, pts. 2 and 3: Roads & rail-roads; by James Chester. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1882. 4" Military statistics. Essay [on] necessity for fixed policy in War Depart- ment in regard to collection of military statistics and construction of general military atlaa of United States; by M. M. Macomb. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. 4° Minor tactics. Practical problems in minor tactics & strategy, for use of regular army and militia; by John P. Wisser. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. 4" Non-commissioned officers. Course of instruction for non-commis- sioned officers, selection of subject matter useful in military serv- ice; by Harvey C. Carbaugh. Artillery School Press, Fort Mon- roe, Va., 1890. 12" [Mutilated copy in Public Documents Library.] Ordnance. Material and appliances for moving heavy ordnance; by L. A. Chamber lin. 1878. [Although Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., is used in connection with imprint date, the publi- cation bears evidence of having been printed at the Government Printing Office.] Photography. Instruction in photography, by Lorenzo Lorain; re- vised by Henry L. Harris. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1882. 4« Plane table, engineer's transit, Burt solar attachment, Saegmuller solar attachment, solar compass, [transit and] stadia measurements. [Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School Press] n. d. 1313 Clasninratlon no. W29.2: 1144 Soi2 Sel Se6 Sml St3' St32 St8 Til T62 W19 W29.3: (nos.) W29.4: (nos.) W29.5 : (v. nos.) I W29.6: (date) W29. COAST ARTILLERY SCHOOL— Continued General pvil)llc5at Ions— Continued Rifle. Eaeay [on] development of power in modem military rifle; by Beverly W. Dunn. Artillery School Press, [Fort Monroe, Va.] 1887. 4» Sciences. Course of sciences applied to military art, pt. 4: Metallurgy of iron; by Constantino Chase. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, ;i883. 4° [Pts. 1-3 not in Public Documents Library.] Sea-coast batteries. Role and organization of sea-coast batteries, by V. F'abre; translated from Revue d'Artillerie [with omissions] by E. M. Weaver. Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1890. Service of the piece: 3.2-in. B. L. steel field piece, extract from drill regulations for light artillery. Artillery School Press, Fort Mon- roe, Va., 1890. 12° Small arms. Essav [giving] historical account of development [since 1346] of small arms and ammunition for same, and effect of same upon science of war; by Charles A. Bennett. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. 4» Steam engine. Notes and problems on thermodynamics of steam en- gine; by W. B. Homer. Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1895. Steam engine. Notes on steam engine; by W. B. Homer. Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1897. Strategy. Notes on strategy and logistics; [by] William A. Kobbe. Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1896. Tactics of infantry in battle; by Sir Lumly Graham. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. 4® [Reprinted from English sources.] Topography. Course of topography: pt. 1, Practical study of surveying instruments, pt. 2, Practical instruction in military surveying; by James Chester. 2d edition. ^ Artillery School Press, Fort Monroe, Va., 1888. 4^ [1st edition is not in Public Documents Librar>\] War. Essay, assuming present defenseless condition of sea-board of United States, what military policy and action should obtain in event of sudden declaration of war by foreign power; by Solon F. Massey. Fort Monroe, Va., Artillery School, 1886. 4» Bulletins [None issued?] Circulars [It has been customary to publish Artillery School Circulars containing such matter as is useful in the course of instruction. Public Documents Library has none, therefore tliey are not listed here.] Journal of United States Artillery (bimonthly) [The status of this magazine, which was founded in Jan. 1892, and printed, first quarterly and later bimonthly, at the Artillery School Press (now, Dec. 1909. the Coast Artillery School Press) at Fort Monroe, Va., has been clearly defined as a private pubhcation and not a public document. The magazine is printed at a Government press and published under supervision of a Government board, these facts appearing in plain print on its title-page, and this supervision having been directed by the War Department in General order 181, issued Oct. 20, 1906. The chief of coast artillery in a typewritten statement of Dec. 1, 1909, concerning the establishment, progress, and present status of the Journal, shows the history of the publication and states his reasons for the following conclusion "Hence. It can not be said with accuracy, that the Journal is printed at Government cost and directly by authority of a Government official or board; at the same time it is under the supervision of Government officials. This is believed to be neces- sary and \^ise, leading to its increased efficiency as a medium of technical infor- mation." The Journal is therefore not listed here, because of the fact that It Is a private publi- cation.) Regulations and programme of instruction various sizes 1882 * Same [reprint] 1884 1889 1893 82452°— 11- -83 1314 W30. MOUNTED SERVICE SCHOOL [This school was authorized under act of Jan. 29, 1887 (Stat. L. v. 24, p. 372), although the order for its organization under the name of Cavalry and Light Artillery School was not issued until Mar 14 1892 (General orders 17), and it was not fairly organized and established until Jan. 1, 1893. The name was changed to Cavalry and Field Artillery School by General orders 60, Apr. 30, 1901, and in General orders 40, Apr. 30, 1902, it was called School of Apphcation for Cavalry and Field Artillery. This form of name was first used by Congress in the act of Mar. 3, 1903 (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 928), and it was not used in the annual reports until 1903. By General orders 191, Sept. 13, 1907, the name was again changed to Mounted Service School, and it was reorganized to include a training school for officers and noncommissioned officers, for farriers and horse- shoers. and for bakers and cooks. The school is located at Fort Riley, Kans.] Classification no. W30.1: (date) W30.2 Ar5 F24 F73 H781 H782 H783 H78* In8 M31 Ob7 Or3 R43 Annual reports 12° and 8"> Cavalry and Light Artillery School 1892, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and not issued separately. 1893 [Issued separately only.] 1894-1900 (except 1899, none issued), in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), and issued separately also. Cavalry and Field Artillery School 1901-02, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and not issued separately. School of Application for Cavalry and Field Artillery 1903-07, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and (except 1903) issued separately also. Mounted Service School 1908, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued sepa- rately also. 1909 [Issued separately only.] General publications Army horseshoer, manual for students of Training School for Farriers and Horseshoers, by Training School instructors. Fort Riley, Kans., Press of School of Application for Cavalry and Field Artillery, 1905. 16" Farriers. List of farriers, blacksmiths, and selected men under instruc- tion. Jan. 23, 1903. Foot. Anatomy of [horse's] foot. [Press of] School of Application for Cavalry and Field Artillery, P'ort Riley, Kans., 1903. Horse. Cavalry and artillery horse, conformation and points, simple diseases and their treatment; by Alexander Plummer. C. and F. A. School Press [Fort Riley, Kans., 1903]. Horse. Army horse in accident and disease; by Alexander Plummer and Richard H. Power. [1st edition.] 1903. 12° Same; [by Alexander Plummer, and Richard H. Power, assisted by Charles H. Jewell and George H. Cameron]. [2d edition.] 1906. (War Dept. doc. 274.) Same; [with chapter on Age by teeth, by Robert M. Danford]. [3d edition.] 1909. (War Dept. doc. 347.) Intrenchments. Hasty intrenchments. Cav'y and Light Art'y School, [Fort Riley, Kans.] Apr. 1898. 16« [Issued in card form.] Maneuvers. Special report on combined manoeuvers at Cavalry and Light Artillery School, Fort Riley, Kans., 1896. Cavalry and Light Artillery School Press [Fort Riley, Kans.] 1896. 12° Obstacles [to retard progress of hostile troops]. [Cavalry & Light Artil- lery School, Fort Riley, Kans., Apr. 1898.] small 4» Organizations. Memorandums upon organization on war footing, front- age, depth, pace, and data for calculating strength of organiza- tions of cavalry, infantry, and artillery, compiled for cavalry sub- school. [Fort Riley, Kans., 189-?] 16« Riding hall. Scheme of progressive instruction in riding hall, prepared for cavalry sub-school. [Fort Riley, Kans., 1900?] 16" 1315 W30. MOUNTED SERVICE SCIIOOL-Continued W30.3: Bulletins Classlflcatlun IK). (no8.) W30.4: (date) W30.5: D48' D48- F45 W30.6: (date) W30.7: (date) [None issued?] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the Internal administration of the Mounted Service School. Not listed hero.] Rules, regulations, and Instructions Detachment orders. Instructions for framing detachment orders; [com- piled at Cavalry and Light Artillery School]. [Cavalry and Light Artillery School Press, 1897.] 12« Same [with alterations; issued from headquarters provisional divi- sion, Camp William Cary Sanger]. [Fort Riley Reservation, Kans.] Oct. 15, 1903. 12° [This edition of 1903 Is called "Circular 2," but it Is not Circular 2 of the school, nor is there any evidence that this print is a publication of the school. It is probably Circular 2 of the provisional ai\ision, which was in existence durmp the army maneuvers at Fort Riley, lians., Oct. 1903. As the Public Documents Library has no other publicatioris of the provisional division, this Circular is classed here with the original school print of the Instructions for franiinj,' detachment orders.] Field exercises. Rules for government of field exercises and combined manoeuvers, Cavalry and Lt. Arty. School, Fort Riley, Kans., 1896. 16** [A revised print appears in Special report on combined manoeuvers (\V30.2:M31).] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Mounted Sendee School. Not listed here.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Moimtcd Service School. Not listed here.] W31. MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION [The Mississippi River Commission was created by act approved June 28, 1879 (Stat. L. v. 21, p.37), having for its ultimate object the unprovemcnt of the Mississippi River for purposes of navigation and for the prevention of floods. The commission is composed of 3 members from the Enginepr Corps of the Army, one from the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and 3 from civil life, the J'resident of the United States appointing the president of the commission from among the 3 Army engineers. The reports are made to the Secretary of War.] W31.1: (date) Annual reports [The preliminary reports and the first full report for 1880, with appendices, are printed together as Appendix SS of Engineer Dcpivrtnicnt reports (W7.1:881 '), and issued separately only as Conirrossional documents as follows: Feb. 17, 1880, prcliminarv reporil nn^-noi Mar. 8, 1880, minority report / UJ^'^^J Jan. 8, 1881, report with appendices [1978-951 Report for 1881, without accompanying appendices and plates, but with additional letter of the commission dated Mar. 22, 1882, and Message of President, Apr. 17, 1882, and with minority report of James B. Eads, appears as Appendix RR in Engineer Department reports (W7.1:SS2 3), and appears in Congressional set as follows: Nov. 25, 1881, report with appendices [198<)-10, pt. 1] Apr. 12, 1882, minority report of Eads [198&-In, pt. 2] Reports issued separately in bureau edition, with their varying titles are listed below. See, for Index to reports of Mississippi River Conmiission, 1879-95, containing further mformation, W31.2.In2.] 1882, Report of Mississippi River Commission, being Appendix SS of annual report of cnief of engineers for 1883. [2075-32] [Also in Engineer Department reports (W7.1:883'').] 1883, Annual report of Mississippi River Commission for 1883. [2199-37] [Also appears as v. 4 of Engineer Department reports (W7.1:884*), being Appendix TT.] 1884, Annual report of Mississippi River Commission for 1884. [2296-64] Same, with title: Report of Mississippi River Commission for 1884, being Appendix WW 1 of annual report of chief of engineers for 1885. [Also forms v. 4 of Engineer Department reports (W7.1:885^).j 1316 Classification W31. no. MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION— Cont'd W31.1: (date) W31.2: D45» D452 F45 In2 M321 M322 Se2 Stl (nos.) W31.4:: (nos.) Annual reports— Continued 1885, Report of Mississippi River Commission showing progress, Oct. 1, 1884-June 30, 1885, being Appendix WW 2 of annual report of chief of engineers for 1885. [Also appears in v. 4 of Engineer Department reports (W7. 1:885^). Not issued as a separate Con- gressional document.] 1885, Report of Mississippi River Commission, July 1-Dec. 1, 1885, being Appendix VV of annual report of chief of engineers for 1886. [2392-38] [Also in v. 3 of Engineer Department reports (W7.1:8863).] 1886 >S'eel887. 1887, Reports of Mississippi River Commission, July 1, 1885- June 30, 1887, being Appendix YY of annual report of chief of engineers for 1887. [This is made up of 3 reports whichi originally appeared separately in the Congres- sional set as follows: Sept. 20, 1886 Nov. 30, 188(5 Dec. 14, 1887 2478-20 2479-^0^ 25.57-59' They are also printed together in v. 4 of Engineer Department reports (W7.1:887<).] 1888-1909, for fiscal years, issued separately, also appearing as appen- dices to Engineer Department reports (W7.1:) of the same year, except 1901-05, which appear as supplements to those reports. General publications Descriptions, geographical positions, and elevations, or references to their publications, of permanent points, survey of Mississippi River, and of gauge benchmarks between Cairo, 111., and Carroll- ton, La., whose elevations have been determined. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1890. Descriptions, elevations, and geodetic positions of permanent marks from Cairo, 111., to St. Paul, Minn., whose elevations have been determined, survey of Mississippi River. St. Louis, Mo., Missis- sippi River Commission print, 1899. Field work. Instructions to assistant engineers and others for field woik, survey of Mississippi River. St. Louis, Mo., Mississippi River Commission print, 1899. Index to reports of Mississippi River Commission, 1879-95 [with list of reports giving their location in Annual reports of chief of engi- neers and giving their Congressional document notation]. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1896. Map of alluvial valley of Mississippi River, from head of St. Francis Basin to Gulf of Mexico, showing lands subject to overflow, loca- tion of levees, and trans-alluvial profiles. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission, 1887. 8 sheets, each 30.4 X 22.5in. Map. Preliminary map of lower Mississippi River, from mouth of Ohio River to head of passes. Scale 1 m.=l in. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission, 1881-85. [3] p. 3 index charts, 32 sheets, oblong f ° [Sheets 28-32 missing from copy in Public ' Documents Library.] Sediment observations. Report of Wm. B, Ladue upon sediment observations on Mississippi River. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1904. Stages of Mississippi River. Highest and lowest annual stages of Missis- sippi River and principal tributaries, [1785-]1898. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission pTint, 1898. Bnlletlns [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] 1317 CUfMlflratlon no. W31.5: 871-86 » 871-862 871-86 » 871-86* (date) W31. MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION-Cont'd Stages of Mississippi River and its principal tribu- taries [calendar years] Stages of Mississippi River from Cairo to Carrollton^ 1871-86, preliminary to Stages of the Mississippi and its tributanes. 1887. * Same. Revised [edition]. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Com- mission print, 1893. Stages of Mississippi River above Cairo, and of tributaries of Mississippi River, except Missouri River [1871-] Dec. 31, 1886. [Ist edition.] 1889. * Same, 2d edition revised. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Com- mission print, 1891. Stages of Mississippi River and ita principal tributaries, except Missouri River 1887 and 1888 1893 1889 1894 1890 1895 1891 1896 1892 1897 Stages of Mississippi River and its principal tributaries 1898 1904 Same, appendix 1905 1899 1906 1900 1907 1901 1908 1902 1909 1903 Tabulated results of dlscbarge measurements Tabulated results, with field and office reports, of discharge measure- ments on Mississippi, Old, and Atchafalaya rivers, 1887-89, anS of some earlier measurements not previously published. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1890. Same, on Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers and Bayou La Fourche, La., and of crevasse and overflow measurements, 1890. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1890. [Inside imprint date is 1891.] Same, on Mississippi, Ohio, and Atchafalaya rivers, and of crevasse and overflow measurements, 1891. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1892. Same, on Mississippi River and tributaries, and the Atchafalaya, and of crevasse and overflow measurements, 1892. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1893. Same, on Mississippi River and tributaries and the Atchafalaya, and of crevasse and overflow measurements, 1893, and of some earlier measurements not previously published. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1894. Tabulated results of discharge observations, Mississippi River and its tributaries and outlets, 1838-94. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1895. Same, 1895-97, supplemental to pamphlet for 1838-94. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1897. Same, 1897-98, 2d supplement to pamphlet for 1838-94. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1898. W32. MISSOURI RIVER COMMISSION [The Missouri Hiver Cominission was created bj' the act of July 5, 1884 (Stat. L. v. 23, p. 144), and abolished June 30, 1902, by River and harbor bill, approved June 13, 1902 (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1 , p. 367), which repealed at I creating commission.] W32.1: I Annual reports W31.6: 887-89 890 891 892 893 838-94 895-97 897-98 (date) [The reports of Missouri River Commission, except the supplemental report for July 1-Dec. 1, 1885, and Appendix Ati of the annual report for 188(1, all appear in 1318 Classification no. W32.1: (date) W32.1°: (CT) W32.2: (CT) W32.3: (nos.) W32.4: (nos.) W32.5: (CT) W32.6: 872-85 886-89 890-94 W32. MISSOURI RIVER COMMISSION— Continued Annual reports— Continued the reports of Engineer Department (W7.1:), and are issued separately as listed below, carrying the paging of the Engineer Department reports.] 1884-85, Reports of Missouri River Commission, being Appendix XX of annual report of chief of engineers for 1885. [Includes report dated Dec. 9, 1884, which is the first report of the commission and gives reference to the work of previous surveys, and report dated Oct. 13, 1885, covering the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885. The report dated Dec. 9, 1884, also appears as 48th Congress, 2d session, Senate executive document 24, in serial no. 2261.] 1885, July 1-Dec. ] [2392-41] [No edition without Congressional document number. The matter in this supplemental report is incorporated, with changes, in the next annual report listed below.] 1886, Annual report of Missouri River Commission together with Appendices A and B, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1886. [2479- 28] [Contains as Appendix A6, Stages of Missouri River, 1872-85, which also was issued separately, and is listed under W32.6: 872-85. Appendix A8, Commerce of the Missouri River, con- tains reprints of certain reports on that subject dating from 1867.] 1885-87, Reports of Missouri River Commission, July 1, 1885-June 30, 1887, being Appendix ZZ of annual report of chief of engineers for 1887. [Contains report for 1886 as listed above, omitting Appendix A6; special reports dated Sept. 2 and Oct. 6, 1886, which together appear as 49th Congress, 2d session, Senate execu- tive document 13, in serial no. 2448; and annual report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1887, which appears in Congressional set only as part of the Engineer Department reports.] 1888-1902, fiscal years, issued separately and included also in Engineer Department reports (W7.1:), as appendices, except 1901 and 1902 which are designated supplements. Annual reports (separiates) [The only separate in the Public Documents Library under this classification is a List of steamboat wrecks on Missouri River from beginning of steamboat navi- gation to present time [June 30, 1897]. It appeared in report of Missouri River Commission for 1897 (W32.1:897).] General publications [None issued.} Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Maps Stages of Missouri River Stages of Missouri River, from St. Charles, Mo., to Ft. Pierre, Dak., compiled from miscellaneous and regular gauge records, between 1872 and 1885. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1886. [Appears also as Appendix A6 in report of commis- sion for 1886 (W32. 1:886).] Stages of Missouri River, from St. Charles, Mo., to Sioux City, Iowa, compiled from miscellaneous and regular gauge records, 1886-89. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1890. Stages of Missouri River, from its mouth to Sioux City, Iowa, compiled from regular and miscellaneous gauge records, 1890-94, also stages above Sioux City, Iowa, compiled from all trustworthy records up to and including 1894. [St. Louis, Mo.] Mississippi River Commission print, 1895. 1319 W33. NORTHERN AND NORTHWESTERN LAKES SURVEY f As early as 18U'>, local surveys of the Great Lakes were made by enplneer ofTloers. On Mar. 3, 1841 (Stat, L. r. 5, p. 431), the first regular appropriation wiis made for the Siirvev of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes, and systematic work was carried on from that date until the coninlolion of the survey in 1882. IJetween 1882 and 18S9, oju'ratlons were limited to the i)uhlicatlon and issue of charts. Mar. 2, 1889 (Stat. L. V. 25, p. 970), an aitpropriation wiis made for "surveys, additions to, and correcting engraved plates," and since then the work of the survey has been i)rovided for each year. The work was under the Corps of Topographical I'^ufjlneers until Mar. 3, 18:). 1881, 1882, 1893-1909 Issued separately as appendices to Engineer Department reports. The separates for 1893-1901 contain other matter, so they are all classed under W7.1ia:(CT) Instead of W33.1:] General publications Final report, 1841-82. Report upon primary triangulation of lake survey; by C. B. Comstock. See Professional papers, Corps of Engineers, 24 (W7. 10:24). [This is the final report of the North- em and Northwestern Lakes Survey, 1841-82.] Stadia. Tables showing difference of level in feet corresponding to given angle when distance is read in metres or feet, and for hori- zontal reductions, for use with stadia; computed by J. A. Ocker- son and Jared Teeple. 1879. 12« Stars. Catalogue of mean declinations of 981 stars, between 12 hours and 26 hours of right ascension and 30 degrees and 60 degrees of north declination, for Jan. 1, 1875; by T. H. Safford. 1873. 4« [See, for Declinations of lake survey catalogue, revised, p. 137 of Catalogue of mean declination of 2018 stars (W8.2:St2).] W33.3: Bulletins 4«and8« W33.2: Stl St2 (nos.) [These Bulletins are issued to supplement the infonnation given upon the Charts of the Great Lakes (W33.6:-W33.8:). The later Bulletins have been followed by numbered supplements which have kept the information up to date until the issuance of a new Bulletin containing the revised information and superseding all its predecessors. Bulletins 11 and 12 were issued in 5 sections, one for each Great Lake and its outlet. Beginning with supplement 8 to Bulletin IS, the supplements carry a cumulative index. Supplement 15 to Bulletin 18 an- nounces itself as the last issue for navigation season of 1909, and states that Bulletin 19 will appear in Apr, 1910.] 12 A (War Dept. doc. 157.) 12 B (War Dept. doc. 157.) 12 C (War Dept. doc. 157.) 12 D (War Dept. doc. 157.) 12 E (War Dept. doc. 157.) Same, supplement 1, to 12 A, B, D, E Same, supplement 2, to 12 A-E Same, supplement 3, to 12 C, D Same, supplement 4, to 12 A-E Same, supplement 5, to 12 A-E (War Dept. doc. 7.) (War Dept. doc. 35.) (War Dept. doc. 62.) (War Dept. doc. 99.) (War Dept. doc. 114.) (War Dept. doc. 136.) A (War Dept. doc. 146.) B (War Dept. doc. 146.) 13 C (War Dept. doc. 146.) D (War Dept. doc. 146.) E (War Dept. doc. 146.) Same, supplement 1 [to] 11 A (War Dept. doc. 146.) Same, supplement 2, to 11 A-E (War Dept. doc. 146.) Same, supplement 3, to 11 A, B, D, E (War Dept. doc. 14 146.) Same, supplement 1 Same, supplement 2 Same, supplement 3 Same, supplement 4 Same, supplement 5 Same, supplement 6 Same, supplement 7 Same, supplement 8 Same, supplement 1 ^^ts which •t part of the iform in other 1.1: t A6 igh 4), it 1320 Classification no. W33.3 W33. NORTHERN AND NORTHWESTERN LAKES SURVEY— Continued (nos.) W33.3«: (CT) W33.4: (nos.) W33.5: (nos.) Bulletins— Continued 15 16 Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, supplement 2 supplement 3 supplement 4 supplement 5 supplement 6 supplement 7 supplement 8 supplement 1 supplement 2 supplement 3 supplement 4 supplement 5 supplement 6 supplement 7 supplement 8 supplement 1 supplement 2 supplement 3 supplement 4 supplement 5 supplement 6 supplement 7 supplement 8 17 18 Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, Same, supplement 1 supplement 2 supplement 3 supplement 4 supplement 5 supplement 6 supplement 7 supplement 8 supplement supplement supplement supplement supplement supplement supplement supplement 8 supplement 9 supplement 10 supplement 11 supplement 12 supplement 13 supplement 14 supplement 15 Bulletins (separates; extracts) Circulars [None issued.] Regulations for sale of lake survey charts [1] Regulations for issuing lake survey charts [with Catalogue of charts] . [U. S. Engineer Office, 34 West Congress St., Detroit, Mich., 1890.] 4° [2] Same. [U. S. Engineer Office, Telephone Building, Detroit, Mich., 1896.] 4« [3] Same. 1898. [4] Sa'me. 1900. [U. S. Engineer Office, Telephone Building, Detroit, Mich., 40 [U. S. Engineer Office, Jones Building, Detroit, Mich., 40 [5] Regulations for sale of lake survey charts [with Catalogue of charts]. [Office U. S. Lake Survey, Campau Building, Detroit, Mich., 1901.] 4° [6] Same. [U. S. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich., and U. S. Engi- neer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 1903.] 4° [7] Same [with map giving scheme for index letter of chart]. [U. S. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich., and U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 1904.] 4« [Also in Bulletin 14 (W33.3:14 ').] [8] Same [with map giving scheme for index letter of chart]. [U. S. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich., and U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 1907.] 4" [Also in Bulletin 17 (W33.3:17i). This can be distinguished from former editions by use of some black face type in Catalogue of charts.] [9] Sane [with map giving scheme of index numbers for charts]. Lake Survey Office,' Detroit, Mich., 1908. 4« [10] Same [with map giving scheme of index numbers for charts] . Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich., 1909. 4" U.S. U.S. 1321 Classlflratlon no. W33.6 • : (nos.) W33.6 2: (iioa.) W33.7 ' : (date) (letters) or (letters and nos.) \V33. NORTHERN AND NORTHWESTERN LAKES SURVEY— Continued Charts, St. Liawrenco River (numbered) Charts, St. Marys River (numbered) General chart of northern and northwestern lakes [and rivers] (unnumbered) [Includes the 5 Oreat Lakes and connecting rivers on 1 chart.) Charts of Great Lakes (o;eneral charts of each lake and of cer- tain large portions thereof; unnumbered with exception of Lake Superior) (Class here the general charts in which each lake appears as a whole on one sheet, using as book number, written with a capital, the initial letter of the lake; i. e., E= Lake Erie, H= Lake lluron, M= Lake Michigan, 0= Lake Ontario, S= Lake Superior, Besides these charts covering the whole of each lake separately are classed here charts covering certain large portions of the '> (Jreat I^akes; for some of these the book numbers have two or more letters, namely, the initial written with a capital, followed by a distinctive letter or letters, written lower ease. Book numbers in these instances are: Mn =North end of Lake Michigan, including fireen Bay Mnb=» North end of Lake Michigan, including Beaver Island Group Mnt = Northeast end of Lake Michigan, including Grand and Little Traverse Bays Ms = South end of Lake Michigan 51 = Chart 1 of Lake Superior) 52 = Chart 2 of Lake Superior}. [Not Coast charts.] 53 = Chart 3 of Lake Superior] The arrangement for all charts under this class is in 1 , not 2, alphabets. Different editions are distinguished by using a superior number following the book number. The numbered Coast charts of each lake are classed elsewhere, that is, under W33.73:, and harbor charts and charts of special localities are classed under W33.8:] Coast charts of Great Lakes (numbered ) [This class includes only those charts which bear the words " Coast charts." To such charts the book numbers are assigned as follows: E1-E7 =Coast charts 1-7 of Lake Erie Grl-Gr2= North end of Green Bay and South end of Green Bay H1-H8 = Coast charts 1-8 of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay M1-M9 «= Coast charts 1-9 of Lake Michigan 01-05 = Coast charts 1-5 of Lake Ontario S1-S8 = Coast charts 1-8 of Lake Superior, The Coast chart numbers are arable numerals on the line. Different editions are distinguished by using a superior number following the book number.] Harbor charts and charts of special localities (unnumbered with exception of Apostle Islands) fThis class includes all charts which are not classed under W33.0 ^i^:, nor W33.7 i-». To the charts of the Apostle Islands (the only numbered charts under W33.8:, the bulk being unnumbered) book numbers are assigned as follows: Ap4 =entiregroupof Apostle Islands Ap4-1= Chart 1 of Apostle Islands Ap4-2= Chart 2 of Apostle Islands. Different editions are distinguished by using a superior number following the book number.] W34:. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT An organization equivalent to the Ordnance Department exl. the separately issued appendixes for those years, as well as for the earlier years, are classed here under W34.1 '«: (CT). Reports for 1908 and 1909 are without appendixes in both Department and bureau editions.] Indexes to Annual reports [Use as book number the latest date covered by the index.] Index to reports of chief of ordnance. Army, 1867-87; by J. C. Ayres. 1888. Same, 1867-93; by J. C. Ayres. 1895. Same, 1867-1902. 1904. General publications Appointment and promotion of employees in Ordnance Department at large. 1906. (No. 1294.) Appointments and promotions. Notes on ordnance pamphlet [no. 1294] of Dec. 1, 1906, Appointments and promotions of employees in Ordnance Department at large. [Dec. 20, 1906.] Arms. Reports of experiments with small arms for military service. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, Public Printer, 1856. Army bill [and sundry civil bill, fiscal year] 1902 [estimates of appro- priations required by department, for inclusion in bills]. [1 900.] 40 Same, [fiscal year] 1903. [1901.] 4° Same, [fiscal year] 1904. [1902.] 4° Artillery for land service as devised and arranged by Ordnance Board. Washington, J. and G. S. Gideon, printers, 1849. [Title-page reads "with plates," but there are none in this volume.] Blanks. List of blanks, pamphlets, etc. Sept. 20, 1904. * Same. Sept. 20, 1904, revised Mar. 6, 1907. 1907. 12» (No. 1467.) Same. Sept. 20, 1904, revised Jan. 20, 1909. 1909. 12'» (No. 1467.) 1323 Classinratlon nu. W34.2: C16» C162 C163 C16^ C49 C68 C82 D49 D5G D62 D78 En3 Eq5» Eq52 Exl^ Exl2 Ex7 F45b» F45b2 F45c F85 F98» F982 F983 F98* G92 W34. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued General publications — Continued Cannon. Reports of experiments on strength and other properties of metals for cannon, with description of machines for testing metals, and of classification of cannon in service. Philadelphia, Henry Carey Baird, successor to E. L. Carey, 1856. f " Cannon. Reports of experiments on properties of metals for cannon, and qualities of cannon powder, with account of fabrication and trial of 15-inch gun; by T. J. Rodman. Boston, Mass., Charles H. Crosby, 1861. f« Cannon. Table of United States army cannon and projectiles. [Mar. 24] 1904. (No. 1676.) Same. Mar. 24, 1904, revised Aug. 9, 1906. 1906. (No. 1676.) [Confidential.] Civil service. Circular [announcing classification of employees in accordance with civil service rules]. Mar. 8, 1897. 4** Colleges. Mem. of information for colleges desiring arms under sec. 1225 or 1260, Revised statutes. Apr. 21, 1896. Cost. Ordnance orders — [instructions for determining cost of ordnance, ordnance stores, and supplies]. [1904.] 4*^ [Form of Ordnance orders, undated and unsigned.] Deviation index, mechanical indicator for correcting angles of elevation and azimuth; by W. C. Rafferty. [1897.] Differential equations. Course of instruction prescribed for student officers at Sandy Hook Proving Ground, N. J., in differential equations. 1907. 4° Du-ectory. Ordnance Office directory, Jan. 1, 1902. [1902.] 12° Draftsmen. Memorandum for guidance of draftsmen employed in office of chief of ordnance. Mar. 29, 1909. large 8° Engineering, Ordnance. Course of instruction prescribed for student officers at Sandy Hook Proving Ground, N. J., in ordnance engineering. 1907. 4P Equipments. Horse equipments and equipments for officers and en- listed men. May 10, 1905. (No. 1719.) Same. May 10, 1905, revised July 3, 1908. 1908. (No. 1719.) Examination paper, heavy artillery for captains and lieutenants. [1898.] 12« Same, miscellaneous questions in artillery. [1902.] 12* Explosives. Course of instruction prescribed for student officers at Sandy Hook Proving Ground, N. J., in chemistry of explosives and oils. 1907. 4° Field gun batterv. Equipment, exclusive of ammunition, for 4 3.2-inch field gun battery, with combined battery wagon and forge; also, Supply table of ordnance stores for care and preservation of 4-gun battery of light artillery, 3.2-inch rifles. [Mar. 1, 1896.] Same. [Revised May 21, 1896.] Field gun carriage. Nomenclature and bills of material for 3.2-inch field gun carriage, limber, caisson, and battery wagon and forge. 1896. Frankford Arsenal. Statement showing how stores manufactured at and issued from Frankford Arsenal are packed for storage and shipment, etc. [June 17, 1909.] 4«» (No. 2241.) Fuzes for field, siege, and seacoast powder-charged shell and shrapnel. [1895.] Fuzes for use in mountain, field, siege^ and seacoast powder-charged shell and shrapnel and in detonatmg fuzes. Nov. 26, 1904. * Same. Nov. 26, 1904, revised July 2, 1906. 1906. (No. 1727.) Same, with title. Fuzes for use in mountain, field, siege, and seacoast projectiles, and in detonating fuzes. Nov. 26, 1904, revised Apr. 28, 1908. 1908. (No. 1727.) Griison's armor. Report on trial of Gruson's chilled cast-iron armor at Spezia, Italy, Apr. 20-29, 1886: by D. A. Lyle. 1887. 4^ [See also W7.2:G92.] 1324 Classlftcatton no. W34.2: G951 G952 H62 L61 L62 M182 M183 MIS 4 M98 N631 N63-^ N633 N63^ Or2 Or3 P63 P58 P93^ P93- P933 P94 Rl6f Rl6t R27 R59 Sell Sel2 Sel3 W34. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued General publications— Continued Gun making in United States, by Rogers Birnie, jr.; reprinted from Journal of Military Service Institution, with corrections. 1907. (No. 1755; War Dept. doc. 298.) Gunpowder. Report of experiments on gunpowder made at Washing- ton Arsenal, 1843-44; by Alfred Mordecai. Washington, printed by J. and G. S. Gideon, 1845. Historical statement. Ordnance Department as portion of United States military establishment, historical statement of rise and progress of Ordnance Department, and consideration of legal relations to Secretary of War and Army proper. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1876. Library. Catalogue of Ordnance Office library. 1875. Life-Saving Service. Report on manufacture of 100 Lyle guns and 1,200 projectiles for Life-Saving Service, with specifications and tables. 1896. (War Dept. doc. 4.) Machines. List of machines, tools, etc., and allowance of supplies issued to ordnance repair shops. Oct. 1, 1905. (No. 1812.) Same. Oct. 1, 1905, revised Aug. 16, 1907. 1907. (No. 1812.) Same. Oct. 1, 1905, revised Sept. 17, 1908. 1908. (No. 1812.) Same. Oct. 1, 1905, revised Sept. 3, 1909. 1909. (No. 1812.) * Muzzle-loading rifle. Circular letter [relating to projectiles for 3-inch wrought-iron muzzle-loading rifle]. Mar. 7, 1896. 4° Nitrocellulose. Standard methods of chemical tests of nitrocellulose and of smokeless powder for cannon. Feb. 19, 1901. 12** Same. Sept. 27, 1901. 12« Same. May 1, 1902. 12° Nitrocellulose. Official methods for examination of nitrocellulose and of smokeless powder for cannon and specifications governing manufacture of same. Dec. 1, 1903. 12^ Ordnance collection. Index to catalogue of ordnance collection. 1876. Organization of Ordnance Department and reasons for its separation from line of Army; by S. V. Benet. Washington [no publisher] 1874. Philadelphia, International Exhibition, 1876. Ordnance Department at International Exhibition, 1876. 1884. [Also in Philadelphia, International Exhibition, 1876, v. 10 (S6.13:10).] Pickens, Fort. Mounting modern ordnance, seacoast guns and carriages, report of ordnance officer at Fort Pickens, Fla., 1899. 1900. Primers for use in service cannon. Nov. 1, 1904. * Same. Nov. 1, 1904, revised Mar. 1, 1906. * Same. Nov. 1, 1904, revised June 8, 1908. 1908. (No. 1881.) Projectiles. Paints for projectiles. Revised Aug. 6, 1896. [1896.] Range finder. Lewis range finder, type A; by E. W. Hubbard. Oct. 1900. [See also W34.5:P84 1 '-\] Range table for 3.6-inch B. L. rifle, steel, with common shell; [Range table for 3.6-inch B. L. rifle, steel, with shrapnel]. [Feb. 1, 1896.] narrow 12« Relocator for use with range and position finders; by W. C. Rafferty. [1897.] Rock Island Arsenal. Statement showing how stores manufactured at Rock Island Arsenal are packed for storage and shipment, etc. [June 27, 1908.] 4° (No. 2382.) Seacoast guns. Oils, paints, and materials for cleaning and preserva- tion of seacoast guns, gun carriages, sights, and position-finding instruments. Feb. 1, 1898. * Same. Feb. 1, 1898, revised Apr. 28, 1908. 1908. (No. 1869.) Same. Feb. 1, 1898, revised Mar. 20, 1909. 1909. (No. 1869.) 1325 ria.sMllh'allon no. W34.2: Sh8' Sh8-' Sh83 Sp3 SpS T17/1980 T17/1991 » T17/19912 T17/1994' TI7/I9942 T17/1998 V66 W34:.3: (no8.) W34.4: (date) W31. ORDNANCE DEPAHTMENT-Continued General publications— Continued Shrinkages. Table of nhrinka^es, 12-in(h IJ. L. rifle, steel, L. 35, mo<]el 1895 [to accompany drawiii}^ dated Mar. 17, 1896]. [Mar. 17, 1896.] 4» Same, 10-inch B. L. rifle, steel, L. 35, model 1895 [to accompany drawing dated Apr. 8, 1896]. [Apr. 8, 1896.] 4° Same, 12-inch B. L. mortar, steel, L. 10, model 1890m, to accompany drawing dated May 8, 1896. May 8, 1896. oblong 8° Special report of new work undertaken, of modifications in supplies for service, and of experiments and tests made by Ordnance Depart- ment during Mar. and Apr. 1908. [May 16, 1908.] 4« Springfield Armory, Statement showing how stores manufactured at Springfield Armory are packed for storage and shipment, etc. Revised May 13, 1909. [1909.] 4<» (No. 2408.) [1st edition not in Public Documents Library.] Targets. Artillery and small-arms targets and equipment of target ranges. Aug. 1, 1904. (No. 1980.) Targets. Artillery targets and accessories. [Feb. 27.] 1908. (No. 1991.) Same, with title. Coast artillery targets and accessories. Feb. 27, 1908, revised June 15, 1909. 1909. (No. 1991.) Targets. Mobile artillery targets and accessories. Feb. 27, 1908. (No. 1994.) * Same. Feb. 27, 1908, revised June 25, 1909. 1909. (No. 1994.) Target range pocket book for use with U. S. magazine rifle, model of 1903, cal. .30. Apr. 28, 1908. 16« (No. 1998.) Vickers-Maxim 75mm. quick-firing mountain gun. n. d. [A correc- tion has been made on p. 9 of copy in Public Documents Library by pasting a printed slip over all but 3 lines.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 4° 1863, no. 1 1863, no. 26 no. 2 no. 27 no. 3 no. 28 no. [4] [Instructions con- no. 29 cerning making of no. 30 quarterly returns of no. 31 ordnance and ord- no. 32 nance stores.] Jan. no. 33 20, 1863. no. 34 no. 5 no. 35 no. 6 no. 36 no. 7 no. 37 no. 8 no. 38 no. 9 no. 39 no. 10 no. 40 no. 11 no. 41 no. 12 no. 42 no. 13 no. 43 no. 14 no. 44 no. 15 no. 45 no. 16 no. 46 no. 17 no. 47 no. 18 no. 48 no. 19 no. 49 no. 20 no. 50 no. 21 no. 51 no. 22 no. 52 no. 23 no. 53 no. 24 no. 54 no. 25 no. 55 1326 Classllicatlon W34. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued no. W34:.4: Circulars —Continued (date) 1863, no. 56 1864, no. 39 no. 57 no. 40 * no. 58 no. 41 no. 59 no. 42 no. 60 no. 43 no. 61 no. 44 no. 62 no. 45 no. 63 no. 46 no. 64 no. 47 no. 65 no. 48 no. 66 no. 49 * no. 67 no. 50 164, no. 1 * no. 51 Same, corrected 2d print no. 52 no. 2 no. 53 no. 3 no. 54 no. 4 no. 55 no. 5 no. 56 no. 6 no. 57 no. 7 no. 58 no. 8 no. 59 no. 9 no. 60 no. 10 no. 61 no. 11 no. 62 no. 12 no. 63 no. 13 no. 64 no. 14 no. 65 no. 15 no. 66 no. 16 1865, no. i no. 17 no. 2 no. 18 no. 3 no. 19 no. 4 no. 20 no. 5 no. 21 no. 6 * no. 22 no. 7 no. 23 no. 8 * no. 24 no. 9 no. 25 no. 10 no. 26 no. 11 no. 27 no. 12 * no. 28 no. 13 no. 29 no. 14 no. 30 no. 15 no. 31 no. 16 no. 32 no. 17 no. 33 no. 18 no. 34 no. 19 no. 35 * no. 20 * no. 36 * no. 21 * no. 37 no. 22 no. 38 no. 23 ■W34.5: Instructions, Descriptions, Handbooks [The assigning of book numbers under W34.5: is difficult owing to the fact that under certain subheads, e. g., Rapid-fire guns, there are several different publications, each with more than one edition. In such cases a modification of the usual Cutter number is necessary in order to adopt book numbers which will group publications of a similar nature, and at the same time differentiate between suc- cessive editions of the same publication. In some cases the Cutter number has been followed by a slanting line and the caliber of the gun or the weight of the Erojectile, e. g., Ar5/6 or R18/15; in a few cases the Cutter number has been fol- >wed by a slanting line and the Ordnance Department form number, e. g., T61/1988; in other cases it has been followed by a lower-case letter, e. g., P84r, R16fw. In distinguishing editions, the usual superior niunbers i» 2, 3, etc. have been used where there were no complications, e. g., B23/0 1>2; in cases where there were models of different years, it has sometimes been necessary to use the date of the model as a superior number, followed by a dash and the figures i> 2> 3» eto.^ e. g., B23/5 89«-i; in a few cases it has been necessary to use both figures and letters, e. g., D63/10 896a-3.] 1327 CUs8i0ratlon no. W34.5: Al» ' Am6 Ar5/4.7» Ar5/4.7=» Ar5/4.7=» Ar5/4.72"«»-» Ar5/4.72i7«--' Ar5/4.72i7«>-i Ar5/4.72»7«>-2 Ar5/4.72 ^^^-^ Ar5/4.72 1751-2 Ar5/6 Az3i Az32 Az33 B23/5»»«-i J323/5 890-2 B23/5»<«-i B23/5»«3-2 B23/61 B23/62 B23/81 B23/82 B23/10 1 B23/102 W31. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued Instructions, Descriptions, Handbooks— Continued AUotmpnt book. Instructions [concerning use of Allotment b(X)k). [1904.] 12« Ammunition. Instructions for preparation of blank metallic ammuni- tion. 1908. (No. 1658.) Armstrong guns. Instructions for 4.7-inch quick-firing Armstrong gun and pedestal mounting. 1898. 17 p. il. 3 pi. Same for 4.7-inch, 120mm, quick-firing Armstrong gun and pedestal mounting, 45-caliber gun. 1898. 29 p. il. 3 pi. Same for 4.7-inch rifled B. L. Armstrong gun, 40 calibers length, and automatic center pivot mounting, manufactured by Sir W. G. Armstrong, Mitchell & Co. 1900. Armstrong guns. Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for 4.72- incli gun, Armstrong, 40 caliber, mounted on barbette carriage, Armstrong. Oct. 28, 1904. (No. 1749.) * Same for 4.72-inch gun, Armstrong, 40 caliber, mounted on barbette carriage, Armstrong. Oct. 28, 1904, revised Jan. 30, 1908. (No. 1749.) * Same for 4.72-inch gun, Armstrong, 45 caliber, mounted on barbette carriage, Armstrong. Oct. 28, 1904. (No. 1750.) * Same for 4.72-inch gun, Armstrong, 45 caliber, mounted on barbette carriage, Armstrong. Oct. 28, 1904, revised Jan. 30, 1908. (No. 1750.) * Same for 4.72-inch gun, Armstrong, 50-caliber, mounted on barbette carriage, Armstrong. Oct. 28, 1904. (No. 1751.) * Same for 4.72-inch gun, Armstrong, 50-caliber, mountelH on barbette carriage, Armstrong. Oct. 28, 1904, revised Jan. 30, 1908. (No. 1751.) * Armstrong guns. Instructions for 6-inch quick-firing Armstrong gun and pedestal mounting. 1898. Azimuth instruments. Description of azimuth instrument, model of 1900, with instructions for its care and operation. Revised Dec. 1, 1905. 1905. (No. 1657.) [1st edition not in Public Documents Library.] Same. Revised Dec. 31, 1906. 1907. (No. 1657.) Same, models of 1900 and 1900 Ml, with instructions for care and operation. Revised Aug. 26, 1909. 1909. (No. 1657.) Barbette carriages, 5-inch. General description of 5-inch barbette car- riage on balanced pillar mounting, model 1896, with instructions for mounting, using, and caring for carriage. Mar. 30, 1900. Barbette carriages, 5-inch. Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for 5-inch barbette carriages, model of 1896, balanced pillar mounting. 1903. Same for 5-inch barbette carriage, model of 1903. [Oct. 19] 1905. (No. 1684.) Same for 5-inch barbette carriage,' model of 1903. Oct. 19, 1905, revised May 25, 1908. 1908. (No. 1684.) Barbette carriages, 6-inch. Instructions for mounting, using, and car- ing for 6-mch barbette carriage, model of 1900. Oct. 10, 1904. * Same. Oct. 10, 1904, revised Dec. 3, 1907. 1908. (No. 1688.) Barbette carriages, 8-inch. Instructions for mounting, using, and car- ing for 8-inch barbette carriages, model of 1892, for 8-inch rifle, model of 1888. Revised May 31, 1904. * [Ist edition not in Public Documents Library.] Same. Revised Dec. 13, 1907. 1907. (No. 1685.) Barbette carriages, 10-inch. Instructions for mounting, using, and car- ing for barbette carriage, model of 1893, for 10-inch rifles, model of 1888. Mar. 10, 1906. (No. 1/00.) Same. Mar. 10, 1906, revised Jan. 7, 1908. 1908. (No. 1700.) 1328 Classification no. W34.5; B23/12 B23/15 B23/152 B741 B742 B743 B74* C72mi C72m2 C72m3 C72ri C72r2 C72r3 C88 D36g'' D36g'' D36g3 D36m^ D36m2 D63^6 1687-1 D63/6 1687-2 D63/6 ^"^^^-^ D63/61703 W34. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT—Oontinued Instructions, Descriptions, Handbooks— Continued Barbette carriages, 12-inch. Instructions for mounting, using, and car- ing for barbette carriage, model of 1892, for 12-inch rifles, models of 1888, 1888 Ml, and 1888 M2. Feb. 5, 1908. (No. 1702.) Barbette carriages, 15-pdr. Instructions for mounting, using, and car- ing for 15-pdr. barbette carriage, model of 1903. [Jan. 30] 1907. (No. 1701.) Same. Jan. 30, 1907, revised June 10, 1909. 1909. (No. 1701.) Breech mechanism. Description of breech mechanism for service sea- coast cannon and instructions for its care, models 1888 and 1895. 1899. Same. Revised July 18, 1902. 1902. Breech mechanism. Description of breech mechanism for seacoast cannon and instructions for its care, models of 1888, 1895, 1900. Jan. 9, 1905. * Same. Jan. 9, 1905, revised Oct. 19, 1907. 1908. (No. 1665.) Colt automatic machine guns. Description and rules for management of Colt automatic machine gun, caliber .30, and pack outfit. Revised May 1, 1905. 1905. (No. 1758.) [1st edition not in Public Documents Library.] Same. Re^dsed July 25, 1906. 1906. (No. 1758.) Same. Revised Dec. 21, 1907. 1907. (No. 1758.) Colt double-action revolvers. Description of Colt's double-action revolver, army model 1894, with rules for management, mem- oranda of trajectory, and description of ammunition. 1896. (War Dept. doc. 15.) Same, army models 1894 and 1896, with rules for management, memoranda of trajectory, and description of ammunition. 1900. (War Dept. doc. 118.) Same, caliber .38, with rules for management, memoranda of tra- jectory, and description of ammunition. Apr. 1, 1905. (No. 1919.) Crusher gauges, tools and accessories, for determining pressures in can- non, with descriptions, instructions, and price list. 1902. Deflection boards. Description of deflection board, model of 1905 [for i^uns], mechanical features, method of assembling and dismount- ing, and rules governing its care and preservation in service. Jan. 26, 1906. (No. 1666.) Same. Jan. 26, 1906, revised June 30, 1906. 1906. (No. 1666.) Same. Jan. 26, 1906, revised Dec. 9, 1908. 1908. (No. 1666.) [The words "for guns" are given on the title-page of this publi- cation.] Deflection boards. Description of deflection board, model of 1906, for 12-inch mortar, mechanical features, and rules governing its care and preservation in service. Apr. 4, 1907. (No. 1668.) Same. Apr. 4, 1907, revised Dec. 13, 1907. 1908. (No. 1668.) Disappearing carria.^es for 6-inch guns. Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1903, for 6-inch R. F. guns, models of 1900 and 1903. 1905. (No. 1687.) Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1903, for 6-inch R. F. guns, models of 1900, 1903, and 1905. Revised Mar. 10, 1906. 1906. (No. 1687.) Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1903, for 6-inch R. F. guns, models of iSOO, 1903, and 1905. Revised Apr. 28, 1908. 1908. (No. 1687.) Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905, and 6-inch R. F. guns, model of 1905. Oct. 29, 1908, [published] 1909. (No. 1703.) 1329 W34. ORDNANCE I>KPARTMENT-( ontinued Instructions, J>eHcrlptlons, Handbooks— Continued' Same for disappearing: rarria2:e, L. F., model of 1905 Ml, and C-inch R. F. ffiuiH, modolH of 1903, 1905, and 1908. Oct. 29, 1908, [pub- liHlied] 1909. (No. 1704.) I)is;ip])earing carriages for 8-inrh guns. Instructiona for mounfing, using, and caring for disappearing carriage, L. F., model 1894, for 8-inch B. L. rifle. 1898. Same for 8-inch disappearing carriages, L. F.. model of 1894, for 8-inch rifles, models of 1888, 1888 Ml, and 1888 M2. June 6, 1903. * Same for 8-inch disappearing carriages, L. F., model of 1894, for 8-inrh rifles, models of 1888, 1888 Ml, and 1888 M2. June 6, 1903, revised Jan. 18, 1908. 1908. (No. 1689.) Same for 8-inch disappearing carriages, L. F., model 1896. 1898. Same for 8-inch disappearing carriages, L. F., model of 1896, for 8-inch B. L. rifles, model of 1888. Revised July 12, 1905. 1905. (No. 1690.) Same for 8-inch disappearing carriages, L. F., model of 1896, for 8-inch rifles, model of 1888. Revised Oct. 10, 1906. 1906. (No. 1690.) Disappearing carriages for 10-inch guns. Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for disappearing carriage [L. F., model 1894] for 10-inch B. L. rifle. 1897. Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model 1894, for 10-inch B. L. rifle. 1897. Same for 10-inch disappearing carriages, L. F., model 1894. 1900.' * Same for 10-inch disappearing carriages, A. R. F., model 1896. 1900.' Same for disappearing carriage, A. R. F., model of 1896, for 10-inch rifles, models of 1888 and 1895. Apr. 28, 1904. * Same for disappearing carriage, A. R. F., model of 1896, for 10-inch rifles, models of 1888 and 1895. Apr. 28, 1904, revised Dec. 21, 1907. 1907. (No. 1693.) Same for 10-inch disappearing carriages, L. F., model 1896. 1897. Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1896, for 10-inch rifles, models of 1888 and 1895. Same for disappearing carriage, L. rifles, models of 1888 and 1895. 1908. 1908. (No. 1692.) Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1901, for 10-inch rifles, models of 1895 and 1900. Oct. 14, 1907. (No. 1694.) Disappearing carriages for 12-inch guns. Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for disappearing carriage, L. F., model 1896, for 12-inch B. L. rifle. Revised June 15, 1898. 1898. [Ist edi- tion not in Public Documents Library.] Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model 1897, for 12-inch B. L. rifle. 1899. [Note on cover reads: This is an advance copy, and should be destroyed upon receipt of regular copy with contents of armament chest for 12-inch B, L. nfle, model of 1895, and names of parts.] Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1897, for 12-inch gun, model of 1895. Revised May 31, 1904. * Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1897, for 12-inch gun, model of 1895. Revised Nov. 26, 1909. 1909. (No. 1696.) Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1901, for 12-inch B. L. rifles, models of 1895 and 1900. 1903. Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1901, for 12-inch rifles, models of 1895 and 1900. Revised May 31, 1904. * Same for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1901, for 12-inch rifles, models of 1895 and 1900. Revised Mar. 23, 1908. 1908. (No. 1697.) 82452°— 11 84 ClMSlllOAtlOll no. W84.5 D63/6»'«>< D63/8'"'*-' D63/8*"'^-' D63/8»»*-» D63/8 **«»-» D63/8»»«-2 J[)(J3/8 896-3 063/108"*-^ D63/10«»<-2 D63/1089^-« D63/10»»«»-^ D63'/108»«»-2 D63/108»«»-3 D63/10«»«»-i D63/10«»«i-2 D63/10«»«.»-3 D63/10«» D63/12««« D63/12«»'-» D63/12«»7-2 D63/128«'-3 D63/12W1-I D63/12«'i-2 D63/12 901-3 May 20, 1904. F., model of 1896, for 10-inch May 20, 1904, revised Feb. 20, 1330 Classification no. W34.5 D83 F45a» F45a2 F45a3 F45bi F45b2 F51» FSl^* GI31 GI32 G22/.30hi G22/.30h2 G22/.30ii» G22/.30ii2 G22/.45 G951 G952 G953 G95/5 1 G95/52 H79 J13» JI32 J13=' M27/.22 ^924 M27/.22i»25 M27/.301 M27/.302 W34. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued Instructions, Descriptions, Handbooks— Continued Drill primers. Instructions for using drill-primer outfit in assembling, disassembling, cleaning, resizing, and reloading drill primer. 1907. 12« (No. 1880 ) Field artillery. Handbook of 3-inch field artillery material, with instructions for its care, also supply tables of ordnance stores. Aug. 1, 1905. (No. 1659.) Field artillery. Handbook of 3-inch field artillery material, with instructions for its care. Aug. 1, 1905, re\ased May 10, 1906. 1906. (No. 1659; War Dept. doc. 281.) Same. Aug. 1, 1905, revised July 17, 1908. 1908. (No. 1659; War Dept. doc. 281.) Field battery. Handbook of 3.2 inch field battery, with instructions for its care, also supply tables of ordnance stores. 1902. [1 1. numbered 10^ was issued for insertion after p. 10 of this edi- tion.] Same. July 30, 1902, revised June 23, 1908. 1908. (No. 1660.) Fire-control systems. Instructions for care, preservation, repair, and adjustment of instruments for fire-control systems for coast and field artillery. Dec. 18, 1906. (No. 1795.) Same. Dec. 18, 1906, revised Nov. 1, 1909. 1909. (No. 1795.) Gallery-practice rifles. Description and instructions for management of U. S. gallery-practice nfle, model of 1903, caliber .22. Oct. 18, 1907. * Same. Oct. 18, 1907, revised Dec. 14, 1908. 1909. (No. 1925.) Gatling guns. Handbook of Gatling gun, caliber .30, model of 1903, metallic carriage and limber, and casemate mount. June 1, 1905. (No. 1769.) Same. June 1, 1905, revised Oct. 15, 1906. 1906. (No. 1769.) Gatling guns. Nomenclature and description of Gatling gun, .30 caliber, model of 1895. Nov. 28, 1896. * Same, models of 1895 and 1900. Nov. 28, 1896, revised June 23, 1908. 1908. (No. 1757.) Gatling guns. Description of Gatling guns, caliber .45, with rules and regulations for their inspection, guns in service, their interchange- ability, carriages, tripods, and harness. 1878. Guns. Instructions for proof of guns and carriages, including star- gauging of guns and taking impressions of bore. Feb. 1905. (No. 1091.) Same. Feb. 1905, revised Nov. 7, 1906. 1906. (No. 1091.) Same. Feb. 1905, revised Mar. li, 1908. 1908. (No. 1091.) Guns, 5-inch. Description and instructions for care of 5 and 6 inch guns. May 23, 1903. * Same. May 23, 1903, revised Sept. 25, 1907. * Hotchkiss gun. Handbook of Hotchkiss 2-pounder mountain gun, caliber 42mm. or 1.65 inches. 1903. Jacks. Instructions for using and repairing Dudgeon's hydraulic jacks. 1902. Same. [Apr. 28] 1904. (No. 1803.) Same, with title, instructions for using and repairing hydraulic jacks. Apr. 28, 1904, revised Sept. 19, 1907. 1907. (No. 1803.) Magazine rifles. Description and instructions for management of .22- caliber U. S. magazine rifle, model of 1898. Nov. 20, 1906. (No. 1924.) Same, model of 1903. Oct. 18, 1907. (No. 1925.) Magazine rifles. Description and rules for management of U. S. maga- zine rifle and carbine, caliber .30. 1894. Same. 1898. 1331 CIa«8lflcatlon no. W84.5: M27/.30«'"» I M27/.30»«»-' M27/.30«»*" M27/.30»"3-3 M27/.30»°3-* M45a > M45a2 M45q M84' M84=' M84-"' M84c M84c«' M84c«|i-» M84c»»«-i M84c«««-^ M84c«®«-3 P38/8 P38/10 P72» P72=' P72a P72a2 P72f P841' W34. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued Instructions, Descriptions, Handbooks— Continued Same, magazine rifle, modol 1898, and magazine carbine, mo Same. 2d edition. Washington, Gideon & Co., printers, 1850. 12« Same. 3d edition. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1862. 12° [Back-title reads ' ' 1861 . ' '] Same. 4th edition. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1865. 12« [Back-title reads ' ' 1861 . "] Ordnance supply manual Ordnance supply manual; by George L. Lohrer. 1904. List of tools issued by Ordnance Department for engineer power plant repairs. [Jan. 31, 1906.] 12« [This list to be interpolated and indexed in Ordnance supply manual.] Same. [Aug. 1, 1907.] 12° (No. 1989.) [This list to be interpo- lated and indexed in Ordnance supply manual.] Manual for use of inspectors of ordnance Manual for use of inspectors of ordnance. Army, and their assistants. Mar. 1, 1886. * Same. Mar. 1, 1886, revised Oct. 25, 1904. * Same. Mar. 1, 1886, revised Aug. 7, 1906. 1906. (No. 1793.) Same. Mar. 1, 1886, revised May 3, 1909. 1909. (No. 1793.) 1335 W84. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued ClMslflcstloa no. W34.8: I Notes on construction of ordnance (v. noe.) (Tho volume numbors do not appear on the individual publications. Title-pages showing the volume number and tho individual numbers contalnod in each volume were included in the reprintsof v. 1 and v. 2, and a similar title-page was Issued tor v. 3, but the one for v. 4 was never published.] * * -25 [v. 1] July 20, 1882-Jan. 26, 1884 no. 1 * no. 2 * no. 3 * no. 4 * no. 5 * no. 6 * no. 7 * no. 8 * no. 9 * no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 V. 1, no8. 1-25 [Reprinted 1905 in 1 v.] [v. 2] Feb. 21, 1884-Mar. 14, 1889 no. 26 * no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 nos. 2&-50 [Reprinted 1905 in 1 v.] Nov. 1, 1889-Nov. 20, 1895 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 V. 2, V. 3 1386 Classification no. W34. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT—Continued W34.8: Notes on construction of ordnance— Coutmued (v. no8.) V. 3 Nov. 1, 1889-Nov. 20, 1895 no. 56 no. 57 no. 58 no. 59 no. 60 no. 61 no. 62 no. 63 no. 64 no. 65 no. 66 no. 67 no. 68 [v. 4] Jan. 10, 1896-Dec. 22, 1906 no. 69 no. 70 no. 71 no. 72 no. 73 no. 74 no. 75 no. 76 no. 77 no. 78 no. 79 Same, slip to accompany 79 no. 80 no. 81 no. 82 no. 83 no. 84 no. 85 no. 86 no. 87 no. 88 no. 89 [Discontinued.] W34.9: Ordnance orders 4« and 12* (date) 1893, no. 1 1894, no. 1 1894 [no. 24], index no. 2 no. 2 1895, no. 1 no. 3 no. 3 no. 2 * no. 4 no. 4 no. 3 no. 5 no. 5 no. 4 no. 6 no. 6 no. 5 no. 7 no. 7 no. 6 no. 8 no. 8 no. 7 no. 9 no. 9 no. 8 no. 10 no. 10 no. 9 no. 11 no. 11 no. 10 no. 12 no. 12 no. 11 no. 13 no. 13 no. 12 no. 14 no. 14 * no. 13 no. 15 no. 15 * no. 14 no. 16 no. 16 no. 15 no. 17 no. 17 no. 16 no. 18 no. 18 no. 17 no. 19 no. 19 [no. 18], index no. 20 no. 20 1896, no. 1 no. 21 no. 21 ^ no. 2 no. 22 no. 22 no. 3 [no. 23], index no. 23 no. 4 1337 MasRifloatlon W.M. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued no. W34.9: Ordnance orders— Continued (date) 1896, no. 5 1902, no. 7 1904, no. 24 no. 6 no. 8 no. 25 .^ 1 1897, no. 1 no. 9 no. 26 .. . ■ .(IM .,.jij no. 2 no. 10 no. 27 r no. 3 no. 11 no. 28 no. 4 no. 12 no. 29 no. 5 no. 13 no. 30 no. 6 no. 14 no. 31 no. 7 no. 15 no. 32 no. 8 no. 16 no. 33 1898, no. 1 no. 17 no. 34 no. 2 no. 18 no. 35 i] no. 3 no. 19 [no. 36], index lU no. 4 no. 20 1905, no. 1 if .an] no. 5 1903, no. 1 no. 2 no. 6 no. 2 no. 3 no. 7 no. 3 no. 4 no. 8 no. 4 no. 5 no. 9 no. 5 no. 6 1899, no. 1 no. 6 no. 7 no. 2 no. 7 no. 8 no. 3 no. 8 no. 9 no. 4 no. 9 no. 10 no. 5 no. 10 no. 11 no. 6 no. 11 Same, cor- no. 7 no. 12 rected copy no. 8 no. 13 no. 12 no. 9 no. 14 no. 13 no. 10 no. 15 no. 14 no. 11 no. 16 no. 15 1900, no. 1 no. 17 no. 16 no. 2 no. 18 no. 17 no. 3 no. 19 no. 18 no. 4 no. 20 no. 19 no. 5 no. 21 no. 20 no. 6 no. 22 no. 21 no. 7 no. 23 no. 22 no. 8 no. 24 no. 23 no. 9 no. 25 [no. 24], index no. 10 no. 26 1906, no. 1 no. 11 [no. 27], index no. 2 1901, no. 1 1904, no. 1 no. 3 no. 2 no. 2 no. 4 no. 3 no. 3 no. 5 no. 4 no. 4 no. 6 no. 5 no. 5 no. 7 no. 6 no. 6 no. 8 no. 7 no. 7 no. 9 no. 8 no. 8 no. 10 no. 9 no. 9 no. 11 no. 10 no. 10 no. 12 no. 11 no. 11 no. 13 no. 12 no. 12 no. 14 no. 13 no. 13 no. 15 no. 14 no. 14 no. 16 no. 15 no. 15 no. 17 no. 16 no. 16 no. 18 1902, no. 1 no. 17 no. 19 no. 2 no. 18 no. 20 no. 3 no. 19 no. 21 no. 3i no. 20 no. 22 no. 4 no. 21 no. 23 no. 5 no. 22 no. 24 no. 6 no. 23 [no. 25], index 1338 Classification no. W34. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued W34.9: Ordnance orders — Continued (date) 1907, no. 1 1907 [no. 17], index 1908, no, 16 no. 2 1908, no. 1 no, 17 no. 3 no. 2 no, 18 no. 4 no. 3 [no, 19], index no. 5 no. 4 1909,"no. 1" no. 6 no. 5 no, 2 no. 7 no. 6 no. 3 no. 8 no. 7 no. 4 no. 9 no. 8 no. 5 no. 10 no. 9 no. 6 no. 11 no. 10 no. 7 no. 12 no. 11 no. 8 no. 13 no. 12 no. 9 no. 14 no. 13 no. 10 no. 15 no. 14 [np. 11], index no. 16 no. 15 W34.10: Ordnance memoranda 4® and 8» (nos.) 1 [Ist edition] 1863 Same. [2d edition] 15 1865 16 2 17 3 * 18 4 19 5 20 6 21 7 22 8 [Ist edition] 23 Same. Revised edition 24 9 25 10 26 11 27 12 28 13 29 14 W34.ll: Ordnance notes large 8° (v. nos.) [V l]no. 1 * [v. l]no. 29 * [V. 2] no. 57 no. 2 * no. 30 * no, 58 no. 3 » no. 31 * no, 59 no, 4 * no. 32 * no, 60 no. 5 * no. 33 * no, 61 ;. no. 6 * no. 34 * no. 62 1 j> no. 7 * no. 35 * no, 63 no. 8 « no. 36 * no, 64 no. 9 * no. 37 * no. 65 , no. 10 * no. 38 * no, 66 X no. 11 * no. 39 * no. 67 \'. no. 12 * no. 40 * [V. 3] no. 68 <)] no. 13 « [v. 2] no. 41 no, 69 rf no. 14 * no. 42 no, 70 no. 15 * no. 43 no, 71 no. 16 * no. 44 no, 72 no. 17 « no, 45 no, 73 no. 18 « no, 46 no. 74 no. 19 « no. 47 no. 75 no. 20 * no. 48 no. 76 no. 21 * no. 49 no, 77 no. 22 * no, 50 no, 78 no. 23 * no, 51 no, 79 no. 24 * no. 52 no. 80 no. 25 * no. 53 no. 81 no. 26 * no, 54 no. 82 no. 27 * no, 55 no. 83 no. 28 « no. 56 no. 84 1389 flasAlflcatlon no. ■W34.ll: Ordnance notes—Oontinued (v. nofl.) tii,V. :r()i:gaicla£7/ [V [V. 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 [v. ' 3] no. 85 no. 86 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. .: no. no. 100 4] no. 101 no. 102 no. 103 no. 104 no. 105 no. 106 no. 107 no. 108 no. 109 no. 110 no. Ill no. 112 no. 113 no. 114 no. 115 no. 116 no. 117 no. 118 no. 119 no. 120 no. 121 no. 122 no. 123 no. 124 no. 125 5] no. 126 no. 127 no. 128 no. 129 no. 130 no. 131 no. 132 no. 133 no. 134 no. 135 no. 136 no. 137 no. 138 no. 139 no. 140 no. 141 no. 142 no. 143 no. 144 no. 145 no. 146 no. 147 no. 148 NCE I>EPAI ITM ENT-Continued -Continued [v. 5] no. 149 [v. 7] no. 213 no. 1.^ no. 214 no. 151 no. 215 no. 152 no. 216 no. 153 no. 217 no. 154 no. 218 no. 155 no. 219 no. 156 no. 220 no. 157 no. 221 no. 158 no. 222 no. 159 no. 223 no. 160 no. 224 no. 161 no. 225 no. 162 no. 226 no. 163 no. 227 no. 164 no. 228 no. 165 no. 229 no. 166 no. 230 no. 167 no. 231 [v. 6] no. 168 no. 232 no. 169 no. 233 no. 170 no. 234 no. 171 no. 235 no. 172 [v. 8] no. 236 no. 173 no. 237 no. 174 no. 238 no. 175 no. 239 no. 176 no. 240 no. 177 no. 241 no. 178 no. 242 no. 179 fTOlljjljj ; no. 243 no. 180 t /,-... 1 no. 244 no. 181 no. 245 no. 182 no. 246 no. 183 no. 247 no. 184 no. 248 no. 185 no. 249 no. 186 no. 250 no. 187 no. 251 no. 188 no. 252 no. 189 no. 253 no. 190 no. 254 no. 191 no. 255 no. 192 no. 256 no. 193 no. 257 no. 194 no. 258 no. 195 no. 259 no. 196 V. 9, no. 260 no. 197 no. 261 no. 198 no. 262 no. 199 no. 263 no. 200 no. 264 no. 201 no. 265 no. 202 no. 266 no. 203 no. 267 no. 204 no. 268 no. 205 no. 269 [v. 7] no. 206 no. 270 no. 207 no. 271 no. 208 no. 272 no. 209 no. 273 no. 210 no. 274 no. 275 no. 211 no. 212 no. 276 1340 W34. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued Classification no. "W34.ll : Ordnance notes- (v. nosi) W34.ia^t d34 839 852 877 907 W34.12 2: Ex7' Ex?^ Or2' Or22 Siiil» -Continued V. 10, no. 305 V. 11 , no. 333 no. 306 V. 12 no. 334 no. 307 no. 335 no. 308 no. 336 no. 309 no. 337 no. 310 no. 338 no. 311 no. 339 no. 312 no. 340 no. 313 no. 341 no. 314 no. 342 (■ no. 315 no. 343 no. 316 m; .oij no. 344 no. 317 Te ,oa no. 345 no. 318 i ' .A .1 no. 346 no. 319 no. 347 V. 11, no. 320 no. 348 no. 321 no. 349 no. 322 no. 350 no. 323 no. 351 no. 324 no. 352 no. 325 no. 353 no. 326 no. 354 no. 327 no. 355 no. 328 no. 356 no. 329 no. 357 no. 330 [V. 13] index noB. 1-357 no. 331 no. 332 V. 9, no. 277 no. 278 no. 279 no. 280 no. 281 no. 282 no. 283 no. 284 V. 10, no. 285 no. 286 no. 287 no. 288 no. 289 no. 290 no. 291 no. 292 no. 293 no. 294 no. 295 no. 296 no. 297 no. 298 no. 299 no. 300 no. 301 no. 302 no. 303 no. 304 (Discontinued.] Regulations tor government of Ordnance Depart- ment (general) Regulations for Ordnance Service, Sept. 1830. n. p. [1830]. 12° Regulations for government of Ordnance Department. Washington, printed by Francis Preston Blair, 1834. 12° Same. Washington, printed by Jacob Gideon, jr., 1839. Same. Washington, printed by Gideon & Co., 1852. Rules and regulations for government of Ordnance Department. 1877. [A i)ortion of the material previously included in this volume has, beginning with this issue, been published as Ordnance property regulations (W34.122:Or2).] Regulations for government of Ordnance Department. 1907. (No. 1911; WarDept.doc. 302.) Rules and regulations (special) Explosives. Regulations governing preparation of explosives for trans- portation. Mar. 29, 1906. 12« (No. 1720.) Same. Mar. 29, 1906, revised Nov. 17, 1906. 1906. 12" (No. 1720.) Ordnance. Regulations for care, preservation, and accountability of ordnance and ordnance stores, with instructions for making re- turns, reports, etc., prescribed by chief of ordnance, for use of troops in military service of United States. 1877. [Back-title reads: Ordnance property regulations, 1877. Published previous to 1877, as part of Regulations for government of Ordnance Department (W34.12 1;)] Same, with title, Ordnance property regulations, 1909. 1910. (No. 1912.) Small arms. Regulations for inspection of small arms, 1823. Davis & Force, print [^823]. 12° 1341 Clftssincatlun no. W34.12 3: Sml» Sm7» Sm72 W34.13: (CT) W34.14: (date) W34.15: (CT) W34.16: (CT) W34.17: (v. nos.) W34. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued Rules and regiilations (special)— Continued Small arms. Rules for trial of small arms submitted by inventors at Springfield Armory. [Oct. 1, 1900. J Smokeless powder. Regulations for examination and storage of smoke- less powders in store at powder depots. Mar. 8, 1902. * Same. Mar. 8, 1902, revised May 13, 1907. 1907. 12° (No. 1888.) Specifications, Instructions to bidders, Proposals [Cataloeues of materials and supplies required at arsenals, etc., should be entered under W34.16:] Tests of metals at Watertown Arsenal 1881 [2021-12] [No edition without Congressional document number. ] 1882 2073-11 1883 2163-5] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1884 2334-35] 1885 [2335-36] 1886, pt.l [2480^-31] Same, pt. 2 [2480^-31] 1887 [2555-16] 1888 [2653-451 1889 [2740-14] [No edition without Congressional document number. ] 1890 [2864-165] 1891 [2956-161] 1892 [3104-43] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1893 [3438-373] 1894 [3321-92] 1895 [3413-54] 1896 [3519-131 1897 [3669-164' 1898 [3810-143 1899 [3978-300 1900 [4154-190 1901 [4372-508 1902 [4526-335 1903 [4707-521 1904 [4857-291 1905 [4983-22]' 1906 [5149-26] 1907 (War Dept. doc. 307.) [5282-636] 1908 (War Dept. doc. 337.) [5444-1322] 1909, V. 1, pts. 1, 2 [5737 '-149] Same, v. 2, pts. 3, 4 [5737 ^-149] Same, V. 3, pt. 5 [5737 M49] Sales of condemned ordnance and stores [This class includes cataloRues of condemned ordnance and ordnance stores to be sold at arsenals and forts, and notices of public and private sales.] Catalogues of materials and supplies required at arsenals, etc. [Other publications entitled Specifications, Instructions to bidders, and I'roposals should be entered under W34.13:] Collection of ordnance reports and other Important papers relating to Ordnance Department Collection of annual reports and other important papers V. 1, 1812-44 V. 2, 1845-60 Collection of ordnance reports and other important papers V. 3, 1860-89 V. 4, 1860-89 [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1342 Classiflcatlon no. W34. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued W34.18: Price-Usts 4t,]!ti AmG Ci6 C72p C72r ' F45b F45g G95 H78 In3 M27 M661 M662 J no Ml M86 [All price-lists whether so designated in the title or not have been included in this class.] Ammunition. Price list of ammunition and its components for artil- lery of position including powders, cartridge bags, and cartridge storage cases. Apr. 10, 1909. (No. 1892.) Cannon. Price list of tools and implements packed in armament chests I . for siege and seacoast cannon. 1899. Cavalry forge and tools for field service [price-list]. Aug. 5, 1901. [This is a corrected page to be substituted for the corresponding page in the last preceding price-list of ordnance and ordnance stores.] Colt pistol. Component parts [of] automatic Colt pistol, caliber .38 [price-list]. [1901.] [This is a corrected page to be substituted for the corresponding page in the last preceding price-list of ordnance and ordnance stores.] Colt's revolver. Colt's revolver, caliber .45, and Colt's double-action revolver, caliber .38, armv model [price-lists]. [1901.] [This is a corrected page to be substituted for the corresponding page in the last preceding price-list of ordnance and ordnance stores.] Equipments. Price list of ordnance stores comprising equipments for soldier, horse equipments, and officers' equipments, and their spare parts. [Nov. 10] 1905. (No. 1885.) [See also W34.18:B.78, Of2, and Sml/1879.] Field battery. Cost of battery of 4 3.2-inch B. L. steel field guns. [Nov. 1900.] Field guns. Price list of ordnance and ordnance stores, comprising 3-inch field guns, with their artillery carriages, subcaliber car- tridges, harness, articles for fire control, tarc^ets and taro:et mate- rial^ decapping, cleaning, and priming tools, ammunition, and their spare parts, accessories, implements, and equipments. [May 22] 1907. (No. 1889.) Guns. Price list of 8-inch, 10-inch, and 12-inch guns and carriages with their accessories, implements, and equipments. Apr. 13, 1909. (No. 1894.) Horse equipments. Class 7, horse equipments [price-list]. [Jan. 7, 1901.] [This is a corrected list to be substituted for the corre- sponding list in the last preceding price-list of ordnance and ordnance stores. See also W34.18:Eq5 and Sml/1879.] Infantry equipments. Class 7, infantry equipments [price-list]. [1901.] [This is a corrected page to be substituted for the corresponding page in the last preceding price-list of ordnance and ordnance stores. See also W34.18:Eq5 and Sml/1879.] Magazine carbine. Price of U. S. magazine carbine, cal. .30, model 1896. [1896.] [This is a corrected page to be substituted for the corresponding page in the last preceding price-list of ordnance and ordnance stores.] Mines, Submarine. Price list of articles of submarine mine equipment. [Sept. 1] 1906. (No. 1887.) Same. Sept. 1, 1906, revised Oct. 1, 1909. 1909. (No. 1887.) Mortars. Price list of 12-inch mortars and carriages with their acces- ^''* series, implements, and equipments. [Apr. 30] 1909. (No. -. . 1895.) Mountain guns. Price list of ordnance and ordnance stores comprising 2.95-inch mountain gun with its carriage, pack outfits, tools, implements, etc.. for portable outfit, subcaliber cartridge kit, decapping, cleaning, and priming tools, ammunition and spare parts, accessories, implements and equipments. [Jan. 30] 1908. (No. 1891.) 1343 ClM8lfle*Uon no. W34.18: Of2 Or2« Or2» Or23 Ot2* Sa3 Selr Sels Sml/1879 Sml/1882 Sml/1884 T17 T178 T75 W;M. ordnance department— Continued Price-lists — Continued Officers. Price list of principal articles for sale to officers of Army by Ordnance Department. 1905. (No. 1883.) [See also W34.18: Eq5 and Sml/1879.] Ordnance. Price list of ordnance stores, arms, equipments, etc. n. p. n. d. Ordnance. Price list of ordnance and ordnance stores. 1877. Same. 1903. Same. 1904. (No. 1879.) Saluting guns. Price list of ordnance and ordnance stores comprising 3-inch W. I. saluting gun, and machine and automatic guns, with their carriages, mounts, decapping, cleaning, and priming tools, pack outfits, ammunition, and their spare parts and equipments. [Nov. 6] 1907. (No. 1890.) Seacoast guns. Price list of raf)id-fire seacoast guns and carriages, 2.24 to 6 inch calibers, inclusive, and their parts, accessories, imple- ments and equipments. May 10, 1909. (No. 1896.) Seacoast guns. Price list of subcaliber guns, subcaliber and drill car- tridges, and their fittings and accessories, pertaining to seacoast artillery. Apr. 10, 1909. (No. 1893.) Small arms. Price list of small arms and hand arms, small arms ammu- nition, personal equipments of soldier, comprising infantry, cav- alry, artillery, and band equipments, horse equipments, officers' equipments, and miscellaneous articles for use or troop, battery, and company organizations. Revised May 20, 1908. 1908. (No. 1879.) [1st edition not in Public Documents Library. See also W34.18:Eq5, H78, In3, Of 2, T75, and entries following this under Sml.] Small arms. Price list of ordnance stores comprising small and hand arms and their spare parts and appendages. [Aug. 16] 1905. (No. 1882.) [See also W34.18:Sml/1879.] Small arms. Price list of ordnance stores comprising small arms ammu-r nition and its components. [Oct. 17] 1905. (No. 1884.) [See also W34.18:Sml/1879.] Targets, etc. [price-list], n. d. [This is a corrected page to be substi- tuted for the corresponding page in the last preceding price- list of ordnance and ordnance stores.] Targets. Price list of seacoast targets, photoprinting and drafting arti- cles, resizing and reloading outfit for drill primer and pressure gauges. May 13, 1909. (No. 1897.) Troop organizations. Price list of ordnance stores comprising miscella- neous articles for troop, battery, and company organizations, in- cluding cleaning and preserving supplies for all branches of serv- ice. [Jan. 11] 1906. (No. 1886.) [5ee a/so W34.18:Sml/1879.] W35. ORDNANCE AND FORTIFICATION BOARD W35.1: (date) [Created by act approved Sept. 22, 1888 (Stat. L. v. 25, p. 489).] Annual reports (The reports of the Ordnance and Fortification Board, with the exception of the reports for 1891, 1892, and 1909, appear also in the reports of the War Department 1891 [Oct. 30, 1888-Oct. 30, 1891, 1st] [2949-12] Congressional document number.] 1892, Oct. 24, 1891-Oct. 30, 1892, [2d] [3103-11] Congressional document number " 1893, Oct. 31, 1892-Oct. 31, 1893, 3d 1894, Oct. 31, 1893-Oct. 31, 1894, 4th 1895, Oct. 31, 1894-Oct. 31, 1895, 5th [Imprint date 1896.] [No edition without [No edition without 3218-23] 3319-136] '3349-56] [Imprint date 1895.] 1344 Classification W35. no. ORDNANCE AND FORTIFICATION BOARD - Continued W35.1: (date) W35.2: F51 M84 W35.3: (nos.) W35.4: i, ,„(no8.) Annual reports — Continued 1896, Oct. 31, 1895-Oct. 31, 1896, 6th [3467-32] 1897, Oct. 31, 1896-Oct. 31, 1897, 7th [3590-27' 1898, Oct. 31, 1897-Oct. 31, 1898, 8th [3725-21' 1899, Oct. 31,1898-Oct. 31,1899, 9th [3846-23] 1900, Oct. 31, 1899-Oct. 31, 1900, 10th [4 148-159] 1901, Nov. 1, 1900-JunG 30, 1901, 11th 4322-85] 1902, July 1, 1901-June 30, 1902, 12th [4496-245] 1903, July 1, 1902-June 30, 1903, 13th [In 4629-2] 1904, July 1, 1903-June 30, 1904, 14th [In 4782-2] 1905, July 1, 1904-June 30, 1905, 15th [4985-85] 1906, July 1, 1905-June 30, 1906, 16th [5150-90 1907, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1907, 17th [5239-57 1908, fiscal year, 18th [5557-1227] 1909, fiscal year, [19th] [5834-271] General publications Fire control. Test of system of fire control and direction in Pensacola Harbor, Fla., Apr. 1903. 1903. [Confidential.] Mortar fire. Tests of mortar fire in Portland Harbor, Me., fall of 1901. 1902. [Confidential.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] W36. PAY DEPARTMENT [The earliest legislation concerning pay of the Army was a resolution of the Continental Congress at Phila- delphia, Pa., June 16, 1775. The Pay Department was established by act approved Apr. 24, 1816 (Stat. L. V. 3, p. 297), which oreanized the general staff and made further provisions for the Army. See, for Sketch of organization of Pay Department, 1775-1876, W36.2:P29 1.] W36.1: (date) W36.2: An7 D37 D56 M511 M512 P291 P292 P293 Annual reports [1826-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and since 1866 usually issued separately also.] General publications Annuity scheme. Reports on annuity scheme [for officers of Army]; by Benj'n Alvord. [1878.] Delay. Memorandum circular [extracts from Army regulations relative to delay of payments to officers]. Mar. 24, 1903. 12° Digest of recent decisions, orders, and rulings pertaining to pay of Army, edited to include Feb. 15, 1900; prepared by C. C. Sniff en [and] H. L. Rogers. 1900. large 8° Memoranda, circulars, and circular letters of paymaster-general's office. 1875. 12° [This compilation includes some unnumbered cir- culars. Circulars 1-104, Jan. 2, 1864-Sept. 8, 1874 (except 102, which number was not issued), and Memoranda 1-61, Apr. 21, 1864-Sept. 27, 1866. It is likely that most of these as first sent out were not printed but written. See, for later Circulars, W36 .4 :] Memorandum index for officers of Pay Department. 1863. * [See, for revision, W36.7 ^"864 \] Pay Department. Sketch of organization of Pay Department, 1775- 1876; [by A. B. Carey]. Washington, D. C, Paymaster General's Office, 1876. Pay. Compendium of pay of Army, 1785-1888; compiled by Thomas M. Exley. 1888. Pay. Table of daily rates of pay, enlisted men of Army, including 20 £er centum allowed by act of Congress approved Apr. 26, 1898. [ay, 1898. oblong 8° 1345 Claiwinratloii no. W36.2: P29« W36.3: (no8.) W36.4: (no8.) W36. PAY DEPARTMENT— Continued General publications— Continued Same. Sept. 10, 1899. oblong 8« See, for Army pay tables, W36.10: Bulletins >. [None issued.] Circulars 12° 1-104 See entry and 157 note under 158 W36.2:M51. 159 105 160 106 161 107 162 108 163 109 164 110 165 111 [Typewritten.] 166 112 167 113 168 114 169 115 170 116 171 117 172 118 173 119 174 120 175 121 176 122 177 123 178 124 179 125 180 126 * 181 127 182* 128 [Typewritten.] 183 129 184 130 185 131 [Typewritten.] 186 132 [Typewritten.] 187 133 188 134 189 135 [Erroneously 190 printed 136.] 191 136 192 137 [Typewritten.] 193 138 194 139 195 140 196 141 197 142 198 143 199 144 200 145 201 146 202 147 203 148 204 149 205 150 206 151 207 152 208 153 209 154 210 155 211 156 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 24P, Dec. 23, 1899 [Withdrawn.] Same, Jan. 5, 1900 [Given number of circular of Dec. 23, 1899, which was with- drawn.] 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 82452°— 11 -85 1346 CUssiflcation no. W36.4 : (no8.) W36.5: (date) W36. PAY DEPARTMENT— Continued W36.6: (date) Circulars — Continued 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 Distance circulars ■ff no. 5 no. 1 no. no, 4 31 no. 25 no. 30 5 no. no. 1 no. 2 30 no. 3 31 no. 4 no. 5 25 no. 6 no. 1 no. 2 15 no. 3 no. 4 12° no. 1 [Amends [Amending Official table of distances, 1894 (W36.9:894).] [Issued when necessary to amend the Official table of distances (W36.9:). The circulars which amend each edition of the Official table are numbered as shown below. The file of Distance circulars in the Public Documents Library is incomplete.] 1890, Feb. 13 no. 3 [Amends Official table of distances, 1888 (W36.9: 888).] 1894, Jufie 30 no. 1 1895, Jan. 31 no. 2 Same, June 15 no. 3 Same, Oct. 31 no. 4 1896, Feb. 7 Same, July 1898, Feb. 15 Same, June Same, Aug. 1899, July 15 1899, Nov. 30 1900, June 1 Same, June Same, Oct. 1901, Feb. 6 Same, Feb. 1902, June 9 1903, Jan. 1 Same, Mar. 1904, Oct. 13 1905, Dec. 15 (W36.9:905).] 1907, Mar. 20 no. 1 ^ Same, May 25 no. 2/ Stoppage circulars 12» and 8° [Issued usually on the 15th of each month.] 1872, Aug. * 1874, [Amending Official table of distances, 1897 (W36.9:897).] [Amending Official table of distances, 1899 (W36.9:899).] [Amending Official table of distances, 1902 (W36.9:902).] Official table of distances, 1905 [Amending Official table of distances, 1906 (W36.9:906).] Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1873, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. ' Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1875, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May im ClaHsinratloa no. W86. PAY 1>KPAHTMENT- — Contin W36.6: Stoppage clrculara— CoiUiMMq4 (date) 1875, June * 1880 ,Oct. « July * Nov. * Aug. * Dec. * Sept. * 1881 , Jan. # Oct. * Feb. * Nov. * Mar. * Dec. * Apr. May * 1876, Jan. * * Feb. * June * Mar. * July * Apr. * Mky * Aug. Sept. * * June * Oct. * July * Nov. * Aug. * Dec. * Sept. * 1882 , Jan. * Oct. * Feb. * Nov. * Mar. * ~ Dec. * Apr. Mky n 1877, Jan. * M Feb. ♦ June « Mar. * July * May * Aug. Sept. * * June * Oct. * July ^ , Nov. * Aug. *;• Dec. * Sept. * 1883 , Jan. * Oct. * Feb. * Nov. * Mar. * Dec. * 1878, Jan. * Apr. May * * Feb. * June * Mar. * July * Apr. * Mky * Aug. Sept. |;- June o* Oct. July * Nov. * Aug. * Dec. * Sept. * 1884 , Jan. * Oct. * Feb. * Nov. * Mar. * Dec. * Apr. * 1879, Jan. * May * Feb. * June >>M Mar. * July ♦ Apr. » May * Aug. Sept. * June * Oct. It July * Nov. * Aug. * Dec. * Sept. * 1885 , Jan. * Oct. ♦ Feb. * Nov. * Mar. * Dec. * 1880, Jan. * Apr. May * * Feb. * June * Mar. * July * Aor. * M^y * Aug. Sept. * * June * Oct. * July * Nov. * Aug. * Dec. * Sept. * 1886 , Jan. # 1348 Classification no. W36. PAY DEPARTMENT —Continued W36.6: Stoppage clrculars- -Continued (date) 1886, Feb. * 1891, June * Mar. * July * Apr. May * Aug. Sept. * * June » Oct. * July * Nov. * Aug. * Dec. * Sept. * 1892, Jan. * Oct. * Feb. * Nov. « Mar. * Dec. * Apr. May * 1887, Jan. « * Feb. * June * Mar. * July * Apr. * Aug. * May * Sept. * June * Oct. * July * Nov. * Aug. * Dec. * Sept. « 1893, Jan. « Oct. * Feb. * Nov. * Mar. * Dec. * Apr. * 1888, Jan. * May Mr Feb. * June * Mar. * July « Apr. * Aug. it May * Sept. * June * Oct. * July * Nov. « Aug. * Dec. * Sept. * 1894, Jan. * Oct. * Feb. * Nov. « Mar. * Dec. * Apr. May * 1889, Jan. * * Feb. * June it Mar. » July it Apr. May * Aug. Sept. « June * Oct. July * Nov. Aug. * Dec. Sept. * 1895, Jan. Oct. * Feb. Nov. * Mar. Dec. * Apr. 1890, Jan. ♦ May Feb. * June Mar. * July Apr. May * * Aug. Sept. June * Oct. July * Nov. Aug. * Dec. Sept. * 1896, Jan. Oct. * Feb. Nov. it Mar. Dec. * Apr. 1891, Jan. * May Feb. * June Mar. * July [Withdrawn.] Apr. May » Same, corrected « Aug. 1349 ClMMlflcatlon no. W36. PAY D] EPARTMENT- W36.G: Stoppage circulars— Continued (date) 1896, Sept. 1901, Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1902, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1897, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. May Mar. Apr. Mky June July June Aug. July Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1903, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1898, Jan. Mar. Feb. May Mar. Apr. June May July June Aug. July Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1904, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1899, Jan. Mar. Feb. Mar. M^y Apr. May June July June Aug. July Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1905, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1900, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. May Mar. Apr. June May July June Aug. July Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 1906, Jan. Dec. Feb. 1901, Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. Mar. May Same, revised Mar . 25 June Apr. May July Aug. June Sept. July Oct. Aug. Nov. Sept. Dec. Oct. 1907, Jan. f t A corrected 2d print was issued. 1350 Classification no. W36.G: (date) W36.7 ' : (date) W36.7 2: (date) W36.8: (date) W36. PAY DEPARTMENT— Continued " -"" * .«u Stoppage circulars— Continued >.; 5.^:7/ 1907, Feb. 1908, Aug. Mar. Sept. Apr. Oct. May Nov. June Dec. July 1909, Jan. Aug. Feb. Sept. Mar. Oct. Apr. Nov. May Dec. June 1908, Jan. July Feb. Aug. Mar. Sept. Apr. Oct. May Nov. June Dec. July Manual for Pay Department Army paymaster's manual 1864; revised to Dec. 31, 1863 12° [This is a revision of the Memoran- dum index of June 30, 1863; see W36.2:M512.] Same; revised to June 30, 1864 12° Same, supplement to Mar. 4, 1865 * Same, supplement to Nov. 30, 1865 *• Same, appendix. July 28, 1866. * 1867 [The copy in the Public Documents Library is imperfect.] 1869 1871 1884 Manual for Pay Department 1896 12« (War Dept. doc. 20.) [Interleaved.] 1898 (War Dept. doc. 69.) 1902 (War Dept. doc. 170.) 1905 [1st edition.] (War Dept. doc. 170.) Same. [2d edition.] [Includes Manual amendment circulars 1-3 of 1905, dated respectively May 25 and Sept. 30, 1905, and June 25, 1906; 566 W36.7 2:905 1>3.] 1907 [1st edition.] (War Dept. doc. 170.) Same. [2d edition.] [Includes Manual amendment circulars 1 and 2 of 1907, dated respectively Dec. 1, 1907, and June 26, 1908; see W36.7 2:907 1.2.] Manual amendment circulars 1905 [no. 1] May 25 no. 2 Sept. 30 no. 3 June 25, 1906 1907, no. 1 Dec. 1 * \ no. 2 June 26, 1908/ no. 3 Oct. 7, 1908 Monthly station list of officers Station list of paymasters [Reprinted in 2d edition of the 1905 Manual; see W36.7i:905 2.] [Reprinted in 2d edition of the 1907 Manual; see W 36. 7^:907 "".] 1869, Aug. * 1870, Mar. Sept. * Apr. Oct. * May Nov. * June Dec. * July 1870, Jan. * Aug. Feb. * Sept. 1870, Oct. * 1871, May Nov. . *. . June Dec. ■*n ■;. July 1871, Jan. * Aug. Feb. * Sept, Mar. * Oct. Apr. * Nov, 1351 Claiwinratlon no. W36. PAY Dl EP ARTMENT -Cc ntinued W36.8: Monthly station list of officers— Continaed (date) Station list of paymasters— Continued 1871, Dec. * 1873, Jan. » 1874, Feb. # 1875, Mar. * 1872, Jan. * Feb. » Mar. * Apr. * May * Feb. ♦ Mar. » Apr. M^y » Mar. * Apr. May * «(' June * Apr. ♦ \fay * * June * July * June » July * Aug. ♦ June * July * Aug. * Sept. ♦ July * Aug. * Sept. * Oct. * Aug. * Sept. ♦ Oct. * Nov. * Sept. * Oct. * Nov. # Dec. * Oct. * Nov. * Dec. * Nov. * Dec. * 1875, Jan. It Dec. * 1874, Jan. * Feb. * Quarterly station list of paymasters 1876, Jan. * 1878, July «■ 1881, Jan. * 1883, July ♦ Apr. * Oct. * Apr. * Oct. ♦ July * 1879, Jan. * July * 1884, Jan. * Oct. * Apr. * Oct. * Apr. * 1877, Jan. * July * 1882, Jan. * July * Apr. * Oct. * Apr. * Oct. * July * 1880, Jan. * July * 1885, Jan. * Oct. * Apr. * Oct. * 1878, Jan. * July * 1883, Jan. * Apr. * Oct. * Apr. * Quarterly station list of officers 1885, Apr. * 1887, Oct. * 1890, Apr. 1892, Oct. July * 1888, Jan. *i \ July 1893, Jan. Oct. * Apr. *• Oct. Apr. 1886, Jan. * July *• 1891, Jan. July Apr. * Oct. *■ Apr. Oct. July * 1889, Jan. *• July 1894, Jan. Oct. * Apr. *• Oct. Apr.t 1887, Jan. * Apr. * July * July Oct. 1890, Jan. * 1892, Jan. Apr. July 1898, Sept. t Monthly station list of officers 1899, Jan. 1900, Aug. 1902, Feb. 1903, Sept. Feb. Sept. Mar. Oct. Mar. Oct. Apr. May Nov. Apr. Mky Nov. Dec. Dec. June 1904, Jan. June 1901, Jan. July Feb. July Feb. Aug. Mar. Aug. Mar. Sept. Apr. Mky Sept. Apr. [Nc ne Oct. Oct. issued. 1 Nov. June Nov. May Dec. July Dec. Jime 1903, Jan. Aug. 1900, Jan. July Feb. Sept. Feb. Aug. Mar. Oct. Mar. Sept. Apr. May Nov. Apr. May Oct. Dec. Nov. June 1905, Jan. June Dec. July Feb. July 1902, Jan. Aup:. Mar. fThe Public Documents Library has no definite information concerning issues between Oct. 1887 and Oct. 1889, although the probabilities are that there were quarterly issues during that period. JNone issued between Apr. 1894, and Sept. 1898, after which the publication became monthly, beginning with Jan. 1899. 135^ Classification no. W36. PAY DEPARTMENT— Continued W36.8: Montlily station list of officers — Continued (date) 1905, Apr. 1906, July May Aug. 1907, Oct. 1909, Jan. Nov. Feb. June Sept. Dec. Mar. July Oct. 1908, Jan. Apr. May Aug. Nov. Feb. Sept. Dec. Mar. June .^ Oct. 1907, Jan. Apr. M^y July Nov. Feb. Aug. Dec. Mar. June Sept. 1906, Jan. Apr. Feb. May July Oct. Aug. Nov. Mar. June Sept. Dec.t Apr. July May Aug. Oct. Nov. June Sept. Dec. W36.9 : Official table of distances 8«> and 4« (dat«) See, for Distance circulars, amending Official table, W36.5: 1881 [Effective Jan. 1, 1882. 1884 1885 Interleaved.] 1886 1888 1894 1897 (War Dept. doc. 43.) 1899 (War Dept. doc. 106.) 1902 (War Dept. doc. 154.) 1905 (War Dept. doc. 242.) 1906 (War Dept. doc. 276.) W36.10: Army pay tables 4° (date) See also WiQ.2-:?2'd^-\ 1904, Feb. 23 1907, July 1 1908, June 1 ' ■ ,. ; W37. PROVOST-MARSHAL-GENERAt, [This office was established according to provisions of act of Mar. 3, 1863 (Stat. L. v. 12, p. 732). the first Provost-Marshal-General being appointed Mar. 17, 1863. Abolished, Aug. 28, 1866, by act of July 28, 1866 (Stat. L. v. 14, p. 337), the business being then turned over to the Adjutant-General (W3.). The medical statistics recorded by this office during the War of the Rebellion were printed by the Medical Department in 1875; see W44.2:St2 >>2.] W37.1: Annual reports (date) [1863-65, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued separately also. Final report on operations of bureau from Mar. 17, 1863, to Mar. 17, 1866, was pub- lished In 2 V. as appendix to annual report of War Department, 1865; see Wl.l: 865 3>4. A final report of the Adjutant-General's Office "relative to the late bureau and office of the Provost-Marshal-General" was published in 1875; see W3.2:P94.] W37.2 : General publications Final report of Adjutant-General's Office relative to completion and closing of business connected with collecting, drilling, and organ- izing volunteers, and late bureau and office of Provost-Marshal- General. .See W3.2:P94. N84 Notice [relative to publishing by district provost-marshals, as handbill: Men wanted for invalid corps]. June 11, 1863. 12^* Statistics, medical and anthropological, of Provost-Marshal-General's Bureau, derived from records of examination for military service in armies of United States during late War of Rebellion, of over a million recruits, drafted men, substitutes, and enrolled men; compiled by J. H. Baxter. See W44.2:St2 ^'\ t Series discontinued with issue for Oct. 1910. Lists for Jan.-Oct. 1910 are not included in this Checklist, which ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. 1353 ClMsiflrstlon no. W87.3: (noa.) W87.4: (date) W37.5: (date) W37. PRO VOST-MARSHAIj-GENERAIi— Continued Bulletins [None issued.] ^ V Circulars [The Public Documents Library has Circulars 1-106 of 1863, and 1-12 of 1864. The flies not being complete, they are not listed here.] Regulations 1863, Apr. 21 1864, Apr. [May] 1 Same, Sept. 1 W38. PUBIilC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS OFFICE (The Commissioner of Public Buildings (1 1.51:) was relieved of the work of lliis ofTice, and the work placed luuler the chief engineer of the Armv, by act approved Mar. 2, 1807. See, for historical informa- '" ■ ' 8(W7.1>:9008, or W.W.I :900). Seealsouote tion, p. o27.3-86 of Engineer Department report for 1900, pt. under 11.51:] W38.1: (date) W38.2: B221 B222 R861 R862 R863 W38.3: (nos.) "^8.4: (nos.) W38.5: (CT) Annual reports [See, for earlier reports, 1 1.51: 1867-1909, issued as appendixes to annual reiwrts of the Engineer Department (W7.11:), and usually issued separately also.] General publications Band concerts. Schedule for band concerts in public parks [W^ashing- ton, D. C], for summer of 1908, June 1 to Sept. 29. May 15, 1908. 12«> Same, for summer of 1909. May 25, 1909. 12« Rules and regulations for United States parks and reservations, Wash- ington, D. C. July 1, 1900. narrow 12° Same [circular amending]. Jan. 16, 1901. narrow 12** Rules and regulations for United States parks and reservations, Wash- ington, D. C. July 20, 1907. 24<* Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] Specifications W39. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT [A quartermaster-general for the Army was first authorized by resolution of the Continental Congress, June 16, 1775. The Quartermaster's Department was established by act approved Mar. 28, 1812 (Stat. L. V. 2, p. 696). See, for Sketch of organization of Quartermaster's Department, 1774-1876, W39.6:869m.] W39.1: (date) W39.1«: (date) W39.2: Ar5 B61 B86 Annual reports [1826-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and usually issued sepa- rately also.] Annual reports (separates) General publications Arlington, Va. Circular letter [concerning burial in national cemetery- Arlington, Va.J. July 19, 1909. 12<' Blanks. List of blanks and books supplied by Quartermaster's Depart- ment. [Jan. 1, 1896.] f« Boilers. Circular letter (concerning cleaning of boilers in steamers of Quartermaster's Department]. Jan. 1, 1906. 12«» Buildings. [Drawings of military buildings.] 1872. 12° / 1354 Classification no. W39.2 : C891 C892 F66 H34 H36 H78 M59 N21 P25 P84 R13 Sh7 St2i St22 T68» T682 T683 W12 W42 W39.3: (nos.) W39.4: (date) W39. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT— Cont'd General publications— Continued £juba. Report of embarkation of expedition for Cuban intervention from Newport News, Va., between Sept. 29, 1906, and Oct. 19, 1906; by Thomas H. Slavens. * Same. 2d edition, n. p. [1907]. Florida war. Record of officers and soldiers killed in battle and died in service during Florida war. 1882. Headstones. Circular letter [concerning data to be furnished by appli- cants for headstones for graves of soldiers or sailors of Revolu- tionary War, War of 1812, and Mexican War]. June 1, 1908. 12° Helmets. Standard helmets and trimmings. 1881. large 4° Horse-shoeing. Hints on horseshoeing, being exposition of Dunbar sys- tem, taught to farriers of Army, under authority of joint resolu- tion of Congress of July 28, 1866; prepared by John Kieman. 1871. 4« Military post exchanges. Memorandum showing in detail purposes for which appropriations made by Congress for military post ex- changes since June 30, 1902, have been expended. Nov. 15, 1907. National cemeteries. List of national cemeteries, showing number of interments in each, June 30, 1896. f ** Parsons, Lewis B. Reports to War Department; bj^ Lewis B. Parsons, chief of rail and nver transportation. St. Louis, George Knapp & Co., 1867. Posts and stations. Outline description of military posts and stations in 1871. 1872. 4" [Interleaved.] , Raihx)ads. Table of land grant raib-oads. 1876. 12° '1 j '^«>i Shoe. Military shoe, by S. A. Salquin; 1st prize in oflScial military competition in 1874, with preface by [Ferd] Lecomte, of Swiss Army. 1883. [Translation.] Stars and stripes [memoranda relative to United States flag and other flags furnished by Quartermaster's Department]. [1st edition.] Oct. 4, 1909. 11 p. 12° Same. [2d edition.] Oct. 4, 1909. 10 p. 12° Transportation. Report on transportation of troops and military stores over Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe Railroad, 1875-76. 1881. Transportation of military property under contract by rail, water, and wagon. 1884. Transportation. Pack transportation; by H. W. Daly. 1908. Wagon harness. Army wagon harness, horse and mule. 1877. 4° Weight. Table of weight of each article of clothing and equipage, showing form, contents, and weights of regular shipping packages of same, and tables of quantities of material required in manufac- ture of army clothing and equipage. 1888. BuUetlns [None issued.] Circulars 12° and 8° [It is probable that many circtilars, both written and printed, have been sent out by the Quartermaster's Department which it is impossible to get trace of now. The file in the Public Documents Library is incomplete.] 1868, Feb. 21 >SeeW39.7:l-13. 1901, Feb. 26 1894, Aug. 20 May 15 1895, Oct. 9 June 22 1896, Feb. 8 June 26 Dec. 8 June 29 1900, Aug. 15 1904, no. 1 Sept. 21 no. 2 1901, Jan. 18 no. 3 Feb. 4 no. 4 1355 ClJUtslflcatlon no. W39. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPAR \V39.4: Circulars— Continued (date) 1904, no. 5 1906, no. 7 no. 6 no. 8 no. 7 no. 9 no. 8'< no. 10 no. 9 no. 11 no. 10 no. 12 no. 11 no. 13 no. 12 no. 14 no. 13 no. 15 no. 14 no. 16 no. 15 no. 17 no. 16 no. 18 no. 17 no. 19 no. 18 no. 20 no. 19 no. 21 no. 20 no. 22 no. 21 no. 23 no. 22 no. 24 no. 23 no. 25 no. 24 no. 26 no. 25 no. 27 no. 26 no. 28 no. 27 no. 29 1905, no. 1 no. 30 no. 2 no. 31 no. 3 1907, no. 1 no. 4 no. 2 no. 5 no. 3 no. 6 no. 4 no. 7 no. 5 no. 8 . no. 6 no. 9 no. 7 no. 10 no. 8 no. 11 no. 9 no. 12 no. 10 no. 13 no. 11 no. 14 no. 12 no. 15 no. 13 no. 16 no. 14 no. 17 no. 15 no. 18 no. 16 no. 19 no. 17 no. 20 no. 18 no. 21 2 editions no. 19 no. 22 no. 20 no. 23 no. 21 no. 24 no. 22 no. 25 no. 23 no. 26 no. 24 Same narrow 8° no. 25 no. 27 no. 26 no. 28 1908, no. 1 no. 20 no. 2 no. 30 no. 3 no. 31 no. 4 no. 32 no. 5 no. 33 no. 6 no. 34 no. 7 1906, no. 1 no. 8 no. 2 no. 9 no. 3 no. 10 no." 4 no. 11 no. 5 Same no. 6 no. 12 [Interleaved.] 1356 Classification no. W39.4: (date) W39. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT— Cont'd W39.5: (date) W39.6: (date) -Continued Circulars- 1908, no. 13 1909, no. 5 no. 14 no. 6 no. 15 no. 7 no. 16 no. 8 no. 17 no. 9 no. 18 no. 10 no. 19 no. 11 no. 20 no. 12 no. 21 no. 13 no. 22 no. 14 no. 23 * no. 15 no. 24 * no. 16 no. 25 no. 17 1909, no. 1 no. 18 no. 2 no. 19 no. 3 no. 20 no. 4 Inspectors of National Cemeteries, Annual reports See, for 1869 report, [1406-62]. See, for 1870 and 1871 report, [1479-79]. 1874 [1629-28] General orders 8° and 12° [Although there have undoubtedly been other General orders of the Quartermaster's Department than those listed below, the Public Documents Library has no further information.] 1865. no. 1 * no. 2 * no. 3 * no. 4 * no. 5 * no. 6 * no. 7 ■» no. 8 * no. 9 » no. 10 * no. 11 * no. 12 * no. 13 * no. 14 * no. 15 * no. 16 * no. 17 * no. 18 * no. 19 * no. 20 * no. 21 * no. 22 * no. 23 * no. 24 « no. 25 * no. 26 * no. 27 * no. 28 * no. 29 * no. 30 * no. 31 # no. 32 » no. 33 « no. 34 * no. 35 See W39.7:l. no. 36 * no. 37 * i865, no. 38 * no. 39 * no. 40 * no. 41 * no. 42 * no. 43 « no. 44 4fr no. 45 * no. 46 * no. 47 « no. 48 « no. 49 « no. 50 « no. 51 * no. 52 * no. 53 * no. 54 * no. 55 * no. 56 * no. 57 * no. 58 See W3£ 1.7:2. no. 59 * no. 60 * no. 61 * no. 62 * no. 63 * no. 64 * no. 65 * no. 66 * no. 67 * no. 68 * no. 69 * no. 70 See W39.7:3 1866, no. 1 -N- no. 2 * no. 3 * no. 4 * 1357 ClMstflratlon W39. OV ARTERMAHTEI I'S DEPA RTMENT- no. W39.6: General orders— Continued / (date) 1866, no. 5 • 1866, no. 70 « no. 6 # no. 71 See W39.7:8. no. 7 « no. 72 » no. 8 • no. 73 « no. 9 « no. 74 « no. 10 See W39.7:4. no. 75 « no. 11 » no. 76 * no. 12 • no. 77 « no. 13 * no. 78 « no. 14 « no. 79 » no. 15 » no. 80 « no. 16 « no. 81 » no. 17 » no. 82 See W39.7:9. no. 18 ♦ no. 83 « no. 19 « no. 84 « no. 20 * no. 85 « no. 21 « no. 86 « no. 22 « no. 87 « no. 23 « no. 88 « no. 24 « no. 89 » no. 25 * no. 90 « no. 26 ♦ no. 91 « no. 27 * '*! no. 92 « no. 28 « ■ ■^^■ no. 93 See W39.7:10 no. 29 » no. 94 « no. 30 « no. 95 * no. 31 See W39.7:5. no. 96 See W39.7:ll, no. 32 SeeW39.7:Q. 1867, no. 1 « no. 33 * no. 2 « no. 34 * no. 3 « no. 35 « no. 4 « no. 36 « no. 5 « no. 37 » no. 6 * no. 38 * no. 7 « no. 39 « no. 8 » no. 40 « no. 9 # no. 41 * no. 10 * no. 42 « no. 11 « no. 43 « no. 12 * no. 44 « no. 13 * no. 45 » no. 14 * no. 46 « no. 15 See W39.7:12. no. 47 * no. 16 * no. 48 « no. 17 * no. 49 « no. 18 » no. 50 « no. 19 » no. 51 » no. 20 •» no. 52 » no. 21 # no. 53 * no. 22 « no. 54 « no. 23 « no. 55 * no. 24 » no. 56 » no. 25 # no. 57 « no. 26 # no. 58 See W39.7:7. no. 27 « no. 59 « no. 28 « no. 60 * no. 29 # no. 61 * no. 30 « no. 62 * no. 31 » no. 63 « no. 32 ♦ no. 64 « no. 33 « no. 65 « no. 34 * no. 66 * no. 35 « no. 67 « no. 36 » no. 68 * no. 37 « no. 69 « no. 38 « 1358 ClassiflcatloB no. W39.6: (date) W39. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT— Cant'd General orders— Continued .(iV,7r W39.7: (nos.) 1867, no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 mo. 43 410.44 no. 45 «io. 46 ■no. 47 'no. 48 -no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 no. 54 no. 55 no. 56 no. 57 no. 58 no. 59 no. 60 no. 61 no. 62 no. 63 no. 64 no. 65 no. 66 1868, no. 1 no. no. no., no. no. no. no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 * * * * * See W39.7:13. * * » * * * » * * See W39.7:14. See W39.8:l. See W39.7:15. * * « M\M 1868, no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 1 2 no., no. no. no. no. no. 1869, no. no. See W39.7:16. AS'eeW39.7:17. See W39.8:2. See W39.7:18. * •X- See W39.8:3. * See W39.7:19. * Same [completed to in- clude 18761 no. 9 * * See W39.8:4. SeeW39.7:20. Roll of lionor [With the exception of nos. 2 and 3, no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 »0.;33 ■Roll of honor" at ears on each. The only general index is that giving places of interment specified in nos. 1-13, which is "Classed as W39.7:l-13. Beginning with no. 14, each number, except 22 and 24, includes a table of contents. Nos. 1-21 appeared as General orders of Quarter- master's Department (W39.6:).l [1] Names of soldiers who died in defence of American Union interred in national cemeteries at Washington, D. C, Aug. 3, 1861- June 30, 1865. [Ist edition.] 1865. viii-t-9-194 p.+p. 294a-c. ([General orders 35, 1865.]) [The last three pages numbered 294a-c are presumably incorrect for 194a-c.] 1 Same. [2d edition.] 1869. 193 p. ([General orders 35, 1865.]) [Cover-title reads incorrectly: General orders 24, 1868.] [2] Names of officers and soldiers found on battle-fields of the Wilder- ness and of Spottsylvania Court House, Va. [Ist edition.] 1865. 20 p.? (General orders 58, 1865.) * 2 Same. [2d edition.] 1865 [1869?]. vi-|-7-20 p. (General orders 58 [1865].) 1359 CiMsinratloii W39. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT--Coiit'd W39.7: Roll of honor— Cuntinued (no8.) 1-13 W39.8: (v. nos.) [3] Martyrs who for our country gave up their lives in prison pens in Andersonville, Ga. 1866. (General orders 70 [1865].) [4] Names of soldiers, victims of the Rebellion, buried in national cemetery at Alexandria, Va. 1866. (General order 10, 1866.) [5] Names of soldiers who died in defence of American Union interred in national cemeteries at Fortress Monroe and Hampton, Va. 1866. (General order 31, 1866.) [6] Names of soldiers who died in defence of American Union interred in eastern district of Texas, central district of Texas, Rio Gran.de district. Department of Texas, Camp Ford, Tyler, Tex., and Corpus Christi, Tex. 1866. (General order 32, 1866.) [7] Names of soldiers, victims of the Rebellion, buried in national cemeteries in Maine, Minnesota, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Arkansas, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana, and Colorado Territory, during the Rebellion. 1866. (General ' order 58, 1866.) [8] Names of soldiers who died in defence of American Union interred in Arkansas, California, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, and Nevada, and Territories of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, and Washington. 1866. (General orders 71, 1866.) [9] Same, in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jer- sey, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Oregon, Maryland, South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Missouri, Military Divi- sion of the Mississippi, and Territory of Dakota. 1866. (General orders 82, 1866.) [10] Same, in Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Arkansas, Kansas, and Dakota Terri- tory. 1866. (General order 93, 1866.) 11 (General order 96, 1866.) [12] Names of soldiers who died in defence of American Union interred in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas, Texas, Utah Territory, and on Pacific Coast. ' 1867. (General orders 15, 1867.) 13 (General orders 52, 1867.) Same, Alphabetical index to places of interment as specified in Rolls of honor 1-13. (Circular, Feb. 21, 1868.) 14 (General order 7, 1868.) 15 (General orders 9, 1868.) 16 (General orders 19, 1868.) 17 (General orders 20, 1868.) 18 (General orders 24, 1868.) 19 (General orders 36, 1868.) 20 (General orders 13, 1869.) 21 .([General orders, unnumbered, 1869.]) [Cover-title reads incor- rectly: General orders 24, 1868.] 22 23 24 25 26 27 [Roll of honor, supplemental] statement of dispo- sition of bodies of deceased Union soldiers and prisoners of war removed to national cemeter- ies in Southern and Western States [Volumes appeared as General orders of Quartermaster's Department (W39.6:).] v. 1 (General orders 8, 1868.) V. 2 (General orders 21, 1868.) V. 3 (General orders 33, 1868.) V. 4 (General orders 12, 1869.) 1360 ClassWcatlon W39. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT— Cont'd W39.9 ' : 841 855 861 898 W39.9 2: 897 900 904 W39.9': Ac2' Ac22 B49 C33 C491 C492 C52 C62 H211 H212 N42z8 1 N42Z8 2 N42Z8 3 s Department (gen- Washington, printed by 1897. 12« (War Dept. Regulations for Quartermaster eral) Regulations for Quartermaster's Department. J. and G. S. Gideon, 1841. 12° Regulations for Army of United States and for Quartermaster's Depart- ment. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, printer, 1855. 12° Regulations for Quartermaster's Department. Philadelphia, J. G. L. Brown, printer, 1861. 12° Compendium of regulations for Quartermaster's Department. 1898. Manual for Quartermaster's Department Manual for Quartermaster's Department doc. 29.) Manual of instructions for quartermasters serving in field; prepared by Daniel E. McCarthy. 1900. 12° [Has no War Department document number,] Manual for Quartermaster's Department, 1904; prepared by General Staff. 1904. (War Dept. doc. 232.) Rules, regulations, and Instructions (special) Accounts. Regulations for Quartermasters Department, 1871, money and property accounts. [1871.] 12° [General orders 64 and 68, 1871, Adjutant General's Office.] Accounts. Regulations for Quartermaster's Department, property and money accounts, clothing, camp, and garrison equipage, transpor- tation, 1871, 1872, and part of 1873. 1873. 12° [Compilation of various General orders. Adjutant General's Office. See also W39.93:T68i.] Bills of lading. [Circular letter that bills of lading shall show contents and weights of packages shipped ; that one transportation request be issued to cover travel except where bond-aided railroads form part of route; that in inviting proposals to move troops all fea- tures pertaining to special or extraordinary service be avoided.] Feb. 4, 1901. 12° Cemeteries. Compilation of laws, orders, opinions, instructions, etc., in regard to national military cemeteries. June 22, 1878. 12° [Interleaved.] Civil service. [Promotions of employees filling positions under civil service in Quartermaster's Department to be made upon basis of merit.] Aug, 4, 1903. 12° Civil service rules. [All employees of Quartermaster's Department are governed by civil service rules.] Aug. 5, 1903. 12° Claims. [Rules and regulations governing investigation of claims of artillery and cavahy officers and private soldiers of Confederate army for horses, side arms, and baggage alleged to have been taken from them by Federal troops at and after the surrender at Appomattox, in violation of terms of surrender of Confederate armies.] Apr. 26, 1902. 12° Clothing. Regulations, rules, decisions, and memoranda pertaining to clothing and equipage supplies of Army, inclusive of G. O. 86, H.Q. A., 1892. 1893. [Interleaved.] Harbor boat service. Regulations for harbor boat service. Quartermas- ter's Department, n. p. Nov. 15, 1904. 12° Same, additional regulations. Sept. 26, 1905. 12° Newspapers. List of newspapers and periodicals to be supplied to military post libraries by Quartermaster's Department, fiscal year 1897, and prices of subscription to same. [1896.] Same, fiscal year 1904. [1903.] Newspapers. Instructions for supplying by Quartermaster's Depart- ment of newspapers and periodicals to military post libraries [fiscal year 1905]. [1904.] 1361 ClMslflratlon no. •W39.93: N42z8* N42z8« N42z8» N42z8^ N42za« P12» P122 T681 T68* Un3» Un32 Un33 UnS* Un3« Un3« Un37 Un38 Uii3« Un3io Un3» W27 W39.10: (no8.) W39.ll: (CT) W39.12: (date) W39. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT— Cont'd Rules, regulations, and instructions (special)<-Cont'd Same [fiscal year 1906]. [1905.] Same [fiscal year 1907]. [1906.] Same, fiscal year 1908. [1907.] Newspapers. Instructions for supplying newspapers and periodicals to military post libraries by Quartermaster's Department, fiscal year 1909. 1908. Same, fiscal year 1910. 1909. Pack saddle. Instructions for using Moore's improved pack saddle; compiled by H. W. Lawton; [with appendix. Instructions for packing Hotchkiss mountain gun, by F. H. French]. 1881. Same. 1898. [A great portion of this work is copied from Instructions for using aparejo or Spanish pack saddle; by Thomas Moore (W20.2:Apl).] Transportation. Regulations for Quartermaster's Department, 1872, transportation. [1872.] 12o [See also ^'39.9^: Ac2''.] Transport Service. Regulations prescribing flags, signals, funnel marks, etc., also uniforms of United States Transport Service. Wash- ington, 1899. Uniform. Changes in uniform of Army, 1774-1895; [by] Oscar F. Long. Army and Navy Register, Washington, n.d. 16® Uniform. Regulations and decisions pertaining to uniform of Army. [1st edition.] 1897. 12° (War Dept. doc. 38.) Same. 2d edition. June 20, 1898. 12° (War Dept. doc. 38.) 3d edition. May 1, 1899. 12"> (War Dept. doc. 38.) 4th edition. 1900. 12® 5th edition Same. Same. Same. Uniform. 1901. 12*> Regulations for uniform of Army of United States, May, 1888. Isaac Friedenwald, lithographer and printer, Baltimore, n, d. large 4? Uniform of Army of United States. Washington, D. C, Eckert Litho. Co. [and Andrew B. Graham Co., lithographers], Oct. 1, 1908. 4? Uniform of Army of United States, 1774-1889. Published by quarter- master-general [1890]. [v. 1] large 4? Same, 1898-1907. [American Lithographic Co., New York City, 1909.] V. 2, large 4® [No changes in uniform between 1889 and 1898.J Uniform of Army of United States, 1882. Thomas Hunter, lith. Philada., n.d. oblong large 8° Washington, D. C. Rules and regulations for government of employees of Quarter-master's Department at Washington depot. [Jan. 1] 1863. Specifications (numbered) [Not listed in this Checklist. The earliest in the Public Documents Library is no. 6, adopted Mar. 12, 1879. A title-page and index was issued July 15, 1905, which indexes all numbered specifications not then obsolete, the numbers ranging from 42to762. The title-page reads: Specifications forclothing and equipat^e and cloth- ing and equipage materials. It is classed in the Public Documents Library as W39.10:00.1 Specifications (unnumbered ) Roster showing stations and duties of officers (montlily) 82452°— 1900, Aug. 1901 , Jan. 1901, June 1901, Nov. 1902, Apr. May Sept. Feb. July Dec. Oct. Mar. Aug. 1902, Jan. June Nov. Apr. Sept. Feb. July Dec. May Oct. Mar. Aug. -11 86 1362 Classification W39. no. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT— Contd W39. 12 : Roster sliowing stations and duties of officers— Con. (date) 1902, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1903, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1904, Jan. Feb. 1904, Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1905, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. 1905, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1906, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1907, Jan. Feb. 1907, Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1908, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. 1908, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1909, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. W4:0. RECORD AND PENSION OFFICE [In July, 1889, the branch of the Surgeon-General's OfRce containing the hospital records of the Army, and 13 divisions of the Adjutant-General's Office containing muster rolls and other military records of volun- teers were consolidated by the Secretary of War, the whole being designated the Record and Pension Division. This division was legally established as the Record and Pension Office by act approved May 9, 1892 (Stat. L. v. 27, p. 27). On July 1, 1899, the War Records Office was merged into the Record and Pen- sion Office. The latter was consolidated, May 11, 1904, by order of the Secretary of War, with the Adjutant- General's Department as the Military Secretary's Department. The change of the Military Secretarv's Department to the Adjutant-General's Department, by act of Mar. 2, 1907 (Stat. L. v. 34, pt. 1, p. 1158), did not reestablish the Record and Pension Office.] W40.1: (date) W40.2: C76 D34 L61 M69 Su7 W40.3: (nos.) W40.4: (nos.) Annual reports [1890-1903 (except 1891, none issued), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued separately also.] General publications Confederate States. Executive and congressional directory of Confed- erate States, 1861-65, compiled from official records. 1899. Deaths in United States Army during War of Rebellion. Oct. 18, 1898. 12° Libraries. List of libraries, organizations, and educational institutions in United States supplied with Official records of Union and Con- federate armies, [1903.] Missouri troops. Organization and status of Missouri troops, Union and Confederate, in service during Civil War. 1902. [4247-412] Survivors of War of Rebellion. Memorandum relative to probable number and ages of army and navy survivors of War of Rebellion, and possible number of beneficiaries under and possible cost of proposed pension laws. Apr. 14, 1896. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Four unnumbered circulars concemine the Official records of the Union and Confed- erate armies were issued by the Record and Pension Office after the War Records Office was merged into it on July 1, 1899. These circulars are enteredwith similar ones issued by the War Records Office previous to that date under W45.4:899-902. They are entered under W45.4: rather than W40.4: because they relate to the Rebellion record series (W45.5:) which was entered as a whole under the War Records Office on account of the importance of keeping the series together and because so few volumes were issued by the Record and Pension office.] 1363 Clatuiincatlon no. W40.5: : (date) ' W40. RECORD AND PENSION OFFICB-Continued Stations of Army oblong large 8° [Weekly.] Sec, for earlier and later iesuea, W3.30: 1904, Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Mar. 3 Mar. 10 Mar. 17 [None issued.] tNone issued. None issued. 1904, Mar. 24 Mar. 31 Apr. 7 Apr. 14 Apr. 21 Apr. 28 [None issued.] [None issued.] W10.6: Army list and. directory large 8" [Monthly.] (date) See, for earlier and later lists, W3.10: 1904, Feb. 20 Mar. 20 Apr. 20 War of Rebellion, compilation of official records of Union and Confederate armies [or Rebellion records]. See W45.5: (The War Records Office (W45.) was merged into the Record and Pension Office, Juiy 1, 1899. Previous to that time, of the total number of volumes of the Rebel- lion records, 116 volumes, vi2., serial numbers 1 to 118. had been published by the War Records Office, The remainmg 1 1 volumes and tne general index were issued by the Record and Pension Office. It has seemed wise not todivide the few last volumes from the remainder of the set, hence, they are all entered under W46.5:] War of Rebellion, compilation of official records of Union and Confederate armies [or Rebellion records], additions and. corrections [In 1902, the additions and corrections to the Official records which had been already printed as a part of the General index, serial no. 130 ( W45.5:1.30), were issued by the Record and Pension Office in 71 separate leaflets, one for each volume and one each for the Atlas and General index, with such additional corrections as had been discovered subsequent to the issuance of the 1st edition. Those were printed and plainly labeled "to be inserted in the volume" to which each belonged, conse- quently no separate class is made for them as they are included with the volumes entered under W4.5.5:, W45.7:, and W4o.8: Since only one leaflet was issued for each volume, the additions and corrections for all parts of a particular volume are inserted in the first part.] W41. REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED liANDS BUREAU [A Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, commonly known as the " Freedmen's Bureau ," was created by Congress, Mar. 3, 1865, and Maior-General Oliver Otis Howard was apiwinted commis- sioner. The Bureau was to continue during the War of the Rebellion and one year thereafter. The period of its continuance was extended by Congress from time to time, until it was abolished, June 30, 1872, and its work turned over to the Secretary of W ar, who placed it under control of the Adjutant-General of the Army. Publications of the Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands Bureau, and of the Freedmen's Branch, Adjutant-General's Office, are all cla-^sed here. See, for investigation of this bureau by Howard Court of In-109] [No edition without Congressional document num- ber.] 1873 SeeW4l.2:InS. 1874 [1645-59] 1875 [1689-144] 187&-78, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued sep- arately also. 1364 Classiflcatlon W4:l. REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED ''''' LANDS BUREAU— Continued W4:1.2: EH In8 M31» M312 Sch6 W41.3: (nos.) W41.4: (nos.) W41.5: (date) W41.6: (date) General publications Eliot, T. D. Report of T. D. EKot, to House of Representatives, Mar. 10, 1868 [relative to affairs of Bureau of Freedmen and Refugees]. 1868. [1357-30] Investigation. Letters from Secretary of War, dated Dec. 4, 1873, and Jan. 5, 1874, to Speaker of House of Representatives, transmitting certain developments connected with late Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. 1877. ([43d Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 10, 2 pts.]; serial no. 1606.) Manual. Officers' manual, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Aban- doned Lands. Washington [no publisher] 1866. [The Public Documents Library has also an interleaved copy with numerous pasted and written changes.] Same, index. Aug. 1867. 12° Schoolhouses. Manual on school-houses and cottages for people of the* South; by C. Thurston Chase. 1868. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Many Circulars were issued by this bureau, but the Public Documents Library having a very incomplete file, they are not listed here.] Semi-annual reports on schools for freedmen Schools and finances of freedmen 1866, Jan. 1, Ist July 1, 2d Schools for freedmen 1867, Jan. 1, 3d July 1, 4th 1868, Jan. 1, 5th July 1, 6th 1869, Jan. 1, 7th July 1, 8th 1870, Jan. 1, 9th July 1, 10th * Annual report of assistant commissioners [Public Documents Library has classed here the 4th annual report of assistant commissioner for District of Columbia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Dela- ware, Oct. 10, 1868, which is the only report of an assistant commissioner in that library.) W42. SIGNAL OFFICE [A Signal Officer of the Army was authorized by act approved June 20, 1860 (Stat. L. v. 12, p. 66). The Signal Corps was organized under act approved Mar. 3, 1863 (Stat. L. v. 12, p. 753). By joint resolution 12, of Feb. 9, 1870 (Stat. L. v. 16, p.369). the work of the Signal Corps was extended to embrace the taking of meteorological observations at military stations and other points in the country. By act approved Oct. 1, 1890 (Stat. L. v. 26, p. 653), the Weather Bureau was created under Agriculture Department an ' the meteorological work of the Signal Office transferred thereto, the change taking effect July 1, 1891. See, for list of publications of Signal Office, 1861- July 1, 1891, compiled by Oliver L. Fassig, librarian, p. 389- 409 of annual report of Signal Office, 1891 (W42.1:891). See, for later publications relating to meteorology issued by the Weather Bureau, A29.] W42.1: (date) Annual reports 1861 * 1862 * 1863 * [Also in annual report of War Department (Wl .1 :863) . ] 1864 * 1865-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and usually issued separately also. Beginning with 1898, there have fre- quently been two separate issues, one without maps and accom- panying papers. i.m') CUsstfiratlon no. W42. SIGNATj office— Continued W4:2.1« : Annual reports (separates; reports of chief signal oflScer) (date) W42.1«: (CT) W42.2: AiV Ar4^ Cll» Cll^ 012^ h C28 C49 C62 C64 C73 C81 D211 D212 Annual rei>orts (separates; miscellaneous extracts) General publications Arizona. Report of general practice of heliograph system, Department of Arizona, in May, 1890. Washino^ton City, Signal Office, 1890. 8" [See, for earlier 12° edition published by Department of Ari- zona, W65.2:H36\] Arizona. Report on climate of Arizona, with reference to irrigation and water storage in arid region, by A. W. Greely and W. A. Glaasford ; from Irrigation and water storage in arid regions [5ist Congress, 2d session, House executive document 287]. 1891. 4" [Though bearing document number on title-page, this is only an extract. See also Wi2.2:lr7.] Cables. Circular [giving description of types of various classes of cables of Signal Corps]. Oct. 17, 1907. 12» Same. May 25, 1909. 12° Cable reels. Circular [concerning numbering of reels containing cable manufactured for or sold to Signal Corps]. [1904.] 12** * California. Report on climate of California and Nevada, with reference to irrigation and water storage in arid region, by A. W. Greely and W. A. Glassford; from Irrigation and water storage in arid r^ions [Slst Congress, 2d session, House executive document 287]. 1891. 4° [Though bearing document number on title- page, this is only an extract. See also W42.2:Ir7.] Catalogue of library, office [of] chief signal-officer. June 30, 1872. Civil War. Official reports on Signal Corps operations, including bal- loons, during Civil War; reprinted from Official records of War of Rebellion, series 3, v. 3. 1899. Cloudiness. Charts showing average monthly cloudiness in United States. [Washington, D. C, no publisher, June 20, 1891.] f° Code. U. S. signal and telegraph code, authorized by G. o. 59, A. G. O., June 28, 1889. [July 1, 1889.] 12° [Corrects certain parts of Instructions for using heliograph. The copy in the Public Docu- ments Library is pasted in at the back of that publication (W42.13:H36').] ■ , See also W42.2:T23^-\ Colorado. Report on climate of Colorado and Utah, with reference to irrigation and water storage in arid region, by A. W. Greely; from Irrigation and water storage in arid regions [51st Congress, 2d session, House executive document 287]. 1891. 4° [Though bearing document number on title-page, this is only an extract. See also W42.2:Ir7.] Comptroller, 2d. Extracts from Decisions of [2d] Comptroller, Revised statutes, Army regulations [affecting Signal Corps]. Washington City, Signal Office, 1885. [See also W42.2:St2.] Correspondence and reports in reference to observations & reports of storms by telegraph and signal, for benefit of commerce. Wash- ington, D. C, Gioson Brothers, printers, 1871. Danger signals. Coast signal service, official danger or distress signals. 1878. Danger signals. Official danger, distress, and storm-signal codes for Signal Service sea-coast stations and mariners. 1883. 91 p. [Three leaves paged 63^, 64, and 67 to be pasted in this volume were issued and sent as enclosures in a manifold copy of a type- written letter of directions for changes, etc., signed by F. R. Day, 2d Lieut., Signal Corps, and dated July 6, 1887. J 1866 €Iasslflcatloii no. W42.2: 1 D51 D64 F451 F452 G74 In8 Ir7 Is7 M56» M562 M563 M56^ M56" M567 M568 N27 N42m N51 W42. SIGNAL OFFICE— Continued General publications— Continued Dew-point. Tables for obtaining temperature of dew-point, relative humidity, and vapor pressure. Washington, Signal Office, 1889. [See, for later edition, A29.2:D51.] Diurnal fluctuations of atmospheric pressure at 29 selected stations in United States; by A. W. Greely. Washington City, Signal Of- fice, 1891. 40 Field glasses for officers of Army. Nov. 1, 1904. 12« Same. May 10, 1905. 12« Government telegrams and reports for benefit of commerce, n. p. n. d. International monthly charts of mean pressures and wind directions at 7 a. m., Washington mean time, 1882 and 1883. [Washington, D. C, no publisher, June 15, 1891.] f ° Irrigation and water storage in arid regions, report of chief signal officer in response to House resolution dated May 23, 1890. 1891. (51st Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 287; serial no. 2868.) [See, for ex- tracts from this report issued as separate publications, W42.2: Ar42, C12, C71, and N42m.] Isobars. Charts showing isobars, isotherms, and winds in United States for each month from Jan. 1871 to Dec. 1873. Washington City, Signal Office, 1891. 4° Meteorology. Memoranda on international scientific co-operation in meteorology, magnetism, etc, Washington, D. C, Office of Chief Signal Officer, 1882. Meteorology. Bibliography of meteorology, classed catalogue of printed literature of meteorology from origin of printing to close of 1881, with supplement to close of 1887 and author index, edited by Oliver L. Fassig, pt. 1: Temperature. Washington City, Signal Office, 1889. 40 [Only the title, contents, and introduction of each part are printed, the text being an imitation of typewriting produced by lithograph or milliograph.] Same, pt. 2: Moisture. Washington City, Signal Office, 1889. 4° Same, pt. 3: Winds. Washington City, Signal Office, 1891. 4° Same, pt. 4: Storms. Washington City, Signal Office, 1891. 4« Meteorological data. [Tables to facilitate collation of meteorological data required in artillery practice.] Jan. 1, 1892. 12" Meteorological reports. Circular, practical use of meteorological reports and weather-maps. 1871. [Also in annual report, 1871 (W42.1: 871).] Meteorological observations. Index of meteorological observations in United States, from earliest records to Jan. 1890; compiled in records division of Signal Office. Washington City, Signal Office, 1891. oblong large 8" [The title-page and preface are printed; the remainder of the book consists of more than 300 leaves, blank forms filled in with milliograph records of observations which are arranged alphabetically according to States. Paging is not consecutive.] Nebraska. Climate of Nebraska, jjarticularly in reference to tempera- ture and rain-fall and their influence upon agricultural interests of the State [report by A. W. Greely in response to Senate reso- lution of Apr. 22, 1890]. 1890. 4° (51st (Jong. 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 115; serial no. 2687.) New Mexico. Report on climate of New Mexico with reference to irri- gation and water storage in arid region, by A. W. Greely and W. A. Glassford; from Irrigation and water storage in arid regions [51st Congress, 2d session, House executive document 287]. 1891. 40 [Though bearing document number on title- page, this is only an extract. See also W42.2:Ir7.] Nicaragua canal, response to Senate resolution of Mar. 29, 1894, report on canal in its military aspects; by George P. Scriven. 1894. ([53d Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 74]; serial no. 3160.) 1367 CUsMlflratton no. W42.2: P96 R13' RI32 RI33 R13* R24 Se2 Sh6 Si2» Si22 Si23 St2 T23^ T23* T233 T23* T23'' T23« T237 T24V T242 T24» W42. SIGNAL. OFFICE- Continued General publications— Continued Publications, Circular [noting changes in issuing certain Signal Office publications, beginning July 1, 1884]. Washington City, July 1, 1885. 4° Rainfall, llain-fall of Pacific Slope and western States and Territories. 1888. 40 (50th Cong. Ist sess. S. ox. doc. 91; serial no. 2511.) [Cover-title reads: Reoort of rain-fall in Washington Territory, Oregon, California, laaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Indian Territory, and Texas for from 2 to 40 years. 1889.] Rainfall. Charts showing rainfall in United States for each month from Jan. 1870 to Dec. 1873, based largely on reports from voluntary observers. Washington City, Signal Office, 1888. 4° Rainy days. Charts showing probability of rainy days, prepared from observations for 18 years. [Washington, D. C., no publisher, June 20, 1891.] f« Rainfall. Charts showing normal monthly rainfall in United States, from Monthly weather review, with notes and tables; by H. H. C. Dunwoody. Washington City, Signal Office, 1889. 4'' Rebellion, War of. Preliminary list of officers and enlisted men who served on signal duty during War of Rebellion, 1861-66. Wash- ington City, Signal Office, 1891. 12« Secrecy. Circular [enjoining secrecy in regard to official business of War Department]. Jan. 11, 1904. 12* Ship-masters. Memoranda of useful information for ship-masters. Washington City, Signal Office, 1885. Signal Service. Memoranda on work accomplished by Signal Service. Washington, Office Chief Signal Officer, 1881. Signal Corps. Necessity of a completed organization for the Signal Corps. Washington City [no publisher] 1884. Signal Service. History of Signal Service, with catalogue of publica- tions, instruments, and stations. Washington City [no publisher] 1884. Statutes at large. Extracts from Statu tes-at-larce affecting Signal Corps, 1884-85. Washington City, Signal Office, 1885. [See also W42.2:C73.] Telegraphic code. Preliminary W^ar Department telegraphic code, supplemental to and to be inserted as an appendix to Western Union telegraphic code; by A. W. Greely. 1899. 4<> (W^ar Dept. doc. 93.) [See, for U. S. signal and telegraph code, authorized by G. o. 59, A. G. O., June 28, 1889, W42.2:C64.] Telegraphic code. War Department telegraphic code; by A. W. Greely. 1899. 4° Same, App. 1. May 1, 1900. 4° [See, for corrections, W42.2:T23^] Same, App. 2. July 31, 1900. 4° Same, App. 3. Mar. 15, 1904. 4° Telegraphic code. Circular [with accompanying pages to be inserted in lieu of p. 11, 12, 17-21 of App. 1, War Department telegraphic code]. Aug. 20, 1901. 4° [See, for Appendix 1, W42.2:T233.] Telautograph. Numbers and prices of telautograph parts. Nov. 15, 1903. 12° Temperature. Mean temperatures and their corrections in United States; by Alexander McAdie. Washington City, Signal Office, 1891. 4« Temperature. Charts showing maximum and minimum temperatures by decades for all years [1872-91]. [Washington, D. C, no pub- lisher, June 30, 1891.] f° Temperature. Normal temperature charts by decades, for United States and Canada. Washington City, Signal Office, 1891. large 4° 1368 Classification no. W42.2 W27 W72 W42. SIGNAL OFFICE— Continued General publications — Continued "*"* Washington, Mount. Report on meteorological observations made at Mount Washington, N. H., May, 1872. n.p.n.d. Wind . Charts showing average velocity and direction of wind, prepared from observations for 17 years. [Washington, D. C, no publisher, June 30, 1891.] f° W42.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] W42.4: Circulars 120 (date) 1872 * 1873 * 1874 * 1875 * 1876 * 1877 * 1878 * 1879 * 1880 * 1881, no. 1 * no. 2 * no. 3 * no. 4 * no. 5 * no. 6 * no. 7 * no. 8 * no. 9 * no. 10 * no. 11 * no. 12 * no. 13 * no. 14 * I no. 15 * no. 16 * no. 17 * no. 18 1882 * 188'3 * 1884, no. 1 * no. 2 1885 * 1886 * 1887 * 1888 * 1889 * 1890 * 1891, Nov. 2 1892 * 1893, Apr. 28 Dec. 15 1 Same [reprint 1896] f 1894, Jan. 22 Feb. 1 1895 * 1896, May 1 July 1 Nov. 1 1897, Dec. 1 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901 1902 1903, 1904 1905. May 18 June 1 no. 1 no. 2 no. 1 no. no. no. no. 5 no. 6 July 21 * [Typewritten.] 24" 1906, 1907, 1908, no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no no no no no no no no no no no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Same, corrected copy 2 3 4 5 Same, corrected copy 9 10 11 1 fThe words "Official: Captain, Signal Corps, Mustering Officer" which appear on the first print are omitted from the 1896 reprint. 1.%0 Cla&slfirattnn no. W42. 1 : (date) W42.5: (noe.) 11^42.6: (date) W42.7^: (date) W42. SIGNALi OFFICE— Continued Clrcnlars— Conti nued 1908, no. 2 1908, no. 17 no. 3 1909, no. 1 no. 4 no. 2 no. 5 no. 3 no. 6 no. 4 no. 7 no. 5 no. 8 no. 6 no. 9 no. 7 no. 10 no. 8 no. 11 no. 9 no. 12 no. 10 no. 13 no. 11 no. 14 no. 12 ' no. 15 1 no. 13 no. 16 Arctic series 4* [I] Report of international polar expedition to Point Biajrow, Alaska [1881-83, by P. H. Kay], in response to resolution of Dec. 11, 1884. 1885. 4«» ([48th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 44]; serial no. 2298.) 2 [2349-155] 3 [2349-156] [4] International polar expedition, report on proceedings of United States expedition to Lady Franklin Bay, Grinnell Land; by Adolphus W. Greely. 1888. v. 1. [2427-393 [pt. 1]] Same. v. 2 [2428-393, pt. 2] [No. 5 of this series, Report of observations made in Ungava and Labrador, by L. M Turner, was never printed.] Army code card 24" , 1896, Oct. 30 1898, Mar. 25 International meteorological observations 4» [Daily.] See, for daily Meteorological record, 1874 and 1875, W42, Bulletin of international meteorological observations 1876, 1877, 24: 1875, Jan. 1-31 Feb. 1-28 - Mar. 1-31 Apr. Mky 1-30 1-31 June 1-30 July 1-31 Aug. 1-31 Sept. 1-30 Oct. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 Dec. 1-31 1876, Jan. 1-31 Feb. 1-29 Mar. 1-31 Apr. 1-30 SMay 1-31 June 1-30 July 1-31 Aug. 1-31 Sept. 1-30 Oct. 1-31 1878, Nov. 1-30 * 187S, Sept. 1-30 Dec. 1-31 * Oct. 1-31 Jan. 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 * Dec. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 « 1879, Jan. 1-31 Apr. 1-30 » Feb. 1-28 May 1-31 Mar. 1-31 June 1-30 Apr. 1-30 July 1-31 * May 1-31 Aug. 1-31 # June 1-30 Sept. 1-30 * July 1-31 Oct. 1-31 » Aug. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 * Sept. 1-30 Dec. 1-31 * Oct. 1-31 Jan. 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 * Dec. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 * 1880, Jan. 1-31 Apr. 1-30 * Feb. 1-29 May 1-31 « Mar. 1-31 June 1-30 « Apr. 1-30 July 1-31 * May 1-31 Aug. 1-31 * June 1-30 t Accompanied by drawing 99, issued to replace drawing 99 facing page 85 of Signal Corps manual 7, edition of 1907 (W42.22 2:7 ^). 1370 Classification no. W42. SIGNAL OFFICE— Continued W4:2.7 ^ : International meteorological observations— Continued (date) W42.7': (date) W42.8^: (date) Bulletin of international meteorological observations — Continued 1880, July 1-31 1 Aug. 1-31 1 Sept. 1-30 1 Oct. 1-31 1 Nov. 1-30 1 Dec. 1-31 1 1881, Jan. 1-31 f 1881, Feb. Mar. Apr. May- June July Aug. 1-28 t 1-31 1 1-30 1 1-31 1 1-30 1 1-31 1 1-31 1 1881 1882, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. International meteorological observations 1882, Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1-31 1 1-30 1 1-31 1 1-30 1 1-31 1 1-31 1 1-30 1 1-31 1 1-30 1 1-31 1 1883, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 1-31 1 1-28 1 1-31 1 1-30 1 1-31 1 1-30 1 1-31 1 1-31 1 1-30 1 1-31 1 1883, 1884, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 1-30 1 1-31 1 1-30 1 1-31 1 1-31 1 1-28 1 1-30 1-31 1-31 1-29 1-31 1-30 1 1-31 1-30 1 [Discontinued as a daily publication. The international charts, however, which for years had been published in the daily, were not discontinued but were enlarged and issued as a substitute in graphic form. There are none of these separately issued charts in the Public Documents Library. The monthly summary also was continued; see W42.72:] Summary and review of international meteorolog- ical observations for month, of 4° [Formerly BuUetiQ of international meteorology; see W42.7i: footnote. Printed for exchange with cooperating observers. Issued monthly from July, 1884, to Dec. 1887, after which it was printed semiannually.] 1884, July * Aug. * Sept. * Oct. * Nov. Dec. 1885, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. 1885, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1886, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 1886, Nov. Dec. 1887, Jan, Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. [Beginning with Jan. 1888, printed semiannually.] 1888, Jan. -June July-Dec. 1889, Jan. -June * July-Dec. * [Discontinued.] Daily bulletin of simultaneous weather reports with synopses, indications, and facts for month of 8°, large 8", and 4« [Compiled from tri-daily observations received by division of telegrams and reports for benefit of commerce and agriculture.] Synopses, probabilities, and facts for month of 1872, Mar. t A summary for the month was also issued with title, International eimultaneous meteorological observations. The summaries for July and Aug. 1880, and for Sept.- Dec. 1881, are not in the Public Documents Library. Beginning with Jan. 1882, the title of the summary is Bulletin of international meteorology. 1371 CUHRlflratlon no. W42.8': (date) \V42. SIGNAL OFFICE— rontinued Daily buUotlii of simultaneous weather reports with, synopses, indlcationi9i» and facts for month of -Continued i i ^ ^ , , / . . Daily bulletin of weather reports with synopsee, probabilities, and facta for month of 1872, Apr. 1872, Aug. May Sept. t June Oct. t July Nov. t Daily bulletin of synchronous weather reports with synopses, proba- bilities, and facts for month of 1872, Dec. 1873, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Noy. Dec. 1874, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Noy. Dec. Daily bulle tions, 1877, Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Daily bulle tions, 1875, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Noy. J Dec.J [Not issued.] 1876, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Noy. * Dec. * 1877, Jan. f in of synchronous weather reports with synopses, indica- and faf'ts for month of in of simultaneous weather reports with synopses, indica- and facts for month of 1877, Aug. i [ 1878, Oct t 1879, Dec. Sept. 1 Noy. t 1880, Jan. * Oct ■ Dec. t Feb. * Noy. ■ 1879, Jan. Mar. » Dec. ■ Feb. Apr. * MSy * 1878, Jan. : t Mar. Feb. : Apr. Mky June * Mar. : July * Apr. : June Aug. * May : July Sept * June : Aug. Oct * July : Sept. Noy. * Aug. ^ Oct. Dec. * Sept ^ Noy. [Discontinued.] t See, for later 4*' edition with maps, W42.82: XSee, for later edition printed in 1884, with maps, W42.8^: 1372 Classification no. W42.8 2: (date) W42.8^: (date) W4:2.9: (date) ■W4:2. SIGNAL OFFICE— Continued Dally bulletin of simultaneous weather reports witli synopses, indications, and facts for montli of [with, maps] 4° [These publications bear usually the same title as the publications of same date classed under W42.S k which were compiled from observations received tri- daily by the division of telegrams and reports for benefit of commerce and agri- culture. They are practically 2d editions of those bulletins, published generally a year later and in larger form, with maps and some additional data.] Daily bulletin of weather reports with synopses, probabilities, and facts 1872, Oct Nov. Dec. 1873, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. for month of Sept. [with maps] 1873, Dec. 1874, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May * June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1876} [Not issued.] Daily bulletin of weather reports with synopses, indications, and facts for month of [with maps] 1877, Jan. 1877, May Feb. June Mar. July Apr. Aug. Daily bulletin of simultaneous weather reports with synopses, indica- tions, and facts for month of [with maps] 1877, Sept. 1877, Nov. Oct. Dec. [Discontinued; see, for 1878, W42.8 ^:] Trl-dally meteorological record [for] month of oblong large 8° [Issued in 1884, presenting the original synopses and indications from the tri-daily observations for 1878 {see W42.8»: 878), but with bulletins and charts revised and corrected.] 1878, Jan. 1878, May 1878, Sept. Feb. June Oct. Mar. July Nov. Apr. Aug. Dec. [Discontinued.] Roster and stations of officers of Signal Corps Official roster of Signal Corps and Volunteer Signal Corps 1898, Sept. 30 12'» 1899, Mar. 31 12« Roster and stations of officers of Signal Corps and signal officers, U. S. Volunteers 1900, July 31 12° Oct. 15 Roster and stations of officers of Signal Corps 1901, June 1 1904, Aug. 1 1902, Apr. 1 1903, Jan. 1 May 1 Aug. 1 1904, Feb. 1 May 1 Dec. ►, May July Sept. Nov. Dec. 15 1906, Mar. 15 1907, June 30 Dec. 31 1908, Aug. 15 1909, Apr. 15 1373 ClaiMtacatlon W42. SIGNAL. OFF] no. W42.10: Orders 12 o (date) General orders 1861 * 1882, no. 41 * 1862 « no. 42 * 1863 « no. 43 * 1864 « no. 44 * 1865 * no. 45 * 1866 l^' me issued?] no. 46 * , 1867 no. 47 * 1868 * no. 48 * 1869 * no. 49 * 1870 * no. 50 ♦ 1871 * no. 51 * 1872 « no. 52 * 1873 * no. 53 * 1874 * no. 54 * 1875 * no. 55 * 1876 * no. 56 * 1877 * no. 57 * 1878 * no. 58 * 1879 « no. 59 * 1880 « no. 60 * 1881 * no. 61 * 1882, no. 1 » no. 62 * no. 2 » no. 63 * no. 3 * no. 64 * no. 4 # no. 65 * no. 5 * no. 66 * no. 6 * no. 67 * no. 7 » no. 68 * no. 8 « no. 69 * no. 9 * no. 70 * no. 10 » no. 71 * no. 11 » no. 72 * no. 12 * no. 73 * no. 13 * no. 74 * no. [14, Mar.] 4 1 no. 75 * no. 15 no. 76 no. 16 * 1883, no. 1 * no. 17 * no. 2 * no. 18 « no. 3 * no. 19 « no. 4 * no. 20 no. 5 * no. 21 » no. 6 no. 22 * no. 7 * no. 23 * no. 8 * no. 24 * no. 9 no. 25 * no. 10 * no. 26 * no. 11 * no. 27 * no. 12 * no. 28 * no. 13 * no 29 « no. 14 * no 30 * no. 15 * no 31 * no. 16 ♦ no 32 » no. 17 * no 33 * no. 18 * no 34 * no. 19 » no 35 no. 20 * no 36 * no. 21 * no 37 * no. 22 * no 38 « no. 23 * no 39 no. 24 ♦ no 40 » no. 25 OFFICE— Continued 1883, no. 26 • no. 27 no. 28 * no. 29 « no. 30 « no. 31 no. 32 » no. 33 no. 34 « no. 35 no. 36 * no. 37 * no. 38 * no. 39 » no. 40 * no. 41 * no. 42 * no. 43 * no. 44 * no. 45 « no. 46 * no. 47 * no. 48 * no. 49 » no. 50 * no. 51 * no. 52 * no. 53 * no. 54 * no. 55 * no. 56 * no. 57 * no. 58 * no. 59 # no. 60 1884, no. 1 * no. 2 * no. 3 * no. 4 * no. 5 « no. 6 * no. 7 » no. 8 * no. 9 * no. 10 ■» no. 11 « no. 12 no. 13 * no. 14 # no. 15 « no. 16 » no. 17 * no. 18 * no. 19 * no. 20 » no. 21 * no. 22 * no. 23 * no. 24 » no. 25 * no. 26 * t Erroneously numbered 13 and dated Feb. 4, 1882, 1374 Classification no. W42. SIGNAL OFFICE— Continued W42.10: Orders— Continued (date) General orders— Continued 1884, no. 27 * 1887, no. 40 * 1891, no. 4 * no. 28 » no. 41 no. 5 * no. 29 * no. 42 no. 6 * no. 30 * no. 43 no. 7 ^ no. 31 * no. 44 no. 8 * no. 32 * no. 45 no. 9 * no. 33 * no. 46 no. 10 * no. 34 no. 47 no. 11 * * i 1885 * no. 48 no. 12 * 1886 * "•' •'>''' no. 49 no. 13 * 1887, no. 1 Id .Off no. 50 no. 14 * no. 2 S'^.oii no. 51 no. 15 * no. 3 FAi.on no. 52 no. 16 * no. 4 ^"■'>'^ no. 53 *t no. 17 * no. 5 no. 54 no. 18 * no. 6 no. 55 no. 19 * no. 7 no. 56 no. 20 * no. 8 no. 57 no. 21 * no. 9 '•'• <■'" no. 58 'no. 22 * no. 10 Od -on no. 59 no. 23 * no. 11 ''■> '"^ no. 60 no. 24 no. 12 no. 61 no. 25 no. 13 no. 62 no. 26 no. 14 no. 63 no. 27 * no. 15 no. 64 no. 28 no. 16 no. 65 no. 29 no. 17 no. 66 no. 30 no. 18 no. 67 no. 31 no. 19 no. 68 no. 32 no. 20 no. 69 no. 33 no. 21 no. 70 no. 34 no. 22 no. 71 no. 35 no. 23 no. 72 no. 36 no. 24 no. 73 no. 37 no. 25 no. 74 no. 38 no. 26 no. 75 1892, no. 1 no. 27 no. 76 no. 2 no. 28 *t no. 77 no. 3 no. 29 no. 78 no. 4 no. 30 no. 79 no. 5 no. 31 no. 80 no. 6 no. 32 *t no. 81 no. 7 no. 33 no. 82 1893, no. 1 no. 34 1888 * no. 2 no. 35 1889 * no. 3 no. 36 1890 * no. 4 no. 37 1891, no. 1 * 1894, no. 1 no. 38 no. 2 * 1895, no. 1 no. 39 no. 3 * 1896, no. 1 J, Orders 1896, no. 2 1898, no. 7 1898, no. 17 no. 3 no. 8 no. 18 no. 4 no. 9 no, 19 1897 [None issued ] no. 10 no. 20 1898, no. 1 no. 11 1899, no. 1 no. 2 no. 12 no. 2 no. 3 no. 13 no. 3 no. 4 no. 14 no. 4 no. 5 no. 15 no. 5 no. 6 no. 16 no. 6 t Not for general distribution. 1375 Classinratlon W42. SIGNAIi OFFICE— Continued no. W42.10: Orders — Continued .•,.»!. r« (date) 1899, no. 7 1902, no. 8 1904, no. 24 no. 8 no. 9 1905, no. 1 no. 9 no. 10 no. 2 no. 10 no. 11 no. 3 no. 11 no. 12 no. 4 1900, no. 1 * no. 13 no. 5 no. 2 * no. 14 no. 6 no. 3 * no. 15 no. 7 no. 4 « no. 16 no. 8 no. 5 « no. 17 no. 9 no. 6 « no. 18 no. 10 no. 7 » no. 19 no. 11 no. 8 » no. 20 no. 12 no. 9 * no. 21 no. 13 no. 10 « no. 22 no. 14 no. 11 * no. 23 no. 15 no. 12 * no. 24 no. 16 no. 13 * 1903, no. 1 no. 17 no. 14 no. 2 no. 18 no. 15 no. 3 no. 19 no. 16 no. 4 no. 20 no. 17 no. 5 no. 21 no. 18 no. 6 no. 22 no. 19 no. 7 no. 23 no. 20 no. 8 no. 24 no. 21 no. 9 1906, no. 1 no. 22 no. 10 no. 2 no. 23 no. 11 no. 3 no. 24 no. 12 no. 4 no. 25 no. 13 no. 5 no. 26 no. 14 no. 6 no. 27 no. 15 no. 7 1901, no. 1 no. 16 no. 8 no. 2 no. 17 no. 9 no. 3 no. 18 no. 10 no. 4 no. 19 no. 11 no. 5 no. 20 no. 12 no. 6 no. 21 no. 13 no. 7 no. 22 no. 14 no. 8 no. 23 no. 15 no. 9 no. 24 no. 16 no. 10 1904, no. 1 no. 17 no. 11 no. 2 no. 18 no. 12 no. 3 no. 19 no. 13 no. 4 no. 20 no. 14 no. 5 no. 21 no. 15 no. 6 no. 22 no. 16 no. 7 no. 23 no. 17 no. 8 1907, no. 1 no. 18 no. 9 • no. 2 no. 19 no. 10 no. 3 no. 20 no. 11 no. 4 no. 21 no. 12 no. 5 no. 22 no. 13 no. 6 no. 23 no. 14 no. 7 no. 24 no. 15 no. 8 no. 25 no. 16 no. 9 1902, no. 1 no. 17 no. 10 no. 2 no. 18 no. 11 no. 3 no. 19 no. 12 no.* 4 no. 20 no. 13 no. 5 no. 21 no. 14 no. 6 « no. 22 no. 15 no. 7 no. 23 no. 16 1376 Classification W4:2. SIGNAL OFFICE- -Continued no. W42.10: Orders — Continued (date) 1907, no. 17 1908 , no. 8 1908 no. 22 no. 18 no. 9 1909 no. 1 no. 19 no. 10 no. 2 no. 20 no. 11 no. 3 no. 21 no. 12 no. 4 no. 22 no. 13 no. 5 no. 23 no. 14 no. 6 1908, no. 1 no. 15 no. 7 no. 2 no. 16 no. 8 no. 3 no. 17 no. 9 no. 4 no. 18 no. 10 no. 5 no. 19 no. 11 no. 6 no. 20 no. 12 no. 7 no. 21 no. 13 W42.10«: (date) W4:2.11^: (nos.) tW42.112: (CT) W4:2.12: (date) W42.13: D83 Orders (separates) [Certain extracts from Orders 18, Sept. 16, 1902, and from Orders 21, Nov. 1, 1905, have been issued. These are classed under W42.10o:, using as book number the date, with superior number taken from the number of the order and the para- graph number of the extract, using a dash between, e. g., W42.10«:902i8-7.] Professional papers of Signal Service (numbered) 4P 1 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 9 10 18 [Discontinued as a numbered serias in 1886.J Professional papers of Signal Corps (unnumbered) [Published only as app. 71 to annual report of Signal Office, 1885 (W42. 1:885 2).] Rain and dry winds, computed for dilTerent geo- grapliical districts 1880 1881 Rules, regulations, and instructions Drill regulations. Provisional drill regulations for Signal Corps troops, 1907. 1907. 24« (War Dept. doc. 304.) Ec2 Eccard telephone apparatus. Instructions for erecting Eccard tele- phone apparatus and locating principal faults. Washington City, Signal Office, 1883. [Instructions no. 82.] H36^ Heliograph. Instructions for using heliograph of Signal Service. Washington City, Signal Office, 1888. 12° [Republication by Signal Office of General orders 99, Nov. 15, 1888, Adjutant- General's Office (W3.22:). U. S. signal and telegraph code (W42.2:C64), containing matter which supersedes certain parts of these instructions, is pasted in the back of the copy in the Public Documents Library.] H362 Heliograph. Instructions for using heliograph of Signal Corps; au- thorized by G. o. 99, 1888, amended by G. o. 59, 1889, and G. o. 32, 1896, Adjutant-General's Office. 1897. fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. In 1911, after many years during which there were no Professional papers printed, an unnum- bered publication bearing that series title was issued. The class under W42.112: has been provided for this and for any later unnumbered Professional papers which may be issued by the Signal Office. 1377 CltMlfleatlon no. 'W42.13: H36"» M59' M59» M59' Ob7» Ob72 Ob73 P53 P94' P942 R52» R522 R523 R52* R525 R52« R52' T231 T232 W52 W42.14: (no8.) W42.15: (CT) W4:2.16: (nos.) W42. SIGNAL, OFFICE— Continued Rules, regulations, and Instructions— Continued Same. Revised edition. 1897. 12« Military telegraph. Regulations for operation and maintenance of military telegraph lines. 1892. Military telegraph. Instructions to operators on military telegraph lines. 1887. [See^ for Manual of military telegraphy, 1872, W42.22':M59.] Military telegraph. Regulations for operation and maintenance of military telegraph lines and general regulations of Signal Corps, with appendix. 1899. 12° (War Dept. doc. 104.) Observers. Instructions to observers of Signal Service. 1881. Observers. Instructions for voluntary observers of Signal Service. 1882. [Instructions no. 23.] Observers. General instructions to observers of Signal Service. 1887. Philippine Islands. Regulations for operation and maintenance of military telegraph lines operated by Signal Corps in Philippine Islands. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 12° Property. Regulations for care, preservation, and accountability of Signal Corps property. 1892. Property and general regulations of Signal Corps. 1898. 12° (War Dept. doc. 82.) River observers. Instructions to special river observers of Signal Service. [1st edition.] * Same. 2d edition. * Same. 3d edition. * Same. 4th edition. * Same. 5th edition. * Same. 6th edition. * Same. 7th edition. 1889. Telephones. Instructions for use of telephones furnished by Signal Corps; by Samuel Reber. 1897. 12° (War Dept. doc. 42.) Same. 1901. 12° (War Dept. doc. 135.) Weston voltmeters. Instructions for use of Weston voltmeters furnished by Signal Corps: by Edgar Russel. 1901. 12° Signal Service notes 1 13 2 14 [Supplement to 10.1 3 15 1 4 16* 5 17 6 18 7 19 8 20 9 21 [Not issued.] 10 See also 14. 22 11 23 12 [Discontinued.! Specifications Tornado circulars [old series] [Published between the years 1882 and 1889.] 1* 4* 7* 10* 13* 2 * 5 * 8 * 11 * 14 ^^ 3 * 6 * 9 * 12 * 15 * t Reprinted with additions from annual report, 1882 (W42.1:882). 82452°— 11 87 1378 Classification no. W42.16: (nos.) W42.17: (nos.) W42.18: (date) W42.19: (pt. nos.) W42.20: (date) W42. SIGNAL OFFICE— Continued Tornado circulars [old series] — Continued 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 « 41 * 42 * 43 •N- 44 * 45 * Tornado circulars [new series] 1886. 22 p. * Same [with additions]. n. d. 24 p. 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * Weekly weather clironicle 4«» [Issued once a week, this publication contained a record of observations reported for the day of issue and for 7 days preceding. The first issue was for Nov. 16, 1872. Discontinued with the issue for Apr. 4, 1881. As the file in the Public Docu- ments Library is very incomplete, no attempt is made to list them here.] [Dally river stages] 4° [Pts. 1-3 listed below have individual titles and do not bear the series title, "Daily river stages," which was first used for pt. 4, issued by the Weather Bureau (A29.).] pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 See, for later parts, A29.10: Monthly weather review 4° [From Oct. 1872, to June, 1883, included in annual reports (W42.1: 873-883).] 1872, June ' July ^ Aug. ' Sept. ' Oct. ' Nov. ■■ Dec. ^ 1873, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May- June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1874, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1875, Jan. Feb. 1875, Mar. 1877, Dec. 188C , Sept. Apr. 1878, Jan. Oct. May Feb. Nov. June Mar. Dec. July Apr. 1881 , Jan. Aug. May Feb. Sept June Mar. Oct. July Apr. May Nov. Aug. Dec. Sept. June 1876, Jan. Oct. July Feb. Nov. Aug. Mar. Dec. Sept. Apr. May 1879, Jan. Oct. Feb. Nov. June Mar. Dec. July Apr. 1882 , Jan. Aug. May Feb. Sept. June Mar. Oct. July Apr. Nov. Aug. May Dec. Sept. June 1877, Jan. Oct. July Feb. Nov. Aug. Mar. Dec. Sept. Apr. May 1880, Jan. Oct. Feb. Nov. June Mar. Dec. July Apr. 1883 , Jan. Aug. May Feb. Sept. June Mar. Oct. . July Apr. Nov. Aug. May 1379 CUMincstlon no. W42. SIGNAL OFFIOE- Continued *" W42.20: Monthly weather review — Continued (date) 1883, Juno 1885, July 1887 , Aug. 188'J, Sept. July Aug. Sept Oct. Augv Sept. Oct. Nov. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1890, Jan. Nov. Dec. 1888 , Jan. Feb. Dec. 1886, Jan. * Feb. Mar. 1884, Jan. Feb. ¥e Mar. Apr. May Feb. Mar. •» Apr. Mky Mar. Apr. May * June Apr. * June July May June * July Aug. June July ^ Aug. Sept. July Aug. * Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. ^ Oct. Nov. Sept. Oct. * Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. * Dec. 1891, Jan. Nov. Dec. 1889 , Jan. Feb. Dec. 1887, Jan. Feb. Mar. 1885, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Feb. Mar. Apr. Mar. Apr. May May June Apr. * June May June * July j/ June July * Aug. ' 'U-'if^See, for later issues, A29.6: W42.20" : (CT) W42.21: (nos.) W42.22 ' : 'M59 P56 Si2» Si22 W42.22-: (nos.) Monthly weather review (separates) [Some of the more Important articles in the Review were issued separately in pam- phlet form.] Division of telegrams and reports for benefit of commerce and agriculture, circular 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 Manuals (unnumbered) Military telegraphy. Manual of military telegraphy for Signal Service, embracing permanent and field lines. 1872. 12<* [See also W42.13:M59'-^J Photography. Manual of photography for Army; by Samuel Reber. 1896. 12« (War Dept. doc. 5.) Signals. Manual of signals for use of signal officers in field and for mili- tary and naval students, military schools, etc.; by Albert J. Myer. 1877. 12° Same. 1879. 12« Manuals (numbered) 1 (War Dept. doc. 187.) 2 [1st edition.] '(War Dept. doc. 194.) Same. [2d edition.] (War Dept. doc. 336.) 3 [1st edition.] (War Dept. doc. 183.) Same. Revised [edition]. (War Dept. doc. 257.) [4] Notes on laying, repairing, operating, and testing submarine cables, by Edgar Russel; with supplementary chapter on Factory test- ing, by Samuel Reber. [1st edition.] 1902. (War Dept. doc. 172.) 1380 Classification no. W42.22^: (nos.) W42.222a: (CT) W42.23: (date) W42. SIGNAL, OFFICE- Continued Manuals (numbered) — Continued 4 [2d edition.] (War Dept. doc. 258.) [The title of this edition is Handbook of submarine cables.] 5 * 6 ([War Dept. doc. 234.]) 7 [Ist edition.] [Has no War Department document number.] Same. 2d edition. (War Dept. doc. 309.) [Drawing 99, facing p. 85, to be replaced by inserting drawing 99 issued later with Circular 15 of 1908; see W42.4:908i^ footnote.] Same. 3d edition. (War Dept. doc. 346.) 8 * [Confidential.] Manuals (numbered; separates) Weather maps 16 X 22 in. Tridaily 1871, Jan. 1-31 * 1874, May 1-31 'X' 1877, Sept. 1-30 * Feb. 1-28 * June 1-30 * Oct. 1-31 •)(• Mar. 1-31 * July 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 * Apr. 1-30 * Aug. 1-31 4fr Dec. 1-31 * May 1-31 * Sept. 1-30 * 1878, Jan. 1-31 * June 1-30 •K- Oct. 1-31 ■Jt Feb. 1-28 * July 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 * Mar. 1-31 * Aug. 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 * Apr. 1-30 4t Sept. 1-30 * 1875, Jan. 1-31 * May 1-31 * Oct. 1-31 * Feb. 1-28 * June 1-30 ^ Nov. 1-30 * Mar. 1-31 * July 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 * Apr. May 1-30 * Aug. 1-31 * 1872, Jan. 1-31 * 1-31 * Sept. 1-30 ^ Feb. 1-29 * June 1-30 « Oct. 1-31 * Mar. 1-31 * July 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 * Apr. 1-30 * Aug. 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 * May 1-31 * Sept. 1-30 * 1879, Jan. 1-31 * June 1-30 * Oct. 1-31 * Feb. 1-28 * July 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 * Mar. 1-31 * Aug. 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 * Apr. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 * 1876, Jan. 1-31 * May 1-31 Oct. 1-31 * Feb. 1-29 * June 1-30 Nov. 1-30 * Mar. 1-31 * July 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 * Apr. May 1-30 * Aug. 1-31 * 1873, Jan. 1-31 * 1-31 •3t Sept. 1-30 * Feb. 1-28 * June 1-30 ^ Oct. 1-31 * Mar. 1-31 * July 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 4t Apr. May 1-30 * Aug. 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 * 1-31 * Sept. 1-30 * 1880, Jan. 1-31 June 1-30 * Oct. 1-31 * Feb. 1-29 July 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 * Mar. 1-31 Aug. 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 * Apr. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 * 1877, Jan. 1-31 ■* May 1-31 Oct. 1-31 * Feb. 1-28 * June 1-30 Nov. 1-30 * Mar. 1-31 * July 1-31 Dec. 1-31 * Apr. May 1-30 * Aug. 1-31 1874, Jan. 1-31 ■X- 1-31 ■9fr Sept. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 * June 1-ao * Oct. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 * July 1-?1 * Nov. 1-30 Apr. 1-30 * Aug. 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 Daily 1881, Jan. 1-31 * 1881, June 1-30 * 1881, Nov. 1-30 * Feb. 1-28 * July 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 * Mar. 1-31 * Aug. 1-31 * 1882, Jan. 1-31 * Apr. 1-30 * Sept. 1-30 ^ Feb. 1-28 * May 1-31 * Oct. 1-31 * Mar. 1-31 * 1381 ClassMratlon no. W42. SIGNAL OFFICE— Continued W42.23: Weather maps— Continued (date) Daily — Continued 1882, Apr. 1-30 * 1883, Nov. 1-30 * 1886, Juno 1-30 May 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 * July 1-31 Juno 1-30 * 1884, Jan. 1-31 * Aug. 1-31 July 1-31 * Feb. 1-29 * Sept. 1-30 Aug. 1-31 * Mar. 1-31 * Oct. 1-31 Sept. 1-30 » Apr. 1-30 * Nov. 1-30 Oct. 1-31 * May 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 « June 1-30 * 1886, Jan. 1-31 Dec. 1-31 « July 1-31 * Feb. 1-28 1883, Jan. 1-31 * Aug. 1-31 « Mar. 1-31 Feb. 1-28 * Sept. 1-30 * Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 Mar. 1-31 * Oct. 1-31 * Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 * June 1-30 * Dec. 1-31 * July 1-31 Juue 1-30 * 1885, Jan. 1-31 * Aug. 1-31 July 1-31 * Feb. 1-28 * Sept. 1-30 Aug. 1-31 * Mar. 1-31 * Oct. 1-31 Sept. 1-30 * Apr. 1-30 * Nov. 1-30 Oct. 1-31 « May 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 Tridaily 1887, Jan. 1-31 * Feb. 1-28 at Mar. 1-31 « Apr. 1-30 * May 1-31 * June 1-30 « July 1-31 * Aug. 1-31 « Sept. 1-30 « Oct. 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 » Dec. 1-31 * 1888, Jan. 1-31 * Feb. 1-28 * Mar. 1-31 » Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 * * June 1-30 * Bidaily 1888, July 1-31 * Aug. 1-31 * Sept. 1-30 * Semi-daily 1888, Oct. 1-31 « 1889, Sept. 1-30 ♦ 1890, Aug. 1-31 Nov. 1-30 * Oct. 1-31 * Sept. 1-30 Dec. 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 * Oct. 1-31 ,1889, Jan. 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 * Nov. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 ♦ 1890, Jan. 1-31 * Dec. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 * Feb. 1-28 * 1891, Jan. 1-31 Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 * Mar. 1-31 * Feb. 1-28 * Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 * Mar. 1-31 June 1-30 * * Apr. 1-30 May 1-31 July 1-31 * June 1-30 * Aug. 1-31 * July 1-31 « June 1-30 See^ for later mapa, A29.18: W42.24: Meteorological record 4°? [Da ily.] (date) 1874, Jan. 1-31 ♦ 1874, May 1-31 * 1874, Sept. 1-30 Feb. 1-28 * June 1-30 * Oct. 1-31 Mar. 1-31 « July 1-31 « Nov. 1-30 Apr. 1-30 ♦ Aug. 1-31 * Doc. 1-31 1382 Classiflcatlon no. W42.24: (date) W42. SIGNAL OFFICE— Continued W42.25: (CT) W42.26: (nos.) Meteorological record — Continued 1875, Jan. 1-31 * 1875, Apr. 1-30 * 1875, July 1-24 * Feb. 1-28 * May 1-31 * Mar. 1-31 * June 1-30 * [Merged into the Bulletin of international meteorological observations (W42.7i:).] Maps Signal Corps memoranduin 4* 1 * [Mimeographed, not printed.] 2) 3[ [Confidential.] 4j W43. SOLDIERS' HOME, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA [The Soldiers' Home was established by act of Mar. 3, 1851, under name of Military Asylum, the board of commissioners was organized Mar. 12, 1851, and the first regulations approved June 10, 1851; see Senate executive document 27, 32d Congress, 1st session, serial no. 614. Name was changed July 1, 1859, from Military Asylum to Soldiers' Home by act making appropriations for Army, 1860, approved Mar. 3, 1859. The sundry civil appropriation act of Mar. 4, 1909, provided "That hereafter the government and control of the United States Military Prison shall, under the Secretary of War, be vested in the Board of Com- missioners of the United States Soldiers' Home, which board shall consist as at present of the surgeon- general, the commissary-general, the adjutant-general, the quartermaster-general, the chief of engineers, the judge-advocate-general, and the governor of the Home " (Stat. L. v. 35, pt. 1, p. 1004). See, for infor- mation concerning Military Prison, Fort Leavenworth, prior to 1909, W27. This home is for soldiers of the regular Army. Disabled soldiers who served In the Volunteer Army are cared for at the different branches of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers; see NH.] W4:3.1: (date) W43.2: L44 M59 W43.3 : (nos.) W43.4: (nos.) Annual reports [The reports listed below relate only to the Soldiers' Home, Although article 1 of the rules and regulations approved June 16, 1851, requires of the board "an annual report of their proceedings to the Secretary of War for the information of Congress," the reports are irregular until 187C. Since 1883 (Stat. L. v. 22, p. 504) they are published with the report of the inspecting officer and distributed to each garrison and post library. Act approved Mar. 4, 1909 (Stat. L. v. 35, pt. 1, p. 1004), provides that the president of the Board of Commissioners of the United States Soldiers' Home "shall sub- mit annually to the Secretary of War, for transmission to Congress, a full state- ment of the financial and other affairs of both the home and the [Military] Prison for the preceding fiscal year." The first report on the Military Prison issued under this act is for 1909 and appears as House document 255, 61st Congress, 2d session, serial no. 5834. See, for earlier reports on Military Prison, W27.1:] Military Asylum 1851 [641-27] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 1852-55, in annual report of War Dept., 1855, p. 99-110 (Wl. 1:855). lll^'^ [None issued.] 1858, in annual report of War Department, 1858 (Wl. 1:858). 1859 [None issued.] Soldiers' Home 18fil I [-'^o^® issued.] 1862 [1122-52] [Includes affairs from 1851 to May, 1862. No edition without Congressional document number.] 1863-75 [None issued.] 1876-1905, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1883-1909 issued separately. General publications Laws and regulations for Soldiers' Home [District of Columbia], 1883. [1883.] Military Prison. Regulations for government of Military Prison and of any branch thereof. 1909. 12« Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] ias3 W44. MEDICAL. DEPARTMENT, ARMY [Aooording to the Journals of the Continental Ckingress, the establishment of an army hospital was agreed upon July 27, 1775, the chief to be called director general and chief physician. The work was carried on with very inadequate support during the Revolution and for many subsequent years. An act to regulate the medical cstiiblismnent and providing for a physician general and an apothecary general, was passed Mar. 2, 17'.»9 (Stat. L. v. 1, p. 721). By act approved Apr. 14, 1818 (Stat. L. V. 3, p. 420), the law creating these offices was repealed and the office of surgeon-general created, giving the Medical Department a i)ermanent chief.) Classiflration no. W4:4.1: (date) W44.1«: (date) W44.1«: (CT) W44.2: Ar5i Ar52 Ar53 Ar5^ Ar5^ C23 D43 Ef4 Em3i Em32 EmS'^ F51 In7 M46 M56 Anmial reports [1826-1909 (except 1830, none issued), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and in later years issued separately also.) Annual reports (separates; reports of sui^eon-general) Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) General publications Army medical museum. Catalogue of Army medical museum. [1866-67.] 4° [Consists of catalogues for 3 sections as shown bo- low,^ each having its own title-page and pagination. Separate editions of the catalogues were printed also and are classed under W44.2«:] Contents: Surgical section; by Alfred A. Woodhull. Medical section; by J. J. Woodward. Microscopical section; by Edward Curtis. Army Medical School. Memorandum in relation to admission of med- ical officers of organized militia to Army Medical School. [Dec. 1, 1904.] 12« Same. [Apr. 10, 1909.] 12° Army Medical School. Memorandum for information of medical offi- cers of organized militia who desire to attend course of instruction at Army Medical School. [1907.] 12° Army. Letters of J. K. Barnes [to Commission for Reform and Reor- ganization of Army, containing opinions and suggestions as to changes in organization of Army], [1876.] f° [^See, for further information concerning Commission for Reform and Reorganiza- tion of Army, entries and note under W1.2:Ar5^'^.] Carroll, James. [Circular announcing death of James Carroll, surgeon in Army.] n. p. Sept. 17, 1907. 12° Dental surgeons. Memorandum concerning employment of dental sur- geons in Army. Apr. 6, 1905. 12° Eflficiency. Bill to increase efiiciency of Medical Department, Army, S. 4838, H. 13998, with indorsements by Secretaries of War and brief of surgeon general, showing necessity for legislation, n. p. [1904]. Emergency diet for sick in military service; by Edward L. Munson. 1899. 16° Same. 1900. 24° Same. 1903 [reprint 1907]. 24° First aid. Outlines of first aid, Army. 1899. 24° Instruction. Scheme of instruction for detachments of hospital corps; recommended by board consisting of Charles F. Mason, Francis A. Winter, and Frederick P. Reynolds, n. p. n. d. 4° Medical Department of Army, from 1775 to 1873; compiled by Harvey E. Brown. Washington, D. C, Surgeon General's Office, 1873. Meteorology. 1st report on meteorology to surgeon general of Army; by James P. Espy. Oct. 9, 1843. oblong f° [This 1st report not in Consrressional set. See, for Congressional document numbers of 2d and 3d reports, entry for such reports under Nl .2:M5G 2, and for 4th report, entry under Y1.3:M50.] 1384 €lassiflcation no. W44.2: I M59 M66 M78 M851 M852 M853 P491 P56» P562 R26 R66 sn St2» St22 Su7' Su72 Su73 Su7* Su7^ T68 T981 T98 2 T983 W29 W44. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ARMY— Continued General publications— Continued Military surgery. Essav on military surgery [with bibliography]; by W. C. Borden. 1905. 12« Mineral waters. Titles to books and papers relating to mineral waters in library of Surgeon-General's Oflfice. June 1, 1895. large 8° [Extract from Index-catalogue of library of Surgeon-General's Office, V. 16, 1895 (W44.7^:16i»2) j Moore, John. [Circular announcing death of John Moore, former surgeon-general of Army.] n. p. Mar. 20, 1907. 12« Mosquitoes. Few general directions with regard to destroying mosqui- toes, particularly yellow fever mosquito; by W. C. Gorgas. 1904. Mosquitoes. Directions for collecting and forwarding mosquitoes. n. p. n. d. 12° Same. Mar. 10, 1908. 12o Pharmaceutical chapters and tables. Condensed pharmaceutical chap- ters and tables for use of advanced members of Hc3pital Corps; by Julius Leiblinger. Company of instruction no. 1, Hospital Corps, Army, 1904. 12° Pharmacy. Outline of pharmacy and materia medica, for use of Hos- pital Corps; by Julius Leiblinger. 1904. 12° ([War Dept. doc. 216.]) Photo-micrography. Report to surgeon general of Army on magnesium and electric lights as applied to photo-micrography; by J. J. Woodward. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] Jan. 5, 1870. 4° Physical training in Army; by Charles R. Greenleaf. n. p. [1891]. Register. Directions for preparing register of patients, n. p. Nov. 5, 1896. narrow f° Rontgen ray. Use of the Rontgen ray by Medical Department of Army in War with Spain, 1898 ; prepared by W. C . Borden. 1900. 40 [4009-729] Sickness. Statistical report on sickness and mortality in Army, com- piled from records of Surgeon General's and Adjutant General's offices, from Jan. 1819, to Jan. 1839; [by Samuel Forry]. Wash- ington, printed by Jacob Gideon, jr., 1840. Statistics, medical and anthropological, of Provost-Marshal-General's Bureau, derived from records of examination for military service in armies of United States during late War of Rebellion, of over a million recruits, drafted men, substitutes, and enrolled men; compiled by J. H. Baxter. 1875. v. 1, 4° Same. 1875. v. 2, 4« Supply table. Standard supply table of Medical Department of Army, 1883. 1883. Same, 1892. 1892. Supply table of Medical Department of Army. 1894. Supply table. Medical Department, Army, field supply table; ap- proved by Secretary of War, May 9, 1898. [1898.] 12o Supplies. Price list of post, field, and dental medical supplies as listed in Manual, 1906; revised to June 1, 1909. 1909. [See, for Man- ual, W44.9:] Transporting wounded soldiers. Report on plan for transporting wounded soldiers by railway in time of war; by George A. Otis. Washington, War Dept., Surgeon General's Office, 1875. Typhoid fever. Report on origin and spread of typhoid fever in mili- tary camps during Spanish War of 1898; by Walter Reed, Victor C. Vaughan, and Edward O. Shakespeare. 1904. v. 1, 49 [4748-757] Same, maps and charts. 1904. v. 2, oblong i° [4749-757] Same, abstract. 1900. Water. [Directions for collection of samples of water for bacteriological examination.] n. p. Aug. 29, 1905. 12° i.m^) Classification W44. M EDIC^ lIj DE PARTME NT, ARlVn f — Continuec no. W44.2«: General publications (separates) (CT) W44:.3: BuUetlns (nos.) [None issued.] W4:4.4: Circulars various sizes (date) 1863, no. 1 * 1875, no. 6 * no. 2 * no. 7 * no. 3 * no. 8 no. 4 * 1876 [ None issued?] no. 5 * 1877, no. 1 * no. 6 * no. 2 * no. 7 * no. 3 * no. 8 * no. 4 * no. 9 no. 5 * no. 10 « no. 6 * no. 11 * no. 7 * no. 12 * no. 8 * no. 13 * no. 9 no. 14 * no. 10 no. 15 Same, Appendix to no. 10 1864, no. 1 * Dec. 1, 1888. no. 2 * 1878 None issued? no. 3 * 1879 None issued?; no. 4 * 1880 None issued?; no. 5 * 1881 'None issued?; no. 6 * 1882 None issued?; 1865, no. 1 * 1883 None issued?; no. 2 * 1884 None issued?; no. 3 * 1885 None issued?' no. 4 * 1886 ;None issued?; no. 5 * 1887 None issued?; no. 6 [1st edition.] 1865. 1888 None issued?; Same." [2d edition.] 1866. 1889 ;None issued?' 1866 [N one issued?] 1890 None issued?; 1867, no. 1 * 1891 None issued?' no. 2 * 1892 None issued? no. 3 * 1893, J an. 16 no. 4 * ^ [ar. 18 [Regarding con- struction and use of Green- no. 5 no. 6 * leaf travois.] no. 7 I^ lar. 18 [Respecting reen- listment in hospital corps, 1868, no. 1 no. 2 * etc.] no. 3 * 1^ lay 11 no. 4 * ^ lay 18 no. 5 * J une 10 1869, no. 1 * A .ug. 9 no. 2 S ept. 11 1870, no. 1 * r )ec. 7 no. 2 « r )ec. 14 no. 3 1894, P ^eb. 9 12° no. 4 Same. [Revised edi- 1871, no. 1 * tion.] 8« no. 2 A .pr. 13 no. 3 C >ct. 10 1872 None issued?; > rov. 3 1873 None issued?; 1895, J an. 2 [no. 1] 1874 None issued? n 0. 2 ' 1875, no. 1 * n 0. 3 no. 2 it n 0. 4 no. 3 * n 0. 5 no. 4 * n 0. 6 n 0. 5 * n 0. 7 1386 Classtflcation no. (date) W44.5: H791 H792 H793 H794 H79^ H79« H797 H798 H799 M46ci M46c2 M46c3 M46c4 M46cs M46c« M46c7 M46c» M46c^ M46cio M46c" M46c^2 M46c '3 M46ci4 M46ri M46r2 N93 W4:4:. MEDICAIj department, ARMY— Continued Circulars — Continued 1896, no. 1 no. 2 1897, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 1898, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 1899, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 Circulars of information Hospital Corps, Army. Circular of information for persons desirous of enlisting in Hospital Corps, Army. [May 16, 1893.] 12° 1900, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 1901, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 1902, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 1903, no. 1 no. 2 1904 [N one issued?] 1905, no. 1 1906 [N one issued?] 1907, no. 1 1908 [N one issued.] issued.] 1909 [N one Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 12° Same. [Oct. [Mar. [Feb. [Dec. [Mar. [Aug. 2, 1894.] 23, 1896.] 7, 1901.] 4,1901.] 14, 1903.] 25, 1904.] 12° 12° 12° 12° 12° 12° [Aug. 15[25], 1904, reprint Dec. 22, 1906, with alterations.] [May 19, 1908.] 12° Medical Corps, Army. Circular of information for candidates seeking appointment in Medical Corps of Army. [1893.] 12°? * Same. [May 18,1895.] 12° Same. P^ay 21,1896.] 12° Same. [June 29,1897.] 12° Same. [June 29,1900.] 12° Same. [Feb. 4,1901.] 12° Same. [July 18,1902.] 12° Same. [Jan. 19,1903.] 12° Medical Corps, Army. Circular of information in relation to appoint- ment m Medical Corps of Army, requisite qualifications, exam- ination of applicants, etc. [Oct. 19, 1903.] 12° Same. [June 21,1904.] 12° Same. [Aug. 2,1907.] 12° Same. [May 25,1908.] 12° Same. [May 25, 1908, reprint 1909.] 12° Same. [Oct. 4,1909.] 12° Medical Reserve Corps, Army. Circular of information relating to appointments in Medical Reserve Corps of Army. [May 25, 1908.] 12° Same. [Aug. 9,1909.] 12° Nurse Corps. Circular of information relative to appointment in Army Nurse Corps, qualifications, examination of applicants, etc. [Apr. 26, 1905.] 12° ns' Olatwiflratton nu. (date) W44.6 2: (CT) W44.6 3: (nos.) W44.6*: (nos.) (dates of school year) W44.7 ' : (v. nos.) (CT) W4:4.7-: (v. nos.) W44:.8: 888 891 893 896 Wt4. MEDICAL, DEPARTMENT, ARMY— Continued Army Medical School [Established at Washington, D. C, under General orders 61, June 24, 1893, and 78, Sept. 22, 1893. School opened Nov. 1, 1893. Under these orders the session lasted for 4 months beginning in November of each year, but by General order 11.5, June 27, 1904, the length of the school year was mcreased to 8 months beginning Oct. 1. No formal session held for school year 1894-9.5, although some instruction was given to ceru\in oiricers; school closed from end of session for school year 1897-98 to beginning of school year 1901-02. Taking into consideration the fact that there was no formal session for 1894-95, the numbers of the sessions as stated in the annual reports of the War Department run regularly up to the Gth session, 1902-03; the next session, for 1903-04, is, how- ever, called the 8th session, and from that point the numbers are again consecu- tive.] Army Medical School, Annual reports [1894-1908 (except 1895 and 1899-1904), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and for 1905 and 1906, issued separately also. There was no report for 1909.] Army Medical School, General publications [None issued.] Army Medical School, Bulletins [None issued.] Army Medical School, Circulars [None issued.] Army Medical School, Order of duties [etc.] 1893-94 1894-95 [None issued.] 1895-96 1896-97 [Discontinued.] Index- catalogue of library of Surgeon- General's Office [1st series] large 8° See, for earlier catalogues, W44.14:, and for advance pages of Index- catalogue, W44.14:876. V. 1 V. 11 V. 2 V. 12 V. 3 V. 13 V. 4 V. 14 V. 5 V. 15 V. 6 V. 16 V. 7 ' '■ v^^^^°i6 [without alphabetical list V. 8 M > ' of abbreviations of titles of V. 9 medical periodicals] V. 10 Index- catalogue of library of Surgeon- General's Office [1st series] (separates) Index- catalogue of library of Surgeon- General's Office [2d series] large 8° V. 1 V. 6 V. 11 V. 2 V. 7 V. 12 V. 3 V. 8 V. 13 V. 4 V. 9 V. 14 V. 5 V. 10 Drill regulations, Hospital Corps Provisional manual of instruction for Hospital Corps, U. S. A., and company bearers; by C. L. Heizmann. 1888. narrow 16" Manual of drill for use of Hospital Corps, Army. 1891. 32° Hospital Corps drill regulations, Army. 1893. 32° Drill regulations for Hospital Corps, Army. 1896. 32° (War Dept. doc. 12.) 1388 Classification W44. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ARMY— Continued no. ' W44.8: 900 902 903 904 908 W44.9: 832 850 856 860 861 896 898 899 900 902 906 W44.9«: (CT) W44.10: (v. nos. and pt. nos.) W44.10«: (CT) W44.ll: 822-825 826-830 831-842 Drill regulations, Hospital Corps— Continued Drill regulations and outlines of first aid for Hospital Corps, Army, 1900. 32° (War Dept. doc. 12.) Same. 1902. 32° (War Dept. doc. 166.) Proposed revision of Hospital Corps drill regulations. [1903.] 4'^ Drill regulations and outlines of first aid for Hospital Corps, Army. Revised 1904. 1904. 24° (War Dept. doc. 236.) Same. Revised 1908. 1908. 24° (War Dept. doc. 315.) Manual for Medical Department Regulations for Medical Department of Army. Washington, 1832, Charles H. Barron, printer, 12° Same. n. p. [1850]. 12° Same. Washington, A. 0. P. Nicholson, public printer, 1856. 12° Same. Washington, George W. Bowman, public printer, 1860. 12° Same. 1861. 12° Manual for Medical Department. 1896. 12° (War Dept. doc. 17.) Same. 1898. 12° (War Dept. doc. [76, erroneously printed as] 17.) Same. 1899. 12° (War Dept. doc. 17?) Same. 1900. 12° (War Dept. doc. 17?) Same. 1902. 12° (War Dept. doc. 158.) Same. 1906. (War Dept. doc. 271.) Manual for Medical Department (separates) Medical and surgical history of War of Rebellion, 1861-65 4° . 1, Medical history, pt. 1. Same, pt. 1. 2d issue Same, pt. 2. 1st issue Same, pt. 2. 2d issue Same, pt. 3. [1st issue] Same, pt. 3. 2d issue . 2, Surgical history, pt. 1. Same, pt. 1. 2d issue Same, pt. 2. 1st issue Same, pt. 2. 2d issue Same, pt. 3. 1st issue Same, pt. 3. 2d issue [1st issue] [1st issue] Medical and surgical history (separates) •** | ^ ..-n , ! (TO) Army meteorological register Meteorological register for 1822-25, from observations made by surgeons of Army at military posts of United States. Washington, printed by Edward DeKrafft, 1826. large 8° [See also W44. 11:826-830.] Same, for 1826-30, from observations made by surgeons of Army and others at military posts of United States, to which is appended Meteorological register for 1822-25. Philadelphia, Haswell, Har- rington, and Haswell; New Orleans, John J. Haswell & Co., 1840. [Published for use of medical ofiicers of Army, See, for Meteoro- logical register for 1822-25, included as appendix, W44.11'.822- 825.] Same, for 12 years from 1831 to 1842, compiled from observations made by officers of Medical Departmeiit, Army, at military posts of United States. Washington, C. Alexander, printer, 1851. 1389 Cla&slflcation no. W44.ll: 843-854 W44.12: (CT) W44.13: (date) •BOltcFuq "^ W44.14: 840 864 865 1 8652 W44. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ARMY— Continued Army meteorological register— Continued Army meteorological register for 12 years from 1843 to 1854, compiled from observations made by officers of Medical Department, Army, at military posts of United States. Washington, A. O. P. Nichol- son, public printer, 1855. 4° Speclflcatlons Station-list of ofllcers of Medical Department List of medical officers with their stations 1868, Jan. 11 Apr. 1 July Oct. 1869, Jan. May July Oct. 12° 1870, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1871, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1872, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1873, Jan. Apr. July Oct. Quarterly report of medical officers with their stations and duties 1874, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1875. Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1876, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1877, Jan. 10 Apr. 1 July 1 1877, Oct. 1878, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1879, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1880, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1881, Jan. . Apr. 1881, July Oct. 1882, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1883, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1884, Jan. Apr. July Oct. 1885, Jan. Quarterly station-list of officers of Medical Department and hospital stewards 1885, Apr. 1 July 1 Oct. 1 1886, Jan. 1 Apr. 1 July 1 Station-list of officers of Medical Department 1890 [None issued?] 1891, Mar. 31 Nov. 1 1892, May 1 Dec. 1 1893, Apr. 1 1893, July Oct. 1894, Jan. Apr. 1887, Mar. 1 1888, Jan. 1 Apr. 1 Sept. 1 1889, Mar. 1 Nov. 30 [Discontinued.] Catalogues See, for Index-catalogue of library of Surgeon-General's Office, W44.7i:and W44.7 2: Catalogue of books in library of Surgeon-General's Office. [Washing- ton, 1840.] 12° [Manuscript.] * Catalogue of library of Surgeon-General's Office, May 10, 1864. [Wash- ington, 1864.] * Same, Oct. 23, 1865. [Washington, 1865.] 12° * Same [with manuscript additions]. [Washington, 1865.] 12° [In- terleaved.] * 1390 Classification no. W44.14: 865 3 8681 8682 8683 872 873-874 1 873-8742 873-8743 876 W44. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ARMY— Continued Catalogues — Continued Same, Oct. 25, 1865. Washington, 1865. * Catalogue of books in library of Surgeon-General's Office, Washington, D. C. Washington, 1868. * Same [with manuscript additions]. Washington, 1868. [Inter- leaved.] * Catalogue of library of Surgeon General's Office, June 12, 1868. Wash- ington, 1868. * Same, with alphabetical index of subjects. 1872. large 8° Catalogue of library of Surgeon General's Office; v. 1, authors, A -L. 1873. large 8° Same; v. 2, authors, M-Z. 1874. large 8° Same; v. 3, supplement. 1874. large 8° Specimen fasciculus of catalogue of national medical library. 1876. large 8° [This publication was sent out as an advance specimen of the Index-catalogue of library of Surgeon-General's Office; see W44.71:] W45. WAR RECORDS OFFICE (The Publication Office, War Records, afterwards known as War Records Office, received its first definite organization in Jan. 1878, under Capt. Robert N. Scott, who was detailed to take charge of this work, Dec. 14, 1877. Merged into Record and Pension Office, July 1, 1899. Although a few publications listed under W45. were issued after the merger with the Record and Pension Office, they have been included under the War Records Office in order to keep together the complete set of Rebellion records and the circulars and additions and corrections relating thereto.] W45.1: (date) W45.2: B32 C41 W45.3: (nos.) W45.4: (date) W4:5.5: (serial nos.) Annual reports [1878-99, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1891-99 (except 1892, 1894), issued separately also.] Oeneral publications Battle list. Memorandum battle list, 1863. n. p. n, d. Check-list of plates in atlas accompanying Official records of Union and Confederate armies. [1897.] narrow large 8^ Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [relating to plan and methods of publica- tion of] Official records of Union and Confed- erate armies (unnumbered) 4° 1897, July 1 1898, Aug. 1 1899, Aug. Itt 1901, [Jan. 2] f Nov. 4t 1902, [July 1] t War of Rebellion, compilation of official records of Union and Confederate armies [or Rebellion records] [The matter of publishing the official records of the Civil War seems to have been considered by Congress as early as May 19, 1864 (Stat. L. v. 13, p. 406). Other acts followed from time to time, and the work was carried on in a more or less desultory fashion until Dec. 14, 1877, when Capt. Robert N. Scott, later lieuten- ant-colonel, was detailed to take charge of the work. At that time, 47 of the 79 volumes, later known as "preliminary prints" (W45.9:) had been compiled and 30 copies of each had been printed. 5, Mar. 1 June 12 Oct. 10 6, Sept. 1 Nov. 2 Dec. 1 [Discontinued.] t Published by Record and Pension Office. See note under W40.4: J A copy of this circular containing manuscript corrections was sent out by the Record and Pension Office. 1391 Classlflcatlon no. W45.5 : (serial nos.) W45. WAR RECORDS OFFICE— Continued War of Rebellion, eompllatlon of official records of Union and Confederate armies [or Rebellion records] — Continued Under Colonel Scott, the work was systematized and the plan finally adopted which has been carried on throughout the entire set known as the omcial records. According to this plan, 4 series were issued as follows: Series 1, Formal reports, both Union and Confederate, of the first seizures ol United States property in the Southern States, and of all military operations in the field, with the correspondence, orders, and returns relating especially thereto. Series 2, Correspondence, orders, reports and returns. Union and Confederate, relating to prisoners of war and, so far as the military authorities were con- cerned, to state or political prisoners. Series 3, Correspondence, orders, reports and returns of the Union authorities, em- bracing their correspondence with the Confederate officials, not relating especially to the subjects of the 1st and 2d series. It embraces the annual and special reports of the Secretary of War, of the General-in-Chief , and of the chiefs of the several stafi corps and departments; the calls for troops and the correspondence between the national and the several State authorities. Series 4, Correspondence, orders, reports and returns of the Confederate authori- ties, similar to that indicated for the Union officials, as of the 3d series, but excluding the correspondence between the Union and Confederate authorities given in that series. After the death of Colonel Scott. Col. H. M. Lazelle was placed in charge, and later a Board of Publication carrieci on the work xmder direction of the Secretary of War. The name most closely associated with the work from its inception to its comple- tion is that of Joseph W. Kirkley, the compiler under whose personal examination each volume passed. An atlas (W45.7: and W45.8:), to accompany the work, was issued, and in 1902, a revised edition of the additions and corrections, already printed with the general index (W45.5:130), was issued, a separate pamphlet for each volume, for insertion in the volumes of the set. The War Records Office (W45.) was merged into the Record and Pension Office, July 1, 1899. Previous to that time, of the total number of volumes of the Rebel- lion records, 116 voliunes, that is, serial numbers 1 to 118, had been published by the War Records Office. The remaining 11 volumes and the general index were issued by the Record and Pension Office. It has seemed wise not to divide the few last volumes from the remainder of the set, hence, they are all entered under W45.5: The serial numbers as given below are the numbers assigned to the set by the issuing office as found in circular issued July 1, 1902, and also in preceding circulars. Most of the sets issued were bound in black cloth and, after series 1, v. 23 (serial no. 35), had the serial number stamped on the back, consequently, in the follow- ing list the serial numbers beginning with 36 are not bracketed.]" Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13. 14. 15. 16, 16, 17, 17, 18. 19, 19, 20, 20, 1880. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1881. 1882. 1882. 1883. 1883. pt. 1. pt. 2. pt. 1. pt. 2. pt. 3. pt. 1. pt. 2. 3112-40 3113^1 3114-42 3115-43 2053-54' 2058-63' 2063-67' 2122-27' 2128-41' 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1885. 1885. 2225-261 '2229-32] "2240-65 [pt. 1]] 2241-65, pt. 2" 2242-65, pt. 3' '2322-37, pt. 1' "2323-37, pt. 21 pt. 2, supplement. 1886. [2490-54] pt. 3. 1885. [2324-37, pt. 3] '2408-21] '2409-22] 2416-164] 1885. 1885. 1886. pt.l. pt. 2. pt. 1. pt. 2. 1887. pt. 1. pt. 2. pt. 1. pt. 2. 1886. 1886. 1886. 1887. [2571- 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 2419-273 2421-338 2425-371 2489-53] 325] "2572-338 2573-339 2574-341 2575-342 1392 Classiflcatlon no. W45.5: (serial nos.) W45. WAR RECORDS OFFICE— Continued War of Rebellion, compilation of official records of Union and Confederate armies [or Rebellion records] — Continued Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. Serial no. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v, series 1, v, series 1, v, series 1, v, series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. series 1, v. 21. 1888, 22, pt, 1, 22, pt, 2, 23, pt, 1. 23, pt. 2. 24, pt. 1. 24, pt. 2. 24, pt. 3. 25, pt. 1. 25, pt. 2. 26, pt. 1. 26, pt. 2. 27, pt. 1. 27, pt. 2. 27, pt. 3. 28, pt. 1. 28, pt. 2. 29, pt. 1. 29, pt. 2. 30, pt. 1. 30, pt. 2. 30, pt. 3. 30, pt. 4. 31, pt. 1. 31, pt. 2. 31, pt. 3. 32, pt. 1. 32, pt. 2. 32, pt. 3. 33, 1891. 34, pt. 1. 34, pt. 2. 34, pt. 3. 34, pt. 4. 35, pt. 1. 35, pt. 2, 36, pt. 1. 36, pt. 2. 36, pt. 3. 37, pt. 1. 37, pt. 2. 38, pt. 1. 38, pt. 2. 38, pt. 3. 38, pt. 4. 38, pt. 5. 39, pt. 1. 39, pt. 2. 39, pt. 3. 40, pt. 1. 40, pt. 2. 40, pt. 3. 41,pt. 1. 41, pt. 2. 41, pt. 3. 41, pt. 4. 42, pt. 1. 42, pt. 2. 42, pt. 3. 43, pt. 1. 43, pt. 2. 44. 1893. [2577- 1888. 1888. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1889. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1891. 1891. 1891. 387] '2580-585] 2656-60] 2659-113] 2660-129] 2761-4" 2762-5 2763-6 2766-44] 2767-45] 2769-105 2770-106 2771-146 2772-147 '2773-148 '2778-223 '2781-228 '2789-240 2790-241 2792-245 '2793-246 2794-247 '2795-248 2870-12 2871-13 '2872-14 '2873-76 '2874-77 '2875-78 [2961-12] 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1892. 1892. 1892. 1892. 1892. 1892. 1893. 1893. 1893. 1893. 1893. 1893. 1893. 1893. 1893. [3240-97] 2962-13, pt. 1 2963-13, pt. 2 2964-13, pt. 3 2965-13, pt. 4 2966-14, pt. 1 2967-14, pt. 2' 2968-15, pt. 1^ 2969-15, pt. 2 2970-15, pt. 3 2971-16, pt. 1 2972-16, pt. 2 2980-48, pt. 1 2981-48, pt. 2 2982-48, pt. 3 2983-48, pt. 4 2984-48, pt. 5 2993-233, pt. 1 2994-233, pt. 2 2995-233, pt. 3 3004-338, pt. 1 3005-338, pt. 2 ^3006-338, pt. 3 3119-96, pt. 1] 3120-96, pt. 2] 3121-96, pt. 3' 3122-96, pt. 4 3152-9, pt. 1' 3153-9, pt. 2 3154-9, pt. 3 3235-55, pt. i] 3236-55, pt. 2] 1393 Classlflcatlun no. W45.5 : (serial nos.) W45. WAll RECORDS OFFICE— Continued War of Rebellion, compilation of olllcial records of Union and Confederate armies [or Rebellion records] — Continued Serial no. 93, series 1, v. 45, pt. 1. Serial no. 94, series 1, v. 45, pt. 2. Serial no. 95, series 1, v. 46, pt. 1. Serial no. 90, series 1, v. 46, pt. 2. Serial no. 97, series 1, v. 46, pt. 3. Serial no. 98, series 1, v. 47, pt. 1. Serial no. 99, series 1, v. 47, pt. 2. Serial no. 100, series 1, v. 47, pt. 3. Serial no. 101, series 1, v. 48, pt. 1, Serial no. 102, series 1, v. 48, pt. 2. Serial no. 103, series 1, v. 49, pt. 1. Serial no. 104, series 1, v. 49, pt. 2. Serial no. 105, series 1, v. 50, pt. 1. Serial no. 106, series 1, v 50, pt. 2. Serial no. 107, series 1, v. 51, pt. 1. Serial no. 108, series 1, v. 51, pt. 2. Serial no. 109, series 1, v. 52, pt. 1. Serial no. 110, series 1, v. 52, Serial no. Ill, series 1, v. 53. Serial no. 112, series 1, v. 54. Serial no. 113, series 1, v. 55. pt. 2. 1898 1894. 1894. 1894. 1895. 1894. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1896. 1896. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1898. 1898. 3244-121, pt. 1 "3^5-121, pt. 2 '3261-208, pt. 1 3262-208, pt. 2 '3263-208, pt. 3 3409-37, pt. 11 3410-37, pt. 2J 3411-37, pt. 3] "3436-369, pt. 1 3437-369, pt. 2 3532-251, pt. 1 3533-251, pt. 2 3583-59, pt. 1 '3584-59, pt. 2 '3585-95, pt. 1 3586-95, pt. 2 '3684-288, pt. 1] 3685-288, pt. 2] [3686-476] [sntls']} [Not printed.] (These volumes, 54 and 55, have not been published, and no material for them is in hand. They are reserved to contain such additional matter as it may be decided to publish in future, but they will not be issued imless sufficient material to justify their publication shall be secured. Although document and serial numbers for the Congressional set were assigned to these volumes, such numbers are still left vacant.] Serial no. 114, series 2, v. 1. 1894. [3787-65 Serial no. ^15, series 2, v. 2. 1897. [3788-66 Serial no. 116, series 2, v. 3. 1898. [3789-67 Serial no. 117, series 2, v. 4. 1899. [3790-284 Serial no. 118, series 2, v. 5. 1899. [3791-311' Serial no. 119, series 2, v. 6. 1899. [3792-312] f Serial no. 120, series 2, v. 7. 1899. [3793-313] f Serial no. 121, series 2, v. 8. 1899. [3794-314] f Serial no. 122, series 3, v. 1. 1899. [3962-117] f Serial no. 123, series 3, v. 2. 1899. [3963-118] f Serial no. 124, series 3, v. 3. 1899. [3964-287] f Serial no. 125, series 3, v. 4. 1900. [3965-496] f Serial no. 126, series 3, v. 5. 1900. [3966-553] f Serial no. 127, series 4, v. 1. 1900. [3967-579] f Serial no. 128, series 4, v. 2. 1900. [3968-658] t Serial no. 129, series 4, v. 3. 1900. [3969-678] f Serial no. 130, General index and additions and corrections. 1901. [4209-558] t [This index volume, serial no. 130, which indexes the entire work, was prepared by John S. Moodey, and contains also additions and corrections of errors discovered in the several volumes after their publication. These additions and corrections were reissued in separate form in 1902. See heading and note Immediately fol- lowing.] "War of Rebellion, compilation of official records of Union and Confederate armies [or Rebellion records], additions and corrections [In 1902, the additions and corrections to the Official records which had been already printed as a part of the General index, serial no. 130 ( W45.5:130), were issued by • the Record and l^ension Office in 71 separate leaflets, one for each volume and one each for the Atlas and General index, with such additional corrections as had been discovered subsequent to the issuance of the 1st edition. These were Erinted and plainly labeled "to be inserted in the volume" to which each elonged, consequently no separate class is made for them as they are included with the volumes entered under W45.5:, W45.7:, and W45.8: Since only one leaflet was issued for each volume, the additions and corrections for all parts of a particular volume are inserted in the first part] t Published by Record and Pension Office, note at head of W45.5: 82452°— 11 88 See paragraph regarding the matter in 1394 Classification no. W45.6: B32 G28 W45.7: (pt. nos.) W45.8: (v. nos.) pt. pt. pt. pt. pt. pt. pt. pt. pt. pt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, [2998 »-261, pt. 1 (except pi. 84, in 29982). W45. WAR RECORDS OFFICE— Continued War of Rebellion, compilation of official records of Union and Confederate armies [or Rebellion records], indexes See also, for General index to entire work, W45.5:130. Battles. War of Rebellion, official records of Union and Confederate armies, series 1, index to battles, campaigns, etc. Apr. 1, 1899. General index to series 1 of Official records of War of Rebellion, by John S. Moodey, pt. 1: Operations 1861-63, v. 1-31. 1892. [This pt. 1 includes Aagessen-Byser. No more printed.] Atlas to accompany [War of Rebellion], official rec- ords of Union and Confederate armies [or Re- bellion records] (atlas in parts) large 4» [The atlas of the Official records consists of maps of battlefields, cities and their defenses, and parts of the country traversed by the armies. Pts. 1 , 25, and 26 con- tain views of besieged cities, forts, etc., and pt. 35 gives the uniforms and flags of the two armies, and other information. The location of Confederate troops or defenses is shown in red and that of the Union troops in blue. This compilation was the work of Calvin D. Cowles. A sheet of additions and corrections was issued in 1902 to be inserted in the part containing the title-page, index, etc.) pl. 1- pl. 6- 10 pl. 11- 15 pl. 16- 20 pl. 21- 25 pl. 2&- 30 pl. 31- 35 pl. 36- 40 pl. 41- 45 pl. 46- 50 pl. 51- 55 pl. 56- 60 pl. 61- 65 pl. 66- 70 pl. 71- 75 pl. 76- 80 pl. 81- 85, pl. 86- 90^ pl. 91- 95 pl. 96-100 pl. 101-105 pl. 106-110 pl. 111-115 pl. 116-120 pl. 121-125 pl. 126-130 pl. 131-135 pl. 136-140 pl. 141-145 pl. 146-150 pl. 151-155 pl. 156-161 pl. 162-166 pl. 167-171 pl. 172-175 [pt. 36], pl. 135a-c [pt. 37], title-page, index, etc. [In 2998 ^-261, pt. 1] Atlas to accompany [War of Rebellion], official rec- ords of Union and Confederate armies [or Re- bellion records] (atlas in volumes) large 4* [The Atlas to the Rebellion records has been bound by the War Department for sale to the public either in 2 or 3 parts as desired by the purchaser. The bound set in the Public Documents Library is in 3 v. as listed below; ^ut libraries having the 2 voliune set may adjust this classification to suit their own con- venience. See, for other information concerning the atlas, note under W45.7:] In 2998 1-261, pt. 1] In 2998 1,2-261, pt. 1, 2] In 2998 2-261, pt. 2] pt. 11, pt. 12, pt. 13, pt. 14, pt. 15, pt. 16, pt. 17, pt. 18, pt. 19, pt. 20, pt. 21, pt. 22, pt. 23, pt. 24, pt. 25, pt. 26, pt. 27, pt. 28, pt. 29, pt. 30, pt. 31, pt. 32, pt. 33, pt. 34, pt. 35, [2998 2-261, pt. 2] 1395 CU88lflcatlon no. W45.9: ! (v. IIOS.) W45. WAR KECORD8 OFFICE-Continued Reports of military operations during Rebellion, 1860-65 (Prelimiiiary prints of Rebellion records) [Although tho first'act leading to tho compilation of tho Rebellion records was enacted May 19, 18()4 (Stat. L. v. 13, p. 4Uibrary has only v. 9 and 11 of the set.] W4:6. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MIUETARY PARK COMMISSION [This commission was appointed by the Secretary of War, May 25, 1893. In the report of the Secretary of War for 1893, he suggested that the general Government take charge of the Gettysburg battlefield, and in his report for 1894 he renewed the suggestion, which was approved by Congress when, Feb. 11, 1S95, an act was passed providing for the reception by the United States of the lands belonging to the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association, and declaring that they should constitute, with other lands the Government had acquired there, the "Gettysburg NationarPark," and placing it in charge of the commission, under the superintendence of the Secretary of War.] W46.1: (date) W46.2: In7 W4:6.3: (nos.) W4:6.4:: (nos.) Annual reports [The three compilations of reports, listed below, and the separate report for 1899 contain plates which are not found in the other separate issues. The separate for 1905 includes the Inspection report of Nov. 1904 (V>''46.2:In7).] 1893-99 [Compilation of reports.] 1893-1901 [Compilation of reports.] [4255-453] 1893-1904 [Compilation of reports.] [4872-414] 1899-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and for 1899, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, and 1909, issued separately also. General publications Inspection. Gettysburg National Park, inspection report of E. A. Garlington, Nov. 1904. 1904. [Also in annual report of Gettys- burg National Military Park Commission, 1905 (W46.1:905).] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] W47. CUBAN CENSUS OFFICE (A War Department order was issued by direction of the Pnisident, Aug. 19, 1899, authorizing a census of nation, agricultural pr 1899. See, for text of this order. Report on census of Cuba, 1S99, the population, agricultural products,' and educational conditions of Cuba, to be taken Oct.'16-Nov. 30, '"" ...... * .- " p. G21-(.2t(Wl7.2:R290-] W4:7.1: (date) W47.2: R291 R292 W47.3: (nos.) Annual reports [An administrative report is. given in lettor of transmittal, p. 9-15, of Report on census of Cuba, 1S99 (W47.2: 1129 ')• Reoorts of subordinate oflicers are in- cluded in the same publication as appendixes 3-12.] General publications Report on census of Cuba, 1899. 1900. Same, Spanish. 1900. Bulletins 1 Same, Spanish 2 Same, Spanish 3 Same, Spanish 1396 Glasslflcation no. W47.4:: (nos.) W4:7. CUBAN CENSUS OFFICE-Continued Circulars [The printing of circulars for oflicial use was authorized, but Public Documents Library having none, they are not Hsted here.] W48. PORTO RICO CENSUS OFFICE [A War Department order was issued Sept. 8, 1899, by direction of the I'resident, authorizing a census of the population, agricultural products, and educational conditions of Porto Rico, to he taken Nov. 10- Dec.20,r"" " ' " ...-.-T,.._- ,o^^ _ „... o..w,...o„.T,..^,^ . W4:8.1: (date) W48.2: R291 R292 W4:8.3: (nos.) W48.4: (nos.) See, for text of this order. Report on census of Porto Rico, 1899, p. 361-364 ( W48.2:R29 i).] Anniial reports [An administrative report is given in letter of transmittal, p. 9, 1 0, of Report on census of Porto Rico, 1899 ( W48.2:R29 1)-] General publications Report of census of Porto Rico, 1899. 1900. Same, Spanish. 1900. Bulletins 1 Same, Spanish 2 Same, Spanish 3 Same, Spanish Circulars [The printing of circulars for official use was authorized, but Public Documents Library having none, they are not listed here.J W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Commission) [The Taft Philippine Commission was appointed by the President in Mar. 1900. The Commission was directed by the President to report to the Secretary of War, and all its actions to be subject tohisapproval and control. The Commission arrived in Manila, June 3, 1900, but did not perform any functions in the military government until Sept. 1, 1900. In Sept. 1900, the central government of the islands was estab- lished under instructions of the President, with a military governor as chief executive and the Commis- sion as the legislative body with certain executive functions in addition. This continued until July 4, 1901, when the civil executive authority theretofore reposed in the military governor and in the Com- mission was transferred to a Civil Governor (W49.35:). See, for reports of civil officers made to the military governor, W2] .1 : Congress approved and ratified the President's action by passing on July 1, 1902, an act temporarily to provide for administration of affairs of civil government in Philippine Islands, etc. (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 691). The Philippine Commission passed a general election law, Jan. 9, 1907, in conformity with the organic act of Congress of July 1. 1902, for members of the Philippine Assembly and for officers for the different provinces and municipalities. The election for members of the Philippine Assembly was held July 30, 1907, and the Assembly was opened by the Secretary of War, Oct. 16, 1907. The election for the munici- pal and provincial officers was held on the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday of Nov. 1907. The Philippine Legislature (W49.39:) which has since Oct. 16, 1907, exercised the legislative function for the islands is composed of 2 bodies, the Philippine Commission (W49.40:) forming the upper house, and the Philippine Assembly (W49.41:) the lower house. See, for Philippine Commission, 1899-1900, or Schurman Commission, Y3.P53:] W49.1: (date) Annual reports [The Philippine Commission reports, with the exception of the 1st report, appear also as volumes of the War Department reports, see Wl.l:] 1900, Nov. 30, [1st] [4040-112] 1901, Dec. 1, 1900-Oct. 15, 1901, [2d], pt. 1 [4276-2] Same, pt. 2 [4277-2] 1902 [year ending Sept. 30], 3d, pt. 1 [4452-2] Same, pt. 2 [4453-2] 1903 [Oct. 1, 1902-Dec. 22] 1903, 4th, pt. 1 [4632-2] Same, pt. 2 [4633-2] Same, pt. 3 [4634-2] Same [without reports of departments, bureau officers, exhibits, etc.]. [Not in Congressional set.] 1904 [Dec. 22, 1903-Oct. 31] 1904, 5th, pt. 1 [4791-2] 1397 ClaMlflratlon no. W49.1: (date) W49.1«: (CT) W49.2: Ac2 Ac8 W15). PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued Annual rei>orts— Continued Same, pt. 2 [4792-2J Same, pt. 3 [4793-2] Same, without [reports of bureau officers. Insular Affairs Bureau, and] exhibits. [In 4853-232] 1905 [Nov. 1904-Oct.] 1905, 6th, pt. 1 [4951-2] Same, pt. 2 [4952-2] Same, pt. 3 [4953-2] Same, pt. 4 [4954-2] Same, without exhibits [reports of bureau officers, etc.]. [Not in Congressioual set.] 1906 [fiscal year], 7th, pt. 1 [5111-2] Same, pt. 2 [5112-2] Same, pt. 3 [5113-2] Same, without exhibits [reports of bureau officers, etc.]; [Not in Congressional set.] 1907 [fiscal year], 8th, pt. 1 [5277-2] Same, pt. 2 [v. 1] ^ Same, pt. 2 [v. 2], app./ L^^7»-^J ^ Same, pt. 3 [5279-2] Same, without exhibits [reports of bureau officers, etc.]. [Not in Congressional set. This print is unlike the precedmg reports without exhibits in that the title-page carries words "War Department, annual reports, 1907".] 1908 [fiscal year, 9th], pt. 1 [5426-1042] Same, pt. 2 [5427-1042] Same, app. [5428-1042] 1909 [fiscal year^ 10th] [In 5722-103] [Comprises the entire Philippine Commission report as printed in United States. Title-page and a letter of transmittal, only, also appear as 61st Congress, 2d ses- sion, House document 823.] [The commission also publishes Its acts and resolutions, for which see W49.7: The acts and resolutions appear also as volumes of the War Department reports, see Wl.l:, but they do not appear as parts of the Philippine Commission re- ports classed here under W49.1: Following are the references to these acts and resolutions as they appear in the Congressional set, the dates being in each case the dates of the acts; the dates for the resolutions vary somewhat from such dates. 1901 1907 Sept. 12, 1900-Oct. 11, 1901 1902 Oct. 14, 1901-July 1, 1902 1903 July 2, 1902-Oct. 20, 1903 1904 Oct. 21, 1903-Oct. 20, 1904 1905 Oct. 26, 1904-Oct. 26, 1905 1906 Nov. 3, 1905-Sept. 8, 1906 Oct. 4278-2) '4454-2 4635-2 '4794-2' '4955-2 5114-2 '5280-21 5, 1906-Oct. 12, 1907 See, for acts of Philippine Legislature, Dec. 20, 1907-June 26, 1909, W49.39' Annual reports (separates; miscellaneous) General publications Accounting system. Rules and instructions relative to accounting sys- tem or military government by United States in Philippine Archipelago [and regulations in case of public civil property in Philippine Islands for which civil or military agents may be responsible], n. p. [1901]. Act 78. Remarks on act 78 [declaring persons in arms against authority of United States in Philippine Islands and persons aiding or abetting them, on Apr. 1, 1901, or thereafter, ineligible to hold office, by] Wm. H. Taft [and] Luke E. Wright, with law. Manila, Jan. 26, 1901. [English, Spanish, and 4 native languages.] 1398 Classlflcation W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued W4:9.2: General publications— Continued Ag8 Agricultural bank. Report on Agricultural Bank of Egypt to Secretary of War and to Philippine Commission; by E. W. Kemmerer. June 1, 1906. [Also in Philippine Commission report, 1906, pt. 1 (W49.1:906 ^). Published by Insular Affau-a Bureau.] F47 Filipino commissioners . Brief biography of members of honorary board of Filipino commissioners to Louisiana Purchase Exposition; officer m charge, A. W. Fergusson, disbursing officer, Thomas Hardeman. 1904. [Published by Insular Affairs Bureau.] H35 ' Hearings. Public hearings in Philippine Islands upon proposed reduc- tion of tariff upon Philippine sugar and tobacco, extension of coastwise navigation laws to Philippines and economic conditions in islands, held Aug. [7-16] 1905, before Secretary of War and Congressional party. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. [Also in Philippine tariff, hearings before Ways and Means Com- mittee, Dec. 13-18, 1905 (Y4.W36:P534), and Revenue for Philip- pine Islands hearings, Jan. 20-Feb. 13, 1906, etc., before Philip- pines Committee (Y4.P53:R32).] H352 Hearings before Secretary of War and Congressional party [on com- plaints in regard to policy of Government in Philippine Islands], held at Manila, Aug. .29, 30, 1905. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1905. . H74 Holy See. Correspondence between the Holy See and Wm. H. Taft. Manila, 1902. * Lll Labor conditions in Philippine Islands; by J..W. Beardsley. Manila, 1907. [From Engineering news, Nov. 23, 1905.] * L23 Lands held for ecclesiastical uses in Philippine Islands, also acts of Philippine Commission 56-68. 1901. ([56th Cong. 2d se&s. S. doc. 190]; serial no. 4040.) Municipal code and provincial government act, being act 82, entitled General act for organization of municipal governments in Philip- pine Islands, and act 83, entitled General act for organization of provincial governments in Philippine Islands, as amended by acts of Philippine Commission down to and including May 31, 1905, revised and codified by committee on revision and codifi- cation appointed by Governor-General. See W49.35 '^ : M92. Op3 Opium. Report of committee appointed by Philippine Commission to investigate use of opium and traffic therein in Japan, Formosa, Shanghai, Hongkong, Saigon, Singapore, Burmah, Java, and Philippine Islands. Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department, 1905. [4914-265] Sa5 San Jos^ College case. [Manila, 1901.] [Also in Land held for eccle- siastical uses in Philippine Islands (W49.2:L23).] Sch6 School bill. Remarks on sec. 16 of school bill [relative to teaching of religion; by] Wm. H. Taft. [Manila] Jan. 2, 1901. W49.3: Bulletins (nos.) [None issued.] W49.4: : Circulars (nos.) [None issued.] W49.5: Civil Service Bureau [Organized Sept. 20, 1900, as Civil Service Board. Ifame and organization changed to Bureau of Civil Service by act 1407 of Philippine Commission, enacted Oct. 26, 1905. It is under the supervision of the Governor-General.] W49.5 ^ : Civil Service Bureau, Annual reports (date) See, for reports made to military governor, W21.1: Civil Service Board 1900, Sept. 26-Dec. 31, Ist [English and Spanish. Issued as separate only. Published in Manila, P. I.] l.'^OO W49.5': (date) CU»8lflc*tIon W4f>. PTTTTJPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- misHion) — Continued Civil Service Bureau, Annual reports— Continued Civil Service Board — Continued 1901 [Jan. 1-Sept. 30, supplementary reports], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and not issued separately. 1902, year ended Sept. 30, 2d, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also, with appendix. Published in Manila, P. I. 1903, year ended Sept. 30, 3d, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. W49.5 2: R86 W49.5 3: (nos.) W49.5^- (nos.) W49.5«: 902 903 904 905 907 908 909 W49.5«: 901 » 9012 902 1 1904, for 9 months ended June 30, 4th, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued sepa- rately also, with additional matter. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905, year ended June 30, 5th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. Civil Service Bureau 1906, year ended June 30, 6th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also, with appendix, Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. Same, appendix only, not in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (\V49.1:), but issued sepa- rately. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1907, year ended June 30, 7th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also with additional matter in appendix. Published in Wash- ington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1908, year ended June 30, 8th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also with additional matter in appendix. Published in Wash- ington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Civil Service Bureau, General publications Revised act and rules. Philippine civil service, revised act and rules Jan. 1909. [Published by Insular Affairs Bureau.] Civil Service Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Civil Service Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Civil Service Bureau, Official roster of officers and employees Official register of officers and employees in civil service of Philippine Islands, Jan. 1, 1902. 1902. Same, Jan. 1, 1903. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Official roster of officers and employees in civil service of Philippine Islands, Jan. 1, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Same, Jan. 1, 1905. [None issued for 1906.] Same, Jan. 1, 1907. Same, Jan. 1, 1908. Same, Jan. 1, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Civil Service Bureau, Manual of information Manual of information relative to Philippine civil service. Manila, 1901. [English and Spanish.] Same, English. Manila, 1901. Same, English. Manila, 1902. 1400 Classlflcatlon no. W49.56: 9022 9031 9032 9041 9042 905 906 907 908 909 W49.6! W49.6 ' : (date) W49.6 2: Ap6 Sch6 W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued Civil Service Bureau, Manual of Information — Cont'd Same, English. 1902], Same, English, Same, Spanish. Same, English. Same, English. Same, Spanish. Same, English. Same, English. Same, English. ing, 1908. Same, English. ing, 1909. War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs [Oct. Manila, Bureau of Manila, Bureau of Manila, Bureau of Manila, Bureau of Manila, Bureau of Manila, Bureau of Manila, Bureau of Revised to Jan. 1, Public Printing, 1903. Public Printing, 1903. Public Printing, 1904. 125 p. Public Printing, 1904. 56 p. Public Printing, 1905. Printing, 1906. Printing, 1907. 1908. Manila, Bureau of Print- Revised to Jan. 1, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Print- Education Bureau [This office was originally established by act 74 of the Philippine Commission, enacted Jan. 21, 1901, as Department of Public Instruction. Act 222, of Sept. 6, 1901, designated one of the executive departments as the Department of Public Instruction (W49.37:), and changed the name of the office previously known by that name to Bureau of Public instruction making it subordinate to the execu- tive department just mentioned. The name of the subordinate bureau was again changed to Bureau of Education by act 477 enacted Nov. 1, 1902. See, for reorganization of Education Bureau, Nov. 1, 1905, act 1407 of Philippine Commission.] Education Bureau, Annual reports See, for earlier reports, W21.1: General Superintendent op Public Instruction 1901, May 27-Oct. 1, [1st], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). General Superintendent op Education 1902, Oct. 1, 1901-Sept. 1, 1902, [2d], in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, year ended Sept. 1, [3d], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1904, Sept. 15, 1903-Sept. 15, 1904, [4th], in annual reports of War De- partment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905, Sept. 15, 1904-Sept. 15, 1905, [5th], in annual reports of War De- partment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Director op Education 1906, fiscal year, 6th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1907, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1907, 7th, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued sepa- rately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau, and also in Manila, P. I. 1908, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1908, 8th, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Education Bureau, General publications Appointment of teachers. [Circular relative to appointment of teach- ers in Philippine Islands, issued by General Superintendent of Education.] Manila [1901]. 4® School law of Philippine Islands as amended by acts of Philippine Commission up to and including act 1530, with executive orders of Governor-General, and opinions of attorney-general rendered prior to Aug. 6, 1906, which affect schools or employees of Bureau of Education. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1906. ' 1401 ClMslflcatlon W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- W49.6^: (U08.) W49.6*: (no8.) W49.7^: (date) W49.7 2: (v. iios.) mission) — Continued Education Bureau, Bulletins 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [English and Spanish.] [English and Spanish.] [English and Spanish.] [Spanish translation of 7. [English and Spanish.] 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 [English and Spanish.] Education Bureau, Clrcular.s [None issued.] Public laws and resolutions (quarterly issue) [These laws and resolutions are also published in English in War Department reports (Wl.l:), and sometimes published separately by Insular Affairs Bureau. In compliance with act 1347 of the Philippine Commission, enacted May 19, 1905, the quarterly issue was discontinued, the laws and resolutions being thereafter published in the Official gazette (W49.16:).l English and Spanish. English and Spanish. English and Spanish. English and Spanish. English and Spanish. English and Spanish. English and Spanish. English and Spanish.^ 1900, quarter ending Nov. 30 1901, quarter ending Feb. 28 1901, quarter ending May 31 1901, quarter ending Aug. 31 1901, quarter ending Nov. 30 1902, quarter ending Feb. 28 1902, quarter ending May 31 1902, quarter ending Aug. 31 1902, quarter ending Nov. 30 Same, Spanish 1903, quarter ending Feb. 28 Same, Spanish 1903, quarter ending May 31 Same, Spanish 1903, quarter ending Aug. 31 Same, Spanish 1903, quarter ending Nov. 30 Same, Spanish 1904, quarter ending Feb. 29 Same, Spanish 1904, quarter ending May 31 Same, Spanish 1904, quarter ending Aug. 31 Same, Spanish 1904, quarter ending Nov. 30 Same, Spanish 1905, quarter ending Feb. 28 Same, Spanish Public laws with, amendments (yearly edition in volumes) large 8« [These volumes include also Acts of Ck)ngres8 relating to Philippine Islands, gov- ernors' proclamations, etc. These laws are also published in English in War Department reports (Wl.l:), and sometimes published separately by Insular Affairs Bureau (W49.7*:). The resolutions of the Commission are not found in these volumes but are to be found in War Department reports (Wl.l:) and the (Jtlicial gazette (W49.1G:).J V. 1, Sept. 1900-Aug. 1902, acts 1-449 Same, Spanish 1402 W4:9.7 2: (v. nos.) Ciasslflcatlon W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued Public laws with aniendments (yearly edition in volumes) — Continued V. 2, Sept. 1902-Aug. 1903, acts 450-862 Same, Spanish V. 3, Sept. 1903-Aug. 1904, acts 863-1225 Same, Spanish V. 4, Sept. 1904-Aug. 1905, acts 1226-1383 V. 5, Sept. 1905-Aug. 1906, acts 1384-1536 V. 6, Sept. 1, 1906-Oct. 15, 1907, acts 1537-1800 V. 7, Oct. 16, 1907-Dec. 31, 1909, acts 1801-1968 W49.7 2: (date) W49.7^i 908 W49.8: (CT) W49.9: W49.9 ' : (date) Acts and public resolutions [The three publications listed below appear in the War Department annual reports (Wl.l:), but do not appear in the same form as parts of the Philippine Commis- sion reports (W49.1:). They are published in Washington by the Insular Affairs Bureau. The Public Documents Library has no other similar Insular Affairs Bureau prints, but the text of the missing acts and resolutions may be found by reference to the table under W49.391:] Public laws and resolutions 1901 [Sept. 12, 190(>-Oct. 11, 1901, acts 1-263 and resolutions, etc., Sept. 24, 1900-Jan. 5, 1901]. [4278-2] Acts 1903 [July 2, 1902-Oct. 20, 1903], acts 425-949. [4635-2] Acts and public resolutions 1906 [Nov. 3, 1905-Sept. 8, 1906], acts 1408-1538 and public resolutions, etc., Oct. 19, 1905-Sept. 15, 1906. [5114-2] Compilations of acts Compilation of acts of Philippine Commission, embracing acts and mili- tary orders in force Oct. 15, 1907, with organic laws of Philippine Islands, being treaties with Spain, instructions and orders of President, and acts of Congress having special reference to islands. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. large 8° Slip laws [Numerous numbered slip laws are printed, but only a scattered few are received by the Public Documents Library.) Forestry Bureau [Organized pursuant to General order 50, Office U. S. Military Governor in the Philippines, Apr. 14, 1900. Act 222 of the Philippine Commission, Sept. 6, 1901, placed the Forestry Bureau within the executive control of the Interior Depart- ment (W49.19:).] Forestry Bureau, Annual reports See, for earlier reports, W21.1: 1901, year ending June 30, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l :) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1902, July 1, 1901-Sept. 1, 1902, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1903, year ended Sept. 1, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1904, Sept. 1, 1903-Aug. 31, 1904, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Conunission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905 [Sept. 1, 1904-Aug. 31, 1905], in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued sepa- rately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1906, July i, 1905-June 30, 1906, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, July 1, 1906^une 30, 1907, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1403 ClsMlflcation W4*). PIIIIjIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued W49.9 ' : Forestry Bureau, Annual reports— Continued (date) 1908, Jul^ 1, 1907-June 30, 1908, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I, 1909, July 1, 1908-June 30, 1909, not in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:), but issued separately. Published in Manila, P. I. W49.9=^: Forestry Bureau, General publications L44 Laws. Spanish public land laws in Philippine Islands and their history to Aug. 13, 1898; translated and compiled under direction of George P. Ahem, assisted by Gregorio Basa. 1901. [Published by Insular Affairs Bureau.] Manual. Forest manual containing forest act 1148, extracts from other laws of Philippine Commission relating to forest service, and forest regulations prepared in accordance with provisions of forest act. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 12° Regulations governing utilization of forest products of state lands [in Philippine Islands]. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. 12° [This is a reprint, with footnotes added, of General orders 92, June 27 , 1900, issued from office of military governor in Philippine Islands.] Same, Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. 12° Report. Special report of George P. Ahern, in charge of Forestry Bureau, Philippine Islands, Apr. 1900-July, 1901. 1901. [Pub- lished by Insular Affairs Bureau.] Timber tree species. Compilation of notes on most important timber tree species of Philippine Islands [with bibliography]; by George P. Ahern. p^Ianila, 1901.] 4° Tree species of Philippine Islands arranged according to family. Ma- nila, May 1, 1901. * Forestry Bureau, Bulletins 1 4 * 7 2 5 * 8 3 6 9 M31 R26 11262 R29 T48 T71 W49.93: (nos.) W49.9*: (nos.) W49.10 W49.10^: (date) Forestry Bureau, Circulars 1 2 3 4 Customs Bureau [Act 355 of Philippine Commission, enacted Feb. 6, 1902, created an executive branch to be known as Customs Service, although there had been a customs collector since the military occupation of the Philippines in 1898. Until Nov. 1, 1905, the bureau was called Bureau of Customs and Immigration with Collector of Customs as its chief, then, by act 1407 of Philippine Commission the name was changed to Bureau of Customs with Insular Collector of Customs as chief. It is under the supervision of the Department of Justice and Finance.) Customs Bureau, Annual reports [The reports for 1902-06 were called special reports. See, for earlier reports, W21.1:l Collector op Customs 1902, June 1, 1901-Sept. 1, 1902, [1st], in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, Sept. 1, 1902-Oct. 8, 1903, 2d, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued sepa- rately also. Publisned in Manila, P. I. 1904, Sept. 1, 1903-Sept. 1, 1904, 3d, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued sepa- rately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905, July 1, 1904r-Sept. 1, 1905, 4th, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued sepa- rately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1404 W49.10^: (date) Classiftcation W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued Customs Bureau, Annual reports— Continued Insular Collector op Customs 1906, July 1, 1905-June 30, 1906, 5th, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued sepa- rately also, rublished in Manila, P. I. 1907, fiscal year, [6th], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1908, fiscal year, [7th], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1909, fiscal year, [8th], not in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:), but issued separately. Published in Manila, P. I. W49.10 2: (CT) W49.10': (nos.) W49.10*: (nos.) W49.10^: (v. nos.) Customs Bureau, General publications [None issued.] Customs Bureau, Bxdletlns [None issued.] Customs Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Customs Bureau, Customs decisions [These are composed of Tariff decision circulars, and Chinese and immigration circu- lars collected and issued at irregular intervals, with index, although bearing words "published monthly" on publications. These are also issued in Spanish, but the Spanish editions, with one or two exceptions, are not in the Public Documents Library.] 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 V. 1, no. 1 Jan. 15, no. 2 Feb. 15, no. 3 Mar. 31, no. 4 May 31, no. 5 June 30, V. 2, no. 1 July 31, no. 2 Sept. 30, no. 3 Oct. 31, no. 4 Nov. 30, no. 5 Dec. 31, V. 3, no. 1 Jan. 31, no. 2 Feb. 28, no. 3 Mar. 31, no. 4 Apr, May 30, no. 5 31, no. 6 June 30, V. 4, no. 1 July 31, no. 2 Aug. 31, no. 3 Sept. 30, no. 4 Nov. 30, no. 5 Dec. 31, V. 5, no. 1 Feb. 29, no. 2 Apr. M^y 30, no. 3 31, no. 4 June 30, V. 6, no. 1 ,July 31, no. 2 , Aug. 31, no 3 , Sept 30, no. 4 , Oct. 31, no 5 , Dec. 31, V. 7, no 1 , Jan. 31, no 2 , Feb. 28, no 3 , Mar. 31, no 4 , Apr. 29, no. 5 , May 31, 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 [Covers period Jan. 1-Feb. 29, 1904.] 1405 ClaHsiflctloii W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- miHsion) — Continued W49.10*: Customs Buroau, Customs decisions—Continued (v. no8.) W49.10«: (no8.) V. 8, no. 1, Dec. 29, 1905 V. 9, no. 1, Feb. 28, 1906 no. 2, Mar. 31, 1906 V. 10, no. 1, Sept. 29, 1906 no. 2, Oct. 31, 1906 no. 3, Dec. 29, 1906 V. 11, no. 1, June 30, 1907 [Coverj period June 1, 1905-Dec. 29, 1905.] [Covers period Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 1906.] [Covers period Apr. 1-Sopt. 29, 1906.] [Covers period Jan. 1-June 30, 1907, for Tariff decision circulars, and Nov. 1, 1906-June 30, 1907, for Chinese and immigration circulars.] V. 12, no. 1, Dec. 30, 1907 [Covers period July 1-Dec. 30, 1907.1 * V. 13, no. 1, Dec. 31, 1908 [Covers period Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1908.] * [v. 14] [Tariff decision circulars, issued by manifold process, covering period Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1909, are in Public Documents Li- brary,] Customs administrative clrcu- Customs Bureau, lars 40 1 46 2 47 3 48 4 49 5 50 6 51 7 52 8 53 9 54 10 55 11 56 12 57 13 58 14 59 15 60 16 61 17 62 18 63 19 64 20 65 21 66 22 67 23 1 68 24 1 69 25 70 26 * 71 27 72 28 73 29 74 30 75 31 76 32 77 33 78 34 79 35 80 36 81 37 82 38 83 39 84 40 85 41 86 42 87 43 88 44 89 45 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 1 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 14d 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 t Copies in Public Documents Library are executed by manifold process. 1406 Classiflcatloi] W4.9 . PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission)— Continued W4:9.106: Customs Bureau, Customs administrative clrcu- (nos.) lars- -Continued 181 241 301 361 182 242 302 362 183 243 303 363 184 244 304 364 185 245 305 365 186 246 306 366 187 247 307 367 188 248 308 368 189 249 309 369 190 250 310 370 191 251 311 371 192 252 312 372 193 253 313 373 194 254 314 374 195 255 315 375 196 256 316 376 197 257 317 377 198 258 318 378 199 259 319 379 200 260 320 380 201 261 321 381 202 262 322 382 203 263 323 383 204 264 324 384 205 265 325 385 206 266 326 386 207 267 327 387 208 268 328 388 209 269 329 389 210 270 330 390 211 271 331 391 212 272 332 392 213 273 333 393 214 274 334 394 215 275 335 395 216 276 336 396 * 217 277 337 397 [Spanish.] 218 278 338 398 219 279 939 399 220- 280 340 400 221 281 341 401 222 282 342 402 223 283 343 403 224 284 344 404 225 285 345 405 226 286 346 1 406 227 287 347 407 228 288 348 • 408 229 289 349 1 409 230 290 350 1 410 231 291 351 4U 232 292 352 412 233 293 353 413 234 294 354 414 235 295 355 415 236 296 356 416 237 297 357 * 417 238 298 358 418 239 299 359 t 419 240 300 360 420 + Copies in Public Documents Library are executed by manifold process. 1407 Classlflcatloii W49. PI^ [ILI PPINl 5 CO» IMISSK 3N, 1900- (Taft Com- no. mission ) — Continued W49.10«: Customs Bureau, Customs administrative cirou- (no8.) lars- -Continued 421 463 507 t 550 \ 422 464 508 1 651 ■ 423 465 1 509 1 552 • 424 466 510 1 553 \ 425 467 511 1 554 • 426 468 1 512 1 555- f 427 469 1 513 1 556 •• 428 470 1 514 t 557 t 429 471 1 515 1 558 1 430 472 1 516 1 559 1 431 473 1 517 1 560 1 432 474 1 518 1 561 1 433 475 t 519 1 562- \ 434 476 1 520 1 563-^ 435 477 t 521 1 564 436 478 1 522 1 565 1 Same, Span- 479 t 523 1 566 ish 480 1 524 1 567 437 481 1 525 1 5681 • 438 482 1 526 1 569- • 439 483 t 527 1 570 ■ 440 484 1 528 1 571- ■ 441 485 529 1 5721 ■ 442 486 1 530 1 5731 ■ 443 487 1 531 1 5741 • 444 488 1 532- 575 445 489 t 533:: 576 1 446 490 1 534 [None h - 577 1 447 491 1 sued.] 578 •■ 448 492 1 535 t 579- 449 493 1 536 580 1 450 494 537 1 581 1 451 495 1 538 t 582 1 452 496 1 539 1 583 1 453 497 540 1 584 1 454 498 1 541 1 585 455 499 1 542 586 456 500 543 1 587 1 457 501 1 544 1 588 1 458 502 1 545 1 589 459 503 1 546 t 590 1 460 504 t 547 t 461 505 548 1 462 506 1 549 t W4:9.10': Customs Bureau, Manlla custom- Jiouse general orders 4 (no8.) 1 * 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 2 13 24 35 46 57 68 79 90 1 3 * 14 25 36 47 58 69 80 91 4 15 26 37 48 59 70 81 92 1 5 16 27 38 49 60 71 82 93 1 6 17 28 39 50 61 72 83 94 7 18 29 40 51 62 73 84 • 95 8 19 30 41 52 63 74 85 96 9 20 31 42 53 64 75 86 97 10 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 1 98 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 t Copies in Public Documents Library are executed by manifold process. X Published as no. 547. 1408 Classification no. W49.107: (nos.) W49.10«: (v. nos.) W49.ll W49.11^: (date) W49.ll 2; (CT) W49.ll 3: (nos.) W49.11^: (nos.) W49.12: W49.12^: (date) W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued Customs Bureau, Manila custom-liouse general orders— Continued 100 108 1 116 124 132 140 1 148 1 156 t 101 109 t 117 125 133 t 141 1 149 t 157 t 102 110 118 126 1 134 1 1421 150 1 158 t 103 111 119 127 t 135 t 143 1 151 1 159 t 104 112 120 128 t 136 1 144 t 152 160 1 105 113 121* 129 t 137 • 145 1 153 t 161 1 106 t 114 122 130 1 138 ■• 146 1 154 t 162 t 107 t 115 123 131 1 139 t 147 t 155 t 163 1 Customs Bureau, Chinese and Immigration circu- lars V. 1, nos. 1-197, Dec. 1901-Dec. 1907 V. 2 [Hektograph copies of nos. 198-232, Jan. 3, 1908-Sept. 2, 1909, issued as 4** circulars, have been received at the Public Docu- ments Library. These will be printed in v. 2 when issued.] Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings Bureau [Created under act 268 of Philippine Commission, enacted Oct. 18, 1901, as a bureau under the Public Instruction Department (W49.37:). On Nov. 1, 1905, it was made a division of Public Works Bureau (W49.36:) and called Division of Build- ing Construction and Repair.] Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings Bureau, Annual reports 1902, Oct. 18, 1901-Sept. 1, 1902, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, Sept. 1, 1902-Aug. 31, 1903, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1904, fiscal year and [supplemental report] July 1-Aug. 31, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1905, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings Bureau, General publications [None issued.] Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Engineering Bureau [Created Jan. 8, 1903, under Commerce and Police Department, by act 584 of Philip- pine Commission. Merged into Public Works Bureau (W49.36:) on Nov. 1, 1905, by act 1407 of Philippine Commission.] Engineering Bureau, Annual reports 1903, year ending Aug. 31, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1904, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- f)ine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- ished in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1905, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- pine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- lished in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. t Copies in Public Documents Library are executed by manifold process. 1409 ClasHiflcatiun no. W49.12 2: (CT) W49.12 3: (no8.) W49.12*: (nos.) W4:9.13: W49.13 W49.13'-^ (date) W49.13'-2: (date) W49.13 2: B26 W19. PIIII^PPINK COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- iniHHion) — Continued Enj^lneorln^ JJiireau, General publications [None issued.] Engineering Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Engineering Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Weatlier Bureau [This bureau was established on May 22, 1901, by act 131 of the I'hilippine Com- nussion, as the Philippine Weather Bureau. Act 222, Sept. 6, 1901, placed the bureau within the executive control of the Interior Department (W^.19:). On Nov. 1, 1905, act 1407 changed the name to Weather Bureau.] Weather Bureau, Annual reports [The Weather Bureau makes two annual reports. One is an administrative re- port, printed in 8°, which appears only in the annual reports of the War De- partment (Wl.l:) and the Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and is sometimes issued separately. This administrative report is classed under W49.13'-': The other is a scientific report printed in several parts, 4°, which appears sep- arately only and which does not Include the administrative report. Tms scientific report is classed under W49.131-2:] Weather Bureau, Annual reports (administrative reports) 1901, June 1-Sept. 30, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1902, year ending Aug. 31, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, year ended Sept. 1, m annual reports of War Department ^Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1904, year ending Au^. 31, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1905, year ending Aujj. 31, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1906 [fiscal year], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, year ended June 30, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1 :). 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Weatlier Bureau, parts) 4« Annual reports (scientific reports in 1 1902 [calendar year], pt. Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 * Same, pts. 4, 5 1903 [calendar year], pt. Same, pt. 2 Same, pt. 3 1904 [calendar year], pts Same, pt. 3 1905 [calendar year], pt Same, pt. 2 Weather Bureau, General publications J. 1,2 1 1906 [calendar year], pt. 1 [Other parts not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 1907 [calendar year], pt. 1 [Other parts not issued up to Dec. 31, 1909.] 1908 [Not issued up to Dec. 31,. 1909.] 1909 [No report to be printed for United States. 1 Barocyclonometer; by Jos^ Algue. Manila, Bureau of Public Print- ing, 1904. 4« [Also in Cyclones of the far East (W49.132:C99).] 099 Cyclones. Special report of director, cyclones of the far East; by Jos6 Algue. 2d edition. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. 4° [1st edition, printed in Spanish in 1897, not in Public Documents Library.] 82452°— 11 89 1410 W49.132: G91 M67 R13 Se4 T98 Wi9.13 3: (date) Classification WdL9. PHIIilPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued Weatlier Bureau, General publications — Continued Ground temperature observations at Manila, 1896-1902; by Jose Algue. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, [Mar. 19] 1902. Mirador Observatory, Baguio, Benguet, new meteorological-geody- namic station of Weather Bureau; by Jose Algue. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. 4° Rainfall in Philippines; by Miguel Saderra Maso. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1907. 4" Seismic centers. Report on seismic and volcanic centers of Philip- ?ine Archipelago; by M. Saderra Maso. Manila, Bureau of 'ublic Printing, 1902. Typhoon-warning code of Manila Observatory; by Jos^ Coronas. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. 4° [English and Spanish.] Weather Bureau, Bulletins (monthly) 4° [English and Spanish.] 1907, May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1908, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1909, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. W49.13*: (nos.) W4:9.13 5: (nos.) W39.14:: W^9.14:^: (date) 1901 * 1904, Aug. 1902, Jan. * Sept. Feb. * Oct. Mar. * Nov. Apr. May * Dec. * 1905, Jan. June Feb. July Mar. Aug. Apr. May Sept. Oct. June Nov. July Dec. * Aug. 1903, Jan. Sept. Feb. * Oct. Mar. Nov. Apr. Dec. May 1906, Jan. June Feb. July Mar. Aug. Apr. Same, suppl. May Sept. June Oct. July Nov. Aug. Dec. Sept. 1904, Jan. Oct. Feb. Nov. Mar. Dec. Apr. 1907, Jan. May Feb. June Mar. July Apr. Weatlier Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Weather Bureau, Instructions (Spanish) 1 [Discontinued.] Exposition Board [Created by act 514 of Philippine Commission, Louisiana Turchase Exposition, 1904.] Nov. 11, 1902, to prepare exhibit for Exposition Board, Annual reports 1903 [year ending Oct. 2], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1411 ClaMslflcHthin no. W49.ll': 1119' HI92 Sa2» Sa22 Sa23 Sa2* Sa2* Sa2« Sa27 Sa28 T98 W49.14 3: (no8.) W49.14^ (no8.) W49.15: W49.15^: (date) W49. rillLlPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued Exposition Board, General publications Handbook. [Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904, oflicial handbook of Philippines and catalogue of Philippine exhibit]: pt. 1, Oflicial handbook, description of Philippmes compiled in Bureau of Insular Affairs, revised and completed with aid of chiefs of bureaus and experts of Philippine govern- ment. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same: pt. 2, OflScial handbook, catalogue of Philippine exhibit. * St. Louis, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Act 514 creating board [enacted bv Taft Commission, Nov. 11, 1902], circular letter of Governor 'faft, and information and instructions for preparation of Philippine exhibit for Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, Mo., 1904, preliminary exposition in Manila, 1903, and permanent museum of Philippine products in capital of archi- pelago. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. Same. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. (Publication 4.) Same, Spanish, with Reglamento y clasificacion sobre la exposicion Filipina. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1902. (Publica- ci6n 2.) Same, Pampangan. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. (Caduang capasiagan.) Same, llocano. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. (Maika- dua a ioarnak.) Same, Pangasinan. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. (Comadua ya inpangue pacabat.) Same, Visayan. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. Same, Tagalog. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1903. (Pangala- wang lathal^.) [The editions in Philippine languages include the additional matter found in the Spanish edition.] Types. Album of Philippine types found in Bilibid Prison in 1903, representing 37 provinces and islands; by Daniel Folkmar. Ma- nila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. oblong 8" Exposition Board, Bulletins [None issued.] Exposition Board, Circulars [None issued.] Health. Bureau [Act 157 of Philippine Commission creating a Board of Health was passed July 1, 1901, but dicl not go into effect until Aug. 7, 1901. The Board of Health was changed into the Bureau of Health by act 1407, Nov. 1, 1905, and is under the supervision of the Interior Department of the Philippine Islands. See, for his- torical sketch, Annual report, 190ft (W49.151: 906), p. 4.] Health. Bureau, Annual reports Commissioner of Public Health 1901, Aug. J-Oct. 10, in annual reportvS of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1902, Sept. 1, 1901-July 31, 1902, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Same, supplemental lor Aug. 1902, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, year ended Sept. 1, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pubhsned in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1904, Sept. 1, 1903-Aug. 31, 1904, m annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905, Sept. 1, 1904^Aug. 31, 1905, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1412 W4:9.15^: (date) Classification W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued Health. Bureau, Annual reports — Continued Director op Health 1906, July 1, 1905-June 30, 1906, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. 1. 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- pine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. . Pub- lished in Manila, P. I. 1908, July 1, 1907-June 30, 1908, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1909, July 1, 1908-June 30, 1909, not in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:), but issued separately. Published in Manila, P. I. W4:9.15 2: Health. Bureau, General publications C61 Climate. Relation between climate and health, with special reference to American occupation of Philippine Islands; by Wm. S. Wash- burn. Sept. 1905. * W4:9.15 3: Health Bureau, Bulletins (nos.) W49.15*: (nos.) (date) 1] 2 3 English and Spa English and Spa Same, Pampangan Same, Spanish Same, llocano 4 5 6 7 Same, Tagalog Same, Pampangan * Health Bureau , Quarterly reports f 'and^ • Report of vital statistics 1900, Nov. V. 1, no. 1 1901, Apr. [V 1, no. 6] Dec. V. 1, no. i] May, V. 1, no. 7 1901, Jan. V. 1, no. June, V. 1, no. 8 Feb. V. 1, no. 4 July, V. 2, no. 1 Mar. V. 1, no. 5 Aug. V. 2, ho. 2 Monthly report 1901, Sept. 1902. Oct. 1903, Nov. 1904, Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1905, Jan. Nov. Dec. 1904, Jan. Feb. Dec. 1903, Jan. Feb. Mar. 1902, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Feb. Mar. Apr. Mar. Apr. May May June Apr. May June July June July Aug. June July Aug. Sept. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Quarterly report 1906, 1st quarter 1906, 3d quarter 2d quarter 4th quarter i4in Clasaincatlon no. (date) W49.1(5: (v. noa.) W40. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission)— Continued Health. Bureau, Quarterly reports— Continued 1907, Ist quarter 1908, 3d quarter 2d quarter 4th quarter 3d quarter 1909, Ist quarter 4th quarter 1908, Ist quarter 2d quarter Official gazette 2d quarter 3d quarter 4th quarter (Each num>)er issued separately in English and Spanish. A preliminary number was issued on Jan. 1, 1903, containing matter preliminary to no. 1, V. 1, issued Sept. 10, 1902.] 1, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 index to nos. 1-17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 index to nos. 18-42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 * Same, Spanish * no. 47 * Same, Spanish no. 48 no. 49 V. 1, no 50 no 51 no 52 no 53 no 54 no 55 no 56 no 57 no 58 no 59 no 60 no 61 no 62 no 63 no 64 no 65 no 66 no 67 no 68 Same, supplement no. 69 index to QOS. 43-69 index to decisions of Su- preme Court [of Phil- Islands] pub- ipr me hshed in V. 1 Same, Spanish * V. 2, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 . no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 1414 Classification W4^9. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued /^4:9.16: Official gazette— Contin ued (v. nos.) V. 2, index to nos. 1-26 V. 3, no. 29 no. 27 Same, Spanish no. 28 no. 30 no. 29 no. 31 no. 30 no. 32 no. 31 no. 33 no. 32 no. 34 no. 33 no. 35 no. 34 no. 36 no. 35 no. 37 no. 36 * no. 38 Same, Spanish * no. 39 no. 37 index to nos. 27-3{ no. 38 Same, Spanish no. 39 no. 40 no. 40 no. 41 no. 41 no. 42 no. 42 no. 43 no. 43 no. 44 no. 44 no. 45 no. 45 Same, Spanish no. 46 no. 46 * no. 47 Same, Spanish no. 48 no. 47 no. 49 Same, Spanish no. 50 no. 48 no. 51 Same, Spanish no. 52 no. 49 index to QOS. 1-52 Same, Spanish index to decisions of Su- no. 50 preme Court [of ] Islands] ] ^hil- Same, Spanish ippine pub- no. 51 lished in V. 2 Same, Spanish Same, Spanish * no. 52 V. 3, no. 1 Same, Spanish no. 2 index to nos. 1-52 no. 3 . V. 4, no. 1 no. 4 Same, Spanish no. 5 no. 2 no. 6 Same, Spanish ho. 7 no. 3 no. 8 Same, Spanish no. 9 no. 4 no. 10 Same, Spanish no. 11 no. 5 no. 12 Same, Spanish no. 13 no. 6 no. 14 Same, Spanish no. 15 no. 7 no. 16 no. 8 no. 17 no. 9 no. 18 no. 10 no. 19 no. 11 no. 20 no. 12 no. 21 no. 13 no. 22 index to nos. l-]3 no. 23 no. 14 no. 24 no. 15 no. 25 no. 16 no. 26 Same, Spanish index to nos 1-26 no. 17 no. 27 Same, Spanish no. 28 no. 18 1415 Classlflcatlon W1J>. PTTirJPPIK no. I W49.16: Ofllcial gazette— C (v. nos.) V. 4, no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 index to nog. 14-26 no. 27 no. 28 Same, Spanish no. 29 Same, Spanish no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 index to nos. 27-39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 index to nos. 1-52 V. 5, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 index t-o nos. 1-13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 (Tiifl (urn- mission) — Continued V. 5, no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 index to nos. 14-26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 index to nos. 27-39 Same, Spanish * no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 Same, Spanish * no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 index to nos. 1-52 V. 6, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 Same, Spanish * no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 index to nos. 1-13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 index to nos. 14-26 1416 Classification W4:9. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued W49.16: (v. nos.) W49.17; W49.17^: (date) Official gazette— Continued V. 6, no. 27 no. 28 T no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 index to nos. 27-40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 no. 53 index to nos. 1-53 V. 7, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no, 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 index to nos. 1-13 no. 14 no. 15 Grovernnient Laboratories Bureau [Created by act 156 of Philippine Commission, enacted July 1, 1901. See, for organization of bureau, annual report, 1902 (W49.17i:902). Merged into the Science Bureau (W49.31:) by act 1407, Nov. 1, 1905.] Government Laboratories Bureau, Annual reports 1902, year ended Aug. 31, [Ist], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1903, year ended Sept. 1, [2dl, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued sepa- rately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1904, Sept. 1, 1903-Aug. 31, 1904, 3d, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905, year ending Aug. 31, 4th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued rately also. Published in Manila, P. I. See, for 5th report, W49.31 1:906. Same, Spanish * no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 * Same, Spanish * no. 25 no. 26 * Same, Spanish * index to Qos. 13-26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 index to nos. 27-39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 Same Spanish * no. 43 no. 44 no. 45 no. 46 no. 47 no. 48 no. 49 no. 50 no. 51 no. 52 index to nos. 1-52 1417 Classldratlon no. W49.17 2: B53 P96 V13 (nos.) W49.17^: (nos.) W49.18: W49.18^: (date) W49.18^• (CT) W49.18 3: (nos.) W49.18*: (nos.) W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Ox)m- mission) — Continued Grovernment Laboratories Bureau, General publica- tions Birds. Price and exchange list of Philippine birds in collection of bureau. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1905. Publications. Previous publications of Bureau of Government Laboratories. [Manila, 1905.] 16"* [6'ce, for later list of pub- lications, W49.3i-:P9G.] Vaccine virus, method of preparation at Serum liaboratory; by Paul G. Woolley. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. Government Laboratories Bureau, [Bulletins] [This class includes the only numliered series of pul)lications of this division.] Same, Spanish Same, Spanish 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 largre 8» [Discontinued, and superseded by Philippine journal of science (\V49.3T ':).] Government Laboratories Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Finance and Justice Department [Organized on Sept. 6, 1901, by act 222 of Philippine Commission. Nov. 1, 1905, under act 1407" of Philippine Commission.] Reorganized, Finance and Justice Department, Annual reports 1902, Oct. 15, 1901-Sept. 30, 1902, 1st, in annual reports of War De- partment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1903, Sept. 30, 1902-Sept. 1, 1903, 2d, in annual reports of War De- partment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1904 [Sept. 1, 1903-Aug. 31, 1904], 3d, in annual reports of War De- partment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905, fiscal year, [4th], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1906, fiscal year, [5th], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, fiscal year, 6th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, fiscal year, 7th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909, fiscal year, 8th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Pnilij)piue Commission (W49.1:). Finance and Justice Department, General publica- tions [None issued.] Finance and Justice Department, Bulletins [None issued.] Finance and Justice Department, Circulars [None issued.] 1418 Classlttcatlon W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued W49.19: W4:9.19^: (date) W4:9.19^: As4 Q2 W49.19 3: (nos.) W49.19^: (nos.) W49.20: W49.20 ' : (date) Interior Department [Organized Sept. 6, 1901, bv act 222 of Philippine Commission. See for reorganiza- tion, Nov. 1, 1905, under act 1407, annual report, 1905 (W49.1:905).] Interior Department, Annual reports 1902, year ending Aug. 31, [1st], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1903, year ending Aug. 31, 2d, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1904, year ending Aug. 31, 3d, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1905, year ending Aug. 31, 4th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1906, year ending June 30, 5th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, year ended June 30, 6th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, year ended June 30, 1908, 7th, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909, year ended June 30, 1908, 8th, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Interior Department, General publications Asiatic cholera. History of Asiatic cholera in Philippine Islands, with appendix; by Dean C. Worcester. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. Quarantine officer, etc. Report of chief quarantine officer, officer in charge of Philippine Civil Hospital, and physician in charge of Civil Sanitarium for year ended Sept. 1, 1903. Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department [1904]. [Also in Philippine Com- mission, 4th report, 1903 (W49. 1:903).] [These 3 reports were submitted to the Secretary of Interior, P. I. The Quaran- tine Bureau is a suboffice of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, U. S. Treasury Department, and the chief makes a report to that office as well as to the Interior Department, P. I. Act 1407, Nov. 1, 1905, abolished the Philippine Civil Hospital and the Civil Sanitarium, Benguet (W49.38:) as separate bureaus and merged them as divisions under the Bureau of Health (W49.15:).] Interior Department, Bulletins [None issued.] Interior Department, Circulars [None issued.] Audits Bureau [An auditor for the Philippine Islands was designated in General order 3 of the MiUtary Governor, Sept. 5, 1898. Under date of May 8, 1899, the President issued an order creating Office of Auditor for tlie islands, this was amended Feb. 23, 1901, by act 90 of the Philippine Commission. Act 222 places the Office of Auditor under the executive control of the Finance and Justice Department (W49.18:). On Nov. 1, 1905, under reorganization act 1407, the name of this office became Audits Bureau.] Audits Bureau, Annual reports [In 1901 and 1902, the auditor made two reports, one addressed to the Secretary of Finance and Justice, and another to the Secretary of War, Civil Governor, and Philippine Commission. From 1903, the reports appear addressed only to the Secietary of War, Civil Governor, and Philippine Commission. See, for earlier reports, W21.1:] 1901, fiscal year, report to Secretary of War, Civil Governor, and Philippine Commission. Published in Manila, P. I. Same, report to Secretary of Finance and Justice, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1902, fiscal year, report to Secretary of War, Civil Governor, and Philippine Commission. Published in Manila, P. I. 1410 Classlfltatlon "^49. no. PIIII.TPPTNE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Pom- mispion) — Continued W19.20': (date) W49.20 2: (CT) W49.20': (nos.) W49.20*: (nos.) W49.21: W49.21 ' : (date) Audits Bureau, Annual reports— Continued Same, report to Secretary of Finance and Justice, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l :) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- f)ine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- ished in Manila, P. I. 1904, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- {)ine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- ished in Manila, P. I. 1905, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department <'W1.1:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1906, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- pine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- lished in Manila, P. I.; not in Public Documents Library. 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- pine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. pt. 1, published in Manila, P. I.; not in Public Documents Library. Same. pt. 2, published in Manila, P. I.; not in Public Documents Library. 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- pine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. pt. 1, published in Manila, P. I.; not in Public Documents Library. Same. pt. 2, published in Manila, P. I.; not in Public Documents Library. 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Audits Bureau, General publications [None issued.] Audits Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Audits Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Agriculture Bureau [Created as a bureau under the Interior Department (W49.19:) by act 261 of Philip- pine Commission, enacted Oct. 8, 1901. Organized under act 393, dated Apr. 30, 1902. See, for reorganization Nov. 1, 1905, act 1407.] Agriculture Bureau, Annual reports Chief of Bureau 1902, year ended Aug. 1 [31], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (WM9.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Wa.shinpton by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1903, year ended Sept. 1, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1904, year ended Aug. 31, in annual reporta of War Department (Wl.l :), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905, year ended Aug. 31, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Director of Agriculture 1906 [for 10 months ended June 30], in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and in Philippine agricultural review, v. 1, no. 1 {\NA9.2V.V). 1420 Classification W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued Agriculture Bureau, Annual reports— Continued Director op Agriculture — Continued 1908, jfiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and in Philippine agricul- tural review, v. 2, no. 1 (W49.217:2 1). 1909, fiscal year, in Philippine agricultural review, v. 3, no. 1. f Agriculture Bureau, General publications [None issued.] Agriculture Bureau, Bulletins 8° and large 8"^ 1 Same, Spanish Spanish. [See, for text in English, annual reports, 1902, of War ' '""" " — ." p g^2j and Philippine Commission, W49.211: (date) W49.212: (CT) W49.213I (nos.) W49.21*: (nos.) W49.21^: (nos.) Department, Wl. 1:902 W49.1:902S p. 642.] [1st edition] Same, Spanish Same, English. Same, Spanish 2d edition * Agriculture Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Agriculture Bureau, Farmers' bulletins 1 [1st edition] [English and Spanish.] Same. 2d edition * Same. 3d edition * 2 [Ist edition] Same. 2d edition * Same, Spanish. 2d edition Same, English. 3d edition * 3 [1st edition] [English and Spanish.] Same. 2d edition 4 [1st edition] [English and Spanish.] Same, Ilocano Same, English. 2d edition * Same, English. 3d edition * 5 Same, Spanish 6 [Ist edition] [Spanish.] Same. 2d edition * 7 8 [Ist edition] Same. 2d edition * 9 [1st edition] [Spanish.] Same. 2d edition 10 11 12 Same, Spanish t Philippine agricultural review, v. 3, no. 1, is not listed in this Checklist because not issued until 1910; it is classed in the Public Documents Library under W49.21 ^:3 ^ 1421 Clavsslflration no. W49.215: (nos.) W19. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- miBBion) — Continued (Taft Com- W49.21*': (no8.) W49.21^: (v. uos.) W49.21«: (no8.) W4:9.22 Agriculture Bureau, Farmers' bulletins — Continued Same, Spanish 13 Same, Spanish * 14 * Same, Spanish * 15 Same, Spanish * Same, Ibanag * Same, Ilocano * Agriculture Bureau, Press bulletins 1 6 Same, Spanish 7 * 2 * 8 Same, Spanish * 9 3 * 10 * Same, Spanish * Same, Spanish * 4 * 11 * Same, Spanish * Same, Spanish * 5 * [Discontinued, and superseded by Philippine agricultural review (W49.2n:).] Agriculture Bureau, Pbilippine agricultural review (monthly) [This publication, the first issue of which was for Jan. 1908, was designed to replace the Press bulletins (W49.21 «:) which were published at irregular intervals. It is printed in both English and Spanish but the Public Documents Library has on file the English edition only.] V. 1 1908 V. 1 1908 V. 2 1909 V. 2 1909 no. 1 no. 7 no. 1 no. 7 no. 2 no. 8 no. 2 no. 8 no. 3 no. 9 no. 3 no. 9 no. 4 no. 10 no. 4 no. 10 no. 5 no. 11 no. 5 no. 11 no. 6 no. 12 no. 6 no. 12 Agriculture Bureau, Popular bulletins [This series is made up from information in the back of certain issues of the Philip- pine agricultural review (W49.21':). Entries could not be verified because the publications are not in the Public Documents Library.] [1] Maguey; by H. T. Edwards. 1906. * Same, Spanish. 1906. * Same, Tagalog. 1906. * Same, Visayan. 1906. * Same, Ilocano. 1906. * [2J Kapok; by H. T. Edwards. 1907. * Same, Spanish. 1907. * Same, Tagalog. 1908. * Same, Visayan. 1908. * Same, Ilocano. 1908. * [3] Directions for planting farm and garden seeds; by Wm. S. Lyon. 1906. [Spanish.] * Mining Bureau [The inspecci6n general de minas, established under Spanish law, was reestablished and given the name of Mining Bureau under provisions of General order 31, Office of Militarv Governor, dated Mar. 10, 1900. Reorganized under act 17 of Philippine Commission, enacted Oct. 10, 1900, amended by act 233, and again reorganized under act 916, enacted Oct. 1, 1903, amended by act 1067. On Nov. 1, 190.5, under reorganization act 1407, the Mining Bureau was abolished as a separate bureau and was constituted a division of the Science Bureau (W49.3i:) to be known as the Division of Mines.] 1422 Classification no. W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- mission) — Continued (Taft Com- W49.22 ' : (date) W49.22 2: C63 W49.22 3: (nos.) W49.22^: (nos.) W49.23: W49.23 ' : (date) W49.23 2: (CT) W49.23 3: (nos.) Mining Bureau, Annual reports See, for earlier reports, W21.1: 1901, June 30, 1900-May 31, 1901. [Addressed to the military governor and is appendix KK of his annual report for 1901, v. 2 (W21.1: 901^). The separate report is classed here for sake of conven- ience.] Same, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1902, July 1, 1901-Aug. 31 [23], 1902, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, year ended Sept. 1, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1904, year ending Aug. 31, 5th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905, year ended Aug. 31, 6th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. Mining Bureau, General publications Coal measures of Philippines, history of discovery of coal in archipelago and subsequent developments, with record of MacLeod coal con- cession in Cebuor Uling-Lutac coal and railway concession; by Charles H. Burritt, officer in charge Mining Bureau. 1901. Mining Bureau, Bulletins 1 2 3 4 5 Mining Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Justice Bureau [The Office of Attorney- General was organized on July 16, 1901, by chapter 3 of act 136 of Philippine Commission. On Sept, 6, 1901, act 222 organized the Bureau of Justice as a bureau of the Finance and Justice Department (W49.18:). See, for reorganization of bureau, Nov. 1, 1905, act 1407 of Philippine Commission.] Justice Bureau, Annual reports of attorney-general 1902, July 16, 1901-Sept. 1, 1902, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, year ending Aug. 31, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1904, year ending Aug. 31, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1905, year ending Aug. 31, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1906, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Justice Bureau, General publications [None issued.] Justice Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] 1423 Classmcatlon W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued W49.23*: (nos.) W49.23*: (v. nos.) W49.24 W49.24 ' I (date) W4:9.24:': L621 L622 W49.24 3: (nos.) W49.24:*: (nos.) W49.25: Justice Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Justice Bureau, Official general opinions of attorney- [The official opinions of the attorney-general are also published in the Official razette (W49.16:).J V. 1 V. 2 V. 3 V. 4 Navigation Bureau [Established Oct. 17, 1901 , by act 2G<) of Philippine Commission as the Bureau of Coast Guard and Transportation under the supervnsiooi of the Department, of Commerce and Police. Name was changed to Bureau of Navigation by act 1407, Nov. 1, 1905.] Navigation Bureau, Annual reports Coast Guard and Transportatiox Bureau 1902 [Oct. 17, 1901-Sept. 30, 1902], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, fiscal year [with supplemental report for July-Aug.], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1904, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1905, fiscal year, in annual reports of W^ar Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Navigation Bureau 1906, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Navigation Bureau, General publications Lights. List of lights, [buoys, beacons, and day marks] of Philippine Islands; corrected to Jan. 1, 1904. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, 1904. large 8° Lights. List of lights, buoys, beacons, and day marks of Philippine Islands; [corrected to Julv 1, 1908]. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. 4° [Copy in Public Documents Library contains manu- script and typewritten corrections to Feb. 4, 1909.] Navigation Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Navigation Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Museum of Ethnology, Natural History, and Com- merce [Established by act 284, enacted Oct. 29, 1901, as Museum of Ethnology, Natural History and Commerce, under the Department of Public Instruction, and placed imder the immediate direction of the Chief of Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes, later Ethnological Survey (W49.29:). Most of the articles belongmg to the Museum were sent to the St. Louis Exposition, Act 827, enacted Aug. 5, 1903, provided for the return of the exhibits loaned by the Museum and also those owned by the Philippine government, that they might be used in a permanent museum. The plan for a permanent museum was not carried out owing to lack of funds. Sfe, for an account of the condition of the museums, annual report, 1905, of Ethnological Survey in \V 49.1:905 2, p. 422, or Wl.l:905", p. 422, and for the Commercial museum, see also annual report, 1905, Of Secretary of Interior, P. I., in W49.1:9G5«, p. 56, or Wl.l:905", p. 56. 1424 Classification W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued W49.25: W49.251: (date) W49.25 2: (OT) W49.25 3: (nos.) W49.25*: (nos.) W49.26: W49.26': (date) Museum of Ethnology, Natural History, and Com- merce—Continued In the reorganization provided for by act 1407, to take effect Nov. 1, 1905, the museums were placed under the supervision of the Department of Public Instruction, but evidently when the Division of Ethnology, formerly Ethnological Survey, was transferred from the Bureau of Education to the Bureau of Science, by act 1541 of of Oct. 6, 1906, the jurisdiction over the museums was transferred also, as since that date reports concerning them are included in the reports of the Science Bureau (W49.31 1;).] Museum of Ethnology, Natural History, and Com- merce, Annual reports 1902, 1st [Not printed?] 1903, Aug. 31, 2d, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1904 [Not printed?] 1905 [report of commercial museum, Sept. 1, 1904-Aug. 31, 1905], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Museum of Ethnology, Natural History, and Com- merce, General publications [None issued.] Museum of lEthnology, Natural History, and Com- merce, Bulletins 1 2 3 4 See, for later bulletins issued under Government Laboratories Bu- reau, W49.17^:, and for later papers of this nature issued by Science Bureau in Philippine journal of science, W49.31^: Museum of Ethnology, Natural History, and Com- merce, Circulars [None issued.] Executive Bureau [Established July 16, 1901, by act 167 of Philippine Commission. Reorganized by act 1407 enacted Oct. 26, 1905. It is under the supervision of the Governor- General.! Executive Bureau, Annual reports 1903, 1904, 1902, July 16, 1901-Sept. 30, 1902, [1st], in annual reports of War De- partment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). year ended Sept. 30, 2d, in annual reports of War Department (Wl:l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. year ended Sept. 30, 3d, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905, [year ended] Sept. 30, 4th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1906, July 1, 1905-June 30, 1906, 5th, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I.; not in Public Documents Library. 1907, fiscal year, [6th], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, fiscal year, [7th], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909, fiscal year, [8th], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1425 W49.26-: Ap6 Ci.88incation W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- no. mission) — Continued Executive Bureau, General publications Appropriation estimates submitted by chiefs of insular bureaus for fiscal year 1909, with data regarding revenue and expense operations concerning general funds of government of Philippine Islands for fiscal years 1907-09. [Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908.] large 8° [English and Spanish.] Trade-marks. Rules and regulations governing registration of trade- marks and trade-names. Manila, 1906. * Executive Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] T67 W49.263: (nos.) W49.26*: (nos.) W49.27: W49.27*: (date) \V49.272 H75 L48 SaS^ Sa32 W49.27 3 : (nos.) W4:9.27S- (nos.) Executive Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] •/ Ijands Bureau [Created by act 213 of Philippine Commission, enacted Sept. 2, 1901, as Bureau of Public Lands, under the Department of the Interior, 1'. I. (W49.19:). Name changed to Bvireau of Lands on Nov. 1, 1905, by act 1407.] Lands Bureau, Annual reports Public Lands Bureau 1902, Sept. 2, 1901-Sept. 1, 1902, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, Sept. 1, 1902-Aug. 31, 1903, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1904, Sept. 1, 1903-Aug. 31, 1904, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l.) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1905, year ended Aug. 31, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Lands Bureau ?906, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Liands Bureau, General publications Homesteads. Circular containing law relating to homesteads [in Phil- ippine Islands] and instructions thereunder. Manila, Bureau of Public Printing, Nov. 7, 1904 [published] 1905. (Also in Philip- pine Commission, 7th report, 1906, pt. 3 (W49. 1:906^).] Leasing public lands. Circular containing law relating to leasing public lands [in Philippine Islands] and instructions thereunder. Ma- nila, Bureau of Public Printing, Nov. 7, 1904. [Also in Philip- pine Commission, 7th report, 1906, pt. 3 (W49. 1:906^).] Sales circular containing chapter 2 of public land act, providing for sales of portions of public domain, and instructions and forms pertain- ing thereto. Manila, Bureau of Printing, Nov. 23, 1905. Same, Spanish. Manila, Bureau of Printing, Nov. 23, 1905 [pub- lished] 1906. liands Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Lands Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] 82452°— 11- -90 1426 Classiflcatlon W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com mission) — Continued W49.28 W49.28^: (date) Ag8 W49.28 3: (nos.) W49.28^- (nos.) W4:9.29: W49.29 ' : (date) W49.29^• (CT) W49.29^- (nos.) W49.29^: (nos.) W49.29^: (v. nos.) Currency Division [Created by act 938 of Philippine Commission, enacted Oct. 10, 1903, as a division in the Bureau of the Treasury. Abolished on Feb. 1, 1906, in accordance with provisions of act 1407.] Currency Division, Annual reports 1904, Oct. 10, 1903-Sept. 1, 1904, 1st, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W.49.1:), and issued sepa- rately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905, July 1, 1904-Sept. 1, 1905, 2d, in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued sepa- rately also. Published in Manila, P. I. Currency Division, General publications Agricultural bank. Report of chief of Division of Currency to treasurer of Philippine Islands concerning advisability of establishing Government agricultural bank in Philippines. 1906. [Pub- lished by Insular Affairs Bureau. Also in Philippine Commis- sion, 7th report, 1906, pt. 1 (W49. 1:906 1).] Currency Division, Bulletins [None issued.] Currency Division, Circulars [None issued.] Ethnological Survey [Created Oct. 2, 1901, by act 253 of Philippine Commission as the Bureau of Non- Christian Tribes, under the Interior Department, P. I. (W49.19:). Name was changed to Ethnological Survey for Philippine Islands on Aug. 24, 1903, by act 841. Abolished as a bureau by act 1407, Nov. 1, 1905, and constituted a division of the Bureau of Education (W49.6:), to be known as Division of Ethnology. Transferred, as a division, from the Bureau of Education to the Bureau of Sci- ence (W49.31:) by act 1541 of Oct. 6, 1906. After 1905, the reports are incorpo- rated in those of the bureau to which the division belongs.] Ethnological Survey, Annual reports Non-Christian Tribes Bureau 1902, year ending Au^. 31, 1st, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Ethnological Survey 1903 [year ending Aug. 31], 2d, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1904 [year ending Au^. 31], 3d, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1905 [year ending Aug. 31], 4th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Ethnological Survey, General publications [None issued.] Ethnological Survey, Bulletins [None issued.] Ethnological Survey, Circulars [None issued.] Ethnological Survey publications large 8° V. 1 V. 2, pt. 1 Same, pts. 2, 3 V. 3, Spanish V. 4, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2 V. 5, pts. 1, 2 1427 CISHSlflC«tl< no. n W49. PIIIIilPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- misBion) — Continued W49.30: W49.30 ' : (date) W49.30 2: (CT) W49.30 3: (nos.) W49.30*: (nos.) W49.31: W49.31 ' : (date) W4:9.31^ B53 M66 M66- M663 P96 Supply Bureau [Created as Oflice of Insular Purchasing Agent by act 14<» of Philippine Ckimmission, enacted June 21, 1901. Under reorganization act 1407, Nov. 1, UK)'), the name of the oflTice was changed to Supply Bureau with the Purchasing Agent as its chief. It Is under the supervision of the Department of Public Instruction.] Supply Bureau, Annual reports Insular Purchasing Agent Office 1902, fiscal year [with supplemental report to Sept. 30], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, year ending Sept. 30, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1904, fiscal year, m annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- f)ine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- ished in Manila, P. I. 1905, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Supply Bureau 1906 [fiscal year], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Supply Bureau, General publications [None issued.] Supply Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Supply Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Science Bureau [The Government Laboratories Bureau (W49.17:) was changed into the Science Bureau on Nov. 1, 1905, by act 1407 of Philippine Commission. By the same act the Mining Bureau (W 49.22:) was abolishea as a separate bureau and consti- tuted a division in the Science Bureau, to be known as the Division of Mines. It is under the supervision of the Department of the Interior.] Science Bureau, Annual reports large 8» See, for earlier reports, W49.17 ^: 1906, year ending Aug. 1, 5th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1907, Aug. 1, 1906-Aug. 1, 1907, (6th], in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, year ending Aug. 1, 7th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Science Bureau, General publications Birds. Manual of Philippine birds, pt. 1: Galliformes to Eurylsemi- formes; by Richard C. McGregor. Manila, Bureau of Printing, [Apr. 15] 1909. (Publication 2, pt. 1.) * Mineral resources of Philippine Islands, with statement of production of commercial mineral products during 1907. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. large 8» Same, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. large 8» * Same, 1909. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1910. large 8* Publications. Previous publications of Bureau of Science. [Manila, 1908.] 1428 Classmcatlon W49. PHIIiIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued W49.313: (nos.) W49.31^: (nos.) W49.31^: (v. nos.) Science Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Science Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Science Bureau, Philippine large 8° journal of science [This is the official organ of the Bureau of Science and supersedes the Government Laboratories Bureau bulletins (W49.17 3 :). The lettered series begun with v. 2 are classified as follows: a, general science, b, medical science, c, botany. f] W49.31««; (CT) W49.32: V. 1, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 supplement 1 no, 4 no. 5 supplement 2 no. 6 supplement 3 no. 7 supplement 4 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 supplement 5 V. 2, no. 1, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c no. 2, [series] a * Same, [series] b Same, [series] c no. 3, [series] a * Same, [series] b Same, [series] c 4, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c 5, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c 6, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c V. 3, no. 1, [series] a Same, [series] b Science Bureau, (separates) no. no. no. Same, [series] c no. 2, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c no. 3, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c no. 4, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c no. 5, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c no. 6, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c V. 4, no. 1, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c no. 2, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c * no. 3, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c no. 4, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c no. 5, [series] a Same, [series] b Same, [series] c no. 6, [series] a * Same, [series] b Same, [series] c Philippine journal of science Constabulary Bureau [Created by act 175 of Philippine Commission, July 18. 1901, as Philippines Con- stabi:ilary. Act 222, enacted Sept. 6, 1901, placed tins office under the Depart- ment of Commerce and Police. Name was changed to Constabulary Bureau, and bureau was reorganized under act 1407, Nov. 1, 1905.] t Beginning with v. 5, which is the volume for 1910, the series changes somewhat. Volume 1 which was previously general science has been changed to chemical and geological sciences and the industries, while a new series, d, ethnology, anthropology, and general biology, has been added. 1429 Classlflcation WdO. no. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com mission) — Continued W49.32 • : (date) W49.32 2: (CT) W49.32 3: (nos.) W49.32*: (date) W49.32'^: (date) Constabulary Bureau, Annual reportw Philippines Constabulary 1901, July 18-Oct. 4, in annual ronoris of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49,l:). 1902 [year endmg July 31], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) ana Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903 [year ending July 31, with supplemental report], in annual re- ports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippme Commission (W49.1:). 1904, liscal year [with supplemental report July 1-Sept. 2], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1905, fiscal y'ear, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- f)ine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- ished in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. Constabulary Bureau 1906 [fiscal year, and also to include Aug. 31], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. ; not in Public Docu- ments Library. 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- {)ine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- ished in Manila, P. I. 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip f)ine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- ished in Manila, P. I. 1909, fiscal year, not in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:), but issued separately. Published in Manila, P. I. Constabulary Bureau, General publications [None issued.] Constabulary Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Constabulary Bureau, Circulars 12" [The set of circulars in the Public Documents labrary is very incomplete and it is not known whether or not the series was issued prior to 1905. Many of the circulars are executed by manifold process; a few, however, are printed. Not listed here. See, for Index to General orders, Special orders, and Circulars, 1905-09, W49.325: 905-909.] Constabulary Bureau, General orders 12« [The set of general orders in the Public Documents Librarv is very incomplete and it is not known whether or not the series was issued pnor to 1904.] 1904, nos. 1-? 1905, no. 1 no. 2"'i no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 1905, no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 1430 Classification W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued W49.32^: Constabulary Bureau, General orders— Continued (date) 1905, no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 1905 , no. 93 no. 94 Index of General orders, Spocial orders, and Circulars issued dur- ing 1905. no. 36 1906 ,no. 1 no. 37 no. 2 no. 38 no. 3 no. 39 no. 4 no. 40 no. 5 no. 41 no. 6 no. 42 no. 7 no. 43 no. 8 no. 44 no. 9 no. 45 no. 10 no. 46 no. 11 no. 47 no. 12 no. 48 no. 13 no. 49 no. 14 no. 50 no. 15 no. 51 no. 16 no. 52 no: 17 no. 53 no. 18 no. 54 no. 19 no. 55 no. 20 no. 56 no. 21 no. 57 no. 22 no. 58 no. 23 no. 59 no. 24 no. 60 * no. 25 no. 61 no. 26 no. 62 irao*aj:i no. 27 no. 63 no. 28 no. 64 no. 29 no. 65 no. 30 no. 66 no. 31 no. 67 no. 32 no. 68 no. 33 no. 69 no. 34 no. 70 no. 35 no. 71 no. 36 no. 72 no. 37 no. 73 no. 38 no. 74 no. 39 no. 75 no. 40 no. 76 no, 41 no. 77 no. 42 no. 78 no. 43 no. 79 no. 44 no. 80 * no. 45 no. 81 Index of General orders, no. 82 Special orders, and no. 83 Circulars issued dur- no. 84 ing 1906. no. 85 1907 ,no. 1 no. 86 no. 2 no. 87 no. 3 no. 88 no. 4 no. 89 no. 5 no. 90 no. 6 no. 91 no. 7 no. 92 * no. 8 1431 Cl*8Hin«ation W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- no. • . X ^, . , raiaaion) — Continued W49.32*: Constabulary Bureau, General orders— Continued (date) W4^9.32«: (date) 1907, no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 35 110.36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 Index to General orders, Special orders, and Circulars issued dur- ing 1907. 1908, no. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 1908, no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 no. 26 no. 27 no. 28 no. 29 no. 30 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 * no. 35 no. 36 no. 37 no. 38 no. 39 no. 40 no. 41 no. 42 no. 43 * no. 44 * no. 45 * Index to General orders, Special orders, and Circulars issued dur- ing 1908. 1909, no. 1 no. 2 * no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no. 7 no. 8 no. 9 no. 10 no. 11 no. 12 no. 13 no. 14 no. 15 no. 16 no. 17 no. 18 no. 19 no. 20 no. 21 no. 22 no. 23 no. 24 no. 25 * no. 26 Index to General orders, Special orders, and Circulars issued dur- ing 1909. * Constabulary Bureau, Special orders 12° [The set of special orders in the Public Documents Library is very incomplete and it is not known whether or not the series was issued prior to 1905. Not listed here. See, for Index to General orders, Special orders, and Circulars, 1906-09, W49.325: 905-909.] 1432 Classlflcatlon W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com W49.32^: (nos.) W4:9.33: W49.33 ' : (date) W49.33-: L44 W49.33^: (nos.) W49.33^: (nos.) W49.34: W49.34 ' : (date) mission) — Continued Constabulary Bureau, Constabulary notes Constabulary school notes 1 2 3 4 5 * Constabulary notes Moro Province [Moro Province organized under act 787 of Philippine Commission, enacted June 1, 1903, effective July 15, 1903.] Moro Province, Annual reports of Governor 1904, Sept. 1, 1903-Aug. 31, 1904, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published by Insular Affairs Bureau. 1905, Sept. 1, 1904-Sept. 22, 1905, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1906, Sept. 23, 1905-Aug. 27, 1906, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- pine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- lished in Manila, P. I.; not in Public Documents Library. 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- {)ine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- ished in Zamboanga, P. I. 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Moro Province, General publications Laws. Public laws passed by Legislative Council of Moro Province, Sept. 4, 1903-Sept. 19, 1907, comprising acts 1-200, with organic act of Moro Province. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1909. * Moro Province, Bulletins [None issued.] Moro Province, Circulars [None issued.] Manila, P. I. [On Aug. 7, 1901, the provost-marshal-general turned over the city government to the Municipal Board, as provided for bv act 183 of Philippine Commission, enacted July 31. 1901. Act 1407, Nov. 1, 1905, placed the city under the executive control and supervision of the Department of Finance and Justice (W49.18:), but act 1706, Aug. 31, 1907, transferred that control and supervision to the Governor- General (W49.35:).] Manila, P. I., Annual reports of Municipal Board 1902, Aug. 7, 1901-June 30, 1902, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1903, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- pine Commission (W4e.l:), and issued separately also. Pub- lished in Manila, P. I. 1904, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Phil- ippine Commission (W49.1:). 1905, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- pine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- lished in Manila, P. I. 1906, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- pine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Pub- lished in Manila, P. I.; not in Public Documents Library. 1433 W49.34»: (date) Ciassiflcaiion W4J). PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- migflion) — Continued i Manila, P. I., Annual reports of Municipal Board- Continued I 1907, fiscal year, in annual reportfl of War Department (Wl.l:), Philip- f)ine Commission (W49,l:), and issued separately also. Puo- ished in Manila, P. I.; not in Public Documents Library. I 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commiasion (W49.1:). 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Manila, P. I., General publications I Charter. Manila charter as amended, with such laws as concern govem- . ment of city, and revised ordinances of city, being compilation and revision of all ordinances, except such as are special in nature, in force June 30, 1908, with certain special ordinances njot repealed, and appendix; compiled by George A. Malcolm. Manila, Bureau I of Printing, 1908. * I Manila, P. I., Bulletins i [None issued.] ' Manila, P. I., Circulars I [None issued.] I Governor- General [Appointed on July 4, 1901, with title Civil Governor, to succeed the Military Governor (W21.). Name changed to Governor-General by act of Congress, Feb. 6, 1905.J Governor- General, Annual reports See, for reports of military governor, W21.1: Civil Governor 1902, year ending Oct. 1, in annual reports of W^ar Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1903, period ending Dec. 23, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1904, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Governor-General 1905, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1906, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (vV49.1:). 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (W^l.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:), Governor- General, General publications Municipal code and provincial government act, being act 82, entitled General act for organization of municipal governments in Philip- pine Islands, and act 83, entitled General act for organization of provincial governments in Philippine Islands, as amended by acts of Philippine Commission down to and including May 31, 1905, revised and codified by committee on revision and codifi- C38 W49.34 3: (nos.) W49.34*: (nos.) W49.35: W49.35^: (date) W49.35 2: M92 W49.35 3: (nos.) W49.35*: (nos.) cation appointed by Governor-General, lie Printing, 1905. Governor- General, Bulletins [None issued.] Governor- General, Circulars [None issued.] Manila, Bureau of Pub- 1434 Classiflcatlon W4l9, no. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued W49.35 * : (date) W49.36: W49.36 1 : (date) W49.36-: (CT) W49.36^: (nos.) W49.36^: (nos.) W49.37: W4:9.37 ' : (date) W49.37 2: Ed8 Governor- General, Executive orders and proclama- tions 12» [The 1904 publication includes Executive Bureau circulars.] 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 Public Works Bureau [On Nov. 1, 1905, under act 1407 of Philippine Commission, the Engineering Bureau (W49.12:) was merged into the Public Works Bureau. At the same time the Bureau of Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings (W49.ll:) was constituted a division of the Public Works Bureau, to be known as Division of Building Construction and Repair.] Public Works Bureau, Annual reports 1906, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Public Works Bureau, General publications [None issued,] Public Works Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Public Works Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Public Instruction Department [Established l)y act 222 of Philippine Commission, enacted Sept. 6, 1901. A Department of Public Instruction, later called Bureau of Public Instruction, was organized in accordance with act 74, enacted Jan. 21, 1901. See note under W49.6: The present Public Instruction Department is much broader than the one organized Jan. 21, 1901, and includes the latter, now known as the Education Bureau (W49.6:), as a subordinate bureau.! Public Instruction Department, Annual reports 1902, year ending Oct. 15, 1st, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I, year ending Oct. 15, 2d, in annual reports of War Department of War Department ). of War Department of War Department 1903, ^ (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1: 1904, year ending Oct. 15, 3d, in annual reports (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1: 1905, year ending June 30, 4th, in annual reports (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:' 1906, year ending June 30, 5th, in annual reports (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, fiscal year, 6th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1908, year ended June 30, 7th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909, fiscal year, 8th, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Public Instruction Department, General publica- tions Education Bureau. Bureau of Education, statement of organization and aims published for general information. Manila, 1906. * 1435 ClMsiflcttion W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- miflsion) — Continued W49.37^: Public Instruction Department, Bulletins (noB.) [None issued.] 'W49.37 * : I Public Instruction Department, Circulars (noa.) [None issued.] W4:9.38: Civil Sanitarium, Benguet [Appropriation for the sanitarium was first made under act 330 of Philippine Com- mission, enacted Jan. 9. 1902. It was inaugurated as a branch of the Civil Hos- pital, Fob. 3, 1902. Act 429, enacted July 14, 1902, amended by act 767, made provision for the conduct of the sanitarium. The attending physician and surgeon was made directly responsible to the Secretary of Interior. On Nov. 1, 1905, act 1407 abolished the Civil Sanitarium as a separate bureau and merged it, with the Civil Hospital, as a division of the Bureau of Health (W49.15:).] W49.38 ' : (date) W49.38 2: (CT) W49.38 3: (nos.) W49.38^: (noe.) W49.39: W49.39 ' : (Legisla- ture and Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, Annual reports 1902, year ending Aug. 31, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (\V49.1:). 1903 [Sept. 1, 1902-Aug. 31, 1903], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. >S€€,for8eparate,W49.192:Q2. 1904 [Sept. 1, 1903-Aug. 31, 1904], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine Commission (W49.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Manila, P. I. 1905, Sept. 1, 1904-June 30, 1905, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, General publications [None issued.] Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, Bulletins [None issued.] Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, Circulars [None issued.] Philippine Legislature [Authorized by act of Congress approved July 1, 1902 (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 693). Philippine Legislature convened Oct. Ki, 1907, and since that date, m accordance with the above act, all legislative power, theretofore conferred on the PhDip- pine Commission, is vested in the PniUppine Legislature, consisting of 2 houses, the upper being the Philippine Commission and the lower, the Philippine Assembly.] Philippine Legislature, Acts [Acts 1-1800, Sept. 12, 1900-Oct. 12, 1907, were enacted by the Philippine Commis- sion exercising exclusively the legislative function of government. These acts, and also public resolutions passed during a similar period, have appeared as Public laws and resolutions passed by Philippine Commission (W49.7:) and in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) as indicated in the follow- ing table: Nos. of acts Dates of acts Annual reports of War Department Fiscal year ending Vol. Part 1- 263 Sept. 12, 1900-Oct. 11,1901 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1 11 8 14 14 10 10 9 8 10 264- 424 Oct. 14,1901-July 1,1902 425- 949 July 2,1902-Oct. 20,1903 950-1251 Oct. 21,1903-Oct. 20,1904 1252-1407 Oct. 26, 1904-Oct. 26,1905 140S-1538 Nov. 3,190S-Sept. 8,1906 1539-1800 Oct. 5,1906-Oct. 12,1907 1801-1878 Dec. 20,1907-Aug. 22,1908 1879-1959 Oct. 10,1908-June 20,1909 1436 Classification no. W49.39 » : (Legisla- ture and eess.) ■W49.39 2: (CT) W49.40: W49.40 » : (I^egisla- ture and sess.) W49.40-: (CT) W49.41 : W49.41 ' : (Legisla- ture and sess.) W49.41^- D62 W49.42 : W49.42 ' : (date) W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued Philippine Legislature, Acts—Continued Acts of 1st Philippine Legislature, inaugural, Ist, and special Bessions [Oct. 16, 1907-Aug. 22, 1908] nos. 1801-78, public resolutionfi, Nov. 1, 1907-Sept. 15, 1908 [etc.] [5429-2] Same, 2d session [Aug. 23, 1908-Juno 26, 1909] nos. 1879-1959, public resolutions, Aug. 23, 1908-May 20, 1909 [etc.] [5723-103] Philippine Ijeglslature, General publications [None issued.] Philippine Commission [In logislatjvo capacity as upper house of Philippine Legislature; see note under W49.39:] Philippine Commission, Journal ; < ; . 1st Philipi)ine Legislature, inaugural scbsiou, Oct. 16, 1907 [nF^eb. 1, 1908, etc.] Same, 1st and special session, Feb. 3-[May 21 and May 22-] June 19, 1908 [etc.] Philippine Commission, General publications [None issued.] Philippine Assembly [In legislative capacity as lower house of Philippine Leglsiaturc; see nolo under W 49.39:] Philippine Assembly, Journal [The journals of the Philippine Assembly are not in the I'libllo Documents ial)raiy.] Philippine Assembly, General publications Directory. Philippine Assembly, ofRciul directory, Ist Philippine Legislature. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. Internal Revenue Bureau ''' [Under the military governor and during the first years of the Philippine Tom- mission, an ollice (!xiste(i known as Olllce of Collector of Intenuil licvtinu). The Internal ilovonue lUireau was established by act 1189 of tin; I'hilippiiie Commission and placed under the supervision of the Finance and Justice De- partment. See, for reorganization of Internal Revenue Bureau, act 14()7, enacted Oct. 20, 1905.] Internal Revenue Bureau, Annual reports See, for reports made to railitiiry governor, W21.]: Office of Collector oi-^ Internal Revenue 1902, fiscal year [with supplementary report July 1-Sept. 30^ 1902], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, Sept. 1, 1902-Aug. 31, 1903, in annual reportE of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.]:). 1904, Sept. 1, 1903-Aug. 1, 1904 [with report of Internal Revenue Bureau, Aug. 1-Sept. 19^ 1904], in annual reports of War De- partment (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Internal Revenue Bureau 1905, Aug. 1, 1904-July 31, 1905^ [Ist], in annual reports of War De- partment (Wl.l:) and Philippine (Commission (W49,l:). 1906, fiscal year, 2d, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), Philippine (commission ( W49, 1 :), and issued separately also. Pub- lished in Manila, P. I. ; not in Public Documents Library. 1907, fiscal year, [3d], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine ('ominisHion (VV49.1:). 1908, fiscal year, [4th], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine (Commission (^W49.1:). 1909 [No report printed for United Slutes.J 1437 ClMslflrstlon no. W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- miasion) — Continued W49.42=: W42 W49.42»: (nos.) W49.42*: (no6.) W49.43: W49.43 ' : (date) W49.43-: (CT) W49.43^: (nos.) W49.43*: (nos.) W49.43'^: (date) W49.44: W49.44 ' : (date) Internal Revenue Bureau, General publications Weights and measures pamphlet, excerpts from act 1519, Phili])pine Commission, and table of metric weight* and measures and other systems in general use in Philippine Islands. Jan. 2, 1909. * Internal Revenue Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Internal Revenue Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Philippine Medical School [Established at Manila under act 1415 of the Philippine Commission, enacted Dec. 1. 1905. The school was opened in 1907. Philippine Medical School, Annual reports [Information concerning the beginnings of the school is given in the annual reports of the secrptary of public instruction (W49.37»:) for 1906-07, and that of the director of the Bureau of Science (W49.31>;) for 1907.] 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Philippine Medical School, General publications [None issued.] Philippine Medical School, Bulletins [None issued.] Philippine Medical School, Circulars [None issued.] Philippine Medical School, Annual announcements 1907 * 1908 * 1909 * Posts Bureau [This bureau existed under the military governor as Department of Posts. Act 222 of the Philippine Commission, enacted Sept. 6, 1901, designated it as Bureau of Post-offices and placed it under the supervision of the Commerce and Police Department. In accordance with act 4(i2, enact<>d Sept. 15, 1002, the designation Department of Posts was changed to Bureau of Posts, and the title of Director- General of Posts was changed to Director of Posts. See, for reorganization of bureau, act 1407, enacted Oct. 26, 1905.] Posts Bureau, Annual reports See, for earlier reports, W21.1: Posts Department 1901, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (^Wl.l:) and Philippine Islands (W19.1:). Posts Bureau 1902, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Islands (W49.1:). 1903, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine OommLssion (W49.1:). ' 1904j fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1905, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (\V49.1:). 1906, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). t 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and I Philippine CV)mmission (W49.1:). I 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (W^l.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). I 1900 [No report printed for United States.] 1438 W49.44 2: P84 W49.44 3: (nos.) W49.4:4*: (nos.) W49.45 : W49.45 ' : ''date) Classification W49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued Posts Bureau, General publications Post-offices. List of municipalities, post-offices, postal savings banks, and telegraph offices in Philippme Islands, July 1, 1908. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1908. * Posts Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] Posts Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Printing Bureau [Created by act 296 of the Philippine Commission, enacted Nov. 7, 1901. The name given by this act was Public Printing Bureau and it was placed under the super- vision of the Department of Public Instruction. The bureau was reorganized as the Printing Bureau under act 1407, enacted Oct. 26, 1905.] Printing Bureau, Annual reports Public Printing Bureau ' 1902, May 29, 1901-June 30, 1902, with appendix, July 1-Aug. 31, 1902, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1903, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1904, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1905, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). Printing Bureau 1906, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1907, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1908, fiscal year, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:) and Philippine Commission (W49.1:). 1909 [No report printed for United States.] Printing Bureau, General publications Price list of public documents for sale by PrinthigiJ^ureau; corrected to Nov. 1, 1906. Manila, 1906. * Printing Bureau, Bulletins [None issued.] r Printing Bureau, Circulars [None issued.] Supreme Court [By general order 20, May 29, 1899, of the military governor of the Philippine Islands, the jurisdiction of the Audiencia or Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands over criminal and civil actions was reestablished. By act 136, June 11, 1901, the then existing Supreme Court or Audiencia was abolished and the present Supreme Court provided for. Action was taken concerning proceedings in the Supreme Court in act 190, enacted Aug. 7, 1901.] Supreme Court, Annual reports See, for reports, 1900-01, reports of military governor (W21.1:). [After the abolishment of the Audiencia, June 11, 1901, no separate annual reports of the Supreme Court were printed, information concerning the worlc of this court being included in the reports of the secretary of finance and justice and in those of the attorney-general for the Philippine Islands.] Supreme Court, General publications Rules of Supreme Court and courts of first instance of Philippine Islands, with amendments. Manila, 1907. * [English and Spanish.] W49.452: P93 W49.45 3: (nos.) W49.45^: W49.46: ■W49.46 ' : (date) W49.46 2: R86 1439 ClM8incatlon \V49. PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- (Taft Com- mission) — Continued W49.46': (nos.) W19.46*: (noe.) Supreme Court, Bulletins [None issued.] Supremo Court, Circulars [None isaued.] W50. CALIFORNIA DEBRIS COMMISSION [By act approved Oct. 1, 1888, Congress authorUed the Secretary of War to detail 3 officers from the Encl- neor Corps to act as a commission for the investigation of the mining d6bris question in California. The report called for by this act appears as House executive document 267, 51st Congress, 2d session, serial no. 2866. The act approved Mar. 1, 1893, created the California D6bris Commission, to consist of 3 officers of the Corps of Engineers, whose functions relate to the regulai ion of hydraulic mining in the territory drained by the Sacramento and San Joaquin river systems of California.] W50.1: (date) W50.2: (CT) W50.3: (nos.) W50.4: (nos.) Annual reports 1893 [3223-16] [In annual report of Engineer Department for 1894 (W7. 1:894). No separate issue without Congressional document number.] 1894 [3319-11] [Bureau edition appears only in "1895 report (W50.1 :895).l 1895 [Bureau edition includes the report for 1894. Not in Congressional set except as part of the Engineer Department report for 1895.] 1896-1909, in Engineer Department reports (W7.1:), and issued sepa- rately also. General publications [Public Documents Library has none of the general publications which were issued by the California D6bris Commission. The report containing project for pro- tection of Sacramento and Feather rivers, California, was printed only as House document 431, 56th Congress, 1st session, serial no. 3987.J Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] W51. PACIFIC DIVISION [Department no. 10, the first designation of the command on the Pacific Coast, was established In Feb. 1847, pursuant to General orders 49, Nov. 3, 1846. By General orders 49, 1848, Department no. 10 was limited to the Territory of California, and the same order organized Department no. 11, to consist of the Territory of Oregon. By General orders 54, dated Oct. 10, 1848, the Pacific Division was established, including departments 10 and 11. These departments were merged into the Pacific Division by General orders 27, 1851, and in 18.53, by General orders 25, the name of the command was changed to Department of the Pacific, and It was made to Include all the territory of the United States west of the Rocky Motm- talns, except the Territory of Utah and the Department of New Mexico. In 1858, by General orders 10, the Department of the Pacific was divided into 2 parts called the Department of California (W13.) and the Department of Oregon. The Pacmc Division was reorganized June 27, 1865, by General orders 118, to embrace the Department of California (W13.) and the Department of the Columbia ( W15.). The geographical limits of the division have varied. The Pacific Division was discontinued July 2, 1891, by General orders 57. On Jan. 15, 1904, the Pacific Division was reorganized, including the Department of California (W13.) and the Department of the Columbia ( W15.). The Pacific Division was abolished with the other divisions, June 30, 1907, by General orders 95. See, for history of this division and the departments included therein, 1847-79, Outline descriptions of military posts in Division of the Pacific (W51.2:P84='). See also, for history to 1872 only, Outline descrip- tions of posts in geographical divisions and departments of United States ( W9.2:P84). See, for punlications of the Department of the Pacific which was organized May 16, 1898. for the PhilipDine Islands, W21.] W61.1 : Annual rei)orts 12" and 8" (date) W51.2: Ea7 [1855-1906 (except 1859-65 and 1891-1903), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1904-06, Issued separately also. None issued for 1907.] General publications Earthquake in California, Apr. 18, 1906, special report of Adolphus W. Greely, commanding Pacific Division, on relief operations con- ducted by military authorities at San Francisco and other points, with accompanying documents. 1906. [Appears also, without plates or map, in annual reports of War Department, 1906, v. 1 (Wl.l:906^).] 1440 €la8siflcatiua no. W51.2: P841 P842 P843 W51.3: (no8.) W51.4: (nos.) W51.5: (date) W51.6: (date) W51.7: (date) W51. PACIFIC DIVISION— Continued General publications— Continued Posts. Outline descriptions of posts and stations of troops in Division of the Pacific. 1870. * Same, Revised; by R. O. Tyler. Feb. 1, 1872. 4« [The compilation by R. B. Marcy which is listed under W9.2:P84 apparently uses the information given iri the original edition of 1870, as it differs somewhat from the information given in this revised edition.] Poats. Outline descriptions of military posts in Division of the Pacific. Headquarters Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., 1879. 12® Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued?] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Pacific Division. Not listed here. Those relating to the San Francisco earthquake relief operations are found in W51.2:Ea7.1 Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Pacific Division. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only the index to Special orders [1-43], 1904 (W51.6:904).] Roster of troops [The only separate Rosters in Public Documents Library are two, one of which is a 4° entitled Distribution of troops in Division of the Pacific, Jan. 30, 1872, the other is the Roster of Sept. 1, 1905.] W52. WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF |At the outbreak of the Civil War, Maryland and the District of Columbia were taken from the Depart- ment of the East (W17.) by General orders 9, Apr. 9, 1861, and formed the Dei)artment of Washington, which, with the Department of Northeastern Virginia, became a military division by General orders 47, July 25, 1861. This division was placed under Gen. McClellan, and is indexed as Division of the Potomac, although the name is not mentioned in the General order establishing it. By General orders 10, Feb. 12, 1868, the Department of Washington was attached to the Atlantic Division (W64.). The Department of Washington existed, with variable boundaries, until it was merged into the Depart- ment of the East (W17.) by General orders 18, Mar. 16, 1869.] W52.1: (date) W52.2: (CT) W52.3: (nos.) W52.4: (date) W52.5: (date) W52.6: (date) W52.7: (date) Annual reports [1867, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:).] General publications [Public Documents Library has no General publications of the Department of Wash- ington issued separately. See, for information and reports, certain volumes of Rebellion records (W45.5:), and annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:).] Bulletins [None issued?] Circulars 12° [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Washington. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only 15 unnumbered Circulars, issued during 1864.] General orders 12° [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Washington. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only the separate issues for 1864, numbering 1-140, except 13, which was not distributed.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Washington. Not listed here.] Roster of troops [None issued?] 1441 W53. COAST ARTII^LERY OFFICE (Offlcc of Chlof of Artillery, or Artillt'ry OfTlcc, was created hy act of Feb. 2, 1901 (Stat. L. v. 31, p. 749), but was really established by appointment of chief of artillery, Apr. 9, 1901. By act of Jan. 2.5, 1907, teklHR effect July 1. liKW (Stat. L v. 3-1, pt. 1, p. 861), the field artillery was separated from this branch of the ser\ice, which then became known as Coast Artillery Oflicc.] Classification W53.1: (date) Annual reports Artillery Office 1901-07, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued sepa- rately also. Coast Artillery Office 1908-09, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued sepa- rately also. General publications Artillery. Coast artillery drill regulations. See W2.Q:Ar7c^>^. Artillery. Proposed distribution of coast artillery and barracks and quarters for same. Sept. 20, 1907. Pay. Circular letter [with draft of bill to be introduced at next session of Congress to increase pay of officers and enlisted men of Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Revenue-Cutter Service]. Aug. 26, 1907. 4«> Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued?] Range tables Cartridges. Range table for subcaliber cartridge for 3-incli, 15-pdr. guns, models of 1898 and 1902. May 15 [1909]. narrow 16° Cartridges. Range table for subcaliber cartridge for 3-inch field gun. May 20 [1909]. 24« Cartridges. Range table for subcaliber cartridge for 2.95-inch mt. gun. May 15 [1909]. 16° Mortars. Range table for 12-inch mortar, steel, with 1,046 and 824 pound D. P. shell, capped. June 6 [1908]. narrow f ° Rapid-fire guns. Abridged range table for 5-inch rapid-fire gun. [Jan. 31, 1906.] narrow large 8° Rapid-fire guns. Range table for 6-inch R. F. gun, models of 1900 and 1903 on rigid mount. Mar. 27, 1906. f <> Rapid-fire guns. Abridged range table for 15-pdr. rapid-fire gun. [Jan. 31, 1906.] narrow large S*" Rifles. Range table for 6-inch rifle, mounted on disappearing car- riage. May 13, 1908. i* Same, Abridged. May 13, 1908. narrow f ° Rifles. Range table for 8-inch rifle. Jan. 20 [1908]. f° Same, Abridged. May 15 [1908]. narrow f Rifles. Range table for 10-inch rifle. Jan. 20 [1908]. f Same, Abridged. May 15 [1908]. narrow f*» Rifles. Range tal)le for 12-inch rifle. Jan. 20 [1908]. f^ Same, Abridged. May 15 [1908]. narrow f° VICKSBURG NATIONAL. MILITARY PARK COMMISSION (Created by act approved Feb. 21, 1899 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 841), which placed the work under direction of the Secretary of War and authorized him to appoint commissioners.] W53.2: Ar7 P29 W63.3: (nos.) W53.4 : (nos.) W53.5: C24/15 C24f C24m M84 R18/5 R18/6 R18/15 R44/6 1 R44/6- R44/8 » R44/82 R44/101 R44/102 . R44/12' R44/12'- I W54.1: (date) 82452°— 11 Annual reports [1899-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and since 1904 issued separately also.] -91 1442 Classlflcatlon no. W54, VICKSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK COMMISSION— Continued W54.2: Or3 W54.3: (no8.) W54.4: (no8,) General publications Organizations. Record of organizations engaged in campaign, siege, and defense of Vicksburg; compiled by John S. Kountz. 1901. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] W55. ARMY WAR COLLEGE [By act approved May 26, 1900 (Stat. L, v. 31, p. 209), $20,000 was appropriated for the establishment of the Army War College, having for its object the direction and coordination of the instruction in the various service schools. This appropriation was allowed to lapse, and the act approved Mar. 2, 1901 (Stat. L. V. 31, p. 903), provided further appropriation for the same object. By General orders 155, A. G. O., Nov. 27, 1901, the Army War College was formally established for an advanced course of study for army officers, to be located at the Washington Barracks, D. C. The executive head of the college was known as the president of the Army War College, and was also presiding officer of the War College Board which was to exercise general supervision and insi)ection of all the military schools. The War College Board as organized by this order was abolished by General orders 2, War Department, Aug. 15, 1903, and another board was appointed to govern the college.] W55.1: (date) W55.2; C81 L61^ L61' L61^ M59 R67 Y13 W55.3: (nos.) W55.4: (nos.) Annual reports [Report of Tasker H. Bliss, president of Army War College, dated Nov. 11, 1903, appears in annual reports of War Department, 1903, v. 4 (Wl.l:903<), and is also issued separately. It contains on last page the regulations for the govern- ment of the college, the last of which reads: "The work of the college in the preparation of its reports and in the subsequent instruction based thereon shall be confidential." No more reports were published.] General publications Comer stone. Ceremonies at laying of corner stone of Army War College building at Washington Barracks [D. C], with addresses and invocation delivered on occasion, Feb. 21, 1903. 1903. Library. Army War College library, list of authors and titles and catalogue of maps, Aug. 15, 1903-Sept. 1, 1904. 1904. [Library was established Aug. 15, 1903.] Same, accession list of authors and titles, Sept. 1, 1904-Jan. 1, 1905, 1905. Same, Jan. 1-July 1, 1905. 1905. [No later lists were issued.] Militia. [Report of War College Board, Mar. 13 arid 21, 1903, as to regulations for carrying into effect provisions of act approved Jan. 21, 1903, to promote efficiency of militia.] [1903.] Root, Elihu. Address delivered by Elihu Root, Secretary of War, at laying of corner stone of Army War College, Washington, D. C, Feb. 21, 1903. n. p. [1903]. [Also in Ceremonies at laying of comer stone (W55.2:C81).] Yalu. Battle of the Yalu [between Japanese and Russians, Apr. 30 and May 1, 1904; by W. G. Haan]. [1904.] 4« [Map separate.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] W56. LUZON, DEPARTMENT OF [The Department of Northern Luzon and the Department of Southern Luzon were established Mar. 29, 1900, by General orders 38, and merged into the Department of North Philippines Nov. 30, 1901, by General orders 148; this in turn became the Department of Luzon Sept. 30, 1902, by General orders 98. It has always been a part of Philippines Division (W21.).] W56.1: (date) Annual reports [1900-09, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1901, 1905, 1908, and 1909, issued separately also.] 1443 Classification no. W56.2: (CT) W56,3: (no8.) W56.4: (date) W56.5: (date) W56.6: (date) W56.7: (date) W5«. LUZON, DEPARTMENT OF— Continued General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the Internal administration of the Department of Luzon. Not listed here.] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Luzon. Not listed here,] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Luzon. Not listed here.] Roster of troops [Public Documents Library has no separate Rosters for this department. See, for rosters of troops in Philippines Division, W21.7<:and W21.7 »:] W57. HAVANA AND PINAR DEL RIO, DEPARTMENT OF [The Department of Havana was established by General orders 191, Dec. 30, 1898, comprising that part of the Province of Havana surrounding the cit v and harbor of that name. The Department of the Province of Havana was established by the same order, to comprise the remainder of the province, to which, by General orders 193, the Isle of Pines was added the following day. The order of Dec. 31, 1898, also estab- lished the Department of Pinar del Rio. On Apr. 17, 1899, by General orders 74, the Department of the Province of Havana was consolidated with the Department of Pinar del Rio, under the name Department of the Province of Havana and Pinar del Rio, and to this new department the Department of Havana was added, May 1, 1900, by General orders 47, thus creating the Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio. On July 23, 1900, by General orders 98, the Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara (W58.) was consoli- dated with the Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio, under the name of Department of Western Cuba; and this in turn by General orders 131 was united with the Department of Eastern Cuba Nov. 15, 1900, to form the Department of Cuba (W25.).] W57.1: (date) W57.2: (CT) W57.3: (nos.) W57.4:: (date) W67.5: (date) W57.6: (date) W57.7: (date) Annual reports 12» and 8" [1899 and 1900, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued separately with appendixes. The report of this department for 1900, published Aug. 23, 1900, bears title: Annual report of Fitzhugh Lee commandmg Department of Western Cuba, but it contains only 1 Circular letter and 1 General order issued by the new department, and is therefore classed here, and not under Department of Western Cuba (W60.).] General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] ClrciUars [Relate chiefly to the Internal administration of the Department of the Province of Havana and Pinar del Rio, and of its successor, the Depart ment of Havana and Pinar del Rio. Not listed here. The text of the more important Circulars is found in annual report of Department of Havana imd Pinar del Rio, 1900 (W57.1:900).] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Province of Havana and Pinar del Rio. and of its successor, the Department of Havana and PinardelRio. Not listed here. The text of the more important General orders is found in annual report of Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio. 1900 (W57. 1:900).] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the Province of Havana and Pinar del Rio, and of its successor, the Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio. Not listed here.] Roster of troops [The only Rosters In Public Documents Library are as follows: Jan. 1900, In Roster of troops in Division of Cuba ( W25.7:900), and June 30, 1900, In annual report of Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio, 1900 (W57.1:900).] 1444 €Iassifl«atioa no. W57. HAVANA AND PINAR DEL RIO, DEPART- MENT OF— Continued W57.8: (date) Civil orders [Relate chiefly to the civil administration of the Department of the Province of Havana and Pinar del Rio, and of its successor, the Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio. "STot listed here. The text of Civil orders 1, Mar. 10, 1900, and Civil orders 1-9, May 3-July 20, 1900, is found in annual report of Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio, 1900 (W57.1:900).] W58. MATANZAS AND SANTA CLARA, DEPARTMENT OF [The Department of Matanzas was established by General orders 193, Dec. 31, 1898, the Department of Santa Clara being established at the same time. They were consolidated by General orders 74, Apr. 17, 1899, forming the Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara, which, by General orders 98, July 23, 1900, was merged into the Department of Western Cuba; and this in turn by General orders 131 was consoli- dated with the Department of Eastern Cuba Nov. 15, 1900, to form the Department of Cuba (W25.).] W58.1: (date) W58.2: (CT) W58.3: (nos.) W58.4: (date) W58.5: (date) W58.6: (date) W58.7: (date) Annual reports 8® and 12° [Reports of Department of Matanzas Jan. 1-9, and Jan. 10-Feb. 16, 1899, are In annxial reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and not issued separately. Reports of Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara, 1899 and 1900 are in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued separately with appendixes.] General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara. Not listed here.] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara. Not listed here.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara. Not listed here.] Roster of troops [The only Roster in Public Documents Library is in Roster of troops in Division of Cuba, Jan. 1900 (W25.7:900).] W59. SANTIAGO AND PUERTO PRINCIPE, DEPARTMENT OF [The Department of Santiago was established by General orders 118, A. G. O., Aug. 10, 1898, to include that part of the island of Cuba and adjacent keys which were at that time in possession of the United States, and the portion which might afterwards come into their possession. This order was modified by General orders 12, Jan. 17, 1899, which restricted the Department to the Province of Santiago. The Department of Puerto Principe was established by General orders 193, Dec. 31, 1898, and consolidated with the Department of Santiago by General orders 120, July 1, 1899, and the name changed to Depart- ment of Santiago and Puerto Principe. The name was again changed by General orders 98, July 23. 1900, to Department of Eastern Cuba. The Department was merged in the Department of Cuba (W25.) which was established Nov. 15, 1900, to embrace the whole island of Cuba.] W59.1: (date) W59.2: (CT) W59.3: (nos.) Annual reports 12" [Annual report of Department of Santiago, Aug. 10, 1898-June 30, 1899, in annual reports of War Department, 1899 (Wl.l:899 3), and issued separately with appendixes. Annual report of Department of Santiago and Puerto Principe, 1900, in annual reports of War Department, 1900 (Wl.l:900 3), and not issued separately. Annual report of Department of Puerto Principe, Nov. 24, 1898-June 30, 1899, in annual reports of War Department, 1899 (Wl. 1:8993), and not issued separately. See, for Special report on insular affairs of provinces of Santiago and Puerto Principe, published by Insular Affairs Division, W6.2:Sa5.] General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] 1445 ClMsiflcatloii W69. SANTIAGO AND PUERTO PRINCIPE, "*• DEPARTMENT OF-ConUnued W5J). 1 : Circulars (date) [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Santiago and Puerto Principe. Not listed here.] W59.5 : General orders (date) [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Santiago and ^ ' Puerto Principe. Not listed here.] W59.6: Special orders (date) [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Santiago and Puerto PrincijHi. Not listed here.] W59.7: Roster of troops Mate) [The only Roster in Public Documents Library is in Roster of troops in Division ^ ' of Cuba, Jan. 1900 (W25.7:900).] W60. CUBA, WESTERN, DEPARTMENT OF [Organized by General orders 98, July 23, HKX), by the union of the Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio (W57.)i with the Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara (W58.). After an existence of less than 4 months, by General orders 131, the Department of Wei;tem Cuba was consolidated, Nov. 15, 1900, with the Department of Eastern Cuba to fonn the Department of Cuba (W25.) which embraced the whole Island. The publication entitled Annual report of Fitzhugh Lee commanding Department of Western Cuba Aug. 23, 1900, is chiefly the report of that olTicer as head of the Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio, and is accordingly classed under W57.1:9(X). This report contains a copy of Circular letter 1, Aug. 10, 1900, and General orders 1, July 24, 1900, both issued by the Department of Western Cuba, but as the Public Documents Library has no separate Lssue of these nor of the Final report of Department of Western Cuba, July 1-Nov. 15, 1900, which appears in annual reports of War Department, 1901 (Wl. 1:901 3), no classes are assigned under W60. See, for publications of the departments included in the Department of Western Cuba up to Aug. 23, 1900, W57. and W58. See, for publications after Aug. 23, 1900, W25.] W61. SUBMARINE DEFENSE SCHOOL. [The Artillery Corps being charged with the care and use of submarine mines and t-orpedo defenses, by act of Feb.' 2, 1901 (Stat. L. v. 31, p. 749), the War Department, Sept. 3, 1901, General orders 117, ordered the transfer of the Engineering School (W7.1G:) from Fort Totten, N. Y., to Washington Barracks, and Oct. 17, Lssued Special order 240 creating the U. S. Torpedo School, Fort Totten, N. Y., the name being changed, Nov. 8, 1901, General orders 145, to School of Submarine Defense. By General orders 178, .\ug. 28, 1907, plans were laid out for the consolidation of the work of this school with that of the Artillery School (W29.). The Submarine Defense School was discontinued on Aug. 1, 1908, by General orders 27, Mar. 3, 1908, the consolidation lieing effected Sept. 1, 1908. The combined school is called the Coast Artillery School (W29.) and is situated at Fort Monroe, Va.) W61.1: (date) W61.2: (CT) W61.3: (nos.) W61.1: (nos.) Annual reports various sizes [1902-08, in annual reports of War Department (Wl. General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued?] Circulars [None issued?] W62. NORTHERN DIVISION L:), and Lssued separately also.] [From May 17, 1815, to May 17, 1821, the United States was divided into two military divisions, called the Division of the North and the Division of the South. By General orders 17, Jan. 12, 1864, a Northern Department was formed of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and this was reorganized into the Department of the Ohio, by General orders 118, Jime 27, 1865. On Oct. 30 of the same year, by General orders 157, Wisconsin was added to the Department of the Ohio. The Department of the Ohio became the Department of the Lakes (W19.) by General orders 59, Aug. 6, 1866. The Northern Division, which issued the publications listed here, was established Jan. 15, 1904, by General orders 65, 1903. War Department, comprising the Department of the Lakes (W19.), the Department of the Missouri (W20.), and the Department of Dakota (W16.). The division was abolished June 30, 1907, by General orders 95, A. G. O.J Annual reports 12*> [A904-07, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and l!K)4 Lssued separately also.] 1446 Classification no. W62.2 : (CT) W62.3: (no8.) W62.4: (date) W62.5: (date) W62.6: (date) W62.7: (date) W62. NORTHERN DIVISION— Continuea General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued?] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Nortliern Division. Not listed here.] Special orders [None issued?] Roster of troops [The only separate Roster in Public Documents Library is for Sept. 1905.] W63. SHIIjOH national MILITARY PARK COMMISSION W63.1: (date) W63.2: B321 B322 W63.3: (nos.) W63.4:: (nos.) [Established by act approved Dec. 27, 1894 (Stat. L. v. 28, p. 597).] Annual reports [1897-1909, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and since 1904 issued separately also.] General publications Battle of Shiloh and organizations engaged; compiled by D. W. Reed. 1903. [Contains act of Dec. 27, 1894, to establish national military park at battlefield of Shiloh.] Same. Revised 1909. 1909. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] W64. ATLANTIC DIVISION [Established by General orders 118, June 27, 1865, to comprise 5 departments, namely, the East, Middle, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The division and its departments (except the Depart- ment of the East) were all discontinued Aug. 6, 1866. by General orders 59. The Division of the Atlantic was reorganized by General orders 10, Feb. 12, 1868, comprising 3 departments, the East (W17.), Washington (W52.), and the Lakes (W19.). In 1869, by General orders 18, the Depart- ment of Washington was merged in the Department of the East. The Department of Virginia (W67.) by General orders 11, 1870, was reestablished Jan. 29, 1870, as part of the Atlantic Division, and on June 1 of the same year, by General orders 41, was merged in the Department of the East. In 1873 the Department of the East and the Department of the Lakes were abolished. In 1876, by Gen- eral orders 50, the Department of the South (W66.), and in 1877, by General orders 42, the Department of the Gulf were added to the Atlantic Division. In 1877, by General orders 101, the Department of the East was reestablished as part of this division. The Department of the Gulf was merged in the De- partment of the South by General orders 38, 1878, and that in turn was merged in the Department of the East by General orders 71, 1883. The Atlantic Division was abolished in 1891 by General orders 57, and reestablished Jan. 15, 1904, l)y General orders 65, 1903, War Department, comprising the Department of the East and the Department of the Gulf, and was finally abolished June 30, 1907, by General orders 95. See, for history of the Atlantic Division to 1872, Outline descriptions of posts in geographical divisions and departments of United States (W9.2:P84).] W64.1: (date) W64.2: P84 Annual reports 12" and 8" [1868-1937 (except 1891-1903), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1904-06, issued separately also. The report for 1907 is embodied in the command- ing general's report as head of the Department of the East, see W17.1:907.] Oeneral publications Posts. Outline descriptions of posts & stations of troops in Division of the Atlantic, Philadelphia, Headquarters Division of the Atlantic, Oct. 1870. 12» H47 ciassiflration W64. ATLANTIC DIVISION— Continued no. W64.3: BuUeUns (noe.) [None issued?] W64.4 : Circulars (date) [Relate chieQv to the Internal administration of the Atlantic Division. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only the index to Circulars 1-15, 1904 series, «wW 04.5:904.] W64:.5: General orders (date) [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Atlantic Division, Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only the index to General orders [1-20] and Circulars [1-15, Lssued during] 1904 (\V 04.5:904).] W64.6: Special orders ^ ? [None issued?] W64:.7: Roster of troops (date) [The only Roster in Public Documents Library is that of Oct. 10, 1870, found in ' Outline descriptions of posts & stations of troops in Division of the Atlantic (W64.2:P84).] W65. ARIZONA, DEPARTMENT OF [Established Apr. 15, 1870, by General orders 41, comprising the Territory of Arizona and part of California; by the same order it was placed under the Pacific Division (W51.) where it remained until that division was abolished in 1891. Previous to Apr. 15, 1870, this territory was part of the Department of California (W13.). The District of New Mexico was transferred to the Department of Arizona by General orders 121, Nov. 30, 1885, and 25, May 4, 1886; by General orders 84, 1890, to take effect Sept. 1 of that j^ear, the District of New Mexico was discontinued, the military posts in that Territory reporting thereafter direct to the Depart- ment of Arizona. By General orders 54, June 30, 1893, the Department of Arizona was merged into the Department of the Colorado (W14.), which consisted of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah, that part of California which belonged to the Department of Arizona being transferred to the Department of California. See, for history of the Department of Arizona to 1872, Outline descriptions of posts in geographical divisions and departments of United States (W9.2:P84).] W65.1: (date) W65.2: H361 H362 H363 H36- N42m T17 W65.3: (nos.) Annual reports [1870-92 (except 1873), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:).] General publications Heliograph. Report of concerted practice department heliograph system, in Nov. 1889. Headquarters Department of Arizona, Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 16, 1889. 12« Heliograph. Reports of preliminary reconnaissances and concerted practice between Arizona divisions of department heliograph system, during Apr. 1890. Headquarters Department of Arizona, Los Angeles, Cal., Apr. 28, 1890. 12° Heliograph. Report of general practice of heliograph system, Depart- ment of Arizona, in May, 1890. Headquarters Department of Arizona, Los Angeles, Cal., May 31, 1890. 12« [See, for later 8'* edition published by Signal Office, W42.2:Ar4^] Heliograph. Instructions for guidance of signal officera in charge of heliograph divisions and stations during general practice depart- ment heliograph system. May, 1890. Headquarters Department of Arizona, Los Angeles, Cal., Apr. 19, 1890. 12** [Same matter, with changes, appeared in Report of general practice of helio- graph system (W65.2:H363).] New Mexico. Annual report of B. H. Grierson, commanding District of New Mexico [with Roster of troops, Aug. 1, 1888]. n. p. 1888. Target practice. Decisions, orders, etc., affecting target practice and small-arms firing regulations. Headquarters Department of Arizona, Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 15, 1891. small 4'' [The index of this pamphlet includes a comolete index to Blunt's Firing regulations (W3.16:F5l8 0.] Bulletins [None issued.] 1448 Classification no. W65.4:: (date) W65.5: (date) W65.6: (date) W65.7: (dlte) W66. W65. ARIZONA, DEPARTMENT OF— Continued Circulars *^ | ji^-.i [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Airtiwna. Not listed here.] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Arizona. Not listed here.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Arizona. Not listed here.] Roster of troops [The only Roster in Public Documents Library is that of the District of New Mexico, Aug. 1, 1888, which appeared in Annual report of B. H. Grierson, commanding District of New Mexico (W65.2:N42m).] SOUTH, DEPARTMENT OF THE, and SOUTH, DIVISION OF THE [In 1815, the United States was divided into two military divisions. North and South. These divisions were discontinued May 17, 1821. By General orders 26, Mar. 15, 1862, the States of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, with the forces under Gen. Sherman, were constituted the Department of the South, the troops of this command being formed on Sept. 3, 1862, by General orders 123, into the 10th Army Corps. From Jan. 12 to 31, 1865, this depart- ment included North Carolina, which then became a separate department (W67.). On Mar. 2, 1867, bv act of Congress, the 10 Southern States not yet represented in Congress, were divided into 5 military districts, in which the commanding general was to exercise certain civil as well as military powers. During this reconstruction period the Carolinas formed the 2d, and Georgia, Florida, and Ala- bama formed the 3d military district. The 5 States embraced in the 2d and 3d militarj^ districts having resumed civil power about July 28, 1868, they then, by General orders 55, were together formed into the new Department of the South, which by General orders 18, Mar. 16, 1869, was placed under the Division of the South. The Division of the South was Anally discontinued June 26, 1876, by General orders 50, and the Department of the South was placed under the Atlantic Division ( W64.). By General orders 71, efEective Nov. 1, 1883, the department was merged into the Department of the East (W17.). Publications of the Department of the South and the Division of the South are classed here. See, for history of this department and division, Outline descriptions of posts in geographical divisions and departments of United States (W9.2:P84).] W66.1: Annual reports 12° (date) [Annual reports of Department of the South, 1866-83 (except 1873-75), in annual ^ reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and in 1868 issued separately. The reports for 1867 are those of the 2d and 3d military districts. The separate for 1868 bears title: Report of Meade's military operations and administration of civil affairs in 3d military district and Dep't of the South, 1868, with accompanying docu- ments. It omits the routine reports of the subordinate officers which appear in the War Department report (Wl. 1:868 1), and contains in their stead other docu- ments, telegrams. General orders, etc., especially relating to reconstruction in the included States. Annual reports from the Division of the South, 1869-75 (except 1872), in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and not issued separately.] W66.2 P84 W66.3: (nos.) W66.4: (date) W66.5: (date) W66.6: (date) W66.7: (date) General publications [Public Documents Library has no separate issues of any general publications of this department or division. See, for military operations, certain volumes of Rebel- lion records (W45.5:) and annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:).] Posts. Descriptions of posts and stations, Division of the South. Louisville, 1870. * Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the South. Not listed here.] General orders [Relate to the civil and military administration of the Department of the South and the 3d military district. Not listed here. The more important General orders relating to reconstruction are found in annual reports for 1867 and 1868 (W66.1:).] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of the South. Not listed here.] Roster of troops [Public Documents Library has no separate Roster of this division or department.] 1449 W67. VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA, DEPARTMENT OF, and JAMES, DIVISION OF THE [The Department of Virginia was organized in ISGl, and the Department of North Carolina in 1862. The two donartincnt^ were consolidated July 15, 1K()3, by (General orders 217, and separated Jan. 31, 1865, by General orders 12. By Clenoral orders 71, Apr. H>, l.sii.'}, those departments with the Army of the Potomac wore constituted the Division of the Jamos. The Division of the James was al)olished by General orders lis, Juno 27, 1865. the two departments of Virginia and North Carolina being retained. The Department of North Carolina was discontinued May 19, 1866, by General orders 32, which provided for a new department embracing North and South Carolina, to be known as the Department of the Carolinas, and later by General orders 59, Aug. 6, 1866, North and South Carolina formed the Depart- ment of the South (W66.). The Department of Virginia was discontinued Aug. 6, 1866, by General orders 59; by General orders 11 and 20. 1S70, a new Department of Virginia, comprising 4 States and the District of Columbia, was established, and merged into the Department of the East (W17.) June 1, 1870, by General orders 41. Publications of the Departments of Virginia and North Carolina, and of the Division of the James, are classed here.] Classification no. W67.1: (date) W67.2: (CT) W67.3: (nos.) W67.4:: (date) W67.5^: (date) W67.5 2: (date) W67.5 3: (date) W67.5*: (date) W67.6: (date) W67.7: (date) Annual reports [None issued?] General publications [Public Documents Library has no general publications issued separately. See, for reports of the operations of the armies under these departments, certain volumes of Rebellion records (W45.5:), armual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 37th Congress, 3d session, House executive document 81, serial no. 1164.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Departments of Virginia and North Carolina and the Division of the James. Not listed here.] General orders (Department of Virginia and North Carolina) [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina. Not listed here.] General orders (Department of Virginia) [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Virginia, listed here.] General orders (Department of North Carolina) Not [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of North Carolina. Not listed here.] General orders (Division of the James) [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Division of the James. Not listed here.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Departments of Virginia and North Carolina and the Division of the James. Not listed here.] Roster of troops [None issued?] W68. INTERNATIONAIi WATERWAYS COMMISSION [Sec. 4 of act approved June 13, 1902 (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 373), authorized the appointment of 3 members (an army engineer, a civil engineer, and a lawyer) for the United States to act in conjunction with 3 members representing Canada as a commission to regulate the navigation and use of all the waters of the lakes and rivers whose natural outlet is the St. LaNvrence River. In that part of their duties which relates to international boundary treaties they are under direction of the Secretary of State; on all other matters their work is under control of the Secretary of War. The American members were appointed Oct. 2, 1903, and the Canadian members in Jan. 1905. The full commission held its first meeting May 25, 1905.] W68.I: (date) Annual reports, Progress reports 1905, Dec. 1 [1st] [Also in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:).] 1906, Dec. 1, 2d 1907, Dec. 1, 3d 1908, Dec. 1, 4th\ 1909, Dec. 7, SthJ [To Secretary of State and Secretary of War.] 1450 Classification no. W68.2: W68, 043' W68.3: (nos.) W68.4: (noa.) INTERNATIONAL WATERWAYS COMMIS SION—Oontinued General publications Chicago Drainage Canal. Report upon Chicago Drainage Canal by International Waterways Commission. [1st edition.] 1907. (War Dept. doc. 293.) [Included also, without appendices, in 3d progress report (W68. 1:907).] Same. 2d edition. 1907. (War Dept. doc. 293.) Niagara Falls. See, for reports of International Waterways Commission relating to preservation of Niagara Falls, Senate document 242, 59th Congress, Ist session, serial no. 4913; Senate document 434, 59th Congress, 1st session, serial no. 4915; and publications en- tered under W7.2:N51»-4. Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [None issued.] W69. SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION [The Southwestern Division was organized Jan. 15, 1904, by General orders 65, 1903, War Department, embracing the Department of Texas (W24.) and the Department of the Colorado (W14.). The Southwestern Division was abolished June 30, 1907, by General orders 95, A. G. O.] W69.1: (date) W69.2: (CT) W69.3: (nos.) W69.4: (date) W69.5: (date) W69.6: (date) W69.7: (date) Annual reports 8<* and 12« [1904-07, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1904-05, issued sepa- rately also.] General publications [None issued?] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Southwestern Division. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only the index to Circulars 1-14, 1904 series (W69.6: 904).] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Southwestern Division. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only the index to General orders 1-22, 1904 series (W69.0:904).] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Southwestern Division. Not listed here. Public Documents Library has only Index to Special orders [1-51], General orders [1-22], and Circulars [1-14, 1904 series] (W69.6:904).] Roster of troops [The only Roster in Public Documents Library is that of Sept. 1905.] WTO. MILITIA AFFAIRS DIVISION [Created Feb. 12, 1908, in Office of Secretary of War. See, for annual reports and miscellaneous publica- tions of the former Militia Affairs Division, subordinate to the Adjutant-General, W3.33: and W3.35:] WTO. 1 : Annual reports (date) See, for earlier reports, W3.35: 1908, in annual report of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued sepa- rately also. 1909 U51 Claaslflratlon no. W70.2: (CT) W70.3: (no8.) W70.4: (date) W70.5: (date) W70.6: (no8.) t W70.7: W70. MII^ITIA AFFAIRS DIVISION-Continued General publications [None iaaiied up to Dec. 31, 1909.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 12» , no. I 1908, no. 10 1909 no. 9 no. 2 1909, no. 1 no. 10 no. 3 no. 2 no. 11 no. 4 no. 3 * no. 12 no. 5 no. 4 no. 13 no. 6 no. 5 no. 14 no. 7 no. 6 no. 15 no. 8 no. 7 no. 16 no. 9 no. 8 24« Roster of organized militia of United States, by divisions, brigades, regiments, companies, and other organizations, with, their stations See, for earlier rosters, W3.33:R73i-«. 1909, Feb. 28 Instruction circulars small 4» 1 W71. ALASKA, DEPARTMENT OF [The Department of Alaska was created Mar. 18, 1868, by General orders 15, and attached to the Division of the Pacific (W51.); it was discontinued as a separate department July 1, 1870, by General orders 41, the Territory being attached to the Department of the Columbia (W15.). The Department of Alaska was reorganized Jan. 19, 1900, under General orders 8 of that date. Under General orders 97, dated July 24, 1901, it was discontinued Sept. 30, 1901, at which time it was merged into the Department of the Columbia (W15.).] W71.1: (date) W71.2: (CT) W71.3: (nos.) W71.4: (date) W71.5: (date) W71.6: (date) W71.7: (date) Annual reports 12« (1869, 1870, 1900, and 1901, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:). The rep)ort for 1900, being for Jan. 19-Sept. 20, 1900, was issued separately without the illustrations which appear in the War Department report.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None insued.] Circulars [Relate to civil and military administration of the Department of Alaska, listed here.] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Alaska, listed here.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Alaska, listed here.] Roster of troops 12« [The only Roster in Public Documents Library is that of Oct. 1, 1900.] Not Not Not t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. Since that time a new class has become necessary under W70., the series title for which is as follows: W70.7: (date) Regulations for organized militia (general) See, for earlier edition, W3.33:R26. 1452 W72. MINDANAO, DEPARTMENT OF [The military district of Mindanao and Jolo was created Oct. 30, 1899, and became the Department of Mindanao and Jolo by General orders 38, dated Mar. 29, 1900. This was merged into the Department of South Philippines, Nov. 30, 1901, by General orders 148, and reestablished as the Department of Mindanao, Sept. 30, 1902, by General orders 98. It has always been a part of the Philippines Division (W21.).] Classiflcation no. W72.1: (date) W72.2: (CT) W72.3: (nos.) W72.4: (date) W72.5: (date) W72.6: (date) W72.7: (date) Annual reports [1900-09, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and 1902 (Department of South Philippines), 1904, 1905, 1907-09, issued separately also. Typewritten copies of the reports for 1901 and 1903 are in the Public Documents Library.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Mindanao. Not listed here.] General orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Mindanao. Not listed here.] Special orders [Relate chiefly to the internal administration of the Department of Mindanao. Not listed here.] Roster of troops [Roster of Department of Mindanao and Jolo, Sept. 1, 1900, is in annual report of PhiUppmes Division, 1900 (MacArthur) v. 1 (W21. 1:900^). Public Documents Library has no separate Rosters for this departme'nt. See, for Roster of troops in Philippines Division, W21.7i:l W73. ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION, 1904- [Act approved June 28, 1902 (Stat. L. v. 32, pt. 1, p. 481), provided for the construction of a canal across the Isthmus of Panama and also created the Isthmian Canal Commission, to be composed of 7 mem- bers, the appointments to be made by the President. The commission was appointed Feb. 29, 1904, and held its first meeting Mar. 22, 1904. On May 9, 1904, an Executive order placed the commission under immediate supervision of the Secretary of War. The commission was reorganized and the per- sonnel changed by Executive order of Apr. 1, 1905, which was modified by Executive order of Nov. 17, 1906. See, for Isthmian Canal Commission, 1899-1902, Y3.Is7:] W73.1: Annual reports (date) W73.2 : B77 C491 C492 C493 1904 30] [4853-226] [Congressional edition includes reports and additional matter not in bureau . Davis, governor of Canal 1] [Congressional edition not in bureau edition.] [Mar. 22-Nov. supplemental edition.] Same, supplemental report of George W Zone. [In 4853-226] 1905, year ending Dec. 1 [4919-127, pt. includes accompanying letters, etc., 1906, year ending Dec. 1 [5i54-444] 1907, fiscal year [5243-55] 1908, fiscal year [5443-1054] 1909, fiscal year [5736-263] General publications Bristow, Joseph Little. Report of Joseph L. Bristow, Special Panama Railroad Commissioner, June 24, 1905. Office of Administra- tion, Isthmian Canal Affairs, Washington, 1905. [4919-429] Civil procedure. Law of civil procedure in force in Panama and Canal Zone; translated by Frank L. Joannini. Isthmian Canal Commission, Washington, D. C, July, 1905. Civil procedure. Code of civil procedure of Canal Zone. 1907. Civil code of Republic of Panama and amendatory laws, continued in force in Canal Zone; translated by Frank L. Joannini. Isth- mian Canal Commission, Washington, D. C, 1905. 1453 Ciwsiflcatloi W73. ISTHMIAN CANAIj COMMISSION, 1904- no. W73.2: —Con. C76» C76^ C763 C76* Em7i Em72 Ex7 l87» l872 P191 P192 P193 P19^ PI95 R26 SaS Sh7» Sh72 Sh73 Sh74 Sh7^ Sh7« T12 General publications— Continued See also, for Laws of Canal Zone enacted by iRthmian Canal Corn- plan for conatruction of Panama Canal. mission, W73.5: Construction. General [1906.] f" Construction. [Letter to Secretary of War invitation for bids to complete construction of isthmian canal upon percentage basis.] Aug. 29, 1906. 4** Construction. Invitation for proposals to complete construction of ship canal upon Isthmus of Panama between Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean. Oct. 9, 1906. f«> Construction. Notice to bidders under invitation for proposals to com- plete construction of Panama Canal issued Oct. 9, 1906. Oct. 30, 1906. 4« Employment. [Letter answering various questions of those desiring employment on isthmus.] [July, 1906.] Same. [Nov. 1907.] Executive orders, f Expenditures. Isthmian Canal expenditures, official statement of receipts and expenditures under $10,000,000 appropriation, June 28, 1902-June 30, 1905. OflBce of Administration, Isthmian Canal Affairs, Washington, D. C, 1905. Isthmian canal; by George W. Goethals. 1909. Same; by H. H. Rousseau. 1909. Panama Canal, pt. 1: Plan recommended by Isthmian Canal Commis- sion of 1899-1901, and inferentially adopted by Congress in act approved June 28, 1902. 1905. 40 Same, pt. 2: Projects, technical notes, and discussion of hydraulics of Chagres River. 1905. 4? Same, pt. 3: Sea-level plan. 1905. 4® Same, pt. 4: Projects of P. Bunau-Varilla and Lindon W. Bates. 1905. 4° Panama Canal. Letter to advisory board of engineers upon plans for Panama Canal, submitting data, Sept. 1, 1905. 1905. 4® [To accompany Panama Canal, pts. 1^ (W73.2:P19'-^).] Regulations governing examinations, appointments, transfers, and pro- motions on Isthmus of Panama. [Jan. 20, 1908.] Sanitary conditions on Isthmus of Panama, reply of Isthmian Canal Commission to report of C. A. L. Reed, with letters of President and Secretary of War [with report of Reed]. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1905. Shonts, Theodore Perry. Address of Theodore P. Shouts before Bank- ers' Club, Chicago, May 24, 1905 [relative to Panama Canal], n. p. [1905]. Shonts, Theodore Perry. Speech of Theodore P. Shonts before Amer- ican Hardware Manuiacturers' Association, Washington, D. C, Nov. 9, 1905 [relative to Panama Canal], n. p. [1905]. Same, before Commercial Club, Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1906. 1906. Same, before Chamber of Commerce, Atlanta, Ga., May 30, 1906. 1907. Same, before Knife-and-Fork Club, Kansas City, Jan. 24, 1907. 1907. Same, before Commercial Club, Chicago, Jan. 26, 1907. 1907. Taft, William Howard. Panama Canal, speech of William H. Taft at St. Louis Commercial Club, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 18, 1905. Office of Administration, Isthmian Canal Affairs, Washington, 1905. t A publication entitled Executive orders relating to Isthmian Canal Commission, Mar. 1904-June 12, 1911, was issued in June, 1911, This is not entered in this Check- list because issued after Dec. 31, 1909. 1454 Classification W73. ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION, 1904 Con. no. W73.3: (nos.) W73.4: (nos.) W73.5: 1-20 21 22 23,24 1-24 W73.6: W73.6 ' : (date) [Bears title: Commission cir- cular.] [In one pamphlet,] 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars 1 2 3 4-7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Laws (numbered)' See, for law of civil procedure and civil code, W73.2:C49^"^. Laws of Canal Zone [acts 1-20] enacted by Isthmian Canal Commission, n. p. [1905]. Same, act 21. n. p. [1905]. Same, act 22. n. p. [1905]. Same, acts 23 and 24. n. p. [1905]. Same [acts 1-24]. 1906. Sanitation Department [On Aug. 28, 1904, at the 42d meeting of the Isthmian Canal Commission, a Depart- ment of Health was organized as a branch of the government of the Canal Zone, although from May 4, 1904, the health and sanitation of the Isthmus had been in charge of a chief sanitary officer. By Executive order of Nov. 17, 1906, the Health Department was separated from the department of government of which it was a division, and created a new department under the commission which has since been called the Sanitation Department.] Sanitation Department, Annual reports Health Department [Title-page of report for 1904 reads: Report of chief sanitary officer.] 1904 [May 4-Dec. 31] 1905 [None issued.] 1906 [calendar year] 12° Sanitation Department 1907 [calendar year] 12« Same [fiscal year], in annual report of Isthmian Canal Commission (W73.1:), and not issued separately. 1908 [calendar year] 12« Same [fiscal year], in annual report of Isthmian Canal Commission (W73.1:), and not issued separately. 1909 [calendar year] 12» Same [fiscal year], in annual report of Isthmian Canal Commission (W73.1:), and not issued separately. 1455 ClaMlflcation W73. no. ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION, 1904- -Con. W73.6 = : P19 (no8.) W73.6*: (no8.) W73.6'^: (date) W73.7: (CT) W73.8: (v. noB.) Sanitation Department, General publications Panama City. Population and deaths from various diseases in city of Panama, by months and years, Nov. 1883-Aug. 1906; number of employees and deaths from various diseases among employees of French canal companies, by months and years, Jan. 1881-Apr. 1904. 1906. 12« Sanitation Department, Bulletins [of] laboratory of board of bealth [The board of health was established by action of the Isthmian Canal Commission at the 42d meeting hold Aug. 28, 1904, to administer the affairs of the Health (later Sanitation) Department. The board was appointed by the commission and con- sisted of the chief sanitary oflicer, chairman, director "of hospitals, chief quaran- tine officer, and chief sanitary inspector. The laboratory of the board of health wt\s established bv the executive committee of the Isthmian Canal Commission at its 16th meeting held June 14, 1905. The chief of the laboratory was then directed to report to the board of health through the chief sanitary officer. An order Issued by the chief sanitary officer, Oct. 20, 1906, directed that the laboratory should become a division of Ancon Hospital. This laboratory, while directly under the board of health, compiled the bulletins listed here.] 1 2 editions (1st edition is 8o, and bears imprint, Panama, 1906. at the Government Printing Office, 1907.] 2d edition is 12», and was printed Sanitation Department, Circulars [None issued.] Sanitation Department, [Monthly] reports 12" Health Department 1905, Jan. 1905, Sept. 1906 , May 1907, Jan. Feb. Oct. June Feb. Mar. Nov. July Mar. Apr. M^y Dec. 1906, Jan. Aug. Sept. Apr. Miiy June Feb. Oct. July Mar. Nov. Aug. Apr. Dec. Sanitation Department 1907, June 1908, Feb. 1908 Oct. 1909, June July Mar. Nov. July Aug. Apr. Dec. Aug. Sept. May 1909 Jan. Sept. Oct. June Feb. Oct. Nov. July Mar. Nov. Dec. Aug. Apr. May Dec. 1908, Jan. Sept. Speclflcatlons Canal record (weekly) 4« [Volumes begin the first week in September, the first number In v. 1 being for Sept. 4, 1907.] V. 1, no. 1 V. 1, no. 11 V. 1, no. 21 V. 1, no. 31 V. 1, no. 41 no. 2 no. 12 no. 22 no. 32 no. 42 no. 3 no. 13 no. 23 no. 33 no. 43 no. 4 no. 14 no. 24 no. 34 no. 44 no. 5 no. 15 no. 25 no. 35 no. 45 no. 6 no. 16 no. 26 no. 36 no. 46 no. 7 no. 17 no. 27 no. 37 no. 47 no. 8 no. 18 no. 28 no. 38 no. 48 no. 9 no. 19 no. 29 no. 39 no. 49 no. 10 no. 20 no. 30 no. 40 no. 50 1456 Classlflcatlon WIS, ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION, 1904- —Con. no. ' W73.8: (v. no8.) W73.9 ' : (date) W73.9'": (nos.) W73.9-: 9071 Canal record— Continued V. 1, no. 51 V. 2, no. 14 V. 2, no. 29 V. 2, no. 44 V. 3, no. 7 no. 52 no. 15 no. 30 no. 45 no. 8 no, 1 no. 16 no. 31 no. 46 no. 9 no. 2 no. 17 no. 32 no. 47 no. 10 no. 3 no. 18 no. 33 no. 48 no. 11 no. 4 no. 19 no. 34 no. 49 no. 12 , no. 5 no. 20 no. 35 no. 50 no. 13 no. 6 no. 21 no. 36 no. 51 no. 14 no. 7 no. 22 no. 37 no. 52 no. 15 no. 8 no. 23 no. 38 V. 3, no. 1 no. 16 no. 9 no. 24 no. 39 no. 2 no. 17 no. 10 no. 25 no. 40 no. 3 no. 18 1 no. 11 no. 26 no. 41 no. 4 no. 12 no. 27 no. 42 no. 5 no. 13 no. 28 no. 43 no. 6 Minutes of meetings (pamphlet form) Proceedings 1904, Mar .-Sept., meetings 1-49 Oct. 11-Dec. 14, meetings 50-63 Dec. 22-31, meetings 64-66 1905, Jan. 7-17, meetings 67-70 Jan. 21-31, meetings 71-73 Feb. 4-17, meetings 74-78 Feb. 20-Mar. 6, meetings 79-83 Mar. 9-29, meetings 84-90 Minutes of meetings 1905, Apr .-Sept. [meetings 91-98 of commission, 1-17 of executive com- mittee, and 1-9 of engineering committee]. Oct.-Dec. [meetings 99-101 of commission, 18 of executive com- mittee, and 10-12 of engineering committee]. 1906, Jan.-Mar. [meetings 102-109 of commission, 19-21 of executive committee, and 13-26 of engineering committee]. Apr .-June [meetings 110, 111 of commission, 22 of executive com- mittee, and 27-36 of engineering committee]. July-Sept, [meetings 112-114 of commission, 23, 24 of executive committee, and 37-40 of engineering committee]. [No. 24 is the last meeting reported for the executive committee.] Oct.-Dec. [meetings 115-118 of commission, and 41 of engineering committee]. 1907, Jan.-Mar. [meetings 119-122 of commission, and 42-45 of engi- neermg committee]. [No. 45 is the last meeting reported for the engineering committee.] Apr .-June [meetings 123-130]. July-Dec. [meetings 131-138]. 1908, Jan.-June [meetings 139-144]. July-Dec. [meetings 145-149]. 1909, Jan. -Dec. [meetings 150-155]. Minutes of meetings (separates; slips) Minutes of meetings (indexes and digests) Digest of executive orders, resolutions of Isthmian Canal Commission, circulars of chairman and chief engineer. Mar. 22, 1904-Apr. 1, 1907; prepared by W. D. Mabry. 1908. [The proposed issue of the minutes in volumes paged to conform to the paging of the Digest, has not and will not appear. Only a limited number of copies have been prepared for official use by the Isthmian Canal Commission.] t V. 3, no. 18, is last issue for calendar year 1909. 1457 ClM«lflcation W73. ISTHMLVN CANAL COMMISSION, 1904- —Con. W73.9': 907^ Minutes of meetings (indexes and digests) — Continued General index, minutes of meetings, Mar. 1904-Mar, 1907, meetings of Isthmian Canal Commission 1-122, of executive committee 1-24, of engineering committee 1-49 [45]. 1908. [The page numbers of minutes used in this index conform to a limited number of copies of the minutes, which have been repaged with a number- ing machine and are bound in 2 v. for use by the Isthmian Canal Commission.] .10': Circular [proposal s for SI appl ies ] f« (nos.) I ♦ 55 * 109 * 163 * 217 * 271 -x- 325 « 379 2 * 56 * 110 * 164 * 218 * 272 'K- 326 * 380 3 * 57 * . 111 * 165 * 219 * 273 * 327 * 381 4 * 58 * 112 * 166 * 220 * 274 •X- 328 * 382 5 * 59 * 113 * 167 * 221 * 275 ■X 329 * 383 6 * 60 * 114 * 168 * 222 * 276 * 330 * 384 7 * 61 * 115 * 169 * 223 * 277 •X- 331 -x 385 8 * 62 * 116 * 170 ■X- 224 * 278 * 332 ^ 386 9 * 63 * 117 * 171 * 225 * 279 * 333 ¥: 387 10 * 64 ^ 118 * 172 * 226 « 280 ■X' 334 * 388 11 * 65 * 119 * 173 * 227 * 281 * 335 * 389 12 * 66 * 120 * 174 * 228 * 282 ■X- 336 'X 390 13 * 67 * 121 * 175 ^ 229 •X- 283 •X- 337 •X- 391 14 * 68 * 122 * 176 * 230 * 284 * 338 * 392 15 * 69 * 123 * 177 * 231 * 285 * 339 * 393 Hi * 70 * 124 * 178 * 232 * 286 * 340 * 394 17 * 71 * 125 * 179 * 233 * 287 * 341 * 395 18 * 72 * 126 * 180 * 234 * 288 ■X' 342 * 396 19 * 73 * 127 * 181 * 235 * 289 * 343 * 397 20 * 74 * 128 * 182 * 236 ¥r 290 * 344 * 398 21 * 75 * 129 * 183 * 237 * 291 ■X 345 * 399 22 * 76 * 130 * 184 * 238 * 292 ^ 346 ^ 400 23 * 77 * 131 •X- 185 * 239 * 293 ¥r 347 ¥r 401 24 * 78 * 132 •X' 186 * 240 * 294 * 348 * 402 25 * 79 * 133 * 187 * 241 * 295 * 349 « 403 26 * 80 * 134 * 188 * 242 -X- 296 * 350 ■X 404 27 * 81 * 135 * 189 * 243 * 297 * 351 * 405 28 * 82 * 136 * 190 * 244 * 298 ¥: 352 * 406 29 * 83 * 137 * 191 « 245 * 299 ^ 353 * 407 30 * 84 * 138 * 192 * 246 * 300 * 354 * 408 31 * 85 * 139 * 193 * 247 * 301 * 355 * 409 32 * 86 * 140 * 194 * 248 * 302 * 356 * 410 33 * 87 * 141 * 195 * 249 * 303 •X 357 * 411 34 * 88 * 142 * 196 * 250 ■X- 304 * 358 * 412 35 * 89 * 143 * 197 * 251 * 305 * 359 'X- 413 36 * 90 * 144 * 198 « 252 ■X 306 * 360 ■X- 414 37 * 91 * 145 * 199 * 253 'X 307 * 361 * 415 38 * 92 * 146 * 200 * 254 * 308 •X- 362 * 416 39 * 93 * 147 * 201 * 255 * 309 * 363 « 417 40 * 94 * 148 ^ 202 * 256 * 310 * 364 * 418 41 * 95 * 149 ¥r 203 * 257 * 311 * 365 * 419 42 * 96 * 150 * 204 * 258 * 312 * 366 * 420 43 * 97 * 151 * 205 * 259 -x 313 ■X^ 367 * 421 44 * 98 * 152 * 206 * 260 ■X- 314 * 368 * 422 45 * 99 * 153 * 207 * 261 * 315 * 369 * 423 46 * 100 * 154 * 208 * 262 ■X 316 ■X 370 * 424 47 * 101 * 155 * 209 •X- 263 * 317 * 371 'X' 425 48 * 102 * 156 * 210 ■X- 264 ¥: 318 «■ 372 * 426 49 * 103 * 157 * 211 * 265 * 319 * 373 » 427 50 * 104 * 158 * 212 * 266 * 320 * 374 -N- 428 51 * 105 * 159 * 213 * 267 * 321 * 375 * 429 52 * 106 * 160 * 214 * 268 •X' 322 * 376 * 430 53 * 107 * 161 * 215 * 269 * 323 * 377 * 431 54 * 108 * 162 * 216 ♦ 270 * 324 * 378 432 82452° 11 -92 1458 Classification W73. ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION, 1904- —Con. no. W73.10^: Circular [proposals for supplies]— Continued (nos.) W73.I0': (nos.) 433 448 463 478 493 508 523 538 434 449 464 479 494 509 524 539 435 450 465 480 495 510 525 540 436 451 466 481 496 511 526 541 437 452 467 482 497 512 527 542 438 453 468 483 498 513 528 543 439 454 469 484 499 514 529 544 440 455 470 485 500 515 530 545 441 456 * 471 486 501 516 531 546 442 457 472 487 502 517 532 547 443 458 473 488 503 518 533 548 444 459 474 489 504 519 534 549 445 460 475 490 505 520 535 550 446 461 476 491 506 521 536 551 447 462 477 492 507 522 537 552 Proposals for [supplies, to accompany Circular r posals 240 1 * 45 •X- 89 * 133 * 177 * 221 * 265 * 309 2 * 46 * 90 * 134 * 178 * 222 * 266 * 310 3 * 47 * 91 * 135 * 179 * 223 * 267 * 311 4 * 48 ■X- 92 * 136 * 180 ■X 224 * 268 ■X 312 5 * 49 * 93 * 137 * 181 * 225 * 269 ■X 313 6 * 50 * 94 * 138 * 182 ■X 226 * 270 * 314 7 * 51 * 95 * 139 * 183 * 227 * 271 * 315 8 * 52 * 96 •X- 140 * 184 ■X 228 * 272 * 316 9 * 53 * 97 * 141 * 185 * 229 * 273 * 317 10 * 54 * 98 * 142 * 186 * 230 * 274 * 318 11 * 55 ■X- 99 * 143 * 187 * 231 * 275 ■X 319 12 * 56- * 100 * 144 * 188 * 232 * 276 ■X 320 13 * 57 * 101 •X- 145 * 189 * 233 •X 277 ■X 321 14 * 58 * 102 * 146 * 190 * 234 ■X 278 ■X 322 15 * 59 * 103 * 147 * 191 * 235 * 279 * 323 16 * 60 * 104 * 148 * 192 ■X 236 ■X 280 * 324 17 * 61 * 105 •X- 149 * 193 ■X 237 ■X 281 •X 325 18 * 62 * 106 * 150 * 194 * 238 * 282 * 326 19 * 63 •X- 107 * 151 * 195 * 239 X- 283 •X 327 20 * 64 * 108 * 152 * 196 * 240 * 284 ■X 328 21 * 65 * 109 * 153 * 197 * 241 * 285 * 329 22 * 66 * 110 * 154 ■X 198 * 242 * 286 * 330 23 * 67 * HI * 155 ■X 199 * 243 -X 287 ■X 331 24 * 68 ■X- 112 * 156 * 200 * 244 * 288 ■X 332 25 ^ 69 * 113 * 157 * 201 * 245 * 289 * 333 26 * 70 * 114 * 158 * 202 * 246 ■X 290 * 334 27 * 71 ■X- 115 * 159 •X 203 * 247 ■X 291 ■X 335 28 * 72 -x- 116 * 160 * 204 * 248 ■X 292 * 336 29 •X- 73 * 117 * 161 * 205 * 249 * 293 * 337 30 * 74 * 118 * 162 * 206 ■X 250 X- 294 * 338 31 * 75 * 119 * 163 * 207 * 251 * 295 * 339 32 * 76 ^ 120 * 164 * 208 * 252 * 296 * 340 33 * 77 * 121 * 165 * 209 ■X 253 ■X 297 ■X 341 34 * 78 * 122 * 166 * 210 * 254 * 298 ■X 342 35 •X- 79 •X- 123 * 167 -X- 211 * 255 •X 299 * 343 36 * 80 * 124 * 168 •X 212 * 256 ■X 300 * 344 37 ^ 81 * 125 * 169 * 213 ■X 257 ■X 301 X- 345 38 * 82 * 126 * 170 * 214 * 258 * 302 * 346 39 * 83 * 127 •X- 171 * 215 * 259 * 303 ■X 347 40 * 84 * 128 * 172 * 216 ■X 260 * 304 * 348 41 * 85 * 129 * 173 * 217 * 261 * 305 * 349 42 * 86 ■X 130 * 174 * 218 * 262 * 306 * 350 43 * 87 * 131 * 175 * 219 ■X 263 ■X 307 ■X 351 44 * 88 * 132 ■X 176 ■X 220 * 264 * 308 x- 352 1459 ClMstflration W73. ISTHMIAN CANALi COMMISSION, 1904-— Con. W73.10-: (nos.) W73.ll: 907' 907 2 9081 908 -^ 9091 909- W73.12: 905' 905 2 9053 906' 900- 900^ Proposals for [supplies, to accompany Circular pro- posals] — Continued 900 • W73.12«; (CT) 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 Manual of information Manual of information concerning employments for service on Isthmus of Panama. June 1, 1907. Same. Revised Sept. 20, 1907. 1907. Same. Revised Jan. 3, 1908. 1908. Same. Revised June 29, 1908. 1908. Same. Revised Feb. 4, 1909. 1909. Same. Revised Sept. 10, 1909. 1909. Miscellaneous special reports of cliairman, engi- neers, etc. Sundry technical reports in relation to Panama Canal, 1899-1904 ; com- Filed under direction of chief engineer, Jan, 1905. Panama, . C. C. Press, 1905. Report of chief engineer, June 1, 1904-Feb. 1, 1905. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1905. Report of engineering committee [Jan. 24-] Feb. 14, 1905. Washington, D. C. [no publisher] 1905. Report of Board of Consulting Engineers for Panama Canal [without letters of transmittal and report of Isthmian Canal Commission, and with appendixes]. 1906. 426 p. il. 16 pi. 4* Same, maps and diagrams. 1906. 25 pi. 6 maps, 4* Same [with letters of transmit (al and report of Isthmian Canal Commission, and without appendixes], 1906, xxi+101 p, 4«» [4923-231] [The congressional edition omits a list of maps and diagrams given in the bureau edition.] Special report of chairman showing conditions on isthmus, Apr. 23, 1906. Isthmian Canal Affairs, Office of Administration, Washington, 1906. MisceUaneous special rei>orts of cliairman, engi- neers, etc. (separates) 1460 W74. ALASKA ROAD COMMISSION (Created by act approved Jan. 27, 1905 (Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 616). Classification no. Organized May 15, 1905.] W74.1: (date) W74..2: • (CT) ^74.3: » (nos.) W74.4: (nos.) Annual reports 1905, in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and not issued separately. 1906 [5155-523] [No edition without Congressional document number.] 19071 [In annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), and issued 1908/ separately also.] 1909 [5834-864] [No edition without Congressional document number.] General publications [None issued.] Bulletins [None issued.] Circulars [Circular no. 1 is 1907 (W74.1: iven on p. 7 of Report of board of road commissioners for Alaska, 17). The Public Documents Library has no separate issue.) W75. PORTO RICO [Prior to May 1, 1900, jurisdiction over governmental affairs of Porto Rico was exercised through Insular Affairs Bureau (W6.). ^ ^ The organic act temporarily to provide revenues and civil government for Porto Rico was approved Apr. 12, 1900, and became effective May 1, 1900. Under this act annual reports were submitted to the heads of certain of the Executive Departmentsof the United States Government. Of these reports and other pub- lications covering the period between May 1, 1900, and June 30, 1908, those which have appeared sepa- rately were classed as follows: Porto Rico, Attorney- General, under U. S. Justice Department (J7.). Porto Rico, Auditor, under U. S. Treasury Department (T43.). Porto Rico, Education Department, under U. S. Interior Department (1 1.39:). Porto Rico, Governor, under U. S. State Department (SIO.). Porto Rico, Interior Department, under U. S. Interior Department (1 1.40:). The treasurer and certain other officials of Porto Rico who made reports to various Executive Departments of the United States Government for the period between May 1, 1900, and June 30, 1908, have no classifica- tions under those Departments, because their annual reports did not appear separately. By act of July 15, 1909, jurisdiction over governmental affairs in Porto Rico was agam vested in War Depart- ment and the administrative duties in Washington were again assigned to Insular Affairs Bureau by the following Executive order 1110, dated July 15, 1909: The following Act of Congress approved July 15, 1909, is published for the information of all concerned: AN ACT to amend an Act entitled "An Act temporarily to provide revenues and a civil gov- ernment for Porto Rico, and for other purposes," approved April twelfth, nineteen hundred. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Act entitled "An Act temporarily to provide revenues and a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes," approved April twelfth, nineteen hundred, is hereby amended by inserting at the end of section thirty-one of said Act the follow- ing additional proviso: "And provided further. That if at the termination of any fiscal year the appropriations necessary for the support of government for the ensuing fiscal year shall not have been made an amount equal to the sums appropriated in the last appropriation bills for such purpose shall be deemed to be appropriated; and until the legislature shall act in such behalf the treasurer may, with the advice of the governor, make the payments necessary for the purposes aforesaid." Sec. 2. That all reports required by law to be made by the governor or members of the execu- tive council of Porto Rico to any official in the United States shall hereafter be made to an executive department of the Government of the United States to be designated by the Presi- dent; and the President is hereby authorized to place all matters pertaining to the government of Porto Rico in the jurisdiction of such department. Under the provisions of Section 2 of this Act hereafter all reports required by law to be made by the governor or members of the executive council of POrto Rico to any official in the United States will be made to the War Department, and all matters pertaining to the government of Porto Rico are placed in the jurisdiction of that department. The business of the department pertaining to civil government in Porto Rico is, pursuant to Section 87 of the Act of July 1, 1902, assigned to the Bureau of Insular Affairs. Wm H Taft [In accordance with the act of July 15, 1909, promulgated by the above Executive order of same date, the 1909 report of the governor is submitted to the Secretary of War. In future the governor's report and the reports of subordinate officials made to the governor and by him submitted to the Secretary o War are to be classed under W75., though published by the Insular Affairs Bureau.] W75.1: (date) Annual reports of governor See, for earlier reports, SlO.l:, and for historical information, note under W75. 1909 [fiscal year ended June 30, 9th], in annual reports of War Depart- ment (Wl.l:), and issued separately also. 1461 ClmssIflcattoB no. W76.2: (CT) W75.3: (nos.) W75A: (no8.) W75.5: W75.5^: (date) W75.5 2: (CT) W75.5 3: (noa.) W76.6*: (nos.) W75.6: W76.6^: (date) W75.6 2: (CT) W75.6 3: (nos.) W75.6^: (nos.) W75.7: W75.7 ' : (date) W75.7=^: (CT) W76.7': (nos.) W75.7* : (noe.) W75. PORTO RICO— Continued General publications Bulletins Circulars Anemia Dispensary Service [Created under act to provide for continuation of work of suppression of tropical anemia, passed by Legislature of Porto Rico at extra session of Sept. 1908. Work of the former Anemia Commission ceased June 30, 1908, owing to failure of Legis- lature at its reg\xlar session of 1908 to make provision therefor. The act creating the Anemia Dispensary Service provided that the work, instead of being done as heretofore by the separate commission appointed by governor, should be placed under the Department of Health, Charities, and Correction (W75.8:),asa separate bureau.] Anemia Dispensary Service, Annual reports 1909 [fiscal year ended June 30], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), governor of Porto Rico (W75.1:), and issued separately also. ^Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. Anemia Dispensary Service, General publications Anemia Dispensary Service, Bulletins Anemia Dispensary Service, Circulars Auditor See, for earlier publications, T43., and for historical information, note under W75. Auditor, Annual reports See, for earlier reports, T43.1: 1909 [fiscal year ended June 30], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), governor of Porto Rico (W75.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. Auditor, General publications Auditor, Bulletins Auditor, Circulars Education Department See, for earlier publications, 1 1.39:, and for historical information, note under W75. Education Department, Annual reports See, for earlier reports, 1 1.39: 1909 [fiscal year ended June 30], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), governor of Porto Rico (W75.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. Education Department, General publications Education Department, Bulletins Education Department, Circulars 1462 Classification no. W75.8: W75.8^: (date) W75.8'-^: (CT) W75.8^: (nos.) W75.8*: (nos.) W75.9: W75.9 ' : (date) W75.9': (CT) W75.9 3: (nos.) W75.9^: (nos.) W75.10: W75.10^; (date) W75.10 2: ' (CT) W75.10 3: (nos.) W75.10^: (nos.) W75. PORTO RICO— Continued Healtli, Charities, and Correction Department See, for historical information, note under W75. Health., Charities, and Correction Department, An- nual reports [This Department, though reporting through the governor of Porto Rico to the U.S. State Department, had no classification under State Department (S.) because the annual reports, 1905-08, appeared only in annual reports of governor of Porto Rico (SlO.l:) and were not issued separately.] 1909 [fiscal year ended June 30], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), governor of Porto Rico (W75.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. Health, Charities, and Correction Department, Oeneral publications Health, Charities, and Correction Department, Bulletins Health, Charities, and Correction Department, Circulars Interior Department See, for earlier publications, 11.40:, and for historical information, note under W75. Interior Department, Annual reports See, for earlier reports, 1 1.40: 1909 [fiscal year ended June 30], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), governor of Porto Rico (W75.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affairs Bureau. Interior Department, General puhllcatlons Interior Department, Bulletins Interior Department, Circulars Treasurer See, for historical information, note under W75. Treasurer, Annual reports [The treasurer of Porto Rico, though reporting through the governor of Porto Rico to the U. S. Treasury Department, had no classification under Treasury Depart- ment (T.) because his annual reports, 1901-08, appeared only in annual reports of governor of Porto Rico (SlO.l:) and were not issued separately. The treasurer also made annual statements of receipts and disbursements, 1900-08, which appeared only in the Congressional set as follows: 1900, May-Sept. [4138-136] 1901, Oct. 1900-Oct. 1901 1902, Nov. 1901-Oct. 1902 1903, Nov. 1902-Oct. 1903 1904, Nov. 1903-Oct. 1904 1905, Nov. 1904-Oct. 1905 1906, Nov. 1905-Oct. 1906 1907, Nov. 1906-Oct. 1907 4322-63] 4496-155] 4671-138^ 4830-144^ 4985-183 5152-202^ 5373-374^ [555^1293].] 1908, May, 1900-June, 1908 1909 [fiscal year ended June 30], in annual reports of War Department (Wl.l:), governor of Porto Rico (W75.1:), and issued separately also. Published in Washington by Insular Affaire Bureau. Treasurer, General publications Treasurer, Bulletins Treasurer, Circulars 1463 X, PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS [Printed records or reports of the debates and other proceedings of the 2 branches composing the Congress of the United States are extant for the whole period of its existence, from Mar. 4, 1789, to the present time. Though these records have been issued under various titles and auspices, they form a continuous and connected documentary chronicle, and the different series of which it is composed have had the sanction of Congress as official and have been distributed as Government publi- cations. The series containing the proceedmgs are as follows: Annals of Congress, Ist Congress, Ist session, to 18th Congress, 1st session, 1789-1824 ; Register of debates, 18th Congress. 2d session, to 25th Congress, Ist session, 1824-37; Congressional globe, 23d Congress, Ist session, to 42d Congress, 3d session, 1833-73; Congressional record, 43d Congress, 1st session, to 61st Congress, Ist session, 1873-1909. The Register of debates and the Globe overlap each other, the proceedings of the 23d and 24th Congresses and the Ist session of the 25th Congress being in both. The proceedings of Congress do not appear in the Congressional set. The methods of publication of the Register, Globe, and Record are somewhat peculiar. There is a numbered volume for each session of Congress, but each volume is divided into as many parts as the quantity of material may make necessary. Each of these parts is a distinct book, usually of about 1.000 p. Thus, while the Globe purports to be in 46 v., it is really in 109 quarto books, and the Record, to the close of^the 61st Congress, 1st session, though filling 258 great books, is published in only 44 v. The Annals and the Register are large 8" volumes, while the Globe and Record have been issued in 4° size. All of the volumes of the 4 series are indexed, an index for each volume; that is, for each session. In the Annals, Register, and Globe the in- dexes are found in the volumes of proceedings, but in the Record series in all but one case, V. 37, 58th Congress, 1st session, the index for each volume is in a separate book. See, for Tables showing contents of volumes comprising Annals of Congress, Congres- sional debates. Congressional globe, Congressional record. Statutes at large, Su- preme Court reports, and succession of Supreme Court justices, arranged by years and Congresses, compiled by Alonzo W. Church and Henry H. Smith, Yl.l:An7. See aUo note under X ".] ANNALS OF CONGRESS [The period of Congressional activity covered by these 42 v. is that of the first 17 Congresses and the 1st session of the 18th Congress, being the years 178&-1824. There is no contemporaneotis record of the debates for this j)eriod, verbatim reporting not having been attempted till later and not having been officially provided for till 1874. As indicated by the title-page, these volumes record " Debates and proceedings in the Congress of the United States; with an Appendix, containing important state papers and public documents, and all laws of a public nature; with a copious index, compiled from authentic materials." Of v. 1 and 2 there were 2 prints. The one with back-title " Debates in Congress, old series" and running page-title "Gales & Seaton's history of debates in Congress" has boon placed under Yl.l:D35i'2 since it does not belong to the regular set under X. The other, with back-title " Annals of Congress" and ruiming page-title "History of Congress," uniform with the set, has been entered as Xl,2. Other differences between the 2 prints of v. 1 and 2 have been noted in the entries under Yl.l: The Annals do not contain a full report of Congressional proceedings, but sketches of the more important debates prepared by the compilers from contemporaneous records. Of the Senate proceedings, until 1794, only meager record is found, as the Senate sat with closed doors up to the 2d session of the 3d Congress. The proceedings of the two Houses are arranged separately by sessions, and not by days, as in the Congressional globe and Record, so that the record of each House is consecutive through the session. The pages are in double-column, and each column is numbered as if it were a page. In the Appendix incorporated in the last volume for each Congress are found executive and other documents, and laws of a public character passed by that Congress. By joint resolution of Mar. 3, 1849 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 419), and by act of Sept. 30, 1850 (Stat. L. V. 9. p. 524), the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House were authorized to subscribe for 2,000 sets of Annals of Congress, the appropriation for the same being made by acts of Sept. 30, 1850, and Mar. 3, 1851 (Stat. L. v. 9, p. 543, 599). The Annals were compiled as well as published bv Gales & Seaton.] 1 1 i 1 Period f Proceedings of— Notes xJ 2 1 2 2 2 3 sp. 1 1 1 2 2 2 Mar. 4-Sept. 29, 1789 Jan. 4-Aug. 12, 1790 Senate and House. Senate \see also Yl rD35> 1 Jan. 4- Feb. 10, 1790 See also Yl.V.DSo^. J Feb. 10-Aug. 12, 1790 Dec. 6, 1790-Mar. 8, 1791... Mar. 4, 1791 do Senate and House. Senate t Heavy Congress. Annals of legislative beginning type used in the 6th column indicates the dates of beginning and ending of each session of In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and its predecessors -the Congress, the Register of debates, and tha Congressional globe this Checklist uses the day for the termination of the sessions of the first 56 Congresses and the calendar day, with the 57th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 5. 1464 ANNAL.S OF CONGRESS— Continued X5 xel X7 X8i X9 xioj Xll X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 X17 X18 X19 X2oj X21 X22 X28J X24 X25 X26J X27 X28 X29 X30J X31i Period f Oct. 24, 1791-May 8, 1792 . . Nov. 6, 1792-Mar. 2, 1793 . Mar. 4, 1793 Dec. 2, 1793-June 9, 1794 . Nov. 3, 1794-Mar. 3, 1795 . June 8-26, 1795 Dec. 7, 1795-June 1, 1796 . Dec. 5, 1796-Mar. 3, 1797.. Mar. 4, 1797 May 15-July 10, 1797 Nov. 13, 1797-July 16, 1798. . Nov. 13, 1797-Mar. 5, 1798 July 17-19, 1798 Mar. .5-Jnly 16, 1798 Dec. 8, 1798-Mar. 2, 1799. . . Dec. 3, 1798-Mar. 3, 1799. . . Dec. 2, 1799-May 14, 1800. Nov. 17, 1800-Mar. 3, 1801 Mar. 4, 5, 1801 Dec. 7, 1801-May 3, 1802. . Dec. 6, 1802-Mar. 8, 1803.. Oct. 17, 1803-Mar. 27, 1804 Nov. 5, 1804-Mar. 3, 1805 do Proceedings of- Senate and House. ....do Senate Senate and House. do Senate Senate and House, ....do Senate Senate and House, Senate House Senate House Senate House Senate and House do Senate Senate and Hoiise do do Dec. 2, 1805-Ai»r. 21, 1806. . Dec. 1, 1806-Mar. 8, 1807 . . Oct. 26, 1807-Apr. 25, 1808... Oct. 26, 1807-Jan. 13, 1808 Jan. 13-Apr. 25, 1808 Nov. 7, 1808-Mar. 3, 1809 . . Mar. 4-7, 1809.. May 22-June 28, 1809 Nov. 27, 1809-May 1,1810.... Nov. 27, 1809-Jan. 23, 1810 Jan. 23-May 1, 1810 Dec. 8, 1810-Mar. 3, 1811. .. Nov. 4, 1811-July 6, 1812 Nov. 4, 1811-Mar. 9, 1812 Mar.9^uly 6, 1812 Nov. 2, 1812-Mar. 3, 1813. . May 24-Aug. 2,1813 Dec. 6, 1813-Apr. 18, 1814.... Dec. 0, 1813-Feb. 16, 1814 Feb. K^Apr. 18, 1814 Sept. 19, 1814-Mar. 8, 1815. Dec. 4, 1815-Apr. 30, 1816 . Dec. 2, 1816-Mar. 8, 1817 . . Mar. 4-6, 1817 Dec. 1, 1817-Apr. 20, 1818.... Dec. 1, 1817-Mar. 12, 1818 ....do. ....do. Senate . House. ....do. Notes Also impeachment of Wm. Blount. Senate and House. Senate Senate and House. House do Senate and House. Senate House do Senate and House. do , Senate House do Senate and House. do do.., Senate , do House Also impeachment of John Pickering. Also impeachment of Samuel C!hase. Also trial of Aaron Burr. t Heavy type used in the 6th column indicates the dates of beginning and ending of each session of Congress. In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and its predecessors— the Annals of Congress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe— this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 66 Congresses and the calendar day, beginning with the 67th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 6. 1465 ANNALS OF CONGRESS-Continued Period t Proceedings of- NoteB X82 X88 XS4 X85 X86 X87 X88J X89 X40 X41 X42 Mar. Nov. Nov. Feb. Dec. Dec. Feb. Nov. Dec. Dec. Mar. Dec. Dec. Dec. Feb. 12-Apr. 20, 1818 16, 18l8-Mar.3, 1819.... 10, 1818-Feb. 17, 1819 17-Mar. 8, 1819 6, 181»-Mayl5. 1820 6, 1819-Feb. 12, 1820 12-May 16, 1820 13, 1820-Mar. 8, 1821.. 3, 1821-May8, 1822 3, 1821-Mar. 11,1822 11-May 8, 1822 2, 1822-Mar. 8, 1828... 1, 1823-May27, 1824 1, 1823-Feb. 27, 1824 27-M»y27, 1824 House. Senate. House . do. Senate. House. do. Senate and House Senate House do Senate and House Senate House do REGISTER OF DEBATES The second series of the proceedings, and the first to be contemporaneously reported and published, bears the title " Register of debates in Congress" on the title-page, the back-title being "Congressional debates." It began with the 2d session of the 18th Congrass, Dee. 0, 1824, and continued to the end of the 1st session of the 25th Congress, Oct. 16, 1837, making in all 14 v. in 29 books. No part of the proceedings is given which does not involve debate or some incident novel or important in character. The debates are not in all cases literally reported, but their substantial accuracy may be relied upon. Each page has 2 page numbers, one for each column. The record of each House is arranged by sessions, as in the Annals, excepting in the first volume, which is by days, as in the Globe and the Record. In the Appendix attached to the last volume of each session are printed the messages of the President, the most unportant reports from departments of the Goverrraient and committees of Congress, and all acts passed during the session. The Register was compiled and published by Gales & Seaton, the first volume issued in 1825, the last in 1837. Provision lor the purchase of copies for the use of Congress was made from time to time. Duff Green published in Washington, 1834, 2 v. of a "Register of debates" (Yl.l:D35 3,4) giving a report of the proceedings of the 23d Congress, Dec. 2, 1833-May 31, 1834, and for that period duplicating Gales & Seaton^s Register.] X4S. X44 X45 X46 X47 X48 X49 X50 X51 X52 X58 X54 X56 X56 18 2 1 19 sp. 1 19 2 1 19 1 2 1 19 1 2 2 19 2 3 20 1 4 1 20 1 4 1 20 1 4 2 20 2 5 21 sp. 5 21 1 6 1 21 1 6 1 21 1 6 2 21 2 7 22 1 8 1 22 1 8 2 22 1 8 3 22 2 9 1 22 2 9 I Dec. 6, 1824-Mar. 8, 1825.. Mar. 4-9, 182.5 Dec. 6, 1826-May 22, 1826. . . Dec. 5, 1825-Mar. 13, 1826 Mar. 13-May 22, 1826 Dec. 4, 1826-Mar. 8, 1827 . Dec. 8, 1827-May2G, 1828... Dec. 3, 1827- Feb. 7, 1828 Feb.7-May 26, 1828 Dec. 1, 1828- .Har. 8, 1829. . Mar. [4]5-lfi[17), 1829 Dec. 7, 1829-May31,1830... Dec. 7, 1829-Mar. 24, 1830 Mar.24-May81, 1880 Dec. 6, 1830-Mar. 8, 1881.. Dec. 5, 1881-July 16, 1832 . . . Dec. 5, 1831-May 9, 1832 May9^aly 16,1882 Dec. 8, 1882-Mar. 2, 1833.... Dec. 3, 1832-Jan. 24, 1833 Senate and House. Senate do House do Senate and House. Senate House do Senate and House. Senate do House do Senate and House. House. ....do. Senate. No proceedings printed. No proceedings for Mar. 4 or 17. 1829. t Heavy type used In the 6th column indicates the dates of beginning and ending of each session of Congress. In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and Its predecessors— the Annals of Congress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe— this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 56 Congresses and the calendar day, beginning with the 57th Congre&ai. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 5. 1466 REGISTER OF DEBATES— Continued X57 X58 X59 X60 X61 X62 X63 X64 X65 X66 X67 X69 X70 X71 25 I 1 25 ■ 1 Period t Jan. 24-Mar. 2, 1833 Dec. 2, 1833-Apr. 18, 1834. . . . Apr. IS-June 30, 1834 Dec. 2, 18.33-Feb. 25, 1834 Feb. 25-May 19, 1834 . May 19-June 30, 1834 Dec. 1, 1834-Mar. 3, 1835 Dec. 1, 1834-Feb. 10, 1835 Feb. 10-Mar. 3, 1835 Dec. 7, 1835-Apr. 25, 183C. . . . Apr. 25-July 4, 1836 Dec. 7, 1835-Feb. 17, 1836 Feb. 17-May 23, 1836 May2.3^uly4, 1836 Dec. 5, 1836-Mar. 3, 1837 Mar. 4-10, 1837 Dex>. 5, 1836- Jan. 17, 1837 Jan. 17-Mar. 3, 1837 Sept. 4-Oct. 16, 1837 Sept. 4-Oct. 2, 1837 Oct. 2-Oct. 16, 1837 Proceedings of- Home. Senate . do. House . do. do. Senate . House. do. Senate . do. House. do. do. Senate . do. House . do. Senate . House . do. Notes See:ihoYlA:T>'i:ihi. CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE [The Congressional globe began with the 1st session of the 23d Congress, Dec. 2, 1833, duplicating the Reg- ister of debates in Congress for the 23d and 24th Congresses and the 1st session of the 25th Congress, and continued until the end of the 42d Congress, Mar. 3, 1873. being complete in 109 quarto books. This series, to the close of the 31st Congress, as indicated on the title-page, contains "Sketches of debates and proceedings." The title is then changed by omission of the words "sketches of," implying thereafter a fuller report. The appendixes, in addition to speeches of Senators and Representatives withheld for revision and not printed in the body of the Globe, contain also, to the close of the 39th Congress, messages of the President and reports of Cabinet officers, and from the 2d session of the 32d Congress the text of the laws. Also to the 1st session of the 37th Congress, a detailed statement of the appropriations made during each ses- sion. An index, covering the session to which it belongs, is found in most volumes excepting for the 2d session, 42d Congress, when the index is in a separate volume. Each of the appendixes has its own index. The Globe was edited and published as follows: By Blair & Rives to the close of the 30th Congress; by John C. Rives to the close of the 1st session of the 38th Congress; by F. & J. Rives to the close of the 39th Congress; l)y F. & J. Rives and George A. Bailey to the close of the series. The work was supplied to Congress under resolutions providing for its purchase. The first volume was published in 1834; the last in 1873. A portion of the first 37 v. in the Public Documents Library bear volume numbers on the title-pages, after which the volumes are unnumbered. It seems, however, that dillerent sets differ in this numbering, consequently, after v. 14 the numbers on the title-pages are disregarded and the Public Documents Library has assigned a volume number for each session of Congress in accordance with the plan which had been adopted by the publishers of the Congressional record.] X72 X73 X74 X75 X76 X77 Dec. 2, 1833-Jiine 30, 1834 . Dec. 1, 1834-Mar. 3, 1835... Dec. 7, 1835-July 4, 1836.. . Dec. 5, 1836-Mar. 3, 1837 Sept. 4-Oct. 16, 1837 Dec. 4, Dec. 3, Dec. 2, 1837-July 9, 1838 . 1838-Mar. 3, 1839. . 1839-July 21, 1840. Senate and House. ....do do v. 1 and 2 bound to- gether. Also appendix, v. 4 and 5 bound to- gether; appendix in each volume. Also appendix. Do. Do. t Heavy type used in the 6th column indicates the dates of beginning and ending of each session of Congress In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and its predecessors— the Annals of Congress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 56 Congresses and the calendar day, beginning with the 67th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 6. 1467 CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE—Continued :^ Period t Proceedings of- NotM X78^ X79 X80 X81 X82 X88 X84 X85 " X86 X87 X88 X89 X90 X9lJ X92 X93 X94 X95 X96 X98 X99 XlOO XlOl X108 XIOS X104 X105 X106 X107 X108 X109 XllO Xlllj X112 XllS Dec. 7, 1840-MAr. 8, 1841.. Mar. 4-14 [15], 1841 May 81-Sept. IS, 1841 Dec. 6, 1841-Aai?.81, 1842. Senate and Iloiise. Senate , Senate and House. do app. app. app. app. 1 (19] 2 [20] sp. I i-ioi 1 [211 1 12 1 [211 1 121] 2 (22] 2 I [22] ^. (22] app. app. 1 2 3 app. (23] (23] (23] (23] 2 i [24] 2 I [24] (26) (251 [251 (25) (25) [2f,] app. app. 1 2 3 app." app. 1 2 3 3 app. Dec. 5, 1842-Mar. S, 1843. Dec. 4, 1843-June 17, 1844. Senate and House. .do. Dee. 2, 1844-Mar. 8, 1845. .! Senate and House. Mar. 4-2(), 1845 Senate Dec. 1, 1845-Aiig. 10, 1846. Senate and House. Dec. 7, 184ft-!tfar. 8, 1847.. . Senate and House. Dec. 6, 1847-Aug. 14, 1848. do Dec. 4, 1848-Mar. 3, 1849.. . Mar. 5-23, 1849 Dec. 3, 1849-May IG, 1850 Senate and House. Senate Senate and House. MaylO^ept. 80, 1850 do. Dec. 2, 1850-Mar. 3, 1851... Mar. 4-13, 1851 Dec. 1, 1851-Mar. 23, 1852.... Mar. 23-July 8, 1852 JuIyS-Aug. 31, 1852 Dee. «, 1852-Mar. 3, 1858. .. Senate and House Senate and House. Senate Senate and House. do do Mar. 4-Apr. 11, 1833 Senate Dec. 5, 1858-Mar. 29, 18.')4. Mar. 29-June 29, 1854 June2*-Aug. 7, 1854 Dec. 4, 1854-Mar. 8, 1855. Dec. 8, 1866- Apr. 2, 185»; Apr. 2-July 11,185G..'. ... Julyll-Aug. 18, 1856... Ang. 21-80, 1856 Senate and House. do do Senate and House. Senate and House. do .do. .do. Dec. 1, 1856-Mar. 3, 1857.. .1 Penatoaiid Honsi' Also appendix. Do. Appendix. p. 1-30, secret session of Senate, Aug. 11-30, 1842; also appendix. Appendix. Also appendix. Proceedings for Mar. 4 only. Appendix. Also appendix. 6'€ca/«o Y1.3:P94. Appendix; see also Y1.3:P94. Also api)endix. p. 326-355 of appendix. Contains index to pts. 1,2. Appendix, pt. 1, with index. Appendix, pt. 2. .Vlso appendix, p. 398-425 of appendix. Contains index to v. 21. Appendix. Appendix. p. 243-330 of appendix; erroneously called 32d Cong. 3d sess. Appendix. Appendix. -Appendix. t Heavy type used In the 6th column indicates the dates of beginning and ending of each session of Congress. In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and its predecessors— the Annais of Congress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 66 Congres.'^es and the calendar day, beginning with the 57th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 5. 1468 CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE— Continued Period f Proceedings of— Notes [26] [26] [27] [27] [27] [2 [27] [28] [28] [28] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [30] [30] [30] [31] [32] [32] [32] [32) [33] [33] [33] [34] [34] [34] [34] [35] [35] [35; [36] [36] [36] [36] [36] [37] [37] [37] app. app. 1 2 3 3 app. 1 2 Mar. 4-14, 1857 Dec. 7, 1857-Mar. 10, 1858., Mar. 10-May 11, 1858 May 11-June 14, 1858 June 15, 16, 1858 Senate , Senate and House ....do ....do Senate *, . Dec. 6, 1858-Feb. 15, 1859. Feb. 15-Mar. 3, 1859 Mar. 4-10, 1859 Dec. 6, 1859-Mar. 1, 1860. . Mar. 1- Apr. 30, 1860 Apr. 30- June 11, 1860 June 11-June 25, 1860 June 2()-28, 1860 Dec. 3, 1860-Feb. 18, 1861 . Feb. 18-Mar. 2, 1861 Mar. 4-28, 1861 July 4-Au?. 6, 1861 Dec. 2, 1861-Feb. 26, 1862. Feb. 26-May 2, 1862 May 2-June 23, 1862 June23-July 17, 1862 Dec. I, 1862-Feb. 12, 1863. Feb. 12-Mar. 3, 1863 Mar. 4-14, 1863 Dec. 7, 1863-Mar. 7, 1864.. Mar. 7- Apr. 29, 1864 Apr. 29-June 14, 1864 June 14-July 4, 1864 Dec. 5, 1864-Feb. 16, 1865. Feb. 16-Mar. 3, 1865 Mar. 4-11,186,5 Dec. 4, 1865-Feb. 21, 1866. Feb. 21-Apr. 12, 1866 Apr. 12-AIay 29, 1866 May 29-July 16, 1866 July 16-July 28, 1866 Dec. 3, 1866-Jan. 25, 1867., Jan. 2o-Feb. 22, 1867 Feb. 23-Mar. 2, 1867 Mar. 4-30, July 3-20, Nov. 21- Dec. 2,1867 Apr. 1-20, 1867 Dec. 2, 1867-Feb. 6, 1868 Feb. 6-Mar. 21, 1868 Mar. 21-June 11, 1868 June 11-July 16, 1868 July l(i-27, Sept. 21, Oct. 16, Nov. 10, 1868 t Heavy type used in the 6th column indicates the dates of beginning and ending of each session of Congress. In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and its predecessors— the Annals of Congress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe— this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 66 Congresses and the calendar day, beginning with the 57th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 5. Senate and House ....do Senate Senate and House. ....do ....do ....do Senate Senate and House. do Senate Senate and House do do do do do do Senate Senate and House do do do do do Senate Senate and House do do do .,...do ^do do do Appendix. p. 371-398 of appendix. p. 3051-61 of pt. 3. Appendix. Also appendix, p. ]6S5-92of pt. Also appendix, p. 3303-1 1 of pt. 4. Also appendix. '"'' p. 1433-1626 of pt. 2. Also appendix. Also appendix. Also appendix, p. 1553-64 of pt. 2. Also appendix. Also appendix, p. 1424-40 of pt. Also appendix. Senate to Feb. 18 only. Senate begins with Feb. 18; also appendix. ....do Senate Senate and House. .....do do do .do. Also appendix, p. 821-851. Also appendix. n 1469 CONORE8SIONALi OLOBE-Continued XIM X156 X156 X167 X158 X161 X162 X163 X164 X165 xiee X167 X168 X169 X170J X171 X172 X178 X174 X175 X176 X177 X178 X179 X180 42 2 42 2 42 2 42 2 42 2 42 2 42 3 42 3 42 3 [39] (401 I40J [40] (41) [41] [42] [42] [42] [42] [42] [42] [42] [43] [43] [43] [441 [44] [44] [45] [45] [45] [45] [45] [45] [45] [46] [46] [46] suppi 1 2 3 4 5 6 app. 1 2 3 1 2 2 It 2 3 4 5 app. ind!ex 1 2 3 Period t Dec. 7, 1868-Feb. 1,1869. Feb. 1-23, 18(i9.. Fcb.23-Mar. 8, 1869 Mar. 4-Apr. 10, 1869 Apr. 12-22, 18G9 Dec. 6, 1869- Feb. 1, 1870. Feb. 1-Mar. 11, 1870 Mar. 11- Apr. 20, 1870 Apr. 20-May24, 1870 Ma y 24-June 22, 1870 June 22-iiily 15, 1870.... Dec. 5, 1870-Jan. 30, 1871. Jan. 30-Feb. 24, 1871 Feb. 24-Mar. 8, 1871 Mar. 4-Apr. IL 1871 Apr. ll-Apr.20, 1871.... May 10-27, 1871 Dec. 4, 1871-Feb.8,1872. Feb. 8-Mar. 19, 1872 Mar. 19- Apr. 23, 1872 Apr. 23-May 17, 1872 Mayl7-June 10, 1872.... Dec. 2, 1872-Jau. 17, 1873. Jan. 17- Feb. 22, 1873 Feb.22-Mar. 8, 1878 Proceedings of— Senate and Uoiuie. do do do Senate Senate and Hoose. do do Senate and House. do do do do Senate Senate and House. do ....do.... .-..do.... ....do.... Senate and House. do do Notes Supplement; trial Andrew Johnson. .\lso appendix. Also appendix, p. 725-777. Appendix; called pt. 7 on half title-i)age. Also appendix. Also appendix, p. 845-931 of pt. 2. Appendix. Index to v. 45. Also appendix. CONGldESSIONAL. RECORD [This was the first series of the proceedings to be officially reported, printed, and published directly by the Government, under act of Mar. 3, 1873 (Stat. L. v. 17, p. 510). It began with the 43d Congress, has been continued to the present time, and up to the end of the 61st Congress, 1st session, Aug. 5, 1909, com- prises 258 quarto books. It is printed at the Goverrunent Printing Office from stenographic reports supplied by the official reporters of the Senate and the House. All extraneous matter has been excluded from this series, the contents of the several volumes being strictly limited to the proceedings of Congress. The appendixes contain only speeches which, for one reason or another, usually because withheld for revi.sion by the authors, were not inserted in their proper places in the Record. See also note under X«».) X181 4H sp. 1 X182 4:t 2 1 X18S 43 2 2 X184 43 2 3 X185 43 2 4 X186 43 2 5 X187 43 2 6 X188 43 2 index Mar. 4-2r>, 1873 Dec. 1, 1878-Jan. 20, 1874. Jan. 29-Mar. 5, 1874 Mar. 6- Apr. 11,1874 Apr. Il-Mayl9, 1874 May 19-June 15, 1874 June 15-Jane 28, 1874 . . . . Senatp Senate and House. do ....do ...do ....do ....do Also apjiendix. Index to v. 2. t Heavy type used In the 6th column Indicates the dates of beirinning: and ending of each session of Congress. In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and Its predecessors— the Annals of Congress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 56 Congresses and the calendar day, beginning with the 57th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 5. X201 X202 X203 X204 X205 X206 X207 X208 X209 X210 X211 X212 X213 X214 X215 X216 X217 X218 X219 X220 X221 X222 X223 X224 X225 X226 X227 X228 X229 X230 X231 X232 X233 X234 X235 1470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Continued X189 43 2 X190 43 2 X191 43 2 X192 43 2 X198J :: sp. X194 44 X195 44 X196 44 X197 44 X198 44 1 X199 X200 44 44 3 index 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 index 7 3 index 4 ] 2 3 4 5 index index 1 2 index 2 3 4 5 index 1 2 3 index Period f Dec. 7, 1874-Jan. 28, 1875. Jan. 28-Feb. 23, 1875 Feb. 23-Mar. 3, 1875 Mar. 5-24, 1875 Dec. 6, 1875-Feb. 10,1876... Feb. 10-Mar. 28, 1876 Mar. 28-May 5, 1876 May 5-June 22, 1876 June 22-Juiy 29, 1876 July29-Aug. 15, 1876 Mar. 2-Aug. 1, 1876 Dec. 4, 1876-Jan. 23, 1877. Jan. 23-Feb. 20, 1877 Feb. 20-Mar. 3, 1877 Jan. 31-Mar. 2, 1877 Mar. 5-17, 1877 Oct. 15-Dec. 3, 1877 Dec. 3, 1877-Feb. 13, 1878. Feb. 13-Mar. 25, 1878 Mar. 25-May 1, 1878 .'. May 1-Juue 5, 1878 Junes-June 20, 1878 . Dec. 2, 1878-Feb. 3, 1879. Feb. 3-24, 1879 Feb. 24-Mar. 3, 1879 Mar. 18-May 13, 1879. Mayl3-July 1, 1879. Dec. 1, 1879-Feb. 19, 1880.. Feb. 19-Apr. 1,1880 Apr. 1-May5, 1880. May 5-June 1, 1880 June 1-June 16, 1880 Dec. 6, 1880- Jan. 25, 1881. Jan. 25-Feb. 17, 1881 Feb. 17-Mar. 3, 1881 Mar. 4-May 20, Oct. 10-29, 1881 Dec. 5, 1881-Feb. 9, 1882. Feb. 9-Mar. 17, 1882 Mar. 17-Apr. 18, 1882. Apr. 18-May 17, 1882. May 17- June 23, 18S2. Proceedings of- Senate and House. do do Senate Senate and House. do ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. Senate and House. Electoral Coinn . . Senate Senate and House ....do ....do ....do ..-.do ....do Senate and House. do .....do Senate and House. do Senate and House. ..-.do ..-.do ....do ....do Notes Also appendix. Index to v. 3. Also appendix. Index to v. 4, pts. 1-6. Trial of Wm. W. Bel- Icnap. Also appendix. Index to v. 5. 1 Also appendix and in- J dex to V. 6. Also appendix. Index to v. 7. Also appendix. Index to v. 8. Also appendix. Index to V. 9. Also appendix. Index to v. 10. Senate and House. | ....do ' Also appendix. Index to v. 11. t Heavy type used in the 6th column indicates the dates of beginning and ending of each session of Congress. In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and its predecessors— the Annals of Congnress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe— this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 66 Congresses and the calendar day, beginning with the 57th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 5. 1471 CONGRESSIONAL. RBCORD^-Continued X28« X287 X288 X289 X240 X241 I 47 X242 I 47 ^||147 X29m48 X245 X246 X247 X248 X249 X250 X251 X262 X258 X254 X255' 49 I 49 X256 X257 X258 X259 X260 X261 X262 X263 X264 X265 X266 X267 X268 X269 X270 X271 X272 X278 X274 X275 X276 X277 X278 X279 X280 X281 X282 X28Z< 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 2 2 2 sp. 1 6 7 iudex 1 2 3 4 index 1 2 3 4 5 6 index 1 2 3 index 1 1 2 3 4 5 Period t June 23-July 25, 1882 Senate and House . July25-AoR. 8, 1882 do Proceedings of— Notes Dec. 4, 1882-Jan. 9, 1883. Jan. 9-Foh. 2, 1883 Feb. 2-20, 1883 Feb. 2(^Mar. 8, 1888.... Dec. 8, 1888-Feb. 11, 1884. Feb. 11-Mar. 18, 1884 Mar. 18-Apr. 10, 1884 Apr. 16-May 16, 1884 May ItV-June 21, 1884 June21-Jaly 7, 1884 Senate and House. do do .do. Senate and House. do do .do .do -do Also appendix. Index to v. 13. Also appendix. Index to v. 14. Also appendix. Index to v. 15. Dec. 1, 1884-Jan. 22, 1885. Jan. 22-Feb. 18, 1885 Feb. 18-Mar. 8, 1885 Senate and House. j do ' do I Also appendix. Index to v. 10. Mar. 4-Apr. 2, 1885 Dec. 7, 1885-Feb. 3, 1886. Feb. .VMar. 8, 1886 Mar. 8- Apr. 8, 1886 Apr. 8-May 11,1 88(i May Il-Juue9, 1886 June 9-July 6, 1886 July 6-28, 1886 July 2&-Ang:. 6, 1886 Senate Senate and House. do .do. .do. .do. .do. index 1 2 3 index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 index 2 I 3 I index 1 1 Dec. 6, 188ft-Jan. 25, 1887. . Jan. 25-Feb. 21, 1887 Feb. 21-Mar. 8, 1887...,.*; I I Senate and House. J'. ....do '..i.i.do Dec. 6, 1887- Feb. 7, 1888. Feb. 7-Mar. 13, 1888 Mar. 13-Apr. 16, 1888 Apr. 16-May 11, 1888 May 11-June 7, 1888 June 7-July 9, 1888 July 9-28, 1888 July 28-Aug. 27, 1888 Aug. 27-Oct. 4, 1888 Oct. 4-Oct. 20, 1888 Senate and House. ....do ...do Dec. 8, 1888-Jan. 19, 1889. Jan. 19- Feb. 16, 1889 Feb. 16-M»r. 2, 1889 Mar. 4-Apr. 2, 1889 Dec. 2, 1889- Feb. 3, 1890. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. Senate and House. do do Senate and House. Aiso appendix. Index to v. 17. Also appendix. Index to v. 18. Also appendix. Index to v. 19. Also appendix. Index to v. 20. t Heavy tjrpe used in the 6th column indicates the dates of beginning and ending of each session of Congress. In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and its predecessors—the Annals of Congress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe -this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 56 Congresses and the calendar day, beginning with the 57th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 6. 1472 CONGRESSIONAIi RECORD— Continued S o M 1 i ^ (U X284 51 21 2 X285 51 21 3 X28<5 51 21 4 X287 51 21 5 X288 51 21 6 X289 61 21 7 X290 51 21 8 X291 51 21 9 X292 51 21 10 X293 51 21 11 X294 51 21 index X295 51 2 22 1 X296 51 2 22 2 X297 51 2 22 3 X298 51 2 22 4 X299 51 2 22 iBdex X300 52 23 1 X301 52 23 2 X302 52 52 ?3 3 4 X303 23 X804 52 23 5 X305 52 23 6 X306 52 23 7 X307 52 23 8 X308 52 23 index X309 52 2 24 1 X310 52 2 24 2 X311 "52 2 24 3 X812 52 2 24 index X313| 53 53 sp. 1 25 25 1 1 X314 53 1 25 2 X315 53 1 25 3 X316 53 1 25 index X317 53 2 26 1 X318 1 53 2 26 2 X319 53 2 26 3 X820 i 53 2 26 4 X321 53 2 26 5 X322 ! 53 2 20 6 X323 53 2 26 7 X824 53 2 26 . 8 X32o 53 2 26 9 X326 53 2 26 10 X327 53 2 26 index X328 53 3 27 1 X329 53 3 27 2 X330 53 3 27 3 X331 53 3l 27 4 Period t Proceedings of - Notes Feb. :3-Mar. 7, 1890. . . . Mar. 7-Apr. 4, 1890 Apr. 4-30, 1890 Apr. 30-May20, 1890.. May20-Junel3, 1890.. Junol3-July9, 1890... July 9- Aug. 4, 1890. . . . Aug. 4-28, 1890 Aug. 28-Sept. 25, 1890. Sept.25-Oct. 1, 1890. Dec. 1, 1890-Jan. 8, 1891. Jan. 8-Feb. 3, 1891 Feb. 3-23, 1891 Feb. 23-Mar. 3, 1891.... Dec. 7, 1891-Feb. 10, Feb. 10-Mar. 11, 1892. . Mar. 11-Apr. 6, 1892. . . Apr. 6-M ay 6, 1892.... May 6-June4, 1892 June 4-July 14, 1892... July 14-Aug. 5, 1892. Dec. 5, 1892-Jan. 28, Jan. 28-Feb. 18, 1893-. Feb. 18-Mar. 3, 1893. Mar. 4- Apr. 15, 1893. . Aug. 7-Sept. 6, 1893. . Sept.. 6-Oct. 16, 1893.. Oct. 16-Nov. 3, 1893. Dec. 4, 1898-Jan. 18, 1894. Jan. 18-Feb. 8, 1894 Feb. S-Mar. 16, 1894 Mar. 16- Apr. 24, 1894 Apr. 24-May 21, 1894 May 21-June 9, sl894 June 9-July 12, 1894 Jillyl2-Aug. 28, 1894.... Senate and House . do , Senate and House. ....do Also appendix. Index to v. 21. Also appendix. Index to v. 22. Senate and House. ....do Senate and House. ....do .do Senate Senate and House ....do ....do Appendix. Index to v. 23. Also appendix. Index to v. 24. Also appendi.x. Index to v. 25. Senate and House. ....do ....do .-..do ....do .-..do .-..do ....do Dec. 3, 1894-Jan. 14, Jan. 14-Feb. 6, 1895.. Feb. (>-26, 1895 Feb. 26-Mar. 2, 1895 1895. Senate and House. ....do ....do.... ....do Appendix, pt. 1. Appendix, pt. 2. Index to v. 26. Also appendix. t Heavy type used in the 6th column indicates the dates of beginning and ending of each session of Congress. In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and its predecessors- the Annals of Congress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe -this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 56 Congresses and the calendar day, beginning with the 57th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 5. 1473 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Continued X882 X888 X834 X835 X886 X887 X888 X839 X840 X841 X842 X848 X344 X345J X346 X347 X348 X349 X350 X351 X8o2 X8o3 X354 X855 X856 X357 X858 X339 X860 X861 X862 X863 X364 X86& X866 X867 X868 X869 X870 X871 X872 X878 X874 X875 X876 X877 X878 1 1 i 0^ 5:1 3 27 index 54 28 1 54 28 2 54 28 3 54 28 4 54 28 5 54 28 6 54 28 7 54 28 index 54 2 29 1 54 2 2i) 2 54 2 29 3 54 2 29 index 55 sp. 30 1 55 1 30 1 55 1 30 2 55 1 30 3 55 1 30 index 55 2 31 1 55 2 31 2 55 2 31 3 55 2 31 4 55 2 31 5 55 2 31 6 55 2 31 7 55 2 31 8 55 2 31 index 55 3 32 1 55 3 32 2 55 3 32 3 55 3 32 index 56 33 1 50 33 2 56 33 3 56 33 4 56 33 5 56 33 6 56 33 7 56 33 8 56 33 index 56 2 34 1 56 2 34 2 56 2 34 3 56 2 34 4 56 2 34 index f ^^ sp. 35 1 57 1 35 1 57 1 35 2 57 1 35 3 Period t Dec. 2» 1895-Jaa. 27, 1S96. Jan, 27- Fob. 20, 1890 Feb. 20-Mar. 20, 1890 Mar. 20- Apr. 15,1890 Apr. 15-May8, 1890 May 8-June 2, 1890 June2-Jane 11, 1896 . .. Dec. 7, 1896-Jan. 21, 1897 Jan. 21-Feb. 19, 1S97 Feb. 19-Mar. 8, 1897.... Mar. 4-10, 1897 .. Mar. 15-Mayl7, 1897. Mayl7-July2, 1897... July 2-July 24, 1897. Dec. 6, 1897-Jau. 25, ] Jan. 25-Feb. 22, 1898.. Feb. 22-Mar. 21,1898.. Mar. 21-Apr. 18, 1898.. Apr. lS-Mayl9, 1898.. May 19-Junel4, 1898.. June 14-July 8, 1898. Dec. 5, 1898-Jan. 20, 1890. Jan. 26-Feb. 21, 1890 Feb.21-Mar. 8, 1899 Dec. 4, 1899-Jan. 19, 1900. Jan. 20-Feb. 21, 1900 Feb. 21-Mar. 10,1900 Mar. lf>- Apr. 7, 1900 Apr. 7-2S, 1900 Apr. 28-May 19, 1900 May 19-June 5, 1900 June 5-June 7, 1900 Dec. 8, 1900-Jan. 14. 1901. Jan. 14-Feb. 6, 1901 Feb. 6-25, 1901 Feb. 25-Mar. 2, 1901 Mar. 4-9, 1901 Dec. 2, 1901-Jan. 27, 1902. Jan. 27-Feb. 22, 19(r2 Feb. 22-Mar. 21, 1902 Proceedings of— Senate and Uouse do do do do do do Senate and Uouse, do do Senate Senate and House. do ....do Senate and House. do do Seuate and Hoase do do Sonate and House. do do do . do do .do. Senate and House. do do do Senate Seuate and House. do do Notes Index to V. 27. Also appendix. Index to v. 28. Also appendix. Index to v. 29. Also appendix. Index to v. 30. Appendix. Index to v. 31. Also aijpendi.x. Index to v. 32. .\lso appendix. Index to v. 33. Also appendix. Index to v. 34. t Heavy type used in the 6tli column indicates the dates of beginning: and ending of each session of Congress. In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and its predecessors— the Annals of Congress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe -this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 56 Congresses and the calendar day, beginning with the 57th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 5. 82452°— 11- -93 1474 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Continued O O II Period t Proceedings of- Notes X379 X380 X381 X382 X383 X384 X385 X386 X387 X388 X389J X390 X391 X392 X393 X394 X395 X396 X397 X398 X399 X400 X401 X402J X403 X404 X405 X406 X407 X408 X409 X410 X411 X412 X413 X414 X415 X416 X417 X418 X419 X420 X421 X422 X423 X424 X425 X426 X427 4 5 6 7 8 index 1 2 3 index Mar. 21-Apr. 16, 1902. . Apr. 16-MaylO, 1902.. May 10-June5, 1902... June 5-25, 1902 June25-July 1, 1902. 1 2 3 4 5 6 index 1 2 •3 4 index 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 index 1 2 3 4 5 index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 index Dec. 1, 1902- Jan. 22, 1903. Jan. 22-Feb. 14, 1903 Feb. 14-Mar. 4, 1903 Mar. 5-19, 1903 Nov. 9-Dec. 7, 1903 Dec. 7, 1903-Jan. 21, 1904. Jan. 21-Feb. 18, 1904 Feb. 18-Mar. 9, 1904 Mar. 9-Mar. 31, 1904 Mar. 31-Apr. 18, 1904 Apr. 18-Apr. 28, 1904 . . . Dec. 5, 1904-Jan. 18, 1905. Jan. 18-Fel). 8, 1905 Feb. 8-23, 1905 Feb. 23-Mar. 4, 1905 Mar. 4-18, 1905 Dec. 4, 1905-Jan. 12, 1900. Jan. 12-Feb. 3, 1906 Feb. 3-26, 1906 Feb. 26-Mar. 20, 1906 Mar. 20-Apr. 11, 1906 Apr. 11-28, 1906 Apr. 28-May 17, 1906 May 17- June 8, 1906 June 8-23, 1906 J vine 23-June 30, 1906 ... Dec. 8, 1906-Jan. 11, Jan. 11-31, 1907 Jan. 31-Feb. 15, 1907.. Feb. 15-26, 1907 Feb. 26-Mar. 4, 1907 1907. Dec. 2, 1907-Jan. 23, Jan. 23-Feb. 14, 1908.. Feb. 14-Mar. 7, 1908... Mar. 7-27, 1908 Mar. 27-Apr. 21, 1908. . Apr. 21-MaylO, 1908.. May 10-27, 1908 May 27-May 30, 1908 1908. Senate and House . ....do ....do ....do ....do Senate and House ....do .do. Senate Senate and House. ....do ...-do ...-do ....do ....do ....do Also appendix. Index to v. 35. Also appendix. ' Index to v. 30. 1 Also appendix and in- l dex to V. 37. Senate and House, ...-do ...-do ....do Senate Senate and House, ...-do ....do ...-do ....do ..-.do do do do do Senate and House ....do ....do ....do ....do Senate and House. ...-do do ....do ....do do.... do do Also appendix. Index to v. 38. Also appendix. Index to v. 39. Also api)endix. Index to v. 40. Also appendix. Index to v. 41. Also appendix. Index to v. 42. t Heavy type used in the 6th column indicates the dates of beginning and ending of each session of Congress. In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and its predecessors the Annals of Congress, the Register of debates, and the Congressional globe this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 66 Congresses and the calendar day. beginning with the 67th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 5. 1475 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Continued X428 ' 60 X429 I 60 X4S0 I 60 X481 I 60 X482 60 X488 X484 X485 X486 X487 X438 Y 61 161 3 4 index 1 1 2 3 4 5 index Period t Dec. 7, 1908-Jan. 16, 1909. Jan. 16-Feb. 6, 1909 Feb. 6-24, 1909 Feb. 24-Mar. 4, 1909 Mar. 4-6, 1909 Mar. 16-Apr. 3, 1909. . Apr. ;{-May22, 1909... May24-Junel6, 1909.. June 17-July 13, 1909.. July 15-Aug. 6, 1909. Proceedings of- Senateand House. do do do Senate Senate and House do do Notes .\Iso appendix. Index to v. 43. Also appendix. Index to v. 44. X«. CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD (separates) [Ttio Congressional record is issued daily when Congress is in session, and indexes thereto are published fortnightly. For a number of years past, it has been the custom to bind up every 2 weeks a small edition of the daily Congressional records for that period, with the index thereto. These fortnightly volumes, which were bound for the convenience of members of Congress and other officials, differ in paging from the perma- nent boimd edition of the Record classed vmder X {see preceding table), as in tne latter, the text is rearranged and printed continuously without break. The two bound sets must not be confused. The fortnightly Indexes do not give correct references to the permanent bound volumes under X, nor does the volume index give correct references to the daily edition under Xo. The daily vmbound issues of the Congressional record are not retauied in the Public Docimients Library, but the fortnightly bound volumes of the daily Record and indexes thereto, mentioned in the preced- ing para^ph, are kept and classified imder Xa. Cong, sess: Following the colon, the Public Docu- ments Library uses as booknumber the number of the fortnightly issue, that is, the number which appears on the fortnightly index bound at the beginning of each book. P'or example, the classification for the first fortnightly bound Congressional record, 59th Congress, 2d session, is Xo.59*:l.] Y. CONGRESS Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS (In the list of miscellaneous publications of Congress given below the arrangoment is as follows: under Yl.Cong.soss: are placed the confidential Senate executive documents, etc., concerning the arrange- ment of which further information will be found in the note preceding tho.se entries; under Yl.l: are the miscellaneous unclassified publications of both Houses of Congress issued jointly; while the mis- cellaneous publications of the House of Representatives arc arranged under Yl.2: and those of the Senate, under Yl.3:J Yl.Cong.sess: Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc. [This class is made up of those publications which were printed at first as Senate confidential documents or reports, but from which the in- junction of secrecy hius been removed. During and since the 57th Congress, the date when the document was made public has been stamped upon the publication before its distribution. Although in appearance somewhat like the numbered documents, they do not appear in the Congressional set unlass a new number in the regular set of Congressional document numbers was as-signed. Nearly all of these confidential documents are treaties and conventions which are usually prepared by the State Department and sent to the Senate for their ratification. Such confidential documents as are in the Public Documents Library are listed on p. 1 476-91, but the library does not claim that its set is com- Elete, only a few issues prior to the 55th Congress having been secured, [owever, some documents with asterisks (*) affixed to show that they are not in the Public Documents Library are included in the list, with incomplete entries taken from certain lists of treaties and conventions classed under Y1.3:T71 ^K The list is arranged by Congress and session and subarranged under the number or letter by which known.) t Heavy type used in the 6th column Indicates the dates of beginning and ending of each session of Congress. In accordance with the usage of the Congressional record, and its predecessors the Annals of Congress, the Register of deoates, and the Congressional globe this Checklist uses the legislative day for the termination of the sessions of the first 56 Congresses and the calendar day, beginning with the 67th Congress. See also note at head of Congressional tables, p. 5. 1476 Classification no. Yl. Yl.Cong.sess ^ 33 ■P:4 403:BB 412:H 42 "PiA 512:B 532:B 54 ':B 542:F 55 'PrA 551:0 55i:E 552:D 553:Bi MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc. — Continued 32-1, [Executive] A-R. Eighteen treaties made with Indians in California, 1851, 1852. June 7, 1852, ordered reprinted Jan. 19, 1905. 33-special session Senate [Executive] 4. Report from Secretary of State in relation to fisheries on coast of British North American provinces. Mar. 8, 1853. 40-3, Executive BB. Recent negotiations with Great Britain. [1869.] [This compilation of treaties contains besides Executive BB, Executives CO and DD, all of the 40th Congress, 3d session.] 41-2, Executive II. Treaty for annexation of Dominican Republic, signed Nov. 29, 1869. Jan. 10, 1870. 42-special session -Senate, Executive A. Treaty between United States and Great Britain for settlement of pend- ing questions between the 2 countries, signed Washing- ton, B.C., May 8, 1871 [with accompanying documents]. May 10, 1871. 44-special session Senate, Executive B. Answer to resolution, correspondence with regard to claim of indemnity from Spain for execution of persons on board Virginius, See, for reprint [3353-165]. 51-2, Executive B. General act, signed Brussels, July 2, 1890, for suppression of African slave trade; and Con- vention of commerce and navigation between United States and Independent State of the Congo, signed Brussels, Jan. 24, 1891, as amended, with proceedings of Senate thereon. [1891.] [This compilation of treaties contains also, besides Executive B, pts. 1, 2, Executive C, all of the 51st Congress, 2d session.] 53-2, Executive B. Convention, concluded Washington, Mar. 17, 1894, between United States and China, concerning subject of emigration between those 2 countries. Mar. 19, 1894. 54-1, Executive B. Convention signed Washington, Feb. 8, 1896, between United States and Great Britain, provid- ing for settlement of claims presented by Great Britain in virtue of convention of Feb. 29, 1892 [on Bering Sea controversy]. Feb. 10, 1896. 54-2, Executive D. Treaty between United States and Great Britain for arbitration of matters in difference, signed Washington, Jan. 11, 1897. 8ee [3469-63]. 54-2, Executive F. Response to resolution, correspondence between United States and Great Britain relative to treaty of arbitration pending in Senate. Jan. 18, 1897. {See, for text of treaty, [4766-161].] 55-special session Senate, Executive A. Answer to resolution, correspondence in regard to case of George Washington Aguirre in Cuba. Mar. 4, 1897. * 55-1, Executive C. Convention between United States and Chile to revive convention of Aug. 7, 1892, to adjust claims of citizens of either country against the otner, signed Washington, May 24, 1897. [1899.] * 55-1, Executive E. Treaty for annexation of Hawaii, signed Washington, June 16, 1897. June 18, 1897. 55-2, Executive D. Industrial property convention, signed Brussels, Dec. 14, 1897, recommending amendments and additions to convention for protection of industrial prop- erty concluded at Paris, Mar. 20, 1883. [1899.] * 55-3, Executive B, pt. 1. Treaty of peace between United Statesand Spain, signed Paris, Dec. 10, 1898. Jan. 3, 1899. 1477 ClAMlfloatlon no. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Yl.CoTigf.sess; 55-':(' 553:E 56»:rp. 1 56 ^A2 56i:B 56 ^:C 56i:D 56»:E» 56i:E2 56i:F 56»:G 56i:H Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc.— Continued 55-3, Executive B, ])t. 2. Same, with accompanying papers. 1899. [3732-62] 55-3, Executive C, Sampson-Schley, official communications to Senate, 1899. [This contains, beside Executive C, Executive D also of the 55th Congress, 3d session.] 55-3, Executive E. Treaty of extradition between United States and Mexico, concluded City of Mexico, Feb, 22, 1899, [1899.] * 56-1, Executive report 1. Proposed interoceanic canal, report [from Committee on Foreign Relations] to accompany Executive M [56th Congress, Ist session], convention be- tween United States and Great Britain to facilitate con- struction of ship canal to connect Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and to remove any objection which might arise out of Clayton-Bulwer treaty; [with views of minority]. Mar. 9, 1900, [3868^268] [See, for Executive M, 56th Congress, 1st session, Y1.56^:M.] 56-1, Executive A [pt. 1]. Commercial conventions between United States and Great Britain for Barbados, Bermuda, British Guiana, Jamaica, and Turks and Caicos islands, signed June and July, 1899. Dec. 6, 1899. [3846-20] 56-1, Executive A, pt. 2. Additional and amendatory articles [signed Washington, Mar. 16, 1900, extending period within which may be exchanged ratifications of] commer- cial conventions between United States and Great Britain for Bermuda, British Guiana, Jamaica, and Turks and Caicos islands, signed [July 18-24, 1899]. Mar. [19], 1900. 56-1, Executive B. Convention between United States, Ger- many, and Great Britain relating to settlement of claims in Samoa by arbitration, signed Washington, Nov. 7, 1899, [1900.] * 56-1, Executive C. Convention, signed Washington, Dec. 2, 1899, between United States, Germany, and Great Britain, to adjust questions in resj>ect to Samoan Islands, Dec. 6, 1899. [3852-157] 56-1, Executive D. Convention, signed Buenos Aires, July 10, 1899, between United States and Argentine Republic [se- curing reciprocity]. Dec, 6, 1899. [3846-21] 56-1, Executive E, Convention, signed Washington, July 24, 1899, between United States and France [securing reci- procity]. Dec. 6, 1899. [3846-22] Same [with documents relating thereto]. Dec. 8, 1902. [This edition was presented by Mr. Davis from the Com- mittee on Foreign Relations. It is a new edition of Sen- ate document 225, 56th Congress, Ist session, serial no. 3858.] 56-1, Executive F. Treaty between United States and Great Britain relating to tenure and disposition of real and per- sonal property, signed Mar. 2, 1899. Dec. 11, 1899. [3852-158] 66-1, Executive G, Convention, si^ed Brussels, June 8, 1899, by certain Powers [not including United States], for regu- lation of importation of spirituous liquors into certain re- gions of Africa, transmitted for consent of Senate to adhe- sion of United States. Dec. 13, 1899. 56-1, Executive H. Convention for pacific settlement of inter- national disputes, and declaration to prohibit, for 5 years, launching of projectiles and explosives from balloons [etc.], signed The Hague, July 29, 1899. Dec. 20, 1899. [3852-159] 1478 Classiflcation no. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS CONGRESS- PUBLICATIONS -Continued OF Yl.Cong.sess; 56^:1 56i:E 56i:M 56^:0 56^:? 56i:Q 56i:R 56^:8 562:B 562:0 562:D 562:E 562:H 562:1 562:J Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc.— Continued 56-1, Executive I. Convention between United States and Argentine Republic for extradition of criminals, signed Buenos Aires, Sept. 26, 1896. [1900.] * 56-1, Executive K. Treaty between United States and Peru providing for extradition of criminals, signed Lima, Nov. 28, 1899. [1900.] * 56-1, Executive M. Convention between United States and Great Britain to facilitate construction of ship canal to connect Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and to remove any objection which might arise out of Clayton-Bulwer treaty. Feb. 5, 1900. [In 3852-160] [See, for executive report accompanying, Y1.56^:rp. 1.] 56-1, Executive 0. Protocol of agreement extending, as to Philippine Islands, for 6 months from Apr. 11, 1900, period fixed in treaty of peace between United States and Spain, signed Paris, Dec. 10, 1898, during which Spanish sub- jects, natives of peninsula, may declare their intention to retain their Spanish nationality, signed Washington, Mar. 29, 1900. [1900.] * 56-1, Executive P. Convention between United States and certain Powers for adaptation to maritime warfare of prin- ciples of Geneva convention of Aug. 22, 1864, signed The Hague, July 29, 1899. [1900.] * 56-1, Executive Q. Convention with respect to laws and cus- toms of war on land, signed The Hague, July 29, 1899, by plenipotentiaries of United States and other Powers. Apr. 5, 1900. 56-1, Executive R. Treaty between United States and Switzer- land for extradition of criminals, signed Washington, May 14, 1900. [1900.] * 56-1, Executive S. Treaty between United States and Bolivia for extradition of fugitives from justice, signed La Paz, Apr. 21, 1900. [1900.] * 56-2, Executive B. Commercial convention between United States and Dominican Republic, signed Washington, June 2 [25], 1900. Dec. 5, 1900. 56-2, Executive C. Commercial convention with Ecuador, signed [Quito], July 10, 1900. Dec. 5, 1900. 56-2, Executive D. Commercial coiivention between United States and Nicaragua, signed [Washington], Oct. 20, 1899, and supplementary convention [signed Washington, June 25, 1900] extending time within which exchange of ratifi- cations shall be effected. Dec. 5, 1900. 56-2, Executive E. Commercial convention with Denmark for island of St. Croix, signed [Washington], June 5, 1900. Dec. 5, 1900. 56-2, Executive H. Treaty between United States and Chile providing for extradition of criminals, signed Santiago, Apr. 17, 1900. [1900.] * 56-2, Executive I. Treaty between United States and Spain for cession to United States of islands of Philippine Archi- pelago lying outside of lines described in article 3 of treaty of peace of Dec. 10, 1898, signed Washington, Nov. 7, 1900. [1901.] * 56-2, Executive J. Supplementary treaty of extradition be- tween United States and Great Britain, signed Wash- ington, Dec. 13, 1900. [1901.] * 1479 Clwuiflratlon no. Tl.Confir.sess : 562:L 57-P:A 57i:rp. 1 57i:B 57^:0 57i:D 57»:E 57 ^:F 57>:G 57 'iH 571:1 57i:J 57»:K Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRE8 S— Continued Confldential ; Senate executive documents, rei>orts, etc. — Continued 56-2, Executive L, Additional act, concluded Brussels, Dec. 14, 1900, by plenipotentiaries of United States and other countries for protection of industrial property, modifying industrial property convention of Mar. 20, 1883. [1901 .] * 57-8pecial session Senate, Executive A. Supplementary con- vention, signed Washington, Mar. 8, 1901, prolonging time for [exchange of] ratifications of commercial conven- tion between United States and France, signed July 24, 1899. Mar. 9, 1901. 57-1, Executive report 1. Cession of Danish Islands in West Indies, report [from Committee on Foreign Relations], to accompany Executive M, 57th Congress, 1st session [treaty between United States and Denmark for cession to United States of islands of St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix, signed Washington, Jan. 24, 1902]. Feb. 5, 1902. [See, for Executive M, 57th Congress, 1st session, Y1.57i:M.] 57-1, Executive B. Convention between United States and Guatemala for reciprocal protection of trade-marks and trade-labels [signed Guatemala City, Apr. 15, 1901]. Dec. 5, 1901. 57-1, Executive C. Convention between United States and Guatemala relating to tenure and disposition of real and Eersonal property [signed Guatemala, Aug. 27, 1901]. ►ec. 5, 1901. Executive D. Treaty between United States and Bel- gium for extradition of fugitives from justice [signed Washington, Oct. 26, 1901]. Dec. 19, 1901. Executive E. Treaty between United States and Servia for extradition of fugitives from justice [signed Belgrade, Oct. II, 1901]. Dec. 5, 1901. Executive F. Convention [signed Buenos Aires, May 6, 1901] between United States and Argentine Republic, extending period within which may be exchanged rati- fications of commercial convention signed July 10, 1899. Dec. 5, 1901. 57-1, Executive G. Convention [signed Washington, May 9, 1901] between United States arid DenmarK, extending period within which may be exchanged ratifications of commercial convention for island of St. Croix, signed June 5, 1900. Dec. 5, 1901. Executive H. Convention [signed Washington, Mar. 15, 1901] between United States and Great Bntain, extend- ing period within which may be exchang^ed ratifications of commercial conventions for British Guiana, Turks and Caicos islands, Jamaica and Bermuda, signed July [18-] 24, 1899. Dec. 5, 1901. Executive I. Convention [signed Washington, Apr. 27, 1901] between United States and Great Britain, extend- ing period within which may be exchanged ratifications of commercial convention for Barbados, signed June 16, 1899. Dec. 5, 1901. 57-1, Executive J. Convention [signed Washington, June 25, 1901] between United States and Dominican Republic, extending period within which may be exchanged rati- fications of commercial convention signed June 25, 1900. Dec. 5, 1901. 57-1, Executive K. Treaty between United States and Den- mark for extradition of fugitives from justice, signed Washington, Jan. 6, 1902. Jan. 8, 1902. 57-1, 57-1, 57-1, 57-1, 57-1, 1480 Classification no. Yl. Yl.Cong.sess 57i:L 57 ':M 57i:N 57^:0 57 ^:P 57i:R 57i:T 57i:V 57»:X 57i:AA 572:E 572:F 572:G 572:H MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc.— Continued 57-1, Executive L. Supplementary convention [signed Wash- ington, Jan. 13, 1902] between United States and Great Britain, extending time within which British colonies may give their adhesion to convention for tenure and disposition of real and personal property, signed Wash- ington, Mar. 2, 1899. Jan. 15, 1902. 57-1, Executive M. Treatjr between United States and Den- mark for cession to United States of islands [of St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix, signed Washington, Jan. 24, 1902]. Jan. 27, 1902. [See, for executive report accom- panying, Y1.57^:rp. 1.] 57-1, Executive N. Convention with Great Britain, signed Washington, Mar. 15, 1902, extending time for exchange of ratifications of commercial conventions for British Guiana, Turks and Caicos islands, and Jamaica [signed July 18-22, 1899]. Mar. 18, 1902. 57-1, Executive 0. Naturalization treaty between United States and Haiti, signed Washington, Mar, 22, 1902. Mar. 24, 1902. 57-1, Executive P. Convention signed Washington, Apr. 26, 1902, prolonging time for exchange of ratifications of commercial convention with Great Britain for Barbados, signed June 16, 1899. Apr. 29, 1902. 57-1, Executive R. Treaty of arbitration for pecuniary claims, signed City of Mexico, Jan. 30, 1902, by delegates to 2d International Conference of American States. May 6, 1902. 57-1, Executive T. Convention relative to exchange of oflBcial publications, signed City of Mexico, Jan. 27, 1902, by delegates to 2d International Conference of American States. May 6, 1902. 57-1, Executive V. Treaty with Great Britain concerning es- tablishment of import duties in Zanzibar, signed Wash- ington, May 31, 1902. June 4, 1902. 57-1, Executive X. Convention on literary and artistic copy- rights, signed City of Mexico, Jan. 27, 1902, by delegates to 2d International Conference of American States and by United States delegates ad referendum. June 19, 1902. 57-1, Executive AA. Treaty between United States and Great Britain to facilitate construction of ship canal [to connect Atlantic and Pacific oceans and to remove any objection which may arise out of Clayton-Bulwer treaty], signed Washington, Nov. 18, 1901. [1902.] * 57-2, Executive E. Convention with Great Britain, signed Washington, Nov. 8, 1902, for improvement of commercial relations with Newfoundland. Dec. 4, 1902. [4420-49] 57-2, Executive F. Treaty of friendship and general relations between United States and Spain, signed Madrid, July 3, 1902 [with correspondence]. Dec. 4, 1902. 57-2, Executive G. Supplementary convention with Mexico for extradition of fugitives from justice, signed City of Mexico, June 25, 1902. Dec. 4, 1902. 57-2, Executive H. Projects of convention and additional arrangement adopted July 25, 1902, by delegates of vari- ous Powers [not including United States], represented at Paris conference for repression of trade in white women; [translations]. Dec. 8, 1902. 1481 ClMsinratton no .Cong .sess: 57 =« :I-1' 57 =» :I-1^ 572 :I-P 572 :I-1* 572 :I^1^ 572 :I-2 Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS CONGRESS— Continued OF 57 2:J 572:Ki 572:K^ 57 2:K- 572:K^ 572:L' 57^:1.' 572:0 572:pub' 572:pub2 58»P:Ex — 58 -P: A 58«P:P 58i:A 57-2, 57-2, Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc. — Continued 57-2, Executive I [pt. 1]. Commercial convention between United States and Cuba, signed Habana, Dec. 11, 1902 [referred to Committee on Foreign Relations]. Dec. [17], 1902. Same [with amendments proposed by Committee on Foreign Relations], Jan. 19, 1903. Same [again referred to Committee on Foreign Relations]. Mar. 5, 1903. Same [with further amendments proposed by (k)mmittee on Foreign Relations]. Mar. 12, 1903. Same [ratified with amendments]. Mar. 19, 1903. 57-2, Executive I, pt. 2. Supplementary convention [signed Washington, Jan. 26, 1903] between United States and Cuba, extending time within which may be exchanged ratifications of commercial convention signed Dec. 11, 1902. Jan. 27 [29], 1903. Executive J. Consular convention between United States and Greece, signed Athens, Dec. 2, 1902. Jan. 6, 1903. Executive K. Convention between United States and Colombia for construction of [Panama] Canal, to connect Atlantic and Pacific oceans, signed [Washington], Jan. 22, 1903. Jan. 23, 1903. Same. Mar. 5, 1903. [Reprinted for 58th Congress, special session,] Same. Mar. 9, 1903. large 8® Same, Spanish; [with Act for construction of canal, ap- proved June 28, 1902], [1903,] 57-2, Executive L, Convention between United States and Great Britain, signed fW^ashington], Jan. 24, 1903, provid- ing for settlement of questions with respect to boundary between Alaska and British possessions. Jan. 29, 1903. * Same [with corrections]. Feb. 2, 1903. 57-2, Executive O. Treaty between United States and Guate- mala for extradition of fugitives from justice, concluded Washington, Feb. 27, 1903. Feb. 27, 1903. Executive public. Nominations of lieutenants in Army pending before Committee on Military Affairs [Senate], under act of Feb. 2, 1901^ objections to confirmation, views of Secretary of War m favor of confirmation, and review of his statements. Feb. 21, 1903. Executive public. Report [from Committee on Military Affairs, Senate] to accompany nominations of lieutenants [in Army under act of Feb. 2, 1901], Feb. 28, 1903. 58-special session Senate, Executive — . Unanimous-consent agreement [fixing time for consideration of Panama Canal treaty with Colombia]. Mar. 12, 1903, 58-epecial session Senate, Executive A. Panama Canal title, opinion of Attorney-General upon title proposed to be given by New Panama Canal Company to United States. Mar. 12, 1903. 58-8pecial session Senate, Executive P. Report on present state of negotiation between New Panama Canal Company and United States, response to resolution. Mar. 11, 1903. 58-1, Executive A. Treaty between United States and Cuba, signed Habana, May 22, 1903, embodying provisions defining future relations of United States witn Cuba con- tained in act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1901, making appropriations for Army. Nov. 11, 1903. 57-2, 57-2, 1482 Classiflcatlon no. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Yl.Cong.sess 58i:B 581:0 58i:D 58i:E 58i:F 582:1 582:2 582:3 582:A 582:C 582:F 582:1 582:L 582:M Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc. — Continued 58-1, Executive B. Treaty between United States and Cuba, signed [Habana], July 2, 1903, for adjustment of title to Isle of Pines. Nov. 11, 1903. 58-1, Executive C. Treaty between United States and Haiti, signed [Washington], Feb. 28, 1903, extending time within which may be effected exchange of ratifications of treaty of naturalization signed Mar. 22, 1902. Nov. 11, 1903. 58-1, Executive D. Treaty, signed [Washington], June 5, 1903, between United States and Great Britain, acting in name of Sultan of Zanzibar, amending treaty of Sept. 21, 1833, between United States and Sultan of Muscat, so as to permit light and harbor dues on vessels of United States entering ports of Zanzibar and Pemba. Nov. 11, 1903. 58-1, Executive E. Treaty between United States and China for extension of commercial relations between them, signed Shanghai, Oct. 8, 1903 [with annexes, dispatches^ and schedule of Chinese import duties]. Nov. 23, 1903^ 58-1, Executive F. Treaty, concluded [Washington], Nov. 4 [24], 1903, between United States and Netherlands, extending to their respective island possessions and colonies convention for extradition of criminals, signed June 3 [2], 1887. Dec. 1, 1903. [See also Y1.582:F.] 58-2, Executive 1. Reasons [of J. B. Forakerj for favoring con- firmation of nomination of Leonard Wood to be major- general. Jan. 4, 1904. 58-2, Executive 2. Review of evidence submitted to Com- mittee on Military Affairs, Senate, in hearing on nomina- tion of Leonard Wood to be major-general, as reason [of Nathan B. Scott] for vote against confirmation of said nomination. Jan. 8, 1904. 58-2, Executive 3. Argument of M. A. Hanna in opposition to promotion of Leonard Wood. Mar. 9, 1904. 58-2, Executive A. Convention between United States and Panama for the construction of [Panama] Canal to con- nect Atlantic and Pacific oceans, signed [Washington], Nov. 18, 1903. Dec. 8, 1903. 58-2, Executive C. Nomination of Leonard Wood to be major- general, hearings before Committee on Military Affairs [Senate, Nov. 19-Dec. 15, 1903]. Jan. 7, 1904. 58-2, Executive F. Treaty, signed [Washington], Jan. 18, 1904, between United States and Netherlands, extending extradition convention of June 3 [2], 1887, to their respec- tive island possessions and colonies. Jan. 21, 1904. [This second treaty was substituted for that signed Nov. 24, 1903 (Y1.58':F), in order to incorporate the amend- ment made by the Senate to the former.] 58-2, Executive I. Treaty of commerce between United States and Ethiopia, signed [Addis Abeba], Dec. 27, 1903; [with Our mission to Abyssinia, report by R. P. Skinner]. Mar. 2, 1904. 58-2, Executive L. Treaty between United States and France for determination of their relations in Tunis, signed Washington, Mar. 15, 1904. Mar. 17, 1904. 58-2, Executive M. Treaty between United States and Cuba for extradition of fugitives from justice, signed Washing- ton, Apr. 6, 1904. [1904.] * 1483 Classlflcatlon no Yl.Cong.sess: 58^:N» 58'': A 583:B 58=»:C 58 ^:D 583:E 583:F 583:G^ 583 :G^ 583 :H» 583 :H=^ 583 :!' 583 :I2 583 :J» 583 :J2 583 :Ki 583 :K2 583 :L 583:N^ Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc.— Continued 58-2, Execulive N. International sanitary convention, signed Paris. Dec. 3, 1903. Apr. 26, 1904. Same [with signatiu-es, and without accompanying papers]. Feb. 16, 1905. 58-3, Executive A. Treaty between United States and Panama for extradition of criminals, signed Panama, May 5 [25], 1904. Dec. 7, 1904. 58-3, Executive B. Treaty between United States and Haiti for extradition of criminals, signed Washington, Aug. 9, 1904. Dec. 7, 1904. 58-3, Executive C. Treaty between United States and Spain for extradition of criminals, signed Madrid, June 15, 1904. Dec. 7, 1904. 58-3, Executive D. Agreement between United States and Russia regulating j^osition of corporations and other commercial associations, signed St. Petersburg, June ft, 1904. [1905.] * 58-3, Executive E. Protocol, signed Washington, Dec. 6, 1904, by which United States accepts certain amend- ments made by Cuban Senate in Spanish text of extra- dition treaty, signed Apr. 6, 1904, and approved Apr. 26, 1904. Dec. 12, 1904. 58-3, Executive F. Message from President of United States transmitting arbitration conventions between United States and Great Britain, Portugal, France, Switzerland, and Germany. Dec. 13, 1904. [Message of transmittal only printed here.] 58-3, Executive G. Arbitration convention between United States and Great Britain, signed [W^ashington], Dec. 12, 1904. Dec. 13, 1904. Same [with amendment proposed by Committee on Foreign Relations]. Feb. 8, 1905. 58-3, Executive H. Arbitration convention between United States and Portugal, signed [Washington], Nov. 23, 1904. Dec. 13, 1904. Same [with amendment proposed by Committee on Foreign Relations]. Feb. 8, 1905. 58-3, Executive I. Arbitration convention between United States and French Republic, signed [Washington], Nov. 1, 1904. Dec. 13, 1904. Same [with amendment proposed by Committee on Foreign Relations]. Feb. 8, 1905. 58-3, Executive J. Arbitration convention between United States and Swiss Confederation, signed [Washington], Nov. 1, 1904. Dec. 13, 1904. Same [with amendment proposed by Committee on Foreign Relations]. Feb. 8, 1905. 58-3, Executive K. Arbitration convention between United States and Germany, signed [Washington], Nov. 22, 1904. Dec. 13, 1904. Same [with amendment proposed by Committee on Foreign Relations]. Feb. 8, 1905. 58-3, Executive L. Amendatory extradition treaty between United States and Sweden and Norway, signed [Wash- ington], Dec. 10, 1904. Dec. 13, 1904. 58-3, Executive N. Arbitration convention between United States and Italy, signed [Washington], Dec. 14, 1904. Dec. 14, 1904. 1484 Classiflc atlon no Yl .Cong .sess: 58 =» :N2 583 .0' 583 :02 583 :Pi 583 :P2 583 :Q 583:R 583 :R2 583 :S» 583 :S2 583 .rpi 583:T2 583:U 583:Vi 583:V2 583:W 583:X 59 "P: A Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRES S— Continued Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc. — Continued Same [with amendment proposed by Committee on Foreign Relations]. Feb. 8, 1905. 58-3, Executive O. Arbitration convention between United States and Spain [signed Washington, Dec. 31, 1904]. Jan. 5, 1905. Same [with amendment proposed by Committee on Foreign Relations]. Feb. 8, 1905. 58-3, Executive P. Arbitration convention between United States and Austria-Hungary, signed Washington, Jan. 6, 1905. Jan. 9, 1905. Same [with amendment proposed by Committee on Foreign Relations]. Feb. 8, 1905. 58-3, Executive Q. Declaration for effective protection of trade-marks, signed [Luxemburg, Dec. 23] The Hague, Dec. 27, 1904, by representatives of United States and Duchy of Luxemburg. Jan. 11, 1905. 58-3, Executive R. Arbitration convention between United States and Mexico, signed [Washington], Jan. 18, 1905. Jan. 21, 1905. Same [with amendment proposed by Committee on Foreign Relations]. Feb. 8, 1905. 58-3, Executive S. Arbitration convention between United States and Sweden and Norway [signed Washington, Jan. 20, 1905]. Jan. 21, 1905. Same [with amendment proposed bv Committee on Foreign Relations]. Feb. 8, 1905. 58-3, Executive T. Convention, signed Dec. 20, 1904, by United States and certain other countries, providing for exemption of hospital ships, in time of war, from pay- ment of all dues and taxes imposed for benefit of State, Feb. 2, 1905. Same [with signatures, and without report of American delegate]. Feb. 18, 1905. 58-3, Executive U. International arbitration, views of minority of Committee on Foreign Relations, on arbitration treaties with Great Britain and other European Powers. Feb. 8, 1905. 58-3, Executive V. Message from President of United States transmitting protocol of agreement between United States and Dominican Republic for collection and disbursement by United States of customs revenues of Dominican Re- public, signed [Santo Domingo], Feb. 4, 1905. Feb. 15, 1905. Same. [Reprint] Mar. 7, 1905. [See, for executive docu- ment accompanying, Y1.59^:doc. 3^.] 58-3, Executive W. Treaty between United States and Great Britain by which United States relinquishes extraterri- torial rights in Zanzibar, signed Washington, Feb. 25, 1905. [1905.] * 58-3, Executive X. Treaty between United States and Nica- ragua for extradition of criminals, signed Washington, Mar. 1, 1905. Mar. 2, 1905. 59-special session^ Senate, Executive A. Message from Presi- dent of United States stating that condition of affairs in Santo Domingo is such that it is very much for interest of that Republic that action on treaty [for collection and dis- bursement by United States of customs revenues of Re- public] should be had as early as practicable. Mar. 6, 1905. 1485 ClMMlflcatlon no. Yl MIHCEL.L.ANEOU8 PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRES 8— Continued Yl.Cong.sess 69»P:b 59»:rp. 1 59';doc. 1 59»:doc. 2 59 ' :doc. 3 ^ 59»:doc. 32 59i:doc. 6 59»:A 59^:8 59 ' :0 59 ':D 59 ':E 59 ':F 59':G 59i:H 59^:1 Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc. — Continued 59-special session Senate, Executive B. Treaty between United States and Uruguay, signed [Washington], Mar. 11, 1905, for mutual extradition of criminals. Mar, 13, 1905. 59-1, Executive report 1. Adjustment of title to Isle of Pines, report [from Committee on Foreign Relations] to accom- pany Executive J, 58th Cong. 2d sess. [treaty between United States and Cuba, signed Mar. 2, 1904, for adjust- ment of title to isle; with views of minority]. Feb. 1, 1906. 59-1, Executive document 1. Owners of land on Cafiada tract [and other tracts]. Isle of Finos. Feb. 28, 1906. 59-1, Executive document 2. Conditions in Isle of Pines; [by George E. Hibbard]. Mar. 7, 1906. 59-1, Executive document 3. Protests against Isle of Pines treaty; [compilation]. Mar. 12, 1906. [There were 2 Executive publications of the 59th Congress, 1st session, each called no. 3, one bein^ printed as " Executive document 3," the other as " Executive 3." The material is entirely different as indicated by titles above and below.] 59-1, Executive 3. Resolutions [and report] of New York Board of Trade and Transportation, ui^ng ratification of treaty with Dominican Republic, to accompany Ex. V, 58th Congress, 3d session. Apr. 6, 1906. [See, for Execu- tive V, 58th Congress, 3d session, Yl.bS^iY^'^.] 59-1, Executive document 6. Majority and minority reports of subcommittee [to Committee on Post-Oflfices and Post- Roads] on nomination of Benjamin F. Barnes to be post- master at Washington, D. C. Apr. 26, 1906. 59-1, Executive A. Convention between United States and Mexico, signed [Washington], Mar. 20, 1905, for elimi- nation of bancos in Rio Grande [and Colorado River] from effects of article 2 of treaty of Nov. 12, 1884. Dec. 6, 1905. 59-1, Executive B. Sanitary convention signed [Washington], Oct. 14, 1905, by delegates of United States, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, and Venezuela. Dec. 6, 1905. 59-1, Executive C. Supplementary extradition treaty between United States and Denmark, signed Washington, Nov. 6, 1905. Dec. 6, 1905. 59-1, Executive D. Supplementary extradition treaty between United States and Great Britain, signed London, Apr. 12, 1905. Dec. 6, 1905. 59-1, Executive E. Copyright convention between United States and Japan, signed Tokyo, Nov. 10, 1905. Feb. 8, 1906. 59-1, Executive F. Treaty for mutual extradition of criminals between United States and San Merino, signed Rome, Jan. 10, 1906. Feb. 22, 1906. 59-1, Executive G. Convention between United States and Great Britain, signed Washington, Apr. 21, 1906, for sur- vey of Alaskan-Canadian boundary along 141st meridian. Apr. 24, 1906. 59-1, Executive H. Convention between United States and Roumania for reciprocal protection of trade-marks, signed Bucharest, Mar. 31, 1906. Apr. 26, 1906. 59-1, Executive I. Convention between United States and Mexico, signed Washington, May 21, 1906, for equitable distribution of waters of Rio Grande for irrigation pur- May 22, 1906. 1486 Classification no. Yl.Cong.sess: 59^:1 59»:K 59i:L 59 -:A 592:B 592:C 592:D 592:E 592:F 592:G 592:H 592:1 60i:A Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc. — Continued 59-1, Executive J. General act and additional protocol signed Apr. 7, 1906, by delegates of Powers represented at con- ference which met at Algeciras, Spain, to consider Moroc- can affairs. May 25, 1906. [Corrected 2d print; 1st print not in Public Documents Library.] 59-1, Executive K. Supplementary extradition convention between United States and Japan, signed Tokyo, May 17, 1906. June 7, 1906. 59-1, Executive K [L]. Convention, signed Rome, June 7, 1906 [1905], by delegates of various Powers, for creation of International Institute of Agriculture. June 26, 1906. 59-2, Executive A. Convention, signed Geneva, July 6, 1906, for amelioration of condition of wounded in armies. Dec. 10, 1906. 59-2, Executive B. Convention between United States and Guatemala for reciprocal protection of patents, signed Guatemala City, Nov. 10, 1906. Dec. 10, 1906. 59-2, Executive C. Convention signed Brussels, Nov. 3, 1906, revising duties imposed by Brussels Convention of June 8, 1899, on spirituous liquors imported into certain regions of Africa [transmitted for consent of Senate to adhesion of United States]. Feb. 11, 1907. 59-2, Executive D. Convention between United States and Dominican Republic providing for assistance of United States in collection and application of customs revenues of Dominican Republic, signed City of Santo Domingo, Feb. 8, 1907. [1907.] * 59-2, Executive E. Convention between United States and Dominican Republic for assistance of United States in collection and application of customs revenues of Domin- ican Republic, signed Santo Domingo City, Feb. 8, 1907. Feb. 20, 1907. 59-2, Executive F. Convention signed Aug. 13, 1906, by dele- gates of Governments represented at 3d International Conference of American States, continuing in force, with exception of its 3d article, convention providing for arbi- tration of pecuniary claims, signed Jan. 30, 1902, by dele- gates to 2d International Conference. Mar. 1, 1907, 59-2, Executive G. Convention, signed Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 13, 1906, by delegates of Governments represented at 3d International Conference of American States, establish- ing status of naturalized citizens Avho again take up their residence in country of their origin. Mar. 1, 1907. 59-2, Executive H. Convention, signed Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 23, 1906, by delegates of Governments represented at 3d International Conference of American States, looking to establishing of international commission of jurists for pre- paring draft codes of private and j)ublic international law regulating relations between Nations of America. Mar. 1, 1907. 59-2, Executive I. [Concerning patents, trademarks, etc., in American Republics.] [1902.] * 60-1, Executive A. International wireless telegraph conven- tion, with service regulations, supplementary agreement, and final protocol, all signed Berlin, Nov. 3, 1906, by delegates of United States and several other Powers. Dec. 5, 1907. 1487 ClaHfiineatlon no. Yl, MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONG RES S— Continued Yl.Cong.sess: Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc. — Continued 60>:B 60»:D 60»:E 60»:F 60^:0 60»:H 60»:I 60i:K eo^.L 60»:M eoi.N 60-1, Executive B. Treaty between United States and Spain for mutual extradition of criminals [signed Madrid, June 15, 1904, with resolutions of Senate, Jan. 20, 1905, and protocol signed San Sebastian, Aug. 13, 1907, and corre- spondence concerning treaty]. Dec. 21, 1907. 60-1, Executive C. Authenticated copy of arrangement, signed Rome, Dec. 9, 1907, on part of United States and other Powers, for establishment and regulation of international office of public health mentioned in article 181 of inter- national sanitary convention signed Paris, Dec. 3, 1903. Jan. 21, 1908. 60-1, Executive D. Arbitration convention between United States and France [signed Washington, Feb. 10, 1908]. Feb. 17, 1908. 60-1, Executive E. Naturalization convention between United States and Peru, signed Lima, Oct. 15, 1907. Feb. 18, 1908. 60-1, Executive F. Convention signed by delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907, for pacific settlement of international disputes. Feb. 27, 1908. 00-1, Executive G. (Convention signed by delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907, respecting limitation of employment of force for recovery of contract debts. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive H. Convention signed by delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907, relative to opening of hostilities. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive I. Convention signed by delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907, respecting laws and cus- toms of war on land. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive J. Convention signed by delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907, respecting rights and duties of neutral Powers and persons in case of war on land. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive K. Convention adopted by 2d International Peace Conference held at The tla^ue, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907 [not signed by delegates of United States] relative to status of enemy merchant ships at outbreak of hostilities. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive L. Convention adopted by 2d International Peare Conference held at The Ha^ue, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907 [not signed by delegates of United States] relative to conversion of merchant ships into war ships. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive M. Convention signed by delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907, relative to laying of auto- matic submarine contact mines. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive N. Convention signed by delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1^07, respecting bombardment by naval forces in time of ^r. Feb. 27, 1908. 1488 Classification no. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS CONGRESS PUBLICATIONS OF -Continued Yl.Cong.sess 60^:0 60 MP eOMQ 60i:R 60i:S 60i:T 60»:U 60i:V 60 MW 60 MX 60 MY 60 MZ 60MAA 60MBB 60MCC 60MDD Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc. — Continued 60-1, Executive O. Convention signed by delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907, for adaptation to naval war of principles of Geneva convention. P'eb 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive P. Convention signed by delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907, relative to certain restric- tions with regard to exercise of right of capture in naval war. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive Q. Convention signed by delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907, relative to creation of international prize court. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive R. Convention adopted by 2d International PeaceConferenceheldatTheHague, Junel5 -Oct. 18, 1907 [not signed by delegates of United States] concerning rights anddutiesof neutral Powers in naval war. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive S. Declaration signed by delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907, prohibiting discharge of projectiles and explosives from balloons. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive T. Final act of 2d International Peace Con- ference, and annex attached thereto, adopted at The Hague during sessions of conference [June 15-Oct. 18, 1907]. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive U. Instructions to and report from delegates of United States to 2d International Peace Conference held at The Hague, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907, to accompany various conventions signed by delegates of United States at said conference. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive V. Table of signatures appended to Hague conference conventions of 1907, and also of reservations made. Feb. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive W. Arbitration convention between United States and Switzerland, signed Washington, Feb. 29, 1908. Mar. 2, 1908. 60-1, Executive X. Arbitration convention between United States and Mexico, signed Washington, Mar. 24, 1908. Mar. 27, 1908. 60-1, Executive Y. Arbitration convention between United States and Italy, signed Washington, Mar. 28, 1908. Mar. 31, 1908. 60-1, Executive Z. Arbitration convention between United States and Great Britain, signed Washington, Apr. 4, 1908. Apr. 7, 1908. 60-1, Executive AA. Arbitration convention between United States and Norway, signed Washington, Apr. 4, 1908. Apr. 7, 1908. 60-1, Executive BB. Arbitration convention between United States and Portugal, signed Washington, Apr. 6, 1908, Apr. 7, 1908. 60-1, Executive CC. Naturalization convention between United States and Salvador, signed San Salvador, Mar. 14, 1908. Apr. 7, 1908. 60-1, Executive DD. Treaty between United States and Gtoeat Britain providing for more complete definition and ^marcation of international boundary between United States and Canada, signed Washington, Apr. 11, 1908. Apr. 13, 1908. 1481? ClaMlflratloa no. Yl.Cong.sessi 60»:EE 60 '.FF 60':GG 60 ' :11H 60»:II 601JJ1 60»JJ2 60':KK 60':LL 60i:MM 60»:NN 60':OO 60 2; A 602:B 602:C 602:D 602:E 82452°— 11- Yl. MIKCEL.L.ANEOUH PUBIilCATIONH OF CONGRESS— Continued Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc.— Continued 60-1, Executive EE. "J^re&ty between United States and Great Britain concerning fisheries in waters contiguous to United States and Canada, signed Washington, Apr. 11, 1908. Apr. 13, 1908. 60-1, Executive FF. Arbitration convention between United States and Spain, signed Washington, Apr. 20, 1908. Apr. 21, 1908. 60-1, Executive GG. Arbitration convention between United States and Netherlands, signed Washington, May 2, 1908. May 4, 1908. 60-1, Executive HH. Arbitration convention between United States and Sweden, signed Washington, May 2, 1908. May 4, 1908. 60-1, Executive II. Arbitration convention between United States and Japan, signed Washington, May 5, 1908. May 7, 1908. 60-1, Executive JJ. Extradition treaty between United States and Portugal, signed Washington, May 7, 1908. May 11, 1908. Same [resolution of Senate consenting to ratification of treaty with Portugal]. May 22, 1908. 60-1, Executive KK. Naturalization treaty between United States and Portugal, signed Washington, May 7, 1908. May 11, 1908. 60-1, Executive LL. Treaty between United States and Great Britain, signed Washington, May 18, 1908, providing for wrecking and salvage and for conveyance of pris- oners between United States and Canada. May 19, 1908. 60-1, Executive MM. Arbitration treaty between United States and Denmark, signed Washington, May 18, 1908. May 19, 1908. 60-1, Executive NN. Treaty between United States and Japan, signed Washington, May 19, 1908, for protection in Korea of inventions, designs, trade-marks, and copy- rights of American citizens and Japanese subjects. May [19], 1908. 60-1, Executive 00. Treaty between United States and Japan^ signed Washington, May 19, 1908, for protection in China of inventions, designs, trade-marks, and copy- rights of American citizens and Japanese subjects. May [19], 1908. 60-2, Executive A. Arbitration convention between United States and China, signed Washington, Oct. 8, 1908. Dec. 8, 1908. 60-2, Executive B. Arbitration convention between United States and Peru, signed Washington, Dec. 5, 1908. Dec. 8, 1908. 60-2, Executive C. Naturalization convention between United States and Brazil, signed Rio de Janeiro, Apr. 27, 1908. Dec. 8, 1908. 60-2, Executive D. Naturalization convention between United States and Honduras, signed Tegucigalpa, June 23, 1908. Dec. 8, 1908. 60-2, Executive E. Naturalization convention between United States and Uruguay, signed [Montevideo], Aug. 10, 1908. Dec. 8, 1908. 94 1490 Classification no Yl .Cong .sess 602 :G 602 :H 602 :I 602 :J 602 :K 602 :L 602 :M 602 :N» 602:N2 602:N3 602:N^ 602:0^ 602:02 602:P 602:Q 602:R 602:S 602:T 602:Ui Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRES S— Continued Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc. —Continued 60-2, Executive G. Arbitration convention between United States and Argentine Republic, signed Washington, Dec. 23, 1908. Jan. 5, 1909. 60-2, Executive H. Arbitration convention between United States and Salvador, signed Washington, Dec. 21, 1908. Jan. 5, 1909. 60-2, Executive I. Naturalization convention between United States and Nicaragua, signed Managua, Dec. 7, 1908. Jan. 8, 1909. 60-2, Executive J. Arbitration convention between United States and Bolivia, signed Washington, Jan. 7, 1909. Jan. 11, 1909. 60-2, Executive K. Arbitration convention between United States and Ecuador, signed Washington, Jan. 7, 1909. Jan. 11, 1909. 60-2, Executive I/. Arbitration convention between United States and Haiti, signed AVashington, Jan. 7, 1909. Jan. 11, 1909. 60-2, Executive M. Arbitration convention between United States and Uruguay, signed Washington, Jan. 9, 1909. Jan. 11, 1909. 60-2, Executive N. Treaties between United States and Pan- ama and Colombia relating to Panama Canal, signed [Washington], Jan. 9, 1909. [1st edition.] Jan. 11, 1909. 16 p. Same [resolution of Senate consenting to ratification of treaty with Panama, etc.]. Feb. 24, 1909. 1 p. Same. [2d edition.] Mar. 3, 1909. 16 p. Same [resolution of Senate consenting to ratification of treaty with Panama, etc.]. Mar. 3, 1909. 1 p. 60-2, Executive O. Treaty between United States and Great Britain, signed [Washington], Jan. 11, 1909, providing for settlement of international differences between United States and Great Britain. Jan. 12, 1909. Same [resolution of Senate consenting to ratification of treaty with Great Britain]. Mar. 3, 1909. 60-2, Executive P. Arbitration convention between United States and Chile, signed Washington, Jan. 13, 1909. Jan. 18, 1909. [Erroneously printed as Executive P^] 60-2, Executive Q. Arbitration convention between United States and Costa Rica, signed Washington, Jan. 13, 1909. Jan. 18, 1909. [Erroneously printed as Executive Q^] 60-2, Executive R. Arbitration convention between United States and Austria-Hungary, signed Washington,. Jan. 15, 1909. Jan. 18, 1909. [Erroneously printed as Executive R^] 60-2, Executive S. Extradition convention between United States and Honduras, signed Washington, Jan. 15, 1909. Jan. 18, 1909. [Erroneously printed as Executive S^] 60-2, Executive T. Arbitration convention between United States and Brazil, signed Washington, Jan. 23, 1909. Jan. 25, 1909. 60-2, Executive U. Special agreement between United States and Great Britain for submission to permanent court of arbitration at The Hague of questions relating to fisheries on north Atlantic Coast [signed Washington, Jan." 27, 1909]. Feb. 8, 1909. [Corrected 2d print; 1st print not in Public Documents Library.] 1491 ClaMilflratlon no. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OP CONGRES S— Continued Tl.Coug.sess 60»:U' 602:V 60 3; W 602:W» 61':Ex 61»:A 61 ':B 61':(' 612:A Yl.l: An7 B22^ B222 B223 B22* B52 C761 Confidential; Senate executive documents, reports, etc. — Continued Same frepolution of Senate consenting to ratification of agree- ment with Great JJritainJ. Feb. 18, 1909. f 60-2, Executive V. Extradition treaty between United States and l^Yench Republic, signed Paris, Jan. 6, 1909. Feb, 17, 1909. 60-2, Executive W. Agreement between United States and Germany for full and more operative reciprocal protection of patents, designs, etc., signed Washington, Feb. 23, 1909. Feb. 24, 1909. Same.'^ith date of ratification. Apr. 15, 1909. 61-1, Executive — . Opinion of Attorney-General of Feb. 23, 1909, reversing opinion of June 1, 1904 [relating to retire rank of certain officers of Army]. Mar. 16, 1909. 61-1, Executive A. Declaration signed by delegates of United States to International Naval Conference, held at London, England, Dec. 4, 1908-Feb. 26, 1909. Apr. 21, 1909. 61-1, Executive B. Arbitration convention between United States and Paraguay, signed Asuncion, Mar. 13, 1909. May 31, 1909. 61-1, Executive C. Extradition treaty between United States and Dominican Republic, signed Santo Domingo, June 19, 1909. July 20, 1909. 61-2, Executive A. Naturalization convention between United States and Argentine Republic, signed Buenos Aires, Aug. 9, 1909. Dec. 20, 1909. Congress (miscellaneous unclassified publications of both House and Senate) Annals of Congress. Tables showing contents of volumes com- prising Annals of Congress, Congressional debates, Con- gressional globe. Congressional record. Statutes at large, Supreme Court reports, and succession of Supreme Court justices, arranged by years and Congresses; compiled by Alonzo W. Church and Henry H. Smith. [1892.] Bank of United States. Legislative and documentary history of Bank of United States, including original Bank of North America; compiled by M. St. Clair Clarke & D. A. Hall. Washington, printed by Gales and Seaton, 1832. Bankruptcy law. United States bankruptcy law of 1898, uni- form system, with marginal notes and index. 1898. large 8° Bankruptcy law. United States bankruptcy law of July 1, 1898, and Mnendments thereto of Feb. 5, 1903, uniform system, with marginal notes and index; and General orders and forms in bankruptcy, adopted by Supreme Court, Nov. 28, 1898. 1903. 154 p. Same [with addenda]. [Revised edition.] 1903 [published 1910]. 154 -f [3] p. Biographical Congressional directory, 1774-1903, Continental Congress-57th Congress; [compiled by 0. M. Enyart]. 1903. large 8« [4539-458] [See, for Dictionary of Con- gress, by Charles Lanman, Yl.l:r)56*-'.] Consuls. Commercial relations of United States, reports 1-3, 1880-81, from consuls of LTnited States on commerce, manufactures, etc., of their consular districts. 1881. [This volume is a revision in consolidated form of the first 3 issues of the monthly series of Consular reporta: seeSi.J:] 1492 Classification no. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS C O NGRES S— Continued OF Yl.l C76 = C76^ C76* C76« C76« C767 C76« C76» Congress (miscellaneous unclassified publications of both House and Senate) — Continued Constitution of United States, proximate causes of its adoption and ratification, Declaration of Independence, prominent political acts of George Washington, with alphabetical analysis of Constitution; by a citizen [William Hickey]. Washington, printed by J. and G. S. Gideon, 1846. 12« * [This work in its several editions was never issued as a numbered Congressional document, but the Government bought many large editions of it.] Constitution of United States, with alphabetical analysis, Decla- ration of Independence, prominent political acts of George Washington, electoral votes for all Presidents and Vice- Presidents, high authorities and civil officers of Govern- ment, Mar. 4, i789-Mar. 3, 1847, chronological narrative of the several States, with descriptive account of State pa- pers, public documents, and other sources of political and statistical information at seat of Government; by W. Hickey. 2d edition. Philadelphia, T. K. & P. G. Col- lins, 1847. 12° * Constitution of United States, with alphabetical analysis. Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, prominent political acts of George Washington, electoral votes for all Presidents and Vice-Presidents, high au- thorities and civil oflicers of Government, Mar. 4, 1789- Mar. 3, 1847, chronological narrative of the several States, with descriptive account of State papers, public documents, and other sources of political and statistical information at seat of Government; by W. Hickey. 3d edition. Philadelphia [printed by T. K. & P. G. Col- lins] 1848. 12° * Same. 4th edition. Philadelphia [printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins] 1851. 12" * Same. 5th edition. Philadelphia [printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins] 1852. 12° * Same. 6th edition. Philadelphia [printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins] 1853. 12o * Same. 7th edition. Philadelphia [printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins] 1854. 12° Constitution of United States. Hickey 's Constitution of United States with alphabetical analysis. Proceedings of Continental Congress, non importation agreement, address to Crown and people of Great Britain, Declara- tion of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Ordi- nance of 1787, history and proceedings of Convention of 1789, prominent official acts of [George] W^ash- ington, general laws from organization of Government, electoral votes for all Presidents and Vice Presidents, high authorities and civil officers of United States from beginning of Government, chronological narrative of all the States, to which is added • descriptive account of State papers, public documents, and other sources of political and statistical information at seat of Govern- ment; by William Hickey. New and enlarged edition, brought down to Mar. 4, 1877, by Alexander Cummings. Baltimore, published by John Murphy & Co., 1878. 120 * Cuba. Affairs in Cuba, message of President on relations of United States to Spain, and report of Comniittee on Foreign Relations relative to affairs in Cuba. See Y4.F762:C89^ 1493 CUsslflcatton no. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Yl.l: D35» D352 D353 D35* D37 D56' D562 D563 F31 F31» F313 F31* r31« F31» Congfress (miscellaneous unclassified House and Senate) — Continued publications of both Debates and proceedings in Confess, with appendix contain- ing State papers and public documents, and all laws of public nature, with index: v. 1, comprising, with v. 2, period from Mar. 3, 1789 to Mar. 3, 1791; compiled from authentic materials by Joseph Gales, sr. Wash- ington, printed and published by Gales and Seaton, 1834. large 8° [This and the next volume contain the same material as Annals of Con- gress, V. 1, 2 (XI, 2), with the following differences: The back titles of the set under Yl.l: read " Debates in Congress, old series"; under XI, 2, back titles read "Annals of Congress." Under Yl.l: the proceedings in v. 1 end with Feb. 18, 1790, on p. 1322; under XI, with Feb. 10, 1790, on p. 1170. The set under Yl.l: omits the half title-pages which precede the title- pages in the set entered as XI, 2.) Same: v. 2, comprising with v. 1, period from Mar. 3, 1789 to Mar. 3, 1791. Washington, printed and published by Gales and Seaton, 1834. large 8° Debates. Register of debates, being report of speeches de- livered in 2 Houses of Congress, reported for United States Telegraph, revised and corrected whenever errors have been suggested by speakers, 23d Congress, 1st session. Washington, publisned by Duff Green, 1834. v. 1. [Period covered by this volume, Dec. 2, 1833- Mar. 5, 1834.] Same. Washington, published by Duff Green, 1834. v. 2. [Period covered by this volume. Mar. 6-May 31, 1834. This and the preceding volume contain the same material, with some differences, as Congressional debates, v. 10, pt. 1 (X58).] Delaware. Constitutions of Delaware, 1776 [1792, and 1831]. [1896.] Dictionary of Congress, containing biographical sketches of its members from foundation of Government, with appen- dix, compiled as manual of reference for legislator and statesman; by Charles Lanman. [1st edition.] Pub- lished for author by J. B. Lippincott and Co., Phila- delphia, 1859. Dictionary of Congress, compiled as manual of reference for legislator and statesman; by Charles Lanman. [2d edi- tion.] 1864. Same. 3d edition, revised to July 28, 1866. 1866. [The 1st edition of 1859 was purchased bj- Congress and therefore is con- sidered a United States public document. The 2d and 3d editions were printed at the Government Printing Office. Later editions were published by outside parties, but with the exception of the edition of IHtiS thore is no evidence of purchase by the Government. Though there is some evidence that the 18 a. See, for 2d edition, 2 pts.. 1878, 44th Congress, 2d session. Senate mis- cellaneous document, unnumbered, serial nos. 1730, 1731.] Foreign Mail Serviqe in American ships, debate in House of Representatives, 48th Congress, 2d session, Feb. 1885. 1885. xvi + 3-58 p. Same, in Senate, Feb. 23, 1885. 1885. p. 59-89, [1885.] Same, in House of Representatives, Mar. 3, 1885. p. 91-154. Globe. Congressional globe and appendix [schedule showing number of volumes published for each session of Congress]. [Washington, F. & J. Rives & Geo. A. Bailey, 1873.] f • [See, for set of Congressional globes, X72-180,] Indian treaties. Compilation of all treaties between United States and Indian tribes now in force as laws; prepared [by Thomas J. Durant] under provisions of act approved Mar. 3, 1873. 1873. large 8° [This collection of Indian treaties is not a compilation of the Indian Affairs Office, nor of either of the Indian Affairs Committees of Senate or House, The authority for its publication is found in sec. 2 of the act of Mar. 3, 1873, providing for a revision of the laws of the United States, the con- solidation of laws relating to post-roads, a code relating to military offenses, and the revision of treaties with Indian tril)es now in force (Stat. L. v. 17, p. 579). The volume is, without doubt, the revision of Indian treaties by Thomas J. Durant, mentioned in sec. 10 of the act of June 20, 1874, providing for publication of Revised statutes and laws of United States (Stat. L. v. 18, pt. 3, p. 114).] See, for Kappler's compilation of Indian treaties, edition of 1904, Y4.In2 2:L442. See also 120.18: Irrigation. Act appropriating receipts from sale and disposal of public lands in certain States and Territories to construc- tion of irrigation works for reclamation of arid lands [public act 161, 57th Congress, 1st session, and public act 200, sec. 4, 53d Congress, 2d session, Carey act, selection of desert lands by States]. 1908. Jefferson's Bible. Life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth, See Pr3.2:J49. Liberia. Tables showing number of emigrants and recaptured Africans sent to colony of Liberia by Government of United States, also, number of emigrants free born, number that purchased their freedom, number eman- cipated, etc., with census of colony and report of its com- merce, etc., Sept. 1843. Washington [no publisher] 1845. [This is p. 300-414 of Senate document 150, 28th Congress, 2d session, serial no. 458.] Louisiana Purchase. State papers and correspondence bearing upon purchase of Louisiana. 1903, [4531-431] Public lands. Laws of United States, recolutions of Congress under confederation, treaties, proclamations, Spanish regulations, and other documents respecting public lands. Washington, printed by Gales &. Seaton, 1828. [v. 1] xiii + 9-1095 p. [See, for earlier compilations of land laws, editions of 1810 or 1811 (1 v.) and 1817 (2 prints of Iv.), T1.2:P96i-3.] 1495 Classlfleatlon no. Y"!, MISCELLANEOUS CONGRESS PUBLICATIONS OF -Continued Yl.I: P962 P96' P96< publications of both R26 St,2' St2"^ St2^ St2^ St2^ St2' Congress (miscellaneous unclassified House and Senate)— Continued Same [continuation], with title, Laws of United States, treaties, regulations, and other documents respecting public lands, with opinions of courts of United States in relation thereto, to Mar. 1833. Washington, printed by Duff Green, 1836. v. 2, xxvii +5-557+277* + xiv p. [In the 2d set of paging, p. 134 and 135 are replaced by duplicates of p. 142 and 143; also, p. 138 and 139 are replaced by duplicates of p. 146 and 147.] Public lands. General public acts of Congress, respecting sale and disposition of public lands, with instructions issued by Secretary of Treasury and commissioner of General Land Office, and official opinions of Attorney General on questions arising under land laws, v. 1: Laws to close of 2d session of 25th Congress. Washington, printed by Gales and Seaton, 1838. [v. 1 of this 1838 compilation was prepared by secretary of Senate.] Same, v. 2: Instructions and opinions to Aug. 17, 1838. Washington, printed by Gales and Seaton, 1838. [v. 2 of this 1838 compilation was prepared by the General Land Office under instructions from the Treasury Depart- ment. Both volumes were "prepared and printea by order of the Senate."] See, for later compilations of land laws, editions of 1880 (4 v.), 1881 (1 v.), and 1884 (4 v.), Y3.P96i:G28^'^ L78i-*, and P96 1-3. Register. Executive register of United States, 1789-1902; by Robert Brent Mosher. 1905. [4775-196] Statistical view of commerce of United States; by Timothy Pitkin. [1st edition.] Hartford, 1816. * Same, its connection with agriculture and manufactures, and account of public debt, revenues, and exi)enditures of United States, with brief review of trade, agriculture, and manufactures of colonies previous to their independence ; by Timothy Pitkin. 2d edition with additions and cor- rections. Published by James Eastburn & Co., New- York, printed by Hamlen & Newton, Hartford, 1817. xii + 445 + viii p. Same, including account of banks, with that of revenues and expenditures of general Government ; by Timothy Pitkin. [3d edition.] New Haven, 1835. * Statistical annals, embracing views of population, commerce, navigation, fisheries, public lands, Post-Ofiice Establish- ment, revenues, mint, military and naval establishments, expenditures, public debt and sinking fund of United States, founded on official documents, commencing Mar. 4, 1789, and ending Apr. 20, 1818; by Adam Seybert. Philadelphia, published by Thomas Dobson & Son, William Fry, printer, 1818. xxviii + 803 p. 4° Statistical views. Tabular. Tabular statistical views of popu- lation, commerce, navigation, public lands. Post Office Establishment, revenue, mint, military & naval estab- lishments, expenditures, and public debt of United States; by George Watterston and Nicholas Biddle Van Zandt. Published under patronage of Congress. Washington, printed by Jonathan Elliot, Dec. 1828. [6] + 5-132 + [3] p. each numbered 94*, oblong 8° [p. 5-13 and 59-82 are 8" and between p. 94 and 95 are 3 p. each numbered 94* which are large 4° folded to oblong 8®.] Same. Washington, printed by Jonathan Elliot, Jan. 1829. * 1496 Classification no. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OP CONGRESS— Contirmea Yl.l: St2 7 T171 TI72 T231 T232 T233 T234 T23^ T23 6 W39 Y1.2: AI71 AI72 AI73 A17^ A17-^ A17« A17' A17« AI79 AI710 AI711 AI712 AI713 Congress (miscellaneous unclassified publications of both House and Senate) — Continued Same, Continuation; by Geo. Watterston & N^ B. Van Zandt. Published under patronage of Congress. Wash- ington, Way & Gideon, printers, 1833. 210 p. 1 tab. * Tariff law of 1897, 55th Congress, 1st session. 1897. [See also T17.7:897i-^] Tariff act of 1909, act to provide revenue, equalize duties, and encourage industries of United States and for other with index. Aug. 5, 1909. [See also T17.7: Capitol. 1908. purposes, 909.] Telephone directory of XJ. S. Same. Apr. 15, 1908. Same. Dec. 7, 1908. Same. Jan. 8, 1909. Same. Apr. 10, 1909. Same. Dec. 6, 1909. Webster, Pelatiah. Memorial in behalf of architect of our Fed- eral Constitution, Pelatiah Webster of Philadelphia, Pa.; [by Hannis Taylor]. [1908.] 4« [5242-461] [Congres- sional edition is 8°.] [Pelatiah Webster's plan for a Constitution was originally published in ' ;lphia, Feb. 16, 1783. It was repi " " Joseph Crukshank, Philadelphia. Under authority of Congress^ it was Philadelphia, Feb. 16, 1783. It was republished with notes in 1791 by Joseph Crukshank, Philadelphia. Under authority of Congress, again republished in 1908, with introduction by Hannis Taylor.] House of Representatives (miscellaneous publica- tions) Alphabetical list of members and delegates and standing com- mittees of which they are members, 54th Congress, Ist session. [1895.] [Previous to the 54th Congress, this list appeared as a Congressional document, usually bear- ing House miscellaneous document number 3. Begin- ning with the 54th Congress, bureau editions were sub- stituted for the Congressional editions, since which time the set in the Public Documents Library is incomplete.] Same; corrected to May 5, 1896. [1896.] Same, 55th Congress, 3d session; corrected to Mar. 3, 1899. [1899.] Alphabetical list of members and delegates and standing and se- lect committees of which they are members, 57th Con- gress, Ist session; corrected to Jan. 15, 1902. [1902.] Same, 57th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 8, 1902. [1902.] Alphabetical list of members and delegates and standing com- mittees of which they are members, 58th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Jan. 22, 1904. [1904.] Same, 58th Congress, 3d session; corrected to Dec. 5, 1904. [1904.] Alphabetical list of members and delegates and committees of which they are members, 59th Congress, 1st session; cor- rected to Dec. 11, 1905. [1905.] Same; corrected to Jan. 30, 1906. [1906.] Same, 60th Congress, 1st session; corrected to Nov. 20, 1907. [1907.] [Committee assignments are blank.] Same; corrected to Nov. 30, 1907. [1907.] [Committee as- signments are blank.] Same; corrected to Dec. 21, 1907. [1907.] Same; corrected to May 20, 1908. [1908.] 1497 CUiisiflrttlon no. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Y1.2: I House of Representatives I tions) — Continued (miscellaneouH publica- C12» 012=' C12=» C59 073' 0732 0733 073* 073* 073 « 073" 073* 073 « 073 »o 073 '» 073 « 076 D62» D623 sxes to reports of, 1815-87; compiled 1887. [No volume title-page.] Calendars, 57th Congress, 2d session. F'eb. 23, 1903. large 8® Same, 59th Congress, Ist session. [190C.] large 8** Same J 59th Congress, 2d session [with Index to public and private laws and resolutions, Ist session, 59th Congreee]. [1907.] large 8« Clerks. List of members and their clerks, 57th Congress. [1902.] Committee reports. [The committee report* of the House of Representatives from the 14th to the 49th Congress, 1815-87, were compiled and indexed by Thomas Hudson McKee in 336 v. These compilations are entered with the individual committees to which the volumes belong. See, for list of call numbers and for historical note con- cerning compilations, Y4.Ac2:Ml9.] [Committees, House, Indexes to re^ by T. H. McKee.] [59 separately paged indexes, one for each committee, duplicates of those made to accompany vohunes of reports compiled for use of commit, tees, collected in 1 v., with 59 title-pages.] Committees. Standing committees, 54th Congress, 1st session. [1895.] [Previous to the 54th Congress, this list appeared as a Congressional document, usually bearing House mis- cellaneous document number 2. Beginning with the 54th Congress, bureau editions were substituted for the Con- gressional editions since which time the set in the Public Documents Library is incomplete.] Same, 54th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 7, 1896. [1896.] Same, 55th Congress, 2d session; corrected to July 8, 1898. [1898.] Committees. Standing and select committees, 57th Congress, 1st session; corrected to Jan. 22, 1902. [1902.] Oonmiittees. Standing and select committees, and location of committee rooms and telephone number, 57th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 8, 1902. [1902.] Committees. Standing committees, with location of committee rooms, telephone number, and meeting days, 58th Con- gress, 2d session; corrected to Jan. 22, 1904. [1904.] Committees. Standing and select committees, with location of committee rooms, telephone number, and meeting days, 58th Congress, 3d session; corrected to Dec. 5, 1904. [1904.] Same, 59th Congress, Ist session; corrected to Dec. 11, 1905. [1905.] Same; corrected to Jan. 30, 1906. [1906.] Same, 60th Congress, 1st session; corrected to Dec. 21, 1907, [1907.] Same, 61st Congress, 1st session: corrected to Aug. 5, 1909. [1909.] Contested-election cases, 59th Congress [report of clerk; assign- ment to committees]. [1906.] Directory. House of Representatives, 59th Congress, 1st session, pocket directory; by Alexander McDowell. 1906. narrow 24° [Title on cover is: Vest-pocket direc- tory of House of Representatives, 59th Congress.] Same, 59th Congress, 2d session. 1907. narrow 24° [Title on cover is: Vest-pocket directory of House of Repre- sentatives, 59th Congress, 2d session.] 1498 Classification no. Yli MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRES S— Continued Y1.2: In2^ In2 = In2 = In2* M51 M512 M513 M514 M5P M51« M86 N21 Or2 P231 P232 P238 House of Representatives (miscellaneous publica- tions) — Continued Index to documents and reports, House of Representatives, 1789-1839. n. p. n. d. [A compilation of 4 separately printed indexes each with its own individual title-page to which " The indexes were originally issued in the Congressional set as follows: title-page to which has been prefixed a half-title and table of contents. lst-14th Congress, 1789-1817 [104-163] 15th-17th Congress, 1817-23 [85, v. 2-unnumbered document] 18th-21st Congress, 1823-31 [209, v. 2-unnumbered document] 22d-25th Congress, 1831-39 [350-uimumbered document].] Index to executive documents and reports of committees of House of Representatives, 22d-25th Congress, Dec. 1831- Mar. 1839. Washington, D. C, printed by S. D. Lang- tree [1839]. [350-unnumbered document] [This is one of the publications included in the compilation entered underY1.2:In2i.] Index. Consolidated index of executive documents of House of Representatives, 26th-40th Congress; prepared under di- rection of Edward McPherson. 1870. [1387-unnum- bered document] Index. Consolidated index of reports of committees of House of Representatives, 26th-40th Congress; prepared un- der direction of Edward McPherson. 1869. [1386- unnumbered document] Members. List of members and their places of residence, 55th Congress, 3d session; corrected to Mar. 3, 1899. [1899.] [Previous to the 54th Congress, this list appeared as a Congressional document, usually bearing House miscel- laneous document number 1. Besrinning with the 54th Congress, bureau editions were substituted for the Con- gressional editions, since which time the set in the Public Documents Library is incomplete.] Same, 57th Congress. Dec. 3, 1902. [See also Y1.2:R31.] Same, 58th Congress. Jan. 12, 1904. Same. Dec. 5, 1904. Same, 59th Congress. Dec. 4, 1905. Same. Jan. 30, 1906. See also Y1.2:Un6. Mountain Meadows massacre. Meadow massacre; by J Cong. 1st sess. H. doc. of Mountain 1902. ([57th 4377.) [First Special report H. Carle ton. 605]; serial no. printed in 1859 as evidence in contested election case of McGrorty vs. Hooper which was issued as 40th Congress, 2d session. House report 79, serial no. 1358.] National Canal Convention. Memorial to President and Con- gress, by National Canal Convention, assembled at Chicago, June, 1863. Dec. 20, 1863. [In 1184-1, follow- ing report of Agriculture Department.] Orders of day in House of Representatives at close of 1st session, 15th Congress. Washington, printed by E. de Krafft, 1818. Parliamentary precedents of House of Representatives, collected from journals and records of debates, and arranged with references to Constitution, general parliamentary law, origin and development of rules of House, and statutes re- lating to organization and administration of House; by AsherC. Hinds. 1899. large 8° [3709-576] Parliamentary precedents. Hinds' precedents of House of Rej)- resentatives, including references to provisions of Consti- tution, laws, and decisions of Senate; by Asher C. Hinds. 1907. V. 1, large 8«> [5182-355] Same. 1907. v. 2, large S'> [5183-355] 1499 ClMsi&catlon no. ITl, MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Y1.2: P23* P23» P23« P237 P23« P23« P37 Q3 RSI R32 R64 R86 T77' T772 Un6' Un62 Un6^ Un6* Un6* Un6« Uii6' Y1.3J A17' AI72 A17^ A17* A17* House of Representatives (miscellaneous publica- tions) — Continued Same. 1907. v. 3, large S** [5184-355] Same. 1907. v. 4, large 8° [5185-355] Same. 1907. v. 5, large 8« [5186-355] Same. 1907. v. 6, large 8« [5187-355] Same. 1908. v. 7, large 8° [5188, v. 1-355] Same. 1908. v. 8, large 8° [5188, v. 2-355] Penal law. System of penal law for United States, consisting of code of crimes and punishments, code of procedure in criminal cases, code of prison discipline, and book of defi- nitions; by Edward Livingston. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1828. f « Questions of order decided in and proceedings touching organi- zation of House of Representatives, lst-46th Congresses; compiled by Henry H. Smith. [2d edition.] 1881. [Ist edition not in Public Documents Library.] Residences of members and delegates, 57th Congress, n. d. f ° [See also Y1.2M51'.] Revolution, 1775-83. Resolutions, laws, and ordinances, relat- ing to pay, half pay, commutation of half pay, bounty lands, and other promises made by Congress to officers and soldiers of Revolution, to settlement of accounts between United States and the several States, and to funding Revo- lutionary debt. Washington, printed by Thomas Allen, 1838. Roll call, 57th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 3, 1902. [1902.] 12« Rules of House of Representatives with notes on practice there- under; by Asher C. Hinds. 1909. 24° Trust laws, act to regulate commerce, as amended, and acts sup- plementary thereto, 1887-1903; compiled by Joel Gray- son. 1903. 42 p. Same [including Public 227, 53d Congress, 2d session, and Public 11, 55th Congress, 1st session]. 1903. 46 p. See also ICI.5: Unofficial list of members-elect, and their places of residence, 54th Congress; corrected to Apr. 9, 1895. [1895.] Same; corrected to July 25, 1895. [1895.] Unofficial list of members and their places of residence, 56th Congress; corrected to Nov. 18, 1899. [1899.] Same, 58th Congress. Dec. 1, 1902. Same. Aug. 25, 1903. Unofficial list of members-elect and their places of residence, 60th Congress. Nov. 30, 1907. Same, 6l8t Congress. Nov. 16, 1908. See also Y1.2:M51. Senate (miscellaneous publications) Alphabetical list. United States Senators [55th Congress], al- phabetically arranged, showing committees of which they are members. Feb. 3, 1899. Alphabetical list of Senators and their committee assignments, 56th Congress, 2d session. Jan. 29, 1901. Alphabetical list of Senators and committees, 57th Congress, Ist session. Feb. 7, 1902. Same, 58th Congress, special session. Mar. 5, 1903. Same, 58th Congress [Ist and 2d sessions]. Dec. 1, 1903. 1500 Classification no . Y 1 . Y1.3 A17« AI77 AI7S A17« A17i° AI711 A17^2 AI71S AI714 Al7i'^ Am3» Am32 B49^ B49" B49S1 B49''^2- B4952- B4953- B4953- B495''- B4954- B4955- B4955- B4955- B4956- B4956- B49«7- B4957- B4958- B4958- B4958- B495^ B49«>- B51 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OP CONGRESS— Continued Senate (miscellaneous publications) — Continued Same, 58th Congress [3d session]. Nov. 12, 1904. Same. Dec. 15, 1904. Same, 59tli Congress [special session]. Mar. 10, 1905. Same, 59tli Congress [1st session]. Nov. 1, 1905. Same. Jan. 11, 1905 [1906]. Same. Jan. 31, 1906. Same, 59th Congress [2d session]. Nov. 7, 1906. Same. Jan. 31, 1907. Same. Mar. 1, 1907. Same, 60th Congress [1st session]. Dec. 17, 1907. American National Institute. 1895-1905, American National Institute, Paris, France, founded by Matilda Smedley. 1905. (58th Cong. 3d sess. S. doc. 167; serial no. 4766.) American National Institute. 1896-1904, American National Institute, Paris, France, founded by Matilda Smedley. [1904.] Bills. History of Senate bills and joint resolutions (note). [The superior figures used in the l)ook numbers for the foliowing set refer to the Congress and session or sessions contained therein, e. g.: 55th Congress, 1st session, B49^>^^; 55th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, B49 55-1.2; 55th Congress, lst-3d sessions, B495&-1-3.] Bills. History of Senate bills and joint resolutions, 50th Con- gress [1st and 2d sessions], arranged under names of Sena- tors introducing them. 1889. Same, 1st session, 51st Congress. 1890. 4® Same, 51st Congress [1st and 2d sessions]. 1891. 4^ Same, 1st session, 52d Congress. 1892. 4* Same, 52d Congress [1st and 2d sessions]. 1893. 4° Same, 53d Congress, 1st and 2d sessions. 1894. 4^^ Same, 53d Congress, 1st, 2d, and 3d sessions. 1895. 4«> Same, 1st session, 54th Congress. 1896. 4P Same, 54th Congress [Ist and 2d sessions]. 1897. 4° Same, 55th Congress, 1st session. 1897. 4*» Same, 55th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions. 1898. 4° Same, 55th Congress, 1st, 2d, and 3d sessions. 1899. 4° Same, 56th Congress, Ist session. 1900. 4<' Same, 56th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions. 1901. 4** Same, 57th Congress, 1st session. 1902. 4<> Same, 57th Congress [1st and 2d sessions]. 1903. 4" Same, 58th Congress, Ist session. 1903. 4° Same, 58th Congress, Ist and 2d sessions. 1904. 4° Same, 58th Congress [1st, 2d, and 3d sessions]. 1905. 4" Same, 59th Congress [1st and 2d sessions]. 1907. 4° Same, 60th Congress [1st and 2d sessions]. 1909. 4*' Bimetallism. Gold and silver prices and bimetallism: Evi- dence of Crown colony on gold and silver prices, bimetal- lism in relation to agricultural depression, by E. E. Isemonger; Letter from J. D. Cameron to Andrew B. Humphrey relative to money question in United States; Bimetallism in relation to agricultural depression, by Henry Chaplin. 1894. ([53d Cong. 2d sess. S. misc. doc. 262]; serial no. 3171.) 1501 Claaslfleatlon no. Yl MISCELiLANEOUH PUBLICATIONH OF CONGRESS-Continued Y1.8: C12> C12» C12» C12^ C12'' C28' C28^ C28' C73» C73 = C73 = C73* 073*^ C73« C73^ C73« C73» C73 '" C73'^ C73»2 C73'3 C73" C73'5 G73i« C73»' Senate (misoellaneouH publications) — Continued ('alifornia. Geofn^phical memoir upon upper California in illustration of his map of Oregon and California; by John Charles Fremont. Washington, Wendell and Van Benthuysen, printers, 1848. (30th Cong. Ist seas. S. misc. [doc] 148; serial no. 511.) Calendar of business, 55th Congress, 2d session. Dec. 6, 1897. large 8° Same, 56th ('ongress, 2d session. Jan. 23, 1901. large 8^ Same, 57th Congress, 2d session. Dec. 4, 1902. large 8° Same, 57th Congress, 2d session. Dec. 15, 1902. large 8° Catalogue of library of Senate; by Clifford Warden. 1901. 335 p. [4043-233] [The congressional document edition differs from the bureau edition in that it has some addi- tional entries, and contains 343 p.] Catalogue of library of Senate. 1906. large 8° Same. 1908. large 8« Commerce. Act to regulate commerce as amended, and acts supplementary thereto, safety appliance acts, act re- quiring monthly reports of accidents, act establishing Department of Commerce and Labor, 1887-1903. 1905. [See also ICl.b:] Committee reports. [The committee reports of the Senate from the 14th to the 49th Confess, 1815-87, were com- piled and indexed by Thomas Hudson McKee in 179 v. These compilations are' entered with the individual committees to which the volumes belong. See, for list of call numbers and for historical note concerning com- pilations, Y4.Ac2:Ml9.] [Committees, Senate, Indexes to reports of, 1815-87; compiled by T. H. McKee.] 1887. [No volume title-page.] [36 separately paged indexes, one for each committee, duplicates of those made to "accompany volumes of reports compiled for use of committees, collected in 1 v., with 3G title-pages.] Committees. List of committees for 54th Congress. Mar. 15, 1893, reprinted Nov. 21, 1895. * [Reprint of Senate miscellaneous document 4, 53d Congress, special session, serial no. 3142, v. 2. Previous to the 54th Congress, this list appeared as a Senate miscellaneous document. Beginning with the 54tli Congress, bureau editions were substituted for the Concessional editions, since which time the set in the Public Documents Library is incom- plete.] Same, 55th Congress. Mar. 4, 1899. Same, 56th Congress, 2d session. Dec. 17, 1900. Same. Jan. 3, 1901. Same, 57th Congress, 1st session. Oct. 15, 1901. Same. Feb. 7, 1902. Same. May 7, 1902. Same, 57th Congress, 2d session. Dec. 1, 1902. Same, 58th Congress, special session. Mar. 5, 1903. Same, 58th Congress [1st and 2d sessions]. Nov. 23, 1903. Same, 58th Congress [3d session]. Dec. 5, 1904. Same. Dec. 14, 1904. Same, 59th Congress [special session]. Mar. 10, 1905. Same, 59th Congress [1st session]. Nov. 1, 1905. Same. Jan. 11, 1906. 1502 Classlflcatlon no. Y1.3: C73i« C7320 C7321 C7322 C7323 C81 D45 D541 D542 D543 D54^ D54« D54« D62' D62 2 D623 D624 D62« D62« D62' D62« D628 D6210 D6211 D6212 D62i^ D621* D62 1' D62i« Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRES S— Continued Senate (miscellaneous publications) — Continued Same. Jan. 31, 1906. Same. Mar. 19, 1906. Same, 59th Congress [2d session]. Nov. 7, 1906. Same. Feb. 4, 1907. Same. Mar. 1, 1907. Same. Mar. 4, 1907. [In all probability Lists of committees for the fiOth Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, were issued but the rublic Documents Library has been unable to obtain copies of these lists.] Corthell, Elmer Lawrence. Lecture before National Geo- graphic Society at Washington, D. C, Nov. 22, 1895 [on Teh uan tepee route for interoceanic canal]; by Elmer L. Corthell. 1895. ([54th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 34]; aerial no. 3349.) Desert lands. Public [act] 200 [sec. 4] 53d Congress, 2d session, Carey act, selection of desert lands by States [also parts of acts amending same]. [1908.] Diagram. Directory of Senate of United States [57th Congress, 1st session]. [1901.] 4° [This is simply a diagram of the Senate chamber showing the seat occupied by each Senator.] Diagram. Directory of United States Senate [57th Congress, 2d session]. [1902.] 4" Same [58th Congress, 3d session]. [1904.] 4'' Same [59th Congress, 1st session]. [1905.] 4° Same. [1906.] 4° Same [59th Congress, 2d session]. [1906.] 4" [Diagrams were doubtless issued for the sessions of the 60th Congress, but me Public Documents Library has been unable to obtain copies.] Directory. United States Senate, 57th Congress, 1901-03, di- rectory. 1902. narrow 24P Same, 58th Congress, special session, 1903. 1903. narrow 24° Same, 58th Congress, 2d session, 1903-04; by William B. Turner. 1903. narrow 24° Same, 58th Congress, 3d session, 1904-05; by William B. Turner. 1904. narrow 24° Same, 59th Congress, special session, 1905; by William B. Turner. [Mar. 4] 1905. narrow 24" ^ Same, 59th Congress, 1st session [1905-06]. Dec. 18, 1905. narrow 24° Same. Jan. 17, 1906. narrow 24° Same. Feb. 21, 1906. narrow 24° Same, 59th Congress, 2d session [1906-07]. Nov. 7, 1906. narrow 16° narrow 16° narrow 16° 1st session [1907-08]. Jan. 27, 1908. narrow 16° Same. Apr. 20, 1908. narrow 16° Same, 60th Congress, 2d session [1908-09]. Dec. 8, 1908. narrow 16° Same. Jan. 7, 1909. narrow 24° Same, 61st Congress, 1st session [1909]. Mar. 15, 1909. nar- row 16° Same. Dec. 7, 1906. Same. Feb. 7, 1907. Same, 60th Congress, 1503 Classinration no. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Y1.3 Ex3' Ex32 Ex33 Ex3* Ex35 Ex3« Ex3' Ex3« Ex3« Ex3'» Ex3» Ex3'2 Ex3» Ex3»*-^ Ex3'«-2 Ex3'^-» Ex3>-^ 2 Ex3>« Ex3i' Senate (miscellaneous publications) — Continued Executive proceedings of Senate (note). [The Exectitlve journals are, of course, the journals of the executive ses- sions of the Senate, which are held in secret. These journals are not printed in onilnary course, but only by special order of the Senate. The first order for this purpose was made Apr. 4, 1828, and provided far the publication of the secret journals of the first 19 Congresses. As a matter of fact the journals of the 2uth Congress were also included, and the period of time covered was from May 25, 1789, when the first exectUive session was held, to Feb. 23, 1829. This Issue was in 3 v., printotl in Washington by Dufl Green, the imprint date in each vol- ume being 1828. The edition was 700 copies. Fifty-eight years elapsed before another order for printing the Executive journals was passed. Its date was June 28, 1886, and it provided for publishing the journals from the close of the 20th Congress to the close of the 4()tn Congress, a period of 40 years, ending Nfar. 3, 1869. One hundred copies only were ordered printed^ but later the secretary of the Senate reported that he had taken the liberty of printing 125 copies. The injunction of secrecy was not removed from this print until June 14, 1888, and at the same time a distribution was ordered which took up 107 sets, each of the then 76 Senators getting 1, the Senate library 5, the House library 2, the Library of Congress 2, and sundry olTicials the others, 18 sets only remaining to be held in reserve by the Senate. These facts account for the great difTiculties which the representative libraries of the country have found in completing their sets of the Executive journals, especially for the 40 years from 1829 to 1869. The issue for this period, 20th to 40th Congresses, was from the Govern- ment Printing Otiice, imprinted 1887, and in 13 v., numbered 4-16, but in 15 books, v. 14 and 15 being each in 2 pts. The Senate next took up the matter of publishing the Executive journals, Jan. 21, 1901, and then provided that the journals from Mar. 3, 1869, to the end of the 51st Congress, Mar. 1891, should be printed in an edi- tion of 250 copies. They were so printed at the Government Print- ing Office, imprinted 1901, filling 11 v., numbered 17-27. The 4th issue, covering the 52d-58th Congresses, 1 891-1905, is also of 250 copies, and will fill at least 7 v., numbered 28-34, t and perhaps one or two more. None of the volumes of the Executive journals or of the reprints of the public journals is found in the series of numbered Congressional documents.] Executive proceedings of Senate . Journal of executive proceed- ings of Senate, lst-19th Congress. Washington, pnnted by Duff Green, 1828. v. 1. [v. 1-3 have uniform title-pages. V, 1 covers period from May 25, 1789 to Mar. 4, 1805.] Same. Washington, printed by Duff Green, 1828. v. 2. [v. 2 covers period from Dec. 11, 1805 to Mar. 3, 1815.] Same. Washington, printed by Duff Green, 1828. v. 3. [v. 3 covers period from Dec. 6, 1815 to Feb. 23, 1829.] Same, Mar. 4, 1829-Mar. 3, 1837. 1887. v. 4. Same, Mar. 4, 1837-Sept. 13, 1841. Same, Dec. 6, 1841-Mar. 20, 1845. Same, Dec. 1, 1845-Aug. 14, 1848. Same, Dec. 4, 184&-Aug. 31, 1852. Same, Dec. 6, 1852-Mar. 3, 1855. Same, Dec. 3, 1855-June 16, 1858. Same, Dec. 6, 1858-Aug. 6, 1861. Same, Dec. 2, 1861-July 17, 1862. Same, Dec. 1, 1862-July 4, 1864. Same, Dec. 5, 1864-Feb. 6, 1866. Same, Feb. 13-July 28, 1866. 1887 Same, Dec. 3, 1866-Mar. 12, 1867. Same, Mar. 13-Nov. 29, 1867. 1887 Same, Dec. 2, 1867-Mar. 3, 1869 Same, Mar. 5, 1869-Mar. 3, 1871 1887 V. 5. 1887. V. 6.- 1887. V. 7. 1887. V. 8. 1887. V. 9. . 1887. V. 10. 1887. V. 11. 1887. V. 12. 1887. V. 13. 1887. V. 14, pt. 7. V. 14, pt. 2. 1887. V. 15, pt 7. V. 15, pt. 2. 1887. V. 16. 1901. V. 17. fThe injunction of secrecy has not yet (Oct. 30, 1911) been removed from v. 33 and 34 of the Executive journals of the Senate; therefore, these volumes are not included in this Checklist. 1504 Classification no . Yl . MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Y1.3 Ex3»8 Ex3»^ Ex32" Ex32i Ex322 Ex323 Ex32^ Ex32^ Ex32'5 Ex32" Ex3^« Ex32^» Ex3^-^ Ex3-'" Ex33'-i Ex33»-2 Ex33- G79 Senate (miscellaneous publications) — Continued Same, Mar. 4, 1871-Mar. 3, 1873. 1901. v. 18. Same, Mar. 4, 1873-Mar. 3, 1875. 1901. v. 19. Same, Mar. 5, 1875-Mar. 3, 1877. 1901. v. 20. Same, Mar. 5, 1877-Mar. 3, 1879. 1901. v. 21. Same, Mar. 21, 1879-Mar. 3, 1881. 1901. v. 22. Same, Mar. 5, 1881-Mar. 3, 1883. 1901. v. 23. Same, Dec. 3, 1883-Mar. 3, 1885. 1901. v. 24. Same, Mar. 4, 1885-Mar. 3, 1887. 1901. v. 25. Same, Dec. 5, 1887-Mar. 3, 1889. 1901. v. 26. Same, Mar. 5, 1889-Mar. 3, 1891. 1901. v. 27. Same, Dec. 7, 1891-Apr. 15, 1893. 1909. v. 28. Same, Aug. 7, 1893-Mar. 2, 1895. 1909. v. 29, pt. 1. [This volume ends with Aug. 27, 1894.] Same, Aug. 7, 1893-Mar. 2, 1895. 1909. v. 29, pt. 2. [This volume begins with Dec. 5, 1894.] Same, Dec. 2, 1895-Mar. 10, 1897. 1909. v. 30. Same, Mar. 15, 1897-Mar. 3, 1899. 1909. v. 31, pt. 1. [This volume ends with Dec. 20, 1898.] Same, Mar. 15, 1897-Mar. 3, 1899. 1909. v. 31, pt. 2. [This volume begins with Dec. 21, 1898.] Same, Dec. 4, 1899-Mar. 9, 1901. 1909. v. 32. f Great Britain. Convention between United States and Great Britain to facilitate construction of ship canal to connect Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and to remove any objection which might arise out of Clayton-Bulwer treaty [with Clayton-Bulwer treaty]. Feb. 8, 1900 [ordered reprinted] Dec. 20, 1900. (56th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 160; serial no. 3852.) [This reprint of Dec. 20, 1900, ordered for the use of the Senate, is not found in the Congressional set.] Heating and ventilation. Report on heating and ventilation of Senate wing of Capitol, Washington, D. C. ; rendered Dec. 14, 1895 [by S. H. Woodbridge]. [1895.] Henry, Patrick. Argument on duties of Vice-President of U. States, as President of Senate, and on manner in which they were discharged during 1st session of 19th Congress by John C. Calhoun: by Patrick Henry. Washington, P. Force, print., 1827'. Hydraulic engineering. Contributions to science of hydraulic engineering; by Ewd. [sic] Fontaine. 1879. 4® [1829- unnumbered document, following p. 24 of Senate mis- cellaneous document 16. Printed under Senate joint resolution approved June 19, 1879 (Stat. L. v. 21, p. 50).] Immigi-ation. Act of Mar. 3, 1893, to facilitate enforcement of immigration and contract-labor laws, and Senate report 787, 52d Congress, 1st session, relating to immigration. [Ordered reprinted Mar. 29, 1893.] Impeachments. Extracts from Journal of Senate in cases of impeachments. See Y6.1:J82. Interoceanic canal. Correspondence in relation to proposed interoceanic canal between Atlantic and Pacific oceans, Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and Monroe doctrine, being reprint of Senate ex. docs. 112, 46th Cong. 2d sess., 194, 47th Cong. 1st sess., and 26, 48th Cong. 1st sess. 1885. fThe injunction of secrecy has not yet (Oct. 30, 1911) been removed from v. 33 and 34 of the Executive journals of the Senate; therefore these volumes are not included in this Checklist. H35 H39 H99 Im6 InS 1505 CUsKiAratJon BO. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRESS— Continued Y1.3 L61 M56 M69 N51 Or3' Or3^ Pll P38 P91 P94 R14 82452°— 11- Senate (miscellaneous publications) — Continued Library of OongreHs. Report of Thomas Lincoln Caaey , in charge of construction of new Library of Congress, during year ending Dec. 1, 1895. [1895.] ([54th Cong. Ist sees. S. doc. 5]; serial no. 3347.) Meteorology. 4th meteorological report; by James P. Espy, Washington, A. O. r. Nicholson, printer, 1857. 4* (34th Cong. 3d sess. S. ex. doc. 65; serial no. 889.) See, for 1st report, made to surgeon-general, Army, W44.2: M56. See, for 2d and 3d reports, made to Navy Department, N1.2:M562. Mississippi and its 44 na\'igable tributaries, descriptive, com- mercial, and statistical review; by Alex. D. Anderson. 1890. [According to law, this should have been printed as a numbered document of the 51st Congress, 1st session, but it is not so found.] Nebraska. Discovery of Nebraska, and Visit to Nebraska in 1662, read before Nebraska Historical Society in 1880 and 1885; by James W. Savage. 1893. [3167-14] Nicaragua Canal. Views of George W. Melville as to strategic and commercial value of Nicaraguan Canal, future con- trol of Pacific Ocean, strategic value of Hawaii, and its annexation to United States. 1898. [3600-188] Oregon and Washington Indian war. Report of J. Ross Browne on Indian war in Oregon and Washington Territories. Jan. 25, 1858 [reprint 1903]. 62 p. (35th Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 38; serial no. 955.) [A reprint ordered by Senate resolution of Jan. 29, 1903. The original docu- ment contained 66 p.] Oregon. Early labors of missionaries of American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Oregon, commenc- ing in 1836. [Feb. 9, 1871, ordered reprinted Jan. 15] 1903. (41st Cong. 3d sess. S. ex. doc. 37; serial no. 1440.) [This reprint of 1903 is not found in the Congressional set.] Pacific railroads. Acts and joint resolutions of Congress and decisions of Supreme Court of United States relating to Union Pacific, Central Pacific, and Western Pacific rail- roads. 1897. Pensions. Foreign pension systems, synopsis of pension laws, not civil, compiled from information lurnished in response to resolution with amount of annual appropriation made by some countries for pensions; by J. L. Davenport. 1902. [4220-56] Precedents, decisions on points of order, with phraseology, in United States Senate, lst-60th Congress, 1789-1909; by * Henry H. Gilfry. 1909. [5568-129] Proceedings and debates of Senate, Ist session, 30th Congress; by James A. Houston. Washington, D. C. [no publisher^ 1848. large 4® [5ee, for proceedings of Senate, 30th Congress, 1st session, as they appear in the Congressional globe, X89, 90.] Ramie. Statement, by S. H. Slaught, in behalf of appropria- tion to promote ramie industry, [with] Papers on ramie industry. [2d edition.] Jan. 5, 11 [July], 1897. (54th Cone. 2d sess. S. doc. 47, 57.) [The 1st editions of the publications bound together in this pamphlet ^ye^e the original Congressional editions which appeared in serial no. 3469. This print, including revised editions of both documents, is not in the Congressional set.] -95 1506 Classification no. Yl. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF CONGRES S— Continued Y1.3 1132 Se5i Se52 Se53 Se54 Se5« Se57 Sw3 T17 T711 X712 T713 Un6i Un62 Un63 Un6* Un6« Un66 Un67 Un68 Un69 Un6^o Un6" Senate (miscellaneous publications) — Continued Revolution, 1775-83. Troops, including militia, furnished by the several States during War of Revolution; communi- cated to House of Representatives, May 11, 1790, by Sec- retary of War. Jan. 15, 1902 [reprint]. (1st Cong. 2d sess.) [No. 3 in American state papers, military affairs, V. 1. This reprint is a corrected 2d print, the 1st print not being in the Public Documents Library.] Senate. Century of Senate of United States; by William S. Appleton. n. p. [1895]. large 8" Senators. Election of Senators by people, list of principal speeches and reports made m Congress in recent years upon proposed change in method of electing Senators, also reprint of principal documents relating to subject; by Clifford Warden. 1902. ([57th Cong. Ist sess. S. doc. 40G]; serial no. 4245.) Senators. Proceedings relating to classification of Senators; [by Henry H. Gilfry]. 1907. Senators. List of Senators of 54th Congress. [June 21, 1895.] f " Senators. United States Senate, 57th Congress [Ist session, list of Senators]. Mar. 12, 1902. 4° Same, 57th Congress [2d session]. Nov. 20, 1902. 4° Same, 58th Congress [special session]. Mar. 4, 1903. 4° See also Y1.3:\Jn6'-'K Sweden. Report on forestry in Sweden; by C. C. Andrews. Revised edition. 1900. [3878-452] [5eg, for 1st edition, 1872, S1.2:Sw3.] Tariff on imports into United States, and free list, as contained in act of Oct. 1, 1890. [1896.] Treaties. List of treaties and conventions ratified by Senate since 1899. [1909.] Treaties. List of treaties and conventions ratified or pending in Senate since compilation of Treaties in force, 1904, to 60tb Congress, 2d session. [1909.] Treaties and conventions which were ratified, and from which injunction of secrecy was removed during 2d session of 60th Congress. [1909.] Unoflicial list of Senators of 56th Congress [1st session]. [Mar. 28, 1899.] f" Same, 56th Congress, 2d session. [Jan. 17, 1901.] f ° Same, 57th Congress [1st session], [Oct. 15, 1901.] f « Unofficial [list of Senators] United States Senate, 58th Congress [3d session]. Dec^ 6, 1904. 4° Same, 59th Congress [special session]. Mar. 9, 1905. 4° Same, 59th Congress [1st session]. Apr. 26, 1905. 4° Same. May 10, 1905. 4° Same. Nov. 23, 1905. 4° Same. Jan. 4, 1906. 4° Same, 59th Congress [2d session]. June 15, 1906. 4** Same, 60th Congress [1st session]. [1907.] 4° See also YL^iSeb^-', 1507 Y2. BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS OF SENATE AND HOUSE (Bills aud resolutions of the 2 Houses of Cougress are not sent to libraries. The only provision of law requiring their preservation is sec. h2 of the general printing act of Jan. 12, 18$)A. which provides that 4 sets shall be bound, of which 2 are deposited in the Senate document room aiKl 2 in the House do<;u- inent rooni at the I'apilol. Many large UbrarlM, however, coii.-ider iheni of historic interest and value, aud therefore attempt to preserve bills and resolutions in their libraries. The files of Senate and House bills and resolutions in the l*ublic Documents Library are very incom- plete and no attempt is made hero to list them. The few that it does have are turanged by the num- ber of the Congress and session. All bills and resolutions are printed in bill form, and, unless specially ordered by either House, are printed only when referred to a couunltlce, when favorably reported back, and after their passage by either House. The number of bills and resohilions presented to each Congress is enormous. Since the period covered by this Checklist the practice hits been changed so that there are fewer prints of bills and reso- lutions. The present practice (1911) is to print the bill or resolution 4, or in some cases, 6 times (instead of 6). These prints are, 1st, at the time of Introduction and reference to the committee of the House In which the bill originates; 2d, when reported by that committee; 3d, when introduced and referred to the corresponding committee in the other House; 4th, when reported by that committee, the 5th print being only in case of appropriation bills, where the amendments are verv numerous. A Senate Dill has now rarely more than 4 prints. When a bill has passed both Houses It is prepared on parch- ment for the I^resident's signature. A bill is a " bill" as long as it remains in the House in which it originates; it becomes an "act," when it has passed that House of Congress and been referred to the other House; it does not, however, become an "act" or "statute" in the legal sense of the term until it has passed both Houses and been approved and signed by the I'resident. For further information concerning the stages of the progress of a bill, the reader is referred to p. 487-492 of the 1909 edition of the House Manual (Y4.R8f)i:900), and to later House manuals. Bills are either of a public or private nature. The term "private bill" is construed by law to mean "all bills for the relief of private parties, bills granting pensions, bills removing politi- cal disabilities, and bills for the survey of rivers and harbors." Bills and joint resolutions are presented to the President for signature and become law on his approval. If the President disapproves, he returns the bill, with his objections, to that House in which it origi- nates, and if both Houses on reconsideration pass the bill bv a two-thirds vote, the bill becomes a law over the President's veto. If any bill is not returned by the President within 10 days (Sundays excepted) after it is presented to hhn, the same becomes a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their adjournment prevents its return, in which case it does not become a law. Resolutions are of 3 kinds, namely, simple, joint, and concurrent. The enacting clause of a simple reso- lution of either House is the one word "Resolved." Resolutions of inquiry addressed to the heads of Executive Departments are usually simple rather than concurrent in form and are never joint resolu- tions. A simple resolution becomes operative on its passage by the House in which it onginates. It does not go to the other House, nor does it go the President for signature. Simple resolutions can apply only to subjects which are in the jurisdiction of the one House of Congress involved. Joint resolutions have as their resolving clause the words "Resolved by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled." Amendments to the Constitution are proposed in the form of joint resolutions, which have their several readings and are enrolled and signed by the presiding ofTicers of the 2 Houses. With the exception of joint resolutions of that nature, all joint resolutions are sexit to the President for approval and have the full force of law. They are used. for what may be called the incidental, unusual, or inferior purposes of legislating, as, for example, extending the national thanks to individuals, notice to a foreign government of the abrogation of a treaty, declaration of intervention in Cuba, correction of an error in an existing act of legislation, special appropriations for minor and incidental purposes, etc. At one tune they were used for purposes of gen- eral legislation; but the 2 Houses finally concluded that a bill was the proper instrumentality for this purpose. A joint resolution may be changed to a bill by amendment. The only difference between the enacting clause of a bill and the resolving clause of a joint resolution is that the bill reads "Be it enacted by the Senate and Hou.se of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assem- bled," whereas the joint resolution substitutes in the foregoing phrase the word "Resolved" for "Be it enacted." The resolving clause of a House concurrent resolution is "Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring)," and in the case of a Senate concurrent resolution "Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring)." In the modern practice concurrent resolutions have been developed as a means of expressing fact, principles, opinions, and purposes of the 2 Houses. For exam- ple, joint committees are authorized by resolutions of this form. A concurrent resolution is binding on neither House until agreed to by both. It is not sent to the I'resident for approval unless it contain a proposition of legislation, wliich is not within the scope of the modern form of concurrent resolution. Money can not be appropriated by simple or concurrent resolutions. Bills and simple, joint, and concurrent resolutions which are introduced in one session of a Congress may be considered at a later session of the same Congress; but the bill or resolution dies with the expiration of that Congress. The same bill may of course be reintroduced with a new number in a later Congress. Readers who are desirous of tracing the legislative history of any particular bill or resolution are referred to the historv of such bill or resolution as listed in the numerical arrangements incorporated in the indexes to the Congressional record, and in the Senate or House journals. See also entries under Y1.3:B49CoDg. »....] 1508 Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS [The Public Documents Library classes here commissions and boards appointed directly by Congress or by the President. Those commissions and boards which were appointed by any of the Executive Departments or independent branches of the Government will be found under each Department. Mixed commissions to settle international disputes are classed under S3.; all other international commissions are classed under S5. Under Y3. are classed also a few committees which were authorized by the President; see, for committees of Congress, Y4.] Classification no. Y3.A11: Alabama Claims, Court of Commissioners 1st and 2d. 1874-76 and 1882-85 Y3.A11^• (v. 1108.) Of, [The legal name of this court is Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, but the popular name is Alabam a Claims Commission. Created under act approved June 23, 1874. The court was organized July 22, 1874, and its duration was extended from time to time to Jan. 1, 1877. The 1st court finally adjourned Dec. 29, 1876. The powers of the clerk of the court were extended for an additional period of 2 montlis. Reestablished under act approved June 5, 1882. This 2d court was organized July 13, 1882, and its time was extended to Dec. 31, 1885, the date of its final adjournment. The powers of the clerk of the court were extended for an additional period of 6 months. The records of the 1st court were distributed to such an extent that only 3 sets could be gathered for binding at the close of the court. The set in the State Department library comprises 12 v. of Petitions, arranged by docket numbers; 38 V. of Records, arranged by alphabetically listing the sliips captured, and grouping the cases under each; a volume of Opinions; a List of claims by docket number; and an Index by claimants' name^. The Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims passed upon individual claims presented as a result of the award under the Treaty of Washington: see, for publications of the Geneva arbitration under that treaty, S3.13i:, and for Re- ceipt and investment of Geneva award money, T1.2:G28.] Alabama Claims, Court of Commissioners of, 1st and 2d, 1874-76 and 1882-85, Records [of cases], 1882-85 [A limited number of sets were bound with both volume and docket numbers included in back-titles. There are no title-pages for the set. A list arranged by docket numbers is found in List of claims before Court of Com- missioners of Alabama Claims, re-estabhshed under act approved June 5, 1882 (Y3.AI 1 2:C52i). A list by claimants is found in Alphabetical index to claim- ants before Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, re-established under act approved June 5, 1882 (Y3.A1 1 2:C52 2).] V. 1, BOS. V. 2, nos. V. 3, xios. V, 4, no8. V. 5, nos. V. 6, nos. 1-30 31-66 67-98 99-139 140-176 177-212 [Petitions for 192 and 193 are bound in Public Documents Li- brary copy after brief for 193. 203 follows p. 23 of V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. V. 202.] 7, nos. 8, nos. case.] 9, nos. 10, nos. 11, nos. 12, nos. 13, nos. 14, nos. 15, nos. 16, nos. 17, nos. 18, nos. 19, nos. 20, nos. 21, nos. 22, nos. 23, nos. 24, nos. 25, nos. 26, nos. 213-236 237-260 261-294 295-322 323-354 355-408 409-454 455-490 491-520 521-570 571-610 611-638 639-676 677-703 704-736 737-778 779-819 820-862 863-892 893-935 [238, 27, nos. 28, nos. 29, nos. 30, nos. 31, nos. 32, nos. 33, nos. 34, noa. 35, nos. 36, nos. 37, nos. 38, nos. 39, nos. 40, nos, 41, nos. 42, nos. 43, nos. 44, nos. 45, nos. 46, nos. 47, nos. 48, nos. 49, nos. 50, nos. 51, nos. 52, nos. 53, nos. 54, nos. 55, nos. 56, nos. 57, noa. 58, nos. 936-983 984-1019 1020-1048 1049-1082 1083-1113 1114-1165 1166-1200 1201-1232 1233-1258 1259-1293 1294-1333 1334-1361 1362-1385 1386-1423 1424-1480 1481-1551 1552-1600 1601-1640 1641-1673 1674-1705 1706-1753 1754-1785 1786-1815 1816-1850 1851-1890 1891-1928 1929-1955 1956-1979 1980-2005 2006-2042 2043-2076 2077-2108 1509 Classiflratlon no. Y3.A11': (v. noa.) Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— (Continued Alabama Claims, Court of Commissioners of, 1st and 2d, 1874-76 and 1882-85, Records [of cases], 1882-85— Continued V. 59, no8. 2109-2136 V. 60, nofi. 2137-2178 V. 61, no8. 2179-2200 V. 62, noB. 2201-2232 V. 63, nos. 2233-2257 V. 64, nos. 2258-2286 V. 65, nos. 2287-2324 V. 66, nos. 2325-2366 V. 67, nos. 2367-2406 V. 68, nos. 2407-2456 V. 69, nos. 2457-2489 V. 70, nos. 2490-2516 V. 71, nos. 2517-2557 V. 72, nos. 2558-2613 V. 73, nos. 2614-2643 V. 74, nos. 2644-2682 V. 75, nos. 2683-2710 V. 76, nos. 2711-2742 V. 77, nos. 2743-2778 V. 78, nos. 2779-2819 V. 79, nos. 2820-2856 [Contains also 2869, Supplemental brief for petitioner, which follows 2836 and belongs in V. 80.] V. 80, nos. 2857-2891 [Supple- mental brief 2869 is bound in V. 79, where it follows 2836.] V. 81, nos. 2892-2912 V. 82, nos. 2913-2945 V. 83, nos. 2946-2964 [2964 is missing.] V. 84, nos. 2965-3003 [2982 is missing.] V. 85, nos. 3004-3063 [3009, 3037 and 3054 are missing.] V. 86, nos. 3064-3099 V. 87, nos. 3100-3128 [3109 is missing.] V. 88, nos. 3129-3174 V. 89, nos. 3175-3224 V. 90, nos. 3225-3284 V. 91, nos. 3285-3338 V. 92, nos. 3339-3388 V. 93, nos. 3389-3440 V. 94, nos. 3441-3500 V. 95, nos. 3501-3550 V. 96, nos. 3551-3604 V. 97, nos. 3605-3663 V. 98, nos. 3664-3714 [Contains also duplicate of 3663.] V. 99, nos. 3715-3752 V. 100, nos. 3753-3800 V. 101, nos. 3801-3841 V. 102, nos. 3842-3894 V. 103, nos. 3895-3945 V. 104, nos. 3946-3994 V. 105, nos. 3995-4005 V. 106, nos. 4006-4048 [4012 is missing.] V. 107, nos. 4049-1072 V. 108, nos. 4073-4096 V. 109, nos. 4097-4123 V. 110, nos. 4124-1158 V. Ill, nos. 4159-4189 V. 112, nos. 4190-4222 V. 113, nos. 4223-4265 V. 114, nos. 4266-4300 [4286 is missing.] V. 115, nos. 4301-4327 V. 116, nos. 4328-4349 V. 117, nos. 4350^370 V. 118, nos. 4371^380 V. 119, nos. 4381-4408 V. 120, nos. 4409-4440 [4432 fol- lows 4433.] V. 121, nos. 4441-4484 V. 122, nos. 4485-4534 V. 123, nos. 4535-4577 V. 124, nos. 4578-4615 V. 125, nos. 4616-4663 V. 126, no. 4664 V. 127, nos. 4665-4685 V. 128, nos. 4686-4741 V. 129, nos. 4742-4787 V. 130, nos. 4788-4828 V. 131, nos. 4829-4844 V. 132, nos. 4845-4865 V. 133, nos. 4866-4892 V. 134, nos. 4893-4939 V. 135, nos. 4940-4973 [4972 is missing.] V. 136, nos. 4974-4997 V. 137, nos. 4998-5027 V. 138, nos. 5028-5053 [5049 is missing.] V. 139, nos. 5054-5088 V. 140, nos. 5089-5131 V. 141, nos. 5132-5180 V. 142, nos. 5181-5224 V. 143, nos. 5225-5302 V. 144, nos. 5303-5391 [5373, no case.] V. 145, nos. 5392-5437 [5435, no case.] V. 146, nos. 5438-5469 V. 147, nos. 5470-5503 [5503 at beginning of v. 148.] V. 148, nos. 5504-5591 [Contains also 5503. 5571-5585 were withheld from docket. 5589, no case.] V. 149, nos. 5592-5641 [5596 is amended petition filed with original no. 3172, and bears number 3172.] V. 150, nos. 5642-5685 [5680, no case.] V. 151, nos. 5680-5770 [5769, no case.] 1510 Classiflcation no. YS.All^a: (docket nos.) YS.All^: C521 C522 C523 C52* C52« R29 R86 R862 R863 R86^ R865 Rse^' R867 Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued Alabama Claims, Court of Commissioners of, 1st and 2d, 1874-76 and 1882-85, Records [of cases], 1882-85 (separates; individual cases) Alabama Claims, Court of Commissioners of, 1st and 2d, 1874-76 and 1882-85, General publications Claimants. Index to claimants before [Ist] Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims. Washington, printed by Judd & Det- weiler, 1877. * Claimants. Alphabetical index to claimants before [2d] Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, re-established under act approved June 5, 1882. Washington, I). C, Gibson Brothers, printers, 1884. [Also in Rules, opinions, orders, circulars, official communications, July 13, 1882-Dec. 31, 1885 (Y3. A112:R86i).] Claims. List of claims before [1st] Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, organized under act approved June 23, 1874. Washington, Gibson Brothers, 1874. 1+37 p. * [The 37 p. as numbered in the pamphlet contain matter ex- tending across both pages, the verso and the recto bearing the same folio.] Same, filed under act approved Mar. 6, 1876. Washington, Gibson Brothers, printers, 1876. _[1]4-18 p. [The 18 p. as numbered in the pamphlet contain matter extending across both pages, the verso and the recto bearing the same folio.] Claims. List of claims before [2d] Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, re-established under act approved June 5, 1882; [with List of vessels alleged to have been damaged, captured, and destroyed by Confederate cniisers and List of Confederate cruisers]. Washington, D. C, Gibson Brothers, printers, 1883. [1]+169 p. [Of the 169 p. as numbered in the book, p. 2-151 contain matter extending across both pages, the verso and the recto bearing the same folio.] Report [Jan. 5, 1877] relating to [1st] Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims; [by John Davis], 1877. (44th Cong. 2d sess. S. ex. doc. 21; serial no. 1719.) Reports relating to 2d Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims (note). [Reports from 1883 to 1885 were made to the Attorney-General by John A. J. Creswell, counsel on behalf of United States before the Court of Commis- sioners of Alabama Claims. These appeared in annual reports of Justice Department, 1883-85 (Jl.l:883-885). A report for 1885 was made to the Attorney-General by James Harlan, presiding judge of the court. This appeared in annual report of Justice Department, 1885 (Jl.l:88o).] Rules, opinions, orders, circulars, official communications [of 2d Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims], July 13, 1882- Dec. 31, 1885. Washington, D. C, Gibson Bros., printers, 1885. [Includes also a few communications of 1st court.] Rules of [1st] Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims. [1st edition.] 1874. 16° * Same. 2d edition. * Same. 3d edition. * Same. 4th edition. Washington, Judd & Detweiler, printers, 1876. * Rules of [2d] Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, with ap- pendix. Washington, National Republican Printing House, 1882. * [Also in Rules, opinions, orders, circulars, official communications, July 13, 1882-Dec. 31, 1885 (Y3. Al 1 2:R86 ').] Rules. Laws of Alabama claims and rules of [2d] court; compiled by J. F. Manning. New York, Evening Post Job Printing Office. 1882. * 1511 CUsslflratlon no. Y3.A112: So8 Y3.An8: R29 Y3.B45: P94> P94" Y3.C33: R29» R292 Y3.C43: R29J R292 R293 Y3.C52: In2 R29» R292 R293 R29* Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued Alabama Claims, Court of Commissioners of, 1st and 2d, 1874-7f5 and 1882-85, General publications- Continued Southern bond-holders. Partial list of southern bond-holders in Great Britain during War of Rebellion, compiled by direction of coun.sol on behalf of United States. Washington, Gibson Bros., printers, 1885. [Also in Rules, opinions, orders, cir- culars, official communications, July 13, 1882-Dec. 31, 1886 (Y3.A11-':R86').] Anthracite Coal Strike Commission Report on anthracite coal strike of May-Oct. 1902 [with appendixes]. 1903. [4556-6] [See also, as Bulletin 46 of the Labor Depart- ment, Lai.3:8.] Berlin Silver Commission, 1894 Proceedings. Proposals submitted and debate on proposals, report of proceedings; appended, report of proceedings of Interna- tional Bimetallic Conference, London, May 2, 3, 1894. 1895. V. 1. (53d Cong. 2d sess. S. misc. doc. 274; serial no. 3176.) Same. 1895. v. 2. (53d Cong. 2d sess. S. misc. doc. 274; serial no. 3176.) Central and South American Commission Report [including reports 1-3]. 1885. (48th Cong. 2d sess. H. ex. doc. 226; serial no. 2304.) Reports [including final reports of commissioners and special reports 4-12]. 1886. (49th Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 50; serial no. 2302.) Chicago Strike Commission Report on Chicago strike of June-July, 1894. 1894. 53 1. Same, with appendices containing testimony, proceedings, and recommendations. 1895. liv p. [Appendices referred to omitted from this edition.] Same, with appendices containing testimony, proceedings, and recommendations. 1895. liv + 681 p. [3276-7] Claims Commissioners [The 10 general reports issued as numbered documents are brief. They were followed by a set of reports identical in numbers and subject matter, but much amplified. These were issued in 4 quarto v., 187(>-81. They are not in any numbered document series, and but 50 copies were printed. They are consequently very rare and are much sought after by claimants and attorneys. The reports were followed by a "consolidated index," making a large quarto volume, issued in 1892. The 10 general reports are found in the Congressional set as follows: 1st general report, 1871. [1524-161 Gth general report, 1876. 1762-4 2d general report, 1872. [1571-12J 7th general report, 1877. 1815-4 3d general report, 1873. [1617-23] 8th general report, 1878. 1861-6' 4th general report, 1874. [1653-18] 9th general report, 1879. 192H-101 5th general report, 1875. [1698-30] 10th general report, 1880. [1929-30].] Index. Consolidated index of claims reported to House of Represent- atives, 1871-80. 1892. 4° Reports. Summary reports in all cases reported to Congress as dis- allowed under act of Mar. 3, 1871, reported as follows: 1st gen- eral report, Dec. 11, 1871; 2d general report, Dec. 6, 1872; 3d general report, Dec. 6, 1873; 4th general report, Dec. 14, 1874; and special report on case of Marie P. Evans, reported Jan. 16, 1875; also including acts establishing Commissioners of Claims and amendatory thereof, and also theu* 4 general reports. 1876. [v. 1] 4° Same, 5th general report, Dec. 20, 1875; 6th general report, Dec. 4, 1876. 1877. [v. 2] 4° Same, 7th general report, Dec. 6, 1877; 8th general report, Dec. 13, 1878. 1880. V. 3, 40 Same, 9th general report, Dec. 10,1880. 1881. [v. 4]4« 16, 1879; 10th general report. Mar. 1512 Classification no. Y3.D44: Ac2 Ag8 B64 C73 C75 C82 C88 D44 D63 G74 H62 L48 P96 Sa3 Su7 T23 T68 T71 tY3.Ec7: Y3.E1 2 : P941 P942 Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued Criminal and Penal Laws, Commission to Re- vise and. Codify. See Laws of United States, Commis- sion to Revise (Y3.L44:). Department Methods Committee (or Keep Commission) Accounts. Method of rendering and stating accounts. [190-.] * Agriculture. Investigation of 12th census report on agriculture. [May 1, 1906.] 4" Bonds. Official bonds. [Jan. 7, 1907.] 4" Committees. Use of committees in Department work. [Dec. 6, 1906.] 4" Contracts. Government contracts. [Apr. 30, 1907.] 4" Cost keeping in Government service [with bibliography]. [Dec. 29, 1906.] 4« Crop reports. Government crop reports [report on work of Bureau of Statistics, Dept. of Agriculture]. [Jan. 6, 1906.] 4° Department methods. Information desired from heads of Depart- ments. [1905.] f« Disbursing officers. Assembling disbursing officers' checks and vouchers and verification of disbursing officers' balances. [Jan. 9, 1907.] 4° Government Printing Office. Purchase of typesetting machines for Government Printing Office. [Aug. 4, 1905.] 4° Historical publications. Documentary historical publications of United States Government. [1909.] 4° [5408-714] Leave. Annual leave, sick leave, and hours of labor. [Dec, 24, 1906.] 4° Public printing. [Jan. 2, 1906.] 4° Salaries. Classification of positions and gradation of salaries for em- ployees of Executive Departments and independent establish- ments in Washington. [Jan. 4, 1907.] 4^* Superannuation of civil-service employees of Government. [Feb . 18, 1908.] 4° Telephone service. Interdepartmental telephone service. [Mar. 19, 1906.] 40 Transportation of Government employees and property. [Dec. 6, 1906.] 4« Treasury bookkeeping. [Jan. 19, 1907.] 4° Electoral Commission of 1877 See, for report of joint committee submitting bill to create com- mission, [1732-598]. Proceedings. 1877. 4° [Appeared also, in this same form, in the Congressional record, 44th Congress, 2d session, v. 5, pt. 4 (X205).] Proceedings of Electoral Commission and of 2 Houses of Congress in joint meeting relative to count of electoral votes cast Dec. 6, 1876, for presidential term commencing Mar. 4, 1877. 1877. •jThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. Anew commission has since been appointed by the President under a provision of the sun- dry civil appropriation act approved June 25, 1910. This has necessitated additional classes under Y3., the series titles of which are as follows: Y3.Ec7 ^: Economy and Efficiency Commission, Annual reports (date) Y3.Ec7 2: (CT) Y3.Ec7 3: (nos.) Y3.Ec7^: (nos.) Economy and Efficiency Commission, General publications Economy and Efficiency Commission, Bulletins Economy and Efficiency Commission, Circulars 1513 Claasiflratlon no. t Y3.Em7: Y;5.Ex3: lAA Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Tontlnued Executive Departments, Joint Commission on Laws Organizing (or Dockery Commission or Cockrell Commission) I^w?'. References to laws organizing Executive Departments and other Government establishments at national capital; jbyT. P. Cleaves and J. 0. Courts]. 1893. large 8" (fSSd Cong. Ist sess. H. rp. 49]; serial no. 3158.) [Appeared also ae 53d Con- gress, Ist session, Senate report 41, serial no. 3148,] Or3 Organization of Executive Departmenls and other Government estab- lishments at national capital, and information concerning per- sons employed thcroin. 1893. large 8** ([53d Cong. 1st sess. H. rp. 88]; serial no. 3158.) P84 Post-Oflice Department. Report in relation to methods of accounts in Post-Otfice Department, etc. [favoring H. 4610, 53d Congress, 2d 8es.sion, to im])rove methods of accounting in Post-Office Department]. 1893. large 8° ([53d Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 210] ; serial no. 3158.) T71 Treasury Department. Methods of accounting in Treasury, report [favoring H. 6478, 53d Congress, 2d session, to improve methods of accounting in Department of Treasury]. Mar. 29, 1894. f ** ([53d Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 637]; serial no. 3158.) [See, for Senate report on same subject, T1.2:Ac2.] Y3.F77: Fortifications or Other Defenses Board G95 ^UHft.- Protection of heavy guns for coast defence. [1885.] 4° [Con- fidential.] R29 Report [with committee reports]. 1886. 4<' (49th Cong. Ist sess. H. ex. doc. 49; serial nos. 2395-96.) [In this edition the plates are bound with the text; the ('ongressional edition has them j bound separately.] Y3.F77": Fortlfl cations or Otlier Defenses Board (separates) (CT) [The report of the board and each of the committee reports were issued separately ^ ' with plates belonging thereto] Gold and Silver Commission of Great Britain. See Precious Metals, Royal [British] Commission Appointed to Inquire into Recent Changes in Relative Values of (Y3.P91:). Y3.G75: Grades and Salaries Committee Es8 Estimates for salaries in Executive Departments and [independent] establishments [1909]. 1908. 4° [Also in 60th Congress, 1st session. House document 648, p. 5-125; serial no. 5370.] Ex3 Executive order [authorizing formation of Grades and Salaries Com- mittee, personnel of same, with extracts from report of De- partment Methods Committee on Classification of positions and gradation of salaries for employees of Executive De- j)artments and independent establishments in Washington]. [1907.] t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. A new com- mission has since been appointed under joint resolution approved June 25, 1910, This has necessitated additional classes under Y3., the series titles of which are as follows : Y3.Em7 ^ : Employer's Liability and Workman's Comp>ensation Commission, Annual (date) reports Y3.Em7^: Employer's Liability and Workman's Compensation Commission, Gen- (CT) eral publications Y3.Em7^: Employer's Liability and Workman's Compensation Commission, Bul- (nos.) letins Y3.Em7^: Employer's Liability and Workman's Compensation Commission, Circu- (nos.) lars 1514 Classiflcatlon no. Y3.G81: R29 Y3.G95: R291 R292 Y3.H31: Af2 L44 R29 Y3.H75: R29 Y3.H75«: (CT) Y3.H81 : P94 Y3.Im6: Im6 Y3.In2 ' : R29 Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued Greely, Lieutenant, and Party at Lady Franklin Bay, Board of Officers Considering Relief Ex- pedition to Report of board of officers to consider expedition for relief of Lieut. Greely and party [with Proceedings, Dec. 20, 1883-Feb. 21, 1884]. 1884. Gun Foundry Board Report [Feb. 16, 1884]. 1884. ([48th Cong. 1st sess. H. ex. doc. 97]; serial no. 2204.) Same, with supplementary report of Dec. 20, 1884. 1885. [2261-13] [Also in 48th Congress, 2d session, House executive document 1, pt. 3, p. 255-382; serial no. 2284.] Hawaiian Commission Affairs in Hawaii. Report of Daniel A. Ray on condition of affairs in Hawaii. 1899. Laws of Hawaii, comprising Civil laws and Penal laws, by Sidney M. Ballou, and Session laws of 1898; modified in conformity with recommendations of commission. 1898. [In 3727-16] Report. 1898. [In 3727-16] Homes Commission Reports of President's Homes Commission [with special reference to District of Columbia]: Preliminary report of commission [by George M. Kober, chairman]; Report of committee on build- ing of model houses [by George M. Sternberg, chairman]; Re- port of committee on improvement of existing houses and elimi- nation of insanitary and alley houses [by William H. Baldwin, chairman]; Report of committee on building [regulations; by Frederick L. Siddons, chairman]; [Industrial and personal hygiene, report of committee on social betterment, by George M. Kober, chairman]; Report of committee on social better- ment [by George M. Kober, chairman]; Recommendations [and resolutions of commission]. Published by President's Homes Commission, Washington, D. C, 1908. [5394-599 and 644] [The reports included in this volume were originally issued as separate publica- tions at the private expense of the commission. A few copies were later bound for the commission, likewise at private exjjense. This volume, while not strictly speaking a Govermnent publication, is entered in this Checklist be- cause the commission was a Government body and because its reports were later republished, with many changes and additions, as Senate documents 599 and 644, 60th Congress, 2d session, serial number 5394.] Homes Commission (separates) [None of the separates of the reports of this commission are in the Public Docu- ments Library.] House of Representatives, Commission to Su- pervise Construction of Building for Offices for Proceedings and hearings of House commission to supervise, etc., construction of House office building, Apr. 8, 1904[-Mar, 18, 1905]. [1905.] Immigration Commission Immigrants. Hearing, Jan. 18, 1908 [60th Congress, 1st session], in relation to sec. 42 of immigration act [approved Feb. 20, 1907, concerning accommodations for immigrant passengers]. 1908. Indian Currency Commission (Great Britain) Report of commission appointed to inquire into Indian currency, commonly known as Herschell report on coinage of silver in India; with accompanying correspondence and testimony. 1893. [3146-23] [British document reprinted for United States by order of Congress.] 1515 Classlfloatlon no. Y3.In2=^: Ag8 F49 In2> In22 Iii2* M31 M66 R13 R291 R29 = R293 R29* R29'^ R29« R297 R29» R29" R29i'> Y3. C0MMIS810NH AND BOARDS— Continued Industrial Commission Agriculture. Topical plan of inquiry on conditions of labor and capital employed in agriculture. [1899.] narrow 16° Final report. Preliminary outline for final review of evidence [in final report of commission]. [1901.] [See, for Final report, Y3.In2''^:R29i«.] Industrial Commission. United States Industrial Commission, act of Congress, members [and] officers of commission, sub-commis- sions, committees, report of Committee on Procedure, by-laws. 1st edition. 1898. narrow IG^ Same. 2d edition. 1898. narrow 16" Same. 3d edition. 1899. narrow 16« Same. 4th edition. 1899. narrow 16" Manufactures. Topical plan of inquiry on conditions of labor and capital employed in manufactures and general business. [1899.] narrow 16" Mining. Topical plan of inquiry on conditions of labor and capital employed in mining industry. [1899.] narrow 16" Railway labor. Inquiry concerning legislation affecting railway labor. [1900.] narrow 16" Reports, v. 1: Preliminary report on trusts and industrial combi- nations, with testimony, review of evidence, charts showing effects of [on] prices, and topical digest. 1900. [3990-476] (This is V. 1 on trusts and industrial combinations, v. 2 and 3 laving been issued as v. 2 and 13 of the commission's Reports (Y3.1n22:R292,i3) ] Same, v. 2: Trusts and industrial combinations, statutes and decisions of Federal, State, and Territorial law, with Digest of corporation laws. 1900. [In 3991-476] [This is v. 2 on trusts and industrial combinations, v. 1 and 3 having been issued as v. 1 and 13 of the commission's Reports (YS.ln2^:R29^'^^).] Same, v. 3: Report on prison labor. 1900. [In 3991-476] Same, v. 4: Report on transportation, including review of evi- dence, topical digest of evidence, and testimony so far as taken May 1, 1900. 1900. [In 3992-476] [This is v. 1 on transpor- tation, V. 2 having been issued as v. 9 of the commission's Reports (Y3.In22:R29^).] Same, v. 5: Report on labor legislation, including recommenda- tions as to general legislation, and digests of laws of States and Territories relating to labor generally, to convict labor, and to mine labor. 1900. [In 3992-476] Same, v. 6: Report on distribution of farm products; [bv J. F. Crowell]. 1901. [4168-494] Same, v. 7: Report on relations and conditions of capital and labor employed in manufactures and general business, includ- ing testimony so far as taken Nov. 1, 1900, and digest of testi- mony. 190L [4169-495] [This is v. 1 on conditions of capital and labor in manufactures and general business, v. 2 having been issued as v. 14 of the commission's Reports (Y3.In22: R29'^).] Same. v. 8: Report on Chicago labor disputes of 1900, with especial reference to disputes in building ana machinery trades. 1901. [4338-177] Same, v. 9: Report on transportation, including testimony taken since May 1, 1900, review and topical digest of evidence, and special reports on railway legislation and taxation. 1901. [4339-178] [This is v. 2 on transportation, v. 1 having been issued as v. 4 of the commission's Reports (Y3.In22:R29*).] Same, v. 10: Report on agriculture and agricultural labor, includ- ing testimony, with review and topical digest. 1901. [4340- 179] [This is v. 1 on agriculture, v. 2 having been issued as v. 11 of the commission's Reports (Y3.In22:R29").] 1516 Classification no. Y3.In22: R2912 1129 R29i^ R29''^ R29i« R2917 R29'3 R2919 T68 Y3.In2 2a : (CT) Y3.In8: G561 G56' Y3.Iii8«: (CT) Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued Industrial Commission— Continued Same, v. 11: Report on agriculture and on taxation in various States, including special reports and summaries relating to fictitious sales of farm products, tobacco trade, American farm labor, laws regarding agricultural boards, warehouse and eleva- tor laws, adulteration of food products, and taxation systems. 1901. [4341-180] [This is v. 2 on agriculture, v. 1 having been issued as v. 10 oi the commission's Reports (Y3.In2 2:R29^").] Same, v. 12: Report on relations and conditions of capital and labor employed in mining industry, including testimony, review of evidence, and topical digest. 1901. [4342-181] Same, v. 13: Report on trusts and industrial combinations, including testimony taken since Mar. 1, 1900, with review and digest and special reports on prices and on stocks of industrial corporations [with bibliography]. 1901. [4343-182] [This is V. 3 on trusts and industrial combinations, v. 1 and 2 having been issued as v. 1 and 2 of the commission's Reports (Y3.In2 ^'. R29i'2).] Same, v, 14: Report on relations and conditions of capital and labor employed in manufactures and general business, includ- ing testimony taken after Nov. 1, 1900, with review and digest thereof and special report on domestic service. 1901. [4344- 183] [This is V. 2 on conditions of capital and labor in manu- factures and general business, v. 1 having been issued as v. 7 of the commission's Reports (Y3.In22:R29^).] Same, v. 15: Reports on immigration, including testimony with review and digest and special reports, and on education, including testimony with review and digest. 1901. [4345- 184] Same, v. 16: Report on condition of foreign legislation upon matters affecting general labor; [by F. J. Stimson]. 1901. [4346-185] Same, v. 17: Reports on labor organizations, labor disputes, and arbitration, and on railway labor. 1901. [4347-186] Same, v. 18: Report on industrial combinations in Europe; [by J. W. Jenks]. 1901. [4348-187] Same, V. 19: Final report. 1902. [4.349-380] Transportation. Topical plan of inquiry on conditions of labor and capital employed in transportation. [1899.] narrow 16* Industrial Commission (separates) International Exchange Commission Gold-exchange standard. Stability of international exchange, report on introduction of gold-exchange standard into China and other silver-using countries, submitted Oct. 1, 1903; Hugh H. Hanna, Charles A. Conant, Jeremiah W. Jenks, commissioners. 1903. (58th Cong. 2d sess. H. doc. 144; serial no. 4696.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] Gold standard in international trade, report on introduction of gold- exchange standard into China, Philippine Islands, Panama, and other silver-using countries, and on stability of exchange, submitted Oct. 22, 1904 [with accompanying papers]; Hugh H. Hanna, Charles A. Conant, Jeremiah W. Jenks, commissioners. 1904 [1905]. [4770-128] International Exchange Commission (separates) 1517 ClassIflrAtlon no. Y3.Ir6: C79 R29^ R292 Y3.Ir7: R29 Y3.IS7: P91 R291 R29' Y3.Ii44 Y3. COMMISSIONH AND BOARDS— Continued Iron, Hteel, and Other Metals, Board for Test- ing Copper-tin alloys. Report on preliminary investigation of properties of copper-tin alloys made under direction of committee on me- tallic alloys [ofj board to Test Iron, Steel, and Other Metals, 1879. [Also in 45th Congress, 2d session, House executive document 98, p. 291-592; serial no. 1809. A revised edition of this report appeared also in v. 1 of the 1881 edition of the Report of the board (Y3.Ir6:R29 ').] Report. 1881 . v. 1. [This is the 2d edition of the report which was issued in 1878 as House executive document 98, 45th Congress, 2d session, serial no. 1809.] Same. 1881. v. 2. [1921-23] [This is the final report of the board.] Irrigation of San Joaquin, Tulare, and Sacra- mento Valleys, Cal., Board of Commis- sioners on Report. 1874. ([43d Cong, let sess. H. ex. doc. 290]; serial no. 1615.) Isthmian Canal Commission, 1899-1902 [Act approved Mar. 3, 1899 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 1150), authorized the President to make investigation of any and all practicable routes for a canal across the IsthmTis of I'anama. The commission was appointed June 10, 1899, and held its first meeting in Washington, D. C, on June 15, 1899. After completing its work and reporting thereon the commission ceased to exist about Feb. 28, 1902. See, for Isthmian Canal Commission, 1904-, W73.] Preliminary report of the Isthmian Canal Commission [John G. Walker, Samuel Pasco, George S. Morison, Oswald H. Ernst, Lewis M. Ilaupt, Alfred Noble, Peter C. Hains, William H. Burr, and Emory R. Johnson] Nov. 30, 1900. [1900.] [4029-5] Report of Isthmian Canal Commission [John G. Walker, Samuel Pasco, George S. Morison, Oswald 11. Ernst, Lewis M. Haupt, Alfred Noble, Peter C. Hains, William H. Burr, and Emory R. Johnson, June 15] 1899-[Nov. 16] 1901. 1904. 4° [4609, v. 1-222] Same [atlas of plates]. [1904.] 4« [4609, v. 2-222] [Originally printed, with omission of certain appendixes, and without atlas, as 57th Congress, 1st session, Senate document 54, 2 pts., serial no. 4225. The work here listed is complete. The appendixes include special reports pre- ?ared for the commission, treaties made by Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Colombia with United States and other countries, concessions made by them to varioTis parties for construction of an interoceanic canal, etc. Appended also is the commission's supplementary Report upon propasition of New Panama Canal Company to sell all its rights, property, and unfinished work to United Slates, originally published as 57th Congress, 1st session, Senate document 123, serial no. 4230.] Laws of United States, Commission to Revise [Act approved June 4, 1897 (Stat. U. v. .30, p. 58), provided "that the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint three commi.ssioners, whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the Attorney-General, to revise and codify the criminal and penal laws of the United States." The duties of this commission were extended, by act approved Mar. 3, 1899 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 1110). to include the revision of laws concerning the jurisdiction and prac- tice of the United States courts. Pv act approved Mar. 3, 1901 (Stat. L. v. 31, p. 1181), Congress further extended the duties of the commission to include the revision of all laws of a permanent and general nature. Congress, by act approvedJune30,190(5(Stat.L. v. 34,pt.l, p. 754), directed that the commission should complete its work and make a nnal report to Congress on or before Dec. lt>, 190(;. The commission was at first known as Commission to Revise and Codify Criminal and Penal Laws, later, when its duties were enlarged, as Commission to Revi.se Laws of United States. Although by law the commission made annual reports to the Attorney-General, its final report was to be marie directly to Congress, therefore the publications of the commission are clas.sed under Y3., Commi.ssions and boards, rather than J., Justice Department. See, for information concerning earlier Revision of Statutes Commission, Y3.R32:J 1518 Classification no. Y3.Ii4:4: C49 C83 C861 C862 F491 F492 P37 Y3.M53 M51 M53 M53 = R29 R292 R293 Y3.M53«: (CT) Y3.M59: Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued Ijaws of United States, Commission to Revise- Continued Civil rights and public justice, offenses against elective franchise and civil rights of citizens and offenses against public justice . 1898 . Courts of United States. Revision of laws concerning organization and jurisdiction of courts of United States. 1899. [Prelimi- nary draft. See, for later editions which are in Congressional set only, [3846-49] and [4227-68, pt. 1].] Crimes. Proposed code to define and punish crimes arising within territorial and maritime jurisdiction of United States. Sept. 20, 1898. Crimes. United States courts, crimes and offenses, report of Commis- sion to Revise and Codify Criminal and Penal Laws, Nov. 15, 1900. 1900. [Also found in Justice Department report, 1900, p. 401 (Jl. 1:900).] Final report [Dec. 15, 1906], v. 1: Titles 1-28. 1906. large 8° Same, v. 2: Titles 29-80. 1906. large 8« Penal code of United States, report [May 15, 1901], of Commission to Revise and Codify Criminal and Penal Laws. 1901. [4227-68, pt.2] Merchant Marine Commission Memorandum [on S. 6291, 58th Congress, 3d session, for develop- ment of American merchant marine and commerce]. [1905.] Merchant marine. Development of American merchant marine and commerce [pt. 1 of report submitting H. 17098, 58th Con- gress, 3d session, identical with S. 6291, 58th Congress, 3d session, to promote national defense, to create force of naval volunteers, to establish ocean mail lines to foreign markets, to promote commerce and encourage deep-sea fisheries by granting subsidies to vessels, and to provide revenue from tonnage; submitted by Mr. Grosvenor]. [1905.] Same, with title, Pt. 2 of report [views of minority on H. 17098, 58th Congress, 3d session, identical with S. 6291, 58th Con- gress, 3d session, to promote national defense, to create force of naval volunteers, to establish ocean mail lines to foreign markets, to promote commerce and encourage deep-sea fish- eries by granting subsidies to vessels, and to provide revenue from tonnage]. [1905.] See, for report of Merchant Marine Commission on S. 6291, 58th Congress, 3d session, with hearings, Y3.M53:R29^-'^. Report [submitting S. 6291, 58th Congress, 3d session, to promote national defense, to create force of naval volunteers, to estab- lish ocean mail lines to foreign markets, to promote commerce and encourage deep-sea fisheries by granting subsidies to vessels, and to provide revenue from tonnage, with views of minority and] testimony [submitted by Mr. Gallinger], y. 1: Report and recommendations of commission, including views of minority, and hearings on north Atlantic Coast. 1905. [4757-2755] Same, v. 2: Hearings on Great Lakes and Pacific Coast. 1905. [4758-2755] Same, v. 3: Hearings on southern coast and at Washington, D. C, and general index. 1905. [4759-2755] Merchant Marine Commission (separates) Military Academy, West Point, Commission to Examine [Appointed under sec. 8 of act of June 21, 1860. Organized at Military Academy, West Point, July 18, 18G0, and there pursued investigations until Sept. 5, 1860. Dec. 13, 1860, submitted report to Senate and House of Represen- 1519 CiMsiflcatlon no. Y3.M59: R29 Y3.M74:: R29» R292 R293 R29* Y3.N21 ' : R29 Y3.N212: B221 B222 C76» Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued Military Academy, West Point, Commission to Examine— Continued Report of Commission to Examine into Organization, System of Discipline, and Course of Instruction of Military Academy, West Point. [Dec. 13, 18G0, reprinted] 1881. ((36th Cong. 2d sess. S. misc. doc. 3]; serial no. 1089.) [This bureau edition of 315 p. contains same matter as Congressional edition of 350 p.] ^ Monetary (or Silver) Commission of United States, 1876 Report and accompanying documents of United States Monetary Commission, 1876. 1877. v. 1. ([44th Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 703]; serial no. 1738.) [Back-title reads: Report of Silver Commission.] Same, with title, Documents accompanying report. 1879. v. 2. [1739-703] Reports of Silver Commission of 1876; reprint of Senate report 703, 44th Congress, 2d session [without accompanying documents]. 1887. [2429-396, pt. 1] Same. [Reprint] 1896. Naturalization Commission Report; submitted Nov. 8, 1905. doc. 46; serial no. 4984.) 1905. (59th Cong. Ist sess. H. National Monetary Commission, 1908- [The commission has issued many other publications which are not listed below because they appeared only as Congressional documents.] Banking laws. Hearings on changes in administrative features of national banking laws, Dec. 2, 3, 1908. 1908. [Also in 61st Congress, 2d session, S. doc. 404, p. 191-374, serial no. 5612.] Banking laws. Replies to circular letter of inquiry [sent to all national banks] Sept. 26, 1908, on suggested changes in ad- ministrative features of national banking laws. 1909. [This same material, rearranged, appears also in 61st Congress, 2d session. Senate document 404, p. 5-180, serial no. 5612.] Conferences. List of conferences in London, Paris, and Berlin, held by National Monetary Commission, and papers and statistics [on banking, etc.] to be prepared for commission; corrected to Jan. 30, 1909. 1909. C762 Same; corrected to Mar. 18, 1909. 1909. F52 Fiscal systems. Report to National Monetary Commission on fiscal systems of United States, England, France, and Germany. 1909. [5611-403] P96* Publications in course of prepaiation for National Monetary Com- mission. Nov. 1, 1909. ' P962 Same. Dec. 1, 1909. Y3.N21^: National Waterways Commission t [Created by act approved Mar. 3, 1909 (Stat. L. v. 35, pt. 1, p. 818), which pro- vided that the terra of the commission should expire on Mar. 4, 1911. t] B45 Berlin, Germany. Report [July 22, 1903]^ on canals and navigable rivers in district of Berlin; [by Frank H. Mason]. 1909. (National Waterways Commission. Document 1.) t Since the period covered by this Checklist the National Waterways Commission, in addition to the publications listed on p. 1519 and 1520, has issued Documents 12-15 and a preliminary report which appeared as 61st Congress, 2d session. Senate document 301, in serial no. 5657. The rivers and harbors appropriation act approved Feb. 27, 1911 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 956) provides that the commission "snail be continued until Nov. 4, 1911 * * * and shall make a final report to Congress * * * not later than Nov. 4, 1911." In Dec. 1911, the report is in preparation; to be ready for press in Jan. 1912. 1520 Classification no. Y3.N213: C44 C761 C762 D37 Eu7 H17 M69 R34 R81 Un3i Un32 Y3.N21*: R29 Y3.N51: R291 R292 Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued National Waterways Cominlsslon f— Continued China. Memorandum on navigation of rivers of China, Korea, and Russian far East; [by Willard D. Straight]. 1909. (National Waterways Commission . Document 3 . ) Consular officers. Questions [concerning European waterways] for consular officers in Europe, to follow letter from State Depart- ment. 1909. (National Waterways Commission. Docu- ment 2.) ♦ Consular officers. Questions showing scope of work of National Waterways Commission, including inquiries [concerning waterways in Europe and United States] transmitted to con- sular and engineer officers of United States. 1909. (National Waterways Commission. Document 6.) Delaware and Raritan Canal. Statement of expenses, net earnings, excess of expenses, tons, and tons 1 mile of Delaware and Raritan Canal, 1872-1908. 1909. (National Waterways Com- mission. Document 4.) Europe. Reports of consular officers of United States located in Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Belgium, and Nether- lands, on river and harbor improvements in their respective districts. July 20, 1909. (National Waterways Commission. Document 7.) Hamburg, Germany. Report [Nov. 27, 1903, on port of Hamburg and lower Elbe; by F. A. Mahan]. 1909. (National Water- ways Commission. Document 5.) Mississippi River. Traffic history of Mississippi River system; by Frank Haigh Dixon. Dec. 1909. (National Waterways Com- mission. Document 11.) Rhine River. Act for construction of navigable canal from Rhine to Elbe, and report on project, description and tables of cost, etc., of canals and canalized rivers 111 Germany; translated by Annie M. Brainard. July 21, 1909. (National Waterways Commission. Document 8.) Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways. Summary of report [July 31, 1906] of Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways of Great Britain; by Woodbury Pulsifer. July 24, 1909. (National Waterways Commission. Document 9,) United States. Tabulated statement relating to internal waterways improved by United States Government. [Dec. 1909.] 4^* ([National Waterways Commission. Document 10.]) Same; revised and corrected to Jan. 1, 1910. Dec. 1909, [pub- lished] 1910. 4*' (National Waterways Commission. Docu- ment 10.) National Coast-Defense Board Report. 1906. ([59th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 248]; serial no. 4913.) Nicaragua Canal Commission Report. Lord Baltimore Press, Friedenwald Company, Baltimore, 1899. 40 Same [atlas of maps and profiles]. [Lord Baltimore Press, Frieden- wald Company, Baltimore, 1899.] 4*' [The Nicaragua Canal Commission was constituted by the act of June 4, 1897. This, its complete report, is dated May 9, 1899. The report was not published by the commission that made it, but, in a linjited edition only, by the Isthmian Canal Commission, constituted by the act of Mar. 3, 1899.] t -See footnote on p. 1519. 1521 ClatMlfkcatlon no. Y8.P11: R29 T28» T282 T28-' T28* T285 T28« T28" T28« T28" Y3.Plia: (CT) Y3.P27: R29 Y3.P53: R291 R292 R293 R29* Y3.P83: R29> R292 82452°- Y8. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued Pacific Railway Commission Reporta. Pacific railway reports, message of PreKicIent, and majority and minority reports of commission appointed to investigate Pacific railways. [Jan. 17, 1888, reprint] Mar. 20, 1896. [This reprint is the report of the commission which apnears as pt. 1 of 50th Congress, Ist session, Senate executive aocument 51, the bureau edition of which is bound with the indexes for the testimony taken by the commission. See, for the original print of the report, Y3.P11:T28«.] Testimony [Apr. 27-May 19, 1887]; reported by Charles P. Young. 1887. [v. 1.] [2505-51, pt. 21 [See, for pt. 1 of document 51, serial no. 2505„y3.Pll:T28^] Same [May 24-June 7, 1887]. 1887. v. 2. [2505-51, pt. 3J Same [June 20-July 8, 1887]. 1887. v. 3. [2506-^1, pt. 4] Same [July 11-21, 1887, with additional testimony, Sept. 13-15, 1887]. 1887. v. 4. [2506-51, pt. 5] Same [July 25-Aug. 8, 1887]. 1887. v. 5. [2507-51, pt. 6] Same [Aug. 9-18, 1887, with additional testimony, Aug. 22-31, 1887]. 1887. v. 6. [2507-51, pt. 7] Same [Aug. 22-Oct. 25, 1887, miscellaneous papers, etc.]. 1887. v. 7. [2508-51, pt. 8] Same [reports of inspecting engineer and accountants]. 1887. V. 8. (50th Cong. Ist sess. S. ex. doc. 51, pt. 9; serial no. 2509.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same [alphabetical, analytical, and topical indexes, by Edward C. Manners; with] Report of commission and of minority commis- sioner, reported by Charles P. Young. [1887.] [2509-51, pt. 10 and 2505-51 [pt. 1] ] [This volume has no general title- page. A title-page is given, however, for the Report of the commission, and bears the imprint date 1887. The back-title of the volume reads: Report of commission and of minority commissioner; alphabetical and analytical index. See, for 1896 reprint of report, Y3.Pli:R29.] Pacific Railway Commission (separates) [The original print of the report of the commission and the indexes to the testimony were also issued separately.) Patent and Trade- Mark Laws Commission Report of commissioners to revise statutes relating to patents, trade, and other marks, and trade and commercial names, under act approved June 4, 1898. 1902. [4031-20] Philippine Commission, 1899-1900 (or Schurman Com- mistfion) See, for Philippine Commission, 1900-, or Taft Commission, W49. Report. 1900. v. 1. [3885, v. 1-138] Same. 1900. v. 2. [3885, v. 1-138] Same. 1901. v. 3. [3885, v. 2-138] Same. 1901. v. 4. [3885, v. 3-138] See, for atlas accompanying report, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Special publication 3 (T11.16:3). Porto Rico Laws Commission Report of commission to revise and compile laws of Porto Rico, v. 1, f)ta. 1-3: Commentaries on proposed revision. 1901. large 8® 4327-52] [English and Spanish.] Same, v. 2, pts. 4, 5: Text of proposed revision. 1901. large 8** [4327-52] [English and Spanish.] 11 96 1522 Classification no. Y3.P8i ' : T281 T282 T283 T28* Y3.P84:2: R29^ R292 Y3.P84: ^a : (CT) Y3.P91 : R29 Y3.P93: Ap6 R291 R29^ Y3.P96 ' : Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued Postal Service, Commission to Investigate, 1898-1901 [Commission appointed by act approved June 13, 1898 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 445), and continued by acts approved Mar. 1, 1899 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 96G) and June 2, 1900 (Stat. L. V. 31, p. 2G1), the last of which directed the commission to report to Congress on or before Jan. 1, 1901.] Testimony, pt. 1: Railway-mail pay. 1900. Same [with Report of commission]. 1901. [This volume is the same as the previous print of pt. 1 (Y3.P84 ^:T28 ^), except that bound in front of the testimony is the report of the commission, 47 p., which appeared as 56th Congress, 2d session. House report 2284, serial no. 4212.] Same, pt. 2: Railway-mail pay. 1900. Same, pt. 3: 2d-clas8 mail matter, pneumatic-tube service, etc 1900. See, for 2d edition of report and testimony, with additions, 56th Congress, 2d session, Senate document 89, 3 pts,, serial nos. 4036-38. Postal Commission, 1906-07 Report of Postal Commission authorized by Congress to make inquiry regarding 2d-clas8 mail matter. 1907. [5060-5630] Report of Postal Commission authorized by Congress to make inquiry regarding 2d-clas8 mail matter, with Hearings, Oct. 1-Nov. 28, 1906, [List of works relating to 2d-clas8 mail matter], and Index- digest of testimony. 1907. Ixv + 934 p. [5201-608] [An incomplete print of the document edition having only 63 p. was printed but omitted from the Congressional set.] Postal Commission, 1906-07 (separates) [The hearings before the commission were also issued separately.] Precious Metals, Royal [British] Commission Appointed to Inquire into Recent Changes In Relative Values of (or Gold and Silver Commission of Great Britain) Report. Final report. 1889. [2615-34] [British document re- printed for United States by order of Congress.] See Homes Commis- Presldent's Homes Commission. sion (Y3.H75:). Printing Investigation Commission Appropriations and expenditures for public printing and binding during fiscal years 1905-07; by Victor L. Ricketts. 1908. Report of Congressional Printing Investigation Commission, created by act approved Mar. 3, 1905, making appropriations to supply deficiencies, etc., v. 1: Hearings. 1906. Same, v. 2: Appendix and preliminary report. 1906. Public Land Commission, 1879-80 [This commission appointed by President Hayes, July 1, 1879, under act of Mar. 3, 1879 (Stat. L. V. 20, p. 394), and continued by act of June 16, 1880 (Stat. L. v. 21, p. 245), was directed by law to codify the land laws and submit a plan for the classification of the public lands, the work to be finished by Jan. 1, 1881. The commissioners were James A. Williamson, commissioner of General Land Office, Clarence King, geologist. Alexander T. Britton, John W. Powell, and Thomas Donaldson. Their puolications are said to exhibit the entire legisla- tion of Congress, up to and through the 2d session of the 46th Congress, upon which public land titles in the States and Territories have depended, with a digest of all Indian treaties affecting titles, a;nd tables of judicial and executive decisions. After the commission ceased to exist, later editions were issued which embraced the laws passed up to the end of the 47th Congress, 1st ses- sion, but as the later editions are only continuations of the publications of the commission, brought down to date by the original compiler where possible, in other cases the work being done by the General Land Office, they are classed here with the publications of the commission.] 1523 ( l«i««tflr.tlon Y3. COMMIHSIONH AND BOARDS— Continued no. Y3.in)<>': Public Land Commission, 1879-80— Continued See, for earlier compilations of land lawn, editions of 1810 or 1811 (1 V.) and 1817 (2 prints of I v.), T1.2:P96>-'; for editions of 1828 [v. lland 1836, v. 2, Y1.1:P96''^ for edition of 1838 (2 v.), Y1.1:P96^*. G28 G282 L78 L782 L783 L78* P96» P96» P963 General laws. Existing laws of United States of general and perma- nent character relating to survey and disposition of public domain, Dec. 1, 1880, embracing references to previous legis- lation, and citations of decisions from Federal and State courts and from executive officers of United States. [1st edition.] 1880. [This compilation appeared also in the Congressional set, preceded by the final report of the commission, as 46th Confess, 3d session, House executive document 47, pt. 1, serial no. 1975.] Same, with [Final report of commission], Supplement embracing laws passed at 3d session of 46th ana 1st session of 47th Con- gresses, and Digest of late decisions under land laws in con- tinuation of citation of [judicial and executive] decisions; Srepared under direction of commissioner of General I^nd iffice. [2d edition.] 1884. [2155-45, pt. 1] [Only the "Supplement" and "Digest" were prepared under direction of commissioner of General Land Office.] Local laws. Laws of United States of local or temporary character exhibiting entire legislation of Congress upon which public land titles in each State and Territory have depended, Dec. 1, 1880, embracing digest of all Indian treaties arfecting titles to public lands, abstract of authority for, and boundaries of, existing military reservations, and table of judicial and execu- tive decisions affecting various subjects arising under public land system. [1st edition.] 1880. v. 1. [1976-47, pt. 2] Same. [Ist edition.] 1880. v. 2. [1976^7, pt. 3] Same, with Supplement embracing laws passed at 3d session of 46th and 1st session of 47th Congresses, and Digest of late deci- sions under land laws in continuation of citation of [judicial and executive] decisions; prepared under direction of commis- sioner of General Land Office. [2d edition.] 1884, v. 1. [2156-45, pt. 2] [Only the "Supplement" and "Digest" were prepared under the direction of the commissioner of the General I>and Office. This edition of v. 1 is identical with the 1880 edition of v. 1, except for the title- f)age, which mentions a " Supplement" and a " Digest". The rormer is found n V. 2 of the 1884 edition entered below; the latter, at the end of the 1884 edition of Existing laws of general and permanent character (Y3.P96»:r,2S2). This "Digest" is a continuation of the citation of decisions found at the beginning of v. 1 in both the 1880 and 1884 editions.] Same, fid edition.] 1884. v. 2. [2157-45, pt. 3] [The back- titles of both V. 1 and v. 2 of this 1884 edition bear the date 1882.] Public domain, its history, with statistics, with references to national domain, colonization, acquirement of territory, survey, admin- istration and methods of sale and disposition of public domain of United States, with sketch of legislative history of land States and Territories, and references to land svstem of the colonies and of several foreign governments; by Thomas Don-, aldson. [Ist edition.] 1880. Same. [2d edition] revised July 16, 1881. 1881. (46th Cong. 3d sesa. H. ex. doc. 47, pt. 4; serial no. 1975.) [No edition with- out Congressional document number.] Same, [with] addenda to June 30 and Dec. 1, 1883, [and] all forms' and regulations to Dec. 1, 1883; revision and addenda byj Thomas Donaldson. [3d edition.] 1884. [2158^5, pt. 4] [The list of maps and diagrams which is p. xi of the bureau! edition is omitted from the Congressional edition.] 1524 Classification no. Y3.P961: R29 Y3.P96 R29 R292 Y3.P96 2": (CT) Y3.R32: Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued PubUc Land Cominlssloii, 1879-80 — Continued Report. [Preliminary] report relating to public lands in western portion of United States and to operation of existing land laws with letters and testimony taken by commission]. 1880. 1923^6] [See, for final report, Existing laws of general and permanent character relating to survey and disposition of pub- 'ic domain, note following entry under Y3.P96^:G28^ and the entry under Y3.P96i:G282.] Public Lands Commission, 1903-05 [Appointed by President Roosevelt, Oct. 22, 1903, to report upon the condition, operation, and effect of existing land laws, and to recommend needed changes. The commission was composed of W. A. Richards, commissioner of General Land Olhce. F. H. Newell, chief engineer in charge of the Reclamation Serv- ice, and Gifford Pinchot, chief forester. Partial reports were transmitted by the President to Congress, Mar. 7, 1904, and Feb. 13, 1905; the appendix to the report was transmitted Mar. 2, 1905; the whole being finally issued in one volume. See Y3.P96 2:R29 2.] Report. Preliminary report upon condition, operation, and effect of present land laws, and to recommend changes; 2d partial report upon condition, operation, and effect of present land laws. [1905.] [Made up of 58th Congress, 2d session, Senate docu- ment 188, serial no. 4591, and 58th Congress, 3d session, Senate document 154, serial no. 4765.] Report, with appendix. 1905. (58th Cong. 3d sess. S. doc. 189; serial no. 4766.) [Consists of the commission's j)reliminary report, Senate document 188, 58th Congress, 2d session, and 2d partial report, Senate document 154, 58th Congress, 3d session, and appendix.] Public Lands Commission, 1903-05 (separates) Revision of Statutes Commission See, for Revised statutes, S7.10:, and for Commission to Revise Laws of United States, appointed under act approved June 4, 1897, Y3.L44: [.\s early as 1848 the bulk of the Statutes at large, then filling 9 volumes, led to a desire for a revision, excluding private and obsolete enactments and including the whole body of permanent general laws of the United States in one volume. In 1848 there was a strong report from the House Judiciary Committee in favor of such a revision, and other similar reports followed, with the result that an act approved June 27, 1866 (Stat. L. v. 14, p. 74) , was passed by Congress. The commissioners appointed under this act were Caleb Cushing, Charles P. James, and William Johnson. The first appropriation to carry out this law was in an act approved Mar. 2, 18G7 (Stat. L. v. 14, p. 455, 456), and it is not probable that the commissioners began work before the appropriation became available. Cushing was sent to Bogota in 1868 to adjust a diplomatic dispute, and it does not appear that he acted further with thAtommission. The OiTieial register of 1869 contains only the names of James Md Johnson as commissioners. By act approved May 4, 1870 (Stat. L. v. 16, p. 96), the law of June 1866, was extended three years longer, and the names of the commissioners given in the Official register were Charles P. James, Benj. Vaughan Abbott, and Victor C. Barringer. Several reports were made by the commissioners in which it appeared that they had made many minor changes in the wording of the statutes, though such changes were noted in the margins. Their work was not acceptable for the reason that it was regarded as impossible to enact a revision , of the statutes proposing so many changes. An act approved Mar. 3, 1873 (Stat. L. V. 17, p. 579), was passed putting the work under the control of a joint committee of the House and Senate, composed of Members and Sen- ators appointed from the Committees on the Revision of the Laws of the Senate and House respectively, which was authorized to receive from the commissioners whatever reports they should make, and discharge them when their term of service expired, which was May 4, 1873. The joint committee was also authorized to contract with some person or persons, learned in the law, to complete the work of revising the statutes of the United States, and Thomas Jefferson Durant was selected to continue and finish the work. Durant revised the commissioners' work, and his revision was introduced in the House as a bill of the 43d Congress, 1st session, Dec. 10, 1873, by Benjamin F. Butler, being given the number H. 1215. The copy of this bill in the Public Docu- ments Library is without title-page, bill number, or heading, the lines being numbered by sections as bills usually are, bound in leather, with back title: Proposed revision of laws, 1873 {see Y3.I132:P94). This bill was referred to the Committee on Revision of the Laws, and copies sent to many distinguished lawyers throughout the United States, that it might be examined and made as perfect as possible when reported to the House. The title given to the bill on 152:) CUssliic«tlon Y;i. COMMIHHIONS AND BOARDS -Continuofl J ^^Y3;R32: Revision of Statutes Commission— Continued its 2(1 reading in the House was Bill to revise and consolidate statutes of United States in force on 1st day of December, 1873. It passed the House, was en- grossed, and sent to the senate, where it also passed. The copy of the act in the Public Documents Library f Y3.it82:Ac8) bears the autograph signatures of J:^nii\s C. niaine, Speaker of tno ITonsc, Mitttliew H. Carpenter. President of I : uid the approval of i it'd by U. S. Grant. President of tilt !es. This copy w 1 hy Luke P. Poland to Dr. Wm. K. > ii thattimeareadiii. ■ Ilouse. The act was approved June 22, 1S7-I, and published in 1875, tlio volume containing also, as an appen- dix, an act to correct errors and supply omissions, approved Feb. 18, 1875 (S7.9:18n. A report by Dnrant, made to the joint committee and embodying a statement of the changes he liad made in the work of the commissioners, is referred to by Mr. Poland in the debates on the bill before tlie House of Representatives, for which see Congressional record, Jan. 21, 1874 (X182, p. 819). This report is supposed to have been published, though diligent inquiry has failed to locate a copy. Durant also rexised the laws relating to the District of Columbia, and compiled the Indian treaties, tlie posfc-roaa bill, and the bill regulating the punishment for military offenses. In 1877, George S. Routwell was appointed a commissioner for the purpose of preparing and publisliing a new edition of the 1st volume of the Revised stat- utes. This edition was published in 1878, and is the legal standard; see 87.10:1.] Ap8 Aot to revise and consolidate statutes of United States in force, i Dec. 1, 1873. [1874.] large 8° [Back title reads: Act revis- i ing and consolidating statutes of United States, 1st session, 43d Congress, 1873-74.] P94 Proposed revision of laws. [Bill, H. 1215, 43d Congress, to revise and consolidate statutes of United States in force, Dec. 1, 1873.] [1873.] large 8** [Back title reads: Proposed revision of laws, 1873. This volume is Thomas Jefferson Durant 's revision.] R32' Revision of United States statutes as drafted by commissioners appointed for that purpose, as bound for examination by Com- mittee of House of Representatives of 42d Congress on Revision of Laws. 1872. v. 1. R32- Same. 1872. v. 2. [Both of these volumes are composed of separatelj^ paged ** titles" and consecutively numbered with a numbering machine. All of the ''titles" were also printed separately.] Y3.R32n: Revision of Statutes Commission (separates) (CT) Y3.Sa5: Santo Domingo Commission R29 Report of commission of inquiry'- to Santo Domingo, with introductory message of President, special reports made to commission, state papers furnished by Dominican Government, and statements of over 70 witnesses. 1871. ([42d Cong. Ist sess. S. ex. doc. 9]; serial no. 1466.) Silver Commission of 1876. See Monetary (or Silver) Com- mission of United States, 1876 (Y3.M74:). y.S.Sp'J: I Spanisli Treaty Claims Commission ' (Organized Apr. 8, 1901, under act approved Mar. 2. 19Q1 (Stat. L. v. 31, p. 877). This act provided that the commission should consist of 5 members to be appointed by the President, and that their power and jurisdiction should I end 2 years from date of act. The President was given power to grant 6 month-s extensions from time to time. The commission finally became ex- tinct May 2, 1910. By the Treaty of Paris. Dec. 1.S98, the United States and Spain mutually agreed to relinquish all claims for indemnity againsteach other, individual as well as national, the United States at the same time agreeing to adjudicate and settle the claims of its citizens against Spain. It was for the examination of these claims that the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission was created. Dnring the 9 years of its existence it examined 642 claims, involving $64,9.31 ,094. It awarded altogether only $1 ..387.845. Although this Checklist Is intended to end with the calendar year 1909, an excep- tion has been made for the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, and the final publications issued by it in 1910 have been added in order to make the list of its publications complete.] See, for publications of Assistant Attorney-General for Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, JIO. 152(^ Classification no. (date) Y3.Sp2-: B96^ B962 B963 C331 C332 C52» C522 C523 052^ C52« C76 C81 083 C89» Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS -Continued Spanish. Treaty Claims Coinmission, Annual reports [None issued.] Spanish. Treaty Claims Commission, General publications [Most of these miscellaneous publications were known to the conunission by assigned numbers which do not however appear on the publications until nos. 15-22, which are included in one pamphlet. These assigned numbers mclude some Congressional documents and slip laws which are not included in this list.] Business. History of proceedings from Apr. 8, 1901, condition of business, Jan. 17, 1903, extension of powers and jurisdiction for 6 months from Mar. 2, 1903. [1903.] large 8" (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. [Document 13.]) Business. Condition of business, Feb. 27, 1905, letter to House Ap- propriation Committee. [1905.] large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 33.) Business. Letter to President asking extension of time for work [of commission and showing] progress of business, Apr, 1-Aug. 1, 1906. Aug. 1, 1906. large 8» (Spanish Treaty Claims Com- mission. Document 39.) [In 5070-109] Central Teresa Sugar Company case, no. 97, record [in case of com- pany, assignee of Josepn Rigney & Co.]. 1905. large 8° Central Tuinicti Sugar-Cane Manufacturing Company. Before Span- ish Treaty Claims Commission, Central Tuinicu Sugar-Cane Manufacturing Company v. United States, no. 240, testimony of oflficers taken in Spain by letters rogatory. [1906.] large 8° Claimants. Meeting of May 2, 1905, proceedings on motions of [assist- ant] Attorney-General to dismiss petitions for want of prosecu- tion after demurrers had been sustained and for failure of claimants to comply with orders to make more specific state- ments of causes of action. [1905.] (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 34.) Claims. Report of assistant Attorney-General in charge of defense of claims before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission [Nov. 12, 1903-] Nov. 14, 1904. [1904.] large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 28.) Same, [Nov. 14, 1904-] Nov. 14, 1905. [1905.] large 8« (Span- ish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 37.) Claims. Special report, Sept. 29, 1906, and annual report, [Nov. 14, 1905-] Nov. 1, 1906, of assistant Attorney-General in charge of defense of claims before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. [1906.] large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Doc- ument 42.) [In 5070-109] Claimants. Meetings of Jan. 29, 30, and Feb. 5, 1906, proceedings on orders to claimants to show cause why petitions should not be dismissed for want of prosecution and on motions to dismiss made by [assistant] Attorney-General. [1906.] large 8" (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 38.) Congress. Acts of Congress relative to commission. Mar. 16, 1903. large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. [Document 14.]) Corporations. Treatise on nationality of corporations, by P. Armin- jon; translation by William E. Spear. 1907. large S'' (Span- ish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 53.) Counsel. Memorandum for guidance of counsel. Mar. 1, 1907- large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 48.) Cuba. Instructions to commissioners to govern taking of testimony in Cuba, adopted Sept. 1, 1902, with Order 79, Department of Cuba, Mar. 15, 1902. 1904. (Spanish Treaty Claims Commis- sion. [Document 4.]) 1527 CUsHlflcatloB no. Y3. Sp2^: C89» C89* C89* C89« D35 D37 D65> D652 Ex8' Ex82 Ex83 Ex8* Ex8^ Ex88 Ex8" Ex8« Ex8» Ex8»o Ex8" Ex8" Ex8»3 F32 M84 Cuba. Cuba. Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS -Continued Spanisli Treaty Claims C'oininlsHlon, General pii bllcations— Continued Cuba. Additional instructionH to comniisHionerB to take testimony in Cuba. Feb. 20, 1907. (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 47.) Order 1244 [requiring payment by claimants of cost of taking depositions in Cuba, and] order 1246 [that such payment shall be made in checks payable to order of commission]. [1907.] large 8** (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 51.) Memorandum entered by commission, Mar. 22, 1907, in con- nection with Order 1244, requiring payment by claimants of cost of taking depositions in Cuba, [1907.] large 8° (Span- ish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 50.) Cuban oflScials. Memorandum relative to certification of copies of public documents by Cuban officials. Dec. 24, 1904. large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 31.) Cuba. Reports of captains-general of campaign operations in Cuba, commencing Feb. 1895 [translation]. 1906. large 8° Declaration of claimants under order of Dec. 24, 1906. [1907.] large 8«* (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 44.) Delgado case, no. 151, record [in case of Jos^ Gregorio and Jos^ Manuel Delgado]. 1905. large 8° Docket. [Proceedings of] meeting of December 20 [and 21] 1906 [call of docket under Order 1000]. [1906.] large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 43.) Documents supplemental to those numbered 1-14. [1904.] large 8° ([Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Documents 15-22.]) Extending time. Order of President extending time for work of commission [for 6 months from Sept. 2, 1904]. July 30, 1904. large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 29.) Same [for 6 months from Mar. 2, 1905]. Jan. 31, 1905. large 8'» (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 32.) Same [for 6 months from Sept. 2, 1905]. Aug. 3, 1905. (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 35.) Same [for 6 months from Mar. 2, 1906]. Feb. 5, 1906. large 8o (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 36.) Same [to Jan. 1, 1907]. Aug. 8, 1906. larce 8« (Spanish Treaty Document 40.) [In 5070-109] Oct. 6, 1906. large 8° (Spanish Treaty Document 41 . ) [In 5070-109] Claims Commission. Same [to Mar. 2, 1907]. Claims Commission. Same [for 6 months from Mar. 2, 1907]. (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Same [for 6 months from Sept. 2, 1907]. (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Same [for 6 months from Mar. 2, 1908]. (Spanish Treaty CUaims Commission. Same [for 6 months from Sept. 2, 1908]. (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Same [for 6 months from Mar. 2, 1909]. (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Same [for 6 months from Sept. 2, 1909]. (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Same [for 2 months from Mar. 2, 1910]. (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Fees of attorneys. Appeals to Supreme Court, question of fixing fees of attorneys. May 16, 1902. large 8" (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission . [ Documen til.]) Mortgage cases. [Additional rule adopted by commission relative to mortgage cases.] [1904.] large 8» (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission . Dopument 24.) Feb. 2, 1907. large 8" Document 45.) Aug. 6, 1907. large 8° Document 52.) Feb. 5, 1908. large 80 Document 54.) Aug. 3, 1908. Document 55.) Feb. 5, 1909. Document 56.) Aug. 6, 1909. Document 57.) Feb. 9, 1910. Document 58.) large 8* large 8" larn-e 8° large 8° 1528 Classiflcattoit no. Y3.Sp2-: PI 9 R29 R67 R861 R86 2 R863 Rse-* R86-' R86« T281 T282 T63 Y3.Sp2 3: (nos.) Y3.Sp2*: (nos.) Y3.Sp2^: (docket nos.) Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS- Continued Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, General publications — Continued Papers printed for use of commission; by Clifford Warden. 1901. (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. [Document 6.]) Report. Final report, May 2, 1910 [with Schedule of cases and Final report of commissioner to take testimony in Cuba]. 1910. Roosevelt, Theodore. President Roosevelt's message of Apr. 9, 1906, with commission's letter of Apr. 7 [relative to progress and con- dition of business of commission]. 1906. ([59th Cong. Ist sess. S. doc. 308]; serial no. 4914.) Rules and regulations of practice and procedure, with organic act and other papers. 1902. Rules and regulations of practice and procedure [etc.]. [Edition] of Apr. 10, 1905. 1905. Rules. Additional rules and amendments of rules. [1903.] Same. [1904.] large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 23.) Rules. Addition to rule 20 relative to copies of documents and records. [1904.] large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Com- mission. Document 30.) Rules. Amendment of rule 29 rule 4. [1904.] large 8° Documents 25 and 26.) Testimony. Order concerning neglects to t-ake testimony and directing taking of testimony within United States before July 1, 1907. [1907.] large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Com- mission. Document 46.) Testimony. [Notice to claimants concerning deposit necessary to be made to cover cost of taking testimony.] Mar. 8, 1907. large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 49.) Torres, Adolphus. Order [in case of Adolphus Torres]. [1904.] large 8° (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Document 27.) Spanish. Treaty Claims Commission, Bulletins [None issued.] Spanish. Treaty Claims Commission, Circulars [None issued.] Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Petitions large 8° [Although there were 542 cases filed before the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, only a portion were printed by the commission. It Is supposed that the following is a complete list of petitions so printed.] exhibits; addition to amendment of (Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. 30 143 148 153 154 155 156 [178] [179] [180] 181 [182] [183] 157 158 159 160 161 164 165 169 170 173 174 175 176 177 Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Eliza J. Wilbur vs. United States; petition. [1901.] large 8'' Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Bruno Diaz vs. United States; petition. [1901.] large 8° Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, James Rowe vs. United States; petition. [1901.] large 8° Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Joseph II. Kane vs. United States; petition. [1901.] large 8° Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Francis D. ('ahill us. United States; petition. [1901.] large 8° 152f) ClaMlflestlon no. T8.8p2': (docket no6.) Y.J. COMMISSIONS AND BOARD 8 -Continued Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Petitions- Continued [184] [185] [186] 187 191 196 [197] [198] [199] [201] Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Jose A. Ferrer [in his own right and asl executor [of Carmen Miranda de Caleja] and Tasio Ferrer y Miranda and Luis P^errer y Miranda, vs. United States; petition. [1901.] large 8« Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Joee Rossell y Gener vs. United States; petition. [1901.] large S** Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Catherine O' Regan against United States; [petition]. [1901.] large 8° Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, George Becket against United States; petition. [1901.] large 8° Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Angela Barreras de Cosculluela against United States; petition. [1901.] large 8° Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Antonio Carrillo de Albornoz y O'Farrill vs. United States; petition. [1901.] large 8« Before Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Alice E. Shoen- berger, as executrix of Maria Louise Taylor [et al] against United States; petition. [1901.] large 8° 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 339 340 341 342 343 345 346 347 374 375 376 377 378 381 382 383 384 385 386 388 202 254 203 255 204 256 205 257 206 258 211 259 212 260 213 261 214 262 215 263 216 265 217 266 218 267 219 268 220 269 221 270 223 271 224 274 225 275 226 277 228 285 229 286 230 287 231 289 232 290 233 291 234 292 235 297 236 299 237 300 238 301 239 303 243 304 244 305 245 306 246 310 247 312 248 313 249 315 251 316 252 317 1530 Classification no. Y3.Sp2«: (nos.) Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS— Continued Treaty Claims Commission, Opinions Spanlsli large 8° [Although this Checklist ends with pubHcatious of the calendar year 1909, an exception to the general rule has been made so as to include Opinions 38-43 issued during 1910 in order to complete the list of publications of the com- mission which ceased to exist May 2, 1910.] [1] Order requiring conciseness in petitions, [1901.] large 8° [2] Harry S. McCann [Catherine Bums, and Alexander Lynch] against United States, case [nos.] 30 [31, and 428], opinion of commission delivered Mar. 6, 1902. [1902.] large 8** [3] Same, concurring opinion of Commissioner Maury. [1902.] large 8° [4] Harry S. McCann v. United States, [case] no. 30; Catherine Burns v. [same, case] no. 31; Alexander Lynch v. [same, case] no. 428; [dissenting] opinion of Commissioner Chambers. [1902.] large 8° [5] Harry S. McCann [Catherine Burns, and Alexander Lynch] against United States, [case] nos. 30, 31, and 428, decision against transferring to Supreme Court questions settled by opinion of Mar. 6, 1902, adverse to claimants in Maine battle ship cases. [1902.] large 8« [6] Elizabeth Merz against United States, case no. 352, opinion of commission delivered May 13, 1902. [1902.] large 8« 7 8 9 10 11 12 13-18 19-23 24 [25] Response to resolution [opinions of commissioners filed Dec. 5, 1903, upon demurrers in cases involving liability of United States, under article 7 of treaty concluded between United States and Spain, Dec. 10, 1898, for property losses caused by Spanish troops and insurgents in late insurrection in Cuba]. 1903. 8« (58th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 25; serial no. 4587.) Same, with title, Opinions of commissioners filed Dec. 5, 1903, [upon demurrers] in cases involving liability of United States under article 7 of treaty concluded between United States and Spain, Dec. 10, 1898, for property losses caused by Spanish troops and insurgents in late insurrection in Cuba. 1903 [reprint 1910]. 8« [4587-25] [In one pamphlet.] [In one pamphlet.] 26 27,28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 [In one pamphlet.] Same, dissenting opinion of Commissioner Maury 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 i.'ni (iHKslflr«tton no. Y.J.TIT: 1129 1 1129-^ Y3,T79: G71 Y3. COMMISSIONS AND BOARnsrontiii lol Y3.V55: R29^ R292 R293 R294 Y3.W19: R29 Y3.W27: R29 Y3.W74: W741 W74 2 W743 Y3.Y8: R29 Tariff Commission, 1882 Report. 1882. v. 1. ([47th Cong. 2d sess. serial no. 2116.) Same. 1882. v. 2. H. misc. doc. C, pt. Ij; [2117-6, pt. 2J Tuberculosis Committee Government employees. Prevention of tuberculosis among Gov- ernment employees; prepared [by committee appointed] by Executive order of Dec. 7, 1905. [1906.] (Form 1.) [Also, rearranged, in Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Annual report, 1906 (T27. 1:906).] [Form 2 was a broadside consisting of Regulations to prevent spread of tuberculosis in Government buildings, etc., found on p. 11 and 12 of the above publication. Form 3 was an antispitting notice also published as a broadside. Both of these forms were intended for display in public build- ings and are not entered in this Checklist.] Venezuelan Boundary Commission Report and accompanying papers of commission apj)ointed by President to investigate and report upon true divisional line between Venezuela and British Guiana, v. 1: Historical. 1897. [3595-91, pt. 1] Same, v. 2: Extracts from archives. 1897. [3596-91, pt. 2] Same, v. 3: Geographical. 1897. [3597-91, pt. 3] Same, v. 4: Atlas. [1897.] large 4° [.3598-91, pt. 4] See also Sl.2:Y56''\ War Investigating Commission (or Dodge Commission) Report of commission appointed by President to investigate con- duct of War Department in War with Spain. 1899. [An 8 volume report under the same title, including this report as part of V. 1, appears as 56th Congress, Ist session. Senate document 221, serial nos. 3859-66.] WasMngton Monument, Joint Commission to Complete * Report of joint commission created to direct and supervise com- pletion of Washington Monument. 1877. [1802-1] (From 1878 to 1888, reports'appeared in the Congressional set as follows: 1883 [2170-22] 1884 2310-8] 1885 2333-6] 1886 2488-57] 1887 [2516-22].] Wireless Telegraphy, Inter-Departmental Board on Wireless telegraphy, report of inter-departmental board appointed by President to consider question of wireless telegraphy in service of National Government. 1904. 25 p. Same [with omission]. 1904. 24 p. Same [with omission and with Comments of board on letter sub- mitted by James R. Sheffield]. 1905. 40 p. Yorktown Monument or Centennial Commis- sion Report of commission created for erection of monument at York- town, Va., commemorative of surrender of Lord Comwallis, 1883. [2088-1003] [Annual reports of the engineer detailed by the Secretary of War at the request of the commission to be in charge of the erection of the Yorktown Monu- ment^ 1882-84, appear in annual reports of War Department, 1882-84 (Wl.l: 1878 1861-7] 1879 1890-17] 1880 1944-9] 1881 1993-19] 208;i-13] 1882 1532 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS (The greater number of the publications issued by Congressional committees consists of their reports on bills and resolutions. These reports usually appear only in the numbered series of House or Senate reports listed in the Congressional tables on p. 1-169 of this Checklist. The Public Documents Library file of hearings before Congressional committees is by no means complete, because of the impossibility of collecting all the material which has been published. For recent years, the file is more nearly complete, and such as are in the Public Documents Library are here listed. Bince many of the publications of the committees of the Senate and House of Representatives have been issued in separate signatures and in incomplete editions, it has been decided to list in this Checklist only the completed editions so far as known. The signatures and incomplete copies have been discarded from the Public Documents Library, it having been considered wise not to treat them even as separates.] rUsslftcation no. Y4:.Ac2: M19 Accounts Committee (House) McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [Recommendations for a compilation of the committee reports of the House and Senate were made by the Printing Committee in 1884, in House reports 2157 and 2158, 48th Congress, 1st session, and again in 1886, in House report 3362, 49th Congress, 1st session. The origin of the proposed compilation dates back to the 46th Congress, at which time a number of persons connected with both branches of Congress suggested the utility of such a work. It was finally pro- vided for by public resolution 27, 49th Congress, 1st session, approved July 29, 1886 (Stat. L. V. 24, p. 345), which authorized the preparation under the direc- tion of the Joint Conunittee on Printing of a compilation of the reports of the Senate and House of Representatives from the 14th to the 4Sth Congress, 1815-84. A concurrent resolution of Mar. 3, 1887, provided that the work should be brought down to 1887. The compilation and indexing were done by Thomas Hudson McKee, resulting in 515 v. of reports. A number of these volumes were issued in several parts so that the actual number of books exceeded 515. Of the 515 v., 179 v. were for the Senate committees and 336 v. for the Tlouse committees, furnished with 94 indexes, 36 to Senate reports and 58 to House reports, making a distinct index for each standing committee and a combined index in each House for the select and special committees for which individual volumes had not been issued. Each index was bound with the volume or volumes which it indexed. The 515 v. were not issued as a set, but each committee was supplied with a complete collection of its own reports. A duplicate set of the compilation was provided for by public resolution 36, approved Aug. 8, 1888, 60th Congress, 1st session (Stat. L. v. 25, p. 628), in t)i der that each House might have a complete set. Capt. McKee published an edition of the 94 indexes, separately from the reports, for sale to libraries and collectors, these separates not being entered in this Checklist. The collec- tions extended from the date of organization of each committee to the close of the 49th Congress, 1887, in no case, however, begiiming at an earlier date than the opening of the 14th Congress, 1815. These reports and indexes a«e entered with the individual committees to which the volumes belong, under the following call numbers: Y4.Ac2:M19 Y4.Ag8i:M19 Y4.Ag82:Ml9 Y4.A112:M19 Y4.Am3:M19 Y4.Ap6i:Ml9i-* Y4.Ap62:M19i»2 Y4.B22i:M19i-3 Y4.C33i:M19 Y4.C49i:M19 Y4.C492:M19i-4 Y4.C52i:M19i-33 Y4.C522:M19i-'9 Y4.C66:M19 Y4.C73i:Ml9i-ii Y4.C732:M19i-3 Y4.D63i:M19i^ Y4.D632:M19i.2 Y4.Ed82:M19 Y4.Ed83:Ml9 Y4.El2i:M19 Y4.E122:Ml9i-i- Y4.Ep4i:Ml9 Y4.Ep42:M19 Y4.Ex73:M19 Y4.Ex7<:M19i-3 Y4.Ex75:M19 Y4.E:r76:M19 Y4.Ex77:M19 Y4.Ex78:M19 Y4.Ex79:M19 Y4.Ex7io:M19i»2 Y4.F49:M19i-5 Y4.F53:M19 Y4.F76i:M19i-i2 Y4.F762:M19i-8 Y4.In2i:M19'-io Y4.In22:M19i-* Y4.In83:M19 Y4.In8-':M19i-22 Y4.In87:M19 Y4.J89i:M19>-» Y4.J892:Ml9i-5 Y4.L11:M19 , Y4.L442:M19 Y4.L61i:M19 Y4.L613:M19 Y4.M31i:Ml9 Y4.M312:M19 Y4.M58:M19 Y4.M59i:Ml9i-i5 Y4.M592:M19i-io Y4.M593:M19 Y4.M66:M19 Y4.M692:M19 Y4.N22i:M19Wo Y4.N222:M19i-« Y4.0r22:M19i.2 Y4.P112:M19 Y4.P113:M19 Y4.P27i:Ml9^2 Y4.P272:M19'>2 Y4.P38i:M19i-7 Y4.P382:M19i-i8 Y4.P383:M19i»2 Y4.P84i:M19'-6 Y4.P842:M19i^ Y4.P932:M19 Y4.P933:M19 Y4.P93S:M19'-8 Y4.P936:Ml9i-n Y4.P937:M19i»2 Y4.P96i:M19i-7 Y4.P962:Ml9i-i» Y4.P96&:M19i-' Y4.P966:M19i-3 Y4.P967:M19 Y4.R13i:M19i-5 Y4.R132:M19 Y4.R31 3:M19 Y4.R322:M19».2 Y4.R52:M19 Y4.R53:M19 Y4.R86i:Ml9i,2 Y4.R862:M19 Y4.Se4i:Ml9i-89 Y4.Se42:M19i-<8 Y4.Se5:Ml9 Y4.T27i:M19'-3 Y4.T272:M19'»2 Y4.T68:M19 Y4.V56:M19 Y4.W19:Ml9i-i* Y4.W36:M19'-8 Y4.W84:M19.] Y4.Ag8 ' : Ag8i Ag82 Agriculture Committee (House) Agricultural colleges. Hearing [Jan. 18, 1905, 58th Congress, 3d ses- sion, on] agricultural colleges and experiment stations. [1905.] Agricultural education. Hearings [May 5, 1908], on [H. 534, 18204, and 18931] relating to granting Federal aid to agricultural edu- cation, also [May 6, 1908], on [H. 16740] having for object amendments to oleomargarine law, 60th Congress, Ist session. 1908. 1538 ClaHHlllcstlon no. Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONG UBS 8— Continued Y4.Ag8*: Apiculture Committee (Houae) — Continued Ap6» TTIfll Ape» Ap6-» Ap6* C43 C82' C82"^ F44 F7G1 F7«2 F98 Miy 0121 012^ AppropriatioiiK, Hearines [Jan. 12 Feb. 21, 1906], on cHtimatos of aijpropriations fur Department of Agriculture, fiscal year 1907, also on bills relating to Department of Agriculture, 59th Con- , ,{, gresa, Ist session. 1906. Same [Dec. 12, 1906-Jan. 19, 1907], on estimates of appropriations for Department of Agriculture, fiscal year 1908, also on free seed distribution, ana other matters relating to Department of Agriculture, 59th C'ongreas, 2d session, 1907. Same [Jan. 13-Feb. 6, 1908], on estimates of appropriations, fiscal year 1909, also in matters pertaining to Department of Agri- I culture and committee, 60th Congress, Ist session. 1908. Same [Dec. 14, 1908-Jan. 9, 1909], on estimates of appropriations, I fiscal year 1910, 60th Congress, 2d session. 1909. Chicago stock yards. Hearings [June 6-11, 1906], on so-called Bever- idge amendment [regulating inspection of meat], to agricul- i tural appropriation bill, H. 18537, 59th Congress, 1st session; I to which are added documents bearing upon amendment. 1906. Cotton. Hearings [Dec. 16, 1903], on bills [H. 4477, H. 5496, H. 7300, H. 7304, H. 7646T 58th Congress, 1st session], for eradication of cotton-boll weevil and other insects and diseases injurious to cotton, also [J»n. 6-Feb. 24, 1904], on estimates of appro- priations for Department of Agriculture, fiscal year 1905. 1904. Cotton. Hearing [Dec. 19, 1905], on H. J. R. 45, 59th Congress, Ist session, directing Secretary of Agriculture .to furnish informa- tion concerning cotton crop of 1905 and 1906. [1906.] District of Columbia. Hearing [Dec. 10, 1909], in re H. 12343 [61st Congress, 2d session], extending to District of Columbia act donating public land to States and Territories [which may pro- vide colleges for benefit of agricultural and mechanic arts, and acts supplementary thereto]. 1909. Fictitious dealing in agricultural products, testimony taken [Feb. 3-16, 1892], during consideration of [II. J 392 [394], [H.] 2699, and [H.] 3870 [52d Congress, 1st session], restricting and taxing dealers in "futures" and "options" in agricultural products, and for other purposes. 1892. Forestn-'. Statement of B. E. Femow [Feb. 16, 1895, in regard to H. 8389-90, 53d Congress, 1st session, on forestry courses at agricultural colleges and a national school of forestry]. [1895. J Forests. Hearings [Dec. 9, 1908, Jan. 28, 1909, 60th Coi^ress, 2d session], on bills for acquisition of forest and other lands for protection of watersheds and conservation of navigability of navigable streams [etc.]. 1909. Futures. Prevention of dealing in futures on boards of trade, etc. [hearings, Feb. 24, 25, 1909, on H. 67 and other bills, 6l8t Con- gress, 1st session]. 1909. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, May 3, 1820, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. Mckee. 1887. * \Se€j for historical note concerning Mc- Kee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Oleomargarine, [hearings, Mar. 7-May 17, 1900, on H. 3717,56th Con- gress, 1st session, to make oleomargarine and other imitation dairy products subject to laws of State or Territory into which transported and to change tax on oleomargarine]. [1900.] [See also [4066-2043].] Oleomargarine bill, statement [May 26, 1900], of John S. Williams [on H. 3717, 56th Congress, 1st session, to make oleomargarine and other imitation dau-y products subject to laws of State or Terri- tory into which transported and to change tax on oleomarga- rine]. [1900.] 1534 ClassiAcation no. Y4:.Ag8i: 0123 T55 Ag8 An5 ApG^ Ap()^ ApG=* Ap6^ C29 D711 D7P G76 M19 N78 012 012' Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Agriculture Committee (House)— Continued Oleomargarine. Hearings [Jan. 13-22, 1902, 57th Congress, 1st sen- sion], on bills relating to oleomargarine legislation. [1902. J [Also in [4235-223].] Tobacco. Hearings, Jan. 9, 1901, on [H. 13801, 56th Congress, 2d ses- sion], agricultural appropriation bill [with special reference to experimental tobacco stations]. [1901.] Agriculture and Forestry Committee (Senate) Agricultural depression, causes and remedies, report by [William A.] Peffer, Feb. 15, 1894. 1894. [3288-787] Animals. Hearings [Feb. 28, 1908], on S. 5566 [60th Congress, 1st session], amending act to prevent cruelty to animals while in transit by railroad or other means of transportation, etc. 1908. Appropriation bill. Hearings [May 7-15, 1906], on H. 18537, making appropriations for Department of Agriculture, fiscal year 1907, 59th Congress, 1st session. 1906. Appropriation bill, hearings [Jan. 30-Feb. 13, 1907], on H. 24815 [59th Congress, 2d session], making appropriations for Department of Agriculture, fiscal year 1908. 1907. [Issued in separate signatures.] Appropriation bill. AgricTiltural appropriation bill, hearings [Apr. 17, 1908], on H. 19158 jfiOth Co^^ress, 1st session], making appro- priations for Department of Agriculture, fiscal year 1909. 1908. Same [fiscal year 1910, hearings, Feb. 18-20, 1909, on H. 27053, 61st Congress, 1st session]. 1909. Cattle. Statements made upon S. 3025, to extirpate contagious pleuro-pneumonia, foot-and-mouth disease, and rinderpest among cattle, and to facilitate exportation of cattle and prod- ucts of live stock, and for other purposes, presented Jan. 26, 1887. 1887. Domestic science. Bureau of domestic science, hearing before sub- committee, Jan. 26, 1899, on S. 4698 [55th Congress, 3d session], to establish bureau of domestic science. 1908. Same [with omissions]. 1909. Grain. Federal grain inspection, hearings, Jan. 16, Feb. 6, and Apr. 2-8, 1908, on S. 382 [60th Congress, 1st session], to pro- vide for inspection and grading of grain entering into inter- state commerce, and to secure uniformity in standards and classification of grain, and for other purposes. 1908. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Mar. 4, 1863, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [See, for historical note concern- ing McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Normal schools. Hearings [Feb. 26, 1908], on [S. 3392, 60th Con- gress, Ist session], to provide for advancement of instruction in agriculture, manual training, and home economics in State normal schools. 1908. Oleomargarine bill, hearings [Dec. 19, 1900-Jan. 11, 1901] before Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Senate, and [Mar. 7-May 17, 1901], Committee on Agriculture, House of Repre- sentatives, with reports, briefs, etc., on H. 3717 [56th Con- gress, 2d session], to make oleomargarine and other imitation dairy products subject to laws of State or Territory into which transported, and to change tax on oleomargarine. 1901. [Same as 56th Congress, 2d session, Senate report 2043, serial no. 4066, with enlarged indexes.] Oleomargarine bill. Hearings [Feb. 17-19, 1902], on H; 9206 [57th Congress, 1st session], relating to oleomargarine and other imitation dairy products. [1902.] 1535 OlMiUk)»tion ■o. Y4.A1 1 • : All Y4.A11-: AH' All 2 All^ All M19 Y4.Am3': M19 tY4.Am3^: Y4. Ap6 • : C16 C49 Yl. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Alcohol In Manufactures and Arts, Joint Select Committee on Alcohol. Reports by Henry Dalley, jr., on use of alcohol free of tax in Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, and France, 1896. 1897. [In 3474-1141 and m 3554-2291J [See also Y4.F49:A1 1.] Alcoholic Liquor Traffic Committee (House) Alcohol. Hearings [Mar. 17-27, 1908), on H. 12405 and H. 12406 (60th Congress, Ist session, preventing sale of intoxicating iquors in buildings and upon premises owned or controlled by United States]. 1908. Same [Apr. 18, 1908]. 1908. Same [Feb. 3, 10, 1909], on H. 22007 [60th Congress, 2d session, authorizing appointment of commission to collate informa- tion concerning alcoholic liquor traffic and recommend legis- lation]. 1909. Alcohol. Remarks of Gustav Kiistermann, Feb. 10, 1909, on H. 22007 [60th Congress, 2d session, authorizing appointment of commission to collate information concerning alcoholic liquor traffic and to recommend legislation]. 1909. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee. May 16, 1879, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] American Shlp-Buildlng Committee (House) McKee's compilation. Reports, 41st Congress, 1870-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Appropriations Committee (House) [The clerks to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House have jointly prepared, since 1888, a series of publications, which previous to that time were prepared under the direction of the secretary of the Senate and the clerk of tne House of Representatives, entitled, Appropriations, new offices, etc., statements showing appropriations made, new offices created [etc.], Congress, session, by Thomas P. Cleaves and James C. Courts. AH have appeared in the Congressional set. Those prepared by the Appro- priations Committees are in the Congressional set as follows: 60th Cong. 1st sess. 50th Cong. 2d sess. 51st Cong. 1st sess. Slst Cong. 2d sess. 52d Cong. 1st sess. 52d Cong. 2d sess. 53d Cong. 2d sess. 53d Cong. 3d sess. 64th Cong. 1st sess. 65th Cong. 1st sess. 65th Cong. 2d se^. 1891 1892 1895 2518-212] 2617- 94 2702-246 2825- 95 2909-227 3071- 70 3177-277 3286-150 3360-316 3567-191 3616-342 55th Cong. 3d sess. 56th Cong. 1st sess. 56th Cong. 2d sess. 57th Cong. 1st sess. 57th Cong. 2d sess. 58th Cong. 2d sess. 58th Cong. 3d sess. 59th Cong. 1st sess. 59th Cong. 2d sess. 60th Cong. 1st sess. 60th Cong. 2d sess. 1900 1901 1902 3738-173 3883-453 4061-235 4251-449 1903 4434-222 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 46 19-} 15 4774-195 4939-535 5101-402 5263-536 5405-768: Canteen in soldiers' homes, supplement to hearings before subcom- mittee in charge of [H. 25745, 59th Congress, 2d session], sun- dry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1908. 1907. Civil Service Commission. Hearings [Dec. 9, 1897], relating to Civil Service Commission before subcommittee in charge of [H. 4751, 55th Congress, 2d session], legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill, fiscal year 1899 [with list of examinations showing subject]. 1897. t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. A new com- mittee has since been appointed, necessitating an additional class under Y4., the series title of which is as follows: y4,Am32: (CT; American Sugar Refining Company, tion of (House) Special Committee on Investiga- 1536 Classiflcatiun no. Y4.Ap(> 1; D361 D36^ D363 D36^ D36^ D36« D36' D36» D36" D62 D631 D63^ D633 D63* D635 D636 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Appropriations Committee (House) — Continued Deficiency appropriations. Hearings before subcommittee in charge of deficiency appropriations for 1903 and prior years, on urgent deficiency bill. 1904. Same [Jan. 10-15, 1906], before subcommittee in charge of defi- ciency appropriations for 1906 and prior years, on [H. 12320, 59th Congress, 1st session], urgent deficiency bill. 1906. Same [June 20-22, 1906], before subcommittee in charge of defi- ciency appropriations for 1906 and prior years, on [H. 20403, 59th Congress, 1st session], general deficiency bill. 1906. Same [Dec. 12, 1906], before subcommittee in charge of deficiency appropriations for 1907 and prior years, on [H. 22584, 59th Congress, 2d session], urgent deficiency bill. 1906. Deficiency appropriations. Proposed reclassification of clerical force in Executive Departments, supplement to hearings before sub- committee in charge of deficiency appropriations for 1907 and prior years, on [H. 25851, 59th Congress, 2d session], general deficiency bill; [statement of Charles H. Keep, Jan. 15, 1907]. 1907. Deficiency appropriations. Hearings [Feb. 25, 26, 1907], before sub- committee in charge of deficiency appropriations, 1907 and prior years, on [H. 25851, 59th Congress, 2d session], general deficiency bill. 1907. Same [Jan. 16-18, 1908], before subcommittee in charge of defi- ciency appropriations, 1908 and prior years, on [H. 14766, 60th Congress, Ist session], urgent deficiency bill. 1908. Same [May 11, 12, 1908], before subcommittee in charge of defi- ciency appropriations for 1908 and prior years, on [H. 21946, 60th Congress, 1st session], general deficiency bill. 1908. Same, before subcommittee in charge of deficiency appropriations for 1909 and prior years [Feb. 22-26, 1909, 60th Congress, 2d session], on general deficiency bill. 1909. Diplomatic and consular service. Act making appropriations for diplomatic and consular service, fiscal year 1907. [1906.] [This is a corrected copy, but does not have the final correc- tions as contained in the act as passed.] District of Columbia appropriation bill. Hearings [Jan. 9, 1903], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 16842, 57th Congress, 2d session]. District of Columbia appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1904 [relative to Hart Farm School]. 1902[3]. Same [Mar. 7-Apr. 3, 1906], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 18198, 59th Congress, 1st session], District of Columbia appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1907. 1906. District of Columbia appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1907, comparative statement showing appropriations for 1906, estimates for 1907, and amountsrecommended in bill for 1907. [1906.] [Included with differences, in House report 3287, 59th Congress, Ist session; serial no. 4907.] District of Columbia appropriation bill. Hearings [Dec. 8-19, 1906], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 24103, 59th Congress, 2d session], District of Columbia appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1908. 1906. District of Columbia appropriation bill. Supplemental hearings [Jan. 11, 1907], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 24103, 59th Congress, 2d session], District of Columbia appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1908, incandescent street lighting. 1907. District of Columbia appropriation bill. Hearings [Feb. 18-25, 1908], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 20063, 60th Congress, 1st session]. District of Columbia appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1909. 1908. 1537 ClMMlflcatlon no. Y4.Ap6': D637 D63« D63» Ex7 F77> F772 F773 F77^ F77^ F77« F777 G75 187^ l872 l873 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESH— (Continued Appropriations Committee (House)— Continued District of Columbia appropriation bill. Supplement to hearings [Fob. 27, 1908J, before subcommittee in charge of [H. 20063, 60th Congress, Ist session]. District of Columbia appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1909, concerning public schools. 1908. District of Columbia appropriation bill. Additional supplement to hearings [Mar. 21, 1908], before subcommittee m charge of [H. 2(K)63, 60th Congress, Ist session], District of Columbia appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1909, concerning public school buildmgs; [statement of Jay J. Morrow]. 1908. District of Columbia appropriation bill. Hearings [Dec. 12-18, 1908] before subcommittee in chaise of [H. 25392, 60th Congress, 2d session], District of Columbia appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1910. 1908. Expenditures of Government, 1791-1907, general revenue, postal revenue, per capita expenditure; compiled by director of census for Committee on Appropriations of House of Repre- sentatives. 1908. [5242-528] Fortification appropriation bill. Hearings [Dec. 5-7, 1906], before subcommittee in charge of [H, 23821, 59th Congress, 2d session], fortification appropriation bill [fiscal year 1908]. 1906. Fortification appropriation bill. Supplement to hearings before sub- committee in charge of [H. 23821, 59th Congress, 2d session], fortification appropriation bill [fiscal year 1908; statement, Dec. 12, 1906, of William H. Taft]. 1906. Fortification appropriation bill. Additional supplement to hearings before subcommittee in charge of [H. 23821, 59th Congress, 2d session], fortification appropriation bill [fiscal year 1908; statement, Feb. 8, 1907, of Alexander Mackenzie]. 1907. Fortification appropriation bill. Hearings [Feb. 17-20, 1908], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 19355, 60th Congress, Ist session], fortification appropriation bill [fiscal year 1909]. 1908. Same [May 5-12, 1908], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 19355, 60th Congress, 1st session], fortification appropriation bill [fiscal year 1909 J, concerning cost of producing electric current. 1908. Same [Jan. 18, 19, 1909], before subcommittee in chai^ge of [H. 27054, 60th Congress, 2d session], fortification appropriation bill [fiscal year 1910]. 1909. Same, before subcommittee in charge of fortification appropriation bill [fiscal year 1911, Dec. 13, 15, 1909, 61st Congress, 2d ses- sion]. 1909. Grades and salaries. Hearings [Mar. 8, 14, 1908, 60th Congress, Ist session], before subcommittee concerning message of President on grades and salaries in Executive Departments. 1908. Isthmian canal, expenditures, actual and estimated, to June 30, 1907. 1906. Isthmian canal. Hearings [Nov. 11, 12, 1907, before subcommittee at Culebra and Ancon, Canal Zone], concerning estimates for construction of isthmian canal, fiscal year 1909. 1908. Isthmian canal. Supplemerlt to hearings before subcommittee in charge of sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1910 [Feb. 15, 16, 1909, 60th Congress, 2d session, relative to] isthmian canal. 1909. Laws (note). (The volumes of this series, which seems to have been begun at the 43d Congress, were first made up of the "slip laws" bound together and paged consecu- tivelv by the binder, with newly printed index referring to the binder's pagination. Afterwards the volumes were reprinted throughout.] 82452°— 11- -97 1538 Classification no. Y4.Ap6»: L44' L44 2 L443 L44'' L445 L44« L44 7 L44« L44« L441'' L4411 L4412 L44i» L44" L52» L522 L523 L52* L52 5 L52« L52' Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Appropriations Committee (House)— Continued Laws. Appropriation and kindred laws, only, of United States, passed at 2d session of 46th Congress, Dec. 1, 1879-June 16, 1880. 1880. Same [passed at 3d session of 46th Congress, Dec. 6, 1880-Mar. 3, 1881]. [1881.] Same, passed at 1st session of 47th Congress, Dec. 5, 1881-Aug. 8, 1882; compiled by Robert J. Stevens. 1882. Same, passed at 2d session of 47th Congress, Dec. 4, 1882-Mar. 3, 1883; compiled by Robt. J. Stevens. 1883. Same [in part, and act to regulate civil service]. [1883.] Same [passed at 1st session of 48th Congress, Dec. 3, 1883-July 7, 1884]. [1884.] Same, passed at 2d session of 48th Congress, Dec. 1, 1884-Mar. 3, 1885; compiled by James C. Courts. 1885. Laws passed by 48th Congress, 2d session, making appropriations for expenses of Government for fiscal year 1886 and prior years. 1885. Same, 49th Congress, 1st session, for fiscal year 1887 and prior years. 1886. Same, 49th Congress, 2d session, for fiscal year 1888 and prior years, and other laws. [1887.] I^aws. Acts making appropriations passed by 1st session, 50th Con- gress, for expenses of Government during fiscal year 1888-89, and for other purposes. 1888. Laws passed by 50th Congress, 2d session, making appropriations for expenses of Government for fiscal year 1890 and prior years, and other laws. [1889.] Same, 51st Congress, 1st session, for fiscal year 1890-91 and prior years, and other laws. [1890.] Laws. Acts making appropriations, and for other purposes, passed by 55th Congress, 3d session, during fiscal year 1898-99, 1899. liCgislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill. Hearings [Nov. 27-Dec. 2, 1893], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 7097, 53d Congress, 2d session], legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1895. 1894. Same [Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 1900], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 12291, 56th Congress, 2d session], legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1902. 1900. Same [Feb. 7-Feb. 26, 1906], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 16472, 59th Congress, 1st session], legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1907. 1906. Same [Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 1906], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 21574, 59th Congress, 2d session], legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1908. 1906. Same [Jan. 9-31, 1908], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 16882, 60th Congress, 1st session], legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1909. 1908. Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill. [Compara- tive statement for] legislative, executive, and judicial appro- priation bill, [fiscal year] 1910. [1908.] [Included, with differences, in House report 1793, 60th Congress, 2d session; serial no. 5384.] Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation \i\\. Hearings [Dec. 1-8, 1908], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 23464, 60th Congress, 2d session], legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1910, 1908, 1539 GlaMlAcatlon no. Y4.Ap6': L63 M19 M192 MI93 M19* N22 P38» P382 P383 P38* P38« P87 P91 P93 Sa5 Se2 Su7» Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Appropriations Committeo (House) — Continued Lincoln Farm Association. Hearing [Mar. 4, 1908], before subcom- mittee in chaise of sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year I 1909, concerning U. 17295 [GOth Congress, Ist session], to aia Lincoln Farm Association of New York, to build ana endow national memorial to Abraham Lincoln on site of Lincoln birthplace farm in Kentucky. 1908. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Mar. 2, 1865, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. n. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [Sec, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3. * Same. 1887. v. 4. ♦ Naval vessels. Hearings [Mar. 26, 1908, 60th Congress, Ist session], before subcommittee in charge of deficiency appropriations for 1908 and prior years, on urgent deficiency in appropriation for armament and armor for naval vessels; [and letters regard- ing paper for checks and drafts]. 1908. Pension appropriation bill. Hearings [Dec. 9, 1903], before sub- committee in charge of [II. 6758, 58th Congress, 2d session], pension appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1905. 1903. Same [ — , 19051, before subcommittee in charge of [H. 17330, 58th Congress, 3a session], pension appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1906. 1905. * Same [ — , 1906], before subcommittee in chaise of [H. 13103, 59th Congress, Ist session], pension appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1907. 1906. * Same [Jan. 17, 1907], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 24601, 59th Congress, 2d session], pension appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1908. 1907. Same [Jan. 27, 1908], before subcommittee in chaise of [H. 16268, 60th Congress, 1st session], pension appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1909. 1908. [5377-785] Same, before subcommittee in charge of [H. 26203, 60th Congre.'^s, 2d session], pension appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1910; [statement of Vespasian Warner, Jan. 7, 1909]. 1909. Powder, Smokeless. Additional supplement to hearings [Jan. 24, 1907], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 23821, 59th Con- gre.'^s, 2d session], fortification appropriation bill [fiscal year 1908; statement of J. A. Haskell regarding] smokeless powder. 1907. Premium charges. Hearings [June 29->ruly 7, 1909, 6l8t Congress, Ist session], concerning premium charges of surety companies for fidelity bonds of officers and employees of United States and estimates for certain urgent deficiencies. 1909. Printing. Supplemental hearing [June 8, 1906, on H. 19844, 59th Congress, 1st session], sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1907, printing and binding, revised estimates [by Com- mittee on Printing]. 1906. San Francisco, Cal. Hearing [June 14, 15, 1906], concerning proposed relief of San Francisco, Cal. 1906. Secret service. Extracts from hearing before subcommittee in charge of sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1910 [Jan. 26- Feb. 9, 1909, 60th Congress, 2d session], relative to secret serv- ice. 1909. Sundry civil appropriation bill. Hearings [Mar. 26-Apr. 19, 1900], be- fore subcommittee in charge of [H. 11212, 56th Congress, 1st ses- sion], sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1901. 190Q, 1540 €Ias8ification no. Y4.Ap6': Su7 2 Su73 Su7* Su7^ Su76 Su7 7 Su7» Su7» D631 D632 D633 D63^ F77 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Appropriations Committee (House) — Continued Same [Dec. 6-19, 1900], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 14018, 56th. Congress, 2d session], sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1902. 1900. Sundry civil appropriation bill. Supplemental hearings [Jan. 25, 26, 1901], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 14018, 56th Con- gress, 2d session], sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1902. 1901. Sundry civil appropriation bill. Hearings [Dec. 22, 1902-Jan. 27, 1903], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 17202, 57th Con- gress, 2d session], sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1904. 1903. Same [Jan. 2, 1906, and Apr. 10-May 10, 1906], before subcommit- tee in charge of [H, 19844, 59th Congress, 1st session], sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1907. 1906. Same [Jan. 5, 1907, and Jan. 22-Feb. 11, 1907], before subcom- mittee in charge of [H. 25745, 59th Congress, 2d session], sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1908. 1907. Same [Jan. 14, 1908, and Mar. 18-Apr. 6, 1908], before subcom- mittee in charge of [H. 21260, 60th Congress, 1st session], sundry civil appropriation bill, fiscal year 1909. 1908. Same [May 15, 1908], before subcommittee in charge of [H. 21260, 60th Congress, 1st session], sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1909, concerning addition to Rock Creek Park. 1908. Same, before subcommittee in charge of sundry civil appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1910 [Jan. 26-Feb. 10, 1909, 60th Congress, 2d session]. ]909. Appropriations Committee (Senate) [The clerks to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House have jointly prepared, since 1 M192« M192» MI922 MI923 M192^ M192* M192« MI927 MI928 M19» MI930 M193» MI932 MI933 R86 Sa2 S08 T63' T63' y4, COMMITTEES OF CONG RES S-Continued Claims Committee (House)— Continued McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. 11. McKee. 1887. v. 1, pt. 1. [See, for historical note concerning McKee'e compilations, Y4.Ac2: M19.] V. 1, pt. 2. V. 2. V. 3. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. V. 4. V. 5. V. 6. V. 7. V. 8. V. 9. V. 10. V. 11. V. 12. V. 13. V. 14. V. 15. V. 16. V. 17. V. 18. V. 19. V. 20. V. 21. V. 22. V. 23. V. 24. V. 25. V. 26. V. 27. V. 28. V. 29. V. 30. V. 31. V. 32. Private claims. Digested summary and alphabetical list of private claims which have been presented to House of Representa- tives, lst-31st Congress. 3 v. See serial nos. 653, 654, 655. Rules adopted Dec. 13, 1909 [with list of members and subcommit- tees, 61st Congress]. 1909. 24« St. Louis subtreasury claim, evidence on S. 3956 and H. 14431, 60th Congress, 1st session, for relief of Thomas J. Akins, assistant treasurer at St. Louis, Jan. 13, 1909. 1909. Southern Pacific Imperial Valley claim, evidence, statement, and argument on H. 13997, 60th Congress, Ist session, to reim- burse Southern Pacific Company amounts expended Dec. 1, 1906-Nov. 30, 1907, in closing and controlling break in Colorado River, Feb. 24, Mar. 16, Apr. 1, 1908. 1908. Torpedo boats, statement on H. 6041, 15101, 60th Congress, Ist session, for relief of Bath Iron Works and others [for building torpedo-boats and torpedo-boat destroyers], Mar. 23, 1908; statement of John \V. Weeks. 1908. Same, Jan. 19, 1909. 1909. 154^ Classification no. Y4.C52': V81 W27 Y4.C52 MI91 MI92 M19* M19'^ M19« M19" M19« M19» Ml9i° MI911 MW- M19J3 M19 '* MI91S M19 1'^ M19 17 M1918 M19" S08 S08 2 Y4.C66: C66 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Claims Comniittee (House)— Continued Virginia and Maryland claim, evidence on S. 5252, 60th Congress, 1st session, for payment of moneys advanced by Virginia and Maryland to Government to be applied toward public buildings for Federal Government in District of Columbia, Dec. 16, 1908. 1909. Washington, George. Estate of George Washington, evidence on H. 5489, 60th Congress, 1st session, to reimbiu-se estate of George Washington for lands in Ohio lost by conflicting grants made under authority of United States, Jan. 14, 1909. 1909. Claims Comimittee (Senate) [Following are references to the lists of private claims as they appear in the (Con- gressional set: 14th-2(5th Congress [379-236] 14th-30th Congress [534-ti7] 14th-33d Congress [774-27] 14th-39th Congress [1361-43] 14th-46th Congress, v. 1 [1945-14] Same, v. 2 [194()-14] 47th-51st Congress [3175 1-3-266 i-a] 52d-55th Congress [3881 1.2-449J 56th-57th Congress [4433-221] 58th Congress [4917-3].] McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4,Ac2: MU >.] Same. 1887. V. 2. Same. 1887. V. 3. Same. 1887. V. 4. Same. 1887. V. 5. Same. 1887. V. 6. Same. 1887. V. 7. Same. 1887. V. 8. Same. 1887. V. 9. Same. 1887. V. 10. Same. 1887. V. 11. Same. 1887. V. 12. Same. 1887. V. 13. Same. 1887. V. 14. Same. 1887. V. 15. Same. 1887. V. 16. Same. 1887. V. 17. Same. 1887. V. 18. Same. 1887. V. 19. Private claims. List of private claims brought before Senate from 14 th-33d Congress. /See [774-27] and [911 Mmnumbered doc- ument]. Southern Pacific Imperial Valley claim, hearing before subcom- mittee on S. 4170 [60th Congress, 2d session, to reimburse Southern Pacific Company amounts expended Dec. 1, 1906- Nov. 30, 1907, in closing and controlling break in Colorado River], Jan. 21, 1909. 1909. Same, Feb. 16, 1909. [1909.] Coinage, Weights, and Measures Committee (House) Coinage. History of coinage act of 1873, record of all documents issued and legislative proceedings concerning act. 1900. [See also T12. 2 :Cm.] 1547 Ctasslflcation no. Y4.C66: M19 M56 ' M56 2 M5(P M56« N21 Si3i Si32 Si33 Y4.C73^: In8 MI91 MI92 MI93 M19* M19^ M19« MI97 M19« Y4. COMMITTEES 6*^ CONORte^S-Antinued Coinage, Weights, and Measures Committee (Houee) — Continued McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Jan. 21, 1864, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Metric system. Address on metric system of weights and measures, by Benjamin Apt horn Gould, before Commercial Club of Bos- ton, Feb. 18, 1888. [1902.] Metric system of weights and measures [hearings] Feb. G-Mar. 6, 1902 [on H. 2054, 57th Congress, 1st session, to fix standard of weights and measures by adoption of metric system]. [1902.] Metric system. Supplemental hearing on [H. 2054, 57th Congress, 1st session], metric system of weights and measures; [statement of Lord Kelvin], Apr. 24, 1902. [1902.] Metric system, hearings [Jan. 21, 1904-Feb. 9, 1905], on II. 93, 58th Congress, 1st session, and [Feb. 8-Mar. 15, 1906, on] H. 8988, 59th Congress, 1st session. 1906. Metric system, hearings [Mar. 22-Apr. 5, 1906], on H. 8988, 59th Con- gress [1st session]. 1907. [Date of last hearing appears incor- rectly in the book as Apr. 4, 1906.] National Bureau of Standards. Hearing, May 3, 1900 [upon House document 025, 56th Congress, 1st session. Draft of bill for estab- lishment of national standardizing bureau by enlarging func- tions of Office of Standard Weights and Measures]. [1900.] [See also, for later hearing, 56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document 70; serial no. 4033.] Silver coinage. Unlimited coinage of silver and trade-dollar, min- utes of conference [Apr. 26, 1879, 46th Congreas, Ist session], between Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, and Secretary of Treasury and director of mint. 1879. ([46th Cong. Ist sess. H. misc. doc. llj; serial no. 1876.) Silver coinage, hearings [Jan. 27-Feb. 24, 1890], 51st Congress, 1st session, 1890 [on silver coinage, and] Re})ort and hearings [Jan. 21-Feb. 20, 1891], on S. 4675^ for free coinage of gold and silver, 2d session, 51st Congress. 1891. Silver coinage. Report and hearings [Jan. 21-Feb. 20, 1891], on S. 4675, for free coinage of gold and silver, 2d session, 51st Con- gress. 1891. ([51st Cong. 2d sess. H. rp, 3967]; serial no. 2889.) [Also in Silver coinage, hearings, Slst Coi^ess, 1st ses- sion, 1890(Y4.C66:Si32).] Commerce Committee (House) (Ou Dec. 14, 1795, 4th Congress, 1st ses.sion, a committee was formed in the House which was called the Commerce and Manufactures Committee; this continued as a committee until Dec. 18, 1819, lUth Congress, 1st session, when it was divided into 2 committees, a Commerce Committee (Y1.C731:) and a Manu- factures Committee (Y4.M31':). On Jan. 28, 1892, 52d Congress, 1st session, the name was changed to Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee (Y4.In8<:).J Interstate commerce, argument of Albert Fink, Mar. 17, 18, 1882 [47th Congress, 1st session]. 1882. McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. [See, for his- torical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:Ml9.] Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. v. 2. V. 3. v. 4. V. 5. V. 6. V. 7. V. 8. 1548 Classification no. M19» M19" Y4.C73 2: B38 C12 L84 M19» MI92 M19'* M691 M692 M693 M69* N21 P53 R32 R52 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Commerce Committee (House)— Continued Same. 1887. v. 9. Same. 1887. v. 10. * Same. 1887. v. 11. Commerce Committee (Senate) [Among the first standing committees of the Senate was one called the Commerce and Manufactures Committee. This continued as a committee until Dec. 12, 1825, 19th Congress, 1st session, when it was divided into 2 committees, a Com- merce Committee (Y4.C73 2:) and a Manufactures Committee (Y4.M312:).] Beaumont, steamer. Hearing, Mar. 17 [and 18], 1904, on H, 4570 [58th Congress, 2d session], to provide American register for steamer Beaumont. 1904. California. Deep-sea harbor in southern California, report of hearing [Apr. 17, 18, 1896, 54th Congress, Ist session]. 1896. London dock charges, hearing [Feb. 6-15, 1902], on S. 1792 [57th Con- gress, 1st session], to amend act relating to navigation of vessels, bills of lading, and obligations and rights in connection with carriage of property [so as to forbid insertion in bills of lading of so-called London clause imposing dock and extra charges upon American products at London]. 1902. [4241-310] [The [Congressional edition has additional matter not contained in the bureau edition.] McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 10, 1816, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. [*9€e, for historical note concern- ing McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:Ml9.] Same. 1887. v. 2. Same. 1887. v. 3. Mississippi River. Hearing in relation to improvement of Mississippi River [statement of G. L. Gillespie], Apr. 19, 1900 [56th Con- gress, 1st session]. 1900. Mississippi River floods, testimony taken [Oct. 22, 1897-Feb. 9, 1898] before subcommittee pursuant to S. R. 76, 55th Congress, 1st session. 1898. [Also in Report on Mississippi River floods (Y4.C732:M693).] Mississippi River. Report on Mississippi River floods pursuant to S. R. 76, 55th Congress, Ist session [with testimony taken before subcommittee, Oct. 22, 1897-Feb. 9, 1898]. 1898 [1899]. ([55th Cong. 3d sess. S. rp. 1433]; serial no. 3740.) Mississippi River. River and harbor bill [hearings, Jan. 26, 1901, on that portion of H. 13189, 56th Congress, 2d session, which relates to] improving Southwest Pass of Mississippi River, as well as of Aransas Pass, Tex., by reaction breakwater system. 1901. National standardizing bureau [report favoring S. 4680, 56th Con- gress, 2d session, to establish national standardizing bureau by enlarging functions of Ofiice of Standard Weights and Measures]. [1901.] (56th Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. [unnum- bered].) [Not in Congressional set.] Philadelphia Commercial Museum, notes of hearing [Jan. 18, 1900], on S. 417 [56th Congress, 1st session], for adding to specimens and productions of United States and foreign countries to be exhibited in Philadelphia Museum; [statement of W. P. Wilson]. [1900.] Revenue-Cutter Service. Report to accompany S. 7663 [59th Con- gress, 2d session, to increase efficiency of Revenue-Cutter Service]. [1907.] [5261-7322] [Advance copy. The bureau edition contains additional matter not given in Congressional edition.] River and harbor improvements, hearing [Jan. 14, 1902, 57th Con- gress, 1st session], in relation to river and harbor improve- ments. 1902. 1549 ClatwIflrAtlon no. Y4.C73*: Sa8 Shf) T66 W31 Y4.C75: P44 P641 VVA -' R29» R292 R293 R29^ R29* Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Commerce Committee (Senate) — C>)ntinued Sailing vessels. Hearing [Mar. 5, 1892], in relation to S. 1282 r52d Congress, Ist session], exempting American coastwise sailing I vessels, piloted by licensed maat^rs or by United States pilot, I from obngation to pay State pilots for services not rendered. 1892. I Shipping. Revival of American shipping, notes of hearings [Jan. 1 12, 13, 1899], on S. 5024 [55th Congress, 3d session], to pro- I mote commerce and increase foreign trade [by granting sub- I sidies to vessels] and to provide auxiliary cruisers, transports, and seamen. [1899.] Tows. Length and width of tows, notes of hearings [Apr. 5, 1900, 56th Congress, 1st session], on S. 3383, to regulate towing within harbor of New York, and S. 3531, for regulations to limit length and width of tows in United States inland waters. [1900.] ^ Waterways. Letters of Secretary of War and chairman of Inland Waterways Commission relative to S. 500 [GOth Congress, 1st session, providing for appointment of inland waterways commission, and for improvement and development of inland waterways of country with view to promotion of transporta- tion between States and with foreign countries]. [1908.] Conduct of the War, Joint Committee on Petersburg, Va. Report [Feb. 6, 1865, and testimony, Dec. 17, 1864-Jan, 17, 1865, 38th Congress, 2d session], on attack on Petersburg, July 30, 1864. 1865. (r38th Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 114]; serial no. 1211.) [See also Y4.C75:R29^] Pillow, Fort, massacre. Report of subcommittee under joint resolu- tion directing Joint Committee on Conduct of War to examine into recent attack on Fort Pillow [with testimony, Apr. 22- May 9, 1864, 38th Congress, Ist session]; Report, with testi- mony [May 6, 1864, 38th Congress, 1st session, relative to returned prisoners]. May 6, 9, 1864. [No edition without Congressional document number. Made up of 38th Congress, Ist session. House report 65 and House report 67, serial no. 1206. This print of no. 67 contains additional matter on p. 30-34, not found in Congressional edition.] Same. May 5, 9, 1864. [No edition without Congressional docu- ment number. Made up of 38th Congress, 1st session, Senate report 63 and Senate report 68, serial no. 1178. This print of no. 68 contains additional matter on p. 30-34, not found in Congressional edition.] Report [Apr. 6, 1863, journal, Dec. 20, 1861-Apr. 3, 1863, and testi- mony, Dec. 24, 1861-Apr. 5, 1863, 37th Congress, 2d and 3d sessions, pt. 1: Army of the Potomac]. 1863. (37th Cong. 3d sess. H. rp. [108]; serial no. 1152.) Report [Apr. 6, 1863, and testimony, Dec. 24, 1861-Mar. 2, 1863, 37th Congress, 2d and 3d sessions, pt. 2: Bull Run; Ball's Bluff]. 1863. (37th Cong. 3d sess. H. rp. [108]; serial no. 1153.) Same [Jan. 9, 1862-Mar. 26, 1863, 37th Congress, 2d and 3d ses- sions, pt. 3: Western Department or Missouri; Miscellaneous]. 1863. (37th Cong. 3d sess. H. rp. [108]; serial no. 1154.) Report [May 22, 1865, journal, Jan. 20, 1864-May 22, 1865, and testi- mony, Feb. 25, 1864-May 18, 1865, 1st session and] 2d session, 38th Congress [v. 1]: Army of the Potomac; Battle of Peters- burg. 1865. [1212-142] [See also Y4.C75:F44.] Report [May 22, 1865, and testimony, Jan. 27, 1864-Apr. 21, 1865, Ist session and] 2d session, 38th Congress [v. 2]: Red River expedition; Fort Fisher expedition; Heavy ordnance. 1865. [1213-142] 1550 H75 Im6 Classification Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS --Continued no. Y4.C75: I Conduct of ttie War, Joint Committee on— Continued R29^ ! Same [testimony, Feb. 6, 1864-May 22, 1865, 1st session and] ! 2d session, 38th Congress [v. 3]: Sherman-Johnston; Light- j draft monitors; Massacre of Cheyenne Indians; Ice contracts; Rosecrans's campaigns; Miscellaneous. 1865. [1214-142] [See, for supplemental report, Y4.C75:Su^>^.] Su7 ' Supplemental report [to report of May 22, 1865], Senate report 142, 38th Congress, 2d session: [Reports of W. T. Sherman and George H. Thomas]. 1866. v. 1. [1241-unnumbered] Su7- Same: [Reports of John Pope, J. G. Foster, A. Pleasanton, E. A. Hitchcock, P. H. Sheridan, J. B. Ricketts, communication and memorial of Norman Wiard]. 1866. v. 2. [1242-unnum- ) bered] Conference Committees (House and Senate) Homestead. Statement made by House conferees on S. 6155 [60th Congress, 2d session, for enlarged homestead]. [1909.] [Same as p. 3 and 4 of House report 2135, 60th Congress, 2d session.] Immigration. Part of Senate document 318, 59th Congress, 2d session, comparative print showing changes that enactment of S. 4403 [to regulate immigration of aliens into United States], would make in existing law. [1907.] [In 5072-318] Contract Labor, Convicts, and Paupers, Select Committee on Importation of (House) R29 Report [on H. 12291, 50th Congress, 2d session] of select committee to inquire into alleged violation of laws prohibiting importa- tion of contract laborers, paupers, convicts, and other classes, with testimony [July 25-I)ec. 26, 1888], documents, and con- sular reports submitted to committee. 1889. [Testimony and consular reports have separate title-pages. The imprint to testimony is 1888 and to consular reports, 1889. The report, views of minority, and views of Mr. Spinola are in [2673-3792].] Yd.CSl ' : Corrupt Combinations of Members of Congress, Alleged, Select Committee to Investigate . (House) R29 Reports [34th Congress, 3d session, in cases of William A. Gilbert, William W. Welch, Francis S. Edwards, and Orsamus B. Mat- teson]. Feb. 19, 1857 [reprinted] Mar. 3, 1857. (34th (^ong. 3d sess. H. rp. 243; serial no. 914.) [The bureau edition ordered printed Mar. 3, 1857, contains same matter as Congres- sional edition though rearranged.] Yd.CSl^: Corruptions in Government, Alleged, Select Committee to Investigate (House) C83 Covode investigation [report of committee and documents bearing upon matters under investigation]. [I860.] [Made up of 36th Congress, 1st session. House reports 648, 621, 249, serial nos. 1071, 1070, 1068, and 35th Congress, 2d session, House report 184, serial no. 1019.] Y4.C86: Credit Mobilier Bribery, Alleged, Select Com- mittee to Investigate (House) P75 Poland Committee. Report, Feb. 18, 1873 [42d Congress, 3d session, by Luke P. Poland from select committee no. 1, appointed under resolution of Dec. 2, 1872, to investigate whether any member of House was bribed by Oakes Ames, or any other person or corporation, to perform certain legislative acts for benefit of Union Pacific Railroad Company by presents of Btock in Credit Mobilier of America; with hearings, Dec. 12, 1872-Feb. 19, 1873]. 1873. ([42d Cong. 3d sess. H. rp. 771; eerial ^o. 1577.) 1551 ClMHlflcatlon no. Y4.C86: W69 Y4.C89: B79 Cll C75 Ex7 M74 P841 P84=^ P94» P943 P94-^ R24» Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Credit Mobllior Bribery, Allegred, Select Com- mittee to Investigate (House)— Continued Wilson Committee. Report [Feb, 20, 1873, 42d Congress, 3d session, by Jeremiah M. Wilson from select committee no. 2j appointed under resolution of Jan. 0, 1873, to make inquiry in relation to affairs of Union Pacific Railroad (Company, Credit Mobilier of America, and other matters [submitting if. 4031; with hear- ings, Jan. 10-Feb. 19, 1873]. 1873. ([42d Cong. 3d sess. II. rp. 78]; serial no. 1577.) Cuba Relation .s Committee (Senate) Brooke, John R. Hearing [50th Congress, Ist session], statement of John R. Brooke, Jan. 29, 1900. 1900. Cable lines to Cuba [hearings on S. J. R. 46, 56th Congress, 1st ses- sion], Feb. 9[-Mar. 3], 1900. [1900.] Conditions in Cuba [statement of James H. Wilson] Jan. 12, 1900 [56th Congress, 1st session]. [1900.] Expenditures. Statement of Secretary of War of expenditures made on public buildings, works, wharves, etc., in Cuba from funds pertaining to fiscal year 1899 [and fiscal year 1900]. Nov. 30, 1900[-Feb. 2, 1901]. [Statement for 1900 is in 3 parts.] Moneys. Hearing in matter of moneys received and expended in Cuba by oSacials and representatives of United States [state- ment of Clarence R. Edwards, Nov. 16, 1900, recess of 56th Congress]. 1900. Postal frauds. Report upon frauds and embezzlements of Cuban pos- tal ofiicials; by J. L. Bristow. 1900. [Also in Receipts and expenditures in Cuba (Y4.C89:R24 2).] Same, Spanish, 1901. Property. Letter of Secretary of War, submitting itemized statement of personal pro^)erty purchased or procured and intrusted to any oflficer, civil or military, in C^uba, Jan. 1, 1899-Apr. 30, 1900. Jan. 21[-Feb. 2], 1901. v. 1, pts. 1-3. [Bound at be- ginning of V. 1 is Letter from Secretary of War presenting fur- ther itemization of expenditures made by Gonzales de Quesada, special commissioner for Cuba at Paris exposition, Jan. 1, 1899-Apr. 30, 1900. Jan. 8, 1901.] Same. Feb. 8[-25], 1901. v. 2, pts. 4-7. Same. Mar. 28[-Apr. 10], 1901. v. 3, pts. 8-10. [Receipts and expenditures in Cuba, Jan. 1, 1899-Apr. 30, 1900.] 1900. V. 1. Contents: Consolidated statement of fiscal affairs under United States military govern- ment. Dec. 13, 1900.— Itemized statement of customs collected. Oct. 26, 1900.— Receipts of internal revenue. Sept. 25, 1900.— Postal revenues. Nov. 30, 1900.— Corrected account of postal revenues. Dec. 13, 1900.— Receipts from telegraph lines. Sept. 25, 1900.— Itemized statement of miscellaneous revenues. Nov. 30. 1900.— Expenditures, aid to destitute. 1900.— Expend- itures, aericulture, industry, commerce, and public works. Nov. 8, 1900. — Itemized statement of expenditures, olfice of auditor. Oct. 27, 1900.— Ex- penditures, barracks and quarters. Nov. 8, 1900.— Expenditures, Cuban ex- hibit at Paris. 1900.— Itemized statement of expenditures, customs service. Oct. 27, 1900. — Disbursements by ports made by collectors of customs, etc. Oct. 22. 1900.— Expenditures, charities and hospitals. 1900.— Expendi- tures, Cuban census. Sept. 25, 1900.— Expenditures, extraordinary pay- ments ordered by general commanding department. Nov. 8, 1900.— Ex- Senditures, finance. Nov. 8, 1900.— Itemized statement of expenditures, eadnuarters, Division of Cuba. Oct. 27, 1900.— Expenditures, Jucaro and San Fernando Railroad. Nov. 8, 1900.— Expenditures, justice and public instruction. Nov. 8, 1900.— Expenditures, municipalities. Nov. 8, 1900.— Expenditures, misceUaneous. 1900. 1552 Classification no. Y4.C89: R242 Su3 Y4.D63 ' : All^ A112 All^ All^ All* All« All" All« B86 C64 C81 Ed8 F48 F51 G14 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Cuba Relations Committee (Senate) — Continued Same. 1900 [and 1901]. v. 2. Contents: Itemized statement of expenditures made by E. G. Rathbone, director-general of posts. Nov. 30, 1900.— Expenditures, public works, ports, and harbors. Nov. 8, 1900.— Itemized statement of expenditures, quarantine. Nov. 30, 1900. — Expenditures, rural guard and administration. 1900.— Expendi- tures, state and govemnient. Nov. 8, 1900.— Itemized statement of ex- penditures, Triscornia Railroad. Dec. 7. 1900.— Itemized statement of expenditures, treasury. Oct. 27, 1900.— Expenditures, sanitation. Nov. 8, 1900.— Supplementary itemized statement of expenditures, barracks and quarters, sanitation, rural guard and administration, charities and hospitals, miscellaneous, aid to destitute, and expenditures made by col- lectors of customs. Nov. 30, 1900.— Expenditures under Navy Depart- ment. Sept. 25, 1900.— Report upon frauds and embezzlements of Cuban postal officials; by J. L. Bristow, 1900.— Statement of E. P. Thompson, replying to charges made by J. L. Bristow. [1900.]— Criticisms of E. G. Rathbone on Bristow report. Jan. 8, 1901. Sugar sales. Cuban sugar sales, testimony taken [May 1-June 16, 1902], 57th Congress, Ist session. 1902. District of Columbia Committee (House) Alcohol. Report of hearings on H, 17530 [60th Congress, 1st session], to prevent manufacture and sale of alcoholic drinks in Dis- trict of Columbia, pt. 1, Mar. 11, 1908. 1908. Same, pt. 2, Mar. 16, 1908. 1908. Same, pt. 3, Apr. 1, 1908. 1908. Same, pt. 4, Apr. 6, 1908. 1908. Same, pt. 5, Apr. 22, 1908. 1908. Same, pt. 6, Apr. 29, 1908, statement of Richard Bartholdt. 1908. Same, May 6, 1908. 1908. Same, May 20, 1908, statement of Samuel De Nedrey. 1908. Buildings. Report of hearings [before subcommittee on education and charities]. Mar. 30, 1906, on H. 4467 [59th Congress, Ist session], to create board for condemnation of insanitary build- ings in District of Columbia. 1906. Code of law for District of (^olumbia enacted Mar. 3, 1901, amended Jan. 31 and June 30, 1902, and amended further to Mar. 3, 1905; compiled by Charles Moore, indexed by Edwin C. Brandenburg, recompiled and indexed by Daniel E. Garges. [Jan. 15] 1906. [This 1906 edition was published for the House Committee. The Senate Committee in 1908 ordered a reprint, which differs only in title-page; see Y4.D63^:C64^.] Corporations. Report of hearings, Jan. 16, 1905, on H. 11811 and 12303 [58th Congress, 3d session], to amend code of law for District of Columbia regarding corporations. 1905. Education. Report of hearings [before subcommittee], Mar. 13, 16, 1906 [59th Congress, 1st session], on S. 1243, for compulsory education in District of Columbia, and H. 375, 4462, 5974, to regulate child labor in District of Columbia. 1906. Filtration plant. Report of special subcommittee, [amending] H. R. 90, 58th Congress, 2d session [calling for information as to progress of work on Washington Aqueduct filtration plant; with hearings, Apr. 23, 1904]. [1904.] Fire Department. Report of hearings [before subcommittee on ways and means], Apr. 6, 1906, on H, 4464 [59th Congress, 1st session], to classify officers and members of Fire Department of District of Columbia. 1906. Gambling. Report of hearing [before subcommittee on judiciary] on H. 20111 [60th Congress, 1st session], to amend act to estab- lish code of law for District of Columbia, relative to gambling, bucket shops, and bucketing, Mar. 31, 1908. 1908. 1553 a»»ilflratloa no. Y4.D63': G21» G213 H53 L44 L61 L66 M191 MI92 MI93 M19* M19^ Or4 08/ P7i Sch6 Sch62 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued District of Columbia Committee (House) — Continued Gas. Report of hoarinj?H on H. J. R. 82 [60th Congress, Ist session], suspending t^vv. 5 of act regulating sale of gas in District of Columbia, and jurisdiction of Supreme Court of District of Columbia thereunder, (and) II. 18513 [GOth Congress, Ist session], to repeal sec. 5 of act relating to sale of gas in District of Columbia, approved June 6, 1896, and cost of gas produc- tion. Mar. 25-Apr. 15, 1908. 1908. Gas. Report of hearings on II. 26398 [60th Congress, 2d session], regulating quantity of carbon monoxid in gas in District of Columbia, Jan. 20-30, 1909. 1909. Highways . Laws relating to permanent system of highways outside of cities of Washington and Georgetown and in District of Columbia, completed to 60th Congress; compiled by Lewis M. Miller. 1908. Laws relating to gas, electric light, tel^raph, and telephone com- panies, and electric equipment of street railway companies in District of Columbia; compiled by Walter C. Allen. 1908. Library, Branch. Report of hearings [before subcommittee on education, labor, and charities], Jan. 30, 1907, on S. 6406 r59th Congress, 2d session], to accept money and land for branch library in District of Columbia [at Takoma Park], to establish commission to supervise erection of building [etc.]. 1907. Liquors. Report of hearings, Feb. 14, 1907, on H. 6016 [59th Con- gress, 2d session], to prohibit manufacture and sale of intoxi- cating liquors in District of Columbia. 1907. McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, i4.Ac2: M19.] Same. 1887. Same. 1887. Same. 1887. Same. 1887. V. 2. V. 3. V. 4. V. 5. Origin and government of District of Columbia; by William Tindall. 1909. [2]-H30 p. il. [Printed for the House Committee. Re- print, with changes and additions, of p. 1-30 of Origin and government of District of Columbia, by William Tindall, published by Commissioners of District of Columbia in 1908 (DC1.2:D63^).] Osteopathy. Report of hearings, Jan. 17, 1907, on S. 5221 [59th Congress, 2d session], to regulate practice of osteopathy, to license osteopathic physicians^ and to punish persons violat- ing provisions thereof in District of Columbia. 1907. Police. Report of hearings [before subcommittee on ways and means], Feb. 23, 24, 1906, on H. 117 and 12321 [59th Congress, 1st session], to amend act relating to police of District 01 Columbia. 1906. Schools. Report of hearings before subcommittee [on education, labor, and charities, Feb. 26-Mar. 13, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st session], on bills relating to reorganization of schools of District of Columbia. 1906. Schools. Report of hearings [before subcommittee on education, labor, and charities], Jan. 8, 1907, on H. 22145 [59th Congress, 2d session], defining position of employees of public school system of District of Columbia and authorizing payment therefor. 1907. 82452°— 11- -98 1554 Classification no. Y4.D631: StS: St8^ St83 T19 Un3i Un32 Y4.D63 2: CI71 C17' C631 C632 C633 C63* C635 C63« C637 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued District of Columbia Committee (House)— Continued Schools. Letters from Edward Morrell, acting chairman of sub- committee on education, labor, and charities, and replies of Daniel W. Baker, district attorney for District of Columbia [Jan. 11-23, 1907], concerning public act 254, 50th Congress, 1st session, to fix and regulate salaries of teachers, school officers, and other employees of Board of Education of Dis- trict of Columbia, and H. 22145, 59th Congress, 2d session, defining position of employees of public school system of District of Columbia and authorizing payment therefor. 1907. Street railroads. Report of hearings, Jan. 24, 1905, on amendment to H. 9166 [58th Congress, 3d session, to authorize extension of Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad into District of Columbia] that within District of Columbia 8 street railway tickets shall be sold for 25 cents. 1905. Street railroads. Report of hearings, Jan. 31-Feb. 13, 1907 [59th Congress, 2d session], on H. 124, to regulate operation of street railways in District of Columbia, H. 7035 and 22132, for universal transfers over street railway lines in District of Columbia, H. 23018, fixing price of gas in District of Columbia, and H. 23023, regulating manner of giving transfers on street- car railways in District of Columbia. 1907. Street railroads. Report of hearings, Jan. 13-1^, 1908 [60th. Con- gress, 1st session], on H. 11759, authorizing extensions to be made in lines of City and Suburban Railway of Washington, Washington Railway and Electric Company, Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company, and Capital Traction Company, in District of Columbia, H. 4051, regulating manner of giving transfers on street-car railways in District of Colum- bia, and H. 13085, regulating fare and manner of giving trans- fers on street railroads in District of Columbia. 1908. Taxation. Methods of municipal taxation and assessment in Dis- trict of Columbia, completed to and including 59th Congress; by William Tindall. 1908. Union Station. Report of hearings, June 12, 18, 1902, on S. 4825 [57th Congress, Ist session], for Union Station in District of Columbia [etc.]. 1902. Union Station. Comparative statement of estimated cost to Balti- more and Ohio Railroad Company and Philadelphia, Balti- more and Washington Railroad Company, under acts ap- proved Feb. 12, 1901, and S. 4825 [57th Congress, 2d session], for Union Station in District of Columbia [etc.]. Feb. 7, 1903. District of Columbia Committee (Senate) Capitol. History of United States Capitol; by Glenn Brown. [Dec. 15, 1899, imprint date] 1900 [published 1901]. v. 1, large 4° (56th Cong. Ist sess. S. doc. 60; serial no. 3849, v. 1.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same [with bibliography]. [Dec. 15, 1899, imprint date] 1902 [published 1904]. v. 2, large 4° (56th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 60; serial no. 3849, v. 2.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] Coal supply of District of Columbia, hearing, Jan. 8, 1903 [under S. R. 325, 57th Congress, 2d session]. Jan. 9, 1903. Same, Jan. 9, 1903. Jan. 10, 1903. Same, Jan. 12, 1903. [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] Same, Jan. 13, 1903. Same, Jan. 15, 1903. Same, Jan. 16, 1903. Same, Jan. 20, 1903. 1555 CUKstflratlon no. Y4.D63 = : C64» C64» C64 = D14 Ea7 Ed8» Ed82 G21^ G212 G79 H81 L441 L442 L66 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued District of Columbia Committee (Senate)— Continued Code of law for District of Columbia enacted Mar. 3, 1901; indexed by Edwin C. Brandenburg. 1901. Same, amended by acts approved Jan. 31 and June 30, 1902; compiled by Charles Moore, indexed by Edwin C. Branden- burg. [Aug. 1] 1902. Same, amended by acta approved Jan. 31 and June 30, 1902, and amended further to Mar. 3, 1905; [compiled by Charles Moore, indexed by Edwin C. Brandenburg, recompiled] and indexed to Mar. 3, 1905, by Daniel E. Garges. [Reprint] 1908. [This 1908 edition, published for use of the Senate Committee, is a reprint with different title-page of the 1906 edition ord<^red for the House Committee; see Y4.D63':C64.] Dairy products. Hearings before subcommittee [Feb. 2, 4, 1904], on S. 2402 [58th Congress, 2d session], to secure sanitary dairy f>roducta [milk and cream] for District of Columbia. 1904. In 4572-804] [These hearings comprise p. 7-56 of Senate re- port 804, 58tn Congress, 2d session.] East Washington Heights Railroad Company. Hearing before sub- committee [May 2, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st session], on S. 4254, to incorporate East Washington Heights Railroad Company [and to repeal charter, etc., of East Washington Heights Trac- tion Railroad], and S. 4944, to authorize Washington and Marl- boro Electric Railway Company to extend its line into District of Columbia. 1906. Education. Reports on educational and sanitary conditions in Dis- trict of Columbia, presented at annual meeting of Civic Center of Washington, Jan. 8, 1901. 1901. Education. Public education in District of Columbia, hearing be- fore subcommittee [Jan. 28, 1908], on S. 4032 r60th Congress, 1st session], to establish direction and control of public educa- tion in District of Columbia. 1908. Gas, supplementary hearing [Apr. 16, 1896], on H. 6994 [54th Congress, 1st session], relating to sale of gas in District of Columbia. 1896. Gas. Hearing [Feb. 5, 1909, 60th Congress, 2d session], on S. 8655, to require Washington Gaslight Company and Georgetown Gaslight Company to maintain and record certain pressure of ris, S [H]. 18345, to fix price of gas in District of Columbia, (H]. 18513, to repeal sec. 5 of act relating to sale of gas in Dis- tnct of Columbia [as to issuance of shares of stock by Wash- ington Gaslight Company, and Georgetown Gaslight Company, and jurisdiction of Supreme Court of District thereunder, etc., and] H. 26398, regulating quantity of carbon monoxide in gas in District of Columbia. 1909. Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad. Hearings [Mar. 24-28, 1904], on S. 2833 [58th CouCTess, 2d session], to authorize ex- tension of Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad into Dis- trict of Columbia. 1904. Hours of labor on contracts with District of Columbia, hearing before subcommittee on S. 6414 [60th Congees, 1st session], to regulate hours of labor on contracts with District of Columbia, Apr. 25, 1908. 1908. Laws, reports, and documents relating to District of Columbia, 59th Congress, Ist session [index]. 1907. Same, 60th Congress, 1st session. 1909. Liquors. Regulation of sale of intoxicating liquors in District of Co- lumbia, hearings [May 8, 9, 1908], on S. 6264 [60th Confess, 1st session], to regulate sale of intoxicating liquors in District of Columbia. 1908. 1556 Classification no. M19' MI92 P212 P213 1*21* P23 R13 Sch6i Sch62 St8» St82 Su7 T19 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued District of Columbia Committee (Senate) — Continued McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. y. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2: M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Park improvement papers [1st series], 17 papers relating to improve- ment of park system of District of Columbia [with index]; edited by Charles Moore. 1902. [Each paper has also ap- peared separately.] Same [1st series 1-17, 2d series 1-3], 20 papers relating to improve- ment of park system of District of Columbia [with index]; edited by Charles Moore. 1903. [Each paper has also ap- peared separately.] Same, 2d series: 4, Training of American students of architecture and American Academy in Rome, with sketches of French Academy; [edited by Charles Moore]. [1903.] Park system. Improvement of park system of District; [edited by Charles Moore]. 3d edition. 1906 [1907]. (57th Cong. 1st sess. S.rp.l66.) [The 3d edition is not in Congressional set. See, for 1st edition, which appeared only as a Congressional document, [4258-166]. The 2d edition is not in the Public Doc- uments Library and there is doubt as to whether or not the 2d edition was printed.] Parks. Proposed District of Columbia parks, hearing [Apr. 4, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st session], in support of S. 5201, to acquire land in District of Columbia as addition to Rock Creek Park, and S. 5289, to acquire ground in Hall and El van's subdivision of Meridian Hill for Government reservation. 1906. Railroad tracks. Extension of railroad tracks to navy-yard, state- ments [Feb. 24,1908], on S. 3976 [60th Congress, 1st session], to authorize and require Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing- ton Railroad Company to maintain and operate track connec- tion with navy-yard, Washington, D. C. 1908. Schools. Public schools of District of Columbia, hearing before sub- committee [May 26, 1906], on H. 18442 [59th Congress, Ist ses- sion], to fix and regulate salaries of teachers, school officers, and other employees of Board of Education of District of Co- lumbia. 1906. Schools. Public schools of District of Columbia, school examinations [by Charles Moore]; supplemental report [under S. R. 140, 56th Congress, 1st session]. 1900. ([56th Cong. 1st sess. S. rp. 711, pt. 2]; serial no. 3889.) [Street railways in District of Columbia, questions by subcommittee, 59th Congress, 1st session, and answers by railway officers.] [1906.] Street railways. District street railways, statements before sub- committee [Mar. 7, 1904], on S. 4106 [58th Congress, 2d ses- sion], to regulate operation of street railways in District of Columbia. 1904. Sunday observance. Closing certain places of business in District of Columbia on Sunday [hearings before subcommittee, Apr. 15, 1908, 60th Congress, Ist session, on S. 3940, requiring certain places of business in District of Columbia to be closed on Sunday, and S. 6535, for proper observance of Sunday as day of rest in District of Columbia]. [1908.] Taxation. Hearing, Feb. 29, 1904, on S. 2879 [58th Congress, 2d session], to amend law relating to taxation in District of Columbia. 1904, 1557 ClMslfloatlon no. Y4.D632: T79 Un3 TJsS V83 W27» W272 W273 W29 W292 W293 Y4.D63 3: C37» C372 C37' Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONORfiSS-Continued District of Columbia Commltteo (Senate)— Continued Tuberculosis. Prevention of spread of tuberculosis in District of Columbia, statements, Feb. 1, 1907, on S. 7041 [59th Congress, 2d session], to provide for reports and registration of cases of tuberculosis in District of Columbia, for free examination of sputum in suspected cases, and for preventing spread of tuber- culosis. 1907. Union Station, Washington, D. C. [proposed application of smoke law to locomotives], statements, Jan. 18, 29, 1907, on H. 9329 [59th Congress, 2d session]. 1907. Usury. Suppression of usury and regulation of pawnbrokers in District of Columbia, hearing before subcommittee on judi- ciary [May 6, 1908, 60th Congress, Ist session], on S. 6559, for suppression of usury in District of Columbia, S. 2031, to amend code of law of District of Columbia with regard to receipt of usurious interest, [and] S. 2296, to regulate busi- ness of loaning money on security of any kind, by persons, firms, and corporations other than national banks, savings banks, and trust companies and real estate brokers in Dis- trict of Columbia. 1908. Vivisection, hearing, Feb. 21, 1900, on S. 34 [56th Congress, 1st session], for further prevention of cruelty to animals in Dis- trict of Columbia. 1900. [3868-337] Washington, D. C. Papers relating to city of Washington [relative to S. 2725, 56th Congress, Ist session, to transfer certain old records of Washington from custody of chief of engineers to that of surveyor of Washington]. 1900. Washington, D. C. Papers relating to improvement of Washington, D. C; compiled oy Glenn Brown [for] American Institute of Architects, with introduction by Charles Moore. 1901. [4033-94] Washington, D. C. Removal of seat of Government to Washington, by W. B. Bryan; [Centennial of permanent seat of Govern- ment of United States, by Samuel C. Busey]. [1900.] [3848-62] [Papers read before Columbia Historical Society, Dec. 3, 1894 and Nov. 6, 1899. Also in Celebration of 100th anniversary of establishment of seat of Government in Dis- trict of Columbia (Y4.P93 ':G74 ').] Water supply. Purification of Washington water supply, inquiry held by direction of Senate Committee on District of Colum- bia; edited by Charles Moore. [1st edition.] 1901. Same. 2d edition. 1903. Same; compiled and indexed by John H. Walker. 3d edition 1909. District of Columbia, Joint Select Committee to Investigate Charities and Reformatory Institutions in Charities and reformatory institutions. Joint Select Committee to Investigate Charities and Reformatory Institutions in District of Columbia, pt. 1, hearings, statements, reports from cities, suggestions for board of charities; compiled by Charles Moore. 1897. (55th Cong. Ist seas. S. doc. 185; serial no. 3565.) [No edition without Congressional document number. There was no House edition of pt. 1.] Same, pt. 2, report [with recommendations]. 1898. ([55th Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 700]; serial no. 3565.) [See, for House edition, 55th Congress, 2d session, House report 776; serial no. 3723.] Same, pt. 3, historical sketches of charities and reformatory institutions in District of Columbia; compiled by Charles Moore. 1898. [3565-781 and 3723-1092] 1558 Glasslflcation no. Y4.Ed8 ' : Ed8 M19 Yi.EdS^; Y4.Ed8^ C23 C43 C432 C86 D34 Ei4 Ei4: Ei48 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Education and Labor Committee (House) [On Mar. 21, 1867, 40th Congress, 1st session, a committee was formed in the House which was called the Education and Labor Committee; this continued as a committee untU Dec. 19, 1883, 48th Congress, 1st session, when it was divided into 2 committees, an Education Committee (y4.Ed82:) and a Labor Com- mittee (Y4.L11:).] Education Bureau. Report [on annual report of commissioner of education for 1867-68]. Feb. 16, 1869. (40th Cong. 3d sess. H. rp. [unnumbered].) [1388-25] [This advance print, without report number 25, bears incorrectly the name of the committee as Labor and Education Committee. The Con- gressional edition has correct name of committee and differs slightly in other respects from the advance print.] McKee's compilation. Reports of Committee on Education, House of Representatives, from organization of committee, Mar. 21, 1867, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. [The back title of this publication reads, House Committee on Education and Labor. The compila- tion includes reports both of the Education and Labor Com- mittee down to the end of the 47th Congress, and of the Edu- cation Committee which superseded it in the 48th Congress. See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:Ml9.] Education Committee (House) [This committee dates from the 48th Congress. See, for further historical infor- mation, note under Y4.Ed8i:] McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee. Mar. 21, 1867, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T.H. McKee. 1887. SeeY4.Ed8':MW. . Education and Labor Committee (Senate) Carriers. Liability of common carriers to employees, hearings [Feb. 21-Mar. 3, 1908], on S. 5307 [60th Congress, Ist session]. ^ 1908. Child labor in District of Columbia, report of hearing [Apr. 30, 1906], relative to H. 17838 [and S. 5665, 59th Congress, 1st session], to regulate employment of child labor in District of Columbia. [1906.] (59th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. [unnumbered]; not in Congressional set.) Children's bureau. Hearing [Feb. 4, 1909], on S. 8323, establishment of children's bureau in Interior Department, 60th Congress, 2d session. 1909. [See, for other hearings on same subject. Hearings on H. 24148, 60th Congress, 2d session (Y4.Ex7 3:C43).] Criminal classes. Study of criminal, pauper, and defective classes, statement of Arthur Macdonald [Feb. 21,"*1908] in support of S. 3066 [60th Congress, 1st session], to establish laboratory for study of criminal, pauper, and defective classes. 1908. Deaf children. Training in speech of young deaf childi'^n, statement of Mary S. Garrett [Mar. 16, 1906] in support of S. 4911 [59th Congress, 1st session], making appropriation for training of teachers to instruct deaf children before they are of school age. 1906. Eight hours for laborers on Government work, hearings [June 3- Dec. 12, 1902, on H. 3076, limiting hours of daily service of laborers and mechanics employed upon work for United States, or any Territory, or District of Columbia], 1st session, 57th Congress. 1902. [4427-141] [Issued in separate signatures. The Congressional edition contains also letters received by conmiittee since Dec. 12, 1902.] Eight hours for laborers on Government work, [papers submitted in advance of] hearings [on S. 489, limiting hours of daily service of laborers and mechanics employed upon work for United States, or any Territory, or District of Columbia], 2d eession, 58th Congress. 1904. Same, arguments [Mar. 15-Apr. 6, 1904]. 1904. 1559 Glassiflcatloo no. Y4.Ed83: Ei4* Lll L112 Lll 3 Lll* M19 N21 Y4.E12': C15' CI52 CIS 3 M19 Y4.E12 2: B21 C76» 076* Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Education and Labor Committee (Senate) — Continued Eight-hour law, report [amending] H. 3076 [57th Conprese, 2d seasfon, limiting hours of daily eorvice of laborers and mechanics em- ployed upon work for United States, or any Territory, or Dis- trict of Columbia]. [1902.1 (57th Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. [unnumbered].) [4410^-2321] [This bears the report heading but no number, and the amendments suggested differ mate- rially from those in the numbered report.] Labor and capital. Report upon relations between labor and capital, and testimony talcen by committee, 48th Congress, v. 1, testi- mony [Feb. 5-Sept. 7, 1883]. 1885. [Not m Congressional set.] [Hearings were held under Senate resolution of Aug. 7, 1882, during the 47th Con- gress, 2d session, and during the vacation between the 47th and 48th Con- gresses. V. 5, containing testimony and report of committee, although mentioned on the title-page, was not issued.] Same, v. 2, testimony [Sept. 7-Oct. 2, 1883]. 1885. [Not in Congressional set.] Same, v. 3, testimony [Oct. 12-23, 1883]. 1885. [Not in Congres- sional set.] Same, v. 4, testimony [Nov. 11-28, 1883]. 1885. [Not in Con- gressional set. V. 5 not issued.] McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Jan. 28, 1869, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] National arbitration tribunal [hearings Apr. 7, 1904, on S. 3259, 58th Congress, 2d session, to create national arbitration tribunal and to define duties and powers thereof]. [1904.] Election of President, Vice-President, and Rep- resentatives Committee (House) Campaign contributions. Contributions to political committees in Presidential and other campaigns, hearings [59th Congress, Ist session], on bills in reference to contributions made to political committees engaged in promoting election of Representatives or Delegates to Congress or of Presidential electors. Mar. 12 [and 13], 1906. 1906. Campaign contributions. Hearings [Jan. 30, 1908], on McCall bill [H. 20112, 60th Congress, Ist session], relating to publicity of campaign contributions; [statement of William Jennmgs Bryan]. 1908. Campaign contributions. Hearings [Apr. 9-11, 1908], on McCall bill [H. 20112, 60th Congress, 1st session], relating to publicity of campaign contributions. 1908. McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled bvT.H. McKee. 1887. * [Sc^, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Elections Committees (House) [The Committee on Elections dates from Apr. 13, 1789, 1st Congress, 1st session. In 1895, 54th Congress, 1st session, in order that the work might be disposed of more promptly, the committee was divided into committees nos. 1,2, and 3. J See also Privileges and Elections Committee (Y4.P93*:). Ballots. Rules [prescribed by Committee on Elections, No. 1] for recounting ballots cast at election of Nov. 6, 1894, for Representa- tive of 16th district of Illinois in 54th Congress [case of John I. Rinaker v. Finis E. Downing]. 1896. Contested elections. Rules of Committee on Elections, 53d Congress, and statutes in relation to contested elections. 1894. Contested elections. Rules of Committee on Elections, No. 3, 54th Congress, and statutes in relation to contested elections. 1895. 1560 Classification no. Y4:.E122: C763 C76* C76« C766 Ed9 L32 MI91 MI92 MI93 M19^ MI95 M19« MI97 MI98 MI99 M19i° M19" MI912 M19^3 MI914 MI915 M58 Y4.Ep4i: M19 Y4.Ep4:2: M19 Y4. COMMITTEES OP CONGRESS— Continued Elections Committees (House)— Continued Contested elections. Rules of Committee on Elections [55th Con* gressj, and statutes in relation to contested elections. 1897. Contested elections. Rules of Committee on Elections, No. 1, 57th Congress, and statutes in relation to contested elections. 1901. Contested elections. Rules of Committee on Elections [59th Congress], and statutes in relation to contested elections. 1906. Contested elections. Rules of Committee on Elections, No, 1, 60th Congress, and statutes in relation to contested elections. 1908. Edwards and White v. Hunter. Hearings [Jan. 10-14, 1905, 58th Congress, 3d session], before Committee on Elections, No. 2, on contested election case of D. C. Edwards and John D. White v. W. Godfrey Hunter, from 11th district of Kentucky. 1905. Larrazolo v. Andrews. Contested election case of Octaviano A. Lar- razolo V. William H. Andrews, from New Mexico, [hearings, Jan. 11-13, 1909, 60th Congress, 2d session, before Committee on Elections, No. 2J. 1909. McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4. Ac2:M19.J Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3. * Same. 1887. v. 4. * Same. 1887. v. 5. * Same. 1887. v. 6. * Same. 1887. v. 7. * Same. 1887. v. 8. * Same. 1887. v. 9. * Same. 1887. v. 10. Same. 1887. v. 11. Same. 1887. v. 12. * Same. 1887. v. 13. * Same. 1887. v. 14. * Same. 1887. v. 15. In matter of protest [to Committee on Elec- Michalek, Anthony tions. No. 1], against right of Anthony Michalek to seat in House of Representatives [59th Congress]. 1906. Epidemic Diseases, Select Committee on Ori- gin, Introduction, and Prevention of (House) McKee's compilation. Reports of Committee on Epidemic Diseases and [of Select Committee on] Public Health, House of Repre- sentatives, 46th Congress, 1879-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. [This compilation includes reports both of Select Committee on Origin, Introduction, and Preven- tion of Epidemic Diseases down to the end of the 46th Congress, and of the Select Committee on Public Health which super- seded it in the 47th Congress. See, for historical note concern- ing McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Epidemic Diseases Committee (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Jan. 21, 1884, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [This compilation includes reports both of Select Committee to Investigate Introduction and Spread of Epidemic Diseases, down to the end of the 47th Congress, and of the standing committee which superseded it in the 48th Congress. See, for historical note concerning McKee's compi- lations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] 1561 CUsslfloatlon no. Y4:.Et8 ' : Et3 Y4.Et3': Et3» Et3- Yd.ExT ' : Ag8 Y4.EX7 2: (CT) Y4.Ex7^: C43 M19 Sa3 Y4.Ex7*: B75 C73 MI91 MI92 MI93 Y4.Ex7^: M19 Y4. COMMITTEES OP CONG RE8 8— Continued Ether Discovery, Select Committee on (House) Ether. Report [of minority, 32d Congress, let session] vindicating rights of Charles T. Jackson to discovery of anaesthetic effects ol ether vapor, and disproving claims of W, T. G. Morton to that discovery. Printed by authority of minority of committee, n. p. [1852]. Ether Discovery, Select Committee on (Senate) Ether. Statements supported by evidence of Wm. T. G. Morton, on his claim to discovery of anaesthetic properties of ether, 32d Congress, 2d session, Jan. 21, 1853. Washington, 1853. 582 p. Same [with appendix]. Washington, 1853. 582+135 p. Expenditures In Department of Agriculture Committee (House) Agriculture Department. Hearings [Jan. 5-Feb. 20, 1907], 59th Con- gress, 2d session [concerning expenditures in Agriculture De- partment]. 1907. Expenditures In Department of Commerce and liabor Committee (House) Expenditures in Interior Department Committee (House) Children's bureau. Hearings [Jan. 27, Feb. 1, 1909], on H. 24148, establishment of children's bureau in Interior Department, 60th Congress, 2d session. 1909. [See, for other hearings on same subject. Hearings on S. 8323, 60th Congress, 2d session (Y4.Ed83:C432).] McKee 's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Mar. 16, 1860, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [^: and T28.10: Customs laws. Comparison of customs law of 1883 with new law of 1890, with index, to which is appended administrative customs law of 1890. 1890. Customs laws. Comparison of customs law of 1894 and 1890 with rates of Wilson bill, H. 4864 r53d Congress, 2d session], as it first passed House, and of Mills bill of 1888 [II. 9051, 50th Congress, 1st session]; indexed. 2d edition revised, 1894. (53d Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 559; serial no. 3191.) [Cover-title reads: Comparison of customs laws of 1894 and 1890 with rates of Wilson bill of 1894 and Mills bill of 1888, and statistical tables showing quantities and values of imports and rates of duty thereon under various tariffs. See, for 1st edition, Y4.F49:T17 7-Und7-2.] Customs laws. Tariff law of 1894, compared with tariff law of 1890, Mills bill of 1888, and Wilson bill of 1894. [Ist edition.] 1894. (53d Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 698 [1st edition].) [This Ist and the 2d edition (Y4.F49:C96*) which bear •'53d Congress, 2d session. Senate report 698" on the title-pages are neither one the Senate report 698 which appears in the Congressional set. The 3d edition (Y4.F49:C96'') was substituted.] 1564 CUssiflcatlon no. Y4.F49: 096^ C96^ Im7 Y4:. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Im7 In8 M19 MI92 MI93 M19^ M27 P19 P931 P932 P933 P93* P96» S. rp. 698, 2d- Finance Committee (Senate) — Continued Same. 2d edition. 1894. (53d Cong. 2d sess edition.) [See note for preceding entry.] Same. 3d edition. 1894. (53d Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 698; serial no. 3193.) [The cover-title for each of the 3 editions reads: Chistoms law of 1894, compared with customs law of 1890.] Customs administrative laws, hearings [Nov. 15-23, 1898], before subcommittee. 1898. Imports and exports, pt. 1: Imports, 1867-93, compilation of foreign commodities imported and entered for consumption in United States; compiled from annual reports of [Foreign] commerce and navigation by Charles H. Evans. 1894. [3182-259, pt. 1] Same, pt. 2: Exports, domestic and foreign, from American colo- nies to Great Britain, 1697-1789 [and] Exports, domestic, from United States to all countries, 1789-1893; compiled from offi- cial papers by Charles H. Evans. 1894. [3182-259, pt. 2] [Part 2 includes Statement of average values or gold and United States paper currency in New York market from suspension to resumption of specie payments, 1862-78, by E. B. Elliott.] [Both parts of this report were published by Finance Committee. Two earlier compilations by Charles H. Evans have been issued. One, covering the period to close of fiscal year 1878, was issued only as a Congressional docu- ment; see [1873-46]. The other, covering the period to close of fiscal year 1883, was issued in 1884 bv Statistics Bureau, Treasury Dept.; see T37.2:lm7 1. A later compilation by William W. Evans, covering the period to close of fiscal year 1907, was issued in 1908 and reissued in 1909 by Ways and Means Com- mittee; see Y4.W36:Im7<»5.] Internal-revenue laws, Aug. 5, 1861-Mar. 3, 1873, submitted in re- sponse to order of Senate of May 16, 1898, for use in consider- ation of H. 10100, to provide ways and means to meet war expenditures. May 19, 1898. (55th Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 1123; serial no. 3626.) [Cover- title reads: Reprint of internal- revenue laws, 1861-73, 55th Congress, 1st session.] McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 10, 1816, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3. * Same. 1887. v. 4. * Same. 1887. v. 5. * Magazine articles on economic subjects, v. 1-9, 1893-1908 [index], 1909. Panama. Monetary agreements with Panama, hearings [Jan. 24, 27, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st session, on monetary agreements between Secretary of War and Panama]. 1906. Plate printing. Report on plate printing, Feb. 15, 1889. See T18.2:P69. Prices. Wholesale prices, wages, and transportation [1840-92], report by [Nelson W.l Aldrich, Mar. 3, 1893. 1893 [reprint 1896]. pt. 1. ([52d Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 1394]; serial no. 3074, pt. 1.) Same. 1893 [reprint 1896]. pt. 2. ([52d Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 1394]; serial no. 3074, pt. 2.) Same. 1893 [reprint 1896]. pt. 1394]; serial no. 3074, pt. 3.) Same. 1893 [reprint 1896]. pt. 1394]; serial no. 3074, pt. 4.) Public debt. Treasury surplus and public debt, minutes of interview between Committee on Finance, C. S. Fairchild, acting Secre- tary of Treasury, and C.N. Jordan, Treasurer of United States, July 20, 1886, [on] H. R. 126 [49th Congress, 1st session], direct- ing payment of surplus in Treasury on public debt. 1886. 3. ([52d Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 4. ([52d Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 1565 Classification no. Y4.F49: P963 Si3 Su3 T17' T17-' TI73 T174 T176 T17 X177.1 T177-2 TI78 T17' T17 T17 TI712 T1713 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Finance Committee (Senate)— Continued Public deposits. Report on public deposits [declaring that reasons given for their removal from Bank of United States are unsatis- factory and insufficient]. [1834.] [239-72] Silver. Future of silver, by Eduard Suess; translated by Robert Stein. 1893. [3145-95] [Also in Coinage laws of United States, 1792-1894 (Y4.F49:C662).J Sugar tariffs and sugar trust. [1894.] Tariff. Testimony taken by subcommittee on tariff in connection with H. 9051 [50th Congress, Ist session], to reduce taxation and simplify laws in relation to collection 01 revenue. 1888. pt. 1. ([50th Cong. Ist sess. S. rp. 2332, pts. 1, 2]; serial no. 2527.) Same. 1888. pt. 2. [2527-2332, pt. 3.] Same. 1888. pt. 3. [Not in Congressional set.] Same. 1888. pt. 4. [Not in Congressional set.] Tariff. 50th Congress, Ist session^ H. 9051, comparison of tariff sched- ules showing rates by existing law [act of 1883], H. 9051 [known as Mills bill], and Senate substitute; prepared under direction of subcommittee on tariff. 1888. 4"* Tariff and administrative customs acta of 1890, and H. 4864 [53d Con- gress, 2d session], as reported to Senate from Finance Commit- tee, Mar. 20, 1894; indexed. 1894. [Not in Congressional set.] Tariff. Comparison of tariff and administrative acts of 1890, and H. 4864 as it i)assed Senate, July 2, 1894, calendar day July 3, with rates of said bill as it passed House, and of Mills bill of 1888; indexed. [1st edition.] Juljr 19, 1894. (53d Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 559 [1st edition].) [This first edition which bears "53d Congress, 2d session. Senate report 559 " on its title-page, is not the Senate report 559 which appears in the Congressional set. A revised edition was substituted and bound in v. 13, serial no. 3191, in place of this one which it was originally supposed would be bound there. See, for 2d edition, Y4.F49:C962.] Same, with cover-title, Tariff bill of 1894, comparison of House bill, Senate bill, and present law; indexed. 1894. Tariff. Comparison of text of tariff laws of 1890 and 1894. 1894. (53d Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 707, pt. 2; serial no. 3195.) [This publication is Bulletin 61, pt. 2 of the series of ** Replies to tariff inquiries," which appeared under various Senate report numbers, serial nos. 3185-3191 and 3193-3195. In the Public Documents Library this is the only publication of the series which has a cover not bearing the Congressional document notation.] Tariff. Comparison of tariffs of 1897, 1894, and 1890, with index, pt. 1: Tariffs of 1894 and 1897. 1897. [3568-192] [iSec, for pt. 2, with appendix. Administrative customs act of June 10, 1890, 55th Congress, 2d session. Senate document 329; serial no. 3568.] Tariff. Estimated revenues, comparison of H. 1438 with present tariff law, tables showing rates and duties collected under law of 1897, year ending June 30, 1907, also rates and estimated reve- nues under H. 1438, with possible amendments, Apr. 12, 1909. 1909. 4« Tariff. Estimated revenues, comparison of H. 1438 with present tariff law, tables showing rates and duties collected under law of 1897, vear ending June 30, 1907, also rates under H. 1438 as it passed House of Representatives, and rates and estimated reve- nues under proposed bill as reported from Committee on Fi- nance, Apr. 12, 1909, with possible amendments. [Print 1.] 1909. oblong large 8° Same. Print 2. 1909. oblong large 8° Same, also tables showing exports, wages, and production in thia country. Print 3. 1909. oblong f° 1566 Classification no. Y4.F49: TI715 T1717 T551 T552 T55» T55* WI92 T4.F53: M19 Y4.F58: R29 Y4.F76 ' Ami Am3 C16 C441 C442 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Finance Committee (Senate)— Continued Tariff. Customs tariff, 1909, considered in conference, July, 1909, compared with previous laws [acts of 1883, 1890, 1894, and 1897]. 1909. Tariff. Estimated revenues, comparison of H . 1438 with present tariff law, act of July 24, 1897, tables showing rates and duties col- lected under law of 1897 for year ending June 30, 1907, also rates under H. 1438 as it passed House of Representatives, rates and estimated revenues under proposed bill as it passed Senate July 8, 1909, and as reported from conference with table of imports, production, and consumption. 1909. 166 p. 4° Same. 1909. 97 1. oblong f » Tariff. Dingley tariff law, 1897, and Payne tariff bill, 1909, H. 1438, as reported to Senate, Apr. 12, 1909, from Committee on Fi- nance, comparison of text; indexed. Apr. 19, 1909. 4*' Tobacco. Free tobacco bill, hearings before subcommittee [Jan. 24, Feb. 6, 1905], on H. 14896 [58th Congress, 3d session], for relief of tobacco growers. [1906.] [In 5073-372] Same [June 14, 1906], on H. 14972 [59th Congress, Ist session], for relief of tobacco growers. [1906.] [In 5073-372] Same [Feb. 6-21, 1907], on H. 14972 [59th Congress, 2d session], for relief of tobacco growers. [1907.] [In 5073-372] [Issued in separate signatures.] Same, hearings before Committee on Finance [May 19, 1908], on H. 17520 [60th Congress, 1st session], for relief of tobacco grow- ers. [1908.] War revenue law of 1898 as amended by revenue reduction law of 1901; indexed, n. p. [1902]. 44 p. [Approved Mar. 2, 1901.] Same. n. p. n. d. 35 p. Flslieries Committee (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Jan. 21, 1884, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's com- pilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Five, Select Committee of (House) Reports [36th Congress, 2d session], on subjects, 1, Further provision for collection of duties on imports, 2, Alleged hostile organiza- tion against Government within District of Columbia, 3, Naval force of United States, 4, Relative to correspondence between President and commissioners on part of South Carolina, 5, Seizure of forts, arsenals, revenue cutters, and other property of United States. 1861. [Made up of 36th Congress, 2d ses- sion. House reports 59, 79, 87, 88, 91; serial nos. 1104, 1105.] Foreign Affairs Committee (House) Ambassadors and other public ministers of United States; opinion of Caleb Cushing, Attorney-General, May 25, 1855. [1907.] American National Red Cross [hearing before subcommittee], Feb. 11, 1909 [on H. 27473, 60th Congress, 2d session, to amend act to incorporate American National Red Cross, so as to provide for disposal of balance of funds given for special relief purposes, etc.]. [1909.] Canadian boundaries, statement of Otto H. Tittmann [Jan. 21, 1908, on H. 20345, 60th Congress, 1st session, making appropriations for diplomatic and consular service, 1909]. [1908.] Chinese exclusion [hearings before subcommittee, Feb. 15-Apr. 11, 1906, on H. 12973, 59th Congress, 1st session, to prohibit coming of Chinese laborers into United States]. [1906.] Chinese court bill, hearings [Mar. 11, 1908, on H. 17142, 60th Con- gress, Ist session, to amend act creating United States court for China, and prescribing jurisdiction thereof; statement of Stirling Fessenden] . 1908 . 1567 GUulflcAtlon BO. Y4.F76»: C76» C76« C763 C76* D62^ D622 D623 D62* D62» D628 Em6 In8 M19' M192 MI93 M19* M19« M19« M19' M198 M19» M1910 M19" M19" Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Foreign Afl)a,lrs Committee (House) — Continued Chinese indemnity [hearings before subcommittee, Feb. 4, 10, 1908, on S. J. R. 23, 60th Congress, 1st session, to provide for remis- sion of portion of Chinese indemnity]. [1908.] Consular service. Hearing [Feb. 16, 1906], on S. 1345 [59th Congress, Ist session], for reorganization of consular service; statement of Elihu Root. [1906.] Consulates. [Letter, with inclosures, from Secretary of State relative to appropriations for contingent expenses of consulates.] Mar. 16, 1906. Consular service, statement of Wilbur J. Carr [Jan. 20, 1908, on H, 20345, 60th Congress, 1st session, making appropriations for diplomatic and consular service, 1909]. [1908.J Consular buildings, [hearings] Feb. 13, 1908 [on H. 15111, 60th Con- gress, 1st session, to authorize purchase of lands and buildings Jor consular establishments in China, Japan, and Korea]. [1908.] Diplomatic and consular service. Comparison of law, estimates, and recommendations [relative to appropriations for diplomatic and consular service]. [1906.] Diplomatic and consular appropriation bill [1908, H. 24538, 59th Congress, 2d session], nearing before subcommittee, Dec. 18, 1906. [1907.] Diplomatic and consular appropriation bill [1908, H. 24538, 59th Congress, 2d session], boundary line. United States and Canada, statement of Otto H. Tittmann [Jan. 8, 1907]. [1907.] Diplomatic and consular appropriation bill [comparative tables, 1907- 08]. [1907.] Diplomatic and consular appropriations, 1908-09, statement of Elihu Root [Jan. 30, 1908, on H. 20345, 60th Congress, Ist session]. 1908. Diplomatic and consular appropriation bill [1910, hearings, Jan. 6, 15, 1909, on H. 27523, 60th Congress, 2d session]. [1909. J [Issued in separate signatures.] Emma Mine. Preservation of American honor, report on connection of Robert C. Schenck with Emma Mine, so called, and remarks of Abram S. Hewitt in reference thereto, May 25, 1876. 1876. e'his publication bears on Ist page, 44th Congress, 1st session, ouse report 579, but that report had xvi 4- 883 p. of which the xvi p., only, are given here as 16 p., while 7 p. of other matter have been added.] Inter-continental railway, report [on H. 10441, 51st Congress, 1st session, to provide for survey and encourage construction of continental railway to connect American nations]. 1890. ([51st Cong. Ist sess. H. rp. 2243]; serial no. 2813.) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Mar. 13, 1822, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. V. 2. * Same. 1887. V.3. * Same. 1887. V. 4. * Same. 1887. V.5. » Same. 1887. V. 6. « Same. 1887. V. 7. * Same. 1887. V. 8. « Same. 1887. V. 9. * Same. 1887. V. 10. •i Same. 1887. V. 11. ^ Same. 1887. V. 12. i 1568 Classification no. M57 N51 P21 R47 V55 Y4:.F76 2: B56 C44 C761 C762 C763 C764 C892 F53 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Foreign Affairs Committee (House)— Continued Mexican boundary, International (Water) Boundarjr Commission, United States and Mexico, elimination of bancos in Rio Grande, statement of Wilbur Keblinger [Jan. 21, 1908, 60tli Congress, Ist session, with appendix. Treaties with Mexico concerning boun- dary]. [1908.] Nicaragua Canal. Discussion of Nicaragua ship canal and Tehuan- tepec ship railway schemes, n. p. [1882]. Paraguay. Report on memorial of Porter C. Bliss and George F. Masterman in relation to their imprisonment in Paraguay. 1870. ([4l8t Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 65]; serial no. 1437.) Rio Grande. Hearings [Jan. 24, 1905], upon H. 17939 [58th Congress, 3d session, relating to construction of dam and reservoir on Rio Grande near Engle, N. Mex., for impounding of flood waters of river for purposes of irrigation]. [1905.] Venezuelan claims, argument of Crammond Kennedy, July 27, 28, 1882. 1882. Foreign Relations Committee (Senate) See, for Compilation of reports of Committee on Foreign Relations, 1789-1901, by Hawkins Taylor, serial nos. 4047-4054. Arbitration. International arbitration, views of minority on arbi- tration treaties with Great Britain and other European Powers. SeeY1.58^:V. Black Warrior, steamer. Case of Black Warrior, and other viola- tions of rights of American citizens by Spanish authorities. Washington, Beverley Tucker, Senate printer, 1854. [724-86] Chinese immigration. Argument of Joseph C. G. Kennedy adverse to legislation by Congress on treaties existing [with China], and reviewing report of [Aaron A.] Sargent of Joint Special Committee to Investigate Chinese Immigration, P^'eb. 20, 1878. 1878. ([45th Cong. 2d sess. S. misc. doc. 36]; serial no. 1786.) Consular service. Hearings on S. 2661 [56th Congress, 1st session], to reorganize consular service, Mar. 14, Apr. 18, 1900. 1900. Consular service. Memorandum upon [S. 680, 59th Congress, 1st session], for reorganization of consular service. [1906.] Consular service. Sundry statements regarding consular service [transmitted by Secretary of State, Feb. 12, 1908, 60th Con- gress, 1st session]. [1908.] Consular service. Address before Committee on Foreign Relations on S. 1576 [60th Congress, 1st session], for permanent improve- ment of American consular service, by Austin A, Burnham, Washington, D. C, Mar. 9, 1908. [1908.] Cuba. Affairs in Cuba, message of President on relations of United States to Spain, and report of Committee on Foreign Relations relative to affairs in Cuba. 1898. [Made up of House docu- ment 405, serial no. 3692, Senate document 230, serial no. 3610, and Senate report 885, 2 j)ts., serial no. 3624, all of the 55th Congress, 2d session, with title on cover.] Cuba. Statements of T. H. Bliss [Dec. 19, 1902, Jan. 15, 1903, 57th Congress, 2d session], on reciprocity treaty with Cuba. [1903.] Danish West Indies. Cession of Danish Islands in West Indies, report to accompany Executive M, 57th Congress, Ist session [treaty between United States and Denmark for cession to United States of islands of St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix, signed Washington, Jan. 24, 1902]. See Y1.57^-rp.l. Fisheries. Report [on S. 3173, 49th Congress, 2d session], in rela- tion to rights and interests of American fisheries and fisher- men [with hearings, Sept. 30-Oct. 6, 1886]. 1887. ([49th Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 1683, 2 pts.]; serial no. 2456.) 1569 ClMalfioatloii no. Y4.F76^: H31 H3.r K83 M19» MI92 MI93 M19^ M195 M19« M19' M19« N51 Sa5 T711 T712 T713 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Foreigrn Relations Committeo (Senate) — Continued France. Documents relating to reciprocity convention with France. ^^-^ Y1.56':E-. Hawaiian Islandn, report, with testimony [before subcommittee, Dec. 27, 1893-Feb. 13, 1894], and executive documents transmitted to Congress, Jan. 1, 1893-Mar. 10, 1894. 1894. V. 1. ([53d ('ong. 2d Bess. S. rp. 227 J; serial no. 3180,.) Same. 1894. v. 2. [Not in Congressional set. The same material with some few changes and additional matter is found in Foreign relations, 1894, appendix 2 (SI. 1:894'), which appeared also as 53d Congress, 3d session, House execu- tive document 1; serial ho. 3294.] Interoceanic canals. Proposed interoceanic canal, report to accom- Eany Executive M [56th Congress, 1st session], convention etween United States and Great Britain to facilitate con- struction of ship canal to connect Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and to remove any objection which might arise out of Clayton- Bulwer treaty; [with views of minority]. See Y1.56':rp.l. Kongo Free State. Report [by John T. Morgan] on S. R. 267 [59th Congress, 2d session, requesting President to inform Senate regarding concessions from King Leopold of Belgium for gathering India rubber in Kongo F'ree State, and similar concessions from Government of Liberia]. [1907.] McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 10, 1816, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19. See, for Compilation of reports, 1789-1901, by Hawkins Taylor, serial nos. 4047-54.] Same. 1887. V. 2. Same. 1887. V. 8. Same. 1887. V. 4. Same. 1887. V. 5. Same. 1887. V. 6. Same. 1887. V. 7. Same. 1887. V. 8. Nicaragua Canal, reports in 5l8t, 52d, and 53d Congresses, with sub- ject index; [report by John T. Morgan amending and favor- ing S. 1481, 53a Congress, 2d session, to amend act incorporat- ing Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua]. 1894. ([53d Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 331]; serial no. 3183.) Santo Domingo. Statement of Jacob H. Hollander, Jan. 16 [1907, 59th Congress, 2d session], in reference to debt of Santo Domingo. [1907.] Treaties (note). [The first compilations of treaties were Lssued by the State Department (S9.5i:), but of recent years the work has been done under the direction of the Foreign Relations Committee. The latest compilation issued under the direction of this committee Is excluded from tliis Checklist both because published during 1910 and because a Congressional docutnont of which, as yet , no bureau edition has been issued. This compilation is entitled Treaties, conventions, international acts, protocols and agreements between United States and other Powers, 177(>-19(J'.), by Williiim M. Mallov. It is in 2 volumes, appearing as Senate document 3.57, 61st Congress, 21 session, serial nos. 5646, 5647, and is the most authoritative and comprehensive compilation yet issued.] Treaties. Compilations of treaties in force, prepared under act of July 7, 1898; [l^y Henry L. Bryan]. 1899. [Includes treaties in force up to Apr. 11, 1899. This edition, bound in red cloth, withheld from circulation.] Same [corrected 2d print]. 1899. [3822-276] [This edition bound in black cloth. Nature of correction not evident.] Same, prepared under resolution of Feb. 11, 1904; [by William M. Malloy]. 1904. [4622-318] [Includes treaties in force Apr. 28, 1904.] 82452°— 11- -99 1570 Classification no. Y4.F76^: W74 Y4.G74: D56 H351 H352 Y4.H28: R29 Y4.H81: T791 T792 Y4:.Iin6 ' : AH Im6 mv N21 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONORESS- Continued Foreign Relations Committee (Senate)— Continued Wireless telegraphy. International wireless telegraph convention [etc.], and final protocol, all signed at Berlin, Nov. 3, 1906, and hearings [Jan. 15?-22, 1908], 1st session, 60th Congress. 1908. Government Hospital for Insane, Special Com- mittee on Investigation of (House) Digest of testimonv taken [May 4-June 28, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st session], before special committee appointed to make full investigation of management of Government Hospital for Insane, with references to typewritten record. 1906. [This digest does not include a hearmg taken Dec. 13, 1906.] Hearings [May 4-June 7, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st session], before special committee appointed to make full investigation of management of Government Hospital for Insane. 1907. pt. 1. Same [June 7-Dec. 13, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions], 1907. pt. 2. Hatch., Davis, Select Committee Appointed to Investigate Memorial of (Senate) Report of Select Committee Appointed to Investigate Memorial of Davis Hatch, June 25, 1870. 1869 [1870]. ([41st Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 234]; serial no. 1409.) House Rooms Distribution Select Committee (House) Tuberculosis. Hearings [Apr. 18, 1908], on H. C. R. 36 [60th Con- gress, 1st session, relating to space for exhibit of International Congress on Tuberculosis]. 1908. Tuberculosis. Hearing in re International Congress on Tubercu- losis [on H. C. II. 36, 60th Congress, 1st session, relating to space for exhibit of International Congress on Tuberculosis], May 13, 1908. 1908. Immigration and Naturalization Committee (House) Aliens. Hearings [Feb. 18-Mar. 24, 1908], 60th Congress [1st session, on H. 11326, to amend act to regulate immigration of aliens into United States, approved Feb. 20, 1907, and on S. 5083, to amend sec. 1 of passenger act of 1882]. 1908. Immigration investigation, report under joint resolution of Senate and House, Jan. 29, 1892 [52d Congress, 1st session, with hear- ings. Mar. 5-June 24, 1892]. 1892. ([52d Cong. Ist sess. H. rp. 2090]; serial no. 3053.) Minnesota. Proposed report to accompany H. 19797 [60th Congress, 1st session, to validate certain certificates of naturalization issued in Minnesota; statement of Halvor Steenerson]. [1908.] [The statement of Halvor Steenerson appears also in Y4.Im6 ^: N212.] Naturalization. Hearings, Jan. 23-Mar. 6, 1906, on [H. 9964, 59th Congress, 1st session], to establish bureau of naturalization and for uniform rule for naturalization of aliens throughout United States, and on different bills referring to subject of restricting immigration. 1906. Naturalization. Hearings before subcommittee [Jan. 21-May 2, 1908], 60th Congress, 1st session [on H. 17989, to amend sec. 6 of act to establish Biu-eau of Immigration and Naturalization, and provide uniform rule for naturalization of aliens, H. 19797, to validate certain certificates of naturalization issued in Minne- sota, and other bills referring to subject of naturalization]. 1908. 1571 Classification no. Y4.Im6>: P26 Y4.Iin6-: C44' C442 Im6' Im6 = Y4.In2 ' ; C43 C44 C45 C86 F58 In2 MI91 M19- MI93 M19* M19^ M19« M19' MI98 M19« MI910 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS -Continued Iniinig:ration and Naturalization Comniitteo ( llouee) — Continued Passenger act of 1882. Hearings [Mar. 24, 1908], on S. 5083 [60th Congress, 1st session, to amend sec. 1 of passenger act of 1882; statement of Eugene Tyler Chamberlain]. 1908. Immigration Committee (Senate) Chinese exclusion, hearings [Jan. 21-27, 1902, 57th Congress, 1st ses- sion!, on S. 1450, to continue in force laws prohibiting coming of Cninese into United States, and S. 29G0, to prohibit coming into and to regulate residence within United States, its Ter- ritories, and all territory under its jurisdiction, of Chinese. 1902. [Appears also, with additions, as 57th Congress, Ist ses- sion. Senate report 776, pt. 2; serial no. 4265.] China. Hearings [Apr. 17, May 1, 1906, in pursuance of S. R. 65, 59th Congress, Ist session, authorizing committee to investigate] boycott of American manufactured goods by people of China . 1906. Immigration, report, Feb. 22, 1893, accompanying [S. 3786, 52d Con- fess, 2d session], establishing additional regulations concern- ing immigration to United States, with history of immigration investigation and legislation, and list of reports, speeches, and statutes on subject. 1893. ([52d Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 1333]; serial no. 3073.) Immigration. Restriction of immigration, hearings [Jan. 15, 1902, on S. 222, 662, and 1891, 57th Congress, 1st session]. 1902. Indian Affairs Committee (House) Chickasaw Nation. Payment of Chickasaw Nation warrants, hear- ing [Apr. 17, 1908, 60th Congress, Ist session], on bills on sub- ject of warrants of Chickasaw Nation. 1908. Chippewa Indians. Drainage of certain lands held in trust for Chippewa Indians in Minnesota, hearing on H. 15666 [60th Congress, 1st session], before subcommittee, Feb. 11, 1908. 1908. Choctaw and Chickasaw nations. Citizenship in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, hearings before subcommittee [Feb. 25- Mar. 3, 1908], on H. 15649 [60th Congress, 1st session]. 1908. Creek Indians. Equalization of Creek allotments, hearing Mar. 19, 1908 [on H. 14409, 60th (^ongress, 1st session, with appendix, Laws relating to Creek tribe of Indians]. 1908. Five Civilized Tribes. Affairs of Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, statement of J. George Wright [Jan. 7-9] 1909 [60th Congress, 2d session]. 1909. Indian depredations, hearings [Feb. 27, Mar. 4] 1908 [on H. 125, 3889, 7684, 11316, 11797, 60th Congress, 1st session, relating to In- dian depredations]. 1908. * McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 17, 1821, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887, v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. v. 2. V. 3. V. 4. V. 5. V. 6. V. 7. v. 8. V. 9. V. 10. 1572 Classiflcation no. Y4:.Iii2i; Ok4 Osl2 P85 R76 Sa5 Y4.I112 2: Ap6i Ap62 C45 C83 C83 D15 F581 F582 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Indian Affairs Committee (House) — Continued Oklahoma. Hearings [Feb. 25-Mar. 21, 1908], 60th Congress, 1st session, [on] removal of restrictions on Indian lands in Okla- homa, H. 15641. 1908. Osage civilization fund, hearing [before subcommittee, Jan. 11, 30, 1909] on [S.J J. R. 67 [60th Congress, 2d session, empowering Court of Claims to ascertain amount of civilization fund paid by Osages and applied to benefit of other Indians]. 1909. Indians. Division of lands and moneys of Osage tribe of Indians, hearings [Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 1905], on li. 1478 [17478, 58th Congress, 3d session], before subcommittee. 1905. [v. 1.] Same [Feb. 10, 1905, with H. 17478 correct on title-page]. 1905. V.2. Pottawatomie Indians. Adjustment of claims of Pottawatomie Indians in Wisconsin [statement of Charles H. Merillat, Jan. 29, 1909, before subcommittee, on] H. 21219 [60th Congress, 2d session]. 1909. Rousseau, Esther. Hearing on H. 22362 [59th Congress, 2d session], to pay Esther Rousseau for horses killed upon Cheyenne Reserva- tion, S. Dak. [statement of R. W. Stewart], Dec. 18, 1906. 1906. Sanitarium. Proposed sanitarium for Indians, views of Secretary of Interior and commissioner of Indian affairs on H. 8986 [59th Congress, 1st session, for Indian sanitarium or school at or near Pierre or Fort Pierre, S. Dak.]. 1906. Treaties. Compilation of all treaties between United States and Indian tribes now in force as laws; prepared [by Thomas J. Durant] under provisions of act approved Mar. 3, 1873. 1873. See Yl.l:In2. Indian Affairs Committee (Senate) Appropriation bill, 1906. Indian appropriation bill, 1905 [1906], nearing before subcommittee, Jan. 28-Feb. 10, 1905 [on H. 17474, 58th Congress, 3d session, making appropriations for Indian Department, 1906]. 1905. Same, hearing before committee [Feb. 13, 1905]. 1905. [Title-page of this hearing reads correctly, Indian appropriation bill, 1906.] Choctaw and Chickasaw nations. Opening of rolls, hearing on S . 4736 [60th Congress, 1st session], extending provisions of act amend- ing act making appropriations for Indian Department, 1895, to any person claiming any right in common property of Choc- taw and Chickasaw Indians or tribes, Apr. 23[-May 2], 1908. 1908. [5269-483] [Issued in separate signatures.] Court of Claims. Appeals from judgments or decrees of Court of Claims, hearing on S. 8245 r60th Congress, 2d session], to au- thorize appeals to be taken from judgments of Court of Claims • to Supreme Court in certain cases now pending before Court of Claims, Jan. 21, 1909. 1909. Crow Indian Reservation, hearing on S. 2087, to incorporate company for breeding horses on Crow Indian Reservation, Mont., and S. 2963, for survey and allotment of Indian lands now embraced within limits of Crow Indian Reservation, Mont., and sale and disposal of surplus lands after allotment, Apr. 1[-13], 1908 [60th Congress, 1st session, with appendix]. 1908. [Issued in sep- arate signatures.] Dalby, Z. Lewis. Confirmation of Z. Lewis Dalby [to be Indian inspector on Crow Reservation, hearings, Mar. 29, 31, 1909, 61st Congress, 1st session]. [1909.] Five [Civilized] Tribes Commission, detailed estimate of appropria- tion, Jan. 1, 1901-June 30, 1902. [1901.] Five Civilized Tribes. Affairs of Five Civilized Tribes [hearing] Feb. 15, 1909 [on S. 8776, 60th Congress, 2d session, to dispose of affairs of Five Civilized Tribes]. 1909. 157.'^ CUasiflcatloB no. Y4.In2=': K53' K53' K53 K53^ K53* K53« K53^ K62 L441 L442 M19 MI92 MI93 M19« M76^ Y4:. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS-Continued Indian AlDairs Committee (Senate) — C'/ontinued Kickapoo Indians. Affairs of Mexican KickaiKX) Indians [hearings before subcommittee, Feb. 8-Mar. 4, 1907, 59th Congress, 2d session, in compliance with Senate resolution authorizing investication]. [1907.] [In 5247-215, pt 1 and 6249-215, pt. 3] [These nearii^s compnse p. 15-413 of 60th Congress, Ist session. Senate document 215, pt. 1, with exception of appendix A and some of the exhibits which appear, differently arranged, in Senate document 215, pt. 3.] Kickapoo Indians. [Affairs of Mexican Kickapoo Indians] appendix B [and CJ. [1907.] (Although this document bears same Government Printing Office jacket number and has paging continuous to the papers In the Investigation of the ofTicial conduct of William O. Beall (I 2().2 BSfi). it is not appendix B ami C to that document. It Includes papers printed in connection with investigation of affairs of Mexican Kickapoo Indians and was printed underorder of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee. I'ages 15&-1G3, with exhibits differently num- bered, appear as p. 414-418 of Wtb Congress, 1st session, Senate document 215, pt. 1. The remainder, differently arranged, appears as part of Senate document 215, pt. 3.J KickajXK) Indians. Affairs of Mexican Kickapoo Indians, hearings before subcommitt-ee [Nov, 1-16, 1907, in accordance with S. R. 261, 59th Congress, 2d session, authorizing investiga- tion]. 1907. [v. 1.] [In 5247-215, pt. 1 and 5248-215, pt. 2] [These hearings compnse p. 419-869 of 60th Congress, 1st ses- sion, Senate document 215, pt. 1, and p. 870-1115 of Senate document 215, pt. 2.] Same [Nov. 18-Dec. 7, 1907]. 1907. v. 2. [In 5248-215, pt. 2] [These hearings comprise p. 1117-1882 of 60th Congress, 1st session, Senate document 215, pt. 2.] Kickapoo Indians. Affairs of Mexican Kickapoo Indians, hearing before subcommittee, Feb. 10, 1908 [60th Congress, 1st session]. [1908.] Kickapoo Indians. Treaty stipulations with Mexican Kickapoo Indians [statement of Martin J. Bentley before subcommittee, Feb. 13, 1908, on S. 4735, 60th Congress, 1st session]. [1908.] 35 p. Same [with additions on p. 25]. [1908.] 36 p. [Corrected 2d print.] [5249-350] • Kiowa and Comanche Reservation. Hearing Jan. 19, 28, 1905 [on H. 9, 58th Congress, 3d session, to open for settlement 505,000 acres of land in Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation, Okla.]. 1905. I^aws and treaties. Indian affairs, laws and treaties, v, 1: by Charles J. Kappler. [2d edition.] 1904. large 8» 319] Same, v. 2: Treaties; by Charles J, Kappler. [2d edition.] large 8*> [4624-319] [See, for (Compilation of all treaties be- tween United States and Indian tribes now in force as laws, prepared by Thomas J. Durant under provisions of act ap- proved Mar. 3, 1873, edition of 1873, Yl.l:In2.] See, for 1st edition of Kappler's compilation, 57th Congress, 1st session, Senate document 452; serial nos. 4253, 4254. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Jan. 3, 1820, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3. * Same. 1887. v. 4. * Montauk Indians. Hearing before subcommittee [Sept. 22, 1900, recess of 56th Congress], in relation to certain claims of Mon- tauk, Shinnecock, Narragansett, and Mohegan Indians. 1900. Laws; [4623- 1904. 1574 Classification no. Y4.In22: M762 Osl Osl Q2 Se5 W27 Y4.In2^: In2 Y4.In2^: C52 Y4.In2'^: H63 Y4.In2«: In2 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Indian Affairs Committee (Senate)— Continued Same [Dec. 21, 1900, 56th Congress, 2d session; statement of Francis M. Morrison]. 1901. Osage Indians. Joint resolution for enrollment of certain persons as members of Osage tribe of Indians [etc.], hearing on [S.] J. R. 70 [60th Congress, 1st session], Apr. 29, 1908. 1908. 44 p. [In 5269-482 and in 5409-744] Same, May 6[-8], 1908, with title, Opening of Osages' rolls. [1908.] p. 81-169, 3 tab. [In 5269-482 and in 5409-744] [Wrongly paged; should have been p. 45-133. This and the preceding publication make up Senate document 482, 60th Congress, 1st session.] Same, Jan. 21 [-26], 1909. 1909. 149 +[4] p. [In 5409-744] [Issued in separate signatures. These 3 signatures, together with the 2 preceding publications, make up Senate docu- ment 744, 60th Congress, 2d session.] Quapaw Indians. Allotments of lands in severalty to certain Indian tribes [hearings, Mar. 5-19, 1892, on S. 1869, 52d Congress, 2d session, to provide for allotment of lands in severalty to Quapaw Indians in Indian Territory]. [1892.] Seneca Indians. Lease made by Seneca Indians to John Quilter, and allotment of lands in severalty to Indians in New York [on Allegany and Cattaraugus reservations, and disposition of so-called Ogden claim, hearing, Apr. 21, 1904, on H. 11204 and S. 5356, 58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Treaties. Compilation of all treaties between United States and Indian tribes now in force as laws; prepared [by Thomas J. Durant] under provisions of act approved Mar. 3, 1873. 1873. -Se6Yl.l:In2. Washington and Oregon Indians. Settlement with certain tribes of Washington and Oregon Indians [Chinook, Nucquee Clah We Muck, Clatsop, and Tillamook Indians], hearing before subcommittee, on S. 2078-84 [60th Congress, 1st session], Apr. 18, 1908. 1908. Indian Bureau, Joint Committee on Transfer of Indian Bureau. Organization of joint special committee to consider feasibility of transferring Indian Bureau to War Department [report, accompanying documents, and testimony, Sept. 26- Dec. 12, 1878, recess of 45th Congress, and 45th Congress, 3d session]. [1879.] [183^53] [The copy in the Public Docu- ments Library- is identical with the Congressional edition except for the omission of the title-page.] Indian Depredations Committee (Senate) Claims. Investigation [Apr. 13, 1893], 53d Congress, in relation to Indian depredation claims ; [statement of James A. Cooper]. 1893. iii+179 p. [Pages 1-157 contain Hearings, Feb. 6-27, 1893, before Select Committee on Indian Depredations, 52d Congress, 2d session. These 52d Congress hearings were made part of the record of the committee and are printed here with a separate title-page.] Indian Territory, Select Committee to Investi- gate Matters Connected with. Affairs In (Senate) Hitchcock, Ethan Allen. Statement of Ethan Allen Hitchcock, Dec. 14, 1906-Jan. 9, 1907 [59th Congress, 2d session]. 1907. Indian Tribes, Joint Special Committee on Condition of Indian tribes. Condition of Indian tribes, report of joint special com- mittee appointed under joint resolution of Mar. 3, 1865, with appendix. 1867. [1279-156] 1575 GUssincatlon no. Y4.In2': All» A112 In8 J23» J232 J233 N19 T15 T57 Y4.In7 ' : C73 ' C732 C733 C73* C73-' C73« H35 P53' Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS-Continued Industrial Arts and Expositions Committee (House) Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 1909. Hearing [on] Alaaka-Yukon Exposition [to be held at Seattle, Wash., 1909], Jan. 27, 1908, 60th Congress [Ist session]. 1908. pt. 1. Same, Feb. 10, 1908, 60th Congress [1st session]. 1908. pt. 2. International Mining Exposition. Hearing [on] International Mining Exposition [to be held in New York City, 1908], Jan. 14, 1908, 60th Congress [1st session]. 1908. Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition, 1907. Hearing [on H. 12610, 59th Congress, 1st session, and other bills relating to] James- town Exposition, Feb. 19, 1906. 1906. [pt. 1.] . Same, Feb. 28, 1906. 1906. pt. 2. Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition, 1907. Hearing [on] loan of $1,000,000 to Jamestown Exposition, Dec. 19 [17], 1906, 59th Congress [2d session]. 1906. National Negro Fair. Hearing [on] National Negro Fair [to be held at Mobile, Ala., 1908], Feb. 7, 1908, 60th Congress [1st session]. 1908. Tampa, Fla. Exposition at Tampa, Fla., statement of Thomas J. L. Brown [May 2, 1906, on H. C. R. 28, 59th Congress, 1st session, requesting President to assist exposition to be held at Tampa, Fla., Jan. -May, 1908, to celebrate commencement of work on Panama Canal]. [1906.] Tokyo, Grand Exhibition of Japan, 1917. Hearing [on] International Exposition, Tokyo, Japan [1917], Mar. 5, 1908, 60th Congress [Ist session]. 1908. Insular Affairs Committee (House) Committee reports and hearings [Jan. 8, 1900-Jan. 19, 1901] and acts relating thereto, 56th Congress, 1900-01 [relative to affairs in Cuba, Porto Rico, and Philippine Islands]. 1902. [Contains also reprints of Senate and House documents, 56th Congress.] Committee reports, hearings [Jan. 8, 1900-Jan. 19, 1901J, and acts cor- responding thereto, 56th Congress, 1900-01 [relative to affairs in Cuba, Porto Rico, and Philippine Islands]; compiled by R. B. Horton. 1904. [Contains also reprints of Senate and House documents, 56th Congress.] Same [Jan. 14-Dec. 17, 1902], and acts corresponding thereto, 57th Congress, 1901-03 [relative to affairs in Cuba, Porto Rico, and Philippine Islands]; compiled by R. B. Horton. 1903. [Con- tains also reprints of Senate and House documents, 57th Con- gress.] Same [Feb. 10-Mar. 24, 1904, statement of William H. Taft], and acts corresponding thereto, 58th Congress, 1903-05 [relative to affairs in Porto Rico and Philippine Islands]; compiled by R. B. Horton. 1905. Same [Jan. 19, 1906-Jan. 10, 1907], and acts corresponding thereto, 59th Congress, 1905-07 [relative to affairs in Porto Rico and Philippine Islands]; compiled by R. B. Horton. 1908. Same [Jan. 16, 1908-Feb. 17, 1909], and acts corresponding thereto, 60th Congress, 1907-09 [relative to affairs in Porto Rico and Philippine Islands]; compiled by R. B. Horton. 1909. Hearings [Jan. 14-June 4, 1902], 57th Congress, 1st session, 1901-02 [relative to affairs in Porto Rico and Philippine Islands]. 1902. Also in Committee reports, hearings, and acts corresponding thereto, 1901-03 (Y4.In7i:C733). Issued also in separate sig- natures.] Philippine Islands. Hearings [Dec. 5-17, 1902], 57th Congress, 2d session [on H. 15520, to establish standard of value and to pro- vide for coinage system in Philippine Islands, and H. 15510, to promote eflBciency of Philippine constabulary and to establish 1576 Classification no. Y4.In7»; P532 P533 P534 P53^ P53« P83' P832 Y4.In7 2: In7J In7-' In7 3 In7^ In7^ In7« In7" In7« Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Insular Affairs Committee (House) — Continued rank and pay of its commanding officers]. 1903. [1st hear- ing bears no date. This matter rearranged appears also in Committee reports, hearings, and acts corresponding thereto, 1901-03 (Y4.In7i:C73 3).] Philippine Islands. Statement of William H. Taft [Feb. 10-Mar. 24, 1904, 58th Congress, 2d session, on bills relating to Philippine Islands]. [1904.] [This appears also in Committee reports, hearings, and acts corresponding thereto, 1903-05 (Y4.In7^: C73*), with exception of the last 6 pages which contain H. 14623, 58th Congress, 3d session, as ordered reprinted Dec. 7, 1904, as amended in Committee of the Whole, and with pending amendment.] Philippine Islands. Catholic Church claims in Philippine Islands, hearings, Jan. 16-23, 1908 [60th Congress, 1st session]. 1908. Erhis matter, rearranged, appears also in Committee reports, earings, and acts corresponding thereto, 1907-09 (Y4.In7^: C73«).] Philippine Islands. Claims of friars in Philippine Islands [hearings, Jan. 16-22, 1909, on H. 26228, 60th Congress, 2d session, for payment of claims of Augustinians, Dominicans, Recoletos, and Franciscans, religious orders of Roman Catholic Church in Philippine Islands]. [1909.1 [Issued in separate signatures. The greater part of this publication, somewhat differently ar- ranged, appears also in Committee reports, hearings, and acts corresponding thereto, 1907-09 (Y4.In7^:C73«).] Philippine Commission. Increase of membership of Philippine Com- mission, statement of William H. Taft [Feb. 20, 1908, on H. 17516, 60th Congress, 1st session]. [1908.] * Same. [1908.] [Corrected 2d print. Also, with slight differ- ences, in Committee reports, hearings, and acts corresponding thereto, 1907-09 (Y4.In7 i:C73«).] Porto Rico. Claims of notaries public of Porto Rico [hearings, Mar. 11, 1908, on H. 17427, 60th Congress, Ist session, to provide payment for certain property or vested rights of old notaries public of Porto Rico]. [1908.] Same^ rearranged. [1908.] [Corrected 2d print. Also in Com- mittee reports, hearings, and acts corresponding thereto, 1907-09 (Y4.In7i:C73«).] Insurrectionary States, Late, Joint Select Com- mittee to Inquire into Condition of Affairs in Insurrectionary States. [Ku-Klux conspiracy, v. 1]: Report of Joint Select Committee to Inquire into Condition of Affairs in Late Insurrectionary States, Feb. 19, 1872 [and journal, Apr. 20, 1871-Feb. 19, 1872]. 1872. ([42d Cong. 2d sess. S.rp.41, pt. 1]; serial no. 1484.) [Also appears as 42d Congress, 2d session. House report 22, pt. 1; serial no. 1529.] Same [v. 2]: Testimony taken by committee [June 5-Dec. 8, 1871], North Carolina. 1872. [1485-41 and 1530-22] Same [v. 3]: Testimony taken by committee [June 6-July 15, 1871], South Carolina, v. 1. 1872. [1486-41 and 1531-22] Same [v. 4]: Testimony taken by committee [July 10-24, 1871], South Carolina, v. 2. 1872. [1487^1 and 1532-22] Same [v. 5]: Testimony taken by committee [July 24-27, 1871], South Carolina, v. 3. 1872. [1488-41 and 1533-22] Same [v. 6]: Testimony taken by committee [July 7-Oct. 26, 1871], Georgia, v. 1. 1872. [1489-41 and 1534-22] Same [v. 7]: Testimony taken by committee [Oct. 26-Nov. 8, 1871], Georgia, v. 2. 1872. [1490-41 and 1535-22] Same [v. 8]: Testimony taken by committee [June 2-Oct. 9, 1871], Alabama, v. 1. 1872. [1491-41 and 1536-22] 1577 VUsslflratlon no. Y4.In7^: In7» In7'« In7'» In? '2 In?" Y4.In8*: Is? P19 P19- I'19" P19' P19 ' P19' P19^ P19» Sh6i Sh6- Sh6^ Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Insurrectionary States, Late, Joint Select Com- mittee to Inquire into Condition of AiDairs in — Continued Same [v. 9]: Testimony taken bv committee [Oct. 9-26, 1871], Alabama, v. 2. 1872. [1492^1 and 1537-22] Siame [v. 10]: Testimony taken by committee [Nov. 2-11, 1871), Alabama, v. 3. 1872. [1493-41 and 1538-22] Same [v. 11]: Testimony taken by committee [June 8-Nov. 8, 1871], Mississippi, v. 1. 1872. [1494-41 and 1539-22] Same [v. 12]: Testimony taken by committee [Nov. 8-17, 1871), Mississippi, v. 2. 1872. [1495-41 and 1540-22] Same [v. 131: Testimony taken by committee [June 24-Nov. 14, 1871], miscellaneous and Florida. 1872. [1496-41 and 1541- 22] Interoceanic Canals Committee (Senate) Isthmian canal, statement of Charles P. Treat before subcommittee [Feb. 15, 1902, 57th Congress, Ist session]. 1902. Panama Canal. Investigation of Panama Canal matters, hearings [Jan. 11-Feb. 15, 1906], in matter of S. R. [50, 59th Congress, 1st session], for investigation of matters relating to Panama Canal [Canal Zone, and Panama Railroad Company]. 1906. V. 1. [5097-401] Same, hearings [Feb. 20-Mar. 16, 1906]. 1906. v. 2. [5098-401] Same, hearings [Mar. 20-Apr. 25, 1906]. 1906. v. 3. [5099-401] Same, hearings [Apr. 26, 1906-Feb. 12, 1907]. 1907. v. 4. [5100-401] Same, testimony of engineers [Jan. 23-Apr. 2, 1906]. 1906. [This testimony also appears in above hearings relating to Panama Canal, etc. (Y4.In8»:Pl9 '-*).] Panama (^anal [hearings, Jan. 16-19, 1908, 60th Congress, 1st session]. 1908. Same [Jan. 16-23, 1908, 60th Congress, 1st session]. 1908. [This 2d print includes not only the additional hearing to Jan. 23, but also matter additional to what had appeared in the earlier print (Y4.In8':P19«).] Panama Railroad. [Report, Jan. 20, 1908, 60th Congress, 1st session, on investigation of service rendered by Pacific Mail Steamship Company with view to purchase oi steamers by Isthmian Canal Commission for Panama Railroad Company; by J. L. Bristow.] [1908.] Same, with title-page reading: Report of J. L. Bristow on advis- ability of establishment of Pacific steamship line by Isthmian Canal Commission, Jan. 20, 1908. 1908. [Cover-title reads: Confidential, to be released when Mr. Bristow appears before Senate Committee on Interoceanic Canals.] Ship canals. Report on proposed ship canals through isthmus con- necting North and South America [amending S. 451, 57th Congress, 1st session, for acquiring rights for construction of Nicaragua Canal]. 1901. [4256-1] [This bureau edition con- tains an index not included in the Congressional edition.] Ship canals. Reports [pts. 1-6 of Senate report 1337, 56th Congress 1st and 2d sessions, favoring H. 2538, for construction of canal connecting Atlantic and Pacific oceans]. 1901. ([56th Cong. Ist sess., S. rp. 1337, pts. 1, 2], serial no. 3894; and [56th Cong. 2d sess., S. rp. 1337, pta. 3-6], serial no. 4063.) Same, rearranged, with omission of parts of appendix to pt. 4, and with title. Reports, pts. 1-6 of [Senate] report 1337, 56th Con- gress 1st (and 2d sessions, favoring H. 2538, for construction of canal connecting Atlantic and Pacific oceans]. Senate report 114 and 1649, 56th Congress, 1st session, and message of Presi- dent transmitting convention between United States and 1578 Classification no. Y4.In8i: Y4.I118-: R29 Y4:.In8': An8 Aa:i ' As8 - B49 C28 C73» C732 C734 C78-^ C73« C737 C738 C73» Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Interoceanic Canals Committee (Senate)— Continued Great Britain to facilitate construction of ship canal to connect Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and to remove any objections which might arise out of Clayton-Bulwer treaty, with report of majority and minority of Committee on Foreign Relations. 1902. See, for hearings on H. 3110, 57th Confess, Ist session, to provide for construction of canal connecting waters of Atlantic and Pacific oceans, [4238-253]. Internal Revenue Frauds, Select Committee on (House) Report, Feb. 25, 1867 [and testimony, Dec. 17, 1866-Feb. 7, 1867]. 1867. ([39th Cong. 2d sess., H. rp. 24]; serial no. 1305.) Interstate Commerce Committee (Senate) [This class includes publications both of the Select Committee on Interstate Com- merce down to tne end of the 49th Congress and of the standing committee which superseded it in the 50th Congress.] Anti-Monopoly League, remarks of [members], Mar. 8, 1888 [50th Congress, 1st session, in regard to proposed amendments of interstate commerce act]. [1888.] Ash pans. Safety appliances, automatic ash pans, hearing before sub- committee on S. 6320 [60th Congress, 1st session], to promote safety of employees upon railroads, May 9, 1908. 1908. Same, May 22, 1908. 1908. Bills of lading as conclusive evidence, arguments [Feb. 29-Mar. 7, 1888], in reference to H. 1527 [50th Congress, 1st session]. [1888.] Cars. Hearing [Jan. 18, 1907], on S. 7887 [59th Congress, 2d session], to require railroad companies engaged in interstate commerce to promptly furnish cars and other transportation facilities and to empower Interstate Commerce Commission to make rules and regulations with respect thereto, and to further regulate com- merce among States; [statement of Samuel H. Cowan]. 1907. Commerce. Report of Senate Select Committee on Interstate Com- merce [favoring S. 1093, to regulate commerce], with appendix, 49th Congress, 1st session, submitted Jan. 18, 1886. 1886. ([49th Cong. 1st sess. S. rp. 46]; serial no. 2356.) [See also Y4.In83:M19.] Same, testimony [May 20-Nov. 18, 1885, recess of 49th Congress]. 1886. [2357-46] Commerce. Interstate commerce, hearings [Feb. 1-10, 1888, 50th Congress, 1st session], relative to different amendments pro- posed to interstate commerce act [approved Feb. 4, 1887]. [1888.] Commerce. Hearing [Feb. 6, 1891, 5l8t Congress, 2d session], in relation to proposed amendments to act to regulate commerce; [statement of John McNulta]. 1891. Commerce. Arguments [Feb. 3-24, 1892], in relation to S. 892 [52d Congress, Ist session], to amend act to regulate commerce, approved Feb. 4, 1887. 1892. Commerce. Hearings [Dec. 14, 1892], in relation to S. 3577 [52d Congress, 2d session], to amend act to regulate commerce, approved Feb. 4, 1887. 1893. [3281-126] Commerce. Hearing [June 4, 1890, 51st Congress, 1st session], in relation to amendments to act to regulate commerce. 1895. Commerce. [Hearings, Apr. 8, 1898, on S. 3354, 55th Congress, 2d session, to amend act to regulate commerce, approved Feb. 4, 1887, and all acts amendatory thereof.] [1898.] Same [Jan. 26-Apr. 13, 1900], on S. 1439 [56th Congress, Ist ses- sion]. 1900. * 1579 ClatiMlflcatlou no. Y4.In8*: ('83^ Em7 Ex7> Ex7' F88 G79 In5 In8 J66 L62 L66 M19 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Interstate Commerce Committee (Senate)— Continued Couplers. Automatic couplers and power-brakes, hearings [Apr. 30-May IG, 1890, 5l8t Ck)nj?re8s, Ist session], in relation to safety couplers and power-brakes on freight-cars. 1890. Same [Feb. lO-Mar. 2, 1892], in relation to S. 811, 893, and 1618 [52a Congress, 1st session]. 1892. Employers. Liability of employers, hearings before [subcommittee and] Committee on InterHtate Commerce, having under con- sideration H. 239, S. 156 and 1657, relating to liability of common carriers by railroads in District of Columbia and Territories and common carriers by railroads enj^^aged in com- merce between States and between States and foreign nations to their employees, May 3-8, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st session. 1906. Explosives. Transportation of high explosives, hearings before [subcommittee, Mar. 18, 1904, on] S. 4319 [58th Congress, 2d session], to promote safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by prohibiting common carriers engaged in interstate commerce from transporting gunpowder and other high explosive compounds, except under certain conditions. 1904. Express companies. Hearing before subcommittee on S. 6668 [60th Congress, 2d session], to prevent express companies from transporting commodities in which they have ownership or interest, Jan. 22, 1909. 1909. 43 p. [A preliminary print of 35 p. was issued.] Freight classification. Uniform freight classification, hearing [Feb. 27, 1896, 54th Congress, 1st session], in relation to memorial of National Board of Trade suggesting that Interstate Com- merce Commission be required to publish classification of freight articles and rules, regulations, and conditions for freight transportation, which shall be known as national freight classification. 1896. Great Lakes. Report [54th Congress, 1st session, favoring S. 1339, authorizing International Deep Waterways Commission to make additional investigations, and S. R. 42, for report from Secretary of War on maintaining uniform levels of water of Great Lakes, as substitute for S. J. R. 37]. [1896.] (54th Cong. Ist sess. S. [rp. unnumbered, advance copy].) Injuries. Interstate commerce, measure of compensation for injuries inflicted by violations of interstate commerce act, argument of Franklin B. Gowen, Mar. 24, 1888 [on S. 613, 50th Con- gress, 1st session, to amend act to regulate commerce, ap- proved Feb. 4, 1887]. [1888.] Interstate Commerce Commission. Duties and powers of Interstate Commerce Commission, hearings, Dec. 16, 1904[-Jan. 20, 1905, on] S. 2439 [58th Congress, 3d session], fiu-ther to define duties and powers of Interstate (Commerce Commission. 1905. [Same, with omissions, as p. 5-50 of v. 1 of Regulation of railway rates (Y4.In8=^:Rl32).] Joint TraflBc Association. Hearing [Dec. 17, 1896, 54th Congress, 2d session], in relation to agreement of Joint TraflBc Associa- tion; [statement of Wallace Macfarlane]. 1896. Life-saving medals, statement of Edward A. Moseley [Feb. 6, 1905], on S. 6965 [58th Congress, 3d session], to promote seciuity of travel upon railroads engaged in interstate commerce and to encourage saving of life. 1905. Liquor traffic. State control of interstate liquor traffic, hearing [Feb. 13, 1903, on] H. 15331 [57th Congress, 2d session], to limit effect of regulations of commerce between States [so as to subject to State laws intoxicating liquors transported into State]. 1903. .McKee's compilation. Report of Senate Select Committee on Interstate Commerce, with appendix, 49th Congress, 1st 1580 Classification no. Y4.I1183; N22 P26 R13 RI32 R13^ R13* R13^ R13" RI37 R13« R13» RI31" R13" RI312 R13>3 T4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS-Continued Interstate Commerce Committee (Senate)— Continued session; [compiled by T. H.McKeeJ. 1886. * [This volume has the title-page and index of the original document, for which see Y4.In8^:C73^ but the binding and back title of McKee's compilations. See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Naval stores. Inspection of naval stores, hearing before subcom- mittee on S. 7867 [60th Congress, 2d session], for preventing manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated, mis- branded, or falsely graded naval stores, etc., Jan. 20[-29J, 1909. 1909. [Issued in separate signatures.] Passenger-cars. Amendment to act to regulate commerce, hearing puly 10, 1890, 51st Congress, 1st session], in relation to amend- ment to act to regulate commerce, requiring common carriers to haul whatever passenger-cars may be offered; [argument of Jerome Marble]. 1895. Railroads. Limitations of governmental regulation of railroads, argument Apr. 3, 1894 [53d Congress, 2d session], by Joseph Nimmo, jr. 1894. [Title reads: Argument before Conmiittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of House of Repre- sentatives, Mar. 9, 1894, and before Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Apr. 3, 1894, but the latter commit- tee and date are the only ones given in the publication itself.] Railway rates. Regulation of railway rates, v. 1-5 (notes as to the hearings catalogued below and as to separates therefrom), [By order of the Senate, under resolutions of Dec. l(i, 1S04, and Mar. 2, 1905, the hearings on regulation of railway rates were printed daily in separate pam- phlets, which are not listed here, because they are all separates of the 5 volumes catalogued below. Individual entries for the separate prints of appendixes in V. 5 are for the same reason omitted. There were 2 prints of the bureau edition of the set, one in ir05 and the other in 1906, the Congressional edition being identical with the 19()(i prints. The 1905 print of v. 4 omits matter found on p. 3785-3810 and 3822-48 of the other editions. The 1905 print of v. 5 omits appendixes K-0 which are contained in the 1906 editions. The hearings ordered printed under the resolution of Dec. 10, 1904, appear in V. 1 of the set, and v. 2-5 contain the recess hearings held imder Senate reso- lution 288, 58th Congress, 3d session, agreed to Mar. 2, 1905.] Railway rates. Regulation of railway rates, hearings [58th Congress, 3d session], Dec. 16, 1904-Feb. 23, 1905, on bills to amend interstate commerce act. 1906. v. 1. [4924-243] Same. 1905. v. 1. [Not in Congressional set.] Same, hearings in special session, Apr. 17-May 6, 1905. 1906. v. 2. [4925-243] Same. 1905. v. 2. [Not in Congressional set.] Same, hearings in special session, May 8-17, 1905. 1906. v. 3. [4926-243] Same. 1905. v. 3. [Not in Congressional set.] Same, hearings in special session. May 18-23, 1905. 1906. v. 4. [4927-243] [v. 4 contains a consolidated index to v. 1-5.] [5'eeafeoIC1.2:R13i".] Same [with omissions]. 1905. v. 4. [Not in Congressional set.] Same, appendices [A-OJ, hearings in special session, Apr. 20- May23, 1905. 1906. v. 5. [4928-243] [Appendixes E and F each contain 2 pts.] [See also, for other prints of Appendix G, IC1.2:R13iOand IC1.492:M46.] Same [without appendices K-0]. 1905. v. 5. [Not in Con- gressional set.] Railway rates. Regulation of railway rates, digest of hearings, Dec. 16, 1904-May 23, 1905 [appendices 1-8]; by Henry C. Adams and H. T. Newcomb. Dec. 15, 1905 [published] 1906. [4929- 244, pt. 1] Same, appendix 9: Prussian railway tariffs; by Henry C. Adams. Dec. 15, 1905 [published] 1906. [4929-244, pt..2] 1581 CUsHlflratlon no. Y4.In83: 1113'^ R13'« K13'7 11131'' 1124 T23' T23-^ T233 T23* T431 T43^ T433 T67 T681 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Interstate Commerce Committee (8enate)--Continued Railway freight rates and pooling, hearings [Feb. 7-June G, 1902, 57th Congress, Ist eession, onj 8. 3521, to enlarge jurisdiction and powers of Interstate Commerce Commission, and S. 3575, to amend act to regulate commerce and acts amendatory; [with text of bills and act]. 1902. v. 1. [No more volumes were published.] Railway rates. Regulation of railway rates, hearings in special ses- sion, pursuant to S, R. 288, 58th Congress, 3d session, comments of Walker D, Hines on draft of bill submitted by Interstate Commerce Commission, Nov. 29, 1905. Dec. 8, 1905. Railroad incorporation. National incorporation of railroads, views of Mr. Newlands [on H. 12987, 59th Congress. Ist session, to amend act to regulate commerce and acta amenaatorj', and to enlai^e powers of Interstate Commerce Commission]. 1907. [Re- publication, with some additions, of portion of Senate report 1242 [pt. IJ, 59th Congress, 1st session.] Railroad rates, hearing on S. 423 [60th Congress, 1st session], to amend sec. 6 of act to regulate commerce, approved Feb. 4, 1887, and acts amendatory, Mar. 6 [and 7], 1908. 1908. Railroad properties. Valuation of railroad properties, report on S. 501 [60th Congress, Ist session], to amena act to regulate commerce, approved Feb. 4, 1887, and acts amendatory, and to enlarge powers of Interstate Commerce Commission, Mar. 25, 1908. 1908. Receij)ts and bills of lading [issued by common carriers engaged in interstate commerce], S. 4596 [58th Congress, 2d session], arguments [of Frank J. Firth]. [1904.] Telegraph. Regulati on of telegraph business, hearing, Mar. 28, 1888 [on S. 1688, 2222, and H. 1426, 50th Congress, 1st session]. [1888.] Telegraph. Colonel [Robert G.] IngersoU's brief in matter of H. 1426 [50th Congress, 1st session], relating to construction and operation of telegraph lines by land-grant railroad com- panies. [1888.] Telegraph. Regulation of telegraph business, statement of Gardiner G. Hubbard, Apr. 7, 1888 [on S. 2222, 50th Congress, 1st ses- sion]. [1888.] Telegraph and telephone. Interstate telegraph and telephone busi- ness, hearing Feb. 28 [-Mar. 13], 1908, on S. 4395 [60th Con- gress, Ist session], to prohibit giving to or receipt by public officers of any free frank or pri^dlege for transmission of mes- sages by telegraph or telephone, to prevent discriminations in interstate telegraph and telephone rate.s, and fixing require- ments governing receipt and preservation of such messages. 1908. Ticket brokerage. Payment of commissions, ticket brokerage, hear- ing, Jan. 19, 1891 [51st Congress, 2d session], in relation to ticket brokerage and payment of commissions on sale of pas- senger tickets. 1895. Ticket brokerage, hearing, June 17, 1897 [55th Congress, 1st session], examination of George H. Daniels. [1897.] Ticket brokerage, hearings [Dec. 16, 1897-Jan. 7, 1898], on S. 1575 [55th Congress, 2d session], to amend act to regulate commerce [as to sale of railroad, etc., tickets by others than authorized . agents, etc.]. 1897 [1898]. [In 3599-128] Traffic, Through traffic, statement of Erastus Wiman, in support of S. 2621 [54th Congress, 2d session], to amend act to regulate conmierce, approved Feb. 4, 1887, Jan. 28, 1897. 1897. Transportation interests of United States and Canada, statements taken [May 6-July 15, 1889, recess between 50th and 51st Con- gresses], with respect to transportation interests of United States and Canada. 1890. [In 2706-847] 1582 Classlflcation no. T682 T68' T68* T68^ 168 « Un2 Un3 W29 Y4.In8 As3' As32 Au8 B491 B492 B493 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Interstate Commerce Committee (Senate)— Continued Same, hearing, Feb. 26, 1891 [51st Congress, 2d session], in relation to transportation interests of United States and Canada; [state- ment of John McNultaJ . 1895 . Transportation. Prompt furnishing of transportation facilities, hear- ing on S. 3644 [60th Congress, 1st session], to require railroad companies engaged in interstate commerce to promptly fur- nish cars and other transportation facilities, and to empower Interstate Commerce Commission to make rules and regulations with respect thereto, and to further regulate commerce among States, Feb. 14, 1908. 1908. [5241-311]. Same [Feb. 21, 28, 1908]. 1908. Same, Mar. 13, 1908. 1908. Same, Apr. 17, 1908; [statement of S. H, Cowan]. 1908. . Underbilling, statements and papers in relation to evasions of inter- state commerce act by means of underbilling and giving false weights [1888.] United Fruit Company, bearing before subcommittee on S. R. 139 [60th Congress, 1st session], directing Department of Commerce and Labor to make an investigation into character and opera- tion of United Fruit Company, Apr. 22, 1908. 1908. Water brakes, hearings [Mar. 18, 1904-Jan. 13, 1905, on] S. 4403 [58th Congress, 2d and 3d sessions], to amend act to promote safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by compelling com- mon carriers to equip their cars with automatic couplers and continuous brakes, approved Mar. 2, 1893, as amended Apr. 1, 1896, and Mar. 2, 1903 [so that locomotives on narrow-gage railroads may be equipped with safety appliances other than power driving-wheel brakes]. 1905. Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee (House) [On Dec. 14, 179o, 4th Congress, 1st session, a committee was formed in the House which was called the Commerce and Manufactures Committee, this continued as a committee until Dec. 18, 1819, H'.th Congress. 1st session, when it was di- vided into 2 committees, a Commerce Committee (y4.C73i:)and a Manufac- tures Committee (Y4.M31 ':). On Jan. 28, 1892, 52d Congress, 1st session, the name was changed to Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee as given above.] Ash pan bill. Hearings [May 8, 9, 1908], on H. 19795 [60th Congress, ist session], to promote safety of employees upon railroads, ash pan bill. 1908. [v. 1.] Same [May 22, 1908]. 1908. v. 2. Automatic couplers and power brakes, hearing [Feb. 18-Mar. 4, 1892, 52d Congress, 1st session], in relation to [bills] for protection of trainmen and other railroad employes in handling loco- motive engines, freight trains, ana freight cars engaged in interstate commerce, providing for adoption and use of uni- form standard automatic car coupler, and regulating operation and control of freight trains used in interstate commerce, and providing for greater safety of railroad employes, and to pro- mote safety of employes and travelers by compelling common carriers engaged in interstate commerce to equip their cars with automatic couplers and continuous brakes and their locomotives with driving-wheel brakes. 1892. Bills of lading. Hearings [Mar. 20-25, 1908], on H. 14934 [60th Con- gress, 1st session], providing for uniform bills of lading. 1908. [v. 1.] Same [Apr. 14-24, 1908]. 1908. v. 2. Bills of lading. Hearings [before subcommittee, Dec. 11, 1908-Feb. 3, 1909], on H. 14934 [60th Congress, 2d session], uniform bills of lading; [with Reply to statement of Charles J. Faulkner in reference to committee substitute for H. 14934, by Samuel Wil- liston and Thomas B. Paton]. 1908-09. [Issued in separate signatures.] ClaiiHiflcatlon no. Y4.In8^: C17» C17=» CI73 C29 C43 • 043^ C73' C73- C733 C83 DI81 D54 Ex7 F73 F88 G56 G761 1583 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee (House)— Continued Car shortage. Hearings [Feb. 15, 1908], on H. 13841 [60th Congress, Ist session], car shortage and recipnx^al demurrage. 1908. Car supply. Hearings [Mar. 4-27, 1908, 60th Congress, Ist session], on bills relating to car supply and train service. 1908. [v. 1.) Same [Apr. 10, 1908, 60th Congress, 1st session], on bills relating to railroad rates, car supply, and train service. 1908. v. 2. Cattle. Hearings [Jan. 23-Feb. 20, 1906], on H. 47 [and other bills, 59th Congress, 1st session], proposing to extend time for which cattle may be confined during shipment from one State to another. 1906. Chicago Drainage Canal. Hearing before subcommittee, Feb. 20, 1907, on [11. 24271, 59th Congre&s, 2d session, relating to] Chi- cago Drainage Canal and Illinois and Michigan Canal. 1907. Chicago River tunnels, hearings [Dec. 18, 1903, Mar. 11, 19041, on H. 4483 [58th Congress, 1st session], declaring tunnels under Chi- cago River obstruction to navigation. 1904. Commerce. Department of commerce, hearing [Mar. 25-Apr. 11, 1902, 57th Congress, 1st session], on S. 569 and H. 14, 95, 2026, to establish Department of Commerce and Labor [etc.]. 1902. Same [Dec. 5-13, 1902, 57th Congress, 2d session]. 1902. Commerce. Hearings [Dec. 17, 1906], on H. 22476 [59th Congress, 2d session], to amend acts to regulate commerce so that publishers of newspapers and periodicals may enter into advertising con- tracts with common carriers and receive pajnnent for such ad- vertisements in transportation; [statement of E. W. Stevens]. 1906. Couplers. Hearing [May 20-28, 1902], on automatic coupler bill, H. 11059 [57th Congress, 2d session], to amend act to promote safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by compelling common carriers to equip their cars with automatic couplers and continuous brakes, approved Mar. 2, 1893, and amended Apr. 1, 1896. 1902. Dams. [Letter from subcommittee to solicitor-general asking for fur- ther information on H. 17707, 60th Congress, 2d sesdion, to authorize William H. Standish to construct dam across James River in Stone County, Mo., and divert waters to create elec- tric power, etc., Jan. 27, 1909.] [1909.] Dams. Report of subcommittee on dams and water power, Feb. 25, 1909 [60th Congress, 2d session]. 1909. Diamond Shoals light-house. Hearings before Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce [and subcommittee, Feb. 13-17, 1909], on [H. 26483 and 21009, 60th Congress, 2d session, relat- ing to construction of] Diamond Shoals light-house [by Albert F. EellsJ. 1909. Explosives. Hearings [Feb. 7, 8, 1908], on H. 7557 [60th Congress, Ist session], to promote safe transportation of explosives; [state- ment of Charles B. Dudley]. 1908. Food and drugs. Hearings [Jan. 24, 1908], on H. 12675 and 13460 [60th Congress, 1st session], supplemental to food and drugs act of 1906. 1908. Freight-car lines. Hearings before [subcommittee, Feb. 4-22, 1905], on H. 12767 and 16977. to amend interstate commerce law relating to private [freignt-]car lines. 1905. Gold and silver. Hearings [Mar. 9, 1906], on H. 14064 [59th Con- gress, 1st session], forbidding importation and carriage in inter- state commerce of falsely or spuriously stamped articles of mer- chandise made of gold or silver or their alloys. 1906. Grain. Hearings [Mar. 3, 4, 1908J, on H. 6293, .6294, and 14770 [60th Congress, 1st session], providing for inspection and grading of grain. 1908. [v. 1.] 1584 Classification no. T4.In8*! G762 G763 G76* G76^ H34 H41 H81 1 H812 HSP H81^ In82 In83 In8< l87 L621 L62 2 L62'^ L62 4 L62^ L62« Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee (House) — Continued Same [Mar. 3, 1908]. 1908. [v. 2.] Same [Mar. 16, 1908]. 1908. v. 3. Same [Apr. 6, 1908]. 1908. v. 4. Same [Feb. 2, 1909], on H. 27048, for inspection of grain for export; [statement of Ernest M. Pollard]. 1909. Health legislation. Statement of Professor Fisher [and others on S. 6102 and H. 9123, 60th Congress, 2d session], on national health legislation, Feb. 13, 1909. 1909. Hepburn, W. P. Addresses of members on retirement of W. P. Hep- bum, James S. Sherman, William H. Ryan, Feb. 24, 1909. 1909. Hours of service. Hearing [Apr. 20-May 4, 1906], on H. 4438, 16676, and 18671 [59th Congress, Ist session], to limit hours of service of railroad employees. 1906. Same, May 11, 1906. 1906. Same, May 22, 1906; [statement of H. R. Fuller]. 1906. Same [Jan. 21, 25, 1907], on S. 5133 and H. 24373 [59th Congress, 2d session], to limit hours of service of railroad employees. 1907. Hours of service. Hearings [Feb. 5, 7, 1908, 60th Congress, 1st ses- sion], on proposition to amend act limiting hours of service of railway employees. 1908. Interstate commerce. Hearings [Feb. 4-June 17, 1902], on bills to amend interstate commerce law, H. 146 [and other bills, 57th Congress, 1st session]. 1902. Same [Dec. 9, 1904-Jan. 25, 1905], on H. 10431 [and other bills, 58th Congress, 3d session], to amend interstate-commerce law. 1905. [Also bound with other hearings, etc., in Hearings; Dec. 9, 1904-Feb. 22, 1905, on bills of 58th Congress, 3d session, to amend interstate-commerce act, etc. (Y4.In8^:In8^).] Same [Dec. 9, 1904-Feb. 22, 1905], on bills [of 58th Congress, 3d session] to amend interstate-commerce act; House report 4093 [58th Congress, 3d session], amending interstate commerce act; [Act to regulate commerce as amended, and acts supplementary thereto, including acts relating to railway safety appliances and accidents, also] Antitrust act and acts supplementary thereto • [1887-1905]. 1905. [4879-422] Same [Dec. 14, 1906-Jan. 22, 1907], on H. 10840 [59th Congress, 2d session], for investigation of controversies affecting interstate commerce. 1907. Isthmian canal. Hearing [June 5, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st session], on isthmian canal; [statement of John F. Stevens]. 1906. Life-Saving Service. Hearing [Feb. 9-16, 1904], on H. 827 [58th Con- gress, 2d session], to promote efficiency of Life-Saving Service. 1904. Life-Saving Service. Hearings [Feb. 14-20, 1908], on H. 15945 [60th Congress, 1st session], relating to personnel of Life-Saving Serv- ice. 1908. Light-House Establishment. Hearing [Feb. 12-Mar. 22, 1906, on H. 108 and other bills, 59th Congress, 1st session, relating to] Light- House Establishment. 1906. Same, before [subcommittee. Mar. 22, 1906, on H. 16127, 59th Con- gress, 1st session, relating to] Light-House Establishment; [statement of Daniel C. Chase]. 1906. Lighthouse tenders. Hearings [Dec. 11, 1906], on H. 21689 [59th Con- gress, 2d session], to increase limit of cost of 5 light-house tend- . ers; [statement of Uriel Sebree]. 1906. Light-House Establishment. Hearings before [subcommittee and] Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 16-23, 1585 Cl»88lflcation no. L62^ M46 N21 N221 N222 N51 Oh3» Oh32 015 P16 P19^ •PI92 PI93 P19* P19* P19« P19" 82452°— Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued and Foroiffn -Continued Coniinerce Committee Interstate (House)- 1907 [59th Congrestf , 2d session], on additional aide to navigation in Light-Ilouse Establishment. 1907. Same [before subcommittee], Mar. 30-Apr. 4, 1908 [on H. 14396 and other bills, GOth Congress, Ist session]. 1908, Medicine. Hearings [Feb. 27, 1906], on H. 13086 [59th Congress, Ist session], requiring shippers and manufacturers of medicine for interstate shipment to label medicine and print thereon ingre- dients contained in such medicine; [statement of E. Y. Webb]. 1906. National Waterways Commission. Hearings [May 13, 1908], on H. 21453 [60th Congress, Ist session], providing for appointment of National Waterways Commission; [statement of Theodore E. Burton]. 1908. Naval stores. Hearings before [subcommittee, Jan. 23-29, 1909], on H. 24482 [60th Confess, 2d session, for] inspection [of] naval stores [entering into interstate and foreign commerce and within jurisdiction of United States, and to prevent fraudulent prac- tices in and adulterations of such naval stores]. 1909. Navigation. Hearings before [subcommittee on light-houses, etc., Jan. 23, 1909, on H. 20190, 60th Congress, 2d session, for park road at light-house reservation at Stony Point, N. Y., ana] on aids to navigation [on Maine coast]. 1909. Nicaragua Canal. Hearings [Mar. 27-Apr. 11, 1896], on H. 35 [54th Congress, 1st session], on Nicaragua Canal. 1896. [In 3359- 315] Ohio River bridge. Hearings [Feb. 16, 17, 1909], on H. 27477 [60th Congress, 2d session, supplementary to act approved Mar. 3, 1899, rivers and harbors act, and on proposed] Ohio River bridge [at Parkersburg, W. Va.]. 1909. Same (before subcommittee] on [proposed] Ohio River bridge at Parkersburg, W. Va., Apr. 7, 1909 [61st Congress, 1st session]. 1909. Oil. Hearings before [subcommittee, Apr. 28, 1908],' on H. 20353 [60th Congress, Ist session], to prevent disclosing or soliciting information concerning interstate shipments of oil, etc. 1908. Paint. Hearings [Apr. 7, 1908], on H. 17824 and 19956 [60th Con- gress, 1st session], relating to adulterated paint, turpentine, and linseed oil. 1908. Panama Railroad Company. Report of subcommittee [under H. R. 384, 58th Congress, 3d 8e8sion]j on investigation of affairs of Panama Raih-oad Company; [with hearings, Feb. 13-27, 1905]. 1905. Panama Canal Zone. Hearing [May I4, 16, 1906], on H. 3062 [59th Congress, 1st session], for construction of cable line to Panama Canal Zone and other places. 1906. Panama Canal. Hearing [Feb. 11, 1907, 59th Congress, 2d session], on Panama Canal contract. 1907. Panama Canal Commission. Hearing, Feb. 19, 1907 [59th Congress, 2d session], on purchase of supplies by Panama Canal Com- mission; [statement of Theodore Perry Shouts], 1907. Panama Canal. Hearings [Jan. 14, 1908, 60th Congress, 1st session], on Panama Canal. 1908. Panama Railroad. Hearing before [subcommittee, May 16, 1908], on H. R. 410 [60th Congress^ 1st session], requesting Secretary of War to furnish information as to coal contracts, Panama Railroad. 1908. Panama Canal. Hearings [Mar. 31-Apr. 3, 1908], on [H. 18694, S. J. R. 40, and H. 11744, 60th Congress, Ist session], relating to Panama Canal matters. 1908. 11 109 1586 Classification no. Y4.In84: PI98 P19» P261 P262 P84 P93 P96^ P962 P963 P97' P972 P973 P97* R13^ RI32 R32 R76 Sal 2 T4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee (House) — Continued Panama Canal. Hearings on Panama Canal, Jan. 6, 7, 1909 [60tli Congress, 2d session]. 1909. Panama Canal. Meeting no. 4 held on board U. S. army transport Sumner in harbor of Colon, Isthmus of Panama, Nov. 26, 1904; [statement of John F. Wallace concerning Panama Canal]. 1904. [Proceedings of meetings 1-3 were not printed.] Passenger fares. Hearings [Jan. 8-Feb. 1, 1907], on H. 20153 21572, and 22133 [59th Congress, 2d session], on railroad passenger fares and mileage tickets. 1907, Same [Mar. 10, 1908, 60th Congress, 1st session], on [H. 16731 and other] bills relating to railroad passenger fares and passes, 1908. Potomac River. Hearings [Jan. 19, 1909], on H. 23468 [60th Con- gress, 2d session, relating to] tugs on the Potomac. 1909, Private car lines. Hearings before [subcommittee, Feb. 4-22, 1905], on H. 12767 and 16977 [58th Congress, 3d session], to amend Interstate commerce law relating to private car lines. 1905, [Also bound with other hearings, etc., in Hearings, Dec. 9, 1904-Feb, 22, 1905, on bills of 58th Congress, 3d session, to amend interstate-commerce act, etc, (Y4.In8*:In83).] Public health. Hearings [May 1, 6, 1908], on H. 18792 and 18794 [60th Congress, 1st session], to further protect public health and to promote efficiency of Public Health and Marine- Hospital Service; [statement of Walter Wyman]. 1908. Same [before subcommittee, Dec. 16, 1908, on substitute for S. 6101 and H. 18794, 60th Congress, 2d session], on PubHc Health and Marine-Hospital Service, relating to personnel. 1908. Public health. Hearings [Jan. 18, Feb. 13, 1909, on S. 6101 and H. 18794, 60th Congress, 2d session], on Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 1909, Pure food. Hearings [Mar. 11-24, 1902], on pure-food bills, H. 3109 [and others, 57th Congress, 1st session], for preventing adul- teration, misbranding, and imitation of foods, beverages, drugs [etc.], and for regulating interstate traffic therein [etc,]. 1902. Same [Jan. 5-12, 1904], on pure-food bills, H. 5077 and 6295 [58th Congress, 2d session]. 1904. Same [Feb. 13-27, 1906], on pure-food bills, H. 3044 [and others, 59tn Congress, 1st session]. 1906. Same [Jan. 17, 1908], on H. 6089 [60th Congress, 1st session], amendment to pure food and drugs act. 1908. Rainy River. Hearings [before subcommittee, Apr. 22-May 5, 1908], on H. 15444 r60th Congress, Ist session], extending time for constructing dam across Rainy River, 1908, [Issued in separate signatures,] Railroads. Hearings [Mar, 6, 1908, on H. 16981, 60th Congress, 1st session], relating to claims against railroads; [statement of Edmond H, Madison], 1908. Revenue-Cutter Service. Hearings [Feb. 11, 1908], on S. 24 and H. 6264 [60th Congress, 1st session], to increase efficiency of personnel of Revenue-Cutter Service. 1908. Routing shipments. Hearings [Mar, 5, 11, 1908, 60th Congress, 1st session, on H. 156, and other] bills relating to routing ship- ments and railroad freight rates. 1908. Safety appliances. Hearings [Mar. 19, 1908, 60th Congress, 1st session, on H. 17051, and other] bills relating to safety appli- ances and accidents. 1908. Safety appliances. Hearings on [H. 26725, 60th Congress, 2d session, to supplement act to promote safety of employees and travel- 1587 ClBsslflratloii no. Yl.InS*: Se3 St6» T231 T232 T68 W58 T4.In8^ MI91 M19-' MI93 M19* M19« M19« MI97 M19» M19» M19"' MW M19^^ M19'^ M19'< M19'5 M19 '" M19'" M19i» M19'^ MI920 MI921 MI922 M69> Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONG RES 8-Mwlwi < lominlttee {\\ [For temporary use only.] Reference table to all laws of general nature having penal provisions not separable from context, not contained in penal code, but embraced in general revision of laws of United States. 1908. large 8** [Same, with omissions, as p. 87-109 of Criminal code of United States in force Jan. 1, 1910 (Y4.L44:C86).] Laws, Committee on Revision of (House) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, July 25, 1868, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [5ee, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:Ml9.] library Committee (House) See, for Jefferson's Writings, published under direction of the Com- mittee, 1853-54, Pr3.2: See, for Madison Papers, published under direction of the Com- mittee, 1840, Pr4.2: Fort Recovery, Ohio. Memorial at Fort Recovery, Ohio, statement of William E. Tou Velle [Jan. 28, 1908, 60th Congress, 1st ses- sion]. [1908.] Grant memorial, hearings [Jan. 13-28, 1908], and report [Mar. 24, 1908, on H. 10502 and H. J. R. 117], 60th Congress, 1st session [con- cerning location of memorial to Ulys&es S. Grant]. 1908. McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:Ml9.] Pocahontas. Memorial monument to Pocahontas, hearing [Feb. 17, lfM3S], on H. 17218 [00th Congress, 1st session; statement of C. C. Calhoun]. 1908. Police force. Reorganization of police force of Congressional Library, hearing [Feb. 17, 1908], on H. 16 [60th Congress, 1st session]. 1908. Webster, Pelatiah. Memorial to Pelatiah Webster, hearing [May 5, 1908J, on H. R. 404, 60th Congress, 1st session. 1908. Library Joint Committee Capitol. List of works of art in Capitol building. 1908. Hamilton, Alexander. Works of Alexander Hamilton, comprising correspondence, and political and official writings, exclusive of The Federalist, civil and military; published from original manuscripts, deposited in Department of State, by order of 1596 Classification no. Y4:.L.61- H18^ H18* H18^ H18« HIS' M33^ M332 M333 M33* M335 M33« V. 2. V. 3. V. 4. V. 5. V. 6. V. 7. all seven volumes T4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Library Joint Committee— Continued Joint Library Committee; edited by John C. Hamilton. New- York, John F. Trow, printer, 1850. v. 1. Same. New- York, John F. Trow, printer, 1850. Same. New- York, John F. Trow, printer, 1850. Same. New- York, John F. Trow, printer, 1851. Same. New- York, John F. Trow, printer, 1851. Same. New- York, John F. Trow, printer, 1851. Same. New- York, John F. Trow, printer, 1851. [This set was reissued by Charles S. Francis & Company, bearing imprint date 1851.] Margry, Pierre. Early French discoveries in the Northwest and on the Mississippi, v. 1-6 (note). [By act approved Mar. 3, 1873 (42d Cong. 3d sess., Stat. L. v. 17, p. 513), appro- priation was made "To enable the Joint Committee on the Library to pur- chase and print a series of unpublished historical documents relating to the early French discoveries in the Northwest and on the Mississippi, * 10,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the printing of the same to be under the direction of said committee." The Library Committee never published a report concerning the work which it was thus authorized to issue, but it is identified by references in the annual reports of the Libriirian of Congress for 1874-77, 1.S81. and 1882. The reference m the report for Is75 (44th Cong. 1st sess., S. misc. doc. 31) follows: "The publication of the large and valuable selection of original French documents relating to the discoveries and ex- plorations made in the northwestern portion of the United States and on the Mississippi, under the auspices of the French Government, from 1614 to 1752, was authorized by act of Congress of Mar. 3, 1S73, under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library. After some delays, the printing of these documents was commenced a few months since under tlie superintend- ence of Mr. Pierre Margry, a highly competent historical writer and archiviste of the department of the navy at Varis. The collection will form 6 octavo volumes, of about COO pages each, and will embrace a great mass of hitherto unpublished papers, comprising letters and journals of early missionaries and other explorers, the first 3 vohimos being devoted to the discoveries of Cavelier de La Salle and his companions. These documents, the first volume of which is nearly ready." etc. Jn his Report for 1870 (44th Cong. 2d sess., S. misc. doc. 27) the Librarian says that "the whole work will be embraced in •) octavo volumes, with an atlas of maps in quarto. * * * The edition of these historical volumes being small, only 500 copies, it is recommended that, instead of a gratuitous distribution, the I/ibrarian be authorii^ed to exchange copies of the work with historical societies and other libraries for any books deemed equivalent in value." A letter from the Librarian of Congress, Apr. 15, 1901, states, "Mons. Margry died pending the conipletion of the atlas, and no atlas was issied in comiection with the governmental edition. Dr. Spofford informs me that later one did appear in Paris in con- nection with a commercial edition." The work was printed in Paris, en- tirely in French, and there is nothing on it or in it to indicate that any branch of the Government of the United States was in any wav engaged in its nub- hcation.] Margry, Pierre. [D^couvertes et etablissements des Fran^ais dans I'ouest et dans le sud de I'Amerique Septentrionale, 1614- 1754, memoires et documents originaux recueillis et publies par Pierre Margry], premiere partie: Voyages des Frangais sur les Grands lacs et decouverte de I'Ohio et du Mississipi, 1614-84. Paris, Imprimerie D. Jouaust, 1876. Same, deuxi^me partie: Lettres de Cavelier de La Salle et corre- spondance relative h, ses entreprises, 1678-85. Paris, Impri- merie de D. Jouaust, 1877. Same, troisifeme partie: Recherche des bouches du Mississipi et voyage k travers le continent depuis les cotes du Texas jusqu'^ Quebec, 1669-98. Paris, Imprimerie de D. Jouaust, 1878. Same, quatrifeme partie: Decouverte par mer des bouches du Mississipi et Etablissements de Lemoyne d 'Iberville sur le golfe du Mexique, 1694-1703. Paris, Imprimerie D. Jouaust, 1880. Same, cinqui^me partie: Premiere formation d'une chalne de postes entre le fleuve Saint-Laurent et le golfe du Mexique, 1683-1724. Paris, Imprimerie de D. Jouaust, 1883. Same, sixi^me partie: Exploration des affluents du Mississipi et decouverte des montagnes Rocheuses, 1679-1754. Paris, Imprimerie Jouaust et Sigaux, 1886. 1597 CUsiiiaratlun BO. K58 St2 W27 Y4.L613; M19 Y4.L62: El 21 El 22 E123 tY4.I,89i Y4.M311I In2 M19 T77 \V4G Y4.M31^: F7:3 Y4. COMMITTEEH OF CONGRESS -Continued Library Joint Committee— Continued Rochamboau, commemoration by CongrcHS of serviccH of French auxiliary forces in War of Independence [with list of works relating to French alliance in American Revolution]; by De B. Randolph Keim. 1907 [1908]. large 8« Statuary Hall. Legislation creating national Statuary Hall in Capitol, with Proceedings in ('ongress relating to statues S laced in national Statuary Hall by States; compiled by [. A. Vale. 1909. large 8° Washington, George. Proceedings in connection with presentation ot reproduction of bust of Washington [bv David d'Angers] by certain citizens of France. 1905. larg'e 8° [4778-4397] Library Committee (Senate?) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 10, 1822, to close of 49lh Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Lillley, George Li., Select Committee on Investi- gation of Charges Made by (House) Electric Boat ('ompany. Report of select committee appointed pursuant to II. R. 288 [60th Congress, Ist session, to investi- gate charges made by G. L. Lilley against Electric Boat Com- pany of New Jersey and their predecessors the Holland Boat Company, and Members of Congress]. 1908. [5227-1727] [pt. 1 of Congressional edition.] Electric Boat Company. Hearings, Mar. 9[-Apr. 7], 1908 [under H. R. 288, 60th Congress, 1st session, to investigate charges made by G. L. Lilley against Electric Boat Company of New Jersey and their predecessors the Holland Boat Company, and Members of Congress]. 1908. v. 1. [5227-1727] [pt. 2 of Congressional edition.] Same [Mar. 17-Apr. 30, 1908]. 1908. v. 2. [5228-1727] [pt. 3 of Congressional edition.] Manufactures Committee (House) [This committee dates from the 16th Congress. See, for further information, note under Y4.C731:] Industry. Memorial [of Philip Triplett relative to protection of American industry]. [Mar. 28, 1842.] McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [See, for his- torical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Trusts. Investigation of certain trusts, report in relation to sugar trust and standard oil trust [July 30, 1888, with hearings, Mar. 8-July 20, 1888], 50th Congress, 1st session. 1889. ([50th Cong. 1st sess. H. rp. 3112]; serial no. 2606.) Wells, D. A. Review of last report of [special] commissioner [of revenue, D. A.] Wells, report submitted May 19, 1870, by [Daniel J.] Morrell, from majority of Committee on Manufac- tures. 1870. ([4l8t Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 72]; serial no. 1437.) Manufactures Committee (Senate) {This committee dates from the 19th Congress, 1st se-ssion. raation, note under Y4.C73 •:] Sec, for further Infor- Foods. Hearing, Mar. 27, 1908 [60th Congress, Ist session], on S. 42, 3043, amending act for preventing manufacture [etc.], of t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. A new committee has since been appointed, necessitating an additional class under Y4., the series title of which is as follows: Y4.L89: Lorimer, William, Committee to Investigate Election of (Senate) (CT) 1598 Classification no. Y4.M312: M19 Y4:.M46: T28 Y4.M53: All Am3 An2 C731 C732 C86^ C862 C863 Evl F76 H43 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS—Continued Manufactures Committee (Senate)— Continued adulterated, misbranded, poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traffic therein, also S. 139, authorizing Government assistance in development and encouragement of ramie-fiber silk and flax preparation and manufacture. 1908. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Feb. 10, 1864, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. ^ [See, for historical note concerning Mc- Kee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Meat Products, Select Committee on Trans- portation and Sale of (Senate) Testimony taken [Nov. 20, 1888-Jan. 28, 1890, recess of 50th Con- gress and 51st Congress, 1st session]. 1889 [1890]. [Appears also, with report or committee, as Slst Congress, Ist session, Senate report 829; serial no. 2705.] Mercliant Marine and Fisheries Committee (House) Alaska. Fur-seal and other fisheries of Alaska, investigation of fur- seal and other fisheries of Alaska, report [Jan. 29, 1889, and hearings, June 8, 1888-Jan. 11, 1889, 50th Congress, 2d session]. 1889. ([50th Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 3883]; serial no. 2674.) American sailing vessels. Discriminations against American sail- ing vessels in coastwise trade [hearings. Mar. 2-9, 1908, on H. 4771, 60th Congress, 1st session]. [1908.] Andromeda, barkentine. American register for barkentine Andro- meda [hearings, Jan. 7-28, 1909, on H. 18566, 60th Congress, 2d session]. 1909. Collisions. [Letter, with inclosures, from commissioner of naviga- tion, Commerce and Labor Department, relative to H. 17564, 59th Congress, 1st session, to amend act to adopt regulations for preventing collisions upon harbors, rivers, and inland wa- ters, as to use of passing signals in fog.] Apr. 23, 1906. Commerce. Promotion of commerce and increase of foreign trade [hearing, Jan. 10, 1899, on H. 11312, 55th Congress, 3d session, to promote commerce and increase of foreign trade by grant- ing subsidies to vessels and to provide auxiliary cruisers, transports, and seamen]. [1899.] Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, 60th Congress. 1908. narrow 16** Crews. Complement of crews of vessels [hearing] Feb. 8, 1906 [on H. 12472, 59th Congress, 1st session, to amend sec. 4463, Re- vised statutes, relating to complement of crews of vessels]. [1906.] Same, Feb. 15, 1906. [1906.] Crews. Hearings [Jan. 23-Feb. 27, 1908], on H. 225, 10458, 13463 [and 16987, 60th Congress, 1st session], complement of crews of ves- sels. 1908. Eva, steamship. American register for steamship Eva [hearing, Mar. 19-26, 1908, on H. 15004, 60th Congress, 1st session]. [1908.] Foreign Mail Service. Development of Foreign Mail Service, Ameri- can merchant marine, and American commerce, memoranda on substitute for S. 529 [59th Congress, 2d session]. 1907. 44 p. [5073-391] [This edition has additional matter on p. 8-12, not given in Congressional edition of 40 p.] Herron, John. Address of John Herron delivered before Shipowners' Association at Liverpool, England, Feb. 13, 1905 [extract rela- tive to effect upon British shipping of granting subsidies to vessels bj^ United States and appealing for State aid to Brit- ish shipping]. [1905.] [From Shipping gazette and Lloyd's list, Feb. 17, 1905.] 1599 ClamlAratlun no. Y4.M53: L62» L62» L623 M85» Of2> Of 2 2 P26 P53 P64» P642 .P643 Rll Sel» Sel2 Sel» Sel* Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Marine -Continued and Fisheries Committee Merchant (House)- Life-preeervera. Better Beourity of life on certain wateif^chlft [hear> ing, Apr. 9-16, 1908, on H. 1!)(J09, 60th ConCTese, Ist seesion, relating to eauipment of bargep, etc., with necessary life- preservers]. [1908. J Life-preservers. Rails and life-preservers [hearing, Apr. 16, 1908, on H. 19669, 60th Congress, Ist session, relating to equipment of bargee, etc., with necessary rails and life-preservers J. 1908. [Appears also, with omissions, in the hearings on H. 19669, 60th Congress, Ist session, Apr. 9-16, 1908 (Y4.M53:L62').] Life preservers on motor vessels, statement of Eugene T. Chamber- lain [Jan. 14, 1909, on H. 25678, 60th Congress, 2d session, to require life-preservers on motor vessels]. 1909. Motor-boats. [Report of Steamboat-Inspection Service, Jan. 11, 1901, on H. 12743, 56th Congress, 2d session, to amend act for requirements for vessels propelled by gas, fluid, naphtha, or electric motors, so as to require licensed engineer, etc.]. [1901.] Motor-boats. Hearings, letters, petitions, and protests relative to H. 7033 [58th Congress, 2d session, to amend act for require- ments for vessels propelled by gas, fluid, naphtha, or electric motors, so as to require licensed engineer, etc.]. [1904.] OflBcers. Licensed officers of steam and sail vessels [hearings before subcommittee on miscellaneous. May 1, 1908, on H. 15657, 60th Congress, 1st session]. [1908.] OflScers. To provide licensed officers of steam and sail vessels [hear- ings, Jan. 21, Feb. 4, 1909, on] H. 15657 [60th Congress, 2d session]. [1909.] Passengers. List of passengers [hearings, May 7, Apr. 9, 1908, 60th ('ongress, 1st session, on H. 19661, to amend sec. 4467, 4468 of Revised statutes, relative to keeping of lists of passengers on passenger steamers, and H. 19669, relating to equipment of barges, etc., with necessary rails and life-preservers]. [1908.] Philippine Islands. To regulate shipping between ports of United States and ports in Philippine Archipelago [and] between ports in Philippine Archipela° Ar5» Ar52 Ar53 Ar5* Ar5^ Ar5« Ar7i Ar72 Ar73 Ar7* 'C39 D43» D43 2 D433 D43* Ecl8 82452^ Y4. COMMITTEE8 OF CONGRESS— (Mntinued Military Affairs Committee (Houae)— Oontinued Appropriation bill. Additional hoarinp; [Jan. 5, 1907], on fH. 23551, 59th Oonprese, 2d session J, army aupropriation bill, fiscal year 1907-8; fstatemont of Robert M. O^Reilly on construction and repair oi hospitals]. 1907. Appropriation bill. Hearing: [Jan. 14-^1, 1908], on [H. 17288, 60th Congress, Ist session], army appropriation bill, fiscal year 1908-9. 1908. Same [Dec. 9-18, 1908], on [H. 26915, 60th Congress, 2d session], army appropriation bill, fiscal year 1909-10. 1908. Same [Deo. 8-13, 1909], on [11. 15384, 6l8t Congress, 2d session], army appropriation bill, fiscal year 1910-11. 1909. Army roorganization [hearing, Dec. 12-17, 1898, on II. 11022, 55th Congress, 3d session, to provide for reorganization of Army]. [1898.] Army. Staff departments of Army, extracts from Garfield, Coburn, Banning, Maish, and Burnside reports, 1869 to 1878, with statement of existing law on subject, and views of Washington on need of standing Army; compiled by Herman D. Reeve. 1900. Army. Increase of eflBciency of Army, hearing [May 14-23, 1900], on S. 4300 [56th Congress, 1st session], to increase efficiency of military establishment of United States. [1900.] Army. Memorandum for Military Committee [on present organiza- tion and proposed organization of Army]. [1901.] 12® [This document bears no evidence of the Government body publishing it.] Army. To increase efficiency of Army [hearing, Dec. 13, 1902, on H. 15449, 57th Congress, 2d session, to increase efficiency of Army by establishment of General Staff Corps; statement of Elihu Root]. [1902.] . Army. Slight index to [Joseph C] Breckinridge's testiflpiony [and testimony] Dec. 17, 1902 [on H. 15449, 57th Congress, 3d session, to increase efficiency of Army by establishment of General Staff Corps]. [1902.] Artillery. Change in organization of Artillery Corps; statement of George F. Harrison [May 22, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st session]. [1906.] Artillery. Statement of Arthur Murray [Jan, 5, 1907], in explana- tion of artillery bill, H. 17437 [17347, 59th Congress, 2d session]. 1907. Artillery. Hearing [Jan. 8, 1907], on artillery bill, H. 17347 [59th Congress, 2d session; statement of] William H. Taft. 1907. Same [Jan. 11, 1907; statement of Johnson Hagood]. 1907. Chattanooga and Chickamauga National Military Park [hearing, Mar. 12, 1908, 60th Congress, 1st session, on H. 3870, to add 10,000 acres of land to Chattanooga and Chickamauga National Military Park, and H. 4818, to add 20,000 acres of land to same]. 1908. Dental surgeons. Hearing [Jan. 26, 19051, on H. 79 [58th Congress, 3d session], to reorganize corps of dental surgeons attached to Medical Department of Army. [1905.] Same, addenda. [1905.] Dental corps, Army, hearing [Mar. 13, 1906, on] H. 9737 [59th Con- fress, Ist session], to reorganize corps of dental surgeons, ledical Department. [1906.] * Same. [1906.] [Corrected 2d print.] Education. Hearing [Feb. 26, 1908], on H. 11336 j[60th Congress, 1st session], to promote military education in civil institutions of learning. 1908. 11 101 1602 Classiflcatlon no. Y4.M59'! F77 G13 G41 H75 MI92 MI93 M19* M19'^ M19« M19^ M19» M19« M19»o M19»2 M19" M19" MI915 M46' M462 M463 M591 M592 M593 M59* N21 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Military Affairs Committee (House) — Continued Fort Fisher national park. Hearing before subcommittee, 60th Congress, 2d session, on H. 9131, to establish national park at Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 16, 1909. 1909. Gallatin turnpike, Tenn. Hearings [Mar. 16, 1908], on S. 4454 [60th Congress, 1st session, authorizing acceptance of Gallatin turn- pike, from Nashville to national cemetery, county of David- son, Tenn.]. 1908. Gillette, Cassius E. Hearing on H. J. R. 71 [59th Congress, 1st session], granting leave of absence to Cassius E. Gillette [to enable him to act as engineer of filtration plant at Philadel- phia, Pa.], Feb. 8, 1906. 1906. Home. Temporary Home for ex-Volunteer Union Soldiers and Sailors in District of Columbia, hearing [Mar. 13, 15, 1906], on H. 71 [59th Congress, 1st session], to provide [new building for] home. 1906. McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. V. 2. Same. 1887. v. 3. Same. 1887. V. 4. Same. 1887. V. 5. Same. 1887. v. 6. Same. 1887. V. 7. Same. 1887. V. 8. Same. 1887. V. 9. Same. 1887. V. 10. Same. 1887. V. 11. Same. 1887. V. 12. Same. 1887. V. 13. Same. 1887. V. 14. Same. 1887. V. 15. Medical Department. Hearing, Apr. 19, 1904, on H. 13998 [58th Congress, 2d session], to increase efficiency of Medical De- partment; statement of R. M. O'Reilly. 1904. Same [Feb. 6, 1905], on [S. 4838, 58th Congress, 3d session], to increase efficiency of Medical Department; statement of Louis Livingston Seaman. [1905.] Same [Jan. 11, 1906, 59th Congress, Ist session], on increase in Medical Corps [Department]. 1906. Military Academy. Hearings [Feb. 29, Mar. 1, 1904], on [H. 13860, 58th Congress, 2d session], making appropriations for Military Academy, fiscal year 1905. 1904. Military Academy appropriation bill, statement of Albert L. Mills (Jan. 13, 1905, on H. 17984, 58th Congress, 3d session, mak- ing appropriations for Military Academy, fiscal year 1906]. [1905.] Military Academy. Hearing [Jan. 14, 16, 1907], on [H. 24537, 59th Congress, 2d session], appropriations for Military Academy, year ending June 30, 1908. 1907. Military Academy. Record and hearings [Jan. 12, 1909, 60th Con- gress, 2d session] of subcommittees of Senate and House as board of visitors at Military Academy. 1909. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Investigation of management of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers [report, Mar. 3, 1885, and testimony, Aug. 1-Nov. 27, 1884, recess of 48th Congress]. 1885. ([48th Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 2676]; serial no. 2329.) 1603 CiMslflcatlon no. Y4.M59': Of2 Or2 P29» P292 P293 P29< R16 Si2 V88» V882 V88» V88* V88« V88« Y4.M59 2: All Am3 Ap6i Ap62 T4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRBSS^Continuod Military Affairs Committee (House)— Continued Officers. Hoaring [Jan. 28, 1909], on S. 2671 [60th Congress, 2d ses- sion], for extra officers for Army. 1909. Ordnance and Medical departments of Army, On increase of Ord- nance and Medical departments of Army, [hearingsj Jan. 19, [and 23], 1905 [58th Congress, 3d session, on S. 5166, to increase efficiency of Ordnance Department, and S. 4838, to increase efficiency of Medical Department]. 1905. Pay. Statements concerning Capron bill, H . 21400 [59th Congress, 2d session], to regulate and equalize pay of officers and enlisted men of Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Revenue-Marine Serv- ice, consisting of letters of Secretary of War, Secretary of Navy, and Secretary of Treasury [etc., Jan. 20-29, 1907]. [1907.] Pay. Remarks of Johnson Hagood upon occasion of hearing upon bill to increase pay of officers of Army, Navy, Marine Corps [and Revenue-Marine Service], H. 21400 [59th Congress, 2d session]. [1907.] Pay. Hearing, Feb. 12, 13, 1907, on H. 21400 and 23109 r59th Con- gress, 2d session], relating to increased pay of Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. 1907. Pay. [Circular concerning proposed pay for enlisted men of Army.] [1908.] Rank. Letter of Secretary of War [with memorandum of chief of staff] returning H. 16502 [60th Congress, 1st session], to bring about gradual adjustment of rank throughout several lines 01 artillery, cavalry, and infantry of Army. 1908. Signal Corps. Letter of Secretary of War, Jan. 22, 1908, returning H. 12890 [60th Congress, 1st session], to increase efficiency of Signal Corps. [1908.] Volunteer retired list. Statement of S. L. Glasgow [Dec. 13, 1906], on H. 8989 [59th Congress, 2d session], to create special roll to be known as volunteer retired list [for certain officers of Civil War]. 1906. Volunteer retired list. Letter of Byron M. Cutcheon [Dec. 31, 1906], relating to H. 8989 [59th Congress, 2d session], to create special roll to be known as volunteer retired list [for certain officers of Civil War]. 1907. Volunteer retired list. Letter of Green B. Raum [Feb. 6, 1907], relat- ing to H. 24544 [59th Congress, 2d session], to create special roll to De known as volunteer retired list [for certain officers of Civil War]. 1907. Same [Jan. 16, 1908], relating to H. 6288 [60th Congress, 1st session], to create special roll to be known as volunteer retired list. 1908. Volunteer retired list. Estimates of cost from Department of Interior and War Department on H. 6288, 16645 [60th Confess, 1st ses- sion], providing for creation of volunteer retired list. 1908. Volunteer army. Hearing [Nov. 17, 1908], on H. 23862 [60th Con- gress, 2d session], for raising volunteer army in time of actual or threatened war. 1908. Military Affairs Committee (Senate) Alaska. Compilation of narratives of explorations in Alaska. 1900. 4« [3896-1023] American flag, hearing before [subcommittee], 60th Congress, 1st ses- sion, on S. 565 and 727, to prevent desecration of American flag, Apr. 27, 1908. 1908. Appropriations. Hearings [Mar. 16, 1906], on army appropriation bill , fiscal year 1906-7 [H. 14397], 59th Congress, 1st session. 1906. Same [before subcommittee, Jan. 30, 31, 1907], on [H. 23551, 59th Congress, 2d session], army appropriation bill, fiscal year 1908, [1907.J 1604 Classiflcatlon no. Y4.M59 2: Ap63 Ap64 Ap6^ Ar5» Ar52 Ar53 Ar5* Ar5« B821 B822 B823 B82* B82« B82« C16 C76 C89 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Military Affairs Committee (Senate)— Continued Appropriation bill. Army appropriation bill [hearings before sub- committee, Mar. 25-27, 1908, on H. 17288, 60th Congress, 1st session, making appropriations for Army, fiscal year 19091. [1908.] * Same. [1908.] [Corrected 2d print.] Same [Feb. 15, 16, 1909], on H. 26915 [60th Congress, 2d session], making appropriations for Army, fiscal year 1910. 1909. Army reorganization bill, hearings before subcommittee [Feb. 8, 1899J, upon H. 11022 [55th Congress, 3d session], to provide for reorganization of Army. 1899. Army bill, hearing [Dec. 11-14, 1900, on S. 4300, 56th Congress, 2d session, to increase efficiency of Army]. [1900.] [Incorrect copy; issued in separate signatures.] Same [Dec. 11-17, 1900]. [1900.] [Corrected copy of above, with additional matter.] Army. Efficiency of Army [hearings, Mar. 12-20, 1902, on] S. 3917 [57th Congress, 1st session, to increase efficiency of Army by establishment of General Staff Corps]. 1902. Same Jliearing, Dec. 17, 1902, on] S. 6332 [57th Congress, 2d session, to increase efficiency of Army by establishment of General Staff Corps]; statement of Elihu Root. 1902. [Also in Establish- ment of General Staff Corps in Army (W1.2:G28 ^).] Brownsville, Tex. Summary discharge or mustering out of regiments or companies, letter from Secretary of War [to Military Affairs Committee, Senate] transmitting additional testimony and exhibits in Brownsville case. 1907. [In 5252-402, pt. 1] Same, message from President transmitting report from Secretary of War, with documents, including letter of General [A. B.] Nettleton and memoranda as to precedents for summary dis- charge or mustering out of regiments or companies, and addi- tional testimony and exhibits [index]. 1907. [In 5252-402, pt. 1] Brownsville, Tex. Affray at Brownsville, Tex., hearings [Feb. 4-27, 1907], concerning affray at Brownsville, Aug. 13 and 14, 1906. 1907. V. 1. [5254-402, pt. 4] Same [Mar. 11-Apr. 5, 1907]. 1907. v. 2. [5255-402, pt. 5] Same [May 14-June 14, 1907]. 1907. v. 3. [In 5256-402, pt. 6] [See note under Y4.M592:B82^] Same [Nov. 18, 1907-Feb. 25, 1908]. [1907-08.] [In 5256-402, pt. 6] [Issued in separate signatures. These signatures were included in v. 3 of the Congressional document edition but were omitted from v. 3 of the bureau edition (Y4.M592:B82^). A corrected 2d print of the last signature was issued.] See, for proceedings of general court-martial convened at head- quarters Department of Texas, W24.2:B82. Canteen. Statement of Mrs. J. C. Kelton on S. 5703 [58th Con- gress, 3d session], to amend sec. 38 of act to increase effi- ciency of permanent military establishment of United States, approved Feb. 2, 1901 [by restoration of army canteen], Jan. 19, 1905. 1905. Confederates. Graves of Confederate soldiers, data relating to loca- tions and condition of graves of Confederate soldiers who died in Federal prisons and military hospitals and were buried near their places of confinement, also suggestions as to Congressional legislation to provide for remedial measures, by Samuel E. Lewis, reprinted for Committee on Military Affairs, Senate. 1902. Cuba. Statements of Leonard Wood, Jan. 18, 19, 1899, and M. C. Butler, Jan. 30, 1899, regarding affairs, civil and military, in Cuba [55th Congress, 3d session]. 1899. 1605 CUsslflratloii no. Y4.M5S>^! E14 H36 H78 In8 M19' MI92 M193 M19* M19^ M19« M19' MI98 M19» M19"' M591 M59 = R29 V24 D63' D632 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS- Continued Military A£Ralrs Committee (Senate) — Continued Elimination bill [now draft of bill to increane efficiency of Army and letter of William U. Taft, May 25, 1908, 60th Congreee, let BeesionJ. 1908, Heistand, Henry Olcot Sheldon. Investigation of charges against H. O. S. Heistand [hearings before subcommittee, Sept. 30- Nov. 29, 1901, aa authorized by S. R. 583, 5()th Congress, 2d session]. [1902.J Horses. Army horses, remount systems abroad, improvements sug- fested at home, some remarks about proposed plant on Crow teservation, Mont., for breeding of cavalry horses by Indians of reservation [etc.; compiled by Francis h. VVolcottJ. 1908. Intoxicating liquors. Sale of intoxicating liquors at army canteens, hearings, Dec. 7-14 [1900, 56th Congress, 2d session]. 1900. Lieutenants. Nominations of lieutenants in Army pending under act of Feb. 2, 1901, objections to confirmation, views of Sec- retary of War in favor of confirmation, and review of his state- ments. /S«6 Y1.57^.-pub*. Lieutenants. Report to accompany nominations of lieutenants [in Army under act of Feb. 2, 1901]. See Y1.572:pub2. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 10, 1816, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. v. 2. V. 3. v. 4. V. 5. V. 6. V. 7. V. 8. V. 9. V. 10. Military Academy. Hearing on [H. 18030, 59th Congress, 1st session], Military Academy appropriation bill [1907], before subcom- mittee [May 16, 1906J. [1906.] Militia. Efficiency of militia, statement of [Elihu Root, Dec. 4, 1902, on n. 15345, 57th Congress, 2d session]. [1902.] Reports, 59th Congress [index]. 1907. Valley Forge, Pa. National military park at Valley Forge, Pa., hearing, Jan. 29, 1902, in relation to S. 614 [57tJi Congress, 1st session]. 1902. Wood, Leonard. Argument of M. A. Hanna in opposition to pro- motion of Leonard Wood. See Yl.58-:3. Wood, Leonard. Nomination of Leonard Wood to be major-general, hearings [Nov. l^Dec. 15, 1903]. See Y1.582:C. Wood, Leonard. Reasons [of J. B. Foraker] for favoring confirmation of nomination of Leonard Wood to be major-general. See Y1.582:l. Wood, Leonard. Review of evidence in hearing on nomination of Leonard Wood to be major-general, as reason of [Nathan B. Srott] for vote against confirmation of said nomination. See Y1.582:2. Militia Committee (House) District of Columbia militia. Hearings [Feb. 6, 7, 1908], on H. 7545 [60th Congress, 1st session, for organization of militia in District of Columbia; statement of Lloyd M. Brett]. 1908. Same [Feb. 17, 1908, 60th Confess, Ist session], on H. 14783 [to amend act to promote efficiency of militia, and H. 7545, for organization of militia in District of Columbia]. 1908. 1606 Classification no. Y4.M59^: M19 M59 Y4.M66: Ac2 C63 D25 M19 M661 M662 M663 M66* N15 Su8 Y4:.M69^: E12^ El 22 Y4.M69 2: M19 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Militia Committee (House) — Continued McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 10, 1835, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Militia. Hearings [Jan. 27, 1908], on H. 14783 [60th Confess, 1st session, to amend act to promote efficiency of militia; state- ment of James A. Drain]. 1908. Mines and Mining Committee (House) Accidents. Letter from William Clifford, Jeannette, Pa. [Jan. 20, 1908], in relation to mining accidents. [1908.] Coal dust. Letter from B. F. Jones [Mar. 16, 1908], in relation to com- parative amount of dust made by different methods of mining. [1908.] Darr mine. Report of inspectors of bituminous coal region of Penn- sylvania to chief of department of mines of Pennsylvania [Jan. 16, 1908, in relation to explosion at Darr mine, Westmoreland County, Pa., Dec. 19, 1907]. [1908.] McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 19, 1865, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Mines and mining. Hearings [Jan. 19, 1904, on H. 8868, 58th Con- gress, 2d session], to apply portion of proceeds of sales of public lands to endowment of schools of or departments of mines and mining in States and Territories. 1904. [Includes also, hear- ings of Jan. 13-Apr. 17, 1902, 57th Congress, 2d session, on simi- lar bills before that Congress.] Mines Bureau. Hearings to consider question of establishment of Bureau of Mines, Mar. 9-30, 1908 [60th Congress, Ist session]. 1908. Mines Bureau. Letter from Thomas F. Walsh favoring establishment of bureau of mines and mining and referring to importance of development and production of rarer minerals, radium, plati- num, vanadium, columbite, etc. [1908.] Mining. Statement of director of Geological Survey regarding de- sirability of more extensive recognition of mining industry by Governmental inquiry. [1908.] Naomi mine. Report of inspectors of bituminous coal region of Penn- sylvania to chief of department of mines of Pennsylvania [Dec. 12, 1907, on] explosion at Naomi mine [Fayette County, Pa., Dec. 1, 1907]. [1908.] Sutro Tunnel. Report of commissioners, evidence taken [Feb. 12- Mar. 29, 1872, 42d Congress, 2d session], in regard to Sutro Tunnel, with arguments, and report of committee recommend- ing loan by Government in aid of construction of said work. Washington, D. C, M'Gill & Witherow, printers and stereo- typers, 1872. [This contains the same material, rearranged, as 42d Congress, 2d session, House report 94, serial no. 1543.] Mississippi, Select Committee to Inquire into Alleged Frauds in Recent Election in (Senate) Election, 1875. Mississippi in 1875, report [Aug. 7, 1876] of select committee to inquire into Mississippi election of 1875, testi- mony [Apr. 27-June 23, 1876], and documentary evidence. 1876. V. 1. ([44th Cong. 1st sess. S. rp. 527]; serial no. 1669.) Same, testimony [June 9-July 12, 1876]. 1876. v. 2. [1870-527] Mississippi River, Committee on Levees and Im- provements of (House) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 10, 1875, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by 1607 Classlflcatlon no. M69 tY4.N21: Y4.N22 ' : C44 C73 Es8» Es82 EsS' H33 H35" H35«» H35^7 H35«8 H35^» H35«« H35" H35<^2 H35« H35<^ H35« H35«« H35" H71 M19' MI92 MI93 M19* M19'^ M19« MI97 M19« Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Mississippi River, Committee on Levees and Im- provements of ^^Houee) — Continued T. H, McKee. 1887. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.J Mi&jissippi River improvements, statement of Oswald H. Ernst (Mar. 30, 1906, 59th ('ongresa, Ist sussioii]. [1906.] Naval Affairs Committee (House) China. Report on memorial of James B. Moore [and others], asking aid to establish line of mail steamers to China. [1852.] Committee on Naval Affairs [60th Congress, 2d session]. [1909.] narrow 16° Estimates. Hearings on estimates submitted by Secretary of Navy [etc., Dec. 10] 1906-[Jan. 18] 1907 [59th Congress, 2d session]. 1907. [See, for earlier hearings, Y4.N22 ' :H35 '-«^] Same [Jan. 7-Mar. 27, 1908, 60th Congress, Ist session]. 1908. Same [Dec. 7, 1908-Jan. 15] 1909 [60th Congress, 2d session]. 1909. Hazing. Hearings before subcommittee [Feb. 15-24, 1906, 59th Con- gress, 1st session], on hazing at Naval Academy [with report of subcommittee]. 1906. [5038-690] Hearings [Dec. 6, 1902-Jan. 12, 1903, 57th Congress, 2d session], on appropriation bill subjects [1904, with letters from Navy De- partment, etc., nos. 1-54]. 1903. Same, no. 55. Same, no. 56. Same, no. 57. Same, no. 58. Same, no. 59. Same, no. 60. Same, no. 61. Same, no. 62. Same, no. 63. Same, no. 64. Same, no. 65. Same, no. 66. Same, no. 67. [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] [1903.] See, for later hearings, Y4.N22':Es8'-3. Holland submarine boats, hearings, Jan. [11-15], 1901 [56th Congress, 2d session]. 1901. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Mar. 13, 1822, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. V. 3. v. 4. V. 5. V. 6. V. 7. V, 8. fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. A new com- mittee has since been appointed necessitating an additional class under Y4., the series title of which is as follows: Y4.N21: (CT) National Resources, Committee on Conservation of (Senate) leog Classiflcatioii no. MI99 R26 Sul Su6 V631 V632 Y4:.N22 2: Ap6 At5 H18 M19 MI92 MI93 MI94 MI95 M19*"' P43 Y4.N22 3: P431 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Naval Affairs Coiniiilttee (House)— Continued Same. 1887. v. 9. * Same. 1887. v. 10. * Regulations. Decision of Attorney-General regarding proposed changes in Regulations for government of Navy, edition of 1909. Oct. 27, 1909 [published 1910]. Subcommittees. Committee on Naval Affairs [54th Congress, 1st ses- sion], standing subcommittees. [1895.] 12** Summary of committee work done by Committee on Naval Affairs, 1st session, 60th Congress. [1908.] Vessels of new Navy, hearing on policy of naval reconstruction, Jan. 15-Feb. 25, 1890 [51st Congress, 1st session]. 1890. Vessels. List of Government vessels of Navy, Army, Treasury Department, Department of Commerce and Labor, with tables giving number of men with comparative cost of those per- forming similar duties to enlisted men of Navy [Mar. 1908]. 1908. Naval Affairs Committee (Senate) Appropriations. Compilation of annual naval appropriation laws, 1883-1903, including provisions for construction of all vessels of new Navy; by Pitman Pulsifer. [Ist edition,] 1904. 443 p. (58th Cong. 2d sess. S. doc. 100.) * [This is known as the Navy yearbook. Although this 1st edition bears the document number on the title-page it is not in the Congres- sional set.] Same. [2d edition.] 1904. 447 p. See [459&-1001 Same, 1883-1904. 1904. See [4768-44]. Same, 1883-1905. 1906. See [4920-132]. Same, 1883-1906. 1906. See [5076-140]. Same, 1883-1907. 1907. See [524&-100]. Same, 1883-1908. 1908. See [5392-570]. Same, 1883-1909. 1909. See [5604-195]. Armor. Prices of armor for naval vessels, investigation [Jan. 8- Apr. 7, 1896, 54th Congress, 1st session], in relation to prices paid for armor for vessels of Navy. 1896. Hampton Roads, Va. Naval training station on Hampton Roads, Va., hearing [Apr. 28, 1908], on S. 6708 [60th Congress, 1st session], authorizing purchase of land and buildings [etc.] thereon, for use of Navy Department as naval training station, coaling station, and for other Governmental purposes. 1908. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee. Mar. 13, 1822, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3. * Same. 1887. v. 4. * Same. 1887. v. 5. * Same. 1887. v. 6. * Personnel of Navy. United States Navy, hearings [Feb. 25-Mar. 11, 1908], on S. 3335 [60th Congress, 1st session], to increase efficiency of personnel of Navy and Marine Corps, no. l[-6, and index]. 1908. [Title on coyer is: Alleged structural defects in battle ships.] Naval Affairs Joint Comimittee Personnel of Navy, line, testimony taken [Mar, 1-May 3, 1894, 53d Congress, 2d session], by joint subcommittee of Committees on Naval Affairs, pursuant to joint [concurrent] resolution of Jan. 12, 1894. 1894. IGOf) ^^t^/^ COMMITTEES OP CONG RES S-Continued "Naval Afflalrs Joint Committee— Continued Pereonnel of Navy, staff, testimony taken [Mar. 10(?)-Apr. 28, 1894, 53d ConpTt'ss, 2d fiession], by joint 8ubr<»mmittce of Committees on Naval Affaire, pursuant to joint [concurrent] resolution of Jan. 12, 1894. 1894. : 1 M New Orleans Riots Select Committee (House) Report [Feb. 11, 1867, journal of committee, and testimony taken, Dec. 11, 186G-Feb. 2, 1867, 39th Cougresrt, 2d session]. 1867. ([39th Cong. 2d sess. II. rp. 16]; serial no. 1304.) New York Election Frauds, Alleged, Select Committee on (IloustO Election frauds. New York election frauds, report [Feb. 23, 1869, supplemental report, Mar. 1, 1869, journal of committee, Dec. 18, 1868-Feb. 24, 1869, and testimony taken, Dec. 21, 1868- Feb. 24, 1869, 40th Congress, 3d session]. [1869.] [Made up of 40th Congress, 3d session, House reports 31 and 41; serial nos. 1389, 1390.] Newburgh, N. Y., Monument and Centennial Celebration of 1883, Joint Select Com- mittee on Washington monument. Centennial celebration and Washington monument at Newburgh, N. Y. 1889. large 8° [2576-601] Ordnance, Heavy, and Projectiles, Select Com- mittee on (Senate) Report [and testimony, Dec. 1882-Feb. 1883, 47tli Congress, 2d session], under resolution of Aug. 2, 1882. 1883. ([47th Cong. 2d sess. S. rp. 969]; serial no. 2087.) Ordnance and War-Sblps Select Committee (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports of Committee on Ordnance, and Ordnance and War-Ships, Senate, 40th Congress, 1867^8th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * g?his compilation includes reports of Select Committee on rdnance and War-Ships appointed July 3, 1884, and also those of the Joint Select Committee on Ordnance appointed Mar. 30, 1867. See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Report [and testimony, Aug. 8, 1884-Nov. 27, 1885, before, during, and after 48th Congress, 2d session], with appendix. 1886. [2355-90] Ordnance, Joint Select Committee on McKee's compilation. Reports of Committee on Ordnance, and Ordnance and War-Ships, Senate, 40th Congress, 1867-48th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. 2 v. See Y4.0r22:M19''2. Outrages in Southern States, Alleged, Select Committee to Investigate (Senate) Report on alleged outrages in Southern States, by select committee of Senate, Mar. 10, 1871 [journal of comuuttee, Jan. 19-Mar. 8, 1871, and testimony taken Jan. 24-Mar. 7, 1871, 42d Con- fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. A new committee has since been appointed necessitating an additional class under Y4., the series title of which is as follows: Y4.0k4: Oklahoma, Select Committee to Investigate Indian Contracts in (House) (CT) CUwRlflcation no. T4.N22»: P43=» Y4b.N42 ' : R29 Y4.N4:2 2: El 2 Y4.N42 3: W27 tY4.0k4: Y4:.Or2 ' : R29 Y4.0r2 2: M19» MI92 R29 Y4:.Or2 3: Y4.0u8: R29 1610 Classification no. Y4:.Ou8! Y4.P11 ' : H311 H312 H313 H31* H31« H31« Or3i Or32 Or33 P831 P832 P833 Sel Yd.Pll": Ai2 M19 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Outrages in Soutliern States, Alleged, Select Committee to Investigate (Senate)— Continued gress, 1st session]. 1871. ([42d Cong. 1st sess. S. rp. 1];' serial no. 1468.) Pacific Islands and Porto Rico Committee (Senate) Hawaii Ditch Company, Limited, hearings [Apr. 7-June 2, 1902, on H. 11997, 57th Congress, 1st session, granting Hawaii Ditch Company, Limited, right of way over public lands in Hawaii]. 1902. Hawaiian fund for public works, statements [Feb. 13, 1906], in sup- port of H. 14015 [59th Congress, 1st session], to establish fund for public works in Hawaii. 1906. Hawaii. Territory of Hawaii, statements [Dec. 11, 1908], on [S. 7033, 7695, 7697, and 7698, 60th Congress, 2d session], relating to [importation of opium, government, and electric lighting in] Hawaii. 1908. Hawaiian investigation [pt. 1], report of subcommittee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico on general conditions in Hawaii. 1903. Same, pt. 2, testimony taken before Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico [Sept. 8-25, 1902, recess of 57th Congress], under S. R. 260, 1st session, 57th Congress, authorizing [investiga- tion of] general conditions of islands of Hawaii. 1902. Same, pt. 3, exhibits, memorials, petitions, and letters presented to Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico. 1903. Organic acts for Hawaii and Porto Rico, with amendments thereto, and appendix containing general legislation affecting Hawaii, Porto Rico, Guam, and Tutuila, 56th Congress, let session-59th Congress, 1st session. 1906. Same. 1907. Same, 56th Congress, 1st se8sion-59th Congress, 2d session; by C. E. Alden. 1907. Porto Rico. Industrial and other conditions of Puerto Rico, and form of government which should be adopted for it, hearings [Jan. 13-22, 1900], on S. 2264 [56th Congress, 1st session], to provide government for Puerto Rico. 1900. (56th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 147; serial no. 3851.) Porto Rico. Hearing, Feb. 6, 1906 [on S. 2620, 59th Congress, 1st session, that inhabitants of Porto Rico shall be citizens of United States], [1906.] Porto Rico. Boundaries of naval reservation [reservations], San Juan, P. R. [letter from Secretary of Navy transmitting report, etc., 59th Congress, 2d session]. Feb. 12, 1907. Seals. Letter of Henry W. Elliott [Apr. 19, 1902], on swift impend- ing extermination of fur-seal herd of Alaska, [1902.] Pacific Railroad Committee (Senate) [The Pacific Railroad Committee of the Senate existed from the 38th through the 42d Congress and should not be confused with aOiater Pacific Railroads Com- mittee, Senate, which was not appointed until 1893 during the 53d Congress. In the Public Documents Library there are no bureau editions of publications of the latter committee, hence no classification has been assigned to it.] Aid. Policy of extending Government aid to additional railroads to the Pacific by guaranteeing interest on their bonds, report of majority, Feb, 19, 1869, 1869, ([40th Cong. 3d sess, S, rp. 219]; serial no. 1362.) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Mar. 8, 1865, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [Although the title-page of McKee's com- pilation reads as given here, the resolution for the appointment of the committee was passed Dec. 2, 1863, 38th Congress, 1st session, and that for its discontinuance. Mar, 12, 1873, 42d Con- gress, 3d session. See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19,] 1611 ClMslflcatlon no. Y4.P11='! M19 Pll Y4.P27'; 079 C793 C798 C79* C79« C83» C832 C833 C83* D46 D841 D843 D84« Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Paclflc Railroads Comnxlttee (Ilouse) lThi:> class infludes inil)lii'a( ions both of the Select Committee on Pacific Railroad down to the end of the 38th ConKress, and of the standing committee which superseded it in the 39th Congress.] McKoe's compilation. Reports of Committpo on Pacific Railroads, House of Representatives, from organization of committee, Mar. 2, 1865, to close of 49th Congroas, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [This compilation includes reports both of the Select Committee on Pacific Railroad and of the standing committee which superseded it. See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.J Pacific railroad and telegraph, report [of Select Committee on Pacific Railroad, July 24, 1856, on bill to provide for establishment of railroad and telegraphic communication between Atlantic States and Pacific Ocean]. [1856.J 84 p. [This publication bears on the first page, 34th Congress, Ist session, House report 274, but that report which appears in serial no, 870 has only 81 p. and was ordered printed on July 24, 1856, while this edition besides having 3 p. of additional matter, states plainly on the first page that it was ordered printed on July 28, 1856.] Patents Commltteo (House) Copyright. Arguments before Committfee on Patents of House of Representatives conjointly with Senate Committee on Patents on rS. 6330 and] H. 19853 [59th Congress, Ist session], to amend and consolidate acts respecting copyright, June 6-9, 1906. 1906. 206 p. Copyright. Arguments before Committees on Patents of Senate and House of Representatives conjointly, on S. 6330 and H. 19853 [59th Congress, 1st session], to amend and consolidate acts re- specting copyright, June 6-9, 1906. 1906. xviii+217 p. Copyright hearings, Dec. 7-11, 1906, arguments before Committees on Patents of Senate and House of Representatives conjointly, on S. 6330 and H. 19853 [59th Congress, 2d session], to amend and consolidate acts respecting copyright. 1906. Copyright. Revision of copyright laws, hearings before Committees on Patents of Senate ana House of Representatives on pend- ing bills to amend and consolidate acts respecting copyright. Mar. 26-28, 1908 [60th Congress, 1st session]. 1908. Copyright. Arguments before copyright subcommittee on common- law rights as applied to copvright, sec. 4, H. 21592 [60th Con- gress, 2d session], Jan. 20, 1909. 1909. Court of patent appeals. Arguments on H. 12470 [59th Congress, Ist session], to establish court of patent appeals, Apr. 25, 1906. 1906. Same, on H. 12470 [and other bills, 59th Congress, 1st session], to establish court of patent appeals [etc.], May 2, 1906; [state- ment of Melville Church]. 1906. Same, on H. 14047, to create court of patent appeals, also, H. 16650, to amend law of patent designs. Mar. 18, 1908, 60th Congress [1st session]. 1908. Court of patent appeals. Copies of letters and opinions concerning H. 14047 [60th Congress, Ist session], to create court of patent appeals. 1908. Designs. Arguments, Feb. 14, 1907, on H. 20172 [59th Congress, 2d session], to amend patent laws for designs. 1907. - Drugs. Arguments on H. 8102 [59th Congress, 1st session], to amend sec. 4886 and' 4887, Revised statutes [as amended], relating to patents [so' as to provide for patents on drugs only in so far as same reflates to definite process for preparation of said drugs]. May 1^, 1906. 1906. Same, May 17, 1906. 1906. Same, May 23, 1906. 1906. 1612 Classification no. Y4.P2T ' : H78' H78' L97 M19 MI92 M971 M972 P271 P272 P27 = P27' P27 P27« P277 Sa3i Sa32 Sa33 T671 T4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Patents Committee (House)— Continued Horticultural products. Arguments on H. 13570, authorizing registration of names of horticultural products and to protect same [and on H. 13942, to provide criminal remedies for willful forgery and utterance of registered trade-marks], Mar. 28, 1906, 59th Congress [1st session]. 1906. Same, on H. 18851, to amend laws relating to patents in interest of originators of horticultural products, also letters and opin- ions on [bills relating to other subjects], May [9], 17, 1906, 59th Congress [Ist session]. 1906. Lumber. Arguments on H. 12083, 12084, 20302 [relating to patents], and H. J. R. 174 [to protect copyright matter appearing in Rules and specifications for grading lumber adopted by various lumber manufacturing associations of United States], June 20, 1906, 59th Congress [1st session]. 1906. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Sept. 15, 1837, to 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Music. Arguments on H. 11943 [59th Congress, Ist session], to amend [sec. 4966], Revised statutes, relating to copyrights [so as to permit renting or loaning of musical works]. May 2, 1906. 1906. Same, May 3, 1906. 1906. Patents. Arguments, Feb. [1]-Mar. [1], 1878, on H. 1612 [45th Congress, 2d session], to amend laws relating to patents. Washington City, Thomas McGill & Co., printers and stereo- typers, 1878. [This same material, rearranged and differently paged, appears as part of 45th Congress, 2d session, Senate miscellaneous document 50 1 serial no. 1788.] Patents. Statement and brief of Alfred E. Putnam [June 20, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st session], on H. 12083 and 12084, to amend sec. 4919 and 4921, Revised statutes, relating to [infringement of] patents. 1906. Patents. Arguments, Jan. 23, 1907, on H. 23716 [59th Congress, 2d session], to amend sec. 4919, Revised statutes, to provide additional protection for owners of patents; [statement of James H. Hayden]. 1907. Patents. Arguments on H. 15841, to amend sec. 4896, Revised statutes [so as to provide for inventors who have become insane, and H. 15842, to amend sec. 4885, Revised statutes, so as to facilitate work of Patent Ofl&ce in issuing Official gazette and getting out patents], Feb. 5, 1908, 60th Congress [1st session]. 1908. Same, onH. 15838 [60th Congress, 1st session], to revise and amend statutes relating to patents [so as to lessen number of appeals in Patent Office], Feb. 26, 1908. 1908. Same, Mar. 4, 1908. 1908. Same, on H. 15839, 17869, and 21525 [20388], to revise and amend statutes relating to patents, Apr. 8-29, 1908, 60th Congress [1st session]. 1908. Salaries. Arguments on H. 22678 [59th Congress, 2d session], to provide increased force and salaries in Patent Office, Jan. 16, 1907. 1907. Same, Feb. 5, 1907; with statement of committee of Patent Law Association of Washington, D. C. 1907. Same, on H. 286 [60th Congress, Ist session], to provide increased force and salaries in Pater t Office, Jan. 22, 1908. 1908. Trade-marks. Arguments [Jan. 31, 1906], on H. 5349 and 10091 [59th Congress, 1st session ', relating to registration of trade- marks. 1906. 1613 ClMsinratlon no. Y4.P27 > : T67» T67' T67^ T67* T67« T677 T67« Y4.P27 2: C55 M19' MI92 P27 Y4.P38 ^ C49 M19 M192 MI93 M19* M19* M19« MI97 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONG RES S-Continued Patents Committee (House)— Continued Same [Feb. 7, 1906], on H. 10091 and 13942 [59th Conpresa, iBt Beaeiou], relating to registration of trade-marks. 190G. Same [Feb. 14, 19061, on H. 5349 [59th Congress, 1st session], to amend laws relating to registration of trade-marks. 1906. Same, Feb. 21, 1906. 1906. Same, Feb. 28, 1906. 1906. Same, on H. 15911 [59th Congress, 1st session], to amend laws relating to registration of trade-marks, Mar. 21, 1906. 1906. Same, on H. 13942 [59th Congress, 1st session], to provide criminal remedies for willful forgery and utterance of registered trade- marks, May 9, 1906; [statement of Arthur Steuart]. 1906. Same, on H. 15843 [60th Congress, Ist session], to amend laws relating to registration of trade-marks, Feb. 11, 1908. 1908. Patents Committee (Senate) Clarke, Rufus L. B. Case of Rufus L. B. Clarke, petition asking Senate to investigate his removal from office of examiner in chief of Patent Office, brief and supplemental brief on power of removal of officers appointed by Senate, proceedings in Congress, opinions, etc. 1896. Copyright. Arguments before Committee on Patents of House of Representatives conjointly with Senate Committee on Patents on [S. 6330 and] H. 19853 [59th Congress, Ist session], to amend and consolidate acta respecting copyright, June 6-9, 1906. -S'cfiY4.P27i:C79^ Copyright. Arguments before Committees on Patents of Senate and House of Representatives conjointly, on S. 6330 and H. 19853 [59th Congress, 1st session], to amend and consolidate acta respecting copyright, June 6-9, 1906. See Y4.P27 ^:C792. Copyright hearings, Dec. 7-11, 1906, arguments before Committees on Patents of Senate and House of Representatives conjointly, on S. 6330 and H. 19853 [59th Congress, 2d session], to amend and consolidate acts respecting copyright. See Y4.P27 *:C79'. Copyright. Revision of copyright laws, hearings before Committees on Patents of Senate and House of Representatives on pend- ing bills to amend and consolidate acts respecting copy- right. Mar. 26-28, 1908 [60th Congress, 1st session]. See Y4.P27':C79^ McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Sept. 7, 1837, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Patents. Arguments [Nov. 15-30, 1877] ing amendments to S. 300 [45t amend statutes relating to patents. [1877.] Pensions Committee (House) Civil War. Pensions to certain enlisted men and officers who served in Civil War and War with Mexico [hearing] Jan. 22, 1907 [on S. 976, 59th Congress, 2d session], [1907.] [In 5064-6901] McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] 7], in support of and suggest- >m Congress, 1st session], to Same. 1887. V. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3. * Same. 1887. V.4. * Same. 1887. V. 5. * Same. 1887. V. 6. » Same. 1887. V. 7. « 1614 Classification no. Y4.P38 2: MI91 MI92 MI93 M19* M19^ M19« MI97 MI98 M19« Ml9i« Ml9^i MI912 M19^3 M1914 M19^^ M19J« M19»7 M19^8 R861 R862 Y4.P38 3: M191 MI92 Y4.P53: Ag8 H351 H352 H353 R32 She Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Pensions Committee (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 10, 1816, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; comuiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [8ee, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3. * Same. 1887. v. 4. * Same. 1887. v. 5. * Same. 1887. v. 6. * Same. 1887. v. 7. * Same. 1887. v. 8. * Same. 1887. v. 9. * Same. 1887. v. 10. * Same. 1887. v. 11. * Same. 1887. v. 12. * Same. 1887. v. 13. * Same. 1887. v. 14. * Same. 1887. v. 15. * Same. 1887. v. 16. * Same. 1887. v. 17. * Same. 1887. v. 18. * Rules, 60th Congress. [1908.] narrow 24° Same, eist Congress. [1909.] narrow 24° Pensions, Bounty, and Back Pay, Select Com- mittee on Payment of (House) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, May 16, 1879, to close of 48th Congress, 1885; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * PMUpplnes Committee (Senate) Agricultural bank. Proposed agricultural bank for Philippine Islands [hearing] Jan. 30, 1907 [59th Congress, 2d session]. [1907.] Hearings [Jan. 31-Mar. 20, 1902, 57th Congress, 1st session], in relation to affairs in Philippine Islands. 1902. [pt. 1.1 [4242-331, pt. 1] [Issued only in Congressional edition and in separate signatures for bureau edition.] Same [Apr. 7-May 2, 1902, 57th Congress, 1st session]. 1902. [pt. 2.] [4243-331, pt. 2] [Issued only in Congressional edi- tion and in separate signatures for bureau edition.] Same [May 3-June 28, 1902, 57th Congress, 1st session]. [1902.] [pt. 3.] [4244-331, pt. 3] [Issued complete in Congressional edition, but of the separate signatures for bureau edition, only p. 1969-2313 were issued.] Revenue for Philippine Islands [hearings, Jan. 20-Feb. 21, 1906, on H. 3, 59th Congress, 1st session, to amend act to provide reve- nue for Philippine Islands]. [1906.] [In 4930-277] [Issued also in separate signatures with 3 extra pages, p. 783a-c. These hearings, arranged and paged somewhat differently, comprise p. 1-984 of Senate document 277, 59th Congress, 1st session.] Shipping between ports of United States and ports of Philippine Islands, hearmg [Jan. 21, 1904], on S. 2259 [58th Congress, 2d session], to regulate shipping between ports of United States and ports in Philippine Archipelago [and] between ports in Philip- pine Archipelago. [1904.] [4589-124] 1615 Classiflcatloa nu. Y4.P53: T17 Y4.P84 ' : Ap6» Ap6» Ap6» Ap6* Ap6« C73 M19» MI92 MI93 M19* M19-' M19« Oc2 P84^ P843 P843 R13 R88 W42 Y4.P84 2: Ap6i Ap62 In7 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Plilllppines Committee (Senate)— (V)ntinued Tariff. Philippine tariff [hearinp, Feb. 23, 1905, on H. 18965, 58th Congress, 3d Bession, to revise and amend tariff laws of Philip- pine Islands; statement of William H. Taft]. [1905.] Post- Office and Post- Roads Committee (House) Appropriation bill. Hearings before subcommittee 1 [Jan. 11-19, 1904], on [H. 13521, 58th Congress, 2d session], post-oflBce appro- priation bill, fiscal year 1905. 1904. Appropriation bill. Post-office appropriation bill, [fiscal year] 1907, nearings before subcommittee 1 ("Jan. 22-Feb. 9, 1906, on H. 16953, 59th Congress, 1st session]. 1906. Same, [fiscal year] 1908, hearings before subcommittee 1, Jan. [8-Feb. 5], 1907 [on H. 25483, 59th Congress, 2d session]. 1907. [Issued also in separate signatures.] Same, [fiscal year] 1909, hearings before subcommittee 1 [Jan. 16- Feb. 6, 1908, on H. 18347, 60th Congress, Ist session]. 1908. Same, [fiscal year] 1910, hearings before subcommittee 1 [Dec. 8-10, 1908, on H. 26305, 60th Congress, 2d session]. 1908. Committee on Post-Office and Post-Roads, 6l8t Congress. [1909.] narrow 24° McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. [See, for his- torical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:Ml9.] Same. 1887. v. 2. Same. 1887. v. 3. Same. 1887. v. 4. Same. 1887. v. 5. Same. 1887. v. 6. Ocean mail service, hearings before subcommittee 4 [on H. 4068, 60th Congress, Ist session, to amend act of Mar. 3, 1891, to provide for ocean mail service between United States and foreign porta and to promote commerce], Jan. 21, Feb. 22, 1908. 1908. Post-check bill, H. 7053 [59th Congress, Ist session], and [bill author- izing] postal notes, hearings, Apr. 25, May 23, 1906. 1906. Postal savings-banks. Hearings before subcommittee on subject of postal savings-banks, Feb. 14- Apr. 5, 1898 [55th Congress, 2d session, with copy of H. 3353, 56th Congress, 1st session]. 1900. Postal savings bank, hearings before subcommittee 2 [Jan. 28-Feb. 25, 1909, on H. 7 and other bills, 60th Congress, 2d session]. 1909. Railway mail pay, hearing before subcommittee 6 [Feb. 11, 1909], 60th Congress, 2d session [on H. 15644, to amend existing laws and equalize pay for mail service on railroad lines, and on H. 27595, regulating pay of mail routes on Long Island, N. Y., operated by electric or steam power]. 1909. Rural free-delivery service in Eiu-opean countries [report of 1st assistant Postmaster-General]. 1898. Weighing of mails. S. [J.] R. 54 [59th Confess, 1st session], author- izing change in weighing of mails m 4th section, nearings, May 24, 1906. 1906. Post- Offices and Post-Roads Committee (Senate) Appropriation bill. Hearing, Feb. 23, 1907, on H. 25483 [59th Con- gress, 2d session], making appropriations for Post-Office Depart- ment, [fiscal year] 1908. [1907.] Same [May 5, 6, 1908], on H. 18347 [60th Congress, 1st session], making appropriations for Post-Ofiice Department, fiscal year 1909. 1908. [Issued in separate signatures.] Insurance. Hearings [Dec. 10, 15, 1903], on S. 1261 [58th Congress, 2d session], to amend sec. 3894 and 3929, Revised statutes, and 1616 Classification Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued no. Yi.PSi^: Post-Offlces and Post-Roads Committee (Senate)— Continued act for suppression of lottery traffic through national and inter- state commerce and postal service, so as to apply existing laws to letters, postal cards, circulars, pamphlets, and publications concerning life, fire, or other insurance transmitted by con- cerns or persons not authorized to transact such business. 1903. L91 Lotteries. Statements [Mar. 2, 9, 1904, 58th Congress, 2d session], on S. 2747, to amend act to amend sec. [3894, 3929, 4041] Revised statutes, relating to lotteries [approved Sept. 19, 1890, so as to include guessing contests and making of pools upon horse races and similar contests, and on S. 2514, to amend act for suppression of lottery traffic through national and interstate commerce and postal service, so as to include Territories and insular possessions]. 1904. M19* McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 10, 1816, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] MI92 Same.' 1887. v. 2. * MI93 Same. 1887. v. 3. M19* Same. 1887. v. 4. MI95 Same. 1887. v. 5. R88 Rural letter carriers, statement of Frank H. Cunningham [Mar. 2, 1904], on S. 933 [58th Congress, 2d session], for classification of carriers in rural free-delivery mail service, and to fix their compensation. 1904. Se2 Second-class mail matter, letter of Postmaster-General to chairman of Committee on Post-Offices and Post- Roads, Senate, relative to appointment of commission to report findings and recommenda- tions regarding 2d-class mail mattQr. May 5, 1906. Post-Offlce Department, Select Committee on Relations of Members with. (House) Postal matters. Testimony [Mar. 17-30, 1904, 58th Congress, 2d session], concerning postal matters. 1904. Printing Investigation Commission. See Y3.P93: Printing Joint Committee Y4.P84 3: P84 Y4.P93 1: Y4.P93^: 111-1 ^14-2 Printing Joint Committee, Congressional direc- tory [Though the Congressional directory does not appear among the numbered Con- gressional documents until 1881, a manual under that name has been issued from an early period in Congressional history and perhaps from the beginning. The earliest copy about which the Public Documents Library has information is for the 11th Congress (1809), although the first in its possession is for the 17th Congress (1821). The Directory was compiled and printed as a private venture till 1847, and the names of compilers and printers are many. In the 30th Congress (1848), the Directory assumed an official air by bearing on its title- page the words "compiled and published for the use of Congress by the post- master of the House of Representatives." This style was continued until the 39th Congress (186c), when by joint resolution approved Feb. 14, the publica- tion was put under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing and re- quired to be printed at the Government Printing Office. From that date down to the 5oth Congress, the Directory was edited by the clerk of the Senate Committee on Printing, but from the 2d edition of the Directory for the 55th Congress, 2d session, through the Gist Congress it was compUed by A. J. Halford, who died in Apr. 19J0. The early directories are queer little pamphlets, the 17th Congress copy being 3? bv 5^1 inches in size and 47 pages thick, contrasting strongly with the 400 or 600 page octavo of today. In assigning book numbers under Y4.P93 1 1, the Congress and session are used as superior numbers with a dash between; a period is used to separate what precedes from the number of the edition following. In the book number, "sp" when used stands for special session of the Senate, and "ex" for extra session of Congress.] 11th Congress, 1st session. 1809. * 14th Congress, 2d session. 1816. * 1617 CUsslflcatlon no. Y4.P98^: jie-i 117-1 117-3 118-1 118-3.1 1 18-3.3 1 18-3.3 119-1 ll»-2 120-1 120-a 121-1 131-3 133-1 122-2 123-1 134-1 134-3 12fi-l 125-2 136-3 126-1 126-2 137-1 137-2 137-3 138-1 128-2 129-1 129-2 130-1 130-2 131-1 131-2 1.32-1.1 132-1.2 132-2 133-1.1 133-1.2 133-2 134-1.1 184-1.3 134-3.1 134-3.3 13S-1.1 136-1.3 136-1.3 136-2.1 82452° Y4. COMMITTEES OP CONGRESS— Continued Prlntlnfi: Joint Committee, Concessional direc- tory — Continued 15th Congress, Istsetwion. 1817. * 16th Congresy, IstHesHion. 1819. * ICth Congress, 2d session. 1820. * 17th Congress, Ist session. 1821. 24° 17th Congress, 2d session. 1822. 24« 18th Congress, 1st session. 1823. 24« 18th Congress, 2d session. Ist edition. 1824. ♦ Same. 2d edition. * Same. 3d edition. * 19th Congress, Ist session. 1825. 19th Congress, 2d session. 1826. 20th Congress, Ist session. 1827. 20th Congress, 2d session. 1828. 2l8t Congress, Ist session. 1829. 2l8t Congress, 2d session. 1830. 22d Congress, Ist session. 1832. 22d Congress, 2d session. 1832. 23d Congress, 1st session. 1834. 24th Congress, 1st session. 1836. 24th Congress, 2d session. 1836. 25th Congress, 1st session. 1837. 25th Congress, 2d session. 1838. 25th Congress, 3d session. 1839. 26th Congress, 1st session. 1840. 26th Congress, 2d session, 1840. 27th Congress, 1st session. 1841. 27th Congress, 2d session. 1841. 27th Congress, 3d session. 1842. 28th Congress, 1st session. 1843. 28th Congress, 2d session. 1845. 29th Congress, 1st session. 1846. 29th Congress, 2d session. 1847. 30th Congress, Ist session. 1848. 30th Congress, 2d session. 1849. 31st Congress, Ist session. 1850. 31st Congress, 2d session. 1850. 32d Congress, Ist session. Same; corrected to May 28, 1852. 32d Congress, 2d session. 1853. 12« 33d Congress, 1st session. [1st edition.] 1854. 12° Same; corrected to June 20, 1854. 2d edition. 1854. 33d Congress, 2d session. 1855. 12° 34th Congress, 1st session. [Ist edition.] 1856. 12° Same. 2d edition. 1856. 12° 34th Congress, 2d session. [None printed.] 34th Congress, 3d session. [1st edition.] Dec. 1856. 12* Same. [2d edition.] 1857. 35th Congress, 1st session. 1st edition. 1858. Same. 2d edition. 1858. Same. 3d edition. 1858. 35th Congress, 2d session. Ist edition. 1859. -11 102 16° 16° 16° 16° 16° 12° 16° 24° 12° 16° 16° 16° 16° 16° 16° 16° 12° 12° 12° 12° 12° 12° 12° 12° 12° 12° 12° [Ist edition.] 1852. 12° 2d edition. 1852. 12° 12° 1618 Classification no. Y4.P93M 2^35-2.2 ]^ 36-1. la 236-l.n» 236-1.2 2^36-2 237-2.1 237-2.2 237-3 238-1 238-2 239-1.1 239-1.2 239-2.1 239-2.2 240-1 240-2.1 2 40-2.2 240-3.1 240-3.2 241-1.1 241-1.2 241-1.3 241-2.1 241-2.2 241-3.1 241-3.2 2 42-1 242-2.1 242-2.2 242-3.1 242-3.2 243-1.1 243-1,2 243-1.3 243-1.4 243-2.1 243-2.2 244-1.1 244-1.2 244-1.3 2 44-2.'l 244-2.2 245-1 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Printing Joint Committee, Congressional direc tory — Continued Same. 2d edition. 1859. 36th Congress, 1st session. Ist edition. 1860. Same. 1st regular edition. 1860. Same. 2d regular edition. 1860. 36th Congress, 2d session. 1st regular edition. 1861. 37th Congress, Ist session. [None printed.] 37th Congress, 2d session. Ist edition. 1861. Same. 2d edition. 1862. 37th Congress, 3d session. 1st edition. 1863. 38th Congress, 1st session. 1st edition. 1864. 38th Congress, 2d session. 1st edition. 1865. 39th Congress, 1st session. 1st edition. 1865. Same. 2d edition.. 1866. 39th Congress, 2d session. Ist edition. 1866. Same. 2d edition. 1867. 40th Congress, 1st session. Ist edition. 1867. 40th Congress, 2d session. Ist edition. 1867. Same. 2d edition. 1868. 40th Congress, 3d session. Ist edition. 1869. Same. 2d edition. 1869. 41st Congress, 1st session. 1st edition. 1869. Same. 2d edition. 1869. Same. 3d edition. 1869. 41st Congress, 2d session. Ist edition. 1869. Same. 2d edition. 1870. 41st Congress, 3d session. Ist edition. 1870. Same. 2d edition. 1871. 42d Congress, 1st session; corrected to Mar. 25, 1871. 1st 1871. 42d Congress, 2d session; corrected to Jan. 15, 1872. 1st 1872. Same; corrected to May 20, 1872. 42d Congress, 3d session; corrected 1872. Same; corrected to Feb. 12, 1873. 2d edition. 1873. 43d Congress, 1st session; corrected to Dec. 18,1873. 1st edition 1873. Same; corrected to Dec. 24, 1873. 2d edition. 1873. Same; corrected to Feb. 24, 1874. 3d edition. 1874. Same; corrected to June 13, 1874. 4th edition. 1874. 43d Congi'ess, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 15, 1874. 1st edition 1874. Same; corrected to Feb. 1, 1875. 2d edition. 1875. 44th Congress, 1st session; corrected to Dec. 20, 1875. 1st edition 1875. Same; corrected to Jan. 22, 1876. 2d edition. 1876. Same; corrected to Aug. 12, 1876. 3d edition. 1876. 44th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 13, 1876. 1st edition 1876. Same; corrected to Feb . 1, 1877. 2d edition. 1877. 45th Congress, Ist session; corrected to Oct. 18, 1877. 1st edition 1877. edition, edition. 2d edition. 1872. to Dec. 14, 1872. 1st edition. 1619 Classlflration no. Y4.P93'! 1 45-2. 1 1*5-2.2 245-2.3 145-3.1 2 45-3.2 146-1 1 46-2. 1 246-2.2 2 46-2.3 246-3.1 246-3.2 247-tp 247-1.2 247-1.3 247-2.1 247-2.2 248-1.1 248-1.3 248-2.1 248-2.2 249-1.1 249-1.2 249-1.3 249-2.1 249-2.2 250-1.1 250-1.2 250-1.3 2 50-2. 1 2 50-2.2 261-1.1 2 61-1.2 2 61-1.3 . 2 61-3. U Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Printing Joint Committee, Congressional direc- tory—Continued 45th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 10, 1877. 1st edition. 1877. Same; corrected to Feb. 7, 1878. 2d edition. 1878. Same; corrected to June 10, 1878. 3d edition. 1878. 45th Congress, 3d session; corrected to Dec. 9, 1878. 1st edition. 1878. Same; corrected to Jan. 29, 1879. 2d edition. 1879. 46th Congress, Ist session; corrected to Apr. 12, 1879. Ist edition. 1879. 46th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 6, 1879. Ist edition. 1879. Same; corrected to Jan. 29, 1880. 2d edition. 1880. Same; corrected to May 20, 1880. 3d edition. 1880. 46th Congress, 3d session; corrected to Dec, 10, 1880. Ist edition. 1880. Same; corrected to Jan. 21, 1881. 2d edition. 1881. 47th Congress, special session, Senate; corrected to May 25, 1881. 1st edition. 1881. 47th Congress, 1st session; corrected to Dec. 21, 1881. 1st edition. 1881. Same; corrected to Feb. 1, 1882. 2d edition. 1882. Same; corrected to June 28, 1882. 3d edition. 1882. corrected to Dec. 11, 1882. [1994-114] 1st edition. 47th Congress, 2d session 1882. [2083-8] Same; corrected to Feb. 3, 1883. 2d edition. 1883. [2083-8] 48th Congress, 1st session; corrected to Dec. 24, 1883. 1st edition. 1883. [2170-27] Same; corrected to Feb. 15, 1884. 2d edition. 1884. (48th Con^. Istsess. S. misc. doc. 27, pt. 2; serial no. 2170.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same; corrected to June 30, 1884. 3d edition. 1884. [2170-27] 48th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 10, 1884. 1st edition. 1884. [2265-14] Same; corrected to Feb. 11, 1885. 2d edition. 1885. [2265-14] 49th Congress, 1st session; corrected to Dec. 17, 1885. 1st edition. 1885. (49th Cong. Ist sess. S. misc. doc. 15; serial no. 2342.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same; corrected to Jan. 16, 1886. 2d edition. 1886. [2342-15] Same; corrected to May 15, 1886. 3d edition. 1886. [2342-15] 49th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 11, 1886. 1st edition. 1886. [2450-11] Same; corrected to Feb. 5, 1887. 2d edition. 1887. [2450-11] 50th Congress, 1st session ; corrected to Dec. 3, 1887. 1st edition. 1887. [2516-1] Same; corrected to Jan. 15, 1888. Same; corrected to Apr. 19, 1888. 50th Congress, 2d session; corrected 1888. [2614-1] Same; corrected to Jan. 25, 1889. 51st Congress, 1st session; corrected 1889. [2697-13] Same; corrected to Jan. 25, 1890. 2d edition. 1890. [2697-13] Same; corrected to May 10, 1890. 3d edition. 1890. [2697-13] 2d edition. 1888. [2516-1] 3d edition. 1888. [2516-1] to Dec. 7, 1888. Ist edition. 2d edition. 1889. [2614-1] to Dec. 5, 1889. 1st edition. 51st Congress, 2d session 1890. [2819-9] corrected to Dec. 3, 1890. 1st edition. 1620 Classification no. Y4.P93 » : 2 51-2. lb 2 51-2.2 2 51-2. sup ]^ 52-1.1 2 52-1.2 ]^ 52-1.3 J 52-2.1 ]^ 52-2.2 I 53-ex 2^53-1.1 263-1.2 253-2.1 253-2.2 2 53-2.3 2 53-3.1 2 53-3.2 254-1.1 2 54-1.2 2 54-1. sup 254-1.3 254-2.1 2 64-2.2 2 55-1.1 2 55-1.2 2 55-2.1 2 55-2.2 2 55-3.1 2 55-3.2 2 56-1. la 2 56-1. lb 2 56-1.2 2 66-1.3 2 56-2. 1 256-2.2 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Printing Joint Committee, Congressional direc- tory — Continued Same [with supplement], 1st edition. 1890. [Not in Congres- sional set.] Same; corrected to Jan. 15, 1891. 2d edition. 1891. [2819-9] [51st Congress, 2d session], supplement. 1891. [Not in Congressional set.] 52d Congress, 1st session; corrected to Dec. 5, 1891. 1st edition. 1891. [2903-1] Same; corrected to Jan. 29, 1892. 2d edition. 1892. [2903-1] Same; corrected to May 7, 1892. 3d edition. 1892. [2903-1] 52d Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 12, 1892. Ist edition. 1892. [3064-1] Same; corrected to Feb. 10, 1893. 2d edition. 1893. [3064-1] 53d Congress, extraordinary session; corrected to Apr. 20, 1893. Spe- cial edition. 1893. [3142, pt. 2-46] 53d Congress, 1st session; corrected to Aug. 7, 1893. Special edition. 1893. [3145-8] Same; corrected to Oct. 10, 1893. 2d edition. 1893. [Not in Congressional set.] 53d Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 1, 1893. 1st edition. 1893. (53d Cong. 2d sess. S. misc. doc. 12; serial no. 3169.) [No edition without Congressional document number.] Same; corrected to Feb. 1, 1894. 2d edition. 1894. [3169-12] Same; corrected to May 1, 1894. 3d edition. 1894. [3169-12] 53d Congress, 3d session; corrected to Dec. 1, 1894. 1st edition. 1894. [3282-19] Same; corrected to Feb. 1, 1895. 2d edition. 1895. [3282-19] 54th Congress, Ist session; corrected to Dec. 1, 1895. 1st edition, 1895. [3361-14] [Congressional edition is corrected to Dec. 7, 1895.] Same; corrected to Jan. 15, 1896. 2d edition. 1896. [3361-14] Same, supplement; corrected to Feb, 1, 1896. 1896. [A reprint, with corrections of the last pages of the directory. Not in Con- gressional set.] Same; corrected to Apr. 22, 1896. 3d edition. 1896. [3361-14] 54th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec. 12, 1896. 1st edition. 1896. [3473-16] Same; corrected to Jan. 22, 1897. 2d edition. 1897. [3473-16] 55th Congress, extraordinary [or Ist] session; corrected to Mar. 12, 1897. Special edition, 1897. [3558-1] 55th Congress, extraordinary [or 1st] session; corrected to June 24, 1897, 2d special edition. 1897. [3558-1] 55th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Dec, 13, 1897. Ist edition, 1897. [3591-22] Same; corrected to Feb, 21, 1898. 2d edition. 1898. [3591-22] 55th Congress, 3d session; corrected to Dec. 5, 1898. 1st edition. 1898. [3726-4] Same; corrected to Jan. 12, 1899. 2d edition. 1899. [3726-4] 56th Congress, 1st session; corrected to Dec. 1, 1899. Ist edition. 1899. [Not in Congressional set.] Same; corrected to Dec. 8, 1899. 1st edition. 1899. [3845-15] Same; corrected to Jan. 10, 1900. 2d edition. 1900. [3845-15] Same; corrected to Apr. 18, 1900. 3d edition. 1900. [3845-15] 56th Congress, 2d session; corrected to Nov. 27, 1900. .Ist edition. 1900. [4030-4] Same; corrected to Jan, 8, 1901. 2d edition. 1901. [4030-4] 1021 ClasslUratlun no. Y4.P93 ' ! 2 57-1. U 2 67-1. lb J 67-1.3 ] 67-1.3 1 67-2.1 2 67-2.2 2 68-sp.l 2 68-SP.2 2 68-1 J 68-2.1 2 58-2.2 258-2.3 2 68-3.1 2 68-3.2 2 69-1.1 268-1.3 2 59-1.3 2 59-2.1 2 6B-2.2 260-1.1 260-1.2 260-1.3 2 60-2. 1 2 60-2.2 261-1 2 61-3.1 Y4:.P93 ' 2858 2859 2860 2861 2 862-1 2 862-2 [4221-4] [4221-4] [4221-4] l8t edition. [4418-4] 1903. Spe- 1903. Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Printing: Joint Committee, Congressional direc- tory—Continued 57th Congress, let session; corrected to Nov. 26, 1901. Ist edition. 1901. [Not in Congressional set.] Same; corrected to Dec. 5, 1901. Ist edition. 1901. Same; corrected to Jan. Ifi, 1902. 2d edition. 1902. Same; corrected to Apr. 11, 1902. 3d edition. 1902. 57th (-ongress, 2d session; corrected to Nov. 26, 1902, 1902. [4418-4] Same; corrected to Jan. 5, 1903. 2d edition. 1903. 58tli Congress, special session. Senate; corrected to Mar. 3, cial edition. 1903. [Not in Congressional set.] Same; corrected to Mar. 12, 1903. Special edition. [4557-3] 58th Congress, extraordinary [or 1st] session; corrections to Nov. 5, 1903. Special edition. 1903. [4562-1] 58th Congress, 2d session; corrections to Dec. 4, 1903. Ist edition. 1903. [4593-4] Same; corrections to Jan. 21, 1904. 2d edition. 1904. [4593^] Same; corrections to Apr. 1, 1904. 3d edition. 1904. [4593-4] 58th Congress, 3d session; corrections to Dec. 1, 1904. Ist edition. 1904. [4767^] Same; corrections to Jan. 6, 1905. 2d edition. 1905. [4767^] 59th Congress, Ist session; corrections to Dec. 6, 1905. 1st edition. 1905. [4918-4] Same; corrections to Jan. 10, 1906. 2d edition. 1906. [4918-4] Same; corrections to Apr. 3, 1906. 3d edition. 1906. [4918^] 59th Congress, 2d session; corrections to Nov. 30, 1906. Ist edition. 1906. [5074-4] Same; corrections to Jan. 9, 1907. 2d edition. 1907. [5074-4] 60th Congress, Ist session; corrections to Dec. 4, 1907. 1st edition 1907. [5235-4] Same; corrections to Jan. 20, 1908. 2d edition. 1908. [5236-4] Same; corrected to Apr. 15, 1908. 3d edition. 1908. [5237^] 60th Congress, 2d session; corrections to Dec. 3, 1908. Ist edition. 1908. [5388-538] Same; corrections to Jan, 6, 1909. 2d edition. 1909. [5389-538] 61st Congress, 1st session; corrections to Mar. 22, 1909. 1st edition. 1909. [5564-1] [Pages 192-217. missing from this edition of the official Directory, were reserved to be used for a completed list of House committees to be printed in a 2d edition, only the committees on Accounts, Mileage, Revision of the Laws, Rules, and Ways and Means having been appointed at the beginning of the session. As, however, the Speaker did not name the other committees till the last day of the session, the expected 2d edition was not issued.] 61st Congress, 2d session; corrections to Dec. 3, 1909. 1st edition. 1909. [5601-159] Printing Joint Committee, Abridgments of mes- sage and documents [The double dates are those of the beginning and ending of the session of Con- gress to which the documents were transmitted. The annual reports con- tained are for the year corresponding to the first of the doable dates. The set known as "Message and documents" is not listed in this Checklist. A class is provided for the set, however; see note under Y8.] 1858-59 1859-60] 1860-61] 1861-62 1862-63, V. 1 Same, v. 2 rem Classiflcatton no. Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS—Continued Y4.P93 1 : Printing Joint Committee, Abridgments of mes- sage and documents — Continued 2863 1863-64 [Not issued.] 2864 1864-65 2 865 1865-66 2866 1866-67 2867 1867-68 2868 1868-69 2869 1869-70 2870 1870-71 2871 1871-72 2872 1872-73 2873 1873-74 2874 1874-75 2875 1875-76 2876 1876-77 2 877 1877-78 2878 1878-79 2879 1879-80 2880 1880-81 2881 1881-82 2882 1882-83 2883 1883-84 2884-1 1884-85 2884-2 Same, without selections from accompanying documents. 2885 1885-86 2886-1 1886-87 2 886-2 Same, with reports of heads of Departments, Comptroller of Cur- rency, Director of Mint, and Treasurer of United States. 2887-1 1887-88 2 887-2 Same, with reports of heads of Departments, Comptroller of Cur- rency, Director of Mint, and Treasurer of United States. 2 888 1888-89 2889 1889-90 2890 1890-91 2891 1891-92 2892 1892-93 2 893 1893-94 2894 [1894-J95 2895 1895-96 2896 1896-97 2897 1897-98 2 898-1 1898-99, V. 1 2 898-2 Same, v. 2 2 898-3 Same, v. 3 2 898-4 Same, v. 4 2 899-1 1899-1900, V. 1 2 899-2 Same, v. 2 2 900-1 1900-01, V. 1 2 900-2 Same, v. 2 2 901-1 1901-02, V. 1 2901-2 Same, v. 2 2902 1902 2 903-1 1903, V. 1 2903-2 Same, v. 2 2 904-1 1904, V. 1 2 904-2 Same, v. 2 2905-1 1905, V. 1 2905-2 Same, v. 2 2 906-1 1900, V. 1 1623 OUa8iflratIon no. 2806-2 2907-1 2 907-2 2*^1 2908-2 2 909-1 2909-2 Y4:.P93 ' : 31-1 31.2 32-1 32-2 33-1 33-2 3* 3* 3« 3^ 3« 3* 310 Y4:.P93 ' : Ag8 B51 C81 G74> G742 G743 In8 Y4. COMMITTKKS OF CONGRESS -(k)ntinued» Prlntlnjf Joint Commlttoe, Abrtdgmonts of mes- sage and documents- Continued Same, v. 2 1907, V. 1 Same, v. 2 1908, V. 1 Same, v. 2 1909, V. 1 Same, v. 2 Printing Joint Committee, Compilation of mes- sages and papers of Presidents, 1789-1897 (Richardson) [v. 10 includes an index to the set and an appendix containing messages, etc., omitted from v. 1-9, and messages, proclamations, and Executive orders of William McKinley relating to Spanish-American War. v. 1-3 have been issued both with and without the copyright date 1897; v. 4-10 have been issued only with the copyright date. A supplement was issued containing the remainder of \V illiam McKinley's papers and those of Theodore Roose- velt up to 1902, which is not entered here oecause it belongs to a set of Rich- ardson which was privately printed.] V. 1 1896 [3265, v. 1-210] Same. 1896 [copyright 1897] V. 2 1896 [3265, v. 2-210] Same. 1896 [copyright 1897] V. 3 1896 [3265, v. 3-210] Same. 1896 [copyright 1897] * 1897 1897 1897 1898 1898 1898 1899 3265, V. 4-210 3265, V. 5-210 3265, V. 6-210 3265, V. 7-210 3265, V. 8-210 3265, V. 9-210 3265, V. 10-210] Printing Joint Committee, Miscellaneous Agriculture Department. Department of Agriculture [reply to questions of Printing Jomt Committee relating to printing of Department]. [1905.] [Also in Report of Printing Investi- gation Commission, v. 2 (Y3.P93:R292).] Binding. Memoranda relative to binding of publications for dis- tribution to State and Territorial libraries and designated depositories. 1908. [Confidential.] Corporation-tax law, extract from act to provide revenue, equalize duties, and encourage industries of United States [etc.], 61st Congress, 1st session. 1909. Government publications. Descriptive catalogue of Government publications of United States, Sept. 5, 1774-Mar. 4, 1881; compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. 1885. 4° [2268-67] Government, Seat of. 1800-1900, Celebration of 100th anniversary of establishment of seat of Government in District of Columbia [report of Committee on Centennial of Establishment of Seat of Government in Washington]; compiled by William V. Cox under direction of Joint Committee on Printing. 1901. 4** [4207-^52] Government Printing Oflfice. Report to President by Wm. S. Rossi- ter upon conditions in Government Printing Office, reply thereto by Chas. A. Stillings, Pubhc Printer. 1908. [5374-974] Interior Department. Department of Interior [reply to questions of Printing Joint Committee relating to printing of Department]. [1905.] [Also in Report of Printing Investigation Commission, V. 2(Y3.P93:R292).] 1624 Classification no. J71 J98 L61 N211 N2ia P93 R26^ R262 Su7 T171 TI72 W19 Y4.P93=^: M19 Y4:.P93 3: F31' Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Printing Joint Committee, Miscellaneous— Cont'd Jones, John Paul. John Paul Jones commemoration at Annapolis, Apr. 24, 1906 [with bibliography]; by Charles W. Stewart. 1907. large 8° [5039-804] [6 plates are separate, a limited edition of which was printed for patriotic, medical, or other societies especially desiring them. The Printing Joint Com- mittee is responsible for the compilation of this publication and not the Navy Department nor any subordinate bureau thereof.] Justice Department. Department of Justice [reply to questions of Printing Joint Committee relating to printing of Department]. [1905.] [Also in Report of Printing Investigation Commission, V. 2(Y3.P93:R292).] Library of Congress [reply to questions of Printing Joint Committee relating to printing of library]. [1905.] [Also in Report of Printing Investigation Commission, v. 2 (Y3.P93:R292).] McKee's compilations. [These compilations of the committee reports of the Senate and House of Representatives from the 14th to the 49th Congress, 1815-87, are entered with the individual com- mittees to which the volumes belong. See, for list of call num- bers and for historical note concerning compilations, Y4.Ac2: M19.] !^ational vitality, its wastes and conservation; by Irving Fisher. [1909.] [From National Conservation Commission report, Feb. 1909, 60th Congress, 2d session. Senate document 676, v. 3, serial no. 5399.] National vitality, its waste and conservation, by Irving Fisher; and Economic loss to the people through insects that carry disease, by L. 0, Howard. 1909. [From National Conservation Com- mission report, Feb. 1909, 60th Congress, 2d session. Senate document 676, v. 3, serial no. 5399.] Printing and binding. [Circular containing questions asked by Printing Joint Committee, of Executive officials in course of investigation of public printing and binding.] [1905.] large 8° Regulations making effective public resolution 14, 1st session, 59th Congress, to prevent unnecessary printing and binding and to correct evils in distribution of public documents, approved Mar. 30, 1906. May 18, 1906. oblong f" [Limited edition.] Same, superseding regulations promulgated May 18, 1906. [Jan. 13,1909.] f« * [Limited edition.] Surplus copies of Departmental editions of Government publications as shown in appendix to report of Printing Investigation Com- mission, 1906. 1906. [Also in Report of Printing Investiga- tion Commission, v. 2 (Y3.P93:R292).] Tariff acts passed from 1789 to 1895, including all acts, resolutions, and proclamations modifying those acts; compiled by William H. Michael and Pitman Pulsifer. 1896. large 8« [3355-219] Same, from 1789 to 1897; compiled by Robert G. Proctor. 1898. large 8« [3700-562] War Department [reply to questions of Printing Joint Committee relating to printing of Department]. [1905.] [Also in Report of Printing Investigation Commission, v. 2 (Y3.P93:R292).] Printing Committee (House) McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Printing Committee (Senate) Federal and State constitutions, colonial charters, and other organic laws of United States; compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. 1877. pt. 1, large 8° 102.1 Classliicatloa nu. Y4.P93': F3P G74 M19 V64 Y4.P93*: P96 Y4.P93^: B36 C52 M19 MI92 MI93 M19< M19* .M19« M19' M19- Y4.P93 * : C54' C542 C543 Yi. COMMITTEES OF CONG RES 8-Continued Printing: Committee (Senate)— Continued Same. 1877. pt. 2, largo 8*> (Known as Churlers and constitutions. See, for 2d edition, 2 pts., 1878, 44lh Con- RTess, '2d session, Senate misfeilaneous document, unnumbered, serial nos. 1730, 1731; for 3d edition, 7 v., Yl.l:F31i-'.l Govornment Printing Offuv. Inquiry into cauwH of delay (in Gov- ernment Prinling Office] in completing work of Ist session of 59th CougrcsH, report of Albert II. Howe [with hearings, July 7- 13, 1906]. 1906. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 15, 1841, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. n. McKec. 1887. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.J Veto messages of Presidents of United States, with action of Congress thereon; compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. 1886. [2451-53] Printing, Public, Select Committee to Investi- gate (Senate) Public printing. Journal [Jan. 28-May 28, 1860], of select committee to investigate certain matters connected with public printing [in relation to expenditures from proceeds of public printing, etc.], with testimonv taken before committee [Jan. 31-Apr. 9, 1860, 36th Congress, lat session]. 10 + 386 p. Washington, George W. Bowman, printer, 1860. [This publication bears on the title-page, 36th Congress, 1st session. Senate report 205, but that report which appears in serial no. 1040 has 44 -f- 386 p., while this contains 10 + 386 p., the report of the committee and views of the minority being omitted.] Private Land Claims Committee (House) Beales land grant, hearing before subcommittee, Feb. 14, 1902 [on H. 8738, 57th Congress, 1st session, to enable claimants of Beales grant to institute proceedings in Court of Private Land Claims]. [1902.] Clamorgan, Jacques. Claims of heirs of Jacques Clamorgan [hearing before subcommittee 3], Feb. 15, 1907 [on H. 23588, 59th Con- gress, 2d session]. [1907.] McKee's compilation. Reports, 15th Congress, 1816-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. Same. 1887. V. 3. Same. 1887. v. 4. Same. 1887. V. 5. Same. 1887. V. 6. Same. 1887. V. 7. Same. 1887. V. 8. Privileges and Elections Committee (Senate) See also Elections Committees (Y4.EI 2 -:). Clark, William A. Proceedings relative to right of William A. Clark to seat as Senator from Montana; including Senate document 2, Memorial of members of Montana Legislature, Senate docu- ment 3, Memorial of citizens of Montana, and testimony taken before committee [Jan. 5-17, 1900, 56th Congress, 1st session]. 1900. pt. 1. Same [testimony, Jan. 17-Feb. 12, 1900]. 1900. pt. 2. Same [testimony, Feb. 12-Mar. 3, 1900]. 1900. pt. 3. [Temporary volumes for use of the committee. The Congressional edition, Senate report ia52. 5Gth Congress, 1st session, serial nos. 3891-93, contains in addition the committee report, 24 p., a supplementary committee report, 7 p., and ar- guments before committee, etc., p. 2517-2702. Another cloth edition, like Con- gressional edition except for omission of supplementary rp ., 7 p ., was also issued .] 1626 Classification no. Y4.P93«: D23 M19 MI92 M19^ M19^ M19'^ M19" M19« M19'-' M19i« MI911 M69 Sm7i Sm7 2 Sm73 Sm7^ Y4:.P93^ M19 M19' Y4.P96 ' H47 L22 1887. V. 2. 1887. V. 3. 1887. V. 4. 1887. V 5. 1887. V. 6. 1887. V. 7. 1887. V. 8. 1887. V. 9. 1887. V. 10 1887. V. 11 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS—Continued Privileges and Elections Committee (Senate)— Cont'd Danville, Va. Report [on alleged massacre of colored men at Dan- ville, Va., Nov. 3, 1883]. [1884.] 75 p. [Thia publication appears as 48th Congress, Ist session, Senate report 579, 2 pts., but that report which appears in serial no. 2178 has Ixxv + 1298 p. of which the Ixxv p. only are given here as 75 p., the testi- mony before the committee being omitted.] McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Mar. 10, 1871, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19,J Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Mississippi. Report [on] alleged occurrences in Mississippi and con- dition of constitutional rights of people of that State. [1884.] 72 p. [Thia publication bears on the first page, 48th Congress, Ist session. Senate report 512, but that report which appears in serial no. 2176 has Ixxxvii + 683 p. of which p. xiii-lxxxvi, onl)^, are given here aa 72 p., the extracts from the journal and testi- mony before the committee being omitted.] Smoot, Reed. Proceedings in matter of protests against right of Reed Smoot, Senator from Utah, to hold his seat [hearings, Jan. 16- May 2, 1904, 58th Congress, 2d session and recess]. 1904. v. 1. [4932-486] Same [hearings, Dec. 12, 1904-Jan. 17, 1905, 58th Congress, 3d session]. 1904 [1905]. v. 2. [4933-486] Same [hearings, Jan. 18-28, 1905, 58th Congress, 3d session]. 1905. V. 3. [4934-486] Same [hearings, Feb. 6-Apr. 13, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st session]. 1906. V. 4, 466 p. [In 4935-486] [Issued in separate signa- tures. The final signatures, p. 467-543 of the Congressional document edition, containing the report of the committee, were never issued for the bureau edition.] Private Land Claims Committee (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 27, 1826, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Pul>lic Lands Committee (Senate) Hetch Hetchy reservoir site, hearing [Feb. 10, 12, 1909], on S. [J.] R. 123 [60th Congress, 2d session], to allow city and county of San Francisco to exchange lands for reservoir sites in Lake Eleanor and Hetch Hetchy valleys in Yosemite National Park [etc.]. 1909. Land Office, General. [Report of committee and testimony taken by subcommittee, Dec. 27, 1881-Jan. 26, 1882, 47th Congress, Ist session, on condition of General Land Office.] [1882.] [2006- 57] 1C27 rU.s8iflrAtlon no. Y4.P96': M19» M19' MI93 M19* M19-^ M19« M19' R29 Y4.P96-: Ac2 All^ AlP Ar4 C63» C63» C633 C63* C63« C63« C637 C81 G79 H75> H753 Ir7 L78 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONOREHS-OoBtiimed Public Ijands Committee (8enate)«--Continue?reHs, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [iSee, for historical note con- cerninj]; McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * « Same. Same. Same, Same. Same. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. Reports of Committee on Public Lands, Senate, 60th Congress [index]. 1909. Public Liands Committee (House) Accounts. Settlement of accounts relative to disposition of public lands, etc. [hearings, May 2, 9, 1906, on II. 3133 and other bills, 59th Congress, 1st session]. [1906.] Alaska. Hearings, Mar. 3, 1908, on H. 18198 [60th Congress, 1st ses- sion], to provide for sale of coal deposits in district of Alaska. 1908. Same, Apr. 29, May 1, 1908, on H. 21412 [60th Cong:res8, Ist ses- sion], to encourage development of coal deposits in district of Alaska. 1908. Arid lands. Hearings relating to reclamation and disposal of arid public lands of the West, Jan. 11-30, 1901 [56th Congress, 2d session]. 1901. Coal lands and coal-land laws of United States, statement of Edgar E. Clark [Dec. 17, 1906, 59th Congress, 2d session]. [1906.J Same [hearings, Dec. 18, 1906]. [1906.] Same [Jan. 9, 1907]. [1907.] Same [Jan. 11, 1907]. [1907.] Same [Jan. 14-25, 1907]. [1907.] [Issued in separate signatures.] Coal lands. Hearings, May 4, 1908, on H. 19421 [60th Congress, 1st session, to provide for entry and sale of public lands contain- ing coal], coal-land bill ; [statement of James R. Garfield]. 1908. Coal lands. [Letter from Secretary of Interior to committee relative to H. 19421, 60th Congress, Ist session, for entry and sale of public lands containing coal.] Apr. 20, 1908. Cordova Bay Townsite Company. Hearings, May 16, 18, 1908, on H. 19914 [60th Congress, Ist session], providing for sale of lands [at head of Cordova Bay, in Alaska] to Cordova Bay Townsite Company. 1908. Grazing. Hearings on leasing pubUc lands for grazing purposes, H. 7212, 6246, 7954, 14108 [57th Congress, 1st session], Jan. 29- June 4, 1902. 1902. Homestead. Hearings, May 5, 1908, on H. 20776 [60th Congress, 1st session], providing for free homesteads on public lands for actual and bona fide settlers, and reserving public lands for that purpose in Oklahoma; [statement of] Scott Ferris. 1908. Homestead. Increasing size of homestead entries, hearings [Mar. 18, 1908], on H. 18970 [60th Congress, 1st session]. 1908. Homes. Hearing, May 5, 1908, on H. 11878 [60th Congress, 1st ses- sion], providing for free homes for settlers in Comanche, Kiowa, and Apache country in Oklahoma; [statement of] E. L. Fulton. 1908. Irrigation. Resolutions of 16th National Irrigation Congress; state- ment of Frank II. Short [Dec. 17, 1908]. 1909. Loch-Katrine bird reservation, correspondence [Jan. 5 and 26, 1909], between F. W. Mondell and T. S. Palmer, relative to Execu- tive authority for reservation of lands as bird preserves. 1909. 1628 Classification no. Y4.P96 2: MI91 M192 MI93 M19^ M19^ M19« MI97 M19« M19» Ml9i° Or3i Or32 Or33 P56 P96 R85 SaS Sa5i Sa5 2 Sa53 Sch6 Sw2i Sw22 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Public Lands Committee (House)— Continued McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same, Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. V. 2. V. 3. V. 4. V. 5. V. 6. V. 7. V. 8. V. 9. V. 10. Oregon and California land grant, is legislative action as contemplated by H. J. R. 159 [60th Congress, 1st session, to prevent settle- ment upon and speculation in certain lands affected by con- templated suits on behalf of United States], necessary? letter of chairman to Attorney-General and reply thereto. 1908. Hearings [before subcommittee], Mar. 5, 1908, on S. [J.] R. 48 [60th Congress, Ist session], instructing Attorney-General to institute suits, etc. [to enforce rights of United States arising or growing out of certain acts relating to granting of lands in Ore- gon]. 1909. Same, before Committee on Public Lands, Mar. 12, 14, 1908. 1908 [1909]. Phosphate lands, hearings, Dec. 17, 1908-Feb. 2, 1909, on H. 21873, to define manner in which public lands containing phosphate and phosphate rock may be acquired. 1909. Public lands. Hearings, Jan. 27, 30 [1908], with reference to H. 14019 [and other bills, 60th Congress, 1st session, having to do with proper administration of public land laws]. 1908. Ruins. Hearings, Jan. 11, 1905, for preservation of prehistoric ruins on public lands, creation of rajarito Cliff Dwellers National Park in New Mexico and Mesa Verde National Park in Colo- rado, also full text of each bill, S. 5603, H. 7269 and 15986 [58th Congress, 3d session]. 1905. Sal ton Sea, Cal., Imperial Valley, and lower Colorado River [hear- ings on Senate document 212 and H. 24363, 59th Congress, 2d session, Jan. 18, 19, 1907]. [1907.] San Francisco and Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, hearing, Dec. 16, 1908, on H. J. R. 184 [60th Congress, 2d session, to allow city and county of San Francisco to exchange land in Yosemite Na- tional Park and adjacent national forest for portions of Hetch Hetchy and Lake Eleanor reservoir sites in park for municipal water supply]. 1908. Same. [Reprint] 1909. Same, hearings, Jan. 9-21, 1909, on H. J. R. 223 [60th Congress, 2d session, to allow city and county of San Francisco to ex- change lands for reservoir sites in I^ake Eleanor and Hetch Hetchy valleys in Yosemite National Park, etc.]. 1909. [Is- sued in separate signatures.] School purposes. Hearings, May 5, 1908, on H. 21585 [60th Congress, Ist session], to grant to States all public lands therein for com- mon school purposes, when same shall become less than fifty thousand acres m such State; [statement of Adam M. Byrd]. 1908. Swamp-land grants, etc. [statement of Isaac R. Hitt] Apr. 27, 1906 [on H. 8762, 59th Congress, 1st session]. [1906.] Swamp-land. Hearings, Jan. 29 [and Feb. 27], 1908, on swamp-land claim of Illinois, H. 4334 [60th Congress, 1st session]. 1908. [Issued in separate signatures.] 1629 CUs8inr«tlon no. Y4.P?>6-! Sw2- T48' Y4:.P9€ ' : P9G> P9G- P96« P96* P96^ P96« P96^ P968 P96' P96'° P96'^ P9613 P961* P96'^ P96'« P96'' P96 '« P96'^ P96-" P96 2» P9622 P9623 pge.^" P96-^ P9626 P9627 P9628 P962« P963" P9631 P9632 P9633 P963* P963« Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Public Lands Committee (House) — Continued Samo, Jan. 29, 1908; [statement of George H. Stein]. [Reprint] 1909. Timber. Hearings [Mar. 30-Apr. 22, 1904], on S. 5054 [58th ConKress, 2d session], to provide for disposal of timber upon public lands chiefly valuable for timber. 1904. Same, Feb. 8, 1908, on H. 16277 [60th Congress, Ist session], to Erovide for sale of large-growth and matured timber on lands eretofore granted to Territory of New Mexico. 1908. Pulp and Paper Investigation Select Committee (House) Pulp and paper investigation hearings, Apr. 25, 1908 [60th Congress, 2d session], no. 1. 1908. [In 5542-1502] [The first 4 numbers of this set appeared also, with dlflerent title-pages, as listed underY4.P963:W85i-<.J Same, Apr. 27, 1908, no. 2. 1908. [In 5542-1502] Same, Apr. 28, 1908, no. 3. 1908. [In 5542-1502] Pulp and paper investigation. Hearings on H. 344 [60th Congress, 2d session], to investigate as to wood pulp, print paper, Apr. 29, 1908, no. 4. 1908. [In 5542-1502] Pulp and paper investigation hearings, Apr, 30, 1908 [60th Congress, 2d session], no. 5. 1908. [In 5542-1502] Same, May 1, 1908, no. 6. 1908. [In 5542-1502] 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. Same, May 2, 1908, no. 7. Same, May 4, 1908, no. 8. Same, May 5, 1908, no. 9. Same, May 6, 1908, no. 10 Same, May 7, 8, 1908, nos. 11, 12. Same, May 9, 1908, no. 13. 1908. Same, May 12, 1908, no. 14. Same, May 13, 1908, no. 15. Same, May 14, 1908, no. 16. Same, May 15, 1908, no. 17. Same, May 16, 1908, no. 18. Same, May 18, 1908, no. 19. Same, May 19, 1908, no. 20. Same, May 20, 1908, no. 21. Same, May 21, 1908, no. 22. Same, May 22, 1908, no. 23. Same, May 23, 1908, no. 24. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. [In 5542-1502] [In 5542-1502] [In 5542-1502] [In 5542-1502] 1908. [In 5542-1502] [In 5542-1502] [In 5543-1502] [In 5543-1502] [In 5543-1502] [In 5543-1502] [In 5543-1502] [In 5543-1502] [In 5543-1502] [In 5544-1502] [In 5544-1502] [In 5544-1502] [In 5544-1502] Same, preliminary report, no. 25. 1908. [In 5544-1502] Same [letters], no. 26. 1908. [In 5544-1502] Pulp and paper investigation. Index to pulp and paper investigation hearings [nos, 1-26, 60th Congress, 2d session]. 1908. [In 5546-1502] Pulp and paper investigation hearings [letters, 60th Congress, 2d ses- sion], no. 27. 1908. [In 5544-1502 J Same, Sept. 15-17, 1908, no. 28. 1908. [In 5544-1502] Same, Sept. 19, 1908, no. 29. 1908. [In 5545-1502] Same, importation statistics, no. 30. 1908. [In 5545-1502] Same, importation statistics, continued, no. 31. 1908. [In 5545- 1502] Same, Oct. 14-26, 1908, no. 32. 1908. [In 554^1502] Same, statistics of foreign countries, no. 33. 1908. [In 5545-1502] Same, Nov. 19, 20, 1908, no. 34. 1908, [In 5545-1502] Same [Dec. 22-30, 1908], no. 35. 1909. [In 5545-1502] 1630 Classification no. P96 37 P9638 P9639 P96^i P9642 P96« P9644 W85 W852 W853 W85* Y4.P96*: H35 Y4:.P96^: M19 ' MI92 MI93 M19* N42y Y4.P96'^: MI91 MI92 M19^ Y4.P96^: M19 Y4.P96 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Pulp and Paper Investigation Select Committee (House) — Continued Same, additional foreign statistics, no. 36. 1909. [In 5546-1502] Same, timber resources and water powers of Canada, no. 37. 1909. [In 5546-1502] Same, pulp-wood problems of Canada, no. 38. 1909. [In 5546- 1502] Same, tariff hearings on pulp and paper [reprint, Feb. 8, 1909, testimony, briefs, and letters, on pulp, papers, and books], no. 39. 1909. [In 5546-1502] Same, wage statistics, no. 40. 1909. [In 5546-1502] Same, report, Feb. 19, 1909, no. 41. 1908 [1909]. [In 5546-1502] Same, statistics of manufacture, no. 42. 1909. [In 5546-1502] Pulp and paper investigation. Index to pulp and paper investigation hearings [nos. 1-42, 60th Congress, 2d session]. 1909. [5546- 1502] Wood pulp and print paper. Hearings on H. 344 [60th Congress, 1st session], to investigate as to wood pulp, print paper [etc.], Apr. 25, 1908, no. 1. 1908. [In 5542-1502] Same, Apr. 27, 1908, no. 2. 1908. [In 5542-1502] Same, Apr. 28, 1908, no. 3. 1908. [In 5542-1502] Same, Apr. 29, 1908, no. 4. 1908. [In 5542-1502] [These hearings (Y4.P963:W85i-<) are the same, with different title-pages, as those listed under Y^PQe^rPge'-".] Put>lic Service, Select Committee on Appropri- ations for Prevention of Fraud in and Depredations upon (House) Hearings, Jan. 20 [-Feb. 27], 1909, 60th Congress, 2d session. 1909. Puljlic Expenditures Committee (House) McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. [See, for his- torical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. Same. 1887. v. 3. Same. 1887. v. 4. * New York custom-house. Report upon New York custom-house, with testimony [Dec. 17, 1866-Mar. 1, 1867, 39th Congress, 2d session]. 1867. ([39th Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 30]; serial no. 1305.) Public Buildings and Grounds Comnaittee (House) McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3. * Public Buildings and Grounds Committee (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 16, 1819, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] PuT3lic Health. Select Committee (House) McKee's compilation. Reports of Committee on Epidemic Diseases and [of Select Committee on] Public Health, House of Rep- resentatives, 46th Congress, 1879-49th Consrress, 1887; com- piled by T. H. McKee. 1887. See Y4.Ep4'^^:M19. 1631 CUMlflcatlon no. tY4.P96«; Y4.R13'! At6 042 » C422 C42» M19' MI92 MI93 M19* M19» Su7 T57 Y4.R13': M19 Y4.R24: J82 R29' R29 = Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGREHS-Continucd Railways and Canals Cornniltteo (ilouse) Atlantic and Great Western Canal. Hearings [May 5, 1908], on S, 754 i60th Congress, Ist sesrtion], for survey for Atlantic and Great Western Canal from Tennessee River to Ocmulgee [River]. 1908. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Hearings [May ?-20, 1908], on H. 20775 [OOth Congress, Ist session], to acquire and enlarge Delaware and Chesapeake Canal. 1908. Same [supplemental report of C, A, F. Flagler, Oct. 8, 1908, recess ot GOth Congress]. 1909. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal [hearing], Feb. 26, 1909 [on H. 20775, (JOth Congress, 2d session, for acquisition and improve- ment of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal]. 1909. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 15, 1831, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4 Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3. * Same. Same. 1887. 1887. V. 4. V. 5. Superior, Lake. Hearings [May 15, 1908], on [H.] C. R. 30 [60th Congress, 1st session], for survey for canal from Lake Superior to Mississippi River. 1908. Toledo, Ohio. Hearings [Apr. 28-May 15, 1908], on [H.] C. R. 18 [60th Congress, 1st session, for] survey for ship canal from Toledo to Chicago via P^rt Wayne. 1908. Railroads Committee (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 4, 1873, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Reconstruction Joint Committee Journal [Dec. 4, 1865-Feb. 9, 1867, 39th Congress, 1st and 2d ses- sions]. [1884.] [The joint committee was composed of very prominent men, and the details of its action, as shown by the Journal of it.s proceedings, were thought by the Senate of the 48th Congress to be worth printing. An order was passed Feb. 26, 1884, more than 17 years after the committee had dissolved, for printing 6000 copies of its Journal. As printed, the Journal makes a pamphlet of 49 p., without cover^ title-page, imprint date, or place of publication. It has a half title, reading thus: "39th Congress. 1st session, Joint Committee on Reconstruction, Journal." Another half title, like the first, except that "2d session" is substituted for "l.st session," is found at p. 43. The only conclusion to be drawn from these half titles is that the document was printed during the 39th Congress (18r)5-67), and not the slightest clue is riven by the document itself to the fact that it was not printed till the 48th Congress, 1st session (1884). Why it was not also printed as a numbered document, as required by law (K. S. soc. .3792), Is not now known. This Journal, though the number of copies printed was comparatively large, has already become very rare. The only copy concerning which the Public Documents Library "has any information is the one in its own flle.J Report [and testimony, Jan. 22-May 19, 1866], 1st session, 39th Congress. 1866. [1273-30] [This volume does not contain the minority report of the committee which is included in the Congressional edition.] Report [with views of minority]. [1866.] [In 1273-30] fThis Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. A new committee has since become a puolishing office, necessitating an additional class under Y4., the series title of which is as follows: Y4.P96': Public Health and National Quarantine Committee (Senate) (CT) 1632 Classitication no. Y4.R31 ! R29 Y4:.R312: C49 Ex7 M19 Y4.R32 Y4.R32 2: MI91 M19- Y4.R52: Ap6 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Retrencliineiit Committee (Senate) [Appointed, Feb. 28, 1842, in pursuance of a resolution of the 27th Congress, 2d session, agreed to by the Senate, Feb. 18, 1842. Continued as a standing committee through the 34th Congress.] See, for Civil Service and Retrenchment Committee, Senate, Y4.C492: Report made by James T. Morehead, June 15, 1844. Washington, Gales and Seaton, 1844. ([28th Cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 399]; serial no. 437.) Retrenclimeiit Joint Select Comimlttee [Appointed in pursuance of a concurrent resolution passed by the 39th Congress in July, 1866, and continued by later resolutions of the 40th Congress in Mar. 1867, and the 41st Congress in Mar. 1869. As a committee it had no existence after the 41st Congress. Among the duties of the committee was that of investigating and reporting upon reforms for the civil service. See, for civil service committees, Y4.C49:] Civil service, report of [Thomas A.] Jenckes, May 14, 1868; [with] Speech of Thomas A. Jenckes on bill to regulate civil service and to promote efficiency thereof, Jan. 29, 1867, [and] Speech of Thomas A. Jenckes on bill to regulate civil service and to promote efficiency thereof. May 14, 1868. 1868. [Imprints on title-pages for speeches read: Washington, Congressional Globe Office, 1867; and Washington, F. & J. Rives & Geo. A. Bailey, 1868. This report, without the speeches but with the addition of appendix L, appears also as 40th Congress, 2d session, House report 47; serial no. 1358.] Expenditures. Report inquiring into expenditures in all branches of service of Unitedf States [Feb. 21, 1870], with testimony [June 1-Sept. 8, 1869, recess of 41st Congress]. 1870. ([41st Cong. 2d sess. S, rp, 47]; serial no. 1409.) McKee's compilation. Reports of Committee on Retrenchment, House of Representatives, from organization of committee, Dec. 31, 1828, to close of 42d Congress, 1873; compiled by T. H. Mc- Kee. 1887. * [This compilation includes reports of various committees of the earlier Congresses known generally by the name of Select Committee on Retrenchment as well as those of the Joint Select Committee on Retrenchment, but all of the reports are House reports which probably accounts for the name given on the title-page as selected by McKee. See, for his- torical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Revolutionary Claims Committee (House) McKee's compilation. Reports of Committee on War Claims, includ- ing [those of] Revolutionary Claims [Committee], House of Rep- resentatives, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; com- piled by T. H. McKee. 1887. 14 v. >See Y4.W19:M19i-i^ Revolutionary Claims Committee (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 28, 1832, to its discontinuance, 1883; compiled by T. H. Mc- Kee. 1887. V. 1. * [^ee, for historical note concerning Mc- Kee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Rivers and Harbors Committee (House) Appropriations. River and harbor appropriation bill, message from President of United States, returning without approval H. 7977, making appropriations for construction, repair, and preserva- tion of certain public works on rivers and harbors, with report of Committee on Rivers and Harbors, June 2, 1896. 1896. [Made up of 54th Congress, 1st session. House document 393, serial no. 3428, and 54th Congress, Ist session. House report 2164, serial no. 3465.] 163:3 I CUNsinratlon no. Y4.R52; Ap62 Arl B21 B48 C17 C38 C39 C431 C432 C433 C72 C91 D371 D372 D373 D37* D37^ D37« D377 F64 82452' Yi. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Rivers and Harbors Committee (HouBe)— Continued Appropriations. Mcnioranda relating Ui appropriations and author- izationa to be included in river and harbor bill aa decided upon bv committee, Jan. 23, 1907; by James H. Caaeidy and Joseph ll. McGann. [1907.1 Aransas Pass. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Har- bors on Aransas Pass, Tex. [1907.) (Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee. 59th Cong. 2d sees., Committee document 5.) Baltimore Harbor, hearing, Jan. 19, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Big Sandy River. Improvement of Big Sandy River, hearing, Mar. 8, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Cape Fear River. Report of Board of Engineers ioar Rivers and Har- bors on locks and dams on Cape Fear River. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. 2d sess., Committee doc- ument 16.) Charlotte [Harbor], N. Y., hearing, Jan. 28, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session; statement of James B. Perkins]. [1904.] Chattahoochee River. Improvement of Chattahoochee River, hear- ing. Mar. 2, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]; statement of Wil- liam C. Adamson. [1904.] Chicago, 111. Effect of withdrawal of water from Lake Mich^n by sanitary district of Chicago [report by W. H. Bixby]. [1906.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee, 59th Cong. Ist sess., Docu- ment 6.) Chickasawhay River [and Pearl River, Miss.], hearing [on H. 5206, 5207, and 5208, 58th Congress, Ist session; statement of A. M. Byrd]. [1904.] Chicago, 111. Deep waterway between Chicago and St. Louis [hear- ings, Feb. 21, 1908, on H. 3940, 60th Congress, Ist session]. [1908.] Columbia River, Wash, and Oreg. [completion of jetty work at mouth of river; statement of Engineer Department]. [1906.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. Ist sess.. Document 3.) Cumberland River, hearing, Feb. 16, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Delaware River improvement, hearing, Dec. 18, 1903 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Delaware River. Statement [of Engineer Department] concerning Delaware River. [1906.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. 1st sess., Document 1.) Delaware River. Statement of depth of channels at low water and expenditures for Delaware River below Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Baltimore, 1880-1905. [1906.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. Ist sess.. Document 2.) Delaware River [hearing] Jan. 12, 1906 [59th Congress, 1st session, on improvement of Delaware River below Philadelphia]. [1906.] Delaware River. Hearing before subcommittee [on H. 23205, 59th Congress, 2d session], Delaware River, 35-foot survey, Jan. 5, 1907. 1907. Delaware River. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Har- bors on improvement of Delaware River below Christian street, Philadelphia. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. 2d sess., Committee document 7.) Delaware River. Hearing before subcommittee [on H. J. R. 86, 60th Congress, 2d session, to appoint board to report project with estimate of cost for further deepening of] Delaware River, 35- foot survey [from Allegheny avenue, Philadelphia, Pa., to deep water in Delaware Bay] Jan. 26, 1909. 1909. Flint River. Upper Flint River, Ga., statement of Elijah Banks Lewis [Apr. 26, 1904, 58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] 11 103 1634 Classification no. Y4.R52: G13 G791 G79^ H22 H55 In8 K17 L14 L72 L93 M19 M46 M581 M582 M58^' M66 M691 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Rivers and Harbors Committee (House) — Continued Galveston, Tex. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Har- bors on Galveston Harbor, Tex. [1907.] (Rivers and Har- bors Committee. 59th Cong. 2d sess.. Committee document 11.) Grays River. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Grays River, Wash. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee. 59th Cong. 2d sess., Committee document 1.) Grays Harbor. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Har- bors on Grays Harbor Bar, Wash. [1907.] (Rivers and Har- bors Committee. 59th Cong. 2d sess., Committee document 2.) Harlem River, Bronx Kills [Bronx River], Westchester Creek, and Eastchester Creek, hearing [on H. 4688, 6299, 6300, 6301, and 6302, 58th Congress, 2d session], Jan. 15, 1904. [1904.] Hillsboro Bay. Improvement of Hillsboro Bay, Tampa, Fla., hear- ing. Mar. 5, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]; statement of Hilary A. Herbert. [1904.] Intercoaatal canal [hearing] Mar. 27, 1908 [on H. 9074, 9075, and 13273, 60th Congress, 1st session, relating to Atchafalaya River ship channel and canal from Mermenteau River, La., to Sabine River]. 1908. Kaw [Kansas] River, hearing, Mar. 7, 1904 [on improvements at Kan- sas City, Kans.]. [1904.] Lake Washington Canal, statement of W. E. Humphrey [Apr. 12, 1904, 58th Congress, 2d session, on proposed canal from Puget Sound to lakes Union and Washington]. [1904.] Little Kanawha River. Improvement of Little Kanawha River, hearing, Feb. 24, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Louisiana. Improvement of certain rivers and waterways in Loui- siana and Texas, viz.. Red River, Sulphur River, Cypress River, and Trinity River, [hearing] Apr. 1, 1904 [58th Con- gress, 2d session]. [1904.] McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 19, 1883, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Medomac River. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Har- bors on Medomac River, Me. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. 2d sess.. Committee document 14.) Michigan Lake Superior Power Company. Proposed power canal of Michigan-Lake Superior Power Company [at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., hearing] Feb. 16, 1900 [56th Congress, Ist session]. 1906. [See, for other hearings on this subject, Y4.R52:M58 ^ and Y4.R52:Sa8.] Michigan Lake Superior Power Company. Proposed canal of Michi- gan and Lake Superior Power Company [hearing] Apr. 4, 1900 [on H. 8960, 56th Congress, 1st session, authorizing construc- tion and operation of water-power canal at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.]. [1900.] [See, for other hearings on this subject, Y4.R52:M58 1 and Y4.R52:Sa8.] Michigan, Lake. Report of Board of En^neers for Rivers and Har- bors on wave action on Lake Michigan. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. 2d sess.. Committee docu- ment 3.) Minnetonka, Lake. Survey of Lake Minne tonka, Minn., hearing, Mar. 5, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session; statement of John Lind]. [1904.] Mississippi River, improvement of channel between St. Louis and Vicksburg, remarks by Webster M. Samuel [and others] Feb. 15-18, 1896 [54th Congress, Ist session]; also memorials of St. Louis Merchants' Exchange [etc.]. 1896. 1635 Classlflration no. Y4.R52i M69' M69* M69' M75 M76 N19 N42za N51' N51-' N5P N51* N515 N76 Oa4 Ob3 Oh3» Oh32 Oh3* Os9 P26' P262 Y4. COMMITTEES OP CONGRE8H-('ontinucd Rivers and Harbors Committoe (House)— Continued MissisBippi River. Hearing ^iP^° improvement of MinHissippi River, statement of Robert S. Taylor, Feb. 19, 1902 [57th Congrew, Ist seesion]. 1902. Mississippi River. Hearings [Jan. 18-Apr. 19, 1904, 58th Congress, 2d session, on improvement of Mississippi River and various rivers and harbors in Massachusetts, etc.]. [1904.] [Issued also in separate signatures.] Mississippi River. Improvement of Mississippi River, hearing, Feb. 2, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Missouri River, [hearing] Dec. 12, 1900 [56th Congress, 2d session]. 1900. Monongahela River, hearing, Jan. 21, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Monterey, Cal. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Monterey Harbor, Cal. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee. 59th Cong. 2d sesa., Committee document 10.) Natchez, Miss. Harbor, Natchez, Miss., hearing, Feb. 24, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Newark Bay [and Passaic River], hearing, Jan. 13, 1904 [58th Con- gress, 2d session]. [1904,] Niagara River, proposed dam [hearing] Feb. 14, 1900 [on H. 2994, 56th Congress. Ist session, to authorize construction of regulating dam at root of Lake Erie, for purpose of controlling level of lake, etc.]. [1906.] Niagara Falls. Preservation of Niagara Falls, hearings [Apr. 12- May 8, 1906, on H. 18024, for control and regulation of waters of Niagara River and preservation of Niagara Falls] 59th Con- gress, 1st session. 1906. [Issued also in separate signatures.] Niagara Falls. Industrial value of Niagara Falls [report of General Electric Company]. [1906.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. 1st sess., Document 4.) Niagara Falls. [Control and regulation of waters of Niagara River and preservation of Niagara Falls; by Henry E. Gregory.] [1906.1 (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. Ist sess., Document 5.) Niagara Falls. Preservation of Niagara Falls, hearings TFeb. 17, 1908, on H. 16086, 16748, amending act for control ana regulation of waters of Niagara River, for preservation of Niagara Falls, etc.], 60th Congress, 1st session. 1908. Norfolk [Harbor], Va., hearing, Jan. 25, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Oakland, Cal. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Oakland Harbor, Cal. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Com- mittee. 59th Cong. 2d sess.. Committee document 9.) Obion River, Forked Deer River, and Hatchey River, statement of R. A. Fierce [Apr. 12, 1904, 58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Ohio River. Improvement of Ohio River, hearing, Feb. 2, 1903 [on H. J. R. 220, 57th Congress, 2d session for survey of Ohio River from mouth of Big Miami to mouth or Ohio]. 1903. Ohio River. Improvement of Ohio River, hearing, Jan. 20, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Ohio River. [Hearing] Feb. 18, 1902 [57th Congress, 1st session, on improvement of Ohio River]. [1907.] Oswego, N. Y. Oswego breakwater, hearing, Apr. 15, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Passaic [River], N. J., hearing, Jan. 22, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d ses- sion, on improvement of river to Passaic and Paterson]. [1904.] Passaic River. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Passaic River, N.J. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Commit- tee. 59th Cong. 2d sess., Committee document 4.) 1636 Classiftcation no. Y4.R52: P84 Rll R47 Sa2fr Sa2maf Sa2mar Sa3 Sa5pe Sa8 Sel Shi T22 T25 T59 W29 W75 Y4.R53: M19 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Rivers and Harbors Committee (House) — Continued -Potomac River, hearing, Mar. 11, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Racine, Wis. Harbor at Racine, Wis., hearing, Jan. 27, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session, on claims of city]. [1904.] Rio Grande. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on inland waterway between Rio Grande and Mississippi River. [1907.1 (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. 2d sess., Committee document 8.) St. Francis River. Improvements of St. Francis River, Ark., hear- ing, Feb. 18, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session, statement of J. A. Fox; and Statement of Frank A. Hopkins on H. 10959, making available so much of fund appropriated for improvement of Kentucky River as may be necessary to build bridge across Two Mile Creek, Ky.]. [1904.] St. Marys Falls Canal, hearings [Mar. 30-Apr. 1, 1908, on H. 19366] 60th Congress, 1st session [to obtain lands for new locks with separate canal at falls of St. Marys River, Mich.]. 1908. St. Marys River at the Falls, Mich., statement of W. L. Marshall, Feb. 4, 1909, on H. 25411 [60th Congress, 2d session], for obtaining lands and other property for preservation of public works in interests of commerce and navigation at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., before subcommittee. 1909. [Hearings on H. 19366 not included in this pamphlet.] Salem River. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Salem River, N. J. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Commit- tee. 59th Cong. 2d sess., Committee document 12.) San Pedro, Cal. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on San Pedro Harbor, Cal. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. 2d sess.. Committee document 15.) Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Report of hearing [on H. 8960, 56th Congress, 1st session], in regard to power situation at Sault Ste. Marie [as regards proposed power canal of Michigan Lake Superior Power Company], Apr. 5, 1900. [1900.] [For previous hearings on this subject, see Y4.R52:M58i'2 ] Seattle, Wash., and Newtown Creek, N. Y., hearing, Feb. 17, 1909 [1904, 58th Congress, 2d session, on improvement of waterway at Ballard, Wash., and of Newtown Creek]. [1904.] Shallotte River. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Har- bors on Shallotte River, N. C. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. 2d sess., Committee document 13.) Teche, Bayou, La. Report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Bayou Teche, La. [1907.] (Rivers and Harbors Committee. 59th Cong. 2d sess.. Committee document 6.) Tennessee River, hearing, Feb. 15, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]. [1904.] Tombigbee River, hearing, Mar. 12, 1904 [58th Congress, 2d session]; statement of Ezekiel S. Candler [jr.]. [1904.] Water resources investigations [hearings, Apr. 21, 1908, on H. 6122, 60th Congress, 1st session, for continuation of investigation of rivers and water resources of United States]. [1908.] Wisconsin. State of Wisconsin, hearing, Mar. 10, 1904 [58th Con- gress, 2d session, on improvement of Milwaukee Harbor and other improvements]. [1904.] Roads and Canals Committee (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports of Committee on Railways and Canals, Senate, 14th Congress, 1815-34th Congress, 1815 [1857]; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [This compilation includes reports both of Select Committee on Roads and Canals down to the end of the 20th Congress, and of the stand- ing committee which superseded it in the 21st Congress. ifin: Clas.sinr»tton no. Y4.R53: Y4.R86» Y4.R8e' 1837 2850 jsao 18«3 1867 1868 1871 1872 1873 1876 1876 1877 1878 1S79 1880 1 882 1*83 1884-1 1884-2 Y4. COMMITTEE8 OF CONG RES 8-Oontinued Roads and Canals Committee (Senate)— Continued Allhoup:h Iho name of the committoe is given on the title- page of thiH document as Committee on Railways and Canals, the commit too was known aH Select Committee or Committee on Koads and Canals throughout its exiHt«nce. See, for his- torical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Rules Committoe (House) Rules Committee (House), House manual [See, for Information concerning ITouse and Senate manuals and Jefferson's manual, note preceding entries for Y4.R86*:1.) Constitution of United States, rules of House of Representatives, joint rules of two Houses, and rules of Senate, with Jefferson's manual. Washington, Thomas Allen, printer to the House, 1837. Constitution of United States, with amendments thereto, Jefferson's manual of parliamentary practice, and standing rules and orders for conducting business in House and Senate. Wash- ington, C. Wendell, public printer, 1856. Same. Washington, James B. Steedman, printer, 1859. Same, and Barclay's digest; by John M. Barclay. Washington, 1860-1. Constitution of United States, with amendments thereto, Jefferson's manual of parliamentary practice, 'and standing rules and orders for conducting business in House and Senate [and Barclay's digest]. 1863. Same, and Barclay's digest. 1867. Same, and Barclay's digest. 1868. Same, and Barclay's digest [2d session, 42d Congress]. [1871.] Same, and Barclay's digest [3d session, 42d Congress]. [1872.] Same, and Barclay's digest [1st session, 43d Congress]. [1873.] Same, and Barclay's digest [1st session, 44th Congress]. [1875.] Same, and Barclay's digest [2d session, 44th Congress]. [1876.] Constitution of United States, with amendments thereto, Jefferson's manual of parliamentary practice, standing rules and orders for conducting business in House, joint rules in force at close of 43d Congress, and digest [1st session, 45th Congress]; by Henry H. Smith. [1st edition.] [1877.] Same [2d session, 45th Congress]; by Henry H. Smith. 2d edition. [1878.] Same [Ist session, 46th Congress]; by Henry H. Smith. 3d edition. [1879.] Same [2d session, 46th Congress]; by Henry H. Smith. 4th edition. [1880.] Same [Ij^t session, 47th Congress]; by Henry H. Smith. 5th edition. [1882.] Digest and manual of rules and practice of House of Representatives, Constitution of United States, with amendments thereto, so much of Jefferson's manual of parliamentary practice as under rule 44 governs House, standing rules ana orders for conducting business in House, joint rules in force at close of 43d Congress, tables sho\Nnng commencement and termina- tion of each session with name of Speaker and clerk, of appor- tionment of Representatives from 1787, and formation of States and Territories, of population under 9th and 10th censuses, and list of members and delegates of House of 2d session of 47th Congress; by Henry H. Smith. 6lh edition. [1883.] Same, 2d session of 47th Congress [1st session of 48th Congress]; by Henry H. Smith. 7th edition. [1884.] Same, also pist] of committees of House, 2d session of 48th Con- gress; by Henry H. Smith. 8th edition. [1884.] 1638 2886-2 J 888 2 889 J 890-1 Classincatlon Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued no. Y4.R861: \ Rules Committee (House), House manual— Continued Digest and manual of rules and practice of House of Representatives, Constitution of United States, with amendments thereto, so much of Jefferson's manual of parliamentary practice as under rule 44 governs House, standing rules and orders for conducting business in House, tables showing commence- ment and termination of each session with name of Speaker and clerk, of apportionment of Representatives from 1787, and formation of States and Territories, of population under 9th and 10th censuses, and list of members and delegates, and also of committees of House of 1st session of 49th Con- gress; by Henry H. Smith. 9th edition. [1886.] Same, 2d session of 49th Congress; by Henry H. Smith. 10th edition. [1886.] Same, 1st session of 50th Congress; by Henry H. Smith. 11th edition. [1888.] Same, Ist [2d] session of 50th Congress; by John C. Robinson. 12th edition. [1889.] Same, 1st session of 50th [Slst] Congress, with tables showing con- tents of Annals of Congress, Congressional debates, Congres- sional globe, Congressional record, [and] tables showing sessions held at other times than that fixed by Constitution; by Henry H.Smith. 12th edition. [1890.] Same, 2d session of 50th [5l8t] Congress, with tables showing con- tents of Annals of Congress, Congressional debates, Congres- sional globe. Congressional record, tables showing sessions held at other times than that fixed by Constitution, summary of procedure in leading foreign parliaments, summary of more im- portant features of constitutions of the several States, [and] table showing qualifications of voters; by Henry H. Smith. 13th edition. [1890.] [13th edition includes population under 9th, 10th, and 11th censuses.] Constitution of United States, Jefferson's manual, Rules of House of Representatives of 52d Congress, and Digest [and manual] of rules and practice of House, with appendix [1st session, 52d Congress]; by Nathaniel T. Crutchfield. 1892. Same [2d session, 52d Congress]: by Nathaniel T. Crutchfield. • 1893. Same, 53d Congress, and digest and manual of rules and practice of House, with appendix [2d session, 53d Congress]; by Na- thaniel T. Crutchfield. 1895. Same, 54th Congress, and digest and manual of rules and practice of House, with appendix [1st session, 54th Congress]; by Thomas H. McKee. 1896. [3433-352] Same [2d session, 54th Congi-ess]; by Thomas H. McKee. 1897. [3522-137] Same, 55th Congress, and digest and manual of rules and practice of House, with appendix [2d session, 55th Congress]; by Thomas H. McKee. 1898. [3698-560] Same [3d session, 55th Congress]; by Thomas H. McKee. 1899. [3817-229] Same, 56th Confess, and digest and manual of rules and practice of House [without appendix, 1st session, 56th Congress]; by Asher C. Hinds. 1900. [3979-324] Same, 2d session, 56th Congress; by Asher C. Hinds. 1900. [4133-18] Same, 57th Congress, and digest and manual of rules and practice of House, Ist session, 57th Congress; by Asher C. Hinds. 1901. [4330-88] Same, 2d session, 57th Congress. 1902. /S^e [4487-21]. Same, 1st session, 58th Congress. 1903. See [4566-5]. m\9 Cla8slflcatton no. Y4.R86»: 1«07 Y4.R86 ' : 9 893 2896 2897 2»oo 2904 Y4:.I186 ' : C76 M19» M19- Y4:.R86 2: Y4.R86 2: 2828 J8«8 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Rules Committee (House), House manual— ntinued Same, 3d setwion, 58th Congreefl. 1904. See [4842-75]. Same, 1st seaeion, 59th Congrese; by Asher ('. Hinds. 1905. [4994-87] Same, 2d session, 59th Congrese. 1906. See [5147-24]. Digest and manual of rules and practice of House of Representatives, Constitution of United States, Jefferson's manual, Rules of House of Representatives, 60th Congress, Ist seseion; prepared by Aaher C. Hinds pursuant to resolution passed Dec. 2, 1907. 1908. [5364-423] Same, 60th Congress. 2d session; prepared by Asher C. Hinds f)ur8uant to resolution passed May 26, 1908. 1908. See 5540-1053]. Constitution, Jefferson's manual, and Rules of House of Representa- tives, with digest of practice [6l8t Congress, Ist session]; by Asher C. Hinds. 1909. 16° [5575-85] Rules Committee (House), House rules Rules of House of Representatives [52d Congress], n. p. [1892]. 30 p. [This is one of 500 copies of the Rules as reported to the House on Jan. 21, 1892 (House journal, 52d Congress, 1st session, p. 40, serial no. 2919). This print differs in some respects from the Rules as adopted by the House, which were printed in the appendix to the same House journal.] Rules of House of Representatives, 54th Congress, n. p. [1895]. [1] + 32 p. Same, 54th Congress, n. p. [1897]. 32 p. Same, 56th Congress, n. p. [1900]. 46 p. Same, 58th Congress, n. p. [1904]. 53 p. Rules Committee (House). Miscellaneous Constitution of United States. 1908. McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2: M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Rules Committee (Senate) Rules Committee (Senate), Senate manual [Miss Adelaide R. Hasse is our authority for the following statement as to Sen- ate and House manuals: They are "an outgrowth of Jefferson's manual, first published in 1800, republished in two variations in 1801, and of which the 2d edition was printed in 1812. From time to time as ordered bv the Senate, not for each session, new editions were issued. Gradually thefonn was changed and Jefferson's manual was subordinated and tlie Senate rules were given precedence. In the early years, there may be found copies of the Senate rules and of Jefferson's manual in separate paiw^hlets for the same year. In general, these remarks apply also to the I louse manual. It is certain that for many years the same publication contained both House and Senate rules, and therefore being used in both Houses, it is not likely that there was, strictly speaking, a House manual and a Senate maniral." Jefferson's manual was prepared by Thomas Jefferson for his own guidance as President of the Senate m the years of his Vice- Presidency, 1797-lSOl. The Public Documents Library is unable to give any furtller information con- cerning the editions prior to 1S12, and it is jjrobable that there are also later editions of which it has no information.] Manual of parliamentary practice, for use of Senate; by Thomas Jef- ferson. 2d edition. Washington, 1812. 24° * [Thisedition contains Jefferson's corrections and additions.] Same, with rules of Senate and of House of Representatives, and Constitution of United States. Washington, 1828. 16° * Constitution of United States, with amendments thereto, rules of Sen- ate, joint rules of two Houses, Jefferson's manual of parliamen- tary practice, Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Confederation, with extracts from proceedings of Continental Congrei^s previous to Declaration of Independence; by W. J. McDonald. 1868. 1640 Classification no. Y4.R86 2: 3^873 3^890 2 882 ]^899 J 901 ^903 Yi.RSe^: 801 2862 2867 2890 2897 2 *°' 2 803 2905 2907 Y4.R86 2: C76 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Rules Committee (Senate), Senate manual— Continued Constitution of United States, with amendments thereto, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Ordinance of 1787, rules of Senate, joint rule?- of two Houses, and Jefferson's man- ual of parliamentary practice, with some general laws of useful reference in legislation; by W. J. McDonald. 1873. Same, enlarged by F. E. Shober and H. B. McDonald. 1881. Constitution of United States, with amendments thereto, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Ordinance of 1787, standing rules of Senate, rules for impeachments, rules for regulation of Senate wing of Capitol, and Jefferson's manual of parliamentary practice, with standing orders of Senate, parts of Buch acts as affect businef^s of Senate, tables showing formation of States and Territories, electoral votes for President and Vice- President from 1789 to 1885, and Senators of United States from 1st Congress to close of 48th Congress; revised by Charles B. Reade. [1st edition.] 1885. Same. 2d edition. 1886. Senate manual, 50th Congress, Ist session, embracing standing rules and orders of Senate, Constitution of United States, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Ordinance of 1787, Jefferson's manual, etc.; revised. 1888. Same, 5l8t Congress, 1st session; revised to Mar. 1, 1890. 1890. Same, 52d Congress, 1st session; revised to Jan. 1, 1892. Ist edi- tion, 1892. 1892. Senate manual, containing standing rules and orders of Senate, Con- stitution of United States, Declaration of Independence, Arti- cles of Confederation, Ordinance of 1787, Jefferson's manual, etc.; revised. Edition of Apr. 14, 1896. 1896. [3358-304] Same. Edition of Mar. 2, 1899. 1899. [Not in Congressional set.] Same. Edition of Feb. 11, 1901. 1901. [4062-237] Same. Edition of Feb. 5, 1903. 1903. [4438-227] Same. Edition of Feb. 8, 1905. 1905. ^ee [4777-198]. Same. Edition of Feb. 14, ] 907. 1907. See[510S-406]. Same. Edition of Feb. 15, 1909. 1909. See [5406-769]. Rxiles Committee (Senate), Senate rules Rulesforconductingbusinessin Senate. n.p.[Dec.7, 1801J. 13p. * Rules of Senate, consisting of special rules of Senate, joint rules of two Houses, and such provisions of Constitution as relate to organi- zation, power, privileges, proceedings, and duties of Senate. 1862. Kules of Senate and joint rules of two Houses. 1867. Standing rules for conducting business in Senate, with rules of pro- cedure and practice in Senate when sitting on trial of impeach- ments, rules for regulation of Senate wing of Capitol, standing orders of Senate not embraced in rules, and such parts of acts as affect business of Senate, and list of Senators of 51st Congress. 1890. Standing rules for conducting business in Senate, with rules for regu- lation of Senate wing of Capitol. 1897. Same. 1901. Same. 1903. Same. 1905. Same. 1907. Rules Committee (Senate), Miscellaneous Constitution of United States and amendments thereto, with foot- notes of judicial decisions; by Charles B. Reade. 1886. 1041 ClasBlflcatloD Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Oontinued Yi.R86»: M19 Y4.Se4>: M19' MI92 M19« M19* M19« M19« MI97 MI98 M19'' M19'o M19'i M19»2 M19^3 M19'* M19" M1918 M19'« M19'» M19-« M19-1 MI922 MI923 M192< MI925 M192« M19" MI928 M192» MI930 M193> MI932 MI933 M19" M1935 M193« M19" M1938 MI939 M19^o M19« M19" M19" M19^* M19« Rules Committee (Senate), Miscellaneous— Continued McKee's compilation. Report*^, from oi^anization of committee, Dec. 9, 1874, to close of 49th Conj?ret*, 1887; compiled bv T. H. McKee. 1887. * (^S^tf, for hiatorical note concemingMcKee'a compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Select and special committees (IIou.mc) McKee's compilation. Reports, 14lh Conp:re88, 181;'>-49th Congreee, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. [See, for hi.s- torical note concerning McKee's compilationH, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887.- 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. V. 2. V. 3. V. 4. V. 5. V. 6. V. 7. V. 8. V. 9. V. 10. V. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. V. 20. V. 21. V. 22. V. 23. V. 24. V. 25. V. 26. V. 27. V. 28. V. 29. V. 30. V. 31. V. 32. V. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. V. 40. V. 41. V. 42. V. 43. V. 44. V. 45. 1642 . Classiflcatioil no. Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continue Y4.Se4i: Select and special committees (House)— Continued M19^« Same. 1887. V. 46. M19^' Same. 1887. V. 47. M19^8 Same. 1887. V. 48. M19*» Same. 1887. V. 49. MW'^" Same. 1887. V. 50. M19" Same. 1887. V. 51. M19«2 Same. 1887. V. 52. MW^ Same. 1887. V. 53. M19«* Same. 1887. V. 54. M19^5 Same. 1887. V. 55. ^119^^^ Same. 1887. V. 56. M19s^ Same. 1887. V. 57. M19S8 Same. 1887. V. 58. M19'^« Same. 1887. V. 59. M19«" Same. 1887. V. 60. * M19«» Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 1]. M19«2 Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 2]. M19«^ Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 3]. * M1964 Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 4]. M19«5 Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 5]. M19«'^ Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 6]. M19«7 Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 7]. M19«8 Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 8]. M19«« Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 9]. M197« Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 10]. MI971 Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 11]. MI972 Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 12]. MI973 Same. 1887. V. 61 [pt. 13]. MI974 Same. 1887. V. 62. M19" Same. 1887. V. 63. M197« Same. 1887. V. 64. M19" Same. 1887. V. 65. M197« Same. 1887. V. 66. MI979 Same. 1887. V. 67. M19«« Same. 1887. V. 68. M19«i Same. 1887. V. 69. M19«2 Same. 1887. V. 70. M19«3 Same. 1887. V. 71. M19«* Same. 1887. V. 72. M198^ Same. 1887. V. 73. M198<5 Same. 1887. V. 74. M198^ Same. 1887. V. 75. M19«« Same. 1887. V. 76. M19«« Same. 1887. V. 77. Yi.Sei M19 MI92 MI93 M19^ M19« Select and special committees (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815^9th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2: M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3 [pt. 1]. * Same. 1887. v. 3, pt. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 4. * ir)4.i riMslAratlon Y4. < no. Y4.Se4»: Select M19« Same. M19' Same. M19* Same. M19' Same. M19>° Same. M19» Same. M19'a Same. M19'3 Same. M19'* Same. M19'5 Same. M19»« Same. U19" Same. MI918 Same. M19« Same. MI920 Same. MI921 Same. MI922 Same. MI923 Same. MI92* Same. M192* Same. MI926 Same. MI927 Same. MI928 Same. M192» Same. MI930 Same. M19« Same. U19^ Same. MI933 Same. MI93* Same. M193S Same. M193« Same, MI937 Same. M1938 Same. M19»» Same. M19^ Same. M19« Same. M19<2 Same. M19« Same. M19<* Same. M19« Same. M19« Same. Y4.Se5: M19 tY4.Sli6 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Oontinued and special committees (Senate) — Continued 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. 1887. Senate Contingent Expenses Committee (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports of Committee to Audit and Control Contingent Expenses, Senate, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Con- gress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2: M19.1 V. 5. # V. G. « V. 7. # V.8. ♦ V. 9. * V. 10. « V. 11. * V. 12. * V. 13. * V. 14. * V. 15. » V. 16. * V. 17. * V. 18. * V. 19. ■» V. 20. * V. 21. » V. 22. » V. 23. « V. 24. * V. 25. * V. 26. * V. 27. * V. 28. * V. 29. * V. 30. * V. 31. « V. 32. * V. 33. » V. 34. » V. 35. * V. 36. * V. 37. * V. 38. * V. 39. * V. 40. * V. 41. # V. 42. * V. 43. * V. 44. * V. 45. * t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. A new com- mittee has since been appointea, necessitating an additional class under Y4., the series title of which is as follows: Y4.Sh6: Ship Subsidy Lobby, Alleged, Select Committee to Investigate (House) (CT) 1644 Classification no. Y4.8il: R29 Y4.T27 ' : B491 B492 B493 B49* B49^ B498 B49^ B49« H31» H312 M19^ M192 M193 Sa3 Y4.T27 2: All M19 M19 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS -Continued Sickness and Mortality on Emigrant Ships Select Committee (Senate) Report. Washington, Beverley Tucker, Senate printer, 1854. ([33d Cong. 1st sess. S. rp. 386]; serial no. 707.) Territories Committee (House) Bills, reports, and hearings, 58th Congress. 1, Bills referred to com- mittee, 2, reports made by committee, 58th Congress, Ist and 2d sessions; compiled by T. C. Hance. 1904. v. 1, large 8® Bills, reports, and hearings, 58th Congress. Hearings, 58th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions; compiled by T. C. Hance. 1904. v. 2, large 8° Bills, reports, and hearings, 58th Congress. 1, Bills referred to com- mittee, 2, reports made by committee, 3, hearings, 58th Con- gress, 3d session; compiled by T. C. Hance. 1905. v. 3, large 8° Bills, reports, and hearings, 59th Congress. 1, Bills referred to com- mittee, 2, reports made by committee, 59th Congress, 1st ses- sion; compiled by T. C. Hance. 1906. v. 1, large 8<* * Bills, reports, and hearings, 59th Congress. Hearings, 59th Congress, 1st session; compiled by T. C. Hance. 1906. v. 2, large 8** * Bills, reports, and hearings, 59th Congress. 1, Bills referred to com- mittee, 2, reports made by committee, 3, hearings, 59th Con- gress, 2d session; compiled by T. C. Hance. 1907. v. 3, large 8° Bills, reports, and hearings, 60th Congress. 1, Bills referred to com- mittee, 2, reports made by committee, 3, hearings, 60th Con- gress, Ist session; compiled by T. C. Hance. 1908. v. 1, large 8" Bills, reports, and hearings, 60th Congress. 1, Bills referred to com- mittee, 2, reports made by committee, 3, hearings, 60th Con- gress, 2d session; by T. C. Hance. 1909. v. 2, large 8'' Hawaii. Amendment of organic act of Hawaii, H. 13426 [61st Con- gress, 2d session]; statement of Walter F. Frear, Dec. 9, 1909. 1909. Same; statement of Lincoln L. McCandless, Dec. 9, 1909. 1909. McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Dec. 13, 1825, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3. * Salt River Valley. Hearing, Dec. 10, 1903 [on H. 846, 58th Congress, 2d session, to enable Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa, Ariz., to issue bonds for aiding in construction of road from point in Salt River Valley to Salt River reservoir dam site m Maricopa County]; statement of B. A. Fowler. [1904.] [Same, with addition of maps, as pages 1-12 of Y4.T27 i:B492.] Territories Committee (Senate) Alaska. Railroad and telegraph and telephone lines in Alaska, hearings, on S. 6937 and 6980 [58th Congress, 3d session], Feb. 10, 1905; S. 191 [59th Congress, Ist session], Jan. 27 [-Feb. 2], 1906; H. 18891 [59th Congress, 2d session], Jan. 25 [-Feb. 1], 1907, and Senate document 167, 59th Congress, let session. 1907. [Issued. also in separate signatures.] McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Mar. 25, 1844, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for historical note con- cerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * I(i45 Clawlflcatlon no. Y4.T27^: N27 Utl Y4.T61: T61 Y4.T68: M19 M69 R291 R292 Y4.Un3 N21 tY4.Un32: Y4.V56: M19 tY4.W12: Y4.W19: C52 Y4. COMMITTEEH OF CONGRESS-Continued Territories Committee (Senate)— Continued Nebraska. Bill to organize Territories of Nebraska and Kansaa, report, Jan. 4, 1854, to accompany S. 22 (:i3d Congrew, Ist Bession, witli proponed amendment Jan. 23, 1854J. n. p. [1854]. Utah. Admission of Utah, arguments in favor of admission of Utah as State, Ist session, 50th Congress, Feb. 18, 1888. 1888. Tonnage, American, Select Committee on Causes of Reduction of (House) Tonnage. Causes of reduction of American tonnage and decline of navigation interests, report, Feb. 17. 1870 [and testimony, Oct. 14-Dec. 21, 1869, 4l8t Congress, 2d session]. 1870. ([4l8t Cong. 2d sess. H. rp. 28]; serial no. 1436.) Transportation Routes to Seaboard Committee (Senate) [This class includes publications both of the Select Committee on Transportation Routes to Seaboard down to the end of the 45th Congress, and of the standing committee which superseded it in the 46th Congress.] McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee, Mar. 19, 1879, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [This coinpilation includes reports both of the Select Committee on Transportation Routes to Seaboard and of the standing committee which superseded it. See^ for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:Ml9.] Mississippi River. Testimony taken before Select Committee on Transportation Routes to Seaboard relating to jetties at mouth of Mississippi River [Feb. 14, 1879, on S. 1422, 45th Congress, 3d session, to amend act making appropriations for repair. E reservation, and completion of public works on rivers and arbors]. [1879.] Report of Select Committee on Transportation Routes to Seaboard, with appendix, 43d Congress, 1st session. 1878. [1588-307, pt. 1] Same. 1881. University of United States, Select Committee to Establish. (Senate) [This committee was made a standing committee Mar. 19, 1896, during the 54th Congress, ].st session, but since the publication here entered was issued prior to that time, the heading for the select committee has been retained.] National university. Memorial in regard to national university; by John W. Hoyt. 1892. [2907-222] Ventilation and Acoustics Committee (House) McKee's compilation. Reports, 40th Congress, 1868-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:Ml9.] War Claims Committee (House) Claims referred by Congress to Court of Claims for finding of facts under provisions of Bowman act, 59th [and 60th] Congress, name of claimant. 1909. [See also, for Digest of claims referred by Congress to Court of Claims, 48th-51st Congress, Ju3.2:D56^] t This Checklist ends with the publications of the calendar year 1909. New com- mittees have since been appointed, necessitating additional classes under Y4., the series titles of which are as follows: Y4.Un32: United States Steel Corporation Investigation Committee (House) (CT) Y4.W12: Wages and Prices Select Committee (Senate) (CT) 1646 Classification no. Y4:.W19: L442 MI92 MI93 M19* M19« M19« MI97 MI98 M19» MI91" MI911 M19^2 MI913 M19^* Q2 Y4.W36: All' AII2 All' AU^ All'' All« All^ All* All» C41 C63 C82 C89 C961 C962 Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS- Continued War Claims Committee (House) — Continued Laws. Compilation of laws and decisions of courts relating to war claims. 1908. Laws and decisions of courts relating to war claims; by J. B. Hollo- way. 1908. McKee's compilation. Reports of Committee on War Claims, in- cluding [those of] Revolutionary Claims [Committee], House of Representatives, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for his- torical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. V. 2. * Same. 1887. V. 3. * Same. 1887. V. 4. * Same. 1887. V.5. * Same. 1887. V. 6. * Same. 1887. V. 7. * Same. 1887. V.8. * Same. 1887. V. 9. * Same. 1887. V. 10. * Same. 1887. V. n. it Same. 1887. V. 12. * Same. 1887. V. 13. * Same. 1887. V. 14. * Quartermasters' stores. Claims for quartermasters' stores and com- missary supplies of loyal citizens in loyal States [commonly known as Fourth of July claims]. [1908.] Ways and Means Committee (House) Alcohol. Free alcohol, hearings, 59th Congress, 1st session, sec. 1, Feb. 7, 1906 [on bills relating to free alcohol in arts and manu- factures]. [1st edition.] 1906. Same, sec. 2, Feb. 8, 1906. [1st edition.] 1906. • Same, sec. 3, Feb. 9, 1906; statement of Harvey \V. Wiley. [Ist edition.] 1906. Same, sec. 4, Feb. 20, 1906. [Ist edition.] 1906. Same, sec. 5, Feb. 21, 1906. [1st edition.] 1906. Same, sec. 6, Mar. 2, 1906. [1st edition.] 1906. Same, sec. 7, appendix. [1st edition.] 1906. Same, Feb. [7]-Mar. [2], 1906. 2d edition. 1906. Same, Feb. [7]-Mar. [2], 1906. 3d edition. 1906. Checks. Payment of duties by checks, hearings, 60th Congress, 1st session, on H. C. R. 15, Apr. 8, 1908. 1908. Coal. Rebate of certain coal duties, hearings, 60th Congress, 1st session, on H. 11325 [authorizing rebate of duties on anthra- cite coal imported into United States, Oct. 6, 1902-Jan. 15, 1903], Jan. 22, 1908. 1908. Cotton and wheat, proposed internal tax to permit Secretary of Agriculture to defray expense in gathering statistics relating ' to production of cotton and wheat in United States, hearings before subcommittee on internal revenue, 57th Congress, 2d session, Jan. 26, 1903, [on] H. 16655. 1903. Cuba. Reciprocity with Cuba, hearings, 57th Congress, 1st session, Jan. 15-29, 1902. 1902. [4375-535] Customs administrative act [and] licensing of custom-house brokers, report of hearings [Feb. 23-Mar. 2, 1906], 59th Congress, Ist session, [on] H. 7113, 15267, 7115. 1906. Customs. Salaries of customs and internal-revenue officers, hearings, 60th Congress, 1st session. Mar. 7-17, 1908. Final print. 1908. 1647 Classiflratlon no. Y4.W3e: C96' C96* D(>3» D633 D791 D792 Im7» Im?- Im73 Im7* - Im7* In2 J27 L22 L66» Y4. COMMITTEEH OF CONGRESS— Continued Ways and Means Committee (House)— Continued Customs. Amendmenta to customs administrative act suggested by Hoard of General Appraisers. Feb. 20, 1909. Customs. Legislative history of leading customs and internal- revenue acts from 1st to 55th Congress, including history of reciprocity treaties and legislation, 1789-1899; by Uenry H. Smith. 1899. 4'' [Sample pages only; full work never printed.] Distilled spirits, outage bill, hearings before subcommittee on internal revenue, Mar. 19, 1902, 57th Congress, Ist session, [on] H. 179 [to amend internal-revenue laws]. 1902. Distilled spirits, bottling in bond, statement of Edson Bradley before subcommittee on internal revenue, 57th Congress, 1st session. Mar. 19, 1902, [on] H. 11733. 1902. Distilled spirits. Tax on distilled spirits, hearings before subcom- mittee on internal revenue, proposed reduction of internal- revenue tax on distilled spirits, Apr. 24, 1902, 57th Congress, Ist session, [on] H. 178. 1902. Drawbacks [pt. 1], hearings, 57th Congress, 1st session, Apr. 2-May 14, 1902 [on H. 11308, to encourage sale and exportation of articles of domestic manufacture], proposed extension of draw- backs to ores, metals, hides, or leather used in manufactured articles exported from United States. 1902. Same, pt. 2, additional hearings, 57th Congress, 2d session, Jan. 15, 1903, [on] H. 15368 [to encourage sale and exportation of articles of domestic manufacture]. 1903. Import duties. H. 5893 [48th Congress, 1st session], to reduce im- port duties and war-tariff taxes, with table of rates and esti- mated duties on imports under same; prepared by Charles H. Evans. 1884. 4° Import duties. Comparison of present schedule of import duties with that portion of Mills bill [H. 9051, 50th Congress, 1st session], as it passed House of Representatives. [1888.] [Cover-title wanting.] Imports, exports, and domestic manufactures arranged according to paragraphs of tariff law of 1897 ; compiled by director of census. 1909. Imports and duties, 1894-1907, comparative statement of imported merchandise entered for consumption in United States, by articles; compiled from annual reports of [Foreign] commerce and navigation by William W. Evans. 1908. Same. 1909. [5548-1504] [This compilation was published bv Ways and Means Committee. Three earlier compilations by Charles H. Evans have been issued. The first, cov- ering the period to close of fiscal year lis78, was issued only as a Congressional document; »f6 [1873-46]. The second, covering the period to close of fiscal year 1883, was issued in 1884 by Statistics Bureau, Treasury Dept.; ut T3r.2: im7 '. The third, in 2 pts., covering the period to close of fiscal year 1893, was published in 1894 by Finance Committee; ite Y4.F49:Im7i»2.] Income tax. [Statement of] Thomas G. Shearman before subcom- mittee on internal revenue [Oct. 16, 1893, 53d Congress, 1st session, on income tax], n. p. [1893]. Japanese competition, silver-standard countries, effect of competition on our agricultural and manufacturing industries, remedy, re- marks of Francis G. Newlands, Apr. 16, May 7, 1896 [on H. Rl 173, 189], 54th Congress, 1st session. 1896. Lanahan, William, & Son. Claim of William Lanahan & Son, hear- ing, 58th Congress, 3d session, Jan. 11, 1905 [on H. 14782, for relief of William Lanahan & Son]. 1905. Liquor tax laws, hearings before subcommittee on internal revenue, 59th Congress, 1st session, [on bills concerning] shipment of liquor CO. D., publication of lists of special-tax stamp holders, prohibiting issuance of special-tax stamps in prohibition com- munities, Feb. 3, 1906. 1906. 1648 Classification no. Y4.W36: L66- .-^ M19^ M19- MI93 MI94 MI95 M19« MI97 M19« M74 P531 P532 P533 P53* P535 P53« P537 P538 P83 Sel = Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Ways and Means Committee (House) — Continued Liquor tax receipts, hearings, 60th Congress, 1st session, on H. 13859 [to prohibit issuing of tax receipt for sale of liquor in violation of law], Apr. 9, 1908. 1908. McKee's compilation. Reports, 14th Congress, 1815-49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. v. 1. * [See, for •historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4.Ac2:M19.] Same. 1887. v. 2. * Same. 1887. v. 3. * Same. 1887. v. 4. * Same. 1887. v. 5. * ' Same. 1887. v. 6. * Same. 1887. v. 7. * Same. 1887. v. 8. * Money. Transportation of moneys by express, hearings, 60th Con- gress, Ist session, on H. R. 99, 100, Jan. 24, 1908; [statement of John Wesley] Gaines. 1908. Philippine tariff. Duties on Philippine products, hearings [on H. I 17752, to amend act to provide revenue for Philippine Islands], i 58th Congress, 3d session, Jan. 23-28, and [briefs filed] Feb. 3, 1905. 1905. Philippine tariff. Tariff laws of Philippine Archipelago, hearing [on H. 18195, to revise and amend tariff laws of Philippine Archi- pelago], 58th Congress, 3d session, Feb. 4, 1905. 1905. Same, statement of Samuel S. Dale on use of metric system of weights and measures], 58th Congress, 3d session, Feb. 10, 1905. 1905. Philippine tariff, hearings [on H. 3, to amend act to provide revenue for Philippine Islands], 59th Congress, 1st session, Dec. 13-18, 1905; appended. Public hearings in [Philippine Mands upon proposed reduction of tariff upon Philippine sugar and tobacco, extension of coastwise navigation laws to Philippines and eco- nomic conditions in islands, held] Aug. [7-16], 1905 [before Secretary of War and Congressional party]. Dec. 1905, [pub- lished] 1906. Philippine Island tariff, hearings, 60th Congress, 1st session, on H. 21449 [to amend act to revise and amend tiariff laws of Philip- pine Islands], May 5, 1908. 1908. Philippine tariff. Comparison of proposed Philippine tariff bill, H. 9135, as reported to House of Representatives with present Philippine tariff law, act of Mar. 3, 1905, as amended, 6l8t ()on- gress, Ist session. 1909. Philippine tariff. Comparison of proposed Philippine tariff bill, H. 7555,«with present tariff law, act of Mar. 3, 1905, as amended, 6l8t Congress, let session. 1909. Philippine tariff bill, hearings, 6l8t Congress, Ist session, Apr. 20, 1909. 1909. Port Arthur [Tex.], port of entry, hearings, 59th Congress, Ist session, on H. 10715 [to establish additional collection district in Texas, with port of entry at Port Arthur, etc.] Ajjr. [4]-May [22], 1906. 1906. Seals. Fur seals of Alaska, hearing, 57th Congress, 1st session, Feb. 18, 1902 [on H. 4386, to amend act to prevent extermination of fur-bearing animals in Alaska, by authorizing new arrangement with Great Britain, or destruction of seal herd by United States], statement of Henry W. Elliott and appendix. 1902. Same, hearings [on H. J. R. 124, directing Secretary of Commerce and Labor to suspend killing of fur seals on Pribilof Islands of Alaska by North American Commercial Company], 58th Con- gress, 2d session. Mar. 9, 10, 1904. [1904.] 1649 Clisslflratlon no. Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGREHSContinued Y4.W36: Ways and MeaiiH Committoe (House) — Continued Sh7 Shoddy vs. pure wool, heariii)^, 57th Oongrefw, let deseion, May 21, 1902, proposed Federal iiiBpection and taxation of mixed goods and proper marking of same, [on] U. 14488. 1902. [4247-413] Sul Subtreasury in the Southeast, hearing [on H. 156 and other bills], 59th Congress, 2d session, Jan. 8, 1907. 1907. T17' Tariff. Arguments on Morrison tariff [bills, H. 4416, 5893, Feb. 5- Mar. 8, 1884], Potter refunding bill [H. 4975, Feb. 23, 1884], Willis bonded extension bill [H. 2146, Feb. 1, 12^ 1884], internal-revenue repeal bills [H. 1481, 6317, 6319, Feb. 28, Apr. 8, 1884, 48th Congress, 1st session]. 1884. TI72 Tariff. Comparison of existing tariff [act of 1883] with [H. 9051, known as Mills bill], 50tn Congress, Ist session. 1888. TI73 Tariff. Present tariff law and H. 9051 [50th Congress, let session], full text of act of Mar. 3, 1883, and of H. 9051, to reduce taxa- tion and simplify laws in relation to collection of revenue, as passed by the House July 21, 1888, and tables showing esti- mated effect on revenues of proposed legislation; prepared by [Henry Talbott]. 1888. Tariff. Revision of tariff, hearings, 5l8t Congress, 1st session, 1889- 90. 1890. [2774-176] Tariff. 5l8t Congress, Ist session, H. 9416, tables showing duties col- lected under existing tariff and estimates of probable effect upon revenue, based upon importations for fiscal year 1889, and internal revenue collections for fiscal year 1889; prepared by Charies H. Evans, n. p. [1890]. 4<» Tariff rates, tariff act of 1890, compared with tariff act of 1883 and Mills bill; prepared by John M. Carson. 1891. Tariff hearings, 1st session, 53d Congress, 1893. 1893. [3156-43] Tariff bill 1894, H. 4864, as it passed House of Representatives, Feb. 1, 1894. 1894. Tariff act as passed by two Houses of Congress. [1894.] Tariff. Comparison of proposed tariff bill [H. 4864, known as Wilson tariff bill] with present law, tariff act [of] 1890 and Wilson tariff bill; prepared by Henry Talbott. Jan. 1, 1894. Tariff hearings, 2d session, 54th C-ongress, 1896-97. 1897. v. 1. [3542-338] [Issued also in separate signatures.] Same. 1897. v. 2. [3543-338] [Issued also in separate signa- tures.] See also [3588-1]. Tariff. Proposed tariff bill, H. 379, 55th Congress, Ist session, as reported Mar. 19, 1897, with comparative statement of reve- nues thereunder. 1897. [Includes comparison of proposed tariff bill, H. 379, 55th Congress, 1st session, which was also issued separately; see Y4.W36:T17»*.] Tariff. Comparison of proposed tariff bill, H. 379, 55th Confess, 1st session, with present law and law of 1890, tables showing rates and duties collected under law of 1890 for fiscal year 1893, and under law of 1894 for fiscal year 1896, also rates and estimated revenues under proposed bill as reported Mar. 19, 1897; pre- pared by Charles H. Evans. 1897. [Also bound with Pro- posed tariff bill, H. 379, 55th Congress, 1st session (Y4.W36: TH'^).] T17 ** Tariff bills pending before Committee on Ways and Means, May 18, 1908. [1908.] T17 ^" Tariff. Notes on tariff revision; [by Thomas J. Doherty and Herbert M. Lord]. 1908. 4« [5547-1503] T17*' Tariff. Statement of proposed changes in tariff laws. [1909.] T17 '* Tariff. Comparison of proposed tariff bill, H. 1438 [known as Pa>Tie tariff bill] with present tariff law, act of July 24, 1897. 1909. 82452°— 11 104 T174 T176 T17« T177 TI78 T17» T1710 T1711 T1712 T1713 T1714 1650 Classification no. Y4.W36: T1720 TI721 T1731 T1732 TI733 T1734 T1735 T1736 T1737 T1738 T1739 'p 2^7 40 T1741 T1742 T1743 T1744 T1745 T1746 T1747 X1748 T1749 T17M Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS—C ontinued Ways and Means Committee (House)— Continued Tariff. Estimated revenues, comparison of Payne tariff bill with present tariff law, tables showing rates and duties collected under law of 1897, year ending June 30, 1906, also rates and estimated revenues under H. 1438, as reported Mar. 18, 1909, 61st Congress, 1st session; prepared by William W. Evans. 1909. Tariff Board. f Permanent tariff commission, f hearings, 60th Con- gress, 1st session, Feb. 4, 1908. 1908. Tariff hearings, [recess of] 60th Congress [and 2d session, Nov. 10] 1908-[Feb. 24] 1909. 1909. v. 1. [5549-1505] [The tariff hearings were begun on Nov. 10, 1908, and continued through Feb. 24, 1909. The last formal hearings were held Dec. 24, 1908, the time having been extended from Dec. 22. After Dec. 24, 1908, the hearings are supplementary in character.] [5550-1505] [5551-1505] [5552-1505] [5553-1505] [5554-1505] [5555-1505] [5556-1505] [5556-1505] f] 60th Congress, no. 1, Nov. 10, 1908. Ist print. "1908. [Regular hearings ceased Dec. 22, 1908; but 12 appendixes, nos. 42-53, were issued, ten of which contain briefs and two, nos. 50, 51, special hearings. also hearing dated Feb. 24, 1909.] Same, no. 2, Nov. 11, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 3, Nov. 12, 1908. Ist print. 1908. Same, no. 4, Nov. 13, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 5, Nov. 16, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 6, Nov. 17, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 7, Nov. 18, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 8, Nov. 19, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 9, Nov. 20, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 10, Nov. 20, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 11, Nov. 21, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 12, Nov. 21, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 13, Nov. 23, 1908. Ist print. 1908. Same, no. 14, Nov. 23, 1908. Ist print. 1908. Same, no. 15, Nov. 24, 1908. Ist print. 1908. Same, no. 16, Nov. 25, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 17, Nov. 25, 1908. Ist print. 1908. Same, no. 18, Nov. 27, 1908. Ist print. 1908. Same, no. 19, Nov. 27, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 20, Nov. 28, 1908. Ist print. 1908. Same, no. 21, Nov. 28, 1908. 1st print. 1908. T1722 Same. 1909. V. 2. T1723 Same. 1909. V. 3. T1724 Same. 1909. V. 4. T1720 Same. 1909. V. 5. T1726 Same. 1909. V. 6. T1727 Same. 1909. V. 7. T1728 Same. 1909. V. 8. T1729 Same. 1909. V. 9. T1730 Tariff hea rings, [ recess No. 53 contains fThe Tariff Board, called in these hearings the "tariff commission," was created under sec. 2 of tariff act approved Au^. 5, 1909 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 83). The members of the board were appointed m September, and the first meeting was held Sept. 24, 1909. The act approved June 25, 1910 (Stat. L. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 703) carried an appropriation of $250,000 for the board. See, for further information concerning the board, the publication entitled Tariff Board and its work, speech by Henry C. Emery, chairman of board, before Association of Commerce of Chicago, Dec. 3, 1910, 61st Congress, 3d session, Senate document 700. 1651 Clatistlloatlun no. Y4.W86: T17»' T17" T17" T17" T17M T17W T1767 T17*» T17«» T1760 TI761 T1763 T1763 T17M T17W T17" T17«« T17«» T1770 T17" T1772 T1773 TI77* T17« T17^" T1777 T17 78 T1779 T1780 T1781 T1783 T17M T17 85 T1786 T1787 T1788 T55» T552 Y4. COMMITTEES OP CONOUESS-^Continucd Ways and Moans Committee (House) — Continued Same, no. 22, Nov. 30, 1908. 1st print. 1908. Same, no. 23, Dec. 1, 1908. Ist print. 1st print. Ist print. Ist print. Ist print. Ist print. 1908. Same, no. 24, Doc. 2, 1908. Same, no. 25, Dec. 3, 1908. Same, no. 26, Dec. 4, 1908. Same, no. 27, Dec. 5, 1908. Same, no. 28, Dec. 7, 1908. Same, 60th Congress [2d session], no. 29 1908. Same, no. 30, Dec. 10, 1908. Same, no. 31, Dec. 11, 1908. Same, no. 32, Dec. 12, 1908. Same, no. 33, Dec. 14, 1908. Same, no. 34, Dec. 15, 1908. Same, no. 35, Dec. 16, 1908. Same, no. 36, Dec. 17, 1908. Same, no. 37, Dec. 18, 1908. Same, no. 38, Dec. 18, 1908. Same, no. 39, Dec. 19, 1908. Same, no. 40, Dec. 21, 1908. Same, no. 41, Dec. 22, 1908. Same, no. 42, Dec. 23, 1908. Same, no. 43, Dec. 26, 1908. Same, no. 44, Dec. 28, 1908. Same, no. 45, Dec. 30, 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. Dec. 8, 1908. Ist print. Same, no. 46, Jan. 5, 1909. Same, no. 47, Jan. 13, 1909. Same, no. 48, Jan. 15, 1909. Same, no. 49, Jan. 30, 1909. Same, no. 50, Feb. 10, 1909. Same, no. 51, Feb. 17, 1909. Same, no. 52, Mar. 1, 1909. Same, no. 53, Mar. 10, 1909 Ist print. Ist print. Ist print. 1st print. 1st print. Ist print. Ist print. 1st print. 1st print. Ist print. Ist print. 1st print. 1st print. Ist print Ist print. Ist print. 1st print. 1st print. 1st print. 1st print. Ist print. Ist print. 1st print. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908. 1908 [1909]. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. [This appendix. Ist print, no. 53, contains last hearing, dated Feb. 24, 1909.] Tariff hearings. Index to Tariff hearings, [recess of 60th Congress] nos. 1-28 [Nov. 10-Dec. 7, 1908], index to names. [1908.] Same, [recess of 60th Congress, and 2d session] nos. 1-45 [Nov. 10- Dec. 30, 1908], index to names. [1909.] Tariff hearings. [Index to] Tariff hearings r60th Congress, 2d ses- sion], nos. 29-40 [Dec. 8-21, 1908], schedule A, chemicals, oils, and paints. [1908.] Same, nos. 29-44 [Dec. 8-28, 1908], schedule B, earths, earthen- ware, and glassware. [1908.] Same, nos. 29-44 [Dec. 8-28, 1908], schedule C, metals and manu- factures of [iron and steel]. [1908.] Tariff hearings [recess of 60th Congress], free list. [1908.] Tobacco growers. Relief of tobacco growers, hearings before sub- committee on internal revenue [on H. 1971, 3574, 4482, 9870, 10857], 58th Congress, 2d session, Feb. 4, 25, 1904. 1904. Tobacco coupons. Coupons, etc., in statutory packages of tobacco, Erizes to purchasers of cigars, cigarettes, and tobacco, hearings efore suocommittee on internal revenue, 57th Congress, 2d session, Feb. 4, 1903, [on] H. 16026 and 16457 [to amend sec. 3394, Revised statutes, as amended]. 1903. 1652 Cla8slflca4>lun no. Y4.W36: T55* T55« T68 V75 W27 W57 W721 W722 Y4.W84:: M19 W841 W842 W843 W84* W84« Y4. COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS— Continued Ways and Means Committee (House) — Continued Tobacco coupons. Anticoupon tobacco bill, hearings before sub- committee on internal revenue, 58th Congress, 2d session, Dec. 17, 1903, Jan. 15, 1904, to prohibit use of coupons, etc., in statutory packages of tobacco, gi\^ng premiums for return of coupons or tags [on H. 6, 97, to amend sec. 3394, as amended]. 1904. Tobacco coupons. Tax on tobacco coupons, hearings, 60th Congress, Ist session, on H. 16085, Apr. 2, 3, 1908. 1908. Same. [Reprint] 1909. Transportation. Immediate transportation of merchandise, hear- ings, 60th Congress, 1st session, on bills extending privi- lege of immediate transportation of merchandise to certain ports, Jan. 22, 1908; [statement of James B. Reynolds], 1908. Vinegar. Manufacture of vinegar by alcoholic vaporizing process, hearing before subcommittee on changes in internal revenue laws. Mar. 1, 1882 [47th Congress, Ist session]. [1882.] Washington State. Ports and subports in Washington and Sitka- Juneau, Alaska, hearings [on H. 1936, extending to subports in State of Washington privileges of 7th sec. of act approved June 10, 1880, governing immediate transportation of dutiable merchandise without appraisement, and Treasury Depart- ment substitute therefor, and on H. 1925, for removal of port of entry from Sitka to Juneau, Alaska], 58th Congress, 2d session, Jan. 13, 1904. 1904. Whisky bottled in bond, fruit brandy, hearings, 60th Congress, 1st session [on H. 17310, 17308], whisky bottled in bond, Mar. 14, 1908, [and H. 13456, to amend sec. 3255, Revised statutes as amended, concerning distilling of brandy from fruits, so as to include other fruits] Mar. 17, 1908. 1908. Wine. Pure wine, hearing, 59th Congress, Ist session, on H. 12868, Feb. 1, 1906. 1906. Wine. Fortified sweet wine, hearing, 59th Congress, 1st session, on H. 15266, to amend laws relating to fortification of pure sweet wines, Mar. 12, 1906. 1906. Woman Suffrage Select Committee (Senate) McKee's compilation. Reports, from organization of committee^ Dec. 5, 1882, to close of 49th Congress, 1887; compiled by T. H. McKee. 1887. * [See, for historical note concerning McKee's compilations, Y4,Ac2:M19.] Woman suffrage. Report of hearing, Feb. 15, 1898 [55th Congress, 2d session, concerning woman suffrage]. Feb. 26, 1898. Woman suffrage. Hearing, Feb. 13, 1900 [56th Congress, Ist session, on S. J. R. 80, proposing amendment to Constitution extend- ing right of suffrage to women]. [1900.] Woman suffrage, hearing [Feb. 18, 1902], on S. J. R. 53 [57th Con- gress, 1st session], proposing amendment to Constitution extending right of suffrage to women, 1902. Woman suffrage. Hearing [Feb. 16, 1904, 58th Congress, 2d session], on S. J. R. 4, proposing amendment to Constitution extend- ing right of suffrage to women, and S. 2728, to protect right of women to register and vote for members of House of Rep- resentatives. 1904. Same, Dec. 17, 1904, on S. 2728 [58th Congress, 3d session], to protect right of women to register and vote for members of House of Representatives. 1905. 165.1 Classlflratlon BO. Y6.1>: 78»-834 YS.l^: 789-901 Y5.13: 789-885 Y5.2: (CT) Y5. CONTESTED ELECTIONS Digests of contested elections (House and Senate) See also Y5.i-: and Yb.!"": Capes of contested elections in Congress, 1789-1834; by M. St. Clair (^larke and David Hall. Washington, printed by Gales and Sea ton, 1834. Same, 1834-65; by D. W. IJartlett. 1865. See [1234-57]. Digests of contested elections (House) See also Y5.\': Historical and legal digest of all contested election cases in House of Representatives from Ist to 56th Congress, 1789-1901; by Chester H. Rowell. 1901. [4172-510J [Other House digests covering portions of this period are found in the Congressional set as follows: 186&-71 (Bartlett) [1434-152] 1871-76 (Smith) [181&-52] 1870-80 ( E llsworth) I20«>4-571 1880-82 (Ellsworth) [2125-35] 1883-89 (Mobley) [2657-63] 1889-91 (Rowell) [2884-137] 1891-93 (Stofer) [3327-77].] Digests of contested elections (Senate) See also Y 5. 1': Compilation of Senate election cases, 1789-1885; by George S. Taft. [1st edition.] 1885. [2343-47] Same, continued to Mar, 3, 1893; by George P. Furber. [2d edition.] 1893. See [3069-67]. Same, continued to Mar. 3, 1903; by George M. Buck. [3d edition.] 1903. See[4558-ll]. [An edition was ordered printed by concurrent resolution of Apr. 30, 1898 (Stat. L. V. 30, p. 1798) which would have continued the work of Furber and cov- ered all Senate election cases up to July 8, 1898, but, presumably, this edition was never issued and the so-called 3d edition of Tait's compilation, printed as serial no. 4558, took the place of it.] Contested elections (miscellaneous cases) [The classification Y5.2: is used in Public Documents Library for the printed testimony, etc., in individual contested election cases before the Elections Committees, House (Y4.E122:) and the Privileges and Elections Committee, Senate (Y4.P93 6:). Individual contested election cases are not, however, listed in this Checklist. For a long period of time prior to and including the 48th Congress, which ad- journed Mar. 3, 1885, tne testimonv, etc., in contested election cases were printed as numbered Congressional documents, and were consequently bound and preserved in the Congressional set. In the Public Documents Library there are no editions without Congressional document numbers down to and including the 48th Congress, and probably the Congressional edition was the only form in which up to 1885 such testimony was printed as public documents. Beginning with the 49th Congress, the testimony in individual cases no longer appears in the Congressional set. Such portions of the testimony as both parties agree to have printed, or in case of disagreements between them, such portions as may be determined upon by the clerk of the House of Rep- resentatives are printed under the direction of said clerk, with a suitable index and accompanied by the notice of contest and the answer of the sitting member. The testimony, etc., mentioned above, with the briefs of the contestant and contestee (these briefs are not Government publications), form the basis upon which the Elections Committees, House, and the Privileges and Elec- tions Committee, Senate, make their reports to the House and Senate. These reports are included now, as heretofore, among the numbered House or Senate reports, and as such are included in the Congressional set. See, for other publications of interest in connection with contested elections, entries under Y4.E1 2 2: and Y4.P93 «: The existing law relating to contested elections is embraced in Revised statutes, sec. 105-130, as amended or modified by acts of Mar. 2, 1875, Mar. 3, 1879, and Mar. 2, 1887 (Stat. L. v. 18, pt. 3, p. 338; v. 20, p. 400; v. 24, p. 445). See. for Digests of contested elections, Y5.1 1-^:] 1654 Classification no. Y6.1 B41 J63 J632 J633 J634 Y6. IMPEACHMENTS Impeaclinients (proceedings in trials, etc.) [ITp to Dec. 31, 1909, 8 cases of impeachment have been tried before the Senate of the United States, the body designated by the Constitution as having sole power to try inipeaclunents. The names of those tried and the dates of their trials are as follows: William Blount (1797-99), John Pickering (1803-04), Samuel Chase (1804-05), James H. Peck (1830-31), West H. Humphreys (1862), Andrew Johnson (1868), William W. Belknap (1876), and Charles Swavne (1904-05). In some instances the proceedings were printed by firms other than those authorized by the Government, in which case they would not be entered in this Checklist. Such Government editions as are in the Public Documents Library are listed below, while references are given to those vol- umes of the proceedings of Congress which contain the trials not issued in separate form.] Belknap, William Worth. Proceedings of Senate sitting for trial of William W. Belknap, late Secretary of War, on articles of im- peachment exhibited by House of Representatives. 1876, [Also in Congressional record, v. 4, pt, 7 (X200).] Blount, William. See Annals of Congress, 5th Congress, 2d and 3d sessions, v. 2, p. 2245-2415 (X8). Chase, Samuel. See Annals of Congress, 8th Congress, 2d session, V. 2, p. 81-675 (X14). Humphreys, West Hughes. See Congressional globe, 37th Congress, 2d session, pt. 4, p. 2942-53 (X131). Johnson, Andrew. Trial of Andrew Johnson, President of United States, before Senate on impeachment by House of Representa- tives for high crimes and misdemeanors. 1868. v. 1. Same. 1868. v. 2. Same. 1868. v. 3. Johnson, Andrew. Proceedings in trial of Andrew Johnson, Presi- dent of United States before Senate on articles of impeachment exhibited by House of Representatives, with appendix. Washington, F. & J. Rives & Geo. A. Bailey, 1868. [Also, without appendix and index, in Congressional globe, 40th Congress, 2d session, supplement (X154).] J63 ^ Johnson, Andrew. Impeachment of President [trial before Senate] Mar. 13[-May 26, 1868]. [1868.] 1255 p. [The copy in the Public Documents Library is presumably a privately bound copy of the daily prints ordered under House resolution of Mar. 13, 1868, wnich directed that 5 copies in book form be furnished ''to each member of the House the next morning after its publication in the daily Globe."] J63^ I Johnson, Andrew. Articles of impeachment exhibited by House of ! Representatives against Andrew Johnson, President of United States, 40th Congress, 2d session, Mar. 2, 1868 [with testimony, Feb. 26, 1868, concerning removal of Secretary of War]. [1868.] [1350-91] J82 Journal. Extracts from Journal of Senate in cases of impeachments. Dec. 16, 1904. ! Peck, James H. See Register of debates, v. 6, pt. 1, p. 432, 455 (X50); V. 7, p. 3, 9-29, 33-45 (X52). ! Pickering, John. See Annals of Congress, 8th Congress, 1st session, I V. 1, p. 315-367 (X13). Sw2 i Swayne, Charles. Proceedings in Senate in matter of impeachment ' of Charles Swayne, judge of district court for northern district of Florida. 1905. [4773-194] [Issued also in separate signa- tures. Also in Congressional record, v. 39, pts. 2-4, passim (X398-^00).] Y7. MEMORIAL, ADDRESSES AND ADDRESSES ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC. ON Y7.1 Memorial addresses [In this class the Public Documents Library enters memorial addresses on the life and character of deceased Members of Congress and a few others.] Km Claiwinoatlon no. Y7. MEMORIAL ADDRESSES AND ADDRESSES ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC — Conlinued Y7.1: Memorial addresses— Oontinued Adl» AdP A13 A15» A15' An8 Ar6 B16 B23 B31 B35 B38 B61 B63 B7G B79 B84 B85 B91' B912 B931 AdaniH, John Quincy. Token of Nation's sorrow, addreflses in Con- gress, and funeral solemnitieH on death of John Quincy Adams [Representative from Massachusetts!, who died in Capitol at vVashin^'ton, Feb. 23, 1848. Washington, printed by J. and G. S, Gideon, 1848. [Not in Congressional set.] Adame, ITenry Cullen. Henry CuUen Adams, Representative from Wisconsin, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8" [5207-809] Alger, Russell Alexander. Russell Alexander Alger, Senator from Michigan, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8° [5102-405] Allen, Thomas. Memorial addresses on life and character of Thomas Allen, Representative from Missouri. 1884. large 8° [2235-47] Allison, William Boyd. William Boyd Allison, Senator from Iowa, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8° [5404-766] Anthony, Henry Bowen. Memorial addresses on life and character of Henry Bowen Anthony, Senator from Rhode Island. 1885. large 8« [2267-66] Amot, John, jr. Memorial addresses on life and character of John Arnot, jr., Representative from New York. 1887. large 8° [2494-159] Baird, Samuel T. Memorial addresses on life and character of Sam- uel T. Baird, Representative from Louisiana. 1900. large 8" [4008-753] Barbour, John Strode. Memorial addresses on life and character of John S. Barbour, Senator from Virginia. 1893. large 8° [3068-64] Bate, William Brimage. William Brimage Bate, Senator from Ten- nessee, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8" [5102-403 J Beach, Lewis. Memorial addresses on life and character of Lewis Beach, Representative from New York. 1887. large 8*» [2494-160] Beck, James Bumie. Memorial addresses on life and character of James B. Beck, Senator from Kentucky; prepared by W. H. Michael. 1891. large 8° [2820-26] Bland, Richard Parks. Memorial addresses on life and character of Richard P. Bland, Representative from Missouri. 1900. large 8» [4008-740] Bogy, Lewis Vital. Memorial addresses on life and character of Lewis V. Bogy, Senator from Missouri, 1878. large S** [Not in Congressional set.] Brick, Abraham Lincoln. Abraham L. Brick, Representative from Indiana, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8** [5539-1515] Brosius, Marriott. Memorial addresses on life and character of Marriott Brosius, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1902. large 8* [4396-712] Bryan, William James. William James Bryan, Senator from Florida, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8® [5404-771] Buckingham, Wm. Alfred. Memorial addresses on life and character of Wm. A. Buckingham, Senator of Connecticut. 1875. large 8*» [Not in Congressional set.] Burk, Henry. Henry Burk, Repre.'ientative from Pennsylvania, memorial addresses. 1905. large 8° [4892-473] Burke, Robert Emmet. Memorial addresses on life and character of Robert E. Burke, Representative from Texas. 1902. large 8* [4396-715] Burnes, James Nelson. Memorial addresses on life and character of James N. Burnes, Representative from Missouri. 1889. large 8* [2670-144] 165G Classlflcation no. Y7. MEMORIAL ADDRESSES AND ADDRESSES ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC.— Continued Y7.1: Memorial addresses— Continued C12 C17 C22 C27 C36 C44 C54 055 057^ C572 C65 C67 C71 C77 C831 C83^ C84» C842 Burnside, Ambrose Everett. Memorial addresses on life and charac- ter of Ambrose E. Burnside, Senator from Rhode Island. 1882. large 8** [Not in Congressional set.] Calhoun, John Caldwell. Obituary addresses delivered on death of John C. Calhoun, Senator of South Carolina, with funeral ser- mon of C. M. Butler. Washington, printed by Jno. T. Towers, 1850. [159-79] Caperton, Allen Taylor. Memorial addresses on life and character of Allen T. Caperton, Senator from West Virginia. 1877. large 8* [Not in Congressional set.] Carpenter, Matthew Hale. Memorial addresses on life and character of Matthew H. Carpenter, Senator from Wisconsin. 1882. large 8** [Not in Congressional set.] Castor, George A. George A. Castor, Representative from Pennsyl- vania, memorial addresses. 1907. large S"* [5207-803] Chandler, Zachariah. Memorial addresses on life and character of Zachariah Chandler, Senator from Michigan 1880. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Chipman, John Logan. Memorial addresses on life and character of J. Logan Chipman, Representative from Michigan. 1895, large 8° [3239-214] Clark, Rush. Memorial addresses on life and character of Rush Clark, Representative from Iowa. 1881. large 8* [Not in Congres- sional set.] Clarke, Frank Gay. Memorial addresses on life and character of Frank G. Clarke, Representative from New Hampshire. 1901. large 8« [4180-521] Clay, Henry. Obituary addresses on death of Henry Clay, Senator from Kentucky, and funeral sermon of C. M. Butler. Wash- ington, printed by Robert Armstrong, 1852. [Not in Congres- sional set.] Clayton, John Middleton. Obituary addresses on death of John M. Clayton, [Senator] of Delaware. Washington, A. 0. P. Nichol- son, public printer, 1857. [Not in Congressional set.] Cogswell, William. Memorial addresses on life and character of Wil- liam Cogswell, Representative from Massachusetts. 1897. large 8° [3535-332] Cole, William H. Memorial addresses on life and character of Wil- liam H. Cole, Representative from Maryland. 1887. large 8** [2494-162] Colquitt, Alfred Holt. Memorial addresses on life and character of Alfred Holt Colquitt, Senator from Georgia. 1895. large 8° [3287-153] Cooke, Edward Dean. Memorial addresses on life and character of Edward D. Cooke, Representative from Illinois. 1899. large 8° [3821-275] Covode, John. Memorial addresses on life and character of John Covode, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1871. [Not in Congressional set.] Cox, Samuel Sullivan. Memorial addresses on life and character of Samuel Sullivan Cox, Representative from New York. 1890. large 8° [2782-243] Craig, Alexander Kerr. Memorial addresses on life and character of Alexander K. Craig, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1893. large 8« [3123-97] Crain, William Henrj^. Memorial addresses on life and character of William H. Crain, Representative from Texas. 1897. large 8" [3454-429] in: )/ CUsNltlratlon Y7i no. MEMORIAL ADDRESSES AND ADDRESSES ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC.— Continued Y7.1: I Memorial addresses— Continue [4892-470] Crump, Rousseau O. Memorial addresses on life and character of Rousseau O. Crump, Representative from Michigan. 1903. large 8« [4544-462] Cummings, Amos Jay. Memorial addresses on life and character of Amos J. Cummings, Representative from New York. 1902. large 8« [4396-711] Daly, William D. Memorial addresses on life and character of Wil- liam D. Daly, Representative from New Jersey. 1901. large 8« [4180-522] Danford, Lorenzo. Memorial addresses on life and character of Lo- renzo Danford, Representative from Ohio. 1900. large 8° [4008-740] Davis, Cushman Kellogg. Memorial addresses on life and character of Cushman Kellogg Davis, Senator from Minnesota. 1901. large 8° [4046-230] Davis, Garrett. Memorial addresses on life and character of Garrett Davis, Senator from Kentucky. 1873. large 8° [Not in Con- gressional set.] Davis, Henry Winter. Oration on life and character of Henry Winter Davis [Representative from Maryland]; by John A. J. Cres- well. 1866. 43 p. [Not in Congressional set.] Same [with Speeches and resolutions of bar of Baltimore, etc.]. 1866. 119 p. [Not in Congressional set.] De Graffenried, Reese Calhoun. Memorial addresses on life and character of R. C. De Graffeiu-eid [De Graffenried], Repre- sentative from Texas. 1903. large 8° [4544-469] Dingley, Nelson. Memorial addresses on life and character of Nelson Dingley, Representative from Maine. 1899. large 8° [3821- 271] Douglas, Beverly B. Memorial addresses on life and character of Beverly B. Douglas, Representative from Virginia. 1879. large 8° [Not in (Congressional set.] Douglas, Stephen Arnold. Addresses on death of Stephen A. Doug- las [Senator from Illinois]. 1861. [Not in Congressional set,] Dowdney, Abraham. Memorial addresses on life and character of Abraham Dowdney, Representative from New York. 1887. large 8° [2494-158] Duncan, William A. Memorial addresses on life and character of William A. Duncan, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1885. large 8« [2315-27] Dunwell, Charles Tappan . Charles T. Dunwell, Representative from New York, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8** [5539-1516] Earle, Joseph Ilaynesworth. Memorial addresses on life and charac- ter of Joseph H. Earle, Senator from South Carolina. 1898. large 8° [3617-283] Ell wood, Reuben. Memorial addresses on life and character of Reu- ben Ellwood, Representative from Illinois. 1886. large 8° [2420-302] Enochs, William H. Memorial addresses on life and character of William H. Enochs, Representative from Ohio. 1895. lai^e 8° [3239-215] 1058 ClasHlftcatiou no. Y7.1: Ep2 Er5 Ev3 F24 F41 F42» F422 F59 F68 F73 F75 G14 G18 G25 026 G29 G35 G68 G76 G83 Y7. MEMORIAL ADDRESSES AND ADDRESSES ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC.— Continued Memorial addresses — Continued Epi Memorial addresses on life and character of Representative from Virginia. 1900. large Sydney Parham . Sydney P. Epes, 8° [4008-755] Ermen trout, Daniel. Memorial addresses on life and character of Daniel Ermentrout, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1900. large 8« [4008-754] Evins, John Hamilton, Memorial addresses on life and character of John H. Evins, Representative from South Carolina. 1885. large 8° [2315-28] Farr, Evarts W, Memorial addresses on life and character of Evarts W. Farr, Representative from New Hampshire. 1881. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Ferry, Orris Sanford. Memorial addresses on life and character of Orris S. Ferry, Senator from Connecticut. 1876. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Fessenden, William Pitt. Death of [William Pitt] Fessenden [Senator from Maine]; eulogies by John Lynch, John A. Peters, James Brooks, Henry L. Dawes, Eugene Hale. Washington, F. & J. Rives & Geo. A. Bailey, 1869. [Not in Congressional set.] Fessenden, William Pitt. Memorial addresses on life and character of William Pitt Fessenden, Senator from Maine. 1870. Iarge8° [Not in Congressional set.] Flack, WiUiam Henry. William Henry Flack, Representative from New York, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8° [5207-810] Foerderer, Robert Hermann. Robert H. Foerderer, Representative- elect from Pennsylvania, memorial addresses. 1905. large 8° [4892-472] Foot, Solomon. Proceedings on death of Solomon Foot [Senator from Vermont], including addresses. 1866. [Not in Congressional set.] Ford, Melbourne Haddock. Memorial addresses on life and charac- ter of Melbourne H. Ford, Representative from Michigan. 1893. large 8« [3123-98] Gamble, John Rankin. Memorial addresses on life and character of John R. Gamble, Representative from South Dakota. 1893. large 8° [3123-99] Garfield, James Abram. James A. Garfield, memorial address; by James G. Blaine. 1882. large 8« [1997-123] [See also Y7.1: L632and Y7.2:G18.] Gay, Edward J. Memorial addresses on life and character of Edward J. Gay, Representative from Louisiana. 1891. large 8° [2876-108] Gear, John Henry. Memorial addresses on life and character of John Henry Gear, Senator from Iowa. 1901. large 8° [4046-236] George, James Zachariah. Memorial addresses on life and character of James Z. George, Senator from Mississippi. 1898. large 8" [3617-344] Gibson, Randall Lee. Memorial addresses on life and character of Randall Lee Gibson, Senator from Louisiana. 1894. large 8<* [3172-178] Gorman, Arthur Pue. Arthur Pue Gorman, Senator from Maryland, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8° [5102-404] Granger, Daniel Lamed Davis, Daniel L. D. Granger, Representa- tive from Rhode Island, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8*> [5539-1514] Greene, William L. Memorial addresses on life and character of William L. Greene, Representative from Nebraska. 1900. large 8« [4008-752] um ClasKlflratloa no. Y7.1: H19 H22 H24 H25 H27 H31 H33 H35 H38 H39 H43 H52 H55 H63 H65' H65» H65' H65* H67 H73 Y7. MEMORIAL ADDRESSE8 AND ADDRESSES ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC.— Continued Memorial addresses—Continued Hahn, Michael. Memorial addrenses on life and fharacter of Michael Hahn, llepreeentative from Louisiana. 1886. large S" [2420-380] Hanna, Marcus Alonzo. Marcus A . Hanna, Senator from Ohio, memo- rial addresses. 1904. large 8«> [4626-321] Harmer, Alfred C. Memorial addresses on life and character of Alfred C. Harmer, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1901. large 8« [4180-525] Harris, Isham Green. Memorial addresses on life and character of Isham G. Harris, Senator from Tennessee. 1898. large 8° [3017-343] Hartridge, Julian. Memorial addresses on life and character of Julian Hartridge, Representative from Georgia. 1879. large 8<* [Not in Congressional set.] Haskell, Dudley Chase. Memorial addresses on life and character of Dudley C. Haskell, Representative from Kansas. 1884. large 8° [2235-46] Hawk, Robert Moffett Allison. Memorial addresses on life and char- acter of Robert M. A. Hawk, Representative from Illinois. 1883. large 8« [2124-33] Haywaj-d, Monroe Leland. Memorial addresses on life and character of Monroe L. Hayward, Senator from Nebraska, 1900. large 8" [3882-455] Hearst, George. Memorial addresses on life and character of George Hearst, Senator from California. 1894. large 8« [3068-65] Hendricks, Thomas Andrew. Memorial addresses on life and char- acter of Thomas A . Hendricks, Vice-President of United States. 1886. large 8« [2347-120] Henry, Joseph. Memorialbf Joseph Henry. 1880. large 8^ [Not in Congressional set.] Hemdon, Thomas Hood. Memorial addresses pn life and character of Thomas H. Herndon, Representative from Alabama. 1884. large 8° [2235-53] Hicks, Thomas Holliday. Addresses on death of T. H. Hicks. 1865. [Not in Congressional set.] Hill, Benjamin Harvey. Memorial addresses on life and character of Benjamin Harvey Hill, Senator from Georgia. 1883. large 8*' [2085-32] Hitt, Robert Roberts. Robert Roberts Uitt, Representative from Illinois, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8« [5207-808] Hoar, George FrLsbie. George F. Hoar, Senator from Massachusetts, memorial addresses. 1905. large 8<> [4779-201] Hoar, Rockwood. Rockwood Hoar, Representative from Massachu- setts, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8° [5207-806] Hobart, Garret Augustus. Memorial address upon Garret A. Hobart, Vice-President of United States, by John W. Griggs, delivered before legislature of New Jersey, Feb. 21, 1900. 1900. [Not in Congressional set.] Hobart, Garret Augustus. Memorial addresses on life and character of Garret A. Hobart, Vice-President of United States. 1900. large 8« [3882-450] Hoffecker, John Henry. Memorial addresses on life and character of John H. Hoffecker, Representative from Delaware. 1901. large 8° [4180-520] Holman, William Steele. Memorial addresses on life and character of William S. Holman, Representative from Indiana. 1898. large 8° [3690-321] 1660 Classttication no. Y7.1: H811 H812 H813 H93 J63 K28 K33 K36 K46 K49 K58 K98 L13 L14 L34 L45 L51 L55 L56 Y7. MEMORIAL ADDRESSES AND ADDRESSES ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC.— Continued Memorial addresses— Continued Houk, George W. Memorial addresses on life and character of George W. Houk, Representative from Ohio. 1895. large 8° [3337- 82] Houk, Leonidas Campbell. Memorial addresses on life and character of Leonidas Campbell Houk, Representative from Tennessee. 1892. large 8« [2990-234] Houston, George Smith. Memorial addresses on life and character of George S. Houston, Senator from Alabama. 1880. large 8*' [Not in Congressional set.] Hurley, Denis M. Denis M. Hurley, Representative from New York, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8° [5207-801] Johnson, Andrew. Memorial addresses on life and character of Andrew Johnson, Senator from Tennessee. 1876. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Kelley, William Darrah. Memorial addresses on life and character of William D. Kelley, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1890. large 8« [2782-229] Kendall, John W. Memorial addresses on life and character of John W. Kendall, Representative from Kentucky. 1893. large 8* [3123-100] Kenna, John Edward. Memorial addresses on life and character of John Edward Kenna, Senator from West Virginia. 1893. large 8° [3068-66] Kerr, Michael Crawford. Memorial addresses on life and character of Michael Crawford Kerr, Speaker of House of Representatives. 1877. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Ketcham, John Henry. John Henry Ketcham, Representative from New York, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8^ [5207-811] King, William R. Obifuary addresses on death of William R. King, of Alabama, Vice President of United States. Washington, printed by Beverley Tucker, 1854. [Not in Congressional set.] Kyle, James Henderson. Memorial addresses on life and character of James H. Kyle, Senator from South Dakota. 1902. large 8® [4252-451] La Fayette, Marie Paul Roch Yves Gilbert Motier, marquis de. Ora- tion on life and character of Gilbert Motier de Lafayette, deliv- ered at request of both Houses of Congress before them in House of Representatives at Washington, Dec. 31, 1834; by John Quincy Adams, Member of House. W^ashington, printed by Gales and Seaton, 1835. [Appears also in House journal, 23d Congress, 2d session, p. 657, serial no. 270.] Laird, James. Memorial addresses on life and character of James Laird, Representative from Nebraska; edited by W. H. Michael. 1891. large 8o [2782-266] Latimer, Asbury Church well. Asbury Church well Latimer, Senator from South Carolina, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8o [5404-767] Lay, Alfred Morrison. Memorial addresses on life and character of Alfred Morrison Lay, Representative from Missouri. 1881. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh. Memorial addresses on life and char- acter of William H. F. Lee, Representative from Virginia. 1892. large 8° [2990-320] Leonard, John Edwards. Memorial addresses on life and character of John Edwards Leonard, Representative from Louisiana. 1879. large 8^* [Not in Congressional set.] Lester, Rufus Ezekiel. Rufua Ezekiel Lester, Representative from Georgia, memorial addresses. ]907. large 8° [5207-807] 1661 ( UHsiflcation Y7. MEMORIAL. A1)]>R£88£8 AND ADDRE88ES "" ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC- Continued Y7.1: Memorial addresses— Continued L62 Lilly, William. Memorial addre»Hes on life and character of William Lilly, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1895. larpc 8<* [3239-216] L63* Lincoln, Abraham. Memorial address on life and character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered, at request of both Houses of Con- gres8, in House of Representatives at Washington, Feb. 12, 1866; by George Bancroft. 1866. [Not in Congressional set.] [See also Y7,l:L6S-.] L63^ Lincoln, Abraham. Memorial addresses on life and character of Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, [and] William McKinley ; prepared by Charles Rowley Cuahman. 1903. large 4® [4432- 219] [See also Y7.1:G18, L63 \ and M21.] L68 Lisle, Marcus Claiborne. Memorial addresses on life and services of Marcus Claiborne Lisle, Representative from Kentucky. 1895. large 8" [3337-83] L82 ^ Logan, John Alexander. Memorial addresses on life and character of John Alexander Logan, Senator from Illinois, delivered in Sen- ate and House of Representatives; prepared by W. B. Taylor. 1887. 220 p. 1 pi. large 8° [2455-93] L82 - Logan, John Alexander. Memorial addresses on life and character of John Alexander Logan, Senator from Illinois, delivered in Sen- ate. 1887. 44 p. [In 2455-93] L94 Love, William Franklin. Memorial addresses on life and character of William F. Love, Representative from Mississippi. 1899. largest [3821-273] L95 Lowe, William Manning. Memorial addresses on life and character of WilliamM.Lowe, Representative from Alabama. 1883. large 8« [2124-30] M14 McDonald, Edward Francis. Memorial addresses on life and charac- ter of Edward F. McDonald, Representative from New Jersey. 1893. large 8° [3123-101] M21 McKinley, William. Memorial address on life and character of William McKinley; by John Hay. 1903. large 4° [4537-453] [SeealsoY7.l:L6Z-.] M22 McMillan, James. James McMillan, Senator from Michigan, memo- rial addresses. 1903. large 8« [4437-225] M27 Mahony, William Frank. William F. Mahoney [Mahony], Represen- tative from Illinois, memorial addresses. 1905. large 8® [4892-468] M29 Mallory, Stephen Russell. Stephen Russell Mallory, Senator from Florida, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8° [5404-762] M35 Marsh, Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin Marsh, Representa- tive from Illinois, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8° [5207- 802] M57 Meyer, Adolph. Adolph Meyer, Representative from Louisiana, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8° [5539-1517] M61 Miller, John Franklin. Memorial addresses on life and character of John Franklin Miller, Senator from California. 1887. large 8<* [2347-145] M62 Milliken, Seth L. Memorial addresses on life and character of Seth L. Milliken, Representative from Maine. 1898. large 8** [3690-543] M72 Moffatt, Seth C. Memorial addresses on life and character of Seth C. Moffatt, Representative from Michigan. 1889. large 8* [2576-577] M77 Moody, James Montraville. Memorial addresses on life and charac- ter of James M. Moody, Representative from North Carolina. 1903. large 8° [4544^66] 1662 Classiflcation no. Y7.1: M82 M831 M832 M84 M98 N81 N97 Oc5 On2 Or8 Ot2 Ot4 P22 P25 P27 P51 P631 P632 P65 Y7. MEMORIAL ADDRESSES AND ADDRESSES ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC.— Continued Memorial addresses— Continued Moi^n, John Tyler. John Tyler Morgan and Edmund Winston Pettus, Senators from Alabama, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8° [5404-763] Morrill, Justin Smith. Memorial addresses on life and character of Justin S. Morrill, Senator from Vermont. 1899. large 8" [3736-170] Morse, Samuel Finley Breese. Memorial of Samuel Finley Breese Morse, including appropriate ceremonies of respect at National Capitol and elsewhere. 1875. large 8" [Not in Congressional set.] Morton, Oliver Perry. Memorial addresses on life and character of Oliver P. Morton, Senator from Indiana. 1878. large 8*^ [1785-20] Mutchler, William. Memorial addresses on life and character of William Mutchler, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1893. large 8" [3239-93] North way, Stephen A. Memorial addresses on life and character of Stephen A. Northway, Kepresentative from Ohio. 1899. large 8° [3821-274] Nutting, Newton W. Memorial addresses on life and character of Newton W. Nutting, Representative from New York. 1890. large 8» [2782-264] O'Connor, Michael Patrick. Memorial addresses on life and charac- ter of Michael P. O'Connor, Representative from South Carolina. 1882. large 8« [2054-59] O'Neill, Charles. Memorial addresses on life and character of Charles O'Neill, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1895. large 8® [3344-1753] Orth, Godlove Stoner. Memorial addresses on life and character of Godlove S. Orth, Representative from Indiana. 1883. large 8° [2124-32] Otey, Peter Johnston. Memorial addresses on life and character of Peter J. Otey, Representative from Virginia. 1902. large 8* [4396-714] Otis, Norton P. Norton P. Otis, Representative from New York, memorial addresses. 1905. large S" [4892-469] Parker, William H. William H. Parker, Representative from South Dakota, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8° [5539-1513] Parsons, Edward Young. Memorial addresses on life and character of Edward Young Parsons, Representative from Kentucky. 1878. large 8" [Not in Congressional set.] Patterson, George Robert. George Robert Patterson, Representa-^, tive from Pennsylvania, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8° [5207-804] Pettus, Edmund Winston. See Y7.1:M82. Phelan, James. Memorial addresses on life and character of James Phelan, Representative from Tennessee. 1891. large 8'' [2876-135] Pike, Austin Franklin. Memorial addresses on life and character of Austin F. Pike, Senator from New Hampshire, delivered in Senate and House of Representatives; prepared by W. H. Michael. 1888. [2] + 89 p. 1 pi. large S'' [2455-94] Same, delivered in Senate. 1887. [l]+20 p. [In 2455-94] Pinckney, John McPherson. John McPherson Pinckney, Repre- sentative from Texas, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8** [5207-805] Piatt, Orville Hitchcock. Orville Hitchcock Piatt, Senator from Connecticut, memorial addresses. 1906. large 8" [4938-534] 1663 CUMlflcstlon no. Y7. MEMORIAL, ADDRESSES AND ADDRESSES ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC.— I'ontiniKHl Y7.1: Memorial addresses— (Continued P73 P75 P84 P87 P93 P94 Q2 Q4 R15 Rie R36 R52 R54 R86 R91 Sa3 Sch3 Se7 Se8 Shi Plumb, Preston B. Memorial addreRsea on life and character of Preston B. Plumb, Senator from Kansas; prepared by W. H. Michael. 1892. large 8* [2910-228J Polk, Rufufl King. Memorial addrenses on life and character of Rufus K. Polk, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1902. large 8° [439G-716] Poet, Philip Sidney. Memorial addresses on life and services of Philip Sidney Post, Representative from Illinois. 1895. large 8° [3337-80] Powers, Llewellyn. Llewellyn Powers, Representative from Maine, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8" [5539-1512] Price, William Thompson. Memorial addresses on life and character of William T. Price, Representative from Wisconsin. 1887. large 8° [2494-161] Proctor, Red field. Redfield Proctor, Senator from Vermont, memo- rial addresses. 1909. large 8« [5404-764] Quay, Matthew Stanley. Matthew Stanley Quay, Senator from Pennsylvania, memorial addresses. 1905. large 8** [4779- 202] Quinn, Terrence J. Memorial addresses on life and character of Terrence J. Quinn, Representative from New York. 1879. large 8" [Not in Congressional set.] Randall, Samuel Jackson. Memorial addresses on life and character of Samuel J. Randall, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1891. large 8° [2782-265] Rankin, Joseph. Memorial addresses on life and character of Joseph Rankin, Representative from Wisconnin. 1886. large 8* [2420-379] Rice, John Blake. Eulogies: John B. Rice, of Illinois; Alvah Crocker, of Massachusetts; Samuel F. Hersey, of Maine; Samuel Hooper, of Massachusetts. [1875.] large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Rixey, John Franklin. John Franklin Rixey, Representative from Vu-ginia, memorial addresses. 1907. large 8*> [5207-812] Robertson, Edward Whit-e. Memorial addresses on life and char- acter of Edward W. Robertson, Representative from Louisiana. 1889. laiKe8« [2670-143] Rumple, John Nicholas William. Memorial addresses on life and character of John N. W. Rumple, Representative from Iowa. 1903. large 8« [4544-464] Russell, Charles Addison. Memorial addresf^es on life and character of Charles A . Russell, Representative from Connecticut. 1903. large 8<» [4544-465J Salmon, Joshua S. Memorial addresses on life and character of Joshua S. Salmon, Representative from New Jersey. 1903. large 8° [4544-468] Schleicher, Gustave. Memorial addresses on life and character of Gustavo Schleicher, Representative from Texas. 1880. large 8** [Not in Congressional set.] Settle, Evan Evans. Memorial addresses on life and character of Evan E. Settle, Representative from Kentucky. 1900. large 8° [4008-751] Sewell, William Joyce. Memorial addresses on life and character of William J. Sewell, Senator from New Jersey. 1903. large 8" [4437-226] Shackelford, John Williams. Memorial addresses on life and char- acter of John W. Shackelford, Representative from North Carolina. 1883. large 8« [2124-34] 1664 Cltsslftcation no. Y7. MEMORIAL. ADDRESSES AND ADDRESSES ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC Continued Y7.1: I Memorial addresses — Continued i Shaw, George BuUen. Memorial addresses on life and character of i George Bullen Shaw, Representative from Wisconsin. 1895. large 80 [3337-81] Shaw, Albert Duane. Memorial addresses on life and character of Albert D. Shaw, Representative from New York, 1901. large 8° [4180-523] Sheppard, John Levi. Memorial addresses on life and character of John L. Sheppard, Representative from Texas. 1903. large 8'* [4544-467] Simpkins, John. Memorial addresses on life and character of John Simpkins, Representative from Massachusetts. 1899. large 8*' [3821-272] Skiles, William Woodburn. William W. Skilea, Representative from Ohio, memorial addresses. 1905. large 8° [4892-471] Slemp, Campbell. Campbell Slemp, Representative from Virginia, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8'> [5539-1518] Smith, George W. George W, Smith, Representative from Illinois, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8" [5539-1545] Spinola, Francis B. Memorial addresses on life and character of Francis B. Spinola, Representative from New York. 1893, large 8° [3123-102] Stackhouse, Eli Thomas. Memorial addresses on life and character of Eli Thomas Stackhouse, Representative from South Caro- lina. 1893. large 8° [3123-103] Stanford, Leland. Memorial addresses on life and character of Leland Stanford, Senator from California. 1894. large S° [3172-122] Starkweather, Henry H. Memorial addresses on life and character of Henry H. Starkweather, Representative from Connecticut. 1876. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Stevens, Thaddeus. Memorial addresses on life and character of Thaddeus Stevens [Representative from Pennsylvania]. 1869. [Not in Congressional set.] Stockbridge, Francis Browne. Memorial addresses on life and character of Francis Browne Stockbridge, Senator from Michi- gan. 1895. large 8» [3287-152] Stokes, James William. Memorial addresses on life and character of J. William Stokes, Representative from South Carolina. 1902. large 8" [439&-713] Sumner, Charles. Memorial addresses on life and character of Charles Sumner, Senator of Massachusetts. 1874. large S° [Not in Congressional set.] Taylor, Zachary. Obituary addresses delivered on death of Zachary Taylor, rresident of United States, in Senate and House of Representatives, July 10, 1850, with funeral sermon by Smith Pyne, preached in Presidential Mansion, July 13, 1850. Wash- ington, printed by William M. Belt, 1850. [Not in Congres- sional set.] T21- Same [with appendix]. Washington, printed by William M. Belt, 1850. [Not in Congressional set.] T37 Thompson, Charles W. Charles W. Thompson, Representative from Alabama, memorial addresses. 1905. large 8° [4892-478] T61 Tongue, Thomas H. Memorial addresses on life and character of Thomas H. Tongue, Representative from Oregon. 1903. large 8« [4544-463] T66 Townshend, Richard Wellington. Memorial addresses on life and character of Richard W. Townshend, Representative from Illinois. 1890. large 8" [2782-262] Sh2 Sh22 Sh4 Si5 Sk3 SI 2 Sm5 Sp4 Stl St2i St2-' St4 St6i St62 Su6 T211 1665 GUMltlcatioD no. Y7. MEMORIAL ADDRE88E8 AND ADDRESSES ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC.— Continued Y7.1: Memorial addresses — Continued Upl V27 W15 W17 W26 W33 W39 W44 W62 W641 W64 2 W67 W69» W692 W75 W85 W93' W932 Y7.2: B44 82452°- Updograff, Jonathan T. Memorial addresses on life and character of Jonathan T. IJpdegraff, Representative from Ohio. 1883. large 8« [2124-31J Vance, Zebulon Baird. Memorial addresses on life and character of Zebiilon Baird Vance, Senator from North Carolina. 1895. large 8« [3287-151] Walker, James Peter. Memorial addresses on life and character of James P. Walker, Representative from Missouri. 1891. large 8° [2876-134] Walthall, Edward Cary. Memorial addresses on life and character of Edward C. Walthall, Senator from Mississippi. 1899. large 8° [3736-171] Warwick, John George. Memorial addresses on life and character of John G. Warwick, Representative from Ohio. 1893. large 8° [3123-104] Watson, Lewis Findlay. Memorial addresses on life and character of Lewis F. Watson, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1891. large 8« [2876-133] Webster, Daniel. Obituary addresses on death of Daniel Webster, Secretary of State. Washington, printed by Robert Armstrong, 1853. [Not in Congressional set.] Welch, Frank. Memorial addresses on life and character of Frank Welch, Representative from Nebraska. 1879. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Whyte, William Pinkney. William Pinkney WTiyte, Senator from Maryland, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8° [5404-765] Wilber, David. Memorial addresses on life and character of David Wilber, Representative from New York. 1890. large 8° [2782-263] Wiley, Ariosto Appling. Ariosto A. Wiley, Representative from Alabama, memorial addresses. 1909. large 8° [5539-1544] Williams, Alpheus Starkey . Memorial addresses on life and character of Alpneus S. Williams, Representative from Michigan. 1880. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Wilson, Ephraim King. Memorial addresses on life and character of Ephraim King Wilson, Senator from Maryland . 1893. large 8** [2910-229] Wilson, Henry. Memorial addresses on life and character of Henry Wilson, Vice-President of United States. 1876. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] W^ise, Richard Alsop. Memorial addresses on life and character of Richard Alsop Wise, Representative from Virginia. 1901. large 8° [4180-524] Wood, Fernando. Memorial addresses on life and character of Fer- nando Wood, Representative from New York. 1882. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Wright, Ashley Bascom. Memorial addresses on life and character of Ashley B. Wright, Representative from, Massachusetts. 1898. large 8" [3690-464] Wright, Myron B. Memorial addresses on life and services of Myron B. Wright, Representative from Pennsylvania. 1895. large 8° [3337-85] Addresses on acceptance of statues, etc. Austin, Stephen Fuller. See Y7.2:H81. Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss. See Y7.2:Se2. Benton, Thomas Hart. Proceedings upon acceptance of statues of Thomas H. Benton and Francis P. Blair, presented by Mis- souri. 1900. lai^8*» [3880-456] 11 105 1666 Classification Y7. no. Y7.2: C23 C27 D92 G18 G76 H81 In4 J13 J35 M35 M84 Se2 Sh5 St2 W271 W272 W39» W392 W66 MEMORIAL ADDRESSES AND ADDRESSES ON ACCEPTANCE OF STATUES, ETC.— Continued Addresses on acceptance of statues, etc.— Continued Blair, Francis Preston. See Y7.2:B44. Carroll, Charles. Proceedings upon acceptance from Maryland of statues of Charles Carroll of Carrollton and John Hanson, erected in Statuary Hall of Capitol. 1903. large 8° [4559-13] Cass, Lewis. Proceedings upon acceptance of statue of Lewis Cass, presented by Michigan. 1889. large 8^ [2670-145] Du Pont, Samuel Francis. Oration delivered by Thomas F, Bayard at unveiling of statue of Samuel Francis Du Pont, Washington, D. C, Dec. 20, 1884. 1885. large 8° [2296-41] Garfield, James Abram. Addresses on acceptance of statue of James A. Garfield, presented by Ohio. 1886. large 8° [2347-104] Grant, Ulysses Simpson. Proceedings on acceptance of statue of Ulysses S. Grant, presented by Grand Army of the Republic, May 19, 1900. 1901. large 8° [3880-451] Hanson, John. See Y7.2:C23. Houston, Sam. Statues of Sam Houston and Stephen F. Austin erected in Statuary Hall of Capitol, proceedings on acceptance of statues from Texas. 1905. large 8° [4778-474] Ingalls, John James. Statue of John James Ingalls erected in Statu- ary Hall of Capitol, proceedings on acceptance of statue from Kansas. 1905. large 8« [4778-199] Jackson, Andrew. Addresses on presentation of sword of Andrew Jackson to Congress, Feb. 26, 1855. Washington, printed by Beverley Tucker, 1855. [Not in Congressional set.] Jefferson, Thomas. Proceedings, Apr. 23, 1880, on presentation of Thomas Jefferson's writing-desk to United States by heirs of late Joseph Coolidge, jr. 1882. [1925-75] Marshall, John. Exercises at ceremony of unveiling statue of John Marshall, in front of Capitol, Washington, May 10, 1884, with address of Chief Justice Waite and oration of William Henry Rawle, with proceedings of Philadelphia bar relating to monu- ment. 1884. large 8« [2176-544] Morton, Oliver P. Proceedings upon acceptance of statue of Oliver P. Morton, presented by Indiana. 1900. large 8" [3880^48] Sedgwick, Theodore. Speeches delivered Jan. 19, 1888, on presenta- tion by Massachusetts to National Government of portraits of ex-Sfjeakers Sedgwick, Vamum, and Banks. 1888. large 8° [Not in Congressional set.] Sherman, William T. Sherman, memorial in art, oratory, and litera- ture by Society of the Army of the Tennessee with aid of Con- gress; by DeB. Randolph Keim. 1904. large 8° [4625-320] Stark, John. Proceedings upon acceptance of statues of John Stark and Daniel Webster, presented by New Hampshire. 1895. large 8° [3284-64] [See also Y7.2 :W39 1.^.] Vamum, Joseph Bradley. See Y7.2:Se2. Washington, George. Address in commemoration of inauguration of George Washington as 1st President of United States; delivered Dec. 11, 1889, by Melville Weston Fuller. 1890. [2768-168] Washington National Monument. Dedication of Washington Na- tional Monument, with orations by Robert C. Winthrop and John W. Daniel, Feb. 21, 1885. 1885. large 8° [2267-56] Webster, Daniel. Acceptance and unveiling of statue of Daniel Web- ster, Washington [D. C], Jan. 18, 1900. 1900. 34 p. large 8° [3886-212] [See also Y7. 2 -.812.] Same. 1900. 34 p. 5 pi. large 8» Willard, Frances Elizabeth. Statue of Frances E. Willard, erected in Statuary Hall of Capitol, proceedings on acceptance of statue from Illinois. 1905. large 8° [4778-200] 1667 Y8. MESSAGE AND DOCUMENTS [The set known as " Message and dooumeats" isnot lltsteU in thisChecklbt. Tbesetbad no value, because it was merely a duplication (except for binding) of some of the volumes which appeared in the Congres- sional set: yet it \ hod for nearly haii a centiiry, beginning about 184i-43, or possibly a little earlier, and end i Message and documents communicated to Congress at the beginning of the 2d session of tho vs, being the Issues for ISOfV 97. The double dates are those of the beginning and ending of tlu' session of Cohrtcss to \ .\ ere transmitted. The annual reports contained are for tlie year corresl)on(lln^,' • ■ dates. There seems to have been no definite provision of law which iustified II i nation of the set. The series consisted in the early days of the .M< vsa-c cf iii.> I'nsident and the annual reports, with their accompanyiuK papers, of such of the Executive ueparlinenls as were required by law to present their reports to Congress ilirough the I'resklent; but beginning with the Message to the 1st session of the 4Sth Congress, for 1883-84, the "Message" no longer appeared In tho set, and the name "Message and docu- ments." by which it was still Icnown to the end of its existence, became a misnomer. The annual reports of Executive Departments contained in the set have varied considerably; but the annual reports of the Treasury Department and its subordinate bureaus, which were submitted directly to Congress and not through the I'resident, were never included in the Message and documents series. It seems absurd that an ''Abridgment" should contain important matter not found in the volumes abridged; still it Is true that the Abridgments of message and documents (a series which began In 1858 and is still in 1911 compiled by law under the direction of the I'rinting Joint Committee; »eeY4.I'93':2) contained the Treasury reports not found in the Massage and documents set, and contained also the Message of the President, which as noted above was omitted from the Message and documents set begln- nhig with the 1883-84 issue. The number of booics for each vear in the Message and documents series varied from 1 to 19. For several of the early years the individual books carried a general part number for the year, but later the general part number no longer was used and thereafter the individual books carried either no part or volume number at all or else only the volume or part number of the particular annual report Itself. This fact malvcs the set difficult to arrange on library shelves. The I'ublic Documents Library classifies its'Message and documents set under Y8., followed between the period and the colon by the number of the Congress and session, the number of the session appearing as a superior figure; for example, Y8.o3»: Two styles of book numbers are recjuired after the colon, but of course only one stvle is necessary in the same vear. First, for those early years which have a general I)art number, this becomes the book number. Second, for the later issues where there is no general part or volume number covering all the books for any individual year, the Public Documents Lil)rary uses as book number a capital letter indicating the initial of the Executive Department concerned (or 2 or more initials separated by commas, in case a book contains reports from 2 or more Executive Depart- ments); In cases where the report of one Department fills several volumes, these are distinguished by adding superior numbers after the initial of the Department. Following are examples: Y8.378:5= Message and documents, 37th Congress, 3d session, 18(52-€3, pt. 5 Y8.38i:P,A= Message and documents, 38th Congress, 1st session, 18C3-64, Post-Oflice Dept., Commis- sioner of Agriculture, etc. Y8.38 1:8 »= Message and documents, 38th Congress, 1st session, 1863-64, State Dept., pt. 1 Y8.38i:W— Message and documents, 38th Congress, 1st session, 1863-64, War Dept. Y8.54 *:!<=« Message and documents, 54th Congress, 2d session, 189(>-97, Interior Dept., v. 4, pt. 1 Y8.54*:I'«- Message and documents, 54th Congress, 2d session, 1896-97, Interior Dept., v. 4, pt. 2.] Y9. SPEECHES [Sec. 37 of the general printing act of Jan. 12, 1895 (Stat. L. v. 28, p. 606), provides that "It shall be la^ for the Public Printer to prmt and deliver, upon the order of any Senator, Representative, or Deles lawful extracts from the Congressional record, the person ordering the same paving the cost thereof." This section Is merely a reenactment, with sllghtlv different wording, of a provision in the legislative, execu- tive, and judicial appropriation act approved Mar. 3, 1875 (Stat. L. v. 18, pt. 3, p. 347). Although the printing of speeches of Senators, Representatives, and Delegates In separate pamphlets is therefore paid for out of private funds, the Public I^rlnter is authorized to furnish without cost to Sena- tors, Members, and Delegates franked envelopes In which these speeches may be franked through the mails like other public documents. Speeches areclassed in the Public Documents Library under Y9., but they are not llsted'in this Checldlst. The Public Documents Library arranges Its file alphabetically by the names of the speakers, asslgni.ig book numbers from the Cutter order table. DlfTerent speeches by the same man are distinguished by using a superior figure following the Cutter number. Included in the same alphabet are a few other extracts from the Congressional record containing debates in Congress; these debates are Cutterlzed under the subject word.] Z. PAPERS OF REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD AND FIRST 14 CONGRESSES Zl. COLONIAL, DOCUMENTS (compilations) Classification no. Zl.l: American archives [By act of Mar. 2, 1833, the Secretary of State was authorized to contract with Matthew St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force for the publication of a work entitled "Documentary history of American Revolution." This work is Icnown as American archives, arid as originally projected was to comprise 6 series, con- sisting of a collection of authentic records, state paiiors, debates, and letters, and other notices of public affairs, the whole forming a documentary history of the origin and progress of the North American colonies, of the causes and accomplishment of the American Revolution, and of the Constitution of Gov- ernment for the United States to the final ratification thereof, covering the period from the discovery and settlement of North America to the ratification 1668 Classmcatlon Zl. COLONIAL DOCUMENTS (compilations)— Cont'd Zl.l: American archives— Continued of the Constitution of the United States. The contents of the 6 series were planned as follows: 1st series, from discovery and settlement of North American colonies to Revo- lution in England, 1688. 2d series, from Revolution in England, 1688, to cession of Canada to Great Britain by Treaty at Paris, 1763. 3d series, from cession of Canada, 1763, to King's message to Parliament, Mar. 7, 1774, on proceedings in North America. 4th series, from King's message. Mar. 7, 1774, to Declaration of Independence by United States, 1776. 5th series, from Declaration of Independence, 1776, to definitive treaty of peace with Great Britain, 1783. 6th series, from treaty of peace, 1783, to final ratification of Constitution for United States, 1787. Of this work, only the 4th series, consisting of 6 volumes, and 3 volumes of the 5th series were published owing to the lailure of Congress to make sufficient appro- priations for the work, and also owing to the lack of interest of Secretary of State Marcy who failed to approve of the last volume submitted to him by Peter Force. The period covered by the published portion is from Mar. 7, 1774, to Dec. 31, 1776. The vast quantity of unused material which Peter Force had been collecting for 40 years was bought by Congress in 1864 for $100,000 and deposited in the Library of Congress where it still remains unpublished and on account of its incomplete and confused condition little hope is held for its reproduction. The 9 folio volumes of American archives were not published as numbered Con- gressional documents but 1500 sets were supplied to Congress for distribution.] 4^ 53 American archives, consisting of collection of authentick records, state papers, debates, and letters and other notices of publick affairs, forming documentary history of origin and progress of North American colonies, of causes and accomplishment of American Revolution, and of Constitution of Government for United States to final ratification thereof, 4th series: Docu- mentary history of English colonies in North America from King's message to Parliament, Mar. 7, 1774, to Declaration of Independence by United States; [by Peter Force]. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force, Washington, Dec. 1837. V. 1, f« Same; by Peter Force. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force, Washington, Oct. 1839. v. 2, f ° Same. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force, Wash- ington, Dec. 1840. V. 3, i° Same. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force, Wash- ington, Apr. 1843. V. 4, f° Same. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force, Wash- ington, Apr. 1844. V. 5, f° Same. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force, Wash- ington, Mar. 1846. v. 6, f° Same, 5th series: Documentary history of United States of Amer- ica from Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, to defini- tive treaty of peace with Great Britain, Sept. 3, 1783; by Peter Force. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force, Washington, Apr. 1848. v. 1, f » Same. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force, Wash- ington, May, 1851. v. 2, f « Same. [No publisher] Washington, Jan. 1853. v. 3, f ® Z2. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS PAPERS [Include documents of the Continental Congress, Constitutional or Federal Convention of 1787, and other documents of the period covered by the Continental Congress.] Z2.1: El 5 1-1 Constitutional or Federal Convention, 1787 Elliot's Debates, Ist edition, 1827-30. Debates, resolutions, and other proceedings in convention on adoption of Federal Consti- tution as recommended by general convention at Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1787, with yeas and nays on decision of main question, collected and revised by Jonathan Elliot, v. 1: Debates in Mas- sachusetts and New York. [1st edition.] Washington, printed by and for editor, 1827. ifir.9 CtMsinratlon no. Z2.1: El 5 = El 5 2-2 Eir,-'-3 EIS^--* El5-'-« E153-» El 5 3-2 El 5 3-3 E153-^ El 5 3-^ Z2. CONTINENTAL CONGRRfiS PAPEKS-ContM Constitutional or Federal Convention, 1787— C'ont'd Same, v. 2: Debates in Virjpnia. [Ist edition.] Washington, printed and Bold by editor, 1828. Same, v. 3: Debates in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. [1st edition.] Washington, printed and sold by editor, 1830. Same, v. 4, with title, Journal and debates of Federal Convention held at Philadelphia, May 14-Sept. 17, 1787, with Constitution of United States, illustrated by opinions of 20 successive Con- ffresses, and digest of decisions in courts of the Union involving constitutional principles, thus showing rise, progress, present condition, and practice of Constitution in national legislature and legal tribunals of Republic, with full indexes on all sub- jects embraced in work, by Jonathan Elliot, v. 4, supple- mentary to State conventions, in 3 vols, on adopting Federal ( 'onstitution. [Ist edition.] Washington, printed and sold by editor, 1830. * Elliot's Debates, 2d edition, 1836. Debates in the several State con- ventions on adoption of Federal Constitution as recommended by general convention at Philadelphia in 1787, with Journal of Federal Convention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes. Congressional opinions, Virginia and Kentucky, resolutions of '98-'99, and other illustrations of Constitution; collected and revised by Jonathan Elliot. 2d edition with additions. Washington, printed for editor, 1836. v. 1. * with 2. * with . 3. * additions. Washington, printed for with 4. * additions. Washington, printed for [See note following entry for Z2.1: additions. Washington, printed for [See note following entry for Z2.1: Same. 2d edition editor, 1836. v. Same. 2d edition editor, 1836. v El 5 --5.] Same. 2d edition editor, 1836. v El 5 2-5.] Same, with title. Debates on adoption of Federal Constitution in convention held at Philadelphia in 1787, with diary of debates in Congress of Confederation as reported by James Madison; revised by Jonathan Elliot. Washington, printed for editor, 1845. v. 5j supplementary to Elliot's Debates. [Back title reads: Madison papers containing debates on Confederation and Constitution; vol. 5 to Elliot s Debates. WTiereas this is V. 5 of the 2d edition, it is the 1st print of the supplement.] [Another print of v. 3 and v. 4 of this 1836 edition is in the Library of Congress. The title is the same but it is arranged differently and the type is not the same. The books themselves are smaller, although both editions are 8". Both volumes have a half title preceding the title-pajje which reads as follows: Debates of State conventions on Federal Constitution. The imprint reads: Washington, printed by and for editor, on the Pennsylvania Ave., 1836.] Elliot's Debates, 2d edition, 1854. Debates in the several State conventions on adoption of Federal Constitution as recom- mended by general convention at Philadelphia in 1787, with Journal of Federal Convention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes. Congressional opinions, Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of ^98-'99, and other illustrations of Constitution; collected and revised by Jonathan Elliot. 2d edition with additions. Washington, published by Taylor & Maury, 1854 [printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins], v. 1. Same. 2d edition with additions. Washington, published by Taylor & Maury, 1854 [printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins], v. 2. Same. 2d edition with additions. W^ashington, published by Taylor & Maury, 1854 [printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins], v. 3. Same. 2d edition with additions. Washington, published by Taylor & Maury, 1854 [printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins], v. 4. Same, with title. Debates on adoption of F'ederal Constitution in convention held at Philadelphia in 1787, with diary of debates in Congress of Confederation as reported by James Madison; IfiTO Classification no. Z2. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS PAPERS— Cont'd E15*-2 El 5^-=^ El 5^-^ El 5^-^ V. 3. J. B. Lippm- V. 4. ippi Z2.1 : Constitutional or Federal Convention, 1787~Coiit'd revised by Jonathan Elliot, Washington, published by Taylor & Maury, 1854 [printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins]. V. 5, supplementary to Elliot's Debates. * [This is the 2d print of the supplement. See, for 1st print, Z2.1:E1 5-"^.] El 5^"' Elliot's Debates, 2d edition, 1861, Debates in the several State conventions on adoption of Federal Constitution as recom- mended by general convention at Philadelphia in 1787, with Journal of Federal Convention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes, Congressional opinions, Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of '98-'99, and other illustrations of Constitution; collected and revised by Jonathan Elliot, 2d edition with additions, Philadelphia, J, B, Lippincott & Co,, Washing- ton, Taylor & Maury, 1861, v. 1, * Same. 2d edition with additions. Philadelphia, J. B, Lippin- cott & Co,, Washington, Taylor & Maury, 1861. v. 2, * Same, 2d edition with additions. Philadelphia, J, B, Lippin- cott & Co,, Washington, Taylor & Maury, 1861, Same. 2d edition with additions. Philadelphia, cott & Co., Washington, Taylor & Maury, 1861. Same, with title. Debates on adoption of Federal Constitution in convention held at Philadelphia in 1787, with diary of debates in Congress of Confederation as reported by James Madison; revised by Jonathan Elliot. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., Washington, Taylor & Maury, 1861. v. 5, supple- mentary to Elliot's Debates. * [This is the 3d print of the supplement. See, for Ist and 2d prints, Z2,1:E152-^ and El 5 •^-5,] J82 Journal, acts, and proceedings of convention assembled at Phila- delphia, May 14, and dissolved Sept, 17, 1787, which formed Constitution of United States; published conformably to reso- lution of Mar. 27, 1818. Boston, printed and published by Thomas B. Wait, 1819, Se2 Secret proceedings and debates of [Federal] Convention at Philadel- phia, 1787, for purpose of forming Constitution of United States, from notes taken by late Robert Yates, chief justice of New York, and copied by John Lansing, jun., late chancellor of that State, members of that convention, including "genuine information," laid before Legislature of Maryland by Luther Martin, then attorney general of that State, and member of same convention, also other historical documents relative to Federal compact of North American Union. Washington, printed for G. Templeman, 1836. [An earlier edition, Albany, printed by Websters and Skinners, 1821, is not in Public Docum,ents Library. It was reprinted as 60th Congress, 2d session, Senate document 728, serial no. 5402.] Z2.2: Diplomatic correspondence of American Revolu- tion, 1776-83 (Sparks) [Mar. 27, 1818, Congress ordered the publication, under direction of the Presi- dent, of sundry historical documents, among them "the foreign correspond- ence of the Congress of the United States, from the first meeting thereof down to the date of the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States in the year 1783," except such parts as the President might choose to withhold. The work of editing was entrusted to Tared Sparks, and he brought out, from the press of N. Hale, Boston, 1829-30, "The diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution," in 12 volumes (see Z2.2:li-i2). The edition ordered by Congress was 1000 sets. John C. Rives printed in Washington, 1857, an edition in 6 volumes (see Z2.2:2i-6), of which 500 sets were taken by the State Department. May 5, 1832, Congress appropriated S12,000 "to enable the Secretary of State to cause to be printed, under his direction, a selection from the diplomatic correspondence of the United States, between the peace of 1783 and the 4th of March, 1789, remaining unpublished in the Department of State." Under this authority appeared, Washington, printed by Francis Preston Blair, 1833-34, in 7 volumes, "The diplomatic correspondence of the United States, from the signing of the definitive treatv of peace, Sept. 10, 1783, to the adop- tion of the Constitution, Mar. 4, 1789 "(see Z2.3:li-7). This title can not be 1G71 ClAMlflratlon no. Z2.2: 1> 12 V I 110 Z2. CONTINENTAL. CONGliESS PAPERS— Ckwt'd Diplomatic correspondence of American Revolu- tion, 1776-83 (Sparks)— Continued accepted as accurate, for though the Government created under the Ck>nstitu- tioD went into operation Mar. ^ '""-"^ '■• ••' ' have done so if a ConKressional nuorum had assembled pron i he date of the adoption of the Constitution. A 2d edition i correspondence, 17S3-S9. was published In Washington, is.,/. ,,. i.iu. .u.i Klves (»«« Z2.3:2»-^), and this was reprinted, 1855, In :< volumes, by John C Klves (tee Z2.3:3»-'). None of these early collections is found in the numbered series of Congressional docu- ments. A new collection, edited by Francis Wharton, covering approximately the same period as Sparks, and entitled "The Revolutionary diplomatic correspond- ence of the United States," was issued by the Government Printing Office, 1889, In 6 volumes (see Z2.4:l-0). Wharton restores the integrity of the text, with which Sparks nad taken undue liberties, and adds much new matter. Of this collection 7000 sets were printed in addition to the Congressional edition.] Diplomatic correspondence of American Revolution, being letters of Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, John Adams, John Jay, Arthur Lee, William Lee, Ralph Izard, Francis Dana, William Carmichael, Henry Laurens, John Laurens, [M. de Lafayette], M. Dumas, and others, concerning foreign relations of United States during whole Revolution, with letters in reply from Secret Committee of Ck)ngre88, and Secretary of Foreign Affairs, also, entire correspondence of French ministers, Gerard and Luzerne, with Congress, published conformably to resolution of Mar. 27, 1818; edited dv Jared Sparks. [Ist edition.] Boston, N. Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York, 1829 [Hale's Steam Press, Boston], v. 1. [The name of M. de Lafayette which is omitted from the title- page of V. 1 is carried on the title-pages of succeeding volumes.] Same, with "M. de Lafayette" on title-page. [1st edition.] Boston, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York, 1829 [Hale's Steam Press, Boston], v. 2. Same. [1st edition.] Boston, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & t). & H. Carvill, New York; [etc.] 1829 [Hale's Steam Press, Boston], v. 3. Same. [Ist edition.] Boston, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York; [etc.] 1829 [BTale's Steam Press, Boston], v. 4. Same. [1st edition.] Boston, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York; [etc.] 1829 [Steam Power Press, W. L. Lewis, printer, Boston], v. 5. Same. [Ist edition.] Boston, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York; [etc.] 1830 [Steam Power Press, W. L. Lewis, printer, Boston], v. 6. Same. [1st edition.] Boston, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York; [etc.] 1830 [Steam Power Press, W. L. Lewis' print, Boston], v. 7. Same. [1st edition.] Boston, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York; [etc.] 1830 [Steam Power Press, W. L. Lewis' print, Boston], v. 8. Same. [1st edition.] Boston, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York; [etc.] 1830 [Steam Power Press, W. L. Lewis' print, Boston], v. 9. Same. [Ist edition.] Boston, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York; [etc.] 1830 [Steam Power Press, W. L. Lewis' print, Boston], v. 10. Same. [Ist edition.] Boston, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York; [etc.] 1830 [Steam Power Press, W. L. Lewis' print, Boston], v. 11. Same. [1st edition.] Boston, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen; G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York; [etc.] 1830 [Steam Power Press, W. L. Lewis' print, Boston], v. 12. Diplomatic correspondence of American Revolution, being letters of Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, John Adams, John Jay, Arthur Lee, William Lee, Ralph Izard, Francis Dana, William 1G72 Classification no. Z2.2! 22 Same. New edition 1857. V. 2. 23 Same. New edition 1857. V. 3. 2^ Same. New edition 1857. V. 4. 25 Same. New edition 1857. V. 5. 28 Same. New edition 1857. V. 6. Z2.3: Z2. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS PAPERS— Cont'd Diplomatic correspondence of American Revolu- tion, 1776-83 (; Sparks)— Continued Carmichael, Henry Laurens, John Laurens, M. Dumas, and others, concerning foreign relations of United States during whole Revolution, with letters in reply from Secret Committee of Congress and Secretary of Foreign Affairs, also, entire corre- spondence of French ministers, Gerard and Luzerne, with Congress, published conformably to resolution of Mar. 27, 1818; edited by Jared Sparks. New edition. Washington, published by John C. Rives, 1857. v. 1. [The name of M. de Lafayette does not appear on the title-pages of any of the volumes of this set.] Washington, published by John C. Rives, Washington, published by John C. Rives, Washington, published by John C. Rives, Washington, published by John C. Rives, Washington, published by John C. Rives, Diplomatic correspondence of United States, 1783-89 [See, for information concerning this set, note under Z2.2:] Diplomatic correspondence of United States, from signing of defini- tive treaty of peace, Sept. 10, 1783, to adoption of Constitution, Mar. 4, 1789, being letters of presidents of Congress, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, American ministers at foreign courts, foreign ministers near Congress, reports of committees of Con- gress, and reports of Secretary for Foreign Affairs on various letters and communications, with letters from individuals on public affairs; published conformably to act approved May 5, 1832. [1st edition.] City of Washington, printed by Francis Preston Blair, 1833. v. 1. City of Washington, printed by Francis V. 2. City of Washington, V. 3. City of Washington, V. 4. City of Washington, V. 5. City of Washington, V. 6. City of Washington, printed by Francis V. 7. City of Washington, Same. [1st edition.] Preston Blair, 1833. Same. [1st edition.] Preston Blair, 1833. Same. [1st edition.] Preston Blair, 1833. Same. [1st edition.] Preston Blair, 1833. Same. [1st edition.] Preston Blair, 1833. Same. [1st edition.] Preston Blair, 1834. Same. [2d edition.] Rives, 1837. v. 1. Same. [2d edition.] Rives, 1837. v. 2. Same. [2d edition.] Rives, 1837. v. 3. Same. [2d edition.] Rives, 1837. v. 4. Same. [2d edition.] Rives, 1837. v. 5. Same. [2d edition.] Rives, 1837. v. 6. Same. [2d edition.] Rives. 1837. v. 7. printed by Francis printed by Francis printed by Francis printed by Francis City of Washington, City of Washington, City of Washington, City of Washington, printed by Blair & printed by Blair & printed by Blair & printed by Blair & printed by Blair & City of Washington, printed by Blair & City of Washington, printed by Blair & 1673 ClMMlflcAtlon uo. Z2.3I :V Z2.4: Z2.5 Z2. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS PAPERS-ront'd Diplomatic correspondence of United States, 1783-89— Continued Same. [3d edition.] City of Washington, printed by Blair & Rives, 1837 [nublished by John 0. Rives, 1855]. v. 1. [This edition complete in 3 v.] Same. [3d edition.] City of Washington, printed by Blair & RiveH, 1837 [published by John C. Rives, 1855]. v. 2. Same. [3d edition.] Citv of Washington, printed by Blair & Rives, 1837 [published 'by John C. Rives, 1855]. v. 3. Revolutionary diplomatic correspondence, 1775-86 (Wharton) [Sec, for information concerning thi.s .set, note under Z2.2:l Revolutionary diplomatic correspondence of United States, edited by Francis Wharton, with preliminary index, and notes historical and legal; published in conformity with act of Aug. 13, 1888. 1889. V. 1 . [2584-603] 2 Same. 1889. V. 2. [2585-603] 3 Same. 1889. V. 3. [2586-603] 4 Same. 1889. V. 4. [2587-603] 5 Same. 1889. V. 5. [2588-603] 6 Same. 1889. V. 6. [2589-603] Journals of Continental Congress, 1774-88 [The earliest printed volume of the Journal of the Continental Congress was for the session held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774; it was printed at Philadelphia by William and Thomas Bradford, 1774. An edition for the same session was immediately issued by Hugh Gaine, New York, 1774. Two later Journals were printed in Philadelphia by William and Thomas Bradford in 1775 and 1776, resp>ectively. This ended the publication of the Journals bv the Brad- fords, and as their work had become unsatisfactory on account of their delay in printing, another printer was employed who could execute the work more expeditiously. Robert Aitken then printed the Journals for a time, beginning where the Bradfords left off. Under the sanction of a committee of Congress, but not by Congress itself, Aitken published the Journal in monthly subdivi- sions from Jan. to May, 1776. This was completed in Oct. 1776. Meantme on Sept. 26. 1776, the Continental Congress ordered that Aitken be em- ployed to reprint the Journals from the beginning, with all possible expedition, and to continue to print the same. Aitken was further directed to purchase from the Bradfords such parts of the Journals as they had printed, but not yet published, to be paid for by the Congre.ss. Under this order and by direction of the printing committee, Aitken issued in 2 v. his new edition of the Journals. With these volumes began the authorized edition listed below under Z2.5: No further mention is made in this Checklist of the various editions issued prior to the authorized prints of Aitken. See, for further information, and for a minute account of the manuscript and printed Journals and papers of the Continental Congress, the article by Herbert Friedenwald in v. 1 of the 1896 report of the American Historical Association (SI 4.1:8%'). The list under Z2.5: is compiled from Friedenwald's bil)liography. The Journals, containing the public proceedings, 1774-88, were reprinted by Richard FolwcU, Philadelphia, l^OChOl , in 13 v. (Z2.6:l-13). They were again reprinted by Way and Cideon, Washington, 1823, in 4 v. (Z2.7:l-4). The more complete edition, edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford from the original manuscript and published by the Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress f LC4.5:) was begun in 1904. At the end of the period covered by this Checklist (Dec. 31, 1909) the Library of Congress had published 15 v. of the Journals of the Continental Congress, covering the period from 1774 to Dec. 31, 1779. The later volumes of this set have been edited by Gaillard Hunt, and the work is still in process of completion. None of these editions is included in the set of numbered Congressional documents. The Journals which appeared in dailv, weekly, or monthly form are not entered in this Checklist. The aforementioned article bv Friedenwald in the 1896 American Historical Association report includes bibliographical information concerning ^.any such prints. See, for papers of the period of the Continental Congress other than the Journals, the Bibliographical notes included in the Journals of the Continental Congress, issued by the Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress (LC4.6:). These BibUographical notes were also issued separately and classed under LC4.5o :] Journals of Congress containing proceedings, Sept. 5, 1774-Jan. 1, 1776; published by order of Congress. Philadelphia, printed and sold by R. Aitken, 1777. v. 1. * Same, in year 1776; published by order of Congress. Philadel- phia, printed and sold by R. Aitken, 1777. v. 2. * [This is the edition of v. 2 listed in Poore, and the one followed in reprints.] 1674 Classiflcation no. Z2.5: 22 32 4 62 72 8 10 11 12 13 Z2.6: 1 2 Z2. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS PAPER S-Cont'd Journals of Continental Congress, 1774-88— Cont'd Same, Jan. 1, 1776-Jan. 1, 1777; published by order of Congress. Yorktown [Pa.], printed by John Dunlap, 1778. v. 2. * Same, Jan. 1, 1777-Jan. 1, 1778; published by order of Congress. Philadelphia, printed by John Dunlap [1779?]. v. 3. * Same. New York, printed by John Patterson, n. d. v. 3. * [This is the edition of v. 3 listed in Poore.] Same, Jan. 1, 1778-Jan. 1, 1779; published by order of Congress. Philadelphia, printed by David C, Claypoole, printer to the honorable the Congress [1779?]. v. 4. * Same, Jan. 1, 1779-Jan. 1, 1780; published by order of Congre&s. Philadelphia, printed by David C. Claypoole, 1783. v. 5. [This volume was issued also in monthly installments, Jan. 1- Apr. 10, 1779, and in weekly Issues, Apr. 12-Dec. 31, 1779.] Journals of Congress, Jan. 1, 1780-Jan, 1, 1781; published by order of Congress. Philadelphia, printed by David C. Claypoole, printer to the honorable the Congress, n. d. [v. 6.] * [This was printed in monthly installments which were later bound up with a regular title-page and index to the whole.] Resolutions, acts, and orders of Congress, for year 1780; published by order of Congress, n. p. printed by John Dunlap [1787]. v. 6. * [This is the edition of v. 6 listed in Poore, and the one fol- lowed in reprints.] Journals of Congress and of United States in Congress assembled, for year 1781; published by order of Congress. Philadelphia, printed by David C. Claypoole, 1771 [1781]. v. 7. * Same. New York, printed by John Patterson, 1787. v. 7. * [This is the edition of v. 7 listed in Poore.] Journal of United States in Congress assembled, containing proceed- ings from first Monday in Nov. 1782, to first Monday in Nov. 1783; published by order of Congress. Philadelphia, printed by David C. Claypoole, 1783. v. 8. * Same, Nov. 3, 1783-June 3, 1784; published by order of Congress. Philadelphia, printed by John Dunlap, printer to United States in Congress assembled [1784]. v. 9. * [Issued also with index and with following bound in: Journal of Committee of States, containing proceedings from first Friday in June, 1784, to second Friday in Aug. 1784. This publication bears same imprint and gives date, 1784, on title-page.] Same, from first Monday in Nov. 1784 [to Nov. 4, 1785]; published by order of Congress, n. p. printed by John Dunlap, printer to United States in Congress assembled, 1785. [v. 10.] * Same, Nov. 3, 1785-Nov. 3, 1786; published by order of Congress. n. p. printed by John Dunlap, n. d. v. 12 [11]. * [This vol- ume begins with the proceedings of Nov. 7, instead of Nov. 3, as indicated by the title-page. This is v. 11 although it carries V. 12 on the title-page.] Same, Nov. 6, 1786-Nov. 5, 1787; published by order of Congress. n. p. [printed by John Dunlap] 1787. v. 12. * [Index is incorrectly entitled: Index for v. 13.] Same, Nov. 5, 1787-Nov. 3, 1788; published by order of Congress, n. p. printed by John Dunlap, n. d. v. 13. * [The index is incorrectly entitled: Index to v. 14.] Journals of Continental Congress, 1774-88 (FolwelPs reprint) Journals of Congress, containing proceedings, Sept. 5, 1774-Jan. 1, 1776. From FolwelPs press, Philadelphia, 1800. v. 1. * Same, Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1776. From Folwell's press, Philadelphia, 1800. v. 2. Same, Jan. 1, 1777-Jan. 1, 1778. From Folwell's press, PhiLidel- phia, 1800. V. 3. * mr> Clasxlflcatlon uo. Z2.6: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Z2.7: 1 2 3 4 Z2.8: 1 2 3 4 Z2.9: Ac2 Z2. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS PAPERS-Cont'd Journals of Continental Congress, 1774-88 (Folwell's reprint) — Continued Same, Jan. 1, 1778-Jan. 1, 1779. From Folwell's preae, Philadel- phia, 1800. V. 4. Same, Jan. 1, 1779-Jan. 1, 1780. From Folwell's press, Philadel- phia, 1800. V. 5. Same, Jan. 1, 1780-Jan. 1, 1781. From Folwell's press, Philadel- phia, 1800. V. 6. ♦ Same, Jan. 1, 1781-Nov. 2, 1782. From Folwell's press, Philadel- phia, 1800. V. 7. Same, Nov. 2, 1782-Nov. 1, 1783. From Folwell's press, Philadel- phia, 1800. V. 8. Same, Nov. 3, 1783-June 3, 1784. From Folwell's press, Philadel- phia, 1800. V. 9. * [Contains also: Journal of Committee of States, containing proceedings from first Friday in June, 1784, to second Friday in Aug. 1784.] Same, Nov. 1, 1784-Nov. 4, 1785. From Folwell's press, Philadel- phia, 1801. v. 10. Same, Nov. 4, 1785-Nov. 3, 1786. From Folwell's press, Philadel- phia, 1801. V. 11. * Same, Nov. 6, 1786-Nov. 5, 1787. From Folwell's press, Philadel- phia, 1801. V. 12. * Same, Nov. 5, 1787-Nov. 3, 1788. From Folwell's press, Philadel- phia, 1801. V. 13. Journals of Continental Congres.s, 1774-88 (Way and Gideon reprint) Journals of American Congress, 1774-88, v. 1: Sept. 5, 1774-Dec. 31, 1776, Washington, printed and published by Way and Gideon, 1823. Same, v. 2: Jan. 1, 1777-July 31, 1778. Washington, printed and published by Way and Gideon, 1823. Same, v. 3: Aug. 1, 1778-Mar. 30, 1782. Washington, printed and published by Way and Gideon, 1823. Same, v. 4: Apr. 1, 1782-Nov. 1, 1788, also. Journal of Committee of States from Ist Friday in June, to 1st Friday in Aug. 1784, with appendix. Washington, printed and published by Way and Gideon, 1823. Secret Journals of Continental Congress, 1774-88 Secret journals of acts and proceedings of Congress, from first meeting thereof to dissolution of Confederation by adoption of Constitu- tion of United States, published conformably to resolution of Mar. 27, 1818, and Apr. 21, 1820, v. 1: [Domestick affairs. His- tory of Confederation]. Boston, printed and published by Thomas B. Wait, 1821. [Half title-pa^es for this set read: Secret journals of Congress of Confederation.] Same, v. 2: [Foreign affairs]. Boston, printed and published by Thomas B. Wait, 1820. Same, v. 3: [Foreign affairs]. Boston, printed and published by Thomas B. Wait, 1821. Same, v, 4: [Foreign affairs]. Boston, printed and published by Thomas B. Wait, 1821. Continental Congress papers (miscellaneous) Accounts. Statement of accounts of United States, during admin- istration of superintendent of finance [Robert Morris], com- mencing with his appointment, Feb. 20, 1781, and ending with his resignation, Nov. 1, 1784. Philadelphia, printed by Robert Aitken. 1785. f° ICTH Classtfleatlon no. Z2.9: L78 Z2. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS PAPERS— Cont'd Continental Congress papers (miscellaneous) — Continued Loans. General statement of foreign loans, showing in abstract, capital sums borrowed, averages of interest and parts of prin- cipal which became due in 1786, 1787, and 1788, and remain- ing unpaid on Jan. 1, 1789, and interest and parts of principal becoming due in year 1789. Mar. 3, 1789. f° * [With manuscript signature of Joseph Nourse.] Z3. DOCUMENTS OF PERIOD OF FIRST 14 CONGRESSES, 1789-1817 (miscellaneous, compilations, etc.) Z3.1 3 4 5 Z3.2: 12 13 1* Duff Green's compilation of American state pa- pers on public lands [Although bearing the title American state papers, these do not belong to the regular set of American state papers (serial nos. 01-038) printed by (5ales & Seaton. See, for details as to differences between this set and the 8 volumes dealing with public lands in the Gales & Seaton set, footnote for 028-035, American state papers, p. 4 of this Checklist.] American state papers, documents, legislative and executive, of Congress of United States in relation to public lands from 1st session of 1st Congress to Ist session of 23d Congress, Mar. 4, 1789-June 15, 1834, selected and edited by Walter Lowrie, V. 1: Mar. 4, 1789-Feb. 27, 1809. Washington, printed by Duff Green, 1834. f« Same, v. 2: [June 12, 1809-Feb. 14, 1815]. Washington, printed by Duff Green, 1834. f^ [Title-page gives incorrectly the dates for v. 2 as Mar. 4, 1789-Feb. 27, 1809.] Same, v. 3: Dec. 22, 1815-May 26, 1824. Washington, printed by Duff Green, 1834. f° Same, v. 4: Dec. 7, 1824-Jan. 2, 1828. Washington, printed by Duff Green, 1834. fo Same, v. 5: Jan. 4, 1828-Jan. 21, 1834. Washington, printed by Duff Green, 1834. f° Wait's state papers [Though only one document, and that unimportant, relating to "Wait's collection of state papers and public documents has been found in the Con- gressional series, it is well known that Congress bought numerous copies of the several editions, of which there were three, the first in 8 v., the second in 10 v., and the third in 12 v. The first issue, in 1814, began with Jeffer- son's administration. After 5 v. had been issued, bringing the record and date of printing down to 1815, a return was made to the beginning, and 3 v. of the papers of the administrations of Washington and John Adams were issued in 1815. These were made v. 1-3 of the 1st edition, the volumes pre- viously issued becoming v. 4-8, with an index to the series in v. 8. The 2d edition, issued 1817, carried the chronological record one volume farther and added a 10th volume made up of confidential documents, 1790-1813, not previously printed, this volume having its own index. The 3d edition, printed in 1819, brings the record down to 1818. Only v. 11 and 12, with mdex in v. 12, are new matter. That this series is much less known and less used than Gales & Seaton's later and larger one under the nameAmerican state papers is no doubt due to the several facts that Wait covers but one subject, foreign relations, that its arrangement is chronological, with no classification, under countries or otherwise, and that it is insxilficiently indexed. None of Wait's 30 volumes is included in the numbered Con- gressional series.] State papers and publick documents of United States from accession of George Washington to Presidency, exhibiting complete view of our foreign relations since that time [v. 1]: 1789-96. [Ist edition.] Boston, printed and published by T. B. Wait & Sons, 1815. Same [v. 2]: 1797. [1st edition.] Boston, printed and published by T. B. Wait & Sons, 1815. Same [v. 3]: 1797-1801. [1st edition.] Boston, printed and published by T. B. Wait & Sons, 1815. Same, from accession of Thomas Jefferson to Presidency, exhibit- ing complete view of our foreign relations since that time [v. 4]: 1801-6. [1st edition.] Boston, printed and published 1677 Claiwtflflation Z3. DO. Z3.2 2» 2^ 8^ 3* 38 DOCUMENTS OF PERIOD OF FIRST 14 CONGRESSES, 1789-1817 (miscellaneouH, compila- tions, etc.)— Continued Wait's state papers— Continued by T. B. Wait & Sons, 1814. (This is called the first volume or preface. See explanation in note Boston, printed and pub- in the "advertisement' above.] Same [v. 5]: 1806-8. [Ist edition.] lished by T. B. Wait & Sons, 1815. Same [v, 6]: 1808-9. [Ist edition.] Boston, printed and pub- lished by T. B. Wait & Sons; published also by Whiting and Tiffany, New Haven; [etc., etc.] 1815. Same [v. 7]: 1809-11. [1st edition.] Boston, j)rinted and pub- lished by T. B. Wait & Sons, 1815. Same [v. 8]: 1811-15. [Ist edition.] Boston, printed and pub- lished by T. B. Wait & Sons, 1815. State papers and publick documents of United States from accession cf George Washington to Presidency, exhibiting complete view of our foreign relations since that time, including con- fidential documents now first published, v. 1: [1789-94J. 2d edition. Boston, printed and published by T. B. Wait and Sons, 1817. Same, v. 2: [1794-97]. 2d edition. Boston, printed and pub- lished by T. B. Wait and Sons, 1817. Same, v. 3: [1797-98]. 2d edition. Boston, printed and pub- lished by T. B. Wait and Sons, 1817. Same, v. 4: [1798-1803]. 2d edition. Boston, printed and pub- lished by T. B. Wait and Sons, 1817. Same, v. 5: [1803-07]. 2d edition. Boston, printed and pub- lished by T. B. Wait and Sons, 1817. Same, v. 6: [1807-08]. 2d edition, Boston, printed and pub- lished by T. B. Wait and Sons, 1817. Same, v. 7: [1808-10]. 2d edition. Boston, printed and pub- lished by T. B. Wait and Sons, 1817. Same, v. 8: [1810-12]. 2d edition. Boston, printed and pub- lished by T. B. Wait and Sons, 1817. Same, v. 9: [1812-15]. 2d edition. Boston, printed and pub- lished by T. B. Wait and Sons, 1817. Same, v. 10: [1790-1813, confidential state papers]. 2d edition. Boston, printed and published by T. B. Wait and Sons, 1817. State papers and publick documents of United States from accession of George Washington to Presidency, exhibiting complete view of our foreign relations since that time, including con- fidential documents first published in 2d edition of this work, v. 1: [1789-94]. 3d edition. Boston, printed and published by Thomas B. Wait, 1819. Same, v. 2: ]1 794-971. 3d edition, lished by Thomas B. Wait, 1819. Same, v. 3: [1797-981. 3d edition, lished by Thomas B. Wait, 1819. Same, v. 4: [1798-1803]. 3d edition, lished by Thomas B. Wait, 1819. Same, v. 5: 11803-07]. 3d edition, lished by Thomas B. Wait, 1819. Same, v. 6: 11807-08]. 3d edition, lished by Thomas B. Wait, 1819. Same, v. 7: J1808-101. 3d edition, lished by Thomas B. Wait, 1819. Same, v. 8: I181(>-121. 3d edition, lished by Thomas B. Wait, 1819. Same, v. 9: ]1812-15]. 3d edition, lished by Thomas B. Wait, 1$19. Boston, Boston, Bosttm, Boston , Boston, Boston, Boston, Boston. printed and pub- printed and pub- printed and pub- printed and pub- printed and pub- printed and pub- printed and pub- printed and pub- 1678 Z3.2: 310 3" 312 Z3.3: 1 Classification Z3. DOCUMENTS OF PERIOD OF FIRST 14 '^''* CONGRESSES, 1789-1817 (miscellaneous, compila- tions, etc.) — Continued Walt's state papers — Continued Same, v. 10: [1790-1813, confidential state papers]. 3d edition. Boston, printed and published by Thomas B. Wait, 1819. [Back title gives dates included as 1790-1815, but 1813 is last date used in book.] Same, v. 11: [1815-18]. 3d edition. Boston, printed and pub- lished by Thomas B. Wait, 1819. Same, v. 12: [1818 and appendix]. 3d edition. Boston, printed and published by Thomas B. Wait, 1819. Congressional register (Lloyd ) Congressional register, or, History of proceedings and debates of first House of Representatives of United States, namely. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jer- sey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, South Caro- lina, Georgia, being the 11 States that have ratified the Consti- tution of United States, containing an impartial account of the most interesting speeches and motions, and accurate copies of remarkable papers laid before the House; taken in short hand by Thomas Lloyd. New York, printed for editors by Har- risson and Purdy, 1789. v. 1. * [Issued in 11 numbers, with cover-titles, giving contents. Numbers 2-11 were printed by Samuel Loudon.] Same. New York, printed by Hodge, Allen, and Campbell, and for T. Lloyd, proprietors, 1789. v. 2. [Issued in 12 numbers, with cover-titles, giving contents.] Same. New York, printed by Hodge, Allen, and Campbell, and for T. Lloyd, proprietors, 1790. v. 3. * [Issued in 9 num- bers, with cover- titles, giving contents.] Same. New York, printed by Hodge, Allen, and Campbell, and for T. Lloyd, proprietors, 1790. v. 4. * [Numbers 1-3; in- complete. Total of numbers in v. 1-4 is 35.] See also note following entry for Acts passed at 1st session of Ist Congress (S7.6:10. Journals of Senate (Gales & Seaton's reprint) [On May 1, 1820, the Senate passed the following order: "Resolved that there be printed . . . that part o? the journal thereof of which the Senate are not in possession of any printed copy; and there be printed 300 copies thereof." Under this order the public journals of the Senate for all the sessions of the first 13 Congresses were reprinted in 5 volumes, 1820-21, at Washington, by Gales & Seaton. The tirle-pages, one for each session, resemble the original prints, but do not reproduce all their variations, and Gales & Seaton's Washington imprint, with the date of reprinting, is in each case substituted for the original imprint, while the volume number is inserted in the first title-page of each volume except V. 1. There are no volume or series title-pages. There is an index for each session, but all those belonging to one volume are boimd together at the end of that volume. See, for Executive journals of Senate, note and entries for Y1.3:Ex3i-32.] Journal of Senate [1st session, 1st Congress-2d session, 2d Congress] Mar. 4, 1789[-Mar. 2, 1793]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1820. [v. 1.] Same, 1st session, 3d Congre88[-3d session, 5th Congress] Dec. 2, 1793[-Mar. 3, 1799]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1820. V. 2. Same, 1st session, 6th Congress[-2d session, 8th Congress] Dec. 2, 1799[-Mar. 3, 1805]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1821. V. 3. Same. 1st session, 9th Congress[-3d session, 11th Congress] Dec. 2, l865[-Mar. 3, 1811]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1821. V. 4. Same, 1st session, 12th Congress[-3d session, 13th Congress] Nov. 4, 1811[-Mar. 3, 1815]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1821. V. 5. 3 4 Z3.4 1679 ClMsincation Z3. no. Z3.5: DOCUMENTS OF PERIOD OF FIRST 14 CONGRESSES, 1789-1817 (miBcellaneoua, compiU- tioM, etc.) — Continued of Representatives (Gales & Journals of House Seaton's reprint) [On May 18, 1826, tho House of Representatives ordered that 400 copies of the Journals of the I louse for each or tho sessions of the 1st to 13th Congresses be printed under dircdion of tho clerk of tho House. Under this order, Qales de Bcalon rcprlnUHl the Journals of the House for the first 13 CongreBses in 9 volumes, ouch lx»arlnK the imprint date 1826. There Is a title-page for each session, as in the original prints, but they are uniform in style, not following the variations of tho originals, while (Jales &. Seaton's Washington Imprint, with tho date of reprinting, is substituted in each case for the original Imprint, and the volume number Is Inserted In the first title of each volume. There are no volume or series title-pages. There is a general index for each volume.] Journal of House of Representatives, 1st session, Ist ConCTe8s[-2(i session, 2d Congress] Mar. 4, 1789[-Mar. 2, 1793J. Waahington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1826. v. 1. Same, Ist session, 3d Congress[-2d session, 4th CongresB] Dec. 2, 1793[-Mar. 3, 1797]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1826. V. 2. Same, 1st session, 5th Congres8[-2d session, 6th Congress] May 15, 1797[-Mar. 3, 1801]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1826. V. 3. Same, 1st session, 7th Congressf-lst session, 8th Congress] Dec. 7, 1801 [-Mar. 27, 1804]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1826. V. 4. Same, 2d session, 8th Congress[-2d session, 9th Congress] Nov. 5, 1804[-Mar. 3, 1807]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1826. V. 5. Same, 1st [and 2d sessions], 10th Congress, Oct. 26, 1807[-Mar. 3, 1809]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1826. v. 6. Same, 1st [-3d sessions], 11th Congress, May 22, 1809[-Mar. 3, 1811]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1826. v. 7. Same, Ist [and 2d sessions], 12th Congress, Nov. 4, 1811[-Mar. 3, 1813]. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1826. v. 8. Same, l8t[-3d sessions], 13th Congress, May 24, 1813[-Mar. 3, 1815], Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1826. v. 9. Z4. DOCUMENTS OF PERIOD OF FIRST 14 CONGRESSES, 1789-1817 (original prints) [To be published later in separate form. See note on p. xvi of this Checlillst.] LIST OF THE DEPARTMENTS, BU- REAUS, DIVISIONS, OFFICES, COM- MISSIONS, COMMITTEES, ETC., OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT REPRESENTED BY CLASSES IN THIS CHECKLIST I 82452°— 11 106 (1681) LIST OF THE DEPARTMENTS, BTTREAUS, DIVISIONS, OFFICES, COMMIS- SIONS. COMMITTEES, ETC., OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT REPRESENTED BY CLASSES IN THIS CHECKLIST Pagn Accounts and Disbursements Division 205 Accounts Committee (House) 1532 Adams, John 875 Adams, John Quincy 879 Adjutant-General's Department 1227 See also Freedmen's Branch, Adjutant-General's Office — Record and Pen- sion Office. Admiral of Navy 701 Advisory Board, see Civil Service Commission. Aged and Infirm, Home for, D. C 405 Agricultural Soils Division, see Soils Bureau. Agriculture and Forestry Committee (Senate) 1534 Agriculture Bureau, P. 1 1419 Agriculture Committee (House) 1532 Agriculture Department 191 Appointment Clerk 297 Chief Clerk 297 Library 251 Agriculture Department Solicitor 298 Agrostology Division 206 See also Plant Industry Bureau. Aid Association for Blind, D. C 405 Alabama Claims, Com-t of Commissioners of, 1st and 2d 1508 Alabama claims, Geneva arbitration 913 Alaska, Governor 436 Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations 235 Alaska, Department of 1451 Alaska Road Commission 1460 Alaskan Boundary Tribunal, 1903 917 Alaskan-Canadian Boundary Commission, 1892-95 917 Alaskan Fisheries Division 316 See also Fisheries Bureau — Special Agents Division. Alcohol in Manufactures and Arts, Joint Select Committee on 1535 Alcoholic Liquor Traffic Committee (House) 1535 American-British Mixed Claims Commission, Washington arbitration 915 American Conference, International 945 American Ethnology Bureau, see Ethnology Bureau. American Historical Association 997 American Republics Bureau 299 American Revolution, National Society of Daughters of 998 American Ship-Building Committee (House) 1535 American Sugar Refining Company, Special Committee on . Investigation of (House) • 1535 (1683) 1684 LIST OF DEPABTMENTS, BUREAUS, ETC.— Continued Page Anemia Dispensary Service, P. R 1461 Animal Industry Bureau 206 Annals of Congress 1463 Anthracite Coal Strike Commission 1511 Appointment Clerk, Agriculture Dept 297 Appointment Division , Commerce and Labor Dept 375 Appointments Division, Treasury Dept 1021 Appraisers 1080 Appropriations Committee (House) 1535 Appropriations Committee (Senate) 1540 Arbitration, Permanent Court of, The Hague 918 Arbitrations and mixed commissions to settle international disputes 909 Arbitrations under Treaty of Washington 913 Architect of Capitol, see Capitol Building and Grounds Superintendent. Architect, Supervising 1190 Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings Bureau, P. 1 1408 See also Public Works Bureau. Argentina-Brazil Boundary Arbitration 920 Arizona, Governor. 436 Arizona, Department of 1447 Arlington Experimental Farm, see Plant Industry Bureau. Army Field Engineer School, Fort Leavenworth, see Army Service Schools. Army Field Service School for Medical Oflacers, Fort Leavenworth, see Army Service Schools. Army, General commanding 1223 Army Medical School, D. C 1387 Army School of the Line, Fort Leavenworth, see Army Service Schools. Army Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth 1308 Army Signal School, Fort Leavenworth, see Army Service Schools. Army Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, see Army Service Schools. Army War College, D. C 1442 Arthur, Chester Alan 887 Artillerists and Engineers Corps, see Engineer Department, War Dept. Artillery Office, see Coast Artillery Office. Artillery School, Fort Monroe, see Coast Artillery School. Asphalt and Cement Inspector, D. C 392 Assay Commission 1144 Assessor, D.C : 392 Atlantic Division 1446 Attorney-General 588 Attorney-General, P. 1 1422 Attorney-General, P. R 596 Vttorney-General, Assistant, for Court of Claims 593 ittorney-General, Assistant, for Customs Matters 601 Attorney-General, Assistant, for Indian Depredation Claims 594 Attorney-General, Assistant, for Post-Office Department 858 Attorney-General, Assistant, for Spanish Treaty Claims Commission 598 Audiencia, P. I., see Supreme Court, P. I. Auditor, D.C 393 Auditor, P. I., see Audits Bureau. Auditor, P. R., U. S. Treasury Dept 1199 Auditor, P. R., U. S. War Dept 1461 Auditor for Interior Department 1023 1685 UST OF DEPARTMENTS. BUREAUS, ETC.— Continued Page Auditor for Navy Department 1024 Auditor for Post-Office Department 1025 Auditor for State and Other Departments 1024 Auditor for Treasury Department 1022 Auditor for War Department 1023 Audits Bureau, P. 1 1418 Banking and Currency Committee (House) 1541 Banks, National, Failed, Select Committee on 1543 Bathing Beach, D. C 403 Bering Sea Claims Commission, 1896-97 911 Bering Sea Tribunal of Arbitration, see Fur Seal Arbitration, Paris, 1893. Berlin arbitration, Northwestern boundary 916 Berlin Silver Commission, 1894 1511 Bibliography Division, Library of Congress 026 Bills and resolutions of Senate and House 1507 Biological Survey Bureau 217 Blind, Aid Association for, D. C 405 Block Signal and Train Control Board 581 Boards, Congressional and Presidential 1508 Bookkeeping and Warrants Division 1025 Botany Division 218 See also Plant Industry Bureau. Boundary arbitrations: Argentina-Brazil 920 Costa Rica-Nicaragua 917 Northeastern 911 Northwestern, Berlin arbitration 916 Boundary commissions: Alaskan-Canadian, 1892-95 ' 917 Mexican Water Boundary, 1889- 919 Northern, 1872-76 912 Northwestern, 1857-61 912 Boundary Survey, Mexican, 1882-96 919 Boundary Tribunal, Alaskan, 1903 917 Buchanan, James 884 Buildings Inspector, D. C 393 California Debris Commission 1439 California, Department of • 1289 Capitol Building and Grounds Superintendent 436 Capitol, Centennial Celebration of Laying of Corner Stone of, Joint Special Com- mittee on : 1543 Captured Property, Claims, and Lands Division, see Miscellaneous Division, Treasury Dept. Carlisle Indian School 503 Casualty Hospital, D. C, see Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital. Catalog Division, Library of Congress 643 Cattle Commission, Treasury 1021 Cavalry and Field Artillery School, Fort Riley, see Mounted Service School. Cavalry and Infantry, School of Application for, Fort Leavenworth, see Army Service Schools. Cavalry and Light Artillery School, Fort Riley, see Mounted Service School. Census, 1st, 1790 444 Census, 2d, 1800 444 1686 LIST OF DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS, ETC.— Continued Page Census, 3d, 1810 445 Census, 4th, 1820 446 Census, 5th, 1830 446 Census, 6th, 1840 446 Census, 7th, 1850 447 Census, 8th, 1860 447 Census, 9th, 1870 - 448 Census, 10th, 1880 448 Census, 11th, 1890 451 Census, 12th, 1900 455 Census Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept. 317 Census Committee (House) 1543 Census Committee (Senate) 1543 Census Office, Cuban 1395 Census Office, Interior Dept 458 Census Office, Porto Rico 1396 Central American Peace Conference 947 Central and South American Commission 1511 Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital, D. C ^. . . 393 Charitable and reformatory institutions, D. C, see Charities Board. Charities Board, D. C 394 Chemistry Bureau 220 Chicago, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893 953 Chicago Strike Commission 1511 Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park Commission 1248 Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park Dedication, Joint Com- mittee on 1543 Chief Clerk, Agriculture Dept 297 Chief Clerk and Superintendent, Treasury Dept 1051 Children's Guardians Board, D. C 394 Children's Hospital, D. C 402 Cincinnati, Centennial Exposition of Ohio Valley and Central States, 1888 953 Circuit Court for District of Columbia, see Supreme Court of District of Columbia. Circuit Courts 602 Circuit Courts of Appeals 602 Civil Sanitarium, Benguet, P.I 1435 Civil Service and Retrenchment Committee (Senate) 1544 Civil Service Bureau, P.I...! 1398 Civil Service Commission : 376 Civil Service Reform Committee (House) 1544 Claims Commissioners 1511 Claims commissions: American-British, Washington arbitration 915 Bering Sea, 1896-97 911 French and American, 1880-84 910 Great Britain and United States, 1853-55 911 United States and Chilean, 1892-94 920 United States and Chilean, 1900-01 : 920 United States and Mexican, 1869-76 912 Venezuelan, Caracas, 1902 and 1903 917 Claims Committee (House) 1544 Claims Committee (Senate) 1546 Claims. Court of 602 1687 LIST OP DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS. ETC. -Con tin ued Page Cleveland, Grover 887, 888 Coast and Geodetic Survey, Commerce and Labor Dept . . 323 suboffice, Manila 329 Coast and Geodetic Survey. Treasury Dppt 1052 suboflBce, Manila 10G3 Coast Artillery Office 1441 Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe 1310 See also Submarine Defense School. Coast-Defense Board, National 1520 Coast Guard and Transportation Bureau, P. I., see Navigation Bureau, P. I. Coast Survey, see Coast and Geodetic Survey, Treasury Dept. Cockrell Commission, see Executive Departments, Joint Commission on Laws Organizing. Coinage, Weights, and Measures Committee (House) 1546 Collector of Internal Revenue Office, P. I., see Internal Revenue Bureau. Collector of Taxes, D. C 401 Colonial documents, Compilations 1667 Colorado, Department of the 1290 Colored Children, Industrial Home School for, D. C 405 Columbia, Department of the 1291 Columbia Hospital for Women, D. C 403 Columbia Institution for Instruction of Deaf and Dumb, D. C 436 Columbia Railway Company 437 Columbian Exposition, World's, Chicago, 1893 953 Columbian Historical Exposition, Madrid, 1892-93 949 Commerce and Labor Department 312 Commerce Committee (House) 1547 Commerce Committee (Senate) 1548 Commerce Court 616 Commerce. National Council of 316 Commissioner of Customs 1075 Commissioner of Public Buildings 443 Commissioners of District of Columbia 388 Commissions: Congressional 1508 International 909, 944 Presidential 1508 Committees: Congressional 1532 Presidential 1508 Comptroller, Ist 1073 Comptroller, 2d 1074 Comptroller, B.C., see Auditor. Comptroller of Currency 1064 Comptroller of Treasury 1074 Conduct of the War, Joint Committee on 1549 Conference Committees (House and Senate) 1550 Conferences, International 944 Congress 1463, 1475 Note.— The regular numbered series of Congressional documents and reports are listed in the Congressional tables on p. 1-1S8 of this book. The publications listed on p. 1463-1667 are those which were printed by order of Congress but appeared in plain title editions. bills and resolutions 1507 Committees 1532 1688 LIST OF DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS, ETC.— Continued Page Congress — Continued executive documents, reports, etc 1475 miscellaneous publications 1475, 1491 proceedings 1453 See also Colonial documents — Continental Congress papers — Early Congress papers — Revolutionary period and first 14 Congresses, Papers of. Congresses, International 944 Congressional globe 1466 Congressional Library, see Library of Congress. Congressional Printer, see Public Printer. Congressional record 1469 Constabulary Bureau, P.I 1428 Constitutional or Federal Convention, 1787 1668 Construction and Repair Bureau, Navy Dept 701 Construction Bureau, Treasury Dept., see Architect, Supervising. Construction, Equipment, and Repairs Bureau, Navy Dept., see Construction and Repair Bureau — Equipment Bureau. Contested elections 1653 Continental Congress papers 1668 Contract Labor, Convicts, and Paupers, Select Committee on Importation of (House) 1550 Copyright Oflfice 629 Corporations Bureau 330 Corrupt Combinations of Members of Congress, Alleged, Select Committee to Investigate (House) 1550 Corruptions in Government, Alleged, Select Committee to Investigate (House) . 1550 Costa Rica-Nicaragua Boundary Arbitration 917 Court of Appeals, D. C 394 Coui-t of Claims 602 Coiu-t of Claims, Assistant Attorney-General for 593 Court of Customs Appeals 616 Court of Private Land Claims 607 Courts-martial, Courts of inquiry, and Military commissions 1280 Courts of inquiry. Military 1280 Courts of United States 602 Crater Lake National Park 442 Credit Mobilier Bribery, Alleged, Select Committee to Investigate (House) 1550 Criminal and Penal Laws, Commission to Revise and Codify, see Laws of United States, Commission to Revise. Criminal Court, D. C 403 Cuba: Posts Department 854 Provisional Governor 1223 Cuba and Porto Rico Special Commissioner 1019 Cuba, Department of 1302 See also Cuba, Western, Department of — Havana and Pinar del Rio, Depart- ment of — Matanzas and Santa Clara, Department of — Santiago and Puerto Principe, Department of. Cuba, Division of 1302 Cuba, Eastern, Department of, see Santiago and Puerto Principe, Department of. Cuba Relations Committee (Senate) 1551 Cuba, Western, Department of 1445 See also Cuba, Department of — Havana and Pinar del Rio, Department of — Matanzas and Santa Clara, Department of. 1689 LIST OF DEPABTMENTS. BUREAUS, ETC.— Continued Pago Cuban (.ensus Ofiice 1395 Currency, Comptroller of 10C4 Currency Division, see Loans and Currency Division. Currency Division, P. 1 1426 Customs and Immigration Bureau, P. I., see Customs Bureau. Customs and Insular Affairs Division, see Insular Affairs Bureau. Customs Appeals, Court of 616 Customs Bureau, P. 1 1403 Customs, Commissioner of 1075 Customs Division 1075 Customs Matters, Assistant Attorney-General for 601 Dakota, Governor 437 Dakota, Department of 1292 Daughters of American Revolution, National Society of 998 Dawea Commission, see Five Civilized Tribes Commissioner. Dead Letter Office, see Dead Letters Division. Dead Letters Division 859 Deaf and Dumb, Columbia Institution for Instruction of, D. ( 436 Department Methods Committee 1512 District Court for District of Columbia, see Supreme Court of District of Columbia. District Courts 606 District Electric Railway Commission 587 District of Columbia 387 District of Columbia Committee (House) 1552 District of Columbia Committee (Senate) 1554 District of Columbia, Joint Select Committee to Investigate Charities and Reformatory Institutions in 1557 Dockery Commission, see Executive Departments, Joint Commission on Laws Organizing. Documents Division, Library of Congress G42 Documents of period of first 14 Congresses, 1789-1817: miscellaneous, compilations, etc 1676 original prints 1679 Documents Office, Government Printing Office 415 See also Public Documents Division, Interior Dept. Dodge Commission, see War Investigating Commission. Dominican Customs Receivership 1260 Early Congress papers, 1789-1817: miscellaneous, compilations, etc 1676 original prints 1679 East, Department of the 1292 Eastern Cuba, Department of, see Santiago and Puerto Principe, Department of. Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital, D. C 405 Economic Ornithology and Mammalogy Division, see Biological Survey Bureau. Economy and Efficiency Commission 1512 Education and Labor Committee (House) 1558 Education and Labor Committee (Senate) 1558 Education Board, D. C 398 Education Bureau 460 Library 467 Education Bureau, P. 1 1400 Education Committee (House) 1558 1690 LIST OF DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS, ETC.— Continued Page Education Department, P. R., U. 8. Interior Dept 442 Education Department, P. R., U. S. War Dept 1461 Election of President, Vice-President, and Representatives Committee (House) . 1559 Elections Committees (House) 1559 Elections, Contested 1653 Electoral Commission of 1877 1512 Electrical Commission, 1884 948 Electrical Department, D. C 402 Emergency Hospital, D. C, see Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital. Employer's Liability and Workman's Compensation Commission 1513 Engineer Corps, see Engineer Department, War Dept. Engineer Department, D. C 395 Engineer Department, War Dept 1260 Engineer School, D. C 1275 Engineer School of Application, D. C, see Engineer School. Engineering Bureau, P.I 1408 See also Public Works Bureau. Engineers, International Congress of 1223 Engraving and Printing Bureau 1079 Entomological Commission, Agriculture Dept 222 Entomological Commission, Interior Dept 549 Entomology Bureau 223 Epidemic Diseases Committee (Senate) 1560 Epidemic Diseases, Select Committee on Origin, Introduction, and Prevention of (House) 1560 Equipment and Recruiting Bureau, see Equipment Bureau. Equipment Bureau 703 Ether Discovery, Select Committee on (House) 1561 Ether Discovery, Select Committee on (Senate) 1561 Ethnological Survey, P. 1 1426 See also Science Bureau. Ethnology Bureau 990 Eulogies, see Memorial addresses. Examiners Board, Treasury Dept 1080 Excise Board, D. C 395 Executive Bureau, P.I 1424 Executive Departments, Joint Commission on Laws Organizing 1513 Exhibitions, International 949 Expenditures in Department of Agriculture Committee (House) 1561 Expenditures in Department of Commerce and Labor Committee (House) 1561 Expenditures in Department of Justice Committee (House) 1561 Expenditures in Interior Department Committee (House) 1561 Expenditures in Navy Department Committee (House) 1561 Expenditures in Post-Office Department Committee (House) 1562 Expenditures in State Department Committee (House) 1562 Expenditures in Treasury Department Committee (House) 1562 Expenditures in War Department Committee (House) 1562 Expenditures on Public Buildings Committee (House) 1562 Experiment Stations Office 227 Exposition Board, P. 1 1410 Expositions, International 949 Federal Convention, 1787 1668 Fiber Investigations Office 240 1691 LIST OF DEPARTMENTS, BXTBEAUS. ETC. -rontinupd Vafce Fillmore, Millard 883 Finance and Justice Department, P. 1 1417 Finance Committee (Senate) 1563 Fire Department, D. C 396 Fish Commission 406 See also Fisheries Bureau. Fisheries arbitration, North Atlantic coast, Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague • 919 Fisheries Bureau 331 See also Alaskan Fisheries Divisioji — Fish Commission . Fisheries Committee (Senate) 1566 Fisheries Exhibition, International, London, 1883 949 Fishery Commission, Halifax Commission 916 Five Civilized Tribes Commissioner 437 Five, Select Committee of (House) 1566 Food and Drug Inspection Board 297 Foreign Affairs Committee (House) 1566 Foreign Affairs Department, see State Department. Foreign Commerce Bureau 921 See also Statistics Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept. Foreign Mail Service 860 Foreign Markets Division 240 Foreign Relations Committee (Senate) 1568 Forest Service 241 Forestry Bureau, see Forest Service. Forestry Bureau, P. 1 1402 Fortifications or Other Defenses Board 1513 Foundlings, Washington Home for, D. C 406 Foundlings, Washington Hospital for, D. C 441 See also Foundlings, Washington Home for. Free Delivery Division 871 See also Rural Delivery Division. Freedman's Savings and Trust Company 409 Freedmen's Branch, Adjutant-General's Ofiice 1363 Freedmen's Bureau, see Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands Bureau. Freedmen's Hospital, D. C 437 French and American Claims Commission, 1880-84 910 French Spoliation Claims, Commission Appointed to Examine, under Treaty with France of July 4, 1831 909 Fur Seal Arbitration, Paris, 1893 910 Gardens and Grounds Division 250 See also Plant Industry Bureau. Garfield, James Abram 88Q Gas and Meters Inspector, D. C 404, 437 General appraisers', see Appraisers. General commanding Army 1223 General Grant National Park 440 General Land Oflice 504 General Service and Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, see Army Service Schools. General Staff, Second Section, see Military Information Division, War Dept. General Staff Corps 3223 General Supply Committee 425 General Supply Committee, Treasury Dept 1201 1692 LIST OF DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS, ETC.— Continued Page Geneva arbitration, Alabama claims 913 Geographic Board 410 Geographic Congress, International 944 Geographic Names Board, see Geographic Board. Geographical and Geological Survey of Rocky Mountain Region (Powell) 467 See also Ethnology Bureau — Geological Survey. Geographical Surveys West of 100th Meridian (Wheeler) 1276 See also Geological Survey. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (Hayden) 468 See also Geological Survey. Geological Congress, International 944 Geological Survey 471 See also Geographical and Geological Survey of Rocky Mountain Region — Geographical Surveys West of 100th Meridian — Geological and Geograph- ical Survey of the Territories — Mines Bureau — Standards Bureau. Geological Survey of the Territories (Hayden), see Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Gettysburg National Military Park Commission 1395 Girls' Reform School of District of Columbia, see Reform School for Girls of District of Columbia. Gold and Silver Commission of Great Britain, see Precious Metals, Royal [Brit- ish] Commission Appointed to Inquire into Recent Changes in Relative Values of. Government Hospital for Insane 438 Government Hospital for Insane, Special Committee on Investigation of (House) 1570 Government Laboratories Bureau, P.I 1416 See also Science Bureau, P. I. Government Printing Office 412 Library 415 Governor-General, P. 1 1433 Grades and Salaries Committee 1513 Grant, Ulysses Simpson 885 Grant National Park 440 Great Britain and United States Claims Commission, 1853-55 911 Greely, Lieutenant, and Party at Lady Franklin Bay, Board of Officera Con- sidering Relief Expedition to 1514 Guam Island, Naval Governor 700 Gulf, Department of the 1293 Gun Foundry Board 1514 Hague Tribunal, see Arbitration, Permanent Court of, The Hague. Halifax Commission, Fishery Commission 916 Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute 503 Harrison, Benjamin 888 Harrison, William Henry 881 Hatch, Davis, Select Committee Appointed to Investigate Memorial of (Senate) . 1570 Havana and Pinar del Rio, Department of 1443 See also Cuba, Department of — Cuba, Western, Department of. Hawaii, Governor 442 Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station 234 Hawaiian Commission 1514 Hayden Survey, see Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Hayes, Rutherford Birchard 886 / 1693 UST OF DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS, ETC.— €ontinued Page Health Bureau, P. 1 1411 Health, Charities, and Correction Department, P. R 1462 Health Department, Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama, see Sanitation Depart- ment. Health Department, D. C 396 Health, National Board of 1147 Historical Association, American 997 Home for Aged and Infirm, D. C , 405 Homes Commission 1514 Hot Springs Reservation 438 Hot Springs Reservation Commission 438 Hot Springs Reservation Improvements Office 438 House of Correction, D. C, see National Training School for Boys. House of Representatives: bills and resolutions 1507 Committees 1532 miscellaneous publications 1496 House of Representatives, Commission to Supervise Construction of Building for Offices for 1514 House Rooms Distribution Select Committee (House) 1570 Howard University 438 Hudson's Bay and Puget's Sound Agricultural Companies' Claims, Joint Com- mission on 911 Hydrographic Office 713 Hygienic Laboratory 1129 Idaho, Governor 438 Immigration and Naturalization Bureau 334 See also Immigration Bureau. Immigration and Naturalization Committee (House) 1570 Immigration Bureau, Treasury Dept 1082 See also Immigration and Naturalization Bureau. Immigration Conmiission 1514 Immigration Committee (Senate) 1571 Impeachments 1654 Indian Affairs Committee (House) 1571 Indian Affairs Committee (Senate) 1572 Indian Affairs Office 493 Indian Bureau, Joint Committee on Transfer of 1574 Indian Commissioners Board 496 Indian Currency Commission, Great Britain 1514 Indian Depredation Claims, Assistant Attorney-General for 594 Indian Depredations Committee (Senate) 1574 Indian Inspector for Indian Territory 439 Indian schools 497 Indian Schools Superintendent 497 Indian Territory, Indian Inspector for 439 Indian Territory, Mine Inspector for 439 Indian Territory, Select Committee to Investigate Matters Cormected with Affairs in (Senate) 1574 Indian Tribes, Joint Special Committee on Condition of 1574 Industrial Arts and Expositions Committee (House) 1575 Industrial Commission 1515 Industrial Home School, D . C 396 1694 / i> LIST OF DEPABTMENTS, BUREAUS, ETC,— Continued Page Industrial Home School for Colored Children, D. C 405 Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort Leavenworth, see Army Service Schools. Information Division, Immigration and Naturalization Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept 337 Insane, Government Hospital for 438 Inspector-General's Department 1278 Insular Affairs Bureau 1253 Insular Affairs Committee (House) 1575 Insular Piuchasing Agent Office, P. I., see Supply Bureau. Insurance Department, D. C 404 Insurrectionary States, Late, Joint Select Committee to Inquire into Condition of Affairs in 1576 Intercontinental Railway Commission 944 Interior Department 426 Library 510 Interior Department, P.I 1418 Interior Department, P. R., U. S. Interior Dept 442 Interior Department, P. R., U. S. War Dept 1462 Interior Department and Forestry Service, Joint Committee to Investigate 1588 Interior Department, Auditor for 1023 Internal Improvements Select Committee (House) 1588 Internal Revenue Bureau, P. 1 1436 Internal Revenue Commissioner 1083 Internal Revenue Frauds, Select Committee on (House) 1578 International American Conference 945 International Bureau of American Republics 299 International commissions 909, 944 International conferences 944 International Congress of Engineers 1223 International congresses, conferences, and commissions 944 International disputes 909 International Exchange Commission 1516 International exhibitions and expositions 949 International Geographic Congress 944 [nternational Geological Congress 944 [nternational Marine Conference 946 [nternational Prison Commission 949 International Prison Congress 948 [nternational Sanitary Conference, 1881 947 [nternational Sanitary Conference of American Republics 311 [nternational Statistical Congress 944 [nternational Waterways Commission 1449 [nteroceanic Canal Congress 948 [nteroceanic Canals Committee (Senate) 1577 [nterstate and Foreign Commerce Committee (House) 1582 Interstate Commerce Commission 558 [nterstate Commerce Committee (Senate) 1578 [nvalid Pensions Committee (House) 1587 [nvestigation and Retrenchment Committee (Senate) — : 1588 [nvestigation Bureau, Justice Dept - 593 [ron, Steel, and Other Metals, Board for Testing 1517 [rrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands Committee (Senate) 1588 [rrigation Inquiry Office - - 250 1695 LIST OF DEPABTMENTS, BUBEAUS, ETC.— Continued Pagp Irn^a'if)!! of Arid Lands Committeo (Uouho) 1589 Iriii^iA iua of San Joaquin, Tulare, and Snrranient^ Valleyf , Oal,, Board of Com- mi88iouer8 on 1517 Isthmian Canal Commission, 1899-lOOJ 1517 Isthmian Canal Commission, 190-1 Jackson, Andrew James, Division of tlie. . Jefferson, Thomaf. - Johnson. Andrew. Judge- Ad vocate-G<'mTui, Aav}' J lulire- Advocate-General's Department, Arni Judiciary G02 Judiciary Committee (House 1589 Judiciary Committee (Senatt 1593 Justice Bureau, P. T . - ] 122 Justice Departmeii Library .j.-i Kansas Investigating Special Committee (House > 1594 Keep Commission, see Department Methods Commiitoe Labor Bureau .- 338 See also Labor Department. Labor Committee (House) Labor Department See also Labor Bureau. Labor Employment Board Lakes, Department of the Land Office, General Lands Bureau, P. I Law Library, Library of Congress Laws, Committee on Revision of (House). . . 1595 Laws of United States.. 954 Laws of LTnited States, Commission to Revise . 592, 1517 Laws, Special Joint Committee on Revision of .... 1595 Library: Agriculture Department . . Education Bureau Government Printing Office . . Interior Department Justice Department 1 Navy Department, see Library and Naval War RJecords Offir- Department, sg^ Rolls and Library Bureau. ury Department .'. . . War Department i library and Naval War Records Office Library Building and Grounds Superintend Library Committee (House) . . Library Committee (Senate "* . Library Joint Committf- ioyo Library of Congress 619 Lieutenant-general commanding Aim} 1223, Life-Saving Appliances Board 1105 Life-Saving Ser\'ice Light-House Board, Commerce and Labor Dept. 1696 LIST OF DEPARTMENTS, BXTREAtJS, ETC.— Continued Page L^ht-House Board, Treasury Dept 1105 Light-House Establishment, s'e^ Light-House Board, Commerce and Labor Dept. — Light-House Boai'd, Treasury Dept. Lighthouses Bureau, see- Light-House Board, Commerce and Labor Dept. Lilley, George L., Select Committee on Investigation of Charges made by (House) 1597 Lincoln, Abraham , 884 Loans and Currency Division 1124 London, International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883 949 Lorimer, William, Committee to Investigate Election of (Senate) 1597 Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904 953 Luzon, Department of 1442 Luzon, Northern, Department of 1442 Luzon, Southern, Department of , 1442 Macedonian, brig, Arbitration of case of. United States vs. Chile 920 McKinley, William ■ 888 Madison, James 877 Madrid, Columbian Historical Exposition, 1892-93. 949 Major-general commanding Army. 1223 Manila, P. I . 1432 Manufactures Bureau 347 Manufactures Committee (House) 1597 Manufactures Committee (Senate) 1597 Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress 640 Maps and Charts Division, Library of Congress 641 Marine Conference, International 946 Marine Corps 759 Marine-Hospital Service, see Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua 439 Matanzas and Santa Clara, Department of 1444 See also Cuba, Department of — Cuba, Western, Department of. Meat Products, Select Committee on Transportation and Sale of (Senate) 1598 Medical Congress, Pan-American 948 Medical Department, Army 1383 Medical Supervisors Board, D. C 404 Medicine and Surgery Bureau 762 Melbourne, Centennial International Exhibition, 1888 949 Melbourne, International Exhibition,. 1880. 949 Memorial addresses and addresses on acceptance of statues, etc 1654 Mercantile Marine and Internal Revenue Division, see Miscellaneous Division. Treasury Dept. Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee (House) 1 598 Merchant Marine Commission. J 518 Metiia Verde National Park 443 Message and documents 1667 Metropolitan Police Department, D. C. 397 Mexican Boundary Survey, 1882-96 ,919 Mexican Claims Commission, 1869-76 912 ^'^an Water Boundary Commission, 1889- 919 ipy Division 252 "Committee (House) 1600 Academy, West Point. ^ - 1282 .cademy , West Point, ^Commission to Examine 1518 1697 LIST OF DBPABTMENTS, BTTRKAns >!T( i . ^ Milita.ry Affaire Committee (Uouae) ''OO Military Affairs Committee (Senate) '^>03 Military Asylum, see Soldiers* Homo, District of Columbi Military commissions .^ '-^^ Military Information Division, Philippines Diyision, W; -^9 Military I iiformation Division, War Dept ^ . . . ^ K)6 Military Justice Bureau, «ec Judge- Advocate-General's Depyjliof i Military Prmn, Fort Leavenworth i'i08 . See also Soldiers* Home, District of Columbia. Military Secretary's Department, see Adjutant-General's Departm' : Military Secretarj'*8 Office, see Adjutant-General's Department. Militia Affairs Division, Adjutant-Genorars DcDartmonf. War Dei/; 1248 Militia Affairs Division, War Dept. . . ' '*' Militia Committee (House) ' '(^o Mindanao and Jolo, Department of . . . • toi:-' Mindanao, Department of . 452 Mine Inspector for Indian Territory 439 Mine Inspector for Territory of New Mexico. . . 439 Mine Inspector for Territory of Utah 441 Mines and Mining Committee (Hoas^ ' <)06 Mines Bureau •'>57 Mining Bureau, P. I.i 121 See also Science Bureau Mint Bureau '143 Miscellaneous Division, TreuMiry u0€ Miswissippi, Select Committee to Inquire into Allied Frauds in Recent Eie< - tion in (Senate) 1606 Missouri, Depsirtment of the, and Miseouri, DivieioD of tl L294 Missouri River Commission '317 Mixed commissions to settle international disputes- ti09 Monetary Commission, National, 1908- Moiietary Commiaeion of United States, 1876. . Monetary conferences . ,M7 Money Orders Di \'i8i < ; ,S6 1 Monroe, James 878 Montana, Governor -139 Moro Pro^'ince, P.I 132 Mount Rainier National Park. i42 Mounted Service School , Fort Riley ,..„.,... ' l Museum of Ethnology, Natural History, and ComiD' 42.5 Music Division, Library of Congress fi47 Nashville, Tennessee Centennial Exposition, 1897. . 953 National Academy of Sciences '<'X'> National Association of Railway Commissioners. , National Asylum for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, see National Home for Di abled Volunteer Soldiers National Board of Health 1 147 See also Public Health and Mariije-Hoepital Senir..- National Bureau of Standard^. . . See also Standards Bureau. 82452°— 11 107 1698 LIST OF DEPABTMENTS, BtTKEAUS, ETC.— Continued . Page National Cemeteries, Inspectors of 1356 National Coast-Defense Board 1520 National Council of Commerce 316 National Currency Bureau, see Engraving and' Printing Bureau. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. 835 National Monetary Commission, 1908- 1519 National Museum. . . .' .' 992 National Observatory, see Naval Observatory. National Resources, Committee on Conservation of (Senate). 1607 National Society of Daughters of American Revolution 998 National Training School for Boys, D. C 596 National Waterways Commission . . 1519 Naturalization Commission ... 1519 Naturalization Division 336 Nautical Almanac Office 764 Naval Academy, Annapolis 770 Naval Affairs Committee (House) 1607 Naval Affairs' Committee (Senate) j 1608 Naval Affairs Joint Committee , 1608 Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, see Naval Home. Naval Home, Philadelphia 790 Naval Intelligence Office 773 Naval Medical School, D. C 764 Naval Militia Office , 698 Naval Observatory' 774 Naval Observatory and Hydrc^raphical Office, see Ntival Observatory. Naval Torpedo Station and War College, Newport, see Naval War College. Naval Training Station, Newport ^ , 810 Naval War College, Newport .> •. A 781 Naval War Records Office, see Library and Naval War Records Office. Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept 360 Navigation Bureau, Navy Dept: 785 Navigation Bi^u, P. I. 1423 I^a>igSti6B Bureau, Treasury Dept 1149 Navy Department 647 Assistant Secretary 699 Library, see Library and Naval War Records Office. Navy Department, Auditor for 1024 Navy Department, Solicitor of 759 New Mexico: Governor 439 • Traveling Auditor and Bank Examiner ^ 439 New Mexico, District of, see Arizona, Department of. New Mexico, Mine Inspector for Territory of - 439 New Orleans Riots Select Committee (House) f 1609 New York Election Frauds, Alleged , Select Committee on (House) 1609 Newburgh, N. Y., Monument and Centennial Celebration of 1883, Joint Select r Committeeon. ,.... 1609 Nicaragua Canal Commission - 1^20 Nicaragua, Maritime Capal Company of 439 Non-Christian Tribes Bureau, P. I., see Ethnological Survey. North Atlantic coast fisheries arbitration, Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague 919 Ife99 LIST OF DBPABTMF.KTfs rttrfatt« vrr. Page North Carolina, Department of. 1449 North Philippines, Department oi. . . . } 12 Northeaatern Boundary Arbitration [ill Northern and Northwestern Lakes Survey l U9 Northern Boundary Commiesion, t«^-> -^'^ )12 Northern Division 13 Northern Luzon, Department of ; t2 Northwestern boundary, Berlin arbitration >\(i Northwestern Boundary Oommiasion, 1857-61 Nurses, Training School for, D. C, see Freedmen's Hospital. Ohio Valley and Central States, Centennial Exposition of, Cincinnati^ Is JoS Oklahoma, Governor UO Oklahoma, Select Committee to Investigate Indian Contracts in (House ,09 Omaha, Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, 1898. .03 Ordnance and Fortification Board .13 Ordnance and Hydrography Bureau, see Ordnance Bureav Ordnance and War-Ships Select Committee (Senate) m;09 Ordnance Bureau Ml Ordnance Department .'/2.1 Ordnance, Heavy, and Projectiles, Select Committee on (Senate) 1609 Ordnance, Joint Select Committee on ! fion Oregon, Department of, see Columbia, Department of the Ornithology and Mammalogy Division, see Biological Survi. v i^uieau. Outrages in Southern States, Alleged, Select Committee to Investigate (Senate) . 1609 Pacific, Department of the, see California, Department of. Pacific, Department of the (for the Philippines), see Philippines Division Pacific Division 1439 Pacific Islands and Porto Rico Committee (Senate) 1610 Pacific Railroad Comnaittee (Senate) 10 Pacific Railroads Committee (House) 11 Pacific Railway Commission '21 Pan-American Medical Congress 18 Pan-American Scientific Congress ' < 8 Pan American Union, see American Republics Bureau. Papers of Revolutionary period and first 14 (^on^resses. . . Paris, Universal Exposition, 1867 'I'J Paris, Universal Exposition, 1878 >-yi) Paris, Universal Exposition, 1881) »50 Paris, Universal Exposition, 1900.. ">1 Patent and Trade-Mark Laws Commission Patent Office Patents Committee (House) Patents Committee (Senate) i i Pay Department, Army \4 Peace Commission, Spanish- American liO Peace Conference, Central American 17 Penitentiary, Fort Leavenworth ')5 Penitentiary, McNeil Island 02 Pension Appeals Board '.5 Pension Biu-eau i Pensions, Boimty, and Back Pay, Select Conamittee on Payment of (Hou-' Pensions Committee (Houst^) Pensions Committee (Senate) 1700 LIST OF DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS, ETC.— Continued Page Periodical Division, Library of Congress 642 Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague 918 Philadelphia, International Exhibition, 1876 952 Philippine Assembly , 1436 Philippine Commission, 1899-1900 1521 Philippine Commission, 1900- 1396 Philippine Commission, 1900- (in legislative capacity as upper house of Philip- pine Lfegislature) 1436 Philippine Islands, see Philippine Commission, 1900 names of bureaus. Philippine Legislature •. 1435 Philippine Medical School, Manila 1437 Philippine Weather Bureau, see Weather Bureau, P. I. Philippines Committee (Senate) 1614 Philippines Constabulary, see Constabulary Bureau. Philippines Division., 1295 Philippines, North, Department of 1442 Philippines, South, Department of 1452 Philosophical Society of Washington 989 Pierce, Franklin 883 Pinar del Rio, Department of 1443 Pious fund of the Calif omias. Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague 918 Plant Industry Bureau 253 See also Agrostology Division — Botany Division — Gardens and Grounds Division — Pomology Division — Seed and Plant Introduction Section — Seed Division — Vegetable Physiology and Pathology Division. Platte, Department of the 1299 Pneumatic Tube Commission 873 Police Department, Metropolitan, D. C 397 Polk, James Knox 882 Pomology Division , 262 See also Plant Industry Bureau. Porto Rico. 978,14(30 Anemia Dispensary Service 1461 Attorney-General 596 Auditor, U. S. Treasury Dept 1199 Auditor, U. S. War Dept. 1461 Education Department, U.S. Interior Dept 442 Education Department, U. S. War Dept 1461 Governor, U.S. State Dept : 978 Governor, U. S. War Dept -. 1460 Health, Charities, and Correction Department 1462 Interior Department, U. S. Interior Dept 442 Interior Department, U. S. War Dept 1462 Treasurer .-.- 1462 Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station 237 Porto Rico Census Office 1396 Porto Rico, Department of 1300 Porto Rico Laws Commission 1521 Porto Rico Special Commissioner 1019 Post-Office and Post- Roads Committee (House) 1615 Post-Oflfice Department 839 Assistant Postmaster-General, 1st '. 856 Assistant Postmaster-General, 2d 856 1701 llST OF DEPABTMENTS. BtTRKAITS, STC.-rontkiued PaR»» ">.i/ Poel-Office Departments — Oontiu u ed Assistant Postmaster-General, 3d . .... » .... Aesiftant Poetmaster-General, 4th.. ^ *»..•...,.. . s58 PoBt-Office Department, Assistant Att^^'^^^'-'^-^r^r^' H58 Poet-OflSce Department, Auditor for ;025 Post-Office Department, Select Commuiee on Keiaiions oi Memb* ; (House)..' '. ! 1016 Poet-Office Inspectors and Mail Depredations Diviaion, see Poet-Office Inapt i- tors Division. Post-Office Insx)ectors Division 872 Post-Office Supplier Division, see Supplies Division. Post-Offices and Post-Roads Comrnitj^e (Senate) . . 1G15 Poat-Offices Bureau, P. I., -^^ P- ■^'^ Bureau Postal Commission, 1906-0- .. 1522 Postal Savings System . 891 Postal Service, Conmiission to Investigate, 1898-190 . . 1522 Postmaster-General 839 Posts Bureau, P. I 1437 Posts Department, Cuba r 854 Powell Survey, see Geographical and Geological Survey of Rock> ^rcunta^in Region. Precious Metals, Royal [British] Commission Appointed to Inquire Changes in Relative Values of ')22 President of United States President's Commission on Economy and Efficiency, see Economy and El' ciency Commission. President's Homes Commission, see Homes Commission. Printing and Publications Division, Commerce and Labor Dept . 375 Printing and Stationery Division. Treasiirv Deot 1 165 Printing Bureau, P. 1 1 438 Printing Committee (House) m ?i Printing Conmiittee (Senate) ' Printing Division, Commerce and Labor Dcpt., .>,<'c l^rijiimg unci lumicanons Division. Printing Investigation Commission I r,22 Printing Joint Committee 116 Printing, Public, Select Committee to Investigate (Senate; '25 Prints Division, Library of Congress ')46 Prison Commission, International 949 Prison Congress, International 948 Private Land Claims Committee (House). K)25 Private Land Claims Committee (Senate) 1 026 Private Land Claims, Court of 007 Privileges and Elections Committee (Senate) ! (i25 Proceedings of Congress <63 Provisions and Clothing Bureau, see Supplies and Aocounts iiuieau Provost-Marshal-General : .'.52 Public Buildings and Grounds Committee (House) . . ' 030 Public Buildings and Grounds Committee (Senate). 030 Public Buildings and Grounds Office - '53 See also Public Buildings Commissioner. Public Buildings Commissioner 443 See also Public Buildings and Grounds Office. 1702 \ LIST OF DEPAETMENTS, BUEEAUS, ETC.— Continued Page Public Documents Division, Interior Dept 458 See also Docun^ents OflBce, Government Printing Office. Public Expenditures Committee (House) 1630 Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service 1127 See also National Board of Health. Public Health and National Quarantine Committee (Senate) 1631 Public Health Select Committee (House). 1630 Public Instruction Bureau, P. I., see Education Bureau, P. I. Public Instruction Department, P. I. . . 1434 PudHc Land Commission, 1879-80 1522 Public Lands Bureau, P. I., see Lands Bureau. Public Lands Commission, 1903-05. 1524 Public Lands Committee (House) .<' 1627 Public Lands Committee (Senate) 1626 Public Library, D. C 397 Public Moneys Division 1150 Public Printer : 412 Public Printing Bureau, P. 1., see Printing Bureau. Public Road Inquiries Office, see Public Roads Ofice.* Public Roads Office ; 266 Public Schools Trustees of District of Columbia, see Education Board. Public Schools Trii^stees of Washington City, see. Education Board. Public Service, Select Committee on Appropriations for Prevention of Fraud in and Depredations upon (House) 1630 Public Works Bureau, P. I 1434 See also Architecture and Construction of Public Buildings Bureau — Engi- neering Bureau. Publication Office, War Records, see War Records Office. Publications Division, Agriculture Dept. 262 Publications Division, Commerce and Labor Dept., see Printing and Publica- tions Division. Puerto Principe, Department of 1444 Puerto Rico, Department of, see Porto Rico, Department of. Puget's Sound Agricultural Companies' Claims, Joint Commission on Hudson's Bay and... 911 Pulp and Paper lYivestigation Select Committee (House) 1629 Purchasing Agent, Post-Office Dept. : 873 Quartermaster's Department , > 1353 Railroads Commissioner. 549 Railroads Committee (Senate) 1631 Railway Commission, Intercontinental. 944 Railway Commissioners, National Association of. 570 Railway Mail Service .- 863 Railways and Canals Committee (House) 1631 Reclamation Service 1 48^,550 Reconstruction Joint Coramittee. 1633 Record and Pension Office 1362 See also Adjutant-General's Department — ^War Records Office. Records and Editing Division, see Publications Division, Agriculture Dept. Reform School for Girls of District of Columbia 597 Reform School of District of Columbia, se£ National Training School for Boys. Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands Bureau - 1363 Register of debates 1465 1703 LIST OF DEPARTMENTS, BUEKAUS, ETC. Ouitmiuu Page Kcj^ister of Treasury 1 1 .=^0 Sec also Statistics Bureau, Treasury Dept Resolutions of Senate and House Retrenchment Committee (Senate. Retrenchment Joint Select Committee. lOJi^ Revenue Commission 1010 Revenue-Cutter Service M 53 School of instruction i 1 59 Revenue-Marine Service, see Revenue-Cutter Service. Revenue Special Conmiissioner 1 020 Revision of Statutes Commission ! J i Revolutionary Claims Committee (Housfe; ' Revolutionary Claims Committee (Senate) Revolutionary period and first 14 Congresses, Papers of ; ' > / Rivers and Harbors Committee (House) '•i:^.2 Road Inquiry Ofhce, see Public Roads Office. Roads and Canals Committee (Senate) ' >]:Uj Rolls and Library Bureau 072 Roosevelt, Theodore 8S0 Rules Committee (House) i (VM' Rules Committee (Senate) '> Rural Delivery Division See also Free Delivery Division. St. Louis, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904 Salaries and Allowances Division -A Salary and Allowance Division, see Salaries and Allowances Division. Salvador arbitration, see United States vs. Salvador Arbitration Tribunal. Sanitary Conference, International, 1881 Sanitary Conference of American Republics, International 311 Sanitation Department, Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama 1454 Santa Clara, Department of 1444 Santiago, Chile, International Exhibition, 1875 949 Santiago and Puerto Principe, Department of 1444 See also Cuba, Department of. * Santo Domingo Commi.ssion 1525 Schley Court of Inquiry. 696 School of Application for Cavalry and Field Artillery, Fort Riley, see Mounts Service School. School of Application for Cavalry and Infantry, Fort Leavenworth, see Army Service Schools. Schurman Commission, see Philippine Commission, 1899-1900. Science Bureau, P.I 1 427 See also Ethnological Survey — Government Laboratories Bureau— Miniig Biu^au. Sciences, National Academy of , 832 Scientific Congress, Pan-American 948 Second Section, General Staff, see Military Information Division, War Dept. Secret Service Division : I lo9 Seed and Plant Introduction Section 2G: See also Plant Industry Bureau. Seed Division 269 See also Plant Industry- Bureau. Select and special committees (House) 1641 1704 LIST OF DEPABTMENTS, BUHEAITS, ETC.— Continued Page Select and special committees (Senate) 1642 iSenate: ^ bills and resolutions 1507 Committees "^ 1532 executive documents, reports, etc 1475 mificellaneous publications : . 1499 Senate Contingent Expenses Committee (Senate) 1643 Sequoia and General Grant National Parks , 440 Shiloh National Military Park Conimission 1446 Ship Subsidy Lobby, Allied, Select Committee to Investigato (House) 1643 Shipping Commissioners 361 Sickness and Mortality on Emigrant Ships Select Committee (Senate) 1644 Signal Office 1364 5ee afeo Weather Bureau. ' Signal School, Fort Leavenworth, see x^rmy Service Schools. Silk Section , 269 Silver Commission of 1876, see Monetary Commission of United States. 1876. Smithsonian Institution. 979 Soils Bureau 269 Soldiers' Home, District of Columbia 1382 See also Military Prison, Fort Leaven>^rorth. Solicitor-General 601 Solicitor of Department of Agriculture. 298 Solicitor of Navy Department .\ 759 Solicitor of Treasury, Justice Dept 595 Solicitor of Treasury, Treasury Dept 1200 South, Department of the, and South, Di^dsion of the 1448 South Philippines, Department of 1452 Southern Luzon, Department of 1442 Southwestern Division 1450 Spanish-American Peace Coromission 920 Spanish Treaty Claims Commission 1525 Spanish Treaty Claims Commissic , Assistant Attorney-General for. 598 Special Agents Di\dsion 1163 See also Alaskan Fisheries Division. ^ Speeches. , 1667 Staff Collie, Fort Leavenworth, see Army Service Schools. Staff Corps, General 1223 Standard Weights and Measmres Office, see National Bureau of Standards. Standards Bureau 362 See also National Bureau of Standards. State and Other Departments, Auditor for 1024 State Department 891 Library, see Rolls and Library Bureau. Stationery, Printing, and Blanks Division, see Printing and Stationery Division. Statistical Congress, International 944 Statistics Bureau, Agriculture Dept 271 Statistics Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept 363 See also Foreign Commerce Bureau./ StatisticB Bureau, State Dept., see Foreign Commerce Bureau. Statistics Bureau, Treasury Dept 1166 Statues, Addresses on acceptance of - 1654 Statutes ' see Laws of United States. 1705 LIST OF DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS. ETC.— OontinuoH ''age Sieam Engineering Bureau S23 Stoamhoat-Inspoction Service, romnierco and Labor Dv\> M3 Steamboat- 1 ii!*poctiou Service, Treasury Dept 1 186 Street and Alley Cleaning Service, D. C, see Street Cleaning Departmi- Street Cleaning Department, I). C :i99 Submarine Defense School, Fort Tott«n . i 445 See also Coast Artillery School. Subsistence Department 1249 Superintendent of Charities, D. C, see Charitit ? i mj.hu. Superintendent of Documents, see Documents Office, Government Printing Office — Public Documents Di\dsion, Interior Dept. Superintendent of Public Printing, see Public Printer. SuperA-ising Architect 1190 Supervisors in Medicine and Pharmacy Board, D. C., .ve Medical Supervisors Board. Supplies and Accounts Bureau, Navy Dfut 825 Supplies Division, Post-Office Dept . S74 Supply Bureau, P. I .427 Supply Committee, General. 425 Supply Committee, General, Treasury, Dept 201 Supreme Court 007 Supreme Court, P. I i 438 Supreme Court of District of Columbia 399 Surgeon-General's Office, see Medical Department, Army. Taft, William Howard. 890 Tatt Philippine Conmiission, see Philippine Commission, 1900-. Tariff Commission, 1882 / 1531 Taxes, Collector of, D. C 401 Taylor, Zachary , . Tea Investigations and Experiments Office, see Plant Industry Bureau Telegraph and Telephone Service, D. C UJi Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, 1897. 953 Territories Committee (House) '344 Territories Committee (Senate) 1 644 Texas, Department of 1301 Tonnage, American, Select Committee on Causes of Reduv,iiuii v-i ^Jiuu . . 1645 Topographical Engineers Corps, see Engineer Department, War Dept. Topography Division 870 Trade Relations Bureau 978 Training School for Nurses, D. C, see Freedmen's Hospital. Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, 1898. 953 Transit of Venus Commission, 1874 697 1645 439 J 462 1193 1021 1074 Transportation Routes to Seaboard Committee (Senate' Traveling Auditor and Bank Examiner, New Mexico Treasurer, P. R Treasurer of United State?. Treasurj' Cattle Commissic Treasury, Comptroller of. . Treasury Department 998 Chief Clerk and Superintendent- . 051 Library 102 Treasury Department, Auditor for. . . 022 Treasury, Solicitor of, Justice Dept 595 1706 LIST OF DEPABTMENTS, BITREAUS, ETC.— Continued P^ge Treasury, Solicitor of, Treasury Dept: 1200 Treaties, 975 Treaty of Washington, Arbitrations under 913 Trustees of Public Schools, Washington, D. C, see Education Board. Trustees of Public Schools of t)i8trict of Columbia, see Education Board. Tuberculosis Committee 1531 Tuberculosis Hospital, D. C 406 Tutuila, Commandant U. S. naval station 700 Tyler, John 881 Union Pacific Railway, Government directors 440 United States and Chilean Claims Commission, 1892-94 920 United States and Chilean Claims Commission, 1900-01 920 United States and Mexican Claims Commission, 1869-76. 912 United States Steel Corporation Investigation Committee (House) 1645 United States vs. Chile, Arbitration of case of brig Macedonian 920 United States vs. Salvador Arbitration Tribunal 917 University of United States, Select Committee to Establish (Senate) 1645 Utah, Governor '. ; 441 Utah Commiasion 441 Utah, Mine Inspector for Territory of 441 Van Buren, Martin 880 Vegetable Pathology Section, see Vegetable Physiology and Pathology Division. Vegetable Physiology and Pathology Division 278 See also Plant Industry Bureau. A'onezuela Steam Transportation Company of New York, Commission to Arbi- trate Claims of, against Venezuela 912 Venezuelan arbitration. Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague 918 Venezuelan Boundary Commission 1...... 1531 Venezuelan mixed claims commissions, Caracac, 1902 and 1903. . . 917 Ventilation and Acoustics Committee (House) 1 64 ' Veterinary Division, see Animal Industry Bureau. Vicksburg National Military Park Commission 1441 Vienna, International Exhibition, 1873 952 Virginia and North Carolina, Department of, and James, Division of the 1449 Wages and Prices Select Committee (Senate) 1645 War Claims Committee (House) . . - 1645 War College Board 1442 War College Division, see Military Information Division, War Dept. ( War Department 1201 Library 1281 War Department, Auditor for 1023 W^ar Investigating Commission 1531 War Records Office... 1390 See also Record and PensioA Office. , Warrants, Estimates, and Appropriations Division, see Bookkeeping and War- rants Division. Washington, George 875 Washington Aqueduct, D. C - '...... 442 Washington: arbitration, American-BHitish Mixed Claims Commission . . >. 915 Washington Asylum, D. C. 401 W^ashington, Department of 1440 ^A'ashington Home for Foundlings, D. (' 406 /^^1 ■y^ ., >l