YF02558 y a oarofcl net of etents with the amiea and points of previous laaaauraaanta. A also established at tho flftgine atatlon. In addition te theae, * antomtio reoordera of the latent OoxOey typo were irwtall^l *e the hflight of water both above nnd "below the daa* Iha re y fifteen ninutos the hei^Kt Of the wter awrfaoe to 1MI hoadreclth of n foot, on of the dan f thus aetanslnlqg tx>ti the nth of flow jt of Dtagrwi |1 ahow CM relatiro position of the 11 , '. -.ol daa, the gacinc station, 32 first flood mteora thia eaiOB pawjed oner the da 15th to Jtoanry 10th, 1913. Duriae this flood carofUl oorreaponding to Isjitaa over the oreet of the 4wi of 1.00 feet, 1Q6 feet, 1*66 feet and 1*94 feet* Ska depthe ware oaaured OB g^na SIN, i 3 . ^p* ^Hr MHmHp wWp o I "t " '' '.-* ' ' '1 '' ' !' ' ^ * TPW^ ^ww to .3d wrote ii*rf tttm to I^AwC Mtf r d 10 ftfeirf 0fMlte 10 jfJefe & <*fcrf yjgtet^afc ,ofc i to orfa | wnqpiC ctt tea eagag aewfiT ^AtfitB flrtMl M^ ,ft JDoMt wtt ,l*eacK - nl ri* oaten**** x: UM . wwitlcn th v-lccsJt7 o-- cm-id at : lx to.-.thn -\o : th th* m%r wfko v this I feonm as In all ntandard oor work, as the arorac* Telocity for the aoction. Those arerafi* Tolooitios wore repoatotUy chokod by the Intagratioa method , Wire or four row*! * W ^^ trips bei7i;7 olowly smdo by th cwrnt ntr IxUmm th irarfaoo of the mtr and the bottom of th* oheimel. Tortonatel?. it wau possible to Mki tl gamine with ^ ***mm*> *nd to ujh instaaet oaedia^| oloso oh^dM^ ;> irulted in ttm two igfchofls of For aiallt 'Jem large loMotivs he*dlirt w*re used to illTOlmte the gifting station, nalciag the work at nl^ht as reliable fts ttt dOM ll*iylic^t. AppsAtod hevsto are %Nft detail* of the currant net isMHwisMiitfr, the eqttln of the onrrwtt raster detodned by Mr. IToff being T = 2.354 It * .06*. The results of theeo gin&i are as follows:- _ % M|A - - ^i^_ a JjJi____-|Mlj, L ^ >*,*. ABL^T. Jl t* % T Mfttfft Date Hour Station 9Mol Dam Depth over Dan , 1.70 "'1C ''. 1.65 1.05 , 1.65 1.60 1.00 , 2.38 2.28 1.68 , 2.65 2.58 1.94 of Approach Station .O.D. 364 329 735 Jar.. 15 16 16 She follcvir. is ft oonnnriean of the actual ga^ings with the discharge for e$ual dopths owr the Sunol dara f as detornincd from igfeptt Un t *3s* MiMft ? iaMwiM viltta tfe MM 1.30 1.15 2.26 1.73 JtttO J.u-. 16 15 16 18 Depth ovor i-'ori Peot 1.00 1.05 1.68 1.94 329 364 735 LoConto BK^T 293 317 635 797 l71U;'9ft M Mft l -WTO e* i*wr erf* ' S I . I,-..' HU it ,8XrMfeai tmmpftttt ** 10900 3.P.S. - ^^^HFflAM tomtit? of fetor 3MB*lt? of 'rtor passed over )anol pa&*od over Sonol ten with r*?th of Sto with Depth of ^* fti^W^ 1 1901 1902 1900 1U04 1906 19QG 1907 1909 1910 1912 321,909 Shit tftbl *0w that ftor the 12 ywr* abomt 4^ of the total flow OTBT 3oMl tea nitmiil with doptte of 3 foot or loan, to 6 out of th 12 yours, tho ontlr* flow owr tho daa was with tejitho not to oxooao of 3 foot, oai ovm to tho 900*0 of 1907 wid 1911 ^^ temna van-off the flow with Oopth of 3 foot or loss VM newly 80^ of tho total. This upJLyalc chOMs thot althovcjb tto MWttoot dopth OW tho *M Oarlne tfto otrooa &* WM lt 2 foot, tho rooult obtataofl HboJOflrOB oro wufflolont to indloato thot tho ron-off of Alanod* Crook 10 mtearially ffcoettor thon glwn OB yogo 4 of tho apring Tfellay .Jator Coqpw^'e Tdftji - h^P ^i Jp^MlpwP*.' **^^ W7 ^ V '^ lo/cjc te70 fnxiaati I4M mtfJSBS aolIIIM . 8Rfl,*C I78.0& tt*,^ 5^ t Cfi 46, ,M aoasi : &*,* 1 -i.vn to*,* JO^.i OJffi,00Jt * terf )0 J OXSJt R \t t ultw M ,** t ari % *oo * ^.10 BMoe ol S.P.35. - feort .;. J.u. \.v--a ..-.lor ;M'v|-, of tm mmgg^gm ^, : - | IBIMM UHi *^ **** " "tv** * *v ** wv * and Ue of ita Prant BMnMi n to ti Utoowfcl* .Jeowtary of ths U- torior and the AdrlMVy Board of Qtglaacn of the ltoltd StatM Any. la this report tte avorago flow of Almt^a (b^rtc m ertn A* 145 wlllioo gallon* per dy, -ahlcTi m oomrnitcd frosn the diars f shorn, tte actual straw awta ehow a flotr of frow 12;> to 17# Nter than the loCont* MTV* for depths owr the (Una. 3herefttP9, If w apply ffcotor - of 167 Kdlllon gallons per day, Youm very truly. * , ... <% rat* a.* mod* whswj w tl t ft wodb .- .-* . *.. g& StSO 3>,i3, igr ?;.,aws* ai >. nde Jan. 15, 1913, 12 J-.H., tqr y^tMpMBM ! P.?. on Alaawdct Creak, at 3oaol Onu ^ftnftiag > J..66, e> i*C*S, rr^ In ft. i besUaUn 1.55, end* 1.35, aeaa 1.70. Totftl Area 431.6 sq. ft* Ham Velocity 1.30. Dlaclsarco 562.8. of ob- Itee tlona ond lotions fltaoad Xotiana loclty Cto Di.toJiige of chrjmol, of 1U 0.0 U8 2.0 1 120 4.7 J30 J40 5.8 1*0 .4 160 M 170 e.o aao 3.3 wo 3.1 100 It no 2.T 1212 0.0 wr ion .VI a*i 10 .23 .58 79.9 UK Section cable a*tttoda t (tagi on 16 ft. of .Jonol at. 46.3 (38 I* .43 1.05 U5.6 119.0 34 21 .38 2,05 102.0 203.1 . 1.30 60.7 79.0 v t* ar. .ti.? *r W ,fcC % t . ,3te^wO afMMtt MO U difelo:v rjoD %^ .: ' : ' )' jffjttjjuaa < -* -*** **** t*tft( wMtttf " <""" - ^^ ^ ^-w,. .^JBOtf ,' lA n %?* Ai JMRXMK. iJUWWWV O.tli e ) ei) ^ ' - 1 PP 1 n ***** ** *> - OI u '** | . - 6MB ojax IM , is * x ** IP o^f as. M t^ cos tot on 0.0 A.. 16. IDS. t. 9 M. *. S,30 !-.:.. * .C.*B*, n .!-.*., I tank, at cJonol am. ia ft.: Iwetentec 1.65, *. 1.65, m 1.6S ^. * ^^ A j*_^ * dMft ^tf A^j ?otal area 442.5 an. ft. Seem Telocity 1.15. fttrc toltlal point 111 3epth Tiae of ob- in D&pUl UWVUr 3O~ tjLOXIS QQCv 0.0 Tlci- Bvo~ ty per ..ia*fc , ixitions ^Jeoflnd %#tigM ft^e**S aypfK4 115 2.0 120 4*6 2*7 100 32 *ff. ; , ** 130 6.0 3.6 100 50 1*29 10 ' 140 5.7 3*4 100 52 1.24 10 150 5*3 3*1 100 52 1.24 10 160 4.9 2.9 100 .:r. 1.30 10 170 4*9 2.9 im 47 l.U 10 180 3.2 1.9 100 54 1*28 10 190 3.0 1.8 200 : i.* 10 DO 2.8 1.7 100 -1 1.U 210 2*6 1.6 100 U& 0,0 1 of 68.7 BUS eo. .? 7. S9 59. 4.9 49. 4.9 49. 3.2 52* 8.0 30. 43.0 65.7 58.7 40.9 41.9 . 6CC8. On ocBdi of ohnmol boat, , .. -.- Gee* at On 1*60 checfeod Mtlom 130 aai 170 th ohtok ia O.K, 6 ?.i(U OOTTOOt M 4 F. B. P. W. ii f' fe - - if .-> . lo f.OT t.W ,sn ft -i: - . . 001 . - . 01 . i*.I 00 x.s . CI wux - ^ 01 JUC i ooc . . 01 . t.x W *.! 001 t . " a.i , 3*0 mde An. 16 t 3.5)13, bog. 0^0 ..:u and, 9 i-.2fc. ly ?.C*HeinaBi a4 ^**l JWil "**' J "** ^* on AiUsaoUft 'irooic at .5unol .& height to it. I b^Hmlne 2.56. and. 2.36. oaa W*. ttotw *. 6066. Total aroa 1502.3 3 : : -o * :. ? - . , . 18, 1913, l*g* 2:55 P.M. & 3i30 r.H., by ?.C.Hrtnwm and ?. In ft*: boglimine; 2.67, enl* .60, seaa 2.63. Hptor Bo. 6154. Total sroa 552.1 B.> ft. SMUX velocity 2.73. Slschwrjje 1449.8. On ocndl- .:lnt. Dpth Tim Total Swx>l- /o- 3i- tion of riTMiMMlt, fw of oV ia Aadwir tiona Kity imr0 wijd, eqtdpowt, Initial Sapth wnw- 3eo- Jtovo- ; -ov pr WlAttl MMB Ana of 0^, boat, oablo Point tions and* lutions Second Soocmd :x>rth Stction 110 C.O 113 31 125 1*8 50 .24- .49 1.16 120 6.7 Iff 3.8 60 .39 .78 1.82 10 130 7.1 235 4.1 50 .53 1.06 2.45 10 uo G.8 246 3.9 50 .61 1.22 2.81 10 150 6.4 10 155 3.7 50 .71 1.42 . 3.27 10 160 6.0 Ml 3.6 50 .71 1.42 3.27 10 170 6.0 175 3.0 50 .72 1.44 3.31 10 180 441 IBS 2.5 50 .75 1.60 3.48 10 ISO 4.1 195 2.4 50 .64 1.28 2*96 10 200 3.9 ^0:3 2*1 60 .54 1.01 2.60 210 3.7 212 0.0 __ 2*68 Mg. 35.4 .l ^.5: Ol 64. 116.5 Int. 33 rwr. 42 6.6 66. 1H5.5 Int. 49 rwr. 40 6.2 62* 202.8 6.0 60. 196.2 1st. 61 r*r. 44^ MM. 6*15 51*6 170*4 4.2 42. 144.9 mt. 49 rvr. 9ft soc. 4.0 40. 110.0 41.7 104.2 int. 29 rr. MC. 532.1 1449.0 . .. . . ,ai .* ei* ^^Pl^^*- A UA**4 W X* ^^W-^ ^w*^^WMA^% AMP {.'*' . ' : 8.2*K t**ft*kJQ .W.S t*lool* .883 foftff ' -*4S jfl^^MI j*fK *rt JMfllHPf' * s* r; *. . m W^ a .? 9^.4 oi w^ x>.i" 08 I.A .: ..._':.. OG S.a ' JP iH oi ts.8 . &*.i IT. T.e 4*ia t.aer jc- o.t TS.S' :- . iv. w iNr &! A xc*% . oa <> . . 31 aM oa.i . 0. 4f 0^ . .! M. AAt, T.& OJC& c.o Gape tfecorc/ 'e/~ Creek &f Suno/ Dam. of D/AGftAM SrCTfONL '^^I^LAL - - - - - _ . _. - i - . .- Zvfej / Q.'Of) on frarns = fOl.33 \Ff>R+ of^uno! Dam. - ZOL93 Fee k. C / # Ve/oc/Jy o-f Aporooc-/? /sr D/sc barge M.G.D. 0AM. ?|t l/e/oc/ify ctf* cro^orocrc/; cr 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. MAY 2 7 1 gbb WY2 5'665 9.RC tD -12 AM -^PM slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PT. W 21, 1908 518; i it I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY V-- 1 - g K - v -- 2 ^: ^